1 value
Special factors, and algorithm for simplicity of group elements sec:facteursSpeciaux Special factors for a deformation space In this section, we introduce special factors with respect to some deformation space $\D^{\A}$. They are an analogue of free factors for free groups. We will write $\bar{\D}^{\A}$ to denote the set of all trees obtained by collapsing $G$-invariant subforests in trees of $\D^{\A}$, including the trivial tree. We include trees of $\D^{\A}$ which correspond to collapsing empty forests. A _special factor $H$ with respect to $\D^{\A}$_ is a subgroup of $G$ which is the stabilizer of a point in a tree $T$ in $\bar{\D}^{\A}$ and which is not elliptic in $\D^{\A}$. When the deformation space is obvious, we will write simply _special factor_. We call $H$ a _proper special factor_ when $H\neq G$. Elliptic groups, i.e. vertex stabilizers of trees in $\D^{\A}$, are not considered to be actual special factors. This notion depends on the allowed edge groups in $\D^{\A}$. The space $\D^{\Amin}$ of reduced trees has fewer allowed edge groups than $\D$. Consider the standard tree $T_{1}$ for $BS(2,4):=\langle a,t|ta^{2}t^{-1}=a^{4}\rangle$ (see Figure ) and perform an expansion (yielding $T_{2}$) and a collapse (yielding $T_{3}$) as described by the figure. We obtain a special factor with respect to $\D$, which is the subgroup $\langle a,tat^{-1}\rangle$. This subgroup cannot be obtained by collapsing a tree in $\D^{\Amin}$, thus it is not a special factor with respect to $\D^{\Amin}$. Figure : Expansion and collapse on the standard tree $T_{1}$ (seen in the quotient) and new special factor with respect to $\D$ obtained after the collapse, visible in $T_{3}\in\bar{\D}$. The tree $T_{2}$ is in $\D$ but not in $\D^{\Amin}$. For a subgroup $H<G$, denote its conjugacy class by $[H]$. A _system of special factors with respect to $\D^{\A}$_ is a finite collection of conjugacy classes of subgroups $\mathcal{H}:=\\{[H_{1}],\dots,[H_{k}]\\}$ of $G$ such that there exists $T_{\mathcal{H}}\in\bar{\D}^{\A}$ such that $\mathcal{H}$ is the set of conjugacy classes of vertex stabilizers in $T_{\mathcal{H}}$ which are not elliptic in $\D$. The system is _proper_ if it is not $\\{[G]\\}$. Just like special factors, a system of special factors can be viewed in a graph of groups. Is is given by a collection of disjoint subgraphs $\Gamma_{1},\dots,\Gamma_{k}$ of $\Gamma$ such that for every $i\in\\{1,\dots,k\\}$ the subgroup $H_{i}$ is isomorphic to $\pi_{1}(\Gamma_{i})$. Let $\mathcal{H}:=\\{[H_{1}],\dots,[H_{k}]\\}$ be a system of special factors. We say that a collection $\G$ of elements of $G$ is _$\mathcal{H}$ -peripheral_, which we write $\G\preceq\mathcal{H}$, if for any $g\in\G$ there exists $1\leq i\leq k$ such that $g$ is contained in a conjugate of $H_{i}$. The collection $\G$ is _simple_ if there exists a proper system of special factors $\mathcal{H}$ such that $\G\preceq\mathcal{H}$. A system of cyclic factors $\mathcal{H}^{\prime}$ is _$\mathcal{H}$ -peripheral_ ($\mathcal{H}^{\prime}\preceq\mathcal{H}$) if for every conjugacy class $[H^{\prime}]\in\mathcal{H}^{\prime}$ there exists $[H]\in\mathcal{H}$ such that $H^{\prime}$ can be conjugated into a subgroup of $H$. 1. 1. Equivalently $\mathcal{H}^{\prime}\preceq\mathcal{H}$ if there exists a $G$-equivariant map $T_{\mathcal{H}^{\prime}}\to T_{\mathcal{H}}$ where $T_{\mathcal{H}^{\prime}},T_{\mathcal{H}}$ are defined as in Definition . 2. 2. The relation $\preceq$ defines an order on the set of systems of special factors. It is obviously reflexive and transitive. Suppose $\mathcal{H}^{\prime}\preceq\mathcal{H}$ and $\mathcal{H}\preceq\mathcal{H}^{\prime}$, then we get two maps $T_{\mathcal{H}^{\prime}}\to T_{\mathcal{H}}$ and $T_{\mathcal{H}}\to T_{\mathcal{H}^{\prime}}$. This implies that $T_{\mathcal{H}^{\prime}}$ and $T_{\mathcal{H}}$ have the same elliptic subgroups. In particular they have the same non-cyclic vertex stabilizers, so $\mathcal{H}=\mathcal{H}^{\prime}$. Thus $\preceq$ is antisymmetric. ## Whitehead graph and criterion for simplicity We fix a collection of cyclic allowed edge groups $\mathcal{A}$ and consider a restricted deformation space $\D^{\A}$. Let $T$ be a $G$-tree. A _turn_ in $T$ is an unordered pair of distinct edges with same origin. If $e,e^{\prime}$ are two such edges, the corresponding turn is denoted by $\\{e,e^{\prime}\\}$. When $e=e^{\prime}$ we call the pair a _degenerate turn_. A geodesic $\gamma$ _crosses_ a turn $\\{e,e^{\prime}\\}$ if $\gamma$ contains $e\cup e^{\prime}$. Let $\mathcal{G}:=\\{g_{1},\dots,g_{k}\\}\in G$ be a finite collection of loxodromic elements. Let $T\in\D^{\A}$ and $v$ a vertex in $T$. The set $\E_{v}$ is the set of edges of $T$ with origin $v$. The _Whitehead graph_ $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ is the following graph. The vertex set is $\E_{v}$. Two vertices $e,e^{\prime}$ are linked by a non-oriented edge in $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ when there exists $g\in\G$ and some conjugate of $g$ whose axis crosses the turn $\\{e,e^{\prime}\\}$. 1. 1. Equivalently, we link $e$ and $e^{\prime}$ by an edge whenever there is $h\in G$ such that $\\{he,he^{\prime}\\}$ is a turn in the axis of some $g\in\G$. 2. 2. The Whitehead graph is a simplicial graph. In particular it does not have any loop. 3. 3. The group $G_{v}$ has a natural action on $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$. When $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ is not connected, we call _admissible connected component_ any connected component in $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ whose stabilizer is in $\A$. When all edge groups are allowed all connected components are automatically admissible. Let $p$ be a vertex in $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$. Let $W_{0}$ be the connected component which contains $p$. The vertex $p$ is an _admissible cut point_ if $W_{0}\setminus\\{p\\}$ is disconnected and if there exists a connected component $A$ of $W_{0}\setminus\\{p\\}$ satisfying $A\cap G_{v}\cdot p=\varnothing$. The Whitehead graph $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ has an _admissible cut_ (for $\A$) when it has either an admissible connected component or an admissible cut point. 1. 1. In the admissible cut point definition, the stabilizer of $A$ is automatically an allowed edge group since it is a subgroup of $G_{e_{p}}$, where $e_{p}$ is the edge of $T$ corresponding to the vertex $p$ of the Whitehead graph. 2. 2. Since the Whitehead graph has no loop, $A$ contains a vertex. The following lemma uses that $T$ is locally finite in an essential way. [Dual tree to the Whitehead graph] Let $p$ a vertex in $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ and $W_{0}$ the connected component containing $p$. If $p$ is a cut point in $W_{0}$ (i.e. $W_{0}\setminus\\{p\\}$ is not connected) then $p$ is an admissible cut point of the Whitehead graph. Let $p$ a vertex in $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ whose complement is disconnected. A dual forest to the Whitehead graph can be defined as follows. First we define the following equivalence relation on the geometric realization of the Whitehead graph $W$: for all points $x,y\in W$, $x\sim y$ if for all $q\in G_{v}\cdot p$, $x$ and $y$ are in the same connected component of $W\setminus\\{q\\}$. Equivalence classes of this relation define a partition of $W\setminus G_{v}\cdot p$. An equivalence class may contain no vertex of $W$ and that is why we work with the geometric realization of the graph. This partition is coarser than the partition into connected components of $W\setminus G_{v}\cdot p$. Then we define the bipartite graph $B$ as follows. There is a vertex $u_{q}$ for every vertex $q\in G_{v}\cdot p$. There is also a vertex $v_{P}$ for every equivalence class $P$ of the equivalence relation defined above. We put an edge between $u_{q}$ and $v_{P}$ if $q\in\bar{P}$. The graph $B$ obtained is a forest because every vertex $u_{q}$ disconnects all its neighbours in $B$. It is connected if and only if the Whitehead graph is. Let $W_{0}$ be the connected component of $W$ containing $p$. Suppose $p$ is a cut point of $W_{0}$. The component $B_{0}$ of $B$ containing $u_{p}$ is a finite tree so it has a terminal vertex $w$. Vertices $u_{q}$ cannot be terminal since $q$ is a cut vertex so $w=v_{P}$ for some equivalence class $P$, which is attached to a vertex $u_{q}=h\cdot u_{p}$ of $B_{0}$. The equivalence class $P$ is a connected component of $W_{0}\setminus\\{h\cdot p\\}$ because $G_{v}\cdot u_{p}\cap\bar{P}=\\{u_{q}\\}$. Taking $A=P$ in the definition, $h\cdot p$ (and thus $p$) is an admissible cut point. We can now state the main theorem of this section. Its proof is given in subsection . Let $\G\in G$ be a finite collection of loxodromic elements. If $\G$ is simple with respect to $\D^{\A}$ then for all $T\in\D^{\A}$ there exists a vertex $v\in T$ such that $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ has an admissible cut for $\A$. A solvable Baumslag-Solitar group $BS(1,n):=\langle a,t|tat^{-1}=a^{n}\rangle$ has no proper special factor (with respect to $\D=\D^{\Amin}$). Let $T$ a $G$-tree and $T^{\prime}$ a tree obtained from $T$ by subdividing an edge. Then there exists a vertex $v\in T$ such that $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ has an admissible cut if and only if there exists such a vertex in $T^{\prime}$. Indeed $T^{\prime}$ inherits the Whitehead graphs of $T$ in addition with another Whitehead graph coming from the additional vertex $v^{\prime}$. The latter is a graph containing exactly two vertices. If they are joined by an edge, there is no admissible cut. If not, $Wh_{T^{\prime}}(\G,v^{\prime})$ is disconnected, which means for any $g\in\G$, no translate of the axis of $g$ crosses the subdivided edge. In $T$ this edge must then appear as an isolated vertex in the Whitehead graph of one of its endpoints, so some Whitehead graph in $T$ has an admissible cut. ## Unfolding lemma Let $T\in\D^{\A}$. According to remark we may assume the following : up to performing a finite number of edge subdivisions at the beginning, $T$ has no edge with both ends in the same orbit, i.e. $T/G$ has no loop. This allows us to deal with fewer cases in the proof. The proof is similar to that of an analogous result concerning the case of free products in [GuirardelHorbezAlgebraic, Proposition 5.1]. We will need the following lemma which enables us to perform unfoldings on $T$ or expansions when we find a Whitehead graph with an admissible cut. We allow vertices of valence $2$ in the trees considered. Suppose $T/G$ has no loop. The following conditions are equivalent : 1. 1. There exists a Whitehead graph $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ with an admissible cut with respect to $\D^{\A}$. 2. 2. There exists a tree $S\in\D^{\A}$ and a non-injective $G$-equivariant application $f:S\to T$ sending edge to edge or edge to vertex such that for every $g\in\G$, $\|g\|_{S}=\|g\|_{T}$. In the second condition $S/G$ has also no loop. Moreover the map $f$ can be chosen to be either a fold or a collapse. Let us start with a preliminary result about lifting the axis of an element $g\in\G$ when performing an unfolding. Let $g$ be a loxodromic element in $G$. Let $T,S\in\D^{\A}$ and $f:S\to T$ a simplicial map such that for all edge $e\in T$, edges in the pre- image $f^{-1}(e):=\\{\tilde{e}\in E(S)/f(\tilde{e})=e\\}$ all share a common vertex. Suppose that every turn in the axis of $g$ lifts to $S$, that is to say: for every turn $\\{e_{1},e_{2}\\}$ in $\axe_{T}(g)$ there exists a turn $\\{\tilde{e}_{1},\tilde{e}_{2}\\}$ in $S$ such that $f(\tilde{e}_{1})=e_{1},f(\tilde{e}_{2})=e_{2}$. Then $\axe_{T}(g)$ lifts isometrically in $S$. Equivalently $f$ is isometric on $\axe_{S}(g)$. Remark LABEL:rem:etoile states that this lemma applies to folds of type A, B and C. First of all, given an orientation of an edge $e\in T$, the edges in $f^{-1}(e)$ get a compatible orientation. We will call a set of edges with a common vertex a _star_. If $f^{-1}(e)$ is a star then this orientation is either centripetal or centrifugal. We claim that for every edge $e\in\axe_{T}(g)$ the intersection $f^{-1}(e)\cap\axe_{S}(g)$ consists in a unique edge $\tilde{e}$. Moreover, if $e,e^{\prime}$ are adjacent in $T$ then $\tilde{e},\tilde{e}^{\prime}$ are adjacent in $S$. This yield a continuous application $\axe_{T}(g)\to\axe_{S}(g)$ which is an inverse for $f$ on the axis. This proves the lemma. Now let us prove the claim. Let $e_{1},e_{2},e_{3}$ be three consecutive edges in $\axe_{T}(g)$ with $t(e_{1})=o(e_{2})$ and $t(e_{2})=o(e_{3})$. We will show that $f^{-1}(e_{2})\cap\axe_{S}(g)$ consists in exactly one edge. Let $A_{1},A_{2},A_{3}$ be the respective pre-images of $e_{1},e_{2},e_{3}$. They are stars. We endow them with an orientation, either centrifugal or centripetal, compatible with the orientation of their image. Because of orientations in $T$ and since the turns lift, the star $A_{1}$ is attached to an end of $A_{2}$ if the latter is centripetal, and to the centre if it is centrifugal (see figure for a picture of the different cases). On the contrary, $A_{3}$ is attached to the centre of $A_{2}$ if $A_{2}$ is centripetal and to an end if it is centrifugal. In both cases, distance between $A_{1}$ and $A_{3}$ is $1$. There is a unique edge in $A_{2}$ which is adjacent to both $A_{1}$ and $A_{3}$ and we call it $\tilde{e}_{2}$. Since $\axe_{T}(g)\subset f(\axe_{S}(g))$, $\axe_{S}(g)$ intersects both $A_{1}$ and $A_{3}$. Since it is a geodesic, its intersection with $A_{2}$ must be the single edge $\tilde{e}_{2}$. This proves the first part of the claim. The second part follows: the lift $\tilde{e}_{1}$ is adjacent to $A_{2}$ and the intersection of two stars is a single point, so it is adjacent to $\tilde{e}_{2}$. Figure : Relative dispositions of the stars depending on their orientations [Proof of lemma ] Suppose that the first condition is true: there is a vertex $v\in T$ such that $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ has an admissible cut. We distinguish several cases based on the shape of $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ and give an application $f:S\to T$ for each case (see figure ). The map $f$ will be a collapse in Case 1, a type A or type C fold in Case 2, and a type B fold in Case 3. Types of folds were defined in subsection LABEL:subsec:folds. Note that although type A and B folds may look similar, they lead to very different Whitehead graphs which need to be dealt with separately. Figure : The three cases in the first part of the proof of the lemma. Above, the shape of the Whitehead graph; below, the shape of the tree around the corresponding vertex after transformation. _Case 1 :_ Suppose that the Whitehead graph $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ is disconnected and that the stabilizer of a connected component is an allowed edge group of $\D$. In this case, denote the connected components by $C_{1},\dots,C_{n}$ (note that two connected components might belong to the same orbit). Suppose that $\stab(C_{1})$ is an allowed edge group. Since $C_{1}$ is a connected component of the Whitehead graph, we have $h\cdot C_{1}\cap C_{1}\neq\varnothing\Rightarrow h\in\stab(C_{1})$. Let $S=T^{\stab(C_{1}),C_{1}}$ obtained by expansion, according to Lemma LABEL:lem:constructionEclatement with $f:S\to T$ the collapse map. We have $S\in\D^{\A}$ because $\stab C_{1}\in\A$ and $T\in\D^{\A}$. Let $g\in\G$. As no translate of the axis of $g$ crosses a turn between any pair of distinct connected components $C_{i}$ and $C_{j}$, no translate of $\axe_{S}(g)$ can cross the added edges, so all turns of $\axe_{T}(g)$ lift to $S$. By lemma the collapse is isometric on the axes so $\|g\|_{S}=\|g\|_{T}$. In other cases, suppose that the Whitehead graph has no admissible connected component but has a cut point (necessarily admissible, according to lemma ). In that case the orbit of the cut point under $G_{v}$ cannot be the whole graph. The reason is that the graph is finite and without simple loop, and thus cannot have only cut points as vertices. _Case 2:_ Suppose that the Whitehead graph $W$ has a $G_{v}$-invariant admissible cut point. Then $G_{v}$ fixes an edge in $T$. Call $e$ such a cut point. Denote by $A$ a connected component of $W\setminus\\{e\\}$: its stabilizer is a subgroup of $G_{v}$ so it lies in $\A$. If $G_{v}\cdot A\neq W\setminus\\{e\\}$ denote by $B$ the complement of $G_{v}\cdot A$ in $W\setminus\\{e\\}$. The part $B$ is stable under the action of $G_{v}$. The subset $A^{\prime}:=G_{v}\cdot A$ is stable as well. Neither $A^{\prime}$ nor $B$ are empty. If $\\{f,f^{\prime}\\}$ is a turn of a translate of the axis of some $g\in\G$, then $\\{f,f^{\prime}\\}$ is included in $G_{v}\cdot A\cup\\{e\\}$ or in $B\cup\\{e\\}$. We define a new tree $S$ as follows (see Figure ). First we expand $T$ at the vertex $v$ by unattaching edges of $A^{\prime}$, attaching an edge $e_{A^{\prime}}$ to $v$ and re-attaching the edges of $A^{\prime}$ to the other end of $e_{A^{\prime}}$, which gives the expanded tree $T_{1}:=T^{G_{v},A^{\prime}}$ (see lemma LABEL:lem:constructionEclatement for notations). Similarly we unattach edges of $B$ to re-attach them on a new edge $e_{B}$ with origin $v$, which gives the tree $T_{2}:=T_{1}^{G_{v},B}$. The lemma guarantees that $T_{2}$ belongs to $\D^{\A}$ since the stabilizer of the new edge is in $\A$. Finally we collapse the edge $e$ of $T_{2}$, which is a collapsible edge since its stabilizer is $G_{v}$ and its ends are not in the same orbit. Let $S$ be the resulting tree. It belongs to $\D^{\A}$. Folding $e_{A^{\prime}}$ with $e_{B}$ is a type A fold and yields the original tree $T$. Let $g$ be an element of $\G$. Let us prove $\|g\|_{S}=\|g\|_{T}$. The pre-image of an edge by the fold $S\to T$ is a star. Every turn in $\axe_{T}(g)$ lifts in $S$: the only turns which do not lift are those of the sort $h\cdot\\{A^{\prime},B\\}$. Yet such turns are never crossed by the axis by assumption on the Whitehead graph. According to lemma $f$ is isometric in restriction to $\axe_{S}(g)$ so the translation length of $g$ is the same in $T$ as in $S$. On the contrary, if $G\cdot A=W\setminus\\{e\\}$ then as $A$ is not the only connected component there exists $h\neq 1$ such that $h\cdot A\cap A=\varnothing$. The stabilizer of $A$ is then a subgroup $H\subsetneq G_{v}$ and $H,A$ satisfy the conditions of the expansion lemma LABEL:lem:constructionEclatement with $H$ allowed as an edge stabilizer. We perform an expansion at the vertex $v$ as follows: for $u\in G_{v}/H$, unattach $uA$ and re-attach it on a new edge $ue^{\prime}$ with origin $v$. This yields the expanded tree $T^{H,A}$ which belongs to $\D^{\A}$. We then get $S$ by collapsing $e$. Since $e$ is collapsible we have $S\in\D^{\A}$. When one folds the edges $ue^{\prime}$ with $u\in G_{v}/H$, one gets $T$; the fold is of type C. Again, for every $g\in\G$, all turns in $\axe_{T}(g)$ lift to $S$ so lemma guarantees $\|g\|_{S}=\|g\|_{T}$. _Case 3 :_ Suppose that $W$ does not have any $G_{v}$-invariant cut point. Denote by $e$ a cut point and by $W_{0}$ the connected component of $W$ containing $e$. Let $A$ be a connected component of $W_{0}\setminus\\{e\\}$ which does not contain any element of $G_{v}\cdot e$. Such a component exists by definition of an admissible cut point. By remark $A$ contains a vertex. Remember that its stabilizer is an allowed edge group (remark ) and is a subgroup of $G_{e}$. Denote by $B$ the complement of $G_{v}\cdot A$ in $W\setminus G_{v}\cdot\\{e\\}$; $B$ may be empty and may intersect $W\setminus W_{0}$. Again $B$ is stable by $G_{v}$. We also define $A^{\prime}:=G_{e}\cdot A$. Since $G_{v}\cdot e$ has at least two elements, $\\{e\\}\cup A^{\prime}$ is a proper subset of $\E_{v}$, so even when $B$ is empty, we may use lemma LABEL:lem:constructionEclatement to do the following expansions. See figure for a closer illustration of the case. First we do an expansion at vertex $v$: we partition the set of edges into $B\sqcup\bigsqcup_{h\in G_{v}/G_{e}}(\\{e\\}\cup A^{\prime})$. We get the tree $T_{1}:=T^{G_{e},\\{e\\}\cup A^{\prime}}$ with notations of lemma LABEL:lem:constructionEclatement: we replace the vertex $v$ by a star with $|G_{v}/G_{e}|$ branches. Then we attach $B$ to the centre of the star, and edges in $h\cdot(\\{e\\}\cup A^{\prime})$ to $h\cdot G_{e}$. We call $e_{1}$ the edge joining $\\{e\\}\cup A^{\prime}$ to the centre of the star (which we will still call $v$). We call $w$ the origin of $e_{1}$. Then we perform a second expansion at $w$ which is the origin of $e_{1}$, $\bar{e}$ and of the edges of $A^{\prime}$ and has stabilizer $G_{e}$. The tree $T_{2}:=T_{1}^{G_{e},A^{\prime}}$ may be described as follows: we unattach the edges of $A^{\prime}$ then re-attach them on a new edge $e_{2}$ with origin $w$ (see figure ). Finally consider the collapse $S=T_{2}/\sim_{e}$. Since $G_{e}\in\A$, $T_{1},T_{2}$ and $S$ are in $\D^{\A}$. There is an application $S\to T$ which sends $e_{1}$ and $e_{2}$ on $e$ and it is the (type B) fold of $e_{1}$ with $e_{2}$. Figure : Steps of the unfolding in the case 3, where the orbit of the cut point has several elements. Arrows represent collapses. Let $g$ be an element of $\G$. The only turns of $T$ at $v$ which may be crossed by translates of the axis of $g$ are those of the sort $h\cdot\\{A,A\\}$, $h\cdot\\{A,e\\}$, $\\{B,B\\}$, $h\cdot\\{B,e\\}$, $h\cdot\\{e,h^{\prime}\cdot e\\}$ with $h,h^{\prime}\in G_{v}$. All these turns lift to $S$. According to lemma , the whole axis lifts isometrically so $\|g\|_{T}=\|g\|_{S}$. We have proved the existence of $S$ and $f$ in all cases where the Whitehead graph has an admissible cut. Conversely, suppose there exists $S$ and $f:S\to T$ non-injective, sending edge to edge or edge to vertex, such that $\|g\|_{S}=\|g\|_{T}$ for every $g\in\G$. According to [BestvinaFeighnBounding], this application may be considered as a composition of collapses and folds. Let us consider only the last collapse or last fold. Since neither folds nor collapses can increase translation length, this application satisfies the second condition of the lemma. We may then suppose $f$ is either a fold or a collapse, which simplifies the proof. In both cases $f$ is $1$-Lipschitz. The assumption about translation lengths implies that for every $g\in\G$, $f$ is isometric on the axis of $g$. Therefore all turns in $\axe_{T}(g)$ lift to $S$. If $f$ is a collapse, as it does not change deformation space, it is a quasi-isometry, so connected components of the subforest collapsed by $f$ are bounded. Let $v\in T$ be such that the subtree $f^{-1}(v)$ is not reduced to a point. As $f$ is a collapse, the pre-image of any edge in $T$ is a single edge in $S$. In the Whitehead graph $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$, any two vertices joined by an edge correspond to edges of $T$ in the same connected component of $\overline{S\setminus f^{-1}(\\{v\\})}$. Otherwise $\axe_{S}(g)$ contains an edge collapsed by $f$. Therefore the Whitehead graph has at least as many connected components as $\overline{S\setminus f^{-1}(\\{v\\})}$ which is not connected. Let $e$ a collapsed edge in $S$ whose image is $v$. As $e$ is collapsible, it has an end $w$ such that $G_{w}=G_{e}$ and such that $w$ is terminal in $f^{-1}(v)$. The vertex $w$ belongs to the boundary of $S\setminus f^{-1}(v)$ since $S$ has no valence $1$ vertex. Every connected component of $S\setminus f^{-1}(\\{v\\})$ whose boundary is $w$ has stabilizer included in $G_{e}$. The stabilizers of all corresponding components in $Wh_{T}(\G,v)$ are then subgroups of $G_{e}$, so they are allowed edge groups. Thus the Whitehead graph has an admissible cut. If $f$ is a fold, it is defined by two edges of $S$ with same origin $w$: call them $e_{1}$ and $e_{2}$. Call their endpoints $v_{1}$ and $v_{2}$. Call $e^{\prime}$ the edge of $T$ which is the image of $e_{1}$ and $e_{2}$, $w^{\prime}$ its initial vertex and $v^{\prime}$ its terminal vertex (which is the image of $v_{1}$ and $v_{2}$). The vertices $v^{\prime}$ and $w^{\prime}$ are in different orbits as we supposed that $T/G$ is without simple loop. We will prove that $Wh_{T}(\G,v^{\prime})\setminus\\{e^{\prime}\\}$ is disconnected and the stabilizer of at least one of its connected components $E_{1}$ is in $\A$. Lemma states that this implies that $Wh_{T}(\G,v^{\prime})$ has an admissible cut. Figure recaps all different cases of folds and associated shapes of graphs. [scale=1] (0,0) node $\bullet$ node [above] $w$ – (2,1) node [midway, sloped, above] $e_{1}$ node $\bullet$ node [above] $v_{1}$; (0,0)– (2,-1) node [midway, sloped, above] $e_{2}$ node $\bullet$ node [above] $v_{2}$; [-latex ] (3,0) – (4,0); (5,0)node $\bullet$ node [above] $w^{\prime}$ – (7.25,0) node [midway, above] $e^{\prime}$ node $\bullet$ node [above] $v^{\prime}$; [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,0.2); [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,-0.2); [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,0.5); [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,-0.5); [dotted] (2,1) – (2.9,1.2); [dotted] (2,1) – (2.9,0.8); [dotted] (2,1) – (3,1); [dotted] (2,-1) – (2.9,-1.15); [dotted] (2,-1) – (2.9,-0.85); [xshift=5cm] [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,0.2); [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,-0.2); [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,0.5); [dotted] (0,0) – (-0.9,-0.5); [dotted] (2.3,0)–(3,0); [dotted] (2.3,0)–(3,0.2); [dotted] (2.3,0)–(3,-0.2); [dotted] (2.3,0)–(3,0.4); [dotted] (2.3,0)–(3,-0.4); Figure : A fold as described. Three different kind of folds may occur, which correspond to cases A, B and C. 1. 1. $G_{e_{i}}=G_{v_{i}}$ for $i\in\\{1,2\\}$ and $e_{1},e_{2}$ lie in different orbits (type A) 2. 2. $G_{v_{1}}\subset G_{e_{2}}$, up to permutation of indices, and $e_{1},e_{2}$ lie in different orbits (type B) 3. 3. $e_{2}=he_{1}$ for some $h\in G_{v}$ and $G_{e_{i}}=G_{v_{i}}$ (type C) In the three cases, define $\tilde{E}_{1}$ to be the set of edges of $S$ with origin $v_{1}$, except $\bar{e}_{1}$. Let $E_{1}$ be the image of $\tilde{E}_{1}$ in $T$. Define $E_{2}$ similarly. Since all turns represented in $Wh_{T}(\G,v^{\prime})$ lift to $S$, any edge of $Wh_{T}(\G,v^{\prime})$ with one endpoint in $E_{1}$ joins $E_{1}$ to itself or to $\bar{e}^{\prime}$. In particular, $E_{1}$ and $E_{2}$ are in distinct connected components of $Wh_{T}(\G,v^{\prime})\setminus\\{e^{\prime}\\}$. Therefore $Wh_{T}(\G,v^{\prime})$ has an admissible cut. Figure : Summary of all different cases of folds which may occur and corresponding shape of associated Whitehead graph ## Proof of the theorem (Expansion of non-cyclic vertex groups) Let $R\in\bar{\D}^{\A}$ whose certain vertices $v_{1},\dots,v_{k}$ (in different orbits) have stabilizers $H_{1},\dots,H_{k}$ some special factors. Let $T\in\D$ and $T_{i}$ the minimal subtree for $H_{i}$ in $T$. There exists a $G$-tree $S\in\D^{\A}$ and a map $f:S\to T$ and a collapse $\pi:S\to R$ such that: * • the image by $\pi$ of the collapsed subforest is $G\cdot\\{v_{1},\dots,v_{k}\\}$, * • for all $i\in\\{1,\dots,k\\}$, $f_{|\pi^{-1}(v_{i})}$ is an isomorphism to $T_{i}$. In other words, it is possible to blow up $R$ by replacing $v_{i}$ by $T_{i}$. A proof of this result is given in [GuirardelLevitt17, Proposition 2.2]. The key assumption is the fact that all edge groups in $R$ are elliptic in $T$ so we can attach edges of $R$ to the subtrees which replace the vertices. Here we suppose that $R$ is the result of the collapse of some $\tilde{R}\in\D$, so its edge groups are also edge groups in $\tilde{R}$ and are elliptic in any tree in $\D^{\A}$. [Proof of theorem .] Let $G$ be a GBS group and let $\G:=\\{g_{1},\dots,g_{k}\\}$ be a finite collection of loxodromic elements of $G$. Let $T\in\D^{\A}$. Suppose that $\G$ is simple with respect to $\D^{\A}$, that is, there exists a non-trivial $G$-tree $R\in\bar{\D}^{\A}$ such that every $g_{i}\in\G$ fixes a vertex $v_{i}\in R$. For every $1\leq i\leq k$, let $T_{i}$ be the minimal $G_{v_{i}}$-invariant subtree of $T$. We obtain a new tree $S\in\D^{\A}$ by applying lemma starting from $R$ so that for every $i\in\\{1,\dots,k\\}$, the vertex $v_{i}$ is replaced by a copy of $T_{i}$. Let $f:S\to T$ be the map given by Lemma . If $f$ is injective then it is an isomorphism (surjectivity is obtained by minimality of the image for the action of $G$). In that case, for every $i\in\\{1,\dots,k\\}$, the axis of $g_{i}$ avoids images of edges in $S$ coming from edges in $R$. Therefore some Whitehead graph at an end of such an edge has an isolated vertex and has an admissible cut. When $f$ is not injective, we showed Lemma that there is a vertex at which the Whitehead graph has an admissible cut, which proves the theorem.
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Chlo\\'e Papin", "submitter": "Chlo\\'e Papin", "url": "" }
# HPTMT: Operator-Based Architecture for Scalable High-Performance Data- Intensive Frameworks Supun Kamburugamuve2, Chathura Widanage2, Niranda Perera1, Vibhatha Abeykoon3, Ahmet Uyar2, Thejaka Amila Kanewala3, Gregor von Laszewski 2 and Geoffrey Fox42 1Luddy School of Informatics, Computing and Engineering, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA [email protected] 2Digital Science Center, Bloomington, IN 47408, USA {skamburu, cdwidana, auyar}, [email protected] 3Indiana University Alumni, IN 47408, USA {vibhatha,thejaka.amila} 4From August 2021, Biocomplexity Institute & Initiative and Computer Science Dept., University of Virginia [email protected] ###### Abstract Data-intensive applications impact many domains, and their steadily increasing size and complexity demands high-performance, highly usable environments. We integrate a set of ideas developed in various data science and data engineering frameworks. They employ a set of operators on specific data abstractions that include vectors, matrices, tensors, graphs, and tables. Our key concepts are inspired from systems like MPI, HPF (High-Performance Fortran), NumPy, Pandas, Spark, Modin, PyTorch, TensorFlow, RAPIDS(NVIDIA), and OneAPI (Intel). Further, it is crucial to support different languages in everyday use in the Big Data arena, including Python, R, C++, and Java. We note the importance of Apache Arrow and Parquet for enabling language agnostic high performance and interoperability. In this paper, we propose High- Performance Tensors, Matrices and Tables (HPTMT), an operator-based architecture for data-intensive applications, and identify the fundamental principles needed for performance and usability success. We illustrate these principles by a discussion of examples using our software environments, Cylon and Twister2 that embody HPTMT. ###### Index Terms: Data intensive applications, Operators, Vectors, Matrices, Tensors, Graphs, Tables, DataFrames, HPC ## I Introduction Data-intensive applications have evolved rapidly over the last two decades, and are now being widely used in industry and scientific research. Large-scale data-intensive applications became mainstream with the rise of the map-reduce programming paradigm. However, the data engineering community has come a long way in integrating the idea of map-reduce. There is a broader understanding on the data engineering application classes, and specialized frameworks that serve them. Modern systems can crunch data and learn from them using sophisticated algorithms that even make use of custom hardware solutions. We have seen different programming models and APIs being developed to make it easier to program data-intensive applications. Due to the diverse nature of data-intensive applications, it is hard for one framework to support all classes of problems efficiently. For example, we may need to load data, curate them, utilize machine learning algorithms, conduct post-processing, and perform visualizations, all as parts of single application pipeline. Such an integration is done either as a custom-developed single program or by developing the pieces separately and combining them into a data-intensive application workflow. The complexities are vast, and having interoperable systems enhances usability significantly. The various application classes require tailored abstract concepts. Vectors, matrices, tables, graphs, and tensors are widely used examples in data- intensive computations. For applications to benefit from these abstractions efficiently, operations around them must be implemented to provide solutions for general-purpose and problem-specific domains. Among these operations, matrix multiplication, vector addition, and table joins are some standard operations. We can represent these abstract objects in the main memory via data structures; vectors, matrices, and tensors are shown as arrays, graphs are represented either using matrices or as edge lists, and tables are configured as a set of columns or rows. One example is Apache Spark [1], which has a table abstraction originating from relational algebra. Deep learning systems such as PyTorch [2] are based on tensor abstractions originating from linear algebra. When developing applications with modern frameworks, we often resort to data abstractions and their operators that may not fit the original problem because required data abstractions are not supported. This is due to lack of cohesiveness amongst systems and in-turn leaves a lot of performance on the table, even though they are capable of doing a top-notch job at their intended purpose. Ideally we would like different data abstractions and operators to work together to solve problems. In order to address this issue, we will analyze the fundamental designs of these systems while focusing on the elementary operators they provide and how they can work hand-in-hand. We introduce the HPTMT(High Performance Tensors, Matrices and Tables) architecture in this paper, which defines an operator-centric interoperable design for data-intensive applications. The authors have developed two frameworks called Cylon [3] and Twister2 [4] aimed at developing data- intensive applications. We will take these as examples to showcase the importance of designing operators and how the various systems implementing them can work together according to HPTMT architecture. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section II gives a high-level introduction and motivation for HPTMT. Section III describes arrays and distributed operators around them, while Section IV focuses on tables. The next two sections, V and VI, talk about programming models and execution models around these data structures. Section VII presents the operator-based architecture, and Section VIII discusses how this architecture is realized in Twister2 and Cylon. ## II HPTMT Architecture One of the most successful approaches to parallel computing is based on the use of runtime libraries of well-implemented parallel operations. This was for example a key part of High-Performance Fortran HPF [5] and related parallel environments (HPJava [6], HPC++ [7], Chapel [8], Fortress [9], X10 [10], Habanero-Java [11]). Such systems had limited success; maybe because the HPC community did not define sufficient operators to cover the sophisticated computational science simulations largely targeted by those languages with typically sparse or dense matrix operators. However data-intensive applications have used similar ideas with striking success. Perhaps, the most dramatic event was the introduction of MapReduce [12] some 15 years ago, and its implementation in Hadoop which enabled parallel databases as in Apache Hive. MapReduce adds Group-By and key-value pairs to the Reduce operation common in the simulation applications of the previous HPF family. The powerful yet simple MapReduce operation was expanded in Big Data systems especially through the operators of Databases (union, join, etc.), Pandas (we identify 244 dataframe operators out of 4782 Pandas methods), and Spark, Flink [13], Twister2 ( 70). Deep Learning environments such as PyTorch, TensorFlow [14] (with Keras [15]) added further (over 700) operators to build deep learning components and execution. The powerful array libraries of Numpy [16] are built on a large (at least 1085) set of array operations used in the original scientific simulation applications. Oversimplifying HPF as built around matrix or array operators, we suggest today that the natural approach is HPTMT or High-Performance Tables, Matrices, and Tensors. Operator based methods are not just used to support parallelism but have several other useful capabilities * • Allow interpreted languages to be efficient as overhead is amortized over the execution of a (typically large) operation * • Support mixed language environments where invoking language (e.g. Python) is distinct from the language that implements the operator (e.g. C++) * • Support proxy models where user programs in an environment that runs not just in a different language but also on a different computing system from the executing operators. This includes the important case where the execution system includes GPUs and other accelerators. * • Support excellent performance even in non-parallel environments. This is the case for Numpy and Pandas operators. HPTMT is supported by many libraries including those like ScaLAPACK [17] (320 functions with a factor 4 more counting different precisions) and its follow- ons such as Intel’s MKL (oneAPI and Data Parallel C++) [18] originally motivated by HPF simulation goals but equally important for Big Data. The NVIDIA RAPIDS [19] project is building a GPU library covering much of HPTMT requirements as is our Cylon project for CPUs. Modin [20] is using Dask [21] and Ray [22] for parallel Pandas operators. Recently Apache Arrow [23] and Parquet [24] have been developed providing important tools supporting HPTMT. They provide efficient language agnostic column storage for Tables and Tensors that allows vectorization for efficiency and performance. Note that distributed parallel computing performance is typically achieved by decomposing the rows of a table across multiple processors. Then within a processor, columns can be vectorized. This of course requires large amount of data so that each processor has a big-enough workset to processes efficiently. It is a well-established principle that the problem needs to be large enough for the success of parallel computing [25], which the latest Big Data trends also follow. Note that in scientific computing, the most effective parallel algorithms use block (i.e. row and column) decompositions to minimize communication/compute ratios. Such block decompositions can be used in Big Data [26] (i.e. table data structures), but could be less natural due to the heterogeneous data within it. For Big Data problems, individual operators are sufficiently computationally intensive that one can consider the basic job components as parallel operator invocations. Any given problem typically involves the composition of multiple operators into an analytics pipeline or more complex topology. Each node of the workflow may run in parallel. This can be efficiently and elegantly implemented using workflow (Parsl [27], Swift [28], Pegasus [29], Argo [30], Kubeflow [31], Kubernetes [32]) or dataflow (Spark, Flink, Twister2) preserving the parallelism of HPTMT. ## III Arrays Arrays are a fundamental data structure of scientific computing, machine learning, and deep learning applications because they represent vectors, matrices, and tensors. An array consists of elements from the same data type, and an index can address each value. An array is stored in contiguous memory of a computer. The size of an element and the index can efficiently compute the memory location of an array element. A single value array of a type is equivalent to a scalar of that type. As such, arrays can represent all primitive types. Variable width data types such as Strings would require a composite arrays that represent data and offsets/ strides. ### III-A Vectors and Matrices We can represent a vector directly using an array. A matrix is a 2-dimensional grid, and each value can be addressed using a row index and a column index. We need to use 2-dimensional arrays or 1-dimensional arrays to represent a matrix. We can store a matrix in row-major format or column-major format. In row-major format, the values of a row are in the contiguous memory of the array. In contrast, the column values are found in the array’s contiguous memory with the column-major format.. These formats are designed to match the access patterns of matrices when doing calculations. #### III-A1 Sparse Matrices Sparse matrices are defined as matrices where the majority of elements are zero. To store these as regular dense matrices wastes both memory and CPU cycles during computations. As an alternative, there are efficient layouts such as Compressed Sparse Column (CSC), Compressed Sparse Row (CSR), and Doubly Compressed Sparse Column (DCSC) for sparse matrices. All these formats use arrays to store the matrix in memory. ### III-B Tensor A tensor can be interpreted of as a more generic view on a collection scalars or vectors or both to represent a mathematical model or data structure. A matrix is also a tensor by definition, and it is the most generic abstraction for mathematical computations. Similar to matrices, tensors can be stored according to the access patterns using arrays. ### III-C Operations Distributed operations around arrays are defined in the MPI (Message Passing Interface) [33] standard as collective operations. The table I describes some of these operations, which are derived from common communication patterns involved when dealing with vectors and matrices in the form of arrays. They are optimized to work on thousands of computers using data transfer algorithms [34] that can minimize the latency and utilize the available network bandwidth to the fullest. TABLE I: Array-based distributed operations as specified by MPI Operation | Description ---|--- Broadcast | Broadcast an array from one process to many other processes. Gather/AllGather | Collects arrays from different processes and creates a larger array in a single process or many processes. Scatter/AllToAll | Redistributes the parts of an array to different processes. Reduce/AllReduce | Element-wise reduction of arrays. Popular operations include SUM, MIN, MAX, PROD. ## IV Tables A table is an ordered arrangement of data into a 2-dimensional rectangular grid with rows and columns. A single column of a table has data of the same type, while different columns can have different data types (heterogeneous data). ### IV-A Tables in Memory We can store table data in main memory using a simple technique such as a list of records or compact formats that keep the values in contiguous memory. Compact memory layouts can store tables similar to row-major and column-major representations in matrices. Having a list of records can lead to inefficient use of memory and degrade the performance of applications due to cache misses, TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) being misused, and serialization/deserialization costs. In a column-major representation, the table columns are stored in contiguous memory. Table representations are complex compared to matrices because they can have variable-length data. In such cases, length information needs to be stored along with the columns. Thus, sparsity can be embedded or integrated into separate arrays. Also, information about null values needs to be stored in a table. One benefit of a column-major representation is that the values of the column are of the same data type. In a row-major definition, the table rows can be stored in contiguous memory. This means that different types of values are stored in contiguous memory with different bit widths. So we need to keep track of lengths and NULL values. ### IV-B Operations We can use row-based partitioning, column-based partitioning, or a hybrid version to divide table data into multiple processes. Most of the time, data processing systems work on tables distributed with row-based partitioning. Relational algebra defines five base operations around tables described in Table II. Table III lists some commonly used auxiliary operations around tables. Popular table abstractions like Pandas [35] extend these to hundreds of operators. Figure 1 shows two tables in two processes and a distributed union operation that removes duplicates. This operation needs to redistribute the records of the tables so that the identical records go to the same table. Such redistribution is common in table-based distributed operations and is commonly referred to as shuffle operation. Figure 1: Union of two tables distributed in two processes #### IV-B1 Shuffle Figure 2 displays a shuffle operation applied to four tables in four processes. The shuffle is done on attribute K. Shuffle is similar to the array AllToAll operation, which is equivalent to every process scattering values to other processes. Shuffle is similar in that it scatters records of a table to every other process. What makes these two operations different are the data structure, its representation in memory, and how we select which values are scattered to which processes. In AllToAll, scatter occurs by a range of indexes. In tables, the shuffle takes place based on a set of column values. Figure 2: Shuffle of 4 tables in 4 processes Large-scale data operations require careful use of memory and optimizations to scale to a large number of cores [36]. Because of the nature of these data structures like tables and arrays, we can use one structure to represent another. For example, we can have a table to represent a matrix. Also, we can have a set of arrays to represent a table. Therefore, we can sometimes use a programming API (data structures and operators) developed for a specific set of problems, to solve problems in unrelated/ unintended domains. In practice, this leads to unnecessary inefficiencies in execution. For instance, say we have a table abstraction with GroupBy and aggregate operations implemented. Now we want to get AllReduce-sum semantics of a column in this table. We can do so by assigning a common key to each value in columns and doing a GroupBy on the key, followed by an aggregate operation. However, this is not an efficient method because it uses an additional column and a shuffle operation, which is more costly than the communication required for an AllReduce operation. Arrays and tables have their own distributed operations. As seen in previous sections, the distributed operations on tables originate from relational algebra, and those on arrays derived to support linear algebra. TABLE II: Fundamental table operations Operator | Description ---|--- Select | Filters out some records based on the & value of one or more columns. Project | Creates a different view of the table by dropping some of the columns. Union | Applicable on two tables having similar schemas to keep all the records from both tables and remove duplicates. Cartesian Product | Applicable on two tables having similar schemas to keep only the records that are present in both tables. Difference | Retains all the records of the first table, while removing the matching records present in the second table. TABLE III: Auxiliary table operations Operator | Description ---|--- Intersect | Applicable on two tables having similar schemas to keep only the records that are present in both tables. Join | Combines two tables based on the values of columns. Includes variations Left, Right, Full, Outer, and Inner joins. OrderBy | Sorts the records of the table based on a specified column. Aggregate | Performs a calculation on a set of values (records) and outputs a single value (Record). Aggregations include summation and multiplication. GroupBy | Groups the data using the given columns; GroupBy is usually followed by aggregate operations. ## V Programming Models and Operators Data-intensive applications use both implicit and explicit parallel programming models. In an explicit model, the user is aware of the parallel nature of the program, writes the application according to a local view, and synchronizes the data distributed in multiple computers using distributed operations. MPI-based programming is the most popular explicit model. Most data-intensive applications use an implicit parallel model with a distributed data abstraction. These models have similarities to partitioned global address space models [37, 8]. ### V-A Local Data Model In this model, the user programs a parallel process or task. Here, users only deal with the local data, and when they need to synchronize it with other processes, they invoke a distributed operator. ⬇ // every process loads its own data LocalData A = readFiles() // apply local operators LocalData B = A.filter(Function filter) // sort is a distributed operator, the data // of B in the parallel processes will be sorted LocalData C = sort(B) // save C to disk Figure 3: Eager execution ### V-B Global Data Model In the distributed data API, the user defines an abstract object that acts as a global view for the data distributed across the cluster. This object represents a dataset such as a table or an array. The user applies operations to this global data that produces more distributed data objects. This is an implicit parallel programming model that has been present for a while in various forms under the general umbrella of partitioned global address space (PGAS) programming model and is used by data-intensive frameworks extensively. Depending on the amount of data processed, we can have an eager model or a dataflow model using external storage for computations. #### V-B1 Eager Model With an eager model, the operators work on in-memory data and can be executed immediately. Combining SPMD (Single Program Multiple Data)-style user code and distributed data-based API for the data structures, we can create powerful and efficient APIs for data-intensive applications. We depict the code in Figure 4. We assume ‘A’ is representing a partitioned table in multiple computers. Now ‘B’ and ‘C’ are also partitioned tables. ⬇ // load the data as partitions on // multiple processes DistributedData A = readFiles() // user supplies a filter function DistributedData B = A.filter(Function filter) // sort is a distributed operator // that requires network communication DistributedData C = B.sort() Figure 4: In-memory API This code will run as SPMD code, but the data structures and operators can reduce the programmer’s burden by providing a global data structure. The above code uses the distributed memory model with no threads. #### V-B2 DataFlow Model Data-intensive applications constantly work with datasets that do not fit into the available random access memory of computing clusters. To work with large datasets, we need to support streaming computations that utilize external storage. The previous API with eager execution is not suitable here, and we can illustrate this with an example (see Figure 5). Here we need to save data multiple times to the disk to execute the program. ⬇ // A is a large dataset, so we need to // store it in the disk DistributedData A = readFiles() // B is still large, so we need to store // B in the disk DistributedData B = A.filter(Function filter) // to sort B, we need to use disk and // then store C in disk DistributedData C = B.sort() // save C to disk Figure 5: Eager execution We can avoid such extensive use of external storage by executing the above program as a single graph with data streaming through it piece by piece. This is called the dataflow model. In this model, computations are data-driven (event-driven). The sources produce data, and this data activates the next connected computation. The middle nodes can produce more data until they reach a sink node without an output. The links represent distributed operators that carry data between nodes that can be within the same process or in different processes across machines. There are usually constraints applied to nodes that force them to be scheduled into computers in separate ways depending on the framework and the application. The functionality of links depends on the operators and the data abstractions they represent. Each user-defined function runs on its own program scope without access to any state about other tasks. The only way to communicate between dataflow nodes is by messaging, as they can run in various places. This model is adopted by popular data processing engines such as Spark and Flink [13]. ## VI Execution Many parallel programs are instances of a single program running multiple instances working on different data, or multiple programs doing the same. This is called single program multiple data (SPMD) and multiple programs multiple data (MPMD) style parallel programs. SPMD programs are popular in batch programs where the same task instances (program) are executed in parallel processes simultaneously. For example, Hadoop map-reduce [38] programs are executed as SPMD programs where the map tasks are executed first, and then the reduce tasks are executed in parallel. MPMD programs are used in streaming applications and pipeline parallel batch programs. In an MPMD program, different tasks run on separate parallel processes. Apache Storm [39] and Flink run streaming programs in this style. Figure 6: SPMD and MPMD Programs ### VI-A Memory Models We can further divide parallel programs according to how parallel tasks share data. Here we have shared memory, distributed memory, and hybrid memory execution models. In a shared memory model, parallel instances of the program share the same memory address space. This model only allows parallel programs to run in a single computer that has many CPU cores. In a distributed memory model, every instance of the parallel program is executed on an isolated memory such as its own process. They can only access the data with processes using messaging. In hybrid memory model, some instances of parallel processes are run in the shared memory model. These groups of parallel instances need messaging to share data with other such groups. ### VI-B Loosely Synchronous and Asynchronous Execution We can also execute parallel applications in a loosely synchronous way or asynchronously. The loosely synchronous execution as shown in Figure 7 assumes all the tasks are executing concurrently, and the processes synchronize with each other by exchanging messages at certain points. The sections of code between communication synchronizations execute independently from other parallel processes. In asynchronous execution, as shown in Figure 8, the tasks are decoupled in time. When a task sends a message, we can assume it is stored in a queue. Once the receiving task is ready, it picks up the message. This allows more flexible execution of the tasks independent of the programming model, but often needs a central server as a facilitator that notifies the receivers about pending messages. Also, storing a message, notifying the receiver about the message, and picking it up creates a middle step that can reduce the performance. Asynchronous execution has parallels to the preemptive scheduling we see in operating systems where it tries to simultaneously progress multiple programs to increase the responsiveness. The asynchronous execution described here is an implementation detail because the synchronization comes from the operator. For example, in a distributed join operation, a single process requires data from all the other processes. So whether we insert messages into a queue or not, the program cannot continue until the operation is completed by receiving messages from other processes. Figure 7: Loosely Synchronous Execution Figure 8: Asynchronous Execution ## VII HPTMT Architecture Principals We define HPTMT as an architecture where any combination of loosely synchronous operators built around different data abstractions working together to develop data-intensive applications. A high-level view of the architecture is shown in Figure 9, where dataflow operators and eager operators work together in a single parallel program. Figure 9: Operator Architecture for Data-Intensive Applications In general, we can categorize operators depending on whether they are designed to run on MPMD or SPMD executions. This is shown in Figure 10. Here SPMD-style programs can use dataflow-style operators for programs that demand external memory, or eager operators for applications that run in memory. MPMD-style operators tend to be dataflow operators because they are used in streaming and pipeline parallel programs. Figure 10: Operators with SPMD and MPMD programs ### VII-A Dataflow and Eager Operators In general, a dataflow operator needs to take input piece-by-piece and produce output the same way. It can also take input at once and produce output individually, or take input piece-by-piece and produce output as a single object as well. This means it needs to be a non-blocking operator. Furthermore, the operators need to determine when to terminate by using a termination algorithm because inputs are not coordinated. If it is a streaming application, the operator may not terminate and continue consuming and producing data. Dataflow operators can use external storage to keep the intermediate data in order to do operations that cannot fit into the memory. Eager operators work on in-memory data by taking input data at once and producing output all at once. This is the approach taken by operators in MPI. They can be deterministic in terms of execution because only one data input is given and one output is produced. ### VII-B SPMD and MPMD Operators In an SPMD-style program, the same processes participate in the operators as data producers and receivers. This can simplify the operator interfaces. For example, the collective operators in MPI standard are implemented in this fashion. In an MPMD-style program, the operators can have data producers and receivers in different processes. This is a more general form of an operator, as it can represent SPMD-style operators as well. Twister:Net [40] is one such MPMD- style operator library. Whether it is SPMD or MPMD, we can have eager style operators or dataflow operators. Streaming systems are where we primarily see MPMD-style operators. ### VII-C Operator Principles Whether it is a dataflow operator or an eager operator, HPTMT architecture identifies several design principles for them to work together in different environments. * • Multiple data abstractions and operators - Discourage the use of data structures and operators suitable for one class of problems to be used in another class of problems. i.e. Do not use table operators for a problem that needs arrays. * • Efficient Loosely Synchronous Execution - In an asynchronous framework, operators and the scheduler are coupled. In such situations we may need to develop operators specifically targeting the framework, which is contrary to the HPTMT goals. * • Independence of the parallel execution environment - A parallel environment manages the processes and various resources required by operators, such as the network. If the implementation of operators is coupled to the execution environment, we can only use the operators specifically designed for it. We see this design in MPI-based operators where collectives are coupled to the MPI implementation’s parallel process management. Frameworks such as UCX [41] are in the process of developing MPI-equivalent collective operators for arrays without process management. In other words we should be able to bootstrap operator implementation on various parallel environments. * • Same operator on different hardware - The same operator can be implemented on GPUs, CPUs or FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays). Also, they should be able to use different networking technologies such as Ethernet and InfiniBand. In some situations, we can get around certain design principles and make operators work together. For example, we can use MPI primitive based operators on different data abstractions as long as we are running within an MPI execution environment. So it partially satisfies the HPTMT requirements. Figure 11: Distributed operator implementation layers The general architecture of distributed operators is shown in Figure 11. At the bottom are the networking hardware and various software libraries that abstract out them. Then we have different execution units such as CPUs and GPUs. These are also abstracted by various programming APIs. On top of these we have our data structures in the memory defined according to various formats. We define the distributed and local operators on these data structures using the various execution and networking hardware. ### VII-D Workflows A workflow is a sequence of tasks connected by data dependencies. Given such a set of tasks, a workflow system orchestrates the execution of the tasks in the available resources preserving the data dependencies. Workflow systems for scientific computing applications [42] have been around for some time, with prominent scientific workflow systems such as Kepler [43] and Pegasus [29] leading the way. In addition, there are data-intensive application-specific workflow systems such as Kubeflow and Apache Airflow. Workflow systems provide mechanisms for specific applications using domain- specific languages (DSLs) as well as using graphical user interfaces. Furthermore, we can use general-purpose programming languages to specify workflows as seen in Python-based systems such as Parsl [27] and Ray-Project . It is important to make the distinction between tasks of a parallel program and tasks of a workflow. A workflow task system is usually an application such as a machine learning algorithm. This algorithm may need to run on multiple computers, and it might run internally as a set of tasks. These internal tasks to the machine learning algorithm are fine-grained and usually developed using the programming methods we described earlier. It is not efficient to use workflows for finer-grained tasks because of the central coordination. #### VII-D1 Remote Execution Remote execution is a form of workflow adopted by current data systems. With this model, a data-intensive program is created at a central server and submitted to the cluster to execute. We believe having a clean separation between programs and workflow is important for the inseparability of frameworks. Mixing both can hinder development and make it difficult for programmers to think about applications. ### VII-E Separation of Concerns Separation of concerns is a design principle that states we should separate a program into distinct sections that address specific concerns. For example, from a parallel computing perspective, running computations on a cluster is a separate concern better addressed by a workflow engine designed precisely for that task. Developing and running a parallel application is another task that should be handled by frameworks suited for those tasks. The remote execution methods adopted by current programs combine these two aspects into a single program. Going by these concerns, we propose operator-based data-intensive applications orchestrated by a workflow engine as the overall architecture of data intensive applications as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12: Workflow for orchestrating operator-based data-intensive applications We can combine distributed operator-based parallel programs with workflow engines to create rich data-intensive applications. Aspects such as fault handling can be moved to the workflow level to keep a balance between performance and fault tolerance overheads. ### VII-F Fault Tolerance Handling faults is an important aspect of large-scale data-intensive applications. Modern hardware is becoming increasingly reliable, and the chances of hardware failure during a computation are decreasing. But for applications that execute over a longer duration, handling hardware and software failure is still important. Streaming applications and long-running batch applications are some examples. Handling faults at the operator level is inefficient as it adds additional synchronization to communication steps. Because of this, we can always handle the faults outside of the operator code. If an operator fails, we can go back to the previous state before starting the operator. But operators need to detect failures and notify the applications to handle them gracefully. ## VIII Frameworks Let us look at Twister2 and Cylon, which are frameworks with DataFlow and eager operator APIs for data-intensive applications. We take these as examples for the proposed HPTMT architecture in combination with array based operators of MPI. ### VIII-A Twister2 Twister2 [4] is a data analytics framework for both batch and stream processing. The goal of Twister2 is to provide users with performance comparable to HPC systems while exposing a user-friendly dataflow abstraction for application development. TSet [44] is the distributed data abstraction of Twister2. Twister2 provides a table abstraction and array abstraction with DataFlow operators. This allows Twister2 to compute using external memory efficiently for problems that do not fit into the memory. Twister2 operators are implemented as MPMD and can support both streaming and batch applications. Local and distributed operations can transform or combine TSets to produce new TSets with different schemas. The simplest model of TSet is modeling a distributed primitive array (series). At the same time, this can be extended to represent a table by making every element of an array a composite object, as shown in Figure 13. Although the worker level parallelism of Twister2 is set to four at line 5, TSet level parallelism can even be a different value since Twister2 internally models the dataflow as a task graph and evenly distributes tasks over the cluster to balance the load. As shown in line 28, once the data transformation is performed, TSets can be converted to a different data format like NumPy such that it can feed to a different library to perform further processing. If Twister2 processes are bootstrapped using an MPI implementation, intermediate data can be directly processed using MPI API. ⬇ 1from mpi4py import MPI 2import numpy as np 3from twister2 import Twister2Environment 4 5env = Twister2Environment(resources=[{"cpu": 4, 6 "ram": 4096, "instances": 4}]) 7class PersonSource(SourceFunc): 8 def next(self): 9 # generate person tuple 10 return ["id", "name", "address"] 11class VaccinationSource(SourceFunc): 12 def next(self): 13 # generate vaccination info. tuple 14 return ["person_id", "doses"] 15def join_logic(student, result, ctx): 16 return student["id"] == result["person_id"] 17 and result["doses"] == 2 18 19people = env.create_source(PersonSource(), 20 parallelism = 10) 21vaccination = env.create_source(VaccinationSource(), 22 parallelism = 10) 23# finding people who have received two doses. 24# this involves entire population, might 25# spill to the disk 26fully_vaccinated = people.join(vaccination, 27 join_type=INNER, on=join_logic) 28people_ids_split ="id").toNumpy() 29 30# switching to use mpi directly 31this_worker_total = people_ids_split.size 32global_total = MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(total, op=MPI.SUM) 33people_ids = numpy.zeros(global_total, dtype=np.integer) 34MPI.COMM_WORLD.allgather(people_ids_split, people_ids) 35env.finalize() Figure 13: Twister2 TSet on MPI #### VIII-A1 Multidimensional Scaling Multidimensional scaling (MDS) is a valuable tool in data scientists toolbox. Authors have previously developed an MPI based MDS algorithm [45, 46, 47] that can scale to large number of cores. The MDS algorithm expects a distance matrix and we need to calculate this matrix from an input dataset which can be large. This distance matrix is partitioned row-wise and feed into the algorithm. We developed an application that combines the MPI based MDS algorithm and Twister2 based data processing to create the partitioned distance matrix as shown in Figure 14. This program runs executing table operators for data prepossessing and matrix operators for MDS algorithm. Further, Figure 15 shows the strong scaling performance of MDS algorithm (only the algorithm) on varying number of nodes with 32000 points. Spark and Flink implementations of the MDS algorithm are developed on their table abstractions and MPI version is developed with the array abstractions and operators. Figure 14: Dataflow operators to prepossess data and MPI operators for Matrix manipulations in MDS algorithm. Figure 15: MDS execution time with 32000 points on varying number of nodes. Each node runs 20 parallel tasks. ### VIII-B Cylon Cylon [3, 48] provides a distributed memory DataFrame API on Python for processing data using a tabular format. Unlike existing state-of-the-art data engineering tools written purely in Python, Cylon adopts high performance compute kernels in C++, with an in-memory table representation. Cylon uses the Apache Arrow memory specification for storing table data in the memory. It can be deployed with MPI for distributed memory computations processing large datasets in HPC clusters. Figure 16: Cylon join operator. Each worker is assigned two tables with 40 million records each. Each table has two 64bit integers columns. Operators in Cylon are based on relational algebra and closely resemble the operators in Pandas DataFrame to provide a uniform experience for the user. They are implemented as eager operators. The user can program with a global view of data by applying operations to them. Also, they can convert the data to local parallel processes and do in-memory operations as well. Cylon programs are SPMD-style programs and operators are designed to work in that fashion. Figure 16 shows how Cylon Join operator can scale to large number of cores with increased load without sacrificing the performance. This test was done on a cluster with 8 nodes each with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8160 CPUs and 256GB of memory. In Figure 17, transformed data can directly pipe to a different framework like PyTorch [49] to train ML/DL models or extract more valuable insights from the data. Line 18 of Figure 17 transforms Cylon DataFrame into a NumPy array. Similarly, Cylon can convert DataFrames to multiple other data formats, including Pandas DataFrames, Arrow Tables, and even copy/move to a different device such as GPUs. Cylon tries to handle such transformations as efficiently as possible by avoiding additional data copies or wasting CPU cycles solely for data format transformation. Cylon owes this capability to its high performance core written in C++ and the columnar data representation it internally uses to hold data in memory. All these capabilities integrate Cylon operators seamlessly with existing frameworks and libraries without compromising the performance or adding additional memory pressure. When Cylon processes are bootstrapped with an MPI implementation, the application gets all the capabilities of the underlying MPI implementation, including access to the BSP-style collective communication API. As shown in line 39, the programmer can use AllReduce operation of MPI to synchronize the model across the distributed set of workers. In addition to writing such custom code to handle synchronization, if the integrated library has the native capability to use MPI (PyTorch, Horovod [50], TensorFlow [51], Keras [52] etc.), the programmer can use such capabilities since the process (Cylon Worker) already belongs to an MPI world. In addition, NVIDIA NCCL [53] provides a BSP mode of execution for model synchronization at scale for GPU devices for accelerated deep learning. Functionality in NCCL is similar to MPI. Distributed interfaces like that of PyTorch have been specifically designed to provide a unified interface for accelerated deep learning on various accelerators. Additionally, Horovod also extends to GPU-based AllReduce for deep learning models. Thus Cylon can be seamlessly integrated not only for CPU-based MPI model synchronization, but GPU-based model synchronization as well. ⬇ 1import numpy as np 2from mpi4py import MPI 3from pycylon import DataFrame, read_csv, CylonEnv 4from import MPIConfig 5 6# preprocessing data using Cylon 7env = CylonEnv(config=MPIConfig()) 8# load people 9people = read_csv("people.csv", slice=True, env=env) # [id, severity] 10# load vitals 11vitals = read_csv("vitals.csv", slice=True, env=env) # [id, type, value] 12# consider only temperature 13temp_of_people = vitals.where(vitals["type"] == "TEMP") 14people = people.set_index(["id"]) 15temp_of_people = temp_of_people.set_index(["id"]) 16# join temperature to people 17joined = temp_of_people.join(people, how="left") 18numpy_arr = joined.to_numpy() 19# Create random input and output data 20x = numpy_arr.T[1] # temperature 21y = numpy_arr.T[3] # severity 22# Randomly initialize weights 23w = np.random.rand(4) 24 25learning_rate = 1e-6 26for t in range(2000): 27 # Forward pass: compute predicted y 28 # y = a + b x + c x^2 + d x^3 29 y_pred = w[0] + w[1] * x + w[2] * x ** 2 + w[3] * x ** 3 30 # Compute and print loss 31 loss = np.square(y_pred - y).sum() 32 # Backprop to compute gradients of a, b, c, d with respect to loss 33 grad_y_pred = 2.0 * (y_pred - y) 34 grads = mp.array([grad_y_pred.sum(), (grad_y_pred * x).sum(), 35 (grad_y_pred * x ** 2).sum(), (grad_y_pred * x ** 3).sum()]) 36 # Update weights 37 w -= grads * learning_rate 38 # synchronizing the model parameters using MPI 39 w = np.array(MPI.COMM_WORLD.allreduce(w, op = MPI.SUM))/MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() 40 41env.finalize() Figure 17: Cylon interoperability with Pytorch and MPI ### VIII-C Global Data & Asynchronous Operators The data model in Apache Spark [1] is based on Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs). RDD is an abstraction to represent a large dataset distributed over the cluster nodes. The logical execution model is expressed through a chain of transformations on RDDs by the user. A graph created by these transformations is termed the lineage graph. It also plays an important role in supporting fault tolerance. Dask [21] is similar to Spark in its execution and data model. The major difference is that Dask is implemented on top of Python as opposed to Java in Spark. Modin [20] is a framework designed for scaling Pandas DataFrame-based applications. Modin allows Pandas DataFrame-based transformations to scale to many cores. Apache Spark, Dask and Modin all provide a global view of data. The user cannot access a parallel process and must program functions that are applied to the partitions of the global data. Also, they are executed with the asynchronous execution model we showed earlier. This makes these systems incompatible with the HPTMT architecture. ## IX Conclusions This paper exploits the HPTMT principle that efficient distributed operators designed around a collection of key data abstractions enables an environment supporting high performance data-intensive applications at scale. We noted that many successful systems have used this principle but it is typically applied to a subset of available operators and data abstractions. We gave details of the HPTMT architecture for developing distributed operators independent of any framework that can work together using many orchestration (workflow) systems. We introduced the Cylon project, which provides eager operators on tables and the capability to use MPI’s array (matrix)-based operators. This also provides an efficient bridge between different languages (C++, Python, Java) and links to the Java Twister2 project that provides DataFlow operators supporting this architecture. We believe that we have implemented enough operators across a range of application domains to show that one can achieve efficient parallel HPTMT across the thousands of operators found by aggregating scientific computing, Spark and Flink Big Data, NumPy, Pandas, Database, and Deep Learning. Our work focused on traditional CPU hardware but NVIDIA, Intel, and others are applying the HPTMT architecture to GPUs and accelerators. In future work, we will continue to explore more operators and their use across a variety of important hardware platforms. We will test these ideas on applications to verify end-to-end performance and that the operator-based programming model is indeed expressive enough. We can expect that we and others will discover the need for further operators as application experience develops. Apache Arrow and Parquet provide important tools for HPTMT and we are exchanging ideas with them. ## Acknowledgments This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through awards CIF21 DIBBS 1443054, SciDatBench 2038007, CINES 1835598 and Global Pervasive Computational Epidemiology 1918626. We thank the FutureSystems team for their infrastructure support. ## References * [1] M. Zaharia, M. Chowdhury, M. J. Franklin, S. Shenker, and I. Stoica, “Spark: Cluster computing with working sets,” in _Proceedings of the 2Nd USENIX Conference on Hot Topics in Cloud Computing_ , ser. HotCloud’10. Berkeley, CA, USA: USENIX Association, 2010, pp. 10–10. [Online]. Available: * [2] A. Paszke, S. Gross, F. Massa, A. Lerer, J. Bradbury, G. Chanan, T. Killeen, Z. Lin, N. Gimelshein, L. Antiga _et al._ , “Pytorch: An imperative style, high-performance deep learning library,” in _Advances in neural information processing systems_ , 2019, pp. 8026–8037. * [3] C. Widanage, N. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Supun Kamburugamuve, Chathura Widanage, Niranda Perera, Vibhatha\n Abeykoon, Ahmet Uyar, Thejaka Amila Kanewala, Gregor von Laszewski, and\n Geoffrey Fox", "submitter": "Supun Kamburugamuve", "url": "" }
∎ 11institutetext: J. Rivera-Dean 22institutetext: ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain 22email: [email protected] 33institutetext: P. Stammer 44institutetext: Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Max Born Strasse 2a, D-12489 Berlin, Germany 55institutetext: ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain 66institutetext: E. Pisanty 77institutetext: Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Max Born Strasse 2a, D-12489 Berlin, Germany 88institutetext: Th. Lamprou 99institutetext: Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, GR-70013 Heraklion (Crete), Greece 1010institutetext: Department of Physics, University of Crete, P.O. Box 2208, GR-71003 Heraklion (Crete), Greece 1111institutetext: P. Tzallas 1212institutetext: Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, GR-70013 Heraklion (Crete), Greece 1313institutetext: ELI-ALPS, ELI-Hu Non-Profit Ltd., Dugonics tér 13, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary 1414institutetext: M. Lewenstein 1515institutetext: ICFO - Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain 1616institutetext: ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain 1717institutetext: M. F. Ciappina 1818institutetext: Physics Program, Guangdong Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Shantou, Guangdong 515063, China 1919institutetext: Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 32000, Israel # New schemes for creating large optical Schrödinger cat states using strong laser fields J. Rivera-Dean P. Stammer E. Pisanty Th. Lamprou P. Tzallas M. Lewenstein M. F. Ciappina (Received: date / Accepted: date) ###### Abstract Recently, using conditioning approaches on the high-harmonic generation process induced by intense laser-atom interactions, we have developed a new method for the generation of optical Schrödinger cat states Lewenstein2020 . These quantum optical states have been proven to be very manageable as, by modifying the conditions under which harmonics are generated, one can interplay between _kitten_ and _genuine cat_ states. Here, we demonstrate that this method can also be used for the development of new schemes towards the creation of optical Schrödinger cat states, consisting of the superposition of three distinct coherent states. Apart from the interest these kind of states have on their own, we additionally propose a scheme for using them towards the generation of large cat states involving the sum of two different coherent states. The quantum properties of the obtained superpositions aim to significantly increase the applicability of optical Schrödinger cat states for quantum technology and quantum information processing. ###### Keywords: Wigner functions Strong field physics Schrödinger cat states High-Harmonic Generation ## 1 Introduction In the last few years, the field of photonics has stood out as an important stage for investigations in quantum technology OBrien2009 . Due to the unique properties light has with respect to propagation and noise tolerance, quantum optical states of light are considered as one of the most valuable tools for quantum communication protocols Gisin2007 , quantum metrology Giovannetti2004 and quantum computation architectures NielsenChuangBook . Within this direction, optical Schrödinger cat states, defined as the superposition of distinct coherent states, have been proposed as a continuous-variable candidate that could be employed in the mentioned studies Gilchrist2004 . For this reason, obtaining cat states for which the overlap among the different elements in the superposition is very small, the so-called _large_ cat states, has become a central problem for its employment in quantum technologies. Recently, we have demonstrated a new method based on intense laser-matter interactions, that allows for the generation of tunable optical cat states constituted by the superposition of two different coherent states (which we shall refer to hereupon as _dead/alive_ cat states) Lewenstein2020 . Here, we aim to take advantage of this approach in order to increase the number of distinct terms in the considered superpositions. Furthermore, we will employ the latter for generating enlarged versions of _dead/alive_ cat states. At the core of our analysis lie the so-called strong-field physics processes. Strong-field physics studies light-matter interactions in high-intensity regimes, i.e. with field intensities of the order of $10^{14}$ to $10^{15}$ W/cm2, accessing phenomena previously unattainable Amini2019 ; Krausz2009 ; Ciappina2017 . For instance, these processes have allowed for the generation of attosecond pulses, both in the extreme ultraviolet Drescher2001 and in the soft x-ray regimes Popmintchev2012 . Central to all this progress, from a fundamental perspective, lies the so-called three-step model Corkum1993 ; KulanderBook ; Lewenstein1994 , which describes the interaction of the systems under consideration (typically atoms or molecules and, recently, solid materials) with the high-intensity laser pulse. In this process, the electron (1) tunnels out from the system, where it was initially bound, due to the high-intensity laser field; (2) accelerates in the continuum driven by this field; and (3) can recollide elastically or inelastically with the parent system it originated from. Particularly interesting for the context of the present paper are inelastic recollisions, which can lead to the High-Harmonic Generation (HHG) process, where a high-energy photon is generated when the electron recombines back to the ground state. From a theoretical perspective, strong field processes have been extensively studied using a semiclassical framework Lewenstein1994 , i.e. considering the quantum aspects of the atomic, molecular or solid-state system while keeping a classical behaviour for the laser field due to its high-photon number. Recent approaches have attempted to study these phenomena, theoretically Sundaram1990 ; Xu1993 ; Compagno1994 ; Gauthey1995 ; Becker1997 ; Dierstler2008 ; Kominis2014 ; Bogatskaya2016spontaneous ; Bogatskaya2016polarization ; Gonoskov2016 ; Bogatskaya2017 ; Bogatskaya2017spectroscopy ; Magunov2017 ; RiveraDean2019 ; Gorlach2020 ; Yangaliev2020 ; Gombkoto2020 and experimentally Tsatrafyllis2017 ; Tsatrafyllis2019 ; Bloch2019 , from a fully quantum-mechanical perspective, that is, considering the quantum nature of both the laser field and the atom. However, it was in Ref. Lewenstein2020 where we studied the depletion of the fundamental field and demonstrated, theoretically and experimentally for the first time, the quantum nature of the output light. In particular, we showed that, upon conditioning on the HHG process, we can generate optical Schrödinger cat states. This manuscript is structured as follows: in Sec. 2 we provide a brief overview about optical Schrödinger cat states and how they can be produced. Here, we focus our attention on the novelty of the method involving HHG Lewenstein2020 , giving a brief summary about the underlying process. After this, we review some basic concepts about the Wigner function, which constitutes a fundamental tool for the experimental characterization of non- classical states. In Sec. 3 we present two different methods for generating superpositions of three distinct coherent states based on the initial quantum HHG states, and introduce a procedure where the former are employed for enhancing the latter. Finally, in Sec. 4, we present some concluding comments. Our implementation is available in Ref. FigureMaker . ## 2 State of the art ### 2.1 Quantum-optical Schrödinger cat states The concept of _cat states_ was initially coined by E. Schrödinger in his famous _Gendankenexperiment_ Schrodinger1935 about quantum superpositions of two classically distinguishable states, exemplified by the well-known cat being in a dead and alive superposition. Within the context of quantum optics, _cat states_ typically refers explicitly to states which are superpositions of two distinct coherent states $\ket{\alpha_{1}}$ and $\ket{\alpha_{2}}$, i.e. $\ket{\psi}=a_{1}\ket{\alpha_{1}}+a_{2}\ket{\alpha_{2}},$ (1) where the $a_{i}$ are complex coefficients satisfying normalization requirements. Besides their foundational interest, these states have proven to be very useful for practical purposes in different fields Gilchrist2004 ; Lvovsky2020 , such as quantum computation Ralph2003 , quantum information Sanders1992 ; Jeong2003 ; Stobinska2007 and quantum metrology Munro2002 . The actual generation of such quantum states is considered as one of the most crucial tasks. Several methods have been proposed in the past towards this direction, with the main purpose of generating states like the one shown in Eq. (1), where the distance between both coherent states is sufficiently big so that their overlap is negligible. In particular, we can find techniques that condition the output of one of the ports of a beam splitter, which has been fed with a squeezed and a vacuum state, to the extraction of an odd or an even number of photons Dakna1997 ; Ourjoumtsev2006 . We also have methods that employ cavities in which a trapped atom can be used to change the phase of an input coherent state depending on the atomic quantum state Hacker2019 . The latest achievement in this direction is the recently developed technique which relies on conditioning measurements over high-harmonic generation processes induced by intense laser-atom interactions Lewenstein2020 . This last method constitutes the basis of the analysis presented in this manuscript. The optical Schrödinger cat states given in Eq. (1) can be further generalized so that they involve the superposition of more than two distinct coherent states, that is, $\ket{\psi}=\sum^{n\geq 2}_{k=1}a_{k}\ket{\alpha_{k}},$ (2) where $\alpha_{i}\neq\alpha_{j}\forall i\neq j$. On the one hand, states like the superposition presented above, where each $\alpha_{i}$ have the same amplitude but differ by a constant phase, can actually be generated by using Kerr nonlinearity and a beam splitter vanEnk2003 . On the other hand, those for which the $\alpha_{i}$ differ in amplitude are more complicated to create, but have proven to be useful theoretically in the context of Bell inequalities violation Wenger2003 . ### 2.2 Schrödinger cat states via High Harmonic Generation Strong-field physics studies light-matter interactions in the regime of high- intensity electromagnetic fields, which allows us to witness highly non-linear optical phenomena such as HHG. From the theoretical perspective, and considering that a high number of photons interact with the medium under consideration, one can justifiably treat the light classically and the matter quantum mechanically Lewenstein1994 . However, by considering the quantum nature of the field, we can uncover new properties of the strong-field physics processes that are useful from a quantum optical perspective Kominis2014 . In particular, it was shown in Lewenstein2020 that by considering the quantum nature of the electromagnetic field in HHG, one is able to generate a new class of Schrödinger cat states with quantum features that depend on the HHG conditions. To show this, we consider as initial state of the whole system $\ket{\Psi_{0}}=\ket{\text{g}}\otimes\ket{\alpha}\otimes\ket{\\{0\\}},$ (3) where the first term represents the ground state of the atomic system, the second one the coherent state of the input infrared electromagnetic field, and the last one reflects that there are no excitations in all the harmonic modes, i.e. they lie in a vacuum state. We model the dynamics of this system with the Hamiltonian $H=H_{\text{a}}+H_{f}+V_{\text{a-f}}$ (4) where $H_{\text{a}}=\hat{P}^{2}/2+V(\hat{R})$ is the atomic/molecular Hamiltonian (in atomic units), $H_{f}$ is the field-free Hamiltonian containing all the harmonic modes up to the cutoff and $V_{\text{a-f}}=\hat{E}(t)\cdot\hat{R}$ describes the atom-field interaction. As we have shown previously Lewenstein2020 , after conditioning the final Schrödinger equation to the HHG process, and by considering the strong-field assumptions Lewenstein1994 , we get for the final quantum-optical state of the system Lewenstein2020 $\ket{\psi}=\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}\bigotimes^{\text{cutoff}}_{q=2}\ket{\beta_{q}}.$ (5) In this last expression, the input infrared field gets shifted by a displacement $\delta\alpha$ that represents the amount of photons that have been lost because of the electron-field interaction, while the harmonics appear as non-zero coherent states. In order to obtain the Schrödinger cat states, we perform a conditioning measurement that involves the generated harmonics. A clearer picture of this operation emerges from the fact that the excitation process is governed by the creation operator $B^{\dagger}\propto a^{\dagger}e^{i\omega_{L}t}+\sum_{q=2}^{\text{cutoff}}\sqrt{q}\ b^{\dagger}_{q}e^{iq\omega_{L}t},$ (6) where $a^{\dagger}$ and $b_{q}^{\dagger}$ are respectively the creation operators of the infrared mode and of its $q$th harmonic Lewenstein2020 . From Eq. (6) we see that an excitation in the fundamental mode is accompanied by excitations in the harmonic modes Gonoskov2016 ; Tsatrafyllis2017 . Thus, experimental analysis of the generated harmonics can be understood as a witness of the fact that a shift has been generated over the fundamental mode, and projects the final coherent state onto everything that is not $\ket{\alpha}$, i.e. the initial state. This conditioning is carried out experimentally by means of the Quantum Tomography and Quantum Spectrometer (QT/QS) approach Lewenstein2020 ; Tsatrafyllis2017 . We, thus, have after such conditioning $\displaystyle P\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}$ $\displaystyle=\big{(}\mathbbm{1}-\outerproduct{\alpha}{\alpha}\big{)}\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}$ (7) $\displaystyle=\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}-\xi\ket{\alpha},$ where $\xi\equiv\innerproduct{\alpha}{\alpha+\delta\alpha}.$ (8) According to our previous definition, this kind of superpositions corresponds to an optical Schrödinger cat state. Notice that one of the greatest advantages of these strong-field cat states is that they are controllable: depending on the magnitude of $\delta\alpha$ one can move from a _kitten_ state to a _genuine cat_ state, with $\delta\alpha$ depending on the medium used for HHG and on the specific intensity of the applied laser-field. However, the appearance of $\xi$ in our equations imposes as well some limitations over the size of the generated cats: if $\delta\alpha$ is very big then $\xi\to 0$ and our cat turns into a shifted coherent state. ### 2.3 Characterizing quantum-optical states: the Wigner function The Wigner function was first introduced by E. Wigner in 1932 Wigner1932 within the context of quantum corrections to thermodynamic equilibrium, but it has found wide applicability in quantum optics SchleichBook ; ScullyBook . The reason for this is that it provides a natural way of characterizing quantum optical states within their quadrature representation $(x,p)$, both theoretically and experimentally Smithey1993 . It was initially formulated as a quantum analogue of the Liouville density, which gives the probability of finding a particle at a given point of the phase space. However, due to the uncertainty principle, there are some standard properties verified by the Liouville density that are not satisfied by the Wigner distribution and, for that reason, it is usually referred to as a _quasiprobability distribution_. Starting from the conventional definition ($\hbar=1$) $W(x,p)=\dfrac{1}{\pi}\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\differential y\matrixelement{x+y}{\rho}{x-y}e^{-i2py},$ (9) where $\rho$ is a density matrix characterizing a certain quantum state, one can prove the following properties for the Wigner function SchleichBook : 1. (i) it is normalized, i.e. $\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\\!\\!\\!\\!\differential x\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\\!\\!\\!\\!\differential p\ W(x,p)=1;$ (10) 2. (ii) its marginals recover the probability distributions of the corresponding state along the different quadratures, i.e. $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}(x)=\matrixelement{x}{\rho}{x}=\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\\!\\!\\!\\!\differential p\ W(x,p),$ (11) $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}(p)=\matrixelement{p}{\rho}{p}=\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\\!\\!\\!\\!\differential x\ W(x,p);$ 3. (iii) the overlap between two quantum states can be written in terms of their respective Wigner function representations, i.e. $\Tr(\rho_{1}\rho_{2})=\pi\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\\!\\!\\!\\!\differential x\int^{\infty}_{-\infty}\\!\\!\\!\\!\differential p\ W_{\rho_{1}}(x,p)W_{\rho_{2}}(x,p),$ (12) where $W_{\rho_{1}}$ ($W_{\rho_{2}}$) is the Wigner function associated to the quantum state $\rho_{1}$ ($\rho_{2}$). By setting this overlap to zero it follows that the we can find situations where the Wigner function adopts negative values, contrarily to what would happen with a well-defined probability distribution; 4. (iv) it satisfies the following inequality $-\dfrac{1}{\pi}\leq W(x,p)\leq\dfrac{1}{\pi}.$ (13) It is well established that Gaussian states depict a positive Wigner function that can be interpreted as proper probability densities Hudson1974 as happens, for instance, with coherent or squeezed states (see Fig. 1 (a) and (c)). In fact, for pure states, Gaussian states are the only ones which lead to positive Wigner functions. This is not necessarily true for non-Gaussian pure states such as Fock states (see Fig. 1 (c)), and may happen for non- Gaussian mixed states. Thus, one of the main uses of the Wigner function within quantum optics is to experimentally characterize non-classical states of light, a task that is typically approached using homodyne detection Smithey1993 . In this approach, one introduces in one of the two arms of an interferometer a fully characterized coherent state $\ket{\alpha}$ and, on the other arm, the state that wants to be studied. Then, by measuring both outputs of the beam splitter and varying the phase of the reference coherent state (known as the _local oscillator_), one can recover the probability distribution along different points in the quadrature space of the unknown state. This information can then be used to extract the Wigner function of the state Smithey1993 . Figure 1: Wigner functions of (a) a vacuum state, (b) a squeezed state and (c) a Fock state with $n=1$. The first two cases correspond to Gaussian states examples but whose Wigner function have clearly a different behaviour, while the last one is a non-Gaussian state whose Wigner function depicts negative values. ## 3 Results In this section, employing the quantum High-Harmonic Generation (QHHG) approach explained above, we present two schemes that generate superpositions involving three coherent states of different amplitude. The first consists of the use of an interferometer, where the QHHG process takes place in each arm, while the second consists of a generalization of the conditioning measurements that are performed with the QT/QS approach. Finally, we discuss a method for using the generated coherent-state superpositions for obtaining enlarged optical Schrödinger cat states _à la_ Eq. (1), i.e. _dead/alive_ cat states. ### 3.1 Quantum High-Harmonic Generation as an optical element The method we present here considers the QHHG process as a modularized optical element of an experimental setup. This naturally implies that this approach could be extended to any other method that is able to generate Schrödinger cat states from a coherent state source. In that case, the QHHG stage should be substituted with the corresponding technique. The configuration we consider here is shown in Fig. 2. It consists of two 50/50 beam splitters (BS), two quantum HHG elements (represented by QHHG), and additional paths that add a delay to one of the beams with respect to the other. From a theoretical point of view, we characterize each of the previous elements as follows: Figure 2: Optical setup consisting of two 50/50 beam splitters (BS1 and BS2), two quantum High-Harmonic Generation systems and two mirrors that redirect one of the beams. To BS1 arrives a coherent state of amplitude $\sqrt{2}\alpha$ which is used afterwards for high-harmonic generation in QHHG. After this process, we get two quantum-optical Schrödinger cat states that are mixed again in a second beam splitter (BS2). * • Beam splitter. Assuming no losses, beam splitters can be described as a two- mode unitary operator that transfer energy from the input modes to the reflected and transmitted output modes. Thus, we can characterize this device as $B(\theta)=\exp[\theta(a_{1}a_{2}^{\dagger}-a_{1}^{\dagger}a_{2})],$ (14) where $a_{1}$ ($a_{1}^{\dagger}$) and $a_{2}$ ($a_{2}^{\dagger}$) are the annihilation (creation) operators of both input modes, and the mixing angle $\theta$ determines the ratio between reflection and transmission. In particular, if $\theta=\pi/4$, we get the so called 50/50 beam splitter. Thus, given two input coherent states $\ket{\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}}$ entering into the system, the output is determined by $\displaystyle B(\theta)\ket{\alpha_{1}}\ket{\alpha_{2}}$ $\displaystyle=\ket{\alpha_{1}\cos(\theta)+\alpha_{2}\sin(\theta)}$ (15) $\displaystyle\hskip 11.38092pt\otimes\ket{-\alpha_{1}\sin(\theta)+\alpha_{2}\cos(\theta)}.$ * • Quantum High-Harmonic Generation. This element not only includes the medium employed for HHG, but also the experimental setup used for performing the conditioning. Therefore, according to our previous analysis, the effect of this element over a given input state $\ket{\alpha}$ is obtained from Eq. (7) as $\text{QHHG}(\ket{\alpha})=\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}},$ (16) where $\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}}$ is the normalized version of the state described in Eq. (7). * • Delay path. The objective of the delay path is to add an extra phase $\varphi$ to the corresponding field. In particular, if we start with a coherent state $\ket{\alpha}$ we get after the delay $\ket{\alpha}\xrightarrow[]{\text{Delay}}\ket{\alpha e^{i\varphi}}.$ (17) With all this set, we consider the initial state of the system to be $\ket{\psi_{0}}=\ket{\sqrt{2}\alpha}\ket{0},$ (18) where we will assume in what follows that $\alpha$ and the obtained shift $\delta\alpha$ are real quantities, positive and negative respectively. In case of zero optical path difference between the two arms of the interferometer, we obtain $\displaystyle\ket{\psi_{\text{BS2}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\bigg{[}\ket{0}\Big{(}\ket{\sqrt{2}(\alpha+\delta\alpha)}+\xi^{2}\ket{\sqrt{2}\alpha}\Big{)}$ (19) $\displaystyle\hskip 28.45274pt-\xi\Big{(}\ket{\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}+\ket{\tfrac{-\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}\Big{)}\ket{\sqrt{2}\alpha+\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}\bigg{]},$ where $N$ is a normalization constant. Thus, we have a superposition of three distinct coherent states in both output modes of the last beam splitter. As commented before, this approach can be generalized to other setups that allow for the generation of optical Schrödinger cat states. However, the main advantage of the method employed here relies on the adaptability HHG provides over the generated cat state, through the dependence of $\delta\alpha$ on the HHG medium that is used and on the input laser intensity. Figure 3: Wigner function for the three state superposition. Each column is defined for the different measurements defined in Eq. (20), and are ordered accordingly to such equation from left to right. Figures (a) to (c) correspond to $\delta\tilde{\alpha}=-0.9$, while (d) to (e) correspond to $\delta\tilde{\alpha}=-1.3$. The measurements are strongly defined by the relative weights of the three state superposition, and in consequence this is reflected in the final form of the obtained Wigner functions. In order to recover an exact superposition of three coherent states in one of the modes, we have to constrain the output of the other mode upon a suitable measurement. Here, we will consider the situation in which such measurements are done over the second mode. In particular, we will constrain it so that we measure one of the following coherent states $\Big{\\{}\ket{\sqrt{2}(\alpha+\delta\alpha)},\ket{\sqrt{2}\big{(}\alpha+\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{2}\big{)}},\ket{\sqrt{2}\alpha}\Big{\\}},$ (20) that is, the possible coherent states that we get in the second output. In principle, this conditioning could be done over any other possible coherent state, but we restrict to these values as they are the ones we can potentially get after the beam splitter. Because of this, and from a practical point of view, we can perform this measurement by superposing the field obtained in the second output with a coherent state that has one of the previous amplitudes, but with a phase shift of half a period of the fundamental mode. Therefore, for the case in which the amplitude of both fields are equal, we will obtain a destructive interference which leads to a vacuum state. In consequence, we can understand this approach as the measurement of a vacuum state after performing a suitable displacement operation determined by one of the coherent states given in Eq. (20). The previous operation leads us to states in the first mode of the form $\ket{\psi_{1}}=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N_{1}}}\Big{[}a\ket{0}+b\ket{\delta\tilde{\alpha}}+b\ket{-\delta\tilde{\alpha}}\Big{]},$ (21) where we denote $\delta\tilde{\alpha}=\delta\alpha/\sqrt{2}$, and $a$ and $b$ are coefficients depending on $\delta\tilde{\alpha}$ and on the specific measurement that we are performing. Depending on the latter, the final superposition will take different forms. In Fig. 3 we show the obtained Wigner functions for the different measurements and for two values of $\delta\tilde{\alpha}$. In particular, figures (a) to (c) correspond to $\delta\tilde{\alpha}=-0.9$ where the ordering, from left to right, follows the one in Eq. (20), whereas figures (d) to (f) correspond to $\delta\tilde{\alpha}=-1.3$. In all cases, with the exception of Fig. 3 (d) where we recover a single coherent state, we can identify the same patterns for the Wigner functions: all of them are symmetric, due to the structure of the state in Eq. (21), and they all present negative regions that are typically located in $x=\pm\delta\tilde{\alpha}$, unless for figures (c) and (f) where we instead have identical local maxima. The main difference between the different subplots in Fig. 3 is produced by the difference in the values taken by the weights $a$ and $b$ that appear in Eq. (21), depending on the measurement we are performing. Thus, as we increase the value of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$, the conditioned state in the first mode tends to a coherent state for the first two measurements, in particular to a vacuum state which is the term dominating the superposition. Within this regime, the Wigner function corresponds to a Gaussian centered in $x=p=0$. For the second measurement this is a process that takes place more slowly, as for $\delta\tilde{\alpha}=-1.3$ we still get negative regions for the Wigner function arising from the overlap between the different elements in the superposition, contrarily to what happens with the first measurement (Figs. 3 (e) and (d) respectively). On the other hand, for the third measurement there are no changes at all in the final superposition, which can be seen from the fact that its Wigner function remains unperturbed upon changes in $\delta\tilde{\alpha}$. This implies that weights between the vacuum state and the rest of the superposition in Eq. (21) are almost equal. Moreover, one can check that, in fact, is the $b$ coefficient in the previous equation the dominating one, and in the limit of large values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ the Wigner function coincides with the one coming from the symmetric superposition between $\ket{\delta\tilde{\alpha}}$ and $\ket{-\delta\tilde{\alpha}}$. However, in order to obtain such states one has to perform the adequate measurement successfully, and this is highly determined by which state of Eq. (20) are we using. In Fig. 4 we show the success probability for each of the possible measurements as a function of $\delta\tilde{\alpha}$. As the latter becomes bigger, only the first measurement can be performed successfully, which leads to a vacuum state as mentioned previously. Figure 4: Probability of performing each of the measurements in Eq. (20) successfully. From left to right in the previous equation, the first measurement corresponds to the blue continuous line, the second to the orange dashed line and the third one to the green dashed-dotted line. As the value of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ increases, the first measurement dominates while for small values it decays to zero as our three state superposition vanishes. The horizontal grey lines highlight the probabilities associated to the values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ used in Fig. 3. ### 3.2 Generalization of the conditioning approach One of the main problems regarding the previous approach is that, due to the use of the second beam splitter (BS2), the distance between the terms in the superpositions that we can reach are relatively small, as the initial $\delta\alpha$ gets affected by a factor of $1/\sqrt{2}$. In top of this, as we have shown in Fig. 4 for values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|>1.3$, the measurement performed with the first state in Eq. (20) are more likely and, in consequence, the vacuum term of Eq. (21) dominates the superposition, leading to a final Gaussian state. Thus, for this kind of superpositions to be useful for practical purposes such as in Wenger2003 , it seems instrumental to develop techniques that allow us to enlarge the distance between the different coherent states in the superposition, while keeping a good ratio between their probability amplitudes. Figure 5: Experimental setup for the generalized approach. The state $\ket{\alpha}$ undergoes two HHG processes in the media HHG1 and HHG2. Later on, the harmonics $\ket{\text{HH}_{i}}$ generated in each of these interactions are used for performing the conditioning measurements with the Quantum Tomography and Quantum Spectrometer approach, which we refer to with the QT/QS box. As shown in the text, with this set-up we can naturally generate superpositions of three distinct coherent states. The approach we consider here is based on the architecture shown in Fig. 5. In this case, we have several HHG processes taking place but, unlike the set-up of Fig. 2, all of them are mediated with the same mode. Therefore, each of the harmonics that are generated will define projectors with respect to different initial coherent states once the conditioning measurement is performed. Depending on the number of HHG processes considered in this scheme, we can naturally generate superpositions containing more than two coherent states without involving any beam splitter, and thus without introducing a factor $1/\sqrt{2}$ affecting their final intensity. Let us illustrate this idea with the configuration shown in Fig. 5. In this case we start with a coherent state $\ket{\alpha}$ which undergoes HHG in a given medium, represented as HHG1. We will denote the generated shift as $\delta\alpha_{1}$ and use $\ket{\text{HH}_{1}}$ as a shorthand notation for the harmonic modes generated in this system. Hence, the process taking place in this first medium is $\ket{\alpha}\otimes\ket{\\{0\\}}\rightarrow\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\text{HH}_{1}}.$ (22) Afterwards, instead of performing the conditioning measurement (represented in Fig. 5 with the QT/QS box), we use the fundamental shifted mode $\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}$ in another medium HHG2. Denoting with $\delta\alpha_{2}$ and $\ket{\text{HH}_{2}}$ the generated shift and the harmonics respectively, we get in this case $\displaystyle\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\text{HH}_{1}}\otimes\ket{\\{0\\}}$ (23) $\displaystyle\hskip 42.67912pt\to\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}\otimes\ket{\text{HH}_{1}}\otimes\ket{\text{HH}_{2}}.$ Note that the harmonics $\ket{\text{HH}_{1}}$ and $\ket{\text{HH}_{2}}$ that we have generated thus far belong to two different modes, as they are spatially separated. Moreover, both harmonic modes are uncorrelated to each other, but correlated with the fundamental mode via the creation operators $B^{\dagger}_{1}$ and $B^{\dagger}_{2}$ given in Eq. (6), where the difference between them is that they are defined with respect to two different creation operators $b^{\dagger}_{q,i}$, $i=1,2$, affecting the $q$th harmonic in each of the space-separated modes. This implies that if we now use the QT/QS approach to perform a conditioning measurement with respect to $\ket{\text{HH}_{2}}$, we should consider for the definition of the corresponding projector $P_{2}$ the initial state that was used for its generation. More explicitly, we have $\displaystyle\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}^{(2)}}$ $\displaystyle=P_{2}\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}$ (24) $\displaystyle=(1-\outerproduct{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}})\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}$ $\displaystyle=\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}-\xi_{2}\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}},$ where $\xi_{2}=\innerproduct{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}$. Now, we use the harmonics generated in the first medium, i.e. $\ket{\text{HH}_{1}}$, for performing a second conditioning. Similarly to what we had before, in this case the conditioning projector $P_{1}$ refers to the initial state used for the generation of such harmonics, that is, $\ket{\alpha}$. We get after that operation $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi}$ $\displaystyle=P_{1}\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}^{(2)}}=(1-\outerproduct{\alpha}{\alpha})\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}^{(2)}}$ (25) $\displaystyle=\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}-\xi_{2}\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}-\xi_{1}\ket{\alpha},$ where $\xi_{1}=\innerproduct{\alpha}{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{2}}-\xi_{2}\innerproduct{\alpha}{\alpha+\delta\alpha_{1}}$. As we see, this method provides us with a very natural way of generating the desired superposition of three coherent states. However, one of the main drawbacks with respect to this configuration is that the $\xi_{1}$ constant might be very small. To avoid this, we implement between the $P_{1}$ and $P_{2}$ conditioning an amplification operation over the cat state $\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}^{(2)}}$, described by the photonic displacement operator $D(\gamma)$ ScullyBook . Thus, if we set $\delta\alpha_{1}=\delta\alpha_{2}\equiv\delta\alpha$ for the sake of simplicity, and consider $\gamma=-3\delta\alpha$, we get after the amplification process $\ket{\tilde{\phi}_{\text{cat}}^{(2)}}=D(-3\delta\alpha)\ket{\phi_{\text{cat}}^{(2)}}=\ket{\alpha-\delta\alpha}-\xi_{2}\ket{\alpha-2\delta\alpha},$ (26) and after the conditioning $\ket{\Phi}=-\xi^{\prime}_{1}\ket{\alpha}+\ket{\alpha-\delta\alpha}-\xi_{2}\ket{\alpha-2\delta\alpha},$ (27) where $\xi^{\prime}_{1}=\xi_{2}(1-\innerproduct{\alpha}{\alpha-2\delta\alpha})$. We can see that as $\delta\alpha$ increases, $\xi^{\prime}_{1}\to\xi_{2}$ and therefore the obtained state is symmetric around $\ket{\alpha-\delta\alpha}$. Nevertheless, one should be careful in the limit where $\delta\alpha$ is very large because then $\xi_{1}^{\prime},\xi_{2}\to 0$ and we get only a coherent state. Figure 6: Wigner functions for the state obtained by the generalized measurement approach shown in Fig. 5, for (a) $\delta\alpha=-0.9$, (b) $\delta\alpha=-1.3$, (c) $\delta\alpha=-1.5$ and (d) $\delta\alpha=-2.0$. As we can see, with this method we can achieve negativities of the Wigner function for bigger values of $\delta\alpha$ compared to most successful measurement of the previously described method. Furthermore, the symmetry of the Wigner functions increases for bigger values of $\delta\alpha$. In these plots we have set $\alpha=0$ so that the functions are centered in the origin. The main distinction between Eq. (21) and Eq. (27) lies in the coefficients that go along with the different coherent states in the sum, which now are only determined by the value of $\delta\alpha$, and on the distance between the three states in the superposition. While in the former the distance between the two outermost coherent states is given by $\sqrt{2}\delta\alpha$, in the latter is given by $2\delta\alpha$. The corresponding Wigner functions obtained for this state are shown in Fig. 6 for values of $\delta\alpha=-0.9,-1.3,-1.5$ and $-2.0$, respectively, from (a) to (d). As we can see, the obtained Wigner functions bear some similarity with the ones obtained in Figs. 3 (b) and (e), specially Figs. 6 (a) and (b). However, one of the most important differences with respect to Eq. (21) is that the obtained state is not completely symmetric, specially for small values of $|\delta\alpha|$ for which we have $\xi_{1}^{\prime}\neq\xi_{2}$, as it can be clearly seen in Fig. 6 (a) where the negative regions of the Wigner function located in the positive part of the $x$ axis are slightly bigger than the ones obtained in the negative side. As mentioned previously, for increasing values of $|\delta\alpha|$ the obtained Wigner function becomes more symmetric since $\xi_{1}^{\prime}\to\xi_{2}$. This is clearly seen in Figs. 6 (c) and (d), where there is almost no difference between the negative regions of both Wigner functions. It is remarkable as well that for values of $\delta\alpha=-2.0$ we still get distinguishable negative regions for the Wigner function, which motivates the use of this kind of three coherent state superpositions to generate large _dead/alive_ cat states. However, and above that value, the central coherent state becomes more important and the Wigner function tends to a Gaussian, as seen in Fig. 6 (d). ### 3.3 Enlarged cat states The two methods we have presented so far allow us to generate a superposition of three coherent states. While in the first method the distance between the two outermost states in the superposition is $\sqrt{2}\delta\alpha$, with the second approach we are able to increase this distance by a factor of $\sqrt{2}$. Given that the superposition of two well-separated coherent states, i.e. large _dead/alive_ cat states, are essential for practical uses Gilchrist2004 , it is natural to ask ourselves how can we use these three- state superpositions to generate enlarged _dead/alive_ cat states. Inspired by Laghout2013 ; Sychev2017 , a straightforward way of achieving this objective is by means of a beam splitter and a conditioning measurement in one of the output modes. Given that the first method for obtaining the three coherent state superposition already contains a beam splitter, the final enhancement will not be excessively big. Thus, in this section we will focus mainly on the states obtained with the generalized measurement method as it does not contain any extra beam splitter in its definition. Starting from the state shown in Eq. (27) and postprocessing it with a 50/50 beam splitter whose other input is fed with $\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}$, we get $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi_{\text{BS}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\Big{[}-\xi^{\prime}_{1}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}+\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}\ket{-\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}+\ket{\tilde{\alpha}}\ket{0}$ (28) $\displaystyle\hskip 36.98866pt-\xi_{2}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}-\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}\ket{\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}\Big{]},$ where $\tilde{\alpha}=\sqrt{2}(\alpha-\delta\alpha)$ and $N$ is a normalization constant. Figure 7: Probability of success when conditioning the results of the second mode to obtain an even number of photons, versus $\delta\tilde{\alpha}\equiv\delta\alpha\cos(\theta)$ (in absolute value). We present the results for three different beam splitters characterized by mixing angles $\theta=\pi/3$ (blue continuous line), $\theta=\pi/2$ (orange dashed line) and $\theta=\pi/6$ (green dashed-dotted line). While the latter gives smaller probabilities, the decay for large values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ takes place more slowly which allow us to obtain bigger _dead/alive_ cat states. The vertical continuous grey lines correspond to the values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ for which we get the different Wigner functions shown in the the insets (i)-(iii) on the right. In these plots we have set $\tilde{\alpha}=0$ so that the functions are centered in the origin. If we now condition the second output to the measurement of an even number of photons Lvovsky2020 ; Gerrits2010 , we obtain $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi_{\text{even}}}$ $\displaystyle=\Big{(}\mathbbm{1}\otimes\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\outerproduct{2n}{2n}\Big{)}\ket{\Phi_{\text{BS}}}$ (29) $\displaystyle=\ket{\phi_{\text{even}}(\tfrac{\pi}{4})}\otimes e^{-\tfrac{|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|^{2}}{2}}\sum^{\infty}_{n=1}\dfrac{(\delta\tilde{\alpha})^{2n}}{\sqrt{2n!}}\ket{2n},$ where $\ket{\phi_{\text{even}}(\tfrac{\pi}{4})}=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\Big{[}\xi_{1}^{\prime}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}+\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}+\xi_{2}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}-\tfrac{\delta\alpha}{\sqrt{2}}}\Big{]}$ (30) is the non-normalized optical Schrödinger cat state that we get for the first mode. The state in Eq. (29) is a separable state where the first mode has been projected into a _dead/alive_ cat state and the distance between both coherent states is $\sqrt{2}\delta\alpha$, i.e. a factor $\sqrt{2}$ bigger than the distance between the two outermost coherent states in the inputted three state superposition. Because the state in Eq. (29) is separable, the partial trace with respect to the second mode naturally leads to a pure state. One of the main advantages of this technique in comparison with the methods presented in Laghout2013 ; Sychev2017 is that, with this approach, we can get larger enhancements by suitably changing the beam splitter transmittance and the coherent state entering one of its inputs, provided that the three coherent state superposition is inputted in the other. This contrasts with the previously cited methods since, in those cases, we are forced to use a 50/50 beam splitter, because the two inputs are given by identical _dead/alive_ cat states. More specifically, for a beam splitter characterized by the mixing angle $\theta$ and a coherent state of the form $\ket{(\alpha+\delta\alpha)\tan(\theta)}$, one can show (see Appendix A) that the enhanced and not normalized _even_ optical Schrödinger cat state NoteEvenOdd is given by $\displaystyle\ket{\phi_{\text{even}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\big{[}\xi^{\prime}_{1}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}(\theta)+\delta\alpha\cos\theta}$ (31) $\displaystyle\hskip 48.36958pt+\xi_{2}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}(\theta)-\delta\alpha\cos\theta}\big{]},$ where $\tilde{\alpha}\equiv(\alpha-\delta\alpha)/\cos\theta$. As we can see, the distance between both coherent states is now given by $2\cos\theta$. Figure 8: Probability of success when conditioning the results of the second mode to obtain an odd number of photons, versus $\delta\tilde{\alpha}\equiv\delta\alpha\cos(\theta)$ (in absolute value). We present the results for three different beam splitters characterized by mixing angles $\theta=\pi/3$ (blue continuous line), $\theta=\pi/2$ (orange dashed line) and $\theta=\pi/6$ (green dashed-dotted line). The obtained results are similar to the ones obtained with the even number of photons measurement, but slightly enhanced. The vertical continuous grey lines correspond to the values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ for which we get the different Wigner functions shown in the insets (i)-(iii) on the right. In these plots we have set $\tilde{\alpha}=0$ so that the functions are centered in the origin. One of the main concerns regarding these operations is the probability of being successful when performing the conditioning measurement over one of the beam splitter modes (see Appendix A for its analytic derivation). In Fig. 7 we present this quantity for three beam splitters characterized by mixing angles $\theta=\pi/3$ (blue continuous line), $\theta=\pi/2$ (orange dashed line) and $\theta=\pi/6$ (green dashed-dotted line). The reflectivity/transmisivity ratio in these three cases are 75/25, 50/50 and 25/75, respectively. As $\delta\tilde{\alpha}\equiv\delta\alpha\cos\theta$ increases, the success probability decays almost exponentially for the three angles. However, depending on the specific values the decay behaves differently. Of particular interest is the case of $\theta=\pi/6$, for which the distance between the coherent states is the largest and given by $\sqrt{3}\delta\alpha$. In this case, the maximum success probability is slightly smaller than 0.1, but the decay for increasing values of $\delta\tilde{\alpha}$ takes place more slowly than in the other cases. In fact, for $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|\geq 1.5$, it clearly surpasses the other three cases, with a success probability on the order of $10^{-2}$ to $10^{-3}$ up to $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|=2$. On the other hand, instead of conditioning the second mode over the measurement of an even number of photons, we can instead condition over an odd number. In that situation, the final state is similar to the one shown in Eq. (31) but with a relative phase of $\pi$ between both states in the superposition, i.e. an _odd_ optical Schrödinger cat state. Furthermore, as can be seen in Fig. 8, this measurement allow us to slightly enhance the final probability of success. In the insets located in the right part of Figs. 7 and 8 we present the density plot of the measured Wigner functions in a displaced frame of reference for different values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$, in particular $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|=1.0,1.5$ and $2.0$. They present the typical form of even and odd _dead/alive_ cat states: as $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ increases, the two coherent states in the superposition get far away one from the other, which leads to the appearance of two positive peaks in the Wigner function located in $x=\pm\delta\tilde{\alpha}$, as can be seen clearly for the case $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|=2.0$ (inset (iii) in Figs. 7 and 8). In such case, the maxima and minima appearing in between corresponds with their overlap, which are interchanged for even and odd cat states: the negative parts in this intermediate region appearing for the even cat state, turn into minima for the odd cat state and viceversa. Furthermore, in this case we have performed our calculations with the state in Eq. (27), which means that for small values of $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|$ the final Wigner function is not completely symmetric as can be seen more clearly for the odd cat state at $|\delta\tilde{\alpha}|=-1.0$ in Fig. 8 (i), for which the positive ring around the negative minima is not symmetric. ## 4 Conclusions In this work we have studied how can we use the _dead/alive_ cat states generated with HHG in order to obtain superpositions containing three coherent states, and we have characterized them by looking at their Wigner function. While the first method is based on an interferometer approach, where in each arm we perform HHG, the second one is based on sequential HHG processes over the same mode. Here, we have analysed some particular configurations that allow us to obtain a wide variety of states, as we could see from the analysis of their Wigner functions which show different tendencies for increasing values of the generated shift $\delta\alpha$ depending on the specific set-up. However, there exists a large set of possibilities depending on where do we implement the conditioning measurements, and also on the different optical elements we can use in between. Additionally, we demonstrated that we can use these three coherent state superpositions for the generation of enlarged versions of even and odd _dead/alive_ cat states, which could be very beneficial for practical purposes in quantum computation and quantum information. However, the main drawback of this method is that it relies on a heralding measurement over one of the outputs of a beam splitter, whose success probability decays almost exponentially as the desired _dead/alive_ cat state becomes larger. Regarding this, possible ways of improving the present results might be oriented towards the performance of more complex measurements over the second mode that can enhance the final probability distribution. Therefore, this motivates further investigation towards the generation of non-classical light states with HHG. Finally, in this work we have highlighted the potential role of strong-field physics towards quantum optics. Given the wide variety of strong-field processes that one can generate in the laboratory apart from HHG, a natural question that arises is how their quantum analysis could be advantageous for practical purposes in fields like quantum computation and quantum information. Here we have indirectly tackled this question by altering and improving the HHG Schrödinger cat states. Nevertheless, other strong-field processes, like Above-Threshold Ionization where the electron recollides elastically with its parent ion Faria2020 , could lead to the desired superpositions more directly. Thus, the above discussion stimulates theoretical and experimental research towards the connection between strong-field physics and practical uses of quantum information processing. ###### Acknowledgements. ICFO group acknowledges support from ERC AdG NOQIA, Agencia Estatal de Investigación (“Severo Ochoa” Center of Excellence CEX2019-000910-S, Plan National FIDEUA PID2019-106901GB-I00/10.13039/501100011033, FPI), Fundació Privada Cellex, Fundació Mir-Puig, and from Generalitat de Catalunya (AGAUR Grant No. 2017 SGR 1341, CERCA program, QuantumCAT_U16-011424, co-funded by ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020), MINECO-EU QUANTERA MAQS (funded by State Research Agency (AEI) PCI2019-111828-2/10.13039/501100011033), EU Horizon 2020 FET-OPEN OPTOLogic (Grant No 899794), and the National Science Centre, Poland-Symfonia Grant No. 2016/20/W/ST4/00314, Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant STRETCH No 101029393. J.R-D. acknowledges support from the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as the European Social Fund (L’FSE inverteix en el teu futur)–FEDER. P.T. group acknowledges LASERLABEUROPE (H2020-EU. Grand ID 654148)), FORTH Synergy Grant AgiIDA (Grand No.: 00133). ELI-ALPS is supported by the European Union and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (GINOP Grant No. 2.3.6-15-2015-00001). ## Declarations Conflicts of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest Code and data availability The code used for the generation of the presented figures is made available in FigureMaker under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 (CC BY-SA 4.0) license. ## References * (1) M. Lewenstein, M. F. Ciappina, E. Pisanty, J. Rivera-Dean, P. Stammer, Th. Lamprou and P. Tzallas, Generation of optical Schrödinger “cat” states in intense laser-matter interactions, _(accepted Nat. 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Thus, the set of positive operator-valued measurements characterizing the operations that we can implement is $\bigg{\\{}\mathbbm{1}\otimes\outerproduct{0}{0},\mathbbm{1}\otimes\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\outerproduct{2n}{2n},\mathbbm{1}\otimes\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\outerproduct{2n+1}{2n+1}\bigg{\\}},$ (32) which project the second mode into the vacuum state, an even number of photons and an odd number of photons respectively. Each of the measurements described in Eq. (32) have a probability associated, so we define the _probability of success_ $\mathcal{P}$ as the probability of successfully performing one of such measurements. For instance, the probability of successfully measuring an even number of photons is given by $\mathcal{P}_{\text{even}}=\dfrac{1}{\mathcal{P}_{\text{total}}}\tr{P_{\text{even}}\rho},$ (33) where $\rho$ is the density matrix characterizing the state of our system, and $\mathcal{P}_{\text{total}}$ is given as the sum of all the possible measurements that we can perform, i.e. $\mathcal{P}_{\text{total}}=\mathcal{P}_{\text{zero}}+\mathcal{P}_{\text{even}}+\mathcal{P}_{\text{odd}}.$ (34) With all this set, let us consider the architecture presented in the main text used for the generation of enlarged cat states. Using a beam splitter characterized by the mixing angle $\theta$ and a coherent state of the form $\ket{(\alpha-\delta\alpha)\tan(\theta)}$, the final state after the beam splitter is given by $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi_{\text{BS}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\Big{[}-\xi_{1}^{\prime}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}+\delta\alpha\cos\theta}\ket{-\delta\alpha\sin\theta}$ (35) $\displaystyle\hskip 31.2982pt+\ket{\tilde{\alpha}}\ket{0}-\xi_{2}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}-\delta\alpha\cos\theta}\ket{\delta\alpha\sin\theta}\Big{]},$ where $\tilde{\alpha}=(\alpha-\delta\alpha)/\cos\theta$. Thus, the measurement of an even number of photons projects the state in Eq. (35) into $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi_{\text{even}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\Big{[}-\xi_{1}^{\prime}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}+\delta\alpha\cos\theta}-\xi_{2}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}-\delta\alpha\cos\theta}\Big{]}$ (36) $\displaystyle\hskip 14.22636pt\otimes\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\dfrac{(\delta\alpha\sin\theta)^{2n}}{\sqrt{2n!}}e^{-\tfrac{|\delta\alpha\sin\theta|^{2}}{2}}\ket{2n}$ $\displaystyle\equiv\ket{\phi_{\text{even}}}\otimes\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\dfrac{(\delta\alpha\sin\theta)^{2n}}{\sqrt{2n!}}e^{-\tfrac{|\delta\alpha\sin\theta|^{2}}{2}}\ket{2n};$ the measurement of an odd number of photons projects the state into $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi_{\text{odd}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\Big{[}\xi_{1}^{\prime}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}+\delta\alpha\cos\theta}-\xi_{2}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}-\delta\alpha\cos\theta}\Big{]}$ (37) $\displaystyle\hskip 14.22636pt\otimes\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\dfrac{(\delta\alpha\sin\theta)^{2n+1}}{\sqrt{2n+1!}}e^{-\tfrac{|\delta\alpha\sin\theta|^{2}}{2}}\ket{2n+1}$ $\displaystyle\equiv\ket{\phi_{\text{odd}}}\otimes\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\dfrac{(\delta\alpha\sin\theta)^{2n+1}}{\sqrt{2n+1!}}e^{-\tfrac{|\delta\alpha\sin\theta|^{2}}{2}}\ket{2n+1};$ and, finally, the measurement of zero number of photons leads to $\displaystyle\ket{\Phi_{\text{zero}}}$ $\displaystyle=\dfrac{1}{\sqrt{N}}\Big{[}-\xi_{1}^{\prime}\innerproduct{0}{-\delta\alpha\sin\theta}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}+\delta\alpha\cos\theta}+\ket{\tilde{\alpha}}$ (38) $\displaystyle\hskip 31.2982pt-\xi_{2}\innerproduct{0}{\delta\alpha\sin\theta}\ket{\tilde{\alpha}-\delta\alpha\cos\theta}\Big{]}\otimes\ket{0}$ $\displaystyle\equiv\ket{\phi_{\text{zero}}}\otimes\ket{0}.$ Thus, the probability of success for each of the three measurements that we can do is given by $\mathcal{P}_{\text{even}}=\dfrac{\innerproduct{\phi_{\text{even}}}{\phi_{\text{even}}}}{\mathcal{P}_{\text{total}}}e^{-|\delta\alpha\sin\theta|^{2}}\big{[}-1+\cosh(\delta\alpha\sin\theta)\big{]},$ (39) $\mathcal{P}_{\text{odd}}=\dfrac{\innerproduct{\phi_{\text{odd}}}{\phi_{\text{odd}}}}{\mathcal{P}_{\text{total}}}e^{-|\delta\alpha\sin\theta|^{2}}\sinh(\delta\alpha\sin\theta),$ (40) and $\mathcal{P}_{\text{zero}}=\dfrac{\innerproduct{\phi_{\text{zero}}}{\phi_{\text{zero}}}}{\mathcal{P}_{\text{total}}}.$ (41) Note that the case of $\delta\alpha=0$ leads to a divergence in the obtained equations. In that case the applied measurement does not make sense at all because the case of $\delta\alpha=0$ corresponds to the situation in which we do not have HHG processes taking place. Thus, no optical Schrödinger cat state is being generated.
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Javier Rivera-Dean, Philipp Stammer, Emilio Pisanty, Theocharis\n Lamprou, Paraskevas Tzallas, Maciej Lewenstein and Marcelo F. Ciappina", "submitter": "Javier Rivera-Dean", "url": "" }
# Spin transport-induced damping of coherent THz spin dynamics in iron L. Brandt Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics, Optics Group, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle R. Verba Institute of Magnetism, Kyiv 03142, Ukraine N. Liebing Martin Luther University Halle- Wittenberg, Institute of Physics, Optics Group, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle M. Ribow Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics, Optics Group, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle I. Razdolski Faculty of Physics, University of Bialystok, 15-245 Bialystok, Poland V. Tyberkevych Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA A. Slavin Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309, USA G. Woltersdorf Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics, Optics Group, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle A. Melnikov Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Institute of Physics, Optics Group, Von-Danckelmann-Platz 3, 06120 Halle ###### Abstract We study the damping of perpendicular standing spin-waves (PSSWs) in ultrathin Fe films at frequencies up to 2.4 THz. The PSSWs are excited by optically generated ultrashort spin current pulses, and probed optically in the time domain. Analyzing the wavenumber and thickness dependence of the damping, we demonstrate that at sufficiently large wave vectors $k$ the damping is dominated by spin transport effects scaling with $k^{4}$ and limiting the frequency range of observable PSSWs. Although this contribution is known to originate in the spin diffusion, we argue that at moderate and large $k$ a more general description is necessary and develop a model where the ’transverse spin mean free path’ is the a key parameter, and estimate it to be $\sim$0.5 nm. Understanding dissipation mechanisms is an important problem of dynamical systems. Ferromagnetic materials exhibit a wide variety of dissipation processes contributing to the total decay rate of a spin waves (SW) depending on the material, static magnetization state, geometry, etc. Sparks (1964); Gurevich and Melkov (1996), including 2-magnon scattering on imperfections Sparks et al. (1961); Arias and Mills (1999); Hurben and Patton (1998) and spin pumping into an adjacent nonmagnetic layers Tserkovnyak et al. (2002); Urban et al. (2001); Mizukami et al. (2001). Originating in the magnon-phonon and magnon-electron interactions due to the spin orbit coupling, the most important contribution is often the intrinsic Gilbert damping $\alpha_{G}$ Gilbert (2004), resulting in the dissipation term ${\bm{T}}_{d}=\alpha_{G}/M_{s}\left({\bm{M}}\times\partial{\bm{M}}/\partial t\right)$, where $\alpha_{G}$ is constant. In metallic ferromagnets, where the magnetic damping is dominated by the magnon-electron interactions, this phenomenological description is well supported by ab-initio calculations Gilmore and Stiles (2009); Kamberský (1972); J. Kuneš and V. Kamberský (2002); Gilmore et al. (2007); Seib et al. (2009); Steiauf et al. (2008). Notably, the Gilbert model is local: the damping rate $\Gamma_{n}$ of a SW mode $n$ depends only on the mode frequency $\omega_{n}$ and precession ellipticity $\epsilon_{n}$, $\Gamma_{n}=\alpha_{G}\epsilon_{n}\omega_{n}$ Verba et al. (2018), but not its wavenumber $k_{n}$. Within this framework, exchange- dominated magnons with $\omega_{n}\sim k_{n}^{2}$ exhibit the damping rate $\Gamma_{n}\sim k_{n}^{2}$. The phenomenological nonlocal, $k$-dependent dissipation Kamberský (1972) was shown to result in the $\Gamma_{n}\sim k_{n}^{4}$ dependence of the damping rate Bar’yakhtar (1984); Bar’yakhtar and Danilevich (2013). Much later, transverse spin diffusion was proposed as a microscopic mechanism of the non- local spin dissipation Hankiewicz et al. (2008); Foros et al. (2008); Tserkovnyak et al. (2009); Wong and Tserkovnyak (2009); Zhang and Zhang (2009), enhancing the effective Gilbert damping $\Delta\alpha_{n}\sim k_{n}^{2}$ Tserkovnyak et al. (2009); Wang et al. (2015). The experimental verification of these predictions is scarce: in the microwave (GHz) frequency range (where most of the related research is performed) weak non-local damping effects are difficult to identify. Enhanced size-dependent damping was found in magnetic nanodots Nembach et al. (2013), and $k_{n}^{2}$-dependence of the effective Gilbert damping parameter for perpendicular standing spin wave (PSSW) modes with $k_{n}<0.12\,{\mathrm{nm}}^{-1}$ was confirmed Li and Bailey (2016). Recently, non-monotonous $\alpha(k_{n})$ dependence at $k_{n}\sim 0.1\,{\mathrm{nm}}^{-1}$ was reported in Co Lalieu et al. (2019). In this letter, we study PSSWs in Fe and demonstrate that an exchange-driven spin transport mechanism plays the dominant role in the magnetization damping at large wavenumbers. Owing to the rapid increase of its efficiency with increasing wavenumber, at $k\gtrsim$2 nm-1 (and frequencies beyond 2.4 ${\mathrm{THz}}$) the damping rate exceeds the SW eigenfrequency, and the PSSWs become overdamped. However, the extrapolation of this trend to even larger wavenumbers approaching $\pi/a$ contradicts well-established measurements that are based e.g. on neutron scattering Shirane et al. (1968); Mook and Nicklow (1973); Prokop et al. (2009); Zakeri et al. (2010); Zhang et al. (2012). By describing the transverse spin transport in a ballistic model we show that spin-transport induced damping saturated at very large wave vectors and resolve this apparent contradiction. Figure 1: (a) Sample layout and measurement geometry. (b) Exemplary time- resolved MOKE signals (rotation $\theta$ and ellipticity $\varepsilon$) at 12-nm-thick Fe collector including the fit with damped cosines. (c) FMR and PSSW frequencies (y-axis) and lifetimes (color-code) obtained by fits to the time-resolved MOKE traces (as shown in (b)). The solid lines are a theoretical fit Brandt et al. (2021). For our experiments epitaxial Fe/Au/Fe(001) multilayers (Fig. 1a), are prepared Brandt et al. (2021). The THz-frequency spin dynamics is measured employing the optical back pump-front probe technique used in Melnikov et al. (2011); Alekhin et al. (2017); Razdolski et al. (2017). Spin dynamics in the Fe wedge (collector) is excited by an ultrashort spin current pulse generated in the Fe emitter by a femtosecond laser stimulus. Spin transfer torque (STT) driven PSSWs Razdolski et al. (2017) are detected in the time domain using the magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). Maintaining the fs time resolution, the 70 nm-thick Au spacer precludes the concomitant optical excitation of the collector Melnikov et al. (2021). This experimental approach allows for systematic measurements of the frequencies and lifetimes of the PSSW modes vs. the collector thickness using a single sample. In Fig. 1(b) the time-resolved polar MOKE rotation and ellipticity are shown. The periodic signals with multiple frequencies indicate the excitation of several PSSW eigenmodes. By fitting these curves with a sum of damped cosine functions a set of lifetimes $\tau_{n}=\Gamma_{n}^{-1}$ and frequencies $f_{n}$ for each PSSW eigenmode with index $n$ is obtained. The observed modes can be identified by the PSSW dispersion accounting for the magnetic anisotropy and the exchange stiffness at different Fe thicknesses Brandt et al. (2021). The PSSW wavenumbers are well described by $k_{n}=n\pi/d_{\mathrm{Fe}}$ implying that there are no magnetically dead layers. Up to 6 spin wave modes are observed (the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) mode and 5 PSSW modes), depending on the collector thickness $d$. The maximum observed PSSW frequency is about $f_{\mathrm{max}}=$ $2.4\text{\,}\mathrm{THz}$ (Fig. 1(c)), which corresponds to the shortest observed wavelength $\lambda_{\mathrm{min}}=$ $2.22\text{\,}\mathrm{nm}$. Figure 2: (a) Double logarithmic plot of measured lifetimes $\tau$ (damping rate $\Gamma$) of PSSW modes vs. the mode oscillation period $T$ (frequency $f$); solid line represents the quadratic fit $\tau\sim T^{2}$ and dashed line represents the dependence $\tau=T$. Effective damping as a function of the Fe thickness (b) and PSSW wave vector (c); points are the experimental data, dashed and solid lines represent the fit with Eq. (1) and 3d model (see text), respectively. The dependence of the SW lifetime on the oscillation period $T_{n}=1/f_{n}$ is shown in Fig. 2(a). It is evident that the data are well fitted by a $\tau_{n}\sim T_{n}^{2}$ dependence (the solid line) corresponding to $\Gamma_{n}\sim k_{n}^{4}$ when $f_{n}\sim k_{n}^{2}$. We find that at $f\approx 1.8\,{\mathrm{THz}}$ ($T\approx 0.56\,{\mathrm{ps}}$, see the intersection with the $\tau_{n}=T_{n}$ dashed line in Fig. 2(a)) the SW lifetime becomes smaller than the oscillation period, indicating the overdamped regime. Above this critical frequency the PSSWs are hardly detectable, and only very few data points with large uncertainties are obtained between 1.8 and 2.4 THz but discarded below. We further discuss an effective Gilbert damping parameter $\alpha_{{\mathrm{eff}},n}=\Gamma_{n}/(\omega_{n}\epsilon_{n})=(2\pi\tau_{n}f_{n}\epsilon_{n})^{-1}$, which is convenient for comparing the relaxation rates between the modes. The ellipticity-related coefficient $\epsilon_{n}$ was calculated from the SW dispersion Brandt et al. (2021); Verba et al. (2018). In the range of interest (above 100 GHz) $\epsilon_{n}\approx 1$ while for the FMR mode $\epsilon_{0}\approx 3$. In Fig. 2(b) it is seen that the effective damping parameter $\alpha_{{\mathrm{eff}},n}$ strongly increases with the mode number $n$ and the inverse film thickness. To analyze these data, we employ the following phenomenological non-local damping model: $\alpha_{\mathrm{eff},n}=\alpha_{G}+\frac{\Gamma_{\mathrm{nu}}}{\omega_{n}\epsilon_{n}}+\frac{c_{n}G_{\mathrm{nu}}}{\omega_{n}\epsilon_{n}d}+\frac{c_{n}\eta_{\mathrm{s}}}{d}+\eta_{\perp}k_{n}^{2}\ .$ (1) The first term in this expression represents the intrinsic Gilbert damping, the next two terms describe the non-uniform resonance line broadening with volume contribution $\Gamma_{\mathrm{nu}}$ (due to volume defects) and interface contribution $G_{\mathrm{nu}}/d$ (due to interface imperfections). The impact of the latter naturally scales inversely with the film thickness, as well as the fourth term $\sim\eta_{s}$ describing spin-pumping (spin- current emission) into the adjacent Au layer. The mode-profile-dependent coefficients are $c_{n}=1$ for $n=0$ and $c_{n}=2$ for the higher modes Verba et al. (2018). The last term represents the $k_{n}^{2}$-dependent exchange- driven contribution $\alpha_{st}$ which we attribute to spin transport. Figure 3: Effective damping of PSSW modes as a function of the wave vector along with SPEELS data from Ref. Zhang et al. (2012); curves represent model fits (see legend and text). Eq. (1) allows to separate contributions to the effective damping parameter $\alpha_{\mathrm{eff},n}$ owing to their different dependencies on the collector thickness not (a). The joint fit (Fig. 2(b,c), dashed curves) of all 6 measured SW modes (i) corroborates our understanding of the damping, and (ii) unambigously demonstrates the dominant role of the spin transport contribution $\alpha_{st}=\eta_{\bot}k_{n}^{2}$. This term arises from the transport of transverse spin component along the SW $k$-vector and follows the rising curvature of spatial mode profile with $\eta_{\bot}=(38\pm 3)\cdot 10^{-3}\,{\mathrm{nm}}^{2}$. The spin pumping term $\alpha_{sp}=\eta_{s}c_{n}/d\propto k_{n}$ scales as $n^{-1}$ and is responsible for the small deviation from the parabola (compare blue and black curves in Fig. 2(c)). It never exceeds 5$\%$ of the total damping and in the following we use the value $\eta_{\mathrm{s}}=3\cdot 10^{-3}\,{\mathrm{nm}}$ determined for Fe/Au interfaces in previous studies Urban et al. (2001); Heinrich et al. (2003). Our results show that _local_ damping terms in Eq. (1) provide only a minor contribution to $\alpha_{\mathrm{eff}}$. The Gilbert damping $\alpha_{G}=(2.0\pm 0.7)\cdot 10^{-3}$ is close to that reported earlier Urban et al. (2001); Heinrich et al. (2003) and matches the recent results Wu et al. (2021). The contribution of sample inhgomogeneity vanishes and we find $\Gamma_{\mathrm{nu}}=(0\pm 0.2)\cdot 10^{-3}\,\mathrm{ps}^{-1}$ confirming the the high epitaxial quality of the sample. Similarly, the interface defect $G_{\mathrm{nu}}$ contribution also vanished for all $n\neq 0$ modes. It is only significant for the $n=0$ mode, where it dominates the relaxation rate with $G_{\mathrm{nu}}=(6.0\pm 0.7)\cdot 10^{-3}\,\mathrm{nm}\,\mathrm{ps}^{-1}$. The absence of this term for for higher modes is illustrated in Fig. 3 where the dash-dotted blue curve is simulated by adding this contribution to the fit results (solid blue curve) for the 1-st PSSW mode. The characteristic increase at small $k_{n}$ is not reproduced by the experimental data indicating the absence of interface two- magnon scattering for PSSWs with $n\geq 1$. Despite the unambiguous dominance of the $k^{2}$ spin transport contribution at $k<2$ nm-1, we argue that a saturation of this term is expected at larger $k$ not (b). Otherwise, as pointed out by Baryakhtar Bar’yakhtar and Danilevich (2013), SW at even larger $k$ would experimentally not be detectable by the neutron scattering or SPEELS Shirane et al. (1968); Mook and Nicklow (1973); Zakeri et al. (2010); Prokop et al. (2009); Zhang et al. (2012). This is illustrated in Fig. 3 where the effective damping calculated as a ratio of half width at half maximum to the peak energy from the SPEELS data obtained on a 2-ML-thick Fe/W(110) Zhang et al. (2012) is shown together with our MOKE results. The parabolic extrapolation overestimates the damping by one order of magnitude for $k\approx 10$ nm-1. This saturation at $k_{s}\gtrsim 6$ nm-1 hints at a characteristic length scale $\lambda_{s}=\pi/k_{s}\lesssim 1$ nm, much smaller than the spin diffusion length $\lambda_{\mathrm{sd}}^{\mathrm{Fe}}=7$ nm Ko and Choi (2020). As such, in order to describe MOKE and SPEELS results on equal footing, spin transport needs to be analyzed beyond the diffusion model resulting in a non-local dissipative term $-\eta_{\bot}{\bm{m}}\times\nabla^{2}\partial{\bm{m}}/\partial t$, where ${\bm{m}}={\bm{M}}/M_{s}$ is the reduced magnetization unit vector Tserkovnyak et al. (2009); Li and Bailey (2016). To make a step towards such analysis, we keep the time-dependent part but revise the spatial non-locality description considering the transverse spin transport in itinerant ferromagnets based on the _s-d_ model. The transport is provided by quasi-free $s$-electrons traveling with the Fermi velocity $v_{F}\sim 1$ nm/fs in a ’spin jellium’ formed by quasi-localized $d$-moments precessing at a frequency $\omega$ owing to the exchange interaction. Exchanging the transverse spin component with $s$-electrons, $d$-moments can change the angle (relaxation) or the phase (dephasing) of precession obeying the angular momentum conservation. Owing to small precession angles usually observed in experiments, the longitudinal spin component remains almost constant. For $s$-electrons this interaction results mainly in a phase shift between the majority and minority components of their wave function not (c). Therefore, neither the energy nor momentum of the $s$-electrons change and such processes become very probable, so that even a sub-fs time scale can be expected owing to the broad, $\sim 10$ eV $s$-band and strong _s-d_ exchange. The corresponding sub-nm length scale, ’transverse spin mean free path’ $\lambda_{s}$ is then much shorter than the $s$-electron inelastic mean free path at the Fermi level $\lambda_{e}\gtrsim 10$ nm Zhukov et al. (2006); not (d). Thus, we consider $s$-electrons moving ballistically with isotropic velocity distribution and dragging the transverse component of spin momentum along their trajectory. In a ferromagnet with spatially non-uniform dynamic magnetization, such spin transfer can be viewed as ferromagnetic spin pumping in the continuum limit Tserkovnyak et al. (2009) resulting in the non-local damping considered here. For a quantitative analysis, we consider the balance of transverse spin momentum dragged by _s_ -electrons away from and into a given volume around ${\bm{r}}_{0}$. We assume that at ${\bm{r}}_{0}$ the transverse magnetization component ${\bm{M}}_{\bot}\cos{k_{n}z_{0}}$ decays at a rate $\xi\omega_{n}$ since it is redistributed into the surrounding with a spin density $\propto\exp{(-|{\bm{r}}-{\bm{r}}_{0}|/\lambda_{s})}$. Integration over the volume results in the following expression for the spin transport contribution to the damping (the last term in Eq. (1)): $\alpha_{st}=\xi[1-\arctan{(\lambda_{s}k_{n})}/(\lambda_{s}k_{n})]$. By setting $\xi=3\eta_{\bot}/\lambda_{s}^{2}$ we recover the initial form $\alpha_{st}\approx\eta_{\bot}k_{n}^{2}$ for small $k$. Fitting the experimental data to this expanded spin transport model (solid curves in Fig. 2(b,c)) yields $\lambda_{s}=0.46\pm 0.16$ nm. This value is indeed in the expected range as discussed above supporting our considerations. Remarkably, we find a value for the transverse spin mean free path, which is in agreement with the STT penetration depth calculated Stiles and Zangwill (2002) at Fe interfaces. One expects $\lambda_{STT}\lesssim\lambda_{s}$, in agreement with the earlier estimated $\lambda_{\mathrm{STT}}\lesssim$ $0.56\text{\,}\mathrm{nm}$ $\approx$ 4 ML Brandt et al. (2021). The obtained value of $\eta_{\bot}=(45\pm 6)\cdot 10^{-3}\,{\mathrm{nm}}^{2}$ (slighlty larger cmpared to the parabolic fit) is about a factor of two smaller compared to previous FMR results obtained for NiFe, Co, and CoFeB at small k-vectors Li and Bailey (2016). The corresponding transverse conductivity is $\sigma_{\bot}=\eta_{\bot}M_{s}/\gamma=4.4\cdot 10^{-25}\,{\mathrm{Js}}/{\mathrm{m}}$ Verba et al. (2018), where $\gamma=1.76\cdot 10^{11}{\mathrm{(sT)}}^{-1}$ is the gyromagnetic ratio. In Fig. 3, $\alpha_{st}$ obtained using a 3d-integration is shown by the red solid curve. At $k>0.2$ nm-1 $\alpha_{st}$ already exceeds $\alpha_{G}=0.002$ (corresponding to the bottom of the graph). The deviations from the parabolic behaviour (red dashed line) become significant for $k>1$ nm-1, when the distance between the adjacent SW antinodes $\lambda/2$ becomes comparable to $\lambda_{s}$. At much larger $k$ vectors, when $\lambda\ll\lambda_{s}$, the transverse spin density delivered to a given volume from the surrounding averages to zero, and therefore $\alpha_{st}$ is expected to saturate at $\xi$. Qualitatively this result is in agreement with the experimental SPEELS data. However, the red curve in Fig. 3 still overestimates the damping observed by SPEELS at $k>5$ nm-1 by about 30$\%$. We note that in contrast to MOKE experiments the sample used for the SPEELS experiment is an extremely thin Fe film of only 2 ML thickness ($d\approx 0.15$ nm $<\lambda_{s}$). Accordingly, the 2d character of the spin transport requires an integration only in the plane (not 3d) resulting in $\alpha^{\prime}_{st}=\xi^{\prime}[1-1/\sqrt{1+\lambda_{s}^{\prime 2}k^{2}}]$, where $\xi^{\prime}=2\eta^{\prime}_{\bot}/\lambda_{s}^{\prime 2}$. Strictly speaking, both $\lambda_{s}^{\prime}$ and $\eta^{\prime}_{\bot}$ can differ from $\lambda_{s}$ and $\eta_{\bot}$ in the 3d system. However, a simulation with $\lambda_{s}^{\prime}=\lambda_{s}$ and $\eta^{\prime}_{\bot}=\eta_{\bot}$ (black dashed curve) already describes the SPEELS data very well. Further experimental observations of high-$k$ SWs and their damping rates in various ferromagnets are thus highly desirable for the verification of this model, paving a way towards understanding spin transport at the nanoscale. In summary, we have demonstrated that the spin transport-driven contribution dominates the damping of THz-frequency PSSWs in thin Fe films. Our results show that at moderate wavenumbers $k\lesssim 1\,{\mathrm{nm}}^{-1}$ (up to about 0.25 THz frequency), this transport can be conventionally treated as transverse spin diffusion, resulting in the $k_{n}^{2}$-dependence of the effective damping parameter $\alpha_{{\mathrm{eff}},n}$. For the effective spin-wave damping rate this corresponds to the $\Gamma_{n}\sim k_{n}^{4}$ dependence. At larger $k$ (and shorter spatial scales), the super-diffusive or ballistic character of the spin transport needs to be taken into account. The rapid increase of $\alpha_{{\mathrm{eff}},n}$ with $k$ causes the damping rate in Fe to exceed the eigenfrequency of the studied PSSWs above 1.8 THz, preventing measuremts at higher frequencies using MOKE. To analyze our results on equal footing with those obtained by SPEELS at much larger k-values (and frequencies) we introduce a ’ballistic’ model of transverse spin transport. This model well accounts for the experimental observations in the entire range of $k$-vectors and allows to identify a ’transverse spin mean free path’ $\lambda_{s}\approx 0.5$ nm in Fe. Our findings advance the understanding of spin transport at the nanoscale and enable further investigations of coherent STT excitation of spin waves. In particular, the next step towards nanoscale THz spintronics entails studying SWs in FM and AFM materials at even larger wavenumbers and analyzing the crossover between the diffusive and ballistic spin transport regimes. This work was supported by the German research foundation (DFG) through CRC/TRR 227 (project B01), the National Science Center Poland (Grant No. DEC-2019/35/B/ST3/00853), U.S. National Science Foundation (Grant #EFMA-1641989), by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research under the MURI grant #FA9550-19-1-0307, by the DARPA TWEED grant #DARPA-PA-19-04-05-FP-001, by the Oakland University Foundation, and by the Ministry of Education and Sciences of Ukraine (project #0121U110090). ## References * Sparks (1964) M. Sparks, _Ferromagnetic Relaxation Theory_ (McGraw-Hill, New York, 1964). * Gurevich and Melkov (1996) A. G. Gurevich and G. A. Melkov, _Magnetization Oscillations and Waves_ , vol. 1 (CRC Press, 1996), 1st ed. * Sparks et al. (1961) M. Sparks, R. Loudon, and C. Kittel, Phys. Rev. 122, 791 (1961). * Arias and Mills (1999) R. Arias and D. L. Mills, Phys. Rev. B 60, 7395 (1999). * Hurben and Patton (1998) M. J. Hurben and C. E. Patton, J. Appl. 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# Axion-like particle oscillations Francesca Chadha-Day ###### Abstract String theory compactifications may generate many light axion-like particles (ALPs) with weak couplings to electromagnetism. In general, a large number of ALPs may exist, with a linear combination having a potentially observable coupling to electromagnetism. The basis in which only one ALP couples to electromagnetism is in general misaligned with the mass basis. This leads to mixing between the ‘electromagnetic’ ALP and a number of ‘hidden’ ALPs that do not interact directly with the photon. The process is analagous to neutrino oscillations. I will discuss the phenomenological consequences of this mixing for astrophysical ALP signals, in particular showing that it may significantly reduce the predicted signal in experiments such as the CERN Axion Solar Telescope. ## 1 Introduction The existence of the QCD axion is well motivated by the strong CP problem [1, 2]. The QCD axion also arises in string theory models, along with a potentially large number of axion-like particles (ALPs) that do not couple directly to gluons [3, 4, 5, 6]. Significant experimental and theoretical effort has been dedicated to detecting these ALPs via their coupling to photons, either through astrophysical observations or through ground based experiments [7]. In particular, in the presence of a background magnetic field, ALPs and photons may interconvert, leading to striking and potentially detectable signatures [8]. Recent work has also explored the distinctive phenomenology of the string axiverse [9] in astrophysical and cosmological contexts - many ALPs with different masses. For example, string axiverse phenomenology has been studied in the context of black hole superradiance [10, 11] and the cosmology of ALP dark matter [12, 13]. The phenomenology of multiple axions or ALPs has also been studied in the context of inflation [14, 15], kinetic mixing between the QCD axion and ALPs [16], isocurvature perturbations [17], cosmic birefringence [18, 11] and decay of axion dark matter [19]. In this work, I will consider astrophysical string axiverse phenemenology in the context of electromagnetic detection of ALPs. As shown in [20], we can move to a basis in which a linear combination of ALPs couple to electromagnetism. The remaining ALPs are ‘hidden’ with no direct coupling to photons. I will show that this basis transformation leads to a mass mixing between the electromagnetic ALP and the hidden ALPs. This mixing may have a significant effect on a subset of ALP detection experiments. This paper is structured as follows. In section 2, I will introduce the Lagrangian for ALPs in the string axiverse. In section 3, I will consider moving to the electromagnetic basis, in which only one ALP couples directly to photons, and discuss ALP oscillations in this basis. In section 4, I will discuss the observational consequences of these oscillations. In section 5, I will conclude and discuss the implications of this work. ## 2 The String Axiverse We will consider a string axiverse scenario with $N$ axion fields $\phi^{i}$. Each $\phi^{i}$ would typically interact rather weakly with electromagnetism, but the combined effect of many such fields leads to a potentially observable coupling between the axion sector and the photon [20]. The $\phi^{i}$ also in general couple to gluons as $\mathcal{L}\supset g_{i}^{g}\phi^{i}G_{\mu\nu}\tilde{G}^{\mu\nu}$. We therefore have: $\begin{split}\mathcal{L}\supset\sum_{i}\Bigl{(}&-\frac{1}{2}\partial^{\mu}\phi^{i}\partial_{\mu}\phi^{i}-\frac{1}{2}m_{i}^{2}(\phi^{i})^{2}\\\ &-g^{\gamma}_{i}\phi^{i}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}-g^{g}_{i}\phi^{i}\tilde{G}^{\mu\nu}G_{\mu\nu}\Bigl{)}\end{split}$ (2.1) We will move to a basis in which only one field, $\phi_{\rm QCD}$, couples to gluons. This field is then the QCD axion [5]. The mass and coupling to photons of $\phi_{\rm QCD}$ are set by its interaction with the QCD sector, in particular by mixing with the neutral pion [21]. For the remaining fields, which do not couple to directly to gluons, their mass and coupling to photons are in principle independent parameters. We will therefore refer to these as axion-like particles or ALPs. Note that we are no longer in the mass basis, and so we expect some mixing between $\phi_{\rm QCD}$ and the other $\phi^{i}$. However, as the mass of the QCD axion is generated by QCD effects, we will assume that the QCD basis is approximately aligned with the mass basis, and therefore mass mixing between the QCD axion and the ALPs is negligible. We are free to choose a basis where the mass matrix for the ALPs is diagonal. We therefore have the ALP Lagrangian $\mathcal{L}\supset\sum_{i}\left(-\frac{1}{2}\partial^{\mu}\phi^{i}\partial_{\mu}\phi^{i}-\frac{1}{2}m_{i}^{2}(\phi^{i})^{2}-g^{\gamma}_{i}\phi^{i}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}\right),$ (2.2) where the $\phi_{i}$ have been redefined such that they are orthogonal to $\phi_{\rm QCD}$. In this paper, we will discuss the electromagnetic phenomenology of the Lagrangian in equation 2.2. The parameters $m_{i}$ and $g^{\gamma}_{i}$, as well as the total number of ALPs depend on the details of the string compactification. The purpose of this paper is therefore to draw attention to the high level of model dependence in interpreting and comparing different bounds on ALPs. ## 3 ALP oscillations in the electromagnetic basis As described in [20], we will now move to the electromagnetic basis in which only one ALP couples directly to $\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}$. Let this electromagnetic ALP be $\phi^{1}$. We then have $\phi^{1}=\frac{\sum_{i}g^{\gamma}_{i}\phi^{i}}{\sqrt{\sum_{i}{g^{\gamma}_{i}}^{2}}}.$ (3.1) We redefine the other ALP fields such that they are orthogonal to $\phi^{1}$. In this electromagnetic basis, the mass matrix is not diagonal. The Lagrangian is $\mathcal{L}\supset-\sum_{i}\frac{1}{2}\partial^{\mu}\phi^{i}\partial_{\mu}\phi^{i}-\sum_{i,j}\frac{1}{2}M_{ij}\phi^{i}\phi^{j}-g^{\gamma}\phi^{1}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu},$ (3.2) where $g^{\gamma}=\sqrt{\sum_{i}(g^{\gamma}_{i})^{2}}$. As shown in [20], $g^{\gamma}$ may be large enough to be observable. Note that $\phi_{1}$ now has a mass mixing with each of the other hidden ALPs. We may, however, choose a basis such that there is no mass mixing within the hidden ALP sector. Moving to the electromagnetic basis leads to oscillations between the electromagnetic ALP and the hidden ALPs. The effect is analagous to neutrino oscillations. This effect occurs when an ALP is produced via an electromagnetic process such as the Primakoff effect. In the case where ALP masses are negligible, as considered in [20], the produced ALP will be $\phi^{1}$ \- the linear combination of ALP fields that couple to electromagnetism. This is analagous to the fact that weak processes produce neutrinos in flavour eigenstates. However, $\phi^{1}$ is not a mass eigenstate, and therefore will oscillate into the hidden ALPs as it propagates. The transformation between the mass and electromagnetic bases is given by $\ket{\phi^{i}_{\rm mass}}=U_{ji}\ket{\phi^{j}_{\rm EM}},$ (3.3) where $U$ is a unitary matrix that includes the transformation in equation (3.1). In the ultra-relativistic limit, the mass eigenstates $\phi^{i}_{\rm mass}$ propagate as $\ket{\phi^{i}_{\rm mass}(L)}={\rm e}^{-i\frac{m_{i}^{2}L}{2E}}\ket{\phi^{i}_{\rm mass}(0)}$. Following the standard derivation for neutrino oscillations, if the probability of interconverting with the photon is negligible, the survival probability of the electromagnetic ALP $\ket{\phi^{1}_{\rm EM}}$ after propagating a distance $L$ in vacuum is then $P_{1\rightarrow 1}=|\braket{\phi^{1}_{\rm EM}(L)}{\phi^{1}_{\rm EM}(0)}|^{2}=\left|\sum_{i}U^{\star}_{1i}U_{1i}{\rm e}^{-i\frac{m_{i}^{2}L}{2E}}\right|^{2}.$ (3.4) This gives $P_{1\rightarrow 1}=1-4\sum_{i>j}|U_{1i}|^{2}|U_{1j}|^{2}{\rm sin}^{2}\left(\frac{\Delta m_{ij}^{2}L}{4E}\right),$ (3.5) where $\Delta m_{ij}^{2}\equiv m_{i}^{2}-m_{j}^{2}$. ## 4 The phenomenology of ALP oscillations Calculations of the phenomenology of the ALP-photon interaction have in general considered only one ALP coupled to photons, and have not considered the mass mixing between this electromagnetic ALP and any hidden ALPs. However, in some experiments this mass mixing may significantly affect the predicted signal. In particular, this effect is relevant in situations where an ALP is produced via an electromagnetic interaction and then propagates a large distance before being detected electromagnetically. In this case, we must take into account the probability that the electromagnetic ALP will oscillate into an undetectable hidden ALP. We will calculate the effect of mixing with hidden ALPs on the predicted ALP signal from the Cern Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) [22] and from the supernova SN1987A [23]. In both cases, we will assume that the QCD axion is too heavy to lead to a significant signal, such that only the ALPs are relevant. In models with a light QCD axion and an ALP coupled to electromagnetism, this would lead to an additional contribution to the signal. CAST seeks to detect axions and ALPs produced in the Sun via their interconversion with photons in a laboratory magnetic field. In the case of ALP production in the Sun via the ALP coupling to photons, the electromagnetic ALP produced may oscillate into a hidden ALP as it propagates towards Earth. As these hidden ALPs would produce no signal in CAST, we expect this effect to lead to a reduction in the predicted CAST signal for a given $g^{\gamma}$ when compared to the case with only a single ALP field with coupling $g^{\gamma}$ to photons and no hidden ALPs. The supernova SN1987A was observed in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud in 1987. Low mass ALPs would have been copiously produced in the supernova, primarily via their electromagnetic interaction. The produced ALPs would therefore again be the linear combination of light ALP fields that couple to photons. These ALPs would interconvert with photons in the Milky Way magnetic field, leading to the production of observable gamma rays. The non-observation of these gammas rays is used in [23] to place bounds on $g^{\gamma}$. However, if the electromagnetic ALP oscillates into a hidden ALP between the Large Magellanic cloud and the Milky Way, this hidden ALP would not mix with the photon in the Milky Way magnetic field, and hence the expected gamma ray signal for a given $g^{\gamma}$ would be reduced. Other observations would be much less sensitive to ALP oscillations into hidden ALPs. For example, ALP induced stellar cooling [24] is sensitive primarily to the production rate of ALPs, and will not be significantly affected if these ALPs subsequently oscillate into hidden ALPs. Similarly, ALP induced modulations in point source spectra [25, 26, 27] in the low conversion probability regime result primarily from photon to ALP conversion, and hence the effect of subsequent oscillations into hidden ALPs will be small. I will now turn to consider the expected ALP signal from CAST and from SN1987A in the case of a single hidden ALP and in the case of a large number of hidden ALPs. ### 4.1 The two ALP case We will first consider the case where there are only two ALPs with non- negligible coupling to photons. The Lagrangian in the mass basis is $\begin{split}\mathcal{L}\supset&-\frac{1}{2}\partial^{\mu}\phi_{1}\partial_{\mu}\phi_{1}-\frac{1}{2}\partial^{\mu}\phi_{2}\partial_{\mu}\phi_{2}\\\ &-\frac{1}{2}m_{1}^{2}\phi_{1}^{2}-\frac{1}{2}m_{2}^{2}\phi_{2}^{2}-g^{\gamma}_{1}\phi_{1}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}-g^{\gamma}_{2}\phi_{2}\tilde{F}^{\mu\nu}F_{\mu\nu}.\end{split}$ (4.1) We will now move to the basis where only one ALP couples to photons. The electromagnetic ALP is $\phi_{\gamma}=\frac{g^{\gamma}_{1}\phi_{1}+g^{\gamma}_{2}\phi_{2}}{\sqrt{{g^{\gamma}_{1}}^{2}+{g^{\gamma}_{2}}^{2}}}.$ (4.2) The hidden ALP is $\phi_{h}=\frac{g^{\gamma}_{2}\phi_{1}-g^{\gamma}_{1}\phi_{2}}{\sqrt{{g^{\gamma}_{1}}^{2}+{g^{\gamma}_{2}}^{2}}}.$ (4.3) The mass basis and the electromagnetic basis are related by $\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{1}\\\ \phi_{2}\\\ \end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}{\rm cos}\theta&-{\rm sin}\theta\\\ {\rm sin}\theta&{\rm cos}\theta\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{\gamma}\\\ \phi_{h}\end{pmatrix},$ (4.4) with $\theta={\rm cos}^{-1}\left(\frac{g_{1}^{\gamma}}{\sqrt{{g_{1}^{\gamma}}^{2}+{g_{2}^{\gamma}}^{2}}}\right).$ (4.5) In the absence of a background magnetic field (and therefore mixing with the photon), the probability of an electromagnetic ALP oscillating into a hidden ALP is $P_{\phi_{\gamma}\rightarrow\phi_{h}}={\rm sin}^{2}{2\theta}{\rm sin}^{2}\left(\frac{\Delta m^{2}L}{4E}\right),$ (4.6) where $\Delta m^{2}=m_{1}^{2}-m_{2}^{2}$, $L$ is the propagation length and $E$ is the ALP’s energy. This oscillation probability is exactly analogous to that for neutrino oscillations with two flavours. #### 4.1.1 CAST: The two ALP case The Cern Axion Solar Telescope (CAST) [22] seeks to observe axions and ALPs produced in the Sun by inducing their conversion to photons in a magnetic field on Earth. We will assume that $m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$ are both negligible compared to the temperature and effective photon mass in the Sun. In this case, Primakoff production in the Sun produces the state $\phi_{\gamma}$. There will be no significant Primakoff production of the hidden ALP as it has no direct coupling to photons. As described in [20], the production of the electromagnetic ALP in the Sun in this case will not be significantly altered from the case of a single mass eigenstate ALP with negligible mass and with coupling to photons $g^{\gamma}=\sqrt{{g_{1}^{\gamma}}^{2}+{g_{2}^{\gamma}}^{2}}$. As described above, ALPs produced electromagnetically in the Sun may oscillate into hidden ALPs as they travel to Earth, and therefore be unobservable to CAST. For a single hidden ALP, the electromagnetic ALP survival probability is given by $P_{\phi_{\gamma}\rightarrow\phi_{\gamma}}=1-{\rm sin}^{2}2\theta\frac{\int_{2\,{\rm keV}}^{7\,{\rm keV}}{\rm sin}^{2}\left(\frac{\Delta m^{2}L}{4E}\right)\frac{d\Phi_{a}}{dE}dE}{\int_{2\,{\rm keV}}^{7\,{\rm keV}}\frac{d\Phi_{a}}{dE}dE},$ (4.7) where $L$ is the Earth-Sun distance and $\frac{d\Phi_{a}}{dE}$ is the differential solar ALP flux as given in [22]. We integrate this flux over the CAST energy range of interest. The expected CAST signal will be reduced in proportion to $P_{\phi_{\gamma}\rightarrow\phi_{\gamma}}$. Note we have neglected the extremely small probability of ALP to photon conversion during propagation from the Sun to the Earth [28]. The resulting electromagnetic ALP survival probability is shown in Figure 1 for a mixing angle $\theta=\frac{\pi}{3}$ and a range of mass differences. We see that the expected CAST signal is significantly reduced for $\Delta m^{2}\gtrsim 10^{-14}\,{\rm eV}^{2}$. For $\Delta m^{2}\gtrsim 10^{-12}\,{\rm eV}^{2}$, oscillations in the survival probability are washed out by averaging over the ALP flux, and we have $P_{\phi_{\gamma}\rightarrow\phi_{\gamma}}\simeq 1-\frac{1}{2}{\rm sin}^{2}2\theta$. Figure 1: The survival probability for electromagnetic ALPs observed by CAST for a mixing angle $\theta=\frac{\pi}{3}$. #### 4.1.2 SN1987A: The two ALP case A similar effect may be seen in observations of ALPs from SN1987A, the 1987 supernova in the nearby Large Magellanic Cloud. ALPs would have been produced during the supernova via their interaction with the photon, and subsequently converted to gamma-rays in the Milky Way magnetic field. The non-observation of these gamma-rays has been used to place bounds on the ALP-photon coupling [23]. If the electromagnetic ALPs produced in the supernova oscillated into hidden ALPs between the Large Magellanic Cloud and the Milky Way, the gamma-ray signal would be correspondingly reduced. The electromagnetic ALP survival probability in the case of a single hidden ALP is shown in Figure 2. We again average over the differential axion flux as given in [23], which has typical energies $\mathcal{O}(100\,{\rm MeV})$. In this case, we have $P_{\phi_{\gamma}\rightarrow\phi_{\gamma}}\simeq 1-\frac{1}{2}{\rm sin}^{2}2\theta$ for $\Delta m^{2}\gtrsim 10^{-18}\,{\rm eV}^{2}$. Figure 2: The survival probability for electromagnetic ALPs travelling from the Large Magellanic Cloud to the Milky Way for a mixing angle $\theta=\frac{\pi}{3}$. ### 4.2 The many ALP case Let us now consider a situation where many ALP mass eigenstates have non- negligible coupling to electromagnetism, leading to many hidden ALPs. We will remain agnostic as to the specifics of the ALP mass spectrum. The electromagnetic ALP survival probability is then given by equation (3.5). In the long $L$ limit for any given $\Delta m_{ij}^{2}$, $L\gg\frac{4E_{0}}{\Delta m_{ij}^{2}}$, we obtain $\frac{\int{\rm sin}^{2}\left(\frac{\Delta m_{ij}^{2}L}{4E}\right)\frac{d\Phi_{a}}{dE}dE}{\int\frac{d\Phi_{a}}{dE}dE}\sim\frac{1}{2},$ (4.8) where $\frac{d\Phi_{a}}{dE}$ is the differential ALP flux of the source and $E_{0}$ is the average ALP energy. In the long $L$ limit for all $\Delta m_{ij}^{2}$, we therefore have an electromagnetic ALP survival probability $P_{1\rightarrow 1}\sim 1-2\sum_{i>j}|U_{1i}U_{1j}|^{2}.$ (4.9) Now, from the definition of the electromagnetic ALP we have $U_{1i}=\frac{g^{\gamma}_{i}}{\sqrt{\sum_{i}{g^{\gamma}_{i}}^{2}}},$ (4.10) giving $\begin{split}P_{1\rightarrow 1}&\sim 1-2\sum_{i>j}\left|\frac{g^{\gamma}_{i}g^{\gamma}_{j}}{\sum_{k}{g^{\gamma}_{k}}^{2}}\right|^{2}\\\ &=1-2\frac{\sum_{i>j}\left(g^{\gamma}_{i}g^{\gamma}_{j}\right)^{2}}{\sum_{i>j}\left(g^{\gamma}_{i}g^{\gamma}_{j}\right)^{2}+\sum_{j>i}\left(g^{\gamma}_{i}g^{\gamma}_{j}\right)^{2}+\sum_{i=j}\left(g^{\gamma}_{i}g^{\gamma}_{j}\right)^{2}},\end{split}$ (4.11) assuming the $g_{i}^{\gamma}$ are real. For large numbers of hidden ALPs, the third term in the denominator is negligible, and so we have $P_{1\rightarrow 1}\rightarrow 0$ for $L\gg\frac{4E_{0}}{\Delta m_{ij}^{2}}$. For CAST observations, this corresponds to $\Delta m_{ij}^{2}\gg 10^{-14}\,{\rm eV}^{2}$ for a large number of ALP mass eigenstates that contribute to the electromagnetic ALP. For observations of SN1987A, this corresponds to $\Delta m_{ij}^{2}\gg 5\times 10^{-20}\,{\rm eV}^{2}$ for a large number of ALP mass eigenstates that contribute to the electromagnetic ALP. ## 5 Discussion In string axiverse scenarios, the axion-like particle that mixes with the photon may not be a mass eigenstate but a linear combination of many mass eigenstate ALPs [20]. We have shown that this would lead to mass mixing between the electromagnetically coupled ALP and other ‘hidden’ ALPs that do not couple directly to electromagnetism. Depending on the parameters of the ALP fields, we have shown that the observational effects are potentially dramatic. Note that we have not included any additional interaction between the ALP fields - the effect is purely due to basis misalignment. We expect the most significant effects in settings where an ALP is produced electromagnetically and then travels a large distance before being (hopefully) detected electromagnetically. In these cases, mixing of the electromagnetic ALP with undetectable hidden ALPs during propagation may significantly reduce the expected signal. We have shown how this effect is applied to both helioscope and supernova bounds on the ALP-photon coupling. Where there is significant mixing between the electromagnetic and hidden ALPs, the bounds on $g^{\gamma}$ from these experiments could be substantially reduced. Further study of the effects of mixing with hidden ALPs on other search strategies such as stellar cooling and spectral modulations is required. However, there is no obvious mechanism for a dramatic reduction in signal strength in these cases. This means that oscillations with hidden ALPs could reconcile the possible observation of ALP induced modulations in galactic pulsar spectra with the bound on $g^{\gamma}$ from CAST [29, 30]. We also emphasise that this work does not apply to the QCD axion, whose mass and coupling to photons each derive in part from the coupling to QCD. An analogous effect could occur with other ALP couplings, for example the ALP- fermion coupling. In fact, the mass, electromagnetic coupling and fermion coupling bases may all be mutually misaligned. This could have interesting phenomenological consequences, particularly for effects where both the electromagnetic and fermionic couplings are relevant, such as considered in [31, 32]. We have shown that the phenomenology of a string axiverse may be quite different to that of a single ALP. We have shown here that mixing with hidden ALPs may lead to significant signal reductions in some experiments. More broadly, mass mixing in the string axiverse scenario means that bounds on $g^{\gamma}$ from different observations cannot be trivially compared. The interpretation of these bounds is highly model dependent. String axiverse phenomenology clearly warrants further study. ## Acknowledgements I am supported by Stephen Hawking Fellowship EP/T01668X/1 and STFC grant ST/P001246/1. I am very grateful to Sven Krippendorf for helpful comments on a draft of this paper. I further thank Rick Gupta, David J. E. Marsh, Jack Shergold and Jessica Turner for helpful discussions. ## References * [1] R. D. Peccei and H. R. Quinn, CP Conservation in the Presence of Instantons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38 (1977) 1440–1443. * [2] F. Wilczek, Problem of Strong $P$ and $T$ Invariance in the Presence of Instantons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 40 (1978) 279–282. * [3] J. P. Conlon, The QCD axion and moduli stabilisation, JHEP 05 (2006) 078, [hep-th/0602233]. * [4] P. Svrcek and E. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Francesca Chadha-Day", "submitter": "Francesca Chadha-Day", "url": "" }
# Adversarial Stacked Auto-Encoders for Fair Representation Learning Patrik Joslin Kenfack Adil Mehmood Khan Rasheed Hussain S.M. Ahsan Kazmi ###### Abstract Training machine learning models with the only accuracy as a final goal may promote prejudices and discriminatory behaviors embedded in the data. One solution is to learn latent representations that fulfill specific fairness metrics. Different types of learning methods are employed to map data into the fair representational space. The main purpose is to learn a latent representation of data that scores well on a fairness metric while maintaining the usability for the downstream task. In this paper, we propose a new fair representation learning approach that leverages different levels of representation of data to tighten the fairness bounds of the learned representation. Our results show that stacking different auto-encoders and enforcing fairness at different latent spaces result in an improvement of fairness compared to other existing approaches. Machine Learning, ICML ## 1 Introduction Representation learning has made a significant mark in the field of Machine Learning (ML) over the past decade. It has technologies that extract useful information or features from data to improve the classification or predictive performance of models, or even generate new synthetic realistic data. Several applications for different kind of tasks have emerged such as, machine translations (Baltrušaitis et al., 2018), anomalies detection (Rivera et al., 2020), objects and actions recognition (Papageorgiou & Poggio, 2000), etc. ML models are widely used in real life to make decisions that can affect people’s lives, e.g., loan applicant, college admission, criminal justice, hiring, etc. Models trained with biased data can lead to unfair decisions (Mehrabi et al., 2019). In fact, these models mainly rely on human-generated data to learn patterns that are then used to make predictions on the new unseen data. However, real-world data are already tainted by prejudices and unfair decisions (historical bias), which reflect the flaws of our society. Historical bias is one origin of algorithmic bias. Another source of algorithmic bias is the representation bias (Mehrabi et al., 2019). It arises when certain groups of the population are underrepresented within the data. For example, a facial recognition model trained with data containing considerably more white faces than black faces will tend to be less accurate when used on black faces. To this end, the algorithmic bias occurs when biases in the data are learned by the model and therefore lead to unfair decisions (Dwork et al., 2012; Kenfack et al., 2021; Hardt et al., 2016). One approach to mitigate the impact of biases from the data is the fair representation learning. With this technique, the input data is mapped into a new representation which is enforced to satisfy a given fairness metric while maintaining the utility of the representation as much as possible. The learned representation can then be used for any downstream task such as classification or data generation, with better chances of yielding fair results. Existing works by Madras et al.; Edwards & Storkey used adversarial learning to enforce the fairness of the representation with respect to statistical parity. They used an auto-encoder as a generator whose aim is to learn a latent space such that an adversary cannot predict the sensitive feature (gender, race, etc.) from the learned latent representation. In Madras et al., the authors proposed a learning objective for other fairness metrics such as equalized odds and equal opportunity (section 2) with theoretical bounds of fairness. This work builds on top of the previous works where we propose a fair representation learning approach based on adversarial stacked auto-encoders. However, our proposed approach leverages different level of representation of the input data to tighten the fairness bounds of the learned representation. In fact, the success of deep networks can be attributed to their ability to exploit the unknown structure in the input distribution to discover useful features at multiple levels. In this multi-level representations, the higher- level learned features are defined in terms of lower-level features (Bengio et al., 2013). For instance, Khan et al. Khan & Fraz showed that performing data augmentation in the feature space (and at different level of representation), can improve predictive performances of the neural network. Similarly, a generative model proposed by Huang et al. Huang et al. leveraged different level of representation to improve the quality of the generated images. Applying fairness at a given level does not guarantee that information about the sensitive attribute is removed, as it may not all be presented at the given level. In essence, we hypothesize that the above arguments may also be useful for improving fairness, which was confirmed by our empirical results. Intuitively, the main idea is to approach an optimal adversary via sequential learning in which one adversary is used to enforce fairness on a low-level representation. This low-level representation is then used as input for a higher-level representation on which another adversary is trained to enforce fairness on that representation by improving the previous adversary. The reminder of the paper is organized as follow. In Sections 2 and 3, we present related work and background, respectively. In Section 4, we introduce our fair representation learning approach that tightens the fairness bounds. In Section 5, we present empirical results which show the effectiveness of our learned representation on several real-life datasets. In Section 6, we conclude the paper. ## 2 Related Work Pre-processing techniques are used to mitigate biases from the data by enforcing a given fairness property while maintaining the utility of the predictions. The objective of fair representation learning is to learn a representation of the data that is most likely to produce fair results for downstream tasks. In (Zemel et al., 2013), the authors presented the first fair representation learning approach which removes dependencies on the sensitive attribute by mapping input data to new points called prototypes. Prior work in this direction focuses on statistical parity, equalized odds, and equal opportunities. The goal is to learn a representation that will remove all the dependencies in regards to the sensitive attribute from the training data, while retaining as much information as possible. In (Louizos et al., 2016), the authors proposed the Variational Fair Auto-Encoder (VFAE), a variant of variational auto- encoder that maps the input data into a latent space while discarding information about the sensitive attributes from the data as much as possible. Thus the sensitive attributes are treated as nuisance variable. To do this, the authors (i) used a factorized prior $p(z)p(s)$ where $z$ is the latent representation and $s$ is the sensitive attribute, and (ii) added a regularization term to encourage the independence between $z$ and $s$ using maximum mean discrepancy. In (Edwards & Storkey, 2015), the authors proposed an approach to learn fair representation using adversarial learning to enforce demographic parity. Similarly, in Beutel et al., the authors explored the particular fairness levels achieved by the algorithm from (Edwards & Storkey, 2015) and showed how other fairness metrics can be achieve by varying the distribution of the adversary’s input. Madras et al. Madras et al. extended the previous work by proposing adversarial objectives that yield fair and transferable representations that in turn admit fair classification outcomes. They provided adversarial objective functions for each fairness metric that upper bounds the unfairness of arbitrary downstream classifiers in the limit of adversarial training. In this work, we propose a new fair representation learning approach built upon previous works, which aims to improve the fairness of models through stacked adversarial learning. We enforce fairness at different levels of representation in order to tighten the fairness bounds of the final representation. ## 3 Background In this section, we introduce fairness notions used throughout this paper and concepts related to fair representation learning and adversarial learning. ### 3.1 Fairness Consider a training data $\mathcal{D}=\\{X,Y,S\\}$, where $x_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is the feature vector, $y_{i}\in\\{0,1\\}$ is the label, and $S$ is the binary protected attribute (e.g., gender, race, etc.). Learning a fair representation means mapping the input data $X$ into a new representation $X^{\prime}$ such that $X^{\prime}$ will satisfy one of the following fairness criteria: * • Statistical parity: It is also known as Demography parity ($\Delta_{DP}$). This fairness criteria promotes the independence between the predictor outcome ($\hat{Y}$ a function of $X^{\prime}$) and the sensitive attribute. $\hat{Y}\bot\;S$, i.e., a predictor satisfies the statistical parity if $P(\hat{Y}|S=0)=P(\hat{Y}|S=1)$ (Dwork et al., 2012). For example, a loan approval system will achieve statistical parity if it does not deny loans to men more often than to women. A drawback of this fairness criterion is that it allows unqualified applicants to be selected as long as the acceptance rate is the same for both groups. However, when the sensitive attribute correlates with the target variable, a drop in accuracy can be observed. * • Equalized Odds: In contrast to $\Delta_{DP}$, Equalized Odds ($EO$) promotes the conditional independence between the prediction outcome and the sensitive attribute given the class label ($\hat{Y}\bot S|Y$). A predictor outcome $\hat{Y}$ trained with $X^{\prime}$ satisfies EO if $P(\hat{Y}=y|S=0,Y=y)=P(\hat{Y}=y|S=1,Y=y),\forall y\in\\{0,1\\}$. In other words the False Positive Rate (FPR) and the True Positive Rate (TPR) of groups should be the same. One advantage of equalized odds is that it admits the perfect model $\hat{Y}=Y$ (Hardt et al., 2016; Verma & Rubin, 2018). * • Equal opportunity: Similar to EO, Equal opportunity (EOpp) only considers the case where $Y=1$ ($\hat{Y}\bot S|Y=1$). A predictor outcome $\hat{Y}$ satisfies EOpp if $P(\hat{Y}=1|S=0,Y=1)=P(\hat{Y}=1|S=1,Y=1)$. In other words, groups should have the same TPR. It is worth noting that the predictor trained with fairness constraints are less accurate than the ones trained without it (Kamishima et al., 2011). Thus fairness comes at the expense of accuracy. A desired property is to provide fair representation with lower fairness accuracy trade-off. ### 3.2 Adversarial Learning Inspired by the game theory, adversarial learning consists of two neural networks (generator and discriminator) trained in an adversarial manner. The generator’s ($G$) goal is to fool the discriminator ($D$) by sampling as realistic examples as possible such the discriminator –which the goal is to distinguish between fake samples and real samples–, will not be able to make the difference between examples $G(z)$ sampled from $G$ using the random noise vector $z$ and real examples $x$. Thus, $G$ and $D$ play a min-max game with value function $V(G,D)$: $\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \underset{G}{\mathrm{min}}\>\underset{D}{\mathrm{max}}\>V(D,G)=\;&\mathbb{E}_{x\sim p_{data}(x)}[\mathrm{log}\>D(x)]\\\ &+\mathbb{E}_{z\sim p_{z}}[1-\mathrm{log}\>D(G(z))]\end{aligned}\end{split}$ (1) where $D$ seeks to maximize this quantity while $G$ seeks to minimize it. ## 4 Methods Figure 1: Adversarial Stacked Auto-Encoders architecture In this section, we describe the architecture of our proposed model and the training procedure. Figure 1 presents an overview of the architecture and the training process. ### 4.1 Model Architecture Our main idea is to stack different Encoders ($E_{i}$), Decoders ($D_{i}$), classifier $f_{i}$, and adversary ($h_{i}$), in order to get different levels of representation of the input data. The intuition here is that, different level of representation can exhibit different details of information from the data. Enforcing fairness at a given level does not guarantee that fairness bounds are tight enough, unless the adversary is an optimal one, which may not be available in non-convex settings. Our goal is to approach this optimal adversary in an incremental may. At a each level $i$, we have different components: the learned representation $z_{i}$ yielded by the encoder $E_{i}$, the corresponding decoded representation $z^{\prime}_{i}$ produced by the decoder $D_{i}$, the adversary network $f_{i}$ that enforces the fairness of that representation and the predictor network $h_{i}$ that enforces the utility of the representation. $z_{0}$ represents the input data $X$, and $z^{\prime}_{0}$ the final reconstructed output ($X^{\prime}$). The overall loss at each level $i$ is defined as the linear combination of three loss terms: the reconstruction loss ($\mathcal{L}^{rec}_{E_{i},D_{i}}$), the adversary loss ($\mathcal{L}^{adv}_{f_{i}}$) and the predictor loss ($\mathcal{L}^{adv}_{h_{i}}$): $\mathcal{L}(G_{i},D_{i},f_{i},h_{i})=\alpha\mathcal{L}^{rec}_{E_{i},D_{i}}+\beta\mathcal{L}^{Adv}_{f_{i}}+\gamma\mathcal{L}^{Class}_{h_{i}}$ (2) In the above equation, $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ are the weights associated with each loss. Thus, $\mathcal{L}^{rec}_{E_{i},D_{i}}$ is the loss of reconstructing the encoded representation $z_{i}$ by the decoder $D_{i}$. For the reconstruction loss we use the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE): $\mathcal{L}^{rec}_{E_{i},D_{i}}=\frac{1}{|X|}||z^{\prime}_{i}-D_{i}(E_{i}(z_{i-1}))||^{2}_{2}$. The adversarial loss is to enforce the representation to satisfy certain fairness constraint. For instance, to satisfy statistical parity, the adversary loss is defined as cross entropy loss: $\mathcal{L}^{adv}_{f_{i}}=\frac{1}{|X|}\sum_{s,\hat{s}\in S,\hat{S}}s\cdot\mathrm{log}(\hat{s}+(1-s)\cdot\mathrm{log}(1-\hat{s}))$ (3) The adversary network at the level $i$ tries to minimize the loss of predicting the sensitive attribute $S$ from the encoded representation $z_{i}$, while the predictor and the generator (typically auto encoder) try to maximize it. The losses of predictor and adversary can be defined as cross entropy loss or using loss functions proposed in (Madras et al., 2018) to satisfy equalized odds and equal opportunities. Thus at each level, we have the following min-max problem: $\underset{G_{i},D_{i},h_{i}}{\mathrm{min}}\;\underset{f_{i}}{\mathrm{max}}\;\mathcal{L}(G_{i},D_{i},f_{i},h_{i})$ (4) To have a different representation at each level, we vary the dimension of each latent space, from higher to lower dimensions ($|z_{i}|>|z_{i+1}|$). ### 4.2 Model training At a given level $i$, we realize the classifier, auto-encoders and adversary as neural networks and alternate gradient decent and ascent steps to optimize their parameters according to 4. First the encoder-classifier-decoder takes a gradient step to minimize $\mathcal{L}$ (Equation 4) while the adversary $f_{i}$ is fixed, then $f_{i}$ takes a step to maximize $\mathcal{L}$ with fixed auto encoder and classifier. We use a relaxation of adversary objectives proposed by (Madras et al., 2018; Beutel et al., 2017), i.e., to achieve Equalized Odds, in addition to the latent space $z$, we passed the class label $Y$ to the adversary. To achieve Equal Opportunity, the loss function (Eq 4) is computed only using samples where $Y=0$. The training is performed sequentially, starting with an initial latent representation $z_{1}$ trained using the input data. During the first training, the adversary $f_{1}$ enforces fairness (typically $\Delta_{DP}$, $\Delta_{EO}$, or $\Delta_{EOpp}$) of the lower level representation $z_{1}$. Afterwards, a new latent space of lower dimension $z_{2}$ (higher level representation) is stacked, and uses the pre-trained representation $z_{1}$ as input. The number of stacked layers on which the fairness constraints are imposed depends on the depth of the neural network and are specified as a hyper parameter. In the experiments, we used a Multi Layers Perceptron (MLP) network for the encoder and decoder with one hidden layer. Initially, fairness is applied on the hidden layer ($z_{1}$), then the output layer (latent space) is stacked and used as the final representation ($z_{2}$). In the testing phase, we get rid of all the decoders, adversaries, and classifiers. Only the encoders are used to map the input data into the fair space. ## 5 Experiments (a) German Dataset (b) Adult Dataset Figure 2: Accuracy-fairness trade-offs of classification tasks on the German (first row) and Adult (second rows) datasets. Our learned representation always lower bounds the fairness results of the representation learned by vanilla approach (LAFR). It shows that the fairness bounds of our approach is more tight. However, we can observe a slight decrease in accuracy compared to other representations. We present experiments on two standard real world datasets widely used for fair classification as suitable benchmarks to compare the performance of different machine learning methods: The Adult Income dataset (Asuncion & Newman, 2007) has 48843 instances of demographic information of American adults, described with 14 features. The target variable indicates whether individual’s income is larger than 50K US dollars. The German credit dataset (Jeff et al., ) has 1000 instances of bank account information represented by 20 features with the aim to classify bank account holders into credit class good or bad. For both datasets, we use gender as the single protected (sensitive) attribute. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach compared to standard fair representation learning techniques. The standard (vanilla) approach is fair representation learning with fairness applied only to one latent space. ### 5.1 Fair Classification Figure 2 shows the fairness results of the MLP trained with the representation obtained by our approach compared to the representation produced by the vanilla approach (Learning Adversarial Fair Representation $-$ LAFR) and MLP trained with original input data (MLP-unfair). For the vanilla approach, we used a network architecture with one hidden layer of 20 units, and latent space of 8 units for Adult dataset, 15 hidden units and 8 output units for the German dataset. We trained models with the same architecture using LAFR approach and our approach with two levels of representation, i.e., we trained an adversary on the hidden layer and then stacked the output layer and trained another adversary on it. We used single-hidden-layer neural networks for each of our classifier and adversary with 20 hidden units. The equation 4 is optimized using Adam optimizer (Kingma & Ba, 2014) with learning rate of $0.01$, a batch size of 64, trained for 150 epochs for Adult dataset and 1000 for the German credit. We run the experiment seven times with different values of $\beta$ $(1,2,3,5,15)$, with $\alpha=0$ and $\gamma=1$. Similar to the process used by Madras et al., we created a feed-forward model which consisted of our frozen, adversarially-learned encoders followed by an MLP with one hidden layer, with a loss function of cross entropy with no fairness modifications. We reported the mean over all runs per $\beta$ and we used a validation procedure to evaluate. The results shows that representation produced by our model always lower bounds the fairness of standard approaches. This shows that our approach provides tighter fairness bounds. However, since the main objective of our work is to improve the fairness, a decrease in accuracy is observed compared to the standard approach, which we attribute to the trade-off between fairness and accuracy. ### 5.2 Classification on Downstream Tasks Table 1: Comparison of $\Delta_{DP}$ on classification tasks using logistic regression and random forest model on Adult and German datasets Model | Unfair | LAFR | Ours ---|---|---|--- Adult Logistic Regression | 0.53$\pm$ 0.008 | 0.51$\pm$ 0.009 | 0.21$\pm$ 0.004 Random Forest | 0.54$\pm$ 0.001 | 0.49$\pm$ 0.001 | 0.25$\pm$ 0.007 German Logistic Regression | 0.36$\pm$ 0.08 | 0.33$\pm$ 0.09 | 0.08$\pm$ 0.04 Random Forest | 0.27$\pm$ 0.03 | 0.23$\pm$ 0.06 | 0.11$\pm$ 0.05 Learning fair representation is a model-agnostic approach to mitigate unfairness, i.e., the learned representation can be used for any downstream task and not only for neural network based models. We tested linear and non- linear models on representation produced by our model and standard approach. We trained the representation using the network architecture described in previous section, without hyper-parameter tuning and using $\alpha=0$, $\beta=1$, $\gamma=1$. We also trained models on the original dataset without fairness constraints. Table 1 shows $\Delta_{DP}$ reported from 5-fold cross validations on Adult and German datasets. Results shows that the representation produced by our model also provides better fairness performances when trained using classical machine leaning algorithms such as Linear Regression and Random Forest. We observed similar results for other fairness metrics (EO, EOpp). ## 6 Conclusion In this paper, we showed that applying fairness at different levels of representation improves the fairness performance of the learned representation. In this regard, we proposed an adversarial stacked auto- encoder architecture which expose different level of representation of the input data, on which several adversary networks are trained sequentially to tighten the fairness bounds of the final representation (lowest level representation). Our empirical results show that this approach outperforms standard adversarial fair representation learning approach in terms of fairness. Intuitively, our learning process lead to learning an optimal adversary in incremental way. However, stabilizing adversarial training of fair representations remains an important issue that we plan to address in our future work. ## References * Asuncion & Newman (2007) Asuncion, A. and Newman, D. Uci machine learning repository, 2007. * Baltrušaitis et al. (2018) Baltrušaitis, T., Ahuja, C., and Morency, L.-P. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Patrik Joslin Kenfack, Adil Mehmood Khan, Rasheed Hussain, S.M. Ahsan\n Kazmi,", "submitter": "Patrik Joslin Kenfack", "url": "" }
# Exploring the Interdependencies Between Transmit Waveform Ambiguity Function Shape and Off-Axis Bearing Estimation ††thanks: This research was supported by ONR grant N0001421WX00843 Matthew D. Tidwell Sensors and Sonar Systems Department Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, RI, USA [email protected] David A. Hague Sensors and Sonar Systems Department Naval Undersea Warfare Center Newport, RI, USA [email protected] ###### Abstract The frequency dependent beampatterns of an active sonar projector filters the acoustic signal that is transmitted into the medium, also known as the transmit waveform. This filtering encodes information about the target’s bearing relative to the main response axis. For any given projector and transmit waveform spectrum, there exists an optimal angle of operation which maximizes the Fisher Information (FI) of the target bearing estimate. Previous investigations into this phenomena show that for narrowband (i.e, high $Q$) Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) waveforms, the angle of maximum FI is solely determined by its center frequency $f_{c}$. Steering the region of maximum bearing estimation precision is then achieved by appropriate selection of the LFM waveform’s center frequency $f_{c}$. This fine bearing estimation is accomplished without steering the projector’s main response axis. In addition to LFM waveforms, a wide variety of other active sonar waveform types exist that possess distinct spectral characteristics. These other waveforms possess different Ambiguity Function (AF) shapes from the LFM and are typically utilized to suite the range-Doppler resolution requirements of the active sonar system. This paper investigates the transmit waveform impact on off-axis bearing estimation performance and the spectral filtering impact on the waveform’s AF shape. High $Q$ waveforms perform similarly to the LFM for off- axis bearing estimation while the transducer’s spectral filtering perturbs the waveform’s AF shape. ###### Index Terms: Active Sonar, Waveform Design, Fisher Information, Cramer-Rao Lower Bound, Multi-Tone Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation ## I Introduction Increased target localization precision is a primary goal of active sonar systems. Traditional systems increase localization precision by narrowing the beam of the projected acoustic energy to ensonify as small a region as possible. Beamwidth decreases as the ratio of aperture to the wavelength increases. This results in increased localization precision but requires increasing the operating frequency and/or aperture of the system. Increasing frequency will also increase propagation loss underwater while aperture is typically limited by the sonar platform’s size. Improving localization precision while mitigating the practical constraints of traditional narrow- beam systems is an open engineering challenge. The authors of [1], [2], and [3] investigated the behavior of echolocating mammals such as bats and dolphins which have exhibited angular resolution more precise than their respective beamwidths. Yovel et al. observed Egyptian fruit bats alternating their sonar beam aim to either side of a landing platform rather than directly at it [1]. They found that the observed beam angle relative to the platform maximized the gradient of broadband acoustic intensity as a function of angle. This in turn maximizes the Fisher Information (FI) in a simple scalar signal model. The FI quantifies the curvature or sharpness of the log likelihood function for a given noise model [4]. This curvature determines the precision achievable by any unbiased estimator of the unknown parameter. The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) on the variance of any unbiased estimator is the inverse of the FI [4]. Arditi et al. expanded on Yovel et al.’s model to investigate how increasing the bat’s mouth gape angle as well as the bandwidth of the transmitted signal affected this beam angle of maximum FI [1]. Kloepper et al. offered a more complete FI analysis including the impact of the signal spectrum, transducer response, and unknown echo amplitude [3]. The aforementioned efforts [1, 2, 3] took a waveform analysis approach by finding where the FI was maximized given a fixed transducer model and transmit waveform spectrum. Recent work by Tidwell and Buck [5] took a waveform synthesis approach where the FI was maximized given a fixed transducer model but varying transmit waveform spectrum. They showed that for high $Q$ (i.e, narrowband) Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) waveforms, its center frequency $f_{c}$ solely determined the angle at which the FI was maximized for the off- axis bearing estimation problem. Ref [5] utilized the LFM waveform, as many sonar systems do, due to its simple spectral structure and ease of implementation. However, a wide variety of sonar waveform types exist [6] that possess distinct spectral characteristics. These waveforms may be utilized because their Ambiguity Function (AF) suites the target time-delay (range) and Doppler (velocity) estimation precision requirements [6, 7] of the active sonar system. This raises the intriguing question of whether the fine bearing estimates derived from [3, 5] may behave differently when transmitting a waveform with a more general spectral structure. Additionally, it is likely that the sonar projector’s frequency dependent filtering will also have an adverse impact on the waveform’s AF shape degrading the waveform’s ability to estimate and resolve target time-delay and Doppler. This paper takes a first step in addressing these questions by investigating both the transmit waveform impact on bearing estimation performance and the spectral filtering impact on the waveform’s AF shape. This research makes extensive use of the Multi-Tone Sinusoidal Frequency Modulated (MTSFM) waveform model, which is capable of synthesizing novel transmit waveforms with a broad array of AF shapes [8, 9, 10]. High $Q$ MTSFM waveforms perform similarly to the LFM for off-axis bearing estimation with some carrier frequency offsetting which can be compensated for using the MTSFM waveform model. The transducer’s spectral filtering perturbs the waveform’s AF shape, particularly the AF’s sidelobe structure. The rest of this paper is organized as follows: Section II gives an overview of the waveform signal model, off- axis bearing estimation, and the MTSFM waveform model. Section III evaluates MTSFM waveforms using a similar method to that described in [5] and compares off-axis bearing estimation performance as well as the impact of the transducer’s spectral filtering on the waveform’s AF shape. Finally, Section IV concludes the paper. ## II Signal Model This section gives an overview of the waveform signal model, off-axis bearing estimation, and the MTSFM waveform model. A bistatic active sonar system radiates acoustic energy into the medium via a directional electroacoustic transducer. The projected energy ensonifies a point scatterer and the return echo signal is measured using an omindirectional hydrophone. The range and velocity of the target are estimated from the time delay between the transmitted signal and received echo and the Doppler frequency shift of the received echo, respectively [6]. The target’s angular location is estimated based on the filtering the received echo undergoes due to the frequency dependent beampatterns of the projector. ### II-A The FM Waveform Model and the Ambiguity Function The FM waveform $s\left(t\right)$ is modeled as a complex analytic signal with unit energy and duration $T$ defined over the interval $-T/2\leq t\leq T/2$. The waveform is expressed in the time domain as $s\left(t\right)=\frac{\operatorname{rect}\left(\frac{t}{T}\right)}{\sqrt{T}}e^{j\varphi\left(t\right)}e^{2\pi f_{c}t}$ (1) where $f_{c}$ is the waveform’s carrier frequency, $\varphi\left(t\right)$ is the waveform’s phase modulation function, and $\operatorname{rect}\left(\frac{t}{T}\right)$ is the rectangular amplitude tapering function normalized by the square root of the waveform’s duration $T$ to ensure unit energy. The waveform’s instantaneous frequency is solely determined by its modulation function and is expressed as $m\left(t\right)=\dfrac{1}{2\pi}\dfrac{\partial\varphi\left(t\right)}{\partial t}.$ (2) This signal model assumes a Matched Filter (MF) receiver is used to process target echoes. The MF, also known as a correlation receiver, is the optimal detection receiver for a known signal embedded in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) [7, 6]. In a simple system where the receiver utilizes the transmit waveform as its MF, the MF will only be matched exactly to the target echo signal when that target is stationary relative to the system platform. Targets with non-zero radial velocity known as range-rate $\dot{r}$ with respect to the system platform introduce a Doppler effect to the echo signal. The general Doppler effect for broadband transmit waveforms compresses or expands the waveform in the time domain when the target is closing ($\dot{r}$ is positive) or receding ($\dot{r}$ is negative) respectively. The Broadband Ambiguity Function (BAF) measures the response of the waveform’s MF to its Doppler scaled versions and is defined as [6] $\displaystyle\chi\left(\tau,\eta\right)=\sqrt{\eta}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}s\left(t\right)s^{*}\left(\eta\left(t+\tau\right)\right)dt$ (3) where $\tau$ represents time-delay and $\eta$ is the Doppler scaling factor expressed as $\displaystyle\eta=\left(\dfrac{1+\dot{r}/c}{1-\dot{r}/c}\right)$ (4) where $c$ is the speed of propagation in the medium. The BAF is the general model for analyzing the Doppler effect of broadband waveforms. The quality factor $Q$ is a common measure of how broadband or narrowband a waveform is and is expressed as $\displaystyle Q=\dfrac{f_{c}}{\Delta f}$ (5) where $\Delta f$ is the waveform’s swept bandwidth. A higher $Q$ translates to an increasingly narrowband waveform. When $Q$ is considered large (i.e, $\geq 5$) and the ratio $\frac{\dot{r}}{c}$ is small, the Doppler effect is well approximated as a narrowband shift in the spectral content of the transmit waveform. This is modeled by the Narrowband Ambiguity Function (NAF) which measures the response of the MF to the waveform’s Doppler shifted versions and is defined as [7] $\displaystyle\chi\left(\tau,\nu\right)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}s\left(t\right)s^{*}\left(t+\tau\right)e^{j2\pi\nu t}dt$ (6) where $\nu$ is the doppler shift expressed as $\nu=\frac{2\dot{r}}{c}f_{c}$. While the BAF encompasses a more general model for the response of a waveform’s MF to echos undergoing a Doppler effect, this paper focuses on narrowband transmit waveforms and thus the NAF is an appropriate measure of the waveform’s MF output. Going forward, this paper will refer to the NAF as simply the AF with the implication that the narrowband AF model is being employed. Jointly estimating the time-delay and Doppler shift from a single target embedded in AWGN is performed by choosing the peak of the output of a bank of MF’s tuned to different Doppler shifts. The time-delay and Doppler corresponding to the peak MF output is taken as the target’s time-delay and Doppler estimate. For the case of a single target embedded in AWGN, the CRLB on the estimation variances for time-delay and Doppler are [6, 7] $\text{var}\left(\hat{\tau}\right)\geq\left(\dfrac{1+SNR}{SNR^{2}}\right)\left(\dfrac{\tau_{rms}^{2}}{\beta_{rms}^{2}\tau_{rms}^{2}-\gamma}\right)$ (7) $\text{var}\left(\hat{\nu}\right)\geq\left(\dfrac{1+SNR}{SNR^{2}}\right)\left(\dfrac{\beta_{rms}^{2}}{\beta_{rms}^{2}\tau_{rms}^{2}-\gamma}\right)$ (8) where SNR is the signal to noise ratio at the output of the MF, $\tau_{rms}^{2}$ is the waveform’s Root Mean Square (RMS) pulse-length, $\beta_{rms}^{2}$ is the waveform’s RMS bandwidth, and $\gamma$ is the Range- Doppler Coupling Factor (RDCF). The RMS bandwidth, pulse-length, and RDCF are expressed respectively as [6, 7] $\displaystyle\beta_{rms}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=4\pi^{2}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}\left(f-f_{0}\right)^{2}|S\left(f\right)|^{2}df,$ (9) $\displaystyle\tau_{rms}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=4\pi^{2}\int_{\Omega_{t}}\left(t-t_{0}\right)^{2}|s\left(t\right)|^{2}dt,$ (10) $\displaystyle\gamma$ $\displaystyle=-4\pi^{2}\mathbb{I}\Biggl{\\{}\int_{\Omega_{t}}tm\left(t\right)dt\Biggr{\\}}$ (11) where $f_{0}$ is the waveform’s spectral centroid $\langle f\rangle$, $t_{0}$ is the first time moment $\langle t\rangle$ of the the waveform, $S\left(f\right)$ is the waveform’s Fourier transform, and $\Omega_{t}$ represents the region of support in time of the waveform. These three parameters are a function of the envelope and modulation function characteristics of the waveform [7]. Designing a waveform with $\gamma=0$ will minimize the variance on the joint time-delay and Doppler estimates. ### II-B Off-Axis Bearing Estimation This paper focuses on estimating the target’s angular location via the filtering the received echo undergoes from the frequency dependent beampatterns of the projector transducer. The beamwidth of the transducer’s Main Response Axis (MRA) generally decreases as frequency increases and is equivalent to an angle dependent spectral filter. This filter’s frequency response encodes information about the direction of the signal relative to the MRA. Arditi et al. derived the maximum likelihood estimator for the unknown target bearing in [2] as the bearing whose corresponding expected received signal produces the largest normalized correlation with the actual received signal. The received signals are described by a linear model with range of frequencies $f_{1},...,f_{N}$ $\displaystyle\begin{bmatrix}y_{1}(\theta)\\\ y_{2}(\theta)\\\ \vdots\\\ y_{N}(\theta)\\\ \end{bmatrix}$ $\displaystyle=a\begin{bmatrix}S_{1}b(f_{1},\theta)\\\ S_{2}b(f_{2},\theta)\\\ \vdots\\\ S_{N}b(f_{N},\theta)\\\ \end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}w_{1}\\\ w_{2}\\\ \vdots\\\ w_{N}\\\ \end{bmatrix}$ (12) $\displaystyle\boldsymbol{y}$ $\displaystyle=a\ \boldsymbol{h}+\boldsymbol{w}\ ,$ where $\theta$ is the target bearing relative to the beam’s main axis, $y_{i}(\theta)$ is the received signal at frequency $f_{i}$, $a$ is the unknown amplitude of the received signal echo due to both geometric spreading and unknown target strength, which is assumed to be independent of frequency. The quantity $S_{i}=S(f_{i})$ is the transmitted signal at frequency $f_{i}$, $b(f_{i},\theta)$ is the beampattern evaluated at frequency $f_{i}$ and bearing $\theta$, and $w_{i}$ is statistically independent AWGN with equal power ($\sigma^{2}$) across all frequencies [3]. The CRLB on the variance of the bearing estimate inferred from this model is a natural metric for the performance of the system. Reference [3] defines the CRLB on the bearing estimate as: $\textrm{var}(\hat{\theta})\geq\begin{bmatrix}\boldsymbol{J}^{-1}(\theta,a)\end{bmatrix}_{11}=\biggl{(}\textrm{SNR}\ \left\lVert\frac{\partial\boldsymbol{h}}{\partial\theta}\right\rVert^{2}\ \sin^{2}(\psi)\biggr{)}^{-1},$ (13) where J is the Fisher Information matrix, SNR = $(a/\sigma)^{2}$, $\left\lVert\cdot\right\rVert$ is the Euclidean norm, and $\psi$ is the principal angle between $\boldsymbol{h}$ and $\partial\boldsymbol{h}/\partial\theta$ [11]. The reciprocal of (13) is referred to as bearing FI for convenience. ### II-C Multi-Tone Sinusoidal Frequency Modulation The MTSFM waveform is synthesized by representing the modulation function (2) as a Fourier series expansion. The modulation function is expressed in terms of even and odd symmetric harmonics as $\displaystyle m\left(t\right)$ $\displaystyle=m_{e}\left(t\right)+m_{o}\left(t\right)$ (14) $\displaystyle=\frac{a_{0}}{2}+\sum_{k=1}^{K}a_{k}\cos\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right)+b_{k}\sin\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right).$ (15) where $m_{e}\left(t\right)$ and $m_{o}\left(t\right)$ are respectively the even and odd symmetric components of the Fourier series expansion $\displaystyle m_{e}\left(t\right)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{a_{0}}{2}+\sum_{k=1}^{K}a_{k}\cos\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right),$ (16) $\displaystyle m_{o}\left(t\right)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{k=1}^{K}b_{k}\sin\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right).$ (17) Integrating with respect to time and multiplying by $2\pi$ yields the phase modulation function of the waveform expressed as $\displaystyle\varphi\left(t\right)$ $\displaystyle=\varphi_{e}\left(t\right)+\varphi_{o}\left(t\right)$ (18) $\displaystyle=\pi a_{0}t+\sum_{k=1}^{K}\alpha_{k}\sin\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right)-\beta_{k}\cos\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right)$ (19) where $\alpha_{k}$ and $\beta_{k}$ are the MTSFM waveform’s modulation indices and $\varphi_{e}\left(t\right)$ and $\varphi_{o}\left(t\right)$ are the instantaneous phase functions derived from the even and odd modulation functions (16) and (17) $\displaystyle\varphi_{e}\left(t\right)$ $\displaystyle=\pi a_{0}t+\sum_{k=1}^{K}\alpha_{k}\sin\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right),$ (20) $\displaystyle\varphi_{o}\left(t\right)$ $\displaystyle=-\sum_{k=1}^{K}\beta_{k}\sin\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right)$ (21) The even/odd modulation functions are explicitly defined here because MTSFM waveforms with either even or odd symmetry in their modulation functions have distinct spectral characteristics which will be discussed later in the paper. Inserting (19) into the waveform signal model (1) yields the MTSFM waveform time-domain representation $s\left(t\right)=\dfrac{\operatorname{rect}\left(t/T\right)}{\sqrt{T}}\times\\\ \exp\Biggl{\\{}j\sum_{k=1}^{K}\alpha_{k}\sin\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right)-\beta_{k}\cos\left(\frac{2\pi kt}{T}\right)\Biggr{\\}}.$ (22) The modulation indices $\alpha_{k}$ and $\beta_{k}$ act as a discrete set of parameters that may be adjusted to synthesize novel waveform designs. The MTSFM waveform was first used in [9] to represent the modulation function of a family of Doppler sensitive waveforms. More recently, efforts in [8] and [10] have defined optimization methods to design MTSFM waveforms with very specific and unique characteristics. The MTSFM waveform in (22) can also be defined as a complex Fourier series expansion $\displaystyle s\left(t\right)=\dfrac{\operatorname{rect}\left(t/T\right)}{\sqrt{T}}\sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty}c_{m}e^{j\frac{2\pi mt}{T}}e^{j\pi a_{0}t}.$ (23) The complex Fourier coefficients are expressed in exact closed form in terms of three types of Generalized Bessel Functions (GBF) depending on the symmetry of the waveform’s modulation function [8] $c_{m}=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}\mathcal{J}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{\alpha_{k},-j\beta_{k}\\}\right),&\varphi\left(t\right)\\\ \mathcal{J}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{\alpha_{k}\\}\right),&\varphi_{e}\left(t\right)\\\ \mathcal{J}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{-\beta_{k}\\},\\{-j^{k}\\}\right),&\varphi_{o}\left(t\right)\\\ \end{array}\right.$ (24) where $\mathcal{J}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{\alpha_{k},-j\beta_{k}\\}\right)$ is the $K$-dimensional GBF of the mixed-type, $\mathcal{J}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{\alpha_{k}\\}\right)$ is the cylindrical $K$-dimensional GBF, and $\mathcal{I}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{-j\beta_{k}\\}\right)$ is the $K$-dimensional Modified GBF (M-GBF) [12]. The various forms of GBFs are K-dimensional generalizations of the standard 1-dimensional Bessel functions and share many of their fundamental properties [13]. This representation of the MTSFM readily admits a closed-form expression for the MTSFM’s spectrum which is expressed as [8] $S\left(f\right)=\sqrt{T}\times\\\ \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty}\mathcal{J}_{m}^{1:K}\left(\\{\alpha_{k},-j\beta_{k}\\}\right)\operatorname{sinc}\left[\pi T\left(f-\frac{m}{T}\right)\right].$ (25) The complex Fourier series representation of the MTSFM waveform in (24) and (25) also readily allows for deriving closed-form expressions for its AF [8]. The MTSFM waveform naturally possesses a constant envelope and the vast majority of its energy will be densely concentrated in its swept bandwidth $\Delta f$ [8]. These two properties are necessary for efficient transmission on practical piezo-electric transducers [14]. Figure 1 shows the spectrogram, spectrum, and GBF coefficients for MTSFM waveforms employing even and odd symmetry in their modulation functions. Both waveforms utilize the same $K=32$ coefficients used in the illustrative design example shown in [8]. However, each waveform utilizes a different set of harmonics in their respective modulation functions. The first waveform (left panels of the figure) possesses a modulation function composed soley of cosine harmonics and exhibits even-symmetry in time. The second waveform (right panels of the figure) possesses a modulation function composed of sine harmonics soley and exhibits odd-symmetry in time. The symmetry of the modulation function has a profound impact on the symmetry of the resulting waveform’s spectrum. The first waveform’s even-symmetric modulation function results in a non-symmetric spectrum whereas the second waveform’s odd- symmetric modulation function results in an even-symmetric spectrum. These spectral characteristics of these waveforms are directly related to the symmetry of the GBF coefficients that represent each waveform’s spectrum. The symmetry in the waveform’s modulation function also has a profound impact of the waveform’s ability to jointly estimate a target’s time-delay and Doppler and can be directly analyzed via $\gamma$ in (11). Any waveform with an even- symmetric modulation function will possess a RDCF $\gamma$ of exactly zero [6]. Waveforms with odd-symmetry in their modulation functions can possess a RDCF that ranges from almost zero to, in the case of an LFM, perfectly coupled measurements [7]. As will be shown in the next section, the unique spectral symmetry properties of the MTSFM also have an impact on off-axis bearing estimation performance. Figure 1: Spectrograms (a)-(b), spectra (c)-(d), and GBF coefficients (e)-(f) of MTSFM waveforms employing even and odd symmetry in their modulation functions. The MTSFM with an even-symmetric modulation function possesses a non-symmetric spectrum while the MTSFM with an odd-symmetric modulation function possesses even symmetry in its spectrum. The spectral shapes are formed from the GBF coefficients which also possess the same symmetry properties as the corresponding waveform’s spectra. ## III Joint Evalutation of Off-Axis Bearing Estimation Performance and Waveform Range-Doppler Characteristics ### III-A Methods This work utilizes the same continuous line source (CLS) from [5] with length $L$ as a projector transducer with beampattern $b(f_{i},\theta)=\frac{\sin(\frac{1}{2}k_{i}L\sin(\theta))}{\frac{1}{2}k_{i}L\sin(\theta)}\ ,$ (26) where $k_{i}=2\pi f_{i}/c$ and $c$ = 1500 m/s is the speed of acoustic propagation in water [15]. The transmitter generates MTSFM waveforms with a spectrum as defined in (25) which is a function of the modulation indicies $\alpha_{k}$ and $\beta_{k}$. As was shown in [5], for narrowband (i.e, high $Q$) waveforms, the angle $\Theta^{*}$ that maximizes the FI is solely determined by the waveform’s center frequency $f_{c}$. Thus, changing $f_{c}$ will result in maximum bearing precision at different angles of arrival without physically or electronically steering the transducer’s main response axis. The challenge now is to determine if this same technique can also be applied to high $Q$ MTSFM waveforms which possess novel modulation functions and more general spectral characteristics. Additionally, the same spectral filtering that allows for this fine bearing precision also filters the waveform echo itself. Since these waveforms sweep through a bandwidth $\Delta f$ in a periodic fashion, the spectral filtering will amplify and attenuate the waveform at different frequencies introducing oscillatory Amplitude Modulation (AM) effects to the waveform time series. This AM effect will likely perturb the waveform’s AF shape. Therefore, the following simulations will not only evaluate the off-axis bearing performance of the MTSFM waveforms, but also evaluates the impact of the spectral filtering on the waveform’s AF mainlobe and sidelobe characteristics. ### III-B Off-Axis Bearing Estimation Performance Figure 2 shows percent deviation in the angle of the maximum FI $\Theta^{*}$ as a function of the percent deviation of weighted mean frequency $f_{c}$ for two sets of 1000 MTSFMs composed of cosine and sine harmonics in their respective modulation functions. Each waveform sweeps through a band of frequencies $f_{c}\pm\Delta f/2$ and possesses a Time-Bandwidth Product (TBP) $T\Delta f=100$ and $Q=5$. The MTSFM with cosine coefficients possesses even- symmetry in its modulation function. As a result of this, the spectral shape of the resulting MTSFM waveform is not even-symmetric resulting in a shift $\delta f$ of the weighted mean frequency of the waveform. This deviation in mean frequency is generally much less than the waveform’s swept bandwidth $\Delta f$ and is nearly perfectly correlated with the deviation in angle of maximum FI. The MTSFM with sine coefficients possesses odd-symmetry in its modulation function resulting in an even-symmetric spectrum much like the LFM waveforms evaluated in [5] and there is no measureable deviation in the angle of maximum FI. Figure 2: Angle of Maximum FI vs. weighted mean frequency for two sets of 1000 MTSFMs whose modulation functions are composed either solely of cosine or sine coefficients. The MTSFMs with cosine coefficients possesses a non-symmetric spectrum resulting in a deviation in mean frequency and therefore deviation in the angle of maximum FI. The MTSFMs with sine coefficients possess an even- symmetric spectrum like the LFM resulting in zero deviation in mean frequency and zero deviation in the angle of maximum FI. Further inspection of the MTSFM waveforms with even-symmetric modulation functions shows this deviation is exacerbated with increasing bandwidth across a variety of desired angles of maximum FI $\Theta^{*}$. Figure 3 shows error bars which plot the deviation in $\Theta^{*}$ for MTSFM waveforms with decreasing $Q$. The x’s denote the median and the circles denote the mean of the trials. The bottom panel shows the median and mean $\%$ of maximum FI for each of the targeted angles of maximum FI. For each targeted $Q$ value, 2000 MTSFM waveforms were generated each possessing the same $f_{c}$ but increasing bandwidth $\Delta f$. Waveforms with $Q=20,~{}10,~{}\&~{}5$ have corresponding TBPs of 100, 200, and 400 respectively. The bars represent the $95\%$ confidence intervals of the trials. Decreasing $Q$ corresponded on average to an increase in deviation in the off-axis bearing estimate. While the deviation in bearing estimates increase with decreasing $Q$, the values of the FI function stayed nearly the same. This is an expected result as [5] showed that the FI function possesses a distinct peak value whose width increases with decreasing $Q$. The increased peak width would facilitate greater deviation in bearing estimates while still nearly attaining the maximum FI value. One way to mitigate this deviation in the bearing estimate is to calculate the deviation in frequency $\delta f$ from $f_{c}$ resulting from the MTSFM waveform’s spectrum and offset it by setting $a_{0}=-2\delta f$ in (15). The MTSFM will now sweep through a band of frequencies $f_{c}+a_{0}/2\pm\Delta f/2$ and possess a mean frequency of $f_{c}$ thus removing the deviation in the angle of maximum FI. Figure 3: Top Panel : Median (denoted by x’s), mean (denoted by circles), and error bars representing the $95\%$ confidence intervals of the angle of maximum FI for 2000 randomly generated MTSFM waveforms with even symmetric modulation functions for fixed $f_{c}$ but varying $Q$ (i.e, increasing bandwidth) for a range of specific maximum FI angles. Bottom Panel : mean and median of the same waveform trials as a percentage of the maximum FI value. The off-axis angle of arrival estimation deviation increases with decreasing $Q$ but does not substantially alter the maximum FI value. ### III-C MTSFM Waveform Range-Doppler Characteristics Figure 4 shows the impact of the transducer’s spectral filtering on the AF of a MTSFM waveform with cosine coefficients. Also shown in in Figure 4 are the zero time-delay and zero-Doppler cuts of the AF. The spectral filtering introduces AM perturbations to the waveform time-series. These effects combine to produce destructive interference in the AF’s mainlobe and sidelobe structure, particularly in the AF’s zero-Doppler cut. These perturbations are not severe enough to substantially degrade the AF’s zero-time-delay mainlobe width, but the sidelobe levels are notably increased, particularly so in Doppler. Figure 4: AFs (a)-(b), zero-Doppler cut (c), and zero-time-delay cut (d) of MTSFM with a TBP of 100 and $Q=f_{c}/\Delta f=5$ with and without the transducer’s spectral filtering. The transducer’s spectral filtering degrades the mainlobe and sidelobe structure of the waveform’s AF shape. ## IV Conclusions The MTSFM waveform designs presented in this paper maximize the bearing Fisher Information for the active sonar localization problem described in [3] at a desired bearing using a continuous line source transducer. As with the previous efforts of [5], the region of maximum bearing estimation precision is achieved by changing the center frequency $f_{c}$ of these high $Q$ MTSFM waveforms without physically or electronically steering the transducer’s MRA. Simulations show that the MTSFM waveforms with odd-symmetry in their modulation functions perform essentially the same as the LFM waveforms with equivalent $Q$ and center frequency $f_{c}$ due to their even-symmetric spectral shapes. MTSFM waveforms with even-symmetry in their modulation functions have non-symmetric spectra resulting in a shift in center frequency $f_{c}$ which biases the angle of arrival estimate. This bias can be eliminated by modifying the waveform’s swept band of frequencies. The spectral filtering from the transducer itself introduces perturbations to the waveform in the form of AM effects which degrades the mainlobe and sidelobe structure of the waveform’s AF. Future efforts will focus on evaluating this off-axis bearing estimation method for broadband (i.e, low $Q$) waveforms and for other transducer beampatterns. ## References * [1] Y. Yovel, B. Falk, C. F. Moss, and N. Ulanovsky, “Optimal localization by pointing off axis,” _Science_ , vol. 327, no. 5966, pp. 701–704, 2010. * [2] G. Arditi, A. J. Weiss, and Y. Yovel, “Object localization using a biosonar beam: how opening your mouth improves localization,” _Royal Society Open Science_ , vol. 2, no. 8, p. 150225, 2015. * [3] L. N. Kloepper, J. R. Buck, Y. Liu, and P. E. Nachtigall, “Off-axis targets maximize bearing fisher information in broadband active sonar,” _The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America_ , vol. 143, no. 1, pp. EL43–EL48, 2018. * [4] S. M. Kay and S. M. Kay, _Fundamentals of statistical signal processing: estimation theory_. Prentice-hall Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1993, vol. 1. * [5] M. D. Tidwell and J. R. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "David A. Hague and Matthew D. Tidwell", "submitter": "David Hague", "url": "" }
# Hessian characterization of a vortex in a maze R. Willa Institute for Theory of Condensed Matter, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany V.B. Geshkenbein Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland G. Blatter Institute for Theoretical Physics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich, Switzerland ###### Abstract Recent advances in vortex imaging allow for tracing the position of individual vortices with high resolution. Pushing an isolated vortex through the sample with the help of a controlled $dc$ transport current and measuring its local $ac$ response, the pinning energy landscape could be reconstructed along the vortex trajectory [L. Embon et al., Scientific Reports 5, 7598 (2015)]. This setup with linear tilts of the potential landscape reminds about the dexterity game where a ball is balanced through a maze. The controlled motion of objects through such tilted energy landscapes is fundamentally limited to those areas of the landscape developing local minima under appropriate tilt. We introduce the Hessian stability map and the Hessian character of a pinning landscape as new quantities to characterize a pinning landscape. We determine the Hessian character, the area fraction admitting stable vortex positions, for various types of pinning potentials: assemblies of cut parabolas, Lorentzian- and Gaussian-shaped traps, as well as a Gaussian random disordered energy landscape, with the latter providing a universal result of $(3-\sqrt{3})/6\approx 21\%$ of stable area. Furthermore, we discuss various aspects of the vortex-in-a-maze experiment. ## I Introduction The recent years have seen an astounding progress in the ability to image vortices in superconductors Tonomura _et al._ (2001); Bending (1999); Kirtley (2010); Suderow _et al._ (2014); Thiel _et al._ (2016). The high accuracy of these local-probe techniques allow to study the shape of individual vortices Thiel _et al._ (2016) and even manipulate them, e.g., via magnetic forces Straver _et al._ (2008); Auslaender _et al._ (2009) or local mechanical stress Kremen _et al._ (2016). A new quality in precision-imaging has been achieved using a novel SQUID-on-Tip (SOT) device combined with $ac$ techniques Embon _et al._ (2015, 2017). Changing the current drive in the sample allows to push and trace individual vortices and extract the shape of the energy landscape (pinning landscape or simply pinscape) from measured SOT data. Such information is most welcome in optimizing pinscapes, which in turn is of great technological interest for high-current applications Kwok _et al._ (2016); Sadovskyy _et al._ (2016). The functionality of the experiment reminds about the well-known ‘ball-in-the-maze’ dexterity game shown in Fig. 1(a), where a ball is driven through a maze by controlling the tilt of the plane. The present work focuses on the ‘vortex-in-the-maze’ problem, see Fig. 1(b), where a vortex is driven across a pinning landscape through a controlled transport current that induces a linear tilt of the potential. Here, we address the question which parts of the pinning energy landscape can be probed in such an experiment, that takes us to the _Hessian stability map_ as a new charateristics of a pinscape. The Hessian map of a pinning landscape then defines the areal regions where vortices can assume stable positions—vortex trajectories realizable in the vortex-in-a-maze setup are limited to these stable areas. We define the _Hessian character_ of a landscape as the area fraction of the plane where vortices can be pinned and determine this quantity for various types of pinning landscapes, a random distribution of cut parabolic wells and of Lorentzian- and Gaussian-shaped pins of given density; such traps are often used in numerical work Reichhardt _et al._ (1995); Olson Reichhardt _et al._ (2017) on vortex pinning and dynamics. Furthermore, we study the case of a Gaussian random potential landscape for which we find the universal result of $(3-\sqrt{3})/6\approx 21\%$ stable area; this type of potential is typically used in the context of analytical work on random manifolds Halpin-Healy and Zhang (1995) and disorder-induced pinning Blatter _et al._ (1994); Giamarchi and Le Doussal (1995); Nattermann and Scheidl (2000). Figure 1: (a) Ball in the maze: In this dexterity game, a ball driven by gravity is guided through a labyrinth by adjusting the slope of the game board via the two handles (front and right knobs). (b) Vortex in the maze: the color map on the game-board shows the pinning potential landscape derived in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015), see figure 5(a) therein. When compared to the situation in (a), the labyrinth is replaced by the pinscape, while the gravitational force manipulated by tilt is replaced by the Lorentz force acting on the vortex; this corresponds to a tilt in only one direction as indicated by the single knob (front). While this feature limits the region that is probed by the vortex, combining low- and high-frequency response data as well as different entry points in principle allows for extended vortex guiding (and thus reconstruction of the two-dimensional pinscape) within the stable regions of the potential, see Fig. 3. The Hessian matrix of random landscapes has been studied in different contexts, ranging from more abstract discussions of the statistics of critical points (where gradients vanish) of Gaussian fields in high-dimensional spaces Bray and Dean (2007); Fyodorov and Doussal (2018) or topological rules for their arrangement in a random phase field Freund (1995), to more specific analyses of the intensity of laser speckle patterns Weinrib and Halperin (1982) or the complexity of the free energy function in a model glass Annibale _et al._ (2003), see Ref. Fyodorov and Doussal (2018) for an extended list of references. Here, we focus on a planar energy landscape (the pinscape) where we are interested in its stable area, i.e., the collection of all points that can become minima under appropriate tilt, rather than studying the (spectral) distribution of individual critical points (minima, maxima, and saddles). In the experiment of Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015), a vortex (carrying a quantum $\Phi_{0}=hc/2e$ of magnetic flux) is driven across a two-dimensional superconducting strip made from lead (Pb). The variations of the vortex energy across the strip defines the pinning landscape where the vortex can be trapped in local minima, see Fig. 2—we refer to this pinscape as ‘the maze’. These local minima can be manipulated by applying a transport current $j$ along the constriction (the $y$ direction) that tilts the potential landscape to the right (in the $x$ direction). In the experiment, a small $ac$ current imposed on top of the $dc$ drive allows for the precise tracking of the vortex position. When drawing a comparison between the dexterity game and the vortex experiment, few similarities and differences are to be noticed: In both setups, the ball or vortex can only be stabilized in subregions of the maze, where, upon applying the proper tilt, the ball or vortex can be trapped in a local minimum. It is this local minimum which then is manipulated by the external force, gravity through geometric tilt in the case of the ball, a transverse current producing the Lorentz force in the case of the vortex. Tilting the ball’s potential beyond the critical slope, the ball rolls along a guiding plane to the next barrier where its motion stops. Similarly, pushing a vortex beyond a region of stable points (as defined by the Hessian of the potential surface, see below), the vortex crosses the landscape until it gets retrapped in a suitable local minimum within another stable region. The two objects, ball and vortex, move quite differently, though, with a massive dynamics $m\ddot{\boldsymbol{r}}$ governing the ball’s motion, while the vortex motion is dissipative, $\eta\dot{\boldsymbol{r}}$ with $\eta$ denoting the vortex viscosity Bardeen and Stephen (1965). Now, the question may be asked, what regions of the pinscape can be probed at all, i.e., which points in the plane allow for a local minimum in the (tilted) potential landscape (or the maze)—this question will take us to the Hessian stability map of the disorder potential, see Fig. 3 below. A quantitative question then is about the total area fraction where a vortex can be stabilized in a fixed position of the pinning landscape, given an appropriate (linear) force—this question is addressed by the calculation of the Hessian character. While the ball can be driven along both planar axes $x$ and $y$, subjecting the vortex to a current along $y$, the ensuing Lorentz force will drive the vortex exclusively along $x$ [see the missing second control knob in Fig. 1(b)] with the trajectory running in 2D plane. The one-dimensional nature of the trajectory, however, is complicating the task of mapping out the two- dimensional potential landscape. One possible way out is to make use of different ‘entry points’ for the vortex along the $y$ axis (see Fig. 2) and repeat the ‘vortex-in-the-maze’ experiment several times—this has been partly (but not systematically) done in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015). Another possibility, briefly discussed in this paper, is to induce a local motion along $y$ with the help of an additional high-frequency $ac$ drive and measuring the out-of-phase response signal; this technique allows to expand the probing region in the $y$ direction but may be quite demanding, depending on the material and experimental parameters. The reconstruction of vortex tracks in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015) has brought forward interesting observations in the vortex dynamics at the center and edge of the Hessian stable regions: for one, a very large $ac$ amplitude in the middle of the potential well suggests a strong softening of the confining potential, while the abrupt departure of the vortex from the defect—with no significant softening and absence of a maximum in the pinning force—has inspired the ’broken-spring’ effect. We will briefly comment on these features below. Figure 2: Setup for carrying out the ‘vortex-in-the-maze’ experiment inspired from Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015). A Pb-film of thicknes $d_{s}$ of order of the coherence length (and of the same order as the penetration depth) is subject to an external field $H$ producing vortices in the film. The current density $j\|y$ drives the vortex along the $x$ direction. Different entry points along the $y$ direction allow to probe other parts of the pinscape. Before entering the discussion of the Hessian map and character, we briefly discuss in Sec. II the pinscape spectroscopy used in the reconstruction of the pinning landscape Embon _et al._ (2015). The definition of the Hessian stability map in Sec. III then follows quite naturally and we discuss its various relations to the pinscape spectroscopy of Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015). In section IV, we focus on the main topic of this paper, the determination of the Hessian character of various types of pinscapes. Section V provides a short summary. ## II Pinscape spectroscopy As a motivation to study the Hessian stability map and the Hessian character of a pinscape, we start with briefly reminding the setup and technique of Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015), see also Fig. 2, that allows for mapping out the pinning landscape of vortices in a type-II superconducting film. Applying a current $\boldsymbol{j}\parallel\hat{\boldsymbol{y}}$ along the $y$ direction of the film, the total force $\boldsymbol{F}$ acting on the vortex involves the two contributions $\boldsymbol{F}=\boldsymbol{F}_{\\!\mathrm{pin}}+\boldsymbol{F}_{\\!\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}$, where $\boldsymbol{F}_{\\!\mathrm{pin}}=-\nabla U(\boldsymbol{r})$ accounts for the potential landscape $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ [$\boldsymbol{r}=(x,y)$ is the two-dimensional coordinate] and $\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}=\Phi_{0}jd_{s}\hat{\boldsymbol{x}}/c$ is the current-induced Lorentz force, with $d_{s}$ the film thickness. The Lorentz force effectively tilts the pinscape $U(\boldsymbol{r})\to U_{\mathrm{tilt}}(\boldsymbol{r},F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}})=U(\boldsymbol{r})-F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}x$ in the $x$ direction. Besides the excellent resolution of the SOT device, the precise determination of the vortex position in the vortex-in-the-maze experiment Embon _et al._ (2015) relies on a shaking technique where an additional small oscillatory $ac$ current $j_{ac}\,\exp(-i\omega t)$ is applied on top of the $dc$ drive. The vortex trajectory $\boldsymbol{u}(t)$ then is governed by the dissipative equation of motion $\displaystyle\eta\dot{\boldsymbol{u}}=\boldsymbol{F}(\boldsymbol{u},t),$ (1) with $\eta$ the viscosity and $\boldsymbol{F}=\boldsymbol{F}_{\\!\mathrm{pin}}+\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}+\boldsymbol{F}_{ac}\,\exp(-i\omega t)$ the total force acting on the vortex. By applying a sequence of increasing $dc$ tilts $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}$, the vortex will move forward through the pinscape and oscillate around a tilt-dependent minimum $\boldsymbol{r}_{n}(F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n})$. Near this position, the associated energy profile can be expanded in the displacement $\boldsymbol{u}=\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}_{n}$, $\displaystyle\\!\\!\\!U_{\mathrm{tilt}}(\boldsymbol{r},F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n})$ $\displaystyle\\!=\\!U_{\mathrm{tilt}}(\boldsymbol{r}_{n},F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n})+a_{n}u_{x}^{2}\\!+b_{n}u_{y}^{2}\\!+c_{n}u_{x}u_{y},\\!$ (2) with higher-order corrections becoming relevant near the edges of the stable regions. The local curvatures $a_{n}=a(\boldsymbol{r}_{n})$, $b_{n}=b(\boldsymbol{r}_{n})$, and $c_{n}=c(\boldsymbol{r}_{n})$ define the Hessian matrix via Eq. (10), see below. Expressing the vortex displacement through $\boldsymbol{u}=(u_{x},u_{y})\,e^{-i\omega t}$, the equation of motion (1) takes the form $\displaystyle i\eta\omega u_{x}$ $\displaystyle=2au_{x}+cu_{y}-F_{ac},$ (3) $\displaystyle i\eta\omega u_{y}$ $\displaystyle=2bu_{y}+cu_{x}.$ (4) These equations can be solved and analyzed perturbatively in the small parameter $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ involving the viscous term $\eta\omega$ and the curvatures $U^{\prime\prime}\sim a,\,b,\,c\,$; indeed, simple estimates (see Appendix A) show that this ratio is small for the material and setup in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015). Solving Eqs. (3) and (4) and expanding the result to lowest (0-th) order in $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$, we find that $\displaystyle u_{x}=\frac{F_{ac}}{2a(1-c^{2}/4ab)}\quad\text{and}\quad u_{y}=(-c/2b)u_{x}.$ (5) The motion is in phase with the external driving force and follows the local potential minimum. Hence, although the $ac$ force is applied along $x$, the vortex oscillates at a finite angle $\phi=\arctan(u_{y}/u_{x})=-\arctan(c/2b)$ away from the $x$ axis in the direction of its trajectory. Given the displacement amplitudes $u_{x}$ and $u_{y}$, one easily reconstructs the potential along the vortex trajectory. For the specific choice of linear increments $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}=nF_{ac}$ Embon _et al._ (2015), the equilibrium position $\boldsymbol{r}_{n}$ at the drive $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}$ relates to the position $\boldsymbol{r}_{n-1}$ via $\displaystyle\boldsymbol{r}_{n}=\boldsymbol{r}_{n-1}+(u_{x,n-1},u_{y,n-1}),$ (6) where $u_{x,n}$, $u_{y,n}$ are the $ac$ displacement amplitudes (5) measured at the drive $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}$. This trivial iterative relation leads to the trajectory $\boldsymbol{r}_{n}=\sum_{m=0}^{n-1}(u_{x,m},u_{y,m})$. Combining the definition of the tilted potential $U_{\mathrm{tilt}}$ at $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}=nF_{ac}$ with the quadratic approximation (2), we obtain $\displaystyle U_{\mathrm{tilt}}^{n}(x,y)$ $\displaystyle=U(x,y)-nF_{ac}x$ (7) $\displaystyle\approx U_{\mathrm{tilt}}^{n}(x_{n},y_{n})+a_{n}(x-x_{n})^{2}+b_{n}(y-y_{n})^{2}$ $\displaystyle\qquad\qquad\qquad\;\;+c_{n}(x-x_{n})(y-y_{n}).$ Solving for $U(x_{n-1},y_{n-1})$ and $U(x_{n},y_{n})$ and combining the results with Eqs. (5) and (6), one finds the change in the pinning potential between neighboring points (we choose the arbitrary offset $U(\boldsymbol{r}_{0})=0$), $\displaystyle U(x_{n},y_{n})$ $\displaystyle\approx U(x_{n-1},y_{n-1})+(n-1/2)\,u_{x,n-1}F_{ac}$ (8) and its iteration provides us with potential $\displaystyle U(\boldsymbol{r}_{n})\approx F_{ac}\sum\limits_{m=0}^{n-1}(m+1/2)\,u_{x,m}.$ (9) The reconstruction of the pinscape along a trajectory in 2D only involves a 1D integral along $x$, a consequence of the unidirectional tilt. Indeed, the implicit stability criterion along $y$, $\partial U/\partial y=0$, reduces the integration in the $xy$ plane to the simple 1D form of Eq. (8). The above scheme allows for the reconstruction of the pinscape along the trajectory. Interestingly, the solution and subsequent expansion of Eqs. (3) and (4) to linear order in $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ provides an out-of- phase correction $\delta u_{x},\,\delta u_{y}\propto i(\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime})/U^{\prime\prime}$ that could be measured independently, at least in principle. The four displacements $u_{x}$, $u_{y}$, $\delta u_{x}$, and $\delta u_{y}$ then allow for the determination of all local curvatures $a$, $b$, and $c$ and thus give access to the local reconstruction of the potential $U(x,y)$ within a strip around the trajectory; details of this extension of pinscape spectroscopy are presented in Appendix B. ## III Hessian Stability Map Given the possibility to map out the pinning potential of a film through pinscape spectroscopy, the question poses itself which part of the plane can actually be analyzed in this manner and what happens at the boundaries of these areas; the answer to these questions is given by the Hessian stability map. In the absence of an $ac$ current, the vortex resides in a minimum of the tilted potential $U_{\mathrm{tilt}}(\boldsymbol{r},F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}})$. Such a _stable point_ is characterized by a vanishing first derivative along both $x$ and $y$ (no net force) and a positive curvature. The second condition is satisfied, if the Hessian matrix $\displaystyle H(x,y)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{pmatrix}\frac{\partial^{2}U}{\partial x^{2}}&\frac{\partial^{2}U}{\partial x\partial y}\\\ \frac{\partial^{2}U}{\partial y\partial x}&\frac{\partial^{2}U}{\partial y^{2}}\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}2a(x,y)&c(x,y)\\\ c(x,y)&2b(x,y)\end{pmatrix}$ (10) is positive-definite, i.e., it has a positive determinant $\displaystyle\det H(x,y)=4a(x,y)b(x,y)-c^{2}(x,y)>0$ (11) and a positive trace $\displaystyle\operatorname{tr}H(x,y)=2[a(x,y)+b(x,y)]>0.$ (12) Here, the coefficients $a(\boldsymbol{r})$, $b(\boldsymbol{r})$, and $c(\boldsymbol{r})$ coincide with the local expansion coefficients in Eq. (2). While Eq. (11) only excludes indefinite matrices (saddle-point solutions), the positive trace (12) discards negative-definite Hessian matrices (potential maxima). Note that the Hessian does not depend on the (linear) drive, hence it characterizes the pinscape $U(x,y)$ itself, rather than the forced pinscape $U_{\mathrm{tilt}}$. As such, the Hessian matrix with its determinant and trace provides information on the potential’s capability of stabilizing a vortex at a specific point $\boldsymbol{r}$ of the plane upon application of the appropriate tilt. Figure 3: A new view on the pinning landscape through the Hessian stability map. Shown is the example of the pinscape derived from measurements in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015), see Fig. 5(a) therein, and shown on the game-board in Fig. 1(b). All of the black area is unstable, i.e., the Hessian matrix Eq. (10) has at least one negative eigenvalue; vortices cannot be trapped at any point within this region and the potential landscape cannot be probed. A position within the white area is stable and turns into a local minimum for a specific tilt along $x$ and $y$. Contour lines show equi-Hessians where $\det H=0.3k\,(\mathrm{meV/nm^{2}})^{2}$ for integer $k$. For a unidirectional tilt along $x$, only one specific trajectory (red) is accessible within the stable regions. Close to the border of the stable regions, the Hessian becomes small and the $ac$ response of the vortex increases. The divergence of the $ac$ displacement at the Hessian boundary is preempted by the thermal activation out of the well and subsequent run-away of the vortex across the unstable region. At the center of the double-defect (yellow arrow) the vortex goes though a flat region with a small Hessian, implying a large $ac$ response (spring softening) as observed in Fig. 2(e) of Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015). The traditional way of studying the potential landscape is via equipotential (or elevation) maps. They depend on the current-induced tilt and their minima tell about possible (meta-)stable positions for the vortex. Adopting a global view, the Hessian matrix helps separating stable points from unstable points. This way, the two-dimensional pinning landscape can now be divided into stable areas characterized by the set of conditions $\det H(x,y)>0$ and $\operatorname{tr}H(x,y)>0$, and unstable ones where at least one condition is violated. We thus introduce the _Hessian stability map_ , i.e., the graphical representation of the pinscape regions associated with stable points, as a new tool to characterize a potential landscape, with a ‘good’ pinscape described by a large percentage of stable area. In Fig. 3, we show, for illustration, the stability region, together with equi-Hessian contour lines, for the potential landscape considered in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015) [see Fig. 5(a) therein] and also shown on the game-board in Fig. 1(b) as well as the setup in Fig. 2. Within the black regions, at least one eigenvalue is negative, implying that this position cannot be made a stable vortex position for any tilt (in either $x$ and $y$ direction). In the following, we briefly discuss the role played by the Hessian map in the context of pinscape spectroscopy via $ac$ and $dc$ forces. In Section IV, we assume a more generic view on the problem and determine the Hessian character, i.e., the area fraction of stable regions, for different potential landscapes often used in numerical or analytical studies of vortex pinning and dynamics. These are a finite density of cut parabolas, of Gaussian and Lorentzian shaped potentials, as well as a Gaussian random potential. Let us first interpret the Hessian stability map and extract some physical insights into the pinscape. Focusing on the boundaries in the stability map, we note that the vortex displacement $\boldsymbol{u}\propto(1-c^{2}/4ab)^{-1}$ diverges, as $c^{2}\\!\to\\!4ab$ when the minimum in $\boldsymbol{r}_{n}$ approaches the boundary, see Eq. (5). Upon approaching the singular point $c^{2}=4ab$, the expression for the trajectory’s angle $\phi$ simplifies to $\phi=\arctan[(a/b)^{1/2}]$ and thus provides access to the ratio of the potential curvatures along the directions $x$ and $y$. Interesting features show up when multiple defects combine into a more complex pinning landscape Embon _et al._ (2015). For example the vortex can approach the depinning point of one defect and transit to another without entering the unstable region of the pinscape. The pinscape then develops a flat region with a small Hessian determinant in the middle of the well. As a result, the $ac$ displacement amplitude rises steeply as observed in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015), what corresponds to a _spring softening_ as highlighted in Fig. 3, yellow arrow. Analyzing the vortex trajectory in the central defect more carefully, one notes that the vortex traverses (from left to right) a region going from $\det H\\!\sim\\!1$ (meV/nm${}^{2})^{2}$ near the first minimum, to a small value below $0.3$ (meV/nm${}^{2})^{2}$ near the ‘saddle’, to a large value $\sim\\!2$ (meV/nm${}^{2})^{2}$ in the second minimum. One thus expects an enhancement of the $ac$ amplitude by a factor of 3–4 starting at the left of the spring softening and a factor 7–8 relative to the value at the right side, in qualitative agreement with the experiment. Another aspect of interest is the escape of the vortex from the stable regime. The proper understanding of this phenomenon requires to include higher-order terms in the local expansion of the potential $U(x,y)$ and involves thermal escape over barriers and possibly anharmonic effects, see Appendix C for details. Our semi-quantitative analysis of the setup in Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015) confirms that thermal fluctuations are strong and trigger the escape of the vortex from the stable region at quite a large distance away from the stability boundary, in agreement with the discussion of the ‘broken-spring effect’ in the experiment. Specifically, thermal fluctuations and vortex escape do cut off the expected divergence in the displacement $\boldsymbol{u}\propto(1-c^{2}/4ab)^{-1}$ and the reconstructed pinning force does not go through a maximum at the point of escape. ## IV Hessian character of pinscapes We now turn to the main part of this paper, the calculation of the Hessian character $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$ of a pinscape. This number quantifies the fraction (less than unity) of the plane’s area that admits a stable vortex position (i.e., a positive definite Hessian matrix) under an appropriate tilt force. The Hessian has been used in the characterization of various functions in a multitude of fields, including optics Weinrib and Halperin (1982); Freund (1995), statistical physics of random systems Annibale _et al._ (2003); Bray and Dean (2007); Fyodorov and Doussal (2018), or cosmology Yamada and Vilenkin (2018), see Ref. [Fyodorov and Doussal, 2018] for a more detailed list of references. Those studies typically focus on a set of specific critical points in a given area (corresponding to extremal points at a given fixed tilt in the present context), while we aim at characterizing every point in space as potentially giving rise to a minimum under an appropriate tilt. As a result, here, we determine the area fractions with specific curvature properties. A point $\boldsymbol{r}\\!\in\\!\Omega$ in the two-dimensional landscape of area $\Omega$ is called stable if the local potential landscape features a positive-definite Hessian matrix; the collection of such stable positions defines the stability regions of the pinscape where the pinscape can be mapped through the spectroscopic method described in Sec. II. ### IV.1 Single defect As a warmup, consider the pinscape of a single defect. Here, we focus on isotropic defects with a potential $V(\boldsymbol{r})=V(r)$, assuming a minimum $-V_{0}$ at the origin $r=0$, and a monotonic radial dependence $V^{\prime}(r)>0$, where the prime ′ denotes the radial derivative $V^{\prime}(r)=\partial_{r}V(r)$. We demand the potential to be integrable, $\int d^{2}{r}\,|V(\boldsymbol{r})|<\infty$, implying its asymptotic decay $V(r\\!\to\\!\infty)=0$; a notable exception is the long-range Lorentzian potential discussed below. The Hessian matrix of such an isolated defect possesses the eigenvalues $V^{\prime\prime}(r)$ and $V^{\prime}(r)/r$; they describe longitudinal (along $\boldsymbol{r}$) and transverse (to $\boldsymbol{r}$) curvatures. While the latter is positive everywhere, the longitudinal curvature assumes a positive value only in the vicinity of the defect’s center. Defining the stability radius $\xi_{0}$ through the condition $V^{\prime\prime}(r=\xi_{0})=0$, we find the stable area $\Omega_{0}=\pi\xi_{0}^{2}$; at distances larger than $\xi_{0}$, the landscape is indefinite. Maxima appear in the pinscape only through the interference of (at least two) defects. For the specific cases of a Gaussian-shaped $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}(r)=-V_{0}\exp(-r^{2}/\xi^{2})+\bar{V}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}$ (13) and Lorentzian-shaped $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}(r)=-V_{0}/(1+r^{2}/\xi^{2})+\bar{V}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}$ (14) defect potential, we find the stability radii $\xi_{0}\\!=\\!\xi/\sqrt{2}$ and $\xi_{0}\\!=\\!\xi/\sqrt{3}$, respectively. The constant shifts $\bar{V}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}\\!=\\!V_{0}\pi\xi^{2}/\Omega$ and $\bar{V}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}\\!=\\!V_{0}(\pi\xi^{2}/\Omega)\ln[1+(\Omega/\pi\xi^{2})]$ assure a vanishing potential average, i.e., $\int_{\Omega}d^{2}r\,V(\boldsymbol{r})\\!=\\!0$. Below, we will also consider the case of a cut parabola $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}}(r)=-V_{0}(1-r^{2}/\xi^{2})\Theta(r-\xi)+\bar{V}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}},$ (15) with $\xi_{0}\\!=\\!\xi$ and $\bar{V}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}}\\!=\\!V_{0}\pi\xi^{2}/2\Omega$; this type of potential has often been used in numerical simulations of vortex pinning Reichhardt _et al._ (1995); Olson Reichhardt _et al._ (2017). Next, we consider a pinscape originating from a small density $n_{p}=N/\Omega$ of defects, where $N$ denotes the number of defects in the area $\Omega$. For a very low density of defects, $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\ll 1$, the probability $\sim(n_{p}\xi^{2})^{2}$ for defects to overlap is parametrically small; as a result the stability region to leading order in $n_{p}\xi^{2}$ assumes the value $\displaystyle\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}\approx n_{p}\Omega_{0}.$ (16) This generic result tells, that only a minute areal fraction in the immediate vicinity of defects is capable of being probed within the vortex-in-the-maze scheme. ### IV.2 Gaussian limit of dense defects The nontrivial and hence interesting structure of a pinscape develops when defect potentials start to overlap. Below, we study pinning landscapes of the type $\displaystyle U(\boldsymbol{r})=\sum\nolimits_{j=1}^{N}V(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}_{i}).$ (17) We assume $\int_{\Omega}d^{2}r\,V(\boldsymbol{r})=0$ such that the potential $U$ averages to zero as well. Given a random distribution of defect positions $\boldsymbol{r}_{i}$, the pinscape turns into a random energy surface. Our task now consists in determining the (mean) character $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$ for specific types of random landscapes. The latter is defined through the probability density $p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})$ of finding a position with given Hessian determinant $\det H\\!=\\!\mathfrak{D}$ and trace $\operatorname{tr}H\\!=\\!\mathfrak{T}$, both of which have to be positive $\mathfrak{D}>0$ and $\mathfrak{T}>0$, $\displaystyle\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=\int_{0}^{\infty}\\!\\!\\!\int_{0}^{\infty}\\!d\mathfrak{D}\,d\mathfrak{T}\ p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T}).$ (18) Characterizing the random pinscape potential $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ through its functional probability measure $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$, we find the probability density $p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})$ via functional integration, $\displaystyle p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})=\\!\int\\!\mathcal{D}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\,\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\,\delta[\det H-\mathfrak{D}]\,\delta[\operatorname{tr}H-\mathfrak{T}],$ (19) where the Hessian matrix $H$ can be evaluated at any spatial point $\boldsymbol{r}$ due to the translation invariance of the result; without loss of generality, we choose $\boldsymbol{r}=\boldsymbol{0}$. For a homogeneous distribution of $N$ defects in an area $\Omega$, see Eq. (17), the measure in (19) is given by $\displaystyle\mathcal{D}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\,\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]=\prod_{j=1}^{N}\Big{[}\frac{d^{2}r_{j}}{\Omega}\Big{]}.$ (20) A second generic result [besides the trivial dilute limit (16)] can then be obtained in the high density limit $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\gg 1$ when many defects overlap. As shown in Appendix D, the pinscape of many overlapping defects approaches a Gaussian distribution with vanishing mean $\langle U(\boldsymbol{r})\rangle=0$ [since $\langle V(\boldsymbol{r})\rangle=0$] and a two-point correlator $\displaystyle\\!\\!G(\boldsymbol{r}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})\\!=\\!\langle U(\boldsymbol{r})U(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})\rangle\\!=\\!n_{p}\\!\\!\int\\!\\!d^{2}s\,V(\boldsymbol{r}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{s})V(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{s})$ (21) deriving from the convolution of two shifted potentials $V(\boldsymbol{r})$. It follows from the central limit theorem that the distribution function $\mathcal{P}[U(0)]$ for the potential in a fixed point, e.g., at the origin, is of Gaussian form. The fact that the functional distribution function $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$ becomes Gaussian as well, $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]=\mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]=e^{-\mathcal{S}}/\mathcal{Z},$ (22) with $\mathcal{Z}=\int\mathcal{D}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\ e^{-\mathcal{S}}$ and the quadratic action $\displaystyle\mathcal{S}=\frac{1}{2}\int\\!\frac{d^{2}r}{\Omega}\\!\int\\!\frac{d^{2}r^{\prime}}{\Omega}\ U(\boldsymbol{r})\,G^{-1}(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})\,U(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}),$ (23) is less trivial and can be checked by confirming the validity of Wick’s theorem for the $2k$-point correlators (up to corrections in the small parameter $1/n_{p}\Omega_{0}$) or via a direct calculation of $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$, see Appendix D. For such a Gaussian random potential, symmetry imposes that regions of positive- and negative-definite Hessians (i.e., with $\mathfrak{D}\\!>\\!0$ and $\operatorname{sign}(\mathfrak{T})\\!=\\!\pm 1$ respectively) are equally probable and hence Eq. (18) reduces to the evaluation of the simpler expression $\displaystyle\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=\frac{1}{2}\int_{0}^{\infty}\\!d\mathfrak{D}\ p(\mathfrak{D}),$ (24) where $p(\mathfrak{D})$ denotes the probability distribution of the Hessian determinant $\det H$ taking the value $\mathfrak{D}$. The task of finding the probability density $p(\mathfrak{D})$ can be broken up into a sequence of problems: in a first step, we can determine the probability $\pi(a,b,c)$ for a Hessian matrix to assume diagonal entries $2a$, $2b$ and off-diagonal entries $c$, thereby reducing the problem of evaluating Eq. (24) to an algebraic integral, $\displaystyle p(\mathfrak{D})$ $\displaystyle=\\!\\!\int\\!da\,db\,dc\,\pi(a,b,c)\,\delta[4ab-c^{2}-\mathfrak{D}].$ (25) We find the probability function $\pi(a,b,c)$ via the functional integration $\displaystyle\\!\\!\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle\\!=\\!\\!\int\\!\\!\mathcal{D}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\,\mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\,4\,\delta[U_{xx}(0)-2a]$ (26) $\displaystyle\hskip 60.00009pt\times\delta[U_{yy}(0)-2b]\,\delta[U_{xy}(0)-c].$ The numerical factor $4$ appears from applying the identity $\delta[U_{xx}(0)/2-a]=2\,\delta[U_{xx}(0)-2a]$ and equally for $\delta[U_{yy}(0)/2-b]$. The difficulty with the functional integration over all realizations $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ is now moved to the evaluation of $\pi(a,b,c)$ in Eq. (26). Substituting Eq. (23) into Eq. (26) and expressing the $\delta$ distributions in Fourier space, we have to the evaluate $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle=\\!\frac{1}{\mathcal{Z}}\\!\int\\!\mathcal{D}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]e^{-\frac{1}{2}\int\\!\frac{d^{2}r}{\Omega}\\!\int\\!\frac{d^{2}r^{\prime}}{\Omega}U(\boldsymbol{r})G^{-1}(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})U(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})}$ (27) $\displaystyle\qquad\times\int\frac{dk\,dl\,dm}{(2\pi)^{3}}4e^{i(2ka+2lb+mc)}$ $\displaystyle\quad\qquad\times e^{-i\int\\!d^{2}r[kU_{xx}(\boldsymbol{r})+lU_{yy}(\boldsymbol{r})+mU_{xy}(\boldsymbol{r})]\delta(\boldsymbol{r})}.$ Two integrations by parts in the exponent of the last factor yield $\int\\!d^{2}r\,U(\boldsymbol{r})[k\delta_{xx}(\boldsymbol{r})\\!+\\!l\delta_{yy}(\boldsymbol{r})\\!+\\!m\delta_{xy}(\boldsymbol{r})]$, with $\delta_{\kappa\mu}(\boldsymbol{r})\\!\equiv\\!\partial^{2}\delta(\boldsymbol{r})/\partial x_{\kappa}\partial x_{\mu}$. The remaining functional integration can now be performed through Gaussian integration Zinn-Justin (2005); Altland and Simons (2010) (i.e., completing the square), $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle=\int\frac{dk\,dl\,dm}{(2\pi)^{3}}4e^{i(2ka+2lb+mc)}$ (28) $\displaystyle\hskip 25.00003pt\times e^{-\frac{1}{2}[k^{2}G_{0}^{xxxx}+l^{2}G_{0}^{yyyy}+(m^{2}+2kl)G_{0}^{xxyy}]},$ where $G_{0}^{\kappa\mu\nu\sigma}\\!\equiv\\!\partial^{4}G(\boldsymbol{r})/\partial x_{\kappa}\partial x_{\mu}\partial x_{\nu}\partial x_{\sigma}|_{\boldsymbol{r}=0}\\!>\\!0$ denotes the fourth derivative of the Green’s function. For an isotropic problem, symmetry tells that $G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}\equiv G_{0}^{xxyy}=G_{0}^{xxxx}/3=G_{0}^{yyyy}/3$ and hence $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle=\int\frac{dk\,dl\,dm}{(2\pi)^{3}}4e^{i(2ka+2lb+mc)}$ (29) $\displaystyle\qquad\times e^{-\frac{1}{2}[3k^{2}G_{0}^{(4)}+3l^{2}G_{0}^{(4)}+(m^{2}+2kl)G_{0}^{(4)}]}.$ The remaining Gaussian integrations over $k$, $l$, and $m$ then yield the result $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)=\frac{4e^{-(3a^{2}-2ab+3b^{2}+2c^{2})/4G_{0}^{(4)}}}{\big{(}4\pi G_{0}^{(4)}\big{)}^{3/2}}$ (30) and we find that the probability distribution of Hessian matrix elements is Gaussian, as one might have expected for a Gaussian distributed random potential. Making use of the result (30) in Eq. (25), we find the distribution $\displaystyle p(\mathfrak{D})$ $\displaystyle=\frac{4}{\big{[}4\pi G_{0}^{(4)}\big{]}^{3/2}}\\!\int\\!\frac{dQ}{2\pi}\int\\!da\,db\,dc\,e^{iQ\mathfrak{D}}$ (31) $\displaystyle\hskip 40.00006pt\times e^{-iQ(4ab-c^{2})}e^{-(3a^{2}-2ab+3b^{2}+2c^{2})/4G_{0}^{(4)}},$ which after another series of Gaussian integrations gives $\displaystyle p(\mathfrak{D})=\int\limits_{-\infty}^{\infty}\\!\frac{d\tilde{Q}}{2\pi G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}}\frac{e^{i\tilde{Q}\mathfrak{D}/G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}}}{\sqrt{\big{(}1-2i\tilde{Q}\big{)}^{2}\big{(}1+4i\tilde{Q}\big{)}}},$ (32) with $\tilde{Q}\\!=\\!QG_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}$. Figure 4: Sketches of the contours in the complex plane for evaluating integral in Eq. (32). For $\mathfrak{D}\\!>\\!0$, the (magenta) contour encloses the upper half-plane except for the cut along the imaginary axis starting from $i/4$. For $\mathfrak{D}\\!<\\!0$, the (blue) contour encloses the lower half-plane with a pole at $-i/2$. The integrand has a pole of order one in the negative complex plane at $\tilde{Q}\\!=\\!-i/2$ and a line cut along the positive imaginary axis, terminating at $\tilde{Q}\\!=\\!i/4$, see Fig. 4. The above integral can be solved for $\mathfrak{D}\\!>\\!0$ using a closed contour in the upper complex plane avoiding the line cut along the imaginary axis. We then find with the substitution $\zeta=\operatorname{arccot}[(4q/3)^{1/2}]$ $\displaystyle\\!\\!\\!p(\mathfrak{D}\\!>\\!0)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{2e^{-\mathfrak{D}/4G_{0}^{(4)}}}{G_{0}^{(4)}}\int_{0}^{\infty}\frac{dq}{2\pi}\frac{e^{-q\mathfrak{D}/G_{0}^{(4)}}}{(3+4q)\sqrt{q}}$ (33) $\displaystyle=\frac{2e^{\mathfrak{D}/2G_{0}^{(4)}}}{\sqrt{3}G_{0}^{(4)}}\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{d\zeta}{2\pi}e^{-\big{(}3\mathfrak{D}/4G_{0}^{(4)}\big{)}(\sin\zeta)^{-2}}.\\!\\!$ (34) The integral in the last line is Craig’s formula Craig (1991) for the complementary error function $\operatorname{Erfc}[z]\equiv 1-\operatorname{Erf}[z]$ for non-negative $z\\!=\\!(3\mathfrak{D}/4G_{0}^{(4)})^{1/2}$, with the error function defined as $\operatorname{Erf}(z)\\!=\\!(4/\pi)^{1/2}\int_{0}^{z}dt\,e^{-t^{2}}$. For $\mathfrak{D}<0$ the contour is closed in the lower half-plane, encircling the pole at $\tilde{Q}=-i/2$. The residue theorem then yields $p(\mathfrak{D}\\!<\\!0)\\!=\\!e^{\mathfrak{D}/2G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}}/(2\sqrt{3}G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)})$. The probability distribution $p(\mathfrak{D})$ for the Hessian determinant then takes the compact global form (see Fig. 5 for an illustration) $\displaystyle\\!\\!p(\mathfrak{D})=\frac{e^{\mathfrak{D}/2G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}}}{2\sqrt{3}G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}}\bigg{[}1-\operatorname{Erf}\bigg{(}\sqrt{\frac{3}{4}\frac{\mathfrak{D}}{G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}}}\,\bigg{)}\Theta(\mathfrak{D}/G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)})\bigg{]},$ (35) where we have expressed the result through the Heaviside function $\Theta(z)\\!=\\!1$ for $z\\!>\\!0$ (and zero otherwise). The result behaves as $p(\mathfrak{D})\\!\approx\\!p(0)[1-(3\mathfrak{D}/\pi G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)})^{1/2}]$ at small positive arguments $0\\!<\\!\mathfrak{D}/G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}\\!\ll\\!1$ and decays exponentially with $p(\mathfrak{D})\approx p(0)(4G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}/3\pi\mathfrak{D})^{1/2}\exp(-\mathfrak{D}/4G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)})$ for large values $\mathfrak{D}/G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}\gg 1$. Figure 5: Probability distribution function $p(\mathfrak{D})$ of the Hessian $\det H$ for a Gaussian distributed random potential, see Eq. (35). The horizontal axis measures the determinant $\mathfrak{D}$ in units of $G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}$. The shaded probability indicates the area- fraction of points with positive- or negative-definite curvature. With the full expression for $p(\mathfrak{D})$ at hand, the stable area fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$ of the two-dimensional (Gaussian- distributed) potential landscape can be determined: It is convenient to use the expression (33) and integrate over $\mathfrak{D}$ first; the subsequent integral over $q$ then yields the universal result $\displaystyle\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=(3-\sqrt{3})/6\approx 0.21,$ (36) independent of $G_{0}^{\scriptscriptstyle(4)}$ and thus of the shape of the correlator. We find that for a Gaussian random potential the stable area involves about one-fifth of the total landscape; in physical terms it means that only a small fraction the landscape can be explored by pinscape spectroscopy, while a large portion (nearly 80%) of the plane are either unstable or indefinite areas. ### IV.3 Intermediate defect densities At intermediate densities, we have to resort to numerical studies; these will provide us—besides the desired information on the stable fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$—with some additional insights on the fraction of unstable ($\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$) and indefinite regions ($\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{ind}}$) of such random landscapes. We have explored this regime for the three different types of defect potentials, cut parabolas $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}}(r)$, Lorentzian- shaped $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}(r)$ with algebraic tails, and short- range Gaussian-shaped $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}(r)$, and computed the area fractions $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$, $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$, and $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{ind}}$ for stable, negative-definite and indefinite regions, respectively. This numerical analysis reveals several interesting facts, see Fig. 6: First, the Hessian character $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$ grows linearly from zero (at low densities). For the regular potentials $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}(r)$ and $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}$, the stable fraction saturates rapidly (i.e., for $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\gtrsim 4$) to the value obtained for a Gaussian random pinscape, with the precise functional dependence on the density parameter $n_{p}\Omega_{0}$ differing numerically. The (irregular) cut parabolas $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}}(r)$, however, behave differently, with the entire area becoming stable at large densities $n_{p}$, $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}\to 1$, see below for more details. A qualitative difference is observed between $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}$ and $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}$ for the negative-definite area- fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$ (the latter vanishes for $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}}$). This quantity assumes a macroscopic value $\sim 30\%$ for the long-range Lorentzian traps, while vanishing at low densities for the Gaussian-shaped pins, see Fig. 6 (bottom). The difference is attributed to the long-range, i.e. power-law, nature of the potential and can be understood by considering a pair of defects: For a single (rotationally symmetric) defect, the transverse curvature (along the azimuth) is always positive, while the longitudinal curvature (along the radius) changes from positive near the center to negative further out. Hence, a single defect generates either minima or saddles and a pair of defects is required to produce a maximum through proper superposition of the two negative longitudinal curvatures. For a pair of defects with long-ranged potential (e.g., Lorentzian) at a distance $d$, the decay of the tails [$V(r)\\!\sim\\!r^{-\alpha}$, $\alpha\\!>\\!1$] has no intrinsic length scale, and the area of regions with negative curvature scales as $d^{2}$. This area becomes anisotropic [$\mathrm{width}\\!\times\\!\mathrm{height}\\!\approx\\!(d/\sqrt{\alpha})\\!\times\\!(\sqrt{\alpha}d)$, see thumbnail in Fig. 6] as $\alpha$ increases. At low defect density, the height $\sqrt{\alpha}d$ gets cut off by the typical inter-defect distance $d\\!=\\!n_{p}^{-1/2}$, resulting in a concave area $\propto d^{2}/\sqrt{\alpha}$. The area fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}\\!\propto\\!(n_{p}\Omega_{0})^{0}/\sqrt{\alpha}$ with negative curvature is non-vanishing in the limit $n_{p}\\!\to\\!0$. For short-ranged defects, i.e., where a length-scale $\xi$ dictates the decay away from the defect, the result is not universal as it depends on the negatively curved overlap produced by two distant defects. Specifically, for two defects separated by $d$, the negative overlap is limited to a slim area concentrated near the normal (line) to the midpoint between the defects (Wigner-Seitz or Voronoi decomposition), see thumbnails in Fig. 6. For Gaussian-shaped defect potentials, the area fraction can be evaluated to $(\xi/d)^{2}\ln(d/\xi)$, yielding $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}\propto n_{p}\Omega_{0}\ln[(n_{p}\Omega_{0})^{-1}]$. Figure 6: Fraction of stable ($\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$, squares), unstable ($\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$, circles), and indefinite ($\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{ind}}$, crosses) areas of a potential landscape characterized by a finite density $n_{p}$ of Lorentzian [$V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}(r)$, red] or Gaussian [$V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle G}}(r)$, blue] shaped defects potentials, respectively. The log-linear scale (top) highlights the behavior at large densities, while the scaling at low densities is more prominent in the log-log representation (bottom). At small densities the fraction of stable points follows the universal law $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=n_{p}\Omega_{0}$, see bottom figure. At large densities the Hessian character approaches that of a random potential with Gaussian correlator (black dashed line in top panel). The stable area fraction of the cut parabolic trap $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}(r)$ is shown as a black line in the top panel. At low defect densities $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\\!\to\\!0$, see bottom panel, the unstable fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$ reaches a constant value for the Lorentzian-shaped potential (red circles) and decays as $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}\sim n_{p}\Omega_{0}\ln[(n_{p}\Omega_{0})^{-1}]$ for the Gaussian-shaped potential (blue circles). This is owed to the different scaling of unstable regions defined by distant defects in the dilute limit, as shown in the two thumbnails on the bottom right with yellow (stable), blue (unstable/maxima), and black (unstable/saddle points) areas. The special case of cut parabolas $V_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle P}}(r)$ can be treated analytically, since curvatures are non-negative integer multiples of $2V_{0}/\xi^{2}$. More specifically, within a defect’s range of action $r<\xi$, the Hessian matrix $H=(2V_{0}/\xi^{2})\mathbb{I}$ is position independent, diagonal, and positive definite, while it vanishes outside. As a result, non-overlapping traps act as isolated ones, while the total Hessian determinant of $\nu$ overlapping traps is $\nu^{2}(2V_{0}/\xi^{2})^{2}\geq 0$. We thus conclude that the only non-stable (and hence indefinite) regions are those where no defect is active, i.e., where $\nu=0$. This probability is given by the zeroth term of the Poisson distribution $\operatorname{Poiss}(\nu,n_{p}\Omega_{0})=(n_{p}\Omega_{0})^{\nu}\exp(-n_{p}\Omega_{0})/\nu!$ (see Appendix E for a detailed discussion) and hence the complement defines the stable area, $\displaystyle\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=1-\operatorname{Poiss}(0,n_{p}\Omega_{0}).$ (37) This area fraction approaches unity at large defect densities $n_{p}$, see black line in Fig. 6 and top panel in Fig. 8, quite different from the other two examples of Gaussian and Lorentzian shaped potentials that approach the Gaussian limit $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}\approx 21\%$. This is due to the singular property of the cut parabola that does not provide any region with a negative definite Hessian; when the parabolas are cut rather than smoothly connected to zero, only convex and flat regions appear in the pinning potential landscape. Figure 7: Hessian map of a potential landscape for a moderate density of cut parabolic (top), Lorentzian (middle), and Gaussian (bottom) traps. To allow for direct comparison, the defect position is the same in all panels (we chose a density parameter $n_{p}\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}^{2}\\!=\\!0.125$ and the view area $100\,\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}\\!\times\\!50\,\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$) and the length $\xi$ (defining the defect shape) assumes the values $(1/2)^{1/2}\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$, $(3/2)^{1/2}\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$, and $\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$ respectively. This implies an elementary area fraction of $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\approx 0.2$ for all three cases. Yellow/blue denote stable/unstable regions where the Hessian matrix is positive/negative definite. Indefinite points are colored in black. Here, the difference in the area fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$ of unstable points for the Lorentzian ($\sim 28\%$) and Gaussian ($\sim 22\%$) traps is apparent, see Fig. 6. Figure 8: Hessian map of a potential landscape for a high density of cut parabolas (top), Lorentzian (middle), and Gaussian (bottom) traps. The defect position is equal in all panels (we chose a density parameter $n_{p}\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}^{2}\\!=\\!2.5$ and a view area $100\,\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}\\!\times\\!50\,\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$). The length parameter $\xi$ (defining the defect shape) assumes the values $(1/2)^{1/2}\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$, $(3/2)^{1/2}\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$, and $\xi_{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm{G}}$ respectively. The elementary area fraction is $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\approx 4$. Yellow/blue denotes stable/unstable regions where the Hessian matrix is positive/negative definite. Indefinite points are black. Dense defect clusters (black points in yellow domains) define stable pinning regions, low density areas (white defects in blue regions) are unstable. Figure 9: Hessian Map of two natural landscapes: For Switzerland (left) and the Netherlands (right) stable, unstable, and indefinite areas are colored in yellow, blue, and black respectively. From an elevation map on a square lattice with longitude and latitude angular resolution of $15~{}\mathrm{arcseconds}$ [data from Wolfram Mathematica’s geographic data package], the Hessian matrix is evaluated by fitting a quadratic polynomial through each $3\\!\times\\!3$ plaquette. Despite the two countries having very different topography, their Hessian characters—tabled above—are close to the Gaussian result $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}\approx 21\%$, see Eq. (36). We thus surmise a universal Hessian law for natural landscapes. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate our findings for the two cases of low, $n_{p}\Omega_{0}=1/5$, and high density parameters $n_{p}\Omega_{0}=4$, respectively. In Figure 7, we show the Hessian map for a moderate density of cut parabolic (top), Lorentzian (middle), and Gaussian (bottom) defects. For the cut parabolas, the Hessian determinant assumes only discrete values that follow from the number of overlapping defects. While the shape of stable regions (yellow) are trivial for the cut parabolas, this is no longer the case for the Lorentzian/Gaussian potentials. In Figure 8, we show the Hessian map for a large density of cut parabolic (top), Lorentzian (middle), and Gaussian (bottom) defects. For the cut parabolas, the Hessian determinant guarantees stability in almost every point on the map. For the smooth Lorentzian and Gaussian potentials, different pins mutually neutralize one another and the stable regions are more scarce. Only when defects cluster, they reinforce one another to produce stable regions, see black dots in yellow regions. On the contrary, dilute regions with fewer defects than average (white dots in blue domains) produce unstable regions. ## V Summary and Conclusion Inspired by the recent advances in vortex imaging and the development of pinscape spectroscopy, we have analyzed the properties of 2D pinning landscapes with the help of a new characteristics, the Hessian matrix $H(\boldsymbol{r})$, its determinant $\det H$, and its trace $\operatorname{tr}H$. We have introduced the _Hessian stability map_ as a bi- colored map that separates stable from unstable regions of the pinscape; while stable regions can be mapped via pinscape spectroscopy using appropriate (linear) driving forces, unstable regions cannot, i.e., these regions do not provide equilibrated vortex positions for any applied (linear) force. We have drawn attention to several peculiarities of pinscape spectroscopy (the so- called ‘sping-softening’ and ‘broken spring effects’ in Ref. [Embon _et al._ , 2015]) related to the stability boundaries of the Hessian map where the determinant $\det H$ vanishes, e.g., an enhanced response involving potential non-linearities as well as the thermal activation over barriers into the unstable regions. Furthermore, we have indicated how pinscape spectroscopy can be enhanced to cover extended regions around the vortex trajectories by probing the out-of-phase response of vortices at high frequencies. Second, we have introduced the _Hessian character_ $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}$ of a pinning landscape $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ as the area fraction of the plane that covers the stable regions of the Hessian map. We have investigated two types of generic pinscapes, those arising from a random distribution of defects with individual pinning potentials $V(\boldsymbol{r})$ and the case of a Gaussian random potential characterized through its correlator $G(\boldsymbol{r})$. Different individual defect potentials $V(\boldsymbol{r})$ have been studied, cut parabolas with a discrete Hessian map and an exceptionally large stable fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}\to 1$ at large defect densities $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\gg 1$, Lorentzian-shaped trapping potentials that induce correlations through their long-range tails and produce a finite unstable fraction $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}$ in the limit of small defect density $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\ll 1$, and Gaussian shaped potentials with a short range that behave most regularly at all densities. The Hessian character of both, Gaussian and Lorentzian potentials, approaches the character of the random Gaussian potential for large defect densities $n_{p}\Omega_{0}\gg 1$, with the latter assuming a universal value of $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}\approx 21\,\%$ independent of the correlator $G(\boldsymbol{r})$. Hence, we find that pinscape spectroscopy of regular pinning potentials can probe at most a fraction of about one-fifth of the plane. Unfortunately, up to now, the ’vortex in the maze’ experiment is limited to a single tunable drive parameter. This is owed to the experimental setup measuring the vortex motion in the region of a current-driven strip. An expanded view on the pinscape within this setup can be gained by injecting the vortex at different positions along the transverse ($y$) direction. However, other geometries allowing for different drive directions may open the possibility to probe the full stable region of a pinscape, thus coming closer to the original ’ball-in-the-maze’ setup also for the vortex. Finally, the Hessian of pinning potentials $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ turns out relevant in the discussion of strong pinning physics Buchacek _et al._ (2020), see also Refs. Tanguya and Vettorel (2004); Cao _et al._ (2018), specifically near the onset of strong pinning as described by the famous Labusch criterion Labusch (1969): Within the strong pinning paradigm, the many body problem of vortex lattice pinning is reduced to the minimization of the two-dimensional total pinning energy $e_{\mathrm{pin}}(\boldsymbol{r})=\bar{C}(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})^{2}/2+V(\boldsymbol{r})$ including both an elastic energy (with $\bar{C}$ an effective elastic constant) and $V(\boldsymbol{r})$ the pinning potential of an individual defect. Under strong pinning conditions with $V(\boldsymbol{r})$ dominating the elastic term, the position $\boldsymbol{r}$ of the pinned vortex undergoes pinning and depinning jumps as the lattice moves smoothly along $\boldsymbol{x}$, similar to our vortex in the plane that gets trapped and detrapped by stable regions of the pinscape. Indeed, expanding the total pinning energy $e_{\mathrm{pin}}(\boldsymbol{r})=\bar{C}\,x^{2}/2-\bar{C}\,\boldsymbol{r}\cdot\boldsymbol{x}+V_{\mathrm{eff}}(\boldsymbol{r})$ with the renormalized effective potential $V_{\mathrm{eff}}(\boldsymbol{r})=V(\boldsymbol{r})+\bar{C}\,r^{2}/2$ (the term $\bar{C}\,x^{2}/2$ is an irrelevant shift), we reduce the strong pinning problem to the vortex-in-the-maze problem with the elastic term $\bar{C}\,\boldsymbol{r}\cdot\boldsymbol{x}$ replacing the external drive $\boldsymbol{F}_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}\cdot\boldsymbol{r}$ due to the current-induced Lorentz force (incidentally, the lattice coordinate $\boldsymbol{x}$ is driven by the applied current density $\boldsymbol{j}$ as well). This equivalence opens up interesting new avenues in the strong pinning problem Buchacek _et al._ (2020). Besides this relation to strong pinning, one might think of completely different applications of Hessian maps and characters, a quite obvious one that comes to mind are natural (topographic) landscapes. Indeed, analyzing the elevation map of different topographic landscapes—we chose Switzerland and the Netherlands as examples, see Fig. 9—one finds in both cases the characters $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}\\!\approx\\!21\,\%$, $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{neg}}\\!\approx\\!19\,\%$ and $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{ind}}\\!\approx\\!60\,\%$, close to the value for the Gaussian random landscape. This raises interesting questions about universality and the (non-)Gaussianity of natural landscapes. ###### Acknowledgements. We wish to express our special thanks to Eli Zeldov for initiating and supporting this project, to Yonathan Anahory for providing experimental input, and to Gian Michele Graf, who helped us formulating and solving the path integral problem of the Hessian matrix. The authors acknowledge financial support of the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) through the NCCR MaNEP. R.W. further acknowledges the support from the Pauli Center for Theoretical Studies at ETH Zurich through its scientific visitor program and the Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften (WIN, 8. Teilprogramm). ## Appendix A Parameter $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ We derive an estimate for the parameter $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ governing the response $\boldsymbol{u}$. Typical values for this ratio are obtained from the estimate $E_{\mathrm{pin}}\sim(H_{c}^{2}/4\pi)\,\xi^{2}d_{s}$ of the vortex core energy in a film of thickness $d_{s}$; here, $H_{c}=\Phi_{0}/2\sqrt{2}\pi\lambda\xi$ denotes the thermodynamic critical field and $\lambda$ and $\xi$ are the penetration depth and the coherence length, respectively. The coherence length provides an estimate for the typical spatial variation in the pinscape and hence $U^{\prime\prime}\sim E_{\mathrm{pin}}/\xi^{2}$. The viscosity $\eta$ follows from the Bardeen-Stephen Bardeen and Stephen (1965) formula $\eta=\Phi_{0}^{2}d_{s}/2\pi\xi^{2}\rho_{n}c^{2}$, with the flux quantum $\Phi_{0}=hc/2e=2.07\times 10^{-7}~{}\mathrm{Gcm^{2}}$. Inserting the Drude expression $\rho_{n}=m/ne^{2}\tau$ for the normal state resistivity, where $n$ is the electronic density and $\tau$ the electron relaxation (scattering) time, we find the ratio $\displaystyle\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}\sim(n/n_{s})\omega\tau$ (38) with $n_{s}$ the superfluid density. Assuming a value $n/n_{s}$ of order unity, we find the parameter $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ to be small in general. E.g., in the experiment on Pb-films of Ref. [Embon _et al._ , 2015], the parameters $\xi=46~{}\mathrm{nm}$, $\lambda\approx 90~{}\mathrm{nm}$, and $d_{s}=75~{}\mathrm{nm}$ provide an estimate $E_{\mathrm{pin}}/\xi^{2}\approx 7.5\times 10^{-5}~{}\mathrm{N/m}$. Assuming a normal state resistivity $\rho_{n}\approx 0.01~{}\mathrm{\mu\Omega cm}$ for lead Montgomery (1958), we find that $\eta\approx 2.4\times 10^{-13}~{}\mathrm{Ns/m}$ and combining this estimate with the $ac$ frequency $\omega=13.3~{}\mathrm{kHz}$ of the experiment, we arrive at $\eta\omega\approx 3.2\times 10^{-9}~{}\mathrm{N/m}$, a value that is 3–4 orders of magnitude lower than typical curvatures $U^{\prime\prime}$. ## Appendix B 2D local reconstruction of pinscape The solution of the equation of motion (1) provides us with the expressions $\displaystyle\\!\\!\frac{u_{x}}{F_{ac}}$ $\displaystyle\\!=\\!\frac{4b^{2}+\eta^{2}\omega^{2}}{2b(4ab\\!-\\!c^{2})+2a\eta^{2}\omega^{2}+i\eta\omega[4b^{2}\\!+\\!c^{2}\\!+\\!\eta^{2}\omega^{2}]},\\!\\!$ (39) $\displaystyle\\!\\!\frac{u_{y}}{F_{ac}}$ $\displaystyle\\!=\\!\frac{-c(2b-i\eta\omega)}{2b(4ab\\!-\\!c^{2})+2a\eta^{2}\omega^{2}+i\eta\omega[4b^{2}\\!+\\!c^{2}\\!+\\!\eta^{2}\omega^{2}]}\\!\\!$ (40) for the displacements $u_{x}$ and $u_{y}$. This result can be analyzed perturbatively in the small parameter $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ and leads us to the simple expression Eq. (5) to lowest (0-th) order. The expansion of Eqs. (39) and (40) to linear order in $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$ contributes the out-of-phase displacements $\delta u_{x},~{}\delta u_{y}\propto i(\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime})(F_{ac}/U^{\prime\prime})$ that allow for the full local construction of the pinscape $U(x,y)$ in the vicinity of the vortex trajectory. Specifically, this out-of-phase response assumes the form $\displaystyle\\!\\!\\!\\!\frac{\delta u_{x}}{F_{ac}}$ $\displaystyle=-i\eta\omega\frac{4b^{2}+c^{2}}{(4ab-c^{2})^{2}},$ $\displaystyle\;\;\frac{\delta u_{y}}{F_{ac}}$ $\displaystyle=i\eta\omega\frac{2(a+b)c}{(4ab-c^{2})^{2}}$ (41) and can be measured independently from the in-phase displacements in Eq. (5). For a fixed drive amplitude $F_{ac}$, the independent measurement of the four quantities $u_{x}$, $u_{y}$, $\delta u_{x}$, and $\delta u_{y}$ then allows to extract all the local curvatures $a$, $b$, and $c$ from the experiment, $\displaystyle a$ $\displaystyle=\frac{F_{ac}}{2u_{x}}\Big{[}1+\frac{u_{y}^{2}/u^{2}}{(\delta u_{y}/u_{y})(u_{x}/\delta u_{x})-1}\Big{]},$ (42) $\displaystyle b$ $\displaystyle=\frac{F_{ac}}{2u_{x}}\frac{u_{x}^{2}/u^{2}}{(\delta u_{y}/u_{y})(u_{x}/\delta u_{x})-1},$ (43) $\displaystyle c$ $\displaystyle=\frac{F_{ac}}{2u_{x}}\frac{-2u_{x}u_{y}/u^{2}}{(\delta u_{y}/u_{y})(u_{x}/\delta u_{x})-1},$ (44) where $u=(u_{x}^{2}+u_{y}^{2})^{1/2}$ is the total displacement amplitude. The additional independent relation $\eta\omega=F_{ac}\,|\delta u_{x}|/u^{2}$ with a constant left-hand side $\eta\omega$ serves as a check. The results (42)–(44) can be used to reconstruct the potential in the vicinity of the trajectory. We define the vector $\boldsymbol{\eta}_{\perp}\equiv(1,-u_{x}/u_{y})=(1,2b_{n}/c_{n})$ perpendicular to the vortex trajectory and parametrize the positions $\boldsymbol{r}_{n,\epsilon}=\boldsymbol{r}_{n}+\epsilon\boldsymbol{\eta}_{\perp}$ transverse to the equilibrium trajectory at $\boldsymbol{r}_{n}$. Combining Eqs. (42)–(44) and (7), we find the potential shift $\displaystyle\\!\\!U(\boldsymbol{r}_{n,\epsilon})$ $\displaystyle\\!-\\!U(\boldsymbol{r}_{n})=\epsilon F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}+\epsilon^{2}[a_{n}+2b_{n}+4b_{n}^{3}/c_{n}^{2}]$ (45) $\displaystyle=\epsilon F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}+\epsilon^{2}\frac{F_{ac}}{2u_{x}}\Big{[}1+\frac{u^{2}/u_{y}^{2}}{(\delta u_{y}/u_{y})(u_{x}/\delta u_{x})-1}\Big{]}.$ While the linear term $\propto\epsilon$ in the bare potential is ’tilted away’ by the force $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}n}=nF_{ac}$, the quadratic term $\propto\epsilon^{2}$ provides the parabolic confinement transverse to the vortex trajectory. Unfortunately, the corrections Eq. (41) are small in the parameter $\eta\omega/U^{\prime\prime}$, requiring a high measurement sensitivity and $ac$ frequencies in the MHz range. The solutions Eqs. (5) and (41) for the in-phase and out-of-phase motion apply when $\delta u_{x}/u_{x},\ \delta u_{y}/u_{y}\ll 1$, i.e., when $\displaystyle\eta\omega\ll\frac{2b(4ab-c^{2})}{4b^{2}+c^{2}}\quad\text{and}\quad\eta\omega\ll\frac{4ab-c^{2}}{2(a+b)}.$ (46) These criteria are violated in the vicinity of the _Hessian boundary_ where the condition $4ab-c^{2}=0$ is separating a stable from an unstable region. Near this boundary, the singularities in Eq. (5) are cut off by the dissipative term $\eta\omega$ and the appropriate solutions to linear order in $F_{ac}/\eta\omega$ take the form $\displaystyle\frac{u_{x}}{F_{ac}}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{-i}{\eta\omega}\frac{1}{1\\!+\\!(c/2b)^{2}},\quad\quad\frac{u_{y}}{F_{ac}}=\frac{i}{\eta\omega}\frac{c/2b}{1\\!+\\!(c/2b)^{2}}.$ (47) These displacements are phase-lagged with respect to the external drive, while the motion is still at the same angle $\phi$ away from the $x$ axis. ## Appendix C Escape Here, we comment on the escape of the vortex from the stable region when approaching the Hessian boundary. The quadratic approximation (2) then is insufficient to describe the escape dynamics over the depinning barrier. The latter is obtained by including cubic terms in the expansion; limiting ourselves to the most relevant term $d\,u_{x}^{3}$, we obtain the expansion around the position $\boldsymbol{r}_{0}$ near the boundary $\displaystyle U_{\mathrm{tilt}}(\boldsymbol{r},F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}})=U_{\mathrm{tilt}}(\boldsymbol{r}_{0},F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}})+au_{x}^{2}+bu_{y}^{2}+cu_{x}u_{y}+du_{x}^{3}$ with $d<0$ describing the escape for positive tilt. This potential features a saddle point at $\displaystyle\boldsymbol{r}=\boldsymbol{r}_{0}-\frac{2\tilde{a}}{3d}(1,-c/2b)$ (48) and defines a barrier $\displaystyle U_{b}=4\tilde{a}^{3}/27d^{2}$ (49) that prevents the escape of the vortex to the unstable region; here, we have introduced the renormalized curvature $\tilde{a}=a(1-c^{2}/4ab)$, which scales linearly with the Hessian determinant and vanishes upon approaching the stability edge. Note that the curvature parameters in the above expressions depend on $\boldsymbol{r}_{0}$ and hence on the closeness of this point to the Hessian stability boundary. At finite temperature, the vortex escapes the defect by thermal activation when the criterion $U_{b}\approx k_{\rm\scriptscriptstyle B}T\ln(\omega_{0}\tau)$ is met, with $\omega_{0}$ the attempt frequency for escaping the well and $\tau$ the relevant time scale of the experiment Kramers (1940); Hänggi _et al._ (1990). In order to better understand the situation in the experiment of Ref. Embon _et al._ (2015), we can use these relations to find the distance $\delta r=|\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}_{0}|$ away from the boundary where the vortex leaves the pin via thermal activation. Using the estimates Embon _et al._ (2015) $\omega_{0}\sim 10^{11}$ Hz and $\tau\sim 300~{}\mathrm{s}$, we find that $U_{b}\approx 30\,k_{\rm\scriptscriptstyle B}T\approx 130$ K at the temperature $T=4.2$ K of the experiment. Combining the expressions for the saddle point position (48), for the barrier (49) and for the displacement $u_{x}=F_{ac}/2\tilde{a}$, see (5), we obtain $\displaystyle\delta r\approx[(u_{x}^{2}+u_{y}^{2})(6U_{b}/F_{ac}u_{x})]^{1/2}.$ (50) For the escape out of the well at $x\\!\approx\\!20$ nm (right edge of the central well in Fig. 3), where $(u_{x},u_{y})\\!\approx\\!(0.15,-0.05)$ nm and with $F_{ac}\\!\approx\\!10^{-14}$ N, one arrives at a typical energy change per step in $F_{\mathrm{\scriptscriptstyle L}}$ of $F_{ac}u_{x}\\!\approx\\!0.1$ K. This results in an estimate $\delta r\\!\approx\\!14$ nm, an appreciable distance away from the Hessian stability boundary. Hence, one has to conclude that thermal fluctuations cut off the measured trajectory long before reaching the Hessian stability boundary, in agreement with the discussion in the experiment Embon _et al._ (2015). As a consequence, the displacements $u_{x}$ and $u_{y}$, although proportional to the inverse Hessian $(4ab-c^{2})^{-1}$, do not show a divergence when approaching the Hessian stability boundary, as the latter is never closely approached. In the same vain, the vortex leaves the pin much before the force saturates at the Hessian boundary. In principle, anharmonic effects may influence the vortex escape from the stable regions—this is the case at small temperatures [when $U_{b}\gg k_{\scriptscriptstyle B}T\ln(\omega_{0}\tau)$] or at large $ac$ amplitudes $u$. Including such anharmonicities and solving for the displacement $u_{x}$, we find the periodic dynamics $\displaystyle u_{x}=-\frac{2b}{c}u_{y}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{\tilde{a}}{3d}\Bigg{[}\sqrt{1+\frac{3d}{\tilde{a}^{2}}F_{ac}e^{-i\omega t}}-1\Bigg{]}e^{i\omega t},$ (51) as long as the $ac$ amplitude $F_{ac}$ is below the threshold $\displaystyle F_{\mathrm{thr}}\equiv\frac{\tilde{a}^{2}}{3|d|}.$ (52) As the ratio $F_{ac}/F_{\mathrm{thr}}$ approaches unity, anharmonic effects manifest; in particular, the barrier decreases periodically in time to a value $\displaystyle U_{b}^{\mathrm{anh}}=\frac{4\tilde{a}^{3}}{27d^{2}}\Big{(}1-\frac{F_{ac}}{F_{\mathrm{thr}}}\Big{)}^{3/2},$ (53) thus allowing for a faster escape of the vortex due to the combined effect of thermal activation and anharmonicity in the $ac$ response. For even larger $ac$ forces, $F_{ac}>F_{\mathrm{thr}}$, the vortex is pushed over the barrier and leaves the defect for good. Expressing the ratio again through known quantities, we find that $F_{ac}/F_{\mathrm{thr}}\approx\sqrt{F_{ac}u_{x}/U_{b}}$ which, when inserting the experimental numbers Embon _et al._ (2015), provides us with the value 1/20, telling us that anharmonic effects are small for the experiment in Ref. Embon _et al._ , 2015. ## Appendix D Gaussian probability distribution In the limit of strongly overlapping defects, the functional distribution function $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$ assumes a Gaussian form, see Eqs. (22) and (23). We verify (and sharpen) this statement by studying correlators and via direct calculation of $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$ from Eq. (20). ### D.1 Correlators Given a set of defect (or pin) locations $\\{\boldsymbol{r}_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{N}$, we define the associated density $\displaystyle\rho(\boldsymbol{r})=\sum\nolimits_{i=1}^{N}\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}_{i}).$ (54) When distributed homogeneously over the area $\Omega$, the average density at the position $\boldsymbol{r}$ is $\displaystyle\langle\rho(\boldsymbol{r})\rangle=\int\Big{[}\prod_{i=1}^{N}\frac{d^{2}r_{i}}{\Omega}\Big{]}\rho(\boldsymbol{r})=N/\Omega=n_{p}$ (55) and the two-point correlator reads $\displaystyle\langle\rho(\boldsymbol{r})\rho(\boldsymbol{s})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=N(N\\!-\\!1)/\Omega^{2}+(N/\Omega)\>\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s}).$ (56) Going over to reduced densities $\bar{\rho}(r)=\rho(r)-n_{p}$, the first four correlators read (in the thermodynamic limit $N,\Omega\\!\to\\!\infty$, with $N/\Omega=n_{p}$) $\displaystyle\langle\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{r})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=0,$ (57) $\displaystyle\langle\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{r})\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{s})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=n_{p}\,\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s}),$ $\displaystyle\langle\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{r})\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{s})\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{t})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=n_{p}\,\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s})\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{t}),$ $\displaystyle\\!\\!\langle\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{r})\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{s})\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{t})\bar{\rho}(\boldsymbol{x})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=n_{p}\,\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s})\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{t})\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})$ $\displaystyle\quad+n_{p}^{2}\,\big{[}\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s})\delta(\boldsymbol{t}-\boldsymbol{x})$ $\displaystyle\quad+\\!\delta(\boldsymbol{r}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{t})\delta(\boldsymbol{s}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{x})\\!+\\!\delta(\boldsymbol{r}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{x})\delta(\boldsymbol{s}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{t})\big{]}\\!.$ These results translate into correlators for the potential $\displaystyle U(\boldsymbol{r})=\sum\nolimits_{i}V(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}_{i})=\int d^{2}x\,V(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})\rho(\boldsymbol{x})$ (58) via simple integration: $\langle U(\boldsymbol{r})\rangle=0$ (as $\int\\!d^{2}rV(\boldsymbol{r})\\!=\\!0$) and $\displaystyle\langle U(\boldsymbol{r})U(\boldsymbol{s})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=n_{p}\\!\int\\!d^{2}xd^{2}yV(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})V(\boldsymbol{s}-\boldsymbol{y})\langle\rho(\boldsymbol{x})\rho(\boldsymbol{y})\rangle$ $\displaystyle=G(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s})$ (59) with the two-point potential correlator $\displaystyle G(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{s})=n_{p}\xi^{2}\int\frac{d^{2}x}{\xi^{2}}V(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})V(\boldsymbol{s}-\boldsymbol{x}).$ (60) Here, $n_{p}\xi^{2}$ takes the role of the large density parameter, with the integral remaining of order $V_{0}^{2}$. One easily shows that the even-order $(2k)$-point correlators are dominated by the Wick term $\propto(n_{p}\xi^{2})^{k}$, $\displaystyle\langle U(\boldsymbol{r}_{1})\cdots U(\boldsymbol{r}_{2k})\rangle=$ (61) $\displaystyle\hskip 50.00008pt\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}\mathrm{pairings}\\\ \\{p_{1},\dots,p_{k}\\}\end{subarray}}\\!\\!\\!\Big{[}\prod_{\ell=1}^{k}G(\boldsymbol{r}_{p_{\ell,1}}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{p_{\ell,2}})\Big{]}+\mathcal{O}[(n_{p}\xi^{2})^{k-1}],$ with the set of pairings $\\{p_{1},\dots,p_{k}\\}$ including all sites $\boldsymbol{r}_{i}$ ($i\in\\{1,\dots 2k\\}$). The odd-order ($2k+1$)-point correlators start with a subleading term $\propto(n_{p}\xi^{2})^{k}$. Note that all subleading terms involve higher-order potential overlaps, e.g., the three-defect overlap of the form $\displaystyle\\!\\!\\!G_{3}(\boldsymbol{r},\boldsymbol{s},\boldsymbol{t})=n_{p}\xi^{2}\\!\int\\!\frac{d^{2}x}{\xi^{2}}V(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})V(\boldsymbol{s}-\boldsymbol{x})V(\boldsymbol{t}-\boldsymbol{x}).\\!\\!$ (62) For large densities the Wick term dominates and the distribution for $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ becomes Gaussian as $n_{p}\xi^{2}\\!\to\\!\infty$. ### D.2 Probability distribution $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$ In order to calculate the functional probability distribution $\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]$, we discretize the problem and evaluate $\mathcal{P}[\\{U_{\alpha}\\}]$ on the discrete set of lattice sites $\\{\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha}\\}_{1}^{M}$ on a mesh with unit volume $v=a^{2}$, $Mv=\Omega$. Note that positions $\boldsymbol{r}$ with Latin/Greek indices denote coordinates of defects/mesh-points. The discretized probability function then derives from the measure Eq. (20), $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}[\\{U_{\alpha}\\}]$ $\displaystyle=\int\Big{[}\prod_{i=1}^{N}\frac{d^{2}r_{i}}{\Omega}\Big{]}\Big{\\{}\prod_{\beta}\delta[U_{\beta}-U(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta})]\Big{\\}}.$ (63) We rewrite the Dirac $\delta$ distributions in Fourier space and obtain the expression $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}[\\{U_{\alpha}\\}]$ $\displaystyle=\int\\!\Big{[}\\!\prod_{\alpha}\frac{dK_{\alpha}}{2\pi/v}\Big{]}\Big{[}\prod_{i}^{N}\frac{d^{2}r_{i}}{\Omega}\Big{]}e^{iv\sum_{\beta}\\!K_{\beta}[U_{\beta}-U(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta})]}$ $\displaystyle=\int\Big{[}\prod_{\alpha}\frac{dK_{\alpha}}{2\pi/v}\Big{]}e^{iv\sum_{\beta}K_{\beta}U_{\beta}}$ $\displaystyle\qquad\quad\times\bigg{[}\int\frac{d^{2}r}{\Omega}e^{-iv\sum_{\beta}K_{\beta}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}-\boldsymbol{r})}\bigg{]}^{N},$ (64) where we have made use of Eq. (58). Adding and subtracting unity in the last square bracket, and taking the thermodynamic limit $N,\Omega\\!\to\\!\infty$ with $n_{p}=N/\Omega$, we can rewrite the above equation as $\displaystyle\\!\\!\\!\\!\mathcal{P}[\\{U_{\alpha}\\}]\\!$ $\displaystyle=\\!\\!\int\\!\Big{[}\\!\prod_{\alpha}\frac{dK_{\alpha}}{2\pi/v}\Big{]}e^{\psi[\\{K_{\alpha},U_{\alpha}\\};V(\boldsymbol{r})]}$ (65) with $\displaystyle\psi[\\{K_{\alpha},U_{\alpha}\\};V(\boldsymbol{r})]$ $\displaystyle=iv\sum_{\beta}\\!K_{\beta}U_{\beta}$ (66) $\displaystyle\quad+n_{p}v\sum_{\alpha}\Big{[}e^{-iv\sum_{\beta}\\!K_{\beta}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})}-1\Big{]}.$ For consistency, we have discretized the average over defect positions $\int d^{2}r\to v\sum_{\alpha}$. The saddle-point equation $\partial\psi/\partial K_{\beta}=0$ for a given $K_{\beta}$ reads $\displaystyle U_{\beta}=n_{p}v\sum\nolimits_{\alpha}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})e^{-iv\sum_{\gamma}\\!K_{\gamma}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\gamma}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})}.$ (67) We expand the exponential function above assuming its argument to be small, an assumption that will be validated a-posteriori below, and find $\displaystyle U_{\beta}$ $\displaystyle\approx n_{p}v\sum_{\alpha}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})$ (68) $\displaystyle\quad-\\!in_{p}v^{2}\sum_{\alpha,\gamma}K_{\gamma}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\gamma}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})$ $\displaystyle\quad-\\!n_{p}v^{3}\\!\sum_{\alpha,\gamma,\delta}\\!K_{\gamma}K_{\delta}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\gamma}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\delta}\\!-\\!\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha}).$ The first term on the right-hand side is the potential’s mean value which we have assumed to vanish. For the second term in the expression above, we introduce $\displaystyle G_{\beta,\gamma}=n_{p}v\sum\nolimits_{\alpha}V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha})V(\boldsymbol{r}_{\gamma}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\alpha}),$ (69) the discrete version of the two-point correlator (60). With $G_{\beta,\gamma}$ of the scale $(n_{p}\xi^{2})V_{0}^{2}$ and decaying on a length $|\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\gamma}|\sim\xi$, we arrive at the estimate $\displaystyle\bar{K}_{\beta}\equiv v\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\sum_{\gamma,|\boldsymbol{r}_{\beta}-\boldsymbol{r}_{\gamma}|{\scriptscriptstyle<}\xi\\!\\!}\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!\\!K_{\gamma}\sim\frac{U_{\beta}}{(n_{p}\xi^{2})V_{0}^{2}}.$ (70) Substituting this estimate in the third term of Eq. (68), we find that it is small when $\displaystyle V_{0}\bar{K}_{\beta}\ll 1.$ (71) The width of the distribution function for the expectation value of the potential grows only with $(n_{p}\xi^{2})^{1/2}V_{0}$, what tells us that in the limit $n_{p}\xi^{2}\to\infty$, the above condition is satisfies almost everywhere (except for far-distant tails: for $U\sim V_{0}n_{p}\xi^{2}$, see (70) and (71), the probability has dropped to $\exp(-U^{2}/G)\sim\exp(-\mathrm{const.}\,n_{p}\xi^{2})$). This reasoning justifies the truncation of (68) to include only terms up to linear order in $K$. At the same time, it validates the assumption used after Eq. (67) and allows to expand the exponential in (66) to quadratic order in $K$. We thus arrive at the simple expression $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}[\\{U_{\alpha}\\}]\\!$ $\displaystyle\approx\\!\\!\int\\!\Big{[}\\!\prod_{\alpha}\frac{dK_{\alpha}}{2\pi/v}\Big{]}e^{iv\sum_{\beta}\\!K_{\beta}U_{\beta}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}v^{2}\sum_{\beta,\gamma}K_{\beta}G_{\beta,\gamma}K_{\gamma}}$ (72) for the discretized probability distribution, a result that becomes exact for $n_{p}\xi^{2}\\!\to\\!\infty$. Computing the Gaussian integrals over $K$, we find that $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}[\\{U_{\alpha}\\}]$ $\displaystyle\propto e^{-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{\beta,\gamma}U_{\beta}(G^{-1})_{\beta,\gamma}U_{\gamma}},$ (73) where we have used the discrete version of the inversion identity $\int d^{2}x\,G(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{x})\,G^{-1}(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime}-\boldsymbol{x})=\delta(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})$, i.e., $\displaystyle v\sum\nolimits_{\beta}G_{\alpha,\beta}(G^{-1})_{\beta,\gamma}=\delta_{\alpha,\gamma}/v.$ (74) Returning back to the continuum notation, we arrive at the final result $\displaystyle\mathcal{P}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\to\mathcal{P}_{\mathrm{G}}[U(\boldsymbol{r})]\equiv\frac{1}{\mathcal{Z}}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\int\frac{d^{2}r}{\Omega}\frac{d^{2}r^{\prime}}{\Omega}U(\boldsymbol{r})G^{-1}(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})U(\boldsymbol{r}^{\prime})},$ (75) where $\mathcal{Z}$ accounts for the correct normalization. Note that more terms in the expansion of (66) need to be retained if one is interested in properties away from the body of the probability distribution, at least in principle. ## Appendix E Parabolic traps The determination of the probability distribution $p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})$ of the Hessian determinant and trace for a landscape made from cut parabolas makes use of Eqs. (26) and (20), from which follows that $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)=\int$ $\displaystyle\Big{[}\prod_{j=1}^{N}\frac{d^{2}r_{j}}{\Omega}\Big{]}\,\delta[U_{xx}(0)-2a]$ (76) $\displaystyle\qquad\times\delta[U_{yy}(0)-2b]\,\delta[U_{xy}(0)-c].$ Rewriting the delta-distributions in Fourier space, and expressing the potential $U(\boldsymbol{r})$ through the sum of individual defect potentials $V(\boldsymbol{r}-\boldsymbol{r}_{i})$, we obtain the expression $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle=\int\frac{dk\,dl\,dm}{(2\pi)^{3}}\,e^{i(2ka+2lb+mc)}$ (77) $\displaystyle\times\Big{[}\int\frac{d^{2}r}{\Omega}e^{-i[kV_{xx}(\boldsymbol{r})+lV_{yy}(\boldsymbol{r})+mV_{xy}(\boldsymbol{r})]}\Big{]}^{N}.$ In the thermodynamic limit, $N,\Omega\\!\to\\!\infty$ at fixed defect density $n_{p}\\!=\\!N/\Omega$, the last factor can be rewritten as $\displaystyle\Big{[}1+\frac{n_{p}}{N}\epsilon(k,l,m)\Big{]}^{N}=e^{n_{p}\epsilon(k,l,m)}$ (78) with $\epsilon(k,l,m)$ involving only the potential shape $V(\boldsymbol{r})$ of an individual defect, $\displaystyle\epsilon(k,l,m)=\\!\int\\!\\!d^{2}r\big{[}e^{-i[kV_{xx}(\boldsymbol{r})+lV_{yy}(\boldsymbol{r})+mV_{xy}(\boldsymbol{r})]}\\!-\\!1\big{]}.$ (79) As a result, we arrive at the compact form $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)=\\!\int\\!\frac{dk\,dl\,dm}{(2\pi)^{3}}e^{i(2ka+2lb+mc)}e^{n_{p}\epsilon(k,l,m)}.$ (80) While the above procedure applies for all defect types, we explicitly evaluate the above expressions for the cut parabolic defect. Since all second derivatives of $V(\boldsymbol{r})$ are either $2V_{0}/\xi^{2}$ or zero, Eq. (79) reads $\displaystyle\epsilon(k,l,m)=\Omega_{0}\big{[}e^{-i2V_{0}(k+l)/\xi^{2}}-1\big{]}.$ (81) Inserting this result into Eq. (80), expanding the last factor in a power series, and using the binomial theorem, we find that $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle=\int\frac{dk\,dl\,dm}{(2\pi)^{3}}\,e^{i(2ka+2lb+mc)}$ (82) $\displaystyle\quad\sum_{\nu=0}^{\infty}\sum_{\mu=\nu}^{\infty}\frac{(n_{p}\Omega_{0})^{\mu}}{\nu!(\mu-\nu)!}e^{-i2V_{0}\nu(k+l)/\xi^{2}}(-1)^{\mu-\nu}.$ The integrations over $k,l,m$ provide $\delta$ distributions and rearranging terms in the sum, we obtain $\displaystyle\pi(a,b,c)$ $\displaystyle\\!=\\!\sum\nolimits_{\nu=0}^{\infty}\delta[\nu(2V_{0}/\xi^{2})-2a]\,\delta[\nu(2V_{0}/\xi^{2})-2b]$ $\displaystyle\hskip 40.00006pt\times\delta(c)\,\operatorname{Poiss}(\nu,n_{p}\Omega_{0}).$ (83) As expected, the Hessian matrix can only take on discrete values $(2\nu V_{0}/\xi^{2})\,\mathbb{I}$ and, correspondingly, the probability distribution is a sum of $\delta$ distributions. Next, we make use of the result for $\pi(a,b,c)$, Eq. (E), in the determination of the probability distribution $p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})$ for a Hessian $H$ with $\det H=\mathfrak{D}$ and $\operatorname{tr}H=\mathfrak{T}$, see Eq. (19). The expression (25) for $p(\mathfrak{D})$ generalizes to $\displaystyle p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})\\!=\\!\\!\\!\iiint\limits_{\\!\text{-}\infty\,\text{-}\infty\,\text{-}\infty}^{\quad\infty\infty\infty}\\!\\!\\!da\,db\,dc\ \pi(a,b,c)f(a,b,c;\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})$ (84) with $\displaystyle f(a,b,c;\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})=\delta[4ab\\!-\\!c^{2}\\!-\\!\mathfrak{D}]\,\delta[2a\\!+\\!2b\\!-\\!\mathfrak{T}].$ (85) and inserting the result Eq. (E) for $\pi(a,b,c)$, we find $\displaystyle p(\mathfrak{D},\mathfrak{T})$ $\displaystyle=\sum\nolimits_{\nu=0}^{\infty}\operatorname{Poiss}(\nu,n_{p}\Omega_{0})\delta[\nu^{2}(2V_{0}/\xi^{2})^{2}-\mathfrak{D}]$ $\displaystyle\hskip 42.00003pt\times\delta[\nu(2V_{0}/\xi^{2})-\mathfrak{T}].$ (86) The final integration over strictly positive $\mathfrak{D}$ and $\mathfrak{T}$ results in the stable area fraction of the Hessian map, $\mathcal{C}_{\mathrm{pos}}=1-\operatorname{Poiss}(0,n_{p}\Omega_{0})$. ## References * Tonomura _et al._ (2001) A. Tonomura, H. Kasai, O. Kamimura, T. Matsuda, K. Harada, Y. Nakayama, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, T. Hanaguri, K. Kitazawa, M. Sasase, and S. Okayasu, _Observation of individual vortices trapped along columnar defects in high-temperature superconductors_ , Nature 412, 620 (2001). * Bending (1999) S. J. Bending, _Local magnetic probes of superconductors_ , Advances in Physics 48, 449 (1999). * Kirtley (2010) J. R. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Roland Willa, Vadim B. Geshkenbein, Gianni Blatter", "submitter": "Roland Willa", "url": "" }
# Conflict-Free Four-Dimensional Path Planning for Urban Air Mobility Considering Airspace Occupations Wei Dai Bizhao Pang Kin Huat Low School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 639798 Air Traffic Management Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 637460 ###### Abstract Urban air mobility (UAM) has attracted the attention of aircraft manufacturers, air navigation service providers and governments in recent years. Preventing the conflict among urban aircraft is crucial to UAM traffic safety, which is a key in enabling large scale UAM operation. Pre-flight conflict-free path planning can provide a strategic layer in the maintenance of safety performance, thus becomes an important element in UAM. This paper aims at tackling conflict-free path planning problem for UAM operation with a consideration of four-dimensional airspace management. In the first place, we introduced and extended a four-dimensional airspace management concept, AirMatrix. On the basis of AirMatrix, we formulated the shortest flight time path planning problem considering resolution of conflicts with both static and dynamic obstacles. A Conflict-Free A-Star algorithm was developed for planning four-dimensional paths based on first-come-first-served scheme. The algorithm contains a novel design of heuristic function as well as a conflict detection and resolution strategy. Numerical experiment was carried out in Jurong East area in Singapore, and the results show that the algorithm can generate paths resolving a significant number of potential conflicts in airspace utilization, with acceptable computational time and flight delay. The contributions of this study provide references for stakeholders to support the development of UAM. ###### keywords: air traffic management , urban air mobility , strategic conflict-avoidance , path planning , A-Star algorithm ††journal: XXX ## 1 Introduction ### 1.1 Background and Motivation Transportation, likened to be the blood of economic development, allows the resources to be provided to the places where they are needed. However, the land resource required in road transportation does not increase with the ballooning population and the traffic demand it brings in mega-cities. In recent years, as a result, the ascending frequency and severity of traffic congestion have become a major concern in the urban transport system. In the face of this problem, the utilization of the vertical dimension in the urban area is an intuitive choice for stakeholders. Starting from the second decade of the 21st century, attempts have been made to use low-altitude aircraft as a supplementary means of transport. Amazon and Google are the pioneers in the testing of drone deliveries, since which the interest in Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) operations has been growing [1]. Benefit from the maturity of aircraft systems and related technologies, some companies started to look at not only cargo flights but also passenger air vehicles that are presented as electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) aircraft. Airbus, Volocopters, EHang, Bell, and Embraer are developing their eVTOL aircraft, aiming at a leading position in this market [2]. In this background, the concept of UAM was initiated, defined as “safe and efficient air traffic operations in a metropolitan area for manned aircraft and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS)” [3]. There will be a clear demand for UAM operations [4]. Nevertheless, before large scale UAM operation can be realized, an emergent problem that has to be solved is ensuring the safety of UAM flight as they bring additional risk to the current air traffic system [5]. The development of reliable urban aircraft is a challenge to the aviation industry [6]. Moreover, UAM as a new branch of airspace users leads to significant difficulties to air traffic management (ATM). Despite the existence of ATM system that has been operating safely and efficiently for many years, there are unignorable technical and management gaps that need to be coped with before UAM can be sufficiently integrated into the current air traffic system because the characteristics of UAM are different from those of traditional air traffic, which brings on obstacles in ensuring its operational safety and efficiency. To address these problems, AirMatrix was designed in 2017 as a comprehensive routing network for UTM [7], and has been extended as a concept specifically for urban airspace management. In AirMatrix concept, urban airspace is discretized into blocks. By preventing conflicts in block utilization, the concept provides a solution for dynamic airspace utilization within a manageable overall airspace framework. Path planning is one of the key problems in AirMatrix. In traditional manned aviation, pre-flight planning provides a path for the aircraft to follow. The planned path also serves as an estimation that determines the resources allocated to the flight, including fuel, flight crew, airspace resource, etc. In this case, the performance and reliability of pre-flight planning have an impact on the profitability of flight operators. In the context of UAM, high- density flight operation can be expected, thus it is unlikely that air navigation service providers (ANSP) will offer tactical air traffic control service to every aircraft in urban airspace. There have been many studies on the development of on-board detect-and-avoid (DAA) systems, towards an autonomous collision avoidance capability that meets the target level of safety (TLS) of manned aviation, e.g. $10^{-7}$ fatalities per flight hour [8, 9]. However, due to the complex environment that UAM flight operations in, many sources of interruptions will cause uncertainties to the DAA system, which may impede the safety performance. As a result, there is no industrial practice showing that the TLS is achieved by DAA system independently. Therefore, multi-layered safety assurance is still crucial to UAM operation, especially in the early stage. As a consequence, it is important that pre- flight path planning not only concerns high operational efficiency, but also provides a strategic layer of conflict avoidance. This requirement increases the difficulty of UAM path planning. ### 1.2 Related Works Path planning in urban airspace especially for drone operations has been studied based on various operational scenarios, such as delivery [10], surveillance [11], building inspection [12]. Many typical algorithms for path planning have been applied to aircraft applications, including sampling based algorithms like rapid exploring random tree (RRT) [13] and probabilistic road maps (PRM) [14], graph-based optimal algorithms like Dijkstra’s algorithm [15] and A-Star (A*) [16, 17] algorithm, potential field method [18], optimal control [19], population-based algorithms [20, 21], etc. In the context of path planning with a consideration of conflict avoidance, bio-inspired algorithms are widely used as this kind of algorithm is suitable for generating multiple paths at the same time and can easily implement complicated objectives and constraints [22]. Existing methods include Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [23], Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) [21], differential evolution (DE) [24], Genetic Algorithms (GA) [20], Firefly Algorithm (FA) [25], memetic computing method [26], and other modified or improved algorithms based on them. However, these population-based methods have some weaknesses making them hard to be applied in UAM. For example, these methods are indeterministic and difficult to be analyzed, and their convergence rate is hard to guarantee [27]. Graph-based algorithms are naturally suitable for path planning with a consideration of airspace management in which the airspace discretization has been performed and can be directly modeled as a node-and-link graph. A* algorithm is one of the most widely used graph-based algorithm, and has been applied in recent studies for aircraft path planning. Liu et al. [28] proposed an A* planner for drone operating in a cluttered environment focusing on precise avoidance of collision with static obstacles considering attitude constraints. Penin et al. [29] integrated perception constraints in A* algorithm for minimum-time trajectory planning. In their method, the uncertainties in state measurements are considered and updated in order to enhance the capability of collision avoidance. These studies focuses on kinematic level motion planning for an individual aircraft in a cluttered area. The avoidance of vehicle-to-obstacle collision is achieved, but the vehicle-to-vehicle collision avoidance on the traffic management level is not considered in these studies. Ma et al. [30] presented a decentralized method for aircraft motion planning in high-density operations. Their algorithm combines an A* path planner and a low-level coordination strategy to achieve conflict avoidance among the drones. Their design of local path planer appears to be similar to the DAA system, which makes the algorithm a combination of strategical and tactical planner. The algorithm was tested indoors, and the performance of the application of the algorithm in high-density drone operation in large urban area is unknown. Tan et al. [31] developed a framework combining an A* path planner and a scheduling scheme based on GA for conflict resolution. This method resolves conflicts only by modifying departure times. Though not being considered in this paper, for a fully utilization of the four-dimensions of trajectory, detouring and hovering while the aircraft is airborne can be used in avoiding conflicts. ### 1.3 Contributions of this paper In this paper, conflict-free path planning problem is solved in a context of urban airspace. The main contributions of this paper is concluded as follows: * 1. A path planning model for conflict-free UAM operation is established. The model includes a point mass model for aircraft speed estimation in the shortest flight time path planning. Higher-priority flight plans are considered as dynamic obstacles, and mathematical representations for the avoidance of both static and dynamic obstacles are presented. * 2. A conflict-free A-star (CFA*) algorithm is developed for 4D path planning based on first-come-first-served (FCFS) scheme. The algorithm includes a novel design of heuristic function as well as a decision-making process for conflict avoidance. * 3. The algorithm was analyzed by a numerical experiment carried out in an urban airspace in Singapore. Results show that the algorithm successfully resolves a large number of potential conflicts with acceptable flight-time cost and computational time. ### 1.4 Organization of the paper The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 builds the mathematical model of airspace under AirMatrix concept, formulates the path planning under AirMatrix concept as an optimization problem, and develops the model of aircraft velocity performances. Section 3 introduces the development of our new algorithm that solves the path planning problem. In Section 4, simulations using real-world building data are presented, and discussions are made based on the results. Section 5 concludes the findings in this study. ## 2 Problem Formulation ### 2.1 AirMatrix Concept for Urban Airspace Management The AirMatrix serves for 4D airspace management, where a centralized service system is required to precisely record and manage the utilization of the airspace, as shown in Figure 1. The idea of AirMatrix concept is decomposing urban airspace into blocks of a certain size. There is a similar airspace management concept in the literature [32], which offers a higher resolution of airspace segmentation leading to higher computational consumption. In AirMatrix, flight operators are required to stream aircraft tracking information to the server which monitors the operational state of the entire airspace. The server recognizes normal and abnormal status of each block by comparing actual block utilization to the planned. These status of blocks can be visualized as green, yellow and red blocks as shown in Figure 1, to provide situational awareness to UAM navigation service suppliers, who are on behalf of airspace surveillance and contingency management. Figure 1: Four-dimensional airspace management based on AirMatrix concept Thus the AirMatrix concept allows us to model the airspace as a three dimensional array of blocks, denoted as: $AirMatrix=\\{B_{i,j,k},i\in\\{1,2,\dots,I\\},j\in\\{1,2,\dots,J\\},k\in\\{1,2,\dots,K\\}\\}$ (1) where $B_{i,j,k}$ refers to a block indexed by $i$, $j$ and $k$, meaning that the block is at the ith position in x-direction, the jth position in y-direction and kth position in z-direction in the entire AirMatrix network. $I$, $J$, $K$ are the maximum values of $i$, $j$ and $k$, respectively, and are computed by the size of the modeled airspace and the size of each block. The status of block occupation in AirMatrix can be presented as a four- dimensional array $Occup\in N^{I\times J\times K\times T}$, where each element $Occup_{i,j,k,t}\in\\{0,1\\}$ denotes whether $B_{i,j,k}$ is occupied at time $t$, one means occupied and zero means not occupied. Blocks that have overlaps with static obstacles like buildings should be recognized as occupied. In other words, these buildings permanently utilizes the blocks: $Occup(Building)_{i,j,k,t}=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{lr}1,&\bigcup_{Building}B_{i,j,k}\cap Building\neq\o,t\in T\\\ 0,&\bigcup_{Building}B_{i,j,k}\cap Building=\o,t\in T\end{array}\right.$ (2) ### 2.2 Objective of Optimization Under AirMatrix concept, the objective of path planning problem is formulated as: $\mathop{\arg\min}_{Path}\sum_{B^{(a)}\in Path}Cost(B^{(a)})$ (3) where $Path=[\begin{array}[]{cccccc}B^{(1)}=B^{start}&B^{(2)}&B^{(3)}&\dots&B^{(n-1)}&B^{(n)}=B^{end}\end{array}]$ is the path from the starting point to the end point, represented by a list of blocks. The superscript of $B$ refers to the ordinal number of this block in a planned path. $B^{start}$ refers to the block where the start point is, $B_{end}$ refers to the block where the end point is, and $B^{(a)}$ refers to the ath block in a planned path, where $a=1,2,3,…,n$. And we have $B^{(1)}=B^{start}$, $B^{(n)}=B^{end}$ according to the definition. $B^{start}$ and $B^{end}$ are denoted as: $B^{start}=\mathop{\arg\min}_{B}\left|(x,y,z)^{B},(x,y,z)^{(take- off)}\right|,\quad B\in AirMatrix$ (4) $B^{end}=\mathop{\arg\min}_{B}\left|(x,y,z)^{B},(x,y,z)^{(landing)}\right|,\quad B\in AirMatrix$ (5) where operator $|\ ,\ |$ is defined to compute the distance between two locations. $x$, $y$ and $z$ are the coordinates in a Cartesian coordinate system. They refer to the location of center point when indexed by a block. In this research, the objective is to minimized the total flight time. Therefore the cost at each block is denoted as: $Cost(B^{(a)})=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}\frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{|B^{(a)},B^{(a+1)}|}{v^{a,a+1}}+t^{(a)}_{hover},&a=1\\\ \frac{1}{2}\cdot(\frac{|B^{(a-1)},B^{(a)}|}{v^{a-1,a}}+\frac{|B^{(a)},B^{(a+1)}|}{v^{a,a+1}})+t^{(a)}_{hover},&1<a<n\\\ \frac{1}{2}\cdot\frac{|B^{(a-1)},B^{(a)}|}{v^{a-1,a}}+t^{(a)}_{hover},&a=n\end{array}\right.$ (6) where $v^{a,b}$ denotes the aircraft velocity between $B^{(a)}$ and $B^{(b)}$. ### 2.3 Aircraft Velocity Estimation In the AirMatrix concept, aircraft movement is not limited to vertical or horizontal. Each block is connected to 26 neighbours by links with different elevation angles. However, most multirotor manufacturers do not publish the velocity of climbing with a path angle $\varphi$ in their aircraft specifications. In order to estimate these velocities, we used the specifications given by aircraft manufacturers, including aircraft mass, max vertical speed, and max horizontal speed, to build a simplified mass-point model, given in: $m\dot{\textbf{v}}=\textbf{d}+m[\begin{array}[]{ccc}0&0&-g\end{array}]^{T}+\textbf{T}_{h}$ (7) where $m$ is mass, $v$ is velocity denoted as $\textbf{v}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}\dot{v}_{x}&\dot{v}_{y}&\dot{v}_{z}\end{array}]^{T}$, $\textbf{T}_{h}$ is thrust denoted as $\textbf{T}_{h}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}T_{hx}&T_{hy}&T_{hz}\end{array}]^{T}$. d is drag defined as $\textbf{d}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}{d}_{x}&{d}_{y}&{d}_{z}\end{array}]^{T}$. In fluid dynamics, the magnitude of drag is formulated as $d=1/2\rho v^{2}C_{D}A$, where $\rho$ is the density of the fluid, $C_{D}$ is the drag coefficient, and $A$ is the reference area. However, $\rho$ and $A$ change as the path angle changes, making it difficult to estimate the speed performance. In this study, we are not aiming at building a perfectly accurate aircraft performance model, but determining a flyable speed that could be allocated to the flight from the perspective of traffic management. To simplify the computation without losing generality, we assume that $d=ev^{2}$, where $e=1/2\rho C_{D}A$ is a constant subject to an aircraft type. Figure 2: Velocity decomposition Decomposition of velocity is shown in Figure 2, where v’ is the projection of v in horizontal plane, and $\varphi$ is the angle between v and v’. $\psi$ is the angle between v’ and y-axis. In the condition of maximum speed vertical climbing, $\varphi=\pi/2$. In this case, the speed $\textbf{v}_{mv}$ and drag $\textbf{d}_{mv}$ are: $\textbf{v}_{mv}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}0&0&max(v_{vertical})\end{array}]^{T}$ (8) $\textbf{d}_{mv}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}0&0&-e\cdot max(v_{vertical})^{2}\end{array}]^{T}$ (9) In the condition of maximum speed horizontal cruising, $\varphi=0$, hence the speed $\textbf{v}_{mh}$ and drag $\textbf{d}_{mh}$ in this case are: $\textbf{v}_{mh}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}sin(\psi)\cdot max(v_{horizontal})&cos(\psi)\cdot max(v_{horizontal})&0\end{array}]^{T}$ (10) $\textbf{d}_{mh}=[\begin{array}[]{ccc}-e\cdot sin(\psi)\cdot max(v_{horizontal})^{2}&-e\cdot cos(\psi)\cdot max(v_{horizontal})^{2}&0\end{array}]^{T}$ (11) The maximum power output of propeller system in both cases can be estimated as the dot product of thrust and velocity: $P_{max}=\textbf{T}_{h}^{T}\textbf{v}$ (12) In both cases, the aircraft in the state of uniform motion in a line, i.e. $\dot{\textbf{v}}=0$. Combining Equation (7) to (12), $P_{max}$ and $e$ can be computed, and velocity with any given $\varphi$ and $\psi$ value can be estimated. To verify the model, we take DJI Inspire 2 as a reference, which is the only aircraft type of which the tilt velocity performance is published by the manufacturer [33]. The mass of DJI Inspire 2 is 3.44 kg, the maximum ascent speed at S-mode is 6 m/s, and the maximum cruise speed is 26 m/s. Therefore $e=0.0115$ and $P_{max}=202.479$ can be computed based on our model. The maximum tilt speed can be computed with a given path angle $\varphi$. When $\varphi$ is between 0 and 90∘, the maximum speed is between 6 and 26 m/s. The reference tilt speed given by the manufacturer is 4-9 m/s. This item is given in the section of ascent and descent speed, so that it is likely that the speed is referring to the situation that the path angle is large, i.e. $\varphi>45^{\circ}$. The computed maximum speed corresponding to $\varphi=45^{\circ}$ and 60∘ are 7.973 m/s and 6.682 m/s, respectively. Both of them fall in the interval given by the manufacturer, which confirms the effectiveness of our model. ### 2.4 Conflict Avoidance Conflict avoidance in AirMatrix is based on preventing duplicate block utilization. For a planned $Path=[\begin{array}[]{ccccc}B^{(1)}&B^{(2)}&B^{(3)}&\dots&B^{(n)}\end{array}]$, the duration of occupation time in a block equals to the cost in the same block. And the time that the aircraft enters and leaves a block can be defined as: $t_{enter}(B^{(a)})=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}t_{take-off},&a=1\\\ t_{take- off}+\sum_{l=1}^{(a-1)}Cost(B^{(l)}),&a>1\end{array}\right.$ (13) $t_{exit}(B^{(a)})=t_{enter}(B^{(a)})+Cost(B^{(a)})$ (14) Then the occupation of each block is presented as $Occup(B^{(a)})\in N^{I\times J\times K\times T}$: $Occup(B^{(a)})_{i_{a},j_{a},k_{a},t}=1,\quad t\in[t_{enter}(B^{(a)}),t_{exit}(B^{(a)})]$ (15) where $i_{a}$, $j_{a}$, and $k_{a}$ are the indexes of $Block^{(a)}$. The block occupation of a planned path is: $Occup(Path)=\bigcup_{B\in Path}Occup(B)$ (16) The summation of all block utilization by planned paths and buildings is: $Occup(total)=\sum_{Path}Occup(Path)+Occup(Building),\ Path\in\\{all\ planned\ paths\\}$ (17) The condition of no conflict can be formulated as: $\begin{array}[]{c}\forall i\in\\{1,2,\dots,I\\},\forall j\in\\{1,2,\dots,J\\},\forall k\in\\{1,2,\dots,K\\},\forall t\in\\{1,2,\dots,T\\}\\\ Occup(total)_{i,j,k,t}\leq 1,\end{array}$ (18) ## 3 Conflict-Free A-Star Algorithm for Path Planning ### 3.1 Heuristic Function Design A* algorithm can be seen as an extension of Dijkstra algorithm [15], for its introduction of a heuristic searching on the basis of Dijkstra algorithm. In A* algorithm, a heuristic function presents an estimated cost from a node to the destination. Every node $n_{i}$ has two attributes: cost function $G(n_{i})$ denoting the cost from starting node, and heuristic function $H(n_{i})$ denoting the estimated cost from node $n_{i}$ to the destination node. At each iteration step, the algorithm searches the neighbours of the node with the least $F(n_{i})$ value, where $F(n_{i})=G(n_{i})+H(n_{i})$. The nodes close to the destination have smaller $H$ values. Compared with Dijkstra algorithm which searches the nodes with smallest $G$ value, A* algorithm searches the nodes with the smallest $F$ value at each step, thus the nodes closer to the destination will be searched earlier. This feature reduces the required number of searching steps in A* algorithm compared with Dijkstra algorithm, making the A* algorithm faster. The heuristic function $H(n_{i})$ is normally defined as the Euclidean distance or Manhattan distance between $n_{i}$ and the destination node $n_{D}$. In shortest-flight-time trajectory planning, the cost to be minimized in the algorithm is flight-time. Due to the performance of the aircraft, vertical velocity and horizontal velocity are significantly different. Therefore the same distance in vertical and horizontal direction will lead to a very different time cost. Thus Manhattan or Euclidean distance are no longer a proper estimation of the cost from a node to the destination. Therefore a modified heuristic function based on the optimization objective is needed. The design of heuristic function affects the performance of A* algorithm. If the heuristic value is larger than actual cost, the algorithm will search faster but the optimality is not guaranteed. On the other hand, if the heuristic value is smaller than the actual cost, the optimality can be achieved while the searching time of the algorithm will be prolonged. The best heuristic function should be close to but not larger than the actual cost. In this study, a novel heuristic function was designed for shortest-flight-time trajectory searching in a 3D environment based on the speed estimation model introduced in Section 2.3. In the path planning in AirMatrix network, a node represents the center of a block, aircraft is allowed to fly along a link that connect a block with one of its neighbour. The heuristic function shows an estimation of the cost from node $n_{i}$ to the destination node, hence it can be defined as the summation of the flight time spent on the links from $n_{i}$ to the destination node $n_{D}$: $H^{*}(n_{i})=\sum_{j\in C}\frac{l_{j}}{v_{j}}$ (19) where $l_{j}$ is the length of link j, $v_{j}$ is the velocity along link j, and C is the set of the required links from $n_{i}$ to $n_{D}$ in the shortest path, defined as the shortest route in AirMatrix network disregarding static and dynamic obstacles. The number of links’ types, in terms of length and elevation angle, is finite. Thus the heuristic function can be formulated as: $H^{*}(n_{i})=\sum_{k}c_{k}t_{k}$ (20) where $t_{k}$ is the time that the aircraft takes to fly through a link referring to type k, and $t_{k}=l_{k}/v_{k}$. And $c_{k}$ is the required number of links referring to type k in the shortest path from $n_{i}$ to $n_{D}$. In AirMatrix, the length and width of a block, denoting dimensions in two horizontal directions, have the same impact on the efficiency and safety performance of UAM traffic. It’s reasonable to set the length equals to the width, i.e. the bottom surface of each block can be a square. Because of the symmetry of AirMatrix network, the 26 links for a given node fall into 7 types with different elevation angles ($0^{\circ}$, $\pm\alpha$, $\pm\beta$, and $\pm 90^{\circ}$), as shown in Figure 3, where a refers to the side length of the bottom of AirMatrix block, h refers to the height of AirMatrix block, footnote $v$ refers to vertical, $h$ refers horizontal, $\alpha$ and $\beta$ refer to two elevation angles, $c$ and $d$ refer to climb and descend, respectively. $\alpha=sin^{-1}\sqrt{a^{2}+h^{2}}$ and $\beta=sin^{-1}\sqrt{2a^{2}+h^{2}}$. The speed performance with a negative elevation angle is difficult to estimate. Because when the aircraft is tilt descending, it is not flying with max power. Thus, the max velocity depends on the setting of the flight controller, not physical models. The controller setting varies significantly because building a drone is too easy nowadays. In this study, we assume that $v_{\alpha,d}=v_{\alpha,c}$, $v_{\beta,d}=v_{\beta,c}$, and $v_{v,d}=v_{v,c}$, then the number of different types of speed reduces to four, denoted as $v_{h}$, $v_{v}$, $v_{\alpha}$, and $v_{\beta}$. These four speeds can be computed when the length, width, and height of each AirMatrix block is defined. The length of each link can also be computed. Thus $c_{k}$ is the only unknown term in Equation (20). Figure 3: Velocities referring to selectable elevation angles of an aircraft at each time step We firstly explain the computation of $c_{k}$ in a two-dimensional case, as shown in Figure 4, where the black node $n_{i}$ is indexed by $(x_{i},y_{i})$, indicating the number of blocks from the origin node. The red node $n_{D}$ is the destination, indexed by $(x_{D},y_{D})$. $\delta x$ and $\delta y$ is the difference between $n_{i}$ and $n_{D}$, and in this figure, $\delta x=5$, $\delta y=2$. The solid arrows show an optimal path from $n_{i}$ to $n_{D}$ in the network. It consists of arrows in two different directions, illustrated in blue and green. The direction of a blue arrow is marked as $(\vec{x},\vec{y})$ and the direction of a green arrow is marked as $(\vec{x},0)$. There are alternative optimal paths, for example, the path shown by the dashed arrows. Every optimal path has the same number of arrows in each direction. From $n_{i}$ to $n_{D}$, a total movement of $(\delta x,\delta y)$ is required. Since one movement in $(\vec{x},\vec{y})$ direction is shorter than the summation of one in $(\vec{x},0)$ and one in $(0,\vec{y})$. An optimal path requires a maximum number of moves in $(\vec{x},\vec{y})$ direction, which is $min(\delta x,\delta y)=\delta y$. After that, the required movement is $(\delta x,\delta y)-\delta y(\vec{x},\vec{y})=(\delta x-\delta y,0)$, which is $\delta x-\delta y$ moves in $(\vec{x},0)$ direction. The heuristic value, presenting the flight time from $n_{i}$ to $n_{D}$ is: $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta y\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y}}+(\delta x-\delta y)t_{\vec{x},0}$ (21) where $t_{\vec{x},\vec{y}}$ and $t_{\vec{x},0}$ refer to the flight time of one movement in direction $(\vec{x},\vec{y})$ and $(\vec{x},0)$, respectively. To generalize this process, the computation is shown in Algorithm 1. Figure 4: Optimal path in 2D scenario 1 2if _$\delta x\geq\delta y$_ then 3 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta y\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y}}+(\delta x-\delta y)t_{\vec{x},0}$ 4 5if _$\delta x\textless\delta y$_ then 6 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta x\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y}}+(\delta y-\delta x)t_{0,\vec{y}}$ return ($H^{*}(n_{i})$) Algorithm 1 Heuristic Function in Two-Dimensional Case This computation can be extended to the three-dimensional case. There are totally 7 different directions in the 3D network: $(\vec{x},0,0)$, $(0,\vec{y},0)$, $(0,0,\vec{z})$, $(\vec{x},\vec{y},0)$, $(0,\vec{y},\vec{z})$, $(\vec{x},0,\vec{z})$, and $(\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z})$. The computation is presented in Algorithm 2. 1 2if _$\delta x\geq\delta y\geq\delta z$_ then 3 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta z\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta y-\delta z)t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},0}+(\delta x-\delta y)t_{\vec{x},0,0}$ 4if _$\delta x\geq\delta z\geq\delta y$_ then 5 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta y\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta z-\delta y)t_{\vec{x},0,\vec{z}}+(\delta x-\delta z)t_{\vec{x},0,0}$ 6if _$\delta y\geq\delta x\geq\delta z$_ then 7 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta z\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta x-\delta z)t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},0}+(\delta y-\delta x)t_{0,\vec{y},0}$ 8if _$\delta y\geq\delta z\geq\delta x$_ then 9 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta x\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta z-\delta x)t_{0,\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta y-\delta z)t_{0,\vec{y},0}$ 10if _$\delta z\geq\delta x\geq\delta y$_ then 11 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta y\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta x-\delta y)t_{\vec{x},0,\vec{z}}+(\delta z-\delta x)t_{0,0,\vec{z}}$ 12if _$\delta z\geq\delta y\geq\delta x$_ then 13 $H^{*}(n_{i})=\delta x\cdot t_{\vec{x},\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta y-\delta x)t_{0,\vec{y},\vec{z}}+(\delta z-\delta y)t_{0,0,\vec{z}}$ 14 return ($H^{*}(n_{i})$) Algorithm 2 Heuristic Function in Three-Dimensional Case ### 3.2 Strategic conflict avoidance Strategic conflict avoidance is realized by avoiding duplicate block utilization. When an occupied block is detected in a searching step of the algorithm, there are two options to avoid the conflict. Either hovering at the previous block or routing through another block can solve the conflict, and a decision-making process is required to decide which solution will be used. In this study, the process is achieved by a greedy algorithm. The greedy algorithm is an algorithm that takes the optimal choice at each stage. Therefore, the algorithm doesn’t produce a global optimal solution, but can yield locally optimal solutions that approximate a globally optimal solution in a reasonable amount of time [34]. This CFA* algorithm leads to sub- optimality in the entire trajectory planning. The pseudocode of CFA* algorithm is presented in Algorithm 3. In step 14, the enter and exit time of the node under searching is estimated by using the velocity computed with the model developed in Section 2.3. In step 15 of the algorithm, conflict detection is performed based on Equation 18. If a conflict is detected, the algorithm computes the required duration of the hovering at the previous node to solve the conflict (step 16), and identifies if the hovering is available (step 18), i.e., won’t cost a secondary conflict. If there is an available hovering to solve the conflict, the cost of hovering is added to the cost of the node (step 21). And the duration of hovering is recorded in step 23 and will be used in generating the entire path. 1 OpenList = ø 2 CloseList = ø 3 add starting node to OpenList 4 while _OpenList $\neq$ ø_ do 5 minF $\leftarrow$ the node with least F value in OpenList 6 /*F = G + H, where G is the cost function, H is the heuristic function*/ 7 remove minF from OpenList 8 add minF to CloseList 9 find the neighbours of minF and set their parents to minF 10 for _node in neighbours_ do 11 if _node is in the CloseList_ then 12 continue 13 14 compute node.G 15 compute the time entering and exiting node 16 if _conflict is detected_ then 17 compute the required HoveringTime for avoiding conflict 18 /* if hovering not available*/ 19 if _HoveringTime larger than threshold or HoveringTime is not available due to conflict at minF_ then 20 continue 21 22 /* if hovering available*/ 23 node.G += HoveringTime 24 node.AfterHovering = True 25 node.HoveringTime = HoveringTime 26 27 if _node == ExistNode in the OpenList_ then 28 29 if _node.G $<$ ExistNode.G_ then 30 replace ExistNode by node 31 32 33 else 34 add node to OpenList 35 36 if _ending node in CloseList_ then 37 return True 38 return False Algorithm 3 Conflict-Free A-Star Algorithm in AirMatrix ## 4 Simulations and Results ### 4.1 Block Sizing in AirMatrix Block size in AirMatrix is a major factor influencing flight safety performance, as it reflects horizontal and vertical separation between two aircraft. The ability of an aircraft to maintain on the pre-defined path and minimize deviation is the main consideration in the determination of block sizing. Such deviation, named as total system error (TSE), consists of path definition error (PDE), flight technical error (FTE) and navigation system error (NSE) [35]. The PDE can be assumed to be negligible [35], and according to our previous study, the lateral deviation due to FTE is minor [36]. In order provide an estimation of NSE, an experiment was carried out with a self-built drone equipped with Real-Time Kinematics (RTK) as shown in Figure 5. RTK provides tracking information with $\pm 0.02$ meters accuracy. The aircraft is navigated by PixHawk 4 where multi-sensor data fusion is performed by an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to provide localization. In this case, RTK output is regarded as true value, and is compared the tracking record of PixHawk 4 to analyze NSE. The experiment contains 65 flights and the total flight time is 3.83 hours. Figure 5: Drone and sensors set up for experiments Experiment results are illustrated in Figure 6(a) and (b). Overall the errors in horizontal and vertical directions all present Gaussian-like distributions. As further analysis of NSE error is not the focus of this paper, we can perform block sizing selection with the statistics of NSE given in Table 1. In this paper, the length and width of block are 20 meters. Considering path planning are based on the centers of the blocks, this will lead to a confidence of higher than 99% that the aircraft flies within the block allocated to it in the horizontal dimension. It is worth noting that the current set of our drone is using a combination of barometer and IMU. Under this set, the on-board altitude measurement is influenced by the wind, and the drone deviates from its assigned height. Meanwhile, there are various sources of GNSS inference in urban area, and our experiment data shows that the performance of GNSS is statistically worse. Therefore, barometer and IMU were used for altitude measurement in this study. Nevertheless, the performance of GNSS is easier to be improved compared with that of barometer. There have been many studies on ground-based augmentation system (GBAS) for GNSS, that can be implemented for UAM operations. It can be foreseen that with the deployment of GBAS, GNSS will provide a higher accuracy for UAM in the future. In this study, we assume that 99% confidence can be expected if the block height is set to 40 meters. By setting the maximum altitude limit to 500 feet (150 meters), the AirMatrix built under the height limit has three horizontal layers. (a) Horizontal error (b) Vertical error Figure 6: Positioning error of EKF fused data Table 1: Statistics of NSE | Mean (m) | Standard Deviation (m) | Error (m) ---|---|---|--- | 0.5 Percentile | 99.5 Percentile Error in East | -0.289 | 2.137 | -6.137 | 7.844 Error in North | -0.578 | 2.299 | -7.843 | 4.885 Horizontal error | 2.650 | 1.802 | 0.079 | 10.130 Vertical error | 0.831 | 7.353 | -16.206 | 24.432 ### 4.2 Simulation Scenario The selected area for numerical study is a region in Jurong East, a typical urban area in Singapore, as shown in Figure 7(a). The size of this area is 2 km $\times$ 2 km. Building information in this area was provided by Singapore Land Authority (SLA). In the building dataset, every building is described by its maximum height, and horizontal outline in terms of a polygon. They cover 3,925 blocks in the bottom layer, 1,286 blocks in the middle layer and 189 blocks in the top layer. The blocks occupied by buildings are illustrated in Figure 7(b). A traffic plan for 300 flights is formed by randomly generated OD pairs within the AirMatrix network, and the aircraft type for each flight is selected from Table 2. We used 60% of the maximum speed in the planning, which ensures that the 4D path is flyable, and lead to a more energy-efficient setting. The departure times are randomly generated within a time window of 5 minutes. (a) An urban area in Jurong East, Singapore (b) Blocks occupied by buildings Figure 7: Scenario for numerical experiment Table 2: Parameters of Aircraft Types Used in Simulations Aircraft | $m$ | $v_{m,v}$ | $v_{m,h}$ | $v_{\beta,c}$ | $v_{\alpha,c}$ ---|---|---|---|---|--- DJI Mavic Air | 0.43 kg | 4 m/s | 19 m/s | 4.454 m/s | 4.860 m/s Self-Built Drone | 0.3 kg | 4 m/s | 12 m/s | 4.295 m/s | 4.645 m/s DJI Phantom 4 | 1.375 kg | 3 m/s | 20 m/s | 3.350 m/s | 3.664 m/s DJI Matrice 600 Pro | 10 kg | 5 m/s | 18 m/s | 5.713 m/s | 6.258 m/s ### 4.3 Results and Discussions The algorithms run on a desktop computer with Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900X 3.5GHz CPU. A* algorithm and CFA* algorithm separately generate routes for the same flight plans. The computation time for A* and CFA* algorithm is illustrated in Figure 8. A* algorithm finished the planning for 300 flights in 634.05 seconds, while the total computation time of CFA* algorithm is 2246.63 seconds. With the increase of existing trajectories, regarded as dynamic obstacles, the computational time of CFA* algorithm for each flight raises, leading to a growing trend of the curve referring to the accumulated computation time of CFA* algorithm. On average, the CFA* algorithm spends 5.4 seconds more than A* algorithm for each flight. Considering the algorithms are meant for pre-flight path planning, this computing cost is acceptable and CFA* is sufficient in terms of computational time. Figure 8: Accumulated computation time of A* and CFA* algorithm Four typical cases of the trajectories planned by A* and CFA* algorithms as well as illustrations of their vertical profiles are shown in Figure 9 to 12. Figure 9 shows that no conflict is detected and CFA* algorithm outputs an optimal trajectory which is exactly the same to trajectory planned by A* algorithm. In the case illustrated by Figure 10, the two trajectories are slightly different, but they have the same flight time. Figure 11 illustrates a typical scenario that CFA* detours due to conflicts of block utilization is detected. In Figure 12, the trajectories planned by A* and CFA* algorithm are totally different. The differences between the trajectory planned by A* algorithm and CFA* algorithm shown in Figure 10 to 12are because of the conflicts detected during path planning, and CFA* performed detouring as a solution. Among them, the conflict avoidance performed by CFA* in the trajectory shown in FigureLABEL:pra doesn’t cause any flight delay, indicating there’s no hovering required, and when the route planned by A* algorithm would cause a conflict, the algorithm found an alternate route. Figure 9: A typical case of the comparison between the trajectories planned by A* and CFA* algorithm: overlapping trajectories Figure 10: A typical case of the comparison between the trajectories planned by A* and CFA* algorithm: slightly different trajectories with same flight times Figure 11: A typical case of the comparison between the trajectories planned by A* and CFA* algorithm: similar trajectories while detouring for conflict avoidance is performed by CFA* algorithm Figure 12: A typical case of the comparison between the trajectories planned by A* and CFA* algorithm: totally different trajectories Figure 13 illustrates the differences between the flight time of the trajectories planned by A* algorithm and CFA* algorithm, namely flight delay. The orange bars refer to the flight time planned by A* algorithm, and the blue bars refer to the flight delay. Therefore the total height of each bar denotes the flight time of the trajectory planned by CFA* algorithm. The maximum flight time of the 300 flights is 351 seconds. When the accumulated number of flights is relatively small, conflict avoidance is less required and most of the trajectories planned by CFA* algorithm has the same performance in terms of flight time compared with A* algorithm, as shown in the left part of this figure that there are only a few flight delay. While the accumulated number of flights increases, avoidance is required from existing planned trajectories. So that more flight delay can be observed in the right part of the figure. Another illustration of this phenomenon is illustrated in Figure 14, which shows the delay ratio of the trajectories planned by CFA* compared with A*. Figure 13: Flight delay of the trajectories planned by CFA* compared with A* algorithm Figure 14: Ratio of flight delay of the trajectories planned by CFA* compared with A* algorithm Figure 15 illustrates the accumulated delay by CFA* algorithm and the accumulated number of conflicts by A* algorithm, where the conflict is quantified as the sum of the time each block is duplicated occupied: ${\sum_{i,j,k,t}U(\sum_{Path}Occup(Path)_{i,j,k,t}-1),\ Path\in\\{all\ planned\ paths\\}}$ (22) ${U(x)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}1,&x>0\\\ 0,&x\leq 0\end{array}\right.}$ (23) Due to the high flight density, both accumulations show very high values at the right end. Compared with A* algorithm, the CFA* algorithm resolved 407 conflicts in block utilization, which has a significant impact on flight safety. The two curves shown in this figure has a very similar growing trend with the increasing number of flights. Figure 15: Accumulated delay time of the trajectories planned by CFA* Sensitivity analysis was carried out to investigate the impact of flight density on the planning performance in terms of the accumulated number of conflicts resulted from the A* algorithm planning, and the accumulated flight delay resulted from CFA* algorithm planning. Five cases with different flight densities were simulated. Due to the FCFS setting of the algorithms, there’s little point in changing the number of flight plans. Because the result of simulating 150 flights are the same to simulating 300 flights and selecting the first 150 of them. Hence, we generated 300 flight plans for each case, but modified the time window of departure to change the flight density. The departure time windows of 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10 minutes were selected, leading to 100, 75, 60, 42.8 and 30 flights per minutes, respectively. The results of sensitivity analysis show that, in general, the higher flight density, the larger flight delay is resulted from CFA* algorithm, as shown in Figure 17. Also as shown in Figure 16, the higher flight density, the larger number of conflicts. However, in Figure 16, the increasing trends of conflicts for the cases with 100, 75, and 60 flights per minute are similar, while the number of conflicts decreases significantly when the flight density is less than 60 flights per minute. In Figure 17, 60 flights per minute is leading to a smaller delay than 42.8 flight per minute. These are because the flight plans were randomly generated, so that the possibility of trajectory conflict is unpredictable. The results of sensitivity analysis can reveal the trend of the relationship between flight density and the performances of planned paths. But the results should be viewed qualitatively, not quantitatively. Figure 16: Accumulated conflicts of the trajectories planned by A* in the cases with different flight density Figure 17: Accumulated delay of the trajectories planned by CFA* in the cases with different flight density Figure 18 shows the quantification of airspace utilization in the three layers. The utilization of the bottom layer is illustrated in Figure 18(a), where the darker the colour of each block, the more the block is utilized. Considering almost 40% of the blocks in this layer are occupied by buildings, there’s not too much room for aircraft to fly. But we can see a clear pattern of several corridors that are frequently used. Figure 18(b) shows the airspace utilization of the middle layer. Buildings occupy only 12.9% of the blocks in this layer, which is much less than the bottom layer. Therefore this layer is mostly used. Figure 18 (c) shows the airspace utilization of the top layer. Considering the vertical velocity of aircraft is small, thus climbing to a high altitude requires a relatively long time, which is against the preference in the algorithm. This leads to a low utilization rate of high-altitude airspace. However, from the perspective of airspace management, the use of airspace at different altitudes should be relatively even. Because spreading flights evenly to various altitudes helps to maintain safe separation and avoid congestion. The method of trajectory planning with a consideration of altitude assignment should be studied in the future. (a) Bottom layer (b) Middle layer (c) Top layer Figure 18: Heatmap of airspace utilization in the three layers of AirMatrix blocks The objective function to be minimized in CFA* is flight time. Therefore the use of different layers of airspace depends on which time cost is smaller: maneuvering in the horizontal direction or in the vertical direction. When the sizing of each block is static, the relationship between the horizontal and vertical velocity influences the use of airspace layers. To verify this assumption, we performed three simulations. The flight plans used for the three simulations are the same, but all the flight plans in each simulation are executed by the same type of aircraft: DJI Mavic Air for the first simulation, self-built drone for the second simulation, and DJI Phantom 4 for the third simulation. The airspace layers utilization in the simulation results is shown in Table 3. The ratio of maximum horizontal velocity to maximum vertical velocity for these three aircraft types are 4.75, 3, and 6.66, respectively. It can be found that self-built drone has the highest utilization of the middle layer and the top layer, while DJI Phantom 4 has the lowest. These results show that larger ratio of horizontal velocity to vertical velocity leads to less use of high altitude airspace. It is worth to note that the result of numerical study highly relies on the traffic plan which is randomly generated in this study. The values in the result may vary given different scenarios. However the trend of these results with the accumulation of the number of flights is valid. Table 3: Airspace Utilization by Different Aircraft Type | DJI Mavic Air | Self-Built Drone | DJI Phantom 4 ---|---|---|--- Bottom | | --- | --- | --- Middle | | | Top | | | ## 5 Conclusions The problem of conflict-free path planning for UAM operation is studied in this paper. Literature investigation shows that very few methods consider efficient 4D usage of airspace from the perspective of traffic management, and existing methods lack a combination of the utilization of both time and space dimensions to achieve conflict resolution. In order to tackle this problem, we introduced and extended AirMatrix as a concept for four-dimensional airspace management. AirMatrix enables a unified framework for conflict avoidance in path planning. Based on this concept, shortest flight time path planning problem is formulated. And a CFA* algorithm is developed to solve the problem. The CFA* algorithm includes a novel heuristic function that is suitable for AirMatrix concept, and a greedy algorithm employed for decision making while a dynamic obstacle is met during searching. The algorithm was realized and compared with original A* algorithm. The result shows that despite leading to flight delays, the CFA* algorithm resolved a large number of conflicts compared with A* algorithm, and has successfully provided a strategic layer of flight safety assurance. The CFA* algorithm proposed in this study assumes an FCFS scheme, which reduces the complexity in 4D path planning, but potentially leads to inequality in airspace accessibility. An extension of this work might focus on a path planning algorithm for multiple flights with the same priority. Another potential extension of this study is a comprehensive safety analysis. This will count in uncertainties in UAM operation and lead to the quantitative sizing design of AirMatrix blocks. ## Acknowledgement This research is supported by the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore and the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore under their collaboration in the Air Traffic Management Research Institute. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore. The authors also would like to thank Prof. Chen Lv for his insightful suggestions for this work. ## References * Liu et al. [2021] Y. Liu, H. Wang, J. Fan, J. Wu, T. Wu, Control-oriented UAV highly feasible trajectory planning: A deep learning method, Aerospace Science and Technology 110 (2021) 106435. doi:10.1016/j.ast.2020.106435. * Causa and Fasano [2021] F. Causa, G. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Wei Dai, Bizhao Pang, Kin Huat Low", "submitter": "Wei Dai", "url": "" }
11institutetext: Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University, Denmark # The challenges at FCC-ee Mogens Dam (Received: / Revised version: ) ###### Abstract At FCC-ee, about $1.7\times 10^{11}$ Z $\to$ +- events will be produced. This high statistics in the clean e+e- environment opens the possibility of much improved determinations of -lepton properties and, via the measurement of the polarisation, of the neutral-current couplings of electrons and $\tau$s. Improved measurements of -lepton properties – lifetime, leptonic branching fractions, and mass – allow important tests of lepton universality. The experimental challenge is to match as far as possible statistical uncertainties generally at the $10^{-5}$ level. This applies in particular to the lifetime measurement, which is derived from the 2.2-mm average flight distance, and for the branching fraction and polarisation measurements, where the cross-channel contamination is of particular concern. These issues raise strict detector requirements, in particular, on the accuracy of the construction and alignment of the vertex detector and of the precise calorimetric separation and measurement of photons and 0s in the collimated decay topologies. ###### pacs: PACS-keydescribing text of that key and PACS-keydescribing text of that key ††offprints: ## 1 Introduction At an instantaneous luminosity of $2.3\times 10^{36}$ cm-2s-1 at two (possibly four) interaction points, the FCC-ee will produce about $5\times 10^{12}$ Z decays during a four-year high-statistics scan around the Z pole FCC:2018evy ; Abada:2019lih ; Blondel:2021ema . This will result in about $1.7\times 10^{11}$ decays Z $\to$ +-, and opens the door to a very rich -physics programme, as recently pointed out in Pich:2020qna . Included are unique, high-precision measurements of the Z-to- couplings as well as measurements of a wide palette of -lepton properties in general. With the experimental advantage of a sizeable, well-defined -lepton boost-factor, $\beta\gamma\simeq 26$, very clean background conditions, and somewhat larger statistics than at Belle II Belle-II:2018jsg and at a potential future high-luminosity -charm factory BNPI-STCF ; Luo:2018njj , complementary and very competitive measurements can be expected. The lepton is a compelling probe in precision tests of the Standard Model (SM) because of the well-understood mechanisms that govern its production and decay. In the SM, the electroweak couplings of the three generations of leptons are universal, and the three lepton family numbers are individually conserved. This conservation is violated in the neutral sector by the observation of neutrino oscillations. Via loop diagrams, this induces also lepton flavour violation among charged leptons. The rates of such processes are however unobservably small at the $10^{-50}$ level Illana:1999ww , so that any observation of charged lepton flavour violation, in the same way as any observation of the violation of lepton universality, would be an unambiguous signal for physics beyond the SM. The FCC-ee -physics programme includes the precise determination of the neutral-current chiral couplings of the electron and via measurement of the polarisation; a much improved test of the universality between lepton generations of the charged-current couplings via measurement of -lepton properties, lifetime, mass, and leptonic branching fractions; and very sensitive tests of charged lepton flavour violations in and in Z decays. Experimental challenges are numerous in order to exploit the rich data sample to the maximum. Careful design of the detector systems is necessary to enable control of systematic effects down as far as possible towards the targets defined by the statistical precisions. The collimated -decay topologies call, in particular, for a very good multi-particle separation both for charged and for neutral final-states particles. In general, high performance vertexing, tracking and electromagnetic calorimetry will be essential. With focus on the measurement methodology and on the associated detector requirements, three main topics are considered in this essay: _i_) measurement of the polarisation and of exclusive branching fractions, _ii_) test of lepton universality via precision measurements of -lepton properties, and _iii_) tests of charged lepton flavour violations in Z and in decays. A wider discussion of detector requirements at FCC-ee can be found in Ref. Azzi:2021ylt . ## 2 polarisation and exclusive branching fractions The polarization in Z decays is one of the most sensitive electroweak observables ALEPH:2005ab . The analysis of the polarization’s dependence on the scattering angle $\theta$ between the - and the e- beam gives access to both the and electron chiral coupling asymmetries $\mathcal{A}_{\text{\texttau}}$ and $\mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{e}}$ independently, $P(\cos\theta)=\frac{\mathcal{A}_{\text{\texttau}}(1+\cos^{2}\theta)+2\mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{e}}\cos\theta}{(1+\cos^{2}\theta)+2\mathcal{A}_{\mathrm{e}}\mathcal{A}_{\text{\texttau}}\cos\theta},$ (1) and serves as a crucial ingredient of a full lepton-by-lepton extraction of the neutral-current chiral couplings. In the leptonic decays, $\text{\texttau}\to\text{e}\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu}$, $\text{\textmu}\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu}$, and in decays to a single final-state hadron, $\text{\texttau}\rightarrow h\text{\textnu}$, $h=\text{\textpi, K}$, the polarization is derived from the charged-particle momentum distribution. For decays with multiple final-state hadrons, more variables are exploited. As an important example, for the dominant decay mode, $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textpi\textpi}^{0}\text{\textnu}$, the two sensitive variables are the 0-system total energy and the asymmetry between the and 0 energies. With each channel having its own set of variables with different dependence on the polarization, a clean separation between channels, e.g. between $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textpi\textnu}$ and $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textpi\textpi}^{0}\text{\textnu}$, is essential. It is important to realise that not only does one have to separate channels according to 0 multiplicity, but one also has to identify and measure precisely the individual 0s. The collimation of final states tends to complicate 0 reconstruction, since photons are close to one another and/or close to showers generated by charged hadrons. The two photons from a high- energy 0 may merge due to the limited spatial resolving power of the ECAL. On the other hand, fake photons may occur due to hadronic interactions or fluctuations of electromagnetic showers. Detailed simulation studies are called for in order to quantify precisely the requirements on the ECAL. Different calorimeter designs have been proposed each with different performance charateristics in terms of transverse and longitudinal granularity and energy and spatial resolutions R1calo . Studies should allow a comparison and optimisation of these designs. An experimentally related measurement is that of the -decay branching fractions. Experience from LEP ALEPH_TauBf05 shows that the branching fractions are most precisely determined via a global analysis method, where, in a preselected +- event sample, all decays are categorised concurrently according to a set of predefined decay modes. An important outcome of the analysis is a precise determination of the vector and axial-vector spectral functions, which provide important information for the extraction of $\alpha_{\mathrm{s}}(m^{2}_{\text{\texttau}})$ and $\alpha_{\mathrm{QED}}(q^{2})$. For a complete determination of the -decay branching fractions, K/ separation Wilkinson:2021ehf is needed over the full allowed momentum range of the final state mesons, i.e. from the lowest observable momentum to the beam momentum. Whether this is also the case for the precise -polarization measurement has to be understood. Due to the different masses of the and K mesons, the kinematics of the and K ( and K∗) final states obviously differ. And since the polarisation is extracted from the kinematic distributions, it will be necessary to know the relative proportions of relative to K ( relative to K∗) in the selected samples. For experiments with no K/ separation capabilities, this would have to rely on branching-fraction measurements from other experiments and/or facilities. With the current limit on the still unobserved seven-prong -decay mode, up to $\mathcal{O}(10^{5})$ such decays could be produced at FCC-ee. Kinematically, up to 11 charged pions (plus one 0) are allowed. For the design of the tracking detectors R1tracking , it is a worthy exercise to make sure that such strongly collimated, high-multipicity topologies can be correctly reconstructed. The precise, high-statistics measurement of multiprong decays should bring a much improved determination of the -neutrino mass, where the current 18.2-MeV limit stems from LEP ALEPHnuTauMass . Also for this measurement, K/ separation will be an important asset in selecting heavy final states with one or multiple charged kaons. As an interesting, and experimentally probably very challenging, example, the 3K+2 final state has a minimum mass only 17 MeV below the mass. ## 3 Tau lepton properties and lepton universality Precision measurements of -lepton properties – mass, lifetime, and leptonic branching fractions – provide compelling tests of lepton universality, the expectation that the couplings between the charged lepton and its associated neutrino are equal for the three generations, $g_{\mathrm{e}}=g_{\text{\textmu}}=g_{\text{\texttau}}$. Firstly, the ratio $g_{\text{\textmu}}/g_{\mathrm{e}}$ can be readily derived from the ratio of the branching fractions for the two decay modes, $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textmu}\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu}$ and $\text{\texttau}\to\mathrm{e}\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu}$. Secondly, the ratio, $g_{\text{\texttau}}/g_{\ell}$, between and light lepton $\ell=\mathrm{e},\text{\textmu}$, can be derived from the relation $\left(\frac{g_{\text{\texttau}}}{g_{\ell}}\right)^{2}=\mathcal{B}(\text{\texttau}\to\ell\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu})\cdot\frac{\tau_{\text{\textmu}}}{\tau_{\text{\texttau}}}\cdot\left(\frac{m_{\text{\textmu}}}{m_{\text{\texttau}}}\right)^{5},$ (2) where (small and known) effects due to phase space and radiative and electroweak corrections have been omitted. In both cases, current data support lepton universality at the $\mathcal{O}(10^{-3})$ level. Historically, lepton universality tests took a giant leap with the LEP measurements based on around one million $\text{Z}\rightarrow\text{\texttau}^{+}\text{\texttau}^{-}$ events (for a complete set of references, see ParticleDataGroup:2020ssz ; HFLAV:2019otj ). Whereas precise -mass measurements (currently $\mathcal{O}(10^{-4})$ precision) have been dominated by threshold scans, LEP provided important measurements of both the lifetime and the leptonic branching fractions. Indeed, the LEP branching fraction measurements ($\mathcal{O}(10^{-3}$)) still stand unchallenged, whereas the world-average life-time measurement ($\mathcal{O}(10^{-3}$)), since LEP, has seen an improvement by about a factor two from a high-statistics Belle measurement Belle_TauLT14 . At FCC-ee, with the large number of decays available for study, statistical precisions on -lepton properties will be generally at the $10^{-5}$ level. Detailed studies are needed in order to identify the key detector requirements that will allow systematic uncertainties to follow down as far as possible towards this target. At this stage, a list of observations are: Lifetime: At Z-pole energies, the lifetime is determined via measurement of the 2.2-mm average flight distance. A lifetime measurement matching the statistical precision would then correspond to a flight-distance measurement to a few tens of nanometers accuracy. Approaching towards this target imposes formidable requirements on the construction and alignment accuracy of the vertex detector. With a 10–15-mm beam pipe radius, the first vertex detector layer will be very close to the beam line, and an impact-parameter resolution of about 3 µm is projected. This is a factor five smaller than at LEP, and combined with the possibility of much improved systematics checks from the enormous event samples, a substantial improvement with respect to LEP should be certainly within reach. Leptonic branching fractions: At Z-pole energies, where the separation of a clean and relatively unbiased sample of $\text{\texttau}^{+}\text{\texttau}^{-}$ events has been demonstrated, accurate measurements of the leptonic branching fractions rely primarily on the ability to separate precisely the two leptonic decay modes, on the one hand, from the single-prong hadronic modes, on the other. The separation relies critically on a fine-grained calorimeter system combined with a dedicated muon system R1muondet . In order to reach the required precise understanding of efficiencies and backgrounds, an independent means of particle identification will undoubtedly prove indispensable. In this respect, it is important to realise that the precise LEP results came from experiments were powerful $\mathrm{d}E/\mathrm{d}x$ measurements played an important rôle for particle identification. For the separation of low-momentum electrons and pions, a ring-imaging Cherenkov detector may also be an import asset. Mass: With the very large statistics, an important improvement of the -mass measurement may be possible via the so-called pseudomass method pioneered by ARGUS ARGUS_TauMass92 and later exploited by OPAL OPAL_TauMass00 , BaBar BaBar_TauMass09 , and Belle Belle_TauMass07 . In three-prong decays, the pseudomass variable depends on the measured mass and momentum of the 3 system and on the beam energy. At FCC-ee, the beam energy is controlled to a negligible $10^{-6}$ level via resonant spin depolarisation Blondel:2019jmp , and only the measurement of the 3 system contributes to the uncertainty. As a reference process, in order to control the mass and momentum scale, it is suggested to exploit the very large J/$\psi$ sample from Z decays ($\mathcal{B}(\text{Z}\rightarrow\text{J}/\psi X)=3.5\times 10^{-3}$), and the fact that the $\text{J}/\psi$ mass is known to the 10-6 precision level from a measurement by KEDR Anashin:2015rca at the VEPP-4M collider, likewise based on resonant spin depolarisation. It can be also considered to make use of decays with higher charged-particle multiplicities that will provide a larger fraction of events close to the end-point of the pseudomass distribution. ## 4 Charged Lepton Flavour Violation With the huge FCC-ee statistics, very sensitive tests of charged lepton flavour violating (cLFV) processes can be performed in Z decays as well as in decays. ### 4.1 Z decays Searches for flavour violating Z decays into µe, µ, and e final states have been performed at LEP with the most precise limits from DELPHI DELPHI97_CLFVZ and OPAL OPAL95_CLFVZ , and, more recently, at LHC by ATLAS Aad:2014bca ; ATLAS:2021bdj . With the recent ATLAS updates on the modes ATLAS:2021bdj , all LEP bounds have now, finally after 25 years, been superseded. Bounds are slightly below $10^{-6}$ for the µe mode and slightly below $10^{-5}$ for the two modes. In $\text{e}^{+}\text{e}^{-}$ collisions, the $\text{Z}\to\text{\textmu e}$ process would have the astonishing clean signature of a beam-energy electron in one hemisphere recoiling against a beam-energy muon in the other. The dominant experimental challenge is believed to be that of so-called _catastrophic bremsstrahlung_ , a rare process by which a muon radiates off the major fraction of its energy in the ECAL material. This way, a $\text{Z}\to\text{\textmu\textmu}$ event could fake the µe signature. Control of this effect would to first order rely on the ECAL energy resolution and on the aggressive veto on a possible soft muon track penetrating beyond the ECAL. Moreover, longitudinal ECAL segmentation would allow vetoing of electromagnetic showers starting uncharacteristically late. Finally, an independent method of electron/muon separation such as that provided by a precise $\text{d}E/\text{d}x$ measurement could potentially be used to control this effect possibly to a negligible level. Early estimates indicate that an improvement of the current limit by 2–3 orders of magnitude should be within reach. The pursuit of $\text{Z}\to\text{\texttau\textmu}\ (\text{{\texttau}e})$ decays amounts to a search for events with a _clear tau decay_ in one hemisphere recoiling against a _beam-momentum muon (electron)_ in the other. This signature receives backgrounds from ordinary final states, where one decays leptonically, $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textmu}\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu}$ ($\text{\texttau}\to\text{e}\bar{\text{\textnu}}\text{\textnu}$), with the two neutrinos being very soft, and the charged lepton consequently appearing close to the end-point at the beam momentum. The separation of signal and background therefore depends on the experimental precision by which a _beam-momentum particle_ can be defined, and hence on the momentum resolution at 45.6 GeV. Studies have demonstrated Dam:2018rfz that the search sensitivity scales linear in the momentum resolution combined (in quadrature) with the contribution from the spread on the collision energy ($\delta E_{\mathrm{CM}}/E_{\mathrm{CM}}=0.9\times 10^{-3}$) arising from the 60 MeV beam-energy spread FCC:2018evy . For a realistic momentum resolution of $1.5\times 10^{-3}$, limits of $\mathcal{O}(10^{-9})$ on the Z branching fractions look to be within reach. ### 4.2 decays Very stringent tests of cLFV have been performed in muon decay experiments where branching-fraction limits below $10^{-12}$ on both of the neutrinoless decay modes $\text{\textmu}^{-}\to\text{e}^{-}\text{\textgamma}$ MEG_MuToEGamma16 and $\text{\textmu}^{+}\to\mathrm{e^{+}e^{+}e^{-}}$ SINDRUM_MuTo3E88 have been established. All models predicting cLFV in the muon sector imply a violation also in the sector, whose strength is often enhanced by several orders of magnitude, usually by some power in the tau-to- muon mass ratio. Studying cLFV processes in decays offers several advantages compared to muon decays. Since the is heavy, more cLFV processes are kinematically allowed, and in addition to the modes $\text{\texttau}\to\text{{\textmu}(e)}+\text{\textgamma}$ and $\text{\texttau}\to\text{{\textmu}(e)}+\ell^{+}\ell^{-}$, also semileptonic and fully hadronic modes can be probed. A first FCC-ee simulation study Dam:2018rfz was carried out of $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textmu\textgamma}$ and $\text{\texttau}\to 3\text{\textmu}$ as benchmark modes. The analysis strategy employed a _tag side_ to identify a clear Standard-Model decay and a _signal side_ where cLFV decays were searched for. Search variables employed were the total energy and the invariant mass of the final-state system. The present $\mathcal{O}(10^{-8})$ bounds on both modes are set at the $b$ factories BABAR_TauToLeptGam10 ; Belle:2021ysv ; BELLE_TauTo3Lept10 . The study suggests possible improvements of about one (two) orders of magnitude for the $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textmu\textgamma}$ ($\text{\texttau}\to 3\text{\textmu}$) mode, largely compatible with similar projections from Belle II Belle-II:2018jsg . In particular, the $\text{\texttau}\to\text{\textmu\textgamma}$ search is background limited, and the sensitivity depends strongly on the assumed detector resolutions. Most importantly, the sensitivity was found to scale linearly (or slightly stronger) in the photon energy resolution, which was taken as $16.5\%/\sqrt{E\,(\text{GeV})}$, inspired by the typical performance of CALICE-like silicon-based calorimeters R1calo . The photon position resolution is also important, as it contributes to the invariant-mass calculation. Here, where a position resolution of 2 mm was assumed, the two contributions from the energy and position resolutions were found to balance equally in the invariant mass calculation. Interesting for this measurement is the recently proposed fine-grained (two longitudinal layers, $1\times 1$ cm2 lateral segmentation) crystal calorimeter Lucchini:2020bac , which would have an extremely good energy resolution of $3\%/\sqrt{E\,(\text{GeV})}$ combined with a spatial resolution of better than 1 mm. From the two benchmark modes, there is a long way to the nearly 50 cLFV search modes explored primarily by BaBar and Belle and summarised in HFLAV:2019otj . More than one third of these modes involve charged kaons and would depend on the ability to separate pions and kaons over a wide momentum range. ## 5 Unexplored Routes involving Muon Polarisation Measurement It is interesting to notice that the enormous FCC-ee statistics allows the observation and measurement of a sizeable sample of muons decaying inside the detector volume. Indeed, 1.2 million muons from Z $\to$ µµ events will decay, µ $\to$ e, for each meter of flight distance. This opens the possibility of measuring the polarisation of muons from Z decays in the same way as the polarisation of s is measured in the electronic decay mode, $\to$ e. From the distribution of the electron momentum fraction, $x=p_{\text{e}}/p_{\text{\textmu}}$, where the electron energy is precisely measured by the ECAL, a sample of one million decays would result in a statistical precision of $4.5\times 10^{-3}$. This can be improved by about 20% by inclusion of the acollinearity angle between the decay electron and the opposite hemisphere muon. Parallel to this, but experimentally more challenging, is a unique possibility of contributing to the determination of the Lorentz structure of the -decay amplitude. A few hundred thousand muons from decays, $\to$ µ, will decay, µ $\to$ e, per meter flight distance inside the detector volume. The challenge now is _i_) to recognise in each case that a decay has happened by identifying the decay vertex via a change in the track curvature (and, if available, possibly also in the specific ionisation), and _ii_) to measure the momentum both before (muon momeutum, $p_{\text{\textmu}}$) and after (electron momeutum, $p_{\mathrm{e}}$) the decay vertex. In cases where the decay happens well inside the tracking volume, this may be possible, and from the distribution of momentum fractions, $x=p_{\mathrm{e}}/p_{\text{\textmu}}$, the polarisation of the muon may be derived. ## 6 Conclusions and Outlook With its enormous sample of Z $\to$ +- events, it is justified to think of FCC-ee (also!) as a dedicated factory. As an example, touched upon above, it opens the possibility to measure the Fermi decay constant in decays with a _statistical_ precision of 10-5, only about one order of magnitude less precise than what is known today from muon decays. Clearly, it would be a formidable, possibly impossible, task to control systematics down to this same level of precision. However, it illustrates well the situation and emphasises how a thorough study unearthing all aspects of the experimental possibilities is deserved. From the palette of measurements discussed in this essay, strong requirements on the detector design have been already pointed to. Important issues include: a very precisely constructed and aligned silicon vertex detector for ultimate lifetime measurements; a light and precise tracking system with superior multi-track separation for precise momentum and mass measurements; a fine- grained electromagnetic calorimeter for precise measurement of photons and 0s in dense topologies; a high-performant muon system for clean pion/muon separation; particle identification abilities over the full momentum range for kaon/pion separation and, very importantly, for an independent, non- destructive electron/pion separation. ## References * (1) Future Circular Collider Study, A. Abada et al., FCC-ee: The Lepton Collider: Future Circular Collider Conceptual Design Report Volume 2, Eur. Phys. J. ST 228 no. 2, (2019) 261–623. * (2) Future Circular Collider Study, A. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Mogens Dam", "submitter": "Mogens Dam", "url": "" }
# Tunable electronic and magnetic properties of thin Nb3I8 nanofilms: interplay between strain and thickness Giovanni Cantele [email protected] [email protected] CNR- SPIN, c/o Complesso Universitario M. S. Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126, Napoli, Italy Felice Conte Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini”, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Complesso Universitario M. S. Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126, Napoli, Italy CNR-SPIN, c/o Complesso Universitario M. S. Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126, Napoli, Italy Ludovica Zullo Present address: Department of Physics, University of Trento, Via Sommarive 14, 38123 Povo, Italy Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini”, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Complesso Universitario M. S. Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126, Napoli, Italy Domenico Ninno Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini”, Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”, Complesso Universitario M. S. Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126, Napoli, Italy CNR-SPIN, c/o Complesso Universitario M. S. Angelo, via Cintia 21, 80126, Napoli, Italy ###### Abstract The study of novel 2D platforms implementing magnetism in tunable van der Waals (vdW) homo- and hetero-structures paves the way to innovative spintronics and magnetic devices. In this study, we unravel the intriguing properties of few-layer Nb3I8 vdW nanofilms from first principles, showing how and to what extent specific magnetic orderings can be tuned using several degrees of freedom, such as film thickness, stacking geometry, and strain or even a combination of them. All these aspects are explored here, giving a comprehensive view of this novel and promising magnetic material. van der Waals materials, layer-dependent magnetism, spintronics, straintronics ## I Introduction In the last years, two-dimensional (2D) materials have been attracting tremendous research interest. Their charming properties, induced by the combination of surface effects and quantum confinement, can be exploited to realize 2D platforms-based electronic devices for a wide range of technological applications [1, 2, 3]. The out-of-plane van der Waals (vdW) interactions allow the integration of deeply different 2D materials, that can thus be viewed as elementary building blocks of new heterostructures showing novel properties and exotic phenomena unavailable in the single-layer constituents. An unprecedented number of degrees of freedom, such as order and number of layers [4, 5, 6], the twist angle among them [7, 8, 9, 10], and the distance between two consecutive single layers (interlayer distance) [11, 12] can be tuned to achieve this goal. Among these degrees of freedom, strain deserves a special mention, since it offers a viable approach to engineer the electronic, magnetic, and optical properties [13, 14, 15, 16] of 2D nanostructures. The reduced atomic coordination and the enhanced flexibility and elasticity that 2D materials often exhibit when compared with most three-dimensional (3D) crystals [17, 18] have boosted the development of this new field, referred to as “straintronics”. As far as ground-state magnetism is concerned, several avenues have been devised so far to gain a precise and predictable control over the magnetic states in a number of recently discovered 2D materials. For example, it has been argued that charge doping and/or external strain can significantly affect and modify magnetic phase transitions and exchange interaction [19], and are being explored as feasible routes to tune the magnetic ordering in both monolayer ad multilayers systems [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. Since the recent discovery of intrinsic magnetism in monolayers of CrI3 [28], the exploration of 2D intrinsic magnetic materials has been exponentially increasing [29]. Among the many, we can mention CrI3 and Cr2Ge2Te6 [30], or those exhibiting high Curie temperature $T_{C}$, such as V3I8 [31], MnS2 [32], VSe2 [33], and Nb3I8 [34], all inheriting the magnetic ordering arising from the transition metal $d$-orbitals. In particular, 2D platforms combining ferromagnetism with room $T_{C}$ and conventional semiconductors open new avenues to implement spintronic applications based on the use of both the charge and the spin degrees of freedom, for example, in next-generation quantum logic chips and nonvolatile magnetic memories with increased densities [35, 36]. Nb3I8 is a recently synthesized 2D material [37] with a predicted ferromagnetism at the room temperature ($T_{C}\sim 307$ K) and a layer- dependent magnetism, being ferromagnetic (FM) in monolayer form and antiferromagnetic (AFM) in bilayer and trilayer forms [34]. Also, Nb3I8 monolayer actually is a “ferrovalley” material, because it exhibits an intrinsic spontaneous valley polarization of 107 meV and, thus, the anomalous valley Hall effect without external tunings [38]. All these observations make Nb3I8 an ideal candidate for spintronics and valleytronics applications, as even revealed by recent experimental and theoretical studies [39]. Nevertheless, a comprehensive explanation of the intriguing electronic and magnetic properties of few-layer Nb3I8 is still missing, so the present work aims to unreveal its potentialities for spintronics applications contributing to the search of novel materials with improved or new functionalities. State- of-the-art first-principles calculations in the framework of density functional theory (DFT) are carried out to bring out the effects of the (in- plane) biaxial strain on the electronic and magnetic properties of Nb3I8 in monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer forms. All these systems are investigated in two different stacking geometries, to establish a possible interplay between thickness, stacking, strain, and magnetism. In particular, we will assess and describe the competition and relative stability between different magnetic phases and the band-gap dependence on the applied strain. Due to the peculiar nature of Nb3I8, accurate first-principles calculations should definitely take into account two fundamental interactions, that is, vdW interlayer interaction (by an appropriate choice of the exchange-correlation functional) and on-site Coulomb repulsion for Nb 4$d$-electrons (for example, using a DFT+$U$ scheme). Both are carefully included in our analysis, accompanied by a systematic study of the convergence of the presented results with respect to all parameters involved in the calculations. This will be better detailed in the next section. The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. II we present the computational methods and technical details of our calculations. In Sec. III we show and discuss the electronic and magnetic properties of Nb3I8 films, with special focus on their dependence on the thickness, strain and stacking geometry. Finally, in Sec. IV, we summarize our results and draw some conclusions. (a) (c) (b) Figure 1: Top (a) and side (b) view of a Nb3I8-1L $3\times 3$ supercell. Green and pink spheres represent Nb and I atoms, respectively. The irregular Kagomé lattice formed by Nb atoms can be recognized in the top view, together with the first-neighbor $d_{1}\simeq 2.95$ Å and second-neighbor $d_{2}\simeq 4.65$ Å Nb-Nb distances evidenced by red and green bonds respectively. This gives rise to alternating, inequivalent triangles [39, 40]. The ground-state spin polarization distribution $\rho_{\uparrow}-\rho_{\downarrow}$ is shown in (c) with the yellow isosurfaces, corresponding 25% of the maximum value. Figure 2: Spin-up (left) and spin-down (right) band structure along the $\Gamma- K-M-\Gamma$ path in the first BZ of Nb3I8-1L. Zero energy corresponds to the top valence band. The band structure shows a semiconducting behavior, with the spin-up and spin-down energy gaps highlighted by a shaded orange region and occupied (unoccupied) bands depicted in black (red). ## II Methods All calculations are performed using DFT as implemented in the Quantum- ESPRESSO package (version 6.6) [41, 42, 43]. The generalized gradient approximation (GGA) is used with projector-augmented wave (PAW) pseudopotentials [44] based on the Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange- correlation functional [45] to represent the atomic cores [46]. The plane wave basis set is truncated using a cutoff energy of 60 Ry for the plane waves and 480 Ry to represent the charge density in all calculations. An adequate vacuum space of $\simeq 20$ Å is set between periodic replicas along the direction orthogonal to the planes (assumed to be the $z$ direction), in order to avoid spurious interactions induced by the periodic boundary conditions. The Brillouin zone (BZ) of the $1\times 1\times 1$ unit cell was sampled using an 8$\times$8$\times$1 Monkhorst-Pack $k$-point grid [47], grids for $n\times n\times 1$ supercells were scaled accordingly to guarantee the same accuracy with respect to the $k$-point grid of all calculations. These $k$-point grids have been used for both structural relaxation and total energy calculations. The vdW interaction has been self-consistently accounted for using the rev- vdW-DF2 [48] exchange-correlation functional, that has been proven to be successful in the description of 2D vdW heterostructures with an hexagonal lattice [10] and, in particular, provides a good agreement with the available experimental data on Nb3I8 [34]. The supplemental material (SM), in Sec. I, reports typical intralayer binding curves calculated within this approach, characterized by binding energies that are typical of vdW systems. Based on previous reports [49], the on-site Coulomb repulsion of Nb 4$d$ electrons, responsible, as we shall see, of the magnetic behavior of the material, is taken into account by means of the DFT + $U$ method [50, 51, 52, 53] with $U=2$ eV. The SM, in Sec. III, contains a number of tests showing that, upon changing $U$ within a reasonable range, the reported properties do not exhibit significant variations. In particular, we have verified the stability of the ground-state magnetic ordering, that will be discussed in Sec. III, against $U$. Occupied Kohn-Sham levels do show changes within 0.1-0.2 eV, whereas unoccupied levels shift by much larger energies. This allows to conclude that the main conclusions of the present paper should not be affected by the chosen value of $U$. The in-plane lattice parameter of all the considered systems has been optimized using spin-polarized calculations. The atomic positions have been fully optimized by means of the Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm [54, 55, 56, 57], with a convergence threshold of 10-5 Ry on the total energy difference between consecutive structural optimization steps and of 10-4 Ry/Bohr on all components of all the forces acting on the atoms. In-plane, biaxial strain $\epsilon=(a-a_{0})/a_{0}$, where $a_{0}$ is the optimized in-plane lattice parameter and $a$ is the lattice parameter of the strained system, has been applied to the considered structures, ranging from $-7.5$% to 7.5% in steps of 2.5%. Thickness effects have been studied by considering monolayer, bilayer, and trilayer nanofilms, which will be referred to as Nb3I8-$n$L with $n$ = 1, 2, 3, respectively. The effect of the stacking geometry has been assessed for Nb3I8-$2$L and Nb3I8-$3$L, by comparing the bulk stacking, that is the natural order of the layers as they would be arranged in the bulk form, and the AA stacking, constructed by piling different layers with the same planar coordinates. The ground-state analysis is performed on the non magnetic (NM) and several magnetic states for each system. In particular, since it turns out that Nb3I8-1L has a magnetic ground state with an in-plane FM ordering of the spins, the inter-layer magnetic ordering in thin nanofilms with two or three layers has to be carefully investigated. Indeed, while preserving the in-plane FM ordering, the inter-layer interaction might induce either FM or AFM out-of- plane ordering of the spins, thus giving rise to different spin “stacking sequences”, such as $\uparrow\uparrow\dots$ or $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow\dots$. This will be better detailed in the next. Spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has not been included in the calculations, because it does not appear to significantly affect the main conclusions of the paper. An example is shown in Sec. II of the SM, that allows to conclude that the calculated band structures with the inclusion of the SOC do not differ from those calculated in the absence of it. To conclude this section, it should be pointed out that, mostly as far as the magnetic properties are concerned, accurate convergence tests with respect to the calculation parameters (BZ sampling, plane wave and charge density cut- offs, and so on) are needed. In this respect, we refer to the appendix of Ref. [34], where a detailed discussion of the convergence of the magnetic stability, band structure, Curie temperature may be found. ## III Results and discussion ### III.1 Unstrained nanofilms #### III.1.1 Bulk Nb3I8 Nb3I8 is a layered transition metal halide belonging to the family of Nb3X8 (X = Cl, Br, I) crystals, having six layers per unit cell (u.c.) in its bulk structure (space group $D^{5}_{3d}-R\overline{3}m$, No. 166) [58]. Each single layer shows an I-Nb-I sandwich structure, where the Nb atoms are arranged into an irregular Kagomé lattice formed by triangular Nb3 clusters with side $d_{1}\sim$2.96 Å, separated by a $d_{2}\sim$4.65 Å distance, as sketched in Fig. 1(a). As evidenced in Fig. 1(b), each Nb atom is covalently bonded to a distorted octahedral environment of I atoms, that in turn form a top and a bottom layer that are not equivalent. #### III.1.2 Nb3I8-1L Nb3I8-1L is an intrinsic 2D cluster magnet [34, 38], since the magnetic moment per unit cell of 1 $\mu_{B}$ is distributed over the Nb3 clusters and results from the seven electrons shared by the Nb atoms. This is depicted in Fig. 1(c), showing the spin polarization isosurfaces in the FM ground state. The NM solution is separated by an energy of $\sim$174 meV from the ground state, that protects the magnetic ground state from the thermal fluctuations even at high temperatures. Such a circumstance is supported by the calculations reported in Ref. [34], where it is shown that such system exhibits a Curie temperature $T_{C}\sim 307$ K. The calculated lattice parameter is 7.62 Å and the corresponding band structure is shown in Fig. 2, describing a semiconducting system with a spin-up channel band gap $E_{g,\uparrow}=$ 0.552 eV and a spin-down channel band gap $E_{g,\downarrow}=$ 1.273 eV (highlighted by the shaded orange regions in the figure). It should be pointed out that other and more complex magnetic states, arising in larger (e.g. 2$\times$2) supercells, can be devised, at an energy from one to few tens of meV higher than the FM ground state [34]. This is an interesting point because, despite the FM state is definitely stable over a wide range of temperatures, phase transitions between different magnetic states could easily occur under suitable conditions (e.g. applied magnetic fields). The dynamical stability of Nb3I8-1L has been demonstrated both experimentally (isolated monolayers have been successfully obtained onto suitable substrate [59]) and theoretically (from the calculated phonon spectrum, as obtained within the same theoretical framework as that of the present work [49]). It should be pointed out that, as far as the multilayer and the strained nanofilms considered in the next are concerned, the assessment of the dynamical stability has not be carried out, being computationally quite demanding and out of the scope of the present work. Here, we are going to conceptually support, with the presented results, how the interplay between magnetism, stacking and strain makes Nb3I8 an ideal candidate for novel magnetic devices and functionalities, that certainly demand for further work and investigation. To conclude the discussion on Nb3I8-1L, the in-plane magnetic coupling, leading to the discussed FM magnetic ordering, can be estimated by building a $2\times 2$ supercell, as difference between the FM ground state energy and the energy obtained after flipping just one of the spins, out of the four available. The magnetic coupling so obtained is about 23 meV. Such result seems independent on the size of the supercell, since the same value is obtained for a $3\times 3$ supercell. #### III.1.3 Stacking Starting from Nb3I8-1L, the next layer with bulk stacking is obtained by applying to the former suitable in-plane coordinate transformations. For instance, the second layer results from applying a spatial inversion operation with respect to the center of an Nb3 cluster (inversion center), whereas the third layer results from the first one after applying a suitable fractional translation. On the other hand, multilayer nanofilms with AA stacking can be easily obtained by just replicating the first layer at suitable distances, at fixed in-plane coordinates. By assuming the (most stable) FM spin ordering within a single layer, the question arises on whether, after stacking two or more layers on top of each other with a given stacking geometry, consecutive layers preferentially carry out the same spin or opposite spins (thus giving rise to a “mixed” spin configuration, with all triangular Nb3 clusters in the same plane exhibiting parallel spins, but with a spin flip when moving form one layer to a nearby one). This is a key concept because the possibility of obtaining a “layered” and eventually tunable (by means of electrostatic doping or out-of-plane pressure) magnetism paves the way to a wide range of applications [20, 21]. Figure 3: $2\times 2$ supercell and spin patterns investigated for Nb3I8-2L. The naming follows the same convention as in the text. Nb3 clusters are highlighted with triangles. Red (blue) triangle background refers to spin-up (spin-down), also depicted with up (down) green arrows. It is evident that FM and AFMz are characterized by a non-zero magnetization of each Nb3I8 single layer whereas the total magnetization is not zero only for FM. #### III.1.4 Nb3I8-2L For Nb3I8-2L we explored both bulk and AA stackings, that reveal an in-plane optimized lattice parameter quite similar to that of Nb3I8-1L ($\simeq$ 7.62 Å). As far as the magnetic ordering is concerned, the most straightforward configuration to be conceived is that of stacking the two layers (with either bulk or AA stacking) with in-plane FM ordering, same as that of Nb3I8-1L (see Fig. 1(c)). In this respect, each layer becomes an “elementary” building block of the multilayer film, carrying a $\pm 1\mu_{B}$ magnetic moment per unit cell (all Nb3 clusters belonging to the same plane carry the same spin). The remaining degree of freedom is that of the relative sign of such moment between the two layers. Therefore, we can conceive two different out-of plane orderings, that will be referred to as FM or $\uparrow\uparrow$ (where both layers have a $+1\mu_{B}$ magnetic moment and and the total magnetization is non-zero as well) and AFMz or $\uparrow\downarrow$ (where the two layers carry opposite spins, each layer as a non-zero magnetization whereas the total magnetization is zero). However, aimed at giving a more comprehensive picture of the possible magnetic patterns and their relative stability, $2\times 2$ supercells were also employed, to explore configurations where each single layer carries a zero total magnetization (two out of the four Nb3 clusters in each plane carry a spin up, the other two a spin down, each plane has a zero magnetization and the total magnetization is zero as well). These configurations will be referred to as AFMxy and are compatibles with different spin patterns, named “stripy-2L”, “Néel-2L”, and “reverted-Néel-2L” states. These patterns, together with FM and AFMz, are sketched in Fig. 3. In the stripy-2L ordering, spin up and spin down in each plane are distributed according to alternating rows, and the same pattern is identically repeated in the two layers. In the Néel-2L ordering spin up and spin down in each plane are distributed according to the supercell diagonal (that is, Nb3 clusters belonging to the same diagonal carry the same spin), and the same pattern is identically repeated on the two layers. Finally, the reverted-Néel-2L state is obtained by flipping the spins of the Néel-2L state in the second layer, such that to a spin-up in the top layer corresponds a spin-down in the bottom layer and the other way around for spin-down. The spin densities associated with the AFMxy orderings are reported in Sec. I of the SM for the sake of completeness. In the following we report the analysis of the different FM, AFMz and AFMxy magnetic orderings. The relative energy of each magnetic pattern with respect to the lowest-energy AFMz ordering is reported in Tab. 1 for both AA and bulk stacking. The energies are reported per $1\times 1$ unit cell (u.c.), so as to allow a straightforward comparison between $1\times 1$ and $2\times 2$ supercells. It turns out that, regardless of the stacking geometry, the magnetic ground state definitely turns out to be much more stable than the NM solution and that AFMz, among the considered ones, is always the lowest-energy spin pattern . Such circumstance at least partly distinguishes Nb3I8 from CrI3. Indeed, as far as the latter is concerned, while a similar interlayer AFMz ordering has been argued for the bilayer, a stacking-dependent magnetism shows up [60, 61, 62], that seems to lack in Nb3I8. However, in the case of Nb3I8 the stacking geometry plays a role in the relative stability of different magnetic states. Indeed, AFMxy orderings, as depicted in Fig. 3, depending on the stacking, show higher energies, ranging from about 10-20 meV to about 100 meV. On the other hand, the FM state energy is $\sim$77 meV/u.c. and $\sim$6 meV/u.c. higher than AFMz in the bulk and the AA stacking, respectively. These results reveal that an important role might be played by the deposition steps in the fabrication of real samples, in that the stability of the AFMz ordering against other magnetic orderings gets much more pronounced for bulk stacking. As such, the magnetic phase diagram and its dependence on the temperature can be modified by effect of the stacking geometry. The effect of the stacking geometry also emerges from the analysis of the spin-polarized band structure. In Fig. 4, the band structure for both AA and bulk stacking is shown for the lowest-energy AFMz state. It can be clearly inferred that for bulk stacking spin-up and spin-down channels provide almost identical band structures (see Fig. 4(b)), with a very tiny difference between the corresponding gaps, $E_{g,\uparrow}=0.544$ eV and $E_{g,\uparrow}=0.537$ eV. This can be ascribed to the inversion symmetry linking the top and the bottom layer in the bulk stacking. On the other hand, for AA stacking, although the overall band structures look similar, the breaking of the inversion symmetry results in a $k$-point dependent spin splitting, yielding the band gaps $E_{g,\uparrow}=0.481$ eV and $E_{g,\downarrow}=0.562$ eV (see Fig. 4(a)). The presence or lack of inversion symmetry for the two stackings can also be easily identified in the charge transfer plots, reported in Sec. I of the SM and showing the ground-state electronic charge difference between Nb3I8-2L and the isolated top and bottom layer. Magnetic state | $\Delta E$ (meV/u.c.) ---|--- AA stacking | bulk stacking NM | 292.1 | 103.0 FM ($\uparrow\uparrow$) | 5.6 | 76.7 AFMxy-Néel-2L | 21.2 | 96.2 AFMxy-reverted-Néel-2L | 15.6 | 13.7 AFMxy-stripy-2L | 21.2 | 96.2 Table 1: Relative stability for different magnetic states of Nb3I8-2L for both bulk and AA stacking. $\Delta E$ is the energy difference between the considered state and the lowest-energy one, that for both stackings corresponds to the AFMz ($\uparrow\downarrow$). NM stands for nonmagnetic state, FM for ferromagnetic state (both layers carry the same spin, $\uparrow\uparrow$), whereas Néel-2L, reverted-Néel-2L, and stripy-2L states are as described in the text. The energies are calculated per $1\times 1$ unit cell (u.c.). (a)(b) Figure 4: Spin-up (left panels) and spin-down (right panels) band structure along the $\Gamma-K-M-\Gamma$ path in the first BZ of Nb3I8-2L (in the lowest- energy magnetic configuration, AFMz) for (a) AA and (b) bulk stacking. Zero energy corresponds to the top valence band. The band structure shows a semiconducting behavior, with the energy gap highlighted, for each spin channel, by a shaded orange region. #### III.1.5 Nb3I8-3L At this stage, one might wonder about what would happen if thicker films with an odd number of layers would be considered. Since the AFMz magnetic ordering, corresponding to AFM coupling between two consecutive layers, was proven to be the most stable for Nb3I8-2L, we analyzed similar patterns for Nb3I8-3L. Given the in-plane FM ordering in each layer, different out-of-plane spin-stacking sequences were considered: $\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow$, analogous of the FM state of Nb3I8-2L; $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$, where neighbor layers carry opposite spin and obtained from the first by flipping the central layer spin; $\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow$, obtained from the first by flipping the spin of one of the outermost layers. The optimized lattice parameters are 7.63 Å and 7.62 Å for the bulk and the AA stacking, respectively. The $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$ ordering, corresponding to AFM coupling between each pair of consecutive layers, has been proven to be the most stable configuration, in agreement with what already reported for trilayer CrI3 [23]. In Tab. 2, we report the relative energies per u.c. of all the considered magnetic states with respect to the lowest-energy $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$ ordering, for both bulk and AA stacking. Again, the stacking geometry reveals its central role, in that for bulk stacking several tens of meV separate $\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow$ and $\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow$ from the ground state. On the other hand, they lie only $\simeq$12 and $\simeq$6 meV from the ground state in the AA stacking. As far as the ground-state spin-polarized band structure is concerned, we do not expect any degeneracy for both stacking geometries, since no inversion symmetry operation can be identified. Indeed, the bulk stacking shows a semiconducting band structure for both spin channels with $E_{g,\uparrow}=0.547$ eV and $E_{g,\downarrow}=0.559$ eV (see Fig. 5(a)), whereas the AA stacking provides $E_{g,\uparrow}=0.436$ eV and $E_{g,\downarrow}=0.498$ eV (see Fig. 5(b)). Magnetic state | $\Delta E$ (meV/u.c.) ---|--- AA stacking | bulk stacking NM | 422.7 | 276.7 $\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow$ | 11.9 | 79.5 $\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow$ | 5.9 | 78.0 Table 2: Relative stability for different magnetic states of Nb3I8-3L for both bulk and AA stacking. $\Delta E$ is the energy difference per formula unit with respect to the lowest-energy state, that in both cases corresponds to the $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$ (AFM) state, i.e., the FM magnetic ordering with AFM ordering between the top, middle and bottom plane. $\uparrow\uparrow\uparrow$ stands for the (ferromagnetic) ordering where all planes carry out the same spin and $\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow$ for the ordering where two consecutive planes carry the same spin, opposite to that of the third plane. (a)(b) Figure 5: Spin-up (left panels) and spin-down (right panels) band structure along the $\Gamma-K-M-\Gamma$ path in the first BZ of Nb3I8-3L (in the lowest- energy magnetic configuration, $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$) for (a) AA and (b) bulk stacking. Zero energy corresponds to the top valence band. The band structure shows a semiconducting behavior, with the energy gap highlighted, for each spin channel, by a shaded orange region. As a final remark, we should point out that the out-of-plane AFM magnetic coupling can be estimated, from our results, to be of the order of 6 meV for AA stacking and 80 meV in bulk stacking. Such a coupling is calculated as the the energy needed to flip the spin of a whole layer starting from an otherwise AFMz magnetic configuration and can inferred from both the results for Nb3I8-2L (as $E_{\uparrow\downarrow}-E_{\uparrow\uparrow}$ in Table 1) and those for Nb3I8-3L (as $E_{\downarrow\uparrow\downarrow}-E_{\uparrow\uparrow\downarrow}$ in Table 2 ). As such, we can conclude that, while the stacking seems not to be able to modify the lowest-energy magnetic configuration, bulk stacking can definitely make it more stable than it is in the AA stacking. ### III.2 Strained nanofilms Applied strain can directly impact on the electronic properties because it affects the interactions between the atoms composing the lattice. In particular, since the magnetism arises from the exchange interactions between the magnetic atoms belonging to the lattice, strain can be devised as an effective degree of freedom for tuning the magnetic couplings and, as a consequence, move the system across the magnetic phase diagram in an absolutely unpredictable way. Here, we analyze in-plane compressive or tensile biaxial strain ranging from $-7.5$% to 7.5% in terms of lattice constant variations and discuss to what extent it can induce magnetic phase transitions. Figure 6: Relative stability of different magnetic orderings in Nb3I8-1L. $\Delta E=E-E_{\mathrm{FM}}$ is the energy difference between the energy of a given configuration and that of the lowest energy, FM state: “Néel-1L” and “stripy-1L” configurations are considered. NM state shows a similar trend, but is not shown because it lies at higher energy in all the considered range. The energies are calculated per $1\times 1$ unit cell. The very tiny difference between the two curves showing up at the largest positive strain ($\sim 0.3$ meV) is likely the result of numerical noise. #### III.2.1 Nb3I8-1L Let us start our analysis from Nb3I8-1L. Here, two main questions arise: the first is about whether the strain might stabilize other magnetic phases against the stable FM phase found for the unstrained monolayer. Second, whether and to what extent the electronic properties of a given magnetic phase may change as an effect of the strain. Aimed at giving an answer to the first question, besides the NM and FM orderings previously discussed for Nb3I8-1L, here we consider also, for the sake of completeness, two other configurations, that is, AFMxy-stripy-1L and AFMxy-Néel-1L (with definitions similar to those of Fig. 3, by keeping in mind that the figure has been conceived for bilayers whereas here we are dealing with a monolayer). The FM magnetic ordering turns out to be stable against strain effects for all the considered values of tensile and compressive strain. However, larger compressive strain makes the different magnetic states closer in energy to be contrasted with tensile strain that instead further stabilizes the FM state. This can be be easily inferred from Fig. 6, where the relative energy of different magnetic configurations is reported versus the applied strain. This is a striking result because it demonstrates the possibility of using strain as a control knob to stabilize the magnetic phase during the deposition steps, since a sufficiently high tensile (compressive) strain enhances (reduces) the energy difference between NM and FM states and between different magnetic states. The explanation of such behavior requires to remind that, as previously stated, the origin of magnetism in Nb3I8 stands in the irregular Kagomé lattice, where each Nb3 triangular cluster carries a 1 $\mu_{B}$ magnetic moment, that is, a 1/2 spin. The magnetic interactions between those clusters are modified by strain, in particular because an enhanced or reduced inter-cluster distance. Now we turn to the second question, that was about to strain-induced effects on the electronic properties. To this aim, in Fig. 7 the spin-up and spin-down band structures of Nb3I8-1L in the presence of a $\pm$7.5% strain are reported. As a general remark, in the strong tensile strain regime, the electronic bands exhibit a flattening deriving from the increased in-plane interatomic distances. A more intriguing effect of the strain on the band structure concerns the band gap variation: by tuning the strain from compressive to tensile, a decrease (increase) of the spin-up (spin-down) channel band gap is observed, as we show in Fig. 7(c). Such an opposite behavior for spin-up and spin-down channel may be ascribed to the number and nature of electronic bands in proximity of the energy gap region. As it will be further clarified in a while from the projection of the energy bands onto atomic orbitals, the relative contribution of I and Nb orbitals to those bands is differently influenced by the strain for the two spins, with a direct effect onto the energy gaps. We could expect that this intriguing peculiarity might be unveiled from absorption experiments, as an example. (a)(b) (c) Figure 7: Spin-up (left panels) and spin-down (right panels) band structure along the $\Gamma-K-M-\Gamma$ path in the first BZ of Nb3I8-1L (in the lowest- energy magnetic configuration, FM) under a (a) $-7.5$% and (b) 7.5% strain. Zero energy corresponds to the top valence band. The band structure shows a semiconducting behavior, with the energy gap highlighted, for each spin channel, by a shaded orange region. (c) Spin-up ($E_{g,\uparrow}$) and spin- down ($E_{g,\downarrow}$) energy gap of Nb3I8-1L (in the lowest-energy FM configuration) as a function of the strain. We can notice the decreasing (increasing) behavior of $E_{g,\uparrow}$ ($E_{g,\uparrow}$) when tuning the strain from compressive to tensile. An in-depth analysis also shows that upon increasing strain a decreasing of the monolayer thickness is observed, ranging from $\sim 4.57$ Å for a $-7.5$ % strain to $\sim 3.67$ Å for a $7.5$ % strain, to be compared with 4.08 Å of the unstrained bilayer (that is indeed intermediate between the other two). In other words, tensile (compressive) strain tends to weaken (enhance) the interatomic interaction along the $z$ direction. As a final remark, we would like to point out that strain-induced effect on the electronic structure can also be related to the change in the orbital hybridization following structural modification. As an example, we report in Fig. 8 the projected density of states (PDOS) onto atomic orbitals. Almost independently of the strain, the top valence bands are mostly dominated by hybridized Nb($d$) and I($p$) orbitals, with the larger contribution coming from the former. However, by looking at an energy window $\sim$0.4 eV below the top valence band, the integrated PDOS shows that, on going from the largest compressive strain to the unstrained system to the largest tensile strain the I($p$) contribution to the total PDOS changes from 45% to 32% to 30%, respectively. We can infer that the compressive strain can significantly enhance the hybridization between I and Nb orbitals, whereas the opposite effect is observed in the case of tensile strain. Figure 8: PDOS of Nb3I8-1L in the lowest-energy FM configuration onto I($p$), Nb($d$) and Nb($p$) orbitals. The largest considered compressive ($-7.5$%) and tensile (7.5%) strains, together with the unstrained system are considered. Zero energy corresponds, for each system, to the top valence band. Positive (negative) values of the PDOS correspond to spin-up (spin-down) bands. #### III.2.2 Nb3I8-2L and Nb3I8-3L Moving to the thicker nanofilms, in Figs. 9 and 10, the energy differences of different magnetic orderings relative to the lowest-energy state are reported, as a function of the applied strain and for both bulk and AA stackings. It is shown that strain does not significantly alter the ground-state magnetic ordering, in that adjacent layers always carry opposite spin in the lowest- energy state ($\uparrow\downarrow$ for Nb3I8-2L and $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$ for Nb3I8-3L). Figure 9: Relative stability of the $\uparrow\uparrow$ magnetic ordering in Nb3I8-2L for both AA and bulk stacking as a function of the strain, referred to that of the lowest-energy $\uparrow\downarrow$ state ($\Delta E=E_{\uparrow\uparrow}-E_{\uparrow\downarrow}$). Figure 10: Relative stability of different magnetic orderings in Nb3I8-3L for both AA and bulk stacking as a function of the strain. $\Delta E=E-E_{\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow}$ is the energy difference between the energy of a given configuration and that of the lowest-energy, $\uparrow\downarrow\uparrow$ state. As previously reported for Nb3I8-1L, strain-induced non-trivial modifications of the electronic structure can be observed, in particular as far as spin-up and spin-down band gaps are concerned and more evident for bulk stacking (this is shown in Figs. S2 and S3 of the SM for Nb3I8-2L and Nb3I8-3L, respectively). Moreover, similarly to the Nb3I8-1L, band flattening occurs in the strong tensile strain regime. ## IV Conclusions This work explores the novel and intriguing magnetic and electronic properties of few-layer Nb3I8 vdW nanofilms, showing how and to what extent the magnetism and magnetic ordering can be considered as tunable properties as a function of the film thickness, applied strain, stacking geometry and the combined effect of these three parameters. By considering one-, two-, and three-layer systems, we have shown different magnetic patterns that might be energetically favored among the many possible. Spin densities are shown to be mostly localized on the Nb3 triangular clusters natively present into the irregular Kagomé lattice. In particular, we argued that within each plane a FM ordering is energetically favored, with parallel spins on all Nb atomic sites. In this respect, a single Nb3I8 layer behaves as a “macroscopic” spin carrying a 1 $\mu_{B}$ magnetic moment per unit cell. However, as one or more layer are stacked on the first, the inter-layer magnetic interaction drives the system to an out-of-plane AFM ordering of the spins, such that two consecutive layers carry opposite magnetizations. On the other hand, other, both in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic patterns have been shown to be feasible, with energies depending on the stacking geometry and the nanofilm thickness. In particular, the out-of-plane AFM magnetic coupling results more (less) stable in the presence of bulk (AA) stacking, demonstrating how stacking might play a fundamental role for designing new magnetic materials and devices with given functionalities. Similarly, strain effects have been evidenced, from band flattening taking place for sufficiently large tensile stress, to more dispersed bands with increasing contribution from I orbitals for large modulus compressive stress. Interestingly, the strain is also capable of enhancing or weakening (according to its sign) the energy differences between different possible magnetic orderings, paving the way to a strain-tunable magnetic response. The magnetic coupling, responsible for the in-plane FM and the out-of-plane AFM orderings has been estimated from total energy differences. It turns out that it is required an energy of about 23 meV to flip a single spin within a single FM layer. On the other hand, about 6 meV for AA stacking and 80 meV for bulk stacking per unit cell are required to flip the spin of a whole layer starting from two antiferromagnetically coupled layers. All these results, also combined with recent experimental and theoretical outcomes on the bulk counterpart [39], shed light on new and intriguing properties of this novel material, bringing it among the possible candidates to implement more complex magnetic responses, in user-designed homo- and hetero-structures. Our outcomes represent a step forward in the search of thickness-dependent and strain-tunable magnetism in 2D van der Waals materials, which is currently object of intense and ongoing research [63]. Future work could involve the study of defected Nb3I8 vdW nanofilms, with the aim of bringing out, depending on the defect nature and concentration, the twofold role that might be played, especially in a magnetic system, by the impurities: on one hand, unwanted defects might at least partially destroy the desired (e.g. magnetic) properties. On the other hand, intentionally induced impurities might represent a novel degree of freedom to enhance those properties [64, 65, 66]. Moreover, a thorough study of valley polarization and its interplay with strain would be desirable, as being investigated in other classes of two-dimensional materials [67, 68, 69]. ###### Acknowledgements. We acknowledge the CINECA awards HP10CSICON “QUANTERA” and HP10CZRR24 “UNIVERSE” under the ISCRA initiative for the availability of high performance computing resources and support. Financial support and computational resources from MUR, PON “Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020”, under Grant No. PIR01_00011 - (I.Bi.S.Co.) are acknowledged. G.C. and F.C. contributed equally to this work. ## References ## References * Liu _et al._ [2021] Y. Liu, X. Duan, H.-J. Shin, S. Park, Y. Huang, and X. Duan, Nature 591, 43 (2021). * Akinwande _et al._ [2019] D. Akinwande, C. Huyghebaert, C.-H. Wang, M. I. Serna, S. Goossens, L.-J. Li, H.-S. P. Wong, and F. H. L. Koppens, Nature 573, 507 (2019). * Liu _et al._ [2020] C. Liu, H. Chen, S. Wang, Q. Liu, Y.-G. Jiang, D. W. Zhang, M. Liu, and P. Zhou, Nature Nanotechnology 15, 545 (2020). * Zhang _et al._ [2015] R. Zhang, B. Li, and J. Yang, Nanoscale 7, 14062 (2015). * Santos _et al._ [2016] R. Santos, F. Mota, R. Rivelino, A. Kakanakova-Georgieva, and G. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Giovanni Cantele, Felice Conte, Ludovica Zullo and Domenico Ninno", "submitter": "Giovanni Cantele", "url": "" }
11institutetext: Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen University, Denmark # Challenges for FCC-ee Luminosity Monitor Design Mogens Dam (Received: / Revised version: ) ###### Abstract For cross section measurements, an accurate knowledge of the integrated luminosity is required. The FCC-ee Z lineshape programme sets the ambitious precision goal of $10^{-4}$ on the _absolute_ luminosity measurement and one order of magnitude better on the _relative_ measurement between energy-scan points. The luminosity is determined from the rate of small-angle Bhabha scattering, $\mathrm{e^{+}e^{-}\to e^{+}e^{-}}$, where the final state electrons and positrons are detected in dedicated monitors covering small angles from the outgoing beam directions. The constraints on the luminosity monitors are multiple: _i_) they are placed inside the main detector volume only about 1 m from the interaction point; _ii_) they are centred around the outgoing beam lines and do not satisfy the normal axial detector symmetry; _iii_) their coverage is limited by the beam pipe, on the one hand, and the requirement to stay clear of the main detector acceptance, on the other; _iv_) the steep angular dependence of the Bhabha scattering process imposes a geometrical precision on the acceptance limits at about 1 rad, corresponding to geometrical precisions of $\mathcal{O}(1\,\text{\textmugreek m})$; and _v_) the very high bunch crossing rate of 50 MHz during the Z-pole operation calls for fast readout electronics. Inspired by second-generation LEP luminosity monitors, a proposed ultra-compact solution is based on a sandwich of tungsten-silicon layers. A vigorous R&D programme is needed in order to ensure that such a solution satisfies the more challenging FCC-ee requirements. ###### pacs: PACS-keydescribing text of that key and PACS-keydescribing text of that key ††offprints: ## 1 Introduction The integrated luminosity acts as the link between the number of produced events, $N$, and the cross section, $\sigma$, for any physics process: $N=L\cdot\sigma.$ (1) Precise cross-section measurements therefore depend on the accurate knowledge of the luminosity. In hadron-hadron collisions, the main method for luminosity measurement is via direct calculations based on known beam parameters, with important input on transverse beam profiles from so-called _van der Meer_ scans. Precisions at the few percent level are reached at the LHC using this method GRAFSTROM201597 . In electron-positron collisions, the luminosity is usually inferred by exploiting Eq. (1) for a reference process with a precisely know cross section, $\sigma_{\mathrm{ref}}$. This way, cross-section measurements are, in fact, based on the ratio of event counts between the physic process under study and the reference process, $\sigma=(N/N_{\mathrm{ref}})\cdot\sigma_{\mathrm{ref}}$. In order for measurements not to be limited by the statistical uncertainty on $N_{\mathrm{ref}}$, the reference process should be chosen with a sufficiently large cross section, $\sigma_{\mathrm{ref}}\gtrsim\sigma$. At the recent generation of e+e- colliders, the B-factories operating at center-of-mass energies around the $\Upsilon$(4S) resonance ($\sim$ 10 GeV), sub-percent level precisions have been reached based on large angle production of e+e-, , or µ+µ- final states Lees:2013rw ; Abudinen:2019osb . Luminosity measurements with precisions at the sub-per-mille level were pioneered at LEP using small-angle Bhabha scattering, e+e${}^{-}\rightarrow$ e+e-. Events were detected by dedicated monitors encircling the beam at about 2.5 m from the interaction point. The small-angle Bhabha cross section can be calculated with high precision from quantum electrodynamics and depends only weakly on the properties of the Z boson, even at center-of-mass energies close to the Z pole. To lowest order, the strongly forward-peaked cross section takes the form $\sigma=\frac{16\pi\alpha^{2}}{s}\left(\frac{1}{\theta_{\mathrm{min}}^{2}}-\frac{1}{\theta_{\mathrm{max}}^{2}}\right),$ (2) for a detector with a polar angle coverage from $\theta_{\mathrm{min}}$ to $\theta_{\mathrm{max}}$ and full coverage in azimuth. During the first period of LEP operation, it was realised that the Z $\rightarrow$ hadrons process could be measured with very small systematic uncertainty well below the per- mille level. An upgrade of the luminosity monitors, originally designed for percent level measurements, therefore became desirable. Upgrades took different form in the four experiments: In L3, a precise Si tracker was added in front of their BGO calorimeter Brock:1996ty ; In DELPHI, the original SPACAL-like calorimeter was replaced by a more precise device based on scintillating tiles Camporesi:1997uxj ; In OPAL and ALEPH, new compact Si-W sandwich calorimeters were added in front of the original devices covering the lowest scattering angles Opal.Lumi ; Aleph.Lumi . To appreciate the extraordinary efforts that were invested in reaching sub-per-mille levels of accuracy, it is worthwhile consulting the work by OPAL, described in detail in Ref. Opal.Lumi , resulting in an experimental precision as low as $3.4\times 10^{-4}$, a factor two or more better than the LEP competitors. At this stage, dominant contributions to the remaining uncertainty included: _i_) radial metrology of the calorimeters ($1.4\times 10^{-4}$), _ii_) uncertainty on the correspondence between measured shower coordinates and true scattering angles ($1.4\times 10^{-4}$), _iii_) calorimeter energy response ($1.8\times 10^{-4}$), and _iv_) clustering algorithm ($1.0\times 10^{-4}$). Smaller contributions were associated with _v_) beam related backgrounds ($0.8\times 10^{-4}$) and _vi_) beam parameters ($0.6\times 10^{-4}$). At FCC-ee, precise luminosity measurement will again be of vital importance. The FCC-ee programme includes four major phases with precision measurements of the four heaviest particles of the Standard Model: _i_) the Z boson from $5\times 10^{12}$ Z decays collected around the Z pole, _ii_) the W boson from $10^{8}$ WW pairs collected close to threshold, _iii_) the Higgs boson from $1.2\times 10^{6}$ e+e${}^{-}\to$ HZ events produced at the cross-section maximum, and _iv_) the top quark from $10^{6}$ $\mathrm{t\bar{t}}$ pairs produced at and slightly above threshold. In particular, the two first phases, with their superior statistics, call for the highest achievable systematic accuracy. Ambitious precision goals have been set at 10-4 for the absolute luminosity measurement and one order of magnitude better for the relative measurement between energy scan points. As at LEP, the luminosity measurement is foreseen to be principally based on small-angle Bhabha scattering. This may be complemented by large-angle $\mathrm{e^{+}e^{-}}\to$ production, where, despite a three orders of magnitude smaller rate, the statistical precision is sufficient for most purposes, and the systematic uncertainties will be entirely different. This essay concentrates on the luminosity measurement based on small-angle Bhabha scattering; the design of the luminosity monitors and the measurement methodology. Emphasis is placed on deriving the required geometrical precisions of the monitors and of their alignment with respect to the accelerator in order to facilitate the absolute luminosity precision goal. The design described is that developed for the FCC-ee Conceptual Design Report Benedikt:2651299 . ## 2 Experimental environment The experimental environment at FCC-ee is described in detail in the CDR Benedikt:2651299 . The FCC-ee accelerator has been designed to provide optimal luminosities at all energies from the Z pole to the $t\bar{t}$ production threshold. Of direct relevance to the luminosity measurement, the design includes: _i_) separate storage rings for the electron and positron beams, which are brought into collision at a 30 mrad horizontal crossing angle at two (possibly four) interaction points (IP); _ii_) strong vertical focusing of the beams provided by a set of quadrupoles the closest with its face at $L^{*}=2.2$ m from the IP; _iii_) very high beam crossing rates of $\mathcal{O}$(50 MHz) at Z-pole operation. A detector is placed at each IP, with a solenoid that delivers a magnetic field of 2 T parallel to the bisector of the two beams, the $z$-axis. Two complementary detector concepts have been studied. In both cases, the trajectories of charged particles are measured within a tracker down to polar angles of about 150 mrad with respect to the $z$ axis. The tracker is surrounded by a calorimeter and muon-detection system. The region covering polar angles below 100 mrad corresponds to the “machine-detector interface” (MDI), the design of which demands special care. The crossing of the beam lines at angles of $\pm$15 mrad with the detector field necessitates the insertion of a set of compensating solenoidal magnets in front of the quadrupoles in order to preserve the low vertical beam emittance. This arrangement pushes the luminosity monitors far into the main detector volume, where the available space is severely constrained. A brief account of the MDI can be found in Ref. Boscolo:2021hsq , from which Fig. 1, showing a sketch of the interaction region, is taken. Figure 1: Sketch of the interaction region in the horizontal plane. Compensating solenoids (green) are installed in front of the quadupoles (yellow) to compensate for the traversal of the beams at an 15 mrad angle through the detector field. The luminosity calorimeters (LumiCal) are installed in front of the compensating solenoids and centered around the outgoing beam lines. From Boscolo:2021hsq . ## 3 Luminosity Monitor Design A set of Si-W calorimeters is proposed as luminosity monitors at FCC-ee. In addition to providing a very compact solution, the choice of a purely calorimetric measurement also has theoretical advantages. As it has been pointed out by the authors of the higher-order Bhabha event generator Bhlumi BHLUMI , there is theoretical difficulty in ascribing meaning to the trajectory of a bare Bhabha-scattered electron. Theoretically more meaningful is the concept of a dressed electron, i.e. an electron including its close- lying radiated photons. This favours a calorimetric measurement. Following the examples from OPAL Opal.Lumi and ALEPH Aleph.Lumi and from linear collider studies ilc_det_tdr ; Aicheler:2012bya , the proposed calorimeters have been designed as cylindrical devices assembled from stacks of identical Si-W layers. This simple geometry facilitates the control of construction and metrology tolerances to the necessary micron level. To measure precisely the scattering angles of the Bhabha-scattered electrons and positrons, the calorimeters are centred around—and tilted to be perpendicular to—the outgoing beam lines. The calorimeters sit in front of the compensating solenoids extending to $|z|\simeq 1.2$ m from the IP. Their physical dimensions are then limited by two parameters: At their inner radius, they must stay clear of the incoming beam pipe; at their outer radius, they must stay away from the tracker acceptance defined by a $150$-mrad cone around the $z$ axis. The situation is illustrated in Fig. 2, where also the main physical dimensions of the proposed design are given. The design includes 25 layers, each layer comprising a 3.5-mm tungsten plate, equivalent to $1\,X_{0}$, and a Si-sensor plane inserted in the $1$-mm gap. In the transverse plane, the Si sensors are finely partitioned into pads. The proposed number of divisions is 32 both radially and azimuthally for 1 024 readout channels per layer, or 25 600 channels in total for each calorimeter. A 30-mm uninstrumented region at the outer circumference is reserved for services. This includes front-end electronics, cables and cooling, and, importantly, also the physical structures—likely including precision dowels and bolts—for the assembly of the Si-W sandwich. It should be emphasised that a proper engineering design has so far not been done but is highly needed in order to verify the proposed assembly procedure and the space necessary for this at the outer radius. Overall, the proposed design is very compact, each calorimeter weighing only about $65$ kg. Figure 2: The luminosity calorimeter centred around the outgoing beam line (shown in red): front view (left), top view (right). In the base design, each calorimeter is divided vertically into two half barrels clamped together around the beam pipe. Due to the small dimensions, it will be possible to produce each silicon half-layer from a single silicon tile, which will minimise potential inactive regions between sensors and facilitate the precise geometrical control of the acceptance. Meticulous care is required for the design of the vertical assembly of the two half-barrels, both in order to avoid a non-instrumented region and to precisely control the geometry. An alternate design has been proposed, where the monitors would be built as full barrels avoiding the vertical assembly. This would have strong implications for the design of the MDI and the assembly procedure of the detector around the beam pipe. The Si-sensor pads will be connected to compact front-end electronics positioned at radii immediately outside the sensors. To minimise the occurrence of pile-up events—at the Z pole, the average number of Bhabha events hitting the luminometers per bunch crossing is about 10-3—it is desirable to read out the detector at the bunch-crossing rate. This calls for the development of readout electronics with a shaping time below the bunch spacing of $20$ ns. A power budget of $5$ mW per readout channel has been estimated, for a total of $130$ W per calorimeter, to be removed via cooling. With thermal expansion coefficients of both W and Si-crystal at the few $\times 10^{-6}/\,^{\circ}$C level, control of the monitors’ temperature within a $1\,^{\circ}$C tolerance would seem appropriate for control of physical dimensions to the 1-µm level. Measurements from OPAL Opal.Lumi , however, show a considerably higher sensitivity of about 4 µm / ∘C for their radial dimensions. This difference has to be understood. As in OPAL, temperatures should be continously monitored and gradients should be minimised. ## 4 Acceptance and Geometrical Precisions The proposed luminometer design has a full-depth coverage for scattering angles between 50 and 97 mrad. For a robust energy measurement, the acceptance limits must be kept some distance away from these borders. Choosing this distance to be 15 mm, corresponding to one Molière radius, limits the acceptance to the 62–88 mrad range. To ensure that the luminosity measurement has no first order dependence on possible misalignments and movements of the beam system relative to the luminometer system (both in position and angle), the method of asymmetric acceptance, first introduced in Ref. CRAWFORD1975173 and later extensively used at LEP, will be employed. Bhabha events are selected if the ${\rm e^{\pm}}$ is inside a narrow acceptance in one calorimeter, and the ${\rm e^{\mp}}$ is inside a wide acceptance in the other. A 2 mrad difference between the wide and narrow acceptances is judged adequate to accommodate possible misalignments and movements of the IP. The narrow acceptance thus covers the 64–86 mrad angular range, corresponding to a Bhabha cross section of 14 nb at the Z pole (compared to 40 nb for Z production), equivalent to $6.4\times 10^{-4}$ events per bunch crossing. The forward-peaked $1/\theta^{3}$ spectrum of the Bhabha process causes the luminosity measurement to be particularly sensitive to the determination of the angular coverage. The sensitivity can be determined by simple analytic calculations, using only the $1/\theta^{3}$ spectrum and the physical dimensions of the monitor system. The Bhabha acceptance $A$ is affected by any change $\Delta R_{\rm in}$ ($\Delta R_{\rm out}$) of the inner (outer) edge radial coordinate as follows: $\frac{\Delta A}{A}\approx-\frac{\Delta R_{\mathrm{in}}}{1.6\,\text{\textmu{}m}}\times 10^{-4},\qquad\text{and}\qquad\frac{\Delta A}{A}\approx+\frac{\Delta R_{\mathrm{out}}}{3.8\,\text{\textmu{}m}}\times 10^{-4}.$ (3) Similarly, $A$ is affected by any change $\Delta Z$ of the half-distance between the effective planes defining the radial measurements in the two calorimeters: $\frac{\Delta A}{A}\approx+\frac{\Delta Z}{55\,\text{\textmu{}m}}\times 10^{-4}.$ (4) With the 30 mrad beam crossing angle, the situation becomes slightly more complicated. Now, with the two calorimeters centred on different axes, $Z$ shall be interpreted as $Z=\frac{1}{2}(Z_{1}+Z_{2})$, where $Z_{1}$ and $Z_{2}$ are the distances, measured along the two outgoing beam axes, from the (nominal) IP to the two luminometers. With the method of asymmetric acceptance, only second-order dependencies of $A$ on the average IP position remains. Again the strengths of these dependencies can be estimated analytically. This gives a rather precise estimate for transverse offsets. However, longitudinal offsets imply an implicit cut into the acollinearity distribution of Bhabha events and thus a dependence on the amount of initial state radiation. To quantify this, a high- statistics study was performed based on the Bhabha event generator Bhlumi BHLUMI and a parameterised detector response, where the energy of close-lying electrons and photons were collected into clusters. The study confirmed the second order dependencies as long as offsets were sufficiently small to be covered by the difference between the wide and narrow acceptance definitions: in this case, offsets of up to $\delta r\approx 0.5$ mm transversely and $\delta z\approx 20$ mm longitudinally. Inside this range, the observed changes of the acceptance could be parameterised as $\frac{\Delta A}{A}\approx+\left(\frac{\delta r}{0.6\,\text{mm}}\right)^{2}\times 10^{-4}\qquad\text{and}\qquad\frac{\Delta A}{A}\approx-\left(\frac{\delta z}{6\,\text{mm}}\right)^{2}\times 10^{-4}.$ (5) Whereas the result for transverse offsets agrees well with the analytic estimate, it is interesting to notice that, for longitudinal offsets, the simulation result is larger (by a factor four) than that of the analytic estimate and even has the opposite sign, demonstrating the importance of radiative effects. The effect of a possible tilt of the luminometer system with respect to the FCC-ee beam-line system has a similar effect on $A$ as a transverse offset: In Eq. 5 one simply has to replace $\delta r$ with $Z\delta\alpha$, where $\alpha$ is the tilt angle. It should be stressed that such offsets and tilts give rise to asymmetries in the Bhabha counting rate either azimuthally (radial offsets and tilts) or between the two calorimeters (longitudinal offsets) and can therefore be monitored and corrected for directly from the data. No such possibility of correction from the data exists for the detector construction tolerances, $\Delta R$ and $\Delta Z$, discussed in the previous paragraph, which therefore need to be controlled via precise metrology and alignment. As a reference, OPAL Opal.Lumi achieved control of the inner radius of their calorimeters to a precision of 4.4 µm through precise metrology. Relative to OPAL, several uncertainty contributions are expected to vanish if each sensor layer can be made from a single silicon crystal. A dominant remaining contribution then stems from the stability of the half-barrel separation, which was 1.9 µm in the case of OPAL. In summary, to reach a precison of $10^{-4}$ on the absolute luminosity measurement, the radial dimensions of the luminosity monitors have to be controlled to a precision of $\mathcal{O}(1\ \text{\textmu{}m})$, whereas the half-distance between the two monitors has to be controlled to $\mathcal{O}$(50 µm). The requirements on the alignment of the luminometer system with respect to the average IP position are considerably more relaxed: accuracies of order 0.5 mm and 5 mm are called for in the radial and longitudinal directions, respectively. ## 5 Other sources of systematics A complete study of systematic effect is still to be pursued. Here we report on initial studies of effects associated with the accelerator: backgrounds and beam-beam effects. Evidently, both of these studies shall be followed up when a better understanding the accelerator behaviour becomes available. At LEP, the primary source of background for the luminosity measurement was from coincidences of off-momentum particles generated by beam particles scattering with the residual gas in the beam pipe and deflected by the quadrupoles into the luminometers Opal.Lumi . With its much stronger focusing, the ratio between the instantaneous luminosity and the beam current is much higher at FCC-ee than at LEP. It is therefore not surprising, as pointed out already in Ref. Benedikt:2651299 , that this background source appears negligible in FCC-ee. In the same reference, other sources of backgrounds such as those from incoherent pair production and from synchrotron radiation were likewise argued to be unimportant. Electromagnetic effects caused by the very large charge densities of the FCC- ee beam bunches affect the colliding particles in several related ways. The final state electrons and positrons from small angle Bhabha scattering are focused by the electromagnetic fields of the opposing bunches leading to a sizeable bias of the luminometer acceptance that must be corrected for. This effect was studied in Ref. Voutsinas:2019eyu , where it was demonstrated that several sets of measurements can be used to control this bias, and that it therefore should not compromise the targeted precision. Interestingly, as recently pointed out in Ref. Voutsinas:2019hwu , this effect was already present at LEP, where it led to an underestimation of the luminosity measurement by about 0.1%, significantly larger than the originally reported experimental uncertainties. ## 6 Relative Luminosity For the relative normalisation between energy scan points, geometrical effects, the main focus of this essay, tend to cancel. In OPAL, dominant effects on the relative normalisation were related to the accelerator with contributions from beam related backgrounds ($0.8\times 10^{-4}$) and beam parameters ($0.6\times 10^{-4}$). Even if it is believed that FCC-ee compared to LEP will have less beam induced background and that the beam parameters (beam tilts and divergences) will have less freedom to vary over time (as an illustration the beam-pipe radius was 50 mm at LEP versus 15 (possibly 10) mm at FCC-ee) it will certainly be a formidable challenge to improve on LEP by one order of magnitude. As always, statistics is our friend facilitating precise control studies. ## 7 Outlook Much work is needed towards a consolidated luminometer design fulfilling the many severe requirements. For the cylindrical CDR design, discussed in this essay, important points include: 1. 1. Engineering-level study of the proposed detector assembly method involving precision dowels and through-going bolts. This shall take into account the required $\mathcal{O}$(1 µm) geometrical precision on the radial coordinate. 2. 2. Realistic estimate of the space needed for services at radii outside the sensitive region. This region shall be kept as transparent as possible by the use of light materials to minimise particle interactions. 3. 3. Design of a procedure for maintaining and monitoring the geometrical accuracy of the monitors via precise metrology and alignment. 4. 4. Design of compact, low-power readout electronics preferentially allowing readout at the 50 MHz bunch-crossing rate. This shall include the transmission of signals away from the detectors. 5. 5. Design of a cooling system allowing control of a constant and uniform temperature over the monitors. The required tolerances have to be developed. 6. 6. Integration of the monitors into the MDI design including support structures, which isolate the monitors from possible movements and vibration of the accelerator magnet system; More fundamental issues are related to the detector coverage, which is severely limited by the geometrical constraints arising from the placement inside the main detector volume in the very crowded forward region. 1. 7. There is no coverage for scattering angles below 50 mrad. This goes against the wish to close as hermetically as possible FCC-ee detectors down towards the beam line. Certainly there is physical room at the inside of the CDR design to place instrumentation towards smaller scattering angles in all azimuthal directions except that of the incoming beam pipe. The question is how such irregular shaped instrumentation would be compatible with the 1-µm level accuracy needed on the radial limits of the acceptance definition. A engineering-level study is needed to answer this. 2. 8. There is full-depth coverage only up to scattering angles of 96 mrad. In the main detector system, this corresponds to a polar angle of 81 mrad in the azimuthal direction of the incoming beam. This is considerably lower than the agreed-upon boundary at 100 mrad between the MDI and the detector. Hence, there is a risk that the forward electromagnetic calorimeter, with its face at $|z|\simeq 2.3$ m, will not be able to reach down to such small angles and provide the necessary overlap between the two systems. At the same time, the outermost “corner” of the CDR design, with the 30 mm reserved for services, reaches out to a polar angle of 150 mrad. Should it be necessary to extend the service region further, this risks to clash with the tracking system. There is a clear tension here, and the final design will have to be done taking the overall detector layout into account. ## References * (1) P. Grafström and W. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Mogens Dam", "submitter": "Mogens Dam", "url": "" }
# Graph Autoencoders for Embedding Learning in Brain Networks and Major Depressive Disorder Identification Fuad Noman, Chee-Ming Ting, Hakmook Kang, Raphaël C.-W. Phan, Brian D. Boyd, Warren D. Taylor, and Hernando Ombao F. Noman, C.-M. Ting, and R. CW Phan are with the School of Information Technology, Monash University Malaysia, Bandar Sunway, Selangor, 47500 Malaysia (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]). H. Kang is with the Department of Biostatistics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee 37232 USA (e-mail: [email protected]).W. D. Taylor and B. D. Boyd are with the Center for Cognitive Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, Tennessee 37212, USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]).H. Ombao, is with Statistics Program, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, 23955-6900 Saudi Arabia. (e-mail: [email protected]). ###### Abstract Brain functional connectivity (FC) reveals biomarkers for identification of various neuropsychiatric disorders. Recent application of deep neural networks (DNNs) to connectome-based classification mostly relies on traditional convolutional neural networks using input connectivity matrices on a regular Euclidean grid. We propose a graph deep learning framework to incorporate the non-Euclidean information about graph structure for classifying functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)-derived brain networks in major depressive disorder (MDD). We design a novel graph autoencoder (GAE) architecture based on the graph convolutional networks (GCNs) to embed the topological structure and node content of large-sized fMRI networks into low-dimensional latent representations. In network construction, we employ the Ledoit-Wolf (LDW) shrinkage method to estimate the high-dimensional FC metrics efficiently from fMRI data. We consider both supervised and unsupervised approaches for the graph embedding learning. The learned embeddings are then used as feature inputs for a deep fully-connected neural network (FCNN) to discriminate MDD from healthy controls. Evaluated on two resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) MDD datasets, results show that the proposed GAE-FCNN model significantly outperforms several state-of-the-art methods for brain connectome classification, achieving the best accuracy using the LDW-FC edges as node features. The graph embeddings of fMRI FC networks learned by the GAE also reveal apparent group differences between MDD and HC. Our new framework demonstrates feasibility of learning graph embeddings on brain networks to provide discriminative information for diagnosis of brain disorders. ###### Index Terms: Brain connectivity networks, graph autoencoder, graph convolutional network, major depressive disorder, resting-state fMRI ## I Introduction Aanalysis of brain functional connectivity (FC) networks inferred from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data has become an important method to probe large-scale functional organization of the human brain in health and disease [1]. Considerable evidence from rs-fMRI studies have shown altered or aberrant brain functional connectome in various neuropsychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders [2], e.g., schizophrenia [3], autism spectrum disorder (ASD) [4], Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [5], suggesting potential use of network-based biomarkers for clinical diagnostics [6]. Functional abnormalities are detected not only in the strengths of individual connections but also topological structure of resting-state FC networks [1]. The brain function in major depressive disorder (MDD) — the most prevalent psychiatric disorder with pervasive depressed mode, cognitive inability and suicidal tendency, has been a subject of intensive studies recently. It is increasingly understood as a network-based disorder with consistent alternations in FC patterns [7]. Disrupted resting-state FC from fMRI has been found in MDD core networks, such as the default mode network (DMN) related to self-referential processing and emotion regulation, central executive network (CEN) for attention and working memory, and other subcortical circuitries [8]. Increased connectivity within DMN [9] and decreased connectivity between DMN and CEN have been observed in MDD patients compared to healthy controls (HCs) [7]. Graph theoretical analyses of rs-fMRI also revealed altered network topological properties in MDD, e.g., enhanced global efficiency [10] and high local efficiency and modularity [11]. Machine learning techniques have been increasingly used in turning altered brain FC into biomarkers for fast and automated classification of brain disorders [12]. Vast majority of studies use traditional machine learning algorithms for classification, such as support vector machine (SVM), logistic regression and linear discriminant analysis (For review see [13, 14, 15]). Compared to other disorders, functional connectome-based classification of MDD is relatively unexplored. Several recent studies [16, 17, 18, 19, 20] have employed SVMs combined with some ad-hoc feature selection methods to differentiate MDD from HCs using rs-fMRI FC, and obtained reasonable classification accuracies on leave-one-subject-out cross-validation. Deep learning methods have received significant interest in fMRI-based classification of brain disorders [21]. In recent applications to connectome- based classification, it has shown great potential providing substantial gain in performance over traditional classifiers. Deep neural networks (DNNs) can automatically learn a hierarchy of representations directly from the connectome data, without relying on preliminary feature hand-crafting and selection. Fully-connected DNNs have been used as autoencoders (AE) to map high-dimensional input vectors of FC metrics to latent compact representations for rs-fMRI classification of ASD [22, 23] and schizophrenia [24]. Inspired by remarkable success in image and object classification, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have also been used to learn spatial maps of brain functional networks. A CNN architecture (BrainNetCNN) with specially-designed convolutional filters for modeling connectome data was introduced by [25] for predicting neurodevelopment in infants. Various variants of connectome CNNs were subsequently proposed for FC classification. These include one- dimensional (1D) spatial convolutional filters on rs-fMRI FC data for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) identification [26], 2D-CNNs for FC matrices for ASD classification [27], 3D CNNs to combine static and dynamic FC for early MCI detection [28], and multi-domain connectome CNN to integrate different brain network measures [29]. The above-mentioned deep learning models generally neglect the topological information of the brain networks which may lead to sub-optimal performance in brain disorder identification. The flattening of input FC maps in fully-connected DNNs destroys the spatial structure, while the use of fixed 1D or 2D regular grid convolution operators in CNNs also fails to capture the graph-structured connectome data. Brain networks typically exhibit irregular structure with nodes being unordered and connected to a different number of neighbors, which renders convolution operations for regular grid inappropriate for modeling graphs. Extending deep learning approaches to data in non-Euclidean domain, including graphs, is a rapidly growing field [30]. One popular graph-based neural network (GNN) architecture, the graph convolutional networks (GCNs), generalizes operations in CNNs to learn local and global structural patterns in irregular graphs. A spectral-based GCN has been proposed to perform convolutions in the graph spatial domain as multiplications in the graph spectral domain [31, 32]. Applications of spectral GCNs to brain disorder detection from brain functional networks are introduced only recently and in its very early stage, e.g., for predicting ASD and conversion from MCI to AD [33, 34, 35, 36]. These studies used a population graph as input to GCN, where nodes represent subjects with associated resting-state FC feature vectors, while phenotype information is encoded as graph edge weights. However, this approach inherently relies on non-imaging data to construct graphs and requires prior knowledge of relevant phenotype information for specific disorders. Moreover, it is semi-supervised learning using all subjects (both training and testing sets) as inputs and thus lacks generalization on unseen subjects. A recent benchmarking study [37] also showed that population-based spectral GCN is less effective than the BrainNetCNN in resting-state FC-based behavioral prediction. In this paper, we propose a novel framework based on deep GNN for graph embedding on brain functional networks for classifying neuropsychiatric disorders associated with functional dysconnectivity. Precisely, we develop a graph autoencoder (GAE) architecture that leverages GCN to encode the non- Euclidean information about brain connectome into low-dimensional latent representations (or network embeddings), on which a decoder is trained to reconstruct the graph structure. The learned embeddings allow dimensionality reduction of large-sized brain network data, and preserve both the network topological structure and node content information as discriminative features to enhance subsequent connectome-based classification. The extracted patterns by the multiple graph convolutional layers in GCNs can include high-level representations of nodes’ local graph neighborhood. We utilize the GAE in an inductive framework of embedding generation for network-level classification. In contrast to the GCN used in transductive settings in existing GAEs for a single fixed graph [32, 38], our GAE is designed to generate node embeddings for completely unseen graphs. By learning an embedding function that shared across networks from different subjects, it allows generalization to multiple brain networks of unseen subjects in the downstream brain network classification. Besides the unsupervised embedding learning using GAE, we also consider supervised learning where the model makes use of disorder class labels to optimize the embeddings. Finally, a readout layer is added to summarize the node representations of each graph into a graph representation, which is then used as feature inputs to a fully-connected DNN (FCNN) for network classification. We apply the proposed GAE-FCNN to rs-fMRI data for classification of MDD and HCs using whole-brain FC networks. The GAE-FCNN is trained on high-dimensional functional networks constructed from rs-fMRI using Ledoit-Wolf (LDW) covariance estimator [39]. We also explore different types of node features: fMRI time series, associated FC edges and local graph measures. The main contributions of this work are summarized as follows: 1. 1. We propose, for the first time, a graph deep learning framework for brain FC- based identification of MDD. 2. 2. The proposed GAE-FCNN framework offers a novel approach to directly leverage on the alterations in network structure for brain disorder classification via the learned network embeddings. The GCN-based GAE architecture provides a purely unsupervised way to learn embeddings that encode the irregular topological structure of brain networks, which are inadequately modeled by the connectome CNNs and the vectorized FC features in population graphs. The GAE combined with a deep DNN facilitates graph-level classification to predict class labels for the entire brain graph, rather than node/subject-level classification based on population graphs. 3. 3. We demonstrate that our approach outperforms both the BrainNetCNN and population-based GCN by a large margin in identifying MDD based on resting- state functional brain networks from fMRI. 4. 4. We show that high-order network reconstructed from nodes embeddings learned by the proposed GCN-based GAE can reveal differences in network organization between MDD and HCs related to emotion processing. Figure 1: The architecture of proposed GAE-FCNN framework for functional brain network classification. (a) Unsupervised model. The model consists of two components: A GAE employs a GCN-based encoder to encode fMRI connectome data (graph structure $\mathbf{A}$ & node content $\mathbf{X}$) into latent representations $\mathbf{Z}$ on which a decoder is used to reconstruct the graph information. A deep FCNN performs network-level classification to discriminate MDD patients and HCs based on the learned representations. (b) Supervised model. The GCN encoder combined with FCNN leverages on class labels to learn network representations and performs network classification in an end-to-end framework. ## II rs-fMRI Dataset for MDD #### II-1 Subjects & Data Acquisition We used a rs-fMRI MDD dataset collected at the Duke University Medical Center, USA, studied previously in [40, 41]. The Duke-MDD dataset consists of 43 subjects, including 23 non-depressed (HC) and 20 depressed (MDD) participants aged between 20 and 50 years old. Depressed participants had met the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder (DSM-IV) criteria of MDD, as assessed by the Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI, version 5.0) [42] and interview with a study psychiatrist. Participants were scanned on a Siemens 3.0T Trio Tim scanner, with an 8-channel head coil. Echoplanar blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) functional resting scans were acquired with transverse orientation (TR/TE = 2000/27 ms, voxel size = 4.0 × 4.0 × 4.0 mm, 32 axial slices). A time series of 150 volumes were collected for each scan. #### II-2 Preprocessing Standard preprocessing steps were applied to the fMRI data using Conn toolbox (version 15.g) in SPM 12, including motion correction, slice timing correction, co-registration of functional and anatomical images, normalization to the standard MNI template, and Gaussian spatial smoothing with FWHM (full width at half maximum) = 6 mm. The fMRI data were band-pass filtered between 0.01-0.07 Hz. The automated anatomical labeling (AAL) atlas was used to obtain an anatomical parcellation of the whole-brain into 116 regions of interest (ROIs), and ROI-wise fMRI time series were extracted by averaging over voxels. ## III Methods Fig. 1 shows an overview of the proposed GAE-FCNN framework for identifying brain disorders using fMRI-based FC networks, which consists of three stages: (1) Network construction. High-dimensional FC networks are constructed from fMRI data using LDW shrinkage covariance estimator, and associated node features are extracted. (2) Network embedding via a GCN-based GAE. The GAE learns network embeddings by using an encoder of stacked GCNs to map the input graph structure and node content of FC networks into latent representation (or embeddings), and using an inner-product decoder to enforce embeddings to preserve graph topological information. (3) Network classification. The learned network embeddings are then used as inputs to a fully-connected DNN to discriminate between MDD patients and HCs. We develop an unsupervised (Fig. 1(a)) and a supervised (Fig. 1(b)) framework for learning graph embeddings in brain networks. ### III-A Connectivity Network Construction We consider an undirected graph of brain functional network for each subject, represented by $G\equiv\\{V,E\\}$ where $V\equiv\\{v_{1},\ldots,v_{N}\\}$ is a set of $N$ nodes (voxels or ROIs) and $e_{ij}\in E$ denotes the connectivity edge $(i,j)$ between nodes $v_{i}$ and $v_{j}$. The topological structure of the graph $G$ can be represented by an adjacency matrix $\mathbf{A}=[a_{ij}]\in{\\{0,1\\}}^{N\times N}$, where $a_{ij}=1$ if nodes $v_{i}$ and $v_{j}$ are connected, otherwise $a_{ij}=0$. We denote by $\mathbf{X}=[\mathbf{x}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{x}_{N}]^{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d}$ the node feature matrix for $G$, with $\mathbf{x}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$ representing the content feature vector associated with each node $v_{i}$. #### III-A1 Network Connectivity In constructing FC networks, we compute the FC matrix based on the temporal correlations of fMRI time series between pairs of ROIs. Let $\mathbf{y}_{t}\in\mathbb{R}^{N}$, $t=1,\ldots,T$ be the fMRI time series of length $T$ measured from the $N$ ROIs. For large-sized fMRI-derived networks in which the number of nodes $N$ is larger or comparable to the number of scans $T$, traditional sample correlation matrix is no longer a reliable and accurate estimator of FC. This is due to large number of correlation coefficients (i.e., $N(N-1)/2$) to be estimated relative to the sample size. This condition applies to the MDD fMRI data considered here ($T=150$ and $N=116$ ROIs). To estimate functional connectomes efficiently, we use the Ledoit-Wolf (LDW) regularized shrinkage estimator [39, 43] which can yield well-conditioned FC estimates in high-dimensional settings when the ratio of $N/T$ is large. The LDW covariance estimator is defined by $\widetilde{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}=(1-\alpha)\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}+\alpha\boldsymbol{\Delta}$ with $\boldsymbol{\Delta}=(Tr(\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}})/N)\mathbf{I}_{N}$, where $\alpha$ is a shrinkage parameter, $\mathbf{I}_{N}$ is a $N\times N$ identity matrix, $\operatorname{Tr}(\cdot)$ is the trace and $\widehat{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}(\mathbf{y}_{t}-\bar{\mathbf{y}})(\mathbf{y}_{t}-\bar{\mathbf{y}})^{T}$ is the $N\times N$ sample covariance matrix with sample mean $\bar{\mathbf{y}}=\frac{1}{T}\sum_{t=1}^{T}\mathbf{y}_{t}$. The shrinkage coefficient $\alpha$ can be estimated data-adaptively [44]. The correlation matrix is then computed as $\mathbf{R}=\mathbf{D}^{-1/2}\widetilde{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}}\mathbf{D}^{-1/2}$ where $\mathbf{D}=diag(\widetilde{\boldsymbol{\Sigma}})$. We can generate the adjacency matrix $\mathbf{A}$ by thresholding the correlation matrix $\mathbf{R}$. We used the proportional thresholding [45] which sets a proportion $\tau$ of strongest connections (with the highest absolute correlation values) of the derived FC matrix for each individual network to 1, and other connections to zero. By applying a proportional threshold value of $\tau$, the number of retained links/edges in a graph is $\tau(N^{2}-N)/2$. This approach will result in a fixed density of edges in graphs across all subjects, and thus enabling meaningful comparison of network topology between different groups and conditions. It can also generate more stable network metrics compared to the absolute thresholding [46]. It has been shown that the setting of threshold $\tau$ has a significant impact on the overall performance of the network classification model [36]. Besides, when $\tau$ decreases, networks become sparser and may lead to the zero-degree nodes (isolated nodes totally disconnected from the rest of the graph). By evaluating over a range of thresholds, $\tau=0.4$ was chosen to generate graphs without zero-degree nodes for all subjects and give the optimal classification performance based on the validation set. #### III-A2 Node Features We consider three types of node features for $\mathbf{X}$. (1) ${T\times 1}$ raw rs-fMRI time series associated with each node which can capture spontaneous fluctuations in the BOLD signal in individual brain regions. (2) ${N\times 1}$ FC weights of edges connected to each node, i.e., each column of the LDW-estimated correlation matrix. (3) Graph-theoretic measures to characterize graph topological attributes at local (nodal) level. A list of 18 different nodal graph measures [47] was extracted for each individual node, including degree, eigenvector centrality, modularity, PageRank centrality, nodal eccentricity, community Louvain, module degree z-score, participation coefficient, routing efficiency, clustering coefficient, diversity coefficient, gateway coefficient (node strength), gateway coefficient (betweenness centrality), local assortativity, participation coefficient, node strength, node betweenness, and global efficiency. ### III-B Graph Convolutional Autoencoder We propose a new approach that builds on the graph autoencoder (GAE) [38, 48] to learn graph embeddings on brain networks in a purely unsupervised framework. Given the brain network $G$ for each subject, the autoencoder maps the nodes $v_{i}\in V$ to low-dimensional vectors $\mathbf{z}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{k}$ (or embeddings), using an encoder $f:(\mathbf{A},\mathbf{X})\mapsto\mathbf{Z}$ where $\mathbf{Z}=[\mathbf{z}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{z}_{N}]^{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times k}$ with $k<<N$ the dimension of embedding, and then reconstruct the graph structure from the embeddings $\mathbf{Z}$ using a decoder. The learned latent representations $\mathbf{Z}$ should reflect the topological structure of the graph $\mathbf{A}$ and the node content information $\mathbf{X}$. It contains all the information necessary for downstream graph classification tasks for brain disorders. We consider two variants of GAE: (1) Generic GAE which aims to reconstruct the original input graph adjacency matrix, (2) Variational GAE (VGAE) [38], a variational extension of GAE to learn the distribution of embeddings, which could prevent potential model overfitting. The GAE proposed originally in [38] was applied for transductive problems, e.g., to make semi- supervised node or link prediction within a single fixed graph. In contrast, we apply the GAE in an inductive setting for multi-graph representation learning for whole-network classification, where our GAE is trained on multi- subject brain networks from the training set, and the trained graph encoder is then used to generate embeddings for completely unseen networks in the test set for subsequent classification. The weight parameters of our graph encoder are shared among networks of different subjects, which allows learning of graph representations across subjects and generalization over unseen graphs. #### III-B1 Graph Convolutional Encoder Model To encode both graph structure $\mathbf{A}$ and node content $\mathbf{X}$ into $\mathbf{Z}$ in a unified way, we employ a variant of graph convolutional network (GCN) [32] as the graph encoder of GAE. The GCN is a first-order approximation of graph convolutions in the spectral domain. The multi-layer GCN learns a layer-wise transformation by a spectral graph convolutional function $f$ $\mathbf{Z}^{(l+1)}=f(\mathbf{Z}^{(l)},\mathbf{A}|\mathbf{W}^{(l)})$ (1) where $\mathbf{Z}^{(l)}$ is the latent feature matrix after convolution at $l$-th layer of GCN with layer-dependent dimensions, $\mathbf{W}^{(l)}$ is a layer-specific trainable weight matrix. Here, $\mathbf{Z}^{(0)}=\mathbf{X}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times d}$ is the input node feature matrix. The propagation for each layer of the GCN can be calculated as $\mathbf{Z}^{(l+1)}=\sigma\left(\tilde{\mathbf{D}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}\tilde{\mathbf{A}}\tilde{\mathbf{D}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}\mathbf{Z}^{(l)}\mathbf{W}^{(l)}\right)$ (2) where $\tilde{\mathbf{A}}=\mathbf{A}+\mathbf{I}_{N}$ is normalized adjacency matrix with added self-connections to ensure numerical stability, $\tilde{\mathbf{D}}$ is a node degree matrix with diagonals $\tilde{d}_{ii}=\sum_{j}(\tilde{a}_{ij})$, and $\sigma(.)$ denotes the activation function. Model (2) generates embeddings for a node by aggregating feature information from its local neighborhood at each layer. We construct the graph convolutional encoder based on two-layered GCN as in [48] $\displaystyle\mathbf{Z}^{(1)}=$ $\displaystyle f_{\text{relu}}(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A}|\mathbf{W}^{(0)})$ (3) $\displaystyle\mathbf{Z}^{(2)}=$ $\displaystyle f_{\text{linear}}(\mathbf{Z}^{(1)},\mathbf{A}|\mathbf{W}^{(1)})$ (4) which produces latent representation $\mathbf{Z}$ with the following forward propagation $\mathbf{Z}=GCN(\mathbf{A},\mathbf{X})=\sigma_{1}\left(\bar{\mathbf{A}}\sigma_{0}\left(\bar{\mathbf{A}}\mathbf{X}\mathbf{W}^{(0)}\right)\mathbf{W}^{(1)}\right)$ (5) where $\bar{\mathbf{A}}=\tilde{\mathbf{D}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}\tilde{\mathbf{A}}\tilde{\mathbf{D}}^{-\frac{1}{2}}$, $\sigma_{0}$ and $\sigma_{1}$ are ReLU(·) and linear activation functions in first and second layers, respectively. In the VGAE, variational graph encoder is defined by an inference model parameterized by a two-layer GCN [38] $\displaystyle q(\mathbf{Z}|\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A})=$ $\displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^{N}q(\mathbf{z}_{i}|\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A}),$ (6) $\displaystyle q(\mathbf{z}_{i}|\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A})=$ $\displaystyle N(\mathbf{z}_{i}|\boldsymbol{\mu}_{i},\text{diag}(\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{i}^{2}))$ (7) Here, the embeddings $\mathbf{z}_{i}$ are generated according to a normal distribution $q(.)$ with mean $\boldsymbol{\mu}_{i}$ and variance $\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{i}^{2}$. $\boldsymbol{\mu}=GCN_{\boldsymbol{\mu}}(\mathbf{A},\mathbf{X})$ is the matrix of mean vectors $\boldsymbol{\mu}_{i}$ defined by the GCN encoder output in (5), and $\text{log}\boldsymbol{\sigma}=GCN_{\boldsymbol{\sigma}}(\mathbf{A},\mathbf{X})$ is defined similarly for $\boldsymbol{\sigma}_{i}^{2}$ using another encoder output. #### III-B2 Decoder Model The decoder of GAE aims to decode graph structural information from the embeddings by reconstructing the graph adjacency matrix. The GAE decoder model predicts the presence of a link between two nodes for the input graph $\mathbf{A}$ based on the inner-product between latent vectors of $\mathbf{Z}$: $\displaystyle p(\mathbf{A}\mid\mathbf{Z})=$ $\displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^{N}\prod_{j=1}^{N}p\left({a}_{ij}\mid\mathbf{z}_{i},\mathbf{z}_{j}\right),$ (8) $\displaystyle\text{with }p\left(a_{ij}=1\mid\mathbf{z}_{i},\mathbf{z}_{j}\right)=\sigma\left(\mathbf{z}_{i}\mathbf{z}_{j}^{\top}\right)$ where $\sigma(.)$ is the logistic sigmoid function. The graph adjacency matrix can be reconstructed as $\hat{\mathbf{A}}=\sigma(\mathbf{Z}\mathbf{Z}^{T})$. #### III-B3 Optimization Given a dataset of brain networks of $R$ subjects $\\{G^{1},\ldots,G^{R}\\}$ where each network $G^{r}$ is attributed with $(\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r})$. The GAE is trained by maximizing the expected negative reconstruction error of the graphs over all subjects in the dataset $\displaystyle\mathcal{L}\left(\\{\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r}\\}_{r=1}^{R}\right)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{r=1}^{R}\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r})$ (9) $\displaystyle\text{with}\ \mathcal{L}(\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r})$ $\displaystyle=\mathbb{E}_{q(\mathbf{Z}\mid(\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r}))}[\log p(\mathbf{A}^{r}\mid\mathbf{Z})].$ Since the ground-truth adjacency matrix $\mathbf{A}$ is sparse, the optimization is constrained by of non-zero elements of $\mathbf{A}$ (i.e., $a_{ij}=1$). For the VGAE, we maximize the variational lower bound w.r.t the parameters $\mathbf{W}$ $\mathcal{L}(\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r})=\mathbb{E}_{q(\mathbf{Z}\mid(\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r}))}[\log p(\mathbf{A}^{r}\mid\mathbf{Z})]\\\ –KL[q(\mathbf{Z}\mid\mathbf{X}^{r},\mathbf{A}^{r})\|p(\mathbf{Z})]$ (10) where $KL(.)$ is the Kullback-Leibler divergence function that measures the distance between two distributions. We use a Gaussian prior $p(\mathbf{Z})=\prod_{i}p(\mathbf{z}_{i})=\prod_{i}N(\mathbf{z}_{i}|\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I})$. We perform mini-batch gradient descent and make use of the reparametrization trick [49] for training. ### III-C GAE-FCNN for Network Classification We design a GAE-FCNN framework for brain connectome classification by combining the GAE with a fully-connected DNN (FCNN). A readout layer is added to summarize latent node representations $\mathbf{Z}$ learned by the GAE for each graph into graph-level representations, which are then fed into an FCNN to classify individual networks into MDD and HC. #### III-C1 Graph Embeddings Vectorization (Readout) We apply a readout operation on the network node representations to generate higher graph-level representations. In the readout layer, a vector representation $\mathbf{z}_{G}\in\mathbb{R}^{k}$ of the graph $G$ can be learned by aggregating all individual node embeddings in the graph via some statistical summary measures $\mathbf{z}_{G}=\text{mean/max/sum}(\mathbf{z}^{(L)}_{1},\ldots,\mathbf{z}^{(L)}_{N})$ (11) where $L$ is the index of the last graph convolutional layer. The graph embedding $\mathbf{z}_{G}$ can then be used to make predictions about the entire graph. The mean/max/sum-based embeddings can be used individually or concatenated into a single vector to capture different graph-level information. In addition, to retain embedding information for all nodes, we also compute the graph embedding as $\mathbf{z}_{G}=\text{vec}(\mathbf{Z})$ by flattening of $\mathbf{Z}$. #### III-C2 FCNN Classifier The graph vector embeddings $\mathbf{z}_{G}$ are then used as inputs to a deep FCNN for network-level classification. The FCNN classifier consists of multiple fully-connected/dense layers, plus a final softmax classification layer to output the predictive probabilities of class labels for each network. The dense layer approximates a non-linear mapping function to further capture relational information in the graph embeddings to discriminate between MDD and HC. The weight parameters of the FCNN are trained by minimizing cross-entropy loss function using stochastic gradient descent methods and backpropagation of error. Dropout is also applied to prevent overfitting [50]. #### III-C3 Supervised & Unsupervised Embedding Learning We consider two classification schemes using the network embeddings learned in supervised and unsupervised ways. The proposed encoder-decoder framework (Fig. 1(a)) to extract network embeddings described thus far is by default unsupervised, i.e., the GAE is trained to reconstruct the original graph structure. The unsupervised learning makes use of only information in $\mathbf{A}$ and $\mathbf{X}$, without knowledge of a particular downstream connectomic classification task. We further develop a supervised framework, as shown in Fig. 1(b), which utilizes the task-specific classification labels in order to learn the network embeddings. The inner-product decoder in the supervised model is replaced with an FCNN to decode the embeddings from the output of GCN encoder to class labels. The parameters of the GCN encoder can be trained based on cross-entropy loss between the predicted and true class labels using the backpropagation algorithm. By incorporating task-specific supervision, the encoder model is optimized to generate embeddings that may be more discriminative of the MDD and HC classes. This model provides an end-to- end framework for the brain network classification. ## IV Experiments In this section, we present experimental evaluation of the proposed GAE-FCNN models for connectome classification on the rs-fMRI MDD dataset described in Section II. ### IV-A Experimental Setup #### IV-A1 Data Partitioning We applied a nested-stratified 5-fold cross-validation (CV) data partitioning scheme [51] to evaluate the performance of different models in classifying MDD and HC. Specifically, a two-level 5-fold CV was used comprising an outer-loop for testing and an inner-loop for model hyper-parameter optimization. For each iteration in the outer-loop, a test set was assigned, and the rest of the data were split into five train-validation partitions to tune the model hyper- parameters. This process was repeated for all outer-loop 5-fold partitions. The best performing model (on the validation set) of the five candidate models was then selected to evaluate the performance on the unseen test sets. The classification performance were evaluated using the following metrics: classification accuracy ($Acc$), sensitivity ($Sen$), specificity ($Spe$), precision ($Pre$), and F-score ($F_{1}$). #### IV-A2 Model Architecture and Training We implement the proposed GAE-FCNN based on PyTorch [52] using the GraphConv module from DGL library [53] for GCN. For the unsupervised model, the architecture and hyper-parameters of GAE and FCNN were determined separately. We computed the reconstruction error of graph over a range of hyper-parameters for the GAE, and a two-layered GCN with respective embedding dimensions of 64 and 16 was identified as the optimal architecture for both GAE/VGAE with the minimum reconstruction error. Further increase in the number of GCN layers gave no further improvement. Using the extracted $116\times 116$ network adjacency matrices and $116\times d$ node feature matrices (dimension $d$ depends on type of features used) as inputs, the GAEs were trained using Adam optimizer [54] to minimize graph reconstruction loss, with learning rate of $1.00\times 10^{-4}$, reduce-factor of $0.5$, 200 training epochs and a batch size of 8. Fig. 2 illustrates a training curve of the GAE model with decreasing reconstruction error over epochs. The trained GAE decoder was then used to generate $116\times 16$ node embedding matrices $\mathbf{Z}$ as inputs to the FCNN. Bayesian optimization [55] with Expected Improvement (EI) acquisition function was used to optimize the hyper-parameters of FCNN, which suggested an architecture of 3 dense layers (with respective 256, 256, 128 hidden nodes), learning rate of $0.01$, reduce factor of $7.31\times 10^{-1}$ and a batch size of 4. The FCNN was also trained on the extracted graph embeddings $\mathbf{z}_{G}$ using Adam algorithm. For the supervised model, the hyper-parameters of the GCN and FCNN were optimized simultaneously using the Bayesian optimizer. The selected hyper- parameters are: 1 convolutional layer with dimension of 94 for GCN, 2 dense layers (with 128, 64 hidden nodes) for FCNN with learning rate of $1.2\times 10^{-6}$, reduce factor of $6.13\times 10^{-1}$ and a batch size of 6. A dropout ratio of 0.2 was also chosen for the dense layers. The model was trained on the fMRI network data with target class labels, using the Adam algorithm to minimize cross-entropy loss. Figure 2: The learning curve as a function of training epochs and reconstruction loss of the GAE model. #### IV-A3 Methods for Comparison We benchmark the classification performance of the proposed methods with traditional SVM classifier and state-of-the-art connectome-specific DNN models: BrainNetCNN and four GCN-based methods. These competing models were evaluated with the same 5-fold CV as the proposed methods. 1. 1. SVM-RBF: We trained SVM with radial basis function (RBF) on the vectorized LDW-correlation coefficients. 2. 2. BrainNetCNN: The BrainNetCNN [25] is a specially designed deep CNN model which can preserve spatial information in brain connectivity data. Here, the $N\times N$ LDW correlation matrices were used directly as inputs to the BrainNetCNN to predict the class labels of MDD and HC as output. It consists of three types of layers: edge-to-edge (E2E) layers, edge-to-node (E2N) layers, and node-to-graph (N2G) layers. The E2E layer applies a cross-shaped convolution filter to each element of the FC input matrix, and combines the edge weights of neighbor nodes to output an $N\times N$ matrix. The E2N layer is equivalent to the 1D-CNN filter designed for dimensionality reduction. The N2G layer is a dense layer taking the $N\times 1$ E2N output to produce a single scalar. Finally, the output of N2G is fed to classification layer for prediction. 3. 3. Population-based GCN: This method exploits GCN to model a population graph, where each node represents a subject and edges encode similarity between subjects [32]. It performs node/subject level-classification in a semi- supervised manner to predict brain disorders. Similar to [32], we used the vectorized upper triangular part of LDW correlation matrices as inputs to the population-based GCN. We set the model hyper-parameters with Chebyshev polynomial basis filters for spectral convolutions as in [32]. The model was trained using 500 epochs with early stopping patience of 10 epochs. 4. 4. GroupINN [56]: The group-based GCN (GroupINN) uses an ensemble of GCNs to learn graph-level latent embedding representations. The unified framework uses multi-graph clustering and embedding learning to jointly optimize the training process of graph convolutions. 5. 5. Hi-GCN [36]: Hierarchical GCN (Hi-GCN) is a two-level GCN. The first level learns topological embeddings from brain connectivity networks of individual subjects. The second level is a population-based GCN using individual network embedding as node features to incorporate contextual associations between subjects for classification. It can jointly learn the graph embeddings from the brain FC and population networks at the same time. 6. 6. E-Hi-GCN [57]: An ensemble of of Hi-GCN (E-Hi-GCN) is an ensemble framework combining a set of Hi-GCNs each of which is trained on different sparsity level brain networks. It is capable of handling high-dimensional noisy correlations in brain networks. We applied hyper-parameter tuning using the Bayesian optimization on both the proposed and competing methods based on the same cross-validation setting to obtain the optimal set of hyper-parameters for each method. The involved hyper-parameters and their search range used in the parameter tuning are given in Appendix Table. IV. ### IV-B Results #### IV-B1 Comparison of Network Construction Strategies Table I shows the classification performance (average and standard deviation over 5 folds) of the unsupervised GAE/VGAE-FCNN and supervised GCN-FCNN classifiers. To investigate the impact of choices of network construction strategies on classification, we also evaluated two FC metrics to construct the graph adjacency matrix $\mathbf{A}$: Pearson’s correlation matrix and LDW shrinkage correlation matrix; three types of input node features for $\mathbf{X}$: raw rs-fMRI time series, FC weights (LDW correlation coefficients) and nodal graph-theoretic measures. The selected readout schemes are also given, and details will be discussed in the next section. As expected, using input graph data based on the LDW correlations shows superior performance over the traditional Pearson’s correlations in classifying MDD and HC for all classification models, as the LDW shrinkage method can provide more reliable estimate of the high-dimensional network structure. For node features, the use of LDW-FC generally provided better classification than the raw fMRI time series and local graph measures. This indicates more discriminative information in the connection weights compared to the low-level BOLD fluctuations, and learning of higher-level meta representations from local graph features also fails to offer additional advantages for classification. Figure 3: Effect of two FC network thresholding strategies with varying threshold values on MDD classification accuracy of the unsupervised GAE-FCNN model. (a) Proportional thresholding. (b) k-nearest neighbor graph. Network adjacency matrix: LDW. Node feature: LDW-FC. Figure 4: Visualization of $116\times 16$ network embedding matrices $\mathbf{Z}$ (averaged over subjects) learned by the GCN-GAE from rs-fMRI functional networks. (a) HC subjects. (b) MDD subjects. (c) The between-group variance i.e., $\boldsymbol{\sigma}^{2}_{\text{b}}=\left(\bar{\mathbf{Z}}_{\text{HC}}-\bar{\mathbf{Z}}\right)^{2}n_{\text{HC}}+\left(\bar{\mathbf{Z}}_{\text{MDD}}-\bar{\mathbf{Z}}\right)^{2}n_{\text{MDD}}$ where $\bar{\mathbf{Z}}_{\text{HC}}$ and $\bar{\mathbf{Z}}_{\text{MDD}}$ are mean embeddings of each group, $\bar{\mathbf{Z}}$ is mean embeddings over both groups, $n_{\text{HC}}$ and $n_{\text{MDD}}$ are the number of subjects in each group. We can see that the unsupervised GAE/VGAE-FCNNs performed better than the supervised GCN-FCNN model, with GAE-FCNN achieving the highest classification accuracy when using LDW-FC for both the graph construction and node features. This suggests that embeddings learned in an unsupervised manner to preserve faithfully the brain network topology can be more predictive of MDD and HC than that optimized to discriminate the class labels directly. Among the unsupervised models, however use of the probabilistic encoding framework in VGAE does not improve classification performance, probably limited by the strong assumption of an i.i.d. Gaussian prior on latent embeddings, and the approximated model parameter inference of the variational method. Future work will investigate better-suited prior distribution in the VGAE for brain network data. TABLE I: Classification Performance of the proposed GAE/VGAE-FCNN and supervised GCN-FCNN models using different network construction strategies for classifying MDD and HC subjects based on rs-fMRI functional networks. Networks are constructed based on Pearson’s and LDW correlation matrices using proportional thresholds of $\tau$. Results are averages (standard deviations) of performance measures over 5-fold cross-validation. Classifier | Adjacency $\mathbf{A}$ | Node Feature $\mathbf{X}$ | Readout | Acc | Sen | Spe | Pre | F1 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Unsupervised GAE-FCNN | Pearson ($\tau=$0.25) | Raw-fMRI | [mean,max,sum] | 35.00 $\pm$ 2.04 | 40.00 $\pm$ 12.25 | 31.00 $\pm$ 12.00 | 33.00 $\pm$ 4.76 | 35.60 $\pm$ 7.47 Graph-measures | flatten | 57.50 $\pm$ 13.82 | 30.00 $\pm$ 29.15 | 83.00 $\pm$ 23.58 | 50.00 $\pm$ 44.72 | 33.33 $\pm$ 28.60 Pearson-FC | [mean,max,sum] | 58.06 $\pm$ 9.15 | 70.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 48.00 $\pm$ 25.02 | 56.67 $\pm$ 9.33 | 60.31 $\pm$ 6.44 LDW ($\tau=$0.4) | Raw-fMRI | [mean,max,sum] | 60.56 $\pm$ 4.36 | 45.00 $\pm$ 33.17 | 74.00 $\pm$ 19.34 | 48.10 $\pm$ 24.85 | 44.07 $\pm$ 25.38 Graph-measures | [mean,max,sum] | 69.72 $\pm$ 9.06 | 55.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 83.00 $\pm$ 15.36 | 80.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 61.33 $\pm$ 14.04 LDW-FC | flatten | 72.50 $\pm$ 10.77 | 60.00 $\pm$ 20.00 | 83.00 $\pm$ 15.36 | 80.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 65.14 $\pm$ 17.20 Unsupervised VGAE-FCNN | Pearson ($\tau=$0.25) | Raw-fMRI | flatten | 57.50 $\pm$ 22.08 | 60.00 $\pm$ 30.00 | 55.00 $\pm$ 21.91 | 52.67 $\pm$ 21.87 | 55.49 $\pm$ 25.18 Graph-measures | flatten | 58.33 $\pm$ 20.24 | 55.00 $\pm$ 33.17 | 62.00 $\pm$ 31.08 | 50.17 $\pm$ 28.68 | 50.63 $\pm$ 28.68 Pearson-FC | flatten | 64.72 $\pm$ 8.94 | 65.00 $\pm$ 12.25 | 64.00 $\pm$ 13.56 | 62.33 $\pm$ 8.27 | 63.10 $\pm$ 8.65 LDW ($\tau=$0.4) | Raw-fMRI | [mean,max,sum] | 65.28 $\pm$ 6.33 | 55.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 74.00 $\pm$ 7.35 | 63.67 $\pm$ 8.33 | 57.86 $\pm$ 13.96 Graph-measures | flatten | 58.33 $\pm$ 14.91 | 60.00 $\pm$ 25.50 | 57.00 $\pm$ 21.35 | 55.33 $\pm$ 12.58 | 55.43 $\pm$ 17.08 LDW-FC | [mean,max,sum] | 55.83 $\pm$ 8.07 | 60.00 $\pm$ 20.00 | 51.00 $\pm$ 18.55 | 52.00 $\pm$ 7.48 | 54.22 $\pm$ 13.23 Supervised GCN-FCNN | Pearson ($\tau=$0.25) | Raw-fMRI | flatten | 57.78 $\pm$ 20.14 | 65.00 $\pm$ 25.50 | 52.00 $\pm$ 33.26 | 57.22 $\pm$ 19.61 | 58.74 $\pm$ 18.32 Graph-measures | [mean,max,sum] | 62.78 $\pm$ 16.63 | 50.00 $\pm$ 31.62 | 75.00 $\pm$ 23.24 | 51.67 $\pm$ 34.32 | 49.86 $\pm$ 31.49 Pearson-FC | flatten | 56.11 $\pm$ 10.30 | 60.00 $\pm$ 33.91 | 56.00 $\pm$ 38.78 | 48.89 $\pm$ 31.70 | 49.64 $\pm$ 24.94 LDW ($\tau=$0.4) | Raw-fMRI | flatten | 53.61 $\pm$ 15.31 | 25.00 $\pm$ 15.81 | 80.00 $\pm$ 25.30 | 51.67 $\pm$ 40.96 | 32.05 $\pm$ 21.68 Graph-measures | [mean,max,sum] | 48.61 $\pm$ 9.86 | 45.00 $\pm$ 33.17 | 53.00 $\pm$ 28.57 | 38.89 $\pm$ 22.22 | 39.45 $\pm$ 22.75 LDW-FC | flatten | 62.50 $\pm$ 9.54 | 60.00 $\pm$ 25.50 | 63.00 $\pm$ 31.56 | 61.67 $\pm$ 10.00 | 57.86 $\pm$ 13.96 TABLE II: Classification performance of proposed models using different readout strategies for transforming learned embeddings as inputs to FCNN classifiers. Network adjacency matrix: LDW($\tau=$0.4). Node feature: LDW-FC. Classifier | Readout | Acc | Sen | Spe | Pre | F1 ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Unsupervised GAE-FCNN | flatten | 72.50 $\pm$ 10.77 | 60.00 $\pm$ 20.00 | 83.00 $\pm$ 15.36 | 80.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 65.14 $\pm$ 17.20 mean | 32.22 $\pm$ 10.66 | 40.00 $\pm$ 33.91 | 27.00 $\pm$ 28.21 | 24.56 $\pm$ 14.81 | 29.75 $\pm$ 20.40 max | 46.39 $\pm$ 11.64 | 55.00 $\pm$ 24.49 | 40.00 $\pm$ 27.57 | 45.56 $\pm$ 12.37 | 47.45 $\pm$ 11.92 sum | 39.44 $\pm$ 16.70 | 35.00 $\pm$ 12.25 | 43.00 $\pm$ 21.35 | 37.33 $\pm$ 18.03 | 35.87 $\pm$ 14.66 $[$mean,max,sum$]$ | 43.89 $\pm$ 12.47 | 45.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 43.00 $\pm$ 11.66 | 40.00 $\pm$ 12.25 | 42.00 $\pm$ 14.35 Unsupervised VGAE-FCNN | flatten | 55.56 $\pm$ 15.32 | 65.00 $\pm$ 25.50 | 46.00 $\pm$ 21.31 | 51.67 $\pm$ 15.28 | 56.43 $\pm$ 17.72 mean | 50.56 $\pm$ 17.07 | 45.00 $\pm$ 24.49 | 54.00 $\pm$ 34.41 | 39.67 $\pm$ 24.37 | 41.89 $\pm$ 24.19 max | 55.83 $\pm$ 17.00 | 60.00 $\pm$ 33.91 | 52.00 $\pm$ 43.08 | 52.46 $\pm$ 33.69 | 51.55 $\pm$ 26.63 sum | 51.39 $\pm$ 9.86 | 50.00 $\pm$ 22.36 | 53.00 $\pm$ 26.00 | 55.00 $\pm$ 24.49 | 47.00 $\pm$ 13.27 $[$mean,max,sum$]$ | 55.83 $\pm$ 8.07 | 60.00 $\pm$ 20.00 | 51.00 $\pm$ 18.55 | 52.00 $\pm$ 7.48 | 54.22 $\pm$ 13.23 Supervised GCN-FCNN | flatten | 62.50 $\pm$ 9.54 | 60.00 $\pm$ 25.50 | 63.00 $\pm$ 31.56 | 61.67 $\pm$ 10.00 | 57.86 $\pm$ 13.96 mean | 57.50 $\pm$ 13.82 | 65.00 $\pm$ 33.91 | 48.00 $\pm$ 41.18 | 45.57 $\pm$ 25.21 | 52.58 $\pm$ 27.09 max | 50.83 $\pm$ 7.01 | 25.00 $\pm$ 31.62 | 73.00 $\pm$ 24.82 | 20.00 $\pm$ 24.49 | 22.00 $\pm$ 27.13 sum | 56.39 $\pm$ 13.54 | 50.00 $\pm$ 35.36 | 60.00 $\pm$ 20.98 | 40.33 $\pm$ 24.64 | 44.33 $\pm$ 27.78 $[$mean,max,sum$]$ | 44.44 $\pm$ 6.09 | 50.00 $\pm$ 27.39 | 40.00 $\pm$ 8.16 | 40.00 $\pm$ 8.16 | 42.76 $\pm$ 14.38 #### IV-B2 Effect of Network Thresholding To assess the effect of network thresholding on the subsequent functional network classification, we examined the proportional thresholding (PT) and an alternative approach based on the local k-nearest neighbor graph (k-NNG) of FC matrices. While the PT applies a global threshold to select a $\tau$-fraction of the strongest connections in each individual network, the local k-NNG approach applies a local threshold to FC matrix, selecting the $k$-strongest edges of each node in the network [45]. By preserving the same node degrees in each network, the k-NNG like the PT can produce consistent network densities across subjects, and thus enabling meaningful between-group comparison or discrimination of network topology. We also studied the impact of varying thresholding values on the classification performance. Fig. 3 shows the classification accuracies of the unsupervised GAE-FCNN model using the two network thresholding strategies over a range of tested thresholds. For PT (Fig. 3(a)), the highest accuracy was achieved at $\tau=0.4$, supporting our choice of this threshold on this dataset to produce optimal topological information in the constructed networks for discriminating MDD and HC. As expected, use of smaller thresholds ($\tau<0.4$) degrades the performance, owing to the removal of informative connectivity edges. On the other hand, larger thresholds ($\tau>0.4$) may introduce more spurious or weak connections in the networks, and hence decreased classification accuracy. For k-NNG (Fig. 3(b)), the classification performance is lower than the PT with highest accuracy at $k=65$. This may be due to the inclusion of more edges corresponding to weak (and thus less reliable) correlations compared to the application of a global PT, since the k-NNG approach mandates a fixed number of edges for all nodes. TABLE III: Performance comparison of proposed GAE-FCNNs with various state-of- the-art methods for functional connectome-based classification of MDD and HC. All methods used LDW-estimated correlations in rs-fMRI as FC features and network adjacency matrices constructed with $\tau$= 0.4 . | Classifier | Acc | Sen | Spe | Pre | F1 ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Competing | SVM-RBF | 50.83 $\pm$ 7.01 | 15.00 $\pm$ 20.00 | 82.00 $\pm$ 22.27 | 16.67 $\pm$ 21.08 | 15.71 $\pm$ 20.40 BrainNetCNN [25] | 51.11 $\pm$ 4.16 | 45.00 $\pm$ 36.74 | 57.00 $\pm$ 35.72 | 28.57 $\pm$ 23.47 | 34.91 $\pm$ 28.57 Population-based GCN [32] | 55.56 $\pm$ 11.65 | 45.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 66.00 $\pm$ 26.34 | 58.57 $\pm$ 20.90 | 47.58 $\pm$ 12.84 GroupINN [56] | 56.11 $\pm$ 11.93 | 46.67 $\pm$ 32.32 | 68.00 $\pm$ 32.50 | 41.67 $\pm$ 33.33 | 37.33 $\pm$ 21.33 Hi-GCN [36] | 58.61 $\pm$ 10.03 | 40.00 $\pm$ 22.61 | 72.00 $\pm$ 20.40 | 43.33 $\pm$ 35.51 | 39.05 $\pm$ 25.27 E-Hi-GCN [57] | 51.67 $\pm$ 18.39 | 46.67 $\pm$ 45.22 | 76.00 $\pm$ 23.32 | 16.67 $\pm$ 13.94 | 23.71 $\pm$ 20.52 Proposed | Supervised GCN-FCNN | 62.50 $\pm$ 9.54 | 60.00 $\pm$ 25.50 | 63.00 $\pm$ 31.56 | 61.67 $\pm$ 10.00 | 57.86 $\pm$ 13.96 Unsupervised GAE-FCNN | 72.50 $\pm$ 10.77 | 60.00 $\pm$ 20.00 | 83.00 $\pm$ 15.36 | 80.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 65.14 $\pm$ 17.20 Unsupervised VGAE-FCNN | 65.28 $\pm$ 6.33 | 55.00 $\pm$ 18.71 | 74.00 $\pm$ 7.35 | 63.67 $\pm$ 8.33 | 57.86 $\pm$ 13.96 Figure 5: Differences in connectivity pattern between MDD and HC as revealed by raw FC from rs-fMRI data (Top) and high-order FC derived from GAE-learned node embeddings (Bottom). Group mean FC maps for HC (left) and MDD (middle) subjects, and their differences (MDD - HC) (right). The group differences shown are significantly different from zero at level $\alpha$ = 0.05 using an independent two-sample t-test. #### IV-B3 Comparison of Readout Strategies Table II shows the classification results for different readout strategies. We compared different readout/transformation methods to obtain graph-level representation $\mathbf{z}_{G}$ as inputs to FCNN classifier, i.e., flattening of $\mathbf{Z}$ and mean/max/sum aggregation of node embeddings $\\{\mathbf{z}_{i}\\}$. It can be seen that the flattening method by concatenating learned embeddings of all nodes as input yields better classification performance for different classifiers generally, compared to the aggregation method which may induce loss of information about individual nodes. #### IV-B4 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods Table III shows the performance comparison of different connectome-based classification methods. The proposed methods clearly outperformed the competing models by a large margin, with the unsupervised GAE-FCNN performing the best. In consistency with recent studies, our results suggest the advantages of DNN methods over traditional SVM classifier with significant improvement in FC classification. The population-based GCNs perform slightly better than the BrainNetCNN. The population-based GCNs, while leveraging on pairwise associations between subjects in a population graph for node/subject- level classification, do not classify brain networks directly as in our proposed models. The use of grid-wise convolutions in the BrainNetCNN, despite its capability to capture spatial information of neighboring nodes, fails to account for irregular structure of brain networks. The superior performance of GAE-FCNN models compared to other DNNs implies that incorporating network topological structure as captured by the network embeddings for classification can provide discriminative information for identifying MDD, a disorder associated with disrupted brain networks. The proposed framework achieved the best accuracy of $72.5\%$ when using the unsupervised GAE-FCNN on a challenging task of classifying MDD brain networks, based on 5-fold CV on a small dataset, in contrast to the leave-one-subject-out classification in previous studies. #### IV-B5 Connectivity Maps Learned by GAE In Fig. 4, we plot the averaged feature maps of node-level embeddings learned by the GCN-GAE from LDW-based networks for the MDD and HC subjects. Noticeable difference in the learned embedding pattern can be seen between the two groups, with stronger activation for some ROIs in MDD compared to HC. Considerable between-variance is observed, indicating separability of the learned embeddings between two groups. This demonstrates the ability of the proposed model to extract latent representations of brain network structure that can clearly distinguish between MDD and controls, which explains the enhanced performance in the downstream classification task compared to other methods. Figure 6: Difference in brain networks between HC and MDD detected by the high-order embedding-derived FC. (a) Topological representations show increase (red) and decrease (blue) in FC for MDD relative to HC. Only edges with significant differences in FC strength are shown ($p$<0.05). (b) Connectogram illustrates the corresponding changes in FC between modules of functionally- related brain regions. Top 100 connectivity edges with largest increase (red) and decrease (blue) in FC are shown. We further constructed high-order FC by correlating the GAE-learned embeddings $\mathbf{z}_{i}$ between pairs of nodes. Fig. 5 shows the difference in connectivity pattern between the MDD and HC groups as quantified by the LDW- estimated raw FC and the embedding-based high-order FC. A group-level t-test was used to contrast the FC between the two groups, and connections with significant difference $(p$<0.05) are shown in Fig. 5(right). The embedding- based FC matrices (Fig. 5(left & middle)) exhibit an apparent block structure revealing the modular organization, an important property of brain networks. Compared to raw FC, it is evident that the embedding-based FC detected more pronounced and systematic difference in connectivity, particularly between specific communities or modules of ROIs. To examine whether these differences are biologically meaningful and related to MDD as a network-based disorder, we plot the topological maps in Fig. 6 to visualize the increase and decrease in FC between ROIs in MDD relative to HC. The embedding FC identified a spread reduction in intrinsic connectivity of the amygdala with a variety of ROIs involved in emotional processing and regulation in MDD subjects (including caudate, temporal regions, occipital cortex, and cerebellum), as reported in previous rs-fMRI studies [58]. In agreement with previous findings [7], we also found significant increase in FC in the default mode network (DMN). The detected altered rs-FC between cerebellum with the DMN and affective network has also been associated with major depression [59, 16]. ## V Discussion We developed a deep GNN framework for embedding learning in brain functional networks to identify connectome-specific bio-signatures for classifying brain disorders such as MDD. The proposed GAE-FCNN provides a novel approach to incorporating the non-Euclidean information about graph structure into the classification of brain networks. It combines a GCN-based GAE that can learn latent embeddings effectively to encode topological information and node content, and a deep FCNN that leverages on the learned embeddings to reveal disrupted neural connectivity patterns in MDD relative to HC for classification purpose. On a challenging task of classifying MDD and HC using a small amount of rs-fMRI data, the proposed method substantially outperforms several state-of-the-art brain connectome classifiers, achieving the best accuracy of $72.5\%$ with the unsupervised GAE-FCNN model. Furthermore, high- order networks constructed from the node embeddings generated from the proposed GAE detects altered FC patterns in MDD related to emotional processing, which are not captured by the original FC measures. Our framework is generally applicable to other functional neuroimaging data, e.g., EEG- derived networks, and other neuropsychiatric disorders besides MDD associated with neural network dysconnectivity, showing potential as diagnostic tool in clinical settings. There are potential limitations of our approach. First, our method focuses on embedding learning and classification for static brain networks. However, recent rs-fMRI studies suggest the temporal dynamicity of brain FC networks in which connectivity edges between regions evolve over time [60, 61, 62]. Certain neuropsychiatric disorders have also been associated with disruptions in dynamic FC and graph properties such as in MDD [63]. Future work could extend the proposed GAE framework to learn latent representations to embed the time-evolving network structure, by using some recent extensions of GCNs for dynamic graphs in the encoder part, e.g., the EvolveGCN [64] which uses a recurrent neural network (RNN) to evolve the GCN parameters. Second, we analyzed a single type of brain networks from one neuroimaging modality, i.e., functional networks from fMRI. Multimodal fusion by combining different imaging modalities such as fMRI and diffusion imaging [65] could provide multiple views and hence more complete understanding of the brain networks. One possible direction is to characterize the fusion of functional and structural networks as multilayer networks, i.e., networks that can model multiple types of interactions and relations between brain nodes. Our GAE model can be generalized to produce embeddings for these multilayer brain networks, by incorporating the recently proposed multilayer GCN layers [66] in the encoding phase. Moreover, our study uses a single type of node features for classification. One could explore different fusion strategies to learn embeddings for multiple node features in a unified way. Third, our decoder model is designed to reconstruct the network structure only, which is adequate to learn embeddings to capture node relational information in brain networks. It could be extended to reconstruct both the input node features and the adjacency matrix to learn joint embeddings of both network structure and features to improve classification. This could be done by generalizing the decoder function (8) as $p(\mathbf{A},\mathbf{X}|\mathbf{Z})=p(\mathbf{A}|\mathbf{Z})p(\mathbf{X}|\mathbf{Z})$, and the reconstruction loss (9) to $\mathcal{L}=\mathcal{L}_{\mathbf{A}}+\mathcal{L}_{\mathbf{X}}$ where $\mathcal{L}_{\mathbf{A}}=\mathbb{E}_{q(\mathbf{Z}\mid(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A}))}[\log p(\mathbf{A}\mid\mathbf{Z})]$ and $\mathcal{L}_{\mathbf{X}}=\mathbb{E}_{q(\mathbf{Z}\mid(\mathbf{X},\mathbf{A}))}[\log p(\mathbf{X}\mid\mathbf{Z})]$. Finally, while this study has devised a novel framework producing network embeddings that differentiate MDD and HC and improve brain connectome classification, the interpretability of the model is important for clinical applications to understand the underlying mechanism behind the predictions and the neurobiological system being classified, instead of being used as a black box. Further studies could explore recent approaches to explaining the predictions in graph neural networks [67], e.g., to identify which input edges and node features of the brain networks are more important in predicting a certain disease class. This appendix contains details of hyper-parameter settings and additional analyses. We conducted additional performance evaluation on an independent MDD dataset to test the robustness of the proposed GAE-FCNN model and its generalization capability. We followed similar experimental setup of 5-fold CV, and we compared the performance with several state-of-the-art benchmark methods. Additionally, we investigated the performance when using different brain parcellation atlases. ### -A Hyper-parameter Settings Table IV summarizes the list of hyper-parameter search space for the proposed and other methods used in experiments. ### -B Additional Evaluations on Independent Dataset #### -B1 Dataset and Preprocessing We used rs-fMRI data from the open-access REST-meta-MDD Consortium database [68] for evaluation. We considered the largest dataset from site 20, consisting of a total 477 subjects (250 MDD and 227 HC) recruited from the Southwest University China. The rs-fMRI scans were acquired using Siemens scanner with an echo-planar imaging sequence (TR/TE = 2000/30 ms; flip angle = 90°; thickness/gap = 3.0/1.0 mm; time points = 242; field of view = 220 mm; voxel size = 3.44 × 3.44 × 4.00; matrix size = 61 × 73 × 61). The data were preprocessed using the Data Processing Assistant for Resting-State fMRI (DPARSF) [69], following steps in [68]. TABLE IV: Hyper-parameter search space of the proposed and compared methods. Method | Hyper-parameter | Range ---|---|--- SVM | Kernel | [Linear, RBF] Regularization C | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=-5, max=14, step=1) Gamma | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=-5, max=14, step=1) BrainNetCNN | Batch size | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=16, step=1) Learning rate (LR) | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) LR momentum | Log-uniform (min=1e-7, max=1e-2) LR weight decay | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Others | Default Population GCN | Number of layers | Min=1, max=3 Hidden dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=4, max=16, step=1) Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9, $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=1e-8) LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) LR scheduler reduce factor | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) L2 weight decay | Log-uniform (min=1e-7, max=1e-2) GroupINN | Batch size | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=32, step=1) Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9, $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=1e-8) LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) L2 weight decay | Log-uniform (min=1e-7, max=1e-2) Input/output dimensions | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=16, step=1) Embedding dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=3, max=6, step=1) Negative penalty | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Negative penalty reduce | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Negative variance penalty | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Positive variance penalty | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Negative orthogonal penalty | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Positive orthogonal penalty | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Hi-GCN | Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9, $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=1e-8) fGCN LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) pGCN LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) pGCN output dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=8, step=1) Fully connected layer | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=4, max=6, step=1) E-Hi-GCN | Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9 $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=1e-8) LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) Input/output dimensions | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=16, step=1) Unsupervised V/GAE-FCNN | Number of GCN layers | Discrete-uniform (min=1, max=5, step=1) GCN hidden dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=4, max=8, step=1) Batch size | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=32, step=1) Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9, $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=0.001) Learning rate (LR) | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) LR scheduler reduce factor | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Aggregation | [flatten, mean, max, sum] Number of FCNN layers | Discrete-uniform (min=1, max=5, step=1) FCNN hidden dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=8, step=1) Batch size | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=32, step=1) Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9, $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=1e-8) LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) L2 regularization | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) Dropout | Discrete-uniform (min=0, max=0.5, step=0.1) LR scheduler reduce factor | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Supervised GCN-FCNN | Number of GCN layers | Discrete-uniform (min=1, max=3, step=1) GCN hidden dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=4, max=8, step=1) Batch size | Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=32, step=1) Optimizer | Adam ($\beta_{1}$=0.9, $\beta_{2}$=0.999, $\epsilon$=1e-8) LR | Log-uniform (min=1e-5, max=1e-2) L2 weight decay | Log-uniform (min=1e-7, max=1e-2) LR scheduler reduce factor | Discrete-uniform (min=0.1, max=0.9, step=0.1) Dropout | Discrete-uniform (min=0, max=0.5, step=0.1) Aggregation | [flatten, mean, max, sum] Number of FCNN layers | Discrete-uniform (min=1, max=5, step=1) FCNN hidden dimensions | $2^{K}$, $K$ = Discrete-uniform (min=5, max=8, step=1) Figure 7: Performance comparison of using different brain parcellation atlases for rs-fMRI functional connectome-based classification of MDD and HC on REST-meta-MDD rs-fMRI dataset. Error bars indicate standard deviations of accuracy across partitioning folds in 5-fold cross-validation. TABLE V: Performance comparison of proposed GAE-FCNN with various state-of-the-art methods for functional connectome-based classification of MDD and HC on REST-meta-MDD rs-fMRI dataset. All methods used LDW-estimated correlations in rs-fMRI as FC features and network adjacency matrices. | Classifier | Acc | Sen | Spe | Pre | F1 ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Competing | SVM-RBF | 62.67 $\pm$ 4.22 | 69.74 $\pm$ 5.48 | 55.00 $\pm$ 4.08 | 62.63 $\pm$ 3.39 | 65.97 $\pm$ 4.21 BrainNetCNN [25] | 60.53 $\pm$ 3.83 | 55.90 $\pm$ 5.94 | 65.56 $\pm$ 7.97 | 64.14 $\pm$ 5.67 | 59.48 $\pm$ 4.21 Population-based GCN [32] | 50.93 $\pm$ 6.10 | 80.00 $\pm$ 29.83 | 19.44 $\pm$ 25.82 | 50.29 $\pm$ 5.84 | 59.68 $\pm$ 16.41 GroupINN [56] | 60.53 $\pm$ 2.47 | 62.00 $\pm$ 2.67 | 57.22 $\pm$ 9.40 | 63.59 $\pm$ 11.05 | 62.15 $\pm$ 5.24 Hi-GCN [36] | 59.73 $\pm$ 6.44 | 61.17 $\pm$ 5.52 | 60.00 $\pm$ 3.77 | 59.49 $\pm$ 11.85 | 60.08 $\pm$ 8.65 E-Hi-GCN [57] | 55.47 $\pm$ 4.35 | 58.62 $\pm$ 5.26 | 59.44 $\pm$ 13.45 | 51.79 $\pm$ 14.27 | 53.91 $\pm$ 7.17 Proposed | Supervised GCN-FCNN | 59.47 $\pm$ 7.09 | 54.87 $\pm$ 6.20 | 64.44 $\pm$ 12.35 | 63.66 $\pm$ 9.92 | 58.57 $\pm$ 6.02 Unsupervised GAE-FCNN | 65.07 $\pm$ 5.56 | 69.74 $\pm$ 9.09 | 60.00 $\pm$ 7.16 | 65.38 $\pm$ 5.04 | 67.29 $\pm$ 6.22 Unsupervised VGAE-FCNN | 60.79 $\pm$ 4.84 | 62.64 $\pm$ 5.34 | 58.78 $\pm$ 7.22 | 62.55 $\pm$ 5.00 | 62.50 $\pm$ 4.52 #### -B2 Comparison of Different Brain Parcellations To examine the effect of different brain parcellations on the FC classification performance, we evaluated our method on the ROI-wise fMRI time series data extracted based on three parcellation atlases (both anatomical and functional): AAL atlas, Harvard-Oxford (HO) atlas (derived from anatomical landmarks: sulci and gyral) [70], and Power atlas (comprising functional areas associated with 13 large-scale functional networks and a group of unlabeled regions) [71], with respective number of ROIs of 116, 112 and 264. Fig. 7 shows the MDD classification accuracies of different methods on the various brain atlases. It is apparent that the proposed supervised GCN-FCNN performs the best compared to other competing methods on all atlases. Among the atlases, AAL-116 generally gives better classification than HO and Power atlases over all methods. This suggests that FC networks based on anatomical ROIs may provide more discriminative information for differentiating between MDD and HC, compared to functional-ROI networks. #### -B3 Comparison with State-of-the-Art Methods Table V shows the comparison of our methods with several state-of-the-art brain FC classifiers under different classification performance metrics on the AAL-116 data. The selected architecture of the unsupervised GAE-FCNN is: two- layered GCN with embedding dimensions of 256 and 32, and three-layered FCNN with hidden dimensions of 256, 128 and 64. The proposed unsupervised GAE-FCNN achieved the best performance with average Acc of 65.07% and F1 scores of 67.29%, significantly outperforming the traditional SVM method, BrainNetCNN and other recent GCN models for brain network classification. The high sensitivity for population GCN with poor performance in other metrics is due to classification of all samples into one class. These results again attest to the superior performance of our method generalizable to other MDD fMRI dataset, suggesting the advantages of GAE-learned embeddings of network topology for brain connectomic classificaiton. ## References * [1] D. S. Bassett and E. T. Bullmore, “Human brain networks in health and disease,” Curr. Opin. Neurol., vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 340, 2009. * [2] N. D. Woodward and C. J. Cascio, “Resting-state functional connectivity in psychiatric disorders,” JAMA Psychiatry, vol. 72, no. 8, pp. 743–744, 2015. * [3] A. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons Zero - Public Domain -", "authors": "Fuad Noman, Chee-Ming Ting, Hakmook Kang, Raphael C.-W. Phan, Brian D.\n Boyd, Warren D. Taylor, and Hernando Ombao", "submitter": "Fuad Noman", "url": "" }
# Lecture notes for pseudodifferential operators and microlocal analysis Ma, Shiqi Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Jyväskylä [email protected], [email protected] ###### Abstract. This is a introductory course focusing some basic notions in pseudodifferential operators ($\Psi$DOs) and microlocal analysis. We start this lecture notes with some notations and necessary preliminaries. Then the notion of symbols and $\Psi$DOs are introduced. In Chapter 3 we define the oscillatory integrals of different types. Chapter 4 is devoted to the stationary phase lemmas. One of the features of the lecture is that the stationary phase lemmas are proved for not only compactly supported functions but also for more general functions with certain order of smoothness and certain order of growth at infinity. We build the results on the stationary phase lemmas. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 covers main results in $\Psi$DOs and the proofs are heavily built on the results in Chapter 4. Some aspects of the semi-classical analysis are similar to that of microlocal analysis. In Chapter 8 we finally introduce the notion of wavefront, and Chapter 9 focuses on the propagation of singularities of solution of partial differential equations. Important results are circulated by black boxes and some key steps are marked in red color. Exercises are provided at the end of each chapter. Version: May, 2021. ###### Contents 1. 1 Preliminaries 1. 1.1 Notations 2. 1.2 Schwartz Space and tempered distributions 3. 1.3 Fourier transforms 2. 2 Pseudodifferential operators 1. 2.1 Symbols 2. 2.2 Pseudodifferential operators 1. 2.2.1 Some basics about the $\Psi$DOs 2. 2.2.2 Sobolev spaces 3. 2.2.3 Other phases 3. 2.3 Kernels 4. 2.4 Pseudolocal property 3. 3 Oscillatory integrals 1. 3.1 Oscillatory integrals - Type I 2. 3.2 Oscillatory integrals - Type II 4. 4 Stationary phase lemmas 1. 4.1 A simple case 1. 4.1.1 Preliminaries 2. 4.1.2 A simple case 2. 4.2 Lemma Statements 3. 4.3 Proofs of the results 5. 5 Symbolic calculus of $\Psi$DOs 1. 5.1 Composition of $\Psi$DOs 2. 5.2 Reduction of variables 3. 5.3 The Adjoint and transpose 6. 6 Parametrix and Boundedness of $\Psi$DOs 1. 6.1 Parametrix 2. 6.2 The $L^{2}$ boundedness 3. 6.3 Gårding’s inequalities 1. 6.3.1 Gårding’s Inequality 2. 6.3.2 Sharp Gårding’s Inequality 7. 7 Semi-classical $\Psi$DOs and its symbolic calculus 1. 7.1 Semi-classical $\Psi$DOs 1. 7.1.1 Symbol classes 2. 7.1.2 Semiclassical pseudodifferential operators 2. 7.2 Composition of the standard quantizations 3. 7.3 Composition of the Weyl quantizations 1. 7.3.1 Symplectic 2-form 2. 7.3.2 The composition 3. 7.3.3 Specialties of Weyl quantization 4. 7.4 Applications in Carleman estimates 8. 8 The wavefront set 1. 8.1 Basic facts 2. 8.2 Wavefront set of product of distributions 1. 8.2.1 Direct product 2. 8.2.2 Product 3. 8.2.3 Convolution 3. 8.3 The wavefront sets of Fourier integral operators 4. 8.4 Applications 1. 8.4.1 Microlocality of $\Psi$DOs 2. 8.4.2 Pull-back of distributions 9. 9 Propagation of the singularities 1. 9.1 Microlocal parametrix 2. 9.2 Bicharacteristics 3. 9.3 Propagation of singularities 4. 9.4 Cauchy problems of hyperbolic PDEs ## Chapter 1 Preliminaries A good reference for is [wong2014introduction, Chapters 1-5]. ### 1.1. Notations ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$: the Euclidean space. For $x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, $|x|:=\sqrt{x_{1}^{2}+\cdots+x_{n}^{2}}$, and the inter produce $x\cdot y:=\sum_{j=1}^{n}x_{j}y_{j}$. The notation $\langle{x}\rangle:=(1+|x|^{2})^{1/2}$ will be frequently used throughout the lecture. For two quantities $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, we write $\mathcal{A}\lesssim\mathcal{B}$ to signify $\mathcal{A}\leq C\mathcal{B}$, and write $\mathcal{A}\simeq\mathcal{B}$ to signify $C_{1}\mathcal{B}\leq\mathcal{A}\leq C_{2}\mathcal{B}$, for some generic positive constants $C$, $C_{1}$ and $C_{2}$. It can be checked that $\langle{x}\rangle\simeq 1+|x|$. ###### Lemma 1.1. For any $s\in\mathbb{R}$ and any multi-index $\alpha$, there exists a constant $C$ independent of $x$ such that $|\partial^{\alpha}(\langle{x}\rangle^{s})|\leq C\langle{x}\rangle^{s-|\alpha|},\quad\text{when}\quad|x|\geq 1.$ The proof is left as an exercise. $C^{m}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$ is the set of complex-valued functions that has continuous derivative up to order $m$. $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is comprised of $C^{\infty}$ functions with compact support. The Fourier and inverse Fourier transforms of $f$ are denoted as $\mathcal{F}f$ (also $\hat{f}$) and $\mathcal{F}^{-1}f$ (also $\check{f}$): $\displaystyle\hat{f}(\xi)=\mathcal{F}f(\xi)$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}f(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x},$ $\displaystyle\check{f}(\xi)=\mathcal{F}^{-1}f(x)$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}f(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ $\langle{f,g}\rangle:=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}f(x)g(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$, $(f,g):=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}f(x)\overline{g(x)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$, where $\overline{g(x)}$ is the complex conjugation of $g(x)$. $\partial_{j}:=\frac{\partial}{\partial x_{j}}$, $\boxed{D_{j}:=\frac{1}{i}\partial_{j}}$, where $i$ is the imaginary unit. Multi-index: in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, a multi-index is $\alpha=(\alpha_{1},\dots,\alpha_{n})$ where $\alpha_{j}$ are non-negative integers. $D^{\alpha}:=D_{1}^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots D_{n}^{\alpha_{n}}$, $\partial^{\alpha}:=\partial_{1}^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots\partial_{n}^{\alpha_{n}}$, and $x^{\alpha}:=x_{1}^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots x_{n}^{\alpha_{n}}$, and the length of $\alpha$ is $|\alpha|:=\alpha_{1}+\cdots+\alpha_{n}$. ###### Lemma 1.2. Assume $x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ and $\alpha$ is a multi-index. Then $|x^{\alpha}|\leq|x|^{|\alpha|}.$ ###### Proof. We have $\displaystyle|x^{\alpha}|$ $\displaystyle=|x_{1}^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots x_{n}^{\alpha_{n}}|=|x_{1}^{\alpha_{1}}|\cdots|x_{n}^{\alpha_{n}}|=|x_{1}|^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots|x_{n}|^{\alpha_{n}}$ $\displaystyle\leq|x|^{\alpha_{1}}\cdots|x|^{\alpha_{n}}=|x|^{\alpha_{1}+\cdots+\alpha_{n}}=|x|^{|\alpha|}.$ ∎ More on multi-index: * • $\beta\leq\alpha$ means $\beta_{j}\leq\alpha_{j}$ for $j=1,\dots,n$; * • the notion $\alpha-\beta$ is valid only when $\beta\leq\alpha$, and $\alpha-\beta:=(\alpha_{1}-\beta_{1},\cdots,\alpha_{n}-\beta_{n})$; * • $\alpha!:=\alpha_{1}!\cdots\alpha_{n}!$; * • when $\beta\leq\alpha$, $\binom{\alpha}{\beta}:=\frac{\alpha!}{\beta!(\alpha-\beta)!}=\binom{\alpha_{1}}{\beta_{1}}\cdots\binom{\alpha_{n}}{\beta_{n}}$, where $\binom{\alpha_{j}}{\beta_{j}}=\frac{\alpha_{j}!}{\beta_{j}!(\alpha_{j}-\beta_{j})!}$; A typical form of a linear differential operator is $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)D^{\alpha}$. If we denote a polynomial $p(x,\xi):=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)\xi^{\alpha}$ where $\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, then $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)D^{\alpha}=p(x,D).$ ###### Lemma 1.3. Assume $f,g\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\alpha$ is a multi-index. Then $D^{\alpha}(fg)=\sum_{\beta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}(D^{\alpha-\beta}f)(D^{\beta}g).$ The proof is left as an exercise. ### 1.2. Schwartz Space and tempered distributions ###### Definition 1.4 (Schwartz Space). Let $\varphi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. For multi-indices $\alpha$ and $\beta$, we define the semi-norm $|\cdot|_{\alpha,\beta}$ of $\varphi$ as $|\varphi|_{\alpha,\beta}:=\sup_{x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|x^{\alpha}D^{\beta}\varphi(x)|<+\infty.$ (1.1) We call $\varphi$ a _Schwartz function_ when $|\varphi|_{\alpha,\beta}<+\infty$ for any $\alpha$ and $\beta$. The set $\\{\varphi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\,;\,|\varphi|_{\alpha,\beta}<+\infty,~{}\forall\alpha,\beta\\}$ together with the topology induced by the set of semi-norms $|\cdot|_{\alpha,\beta}$ is call the _Schwartz space_ , denoted as $\boxed{\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}$. The topology $\mathcal{T}$ is induced by $\\{|\cdot|_{\alpha,\beta}\\}$ is defined as follows. Choose $N(\alpha,\beta;\epsilon):=\\{\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\,;\,|\varphi|_{\alpha,\beta}<\epsilon\\}$ to be open neighborhoods of point $0\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Choose $\mathcal{N}:=\\{N(\alpha,\beta;\epsilon)\,;\,\alpha,\beta\text{~{}are multi- index},\epsilon>0\\}$ to be a open neighborhood basis of $0$, and $\varphi+\mathcal{N}$ the open neighborhood basis of $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Then the topology $\mathcal{T}$ is generated by these open neighborhood basis, see [JiangFuncBook, §1.8] for more details. ###### Definition 1.5 (Convergence in Schwartz space). A sequence of functions $\\{\varphi_{j}\\}_{j}\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is said to _converge to zero in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$_ if ${~{}\forall\,}\alpha,\beta,~{}|\varphi_{j}|_{\alpha,\beta}\to 0\quad j\to+\infty,$ (1.2) denoted as _$\varphi_{j}\to 0$ in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$_. ###### Lemma 1.6. We have $\mathcal{F}\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})=\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\quad\partial^{\alpha}\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ The space $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ are often be used as test functions set. There is also another commonly used test functions set: $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. In Fourier analysis the set $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is more commonly used than $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, and one of the reason is that $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is closed for the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}$. The uncertainty principle claims that the Fourier transform of any compactly supported function is impossible to be compactly supported, namely, $\mathcal{F}C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\neq C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Lemma 1.7. $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is dense in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Proof. Fix a function $\phi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ satisfying $\phi\equiv 1$ when $|x|\leq 1$, and $\phi\equiv 0$ when $|x|\geq 2$, and $0\leq\phi(x)\leq 1$. For any $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, denote $\varphi_{\epsilon}(x):=\varphi(x)\phi(\epsilon x)$, then $\\{\varphi_{\epsilon}\\}_{\epsilon>0}$ is a sequence in $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Then for any multi-index $\alpha$ and $\beta$, we have $\displaystyle|\phi-\phi_{\epsilon}|_{\alpha,\beta}$ $\displaystyle=\sup_{x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\big{(}\varphi(x)[1-\phi(\epsilon x)]\big{)}|=\sup_{|x|\geq 1/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\big{(}\varphi(x)[1-\phi(\epsilon x)]\big{)}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sup_{1/\epsilon\leq|x|\leq 2/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\big{(}\varphi(x)[1-\phi(\epsilon x)]\big{)}|+\sup_{|x|\geq 2/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|$ $\displaystyle=\sup_{1/\epsilon\leq|x|\leq 2/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)||1-\phi(\epsilon x)|+\mathcal{O}(\epsilon)+\sup_{|x|\geq 2/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sup_{1/\epsilon\leq|x|\leq 2/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|+\mathcal{O}(\epsilon)+\sup_{|x|\geq 2/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|$ $\displaystyle\leq 2\sup_{|x|\geq 1/\epsilon}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|+\mathcal{O}(\epsilon).$ Because $\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|x_{j}^{2}x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|<+\infty$, we have that $|x_{j}^{2}x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|$ is bounded in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, so $|x|^{2}|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|$ is bounded in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, thus $|x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}\varphi(x)|\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\langle{x}\rangle^{-2}$ for certain constant $C_{\alpha,\beta}$. Therefore, $|\phi-\phi_{\epsilon}|_{\alpha,\beta}\leq 2C_{\alpha,\beta}\sup_{|x|\geq 1/\epsilon}\langle{x}\rangle^{-2}+\mathcal{O}(\epsilon)\to 0,\quad\epsilon\to 0.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Lemma 1.8. Let $f\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Then ${~{}\forall\,}s\in\mathbb{R}$, we have $(1+|x|^{2})^{s}f(x)\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ ###### Proof. Let $\alpha$ be a multi-index. Then $D^{\alpha}\big{[}(1+|x|^{2})^{s}f(x)\big{]}=\sum_{\delta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\delta}D^{\delta}\big{(}(1+|x|^{2})^{s}\big{)}\cdot(D^{\alpha-\delta}f)(x).$ We should notice that $|D^{\delta}\big{(}(1+|x|^{2})^{s}\big{)}|$ can be always controlled by $(1+|x|^{2})^{t_{\delta}}$ for $t_{\delta}\in\mathbb{R}$ large enough: $|D^{\delta}\big{(}(1+|x|^{2})^{s}\big{)}|\leq(1+|x|^{2})^{t_{\delta}},{~{}\forall\,}x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.$ So for any non-negative integer $k$ and multi-index $\alpha$, we have $\displaystyle|(1+|x|^{2})^{k}\cdot D^{\alpha}\big{[}(1+|x|^{2})^{s}f(x)\big{]}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sum_{\delta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\delta}(1+|x|^{2})^{t_{\delta}}\cdot|(D^{\alpha-\delta}f)(x)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sum_{\delta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\delta}|(1+|x|^{2})^{t_{\delta}+k}(D^{\alpha-\delta}f)(x)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sum_{\delta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\delta}C_{k,\alpha,\delta}=C_{k,\alpha}<+\infty.$ We proved the conclusion. ∎ Schwartz functions are these who decay fast enough. Now we introduce another type of functions which grow at infinity, but with a mild speed. These functions are called tempered functions. ###### Definition 1.9 (Tempered functions). Let $f$ be a measurable function defined on ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ such that $\sup_{x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\big{|}(1+|x|)^{-m}f(x)\big{|}<+\infty$ for some positive integer $m$. Then we call $f$ a _tempered function_. If $f$ is continuous, then we call it _continuous tempered function_. ###### Lemma 1.10. Assume $f$ is a smooth function such that $\partial^{\alpha}f$ are tempered functions $\forall\alpha$, then we have $f\cdot\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ The proof is left as an exercise. ###### Definition 1.11 (Tempered Distributions). A linear functional $T$ is called a _tempered distribution_ if for any sequence $\\{\varphi_{j}\\}_{j}$ of functions in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ converging to zero in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we have $T(\varphi_{j})\to 0,\quad(j\to+\infty).$ It can be checked that the set of tempered distribution, denoted as $\boxed{\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}$, is the dual of Schwartz Space $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Recall the semi-norm $|\cdot|_{\alpha,\beta}$ defined in (1.1). We define a new norm $|\cdot|_{m}$ as $|\varphi|_{m}:=\sum_{|\alpha|,\,|\beta|\leq m}|\varphi|_{\alpha,\beta},$ It can be seen that $|\varphi|_{m}\leq|\varphi|_{m+1}$. ###### Lemma 1.12. “ $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$” is equivalent to the following statement: $\text{there exists a constant }C\text{ such that }{~{}\exists\,}m\in\\{0\\}\cup\mathbb{N}^{+}\textrm{~{}s.t.~{}}\boxed{|T(\varphi)|\leq C|\varphi|_{m}},{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ ###### Proof. ($\Leftarrow$) Assume ${~{}\exists\,}m\in\\{0\\}\cup\mathbb{N}^{+}\textrm{~{}s.t.~{}}|T(\varphi)|\leq C|\varphi|_{m},{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Then for every sequence $\\{\varphi_{k}\\}_{k}\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ satisfying $\varphi_{k}\to 0~{}(k\to+\infty)$, we have $|\varphi_{k}|_{m}\to 0~{}(k\to+\infty)$. So $|T(\varphi_{k})|\leq C|\varphi_{k}|_{m}\to 0~{}(k\to+\infty)$. This means $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ($\Rightarrow$) Assume $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Suppose that the claim is not true, then for every positive integer $M$, and every $m\in\\{0\\}\cup\mathbb{N}^{+}$, there exists $\varphi_{M,m}\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $|T(\varphi_{M,m})|>M|\varphi_{M,m}|_{m},\quad\text{so}\quad|T(\varphi_{M,m}/(M|\varphi_{M,m}|_{m}))|>1.$ Let $\phi_{M,m}=\varphi_{M,m}/(M|\varphi_{M,m}|_{m})$, then $|\phi_{M,m}|_{m}=\frac{1}{M}$ and $|T(\phi_{M,m})|\geq 1$. Further, we denote $\phi_{M}:=\phi_{M,M}$, then $|\phi_{M}|_{M}=\frac{1}{M}$ and $|T(\phi_{M})|\geq 1,{~{}\forall\,}M\in N^{+}.$ (1.3) Now for every $m\in\\{0\\}\cup\mathbb{N}^{+}$, when $j$ is large enough, we have $|\phi_{j}|_{m}\leq|\phi_{j}|_{j}=\frac{1}{j}\to 0~{}(j\to+\infty).$ So according to the Definition 1.5, we have $\phi_{j}\to 0$ in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, so according to the definition of tempered Distributions we shall have $|T(\phi_{j})|\to 0$. But this is contradictory with (1.3). The proof is complete. ∎ The notion of “tempered function” and “tempered distribution” are closely related. Every tempered function $f$ defines a tempered distribution $T_{f}\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ by the following way: $T_{f}(\varphi):=\int_{\Omega}f(x)\varphi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x},{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ At the first glance, the definition of tempered distribution is not a generalization of the definition of tempered function. But the following theorem will characterize tempered distributions through tempered functions. ###### Theorem 1.13 (Schwartz representation Theorem). Every $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ can be represented as a sum of certain order of derivative of continuous tempered functions in $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, i.e. for every $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, there exist a finite collection $T_{\alpha,\beta}$ of bounded continuous functions such that $T=\sum_{|\alpha|+|\beta|\leq m}x^{\alpha}D^{\beta}T_{\alpha,\beta}$ See §1.4 in ###### Theorem 1.14. For $1\leq p\leq+\infty$, there holds $\boxed{\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).}$ ### 1.3. Fourier transforms ###### Definition 1.15 (Fourier Transform on $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$). Let $f\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, then the _Fourier transform_ of $f$ is defined as $\boxed{(\mathcal{F}f)(\xi):=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}f(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x},{~{}\forall\,}\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}},}$ where $x\cdot\xi=\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_{i}\xi_{i}$. We also denote the Fourier transform of $f$ as $\hat{f}$. ###### Definition 1.16 (Inverse Fourier Transform). Let $f\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, then the _inverse Fourier transform_ of $f$ is defined as $\boxed{(\mathcal{F}^{-1}f)(x):=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}f(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},{~{}\forall\,}\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.}$ We also denote the inverse Fourier transform of $f$ as $\check{f}$. ###### Lemma 1.17. For every $f,g\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we have: 1. (1) $\mathcal{F},\mathcal{F}^{-1}\colon\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ are linear bijection; 2. (2) $\langle\hat{f},g\rangle=\langle f,\hat{g}\rangle$; 3. (3) $(f,g)=(\hat{f},\hat{g})$. (Parseval’s Relation); 4. (4) $\mathcal{F}(f*g)=(2\pi)^{n/2}\hat{f}\cdot\hat{g}$; 5. (5) $\mathcal{F}(f\cdot g)=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\hat{f}*\hat{g}$. Let’s define an operator $\mathcal{R}\colon f(x)\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\mapsto(\mathcal{R}f)(x)=f(-x)\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ Then these four operators $\\{I,\mathcal{R},\mathcal{F},\mathcal{F}^{-1}\\}$ act very like $\\{1,-1,i,-i\\}$. Denote a multiplication operation $X_{j}$ as $X_{j}\varphi(x):=x_{j}\varphi(x)$. We have the following relations: ###### Proposition 1.18. (1.a) $\mathcal{R}\mathcal{F}=\mathcal{F}\mathcal{R}=\mathcal{F}^{-1};$ $\big{(}\,(-1)\cdot i=i\cdot(-1)=-i\,\big{)}$ (1.b) $\mathcal{R}\mathcal{F}^{-1}=\mathcal{F}^{-1}\mathcal{R}=\mathcal{F};$ $\big{(}\,(-1)\cdot(-i)=(-i)\cdot(-1)=i\,\big{)}$ (1.c) $\mathcal{F}\mathcal{F}=\mathcal{F}^{-1}\mathcal{F}^{-1}=\mathcal{R};$ $\big{(}\,i\cdot i=(-i)\cdot(-i)=-1\,\big{)}$ (1.d) $\mathcal{R}\mathcal{R}=I.$ $\big{(}\,(-1)\cdot(-1)=1\,\big{)}$ (2.a) $\mathcal{F}D_{j}=X_{j}\mathcal{F},\quad\mathcal{F}X_{j}=-D_{j}\mathcal{F}$, (2.b) $\mathcal{F}^{2}D_{j}=-D_{j}\mathcal{F}^{2},\quad\mathcal{F}^{2}X_{j}=-X_{j}\mathcal{F}^{2}$. ###### Theorem 1.19 (Plancherel Theorem). $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{F}^{-1}$ defined on $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ can be extended uniquely to a unitary operator on $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Proof. $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\overline{C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}^{\|{\cdot}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}}=L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, So $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is dense in $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with respect to the $L^{2}$ norm. For any $f\in L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, let $\\{\varphi_{n}\\}_{n}\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $\|{\varphi_{n}-f}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}\to 0~{}(n\to+\infty)$, then $\|{\mathcal{F}\varphi_{m}-\mathcal{F}\varphi_{n}}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}=\|{\mathcal{F}(\varphi_{m}-\varphi_{n})}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}$ and by the Parseval’s Relation we can continue $\|{\mathcal{F}\varphi_{m}-\mathcal{F}\varphi_{n}}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}=\|{\varphi_{m}-\varphi_{n}}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}\to 0,\quad(m,n\to+\infty).$ Therefore $\\{\mathcal{F}\varphi_{n}\\}_{n}$ is a Cauchy sequence in $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and has a limit. We denote the limit as $\mathcal{F}f$ and assign it to $f$ as the Fourier transform of $f$. ∎ The Fourier transform and inverse Fourier transform can also be uniquely extended on $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Definition 1.20 (Fourier Transform on $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$). Let $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, then the _Fourier transform_ and _inverse Fourier transform_ of $T$ are defined to be the linear functionals $\mathcal{F}T$ on $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ given by $\boxed{\begin{aligned} (\mathcal{F}T)(\varphi)&:=T(\hat{\varphi}),{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\\\ (\mathcal{F}^{-1}T)(\varphi)&:=T(\check{\varphi}),{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).\end{aligned}}$ ###### Theorem 1.21. For every $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),~{}T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we have: (1) $\mathcal{F},\mathcal{F}^{-1}\colon\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ are linear continuous bijection. (2) $\mathcal{F}(\varphi*T)=(2\pi)^{n/2}\hat{\varphi}\cdot\hat{T}$; (3) $\mathcal{F}(\varphi\cdot T)=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\hat{\varphi}*\hat{T}$. The Proposition 1.18 also holds on $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. The operator $\mathcal{R}$ for $T\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is defined as: $(\mathcal{R}T)(\varphi):=T(\mathcal{R}\varphi),{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ The Fourier transform are both $(1,+\infty)$-type and $(2,2)$-type bounded. And we have $L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})+L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ when $1<p<2$. Therefore we can define the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}$ on $L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})+L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ by (1.4) and then study the boundedness of Fourier transform on $L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $1<p<2$. For details about these $L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})+L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ things, please Google “Riesz–Thorin theorem”. Therefore according to the Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem (see [stein2016singular, Appendix B]), we have the following result. $\begin{cases}f=f_{1}+f_{2}\in L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\\\ f_{1}\in L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),~{}f_{2}\in L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\\\ \mathcal{F}_{1}\colon\text{Fourier transform from }L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\text{ to }L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\\\ \mathcal{F}_{2}\colon\text{Fourier transform from }L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\text{ to }L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\\\ \mathcal{F}(f):=\mathcal{F}_{1}(f_{1})+\mathcal{F}_{2}(f_{2}).\end{cases}$ (1.4) ###### Theorem 1.22 (Hausdorff-Young inequality). Define the Fourier transform on $L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})+L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ by (1.4), then there exists a constant $C_{p}$ such that for all $f\in L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),~{}(1\leq p\leq 2)$, we have $\boxed{\|{\hat{f}}\|_{L^{p^{\prime}}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}\leq C\|{f}\|_{L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})},}$ where $1\leq p\leq 2$ and $1/p+1/p^{\prime}=1$. ###### Proof. We know that $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{F}^{-1}$ are bounded from $L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ to $L^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ to $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. So according to Marcinkiewicz interpolation theorem, $\forall t\in[0,1]$, $\mathcal{F}$ and $\mathcal{F}^{-1}$ are bounded from $L^{t_{1}}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ to $L^{t_{2}}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, where $\left\\{\begin{aligned} t_{1}&=\left(t\cdot\frac{1}{2}+(1-t)\cdot 1\right)^{-1}=\frac{2}{2-t}\\\ t_{2}&=\left(t\cdot\frac{1}{2}+(1-t)\cdot 0\right)^{-1}=\frac{2}{t}\\\ \end{aligned}\right..$ Let $p=t_{1}$ $p^{\prime}=t_{2}$, then we proved the theorem. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 1.1. Prove Lemma 1.1. ###### Exercise 1.2. Prove Lemma 1.3. ###### Exercise 1.3. Prove Lemma 1.10. ## Chapter 2 Pseudodifferential operators In this chapter we introduce the pseudodifferential operators, and in most of the place we abbreviate it as $\Psi$DOs. First, we introduce symbols and its asymptotics. Then the $\Psi$DOs are its kernels are defined. Finally, we prove an important property of $\Psi$DOs–the pseudolocal property. Other references are [wong2014introduction, Chapter 6], [grigis94mic, §1 & §3]. ### 2.1. Symbols Recall the general form $p(x,D)=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)D^{\alpha}$ of the linear differential operators mentioned is §1.1. For a test function $\varphi$, we have $\displaystyle p(x,D)\varphi(x)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)D^{\alpha}\varphi(x)=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)\mathcal{F}^{-1}\\{\widehat{D^{\alpha}\varphi}\\}(x)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)\mathcal{F}^{-1}\\{\xi^{\alpha}\hat{\varphi}\\}(x)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}\xi^{\alpha}\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)\xi^{\alpha}\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}p(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ This observation encourages us to define operators by functions $p(x,\xi)$. ###### Definition 2.1 (Kohn-Nirenberg symbol). Let $m\in(-\infty,+\infty)$. Then we define $S^{m}$ to be the set of all functions $\sigma(x,\xi)\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$ such that for any two multi-indices $\alpha$ and $\beta$, there is a positive constant $C_{\alpha,\beta}$, independent of $(x,\xi)$, such that $\boxed{|(D_{x}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\beta}\sigma)(x,\xi)|\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|},\quad\forall x,\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}$ holds. We call any function $\sigma$ in $S^{m}$ a _symbol_ of order $m$. We write $S^{-\infty}=\cap_{m\in\mathbb{R}}S^{m}$ and $S^{+\infty}=\cup_{m\in\mathbb{R}}S^{m}$. ###### Example 2.2. Here we give some examples of symbols. * • $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)\xi^{\alpha}$ is a symbol of order $m$ when $a_{\alpha}\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$; * • $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset S^{-\infty}$; * • Fix a bounded $\psi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, then $\psi(x)\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}$ is a symbol of order $m$; * • Fix a $\phi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\phi(0)=1$, then $(1-\phi(\xi))(1+|\xi|)^{m}$ is a symbol of order $m$. ###### Lemma 2.3. Assume $\sigma_{j}\in S^{m_{j}}~{}(j=1,2)$, then $\sigma_{1}\sigma_{2}\in S^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$. $\partial^{\alpha}\sigma_{1}\in S^{m_{j}-|\alpha|}$. The proof is left as an exercise. One can also define a more general symbol which the effect of $x$ is taken into consideration, and the dimension of $x$ variable and $\xi$ variable can be different. ###### Definition 2.4. Let $m\in(-\infty,+\infty)$ and $0\leq\delta<\rho\leq 1$. Then we define $S^{m}_{\rho,\delta}$ to be the set of all functions $\sigma(x,\xi)\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{n_{1}}\times\mathbb{R}^{n_{2}};\mathbb{C})$ such that for any two multi-indices $\alpha$ and $\beta$, there is a positive constant $C_{\alpha,\beta}$, depending on $\alpha$ and $\beta$ only, for which $\boxed{\big{|}(D_{x}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\beta}\sigma)(x,\xi)\big{|}\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-\rho|\beta|+\delta|\alpha|},\quad\forall x\in\mathbb{R}^{n_{1}},\xi\in\mathbb{R}^{n_{2}}}$ holds. We also call any function $\sigma$ in $S^{m}_{\rho,\delta}$ a _symbol_. The Kohn-Nirenberg symbol $S^{m}=S^{m}_{1,0}$. In what follows, we only focus on $S^{m}$, and the situations for $S^{m}_{\rho,\delta}$ shall be followed in similar manners. Now we introduce an important notion: the asymptotic expansion of symbols. ###### Definition 2.5 (Asymptotics). Let symbol $a\in S^{m}$ and $a_{j}\in S^{m_{j}}$ $(j=0,1,\cdots)$ where the orders $m_{j}$ satisfies $m=m_{0}>m_{1}>\cdots>m_{j}>m_{j+1}\to-\infty,\quad j\to\infty.$ If $a-\sum_{j=0}^{N}a_{j}\in S^{m_{N+1}},$ holds for every integer $N$, we write $a\sim\sum_{j}a_{j}\text{~{}in~{}}S^{m},$ and we call $\\{a_{j}\\}$ an asymptotics of $a$. The $a_{0}$ is called the _principal symbol_ of $a$. We often write $a=b+S^{m}$ as a shorthand of $a=b+r$ for some $r\in S^{m}$. Then we can summarize Definition 2.5 as follows, $\boxed{a\sim\sum_{j}a_{j}\ \text{in}\ S^{m_{N+1}}\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad a=\sum_{j=0}^{N}a_{j}+S^{m_{N+1}}.}$ Now let’s randomly pick up some $m$, $m_{j}$ that satisfy the requirement in Definition 2.5, and randomly pick up $a_{j}\in S^{m^{j}}$. A natural question is to ask, does there exist $a\in S^{m}$ such that $a\sim\sum_{j}a_{j}\text{~{}in~{}}S^{m}$? The answer is yes. ###### Theorem 2.6. For any $m$ and $m_{j}$ satisfying $m=m_{0}>m_{1}>\cdots>m_{j}>m_{j+1}\to-\infty,\quad j\to\infty,$ and for any $a_{j}\in S^{m_{j}}$, there exists a symbol (not unique) $a\in S^{m}$ such that $a\sim\sum_{j}a_{j}\text{~{}in~{}}S^{m}$. When $x\to+\infty$, $\frac{1}{1-1/\langle{x}\rangle}=1+1/\langle{x}\rangle+1/\langle{x}\rangle^{2}+\mathcal{O}(1/\langle{x}\rangle^{3})$. Arbitrarily pick up $\alpha_{j}$, is there a function $f(x)$ such that in $[1,+\infty)$, $f(x)=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\alpha_{j}/\langle{x}\rangle^{j}+\mathcal{O}(1/\langle{x}\rangle^{N+1}),\quad x\to+\infty,$ (2.1) holds for all $N\in\mathbb{N}$? The answer is no and an example is $\alpha_{j}:=j!$ (the convergence radius goes to infinity as $N$ grows). The problem is that $\alpha_{j}/\langle{x=1}\rangle^{j}$ will be too big when $j\to+\infty$. However, we can fix this problem by cutoff, so that there exist a function $f$ (not unique!) such that (2.1) holds on intervals $[A_{j},+\infty)$ where the $A_{j}$ is in accordance with $a_{j}$, $A_{1}<A_{2}<\cdots$. The key step is to choose a cutoff function $\chi_{j}$ to cutoff term $\alpha_{j}/\langle{x}\rangle^{j}$ such that $\chi_{j}(x)\alpha_{j}/\langle{x}\rangle^{j}\leq 1/2^{j},\text{~{}or~{}}1/3^{j}\text{~{}etc}.$ (2.2) The following function satisfies the requirement: $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\chi_{j}\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}),\\\ &\chi_{j}\equiv 0,|x|\leq 2(\alpha_{j})^{1/j},\\\ &\chi_{j}\equiv 1,|x|\geq 1+2(\alpha_{j})^{1/j},\\\ &0\leq\chi_{j}\leq 1,\text{otherwise}.\end{aligned}\right.$ (2.3) The requirement (2.3) can also be realized by fix some $\chi$ satisfying $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\chi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}),\ 0\leq\chi(x)\leq 1\\\ &\chi\equiv 0\text{~{}when~{}}|x|\leq 1,\ \chi_{j}\equiv 1\text{~{}when~{}}|x|\geq 2.\end{aligned}\right.$ (2.4) and then set $\chi_{j}(x):=\chi(\epsilon_{j}x)$, where the $\epsilon_{j}$ shall be chosen according to (2.3). ###### Sketch of the proof of Theorem 2.6. Choose suitable coefficients $\epsilon_{j}$ and define $a(x,\xi):=\sum_{j\geq 0}\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)a_{j}(x,\xi),\quad x,\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.$ It can be checked that $\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)\in S^{0}$. For any fixed $(x_{0},\xi_{0})$, there is only finitely many terms in $\sum_{j\geq 0}\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi_{0})a_{j}(x_{0},\xi_{0})$ which are non-zero, so $a(x,\xi)\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$. Moreover, we need to show first $a$ is a symbol, and second $a$ is an asymptotics of $a_{j}$. First, we show that $a\in S^{m}$. It can be checked that for any multi-index $\beta$, $|D_{\xi}^{\beta}(\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi))|\leq C_{\beta}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-\beta},\quad\forall\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}},$ where the constant $C_{\beta}$ is independent of $\epsilon_{j}$. we notice that every term $\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)a_{j}(x,\xi)$ is in $S^{0+m_{j}}=S^{m_{j}}$, so $\displaystyle\ D_{x}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\beta}(\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)a_{j}(x,\xi))={\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)}D_{x}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\beta}(\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)a_{j}(x,\xi))$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)\sum_{\beta^{\prime}\leq\beta}\binom{\beta}{\beta^{\prime}}D_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime}}(\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi))\cdot(D_{x}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\beta-\beta^{\prime}}a_{j})(x,\xi)$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ \chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)\sum_{\beta^{\prime}\leq\beta}\binom{\beta}{\beta^{\prime}}C_{\beta^{\prime}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-|\beta^{\prime}|}\cdot C_{\alpha,\beta,\beta^{\prime}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{j}-|\beta|+|\beta^{\prime}|}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)\sum_{\beta^{\prime}\leq\beta}\binom{\beta}{\beta^{\prime}}C_{\beta^{\prime}}C_{\alpha,\beta,\beta^{\prime}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{j}-|\beta|}=\chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)C_{\alpha,\beta}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{j}-|\beta|}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ C_{\alpha,\beta}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{j}-m}}\chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C_{\alpha,\beta}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}(2\epsilon_{j})^{m-m_{j}}}\chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C_{\alpha,\beta}(2\epsilon_{j})^{m-m_{j}}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|},$ where the change “$\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{j}-m}\to(2\epsilon_{j})^{m-m_{j}}$” is due to the presence of $\chi(2\epsilon_{j}\xi)$. Hence, $|D_{x}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\beta}a(x,\xi)|\leq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}\cdot\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{\alpha,\beta}(2\epsilon_{j})^{m-m_{j}}.$ We choose $\epsilon_{j}$ to decrease fast enough such that $\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{\alpha,\beta}(2\epsilon_{j})^{m-m_{j}}$ is finite for every $\alpha,\beta$ (see [wong2014introduction, Theorem 6.10] for details). We proved $a\in S^{m}$. Second, to show $a\sim\sum_{j}a_{j}$ in $S^{m}$, we see $\displaystyle a-\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}a_{j}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}[\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)-1]a_{j}(x,\xi)+\sum_{j\geq N+1}\chi(\epsilon_{j}\xi)a_{j}(x,\xi)$ $\displaystyle\in S^{-\infty}+S^{m_{N+1}}=S^{m_{N+1}}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ### 2.2. Pseudodifferential operators #### 2.2.1. Some basics about the $\Psi$DOs Based on the notion of symbols, we introduce the pseudodifferential operators. ###### Definition 2.7 (Pseudodifferential operator, $\Psi$DO). Let $\sigma$ be a symbol. Then the _pseudo-differential operator_ $T_{\sigma}$, defined on $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and associated with $\sigma$, is defined as $\displaystyle(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\ =\boxed{(2\pi)^{-n}\iint_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}},\quad\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ We denote the set of $\Psi$DOs of order $m$ as $\Psi^{m}$ We write $\Psi^{-\infty}=\cap_{m\in\mathbb{R}}\Psi^{m}$ and $\Psi^{+\infty}=\cup_{m\in\mathbb{R}}\Psi^{m}$. ###### Example 2.8. Here we give some examples of $\Psi$DOs: * • $-\Delta\in\Psi^{2}$, with symbol $|\xi|^{2}$; * • $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)D^{\alpha}\in\Psi^{m}$, with symbol $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m}a_{\alpha}(x)\xi^{\alpha}$; * • $(I-\Delta)^{m/2}\in\Psi^{m}$, which is defined by the symbol $\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}=(I+|\xi|^{2})^{m/2}$; * • The DtN map of the Calderón problem is a $\Psi$DO living on the boundary, see [MR1029119]. It is an interesting question to ask for the symbol when given a certain $\Psi$DO. ###### Example 2.9. Some simple $\Psi$DOs whose symbol are also simple: * • $D\mapsto\xi$; * • $-\Delta=D\cdot D$, so $-\Delta\mapsto|\xi|^{2}$. Similar to Lemma 2.3, we have the following claim, whose proof will be provided in Theorem 5.3. ###### Lemma 2.10. Assume $\sigma_{j}\in S^{m_{j}}~{}(j=1,2)$, then $T_{\sigma_{1}}\circ T_{\sigma_{2}}\in\Psi^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$. We show that the map $\sigma\mapsto T_{\sigma}$ is a bijection. ###### Lemma 2.11. map $\sigma\mapsto T_{\sigma}\in\mathcal{L}(\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))$ is a bijection. ###### Proof. The $\Psi$DO $T_{\sigma}$ is defined by $\sigma$, so the surjectivity is obvious. The injectivity amounts to prove $T_{\sigma}=T_{\tau}\Rightarrow\sigma=\tau$. Let’s assume $\sigma$ and $\tau$ are two symbols and $T_{\sigma}=T_{\tau}$, then $\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}[\sigma(x,\xi)-\tau(x,\xi)]\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=0$ holds for any $x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ and any $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Replace $\varphi$ by its inverse Fourier transform, and fix $x$ to some $x_{0}$, we can see $\int e^{ix_{0}\cdot\xi}[\sigma(x_{0},\xi)-\tau(x_{0},\xi)]\varphi(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=0.$ The arbitrary of $\varphi$ gives $e^{ix_{0}\cdot\xi}[\sigma(x_{0},\xi)-\tau(x_{0},\xi)]=0,\quad\forall x_{0}\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.$ And the arbitrary of $x_{0}$ gives $\sigma(x_{0},\xi)=\tau(x_{0},\xi)$ for $\forall x_{0}\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$. The injectivity is proved. We arrive at the conclusion. ∎ ###### Remark 2.12. For people who the first time encounter the form $T_{\sigma}\varphi(x)\simeq\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ one may think that $T_{\sigma}\varphi(x)$ is just the inverse Fourier transform of $\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)$, and consequently, $\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)$ can be recovered by taking the Fourier transform of $T_{\sigma}\varphi(x)$. Unfortunately this is not true. The function $\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)$ depends not only $\xi$ but also $x$, so that is not a Fourier transform anymore. When a symbol $a$ is independent of $x$, we have $\mathcal{F}\\{T_{\sigma}\varphi\\}(\xi)=a(\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi).$ But when $a$ depends on $x$, the Fourier transform of $(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)$ is generally _NOT_ $a(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)$. In generally, we cannot use the expression above to get the symbol $a$: $\boxed{a(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\neq\mathcal{F}\big{\\{}(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(\cdot)\big{\\}}(\xi).}$ Similar to generalizing the Fourier transform from functions to distributions, the notion of $\Psi$DOs can also extend to $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ by using duality arguments. Formally speaking, we have the following computation, $\displaystyle(T_{\sigma}u,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=\int(T_{\sigma}u)\overline{\varphi}\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\int\big{[}(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{]}\overline{\varphi(x)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\int\big{[}(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{]}\overline{\varphi(x)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\int u(y)\big{[}\overline{(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\overline{\sigma}(x,\xi)}\varphi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\sim\int u(y)\big{[}\overline{(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(x-y)^{\alpha}}{\alpha!}\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\overline{\sigma}(y,\xi)}\varphi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\quad\text{(Taylor's)}$ $\displaystyle\sim\int u(y)\big{[}\overline{(2\pi)^{-n}\int{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}(-D)_{\xi}^{\alpha}}(e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}){\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\overline{\sigma}(y,\xi)}\varphi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\sim\int u(y)\big{[}\overline{(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{y}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\overline{\sigma}(y,\xi)}\varphi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\int u(y)\big{[}\overline{(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int e^{iy\cdot\xi}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{y}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\overline{\sigma}(y,\xi)}\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\int u(y)\overline{T_{\sigma^{*}}\varphi(y)}\,\mathrm{d}{y},\qquad\sigma^{*}(y,\xi):=\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{y}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\overline{\sigma}(y,\xi)$ $\displaystyle=(u,T_{\sigma^{*}}\varphi).$ (2.5) The computation (2.5) implies the existence of the adjoint of $T_{\sigma}$ (denoted as $T_{\sigma}^{*}$), and we leave the rigorous proof of the existence of $T_{\sigma}^{*}$ to §5.3. Now, by assuming the existence of $T_{\sigma}^{*}$, we extend the domain of $T_{\sigma}$ from $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ to $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ as follows. ###### Definition 2.13 (Pseudodifferential operators in $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}$). Let $\sigma$ be a symbol. For every $u\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we can define the _pseudo- differential operator_ $T_{\sigma}$ acting on $u$ as $\boxed{(T_{\sigma}u,\varphi):=(u,T_{\sigma}^{*}\varphi),{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).}$ where $T_{\sigma}^{*}$ is the adjoint of $T_{\sigma}$ and the bracket $(\cdot,\cdot)$ signifies the pair of distributions with test functions. ###### Lemma 2.14. Let $\sigma$ be a symbol, and denote its corresponding $\Psi$DO as $T_{\sigma}$. Then $T_{\sigma}(\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))\subset\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. And also, $T_{\sigma}(\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))\subset\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Sketch of the proof. Let $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we need to show $x^{\alpha}D^{\beta}(T_{\sigma}\varphi)$ are bounded in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$. We can show $x^{\alpha}D^{\beta}(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)\simeq\sum_{\alpha^{\prime},\beta^{\prime}}\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}\tilde{\sigma}_{\alpha^{\prime},\beta^{\prime}}(x,\xi)\mathcal{F}\\{x^{\alpha^{\prime}}D^{\beta^{\prime}}\varphi\\}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ where $\tilde{\sigma}_{\alpha^{\prime},\beta^{\prime}}$ are also symbols of certain orders, say, $m$. Because $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we know that the Fourier transform $\mathcal{F}\\{x^{\alpha^{\prime}}D^{\beta^{\prime}}\varphi\\}\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, so $|\mathcal{F}\\{x^{\alpha^{\prime}}D^{\beta^{\prime}}\varphi\\}(\xi)|\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-M}$ for any positive integer $M$. Hence, $|x^{\alpha}D^{\beta}(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)|\lesssim\sum_{\alpha^{\prime},\beta^{\prime}}\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-M}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}<+\infty$ when we take $M$ to be large enough. For the second conclusion, from $(T_{\sigma}u,\varphi):=(u,T_{\sigma}^{*}\varphi),{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ we have $|(T_{\sigma}u,\varphi)|\leq\|{u}\|\|{T_{\sigma}^{*}\varphi}\|\lesssim\|{u}\||\varphi|_{m}$ where $m$ is the order of $\sigma$. Then by Lemma 1.12 we can conclude $T_{\sigma}u\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ∎ In conclusion, there holds $T_{\sigma}\colon\left\\{\begin{aligned} \mathscr{S}&\to\mathscr{S},\\\ \mathscr{S}^{\prime}&\to\mathscr{S}^{\prime},\end{aligned}\right.$ (2.6) where $\mathscr{S}$ is a shorthand for $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Space $\mathscr{S}$ represents functions which are extremely smooth (good), while $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}$ represents “functions” which are extremely rough (bad). To quantize the goodness and the badness, we introduce the potential spaces. #### 2.2.2. Sobolev spaces ###### Definition 2.15 (Sobolev spaces). We denote $\boxed{H^{s,p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}):=\\{f\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\,;\,(I-\Delta)^{s/2}f\in L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\\}},$ and define the norm $\|{f}\|_{H^{s,p}}:=\|{(I-\Delta)^{s/2}f}\|_{L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}$. Write $H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}):=H^{s,2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Lemma 2.16. The normed vector space $(H^{s,p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\|{\cdot}\|_{H^{s,p}})$ is a Banach space, and $(H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\|{\cdot}\|_{H^{s}})$ is a Hilbert space. ###### Theorem 2.17. Let $\sigma\in S^{m}$ and denote its corresponding $\Psi$DO as $T_{\sigma}$. Then the mapping $T_{\sigma}\colon H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to H^{s-m}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is bounded. The proof of Theorem 2.17 is based on the $L^{2}$ boundedness of $\Psi$DOs of order 0. Formally speaking, $\displaystyle\|{T_{\sigma}f}\|_{H^{s-m}}$ $\displaystyle=\|{(I-\Delta)^{(s-m)/2}\circ T_{\sigma}f}\|_{L^{2}}\lesssim\|{(I-\Delta)^{s/2}f}\|_{L^{2}}=\|{f}\|_{H^{s}}.$ ###### Theorem 2.18. For a fixed constant $s\in\mathbb{R}$, ${~{}\forall\,}r,t\colon r\leq s\leq t,{~{}\forall\,}C>0,{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we have: $\boxed{\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}^{2}\leq\frac{1}{C^{t-s}}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}^{2}+C^{s-r}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{r}}^{2}.}$ (2.7) ###### Remark 2.19. We know that when $t>s$, $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}$ can be controlled by $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}$: $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}\leq 1\cdot\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}.$ The key point of Theorem 2.18 is that $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}$ can even be “controlled” by $c\cdot\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}$ with $0<c<1$. But we need to pay for this: being dominated only by $c\cdot\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}$ is not enough. Due to the fact that $c$ is less than 1, certain “byproduct” should cost to compensate the advantage, and this so-called “byproduct” is $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{r}}$. ###### Proof of Theorem 2.18. When $0<C\leq 1$, it is trivial. When $C\geq 1$, we have: $\displaystyle\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=\|{\mathcal{F}^{-1}\sigma_{-s}\mathcal{F}\varphi}\|_{2}^{2}=\|{\sigma_{-s}\hat{\varphi}}\|_{2}^{2}=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle>\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s-2r}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2r}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}<\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}}\\}}(\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1})^{2t-2s}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2t}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}\sqrt{C}^{2s-2r}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2r}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}<\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}}\\}}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}})^{2t-2s}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2t}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\leq\sqrt{C}^{2s-2r}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2r}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+(\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}})^{2t-2s}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2t}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=C^{s-r}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{r}}^{2}+C^{s-t}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}^{2}.$ This completes the proof. ∎ ###### Remark 2.20. In the proof of Theorem 2.18, when $\varphi$ is compactly supported and $s=0$, and if we replace $\langle{\xi}\rangle$ by $|\xi|$ and choose $r=0$ and $C$ to be small enough and use the fact that $\int_{\\{|\xi|\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\lesssim C^{n/2}\sup_{|\xi|\leq\sqrt{C}}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\lesssim C^{n/2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{1}}^{2}\leq C^{n/2}\sqrt{|\mathop{\rm supp}\varphi|}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}},$ we can prove the Poincare’s inequality $\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\lesssim\|{(-\Delta)^{t/2}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}$ for the set of functions with uniformly compact support. Noticing that $\langle{\xi}\rangle\geq 1$, we can further extend Theorem 2.18 to more generalized situation. ###### Theorem 2.21. For a fixed constant $s\in\mathbb{R}$, ${~{}\forall\,}t\geq s$ and ${~{}\forall\,}r\in\mathbb{R}^{1}$, ${~{}\forall\,}\epsilon>0,{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, there exists a constant $C_{r,s,t,\epsilon}$ such that: $\boxed{\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}^{2}\leq\epsilon\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}^{2}+C_{r,s,t,\epsilon}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{r}}^{2}.}$ (2.8) As mentioned in Remark 2.19, Theorem 2.21 expresses the same information, in addition that the “byproduct” can be $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{r}}$ with any $r\in\mathbb{R}^{1}$. ###### Proof of Theorem 2.21. We pick up some constant $C>1$ first, and then we decide its value later. $\displaystyle\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=\|{\mathcal{F}^{-1}\sigma_{-s}\mathcal{F}\varphi}\|_{2}^{2}=\|{\sigma_{-s}\hat{\varphi}}\|_{2}^{2}=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\\{1\leq\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle>\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\\{1\leq\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2s-2r}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2r}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}<\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}}\\}}(\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1})^{2t-2s}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2t}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\leq\max\\{1,\sqrt{C}^{2s-2r}\\}\cdot\int_{\\{1\leq\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq\sqrt{C}\\}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2r}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{\\{\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}<\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}}\\}}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}})^{2t-2s}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2t}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\leq\max\\{1,\sqrt{C}^{2s-2r}\\}\cdot\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2r}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+(\frac{1}{\sqrt{C}})^{2t-2s}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2t}|\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\max\\{1,\sqrt{C}^{2s-2r}\\}\cdot\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{r}}^{2}+C^{s-t}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{t}}^{2}.$ Now let $C=\epsilon^{t-s}$ and let $C_{r,s,t,\epsilon}=\max\\{1,\sqrt{C}^{2s-2r}\\}$, then we completes the proof. ∎ #### 2.2.3. Other phases Beside the phase $(x-y)\cdot\xi$ in the expression $(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,y,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ in Definition 2.7, it is possible to use more general functions as the phase functions and the corresponding operators are still $\Psi$DOs, i.e., $P\varphi(x)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i\phi(x,y,\xi)}\sigma(x,y,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ will still be a $\Psi$DO is the $\phi$ satisfies certain conditions. See [so17fo, §3.2] for details. ### 2.3. Kernels The expression in Definition 2.7 can also be represented as $\boxed{(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}K(x,y)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y},}$ (2.9) where $K(x,y)$ is called the _kernel_ of $T_{\sigma}$, $K(x,y):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ and the integration shall be understood as an oscillatory integral (see Definition 3.8). Differential operators such as $P=\sum_{j=1}^{n}x_{j}\partial_{j}$ maps $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, and $\mathcal{E}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathcal{E}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, and so by duality argument, we know differential operators $P$ maps $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, $\mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, and $\mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$: $P\colon\left\\{\begin{aligned} \mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})&\to\mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\\\ \mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})&\to\mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\end{aligned}\right.$ But for pseudo-differential operators $T_{\sigma}$, generally speaking, we only have $T_{\sigma}\colon\mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. $T_{\sigma}\colon\left\\{\begin{aligned} \mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})&\to\mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\\\ \mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})&\not\to\mathcal{E}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\\\ \mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})&\not\to\mathcal{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).\end{aligned}\right.$ A $\Psi$DO which maps $\mathcal{E}^{\prime}$ to $\mathcal{E}^{\prime}$ is called _properly supported_. In fact any $\Psi$DO can be divided into a properly supported part and a $C^{\infty}$-smooth part. ###### Lemma 2.22. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\sigma\in S^{m}$ is a symbol, and $K(x,y)$ is the kernel of $T_{\sigma}$. Then for any $\epsilon>0$, there exists two symbols $\sigma_{1}\in S^{m}$ and $\sigma_{2}\in S^{-\infty}$ such that $\sigma=\sigma_{1}+\sigma_{2}$, $T_{\sigma_{1}}$ is properly supported, $T_{\sigma_{2}}$ is smooth, and their kernels $K_{1},K_{2}$ has the following properties: $\displaystyle\mathop{\rm supp}K_{1}$ $\displaystyle\subset\\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}\,;\,|x-y|\leq\epsilon\\},\quad\text{(properly supported)}$ $\displaystyle\mathop{\rm supp}K_{2}$ $\displaystyle\subset\\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}\,;\,|x-y|\geq\epsilon/2\\}.\quad\text{(smooth)}$ ###### Idea of the proof. The proof needs Theorem 5.6. Fix a cutoff function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$ such that $\chi(t)=1$ when $|t|\leq\epsilon/2$ and $\chi(t)=0$ when $|t|\geq\epsilon$. We have $T_{\sigma}\varphi(x)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\\\ =T^{\prime}\varphi(x)+T^{\prime\prime}\varphi(x),$ where $\left\\{\begin{aligned} T^{\prime}\varphi(x)&=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\chi(|x-y|^{2})\sigma(x,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},\\\ T^{\prime\prime}\varphi(x)&=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}(1-\chi(|x-y|^{2}))\sigma(x,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.\end{aligned}\right.$ (2.10) By Theorem 5.6 we see that there exist $\sigma_{1}$, $\sigma_{2}\in S^{m}$ such that $T^{\prime}=T_{\sigma_{1}}$ and $T^{\prime\prime}=T_{\sigma_{2}}$, so $T_{\sigma}=T_{\sigma_{1}}+T_{\sigma_{2}}=T_{\sigma_{1}+\sigma_{2}}$. By Lemma 2.11 we know $\sigma=\sigma_{1}+\sigma_{2}$. The fact $\sigma_{2}\in S^{-\infty}$ can be seen when using the asymptotics in Theorem 5.6, namely, $\sigma_{2}(x,\xi)=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}\big{(}(1-\chi(|x-y|^{2}))\sigma(x,\eta)\big{)}|_{(y,\eta)=(x,\xi)}+S^{m-N-1}=S^{m-N-1}$ holds for $\forall N\in\mathbb{N}$, so $\sigma_{2}\in S^{-\infty}$. From (2.10) we can see $\left\\{\begin{aligned} K_{1}(x,y)&=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\chi(|x-y|^{2})\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},\\\ K_{2}(x,y)&=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}(1-\chi(|x-y|^{2}))\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.\end{aligned}\right.$ which implies $T_{1}$ is properly supported. And the requirements for the $\mathop{\rm supp}K_{1}$ and $\mathop{\rm supp}K_{1}$ can be seen from the expression above. The proof is complete. ∎ ### 2.4. Pseudolocal property We talk about singular support and pseudolocal property. ###### Definition 2.23 (Singular support). For a distribution $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}$, we define its _singular support_ to be the complement of the set $\bigcap\\{O\subset{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\,;\,O\text{~{}is open and~{}}A\subset O\\}$ where $A=\\{x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\,;\,u\text{~{}is~{}}C^{\infty}\text{~{}at~{}}x\\}.$ We denote the singular support of a distribution $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}$ as $\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u$. It is obvious that $\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u$ is as closed set and $\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u\subset\mathop{\rm supp}u.$ We know a differential operator doesn’t increase the support of a distribution, but this is not true for a $\Psi$DO. More specifically, if a distribution $u$ is supported in $\Omega$, then $Tu$ might not be supported in a domain $\Omega$ anymore. Instead, $\Psi$DOs have another property, called pseudolocal property, which means $\Psi$DOs don’t increase the singular support of a distribution. ###### Theorem 2.24 (Pseudolocal property). Assume $T$ is a $\Psi$DO, then $\boxed{\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Tu)\subset\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u.}$ ###### Proof. Assume $x_{0}\notin\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u$. Because $\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u$ is closed, we can find $\epsilon>0$ such that $u$ is $C^{\infty}$ in $B(x_{0},\epsilon)$. According to Lemma 2.22, we can divided $T$ into $T_{1}$ and $T_{2}$ such that $T_{2}$ is $C^{\infty}$-smooth and the kernel $K_{1}$ of $T_{1}$ satisfies $\mathop{\rm supp}K_{1}\subset\\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}\,;\,|x-y|\leq\epsilon/4\\}.$ Hence, for $\forall x\in B(x_{0},\epsilon/4)$, we have $K(x,y)=0$ when $|y-x_{0}|\geq\epsilon/2$. Fix a function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}$ such that $\chi(y)=1$ when $|y-x_{0}|\leq\epsilon/2$ and $\mathop{\rm supp}\chi=B(x_{0},\epsilon)$, then $\forall x\in B(x_{0},\epsilon/4),\quad T_{1}u(x)=\int K(x,y)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}=\int K(x,y)\chi(y)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}=T_{1}(\chi u)(x).$ Note that $\chi u\in C_{c}^{\infty}\subset\mathscr{S}$ due to the fact that $u$ is $C^{\infty}$ in $\mathop{\rm supp}\chi$, so $T_{1}(\chi u)\in\mathscr{S}$. Because $T_{1}u=T_{1}(\chi u)\in\mathscr{S}$ on $B(x_{0},\epsilon/4)$, we conclude that $T_{1}u\in C^{\infty}(B(x_{0},\epsilon/4))$. Also, $T_{2}u\in C^{\infty}$ because $T_{2}$ is $C^{\infty}$-smooth. In total, $Tu$ is $C^{\infty}$-smooth in a small neighborhood of $x_{0}$, so $x_{0}\notin\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Tu)$. We obtain $(\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u)^{c}\subset(\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Tu))^{c}$. The proof is complete. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 2.1. Prove $\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\subset S^{-\infty}$, namely, $\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, $\varphi(\xi)\in S^{-\infty}$. ###### Exercise 2.2. Prove Lemma 2.3. ###### Exercise 2.3. Prove Lemma 2.14. See [wong2014introduction, Prop. 6.7] for reference. ## Chapter 3 Oscillatory integrals In §2.1 we encountered the notion of kernel of a $\Psi$DO, $K(x,y):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ which might not be integral in the Lebesgue sense (e.g. when $\sigma(x,\xi)=1$). However, if we look back to the original definition of a $\Psi$DO, $(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ the integral above is always well-defined in the Lebesgue sense, because $\hat{\varphi}$ is rapidly decaying. Specifically, for any $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and any $\sigma\in S^{m}$, we have $|(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)|\lesssim\int|\sigma(x,\xi)\hat{\varphi}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\lesssim\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-m-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}<+\infty.$ The problems emerges when we expand the Fourier transform $\hat{\varphi}$ (by a variable $y$) and exchange the integration order of $y$ and $\xi$: $\displaystyle(T_{\sigma}\varphi)(x)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int\big{(}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}},$ (3.1) $\displaystyle\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}K(x,y)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int\big{(}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi){\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\big{)}\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}.$ According to Fubini’s theorem, this exchange is valid only when all of the integrals involved are absolutely integrable. From time to time we will encounter integrals of the form (3.1), but also more general than that. A rigorous framework is appealing for making the integrals of these type always well-defined. ### 3.1. Oscillatory integrals - Type I Generally speaking, for any $u\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\sigma\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times R_{\xi}^{N})$, one is interested in the following integral $I(u):=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}\sigma(x,\xi)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ (3.2) where $\varphi$ is a phase function defined as follows. ###### Definition 3.1 (Phase function). Function $\varphi$ is called a _phase function (of order $\mu$)_ if it satisfies 1. (1) $\varphi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times(\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{N}\backslash\\{0\\});\mathbb{R})$ is real-valued; 2. (2) $\varphi$ is homogeneous w.r.t. $\xi$ of order $\mu>0$, i.e. $\varphi(x,t\xi)=t^{\mu}\varphi(x,\xi)$; 3. (3) $|\nabla_{(x,\xi)}\varphi(x,\xi)|\neq 0$ for $\forall(x,\xi)\in\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times(\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{N}\backslash\\{0\\})$. There are different ways to define the notion of phase functions, see [horm2003IIV, §7.8], and we don’t pursue diversity here. Note that $n$ might not equal $N$, and most of the results in §2.1 holds also for the case $n\neq N$. Here we consider phases of order $\mu$, instead of just order 1, because in §5 and §7 we do encounter phases of order 2. The condition $\mu>0$ is indispensable. In contrast with (3.1), in (3.2) it is not sure that integrating first w.r.t $x$ (or $\xi$) can guarantee it’s integrable. Instead, we study $\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}I_{\epsilon}(u):=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}\sigma(x,\xi){\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\chi(\epsilon\xi)}u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ (3.3) where $\chi$ is a function in $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\chi(0)=1$. We show that the limit (3.3) exists and its value is independent of the choice of $\chi$. ###### Theorem 3.2. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$, $\sigma\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times R_{\xi}^{N})$ and $\varphi$ is a phase function of order $\mu$. Fix a function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\chi(0)=1$. Assume either $u\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, or $u\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\varphi(x,\xi)$ is tempered w.r.t. $x$ for any $\alpha$. Then the limit (3.3) exists and its value is independent of the choice of $\chi$, and it equals to $\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)u(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ when integer $T>(m+N)/\mu$ where $L$ is given in Lemma 3.4. The proof Theorem 3.2, we fist do some preparation. ###### Lemma 3.3. Assume $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and let $\epsilon\in\mathbb{R}$. There exists a constant $C$ independent of $\epsilon$ such that $\boxed{|\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}\chi(\epsilon\xi)\big{)}|\leq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-|\alpha|}.}$ ###### Proof. Because $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, there exists a fixed constant $C$ such that $\chi(\epsilon\xi)\equiv 0$ when $|\epsilon\langle{\xi}\rangle|\geq C$. When $|\epsilon\langle{\xi}\rangle|\geq C$, $\chi(\epsilon\xi)=0$ so $\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}\chi(\epsilon\xi)\big{)}=0$; when $|\epsilon\langle{\xi}\rangle|\leq C$, we have $|\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}\chi(\epsilon\xi)\big{)}|=|\epsilon|^{|\alpha|}|\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\chi(\epsilon\xi)|\leq(C\langle{\xi}\rangle)^{-|\alpha|}\sup_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}|\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\chi|\simeq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-|\alpha|}.$ We arrive at the conclusion. ∎ ###### Lemma 3.4. Assume $\varphi$ is a phase function $\varphi$ of order $\mu$, and $\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\varphi(x,\xi)$ is tempered w.r.t. $x$ for any $\alpha$. Then there exists an first order linear differential operator $L=a_{j}(x,\xi)\partial_{x_{j}}+b_{j}(x,\xi)\partial_{\xi_{j}}+c(x,\xi)$ such that ${}^{t}L(e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)})=e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}$, and for any fixed $x_{0}$, $a_{j}(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{-\mu}$, $b_{j}(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{1-\mu}$, $c(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{-\mu}$, and $a_{j},b_{j},c$ are tempered functions of $x$ variable. Here $\langle{{}^{t}Lf,g}\rangle:=\langle{f,Lg}\rangle$, where the integral is w.r.t. $(x,\xi)$, and $f,g\in C_{0}^{\infty}$. ${}^{t}L$ is call the _transpose_ of $L$, e.g. ${}^{t}(\nabla_{\xi})=-\nabla_{\xi}$. ###### Proof of Lemma 3.4. We write $\nabla_{x}\varphi=\varphi_{x}$ and $\nabla_{\xi}\varphi=\varphi_{\xi}$ for short. Fix a $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N})$ with $\chi\equiv 1$ in a neighborhood of 0. Construct $M:=(1-\chi(\xi))\frac{\varphi_{x}\cdot D_{x}+\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2}\varphi_{\xi}\cdot D_{\xi}}{|\varphi_{x}|^{2}+\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2}|\varphi_{\xi}|^{2}}+\chi(\xi).$ We mention several facts about $M$: * • First, $M$ is well-defined. Note that the denominator $|\varphi_{x}|^{2}+\langle{\xi}\rangle|\varphi_{\xi}|^{2}\geq|\varphi_{x}|^{2}+|\varphi_{\xi}|^{2}\neq 0$ when $(x,\xi)\in\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times(\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{N}\backslash\\{0\\})$, and the point $\xi=0$ has been cutoff by $1-\chi$, so $M$ is always well- defined; * • Second, away from $\xi=0$, $\varphi_{x}(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{\mu}$, $\varphi_{\xi}(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{\mu-1}$, the denominator$(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{2\mu}$; * • Third, $Me^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}=(1-\chi)e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}+\chi e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}=e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}.$ The transpose of $M$ is the desired operator. Indeed, it can be checked that, when $x$ is fixed, ${}^{t}M=(1-\chi)S^{-\mu}\partial_{x}+(1-\chi)S^{1-\mu}\partial_{\xi}+(1-\chi)S^{-\mu}+\chi(\xi).$ (3.4) The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Remark 3.5. Here $S^{-\mu}\partial_{x}$ is a shorthand of $a\in C^{\infty}$ such that $a_{j}\partial_{x_{j}}$ for some $a(x_{0},\cdot)\in S^{-\mu}$. Readers should note that (3.4) is somehow misleading because the coefficients might not be bounded w.r.t. $x$, e.g. ${}^{t}M=x_{1}\partial_{x_{1}}$. However, they must be tempered, and these tempered growth will be balanced by the rapid decay of $u$, The notations in (3.4) wouldn’t hurt. ###### Proof of Theorem 3.2. Choose $L$ according to Lemma 3.4, then $\displaystyle I_{\epsilon}(u)$ $\displaystyle=\int({}^{t}L)^{T}(e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)})\,\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (3.5) Readers should note that the transpose of $L$ is realized by the classical integration by parts (nothing fancy here), and it is the presence of $\chi(\epsilon\xi)$ that cancels the boundary terms and makes the integration by parts applicable. The conditions “$a_{j}\in S^{-\mu}$, $b_{j}\in S^{1-\mu}$, $c\in S^{-\mu}$” in Lemma 3.4 give us $\displaystyle\ L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \big{(}(a_{j}(x,\xi)\partial_{x_{j}}+b_{j}(x,\xi)\partial_{\xi_{j}}+c(x,\xi)\big{)}^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \sum_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq T}S^{-\mu|\alpha|+(1-\mu)|\beta|-\mu(T-|\alpha|-|\beta|)}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \sum_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq T}S^{|\beta|-\mu T}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \sum_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq T}\sum_{\beta^{\prime}+\beta^{\prime\prime}=\beta}C_{\beta^{\prime},\beta^{\prime\prime}}S^{|\beta|-\mu T}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\big{(}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime}}\sigma(x,\xi)\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime\prime}}[\chi(\epsilon\xi)]u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \sum_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq T}\sum_{\beta^{\prime}+\beta^{\prime\prime}=\beta}CS^{|\beta|-\mu T}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\big{(}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime}}\sigma(x,\xi)\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime\prime}}[\chi(\epsilon\xi)]u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \sum_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq T}\sum_{\beta^{\prime}+\beta^{\prime\prime}=\beta}\sum_{\alpha^{\prime}+\alpha^{\prime\prime}=\alpha}CS^{|\beta|-\mu T}\partial_{x}^{\alpha^{\prime}}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime}}\sigma(x,\xi){\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime\prime}}[\chi(\epsilon\xi)]}\partial_{x}^{\alpha^{\prime\prime}}u(x).$ The term $\partial_{\xi}^{\beta^{\prime\prime}}[\chi(\epsilon\xi)]$ is the only term that depends on $\epsilon$. Hence, by Lemma 3.3 we can have $\displaystyle\ |L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}|$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ \sum_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq T}\sum_{\beta^{\prime}+\beta^{\prime\prime}=\beta}\sum_{\alpha^{\prime}+\alpha^{\prime\prime}=\alpha}C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{|\beta|-\mu T}C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta^{\prime}|}C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-|\beta^{\prime\prime}|}\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n})$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-\mu T}\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}),$ where the constant $C$ is independent of $\epsilon$. Then $T$ is chosen to be larger than $(m+N)/\mu$, the integrand in (3.5) is bounded by a absolutely integral function. Therefore, according to LDCT, the limit $\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}I_{\epsilon}(u)$ exists. Readers may think where we used the condition $\mu>0$. We also show that the limit is independent of $\chi$. Fix a $T>(m+N)/\mu$, then by (3.5) we have $\displaystyle\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}I_{\epsilon}(u)$ $\displaystyle=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\quad\text{(thanks to LDCT)}$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)u(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ (3.6) which implies $\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}I_{\epsilon}(u)$ is independent of $\chi$. The proof is complete. ∎ Readers may think about if the framework can be generalized to symbols in $S_{\rho,\delta}^{m}$. Now let’s summarize the definition of oscillatory integrals. ###### Definition 3.6 (Oscillatory integral). For any $m\in\mathbb{R}$, any $\sigma\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times R_{\xi}^{N})$, and any phase function $\varphi$ of order $\mu$, and either $u\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, or $u\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\varphi(x,\xi)$ is tempered w.r.t. $x$ for any $\alpha$, the integral $I(u)=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}\sigma(x,\xi)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ is defined as $\boxed{I(u):=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}\sigma(x,\xi)\chi(\epsilon\xi)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},}$ (3.7) where the result is independent of $\chi$, as long as $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}$ and $\chi(0)=1$. The limit equals $\boxed{I(u)=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\xi)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(x,\xi)u(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}$ when integer $T>(m+N)/\mu$, where $L$ is given in Lemma 3.4. In many cases we will meet oscillatory integrals involving parameters. ###### Lemma 3.7. For any $\sigma\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n_{1}}\times\mathbb{R}_{y}^{n_{2}}\times R_{\xi}^{N})$, and any phase function $\varphi$ of order $\mu$, and for either $u\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n_{1}}\times\mathbb{R}_{y}^{n_{2}})$, or $u\in\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n_{1}}\times\mathbb{R}_{y}^{n_{2}})$ and $\partial_{(x,y)}^{\alpha}\varphi(x,\xi)$ is tempered w.r.t. $(x,y)$ for any $\alpha$, the integral $I(u)(y):=\int e^{i\varphi(x,y,\xi)}\sigma(x,y,\xi)u(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ (3.8) is a well-defined oscillatory integral, and $I\colon\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}^{n_{1}})\to\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}^{n_{2}})$ bounded. Moreover, we have $\displaystyle\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\big{(}I(u)(y)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\int\frac{\partial}{\partial y}\big{(}e^{i\varphi(x,y,\xi)}\sigma(x,y,\xi)u(x,y)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ $\displaystyle\int I(u)(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{i\varphi(x,y,\xi)}\sigma(x,y,\xi)u(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ We omit the proof. The take-home message of Lemma 3.7 is that oscillatory integrals can have parameters, and there are much freedom to put operations w.r.t. $y$ inside the integration $I(u)(y)$. Now we go back to $\Psi$DOs and its kernel. We have intuitively claimed that the kernel of $T_{\sigma}$ is of the form $K(x,y)=\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ Note that this object has variables $(x,y)$, so a proper candidate of test functions should be $w(x,y)\in\mathscr{S}$. We choose $w(x,y)=u(y)v(x)$ where $u,v\in\mathscr{S}$, then formally we should have $\langle{K,v\otimes u}\rangle\simeq\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)u(y)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\simeq\langle{T_{\sigma}u,v}\rangle.$ The integral above is exactly an example of Lemma 3.7, so it is a well-defined oscillatory integral. Now the kernel of a $\Psi$DO can be defined. ###### Definition 3.8 (Kernel). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\sigma\in S^{m}$, and $T_{\sigma}$ is the corresponding $\Psi$DO. The _kernel_ of $T_{\sigma}$ is defined as a map: $K_{\sigma}\colon w\in\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})\ \mapsto\ \boxed{\langle{K_{\sigma},w}\rangle:=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)w(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}}\in\mathbb{C}.$ When $x\neq y$, we write $K_{\sigma}(x,y)$ as $\boxed{K_{\sigma}(x,y)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.}$ (3.9) The well-definedness of Definition 3.8 is guaranteed by Lemma 3.7. ###### Remark 3.9. From (3.9), we know that when $m<-N$, $K_{\sigma}$ is a well-defined bounded function for any $(x,y)$ because $|K_{\sigma}|\lesssim\int|\sigma(x,\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\lesssim\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\leq C<+\infty.$ This implies when the order of $\sigma$ is small enough, there should hold some type of boundedness for $T_{\sigma}$, and we will cover this in §6. However when $m\geq-N$, only when $x\neq y$ the kernel $K_{\sigma}$ can be expressed as (3.9). ###### Lemma 3.10. Under the assumption of Definition 3.8, we have $\langle{K_{\sigma},u(y)v(x)}\rangle=\langle{T_{\sigma}u,v}\rangle.$ We omit the proof. ###### Lemma 3.11. Under the assumption of Definition 3.8, when $x\neq y$, $K_{\sigma}$ is $C^{\infty}$ smooth Moreover, for $T$ large enough, we have $\boxed{|K_{\sigma}(x,y)|\leq C_{T}|x-y|^{-T},\quad|x-y|\geq 1.}$ ###### Proof. For any fixed point $(x,y)$ with $x\neq y$, we show that $K_{\sigma}$ is $C^{\infty}$ at this point. Fix a function $\chi\in C^{\infty}$ satisfying $\chi\equiv 0$ in a small neighborhood $U$ of the diagonal $\\{x=y\\}$ and $\chi\equiv 1$ in the interior of the complement of $U$. We can shrink $U$ such that for any $x\neq y$, $\chi(x,y)=1$. For any $w\in\mathscr{S}$, we have $\langle{\partial_{x}^{\alpha}(\chi K_{\sigma}),w}\rangle\simeq\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\xi^{\alpha}\sigma(x,\xi)w(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ Apply the operator $L$ to $e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}$ and integrate by parts, we obtain $\langle{\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\chi K_{\sigma},w}\rangle=\langle{(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\big{(}\frac{-(x-y)\cdot D_{\xi}}{|x-y|^{2}}\big{)}^{T}\big{(}\xi^{\alpha}\sigma(x,\xi)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},w\chi}\rangle,$ which implies $\partial_{x}^{\alpha}(\chi K_{\sigma})(x,y)\simeq\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\big{(}\frac{-(x-y)\cdot D_{\xi}}{|x-y|^{2}}\big{)}^{T}\big{(}\xi^{\alpha}\sigma(x,\xi)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ It can be checked that when $T$ is large enough, the integral above will be absolutely integrable, and is of the order $|x-y|^{-T}$ for $T$ large enough. Therefore, $K_{\sigma}\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2n}\backslash\\{x=y\\})$, and $K$ satisfies the desired decay. ∎ By Lemma 3.11, we see that $K(x,y)$ behave nicely when off the diagonal, thanks to the notion of oscillatory integrals. However, on the diagonal, $K(x,y)$ might still be ill-defined. See Example 3.12. ###### Example 3.12. The kernel corresponding to the identity operator (symbol $=1$) is the distribution $\delta(x-y)$. This is because $\displaystyle\langle{K,v\otimes u}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\langle{T_{1}u,v}\rangle=\langle{u,v}\rangle=\int u(x)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\int\delta(x-y)u(y)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\langle{\delta(x-y),v\otimes u}\rangle.$ which gives $K(x,y)=\delta(x-y)$. ###### Example 3.13. The kernel corresponding to $D_{1}$ (symbol $=\xi_{1}$) is $D_{1}\delta(x-y)$. This is because $\displaystyle\langle{K,v\otimes u}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\langle{D_{1}u,v}\rangle=\int D_{1}u(x)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\int\delta(x-y)D_{1}u(y)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=-\int D_{y_{1}}\big{(}\delta(x-y)\big{)}u(y)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}=\int D_{1}\delta(x-y)u(y)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\langle{D_{1}\delta(x-y),v\otimes u}\rangle.$ which gives $K(x,y)=D_{1}\delta(x-y)$. Besides, readers may also have tried another way to compute the kernel and get a zero result: when $x\neq y$ $\displaystyle K(x,y)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\xi_{1}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(2\pi)^{-n}\int\big{(}\frac{(x-y)\cdot D_{\xi}}{|x-y|^{2}}\big{)}^{2}\big{(}e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\big{)}\xi_{1}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\big{(}\frac{-(x-y)\cdot D_{\xi}}{|x-y|^{2}}\big{)}^{2}(\xi_{1})\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=0.$ This result is technically correct (because $D_{1}\delta(x-y)=0$ when $x\neq y$), but is not complete: it cannot speak about the behavior of $K$ on the diagonal. This example told us, none of the methods is the best one to get most accurate expression for a kernel, sometimes we need to do complicated and delicate computations. ### 3.2. Oscillatory integrals - Type II We know the Fourier transform of a constant function is the $\delta$ function and so the inverse Fourier transform of the $\delta$ function should be the constant, namely, $\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\simeq 1.$ (3.10) This integral can be regarded as the $I(u)$ defined in Lemma 3.7 where the symbol and the $u$ are both constant 1. However, this is not covered by Lemma 3.7 because $1\notin\mathscr{S}$. The map $I$ in Lemma 3.7 is defined on $\mathscr{S}$. Now by using duality arguments we shall generalize it from $\mathscr{S}$ to $S^{+\infty}$. Let $\sigma\in S^{m}$ and $u\in\mathscr{S}$, so $T_{\sigma}u\in\mathscr{S}$. Let $f\in S^{+\infty}$, then $f$ is a smooth tempered function, so $\langle{T_{\sigma}u,f}\rangle$ is meaningful and $\langle{T_{\sigma}u,f}\rangle=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\langle{T_{\sigma}u,\chi(\epsilon\cdot)f}\rangle$ holds for any $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}$. Expanding the integral, we have $\displaystyle\langle{T_{\sigma}u,f}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)u(y)f(x)\chi(\epsilon x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi){\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\chi(\epsilon\xi)}u(y)f(x)\chi(\epsilon x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int u(y)\big{(}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)f(x){\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\chi(\epsilon x)\chi(\epsilon\xi)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{y}.$ This inspired us to define (3.10) as $\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\chi(\epsilon x)\chi(\epsilon\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ More generally, we can generalize Definition 3.6 as follows. ###### Definition 3.14 (Oscillatory integral). For any $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\rho>0$, any $\sigma\in S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N})$, and any phase function $\varphi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N}\backslash\\{0\\})$ of order $\mu$ (real-valued, $\varphi(\theta)=t^{\mu}\varphi(\theta)$, and $\nabla_{\theta}\varphi(\theta)\neq 0$ when $\theta\neq 0$) satisfying $\boxed{\rho+\mu>1,}$ (3.11) the integral $I=\int e^{i\varphi(\theta)}\sigma(\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ is defined as $\boxed{I:=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{i\varphi(\theta)}\sigma(\theta)\chi(\epsilon\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta},}$ (3.12) where the result is independent of $\chi$, as long as $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}$ and $\chi(0)=1$. The limit equals $\boxed{I=\int e^{i\varphi(\theta)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(\theta)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}}$ (3.13) when $T>(m+N)/(\rho+\mu-1)$, where $L$ is given in Lemma 3.16 below. ###### Remark 3.15. The space $S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N})$ is defined as $S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N}):=\\{\varphi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N})\,;\,|\partial^{\alpha}\varphi(\theta)|\lesssim\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m-\rho|\alpha|}\\}.$ See [alinhac2007pseudo, §I.8.1] for more details. Also, the formula (3.9) in the definition of the kernel is meaningful now. ###### Lemma 3.16. Under the condition in Definition 3.14, there exists an first order linear differential operator $L=b_{j}(\theta)\partial_{\theta_{j}}+c(\theta)$ such that ${}^{t}L(e^{i\varphi(\theta)})=e^{i\varphi(\theta)}$, $0\notin\mathop{\rm supp}b_{j}$, and $b_{j}\in S^{1-\mu}$, $c\in S^{-\mu}$, and in a small neighborhood of $\theta=0$ there holds $b\equiv 0$ and $c\equiv 1$. ###### Proof. We write $\nabla_{\theta}\varphi=\varphi_{\theta}$ for short. Fix a $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\chi\equiv 1$ in a neighborhood of 0. Construct $M:=(1-\chi(\theta))\frac{\varphi_{\theta}\cdot D_{\theta}}{|\varphi_{\theta}|^{2}}+\chi(\theta).$ We mention several facts about $M$: * • First, $M$ is well-defined. Note that the denominator $|\varphi_{\theta}|^{2}\neq 0$ when $\theta\in\mathbb{R}^{N}\backslash\\{0\\}$, and the point $\theta=0$ has been cutoff by $1-\chi$, so $M$ is always well-defined; * • Second, away from $\theta=0$, $\varphi_{\theta}\in S^{\mu-1}$; * • Third, $Me^{i\varphi(\theta)}=(1-\chi)e^{i\varphi(\theta)}+\chi e^{i\varphi(\theta)}=e^{i\varphi(\theta)}.$ The transpose of $M$ is the desired operator. Indeed, it can be checked that, when $x$ is fixed, ${}^{t}M=(1-\chi)S^{1-\mu}\partial_{\theta}+(1-\chi)S^{-\mu}+\chi(\theta).$ The proof is complete. ∎ Readers may compare Lemma 3.16 with Lemma 3.4. ###### Lemma 3.17. Assume $L$ is chosen as in Lemma 3.16, and $\sigma\in S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N})$, then $|L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(\theta)\big{)}|\lesssim\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m-(\rho+\mu-1)T}.$ The proof is left as an exercise. Combining Lemmas 3.16 and 3.17, we obtain a result similar to Theorem 3.2. ###### Theorem 3.18. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $\rho>0$, $\sigma\in S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N})$ and $\varphi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N}\backslash\\{0\\})$ is a phase function of order $\mu$. Fix a function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\chi(0)=1$. Then the limit (3.12) exists and its value is independent of the choice of $\chi$, and it equals to $\int e^{i\varphi(\theta)}L^{T}\big{(}\sigma(\theta)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta},$ when $T>(m+N)/(\rho+\mu-1)$ where $T$ is given in Lemma 3.16. The proof is similar to that of Theorem 3.2. The generalized definition of the oscillatory integral can handle more cases. One of the examples is as follows. ###### Lemma 3.19. The following equality holds in oscillatory sense, $\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(2\pi)^{n}.$ ###### Proof. We shall regard $(x,\xi)$ as the $\theta$ in Definition 3.14, then this phase function $x\cdot\xi$ is of order 2. One can also check that $\nabla_{(x,\xi)}(x\cdot\xi)\neq 0$ when $(x,\xi)\neq 0$. We choose the cutoff function as $\chi(\epsilon x)\chi(\epsilon\xi)$ where $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}$ with $\chi(0)=1$, then $\displaystyle\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}:=}\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}\chi(\epsilon x)\chi(\epsilon\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int(\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}\chi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x})\cdot\chi(\epsilon^{2}\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{n/2}\lim_{\epsilon\to 0^{+}}\int\widehat{\chi}(-\xi)\chi(\epsilon^{2}\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(2\pi)^{n/2}\int\widehat{\chi}(-\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\qquad\text{(LDCT)}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{n}\chi(0)=(2\pi)^{n}.$ The case for $e^{-ix\cdot\xi}$ is similar. Note that all of the integrals above are usual integral besides the first one on the LHS. ∎ The following result will be useful. ###### Lemma 3.20. The following equality holds in oscillatory sense, $\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}x^{\alpha}\xi^{\beta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(\pm i)^{|\alpha|}(2\pi)^{n}\alpha!\delta^{\alpha\beta}.$ ###### Proof. We have $\displaystyle\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}x^{\alpha}\xi^{\beta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=\int(\pm D_{\xi})^{\alpha}\big{(}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\big{)}\xi^{\beta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}(\mp D_{\xi})^{\alpha}\big{(}\xi^{\beta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(\pm i)^{|\alpha|}\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}(\xi^{\beta})\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ It can be check that $\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}(\xi^{\beta})=\beta!/(\beta-\alpha)!\,\xi^{\beta-\alpha}$ when $\alpha\leq\beta$, and $=0$ otherwise. Hence, when $\alpha\leq\beta$ we have $\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}x^{\alpha}\xi^{\beta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(\pm i)^{|\alpha|}\beta!/(\beta-\alpha)!\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\xi^{\beta-\alpha}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (3.14) When $\alpha\neq\beta$, we can continue $\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\xi^{\beta-\alpha}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\simeq\int D_{x}^{\beta-\alpha}\big{(}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=0\simeq\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}D_{x}^{\beta-\alpha}\big{(}1\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=0.$ Therefore, when $\alpha\neq\beta$, we have $\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}x^{\alpha}\xi^{\beta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=0.$ (3.15) When $\alpha=\beta$, by Lemma 3.19 we can continue (3.14) as follows, $\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}x^{\alpha}\xi^{\beta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(\pm i)^{|\alpha|}\alpha!\int e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(\pm i)^{|\alpha|}\alpha!(2\pi)^{n}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Remark 3.21. The space $S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N})$ is defined as $S_{\rho}^{m}(R^{N}):=\\{\varphi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{N})\,;\,|\partial^{\alpha}\varphi(\theta)|\lesssim\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m-\rho|\alpha|}\\}.$ See [alinhac2007pseudo, §I.8.1] for more details. Also, the formula (3.9) in the definition of the kernel is meaningful now. We can generalize Lemma 3.19 ###### Lemma 3.22. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $f\in S_{\rho}^{m}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ (see Remark 3.15) with $\rho+2>1$. The following equality holds in oscillatory sense, $\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{\pm ix\cdot\xi}f(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=(2\pi)^{n}f(0).$ ###### Remark 3.23. Lemma 3.22 indicates the the “inverse Fourier transform” is indeed the inverse of “Fourier transform”. ###### Proof. We only show the case $+ix\cdot\xi$. The condition on $f$ guarantees the integral is well-defined, see Definition 3.14. By Taylor’s expansion we have $f(x)=f(0)+\sum_{j=1}^{n}x_{j}g_{j}(x),\quad\text{where}\quad g_{j}(x):=\int_{0}^{1}\partial_{x_{j}}f(tx),\,\mathrm{d}{t}.$ so $\displaystyle\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}f(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}[f(0)+\sum_{j=1}^{n}x_{j}g_{j}(x)]\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=f(0)\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\sum_{j=1}^{n}\int D_{\xi_{j}}(e^{ix\cdot\xi})g_{j}(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{n}f(0)-\sum_{j=1}^{n}\int e^{ix\cdot\xi}D_{\xi_{j}}\big{(}g_{j}(x)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{n}f(0).$ The proof is complete. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 3.1. Check that the ${}^{t}M$ given in (3.4) satisfies (3.4). Hint: utilize the second fact about $M$ to facilitate the derivation. ###### Exercise 3.2. Prove Lemma 3.17. ## Chapter 4 Stationary phase lemmas The stationary phase lemmas is a useful tools for computing certain asymptotics. Some useful references are [dim1999spe, §5], [eskin2011lectures, §19.3], [horm2003IIV, §7.7], [zw2012semi, §3]. From time to time we will encounter oscillatory integrals of the form $I(\lambda)=\int e^{i\lambda\varphi(x)}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ (4.1) where $\varphi$ is a phase function of some order and $a$ is a symbol ($|\partial^{\beta}a(\xi)|\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}$). In §3 we have introduced schemes to make $I(\lambda)$ well-defined. Now we focus on the asymptotics of $I(\lambda)$ w.r.t. $\lambda\to+\infty$ when $\varphi$ satisfies certain conditions. When $\varphi$ is linear, i.e. $\varphi(x)=p\cdot x$ for certain fixed vector $p\neq 0$, there is no critical point of $\varphi$ ($|\nabla\varphi|=|p|\neq 0$). In this case we call $\varphi$ _non-stationary_. For the non-stationary case, the asymptotics of $I$ is straightforward: $\displaystyle I(\lambda)$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{i\lambda p\cdot x}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\int\big{(}\frac{p\cdot D_{x}}{\lambda|p|^{2}}\big{)}^{N}(e^{i\lambda p\cdot x})\,a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\lambda^{-N}\int e^{i\lambda p\cdot x}\big{(}\frac{-p\cdot D_{x}}{|p|^{2}}\big{)}^{N}(a(x))\,\mathrm{d}{x}\lesssim|p|^{-N}\lambda^{-N}\int\sum_{|\beta|=N}C_{\beta}\partial^{\beta}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim|p|^{-N}\lambda^{-N}\int\langle{x}\rangle^{m-N}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\lesssim\lambda^{-N},$ provided $N$ is large enough. This means that $\int e^{i\lambda p\cdot x}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ is of rapid decay w.r.t. $\lambda$. The gradient of $\varphi$ has been put in the denominator in the derivation above, so the method will not be applicable when the phase function contains critical points. In this case we call the phase _stationary_. In this chapter we devote ourselves into the stationary case. ### 4.1. A simple case To help readers understand the method of stationary phase, we start with a simple case where the phase is stationary. To that end, we need to do some preparations. #### 4.1.1. Preliminaries We need the Taylor’s expansion. Suppose $f\in C^{N+1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$, then we have that $\displaystyle f(x)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\delta|\leq N}\frac{1}{\delta!}\big{(}\partial^{\delta}f\big{)}(x_{0})\cdot(x-x_{0})^{\delta}$ $\displaystyle\quad+(N+1)\sum_{|\delta|=N+1}\frac{(x-x_{0})^{\delta}}{\delta!}\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)^{N}\big{(}\partial^{\delta}f\big{)}(x_{0}+t(x-x_{0}))\,\mathrm{d}{t}.$ (4.2) The proof of (4.2) can be found in most of the calculus textbook and we omit it here. Secondly, for a measurable function $u$ in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, as long as $\partial^{\alpha}u\in L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ for $|\alpha|\geq n+1$, then $\hat{u}$ exists and there exists a constant $C$ such that $\|{\hat{u}}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}\leq C\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+1}\|{\partial^{\alpha}u}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}.$ (4.3) ###### Proof. We have $\displaystyle\int|\hat{u}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-n-1}|\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n+1}\hat{u}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\leq C\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n+1}\hat{u}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle\leq C\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+1}C_{\alpha}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\xi^{\alpha}\hat{u}(\xi)|\leq\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+1}C_{\alpha}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\mathcal{F}\\{\partial^{\alpha}u\\}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+1}C_{\alpha}\|{\partial^{\alpha}u}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}.$ We arrive at the conclusion. ∎ We also need the following transformation. For a fixed non-degenerate, symmetric, real-valued square matrix $Q$, we have $\mathcal{F}\\{e^{\pm i\,\langle{Q\cdot,\cdot}\rangle/2}\\}(\xi)=\frac{e^{\pm i\frac{\pi}{4}{\rm sgn}\,Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}e^{\mp i\langle{Q^{-1}\xi,\xi}\rangle/2}.$ (4.4) Here the non-degeneracy condition of $Q$ means $\det Q\neq 0$. ###### Proof. We have $\displaystyle\mathcal{F}\\{e^{\pm i\,|\cdot|^{2}/2}\\}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}e^{\pm i\,|x|^{2}/2}\,\mathrm{d}{x}=(2\pi)^{-n/2}e^{\mp i|\xi|^{2}/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{\pm i|x\mp\xi|^{2}/2}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\pi^{-n/2}e^{\mp i|\xi|^{2}/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{\pm i|x|^{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{x}.$ By standard Cauchy’s integral theorem we can have $\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}e^{\pm ix^{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\sqrt{\pi}e^{\pm i\pi/4},$ so we can continue, $\mathcal{F}\\{e^{\pm i\,|\cdot|^{2}/2}\\}(\xi)=\pi^{-n/2}e^{\mp i|\xi|^{2}/2}(\sqrt{\pi}e^{\pm i\frac{\pi}{4}})^{n}=e^{\pm i\frac{\pi}{4}n}e^{\mp i|\xi|^{2}/2}.$ (4.5) We left the computation from (4.5) to (4.4) as an exercise. ∎ #### 4.1.2. A simple case We study the quadratic case in $\mathbb{R}^{1}$. ###### Lemma 4.1. Assume $a\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$ with $a(0)\neq 0$. Fix an arbitrary integer $N\in\mathbb{N}$. Then for the integral $I(\lambda)$: $I(\lambda)=\int_{\mathbb{R}}e^{i\lambda x^{2}/2}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x},$ there holds $I(\lambda)=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{1/2}e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{i}{2}\right)^{j}a^{(2j)}(0)+\mathcal{O}(\lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}-N-1}\sum_{j\leq 2N+4}\sup|a^{(j)}|),$ (4.6) where $a^{(j)}$ signifies $\frac{\mathrm{d}^{j}a}{\mathrm{d}x^{j}}$. ###### Proof. By the Plancherel theorem (which claims $(f,g)=(\hat{f},\hat{g})$) we have $\displaystyle I(\lambda)$ $\displaystyle=\int\overline{e^{-i\lambda x^{2}/2}}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\int\overline{(\lambda)^{-1/2}e^{-\frac{i\pi}{4}}e^{\frac{i}{2\lambda}\xi^{2}}}\cdot\hat{a}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\lambda^{-1/2}e^{\frac{i\pi}{4}}\int e^{-\frac{i\xi^{2}}{2}h}\hat{a}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},\qquad h:=\lambda^{-1}.$ Using (4.2) to expand $I(\lambda)$ w.r.t. $h$ at $h=0$, we obtain $\displaystyle\int e^{-\frac{i\xi^{2}}{2}h}\hat{a}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{j=0}^{N}\int h^{j}(-\frac{i\xi^{2}}{2})^{j}/j!\,\hat{a}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\quad+|\frac{h^{N+1}}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}N!}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\int_{0}^{1}}\int{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}(1-t)^{N}}(-\frac{i\xi^{2}}{2})^{N+1}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}e^{-\frac{i\xi^{2}}{2}th}}\hat{a}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\,\mathrm{d}{t}}|$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{j}\frac{(\frac{i}{2})^{j}}{j!}\int\mathcal{F}\\{a^{(2j)}\\}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}+\mathcal{O}(h^{N+1}\int|\xi^{2N+2}\hat{a}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi})$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{j=0}^{N}\frac{(2\pi)^{1/2}(\frac{i}{2})^{j}h^{j}}{j!}a^{(2j)}(0)+\mathcal{O}(h^{N+1}\|{\mathcal{F}\\{a^{(2N+2)}\\}}\|_{L^{1}})$ (4.7) $\displaystyle=\sum_{j=0}^{N}\frac{(2\pi)^{1/2}(\frac{i}{2})^{j}h^{j}}{j!}a^{(2j)}(0)+\mathcal{O}(h^{N+1}\sum_{j\leq 2N+4}\|{a^{(j)}}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}).$ Note that we used (4.3). Combining the computations and changing $h$ back to $\lambda^{-1}$, we arrive at $I(\lambda)=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{1/2}e^{\frac{i\pi}{4}}\sum_{j=0}^{N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{i}{2}\right)^{j}a^{(2j)}(0)+\mathcal{O}(\lambda^{-\frac{1}{2}-N-1}\sum_{j\leq 2N+4}\sup|a^{(j)}|).$ The proof is complete. ∎ From this short proof, we see extract several main steps: 1. (1) use Plancherel theorem to turn $\lambda$ into $\lambda^{-1}$ in the exponent; 2. (2) expand the integral w.r.t. $h:=\lambda^{-1}$ at $h=0$ with integral remainder; 3. (3) estimate the remainder with (4.3). ### 4.2. Lemma Statements ###### Theorem 4.2. Let $n\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ be the dimension. We consider the oscillatory integral $I(\lambda)$: $I(\lambda)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Q(x-x_{0}),x-x_{0}}\rangle/2}a(x;\lambda)\,\mathrm{d}{x},$ where $\langle{Qx,y}\rangle$ signifies $(Qx)^{T}y$ as matrix multiplication. Fix two arbitrary integers $M$, $N\in\mathbb{N}$, and we assume * • $Q$ is a non-degenerate, symmetric, real-valued matrix; * • for each $\lambda$, $a(\cdot;\lambda)\in C^{n+2N+3}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$; * • for each $\lambda$, $a(\cdot;\lambda)\in C^{M}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$, and $\forall\alpha:|\alpha|\leq M$, there exists $\lambda$-dependent constants $C_{M,\alpha}(\lambda)>0$ such that $\forall x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ there holds $|\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(x-x_{0};\lambda)|<C_{M,\alpha}(\lambda)\langle{x}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}.$ Then the integral $I(\lambda)$ is well-defined in the oscillatory integral sense, and as $\lambda\to+\infty$ we have $\displaystyle I(\lambda)$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{Q^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}\big{(}a(x;\lambda)\big{)}|_{x=x_{0}}$ $\displaystyle\qquad+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{B(x_{0},1)}|\partial^{\alpha}a(\cdot;\lambda)|\big{)}$ (4.8) $\displaystyle\qquad+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-M}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(x-x_{0};\lambda)|}{\langle{x}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}}\big{)},$ where $B(x_{0},1)$ stands for the ball centered at $x_{0}$ with radius 1, and $\mathop{\rm sgn}Q$ stands for the difference between the number of positive eigenvalues and the number of negative eigenvalues of the matrix $Q$. ###### Remark 4.3. In contrast to many other versions of the stationary phase lemma, here we don’t require $a$ to be compactly supported. Instead, some other boundedness conditions are required, which makes the oscillatory integral well-defined. ###### Remark 4.4. Eq. (4.8) is not an asymptotics w.r.t. $j$, but is rather w.r.t. $\lambda$. To get enough terms w.r.t. $j$, one could choose $M$ be large enough first, and then check if $a$ satisfies the requirements. ###### Remark 4.5. The integers $M$ and $N$ in Theorem 4.2 shall be chosen properly to serve for your own purposes. For example, if one cares more about the decaying behavior w.r.t. $\lambda$, then the $M$ can be set to $\lceil n/2\rceil+N+1$. However, if one is dealing with these functions $a$ which doesn’t have good decaying behavior at the infinity, then one could set $M$ to be large enough such that $\langle{x}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}$ can dominate $\partial^{\alpha}a$, with the cost that we should demand more smoothness of $a(x)$. ###### Remark 4.6. The unit ball $B(x_{0},1)$ involved in the term $\sup_{B(0,1)}|\partial^{\alpha}a|$ can be changed to other bounded domain containing $x_{0}$. But one should be careful that when the domain used has a very small radius, the underlying coefficients of the $\mathcal{O}(\cdot)$ term will be very large accordingly. ###### Remark 4.7. The function $a$ is allowed to be dependent on $\lambda$, hence the expression (4.8) is an asymptotic expansion only when $\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(x;\lambda)$ doesn’t increase significantly when $\lambda\to+\infty$. If chosen $M=n+2N+3$, Theorem 4.2 will be simplified as follows. ###### Proposition 4.8. Let $n\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$ be the dimension. We consider the oscillatory integral $I(\lambda)$: $I(\lambda)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Q(x-x_{0}),x-x_{0}}\rangle/2}a(x;\lambda)\,\mathrm{d}{x},$ where $\langle{Qx,y}\rangle$ signifies $(Qx)^{T}y$ as matrix multiplication. Fix an integer $N\in\mathbb{N}$, and we assume * • $Q$ is a non-degenerate, symmetric, real-valued matrix; * • for each $\lambda$, $a(\cdot;\lambda)\in C^{n+2N+3}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$, and $\forall\alpha:|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3$, there exists $\lambda$-dependent constants $C_{N,n,\alpha}(\lambda)>0$ such that $\forall x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ there holds $|\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(x-x_{0};\lambda)|<C_{N,n,\alpha}(\lambda)\langle{x}\rangle^{2N+2}.$ (4.9) Then the integral $I(\lambda)$ is well-defined in the oscillatory integral sense, and as $\lambda\to+\infty$ we have $\displaystyle I(\lambda)$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{Q^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}\big{(}a(x;\lambda)\big{)}|_{x=x_{0}}$ $\displaystyle\qquad+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(x-x_{0};\lambda)|}{\langle{x}\rangle^{n+4N+5-|\alpha|}}\big{)}.$ (4.10) Proposition 4.8 can be extend to a more general case where the phase function is not quadratic. ###### Theorem 4.9 (Stationary phase lemma [eskin2011lectures]). We consider the oscillatory integral $I(\lambda)$: $I(\lambda)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i\lambda\varphi(x)}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}.$ For an arbitrary integer $N\in\mathbb{N}$, assume * • $a\in C^{n+2N+3}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{C})$ with $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}a|<+\infty$; * • $\varphi\in C^{n+2N+6}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{R})$ with $\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+6}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}\varphi|<+\infty$; * • $x_{0}$ is the only critical point of $\varphi(x)$ on $\mathop{\rm supp}a(x)$, i.e., $\varphi(x_{0})=\nabla\varphi(x_{0})=0$, $\varphi_{x}(x)\neq 0$ for $x\neq x_{0}$; * • the Hessian $\varphi_{xx}(x_{0}):=[\frac{\partial^{2}\varphi}{\partial x_{j}\partial x_{k}}(x_{0})]_{j,k=1}^{n}$ satisfies $\det\varphi_{xx}(x_{0})\neq 0$. Then the integral $I(\lambda)$ is well-defined in the oscillatory integral sense, and as $\lambda\to+\infty$ we have $\displaystyle I(\lambda)$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{i\lambda\varphi(x_{0})+i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}\varphi_{xx}(x_{0})}}{|\det\varphi_{xx}(x_{0})|^{1/2}}\Big{(}a(x_{0})+\sum_{j=1}^{N}a_{j}(x_{0})\lambda^{-j}\Big{)}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}a|\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+6}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}\varphi|\big{)},$ (4.11) for some functions $a_{j},~{}1\leq j\leq N$. ###### Remark 4.10. Proposition 4.8 is a special case of Theorem 4.9 where $\varphi(x)=\langle{Q(x-x_{0}),x-x_{0}}\rangle/2,$ which guarantees $\varphi_{xx}(x_{0})=Q$. Theorem 4.9 is not a generalization of Theorem 4.2 because unlike the quadratic phase function in Theorem 4.2, the phase function $\varphi$ in Theorem 4.9 is not assumed to possess the property that $|\nabla\varphi(x)|\simeq|x|$ as $|x|$ is large. However if $\varphi$ is a homeomorphism of ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, it is possible to generalize Theorem 4.2. In one-dimensional case, explicit expressions for these $a_{j}(x_{0})$ are given in [zw2012semi, (3.4.11)], and the details are given in [zw2012semi, Second proof of Theorem 3.11]. For explicit expressions for these $a_{j}(x_{0})$ in higher dimension, readers may refer to [horm2003IIV, Theorem 7.7.5] for details. In [eskin2011lectures, Lemma 19.3] there is also another routine to prove the stationary phase lemma. [dim1999spe, Chapter 5] by Dimassi and Sjöstrand is also a good reference. See also [won89asy, §2.3 & §6.4]. ### 4.3. Proofs of the results We first prove the quadratic case. ###### Proof of Theorem 4.2. We omit notationally the dependence of $a$ on $\lambda$ until related clarifications are needed. Without loss of generality we assume $x_{0}=0$, and $a(0)=1$. For readers’ convenient we rewrite the expression of $I$ here: $I(\lambda)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Qx,x}\rangle/2}a(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$. Step 1: cutoff singularity of the phase function. According to the assumption on $Q$, we know there exists a decomposition $Q=P\Lambda P^{T}$ where $P$ is an orthogonal matrix and $\Lambda:=(\alpha_{j})_{j=1,\cdots,n}$ is a diagonal matrix. Make the change of variable $y=P^{T}x$, we can have $\displaystyle I$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}a(Py)e^{i\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{j}y_{j}^{2}/2}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{i\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{j}y_{j}^{2}/2}(1-\chi(y))f(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}+\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{i\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{j}y_{j}^{2}/2}\chi(y)f(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\quad(\det P=1)$ $\displaystyle=:J_{1}+J_{2},$ (4.12) where $f(y):=a(Py)$ and $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is a cutoff function satisfying $0\leq\chi\leq 1$ and $\chi\equiv 1$ in a neighborhood of the origin. We will see: $J_{1}$ is rapidly decaying and $J_{2}$ gives the desired asymptotics. Step 2: $J_{1}$ is rapidly decaying. Noting that neighborhoods of the origin is not included in the support of the integrand in $J_{1}$, we can estimate $J_{1}$ by using integration by parts (in the oscillatory integral sense). For any integer $M\in\mathbb{N}$ we have $\displaystyle|J_{1}|$ $\displaystyle=|\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\big{(}\frac{\sum_{j}\alpha_{j}^{-1}y_{j}\partial_{j}}{i\lambda|y|^{2}}\big{)}^{M}(e^{i\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{j}y_{j}^{2}/2})\big{[}(1-\chi(y))f(y)\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}|$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\lambda^{-M}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}|\big{(}\sum_{j}\partial_{j}\circ(y_{j}|y|^{-2})\big{)}^{M}\big{[}(1-\chi(y))f(y)\big{]}|\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\lambda^{-M}\int_{\mathop{\rm supp}(1-\chi)}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}C_{M;\alpha}|y|^{|\alpha|-2M}|\partial^{\alpha}((1-\chi)f(y))|\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ (4.13) $\displaystyle\lesssim\lambda^{-M}\big{(}C\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\sup_{\\{0<\chi<1\\}}|\partial^{\alpha}f|+\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}C_{M;\alpha}\int_{\\{\chi=0\\}}|y|^{|\alpha|-2M}|\partial^{\alpha}f(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}$ (4.14) $\displaystyle\lesssim\lambda^{-M}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\big{(}\sup_{\\{0<\chi<1\\}}|\partial^{\alpha}a|+\int_{\\{\chi=0\\}}|y|^{-n-1}\langle{y}\rangle^{|\alpha|-2M+n+1}|\partial^{\alpha}a(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\lambda^{-M}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\big{(}\sup_{\\{0<\chi<1\\}}|\partial^{\alpha}a|+\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\lambda^{-M}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}}.$ (4.15) The inequality (4.13) is due to the fact that $\big{(}\sum_{1\leq j\leq n}\partial_{j}\circ(y_{j}|y|^{-2})\big{)}^{M}\varphi=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}C_{M;\alpha}|y|^{|\alpha|-2M}\partial^{\alpha}\varphi$ which can be derived by induction and we omit the details. Inequality (4.14) is due to the fact that $\partial^{\alpha}((1-\chi)f)=\partial^{\alpha}f$ in $\\{\chi=0\\}$. Step 3: $J_{2}$ and Plancherel theorem. We turn to $J_{2}$. Keep in mind that $f(y)=a(Py)$ and $\chi f$ is compactly support and in $C_{c}^{n+2N+3}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Here we analyze $I$ by borrowing idea from [zw2012semi, First proof of Theorem 3.11]. First we use Plancherel theorem (which states $(f,g)=(\hat{f},\hat{g})$), $\displaystyle J_{2}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\overline{e^{-i\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{j}y_{j}^{2}/2}}\chi f(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\overline{\mathcal{F}\\{e^{-i\lambda\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{j}(\cdot)^{2}/2}\\}(\xi)}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\overline{(\lambda)^{-n/2}\frac{e^{-\frac{i\pi}{4}{\rm sgn}\,Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}e^{\frac{i}{2\lambda}\alpha_{j}^{-1}\xi_{j}^{2}}}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\qquad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:FrGauiQ-PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=:\big{(}\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\big{)}^{n/2}\frac{e^{\frac{i\pi}{4}{\rm sgn}\,Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}J(1/\lambda,1/\lambda,\chi f),$ (4.16) where we ignored the summation notation over $j$ and the function $J$ is defined by $J(h_{1},h_{2},\chi f):=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{\frac{\xi_{j}^{2}h_{1}}{i2\alpha_{j}}}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi;1/h_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (4.17) Note that in (4.17) we put emphasize on the dependence of $f$ on $h_{2}$ (i.e. dependence of $a$ on $\lambda$). The smoothness of $J$ w.r.t. $h_{1}$ is guaranteed by the $L^{1}$ of derivatives of $f$, namely, we have the following claim whose justification will be clear in (4.20), $\forall m\in\mathbb{N},\,\max_{|\alpha|\leq n+2m+1}\|{\partial^{\alpha}f}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}<+\infty\ \Rightarrow\ J(\cdot,h_{2},f)\in C^{m}(\mathbb{R}).$ Step 4: Taylor’s expansion. We abbreviate $\partial_{h_{1}}J$ as $\partial_{1}J$. Expand $J$ w.r.t. $h_{1}$, $\displaystyle\partial_{1}^{k}J(0,h_{2},\chi f)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\partial_{1}^{k}(e^{\frac{\xi_{j}^{2}h_{1}}{i2\alpha_{j}}})|_{h_{1}=0}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}(\sum_{j}\frac{\xi_{j}^{2}}{i2\alpha_{j}})^{k}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\widehat{T^{k}\chi f}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=T^{k}f(0)=T^{k}\big{(}a(Py)\big{)}|_{y=0}$ $\displaystyle=(\frac{i}{2}P^{lj}P^{kj}\alpha_{j}^{-1}\partial_{kl})^{k}a(0)=A^{k}a(0;1/h_{2}),$ where $T=\frac{i}{2}\sum_{j}\frac{\partial_{j}^{2}}{\alpha_{j}}$ and $A=\frac{i}{2}(Q^{-1})^{jl}\partial_{jl}=\frac{1}{2i}\langle{Q^{-1}D,D}\rangle$ (recall that $D=\frac{1}{i}\nabla$ is vertical). We expand $J$ using Taylor series (i.e. (4.2)), $\displaystyle J(h,h_{2},\chi f)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{k\leq N}\frac{h^{k}}{k!}\partial_{h}^{k}J(0,h_{2},\chi f)+\frac{h^{N+1}}{N!}\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)^{N}\cdot\partial_{1}^{N+1}J(th,h_{2},\chi f)\,\mathrm{d}{t}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq k\leq N}\frac{(hA)^{k}}{k!}a(0;h_{2})+\frac{h^{N+1}}{N!}\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)^{N}\cdot\partial_{1}^{N+1}J(th,h_{2},\chi f)\,\mathrm{d}{t}.$ (4.18) Step 5: The remainder term. By invoking (4.17), the remainder term in (4.18) can be estimated as $\displaystyle\ |\frac{h^{N+1}}{N!}\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)^{N}\cdot\partial_{1}^{N+1}J(th,h_{2},\chi f)\,\mathrm{d}{t}|$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle C_{N}h^{N+1}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}|(\frac{-i}{4\alpha_{j}}\xi_{j}^{2})^{N+1}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi;1/h_{2})|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C_{N}h^{N+1}\sum_{|\beta|\leq 2N+2}C_{\beta}\|{(\partial_{x}^{\beta}(\chi f(\cdot;1/h_{2})))^{\wedge}}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}.$ By using (4.17) and (4.3), we can continue $\displaystyle\ |\frac{h^{N+1}}{N!}\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)^{N}\cdot\partial_{1}^{N+1}J(th,h_{2},\chi f)\,\mathrm{d}{t}|$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C_{N}h^{N+1}\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}|\alpha|\leq n+1\\\ |\beta|\leq 2N+2\end{subarray}}\|{\partial_{x}^{\alpha+\beta}(\chi f(\cdot;1/h_{2}))}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}$ (4.19) $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C_{N}h^{N+1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\|{\partial_{x}^{\alpha}(\chi f(\cdot;1/h_{2}))}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\ C_{N}h^{N+1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{\mathop{\rm supp}\chi}|\partial^{\alpha}a(\cdot;1/h_{2})|.$ (4.20) Letting $h=h_{2}=1/\lambda$ and combining (4.16), (4.17), (4.18) and (4.20), we obtain $\displaystyle J_{2}$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{\frac{i\pi}{4}{\rm sgn}\,Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}\sum_{j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{Q^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}a(0;\lambda)$ $\displaystyle\quad+C_{N}\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{\mathop{\rm supp}\chi}|\partial^{\alpha}a(\cdot;\lambda)|.$ (4.21) Combining (4.21) with (4.12), (4.15), we have $\displaystyle I$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{\frac{i\pi}{4}{\rm sgn}\,Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}\sum_{j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{Q^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}a(0;\lambda)$ $\displaystyle\qquad+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{\mathop{\rm supp}\chi}|\partial^{\alpha}a(\cdot;\lambda)|\big{)}+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-M}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y;\lambda)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}}\big{)},$ which is (4.8). The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Proof of Proposition 4.8. The statement of Proposition 4.8 is almost the same as Theorem (4.2), except that $M$ is set to be $n+2N+3$. Hence, we set $M:=n+2N+3$, then we have $-M\leq-n/2-N-1$, so $\displaystyle\lambda^{-M}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq M}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y;\lambda)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{2M-n-1-|\alpha|}}$ $\displaystyle=\lambda^{-M}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y;\lambda)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{2(n+2N+3)-n-1-|\alpha|}}$ $\displaystyle\leq\lambda^{-n/2-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y;\lambda)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{n+4N+5-|\alpha|}}.$ Also, for the first remainder term in (4.8) we have $\displaystyle\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{B(x_{0},1)}|\partial^{\alpha}a(\cdot;\lambda)|$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{x_{0},n,N}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{y\in B(x_{0},1)}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y;\lambda)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{n+4N+5-|\alpha|}}$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{x_{0},n,N}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(y;\lambda)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{n+4N+5-|\alpha|}}.$ Combining these with (4.8), we arrive at (4.10). The proof is complete. ∎ Based on Theorem 4.2, now we prove the more general case. ###### Proof of Theorem 4.9. Without loss of generality we assume $x_{0}=0$, $\varphi(0)=0$ and $a(0)=1$. Hence by Taylor’s expansion (4.2) we have $\varphi(x)=\sum_{j,k\leq n}x_{j}x_{k}\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)\,\partial_{jk}\varphi(tx)\,\mathrm{d}{t}=x^{T}\cdot\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)\varphi_{xx}(tx)\,\mathrm{d}{t}\cdot x.$ Note that $|\varphi_{xx}(0)|\neq 0$ and $|\varphi_{xx}(x)|$ is continuous on $x$ ($\varphi\in C^{2}$), thus there exists a positive constant $None$ such that $|\varphi_{xx}(x)|>|\varphi_{xx}(0)|/2>0$ for all $x\in B(0,r)$. Fix a cutoff function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $\mathop{\rm supp}\chi\subset B(0,r)$ and $\chi\equiv 1$ in $B(0,r/2)$. Hence: * • on $B(0,r)$, matrix $\varphi_{xx}$ is non-degenerate; * • on $\mathop{\rm supp}a\backslash B(0,r)$, $|\nabla\varphi(x)|$ is uniformly bounded away from $0$. Step 1: cutoff singularity of the phase function. We divide $I$ into two parts $I(\lambda)=\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}(1-\chi(x))a(x)e^{i\lambda\varphi(x)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}+\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\chi(x)a(x)e^{i\lambda\varphi(x)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}:=I_{1}+I_{2},$ (4.22) and we will show that $I_{1}$ is rapidly decreasing w.r.t. $\lambda$ while $I_{2}$ can be analyzed by using Theorem 4.2. Step 2: $I_{1}$ is rapidly decaying. For $I_{1}$, denote $L=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\frac{\varphi_{x_{j}}}{|\nabla\varphi|^{2}}\partial x_{j},$ where $\varphi_{x_{j}}$ is short for $\partial_{x_{j}}\varphi$. Then $\frac{1}{i\lambda}Le^{i\lambda\varphi}=e^{i\lambda\varphi}\text{ and }{}^{t}Lf=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\partial_{x_{j}}\big{(}\frac{\varphi_{x_{j}}f}{|\nabla\varphi|^{2}}\big{)}$. For any $N\in\mathbb{N}^{+}$, $I_{1}$ can be easily estimated as follows (which requires $a\in C^{n+N+1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\varphi\in C^{n+N+2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$) $\displaystyle I_{1}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}(1-\chi)a\cdot((i\lambda)^{-n-N-1}L^{N+1}e^{i\lambda\varphi(x)})\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=(i\lambda)^{-n-N-1}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}({}^{t}L)^{n+N+1}((1-\chi)a)\cdot e^{i\lambda\varphi(x)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\mathcal{O}(\lambda^{-n-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+N+1}\|{\partial^{\alpha}a}\|_{L^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}),\quad\lambda\to\infty.$ (4.23) As mentioned before, due to the presence of $1-\chi$, the denominator $|\nabla\varphi|^{2}$ in $L$ keeps a positive distance away from 0, guaranteeing that $({}^{t}L)^{N}((1-\chi)a)$ is bounded and compactly supported. Step 3: Turn $I_{2}$ into quadratic phase form (e.g. “$J_{2}$”). Now we turn to $I_{2}$. Because $\varphi\in C^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, $\varphi_{xx}(x)$ is symmetric and thus there exist orthogonal matrix $P(x)$ and diagonal matrix $\Lambda(x)=(\alpha_{j}(x))_{j=1,\cdots,n}$ such that $2\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)\varphi_{xx}(tx)\,\mathrm{d}{t}=P(x)\Lambda(x)P^{T}(x).$ Especially we have $P(0)\Lambda(0)P^{T}(0)=\varphi_{xx}(0).$ Denote $\alpha_{j}=\alpha_{j}(0)$ and $n\times n$ diagonal matrix $\Lambda:=(\alpha_{j})_{j=1,\cdots,n}$ for short. Thus $\Lambda(x)=(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}})_{j=1,\cdots,n}\cdot\Lambda\cdot(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}})_{j=1,\cdots,n}.$ Note that we can choose the support of $\chi$ to be small enough such that, on $\mathop{\rm supp}\chi$, $\alpha_{j}(x)$ doesn’t change sign, so $\alpha_{j}(x)/\alpha_{j}$ will always be positive on $\mathop{\rm supp}\chi$. This grants the use of the square root operation. Make the change of variable: $y=\Phi(x):=\left(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}}\right)_{j=1,\cdots,n}\cdot P^{T}(x)\cdot x.$ (4.24) Note that $\varphi\in C^{n+2N+6}\Rightarrow\Phi\in C^{n+2N+4}.$ (4.25) We have $\displaystyle\varphi(x)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2}x^{T}\cdot\big{[}2\int_{0}^{1}(1-t)\varphi_{xx}(tx)\,\mathrm{d}{t}\big{]}\cdot x=\frac{1}{2}x^{T}\cdot\big{[}P(x)\Lambda(x)P^{T}(x)\big{]}\cdot x$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2}[P^{T}(x)\cdot x]^{T}\cdot(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}})_{j=1,\cdots,n}\cdot\Lambda\cdot(\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}})_{j=1,\cdots,n}\cdot[P^{T}(x)\cdot x]$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2}\big{[}\big{(}\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}}\big{)}_{j=1,\cdots,n}\cdot P^{T}(x)\cdot x\big{]}^{T}\cdot\Lambda\cdot\big{[}\big{(}\sqrt{\frac{\alpha_{j}(x)}{\alpha_{j}}}\big{)}_{j=1,\cdots,n}\cdot P^{T}(x)\cdot x\big{]}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2}\langle{\Lambda y,y}\rangle.$ We have $\Phi(0)=0$. It is easy to check that $\frac{\partial\Phi}{\partial x}(0)=P^{T}(0).$ From (4.24) it is clear that there exists inverse of $\Phi$, i.e. $\phi=\Phi^{-1}$ Note that $x=\phi(\Phi(x))$ and $\Phi\in C^{n+2N+4}\Rightarrow\phi\in C^{n+2N+4}.$ (4.26) We have $\displaystyle I_{2}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\chi(\phi(y))a(\phi(y))\cdot e^{i\lambda\langle{\Lambda y,y}\rangle/2}\,\mathrm{d}{\phi(y)}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\chi(\phi(y))a(\phi(y))|\det\nabla_{y}\phi(y)|\cdot e^{i\lambda\langle{\Lambda y,y}\rangle/2}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}f(y)e^{i\lambda\langle{\Lambda y,y}\rangle/2}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ where $f(y)=\chi(\phi(y))\cdot a(\phi(y))\cdot|\det\nabla_{y}\phi(y)|,$ Note that $\phi\in C^{n+2N+4},\,a\in C^{n+2N+2}\Rightarrow f\in C^{n+2N+2}.$ (4.27) Now we can conclude from (4.27), (4.27) and (4.27) that $\varphi\in C^{n+2N+6},\,a\in C^{n+2N+3}\Rightarrow f\in C^{n+2N+3}.$ (4.28) Step 4: Apply Theorem 4.2. By using Theorem 4.2, we can obtain $\displaystyle I_{1}(\lambda)$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}\Lambda}}{|\det\Lambda|^{1/2}}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{\Lambda^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}f(0)$ $\displaystyle\qquad+\mathcal{O}(\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}f|)$ $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n/2}\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}\Lambda}}{|\det\Lambda|^{1/2}}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{\Lambda^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}f(0)$ $\displaystyle\qquad+\mathcal{O}(\lambda^{-\frac{n}{2}-N-1}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}a|\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+6}\sup_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}|\partial^{\alpha}\varphi|).$ (4.29) It can be checked that $\mathop{\rm sgn}\Lambda=\mathop{\rm sgn}\varphi_{xx}(0)$ and $\det\Lambda=\det\varphi_{xx}(0)$. Step 5: The leading term. We are now almost arrive at (4.11) except for the explicit computation of the leading term in (4.11) and (4.29). From equality $x=\phi(\Phi(x))$ we know $I=\nabla_{y}\phi(\Phi(x))\cdot\nabla_{x}\Phi(x)$. Formula (4.24) implies $\Phi(0)=0$ and $\nabla_{x}\Phi(0)=P^{T}(0)$, hence $\det\nabla_{y}\phi(0)=\det\nabla_{y}\phi(\Phi(0))=\big{(}\det\nabla_{x}\Phi(0)\big{)}^{-1}=\big{(}\det P^{T}(0)\big{)}^{-1}=1$. Therefore, $f(0)=\chi(\phi(0))\cdot a(\phi(0))\cdot|\det\nabla_{y}\phi(0)|=\chi(0)\cdot a(0)=a(0).$ (4.30) Combining (4.22), (4.23), (4.29) and (4.30), we arrive at the conclusion. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 4.1. Use (4.5) to derive (4.4). ###### Exercise 4.2. Show details about how to derive (4.7) from $\int e^{-\frac{i\xi^{2}}{2}h}\hat{a}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$. ###### Exercise 4.3. (optional) In (4.17), if we instead set $J(h,\chi f):=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}e^{\frac{\xi_{j}^{2}h}{i2\alpha_{j}}}\cdot\widehat{\chi f}(\xi;1/h)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ and later on expand $J$ w.r.t. $h$ at $h=0$, will the computations following (4.17) still give the desired result? Explain the reason briefly. ###### Exercise 4.4. Assume $a\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$ and denote a Lebesgue integral $I(y,\eta;\lambda):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{i\lambda x\cdot\xi}a(x+y,\xi+\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ 1. (1) fix $y$ and $\eta$, and use Proposition 4.8 to find the asymptotic expansion of $I$ w.r.t. $\lambda$ as $\lambda\to+\infty$; 2. (2) write down the first $1+n$ terms (the leading term $+$ the first order terms) of the asymptotic expansion. Hint: $x\cdot\xi=\frac{1}{2}\langle{Q(x,\xi),(x,\xi)}\rangle$ with $Q=\begin{pmatrix}0&I_{n\times n}\\\ I_{n\times n}&0\end{pmatrix}$, where $(x,\xi)$ is treated as a vertical vector. ###### Exercise 4.5. Assume symbol $a\in S^{m}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and denote an oscillatory integral $I(y,\eta):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{ix\cdot\xi}a(x+y,\xi+\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ 1. (1) is $I$ well-defined? If it is, should the cutoff function $\chi$ (cf. (3.12)) be chosen to cutoff $\xi$ alone using $\chi(\epsilon\xi)$, or cutoff $x$ alone using $\chi(\epsilon x)$, or cutoff both $x$ and $\xi$ together using $\chi(\epsilon x,\epsilon\xi)$? 2. (2) use Proposition 4.8 to find the asymptotic expansion of $I$ w.r.t. $\langle{\eta}\rangle$ as $|\eta|\to+\infty$; 3. (3) write down the first $1+n$ terms (the leading term $+$ the first order terms) of the asymptotic expansion. 4. (4) compare with the result in Exercise 4.4, and revise Remark 4.7. Hint: Perform the change of variable $\xi\to\langle{\eta}\rangle\xi$. ## Chapter 5 Symbolic calculus of $\Psi$DOs In this chapter we show certain symbolic calculus of $\Psi$DOs. We need some preparations. ###### Lemma 5.1. Assume $a$, $b\in\mathbb{R}$ such that $|a|\geq 1$ and $|b|\geq 1$, then for every $m\in\mathbb{R}$ there exists a constant independent of $a$, $b$ such that $\boxed{\langle{ab}\rangle^{m}\leq C_{m}\langle{a}\rangle^{m}\langle{b}\rangle^{m},\quad|a|\geq 1,\ |b|\geq 1.}$ ###### Proof. When $m\geq 0$, we have $\langle{ab}\rangle^{m}\simeq(1+|ab|)^{m}\leq(1+|a|)^{m}(1+|b|)^{m}\leq\langle{a}\rangle^{m}\langle{b}\rangle^{m}.$ When $m<0$, because $|a|$, $|b|\geq 1$, we have $\displaystyle\langle{ab}\rangle^{m}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\frac{1}{(1+|ab|)^{|m|}}<\frac{1}{|ab|^{|m|}}=\langle{a}\rangle^{m}\langle{b}\rangle^{m}(\frac{\langle{a}\rangle}{|a|}\frac{\langle{b}\rangle}{|b|})^{|m|}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{a}\rangle^{m}\langle{b}\rangle^{m}.$ We proved the result. ∎ ###### Lemma 5.2 (Peetre’s inequality). For $\forall a,b\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\text{~{}and~{}}\forall m\in\mathbb{R}$, there exists a constant $C_{m}$ independent of $a$ and $b$ such that $\boxed{\langle{a\pm b}\rangle^{m}\leq C_{m}\langle{a}\rangle^{m}\langle{b}\rangle^{|m|}.}$ ###### Proof. For any $a$, $b\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, we have $1+|a-b|\leq 1+|a|+|b|\leq(1+|a|)\cdot(1+|b|).$ Note that $\langle{a}\rangle\simeq 1+|a|$, so we can conclude Lemma 5.2 for the case where $m\geq 0$. When $m<0$, we use the fact: $\displaystyle 1+|a|\leq 1+|a-b|+|b|\leq(1+|a-b|)\cdot(1+|b|)$ $\displaystyle\Rightarrow\ (1+|a-b|)\geq(1+|a|)\cdot(1+|b|)^{-1}.$ Now assume $m<0$, we have $(1+|a-b|)^{m}\leq(1+|a|)^{m}\cdot(1+|b|)^{-m}=(1+|a|)^{m}(1+|b|)^{|m|}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ### 5.1. Composition of $\Psi$DOs Assume $a\in S^{m_{1}}$ and $b\in S^{m_{2}}$. For notational convenience we denote $T=T_{a}\circ T_{b}$, thus for any $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}$, we have $\displaystyle T\varphi$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,\xi)T_{b}\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta}\big{(}(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot(\xi-\eta)}a(x,\xi)b(y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta}\big{(}(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta}c(x,\eta)\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta},$ (5.1) where $c$ is defined as the oscillatory integral $c(x,\eta):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (5.2) If we could show $c\in S^{m}$ for certain $m$, then it implies the composition of $\Psi$DOs is still a $\Psi$DO. We use the stationary phase lemma under oscillatory integrals developed in §4 to show this expectation. To show $c\in S^{m}$, the task boils down to show the asymptotics of $c$ and its derivatives w.r.t. $|\eta|$, thus we set $\lambda:=\langle{\eta}\rangle$, so $c(x,\eta)=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int e^{-i\lambda y\cdot\xi}a(x,\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi))b(x+y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},\quad\text{where}\quad\tilde{\eta}:=\eta/\langle{\eta}\rangle.$ To make better correspondence with the notations in §4, we set $c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi):=a(x,\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi))b(x+y,\eta),$ thus $c(x,\eta)=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Q(y,\xi),(y,\xi)}\rangle/2}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{(y,\xi)},$ (5.3) where $(y,\xi)$ is treated as a $2n$-dim vertical vector and $Q=\begin{pmatrix}0&-I\\\ -I&0\end{pmatrix}\quad(\Rightarrow\ Q^{-1}=Q,\ \mathop{\rm sgn}Q=0,\text{~{}and~{}}\det Q=\pm 1).$ In $c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)$, we regard $(x,\eta)$ as irrelevant parameters make the following correspondence: | function | variable | fixed point | in total | dimension ---|---|---|---|---|--- In Prop. 4.8 | $a$ | $x$ | $x_{0}$ | $a(x-x_{0})$ | $n$ at here | $c_{x,\eta}$ | $(y,\xi)$ | $(y_{0},\xi_{0})=0$ | $c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)$ | $2n$ To use Proposition 4.8, the only thing left to check is (4.9), namely, to check $\forall\alpha,\beta:|\alpha|+|\beta|\leq 2n+2N+3,\quad|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|\lesssim C_{N,n,\alpha,\beta}(\lambda)\langle{(y,\xi)}\rangle^{2N+2}.$ (5.4) For $|\xi|\geq 2$, we have $\displaystyle|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|$ $\displaystyle=|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{[}a(x,\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi))b(x+y,\eta)\big{]}|$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{|\beta|}|\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}a(x,\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi))|\cdot|\partial_{x}^{\alpha}b(x+y,\eta)|$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{|\beta|}\langle{\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi)}\rangle^{m_{1}-|\beta|}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{m_{2}}.$ Because $|\tilde{\eta}|<1$, when $|\xi|\geq 2$ we can have $|\tilde{\eta}+\xi|\geq 1$. Recall that $\lambda\geq 1$. Hence when $|\xi|\geq 2$, we can use Lemma 5.1 to continue the computation as follows, $\displaystyle|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{|\beta|}\langle{\lambda}\rangle^{m_{1}-|\beta|}\langle{\tilde{\eta}+\xi}\rangle^{m_{1}-|\beta|}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{m_{2}}$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m_{1}}\langle{\tilde{\eta}+\xi}\rangle^{m_{1}-|\beta|}\lambda^{m_{2}}\quad(\lambda=\langle{\eta}\rangle\Rightarrow\lambda\simeq\langle{\lambda}\rangle)$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m_{1}+m_{2}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{1}-|\beta|}\langle{\tilde{\eta}}\rangle^{|m_{1}-|\beta||}\quad(\text{Lemma \ref{lem:Peetre-PM2021}})$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m_{1}+m_{2}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m_{1}-|\beta|}.$ (5.5) We emphasize that (5.5) holds when $|\xi|\geq 2$, and the constant $C_{\alpha,\beta}$ is uniform for $x$, $y$, $\eta$. Then, due to the continuity, (5.5) actually holds for all $\xi$. Hence, the condition (5.4) is satisfied when $2N+2>m_{1}$, with $C_{N,n,\alpha,\beta}(\lambda)=C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$, so we can use Proposition 4.8 directly on (5.3) to obtain $\displaystyle c(x,\eta)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Q(y,\xi),(y,\xi)}\rangle/2}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{(y,\xi)}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\times\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{Q^{-1}D_{(y,\xi)},D_{(y,\xi)}}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}c_{x,\eta}(0,0)$ $\displaystyle\quad+\lambda^{n}\times\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-n-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|+|\beta|\leq 2n+2N+3}\sup_{(y,\xi)\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}}\frac{|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|}{\langle{(y,\xi)}\rangle^{2n+4N+5-|\alpha|-|\beta|}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}(D_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\xi})^{j}c_{x,\eta}(0,0)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m_{1}+m_{2}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|_{(y,\xi)=(0,0)}+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m_{1}+m_{2}}\big{)}$ (5.6) $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\lambda^{|\alpha|}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\lambda\tilde{\eta})D_{x}^{\alpha}b(x,\eta)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m_{1}+m_{2}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\eta)D_{x}^{\alpha}b(x,\eta)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m_{1}+m_{2}}\big{)}.$ (5.7) In (5.6) we used $\boxed{(D_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\xi})^{j}=(D_{y_{1}}\partial_{\xi_{1}}+\cdots+D_{y_{n}}\partial_{\xi_{n}})^{j}=\sum_{|\alpha|=j}\frac{j!}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}.}$ (5.8) By letting $N$ to be large enough, (5.7) implies the following inequality $|\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}c(x,\eta)|\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{m_{1}+m_{2}-|\beta|}$ (5.9) holds when $|\alpha|=|\beta|=0$. To show the case when $\alpha$ and/or $\beta$ are nonzero, we compute $\displaystyle\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}c(x,\eta)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}\int e^{-i\lambda y\cdot\xi}a(x,\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi))b(x+y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\lambda^{n}\sum_{\alpha,\beta}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}\int e^{-i\lambda y\cdot\xi}\partial_{x}^{\alpha^{\prime}}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta^{\prime}}a(x,\lambda(\tilde{\eta}+\xi))\partial_{x}^{\alpha^{\prime\prime}}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta^{\prime\prime}}b(x+y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (5.10) Note that $\lambda\tilde{\eta}=\eta$. Then we repeat the long computation (with the help of Proposition 4.8) as in (5.7), and this can gives (5.9) for all nonzero $\alpha$ and $\beta$. The rigorous computation is left as a exercise. Therefore, $c\in S^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$. By letting $N$ to be large enough, (5.7) implies $c(x,\eta)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\eta)D_{x}^{\alpha}b(x,\eta),$ We proved the following result: ###### Theorem 5.3. Assume $m_{1}$, $m_{2}\in\mathbb{R}$, $a\in S^{m_{1}}$ and $b\in S^{m_{2}}$. Then $T_{a}\circ T_{b}\in\Psi^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$. Denote the symbol of $T_{a}\circ T_{b}$ as $None$, then $a\\#b\in S^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$ and $\boxed{a\\#b(x,\xi)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,\eta)\big{)}\big{|}_{\eta=\xi}D_{y}^{\alpha}\big{(}b(y,\xi)\big{)}\big{|}_{y=x}.}$ ###### Remark 5.4. We deliberately write $\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,\eta)\big{)}\big{|}_{\eta=\xi}$ instead of $\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}a(x,\xi)$, to avoid possible computation mistakes. The same for $b$. ###### Remark 5.5. When symbol $a$ is of the form $a(x,\xi)=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m_{1}}d_{\alpha}(x)\xi^{\alpha}$ where $d_{\alpha}\in C^{\infty}$ are all bounded, or when symbol $b(x,\xi)$ is independent of $x$-variable, the asymptotics in Theorem (5.3) stops in finite term and the asymptotic is “exact”: we can replace ‘$\sim$’ by ‘$=$’. This can be seen from the expression (5.2) of $c(x,\eta)$. See also Exercise 5.3 and [mart02Anin, Remark 2.6.9]. From Theorem 5.3 we know, if $a\in S^{m_{1}}$ and $b\in S^{m_{2}}$, then $a\\#b=ab+S^{m_{1}+m_{2}-1}=ab+\frac{1}{i}\nabla_{\xi}a\cdot\nabla_{x}b+S^{m_{1}+m_{2}-2}=ab+\frac{1}{i}\\{a,b\\}+S^{m_{1}+m_{2}-2}.$ (5.11) ### 5.2. Reduction of variables As we have seen in (2.5) that $(T_{\sigma}u,\varphi)=(u,(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}\overline{\sigma}(x,\xi)\varphi(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}).$ In practice we may encounter $\Psi$DOs of the form $\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ where the symbol $a$ depends not only on $x$ but also on $y$, e.g. in §5.3 we shall see $\Psi$DOs possessing this type of symbols. We have the following result. ###### Theorem 5.6. Assume $a\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{y}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})$, then there exists symbol $a^{\prime}\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})$ such that $T_{a^{\prime}}\varphi(x)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},\quad\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),$ (5.12) and this $T_{a^{\prime}}$ takes the following as its kernel: $K(x,y):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ Moreover, $a^{\prime}$ has the asymptotics $\boxed{a^{\prime}(x,\xi)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,y,\eta)\big{)}|_{(y,\eta)=(x,\xi)}.}$ If (5.12) holds, we will have $\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a^{\prime}(x,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ and so we can expect $\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a^{\prime}(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ to hold in the oscillatory integral sense. By changing $y$ to $y+x$, we see the LHS is a Fourier transform, $\mathcal{F}_{\xi}\\{a^{\prime}(x,\xi)\\}(y)=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi}a(x,y+x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ so $\displaystyle a^{\prime}(x,\eta)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{iy\cdot\eta}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\cdot\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi}a(x,y+x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{-iy\cdot(\xi-\eta)}a(x,y+x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi}a(x,y+x,\xi+\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int e^{-i\lambda y\cdot\xi}a(x,y+x,\lambda(\xi+\tilde{\eta}))\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ where again $\lambda:=\langle{\eta}\rangle$ and $\tilde{\eta}:=\eta/\langle{\eta}\rangle$. The rigorous proof we go by first set $a^{\prime}$ as in this way, and then prove $a^{\prime}$ is a symbol of order $m$. ###### Proof of Theorem 5.6. We set $a^{\prime}(x,\eta)=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int e^{-i\lambda y\cdot\xi}a(x,y+x,\lambda(\xi+\tilde{\eta}))\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ where $\lambda:=\langle{\eta}\rangle$ and $\tilde{\eta}:=\eta/\langle{\eta}\rangle$. Following the arguments preceding this proof, we can show that $a^{\prime}$ satisfies (5.12). It’s left to show $a^{\prime}$ satisfies the asymptotics, which will automatically show $a^{\prime}\in S^{m}$. To show $a^{\prime}$ satisfies the asymptotics, we use the stationary phase lemma in a similar manner as in §5.1. We set $a_{x,\eta}(y,\xi):=a(x,x+y,\lambda(\xi+\tilde{\eta})),$ thus $a^{\prime}(x,\eta)=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Q(y,\xi),(y,\xi)}\rangle/2}a_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{(y,\xi)},$ (5.13) where $y$ and $\xi$ is treated as horizontal vector and $Q=\begin{pmatrix}0&-I\\\ -I&0\end{pmatrix}\quad(\Rightarrow\ Q^{-1}=Q,\ \mathop{\rm sgn}Q=0,\text{~{}and~{}}\det Q=\pm 1).$ For $|\xi|\geq 2$, we have $\displaystyle|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}a_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|$ $\displaystyle=|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{[}a(x,x+y,\lambda(\xi+\tilde{\eta}))\big{]}|$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{|\beta|}|(\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}a)(x,x+y,\lambda(\xi+\tilde{\eta}))|$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{|\beta|}\langle{\lambda(\xi+\tilde{\eta})}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{|\beta|}\langle{\lambda}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}\langle{\xi+\tilde{\eta}}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}\quad(\text{Lemma \ref{lem:abm-PM2021}})$ $\displaystyle\lesssim C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}\langle{\tilde{\eta}}\rangle^{|m-|\beta||}\qquad(\lambda\simeq\langle{\lambda}\rangle,\ \text{Lemma \ref{lem:Peetre-PM2021}})$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-|\beta|}.$ Hence, the condition (4.9) is satisfied when $2N+2>m$, with $C_{N,n,\alpha,\beta}(\lambda)=C_{\alpha,\beta}\lambda^{m}$, so we can use Proposition 4.8 directly on (5.13) to obtain $\displaystyle a^{\prime}(x,\eta)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{i\lambda\langle{Q(y,\xi),(y,\xi)}\rangle/2}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{(y,\xi)}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\lambda^{n}\times\left(\frac{2\pi}{\lambda}\right)^{n}\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{Q^{-1}D_{(y,\xi)},D_{(y,\xi)}}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}c_{x,\eta}(0,0)$ $\displaystyle\quad+\lambda^{n}\times\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-n-N-1}\sum_{|\alpha|+|\beta|\leq 2n+2N+3}\sup_{(y,\xi)\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}}\frac{|\partial_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|}{\langle{(y,\xi)}\rangle^{2n+4N+5-|\alpha|-|\beta|}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-j}}{j!}(D_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\xi})^{j}c_{x,\eta}(0,0)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}c_{x,\eta}(y,\xi)\big{)}|_{(y,\xi)=(0,0)}+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{\lambda^{-|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,y+x,\lambda\xi+\eta)\big{)}|_{(y,\xi)=(0,0)}+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,y+x,\xi+\eta)\big{)}|_{(y,\xi)=(0,0)}+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,y,\xi)\big{)}|_{(y,\xi)=(x,\eta)}+\mathcal{O}\big{(}\lambda^{-N-1+m}\big{)}.$ (5.14) Due to the same logic as in (5.9)-(5.10), we can let $N$ to be large enough, and by doing so, (5.14) can implies $c\in S^{m}$ and $c(x,\eta)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,y,\xi)\big{)}|_{(y,\xi)=(x,\eta)},$ The proof is complete. ∎ Theorem 5.6 completes the proof of Lemma 2.22. ### 5.3. The Adjoint and transpose We define the adjoint and transpose of the $\Psi$DO $T_{a}$ acting on Schwartz functions as follows, $\displaystyle\text{adjoint~{}}T_{a}^{*}:$ $\displaystyle\quad(T_{a}^{*}u,v):=(u,T_{a}v),$ (5.15) $\displaystyle\text{transpose~{}}{}^{t}T_{a}:$ $\displaystyle\quad\langle{{}^{t}T_{a}u,v}\rangle:=\langle{u,T_{a}v}\rangle,$ where $u,v\in\mathscr{S}$. ###### Theorem 5.7. Assume $a(x,\xi)\in S^{m}$. The $T_{a}^{*}$ and ${}^{t}T_{a}$ defined in (5.15) exist uniquely, and both are $\Psi$DOs. There exist symbols $a^{*}$ and ${}^{t}a$ of the same order as $a$ such that $T_{a}^{*}=T_{a^{*}}$ and ${}^{t}T_{a}=T_{{}^{t}a}$. Moreover, we have the asymptotics $\displaystyle\boxed{a^{*}(x,\xi)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\overline{a}(x,\xi),}$ $\displaystyle\boxed{{}^{t}a(x,\xi)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(-1)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}D_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}a(x,-\xi).}$ ###### Remark 5.8. The computation (2.5) gives an very efficient intuitive way to compute the asymptotics of $a^{*}$. ###### Proof. Here we only show the proof for $a^{*}$, and that of ${}^{t}a$ is left as an exercise. Step 1. Existence. As explained at the beginning of §5.2, for $u,v\in\mathscr{S}$ we have $(u,T_{a}v)=((2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}\overline{a}(x,\xi)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},v)$ so if we define a mapping $T$ as $Tu(y):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(y-x)\cdot\xi}\overline{a}(x,\xi)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ then $(Tu,v):=(u,T_{a}v)$. Also, this $T$ is of the form (5.12), so by Theorem 5.6 we know $T$ is a $\Psi$DO. Step 2. Uniqueness. Assume there are two adjoint of $T$, and we denote them as $T_{1}$ and $T_{2}$, respectively. Then for any $u,v\in\mathscr{S}$ we can conclude $(T_{1}u,v)=(u,T_{a}v)=(T_{2}u,v)\ \Rightarrow\ ((T_{1}-T_{2})u,v)=0.$ Hence, $(T_{1}-T_{2})u=0$ for any $u\in\mathscr{S}$ and so $T_{1}=T_{2}$. Step 3. Asymptotics. Theorem 5.6 suggests that the symbol of $T$, denoted as $a^{*}$, satisfies the asymptotics: $a^{*}(x,\xi)\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{y}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}\big{(}\overline{a}(y,\eta)\big{)}|_{(y,\eta)=(x,\xi)}=\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}D_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\overline{a}(x,\xi).$ The proof is complete. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 5.1. Use stationary phase lemmas to complete the estimate in $\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}c(x,\eta)$ in (5.10). Hint: mimic the computations in (5.7). ###### Exercise 5.2. Assume $a\in S^{m_{1}}$ and $b\in S^{m_{2}}$. Utilize Theorem 5.3 to show that $[T_{a},T_{b}]\in\Psi^{m_{1}+m_{2}-1}$, where $[T_{a},T_{b}]:=T_{a}T_{b}-T_{b}T_{a}$ is called the _commutator_ of $T_{a}$ and $T_{b}$, and $T_{a}T_{b}$ is a shorthand of the composition $T_{a}\circ T_{b}$. ###### Exercise 5.3. Prove the statement in Remark 5.5. In Theorem 5.3, assume $a(x,\xi)=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq m_{1}}d_{\alpha}(x)\xi^{\alpha}$ where $d_{\alpha}\in C^{\infty}$ are all bounded, or assume $b=b(\xi)$, then show that $c(x,\eta)=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\eta)D_{x}^{\alpha}b(x,\eta)$ for some finite integer $N$. Hint: substitute the expressions of $a$ or $b$ into (5.2) and use Lemma 3.22. ###### Exercise 5.4. Mimic the proof for $a^{*}$ in Theorem 5.7 to prove the result for ${}^{t}a$. ###### Exercise 5.5. Let $T_{1}$, $T_{2}$ be two $\Psi$DOs. Show that $(T_{1}^{*})^{*}=T_{1}$ and $(T_{1}T_{2})^{*}=T_{2}^{*}T_{1}^{*}$. Here “$T^{*}$” stands for taking the adjoint of $T$. ## Chapter 6 Parametrix and Boundedness of $\Psi$DOs In this chapter we investigate the parametrix and boundedness of $\Psi$DOs, both of which heavily utilize the symbolic calculus. The notion of parametrix can be understood as the approximate inverse, or the inverse module $C^{\infty}$ an operator. For a homogeneous polynomial $T(\xi):=\sum_{|\alpha|=m}a_{\alpha}\xi^{\alpha}$, its corresponding operator $T:=T(D)$ is a $\Psi$DO. To find the inverse, a typical idea is to design $S(\xi):=1/T(\xi)$ and let $S:=S(D)$. Inaccurately this seems to give us $ST=I$ where $I$ is the identity operator, which is (inaccurately) because by Theorem 5.3 (and Remark 5.5) we have $\text{symbol of~{}}ST=\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}T(\xi)\big{)}D_{x}^{\alpha}\big{(}S(\xi)\big{)}=T(\xi)S(\xi)=1.$ Unfortunately, this is wrong, because $1/T(\xi)$ has singularities when $T(\xi)=0$. And due to this reason, $S$ may not be a $\Psi$DO so Theorem 5.3 is not applicable here. However, the $S$ can be saved if we cutoff the singularity. Specifically, fix a $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}$ with $\chi(0)=1$ and we re-design $S$ as $S(\xi):=(1-\chi(\xi))/T(\xi)$ and once again let $S:=S(D)$. It is straightforward that this new $S(\xi)$ is a symbol and so $S$ is a $\Psi$DO. Again, by Theorem 5.3 (and Remark 5.5) we have $\displaystyle\text{symbol of~{}}ST$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{\alpha}\frac{1}{\alpha!}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}T(\xi)\big{)}D_{x}^{\alpha}\big{(}S(\xi)\big{)}=T(\xi)S(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=T(\xi)(1-\chi(\xi))/T(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=1-\chi(\xi).$ It is also true that the symbol of $TS=1-\chi(\xi)$. Note that $\chi(D)\in\Psi^{-\infty}$, so we conclude $ST=I+\Psi^{-\infty},\quad TS=I+\Psi^{-\infty}.$ This inspires us to introduce the notion of parametrix. ### 6.1. Parametrix In what follows we use $I$ to signify the identity operator unless otherwise stated. ###### Definition 6.1 (Parametrix). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $T\in\Psi^{m}$. If there exists a $\Psi$DO $S$ such that $ST-I\in\Psi^{-\infty}$, we call $S$ a _left parametrix_ of $T$. If $TS-I\in\Psi^{-\infty}$, we call $S$ a _right parametrix_ of $T$. We call $S$ a _parametrix_ of $T$ if it is both a left and a right parametrix. The notion of left and right parametrix is somewhat redundant. ###### Lemma 6.2. Assume both $S$ and $T$ both $\Psi$DOs. If $S$ is a left (right) parametrix of $T$, and $T$ has a right (left) parametrix, then $S$ is also a right (left) parametrix of $T$. ###### Proof. We only prove the left-case. There exists $S^{\prime}$ such that $TS^{\prime}=I+\Psi^{-\infty}$. From $ST=I+\Psi^{-\infty}$ we have $(ST)S^{\prime}=S^{\prime}+\Psi^{-\infty}=S(TS^{\prime})$, so $S^{\prime}+\Psi^{-\infty}=S(I+\Psi^{-\infty})$, which gives $S=S^{\prime}+\Psi^{-\infty}$. Therefore, $TS=T(S^{\prime}+\Psi^{-\infty})=TS^{\prime}+\Psi^{-\infty}=I+\Psi^{-\infty}+\Psi^{-\infty}=I+\Psi^{-\infty},$ which implies $S$ is a right parametrix of $T$. ∎ The parametrix of a $\Psi$DO is not always exists. And in contrast with the notion of inverse of an operator, when parametrices exist, they are not unique. ###### Lemma 6.3. Assume $S$ is a parametrix of $T$, and $R\in\Psi^{-\infty}$, then $S+R$ is also a parametrix of $T$. The proof is left as an exercise. One of the condition that guarantees the existence of parametrix is the ellipticity. ###### Definition 6.4 (Ellipticity). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$. We call $a$ and also its corresponding $\Psi$DO $T_{a}$ _elliptic_ when there exist fixed positive constants $C$ and $R$ such that $\boxed{|a(x,\xi)|\geq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m},\quad\text{when~{}}x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}},\ |\xi|\geq R.}$ There is an equivalent definition for the ellipticity of a symbol. ###### Lemma 6.5. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$. The ellipticity condition for $a$ is equivalent to the fact that there exist two positive constants $C$ and $D$ such that $\boxed{|a(x,\xi)|\geq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m-1},{~{}\forall\,}x,\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.}$ (6.1) ###### Proof. Assume $a\in S^{m}$ is elliptic, then there are constants $C$, $R>0$ such that $|a(x,\xi)|/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}\geq C,\quad\forall|\xi|\geq R,$ so for any positive constant $D$ we have $|a(x,\xi)|/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}\geq C-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1},$ (6.2) for $\forall|\xi|\geq R$. If we set $D:=C\langle{R}\rangle$, then $\forall|\xi|\leq R,\quad C\langle{\xi}\rangle\leq D\ \Rightarrow\ C-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}\leq 0,$ so (6.2) holds for both $|\xi|\geq R$ and $|\xi|\leq R$. This gives (6.1). On the other hand, from (6.1) it is easy to see $a$ is elliptic. ∎ We will show that $\boxed{\text{Ellipticity}\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad\exists\,\text{parametrix}.}$ First, we show the ellipticity condition gives the existence of parametrices. ###### Theorem 6.6 (Ellipticity $\Rightarrow$ parametrix). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$ and $a$ is elliptic, then $T_{a}$ has a parametrix. ###### Proof. Here we use the notation $\sigma(T)$ to represent the symbol of a $\Psi$DO $T$, the well-definedness of the mapping $\sigma$ is guaranteed by Lemma 2.11. We denote $T_{a}$ as $A$ for simplicity. Fix a cutoff function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $\chi(\xi)=1$ when $|\xi|\leq R$ and $\chi(\xi)=0$ when $|\xi|\geq R+1$, where the $R$ is given in Definition 6.4. Step 1. Define $b_{0}(x,\xi):=(1-\chi(\xi))/a(x,\xi)$ and $B_{0}:=T_{b_{0}}$, then $b_{0}$ is well-defined because the denominator is nonzero in the support of $1-\chi$. Also, it can be checked that $b_{0}$ is a symbol of order $-m$ (see Exercise 6.2). Then according to Theorem 5.3, we have $\sigma(AB_{0})=a(1-\chi)/a-r_{1}=1-\chi-r_{1},\quad\text{for some}\quad r_{1}\in S^{-1}.$ Step 2. Define $b_{1}(x,\xi):=(1-\chi(\xi))/a(x,\xi)\cdot r_{1}(x,\xi)\in S^{-m-1}$ and $B_{1}:=T_{b_{1}}$. Again, according to Theorem 5.3, we have $\displaystyle\sigma(A(B_{0}+B_{1}))$ $\displaystyle=\sigma(AB_{0})+\sigma(AB_{1})=1-\chi- r_{1}+a(1-\chi)/ar_{1}-r_{2}$ $\displaystyle=1-(1+r_{1})\chi- r_{2},\quad\text{for some}\quad r_{2}\in S^{-2}.$ Step 3. Define recursively $b_{j}(x,\xi):=(1-\chi(\xi))/a(x,\xi)\cdot r_{j}(x,\xi)\in S^{-m-j}$ and $B_{j}:=T_{b_{j}}$. According to Theorem 5.3, we have $\displaystyle\sigma(A(B_{0}+\cdots+B_{j}))$ $\displaystyle=\sigma(A(B_{0}+\cdots+B_{j-1}))+\sigma(AB_{j})$ $\displaystyle=[1-(1+r_{1}+\cdots+r_{j-1})\chi- r_{j}]+a(1-\chi)/ar_{j}-r_{j+1}$ $\displaystyle=1-(1+r_{1}+\cdots+r_{j})\chi- r_{j+1},\quad\text{for some}\quad r_{j+1}\in S^{-j-1}.$ Step 4. According to Theorem 2.6, there exists $b\in S^{-m}$ such that $b\sim\sum_{j}b_{j}.$ Denote $B=T_{b}$, so for any $N\in\mathbb{N}$ there holds $B=B_{0}+\cdots B_{N}+\Psi^{-m-N-1}$. Hence we can compute the symbol of $AB$ as follows, $\displaystyle\sigma(AB)$ $\displaystyle=\sigma(A(B_{0}+\cdots B_{N}+\Psi^{-m-N-1}))$ $\displaystyle=\sigma(A(B_{0}+\cdots B_{N}))+\sigma(A\Psi^{-m-N-1})$ $\displaystyle=1-(1+r_{1}+\cdots+r_{N})\chi- r_{N+1}+S^{-N-1}=1+S^{-N-1},$ (6.3) where the last equal sign is due to $\chi\in S^{-\infty}$ and $r_{N+1}\in S^{-N-1}$. Due to the arbitrariness of $N$, (6.3) implies that $AB-I\in\Psi^{-\infty},$ so $B$ is right parametrix of $A$. By repeating steps 1-4 we can also show $A$ has a right parametrix, so by Lemma 6.2 we conclude that $B$ is a parametrix of $A$. ∎ Second, we show the existence of parametrices gives the ellipticity. ###### Theorem 6.7 (Parametrix $\Rightarrow$ ellipticity). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$ and $T_{a}$ has either a right parametrix or a left parametrix, then $T_{a}$ is elliptic. ###### Proof. Assume $T_{b}$ is the right parametrix, then $b$ is necessarily a symbol of order $-m$, so $\sigma(T_{a}T_{b})=ab+S^{-1},\quad\text{and}\quad\sigma(T_{a}T_{b})=\sigma(I+\Psi^{-\infty})=1+S^{-\infty},$ thus $ab=1+S^{-1}+S^{-\infty}=1+S^{-1}.$ Therefore, when $|\xi|$ is large enough $\forall(x,\xi)\in\mathbb{R}^{2n},\quad|a(x,\xi)b(x,\xi)-1|\leq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}.$ Therefore, $\langle{\xi}\rangle\geq C/2$ is large enough, we can conclude $|a(x,\xi)b(x,\xi)|\geq 1/2\quad\Rightarrow\quad|a(x,\xi)|\geq 1/(2|b(x,\xi)|).$ This gives $|a(x,\xi)|\geq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}/2\quad\text{when}\quad\langle{\xi}\rangle\geq C/2,$ so $a$ is elliptic. The proof for the left-case is similar. ∎ From Theorems 6.6 & 6.7, we see that the condition “$T$ has a right (left) parametrix” in Lemma 6.2 can be lifted. ###### Proposition 6.8. Assume both $S$ and $T$ are $\Psi$DOs. If $S$ is a left (right) parametrix of $T$, then $S$ is also a right (left) parametrix of $T$. ###### Proof. If $S$ is a left (right) parametrix of $T$, then by Theorem 6.7 we know that $T$ is elliptic, so by Theorem 6.6 we know $T$ has a right (left) parametrix. Then Lemma 6.2 tells us $S$ is a right (left) parametrix of $T$. ∎ We recall that when $T$ is a $\Psi$DO, $T$ doesn’t increase the singular support of a distribution (see Theorem 2.24). Now if we know $T$ is also elliptic, then $T$ doesn’t decrease the singular support. ###### Lemma 6.9. Assume $T$ is an elliptic $\Psi$DO and $u\in\mathcal{E}^{\prime}$, then $\boxed{\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Tu)=\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u.}$ Readers may compare Lemma 6.9 with Theorem 2.24. ###### Proof. Denote $Tu=f$, then Theorem 2.24 implies $\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Tu)\subset\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u.$ Theorem 6.6 implies $T$ possesses parametrices. Let $S$ be a parametrix of $T$. Then we have $Sf=STu=(I+\Psi^{-\infty})u=u+C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, so $\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}u=\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Sf)\subset\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}f=\mathop{\rm sing\,supp}(Tu).$ The proof is done. ∎ We will revisit the notion of parametrix and ellipticity in §9.1. ### 6.2. The $L^{2}$ boundedness ###### Lemma 6.10 (Schur estimate). Assume $K\in L_{loc}^{1}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$ and for $\varphi\in L_{loc}^{1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ we denote $T\varphi(x):=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}K(x,y)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$. Also, denote $L:=\sup_{x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}|K(x,y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y},\quad R:=\sup_{y\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}|K(x,y)|\,\mathrm{d}{x}.$ (6.4) When $L,R<+\infty$, for $\forall p\in[1,+\infty]$ and $\varphi\in L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ we have $\|{T\varphi}\|_{L^{p}}\leq L^{1-1/p}R^{1/p}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{p}}.$ ###### Proof. When $p=+\infty$ is trivial, we have $\displaystyle\|{T\varphi}\|_{L^{\infty}}$ $\displaystyle={\mathop{\rm ess\,sup}}_{x}|\int K(x,y)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}|\leq{\mathop{\rm ess\,sup}}_{x}\int|K(x,y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}\cdot{\mathop{\rm ess\,sup}}_{y}|\varphi(y)|$ $\displaystyle=L\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{\infty}}.$ When $p=1$, we have $\displaystyle\|{T\varphi}\|_{L^{1}}$ $\displaystyle=\|{\int K(x,y)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}}\|_{L^{1}}\leq\int\|{K(\cdot,y)}\|_{L^{1}}|\varphi(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\leq R\int|\varphi(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}=R\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{1}}.$ Now we assume $1<p<+\infty$. Let $p^{\prime}=p/(p-1)$, so $1=1/p+1/p^{\prime}$. We have $\displaystyle|T\varphi(x)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int|K(x,y)\varphi(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}=\int|K(x,y)|^{1/p^{\prime}}|K(x,y)|^{1/p}|\varphi(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\leq\big{(}\int|K(x,y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}^{1/p^{\prime}}\big{(}\int|K(x,y)||\varphi(y)|^{p}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}^{1/p}\qquad\text{(by H\"{o}lder's ineq.)}$ $\displaystyle\leq L^{1/p^{\prime}}\big{(}\int|K(x,y)||\varphi(y)|^{p}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}^{1/p}.$ Hence, $\displaystyle\|{T\varphi}\|_{L^{p}}$ $\displaystyle\leq L^{1/p^{\prime}}\big{(}\iint|K(x,y)||\varphi(y)|^{p}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\big{)}^{1/p}\leq L^{1/p^{\prime}}\big{(}R\int|\varphi(y)|^{p}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}^{1/p}$ $\displaystyle\leq L^{1/p^{\prime}}R^{1/p}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{p}}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ As already mentioned in Remark 3.9, when the order $m$ is small enough, $T_{\sigma}$ possesses certain types of boundedness. ###### Lemma 6.11. In ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, we assume $m<-n$ and $\sigma\in S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})$, then the $\Psi$DO $T_{\sigma}\colon L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to L^{p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is bounded. ###### Proof. Denote the kernel of $T_{\sigma}$ as $K$, so $K(x,y)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\sigma(x,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ Because $\sigma\in S^{m}$ with $m<-n$, we know that integral above is absolutely integrable. This means that $K$ is a well-defined function in $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$, especially, $K$ is well-defined on the diagonal $\\{(x,x)\,;\,x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\\}$. However, we remind the readers that the condition “$m<-n$” doesn’t guarantee that $K$ is also $C^{\infty}$ on the diagonal (recall that Lemma 3.11 tells us $K$ is $C^{\infty}$ off diagonal). The value of $K$ on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ is uniformly bounded, because $|K(x,y)|\leq(2\pi)^{-n}\int|\sigma(x,\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\leq(2\pi)^{-n}\int C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\leq C.$ Because $K$ is well-defined and uniformly bounded on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$, we can define the corresponding $L$ and $R$ of it as in (6.4), and we can also enhance the estimate in Lemma 3.11 as follows, $|K(x,y)|\leq C\langle{x-y}\rangle^{-n-1},\quad\forall x,y\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}},$ which implies both $L$ and $R$ are finite. Because $T_{\sigma}\varphi(x)=\int_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}K(x,y)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$, we can use Lemma 6.10 to conclude $\|{T_{\sigma}\varphi}\|_{L^{p}}\lesssim\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{p}}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Theorem 6.12 ($L^{2}$ boundedness). Assume symbol $a\in S^{0}$, then $T_{a}\colon L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is bounded. ###### Proof. Recall the definition for “$a\\#b$” in Theorem 5.3. To prove the result, it amounts to find a suitable positive constant $M$ such that for $\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{S}$, $\|{T_{a}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad((M-T_{a}^{*}T_{a})\varphi,\varphi)\geq 0.$ Our strategy is: we try to find such a $M$ so that $M-T_{a}^{*}T_{a}$ can be represented as $B^{*}B$ for some $B$ so that $((M-T_{a}^{*}T_{a})\varphi,\varphi)=(B^{*}B\varphi,\varphi)=(B\varphi,B\varphi)\geq 0.$ Step 1. Symbolic calculus. Because $a\in S^{0}$, we know $|a(x,\xi)|\leq C$ uniformly for some $C$. Let $M=M_{1}+M_{2},\quad\text{where}\quad M_{1}:=2\sup_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}|a(x,\xi)|^{2}+1,$ (6.5) and $M_{2}$ shall be determined later, and define $b(x,\xi):=\sqrt{M_{1}-|a(x,\xi)|^{2}}.$ It can be checked that $b\in S^{0}$. We use $\sigma(T)$ to signify the symbol of $T$. Then by Theorems 5.3 & 5.7 we have $\sigma(T_{b}^{*}T_{b})=|b|^{2}+S^{-1}=M_{1}-|a(x,\xi)|^{2}+S^{-1},$ and also $\sigma(M_{1}-T_{a}^{*}T_{a})=M_{1}-\sigma(T_{a}^{*}T_{a})=M_{1}-(|a(x,\xi)|^{2}+S^{-1}).$ Hence $\sigma(M-T_{a}^{*}T_{a})=M_{2}+\sigma(M_{1}-T_{a}^{*}T_{a})=M_{2}+\sigma(T_{b}^{*}T_{b})+S^{-1},$ which implies $M-T_{a}^{*}T_{a}=M_{2}+T_{b}^{*}T_{b}-R,\quad\text{for some $\Psi$DO~{}}R\in\Psi^{-1}.$ Therefore it is equivalent to prove $((M_{2}+T_{b}^{*}T_{b}-R)\varphi,\varphi)\geq 0,$ so we only need to prove $(R\varphi,\varphi)\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}.$ (6.6) Step 2. To prove (6.6), we can do the following derivations: $\displaystyle(R\varphi,\varphi)\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\ \Leftarrow\ |(R\varphi,\varphi)|\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\ \Leftarrow\ \|{R\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\ \Leftarrow\ \underline{\|{R\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}}$ $\displaystyle\ \Leftarrow\ (R^{*}R\varphi,\varphi)\leq M_{2}^{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\ \Leftarrow\ |(R^{*}R\varphi,\varphi)|\leq M_{2}^{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\ \Leftarrow\ \underline{\|{R^{*}R\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M_{2}^{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}}.$ We observe that $\|{R^{*}R\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M_{2}^{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\ \Rightarrow\ \|{R\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}.$ (6.7) Step 3. Using (6.7) iteratively, we can obtain $(R^{*}R)^{*}R^{*}R$, $((R^{*}R)^{*}R^{*}R)^{*}(R^{*}R)^{*}R^{*}R$, etc, and each time the order of the corresponding $\Psi$DO decreases by at least 1. We will end up with a $\Psi$DO of order less than $-n$ in finite time. And by Lemma 6.11, that operator is $L^{2}$-bounded. Then we use (6.7) to bring the boundedness back to $R$, so we arrive at $\|{R\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq M_{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}},\quad\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{S}.$ This gives (6.6). The proof is complete. ∎ As a corollary of Theorem 6.12, we have the following $H^{m}$ boundedness for any $T\in\Psi^{m}$. ###### Corollary 6.13 ($H^{m}$ boundedness). Assume $T\in\Psi^{m}$, then for any $s\in\mathbb{R}$, the mapping $T\colon H^{s+m}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is bounded. ###### Proof. Denote $J:=(I-\Delta)^{1/2}$. Because $T\in\Psi^{m}$, we have $J^{s}TJ^{-s-m}\in\Psi^{0}$. Hence for any $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ we have $\displaystyle\|{T\varphi}\|_{H^{s}}$ $\displaystyle=\|{J^{s}T\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}=\|{J^{s}TJ^{-s-m}J^{s+m}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}$ $\displaystyle\leq C\|{J^{s+m}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}=C\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{s+m}}.$ By a density argument we can extend the result to any $\varphi\in H^{s+m}$. The proof is done. ∎ Theorem 6.12 can be generalized to a more general case. The $L^{2}$-boundedness results are given in [hor71con, Cal71Bdd, cava72ac]. Then A. Calderón and R. Vaillancourt generalized their own result [Cal71Bdd] in [cava72ac]. We comment that [hw87th] gives an elementary proof of the results in [cava72ac]. Here we restate the main results in [Cal71Bdd, cava72ac] as follows. Recall the symbol space $S^{m}_{\rho,\delta}$ defined in Definition 2.4. ###### Theorem 6.14 (Calderón-Vaillancourt Theorem[Cal71Bdd]). Assume $a\in S_{0,0}^{0}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n};\mathbb{C})$, then the $\Psi$DO $T_{a}$ is bounded in $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, and there exist constants $C$, $N$ such that $\forall\varphi\in L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\quad\|{T_{a}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq C\max_{|\alpha+\beta|\leq N}\|{\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}a}\|_{L^{\infty}}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}.$ (6.8) ###### Theorem 6.15 (Generalized Calderón-Vaillancourt Theorem [cava72ac]). Let $a\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{y}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n};\mathbb{C})$, and $0\leq\rho\leq\delta_{j}<1~{}(j=1,2)$ and $M/n\geq\frac{1}{2}(\delta_{1}+\delta_{2})-\rho$. If there exists a constant $\mathcal{C}$ such that $\forall(x,\xi)\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, $|\partial_{x}^{\alpha_{1}}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}a(x,y,\xi)|\leq\mathcal{C}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-M+\delta_{1}|\alpha_{1}|-\rho|\beta|},\quad|\partial_{y}^{\alpha_{2}}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}a(x,y,\xi)|\leq\mathcal{C}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-M+\delta_{2}|\alpha_{2}|-\rho|\beta|}$ holds for all $0\leq|\beta|\leq 2\lceil n/2\rceil+2$ and $0\leq|\alpha_{j}|\leq 2m_{j}$ $(j=1,2)$ with $m_{j}$ being the least integer satisfying $m_{j}(1-\delta_{j})\geq 5n/4$, then the linear operator $T_{a}$ defined as $T_{a}\varphi(x):=(2\pi)^{-n}\iint_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ is bounded from $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ to $L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\|{T_{a}}\|_{L^{2}\to L^{2}}\leq C_{\delta_{1},\delta_{2},n}\mathcal{C}$ for some constant $C_{\delta_{1},\delta_{2},n}$. For simplicity, we summarize a easy-to-use $L^{2}$-boundedness result as follows, $\boxed{a\in S_{0,0}^{0}\ \Rightarrow\ \|{T_{a}}\|_{L^{2}\to L^{2}}<\infty.}$ For the $L^{p}$-boundedness ($1<p<+\infty$) result, readers may refer to [Coi78au] (in French) and [hwa94Lp]. ### 6.3. Gårding’s inequalities We use notation $\Re f$ to signify the real-valued part of any object $f$. Recall the Sobolev spaces $H^{s,p}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ defined in Definition 2.15, and the corresponding Sobolev norms $\|{\cdot}\|_{H^{m,p}}$ and $\|{\cdot}\|_{H^{m}}$. We denote $J^{m}:=(I-\Delta)^{m/2}$ and $J:=J^{1}$, namely, $J^{m}$ takes $\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}$ as its symbol. It can be checked that $J^{m}\in\Psi^{m}$, $J^{m_{1}}J^{m_{2}}=J^{m_{1}+m_{2}}$, $J$ is self-adjoint, and $J^{0}$ is the identity operator. #### 6.3.1. Gårding’s Inequality ###### Definition 6.16 (Strongly elliptic). Let $m\in\mathbb{R}$. A symbol $a$ is said to be _strongly elliptic_ of order $2m$, if $a\in S^{2m}$ and if there exist fixed positive constants $C$, $R$ such that $\boxed{\Re a(x,\xi)\geq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m},{~{}\forall\,}|\xi|\geq R,}$ holds. Similar to Lemma 6.5, there is an equivalent definition for the strong ellipticity of a symbol. ###### Lemma 6.17. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{2m}$. The strong ellipticity condition for $a$ is equivalent to the fact that there exist two positive constants $C$ and $D$ such that $\boxed{\Re a(x,\xi)\geq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m-1},{~{}\forall\,}x,\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.}$ (6.9) ###### Proof. Assume $a\in S^{2m}$ is strongly elliptic, then there are constants $C$, $R>0$ such that $\Re a(x,\xi)/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}\geq C,\quad\forall|\xi|\geq R,$ so for any positive constant $D$ we have $\Re a(x,\xi)/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}\geq C-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1},$ (6.10) for $\forall|\xi|\geq R$. Also, because $a$ is a symbol of order $2m$, for some $M>0$ we have, $|\Re a(x,\xi)|/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}\leq|a(x,\xi)|/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}\leq M\quad\Rightarrow\quad\Re a(x,\xi)/\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}\geq-M,\quad\forall\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.$ We set $D$ to be large enough such that $-M\geq\sup_{|\xi|\leq R}(C-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}),\quad\text{e.g.}\quad D:=(C+M)\langle{R}\rangle,$ then (6.10) holds for both $|\xi|\geq R$ and $|\xi|\leq R$. This gives (6.9). On the other hand, from (6.9) it is easy to see $a$ is strongly elliptic. ∎ We are ready for the Gårding’s Inequality. ###### Theorem 6.18 (Gårding’s inequality). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and the symbol $a\in S^{2m}$ is strongly elliptic. Then we can find a positive constant $C$ and a positive constant $C_{s}$ for every reals numbers $s\geq\frac{1}{2}$ such that $\boxed{\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)\geq C\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m}}^{2}-C_{s}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m-s}}^{2},{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).}$ (6.11) ###### Remark 6.19. When $a(x,\xi)=\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}$, then $a$ is strongly elliptic and $\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)=\Re(J^{2m}\varphi,\varphi)=\Re(J^{m}\varphi,J^{m}\varphi)=\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m}}^{2},$ which implies (6.11). Theorem 6.18 implies that even if a symbol is not of the form $\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2m}$ but is only strongly elliptic of order $2m$, then $T_{a}$ still possesses some positiveness. ###### Proof of Theorem 6.18. Let’s denote the symbol of $T_{a}^{*}$ as $a^{*}$, then it can be checked that $\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)=(T_{\frac{1}{2}(a+a^{*})}\varphi,\varphi).$ Step 1. When $m=0$. Because $a$ is strongly elliptic and $m=0$, by Lemma 6.17 and Theorem 5.7 we have $\frac{1}{2}(a+a^{*})=\Re a+r\geq C-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}+r=C-r,$ where $r$ is a generic symbol in $S^{-1}$. This makes it legal to define a symbol111See Exercise 6.3. $b\in S^{0}$ as follows, $b(x,\xi):=\big{(}\frac{1}{2}(a+a^{*})-\frac{1}{2}C+r\big{)}^{1/2}$ (6.12) Then by Theorems 5.3 & 5.7 we have (symbolic calculus) $b^{*}\\#b=(\overline{b}+S^{-1})b+S^{-1}=b^{2}+S^{-1}=\frac{1}{2}(a+a^{*})-\frac{1}{2}C+r+S^{-1},$ so $\frac{1}{2}(a+a^{*})=b^{*}\\#b+\frac{1}{2}C+r,$ where $r$ is a generic symbol in $S^{-1}$. Therefore, $\displaystyle\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=(T_{\frac{1}{2}(a+a^{*})}\varphi,\varphi)=(T_{b}^{*}T_{b}\varphi,\varphi)+\frac{C}{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+(R\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=\|{T_{b}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+\frac{C}{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+(R\varphi,\varphi)\geq\frac{C}{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+(R\varphi,\varphi),$ (6.13) for some $R\in\Psi^{-1}$. We have $\displaystyle|(R\varphi,\varphi)|$ $\displaystyle=|(RJ^{1/2}J^{-1/2}\varphi,J^{1/2}J^{-1/2}\varphi)|=|(J^{1/2}RJ^{1/2}(J^{-1/2}\varphi),J^{-1/2}\varphi)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\|{\underline{J^{1/2}RJ^{1/2}}(J^{-1/2}\varphi)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{-1/2}}\leq C^{\prime}\|{J^{-1/2}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{-1/2}}$ (6.14) $\displaystyle=C^{\prime}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{-1/2}}^{2}.$ (6.15) Note that in (6.14) we used the facts $J^{1/2}RJ^{1/2}\in\Psi^{0}$ and operators in $\Psi^{0}$ are $L^{2}$-bounded. Combining (6.15) with (6.13) we arrive at $\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)\geq\frac{C}{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}-C^{\prime}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{-1/2}}^{2}.$ (6.16) Step 2. When $m\neq 0$. Let $T_{a^{\prime}}=J^{-m}T_{a}J^{-m}$ for certain $a^{\prime}\in S^{0}$. Then it can checked that there exist $C,D>0$ so that $\Re a^{\prime}(x,\xi)\geq C-D\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1},\quad\forall x,\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}.$ (6.17) Hence according to Lemma 6.17, $a^{\prime}$ is strongly elliptic, so by using the result in Step 1 we can have $\displaystyle\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=\Re(J^{m}T_{a^{\prime}}J^{m}\varphi,\varphi)=\Re(T_{a^{\prime}}J^{m}\varphi,J^{m}\varphi)$ $\displaystyle\geq\frac{C}{2}\|{J^{m}\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}-C^{\prime}\|{J^{m}\varphi}\|_{H^{-1/2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{C}{2}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m}}^{2}-C^{\prime}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m-1/2}}^{2}.$ (6.18) Step 3. From Theorem 2.18 we have $\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m-1/2}}^{2}\leq\frac{1}{D^{1/2}}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m}}^{2}+D^{s-1/2}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m-s}}^{2},$ for any $D>0$. Set $D$ to be small enough and substitute the inequality above into (6.16) and (6.18), we arrive at the conclusion. ∎ Gårding’s Inequality is used for giving the existence and uniqueness of the following type equation: $(T_{a}+\lambda I)u=f.$ Let $m\geq 1/2$ and $s=m$, and assume $a\in S^{2m}$ is strongly elliptic symbol, then $C\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m}}^{2}-\lambda_{0}\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}\leq\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi),\quad\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ for some constant $\lambda_{0}>0$, then for all $\lambda>\lambda_{0}$, we can conclude $C\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}\leq C\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m}}^{2}\leq\Re((T_{a}+\lambda)\varphi,\varphi)=\Re(\varphi,(T_{a}^{*}+\lambda)\varphi)\leq\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\|{(T_{a}^{*}+\lambda)\varphi}\|_{L^{2}},$ which leads to a coercive condition: $C\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}\leq\|{(T_{a}^{*}+\lambda)\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}.$ Combining this with the Lax-Milgram theorem we can conclude that: ###### Corollary 6.20. Assume $m\geq 1/2$ and $a\in S^{2m}$ is strongly elliptic. There exists a constant $\lambda_{0}$ such that when any $\lambda>\lambda_{0}$, for any $f\in L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ there exists a unique weak solution $u\in L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ satisfying the equation $(T_{a}+\lambda)u=f.$ #### 6.3.2. Sharp Gårding’s Inequality In the proof of Theorem 6.18 later on, we see that having a strictly positive lower bound for $\Re a$ is critical, and the method in that proof will fail if the lower bound reduces to zero. However, when $\Re a\geq 0$, one can still obtain some lower bound of $\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)$ and that result is called sharp Gåding’s inequality. ###### Theorem 6.21 (Sharp Gårding’s Inequality). For a symbol $a\in S^{2m}$ satisfying $\boxed{\Re a(x,\xi)\geq 0,{~{}\forall\,}|\xi|\geq R,}$ (6.19) we can find a positive constant $C$ such that $\boxed{\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)\geq-C\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{m-1/2}}^{2},{~{}\forall\,}\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).}$ The prove (6.21), we introduce the _wave packet transform_. The wave packet transform $W\colon L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is defined as (see [chen2006pseudodifferential, Theorem 4.2.3]) $Wu(z,\xi):=c_{n}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/4}(e^{i(\cdot)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|\cdot|^{2}}*_{z}u),$ (6.20) and its conjugate in terms of the $L^{2}$-inner product is given by, $W^{*}F(x)=c_{n}\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/4}(e^{i(\cdot)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|\cdot|^{2}}*_{x}F(\cdot,\xi))\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ (6.21) where the constant $c_{n}=2^{-n/4}\pi^{-3n/4}$ and $(f*_{x}g)$ signifies $\int f(x-y)g(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$. ###### Lemma 6.22. The wave packet transform $W$ defined in (6.20) is a bounded linear operator. ###### Proof. The linearity is obvious. To show the boundedness, we compute $\|{Wu}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})}^{2}$, $\displaystyle\|{Wu}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\iint|\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/4}(e^{i(\cdot)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|\cdot|^{2}}*_{z}u)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\int|\mathcal{F}\\{(e^{i(\cdot)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|\cdot|^{2}}\\}(\eta)|^{2}\cdot|\hat{u}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\quad(\text{Plancherel theorem})$ $\displaystyle=\int\big{(}\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}|\mathcal{F}\\{(e^{i(\cdot)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|\cdot|^{2}}\\}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\cdot|\hat{u}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int\big{(}\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}|\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-n/2}e^{-\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}|\eta-\xi|^{2}/4}|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\cdot|\hat{u}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=\int\big{(}\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-n/2}e^{-\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-1}|\eta-\xi|^{2}/2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\cdot|\hat{u}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\leq\int\big{(}\int e^{-|\eta-\xi|^{2}/2}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\cdot|\hat{u}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\lesssim\int|\hat{u}(\eta)|^{2}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=\|{u}\|_{L^{2}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})}^{2}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Proof of Theorem 6.21. similar to Proof of Theorem 6.18, the general cases w.r.t. $m$ stem from the special case where $m=1/2$. Let’s assume $m=1/2$ for the time being and try to show $\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)\gtrsim-\|{\varphi}\|_{-1/2,2}^{2}$. The condition (6.19) can be replaced by “$\Re a(x,\xi)\geq 0,\,\forall\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$”, and this is because we can fix some $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};{\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ (thus $\chi\in S^{-\infty}$) satisfying $\chi(\xi)\geq\sup_{(x,\xi)}\Re a(x,\xi)$ when $\\{|\xi|\leq R\\}$, and then we can obtain $\Re a(x,\xi)+\chi(\xi)\geq 0,\,\forall\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$. Note that $\Re(\chi\varphi,\varphi)\gtrsim-\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ because $\chi\in S^{-\infty}$. Therefore, from now on we assume $\Re a(x,\xi)\geq 0,\,\forall\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$. Denote as $b(x,\xi)$ the symbol of $W^{*}\Re aW$. The operator $T_{b}:=W^{*}\Re aW$ is defined by $T_{b}\varphi(x)=W^{*}(\Re a\cdot W\varphi)(x)$ for $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. We have $\displaystyle T_{b}\varphi(x)$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/4}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}\Re a(y,\xi)W\varphi(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/4}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}\Re a(y,\xi)\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/4}\int e^{i(y-z)\cdot\xi-\langle{\xi}\rangle|y-z|^{2}}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\iint e^{i(x-z)\cdot\xi}(\int e^{-\langle{\xi}\rangle(|y-z|^{2}+|x-y|^{2})}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\Re a(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{y})\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=\iint e^{i(x-z)\cdot\xi}\tilde{a}(x,z,\xi)\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ (6.22) where $\tilde{a}(x,z,\xi):=\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\int e^{-\langle{\xi}\rangle(|y-z|^{2}+|x-y|^{2})}\Re a(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$. It can be checked that $\tilde{a}\in S_{1,1/2}^{1}$. By [chen2006pseudodifferential, Theorem 2.4.1], we have the asymptotic expansion $b(x,\xi)=\tilde{a}(x,x,\xi)+\sum_{j=1}^{n}e_{j}(x,\xi)+r,\quad r\in S_{1,1/2}^{0},$ (6.23) where $e_{j}(x,\xi)=\partial_{z_{j}}D_{\xi_{j}}\tilde{a}(x,z,\xi)|_{z=x}$. Note that $e_{j}$ belongs to $S_{1,1/2}^{1/2}$, not $S_{1,1/2}^{0}$, and this is why we expand $\tilde{a}$ to the second order. The symbols $e_{j}$ is purely imaginary because $\tilde{a}$ is real. For $\tilde{a}(x,x,\xi)$, we have $\displaystyle\tilde{a}(x,x,\xi)$ $\displaystyle=\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\Re\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}a(y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\Re\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}\big{[}a(x,\xi)+\sum_{j}(y-x)^{(j)}\partial_{x_{j}}a(x,\xi)$ $\displaystyle\quad+\sum_{|\alpha|=2}(y-x)^{\alpha}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(\rho x+(1-\rho)y,\xi)/2\big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\Re a(x,\xi)+\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\Re\partial_{x_{j}}a(x,\xi)\sum_{j}\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}(y-x)^{(j)}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\sum_{|\alpha|=2}\Re\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}(y-x)^{\alpha}\cdot\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(\rho x+(1-\rho)y,\xi)/2\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\Re a(x,\xi)+\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\sum_{|\alpha|=2}\Re\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}(y-x)^{\alpha}\cdot\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(\rho x+(1-\rho)y,\xi)/2\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=\Re a(x,\xi)+r^{\prime},\quad r^{\prime}\in S^{0}.$ (6.24) The last equal sign in (6.24) is due to the following computation, $\displaystyle\ |\langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}(y-x)^{\alpha}\cdot\partial_{x}^{\alpha}a(\rho x+(1-\rho)y,\xi)/2\,\mathrm{d}{y}|$ $\displaystyle\lesssim$ $\displaystyle\ \langle{\xi}\rangle^{n/2}\int e^{-2\langle{\xi}\rangle|x-y|^{2}}|(y-x)^{\alpha}|\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \int e^{-2|\langle{\xi}\rangle^{1/2}y|^{2}}|(\langle{\xi}\rangle^{1/2}y)^{\alpha}|\,\mathrm{d}{(}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{1/2}y)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \int e^{-2|y|^{2}}|y^{\alpha}|\,\mathrm{d}{y}\leq C$ for some positive constant $C$. Combining (6.23) and (6.24), we obtain $b(x,\xi)=\Re a(x,\xi)+\sum_{j=1}^{n}e_{j}(x,\xi)+r,\quad e_{j}\in S_{1,1/2}^{1/2},\quad r\in S_{1,1/2}^{0},$ (6.25) and thus $(a+a^{*})/2=b(x,\xi)-\sum_{j=1}^{n}e_{j}(x,\xi)-r,\quad r\in S_{1,1/2}^{0}.$ (6.26) The $r$ in (6.25) and (6.26) are different from each other and are also different from the $r$ in (6.23). Now we have $\displaystyle\Re(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=[(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)+\overline{(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)}]/2=[(T_{a}\varphi,\varphi)+(\varphi,T_{a}\varphi)]/2=(T_{(a+a^{*})/2}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=(T_{b}\varphi,\varphi)-(T_{e_{j}}\varphi,\varphi)-(T_{r}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle=(\Re a\cdot W\varphi,W\varphi)-(T_{e_{j}}\varphi,\varphi)-(T_{r}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle\geq-(T_{e_{j}}\varphi,\varphi)-(T_{r}\varphi,\varphi)\quad(\text{because~{}}\Re a\geq 0)$ $\displaystyle=-\Re(T_{e_{j}}\varphi,\varphi)-\Re(T_{r}\varphi,\varphi)=-(T_{(e_{j}+e_{j}^{*})/2}\varphi,\varphi)-\Re(T_{r}\varphi,\varphi)$ $\displaystyle\geq-(T_{(e_{j}+e_{j}^{*})/2}\varphi,\varphi)-C\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2},$ (6.27) for some positive constant $C$. The $L^{2}$-boundedness of operators whose symbol come from $S_{1,1/2}^{0}$ can be proved in a similar manner as in the proof of that of $S^{0}$, cf. [chen2006pseudodifferential, Theorem 4.1.1] and [alinhac2007pseudo, Theorem 5.1]. Recall that $e_{j}\in S_{1,1/2}^{1/2}$ and $e_{j}$ is purely imaginary, thus the principal symbol of $T_{(e_{j}+e_{j}^{*})/2}$ equals to zero and hence $(e_{j}+e_{j}^{*})/2\in S_{0,1/2}^{1/2}$. Therefore, $(T_{(e_{j}+e_{j}^{*})/2}\varphi,\varphi)\leq C\|{\varphi}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ (6.28) for some positive constant $C$. Combining (6.27) and (6.28), we arrive at the conclusion for the case $m=1/2$. Based on the result regarding $m=1/2$, the proof of general cases become trivial. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 6.1. Prove Lemma 6.3. ###### Exercise 6.2. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$ and $a$ is elliptic. Fix a cutoff function $\chi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $\chi(\xi)=R$ when $|\xi|\leq 1$ and $\chi(\xi)=0$ when $|\xi|\geq R+1$, where the $R$ comes from the definition of the ellipticity of $a$. Define $r_{0}(x,\xi):=(1-\chi(\xi))/a(x,\xi)$. Prove that $r_{0}\in S^{-m}$. ###### Exercise 6.3. Prove the $b(x,\xi)$ defined in (6.12) is indeed a symbol and is of order $0$. Hint: use [alinhac2007pseudo, Lemma 2.1.1] or [wong2014introduction, Lemma 17.2]. ###### Exercise 6.4. Prove (6.17) is true. ###### Exercise 6.5. Assume the symbols $a$ and $b$ are elliptic. Show that $T_{a}T_{b}$ and $T_{a}^{*}$ are also elliptic. Hint: utilize Lemma 6.5. ## Chapter 7 Semi-classical $\Psi$DOs and its symbolic calculus Semiclassical analysis shares lots of features with $\Psi$DO theory, while also keeping some of its own specialties. One of the application of semiclassical analysis is Carleman estimates. ### 7.1. Semi-classical $\Psi$DOs #### 7.1.1. Symbol classes ###### Definition 7.1 (Order function). A measurable function $m\colon\mathbb{R}^{2n}\to\mathbb{R}^{+}$ is call an _order function_ if there exist constants $C>0$ and $N\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\boxed{m(z_{1}-z_{2})\leq C\langle{z_{1}}\rangle^{N}m(z_{2}),\quad\forall z_{1},z_{2}\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}.}$ The integer $N$ is called the order of $m$. For any $a$, $b\in\mathbb{R}$, $m(x,\xi)=\langle{x}\rangle^{a}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{b}$ are an order functions with $N=2\max\\{|a|,|b|\\}$. If $m_{1}$, $m_{2}$ are order functions, so does $m_{1}m_{2}$. ###### Definition 7.2 (Semiclassical symbol class). Let $h\in(0,1)$, $\delta\in[0,\frac{1}{2}]$ and $m$ be an order function with order $N$. For $a(\cdot;h)\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$, we say $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$ with order $N$ if $\boxed{|\partial_{z}^{\alpha}a(z;h)|\leq C_{\alpha}h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m(z),\quad\forall z\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}.}$ Define a family of seminorms $|a(\cdot;h)|_{S_{\delta}(m),\alpha}=|a|_{\alpha}:=\sup_{z\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}}\frac{|\partial_{z}^{\alpha}a(z;h)|}{h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m(z)},$ and so the semiclassical symbol class $S_{\delta}(m)$ is given by $S_{\delta}(m):=\\{a(z;h)\in C^{\infty}\,;\,\forall\text{~{}multi- index~{}}\alpha,\,|a|_{\alpha}<+\infty\\}.$ We abbreviate $S_{\delta}(1)$ as $S_{\delta}$ and $S_{0}(1)$ as $S$. Note that in contrast to the Kohn-Nirenberg symbol (cf. Definitions 2.1 & 2.4), the semiclassical symbol doesn’t gain decay w.r.t. its arguments after being differentiated. We write $a(\cdot;h)=\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m)}(f(h))$ if for every multi- index $\alpha$, there exist $h_{0}$ and $a$ such that $|a|_{\alpha}\leq C_{\alpha}f(h)$ holds for all $h\in(0,h_{0})$, namely, $\boxed{a(\cdot;h)=\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m)}(f(h))\ \Leftrightarrow\ |\partial^{\alpha}a(\cdot;h)|\lesssim f(h)h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m.}$ It can be checked that $\forall a\in S_{\delta}(m)$, we have $f(h)a=O_{S_{\delta}(m)}(f(h))$. For $S_{\delta}(m)$ and $a_{j}\in S_{\delta}(m)$, we write $a\sim\sum_{j}h^{j}a_{j}$ if $a-\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{j}a_{j}=\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m)}(h^{N+1})$. ###### Lemma 7.3. Assume $0\leq\delta\leq\frac{1}{2}$ and $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$ and $a_{1}\in S_{\delta}(m_{1})$, $a_{2}\in S_{\delta}(m_{2})$. Then $hD_{j}a\in S_{\delta}(m)$ and $a_{1}a_{2}\in S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$. ###### Proof. We can compute $\displaystyle|\partial^{\alpha}(hD_{j}a)|$ $\displaystyle=h|\partial^{\alpha+e_{j}}a|\leq C_{\alpha}hh^{-\delta(|\alpha+e_{j}|)}m=C_{\alpha}hh^{-\delta|\alpha|-\delta}m=C_{\alpha}h^{1-\delta}h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m$ $\displaystyle\leq h_{0}C_{\alpha}h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m.$ Hence $hD_{j}a\in S_{\delta}(m)$. We omit the rest of the proof. ∎ ###### Definition 7.4 (Asymptotics). For symbol $a$, $a_{j}\in S_{\delta}(m)~{}(j=0,1,\cdots)$, we write $a\sim\sum_{j}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}$ in $S_{\delta}(m)$ if $a-\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}=\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m)}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)})$ holds for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$, namely, $\boxed{a\sim\sum_{j}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}\ \text{in}\ S_{\delta}(m)\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad a=\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m).}$ Here $h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m)$ means $h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}r$ for some $r\in S_{\delta}(m)$. The $a_{0}$ is called the _principal symbol_ of $a$. The asymptotics is more about $h$ than the Kohn-Nirenberg symbol which is more about $\xi$. To avoid confusion, we would like to comment in advance that even though the definition of asymptotics semiclassical symbol is in the form $a\sim a_{0}+h^{1-2\delta}a_{1}+h^{(1-2\delta)2}a_{2}+\cdots$, but later we may see $a$ be expressed as $b_{0}+hb_{1}+h^{2}b_{2}+\cdots$, e.g. in (7.15). The difference is that it is $h^{2\delta j}b_{j}$ rather than $b_{j}$ itself that is in $S_{\delta}(m)$. ###### Theorem 7.5. For $\forall a_{j}\in S_{\delta}(m)~{}(j=0,1,\cdots)$, there always exists $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$ such that $a\sim\sum_{j}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}$. ###### Proof. We choose a cutoff function $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$ satisfying $\chi\equiv 1$ in $(-1,1)$, $0\leq\chi\leq 1$, $\chi$ is decreasing in the interval $(1,2)$ and $\mathop{\rm supp}\chi\subset(-2,2)$. Note that we define $\chi$ on the whole real axis but will only use its definition on the positive real axis. Step 1. Define $a:=\sum_{j\geq 0}\chi(\lambda_{j}h)h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}$ for some $\lambda_{j}$ which shall be determined. Our scheme is to choose $\lambda_{j}>0$ properly (grows fast enough) such that $a$ will be well- defined at each point and satisfies Definition 7.4. From the construction of $\chi$ it can be checked that $\forall h\geq 0,\,\forall k\geq 0,\quad\chi(h)h^{(1-2\delta)k}\leq 2^{(1-2\delta)k}.$ (7.1) Hence, $\displaystyle|a|$ $\displaystyle=|\sum_{j\geq 0}\chi(\lambda_{j}h)h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}|=|\sum_{j\geq 0}\chi(\lambda_{j}h)(\lambda_{j}h)^{(1-2\delta)j}(\lambda_{j}h)^{-(1-2\delta)j}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\sum_{j\geq 0}(2/\lambda_{j})^{(1-2\delta)j}|a_{j}|,$ and similarly, $|\partial^{\alpha}a|\leq\sum_{j\geq 0}(2/\lambda_{j})^{(1-2\delta)j}|\partial^{\alpha}a_{j}|\leq\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{j,\alpha}(2/\lambda_{j})^{(1-2\delta)j}\cdot h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m.$ Step 2. For a specific $\alpha$, we only need to choose $\\{\lambda_{j,\alpha}\\}_{j\geq 0}$ grow fast enough such that $\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{j,\alpha}(2/\lambda_{j,\alpha})^{(1-2\delta)j}$ is finite, and one example is $\lambda_{j,\alpha}=3C_{j,\alpha}^{1/[(1-2\delta)j]}$. Then using diagonal arguments we could choose a suitable set $\\{\lambda_{j}\\}$ from $\\{\lambda_{j,\alpha}\\}_{j\geq 0}$. However, we want $\\{\lambda_{j}\\}$ to grow even more faster for our later use; particularly, to guarantee (7.5) is finite. To that end, for each fixed multi-index $\alpha$ and non-negative integer $M$, we first choose $\\{\lambda_{j,\alpha,M}\\}_{j\geq 0}$ to grpw fast enough w.r.t. $j$ such that $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{j+M,\alpha}(2/\lambda_{j,\alpha,M})^{(1-2\delta)j}<+\infty,\\\ &\lambda_{j,\alpha,M^{\prime}}\geq\lambda_{j,\alpha,M}\text{~{}when~{}}M^{\prime}\geq M,\\\ &\lambda_{j,\alpha^{\prime},M}\geq\lambda_{j,\alpha,M}\text{~{}when~{}}\alpha^{\prime}\geq\alpha,\end{aligned}\right.$ (7.2) then we choose $\lambda_{j}:=\lambda_{j,(j,j,\cdots,j),j}$ where $(j,j,\cdots,j)$ stands for the multi-index of which the value of every component is $j$. By doing so, we are guaranteed that the sum $\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{j+M,\alpha}(2/\lambda_{j})^{(1-2\delta)j}$ is finite for every $\alpha$ and $M$. Back to the estimate of $|\partial^{\alpha}a|$, we are guaranteed that $a$ is well-defined and $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$. It remains to show $a\sim\sum_{j}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}$ in $S_{\delta}(m)$. Step 3. To analyze $a-\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{j}a_{j}$, we use another trick similar to (7.1), $\forall h\geq 0,\,\forall k\geq 0,\quad|\chi(h)-1|h^{-k}\leq 1.$ (7.3) The verification of (7.3) is left as an exercise. By (7.1) and (7.3), for $h\in(0,h_{0})$ where $h_{0}<1$ we have $\displaystyle|\partial^{\alpha}(a-\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j})|$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\sum_{j=0}^{N}|\chi(\lambda_{j}h)-1|\,h^{(1-2\delta)j}\,|\partial^{\alpha}a_{j}|+\sum_{j\geq N+1}\chi(\lambda_{j}h)h^{(1-2\delta)j}\,|\partial^{\alpha}a_{j}|$ $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\sum_{j=0}^{N}|\chi(\lambda_{j}h)-1|(\lambda_{j}h)^{-(1-2\delta)(N+1-j)}\cdot(\lambda_{j}h)^{(1-2\delta)(N+1-j)}h^{(1-2\delta)j}|\partial^{\alpha}a_{j}|$ $\displaystyle+\sum_{j\geq 0}\chi(\lambda_{j}h)(\frac{\lambda_{j}h}{2})^{(1-2\delta)j}\cdot C_{j+N+1,\alpha}(\frac{2}{\lambda_{j}h})^{(1-2\delta)j}h^{(1-2\delta)(j+N+1)}h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m$ (7.4) $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\big{[}\sum_{j=0}^{N}\lambda_{j}^{(1-2\delta)(N+1-j)}C_{j,\alpha}+\sum_{j\geq 0}C_{j+N+1,\alpha}(\frac{2}{\lambda_{j}})^{(1-2\delta)j}\big{]}h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m$ (7.5) $\displaystyle\leq$ $\displaystyle\tilde{C}_{N,\alpha,h_{0}}h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}h^{-\delta|\alpha|}m.$ Here in (7.4) we used $\chi(\lambda_{j}h)\leq\chi(\lambda_{j-1}h)$. Hence, $a-\sum_{j=0}^{N}h^{(1-2\delta)j}a_{j}=\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m)}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}).$ The proof is complete. ∎ #### 7.1.2. Semiclassical pseudodifferential operators Just as Kohn-Nirenberg symbols, every semiclassical symbol produces an operator, and is semiclassical situation, these operators are also described as quantizations of the corresponding symbols. ###### Definition 7.6 (Quantization). We quantize the symbol $a(x,\xi)$ by means of (7.8) for $\forall t\in[0,1]$. And we also denote _Standard quantization_ and _Weyl quantization_ as in (7.6)-(7.7), (Standard quant.:) $\displaystyle a(x,hD)u$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}a(x,\xi)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ (7.6) (Weyl quant.:) $\displaystyle a^{w}(x,hD)u$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}a(\frac{x+y}{2},\xi)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ (7.7) (General quant.:) $\displaystyle a_{t}(x,hD)u$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}a(tx+(1-t)y,\xi)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (7.8) These operators defined above are called _semiclassical pseudodifferential operators_ (abbreviated as S$\Psi$DOs). We denote the set of S$\Psi$DO with symbols coming from $S_{\delta}(m)$ as ${\rm Op}_{h}(S_{\delta}(m))$. According to Definition 7.6 we know that $a^{w}(x,hD)=a_{\frac{1}{2}}(x,hD)$ and $a(x,hD)=a_{1}(x,hD)$. It is trivial to see $a(x,\xi)=f(x)\xi_{j}\quad\Leftrightarrow\quad a(x,hD)=f(x)hD_{j}.$ We introduce the $h$-dependent Fourier transform. ###### Definition 7.7. The _semiclassical Fourier transform_ $\mathcal{F}_{h}$ and its inverse $\mathcal{F}_{h}^{-1}$ are defined as $\displaystyle\mathcal{F}_{h}u(\xi)$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi/h}u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x},$ (7.9) $\displaystyle\mathcal{F}_{h}^{-1}u(x)$ $\displaystyle:=(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{ix\cdot\xi/h}u(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (7.10) It can be checked that $\boxed{a(x,hD)u:=\mathcal{F}_{h}^{-1}\\{a(x,\cdot)\mathcal{F}_{h}u(\cdot)\\}.}$ (7.11) Formula (7.11) is one of the reason why the semiclassical Fourier transform shall defined as in Definition 7.7. ###### Lemma 7.8. Assume $\delta\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$. Then for $\forall t\in[0,1]$, we have that the operator $a_{t}$ satisfies $a_{t}(x,hD)\colon\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $a_{t}(x,hD)\colon\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, and the mappings are bounded with norm depending on $\delta$ and $h$, but uniformly on $t$. ###### Proof. Let $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. We have $a_{t}(x,hD)\varphi(x)=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}a(tx+(1-t)y,\xi;h)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ The integrability of $y$ is not a problem because $\varphi(y)$ is rapidly decay. For $\xi$, we should use integration by parts to gain enough decay on $\xi$. Notice that $\frac{1-\xi\cdot hD_{y}}{\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2}}(e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h})=e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}$, we denote $L_{1}=\frac{1-\xi\cdot hD_{y}}{\langle{\xi}\rangle^{2}}$, then act $L_{1}^{n+1}$ on $e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}$ and use integration by parts, we will end up in a integrand of order $\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-n-1}$ on $\xi$ and rapidly decay on $y$, thus integrable. Hence we proved that $a_{t}(x,hD)\colon\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to L^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ for $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$. Adopt similar arguments on $x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}a_{t}(x,hD)$, we can obtain $x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}a_{t}(x,hD)\colon\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to L^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ for $\forall\alpha,\beta$. Therefore $a_{t}(x,hD)\colon\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})\to\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. And the continuity of the operator can also be seen from the arguments above. The second result holds due to duality arguments. ∎ ###### Lemma 7.9. If symbol $a$ is independent of $\xi$, i.e. $a(x,\xi)=a(x)$, then $a_{t}(x,hD)u(x)=a(x)u(x),\quad\forall t\in[0,1].$ ###### Proof. It is enough to prove for $u\in\mathscr{S}$. When $t=1$, we have $\displaystyle a_{1}(x,hD)u(x)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}a(x,\xi)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}a(x)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=a(x)u(x).$ We have $\displaystyle\partial_{t}\big{(}a_{t}(x,hD)u(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}\partial_{t}\big{(}a(tx+(1-t)y)\big{)}u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}(x-y)\cdot\nabla a(tx+(1-t)y)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\simeq(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint\nabla_{\xi}e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}\cdot\nabla a(tx+(1-t)y)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\simeq(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}{\rm div}_{\xi}\big{(}\nabla a(tx+(1-t)y)u(y)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=0.$ We arrive at the conclusion. ∎ From Lemma 7.9 and (7.8) we know that if $a(x,\xi)$ is either independent of $\xi$ or independent of $x$, the quantized operator $a_{t}(x,hD)$ will be independent of $t$. Hence, for fixed $x^{*}$, $\xi^{*}\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, and denote $l(x,\xi):=x^{*}\cdot x+\xi^{*}\cdot\xi$, then $l_{t}(x,hD)$ is independent of $t$, i.e., $\boxed{l_{t}(x,hD)=x^{*}\cdot x+\xi^{*}\cdot hD.}$ (7.12) ### 7.2. Composition of the standard quantizations For a non-degenerate, symmetric, real-valued $n\times n$ matrix $Q$, the quantization of the exponential of quadratic forms is defined as the standard quantization (cf. (7.6)), $\displaystyle e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}\varphi(x)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{Q\xi,\xi}\rangle}\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ (7.13) Readers may compare (7.13) with (7.31). The following lemma shows how to express $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}$. The $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}$ can be expanded by using stationary phase lemmas. ###### Lemma 7.10. Assume $Q$ is a non-degenerate, symmetric, real-valued $n\times n$ matrix. We have $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}\colon\mathscr{S}\to\mathscr{S}$ continuously. And when $0\leq\delta\leq\frac{1}{2}$, we have that $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}\colon S_{\delta}(m)\to S_{\delta}(m)$, and the expression is $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}a(x)=\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}(2\pi h)^{n/2}}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}e^{\frac{-i}{2h}\langle{Q^{-1}y,y}\rangle}a(x+y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}.$ (7.14) The integral (7.14) is defined in oscillatory sense. Moreover, when $0\leq\delta<\frac{1}{2}$, for $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$ we have the asymptotics $\boxed{e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}a=\sum_{j=0}^{N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\Big{(}\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\Big{)}^{j}a+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m).}$ (7.15) ###### Proof. For a non-degenerate, symmetric, real-valued $n\times n$ matrix $Q$ we have (see [masuma2020]) $\mathcal{F}\\{e^{\frac{i}{2}\langle{Qx,x}\rangle}\\}(\xi)=\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}e^{-\frac{i}{2}\langle{Q^{-1}\xi,\xi}\rangle}.$ (7.16) For any measurable function $a\in\mathscr{S}$, as long as the right-hand-side of (7.14) is definable, by the definition (7.13) we have $\displaystyle e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}a(x)$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{Q\xi,\xi}\rangle}a(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int\big{[}(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{Q\xi,\xi}\rangle}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{]}a(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int\big{[}(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int e^{-i(y-x)/\sqrt{h}\cdot\xi}e^{\frac{i}{2}\langle{Q\xi,\xi}\rangle}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{]}a(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int\mathcal{F}\\{e^{\frac{i}{2}\langle{Q\xi,\xi}\rangle}\\}((y-x)/\sqrt{h})\cdot a(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n/2}\int\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}}e^{-\frac{i}{2h}\langle{Q^{-1}(y-x),y-x}\rangle}a(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\quad\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:gvpveix2-PM2021}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}\mathop{\rm sgn}Q}}{|\det Q|^{1/2}(2\pi h)^{n/2}}\int e^{\frac{i}{h}\langle{-Q^{-1}y,y}\rangle/2}a(x+y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}.$ (7.17) We arrive at (7.14). From (7.17) and (4.8) it is easy to see that $x^{\alpha}\partial^{\beta}e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}\colon\mathscr{S}\to L^{\infty}$ for $\forall\alpha,\beta$, hence $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}\colon\mathscr{S}\to\mathscr{S}$ continuously. Now we use Proposition 4.8, to estimate (7.17) and confirm that $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}$ indeed maps $S_{\delta}(m)$ into itself. Denote the order of the symbol $a$ as $\tilde{N}$. Choose the $N$ in Proposition 4.8 to be $N\geq\tilde{N}/2-1$. The constants $C_{N,n,\alpha}$ in Proposition 4.8 satisfy $C_{N,n,\alpha}=h^{-\delta|\alpha|}$. From (7.17) and Proposition 4.8 we have $\displaystyle e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}a(x)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{h^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{(-Q^{-1})^{-1}D,D}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}a(x)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}h^{N+1}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{y\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{|\partial^{\alpha}a(x+y;h)|}{\langle{y}\rangle^{n+4N+5-|\alpha|}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}h^{N+1}\times\sum_{|\alpha|\leq n+2N+3}\sup_{y\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\frac{h^{-\delta|\alpha|}\langle{y}\rangle^{\tilde{N}}m(x)}{\langle{y}\rangle^{2N+2}}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+\mathcal{O}\big{(}h^{N+1-\delta(n+2N+3)}\sup_{y\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{y}\rangle^{\tilde{N}-2N-2}m(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}\mathcal{O}\big{(}h^{-\delta(n+1)}m(x)\big{)}.$ (7.18) Now $e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}\colon S_{\delta}(m)\to S_{\delta}(m)$ is justified by (7.18) and similar arguments work on $\partial^{\alpha}(e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}a)$. It can be checked that $h^{j}\langle{QD,D}\rangle^{j}a=h^{(1-2\delta)j}S_{\delta}(m)$. Here $f=h^{(1-2\delta)j}S_{\delta}(m)$ means there exists a symbol $g\in S_{\delta}(m)$ such that $f=h^{(1-2\delta)j}g$. Hence, these leading terms matched with the stipulation in Definition 7.4. From (7.18) it seems we didn’t obtain the expansion because the remainder term may surpass some leading terms. However, when $\delta<\frac{1}{2}$, from (7.18) we see that the order of the remainder term goes higher as $N$ goes larger (while when $\delta=\frac{1}{2}$ this doesn’t happen), and when we set $N$ to be larger enough, these leading terms in front of the remainder term can exposed themselves from the remainder and will not be surpassed by the remainder. For example, if we want to expand (7.18) up to $N^{\prime}$, we first choose $N$ such that $(1-2\delta)(N+1)-\delta(2n+1)\geq(1-2\delta)(N^{\prime}+1)$, then (7.18) can be continued as $\displaystyle(*)$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+\mathcal{O}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)-\delta(2n+1)}m(x))$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N^{\prime}}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+\sum_{N^{\prime}+1\leq j\leq N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)$ $\displaystyle\quad+\mathcal{O}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)-\delta(2n+1)}m(x))$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N^{\prime}}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+\sum_{N^{\prime}+1\leq j\leq N}h^{(1-2\delta)j}S_{\delta}(m)+\mathcal{O}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N^{\prime}+1)}m(x))$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq j\leq N^{\prime}}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{QD,D}\rangle}{2}\right)^{j}a(x)+\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m)}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N^{\prime}+1)}).$ (7.19) Note that here we omitted the investigation of $|\partial^{\alpha}(e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD,hD}\rangle}a)|$, but the prove shall almost the same as above. We proved (7.15). ∎ ###### Theorem 7.11 (Composition of standard quantizations). Let $a\in S_{\delta}(m_{1})$, $b\in S_{\delta}(m_{2})$. Denote $(a\\#b)(x,hD)=a(x,hD)\circ b(x,hD),$ then $a\\#b\in S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$, and $a\\#b(x,\eta)=e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{QhD_{(y,\xi)},hD_{(y,\xi)}}\rangle}\big{(}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=0,\,\xi=0},$ (7.20) where $Q=\begin{pmatrix}0&I_{n\times n}\\\ I_{n\times n}&0\end{pmatrix}$. Moreover, when $h\to 0^{+}$ we have the semiclassical asymptotics, $\boxed{\begin{aligned} a\\#b(x,\eta)&=\sum_{j=0}^{N}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}(D_{y}\cdot D_{\xi})^{j}\big{(}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=0,\xi=0}+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})\\\ &=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{(-ih)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\eta)\partial_{x}^{\alpha}b(x,\eta)+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2}).\end{aligned}}$ (7.21) ###### Remark 7.12. When either $a(x,\xi)$ or $b(x,\xi)$ is polynomial of $\xi$, the expansion (7.21) will be finite, i.e. when $N$ is large enough the remainders $h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$ will be exactly zero, see also [mart02Anin, Remark 2.6.9]. This can be seen by directly working in the stationary phase lemma. ###### Proof of Theorem 7.11. For a test function $\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we have $\displaystyle(a\\#b)(x,hD)\varphi$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta/h}\big{(}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot(\xi-\eta)/h}a(x,\xi)b(y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta/h}\big{(}\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi/h}a(x,\xi+\eta)b(y+x,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta/h}\cdot[\cdots]\cdot\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta},$ $\displaystyle\text{where}\quad[\cdots]$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{\frac{-i}{2h}\langle{Q(y,\xi)^{T},(y,\xi)^{T}}\rangle}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},$ and $Q=\begin{pmatrix}0&I\\\ I&0\end{pmatrix}$. Note that $Q^{-1}=Q$, $\mathop{\rm sgn}Q=0$ and $\det Q=1$ or $-1$. From (7.14) and (7.15), we see $\displaystyle[\cdots]$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{2h}\langle{Q^{-1}hD_{(y,\xi)},hD_{(y,\xi)}}\rangle}\big{(}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=0,\,\xi=0}$ $\displaystyle\sim\sum_{j}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\Big{(}\frac{\langle{QD_{(y,\xi)},D_{(y,\xi)}}\rangle}{2}\Big{)}^{j}\big{(}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=0,\xi=0},\quad\text{in}\ S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$ $\displaystyle\sim\sum_{j}\frac{(ih)^{j}}{j!}\big{(}D_{y}\cdot D_{\xi}\big{)}^{j}\big{(}a(x,\eta+\xi)b(x+y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=0,\xi=0},\quad\text{in}\ S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{(-ih)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\partial_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\eta)\partial_{x}^{\alpha}b(x,\eta)+\mathcal{O}_{S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})}(h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}).$ We obtain (7.20) and (7.21). Note that we have used (5.8). The proof is complete. ∎ Readers may compare Theorem 5.3 with (7.21). The asymptotics in Theorem 5.3 is in terms of the decay of $|\xi|$, but the asymptotics in (7.21) is about the order of $h$. The first two leading terms in Theorem 5.3 is $ab-i\nabla_{\xi}a\cdot\nabla_{x}b$ (no $h$), while that of (7.21) is $ab- ih\nabla_{\xi}a\cdot\nabla_{x}b$. ###### Corollary 7.13. The first two leading terms of $a\\#b$ is $\boxed{ab- ih\nabla_{\xi}a\cdot\nabla_{x}b.}$ Assume $a\in S_{\delta}(m_{1})$ and $b\in S_{\delta}(m_{2})$, then the symbol of the commutator of $a(x,hD)$ and $b(x,hD)$ is $\boxed{\frac{h}{i}\\{a,b\\}-\frac{h^{2}}{2}{\rm tr}(\nabla_{\xi}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{x}^{2}b-\nabla_{x}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{\xi}^{2}b)+h^{3(1-2\delta)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2}),}$ where $\\{a,b\\}$ is the Poisson bracket of $a$ of $b$, and $\nabla_{\xi}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{x}^{2}b$ is the product of two Hessian matrices, and ${\rm tr}$ is the trace. The proof is left as an exercise. Finally, we also have symbolic calculus for the adjoint. ###### Theorem 7.14 (Adjoint of standard quantizations). Let $a\in S_{\delta}(m)$. Denote $(a(x,hD)u,v)=(u,a^{*}(x,hD)v),$ then $a^{*}\in S_{\delta}(m)$, and when $h\to 0^{+}$ we have the semiclassical asymptotics, $\boxed{\begin{aligned} a^{*}(x,\xi)&=\sum_{|\alpha|\leq N}\frac{h^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}D_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\bar{a}(x,\xi)+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m).\end{aligned}}$ (7.22) We omit the proof. ### 7.3. Composition of the Weyl quantizations The composition of the Weyl quantizations are more peculiar than that of the standard ones, and we explain this in §7.3.2. Before that, we make some preparation first. #### 7.3.1. Symplectic 2-form We define the symplectic product. ###### Definition 7.15 (Symplectic product). The _symplectic product_ is defined as $\sigma\colon\mathbb{R}^{2n}\times\mathbb{R}^{2n}\to\mathbb{R},\quad\sigma((x,\xi),(y,\eta)):=\xi\cdot y-x\cdot\eta.$ ###### Remark 7.16. The underlying space $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ in Definition 7.15 can be generalized to be a tangent bundle. When $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ is replaced by a tangent bundle $TM$ (or $T^{*}M$) where $M$ is $n$-dimensional (hence $TM$ is locally homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$), $\sigma$ can be generalized as a bilinear form on $T_{p}(TM)\times T_{p}(TM)$ in the following way. For any $p\in TM$ and $(u_{x},u_{\xi})$, $(v_{x},v_{\xi})\in T_{p}(TM)$, we define $\sigma\colon T(TM)\times T(TM)\to\mathbb{R},\quad\sigma|_{p}((u_{x},u_{\xi}),(v_{x},v_{\xi})):=u_{\xi}\cdot v_{x}-u_{x}\cdot u_{\xi}$ Locally speaking, when imposed a local coordinates system $\\{x^{j}\\}$ on $M$ and the corresponding coordinates $\\{\xi_{j}\\}$ on the fiber, it can be checked that $\sigma=\mathrm{d}\xi_{j}\wedge\mathrm{d}x^{j}$ (Einstein summation convention invoked) and it is invariant w.r.t. the coordinates systems. This $\sigma$ is a 2-form on the tangent bundle and is called the _symplectic 2-form_. In what follows, we only work on $\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ rather than on general manifolds. If without otherwise stated, we will use the following notations, $z=(x,\xi)^{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{2n},\ w=(y,\eta)^{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{2n},\ \zeta=(x,\xi,y,\eta)^{T}=(z^{T},w^{T})^{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{4n}.$ (7.23) Note that all of $z$, $w$ and $\zeta$ are vertical vectors. Definition 7.15 is equivalent to $\sigma(z,w)=z^{T}\cdot\begin{pmatrix}0&-I\\\ I&0\end{pmatrix}\cdot w=z^{T}\cdot\sigma\cdot w=\langle{\sigma^{T}z,w}\rangle$ (7.24) where $I$ is the identity $n\times n$ matrix and $None$ Note that $\sigma$ is non-degenerate and anti-symmetric, i.e. $\sigma^{-1}=\sigma^{T}=-\sigma$. We note that (7.24) is homogeneous of degree 2 of $\zeta$ (i.e. $\sigma(h\zeta)=h^{2}\sigma(\zeta)$), but not in a quadratic form of $\zeta$ under a symmetric matrix ($\sigma$ is not symmetric). We can achieve this by $\sigma(\zeta)=\sigma(z,w)=z^{T}\cdot\sigma\cdot w=\frac{1}{2}\zeta^{T}\cdot\begin{pmatrix}0&\sigma\\\ \sigma^{T}&0\end{pmatrix}\cdot\zeta=\frac{1}{2}\zeta^{T}\cdot\Sigma\cdot\zeta,$ where $\boxed{\Sigma=\begin{pmatrix}0&\sigma\\\ \sigma^{T}&0\end{pmatrix}}$ (7.25) is a $4n\times 4n$ matrix. Note that $\Sigma$ is non-degenerate and symmetric satisfying $\Sigma^{-1}=\Sigma^{T}=\Sigma$, $\det\Sigma=1$ and $\mathop{\rm sgn}\Sigma=0$. In summary, we have $\boxed{\sigma(z,w)=z^{T}\cdot\sigma\cdot w=\langle{\sigma^{T}z,w}\rangle=\frac{1}{2}\zeta^{T}\cdot\Sigma\cdot\zeta=\frac{1}{2}\langle{\Sigma\zeta,\zeta}\rangle.}$ (7.26) #### 7.3.2. The composition If we mimic the proof of Theorem 7.11, we would have $\displaystyle a^{w}(x,hD)\circ b^{w}(x,hD)\varphi$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta/h}\big{(}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot(\xi-\eta)/h}a(\frac{x+y}{2},\xi)b(\frac{y+z}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta/h}\big{(}\int e^{-iy\cdot\xi/h}a(\frac{y}{2}+x,\xi+\eta)b(\frac{y}{2}+\frac{x+z}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\big{)}\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\eta/h}\cdot c(\frac{x+z}{2},\eta)\cdot\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}=c^{w}(x,hD)\varphi$ where the $c$ should satisfy $c(\frac{x+z}{2},\eta)=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{\frac{-i}{2h}\langle{Q(y,\xi),(y,\xi)}\rangle}a(\frac{y}{2}+{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}x},\xi+\eta)b(\frac{y}{2}+\frac{x+z}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ However, this argument doesn’t work, because there is an additional $x$ on the RHS. Instead, from $a^{w}(x,hD)\circ b^{w}(x,hD)=c^{w}(x,hD)$ we can proceed as follows, $\displaystyle a^{w}(x,hD)\circ b^{w}(x,hD)\varphi$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i[(x-y)\cdot\xi+(y-z)\cdot\eta]/h}a(\frac{x+y}{2},\xi)b(\frac{y+z}{2},\eta)\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\zeta/h}c(\frac{x+z}{2},\zeta)\varphi(z)\,\mathrm{d}{z}\,\mathrm{d}{\zeta},$ which, due to the arbitrary of $\varphi$, suggests $\int e^{i(x-z)\cdot\zeta/h}c(\frac{x+z}{2},\zeta)\,\mathrm{d}{\zeta}=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i[(x-y)\cdot\xi+(y-z)\cdot\eta]/h}a(\frac{x+y}{2},\xi)b(\frac{y+z}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}.$ Readers may note that the LHS is an inverse Fourier transform. We make the following change of variable before we perform the Fourier transform: $\left\\{\begin{aligned} \frac{x-z}{2}&=s\\\ \frac{x+z}{2}&=t\end{aligned}\right.\quad\Rightarrow\quad\left\\{\begin{aligned} x&=t+s\\\ z&=t-s\end{aligned}\right.$ so $\displaystyle\int e^{i2s\cdot\zeta/h}c(t,\zeta)\,\mathrm{d}{\zeta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{i[(t+s-y)\cdot\xi+(y-t+s)\cdot\eta]/h}a(\frac{t+s+y}{2},\xi)b(\frac{y+t-s}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta},$ and $\displaystyle c(t,\zeta)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{-i2s\cdot\zeta/h}e^{i[(t+s-y)\cdot\xi+(y-t+s)\cdot\eta]/h}a(\frac{t+s+y}{2},\xi)b(\frac{y+t-s}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\,\mathrm{d}{(}2s)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 2^{n}(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i[(y-t)\cdot(\eta-\xi)+s\cdot(\xi+\eta-2\zeta)]/h}a(\frac{t+y+s}{2},\xi)b(\frac{t+y-s}{2},\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{s}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 2^{n}(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i[y\cdot(\eta-\xi)+s\cdot(\xi+\eta)]/h}a(\frac{y+s}{2}+t,\xi+\zeta)b(\frac{y-s}{2}+t,\eta+\zeta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{s}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 2^{n}(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i[(y+s)\cdot\eta-(y-s)\cdot\xi]/h}a(\frac{y+s}{2}+t,\xi+\zeta)b(\frac{y-s}{2}+t,\eta+\zeta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{s}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 2^{n}(2\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i(2y^{\prime}\cdot\eta-2s^{\prime}\cdot\xi)/h}a(y^{\prime}+t,\xi+\zeta)b(s^{\prime}+t,\eta+\zeta)2^{n}\,\mathrm{d}{y}^{\prime}\,\mathrm{d}{s}^{\prime}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{i2(y\cdot\eta-s\cdot\xi)/h}a(y+t,\xi+\zeta)b(s+t,\eta+\zeta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{s}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle(\pi h)^{-2n}\int e^{ih^{-1}\langle{-2\Sigma(y,\xi,s,\eta),(y,\xi,s,\eta)}\rangle/2}a(y+t,\xi+\zeta)b(s+t,\eta+\zeta)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{s}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta},$ (7.27) where the $4n\times 4n$ matrix $\Sigma$ is defined in (7.25), and we used Exercise 7.2. Recall that $\Sigma^{-1}=\Sigma$, $\det\Sigma=1$ and $\mathop{\rm sgn}\Sigma=0$. Now we apply Proposition 4.8 to (7.27) and obtain $\displaystyle c(t,\zeta)$ $\displaystyle\sim\frac{(\pi h)^{-2n}(2\pi h)^{2n}}{|\det(2\Sigma)|^{1/2}}\sum_{j}\frac{h^{j}}{j!}\left(\frac{\langle{(-2\Sigma)^{-1}D_{(y,\xi,s,\eta)},D_{(y,\xi,s,\eta)}}\rangle}{2i}\right)^{j}\big{(}a(y+t,\xi+\zeta)$ $\displaystyle\qquad\times b(s+t,\eta+\zeta)\big{)}|_{y=s=\xi=\eta=0}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{j}\frac{(h/(2i))^{j}}{j!}\Big{(}\langle{-\frac{1}{2}\Sigma D_{(y,\xi,s,\eta)},D_{(y,\xi,s,\eta)}}\rangle\Big{)}^{j}\big{(}a(y,\xi)b(s,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=s=t,\,\xi=\eta=\zeta}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{j}\frac{(ih/2)^{j}}{j!}\big{(}D_{s}\cdot D_{\xi}+\nabla_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\eta}\big{)}^{j}\big{(}a(y,\xi)b(s,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=s=t,\,\xi=\eta=\zeta},$ where we used Exercise 7.2. Here for simplicity we omitted the analysis of the remainder terms, and for the detailed analysis of the remainder, readers may refer to [zw2012semi]. Noticing that $\displaystyle(D_{s}\cdot D_{\xi}+\nabla_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\eta})^{j}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq k\leq j}\binom{j}{k}(D_{s}\cdot D_{\xi})^{k}(\nabla_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\eta})^{j-k}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq k\leq j}\binom{j}{k}\sum_{|\alpha|=k}\frac{k!}{\alpha!}D_{s}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\sum_{|\beta|=j-k}\frac{(j-k)!}{\beta!}\nabla_{y}^{\beta}\nabla_{\eta}^{\beta}\quad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:npExp- PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{0\leq k\leq j}\sum_{|\alpha|=k}\sum_{|\beta|=j-k}\frac{j!}{\alpha!\beta!}D_{s}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\partial_{y}^{\beta}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\alpha|+|\beta|=j}\frac{j!}{\alpha!\beta!}D_{s}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\partial_{y}^{\beta}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta},$ we can continue $\displaystyle c(t,\zeta)$ $\displaystyle\sim\sum_{j}\sum_{|\alpha|+|\beta|=j}\frac{(ih/2)^{j}}{j!}\frac{j!}{\alpha!\beta!}D_{s}^{\alpha}D_{\xi}^{\alpha}\partial_{y}^{\beta}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}\big{(}a(y,\xi)b(s,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=s=t,\,\xi=\eta=\zeta}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{\alpha,\beta}\frac{(ih/2)^{|\alpha|+|\beta|}}{\alpha!\beta!}\big{[}D_{x}^{\beta}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{(}a(x,\xi)\big{)}D_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}\big{(}b(x,\xi)\big{)}\big{]}\big{|}_{x=t,\,\xi=\zeta}.$ We have just proved the following result: ###### Theorem 7.17 (Composition of quantizations of semiclassical symbols). Assume that $a\in S_{\delta}(m_{1})$, $b\in S_{\delta}(m_{2})$. Denote $(a\\#^{w}b)^{w}(x,hD)=a^{w}(x,hD)\circ b^{w}(x,hD),$ then $a\\#^{w}b\in S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$ and $a\\#^{w}b(x,\eta)=e^{ihA(D)}\big{(}a(x,\xi)b(y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=x,\,\xi=\eta},$ (7.28) where $A(D)=\frac{1}{2}\sigma((D_{x},D_{\xi}),(D_{y},D_{\eta}))=\frac{1}{2}(D_{y}\cdot D_{\xi}-D_{x}\cdot D_{\eta})$ and the $\sigma$ is defined in (7.23). Moreover, when $h\to 0^{+}$ we have the semiclassical asymptotics, $\boxed{\begin{aligned} a\\#^{w}b(x,\eta)&=\sum_{j=0}^{N}\frac{(ih/2)^{j}}{j!}(D_{y}\cdot D_{\xi}+\nabla_{x}\cdot\nabla_{\eta})^{j}\big{(}a(x,\xi)b(y,\eta)\big{)}|_{y=x,\,\xi=\eta}\\\ &\quad+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})\\\ &=\sum_{|\alpha|+|\beta|\leq N}\frac{(ih/2)^{|\alpha|+|\beta|}}{\alpha!\beta!}\partial_{x}^{\beta}D_{\eta}^{\alpha}a(x,\eta)D_{x}^{\alpha}\partial_{\eta}^{\beta}b(x,\eta)\\\ &\quad+h^{(1-2\delta)(N+1)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2}).\end{aligned}}$ (7.29) ###### Remark 7.18. Similar to Remark 7.12, the expansion (7.29) will be finite when either $a(x,\xi)$ or $b(x,\xi)$ is polynomial of $\xi$. Readers may refer to [zw2012semi, §4.11] for an another proof of Theorem 7.17. ###### Corollary 7.19. The first two leading terms of $a\\#^{w}b$ is $\boxed{ab-ih\\{a,b\\}/2.}$ Assume $a\in S_{\delta}(m_{1})$ and $b\in S_{\delta}(m_{2})$, then the commutator of $a^{w}(x,hD)$ and $b^{w}(x,hD)$ is $\boxed{[a^{w}(x,hD),b^{w}(x,hD)]=\frac{h}{i}\\{a,b\\}^{w}(x,hD)+h^{3(1-2\delta)}{\rm Op}_{h}(S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})),}$ where $\\{a,b\\}$ is the Poisson bracket of $a$ of $b$. The remainder in the commutator expression looks out of expectation; it is of order $h^{3(1-2\delta)}$ rather that $h^{2(1-2\delta)}$. This is because the second order leading term is in fact zero. ###### Proof. From (7.29) we have $\displaystyle a\\#^{w}b$ $\displaystyle=ab+\frac{ih}{2}D_{\xi}a\cdot D_{x}b+\frac{ih}{2}\nabla_{x}a\cdot\nabla_{\xi}b$ $\displaystyle\quad+\frac{(ih/2)^{2}}{2!}[(\nabla_{x}\cdot\nabla_{\eta})^{2}+(\nabla_{\xi}\cdot\nabla_{y})^{2}-2(\nabla_{x}\cdot\nabla_{\eta})(\nabla_{\xi}\cdot\nabla_{y})](ab)$ $\displaystyle\quad+h^{3(1-2\delta)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$ $\displaystyle=ab- ih\\{a,b\\}/2$ $\displaystyle\quad+\frac{(ih/2)^{2}}{2!}[\mathop{\rm tr}(\nabla_{x}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{\eta}^{2}b)+\mathop{\rm tr}(\nabla_{\xi}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{y}^{2}b)-2\mathop{\rm tr}(\nabla_{(x,\xi)}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{(y,\eta)}^{2}b)]|_{y=x,\,\xi=\eta}$ $\displaystyle\quad+h^{3(1-2\delta)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2})$ $\displaystyle=ab- ih\\{a,b\\}/2+\frac{(ih/2)^{2}}{2!}[\mathop{\rm tr}(\nabla_{x}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{\eta}^{2}b)+\mathop{\rm tr}(\nabla_{x}^{2}b\cdot\nabla_{\eta}^{2}a)-2\mathop{\rm tr}(\nabla_{(x,\eta)}^{2}a\cdot\nabla_{(x,\eta)}^{2}b)]$ $\displaystyle\quad+h^{3(1-2\delta)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2}),$ hence $a\\#^{w}b-b\\#^{w}a=-ih\\{a,b\\}+h^{3(1-2\delta)}S_{\delta}(m_{1}m_{2}).$ The proof is complete. ∎ #### 7.3.3. Specialties of Weyl quantization ###### Lemma 7.20. For $u$, $v\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, we have $(a^{w}(x,hD)u,v)=(u,\bar{a}^{w}(x,hD)v).$ The proof is left as an exercise. The Weyl quantization is the correct generalization of a solution operator of an ODE. It is straightforward to check that $v(x,t)=e^{tf(x)}u(x)$ is the solution of an ODE $\left\\{\begin{aligned} \partial_{t}v(x,t)&=f(x)v(x,t),\quad t\in\mathbb{R},\\\ v(x,0)&=u(x).\end{aligned}\right.$ Recall the linear form $l(x,\xi)=x^{*}\cdot x+\xi^{*}\cdot\xi$. Now we would like to generalize the aforementioned idea by replacing $f(x)$ with an operator $\frac{i}{h}l(x,hD)$ and define $e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}u$ as the unique solution of the corresponding ODE. But in order to avoid notational confusion between “$e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}u$” and “$(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})(x,hD)u$” defined in (7.6), we deprecate the use of $e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}u$. We will see from the following result that the correct generalization will be the Weyl quantization $(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD)u$ instead of the standard quantization $(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})(x,hD)u$. ###### Lemma 7.21. Let $l(x,\xi)=x^{*}\cdot x+\xi^{*}\cdot\xi$ for fixed $x^{*}$, $\xi^{*}\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$. For every $u\in\mathscr{S}$, the Weyl quantization $(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD)u$ is the unique solution of the ODE $\left\\{\begin{aligned} \partial_{t}v(x,t)&=\frac{i}{h}l(x,hD)v(x,t),\quad t\in\mathbb{R},\\\ v(x,0)&=u(x).\end{aligned}\right.$ (7.30) $\boxed{e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}=(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD).}$ (7.31) Specifically, we have $\boxed{(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD)u=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x^{*}\cdot x)t+(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi^{*}t).}$ (7.32) And we have the composition relation $\boxed{e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}e^{\frac{it}{h}m(x,hD)}=e^{\frac{it^{2}}{2h}\sigma(l,m)}e^{\frac{it}{h}(l+m)(x,hD)},}$ (7.33) where the $\sigma$ is given in Definition 7.15. ###### Proof. First, we solve (7.30). By this ODE we have $\partial_{t}v(x,t)=\frac{i}{h}(x^{*}\cdot x+\xi^{*}\cdot hD)v(x,t),$ which gives a transport equation $(\partial_{t}-\xi^{*}\cdot\nabla)v(x,t)=\frac{i}{h}x^{*}\cdot xv(x,t).$ Let $\gamma\colon t\in\mathbb{R}\mapsto(x-\xi^{*}t,t)\in\mathbb{R}^{n+1}$ be a curve, then we can obtain $\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\big{(}v(\gamma(t))\big{)}=(\partial_{t}-\xi^{*}\cdot\nabla)v(\gamma(t))=\frac{i}{h}x^{*}\cdot(x-\xi^{*}t)v(\gamma(t)).$ This is a one-dimensional ODE and the solution is straightforward, $v(\gamma(t))=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x^{*}\cdot x)t-(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}v(\gamma(0)),$ which is equivalent to $v(x-\xi^{*}t,t)=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x^{*}\cdot x)t-(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}v(x,0).$ By replacing $x$ with $x+\xi^{*}t$ and substituting the boundary condition $v(x,0)=u(x)$ into the solution above, we obtain $\displaystyle v(x,t)$ $\displaystyle=v((x+\xi^{*}t)-\xi^{*}t,t)$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{h}[x^{*}\cdot(x+\xi^{*}t)t-(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi^{*}t)$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x^{*}\cdot x)t+(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi^{*}t)$ $\displaystyle\Rightarrow e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}u$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x^{*}\cdot x)t+(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi^{*}t).$ (7.34) Second, we compute $(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD)u$. We have $\displaystyle(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD)u$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi/h}e^{\frac{it}{h}[x^{*}\cdot(\frac{x+y}{2})+\xi^{*}\cdot\xi]}u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{it}{h}(x^{*}\cdot\frac{x}{2})}(2\pi h)^{-n}\iint e^{i(x+\xi^{*}t-y)\cdot\xi/h}\cdot e^{\frac{it}{h}(x^{*}\cdot\frac{y}{2})}u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{it}{h}(x^{*}\cdot\frac{x}{2})}\int\delta(x+\xi^{*}t-y)e^{\frac{it}{h}(x^{*}\cdot\frac{y}{2})}u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\quad\big{(}(2\pi h)^{-n}\int e^{ia\cdot\xi/h}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}=\delta(a)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{it}{h}(x^{*}\cdot\frac{x}{2})}e^{\frac{it}{h}x^{*}\cdot\frac{(x+\xi^{*}t)}{2}}u(x+\xi^{*}t)=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x^{*}\cdot x)t+(x^{*}\cdot\xi^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi^{*}t),$ which is (7.32). From (7.34) and (7.32) we arrive at the first equality in the theorem. For the composition relation, let $l(x,\xi)=x_{1}^{*}\cdot x+\xi_{1}^{*}\cdot\xi$ and $m(x,\xi)=x_{2}^{*}\cdot x+\xi_{2}^{*}\cdot\xi$, then from (7.34) we have $e^{\frac{it}{h}(l+m)(x,hD)}u=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{1}^{*}+x_{2}^{*})\cdot xt+(x_{1}^{*}+x_{2}^{*})\cdot(\xi_{1}^{*}+\xi_{2}^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+(\xi_{1}^{*}+\xi_{2}^{*})t),$ and $\displaystyle e^{\frac{it}{h}l(x,hD)}e^{\frac{it}{h}m(x,hD)}u$ $\displaystyle=(e^{\frac{it}{h}l})^{w}(x,hD)\circ e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{2}^{*}\cdot x)t+(x_{2}^{*}\cdot\xi_{2}^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi_{2}^{*}t)$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{1}^{*}\cdot x)t+(x_{1}^{*}\cdot\xi_{1}^{*})t^{2}/2]}e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{2}^{*}\cdot(x+\xi_{1}^{*}t))t+(x_{2}^{*}\cdot\xi_{2}^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+\xi_{1}^{*}t+\xi_{2}^{*}t)$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{1}^{*}+x_{2}^{*})\cdot xt+(x_{1}^{*}\cdot\xi_{1}^{*}+2x_{2}^{*}\cdot\xi_{1}^{*}+x_{2}^{*}\cdot\xi_{2}^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+(\xi_{1}^{*}+\xi_{2}^{*})t)$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{1}^{*}+x_{2}^{*})\cdot xt+(x_{1}^{*}+x_{2}^{*})(x_{2}^{*}+\xi_{2}^{*})t^{2}/2]}u(x+(\xi_{1}^{*}+\xi_{2}^{*})t)\cdot e^{\frac{i}{h}[(x_{2}^{*}\cdot\xi_{1}^{*}-x_{1}^{*}\cdot\xi_{2}^{*})t^{2}/2]}$ $\displaystyle=e^{\frac{it^{2}}{2h}\sigma((x_{1}^{*},\xi_{1}^{*}),(x_{2}^{*},\xi_{2}^{*}))}e^{\frac{it}{h}(l+m)(x,hD)}u.$ Readers should note that the $\sigma$ here is the symplectic product defined in Definition 7.15. The proof is complete. ∎ By using (7.31), we can represent the corresponding Weyl quantization of a symbol by its Fourier transform. ###### Lemma 7.22 (Fourier decomposition of $a^{w}$). For any $a(x,\xi)\in\mathscr{S}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$, we have $\boxed{a^{w}(x,hD)=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}\mathcal{F}_{h}a(l)e^{\frac{i}{h}l(x,hD)}\,\mathrm{d}{l},}$ where $l=(x^{*},\xi^{*})\in\mathbb{R}^{2n}$ and $l(x,hD)$ is defined as (7.12). This can directly generalize to the case where $a(x,\xi)\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$ and then $\langle{a^{w}(x,hD)u,v}\rangle=(2\pi h)^{-2n}\hat{a}(\langle{e^{\frac{i}{h}l(x,hD)}u,v}\rangle)$ for $\forall u,v\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. ###### Remark 7.23. With the help of Lemma 7.22, every Weyl quantization can be represented by means of operators of the form $e^{\frac{i}{h}l(x,hD)}$ where $l$ is a linear form. Therefore, quantizations of the form $e^{\frac{i}{h}l(x,hD)}$ plays an important role in semiclassical analysis. ###### Proof of Lemma 7.22. When $a\in\mathscr{S}$, we have $a(x,\xi)=(2\pi h)^{-n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{\frac{i}{h}l(x,\xi)}\mathcal{F}_{h}a(l)\,\mathrm{d}{l},$ thus by (7.31) we arrive at the statement. The case where $a(x,\xi)\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$ is left as an exercise. ∎ ### 7.4. Applications in Carleman estimates One of the examples of Carleman estimates is of the following $\tau^{3}\|{e^{\tau\phi}u}\|^{2}\lesssim\|{e^{\tau\phi}Pu}\|^{2}.$ (7.35) To prove it, we set $h=\tau^{-1}$, $v(x)=e^{\phi(x)/h}u(x)$ and denote an operator $P_{\phi}$ as $P_{\phi}\colon f\to e^{\phi/h}h^{2}P(e^{-\phi/h}f),$ then (7.35) is equivalent to $\|{P_{\phi}v}\|^{2}\gtrsim h\|{v}\|^{2}.$ (7.36) We assume $\boxed{\sigma_{\text{scl}}(P_{\phi})\in S(m)}$ (7.37) for some order function $m$. Here we use $\sigma_{\text{scl}}(A)$ to signify the semiclassical symbol of $A$. Set $A=(P_{\phi}+P_{\phi}^{*})/2$ and $B=(P_{\phi}-P_{\phi}^{*})/(2i)$, and denote $\sigma=\sigma_{\text{scl}}(ih^{-1}[A,B]),$ then we can conclude $\displaystyle\|{P_{\phi}v}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}=(P_{\phi}v,P_{\phi}v)=\|{Av}\|^{2}+\|{Bv}\|^{2}+(i[A,B]v,v)\geq h(\sigma(x,hD)v,v),$ (7.38) $\displaystyle\sigma(x,hD)\text{~{}is self- adjoint, i.e.~{}}\sigma(x,hD)^{*}=\sigma(x,hD).$ (7.39) Using (7.38), inequality (7.36) will be true if the following is true: $(\sigma(x,hD)v,v)\gtrsim\|{v}\|^{2},$ (7.40) so (7.40) implies (7.35). It’s left to prove (7.40). To prove (7.40), we compute $\displaystyle\sigma$ $\displaystyle=\sigma_{\text{scl}}(ih^{-1}[A,B])=\sigma_{\text{scl}}(ih^{-1}[(P_{\phi}+P_{\phi}^{*})/2,(P_{\phi}-P_{\phi}^{*})/(2i)])$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2h}\sigma_{\text{scl}}([P_{\phi}^{*},P_{\phi}])=\frac{1}{2h}[\frac{h}{i}\\{p_{\phi}^{*},p_{\phi}\\}+h^{2}S(m^{2})]\quad(\text{Corollary~{}}\ref{cor:CoWQ- PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2i}\\{\overline{p_{\phi}}+hS(m),p_{\phi}\\}+hS(m^{2})\quad(\text{Theorem~{}}\ref{thm:AdQs- PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2i}\\{\overline{p_{\phi}},p_{\phi}\\}+hS(m^{2})=\\{\Re p_{\phi},\Im p_{\phi}\\}+hS(m^{2}).$ (7.41) The remainder term $S(m^{2})$ comes from the assumption (7.37) and the fact $\sigma_{\text{scl}}(P_{\phi}^{*})\in S(m)$. If $\boxed{\\{\Re p_{\phi},\Im p_{\phi}\\}(x,\xi)\geq Cm(x,\xi)^{2},\ (m(x,\xi)\geq 1)}$ (7.42) holds, from (7.41) we know when $h$ is small enough we will have $|\sigma(x,\xi)|\gtrsim m(x,\xi)^{2}.$ (7.43) By combining (7.43), (7.39) and [zw2012semi, Theorem 4.19], we can conclude (7.40). In summary, we have the following theorem. ###### Theorem 7.24 (Carleman estimates). Let $P$ be a S$\Psi$DO and $\phi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}};\mathbb{R})$ and denote $P_{\phi}:=e^{\phi/h}\circ h^{2}P\circ e^{-\phi/h}$ and $p_{\phi}:=\sigma_{\rm{scl}}(P_{\phi})$. Assume $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\sigma_{\rm{scl}}(P_{\phi})\in S(m)\text{~{}for some order function~{}}m(x,\xi)\geq 1\\\ &\\{\Re p_{\phi},\Im p_{\phi}\\}(x,\xi)\geq Cm(x,\xi)^{2},\end{aligned}\right.$ then there exist positive constants $C$ and $\tau_{0}$ such that for $\forall\tau\geq\tau_{0}$, $\forall u\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, there holds $\boxed{\tau^{3}\|{e^{\tau\phi}u}\|^{2}\leq C\|{e^{\tau\phi}Pu}\|^{2}.}$ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 7.1. Prove Corollary 7.13. ###### Exercise 7.2. Assume $y,\xi,s,\eta\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, and define the $4n\times 4n$ matrix $\Sigma$ by (7.25). Check $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}\langle{\Sigma(y,\xi,s,\eta),(y,\xi,s,\eta)}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=s\cdot\xi-y\cdot\eta,$ $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2}\langle{\Sigma D_{(y,\xi,s,\eta)},D_{(y,\xi,s,\eta)}}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=D_{s}\cdot D_{\xi}+\nabla_{y}\cdot\nabla_{\eta}.$ ###### Exercise 7.3. Prove Lemma 7.20. ## Chapter 8 The wavefront set In this chapter we follows closely [chen2006pseudodifferential, §3]. ### 8.1. Basic facts Recall the Peetre’s inequality (cf Lemma 5.2): $\boxed{\langle{a-b}\rangle^{m}\leq\langle{a}\rangle^{m}\cdot\langle{b}\rangle^{|m|},\quad\forall a,b\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\text{~{}and~{}}\forall m\in\mathbb{R}.}$ (8.1) We also need a angular separation inequality, which states that $\boxed{|a-b|\geq C(|a|+|b|),\quad\forall a\in V_{1},{~{}\forall\,}b\in V_{2},}$ (8.2) provided that $V_{1}$ and $V_{2}$ are two cone in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ separating each other by a positive angle, and the positive constant $C$ depends on this angle. One example is that $V_{1}=\\{\rho(\cos\alpha,\sin\alpha)\in\mathbb{R}^{2}\,;\,\rho\geq 0,\,0\leq\alpha\leq\pi/4\\}$ and $V_{2}=\\{\rho(\cos\alpha,\sin\alpha)\in\mathbb{R}^{2}\,;\,\rho\geq 0,\,3\pi/4\leq\alpha\leq\pi\\}$. From (8.2) we can easily derive $\boxed{\langle{a-b}\rangle^{-m_{1}-m_{2}}\leq C\langle{a}\rangle^{-m_{1}}\cdot\langle{b}\rangle^{-m_{2}},\quad\forall a\in V_{1},\,\forall b\in V_{2},\,\forall m_{1},m_{2}\geq 0.}$ (8.3) ###### Proof of (8.3). From $|a-b|\gtrsim|a|+|b|$ we have $(1+|a-b|)^{-1}\lesssim(1+|a|)^{-1}$ and $(1+|a-b|)^{-1}\lesssim(1+|b|)^{-1}$, so $(1+|a-b|)^{-m_{1}-m_{2}}\lesssim(1+|a|)^{-m_{1}}(1+|b|)^{-m_{2}}$, which is equivalent to (8.3). ∎ These inequalities are frequently used in microlocal analysis and sometimes play key role in the proofs of microlocal analysis. We use the notation $T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ to stand for the cotangent bundle with the zero section excluded. We deliberately exclude the zero section for some purpose, see Remark 8.13. We introduce the notion of conic sets, the smooth direction and the wavefront set as follows. ###### Definition 8.1 (Conic set). A set $\Gamma\subset T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ is called a _conic set_ if $\Gamma=\omega\times V$ for some $\omega\subset{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ and some set $V\subset{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$, where the set $V$ is conic in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, i.e. if $\xi\in V$ then $t\xi\in V$ for all $t>0$. ###### Definition 8.2 ($\operatorname{Smo}$). Let $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$, and $A$ is the $\Psi$DO of $a$. Let $\Gamma\subset T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ be a open conic set. If for every integer $N$ there exists a constant $C_{\Gamma,N}$ such that $|a(x,\xi)|\leq C_{\Gamma,N}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\ \forall(x,\xi)\in\Gamma,\quad\text{(or equivalently}\quad\boxed{a\in S^{-\infty}\ \text{in}\ \Gamma.}\text{)}$ (8.4) holds, we say $\Gamma$ is a smooth direction set of $a$ (and of $A$). We write $\boxed{\operatorname{Smo}(A):=\bigcup\mathscr{F}}$ where $\mathscr{F}=\\{\Gamma\,;\,\Gamma\text{~{}is a smooth direction set of~{}}A\\}$. It can be checked that $\operatorname{Smo}(a)$ is always open in $T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$. We can also extend the $\operatorname{Smo}(a)$ to $a$ which is in $S^{m}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{N})$ ($n$ and $N$ need not to be the same). The idea of the smooth direction is that, for any symbol $a\in S^{m}$, no matter what the value of $m$ is, there are chances that there exists some directions in $\xi$ such that $a$ decays at infinite speed in these direction. ###### Lemma 8.3. Assume $A,B\in\Psi^{+\infty}$, then $\operatorname{Smo}(A)\cup\operatorname{Smo}(B)\subset\operatorname{Smo}(A\circ B).$ The proof is left as an exercise. ###### Definition 8.4 (Wavefront set). Assume $\Omega\subset{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ is a domain. For any given distribution $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, the _wavefront set_ $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(u)}\subset T^{*}\Omega\backslash 0$ of $u$ is defined as a closed subset such that, for any $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, there exists a neighborhood $\omega$ of $x_{0}$, a function $\varphi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\Omega)$ with $\varphi(x_{0})\neq 0$ and $\mathop{\rm supp}\varphi\subset\omega$, and a cone neighborhood $V$ of $\xi_{0}$ such that $|\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi)|\leq C_{N,\omega,V}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N},\,\forall\xi\in V$ (8.5) holds for some positive constant $C_{N,\omega,V}$ depending on $N$, $\omega$ and specially on $V$. ###### Example 8.5. Compute the wavefront set of $u(x_{1},x_{2}):=H(x_{1})$, where $H$ is the Heaviside function. Fix a point $(\bar{x}_{1},\bar{x}_{2})$. When $\bar{x}_{1}\neq 0$, we can always find a cutoff function $\varphi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2})$ such that $\varphi u\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2})$, so $\widehat{\varphi u}$ will be rapidly decaying. This implies that $\\{(\bar{x}_{1},\bar{x}_{2};\xi_{1},\xi_{2})\,;\,\bar{x}_{1}\neq 0\\}\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset,$ (8.6) so $\operatorname{WF}(u)$ is made of points of the form $(0,x_{2};\xi_{1},\xi_{2})$, thus in what follows we assume $\bar{x}_{1}=0$. Fix cutoff functions $\varphi_{1},\varphi_{2}\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{1})$, such that $\varphi_{1}$ is supported in the neighborhood of $0$ and $\varphi_{2}$ in the neighborhood of $\bar{x}_{2}$, and denote $\varphi(x_{1},x_{2})=\varphi_{1}(x_{1})\varphi_{2}(x_{2})$, then $\displaystyle|\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})|$ $\displaystyle\simeq|\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-ix_{1}\xi_{1}}\varphi_{1}(x_{1})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{1}|\cdot|\int e^{-ix_{2}\xi_{2}}\varphi_{2}(x_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{2}|.$ (8.7) When $\xi_{2}\neq 0$, we can continue (8.7) as $|\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})|\simeq\int|\varphi_{1}(x_{1})|\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{1}\cdot\langle{\xi_{2}}\rangle^{-\infty}\lesssim\langle{\xi_{2}}\rangle^{-\infty}.$ (8.8) For any cone $V_{C}:=\\{(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})\,;\,|\xi_{1}|\leq C|\xi_{2}|\\}$ where $C>0$, we have $|\xi_{2}|\leq|x_{1}|+|\xi_{2}|\lesssim|\xi_{2}|,$ which implies $\langle{(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})}\rangle\simeq\langle{\xi_{2}}\rangle.$ Hence, (8.8) becomes $|\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})|\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-\infty}.$ Hence, for any constant $C>0$, we have $\\{(0,\bar{x}_{2};\xi_{1},\xi_{2})\,;\,\bar{x}_{2}\in\mathbb{R},\,|\xi_{1}|\leq C|\xi_{2}|\\}\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset.$ (8.9) Combining (8.6) and (8.9), we see that $\operatorname{WF}(u)\subset\\{(0,\bar{x}_{2};\xi_{1},0)\,;\,\bar{x}_{2}\in\mathbb{R}\\}.$ (8.10) Finally, we show $\operatorname{WF}(u)\supset\\{(0,\bar{x}_{2};\xi_{1},0)\,;\,\bar{x}_{2}\in\mathbb{R}\\}.$ (8.11) Fix $\bar{x}_{2}\in\mathbb{R}$. For any $\varphi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2})$ supported in the neighborhood of $(0,\bar{x}_{2})$, we have $\displaystyle\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int e^{-ix_{1}\xi_{1}}e^{-ix_{2}\xi_{2}}\varphi(x_{1},x_{2})H(x_{1})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{1}\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{2}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-ix_{1}\xi_{1}}\tilde{\varphi}(x_{1},\xi_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{1}=i\xi_{1}^{-1}\tilde{\varphi}(0,\xi_{2})+\xi_{1}^{-1}\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-ix_{1}\xi_{1}}D_{x_{1}}\tilde{\varphi}(x_{1},\xi_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{1}$ $\displaystyle=i\xi_{1}^{-1}\tilde{\varphi}(0,\xi_{2})+\xi_{1}^{-1}\big{(}i\xi_{1}^{-1}D_{x_{1}}\tilde{\varphi}(0,\xi_{2})+\xi_{1}^{-1}\int_{0}^{\infty}e^{-ix_{1}\xi_{1}}D_{x_{1}}^{2}\tilde{\varphi}(x_{1},\xi_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{1}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=i\xi_{1}^{-1}\tilde{\varphi}(0,\xi_{2})+\mathcal{O}(|\xi_{1}|^{-2}),$ (8.12) where $\tilde{\varphi}(x_{1},\xi_{2})=\int_{\mathbb{R}}e^{-ix_{2}\xi_{2}}\varphi(x_{1},x_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{2}$. We know $\tilde{\varphi}(0,\xi_{2})=\int_{\mathbb{R}}e^{-ix_{2}\xi_{2}}\varphi(0,x_{2})\,\mathrm{d}{x}_{2}$ is not compactly supported due to the uncertainty principle, so there is $\bar{\xi}_{2}\neq 0$ such that $\tilde{\varphi}(0,\bar{\xi}_{2})\neq 0$. For any cone $V^{\prime}_{C}:=\\{(\xi_{1},\xi_{2})\,;\,|\xi_{2}|\leq C|\xi_{1}|\\}$ where $C>0$, when $|\xi_{1}|$ is large enough we always have $(\xi_{1},\bar{\xi}_{2})\in V^{\prime}_{C}$. Hence, (8.12) means that in any cone $V^{\prime}_{C}$, we have $|\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi_{1},\bar{\xi}_{2})|\simeq|\xi_{1}|^{-1}|\tilde{\varphi}(0,\bar{\xi}_{2})|+\mathcal{O}(|\xi_{1}|^{-2})\simeq|\xi_{1}|^{-1},$ so $\varphi u$ is not rapidly decaying in any cone $V^{\prime}_{C}$ which contains $\\{(\xi_{1},0)\\}$ as their common part. By the definition of the wavefront set we can conclude $(0,\bar{x}_{2};\xi_{1},0)\in\operatorname{WF}(u),$ which implies (8.11). Combining (8.10) with (8.11), we obtain $\underline{\operatorname{WF}(u)=\\{(0,x_{2};\xi_{1},0)\,;\,x_{2}\in\mathbb{R},\,\xi_{1}\neq 0\\},\quad\text{where}\quad u(x_{1},x_{2})=H(x_{1}).}$ It is easy to see from the definition that $(\operatorname{WF}u)^{c}$ is an open set, so every wavefront set is closed. In fact, we can relax the restriction on the function $\varphi$ in the Definition (8.4) as follows. ###### Lemma 8.6. Using the same notation in Definition 8.4, if $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, then there exists a another neighborhood $\omega^{\prime}\subset\omega$ of $x_{0}$, such that for any $\varphi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\omega^{\prime})$, which doesn’t necessarily satisfy $\varphi(x_{0})\neq 0$, the estimates (8.5) holds, with the constant $C_{N,\omega,V}$ now depends also on $\varphi$. ###### Proof. We call for the result (2) in Theorem 8.7 below in advance. Assume that $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, then there exists a neighborhood $\omega$ of $x_{0}$, a function $\varphi_{0}\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\varphi_{0}(x_{0})\neq 0$ and a cone neighborhood $V$ of $\xi_{0}$ such that (8.5) holds. Because $\varphi_{0}(x_{0})\neq 0$ and $\varphi_{0}$ is continuous, there exists another neighborhood $\omega^{\prime}\subset\omega$ of $x_{0}$ such that $|\varphi_{0}(x)|\geq|\varphi_{0}(x_{0})/2|>0$ for all $x\in\omega^{\prime}$, and thus $1/\varphi_{0}(x)$ is well-defined in $\omega^{\prime}$; the denominator keeps a positive distance from 0 in $\omega^{\prime}$. Now for any $\phi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\omega^{\prime})$, we know $\phi/\varphi_{0}\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\omega^{\prime})$, hence $\displaystyle|\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle=|(\phi/\varphi_{0}\cdot\varphi_{0}u)^{\wedge}(\xi)|\simeq|\int\widehat{\varphi_{0}u}(\xi-\eta)\cdot\widehat{\phi/\varphi_{0}}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int|\widehat{\varphi_{0}u}(\xi-\eta)|\cdot|\widehat{\phi/\varphi_{0}}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\lesssim\int\langle{\xi-\eta}\rangle^{-N}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\leq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N}\int\langle{\eta}\rangle^{N}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ Note that we used Peetre’s inequality (8.1). The proof is complete. ∎ The wavefront set possesses some simple facts [chen2006pseudodifferential]. ###### Theorem 8.7. Assume that $u$, $v\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ and $a\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\Omega)$, then we have 1. (1) $\operatorname{WF}(u+v)\subseteq\operatorname{WF}(u)\cup\operatorname{WF}(v)$; 2. (2) $\operatorname{WF}(au)\subseteq\operatorname{WF}(u)$; 3. (3) $\operatorname{WF}(D^{\alpha}u)\subseteq\operatorname{WF}(u)$. ###### Proof. For (1). Assume that $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)\cup\operatorname{WF}(v)$, then $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\in\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}^{c}\cap\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(v)\big{)}^{c}$, so there exists neighborhoods $\omega_{1}$ and $\omega_{2}$ of $x_{0}$ and cone neighborhoods $V_{1}$ and $V_{2}$ of $\xi_{0}$ such that $\displaystyle|\widehat{\varphi_{x_{0}}u}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle\leq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall\xi\in V_{1},\,\forall\varphi_{x_{0}}\in\mathscr{D}(\omega_{1})\text{~{}with~{}}\varphi_{x_{0}}(x_{0})\neq 0,\,\forall N\in\mathbb{N},$ $\displaystyle|\widehat{\varphi_{x_{0}}v}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle\leq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall\xi\in V_{2},\,\forall\varphi_{x_{0}}\in\mathscr{D}(\omega_{2})\text{~{}with~{}}\varphi_{x_{0}}(x_{0})\neq 0,\,\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ Thus, we have $|\widehat{\varphi_{x_{0}}w}(\xi)|\leq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall\xi\in V_{1}\cap V_{2},\,\forall\varphi_{x_{0}}\in\mathscr{D}(\omega_{1}\cap\omega_{2})\text{~{}with~{}}\varphi_{x_{0}}(x_{0})\neq 0,\,\forall N\in\mathbb{N},$ where $w=u$ or $v$, so $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u+v)$. We can conclude (1). For (2). Assume $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, then there exists a neighborhood $\omega$ of $x_{0}$, a function $\varphi\in\mathscr{D}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ with $\varphi(x_{0})\neq 0$ and a cone neighborhood $V$ of $\xi_{0}$ such that for all $\xi\in V$, $\displaystyle|\widehat{\varphi au}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle=|(a\cdot\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi)|\simeq|\int\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi-\eta)\cdot\widehat{a}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int|\widehat{\varphi u}(\xi-\eta)|\cdot|\widehat{a}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\lesssim\int\langle{\xi-\eta}\rangle^{-N}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\leq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N}\int\langle{\eta}\rangle^{N}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ Therefore $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(au)$. We can conclude (2). For (3). Assume $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$. For any $\varphi\in\mathscr{D}(\omega^{\prime})$ where the $\omega^{\prime}$ is as in Lemma 8.6, we have $\displaystyle\widehat{\phi D^{\alpha}u}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)D^{\alpha}u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\simeq\int D^{\alpha}(e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x))u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\int\sum_{|\beta|\leq|\alpha|}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}D^{\beta}(e^{-ix\cdot\xi})D^{\alpha-\beta}\phi(x)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\beta|\leq|\alpha|}\xi^{\beta}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}\int e^{-ix\cdot\xi}(D^{\alpha-\beta}\phi\cdot u)(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{|\beta|\leq|\alpha|}\xi^{\beta}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}(D^{\alpha-\beta}\phi\cdot u)^{\wedge}(\xi).$ Thus, by Lemma 8.6, $|\widehat{\phi D^{\alpha}u}(\xi)|\leq\sum_{|\beta|\leq|\alpha|}\xi^{\beta}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}|(D^{\alpha-\beta}\phi\cdot u)^{\wedge}(\xi)|\lesssim\sum_{|\beta|\leq|\alpha|}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{|\beta|}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N-|\alpha|}\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},$ for any $N\in\mathbb{N}$. Therefore $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(D^{\alpha}u)$. We can conclude (3). The proof is complete. ∎ ### 8.2. Wavefront set of product of distributions In this section we deal with some more sophisticated cases of the computations of the wavefront sets. #### 8.2.1. Direct product The first theorem is about the wavefront of the direct product $u\otimes v$. For $u\colon\mathscr{D}(\Omega_{x})\to\mathbb{C}$ and $v\colon\mathscr{D}(\Omega_{y})\to\mathbb{C}$, we define the _direct product_ $u\otimes v$ of $u$ and $v$ as a distribution on $\mathscr{D}(\Omega_{x}\times\Omega_{y})$ that maps $\varphi(x,y)\in\mathscr{D}(\Omega_{x}\times\Omega_{y})$ to $\langle{u,\langle v,\varphi(x,y)\rangle_{y}}\rangle_{x}$, $\langle{u\otimes v,\varphi(x,y)}\rangle:=\langle{u,\langle v,\varphi(x,y)\rangle_{y}}\rangle_{x}.$ ###### Theorem 8.8. For any given distributions $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega_{x})$ and $v\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega_{y})$, the wavefront set of the direct product $u\otimes v$ satisfies $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(u\otimes v)\subseteq\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(u)\times\operatorname{WF}(v)\big{)}\cup\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(u)\times{\rm supp}_{0}v\big{)}\cup\big{(}{\rm supp}_{0}u\times\operatorname{WF}(v)\big{)},}$ (8.13) where ${\rm supp}_{0}u:=\\{(x,0)\,;\,x\in\mathop{\rm supp}u\\}$, ${\rm supp}_{0}v:=\\{(y,0)\,;\,y\in\mathop{\rm supp}v\\}$. ###### Proof. Assume that $(x_{0},y_{0};\xi_{0},\eta_{0})$ doesn’t belong to the right-hand- side of (8.13). For the case where $\xi_{0}\neq 0$ and $\eta_{0}\neq 0$, we know $(x_{0};\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$ and $(y_{0};\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(v)$, so the Fourier transform $(\varphi_{(x_{0},y_{0})}u\otimes v)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0},\eta_{0})$ cannot have the decay of the order $\langle{(\xi,\eta)}\rangle^{-N}$ for any $N\in\mathbb{N}$. Therefore, $(x_{0},y_{0};\xi_{0},\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u\otimes v)$. For the case where $\xi_{0}=0$ and $\eta_{0}\neq 0$, if $x_{0}\notin\mathop{\rm supp}u$, obviously we can conclude $(x_{0},y_{0};\xi_{0},\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u\otimes v)$, so we suggest that $x_{0}\in\mathop{\rm supp}u$, thus we must have $(y_{0};\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(v)$. Choose $\varphi(x,y)=\varphi_{1}(x)\varphi_{2}(y)$ as the cutoff function where $\varphi_{1}\in\mathscr{D}(\omega_{1})$ and $\omega_{1}$ is some neighborhood of $x_{0}$. So does $\varphi_{2}$ accordingly. Thus we have $(\varphi u\otimes v)^{\wedge}(\xi,\eta)=(\varphi_{1}u)^{\wedge}(\xi)\cdot(\varphi_{2}v)^{\wedge}(\eta).$ We have that $(\varphi_{2}v)^{\wedge}(\eta)$ is rapidly decaying and $(\varphi_{1}u)^{\wedge}(\xi)$ grows in polynomial order of $\xi$ in a cone neighborhood of $(0,\eta)$. It’s easy to check that, in such a cone neighborhood, we have $\langle{(\xi,\eta)}\rangle\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle\lesssim\langle{(\xi,\eta)}\rangle$. Therefore, $\displaystyle|(\varphi u\otimes v)^{\wedge}(\xi,\eta)|$ $\displaystyle=|(\varphi_{1}u)^{\wedge}(\xi)|\cdot|(\varphi_{2}v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N+l}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-l}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{(\xi,\eta)}\rangle^{-N+l}\cdot\langle{(\xi,\eta)}\rangle^{-l}=\langle{(\xi,\eta)}\rangle^{-N},$ for any $N\in\mathbb{N}$. Therefore, $(x_{0},y_{0};\xi_{0},\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u\otimes v)$. The case where $\xi_{0}\neq 0$ and $\eta_{0}=0$ is similar to the case where $\xi_{0}=0$ and $\eta_{0}\neq 0$. The proof is complete. ∎ #### 8.2.2. Product Next, we investigate the product of two distributions. In contrast to the product of functions, the product of two distributions is not always well- defined. Under certain conditions, the product of two distributions can be defined, at least locally. We know that if $\varphi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\Omega)$ and $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, we have $\varphi u\in\mathcal{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ and thus the Fourier transform $\widehat{\varphi u}$ is well-defined and can be estimated of polynomial order at infinity. Thus we might have chance to define the product by using convolution, $(\varphi^{2}uv)^{\wedge}(\xi):=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi-\eta)\cdot(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta},$ (8.14) as long as the convolution (8.14) is integrable in the Lebesgue sense and grows under polynomial order in terms of $\langle{\xi}\rangle$ at infinity, which implies $\varphi^{2}uv\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$. This leads to the following result. ###### Theorem 8.9 (Product Theorem). For any given distributions $u$, $v\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, when $\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(u)+\operatorname{WF}(v)\big{)}\cap O_{x}=\emptyset,$ (8.15) where $\operatorname{WF}(u)+\operatorname{WF}(v):=\\{(x,\xi_{1}+\xi_{2})\,;\,(x,\xi_{1})\in\operatorname{WF}(u),\,(x,\xi_{2})\in\operatorname{WF}(v)\\}$, and $O_{x}:=\\{(x,0)\,;\,x\in\Omega\\}$, the product “$uv$” can be well- defined in the sense of (8.14) and its wavefront set satisfies $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(uv)\subseteq\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(u)+\operatorname{WF}(v)\big{)}\cup\operatorname{WF}(u)\cup\operatorname{WF}(v).}$ (8.16) ###### Proof. We partially follow [friedlander1998introduction, Proposition 11.2.3]. The proof is divided into two parts: first, we show that under condition (8.15) the convolution (8.14) can be controlled at polynomial of $\xi$; second, we show the relation (8.16). Step 1. For any open cone neighborhood $V_{3}$ of $\operatorname{WF}(u)+\operatorname{WF}(v)$, there exists open cone neighborhoods $V_{1}^{\prime}$ and $V_{2}^{\prime}$ of $\operatorname{WF}(u)$ and $\operatorname{WF}(v)$, respectively, such that $V_{1}^{\prime}+V_{2}^{\prime}\subset V_{3}$. Also, there must exists open cone neighborhoods $V_{1}$ and $V_{2}$ such that $\begin{cases}\operatorname{WF}(u)\subsetneqq V_{1}\subsetneqq V_{1}^{\prime}\\\ \operatorname{WF}(v)\subsetneqq V_{2}\subsetneqq V_{2}^{\prime}\\\ \operatorname{WF}(u)+\operatorname{WF}(v)\subsetneqq V_{1}+V_{2}\subsetneqq V_{1}^{\prime}+V_{2}^{\prime}\subsetneqq V_{3}\\\ \big{(}V_{1}+V_{2}\big{)}\cap O_{x}=\emptyset\end{cases}$ (8.17) The $V_{1}^{\prime}$ and $V_{2}^{\prime}$ will be utilized in Step 2. Fix some $x_{0}\in\Omega$, we can find some $\varphi\in\mathscr{D}(\Omega)$ with $\varphi(x_{0})\neq 0$ and also $\varphi$ guarantees $\varphi u$ and $\varphi v$ that (8.5) hold. For any fixed $\xi_{0}\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash\\{0\\}$, the integral (8.14) can be divided into four parts, $\displaystyle\quad\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)\cdot(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)\cdot(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}+\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)\cdot(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle+\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)\cdot(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}+\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)\cdot(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=:I_{1}+I_{2}+I_{3}+I_{4}.$ (8.18) The condition (8.15) will (only) be used to estimate $I_{4}$. According to Definition 8.4 and Peetre’s inequality, we can estimate $I_{1}$ as $\displaystyle|I_{1}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\xi_{0}-\eta}\rangle^{-N}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{N}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ (8.19) For $I_{2}$, we know that $\varphi v\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, so $|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|$ can be dominated by $\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}$ for some $l\in\mathbb{N}$, thus $\displaystyle|I_{2}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}\langle{\xi_{0}-\eta}\rangle^{-l-n-1}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{l+n+1}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-l-n-1}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\quad(\text{Peetre's inequality})$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{l+n+1}.$ (8.20) The estimation of $I_{3}$ is similar to that of $I_{2}$, $\displaystyle|I_{3}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\gamma)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\xi_{0}-\gamma)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\gamma)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\gamma)|\,\mathrm{d}{\gamma}\quad(\gamma=\xi_{0}-\eta)$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\gamma)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\xi_{0}-\gamma)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}\langle{\gamma}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}\cdot\langle{\xi_{0}-\gamma}\rangle^{-l^{\prime}-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\gamma}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{l^{\prime}+n+1}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\gamma}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}\cdot\langle{\gamma}\rangle^{-l^{\prime}-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\gamma}\quad(\text{Peetre's inequality})$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{l^{\prime}+n+1}.$ (8.21) For $I_{4}$, we can show that the domain of integration $\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1},\,(x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}$ is bounded. We temporarily use $\hat{\eta}$ to mean the direction of $\eta$, $\hat{\eta}=\eta/|\eta|$. Therefore the direction of the vector $\xi_{0}-\eta$ is parallel to $\xi_{0}/|\eta|-\hat{\eta}$, thus when $|\eta|$ is large enough, $(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)$ will be in $-V_{2}:=\\{(x,-\eta)\,;\,(x,\eta)\in V_{2}\\}$. We know $(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1}$, so the set $\\{(x_{0},\gamma)\,;\,(x_{0},\gamma)\in V_{1},\,(x_{0},-\gamma)\in V_{2}\\}$ is not empty. This contradict with $\big{(}V_{1}+V_{2}\big{)}\cap O_{x}=\emptyset$ in (8.17). Therefore, when $|\eta|$ is large enough, the conditions $(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1}$ and $(x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}$ cannot be satisfies simultaneously, which implies the set $\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1},\,(x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}$ is bounded. Therefore, $\displaystyle|I_{4}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\\{\eta\,;\,|\eta|\text{~{}bounded}\\}}\langle{\xi_{0}-\eta}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}\int_{\\{\eta\,;\,|\eta|\text{~{}bounded}\\}}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{|l^{\prime}|}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\quad(\text{Peetre's inequality})$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}.$ (8.22) From (8.18)-(8.22), we conclude that the convolution (8.14) is Lebesgue integrable and grows with polynomial order in terms of $\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle$, thus $\varphi^{2}uv\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$. Now $uv\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ is well-defined. Step 2. Under condition (8.15), we study the wavefront set of $uv$. Assume that $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin V_{3}\cup V_{1}^{\prime}\cup V_{2}^{\prime},$ (8.23) Again, the condition (8.15) will (only) be used to estimate $I_{4}$. Note the particular arrangements of the $V_{1}$, $V_{1}^{\prime}$ and $V_{2}$, $V_{2}^{\prime}$ in (8.23) and (8.18). We will utilize these arrangements combining with condition (8.17) to estimates $I_{2}$ and $I_{3}$. We estimate $I_{1}$ the same way as in Step 1, i.e. as in (8.19). For $I_{2}$, to get the rapid decay w.r.t. $\xi_{0}$, we shall adapt different strategy. We know that $\varphi v\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, so $|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|$ can be dominated by $\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}$ for some $l\in\mathbb{N}$. Thanks to the condition (8.23), we know $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin V_{2}^{\prime}$ and now $(x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}$. Because $V_{2}\subsetneqq V_{2}^{\prime}$, we know that $V_{2}$ and $V_{2}^{\prime}$ are separated with a positive angle, so the inequality (8.3) can apply to $\langle{\xi_{0}-\eta}\rangle$, $\displaystyle|I_{2}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\notin V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}\langle{\xi_{0}-\eta}\rangle^{-N-l-n-1}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-l-n-1}\cdot\langle{\eta}\rangle^{l}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}\quad\big{(}\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:AngSep2-PM2021}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ (8.24) The estimation of $I_{3}$ is similar to (8.24), $\displaystyle|I_{3}|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\eta)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\eta)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\gamma)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\xi_{0}-\gamma)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}|(\varphi u)^{\wedge}(\gamma)|\cdot|(\varphi v)^{\wedge}(\xi_{0}-\gamma)|\,\mathrm{d}{\gamma}\quad(\gamma=\xi_{0}-\eta)$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\gamma)\in V_{1}\\\ (x_{0},\xi_{0}-\gamma)\notin V_{2}\\}\end{subarray}}\langle{\gamma}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}\cdot\langle{\xi_{0}-\gamma}\rangle^{-N-l^{\prime}-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\gamma}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N}\int_{{\mathbb{R}^{n}}}\langle{\gamma}\rangle^{l^{\prime}}\cdot\langle{\gamma}\rangle^{-l^{\prime}-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\gamma}\quad\big{(}\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:AngSep2-PM2021}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ (8.25) Now we work on $I_{4}$. From (8.15), (8.17) and (8.23), we know that $\xi_{0}\notin V_{1}+V_{2}$, thus the set $\\{\eta\,;\,(x_{0},\xi_{0}-\eta)\in V_{1},\,(x_{0},\eta)\in V_{2}\\}$ is empty. Therefore $I_{4}=0$. Combining this fact with (8.18), (8.19), (8.24) and (8.25), we arrive at $|(\varphi^{2}uv)^{\wedge}(\xi)|\leq C_{N}\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall N\in\mathbb{N},$ for $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin V_{3}\cup V_{1}^{\prime}\cup V_{2}^{\prime}$. This implies $\operatorname{WF}(u+v)\subset V_{3}\cup V_{1}^{\prime}\cup V_{2}^{\prime}$. The sets $V_{3}$, $V_{1}^{\prime}$ and $V_{2}^{\prime}$ can be close to $\operatorname{WF}(u)+\operatorname{WF}(v)$, $\operatorname{WF}(u)$ and $\operatorname{WF}(v)$, respectively, as close as possible, so we arrive at (8.16). The proof is complete. ∎ #### 8.2.3. Convolution We define $\left\\{\begin{aligned} \operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)&:=\\{(x,y;\xi,-\eta)\,;\,(x,y;\xi,\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(K)\\},\\\ \operatorname{WF}_{x}(K)&:=\\{(x;\xi)\,;\,\exists y\textrm{~{}s.t.~{}}(x,y;\xi,0)\in\operatorname{WF}(K)\\},\\\ A\circ B&:=\\{(x,\xi)\,;\,\exists(y,\eta)\in B\textrm{~{}s.t.~{}}(x,y;\xi,\eta)\in A\\},\\\ O_{x}&:=\\{(x,0)\,;\,x\in\Omega\\}.\end{aligned}\right.$ (8.26) We need the following lemma. ###### Lemma 8.10. Assume $f\in\mathcal{D}^{\prime}(\Omega\times\Omega)$, and there is a compact set $\mathcal{K}\subset\Omega$ such that $\mathop{\rm supp}f\subset\Omega\times\mathcal{K}$. Then $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}\big{(}\int f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}=\operatorname{WF}_{x}(f).}$ (8.27) ###### Proof. Step 1. ($\supset$). Assume $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}\big{(}\int f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}$, then there exists $\chi_{x_{0}}\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\Omega)$ such that $\int e^{-ix_{0}\cdot\xi_{0}}\chi_{x_{0}}(x)f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\mathcal{O}(\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-\infty})=\mathcal{O}(\langle{(\xi_{0},0)}\rangle^{-\infty}).$ which gives $\forall\bar{y}\in\mathcal{K},\ \int e^{-i(x_{0},\bar{y})\cdot(\xi_{0},0)}\chi_{x_{0}}(x)\chi(y)f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{(}x,y)=\mathcal{O}(\langle{(\xi_{0},0)}\rangle^{-\infty}),$ where $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(\Omega)$ with $\chi\equiv 1$ on $\mathcal{K}$. This means $(x_{0},\bar{y};\xi_{0},0)\notin\operatorname{WF}(f)$ for $\forall\bar{y}\in\mathcal{K}$, so $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}_{x}(f)$. Hence, $\operatorname{WF}\big{(}\int f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}\supset\operatorname{WF}_{x}(f).$ Step 2. ($\subset$). Assume $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}_{x}(f)$, then for $\forall\bar{y}\in\Omega$ we have $(x_{0},\bar{y};\xi_{0},0)\notin\operatorname{WF}(f)$. Therefore, for $\forall\bar{y}\in\Omega$, there is a neighborhood of $\bar{y}$ such that $\int e^{-i(x_{0},\bar{y})\cdot(\xi_{0},0)}\chi_{x_{0}}(x)\chi(y)f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{(}x,y)=\mathcal{O}(\langle{(\xi_{0},0)}\rangle^{-\infty}),$ (8.28) for $\chi\equiv 1$ in that neighborhood. Because $\mathcal{K}$ is compact, so by using partition of unity technique, we can remove the term $\chi(y)$ in (8.28), and obtain $\int e^{-ix_{0}\cdot\xi_{0}}\chi_{x_{0}}(x)\big{(}\int f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\mathcal{O}(\langle{\xi_{0}}\rangle^{-\infty}),$ which gives $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(\int f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}).$ Hence, $\operatorname{WF}\big{(}\int f(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}\subset\operatorname{WF}_{x}(f).$ The proof is done. ∎ ###### Theorem 8.11. Assume $u\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, and $K\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega\times\Omega)$. When $\big{(}\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cap O_{x}=\emptyset$, the distribution $w(x):=\langle{K(x,y),u(y)}\rangle_{y}$ is well-defined in the sense that $\forall\varphi\in\mathscr{D}(\Omega),\quad w(\varphi):=\langle{K(x,y),u(y)\otimes\varphi(x)}\rangle,$ and we have the following canonical relation: $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(w)\subseteq\big{(}\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cup\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K).}$ (8.29) ###### Remark 8.12. Note that the $\mathop{\rm supp}u$ should be contained in $\Omega$, otherwise the $w$ may be ill-defined. ###### Proof. Step 1. Turn into product. Denote $\tilde{u}(x,y)=1(x)\otimes u(y)$ where $1(x)$ is the constant function. The wavefront set of the function $1(x)$ is empty, so by Theorem 8.8 we have $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})$ $\displaystyle\subset\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(1)\times\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cup\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(1)\times{\rm supp}_{0}u\big{)}\cup\big{(}{\rm supp}_{0}1\times\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\emptyset\cup\emptyset\cup\big{(}{\rm supp}_{0}1\times\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\\{(x,y;0,\eta)\,;\,x\in\mathop{\rm supp}\Omega,\,(y,\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}.$ (8.30) The $w(x)$ can be written as $w(x)=\langle{K(x,y),u(y)}\rangle_{y}=\int K(x,y)\cdot\tilde{u}(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}=\int K\tilde{u}(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}.$ where $K\tilde{u}$ stands for the product of $K$ and $\tilde{u}$. By Theorem 8.9, to guarantee the product $K\tilde{u}$ is well-defined, we need to check if the prerequisite $\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(K)+\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\big{)}\cap O_{x,y}=\emptyset$ (8.31) is true. It can be shown that the condition $\big{(}\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cap O_{x}=\emptyset$ guarantees (8.31) (see Exercise 8.2), so $K\tilde{u}$ is well-defined. Because $u\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$, we see that for $\forall x\in\Omega$, $\mathop{\rm supp}K\tilde{u}(x,\cdot)$ is uniformly compact, so by Lemma 8.10 we have $\operatorname{WF}\big{(}\int K\tilde{u}(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}=\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K\tilde{u}),$ so, $\operatorname{WF}(w)=\operatorname{WF}\big{(}\int K\tilde{u}(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\big{)}=\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K\tilde{u})=\operatorname{WF}(K\tilde{u})\circ O_{y},$ (8.32) where we used the fact that for general distribution $f\in\mathcal{D}^{\prime}(\Omega\times\Omega)$, $\operatorname{WF}_{x}(f)=\operatorname{WF}(f)\circ O_{y}.$ Step 2. Use product Theorem. Combining (8.32) with Theorem 8.9, we can have $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(w)$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}(K\tilde{u})\circ O_{y}\subset\Big{(}\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(K)+\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\big{)}\cup\operatorname{WF}(K)\cup\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\Big{)}\circ O_{y}$ $\displaystyle=M_{1}\cup M_{2}\cup M_{3},$ (8.33) where $\left\\{\begin{aligned} M_{1}&:=\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(K)+\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\big{)}\circ O_{y},\\\ M_{2}&:=\operatorname{WF}(K)\circ O_{y},\\\ M_{3}&:=\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\circ O_{y}.\end{aligned}\right.$ The set $\operatorname{WF}(K)+\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})$ can be expressed as $\displaystyle\ \operatorname{WF}(K)+\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \\{(x,y;\xi,\eta)\,;\,\xi=\xi_{1}+\xi_{2},\,\eta=\eta_{1}+\eta_{2},\,(x,y;\xi_{1},\eta_{1})\in\operatorname{WF}(K),\,(x,y;\xi_{2},\eta_{2})\in\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\\}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\ \\{(x,y;\xi,\eta)\,;\,\eta=\eta_{1}+\eta_{2},\,(x,y;\xi,\eta_{1})\in\operatorname{WF}(K),\,(y,\eta_{2})\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}.\quad\text{(by \eqref{eq:t1u-PM2021})}$ Thus, $\displaystyle M_{1}$ $\displaystyle=\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(K)+\operatorname{WF}(\tilde{u})\big{)}\circ O_{y}=\\{(x,\xi)\,;\,(x,y;\xi,-\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(K),\,(y,\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}$ $\displaystyle=\\{(x,\xi)\,;\,(x,y;\xi,\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K),\,(y,\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}=\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u).$ (8.34) By (8.30) it can also be checked that $M_{2}=\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K),\quad M_{3}=\emptyset.$ (8.35) Combining (8.34), (8.35) with (8.33), we obtain (8.29). The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Remark 8.13. In Theorem 8.11, if we know in advance that $\operatorname{WF}(K)\subset(T^{*}\Omega_{x}\backslash 0)\times(T^{*}\Omega_{y}\backslash 0),$ then $\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K)=\emptyset$ and (8.29) can be reduced to $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(w)\subseteq\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u).}$ (8.36) The set $\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)$ is called the _twist_ of $\operatorname{WF}(K)$, and the operation “$\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ$” is called _canonical relation_ of the operator: $u(y)\mapsto w(x):=\langle{K(x,y),u(y)}\rangle$ which takes $K$ as its kernel. These can be generalized to the theory of _Fourier integral operators_. ### 8.3. The wavefront sets of Fourier integral operators Recall the notion of phase function given in Definition 3.1. ###### Theorem 8.14. Assume $\varphi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}\times\mathbb{R}^{N})$ is a phase function of order $1$, and $a\in S^{m}$ is a symbol. Define $A(x)$ as $A(x):=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta},$ (8.37) where the integral is understood as an oscillatory integral. Then $A$ induces a distribution (also denoted as $A$) $A\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega)$ for any domain $\Omega\subset{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, i.e. $A\colon u\in\mathscr{D}(\Omega)\mapsto I_{\varphi}(au)$ by $A(u):=I_{\varphi}(au)=\langle{A,u}\rangle=\int e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}a(x,\theta)u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ in oscillatory integral sense. The wavefront set of $A$ satisfies $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(A)\subset\\{(x,\varphi_{x}(x,\theta))\,;\,\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\,(x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\}.}$ (8.38) ###### Remark 8.15. When the following conditions are satisfied, the inclusion “$\subset$” in (8.38) can be improved to “$=$” (see contexts preceding [ho202Xmicro, Theorem 3.9], [chen1997fio, Theorem 3.9]): 1. (1) the phase function $\varphi$ is non-degenerate on $C_{\phi}:=\\{(x,\theta)\,;\,\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\,(x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\}$, i.e. the $N$-$(n+N)$ matrix $\mathrm{d}\phi_{\theta}$ is full rank on $C_{\phi}$, here $\mathrm{d}\phi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{\theta x}(x,\theta)&\phi_{\theta\theta}(x,\theta)\end{pmatrix};$ 2. (2) the map $(x,\theta)\mapsto(x,\varphi_{x}(x,\theta))$ is injective when restricted to $C_{\phi}$. Readers may distinguish the $A$ appeared in Theorem 8.14 with the operator $B$ defined as $Bu(x):=\int e^{i\varphi(x,y,\theta)}a(x,y,\theta)u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}.$ The $A$ is a distribution while the $B$ just defined is an operator, namely, $A$ maps a function to a scalar while $B$ maps a function to another function. However, $A$ is a generalization of $B$, because $\displaystyle\langle{Bu(x),v(x)}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\int e^{i\varphi(x,y,\theta)}a(x,y,\theta)u(y)v(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\langle{\int e^{i\varphi(x,y,\theta)}a(x,y,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta},(v\otimes u)(x,y)}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\langle{K_{B},v\otimes u}\rangle.$ where $\tilde{B}$ is defined as $K_{B}(x,y):=\int e^{i\varphi(x,y,\theta)}a(x,y,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}.$ Hence the operator $B$ can be turned into a form of (8.37). Moreover, we have $Bu(x)=\langle{K_{B}(x,y),u(y)}\rangle$, so by combining Theorems 8.14 and 8.11, hopefully we can obtain $\operatorname{WF}(Bu)$. ###### Short proof of Theorem 8.14. This short proof is for summarizing the key idea of proving this theorem and thus the details may not be rigorously correct. After this short proof, we also present a formal proof of Theorem 8.14. According to the Definition 8.4 ,we fix a cutoff function $\phi$ with $\phi(x_{0})\neq 0$ and compute $\displaystyle\widehat{\phi A}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=A(\phi e^{-ix\cdot\xi})=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta},$ and the basic idea is to use $N$ times (with $N$ large enough) the operator $L:=\frac{(\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)-\xi)\cdot\nabla_{x}}{i|\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)-\xi|^{2}}$ acting on $e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}$ and the fact (8.3) to get the desired estimate. But in order to do so, one needs to first address some singularities in the oscillatory integral. We have $\displaystyle\widehat{\phi A}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}(\frac{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\cdot\nabla_{\theta}}{|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{2}})^{N}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\sim\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{-N}\partial_{\theta}^{N}a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}.$ (8.39) Then as $N$ be large enough, the $\partial_{\theta}^{N}a(x,\theta)$ will be integrable w.r.t. $\theta$. But we notice that $|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{-1}$ has singularity at $\theta=0$, so we first exclude the neighborhood of the origin of $\theta$ by using a cutoff function $\chi$ with $\chi(0)\neq 0$ as follows $\displaystyle\widehat{\phi A}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)\chi(\theta)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}+\int e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}\chi(\theta)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\Gamma_{x}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{\theta\notin\Gamma_{x}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=:I_{1}(\xi)+I_{2}(\xi)+I_{3}(\xi),$ where $\Gamma_{x}:=\\{\theta\,;\,a(x,\theta)=\mathcal{O}(|\theta|^{-\infty})\\}.$ (8.40) The $I_{1}(\xi)$ and $I_{2}(\xi)$ are $O(|\xi|^{-\infty})$ as $|\xi|\to+\infty$, because these terms $\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}\chi(\theta)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ and $\int_{\Gamma_{x}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ are smooth in terms of $x$ (for the first term, it is because the actual integral domain is compact, i.e. is contained in $\mathop{\rm supp}\theta$; for the second term, it is because the integrand decays at infinity order). Then we can compute $I_{3}$ as follows, $\displaystyle I_{3}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\neq 0\text{~{}and~{}}\theta\notin\Gamma_{x}}(\frac{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\cdot\nabla_{\theta}}{|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{2}})^{N}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0\text{~{}and~{}}\theta\notin\Gamma_{x}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=:I_{4}(\xi)+I_{5}(\xi).$ Now here comes the key point: to obtain $\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N}$, for $I_{4}$ we differentiate $e^{-ix\cdot\xi}$ w.r.t. $x$, and for $I_{5}$ we differentiate $e^{i(\varphi-x\cdot\xi)}$ w.r.t. $x$. We can estimate $I_{4}$ by using the computation as in (8.39), $\displaystyle I_{4}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\neq 0\text{~{}and~{}}\theta\notin\Gamma_{x}}(\frac{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\cdot\nabla_{\theta}}{|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{2}})^{N}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\sim\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\neq 0\text{~{}and~{}}\theta\notin\Gamma_{x}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{-N}\partial_{\theta}^{N}((1-\chi)a)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x},$ where the integer $N$ can be arbitrary. And hence we have $I_{4}(\xi)=\mathcal{O}(|\xi|^{-\infty})$ for the same reason as $I_{1}$. It is the $I_{5}$ which finally decides $\operatorname{WF}(A)$. For $\xi\neq\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)$, we can have $I_{3}$ as follows, $\displaystyle I_{5}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\\\ (x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\end{subarray}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ (8.41) $\displaystyle=\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\\\ (x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\end{subarray}}\big{[}\big{(}\frac{(\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)-\xi)\cdot\nabla_{x}}{i|\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)-\xi|^{2}}\big{)}^{N_{1}+N_{2}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\big{]}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ (8.42) $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\\\ (x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\end{subarray}}\langle{\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)-\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}-N_{2}}\phi(x)|a(x,\theta)|\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\\\ (x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\end{subarray}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\langle{\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)}\rangle^{-N_{2}}\phi(x)\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\int_{\begin{subarray}{c}\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)=0,\\\ (x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\end{subarray}}\phi(x)\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m-N_{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\simeq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}},$ To guarantee the derivation from (8.41) to (8.42), we need $\xi\neq\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)$ for these $(x,\theta)$ which satisfy $\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)=0$ and $(x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)$. We finished the proof. ∎ ###### Formal proof of Theorem 8.14. We do some preparation first. Define $\mathcal{A}$ as the collection of subsets $\Omega$ in $\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times(\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n}\backslash\\{0\\})$ where $(x,\xi)\in\Omega\Rightarrow(x,t\xi)\in\Omega$ for any $t>0$, and $\mathcal{B}$ as the collection of subsets in $\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{S}_{\xi}^{n-1}$. Then there is a one-to-one correspondence between $\mathcal{A}$ and $\mathcal{B}$, and we denote the one- to-one mapping as $S$, $S\colon\Omega\in\mathcal{A}\ \mapsto\ S\Omega=\\{(x,\eta)\,;\,\exists\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\textrm{~{}s.t.~{}}\eta=\xi/|\xi|\text{~{}and~{}}(x,\xi)\in\Omega\\}\in\mathcal{B}.$ Let $T\colon(x,\theta)\mapsto(x,\varphi_{x}(x,\theta))$. Note that $ST=TS$. For any positive integer $k$, denote $V_{k}:=\\{(x,\theta)\in\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n}\,;\,|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|\leq 1/k\\}.$ (8.43) It can be checked that * • $\\{V_{k}\\}_{k}$ and $\\{TV_{k}\\}_{k}$ are decreasing in terms of $k$, * • $V_{k}$ and $TV_{k}$ are closed in $\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times(\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n}\backslash\\{0\\})$, * • $V_{k}$, $TV_{k}\in\mathcal{A}$, * • $SV_{k}$ and $STV_{k}$ ($=TSV_{k}$) are also closed in $\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{S}_{\xi}^{n-1}$. Now let’s assume $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin TV_{k},$ (8.44) then $(x_{0},\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}|)$ is not in $STV_{k}$, which is a closed set. Therefore, there exists $\epsilon_{1}>0$ such that $\\{(x,\xi/|\xi|)\,;\,|x-x_{0}|\leq\epsilon_{1},\,|\xi/|\xi|-\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}||\leq\epsilon_{1}\\}\cap STV_{k}=\emptyset.$ (8.45) Because $\nabla_{(x,\theta)}\varphi(x,\theta)$ is always assumed to be nonzero, the number $\inf_{|x-x_{0}|\leq\epsilon_{1},\,\theta\in\mathbb{S}^{n-1}}\big{(}|\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)|+|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|\big{)}$ exists and is positive and we denote it as $\epsilon_{2}$, $\epsilon_{2}:=\inf_{|x-x_{0}|\leq\epsilon_{1},\,\theta\in\mathbb{S}^{n-1}}\big{(}|\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)|+|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|\big{)}>0.$ (8.46) Let $k_{0}$ be any positive integer such that $k_{0}>2\lceil 1/\epsilon_{2}\rceil.$ (8.47) Now, for any $(x,\theta)\in SV_{k_{0}}$, we know $(x,\theta)\in V_{k_{0}}$, so (8.43) gives $|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|\leq 1/k_{0}<\epsilon_{2}/2$, so from (8.46) we can conclude that $|\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)|>\epsilon_{2}/2>0\quad\text{in}\quad W:=\\{(x,\theta)\in SV_{k_{0}}\,;\,|x-x_{0}|\leq\epsilon_{1}\\}.$ (8.48) Fix some $\phi\in C_{c}^{\infty}(B(x_{0},\epsilon_{1}))$. And $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is a cut-off function with support containing the origin. Now we estimate $\widehat{\phi A}(\xi)$. We have $\displaystyle\widehat{\phi A}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=A(\phi e^{-ix\cdot\xi})=(2\pi)^{-n/2}\int e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)\chi(\theta)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}+\int e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}\chi(\theta)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{(x,\theta)\in\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{(x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=:I_{1}(\xi)+I_{2}(\xi)+I_{3}(\xi),$ (8.49) where $\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)$ is an arbitrary subset of $\operatorname{Smo}(a)$ such that for every fixed $x$, the projection of the intersect $S((x,\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})\cap\operatorname{Smo}(a))$ is a compact subset of the sphere $\mathbb{S}^{n-1}$. The $(x,\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})$ means $\\{(x,\xi)\in\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n}\,;\,\xi\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\\}$. The term $I_{1}$ is easy to estimate. The $\int_{\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}\chi(\theta)a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ in $I_{1}$ is $C^{\infty}$-smooth in terms of $x$, so by using integration by parts we can have $|I_{1}(\xi)|=|\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\mathcal{C}(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}|\leq C_{\alpha}\xi^{-\alpha},\quad\forall\xi,\,\forall\,\text{multi- index~{}}\alpha.$ (8.50) where $\mathcal{C}$ is some function in $C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. The estimation (8.50) gives $|I_{1}(\xi)|\leq C_{N}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall\xi,\,\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ (8.51) And $I_{2}$ can be estimated as follows, $\displaystyle|I_{2}(\xi)|$ $\displaystyle=|\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\\{\theta\,;\,(x,\theta)\in\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)\\}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}|$ $\displaystyle=|\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}\big{[}\big{(}i^{|\alpha|}\xi^{-\alpha}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\big{)}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\big{]}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\\{\theta\,;\,(x,\theta)\in\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)\\}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}|$ $\displaystyle=\xi^{-\alpha}|\int_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}}e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}\Big{[}\phi(x)\big{(}\int_{\\{\theta\,;\,(x,\theta)\in\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)\\}}e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\Big{]}\,\mathrm{d}{x}|.$ It is easy to check that the term in $\big{[}\cdots\big{]}$ are $C^{\infty}$-smooth and compactly supported w.r.t. $x$, thus it is integrable. Therefore, $|I_{2}(\xi)|\leq C_{N}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\forall\xi,\,\forall N\in\mathbb{N}.$ (8.52) Then we move on to $I_{3}$, $\displaystyle I_{3}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap(V_{k_{0}})^{c}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap V_{k_{0}}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=:I_{4}(\xi)+I_{5}(\xi),$ (8.53) where $(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}$ signifies the complementary set of $\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)$. Note that in $(V_{k_{0}})^{c}$, the $|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|$ is no less that $1/k_{0}$ (c.f. (8.43)), thus no singularity will accrue when $|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|$ appears in the denominator. Hence, for $I_{4}$ we have $\displaystyle I_{4}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap(V_{k_{0}})^{c}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\,\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\int\hskip 32.0pte^{-ix\cdot\xi}\hskip 32.0pt\phi(x)\big{(}\int e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=\int\big{[}(i^{|\alpha|}\xi^{-\alpha}\partial_{x}^{\alpha})e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\big{]}\,\phi(x)\big{(}\int e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\xi^{-\alpha}\int e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\sum_{\beta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}\partial_{x}^{\alpha-\beta}\phi(x)\cdot\partial_{x}^{\beta}\big{(}\int e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)}(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\xi^{-\alpha}\int e^{-ix\cdot\xi}\sum_{\beta\leq\alpha}\binom{\alpha}{\beta}\partial_{x}^{\alpha-\beta}\phi(x)$ $\displaystyle\quad\cdot\partial_{x}^{\beta}\big{(}\int(\frac{-i\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)\cdot\nabla_{\theta}}{|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|^{2}})^{N}(e^{i\varphi(x,\theta)})(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\xi^{-\alpha}\sum_{\beta\leq\alpha}\int e^{-ix\cdot\xi}C_{\alpha,\beta}\partial_{x}^{\alpha-\beta}\phi(x)\big{(}\int\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m+|\beta|-N}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle\leq C_{\alpha}\xi^{-\alpha},\quad\forall\xi,\,\forall\,\text{multi- index~{}}\alpha.$ (8.54) Now for the estimation of $I_{5}$, we need some constraints on the direction of $\xi$. It is this term that determines $\operatorname{WF}(A)$. Because $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin TV_{k_{0}}$ (see (8.44)), according to (8.45), there is a cone $W\subset\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n}\backslash\\{0\\}$ such that $\xi_{0}\in W\quad\text{and}\quad|\nabla_{x}\varphi(x,\theta)-\xi|\geq C(|\nabla_{x}\varphi(x,\theta)|+|\xi|),\forall\xi\in W.$ (8.55) Define $L:=\frac{-i(\partial_{x}\varphi(x,\theta)-\xi)\cdot\nabla_{x}}{|\nabla_{x}\varphi(x,\theta)-\xi|^{2}}$. By using the fact that $|\partial^{\alpha}Lf(x)|\lesssim|\nabla_{x}\varphi(x,\theta)-\xi|^{-1}\sum_{\beta}|\partial^{\beta}f(x)|,$ we can have, for all $\xi\in W$, $\displaystyle I_{5}(\xi)$ $\displaystyle=\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap V_{k_{0}}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap V_{k_{0}}}L^{N}(e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)})\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap V_{k_{0}}}e^{i(\varphi(x,\theta)-x\cdot\xi)}\,{}^{t}\\!L^{N}\big{(}\phi(x)(1-\chi(\theta))a(x,\theta)\big{)}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{\mathop{\rm supp}\phi\times\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}(1+|\varphi_{x}(x,\theta)-\xi|)^{-N}\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle(N_{1}+N_{2}=N)\quad$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\int_{\mathop{\rm supp}\phi\times\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}\langle{|\theta|\cdot\varphi_{x}(x,\theta/|\theta|)}\rangle^{-N_{2}}\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\big{(}\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:gredx-PM2021}\big{)}\quad$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\int_{\mathop{\rm supp}\phi\times\mathbb{R}_{\theta}^{n}}\langle{\theta}\rangle^{-N_{2}}\langle{\theta}\rangle^{m}\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{\theta}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\quad\forall N_{1}\in\mathbb{N}.$ (8.56) Combining (8.44), (8.47), (8.49), (8.51), (8.52), (8.53), (8.54) and (8.56), we arrive at $|\widehat{\phi A}(\xi)|\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N},\quad\xi\in W,~{}\forall N\in\mathbb{N},$ (8.57) where the $W$ is a cone containing $\xi_{0}$, and $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\neq(x,\varphi_{x}(x,\theta))$ for these $(x,\theta)$ satisfying $(x,\theta)\in(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\cap V_{k_{0}}.$ Therefore, for any $k_{0}>2\lceil 1/\epsilon_{2}\rceil$, there holds $\Big{(}\\{(x,\varphi_{x}(x,\theta))\,;\,|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|\leq 1/k_{0},\,(x,\theta)\in(\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a))^{c}\\}\Big{)}^{c}\subset\Big{(}\operatorname{WF}(A)\Big{)}^{c},$ thus $\operatorname{WF}(A)\subset\\{(x,\varphi_{x}(x,\theta))\,;\,|\varphi_{\theta}(x,\theta)|\leq 1/k_{0},\,(x,\theta)\notin\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)\\}.$ Finally, let $k_{0}$ goes to zero and choose $\operatorname{Smo}^{\prime}(a)$ to be arbitrarily close to $\operatorname{Smo}(a)$, we arrive at the conclusion (8.38). ∎ ### 8.4. Applications Now we are ready to apply those results. #### 8.4.1. Microlocality of $\Psi$DOs ###### Proposition 8.16. Assume $a\in S^{+\infty}(\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{y}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})$ is symbol and $K$ is the kernel of the corresponding $\Psi$DO of $a$, then $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(K)\subset\\{(x,x;\xi,-\xi)\,;\,(x,x,\xi)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\}.}$ (8.58) ###### Proof. Denote the corresponding $\Psi$DO as $A$, then $\displaystyle\langle{K(x,y),u\otimes v(x,y)}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\langle{K(x,y),u(x)\otimes v(y)}\rangle=\langle\langle K(x,y),u(x)\rangle_{x},v(y)\rangle_{y}$ $\displaystyle=\langle{Au(y),v(y)}\rangle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)u(x)v(y)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)u\otimes v(x,y)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ Therefore, in the oscillatory integral sense, $K(x,y)=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}a(x,y,\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}.$ According to Theorem 8.14, we have $\operatorname{WF}(K)\subset\\{(x,y;\varphi_{x,y}(x,y,\xi))\,;\,\varphi_{\xi}(x,y,\xi)=0,\,(x,y,\xi)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\},$ where $\varphi(x,y,\xi)=(x-y)\cdot\xi$. Hence, $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(K)$ $\displaystyle\subset\\{(x,y;\xi,-\xi)\,;\,x-y=0,\,(x,y,\xi)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\}$ $\displaystyle=\\{(x,x;\xi,-\xi)\,;\,(x,x,\xi)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Theorem 8.17. Assume that $A$ is a $\Psi$DO, then for $u\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}$ we have $\text{microlocality:}\quad\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(Au)\subseteq\operatorname{WF}(u)\backslash\operatorname{Smo}(A).}$ (8.59) Moreover, if $A$ is elliptic in the sense of Definition 6.4, then $\operatorname{Smo}(A)=\emptyset$ and $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(Au)=\operatorname{WF}(u).}$ (8.60) ###### Proof. We have $Au(x)=\langle{K(x,y),u(y)}\rangle$ where $K$ is its kernel, so according to Theorem 8.11 and Proposition 8.16, we can conclude $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(Au)$ $\displaystyle\subseteq\big{(}\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cup\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K)$ $\displaystyle=\big{(}\\{(x,x;\xi,\xi)\,;\,(x,\xi)\notin\operatorname{Smo}(a)\\}\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cup\emptyset$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}(u)\backslash\operatorname{Smo}(a)=\operatorname{WF}(u)\backslash\operatorname{Smo}(A).$ If $A$ is elliptic, then according to the definition, we have $|a(x,\xi)|\geq C\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m},\quad\text{when~{}}x\in{\mathbb{R}^{n}},\ |\xi|\geq R,$ for some constants $m\in\mathbb{R}$, $C>0$ and $R>0$, so it is obvious that $\operatorname{Smo}(A)=\emptyset$, thus by (8.59), $\operatorname{WF}(Au)\subseteq\operatorname{WF}u.$ Also, because $A$ is elliptic, then by Theorem 6.6 we know $A$ has a parametrix $B$ such that $R:=BA-I\in\Psi^{-\infty}$, so $\operatorname{WF}(u)=\operatorname{WF}(BAu- Ru)\subset\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\operatorname{WF}(Ru)\subset\operatorname{WF}(Au).$ In total, $\operatorname{WF}(Au)=\operatorname{WF}u$. The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Lemma 8.18. Assume $a$ is a symbol and $u\in\mathscr{E}^{\prime}(\Omega)$. Denote the corresponding $\Psi$DO of $a$ as $A$, then $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(Au)\cap\operatorname{Smo}(a)=\emptyset.}$ (8.61) ###### Proof. This is a straight forward outcome of (8.59). ∎ #### 8.4.2. Pull-back of distributions ###### Theorem 8.19. Let $\Omega_{1}$ and $\Omega_{2}$ be two domain in ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, and $\psi\colon\Omega_{1}\to\Omega_{2}$ is an diffeomorphism. Then for any $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega_{2})$, we have $\psi^{*}u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega_{1})$, and $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u)=\\{(x,{}^{t}\psi^{\prime}|_{x}\eta)\,;\,(\psi(x),\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\},}$ (8.62) where $\psi^{\prime}$ signifies the matrix whose ($i$-row, $j$-column) element is $\partial_{x_{i}}\psi^{j}$, and $({}^{t}\psi^{\prime})^{-1}|_{x}$ is the inverse of transpose of the matrix $\psi^{\prime}$ evaluated at $x$, and $({}^{t}\psi^{\prime})^{-1}|_{x}\eta$ stands for the matrix multiplication of the matrix $({}^{t}\psi^{\prime})^{-1}|_{x}$ and the vertical vector $\eta$. The mapping in (8.62), $(x,{}^{t}\psi^{\prime}|_{x}\eta)\ \mapsto\ (\psi(x),\eta)$ is invariant on the cotangent bundle (see [maLSNH2020, for Theorem 18.1.17]). ###### First proof of Theorem 8.19. It is obvious that $\psi^{*}u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}(\Omega_{1})$. For $(y_{0},\xi_{0})$, because $\psi$ is a diffeomorphism, we can find $(x_{0},\eta_{0})$ such that $x_{0}=\psi^{-1}(y_{0})$ and $\xi_{0}=(\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y_{0}}\cdot\eta_{0}$. Assume that $(y_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$. For a smooth cutoff function $\varphi_{x_{0}}$ satisfying $\varphi_{x_{0}}(x_{0})\neq 1$, we have $\displaystyle(\varphi_{x_{0}}\psi^{*}u)^{\wedge}(\eta)\simeq\int e^{-ix\cdot\eta}\varphi_{x_{0}}(x)\psi^{*}u(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}=\int e^{-ix\cdot\eta_{0}}\varphi_{x_{0}}(x)u(\psi(x))\,\mathrm{d}{x}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\int e^{-i\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta}\varphi_{x_{0}}(\psi^{-1}(y))u(y)\,\mathrm{d}{\psi}^{-1}(y)\quad\big{(}y=\psi(x)\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\int e^{-i{}^{t}\psi^{-1}(y)\eta}\cdot\varphi_{x_{0}}(\psi^{-1}(y))|\frac{\partial\psi^{-1}}{\partial y}(y)|\phi^{-1}(y)\cdot(\phi u)(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\int e^{-i{}^{t}\psi^{-1}(y)\eta}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot(\phi u)(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}=\int e^{-i({}^{t}\psi^{-1}(y)\eta-y\cdot\xi)}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1}e^{-i({}^{t}\psi^{-1}(y)\eta-y\cdot\xi)}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle+\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|\leq 1}e^{-i{}^{t}\psi^{-1}(y)\eta}e^{iy\cdot\xi}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\\!\\!:I_{1}+I_{2},$ where $\hat{\xi}:=\xi/|\xi|$ and the same for $\hat{\xi}_{0}$. For convenience we have written $\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta$ as ${}^{t}\psi^{-1}(y)\eta$, where ${}^{t}M$ signifies the transpose operation for any matrix $M$. By doing so it will be more straightforward when we make derivatives. Here $\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)$ is a generic function which is $C^{\infty}$-smooth and is compactly supported w.r.t. $y$ and whose precise definition may varies from line to line. For $I_{1}$, because $|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1$ and $(y_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, we have $\big{|}({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta-\xi\big{|}\geq\frac{1}{2}$ and $|\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)|\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{0}}$ for some integer $N_{0}$. The number $N_{0}$ comes from the fact that $\phi u$ is a compactly supported distribution so its Fourier transform has (at most) polynomial growth. Hence, $\displaystyle I_{1}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1}\Big{(}\frac{1+(({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta-\xi)\cdot\nabla_{y}}{\langle{({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta-\xi}\rangle^{2}}\Big{)}^{N}\big{(}e^{-i(\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta-y\cdot\xi)}\big{)}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1}\langle{({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta-\xi}\rangle^{-N}e^{-i(\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta-y\cdot\xi)}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1}\langle{({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{2}}\cdot|\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)|\cdot|\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\quad(N=N_{1}+N_{2})$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{2}}\cdot(\int|\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y})\cdot|\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N_{1}}\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|>1}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N_{2}}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{N_{0}}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N_{1}},$ provided that $N_{2}-N_{0}>$ the dimension of $\xi$. For $I_{2}$, we have $\displaystyle I_{2}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|\leq 1}\Big{(}\frac{1+(({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta)\cdot\nabla_{y}}{\langle{({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta}\rangle^{2}}\Big{)}^{N}\big{(}e^{-i\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta}\big{)}e^{iy\cdot\xi}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|\leq 1}\langle{({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y}\eta}\rangle^{-N}e^{-i\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta}\cdot\big{(}\nabla_{y}\big{)}^{N}\big{(}e^{iy\cdot\xi}\cdot\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\big{)}\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|\leq 1}\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N}e^{-i\psi^{-1}(y)\cdot\eta}\cdot\langle{\xi}\rangle^{N}\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)\cdot\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\,\mathrm{d}{y}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N}\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|\leq 1}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{N}\cdot(\int|\tilde{\varphi}_{y_{0}}(y)|\,\mathrm{d}{y})\cdot|\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)|\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N}\int_{|\hat{\xi}_{0}-\hat{\xi}|\leq 1}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{N}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-N-n-1}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi}\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N}.$ In total, we have $|(\varphi_{x_{0}}\psi^{*}u)^{\wedge}(\eta)|\lesssim\langle{\eta}\rangle^{-N}$ for any integer $N$ if $\hat{\eta}$ is in a small neighborhood of $\hat{\eta}_{0}$ where $(\psi(x_{0}),({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{y_{0}}\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, namely, $(\psi(x_{0}),({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x_{0})}\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)\ \Rightarrow\ (x_{0},\eta_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u).$ Therefore, $(x_{0},\eta_{0})\in\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u)\ \Rightarrow\ (\psi(x_{0}),({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x_{0})}\eta_{0})\in\operatorname{WF}(u),$ so $\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u)\subset\\{(x,\eta)\,;\,(\psi(x),({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x)}\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}.$ Because $\psi$ is invertible, we can obtain the opposite inclusion by looking at $\psi^{-1*}(\psi^{*}u)$. It can be shown that $(\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x)}=(\psi^{\prime}(x))^{-1}$. Indeed, by differentiating $x=\psi^{-1}(\psi(x))$ w.r.t. $x$ we obtain $I=(\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x)}\cdot\psi^{\prime}(x),$ so $(\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x)}=(\psi^{\prime}(x))^{-1},$ and by taking transpose we obtain $({}^{t}\psi^{-1})^{\prime}|_{\psi(x)}=({}^{t}\psi^{\prime}(x))^{-1},$ so $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u)$ $\displaystyle=\\{(x,\eta)\,;\,(\psi(x),({}^{t}\psi^{\prime})^{-1}|_{x}\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}$ $\displaystyle=\\{(x,{}^{t}\psi^{\prime}|_{x}\xi)\,;\,(\psi(x),\xi)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}.$ The proof is complete. ∎ There is also another proof for Theorem 8.19. As in Remark 8.15, we can use Theorems 8.14 and 8.11 to obtain $\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u)$. ###### second proof of Theorem 8.19. The pull-back $\psi^{*}$ has a kernel: for $f\in C^{\infty}(\Omega_{2})$ and $g\in C^{\infty}(\Omega_{1})$, we have $\displaystyle\langle{\psi^{*}f,g}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\int\psi^{*}f(x)g(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}=(2\pi)^{-n}\int e^{i(\psi(x)-y)\cdot\eta}f(y)g(x)\,\mathrm{d}{x}\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}$ $\displaystyle\simeq\langle{\int e^{i(\psi(x)-y)\cdot\eta}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta},(g\otimes f)(x,y)}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=\langle{K,g\otimes f}\rangle,\quad\text{where}\quad K(x,y)=\int e^{i({}^{t}\psi(x)-{}^{t}y)\eta}\,\mathrm{d}{\eta}.$ and $\psi^{*}u(x)=\langle{K(x,y),u(y)}\rangle.$ By Theorem 8.14 we have $\operatorname{WF}(K)\subset\\{(x,\psi(x);{}^{t}\psi^{\prime}|_{x}\eta,-\eta)\\},$ and then by Theorem 8.11 we have $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(\psi^{*}u)$ $\displaystyle\subseteq\big{(}\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cup\operatorname{WF}_{x}(K)=\\{(x,{}^{t}\psi^{\prime}|_{x}\eta)\,;\,(\psi(x),\eta)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)\\}.$ The opposite inclusion can be obtained by looking at $\psi^{-1*}(\psi^{*}u)$. We obtain (8.62). ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 8.1. Prove Lemme 8.3. ###### Exercise 8.2. Prove that the condition $\big{(}\operatorname{WF}^{\prime}(K)\circ\operatorname{WF}(u)\big{)}\cap O_{x}=\emptyset$ guarantees (8.31). ###### Exercise 8.3. Show the details in the computations (8.34) and (8.35). ## Chapter 9 Propagation of the singularities ### 9.1. Microlocal parametrix To study the microlocal parametrix, we recall notion of conic sets and the smooth direction “$\operatorname{Smo}$” given in Definitions 8.1 & 8.2, and $T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ stands for the cotangent bundle with the zero section excluded. Now we generalize Definitions 6.1 & 6.4, microlocally, as follows. ###### Definition 9.1 (Microlocal parametrix). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $T\in\Psi^{m}$. We call a $\Psi$DO $S$ a _left (resp. right) microlocal parametrix_ of $T$ if there exists a nonempty open conic set $\Gamma\subset T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ such that $\operatorname{Smo}(ST-I)=\Gamma\quad\text{(resp.~{}}\operatorname{Smo}(TS-I)=\Gamma\text{)}.$ We call $S$ a _microlocal parametrix_ of $T$ if it is both a left and a right microlocal parametrix under the same set $\Gamma$. ###### Definition 9.2 (Microlocal ellipticity). Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $a\in S^{m}$, and $A$ is the $\Psi$DO of $a$. Let $\Gamma\subset T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ be a open conic set. We say $a$ (and $A$) is _microlocally elliptic in $\Gamma$_ if for some constants $C_{\Gamma}>0$, $R>0$, $\boxed{|a(x,\xi)|\geq C_{\Gamma}\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m},\quad\forall(x,\xi)\in\Gamma,\ |\xi|\geq R.}$ We write $\boxed{\operatorname{Char}A:=(\bigcup\mathscr{F})^{c}}$, where $\mathscr{F}=\\{\Gamma\,;\,A\text{~{}is microlocally elliptic in~{}}\Gamma\\}$, and the notation $\Omega^{c}$ stands for the complement of $\Omega$ in $T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$. From Definition 9.2, it is obvious that $\operatorname{Char}A$ is always closed. The following claim is trivial. ###### Lemma 9.3. $\operatorname{Char}A=\emptyset$ if and only if $A$ is elliptic in the sense of Definition 6.4. ###### Lemma 9.4. Assume $P$ is the $\Psi$DO with principal symbol $p_{m}(x,\xi)$ homogeneous in $\xi$, then $\operatorname{Char}P=p_{m}^{-1}(0)$, where $p_{m}^{-1}(0)$ signifies the set $\\{(x,\xi)\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0\,;\,p_{m}(x,\xi)=0\\}$. The proof is left as an exercise. The $\operatorname{Char}A$ and $\operatorname{Smo}(A)$ is closely related. Results in §6.1 can be modified to a microlocal version. ###### Theorem 9.5 (Microlocal ellipticity $\Leftrightarrow$ Microlocal parametrix). Let $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $A\in\Psi^{m}$. Assume $A$ is microlocally elliptic in $\Gamma$, where $\Gamma=(\operatorname{Char}A)^{c}$ is non-empty. Then $A$ has a microlocal parametrix $B$. Moreover, they satisfies $\boxed{(\operatorname{Char}A)^{c}\subset\operatorname{Smo}(I-BA).}$ (9.1) Conversely, if $A$ has either a right or left microlocal parametrix, then $A$ is microlocally elliptic. ###### Proof. ($\Rightarrow$) Fix $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\in\Gamma$. In the proof of Theorem 6.6, we modify the function $\chi(\xi)$ to $\chi(x,\xi)$ which is given as $\chi(x,\xi):=\chi(x-x_{0})\chi(\xi/|\xi|-\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}|).$ Define $b_{j}(x,\xi):=(1-\chi(x,\xi))/a(x,\xi)\cdot r_{j}(x,\xi)$ ($j\geq 0$) the same way, with $r_{0}\equiv 1$, and follow the same steps as in the proof of Theorem 6.6 we can obtain $\forall N\in\mathbb{N}$, $\sigma(AB)=1-(1+r_{1}+\cdots+r_{N})\chi-r_{N+1}+S^{-N-1}=1+S^{-N-1}\ \text{in}\subset\Gamma,$ as in (6.3), so $\sigma(I-AB)\in S^{-\infty}\text{~{}in~{}}\subset\Gamma.$ Due to the arbitrary of $\chi$, we conclude $\sigma(I-AB)\in S^{-\infty}\text{~{}in~{}}\Gamma.$ Hence, by Definition 8.2 we obtain $\Gamma\subset\operatorname{Smo}(I-AB).$ ($\Leftarrow$) Assume $B$ is the right parametrix of $A$, then there exists a nonempty conic open set $\Gamma\subset T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ such that $\operatorname{Smo}(AB-I)\subset\Gamma,$ which means $a\\#b=1+S^{-\infty}\ \text{in}\ \Gamma.$ where $a$ and $b$ are symbols of $A$ and $B$, respectively. Similar to the proof of Theorem 6.7, we can prove that $|a(x,\xi)|\geq\langle{\xi}\rangle^{m}/2,\quad\text{when}\quad(x,\xi)\in\Gamma,\ \langle{\xi}\rangle\geq C/2.$ Therefore, $a$ is microlocally elliptic in $\Gamma$. The proof for the left- case is similar. The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Corollary 9.6. For any $A\in\Psi^{+\infty}$ and any $u\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}$, there holds $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(Au)\subset\operatorname{WF}u\subset\operatorname{WF}(Au)\cup\operatorname{Char}A.}$ ###### Proof. The “$\operatorname{WF}(Au)\subset\operatorname{WF}u$” is from Theorem Theorem 8.17. When $\operatorname{Char}A=T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$, the claim is trivial. When $\operatorname{Char}A\subsetneqq T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$, $(\operatorname{Char}A)^{c}$ is non-empty, so by Theorem 9.5, there exists a microlocal parametrix $B$ of $A$, so we can have $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}u$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}(BAu+(I-BA)u)$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\operatorname{WF}((I-BA)u)$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\big{(}\operatorname{WF}u\backslash\operatorname{Smo}(I-BA)\big{)}\qquad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:MLpr- PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\big{(}\operatorname{WF}u\cap(\operatorname{Smo}(I-BA))^{c}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\big{(}\operatorname{WF}u\cap\operatorname{Char}A\big{)}\qquad(\text{by Theorem~{}}\ref{thm:mpa1-PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\operatorname{WF}u\big{)}\cap\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\operatorname{Char}A\big{)}$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}u\cap\big{(}\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\operatorname{Char}A\big{)},\qquad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:MLpr- PM2021})$ which gives $\operatorname{WF}u\subset\operatorname{WF}(BAu)\cup\operatorname{Char}A\subset\operatorname{WF}(Au)\cup\operatorname{Char}A.$ The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Remark 9.7. Combining Corollary 9.6 and Lemma 9.3, we have $\left\\{\begin{aligned} A\text{~{}is microlocally elliptic:~{}}&\operatorname{WF}(Au)\subset\operatorname{WF}u\subset\operatorname{WF}(Au)\cup\operatorname{Char}A,\\\ A\text{~{}is elliptic:~{}}&\operatorname{WF}(Au)\subset\operatorname{WF}u\subset\operatorname{WF}(Au)\ \Leftrightarrow\ \operatorname{WF}(Au)=\operatorname{WF}u.\end{aligned}\right.$ Hence, Corollary 9.6 can be viewed as a generalization of (8.60). The following result is important. ###### Theorem 9.8. Assume $u\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}$, then $\boxed{\operatorname{WF}(u)=\bigcap_{A\in\Psi^{+\infty},\,Au\in C^{\infty}}\operatorname{Char}A.}$ ###### Proof. By Corollary 9.6, we have $\operatorname{WF}u\subset\operatorname{WF}(Au)\cup\operatorname{Char}A$, so $\operatorname{WF}(u)\subset\bigcap_{Au\in C^{\infty}}\operatorname{Char}A.$ For the another direction, assume $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, then we shall construct a suitable $\Psi$DO $A$ such that $Au\in C^{\infty},\quad\text{and}\quad(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{Char}(A),$ (9.2) which gives $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\bigcap_{Au\in C^{\infty}}\operatorname{Char}A$, and so $(\operatorname{WF}(u))^{c}\subset(\bigcap_{Au\in C^{\infty}}\operatorname{Char}A)^{c}\ \Rightarrow\ \bigcap_{Au\in C^{\infty}}\operatorname{Char}A\subset\operatorname{WF}(u),$ and the proof will be finished. It remains to construct such an operator $A$, and we present two ways to do it. Method 1. Because $\operatorname{WF}(u)$ is closed and $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, so there exist bounded open neighborhoods $\omega$, $\omega^{\prime}$ of $x_{0}$ and conic open neighborhoods $V$, $V^{\prime}$ of $\xi_{0}$ such that $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\omega\subsetneqq\omega^{\prime},\quad V\subsetneqq V^{\prime},\\\ &\omega^{\prime}\times V^{\prime}\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset.\end{aligned}\right.$ We denote $\Gamma:=\omega\times V$ and $\Gamma^{\prime}:=\omega^{\prime}\times V^{\prime}$, then $\Gamma\subset\Gamma^{\prime}$ and $\Gamma^{\prime}\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset$, so $\operatorname{WF}(u)\subset\Gamma^{c}.$ (9.3) Choose $a\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}^{2n})$ such that $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\mathop{\rm supp}a\subset\Gamma,\quad\text{and}\quad a(x_{0},\xi_{0})=1,\\\ &a(x,\xi)=a(x,\xi/|\xi|)\ \text{when}\ |\xi|\geq 1.\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.4) It can be shown that $a\in S^{0}$ (see Exercise 9.2) and $\underline{(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{Char}(T_{a})}$. Moreover, because $a\equiv 0$ in $\Gamma^{c}$ and $\Gamma^{c}$ is a conic set, we can conclude $\Gamma^{c}\subset\operatorname{Smo}(T_{a})\quad\Rightarrow\quad(\operatorname{Smo}(T_{a}))^{c}\subset\Gamma.$ (9.5) Hence by Theorem 8.17 we have $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(T_{a}u)$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)\backslash\operatorname{Smo}(T_{a})=\operatorname{WF}(u)\cap(\operatorname{Smo}(T_{a}))^{c}\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)\cap\Gamma\quad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:GmA- PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}(u)\backslash\Gamma^{c}=\emptyset,\quad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:wfG- PM2021})$ which implies $\underline{T_{a}u\in C^{\infty}}$. Condition (9.2) is satisfied. Method 2. Because $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, there exists $\phi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $\widehat{\phi u}(\xi)$ is rapidly decaying when $\xi/|\xi|$ and $\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}|$ are close enough, say, $\big{|}\xi/|\xi|-\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}|\big{|}\leq\epsilon$ for certain $\epsilon>0$. Hence we choose $\psi\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{S}^{n-1})$ such that $\psi(\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}|)=1$ and $\psi(\eta)=0$ when $\big{|}\eta-\xi_{0}/|\xi_{0}|\big{|}>\epsilon$ where $\eta\in\mathbb{S}^{n-1}$. Choose $\chi\in C_{c}^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ such that $\chi(\xi)=1$ when $|\xi|\geq 1/10$ and $\chi(\xi)=0$ when $|\xi|\geq 1/5$. Now we define a operator $A$ as follows $A\varphi(x):=(2\pi)^{-n}\int_{\mathbb{R}^{2n}}e^{i(x-y)\cdot\xi}\phi(y)(1-\chi(\xi))\psi(\xi/|\xi|)\varphi(y)\,\mathrm{d}{y}\,\mathrm{d}{\xi},\quad\varphi\in\mathscr{S}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}).$ The purpose of the term “$1-\chi(\xi)$” is to cutoff the singularity near $\xi=0$. By Theorem 5.6 we see $A$ is a $\Psi$DO of order $0$ with symbol $a(x,\xi)=\phi(x)(1-\chi(\xi))\psi(\xi/|\xi|)+S^{-1},$ (9.6) By (9.6) we can show $\underline{(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{Char}A}$, see Exercise 9.3. We can extend $A$ from $\mathscr{S}$ to $\mathscr{S}^{\prime}$, and we have $\widehat{Au}(\xi)=(1-\chi(\xi))\psi(\xi/|\xi|)\widehat{\phi u}(\xi),$ so $\widehat{Au}$ is rapidly decaying, which means $\underline{Au\in C^{\infty}}$. Condition (9.2) is satisfied. The proof is complete. ∎ ### 9.2. Bicharacteristics To prove a main result, we first introduce the notion of bicharacteristics. The Hamiltonian $H_{p}$ of $p$ is defined as: $H_{p}:=\nabla_{\xi}p\cdot\nabla_{x}-\nabla_{x}p\cdot\nabla_{\xi}.$ (9.7) By Theorem 5.3 we can see $\displaystyle\sigma([P,Q])$ $\displaystyle=\nabla_{\xi}p_{m}\cdot\nabla_{x}q_{m}-\nabla_{x}p_{m}\cdot\nabla_{\xi}q_{m}+S^{m_{1}+m_{2}-2}$ $\displaystyle=H_{p_{m}}q_{m}+S^{m_{1}+m_{2}-2},$ where $m_{1}$, $m_{2}$ are the order of $P$ and $Q$, and $p_{m}$, $q_{m}$ are principal symbols of $P$ and $Q$, respectively. In what follows we use the notation $T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0:=\\{(x,\xi)\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\,;\,\xi\neq 0\\}$. We introduce the notion of bicharacteristic. For more details on the Hamiltonian flows, see [salo2006sta, §2]. ###### Definition 9.9 (Null bicharacteristic). Assume $p\in C^{1}(T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0;\mathbb{R})$, and $I~{}(\ni 0)$ is an open connected subset of $\mathbb{R}$. Let a curve $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}\colon s\in I\mapsto(x(s),\xi(s))\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ satisfies $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}(s)=\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\xi(s)),\ \dot{\xi}(s)=-\nabla_{x}p(x(s),\xi(s)),\\\ &(x(0),\xi(0))=(x_{0},\xi_{0})\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0.\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.8) We call $\boxed{\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t)}$ a _bicharacteristic_ of $p$. Furthermore, if $p(x_{0},\xi_{0})=0$, then we shall have $p(x(s),\xi(s))=0$ for $\forall s$ and call $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t):=(x(t),\xi(t))$ a _null bicharacteristic_ of $p$. Note that in Definition 9.9, the function $p$ is assumed to be real-valued. Without this assumption, we cannot guarantee $(x(s),\xi(s))$ are coordinates. ###### Lemma 9.10. For small enough $\epsilon>0$, there exists a unique solution $\gamma\colon(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\mapsto(x(s),\xi(s))\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ for the Hamiltonian equation (9.8). Moreover, assume either 1. (1) $\nabla_{(x,\xi)}p$ is uniformly bounded in $\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$, $p$ is homogeneous of order $1$; 2. (2) or $\nabla_{x}p$ is uniformly bounded in $\\{(x(s),\xi(s))\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$, $p$ is homogeneous of order $\mu\geq 1$, and $\nabla_{\xi}p$ is bounded in uniformly bounded in $\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$; then the domain of definition of $\gamma$ can be extended from $(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$ to $\mathbb{R}$. ###### Proof. Part 1: local solution. We use the Banach fixed-point theorem to show the existence of local solution. For simplicity denote $\eta_{0}:=(x_{0},\xi_{0})$ and $\eta(s):=(x(s),\xi(s))$ and $F(\eta(s)):=(\nabla_{\xi}p(\eta(s)),-\nabla_{x}p(\eta(s)))$, and we define a mapping $\mathscr{F}$: $\mathscr{F}\colon\eta\in C(I,T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0)\ \mapsto\ \eta_{0}+\int_{0}^{s}F(\eta(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}\in C(I,T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0).$ Fix $\epsilon\leq(2\|{\nabla F}\|)^{-1}$, and let $I=(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$. Then for any $\eta_{1}$, $\eta_{2}\in C(I,T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0)$, we have $\displaystyle\|{\mathscr{F}\eta_{1}-\mathscr{F}\eta_{2}}\|_{C(I)}$ $\displaystyle=\|{\int_{0}^{s}[F(\eta_{1}(\tau))-F(\eta_{2}(\tau))]\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}}\|_{C(I)}$ $\displaystyle\leq\epsilon\|{F(\eta_{1})-F(\eta_{2})}\|_{C(I)}\leq\epsilon\|{\nabla F}\|\|{\eta_{1}-\eta_{2}}\|_{C(I)}$ $\displaystyle\leq\frac{1}{2}\|{\eta_{1}-\eta_{2}}\|_{C(I)}.$ The Banach fixed-point theorem can be applied, and we can find a fixed point $\eta$ of $\mathscr{F}$ such that $\eta(s)=\eta_{0}+\int_{0}^{s}F(\eta(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau},\ \forall s\in I\quad\Rightarrow\quad\eta\text{~{}satisfies~{}}\eqref{eq:Has-PM2021}.$ We proved the existence. For the uniqueness, assume $\eta_{1}$, $\eta_{2}$ solve (9.8). Because $\eta_{1}(0)=\eta_{2}(0)$, if there are not equal, their derivatives must be differ at a point, but this violates the first two equations in (9.8). The first part of the claim is proven. Part 2: global solution (cf [salo2006sta, §2]). To obtain the global solution, we can extend the local solution from $(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$ to $[-\epsilon,\epsilon]$, and then just paste local solutions on $[-\epsilon,\epsilon]$, $[\epsilon-\epsilon^{\prime},\epsilon+\epsilon^{\prime}]$, $[\epsilon+\epsilon^{\prime}-\epsilon^{\prime\prime},\epsilon+\epsilon^{\prime}+\epsilon^{\prime\prime}]$, etc. Now we show the endpoints extensions can be done. Assume $\gamma$ is a local solution on $I=(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$ as given in Part 1. Assume $\nabla_{(x,\xi)}p$ is uniformly bounded in $\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$, and $p$ is homogeneous of order $1$. From (9.8) we can have $\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}s}\big{(}|\xi(s)|^{2}\big{)}=2\xi(s)\cdot\dot{\xi}(s)=-2\xi(s)\cdot\nabla_{x}p(x(s),\xi(s))=m(s)|\xi(s)|^{2},$ (9.9) where $m(s):=-2\hat{\xi}(s)\cdot\nabla_{x}p(x(s),\hat{\xi}(s))$ with $\hat{\xi}(s):=\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|$. Here because $\xi(0)=\xi_{0}\neq 0$, and $\xi(s)$ is continuous on $s$, so we can choose the interval $I=(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$ to be small enough such that $\xi(s)\neq 0$ for $\forall s\in I$, and this can make $\hat{\xi}(s)$ always well-defined. Solve (9.9) we obtain $|\xi(s)|=e^{-\int_{0}^{s}\hat{\xi}(\tau)\cdot\nabla_{x}p(x(\tau),\hat{\xi}(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}}|\xi(0)|,$ so $e^{-\epsilon M_{1}}|\xi(0)|\leq|\xi(s)|\leq e^{\epsilon M_{1}}|\xi(s)|$ where $M_{1}=\sup_{\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}}|\nabla_{x}p|$, so $\\{\xi(s)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$ is contained in a bounded domain. Similarly, for $x(s)$ we have $|\dot{x}(s)|=|\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\xi(s))|=|\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\hat{\xi}(s))|\leq\sup_{\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{S}^{n-1}}|\nabla_{\xi}p|$ where $M_{2}=\sup_{\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}}|\nabla_{\xi}p|$. Note that we used the homogeneity of $p$ again. This gives $|x(s)-x(0)|\leq sn^{1/2}M_{2}.$ Or, if $\nabla_{x}p$ is uniformly bounded in $\\{(x(s),\xi(s))\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$, $p$ is homogeneous of order $\mu\geq 1$, and $\nabla_{\xi}p$ is uniformly bounded in $\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}$, by $|\dot{\xi}(s)|=|\nabla_{x}p(x(s),\xi(s))|$ we can have $|\xi(s)|=|\xi(0)+\int_{0}^{s}\dot{\xi}(\tau)\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}|\leq|\xi(0)|+\int_{0}^{s}|\nabla_{x}p|\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}\leq|\xi(0)|+sM\leq|\xi(0)|+\epsilon M_{1}^{\prime}.$ where $M_{1}^{\prime}=\sup_{\\{(x(s),\xi(s))\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}}|\nabla_{x}p|$. And similarly, for $x(s)$ we have $|\dot{x}(s)|=|\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\xi(s))|=|\xi(s)|^{\mu-1}|\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\hat{\xi}(s))|\leq(|\xi(0)|+\epsilon M_{1}^{\prime})M_{2}^{\prime},$ where $M_{2}^{\prime}=\sup_{\\{(x(s),\xi(s)/|\xi(s)|)\,;\,s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)\\}}|\nabla_{\xi}p|$. Therefore, in both two cases the $(x(s),\xi(s))$ lives in a bounded domain when $s\in(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$, thus due to the continuity of $x(s)$ and $\xi(s)$ we can extend the domain of definition of $\gamma$ from $(-\epsilon,\epsilon)$ to $[-\epsilon,\epsilon]$. After extension, we set new initial value $(x_{0},\xi_{0})$ to be $(x(\epsilon),\xi(\epsilon))$ and by Part 1 we can get a local solution on $(\epsilon-\epsilon^{\prime},\epsilon+\epsilon^{\prime})$ for some small enough $\epsilon^{\prime}$. By doing this repeatedly, we can obtain a solution defined in $\mathbb{R}$. The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Lemma 9.11. Let a symbol $p$ be homogeneous, i.e. $p(x,\lambda\xi)=\lambda p(x,\xi)$ for $\lambda\in\mathbb{R}_{+}$. Then we have $\boxed{\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(t)=(x(t),\lambda\xi(t))}$ for $\forall\lambda\in\mathbb{R}_{+}$. ###### Proof. Because $p$ is homogeneous, from (9.8) we have $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\dot{x}(s)=\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\xi(s))=\nabla_{\xi}p(x(s),\lambda\xi(s)),\\\ &\lambda\dot{\xi}(s)=-\lambda\nabla_{x}p(x(s),\xi(s))=-\nabla_{x}p(x(s),\lambda\xi(s)),\\\ &p(x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0})=\lambda p(x_{0},\xi_{0}),\end{aligned}\right.$ so $(x(t),\lambda\xi(t))$ is also a solution of (9.8), with $(x(0),\lambda\xi(0))=(x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0})$. The proof is done. ∎ ###### Lemma 9.12. Let $T>0$. Assume a real-valued symbol $p\in S^{1}$ is homogeneous of order 1, and $F\in C^{\infty}([0,T]\times(T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0))$ and $\phi\in C^{\infty}(T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0)$. Then there exists a unique solution $q\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}\times(T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0))$ satisfying $\left\\{\begin{aligned} (\partial_{t}+H_{p})q(t,x,\xi)&=F(t,x,\xi),\\\ q(0,x,\xi)&=\phi(x,\xi),\end{aligned}\right.$ where $H_{p}$ is the Hamiltonian of $p$. The solution is given by $\forall(x_{0},\xi_{0})\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}},\quad q(t,\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t))=\phi(x_{0},\xi_{0})+\int_{0}^{t}F(\tau,\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}.$ More, when $F$ and $\phi$ are homogeneous (with $\xi$) of order $m\in\mathbb{R}$, then $q$ is also homogeneous (with $\xi$) of order $m\in\mathbb{R}$. ###### Proof. Let $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t)=(x(t),\xi(t))$ be the bicharacteristic of $p$ starting from $(x_{0},\xi_{0})$. The existence of $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}$ is guaranteed by Lemma 9.10. Then we have $\displaystyle(\partial_{t}+H_{p})q(t,x(t),\xi(t))$ $\displaystyle=(\partial_{t}+\nabla_{\xi}p\cdot\nabla_{x}-\nabla_{x}p\cdot\nabla_{\xi})q(t,x(t),\xi(t))$ $\displaystyle=(\partial_{t}+\dot{x}(t)\cdot\nabla_{x}+\dot{\xi}(t)\cdot\nabla_{\xi})q(t,x(t),\xi(t))$ $\displaystyle=\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\big{(}q(t,x(t),\xi(t))\big{)},$ so $\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\big{(}q(t,x(t),\xi(t))\big{)}=F(t,x(t),\xi(t)),$ which gives $\displaystyle q(t,x(t),\xi(t))$ $\displaystyle=q(0,x(0),\xi(0))+\int_{0}^{t}F(\tau,x(\tau),\xi(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}$ $\displaystyle=\phi(x_{0},\xi_{0})+\int_{0}^{t}F(\tau,x(\tau),\xi(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}.$ For the homogeneity, fix $(x,\xi)\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$, we solve the Hamiltonian equation with initial point $(x,\xi)$ and we can obtain a bicharacteristic $\gamma_{x,\xi}$. Fix $t\in\mathbb{R}$, we set $(x_{0},\xi_{0}):=\gamma_{x,\xi}(-t)$, so reversely we represent $(x,\xi)$ as $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t)=(x(t),\xi(t))$. Because $p$ is homogeneous of order 1, by Lemma 9.11 we have $(x(t),\lambda\xi(t))=\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(t)$, so $\displaystyle q(t,x,\lambda\xi)$ $\displaystyle=q(t,x(t),\lambda\xi(t))=q(t,\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(t))=\phi(x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0})+\int_{0}^{t}F(\tau,\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}$ $\displaystyle=\phi(x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0})+\int_{0}^{t}F(\tau,(x(t),\lambda\xi(\tau)))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}$ $\displaystyle=\lambda^{m}[\phi(x_{0},\xi_{0})+\int_{0}^{t}F(\tau,x(\tau),\xi(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau}]=\lambda^{m}q(t,x(t),\xi(t)).$ The proof is done. ∎ ### 9.3. Propagation of singularities For other literature on the topic, [jos99int, §10] is a good reference for this section. See [shu2001pse, A.1.3], [grigis94mic, §8] for different proofs. Now we are ready for the main result. ###### Theorem 9.13. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $P\in\Psi^{m}$ is classical $\Psi$DO of real principal type, and denote its principal symbol as $p_{m}(x,\xi)$. We assume either * • $u\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, or, * • $P$ is properly supported and $u\in\mathscr{D}^{\prime}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Let $Pu\in C^{\infty}$ and $p_{m}(x_{0},\xi_{0})=0$. If $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, then $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset$ where the $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}$ is a null bicharacteristic of $p_{m}$ defined in Definition 9.9. In other words, for a null bicharacteristic $\gamma$, it holds either $\gamma\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)$ or $\gamma\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset$. ###### Proof. Step 1: change to $\Psi^{1}$. Choose an elliptic $T_{a}\in\Psi^{1-m}$ with $a(x,\xi)>0$ and $a(x,\xi)$ be real-valued, then $\operatorname{WF}(T_{a}Pu)=\operatorname{WF}(Pu)\quad\Rightarrow\quad T_{a}Pu\in C^{\infty}\ \text{if and only if}\ Pu\in C^{\infty},$ namely, $T_{a}$ doesn’t change the wavefront set. Also, we can show $T_{a}$ doesn’t change null bicharacteristics of the principal symbols as follows. Assume $(x(s),\xi(s))$ solves (9.8) with $p_{m}(x(0),\xi(0))=0$. Let’s assume we can find a function $f(s)$ such that $f(s):=\int_{0}^{s}a(x(f(r)),\xi(f(r)))\,\mathrm{d}{r}.$ This is possible because it amounts to find a fix point of the transform $\mathcal{I}\circ a\circ\gamma\colon C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R};\mathbb{R})\to C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R};\mathbb{R})$ where $\mathcal{I}g(s):=\int_{0}^{s}g(r)\,\mathrm{d}{r}$ and $\gamma(s):=(x(s),\xi(s))$. After obtained such an $f$, we can see $f$ is a bijection because $f^{\prime}=a>0$. Denote $\tilde{x}(s):=x(f(s)),\quad\tilde{\xi}(s):=\xi(f(s)).$ If $(x(s),\xi(s))$ is defined on a interval $I$, then we say $(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))$ is defined on a interval $I^{\prime}:=f^{-1}(I)$, so $p_{m}(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))=0$ for $s\in I^{\prime}$, and we can have $\displaystyle\dot{\tilde{x}}(s)$ $\displaystyle=f^{\prime}(s)\dot{x}(f(s))=a(x(f(s)),\xi(f(s)))\nabla_{\xi}p_{m}(x(f(s)),\xi(f(s)))$ $\displaystyle=a(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))\nabla_{\xi}p_{m}(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))$ $\displaystyle=a(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))\nabla_{\xi}p_{m}(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))+p_{m}(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))\nabla_{\xi}a(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s))$ $\displaystyle=\nabla_{\xi}(ap_{m})(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s)).$ Similarly, we have $\dot{\tilde{\xi}}(s)=-\nabla_{x}(ap_{m})(\tilde{x}(s),\tilde{\xi}(s)).$ These mean the null bicharacteristic $(x(s),\xi(s))$ of $p_{m}$, after a reparametrization, is also a null bicharacteristic of $ap_{m}$. Note that $ap_{m}$ is the principal symbol of $T_{a}P$. Hence, to prove the claim for $P\in\Psi^{m}$ is equivalent to prove the claim for $P\in\Psi^{1}$, so, in the rest of the proof we assume $P\in\Psi^{1}$ of real principal type. Step 2: find a $t$-dependent $Q=Q(t,x,D)$ such that $Qu|_{t=0}\in C^{\infty}.$ (9.10) Our plan is to construct a sequence of $t$-dependent $\Psi$DOs $Q_{j}=Q_{j}(t,x,D)\in\Psi^{-j}$ ($j\geq 0$) having classical symbol $q_{j}$, and set $Q\sim\sum_{j}Q_{j}$. Here $Q_{j}(t,x,D)\in\Psi^{-j}$ means its symbol $q_{j}(t,x,\xi)$ is in $S^{-j}([0,T]\times\mathbb{R}_{x}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}_{\xi}^{n})$, i.e., $|\partial_{t}^{\alpha^{\prime}}\partial_{x}^{\alpha^{\prime\prime}}\partial_{\xi}^{\beta}q_{j}(t,x,\xi)|\lesssim\langle{\xi}\rangle^{-j-|\beta|},$ see Definition 2.4. Because $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$, we have $(x_{0},t\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{WF}(u)$ for $\forall t>0$, and we can find a open conic neighborhood $\omega$ of $(x_{0},\xi_{0})$ such that $\omega\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset$. Choose a function $\chi(x,\xi)\in C^{\infty}$ satisfying $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &\chi(x,\xi)\in C^{\infty},\ \mathop{\rm supp}\chi\subset\omega,\ \chi(x,\lambda\xi)=\chi(x,\xi)~{}(\forall\lambda>0),\\\ &\chi\equiv 1\text{~{}in a sufficiently small open conic neighborhood~{}}\tilde{\omega}\text{~{}of~{}}(x_{0},\xi_{0}).\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.11) Set $q_{0}(0,x,\xi):=\chi(x,\xi)$, then $\omega^{c}\subset\operatorname{Smo}(Q_{0}|_{t=0})$ where $\omega^{c}$ signifies the complement of the set $\omega$ in $T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$, so by Theorem 8.17, $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(Q_{0}u|_{t=0})$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}((Q_{0}|_{t=0})u)\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)\backslash\operatorname{Smo}(Q_{0}|_{t=0})$ $\displaystyle=\operatorname{WF}(u)\cap\big{(}\operatorname{Smo}(Q_{0}|_{t=0})\big{)}^{c}$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)\cap\omega=\emptyset,$ so $Q_{0}u|_{t=0}\in C^{\infty}$. For $Q_{j}~{}(j\geq 1)$, we set their symbol at $t=0$ as zero, i.e., $q_{0}(0,x,\xi):=\chi(x,\xi),\quad q_{j}(0,\cdot,\cdot):=0~{}(j\geq 1),$ (9.12) then $Q_{j}|_{t=0}\in\Psi^{-\infty}$, so $Q_{j}u|_{t=0}\in C^{\infty}$ for $j\geq 1$. By Theorem 2.6 we can find a $Q$ satisfying $Q\sim\sum_{j}Q_{j}$ (thus $Q$ is also $t$-dependent)111Note that such $Q$ is not unique.. $Q$ is of order $0$. We can conclude (9.10). Step 3: to make $Q$ satisfy $(D_{t}+P)(Qu)\in C^{\infty}.$ (9.13) To achieve (9.13) is equivalent to achieve $[D_{t}+P,Q]\in\Psi^{-\infty}$ (9.14) because $\displaystyle(D_{t}+P)(Qu)$ $\displaystyle=[D_{t}+P,Q]u+Q(D_{t}+P)u$ $\displaystyle=[D_{t}+P,Q]u+QPu=[P,Q]u+C^{\infty}.$ Here we used $\operatorname{WF}(QPu)\subset\operatorname{WF}(Pu)=\emptyset$ so $QPu\in C^{\infty}$ The fact $QD_{t}u=0$ is because $u$ is independent of $t$. Readers may note that in Step 2 we only determined $q_{j}$ on $\\{t=0\\}$, while $q_{j}$ on $\\{t>0\\}$ hasn’t been fixed yet. Here we design $q_{j}|_{t>0}$ to achieve (9.14). We use the notation $\sigma(A)$ to signify the symbol of $A$. Because $P$ is classical, we can expand $\sigma(P)$ as $\sum_{k}p_{k}$ for some homogeneous symbols $p_{k}\in S^{1-k}$. Recall Step 1, we see the integral curve of $H_{p_{m}}$ is the same as $H_{p_{1}}$. Then by Theorem 5.3 and Remark 5.5, we have $\displaystyle\sigma([D_{t},Q])$ $\displaystyle\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}(\partial_{\tau}^{\alpha}\tau)\partial_{t}^{\alpha}(\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j})-\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}(\partial_{t}^{\alpha}\tau)\partial_{\tau}^{\alpha}(\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j})$ $\displaystyle=\tau\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j}+(-i)\partial_{t}\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j}-\tau\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j}=\frac{1}{i}\sum_{j\geq 0}\partial_{t}q_{j},$ (9.15) and $\displaystyle\sigma([P,Q])$ $\displaystyle\sim\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}(\sum_{k\geq 0}p_{k})\partial_{x}^{\alpha}(\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j})-\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\partial_{x}^{\alpha}(\sum_{k\geq 0}p_{k})\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}(\sum_{j\geq 0}q_{j})$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{k\geq 0}\sum_{j\geq 0}\sum_{\alpha}\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\big{(}(\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}p_{k})\partial_{x}^{\alpha}-(\partial_{x}^{\alpha}p_{k})\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{)}q_{j}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{\ell\geq 0}\sum_{j+k+|\alpha|=\ell}\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}\big{(}(\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}p_{k})\partial_{x}^{\alpha}-(\partial_{x}^{\alpha}p_{k})\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}\big{)}q_{j}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}\ell\geq 1}\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell\\\ {\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}|\alpha|\geq 1}\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j},\quad(\text{it can be checked that~{}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}\in S^{1-\ell})$ where the linear differential operator $L_{j,k,\alpha}:=\frac{(-i)^{|\alpha|}}{\alpha!}(\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}p_{k})\partial_{x}^{\alpha}-(\partial_{x}^{\alpha}p_{k})\partial_{\xi}^{\alpha}$. Note that $p_{0}$ is the principal symbol of $P$ so $p_{0}$ is real-valued. Also note that the restriction $\ell\geq 1$ and $|\alpha|\geq 1$ come from the fact that when $|\alpha|=0$, $L_{j,k,\alpha}=p_{k}-p_{k}=0$. It can be checked $|\alpha|=1\ \Rightarrow\ \sum_{|\alpha|=1}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}=\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{k}}q_{j}.$ (9.16) We can further compute $\sigma([P,Q])$ as $\displaystyle\sigma([P,Q])$ $\displaystyle\sim\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{0}+\sum_{\ell\geq 2}\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{0}+\sum_{\ell\geq 2}\big{(}\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}j=\ell-1}\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}+\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,{\color[rgb]{1,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{1,0,0}j<\ell-1}\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{0}+\sum_{\ell\geq 2}\big{(}\sum_{|\alpha|=1}L_{j=\ell-1,k=0,\alpha}q_{j}+\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,j<\ell-1\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}\big{)}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{0}+\sum_{\ell\geq 2}\big{(}\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{\ell-1}+\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,j<\ell-1\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}\big{)}\qquad(\text{by~{}}\eqref{eq:aLH- PM2021})$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{0}+\sum_{\ell\geq 1}\big{(}\frac{1}{i}H_{p_{0}}q_{\ell}+\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell+1\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,j<\ell\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}\big{)}\qquad(\ell\to\ell-1).$ (9.17) Combining (9.15) with (9.17), we obtain $\displaystyle\sigma([D_{t}+P,Q])$ $\displaystyle\sim\frac{1}{i}(\partial_{t}+H_{p_{0}})q_{0}+\sum_{\ell\geq 1}\big{(}\frac{1}{i}(\partial_{t}+H_{p_{0}})q_{\ell}+\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell+1\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,j<\ell\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}\big{)}.$ (9.18) The requirement (9.14) thus amounts to require $\sigma([D_{t}+P,Q])\in S^{-\infty}$, namely, $\left\\{\begin{aligned} (\partial_{t}+H_{p_{0}})q_{0}&=0,\\\ \frac{1}{i}(\partial_{t}+H_{p_{0}})q_{\ell}&=-\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell+1\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,j<\ell\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j},\quad\ell\geq 1.\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.19) Combining (9.19) with initial condition (9.12), these $q_{j}~{}(j\geq 0)$ can be solved iteratively in $[0,T]\times T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ by using see Lemma 9.12 (recall that $p_{0}$ is real-valued), and gives, $\forall(x,\xi)\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$, $\left\\{\begin{aligned} q_{0}(t,\gamma_{x,\xi}(t))&=\chi(x,\xi),\\\ q_{\ell}(t,\gamma_{x,\xi}(t))&=-i\int_{0}^{t}\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}j+k+|\alpha|=\ell+1\\\ |\alpha|\geq 1,\,j<\ell\end{subarray}}L_{j,k,\alpha}q_{j}(\tau,\gamma_{x,\xi}(\tau))\,\mathrm{d}{\tau},\quad\ell\geq 1.\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.20) And they guarantee $\sigma([D_{t}+P,Q])\in S^{-\infty}$, so (9.14) is achieved, thus (9.13) is satisfied. By iteration we can show the RHS of (9.20) is of order $-\ell$, so the second conclusion in Lemma 9.12 implies $q_{\ell}$ is homogeneous of order $-\ell$, so they are all classical symbols. Step 4: apply a hyperbolic PDE result. Combining (9.10) and (9.13), we can conclude $\left\\{\begin{aligned} (D_{t}+P)(Qu)&=F\ \text{in}\ \mathbb{R}_{+}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}},\\\ Qu|_{t=0}&=\varphi\ \text{on}\ {\mathbb{R}^{n}},\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.21) for some $F\in C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R}_{+}\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ and $\varphi\in C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Now we use Lemma 9.17 in advance to conclude $Qu\in C([0,T],C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))$. Step 5: conclusion. From $Qu\in C([0,T],C^{\infty}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))$ we see $\underline{Q|_{t}u\in C^{\infty}}$ for each $t\in[0,T]$, where $Q|_{t}$ is an abbreviation of $Q(t,x,D)$. From (9.20) we see $q_{0}(t,\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t))=\chi(x_{0},\xi_{0}).$ By Lemma 9.11, the homogeneity of $p_{0}$ gives $(x(t),\lambda\xi(t))=\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(t)$, so $\displaystyle\forall\lambda>0,\ q_{0}(t,x(t),\lambda\xi(t))$ $\displaystyle=q_{0}(t,\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(t))\qquad\text{(by Lemma \ref{lem:pHom-PM2021})}$ (9.22) $\displaystyle=\chi(x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0})=\chi(x_{0},\xi_{0})\qquad\text{(by \eqref{eq:HQjs-PM2021}, \eqref{eq:chho-PM2021})}$ $\displaystyle\neq 0.\qquad\text{(by \eqref{eq:chho-PM2021})}$ This means $Q$ is elliptic at $(x(t),\xi(t))=\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t)$, i.e. $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t)\notin\operatorname{Char}(Q|_{t}).$ Therefore, by Corollary 9.6, $\displaystyle\operatorname{WF}(u)$ $\displaystyle\subset\operatorname{WF}(Q|_{t}u)\cup\operatorname{Char}(Q|_{t})=\operatorname{Char}(Q|_{t}),$ so $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}(t)\notin\operatorname{WF}(u),\text{~{}for any~{}}t\in[0,T].$ which means $\gamma_{x_{0},\xi_{0}}\cap\operatorname{WF}(u)=\emptyset$. The proof is complete. ∎ ###### Remark 9.14. The condition that $P$ is of real principal type is used in the following ways: * • real-valued: in Step 3, in order to use Lemma 9.12, $p_{m}$ has to be real- valued; Also, when $p_{m}$ is real-valued, then $R:=iP+(iP)^{*}$ is of order $0$. This is used in Step 4 which calls for Lemma 9.17; * • $|\nabla_{\xi}p_{m}(x,\xi)|\neq 0$ when $p(x,\xi)=0$: related to the solvability of (9.20)? Every $(x,\xi)\in T^{*}{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\backslash 0$ shall be reachable; * • homogeneity: the condition “$p_{m}(x,\lambda\xi)=\lambda p_{m}(x,\xi)$” is used at (9.22) to guarantee $(x(t),\lambda\xi(t))=\gamma_{x_{0},\lambda\xi_{0}}(t)$. Theorem 9.13 can be interpreted by the following claim. ###### Corollary 9.15. Assume $m\in\mathbb{R}$ and $P\in\Psi^{m}$ is classical $\Psi$DO of real principal type, and denote its symbol as $p(x,\xi)$. Assume $Pu$ is well- defined and $Pu\in C^{\infty}$. Then $\operatorname{WF}(u)$ is made of null bicharacteristic curves $\gamma_{x,\xi}$ for some $(x,\xi)\in p_{m}^{-1}(0)$. ###### Proof. We see that $P$ is a $\Psi$DO with principal symbol $p_{m}(x,\xi)$ homogeneous in $\xi$, so we can apply Lemma 9.4 to conclude $\operatorname{Char}P=p_{m}^{-1}(0)$. Also, when $Pu\in C^{\infty}$, by Corollary 9.6 we have $\operatorname{WF}(u)\subset\operatorname{Char}P$, so $\operatorname{WF}(u)\subset p_{m}^{-1}(0).$ (9.23) For any $(x,\xi)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)$, by (9.23) we know $(x,\xi)\in p_{m}^{-1}(0)$. Denote as $\gamma_{x,\xi}$ the null bicharacteristic of $p_{m}$ passing through $(x,\xi)$, then $\gamma_{x,\xi}\subset p_{m}^{-1}(0)$ because the value of $p_{m}$ is constant in bicharacteristics. According to Theorem 9.13, we can conclude $\gamma_{x,\xi}\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)$. In summary, for every $(x,\xi)\in\operatorname{WF}(u)$ we have $\gamma_{x,\xi}\subset\operatorname{WF}(u)$ and $\gamma_{x,\xi}$ is a null bicharacteristic, so $\operatorname{WF}(u)$ is made of null bicharacteristic curves. ∎ ### 9.4. Cauchy problems of hyperbolic PDEs ###### Lemma 9.16. Assume $T>0$ and $s\in\mathbb{R}$, $P\in\Psi^{1}$ has a real-valued principal symbol. Denote $L=D_{t}+P$. There exists a constant $\lambda_{0}>0$ such that for any $u\in C^{1}([0,T],H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))\cap C([0,T],H^{s+1}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})),$ we have $\sup_{t\in[0,T]}e^{-\lambda t}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{s}}\leq\|{u(0,\cdot)}\|_{H^{s}}+2\int_{0}^{T}e^{-\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}.$ (9.24) ###### Proof. Denote $Q=iP$ and $L^{\prime}=iL=\partial_{t}+Q$. Then $\displaystyle\sigma(Q+Q^{*})$ $\displaystyle=\sigma(iP+(iP)^{*})=i\sigma(P-P^{*})=i[\sigma(P)+S^{0}-\overline{\sigma(P)}-S^{0}]\in S^{0},$ because the principal symbol of $P$ is real-valued. We denote $R=Q+Q^{*}$, then $R\in\Psi^{0}$ and thus is bounded in $L^{2}$. We prove the case $s=0$ first. Denote $f(t):=\|{e^{-\lambda t}u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$, then $\displaystyle f^{\prime}(t)$ $\displaystyle=2e^{-2\lambda t}\Re(\partial_{t}u,u)-2\lambda f(t)=2e^{-2\lambda t}\Re((L^{\prime}-Q)u,u)-2\lambda f(t)$ $\displaystyle=2e^{-2\lambda t}\Re(L^{\prime}u,u)+e^{-2\lambda t}(-Ru,u)-2\lambda f(t)$ $\displaystyle\leq 2e^{-2\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}+e^{-2\lambda t}\|{Ru(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}-2\lambda f(t)$ $\displaystyle\leq 2e^{-2\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}-(2\lambda-\|{R}\|)\|{e^{-\lambda t}u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\leq 2e^{-2\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}},\qquad(\text{when~{}}\lambda>\|{R}\|/2),$ where $\|{R}\|$ is the $L^{2}$ operator norm. Hence, for any $t\in[0,T]$, $\displaystyle e^{-2\lambda t}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\leq\|{u(0,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+2\int_{0}^{t}e^{-2\lambda s}\|{Lu(s,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(s,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{s}$ $\displaystyle\leq\|{u(0,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+2\int_{0}^{T}e^{-2\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}.$ By denoting $M:=\sup_{t\in[0,T]}e^{-\lambda t}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{s}}$, we can continue $\displaystyle M^{2}$ $\displaystyle\leq\|{u(0,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}^{2}+2\int_{0}^{T}e^{-2\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\|{u(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}$ $\displaystyle\leq M\|{u(0,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}+2\int_{0}^{T}e^{-\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}M\,\mathrm{d}{t}$ $\displaystyle\leq M(\|{u(0,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}+2\int_{0}^{T}e^{-\lambda t}\|{Lu(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{2}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}).$ We arrive at the conclusion for $s=0$. For $s\neq 0$, we can do something similar as in Step 2 of the proof of Theorem 6.18. This completes the proof. ∎ Based on the energy estimate in Lemma 9.16, we can obtain the following result. ###### Lemma 9.17. Assume $T>0$ and $s\in\mathbb{R}$, $P\in\Psi^{1}$ has a real-valued principal symbol. Let $f\in L^{1}((0,T),H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))$ and $\phi\in H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$. Then there is a unique solution $u\in C([0,T],H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))$ of the PDE $\left\\{\begin{aligned} (D_{t}+P)u&=f\ \text{in}\ (0,T)\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}},\\\ u|_{t=0}&=\phi\ \text{on}\ {\mathbb{R}^{n}},\end{aligned}\right.$ (9.25) ###### Proof. Step 1: variational formulation. Denote $\left\\{\begin{aligned} &X:=\\{\varphi\in C^{\infty}([0,T]\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})\,;\,\varphi(T,\cdot)\equiv 0\\}\\\ &\ell(\varphi):=\int_{0}^{T}(f,\varphi)\,\mathrm{d}{t}+\frac{1}{i}(\phi,\varphi).\end{aligned}\right.$ We say $u\in\mathscr{S}^{\prime}([0,T]\times{\mathbb{R}^{n}})$ is a weak solution of (9.25) if $u$ satisfies $\int_{0}^{T}(u,(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi)\,\mathrm{d}{t}=\ell(\varphi),\quad\forall\varphi\in X.$ (9.26) To find a $u\in L^{\infty}((0,T),H^{s})$ satisfying (9.26), we are to show $|\ell(\varphi)|\leq\|{(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi}\|_{L^{1}H^{-s}}$, and the call for the Hahn-Banach theorem. Here $\|{f}\|_{L^{1}H^{-s}}$ is a shorthand for $\int_{0}^{T}\|{f}\|_{H^{-s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}$. Step 2: energy estimate. Because $P\in\Psi^{1}$ has a real-valued principal symbol, we see $-P^{*}\in\Psi^{1}$ and $-P^{*}$ also has a real-valued principal symbol. Apply Lemma 9.16 to $D_{t}+(-P^{*})$ and $\varphi(T-t,x)$ we obtain $\sup_{t\in[0,T]}e^{-\lambda t}\|{\varphi(T-t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{-s}}\leq\|{\varphi(T,\cdot)}\|_{H^{-s}}+2\int_{0}^{T}e^{-\lambda t}\|{(D_{t}+(-P^{*}))(\varphi(T-t,\cdot))}\|_{H^{-s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t},$ which gives $\sup_{t\in[0,T]}e^{\lambda t}\|{\varphi(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{-s}}\leq 2\int_{0}^{T}e^{\lambda t}\|{(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{-s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}.$ so $\forall s\in\mathbb{R},\quad\sup_{t\in[0,T]}\|{\varphi(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{-s}}\leq 2e^{\lambda T}\|{(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi}\|_{L^{1}H^{-s}}.$ (9.27) This means the map $\varphi\mapsto(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi$ is injective. (9.27) can be understood as a coercive condition. Step 3: Hahn-Banach theorem. By using (9.27), we can estimate $\ell$ as follows, $\displaystyle|\ell(\varphi)|$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{0}^{T}|(f,\varphi)|\,\mathrm{d}{t}+|(\phi,\varphi)|\leq\int_{0}^{T}\|{f}\|_{H^{s}}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{-s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}+\|{\phi}\|_{H^{s}}\|{\varphi}\|_{H^{-s}}$ $\displaystyle\leq\big{(}\int_{0}^{T}\|{f}\|_{H^{s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}+\|{\phi}\|_{H^{s}}\big{)}\sup_{t\in[0,T]}\|{\varphi(t,\cdot)}\|_{H^{-s}}$ $\displaystyle\leq C\big{(}\int_{0}^{T}\|{f}\|_{H^{s}}\,\mathrm{d}{t}+\|{\phi}\|_{H^{s}}\big{)}\|{(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi}\|_{L^{1}H^{-s}}.$ Therefore, the linear functional $\ell(\varphi)$ is also a linear functional for $(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi\in X$ under the norm $L^{1}((0,T),H^{-s})$. Because the dual space of $L^{1}((0,T),H^{-s})$ is $L^{\infty}((0,T),H^{s})$, by the Hahn-Banach theorem, there exists a $u\in L^{\infty}((0,T),H^{s})$ such that $\ell(\varphi)=(u,(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi)_{t,x},\quad\forall\varphi\in X,$ which is (9.26). This $u$ is a weak solution. Step 4: weak to strong solution. Because $u$ is a distribution, on $(0,T)$ we have $D_{t}u+Pu=f.$ Because $u\in L^{\infty}((0,T),H^{s})$, $Pu\in L^{\infty}((0,T),H^{s-1})$. Let $f$, $\phi$ be Schwartz, then $f\in L^{\infty}([0,T],H^{s})$, so $D_{t}u=f-Pu\in L^{\infty}((0,T),H^{s-1})$, which implies $u\in C([0,T],H^{s-1}).$ Again, $f\in C([0,T],H^{s-2})$ and $Pu\in C([0,T],H^{s-2})$, so $D_{t}u=f-Pu\in C((0,T),H^{s-2})$, which implies $u\in C^{1}([0,T],H^{s-2})\cap C([0,T],H^{s-1})\ \text{with}\ u(0)=\phi.$ Due to the arbitrary of $s$, we can conclude $u\in C^{1}([0,T],H^{s})\cap C([0,T],H^{s+1})\ \text{with}\ u(0)=\phi.$ (9.28) Therefore, $(u,(D_{t}+P^{*})\varphi)_{t,x}$ can be legally write as $((D_{t}+P)u,\varphi)_{t,x}$, which implies $u$ is a strong solution of (9.25). Step 5: density arguments for $f$, $\phi$. (9.28) is true when $f$ and $\phi$ are Schwartz. For general $f\in L^{1}((0,T),H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}))$ and $\phi\in H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})$, due to the density, we can find $\\{f_{k}\\}\subset\mathscr{S}$ and $\\{\phi_{k}\\}\subset\mathscr{S}$ such that $f_{k}\to f\ \text{in}\ L^{1}((0,T),H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}})),\ \phi_{k}\to\phi\ \text{in}\ H^{s}({\mathbb{R}^{n}}),\quad\text{and}\quad$ $(D_{t}+P)u_{k}=f_{k},\ u|_{t=0}=\phi_{k},\ u_{k}\in C^{1}([0,T],H^{s})\cap C([0,T],H^{s+1}).$ (9.29) From (9.29) and Lemma 9.16 we can obtain $e^{-\lambda T}\|{u_{k}-u_{k^{\prime}}}\|_{C([0,T{]},H^{s})}\leq\|{\phi_{k}-\phi_{k^{\prime}}}\|_{H^{s}}+2\|{(f_{k}-f_{k^{\prime}})(t,\cdot)}\|_{L^{1}((0,T),H^{s})},$ so $\\{u_{k}\\}$ is Cauchy in $C([0,T{]},H^{s})$ and the limit $u\in C([0,T{]},H^{s})$ is a desired solution. Step 6: uniqueness. By the energy estimate (9.24) it is easy to show the uniqueness of $u$. The proof is complete. ∎ ### Exercise ###### Exercise 9.1. Proof Lemma 9.4. ###### Exercise 9.2. Prove the function $a$ constructed in (9.4) is in $S^{0}$. ###### Exercise 9.3. Show that $a$ defined in (9.6) gives $(x_{0},\xi_{0})\notin\operatorname{Char}T_{a}$. Hint: to borrow ideas from Lemma 6.17. ## Bibliography ## Index * adjoint 5.15, 5.15 * adjoint of quantizations Theorem 7.14 * asymptotics Definition 2.5 * bicharacteristic Definition 9.9 * canonical relation Theorem 8.11, Remark 8.13 * Carleman estimates Theorem 7.24 * commutator Exercise 5.2 * composition of quantizations Theorem 7.11, Theorem 7.17 * composition of $\Psi$DOs Theorem 5.3 * conic set Definition 8.1 * direct product §8.2.1 * ellipticity Definition 6.4 * Fourier integral operators Remark 8.13 * Fourier Transform Definition 1.15 * Gårding’s inequality Theorem 6.18 * kernel §2.3, Definition 3.8 * microlocal ellipticity Definition 9.2 * microlocal parametrix Definition 9.1 * null bicharacteristic Definition 9.9 * oscillatory integral I Definition 3.6 * oscillatory integral II Definition 3.14 * parametrix Definition 6.1 * Parseval’s Relation item 3 * phase function Definition 3.1 * Plancherel Theorem Theorem 1.19 * product of distributions §8.2.2 * propagation of the singularities Theorem 9.13 * properly supported §2.3 * pseudodifferential operators Definition 2.7 * pseudolocal property Theorem 2.24 * Schur estimate Lemma 6.10 * Schwartz function Definition 1.4 * Schwartz Space Definition 1.4 * sharp Gårding’s Inequality Theorem 6.21 * singular support Definition 2.23 * smooth direction, $\operatorname{Smo}$ Definition 8.2 * Sobolev spaces Definition 2.15 * stationary phase lemma §4.2 * strong ellipticity Definition 6.16 * symbols Definition 2.1 * symplectic 2-form Remark 7.16 * symplectic product Definition 7.15 * Taylor’s expansion §4.1.1 * tempered Distributions Definition 1.11 * tempered functions Definition 1.9 * transpose 5.15, 5.15 * twist Remark 8.13 * wavefront set Definition 8.4
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Shiqi Ma", "submitter": "Shiqi Ma", "url": "" }
NISTIR 8397 Guidelines on Minimum Standards for Developer Verification of Software Paul E. Black Barbara Guttman Vadim Okun This publication is available free of charge from: NISTIR 8397 Guidelines on Minimum Standards for Developer Verification of Software Paul E. Black Barbara Guttman Vadim Okun Software and Systems Division Information Technology Laboratory This publication is available free of charge from: July 2021 U.S. Department of Commerce Gina M. Raimondo., Secretary National Institute of Standards and Technology Janes K. Olthoff, Acting NIST Director and Undersecretary of Commerce for Standards and Technology Certain commercial entities, equipment, or materials may be identified in this document in order to describe an experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply recommendation or endorsement by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, nor is it intended to imply that the entities, materials, or equipment are necessarily the best available for the purpose. National Institute of Standards and Technology Interagency Report 8397 Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol. Interag. Rep. 8397, 33 pages (July 2021) This publication is available free of charge from: ## Abstract Executive Order (EO) 14028, _Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity_ , 12 May 2021, directs the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to recommend minimum standards for software testing within 60 days. This document describes eleven recommendations for software verification techniques as well as providing supplemental information about the techniques and references for further information. It recommends the following techniques: * • Threat modeling to look for design-level security issues * • Automated testing for consistency and to minimize human effort * • Static code scanning to look for top bugs * • Heuristic tools to look for possible hardcoded secrets * • Use of built-in checks and protections * • “Black box” test cases * • Code-based structural test cases * • Historical test cases * • Fuzzing * • Web app scanners, if applicable * • Address included code (libraries, packages, services) The document does not address the totality of software verification, but instead, recommends techniques that are broadly applicable and form the minimum standards. The document was developed by NIST in consultation with the National Security Agency (NSA). Additionally, we received input from numerous outside organizations through papers submitted to a NIST workshop on the Executive Order held in early June 2021, discussion at the workshop, as well as follow up with several of the submitters. Keywords software assurance; verification; testing; static analysis; fuzzing; code review; software security. Additional Information For additional information on NIST’s Cybersecurity programs, projects, and publications, visit the Computer Security Resource Center. Information on other efforts at NIST and in the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL) is also available. This document was written at the National Institute of Standards and Technology by employees of the Federal Government in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to Title 17, Section 105 of the United States Code, this is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. We would appreciate acknowledgment if this document is used. Acknowledgments The authors particularly thank Fay Saydjari for catalyzing our discussion of scope; Virginia Laurenzano for infusing DevOps Research and Assessments (DORA) principles into the report and other material; Larry Wagoner for numerous contributions and comments; Steve Lipner for reviews and suggestions; David A. Wheeler for extensive corrections and recommendations; and Aurelien M. Delaitre, William Curt Barker, Murugiah Souppaya, Karen Scarfone, and Jim Lyle for their many efforts. We thank the following for reviewing various codes, standards, guides, and other material: Jessica Fitzgerald-McKay, Hialo Muniz, and Yann Prono. For the acronyms, glossary, and other content, we thank Matthew B. Lanigan, Nhan L. Vo, William C. Totten, and Keith W. Beatty. We thank all those who submitted position papers applicable for our area to our June 2021 workshop. This document benefited greatly from additional women and men who shared their insights and expertise during weekly conference calls between NIST and National Security Agency (NSA) staff: Andrew White, Anne West, Brad Martin, Carol A. Lee, Eric Mosher, Frank Taylor, George Huber, Jacob DePriest, Joseph Dotzel, Michaela Bernardo, Philip Scherer, Ryan Martin, Sara Hlavaty, and Sean Weaver. Kevin Stine, NIST, also participated. We also appreciate contributions from Walter Houser. Trademark Information All registered trademarks or trademarks belong to their respective organizations. ###### Table of Contents 1. 1 Introduction 1. 1.1 Overview 2. 1.2 Charge 3. 1.3 Scope 4. 1.4 How Aspects of Verification Relate 5. 1.5 Document Outline 2. 2 Recommended Minimum Standard for Developer Testing 1. 2.1 Threat Modeling 2. 2.2 Automated Testing 3. 2.3 Code-Based, or Static, Analysis 4. 2.4 Review for Hardcoded Secrets 5. 2.5 Run with Language-Provided Checks and Protection 6. 2.6 Black Box Test Cases 7. 2.7 Code-Based Test Cases 8. 2.8 Historical Test Cases 9. 2.9 Fuzzing 10. 2.10 Web Application Scanning 11. 2.11 Check Included Software Components 3. 3 Background and Supplemental Information About Techniques 1. 3.1 Supplemental: Built-in Language Protection 2. 3.2 Supplemental: Memory-Safe Compilation 3. 3.3 Supplemental: Coverage Metrics 4. 3.4 Supplemental: Fuzzing 5. 3.5 Supplemental: Web Application Scanning 6. 3.6 Supplemental: Static Analysis 7. 3.7 Supplemental: Human Reviewing for Properties 8. 3.8 Supplemental: Sources of Test Cases 9. 3.9 Supplemental: Top Bugs 10. 3.10 Supplemental: Checking Included Software for Known Vulnerabilities 4. 4 Beyond Software Verification 1. 4.1 Good Software Development Practices 2. 4.2 Good Software Installation and Operation Practices 3. 4.3 Additional Software Assurance Technology 5. 5 Documents Examined 6. 6 Glossary and Acronyms 7. References ## Errata In October 2021, we made many grammatical changes due to internal paperwork to obtain a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). While making those, we took the opportunity to also improve or correct text related to Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) and update the name of an example tool. ## 1\. Introduction ### Overview To ensure that software is sufficiently safe and secure, software must be designed, built, delivered, and maintained well. Frequent and thorough verification by developers as early as possible in the software development life cycle (SDLC) is one critical element of software security assurance. At its highest conceptual level, we may view verification as _a mental discipline_ to increase software quality [1, p. 10]. As NIST’s Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) says, verification is used “to identify vulnerabilities and verify compliance with security requirements” [2, PW.7 and PW.8]. According to International Organization for Standardization (ISO)/ International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)/ Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 12207:2017 [3, 3.1.72] verification, which is sometimes informally called “testing”, encompasses many static and active assurance techniques, tools, and related processes. They must be employed alongside other methods to ensure a high-level of software quality. This document recommends minimum standards of software verification by software producers. No single software security verification standard can encompass all types of software and be both specific and prescriptive while supporting efficient and effective verification. Thus, this document recommends guidelines for software producers to use in creating their own processes. To be most effective, the process must be very specific and tailored to the software products, technology (e.g., language and platform), toolchain, and development lifecycle model. For information about how verification fits into the larger software development process, see NIST’s Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF) [2]. ### Charge This document is a response to the 12 May 2021 Executive Order (EO) 14028 on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity [4]. This document responds to Sec. 4. Enhancing Software Supply Chain Security, subsection (r): “…guidelines recommending minimum standards for vendors’ testing of their software source code, including identifying recommended types of manual or automated testing (such as code review tools, static and dynamic analysis, software composition tools, and penetration testing).” [4, 4(r)] ### Scope This section clarifies or interprets terms that form the basis for the scope of this document. We define “software” as executable computer programs. We exclude from our scope ancillary yet vital material such as configuration files, file or execution permissions, operational procedures, and hardware. Many kinds of software require specialized testing regimes in addition to the minimum standards recommended in Sec. 2. For example, real-time software, firmware (microcode), embedded/cyberphysical software, distributed algorithms, machine learning (ML) or neural net code, control systems, mobile applications, safety-critical systems, and cryptographic software. We do not address this specialized testing further. We do suggest minimum testing techniques to use for software that is connected to a network and parallel/multi-threaded software. As a special note, testing requirements for safety-critical systems are addressed by their respective regulatory agencies. While the EO uses the term “software source code”, the intent is much broader and includes software in general including binaries, bytecode, and executables, such as libraries and packages. We acknowledge that it is not possible to examine these as thoroughly and efficiently as human-readable source code. We exclude from consideration here the verification or validation of security functional requirements and specifications, except as references for testing. We understand the informal term “testing” as any technique or procedure performed on the software itself to gain assurance that the software will perform as desired, has the necessary properties, and has no important vulnerabilities. We use the ISO/IEC/IEEE term “verification” instead. Verification includes methods such as static analysis and code review, in addition to dynamic analysis or running programs (“testing” in a narrower sense). We exclude from our treatment of verification other key elements of software development that contribute to software assurance, such as programmer training, expertise, or certification, evidence from prior or subsequent software products, process, correct-by-construction or model-based methods, supply chain and compilation assurance techniques, and failures reported during operational use. Verification assumes standard language semantics, correct and robust compilation or interpretation engines, and a reliable and accurate execution environment, such as containers, virtual machines, operating systems, and hardware. Verification may or may not be performed in the intended operational environment. Note that verification must be based on some references, such as the software specifications, coding standards (e.g., Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (MISRA) C [5]), collections of properties, security policies, or lists of common weaknesses. While the EO uses the term “vendors’ testing”, the intent is much broader and includes developers as well. A developer and a vendor may be the same entity, but many vendors include software from outside sources. A software vendor may redo verification on software packages developed by other entities. Although the EO mentions commercial software [4, Sec. 4(a)], this guideline is written for all software developers, including those employed by the government and developers of open-source software (OSS). The techniques and procedures presented in this document might be used by software developers to verify reused software that they incorporate in their product, customers acquiring software, entities accepting contracted software, or a third-party lab. However, these are not the intended audience of this document since this assurance effort should be applied as early in the development process as possible. This document presents “minimum standards”. That is, this document is not a guide to most effective practices or recommended practices. Instead, its purposes are to (1) set a lower bar for software verification by indicating techniques that developers should have already been using and (2) serve as a basis for mandated standards in the future. ### How Aspects of Verification Relate This section explains how code-based analysis and reviews relate to dynamic analysis. The fundamental process of dynamic testing of software is shown in Fig. 1. By the time the target software has reached this stage, it should have undergone static analysis by the compiler or other tools. In dynamic testing, the software is run on many test cases, and the outputs are examined. One advantage of dynamic testing is that it has few, if any, false positives. For a general model of dynamic testing see [6, Sec. 3.5.1], which also cites publications. Figure 1: The basic dynamic testing process is to deliver a set of test cases to the software being tested and examine the outputs. Verification must be automated in order for thousands of tests to be accurately performed and for the results to be precisely checked. Automation also allows verification to be efficiently repeated often. Figure 2: A more elaborate diagram of the verification process adding how some test cases are generated and showing how code analysis fits. Figure 2 provides more details about the process of gaining assurance of software. It shows that some test cases result from a combination of the current set of test cases and from analysis of the code, either entirely by static consideration of the software or by analysis of coverage during test case execution. Sections 2.6 and 2.7 briefly discuss black box and code-based test cases. Code analysis examines the code itself to check that it has desired properties, to identify weaknesses, and to compute metrics of test completeness. It is also used to diagnose the cause of faults discovered during testing. See Sec. 3.6 for details. This analysis can determine which statements, routines, paths, etc., were exercised by tests and can produce measures of how complete testing was. Code analysis can also monitor for faults such as exceptions, memory leaks, unencrypted critical information, null pointers, SQL injection, or cross-site scripting. During testing, such hybrid analysis can also drive active automatic testing, see Secs. 2.9 and 2.10, and is used for Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST). Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP) monitors the program during operation for internal security faults before they become system failures. IAST and RASP may also scrutinize the output, for example, for sensitive data being transmitted that is not encrypted. ### Document Outline Section 2 begins with a succinct guideline recommending minimum standard techniques for developers to use to verify their software. It then expands on the techniques. Section 3 is informative. That is, it is not part of the recommended minimum. It provides background and supplemental material about the techniques, including references, more thorough variations and alternatives, and example tools. Section 4 summarizes how software must and can be built well from the beginning. Finally, Section 5 lists materials we consulted for this document. ## 2\. Recommended Minimum Standard for Developer Testing Gaining assurance that software does what its developers intended and is sufficiently free from vulnerabilities—either intentionally designed into the software or accidentally inserted at any time during its life cycle—requires the use of many interrelated techniques. This guideline recommends the following minimum standard for developer testing: * • Do threat modeling (see Sec. 2.1). Using automated testing (Sec. 2.2) for static and dynamic analysis, * • Do static (code-based) analysis * – Use a code scanner to look for top bugs (2.3). * – Use heuristic tools to look for hardcoded secrets and identify small sections of software that may warrant focused manual code reviews (2.4). * • Do dynamic analysis (i.e., run the program) * – Run the program with built-in checks and protections (2.5). * – Create “black box” test cases, e.g., from specifications, input boundary analysis, and those motivated by threat modeling (2.6). * – Create code-based (structural) test cases. Add cases as necessary to reach at least 80 % coverage (2.7). * – Use test cases that were designed to catch previous bugs (2.8). * – Run a fuzzer (2.9). If the software runs a web service, run a web application scanner, too (2.10). * • Correct the “must fix” bugs that are uncovered and improve the process to prevent similar bugs in the future, or at least catch them earlier [2, RV.3]. * • Use similar techniques to gain assurance that included libraries, packages, services, etc., are no less secure than the code (2.11). The rest of this section provides additional information about each aspect of the recommended minimum standard. ### Threat Modeling We recommend using threat modeling early in order to identify design-level security issues and to focus verification. Threat-modeling methods create an abstraction of the system, profiles of potential attackers, including their goals and methods, and a catalog of potential threats [7]. See also [8]. Shevchenko et al. [7] lists twelve threat-modeling methods, pointing out that software needs should drive the method(s) used. Threat modeling should be done _multiple_ times during development, especially when developing new capabilities, to capture new threats and improve modeling [9]. The DoD Enterprise DevSecOps Reference Design document of August 2019 includes a diagram of how threat modeling fits into software development (Dev), security (Sec), and operations (Ops) [10, Fig. 3]. DevSecOps is an organizational software engineering culture and practice focused on unifying development, security, and operations aspects related to software. Test cases should be more comprehensive in areas of greatest consequences, as indicated by the threat assessment or threat scenarios. Threat modeling can also indicate which input vectors are of most concern. Testing variations of these particular inputs should be higher priority. Threat modeling may reveal that certain small pieces of code, typically less than 100 lines, pose significant risk. Such code may warrant manual code review to answer specific questions such as, “does the software require authorization when it should?” and “do the software interfaces check and validate input?” See Sec. 3.7 for more on manual reviews. ### Automated Testing Automated support for verification can be as simple as a script that reruns static analysis, then runs the program on a set of inputs, captures the outputs, and compares the outputs to expected results. It can be as sophisticated as a tool that sets up the environment, runs the test, then checks for success. Some test tools drive the interface to a web-enabled application, letting the tester specify high-level commands, such as “click this button” or “put the following text in a box” instead of maneuvering a mouse pointer to a certain place on a rendered screen and passing events. Advanced tools produce reports of what code passes their tests or summaries of the number of tests passed for modules or subsystems. We recommend automated verification to * • ensure that static analysis does not report new weaknesses, * • run tests consistently, * • check results accurately, and * • minimize the need for human effort and expertise. Automated verification can be integrated into the existing workflow or issue tracking system [2, PO.3]. Because verification is automated, it can be repeated often, for instance, upon every commit or before an issue is retired. ### Code-Based, or Static, Analysis Although there are hybrids, analysis may generally be divided into two approaches: 1) code-based or static analysis (e.g., Static Application Security Testing—SAST) and 2) execution-based or dynamic analysis (e.g., Dynamic Application Security Testing—DAST). Pure code-based analysis is independent of program execution. A static code scanner reasons about the code as written, in somewhat the same fashion as a human code reviewer. Questions that a scanner may address include: * • Does this software _always_ satisfy the required security policy? * • Does it satisfy important properties? * • Would any input cause it to fail? We recommend using a static analysis tool to check code for many kinds of vulnerabilities, see Sec. 3.9, and for compliance with the organization’s coding standards. For multi-threaded or parallel processing software, use a scanner capable of detecting race conditions. See Sec. 3.6 for example tools and more guidelines. Static scanners range in sophistication from simply searching for any use of a deprecated function to looking for patterns indicating possible vulnerabilities to being able to verify that a piece of code faithfully implements a communication protocol. In addition to closed source tools, there are powerful free and open-source tools that provide extensive analyst aids, such as control flows and data values that lead to a violation. Static source code analysis should be done as soon as code is written. Small pieces of code can be checked before large executable pieces are complete. ### Review for Hardcoded Secrets We recommend using heuristic tools to examine the code for hardcoded passwords and private encryption keys. Such tools are feasible since functions or services taking these as parameters have specific interfaces. Dynamic testing is unlikely to uncover such unwanted code. While the primary method to reduce the chance of malicious code is integrity measures, heuristic tools may assist by identifying small sections of code that are suspicious, possibly triggering manual review. Section 3.7 lists additional properties that might be checked during scans or reviews. ### Run with Language-Provided Checks and Protection Programming languages, both compiled and interpreted, provide many built-in checks and protections. Use such capabilities both during development and in the software shipped [2, PW.6.2]. Enable hardware and operating system security and vulnerability mitigation mechanisms, too (see Sec. 3.1). For software written in languages that are not memory-safe, consider using techniques that enforce memory safety (see Sec. 3.2). Interpreted languages typically have significant security enforcement built- in, although additional measures can be enabled. In addition, you may use a static analyzer, sometimes called a “linter”, which checks for dangerous functions, problematic parameters, and other possible vulnerabilities (see Sec. 3.6). Even with these checks, programs must be executed. Executing all possible inputs is impossible except for programs with the tiniest input spaces. Hence, developers must select or construct the test cases to be used. Static code analysis can add assurance in the gaps between test cases, but selective test execution is still required. Many principles can guide the choice of test cases. ### Black Box Test Cases “Black box” tests are not based on the implementation or the particular code. Instead, they are based on functional specifications or requirements, negative tests (invalid inputs and testing what the software should _not_ do) [11, p. 8-5, Sec. 8.B], denial of service and overload, described in Sec. 3.8, input boundary analysis, and input combinations [12, 13]. Tests cases should be more comprehensive in areas indicated as security sensitive or critical by general security principles. If you can formally prove that classes of errors cannot occur, some of the testing described above may not be needed. Additionally, rigorous process metrics may show that the benefit of some testing is small compared to the cost. ### Code-Based Test Cases Code-based, or structural, test cases are based on the implementation, that is, the specifics of the code. For instance, suppose the software is required to handle up to one million items. The programmer may decide to implement the software to handle 100 items or fewer in a statically-allocated table but dynamically allocate memory if there are more than 100 items. For this implementation, it is useful to have cases with exactly 99, 100, and 101 items in order to test for bugs in switching between approaches. Memory alignment concerns may indicate additional tests. These important test cases could not have been determined by only considering the specifications. Code-based test cases may also come from coverage metrics. As hinted at in Fig. 2, when tests are run, the software may record which branches, blocks, function calls, etc., in the code are exercised or “covered”. Tools then analyze this information to compute metrics. Additional test cases can be added to increase coverage. Most code should be executed during unit testing. We recommend that executing the test suite achieves a minimum of 80 % statement coverage [14] (see Sec. 3.3). ### Historical Test Cases Some test cases are created specifically to show the presence (and later, the absence) of a bug. These are sometimes called “regression tests”. These test cases are an important source of tests until the process is mature enough to cover them, that is, until a “first principles” assurance approach is adopted that would detect or preclude the bug. An even better option is adoption of an assurance approach, such as choice of language, that precludes the bug entirely. Inputs recorded from production operations may also be good sources of test cases. ### Fuzzing We recommend using a fuzzer, see Sec. 3.4, which performs automatic active testing; fuzzers create huge numbers of inputs during testing. Typically, only a tiny fraction of the inputs trigger code problems. In addition, these tools only perform a general check to determine that the software handled the test correctly. Typically, only broad output characteristics and gross behavior, such as application crashes, are monitored. The advantage of generality is that such tools can try an immense number of inputs with minimal human supervision. The tools can be programmed with inputs that often reveal bugs, such as very long or empty inputs and special characters. ### Web Application Scanning If the software provides a web service, use a dynamic application security testing (DAST) tool, e.g., web application scanner, see Sec. 3.5, or Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tool to detect vulnerabilities. As with fuzzers, web app scanners create inputs as they run. A web app scanner monitors for general unusual behavior. A hybrid or IAST tool may also monitor program execution for internal faults. When an input causes some detectable anomaly, the tool can use variations of the input to probe for failures. ### Check Included Software Components Use the verification techniques recommended in this section to gain assurance that included code is at least as secure as code developed locally [2, PW.3]. Some assurance may come from self-certification or partially self-certified information, such as the Core Infrastructure Initiative (CII) Best Practices badge [15] or trusted third-party examination. The components of the software must be continually monitored against databases of known vulnerabilities; a new vulnerability in existing code may be reported at any time. A Software Composition Analysis (SCA) or Origin Analyzer (OA) tool can help you identify what open-source libraries, suites, packages, bundles, kits, etc., the software uses. These tools can aid in determining what software is really imported, identifying reused software (including open-source software), and noting software that is out of date or has known vulnerabilities (see Sec. 3.10). ## 3\. Background and Supplemental Information About Techniques This section is informative, not part of the recommended minimum. It provides more details about techniques and approaches. Subsections include information such as variations, additional cautions and considerations, example tools, and tables of related standards, guides, or references. ### Supplemental: Built-in Language Protection Programming languages have various protections built into them that preclude some vulnerabilities, warn about poorly written or insecure code, or protect programs during execution. For instance, many languages are memory-safe by default. Others only have flags and options to activate their protections. All such protections should be used as much as possible [2, PW.6.2]. For instance, gcc has flags that enable * • run-time buffer overflow detection, * • run-time bounds checking for C++ strings and containers, * • address space layout randomization (ASLR), * • increased reliability of stack overflow detection, * • stack smashing protector, * • control flow integrity protection, * • rejection of potentially unsafe format string arguments, * • rejection of missing function prototypes, and * • reporting of many other warnings and errors. Similarly, the Visual Studio 2019 option “/sdl” enables checks comparable to those described above for gcc. Interpreted languages typically have significant security enforcement built- in, although additional measures can be enabled. As an example of an interpreted language, Perl has a “taint” mode, enabled by the “-T” command line flag, that “turns on various checks, such as checking path directories to make sure they aren’t writable by others.” [16, 10.2]. The “-w” command line option helps as do other measures explained in the Perl security document, perlsec [17]. JavaScript has a “use strict” directive “to indicate that the code should be executed in “strict mode”. With strict mode, you cannot, for example, use undeclared variables.” [18] In addition, you may use a static analyzer, sometimes called a “linter”, to check for dangerous function or problematic parameters in interpreted languages (see Sec. 3.6). In addition to capabilities provided by the language itself, you can use hardware (HW) and operating system (OS) mechanisms to ensure control flow integrity, for instance, Intel’s Control-flow Enforcement Technology (CET) or ARM Pointer Authentication and landing points. There are compiler options that create opcodes so that if the software is running on hardware, operating systems, or processes with these enabled, these mechanisms will be invoked. All x86 and ARM chips in production have and will have this capability. Most OSs now support it. Users should also take advantage of HW and OS mechanisms as they update technology by ensuring the HW or OS that they are upgrading to include these HW-based features. These mechanisms help prevent memory corruption bugs that are not detected by verification during development from being exploited. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Applying warning flags” | [11, p. 8-4, Sec. 8.B] Using stack protection | [19] Prevent execution of data memory Principle 17 | [20, p. 9] Table 1: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Built-in Language Protection ### Supplemental: Memory-Safe Compilation Some languages, such as C and C++, are not memory-safe. A minor memory access error can lead to vulnerabilities such as privilege escalation, denial of service, data corruption, or exfiltration of data. Many languages are memory-safe by default but have mechanisms to disable those safeties when needed, e.g., for critical performance requirements. Where practical, use memory-safe languages and limit disabling memory safety mechanisms. For software written languages that are not memory-safe, consider using automated source code transformations or compiler techniques that enforce memory safety. Requesting memory mapping to a fixed (hardcoded) address subverts address space layout randomization (ASLR). This should be mitigated by enabling appropriate compile flag(s) (see Sec. 3.1). Example Tools Baggy Bounds Checking, CodeHawk, SoftBoundCETS, and WIT. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Applying warning flags” | [11, p. 8-4, Sec. 8.B] using stack protection | [19] Element A “avoid/detect/remove specific types of vulnerabilities at the implementation stage” | [21, p. 9–12] FPT_AEX_EXT.1 Anti-Exploitation Capabilities “The application shall not request to map memory at an explicit address except for [assignment: _list of explicit exceptions_].” | [22] Table 2: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Memory-Safe Compilation ### Supplemental: Coverage Metrics Exhaustive testing is intractable for all but the simplest programs, yet thorough testing is necessary to reduce software vulnerabilities. Coverage criteria are a way to define what needs to be tested and when the testing objective is achieved. For instance, “statement coverage” measures the statements in the code that are executed at least once, i.e., statements that are “covered”. Checking coverage identifies parts of code that have not been thoroughly tested and, thus, are more likely to have bugs. The percentage of coverage, e.g., 80 % statement coverage, is one measure of the thoroughness of a test suite. Test cases can be added to exercise code or paths that were not executed. Low coverage indicates inadequate testing, but very high code coverage guarantees little [14]. Statement coverage is the weakest criterion widely used. For instance, consider an “if” statement with only a “then” branch, that is, without an “else” branch. Knowing that statements in the “then” branch were executed does not guarantee that any test explored what happens when the condition is false and the body is not executed at all. “Branch coverage” requires that every branch is taken. In the absence of early exits, full branch coverage implies full block coverage, so it is stronger than block coverage. Data flow and mutation are stronger coverage criteria [23]. Most generally, “…all test coverage criteria can be boiled down to a few dozen criteria on just four mathematical structures: input domains, graphs, logic expressions, and syntax descriptions (grammars).” [1, p. 26, Sec. 2.4] An example of testing based on input domains is combinatorial testing [12, 13], which partitions the input space into groups and tests all n-way combinations of the groups. Block, branch, and data flow coverage are graph coverage criteria. Criteria based on logic expressions, such as Modified Condition Decision Coverage (MCDC), require making various truth assignments to the expressions. Syntax description criteria are exemplified by mutation testing that deliberately and systematically creates software variants with small syntactic changes that are likely to be errors. For instance, the “less than” operator (<) might be replaced by “greater than or equal to” (>=). If a test set distinguishes the original program from each slight variation, the test set is exercising the program adequately. Mutation testing can be applied to specifications as well as programs. Note: the code may be compiled with certain flags to measure coverage, then compiled again with different flags for shipment. There needs to be assurance that the source and any included binaries used to build the shipped products match those verified and measured for coverage. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Test coverage analyzer” | [11, p. 8-6, Sec. 8.B] “Relevant Metrics” | [24] [ST3.4] “Leverage coverage analysis” | [25, p. 78] Table 3: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Coverage Metrics ### Supplemental: Fuzzing Fuzzers and related automated randomized test generation techniques are particularly useful when run often during software development. Continuous fuzzing on changing code bases can help catch unexpected bugs early. “Fuzz testing is effective for finding vulnerabilities because most modern programs have extremely large input spaces, while test coverage of that space is comparatively small.” [26] Pre-release fuzzing is particularly useful, as it denies malicious parties use of the very same tool to find bugs to exploit. Fuzzing is a mostly automated process that may require relatively modest ongoing manual labor. It usually requires a harness to feed generated inputs to the software under test. In some case, unit test harnesses may be used. Fuzzing is computationally-intensive and yields best results when performed at scale. Fuzzing components separately can be efficient and improve code coverage. In this case, the entire system must also be fuzzed as one to investigate whether components work properly when used together. One key benefit of fuzzing is that it typically produces actual positive tests for bugs, not just static warnings. When a fuzzer finds a failure, the triggering input can be saved and added to the regular test corpus. Developers can use the execution trace leading to the failure to understand and fix the bug. This may not be the case when failures are non-deterministic, for instance, in the presence of threads, multiple interacting processes, or distributed computing. Fuzzing approaches can be grouped into two categories based on how they create input: mutation based and generation based. Mutation-based fuzzing modifies existing inputs, e.g., from unit tests, to generate new inputs. Generation- based fuzzing produces random inputs from a formal grammar that describes well-formed inputs. Using both gains the advantages of both mutation and generation fuzzers. Using both approaches can cover a larger set of test case scenarios, improve code coverage, and increase the chance of finding vulnerabilities missed by techniques such as code reviews. Mutation-based fuzzing is easy to set up since it needs little or no description of the structure. Mutations to existing inputs may be random or may follow heuristics. Unguided fuzzing typically shallowly explores execution paths. For instance, completely random inputs to date fields are unlikely to be valid. Even most random inputs that are two-digit days (DD), three-letter month abbreviations (Mmm), and four-digit years (YYYY) will be rejected. Constraining days to be 1–31, months to be Jan, Feb, Mar, etc., and years to be within 20 years of today may still not exercise leap-century calculations or deeper logic. Generation-based fuzzing can pass program validation to achieve deeper testing but typically requires far more time and expertise to set up. Modern mutation-based fuzzers explore execution paths more deeply than unguided fuzzers by using methods such as instrumentation and symbolic execution to take paths that have not yet been explored. Coverage-guided fuzzers, such as AFL++, Honggfuzz, and libFuzzer, aim at maximizing code coverage. To further improve effectiveness, design review, which should be first done near the beginning of development, may indicate which input vectors are of most concern. Fuzzing these particular inputs should be prioritized. Fuzzing is often used with special instrumentation to increase the likelihood of detecting faults. For instance, memory issues can be detected by tools such as Address Sanitizer (ASAN) or Valgrind. This instrumentation can cause significant overhead but enables detection of out-of-bounds memory access even if the fault would not cause a crash. Example Tools American Fuzzy Lop Plus Plus (AFL++), Driller, dtls-fuzzer, Eclipser, Honggfuzz, Jazzer, libFuzzer, Mayhem, Peach, Pulsar, Radamsa, and zzuf. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- PW.8: Test Executable Code to Identify Vulnerabilities and Verify Compliance with Security Requirements | [2] “Fuzz testing” | [11, p. 8-5, Sec. 8.B] Malformed Input Testing (Fuzzing) | [27, slide 8] [ST2.6] “Perform fuzz testing customized to application API” | [25, p. 78] Table 4: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Fuzzing ### Supplemental: Web Application Scanning DAST tools, such as web app scanners, test software in operation. IAST tools check software in operation. Such tools may be integrated with user interface (UI) and rendering packages so that the software receives button click events, selections, and text submissions in fields, exactly as it would in operation. These tools then monitor for subtle hints of problems, such as an internal table name in an error message. Many web app scanners include fuzzers. Internet and web protocols require a huge amount of complex processing that have historically been a source of serious vulnerabilities. Penetration testing is a “test methodology in which assessors, typically working under specific constraints, attempt to circumvent or defeat the security features of an information system.” [28] That is, it is humans using tools, technologies, and their knowledge and expertise to simulate attackers in order to detect vulnerabilities and exploits. Example Tools Acunetix, AppScan, AppSpider, Arachni, Burp, Contrast, Grabber, IKare, Nessus, Probely, SQLMap, Skipfish, StackHawk, Vega, Veracode DAST, W3af, Wapiti, WebScarab, Wfuzz, and Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP). Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Web application scanner” | [11, p. 8-5, Sec. 8.B] “Security Testing in the Test/Coding Phase”, subsection “System Testing” | [24] [ST2.1] “Integrate black-box security tools into the QA process” | [25, p. 77] 3.12.1e “Conduct penetration testing [_Assignment: organization-defined frequency_], leveraging automated scanning tools and ad hoc tests using subject matter experts.” | [29] Table 5: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Web Application Scanning ### Supplemental: Static Analysis Static analysis or Static Application Security Testing (SAST) tools, sometimes called “scanners”, examine the code, either source or binary, to warn of possible weaknesses. Use of these tools enable early, automated problem detection. Some tools can be accessed from within an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), providing developers with immediate feedback. Scanners can find issues such as buffer overflows, SQL injections, and noncompliance with an organization’s coding standards. The results may highlight the precise files, line numbers, and even execution paths that are affected to aid correction by developers. Organizations should select and standardize on static analysis tools and establish lists of “must fix” bugs based on their experience with the tool, the applications under development, and reported vulnerabilities. You may consult published lists of top bugs (see Sec. 3.9) to help create a process- specific list of “must fix” bugs. SAST scales well as tests can be run on large software and can be run repeatedly, as with nightly builds for the whole system or in developers’ IDE. SAST tools have weaknesses, too. Certain types of vulnerabilities are difficult to find, such as authentication problems, access control issues, and insecure use of cryptography. In almost all tools, some warnings are false positives, and some are insignificant in the context of the software. Further, tools usually cannot determine if a weakness is an actual vulnerability or is mitigated in the application. Tool users should apply warning suppression and prioritization mechanisms provided by tools to triage the tool results and focus their effort on correcting the most important weaknesses. Scanners have different strengths because of code styles, heuristics, and relative importance classes of vulnerabilities have to the process. You can realize the maximum benefit by running more than one analyzer and paying attention to the weakness classes for which each scanner is best. Many analyzers allow users to write rules or patterns to increase the analyzer’s benefit. Example Tools Astrée, Polyspace Bug Finder, Parasoft C/C++test, Checkmarx SAST, CodeSonar, Coverity, Fortify, Frama-C, Klocwork, SonarSource, SonarQube, and Veracode SAST handle many common compiled languages. For JavaScript, JSLint, JSHint, PMD, and ESLint. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- PW.8: Test Executable Code to Identify Vulnerabilities and Verify Compliance with Security Requirements | [2] “Source code quality analyzers” | “Source code weakness analyzers” | [11, p. 8-5, Sec. 8.B] [CR1.4] “Use automated tools along with manual review” | [CR2.6] “Use automated tools with tailored rules” | [25, pp. 75–76] Table 6: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Static Analysis ### Supplemental: Human Reviewing for Properties As discussed in Sec. 3.6, static analysis tools scan for many properties and potential problems. Some properties are poorly suited to computerized recognition, and hence may warrant human examination. This examination may be more efficient with scans that indicate possible problems or locations of interest. Someone other than the original author of the code may review it to ensure that it * • performs bounds checks [19], * • sets initial values for data [19], * • only allows authorized users to access sensitive transactions, functions, and data [30, p. 10, Sec. 3.1.2] (may include check that user functionality is separate from system management functionality [30, p. 37, Sec. 3.13.3]), * • limits unsuccessful logon attempts [30, p. 12, Sec. 3.1.8], * • locks a session after period of inactivity [30, p. 13, Sec. 3.1.10], * • automatically terminates session after defined conditions [30, p. 13, Sec. 3.1.11], * • has an architecture that “promote[s] effective information security within organizational systems” [30, p. 36, Sec. 3.13.2], * • does not map memory to hardcoded locations, see Sec. 3.2, * • encrypts sensitive data for transmission [30, p. 14, Sec. 3.1.13] and storage [30, p. 15, Sec. 3.1.19]. * • uses standard services and application program interfaces (APIs) [2, PW.4], * • has a secure default configuration [2, PW.9], and * • has an up-to-date documented interface. A documented interface includes the inputs, options, and configuration files. The interface should be small, to reduce the attack surface [31, p. 15]. Threat modeling may indicate that certain code poses significant risks. A focused manual review of small pieces, typically less than 100 lines, of code may be beneficial for the cost. The review could answer specific questions. For example, does the software require authorization when it should? Do the software interfaces check and validate inputs? Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Focused manual spot check” | [11, p. 5-6, Sec. 5.A] 3.14.7e “Verify the correctness of [_Assignment: organization-defined security critical or essential software, firmware, and hardware components_] using [_Assignment: organization-defined verification methods or techniques_] | [29] Table 7: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Human Reviewing for Properties ### Supplemental: Sources of Test Cases Typically, tests are based on specifications or requirements, which are designed to ensure the software does what it is supposed do, and process experience, which is designed to ensure previous bugs do not reappear. Additional test cases may be based on the following principles: * • Threat modeling—concentrate on areas with highest consequences, * • General security principles—find security vulnerabilities, such as failure to check credentials, since these often do not cause operational failures (crashes or incorrect output), * • Negative tests—make sure that software behaves reasonably for invalid inputs and that it does not do what it should _not_ do, for instance ensure that a user cannot perform operations for which they are not authorized [11, p. 8-5, Sec. 8.B], * • Combinatorial testing—find errors occurring when handling certain n-tuples of kinds of input [12, 13], and * • Denial of service and overload—make sure software is resilient. Denial of service and overload tests are also called stress testing. Also consider algorithmic attacks. Algorithms may work well with a typical load or expected overload, but an attacker may cause a load many orders of magnitude higher than would ever occur in actual use. Monitor execution and output during negative testing especially, such as with Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) tools or Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP). Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Simple attack modeling” | “Negative testing” | [11, pp. 8-4 and 8-5, Sec. 8.B] “Security Testing in the Test/Coding Phase”, subsection ”Unit Testing” and subsection “System Testing” | “Security Testing Activities”, subsection “Risk Analysis” | [24] [AM1.2] “Create a data classification scheme and inventory” | [AM1.3] “Identify potential attackers” | [AM2.1] “Build attack patterns and abuse cases tied to potential attackers” | [AM2.2] “Create technology-specific attack patterns” | [AM2.5] “Build and maintain a top N possible attacks list” | [AM3.2] “Create and use automation to mimic attackers” | [25, pp. 67–68] [ST1.1] “Ensure QA performs edge/boundary value condition testing” | [ST1.3] “Drive tests with security requirements and security features” | [ST3.3] “Drive tests with risk analysis results” | [25, pp. 77–78] [SE1.1] “Use application input monitoring” | [SE3.3] “Use application behavior monitoring and diagnostics” | [25, pp. 80 and 82] 3.11.1e Employ [_Assignment: organization-defined sources of threat intelligence_] as part of a risk assessment to guide and inform the development of organizational systems, security architectures, selection of security solutions, monitoring, threat hunting, and response and recovery activities | 3.11.4e Document or reference in the system security plan the security solution selected, the rationale for the security solution, and the risk determination | [29] Table 8: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Sources of Test Cases ### Supplemental: Top Bugs There are many collections of high priority bugs and weaknesses, such as those identified in the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)/SANS Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Errors [32, 33], the CWE Weaknesses on the Cusp [34], or the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) Top 10 Web Application Security Risks [35]. These lists, along with experience with bugs found, can help developers begin choosing bug classes to focus on during verification and process improvement. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “UL and Cybersecurity” | [27, slide 8] For security “Code Quality Rules” lists 36 “parent” CWEs and 38 “child” CWEs. For reliability, it lists 35 “parent” CWEs and 39 “child” CWEs. | [36] [37] Table 9: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Top Bugs ### Supplemental: Checking Included Software for Known Vulnerabilities You need to have as much assurance for included code, e.g., closed source software, free and open-source software, libraries, and packages, as for code you develop. If you lack strong guarantees, we recommend as much testing of included code as of the code. Earlier versions of packages and libraries may have known vulnerabilities that are corrected in later versions. Software Composition Analysis (SCA) and Origin Analyzer (OA) tools scan a code base to identify what code is included. They also check for any vulnerabilities that have been reported for the included code [11, App. C.21, p. C-44]. A widely-used database of publicly known vulnerabilities is the NIST National Vulnerability Database (NVD), which identifies vulnerabilities using Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE). Some tools can be configured to prevent download of software that has security issues and recommend alternative downloads. Since libraries are matched against a tool’s database, they will not identify libraries missing from the database. Example Tools Black Duck, Binary Analysis Tool (BAT), Contrast Assess, FlexNet Code Insight, FOSSA, JFrog Xray, OWASP Dependency-Check, Snyk, Sonatype IQ Server, Veracode SCA, WhiteHat Sentinel SCA, and WhiteSource Bolt. Technique, Principle, or Directive | Reference ---|--- “Origin Analyzer” | [11, App. C.21, p. C-44] “UL and Cybersecurity” | [27, slide 8] 3.4.3e Employ automated discovery and management tools to maintain an up-to-date, complete, accurate, and readily available inventory of system components | [29] Table 10: Related Standards, Guides, or References for Checking Included Software for Known Vulnerabilities ## 4\. Beyond Software Verification Good software must be built well from the beginning. Verification is just one element in delivering software that meets operational security requirements. The software assurance techniques listed above are just the minimum steps to use in improving the security of enterprise supply chains. Section 4.1 describes a few general software development practices and how assurance fits into the larger subject of secure software development and operation. Even software that has solid security characteristics can be exploited by adversaries if its installation, operation, or maintenance is conducted in a manner that introduces vulnerabilities. Section 4.2 describes some trends and technologies that may improve software assurance. Section 4.3 describes good installation and operation principles. Both software development and security technologies are constantly evolving. ### Good Software Development Practices Ideally, software is secure by design, and the security of both the design and its implementation can be demonstrated, documented, and maintained. Software development, and indeed the full software development lifecycle, has changed over time, but some basic principles apply in all cases. NIST developed a cybersecurity white paper, “Mitigating the Risk of Software Vulnerabilities by Adopting a Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF)” [2], that provides an overview and references about these basic principles. This document is part of an ongoing project; see The SSDF introduces a software development framework of fundamental, sound, and secure software development practices based on established secure software development practice documents. For verification to be most effective, it should be a part of the larger software development process. SSDF practices are organized into four groups: * • Prepare the Organization (PO): Ensure that the organization’s people, processes, and technology are prepared at the organization level and, in some cases, for each individual project to develop secure software. * • Protect the Software (PS): Protect all components of the software from tampering and unauthorized access. * • Produce Well-Secured Software (PW): Produce well-secured software that has minimal security vulnerabilities in its releases. * • Respond to Vulnerabilities (RV): Identify vulnerabilities in software releases, respond appropriately to address those vulnerabilities, and prevent similar vulnerabilities from occurring in the future. In the context of DevOps, enterprises with secure development include the following characteristics: * • The enterprise creates a culture where security is everyone’s responsibility. This includes integrating a security specialist into the development team, training all developers to know how to design and implement secure software, and using automated tools that allow both developers and security staff to track vulnerabilities. * • The enterprise uses tools to automate security checking, often referred to as Security as Code [38]. * • The enterprise tracks threats and vulnerabilities, in addition to typical system metrics. * • The enterprise shares software development task information, security threat, and vulnerability knowledge between the security team, developers, and operations personnel. ### Good Software Installation and Operation Practices As stated above, even software that has no identified security vulnerabilities can be subject to exploitation by adversaries if its installation, operation, or maintenance introduces vulnerabilities. Some issues that are not directly addressed in this paper include misconfiguration, violation of file permission policies, network configuration violations, and acceptance of counterfeit or altered software. See especially “Security Measures for “EO-Critical Software” Use Under Executive Order (EO) 14028”, order-improving-nations-cybersecurity/security-measures-eo-critical-software- use-under, which addresses patch management, configuration management, and continuous monitoring, among other security measures, and also provides a list of references. Configuration files: Because of the differences in software applications and networking environments, the parameters and initial settings for many computer applications, server processes, and operating systems are configurable. Often, security verification fails to anticipate unexpected settings. Systems and network operators often alter settings to facilitate tasks that are more difficult or infeasible when using restrictive settings. Particularly in cases of access authorization and network interfaces, changing configuration settings can introduce critical vulnerabilities. Software releases should include secure default settings and caveats regarding deviations from those settings. Security verification should include all valid settings and (possibly) assurance that invalid settings will be caught by run-time checks. The acquirer should be warned or notified that settings other than those explicitly permitted will invalidate developer’s security assertions. File Permissions: File ownership and permissions to read, write, execute, and delete files need to be established using the principle of least privilege. No matter how thoroughly software has been verified, security is compromised if it can be modified or if files can be accessed by unauthorized entities. The ability to change file permissions needs to be restricted to explicitly authorized subjects that are authenticated in a manner that is commensurate with the impact of a compromise of the software. The role of file permissions in maintaining security assertions needs to be explicit. Network configuration: Secure configuration refers to security measures that are implemented when building and installing computers and network devices to reduce cyber vulnerabilities. Just as file permissions are critical to the continued integrity of software, so does network configuration constrain unauthorized access to software. Verification needs to cover all valid network configuration settings and (possibly) provide assurance that invalid settings will be caught by run-time checks. The role of network configuration in scoping the applicability of security assertions needs to be explicit. Operational configuration: Software is employed in a context of use. Addition or deletion of components that are dependent on a software product or on which the product depends can either validate or invalidate the assumptions on which the security of software and system operation depend. Particularly in the case of source code, the operating code itself depends on components such as compilers and interpreters. In such cases, the security of the software can be invalidated by the other products. Verification needs to be conducted in an environment that is consistent with the anticipated operational configurations. Any dependence of the security assertions on implementing software or other aspects of operational configuration needs to be made explicit by the developer. Supply chain integrity must be maintained. ### Additional Software Assurance Technology Software verification continues to improve as new methods are developed and existing methods are adapted to changing development and operational environments. Some challenges remain, e.g., applying formal methods to prove the correctness of poorly designed code. Nearer-term advances that may add to security assurance based on verification include: * • Applying machine learning to reduce false positives from automated security scanning tools and to increase the vulnerabilities that these tools can detect. * • Adapting tools designed for automated web interface tests, e.g., Selenium, to produce security tests for applications. * • Improving scalability of model-based security testing for complex systems. * • Improving automated web-application security assessment tools with respect to: * – Session state management * – Script parsing * – Logical flow * – Custom uniform resource locators (URLs) * – Privilege escalation * • Applying observability tools to provide security assurance in cloud environments. * • Adapting current security testing to achieve cloud service security assurance. Other techniques to reduce software vulnerabilities are described in “Dramatically Reducing Software Vulnerabilities”, NIST-IR 8151 [39]. ## 5\. Documents Examined This section lists some of the standards, guides, references, etc., that we examined to assemble this document. We list them to give future work an idea where to start or quickly learn what may have been overlooked. We group related references. Donna Dodson, Murugiah Souppaya, and Karen Scarfone, “Mitigating the Risk of Software Vulnerabilities by Adopting a Secure Software Development Framework (SSDF)”, 2013 [2]. David A. Wheeler and Amy E. Henninger, “State-of-the-Art Resources (SOAR) for Software Vulnerability Detection, Test, and Evaluation 2016”, 2016 [11]. Steven Lavenhar, “Code Analysis”, 2008 [19]. C.C. Michael, Ken van Wyk, and Will Radosevich, “Risk-Based and Functional Security Testing”, 2013 [24]. UL, “IoT Security Top 20 Design Principles”, 2017 [20]. Tom Haigh and Carl E. Landwehr, “Building Code for Medical Device Software Security”, 2015 [21]. Ulf Lindqvist and Michael Locasto, “Building Code for the Internet of Things”, 2017 [31]. Carl E. Landwehr and Alfonso Valdes, “Building Code for Power System Software Security”, 2017 [40]. “Protection Profile for Application Software Version 1.3”, 2019 [22]. Ron Ross, Victoria Pillitteri, Gary Guissanie, Ryan Wagner, Richard Graubart, and Deb Bodeau, “Enhanced Security Requirements for Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information: A Supplement to NIST Special Publication 800-171”, 2021 [29]. Ron Ross, Victoria Pillitteri, Kelley Dempsey, Mark Riddle, and Gary Guissanie, “Protecting Controlled Unclassified Information in Nonfederal Systems and Organizations”, 2020 [30]. Ron Ross, Victoria Pillitteri, and Kelley Dempsey, “Assessing Enhanced Security Requirements for Controlled Unclassified Information”, 2021 [41]. Bill Curtis, Bill Dickenson, and Chris Kinsey, “CISQ Recommendation Guide: Effective Software Quality Metrics for ADM Service Level Agreements”, 2015 [42]. “Coding Quality Rules”, 2021 [36]. ## 6\. Glossary and Acronyms Term | Definition ---|--- Cybersecurity | The practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. Software Source Code | The software as it is originally entered in plain text, e.g., human-readable alphanumeric characters. API | Application Program Interface ---|--- CVE | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures CWE | Common Weakness Enumeration DAST | Dynamic Application Security Testing EO | Executive Order HW | Hardware IAST | Interactive Application Security Testing MISRA | Motor Industry Software Reliability Association NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology NSA | National Security Agency NVD | National Vulnerability Database OA | Origin Analyzer OS | Operating System OSS | Open Source Software OWASP | Open Web Application Security Project RASP | Runtime Application Self-Protection SAST | Static Application Security Testing SCA | Software Composition Analysis SDLC | Software Development Life Cycle SSDF | Secure Software Development Framework URL | Uniform Resource Locator ## References ## References * [1] Ammann P, Offutt J (2017) _Introduction to Software Testing_ (Cambridge University Press), 2nd Ed. * [2] Dodson D, Souppaya M, Scarfone K (2013) Mitigating the risk of software vulnerabilities by adopting a secure software development framework (SSDF) (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), Cybersecurity White Paper. * [3] (2017) ISO/IEC/IEEE 12207: Systems and software engineering—software life cycle processes (ISO/IEC/IEEE), First edition. * [4] Biden JR Jr (2021) Improving the nation’s cybersecurity, Executive Order 14028, 86 FR 26633, Document number 2021-10460, Accessed 17 May 2021. * [5] Motor Industry Software Reliability Association (2013) _MISRA C:2012: Guidelines for the Use of the C Language in Critical Systems_ (MIRA Ltd, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 0TU, UK). * [6] Black PE (2019) Formal methods for statistical software (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), IR 8274. * [7] Shevchenko N, Chick TA, O’Riordan P, Scanlon TP, Woody C (2018) Threat modeling: A summary of available methods,˙files/WhitePaper/2018˙019˙001˙524597.pdf. Accessed 8 June 2021. * [8] Shostack A (2014) _Threat Modeling: Designing for Security_ (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.). * [9] Keane J (2021), personal communication. * [10] Chief Information Officer (2019) DoD enterprise DevSecOps reference design (Department of Defense), Version 1.0. Accessed 8 June 2021. Available at˙PublicRelease.pdf. * [11] Wheeler DA, Henninger AE (2016) State-of-the-art resources (SOAR) for software vulnerability detection, test, and evaluation 2016 (Institute for Defense Analyses), P-8005. Accessed 19 May 2021. Available at * [12] Kuhn R, Kacker R, Lei Y, Hunter J (2009) Combinatorial software testing. _Computer_ 42(8):94–96. Available at˙pdf.cfm?pub˙id=903128 * [13] Kuhn DR, Bryce R, Duan F, Ghandehari LS, Lei Y, Kacker RN (2015) _Combinatorial Testing: Theory and Practice_ (Elsevier), _Advances in Computers_ , Vol. 99, Chapter 1, pp 1–66. * [14] Cornett S (2013) Minimum acceptable code coverage, Accessed 5 July 2021. * [15] (2018) CII best practices badge program, Accessed 25 June 2021. * [16] Wheeler DA (2015) Secure programming HOWTO, Accessed 24 June 2021. * [17] (2013) perlsec, Accessed 24 June 2021. * [18] (2021) JavaScript use strict,˙strict.asp. Accessed 25 June 2021. * [19] Lavenhar S (2008) Code analysis, Accessed 5 May 2021. * [20] UL (2017) IoT security top 20 design principles, Accessed 12 May 2021. * [21] Haigh T, Landwehr CE (2015) Building code for medical device software security, Accessed 15 April 2021. * [22] (2019) Protection profile for application software version 1.3,˙APP˙v1.3.pdf. Accessed 27 April 2021\. * [23] Zhu H, Hall PAV, May JHR (1997) Software unit test coverage and adequacy. _ACM Computing Surveys_ 29(4):366–427. * [24] Michael C, van Wyk K, Radosevich W (2013) Risk-based and functional security testing, Accessed 4 May 2021. * [25] Migues S, Steven J, Ware M (2020) Building security in maturity model (BSIMM) – version 11 (Synopsys), Downloaded 3 April 2021. Available at * [26] Okun V, Fong E (2015) Fuzz testing for software assurance. _Crosstalk, The Journal of Defense Software Engineering_ 28:35–37. * [27] UL (2011) UL and cybersecurity,˙3JosephULandCybersecurity.pdf. Accessed 12 May 2021. * [28] (2015) CNSSI 4009 Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) glossary, Accessed 8 July 2021. * [29] Ross R, Pillitteri V, Guissanie G, Wagner R, Graubart R, Bodeau D (2021) Enhanced security requirements for protecting controlled unclassified information: A supplement to NIST special publication 800-171 (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), SP 800-172. * [30] Ross R, Pillitteri V, Dempsey K, Riddle M, Guissanie G (2020) Protecting controlled unclassified information in nonfederal systems and organizations (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), SP 800-171r2. * [31] Lindqvist U, Locasto M (2017) Building code for the internet of things,˙Code˙IoT˙online.pdf. Accessed 28 April 2021. * [32] (2021) About CWE, Accessed 25 May 2021. * [33] (2021) CWE/SANS top 25 most dangerous software errors, Accessed 26 May 2021. * [34] (2020) 2020 CWE top 25 most dangerous software weaknesses, Accessed 26 May 2021. * [35] (2020) OWASP top ten, Accessed 26 May 2021. * [36] Consortium for Information & Software Quality (2021) Coding quality rules, Accessed 13 May 2021. * [37] (2019) List of weaknesses included in the CISQ automated source code quality measures (Consortium for Information & Software Quality), Accessed 13 May 2021\. * [38] Boyer J (2018) Security as code: Why a mental shift is necessary for secure DevOps, Accessed 10 June 2021. * [39] Black PE, Badger L, Guttman B, Fong E (2016) Dramatically reducing software vulnerabilities: Report to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (National Institute of Standards and Technology), NISTIR 8151. * [40] Landwehr CE, Valdes A (2017) Building code for power system software security, Accessed 28 April 2021. * [41] Ross R, Pillitteri V, Dempsey K (2021) Assessing enhanced security requirements for controlled unclassified information (National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD), SP 800-172A (Draft). Accessed 21 May 2021. * [42] Curtis B, Dickenson B, Kinsey C (2015) CISQ recommendation guide: Effective software quality metrics for ADM service level agreements (Consortium for Information & Software Quality), Accessed 13 May 2021.
{ "license": "Creative Commons Zero - Public Domain -", "authors": "Paul E. Black, Barbara Guttman, and Vadim Okun (National Institute of\n Standards and Technology)", "submitter": "Paul Black", "url": "" }
Audio-to-Score Alignment Using Deep Automatic Music Transcription Federico Simonetta, Stavros Ntalampiras, Federico LIM — Music Informatics Laboratory Department of Computer Science University of Milan Email: {name.surname} This PDF is an updated version of the paper published at the IEEE MMSP 2021. It contains some erratum highlighted in red, especially in sections <ref>, <ref>, and <ref>. Audio-to-score alignment (A2SA) is a multimodal task consisting in the alignment of audio signals to music scores. Recent literature confirms the benefits of Automatic Music Transcription (AMT) for A2SA at the frame-level. In this work, we aim to elaborate on the exploitation of AMT Deep Learning (DL) models for achieving alignment at the note-level. We propose a method which benefits from HMM-based score-to-score alignment and AMT, showing a remarkable advancement beyond the state-of-the-art. We design a systematic procedure to take advantage of large datasets which do not offer an aligned score. Finally, we perform a thorough comparison and extensive tests on multiple datasets. audio-to-score alignment, music information retrieval, § INTRODUCTION Audio-to-score alignment (A2SA) is a Music Information Retrieval task which aims at finding correspondences between time instants in a music recording and time instants in the associated music score. Such a technology facilitates various tasks, ranging from cultural heritage applications attempting to ease the fruition of music, to preprocessing stage for various multimodal MIR tasks <cit.>. A major difference in A2SA methods is set between online and offline alignment. Online methods, often named “score-followers”, try to predict the time instant in which a new note is played and track the change without future information about the performance. Offline methods, instead, try to match time instants by exploiting the knowledge of the full performance. In this work, we will concentrate on offline A2SA. Similarly to other alignment problems, offline A2SA can be addressed using dynamic programming approaches and, as such, most of the literature focuses on Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) based methods <cit.>. DTW is an algorithm which is able to find the minimum cost path in a fully connected graph where nodes are the elements of two sequences and branches are weighted according to a given distance function. Even though DTW is effective and versatile, it has a strong requirement: the two input sequences must be sorted with the same element order. Formally, given any two pairs of corresponding elements $(a', b')$ and $(a'', b'')$, then $a' \geq a'' \implies b' \geq b''$. This requisite is met by music representations at sample or frame-level, but it hinders the alignment of polyphonic music at the note-level because the sequence of note onsets and offsets in a performance is not always the same as in the score. As consequence, most DTW methods use a sequence of frames as input. Moreover, since DTW is based on a distance function, such methods focus on discovering the optimal function and feature space. There is a limited number of works that have faced the problem of note-level alignment, mainly with the objective of music performance analysis. Indeed, it is known that subtle asynchronies are generated during a human performance: notes in the same chord are written in musical scores as events having the same onset – and possibly the same offset –, but music players always introduce asynchronies of less than 0.05 seconds among the timings of such notes <cit.>. Other discrepancies between score and performance note order are related to the phrasing and articulation practices; for instance, the legato articulation consists in a slight overlap between two successive notes, even if in the musical score they are notated with no overlap. These almost imperceptible timing effects are considered to be responsible of the incredibly various expressiveness of music performances and are consequently of crucial importance in music performance analysis studies <cit.>. Methods used for note-level alignment so far include HMM, DTW, NMF and blob recognition in spectrograms <cit.> The rise of Artificial Neural Networks in their Deep Learning (DL) paradigm has led several researchers to exploit DL models for feature learning tailored to DTW. Two methods are particularly noteworthy: one <cit.> employs Siamese Networks for learning features that can be used for some distance function in DTW; the second method relies on the improvements made in the field of AMT for converting the sequences to a common space — the space of the symbolic notation <cit.>. In this work, we elaborate on the exploitation of AMT DL-based models for achieving note-level alignment. We propose a method which benefits from HMM-based score-to-score alignment and AMT, showing a remarkable advancement against the state-of-the-art. We design a systematic procedure to take advantage of large datasets, where aligned scores are unavailable. Last but not least, we perform a thorough comparison and extensive tests on multiple datasets. For reproducibility purposes, the implementation of the proposed method along with the present experiments is available Flow chart of the three methods used here: 0.7A SEBA method; 0.7B TAFE method; 0.7C EIFE method § BASELINE METHOD DTW requires as input a distance matrix representing every possible matching between sorted sequence elements. If $N$ and $M$ are the number of elements in the input sequences, the distance matrix will have size $N \times M$. DTW finds the shortest path from element $(1, 1)$ to $(N, M)$ according to so-called local and global constraints. Local constraints list all possible moves among which the algorithm can chose during the computation of the path, while global constraints limit the computational complexity of the procedure (which in the no-constrained form is dominated by $O(M \times N)$ in both time and memory). As a consequence, DTW is highly expensive for long sequences: for instance, to align sample-to-sample two audio recordings lasting 10 minutes with sample rate 22050 Hz, DTW needs a distance matrix with $1.75 \times 10^{14}$ elements, meaning $318$ Terabytes using 16-bit floating point numbers. Apart from the global constraints, various approximated alternatives for common local constraints have been proposed to relax the high complexity in time and memory, with FastDTW <cit.> being one of the most widely adopted solutions. Interestingly, one of the most widespread methods for A2SA consists in converting all the data to the audio level (usually by synthesizing the music score) and subsequently extracting some audio-related features (see Figure <ref>0.7A). Notably, one method <cit.> uses the sum of two distance matrices computed with two different combinations of audio features and distance functions; the main objective is to consider both percussive and harmonic features of musical instrument acoustics. In this paper, we will refer to such method with the name SEBA[Here and in the following sections, SEBA, EITA, TAFE and, EIFE refer to the first syllables of the researcher first name who worked at the corresponding method — i.e. SEBAstian <cit.>, EITA<cit.>, TAegyun <cit.> and FEderico (this paper first author)]. § THE PROPOSED ALIGNMENT METHODS §.§ AMT-based frame-level alignment AMT consists in the analysis of music audio recordings to discover semantically meaningful events, such as notes, instruments and chords. Two main methodologies for AMT exist, i.e. Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) and Deep Learning (DL) (for a thorough review see <cit.>). During the last 4 years, DL has tremendously advanced the state-of-art of AMT, especially for piano music recordings <cit.>. Due to the high variability of timbres, instrumental acoustics, playing practice, and difficulties in collecting data, multi-instrument AMT remains a hard challenge. To our knowledge, the state-of-art of A2SA for piano music <cit.> is based on [(1)] * AMT of recorded audio, * alignment of piano-roll representations of music . This approach can be seen as the opposite of classical DTW methods since it converts data to the symbolic domain instead of the audio domain. Piano-rolls are 2D boolean matrices with $K$ rows and $N$ columns in which the entry $(k, n)$ is 1 if pitch $k$ at time $n$ is playing, and 0 otherwise. Usually, $K$ is set to $128$ so that it is directly related to the MIDI In <cit.>, an AMT system is used to infer a MIDI performance; from there, a piano-roll is constructed. Piano-rolls coming from the transcribed audio and from the score can then be aligned using FastDTW to create a mapping between columns (frames) in the score domain and columns in the audio domain. The mapping, so-called “warping path”, can be used to recompute the correct duration of the notes found in the score without relying on the AMT output, which is prone to errors in pitch identification <cit.>. Following the same line of thought, we used the new state-of-art piano AMT model <cit.> for the alignment, which by itself has a greater precision than the method previously used. The second improvement we made is the use of 3-valued piano-rolls, that is, we introduced a new value to represent the onset of a note bringing two advantages: [(1)] * in the boolean piano-roll, repeated notes are not distinguishable if the onset is immediately after the offset of the previous note, and, * the of a new value works as “anchor” for the DTW algorithm, which tries to correspondences between the alternations of three values instead of only . We also attempted to use the same approach for multi-instrument A2SA by using a state-of-art multi-instrument AMT model <cit.>. Here, we will refer to the specific method with the name TAFE. A schematic representation of the method is depicted in Figure <ref>0.7B. §.§ AMT-based note-level alignment The merit of the above method was to highlight that DL models for piano AMT are tremendously effective in identifying onsets; however, the accuracy with pitch identification is low, due to issues such as false octaves and fifths. Moreover, as we will show in the results, offset time identification is still an unresolved obstacle. On the other side, the TAFE method relies on DTW algorithm for aligning score and audio at the frame-level. This not only is a high computationally demanding task, but also suffers from the DTW requirements; in other words, it cannot align transcribed notes to score notes because of the discrepancies between score note order and audio note order. As such, it fails in two important tasks: * it cannot handle correctly the subtle asynchronies that a human performer introduces among onsets of notes in the same chord and that are fundamental for performance analysis <cit.>; * it cannot correctly align scores that differ from the recorded performance or from the transcribed one — e.g. has some missing/extra In the music alignment domain, a few studies have faced the problem of aligning scores and music performances which refer to the same music piece but differ in terms of presence/absence of a few notes — e.g. wrong performances, different score editions, etc. Such methods usually try to classify if a certain note in a score/performance is a missing note or an extra note compared to another score/performance. Commonly used approaches are DTW and HMM, with the latter being so far the best-performing approach <cit.>. To overcome the TAFE issues, we propose to use what we here call EITA method<cit.>. EITA uses HMM to create a mapping between two sequences of notes in order to identify missing/extra notes and notes that have different pitches — e.g. wrong pitch inferred by the AMT. However, after having identified extra notes in the performance/transcription, missing notes remain in the score. Here, we assume that such notes were actually played but not identified by the AMT. In this perspective, we build a warping path from the mapping between notes matched by EITA in score and AMT output; then, we use the warping path to linearly interpolate the onsets and offsets times of the non-matched notes — i.e. notes in the score that are not present in the transcription according to EITA. To align such notes with even higher precision, we apply the standard SEBA method based on the synthesis of the Moreover, to reduce the computational cost, we use FastDTW instead of the classic version. Since we expect that the AMT output contains precise onsets, after SEBA processing, we set the EITA matched notes onsets using AMT output and keep SEBA alignment only for non-matched notes. The flow-chart of this method is shown in Figure <ref>0.7C. In the next, this method is referred to as EIFE. § THE EMPLOYED DATASETS Unfortunately, there is not a great variety of datasets providing exact matches between score and midi performances. Thus, we used a systematic approach to generate misaligned sequences of notes as similar as possible to a musical score. The drawback of our method is that the resulting evaluation will not produce reliable values for real-world applications. However, it ensures that data does not contain manual annotation errors regarding matching notes. Moreover, here we are interested in the comparison of the considered approaches and leave the perceptual assessment of a performance on real-world score for future work. In our previous work <cit.>, we proposed a simple way for statistically modeling misalignments between scores and performances, and used such models to recreate similar misalignments for datasets not including scores, collecting them in framework called “ASMD”. Here, we improve upon it by using meaningful statistics and inference. This section will also work as scientific reference for the new version of ASMD. The first improvement we made is the addition of the ASAP <cit.> dataset to enlarge the number of considered statistics. Second, we used the EITA method to select matching notes against which we compute statistics as well. Third, instead of modeling the misalignment of onsets and offsets, we have now recorded statistics about the onsets and the duration ratio between score and performance. Fourth, statistics are computed with models trained on the “stretched” scores, so that the training data consists of scores at the same average BPM as the performance; as such, the misaligned data consists of times at that average BPM. More precisely, we create statistical models as follows: * we compute standardized onset misalignment and duration ratio for each note by subtracting the mean value for that piece and dividing by the standard deviation; * we collect two histograms, one for the standardized onset misalignments ($X_{ons}$) and one for the standardized duration ratios ($X_{dur}$); * we collect each piece-wise mean and standard deviation in four histograms: two for the onset misalignment means and standard deviations ($Y_{ons}^m$, $Y_{ons}^{std}$), and two for duration ratio means and standard deviations ($Y_{dur}^m$, $Y_{dur}^{std}$) To infer a new misaligned onset or duration, we choose a standardized value for each note from histograms $X_{ons}$ and $X_{dur}$, and a mean and a standard deviation for each piece, using the corresponding histograms $Y_{ons}^m$, $Y_{ons}^{std}$, $Y_{dur}^m$, $Y_{dur}^{std}$; with these data, we compute a non-standardized onset misalignment and duration ratio for each note. These two latter values can be used in reference to the ground-truth performance to compute the misaligned timing values. L1 macro-average error for artificial misalignments. Ons Offs 1|l|GMM-HMM 18.6 ± 49.7 20.7 ± 50.6 1|l|Histograms 7.43 ± 15.5 8.95 ± 15.5 We actually tested two methods for choosing the standardized value: an HMM with Gaussian mixture emissions (GMM-HMM) and the above-described histogram-based sampling. We hand-tuned the HMMs finding an optimum in 20 states and 30 mixture components for onsets and 2 states and 3 components for duration models. We then compared GMM-HMM and histogram models on the notes matched by the EITA method. During this evaluation, we used the scores provided by ASMD for a total of 875 scores, namely “Vienna Corpus” <cit.>, “Traditional Flute” <cit.>, “MusicNet” <cit.>, “Bach10” <cit.> and “asap” <cit.> group from “Maestro' <cit.> dataset. We divided the data into train and test sets with 70-30 proportion, resulting in 641 pieces for training and 234 for testing. As evaluation measure, we used the L1 macro-average error between matching note onsets and offsets in music score and performance. However, due to EITA's high computational cost, we removed the scores for which EITA terminates after 20 seconds. This resulted in a total of $347$ songs for training and $143$ songs for testing — $\sim$54% and $\sim$61% of the corresponding splits. Table <ref> shows the results. Misaligned data are finally created, using the histogram-based method for every dataset provided by ASMD by collecting the histograms corresponding to all 875 scores — 481 considering songs where EITA method took less than 20 sec. Thus, we set up a corpus of 1787 music recordings with misaligned and aligned MIDI data. Artificially misaligned data is more similar to a different performance than to a symbolic score; however, for most of MIR applications, such misaligned data is enough to cover both training and evaluation needs. To achieve an even more accurate evaluation, in this work we also applied a single-linkage clustering to the onsets of each misaligned score. We stopped the agglomerative procedure when a certain minimum distance $t$ among clusters was reached. We have randomly chosen such threshold in $[0.03, 0.07]$ seconds, representing broad interval around 0.05 seconds that is assumed as upper-bound of usual chord asynchronies <cit.>. Subsequently, we set the onsets of the notes in each cluster equal to the average onset time of that cluster so that the final misaligned note sequence contains chords made by notes having the same onset. This is a crucial difference between scores and performance data, in which chords are played with light asynchronies between same-onset notes. In the updated version of ASMD, we provide randomly generated missing and extra notes as well. To this end, we chose the number $n$ of notes to be tagged as “missing” or “extra” as a random variable with uniform distribution in $(0.1 \times L, 0.5 \times L)$, where $L$ is the number of notes in the music piece. Then, we picked random contiguous sequences of notes until the total number $n$ was met and we labeled each of the chosen region as “missing” or “extra” according to two random variables $p_1$ and $p_2$ defined by a uniform distribution in $(0.25, 0.75)$ and $p_2=1-p_1$. Evaluation on piano-solo music (SMD dataset) without missing/extra note. Curves are the ratio macro-averaged curves of ratios between the number of matched notes at a given threshold and the total number of notes. Evaluation on piano-solo music (SMD dataset) with missing/extra note. Curves are the ratio macro-averaged curves of ratios between the number of matched notes at a given threshold and the total number of notes. Evaluation on multi-instrument music (Bach10 dataset) without missing/extra note. Curves are the ratio macro-averaged curves of ratios between the number of matched notes at a given threshold and the total number of notes. Evaluation on multi-instrument music (Bach10 dataset) with missing/extra plots) and with missing/extra note. Curves are the ratio macro-averaged curves of ratios between the number of matched notes at a given threshold and the total number of notes. § EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP We conducted four experiments to cover every aspect of the problem space as generated by the combination of two different conditions. Namely, we observed how alignment methods change in case * missing/extra notes between the score and the performance are introduced, and * instruments other than piano are present. To ensure a fair comparison of AMT-based A2SA methods, we used two state-of-art models, namely one trained on Piano solo music <cit.> (BYTEDANCE) and one trained on ensemble music <cit.> We used the ASMD Python API to retrieve missing and extra notes computed as explained in section <ref>. To simulate notes unavailable in the score, we removed the “extra” notes from the artificially misaligned score, while to simulate notes not played in the recording — “missing” —, we generated ad-hoc notes using the same procedure and removed them from the transcribed performance. However, since the SEBA method does not rely on AMT, it is tested without extra notes. Note that even though we remove notes in the input data, we still have them in the ground-truth, allowing to correctly assess all inferred timing. We also used the ASMD Python API to select the proper datasets for our experiments. To avoid over-fitting during the evaluation stage, we did not use the Maestro <cit.> and MusicNet <cit.> datasets because the AMT models were trained on them. Instead, we used the “Saarland Music Dataset” <cit.> for evaluating piano A2SA. It consists of 50 piano audio recordings along with the associated MIDI performances, recorded with high-quality piano equipped with MIDI transducers. As regards to multi-instrument music, we relied on another well known dataset: the “Bach10” <cit.> dataset, which includes 10 different Bach chorales synthesized with virtual chamber instruments. Even though Bach10 dataset provides non-aligned scores, we used our artificially misaligned data to obtain results comparable with the other datasets. To reduce the computational cost, we constrained each method inside 32 GB of RAM and 600s. Whenever a method failed for an out-of-ram/out-of-time error, the specific piece was removed from the evaluation. In doing so, we also get a rough reliability estimation of the various approaches here tested. Hence, due to the high resources required by EITA, the SMD dataset size is reduced to 26 music pieces when testing without missing/extra notes and 31 music pieces when considering them. To ease alignment, we preprocessed both score and audio by stretching the note timings so that the score duration was the same as the trimmed audio. This operation corresponds to enforcing in the music score the performance average We tuned the TAFE method by using the 5% of the available pieces sampled with a uniform distribution from the entire ASMD. We ran the TAFE method to find the best parameters for aligning the misaligned data to the ground-truth performance, after having removed missing and extra notes. We adopted a Bayesian Optimization approach with an Extra Trees surrogate model, Expected Improvement acquisition function, and exploitation-exploration factor set to 0.01. We used 180 calls and let the space of parameters being defined by 7 different distance functions and the FastDTW radius in $[1, 200]$. We found cosine distance and radius 178 as optimum parameters. We then used the same radius size for FastDTW in the EIFE method, while using the distance defined by SEBA. For synthesizing MIDI files in the SEBA and EIFE methods, we employed the freely available MuseScore SoundFont[MuseScore 2.2 SF2 version: <>]. As evaluation measure, we observed the ratio of matched onsets and offsets under several different thresholds in each music piece; we then averaged the obtained curves to get a macro-curve representing the overall performance of each Onsets F1-measure for the two AMT models § EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS With regard to piano-solo music, methods based on BYTEDANCE model are outperforming the rest – see Fig. <ref> and <ref>. EIFE manages to exploit the good onset prediction of BYTEDANCE better than TAFE. However, the performance decreases when considering offsets due to the poor inference of onset positions of generic AMT models. OMNIZART does not perform well, as shown in Figure <ref>, which is expected as it is trained on multi-instrument music. Finally, SEBA method seems more robust in offset prediction and maintains a similar score for both offsets and onsets. Furthermore, we observe that in non-piano music TAFE method is the best-performing one – see Fig. <ref> and <ref>. Indeed, the good performance of AMT models, makes EIFE and TAFE approaches still reliable, especially for little thresholds – i.e. $< 0.1$ seconds. Moreover, even though we were expecting a useful input from OMNIZART multi-instrument model, we observed better performance with BYTEDANCE; this could be due to the low generalization ability of OMNIZART — see Fig. <ref>. Every considered model suffers in case of missing notes, while retaining a similar curve shape and proportions. As such, we think that the most promising option for increasing the performance of A2SA with missing and extra notes is to increase the overall alignment accuracy. § CONCLUSION We designed a methodology to compare various alignment systems and proposed two methods for frame and note-level alignment. After extensive experiments, it was shown that the proposed method for note-level alignment brings notable advancement to the state-of-art thanks to the AMT models. Moreover, even if AMT is still not reliable for non-piano solo music, the top-performing approach among those tested is still based on the AMT model trained on piano-solo music. Our intuition is that the size of the training dataset is extremely relevant for the good performance of the model. Our future studies will focus on the quality of the alignment with perceptual measures to confirm the results obtained through the present assessment.
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution Share-Alike -", "authors": "Federico Simonetta, Stavros Ntalampiras, Federico Avanzini", "submitter": "Federico Simonetta", "url": "" }
# Understanding Degeneracy of Two-Point Correlation Functions via Debye Random Media Murray Skolnick Department of Chemistry, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544, USA Salvatore Torquato [email protected] Department of Chemistry, Department of Physics, Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, and Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Princeton University, Princeton New Jersey 08544, USA ###### Abstract It is well-known that the degeneracy of two-phase microstructures with the same volume fraction and two-point correlation function $S_{2}(\mathbf{r})$ is generally infinite. To elucidate the degeneracy problem explicitly, we examine Debye random media, which are entirely defined by a purely exponentially decaying two-point correlation function $S_{2}(r)$. In this work, we consider three different classes of Debye random media. First, we generate the “most probable” class using the Yeong-Torquato construction algorithm [Yeong and Torquato, Phys. Rev. E, 57, 495 (1998)]. A second class of Debye random media is obtained by demonstrating that the corresponding two-point correlation functions are effectively realized in the first three space dimensions by certain models of overlapping, polydisperse spheres. A third class is obtained by using the Yeong-Torquato algorithm to construct Debye random media that are constrained to have an unusual prescribed pore-size probability density function. We structurally discriminate these three classes of Debye random media from one another by ascertaining their other statistical descriptors, including the pore-size, surface correlation, chord-length probability density, and lineal-path functions. We also compare and contrast the percolation thresholds as well as the diffusion and fluid transport properties of these degenerate Debye random media. We find that these three classes of Debye random media are generally distinguished by the aforementioned descriptors and their microstructures are also visually distinct from one another. Our work further confirms the well-known fact that scattering information is insufficient to determine the effective physical properties of two-phase media. Additionally, our findings demonstrate the importance of the other two-point descriptors considered here in the design of materials with a spectrum of physical properties. ††preprint: APS/123-QED ## I Introduction Two-phase disordered heterogeneous media in $d$-dimensional Euclidean space $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ are ubiquitous; examples include composites, porous media, polymer blends, colloids, complex fluids, and biological media [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] among other synthetic and natural materials. Such two-phase media exhibit a rich range of complex structures that have varying degrees of disorder and intricate material properties [9, 10, 11]. To fully characterize the microstructure of a two-phase medium as well as its effective physical properties, an infinite set of $n$-point correlation functions are required in the infinite-volume limit [1]. A variety of different types of such correlation functions arise in rigorous theories that depend on the bulk physical property of interest [1]. For example, there is the standard $n$-point correlation function $S^{(i)}_{n}(\mathbf{x}_{1},...,\mathbf{x}_{n})$ which gives the probability that the position vectors $\mathbf{x}_{1},...\mathbf{x}_{n}$ all lie in phase $i$ where $i=1,2$ for two-phase media (see Sec. II for details) [1, 12]. Given that it is generally impossible to obtain the information contained in such an infinite set of correlation functions, their lower-order versions are often used as a starting point to characterize the structure and physical properties of a two-phase medium. For statistically homogeneous media, the one-point function is simply the volume fraction of the phase of interest, e.g., $S_{1}(\mathbf{x}_{1})=\phi$, and hence position-independent. The two-point function $S_{2}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2})$, which is readily obtained from scattering experiments [1, 13], encodes information about pair separations, and depends only on the relative displacement ${\bf r}={\bf x}_{2}-{\bf x}_{1}$ for homogeneous media. The three-point function $S_{3}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2},\mathbf{x}_{3})$ contains information about how these pair separations are assembled into triangles. While $S_{2}$ contains important structural information, prior work has established that microstructures with a specific $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$ are highly degenerate [14, 15, 16, 17, 18]. Furthermore, the set of $S_{1}$\- and $S_{2}$-degenerate microstructures is infinitely large in the thermodynamic limit. This degeneracy implies that the other microstructural descriptors of these two-phase systems will generally differ. There is a variety of descriptors that incorporate higher-order information that one could consider to differentiate $S_{2}$-degenerate microstructures [1]. At first glance, a natural higher-order function to include beyond $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$ is the three-point function $S_{3}$. However, Jiao, Stillinger, and Torquato revealed that $S_{3}$ does not appreciably increase information content over pair statistics in systems that lack long-range order [15]. In contrast, one can fruitfully increase information content by also incorporating superior two-point topological descriptors, such as the two- point cluster function $C_{2}(\mathbf{r})$ [19, 20, 15]. It has been established that other two-point descriptors, which can be easier to compute than three-point statistics, also encode important higher-order nontrivial microstructural information [21, 15, 22]. Examples of such two-point quantities include the lineal-path function $L(z)$ and related chord-length probability density function $p(z)$ [23], the pore-size function $P(\delta)$ [24], surface-void correlation function $F_{sv}({\bf r})$, and the surface- surface correlation function $F_{ss}({\bf r})$ [25, 26, 27] (see Sec. II for definitions). Figure 1 illustrates these ideas by schematically showing the relative sizes of the degenerate microstructures when $S_{2}$ and $S_{3}$ are used versus when $S_{2}$ and a set of superior two-point functions, $X$, are used. (a) (b) Figure 1: The set of all microstructures associated with a particular $S_{2}$ is schematically shown as the region enclosed by the solid contour in (a) and (b). The shaded region in (a) shows the set of all microstructures associated with the same $S_{2}$ and $S_{3}$. The shaded and more restrictive region in (b) shows the set of all microstructures associated with the same $S_{2}$ and a superior set of two-point descriptors, $X$, which has a higher information content than $S_{3}$ does. This figure is adapted from Fig. 5 in Ref. [15]. So-called Debye random media [21] are unique models of statistically isotropic and homogeneous two-phase media in that they are defined entirely by the two- point correlation function $S_{2}(r)$, namely, $S_{2}^{(i)}(r)=\phi_{i}(1-\phi_{i})e^{-r/a}+\phi_{i}^{2},$ (1) where $r=|{\bf r}|$ is a radial distance, and $a$ is a positive constant that represents a characteristic length scale of the medium. Debye et al. [13] proposed the exponentially decaying two-point correlation function [Eq. (1)] as a model of media with phases of “fully random shape, size, and distribution.” It is noteworthy that Debye random media are a good approximation of certain realistic two-phase media [13], including Fontainebleau sandstones [28]. Given the aforementioned degeneracy associated with the same $S_{1}$ and $S_{2}$, there should exist a multitude of different classes of Debye random media that are distinguished by other microstructural descriptors. Thus, such two-phase media provide a singular opportunity to study the degeneracy of a two-point correlation function. In this paper, we examine three such classes of Debye random media. First, we consider Debye random media realized using the Yeong-Torquato stochastic (re)construction procedure [21] (see Sec. III for details). These “most probable” realizations of Debye random media, which we refer to as Yeong- Torquato Debye random media (YT-DRM), have been studied by Yeong and Torquato [21] and Ma and Torquato [29]. We obtain the second class of structures by demonstrating that certain systems of overlapping, polydisperse spheres with exponentially distributed radii effectively realize Debye random media in the first three space dimensions, i.e., for $d=1,2,$ and $3$ [30, 31, 32]. Henceforth, we refer to this class of structures as overlapping-polydisperse- spheres Debye random media (OPS-DRM). To realize the third class, we use the Yeong-Torquato procedure to construct Debye random media constrained to have an unusual pore-size function $P(\delta)$ that has compact support (see Secs. VI and VII.2 for details). As such, we refer to this class as compact-pores Debye random media (CP-DRM). We structurally discriminate these three classes of Debye random media from one another using various descriptors to characterize how the microstructures and physical properties of $S_{2}$-degenerate systems can vary. We determine $F_{sv}(r)$, $F_{ss}(r)$, $P(\delta)$, $L(z)$, and $p(z)$ for OPS-DRM analytically using the canonical correlation function formalism [33] (see Sec. II.6), for CP-DRM via empirical and semi analytical means, and subsequently compare these descriptors to their analogues for YT-DRM that were determined by Ma and Torquato [29]. Additionally, we compare and contrast the percolation and phase inversion symmetry properties of these three classes, both of which provide stringent tests for comparison (see Sec. II.1 for definitions). Lastly, we treat these structures as porous media and compute bounds on their mean survival times, principal diffusion relaxation times, as well as bounds on and approximations of their fluid permeabilities. Our analysis considers these systems in 2D and in 3D for certain cases. Overall, we find that these degenerate Debye random media are generally differentiated by these descriptors to varying degrees. The paper is organized as follows: in Sec. II, we provide definitions of and compare the microstructural descriptors used in this paper. In Sec. III, we review the Yeong-Torquato (re)construction procedure. In Sec. IV, we derive the two-point correlation function for OPS-DRM in 1D, 2D, and 3D. In Sec. V, we demonstrate that our OPS systems are excellent models of Debye random media and possess effective phase inversion symmetry. In Sec. VI, we describe CP- DRM. In Sec. VII, we compare various two-point microstructural descriptors of YT-DRM, OPS-DRM, and CP-DRM in 2D and 3D. In Sec. VIII, we compare the percolation thresholds of these three classes of structures in 2D. In Sec. IX, we compare their diffusion properties in 2D and 3D as well as their fluid transport properties in 3D. In Sec. X, we give concluding remarks and discuss possible future directions of research. ## II Definitions of Microstructural Descriptors In this section, we briefly describe several microstructural descriptors that have been used to characterize two-phase random media and are particularly germane to the present study. To supplement this discussion, we briefly summarize the canonical correlation function formalism for overlapping monodisperse spheres to elucidate the nontrivial information contained in the various two-point descriptors described below. ### II.1 $n$-point correlation function A two-phase random medium is generally a domain of space $\mathcal{V}\subseteq\mathbb{R}^{d}$ that is partitioned into two disjoint regions: a region of phase 1, $\mathcal{V}_{1}$, and volume fraction $\phi_{1}$ as well as a region of phase 2, $\mathcal{V}_{2}$, of volume fraction $\phi_{2}$ [1]. The phase indicator function $\mathcal{I}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x})$ for a two-phase medium is defined as $\mathcal{I}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x})=\begin{cases}1,&\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{V}_{i},\\\ 0,&\mathbf{x}_{i}\notin\mathcal{V}_{i}.\end{cases}$ (2) The $n$-point correlation function $S_{n}^{(i)}$ for phase $i$ is defined as [1] $S_{n}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2},...,\mathbf{x}_{n})=\left\langle\prod_{i=1}^{n}\mathcal{I}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x}_{i})\right\rangle,$ (3) where the angular brackets denote an ensemble average. The quantity $S_{n}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2},...,\mathbf{x}_{n})$ can be interpreted as the probability of finding the ends of all vectors $\mathbf{x}_{1},...,\mathbf{x}_{n}$ in phase $i$. Using relation (3), the volume fraction of phase $i$ is the one-point correlation function $S_{1}^{(i)}=\langle\mathcal{I}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x})\rangle,$ (4) which is equal to the volume fraction of phase $i$, $\phi_{i}$, for statistically homogeneous media. Similarly, the two-point correlation function is written as $S_{2}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2})=\langle\mathcal{I}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x}_{1})\mathcal{I}^{(i)}(\mathbf{x}_{2})\rangle.$ (5) A two-phase medium has phase-inversion symmetry if the morphology of phase 1 at volume fraction $\phi_{1}$ is statistically identical to that of phase 2 in the system where the volume fraction of phase 1 is $1-\phi_{1}$ [1]: $S_{n}^{(1)}(\mathbf{x}^{n};\phi_{1},\phi_{2})=S_{n}^{(2)}(\mathbf{x}^{n};\phi_{2},\phi_{1}),\textrm{ }n\geq 2.$ (6) A notable property of such phase-inversion symmetric random media is that for $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}=1/2$ it is possible to determine the odd-order probability functions $S^{(i)}_{2m+1}$ from $S^{(i)}_{2m},S^{(i)}_{2m-1},...,S^{(i)}_{1}$. For statistically homogeneous systems, the two-point function depends only on the displacement vector $\mathbf{r}\equiv\mathbf{x}_{2}-\mathbf{x}_{1}$ and simplifies to $S_{2}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2})=S_{2}(\mathbf{r})$. If the medium is also statistically isotropic, the two-point function depends only on the magnitude of the displacement vector, simplifying as $S_{2}(\mathbf{r})=S_{2}(r)$. The two-point function $S_{2}^{(i)}(r)$ is related to the autocovariance function $\chi_{{}_{V}}(r)$ by subtracting its large-$r$ limit: $\chi_{{}_{V}}(r)\equiv S_{2}^{(1)}(r)-\phi_{1}^{2}=S_{2}^{(2)}(r)-\phi_{2}^{2}.$ (7) Note the limits of the autocovariance function $\lim_{r\to 0}\chi_{{}_{V}}(r)=\phi_{1}\phi_{2},\lim_{r\to\infty}\chi_{{}_{V}}(r)=0,$ (8) where the later limit holds for systems that lack long-range order. Another important quantity is the spectral density which is the Fourier transform of the autocovariance function $\tilde{\chi}_{{}_{V}}(\mathbf{k})=\int\chi_{{}_{V}}(\mathbf{r})e^{i\mathbf{k}\cdot\mathbf{r}}d\mathbf{r}.$ (9) The spectral density can be obtained from scattering experiments [34, 13]. Debye and coworkers [13] showed that the derivative of the two-point correlation function at the origin is proportional to the specific surface $s$ for 3D isotropic media. This property has been generalized to anisotropic media [35] as well as $d$-dimensional media [1], which is written as $\frac{dS_{2}^{(i)}}{dr}\Big{\rvert}_{r=0}=-\frac{\omega_{d-1}}{\omega_{d}d}s,$ (10) where $\omega_{d}=\frac{\pi^{d/2}}{\Gamma(1+d/2)}$ (11) is the volume of a $d$-dimensional sphere of unit radius and $\Gamma(x)$ is the gamma function. For the first three spatial dimensions, the derivative in Eq. (10) is $-s/2$, $-s/\pi$ and $-s/4$ which we employ in subsequent sections. ### II.2 Surface correlation functions Some important, but less well-known, descriptors are the two-point surface correlation functions which arise in rigorous bounds on transport properties of porous media [1, 25]. The interface indicator function is defined as [1] $\mathcal{M}(\mathbf{x})=|\nabla\mathcal{I}^{(1)}(\mathbf{x})|=|\nabla\mathcal{I}^{(2)}(\mathbf{x})|.$ (12) The specific surface is the expected area of the interface per unit volume. For homogeneous media, $s$ is the ensemble average of the surface indicator function: $s=\langle\mathcal{M}(\mathbf{x})\rangle.$ (13) The surface-void correlation function $F_{sv}(\mathbf{r})$ measures the correlation between one point on the interface and the other in the void phase. For homogeneous systems, it is defined as $F_{sv}(\mathbf{r})=\langle\mathcal{M}(\mathbf{x})\mathcal{I}^{(\textrm{void})}(\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{r})\rangle.$ (14) Henceforth, we will take phase 1 to be the void (matrix) phase and phase 2 to be the solid (inclusion) phase. For systems lacking long-range order, the surface-void correlation function has the large-$r$ limit $\lim_{r\to\infty}F_{sv}(r)=s\phi_{1}.$ (15) Ma and Torquato have shown that the derivative of $F_{sv}(r)$ can be related to the Euler characteristic $\chi$, a measure of phase connectivity, by the relation [22] $\frac{dF_{sv}(r)}{dr}\Big{|}_{r=0}=\frac{\chi}{V}.$ (16) The right-hand side of relation (16) can be interpreted as an intensive property or specific Euler characteristic. One may also measure the correlation of points on the phase interface using the surface-surface correlation function $F_{ss}(\mathbf{r})$. For homogeneous media, it is defined as $F_{ss}(\mathbf{r})=\langle\mathcal{M}(\mathbf{x})\mathcal{M}(\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{r})\rangle.$ (17) It has been shown that $F_{ss}(r)$ diverges for small $r$ as $(d-1)\omega_{d-1}s/d\omega_{d}r$ [22]. In the large-$r$ limit, we have $\lim_{r\to\infty}F_{ss}(r)=s^{2}$ (18) for systems with no long-range order. ### II.3 Pore-size function An important characterization of the pore (void) space is with the pore-size probability density function $P(\delta)$, which is defined by [1] $P(\delta)=-\partial F(\delta)/\partial\delta,$ (19) where $F(\delta)$ is the complementary cumulative distribution function that measures the probability that a randomly placed sphere of radius $\delta$ centered in the pore space $\mathcal{V}_{1}$ lies entirely in $\mathcal{V}_{1}$. We have that $F(0)=1$ and $F(\infty)=0$, and it immediately follows that $P(0)=s/\phi_{1}$ and $P(\infty)=0$. The $n$th moment of the pore-size probability density function is [1] $\langle\delta^{n}\rangle\equiv\int_{0}^{\infty}\delta^{n}P(\delta)d\delta.$ (20) These moments act as a measure of the characteristic length scale of the pore space and have been shown to be useful in the prediction of transport properties of random media [36, 37]. The first moment, the mean pore size $\langle\delta\rangle$, as well as the second moment $\langle\delta^{2}\rangle$ are of particular interest to us in this work. ### II.4 Lineal-path function An additional descriptor that we consider in this work is the lineal-path function $L^{(i)}(z)$ [23]. The lineal-path function $L^{(i)}(z)$ is the probability that a line segment of length $z$ lies entirely in phase $i$. Thus, $L^{(i)}(z)$ contains degenerate connectedness information along a path in phase $i$. Naturally, it is a monotonically decreasing function with $L^{(i)}(0)=\phi_{i}$ and $L^{(i)}(z\to\infty)=0$. ### II.5 Chord-length probability density function The chord-length density probability density function $p^{(i)}(z)$ is another descriptor and is related to the lineal-path function [38, 39]. In this context, the chords are the line segments between intersections of an infinitely long line with the two-phase interface. For statistically isotropic media, $p^{(i)}(z)dz$ is the probability of finding a chord with length between $z$ and $z+dz$ in phase $i$. The chord-length density function often arises in the study of transport properties of porous media [40, 41, 42]. One can show that $p^{(i)}(z)$ is directly related to the second derivative of the lineal-path function $L^{(i)}(z)$ [38], $p^{(i)}(z)=\frac{\ell_{C}^{(i)}}{\phi_{i}}\frac{d^{2}L^{(i)}(z)}{dz^{2}}.$ (21) Here, $\ell_{C}^{(i)}$ is the mean chord length for phase $i$ and thus the first moment of the chord-length probability density function. ### II.6 The Canonical Correlation Function $H_{n}$ The canonical $n$-point correlation function $H_{n}$ developed by Torquato [33] provides a unified means to derive explicit closed-form expressions of any specific correlation function for various particle and cellular models of two-phase random media. This canonical function enables one to relate and compare the microstructural information contained in one descriptor to that of any other. For concreteness, we specialize the discussion of the $H_{n}$ for overlapping, $d$-dimensional, radius $R$ monodisperse spheres (phase 2) embedded in a matrix (phase 1). The central idea employed by Torquato [33] to define and derive $H_{n}$ was to consider the space and surface that is available to a spherical “test” particle that is inserted into the system. Following this principle, he derived $\displaystyle H_{n}(\mathbf{x}^{m};\mathbf{x}^{p-m};\mathbf{r}^{q})=(-1)^{m}\frac{\partial}{\partial a_{1}}...\frac{\partial}{\partial a_{m}}\Big{\\{}\rho^{q}\prod_{l=1}^{q}\prod_{k=1}^{p}$ (22) $\displaystyle\Theta(|\mathbf{x}_{k}-\mathbf{r}_{l}|-a_{k})\exp\left[-\rho v_{p}(\mathbf{x}^{p};a_{1},...,a_{p})\right]\Big{\\}}.$ Here, $H_{n}$ gives the probability of inserting $m$ test particles of radius $b=a-R$ whose centers $\mathbf{x}^{m}$ fall on the phase interface, inserting $p-m$ test particles of radius $b$ whose centers $\mathbf{x}^{p-m}$ fall in phase 1, and that the centers of any $q$ inclusions are given by $\mathbf{r}^{q}$. The function $v_{p}(\mathbf{x}^{p};a_{1},...,a_{p})$ is the union volume of $p$, $d$-dimensional spheres of radii $a_{1},..,a_{p}$, and $\rho$ is the number density. Also note the definition of the Heaviside step function $\Theta(x)=\begin{cases}0,&x<0,\\\ 1,&x\geq 0.\end{cases}$ (23) From here, one can use specific limits of Eq. (22) to derive key microstructural descriptors. All descriptors considered in this paper amount to placing different combinations of $p-m$ test particles into the matrix phase and $m$ test particles onto the phase interface, while placing no restriction on the centers of the spherical inclusions (i.e., $q=0$). For example, the $n$-point correlation function is derived using the following limit: $S_{n}(\mathbf{x}^{n})=\lim_{a_{i}\to R,\forall i}H_{n}(\emptyset;\mathbf{x}^{n};\emptyset),$ (24) which clearly involves $p-m=n$ phase 1 test point-particles and $m=0$ interface test point-particles. From this expression, we can write the two- point correlation function as $S_{2}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2})=\exp\left[-\rho v_{2}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2};R)\right].$ (25) For the surface-void and surface-surface correlation functions, we have the limits $\displaystyle F_{sv}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2})=$ $\displaystyle\lim_{a_{i}\to R,\forall i}H_{2}(\mathbf{x}_{1};\mathbf{x}_{2};\emptyset)$ (26) $\displaystyle=-\lim_{a_{1}\to R}\frac{\partial}{\partial a_{1}}\exp[-\rho v_{2}(r;a_{1},R)],$ and $\displaystyle F_{ss}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2})=$ $\displaystyle\lim_{a_{i}\to R,\forall i}H_{2}(\mathbf{x}_{1},\mathbf{x}_{2};\emptyset;\emptyset)$ (27) $\displaystyle=\lim_{a_{1},a_{2}\to R}\frac{\partial}{\partial a_{1}}\frac{\partial}{\partial a_{2}}\exp[-\rho v_{2}(r;a_{1},a_{2})].$ From these expressions, the extra information in the surface correlation functions is revealed: both $F_{sv}$ and $F_{ss}$ involve a product of Eq. (25) and a term related to surface area of the phase interface due to the partial derivatives. The complementary pore-size distribution function $F(\delta)$ is related to the “void” exclusion probability function $E_{{}_{V}}(r)$ which is defined in terms of $H_{n}$ as [33] $E_{{}_{V}}(r)=H_{1}(\emptyset;\mathbf{x}_{1};\emptyset).$ (28) We see that higher-order microstructural information is incorporated into $F(\delta)=E_{{}_{V}}(\delta+R)/\phi_{1}$ by the requirement that the entire volume excluded by the radius $r$ test particle is devoid of phase 2. Lastly, Lu and Torquato found that the lineal-path function $L(z)$ is a special case of $E_{{}_{V}}(r)$ [23] where a test line segment of length $z$ is inserted into the system. Thus, $L(z)$ incorporates functionals of higher-order information through the requirement that the entire test line is in phase 1 and not just its end points. ## III The Yeong-Torquato Reconstruction Algorithm (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Figure 2: Realizations of 2D YT-DRM. Images (a)-(i) correspond to void phase (yellow) volume fraction $\phi_{1}=0.1-0.9$ and inclusion phase (blue) volume fraction $\phi_{2}=0.9-0.1$, respectively. Following Ma and Torquato [29], these microstructures are $501\times 501$ pixels with characteristic length $a=5$, and a cutoff $l_{c}=10a$ was used for sampling $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$. The Yeong-Torquato optimization procedure is a popular algorithm that has been used by various groups to construct or reconstruct microstructures that realize a set of prescribed correlation functions [18, 15, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47]. Here, we briefly describe the Yeong-Torquato algorithm. For the 2D reconstructions employed in this work, the two-phase system is represented as a square grid of pixels that is subject to periodic boundary conditions. This square has side length $L$ and contains $N^{2}$ pixels which can represent phase 1 or 2. The Yeong-Torquato procedure treats the task of transforming this grid into the desired microstructure as an energy-minimization problem that it solves by simulated annealing. The “energy” is defined as $E=\sum_{\alpha}w_{\alpha}E_{\alpha}=\sum_{\alpha}\sum_{\mathbf{x}}w_{\alpha}[f_{n}^{\alpha}(\mathbf{x})-\hat{f}_{n}^{\alpha}(\mathbf{x})]^{2}$ (29) and measures how close the current system is to realizing the prescribed, target statistical descriptors: the volume fraction and some set $\hat{f}_{n}^{1}(\mathbf{x}),\hat{f}_{n}^{2}(\mathbf{x}),...$ where $\hat{f}_{n}^{\alpha}$ is an $n$-point correlation function of type $\alpha$ and $\mathbf{x}\equiv\mathbf{r}_{1},\mathbf{r}_{2},...$ denotes position vectors in the medium. Note that $f_{n}^{1}(\mathbf{x}),f_{n}^{2}(\mathbf{x}),...$ is the set of correlations measured from the system that is being reconstructed and the number $w_{\alpha}$ is a weight for target descriptor $\hat{f}_{n}^{\alpha}$. The microstructure of the system is evolved using volume fraction conserving pixel swapping moves which are accepted according to the Metropolis rule while a fictitious temperature is lowered which has the effect of reducing the acceptance probability. For more details on the Yeong-Torquato procedure and simulated annealing, see Ref. [21]. In this work, we employ an accelerated implementation of the Yeong-Torquato construction algorithm developed by Ma and Torquato [29]. In this scheme, relatively large 2D systems ($501\times 501$ pixels) are more easily realized by using a cutoff $l_{c}<L$ when sampling $S_{2}^{(i)}(r)$. For $S_{2}^{(i)}(r)$ like Eq. (1) that decay to their asymptotic value ($\phi_{i}^{2}$) rapidly, the use of a cutoff is valid as long as it is sufficiently larger than the characteristic length of the system. Notably, the computational cost of the accelerated scheme scales as $\mathcal{O}(N^{d})$; an improvement over the $\mathcal{O}(N^{2d})$ scaling of the original Yeong- Torquato implementation. Moreover, in this work, we found that the accelerated scheme frees sufficient computational resources to facilitate the construction of Debye random media with a specific pore-size probability density function (see Sec. VI). The implementation of the Yeong-Torquato procedure used here employs a pixel refinement phase where, after a fraction of the total Monte Carlo steps, only pixels at the phase interface are selected for trial swaps. This refinement phase has the net effect of eliminating small isolated “islands” of one phase embedded in a “sea” of the other phase. Lastly, $S_{2}$ is sampled in all directions (as described in Ref. [18]) which contrasts the original scheme used by Yeong and Torquato wherein two-point correlations were sampled only along orthogonal directions [21]. Samples of Debye random media realized with the Yeong-Torquato procedure for various volume fractions in 2D are presented in Fig. 2. Note how, at lower $\phi_{1}$, the void phase consists of islands with a spectrum of sizes and shapes. As $\phi_{1}$ is increased, the islands continually merge until phases 1 and 2 are statistically indistinguishable at $\phi_{1}=1/2$. Due to the phase inversion symmetry that is manifest in Eq. (1), realizations of YT-DRM for $\phi_{1}=0.6-0.9$ are identical to those with $\phi_{1}=0.4-0.1$, which is evident in Fig. 2. ## IV Two-point correlation function for Overlapping, polydisperse spheres In this section, we derive the two-point correlation function for systems of polydisperse, totally penetrable spheres in the first three dimensions following the approach in Refs. [1, 30, 31, 32]. We take sphere radii $R$ to follow the normalized probability density $f(R)$. The average of any $R$-dependent function is thus computed as $\langle w(R)\rangle=\int_{0}^{\infty}w(R)f(R)dR.$ (30) As in prior work, [1, 30, 31, 32] we define a reduced density to be $\eta=\rho\langle v_{1}(R)\rangle,$ (31) where the average volume of the spheres is $\langle v_{1}(R)\rangle=\omega_{d}\langle R^{d}\rangle$. Following Torquato, [1, 30, 31, 32], we consider the Schulz distribution [48] $f(R)=\frac{1}{\Gamma(m+1)}\left(\frac{m+1}{\langle R\rangle}\right)^{m+1}R^{m}e^{-(m+1)R/\langle R\rangle},$ (32) where $\langle R\rangle$ is the mean radius of the distribution, and $m$ is restricted to integer values in the interval $[0,\infty)$. Increasing the parameter $m$ lowers the variance of the distribution and the monodisperse limit is recovered when $m\to\infty$, i.e., $f(R)\to\delta(R-\langle R\rangle)$. In this work, we take $m=0$, which corresponds to an exponential distribution where many particles have small radii. The two-point correlation function for the void-phase of these systems is [1] $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)=\exp\left[\ln\phi_{1}\frac{\langle v_{2}(r;R)\rangle}{\langle v_{1}(R)\rangle}\right],$ (33) where $v_{2}(r;R)$ is the union volume of two $d$-dimensional spheres of radius $R$, which is given for $d=1,2$ and $3$ in Ref. [1]. Using the union volume formulas in Eq. (33), we find that the two-point probability function for the first three dimensions has the form $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)=\exp\left[\ln\phi_{1}h(r;\langle R\rangle)\right],$ (34) where for $d=1,2$ and $3$, respectively, $h(r;\langle R\rangle)=2-e^{-r/2\langle R\rangle},$ (35) $\displaystyle h(r;\langle R\rangle)=$ $\displaystyle 2+\frac{r^{2}}{4\pi\langle R\rangle^{2}}K_{1}\left(\frac{r}{2\langle R\rangle}\right)-$ (38) $\displaystyle\frac{2}{\pi}G_{2,4}^{4,0}\left(\frac{r^{2}}{16\langle R\rangle^{2}}\Big{|}\begin{array}[]{c}1,1\\\ 0,\frac{1}{2},\frac{3}{2},2\\\ \end{array}\right),$ $h(r;\langle R\rangle)=\frac{8\langle R\rangle-e^{-r/2\langle R\rangle}(r+4\langle R\rangle)}{4\langle R\rangle}.$ (39) For $h(r,\langle R\rangle)$ of 2D systems, $K_{1}(x)$ is the first order, modified Bessel function of the second kind, and $G_{m,n}^{p,q}\left(z\Big{|}\begin{array}[]{c}a_{1},...,a_{p}\\\ b_{1},...,b_{q}\\\ \end{array}\right)$ is the Meijer-G function. ## V Realizing Debye Random Media with Overlapping, Polydisperse Spheres (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) Figure 3: The plots in the left column [(a), (c), and (e)] are for the two- point function of the void phase of OPS-DRM, where the colored lines are of function (34) with $h(r;\langle R\rangle)$ given by (35) for 1D (a), (38) for 2D (c), and (39) for 3D (e). For $h(r;\langle R\rangle)$, the value of mean radius $\langle R\rangle$ is given by Eq. (41). The plots in the right column [(b), (d), and (f)] are for the two-point function of the disk phase, where the colored markers are for $S_{2}^{(2)}(r)$ that was sampled numerically from realizations of OPS-DRM. Panel (b) is from 1D systems, (d) is from 2D systems, and (f) is from 3D systems. Note that in all cases, $S_{2}^{(i)}(r=0)=\phi_{i}$ and $S_{2}^{(i)}(r\to\infty)=\phi_{i}^{2}$. The black lines are all given by (1) with the appropriate volume fractions. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Figure 4: Realizations of 2D OPS-DRM. Images (a)-(i) correspond to void phase (yellow) volume fraction $\phi_{1}=0.1-0.9$ and disk phase (blue) volume fraction $\phi_{2}=0.9-0.1$, respectively. In this section, we show that $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$ for overlapping, polydisperse spheres with exponentially distributed radii [described by Eq. (34)] is an excellent approximation of the exponentially decaying $S_{2}(r)$ of Debye random media, defined by Eq. (1), across the first three space dimensions. The analytically known two-point correlation function for the void phase of OPS- DRM in dimensions $1,2,$ and $3$ are plotted in Figs. 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsa, 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsc, and 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotse, respectively. Analogous results for the numerically sampled two-point correlation function for the sphere phase of OPS-DRM are plotted in Figs. 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsb, 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsd, and 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsf. We measure the discrepancies between the $S_{2}^{(i)}(r)$ for OPS-DRM and Eq. (1) using the following error estimate generalized from Ref. [49]: $\Delta f_{2}(r)=\frac{1}{N_{L}}\sum_{r}|\delta f(r)|,$ (40) where $f_{2}(r)$ is a two-point descriptor, $N_{L}$ is the number of sampling bins, and $\delta f(r)$ is the difference between the two functions being compared. We specifically found that $10^{-5}<\Delta S_{2}^{(1)}(r)<10^{-4}$ and $10^{-4}<\Delta S_{2}^{(2)}(r)<10^{-3}$, which are both sufficiently small [49, 29]. In summary, these results indicate that, while Eq. (34) is not mathematically symmetric under $\phi_{1}\to\phi_{2}$, OPS-DRM has effective phase inversion symmetry at the two-point level. Recall from Sec. III that actual Debye random media has phase inversion symmetry at the two-point level. Also note that because the forms of Eqs. (1) and (33) are distinct, a fitting procedure must be employed to determine the mean radius $\langle R\rangle$, which yields an OPS system with effective characteristic length $a$ for a given $\phi_{1}$. These values of $\langle R\rangle$ were determined using a least-squares optimization scheme and then fitted to the exponentially damped power law $\langle R\rangle(\phi_{1})=a_{1}e^{-a_{2}\phi_{1}}\phi_{1}^{-a_{3}}+a_{4}$ (41) in order to interpolate values of $\langle R\rangle$ for $\phi_{1}\in[0,1]$. The parameters $a_{1},a_{2},a_{3},$ and $a_{4}$ for dimensions $1,2,$ and $3$ are listed in Table 1. Samples of OPS-DRM microstructures in 2D for different volume fractions are presented in Fig. 4. Interestingly, for $\phi_{1}<1/2$ the void space of OPS-DRM is filamentous while that of YT-DRM consists of more compact regions. For $\phi_{1}>1/2$, we see that OPS-DRM has a wide range of inclusion sizes, whereas those in YT-DRM are more uniformly distributed in size; see Figs. 4LABEL:sub@fig:OPS2Dstructsi and 2LABEL:sub@fig:YT2Dstructsi, respectively. Table 1: Parameters for Eq. (41) for dimensions $1,2,$ and $3$. These values were computed for OPS-DRM with characteristic length $a=0.2$ and system side-length $L=20$. $a_{n}$ | $d=1$ | $d=2$ | $d=3$ ---|---|---|--- $a_{1}$ | 0.05063 | 0.04399 | 0.03015 $a_{2}$ | 1.23419 | 1.96841 | 1.19292 $a_{3}$ | 0.41971 | 0.33559 | 0.39660 $a_{4}$ | 0.08573 | 0.07204 | 0.05611 ## VI Debye Random Media with Compact Pores In this section, we introduce a class of Debye random media whose pore-size probability density function is constrained to have compact support as follows: $P(\delta)=(A-m\delta)\Theta\left(\frac{A}{m}-\delta\right).$ (42) The parameter $A$ must be equal to $s/\phi_{1}$ from the condition that $P(0)=s/\phi_{1}$ where the specific surface $s$ for $d$-dimensional Debye random media is given by $s=\frac{\omega_{d}d\phi_{1}\phi_{2}}{\omega_{d-1}a}.$ (43) The slope $m$ must equal $\phi_{1}^{2}/(2s^{2})$ per the normalization condition on $P(\delta)$. The complementary cumulative distribution function corresponding to (42) is given by $F(\delta)=\left(\frac{s\delta-2\phi_{1}}{2\phi_{1}}\right)^{2}\Theta\left(\frac{2\phi_{1}}{s}-\delta\right)$ (44) using relation (19). Also note that the $n$th moment of (42) is given by $\langle\delta^{n}\rangle=\frac{2^{n+1}}{2+3n+n^{2}}\left(\frac{\phi_{1}}{s}\right)^{n}$ (45) from relation (20). The critical feature of $P(\delta)$ and $F(\delta)$ for this class of Debye random media is that they are equal to zero for $\delta>\Lambda$ where the pore-size cutoff $\Lambda=2\phi_{1}/s$. Moreover, this cutoff makes the pore regions of such structures more compact (see Sec. VII.2). We realized CP-DRM in 2D using the accelerated Yeong-Torquato procedure with $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$ constrained to be Eq. (1) and $F(\delta)$ constrained to be Eq. (44). For the simulated annealing energy function (29), the weight $w_{F(\delta)}$ was chosen such that $w_{F(\delta)}E_{F(\delta)}=E_{S_{2}(r)}$ for the initial configuration. Ten configurations of CP-DRM were made for each volume fraction $\phi_{1}=0.1,0.2,...,0.9$. The “pixel-refinement phase” was also utilized for all constructions. To sample $F(\delta)$, we treated every pixel as a pore center to ensure that the pore space of the final structure was completely consistent with Eq. (44). Additionally, when updating $F(\delta)$, we considered only pores that included the swapped pixels to improve performance. (a) (b) Figure 5: (a) Plots of $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$ for several $\phi_{1}$ where the scatter plots are numerically sampled from realizations of 2D CP-DRM and the solid lines are of Eq. (1). (b) Analogous plots of $F(\delta)$, but the solid lines are of Eq. (44). Comparison of $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$ sampled from our constructed CP-DRM to Eq. (1) for various volume fractions in Fig. 5LABEL:sub@fig:CPVERIFa confirms that these systems are in fact Debye random media [$10^{-5}<\Delta S_{2}(r)<10^{-4}$]. In Fig. 5LABEL:sub@fig:CPVERIFb, analogous plots of sampled $F(\delta)$ against Eq. (44) indicate that our constructed systems completely satisfy the prescribed pore-size statistics [$10^{-5}<\Delta F(\delta)<10^{-4}$]. Selected constructed configurations of this class of Debye random media for different volume fractions are presented in Fig. 6. For $\phi_{1}<0.4$, note how the void spaces of these microstructures are more elongated and channel-like. We observe similar features in OPS-DRM but not in YT-DRM; see Figs. 4 and 2, respectively. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) Figure 6: Realizations of 2D CP-DRM. Images (a)-(i) correspond to void phase (yellow) volume fraction $\phi_{1}=0.1-0.9$ and inclusion phase (blue) volume fraction $\phi_{2}=0.9-0.1$, respectively. Once again following Ma and Torquato [29], our configurations are $501\times 501$ pixels with characteristic length $a=5$, and a cutoff $l_{c}=10a$ was used for sampling $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$. ## VII Comparison of YT-DRM and OPS-DRM Microstructures In order to probe how $S_{2}$-degenerate two-phase media differ in their other microstructural statistics, we compute and compare a set of alternative two- point descriptors [i.e., $F_{ss}(r),F_{sv}(r),P(\delta),L(z)$ and $p(z)$] for YT-DRM, OPS-DRM and CP-DRM in 2D. In 3D, while we know all of these descriptors for OPS-DRM, we know only $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ for YT-DRM and $P(\delta)$ for CP-DRM. As such, our exploration of the effect of dimension on the degeneracy problem is limited to these descriptors. ### VII.1 Surface correlation functions In 2D and 3D, the specific surface for OPS-DRM is given by $s=\frac{\eta\phi_{1}}{\langle R\rangle},$ (46) which contrasts $s$ for YT-DRM and CP-DRM which is equal to $\pi\phi_{1}\phi_{2}/a$ in 2D and $4\phi_{1}\phi_{2}/a$ in 3D [see Eq. (43)]. For the surface-void and surface-surface correlation functions for the overlapping polydisperse sphere systems, we employ the canonical correlation function formalism [33] and find that for 2D structures $F_{sv}(r)=2\pi\rho\left\langle R-\frac{R}{\pi}\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{r}{2R}\right)\Theta(2R-r)\right\rangle S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$ (47) and $\displaystyle F_{ss}(r)=$ $\displaystyle\Bigg{[}\left\langle 2\rho R\left(\pi-\cos^{-1}\left(\frac{r}{2R}\right)\Theta(2R-r)\right)\right\rangle^{2}+$ (48) $\displaystyle\left\langle\frac{2\rho R\Theta(2R-r)}{r\sqrt{1-(r/2R)^{2}}}\right\rangle\Bigg{]}S_{2}^{(1)}(r).$ Note that these average value integrals must be computed numerically. For 3D, Lu and Torquato derived expressions for $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ for overlapping, polydisperse spheres for a general distribution of radii [32]. Here, we evaluate these expressions for the $m=0$ Schulz distribution and find that $F_{sv}(r)=\pi\langle R\rangle\rho\left[8\langle R\rangle-e^{-r/2\langle R\rangle}(r+4\langle R\rangle)\right]S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$ (49) and $\displaystyle F_{ss}(r)=$ $\displaystyle\frac{\pi\rho}{2}\Bigg{[}\frac{e^{-r/2\langle R\rangle}}{r}\left(r^{2}+4r\langle R\rangle+8\langle R\rangle^{2}\right)+$ (50) $\displaystyle 2\pi\rho\langle R\rangle^{2}\left(e^{-r/2\langle R\rangle}(r+4\langle R\rangle)-8\langle R\rangle\right)^{2}\Bigg{]}S_{2}^{(1)}(r).$ For general-dimensional Debye random media realized via stochastic reconstruction, Ma and Torquato [29] proposed the following semi empirical forms for the surface-correlation functions: $F_{sv}(r)=\frac{s}{\phi_{1}}\frac{1}{1+e^{-r/a}}S_{2}^{(1)}(r),$ (51) and $F_{ss}(r)=s^{2}+\frac{(d-1)\phi_{1}\phi_{2}}{ar}e^{-r/a}+\frac{|\phi_{2}-\phi_{1}|}{2a^{2}}\frac{e^{-r/a}}{1+e^{-r/a}}.$ (52) These functions were originally fit using statistics sampled from realizations of 2D YT-DRM and then generalized to dimension $d$ using theoretical arguments presented in [22]. We use the method developed by Ma and Torquato [22] to sample $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ for 2D CP-DRM. (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 7: Plots of the surface-void for 2D (a) and 3D (b) and surface-surface for 2D (c) and 3D (d) correlation functions for the three different classes of Debye random media. For YT-DRM, $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ are given by Eqs. (51) and (52), respectively. $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ for the OPS class in 2D are given by Eqs. (47) and (48), respectively, and by Eqs. (49) and (50) for 3D OPS-DRM. Open symbols are the results for CP-DRM and are color-coded according to volume fraction. In the plots of $F_{ss}(r)$, the horizontal black line is meant to aid in visualization of the asymptotic value. In (a), the range of $r$ values is half of that used in the other subplots in order to facilitate viewing the fine features of $F_{sv}(r)$ for CP-DRM around the origin. In (c), for the sake of clarity, the results for $\phi_{1}=0.1,0.9$ have been omitted due to larger error bars that obscure the curves for the other volume fractions. In Figs. 7LABEL:sub@fig:Fsv2DCOMPa and 7LABEL:sub@fig:Fsv2DCOMPc, plots of $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ [50] for the three different classes of 2D Debye random media are shown. We see that $F_{sv}(r)$ is a monotonically decreasing function of $r$ only for YT-DRM, but that it is otherwise similar to $F_{sv}(r)$ for OPS-DRM. Additionally, $F_{sv}(r)$ is flat only for YT-DRM at $\phi_{1}=1/2$, and thus the Euler characteristic for this class of Debye random media is equal to zero when $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}$ [see relation (16)]. This behavior is related to the percolation threshold of YT-DRM (see Sec. VIII). Most notably, $F_{sv}(r)$ for CP-DRM has a negative slope at the origin and a local minimum for each volume fraction considered. Note also that $F_{ss}(r)$ is monotonically decreasing and symmetric under the transformation $\phi_{1}\to(1-\phi_{1})$ for both YT-DRM and CP-DRM, whereas it has a minimum and no such symmetry for OPS-DRM. Lastly, the large error bars on the plot of $F_{ss}(r)$ for CP-DRM suggest that these structures posses a high degree of variability in their surface geometries. In Figs. 7LABEL:sub@fig:Fsv2DCOMPb and 7LABEL:sub@fig:Fsv2DCOMPd, plots of $F_{sv}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ for 3D OPS-DRM and YT-DRM are shown. For OPS-DRM, the $F_{sv}(r)$ curves are extremely similar to their 2D versions, while the $F_{ss}(r)$ curves become monotonically decreasing. It should be noted that in all plots, $F_{sv}(r)$ is scaled by $s\phi_{1}$ and $F_{ss}(r)$ by $s^{2}$ to bring their large-$r$ asymptotic values to unity. ### VII.2 Pore-size function Here, we compare the pore statistics of the three classes of Debye random media in 2D and 3D. Following Torquato [1, 51], we find that the pore-size probability density function $P(\delta)$ for Debye random media approximated by overlapping, polydisperse spheres in 2D is given by $\displaystyle P(\delta)=$ $\displaystyle\frac{2\pi\rho}{\phi_{1}}(\langle R\rangle+\delta)\times$ (53) $\displaystyle\exp\left[-\pi\rho(\delta^{2}+2\delta\langle R\rangle+2\langle R\rangle^{2})\right].$ We use Eq. (20) to compute the first and second moments of this distribution and find that they are $\langle\delta\rangle=\frac{e^{-l^{2}}\operatorname{erfc}(l)}{2\phi_{1}\sqrt{\rho}},$ (54) and $\langle\delta^{2}\rangle=\frac{e^{-2l^{2}}\left(1-e^{l^{2}}\pi\langle R\rangle\sqrt{\rho}\operatorname{erfc}(l)\right)}{\phi_{1}\pi\rho},$ (55) respectively, where $\operatorname{erfc}(x)$ is the complementary error function and $l=\sqrt{\pi\rho}\langle R\rangle$. Using a similar approach, we find that the pore-size probability density function for 3D OPS-DRM is given by $\displaystyle P(\delta)=$ $\displaystyle\frac{4\pi\rho}{3\phi_{1}}(3\delta^{2}+6\delta\langle R\rangle^{2}+6\langle R\rangle^{3})\times$ (56) $\displaystyle\exp\left[-\frac{4\pi\rho}{3}(\delta^{3}+3\delta^{2}\langle R\rangle+6\delta\langle R\rangle^{2}+6\langle R\rangle^{3})\right].$ Numerical integration must be used to find $\langle\delta^{n}\rangle$ of Eq. (56) for $n\geq 1$. Ma and Torquato, guided by the scaled-particle theory [1, 29], proposed the following form of $P(\delta)$ for Debye random media realized with the Yeong- Torquato procedure: $P(\delta)=\left(\frac{\pi\phi_{2}}{a}+2p_{1}\delta\right)\exp\left(-p_{1}\delta^{2}-\frac{\pi\phi_{2}}{a}\delta\right).$ (57) Here, $p_{1}=(1.05\phi_{2}-2.41\phi_{2}^{2}+4.16\phi_{2}^{3})/a^{2}$ is a free parameter whose value was determined by a fitting Eq. (57) to simulated data. The first and second moments of Eq. (57) are $\langle\delta\rangle=\frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{\pi}{p_{1}}}e^{k^{2}}\operatorname{erfc}\left(k\right),$ (58) and $\langle\delta^{2}\rangle=\frac{1}{p_{1}}-\frac{\phi_{2}}{2a}\left(\frac{\pi}{p_{1}}\right)^{3/2}e^{k^{2}}\operatorname{erfc}(k)$ (59) respectively, where $k=\phi_{2}\pi/(2a\sqrt{p_{1}})$. (a) (b) (c) Figure 8: Plots of the pore-size probability density function $P(\delta)$ for 2D (a) and 3D (b), as well as the mean pore size $\langle\delta\rangle$ as a function of $\phi_{1}$ (c). For YT-DRM, $P(\delta)$ is given by Eq. (57) and $\langle\delta\rangle$ by Eq. (58). For 2D OPS-DRM, these descriptors are given by Eqs. (53) and (54), respectively. For 3D OPS-DRM, $P(\delta)$ is given by Eq. (56) and $\langle\delta\rangle$ was computed numerically. The open symbols in (a) are numerically sampled $P(\delta)$ for 2D CP-DRM, are color-coded by volume fraction, and have negligibly small error bars that cannot be distinguished on the scale of this figure. $\langle\delta\rangle$ for CP-DRM is given by Eq. (45) with $n=1$. (a) (b) (c) Figure 9: (a) YT-DRM with characteristic length $a=5$. (b) OPS-DRM with characteristic length $a=0.2$. (c) CP-DRM with characteristic length $a=5$. For all cases, $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}=1/2$ and the characteristic length is chosen such that it is $1/100$ of the periodic system side length. Configurations (a) and (c) are both $251\times 251$ pixels. In Fig. 8LABEL:sub@fig:pores2DCOMPa, we show plots of $P(\delta)$ for all three classes of Debye random media in 2D and plots of $P(\delta)$ for 3D CP- DRM and OPS-DRM in Fig. 8LABEL:sub@fig:pores2DCOMPb. Note that $P(\delta)$ is scaled by $\phi_{1}/s$ to bring its value at the origin to unity. Plots of $\langle\delta\rangle$ scaled by $a$ as a function of $\phi_{1}$ are shown in Fig. 8LABEL:sub@fig:pores2DCOMPc. In 2D, these plots reveal that, for a given volume fraction, YT-DRM have the largest pores of the three classes. This difference in behavior can be explained by visual comparison of these three systems in Fig. 9. We see that OPS-DRM [Fig. 9LABEL:sub@fig:Qb] have numerous islands of small disks embedded in the matrix phase which disrupt the pore space and collectively lower $\langle\delta\rangle$. Such islands are not present in Debye random media constructed with the Yeong-Torquato procedure due to the pixel refinement phase described in Sec. III. The presence of these islands in the overlapping, polydisperse sphere systems is explained by examining the distribution of their radii: $f(R)=e^{-r/\langle R\rangle}/\langle R\rangle$, where smaller radii $R$ are clearly the most probable. These islands are also present in CP-DRM [Fig. 9LABEL:sub@fig:Qa] where they similarly disrupt the pore space and, notably, have survived the pixel refinement phase of the Yeong-Torquato procedure. The persistence of these islands in CP-DRM indicates that they are critical to enforcing the strict- cutoff $\Lambda$ on the maximum pore radius. In 3D, we see that CP-DRM, on average, have larger pores than do OPS-DRM. ### VII.3 Lineal-path function Here, we compare the lineal-path functions for the void phases of the three classes of Debye random media in 2D. Following Lu and Torquato [1, 31], one will find that $L(z)$ for overlapping polydisperse disks is $L(z)=\phi_{1}\exp\left(\ln\phi_{1}\frac{2\langle R\rangle}{\pi\langle R^{2}\rangle}z\right).$ (60) Note that, from this expression, we can define the average lineal size of these systems as $L_{w}(\phi_{1})=-\frac{\pi\langle R^{2}\rangle}{2\ln\phi_{1}\langle R\rangle}.$ (61) Specializing Eq. (60) for exponentially distributed radii, we find the lineal- path function for OPS-DRM to be $L(z)=\phi_{1}^{1+z/(\pi\langle R\rangle)}.$ (62) (a) (b) Figure 10: Plots of the lineal-path function $L(z)$ (a) and the average lineal-size $L_{w}(\phi_{1})$ (b) for the three classes of Debye random media in 2D. $L(z)$ for YT-DRM and OPS-DRM is given by Eq. (60) with their respective average lineal sizes. The open symbols in (a) are for numerically sampled $L(z)$ for CP-DRM and are color-coded by volume fraction. The open symbols in (b) are for numerically sampled $L_{w}$ for CP-DRM. For both sets of scatter plots, the error bars are too small to be distinguished on the scale of this figure. Note that the non linearity in the sampled $L(z)$ is caused by the cutoff $l_{c}$ used in the accelerated Yeong-Torquato procedure. For 2D Debye random media constructed using the Yeong-Torquato procedure, Ma and Torquato found that the lineal-path function also exhibits an exponential decay. As such, they fit their data for $L(z)$ to Eq. (60) and found that the ratio $\langle R\rangle/\langle R^{2}\rangle$ fell in the range $(0.94\pm 0.04)a$ and was largely insensitive to changes in volume fraction. Here, we found that CP-DRM exhibit roughly the same $L(z)$ that YT-DRM do. This behavior contrasts that of OPS-DRM systems for which the ratio $\langle R\rangle/\langle R^{2}\rangle$ is equal to $1/2\langle R\rangle$ and thus depends on the volume fraction [see Eq. (41)]. The lineal-path functions for the three classes of Debye random media are plotted in Fig. 10LABEL:sub@fig:lineal2DCOMPa, and the average lineal sizes of these structures are plotted in Fig. 10LABEL:sub@fig:lineal2DCOMPb. Interestingly, OPS-DRM have the largest $L_{w}$ for $\phi_{1}<1/2$. ### VII.4 Chord-length probability density function Using Eq. (21), it is trivial to obtain the matrix chord-length probability density function $p(z)$ from the lineal-path function (60). Given that all three classes of Debye random media considered in this paper exhibit the same exponentially-decaying form for $L(z)$ [e.g., Eq. (60)], we find that $p(z)=\frac{2\eta\langle R\rangle}{\pi\langle R^{2}\rangle}\phi_{1}^{2\langle R\rangle z/(\pi\langle R^{2}\rangle)}$ (63) via relation (21). The matrix chord-length probability density functions for the three classes of Debye random are plotted in Fig. 11. Given that the three classes of degenerate Debye random media have similar $L(z)$, it is not surprising that they share similar $p(z)$ as well. (a) Figure 11: Plots of the matrix chord-length probability density function $p(z)$ for the three classes of Debye random media in 2D. For YT-DRM and OPS- DRM, $p(z)$ is given by Eq. (63). The open symbols are for numerically sampled $p(z)$ for CP-DRM and are color-coded by volume fraction. ## VIII Comparison of Percolation Thresholds In their study on Debye random media realized with the Yeong-Torquato procedure, Ma and Torquato [29] conjectured that the percolation threshold of the inclusion phase $\phi_{2}^{c}$ in $d=2$ is $1/2$. This prediction was based on the phase-inversion symmetry that is manifest in Eq. (1) as well as visual inspection of their relatively large reconstructed samples. Additionally, using relation (16), Ma and Torquato found the specific Euler characteristic for this class of Debye random media to be $\chi=\frac{\pi(\phi_{1}-\phi_{2})\phi_{1}\phi_{2}}{4a^{2}}.$ (64) Prior work suggests that the zeros of the Euler characteristic can be used to estimate the percolation threshold of a two-phase system [52, 53, 54, 55]. We see from Eq. (64) that $\chi$ will vanish for $\phi_{1}=\phi_{2}=1/2$. We numerically estimated the percolation threshold of 2D YT-DRM to be $\phi_{1}^{c}\approx 1/2$ by using a “burning algorithm” [56] to detect percolating clusters in ten $501\times 501$ pixel samples of YT-DRM at various volume fractions. While Debye random media approximated by overlapping, polydisperse spheres has effective phase inversion symmetry [see Figs. 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsb, 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsd, and 3LABEL:sub@fig:S2plotsf], we expect that the percolation threshold for the matrix phase will be lower than $1/2$. This expectation is motivated by analysis of the Euler characteristic of these systems. Using relation (16) and Eq. (47) we find that $\chi=\frac{-\ln\phi_{1}}{2\pi\langle R\rangle^{2}}\left(\phi_{1}+\phi_{1}\ln\phi_{1}\right),$ (65) which has a nontrivial zero for $\phi_{1}=1/e\approx 0.368$. Using the “rescaled particle method”, a Monte Carlo simulation method developed by Torquato and Jiao [57, 58], we numerically estimated the percolation threshold as $\phi_{1}^{c}\approx 0.303$. This value of $\phi_{1}^{c}$ is lower than the zero of $\chi$ and is closer to the percolation threshold found for overlapping disks with uniformly distributed radii which is $\phi_{1}^{c}\approx 0.314$ [59]. Our finding is also consistent with the observation of Klatt et al. that the zero of $\chi$ was always an upper bound on the percolation threshold of overlapping squares [55]. Given that the pore statistics of CP-DRM are distinct from those of YT-DRM, we expect that the void phase percolation threshold for this class of Debye random media will not be equal to $1/2$. Notably, using a procedure adapted from Ref. [60], we numerically determined that the Euler characteristic for CP-DRM is negative for $\phi_{1}\in[0.05,0.9]$, strongly suggesting that it is only trivially equal to zero for $\phi_{1}=0,1$. Once again using the “burning algorithm”, we numerically estimated the percolation threshold for CP-DRM to be $\phi_{1}^{c}\approx 0.39$. Interestingly, the Euler characteristic is only an accurate predictor of the percolation threshold of YT-DRM. It is likely that the additional constraints placed on the microstructures of OPS-DRM and CP-DRM alter the ability of the Euler characteristic to accurately predict the percolation thresholds of these systems. ## IX Comparison of Effective Diffusion and Transport Properties of YT-DRM, OPS-DRM, and CP-DRM In this section, we treat YT-DRM, OPS-DRM, and CP-DRM as porous media (with phase 2 being solid and phase 1 being void space) and compare their diffusion and fluid permeability properties in 2D and 3D. ### IX.1 Bounds on Mean Survival and Principal Diffusion Relaxation Times Consider a porous medium in which a species diffuses throughout the pore space with diffusion coefficient $\mathpzc{D}$ and can react at the pore-solid interface via a surface with reaction rate $\kappa$. The diffusion-controlled limit is obtained when $\kappa\to\infty$, while taking $\kappa\to 0$ corresponds to a perfectly reflective interface. A quantity of central interest in such diffusion and reaction problems is the mean survival time $\tau$, which is the average lifetime of the diffusing species before it gets trapped. Another important quantity, which is also pertinent to the description of viscous flow in porous media [61], is the principal relaxation time $T_{1}$ associated with the time-dependent decay of the initially uniform concentration field of the diffusing particles [1]. Using the pore-size function $P(\delta)$ and variational principles, Torquato and Avellaneda [61] derived the following upper bound on $\tau$: $\tau\leq\frac{\langle\delta\rangle^{2}}{\mathpzc{D}}+\frac{\phi_{1}}{\kappa s}.$ (66) They also computed the following upper bound on $T_{1}$ using a similar approach: $T_{1}\leq\frac{\langle\delta^{2}\rangle}{\mathpzc{D}}+\frac{3\phi_{1}\langle\delta\rangle^{2}}{4\kappa s\langle\delta^{2}\rangle}.$ (67) Upper bounds on the mean survival time are plotted in Fig. 12LABEL:sub@fig:tauT1UBa and those on the principal diffusion relaxation time in Fig. 12LABEL:sub@fig:tauT1UBb for perfectly absorbing traps (i.e., $\kappa\to\infty$). In both 2D and 3D, we see that OPS-DRM has the lowest upper bounds on $\tau$ and $T_{1}$ which is consistent with our prior observation that this class of Debye random media has smaller pores on average than do YT-DRM and CP-DRM (see Sec. VII.2). Interestingly, 2D CP-DRM have slightly higher bounds for $\tau$ and $T_{1}$ than YT-DRM do for $\phi_{1}\approx 0.83$. (a) (b) Figure 12: Plots of upper bounds on the scaled mean survival time $\mathpzc{D}\tau/a^{2}$ (a) and scaled principal diffusion relaxation time $\mathpzc{D}T_{1}/a^{2}$ (b) as functions of $\phi_{1}$ for the three classes of Debye random media in 2D and 3D in the diffusion-controlled regime (e.g., $\kappa\to\infty$). $\tau$ and $T_{1}$ are obtained from inequalities (66) and (67), respectively, and the length scale $a$ is defined in Eq. (1). ### IX.2 Bounds on Fluid Permeability Here, we present upper bounds on the fluid permeability $k$, which is defined in Darcy’s law which describes slow, viscous flow through a porous medium [32], for YT-DRM and OPS-DRM. We also estimate $k$ for CP-DRM and OPS-DRM using an approximation that was recently suggested by Torquato [62]. Using variational principles, Doi [25], and subsequently Rubinstein and Torquato [27], derived the following upper bound on the fluid permeability $k$ of statistically isotropic porous media: $k\leq k^{(2)}_{U}=\frac{2}{3}\int_{0}^{\infty}r\left[F_{vv}(r)-\frac{2\phi_{1}}{s}F_{sv}(r)+\frac{\phi_{1}^{2}}{s^{2}}F_{ss}(r)\right]dr.$ (68) Here, $\phi_{1}$ is the porosity and the void-void correlation function $F_{vv}(r)$ is the same as the two-point correlation function for phase 1, e.g., $S_{2}^{(1)}(r)$. Following Rubinstein and Torquato [27], we refer to Eq. (68) as a two-point “interfacial-surface” upper bound. Values of $k^{(2)}_{U}$ as a function of porosity for the two different classes of Debye random media are computed using their respective two-point and surface correlation functions (see Secs. IV and VII.1). Note that $k^{(2)}_{U}$ for overlapping, polydisperse spheres with various distributions of radii were computed in Ref. [32]. For Debye random media realized via the Yeong-Torquato method, one finds that the two-point interfacial-surface upper bound on permeability to be $\displaystyle k^{(2)}_{U}=$ $\displaystyle\frac{a^{2}}{576\phi_{2}^{2}}\Big{[}16\phi_{1}\phi_{2}\left(3+4\phi_{2}[6\phi_{2}+\pi^{2}(\phi_{1}-\phi_{2})]\right)$ (69) $\displaystyle+\pi^{2}|\phi_{1}-\phi_{2}|\Big{]}.$ For OPS-DRM, the integral in Eq. (68) must be computed numerically. Torquato derived the following approximation for the fluid permeability [62]: $k\approx\frac{\langle\delta^{2}\rangle}{\mathpzc{F}},$ (70) which describes porous media with well-connected pore spaces. Note that $\mathpzc{F}$ is the formation factor, which is a measure of the tortuosity or “windiness” of the entire pore space and is a monotonically decreasing function of the porosity [62]. Notably, Eq. (70) was recently confirmed by Klatt et al. [63] to be highly accurate for models of porous media derived from overlapping spheres as well as various packings of spheres. Results for $k^{(2)}_{U}$ are plotted in Fig. 13LABEL:sub@fig:k2COMPa. We see that the upper bound on $k$ for YT-DRM and OPS-DRM are similar for low porosity, but that the bound for YT-DRM is larger than that of OPS-DRM for $\phi_{1}>0.4$ which is consistent with our observation that, on average, the pores of YT-DRM are larger than those of OPS-DRM in 2D [see Fig. 8LABEL:sub@fig:pores2DCOMPb]. Additionally, our results agree with Torquato’s observation that 3D Debye random media constructed with the Yeong-Torquato procedure have “substantially large pore regions” [62]. In the absence of estimates of the formation factor $\mathpzc{F}$ for our models, predictions of approximation (70) of the product $\mathpzc{F}k$ are plotted in Fig. 13LABEL:sub@fig:k2COMPb. Similarly, we see that the the fluid permeabilities for OPS-DRM and CP-DRM are similar for $\phi_{1}<0.4$, while the latter becomes increasingly more permeable than the former as the porosity is increased. This result is consistent with our result where, in 3D, CP-DRM have larger pores than OPS-DRM do for $\phi_{1}>0.4$ [see Fig. 8LABEL:sub@fig:pores2DCOMPb]. (a) (b) Figure 13: (a) Plots of the two-point interfacial-surface upper bound on the scaled fluid permeability $k^{(2)}_{U}/a^{2}$ for OPS-DRM and YT-DRM, where $a$ is the length scale defined in Eq. (1). For YT-DRM, $k^{(2)}_{U}$ is given by Eq. (69). For OPS-DRM, the integral $\eqref{eqn:kbound}$ is computed numerically for each value of $\phi_{1}$. (b) Plots of the scaled fluid permeability $\mathpzc{F}k/a^{2}$ from the approximation (70) for OPS-DRM and CP-DRM. Here, $\langle\delta^{2}\rangle$ is computed numerically from pore- size function (56) for OPS-DRM, and via Eq. (45) for CP-DRM. ## X Conclusions and Discussions In this work, we have investigated and compared three classes of Debye random media to one another using a variety of descriptors in order to characterize how the microstructures of $S_{2}$-degenerate systems can vary. We specifically considered the “most probable” class of Debye random media realized with the Yeong-Torquato procedure, as well as two other distinct classes of structures that we introduced in this work: Debye random media realized by certain systems of overlapping, polydisperse spheres with exponentially distributed radii, and Debye random media whose pore-size probability density function has compact support. To structurally discriminate these systems, we compared their surface correlation, pore-size, lineal-path, and chord-length distribution functions. In general, we found that these three classes of Debye random media are largely distinguished by these microstructural descriptors with the differences in their pore-size statistics and percolation thresholds being the most profound. Our results further support the well-known fact that the two-point correlation function is largely insufficient to determine the effective physical properties of two-phase random media. Our analysis of the statistical descriptors of these degenerate Debye random media also revealed that OPS-DRM are only phase-inversion symmetric with respect to $S_{2}(r)$, while CP-DRM are only phase-inversion symmetric with respect to $S_{2}(r)$ and $F_{ss}(r)$. For OPS-DRM, this lack of symmetry is to be expected as particle models of two-phase media are generally not phase- inversion symmetric [1]. Conversely, by the nature of their construction, YT- DRM are likely truly phase-inversion symmetric, satisfying condition (6). Furthermore, the additional constraint on the pore-size statistics in CP-DRM destroys such higher-order phase-inversion symmetry. We also determined that the percolation thresholds of these three classes of Debye random media are quite different which indicates that disordered, $S_{2}$-degenerate two-phase random media can exhibit a variety of topologies. Interestingly, we found that the Euler characteristic did not accurately predict the percolation thresholds of CP-DRM and OPS-DRM for reasons indicated in Sec. VIII. Lastly, we found that the bounds on the effective mean survival times, principal diffusion relaxation times, and fluid permeabilities as well as the approximated fluid permeabilities of these degenerate Debye random media are distinct to varying degrees; with OPS-DRM having the lowest bounds in 2D and 3D for all three physical properties, as seen in Figs. 12 and 13. Moreover, these differences are largely due to the distinct pore spaces of YT-DRM, OPS- DRM, and CP-DRM. While we were able to compare statistical descriptors, percolation properties, and physical properties of the three classes of Debye random media in 2D, our analysis of 3D YT-DRM and CP-DRM was limited by the high computational cost of generating sufficiently large (e.g., $501^{3}$ voxel) samples of these structures with the Yeong-Torquato procedure. Hence, an outstanding problem for future research is to further accelerate the Yeong- Torquato procedure to efficiently (re)construct large samples of two-phase media with targeted statistical descriptors in 3D. The large computational cost of generating Debye random media with the Yeong- Torquato procedure underscores an advantage of being able to effectively realize Debye random media with overlapping, polydisperse spheres, since the cost to generate samples of OPS-DRM does not scale appreciably with system size or dimension. For example, we note that the sample of YT-DRM in Fig. 9LABEL:sub@fig:Qa took about 15 minutes to generate whereas over 2 million samples of OPS-DRM, such as the one in Fig. 9LABEL:sub@fig:Qb, can be constructed in that time. Moreover, recall that any microstructural descriptor for OPS systems can be determined analytically via the canonical correlation function formalism [33]. Given these computational advantages of overlapping, polydisperse sphere models of random media, future work could consider using such systems with different distributions of radii $f(R)$ to realize microstructures with prescribed statistical descriptors. An intriguing extension of the present work is to apply similar methodologies to study the degeneracies of disordered hyperuniform two-phase media, which are defined by a spectral density $\tilde{\chi}_{{}_{V}}(\mathbf{k})$ that tends to zero as the wave number $\mathbf{k}$ goes to zero [64]. As a result, hyperuniform media are characterized by an anomalous suppression of large- scale volume-fraction fluctuations relative to typical disordered two-phase media. For this purpose, one can employ the procedure of Chen and Torquato, which is a Fourier space analog of the Yeong-Torquato procedure to realize disordered two-phase media with general functional forms corresponding to hyperuniform spectral densities [65]. Notably, it has been shown that disordered hyperuniform media are endowed with a variety of novel physical properties [66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 65, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78]. Therefore, characterizing how microstructures with a prescribed hyperuniform $\tilde{\chi}_{{}_{V}}(\mathbf{k})$ are degenerate can aid in the design of multifunctional composite materials [77, 79, 80, 81, 82] with sets of targeted physical properties. ###### Acknowledgements. The authors thank Michael Klatt for helpful discussions and his code for computing the Euler characteristic. They also gratefully acknowledge the support of Air Force Office of Scientific Research Program on Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials and Microsystems under Grant No. FA9550-18-1-0514. ## References * Torquato [2002] S. Torquato, _Random Heterogeneous Materials, Microstructure and Macroscopic Properties_ (Springer Science & Business Media, New York, 2002). * Milton [2002] G. Milton, _The Theory of Composites_ (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2002). * Sahimi [2003] M. Sahimi, _Heterogeneous Materials I: Linear Transport and Optical Properties_ , Vol. 22 (Springer Science & Business Media, New York, 2003). * Patel and Zohdi [2016] B. Patel and T. I. Zohdi, Mater. Des. 94, 546 (2016). * Hristopulos [2020] D. Hristopulos, _Random Fields for Spatial Data Modeling_ (Springer, Berlin, 2020). * Gibson and Ashby [1999] L. Gibson and M. Ashby, _Cellular Solids: Structure and Properties_ (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 1999). * Wagner and Yeomans [1998] A. J. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution Share-Alike -", "authors": "Murray Skolnick and Salvatore Torquato", "submitter": "Murray Skolnick", "url": "" }
$\underset{}{}$Sequentially estimating the dynamic contact angle of$\underset{}{}$ --- $\underset{}{}$sessile saliva droplets in view of SARS-CoV-2$\underset{}{}$ Sudeep R. Bapat --- $\underset{}{}$Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India$\underset{}{}$ E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: Estimating the contact angle of a virus infected saliva droplet is seen to be an important area of research as it presents an idea about the drying time of the respective droplet and in turn of the growth of the underlying pandemic. In this paper we extend the data presented by Balusamy, Banerjee and Sahu [“Lifetime of sessile saliva droplets in the context of SARS-CoV-2,” Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 123, 105178 (2021)], where the contact angles are fitted using a newly proposed half-circular wrapped-exponential model, and a sequential confidence interval estimation approach is established which largely reduces both time and cost with regards to data collection. Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Circular data; Wrapped exponential; Contact angle 1\. INTRODUCTION SARS-CoV-2 (virus which causes COVID-19) has severely impacted more than 200 countries worldwide, with over 180 million cases until the end of June, 2021. The span of this virus was so fast and devastating that the World Health Organization declared the outbreak as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on 30 January, 2020, whereas a global pandemic on 11 March, 2020. Spreading of such respiratory diseases is largely caused due to respiratory droplets of saliva (of an infected person) during coughing, sneezing or even moist speaking. A recent reference paper in this regard is by Balusamy et al. [1]. Understanding the lifetime of such droplets is hence an important area of research, which could be handled by studying the fluid dynamics of such droplets in air. One may refer to Mittal et al. [2] who analyze the flow-physics of virus laden respiratory droplets, or Bhardwaj and Aggarwal [3] who analyze the likelihood of survival of a virus laden droplet on a solid surface. Further, it has been studied that such respiratory droplets have a tendency to increase their lifetime on coming in contact with a surface based on its properties. Vejerano and Marr [4] studied the physico- chemical characteristics of evaporating respiratory fluid droplets and found out that a typical saliva droplet also contains NaCl, mucin (protein) and a certain surfactant in fixed amounts. In addition to the droplet composition, the evaporation rate of a droplet also depends on environmental conditions and factors such as temperature, relative humidity, droplet volume and the contact angle which the droplet makes with the surface. A specific analysis was carried out in [3] where the authors examined the drying time of a deposited droplet in two different temperatures namely, $25^{\circ}$C and $40^{\circ}$C which represent an air-conditioned room and a summer afternoon respectively. The contact angle and humidity were set at $30^{\circ}$ and $50\%$. Studying the drying time of a droplet plays an important role as it well related to the the survival of the droplet and in turn to the growth of the pandemic. Chaudhuri et al. [5] tested this hypothesis using suspended droplets in air, whereas [3] compared the growth of infection with the drying time in different cities globally. They verified that for a $5$ nL droplet, a higher drying time corresponds to a higher pandemic growth rate. Hence, when a droplet evaporates slowly, the chance of the survival of the virus is enhanced. Specifically, the initial contact angle, which measures the angle that a droplet makes with the surface plays a big role in determining the lifetime of it. Different contact angles are predominant with different surfaces i.e., droplets on glass, wood, stainless steel, cotton or the touchscreen of a smartphone tend to make angles varying from $5^{\circ}$ to $95^{\circ}$. It is also intuitive that a contact angle cannot exceed $180^{\circ}$. Figure 1 contains pictorial representations of two different droplets making different angles with the surface. The left image shows a water droplet on cloth, making a high contact angle due to the hydrophobic property of the cloth. Whereas the image on the right shows a water droplet on a lotus leaf, again making a high contact angle. Both the images are borrowed from Wikipedia under the license CC BY-SA 3.0. | ---|--- (a) water drop on cloth | (b) water drop on a lotus leaf Figure 1. Water droplets making contact angles greater than $90^{\circ}$ on two different surfaces. Both the images are borrowed from Wikipedia under the license CC BY-SA 3.0 A dynamic contact angle is the one which is measured as the droplet changes its size as it moves quickly over the surface. One may again refer to [3] or [1] for more details. However it is also true that measuring such contact angles (initial or dynamic) involves a lot of struggle and cost, as it has to be carried out using heavy apparatus. Some of the existing methods for contact angle determination include the sessile droplet method, where the angle is measured using a “contact angle goniometer”, the pendant drop method which is used to measure angles for pendant drops, the dynamic sessile drop method which is similar to a sessile drop method but requires the drop to be modified or a single-fiber meniscus method where the shape of the meniscus on the fiber is directly imaged through a high resolution camera. One may refer to Albert et al. [6] for an overview of other techniques. Hence to estimate a dynamic contact angle of a droplet, a reduction in the number of observations required to carry out the estimation is highly beneficial. In this paper, we thus introduce a sequential estimation technique which is outlined in Section 2. Now since the aim of this paper is to estimate a certain contact angle, it makes more sense to apply a circular model rather than a usual linear one on the concerned data. Literature on such models is vast and ever expanding. A few other examples where a circular model is appropriate involve orientations of the major axis of termite mounds, the angles of slope of different sedimentary layers of an exposed rock-face or the walking directions of long legged desert ants etc. In all these examples, the observations are either certain directions, or angles measured in degrees or radians. Such observations are often measured either clockwise or counter-clockwise from some reference direction, usually called as the zero direction. Over years, a usual technique to design new circular distributions is to wrap a linear distribution over a full circle. However as seen before, since the contact angles of any droplet is necessarily less than $180^{\circ}$, an adjusted model which is capable of taking values only on half-a-circle seems more appropriate. In this context, we introduce a new model called as the half- circular wrapped-exponential distribution to model our data. In general, a few notable books covering circular models which one can refer to are by Mardia and Jupp [7], Rao and Sengupta [8], Rao and Girija [9] or Ley and Verdebout [10], among others. 2\. Data modeling and analysis The particular dataset analyzed for this experiment is a pseudo dataset which is an extended version of the one borrowed from [1] and consists of the temporal variations of the dynamic contact angles in degrees (simply called as contact angles from now on) of the droplet normalized with the initial contact angle, $\theta/\theta_{0}$. The particular setting used for this experiment is as follows: the relative humidity (RH) is controlled at $50\%$, the initial droplet volume $(V_{0})$ is $10$ nL, the molality of the saliva $(M)$ is $0.154$ mol/kg, temperature $(T)$ is $30^{\circ}$, the surfactant parameter $(\Psi)$ is $10$ and the initial contact angle $(\theta_{0})$ is $50^{\circ}$. One may refer to Figure 2a in [1] for a pictorial description of the dataset. As there was not an access to the actual observations, we adopted the following approach: for brevity alone, we only focused on the curve representing RH$=50\%$. Using an online tool, we extracted the $(x,y)$ coordinates for each of its 20 observations. We converted these normalized contact angles to actual contact angles $(\theta)$ and finally translated those into radians. Table 1 lists all these observations for convenience. Now, to include more observations in the analysis, we first assumed a linear relationship between “time” and “contact angles” (CA), fitted several polynomial regression models and picked the following third-order model which fitted better with a $R^{2}$ value of $0.9613$. $CA=0.985-8.45\times 10^{-3}\,time+2.34\times 10^{-5}\,time^{2}-2.05\times 10^{-8}\,time^{3}$ (1) Figure 2 contains a scatterplot of the raw data (1a) and the fitted polynomial regression model superimposed on it (1b). Table 1. Extracted dataset containing the temporal variations --- of the contact angles (in radians) $\underset{}{\overset{}{\text{Time (sec)}}}$ | CA | Time (sec) | CA | Time (sec) | CA $10$ | $0.811$ | $88.75$ | $0.379$ | $287.5$ | $0.034$ $25$ | $0.794$ | $100$ | $0.261$ | $325$ | $0.031$ $55$ | $0.689$ | $118.75$ | $0.218$ | $381.25$ | $0.028$ $58.75$ | $0.654$ | $137.5$ | $0.157$ | $437.5$ | $0.026$ $66.25$ | $0.593$ | $175$ | $0.109$ | $493.75$ | $0.023$ $77.25$ | $0.471$ | $212.5$ | $0.052$ | $550$ | $0.020$ $83.15$ | $0.436$ | $250$ | $0.035$ | | | ---|--- (a) plot of the raw data | (b) superimposed polynomial model Figure 2. Temporal variations of the contact angles We then assumed a vector of times ranging over $5-300$ seconds with a jump of $1$ second in between, and predicted the contact angles according to the above model. Thus, our final pseudo dataset consists of $296$ observations according to our construction. 2.1. A half-circular wrapped-exponential model for the contact angles For a start, Figure 3 shows a pictorial distribution of our pseudo data placed around a circle. Purposefully, we have stacked the closely lying observations for a better visualization and as one can observe, all the observations lie entirely between $0$ and $\pi/2$ radians. As seen before, wrapping a linear density over a circle is a suitable choice to model such observations. In this case, since the linear curve seen in Figure 2 shows an exponential decline, it makes sense to choose some of the lifetime distributions and wrapping them around a circle. Now as discussed before, since any contact angle of a droplet is always less than $\pi$ radians it makes more sense to fit a distribution which takes values only on a semicircle. In literature, not many such distributions have been proposed. One such example is of a half-circular distribution which was introduced by Rambli et al. [11], who converted a Gamma distribution to a half-circular one and fitted it to the angle which measures the posterior corneal curvature of an eye. In a similar spirit, we now introduce a half-circular wrapped-exponential (HCWE) distribution with parameter $\lambda$. An intuitive construction is through the following transformation: $X_{w}=X(\text{mod}\,\pi)$, where $X$ is a linear exponential random variable with pdf $f(x)=\lambda e^{-\lambda x},\,x>0,\lambda>0$. Interestingly, another easy construction is to simply truncate $X$ over $[0,\pi)$. Its pdf, cdf and characteristic functions are as follows, $f_{w}(\theta)=\frac{\lambda e^{-\lambda\theta}}{1-e^{-\pi\lambda}},\hskip 8.5359pt\theta\in[0,\pi)$ (2) $F_{w}(\theta)=\frac{1-e^{-\lambda\theta}}{1-e^{-\pi\lambda}},\hskip 8.5359pt\theta\in[0,\pi)$ (3) $\phi_{p}=\frac{1}{1-ip/\lambda},\hskip 8.5359ptp=0,\pm 1,\pm 2,...$ (4) Consequently, the mean direction happens to be, $\mu_{0}=\tan^{-1}\frac{1}{\lambda},\hskip 8.5359pt\lambda>0$ (5) Now for a comparison, we tried to fit several other wrapped distributions to the data namely, the wrapped-exponential by Jammalamadaka and Kozubowski [12], transmuted wrapped-exponential by Yilmaz and Biçer [13] and wrapped-Lindley by Joshi and Jose [14]. For completeness, we also fit a von-Mises distribution which is one of the widely used circular models. Table 2 contains the log- likelihood values and the AICs for these five models. As one can observe, the half-circular wrapped-exponential model fits better than the others. It is also seen to be a significant fit with a p-value of $0.18$ using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, and the estimated $\lambda$ value equals $3.69$. On using Eq. (5), the estimated mean direction equals $0.2646$ radians. Figure 4 contains a set of goodness of fit plots for the HCWE$(\lambda)$ distribution. All these fits and plots were carried out using the $``circular"$ and $``fitdistrplus"$ packages in $R$. Figure 3. Raw circular plot of the pseudo data Figure 4. Goodness of fit plots for the HCWE$(\lambda)$ density on the pseudo data Now, since in practice the value of $\lambda$ will be unknown, we develop a sequential fixed-width confidence interval to estimate $\lambda$ which in turn will give us an estimate for the mean direction $\mu_{0}$ of the contact angle, which will give us a fair idea about the drying time of the droplet. Table 2. Comparing model fits to the pseudo data --- $\underset{}{\overset{}{\text{Model}}}$ | Log-likelihood | AIC von-mises | $-36.72$ | $77.44$ wrapped-exponential | $90.75$ | $-179.50$ half-circular wrapped-exponential | 92.56 | -181.52 transmuted wrapped-exponential | $-7.01$ | $18.02$ wrapped-Lindley | $89.94$ | $-177.88$ 2.2. A sequential fixed-width confidence interval In general, a sequential rule consists of identifying a stopping variable, which determines the optimal sample size to be used in the experiment. This technique largely reduces the number of observations needed for the inference part, which proves to be beneficial as it reduces both time and cost. Literature on sequential estimation methodologies is vast and still being explored. In particular, a few recent works aimed at finding appropriate confidence intervals include, Banerjee and Mukhopadhyay [15], who developed a general sequential fixed-accuracy confidence interval, Mukhopadhyay and Banerjee [16], who looked at constructing bounded length intervals, Bapat [17, 18] who constructed fixed-accuracy intervals for parameters under an inverse Gaussian and bivariate exponential models or Khalifeh et al. [19], who derived fixed-accuracy intervals for the reliability parameter of an exponential distribution. To summarize, a fixed-width interval (FWI) aims at simultaneously controlling the width of the interval (say, $d)$ and the confidence limit $(1-\alpha)$. Such an interval is clearly symmetric around the parameter. It turns out that there does not exist any fixed sample size procedure to tackle this problem and one has to resort to a sequential setup. However, a certain drawback of this method is: even though a parameter is entirely positive, the lower bound of a FWI can assume negative values. A fix to this is to construct a fixed- accuracy interval (FAI), which assumes a fixed-accuracy value (say, $d)$. A FAI happens to be symmetric around $\log$ of the parameter. An introductory paper to this approach is Banerjee and Mukhopadhyay [20]. Even in this case it may happen, that if the parameter space is bounded (say from above by $U$), a FAI may contain bounds which cross $U$. Hence, [15] came up with a bounded- length fixed-accuracy interval (BLFAI) as a fix. In our case, we aim at constructing a fixed-width interval as outlined next. Let $\theta_{1},\theta_{2},...$ be the dynamic contact angles of a droplet, measured using a suitable technique. Then, for some pre-fixed width $d$, a confidence interval of $\lambda$ takes the following form, $I_{n}=\left\\{\lambda:\lambda\in\left[\hat{\lambda}_{n}-d,\hat{\lambda}_{n}+d\right]\right\\},$ (6) where $\hat{\lambda}_{n}$ is the MLE of $\lambda$, which is consistent and asymptotically normal with the following representation, $\sqrt{n}(\hat{\lambda}_{n}-\lambda)\xrightarrow{D}N\left(0,\sigma^{2}_{\hat{\lambda}_{n}}\right),$ (7) where $\sigma^{2}_{\hat{\lambda}_{n}}$ is the variance of the MLE and $\xrightarrow{D}$ stands for convergence in distribution. Now, for $I_{n}$ to include $\lambda$ with a pre-fixed coverage probability $1-\alpha$, the required fixed sample size can be found out as follows, $P\left(\hat{\lambda}_{n}-d\leq\lambda\leq\hat{\lambda}_{n}+d\right)=1-\alpha$ $\Rightarrow n^{*}\equiv n_{d}^{*}=\left(\frac{z_{\alpha/2}}{d}\right)^{2}\sigma^{2}_{\hat{\lambda}_{n}},$ (8) where $z_{\alpha/2}$ is the upper $100(\alpha/2)\%$ point of a standard normal distribution. Since $n^{*}$ is an unknown quantity, we now propose the following sequential methodology: We first fix an integer $m(>1)$ often called as the “pilot sample size” and obtain a pilot sample $\theta_{1},\theta_{2},...,\theta_{m}$ from a HCWE$(\lambda)$ density as given in (5). We then aim to collect an additional observation at every stage, until sampling is terminated according to the following stopping rule: $N=\inf\left\\{n\geq m:n\geq\left(\frac{z_{\alpha/2}}{d}\right)^{2}\hat{\sigma}^{2}_{\hat{\lambda}_{n}}\right\\},$ (9) where $\hat{\sigma}^{2}_{\hat{\lambda}_{n}}$ is the estimated variance of the MLE. We then have a final set of observations $\theta_{1},\theta_{2},...,\theta_{N}$ and will estimate $\lambda$ using the interval, $I_{N}=\left[\hat{\lambda}_{N}-d,\hat{\lambda}_{N}+d\right]=\left[L_{N},U_{N}\right]\,\text{(say)}.$ (10) The stopping variable $N$ from (12) follows properties such as asymptotic first-order efficiency and asymptotic consistency. We leave out the proofs for brevity. One may refer to Theorem 3.1 of [17]. Finally, we estimate the mean direction $\mu_{0}$ using an interval, $J_{N}=\left[\tan^{-1}\frac{1}{U_{N}},\,\,\tan^{-1}\frac{1}{L_{N}}\right].$ (11) We now outline a stepwise procedure to tackle a practical problem through the above methodology. * Step 1: For a certain specific liquid droplet, observe the contact angles over equally spaced time intervals and note down the first $m$ angles $(\theta_{1},\theta_{2},...,\theta_{m})$ over the first $m$ time points $t_{1},t_{2},...,t_{m}.$ * Step 2: After $t_{m}$, collect observations (i.e. observe contact angles) one-at-a- time according to the stopping rule given in (9). * Step 3: Once the stopping rule is executed, observe the value of $N$, find out an interval for $\lambda$ as per (10) and ultimately find a subsequent interval for the mean direction $\mu_{0}$ according to (11). * Step 4: Using the interval for $\mu_{0}$, find out a rough interval for the average drying time of the droplet by predicting using the following inverted polynomial regression model $(R^{2}=0.98)$ (i.e. by assuming “time” as the response and “contact angle” as the predictor. $time=266.96-872.293\,CA+1329.892\,CA^{2}-763.05\,CA^{3}$ (12) Hence, for our complete pseudo data, $\hat{\lambda}_{n}=3.69,\hat{\mu}_{0}=0.2646$ and the estimated drying time equals $115.13$ seconds. We now apply the above procedure to our observed pseudo data with a small adjustment: we first randomize the entire data, sample $250$ observations, and sort them. This kind of an approach gives a good representation of the actual data in every simulation. We consider several fixed values of $d$ ranging from $0.05$ to $0.6$ over roughly equally spaced intervals. We fix the pilot sample size $m=5$ and the significance level $\alpha=0.05.$ After implementing the sequential rule (9) with a particular choice of $d,$ we obtain the confidence interval for $\lambda$ and in turn report the interval for $\mu_{0}$, and finally an interval for the average drying time of the droplet. Since the procedure has to be solved analytically, all the analyses were carried out again using the $``fitdistrplus"$ package in $R$. Table 3. Analysis of the CA data using purely --- sequential methodology (12) with $m=5,$ $\alpha=0.05$ $\underset{}{\overset{}{d}}$ | $N$ | CI for $\lambda$ | CI for $\mu_{0}$ | $\underset{}{\overset{}{\text{CI for Drying time (s)}}}$ $\overset{}{0.05}$ | $214$ | $(2.65,2.75)$ | $(0.34,0.36)$ | $(89.69,94.13)$ $0.1$ | $176$ | $(2.19,2.39)$ | $(0.39,0.42)$ | $(78.66,83.78)$ $0.2$ | $141$ | $(1.74,2.14)$ | $(0.43,0.51)$ | $(66.78,77.11)$ $0.3$ | $132$ | $(1.56,2.16)$ | $(0.43,0.56)$ | $(61.53,77.11)$ $0.4$ | $126$ | $(1.29,2.09)$ | $(0.44,0.65)$ | $(52.30,75.62)$ $0.5$ | $112$ | $(1.19,2.19)$ | $(0.42,0.69)$ | $(47.57,78.66)$ $0.6$ | $101$ | $(0.99,2.19)$ | $(0.42,0.78)$ | $(33.57,78.66)$ A few take away points from Table 3 are: as one goes on increasing $d$, naturally, the width of the desired interval increases and as a result, less number of observations are required to achieve a confidence level of $\alpha$ $(0.05$ in this case). Also, for increasing $N$, the intervals for the drying time also increase and are seen to approach the actual estimated drying time of $115.13$ seconds. But of course, a larger sample size comes with a cost and hence one needs to strike a proper balance. 3\. Concluding remarks In this paper we have established a sequential confidence interval methodology to estimate the dynamic contact angle of a sessile saliva drop. This will help the researchers and practitioners to build an idea about the growth of the pandemic in general or by focusing on specific countries. Since a contact angle has to be measured using a heavy-duty apparatus, a sequential rule also appears to be beneficial by offering a reduction in time and cost. We introduced a new circular model called as the half-circular wrapped- exponential distribution to model the angles, which can only spread over half a circle. This new model was seen to fit better than some of the existing ones in the literature. Depending on the width $d$ of the interval fixed by the experimenter, the mean contact angle of the droplet was seen to be between 0.41 and 0.56 radians or 23.49 and 32.08 degrees. On the other hand the drying time of the saliva droplet was seen to be between 61 and 80 seconds. References [1] S. Balusamy, S. Banerjee and K. C. Sahu, Lifetime of sessile saliva droplets in the context of SARS-CoV-2, Int. J. Heat Mass Trasf., 123, 105178 (2021). [2] R. Mittal, R. Ni, and J.-H. Seo, The flow physics of COVID-19, J. Fluid Mech. 894, F2 (2020). [3] R. Bhardwaj and A. Agrawal, Likelihood of survival of coronavirus in a respiratory droplet deposited on a solid surface, Phys. Fluids 32 (6), 061704 (2020). [4] E. P. Vejerano and L.C. Marr, Physico-chemical characteristics of evaporating respiratory fluid droplets, J. R. Soc. Interface 15 (139), 20170939 (2018). [5] S. Chaudhuri, S. Basu, P. Kabi, V. R. Unni, and A. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution Share-Alike -", "authors": "Sudeep R. Bapat", "submitter": "Sudeep Bapat", "url": "" }
# Coarse to Fine: Domain Adaptive Crowd Counting via Adversarial Scoring Network Zhikang Zou† The Hubei Engineering Research Center on Big Data Security, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China & Department of Computer Vision Technology (VIS), Baidu Inc., China [email protected] , Xiaoye Qu† The Hubei Engineering Research Center on Big Data Security, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China [email protected] , Pan Zhou∗ The Hubei Engineering Research Center on Big Data Security, School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China [email protected] , Shuangjie Xu Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China [email protected] , Xiaoqing Ye Department of Computer Vision Technology (VIS), Baidu Inc., China [email protected] , Wenhao Wu Department of Computer Vision Technology (VIS), Baidu Inc., China [email protected] and Jin Ye Department of Computer Vision Technology (VIS), Baidu Inc., China [email protected] (2021) ###### Abstract. Recent deep networks have convincingly demonstrated high capability in crowd counting, which is a critical task attracting widespread attention due to its various industrial applications. Despite such progress, trained data-dependent models usually can not generalize well to unseen scenarios because of the inherent domain shift. To facilitate this issue, this paper proposes a novel adversarial scoring network (ASNet) to gradually bridge the gap across domains from coarse to fine granularity. In specific, at the coarse-grained stage, we design a dual-discriminator strategy to adapt source domain to be close to the targets from the perspectives of both global and local feature space via adversarial learning. The distributions between two domains can thus be aligned roughly. At the fine-grained stage, we explore the transferability of source characteristics by scoring how similar the source samples are to target ones from multiple levels based on generative probability derived from coarse stage. Guided by these hierarchical scores, the transferable source features are properly selected to enhance the knowledge transfer during the adaptation process. With the coarse-to-fine design, the generalization bottleneck induced from the domain discrepancy can be effectively alleviated. Three sets of migration experiments show that the proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art counting performance compared with major unsupervised methods. Crowd Counting; Domain Adaptation; Multiple Granularity ††journalyear: 2021††copyright: acmcopyright††conference: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia; October 20–24, 2021; Virtual Event, China††booktitle: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM ’21), October 20–24, 2021, Virtual Event, China††price: 15.00††doi: 10.1145/3474085.3475377††isbn: 978-1-4503-8651-7/21/10††ccs: Computing methodologies Object detection††ccs: Computing methodologies Scene understanding†††Equal Contribution.††∗Corresponding author: Pan Zhou. ## 1\. Introduction Crowd counting is a core task in computer vision, which aims to estimate the number of pedestrians in a still image or video frame. In the last few decades, researchers have devoted significant efforts to this area and achieved remarkable progress in promoting the performance on the existing mainstream benchmark datasets. However, training convolutional neural networks requires large-scale and high-quality labeled datasets, while annotating pixel-level pedestrian locations is prohibitively expensive. Moreover, models trained on a label-rich data domain (source domain) can not generalize well to another label-scare domain (target domain) due to the domain shift among data distribution, which severely limits the practical applications of the existing methods. Figure 1. Illustration of the domain similarity existing between the target (top) and the source domains (bottom). Left: some crowding regions are similar across domains in the pixel level. Right: partial source samples may share similar image distribution with target samples. To alleviate the issues caused by the domain gap, a technique named unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has been preliminarily explored for crowd counting (Li et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2019a, b; Liu et al., 2021). The key point of UDA is to make use of a domain discriminator to classify patches into the source or the target domains while the deep learner tries to confuse the discriminator in an adversarial manner. In this way, domain-invariant feature representations can be learned to bridge the source and the target data distributions. Typically, CODA (Li et al., 2019) combines the adversarial learning with self-supervised ranking loss to close the gap between the source and the target domains, where the estimation errors on the target samples can be reduced significantly. Differently, DACC (Gao et al., 2019a) is proposed to translate the synthetic data to realistic images in a style transfer framework. Thus, models trained on translated data can be applied to the real world. Despite the dramatic performance improvement in reducing the domain discrepancy, these methods suffer from solely harnessing the whole natural characteristics of the source domain without further considering the similarity between the source domain and target domain. For crowd counting, some regions such as cluster background are not fit to transfer while equally treating all regions may lead to negative transfer. Besides, some source images are far from similar with the target domains, resulting in weak transferability. As shown in Figure 1, the similarity across domains appears in both pixel level and image level as images from two domains share similar crowding regions and implicit distribution. Therefore, it is essential to adapt patterns from different granularities according to their actual contributions for the joint learning. In this paper, we propose a novel coarse-to-fine framework named Adversarial Scoring Network (ASNet) for domain adaptive crowd counting. At the coarse stage, we design a dual-discriminator strategy to conduct distribution alignment between the source and the target domains. Different from previous methods that merely focus on the whole image, this strategy also draws patches closer in the feature space. Specifically, the proposed strategy is composed of two parts: a global discriminator takes a whole image as input and a local discriminator accepts patches. Through adversarial learning, the domain discrepancy can be reduced from different perspectives. At the fine-grained stage, we explore the variability of transferability in the source domain depending on the fact that images or pixels with different feature distances from the target domain will contribute to the model generalization at varying degrees. Based on the output probabilities from two discriminators, we can produce significance-aware scores of multiple granularities: 1) image level; 2) patch level; 3) pixel level and 4) patch-pixel level. The scores of the image level and the patch level are generated to indicate the overall similarity of an image or specific image patch since images or patches more similar across domains are fit for the distribution alignment. Meanwhile, for the pixel-wise counting task, it is likely to find domain similarity in the pixel region. Therefore, the pixel level and the patch-pixel level scores precisely evaluate the similarity for images or input patches between two domains pixel by pixel. These scores are utilized to guide the density map learning in the source domain, which enhances the attention on transferable features among the domains during the adaptation process and thus promotes the adaptation accuracy without additional computational cost during inference. In experiments, we conduct three sets of adaptations and the results demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance over the existing mainstream methods. Although unsupervised, it is worth noting that our model can obtain comparable results with fully-supervised models trained on the target dataset. To summarize, the main contributions are as follows: * • To the best of our knowledge, it’s the first attempt to implement fine-grained transfer in crowd counting by exploiting valid knowledge existing in the source domain from various granularities. * • We propose a novel adversarial scoring network (ASNet) to generate significance-aware scores at different levels and utilize these scores as the supervisory signal to guide density optimization in a self-learning manner, which can boost the performance of adaptation in crowd counting. * • Extensive migration experiments indicate that ASNet can achieve state-of-the- art performance, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Figure 2. Overview of our adversarial scoring network (ASNet). The generator encodes input images into density maps. Then the dual-discriminator classifies the density maps into source or target domain. By adversarial training between the generator and dual-discriminator, domain distributions are drawn close. Meanwhile, the dual-discriminator further produces four types of scores as a signal to guide the density optimization of source data, which achieves fine- grained transfer during adaptation. ## 2\. Related Work Crowd Counting. Early works of crowd counting focus on detection style framework (Leibe et al., 2005; Li et al., 2008; Dollar et al., 2012), where the body or part-based detectors are deployed to localize and count the pedestrians. These detection-based algorithms are limited by severe occlusions and complex background clusters in high-density crowd scenes. Hence, regression-based alternatives (Chan and Vasconcelos, [n.d.]; Ryan et al., 2009) are proposed to directly estimate the number of people by learning a mapping from image features to the count number. The success of methods in this category lies in their ability to evade explicit detection. Nevertheless, these regression-based methods lose localization capability, which will lead to a performance drop as spatial awareness is totally ignored. The recent focus in counting area has been towards exploiting the advances in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) (Cao et al., 2018; Idrees et al., 2018; Laradji et al., 2018; Abousamra et al., 2020; He et al., 2021; Liu et al., 2020; Zou et al., 2018a) due to the remarkable representation learning ability. Typically, the majority of existing CNN-based frameworks are centered on coping with the large variation in pedestrian scales via the deployment of different architectures including multi-column networks (Zhang et al., 2016; Sam et al., 2017), context-aware designs (Sindagi and Patel, 2017; Liu et al., 2019b), multi-task learning (Huang et al., 2017; Kang et al., 2018) and others (Li et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019; Wan and Chan, 2019). In particular, Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2016) employ a multi-column convolutional network (MCNN) that captures diverse crowd scales with different receptive fields in each column. More recently, CSRNet (Li et al., 2018) connects VGG16 with dilated kernels to fuse multi-scale contextual information. In this way, the scale space captured by the model can be enlarged without a significant increase in computation. DM-Count (Wang et al., 2020) measures the similarity between the normalized predicted density map and the normalized ground truth density map and designs OT loss and TV loss to boost the performance. SASNet (Song et al., 2021) automatically learns the internal correspondence between the scales and the feature levels. All these methods demonstrate the superiority of the convolutional neural networks. Domain adaptation. To address the domain shift problem, technique named unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has been introduced for many computer vision tasks such as image classification (Geng et al., 2011; Ganin and Lempitsky, 2014), person re-identification (Bak et al., 2018; Fu et al., 2019), semantic segmentation (Zou et al., 2018b) and other tasks (Hu et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020). These methods aim to mitigate the domain gap and generalize the model onto the different test domain. To the best of our knowledge, there are very few domain adaptation frameworks (Li et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2019; Gao et al., 2019a, b; Han et al., 2020) proposed for crowd counting area. They can be summarized into two widely used strategies: distribution alignment and image translation. The former (Li et al., 2019) adopts a discriminator to distinguish between the density maps generated by source image patches and targets. Thus, the data distributions across domains can be drawn closer. Differently, the latter (Wang et al., 2019) translates the synthetic labeled images to be similar to realistic scenes via a SE Cycle GAN. In this way, they train a CNN on translated images and obtain a reasonable result on real datasets. Despite the promising results, one common drawback of these methods is that they merely reduce the domain gap in a global view while ignoring the fine-grained transferability of source samples. ## 3\. methodology In this section, we will introduce our proposed adversarial scoring network (ASNet). The goal is to improve the performance of crowd counting on the target domain by domain adaptation. Our core idea is to score how similar the source samples are to target ones from multiple levels and enhance the knowledge transfer guided by these hierarchical scores during the adaptation process. In specific, our ASNet consists of two parts: coarse module is designed to align the feature representation space across domains in global and local view, and fine module digs into the transferable samples of the source domain during coarse align process and generate guidance weights to further narrow the distance between domains. The overall pipeline is depicted in Figure 2. ### 3.1. Problem Formulation We have source domain data $X_{s}={\\{(x_{i}^{s},y_{i}^{s})\\}}_{i=1}^{N_{s}}$, where $x_{i}^{s}$ denotes the input source RGB image, $y_{i}^{s}$ represents its corresponding real- valued density map, and $N_{s}$ is the number of source domain labeled samples. Similarly, we have target domain unlabeled data $X_{t}={\\{(x_{i}^{t})\\}}_{i=1}^{N_{t}}$. Here the source domain and target domain share different distribution, which appears in separate image background or crowd density. During training, we use both labeled source data and unlabeled target data as network input. ### 3.2. Coarse Adaptation The main difficulty of domain adaptation is the domain shift between the source domain and the target domain. Thus, it is important to reduce domain discrepancy during the training stage. Meanwhile, guaranteeing the quality of the predicted density map on the target domain is also fundamental. To achieve these goals, we consider performing density adaptation which minimizes the distance between density maps from two domains. To realize density adaptation, an intuitive idea based on generative adversarial network (Goodfellow et al., 2014) is adopted. The main principle is a two-player game, in which the first player is a domain discriminator $D$ whose role is to correctly classify which domain the features come from, while the second is a feature generator $G$ who aims to deceive the domain discriminator. In our task, the discriminator takes responsibility for distinguishing between the density maps generated by the source image and the target image. To capture a wider perspective in complicated crowd scenes, we utilize a dual-discriminator strategy as shown in Figure 2, namely global discriminator and local discriminator. The global discriminator $D_{1}$ takes the whole density map as input and the local discriminator $D_{2}$ accepts patches of density map. Then they output discrimination maps $O_{1}$ and $O_{2}$ in which each point value is normalized into [0,1] by sigmoid function, corresponding to confidence score belong to the source domain or the target domain. For both discriminators, binary cross-entropy loss is used to measure classification error. In specific, the loss can be formulated as: (1) $L_{d1}=-\frac{1}{N_{b}}(\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p1}}log({(O_{1}^{s}})_{ik})-\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p1}}log(1-{(O_{1}^{t}})_{ik}))$ (2) $L_{d2}=-\frac{1}{N_{b}}(\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{j=1}^{S^{2}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p2}}log((O_{2}^{s})_{ijk})-\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{j=1}^{S^{2}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p2}}log(1-(O_{2}^{t})_{ijk}))$ where $O_{1}=D_{1}(G(x))$, $O_{2}=D_{2}(G(x))$, $N_{p1}={H_{1}}\times{W_{1}}$ is total pixel number of $O_{1}$, $N_{p2}={H_{2}}\times{W_{2}}$ is pixel number of $O_{2}$, $N_{b}$ is the number of training batch size, $S^{2}$ is the number of patches which are equally split from the density map. To make density maps generated from source and target domain are more similar, we adopt an adversarial loss to guide the optimization of generator which further produces density maps to fool the discriminator. At the same time, considering that images from different domains may share local similarity, the generator also demands to generate similar patches of density map. The adversarial losses corresponding to two discriminators are: (3) $\displaystyle L_{adv1}$ $\displaystyle=-\frac{1}{N_{b}}\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p1}}log((O_{1}^{t})_{ik})$ (4) $\displaystyle L_{adv2}$ $\displaystyle=-\frac{1}{N_{b}}\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{j=1}^{S^{2}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p2}}log((O_{2}^{t})_{ijk})$ It is worth noting that we only compute adversarial loss on target images for the generator. ### 3.3. Fine Adaptation With the global density adaptation, the domain gap between the source and target domains is reduced. However, the above adaptation mainly aligns the images from a global perspective. It neglects the fact that not all regions of an image are suitable for transfer, such as the background which shows a significant difference between the two domains. Meanwhile, partial images in the source domain are more similar to target domain images than other parts. Thus, it is essential to pay attention to each pixel in an image and each image in the source domain instead of treating all images equally. To this end, we propose a fine-grained adaptation to achieve the pixel and image knowledge transfer. In specific, we define four scoring levels for source images from coarse to fine: 1) image level $W_{1}$; 2) patch level $W_{2}$; 3) pixel level $W_{3}$ and 4) patch-pixel level $W_{4}$. Here the image-level and patch-level scores determine the transferability of a complete source image or patches of the image corresponding to target image, and it is reasonable to give more focus on those source images with similar distribution to the target images. The pixel level and patch-pixel level scores measure the similarity pixel by pixel between source and target images or patches. Hence, it is also useful to favor the regions from a source image that are highly similar to the target ones. As mentioned above, our aim is to score the whole image and regions in each image from the source domain. In order to obtain the scores, we utilize the outputs of two discriminators which are the probability of the input belonging to the source domain. For the global discriminator, the output approaching 1 indicates the input image belongs to the source domain. Similarly, the input patches belong to the source domain if the output of the local discriminator is close to 1. For the output of the global discriminator $O_{1}^{s}$, we perform average pooling to obtain domain probability. Then we set threshold to obtain the image level score $W_{1}$. This process can be formulated as: (5) $M_{i}=\text{Average}((O_{1}^{s})_{i}),\quad W_{1}=I(M_{i}<0.5)$ where $(O_{1}^{s})_{i}$ is the global discriminator output corresponding to input image $x_{i}^{s}$, $I(\cdot)$ is an indication function. $W_{1}$ is a binary scalar which denotes the transferability of the whole image. Meanwhile, we can get the pixel level score $W_{3}$ from the discriminator output. However, the size of the output discrimination map is not compatible with the input image. Thus, we conduct the nearest up-sampling and soft threshold to obtain the pixel level score: (6) $P_{i}=\text{Up-sample}((O_{1}^{s})_{i}),\quad W_{3}=I(P_{i}<\text{mean}(P_{i}))$ where each value of $W_{3}$ denotes the similarity of the corresponding point of source image. The soft threshold uses the mean value as the threshold which can adapt to various score ranges and guarantee to select some relatively similar regions compared to a hard threshold. In the same way, with the output of local discriminator, we can get the patch level score $W_{2}$ and patch- pixel level score $W_{4}$ from the local discriminator output. After getting four fine-grained scores, we weight the density loss for the source domain. Formally, we choose the common Euclidean distance as basic density loss to measure the distance between predicted density map and ground truth. The original density loss is described as below: (7) $\displaystyle L_{den}=\frac{1}{N_{b}}\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}\sum_{k=1}^{N_{\text{I}}}((G(x_{i}^{s}))_{k}-y_{ik}^{s})^{2}$ where $N_{\text{I}}$ is the total pixel number of the density map. With fine- grained scores, our final weighted density loss is: (8) $\displaystyle L_{dens}\\!=\\!\frac{1}{N_{b}}\sum_{i=1}^{N_{b}}(1\\!+\\!W_{1}^{i})\sum_{j=1}^{S^{2}}(1\\!+\\!W_{2}^{ij})\sum_{k=1}^{N_{p}^{j}}(1\\!+\\!W_{3}^{ijk})(1\\!+\\!W_{4}^{ijk})L_{s}$ where $N_{p}^{j}={N_{\text{I}}}/{S^{2}}$ is the pixel number of the $j$-th patch and $L_{s}=((G(x_{i}^{s}))_{jk}\\!-\\!y_{ijk}^{s})^{2}$. Here a residual mechanism is adopted during the weighting process for each score, which possesses more robustness to wrong discriminator output at the initial stage of network training. Finally, our proposed ASNet is trained end to end with the following loss: (9) ${L_{All}=L_{dens}+\lambda_{1}L_{adv1}+\lambda_{2}L_{adv2}}$ The details of the overall training procedure can be seen in the supplementary. ## 4\. Experiments In this section, we provide a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed model on three adaptation experiments and a thorough ablation study to validate the key components of our algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in domain adaptation for crowd counting. ### 4.1. Implement Details For a fair comparison, we use VGG-16 (Simonyan and Zisserman, 2014) structure as the generator $G$. The final pooling layer and two fully connected layers are replaced by two dilated convolutional layers and a convolutional layer. The discriminator contains five convolutional layers with stride of 2 and kernel size 4 $\times$ 4, the channels of each layer are 64, 128, 256, 512, 1 respectively. Detailed configurations of the networks are shown in supplementary materials. The $G$ is trained using the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) optimizer with a learning rate as $10^{-6}$. We use Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) with learning rate of $10^{-4}$ for the discriminators. During training, the $\lambda_{1}$, $\lambda_{2}$ and $\lambda_{3}$ are set to $10^{-3}$, $10^{-4}$, and $10^{-1}$ respectively. For data generation and augmentation, we follow the commonly used methods introduced in MCNN (Zhang et al., 2016). All input patches are resized to $512\times 512$ with 3 channels. ### 4.2. Datasets and Metric For the domain adaptation problem, we evaluate the proposed method on four publicly large-scale datasets, namely ShanghaiTech (Zhang et al., 2016), UCSD (Chan et al., 2008), Mall (Chen et al., 2012) and Trancos (Guerrero-Gómez- Olmedo et al., 2015) respectively. ShanghaiTech consists of 1,198 annotated images with a total of 330,165 people with head center annotations. This dataset is divided into two parts: Part A with 482 images and Part B with 716 images. In Part A, all images are crawled from the Internet, of which 300 images are used for training and the rest are used for testing. Similarly, Part B is partitioned into 400 training images and 316 testing images captured from busy streets in Shanghai. Notably, Part A has density variations ranging from 33 to 3139 people per image with average count being 501.4 while Part B are relatively less diverse and sparser with an average density of 123.6. UCSD is collected from a video camera at a pedestrian walkway, which contains a total of 49,885 pedestrian instances. This dataset is recorded by a video camera placed at a pedestrian walkway. It consists of 2000 frames, each of which has a resolution of 158 $\times$ 238\. The region-of-interest (ROI) and the perspective map are provided in the dataset. This dataset has a relatively low-density crowd since there are only 25 persons on average in each frame. Following (Chan et al., 2008), we use frames from 601 to 1,400 as the training set and the remaining frames for testing. Mall is collected from a shopping mall by a public surveillance camera. This dataset contains 2,000 frames with diverse illumination conditions and crowd densities. Each frame has a fixed resolution of 320 $\times$ 240\. In comparison to the UCSD dataset (Chan et al., 2008), this dataset has relatively higher crowd density images with an average count of 31 per image. We follow the pre-defined settings to use the first 800 frames as the training set and the rest as the test set. Trancos is a public vehicle dataset, which consists of 1244 images taken from traffic surveillance cameras located along different roads. The region-of- interest (ROI) is also provided for training and evaluation. Each vehicle is labeled with a single point annotation of its location. In total, there are 46,796 vehicle point annotations. There is a large discrepancy between Trancos and counting datasets. Different from counting dataset, Trancos is composed of multiple scenes but the same scenes appear in the training and test sets. Evaluation Metric As commonly used in previous works, we adopt Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Squared Error (MSE) to evaluate the estimation performance of counting datasets. They are formulated as: (10) $MAE=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}|C_{i}-\hat{C_{i}}|,MSE=\sqrt{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(C_{i}-\hat{C_{i}})^{2}}$ where $N$ means numbers of image, $C_{i}$ means the total count of the estimated density map, and $\hat{C_{i}}$ refers to the total count of corresponding ground truth. Different for the vehicle dataset, we use the Grid Average Mean absolute Error (GAME) metric, which is defined as: (11) $GAME(L)=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}(\sum_{l=1}^{4^{L}}|C_{i}^{l}-\hat{C_{i}^{l}}|)$ Given a specific number $L$, the $GAME(L)$ divides each image into $4^{L}$ non-overlapping regions of equal area, $C_{i}^{l}$ is the estimated count for image $i$ within region $l$, and $\hat{C_{i}^{l}}$ is the corresponding ground truth count. Note that $GMAE(0)$ is equivalent to $MAE$ metric. ### 4.3. Adaptation Results We provide a quantitative evaluation by performing three sets of adaptation experiments: ShanghaiTech Part A $\rightarrow$ Part B, UCSD $\rightarrow$ Mall, and ShanghaiTech Part A $\rightarrow$ Trancos. For each pair of datasets, we report the errors between the generated density maps and the ground truth maps on the target set. We define several variants of the proposed model in the following: 1) NoAdapt: the model is only trained on the source samples. 2) CoarseAdapt: we perform the distribution alignment via a global discriminator and a local discriminator in an adversarial training scheme. 3) FineAdapt: the full model of our ASNet, which adds all the significance-aware scores to the CoarseAdapt. The list of methods to compare can be classified into four categories: 1) directly trained on the target data; 2) merely trained on the synthetic data (syn); 3) semi-supervised methods (semi); 4) merely trained on the real source data. Table 1. The comparison results with previous methods for ShanghaiTech Part A $\rightarrow$ Part B. (TS: Target Supervision) Method | TS | MAE | MSE ---|---|---|--- MCNN (Zhang et al., 2016) | yes | 26.4 | 41.3 CP-CNN (Sindagi and Patel, 2017) | yes | 20.1 | 30.1 IG-CNN (Sam et al., 2018) | yes | 13.6 | 21.1 Cycle GAN (Zhu et al., 2017) | syn | 25.4 | 39.7 SE Cycle GAN (Wang et al., 2019) | syn | 19.9 | 28.3 SE+FD (Han et al., 2020) | syn | 16.9 | 24.7 D-ConvNet-v1 (Shi et al., 2018) | no | 49.1 | 99.2 RegNet (Liu et al., 2019a) | no | 21.65 | 37.56 CODA (Li et al., 2019) | no | 15.9 | 26.9 NoAdapt (ours) | no | 27.28 | 35.14 CoarseAdapt (ours) | no | 15.77 | 24.92 FineAdapt (ours) | no | 13.59 | 23.15 First, we conduct the experiments about adapting ShanghaiTech Part A to Part B. As is shown in Table 1, it is obvious that the proposed model outperforms existing domain adaptation methods by a large margin. In specific, our method improves MAE performance from 15.9 to 13.59. When comparing our method with (Zhu et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019; Han et al., 2020), which is merely trained on the much larger and more diverse synthetic dataset, we can achieve more superior results. Even compared with the mainstream supervised methods that are directly trained on the target domain, such as IG-CNN (Sam et al., 2018), our model can still deliver competitive performance (MAE 13.59 vs 13.6). By observing the results gap between the NoAdapt and FineAdapt, we can find that ASNet yields a huge improvement after fine adaptation from 27.28/35.14 to 13.59/23.15. Table 2. The comparison results with previous methods for UCSD $\rightarrow$ Mall. (TS: Target Supervision) Method | TS | MAE | MSE ---|---|---|--- MORR (Chen et al., 2012) | yes | 3.15 | 15.7 ConvLSTM-nt (Xiong et al., 2017) | yes | 2.53 | 11.2 MCNN (Zhang et al., 2016) | yes | 2.24 | 8.5 FA (Change Loy et al., 2013) | semi | 7.47 | - HGP (Yu et al., 2005) | semi | 4.36 | - GPTL (Liu and Vasconcelos, 2015) | semi | 3.55 | - CSRNet (Li et al., 2018) | no | 4.00 | 5.01 CODA (Li et al., 2019) | no | 3.38 | 4.15 NoAdapt (ours) | no | 4.19 | 5.03 CoarseAdapt (ours) | no | 3.47 | 4.12 FineAdapt (ours) | no | 2.76 | 3.55 Second, we use the UCSD as our source dataset and Mall as the target dataset. The results are shown in Table 2. Obviously, our proposed method in an unsupervised setting outperforms all semi-supervised methods, which reduces the estimation errors by 22.2% compared to the best semi-supervised model GPTL (Liu and Vasconcelos, 2015). Our model can be gradually improved by incorporating different mechanisms. In specific, CoarseAdapt improves the MAE performance from 4.19 to 3.47 compared with NoAdapt, and FineAdapt further decreases the error to 2.76. Besides, our ASNet achieves the lowest MAE (the highest accuracy) compared to other domain adaptive methods (Li et al., 2019). The above results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed adaptation pattern. Table 3. The comparison results with previous methods for ShanghaiTech Part A $\rightarrow$ Trancos. (TS: Target Supervision) Method | TS | GAME0 | GAME1 | GAME2 | GAME3 ---|---|---|---|---|--- Lempitsky (Lempitsky and Zisserman, 2010) | yes | 13.76 | 16.72 | 20.72 | 24.36 Hydra 3s (Onoro-Rubio and López-Sastre, 2016) | yes | 10.99 | 13.75 | 16.69 | 19.32 AMDCN (Deb and Ventura, 2018) | yes | 9.77 | 13.16 | 15.00 | 15.87 FCNN-skip (Kang et al., 2018) | yes | 4.61 | 8.39 | 11.08 | 16.10 CSRNet (Li et al., 2018) | no | 13.71 | 13.81 | 14.52 | 15.75 CODA (Li et al., 2019) | no | 4.91 | 9.89 | 14.88 | 17.55 NoAdapt (ours) | no | 13.78 | 13.83 | 15.32 | 15.88 CoarseAdapt (ours) | no | 7.21 | 11.32 | 14.42 | 17.27 FineAdapt (ours) | no | 4.77 | 8.39 | 13.37 | 15.12 Third, we consider the experiments from ShanghaiTech Part A to Trancos, shown in Table 3. Distinctly, the proposed method yields an improvement of 2.9% over the existing adaptation methods (Li et al., 2019). Due to the large domain shift between the counting dataset and the vehicle dataset, we can see that the baseline (NoAdapt) fails to predict the density values for Trancos since there is little difference between GAME metrics. However, our model can reduce the estimation error from 13.78 to 4.77 close to the SOTA results, which proves the versatility of the proposed method. To better understand the superiority of the ASNet, we visualize the generated results of the step-wise variants in Figure 3. NoAdapt can only reflect the crowd distribution trend while failing to locate each pedestrian. After coarse adaptation, CoarseAdapt has the ability to figure out the relatively accurate distribution of crowds. It is obvious that FineAdapt vastly promote the quality of the predicted density maps. In conclusion, the proposed methods can generate better results than other methods across domains. More visualization results are shown in supplementary materials. Figure 3. Qualitative adaptation results. From top to down: ShanghaiTech Part B, Mall and Trancos, respectively. ### 4.4. Ablation Study In this section, we conduct abundant ablation experiments to analyze the components of the proposed ASNet. All ablations are conducted in the ShanghaiTech Part A $\rightarrow$ Part B setting for its large variations in crowd density. Effect of different components. In this part, we analyze the effect of each component in the proposed method. From the results shown in Table 4, we can find the final performance has been gradually improved with the addition of each component, which illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed modules. To be specific, the errors are significantly reduced (MAE from 27.28 to 16.84) by only joining the global discriminator. When merely adding the local discriminator, the MAE errors are reduced to 19.12. Combining the two discriminators further optimizes the results to 15.77 MAE. These results indicate that image-level and patch-level alignment both play an important role in closing the data distribution across domains. Different levels of scores (image-level, patch-level, pixel-level, patch-pixel level) all contribute to the transferability of the model at different degrees, yielding MAE performance gains of 6.4%, 7.5%, 11.2%, 13.8% with the step-wise overlay of each score. All the above experimental results prove that our modules have a positive effect on each other, which is conductive to the accuracy of the adaptation. Table 4. Effects of different model components in ShanghaiTech Part A $\rightarrow$ Part B setting. G-D and L-D mean the global and local discriminator, {I, P, PI, P-PI} correspond to {image, patch, pixel, patch-pixel} level scores respectively. NoAdapt | CoarseAdapt | FineAdapt | MAE | MSE ---|---|---|---|--- | G-D | L-D | I | P | PI | P-PI | | ✓ | | | | | | | 27.28 | 35.14 | ✓ | | | | | | 16.84 | 27.37 | | ✓ | | | | | 19.12 | 30.02 | ✓ | ✓ | | | | | 15.77 | 24.92 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | | 14.76 | 24.18 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | | 14.58 | 24.15 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | | 14.01 | 24.02 | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ | 13.59 | 23.15 Effect of global and local modules. In this section, we separately study the impact of global and local modules on the final model performance. We split the model components into two categories: global-related modules (global discriminator, image and pixel level scores) and local-related modules (local discriminator, patch and patch-pixel level scores). As is illustrated in Table 5, the global-related modules significantly boost the performance from MAE 27.28 to 14.89 since they fully reduce the domain shift among the source and the target domains in a global view. Also, the local-related modules degrade the estimations errors to MAE 15.13. This proves that utilizing the patches to close the domain gap is still effective. The full model achieves the best performance with respect to MAE and MSE, which demonstrates that global- related and local-related modules mutually refine each other and thus contribute together to the final performance of the proposed ASNet. Table 5. Ablation study on the global and local modules. Method | MAE | MSE ---|---|--- NoAdapt | 27.28 | 35.14 Global-related modules | 14.89 | 24.36 Local-related modules | 15.13 | 24.48 FineAdapt (full model) | 13.59 | 23.15 Figure 4. Effect of using different patch number $S$ (total patches number is ${S}^{2}$), image-level threshold, and pixel-level threshold for the whole training. Here we do not show the soft threshold value in the image (C). Figure 5. Visualization of different levels (pixel, patch-pixel, patch, image respectively) level scores generated by the dual-discriminator. A square in the figure represents a scalar. Note white square refers to 1 while the black square refers to 0. Effect of patch number. In our proposed method, we divide the density map into $S\times S$ patches and send them to the local discriminator for the subsequent steps. We evaluate how the patch number $S$ affects the final performance in this part. As shown in Figure 4 (a), the results of the model are robust to the patch numbers. However, when the patch number is too large, the complexity of calculation increases with a slight decrease in the estimation performance. To achieve the best accuracy, we set the patch number $S$ to 4 throughout the experiments. Effect of image-level threshold. Figure 4 (b) illustrates the impact of the image-level threshold on the performance of the proposed model. Obviously, when the threshold is too small or too large, the result turns out a cliff- like decline. The main reason is that too small threshold filters out mistakenly a mass of similar images in the source domain while too large threshold may introduce some dissimilar samples. It can be observed that threshold = 0.5 achieves the best result, so we use this value throughout the experiments. Effect of pixel-level threshold. Figure 4 (c) illustrates the impact of changes in pixel-level threshold on the final performance of the proposed model. We change the soft threshold into different hard thresholds. Obviously, the estimation error reaches the minimum when threshold = 0.5. Note this result is still inferior to adopting a soft threshold, which demonstrates the rationality of our choice. Visualization of weight maps. We show the scores of different levels generated by the dual-discriminator in Figure 5. For the pixel level, we can see that the probability maps focus on where the crowds distribute. This indicates that the regions containing crowds are transferable while unique scene attributes such as background objects are disturbing noise. Besides, since pixel level scores provide a global view while patch level scores pay attention to local information of patches, these two maps could be complementary to each other. The image-level scores determine the transferability of the entire image and the patch level scores illustrate the trade-off of corresponding patches. These results intuitively show that our model can generate reasonable scores for the fine-grained knowledge transfer across domains. ## 5\. Conclusion and Future work In this paper, we propose a novel adversarial scoring network (ASNet) for domain adaptive crowd counting. Unlike previous methods, our model can adaptively select the transferable regions or images to achieve the fine- grained knowledge transfer across domains. To implement this goal, we design a dual-discriminator strategy to conduct a coarse distribution alignment and generate significance-aware scores of different levels based on the transferability of source samples. With these scores as a signal to guide the density optimization, our model can better mitigate the domain gap at multiple perspectives, thus significantly boosting the adaptation accuracy. Three sets of adaptation experiments and thorough ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. To further verify the effectiveness of our method, we evaluate the situation from synthetic datasets to the real- world Shanghaitech datasets and compare our model with the latest unsupervised methods. The detailed results can be seen in the supplementary material due to the limited space. In the future, we are interested to evaluate more situations in counting area and extend our method to other tasks such as object detection and depth estimation. ###### Acknowledgements. This work is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) under grant no. 61972448. (Corresponding author: Pan Zhou. ## Appendix A Synthetic dataset In this section, we conduct the experiments about adapting GCC dataset to ShanghaiTech Part B. As is shown in Table 6, it is obvious that the proposed model outperforms existing domain adaptation methods by a large margin. Table 6. The comparison results with previous methods for GCC $\rightarrow$ ShanghaiTech Part B. Method | MAE | MSE ---|---|--- CycleGAN (Zhu et al., 2017) | 25.4 | 39.7 SE CycleGAN (Wang et al., 2019) | 19.9 | 28.3 SFCN+MFA+SDA (Gao et al., 2019b) | 16.0 | 24.7 SE+FD (Han et al., 2020) | 16.9 | 24.7 SE CycleGAN (JT) (Wang et al., 2021) | 16.4 | 25.8 ASNet (ours) | 14.6 | 22.6 ## Appendix B Residual Mechanism In this section, we evaluate the effectiveness of the residual mechanism used in the Equation 8. This strategy is designed to avoid the inaccurate discriminator output at the initial state of the network optimization, thus improving the robustness of the scores guidance. The experimental results are summarized in Table 7. We can observe that the performance of the proposed ASNet improves from MAE 14.67 to 13.59 as the residual mechanism is adopted. These experiments well demonstrate the effectiveness of our designed residual mechanism. Table 7. Ablation study on the residual mechanism. Method | MAE | MSE ---|---|--- ASNet w/o residual mechanism | 14.67 | 24.22 ASNet w/ residual mechanism | 13.59 | 23.15 Table 8. The architecture of the generator. G --- Convolution Layers $\left[\textnormal{K(3,3)-c64-s1-p1-R}\right]$ $\times$ 2 Max pooling $\left[\textnormal{K(3,3)-c128-s1-p1-R}\right]$ $\times$ 2 Max pooling $\left[\textnormal{K(3,3)-c256-s1-p1-R}\right]$ $\times$ 3 Max pooling $\left[\textnormal{K(3,3)-c512-s1-p1-R}\right]$ $\times$ 3 Max pooling $\left[\textnormal{K(3,3)-c512-s1-p1-R}\right]$ $\times$ 3 Dilation Layers K(3,3)-c256-s1-p4-d4-R K(3,3)-c64-s1-p4-d4-R Output Layer K(3,3)-c1-s1-p1-d1 ## Appendix C Detailed Architecture In this section, we introduce the detailed structure of each component in our adversarial scoring network. Table 8 illustrates the configuration of the generator. For fair comparisons with previous methods, we use VGG-16 structure as the generator $G$. In the table, “k(3,3)-c256-s1-p4-d4-R” denotes the convolutional operation with kernel size of 3 $\times$ 3, 256 output channels, stride size of 1, padding size of 4, dilation size of 4, and ’R’ means the ReLU layer. Table 9 explains the architecture of the dual-discriminator, where ’LR’ indicates the leaky ReLU layer. Table 9. The architecture of the dual-discriminator. ${D_{i}(i=1,2)}$ --- Convolution Layers K(4,4)-c64-s2-p1-LR K(4,4)-c128-s2-p1-LR K(4,4)-c256-s2-p1-LR K(4,4)-c512-s2-p1-LR K(4,4)-c1-s1-p2 Activation Layer Sigmoid ## Appendix D Algorithm To train the full network parameters, including one generator $G$ and two discriminators $D_{1}$ and $D_{2}$, an alternative update is applied during the network optimization by iterative fixing the generator and two discriminators. Algorithm 1 describes the details of the overall training procedure. Algorithm 1 Training procedure of the proposed ASNet. 0: source $X_{s}$, target $X_{t}$, generator $G(\cdot)$, global discriminator $D_{1}(\cdot)$ and local discriminator $D_{2}(\cdot)$ 0: $\lambda_{1}$, $\lambda_{2}$, $\lambda_{3}$, training epochs $N$ for $i\in[1,N]$ do for minibatch $B^{(s)}$, $B^{(t)}$ $\in$ $X^{(s)}$, $X^{(t)}$ do generate predicted density maps for both $B^{(s)}$ and $B^{(t)}$ generate global discriminator map $O_{1}$ and $L_{d1}$ by $D_{1}$ generate $W_{1}$, $W_{3}$ by $O_{1}$ fix $G$, update $D_{1}$ by minimizing $L_{d1}$ generate local discriminator map $O_{2}$ and $L_{d2}$ by $D_{2}$generate $W_{2}$, $W_{4}$ by $O_{2}$fix $G$, update $D_{2}$ by minimizing $\lambda_{3}L_{d2}$ compute $L_{adv1}$ and $L_{adv2}$compute $L_{dens}$ by $W_{1}$, $W_{3}$, $W_{2}$, and $W_{4}$$L_{All}=L_{dens}+\lambda_{1}L_{adv1}+\lambda_{2}L_{adv2}$fix $D_{1},D_{2}$, update $G$ by minimizing $L_{All}$. end for end for ## References * (1) * Abousamra et al. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Zhikang Zou, Xiaoye Qu, Pan Zhou, Shuangjie Xu, Xiaoqing Ye, Wenhao\n Wu, Jin Ye", "submitter": "Zhikang Zou", "url": "" }
# RGL-NET: A Recurrent Graph Learning framework for Progressive Part Assembly Abhinav Narayan Harish Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar [email protected] Rajendra Nagar Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur [email protected] Shanmuganathan Raman Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar [email protected] ###### Abstract Autonomous assembly of objects is an essential task in robotics and 3D computer vision. It has been studied extensively in robotics as a problem of motion planning, actuator control and obstacle avoidance. However, the task of developing a generalized framework for assembly robust to structural variants remains relatively unexplored. In this work, we tackle this problem using a recurrent graph learning framework considering inter-part relations and the progressive update of the part pose. Our network can learn more plausible predictions of shape structure by accounting for priorly assembled parts. Compared to the current state-of-the-art, our network yields up to 10% improvement in part accuracy and up to 15% improvement in connectivity accuracy on the PartNet [23] dataset. Moreover, our resulting latent space facilitates exciting applications such as shape recovery from the point-cloud components. We conduct extensive experiments to justify our design choices and demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework. ## 1 Introduction Automated assembly requires a structural and functional understanding of object parts to place them in their appropriate locations. In a chair, a square-shaped structure could be its base or its back. A long cuboid part could be its legs. However, imparting this assembly skill to machines is still an open problem in vision and robotics. B-DGL Ours Ground-truth Figure 1: Our progressive Part Assembly scheme reduces inter-part confusion. Dynamic Graph Learning [11] (B-DGL) mistakes the green coloured chair seat for its back. To ensure smooth and collision-free assembly, we must accurately estimate the pose of each part. In robotics literature, there are a few works that attempt this problem. Choi _et al_. [6] develop a pose estimation scheme to register point cloud to incomplete depth maps. Suarez _et al_. [30] assemble an IKEA chair by hard-coding motion trajectories onto robotic arm manipulators. However, none of the prior works can be generalized to household assembly tasks where we may not have access to the global structure of the assembled shape. In this work, we assemble a shape from its part point clouds without any prior semantic knowledge. Instead of manually configuring per-part pose, we explore relations that can be generalized across shapes in a category. A study conducted in 2003 on designing assembly instructions [2] uncovers that humans prefer sequential assembly instructions - split into step-by-step instructions. This could be an assembly diagram illustrating how each part connects with the other or an instructional video. However, designing detailed diagrams can become cumbersome for the designer. In some instances, intricate designs are often unnecessary. Understanding the assembly progression can provide information of the subsequent part poses. This work demonstrates that a linear ordering of part elements can significantly improve part placement and inter-part connectivity. Being a recently formulated research problem, only a few works tackle this problem in a similar setting as ours. Li _et al_. [19] assemble a shape from its component point cloud using an image-based prior. In Coalesce [37], the authors develop a framework for assembly and joint synthesis using translation and scaling of component point clouds. Huang _et al_. [11] attempt this task without semantic knowledge of parts using a dynamic graph learning framework. However, none of these prior works have explored progressive assembly strategies. They transform all parts at once without leveraging information that previous part placements can offer. This can result in confusion among structurally similar components. For instance, a chair seat may have a very similar structure to the chair back, resulting in its incorrect placement (Figure 1). By incorporating an assembly progression (Figure 2), we can reduce inter-part confusion and increase the network’s capacity to learn intricate structures. We encode this information in the hidden state of a recurrent neural network. Similar to [11], we account for structural variety by incorporating random noise and allowing our network to explore the ground truth space using the minimum-over-N (MoN) [8] loss. Further, we analyze our network performance at various dimensions of random noise. Our analysis reveals that our framework can generalize well even at the zero randomness setting. Overall, our progressive scheme demonstrates up to 10% improvement in part accuracy and up to 15% improvement in connectivity accuracy over dynamic graph learning [11] on PartNet [23]. Moreover, our standalone framework can achieve up to 6% improvement over this baseline, demonstrating its efficacy. Our ablation studies address the critical aspects of our scheme, including the architectural design and the optimal order for part placement. Figure 2: Top-down order for a chair in PartNet [23]. In summary, our major contributions are - * • We propose a novel recurrent graph learning framework for assembly which significantly improves part-placement and inter-part connectivity. * • Our framework yields competitive performance even in the absence of random exploration. * • We demonstrate qualitatively the potency of our latent space by utilizing it to recover shape without access to its global structure. * • We investigate a variety of ways of ordering part components, and experimentally establish the optimality of our choice. Figure 3: One iteration of our Recurrent Graph Learning framework. (a) We process part features and compute a graph message. (b) The message is encoded sequentially in our bidirectional GRU framework. (c) The features generated by the forward and reverse GRU are used to regress part-pose. We use three such iterations in our framework. ## 2 Related Work Part Based 3D Modelling. We can decompose complex 3D shapes into simple part structures, which can construct novel shapes. One of pioneering works in this direction was by Funkhouser _et al_. [9], who attempted this problem using an intelligent scissoring of parts components. The subsequent works [3, 16, 13] utilize probabilistic graphical models to encode semantic part relationships. The authors of [4] demonstrate the construction of high-quality CAD models using noisy data from sensors and a 3D shape database. Recent works leverage the power of deep neural networks for shape-modelling. ComplementMe [31] introduces a weakly supervised approach in the absence of consistent semantic segmentation and labels. The authors of [7] create an autoencoder for a latent space to factorize a shape into its parts, allowing for part-level shape manipulation. Most of the prior works in this domain either assume known part semantics or depend on an existing shape repository. We make no such assumption and assemble a variable number of parts during testing. Structural Shape Generation. With the advent of deep-learning and the development of large scale shape datasets [23, 36], shape generation has garnered the interest of the vision community. GRASS [18] and StructureNet [21] compress shape structure into a latent space, taking into account inter- part relationships. PT2PC [22] generates 3D shapes conditioned on the part- tree decomposition. ShapeAssembly [15] uses a procedural programmatic representation for connecting part cuboids. SAGNET [34] develops a structural aware generative model, catering to pairwise relationships and encoding structure and geometry separately. SDM-NET [10] extends this approach to meshes through a controlled generation of fine-grained geometry. Few of these prior works model shape generation as an assembly of point cloud components. Inspired by Seq2Seq networks for machine translation, PQ-NET [33] develops a sequential encoding and decoding scheme for regressing shape parameters. PageNet [17] utilizes a partwise-VAE to regress the transformation parameters of a 3D shape. Instead of generating a new point cloud structure, we transform the existing point clouds of shape components using a rigid transformation. Our problem setting is more challenging, as we lack access to the assembled shape, and is more relevant to real-world vision and robotics applications. Part Component Assembly. Automated part assembly is a long-standing problem in robotics, emphasizing 6D pose estimation, motion planning and actuator control. Shao _et al_. [28] utilize fixtures to reduce the complexity of the assembly space. Zakka _et al_. [38] generalize assembly to unseen categories using shape descriptors. The authors of [20] utilize reinforcement learning to incorporate parameters like force and torque into assembly. Several other works formulate assembly as a motion planning problem [12, 14]. We tackle the problem closely aligned to computer vision, wherein we estimate the 6D pose from part point clouds without prior semantic knowledge. In this domain, [19, 11] formulate a similar problem to ours. Li _et al_. [19] utilize a two-stage pipeline of image segmentation followed by part assembly. The authors of [11] utilize a dynamic graph framework to assemble a shape. However, unlike these prior works, we incorporate progressive assembly to encode information, significantly improving part-placement. ## 3 Proposed Method Consider an ordered set of $N$ point clouds components of a 3D shape, $\mathcal{P}=(\mathbf{P}_{1},\mathbf{P}_{2},\ldots,\mathbf{P}_{N})$, where $\mathbf{P}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{N_{d}\times 3}$, and $N_{d}$, represents the number of points per 3D shape. We predict part poses $(\mathbf{q}_{i},\mathbf{c}_{i})$, where, $\mathbf{q}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{4}$ given $\|\mathbf{q}_{i}\|_{2}=1$ represents the quaternion and $\mathbf{c}_{i}\in\mathbb{R}^{3}$ represents the translation. The complete assembled shape is $\mathcal{S}=\mathbf{T}_{1}(\mathbf{P}_{1})\cup\mathbf{T}_{2}(\mathbf{P}_{2})\cup\cdots\cup\mathbf{T}_{N}(\mathbf{P}_{N})$. Here, $\mathbf{T}_{i}(.)$ represents joint $SE(3)$ transformation arising from $(\mathbf{q}_{i},\mathbf{c}_{i})$. To assemble a shape, we utilize an iterative network composed of a graph neural network backbone [11] and a progressive assembly encoder. The graph neural network backbone accounts for inter-part relations to comprehend contextual information. Progressive encoding accumulates a prior using the shape structure of already assembled parts. We provide the complete pipeline of our framework in Figure 3. ### 3.1 Graph Learning Backbone We model the inter-part relations, using a time-varying dynamic graph with set of vertices $\mathcal{V}^{(t)}$ and edges $\mathcal{E}^{(t)}$. The nodes of the graph $\mathcal{V}^{(t)}=\\{\mathbf{v}_{1}^{(t)},\mathbf{v}_{2}^{(t)},\ldots,\mathbf{v}_{N}^{(t)}\\}$ are the features of each part $\mathbf{P}_{i}$ at time step $t$ of the iterative network. The graph is complete with a self-loop, i.e., ${(i,j)\in\mathcal{E}^{(t)}}\hskip 2.84526pt\forall\;(i,j)\in[N]\times[N]$. Here, $[N]$ denotes the set of first $N$ natural numbers $\\{1,2,\ldots,N\\}$. We initialize the features $\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(0)}\in\mathbb{R}^{256}$ using a shared PointNet [26] encoder on the point-cloud $\mathbf{P}_{i}$. At time step $t$, we model the edge message $\mathbf{e}_{ij}^{(t)}\in\mathbb{R}^{256}$ between the $i$-th and $j$-th nodes as, $\mathbf{e}_{ij}^{(t)}=f_{\text{edge }}\left(\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t)}\\\ \mathbf{v}_{j}^{(t)}\end{bmatrix}\right).$ (1) During assembly, distinct part-pairs may bear a different relationship. For instance, the four legs of a chair could be strongly dependent on each other and less influenced by the position of the chair back. To account for this, we use an attention mechanism [32]. Accordingly, we compute the overall message received by $\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t)}$ as a weighted combination of edge messages from all possible nodes $\mathbf{v}_{j}^{(t)}$. $\mathbf{m}_{i}^{(t)}=\frac{\sum_{j=1}^{N}w_{ij}^{(t)}\mathbf{e}_{ij}^{(t)}}{\sum_{j=1}^{N}w_{ij}^{(t)}}.$ (2) Here, $w_{ij}^{(t)}$ represents the scalar attention weight between nodes $\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t)}$ and $\mathbf{v}_{j}^{(t)}$. Among the many possible ways to compute attention, we observe that using features extracted from part poses $\mathbf{T}_{i}^{(t)}$ and $\mathbf{T}_{j}^{(t)}$ yield good results. $w_{ij}^{(t)}=f_{rel}(f_{feat}(\mathbf{T}_{i}^{(t)}),f_{feat}(\mathbf{T}_{j}^{(t)})),\hskip 2.84526pt\forall t>0.$ (3) Here, $f_{feat}$ processes part-poses and returns a 128D feature. $f_{rel}$ operates on these features to return the scalar $w_{ij}$. At the initial time step, $w_{ij}^{(0)}=1$ and $\mathbf{T}_{k}^{(0)}\left(\mathbf{P}_{k}\right)=\mathbf{P}_{k},\hskip 2.84526pt\forall k\in[N]$. ### 3.2 Progressive Message Encoding We identified two choices for progressive assembly - a) update the part features one at a time and use the updated features for relational reasoning with subsequent parts, b) storing the assembly information in a recurrent unit. We reject the first option because - i) we face the problem of vanishing and exploding gradients for parts occurring at the beginning of the sequence, ii) the parts at the end receive more supervision than the parts occurring at the beginning. Instead, we utilize a bidirectional gated recurrent unit (GRU) to store the prior assembly. This ensures smoother gradient flow. Moreover, its bidirectional nature distributes information fairly across the sequence. We model the network by two ordered sets of hidden states $\mathcal{H}^{(t)}=\\{\mathbf{h}_{1}^{(t)},\mathbf{h}_{2}^{(t)},\ldots,\mathbf{h}_{N}^{(t)}\\}$ and $\mathcal{G}^{(t)}=\\{\mathbf{g}_{1}^{(t)},\mathbf{g}_{2}^{(t)},\ldots,\mathbf{g}_{N}^{(t)}\\}$ for the forward and backward recurrent units, respectively. Here, $\mathbf{h}_{k}^{(t)},\mathbf{g}_{k}^{(t)}\in\mathbb{R}^{256},\;\forall k\in[N]$. We allow our network to explore the ground truth space by encoding noise in the initial hidden state. $\displaystyle\mathbf{h}_{1}^{(t)}=\mathbf{g}_{N}^{(t)}=\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{z}^{\top}&\mathbf{0}^{\top}\end{bmatrix}^{\top}.$ (4) Here, $\mathbf{z}\sim\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I})$ represents the random noise vector. We keep the initial forward and reverse hidden states the same so that both learn similar shape structures. While regressing the part pose of a current part $\mathbf{P}_{i}$, we take into account its current features and the received part message. The recurrent input, $\mathbf{r}_{i}^{(t)}=\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t)}\\\ \mathbf{m}_{i}^{(t)}\end{bmatrix}$ gives the network a context of the relative and absolute orientation of each part. We incorporate this information onto the prior using $f_{hidden}$. $\displaystyle\mathbf{h}_{i+1}^{(t)}$ $\displaystyle=f_{hidden}(\mathbf{r}_{i}^{(t)},\mathbf{h}_{i}^{(t)})$ (5) $\displaystyle\mathbf{g}_{i-1}^{(t)}$ $\displaystyle=f_{hidden}(\mathbf{r}_{i}^{(t)},\mathbf{g}_{i}^{(t)}).$ (6) Correspondingly, for each part we obtain two outputs, $\mathbf{a}_{i}^{(t)}$ and $\mathbf{b}_{i}^{(t)}$ through forward and reverse encoding, respectively. $\displaystyle\mathbf{a}_{i}^{(t)}$ $\displaystyle=f_{out}(\mathbf{r}_{i}^{(t)},\mathbf{h}_{i}^{(t)})$ (7) $\displaystyle\mathbf{b}_{i}^{(t)}$ $\displaystyle=f_{out}(\mathbf{r}_{i}^{(t)},\mathbf{g}_{i}^{(t)}).$ (8) We model the updated features $\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t+1)}$ by processing $\mathbf{a}_{i}^{(t)}$, $\mathbf{b}_{i}^{(t)}\in\mathbb{R}^{256}$ using a function $f_{concat}$. $\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t+1)}=f_{concat}\left(\begin{bmatrix}\mathbf{a}_{i}^{(t)}\\\ \mathbf{b}_{i}^{(t)}\end{bmatrix}\right).$ (9) This step aims to reduce the bias occurring due to part location in the sequence; parts appearing at the beginning of the first sequence would occur at the end of the second and vice-versa. Using these updated features, we can regress the pose for each part. We also utilize the original features $\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(0)}$ and previously extracted part-pose $\mathbf{T}_{i}^{(t)}$, to pass on information extracted in previous time- steps. $\mathbf{T}_{i}^{(t+1)}=f_{pose}(\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(t+1)},\mathbf{v}_{i}^{(0)},\mathbf{T}_{i}^{(t)}).$ (10) In our implementation, $f_{out}$ and $f_{hidden}$ are the transfer functions of the GRU block. $f_{rel}$, $f_{edge}$, $f_{feat}$, $f_{pose}$ and $f_{concat}$ are parameterized by Multi-Layer-Perceptrons (MLP’s). Overall, we utilize three time steps of graph encoding and progressive assembly. | | B-Global [27, 17] | B-LSTM [33] | B-Complement [31] | B-DGL [11] | Ours without MoN | Ours (Complete) ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- SCD$\downarrow$ | Chair | 0.0146 | 0.0131 | 0.0241 | 0.0091 | 0.0101 | 0.0087 Table | 0.0112 | 0.0125 | 0.0298 | 0.0050 | 0.0053 | 0.0048 Lamp | 0.0079 | 0.0077 | 0.0150 | 0.0093 | 0.0088 | 0.0072 PA$\uparrow$ | Chair | 15.70 | 21.77 | 8.78 | 39.00 | 42.84 | 49.06 Table | 15.37 | 28.64 | 2.32 | 49.51 | 49.15 | 54.16 Lamp | 22.61 | 20.78 | 12.67 | 33.33 | 31.66 | 37.56 CA$\uparrow$ | Chair | 9.90 | 6.80 | 9.19 | 23.87 | 28.74 | 32.26 Table | 33.84 | 22.56 | 15.57 | 39.96 | 39.71 | 42.15 Lamp | 18.60 | 14.05 | 26.56 | 41.70 | 46.28 | 57.34 Table 1: Quantitative comparison with baseline methods. Here SCD: Shape Chamfer Distance, PA: Part Accuracy and CA: Connectivity Accuracy. Green represents the best performance and Blue represents the second best. ## 4 Experiments In this section, we demonstrate the merits of our sequential strategy through a variety of experiments. We also justify our design choices through extensive ablation studies. ### 4.1 Dataset Due to the unavailability of a large scale real-world dataset for this task, we utilize the synthetic PartNet [23] dataset containing fine-grained instance segmentation. We use the three largest categories - i) chair, ii) table and iii) lamp with the predefined train (70%), validation (10%) and test (20%) splits. Each shape contains 1000 points, sampled from part meshes using farthest point sampling. To ensure invariance to the rigid transformation of part point clouds, we transform them into their canonical space using PCA [25]. ### 4.2 Loss Functions To explore structural variations, we incorporate the MoN loss [8], along with random noise $\mathbf{z}_{j}$ in the initial hidden state. Considering our overall network as $f$ and the optimal pose-extractor as $f^{*}$, we define the MoN loss in Equation (11) as, $\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathcal{L}_{mon}=\min_{j\in[N]}\mathcal{L}\left(f\left(\mathcal{P},\mathbf{z}_{j}\right),f^{*}(\mathcal{P})\right).$ (11) Here, $\mathbf{z}_{j}\sim\mathcal{N}(\mathbf{0},\mathbf{I})\hskip 2.84526pt\forall\hskip 2.84526ptj\in[N]$, are IID random noise vectors. The loss function, $\mathcal{L}$, is split into three categories similar to [11] for global and part-wise structural integrity. Firstly, the translation is supervised by a Euclidean loss $\mathcal{L}_{t}$ (Equation (12)) between the predicted part center $\mathbf{c}_{i}$ and the ground-truth part center $\mathbf{c}_{i}^{*}$. $\mathcal{L}_{t}=\sum_{i=1}^{N}\left\|\mathbf{c}_{i}-\mathbf{c}_{i}^{*}\right\|_{2}^{2}.$ (12) Secondly, the rotation is supervised by calculating Chamfer distance [8] between the rotated point cloud $\mathbf{q}_{i}(\mathbf{P}_{i})$ and the ground-truth point cloud $\mathbf{q}_{i}^{*}(\mathbf{P}_{i})$ (Equation (13)). $\displaystyle\mathcal{L}_{r}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{N}d_{c}(\mathbf{q}_{i}(\mathbf{P}_{i}),\mathbf{q}_{i}^{*}(\mathbf{P}_{i})).$ (13) Here, $d_{c}(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y})$ is the Chamfer distance between the two point sets $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$, defined in Equation (14). $d_{c}(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y})=\sum_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}}\min_{\mathbf{y}\in\mathcal{Y}}\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y}\|_{2}^{2}+\sum_{\mathbf{y}\in\mathcal{Y}}\min_{\mathbf{x}\in\mathcal{X}}\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y}\|_{2}^{2}.$ (14) Lastly, the shape-cd-loss $\mathcal{L}_{s}$ (Equation (15)), ensures the overall quality of the generated assembly $\mathcal{S}$ by computing its Chamfer distance from the ground truth assembly $\mathcal{S}^{*}$. $\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathcal{L}_{s}=d_{c}(\mathcal{S},\mathcal{S}^{*}).$ (15) Figure 4: Comparison of our method with B-DGL [11] on the most common sub-components of each category. B-Global [27, 17] | | | | | | | | | ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- B-LSTM [33] | | | | | | | | | B-DGL [11] | | | | | | | | | Ours | | | | | | | | | Ground Truth | | | | | | | | | | (a) | (b) | (c) | (d) | (e) | (f) | (g) | (h) | (i) | Chair | Table | Lamp Figure 5: Qualitative comparison with baseline methods on 9 different shapes, (a)-(i) of PartNet [23]. ### 4.3 Evaluation Metrics We measure the network performance by generating a variety of shapes and finding the closest shape to the ground truth using minimum matching distance [1]. For better comparison, we utilize part accuracy, connectivity accuracy and shape Chamfer distance, used by [11]. Shape Chamfer distance is defined in Equation (15). We define the remaining terms below. Part Accuracy. This metric (Equation (16)) measures the fraction of $SE(3)$ transformed parts $\mathbf{T}_{i}(\mathbf{P}_{i})$ that lie below a threshold Chamfer distance $\tau_{p}$ from the ground truth $\mathbf{T}_{i}^{*}(\mathbf{P}_{i})$. Here, $\mathbb{1}$ represents the indicator function. $PA=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\mathbb{1}\big{(}d_{c}(\mathbf{T}_{i}\left(\mathbf{P}_{i}\right),\mathbf{T}_{i}^{*}\left(\mathbf{P}_{i}\right))<\tau_{p}\big{)}.$ (16) Connectivity Accuracy. We incorporate connectivity accuracy (Equation (17)), to measure the quality of inter-part connections. For each connected-part pair ($\mathbf{P}_{i},\mathbf{P}_{j}$), we define the contact $c_{ij}^{*}$ as a point on $\mathbf{P}_{i}$ that is closest to $\mathbf{P}_{j}$. Similarly, contact point $c_{ji}^{*}$ is the point on $\mathbf{P}_{j}$ that is closest to $\mathbf{P}_{i}$. $(c_{ij}^{*},c_{ji}^{*})$ are transformed into their corresponding part canonical space as $(c_{ij},c_{ji})$. Then, connectivity accuracy is calculated as, $CA=\frac{1}{|\mathcal{C}|}\sum_{\left\\{c_{ij},c_{ji}\right\\}\in\mathcal{C}}\mathbb{1}\left(\left\|\mathbf{T}_{i}\left(c_{ij}\right)-\mathbf{T}_{j}\left(c_{ji}\right)\right\|_{2}^{2}<\tau_{c}\right).$ (17) Here, $\mathcal{C}$ represents the set of all possible contact point pairs $\\{c_{ij},c_{ji}\\}$. During evaluation, $\tau_{c}$ and $\tau_{p}$ are set to 0.01. ### 4.4 Results and Comparisons The only direct baseline to our work is Dynamic Graph Learning (B-DGL) [11]. We also compare our results with three other baselines: B-LSTM [33], B-Global [17, 27] and B-Complement [31] used by B-DGL. As we were unable to reproduce the results of B-Complement accurately, we exclude it from our qualitative comparison. In Table 1, we observe that the most improvement in part accuracy($\approx 10\%$) occurs in the chair category. This could be due to four distinct components of the chair - back, seat, leg and arm, which merits our progressive assembly framework. The improvement is $\approx 4.5\%$ on the table category, which has only two such distinct components - table-top and table-base. On the lamp category, progressive assembly helps to ensure better connectivity accuracy, which is $15\%$ above B-DGL. Figure 4 shows that the improvement is distributed across the most common subcategories of a shape. Among these, the chair-seat, chair-back and table- top are well-performing subcategories. On the other hand, structurally diverse components like the chair arm and table base have lower accuracy’s. Our qualitative results reflect a few key aspects which our progressive framework improves. We further highlight these qualitative results in our supplementary video. Inter-Part Confusion. In Figure 5(a), we observe that the chair arm and leg share a very similar structure. B-DGL misinterprets the curved red chair handles. Our framework is able to correctly place this part. Better Connectivity. Our method better understands fine-grained part connections. In Figure 5(f), our network is able to correctly predict the four bars around the table-top. In the lamp in Figure 5(i), our network is able to predict the light bulb and its cover correctly. Rotational Symmetry. Predicting rotational symmetry is a challenging task which our network handles very well. In Figure 5(b) the star shaped chair legs are correctly predicted. Figure 6: Comparison of our method with B-DGL [11] with varying percentage of missing parts. ### 4.5 Performance with Missing Parts Often, a packaging defect can result in missing parts during assembly. In this scenario, we want our algorithm to predict plausible results so the deficiency can be identified. This is not without a few caveats. By randomly choosing a candidate for deletion, pivotal parts like the chair-seat could be removed, affecting the quality of assembly. Instead, we order parts according to their volume and delete a certain percentage of the smallest volume parts. We utilize this strategy as smaller parts are more likely to be misplaced. B-DGL [11] Ours Ground Truth Figure 7: Sample result with missing chair legs. Notice how our method approximately positions the curved back. We compute the volume of a point cloud as the volume of its axis-aligned- bounding-box. Further, each part belonging to a part-group (ex:-chair legs) is assigned the minimum volume among all its members. This accounts for point- cloud sampling variations. Moreover, we do not use partial part-groups. For instance, if we delete one chair leg, the rest of the chair legs are also deleted. In Figure 6, we observe that the accuracy increases at specific deletion percentages. This could be due to the removal of incorrectly placed smaller volume parts. The increasing difference with the baseline B-DGL shows that our algorithm is more robust at higher deletion percentages. In Figure 7, we provide a sample visual result on a chair at 60% deletion. ### 4.6 Shape Recovery from Latent Space An exciting application of our latent space is shape recovery. Unlike the task of shape-autoencoding [35, 5, 24], we do not have access to the global shape structure. Instead, we recover shape structure from the component point clouds. We utilize the point cloud decoder of TreeGAN [29] and train it without the discriminator separately on the two largest categories, chair and table, using the last hidden state of our GRU. We optimize reconstruction loss using shape Chamfer distance (Equation (15)) and train it independently of our assembly framework. More details of our training strategy are included in the supplementary file. In Figure 8, we observe that for the four-leg table, our recovery maintains structural integrity. On the chair, our network gives a good outline of the structure, with a sparser distribution of points around the chair legs. This loss of information could be due to storing a detailed shape in a smaller dimension. Prediction Ground-truth Prediction Ground-truth Figure 8: Results on shape recovery from hidden state. Our method can recover coarse structure of the shape. This experiment gives an insight into our progressive scheme. Our latent state carries coarse structure information required in the subsequent steps. The reconstruction is reasonably accurate considering that the hidden state has not been constrained during assembly and the structural diversity of PartNet [23]. Figure 9: Performance of our network on varying dimension of random noise. Our results at zero noise are comparable to B-DGL [11] (Chair: $39.00$, Table: $49.51$, Lamp: $33.33$). ### 4.7 Bounds of Performance Introducing random noise to our network architecture allows us to generate structural variations. In this section, we monitor the performance of our network to varying amounts of randomness and establish a bound on part accuracy. We do not modify the network architecture but change the dimension of random noise in Equation (4), keeping the dimension of the hidden state $\mathbf{h}_{1}^{(t)}$ and $\mathbf{g}_{N}^{(t)}$ fixed. To better quantify the variations, we introduce the term variability $V_{E}$ as the difference between its best and worst performance. Analogous to Equation (11), we define maximum matching distance as the worst performance of our network over $E$ iterations. Then, considering our network as a function, $f$, the ground truth as $f^{*}$, and random noise as a vector $\mathbf{z}_{j}$, $\begin{array}[]{r}V_{E}=\max_{j\in[E]}\mathcal{L}\left(f\left(\mathcal{P},\mathbf{z}_{j}\right),f^{*}(\mathcal{P})\right)-\\\ \min_{j\in[E]}\mathcal{L}\left(f\left(\mathcal{P},\mathbf{z}_{j}\right),f^{*}(\mathcal{P})\right).\end{array}$ (18) To replicate a practical scenario, we choose $E=10$ for this analysis. We experiment with noise dimensions of $0$, $32$, $128$ and $256$ and report part-accuracy on each category. Our results in Figure 9 demonstrate that increasing the random noise allows the network to explore more structural varieties; however, it results in a decreasing infimum. Also, at a given noise dimension, the lamp category shows the highest variability. This could be attributed to its structural diversity and smaller dataset size. We customize our network design choices based on this analysis. For optimal performance, our network must balance accuracy ($PA\uparrow$) and variability ($V_{E}\downarrow$). Accordingly, we choose the noise dimension as $32$ for the chair and lamp category and $128$ for the table category. Performance in Absence of Random Noise. Incorporating MoN [8] loss during training allows exploration of structural varieties, leading to better overall performance. However, it comes at the cost of increased training time and variability ($V_{E}$). Figure 9 reflects an additional benefit of our progressive scheme; our results are competitive even if no random noise is incorporated. In this setting, we can train our network without including MoN loss, which is $\times 2.5$ faster and has no tradeoff on variability ($V_{E}=0$). In Table 1, we observe that these results are comparable to B-DGL trained with $5$ iterations of MoN [8]. ### 4.8 Ablation Studies In this section, we provide an experimental justification of our design choices. In particular, we consider two major aspects - i) structural variations of our architecture and ii) optimal sequence for assembly. We provide details of each configuration in our supplementary file. Architectural Variants. We construct a diverse set of architecture variants to justify our design choices. We use a unidirectional RNN in both i) bottom to top and ii) top to bottom ordering, iii) we initialize the subsequent hidden state, ($\mathbf{h}_{1}^{(t+1)}=\mathbf{h}_{N}^{(t)}$ and $\mathbf{g}_{N}^{(t+1)}=\mathbf{g}_{1}^{(t)}$), iv) we add noise to the pose decoder instead of the hidden state, v) we evaluate our recurrent backbone without graph learning, and vi) we pass the precomputed graph-message after sequential encoding. In Table 2, we observe that the bidirectional GRU incorporates more context compared to its unidirectional counterpart. Interestingly, using bottom-to-top encoding performs better ($PA=46.42$) than top-to-bottom ($PA=44.81$) encoding. One reason for this could be that the chair legs are closer to the seat, and fixing the seat location earlier in the sequence can better predict the chair arm and back. Our standalone framework can predict parts better ($PA=45.36$) than the B-DGL ($PA=39.00$), highlighting the merits of progressive assembly. It is noteworthy to observe that initializing hidden states of the subsequent time- steps $t>1$ negatively impacts part accuracy ($PA=46.74$). This could be because using random noise at each step better explores structural variations than initializing them with the previous hidden state. Also, exploring global structural variations by introducing the noise in the hidden state ($PA=49.06$) results in better performance than part-wise randomness, i.e, placing noise in the pose-decoder ($PA=46.31$). We also analyze the importance of different loss functions by removing each separately and training with the remaining losses. In Table 3, we observe that $\mathcal{L}_{t}$ is the most significant for accurate part placement. Among the remaining losses, $\mathcal{L}_{r}$ helps improve connectivity between parts ($CA$), and $\mathcal{L}_{s}$ helps optimize the overall shape structure ($SCD$). | SCD $\downarrow$ | PA $\uparrow$ | CA $\uparrow$ ---|---|---|--- (i) Bottom to Top Encoding | 0.0086 | 46.42 | 29.66 (ii) Top to Bottom Encoding | 0.0101 | 44.81 | 28.85 (iii) Initialize hidden states | 0.0095 | 46.74 | 29.60 (iv) Noise in Pose Decoder | 0.0098 | 46.31 | 31.19 (v) Without Graph Learning | 0.0092 | 45.36 | 31.78 (vi) Sequential before Graph | 0.0091 | 48.13 | 30.54 (vii) Ours (Complete) | 0.0087 | 49.06 | 32.26 Table 2: Ablation study of structural variants. Here, SCD: Shape Chamfer Distance. | SCD $\downarrow$ | PA $\uparrow$ | CA $\uparrow$ ---|---|---|--- (i) Without $\mathcal{L}_{s}$ | 0.0098 | 48.62 | 30.85 (ii) Without $\mathcal{L}_{t}$ | 0.0091 | 16.35 | 14.21 (iii) Without $\mathcal{L}_{r}$ | 0.0078 | 48.72 | 29.85 (iv) Ours (Complete) | 0.0087 | 49.06 | 32.26 Table 3: Removing individual loss functions. Here, SCD: Shape Chamfer Distance. Optimal Order for Assembly. As our assembly strategy is progressive, studying the interplay between ordering and the resulting part placement is crucial. However, the number of possible arrangements grows exponentially with the number of parts. Theoretically, there could exist an order which produces better assembly results than ours. Identifying this global optimum ordering is beyond the scope of this experiment. Instead, we consider a few other intuitive choices and determine the best one among those - i) we consider volume ordering, i.e., parts ordered from minimum to maximum volume, ii) we group similar parts together, start from a random group and iteratively append neighbouring groups, iii) we start from a random part and iteratively append neighbouring parts (part-connectivity), iv) we follow part-connectivity, however, beginning at the part with maximum neighbours, v) and lastly, we evaluate random ordering. The results in Table 4 show that among our considered choices, the top-down ordering ($CA=32.26$) of parts is optimal for training, and random arrangement performs the worst ($CA=19.04$). Among the other choices, part connectivity ensures better connectivity ($CA=25.19$) compared to group-wise ordering ($CA=22.07$). Moreover, starting from the most connected part further improves connectivity accuracy ($CA=28.65$). However, there is not much difference in following volume ordering ($CA=22.01$) and group connectivity ordering ($CA=22.07$). | SCD $\downarrow$ | PA $\uparrow$ | CA $\uparrow$ ---|---|---|--- (i) Volume order | 0.0119 | 36.13 | 22.01 (ii) Group Connectivity Order | 0.0118 | 36.62 | 22.07 (iii) Part Connectivity Order | 0.0114 | 37.46 | 25.19 (iv) Central - Part Connectivity | 0.0102 | 43.04 | 28.65 (v) Random order | 0.0158 | 30.91 | 19.04 (vi) Top to Bottom Order | 0.0087 | 49.06 | 32.26 Table 4: Ablation study of the different orders used for assembling a shape. Here, SCD: Shape Chamfer Distance. ## 5 Conclusion and Future Work We proposed a novel progressive approach to assemble shapes given their part point clouds which can better predict part locations and inter-part connectivity. We showed the potency of our latent space by utilizing it to recover shape structure. Furthermore, our experiments demonstrated that part ordering could play a crucial role in assembly automation. Future works may develop a reordering framework to arrange randomly-ordered parts into a consistent top to bottom order. Another possible study could explore the application of our latent space in retrieving part-connectivity. We would also like to incorporate constraints such as symmetry into our progressive strategy. In a chair, we could assemble its back, followed by its seat and legs ensuring global shape symmetry constraints at each step. This would reduce the dimensionality of the assembly space. ## References * [1] Panos Achlioptas, Olga Diamanti, Ioannis Mitliagkas, and Leonidas Guibas. Learning representations and generative models for 3d point clouds. International conference on machine learning, pages 40–49, 2018\. * [2] Maneesh Agrawala, Doantam Phan, Julie Heiser, John Haymaker, Jeff Klingner, Pat Hanrahan, and Barbara Tversky. Designing effective step-by-step assembly instructions. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Abhinav Narayan Harish, Rajendra Nagar and Shanmuganathan Raman", "submitter": "Abhinav Narayan Harish", "url": "" }
# Measuring magnetic flux suppression in high-power laser-plasma interactions P. T. Campbell [email protected] Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA C. A. Walsh Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA B. K. Russell Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA J. P. Chittenden A. Crilly Blackett Laboratory, Imperial College, London SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom G. Fiksel Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA L. Gao Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08543, USA I. V. Igumenshchev P. M. Nilson Laboratory for Laser Energetics, 250 East River Road, Rochester, New York 14623, USA A. G. R. Thomas K. Krushelnick L. Willingale Gérard Mourou Center for Ultrafast Optical Science, University of Michigan, 2200 Bonisteel Boulevard, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA ###### Abstract Biermann battery magnetic field generation driven by high power laser-solid interactions is explored in experiments performed with the OMEGA EP laser system. Proton deflectometry captures changes to the strength, spatial profile, and temporal dynamics of the self-generated magnetic fields as the target material or laser intensity is varied. Measurements of the magnetic flux during the interaction are used to help validate extended magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations. Results suggest that kinetic effects cause suppression of the Biermann battery mechanism in laser-plasma interactions relevant to both direct and indirect-drive inertial confinement fusion. Experiments also find that more magnetic flux is generated as the target atomic number is increased, which is counter to a standard MHD understanding. ## I Introduction High power laser-solid interactions can create high energy density (HED) plasma conditions relevant to inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and laboratory astrophysics research Drake (2018); Remington _et al._ (2006). In laser- produced plasmas, strong magnetic fields can be spontaneously generated by a number of mechanisms Haines (1986a), though the primary source is the Biermann battery effect caused by nonparallel temperature and density gradients ($\partial B/\partial t\propto\nabla T_{e}\times\nabla n_{e}$) Biermann and Schlüter (1951); Stamper _et al._ (1971); Stamper and Ripin (1975). A detailed understanding of self-generated magnetic fields is critical to laser- fusion research because strong fields can influence thermal energy transport Braginskii (1965), and potentially impact the evolution of hydrodynamic instabilities Evans (1986); Manuel _et al._ (2012); Gao _et al._ (2012, 2013); Hill and Kingham (2018). Laser-driven magnetic fields also enable laboratory investigations of magnetized astrophysical phenomena, especially magnetic reconnection Nilson _et al._ (2006); Li _et al._ (2007); Willingale _et al._ (2010a); Zhong _et al._ (2010); Fox _et al._ (2011); Dong _et al._ (2012). For both ICF and laboratory astrophysics research, numerical modeling is an essential predictive tool, and the extended-magnetohydrodynamics (extended- MHD) framework has been developed to describe transport of energy and magnetic fields in HED plasmas Walsh _et al._ (2020). Recent simulation work has shown that extended-MHD effects such as Nernst and Righi-Leduc can modify plasma properties in indirect-drive ICF hohlraums Farmer _et al._ (2017), direct- drive ICF ablation fronts Hill and Kingham (2018), and at the edge of compressed fusion fuel Walsh _et al._ (2017). Accurate extended-MHD modeling is crucial to development and interpretation of advanced ICF experiments with pre-magnetized fuel Davies _et al._ (2015); McBride and Slutz (2015); Joglekar _et al._ (2016); Walsh _et al._ (2019). In addition, simulations anticipate that extended-MHD effects can dictate reconnection rates in laser- driven magnetic reconnection experiments Joglekar _et al._ (2014); Tubman _et al._ (2021). Though relatively simple in the broader context of HED experiments, a single laser spot interacting with foil targets can provide a powerful platform for validating extended-MHD modeling. Proton deflectometry enables high spatial and temporal resolution measurements of magnetic field generation and dynamics in the laser-produced plasma Borghesi _et al._ (2001); Li _et al._ (2006). Using moderate laser intensities, $I_{L}=10^{14}-10^{15}$ Wcm-2, recent experiments have demonstrated that simulations of laser-foil interactions must incorporate key physical processes such as Biermann battery field generation, cross-field Righi-Leduc heat flow, and Nernst advection Willingale _et al._ (2010b); Lancia _et al._ (2014); Gao _et al._ (2015). The Nernst effect moves fields down temperature gradients ($\textrm{v}_{\textrm{N}}\propto- T_{e}^{3/2}\nabla T_{e}$) Nishiguchi _et al._ (1984); Kho and Haines (1985); Ridgers _et al._ (2008a). In laser-produced plasmas, the Nernst effect can convect magnetic fields with the heat flow toward the ablation region, counter to the bulk plasma flow into the corona Haines (1986b). Measurements of the magnetic field dynamics can be used to diagnose temperature and density gradients in the plasma, and interplay between energy transport and field generation. By varying the target material, the effect of atomic or radiation physics on transport and field dynamics can be explored. Recent work using proton deflectometry captured distinct regions of magnetic field generation around radiation-driven double ablation fronts (DAF) in mid-Z targets Campbell _et al._ (2020). Incorporating radiation transport into extended-MHD simulations reproduced the DAF formation and concentric double field features. In that work, it was found that extended-MHD simulations overestimated the magnetic field strength. It is anticipated that non-local effects not captured by the extended-MHD framework can suppress the rate of Biermann battery field generation in regions where the electron mean free path ($\lambda_{ei}$) approaches (or exceeds) the local temperature gradient length scale ($l_{T}=(T_{e}/\nabla T_{e})$) Sherlock and Bissell (2020); Hill and Kingham (2018). Using empirical fits to kinetic simulations, Sherlock and Bissell Sherlock and Bissell (2020) developed scalings for the suppression of classical Biermann battery generation rates as a function of the ratio $\lambda_{ei}/l_{T}$. However, the results have not yet been compared to experiments until now. In this paper, high resolution proton deflectometry measurements quantify target material effects on magnetic fields generated during high power laser- solid interactions. Experimental observations of magnetic flux are used to help validate extended-MHD simulations that include the new scalings for non- local suppression of Biermann battery field generation, as well as radiation transport. ## II Methods ### II.1 Experiments In this work, data is drawn from two separate experimental campaigns performed with the OMEGA EP laser system at the University of Rochester’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics. Magnetic field generation was driven by either one Campbell _et al._ (2020) or two overlapped Gao _et al._ (2015) UV laser pulses ($\lambda_{L}=351$ nm) interacting with thin foil targets. In the single pulse case, a beam with 1.25 kJ of energy and 1 ns square temporal profile was focused using a distributed phase plate on to an 819 $\mu$m diameter ($d_{95}$) super-Gaussian spot with a $\sim 30^{\circ}$ angle of incidence to produce an intensity of $2.2\times 10^{14}$ Wcm-2. The foil target material was varied between 50 $\mu$m thick plastic (CH), 25 $\mu$m copper, 25 $\mu$m aluminum, or 50 $\mu$m aluminum coated with either 1 $\mu$m of copper (Cu+Al) or gold (Au+Al). Figure 1: (a) Schematic of the OMEGA EP experimental setup. (b) An illustration of the proton image analysis method. Due to the laser angle-of- incidence, the field features are mildly elliptical. Line-integrated magnetic field profiles are reconstructed from normalized radial line-outs (J/J0) taken along minor axis. Integrating the field profile in the radial direction yields a measurement of the magnetic flux. In the two beam experiment, each pulse contained 2 kJ in a 2.5 ns square temporal profile. The pulses were overlapped onto an 734 $\mu$m diameter spot with a $23^{\circ}$ angle of incidence to produce an combined intensity of $4.4\times 10^{14}$ Wcm-2. For this series of shots, the targets were limited to 50 $\mu$m thick plastic foils. A schematic of the experimental geometry is shown in Figure 1(a). Self- generated magnetic fields were imaged by protons in a point-projection geometry with magnifications ranging from $\sim$10–14. In both experiments, the high energy proton probe was produced via the target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) mechanism Maksimchuk _et al._ (2000); *Snavely_PRL_2000; *Clark_PRL_2000; *Hatchett_POP_2000. A short infrared (IR) laser pulse (300 J, 0.7–1 ps) was focused to intensities exceeding $10^{19}$ Wcm-2 onto 20–50 $\mu$m thick copper foils, accelerating protons with a quasi-Maxwellian energy spectrum and maximum energies around 60 MeV. To protect the proton source from coronal plasma or x-ray preheat emitted from the main interaction, the foil was mounted within a plastic tube capped by a 5 $\mu$m thick tantalum shield. Because of the laminar propagation, small virtual source size ($\sim 10$ $\mu$m), and short emission duration ($\sim 1$ ps), proton beams from a TNSA source enable high spatial and temporal resolution imaging of self-generated electric and magnetic fields Borghesi _et al._ (2004). The relative timing between the main interaction and the proton probe could be adjusted with $\pm 20$ ps error to measure the temporal evolution of the field features. The proton beams were detected with filtered stacks of radiochromic film (RCF). Due to a combination of the Bragg peak in proton energy deposition and a thin sensitive region, each RCF layer detects a narrow energy slice of the accelerated spectrum ($\Delta E/E\leq 1\%$). Deflections from fields generated in the main interaction will result in proton fluence modulations on the film. Quantitative measurements of path-integrated field strengths can be retrieved from the relative distribution of protons compared to the undisturbed beam profile Borghesi _et al._ (2001); Li _et al._ (2006); Kugland _et al._ (2012). A 1D polar-coordinates field reconstruction technique was developed to extract quantitative path-integrated magnetic field information from radial line-outs through the proton images. A detailed description of the reconstruction method can be found in the Supplemental Material of Ref. Campbell _et al._ , 2020. The proton image analysis method is illustrated in Figure 1(b). In this probing geometry, protons are primarily sensitive to azimuthal magnetic fields generated in the laser-produced plasma Li _et al._ (2006). Due to the laser angle of incidence, the observed features are elliptical. Typically, radial line-outs were taken along the minor axis for best comparison to the 2D (r-z) simulations described below. A key challenge and source of error in the field reconstruction method is accurate determination of the undisturbed proton profile, J0. Shot-to-shot fluctuations in the undeflected beam profile and fluence means that direct use of reference data taken from other shots is ineffective. Instead, the low spatial frequency undisturbed profiles were inferred from the line-out signal (J) using Fourier filtering. (Note: in this work, the Fourier filter is applied to a line-out containing the full diameter of the proton image feature) After Gaussian low-pass filtering, the signal level is adjusted such that total proton flux is conserved ($\sum$J $=\sum$ J0). The reconstructed field profiles are constrained by assuming that the field strength should drop to zero near the center of the focal region and the outer edge (far from the interaction). This is accomplished by using a super-Gaussian mask to blend the filtered signal with the original line-out such that $J/J_{0}=1$ as $r<r_{min}$ and $r>r_{max}$. For each line-out, a scan of Gaussian low-pass filter widths, $r_{min}$, and $r_{max}$ values are tested. Filter widths range from 0.4 to 3 mm, with 0.05 mm spacing (from approximately the diameter of ring features to the full width of line-out). After visually selecting starting points, $r_{min}$ and $r_{max}$ are varied over $\pm 0.05$ mm with spacing of 0.025 mm. The combination of these parameters produces a grid of possible undisturbed profiles (J0). For each inferred J0, a path-integrated field profile is reconstructed and a subset of solutions is selected based on the criteria that $\int\\!\\!B_{\theta}\textrm{d}z\rightarrow 0$ for $r>r_{max}$. An example result of analysis approach is shown in Figure 1(b). The mean normalized fluence (J$/$J0) and mean reconstructed path integrated magnetic field are plotted together. An observable that will be compared to the simulations is the magnetic flux, calculated by integrating in the radial direction. A number of approaches are used to characterize the uncertainty of the field reconstruction: taking line-outs at different angles, using a larger range of values for $r_{max}$, analyzing of successive layers of RCF (the relative proton time-of-flight differences are small compared to the interaction time scale), or artificially suppressing RCF signal to approximate uncertainties in the RCF sensitivity. The relative influence of the RCF signal is low because the reconstruction is calculated using the normalized fluence (J/J0). Overall, uncertainty in inferring J0 and analysis of successive RCF layers leads to an error of $\sim 25\%$ in the path-integrated field strength and magnetic flux. In addition, the accuracy of the measurement is potentially impacted by blurring due to small-angle proton scattering, especially in the higher Z targets, and by enhanced proton stopping in laser-heated regions of the targets. ### II.2 Extended-Magnetohydrodynamics simulations Experimental results were compared to extended-MHD simulations performed using the Gorgon code Chittenden _et al._ (2004); Ciardi _et al._ (2007); Walsh _et al._ (2017) to help validate modeling of magnetic field generation. The evolution of magnetic field in the code is Walsh _et al._ (2020): $\displaystyle\begin{split}\frac{\partial\underline{B}}{\partial t}=&-\nabla\times\frac{\alpha_{\parallel}}{\mu_{0}e^{2}n_{e}^{2}}\nabla\times\underline{B}+\nabla\times(\underline{v}_{B}\times\underline{B})\\\ &+\nabla\times\Bigg{(}\frac{\nabla P_{e}}{en_{e}}-\frac{\beta_{\parallel}\nabla T_{e}}{e}\Bigg{)}\end{split}$ (1) Where the first term on the right represents resistive diffusion with coefficient $\alpha_{\parallel}$ and the second term is advection of the magnetic field at velocity $\underline{v}_{B}$: $\underline{v}_{B}=\underline{v}-\gamma_{\bot}\nabla T_{e}-\gamma_{\wedge}(\underline{\hat{b}}\times\nabla T_{e})$ (2) i.e. the magnetic field is advected by bulk plasma motion, Nernst and cross- gradient-Nernst advection. $\gamma_{\bot}$ and $\gamma_{\wedge}$ are magnetic transport coefficients with a similar form to the associated thermal conductivities Walsh _et al._ (2021). $\underline{\hat{b}}$ is the magnetic field unit vector. The final two terms in equation 1 are the only sources of magnetic flux in the simulations. $\nabla\times(\nabla P_{e}/en_{e})$ is the Biermann battery term and is the dominant source of magnetic flux in the simulations. $\nabla\times\beta_{\parallel}\nabla T_{e}/e$ represents magnetic flux generated by ionization gradients in the plasma Sadler _et al._ (2020). Previous Gorgon simulations of foils did not include this term Campbell _et al._ (2020), although it is found here to be of only secondary importance. Magnetic field generation in a laser absorption region has long been anticipated to be suppressed by kinetic processes. This is supported by both experiments Igumenshchev _et al._ (2014); Gao _et al._ (2015) and Vlasov- Fokker-Planck (VFP) simulations Sherlock and Bissell (2020); Hill and Kingham (2018). Recent VFP simulations of laser absorption regions proposed an empirical fit to the VFP data Sherlock and Bissell (2020): $\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\approx 0.083\bigg{(}\frac{l_{T}}{\lambda_{ei}}\bigg{)}^{0.453}\bigg{(}\frac{\partial B}{\partial t}\bigg{)}_{\textrm{classical}}$ (3) Where $l_{T}$ is the temperature length-scale and $\lambda_{ei}$ is the mean free path of a thermal electron. Equation 3 was proposed by computational work and yet to be compared with experimental results; this is one of the primary goals of this paper. Equation 3 has been implemented into Gorgon as an option, and is referred throughout this paper as ‘Biermann suppression’. The ratio $(l_{T}/\lambda_{ei})$ is calculated at every point across the simulation domain, and the suppression factor is limited to maximum value of 1 (where $l_{T}/\lambda_{ei}>243$) so that the generation approaches the classical rate. Of course, there are limitations to such an approach. This suppression behaviour was observed using a prescribed laser intensity and varying the transverse length-scale of the laser non-uniformity. To obtain a complete picture, the VFP simulations would need to vary all initial conditions, which is not practical. Equation 3 also assumes that the plasma is in a kinetic steady state. In practice it takes time for the electron distribution function to be perturbed away from Maxwellian. Suppression of the Nernst term by kinetic processes has also been proposed Sherlock and Bissell (2020) in a simple form similar to equation 3. This has also been included as an option in the Gorgon simulations, but does not qualitatively change the results shown here. For simplicity, Nernst suppression has been omitted from the presented work. In this way the connection between the heat-flow and magnetic transport can be maintained Walsh _et al._ (2020); Sadler _et al._ (2021). The authors suppose that if the Nernst term is being suppressed using a simple mean-free path argument, then the heat-flow should also be treated similarly. The heat-flow in Gorgon is fully anisotropic and includes the Righi-Leduc term. The transport coefficients have been updated Sadler _et al._ (2021) and now exhibit physical behaviour at low magnetizations, unlike the Epperlein & Haines coefficients Epperlein and Haines (1986). For the configuration simulated here, this mainly lowers the importance of the cross-gradient-Nernst term ($\gamma_{\wedge}$ in equation 2). Simulations in this paper are exclusively two-dimensional, invoking cylindrical symmetry ($r$-$z$). The laser propagates along $z$ with an assumption that the laser is symmetric in $\theta$. Laser propagation uses a simple ray-trace scheme with inverse-bremsstrahlung heating of the electron population. Gorgon uses the Frankfurt equation of state (FEoS) with a Thomas- Fermi ionization model, and implements multi-group non-diffusive radiation transport using a P1/3 automatic flux-limiting method. For CH, 54 radiation energy groups are used, while 300 groups are used for copper. Figure 2: Simulation results with a CH target and the higher laser intensity at t = 1.2 ns. (a-b) show the magnetic fields without and with Biermann battery suppression included, (c) the instantaneous classical Biermann battery generation rate, and (d) the Biermann suppression factor (lower numbers signify more suppression). Figure 2 demonstrates the impact of Biermann battery suppression in the Gorgon simulations. All of the images are at 1.2 ns for CH using the higher laser intensity Gao _et al._ (2015). The first two images show the magnetic field structure without and with Biermann battery suppression included in the code. The third image then shows the classical Biermann battery generation rate at this instant in time. The final image shows the suppression factor (equation 3). The kinetic suppression is particularly important deep into the corona, where the plasma is hot and low in density (resulting in long electron mean- free paths). For the case without Biermann suppression included, an instability that generates magnetic field is observed in the corona, giving oscillating polarities near the laser axis. These oscillations do not contribute to the overall quantification of magnetic flux, as they cancel out when summed. The instability is likely due to the interplay between Biermann battery and anisotropic thermal conduction, which is called the field-generating thermal instability Tidman and Shanny (1974). It could also be from the magneto- thermal instability Bissell _et al._ (2010), which results from the interplay between Nernst and Righi-Leduc. Nonetheless, kinetic suppression of the Biermann battery process is found to stabilize the instability, which has been noted in full VFP simulations Sherlock and Bissell (2020). Subsequent sections will compare these simulation results to experiments using different laser intensities and foil materials. The comparison suggests that kinetic suppression of Biermann battery generation is indeed occurring in experiments. ## III Results and Discussion Experimental and simulation results for CH foil targets are compared in Figure 3. In the left column, proton deflectometry images show the evolution of magnetic field structures using the higher laser intensity (2I0, overlapped pulses). The primary features are concentric light and dark rings of proton fluence due to deflections from an azimuthal magnetic field. As the plasma evolves, there is evidence in the proton deflectometry images of instability formation with an accompanying electromagnetic field. Such instability features are 3D in nature, and cannot be captured by the 2D simulations. For this comparison, line-out locations — shown with dashed lines — were chosen to avoid strong modulations caused by the instability (rather than along the minor axis as described in the Methods section above). The proton energies for these images are 20 MeV for t0+0.4 ns and t0+0.7 ns, and 9 MeV for t0+1.2 ns, where $t_{0}$ denotes the beginning of UV laser irradiation. Corresponding reconstructed magnetic field profiles are plotted in the top panel of the right column of Figure 3, with shaded regions showing 25$\%$ uncertainty range. For clarity, the field profiles for each probing time are offset vertically. Over the 1.2 ns evolution, the field grows to peak path- integrated strengths near 100 MG$\mu$m. In qualitative agreement with Ref. Gao _et al._ , 2015, the reconstructed profiles indicate that the outer edge of the field expands near the sound speed, 0.8–1$\times 10^{6}$ m/s, while the largest fields are more closely bound to the focal region and expand more slowly, 0.3–0.5$\times 10^{6}$ m/s. Figure 3: Comparison of experimental and simulation results for CH foils. The left column shows proton deflectometry images of fields driven by the higher, overlapped laser intensity (2I0) taken at 0.4 ns, 0.7 ns and 1.2 ns. Line-out locations are indicated by dashed lines. Reconstructed magnetic field profiles are plotted in the top right panel (offset vertically for clarity). In the bottom right panel, the magnetic flux predictions from simulations both without and with Biermann suppression for each laser intensity are compared to experimental measurements. Upper and lower bounds on the simulation results are produced by tuning the laser energy to approximate the influence of energy coupling efficiency. The bottom panel of Figure 3 compares the evolution of the azimuthal magnetic flux from the experiment and extended-MHD simulations for both laser intensities. As in the experiment, the higher intensity simulations (2I0) also used a reduced focal spot radius. Experimental data points are plotted along with shaded regions which show the simulated flux either without or with Biermann suppression included (note: on this y-axis scale, experimental error bars can fall within the plot markers). The width of the shaded regions illustrate the influence of tuning the laser energy to approximate uncertainty in coupling efficiency for the inverse-bremsstrahlung heating, with upper and lower bounds corresponding to $\sim$90$\%$ and $\sim$70$\%$ coupling. For both laser intensities, simulations without Biermann suppression greatly overestimate the magnetic flux ($>5\times$). Agreement is significantly improved by including Biermann suppression, indicating that this effect is likely influencing the field dynamics. In the simulations, the suppression results in a 3–4$\times$ reduction in the predicted magnetic flux. For the lower intensity, the inclusion of Biermann suppression also weakens the influence of laser coupling efficiency in the simulation, reducing the percent spread in flux from 15$\%$ to 6$\%$. The mean difference predicted flux for the two intensities is also reduced by the Biermann suppression, from 25$\%$ to 20$\%$. This suggests that achieving higher temperatures with more laser energy is partially balanced by an increase in non-local effects. Comparing data at t0+0.7 ns for 2I0 and t0+0.75 ns for I0, the experimental difference is 23$\%$, though measurement uncertainty leads to 100$\%$ error in quantifying the relative change. Figure 4 summarizes the results for Cu foil targets with the lower intensity. The left column shows experimental proton images taken at times ranging from t0+0.25 ns to t0+1.0 ns. Here, line-outs were taken along the minor axis at each probing time. The corresponding proton energies are 33.6 MeV for t0+0.25 ns, 22.6 MeV for t0+0.5 ns, and 32.8 MeV for t0+0.75 ns and t0+1.0 ns. The target for t0+0.25 ns was a 25 $\mu$m-thick Cu foil, while the later measurements were made using the Cu+Al layered target in order to improve the imaging resolution by reducing the effect of scattering. Previous side-by-side comparisons of image features from pure Cu and layered Cu+Al presented in Ref. Campbell _et al._ , 2020 indicate that the field dynamics are dominated by the Cu layer. Figure 4: Comparison of experimental and simulation results for Cu foils. The left column shows proton images at 0.25 ns, 0.5 ns, 0.75 ns and 1.0 ns. Line- out locations are indicated by dashed lines. The target for t0+0.25 ns was a 25 $\mu$m-thick Cu foil, and the other probing times use a Cu+Al layered target. Reconstructed magnetic field profiles are plotted in the top right panel. In the bottom right panel, the magnetic flux predictions from simulations both without and with Biermann suppression are compared to experimental measurements. Reconstructed path-integrated magnetic field profiles for each probing time are plotted together in the top right panel of Figure 4. The field profiles show the expansion of the field features and the emergence of double-peaked structure at t0+0.75 ns and t0+1.0 ns. This produces the pattern of two concentric rings of proton accumulation observed in the images. As discussed in Ref. Campbell _et al._ , 2020, the two field features are evidence of Biermann battery generation around radiation-driven double ablation front (DAF) structures. The bottom right panel compares experimental measurements of magnetic flux evolution with the simulation predictions both without and with the Biermann suppression. As with CH targets, the simulations without suppression overestimate the flux, though the discrepancy is not as large. Again, including suppression reduces the spread in the simulation predictions due to tuning the coupling efficiency, from $7\%$ to 2$\%$. However, for Cu targets the Biermann suppression model reduces the predicted flux below experimental observations. The simulation and experimental results suggest that non-local suppression effects are more significant for low-Z targets. Without Biermann suppression, simulations with Cu targets predict lower magnetic flux than the CH results. This is predominantly due to additional radiative losses at higher Z reducing temperature gradients. In contrast, experimental measurements of the magnetic flux at t0+0.75 ns increases from $1\times 10^{4}$ MG$\mu$m2 for CH to $2\times 10^{4}$ MG$\mu$m2 for Cu. The same qualitative trend is also seen in the simulations including Biermann suppression. The copper targets are less kinetic, due to both lower temperature gradients from radiative losses and shorter mean-free paths for higher Z plasmas. The influence of target material on the magnetic field structure and flux is illustrated in more detail in Figure 5. The left column shows experimental proton deflectometry images for CH, Al, Cu+Al, and Au+Al targets at t0+0.75 ns. The proton energies are 37.3 MeV for CH and Al, 32.8 MeV for Cu+Al, and 30.7 MeV for Au+Al. The reconstructed magnetic field profiles plotted in the top panel of the right column show the Z-dependence of field profiles. By t0+0.75 ns, the fields from a CH target have expanded the furthest, while the Au+Al has the narrowest features — indicative of slower plasma evolution due heavier, higher Z ions. The mid-Z targets both show evidence of magnetic signatures of DAF structures (visible both in the deflectometry and the reconstructed magnetic field profiles) Campbell _et al._ (2020). The measured magnetic flux is plotted as a function of Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ in the lower right panel of Figure 5. While CH and Al are expected to be fully ionized, Cu+Al is assumed to be H-like (Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}=28$)Campbell _et al._ (2020), and Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}=50$ is used for Au+Al, consistent with Refs. Sherlock and Bissell, 2020 and Jones _et al._ , 2017. The measured flux increases with Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ moving from low-Z to mid-Z targets before slightly decreasing or plateauing for the highest Z. The observed decrease at high-Z could be a result of slower plasma evolution (also evident from the narrow radius discussed above), or due to more of the coupled laser energy driving ionization and radiation emission, reducing the peak electron temperature. An estimate of a Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ scaling taking into account Biermann suppression is plotted with a dashed line. Based on equation 3 assuming a fixed temperature profile, shorter mean-free-paths lead to less suppression of classical Biermann generation rates ($\lambda_{ei}\propto 1/Z$). While the scaling appears provide a reasonable description of the data, the assumption of fixed temperature gradients is overly simple considering experimental evidence of temperature gradient changes across the different materials (DAF structures in mid-Z, slower expansion in high-Z). In addition, the implementation of equation 3 in Gorgon shown in Figures 3 and 4 overestimates the flux for CH, while underestimating for Cu. Overall, this suggests additional physics is contributing to the energy transport, and field generation is not accurately modeled by Gorgon, or captured by the non-local Biermann suppression approximated by equation 3. In particular, the details of the radiation-hydrodynamics and equation-of-state likely influence plasma dynamics. Additionally, deviations from a Maxwellian distribution driven by inverse-bremsstrahlung heating can impact energy transport Ridgers _et al._ (2008b). Exploration of such effects is beyond the scope of this work as additional experimental work is needed to carefully constrain the plasma conditions, especially the temperature and density profiles. Still, from the magnetic field measurements presented here, it is evident that fields are suppressed below classical predictions and that the suppression effect is stronger for lower-Z plasmas. Figure 5: Comparison of experimental results for CH, Al, Cu+Al, and Au+Al targets at t0+0.75 ns. The left column shows proton images, and line-out locations are indicated by dashed lines. Reconstructed magnetic field profiles are plotted in the top right panel. Magnetic flux measurements for each material are plotted as a function of Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ in the bottom right panel. Note, for Cu the value of Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ = 28, and Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ is set to 50 for Au. The dashed line shows a scaling for flux generation as a function of Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ based on equation 3. ## IV Conclusion Quantitative measurements of magnetic flux enable detailed comparisons between experiments and extended-MHD simulations, demonstrating the need to account for suppression of Biermann battery generation due to non-local effects. Even with the Biermann suppression, the simulations with CH targets still predict larger magnetic flux than observed experimentally. However for Cu, while some suppression is necessary, the implementation of equation 3 decreases the flux below experimental observations. Nevertheless, experimental measurements of magnetic flux as a function of Z${}_{\textrm{eff}}$ shows reasonable agreement with the mean-free-path scaling predicted by Ref. Sherlock and Bissell, 2020. The effects of radiation-hydrodynamics and the equation-of-state likely influence the details of simulations, but are beyond the scope of the work. In future experiments, additional diagnostics, such as Thomson scattering and interferometry, can help constrain plasma parameters to further validate and improve extended-MHD models. Together with the magnetic field analysis presented in this work, measurements of the temperature and density profiles can elucidate the dynamic interplay between energy transport and field generation in HED plasmas. ###### Acknowledgements. This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy, National Nuclear Security Administration under Award Numbers DE-NA0003606, DE- NA0003764 and DE-AC52-07NA27344. PTC is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Fusion Energy Sciences Postdoctoral Research Program administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) for the DOE. ORISE is managed by Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) under DOE contract number DE-SC0014664. All opinions expressed in this paper are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the policies and views of DOE, ORAU, or ORISE. BKR acknowledges support from NSF Award Number 1751462. This document was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States government. Neither the United States government nor Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, nor any of their employees makes any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States government or Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for advertising or product endorsement purposes. ## Data Availability The data that support the findings of this study are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. ## References * Drake (2018) R. P. Drake, _High Energy Density Physics: Fundamentals, Inertial Fusion and Experimental Astrophysics_, 2nd ed. (Springer International Publishing, Berlin, 2018). * Remington _et al._ (2006) B. A. Remington, R. P. Drake, and D. D. Ryutov, Rev. Mod. Phys. 78, 755 (2006). * Haines (1986a) M. G. Haines, Can. J. Phys. 64, 912 (1986a). * Biermann and Schlüter (1951) L. Biermann and A. Schlüter, Phys. Rev. 82, 863 (1951). * Stamper _et al._ (1971) J. A. Stamper, K. Papadopoulos, R. N. Sudan, S. O. Dean, E. A. McLean, and J. M. Dawson, Phys. Rev. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "P. T. Campbell, C. A. Walsh, B. K. Russell, J. P. Chittenden, A.\n Crilly, G. Fiksel, L. Gao, I. V.Igumenshchev, P. M. Nilson, A. G. R. Thomas,\n K. Krushelnick, and L. Willingale", "submitter": "Paul Campbell", "url": "" }
# A Simplified Framework for Air Route Clustering Based on ADS-B Data Quan Duong ICT Department John von Neumann Institute Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [email protected] Tan Tran ICT Department John von Neumann Institute Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [email protected] Duc-Thinh Pham Air Traffic Management Research Institute School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Nanyang Technological University Singapore, Singapore [email protected] An Mai ICT Department John von Neumann Institute Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam [email protected] ###### Abstract The volume of flight traffic gets increasing over the time, which makes the strategic traffic flow management become one of the challenging problems since it requires a lot of computational resources to model entire traffic data. On the other hand, Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B) technology has been considered as a promising data technology to provide both flight crews and ground control staff the necessary information safely and efficiently about the position and velocity of the airplanes in a specific area. In the attempt to tackle this problem, we presented in this paper a simplified framework that can support to detect the typical air routes between airports based on ADS-B data. Specifically, the flight traffic will be classified into major groups based on similarity measures, which helps to reduce the number of flight paths between airports. As a matter of fact, our framework can be taken into account to reduce practically the computational cost for air flow optimization and evaluate the operational performance. Finally, in order to illustrate the potential applications of our proposed framework, an experiment was performed using ADS-B traffic flight data of three different pairs of airports. The detected typical routes between each couple of airports show promising results by virtue of combining two indices for measuring the clustering performance and incorporating human judgment into the visual inspection. ###### Index Terms: trajectory clustering, unsupervised learning, ads-b, cluster validity index, visual inspection ††publicationid: pubid: Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology (RIVF 2019), Da Nang, Vietnam. Copyright 2019 by the author(s) ††publicationid: pubid: Proceedings of the $13^{th}$ International Conference on Computing and Communication Technology (RIVF 2019), Danang, Vietnam. © 2019 by the author(s) ## I Introduction Together with the continuously growing need of traveling by aviation, one of the recent most challenging issue arise in air traffic management is flight arrivals delayed in almost all airports in the world. Some of the causes of flight delays or cancellation are maintenance problems related to the aircraft, fueling, inclement weather, etc., and more importantly airline glitches is one of the the top cause of flight delays. In the attempt to tackle partly the airline glitches issues, people tends to address to a more specific problem of route optimization since it’s seen that a non-optimal flight plan route may cause the airline glitches and indirectly cause the flight delay. From this aspect, we propose a simplified framework which leverages the advantage of machine learning to cluster the air route based on trajectory clustering and ADS-B data to support the optimization for the route schedule in air traffic management. Herein, ADS-B data is a kind of data generated by a new surveillance technology, in which the position of an aircraft is determined via satellite navigation and also periodically broadcasted, enabling it to be tracked in real time. ADS-B requires no external input since it depends only on the signal from the navigation system of the aircraft, and hence is more and more promising to provide significant and simplified operational enhancements to military and civilian applications. However, to our best knowledge, there are very few studies until now on leveraging this kind of data in advanced studies from machine learning/AI perspectives for air traffic management. Therefore, there may be a big chance to open up many interesting research on this field of application. From the machine learning perspectives, recently people realizes that there are many rooms for development in trajectory clustering problems due to rapid improvements in satellites and tracking facilities which make it possible to collect a large amount of trajectory data of moving objects (for e.g., hurricane track data, animal movement data, flight data, etc.). To study the trajectory clustering of moving objects, Gaffney and the team[1] have proposed a mixture regression model-based trajectory clustering algorithm, in which cluster memberships are determined by using EM algorithm. In [2], the authors have presented a framework to classify vehicle motion trajectories based on hierarchical clustering; including two steps: trajectories preprocessing and resampling at the first step, then carrying out the trajectories spectral clustering based on similar spatial patterns at the second step. To provide a holistic understanding and deep insight into this interesting topic, a comprehensive survey of the development of trajectory clustering was proposed in [3]. From this, the authors group the existing trajectory clustering methods into three categories: unsupervised, supervised and semi-supervised algorithms based on machine learning perspectives. They also show the appearance of different trajectory data in many modern intelligent systems for surveillance security, abnormal behavior detection, crowd behavior analysis, and traffic control, which has attracted growing attention. Regarding to the data sources, Radar Track data was often used in various works from the literature (see in [4], [5], [6], and [7]). The other work from Bombelli and the team [8] used the historical data containing the set of Future ATM Concept Evaluation Tool (FACET) Track (TRX) file. And from Yulin Lui [9] work, they used the data of the flights’ information from FAA Traffic Flow Management System and Aviation System Performance Metric. However, as we know there are recently three publications ([10], [11], and [12]) in the Twelfth USA/Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2017) shared their studies on ADS-B data. From the work of Junzi and the team [11], they leveraged the large amount of trajectory data for extracting different aircraft performance parameters and they generated different data mining models corresponding to these parameters. While Dhief and the team [10] makes use of the ADS-B based systems and can prove their effectiveness in oceanic area. The United States have plans for mandating ADS-B Out by 2020 for all airplanes, both air transport and general aviation, and FAA expects to improve the operational performance by using ADS-B based systems. These kinds of system are increasing around the world and applying ADS-B data is an essential requirement for all aircraft operating on the European, Canadian, and Australian in NAS since 2015 [10]. Besides, there are several investigations about the quality of ADS-B data such as [13], [14], [15], [12]. Busyairah and the team [14] proposed a framework for evaluating ADS-B data in the London Terminal Maneuvering Area, the result showed that 66.7% of aircraft meet the requirement in term of accuracy, integrity, latency, availability, and update rate. Especially, Rekkas and the team [15] and Barsheshat [13] showed similar results, in which their evaluation results considering ADS-B performance are very positive. Barsheshat [13] also stated that implementing an ADS-B system provides many benefits, including the reduction for the need of maintaining and/or upgrading radar infrastructure. For the behind techniques, an extensive comparative study of cluster validity indices has been carried out by Arbelaitz and the team [16]. They experimented with 30 different cluster validity indices with the goal is to choose the best index for each individual application. From their work, the authors also recommend to employ several indices at the same time to receive the robust results. Regarding to trajectory clustering evaluation, most of the works ([5], [7],[9], and [17]) preferred to use Silhouette score alone for choosing the best number of clusters. Another combination from the work of Bombelli and the team [8] leveraged three different indices which is average Silhouette index, Davies-Boulding, and Dun index. And the other work from Maraya and the team [4] combined Silhouette score and Davies-Bouldin (DB) score. Inspired by the above results, we propose to leverage the ideas from these analysis in a combination with a simplified framework, in order to adapt for the case of ADS-B data in air route clustering problem. The paper is organized as follows: In Section I, we discussed about the motivation and previous works related to this paper. Then the Section II presents our proposed framework, in which the considered ADS-B data and appropriate techniques involving in the step of data preprocessing will be covered respectively in Section II-A and II-B. The experimental design and corresponding results taking into account real ADS-B data will be placed in Section III. Finally, we come to a conclusion and future works in Section IV. ## II A PROPOSED FRAMEWORK Figure 1: The detail flow of our proposed framework for air route clustering based on ADS-B data . TABLE I: The Benchmark Methodologies Step | Methods ---|--- Trajectory data | Radar track Distance between curve | Fréchet distance Clustering | DBSCAN Decide Number of Cluster | Silhouette Score TABLE II: Trajectories Flow Clustering Description Step | Description ---|--- 1.1 Traffic Data Extraction | Received raw traffic data in JSON format 1.2 Data Standardization | Group traffic data to identified flights and convert to CSV format 2.1 Flight Traffic Filtering | Filter out the unwanted airports, remove flights that land or depart outside of terminal, and drop the duplicated data points 2.2 Flight Traffic Interpolation | Convert individual flight’s tracks into vectors of equal length. Apply the cubic spline [18] to interpolate the spaced data points 2.3 Dissimilarity Matrix Construction | Measure the dissimilarities between flight paths with the same number of features by computing Fréchet distance 3.1 Parameters Generation | The clustering algorithm replied on two input parameters are $\varepsilon$ (a distance threshold) and MinPts (a minimum number of points). 100 values of $\varepsilon$ were generated and MinPts was retrieved by observations 3.2 Flight Path Clustering | Apply a density-based clustering algorithm called DBSCAN with defined MinPts and $\varepsilon$ 3.3 Quality of Clusters Measurement | Silhouette and Davies-Bouldin indices were combined for measuring the clustering performance 3.4 Log files Storage | Record all the performances and were produced for each parameter 4.1 Clustering Result | Visualize the detected clusters along with original and interpolated trajectories 4.2 Visual Analysis | Analyze the clustering outcome with the recommended ranking from step 3.3, 3.4, and incorporate with human judgment 4.3 Decision Making | Make the decision by virtue of domain expert For the main technical part of this paper, we perform the trajectory clustering based on DBSCAN [19] approach and ADS-B data, then combine two different evaluation indices (Silhouette and DB) for the clustering outputs, which were used to support the visual inspection step. The detail flow of our framework are shown in Figure 1, in which the flow composes four different phases including Data Extraction, Data Processing, Clustering, and Visual Inspection. Additionally, the detail description of involved techniques for each step in the framework can be found in the Table II. Finally, for a comparison, all experiments are carried out by using the same data, on specific dates, and for particular pairs of origin and destination airports. For a benchmark, we re-implement the route clustering framework from Adria [17], which is summarized the used methodologies in the Table I, considering the same assumption for both of their system and ours. ### II-A Data Description (a) Original Trajectories (b) Interpolated Trajectories Figure 2: The Visualization of Trajectories in Data Processing Step performed by our framework. Figures 2(a) is done by using original trajectories up to 2057 spaced points. Figures 2(b) showed the interpolated trajectories with only 100 spaced points Figure 3: The result from benchmark method discussed in [17], adapted to ADS-B data. Here, each color represents for each cluster while the grey color is always used to represent for detected outlier trajectories (a) Best air route clustering result based on single Silhouette index (b) Best air route clustering result based on Silhouette-DB index (c) Best air route clustering result based on Visual Inspection step Figure 4: Our framework’s result for the detected clusters from different scenarios, in case of Sydney-Suvarnabhumi airports All flights’ trajectories data related to this paper are crawled from FlightAware111, the company operates a website and mobile application which offers free flight tracking services for both private and commercial air traffic. FlightAware produces FlightFeeder which is known as a network of ADS-B receiver. The message consisting of the ADS-B data is received from airplane transponders directly via a small antenna. Then the ADS-B data is extracted from the received messages and uploaded to FlightAware’s server over any available internet connection. For carrying out the analysis, we are going to employ only the flight trajectory data from three different Origin and Destination pairs of airport, which are shown clearly in the Table III. The chosen flights for this analysis are collected for entire January 2017. Here, the whole process of data generation involves of satellites, transmitters, and receivers. The airplane determines its own position and velocity by communicating with satellites via GNSS (global navigation satellite system) or GPS receivers. Then it broadcasts the its position and velocity via ADS-B Out to other airplanes and ground ADS-B receivers. Ultimately, the receivers around the world send this information to FlightAware’s servers over a real-time connection. ### II-B Data Processing After receiving raw traffic data in JSON format, firstly the data standardization steps were employed by grouping traffic flights and converting them to CSV format, that can be consumed for other tasks such as EDA (exploratory data analysis), data processing, and data clustering. Secondly, in order to make sure the clustering algorithm consuming qualified data, the flight traffic filtering step was executed, including filter out the unwanted pairs of origin and destination terminals, remove flights that land or depart at the coordinates outside of terminals, and drop the duplicated data points. The Figure 2(a) show visually the original trajectories after filtering step. Finally, by virtue of flight traffic interpolation, each individual flight’s trajectories will be converted into vector of equal length. We then apply the cubic spline interpolation [18] to the spaced data points with the assumption that the spatial and temporal dimensions are used here in the phase. The Figure 2(b) then visualize the interpolated trajectories, which are able to represent the entire flight’s path with a pre-defined number of spaced points. ## III Experimental Results This section intents to show the major results obtained from reimplementing the benchmark method from Aria [17] in case of our adaptation for ADS-B data, and incorporating our framework’s application with human intervention in the visual inspection step. Specifically, a density-based clustering algorithm called DBSCAN is taken into account in the Flight Path Clustering step. The DBSCAN algorithm receives two primary parameters (MinPts and $\epsilon$) to cluster the trajectory data, where the MinPts is the minimum number of data points belong to a cluster determined by the actual observation, and $\epsilon$ is a distance threshold. In this experimental setting, we generated 100 values for $\epsilon$ combined with the real observed MinPts value for running the DBSCAN algorithm. The best parameters is determined by using two evaluation stages, quantitative metrics including Silhouette and DB (known as cluster validity indices), and a qualitative validation in visual inspection phase. TABLE III: Origin Destination Pair Summary Codename | Airports | Cities ---|---|--- YBBN-WSSS | Brisbane-Changi | Brisbane-Singapore YSSY-VTBS | Sydney-Suvarnabhumi | Sydney-Bangkok NZCH-WSSS | Christchurch-Changi | Christchurch-Singapore In Figure 2, we make a visual comparison of the flight paths based on original trajectories and interpolated trajectories from three different pairs of airports (see Table III), in which you can see that only using 100 spaced points we could describe the whole flight paths between two airports. Next, the Figure 3 shows the final clusters of flight paths for three different pairs of airports, in which the highest Silhouette score is selected as best result. Here, each color represents for each cluster while the grey color is always used to represent for detected outlier trajectories in this analysis. In our framework, to obtain more robust results we combine two different indices for measuring the performance of clustering algorithm. In particular, the Silhouette [20] and Davies-Bouldin (DB) [21] indices are employed altogether to select the best clustering result, in the event of these two indices all agree in choosing the most appropriate route clusters that supports strongly for decision making. On the other hand, when the Silhouette index and combined Silhouette-DB index show different rankings (see in Figure 4(a) and Figure 4(b)), the visual inspection step will be activated to help the user makes the final decision on air route clustering (see Figure 4(c)). (a) Aggregated Routes in case of Christchurch-Changi airports (b) Aggregated Routes in case of Brisbane-Changi airports (c) Aggregated Routes in case of Sydney-Suvarnabhumi airports Figure 5: Aggregated Routes as a final output of our framework Last but not least, after clustering the routes into particular clusters, we then employ a simple route matching technique to aggregate all flights’ paths in each cluster into unique route that represents for the air route of each pair of airports (see the Figure 5). This visualization, once employed in real application, will act as a visual suggestion for Airline Route Planning. In summary, a statistical report of the most important information from our framework are put in the Table IV, taking into account the experiments in three pairs of airports. TABLE IV: The Summary of Proposed Framework Pair of Airports | NZCH-WSSS | YBBN-WSSS | YSSY-VTBS ---|---|---|--- No. Flight Path | 43 | 152 | 94 No. Original Trajectories | 65102 | 169545 | 135586 No. Interpolated Trajectories | 4300 | 15200 | 9400 MinPts | 2 | 30 | 3 Epsilon | 0.523 | 1.583 | 0.603 Noise Percentage (%) | 30.00 | 2.98 | 18.87 No. Clusters via Quantitative Metric | 4 | 2 | 2 No. Clusters via Visual Inspection | 4 | 2 | 3 ## IV Conclusions Based on the potentials and advantages of ADS-B data ,we propose in this paper a simplified and workable framework for air trajectories clustering which is one of the essential parts in the air management process. To our best knowledge, there is a lack of in-depth analytical study from machine learning based approach, with emphasis on this promising data technology. The experimental results, carried out using the data of three different pairs of airports, can show the effectiveness of our proposed framework, as well as the clustering results based on the combination of two different metrics. Finally, from using the interpolation considered in the framework, it is able to reduce significantly the complexity of data processing, which is very important in real application. The whole framework’s source code is made available in github222 In this direction for the future research, we are going to consider the framework’s extension to generate predictive capabilities in measuring the operation performance in air traffic management. Furthermore, we also aim to provide guidance and auto-generate inputs for real time decision support system. ## References * [1] S. Gaffney and P. Smyth, “Trajectory clustering with mixtures of regression models,” in _Proceedings of the Fifth ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining_ , ser. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Quan Duong, Tan Tran, Duc-Thinh Pham, An Mai", "submitter": "Quan Duong", "url": "" }
# A Free and Fair Economy: A Game of Justice and Inclusion††thanks: The authors thank Frank Riedel, Sarah Auster, Jan-Henrik Steg, Niels Boissonet, André Casajus, Hulya Eraslan, and seminar participants at The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Bielefeld University, and the Texas Economic Theory Camp for their valuable and insightful comments and suggestions. Demeze- Jouatsa gratefully acknowledges financial support from the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft / German Research Foundation) via grant Ri 1128-9-1 (Open Research Area in the Social Sciences, Ambiguity in Dynamic Environments), Bielefeld Young Researchers’ Fund, the BGTS Mobility Grants, and the University of Ottawa. Ghislain H. Demeze-Jouatsa Roland Pongou Jean-Baptiste Tondji Center for Mathematical Economics, University of Bielefeld; Email: demeze_jouatsa@uni- of Economics, University of Ottawa; Email: [email protected] of Economics and Finance, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley; Email: [email protected]. ###### Abstract Frequent violations of fair principles in real-life settings raise the fundamental question of whether such principles can guarantee the existence of a self-enforcing equilibrium in a free economy. We show that elementary principles of distributive justice guarantee that a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium exists in a finite economy where agents freely (and non- cooperatively) choose their inputs and derive utility from their pay. Chief among these principles is that: 1) your pay should not depend on your name; and 2) a more productive agent should not earn less. When these principles are violated, an equilibrium may not exist. Moreover, we uncover an intuitive condition—technological monotonicity—that guarantees equilibrium uniqueness and efficiency. We generalize our findings to economies with social justice and inclusion, implemented in the form of progressive taxation and redistribution, and guaranteeing a basic income to unproductive agents. Our analysis uncovers a new class of strategic form games by incorporating normative principles into non-cooperative game theory. Our results rely on no particular assumptions, and our setup is entirely non-parametric. Illustrations of the theory include applications to exchange economies, surplus distribution in a firm, contagion and self-enforcing lockdown in a networked economy, and bias in the academic peer-review system. Keywords: Market justice; Social justice; Inclusion; Ethics; Discrimination; Self-enforcing contracts; Fairness in non-cooperative games; Pure strategy Nash equilibrium; Efficiency. JEL Codes: C72, D30, D63, J71, J38 > “For Aristotle, justice means giving people what they deserve, giving each > person his or her due." > > Sandel (2010, P. 187) ## 1 Introduction It is generally acknowledged that justice is the foundation of a stable, cohesive, and productive society.111The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines justice as “the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments.” However, violations of fair principles are highly prevalent in real-life settings. For example, discriminations based on race, gender, culture and several other factors have been widely documented (see, for instance, Reimers (1983), Wright and Ermisch (1991), Sen (1992), Bertrand and Mullainathan (2004), Anderson and Ray (2010), Pongou and Serrano (2013), Goldin et al. (2017), Bapuji et al. (2020), Hyland et al. (2020), Card et al. (2020), and Koffi and Wantchekon (Forthcoming)). These realities raise the fundamental question of how basic principles of justice affect individual incentives, and whether such principles can guarantee the stability and efficiency of contracts among private agents in a free and competitive economy. That the literature has remained silent on this question is a bit surprising, given the long tradition of ethical and normative principles in economic theory and the relevance of these principles to the real world (Sen, 2009; Thomson, 2016). The main goal of this paper is to address this problem. In our treatment of this question, we incorporate elementary principles of justice and ethics into non-cooperative game theory. In doing so, we uncover a new class of strategic form games with a wide range of applications to classical and more recent economic problems. We precisely address the following questions: 1. A: How do fair principles affect the stability of social interactions in a free economy? 2. B: Under which conditions do fair principles lead to equilibrium efficiency? To formalize these questions, we introduce a model of a free and fair economy, where agents freely (and non-cooperatively) choose their inputs, and the surplus resulting from these input choices is shared following four elementary principles of distributive justice, which are: 1. 1. Anonymity: Your pay should not depend on your name.222Here, name designates any unproductive individual characteristic such as first and last names, skin color, gender, religious or political affiliation, cultural background, etcetera. Anonymity means that a person’s pay should not depend on their identity; in other words, given my input choice and that of others, my pay should not vary depending on whether I am called “Emily/Greg” or “Lakisha/Jamal” (Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2004), or depending on whether my skin color is black, white or green, or depending on whether I am a man or a woman. 2. 2. Local efficiency: No portion of the surplus generated at any profile of input choices should be wasted. 3. 3. Unproductivity: An unproductive agent earns nothing. 4. 4. Marginality: A more productive agent should not earn less. It is generally agreed that these ideals form the core principles of market (or meritocratic) justice, and are of long tradition in economic theory. They have inspired eighteenth centuries writers like Rousseau (1762) and Aristotle (1946), and contemporary authors like Rawls (1971), Shapley (1953), Young (1985), Roemer (1998), De Clippel and Serrano (2008), Sen (2009), Sandel (2010), Thomson (2016), and Posner and Weyl (2018), among several others. However, a number of empirical observations have suggested that the real world does not always conform to these elementary principles of justice. Studies have shown that anonymity is violated in job hiring (Kraus et al., 2019; Bertrand and Mullainathan, 2004), in wages (Charles and Guryan, 2008; Lang and Manove, 2011), in scholarly publishing (Laband and Piette, 1994; Ellison, 2002; Heckman et al., 2017; Serrano, 2018; Akerlof, 2020; Card et al., 2020), in school admission (Francis and Tannuri-Pianto, 2012; Grbic et al., 2015), in sexual norm enforcement (Pongou and Serrano, 2013), in health care (Balsa and McGuire, 2001; Thornicroft et al., 2007), in household resource allocations (Sen, 1992; Anderson and Ray, 2010), in scholarly citations (Card et al., 2020; Koffi, 2021), and in organizations (Small and Pager, 2020; Koffi and Wantchekon, Forthcoming). These studies generally show that discrimination based on name, race, gender, culture, religion, and academic affiliation is prevalent in these different contexts. Violations of basic principles of justice therefore raise the fundamental question of how these principles affect individual incentives, the stability of social interactions, and economic efficiency. We examine these questions through the lens of a model of a free and fair economy. This model is a list $\mathcal{E}=(N,\times_{j\in N}X_{j},o,f,\phi,(u_{j})_{j\in N})$, where $N$ is a finite set of agents, $X_{j}$ a finite set of actions (or inputs) available to agent $j$, $o=(o_{j})_{j\in N}$ a reference profile of actions, $f$ a production (or surplus) function (also called technology) that maps each action profile $x\in\times_{j\in N}X_{j}$ to a measurable output $f(x)\in\mathbb{R}$, $\phi$ an allocation scheme that distributes any realized surplus $f(x)$ to agents, and $u_{j}$ the utility function of agent $j$. The reference point $o$ can be interpreted as an unproduced endowment of goods (or resources) that can be either consumed as such, or may be used in the production process when production opportunities are specified. Agent $j$’s action set $X_{j}$ can be interpreted broadly, as we do not impose any particular structure on it other than it being finite. It may be viewed as a capability set (Sen, 2009), or may represent the set of different occupations (or functions) available to agent $j$ based on agent $j$’s skills, or the set of effort levels that agent $j$ may supply in a production environment. The nature of the set of actions can also be different for each agent. For each input profile $x$, the allocation scheme $\phi$ distributes the generated surplus $f(x)$ following the aforementioned principles of anonymity, local efficiency, unproductivity, and marginality, and each agent $j$ derives utility from her payoff $u_{j}(x)=\phi_{j}(f,x)$.333The formalization of these principles differ depending on the context. Ours is a generalization of the classical formalization of Shapley (1953) and Young (1985) to our economic environment. Indeed, we show that these four principles uniquely characterize a pay scheme that generalizes the classical Shapley value (Proposition 1). This pay scheme is a multivariate function defined at each input profile $x$; see also Pongou and Tondji (2018) and Aguiar et al. (2018, 2020). Also, note that $u_{j}(x)$ can be any increasing function of the payoff $\phi_{j}(f,x)$, and the functional form might be different for each agent. To define an equilibrium concept that captures individuals’ incentives in a free and fair economy, we first observe that any economy $\mathcal{E}$ induces a corresponding strategic form game $G^{\mathcal{E}}=(N,\times_{j\in N}X_{j},(u_{j})_{j\in N})$.444The class of free and fair economies therefore defines a large class of games that can be characterized as fair. Any strategic form game is either fair or unfair, and some unfair games are simply a monotonic transformation of fair games. Then, a profile of actions $x^{*}\in\times_{j\in N}X_{j}$ is said to be an equilibrium in the free and fair economy $\mathcal{E}$ if and only if it is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium of the game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$. Our first main result shows that the principles of market justice stated above guarantee the existence of an equilibrium (Theorem 1). Moreover, when an economy violates these principles, an equilibrium may not exist. These findings have profound implications. One implication is that fair rules guarantee the existence of self-enforcing contracts between private agents in a free economy. A second implication is that fair rules prevent output (and income) volatility, given that action choices at equilibrium are pure strategies. Moreover, from a purely theoretical viewpoint, the incorporation of normative principles into non-cooperative game theory has led us to identify an interesting class of strategic form games that always have a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in spite of the fact that each player has a finite action set.555As is well known, a pure strategy Nash equilibrium does not exist in a finite strategic form game in general (Nash, 1951). A growing literature seeks to identify conditions under which a pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists in a finite game (see, for example, Rosenthal (1973), Monderer and Shapley (1996), Mallick (2011), Carmona and Podczeck (2020), and the references therein). But unlike our paper, this literature has not approached this problem from a normative perspective. We therefore view our analysis as a contribution. Although a pure strategy equilibrium always exists in any free and fair economy, this equilibrium may be inefficient. We uncover a simple structural condition that guarantees equilibrium efficiency. More precisely, we show that if the technology is strictly monotonic, there exists a unique equilibrium, and this equilibrium is Pareto-efficient (Theorem 2). Quite interestingly, we find that when a monotonic economy fails to satisfy the principles of market justice, even if an equilibrium exists, it may be inefficient.666A clear example is the prisoner’s dilemma game. Economies that are modeled by such games are monotonic, although their unique equilibrium is Pareto-inefficient. A clear implication of this finding is that in the class of monotonic economies, any allocation scheme that violates the principles of market justice is welfare-inferior to the unique scheme that respects these principles. Next, we extend our analysis to economies with social justice. The principles of market justice imply that unproductive agents (for example, agents with severe disabilities) should earn nothing. In most societies, however, social security benefits ensure that a basic income is allocated to agents who, for certain reasons, cannot produce as much as they would like to (see, for example, among others, David and Duggan (2006), and Hanna and Olken (2018)). To account for this reality, we extend our model to incorporate social justice or inclusion. Generally, social justice includes solidarity and moral principles that individuals have equal access to social rights and opportunities, and it requires consideration beyond talents and skills since some agents have natural limitations, not allowing them to be productive. Social justice is incorporated into our model in the form of progressive taxation and redistribution. At any production choice, a positive fraction of output is taxed and shared equally among all agents, and the remaining fraction is allocated according to the principles of market justice. This allocation scheme satisfies the principles of anonymity and local efficiency, but violates marginality and unproductivity. Income is redistributed from the high skilled and talented (or more productive agents) to the least well-off. However, the income rank of a free and fair economy (without social justice) is maintained, provided that the entire surplus is not taxed. We generalize each of our results. In particular, a pure strategy equilibrium always exists regardless of the tax rate (Theorem 3). Consistent with Theorem 2, we also find that if the production technology is strictly monotonic, there exists a unique equilibrium, and this equilibrium is Pareto-efficient (Corollary 1). We uncover additional results on the efficiency of economies with social justice. In particular, we find that there exists a tax rate threshold above which there exists a pure strategy Nash equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient, even if the economy is not monotonic (Theorem 4). Moreover, we show that one can always change the reference point of any non-monotonic free economy with social justice to guarantee the existence of an equilibrium that is Pareto- efficient (Theorem 5). This latter finding implies that if a free economy is able to choose its reference point, then it can always do so to induce a Pareto-efficient outcome that is self-enforcing. We develop various applications of our model to classical and more recent economic problems. In particular, we develop applications to exchange economies (Walras, 1954; Arrow and Debreu, 1954; Shapley and Shubik, 1977; Osborne and Rubinstein, 1994), surplus distribution in a firm, self-enforcing lockdown in a networked economy with contagion, and bias in the academic peer- review system (Akerlof, 2020). This variety of applications is possible because we impose no particular assumptions on the structure of action sets, and the action set of each agent may be of a different nature. We start with applying our theory to a production environment where an owner of the firm (or team leader) uses bonuses as a device to incentivize costly labor supply from rational workers. Our analysis shows that in addition to guaranteeing equilibrium existence, the owner can also achieve production efficiency, provided that the costs of labor supply are not too high. Next, we provide an application to contagion in a networked economy in which rational agents freely form and sever bilateral relationships. Rationality is captured by the concept of pairwise-Nash equilibrium, which refines the Nash equilibrium. Using a contagion index (Pongou and Serrano, 2013), we show how the costs of a pandemic can induce self-enforcing lockdown. Our application to academic peer- review in the knowledge economy shows that discrimination in the allocation of rewards results in a Pareto-inferior outcome, which indicates that bias reduces the incentive to study “soft", “important", and relevant topics in equilibrium.777See, for example, a recent study by Akerlof (2020) on the consequences of mostly rewarding “hard” research topics in the field of economics. Finally, we recast the model of an exchange economy in our framework, and show that our equilibrium is generally different from the Walrasian equilibrium. This difference is in part explained by the fact that the Walrasian model assumes linear pricing, whereas our model is fully non- parametric. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the model of a free and fair economy. In Section 3, we prove the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in a free and fair economy. Section 4 is devoted to the analysis of efficiency. In Section 5, we extend our model to incorporate social justice and inclusion, and we generalize our results. In Section 6, we present some applications of our analysis. Section 7 situates our paper in the closely related literature, and Section 8 concludes. Some proofs are collected in an appendix. ## 2 A free and fair economy: definition, existence and uniqueness In this section, we introduce preliminary definitions and the key concepts of the paper. We then show that there exists a unique economy that is free and fair. ### 2.1 A free economy A free economy is an economy where agents freely choose their actions and derive utility from their pay. It is modeled as a list $\mathcal{E}=(N,\times_{j\in N}X_{j},(o_{j})_{j\in N},f,\phi,(u_{j})_{j\in N})$. $N=\\{1,2,...,n\\}$ is a finite set of agents. Each agent $j$ has a finite set of feasible actions $X_{j}$. We refer to an action profile $x=(x_{j})_{j\in N}$ as an outcome, and denote the set $\times_{j\in N}X_{j}$ of outcomes by $X$. The reference outcome (also called reference point) is $o=(o_{j})_{j\in N}$; it can be interpreted as the inaction point, where agents do nothing or do not engage in any sort of transactions with other agents. A production (or surplus) function (also called technology) $f$ transforms any choice $x$ to a real number $f(x)\in\mathbb{R}$, with $f(o)=0$.888We normalize the surplus at the reference point to $0$ for expositional purposes. It is possible that the surplus realized at $o$ is not zero, and in this case, $f(x)$ should be interpreted as net surplus at $x$, that is, the realized surplus at $x$ minus the realized surplus at $o$. We assume the reference $o$ to be exogenously determined. We denote by $P(X)=\\{g:X\rightarrow\mathbb{R},\ \text{with}\ g(o)=0\\}$ the set of production functions on $X$. $\phi:P(X)\times X\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is a distribution scheme that assigns to each pair $(f,x)$ a payoff vector $\phi(f,x)$. At each input profile $x$, each agent $j$ derives utility $u_{j}(x)=\phi_{j}(f,x)$.999As noted in the Introduction, $u_{j}(x)$ can be any increasing function of $\phi_{j}(f,x)$, where the functional form may be different for each agent. ### 2.2 A free and fair economy A free and fair economy is a free economy $\mathcal{E}=(N,\times_{j\in N}X_{j},(o_{j})_{j\in N},f,\phi,(u_{j})_{j\in N})$ in which the surplus distribution scheme $\phi$ satisfies elementary principles of market justice. These principles, of long tradition in economic theory, are those of anonymity, local efficiency, unproductivity, and marginality stated in the Introduction. These principles are naturally interpreted, but their formalization varies depending on the context. A few preliminary definitions and notations will be needed for their formalization in our setting. ###### Definition 1. Let $x\in X$ a profile of actions. An outcome $x^{\prime}\in X$ is a sub- profile of $x$ if either $x^{\prime}=x$ or $[x^{\prime}_{i}\neq x_{i}\Longrightarrow x^{\prime}_{i}=o_{i}]$, for $i\in N$. For each $x\in X$, we denote by $\Delta(x)$ the set of sub-profiles of $x$. Given a production function $f\in P(X)$, and an outcome $x\in X$, we define the function $f^{x}$ as the restriction of $f$ to $\Delta(x)$: $f^{x}:\Delta(x)\rightarrow\mathbb{R},\ \text{such that}\ f^{x}(y)=f(y),\ \text{for each}\ y\in\Delta(x).$ ###### Definition 2. Let $i\in N$. We define the relation $\Delta_{o}^{i}$ on $X$ by: $[x^{\prime}\ \Delta_{o}^{i}\ x]\ \text{if and only if}\ [x^{\prime}\in\Delta(x)\ \text{and}\ x^{\prime}_{i}=o_{i}].$ Let $x\in X$ be an outcome. We denote $\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)=\\{x^{\prime}\in X:x^{\prime}\ \Delta_{o}^{i}\ x\\}$, and by $N^{x}=\\{i\in N:x_{i}\neq o_{i}\\}$ the set of agents whose actions in $x$ are different from their reference points. We also denote $|x|=|N^{x}|$ the cardinality of $N^{x}$. ###### Definition 3. Let $f\in P(X)$, $x\in X$, and $x^{\prime}\in\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)$. The marginal contribution of agent $i$ at a pair $(x^{\prime},x)$ is: $mc_{i}(f,x^{\prime},x)=f(x^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})-f(x^{\prime}),$ where $(x^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})\in X$ is the outcome in which agent $i$ chooses $x_{i}$, and every other agent $j$ chooses $x^{\prime}_{j}$. ###### Definition 4. Let $f\in P(X)$. Agent $i$ is said to be unproductive if for each $x\in X$ and all $x^{\prime}\in\Delta^{i}_{0}(x)$, $mc_{i}(f,x^{\prime},x)=0$. A permutation $\pi$ of $N$ is a bijection of $N$ into itself. We denote by $\mathcal{S}_{n}$ the set of permutations of $N$. Let $x\in X$ be a profile of inputs, and let $\pi^{x}\in\mathcal{S}_{n}$ be a permutation of $N$ whose restriction to $N\backslash N^{x}$ is the identity function, that is $\pi^{x}(i)=i$ for each $i\in N\backslash N^{x}$. Remark that $\pi^{x}$ permutes only agents that are active in the profile $x$, and is therefore equivalent to a permutation $\pi^{x}:N^{x}\rightarrow N^{x}$ over $N^{x}$; we denote by $\mathcal{S}_{n}^{x}$ the set of such permutations. Let $x\in X$, $\pi^{x}\in\mathcal{S}_{n}^{x}$, and $y\in\Delta(x)$. We define the profile $\pi^{x}(y)=(\pi^{x}_{j}(y))_{j\in N}$, where $\pi^{x}_{j}(y)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}x_{j}&\text{ if }y_{k}\neq o_{k},\ j=\pi^{x}(k)\\\ o_{j}&\text{ if }y_{k}=o_{k},\ j=\pi^{x}(k).\end{array}\right.$ We now formalize the principles of market justice below. Anonymity. An allocation $\phi$ satisfies $x-$Anonymity if for each $i\in N$ and $\pi^{x}\in\mathcal{S}_{n}^{x}$, $\phi_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{x},x)=\phi_{\pi^{x}(i)}(f^{x},x),\ \text{where}\ \pi^{x}f^{x}(y)=f^{x}(\pi^{x}(y)),\ \text{for}\ y\in\Delta(x).$ The value $\phi$ satisfies Anonymity if $\phi$ satisfies $x-$Anonymity for all $x\in X$. Local Efficiency. $\sum\limits_{j\in N}\phi_{j}(f,x)=f(x)$ for any $f\in P(X)$ and $x\in X$. Unproductivity. If agent $i$ is unproductive, then $\phi_{i}(f,x)=0$ for each $f\in P(X)$ and $x\in X$. Marginality. Let $f,g\in P(X)$, and $x$ an outcome. If $mc_{i}(f,x^{\prime},x)\geq mc_{i}(g,x^{\prime},x)\ \text{for each}\ x^{\prime}\in\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)$ for an agent $i$, then $\phi_{i}(f,x)\geq\phi_{i}(g,x)$. These axioms are interpreted naturally. Anonymity means that an agent’s pay does not depend on their name. It states that every agent is treated the same way by the allocation rule: if two agents exchange their identities, their payoffs will remain unchanged. An important property that is implied by anonymity is symmetry (or non-favoritism), which means that equally productive agents should receive the same pay. Local efficiency simply requires that the surplus resulting from any input choice be fully shared among productive agents participating in the economy. Unproductivity means that an agent whose marginal contribution is zero at an input profile should get nothing at that profile. Marginality means that, if the adoption of a new technology increases the marginal contribution of an agent, that agent’s pay should not be lower under this new technology relative to the old technology. In other words, more productive agents should not earn less compared to less productive agents. Throughout the paper, we abbreviate the four principles as ALUM. ###### Definition 5. A free and fair economy is a free economy $(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ such that the distribution scheme $\phi$ satisfies ALUM. We have the following result. ###### Proposition 1. There exists a unique distribution scheme, denoted $\bm{Sh}$, that satisfies ALUM. For any production function $f\in P(X)$, and any given outcome $x\in X$ and agent $i\in N$: $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)=\sum\limits_{x^{\prime}\in\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)}\frac{(|x^{\prime}|)!(|x|-|x^{\prime}|-1)!}{(|x|)!}\ mc_{i}(f,x^{\prime},x).$ (1) ###### Proof of Proposition 1. See Appendix. ∎ Remark that for each agent $i$, the value $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)$ is interpreted as agent $i$’s average contribution to output $f(x)$. It can be easily shown that the allocation rule $\bm{Sh}$ generalizes the classical Shapley value (Shapley, 1953). In fact, to obtain the classical Shapley value, one only has to assume that each agent’s action set is the pair $\\{0,1\\}$; the classical Shapley value is simply $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)$ where $x=(1,1,...,1)$, which effectively corresponds to the assumption that the grand coalition is formed. Our setting generalizes the classical environment in three ways. First, it is not necessary to assume that all players have the same action set. Second, the action set of a player may have more than two elements. Third, the value can be computed for any input profile $x$, which effectively means that $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)$ as a multivariate function of $x$. Our model also generalizes that in Pongou and Tondji (2018) (when the environment is certain), Aguiar et al. (2018), and Aguiar et al. (2020). Following these latter studies, we will call $\bm{Sh}$ the Shapley pay scheme. Below, we illustrate the notion of a free and fair economy, and provide an example of a free economy that is unfair. ###### Example 1. Consider a small economy $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$, where $N=\\{1,2\\}$, $X_{1}=\\{a_{1},a_{2}\\}$, $X_{2}=\\{b_{1},b_{2},b_{3}\\}$, $o=(a_{1},b_{1})$, $X=X_{1}\times X_{2}$, $f$ is given by $f(a_{1},b_{1})=0,\ f(a_{1},b_{2})=5=f(a_{1},b_{3}),\ f(a_{2},b_{1})=2,\ \text{and}\ f(a_{2},b_{2})=4=f(a_{2},b_{3})$, and for each $x\in X$, $\phi(f,x)=u(f,x)$ is given in Table 1 below: 23[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $b_{1}$ $b_{2}$ $b_{3}$ $a_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(0,5)$ $(0,5)$ $a_{2}$ $(2,0)$ $(0.5,3.5)$ $(0.5,3.5)$ Table 1: A 2-agent free and fair economy For each of the six payoff vectors presented in Table 1, the first component represents agent 1’s payoff (for example, $u_{1}(f,(a_{2},b_{1}))=2$) and the second component represents agent 2’s payoff (for instance, $u_{2}(f,(a_{2},b_{1}))=0$). We can check that for each $x\in X$, $u(f,x)=\phi(f,x)=\bm{Sh}(f,x)$. Therefore, $\mathcal{E}$ is a free and fair economy. 23[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $b_{1}$ $b_{2}$ $b_{3}$ $a_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(2,3)$ $(3,2)$ $a_{2}$ $(1,1)$ $(3,1)$ $(2,2)$ Table 2: A 2-agent free and unfair economy Now, we consider another economy $\mathcal{E}^{\prime}$ with the same characteristics as in $\mathcal{E}$ except for the distribution scheme $\phi$ that is replaced by a new scheme $\psi$ described in Table 2. In addition to the fact that $\psi\neq\bm{Sh}$, it is straightforward to show that the distribution $\psi$ violates the marginality axiom. Therefore, $\mathcal{E}^{\prime}$ is not a free and fair economy. One of our goals in this paper is to answer the question of whether fair principles guarantee the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. We can observe that in the free and fair economy described by Table 1, there are two pure strategy Nash equilibria, which are $(a_{2},b_{2})$ and $(a_{2},b_{3})$. However, the modified economy $\mathcal{E}^{\prime}$ represented by Table 2 admits no equilibrium in pure strategies. In the next section, we will show that fair principles guarantee the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in a free economy, and when an economy violates these principles, a pure strategy Nash equilibrium may not exist. ## 3 Equilibrium existence in a free and fair economy In a free and fair economy, agents make decisions that affect their payoff and the payoffs of other agents. One natural question that therefore arises is whether an equilibrium exists. In this section, we first show that a free economy can be modeled as a strategic form game and use the notion of pure strategy Nash equilibrium (Nash, 1951) to capture incentives and rationality. Our main result is that a free and fair economy always has a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. ### 3.1 A free and fair economy as a strategic form game A strategic form game is a 3-tuple $(N,X,v)$, where $N$ is the set of players, $X=\times_{j\in N}X_{j}$ is the strategy space, and $v:X\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{n}$ is the payoff function. For each $x\in X$, $v_{i}(x)$ is agent $i$’s payoff at strategy profile $x$, for each $i\in N$. A strategic form game is said to be finite if the set of agents $N$ is finite, and for each agent $i$, the set $X_{i}$ of actions is also finite. A strategy profile $x^{*}\in X$ is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in the game $(N,X,v)$ if and only if for all $i\in N$, $v_{i}(x^{*})\geq v_{i}(x^{*}_{-i},y_{i})$, for all $y_{i}\in X_{i}$, where $(x^{*}_{-i},y_{i})$ is the strategy profile in which agent $i$ chooses $y_{i}$ and every other agent $j$ chooses $x^{*}_{j}$. A free economy $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ generates a strategic form game $G^{\mathcal{E}}=(N,X,u^{\mathcal{E}})$, where for each $x\in X$ and each $i\in N$, $u_{i}^{\mathcal{E}}(x)=u_{i}(f,x)=\phi_{i}(f,x)$. In the case $\mathcal{E}$ is a free and fair economy, then for each outcome $x$, $\sum\limits_{j\in N}u_{j}^{\mathcal{E}}(x)=f(x)$ since the distribution scheme $\phi$ satisfies local efficiency. For this reason, when $\mathcal{E}$ is a free and fair economy, we may refer to the production function $f$ as the total utility function of the strategic form game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$. ###### Definition 6. Let $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ be a free economy. A profile $x^{*}\in X$ is an equilibrium if and only if $x^{*}$ is a pure-strategy Nash equilibrium in the strategic form game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$. ### 3.2 Existence of an equilibrium In this section, we state and prove our main result. ###### Theorem 1. Any free and fair economy $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ admits an equilibrium. The proof of Theorem 1 uses the concept of a cycle of deviations that we introduce below. ###### Definition 7. Let $G=(N,X,v)$ be a strategic form game and $L^{k}=(x^{1},x^{2},...,x^{k})$ be a list of outcomes, where each $x^{l}\in X$ ($l=1,...,k$) is a pure strategy. The $k$-tuple $L^{k}$ is a cycle of deviations if there exist agents $j_{1},...,j_{k}\in N$ such that $x^{l+1}=(x^{l}_{-j_{l}},x^{l+1}_{j_{l}})\ \text{and}\ v_{j_{l}}(x^{l+1})>v_{j_{l}}(x^{l})$ for each $l=1,...,k$, and $x^{k+1}=x^{1}$. ###### Example 2. In the strategic form game represented in Table 3, consider the list $L^{4}=(x^{1},x^{2},x^{3},x^{4})$, where $x^{1}=(c,a)$, $x^{2}=(d,a)$, $x^{3}=(d,b)$, and $x^{4}=(c,b)$. 22[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $a$ $b$ $c$ $(0,4)$ $(3,0)$ $d$ $(1,0)$ $(0,2)$ Table 3: A 2-agent game that admits a cycle of deviations $L^{4}$ forms a cycle of deviations. Indeed, agent 1 has an incentive to deviate from $x^{1}$ to $x^{2}$. By doing so, agent 1 receives an excess payoff of $1$. Similarly, agent 2 receives an excess payoff of 2 by deviating from $x^{2}$ to $x^{3}$. Agent 1 receives an excess payoff of 3 by deviating from $x^{3}$ to $x^{4}$; and agent 2 receives an excess payoff of 4 by deviating from $x^{4}$ to $x^{1}$. The sum of excess payoffs in the cycle $L^{4}$ is therefore equal to $10$. 34[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $b_{1}$ $b_{2}$ $b_{3}$ $b_{4}$ $a_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(0,0)$ $(0,12)$ $(0,6)$ $a_{2}$ $(13,0)$ $(\frac{13}{2},-\frac{13}{2})$ $(\frac{3}{2},\frac{1}{2})$ $(4,-3)$ $a_{3}$ $(3,0)$ $(8,5)$ $(-1,8)$ $(-1,2)$ Table 4: A 2-agent game with Shapley payoffs In the strategic form game in Table 4, the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of outcomes equals 0. Therefore, the game does not admit a cycle of deviations. The profile $x^{*}=(a_{2},b_{3})$ is the only pure strategy Nash equilibrium of the game. Note that the game in Table 4 is generated from a free and fair economy. From Definition 7, a sufficient condition for a finite strategic form game to admit a pure strategy Nash equilibrium is the absence of a cycle of deviations. The sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of deviations has to be strictly positive, as illustrated in Table 3 in Example 2. Such an example of a cycle of deviations can not be constructed in a strategic form game generated from a free and fair economy (see Table 4 in Example 2). We prove that in a strategic form game generated by a free and fair economy, the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of deviations equals $0$. ###### Lemma 1. Let $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ be a free and fair economy, and $G^{\mathcal{E}}=(N,X,u^{\mathcal{E}})$ the strategic form game generated by $\mathcal{E}$. Then, the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of deviations in $G^{\mathcal{E}}$ equals $0$. ###### Proof of Lemma 1.. In this proof, we simply denote the payoff function $u^{\mathcal{E}}$ by $u$. Let $L^{k}=(x^{1},x^{2},...,x^{k})$ be a cycle of deviations in the game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$, and let agents $j_{1},...,j_{k}\in N$ be the associated sequences of defeaters. We denote by $S(L^{k},u)$ the sum of excess payoffs in the cycle $L^{k}$: $S(L^{k},u)=u_{j_{k}}(x^{1})-u_{j_{k}}(x^{k})+\sum_{l=1}^{k-1}[u_{j_{l}}(x^{l+1})-u_{j_{l}}(x^{l})].$ We show that in the game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$ $S(L^{k},u)=0.$ For each agent $i\in N$, let $\mathcal{R}_{i}$ be a total order on the set $X_{i}$ such that $o_{i}\mathcal{R}_{i}x_{i}$ for all $x_{i}\in X_{i}$. For each outcome $x\in X$, define $f_{x}(T,y)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{l}\left|N^{x}\right|\text{ if }N^{x}\subseteq T\text{ and }x_{i}\mathcal{R}_{i}y_{i}\text{ for all }i\in N^{x}\\\ 0\text{ otherwise}\end{array}\right.$ for all $T\subseteq N$ and $y\in X$. We also define the following production function: $f_{x}(z)=f_{x}(N^{z},z)\ \text{for all}\ z\in X.$ Note that the family $\\{f_{x},x\in X\backslash\\{o\\}\\}$ forms a basis of the set of production functions on the the same set of players $N$, same set of outcomes $X$, and same reference outcome $o$. Therefore, there exists $(\alpha_{x})_{x\in X\backslash\\{o\\}}$ such that $f(z)=\sum_{x\in X}\alpha_{x}f_{x}(z)\ \text{for all}\ z\in X.$ (2) Furthermore, each $f_{x}$, $x\in X$, is the total utility function of a strategic form game with Shapley utilities $G^{x}=(N,X,v^{x})$, where for each $i\in N$, $v^{x}_{i}$ is given by $v_{i}^{x}(z)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{l}1\text{ if }i\in N^{x},\ N^{x}\subseteq N^{z},\ x_{j}\mathcal{R}_{j}z_{j}\text{ for all }j\in N^{x}\\\ 0\text{ otherwise.}\end{array}\right.\ \text{for all}\ z\in X.$ Step 1. We show that the sum of excess payoffs of the cycle $L^{k}$ equals $0$ in each strategic form game $G^{x}$. First observe that $v_{i}^{x}\equiv 0$ for all $i\notin N^{x}$, and $v_{i}^{x}\equiv v_{j}^{x}$ for all $i,j\in N^{x}$. This means that the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of the game $G^{x}$, and in particular in the cycle $L^{k}$, equals the sum of excess payoffs of any $i\in N^{x}$, which is obviously $0$. Step 2. We show that $S(L^{k},u)=0$. Using equation (2), $f=\sum\limits_{x\in X}\alpha_{x}f_{x}$, we have that $u=\sum\limits_{x\in X}\alpha_{x}v^{x}$. Given that $S(L^{k},v^{x})=0$ for each outcome $x$, we can deduce that $S(L^{k},u)=0$. ∎ Now, we derive the proof of Theorem 1. ###### Proof of Theorem 1. From Lemma 1, the game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$ admits no cycle of deviations. As $G^{\mathcal{E}}$ is finite, we conclude that $G^{\mathcal{E}}$ admits a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. ∎ The principles of market justice that define a free and fair economy are only sufficient conditions for the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. However, an economy that violates the fair principles may not have a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. ## 4 Equilibrium efficiency in a free and fair economy In Section 3.2, we prove the existence of a pure strategy equilibrium (Theorem 1) in a free and fair economy. However, there is no guarantee that each equilibrium is Pareto-efficient. For instance, consider the strategic form game described in Table 4 in Example 2. The game admits a unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium $x^{*}=(a_{2},b_{3})$ with $\bm{Sh}(f,x^{*})=(\frac{3}{2},\frac{1}{2})$. However, the equilibrium $x^{*}$ is Pareto-dominated by the strategy $x=(a_{3},b_{2})$ with $\bm{Sh}(f,x)=(8,5)$. Below, we provide two conditions on the production function that address this issue. The first condition—weak monotonicity—guarantees the existence of a Pareto-efficient equilibrium in a free and fair economy, and the second condition—strict monotonicity—guarantees that there is a unique equilibrium and that this equilibrium is Pareto- efficient. Importantly, we also find that in a free economy that is not fair, these monotonicity conditions do not guarantee the existence of an equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient. Before presenting these results, we need some definitions. Let $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ be a free economy, and for $i\in N$, we denote $X_{-i}=\prod\limits_{j=1,\ j\neq i}^{n}X_{j}$. ###### Definition 8. An order $R$ defined on $X$ is semi-complete if for all $i\in N$ and $x_{-i}\in X_{-i}$, the restriction of $R$ to $A_{i}$ is complete, where $A_{i}=\\{x_{-i}\\}\times X_{i}$. ###### Definition 9. $f\in P(X)$ is: 1. 1. weakly monotonic if there exists a semi-complete order $R$ on $X$ such that for any $x,y\in X$, if $x\ \textit{R}\ y$, then $f(x)\leq f(y)$. 2. 2. strictly monotonic if there exists a semi-complete order $R$ on $X$ such that for any $x,y\in X$, $[x\ \textit{R}\ y\text{ and }x\neq y]$ implies $f(x)<f(y)$. ###### Definition 10. A free and fair economy $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ is weakly (resp. strictly) monotonic if $f$ is weakly (resp. strictly) monotonic. We have the following result. ###### Theorem 2. A weakly monotonic free and fair economy $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ admits an equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient. If $\mathcal{E}$ is strictly monotonic, then, the equilibrium is unique and Pareto-efficient. ###### Proof of Theorem 2. The result in Theorem 2 follows from the fact that each agent $i$’s payoff $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)$ at $x$ depends only on the marginal contributions $\\{f(y_{-i},x_{i})-f(y),\ y\in\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)\\}$ of that agent at $x$. Since $f$ is weakly monotonic, the underlying semi-complete relation, say $R$, satisfies the following condition: there exists $\overline{x}\in X$ such that $f$ reaches its maximum at $\overline{x}$, and for all $i\in N$ and $x_{-i}\in X_{-i}$, we have $x\ R\ (x_{-i},\overline{x}_{i})$. Therefore, each marginal contribution of agent $i$ at a given outcome $x$ is less than or equal to his or her corresponding marginal contribution at the outcome $(x_{-i},\overline{x}_{i})$. Given that the Shapley distribution scheme, $\bm{Sh}(f,.)$, is increasing in marginal contributions, agent $i$’s choice $\overline{x}_{i}$ is a weakly dominant strategy of agent $i$ in the game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$. Therefore, $\overline{x}$ is a Nash equilibrium. The profile $\overline{x}$ is also Pareto-efficient as it maximizes $f$. If $f$ is strictly monotonic, then each $\overline{x}_{i}$ is strictly dominant and $\overline{x}$ is the unique Nash equilibrium of the game $G^{\mathcal{E}}$. ∎ Theorem 2 ensures the uniqueness and Pareto-efficiency of the equilibrium in a strictly monotonic free and fair economy. The strategic form game described in Table 4 admits the profile $x^{*}=(a_{2},b_{3})$ as the only pure strategy Nash equilibrium. However, $x^{*}$ is Pareto-dominated by the profile $x=(a_{3},b_{2})$, which is not an equilibrium. Such a result can not arise in a strictly monotonic free and fair economy. In addition to providing a condition that guarantees the existence of a Pareto-efficient equilibrium, Theorem 2 also provide a condition that rules out multiplicity of equilibria in the domain of free and fair economies. In Theorem 2, we show that each weakly monotonic free and fair economy admits an equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient. Consider the strategic form game described in Table 5 below. The latter is derived from a free and fair economy with the profile $o=(c,a)$ as the reference point. The economy admits two equilibria, namely, outcomes $(c,a)$ and $(d,b)$. The profile $(d,b)$ is Pareto-efficient and it dominates the outcome $(c,a)$. 22[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $a$ $b$ $c$ $(0,0)$ $(0,0)$ $d$ $(0,0)$ $(1,1)$ Table 5: A 2-agent free and fair economy with a Pareto-dominated equilibrium 22[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $b_{1}$ $b_{2}$ $a_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(2,-1)$ $a_{2}$ $(2,0)$ $(1,2)$ Table 6: A 2-agent strictly monotonic free and unfair economy We relate the existence of an equilibrium that is Pareto-dominated in the free and fair economy described in Table 5 to the fact that the production function is weakly monotonic. However, it is essential to emphasize that the existence of an equilibrium is due to the fact that the economy is fair and not to the monotonicity property of the technology. For instance, consider a free economy $\mathcal{E}^{f}$, where agents 1 and 2 have strategies, $X_{1}=\\{a_{1},a_{2}\\}$, and $X_{2}=\\{b_{1},b_{2}\\}$, and the production function $f$ is given by: $f(a_{1},b_{1})=0$, $f(a_{1},b_{2})=1$, $f(a_{2},b_{1})=2$, and $f(a_{2},b_{2})=3$. Agents’ payoffs are described in Table 6. The environment $\mathcal{E}^{f}$ describes a strictly monotonic economy, but it is unfair. Similarly, by replacing the production function $f$ by another function $g$ defined by: $g(a_{1},b_{1})=0$, $g(a_{1},b_{2})=g(a_{2},b_{1})=1$, and $g(a_{2},b_{2})=3$, we obtain a weakly free monotonic and unfair economy $\mathcal{E}^{g}$ with agents’ payoffs described in Table 7. 22[Agent 1][Agent 2] & $b_{1}$ $b_{2}$ $a_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(2,-1)$ $a_{2}$ $(2,-1)$ $(1,2)$ Table 7: A 2-agent weakly monotonic free and unfair economy Note also that neither strategic form game $G^{\mathcal{E}^{f}}$ described in Table 6, nor $G^{\mathcal{E}^{g}}$ described in Table 7 admit a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. This shows that the monotonicity conditions do not guarantee the existence of a pure strategy Nash in a free economy that is unfair; and even when an equilibrium exists in such an economy, it may be Pareto- inefficient. This latter situation occurs, for example, in the prisoner’s dilemma game. An economy that is represented by a prisoner’s dilemma game is monotonic, but its unique equilibrium is Pareto-inefficient (see, for instance, the game described in Table 8; the unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium (Defect, Defect) is Pareto-inefficient). 22[Agent 1][Agent 2] & Cooperate Defect Cooperate $(0,0)$ $(-2,1)$ Defect $(1,-2)$ $(-1,-1)$ Table 8: A prisoner’s dilemma game ## 5 A free economy with social justice and inclusion Our conception of a free economy with social justice embodies both the ideals of market justice and social inclusion. Members of a society do not generally have the same abilities. Consequently, distribution schemes that are based on market justice alone will penalize individuals with less opportunities or those who are unable to develop a positive productivity to the economy. One of the goals of social justice is to remedy this social disadvantage that results mainly from arbitrary factors in the sense of moral thought. Social justice requires caring for the least well-off and those who have natural limitations not allowing them to achieve as much as they would like to. This requirement goes beyond the considerations of a free and fair economy in which agents have equal access to civic rights, wealth, opportunities, and privileges. The ideal of social justice could be implemented in a fair society through specific redistribution rules, and that is the main message that we intend to provide in this section. Market justice as defined in the previous sections requires that the collective outcome must be distributed based on individual marginal contributions. Thus, a citizen who is not able to contribute a positive value to the economy shouldn’t receive a positive payoff. Social justice differs to market justice in the sense that everyone should receive a basic worth for living. This principle is consistent with the results found by De Clippel and Rozen (2013) in a recent experimental study in which neutral agents (called “Decision Makers") are called upon to distribute collective rewards among other agents (called “Recipients"). They show that even if collective rewards depend on complementarity and substitutability between recipients, some decision markers still allocate positive rewards to those who bring nothing to the economy. Moreover, a linear convex combination of the Shapley value (Shapley, 1953) and the equal split scheme arises as a one-parameter allocation estimate of data. This convex allocation is also known as an egalitarian Shapley value (Joosten, 1996). Intuitively, this pay scheme can be viewed as implementing a progressive redistribution policy where a positive amount of the total surplus in an economy is taxed and redistributed equally among all the agents. We use this distribution scheme to showcase our purpose. We will see that some properties of an economy that embeds the idea of social justice depends on the tax rate. Below, we define the equal-split, and an egalitarian Shapley value schemes. ###### Definition 11. Let $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ be a free economy. 1. 1. $\phi$ is the equal split distribution scheme, if $\phi_{i}(f,x)=\frac{f(x)}{n},\ \text{for all}\ f\in P(X),x\in X,\ \text{and}\ i\in N.$ 2. 2. $\phi$ is an egalitarian Shapley value if there exists $\alpha\in[0,1]$ such that for all $f\in P(X)$, and $i\in N$, $\phi_{i}(f,x)=\alpha\cdot\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)+(1-\alpha)\cdot\frac{f(x)}{n},\ \text{for all}\ x\in X.$ We denote by $\bm{ES}^{\alpha}$ the egalitarian Shapley value associated to a given $\alpha\in[0,1]$. The mixing equal split and Shapley value satisfies the principles of anonymity and local efficiency, but violates marginality and unproductivity when $\alpha\in[0,1)$. The allocation scheme $\bm{ES}^{\alpha}$ has a very natural interpretation. Given an outcome $x$, the technology $f$ produces the output $f(x)$. A share ($\alpha$) of the latter is shared among agents according to their marginal contributions, while the remaining ($1-\alpha$) is shared equally among the entire population; the fraction $1-\alpha$ is the tax rate. Immediately, those who are more talented will still receive more under a given egalitarian Shapley value scheme, but less compared to what they receive in a free and fair economy (when $\alpha=1$). Additionally, those who do not have the opportunity to contribute to their optimum scale will still be rewarded. We have the following definition. ###### Definition 12. $\mathcal{E}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ is a free economy with social justice if there exists $\alpha\in[0,1[$ such that $\phi=\bm{ES}^{\alpha}$. We call $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{ES}^{\alpha},u)$ an $\alpha$-free economy with social justice. In Section 5.1, we analyze equilibrium existence and Pareto-efficiency in free economies with social justice. Our methodology is similar to the one followed in Sections 3 and 4. In Section 5.2, we prove that an economy can always choose its reference point to induce equilibrium efficiency, even when the economy is not monotonic. ### 5.1 Equilibrium existence and efficiency in a free economy with social justice In what follows, we study the existence of equilibrium in an $\alpha$-free economy with social justice. As defined in Section 3.1, a free economy with social justice admits an equilibrium if the strategic form game derived from that economy possesses a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. A meritocratic planner will choose a higher $\alpha$ when allocating resources since talents and merits have more value in such a society. An egalitarian planner will put a higher weight on equal distribution. It follows that a choice of $\alpha$ reveals a trade-off between market justice and egalitarianism. The good news is that there exists a self-enforcing social contract irrespective of the size of $\alpha$. We have the result hereunder. ###### Theorem 3. Any $\alpha$-free economy with social justice $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{ES}^{\alpha},u)$ admits an equilibrium. ###### Proof of Theorem 3. Consider $\alpha\in[0,1]$ such that $\phi=ES^{\alpha}$. In the proof of Theorem 1, we show that the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of deviations from any strategic form game derived from a fair economy equals $0$. The same result holds for any strategic form game derived from an $\alpha$-free economy with social justice, since an egalitarian Shapley value is a linear combination of the Shapley value and equal division. Thus, we conclude the proof. ∎ We also provide a condition under which a free economy with social justice has a Pareto-efficient economy. We have the following definition. ###### Definition 13. Let $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{ES}^{\alpha},u)$ be an $\alpha$-free economy with social justice. An optimal outcome is any outcome $x\in\arg\max\limits_{y\in X}f(y)$ at which $f$ is maximized. The following result is deduced from Theorem 2. ###### Corollary 1. A weakly monotonic $\alpha$-free economy with social justice $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{ES}^{\alpha},u)$ admits an equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient. If $f$ is strictly monotonic, then, the equilibrium is unique and Pareto-efficient. The proof of Corollary 1 is similar to that of Theorem 2. Next, we provide an additional result about Pareto-efficiency of equilibria in a free economy with social justice. ###### Theorem 4. There exists $\alpha_{0}\in(0,1)$ such that for all $\alpha\in[0,\alpha_{0}]$, the $\alpha$-free economy with social justice $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{ES}^{\alpha},u)$ admits an equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient. ###### Proof of Theorem 4. Assume that $\alpha$ is sufficiently small. If $f$ admits a unique optimal outcome $x$, then $x$ is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium of the game generated by any $\alpha$-free economy with social justice $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}$. In the case $f$ admits two or more optimal outcomes, then, for strictly positive but sufficiently small $\alpha$, no agent has any incentive to deviate from an optimal outcome to a non-optimal outcome. As games generated by $\alpha$-free economies with social justice do not admit cycles of deviations, it is not possible to construct any cycle of deviations within the set of optimal outcomes. It follows that at least one optimal outcome is a Nash equilibrium. The latter profile is also Pareto-efficient as it maximizes the sum of agents’ payoffs. ∎ ###### Example 3 (Taxation and Social Justice). Consider a small economy involving three agents, $N=\\{1,2,3\\}$, who live in three different states or regions in a given country. One can assume that each agent is the “typical" representative of each state. Agents face different occupational choices. Agent 1 can decide to stay unemployed (strategy “$a$"), work in a middle class job (strategy “$b$") that provides an annual salary of $188,000, or accumulate experience to land a higher skilled job (strategy “$c$") that pays an annual salary of $200,000. Agent 2 can only choose between strategies “$a$" and “$b$". For many reasons including health concerns, natural disasters such as hurricane, pandemics or wildfire, or civil war violence, agent 3 does not have the opportunities available to other agents; he or she can not work, and is therefore considered as unemployed. The government uses marginal tax rates to determine the amount of income tax that each agent must pay to the tax collector. The aggregate annual fiscal revenue function $f$ for the economy depends on agents’ strategies and it is described as follows: $f(a,a,a)=0$, $f(a,b,a)=\$41,175.5$, $f(b,a,a)=\$41,175.5$, $f(b,b,a)=\$82,351$, $f(c,a,a)=\$45,015.5$, and $f(c,b,a)=\$86,191$. Numerous countries over the world use marginal tax brackets to collect income taxes (see, for example, a report by Bunn et al. (2019) for the Organisation for Economic Co-operation (OECD) and the Development and European Union (EU) countries). The function $f$ is a simplified version of such fiscal revenue rules. With the tax revenue collected, the government provides public goods. However, the type of public investment received by an agent’s state depends on the agent’s marginal contribution to the aggregate annual fiscal revenue. Using the Shapley scheme $\phi=\bm{Sh}$ in the distribution of public investments yields the outcome $x^{*}=(c,b,a)$ as the unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium in this free and fair economy. At this equilibrium, the state of agent 1 receives a public good that is worth $45,015.5, agent 2’s state receives a public investment of $41.175.5, and agent 3’s state receives nothing. However, if the egalitarian Shapley scheme $\phi=\bm{ES}^{4/5}$ is used instead to redistribute the fiscal revenue, then $x^{*}=(c,b,a)$ is still the unique pure strategy Nash equilibrium in the free economy with social justice. In that case, the outcome $x^{*}$ is still Pareto-efficient and the ranking of the size of investment across states does not change. Agent 3’s state receives a public investment of $5,746, agent 2’s state receives $38,686.5, and agent 1’s state receives $41,758.5. Although the allocation $\bm{ES}^{4/5}(f,x^{*})=(\$41,758.5,\$38,686.5,\$5,746)$ might not be the “best" decision for some people living in that society, it is a significant improvement (at least for agent 3’s state) from the market allocation $\bm{Sh}(f,x^{*})=(\$45,015.5,\$41,175.5,0)$. Using Theorem 4, we deduce the following corollary. ###### Corollary 2. Let $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{ES}^{\alpha},u)$ be an $\alpha$-free economy with social justice. Assume that $f$ only takes non-negative values. Then, each agent receives a non-negative payoff at any equilibrium. The intuition behind Corollary 2 is straightforward. Assuming that at a given outcome $x\in X$, $f(x)$ is non-negative, then for all $i\in N$, agent $i$’s payoff is non-negative if instead of choosing $x_{i}$, the agent chooses the reference point $o_{i}$. ### 5.2 Choosing a reference point to achieve equilibrium efficiency So far, we have assumed that the reference point $o$ is exogenously determined and that in a free economy, the surplus function $f$ is such that $f(o_{1},o_{2},...,o_{n})=0$. As noted earlier, this latter point is just a simplifying normalization. We have also shown that in a free and fair economy, all the equilibria may be Pareto-inefficient, especially in the absence of monotonicity. Similarly, in a free economy with social justice, if the tax rate ($1-\alpha$) is too small, a Pareto-efficient equilibrium may not exist either. This section shows that we can achieve equilibrium efficiency simply by changing the reference point of any free and fair economy or any free economy with social justice. Without loss of generality, we assume that $f(o)$ is strictly positive and modify the Shapley distribution scheme such that for $i\in N$, and $x\in X$, agent $i$’s payoff at $(f,x)$, denoted $\overline{\bm{Sh}}(f,x)$, is given by $\overline{\bm{Sh}}(f,x)=\bm{Sh}_{i}(f-f(o),x)+\frac{f(o)}{n}$. Let us denote $\overline{P}(X)=\\{g:X\rightarrow\mathbb{R},\ \text{with}\ g(o)>0\\}$. Our next result says that any optimal outcome can be achieved via an equilibrium profile in any $\alpha$-free economy with social justice endowed with the distribution scheme $\overline{\bm{ES}}^{\alpha}$, where $\overline{\bm{ES}}^{\alpha}(f,x)=\alpha\cdot\overline{\bm{Sh}}_{i}(f,x)+(1-\alpha)\cdot\frac{f(x)}{n},\ \text{for all}\ x\in X$ and $f\in\overline{P}(X)$. ###### Theorem 5. For all free economy $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}(o)=(N,X,o,f,\overline{\bm{ES}}^{\alpha},u)$, there exists another reference outcome $o^{\prime}$ such that the $\alpha$-free economy $\mathcal{E}^{\alpha}(o^{\prime})=(N,X,o^{\prime},f,\overline{\bm{ES}}^{\alpha},u)$ admits an optimal equilibrium $x^{*}$. ###### Proof of Theorem 5. Assume $\alpha=1$. Let $o^{\prime}$ be a profile of inputs such that $f(o^{\prime})=\max\limits_{x\in X}f(x)$. No agent has any strict incentive to deviate from $o^{\prime}$. Indeed if agent $i$ deviates and chooses $x_{i}$, then agent $i$ is the only active agent at the new outcome $(o^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})$. As each inactive agent receives $\frac{f(o^{\prime})}{n}$ at $(o^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})$, and $f(o^{\prime})$ maximizes the production, it follows from the local efficiency axiom of the Shapley distribution scheme that the deviation $x_{i}$ is not strictly profitable. A similar argument holds for any other $\alpha\in[0,1)$. Indeed, at the profile $(o^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})$, agent $i$ receives $\alpha\left(f(o^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})-f(o^{\prime})+\frac{f(o^{\prime})}{n}\right)+(1-\alpha)\frac{f(o^{\prime}_{-i},x_{i})}{n}$, which is less than $\frac{f(o^{\prime})}{n}$. ∎ Remark that this result holds for any value of $\alpha$, including for $\alpha=1$, which corresponds to a situation where the tax rate is zero. In that case, the entire surplus of the economy is distributed following the Shapley value. The analysis implies that if an economy can choose its reference point, it can always do so to lead to equilibrium efficiency. ## 6 Some applications There a wide variety of applications of our theory. In this section, we provide applications to the distribution of surplus in a firm, exchange economies, self-enforcing lockdowns in a networked economy facing a pandemic, and publication bias in the academic peer-review system. ### 6.1 Teamwork: surplus distribution in a firm In this first application, we use our theory to show how bonuses can be distributed among workers in a way that incentivizes them to work efficiently. Consider a firm which consists of a finite set of workers $N=\\{1,2,...,n\\}$. Each worker $i\in N$ privately and freely chooses an effort level $x^{j}_{i}\in X_{i}$, and bears a corresponding non-negative cost $c^{j}_{i}=c(x^{j}_{i})$, where $c(.)$ denotes the cost function. The cost of labor supply includes any private resources or extra working time that worker $i$ puts into the project (for example, transportation costs, time, etcetera). Workers’ labor supply choices are made simultaneously and independently. The owner of the firm (or the team leader) knows the cost associated to each effort level. At each effort profile $x=(x_{1},\cdots,x_{n})$, a corresponding monetary output $F(x)$ is produced. A fraction of the monetary output, $f=\gamma\cdot F$, with $\gamma\in(0,1)$, is redistributed to workers in terms of bonuses. The existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in this teamwork game follows from Lemma 1. To see this, observe that the payoff function of a worker can be decomposed in two parts: the bonus that is determined by the Shapley payoff and the cost function. Lemma 1 shows that the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of deviations equals 0 in any free and fair economy (or any strategic game with Shapley payoffs). The reader can check that the sum of excess costs in any cycle of strategy profiles is zero as well in the game. The latter implies that the sum of excess payoffs in any cycle of strategy profiles of the teamwork game is equal to 0. Therefore, the teamwork game admits no cycle of deviations. As the game is finite, we conclude that it admits at least a Nash equilibrium profile in pure strategies. (Recall that the total output of the firm, $F$, and the total bonus, $f$, are perfectly correlated.) We should point out that a pure strategy Nash equilibrium always exists in the teamwork game, even if costs are high. In the latter case, some workers, if not all, might find it optimal to remain inactive at the equilibrium. In such a situation, the owner might want to raise the total bonus to be redistributed to workers. Illustration. We now provide a numerical example with two workers called Bettina and Diana. Bettina has four possible effort levels: $b_{1},\ b_{2},\ b_{3}$ and $b_{4}$; and Diana has four possible effort levels as well: $d_{1},\ d_{2},\ d_{3}$ and $d_{4}$. The cost functions of the two workers are given by: $c(b_{1})=c(d_{1})=0,\ c(b_{2})=c(b_{3})=c(d_{2})=c(d_{3})=4$, $c(b_{4})=3$, and $c(d_{4})=5$. The fraction $f$ of the output to be redistributed as bonus is described in Table 9. The number $f(b,d)$ is the bonus to be distributed at the profile of efforts $(b,d)$; for instance, $f(b_{1},d_{1})=0$. 44[Bettina][Diana] & $d_{1}$ $d_{2}$ $d_{3}$ $d_{4}$ $b_{1}$ $0$ $5$ $1$ $13$ $b_{2}$ $2$ $8$ $10$ $2$ $b_{3}$ $5$ $13$ $1$ $13$ $b_{4}$ $3$ $9$ $13$ $2$ Table 9: Total bonus function in a teamwork game The corresponding Shapley payoffs are described in Table 10 and the net payoffs of Bettina and Diana in the teamwork game are described in Table 11. 44[Bettina][Diana] & $d_{1}$ $d_{2}$ $d_{3}$ $d_{4}$ $b_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(0,5)$ $(0,1)$ $(0,13)$ $b_{2}$ $(2,0)$ $(\frac{5}{2},\frac{11}{2})$ $(\frac{11}{2},\frac{9}{2})$ $(-\frac{9}{2},\frac{13}{2})$ $b_{3}$ $(5,0)$ $(\frac{13}{2},\frac{13}{2})$ $(\frac{5}{2},-\frac{3}{2})$ $(\frac{5}{2},\frac{21}{2})$ $b_{4}$ $(3,0)$ $(\frac{7}{2},\frac{11}{2})$ $(\frac{15}{2},\frac{11}{2})$ $(-4,6)$ Table 10: Shapley payoffs: redistribution of total bonus in a teamwork game 44[Bettina][Diana] & $d_{1}$ $d_{2}$ $d_{3}$ $d_{4}$ $b_{1}$ $(0,0)$ $(0,1)$ $(0,-3)$ $(0,8)$ $b_{2}$ $(-2,0)$ $(-\frac{3}{2},\frac{3}{2})$ $(\frac{3}{2},\frac{1}{2})$ $(-\frac{17}{2},\frac{3}{2})$ $b_{3}$ $(1,0)$ $(\frac{5}{2},\frac{5}{2})$ $(-\frac{3}{2},-\frac{11}{2})$ $(-\frac{3}{2},\frac{11}{2})$ $b_{4}$ $(0,0)$ $(\frac{1}{2},\frac{3}{2})$ $(\frac{9}{2},\frac{3}{2})$ $(-7,1)$ Table 11: Bettina and Diana’s net payoffs in a teamwork game The profile $(b_{4},d_{3})$ is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. Therefore, the owner of the firm can implement the profile $(b_{4},d_{3})$ without any need of monitoring the actions of Bettina and Diana, as $(b_{4},d_{3})$ is self-enforcing. The owner can implement the profile $(b_{1},d_{4})$ as well. Note that the set of equilibrium effort profiles depend on the cost functions, and that no worker receives a non positive bonus at the equilibrium. The reason is that each worker $i$ always has the option to remain inactive, which is equivalent to Bettina choosing $b_{1}$ or Diana choosing $d_{1}$ in this illustration. The two equilibria in this teamwork game are Pareto-efficient. ### 6.2 Contagion and self-enforcing lockdown in a networked economy In this section, we provide an application of a free and fair economy to contagion and self-enforcing lockdown in a networked economy. We show how the costs of a pandemic from a virus outbreak can affect agents’ decisions to form and sever bilateral relationships in the economy. Specifically, we illustrate this application by using the contagion potential of a network (Pongou, 2010; Pongou and Serrano, 2013, 2016; Pongou and Tondji, 2018). Consider an economy $\mathcal{M}$ involving agents who freely form and sever bilateral links according to their preferences. Agents’ choices lead to a network, defined as a set of bilateral links. Assume that rational behavior is captured by a certain equilibrium notion (for example, Nash equilibrium, pairwise-Nash equilibrium, etc.). Such an economy may have multiple equilibria. Denote by $\mathcal{E(M)}$ the set of its equilibria. Our main goal is to assess agent’s decisions in response to the spread of a random infection (for example, COVID-19) that might hit the economy. As the pandemic evolves in the economy, will some agents decide to sever existing links and self-isolate themselves? How does network structure depend on the infection cost? To illustrate these concepts, consider an economy involving a finite set of agents $N=\\{1,...,n\\}$. All agents simultaneously announce the direct links they wish to form. For every agent $i$, the set of strategies is an $n$-tuple of 0 and 1, $X_{i}=\left\\{0,1\right\\}^{n}$. Let $x_{i}=(x_{i1},...,x_{ii-1},1,x_{ii+1},...,x_{in})$ be an element in $X_{i}$. Let $x_{ij}$ denote the $j$th coordinate of $x_{i}$. Then, $x_{ij}=1$ if and only if $i$ chooses a direct link with $j\ (j\neq i)$, or $j=i$ (and thus $x_{ij}=0$, otherwise). We assume that the formation of a link requires mutual consent, that is, a link $ij$ is formed in a network if and only if $x_{ij}x_{ji}=1$. We denote $X=\times_{j\in N}X_{j}$. An outcome $x\in X$ yields a unique network $g(x)$. However, a network can be formed from multiple outcomes. We denote $o=(0,..,0)$ the reference outcome, and $g(o)$ the empty network. It follows that the networked economy $\mathcal{M}$ can be represented by a free economy $(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$, where $f$ is the production function and $u=\phi$ the payoff function (see below). Assume that rationality is captured by the notion of pairwise-Nash equilibrium as defined by, among others, Calvó-Armengol (2004), Goyal and Joshi (2006), and Bloch and Jackson (2007). The concept of pairwise-Nash equilibrium refines Nash equilibrium building upon the pairwise stability concept in Jackson and Wolinsky (1996). Pairwise-equilibrium networks are such that no agent gains by reshaping the current configuration of links, neither by adding a new link nor by severing any subset of the existing links. Let $g$ be a network and $ij\in g$ a link. We let $g+ij$ denote the network found by adding the link $ij$ to $g$, and $g-ij$ denote the network obtained by deleting the link $ij$ from $g$. Formally, $g$ is a pairwise-Nash equilibrium network if and only if there exists a Nash equilibrium outcome $x^{*}$ that supports $g$, that is $g=g(x^{*})$, and for all $ij\notin g$, $\phi_{i}(f,g+ij)>\phi_{i}(f,g)$ implies $\phi_{j}(f,g+ij)<\phi_{j}(f,g)$. The contagion function is the contagion potential of a network (Pongou, 2010; Pongou and Serrano, 2013, 2016; Pongou and Tondji, 2018). To define this function, we consider a network $g$ that has $k$ components, where a component is a maximal set of agents who are directly or indirectly connected in $g$; and $n_{j}$ the number of individuals in the $j^{th}$ component $(1\leq j\leq k)$. Pongou (2010) shows that if a random agent is infected with a virus, and if that agent infects his or her partners who also infect their other partners and so on, the fraction of infected agents is given by the contagion potential of $g$, which is: $\mathcal{P}(g)=\frac{1}{n^{2}}\sum\limits_{j=1}^{k}n_{j}^{2}.$ However, in a network $g$, each agent is exogenously infected with probability $\frac{1}{n}$, and given that agents are not responsible for exogenous infections, the part of contagion for which agents are collectively responsible in $g$ is: $\tilde{c}(g)=\mathcal{P}(g)-\frac{1}{n}.$ We assume that the infection by a communicable virus leads to a disease outbreak in the economy. Measures that are implemented to fight the pandemic bring economic costs to society. To assess those costs, we assume that the collective contagion function $\tilde{c}$ generates a pandemic cost function $\mathcal{C}$ so that, for each network $g$: $\mathcal{C}(g)=F(\tilde{c}(g)),\ F\ \text{being a well-defined function}.$ The pandemic and network formation affect economic activities. The formation of a network $g$ brings an economic value $v(g)\in\mathbb{R}$ to the economy. Given the cost function $\mathcal{C}$, the economic surplus of a network $g$ is: $f(g)=v(g)-\mathcal{C}(g).$ Our main goal is to examine each agent’s behavior in forming or severing bilateral links as the pandemic spreads in the economy. Let $g$ be a network and $S$ be a set of agents. We denote by $g^{S}$ the restriction of the network $g$ to $S$. This restriction is obtained by severing all the links involving agents in $N\backslash S$. Also, let $i$ be an agent. We denote by $g^{S}+i$ the network $g^{S\cup\left\\{i\right\\}}$ obtained from $g^{S}$ by connecting $i$ to all the agents in $S$ to whom $i$ is connected in the network $g$. The structure of the networked economy provides a natural setting for the use of the Shapley distribution scheme. In a competitive environment where marginal contributions are the only inputs that matter in the economy, we can expect that an agent who adds no value to any network configuration receives no payoff, and a more productive agent in a network structure receives a payoff that is greater relative to that of less productive agents. Assuming that the output from individual contributions are entirely shared among agents, it becomes natural to consider that agent $i$’s payoff in a network $g$ is given by the Shapley distribution scheme (1): $\phi_{i}(f,g)\equiv\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,g)=\sum\limits_{S\subseteq N,\ i\neq S}\frac{s!(n-s-1)!}{n!}\ \left\\{f(g^{S}+i)-f(g^{S})\right\\},\ s=|S|.$ The networked economy $\mathcal{M}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{Sh},u)$ describes a free and fair economy. We have the following result. ###### Proposition 2. Pairwise-Nash equilibrium networks always exist: $\mathcal{E(M)}\neq\emptyset$. This result partly follows from Theorem 1, but is stronger because the notion of pairwise-Nash equilibrium refines the Nash equilibrium. The proof is left to the reader. We illustrate it below. Illustration. Let $N=\\{1,2,3\\}$. Assume the set of an agent $i$’s direct links in a network $g$ is $L_{i}(g)=\left\\{jk\in g:j=i\ \text{or}\ k=i,\ \text{and}\ j\neq k\right\\}$, of size $l_{i}(g)$. The size of $g$ is $l(g)=\sum\limits_{i\in N}l_{i}(g)/2$. Note that $l(g)=0$ if and only if $g$ is the empty network. For illustration, we assume that for each network $g$: $\begin{split}v(g)&=[l(g)]^{1/2}\\\ \mathcal{C}(g)&=\lambda\tilde{c}(g)=\lambda[\mathcal{P}(g)-\frac{1}{n}],\ \lambda>0\\\ f(g)&=[l(g)]^{1/2}-\lambda[\mathcal{P}(g)-\frac{1}{n}],\lambda>0.\end{split}$ We can rewrite $f$ as follows (note that $\mathcal{P}(\emptyset)=\frac{1}{n})$: $\displaystyle f(g)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}0&\text{if }l(g)=0\\\ 1-\frac{2\lambda}{9}&\text{if }l(g)=1\\\ \sqrt{2}-\frac{2\lambda}{3}&\text{if }l(g)=2\\\ \sqrt{3}-\frac{2\lambda}{3}&\text{if }l(g)=3\end{cases}$ Given that there is only three agents, we can fully represent the set of networks in $\mathcal{M}$. The agents are labeled as described in Figure 1. Agent 2Agent 3Agent 1 Figure 1: Disposition of agents in a network In Figure 2, we display the different network configurations in $\mathcal{M}$. In each network, the payoff of each agent is given next to the corresponding node. The pairwise stability concept facilitates the search of equilibrium networks. We have the following result. We denote by $g^{N}$ the complete network. ###### Proposition 3. Let $g$ be a network. If: 1. 1. $\lambda<1.8\sqrt{2}-0.9$, then $\mathcal{E(M)}=\\{g^{N}\\}$. 2. 2. $1.8\sqrt{2}-0.9<\lambda<\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}$, then $g\in\mathcal{E(M)}$ if and only if $l(g)\in\\{1,3\\}$. 3. 3. $\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}<\lambda<4.5$, then $g\in\mathcal{E(M)}$ if and only if $l(g)=1$. 4. 4. $\lambda>4.5$, then $\mathcal{E(M)}=\\{g(o)\\}$. Figure 2: Possible network formation in $\mathcal{M}$ The proof of Proposition 3 is straightforward and left to the reader. Clearly, Proposition 3 shows that pandemic costs affect agents’ decisions in the networked economy. The parameter $\lambda$ summarizes the negative effects of the contagion in the economy. When there is no disease outbreak, or the pandemic costs are very low (lower values of $\lambda$), each agent gains by keeping bilateral relationships with others. In that situation, the complete network is likely to sustain as the equilibrium social structure in the economy. No agent has an incentive to self-isolate. However, as the pandemic costs rise, agents respond by severing some bilateral connections. For intermediate values of $\lambda$ ($\frac{3\sqrt{3}}{2}<\lambda<4.5$), only networks with one link will be sustained in the equilibrium. This means that some agents find it rational to partially or fully self-isolate in order to reduce the spread of the virus. In the extreme case where the contagion costs are very high ($\lambda>4.5$), a complete lockdown arises, and the empty network is the only equilibrium. Interestingly, the value of $\lambda$ depends on the nature of the virus. Viruses induce different severity levels. For example, COVID-19 and the flu virus have different values, inducing different network configurations in equilibrium. The different network configurations in Figure 2 can therefore be interpreted as the networks that will arise in different scenarios regarding the nature of the virus. ### 6.3 Bias in academic publishing In this section, we apply the model of a free and fair economy to academic publishing in a knowledge environment. Generally, academic researchers have freedom to choose research topics that are likely to be published either in peer-reviewed or non-peer-reviewed outlets. However, studies show that the peer-review process is not generally anonymous, and it involves some biases (see, for example, Ellison (2002), Heckman et al. (2017), Serrano (2018), Akerlof (2020), and the references therein). Following Ellison (2002), we consider a model of producing scientific knowledge in which researchers differentiate topics along two quality dimensions: importance (or $q$-quality) and hardness (or $r$-quality).101010Tough the trade-off between the two quality dimensions can be viewed as a rational decision, the consequences can be detrimental to economics, as a discipline and profession. For instance, some general interest journals suffer from the “incest factor” (Heckman et al., 2017), and Akerlof (2020) shows that the tendency of rewarding “hard” topics versus “soft” topics in economics results in “sins of omissions” where issues that are relevant to the literature and can not be approached in a “hard” way are ignored. In the hypothetical and straightforward knowledge economy that we analyze, we assume that both importance and hardness levels are discrete, ordered, and are homogeneous among researchers. Formally, $Q=\\{q_{0},q_{1},...,q_{m}\\}$ denotes the set of importance levels, with $q_{0}<q_{1}<...<q_{m}$, and $R=\\{r_{0},r_{1},...,r_{m}\\}$ denotes the set of different degrees of hardness, with $r_{0}<r_{1}<...<r_{m}$. We consider a knowledge environment involving a finite set of researchers $N=\\{1,...,n\\}$. Each researcher selects a topic of a given importance level and degree of hardness. For every researcher $i$, a strategy $x_{i}=(q^{i},r^{i})\in X_{i}\subseteq Q\times R$, where $q^{i}\in Q$, and $r^{i}\in R$. We denote $X=\times_{j\in N}X_{j}$. We consider $o_{i}=(q_{0},r_{0})$ as the reference choice for researcher $i$, and $o=(o_{j})_{j\in N}$ the reference outcome. A knowledge function (or technology) $f$ transforms any outcome $x\in X$ to the number of published articles $f(x)\in\mathbb{R}$, with $f(o)=0$. An allocation $\phi$ distributes $f(x)$ to active researchers so that the utility of researcher $i$, $u_{i}$, at the profile $x$ given the knowledge function $f$, is $u_{i}(x)=\phi_{i}(f,x)$. The knowledge economy $\mathcal{E}^{\phi}=(N,X,o,f,\phi,u)$ defines a free economy. Thanks to Theorem 1, the free and fair knowledge economy $\mathcal{E}^{\bm{Sh}}=(N,X,o,f,\bm{Sh},u)$ admits a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. The allocation $\phi$ ($\neq\bm{Sh}$) in the free knowledge economy can be viewed as the current academic publishing system. As mentioned above, the latter could lead to an equilibrium outcome that shows a bias towards “hardness" and against “importance". To illustrate our point, we consider a simple knowledge economy involving two active researchers $N=\\{1,2\\}$ with the same “abilities" of producing scholarly articles. Each researcher $i$’s criteria for a choice of topic belongs to the set $X_{i}=\\{0,1,2,3\\}$, where each number represents a pair in $Q\times R$: “0": (soft, less important), “1": (soft, important), “2": (hard, less important), and “3": (hard, important). The knowledge function $f$ matches any profile of decisions $x=(x_{1},x_{2})$ made by the researchers to $f(x)$, the number of academic articles produced in the economy: $f(0,0)=0$, $f(1,0)=f(0,1)=f(2,2)=10$, $f(1,1)=20$, $f(2,0)=f(0,2)=f(3,1)=f(1,3)=f(2,3)=f(3,2)=8$, $f(3,0)=f(0,3)=4$, $f(1,2)=f(2,1)=14$, and $f(3,3)=6$. We assume that the current academic publishing system allocates articles in the knowledge economy $\mathcal{E}^{\phi}$ according to the allocation scheme $\phi$ described in Table 12 below.111111Although we do not have a clear evidence to support the allocation $\phi$, studies such as Heckman and Moktan (2020), Colussi (2018), Sarsons (2017), and Card and DellaVigna (2013) document that there exists a preferential treatment for some group of authors in the academic publishing process. 44[Researcher 1][Researcher 2] & $0$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $(0,0)$ $(0,10)$ $(0,8)$ $(0,4)$ $1$ $(5,5)$ $(5,15)$ $(4,10)$ $(2,6)$ $2$ $(3,5)$ $(6,8)$ $(1,9)$ $(3,5)$ $3$ $(3,1)$ $(4,4)$ $(4,4)$ $(2,4)$ Table 12: Academic Knowledge under $\phi$ The free economy $\mathcal{E}^{\phi}$ admits a unique equilibrium $x^{*}=(3,2)$ where both researchers display favor for hardness relative to importance: Researcher 1 favors hard and important, and Researcher 2 favors hard and less important. At that equilibrium $x^{*}$, the economy produces 8 scientific papers. The profile $x^{*}$ is Pareto-dominated by the outcome $(1,1)$ that produces 20 articles in the economy. Note that there is another distortion in Table 12. Researcher 1 does not receive the same treatment as Researcher 2. For instance, when Researcher 1 moves from the reference point to the strategy "1", he or she receives the same reward of 5 as Researcher 2. However, when Researcher 2 does the same move, he or she keeps all the benefits, and Researcher 1 receives 0 even if the knowledge function produces the same output at both profiles $(0,1)$ and $(1,0)$. What would happen in this knowledge economy $\mathcal{E}^{\phi}$ if the Shapley distribution scheme $\bm{Sh}$ replaces $\phi$? Well, it is straightforward to show that the researchers are symmetric under the knowledge function $f$. Using Anonymity and the other principles of merit- based justice, Table 13 below describes the allocation of academic articles under the allocation $\bm{Sh}$. 44[Researcher 1][Researcher 2] & $0$ $1$ $2$ $3$ $0$ $(0,0)$ $(0,10)$ $(0,8)$ $(0,4)$ $1$ $(10,5)$ $(10,10)$ $(7,7)$ $(4,4)$ $2$ $(8,0)$ $(7,7)$ $(5,5)$ $(4,4)$ $3$ $(4,0)$ $(4,4)$ $(4,4)$ $(3,3)$ Table 13: Academic Knowledge under $\bm{Sh}$ From Table 13, we can easily conclude that the free economy $\mathcal{E}^{\phi}$ is unfair. The identity-bias that we observe under the academic publishing system $\phi$ does not arise in the free and fair knowledge environment because the distribution scheme $\bm{Sh}$ allocates rewards based on marginal contributions. The free and fair knowledge economy $\mathcal{E}^{\bm{Sh}}$ admits the unique profile $x^{**}=(1,1)$ as equilibrium in which both researchers exhibit preferences for soft and important topics. The outcome $x^{**}$ is Pareto-optimal and it maximizes the quantity of articles produced in the economy. Importantly, researchers produce the same number of articles at the equilibrium given their “abilities" and the fact that they choose the same strategy. The profile $x^{**}$ in the free and fair economy $\mathcal{E}^{\bm{Sh}}$ strictly dominates the equilibrium outcome in the free knowledge economy $\mathcal{E}^{\phi}$ with the academic publishing system $\phi$. ### 6.4 Exchange economies In this section, we apply our theory to pure exchange economies (Section 6.4.1) and markets with transferable payoff (Section 6.4.2). #### 6.4.1 Pure exchange economies There are no production opportunities in a pure exchange economy (or, simply, an exchange economy), and agents trade initial stocks, or endowments, of goods (or commodities) that they possess according to a specific rule and attempt to maximize their preferences or utilities. Generally, an exchange economy consists of a list $\Omega=(N,l,(w_{i}),(u_{i}))$, where: (a) $N$ is a finite set of agents ($|N|=n<\infty$); (b) $l$ is a positive integer (the number of goods or commodities); (c) the vector $w_{i}$ is agent $i$’s endowment vector ($w_{i}\in X_{i}\subseteq\mathbb{R}_{+}^{l}$), with $\mathbb{R}_{+}$ being the set of non-negative real numbers, and $X_{i}$ the agent $i$’s consumption set; and (d) $u_{i}:X_{i}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is agent $i$’s utility function. The amount of good $k$ that agent $i$ demands in the market is denoted $x_{ik}$, so that agent $i$’s consumption bundle is denoted $x_{i}=(x_{11},x_{12},...,x_{1l})\in X_{i}$. An allocation is a distribution of the total endowment among agents: that is, an outcome $x=(x_{j})_{j\in N}$, with $x_{j}\in X_{j}$ for all $j\in N$ and $\sum\limits_{j\in N}x_{j}\leq\sum\limits_{j\in N}w_{j}$. A competitive equilibrium of an exchange economy is a pair $(p^{*},z^{*})$ consisting of a vector $p^{*}\in\mathbb{R}^{l}_{+}$, with $p^{*}\neq 0$ (the price vector), and an allocation $x^{*}=(x^{*}_{j})_{j\in N}$ such that, for each agent $i$, we have: $p^{*}x_{i}^{*}\leq p^{*}w_{i},\ \text{and}\ u_{i}(x_{i}^{*})\geq u_{i}(x_{i})\ \text{for which}\ p^{*}x_{i}\leq p^{*}w_{i},\ x_{i}\in X_{i}.$ We say that $x^{*}=(x^{*}_{j})_{j\in N}$ is a competitive allocation. In an exchange economy, we can assimilate an agent’s consumption bundle to that agent’s action in the market. In that respect, we can formulate an exchange economy under mild assumptions as a free and fair economy. Consider an exchange economy $\Omega=(N,l,(w_{i}),(u_{i}))$ in which the number of goods is finite ($l<\infty$), and each agent $i$’s consumption set $X_{i}$ is finite ($|X_{i}|<\infty$). For instance, one can assume that agents can only purchase or sell indivisible units of goods in the market. We can model $\Omega$ as a free and fair economy $\mathcal{E}^{\Omega}=(N,X=\times_{j\in N}X_{j},o,F,\bm{Sh},\overline{u})$ where: (i) each agent $i$’s action $x_{i}\in X_{i}$; (ii) the reference outcome $o$ is the vector of endowments $w$; (iii) $F:X\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is the net aggregate utility function, i.e., for $x=(x_{j})_{j\in N}\in X$, $F(x)=\sum\limits_{j\in N}[u_{j}(x_{j})-u_{j}(w_{j})],\ \text{with}\ F(w)=0;\ \text{and}\ $ (iv) the Shapley allocation scheme $\bm{Sh}=\overline{u}$ distributes the net aggregate utility $F(x)$ between agents at each profile $x\in X$: $\overline{u}_{i}(x)=\bm{Sh}_{i}(F,x)$ for each $i\in N$. Only allocations in the free and fair economy can be selected in the equilibrium. This means that an outcome $x=(x_{j})_{j\in N}\in X$ is an equilibrium in the free and fair economy if (1) $\sum\limits_{j\in N}x_{j}\leq\sum\limits_{j\in N}w_{j}$, and (2) $x$ is a pure strategy Nash equilibrium of the strategic game $(N,X,\bm{Sh})$. Our model differs from the exchange economy in at least two important respects. First, the incentive mechanism is different. Second, the equilibrium prediction from free exchanges between agents in both economies is different in general. A competitive equilibrium exists in an exchange economy when some assumptions exist on agents’ utilities and endowments. For instance, when utilities are continuous, strictly increasing, and quasi-concave and each agent initially owns a positive amount of each good in the market, a competitive equilibrium exists, and many equilibria might arise. However, under such assumptions on agents’ utilities, the net aggregate utility function $F$ is strictly increasing, and thanks to Theorem 2, the free and fair economy admits a unique equilibrium. Additionally, it is not necessary to impose any assumptions on utilities and endowments to guarantee the existence of an equilibrium in a free and fair economy. We illustrate these points in the following examples. ###### Example 4. Consider an exchange economy with two goods (1 and 2) and two agents (A and B) in which agent A initially owns a positive amount of good 1, $w_{A}=(1,0)$, while agent B owns a positive amount of both goods, $w_{B}=(2,1)$. We assume that agent A’s consumption set is $X_{A}=\\{(1,0),(0,0)\\}$ and utility is $u_{A}(x_{A})=u_{A}(x_{A1},x_{A2})=x_{A1}+x_{A2}$. Agent B’s consumption set is $X_{B}=\\{(2,1),(1,1),(0,1),(2,0),(1,0),(0,0)\\}$ and utility is $u_{B}(x_{B})=u_{B}(x_{B1},x_{B2})=\min\\{x_{B1},x_{B2}\\}$. An allocation $x=(x_{A},x_{B})\in X_{A}\times X_{B}$ is such that $x_{A1}+x_{B1}\leq 3$ and $x_{A2}+x_{B2}\leq 1$. We can show that there is no competitive equilibrium in this exchange economy (one reason is the fact that agent A owns zero units of good 2), while the free and fair economy admits two equilibria $x_{1}^{\bm{Sh}}=(w_{A},w_{B})$ and $x_{2}^{\bm{Sh}}=(w_{A},(1,1))$. Each equilibrium maximizes the net aggregate utility, $F(x_{1}^{\bm{Sh}})=F(x_{2}^{\bm{Sh}})=0$, with $\bm{Sh}_{A}(F,x_{1}^{\bm{Sh}})=\bm{Sh}_{B}(F,x_{1}^{\bm{Sh}})=0$, and $\bm{Sh}_{A}(F,x_{2}^{\bm{Sh}})=\bm{Sh}_{B}(F,x_{2}^{\bm{Sh}})=0$. This example shows that a free and fair exchange economy has an equilibrium while a competitive equilibrium does not exist. The next example will show that the equilibrium of a free and fair exchange economy can coincide with the competitive equilibrium. ###### Example 5. Consider a Shapley-Shubik economy (Shapley and Shubik, 1977) in which there are two agents and two goods. Agent A is endowed with 2 units of good 1, $w_{A}=(2,0)$, and agent B is endowed with 2 units of good 2, $w_{B}=(0,2)$. We assume that agent A’s consumption set is $X_{A}=\\{(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2),(2,0),(2,1),(2,2)\\}$ and his or her utility function is $u_{A}(x_{A1},x_{A2})=x_{A1}+3x_{A2}-\frac{1}{2}(x_{A2})^{2}$; agent B’s consumption set is $X_{B}=\\{(0,0),(1,0),(2,0),(0,1),(1,1),(2,1),(0,2),(1,2),(2,2)\\}$ and his or her utility function is $u_{B}(z_{B1},x_{B2})=x_{B2}+3x_{B1}-\frac{1}{2}(x_{B1})^{2}$. Assume that good 1 is the numeraire ($p_{1}=1$), and let $p=p_{2}$ and $X=X_{A}\times X_{B}$. It is straightforward to note that not all pairs of actions in $X$ are feasible in the economy. We can show that the pair $E^{*}=(p^{*},x^{*})$, where $p^{*}=1$, and $x^{*}=(x^{*}_{A}=(0,2),x^{*}_{B}=(2,0))$, is the unique competitive equilibrium of the market. At the equilibrium allocation $(p^{*},x^{*})$, agents exchange endowments, and that transaction results in utilities: $u_{A}(x_{1}^{*})=u_{B}(x_{2}^{*})=4$. Similarly, strategic interactions among agents in the free and fair market yield the same outcome $x^{*}$. To show that result, we use an approach that allows us to simplify calculations in the free and fair economy. Let us denote by $\overline{X}$ the subset of allocations ($\overline{X}\subset X$), and consider the following decisions: $a$ “keep the full endowment", $b$ “sell 1 unit of good", and $c$ “sell the full endowment." Consider $\overline{X}_{A}=\overline{X}_{B}=\\{a,b,c\\}$ as each agent’s set of decisions. Each vector of decisions in $\overline{X}_{A}\times\overline{X}_{B}$ yields a unique outcome $(x_{A},x_{B})\in\overline{X}$. Precisely, the vector $(a,a)$ entails the unique profile $x=(w_{A},w_{B})=((2,0),(0,2))$; $(a,b)$ corresponds to $x=((2,1),(0,1))$; $(a,c)$ corresponds to $x=((2,2),(0,0))$; $(b,a)$ corresponds to $x=((1,0),(1,2))$; $(b,b)$ corresponds to $x=((1,1),(1,1))$; $(b,c)$ corresponds to $x=((1,2),(1,0))$; $(c,a)$ corresponds to $x=((0,0),(2,2))$; $(c,b)$ corresponds to $x=((0,1),(2,1))$; and $(c,c)$ corresponds to $x=((0,2),(2,0))$. The net aggregate utility function $F$ is defined as: $F(x)=F(x_{A},x_{B})=u_{A}(x_{A})+u_{B}(x_{B})-4$. Using the strategy profile $(a,a)$ as the reference point, Table 14 describes agents’ utilities in the free and fair economy. For each agent, decision $c$ strictly dominates decisions $a$ and $b$. It follows that the vector $(c,c)$ which corresponds to the outcome $x^{\bm{Sh}}=((0,2),(2,0))=x^{*}$ is the unique equilibrium in the free and fair economy. In this case, the equilibrium coincides with the competitive allocation. 33[Agent A][Agent B] & $a$ $b$ $c$ $a$ $(0,0)$ $(0,1.5)$ $(0,2)$ $b$ $(1.5,0)$ $(1.5,1.5)$ $(1.5,2)$ $c$ $(2,0)$ $(2,1.5)$ $(2,2)$ Table 14: Utilities in the free and fair economy #### 6.4.2 Markets with transferable payoff A market with transferable payoff is a variant of a pure exchange economy in which each agent in the economy is endowed with a bundle of goods that can be used as inputs in a production system that the agent operates. All production systems transform inputs into the same kind of output (i.e., money), and this output can be transferred between the agents. In a market, the payoff can be directly transferred between agents, while in a pure exchange economy only goods can be directly transferred. Following Osborne and Rubinstein (1994), a market with transferable payoff consists of a list $\Pi=(N,l,(w_{i}),(f_{i}),(u_{i}))$, where: (a) $N$ is a finite set of agents ($|N|=n<\infty$); (b) $l$ is a positive integer (the number of input goods); (c) the vector $w_{i}$ is agent $i$’s endowment vector ($w_{i}\in X_{i}\subseteq\mathbb{R}_{+}^{l}$), with $X_{i}$ being the agent $i$’s input set; (d) $f_{i}:X_{i}\longrightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is agent $i$’s continuous, non- decreasing, and concave production function; and (e) $u_{i}$ is agent $i$’s utility function: $u_{i}(f_{i},p,x_{i})=f_{i}(x_{i})-p(x_{i}-w_{i})$, with $p\in\mathbb{R}^{l}_{+}$ (the vector of positive input prices), and $x_{i}\in X_{i}$. In the market, an input vector is a member of $X_{i}$, and a profile $(x_{j})_{j\in N}$ of input vectors for which $\sum\limits_{j\in N}x_{j}\leq\sum\limits_{j\in N}w_{j}$ is an allocation. We denote $w=(w_{j})_{j\in N}$. Agents can exchange inputs at fixed prices $p\in\mathbb{R}^{l}_{+}$, which are expressed in terms of units of output. At the end of the trade, if agent $i$ holds the bundle $x_{i}$, then his or her net expenditure, in units of output, is $p(x_{i}-w_{i})$. Agent $i$ can produce $f_{i}(x_{i})$ units of output, so that his or her net utility is $u_{i}(f_{i},p,x_{i})$. A price vector $p^{*}\in\mathbb{R}^{l}_{+}$ generates a competitive equilibrium if, when agent $i$ chooses his or her trade to maximize his or her utility, the resulting profile $(x^{*}_{i})_{i\in N}$ of input vectors is an allocation. Formally, a competitive equilibrium of a market is a pair $(p^{*},(x^{*}_{i})_{i\in N})$ consisting of a vector $p^{*}\in\mathbb{R}^{l}_{+}$ and an allocation $(x^{*}_{i})_{i\in N}$ such that, for each agent $i$, the vector $x^{*}_{i}$ maximizes his or her utility $u_{i}(f_{i},p^{*},x_{i})$, for each $x_{i}\in X_{i}$. The list $(N,l,w,(f_{i}),(u_{i}))$ defines a competitive market with transferable payoff. In a market with transferable payoff, we can view an agent’s input vector as an agent’s action in the market. Therefore, as in section 6.4.1, we can write a market with transferable payoff under mild assumptions as a free and fair economy. Consider a market with transferable payoff $\Pi=(N,l,w,(f_{i}),(u_{i}))$ in which the number of input goods is finite ($l<\infty$), and each agent $i$’s input set $X_{i}$ is finite ($|X_{i}|<\infty$). As in Section 6.4.1, we can model $\Pi$ as a free and fair market $\mathcal{E}^{\Pi}=(N,X=\times_{j\in N}X_{j},o,F,\bm{Sh},\overline{u})$, with the difference that for $x=(x_{j})_{j\in N}\in X$, $F(x)=\sum\limits_{j\in N}[f_{j}(x_{j})-f_{j}(w_{j})].$ As in the analysis in section 6.4.1 below, we provide examples that show similarities (Example 6) and differences (Example 7) between the predictions of free and fair markets and markets with transferable payoff. ###### Example 6. We consider a single-input market with transferable payoff in which there are two homogeneous agents who have the same production, $w_{1}=w_{2}=1$, $f_{i}(x_{i})=\sqrt{x_{i}}$, $i\in\\{1,2\\}$, and $X_{1}=X_{2}=\\{0,1,2\\}$. The pair $E^{*}=(p^{*}=\frac{1}{2},x^{*}=(w_{1},w_{2}))$ is the unique competitive equilibrium of the market, and $u_{1}(p^{*},x_{1}^{*})=u_{2}(p^{*},x_{2}^{*})=1$. Similarly, strategic interactions among agents in the free and fair market yield the same outcome $x^{*}$. ###### Example 7. As mentioned in Section 6.4.1, generally, the equilibrium predictions of a free and fair economy and a market with transferable payoff do not coincide. To showcase this point, we consider a market in which agents’ production functions are not concave. Consider a single-input market with transferable payoff in which there are two heterogeneous agents in production: $w_{1}=1$, $X_{1}=\\{0,1,2,3\\}$, and $f_{1}(x_{1})=\frac{1}{2}x_{1}^{2}$; and $w_{2}=2$, $X_{2}=\\{0,1,2,3\\}$, and $f_{2}(x_{2})=x_{2}^{2}$. In the competitive market, the utility functions are convex and given by: $u_{1}(p,x_{1})=\frac{1}{2}x_{1}^{2}-p(x_{1}-1)$ and $u_{2}(p,x_{2})=z_{2}^{2}-p(x_{2}-2)$. There is no exchange in this market, while strategic interactions among agents in the free and fair market yield a different outcome: $x^{\bm{Sh}}=(0,3)$. ## 7 Contributions to the closely related literature In this paper, we propose a model of a free and fair economy, defining a new class of non-cooperative games, and we apply it to a variety of economic environments. We prove that four elementary principles of distributive justice, of long tradition in economic theory, guarantee the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium in finite games. In addition, we show that when an economy violates these principles, a pure strategy equilibrium may not exist, resulting in instability in agents’ actions and in income volatility. We extend this model to incorporate social justice and inclusion. In this more general model, we also prove several results on equilibrium existence and efficiency. Our work contributes to several literatures. It is related to studies of group incentives in multi-agent problems under certainty. Holmstrom (1982) explores the effects of moral hazard in individual incentives and efficiency in organizations with and without uncertainty. Like Holmstrom (1982), we consider that in a free economy, any agent has the freedom to choose any action (or input) from his or her set of strategies, and the combination of actions from agents generates a measurable output. However, unlike Holmstrom (1982), there is no uncertainty in the supply of inputs, and we assume that our allocation scheme follows basic principles of distributive justice. It follows that our scope, analysis and applications are very different. Moreover, Holmstrom (1982) finds an impossibility result in his setup (see, Holmstrom (1982, Theorem 1, p. 326)), but our analysis implies that this result does not extend under fair principles in a framework with finite action sets. Moreover, we show that any free and fair economy which is strictly monotonic admits a unique equilibrium, and this equilibrium is optimal and Pareto-efficient (Theorem 2). Our findings therefore underscore the role of justice in shaping individual incentives, stabilizing contracts among private agents, and enhancing welfare. By incorporating normative principles into non-cooperative game theory, we have introduced a new class of finite strategic form games that always admit a Nash equilibrium in pure strategies. We view this paper as contributing to the small but growing literature that seeks to uncover conditions under which a pure strategy Nash equilibrium exists in a non-cooperative game with simultaneous moves. Nash (1951) shows a very prolific result on the existence of equilibrium points in a finite non-cooperative games. Nash (1951) also shows that there always exists at least one pure strategy equilibrium in finite symmetric games. However, Nash (1951) was silent about the existence of pure strategy equilibrium in either finite or infinite non-symmetric strategic form games. Subsequent research has searched for sufficient and necessary conditions for the existence of pure strategy Nash equilibrium in different structure of strategic form games. Early contributions in this respect include, among others, Debreu (1952), Glicksberg (1952), Gale (1953), Schmeidler (1973), Mas-Colell (1984), Khan and Sun (1995), Athey (2001) in continuous games; Dasgupta and Maskin (1986a), Dasgupta and Maskin (1986b), Reny (1999), Carbonell-Nicolau (2011), Reny (2016), Nessah and Tian (2016) in discontinuous economic games; Monderer and Shapley (1996) in potential games; and Ziad (1999) in fixed-sum games. In these studies, scholars use different concepts of continuity, convexity and appropriate fixed point results along with some restrictions on utility functions to prove the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. Other contributions that guarantee the existence of equilibrium in pure strategies for finite games include, among others, Rosenthal (1973), Mallick (2011), Carmona and Podczeck (2020), and the references listed therein. We follow a different approach from this literature. Unlike our paper, this literature has not approached the issue of equilibrium existence in a non-cooperative game from a normative angle. We also apply our theory to different economic environments, including applications surplus distribution in a firm, exchange economies, self- enforcing lockdown in networked economies facing contagion, and bias in academic publishing. Finally, in addition to the previous point, our work can also be viewed as contributing to the Nash Program (Nash, 1953), which bridges non-cooperative and cooperative game theory. However, we significantly depart from the main approach taken in this literature so far. This approach has generally sought to define a non-cooperative game whose solution coincides with the outcomes of a cooperative solution concept; see Serrano (2020) for a recent survey on this literature. Our approach, on the contrary, follows the opposite direction. It asks if equilibrium can be found in a strategic form game in which payoffs obey natural axioms inspired by cooperative game theory. ## 8 Conclusion In this paper, we examine how elementary principles of justice and ethics, of long tradition in economic theory, affect individual incentives in a competitive environment and determine the existence and efficiency of self- enforcing social contracts. To formalize this problem, we introduce a model of a free and fair economy, in which each agent freely and non-cooperatively chooses their input from a finite set, and the surplus generated by these choices is distributed following four ideals of market justice, which are anonymity, local efficiency, unproductivity, and marginality. We show that these ideals guarantee the existence of a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. However, an equilibrium need not be unique or Pareto-efficient. We uncover an intuitive condition—strict technological monotonicity—, which guarantees equilibrium uniqueness and efficiency. Interestingly, this condition does not guarantee equilibrium efficiency (or even existence) when ideals of justice are violated in an economy. These ideals therefore lead to positive incentives, given their desirable equilibrium and efficiency properties. We extend our analysis to incorporate social justice and inclusion, implemented in the form of progressive taxation and redistribution and guaranteeing a basic income to unproductive agents. In this more general setting, we generalize all of our findings. In addition, we examine how the tax policy affects efficiency, showing that there is a tax rate threshold above which an equilibrium that is Pareto-efficient always exists in the economy, even in the absence of technological monotonicity. Moreover, we show that if a free economy is able to choose its reference point, it can always do so to induce an efficient outcome that is self-enforcing, even if this economy is not monotonic. By incorporating normative principles into non-cooperative game theory, we have defined a new class of finite strategic form games that always admit a pure strategy Nash equilibrium. 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If $i\notin N^{x}$, then $x_{i}=o_{i}$, and $\pi^{x}(i)=i$. $\begin{split}\bm{Sh}_{i}(f^{x},x)&=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i})-f^{x}(a)\right\\}\\\ &=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f^{x}(a)-f^{x}(a)\right\\}\\\ &=0.\end{split}$ Similarly, $\begin{split}\bm{Sh}_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{x},x)&=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{\pi^{x}f^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i})-\pi^{x}f^{x}(a)\right\\}\\\ &=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f^{x}(\pi^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i}))-f^{x}(\pi^{x}(a))\right\\}.\end{split}$ For $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)$ and $x_{i}=o_{i}$, we have $\pi^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i})=\pi^{x}(a)$, and $\bm{Sh}_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{x},x)=0$. Therefore, for each $i\notin N^{x}$, we can conclude that $\bm{Sh}_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{x},x)=\bm{Sh}_{\pi^{x}(i)}(f^{x},x)$. 2. 2. If $i\in N^{x}$, then $x_{i}\neq o_{i}$. Assume that $\pi^{x}(i)=j$. Then, $j\in N^{x}$ and $x_{j}\neq o_{j}$. $\begin{split}\bm{Sh}_{j}(f^{x},x)&=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{j}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f^{x}(a+x_{j}e_{j})-f^{x}(a)\right\\}\\\ &=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{j}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f(a+x_{j}e_{j})-f(a)\right\\}).\end{split}$ Similarly, $\begin{split}\bm{Sh}_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{x},x)&=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{\pi^{x}f^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i})-\pi^{x}f^{x}(a)\right\\}\\\ &=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f^{x}(\pi^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i}))-f^{x}(\pi^{x}(a))\right\\}\\\ &=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f(\pi^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i}))-f(\pi^{x}(a))\right\\}\end{split}$ $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)$ implies $a=(a_{1},...,\underbrace{o_{i}}_{i^{\text{th}\ \text{component}}},...,a_{n})$. The vector $\pi^{x}(a)=(\pi^{x}_{1}(a),...,\underbrace{\pi^{x}_{j}(a)}_{j^{\text{th}\ \text{component}}},...,\pi^{x}_{n}(a))$. Given that $j=\pi^{x}(i)$ and $a_{i}=o_{i}$, it follows that $\pi^{x}_{j}(a)=o_{j}$ and $\pi^{x}(a)\in\Delta_{0}^{j}(x)$. We also have $a+x_{i}e_{i}=(a_{1},...,\underbrace{x_{i}}_{i^{\text{th}\ \text{component}}},...,a_{n})$. Given that $j=\pi^{x}(i)$ and $(a+x_{i}e_{i})_{i}=x_{i}\neq o_{i}$, it follows that $\pi^{x}_{j}(a+x_{i}e_{i})=x_{j}$. Note that we can write $\pi^{x}(a+x_{i}e_{i})=\pi^{x}(a)+x_{j}e_{j}$. Therefore, $\begin{split}\bm{Sh}_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{x},x)&=\sum\limits_{a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)}\varphi(a,x)\left\\{f(\pi^{x}(a)+x_{j}e_{j})-f(\pi^{x}(a))\right\\}\\\ &=\sum\limits_{b\in\Delta_{0}^{j}(x)}\varphi(b,x)\left\\{f(b+x_{j}e_{j})-f(b)\right\\},\ \text{where}\ b=\pi^{x}(a)\\\ &=\bm{Sh}_{j}(f^{x},x).\end{split}$ It follows that the allocation $\bm{Sh}$ satisfies $x$-Anonymity for each $x\in X$. Hence, $\bm{Sh}$ satisfies Anonymity. Local Efficiency. For any $f\in P(X)$ and $x\in X$, it is immediate that $\sum\limits_{i\in N}\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)=f(x)$. Unproductivity. If agent $i$ is unproductive, then for any $f\in P(X)$ and $x\in X$, it is immediate that $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)=0$, since $mc(i,f,a,x)=0$ for each $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)$. Marginality. Let $f,g\in P(X)$ such that $mc(i,f,x^{\prime},x)\geq mc(i,g,x^{\prime},x)$ for all $i\in N$, $x\in X$ and $x^{\prime}\in\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)$. By the definition of the value $\bm{Sh}$, it is immediate that $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)\geq\bm{Sh}_{i}(g,x)$. Necessity. In this part of the proof, we prove the uniqueness of the Shapley value. Consider another allocation procedure $\phi$ which satisfies ALUM. Define the following production function $f_{x}\in P(X)$ for each $x\in X$ by: ${f_{x}(y)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ccc}1&if&x\in\Delta(y)\\\ 0&if&x\notin\Delta(y)\end{array}\right.}$ where $x\in\Delta(y)$ if and only if $[x_{i}\neq y_{i}\Rightarrow x_{i}=o_{i}]$. ###### Lemma 2 (Pongou and Tondji [2018]). Any production function is a linear combination of the production functions $f_{x}$: $f=\sum\limits_{x\in X}c_{x}(f)f_{x},\ \text{where}\ c_{x}(f)=\sum\limits_{x^{\prime}\in\Delta(x)}(-1)^{|x|-|x^{\prime}|}f(x^{\prime}).$ Let $f\in P(X)$. Define the index $I$ of the production function $f$ to be the number of non-zero terms in some expression for $f$ in (2). The theorem is proved by induction on $I$. a) If $I=0$, then $f\equiv 0$. Let $x\in X$ and $i\in N$. Then, $mc(i,f,a,x)=0$ for all $a\in X$ such that $a\in\Delta_{o}^{i}(x)$. Therefore, by Unproductivity, $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)=\phi_{i}(f,x)=0$. b) If $I=1$, then $f=c_{x}(f)f_{x}$ for some $x\in X$. Consider $N^{x}=\left\\{l\in N:x_{l}\neq o_{l}\right\\}$. Step 1. Let $i\notin N_{x}$, i.e., $x_{i}=o_{i}$. For any $a\in X$ such that $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)$, we have $f(a+x_{i}e_{i})-f(a)=0$, i.e., $mc(i,f,a,x)=0$. It follows that $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)=0$. Let $y\in X$ with $y\neq x$. Then, $x\in\Delta(y)$ or $x\notin\Delta(y)$. * • If $x\in\Delta(y)$, then $x_{l}=y_{l}$ for each $l\in N^{x}$. If $y_{i}=o_{i}$, then $\phi_{i}(f,y)=0=\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,y)$. Assume $y_{i}\neq o_{i}$. Then, for any $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(y)$, we have $mc(i,f,a,y)=f(a+y_{i}e_{i})-f(a)$. If $x\in\Delta(a)$, we also have $x\in\Delta(a+y_{i}e_{i})$ because $x_{i}=o_{i}$ and $y_{i}\neq o_{i}$. Similarly if $x\notin\Delta(a)$, then $x\notin\Delta(a+y_{i}e_{i})$. Therefore, $mc(i,f,a,y)=0$ for each $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(y)$, and $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,y)=0$. * • $x\notin\Delta(y)$, then $f(y)=0$. If $y_{i}=o_{i}$, then $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,y)=0$. Assume $y_{i}\neq o_{i}$. Then, for any $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(y)$, we have $mc(i,f,a,y)=f(a+y_{i}e_{i})-f(a)$. If $x\in\Delta(a)$, then for each $l\in N^{x}$, $x_{l}=a_{l}\neq o_{l}$. Or $a\in\Delta(y)$ implies that for each $l\in N^{x}$, we will have $a_{l}=y_{l}$, because $a_{l}\neq o_{l}$. Therefore, for each $l\in N^{x}$, $a_{l}=y_{l}=x_{l}$, and given that $y_{i}\neq o_{i}$ and $x_{i}=o_{i}$, we have $x\in\Delta(y)$, a contradiction. In fact $x\in\Delta(a)$ if and only if $x\in\Delta(a+y_{i}e_{i})$. Thus, $mc(i,f,a,y)=0$ for each $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(y)$, and $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,y)=0$. Given that agent $i$ is unproductive, it follows that $\phi_{i}(f,y)=\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,y)=0$ for each $y\in X$. Step 2. Let $i,j\in N$ such that $i,j\in N^{x}$ and $y\in X$. Let $\pi^{y}=(ij)$ a permutation. Given that $\phi$ satisfies Anonymity, it follows that $\phi$ satisfies $y$-Anonymity, and $\phi_{i}(\pi^{x}f^{y},y)=\phi_{j}(f^{y},y)$. For each $z\in\Delta(y)$, we have $\pi^{y}f^{y}(z)=f^{y}(z)$. Thus, $\pi^{y}f^{y}=f^{y}$, and $\phi_{i}(f^{y},y)=\phi_{j}(f^{y},y)$. By Local efficiency, $\sum\limits_{k\in N^{x}}\phi_{k}(f^{y},y)=f^{y}(y)=f(y)$. Therefore, $\sum\limits_{k\in N^{x}}\phi_{k}(f^{y},y)=|N^{x}|\phi_{k}(f^{y},y)$, and for each $k\in N^{x}$, $\phi_{k}(f^{y},y)=\frac{f^{y}(y)}{|N^{x}|}=\frac{f(y)}{|N^{x}|}$. If $x\in\Delta(y)$, then $f(y)=c_{x}(f)$. Otherwise, $f(y)=0$, and for each $k\in N^{x}$, $\phi_{k}(f,y)=\phi_{k}(f^{y},y)=\bm{Sh}_{k}(f,y)$. c) Assume now that $\phi$ is the value $\bm{Sh}$ whenever the index of $f$ is at most $I$ and let $f$ have index $I+1$, with: $f=\sum\limits_{k=1}^{I+1}c_{x^{k}}(f)f_{x^{k}},\ \text{all}\ c_{x^{k}}\neq 0,\ \text{and}\ x^{k}\in X.$ For $k\in\left\\{1,2,...,I+1\right\\}$, consider: $N^{x^{k}}=\left\\{l\in N:x_{l}^{k}\neq o_{k}\right\\},\ \overline{N}=\bigcap\limits_{k=1}^{I+1}N^{x^{k}},\ \text{and assume}\ i\notin\overline{N}.$ Define the following production function: $g=\sum\limits_{k:i\in N^{x^{k}}}c_{x^{k}}(f)f_{x^{k}}.$ The index of $g$ is at most $I$. Let $x,a\in X$ such that $a\in\Delta_{0}^{i}(x)$. Then $f(a+x_{i}e_{i})-f(a)=g(a+x_{i}e_{i})-g(a)$. Consequently, using Marginality, $\phi_{i}(f,x)=\phi_{i}(g,x)$. By induction, we have: $\phi_{i}(f,x)=\sum\limits_{k:i\in N^{x^{k}}}\frac{c_{x^{k}}(f)f_{x^{k}}(x)}{|x^{k}|}=\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x),\ \text{for}\ x\in X.$ It remains to show that for each $x\in X$, $\phi_{i}(f,x)=\bm{Sh}{i}(f,x)$ when $i\in\overline{N}$. Let $x\in X$. By Anonymity, $\phi_{i}(f,x)$ is a constant $\varphi$ for all members of $\overline{N}$; likewise the value $\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)$ is some constant $\varphi^{\prime}$ for all members of $\overline{N}$ (with $\overline{N}>0)$. By Local efficiency, $|\overline{N}|\phi_{i}(f,x)=|\overline{N}|\varphi=f(x),$ so that, $\varphi=\frac{f(x)}{|\overline{N}|}.$ Similarly, $|\overline{N}|\bm{Sh}_{i}(f,x)=|\overline{N}|\varphi^{\prime}=f(x),$ so that, $\varphi^{\prime}=\frac{f(x)}{|\overline{N}|}.$ It follows that $\varphi=\varphi^{\prime}$, and concludes the proof.
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Ghislain H. Demeze-Jouatsa, Roland Pongou, Jean-Baptiste Tondji", "submitter": "Jean-Baptiste Tondji", "url": "" }
# Empirical Assessment of Aperiodic and Periodic Radio Bursts from Young Precessing Magnetars J. M. Cordes Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science and Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA I. Wasserman Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Department of Astronomy, Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA Shami Chatterjee Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science and Department of Astronomy, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA G. Batra Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science and Department of Physics, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA J. M. Cordes [email protected] ###### Abstract We analyze the slow periodicities identified in burst sequences from FRB 121102 and FRB 180916 with periods of about 16 and 160 d, respectively, while also addressing the absence of any fast periodicity that might be associated with the spin of an underlying compact object. Both phenomena can be accounted for by a young, highly magnetized, precessing neutron star that emits beamed radiation with significant imposed phase jitter. Sporadic narrow-beam emission into an overall wide solid angle can account for the necessary phase jitter, but the slow periodicities with 25 to 55% duty cycles constrain beam traversals to be significantly smaller. Instead, phase jitter may result from variable emission altitudes that yield large retardation and aberration delays. A detailed arrival-time analysis for triaxial precession includes wobble of the radio beam and the likely larger, cyclical torque resulting from the changes in the spin-magnetic moment angle. These effects will confound identification of the fast periodicity in sparse data sets longer than about a quarter of a precession cycle unless fitted for and removed as with orbital fitting. Stochastic spin noise, likely to be much larger than in radio pulsars, may hinder detection of any fast-periodicity in data spans longer than a few days. These decoherence effects will dissipate as FRB sources age, so they may evolve into objects with properties similar to Galactic magnetars. stars: neutron — stars: magnetars — galaxies: ISM — Fast Radio Bursts: FRB 121102 — Fast Radio Bursts: FRB 180916 — radio continuum: galaxies — scattering ## 1 Introduction Fast radio bursts (FRBs) are well established as an extragalactic phenomenon (for reviews see Petroff et al. (2019); Cordes & Chatterjee (2019)) that now has also been seen in a Galactic magnetar (Bochenek et al. 2020). Precise interferometric localizations of some of these bursts have allowed the identification of host galaxies and the measurement of their redshifts. The most distant FRB sources imply enormous radio burst energies, requiring not only a coherent emission process, but also an efficient one that causes radiation reaction on the emitting particles. Some sources have repeated episodically while others have produced only a single detected burst, so far. The first and best studied repeating source FRB 20121102A (hereafter R1 or FRB 121102; Spitler et al. 2016) is located in a dwarf, star-forming galaxy at a redshift $z=0.193$ (Chatterjee et al. 2017; Tendulkar et al. 2017). It has shown highly intermittent bursts, occasionally appearing at a rate of tens per hour, but more typically showing only a few events in a daily observing session interleaved with long quiet periods (days to months) (Scholz et al. 2016; Law et al. 2017). Even on days when multiple bursts are seen with sub-second spacings, no fast periodicity has been identified (Chatterjee et al. 2017; Gajjar et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2018; Li et al. 2021). Nor has the repeater 20180916B (hereafter R3 or FRB 180916; CHIME/FRB Collaboration et al. 2019) shown a fast periodicity (2 ms to $\sim$seconds) in burst sequences (e.g. Chawla et al. 2020). R3 has also been localized by Marcote et al. (2020) to a star-forming region in a massive spiral galaxy at a redshift $z=0.034$. Very recently, a quasi-periodicity with a 0.22 s period has been reported for a short burst sequence from FRB 20191221A (The CHIME/FRB Collaboration et al. 2021). It remains to be seen whether the FRB will show any long-term periodicity. For R1 and R3, however, long-term periodicities have been identified. R3 showed a slow periodicity in a train of 38 detected bursts (Chime/Frb Collaboration et al. 2020) in the form of a quasi-periodic $\sim$5-day window repeating every 16.4 days within which detected bursts occur, though there are windows in which no bursts are detected. The initial uncertainty about whether the apparent 16.4 day period was a multiple of the true period has been removed by additional observations (Marthi et al. 2020). A similar slow periodicity subsequently was identified from R1 (Rajwade et al. 2020) with a period of 157$\pm$7 days and a 56% duty cycle, corroborated by Cruces et al. (2020) who find a 161$\pm$5 day period and a 54% duty cycle. A large sample of $\sim 1600$ bursts from R1 (Li et al. 2021) over a 60 d period is also consistent. For other FRB sources, insufficient numbers of bursts have been reported to assess whether such periodic detectability windows are a generic feature of repeating FRBs or not. A wide variety of explanations for the slow periodicities has been offered (e.g. Katz 2021). Their long periods are commensurate with those expected from orbital motion, such as a neutron star (NS) orbiting a companion star (Lyutikov et al. 2020; Ioka & Zhang 2020) or a binary that also includes an asteroid belt around the companion (Dai & Zhong 2020). However Beniamini et al. (2020) associate the slow periodicity with a very slowly spinning NS while others invoke spin precession, including geodetic precession (Yang & Zou 2020), forced precession (Sob’yanin 2020), and free precession (Zanazzi & Lai 2020; Levin et al. 2020). In this paper we analyze free precession which, unlike geodetic and forced precession, causes the torque to vary over a precession cycle due to the changing angle between the spin axis and magnetic dipole axis. This can enhance arrival time variations by a large factor over those expected from mere wobble of an emission beam. We aim to explain both the absence of a fast periodicity in any of the repeating objects, especially in the large burst samples of R1, and the presence of the slow quasi-periodicities in bursts from R1 and R3. The common features of R1 and R3 suggest that the absence of a fast periodicity is the norm in these kinds of objects, perhaps indicating that burst emission does not directly involve the spin of an underlying object. This is the case in magnetar shock models (e.g., Beloborodov 2017; Metzger et al. 2017; Waxman 2017; Margalit et al. 2018; Margalit & Metzger 2018; Metzger et al. 2019), where bursts are produced from coherent emission in synchrotron masers far outside the magnetosphere of a neutron star. However, an alternative is that bursts originating from the magnetosphere may have times of arrival (TOAs) where periodic emission is masked by other effects, as considered in this paper (see also Katz 2017). We assume the central engine produces radio bursts from the magnetosphere of a young magnetar as magnetic-driven, coherent radio emission. That possibility has become more plausible (Katz 2020) with the recent discovery of an extremely bright millisecond-duration radio burst from a Galactic magnetar, SGR 1935+2154 by the CHIME telescope at 600 MHz (Scholz & Chime/Frb Collaboration 2020; CHIME/FRB Collaboration et al. 2020) and STARE2 at 1.4 GHz (Bochenek et al. 2020). If the Galactic magnetar was instead at the extragalactic distance of R3, the detected burst at 1.4 GHz would be similar to some of the fainter R3 bursts, strongly suggesting that magnetars are associated with at least some subset of FRBs. If the central engine for (at least some) FRBs is associated with a young magnetar, a dense nebula will prohibit burst propagation unless supernova ejecta have expanded sufficiently (Piro 2016) or if there are evacuated propagation channels produced by repeated flares from the magnetar or by nonlinear propagation of strong electromagnetic waves (e.g. Lu & Phinney 2020). The spin period at the time of radio ‘break out’ may be significantly longer than its period in the immediate aftermath of the supernova explosion and matter fallback. The underlying spin periods of FRB sources may then be of order seconds or longer, an important consideration in free-precession models where the figure of the star determines the ratio of the precession and spin periods. A companion paper (Wasserman et al. 2022, henceforth Paper I) presents a more general and more detailed description of the requirements for having magnetic driven triaxiality of a NS and its observable consequences. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses the basic picture of a highly magnetized NS with s complex surface field. Section 3 discusses the conditions needed to hide fast periodicities in burst sequences. Section 4 summarizes from Paper I the features of a precessing triaxial star needed for our discussion of slow and fast periodicities. Section 5 derives the beam precession modulation function for beamed radiation from a precessing NS. Section 6 presents the cyclical arrival time variations expected from the combination of a precessing beam and the variable torque acting on the NS. Section 7 considers the detectability of spin periodicities for precessing NS under representative condiditions. Section 8 gives the summary and conclusions. Appendix A details spindown from magnetic torques and our extrapolation of stochastic spin noise from pulsars to young magnetars. Appendix B gives a derivation for the power spectrum of bursts with phase jitter and nulling. Appendix C derives the arrival-time variation from the cyclical component of the torque acting on a precessing neutron star. ## 2 Spin state of a magnetically active neutron star A highly magnetized object with rapid spin will most likely show large variations in spin rate and direction as the figure of the star changes. Multiple bursts spread broadly in pulse phase may result from multiple radio beams tied to a highly non-dipolar surface magnetic field. A dynamic magnetic field topology will also cause changes in the directions and possibly the number of these beams as the changing figure of the star induces precession and torque variations. Figure 1 diagrams the consequences of stochastic changes in magnetic field for variations in the spin rate and direction and the resulting changes in pulse shape and departures of arrival times from strict periodicity. This picture raises additional questions: Does an FRB source evolve from aperiodic to periodic emission? In particular, do FRB sources evolve into Galactic type magnetars that episodically show periodic radio emission? If so, what features of the emission, if any, are in common throughout the magnetar’s lifetime? Figure 1: Diagram showing the effects from stochastic reconfiguration of a magnetar’s magnetic field. [Adaptation of Cordes (1993, Figure 4)]. The red- shaded boxes represent observable consequences while blue shading indicates the underlying physical processes. We consider a young magnetar with a large, highly dynamic magnetic field and star figure. To avoid over-rapid spindown to uninteresting periods, i.e. those for which crust quakes and flares are infrequent, we assume the surface field is dominated by multipolar components well in excess of the dipolar field. Isolated neutron stars spin down according to a torque law similar to that of magnetic dipole radiation. For a characteristic spindown time $\tau_{\rm s}=\nu/(n-1)\dot{\nu}$, where $n\sim 2$ to 3 is the braking index $n\sim 2$ to 3 is the braking index (and possibly as small as 1.4 for the Vela pulsar (Lyne et al. 1996), athough a more recent analysis yields 2.8 (Akbal et al. 2017), the spin frequency decreases as $\nu(t)=\nu_{0}(1+t/{\tau_{\rm s}}_{0})^{-1/(n-1)}$ where ${\tau_{\rm s}}_{0}$ is the initial spindown time at $t=0$. Departures from $n=3$ can be for a variety of reasons; proposals include magnetic field decay (Jawor & Tauris 2021) or growth that, respectively, yield $n>3$ and $n<3$; magnetic alignment (Goldreich 1970; Tauris & Konar 2001) or counteralignment; crust-superfluid interactions, as in the Vela pulsar; and magnetospheric evolution (Melatos 1997). Given that FRBs may involve very young NS that do not have an internal superfluid (see Paper I for discussion), none of these effects may apply. For example, Jawor & Tauris (2021) discuss field decay for magnetars and find a best estimate of 4 kyr for the decay time scale. Magnetospheric evolution is a possibility but is likely to be more complex than in radio pulsars. Typical (‘canonical’) radio pulsars with $10^{12}$ G dipole fields (expressed at the NS surface with radius $R$) and $P_{\rm spin}\sim 1$ s periods have current spindown times $\tau_{\rm s}\sim 10$ Myr, while the youngest Galactic pulsars are $\sim$kyr in age. FRB sources may be significantly younger than this. Figure 2 shows spindown curves for five cases with different birth spin frequencies and dipolar fields. We have used a magnetic dipole spindown law ($n=3$) and a moment of inertia $\sim 10^{45}$ g cm2, as discussed in Appendix A. The figure demonstrates the much more rapid spindown of magnetars compared with either canonical pulsars and millisecond pulsars. Magnetar models suggest $t\lesssim 100$ yr for the source of FRB 121102 (e.g. Beloborodov 2017), which is known to have been intermittently active since late 2012 (Spitler et al. 2014), implying a minimum age of 9 yr. This age range is indicated in the figure as the shaded rectangle. The spindown curves show that the spin frequency has remained constant for the age range of FRB 121102 if the dipolar field $\lesssim 10^{15}$ G and for birth spin rates $\nu_{0}\lesssim 0.1$ Hz. However for large fields a rapid birth spin rate of 10 Hz declines to $\sim 1$ Hz for $B_{\rm d}=10^{15}$ G and to $10^{-2}$ Hz for $10^{17}$ G. Figure 2: Spin frequency vs age for different surface dipolar field strengths $B_{\rm d}$ (Gauss) and initial spin frequencies $\nu_{0}$ (Hz). The curves evaluate the expression in the text for a braking index $n=3$. The shaded band indicates plausible constraints on the apparent age of the FRB 121101 source ($\gtrsim 9$ to $\sim 100$ yr), where the lower bound simply follows from the fact that the source was discovered in data acquired in 2012. Spindown therefore cannot yield a NS with both a large dipolar magnetic field $\gtrsim 10^{15}$ G and a spin rate faster than $\sim 1$ Hz in the age range for FRB 121102. However it is possible to have a total surface field strength well in excess of $10^{15}$ G if the dipolar component makes a minority contribution at $r=R$ compared to higher-order multipoles, which fall off more rapidly with radius, contributing negligibly to the torque that is applied at the light cylinder radius, $r_{\rm LC}=c/2\pi\nu$. For example, the dipole and quadrupole components scale as $B_{\rm d}\propto r^{-3}$ and $B_{\rm q}\propto r^{-4}$, respectively, so the ratio of these fields at the NS surface is $B_{\rm q}(R)/B_{\rm d}(R)=c\sqrt{f_{\rm q}}/2\pi\nu R\simeq(50/\nu R_{6})\sqrt{f_{\rm q}/10^{-4}}$ where $f_{\rm q}$ is the fraction of the torque contributed by the quadrupolar field at $r=r_{\rm LC}$ and the NS radius is $R=10^{6}R_{6}\,{\rm cm}$. The quadrupolar surface field could be as large as $10^{17}$ G for a surface dipole field $B_{\rm d}(R)=10^{15}$ G and higher-order multipoles even larger and still contribute a fraction $f_{\rm q}<0.1$% to the torque. The surface field strengths we consider in this paper are well below this maximal value, so it is possible for internal and surface fields to dramatically affect the figure of the NS while not causing spindown that is too rapid. Figure 2 applies to objects with constant dipolar magnetic fields. We note that while magnetic field decay is likely not relevant for very young magnetars ($\ll 1$ kyr), older objects may have fields significantly smaller than their birth fields (e.g. Viganò et al. 2013). Field decay implies that spin rates will be larger than those shown in Figure 2 for ages $\gtrsim 1$ kyr and may thus alter some of the above discussion. ## 3 Decoherence of Spin-related Periodicities in Burst Sequences Overall, we seek a model that accounts for the absence of a fast periodicity in burst sequences but allows a slow periodicity to be manifested. A slow, coherent periodicity like those observed requires the figure of the star to remain constant and the instantaneous spin vector to be misaligned from the principal moment of inertia. However, stochastic changes in the star’s figure will make the precession less than perfectly coherent. We will first look at the requirements for masking a rapid spin period in a sequence of bursts obtained over a few hours, a time scale for which long term precession can be ignored. The detectability of periodicities is tied to the nature of the bursts themselves: do they result from the rotational sweep of a narrow beam across the line of sight or are they infrequent temporal flashes with millisecond durations seen when the (potentially wide) beam is directed toward an observer? If observed burst durations measure the time for a spinning and precessing beam to cross the line of sight, the beam luminosity can persist for a longer time but no longer than about one spin period; otherwise a fast periodicity could be established from the multiple sequential bursts that would occur. Very fast precession of a very narrow beam could alter this conclusion, but in this paper we largely consider long precession periods corresponding to the weeks to months of the quasi-periods discussed in the introduction. We therefore incorporate the fact that the beam luminosity must vary on time scales less than and perhaps much less than the spin period. This is the same picture as for pulsars that show strong pulse to pulse variability, including giant pulses from the Crab pulsar Lundgren et al. (1995). The intensity is modeled as a train of $N_{\rm b}$ spin periods, $\displaystyle I(\phi)=\sum_{j=0}^{N_{\rm b}-1}a_{j}A(\phi-\phi_{j}),$ (1) with bursts having identical shapes $A(\phi)$ and widths $W_{\rm A}$ but different amplitudes $a_{j}$, as discussed below. The phase offset for the $j^{\rm th}$ burst is $\displaystyle\phi_{j}\equiv\phi(t_{j})=\phi_{\rm m}(t_{j})+\phi_{\rm J}(t_{j})+\phi_{\rm SN}(t_{j})+\phi_{\rm N}(t_{j}).$ (2) The first term, $\phi_{\rm m}$, is deterministic and modellable, including spindown, orbital, and precession terms, $\displaystyle\phi_{\rm m}(t)=\phi_{\rm spin}(t)+\phi_{\rm orb}(t)+\phi_{\rm p}(t).$ (3) Since orbit determination with pulsar timing is a well-solved problem, we exclude it from our remaining discussion. However, FRBs might in fact involve orbital motion that contributes to the complexity of burst sequences, especially if in conjunction with precession. The last three terms in Eq. 2 correspond to stochastic phase jitter $\phi_{\rm J}$, spin noise $\phi_{\rm SN}$, and measurement noise $\phi_{\rm N}$. Spin noise has nonstationary statistics, like those of a random walk (e.g. Shannon & Cordes 2010), and is generated (e.g.) by stochastic changes in moment of inertia or in the magnetic torque. By contrast, phase jitter is a random process with stationary statistics that represents variable emission phases relative to a fixed phase tied to the spinning star (or its magnetosphere) (Cordes & Downs 1985). ### 3.1 Dephasing of Burst Periodicities in Short Data Spans (hours) Highly episodic burst sequences from FRB 121102 have yielded tens to hundreds of bursts over a few hours at some epochs (Zhang et al. 2018; Hessels et al. 2019; Li et al. 2021), including bursts separated by just a few seconds, and yet no fast periodicity has been identified. This has led to characterization of burst occurrences as modified Poisson processes, such as the Weibull process (e.g. Oppermann et al. 2018; Cruces et al. 2020). However the lack of periodicity detections does not necessarily imply there is no underlying periodicity. We demonstrate that the power spectrum of a burst sequence can be devoid of spectral lines even in the simplest case where bursts involve a strict periodicity modified only by phase jitter and where there is no additive radiometer noise. #### 3.1.1 Power Spectrum of a Continuous Burst Sequence We assume that burst phases $\phi_{j}=j+\phi_{J}$ are integers augmented by phase jitter $\phi_{\rm J}$ that is uncorrelated between bursts but has identical rms $\sigma_{\rm J}=\langle\phi_{\rm J}^{2}\rangle^{1/2}$. We also assign the same mean and rms for burst amplitudes, $\langle a_{j}\rangle=\langle a\rangle$ and $\sigma_{a_{j}}\equiv\langle a\rangle m_{\rm a}$, which defines the modulation index $m_{\rm a}$ (rms amplitude divided by the mean), and angular brackets denote ensemble average. The paucity of bursts from FRB 121102 even on days when it is active (Spitler et al. 2016; Scholz et al. 2016; Law et al. 2017; Gajjar et al. 2018; Zhang et al. 2018; Hessels et al. 2019; Rajwade et al. 2020; Caleb et al. 2020; Li et al. 2021) suggests that most are too weak to detect or they have zero amplitudes (nulls). We therefore define a burst fraction $f_{\rm b}\leq 1$ as the subset of the $N_{\rm b}$ spin periods in which there is a non-zero burst amplitude. Later we also make use of the null fraction, $f_{\rm null}=1-f_{\rm b}$. As defined in Appendix B, the mean of all amplitudes (nulls and bursts) becomes $\langle a\rangle=f_{\rm b}\langle a_{b}\rangle$ where $\langle a_{b}\rangle$ is the mean of bursts (i.e. excluding nulls) and the modulation indices are related as $1+m_{\rm a}^{2}=(1+m_{\rm b}^{2})/f_{\rm b}$. For small $f_{\rm b}\ll 1$, we have $\langle a\rangle\ll\langle a_{b}\rangle$ but $m_{\rm a}\gg m_{\rm b}$. The mean number of potentially detectable bursts is $f_{\rm b}N_{\rm b}$. In Appendix B we derive the ensemble average spectrum of $I(\phi)$ with frequencies $f$ expressed in cycles per unit spin phase, $\displaystyle\langle S(f)\rangle$ $\displaystyle\equiv$ $\displaystyle\langle|\widetilde{I}(f)|^{2}\rangle=\sigma_{a}^{2}N_{\rm b}|\widetilde{A}(f)|^{2}\Bigl{[}1+R_{\rm L}(f)\sum_{\ell=0}^{\infty}\Delta_{\rm N_{\rm b}}(f-\ell)\Bigr{]},$ (4) where $\sigma_{a}^{2}=f_{\rm b}(1+m_{\rm b}^{2}-f_{\rm b})\langle a_{b}\rangle^{2}$ and the tilde represents Fourier transform. The line to continuum ratio is $\displaystyle R_{\rm L}(f)=\frac{N_{\rm b}\eta_{\rm J}^{2}(f)}{m_{\rm a}^{2}}=\frac{f_{\rm b}N_{\rm b}\eta_{\rm J}^{2}(f)}{1+m_{\rm b}^{2}-f_{\rm b}}$ (5) and the jitter ‘form factor’ $\eta_{\rm J}(f)=\exp[-2(\pi f\sigma_{\rm J})^{2}]$ for a zero-mean Gaussian distribution (Eq. B7). Spectral lines are centered on integer frequencies $f=\ell$ with shapes $\Delta_{\rm N_{\rm b}}(f)\leq 1$ equal to a ‘sinc’ squared function (c.f. Eq. B6). The line width is $\Delta f\simeq N_{\rm b}^{-1}\ll 1$ for large $N_{\rm b}$. The continuum component and spectral lines are shaped by the square of the Fourier transform of the burst shape $|\tilde{A}(f)|^{2}$, which extends up to frequencies $\sim 1/W_{\rm A}$. The number of spectral lines comparable in amplitude to the largest at $f=1$ is $\sim 1/W_{\rm A}$ unless they are reduced significantly by the jitter form factor. For large $\sigma_{\rm J}$, the form factor becomes very small. Figure 3: Example power spectra for burst time series with different amounts of rms phase jitter, $\sigma_{\rm J}$, as indicated in the legend and shown with different colors. Vertical bars are spectral lines and their amplitudes follow the envelope functions $\propto\eta_{\rm J}^{2}(f)|\widetilde{A}(f)|^{2}$. Spectra are shown for two burst fractions: $f_{\rm b}=0.1$ (left panel) and $f_{\rm b}=0.003$ (right panel). Figure 3 shows spectra for $N_{\rm b}=5000$ and for five values of rms phase jitter $\sigma_{\rm J}$ and two values of burst fraction $f_{\rm b}$. For $f_{\rm b}=0.1$ (left panel), the attenuation of spectral lines with increasing rms jitter can be seen, with complete quenching for $\sigma_{\rm J}=0.3$. The right-hand panel shows the much larger continuum part of the spectrum that results from a smaller burst fraction, $f_{\rm b}=0.003$. While realistic cases invariably involve additive radiometer noise and radio frequency interference, detection of spectral lines is hindered even without these complications. They must have significant amplitudes relative to fluctuations in the continuum part of the spectrum, which are exponentially distributed if $N_{\rm b}\gg 1$ bursts contribute. Without any smoothing of the spectrum, the spectrum has an exponential probability density function (PDF) with the mean and rms at any frequency $f$ both equal to the mean spectrum of Eq. 4. For a detection threshold $S_{\rm min}$, statistical variations lead to a false-positive probability $p_{\rm fp}=\exp(-S_{\rm min}/\langle S(f)\rangle)$ for each of $N_{f}$ spectral values, implying a mean number of false positives $\sim p_{\rm fp}N_{f}$. A time series of length $\sim N_{\rm b}/\delta\phi$ samples, where $\delta\phi<W_{\rm A}$ is the sample interval in phase units, yields $N_{f}>N_{\rm b}/2W_{\rm A}$. Spectral line detection then requires $R_{\rm L}(f)>\ln N_{f}$ or a mean number of actual bursts, $f_{\rm b}N_{\rm b}>(1+m_{\rm b}^{2}-f_{\rm b})(\ln N_{f})/\eta_{\rm J}^{2}(f)$. For a continuous time series spanning a few hours with millisecond sampling, $N_{f}\sim 10^{7}$, specifying no more than one false positive implies a threshold $S_{\rm min}(f)/\langle S(f)\rangle=\ln N_{f}\sim 16$. Assuming a modulation index $m_{\rm b}\sim 1$ and no jitter ($\eta_{\rm J}=1$), line detection requires $N_{\rm b}f_{\rm b}\gtrsim 32$ bursts with non-zero amplitudes to distinguish spectral lines from the continuum. Phase jitter increases the requirement by a factor $e^{+(2\pi\ell\sigma_{\rm J})^{2}}$. The fundamental spectral line ($\ell=1$) disappears rapidly as $\sigma_{\phi}$ increases for fixed $N_{\rm b}$, requiring about 50 bursts for $\sigma_{\rm J}=0.1$ cycle and a much larger $10^{3}$ bursts for $\sigma_{\rm J}=0.3$ cycle. Higher harmonics ($\ell\geq 2$) require many more bursts to be detectable. The origin of jitter may be similar, but more extreme, than is seen from pulsars where the emission beam integrated over many bursts is wide but is instantaneously luminous in only a fraction of its overall solid angle. Multiple beams are another possibility. However, very wide beams lower the influence of beam wobble from precession because they are visible for a greater fraction of the precession cycle and inconsistent with the 25 to 50% duty cycle windows in which bursts are seen. An alternative explanation is to associate phase jitter with retardation and rotational aberration that varies between bursts. These effects can produce phase variations $\lesssim 1/\pi$ that are sufficient to hide spectral lines in the spectrum. #### 3.1.2 Distribution of Wait Times Between Bursts The wait time or wait phase $\Delta\phi$ between contiguous detected bursts is another diagnostic for the periodicity or characteristic spacing of bursts (Li et al. 2021). For strictly periodic bursts that are all detectable, the PDF of phase separations $\Delta\phi$ is a delta function, $f_{\Delta\phi}(\Delta\phi)=\delta(\Delta\phi-1)$. When some bursts are too weak to be detected or have null amplitudes but are still strictly periodic, $f_{\Delta\phi}$ contains additional delta functions at integer phase separations $\ell$ whose amplitudes depend on the probability of having gaps of various lengths. For the simple case where the amplitude in each spin period is either a null or a detectable burst, the PDF is $f_{\Delta\phi}(\Delta\phi)=(1-f_{\rm null})\sum_{\ell=1}^{\infty}f_{\rm null}^{\ell-1}\delta(\Delta\Phi-\ell)$, which follows from modeling transitions between bursts and nulls as a Markov process (e.g. Cordes 2013). For $f_{\rm null}\to 1$, the PDF is spread over a wide range of $\ell$ extending to a multiple of $\sim 1/(1-f_{\rm null})$. These delta functions are blurred by convolution with the PDF for phase jitter, $f_{J}(\Delta\phi)$, which becomes significant for $\sigma_{\rm J}\gtrsim 0.3$ cycles, causing the periodicity to be masked in the wait-phase distribution. Figure 4 shows distributions of wait phases vs. $\sigma_{\rm J}$ (left panel) and vs. $f_{\rm null}$ (right panel) that illustrate how the periodicity is erased in the distribution for $\sigma_{\rm J}\gtrsim 0.3$ cycles and how the peak of the broad distribution shifts to larger wait phases as $f_{\rm null}$ increases. The wait-time distribution from the large FAST sample comprising $\sim 1600$ bursts (Li et al. 2021, Figure 3) shows no evidence for periodicity even on individual days where the burst rate exceeds 100 h-1. It does show a secondary feature that peaks at a time separation $\sim 3$ ms that is due to substructure in some of the bursts. The primary feature shifts to larger time separations when the detection threshold is raised, as expected for randomly spaced bursts. The absence of an obvious periodicity in bursts from any of the repeating FRBs therefore does not imply the absence of an underlying physical periodicity in the source. However, the maximum of the wait-time distribution can be used to put an upper bound on the spin period of the source. If the periodicity is hidden primarily by phase jitter, the upper bound is only about ten times the period while nulling may yield a significantly larger upper bound, e.g. ten to 100 times the period.By inspection of Figure 4, conservative upper limits on any period can be estimated from the peak of the wait-time distribution. If the periodicity is hidden primarily by phase jitter (left panel) the upper bound is about ten times the period (based on the maximum of the distribution for $\sigma_{\rm J}\gtrsim 0.3$; note that the color scale is logarithmic) while nulling (right panel) yields a larger upper bound, e.g. ten to 100 times the period. Figure 4: Histograms of the phase difference between adjacent bursts that exceed a detection threshold. They result from simulations of $10^{6}$ bursts with a skewed log-normal amplitude distribution and a detection threshold equal to the mean amplitude. The color scale indicates the logarithm of the number of counts. Left: histograms vs. the RMS phase deviation from perfect periodicity $\sigma_{\rm J}$ where there are no null pulses. Right: histograms vs. nulling fraction for a fixed RMS phase jitter, $\sigma_{\rm J}=0.3~{}{\rm cycles}$. Preferred spacings at integer numbers of cycles are seen for small phase jitter but these vanish for $\sigma_{\rm J}\gtrsim 0.3$ cycles. For larger nulling fractions, the histograms shift progressively further to a larger mean value of the waiting phase. ### 3.2 Periodicity Detection in Long Burst Sequences Burst sequences over periods of days to years require phase modeling to remove what are likely to be large contributions from the spindown torque and from the systematic orbital and precession terms in Eq. 2 and 3. If the modeled phase $\phi_{\rm m}$ is accurate, evaluation at the measured arrival times gives zero residuals in the absence of stochastic contributions from $\phi_{\rm SN},\phi_{\rm J}$ and $\phi_{\rm N}$. However, the fractional part of $\phi_{\rm m}(t_{j})$ is generally nonzero due to these and any other unmodeled terms, giving residuals $\delta\phi(t;{\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})=\phi_{\rm m}(t;{\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})-{\rm int}\\{\phi_{\rm m}(t;{\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})\\}-1/2$ that are constrained to the interval $[-1/2,1/2]$. Letting $\theta$ represent all model parameters for $\phi_{\rm m}$, we define a detection statistic as a sum of phase factors dependent on $\theta$ (with weights $w_{j}$ that sum to unity), $\displaystyle D({\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})=\sum_{j=0}^{N_{\rm b}-1}w_{j}e^{2\pi i\delta\phi(t_{j};{\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})}.$ (6) A perfect phase model yields $D({\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})=1$ in the absence of the stochastic terms but when they are present, $\displaystyle D({\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})_{\rm max}=\eta_{\rm total}=\langle e^{2\pi i\delta(\phi_{\rm SN}+\phi_{\rm J}+\phi_{\rm N})}\rangle.$ (7) If the stochastic terms have large combined variance, ${\rm Var}[\phi(t_{j})]\gg 1$, the resulting uniformly distributed residuals in $[-1/2,1/2]$, yield a mean $\langle D\rangle=0$ and rms $\sigma_{\rm D}\simeq{\cal N}_{D}^{-1/2}$. The magnitude $|D|$ is biased by a positive mean value $\sim\sigma_{\rm D}$ and has a Rayleigh PDF while $|D|^{2}$ is distributed as a one-sided exponential PDF. Periodicity detection requires all three of the stochastic phases to have small variances $\ll 1$ cycle2 individually as well as for their sum. Then we can factor $\eta_{\rm total}$ into the product of individual form factors, giving a maximum $\displaystyle D({\mbox{\boldmath\footnotesize$\theta$}})_{\rm max}=\eta_{\rm J}\,\eta_{\rm N}\,\eta_{\rm SN}(T).$ (8) To illustrate, consider a perfect model and phase jitter alone, which gives $\langle D\rangle=\eta_{\rm J}$. We use the same jitter form factor as before in Eq. B7 (but with $f=1$). Requiring $\langle D\rangle\gg\sigma_{\rm D}$ and using the burst fraction $f_{\rm b}$ defined earlier, a data set needs to span $N=T/P_{\rm spin}$ spin periods and satisfy $Nf_{\rm b}\gg\eta_{\rm J}^{-2}$, essentially the same constraint as from the power spectrum. The measurement noise form factor for Gaussian statistics is similarly $\eta_{\rm N}=\langle e^{2\pi i\phi_{\rm N}}\rangle=e^{-2(\pi\sigma_{\phi_{\rm N}})^{2}}.$ The form factor for correlated spin noise involves the phase structure function, $D_{\rm\phi_{\rm SN}}(t_{i},t_{j})=\langle[\phi_{\rm SN}(t_{i})-\phi_{\rm SN}(t_{j})]^{2}\rangle$ (e.g. Cordes & Downs 1985). Generally $\phi_{\rm SN}$ has nonstationary statistics and $D_{\rm\phi_{\rm SN}}$ depends separately on $t_{i}$ and $t_{j}$. Factoring out the arrival time of the first burst and assuming $\phi_{\rm SN}$ also is a Gaussian random process, the form factor is $\displaystyle\eta_{\rm SN}=N_{\rm b}^{-1}\sum_{j=0}^{N_{\rm b}-1}\left\langle e^{2\pi i[\phi_{\rm SN}(t_{j})-\phi_{\rm SN}(t_{0})]}\right\rangle\longrightarrow T^{-1}\int_{0}^{T}d\tau\,e^{-2\pi^{2}D_{\rm\phi_{\rm SN}}(\tau)},$ (9) where the last expression applies in the continuous limit over a data span of length $T=t_{N_{\rm b}}-t_{0}$. As we show next, the spin noise variance and structure function grow as power laws in $T$. For young magnetars and data spans of days or more, the integrand in Eq. 9 could be small for most of the interval $[0,T]$, yielding $\eta_{\rm SN}\ll 1$. Figure 5: RMS spin noise vs. elapsed time since birth with an initial spin rate $\nu_{0}$ (indicated in the legend). The colored bands correspond to four classes of neutron stars and show the predicted RMS using the scaling law in Eq. 10, including uncertainties in the parameters. The vertical range of the bands is dominated by the strong $T$ dependence because values $T=0.1$ yr and 10 yr on the lower and upper boundaries, respectively, have been used to show the nonstationarity of the spin noise. The four classes of neutron star include, in order of increasing surface magnetic field (also in the legend), millisecond pulsars (MSPs), canonical pulsars (CPs), Galactic magnetars, and ‘hyper’ magnetars with very large fields. Initial spin rates $\nu_{0}$ are shown for the four classes. For the first three classes, the specified magnetic field is the surface field, which we assume is dipolar in form. For the hyper-magnetar, the surface dipole field is 10% of the total field of $10^{17}$ G. ### 3.3 Spin Rate Variations Spin noise in pulsars typically appears as a ‘red’ stochastic process having a steep spectrum $\propto f^{-x}$ with $x\simeq 4$ to 6 and in some cases is due to resolved step functions in $\nu$ or $\dot{\nu}$ (e.g. D’Alessandro et al. 1995, and references therein). They may result from a combination of effects internal to the NS and in its magnetosphere. Glitches are much larger events that may occur very frequently in young magnetars. Without elaborating on the underlying physics here, we simply extrapolate spin noise to young, high-field objects using the scaling law for spin noise from pulsars as a means for assessing its possible role in periodicity detection. In Appendix A, we express the scaling law for spin noise in terms of the dipolar field by making use of the spindown rate, $|\dot{\nu}_{-15}|\simeq 10^{6}\,{\rm Hz~{}s^{-1}}\,B_{\rm d_{15}}^{2}\nu^{3}$ for magnetic dipole radiation with a fiducial dipole magnetic field strength $B_{\rm d}=B_{\rm d_{15}}10^{15}$ G and a typical moment of inertia of $10^{45}$ g cm-2. For a data span length $T$ in years, the rms spin noise is $\displaystyle\sigma_{\rm t}\simeq 1326^{+870}_{-519}\,s\times\nu^{2}\,B_{\rm d_{15}}^{2.3}\,T^{1.7}.$ (10) Figure 5 shows $\sigma_{\rm t}$ vs. age for different classes of NS, from millisecond pulsars (MSPs) to ‘hyper magnetars’ with very strong fields. The bottom and top of each colored band corresponds to data spans of length 0.1 and 10 yr respectively. The two top cases for $10^{15}$ and $10^{17}$ G surface fields have very large RMS values that will mask the spin periodicity on year-like time scales. In Paper I, our assessment of NS fields and spin dynamics suggests that surface field strengths are more likely to be closer to $10^{15}$ G than to larger fields. For a year long data span (corresponding to the middle line plotted in each colored band in Figure 5), the rms spin noise is clearly much larger than one cycle of phase for a one second period, so compensation for smooth spin down in the analysis of a long FRB time series is insufficient to identify a coherent periodicity if the number of bursts is sparse and they are widely spaced. The data span length that corresponds to one cycle of phase variation ($\nu\sigma_{t}=1$) from spin noise is typically a few days for nominal parameters, $\displaystyle T_{1}\simeq 5.3^{+1.8}_{-1.4}\ {\rm d}\times\nu^{-1.76}B_{\rm d_{15}}^{-1.35}.$ (11) Bursts separated by more than $T_{1}$ will not allow identification of a fast periodicity using any of the methods discussed above because the form factor for spin noise would be very small $\eta_{\rm SN}\ll 1$. Conversely, short data spans with $T\ll T_{1}$ with multiple bursts should allow detection of any periodicity. Any magnetic field decay reduces the rate of spindown, allowing large spin rates to be sustained for longer times. The higher spin rate makes the spin noise larger than otherwise at a given age but the lower field strength reduces the spin noise (cf. Eq. 10), so the net result is unclear. Future analyses on repeating FRBs may ultimately detect periodicities in short burst sequences, which will allow constraints on spin noise if burst sequences from the same objects become less coherent in sequences of days or longer. This will provide information about the underlying physics of spin noise in young magnetars. For now, however, the absence of burst periodicities in short burst sequences must be explained by effect(s) other than spin noise, such as phase jitter discussed above. ### 3.4 Unmodeled Systematic Variations Deterministic contributions to the phase model from precession (or orbital motion) will also inhibit detection of a fast periodicity if sparse burst time series cover multiple precession or orbital periods. Precession presents a greater challenge, in general, than orbital motion. It perturbs arrival times in two ways: through wobble of the emission beam(s) relative to a non- precessing object and by inducing a cyclical torque resulting from the dependence of the torque on the spin-magnetic moment angle (Jones 1988; Blaskiewicz 1991; Cordes 1993). The beam wobble contribution ultimately depends on the shape of the emission beam and how it moves across the observer’s direction. In the special case of low-amplitude precession with a simple, Gaussian-like emission beam, the precession perturbation may be nearly sinusoidal and mimic orbital motion (e.g. Nelson et al. 1990). However, triaxial precession combined with a complex beam shape will depart from a simple fitting function to arrival times. For young magnetars, we expect the phase contribution from the cyclic torque $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}$ to dominate beam wobble $\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}$, as discussed in detail for triaxial precession in §6. For small-amplitude precession $\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}\sim\theta_{\rm p}/2\pi\ll 1$ cycle where $\theta_{\rm p}$ is the amplitude of the change in the spin-magnetic-moment angle. A simple scaling law gives $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}\sim\dot{\nu}\theta_{\rm p}P_{\rm p}^{2}/4\pi^{2}\sim\nu\theta_{\rm p}P_{\rm p}^{2}/8\pi^{2}\tau_{\rm s}$ (Appendix C). For a precession period $P_{\rm p}=10^{6}P_{\rm p,6}$ s and a characteristic spindown time $\tau_{100}=\nu/(2\dot{\nu}\times 100\,{\rm yr})$, this gives $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}\sim 2~{}{\rm cycles}\times\theta_{\rm p}P_{\rm p,6}^{2}/P_{\rm spin}\tau_{100}$. If uncorrected, $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}$ will mask the fast periodicity in sparse burst sequences that span one or more precession periods. In principle, precession can be fitted and removed to enable identification of fast periodicities, but the precession parameter space is potentially very large, as discussed in the next section. Imperfect removal can yield timing residuals $\delta\phi(t)$ that are easily large enough to mask the spin periodicity through a form factor $|\langle e^{i\delta\phi(t)}\rangle|\ll 1$. Triaxial precession presents very different time dependences for the wobble and torque effects than low-amplitude precession from an axisymmetric star. We again comment on the role of decay of the dipolar magnetic field in objects older than, say, 1 kyr. The amplitude of the cyclical torque $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}\propto\dot{\nu}\propto B_{\rm d}^{2}$ decreases with field decay. This effect, along with others discussed in Paper I, allow the possibility that burst periodicities hidden in young objects may ultimately manifest in older objects even for burst sequences that span multiple days or weeks. ## 4 Triaxial Precession Paper I gives a detailed description of the precession of a triaxial star and its consequences. Here we define those quantities needed in our analysis of the observational manifestations of precession. The triaxiality of the star is a consequence of magnetic distortion quantified by $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$, which determines the principal components of the moment of inertia tensor, $I_{i}$, where $i=1,2,3$. The measure of triaxility used is $e^{2}\equiv I_{3}(I_{2}-I_{1})/I_{1}(I_{3}-I_{2})$, which is zero for an oblate, axisymmetric star. For unit vectors ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}$ along the principal axes, the angular momentum is directed along the unit vector ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}=\hat{\ell}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}$ (summation convention implied) with components $\displaystyle\hat{\ell}_{1}=\Lambda\,{\rm cn}(\Phi),\quad\hat{\ell}_{2}=\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}\,\,{\rm sn}(\Phi),\quad\hat{\ell}_{3}=\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}\,\,{\rm dn}(\Phi)$ (12) where $\,{\rm cn}(\Phi),\,{\rm sn}(\Phi)$ and $\,{\rm dn}(\Phi)$ are Jacobian elliptic functions (e.g Abramowitz & Stegun 1972). A full precession cycle is $\Phi_{\rm cyc}=4F(\pi/2|q)$, where $F(\pi|q)$ is the complete elliptic function of the second kind and $q=e\Lambda/\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}$. For $e^{2}>0$, the phase for one precession cycle is $\Phi_{\rm cyc}>2\pi$. For an oblate star ($e^{2}=0$), the expressions simplify with $\,{\rm cn}\to\cos$, $\,{\rm sn}\to\sin$, and $\,{\rm dn}\to 1$ and one precession cycle becomes $\Phi_{\rm cyc}=2\pi$. Figure 6 shows the precession geometry in a top view (left) and side view (right) in a frame fixed with the neutron star. The angular momentum vector traces an ellipse in the $\hat{\ell}_{1}$ \- $\hat{\ell}_{2}$ plane that becomes a circle for $e^{2}=0$. The $\hat{\ell}_{3}$ component also includes nodding motion during a precession cycle. Another presentation of the geometry is given in Figure 1 of Paper I. A key feature of free precession is that the angle between the magnetic moment ${\hat{\mu}}$ and the instantaneous spin vector along $\hat{\ell}$ varies over a precession cycle, causing a cyclical change in the magnetic torque on the star that superposes with the mean torque. The precession phase $\Phi$ is related to spin phase and to the precession and spin periods by $\displaystyle\frac{d\Phi}{d\phi}=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}}{2+e^{2}}=\left[\frac{F(\pi/2|q)}{\pi/2}\right]\frac{P_{\rm spin}}{P_{\rm p}}~{}.$ (13) For an axisymmetric star, $\Lambda=e^{2}=q=0$ and $P_{\rm spin}/P_{\rm p}=\epsilon_{\rm mag}$, the familiar ratio of periods in terms of the star’s ellipticity, $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$. Figure 6: Precession geometry in the body frame. Left: View looking down on the principal moment of inertia, ${\bf\hat{e}}_{3}$. In this frame the magnetic moment ${\hat{\mu}}$ is fixed and the example emission beam is shown as a green ellipse centered on ${\hat{\mu}}$. Generally it could be oriented in some other direction. The angular momentum makes an elliptical trajectory around ${\bf\hat{e}}_{3}$ and the observer’s line of sight rotates around the instantaneous orientation of $\hat{\ell}$, as shown at two different times $t_{1,2}$ during the precession cycle. Right: Side view for a slightly different case where ${\hat{\mu}}$ is outside the locus of $\hat{\ell}$. ## 5 The Beam Precession Modulation Function To investigate the effects of precession, we define the observer’s direction in the inertial frame relative to the source as $\displaystyle{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}=\cos i{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}+\sin i{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{x}~{},$ (14) in a right-handed coordinate system ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{x}$, ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{y}$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{z}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}$. The emission beam is fixed in the body frame with a maximum in the direction given by the angles $\theta_{\rm b}$ and $\phi_{\rm b}$, $\displaystyle{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}=b_{1}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}+b_{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}+b_{3}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}=\sin\theta_{b}(\cos\varphi_{b}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}+\sin\varphi_{b}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2})+\cos\theta_{b}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}~{}.$ (15) For radio pulsars, the beam is tied to the dipole axis ${\hat{\mu}}$, either nearly parallel to it for ‘polar cap’ emission or skewed for high altitude ‘outer gap’ emission. Rotational aberration of course plays a role in the actual beam direction. Figure 6 shows that the beam indicated by a green-shaded ellipse centered on ${\hat{\mu}}$ is intersected by the line of sight only at a subset of precession phases. Bursts may involve sweep of the beam across the line of sight or they may be temporal phenomena with a greater probability of detection when the beam points near ${\hat{n}}$. For specificity, we adopt a beam that is circularly symmetric around ${\hat{b}}$, so the observed intensity (or burst probability) is a function of ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$. In particular, we use a Gaussian beam with 1/e half width $\theta_{\rm e}=\theta_{\rm FWHM}/2\sqrt{\ln 2}$, $\displaystyle{\mathscr{B}}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}})=e^{-2(1-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}})/\theta_{\rm e}^{2}}.$ (16) Using expressions in § 2.3 of Paper I (Eq. 50 - 54), the dot product is $\displaystyle{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}=\cos i[\sin\theta_{b}(\hat{\ell}_{1}\cos\varphi_{b}+\hat{\ell}_{2}\sin\varphi_{b})+\hat{\ell}_{3}\cos\theta_{b}]$ $\displaystyle~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}+\sin i\left[\cos\gamma\left(\sqrt{\hat{\ell}_{1}^{2}+\hat{\ell}_{2}^{2}}\cos\theta_{b}-\frac{\hat{\ell}_{3}\sin\theta_{b}(\hat{\ell}_{1}\cos\varphi_{b}+\hat{\ell}_{2}\sin\varphi_{b})}{\sqrt{\hat{\ell}_{1}^{2}+\hat{\ell}_{2}^{2}}}\right)+\frac{\sin\gamma\sin\theta_{b}(\hat{\ell}_{2}\cos\varphi_{b}-\hat{\ell}_{1}\sin\varphi_{b})}{\sqrt{\hat{\ell}_{1}^{2}+\hat{\ell}_{2}^{2}}}\right]$ (17) after rotating by an Euler angle $\gamma$ given by integrating (Paper I), $\displaystyle\frac{d\gamma}{d\phi}=-1-K_{e\Lambda}\frac{d\Phi}{d\phi}\frac{1}{[1+e^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}(\Phi)]}$ (18) with $K_{e\Lambda}\equiv\sqrt{(1+e^{2})/(1-\Lambda^{2})}$ for the oblate case with $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<1$ presented in Paper I, which we use for purpose of illustration. Integrating Eq. 18 and setting the constant of integration to zero, the Euler angle, $\displaystyle\gamma=-\phi\left[1+K_{e\Lambda}{\rm\frac{d\Phi}{d\phi}}G(\Phi,e^{2})\right]~{},$ (19) is constrained to be in $[0,2\pi]$. The second term in square brackets is much smaller than unity because ${\rm d\Phi/d\phi}\sim\epsilon_{\rm mag}\ll 1$ while $K_{e\Lambda}\sim\order{1}$ and the dimensionless factor $G\leq 1$, where $\displaystyle G(\Phi,e^{2})=\frac{1}{\Phi}\int_{0}^{\Phi}\frac{d\Phi^{\prime}}{1+e^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}(\Phi^{\prime})}.$ (20) As the star rotates and precesses, ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$ maximizes at a spin phase that varies slowly as a function of $\Phi$. Irrespective of the beam model, the value of $1-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}$ is a measure of the detectability of the beam for any particular pulse period: smaller values are more favorable for detection. We define the beam precession modulation function (BPMF) as the amplitude of the beam function when it makes its closest approach to ${\hat{n}}$ during a spin period at a given precession phase. It therefore represents the window in precession phase $\Phi$ in which burst amplitudes are maximized, on average. It is determined by the precession geometry in concert with the beam shape of the emission, $\displaystyle{{\mathscr{B}}_{\rm MF}}(\Phi)={\mathscr{B}}(({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}})_{\rm max}).$ (21) Modulation functions are shown for three precession cases in Figure 7. On the left are line plots of the BPMF for different beam widths at a fixed observer’s inclination while the right-hand panels show variations for different inclinations as well as with beam width. The top row is for an axisymmetric, oblate star ($e^{2}=0$). The BPMF is double peaked for most inclinations with separations between peaks that depend on inclination. The middle and bottom rows are for triaxial precession with $e^{2}=10$. The beam direction is in the $\hat{e}_{1}-\hat{e}_{3}$ plane (i.e. $\phi_{\rm b}=0$) for the middle row and skewed in the bottom row with $\phi_{\rm b}=30$ deg. Salient features include: 1. 1. Larger beam widths, not surprisingly, yield BPMFs that are large for a greater fraction of the precession cycle. 2. 2. The BPMFs are bimodal or trimodal in most cases. The spacing of the modes is generally non-uniform and depends on the inclination. 3. 3. For $\phi_{\rm b}=0$ the BPMF is symmetric about $\Phi/\Phi_{\rm cyc}=1/2$ but the symmetry is broken for $\phi_{\rm b}\neq 0$. The multiple modes of the BPMFs need to be considered in any precession interpretation of the slow periodicities seen from FRB 121102 and FRB 180916. Current observational constraints indicate that bursts occur quasi- periodically in windows with duty cycles $\sim 25$ to 55%. From the BPMFs shown in the figures, it is clear that only a subset of geometries and triaxialities will match the observations, but with considerable leeway on parameters owing to the paucity of bursts. In particular, the available data are not informative of the burst rate within the precession window and do not disallow closely-spaced double peaks in the BPMF. In addition, for some of the cases shown in the figures, the observed spacings of $\sim 16$ and 160 d could be submultiples of the true precession periods. What is more certain, however, is that the beam width cannot be larger than about 20 deg in order to match the observed duty cycles of the slow periodicities. The effects of precession depend on the magnetic field strength in several ways. The deformation of the star and the misalignment of the spin and principal axis require large fields; these in turn affect the amplitude and period of precession. If magnetic fields decay during the FRB-emitting phase of a magnetar, all of these aspects of precession will likely be reduced. For example, precession periods will become longer and amplitudes smaller, producing smaller precession-driven modulations of burst sequences. In other words, slow periodicities should become slower and the precession phase windows in which bursts are seen will become wider. That suggests that in R1 and R3, the field strengths must be large if precession is responsible for the slow periodicities. Figure 7: The beam precession modulation function (BPMF) for different geometries. The left panel in each row shows line curves for different widths of Gaussian beams for a beam orientation $\theta_{\rm b}=30$ deg. The right panel shows the BPMF amplitudes (color bar) for seven different inclinations and for beamwidths from 1 to 20 deg for each inclination angle. Top: axisymmetric, oblate precession with $e^{2}=0$ and $\phi_{\rm b}=0$. Middle: triaxial precession with $e^{2}=10$ and $\phi_{\rm b}=0$. Bottom: triaxial precession with $e^{2}=10$ and $\phi_{\rm b}=30$ deg. ## 6 Burst Timing Variations from Precession In this section we consider arrival time perturbations that arise from precession. We ignore spin noise here and though we include a spindown torque, we do so only by considering how the torque varies over a precession cycle. The steady spindown from the torque is ignored but it is highly likely that it requires consideration in searching for a fast periodicity in burst sequences spanning multiple precession cycles. In addition to the cyclical variation in torque, we also analyze wobble of the emission beam. ### 6.1 Beam Wobble and Peak Intensities Here we calculate the pulse phase departure from what it would be under strictly uniform periodicity without precession or spindown. We consider the effects of precession of the radio beam over a single precession cycle, $0\leq\Phi\leq\Phi_{\rm cyc}$. We give a short summary here while details can be found in Paper I. In order to track the detectability of the beam, we maximize the dot product by solving $\displaystyle\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}}{d\phi}=A(\Phi)+B(\Phi)\cos\gamma+C(\Phi)\sin\gamma=0,$ (22) where $A,B$, and $C$ are functions of $\Phi$ and the precession parameters using terms collected from Eq. 17. This yields $\displaystyle\cos[\gamma(\Phi)-\Psi(\Phi)]=\Sigma(\Phi),$ (23) where $\Sigma(\Phi)=A/\sqrt{B^{2}+C^{2}}$ and $\Psi=\arctan C/B$; note that the signs of $B$ and $C$ need to be considered to find the proper value of $\Psi$. To calculate the phase residual from wobble of the beam caused by precession we solve Eq. 23 to obtain the Euler angle $\gamma_{1}(\Phi)$ over one precession cycle, $0\leq\Phi\leq\Phi_{\rm cyc}$. Choosing the solution that maximizes ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$, the sequence of values vs. $\Phi$ has a wraparound of $2\pi$ at some $\Phi$ that we remove, yielding a sequence $\gamma_{1u}$ that does not have these discontinuities, where the subscript ‘u’ denotes that $\gamma_{1}$ has been “unwrapped” and the spin phase due to beam wobble is, $\displaystyle\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}(\Phi)=-\left\\{\gamma_{\rm 1u}(\Phi)+K_{e\Lambda}\Phi\left[G(\Phi,e^{2})-G(\Phi_{\rm cyc},e^{2})\right]+2\pi\Phi/\Phi_{\rm cyc}\right\\}.$ (24) Figure 8 (left panel) shows an example dot product ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}$ vs. precession phase and the corresponding spin phase perturbation from beam wobble, $\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}$. The case shown is for a triaxial star and a beam at azimuthal angle $\phi_{\rm b}=30$ deg. Figure 8: Timing perturbations from triaxial precession with $e^{2}=10$ and a precession amplitude $\Lambda=0.2$ rad. Left: Dot product ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}$ and spin phase perturbation due to beam wobble plotted over a precession cycle. Right: Cyclical timing variation due to the magnetic torque calculated for a 16.4 d precession period and a 100 yr spindown time. A spin period $P_{\rm spin}=1$ s is also used. ### 6.2 Cyclical Timing Variation from the Magnetic Torque The steady spin down of a NS from the mean magnetic torque is well known but arrival times will vary cyclically from the variation in torque over a precession cycle (e.g. Cordes 1993; Akgün et al. 2006). The torque depends on the angle between the magnetic moment ${\hat{\mu}}$ and the instantaneous spin axis $\hat{\ell}$ and so the spin-rate derivative $\dot{\nu}$ that is a function of ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\ell}$}}$ will show both secular and cyclical variability. As in Paper I, the magnetic moment is oriented along the unit vector, ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}\hat{\mu}_{1}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}\hat{\mu}_{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}\hat{\mu}_{3}$, in the rotating frame of reference, where the quantities ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}\equiv{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{j}$ are the direction cosines with respect to the principal axes, ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{j}$ with $j=1,2,3$. Using Eq. 12 and integrating $\dot{\nu}$ twice gives the spin phase vs. time that includes secularly increasing terms and the cyclical component of interest here, which is expressed in cycles of spin phase instead of time, $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}=\nu\Delta t_{\rm cyc}(\Phi)$, as a function of precession phase, $\Phi$. The full derivation is given in Paper I (§ 2.4 and Appendix A) and is summarized in Appendix C of this paper with slightly different notation. The result over time spans much shorter than the spindown time $\tau_{\rm s}$ is $\displaystyle\Delta t_{\rm cyc}(\Phi)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle- A_{\Delta t_{\rm cyc}}\Lambda Q(\Phi,\Lambda,e^{2},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}),$ (25) where the characteristic amplitude is $A_{\Delta t_{\rm cyc}}=P_{\rm p}^{2}/8\pi^{2}\tau_{\rm s}$ and $Q(\Phi,\Lambda,e^{2},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}})$ gives the variation over $\Phi$ (See Eqs. C3 and C2). For axisymmetric or small-amplitude precession, the dependence on $\Phi$ (or, equivalently, time) becomes sinusoidal in form as discussed in §3.4 and shown in Appendix C. The cyclical TOA variation is large for large precession periods and small spindown times, the latter applicable to young magnetars. For the example of $P_{\rm p}=16.4$ d and $\tau_{\rm s}=100$ y, $A_{\Delta t_{\rm cyc}}\sim 8$ s, so even small values of $\Lambda$ can yield sizable phase perturbations that could mask a spin period $\sim$seconds. Figure 8 (right panel) shows an example timing variation (expressed as a phase $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}$) over a precession cycle corresponding to the beam- wobble case shown in the left panel. For other combinations of angles, the curves can be quite different. Figure 9 shows the torque angle $\cos^{-1}({\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\ell}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}})$, which determines the torque variation, plotted against the phase variation from beam wobble $\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}$ for multiple values of the beam azimuthal angle $\phi_{\rm b}$. The cases shown are for a triaxial star with $e^{2}=10$ and $\Lambda=0.2$ and polar angles $\theta_{\rm b}=\theta_{\mu}=30^{\circ}$. The pattern is asymmetric for $\phi_{\rm b}>0$ and evolves slowly until $\phi_{\rm b}\gtrsim 60^{\circ}$ for the polar angles. The thickness of the curves corresponds to the amplitude of the beam precession modulation function. The thinnest parts correspond to the precession phases where bursts are much less likely to be detected. The left panel is for a smaller Gaussian beam width of 3 deg (FWHM) and the right panel is for a much larger 50 deg beam width. The latter case, which shows a large amplitude throughout the precession cycle, is inconsistent with observations of the slow periodicities in FRB 121102 and FRB 180916, which show distinct gaps where no bursts are detected. For the 3 deg beam, the amplitude is large for only a small restricted part of the precession cycle. As already commented, magnetic field decay during the FRB-emitting phase of a young magnetar will reduce the amplitude of the cyclical phase variation, making burst periodicities more likely to be detected unless they are hidden by phase jitter, as discussed in § 3. Figure 9: Torque angle $\cos^{-1}({\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\ell}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}})$ vs the wobble phase $\delta\phi$ for $\Lambda=0.2$, $e^{2}=10$, and $\theta_{\rm b}=30^{\circ}$ for multiple values of the azimuthal beam angle, $\phi_{\rm b}$, as labeled. The black circle indicates values for a non- precessing object ($\Lambda=0$) with azimuthal beam direction $\phi_{\rm b}=0$. The line widths scale with the amplitude of the beam precession modulation function evaluated for a Gaussian beam function. Left: 3 deg beam width. Right: 50 deg beam width. ## 7 Application of Triaxial Precession to Periodicity Detection We now consider periodicity detection of precessing objects using the detection statistic defined earlier (Eq. 6) applied to simulated data. To evaluate $\widehat{D}$ for different precession parameters, only the peak burst amplitudes and residual phases are needed. The necessary data are generated as follows: 1. 1. Choose the number of bursts $N_{\rm b}$ to Monte Carlo (MC) over a single precession cycle $\Phi_{\rm cyc}$. This is intended to be much smaller than the number of spin periods in the cycle, as is consistent with observations so far, because the emission is either zero (null) or weak in most periods. 2. 2. MC $N_{\rm b}$ values of precession phase, $\Phi_{j},j=1,\cdots,N_{\rm b}$. 3. 3. From $\Phi_{j}$ calculate the wobble and cyclic-torque phases ${\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}}_{j}$ and ${\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}}_{j}$. 4. 4. MC $N_{\rm b}$ amplitudes $a_{j}$ using a log-normal distribution with parameters that give unit mean and unit modulation index, $m_{a}=\sigma_{a}/<a>=1$. We allow there to be a specified fraction $f_{\rm null}$ of ‘null’ pulses like those seen for pulsars111While pulsar nulls are sustained for some number of contiguous pulses, we randomly turn bursts off independently because we are not interested in a more complex model for nulling that would require additional parameters.. With real data, we would measure arrival times $t_{j}$ and calculate phases $\phi_{j}$ using a model for the deterministic contributions to the phase, as in Eq. 2 and 3. Subtracting the fit yields phase residuals to use in the detection statistic with weights given by the burst amplitudes for bursts that exceed a threshold. To illustrate, we assess the effects of precession on periodicity detection using only a spin model for the deterministic phase and we assume the secular part of the spindown is known. Arrival times are then simply pulse numbers $n_{j}$ for the $j=0,\ldots,N_{\rm b}-1$ bursts combined with phase perturbations, $\displaystyle t_{j}=(n_{j}+\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}+\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc})P_{\rm spin}$ (26) with pulse numbers calculated as $\displaystyle n_{j}={\rm int}(\Phi_{j}P_{\rm p}/P_{\rm spin}).$ (27) For each trial value for the spin period (designated by the caret) $\widehat{P}_{\rm s}$ we have trial phases, $\displaystyle\phi_{j}(\widehat{P}_{\rm s})=t_{j}/\widehat{P}_{\rm s},$ (28) and phase residuals $\delta\phi_{j}$ are the fractional part of $\phi_{j}$. A grid search over $\widehat{P}_{\rm s}$ yields a maximum of $\widehat{D}(\widehat{P}_{\rm s})$ at the correct period if other effects allow the periodicity to be manifested in the data. Using the above approach we calculate trains of burst amplitudes along with the beam precession modulation function ${\mathscr{B}}(\Phi)$. The final burst amplitudes are the product of the log-normal amplitudes with the BPMF and the null-amplitude window. Figures 10 and 11 show burst trains over multiple precession cycles for one case with 90% nulls and $\phi_{\rm b}=0$ and a second case with 80% nulls and $\phi_{\rm b}=30$ deg, respectively. The top panel in each frame shows the BPMF, the middle panel the random burst amplitudes, and the bottom panel shows the amplitudes with the BPMF and null-burst window applied. For the first case with 1000 total bursts of which 90% are nulls, the precession periodicity is not obvious and there is an insufficient number of large amplitude bursts to identify it. With a smaller null percentage of $10^{4}$ bursts in Figure 11, the periodicity is easy to identify. Also, the unequal spacing of the three peaks in the BPMF, including one that is only about 5% of the largest, is discernible with the large number of strong bursts. Currently, none of the repeating FRBs has provided sufficient bursts to test whether such triple peaks occur, including FRB 121102 with the $1652$ bursts detected with the FAST telescope (Li et al. 2021). Figure 10: A burst sequence with 90% null pulses for $\phi_{\rm b}=0$ with 5.3 precession cycles shown. Top: Beam precession modulation function from wobble of the beam due to precession. It is evaluated using a Gaussian beam with $1/e$ width of 3 deg. Middle: Random burst amplitudes generated from a skewed log-normal distribution normalized to have unit mean and unity modulation index; these are then scaled by the mean signal to noise ratio of ten. Bottom: Net burst sequence after applying the modulation function of the top panel and the indicated percentage of nulls. In this case some of the bursts occur in a window that is not equally spaced with the window containing the brightest bursts. Figure 11: A burst sequence with 80% null pulses for $\phi_{\rm b}=30$ deg. Top: Beam precession modulation function from wobble of the beam due to precession. It is evaluated using a Gaussian beam with $1/e$ width of 3 deg. Middle: Random burst amplitudes generated from a skewed log-normal distribution normalized to have unit mean and unity modulation index; these are then scaled by the mean signal to noise ratio of ten. Bottom: Net burst sequence after applying the modulation function of the top panel and the indicated percentage of nulls. The detectability of the spin periodicity under different conditions is represented in Figure 12, which shows the detection statistic for examples with and without precession and with and without phase jitter and contributions from the cyclical spindown torque. The results are shown as a function of the trial spin period $\widehat{P}_{\rm s}$ used to evaluate the phase $\delta\phi=\Delta\phi_{\rm wobble}+\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}$ that is used in Eq. 6. The top left-hand panel shows cases with negligible precession amplitude for 1000 bursts spread over multiple precession cycles $N_{\rm pre}=T_{\rm pre}/P_{\rm p}$ where $T_{\rm pre}$ is the length of the time series. The detection statistic maximizes at the true period where $\Delta\widehat{P}_{\rm s}=\widehat{P}_{\rm s}-{P}_{\rm s}=0$ and shows a main lobe that narrows as the bursts are spread over more precession cycles. Even with amplitude variations of bursts (using a log-normal PDF with unit mean and modulation index of unity), the detection statistic reaches the maximum possible value (unity) because all bursts are strictly periodic. The bottom left panel shows the results for axisymmetric precession with $\Lambda=0.2$ for different combinations of number of bursts and spindown times, as indicated in the legend. There is no difference in $\widehat{D}$ for $N_{\rm b}=100$ or 1000 bursts if the cyclical torque is negligible, as it is for long spindown times. However, short spindown times correspond to many cycles of $\Delta\phi_{\rm cyc}$ over the set of bursts that quench $\widehat{D}$. The right hand panels show cases with trixial precession with $e^{2}=10$ and $\Lambda=0.2$. The top right panel shows $\widehat{D}$ vs inclination angle of the line of sight. All cases show several maxima in $\widehat{D}(\widehat{P}_{\rm s})$, including one at $\Delta\widehat{P}_{\rm s}=0$ but also two others at offset periods. These result from the nutation of the beam, which causes bursts to be seen at multiple spin phases, as shown in Figure 9, that lead to multiple peaks in $\widehat{D}$. The bottom right panel shows how $\widehat{D}$ is quenched by phase jitter $\sigma_{\rm J}$ or by the spindown torque. Figure 12: Detection statistic $\widehat{D}(\widehat{P}_{s})$ vs $\Delta\widehat{P}_{s}/P_{s}$ for different precession cases for a Gaussian beam with $1/e$ width of 0.03 rad. Details are given in the text. Top left: axisymmetric cases with negligible precession for 1000 bursts spread over different numbers of precession cycles specified as $T_{\rm pre}/P_{\rm p}$ where $T_{\rm pre}$ is the time span and $P_{\rm p}$ is the precession period. Bottom left: axisymmetric cases with $\Lambda=0.2$ for different numbers of bursts spread over 5.3 precession cycles and for different spindown times (in years). Top right: Triaxial precession for different inclination angles and 1000 bursts spread over 5.3 precession cycles. Bottom right: Triaxial precession for 5.3 precession cycles with 1000 bursts having different amounts of phase jitter $\sigma_{\rm J}$ and different spindown times (leading to different cyclical torque variations). ## 8 Summary and Conclusions We have analyzed how a precessing FRB source of beamed radiation might show the slow periodicities seen in FRB 121102 and FRB 180916 ($\sim 16$ and 160 days, respectively) without showing any evidence for an underlying, faster spin periodicity. In burst sequences spread over multiple precessional cycles without any strong clustering over short time spans (e.g. hours), several effects can make it difficult to see the fast periodicity. These include timing variations from precession, either through wobble of the emission beam or from the variation in torque arising from dependence of the torque on the changing angle between the magnetic moment and the spin axis. Noise in the spin rate from star quakes or stochastic changes in magnetic torque will also be important for this situation. Also included in our analysis is phase jitter associated with the beamed radiation itself. Phase jitter is needed to account for the absence of a fast periodicity when a large number of bursts (tens to hundreds) occur (and are detected) over a few hours and with spacings as short as a few seconds. Jitter could result from changes in direction of the beamed radiation related to multiple independently emitting beams. However the required phase jitter $\gtrsim 0.3$ cycle, corresponding to more than 100 deg, is too large to be consistent with precession of the beam as a cause for the slow periodicities. Beams this wide would allow bursts to be seen throughout the precession cycle, in contrast to the existence of gaps between the intervals when bursts occur. A natural explanation is that jitter is related to a wide range of emission altitudes for different bursts. Combined with strong relativistic beaming, differences $\Delta r$ in altitude over a large fraction of the light-cylinder radius, $r_{\rm LC}=cP_{\rm spin}/2\pi$, correspond to phase variations $\Delta\phi\simeq 1/\pi\sin\chi$ as a combination of retardation and aberration, where $\chi$ is the angle between the spin axis and observer’s direction (which can vary over a precession cycle). This amount of altitude variation can account for the absence of the fast periodicity in periodograms or power spectra of burst sequences. Observed bursts from repeating FRBs have highly variable fluences and there are some activity windows (which correspond to favorable intervals of the precession cycle) when no or many fewer bursts are seen from FRB 121102 and FRB 180916. These deficits might involve fading due to extrinsic scintillation or plasma-lensing or they could be caused by changes in the coherence of the radiation from processes that are independent of precession, such as a time- variable surface temperature of the NS that affects particle numbers and energies. The slow periodicities observed so far also place constraints on precession. Emission beams less than about 10 to 20 deg can be completely misdirected from the observer’s direction for precession angles larger than the beam width, accounting for the absence of bursts in periodic data spans. Observed bursts occur in slowly periodic phase windows that are fairly large fractions $\simeq 0.25$ to 0.55 of a precession cycle, so they are not particularly constraining on the triaxiality of the stars or on relevant orientation angles of the angular momentum, beam, and line of sight. Different combinations of angles combined with different degrees of triaxility ($e^{2}$) can yield single, double, triple, or quadruple peaks in the beam precession modulation function (c.f. Figure 7) even when the beam is a unimodal, Gaussian like function. The separations of these peaks may correspond to the apparent period of the observed slow periodicities, implying that the true precession period is larger. Eventually, data sets with much larger numbers of bursts may distinguish between these possibilities. In particular, bursts spanning many precession cycles can be folded (i.e. synchronously averaged) with the precession period. The resulting shape will correspond to that of the beam precession modulation function (Figure 7). In addition, any radio-frequency dependence of the emission beam will be manifested in the BPMF shape. While we do not know how the beam might vary with frequency, it is possible that some frequencies will be better than others for detecting large numbers of bursts. However, it is also possible that the precession properties may vary, perhaps suddenly, when the figure of the star changes discontinuously as a result of magnetic driven shearing events. Finally, as noted in Paper I, the episodic aspects of FRBs that include a slow periodicity in two objects without any spin-related fast periodicity may evolve dramatically as a young magnetar ages, spins down, and some magnetic field components decay. Such objects may emerge from an ‘FRB phase’ into a phase similar to that of Galactic magnetars, which show episodic radio emission that is periodic and very much like isolated, spin-driven pulsars. The authors thank the referee for comments and suggestions that improved the presentation in the paper. SC and JMC acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation (NSF AAG-1815242) and are members of the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center, which is supported by the NSF award PHY-2020265. ## Appendix A Spindown and Spin Noise Estimates for Young Magnetars Pulsar spin rates decline smoothly from the average magnetic torque but also vary stochastically. The spin rate derivative is $\displaystyle\dot{\nu}=\frac{d\nu}{dt}=-\frac{k(2\pi)^{2}\mu^{2}\nu^{3}[1-a({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\ell}$}})^{2}]}{Ic^{3}},$ (A1) where $I=I_{3}$ is the principal moment of inertia. As in Paper I we use values for the dimensionless constants $a=1/2$ and $k=2$ corresponding to the spindown rate for a force-free magnetosphere, $\dot{\nu}\propto 1+\sin^{2}\theta$ with $\cos\theta={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\cdot{\mbox{\boldmath$\hat{\ell}$}}$. This differs from the $\sin^{2}\theta$ dependence for a vacuum magnetosphere, which is inconsistent with the torque on an aligned rotator Li et al. (2012). Expressing the magnetic moment $\mu=B_{\rm d}R^{3}$ in terms of the surface dipole field and the stellar radius $R$ and using a moment of inertia $I=10^{45}~{}{\rm gcm^{2}}\,I_{45}$ and a fiducial dipole magnetic field strength $B_{\rm d}=B_{\rm d_{15}}10^{15}$ G we obtain $\displaystyle\dot{\nu}_{-15}=-\frac{\dot{\nu}}{10^{-15}}\simeq 10^{6}\,{\rm Hz~{}s^{-1}}\,B_{\rm d_{15}}^{2}\nu^{3}.$ (A2) Departures from smooth spindown include ‘glitches’ involving rapid increases in the spin rate $\Delta\nu/\nu$ accompanied by small changes in $\dot{\nu}$. Pulsars also show stochastic spin noise manifested as much smaller changes in $\nu$ and $\dot{\nu}$ (of both signs in some objects) and as a red-noise process with a steep power spectrum in others. Some pulsars show discontinuous changes in the magnetospheric torque between two preferred states that last for weeks to months (e.g. Lyne et al. 2010). Here we consider the extension of pulsar spin noise to young magnetars as a means for estimating the minimum level of fluctuations. Glitches will only exacerbate spin fluctuations that can inhibit the identification of the spin periodicity in sequences of FRBs. We extrapolate spin noise to young magnetars using a scaling law for the rms residuals based on Galactic pulsars and magnetars (Shannon & Cordes 2010, hereafter SC10); recent work (Lam et al. 2017; Parthasarathy et al. 2019; Lower et al. 2020) has gotten similar results. This extrapolation requires the strong caveat that we simply do not know if the scaling law extends to younger, more rapidly rotating magnetars with larger magnetic fields, but it demonstrates that spin noise is likely to be important for the analysis of repeating FRBs if young magnetars are involved. The rms timing variation $\sigma_{\rm t}$ scales as $\sigma_{\rm t}=C_{\rm spin}\,\nu^{\alpha}\,|\dot{\nu}_{-15}|^{\beta}\,T^{\gamma}$ (SC10). For a data span length $T$ in years, spin frequency $\nu$ in Hz, and frequency derivative $\dot{\nu}=10^{-15}\,{\rm Hz~{}s^{-1}}\,\dot{\nu}_{-15}$, the coefficient is $C_{\rm spin}=20C_{\rm 2}$, where $C_{\rm 2}=11^{+7.2}_{-4.3}\,\mu s$ results from a second-order polynomial fit to timing data that accounts for quadratic spindown (from the ‘CP+MAG’- fit in SC10’s Table 1) and the factor of 20 corrects for the removal of spin noise by the fit; it is based on simulations (Cordes 1980, Table 2) and applies to a mixture of random walks in $\nu$ and $\dot{\nu}$. Other parameters are $\alpha=-1.4\pm 0.2$, $\beta=1.13\pm 0.07$ and $\gamma=1.7\pm 0.2$. The large scatter about this relationship for different objects is characterized by a log-normal distribution with $\delta\equiv\sigma_{\ln\sigma_{\rm t}/20}(T)=1.7\pm 0.2$. The corresponding power spectrum $\propto f^{-x}$ with $x=2\gamma+1\simeq 4.4\pm 0.4$. Using $\dot{\nu}_{-15}$ defined above, the rms timing variation is $\displaystyle\sigma_{\rm t}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 10^{6\beta}C_{\rm spin}\,B_{\rm d_{15}}^{2\beta}\,\nu^{\alpha+3\beta}\,T^{\gamma}\simeq 1326^{+870}_{-519}\,s\times\nu^{2}\,B_{\rm d_{15}}^{2.3}\,T^{1.7},$ (A3) where $T$ is again in years and for simplicity we have propagated the error on $C_{\rm 2}$ but not on the exponents. This approach, along with the assumption of magnetic dipole radiation, suffices for our goal of getting a qualitative assessment of the role of spin noise in periodicity detection. ## Appendix B Power Spectrum of Bursts with Phase Jitter and Nulling The spectrum in Eq. 4 of the burst sequence in Eq. 1 is derived here for the simplest case where the periodic phase of an individual burst is modified by phase jitter. Phase is measured in cycles. The time series of length $N$ cycles is then, $\displaystyle I(\phi)=\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}a_{j}A(\phi-j-\phi_{j}).$ (B1) As described in the main text, the shape for an individual burst $A(\phi)$ is assumed identical for all bursts. The stochastic amplitudes are statistically independent between bursts with mean and variance given by $\displaystyle\langle a_{j}\rangle=\langle a\rangle\quad\text{and}\quad\langle a_{j}a_{j^{\prime}}\rangle=(1+m_{\rm a}^{2})\langle a\rangle^{2}\delta_{jj^{\prime}},$ (B2) where $\delta_{jj^{\prime}}$ is the Kronecker delta, $m_{\rm a}=\sigma_{a}/\langle a\rangle$ is the modulation index (rms amplitude divided by the mean), and angular brackets denote ensemble average. To incorporate null bursts, those with $a_{j}=0$, we adopt a probability density function (PDF) using a burst fraction $f_{\rm b}$, $\displaystyle f_{a}(a)=(1-f_{\rm b})\delta(a)+f_{\rm b}g_{b}(a),$ (B3) where $\delta(a)$ is the Dirac delta function and non-null amplitudes follow a PDF $g_{b}(a)$ with mean amplitude $\langle a_{b}\rangle$ and modulation index $m_{\rm b}\sim 1$. We then have $\displaystyle\langle a\rangle=f_{\rm b}\langle a_{b}\rangle\quad\text{and}\quad 1+m_{\rm a}^{2}=(1+m_{\rm b}^{2})/f_{\rm b},$ (B4) A small burst fraction $f_{\rm b}\ll 1$ significantly increases the net modulation index $m_{\rm a}$. Phase jitter is also assumed to be statistically independent between bursts with zero mean and variance $\sigma_{\rm J}^{2}$. The Fourier transform (FT) of the burst shape is $\widetilde{A}(f)$ for a Fourier kernel $e^{-2\pi if\phi}$ (with $f$ in cycles per unit phase). Combined with the assumed statistical properties of the burst amplitudes and phases, the spectrum is the squared magnitude of the FT of $I(\phi)$. Using the Fourier shift theorem on Eq. B1 we obtain $\displaystyle S(f)=\langle|\widetilde{I}(f)|^{2}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle|\widetilde{A}(f)|^{2}\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}\sum_{j^{\prime}=0}^{N-1}\langle a_{j}a_{j^{\prime}}\rangle e^{-2\pi if(j-j^{\prime})}\langle e^{-2\pi if(\phi_{j}-\phi_{j}^{\prime})}\rangle$ (B5) $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\langle a\rangle^{2}N|\widetilde{A}(f)|^{2}\,\Bigl{[}m_{\rm a}^{2}+N^{-1}\Bigl{|}\sum_{j=0}^{N-1}e^{-2\pi if(j-j^{\prime})}\langle e^{-2\pi if\phi_{j}}\rangle\Bigr{|}^{2}\Bigr{]}.$ When $N\gg 1$, the summation in the last equality averages to zero except at harmonics at and near (within $1/N$) integer frequencies, $f=\ell$. The squared sum is therefore a sum of such harmonics, each having a shape given by the squared ‘digital’ sinc function [distinct from the continuous sinc function, $(\sin\pi x)/\pi x$], $\displaystyle\Delta_{N}(f)=\left[\frac{\sin(\pi Nf)}{N\sin(\pi f)}\right]^{2},$ (B6) which is normalized to unit amplitude $\Delta_{\rm b}(0)=1$ and has a width $\Delta f\simeq N^{-1}\ll 1$ for large $N$. The average $\langle\exp(-2\pi if\phi_{\rm J})\rangle$ in Eq. B5 is the characteristic function of $\phi_{j}$ that we term the jitter ‘form factor’ and we evaluate for phase jitter having a zero-mean, Gaussian PDF, $\displaystyle\eta_{\rm J}(f)=\left\langle e^{-2\pi if\phi_{\rm J})}\right\rangle=e^{-2(\pi f\sigma_{\rm J})^{2}}.$ (B7) Alternative jitter distributions, including those with multiple modes, are easy to incorporate using their characteristic functions. Including the effects of null pulses, the spectrum is $\displaystyle S(f)=f_{\rm b}(1+m_{\rm b}^{2}-f_{\rm b})\langle a_{b}\rangle^{2}N|\widetilde{A}(f)|^{2}\Bigl{\\{}1+\Bigl{[}\frac{f_{\rm b}N\eta_{\rm J}^{2}(f)}{1+m_{\rm b}^{2}-f_{\rm b}}\Bigr{]}\sum_{\ell=0}^{\infty}\Delta_{N}(f-\ell)\Bigr{\\}}.$ (B8) The spectrum therefore includes a continuum term superposed with spectral lines, all of which are shaped by the envelope function $|\widetilde{A}(f)|^{2}$ determined by the burst shape. As the burst fraction $f_{\rm b}$ decreases, the spectral lines diminish relative to the continuum term. Large phase jitter implies $\eta_{\rm J}(f)\to 0$, reducing spectral lines exponentially (for Gaussian jitter). ## Appendix C Arrival Time Variation from Cyclical Torque Free precession induces a cyclical variation in torque that adds to the slowly changing magnetic torque acting on a neutron star. It results from the changing angle between the unit vectors for the magnetic moment ${\hat{\mu}}$ and the instantaneous spin axis $\hat{\ell}$ over a precession cycle. The total spin phase perturbation from precession $\Delta\phi$ is obtained by integrating the spin-rate derivative in Eq. A1 taking into account the variation of ${\hat{\ell}}$ over a precession cycle; details are given in §2.4 and Appendix A of Paper I. The result is a general expression for the precessional time of arrival (TOA) variation, $\Delta t$ (Eq. 59 of Paper I). Secular terms that are linear and quadratic in time (note spin phase $\phi$ is used as a proxy for time in Paper I) add to the cyclical term of interest here. Here we consider only oblate stars with $0<\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<1$; another solution for prolate stars is also presented in Table 1 of Paper I that gives qualitatively similar results. The cyclical part of the TOA variation is $\displaystyle\Delta t_{\rm cyc}(\Phi)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle- A_{\Delta t_{\rm cyc}}\Lambda Q(\Phi,\Lambda,e^{2},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}})$ (C1) where the variation over precession phase is $\displaystyle Q(\Phi,\Lambda,e^{2},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\Lambda\left[\hat{\mu}_{2}^{2}(1+e^{2})-\hat{\mu}_{1}^{2}-e^{2}\hat{\mu}_{3}^{2}\right]C_{1}(\Phi|q)+2\hat{\mu}_{1}\hat{\mu}_{2}\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}C_{2}(\Phi|q)$ (C2) $\displaystyle\quad+2\hat{\mu}_{3}\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}\left[\hat{\mu}_{1}C_{3}(\Phi|q)-\hat{\mu}_{2}\sqrt{1+e^{2}}C_{4}(\Phi|q)\right]~{},$ (recall $q=\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}$ for oblate stars, as given in Table 1 of Paper I) and the leading coefficient is $\displaystyle A_{\Delta t_{\rm cyc}}=\frac{ak\mu^{2}}{Ic^{3}\left(d\Phi/d\phi\right)^{2}}=\frac{P_{\rm p}^{2}}{8\pi^{2}\tau_{\rm s}}.$ (C3) The second form in Eq. C3 involves the precession period $P_{\rm p}$ and the spindown time $\tau_{\rm s}$ for magnetic dipole radiation. The functions $C_{i}(\Phi|q)$ in Eq. C2 are derived in Appendix A of Paper I. For $q=0$, applicable to axisymmetric precession, they are sinusoidal in precession phase $\Phi$, $\displaystyle C_{1}(\Phi|0)=\frac{\cos 2\Phi-1}{8},\quad C_{2}(\Phi|0)=-\frac{\sin 2\Phi}{8},\quad C_{3}(\Phi|0)=1-\cos\Phi,\quad C_{4}(\Phi|0)=\sin\Phi.$ (C4) The functions $C_{1}(\Phi|q)$ and $C_{2}(\Phi|q)$ have periods equal to half of the precession period while $C_{3}(\Phi|q)$ and $C_{4}(\Phi|q)$ have periods equal to a full precession cycle. As an example, for $P_{\rm p}=16.4$ d and $\tau_{\rm s}=100$ y with $\Lambda=0.2$, the cyclical term has an amplitude $A_{\Delta t_{\rm cyc}}\Lambda\sim 1.6$ s, a substantial variation that would need to be fitted for in order to find the spin periodicity in a data set longer than about $P_{\rm p}/4$ for spin periods of order a second or less. For shorter data spans, the precession variation would be absorbed in the apparent spin period and period derivative of a fit to arrival times or in a Fourier analysis that includes an acceleration component (e.g. Ransom et al. 2002). Eq. C1 is fully nonlinear in $\Phi$ and $\Lambda$, but simplifies considerably for small amplitude precession, $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}\ll 1$, in which case the only terms that survive to linear order in $\Lambda$ are those involving $C_{3}(\Phi)$ and $C_{4}(\Phi)$. Using Eqs. C4 we obtain $\displaystyle\Delta t_{\rm cyc}(\Phi)\approx-\left(\frac{\Lambda P_{\rm p}^{2}}{8\pi^{2}\tau_{\rm s}}\right)\hat{\mu}_{3}\sqrt{\hat{\mu}_{1}^{2}+\hat{\mu}_{2}^{2}(1+e^{2})}\cos(\Phi-\Phi_{0}),$ (C5) where the phase $\Phi_{0}$ is given by $\displaystyle\cos\Phi_{0}=\frac{\hat{\mu}_{1}}{\sqrt{\hat{\mu}_{1}^{2}+\hat{\mu}_{2}^{2}(1+e^{2})}},\quad\quad\sin\Phi_{0}=\frac{\hat{\mu}_{2}\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}{\sqrt{\hat{\mu}_{1}^{2}+\hat{\mu}_{2}^{2}(1+e^{2})}}.$ (C6) For axisymmetric precession of an oblate star ($e^{2}=0)$, Eq. C5 is consistent with the estimate given in § 3.4. ## References * Abramowitz & Stegun (1972) Abramowitz, M., & Stegun, I. A. 1972, Handbook of Mathematical Functions * Akbal et al. (2017) Akbal, O., Alpar, M. A., Buchner, S., & Pines, D. 2017, MNRAS, 469, 4183 * Akgün et al. (2006) Akgün, T., Link, B., & Wasserman, I. 2006, MNRAS, 365, 653 * Beloborodov (2017) Beloborodov, A. M. 2017, ApJ, 843, L26 * Beniamini et al. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "J. M. Cordes, I. Wasserman, Shami Chatterjee, and Gauri Batra", "submitter": "James M. Cordes", "url": "" }
# Choice functions Ron Aharoni and Joseph Briggs ###### Abstract. This is a survey paper on rainbow sets (another name for “choice functions”). The main theme is the distinction between two types of choice functions: those having a large (in the sense of belonging to some specified filter, namely closed up set of sets) image, and those that have a large domain and small image, where “smallness” means belonging to some specified complex (a closed- down set). The paper contains some new results: (1) theorems on scrambled versions, in which the sets are re-shuffled before choosing the rainbow set, and (2) results on weighted and cooperative versions - to be defined below. R. Aharoni: Department of Mathematics, Technion, Israel [email protected]. Ron Aharoni is Supported by the Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grant no. 2023464 and the Discount Bank Chair at the Technion. This paper is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement no. 823748. J. Briggs (corresponding author, correspondence to: [email protected]). Department of Mathematics, Auburn University, AL, USA [email protected] ## 1\. Introduction To make a prairie it takes a clover and a bee One clover, and a bee. And revery. The revery alone will do if bees are few. Emily Dickinson, Poem 1755 To make a mathematical field it takes a fundamental theorem, and a good conjecture. The field that is the topic of this article satisfies both conditions. The theorem is Hall’s marriage theorem, and the conjecture is Ryser’s conjecture on transversals in Latin squares. ###### Definition 1.1. Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a collection of subsets of a set $V$. An $\mathcal{S}$-partial choice function is a function $f:\mathcal{S}^{\prime}\to\bigcup\mathcal{S}$ for some $\mathcal{S}^{\prime}\subseteq\mathcal{S}$ , such that $f(S)\in S$ for all $S\in\mathcal{S}^{\prime}$. Its image is called an $\mathcal{S}$-partial rainbow set, and if $\mathcal{S}^{\prime}=\mathcal{S}$ the image is called a full rainbow set. ###### Remark 1.2. (a) When speaking of a rainbow set, we implicitly retain the function itself, namely we remember where each representative came from. (b) The representation is assumed to be injective, namely each representation is by a distinct element. The sets in $\mathcal{S}$ are thought to “color” the elements, hence the name “rainbow”. Hall’s marriage theorem (anticipated by theorems of Frobenius and König) is: ###### Theorem 1.3. Let $\mathcal{S}$ be a family of sets. If $|\bigcup\mathcal{S}^{\prime}|\geq|\mathcal{S}^{\prime}|$ for every $\mathcal{S}^{\prime}\subseteq\mathcal{S}$, then there exists a full injective choice function. The conjecture to which we allured is usually stated in the terminology of Latin squares. An $n\times n$ matrix $L$ is called a Latin square if its entries belong to $[n]:=\\{1,\ldots,n\\}$, and every row and every column consists of distinct elements. A (partial) transversal in $L$ is a set of distinct entries, lying in different rows and different columns. It is called full if its size is $n$. ###### Conjecture 1.4. [21, 49] Every $n\times n$ Latin square has a transversal of size $n-1$. If $n$ is odd, then there exists a full transversal. The best result to date is by Keevash-Pokrovsky-Sudakov-Yepremyan: ###### Theorem 1.5. [39] Every $n\times n$ Latin square has a transversal of size $n-O(\log n/\log\log n)$. The paper is not presumed to be comprehensive in any way, but rather to touch on some main themes. It also contains a few new results: on “scrambled” versions (to be defined in Section 8), on cooperative versions (Section 11) and on weighted versions (Section 10). ## 2\. A general theme - big in one sense, small in another Hall’s marriage theorem concerns a well-known theme: the existence of an object satisfying two opposing requirements. It should be large in one sense, and small in another. For example, in the marriage theorem the choice function should be large on the side of the sets - represent all of them, and small on the elements side - being injective. A hypergraph $H$ is called a simplicial complex, or just a complex if it is closed down, namely $e\in H,\leavevmode\nobreak\ f\subseteq e$ imply $f\in H$. A simplicial complex is a matroid if all its maximal edges are also of maximal size, and this is true also for every induced sub-complex. An edge of the matroid is said to be independent, a set containing a maximal edge is said to be spanning, and a set that is both independent and spanning is a base. Given a complex $\mathcal{C}$ we think of its elements as “small”, and a spanning set in a matroid is considered “large”. Of particular interest from a combinatorial point of view are partition matroids, defined by a partition of the ground set, where a set belongs to the matroid if it meets every part in at most one vertex. A basis of a partition matroid is just a full rainbow set of the parts. In a more general setting a matroid $\mathcal{M}$ is given on $V:=\bigcup\mathcal{F}$, and to the injectivity requirement a requirement is added that the rainbow set $R$ satisfies $R\in\mathcal{M}$. In Hall’s theorem $\mathcal{M}$ is the partition matroid whose parts are the $v$-stars, $v\in V$. Hall’s theorem then generalizes to the following [47]: ###### Theorem 2.1 (Rado). There exists a full rainbow set $R$ belonging to $\mathcal{M}$ if and only if $rank_{\mathcal{M}}(\mathcal{F}_{I})\geq|I|$ for every $I\subseteq[m]$. Edmonds [30] offered a further generalization. Consider the bipartite graph whose one side is $\mathcal{S}$ and the other is $\bigcup\mathcal{S}$, where $S\in\mathcal{S}$ is connected to $x\in\bigcup\mathcal{S}$ if $x\in S$. The two matroids are the two partition matroids on the edge set $E$ of the graph, whose parts are the stars in the two respective sides. In this setting, a set of edges contains a full choice function if it is spanning in the first matroid, and it is injective if it belongs to the second matroid. In a further generalization, one of the matroids is replaced by a general simplicial complex. ###### Definition 2.2. Let $\mathcal{M},\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathcal{C}$ be a matroid and a complex, respectively, on the same ground set. An $(\mathcal{M},\mathcal{C})$-marriage is a set spanning in $\mathcal{M}$ and belonging to $\mathcal{C}$. An $(\mathcal{M},\mathcal{C})$-rainbow set is a set belonging $\mathcal{M}\setminus\mathcal{C}$. The “if” direction of Theorem 2.1 still holds in this setting, with “rank” replaced by “coonectivity”, to be defined below. We shall be particularly interested in rainbow matchings. Given a hypergraph on a set $V$ and a partition of its edge set, a partial rainbow matching is a partial choice function on the parts, whose image is a matching (=set of disjoint edges). A more general notion is that of rainbow independent sets in a graph. Matchings are the special case, of independent sets in a line graph. Given a class $\mathcal{C}$ of hypergraphs, we write $(a,b)\to^{\mathcal{C}}c$ if every family of $a$ matchings of size $b$ in a hypergraph belonging to $\mathcal{C}$ has a rainbow matching of size $c$. Let $\mathcal{G}$ be the class of all graphs, and $\mathcal{B}$ the class of bipartite graphs. Conjecture 1.4 has a generalization, by Berger and the first author, that can be formulated in this terminology. We shall refer to it as the “A-B conjecture”: ###### Conjecture 2.3. [1] $(n,n)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n-1$. In words: $n$ matchings of size $n$ in any graph have a rainbow matching of size $n-1$. In [1] this was formulated only for bipartite graphs, but we know no counterexample also for general graphs. In the bipartite case, doubling the number of matchings in the condition yields a well-known theorem of Drisko: ###### Theorem 2.4. [29, 1] $(2n-1,n)\to^{\mathcal{B}}n$. In words: $2n-1$ matchings of size $n$ in a bipartite graph have a rainbow matching of size $n$. A very nice recent result, using algebra for its proof, is: ###### Theorem 2.5. [27] Let $\mathcal{C}_{r}$ be the class of $r$-uniform hypergraphs. $\to^{\mathcal{C}_{r}}t$. Other conjectures in the spirit of Conjecture 2.3 are: ###### Conjecture 2.6. 1. (1) $(2n,n)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n$. If $n$ is odd then $(2n-1,n)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n$. 2. (2) $(n,n+1)\to^{\mathcal{B}}n$. 3. (3) $(n,n+2)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n$. An example showing that $(n.n+1)\not\rightarrow^{\mathcal{G}}n$ is given by three matchings $M_{i},\leavevmode\nobreak\ i\leq 3$ on a set $\\{a,b,c,d,a^{\prime},b^{\prime},c^{\prime},d^{\prime}\\}$, where $M_{1}=\\{ab,cd,a^{\prime}b^{\prime},c^{\prime}d^{\prime}\\}$, $M_{2}=\\{ac,bd,a^{\prime}c^{\prime},b^{\prime}d^{\prime}\\}$ and $M_{3}=\\{ad,bc,a^{\prime}d^{\prime},b^{\prime}c^{\prime}\\}$. However, we do not know of any such example for larger $n$. Pokrovskiy [45] proved that $(n,n+o(n))\to^{\mathcal{B}}n$ and Rao, Ramadurai, Wanless and Wormald [32] gave better asymptotics in the case of simple graphs. Keevash and Yepremyan [40] proved that $n$ matchings of size $n+o(n)$, repeating each edge at most $o(n)$ times, have a rainbow matching of size $n-\text{const}$. It is not hard to show that $(n,n)\to^{\mathcal{B}}n-o(n)$, while the same statement for general graphs is still open, see Section 4 below. Interestingly, part (2) of Conjecture 2.6 implies Theorem 2.4 (of course, the other direction would be more desirable). Given $2n-1$ matchings of size $n$ in a bipartite graph, double each of them by joining it to its copy on a disjoint vertex set $V^{\prime}$. We now have at hand $2n-1$ matchings of size $2n$, so assuming $(2n-1,2n)\to^{\mathcal{B}}2n-1$, we get a rainbow matching of size $2n-1$, of which by the pigeonhole principle $n$ edges must be in the same copy - $V$ or $V^{\prime}$. Similarly, Conjecture 2.3 implies part (1) of the conjecture. For bipartite graphs, (2) implies (1). If true, (1) is a strengthening of Conjecture 1.4. To see this, note that for every $i\in[n]$ the set of entries that are equal to $i$ forms a matching between the rows and the columns. For a non-decreasing sequence $\sigma=(a_{1},\ldots,a_{k})$ of natural numbers write $\sigma\to n$ if for every set of families $F_{i}$ of matchings in a bipartite graph, where $|F_{i}|=a_{i}$, there exists a rainbow matching of size $n$. We say then that $\sigma$ is $n$-coercive. So, Conjecture 2.3 is that $(n+1,\ldots,n+1)\to n$ ($(n+1)$-fold repetition). We do not even know a counterexample to $(n,\ldots n,,n+1,\dots,n+1)\to n$ ($n,n+1$ respectively repeated $\left\lceil n/2\right\rceil,\left\lfloor n/2\right\rfloor$ times). In [5] the following strengthening of Theorem 2.4 was proved: ###### Theorem 2.7. $(1,2,\ldots n,n,\ldots,n)\to n$ ($n$ repeated $n$ times). The only known proof is topological. This sequence is minimal $n$-coercing, in the following sense: reducing any term makes the sequence non-$n$-coercing. Another example of a minimal $n$-coercing sequence is $(1,3,\dots,2n-3,2n-1)$. ###### Conjecture 2.8. 1. (1) If $\sigma$ is minimal $n$-coercing then its length is at most $2n-1$. 2. (2) An $n$-coercing sequence contains an $n$\- coercing subsequence of length at most $2n-1$. 3. (3) If $\sigma$ is not $n$-coercing then there is a set of matchings witnessing this, all contained in a disjoint union of cycles. 4. (4) If $(a_{1}.\ldots,a_{k})\to n$ then $\sum_{i=1}^{k}a_{i}\geq n^{2}$. The sequence $(2,4,4)$ is not 3-coercing, and the only example witnessing this is a disjoint union of two cycles of length $4$, so part (3) of the conjecture cannot be strenthened to “one cycle”. Conjecture 2.3 is easily seen to be true in cycles. ## 3\. Two dual, topologically-formulated, theorems The rank of a complex is the largest size of an edge. A complex of rank $k$ has a unique (up to homeomorphism) geometric realization in $\mathbb{R}^{2k-1}$ \- think of the realization of a graph ($k=2$) in $\mathbb{R}^{3}$. A parameter connecting topology and combinatorics is (homotopic) connectivity, which is the minimal dimension of a hole in the geometric realization. Its homological version is the minimal index of a non- zero homology group, plus 1. The two are not identical - homological connectivity is at least as large as homotopic connectivity. The homotopic connectivity is denoted by $\eta(\mathcal{C})$ ($\eta=\infty$ if there are no holes). Rainbow problems and marriage problems give rise to two mirror requirements on the holes. In the first, it is beneficial (namely contributing to the existence of rainbow sets) not to have small dimensional holes. In the second, it is useful not to have large dimensional holes. We denote by $\lambda(\mathcal{C})$ the largest dimension of a hole ($0$, if there is no hole), and by $\bar{\lambda}(\mathcal{C})$ the maximum of $\lambda(\mathcal{C}[S])$ over all subsets $S$ of $V(\mathcal{C})$. It is called the “Lerayness” of $\mathcal{C}$. ###### Example 3.1. Let $S^{n}$ be (a triangulation of) the $n$-dimensional sphere, and $B^{n}$ (a triangulation of) the $n$-dimensional ball. Then $\eta(S^{n})=\lambda(S^{n})=n+1,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \eta(B^{n})=\infty$. ###### Remark 3.2. It can be shown that $\eta$ is the minimal dimension of an empty sphere. By contrast, $\lambda$ is not necessarily the largest dimension of an empty sphere - the “holes” can be more general. For example, for a torus $\lambda=3$, while $\eta=2$, since there is an empty $S^{1}$. The two parameters are connected via an operation called “Alexander duality”. The Alexander dual $D(\mathcal{C})$ of a complex $\mathcal{C}$ is $\\{A^{c}\mid A\not\in\mathcal{C}\\}$. ###### Theorem 3.3 (e.g. [20]). $\bar{\lambda}(\mathcal{C})=|V(\mathcal{C})|-\eta(D(C))-1$. The connection between these notions and choice functions is given by two theorems. One is “Topological Hall” (implicit in [13], first stated explicitly, quoting the first author, in [44]), whose matroidal form is: ###### Theorem 3.4. [2] If $\eta(\mathcal{C}[S])\geq rank(\mathcal{M}.S)$ for every $S\subseteq V$ then there exists a $(\mathcal{M},\mathcal{S})$-marriage. Here $\mathcal{M}.S$ is the contraction of $\mathcal{M}$ to $S$. “Topological hall” is the case in which $\mathcal{M}$ is a partition matroid. (The disjointness of the parts in the partition matroid is attained by duplicating vertices, if necessary.) The fundamental topological theorem regarding the second type of choice functions is that of Kalai-Meshulam, a special case of which is: ###### Theorem 3.5 (Kalai–Meshulam [38]). If $\bar{\lambda}(\mathcal{C})\leq d$ then every $d+1$ sets in $\mathcal{C}^{c}:=2^{V}\setminus\mathcal{C}$ have a rainbow set belonging to $\mathcal{C}^{c}$. As in Theorem 2.4 and Conjecture 2.3, the format is that of “many sets not in $\mathcal{C}$ have a rainbow set not in $\mathcal{C}$”. Theorems 3.4 and 3.5 are derivable from one another, using Theorem 3.3 and noting that $A\in\mathcal{M}\setminus\mathcal{C}$ if and only if $A^{c}$ is spanning in $\mathcal{M}^{*}$ and belongs to $D(C)$. ($\mathcal{M}^{*}$, the dual of $\mathcal{M}$, consists of those sets whose complements span $\mathcal{M}$). A classical theorem of this type is the Bárány-Lovász colorful version of Caratheodory’s theorem. For a set $V=\\{\vec{v}_{i},\leavevmode\nobreak\ i\in I\\}$ of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ let $cone(V)=\\{\sum_{i\in I}\alpha_{i}\vec{v}_{i},\leavevmode\nobreak\ \alpha_{i}\geq 0\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{for all }i\in I\\}$ and $conv(V)=\\{\sum_{i\in I}\alpha_{i}\vec{v}_{i},\leavevmode\nobreak\ \alpha_{i}\geq 0\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{for all }i\in I,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \sum_{i}\alpha_{i}=1\\}$ ###### Theorem 3.6. [Bárány, [17]] 1. (1) If $S_{1},\ldots,S_{d}$ are sets of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ satisfying $\vec{v}\in cone(S_{i})$ for all $i\leq d$ then there exists a rainbow set $S$ such that $\vec{v}\in cone(S)$. 2. (2) If $S_{1},\ldots,S_{d+1}$ are sets of vectors in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ satisfying $\vec{v}\in conv(S_{i})$ for all $i\leq d+1$ then there exists a rainbow set $S$ such that $\vec{v}\in conv(S)$. The complex $\mathcal{C}$ consists here of sets not containing $\vec{v}$ in their convex hull (or cone). The case of Theorem 2.4 in which the matchings reside in $K_{n,n}$ can be derived from Theorem 3.6 \- we omit the proof. ## 4\. General graphs Recall Conjecture 2.6 (1): $(2n,n)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n$. The fractional version of this conjecture was proved in [14]. It says that any $2n$ matchings of size $n$, in a general graph, have a rainbow set of edges possessing a fractional matching of size $n$. The best result so far is $(3n-3,n)\to n$ [9]. Holmsen and Lee [36] gave a topological proof to the weaker result $(3n-2,n)\to n$, that is stronger in another sense - it yields a cooperative version: ###### Theorem 4.1. Any collection of $3n-2$ non-empty sets of edges in any graph, satisfying the condition that every pair of them contains in its union a matching of size $n$, has a rainbow matching of size $n$, We shall return to the theme of cooperation in Section 11. Recently, Chakraborti and Loh [25] proved an asymptotic version of the conjecture, when the matchings are disjoint. Recall also Conjecture 2.3: $(n,n)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n-1$. Woolbright [50] proved $(n,n)\to^{\mathcal{B}}n-\sqrt{n}$. But in general graphs the situation is gloomier: we do not even know how to show $(n,n)\to^{\mathcal{G}}n-o(n)$. The best result so far is in [11], the existence of a rainbow matching of size at least $\frac{2n}{3}-1$. The result, with $\sqrt{2n}$ replacing $o(n)$, would follow from the following conjecture: ###### Conjecture 4.2. Let $F$ be a matching in a graph, and let $\mathcal{F}_{i}$ be families of disjoint augmenting $F$-alternating paths. If $\sum|\mathcal{F}_{i}|\geq 2|F|$ then there exists a set $K$ of edges, each taken from a path in a different $\mathcal{F}_{i}$, that contains an augmenting $F$-alternating path. A proof of this fact when the $\mathcal{F}_{i}$s are each a singleton path is at the core of the proof in [4]. The non-alternating version of this conjecture was proved in [11]: ###### Theorem 4.3. Let $F$ be a set of vertices in a graph, and let $\mathcal{F}_{i}$ be families of disjoint paths, starting and ending outside $F$. If $\sum|\mathcal{F}_{i}|\geq 2|F|$ then there exists a set $K$ of edges, each taken from a path in a different $\mathcal{F}_{i}$, that contains a path starting and ending outside $\bigcup F$. The conjecture would follow from $(n,n+o(n))\to^{\mathcal{G}}n$, but presently this is known only for sets of edge-disjoint matchings. ## 5\. Covering the vertex set by rainbow sets The next step goes one level higher: asking for many disjoint full rainbow sets. The best known conjecture of this sort is Rota’s conjecture, that says that given $n$ independent sets of size $n$ in a matroid $\mathcal{M}$, there are $n$ disjoint $\mathcal{M}$-independent rainbow sets. A recent startling development on the conjecture was its asymptotic proof by Pokrovskiy [46] \- there are $n$ partial rainbow independent sets covering $n^{2}-o(n)$ of the elements. For a hypergraph $H$, denote by $\rho(H)$ the minimal number of edges covering $V(H)$. A conceivable strengthening of Rota’s conjecture is that the sets need not be in $\mathcal{M}$ \- it may suffice that they are in $\mathcal{M}$ only after scrambling. Namely - does it suffice to assume that $\rho(\mathcal{M})\leq n$? In [15] counterexamples were given for $n$ odd, but the following may be true: ###### Conjecture 5.1. 1. (1) If $\rho(\mathcal{M})=n$ and $V(\mathcal{M})$ is partitioned into $n$ sets of size $n$, then $V(\mathcal{M})$ can be partitioned into $n+1$ rainbow $\mathcal{M}$-sets. 2. (2) If $n$ is even then $n$ rainbow $\mathcal{M}$-sets suffice. Admittedly, the $n$-even part of the conjecture is rather daring, and is safer to be conjectured just for linear matroids. But it matches a difference in the original conjecture: in the linear case, Rota’s conjecture is known for infinitely many even $n$’s, while for $n$ odd it is known only for $n=3$ (a result of R. Huang). Part (1) of the conjecture is a special case of: ###### Conjecture 5.2. If $\mathcal{M},\mathcal{N}$ are two matroids on the same ground set, then $\rho(\mathcal{M}\cap\mathcal{N})\leq\max(\rho(\mathcal{M}),\rho(\mathcal{N}))+1$. Conjecture 5.1(1) is the case in which one of the two matroids is a partition matroid. The conjecture is known even without the “$+1$”, when $\mathcal{M}$ and $\mathcal{N}$ are truncated partition matroids, namely the intersection of a partition matroid with a uniform matroid (the latter being the collection of sets of size $\leq k$ for some $k$) - this is a re-formulation of König’s edge-coloring theorem. In particular, this is true when $rank(\mathcal{M}),rank(\mathcal{N})\leq 2$ \- it is easy to show that a rank $2$ matroid is of this type. It is not hard to show that if $\mathcal{M},\mathcal{N}$ are matroids, then $\max(\rho(\mathcal{M}),\rho(\mathcal{N}))=\rho^{*}(\mathcal{M}\cap\mathcal{N})$, and therefore Conjecture 5.2 can be re-formulated as: ###### Conjecture 5.3. $\rho(\mathcal{M}\cap\mathcal{N})\leq\rho^{*}(\mathcal{M}\cap\mathcal{N})+1$ This is a close relative of the famous Goldberg-Seymour conjecture, stating the same inequality where the intersection of two matroids is replaced by the matching complex of a multigraph. The Goldberg-Seymour conjecture has recently been claimed to be solved [26], and the methods used there (mainly relying on alternating paths) may be relevant also to this conjecture. In fact, there is a common generalization to this conjecture and the Goldberg- Seymour conjecture. Its objects are $2$-polymatroids. A hypergraph $\mathcal{P}$ on a vertex set $V$ is called a $2$-polymatroid if there exists a matroid $\mathcal{M}$ is on $V\times\\{1,2\\}$, such that $\mathcal{P}=\\{A\mid A\times\\{1,2\\}\in\mathcal{M}\\}$. In [6] the following was proposed: ###### Conjecture 5.4. If every circuit (minimal non-$\mathcal{M}$ set) meets every pair $\\{(v,1),(v,2)\\}$ in at most one element, then $\rho(\mathcal{P})\leq\rho^{*}(\mathcal{P})+1$. In [6] this is proved when $\rho^{*}(\mathcal{P})\leq 2$. In [2] the following was proved: ###### Theorem 5.5. $\rho(\mathcal{M}\cap\mathcal{N})\leq 2\max(\rho(M),\rho(N))$. Can an analogous packing result (rather than covering) be proved? It is easy to prove that there exists a set in $\mathcal{M}\cap\mathcal{N}$ of size $\lceil\frac{|V|}{\max(\rho(M),\rho(N))}\rceil$. Can we prove the existence of “many” disjoint such sets? A beautiful strengthening of Theorem 5.5 was suggested in [[19], Conjecture 1.10]: ###### Conjecture 5.6. Every matroid $\mathcal{M}$ contains a partition matroid $\mathcal{P}$ with $\rho(\mathcal{P})\leq 2\rho(\mathcal{M})$. Theorem 5.5 will follow from this conjecture by König’s edge-coloring theorem. Scrambling takes us to a happy hunting ground, with an abundance of problems. Can we prove the existence of two disjoint $(\mathcal{M},\mathcal{P})$-marriages in the scrambled setting of Rota? In the original setting of Rota’s conjecture it is known [22] that there exist $\frac{n}{2}$ disjoint such marriages. Matchings are independent sets in line graphs, and our problems can be generalized, to independent rainbow sets in general graphs. A well-known conjecture on such sets (see, e.g., [35]) is: ###### Conjecture 5.7. Let $G$ a graph with maximal degree $d$, and let $\mathcal{S}$ be a partition of $V(G)$ into sets of size $2d$. Then $V(G)$ can be covered by $2d$ independent rainbow sets. In [10] the following generic question was studied: given a class of graphs, how many independent sets of size $n$ do you need to procure a rainbow independent set of size $m$? The following conjecture was posed there, with some partial results: ###### Conjecture 5.8. $\left\lceil\frac{k+1}{n-m+2}\right\rceil(m-1)+1$ independent sets of size $n$ in a graph with maximal degree $k$ have a rainbow independent set of size $m$. Conjecture 5.8 is open even for $k=2$, in which case independent sets can be viewed as matchings - taking us back to rainbow matchings. The special case $k=2$, $m=n$ says that $n$ independent sets of size $n$ in the disjoint union of cycles and paths have a rainbow independent set of size $n-1$. Switching from $m=n-1$ to $m=n$ causes the expression $\lceil\frac{k+1}{n-m+2}\rceil$ to jump from $\lceil\frac{3}{3}\rceil=1$ to $\lceil\frac{3}{2}\rceil=2$. This is one point of view from which to explain the jump from $n$ to $2n-1$ matchings of size $n$, when the desired size of the rainbow matching goes from $n-1$ to $n$. In [10] examples were given to show that, if true, the conjecture is sharp. Also “half” of the conjecture is proved - if $m\leq n$ then $k(m-1)+1$ independent sets of size $n$ in a graph of maximal degree $k$ have a rainbow independent set of size $m$. ## 6\. Rainbow cycles and rainbow spanning sets We next turn to problems of algebraic nature. The following fact can be proved using Theorem 3.5, but it also has an easy direct proof: ###### Observation 6.1. If $rank(\mathcal{C})\leq n$ then any collection of $n+1$ sets not belonging to $\mathcal{C}$ has a rainbow set not belonging to $\mathcal{C}$. A bit less trivial: ###### Theorem 6.2. Any family $\mathcal{A}=(A_{1},\ldots,A_{n})$ of edge sets of odd cycles on a set of size $n$ has a rainbow odd cycle. This is a special case of a more general result: ###### Theorem 6.3. Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a matroid of rank $n$ and let $v\in V(\mathcal{M})$. Any collection $A_{1},\ldots,A_{n}$ of sets spanning $v$ has a rainbow set spanning $v$. Theorem 6.2 follows from Theorem 6.3 and the following lemma: ###### Lemma 6.4. $G$ is bipartite if and only if $(\vec{0},1)\not\in\text{span}(\\{(\chi_{e},1)\mid e\in E(G)\\})$ Here the vectors are taken in $\mathbb{F}_{2}^{n}$. Note that the condition is just that of affine spanning. To prove Theorem 6.2, take the matroid $\mathcal{M}$ in Theorem 6.3 to be the linear matroid over $\mathbb{F}_{2}$ and replace every edge $e$ by the vector $(\chi_{e},1)$. For $n$ odd, a Hamilton cycle on $n$ vertices, taken $n-1$ times, shows that Theorem 6.2 is sharp, namely $n-1$ odd cycles do not suffice. It was shown in [8] that the only examples showing sharpness are cacti-like graphs, generalizing the above example. One of the best-known conjectures in graph theory is the Caccetta - Häggkvist conjecture: ###### Conjecture 6.5. [23] In a digraph on $n$ vertices and minimum out-degree at least $\frac{n}{r}$ there is a directed cycle of length $r$ or less. In [12] this was given a rainbow generalization. ###### Conjecture 6.6. In an undirected graph on $n$ vertices, any collection of $n$ disjoint sets of edges, each of size at least $\frac{n}{r}$, has a rainbow cycle of length $r$ or less. In [28] the conjecture is proved for $r=2$, while the original C-H conjecture is known up to $r=5$ \- so there is a lot of room for progress. ## 7\. Rainbow paths in networks and their relation to rainbow matchings A network is a triple $(D,S,T)$, where $D$ is a digraph on a vertex set $V$, and $S,T$ are disjoint sets, of “sources” and “targets”, respectively It is assumed that no edge goes into $s$, and no edge goes out of $t$. In [16] the following result was proved, as a step towards proving Theorem 2.4: ###### Theorem 7.1. If $|V(D)\setminus(S\cup T)|=n$ then any family $\mathcal{F}$ of $n+1$ $S-T$-paths has a rainbow $S-T$ path. The two theorems have a common generalization. Given a set $\mathcal{F}$ of edges let $\nu^{P}(\mathcal{F})$ be the maximal size of a family of $S-T$ disjoint paths with edges from $\mathcal{F}$. ###### Theorem 7.2. Let $\mathcal{N}$ be a network with $|V^{\circ}(\mathcal{N})|=q$, and let $p$ be an integer. Let $\mathcal{F}=(F_{1},\ldots,F_{2p-1+q})$ be a family of sets of edges, satisfying $\nu^{P}(F_{i})\geq p$ for all $i\leq 2p-1+q$. Then there exists an $\mathcal{F}$-rainbow set $R$ with $\nu^{P}(R)\geq p$. The case $q=0$ is Theorem 2.4, and the case $p=1$ is Theorem 7.1. The proof requires some definitions. Given a network $\mathcal{N}$, define a bipartite graph $B(\mathcal{N})$ whose vertex set is $\\{v^{\prime}\mid v\in S\cup V^{\circ}\\}\cup\\{v^{\prime\prime}\mid v\in T\cup V^{\circ}\\}$, and whose edge set is $\\{u^{\prime}v^{\prime\prime}\mid uv\in E(\mathcal{N})\\}\cup W$, where $W=\\{x^{\prime}x^{\prime\prime}\mid x\in V^{\circ}\\}.$ Here $v^{\prime}$ is a “sending” copy of $v$, and $v^{\prime\prime}$ is an “absorbing” copy of $v$. For a matching $M$ in $B(\mathcal{N})$ let $\psi(M)=M\setminus W$. A linearish arborescence is a digraph in which every vertex has in-degree and out-degree at most one, meaning that it is a collection of directed paths and cycles. Given a linearish arborescence $L$ in $\mathcal{N}$, let $\phi({L})$ be the matching $\\{x^{\prime}y^{\prime\prime}\mid xy\in E(L)\\}\cup\\{x^{\prime}x^{\prime\prime}\mid x\not\in V(L)\\}$ in $B(\mathcal{N})$. For a linearish arborescence $L$ let $L_{CIRC}$ be the the set of cycles in $L$, $L_{S}$ the set of paths in $L$ starting at $S$, $L_{T}$ the set of paths in $L$ ending at $T$, $L_{ST}=L_{S}\cap L_{T}$. By definition, $|\nu^{P}(L)|=|L_{ST}|$. ###### Claim 7.3. $|L_{ST}|=|\phi(L)|-|V^{\circ}(\mathcal{N})|+|L\setminus(L_{S}\cup L_{T})|$. To see this, note: 1. (1) If $C\in L_{CIRC}$ then $|V(C)|=|E(C)|$, 2. (2) if $P\in L_{ST}$ then $|E(P)|=|V^{\circ}(P)|+1$, so $P$ contributes to $\phi(L)$ $1$ more than to $V^{\circ}$, 3. (3) paths in $(L_{S}\cup L_{T})\setminus L_{ST}$ contribute the same number to $\phi(L)$ and to $V^{\circ}$, and 4. (4) paths in $L\setminus(L_{S}\cup L_{T})$ contribute $1$ less to $\phi(L)$ than to $V^{\circ}$. ###### Proof of Theorem 7.2. For every $i\leq 2p-1+q$ let $M_{i}=\phi(F_{i})$. By Claim 7.3 (taking $L=F_{i})$ $|M_{i}|=p+q$. Consider the sequence of $2(p+q)-1$ matchings $W_{1},W_{2},\ldots W_{q},M_{1},\ldots,M_{2p-1+q}$, where $W_{j}=W$ for all $j\leq q$. By Theorem 2.7 (letting $n=p+q$), these matchings have a rainbow matching $R$ of size $p+q$. Let $L=\psi(R)$. By Claim 7.3 $\nu^{P}(R)\geq|F_{i}|-q=p$, and clearly the paths in $R$ witnessing this are constructed from edges in $M_{i}$. ∎ ## 8\. Scrambling We next return to a notion from Section 5: ###### Definition 8.1. Given two families (that is, multisets) $\mathcal{F},\mathcal{S}$ of subsets of the same ground set, we say that $\mathcal{S}$ is a _scrambling_ of $\mathcal{F}$ if $\bigcup\mathcal{F}=\bigcup\mathcal{S}$ (as multisets), and that it is an $n$-scrambling if every set in $\mathcal{S}$ has size at most $n$. A straightforward application of Rado’s theorem (Theorem 2.1) yields: ###### Theorem 8.2. An $n$-scrambling of $n$ independent sets of size $n$ in a matroid have an independent full rainbow set. In [3] the following was proved: ###### Theorem 8.3. If $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of $n^{2}-n/2$ matchings of size $n$ in a bipartite graph and $\mathcal{S}$ is an $n$-scrambling of $\mathcal{F}$, then $\mathcal{S}$ has a rainbow matching of size $n$. The proof uses Topological Hall. This may possibly be improved: ###### Conjecture 8.4. Let $n\geq 4$. If $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of $\binom{n}{2}+1$ matchings of size $n$ in a bipartite graph and $\mathcal{S}$ is an $n$-scrambling of $\mathcal{F}$, then $\mathcal{S}$ has a rainbow matching of size $n$. If true, this is best possible. In [3] the following was shown: ###### Theorem 8.5. For $n\geq 4$, there exists an $n$-scrambling of $\binom{n}{2}$ matchings of size $n$ in a bipartite graph, with no rainbow matching of size $n$. We can prove the following scrambled version of Theorem 7.1: ###### Theorem 8.6. Suppose $|V(D)\setminus\\{s,t\\}|=k$, and $\mathcal{F}$ is a family of $>\frac{nk}{2}$ $s-t$ paths. If $\mathcal{F}^{\prime}$ is an $n$-scrambling of $\mathcal{F}$ then $\mathcal{F}^{\prime}$ has a rainbow $s-t$ path. The main tool in the proof will be the following class of objects. ###### Definition 8.7. An $n$-_fold source tower_ in $D$ is a sub-digraph $S$ containing $s$, equipped with an ordering of its vertices $s=v_{0},v_{1},\dots$ such that the set of edges to $v_{i}$ from all previous $v_{j}$, denoted $S^{-}(v_{i})$, is of size at least $n$ for every $i>0$. In particular, there are $\geq n$ edges from $s$ to $v_{1}$. Similarly, $T\subset D$ containing $t$ is an $n$-_fold target tower_ if $V(T)$ has an ordering where every $u\in T$ has a set $T^{+}(u)$ of at least $n$ edges to all previous vertices. ###### Proof. (Theorem 8.6): Let $S,T$ be a maximal pair of vertex-disjoint $n$-fold source and target towers. Let $W=V(D)\setminus(S\cup T)$. For each $w\in W$, denote by $e(S,w),e(w,T)$ the sets of edges in $D$ from $S$ to $w$ and from $w$ to $T$ respectively. Suppose first that there is some $w\in W$ with $|e(S,w)|+|e(w,T)|>n$. Note that both $e(S,w)$ and $e(w,T)$ are nonempty, otherwise the other would have size at least $n+1$ and $w$ could be added to the corresponding $n$-fold tree, contradicting maximality. Consider the family of edge sets $\mathcal{K}:=\\{S^{-}(v_{1}),...,S^{-}(v_{a}),T^{+}(u_{1}),\dots,T^{+}(u_{b}),e(S,w),e(w,T)\\}.$ (here $a$ and $b$ are sizes of the source tower and target tower, respectively.) $\mathcal{K}$ has the following two properties: * • Any full choice function for $\mathcal{K}$ contains an $s-t$ path, and * • For any $\mathcal{K}^{\prime}\subseteq\mathcal{K}$, $|\bigcup\mathcal{K}^{\prime}|\geq n(|\mathcal{K}^{\prime}|-1)+1$. The first condition arises since a choice function for $\\{S^{-}(v_{i})\\}$ is a directed tree spanning $V(S)$ and rooted at $s$, a choice function for $\\{T^{+}(u_{i})\\}$ is a tree spanning $V(T)$ directed towards $t$, and a choice function for $\\{e(S,w),e(w,T\\}$ is a path of length 2 from $S$ to $T$. The second follows since all sets in $\mathcal{K}$ have size at least $n$, except for $e(S,w)$ and $e(w,T)$ which have at least $n+1$ combined (and crucially, both are at least 1). Call a family $\mathcal{K}$ with these two properties a _path enforcer_. Note that any path enforcer contains a rainbow $s-t$ path as needed: pigeonhole implies that every $\mathcal{K}^{\prime}\subset\mathcal{K}$ contains edges of at least $|\mathcal{K}^{\prime}|$ different colours in $\mathcal{F}^{\prime}$ (as it is an $n$-scrambling of $\mathcal{F}$), and Hall’s marriage theorem then implies there is a choice function for $\mathcal{K}$ which is $\mathcal{F}^{\prime}$-rainbow, which in turn contains an $s-t$ path. So instead, we may assume $|e(S,w)|+|e(w,T)|\leq n$ for every $w$. Since there are $>nk/2$ paths in $D$ leaving $S$ (and entering $T$), we can double-count as follows: $\displaystyle nk$ $\displaystyle<\sum_{w\not\in S}|e(S,w)|+\sum_{w\not\in T}|e(w,T)|$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{w\in W}(|e(S,w)|+|e(w,T)|)+2|e(S,T)|$ $\displaystyle\leq n|W|+2|e(S,T)|$ $\displaystyle\leq nk+2|e(S,T)|,$ meaning there is at least one edge $e$ from $S$ to $T$. But now, $\\{S^{-}(v_{1}),\dots,S^{-}(v_{a}),T^{+}(u_{1}),\dots,T^{+}(u_{b}),\\{e\\}\\}$ is a path enforcer, so again it contains an $s-t$ path which is $\mathcal{F}^{\prime}$-rainbow. ∎ ## 9\. Adding a size condition In [1] (Theorem 4.1) the following strengthening of Drisko’s theorem was proved: ###### Theorem 9.1. Let $k\leq n$, and let $M_{1},\ldots,M_{2k-1}$ be a set of $2k-1$ matchings, each of size $n$. Then there exists a matching of size $n$ contained in $\bigcup M_{i}$, representing at least $k$ matchings $M_{i}$. Note that here, “representing” is injective, namely each representation is by a distinct edge. It may also be possible to strengthen Theorem 9.1 along the lines of Theorem 2.7. ###### Conjecture 9.2. Let $k\leq n$, and let $M_{1},\ldots,M_{2k-1}$ be a set of $2k-1$ matchings, where $|M_{i}|=\min(i,k-1)$ for $i\leq k-1$ and $|M_{i}|=n$ for $k\leq i\leq 2k-1$. Then there exists a matching of size $n$ contained in $\bigcup M_{i}$, representing at least $k$ matchings $M_{i}$. ###### Proof of the case $k=2$. We have three matchings, $M_{1},M_{2},M_{3}$, where $M_{1}$ is a singleton edge $\\{e\\}$, and $|M_{2}|=|M_{3}|=n$. If $M_{2}\cup M_{3}$ contains two disjoint cycles, then taking the $M_{2}$ edges from one of them and the $M_{3}$ edges from the other yields the desired matching. If $M_{2}\cup M_{3}$ consists of a single cycle $C$, then $e$ partitions $C$ into two parts, and taking the $M_{2}$ edges on one side, the $M_{3}$ edges on the other, and adding $e$, results in the desired matching. ∎ ## 10\. Weighted versions Theorem 10.1 below is a weighted generalization of Theorem 7.1. Given an edge- weighting $w$ of $D$ and a subset $E$ of its edges, let the _weight_ of $E$, written $w(E)$, be $\sum_{e\in E}w(e)$. ###### Theorem 10.1. If $|V(D)\setminus\\{s,t\\}|=n$ then any family $\mathcal{F}$ of $n+1$ $s-t$-paths of weight $\leq k$ has a rainbow $s-t$ path of weight $\leq k$. As a special case, note that a collection of $n+1$ $s-t$ paths of length at most $k$ have a rainbow $s-t$ path of length at most $k$ (as seen by giving a weight of 1 to every edge). Throughout the proof, whenever a vertex $v$ is in a tree $T$ rooted at $s$, we will write $Tv$ for the directed path in $T$ from $s$ to $v$. ###### Proof. Construct a nested sequence of $s$-rooted trees $\\{s\\}=T_{0}\subset T_{1}\subset T_{2}\subset\dots\subset T_{a}=T$ as follows. For each $i$, if $t\in T_{i}$, the sequence terminates. Otherwise, let $\mathcal{F}_{i}$ be the collection of all paths in $\mathcal{F}$ not used in $T_{i}$ (as $t$ has not yet been reached, at most $n$ of the $n+1$ paths in $\mathcal{F}$ are currently represented, so $\mathcal{F}_{i}\not=\emptyset$). Then let $T_{i+1}$ be the tree obtained from $T_{i}$ by adding the edge $e_{i}\in\bigcup\mathcal{F}_{i}$ starting at some vertex $v\in V(T_{i})$ which minimizes the quantity $w(T_{i}v)+w(e_{i})$. The sequence terminates at some tree $T$ containing $t$. Since $e_{i}\in\mathcal{F}_{i}$ for each $i$, every $T_{i}$ is certainly $\mathcal{F}$-rainbow, so in particular $T$ contains a rainbow $s-t$ path $Tt$. Claim also, whenever $P\in\mathcal{F}_{i}$ (i.e. $P$ is a path currently unrepresented in $T_{i}$) and $u\in V(T_{i})\cap V(P)$, that $w(T_{i}u)\leq w(Pu).$ The theorem follows, as if the final edge $e=e_{a}$ reaching $t$ in $T$ had out-vertex $u$ and represented the path $P\in\mathcal{F}$, then $w(Tt)=w(T_{a-1}u)+w(e)\leq w(Pu)+w(e)=w(Pt)\leq k.$ Prove the claim by induction on $i$. If $u=s$, then both paths are empty and their weights are 0. If $u\neq s$, then there is an edge $e_{j}=vu\in T_{i}$ for some $j<i$ which represented a different path $Q\in\mathcal{F}$. Moreover, $P$ contains a path from $s\in T_{j}$ to $u\not\in T_{j}$, so let $x$ be the last vertex before $u$ on $P$ which is also in $T_{j}$, and $y$ be the vertex following $x$ on $P$ (so possibly $y=u$). Then $w(T_{i}v)+w(e_{i})\leq w(T_{j}x)+w(xy)$ by choice of $e_{i}$, and $w(T_{j}x)\leq w(Px)$ by induction (as $P$ was certainly not yet represented in $T_{j}$). Hence $w(T_{i}u)=w(T_{i}v)+w(e_{i})\leq w(T_{j}x)+w(xy)\leq w(Px)+w(xy)=w(Py)\leq w(Pu),$ where the last inequality follows from nonnegativity of $w$, as desired. ∎ A corresponding weighted version of Theorem 2.4 may also be true: ###### Conjecture 10.2. Let $G$ be a bipartite graph with an edge-weighting. Then $2n-1$ matchings of size $n$ and weight $\leq k$ in $G$ have a rainbow matching of size $n$ and weight $\leq k$. Note that in this instance, the problem is invariant under affine transformations, so dropping the non-negativity assumption on the weighting does not make the problem any harder (The weighted version of Theorem 10.1, by contrast, has small counterexamples). Given that the original proof [29] of Theorem 2.4 was via Bárány’s Theorem (Theorem 3.6), one may also ask whether a weighted version also holds-in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$-do $d+1$ $\vec{v}$-convexing sets in of weight $\leq k$ have a rainbow $\vec{v}$-convexing set of weight $\leq k$? ## 11\. Cooperative versions Hall’s theorem is “cooperative” in the sense that its assumption is not on individual sets, but on unions of sets. There are also cooperative versions of the second type of choice functions results - spanning rainbow sets. Here is a natural conjectured cooperative version of Theorem 2.4, which also generalizes Theorem 2.7: ###### Conjecture 11.1. Let $\mathcal{F}=(F_{1},\ldots,F_{2k-1})$ be a system of sets of edges in a bipartite graph. If $\nu(\mathcal{F}_{I})\geq\min(|I|,k)$ for every $I\subseteq[2k-1]$ then there exists a rainbow matching of size $k$. Theorem 2.4 is the special case where $\nu(F_{i})\geq k$ for every $i$. The cooperative version in which $\nu(F_{\\{i,j\\}})\geq k$ whenever $i\neq j$, is Theorem 11.6 below. A fractional version of the conjecture was proved in [5]. A topological version is: ###### Conjecture 11.2. Let $G$ be a bipartite graph, and let $M(G)$ be the matching complex of $G$. Suppose that one side of the graph is of size $2n-1$, and that every $k$ vertices in that side have at least $\min(k,n)$ neighbors in the other side. Then $\eta(M(G))\geq n$. Here is a cooperative conjecture on networks. Given a set $F\subseteq E(\mathcal{N})$ let $R(F)$ be the set of vertices $x$ having an $F$-path from $s$ to $x$. ###### Conjecture 11.3. Let $n=|V^{\circ}(D)|$, and let $\mathcal{F}=(F_{1},\ldots,F_{n+1})$ be a family of sets of edges in the network. If, for every $I\subseteq[n+1]$, either $\mathcal{F}_{I}$ contains an $s-t$-path or $|R(\mathcal{F}_{I})|\geq|I|$ then there exists a rainbow $s-t$-path. The complex in action here is the collection $NREACH$ of sets of edges, that do not contain an $s-t$ path. It is not hard to show that $\bar{\lambda}(NREACH)\leq n$, which can be combined with Theorem 3.5 to yield Theorem 7.1. ###### Conjecture 11.4. $\bar{\lambda}(NREACH)$ is the maximal number of vertices in a family of innerly disjoint $s-t$ paths. Is there a cooperative version of Theorem 3.6? Somewhere over the rainbow there might well be one. Presently, only a few humble results exist in this direction. One of them concerns pairwise cooperation: ###### Theorem 11.5. [37] 1. (1) Let $S_{1},\ldots,S_{d+1}$ be subsets of $\mathbb{R}^{d}$, and let $\vec{v}\in\mathbb{R}^{d}$. If for every $1\leq i<j\leq d+1$ we have $\vec{v}\in\textup{conv}(A_{i}\cup A_{j})$ then there exists a rainbow set $R$ such that $\vec{v}\in\textup{conv}(R)$. 2. (2) Let $S_{1},\ldots,S_{d}$ be non-empty sets in $\mathbb{R}^{d}$, all contained in the same closed half-space. Suppose that for every $1\leq i<j\leq d$ we have $v\in\textup{cone}(A_{i}\cup A_{j})$. Then there exists a rainbow set $R$ for the sets $A_{i}$, such that $v\in\textup{cone}(R)$. A similar extension exists for Theorem 2.4. For a system $\mathcal{F}$ of sets of edges, denote by $\nu_{r}(\mathcal{F})$ the maximal size of a rainbow matching. ###### Theorem 11.6. [7] Let $\mathcal{F}=(F_{1},\ldots,F_{2k-1})$ be a system of bipartite sets of edges, sharing the same bipartition. If each $F_{i}$ is non-empty, and $\nu(F_{i}\cup F_{j})\geq k$ for every $i<j\leq 2k-1$, then $\nu_{r}(\mathcal{F})\geq k$. The proof of Theorem 11.6 uses a cooperative result on networks, which we omit. J. Kim [41] proved a cooperative version of Theorem 3.5: ###### Theorem 11.7. Let $\mathcal{C}$ be a simplicial complex and let $V=V(\mathcal{C})$. Assume that $V\not\in\mathcal{C}$. Let $\mathcal{S}=(S_{1},\ldots,S_{m})$ be a system of subsets of $V$. Suppose that for each $I\subseteq[m]$ either $\mathcal{S}_{I}\not\in\mathcal{C}$ or $lk_{\mathcal{C}}(\mathcal{S}_{I})$ is $m-1-|I|$-Leray. Then $\mathcal{S}$ has a rainbow set not belonging to $\mathcal{C}$. (Here $lk_{\mathcal{C}}(S)$ is the link of $S$ in $\mathcal{C}$.) Using this theorem it is possible to prove another cooperative generalization of Theorem 3.6 ###### Theorem 11.8. Let $t\geq 1$, If $S_{1},\ldots,S_{d+t}$ are subsets of $\mathbb{R}^{d}$ satisfy the condition that for every $I\subseteq[d+t]$ there holds $\vec{v}\in conv(S_{I})$ then there exists a rainbow set $S$ such that $\vec{v}\in conv(S)$. Theorem 3.6 is the case $t=1$. ### 11.1. Cooperative conditions for spanning rainbow sets Here is a cooperative version of Theorem 6.3. ###### Theorem 11.9. Let $\mathcal{M}$ be a matroid of rank $n$, let $T\subseteq V(\mathcal{M})$, and let $\mathcal{A}=(A_{1},\ldots,A_{n})$ be a system of subsets of $V(\mathcal{M})$, satisfying the following: for every $J\subseteq[n]$, either $\textup{rk}(A_{J})\geq|J|$ or $v\in span_{\mathcal{M}}(A_{J})$. Then there exists an $\mathcal{A}$-rainbow set spanning $T$. This is a common generalization of Rado’s theorem (Theorem 2.1), which is the case $T=V$, and Theorem 6.3 which is the case in which all $J$s satisfy the second condition. ###### Proof. As noted, we may assume that there exists $J\subset[n]$ for which $\textup{rk}(\mathcal{A}_{J})<|J|$, or else by Rado’s theorem (Theorem 2.1) there exists a rainbow base. Choose a minimal such $J$. Certainly $|J|\geq\textup{rk}(\mathcal{A}_{J})+1\geq 1$, so choose any $j\in J$. Applying Rado’s theorem to $I:=J\backslash\\{j\\}$ yields then a rainbow $R\in\mathcal{M}$ representing sets $A_{i}$ for all $i\in I$. By the assumption of the theorem $T\subseteq\operatorname{span}(\mathcal{A}_{J})$, so it suffices to prove that $\operatorname{span}(\mathcal{A}_{J})=\operatorname{span}(R)$. Clearly $\operatorname{span}(R)\subseteq\operatorname{span}(\mathcal{A}_{J})$, and since $\textup{rk}(R)=\textup{rk}(\mathcal{A}_{J})=|J|-1$, this inclusion is in fact equality. ∎ This yields a cooperative version of Theorem 6.2. Denote by $\mathcal{C}(G)$ is the set of components of a graph $G$. ###### Theorem 11.10. Let $F_{1},\ldots,F_{n}$ be sets of edges in a graph with $n$ vertices, satisfying the following condition: for every $J\subseteq[n]$ either * • $\sum_{C\in\mathcal{C}(F_{J})}(|V(C)|-1)\geq|J|$, or * • $F_{J}$ contains an odd cycle. Then there exists a rainbow odd cycle. ## 12\. Rainbow independent sets in hypergraphs We conclude with a rather neglected topic: rainbow independent sets in hypergraphs (to be distinguished from rainbow matchings in hypergraphs, which are independent sets in line graphs). A set $I$ of vertices is said to be independent in a hypergraph $H$ if it does not contain any edge of $H$. By $\alpha(H)$ we denote the largest size of an independent set. In [24] and in [48] the following was proved: ###### Theorem 12.1. $\alpha(H)\geq\frac{|V(H)|}{d^{1/{k-1}}}$ Using the Lovász Local Lemma it is possible to prove: ###### Theorem 12.2. If $H$ is $k$-uniform with maximal vertex degree $d$, then any collection of disjoint sets of vertices of $H$, each of size at least $ked^{1/{k-1}}$, has a full rainbow independent set. But the coefficient $ked$ can probably be replaced by a smaller one, for example by a result of Haxell [34], for $k=2$ (namely for graphs) the coefficient is $2d$, rather than $2ed$. Here is a conjecture for $k=3$, stemming from examples whose description we omit: ###### Conjecture 12.3. If $H$ is $3$-uniform with maximal degree $d$, then any collection of disjoint sets of vertices of $H$, each of size at least $1.1\sqrt{d}$, has a full rainbow independent set. Using the Lovász Local Lemma it is possible to prove this result with $1.1\sqrt{d}$ replaced by $3e\sqrt{d}$. Data Availability No data was needed to produce the results in this paper. Acknowledgements We are indebted for fruitful discussions with Eli Berger, Ron Holzman and Zilin Jiang. We are also indebted to Dmitry Falikman for computer tests of some of the conjectures, and useful insights. ## References * [1] R. Aharoni and E. Berger: Rainbow Matchings in $r$-Partite $r$-Graphs. Electronic J. Comb. 16(1) (2009). * [2] R. Aharoni and E. Berger, The intersection of a matroid and a simplicial complex, Amer. Math. Soc. 358 (2006), 4895–4917. * [3] R. Aharoni, E. Berger, J. Briggs, E. Segal-Halevi, S. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Ron Aharoni, Joseph Briggs", "submitter": "Joseph Briggs", "url": "" }
# Photovoltaic transistor of atoms due to spin-orbit coupling in three optical traps Haihu Cui1, Mingzhu Zhang2 and Wenxi Lai2 [email protected] 1 Department of Building Engineering, Inner Mongolia Vocational and Technical College of Communications, Chifeng 024005, China 2 School of Applied Science, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100192, China ###### Abstract In this paper, spin-orbit coupling induced photovoltaic effect of cold atoms has been studied in a three-trap system which is an two-dimensional extension of a two-trap system reported previously. It is proposed here that atom coherent length is one of the important influence to the resistance of this photovoltaic battery. Current properties of the system for different geometrical structures of the trapping potentials are discussed. Numerical results show extension in the number of traps could cause current increase directly. Quantum master equation at finite temperature is used to treat this opened system. This work may give a theoretical basis for further development of the photovoltaic effect of neutral atoms. ###### pacs: 37.10.Gh, 72.40.+w, 03.65.Yz, 05.60.Gg In the technique of atomtronics, atoms can be controlled and manipulated analogous to the operation in electronics Seaman ; Pepino ; Ramanathan ; Beeler ; Eckel ; Daley ; Aghamalyan ; Wilsmann ; Ryu . One kind of devices in this field is atomic battery. Until now, there are some models of this kind device, such as atomtronic battery based on asymmetric wells Zozulya and equivalent chemical potentials Caliga . Quite recently, spin-orbit coupling induced photovoltaic effect has been proposed wlai ; Entin-Wohlman . The photovoltaic system of atoms should be seen as another kind of atomic battery wlai . The spin-orbit coupling in cold atoms can be realized using two-photon Raman transition Y-J-Lin or clock transition combined with synthetic dimension of atoms Mancini ; Stuhl ; Livi . The clock transitions of alkaline-earth(-like) atoms are featured with long coherent times Norcia , which can be used for the study of photovoltaic battery of atoms wlai . In the clock transition induced spin-orbit coupling, two internal states of an atom could be coupled to the momentum of the atom. Then, atoms with different internal states move in different directions. As a result, atoms with the two different states would be collected on two sides of the system just like positive and negative charges collected on the two electrode of a electronic battery. The synthetic dimension of atoms consists of internal states of atoms and spatial dimensions Boada ; Celi . It means at least two traps are needed in the configuration for the spin-orbit coupling. Therefore, the double-trap model of photovoltaic system proposed in the previous work wlai is the basic atomic component. It is given that current in the basic component is very limited. In this paper, we extend the double-trap photovoltaic system to three-trap system for the exploration of its scalability in two dimensions. By adding a trap in the system, we plan to test properties of the photovoltaic system, such as the battery resistance due to limited atom coherent length and spatial structure of the optical potentials. In addition, we expect to obtain larger current than that in the original double-trap system. Quantum master equation of atom density matrix is used to describe the present opened system. In experiments, a few optical traps for bounding cold atoms can be manufactured Caliga ; Caliga2 ; Caliga3 , and they have potential applications for the study of this new kind of transistors. Figure 1: (Color on line) (a) Geometrical structure of the three-trap photovoltaic transistor. Three optical traps form a triangle with these traps located on three vortices, respectively. The distance between trap 1 and trap 2 is $L$, the distance between trap 1 and trap 3 is also $L$. $\theta$ is one angle of the isosceles triangle as shown in the figure. Each optical is coupled to a atomic bath. (b) Illustration of energy structure and atom movement in the photovoltaic transistor. Here, Chemical potentials $\mu$ in the left and right leads are the same and satisfy the relation $\varepsilon_{g}<\mu<\varepsilon_{e}$. Atoms can transport from one atomic bath to the other through the three-trap system. A coherent optical field would drive the clock transition of the atoms in the optical traps with Rabi frequency $\Omega$. The geometrical structure of the model is conceptually shown in Fig. 1 (a). The three optical traps and their inter-trap tunneling form a triangle with the three traps located on the three vertexes of the triangle. In this work, we just consider isosceles triangle for the arrangement of optical traps that the distance between trap 1 and trap 2 and the distance between trap 1 and trap 3 are the same, denoted by $L$. In this way, the distance $h$ between trap 2 and trap 3 would depend on the angle $\theta$ and the distance $L$. The direction of the laser beam is set to be always perpendicular to the connection line between trap 2 and trap 3.The angle between the direction of incident laser beam and the tunneling line between the trap 1 and trap 2 (or trap 3) is $\theta/2$. Here, we consider Fermion gas rare earth atoms ${}^{173}Yb$ which have clock transition between the ground state $g=$ ${}^{1}S_{0}$ and the metastable state $e=$ ${}^{3}P_{0}$. Wave length of the clock field driving this transition is around $\lambda_{C}=758$ nm Barber ; Gorshkov . Just single atom occupation in a trap is considered for the convenience of theoretical calculations. The three optical traps can be treated as quantum opened systems whose environment is the two atomic leads. The trap 1 is coupled to the left lead, and trap 2 and trap 3 are coupled to the right lead as illustrated in Fig. 1. The coupling between the traps and leads are all the same, characterized by the tunneling rate $\Gamma$. Atoms can transport from one atom bath to the other bath through the system of three optical traps. The chemical potentials in the two atom baths are set to be the same as $\mu$. It reveals the current through the battery here is not directly caused by the chemical potential bias like in Ref. Caliga . At temperature $T$, cold atoms in these baths can be described by the Fermi-Dirac distribution $f_{u}(\varepsilon_{s})=\frac{1}{e^{(\epsilon_{s}-\mu)/k_{B}T}+1}$, where $\varepsilon_{s}$ indicates atom internal energy with $s=g$ represents the ground state and $s=e$ denotes the excited state, and $k_{B}$ is the Boltzmann constant. For the laser beam propagating in the horizontal direction, trap 1 is in one row, trap 2 and trap 3 are vertically arranging in another row with the same distance from the trap 1 as shown in Fig. 1 (a). In this configuration, spin- orbit coupling can be occurred that when an atom is excited from its ground state to the excited state by a photon, at the same time, it acquires momentum from the photon and moves from one trap to the other. Strictly speaking, it is pseudo spin of atoms. The spin-orbit coupling could be reflected in atom-light coupling with a phase that related to momentum transfer between photon and atom. The phase can be seen as an effective magnetic flux of artificial gauge field Mancini ; Stuhl ; Livi . If an atom in trap 1 gets a phase $\phi_{1}=\phi$ due to the external beam action, the atoms in the trap 2 and trap 3 should get the relative phase $\phi_{2}=\phi_{3}=2\phi$. The phase shift can be expressed as $\phi_{\alpha}=2\pi L\cos(\theta/2)/\lambda_{C}$ which is related to the the momentum change $2\pi cos(\theta/2)/\lambda_{C}$ of an atom along the direction $\theta/2$ and path length $L$ of tunneling between two traps. The net phase $\phi_{\alpha}$ can be seen as an artificial magnetic flux in the closed trajectory of atom transitions. The whole Hamiltonian of the three-trap photovoltaic transistor can be written as ($\hbar=1$), $\displaystyle H$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{\alpha,s}\varepsilon_{s}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha s}+\sum_{\alpha\neq\beta,s}\gamma_{\alpha\beta}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\beta s}+\sum_{u,k,s}\varepsilon_{k}b_{uks}^{{\dagger}}b_{uks}$ (1) $\displaystyle+g\sum_{k,s}(b_{Lks}^{{\dagger}}a_{1s}+b_{Rks}^{{\dagger}}(a_{2s}+a_{3s})+H.c.)$ $\displaystyle+\frac{\Omega}{2}\sum_{\alpha}(e^{i\omega_{c}t}e^{i\phi_{\alpha}}a_{\alpha g}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}+h.c.).$ In the first part of the Hamiltonian, $a_{\alpha s}$ ($a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}$) is annihilation (creation) operator of atoms in the trap at position $\alpha$ $(\alpha=1,2,3)$ and $s$ takes $g$ for the ground state, takes $e$ for the excited state. Corresponding energy levels are denoted as $\varepsilon_{g}$ and $\varepsilon_{e}$, respectively. The inter-trap coupling is characterized by the second part with the inter-trap tunneling rates $\gamma_{12}=\gamma_{31}=\gamma_{0}e^{-L/L_{0}}$ and $\gamma_{23}=\gamma_{0}e^{-h/L_{0}}$. The values of $\gamma_{\alpha\beta}$ for the indexes $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are symmetry, where $\alpha,\beta=1,2,3$. Then $\gamma_{0}$ can be understood as the tunneling rate when the distance between two traps is zero. $L_{0}$ represents atom coherent length in this optical lattice. The third part represents atom gas in the three baths, where $b_{uks}$ ($b_{uks}^{{\dagger}}$) is annihilation (creation) operator of an atom in the left bath $u=L$ or the right bath $u=R$ with energy $\varepsilon_{k}$, wave number $k$, and internal state $s$. The tunnelings between the three-trap system and the atomic baths are described by the forth part of the Hamiltonian with tunneling amplitude $g$. In the final therm, atoms in the traps are coupled to the clock field with the Rabi frequency $\Omega$. The phase $\phi_{\alpha}$ is corresponding to the position $\alpha$ of vertex in the triangle structure. Next, we use the quantum Liouville’s equation $\partial\rho_{tot}/\partial t=-i[H,\rho_{tot}]$ to quantitatively describe the atom motion, where $\rho_{tot}$ is the total density matrix of the whole configuration. Using the free evolution Hamiltonian $H_{0}=\sum_{\alpha,s}\varepsilon_{s}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha s}+\sum_{u,k,s}\varepsilon_{k}b_{uks}^{{\dagger}}b_{uks}$, the equation of motion can be transformed into the interaction picture, $\displaystyle\frac{\partial\tilde{\rho}_{tot}}{\partial t}=-i[\tilde{H_{1}},\tilde{\rho}_{tot}],$ (2) where Hamiltonian $\tilde{H_{1}}$ in the commutator is $\displaystyle\tilde{H_{1}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{\alpha\neq\beta,s}\gamma_{\alpha\beta}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\beta s}+\frac{\Omega}{2}\sum_{\alpha}(e^{-i(\Delta t-\phi_{\alpha})}a_{\alpha g}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}+h.c.)$ (3) $\displaystyle+g\sum_{k,s}(b_{Lks}^{{\dagger}}a_{1s}e^{i(\varepsilon_{k}-\varepsilon_{1s})t}+b_{Rks}^{{\dagger}}(a_{2s}e^{i(\varepsilon_{k}-\varepsilon_{2s})t}$ $\displaystyle+a_{3s}e^{i(\varepsilon_{k}-\varepsilon_{3s})t})+H.c.).$ where $\Delta=\varepsilon_{e}-\varepsilon_{g}-\omega_{c}$ denotes the atom- light detunings being the same for all traps. Substituting the time integration of Eq. (2) into itself, one can reach $\displaystyle\frac{\partial\tilde{\rho}_{tot}(t)}{\partial t}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle-i[\tilde{H}_{2}(t)+\tilde{H}_{3}(t),\tilde{\rho}_{tot}(t)]$ (4) $\displaystyle-i[\tilde{H}_{4}(t),\tilde{\rho}_{tot}(0)]$ $\displaystyle-\int_{0}^{t}[\tilde{H}_{4}(t),[\tilde{H_{1}}(t^{\prime}),\tilde{\rho}_{tot}(t^{\prime})]]dt^{\prime}.$ where the simplified terms $\tilde{H}_{2}(t)=\sum_{\alpha\neq\beta,s}\gamma_{\alpha\beta}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\beta s}$, $\tilde{H}_{3}(t)=\frac{\Omega}{2}\sum_{\alpha}(e^{-i(\Delta t-\phi_{\alpha})}a_{\alpha g}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}+h.c.)$ and $\tilde{H}_{4}(t)=g\sum_{k,s}(b_{Lks}^{{\dagger}}a_{1s}e^{i(\varepsilon_{k}-\varepsilon_{1s})t}+b_{Rks}^{{\dagger}}(a_{2s}e^{i(\varepsilon_{k}-\varepsilon_{2s})t}+a_{3s}e^{i(\varepsilon_{k}-\varepsilon_{3s})t})+H.c.)$ in equation (4) are just the three parts in equation (3), respectively. As large atomic reservoirs, left lead and right lead are assumed to be equilibrium atomic gas with corresponding time independent density matrices $\rho_{L}$ and $\rho_{R}$. Therefore, the total density matrix of the whole system could be written as $\rho_{tot}(t)=\rho(t)\rho_{L}\rho_{R}$, where $\rho$ is reduced density matrix of the double-trap system. Taking trace Tr over all microstates of the two leads, one can write the equation(4) as, $\displaystyle\frac{\partial\tilde{\rho}(t)}{\partial t}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle-i[\tilde{H}_{2}(t)+\tilde{H}_{3}(t),\tilde{\rho}(t)]$ (5) $\displaystyle-\int_{0}^{t}Tr[\tilde{H}_{4}(t),[\tilde{H}_{4}(t^{\prime}),\tilde{\rho}(t^{\prime})\rho_{L}\rho_{R}]]dt^{\prime},$ where the reduced density matrix is $\tilde{\rho}(t)=Tr[\tilde{\rho}_{tot}(t)]$. In the second term of the right side of Eq. (5), the trace would actually give rise to the Fermi-Dirac distribution function $Tr[b_{uks}^{{\dagger}}b_{uks}\rho_{u}]=f_{u}(\varepsilon_{k})$. In Born- Markov approximation, $\tilde{\rho}(t^{\prime})$ in Eq. (5) can be written into $\tilde{\rho}(t)$ Scully , which simply the integration over time $t^{\prime}$. Using unitary transformation $e^{-it\sum_{\alpha}\Delta a_{\alpha e}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}}$ to transform Eq. (5) back to Schröinger picture, one could achieve the equation which describes evolution of the three-trap opened system Scully ; W-Lai2 ; W-Lai3 , $\displaystyle\frac{\partial\rho}{\partial t}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle-i[H_{sys},\rho]+\sum_{\alpha=1}^{3}\mathcal{L}_{\alpha}\rho,$ (6) where $\rho(t)=e^{-it\sum_{\alpha}\Delta a_{\alpha e}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}}\tilde{\rho}(t)e^{it\sum_{\alpha}\Delta a_{\alpha e}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}}$. The first term on the right side of Eq.(6) represents free evolution of atom transitions in the synthetic dimension of three traps. The effective Hamiltonian of this free evolution is written in the time independent form $\displaystyle H_{sys}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sum_{\alpha}\Delta a_{\alpha e}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}+\sum_{\alpha\neq\beta,s}\gamma_{\alpha\beta}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\beta s}$ (7) $\displaystyle+\frac{\Omega}{2}\sum_{\alpha}(e^{i\phi_{\alpha}}a_{\alpha g}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha e}+H.c.),$ where $\Delta=\varepsilon_{e}-\varepsilon_{g}-\hbar\omega_{c}$ describes the detuning between the clock field frequency and the two transition levels $\varepsilon_{g}$ and $\varepsilon_{e}$ of an atom. Coupling between the three optical traps and three atomic baths is described by the incoherent term $\sum_{\alpha}\mathcal{L}_{\alpha}\rho$, considering the Born-Markov approximation in Eq.(6). The Liouville super-operators $\mathcal{L}_{L}$ and $\mathcal{L}_{R}$ acting on the density matrix $\rho$ can be written as $\displaystyle\mathcal{L}_{\alpha}\rho$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{\Gamma}{2}\sum_{\alpha,s}[f_{\alpha}(\varepsilon_{s})(2a_{\alpha,s}^{{\dagger}}\rho a_{\alpha,s}-\\{a_{\alpha,s}a_{\alpha,s}^{{\dagger}},\rho\\})$ (8) $\displaystyle+(1-f_{\alpha}(\varepsilon_{s}))(2a_{\alpha,s}\rho a_{\alpha,s}^{{\dagger}}-\\{a_{\alpha,s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha,s},\rho\\})],$ with the anti-commutation relation $\\{O,\rho\\}$ for any operator $O$. The coupling strength $\Gamma$ in detail is $\Gamma=2\pi|g|^{2}D(\varepsilon_{s})$, where $D(\varepsilon_{s})$ is the density of states of atoms in the lead at energy $\varepsilon_{s}$. For an atom with definite discrete state in the trap, its state distribution is much narrower than the atom state distribution in the lead. As a result, atom in the trap would feel that density of states of in the lead is almost a constant. Therefore, $\Gamma$ will be taken as a constant in the numerical treatment here. According to the atom number conservation, difference of left current $I_{L}$ and right current $I_{R}$ at a time $t$ should be equal to the rate of atom number change in the three-trap system Davies ; Jauho ; Twamley , $\displaystyle\frac{d}{dt}\sum_{\alpha=1}^{3}(\langle n_{\alpha}\rangle)=I_{L}-I_{R},$ (9) where the mean value of atom number is $\langle n_{\alpha}\rangle=\langle\sum_{s}a_{\alpha s}^{{\dagger}}a_{\alpha s}\rho\rangle$ for $\alpha=1,2,3$ with $\langle\rangle$ represents quantum average over all state of the system. One can substitute Eq.(6) into Eq.(9) and obtain detail expressions of current as $\displaystyle I_{L}=\Gamma\sum_{s}(f_{L}(\varepsilon_{s})\langle a^{{\dagger}}_{1s}\rho a_{1s}\rangle-(1-f_{L}(\varepsilon_{s}))\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{1s}a_{1s}\rangle),$ (10) and $\displaystyle I_{R}=\Gamma\sum_{s}((1-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s}))\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{2s}a_{2s}\rangle-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s})\langle a^{{\dagger}}_{2s}\rho a_{2s}\rangle)$ $\displaystyle+\Gamma\sum_{s}((1-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s}))\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{3s}a_{3s}\rangle-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s})\langle a^{{\dagger}}_{3s}\rho a_{3s}\rangle).$ (11) The left current $I_{L}$ is related to trap 1 as shown in Fig. 1, therefore it is proportional to atom number distribution in trap 1, namely, $Q_{1}=\sum_{s}(f_{L}(\varepsilon_{s})\langle a^{{\dagger}}_{1s}\rho a_{1s}\rangle-(1-f_{L}(\varepsilon_{s}))\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{1s}a_{1s}\rangle)$ and inversely proportional to $\tau=\Gamma^{-1}$. $Q$ and $\tau$ can be seen as effective charge and atom transit rate. Therefore, the current satisfy the definition $I_{L}=Q_{1}/\tau$ conceptually. In the same way, the right current $I_{R}$ is depends on atom number distribution in trap 2 and trap 3. As a result, $I_{R}$ is proportional to the effective charges $Q_{2}=\sum_{s}((1-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s}))\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{2s}a_{2s}\rangle-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s})\langle a^{{\dagger}}_{2s}\rho a_{2s}\rangle)$ and $Q_{3}=\sum_{s}((1-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s}))\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{3s}a_{3s}\rangle-f_{R}(\varepsilon_{s})\langle a^{{\dagger}}_{3s}\rho a_{3s}\rangle)$, respectively. In the same way, we have $I_{R}=(Q_{2}+Q_{3})/\tau$. Here, we have defined the direction of current from the left bath to the right bath is positive. Therefore, the total current can be written as $I=(I_{L}+I_{R})/2$, in the form of average value. In Eqs.(10) and (11) of current, probabilities of atoms in the three traps are involved, they are probability of empty trap $\alpha$, $P_{\alpha 0}=\langle a_{\alpha s}a^{{\dagger}}_{\alpha s}\rho\rangle$, probability of the ground state atom in trap $\alpha$, $P_{\alpha g}=\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{\alpha g}a_{\alpha g}\rangle$, and probability of the excited state atom in trap $\alpha$, $P_{\alpha e}=\langle\rho a^{{\dagger}}_{\alpha e}a_{\alpha e}\rangle$, where $\alpha=1,2,3$. Figure 2: (Color on line) (a) Atom distribution probability in trap 1. (b) Atom distribution probability in trap 2. (c) Atom distribution probability in trap 3. In the (a)-(c) three figures, $\Omega=2\pi\times 600$ Hz. (d) Current versus trap-lead transit rate $\Gamma$ for different trap-trap tunneling rate $\gamma_{0}$. The rest corresponding parameters are $\theta=\pi/3$, $L=1000$ nm, $\triangle=\Omega/2$. In Fig. 1 (b), energy levels and trajectories of atom motion have been illustrated. The three traps are coupled each other through corresponding state ($e\leftrightarrow e$, $g\leftrightarrow g$) atom tunnelings. Chemical potentials in the left and right leads are the same as $\mu$. The chemical potential satisfies the energy configuration of $\varepsilon_{g}<\mu<\varepsilon_{e}$. It reveals that energy of atoms in the leads would be higher than the ground levels and lower than the excited levels in the three traps. Therefore, atoms in the leads can directly transfer into the ground states of the three traps. However, if one wants to send atoms from the three traps to any of the two leads, atoms must be in their excited states. The applied field with clock transition frequency $\omega_{c}$ is set to excite atoms in the traps with the Rabi frequency $\Omega$. The different distribution of occupation probabilities in the three traps is created by the relative phase $\phi_{2}-\phi_{1}=\phi$ ($\phi_{2}=\phi_{3}$). Due to the phase of an atom in trap 1 is different from the phase of an atom in trap 2 ( or trap 3 ), the occupation probability of excited atom in trap 1 would be different from that of excited atom in trap 2 ( or trap 3 ) as shown in Fig.2 (a)-(c). As illustrated in Fig.2 and following results, the different distribution of occupation probabilities of the optical traps induces photovoltaic effect and give rises to net current between the two leads. The relative phase $\phi$ represents artificial gauge field induced by the spin- orbit coupling of atom-light interaction. In other words, an excited atom gains a momentum $cos(\theta/2)/\lambda_{C}$ from a photon and transits from one trap to the other trap, which causes coupling between pseudo spin and momentum of the atom. Therefore, phase of an atom in one trap is different from phase of an atom in the other trap. The phase difference of atoms in the left and right traps is involved in the atom-light coupling Hamiltonian, which leads to population difference of atom occupations in the left and right traps. Since the rate of particle transport in a transistor depends on the feature of particle occupations, the phase difference finally induce net photocurrent in the system. Figure 3: (Color on line) Atomic current as a function of atom-light detuning for different atom coherent length. The corresponding parameters are $\theta=\pi/3$, $L=1000$ nm, $\Omega=2\pi\times 600$ Hz. Inset: Current versus the coherent length $L_{0}$ for a fixed detuning $\triangle=\Omega/2$. The rates of trap-lead transit $\Gamma$ and inter-trap tunneling $\gamma_{0}$ determine characteristic time of atom movement in the transistor. Too slow motion of atom decreases atomic current. However, too fast atom transfer make the transistor hard to polarize atom population distribution in the traps, which also depresses stationary net current of atoms. Therefore, there would be current peak for the change of the transit rate $\Gamma$ as plotted in Fi.g 2 (d). The figure also show that the current peak depends on the inter-trap tunneling rate $\gamma_{0}$. For smaller $\gamma_{0}$, the top current is positioned at lower $\Gamma$, in contrast, for larger $\gamma_{0}$, the top current is landed at the value of higher $\Gamma$. It reveals that to achieve largest current, matching between the rates of trap-lead transit and inter- trap tunneling is very important. The distance, $L$ and $h$, between two traps is about several hundreds nanometers. At the same time, order of magnitudes of atom coherent length should be comparable to the scale of optical traps. How the change of coherent length of atoms affects the resistance of the photovoltaic battery ? To answer this question, we plot atom current as a function of atom-light detuning $\Delta$ for different atom coherent lengths in Fig. 3. When coherent length of atoms very short, for example, $L_{0}<L$, atom current is weak, lower than 20 $s^{-1}$. When the coherent length is around the trap-trap distance $L$, the current would increase remarkably, close to 60 $s^{-1}$. For further increase of this coherent length, larger current can be seen from the Fig. 3. Increase in current is become slower for the same scale of $L_{0}$ increase as shown in the inset figure. The variation of current comes from the rate $\gamma_{\alpha\beta}$ of atom tunneling which is related to the coherent length $L_{0}$. Equivalently, the ratio of trap-trap distance and atom coherent length $L/L_{0}$ influences the resistance in the battery. The basic parameters used in Fig. 3 and the following figures are $\gamma_{0}=2\pi\times 500$ Hz, $\Gamma=2\pi\times 400$ Hz and $k_{B}T=0.1\Gamma$Livi . Figure 4: (Color on line) Atomic current as a function of on trap-trap distance $L$ under different angles $\theta$ of trap arrangement. The corresponding parameters are chosen as $L_{0}=5$ $\mu m$, $\Omega=2\pi\times 600$ Hz, $\Delta=2\pi\times 300$ Hz. Geometry of the trapping potentials can be controlled in experiments Petsas ; Gullans . The fact allow us to test the properties of this kind of battery for different geometrical structure of the trap arrangements. Fig. 4 shows the current of the system obviously depends on angle $\theta$ and distance $L$ of the traps. When the angle $\theta$ is small, current variation for the change of trap distance $L$ fluctuates frequently. On the contrary, when the angle $\theta$ is close to $\pi$, the current fluctuation becomes remarkably slow. From the other point of view, the above characteristics of the system also reveals geometrical structure of optical potentials may be probed using the photovoltaic effect. Current amplitude fluctuates for the change of trap-trap distance $L$, because current depends on the phase $\phi$ and the phase is proportional to $Lcos(\theta/2)$ ( projection of $L$ along the horizontal coordinate $x$ ). It means $cos(\theta/2)$ is the proportionality coefficient between $\phi$ and $L$. For small angle $\theta$, the coefficient $cos(\theta/2)$ is very large, as a result, $\phi$ increase quickly for the change of $L$. Therefore, the current fluctuation is fast in Fig. 4. On the contrary, when $\theta$ is close to $\pi$, the proportionality coefficient $cos(\theta/2)$ tends to zero. It leads to the slow change of $\phi$ and furthermore slow fluctuation of corresponding current. The Josephson effect phase $\phi$ depend current behavior in the system of three optical traps is similar to the result that obtained in the two optical trapswlai , as illustrated in Fig. 5. Calculations in both Fig. 5 and Fig. 3 show that current in the three-trap battery is remarkably larger than the current in the two-trap battery at the same parameters. Therefore, extensions of the system in trap number can increase current. Large current could be speculated if an optical lattice with a great number of trapping potential is used in the photovoltaic system. The fact is important for future applications of the present model. Value of the current is under complete control in principle through the parameters of the system, such as Rabi frequency, distance and depth of trapping potential, number of traps. Figure 5: (Color on line) Atomic current vs artificial gauge phase $\phi$ for different Rabi frequency $\Omega$ under the parameters $\Delta=2\pi\times 220$, $L_{0}=10$ $\mu m$, $L=500$ nm, $\theta=\pi/4$. Experimental realization of the photovoltaic battery with a few trapping potentials is feasible, as atom transistor has been tested preliminarily nowadays Caliga ; Caliga2 ; Caliga3 ; Mancini ; Stuhl ; Livi . The challenges may come when one try to construct such system in a optical lattice with many trapping potentials. Since, on one hand, a large array of optical traps would be needed to couple with two deep potential of atom gas; on the other hand, in this configuration, atoms are cooled enough to ensure coherent length of atoms are closer or longer than the scale of potential period. Since the atom-light transition frequency is in the range of visible light frequency, room temperature $T$ can not effectively influence the atom transition here. However, atoms should be at low temperature, as they would be controlled in the optical potential and coherent tunneling should be allowed. Therefore, cold atoms should be used to implement this process in experiment at low enough temperature unless deep enough potential for the control of atoms can be created in practice. In Summery, it is probed that the basic component of the photovoltaic transistor is scalable, in which current increase has been observed in theoretical calculations by just adding the number of trapping potentials. There is no asymmetric wells and no chemical potential difference in the transistor, atom current in the leads is obtained due to the clock transition induced spin-orbit coupling in synthetic dimension. The resistance of the photovoltaic battery could be come from the coherent length of atoms. Geometrical structure of optical lattice also affect the current behavior. Even though the model is based on single atom tunneling process, the result should be appropriate to the case of noninteracting many atoms bounded in traps. ###### Acknowledgements. This work was supported by the Scientific Research Project of Beijing Municipal Education Commission (BMEC) under Grant No. KM202011232017. ## References * (1) B. T. Seaman, M. Krämer, D. Z. Anderson, and M. J. Holland, Phys. Rev. A 75, 023615 (2007). * (2) R. A. Pepino, J. Cooper, D. Z. Anderson, and M. J. Holland, Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 140405 (2009). * (3) A. Ramanathan, K. C. Wright, S. R. Muniz, M. Zelan, W. T. Hill, III, C. J. Lobb, K. Helmerson, W. D. Phillips, and G. K. Campbell, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 130401 (20011). * (4) M. C. Beeler, R. A. Williams, K. Jiménez-García, L. J. LeBlanc, A. R. Perry and I. B. Spielman, Nature 498, 201 (2013). * (5) S. Eckel, J. G. Lee, F. Jendrzejewski, N. Murray, C. W. Clark, C. J. Lobb, W. D. Phillips, M. Edwards and G. K. Campbell, Nature 506, 200 (2014). * (6) Andrew J. Daley, Physics 8, 72 (2015). * (7) Andrew J. Daley, New J. Phys. 17, 045023 (2015). * (8) K. W. Wilsmann, L. H. Ymai, A. P. Tonel, J. Links and A. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Haihu Cui, Mingzhu Zhang, and Wenxi Lai", "submitter": "Wenxi Lai", "url": "" }
# High photon number entangled states and coherent state superposition from the extreme-ultraviolet to the far infrared Philipp Stammer [email protected] ICFO – Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Max Born Strasse 2a, D-12489 Berlin, Germany Javier Rivera-Dean ICFO – Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain Theocharis Lamprou Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, GR-70013 Heraklion (Crete), Greece Department of Physics, University of Crete, P.O. Box 2208, GR-71003 Heraklion (Crete), Greece Emilio Pisanty Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and Short Pulse Spectroscopy, Max Born Strasse 2a, D-12489 Berlin, Germany Marcelo F. Ciappina Physics Program, Guangdong Technion–Israel Institute of Technology, Shantou, Guangdong 515063, China Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, 32000, Israel Paraskevas Tzallas Foundation for Research and Technology-Hellas, Institute of Electronic Structure & Laser, GR-70013 Heraklion (Crete), Greece ELI-ALPS, ELI-Hu Non-Profit Ltd., Dugonics tr 13, H-6720 Szeged, Hungary Maciej Lewenstein ICFO – Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, The Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain ICREA, Pg. Lluís Companys 23, 08010 Barcelona, Spain ###### Abstract We present a theoretical demonstration on the generation of entangled coherent states and of coherent state superpositions, with photon numbers and frequencies orders of magnitude higher than those provided by the current technology. This is achieved by utilizing a quantum mechanical multimode description of the single- and two-color intense laser field driven process of high harmonic generation in atoms. It is found that all field modes involved in the high harmonic generation process are entangled, and upon performing a quantum operation, leads to the generation of high photon number optical cat states spanning from the far infrared to the extreme-ultraviolet spectral region. This provides direct insights into the quantum mechanical properties of the optical field in intense laser matter interaction. Finally, these states can be considered as a new resource for fundamental tests of quantum theory, quantum information processing or sensing with non-classical states of light. The superposition of classically distinguishable states is of fundamental interest since the development of quantum theory, and was brought to an extreme by Schrödinger in his famous Gedankenexperiment [1]. In quantum optics this notion can be retrieved by superpositions of coherent states [2, 3]. Beside their fundamental interest for testing quantum mechanics [4, 5], the generation of these Schrödinger cat states, and of entangled coherent states [6, 7], is also of direct technological importance. These states are a powerful tool in quantum information processing [8, 9, 10, 11], quantum computation [12, 13], quantum metrology [14], or can be used to visualize the classical-to-quantum transition [15]. To generate superpositions of coherent states, atom-light interaction in cavities [16, 17], or conditioning approaches at the output of a beam-splitter [18, 19, 20] can be employed. Such conditioning experiments are of general interest in quantum information theory due to their ability for generating entangled optical states [21], to describe quantum operations [22] or conditional quantum measurements [23, 24]. But, the size of the generated superpositions of coherent states is limited to the range of a few photons, corresponding to moderately small coherent state amplitudes [3, 25, 26], restricting their applicability in quantum information processing. However, due to the relevance of such non-classical states of light in quantum technologies [8, 13, 27], it is of particular interest to generate a superposition, and entanglement, of coherent states with high photon numbers. In the present manuscript we show how both can be achieved by means of a conditioning procedure, performed on a so far unrelated photonic platform, namely intense laser-matter interaction. Laser sources can easily reach intensities up to $10^{14}\operatorname{W}/\operatorname{cm}^{2}$, and the field induced material response can be highly non-linear [28]. Since these laser fields naturally involve very high photon numbers with corresponding coherent state amplitudes in the range of $\absolutevalue{\alpha}=10^{6}$, it will be of great advantage to use them for the generation of the sought high photon number non-classical field states [29, 30]. Until recently the intense laser-matter interaction was mainly described by a semi-classical theory, in which the laser field was considered classically such that the properties of the quantum state of the field were not envisioned. A commonly used intense laser driven process is the generation of high-order harmonics, in which the coherent properties of the driving laser are transferred to an electronic wavepacket, and later returned to the field modes by the emission of coherent radiation at frequencies of integer multiple of the driving laser field [31]. However, the recent advances in the quantum optical description of high harmonic generation (HHG) [32, 33, 34, 35, 30, 36] allows to conceive new experiments, in which non-classical properties of the field can be observed with the prospective use for modern quantum technologies. In particular, it was shown that a conditioning procedure on HHG can lead to non-classical optical Schrödinger cat states in the infrared spectral range [30]. To extend the approach to different spectral regions, and to unravel the entanglement between all field modes participating in the HHG process, we have developed a complete quantum mechanical multimode approach. This is used for the description of the interaction of atoms with single- and two-color intense laser fields. We show that all field modes involved in the HHG process are naturally entangled, and upon performing a quantum operation leads to the generation of high photon number coherent state superposition spanning from the extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) to the far-infrared (IR). We provide the conditions for the generation of XUV cat states, and for the generation of entangled coherent states between two frequency modes in the IR regime with very high photon numbers. For the description we consider an uncorrelated state prior to the laser- matter interaction $\ket{g}\otimes\ket{\phi}$, in which the atom is prepared in its ground state $\ket{g}$ and the field is described by $\ket{\phi}=\ket{\alpha}\otimes\ket{\\{0_{q}\\}}$, where $\ket{\\{0_{q}\\}}=\bigotimes_{q}\ket{0_{q}}$. The intense driving laser in the fundamental mode is in a coherent state $\ket{\alpha}$, and the harmonic modes $q\in\\{2,\,...\,,N\\}$ are in the vacuum, where the generated harmonics extend to a cutoff $N$. If the interaction is conditioned on the atomic ground state (leading to HHG) [31, 30], and neglecting the correlations of the atomic dipole moment [37], the effective interaction is described by a multimode displacement operator [30, 38], $D(\chi)=\prod_{q=1}^{N}D(\chi_{q})$, where $\chi_{q}=-i\kappa\sqrt{q}\expectationvalue{d}(q\omega)$, with coupling constant $\kappa$, and the Fourier transform of the time-dependent dipole moment expectation value $\expectationvalue{d}(q\omega)=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}dt\expectationvalue{d}(t)e^{iq\omega t}$. Accordingly, the state of the field after the interaction is shifted $\ket{\phi^{\prime}}=D(\chi)\ket{\phi}=\ket{\alpha+\chi_{1}}\otimes_{q=2}^{N}\ket{\chi_{q}}$. The shift of the coherent state amplitude of the driving laser $\chi_{1}=\delta\alpha$ accounts for the depletion of the fundamental mode due to HHG, which are displaced by $\chi_{q}$. However, since the depletion of the fundamental mode and the shift of the harmonic modes are correlated, the actual mode which is excited due to the interaction with the atomic medium is given by a wavepacket mode consisting of all field modes participating in the process. The excitation of this wavepacket mode can be described by the creation operator $B^{\dagger}$, with the corresponding number states $\ket{\tilde{n}}$ satisfying $B^{\dagger}B\ket{\tilde{n}}=\tilde{n}\ket{\tilde{n}}$. It is this wavepacket mode which is excited during the HHG process [30]. In order to take into account the correlation between the shift of the fundamental and harmonic modes, we represent the total state $\ket{\phi^{\prime}}$ in terms of the wavepacket mode $\ket{\tilde{n}}$. Considering only those cases where an excitation of the wavepacket mode is present, but without discriminating between the number of excitation, we project on $\sum_{\tilde{n}\neq 0}\outerproduct{\tilde{n}}{\tilde{n}}$, and obtain $\displaystyle\ket{\psi}=\left[\mathds{1}-\outerproduct{\tilde{0}}{\tilde{0}}\right]\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}\otimes_{q=2}^{N}\ket{\chi_{q}}.$ (1) Recalling that the vacuum state of this wavepacket mode is given by the initial state before the interaction, i.e. $\ket{\tilde{0}}\equiv D(\alpha)\ket{0}\otimes\ket{\\{0_{q}\\}}$, the total state of the field after the HHG process is given by (up to normalization) $\displaystyle\ket{\psi}=$ $\displaystyle\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}\otimes_{q=2}^{N}\ket{\chi_{q}}$ (2) $\displaystyle-\bra{\alpha}\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}\ket{\alpha}\otimes_{q=2}^{N}\bra{0_{q}}\ket{\chi_{q}}\ket{0_{q}}.$ It shows that in the process of HHG all field modes, including the fundamental and all harmonic modes, are naturally entangled. Thus, whenever harmonics are generated the state of the total optical field is entangled. Note that the field modes are entangled in such a way that measuring one mode can leave the entanglement of the other modes intact, which suggest the ability of using HHG for generating high dimensional optical cluster states [39] which are used for measurement based quantum computation [40, 41]. Figure 1: Schematic illustration of the conditioning measurement performed in HHG to generate coherent state superposition. The intense driving laser in the fundamental mode described by the coherent state $\ket{\alpha}$ is interacting with a HHG medium, and the generated optical field is in the wavepacket mode corresponding to $\ket{\tilde{n}}$. This gives rise to an entangled state between all field modes $\ket{\psi}$. Performing a conditioning measurement on the harmonics modes, by projecting on $\ket{\\{\chi_{q}\\}}=\bigotimes_{q}\ket{\chi_{q}}$, the fundamental mode is found in the coherent state superposition $\ket{\Psi}$. This entangled state, which is heralded by the generation of harmonic radiation, shall now be used to generate non-classical coherent state superposition from the far-IR to XUV spectral region. This is achieved by using the scheme developed in [30] for the generation of optical cat states in the IR regime. This scheme is illustrated in Fig. 1, and relies on a post- selection procedure by performing a measurement on the harmonic modes without photon number resolving detectors [30, 34]. Part of this measurement constitutes a conditioning on HHG by separating it from other processes (like ionization), i.e. taking only into account the wavepacket excitations via $\ket{\tilde{n}}$. Thus, the fundamental mode conditioned on the harmonic signal is given by projecting on the harmonic coherent states $\ket{\Psi}=\bra{\\{\chi_{q}\\}}\ket{\psi}$ of amplitude $\chi_{q}$. The fundamental mode, up to normalization, is then found to be in a superposition of coherent states $\displaystyle\ket{\Psi}=\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}-\bra{\alpha}\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}e^{-\Omega}\ket{\alpha},$ (3) where $\Omega=\sum_{q>1}\absolutevalue{\chi_{q}}^{2}$. This state coincides with the state recently reported and measured in [30], but with the proper prefactor for the second term which takes into account all modes appearing in the experiment. To understand the influence of the decoherence factor $\Omega$ we only consider energy conserving events during HHG, i.e. $\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}^{2}=\sum_{q=3}^{N}q\absolutevalue{\chi_{q}}^{2}$. Assuming that the shift of the harmonics are equal, and using that in single- color HHG only odd harmonics are generated, we find that $\Omega=2\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}^{2}(N-1)/(N^{2}+2N-3)$. We thus observe that the influence of the harmonics scales as $\mathcal{O}(1/N)$ with the harmonic cutoff. Due to the extension to large harmonic orders, it makes the scheme intrinsically robust against this kind of decoherence (see Supplementary Material (SM) for more details). However, due to the complete multimode description of the HHG process developed in this work, we can further generalize this scheme to generate non- classical optical states in extreme wavelength regimes. In fact the process of HHG allows to generate entanglement between different frequency modes of the optical field ranging from the far-IR to the XUV regime. Depending on the particular modes measured on (2), for instance measuring all modes except $\tilde{q}\in\\{q_{i},\,q_{j}\\}$, we obtain the entangled state $\displaystyle\ket{\Psi_{ij}}=\bigotimes_{\tilde{q}}\ket{\chi_{\tilde{q}}}-e^{-\Omega_{ij}}\bigotimes_{\tilde{q}}\bra{0_{\tilde{q}}}\ket{\chi_{\tilde{q}}}\ket{0_{\tilde{q}}},$ (4) where $\Omega_{ij}=\sum_{q\neq\tilde{q}}\absolutevalue{\chi_{\tilde{q}}}^{2}$. Note that for the driving laser mode we have $\ket{0_{1}}\equiv\ket{\alpha}$ and $\ket{\chi_{1}}\equiv\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}$. This scheme therefore leads to entangled states between IR-IR, IR-XUV and XUV-XUV modes by choosing $q_{i}$ and $q_{j}$ appropriately. For instance, by interchanging the role of the fundamental with the harmonics, i.e. measuring the fundamental mode and projecting (2) on the coherent state $\ket{\alpha+\delta\alpha}$, we obtain the entangled state of all harmonic modes $\displaystyle\ket{\Psi_{\Omega}}=\bigotimes_{q}\ket{\chi_{q}}-e^{-\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}^{2}}\bigotimes_{q}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\absolutevalue{\chi_{q}}^{2}}\ket{0_{q}}.$ (5) The fact that the remaining harmonic modes are still entangled, illustrates the peculiar feature of the entangled state in (2) as an optical cluster state with possible application in quantum information processing. If we further measure the harmonic modes $q^{\prime}\neq q$, the state of the $q$-th harmonic is given by $\displaystyle\ket{\Psi_{q}}=\ket{\chi_{q}}-e^{-\gamma}\ket{0_{q}},$ (6) where $\gamma=\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}^{2}+\Omega^{\prime}+\frac{1}{2}\absolutevalue{\chi_{q}}^{2}$ with $\Omega^{\prime}=\sum_{q^{\prime}\neq q}\absolutevalue{\chi_{q^{\prime}}}^{2}$. The state $\ket{\Psi_{q}}$ represents a superposition of a coherent state with the vacuum in the XUV regime. To characterize this state we compute the corresponding Wigner function [42, 43] $\displaystyle W_{q}(\beta)=$ $\displaystyle\frac{2N_{q}^{2}}{\pi}\left[e^{-2\absolutevalue{\beta-\chi_{q}}^{2}}+e^{-(\Omega+\Omega^{\prime})}e^{-2\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}^{2}}e^{-2\absolutevalue{\beta}^{2}}\right.$ $\displaystyle\left.-e^{-\Omega}e^{-\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}^{2}}e^{-2\absolutevalue{\beta}^{2}}\left(e^{2\beta\chi_{q}^{*}}+e^{2\beta^{*}\chi_{q}}\right)\right],$ (7) with the normalization $N_{q}$ of (6). In Fig. 2 (a) we show the Wigner function (High photon number entangled states and coherent state superposition from the extreme-ultraviolet to the far infrared) for an XUV field of wavelength $\lambda_{XUV}=72.7$ nm for the $11$-th harmonic of a driving laser with frequency $\lambda_{IR}=800$ nm. For comparison, Fig. 2 (b) shows the Wigner function of the IR field corresponding to (3). The non-classical features of the XUV and IR coherent state superposition are clearly visible, as both deviate from the Gaussian distribution of a coherent state and depict negative values. Since the corresponding mean photon number for the Wigner functions of Fig. 2 (a) is less than one, it makes this scheme an interesting source for generating single XUV photons. However, to obtain a genuine high photon number coherent state superposition in the XUV regime, a second and independent HHG process can be added to the proposed scheme. In the second HHG process harmonics are generated within the same frequency mode with amplitude ${\chi}_{q}^{\prime}$. Formally, by coherently adding the harmonic mode from both schemes, i.e. the low photon number coherent state superposition (6) with the high photon number coherent state $\ket{\chi_{q}^{\prime}}$, gives rise to the coherent state superposition $\displaystyle\ket{\Psi_{q}^{\prime}}=D(\chi_{q}^{\prime})\ket{\Psi_{q}}=\ket{\chi_{q}^{\prime}+\chi_{q}}-e^{i\phi^{\prime}}e^{-\gamma}\ket{\chi_{q}^{\prime}},$ (8) where $\phi^{\prime}=\operatorname{Im}(\chi_{q}^{\prime}\chi_{q}^{*})$. Regardless of the small average photon number in (6) with $\chi_{q}\ll 1$, the spatiotemporal overlap with the large amplitude coherent state $\ket{\chi_{q}^{\prime}}$ leads to the effective displacement operation in (8) [44]. Thus, the coherent state superposition in the IR (3) and XUV (8) describe large amplitude optical cat states. Taking into account the typical photon numbers of the IR driving field and the conversion efficiency of the HHG process [45], the IR and XUV cat state can be produced with photon numbers in the range of $\expectationvalue{n_{IR}}\sim 10^{13}$ and $\expectationvalue{n_{XUV}}\sim 10^{7}$ photons per pulse, respectively. Here we want to emphasize that HHG is performed in vacuum such that the optical field is subjected to negligible environmental decoherence effects during propagation. In addition to the technological importance of generating coherent state superpositions in the XUV and IR spectral range, they depict a notable feature which has a direct consequence to fundamental test of quantum theory. The opposite shift in the imaginary part of their Wigner function is a result of the correlation in the shift of the coherent state amplitudes of the field modes in the process of HHG. Such quantum correlations between field modes can be used, via homodyne quadrature measurements, towards violating Bell type inequalities [4, 5]. Figure 2: Wigner function of the coherent state superposition (a) of the $q$-th harmonic Eq. (6) and (b) of the fundamental mode corresponding to Eq. (3). The calculation has been performed using $\delta\alpha=-0.2$, such that $\chi_{q}\approx 0.03$ for an harmonic cutoff $N=11$. The opposite shift in imaginary part reflects the correlation between the field modes. However, to generate genuine high photon number entangled coherent states in the order of $\absolutevalue{\alpha}=10^{6}$ we generalize the HHG process by using a two-color driving field. Such high harmonic generation experiments are often performed for a $\omega-2\omega$ laser frequency configuration with frequencies in the visible to far-infrared spectral region, with parallel or orthogonal polarizations between the two driving lasers [46, 47, 48]. In this case, the initial state of the two mode driving field is given by $\ket{\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}}$, such that the total field after the interaction with the HHG medium is given by $\ket{\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}+\delta\alpha_{2}}\otimes\ket{\\{\bar{\chi}_{q}\\}}$, where $\delta\alpha_{1}$ and $\delta\alpha_{2}$ are the depletion of the two driving field modes, respectively. Following the procedure introduced above, and after taking into account the correlations via the corresponding wavepacket mode, the obtained state reads $\displaystyle\ket{\Psi}=$ $\displaystyle\ket{\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}+\delta\alpha_{2}}\bigotimes_{q>2}\ket{\bar{\chi}_{q}}$ (9) $\displaystyle-e^{-i\left(\varphi_{1}+\varphi_{2}\right)}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\Delta}\ket{\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}}\bigotimes_{q>2}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\absolutevalue{\bar{\chi}_{q}}^{2}}\ket{0_{q}},$ where $\varphi_{i}=\operatorname{Im}(\alpha_{i}\delta\alpha_{i}^{*})$ and $\Delta=\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha_{1}}^{2}+\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha_{2}}^{2}$. By conditioning on the harmonic signal, i.e. projecting on $\ket{\\{\bar{\chi}_{q}\\}}$, we obtain $\displaystyle\ket{ECS}=$ $\displaystyle\ket{\alpha_{1}+\delta\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}+\delta\alpha_{2}}$ (10) $\displaystyle-e^{-i\left(\varphi_{1}+\varphi_{2}\right)}e^{-\frac{1}{2}\Delta}e^{-\bar{\Omega}}\ket{\alpha_{1}}\otimes\ket{\alpha_{2}},$ with $\bar{\Omega}=\sum_{q>2}\absolutevalue{\bar{\chi}_{q}}^{2}$. This scheme can be utilized in the spectral range from the visible to the far-infrared regime, which is within the telecom optical fiber wavelength regime useful for long distance entanglement distribution for quantum information processing due to minimized attenuation. Due to the high degree of coherent control in the two-color HHG processes, the relative field amplitudes and phase of the amplitude entangled state between the two physical frequency modes can be tailored in a controllable way. For instance by independently varying the driving field amplitudes $\alpha_{i}$ or the relative depletion $\delta\alpha_{i}$ via the respective field polarization, e.g. linear or circular orthogonal polarized fields. In order to compare the single- and two-color HHG setup we shall quantify the degree of entanglement between the field modes in each scheme. We will make use of the degree of purity of the reduced density matrix of a subsystem. Since the reduced density matrix of an entangled state is not pure $\rho^{2}\neq\rho$, we use the linear entropy $S_{lin}=1-\Tr(\rho^{2})$ as a quantitative measure of the involved entanglement between coherent states [49, 50]. Since $\Tr(\rho^{2})\leq 1$, where the equality only holds for pure states, a non-vanishing linear entropy serves as a witness of entanglement in the total system. For the single-color HHG experiment (2) we particularly focus on two cases. First, on the entanglement between the fundamental driving field with all harmonic modes, and second, on the entanglement of $n$ harmonic modes with all remaining modes (including the fundamental). We thus compute the reduced density matrices of the fundamental mode, and for the $q\in\\{2,\,...,\,n+1\\}$ harmonics via $\rho_{q=1}=\Tr_{q>1}(\outerproduct{\psi}{\psi})$, and $\rho_{nq}=\Tr_{q^{\prime}\neq q}(\outerproduct{\psi}{\psi})$, respectively. The corresponding linear entropy measures, for the fundamental mode $S_{lin}^{1}$ (black, solid) and for $n$ harmonics $S_{lin}^{nq}$ (black dashed and dotted), are shown in Fig. 3 as a function of $\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}$ (SM). The entanglement witness depends on the depletion of the fundamental mode $\delta\alpha$, which is correlated to the harmonic amplitude $\chi_{q}$. We observe that the entanglement between the fundamental mode with the harmonics (solid) is larger than the entanglement between $n$ harmonic modes with all other field modes (dashed, dotted), and that the entanglement measure monotonically decreases for an increasing depletion of the fundamental mode. For large $\delta\alpha$, all entanglement decays since the amplitude of the second term in (2) vanishes due to the decreasing overlap between the two coherent states. For the different partitions of the $n$ harmonic modes we observe that for larger $n$ the entanglement with the remaining modes is increased and almost negligible for $n=1$. For the two-color HHG process in which an entangled pair of coherent states of large amplitude can be generated (10), we quantify the involved entanglement by tracing over the second $2\omega$ driving field mode in (10). The corresponding linear entropy $S_{lin}^{\prime}$ is shown in Fig. 3 (red) for different ratios of the depletion of the two modes $r=\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha_{2}}^{2}/\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha_{1}}^{2}$ (SM). We observe that for small depletion the involved entanglement between the two driving field modes in the two-color HHG experiment is larger than in any single-color experiment, and is the largest for equal depletion (red, solid). For a larger depletion $\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}$ the entanglement decays slower when the $2\omega$ field has smaller depletion than the $\omega$ mode, e.g. $r=0.5$ (red, dotted). In the opposite case, with $r=2.0$, the entanglement is smallest (red, dashed). Figure 3: Linear entropy measures $S_{lin}^{1}$ (black solid) and $S_{lin}^{nq}$ for two different partitions of the entangled state (2) with $n=1$(black dashed) and $n=10$ (black dotted) for increasing depletion of the fundamental mode $\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha}$. The linear entropy measure for the two-color high harmonic generation experiment $S_{lin}^{\prime}$ (red) with different ratios of the depletion of the two driving fields $r=\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha_{2}}^{2}/\absolutevalue{\delta\alpha_{1}}^{2}$. In all cases we have used the harmonic cutoff at $N=11$. In conclusion, we developed a quantum mechanical multimode approach for the description of HHG driven by single- and two-color intense laser fields. We showed that all field modes involved in the HHG process are naturally entangled once harmonics are generated. Performing quantum operations on particular field modes leads to the generation of high photon number coherent state superpositions spanning from the XUV to the far IR spectral region. We provided the conditions for the generation of XUV-IR correlated coherent state superposition, and the generation of entangled states in the visible-IR spectral region with controllable quantum features. The entangled states generated by using HHG are deterministically generated whenever harmonic radiation is emitted, and the coherent state superposition is heralded when the conditioning measured is performed. Considering that similar HHG mechanism underlie the majority of the intense-laser matter interactions [51, 35, 52], we anticipate that the findings will set the stage for conceiving novel experiments for the generation of a whole family of high photon number non- classical entangled field states, challenging the quantum state characterization schemes [53], advancing fundamental studies of quantum theory and provide a new platform for optical quantum technologies [27]. Finally, we note that the dynamics of the HHG process is intrinsically in the attosecond time regime, which further stress the potential impact of the present work on quantum information technologies towards a previously inaccessible time scale, and can further be used for optical signaling and spectroscopy with non- classical light states [54]. ###### Acknowledgements. ICFO group acknowledges support from ERC AdG NOQIA, from Agencia Estatal de Investigaciín (the R$\&$D project CEX2019-000910-S, funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033, Plan National FIDEUA PID2019-106901GB-I00, FPI, QUANTERA MAQS PCI2019-111828-2, Proyectos de I+D+I “Retos Colaboración” RTC2019-007196-7) from Fundació Cellex, Fundació Mir-Puig, and from Generalitat de Catalunya through the CERCA program, AGAUR Grant No. 2017 SGR 134, QuantumCAT U16-011424, co-funded by ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020), EU Horizon 2020 FET-OPEN OPTOLogic (Grant No 899794), and the National Science Centre, Poland (Symfonia Grant No. 2016/20/W/ST4/00314), Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant STREDCH No 101029393, “La Caixa” Junior Leaders fellowships (ID100010434), and EU Horizon 2020 under Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 847648 (LCF/BQ/PI19/11690013, LCF/BQ/PI20/11760031, LCF/BQ/PR20/11770012).). FORTH group acknowledges LASERLABEUROPE (H2020-EU. Grant ID 654148), FORTH Synergy Grant AgiIDA (Grand No. 00133), the EU’s H2020 framework programme for research and innovation under the NFFA-Europe-Pilot project (Grant No. 101007417). J.R-D. acknowledges support from the Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Empresa i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya, as well as the European Social Fund (L’FSE inverteix en el teu futur)–FEDER. ## References * [1] Erwin Schrödinger. Die gegenwärtige situation in der quantenmechanik. Naturwissenschaften, 23(49):823–828, 1935. * [2] CC Gerry and PL Knight. Quantum superpositions and Schrödinger cat states in quantum optics. American Journal of Physics, 65(10):964–974, 1997. * [3] Alexei Ourjoumtsev, Hyunseok Jeong, Rosa Tualle-Brouri, and Philippe Grangier. Generation of optical ‘Schrödinger cats’ from photon number states. Nature, 448(7155):784–786, 2007. * [4] Jérôme Wenger, Mohammad Hafezi, Frédéric Grosshans, Rosa Tualle-Brouri, and Philippe Grangier. 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# Subset selection for linear mixed models Daniel R. Kowal Dobelman Family Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Rice University, Houston, TX ([email protected]). ###### Abstract Linear mixed models (LMMs) are instrumental for regression analysis with structured dependence, such as grouped, clustered, or multilevel data. However, selection among the covariates—while accounting for this structured dependence—remains a challenge. We introduce a Bayesian decision analysis for subset selection with LMMs. Using a Mahalanobis loss function that incorporates the structured dependence, we derive optimal linear coefficients for (i) any given subset of variables and (ii) all subsets of variables that satisfy a cardinality constraint. Crucially, these estimates inherit shrinkage or regularization and uncertainty quantification from the underlying Bayesian model, and apply for any well-specified Bayesian LMM. More broadly, our decision analysis strategy deemphasizes the role of a single “best” subset, which is often unstable and limited in its information content, and instead favors a collection of near-optimal subsets. This collection is summarized by key member subsets and variable-specific importance metrics. Customized subset search and out-of-sample approximation algorithms are provided for more scalable computing. These tools are applied to simulated data and a longitudinal physical activity dataset, and demonstrate excellent prediction, estimation, and selection ability. Keywords: Bayesian analysis; hierarchical models; prediction; regression; variable selection ## 1 Introduction Linear mixed models (LMMs) enable regression analysis in the presence of structured dependence, such as longitudinal data, grouped or clustered observations, or spatio-temporal effects. LMMs are widespread in both Bayesian and classical statistical analysis and include many hierarchical models and linear regression as special cases. We consider LMMs of the general form $\bm{y}=\bm{X}\bm{\beta}+\bm{Z}\bm{u}+\bm{\epsilon},$ (1) where $\bm{y}$ is the $N$-dimensional response, $\bm{X}$ is the $N\times p$ matrix of covariates, $\bm{\beta}$ is the $p$-dimensional vector of fixed effects regression coefficients, $\bm{Z}$ is the $N\times q$ random effects design matrix, $\bm{u}$ is the $q$-dimensional vector of random effects regression coefficients, and $\bm{\epsilon}$ is the $N$-dimensional observation error. Model (1) is paired with the assumptions that $\bm{u}$ and $\bm{\epsilon}$ are uncorrelated and mean zero with $\mbox{Cov}(\bm{u})=\bm{\Sigma_{u}}$ and $\mbox{Cov}(\bm{\epsilon})=\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}$. Most commonly, the random effects $\bm{u}$ and the errors $\bm{\epsilon}$ are endowed with Gaussian distributions, but our approach does not require any specific distributional assumptions beyond these moments. The benefit of the LMM (1) is that it marries the classical linear regression term $\bm{X}\bm{\beta}$ with a random effects term $\bm{Z}\bm{u}$ to capture structural dependence unexplained by $\bm{X}\bm{\beta}$. More formally, (1) can be expressed in the marginal form $\bm{y}=\bm{X}\bm{\beta}+\bm{\nu},$ where $\bm{\nu}\coloneqq\bm{Z}\bm{u}+\bm{\epsilon}$ has mean zero and covariance $\bm{Z}\bm{\Sigma_{u}}\bm{Z}^{\prime}+\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}$. The covariance of $\bm{\nu}$ incorporates elements of the random effects design $\bm{Z}$, the random effects covariance $\bm{\Sigma_{u}}$, and the observation error covariance $\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}$. LMMs are capable of modeling a broad variety of dependence structures; specific examples are given in Section 2.1. Regardless of the structured dependence in the LMM, a core goal of regression analysis is _selection_ among the $p$ (fixed effects) covariates $\bm{x}$. Selection provides interpretable summaries of the data, reduced storage requirement, and often better prediction and lower estimation variability. We emphasize four main priorities that motivate our approach: 1. (P1) The selection criteria and accompanying performance metrics should account for the _structured dependence_ modeled by the LMM; 2. (P2) Selection should be applied _jointly_ across covariates rather than _marginally_ for each covariate; 3. (P3) Selection of a _single_ “best” subset of covariates should be accompanied by an analysis of “near-optimal” subsets of covariates; and 4. (P4) The inference and selection procedure should be computationally scalable in $N$ and $p$. P1 simply states that any structured dependence worth modeling in the LMM must also be included in the selection and evaluation process—which renders many existing tools ineligible. P2 notes that variables selected using marginal criteria, such as hypothesis tests of the form $H_{0j}:\beta_{j}=0$ or posterior inclusion probabilities from sparse Bayesian models, do not necessarily satisfy any joint optimality criteria. Hence, reporting the marginally-selected variables as a joint subset of variables often lacks justification. More directly, P2 is satisfied only for subset selection. Yet subset selection is accompanied by other challenges, including selection instability and computational scalability. P3 addresses the instability of subset selection: the “best” subset often changes dramatically under minor perturbations or resampling of the data. This effect is most pronounced in the presence of correlated covariates, weak signals, or small sample sizes, and undermines the elevated status of a “best” subset. By instead collecting “near-optimal” subsets, we acquire more information about the competing (predictive) explanations. Lastly, P4 recognizes the computational burdens of subset search and demands tools that are feasible for moderate to large $N$ and $p$. Variable selection for LMMs has most commonly relied on penalized maximum likelihood estimation. Foster et al., (2007) and Wang et al., (2011) incorporated random effects within an adaptive lasso estimation procedure to account for genetic and experimental effects in quantitative trait loci analysis and plant population studies, respectively. Bondell et al., (2010) and Ibrahim et al., (2011) selected fixed and random effects jointly using a modified Cholesky decomposition with adaptive lasso or SCAD penalties. These Cholesky parametrizations are order-dependent, so permutations of the columns of $\bm{Z}$ can produce different estimates and selections. Müller et al., (2013) also noted that the accompanying algorithms can be slow and fail to converge, and reviewed alternative strategies such as information criteria. Fan and Li, (2012) selected fixed effects by marginalizing over the random effects and maximizing a penalized (marginal) log-likelihood. The primary limitation is the need for a “proxy matrix” for the inverse marginal covariance (of $\bm{\nu}$); Fan and Li, (2012) simply used a multiple of the identity matrix, but this ignores the random effects covariance structure. In general, such penalized estimators can address priorities P1, P2, and P4, but not P3: they focus on selecting a single “best” subset, and the accompanying (forward) search paths are too restrictive to enumerate a sufficiently rich collection of competitive subsets. From a Bayesian perspective, Chen and Dunson, (2003) and Kinney and Dunson, (2007) proposed sparsity-inducing spike-and-slab priors for both the fixed and random effects. These priors are compatible with our approach. The primary distinction is the mechanism for selection: Chen and Dunson, (2003) and Kinney and Dunson, (2007) compute posterior probabilities for all possible submodels. However, this strategy is computationally prohibitive and unreliable for small to moderate $p+q$, since only a small fraction of possible subsets can be visited regularly within the stochastic search Gibbs sampler. Hence, P4 is not satisfied. Marginal criteria such as posterior inclusion probabilities or hard-thresholding resolve these challenges, but fail to satisfy P2. More broadly, Lindley, (1968) and Hahn and Carvalho, (2015) have argued that selection is a _decision problem_ distinct from model specification. Sparsity or shrinkage priors cannot alone select variables: the prior is a component of the Bayesian model while the selection process requires its own criteria, typically a loss function that balances accuracy with sparsity. This decision analysis approach to selection has proven useful for functional regression (Kowal and Bourgeois,, 2020), seemingly unrelated regressions (Puelz et al.,, 2017), and graphical models (Bashir et al.,, 2019), among others. However, these methods were not designed for LMMs and therefore fail to satisfy P1. In addition, with the exception of Kowal, 2021a , these decision analysis approaches use (variations of) $\ell_{1}$-penalties and suffer from the same restrictive search paths as in classical penalized regression, which fails to satisfy P3. We propose a Bayesian approach for subset search and selection in LMMs that satisfies P1–P4. Using decision analysis with a predictive loss function that directly incorporates the structured dependence in (1), we derive and compute the optimal linear coefficients for (i) any _given_ subset $\mathcal{S}\subseteq\\{1,\ldots,p\\}$ of variables and (ii) all subsets of variables that satisfy a _cardinality constraint_ $|\mathcal{S}|\leq k$ (P1, P2). These optimal coefficients are computable for any Bayesian LMM and inherit model-based regularization and posterior predictive uncertainty quantification. Linear coefficients are compared across subsets using out-of- sample predictive performance metrics that leverage both the structural dependencies and the predictive uncertainty from the Bayesian LMM. From these metrics, we construct the _acceptable family_ of near-optimal subsets, which collects those subsets that perform nearly as well as the “best” subset with nonnegligble probability under the Bayesian LMM (P3). The acceptable family is more informative and robust than the “best” subset—which itself is a member—and is summarized using other key member subsets and variable importance metrics. Customized subset search and out-of-sample approximation algorithms are provided to enable scalable computing (P4). We focus on subset selection of _fixed effects_ covariates, but note that the distinction between fixed and random effects is less pertinent for Bayesian modeling. Unlike frequentist LMMs that place a prior only on the random effects, Bayesian models require a prior on all parameters. Here, we consider “fixed effects” as those covariates designated for selection, while “random effects” capture the structured dependencies unmodeled by the fixed effects. The methodology is applied to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) data from the 2005-2006 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Repeated measurements of daily MVPA were recorded for each subject for one to seven days, along with several subject-specific demographic, health, and behavioral variables. The goal is to analyze which of these variables predict MVPA while adhering to priorities P1–P4 and accounting for the structured dependence implied by the longitudinal observations. The paper is outlined as follows: Section 2 develops the methodology and algorithms; Section 3 provides results for simulated data; Section 4 presents an application to physical activity data; Section 5 concludes. Supporting information includes a document with additional simulation results, and additional results from the NHANES application, proofs of all results, and computational details; and R code to reproduce the simulation study and data analysis. An R package is available at ## 2 Methods ### 2.1 Predictive decision analysis for linear mixed models Bayesian analysis of LMMs pairs the model (1) with suitable priors on $\bm{\beta}$ and $\bm{u}$ and a distributional choice for $\bm{\epsilon}$ to determine the likelihood, which is typically Gaussian. Specific choices will depend on the formulation of (1) and are discussed subsequently; for now, we denote a generic Bayesian LMM by $\mathcal{M}$. The Bayesian model $\mathcal{M}$ induces a data-generating process via the posterior predictive distribution, $p_{\mathcal{M}}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\mid\bm{y}\\}=\int p_{\mathcal{M}}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\mid\bm{\theta}\\}\ p_{\mathcal{M}}(\bm{\theta}\mid\bm{y})\ d\bm{\theta},$ (2) where $\bm{\theta}$ denotes the model $\mathcal{M}$ parameters including $\bm{\beta}$, $\bm{u}$, and any covariance parameters. The terms in the integrand are defined by the likelihood in (1) evaluated at the covariate values $\bm{\tilde{X}}$ and $\bm{\tilde{Z}}$ and the joint posterior distribution under $\mathcal{M}$. Informally, (2) describes the distribution of future or unobserved data $\bm{\tilde{y}}$ at the design matrices $\bm{\tilde{X}}$ and $\bm{\tilde{Z}}$ conditional on the observed data $\bm{y}$ and according to model $\mathcal{M}$. The choice of $\bm{\tilde{X}}$ and $\bm{\tilde{Z}}$ can target covariate values or subpopulations of interest and determines the type of predictive observations, such as predictions for a new group or new measurements on an existing group. Absent other considerations, our default is the observed matrices, $\bm{\tilde{X}}=\bm{X}$ and $\bm{\tilde{Z}}=\bm{Z}$ While the posterior predictive distribution formalizes the model-based uncertainty about unobserved data $\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})$, _predictive decision analysis_ determines the actions—point or interval predictions or estimators, selection among hypotheses, etc.—that provide optimal data-driven decision- making under $\mathcal{M}$. Here, the goals are to (i) compute optimal linear coefficients for any given subset $\mathcal{S}\subseteq\\{1,\ldots,p\\}$ of variables, (ii) conduct an efficient search over candidates subsets, and (iii) evaluate and compare predictive performance among subsets—all while adhering to the priorities P1–P4. Predictive decision analysis requires a loss function of the form $\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}\\}$, which enumerates the cost of an action $\bm{\delta}$ when $\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})$ is realized. In accordance with P1 and P2, we deploy a Mahalanobis loss function $\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}};\bm{\psi}\\}=\|\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})-\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}\|_{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}}^{2}$ (3) where $\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}$ is the $p$-dimensional linear coefficients with zeros for any index $j\not\in\mathcal{S}$ and the norm $\|\bm{v}\|_{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}}^{2}=\bm{v}^{\prime}\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}\bm{v}$ depends on a positive definite weighting matrix $\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}$ that can depend on model parameters $\bm{\psi}$. For LMMs, a natural choice of $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$ is the inverse marginal covariance of $\bm{\nu}$, $\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}=(\bm{\tilde{Z}}\bm{\Sigma_{u}}\bm{\tilde{Z}}^{\prime}+\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}})^{-1}$ (4) with $\bm{\psi}=(\bm{\Sigma_{u}},\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}})$. While the central quantity $\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})-\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}$ in (3) explicitly measures the linear predictive ability of a subset of variables $\mathcal{S}$, the choice of (4) incorporates weighting to account for the structured dependencies that are unknown yet modeled by the random effects under the LMM. With (4), the Mahalanobis loss (3) resembles a multivariate Gaussian (negative) log-likelihood. However, this mathematical similarity should not be confused with a distributional assumption: the Mahalanobis predictive loss (3) inherits a joint posterior predictive distribution $p_{\mathcal{M}}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}\\}$ under $\mathcal{M}$. For any _given_ subset $\mathcal{S}$, the optimal coefficients are obtained by minimizing the posterior expected loss under $\mathcal{M}$: $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}}\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}};\bm{\psi}\\},$ (5) which averages over the joint uncertainty in $\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})$ and $\bm{\psi}$ conditional on the data $\bm{y}$ and according to the model $\mathcal{M}$. The solution to (5) is derived explicitly: ###### Lemma 1. When $\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\|\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\|_{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}}^{2}<\infty$, the optimal coefficients in (5) for a _given_ subset $\mathcal{S}\subseteq\\{1,\ldots,p\\}$ is given by the nonzero entries $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}=(\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{\prime}\bm{\hat{\Omega}}\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}})^{-1}\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{\prime}\bm{\hat{y}^{\Omega}}$ (6) with zeros for indices $j\not\in\mathcal{S}$, where $\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}}$ subsets the columns of $\bm{\tilde{X}}$ based on $\mathcal{S}$ and $\bm{\hat{\Omega}}\coloneqq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}$ and $\bm{\hat{y}^{\Omega}}\coloneqq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\\{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\\}$ are posterior expectations under $\mathcal{M}$. A generalized inverse may be substituted when the solution (6) is nonunique. Lemma 1 explicitly derives the optimal Bayesian estimator under Mahalanobis loss for any _given_ subset $\mathcal{S}$. The optimal $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}$ is a “fit to the fit” from $\mathcal{M}$, and therefore inherits shrinkage or regularization from the Bayesian LMM. For illustration, consider a fixed and known weighting matrix $\bm{\Omega}$: the pseudo-response variable is $\bm{\hat{y}^{\Omega}}=\bm{\Omega}\bm{\hat{y}}$ where $\bm{\hat{y}}\coloneqq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}}\mid\bm{y}]}\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})=\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\hat{\bm{\beta}}}+\bm{\tilde{Z}}\bm{\hat{u}}$ for $\bm{\hat{\beta}}\coloneqq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\beta}\mid\bm{y}]}\bm{\beta}$ and $\bm{\hat{u}}\coloneqq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{u}\mid\bm{y}]}\bm{u}$. The regularization from $\mathcal{M}$—usually applied via the priors for $\bm{\beta}$ and $\bm{u}$—is valuable for point prediction and estimation, and its absence in classical subset selection is detrimental (Hastie et al.,, 2020). The optimal coefficients in (6) resemble generalized least squares (GLS) estimators for linear regression, including LMMs. The primary challenge in GLS estimation is that the inverse covariance or weight matrix $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$ is unknown. Feasible GLS iteratively estimates the covariance and the linear coefficients via plug-in estimation, which is suboptimal. For LMMs, Fan and Li, (2012) substituted a multiple of the identity matrix for $\bm{\Sigma_{u}}$ in (4) in order to avoid estimation of this covariance. These concessions are avoided in our approach: we solve a GLS optimization problem, but compute model-based expectations jointly over the unknown parameters—including the necessary inverse covariance matrix. The estimate of $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$ derives from the Bayesian LMM (1), which can benefit from the model-based regularization induced by the choice of shrinkage or sparsity priors under $\mathcal{M}$. ### 2.2 The Mahalanobis weight matrix To illustrate the use of the weighting matrix $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$, we consider several examples. Since $\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}=\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}^{-1}-\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}^{-1}\bm{\tilde{Z}}(\bm{\Sigma_{u}}^{-1}+\bm{\tilde{Z}}^{\prime}\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}^{-1}\bm{\tilde{Z}})^{-1}\bm{\tilde{Z}}^{\prime}\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}^{-1}$ by the Woodbury identity, the common assumption of $\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}=\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\bm{I}_{N}$ results in the simplification $\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}=\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}(\bm{I}_{N}-\bm{\tilde{Z}}\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}^{-1}\bm{\tilde{Z}}^{\prime}),$ (7) where $\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}\coloneqq\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\bm{\Sigma_{u}}^{-1}+\bm{\tilde{Z}}^{\prime}\bm{\tilde{Z}}$. The Mahalanobis predictive loss (3) then decomposes as $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}};\bm{\psi}\\}=\|\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})-\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}\|_{2}^{2}-\|\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})-\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}\|_{\bm{\tilde{Z}}\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}^{-1}\bm{\tilde{Z}}^{\prime}}^{2}$ which isolates the contribution from the squared error loss and the Mahalanobis loss based only on $\bm{\tilde{Z}}$ and $\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}$—i.e., the critical terms in the random effects component. The optimal coefficients in (6) require computation of $\bm{\hat{\Omega}}$ and $\bm{\hat{y}^{\Omega}}$ under $\mathcal{M}$. We further consider two important examples: the random intercept model (Section 2.2.1) and the random slope model (Section 2.2.2). #### 2.2.1 Random intercept model Consider longitudinal observations $\\{y_{ij}\\}_{j=1}^{m_{i}}$ on each subject $i=1,\ldots,n$, so $N=\sum_{i=1}^{n}m_{i}$. The within-subject correlations are often modeled using the random intercept model $y_{ij}=\bm{x}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\beta}+u_{i}+\epsilon_{ij},$ (8) usually with $u_{i}\stackrel{{\scriptstyle iid}}{{\sim}}N(0,\sigma_{u}^{2})$ and $\epsilon_{ij}\stackrel{{\scriptstyle iid}}{{\sim}}N(0,\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2})$. The crucial role of $u_{i}$ cannot be ignored: since $\mbox{Corr}(y_{ij},y_{ij^{\prime}}\mid\bm{x}_{i},\bm{\beta})=\sigma_{u}^{2}/(\sigma_{u}^{2}+\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2})$, $\sigma_{u}$ accounts for the within-subject correlation that remains unexplained by the covariates $\bm{x}_{i}$. Model (8) is a special case of (1) with $\bm{\Sigma_{u}}=\sigma_{u}^{2}\bm{I}_{N}$ and $\bm{Z}=\mbox{bdiag}\\{\bm{1}_{m_{i}}\\}_{i=1}^{n}$ is a block diagonal matrix with $n$ $m_{i}$-dimensional vectors of ones. For predictive decision analysis, let $\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}$ denote the target covariate values and $\tilde{m}_{i}$ the number of observations for each subject $i=1,\ldots,\tilde{n}$, which determines $\bm{\tilde{Z}}$. The subject-specific predictive variables are $\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})=(\bm{\tilde{y}}_{1}^{\prime},\ldots,\bm{\tilde{y}}_{\tilde{n}}^{\prime})^{\prime}$ with $\bm{\tilde{y}}_{i}=(\tilde{y}_{i1},\ldots,\tilde{y}_{i\tilde{m}_{i}})^{\prime}$ and the fixed effects covariate matrix is $\bm{\tilde{X}}=(\bm{1}_{m_{1}}^{\prime}\otimes\bm{\tilde{x}}_{1},\ldots,\bm{1}_{m_{\tilde{n}}}^{\prime}\otimes\bm{\tilde{x}}_{\tilde{n}})^{\prime}$. To compute $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$, observe that $\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}=\mbox{bdiag}\\{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}^{\prime}\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}\\}_{i=1}^{n}=\mbox{diag}\\{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\tilde{m}_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{n}$ and $\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}^{-1}=\mbox{diag}\\{(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\tilde{m}_{i})^{-1}\\}_{i=1}^{n}$, so the Mahalanobis weight matrix (up to $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}$) is $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}=\mbox{bdiag}\Big{\\{}\bm{I}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}-\frac{1}{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\tilde{m}_{i}}\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}^{\prime}\Big{\\}}_{i=1}^{n}$ (9) and does not require any numerical matrix inversions. Given (9), the Mahalanobis predictive loss simplifies to $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\|\bm{\tilde{y}}-\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}\|_{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}}^{2}=\sum_{i=1}^{\tilde{n}}\Big{[}\sum_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}_{i}}({\tilde{y}}_{ij}-\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}})^{2}-\frac{1}{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\tilde{m}_{i}}\Big{\\{}\sum_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}_{i}}(\tilde{y}_{ij}-\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}})\Big{\\}}^{2}\Big{]}$ (10) which clearly isolates the difference between the Mahalanobis loss and squared error loss. In particular, (10) incorporates the sign of the errors $e_{ij}\coloneqq{\tilde{y}}_{ij}-\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}$. For example, suppose $\tilde{n}=1$ and $\tilde{m}_{1}=2$, so the Mahalanobis loss (up to $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}$) is $e_{1}^{2}+e_{2}^{2}-(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+2)^{-1}(e_{1}+e_{2})^{2}$. The squared error loss $e_{1}^{2}+e_{2}^{2}$ is invariant to the signs of the errors. However, the second term in (10) includes a reduction in the loss by a factor of $(e_{1}+e_{2})^{2}$, which is larger when the errors have the same sign. Compared to the squared error loss, this Mahalanobis loss is more forgiving for errors in the same direction—and this is accentuated when $\sigma_{u}$ is large—which reflects the within-subject correlation induced by the underlying model (8). The posterior expectation $\bm{\hat{\Omega}}$ of (9) is straightforward to compute, for example given posterior samples of $\\{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2},\sigma_{u}^{2}\\}$. To compute the posterior expectation of $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})$, the block diagonality simplifies this term to $n$ blocks of the form $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}\\{\bm{I}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}-(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\tilde{m}_{i})^{-1}\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}^{\prime}\\}\bm{\tilde{y}}_{i}=\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}\bm{\tilde{y}}_{i}-\\{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}/\sigma_{u}^{2}+\tilde{m}_{i})^{-1}\sum_{j=1}^{\tilde{m}_{i}}\tilde{y}_{ij}\\}\bm{1}_{\tilde{m}_{i}}.$ The posterior expectation of each $\tilde{m}_{i}$-dimensional vector is easily computable given posterior samples of $\\{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2},\sigma_{u}^{2},\bm{\tilde{y}}_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{\tilde{n}}$. ###### Remark. These simplifications also provide a scalable Gibbs sampling algorithm for a Gaussian random intercept model with large $N,p$. We apply a _joint_ sampling step for all fixed and random effects that (nearly) maintains the computational scalability of Bayesian linear regression _without_ the random intercepts. For simplicity, fix $m_{i}=m$ and let $\bm{Y}=[y_{ij}]$ denote the $n\times m$ matrix of observations. The strategy is to decompose $[\bm{\beta},\\{u_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{n}\mid\bm{y},-]=[\bm{\beta}\mid\bm{y},-][\\{u_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{n}\mid\bm{y},\bm{\beta},-]$ and draw from the constituents of the product. Under the prior $\bm{\beta}\sim N(\bm{0},\bm{\Sigma}_{\beta})$ and $u_{i}\stackrel{{\scriptstyle iid}}{{\sim}}N(0,\sigma_{u}^{2})$, the regression coefficients satisfy $[\bm{\beta}\mid\bm{y},-]\sim N(\bm{Q}_{\beta}^{-1}\bm{\ell}_{\beta},\bm{Q}_{\beta}^{-1})$ with $\bm{Q}_{\beta}=\omega^{tot}\bm{X}^{\prime}\bm{X}+\bm{\Sigma}_{\beta}^{-1}$ and $\bm{\ell}_{\beta}=\bm{X}^{\prime}\bm{Y}{\bm{\omega}_{\cdot}}^{tot}$, where $\omega^{tot}=\sum_{k,j}\bm{\Omega}_{kj}$ is the grand sum and ${\bm{\omega}_{\cdot}}^{tot}=(\omega_{\cdot 1}^{tot},\ldots,\omega_{\cdot m}^{tot})^{\prime}$ for $\omega_{\cdot j}^{tot}=\sum_{k=1}^{m}\bm{\Omega}_{kj}$ is the column sums of $\bm{\Omega}$ defined in (9). Notably, this distributional form matches the canonical posterior distribution of the regression coefficients for (non-LMM) Gaussian linear regression, which admits efficient sampling methods for large $n,p$ (Bhattacharya et al.,, 2016; Nishimura and Suchard,, 2018). The random intercepts are sampled independently via $[u_{i}\mid\bm{y},\bm{\beta},-]\sim N(Q_{u_{i}}^{-1}\ell_{u_{i}},Q_{u_{i}}^{-1})$ with $Q_{u_{i}}=m\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}+\sigma_{u}^{-2}$ and $\ell_{u_{i}}=\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}\sum_{j=1}^{m}(y_{ij}-\bm{x}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\beta})$ for $i=1,\ldots,n$. Most important, these sampling steps for high-dimensional Bayesian random intercept regression are comparable to those for high- dimensional Bayesian linear regression, and only add minimal additional computations related to summations of $\bm{\Omega}$ and (parallelizable) draws of the scalar random intercepts $u_{i}$. The remaining sampling steps for the variance components are standard but depend on the choice of priors. These results also apply to Gibbs samplers for Gaussian mixture models (e.g., Dirichlet process mixtures of Gaussians) for $\epsilon_{ij}$ and/or $u_{i}$. #### 2.2.2 Random slope model Subject-specific slopes are common in hierarchical or multilevel models. By applying (1) with $\bm{Z}=\mbox{bdiag}\\{\bm{x}_{i}^{\prime}\\}_{i=1}^{n}$, the random slope model allows for subject-specific deviations from the population-level coefficients $\bm{\beta}$ (including a subject-specific intercept): $y_{i}=\bm{x}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\beta}_{i}+\epsilon_{i},\quad\bm{\beta}_{i}\coloneqq\bm{\beta}+\bm{u}_{i}.$ (11) Model (11) is often accompanied by shrinkage priors on $\bm{\beta}$ and $\bm{u}_{i}$ to regularize against unnecessary predictors and unnecessary heterogeneity, respectively. Predictive decision analysis with Mahalanobis loss enables coefficient estimation and subset selection for $\bm{x}$ (see Section 2.4) while adjusting for the heterogeneities induced by the random effects $\bm{u}_{i}$. When $\bm{\Sigma_{\epsilon}}=\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\bm{I}_{N}$, the key term $\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}^{-1}$ in the inverse covariance (7) is directly available from the Sherman-Morrison formula, $\bm{\Sigma_{u^{*}}}^{-1}=\sigma_{\epsilon}^{-2}\mbox{bdiag}\big{\\{}\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}}-\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}}\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}}/(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}})\big{\\}}_{i=1}^{n}$. The accompanying Mahalanobis weight matrix then simplifies to the diagonal matrix $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}=\mbox{diag}\\{\omega_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{n}$ with $\omega_{i}\coloneqq 1/(\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}+\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}}\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i})$, which is computable without numerical matrix inversions. The implied Mahalanobis predictive loss is the weighted least squares $\|\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})-\bm{\tilde{X}}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}\|_{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}}^{2}=\sum_{i=1}^{\tilde{n}}\omega_{i}\\{\tilde{y}_{i}(\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i})-\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}\\}^{2}$. The subject-specific weights $\omega_{i}$ are primarily driven by $\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}}\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i}$, where $\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}}$ is the covariance of the subject-specific deviations $\bm{u}_{i}=\bm{\beta}_{i}-\bm{\beta}$. The posterior expectations required by Lemma 1 are straightforward: $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}=\mbox{diag}\\{\omega_{i}\\}_{i=1}^{n}$ and $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})$ is an $\tilde{n}$-dimensional vector with elements $\\{\omega_{i}\tilde{y}_{i}(\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i})\\}_{i=1}^{\tilde{n}}$, both of which are easily computable given posterior samples of $\\{\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2},\bm{\Sigma_{u_{i}}},\tilde{y}_{i}(\bm{\tilde{x}}_{i})\\}_{i=1}^{\tilde{n}}$. ### 2.3 Subset search for linear mixed models Although Lemma 1 produces the optimal linear coefficients for a _given_ subset $\mathcal{S}$, it does not guide the subset _search_ or _selection_ process. To remedy this, we append the Mahalanobis loss function (3) with a _cardinality constraint_ and define the optimal action $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{k}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\bm{\delta}}\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta};\bm{\psi}\\}\quad\mbox{subject to}\quad\|\bm{\delta}\|_{0}\leq k$ (12) so $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{k}$ provides the optimal coefficients among all subsets with _at most_ $k$ variables. The solution in (12) resemble the “best subset selection” problem in classical regression (e.g., Miller,, 1984), suitably modified for Bayesian decision analysis. The cardinality constraint diverges from the ubiquitous strategy among decision analysis methods for variable selection, which is to append the loss function (e.g., (3)) with an $\ell_{1}$-penalty to encourage sparsity among the coefficients (Hahn and Carvalho,, 2015). Such a strategy may be viewed as a convex relaxation of (12). However, the $\ell_{1}$-penalty introduces additional regularization—beyond the regularization from $\mathcal{M}$—and can overshrink true signals. Adaptive lasso-type adjustments are available (Kowal et al.,, 2021) but cannot circumvent this issue entirely. Further, the (adaptive) lasso-based search paths are highly constrained within the space of all possible subsets, and therefore cannot enumerate a sufficiently broad collection of competitive subsets to satisfy P3. We instead target (12) directly, and provide a substantial simplification of the solution: ###### Theorem 1. The optimal coefficients (12) using the loss (3) and the cardinality constraint $\|\bm{\delta}\|_{0}\leq k$ (with $k\leq p$) are $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{k}=\arg\min_{\bm{\delta}}\|\bm{y}^{*}-\bm{X}^{*}\bm{\delta}\|_{2}^{2}\quad\mbox{subject to}\quad\|\bm{\delta}\|_{0}=k$ (13) where $\bm{y}^{*}\coloneqq\bm{\hat{\Omega}}^{-1/2}\bm{\hat{y}^{\Omega}}$, $\bm{X}^{*}\coloneqq\bm{\hat{\Omega}}^{1/2}\bm{\tilde{X}}$, and $(\bm{\hat{\Omega}}^{1/2})^{\prime}\bm{\hat{\Omega}}^{1/2}=\bm{\hat{\Omega}}$. The expected predictive Mahalanobis loss in (12) is reduced to a squared error loss involving pseudo-data $\bm{y}^{*}$ and $\bm{X}^{*}$. Most important, the squared error representation in (13) enables application of state-of-the-art subset search algorithms for _classical_ linear regression (Furnival and Wilson,, 2000; Bertsimas et al.,, 2016) to the setting of (12). The pseudo- data $\bm{y}^{*}$ and $\bm{X}^{*}$ are a one-time computing cost, while the matrix square root $\bm{\hat{\Omega}}^{1/2}$ often admits fast Cholesky decompositions (e.g., block diagonality in Section 2.2.1) or direct computations (e.g., diagonality in Section 2.2.2) depending on the form of the LMM (1). In addition, Theorem 1 reduces the search space from $2^{k}$ subsets to $p\choose{k}$ subsets. For any subset of size $k$, we simply apply Lemma 1 to compute the optimal linear coefficients as in (6). Despite these advantageous results, Theorem 1 also highlights the limitations of the representation in (12). First, this solution does not consider P3: there may be many near-optimal subsets of smaller sizes, yet all subsets with $|\mathcal{S}|<k$ are immediately discarded. Second, this solution does not favor parsimony: the optimal coefficients $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{k}$ are the _largest_ allowable subset under the cardinality constraint. Hence, optimizing over all possible subsets is achieved by setting $k=p$, which yields a trivial solution: ###### Corollary 1. The optimal coefficients under the loss (3) and computed _across all possible subsets_ $\mathcal{S}\subseteq\\{1,\ldots,p\\}$ are $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{\widehat{S}}}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\mathcal{S},\bm{\delta}}\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta};\bm{\psi}\\}=\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\\{1,\ldots,p\\}}=(\bm{\tilde{X}}^{\prime}\bm{\hat{\Omega}}\bm{\tilde{X}})^{-1}\bm{\tilde{X}}^{\prime}\bm{\hat{y}^{\Omega}}$ with $\mathcal{\widehat{S}}=\\{1,\ldots,p\\}$. Clearly, selection via direct optimization is inadvisable: the selected subset includes all variables and therefore is invariant to the data or the model. In conjunction, Theorem 1 and Corollary 1 imply the need to (i) search over multiple cardinalities $k=1,\ldots,p$ and (ii) develop alternative metrics to compare subsets of distinct sizes. Even with the simplifications of Theorem 1 and the accompanying subset search algorithms (Furnival and Wilson,, 2000; Bertsimas et al.,, 2016), it is often necessary to restrict the search space when $p$ is moderate or large. We do so by bounding the maximum subset size $s_{max}\leq p$ and the number of subsets $s_{k}\leq{p\choose k}$ of each size $k$. First, we pre-screen to select the $s_{max}=\min\\{p,35\\}$ covariates that have the largest effect sizes under the LMM. Although this pre-screening applies a _marginal_ criterion, it is based on a _joint_ model under $\mathcal{M}$. In that sense, this procedure is similar to the most popular Bayesian variable selection strategies based on posterior inclusion probabilities or hard-thresholding. In our case, this is a coarse pre- screening technique, not a terminal selection procedure. Second, we apply the _branch-and-bound algorithm_ (BBA; Furnival and Wilson,, 2000) to filter to the “best” $s_{k}$ subsets of each size $k=1,\ldots,s_{max}$. BBA searches through a tree-based enumeration of all possible subsets (up to size $s_{max}$), yet avoids an exhaustive subset search by carefully eliminating non-competitive subsets (or branches) according to least squares. Hence, application of BBA requires a least squares representation of the expected predictive Mahalanobis loss in (12), which we provide below: ###### Lemma 2. Let $\bm{\delta}_{1}$ and $\bm{\delta}_{2}$ denote linear coefficients. When $\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\|\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\|_{\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}}^{2}<\infty$, we have the ordering equivalence $\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}_{1};\bm{\psi}\\}\leq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}_{2};\bm{\psi}\\}$ if and only if $\|\bm{y}^{*}-\bm{X}^{*}\bm{\delta}_{1}\|_{2}^{2}\leq\|\bm{y}^{*}-\bm{X}^{*}\bm{\delta}_{2}\|_{2}^{2}.$ The key implication of Lemma 2 is that we may directly apply BBA using the pseudo-data $\bm{y}^{*}$ and $\bm{X}^{*}$ (defined in Theorem 1) to obtain the “best” $s_{k}$ subsets of each size $k=1,\ldots,s_{max}$. Ideally, $s_{k}$ should be set to the largest size possible for a given computing budget. We use the default values $s_{k}=15$ or $s_{k}=100$ and apply the efficient BBA implementation in the leaps package in R. However, Lemma 2 also enables any other subset search strategy based on least squares (e.g., Bertsimas et al.,, 2016). ### 2.4 Acceptable families for near-optimal subsets Subset selection via the decision analysis in (12) is incomplete: the solution returns only the “best” model of each size $k$ and trivially prefers the largest possible subset. Additional tools are needed to (i) compare subsets of distinct sizes and (ii) collect the _near-optimal_ subsets in accordance with P3. For these tasks, we use _out-of-sample_ predictive performance and adapt the _acceptable family_ of Kowal, 2021b for the LMM setting. Informally, the acceptable family is the collection of all subsets that (nearly) match the predictive performance of the “best” subset with nonnegligble probability under $\mathcal{M}$. By studying this collection of near-optimal subsets, we deemphasize the role of a single “best” subset in favor of many distinct yet predictively-competitive alternatives. The acceptable family has been applied for Bayesian subset selection (Kowal, 2021a, ), $\ell_{1}$-penalized selection (Kowal et al.,, 2021), and targeted variable selection (Kowal, 2021b, ), but none have considered LMMs. The acceptable family is built by evaluating out-of-sample predictive performance, which requires careful consideration for LMMs. For repeated or longitudinal observations, it must be determined whether to evaluate predictions for new subjects or for new measurements on existing subjects. For concreteness, we proceed under the longitudinal setting of Section 2.2.1 and evaluate predictions on new subjects. Modifications for other cases are available. Consider $n$ subjects with $m_{i}$ observations per subject, $i=1,\ldots,n$. We implement a Bayesian $K$-fold cross-validation procedure, where the $K$ folds are taken across subjects $i=1,\ldots,n$. Let $\mathcal{I}_{k}\subset\\{1,\ldots,n\\}$ denote the $k$th validation set, where each subject point appears in one validation set, $\cup_{k=1}^{K}\mathcal{I}_{k}=\\{1,\ldots,n\\}$. By default, we use $K=10$ validation sets that are equally-sized, mutually exclusive, and selected randomly from $\\{1,\ldots,n\\}$. For each subset $\mathcal{S}$, we define the out-of-sample _empirical loss_ $\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{S}}\coloneqq\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^{K}\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{S}}(k),\quad\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{S}}(k)\coloneqq\frac{1}{|\mathcal{I}_{k}|}\mathcal{L}(\bm{y}_{\mathcal{I}_{k}},\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}};\bm{\hat{\psi}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}),$ (14) where $\bm{y}_{\mathcal{I}_{k}}\coloneqq\\{\bm{y}_{i}\\}_{i\in\mathcal{I}_{k}}$ denotes the response variables on the validation data with $\bm{y}_{i}=(y_{i1},\ldots,y_{im_{i}})^{\prime}$, $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}}\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\tilde{y}},\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}_{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}]}\mathcal{L}(\bm{\tilde{y}}_{\mathcal{I}_{k}},\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}};\bm{\psi}\\}$ are the optimal coefficients (5) but estimated using only the training data $\bm{y}_{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}\coloneqq\\{\bm{y}_{i}\\}_{i\not\in\mathcal{I}_{k}}$, and, with abuse of notation, $\bm{\hat{\psi}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}$ in (14) indicates the Mahalanobis loss (3) with weighting matrix $\bm{\hat{\Omega}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}\coloneqq\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}_{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}]}\bm{\Omega}_{\bm{\psi}}$. The empirical loss (14) resembles classical $K$-fold cross-validation with a point estimate for each Mahalanobis loss weighting matrix. From this quantity, we define the “best” subset for out-of-sample point prediction, $\mathcal{S}_{min}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\mathcal{S}}\mathcal{L}_{\mathcal{S}},$ (15) so that $\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min}}$ are the optimal linear coefficients for the subset $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ that minimizes (14). To define the acceptable family, we first introduce the out-of-sample _predictive loss_ analogous to (14): $\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}\coloneqq\frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^{K}\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}(k),\quad\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}(k)\coloneqq\frac{1}{|\mathcal{I}_{k}|}\mathcal{L}(\bm{\tilde{y}}_{\mathcal{I}_{k}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}},\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}};\bm{\psi}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}})$ (16) where $\bm{\tilde{y}}_{\mathcal{I}_{k}}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}\sim p_{\mathcal{M}}[\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{x}_{i},\bm{z}_{i})\\}_{i\in\mathcal{I}_{k}}\mid\bm{y}_{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}]$ denotes the predictive variables in the validation set conditional on the training data and $\bm{\psi}^{-\mathcal{I}_{k}}$ similarly conditions only on the training data. Unlike the empirical loss ${\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}$, the predictive loss $\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}$ incorporates out- of-sample predictive _uncertainty_ under $\mathcal{M}$, as well as the uncertainty regarding relevant model parameters $\bm{\psi}$. The uncertainty reflects the fact that the validation data $\bm{y}_{\mathcal{I}_{k}}$ represent only one possible realization of observables at the covariate values $\\{\bm{x}_{i},\bm{z}_{i}\\}_{i\in\mathcal{I}_{k}}$. The (out-of-sample) predictive distribution provides alternative model-based realizations, and hence is informative for quantifying the uncertainty of out-of-sample predictive performance. Using the predictive loss, the acceptable family is defined as those subsets that are “near-optimal” relative to $\mathcal{S}_{min}$: $\mathbb{A}_{\eta,\varepsilon}\coloneqq\big{\\{}\mathcal{S}:\mathbb{P}_{\mathcal{M}}\big{(}\widetilde{\mathcal{D}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min},\mathcal{S}}<\eta\big{)}\geq\varepsilon\big{\\}},\quad\eta\geq 0,\varepsilon\in[0,1]$ (17) where $\widetilde{\mathcal{D}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min},\mathcal{S}}\coloneqq 100\times(\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}-\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min}})/\widetilde{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min}}$ is the percent increase in predictive loss for subset $\mathcal{S}$ relative to $\mathcal{S}_{min}$, $\eta\geq 0\%$ is the margin, and $\varepsilon\in[0,1]$ is the probability level. Equivalently, a subset $\mathcal{S}$ is acceptable if and only if there exists a lower $(1-\varepsilon)$ posterior prediction interval for $\widetilde{\mathcal{D}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min},\mathcal{S}}$ that includes $\eta$ (Kowal, 2021b, ). Subsets are _not_ acceptable if there is insufficient predictive probability under $\mathcal{M}$ that the out-of-sample accuracy is within a predetermined margin of the “best” subset. $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ is necessarily a member of $\mathbb{A}_{\eta,\epsilon}$ for any $(\eta,\varepsilon)$, so the acceptable family is always nonempty. Larger values of $\eta$ and smaller values of $\varepsilon$ expand the acceptable family; we select $\eta=0$ and $\varepsilon=0.10$ by default and conduct sensitivity analyses (see also Kowal, 2021b, ; Kowal et al.,, 2021; Kowal, 2021a, for further sensitivity evaluations). The acceptable family is related to fence methods for model selection (Jiang et al.,, 2008), which seek to eliminate “incorrect” models using likelihood criteria. These methods rely on asymptotic arguments or bootstrap computations, while our approach emphasizes out-of-sample predictive performance with (finite-sample) predictive uncertainty quantification under the LMM. Fence methods primarily focus on selection of a _single_ model, rather than analysis of the _collection_ of near-optimal models or subsets. Most critically, in our empirical examples the fence methods failed to converge for $p\geq 10$ (using the R package fence), while the proposed approach is highly scalable in both $n$ and $p$. We summarize the acceptable family using two strategies. First, we report two key members: the “best” subset $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ and the _smallest_ acceptable subset, $\mathcal{S}_{small}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\mathcal{S}\in\mathbb{A}_{\eta,\varepsilon}}|\mathcal{S}|,$ (18) which is the smallest subset of covariates that satisfies the near-optimality condition in (17). Typically, we find $|\mathcal{S}_{small}|\ll|\mathcal{S}_{min}|$ which is expected: selection based on minimizing cross-validation error is known to produce models that are unnecessarily complex. Although we caution against overreliance on any single subset, $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ is a uniquely valuable summary of the acceptable family: smaller subsets are _not_ acceptable, and therefore $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ offers a notion of the “necessary” variables for near- optimal prediction. When $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ is nonunique, the acceptable subsets of size $|\mathcal{S}_{small}|$ should be evaluated in concert; a unique choice of $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ is given by the acceptable subset of this size that achieves the smallest empirical loss (14). Second, we summarize $\mathbb{A}_{\eta,\varepsilon}$ using the variable importance metric for each covariate $j$: $\mbox{VI}_{\rm incl}(j)\coloneqq|\mathbb{A}_{\eta,\varepsilon}|^{-1}\sum_{\mathcal{S}\in\mathbb{A}_{\eta,\varepsilon}}\mathbb{I}\\{j\in\mathcal{S}\\},$ (19) which can also be generalized for two or more covariates (Kowal, 2021a, ). This quantity is most informative at each endpoint: $\mbox{VI}_{\rm incl}(j)\approx 1$ implies that covariate $j$ belongs to (nearly) all acceptable subsets and is therefore an essential or _keystone_ covariate, while $\mbox{VI}_{\rm incl}(j)\approx 0$ suggests that covariate $j$ is irrelevant for (nearly) all acceptable subsets. By design, $\mbox{VI}_{\rm incl}(j)$ provides a _variable-specific_ summary of the acceptable family of subsets. This metric is broadly related to stability selection (Meinshausen and Bühlmann,, 2010) and frequentist aggregation of variable importance across many “good” models (Dong and Rudin,, 2019). To compute the out-of-sample quantities in (14) and (16) under $\mathcal{M}$, we use an importance sampling algorithm. This algorithm requires only the _in- sample_ posterior under the LMM and hence avoids the intensive processing of re-fitting $\mathcal{M}$ for each of the $K$ folds. The algorithm is detailed in the supporting information and modifies previous approaches (Kowal, 2021b, ; Kowal et al.,, 2021; Kowal, 2021a, ) for LMMs and Mahalanobis loss. ### 2.5 Predictive uncertainty quantification for each action For any subset $\mathcal{S}$, we provide uncertainty quantification for the optimal linear coefficients $\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}$ using the predictive distribution under $\mathcal{M}$. Specifically, we modify (5) to remove the expectation under $p_{\mathcal{M}}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\mid\bm{y}\\}$ and therefore preserve the predictive uncertainty quantification: $\bm{\tilde{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}\coloneqq\arg\min_{\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}}}\mathbb{E}_{[\bm{\psi}\mid\bm{y}]}\mathcal{L}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}),\bm{\delta}_{\mathcal{S}};\bm{\psi}\\}=(\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{\prime}\bm{\hat{\Omega}}\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}})^{-1}\bm{\tilde{X}}_{\mathcal{S}}^{\prime}\bm{\hat{\Omega}}\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}}).$ (20) This mechanism for uncertainty quantification generalizes the predictive projection approach from Kowal, 2021a to account for Mahalanobis loss. In particular, (20) includes marginalization over $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$ to ensure that the resulting quantity is exclusively a _posterior predictive_ variable with a distribution induced by $p_{\mathcal{M}}\\{\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})\mid\bm{y}\\}$. However, (20) can be modified to include the uncertainty of $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$ by replacing $\bm{\hat{\Omega}}$ with $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$. Posterior samples of $\bm{\tilde{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}$ only require posterior predictive samples of $\bm{\tilde{y}}(\bm{\tilde{X}},\bm{\tilde{Z}})$—which can be shared among all subsets $\mathcal{S}$ of interest—and the solution to a GLS problem (20). In particular, we use (20) to compute interval estimates for the linear coefficients associated with $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{small}$. ## 3 Simulation study We evaluate the proposed LMM subset selection techniques using simulated data from a Gaussian random intercept model. First, we generate $p$ correlated fixed effects covariates from marginal standard normal distributions with $\mbox{Cor}(x_{i,j},x_{i,j^{\prime}})=(0.75)^{|j-j^{\prime}|}$ for $i=1,\ldots,n$ and $j=1,\ldots,p$. The $p$ columns are randomly permuted and augmented with an intercept. The true linear coefficients $\bm{\beta}^{*}$ are constructed by setting $\beta_{0}^{*}=-1$ and fixing $p_{*}=5$ nonzero coefficients, with $\lceil p_{*}/2\rceil$ equal to $1$ and $\lfloor p_{*}/2\rfloor$ equal to $-1$, and the rest at zero. Let $y_{i}^{*}\coloneqq\bm{x}_{i}^{\prime}\bm{\beta}^{*}$ denote the true expectation. For a given intraclass correlation $\rho_{*}$ and signal-to-noise ratio SNR, define $\sigma_{tot}^{2}\coloneqq\mbox{var}(\\{y_{i}^{*}\\}_{i=1}^{n})/\mbox{SNR}$ and let $\sigma_{u}^{2}\coloneqq{\rho_{*}\sigma_{tot}^{2}}$ and $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}\coloneqq{\sigma_{tot}^{2}-\sigma_{u}^{2}}$. The data are generated as $y_{ij}=y_{i}^{*}+u_{i}+\epsilon_{ij}$ where $u_{i}\stackrel{{\scriptstyle iid}}{{\sim}}N(0,\sigma_{u}^{2})$ and $\epsilon_{ij}\sim N(0,\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2})$ for $j=1,\ldots,m$ and $i=1,\ldots,n$. We consider $\rho_{*}=0.25$, $m=4$, $\mbox{SNR}=1$ (see the supporting information for SNR = 5), $p\in\\{15,200\\}$, and $n\in\\{75,150,300\\}$. We repeat the data-generating process 100 times for each design. We implement a Bayesian LMM using the sampler from Section 2.2.1 and horseshoe priors on the fixed effects (see Section 4). Using $\mathcal{M}$, we extract the acceptable family $\mathbb{A}_{0,0.10}$ with $s_{k}=15$. We compute point predictions for all acceptable subsets and evaluate $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ for variable selection and uncertainty quantification via the 90% intervals from $\bm{\tilde{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}}$. The primary Bayesian competitor is given by the usual actions under $\mathcal{M}$: posterior expectations for point predictions, 90% highest posterior density (HPD) intervals of $\bm{\beta}$ for uncertainty quantification, and selection based on whether the 95% HPD intervals for each $\beta_{j}$ exclude zero. As a secondary Bayesian competitor, we compute the point predictions and interval estimates from $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ under a (non-LMM) Gaussian linear regression model using squared error loss (Kowal, 2021a, ), which ignores the longitudinal aspect of the data. Lastly, we compare against classical selection methods that do not account for the random effects. Specifically, we apply the adaptive lasso (tuning parameter selected via 10-fold cross- validation and the one-standard-error rule) and classical subset selection (using AIC) to the data $\\{(\bm{x}_{i},\bar{y}_{i})\\}_{i=1}^{n}$ for $\bar{y}_{i}\coloneqq m^{-1}\sum_{j=1}^{m}y_{ij}$. We attempted to include fence-based variable selection for LMMs (Jiang et al.,, 2008), but the R package fence failed to converge for any simulation settings with $p\geq 10$. Point prediction accuracy is evaluated using Mahalanobis loss for $y_{i}^{*}$, where the weight matrix (9) uses the true parameters for $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}$ and $\sigma_{u}^{2}$. The simulation-averaged results are in Table 1. $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ consistently provides the best or near- best point predictions, followed by the posterior mean under $\mathcal{M}$. Further, $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ usually selects fewer variables than all competitors (not shown). Hence, $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ offers substantial reductions in the subset size while maintaining near-optimal prediction accuracy—which is precisely the goal of the smallest acceptable subset. $(n,p)$ | lasso | subset | $\mathcal{M}$ | SE | $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ | $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ | $\mathbb{A}^{0}$ | $\mathbb{A}^{0.1}$ | $\mathbb{A}^{0.5}$ | $\mathbb{A}^{0.9}$ | $\mathbb{A}^{1}$ ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- $(75,15)$ | 0.182 | 0.116 | 0.108 | 0.100 | 0.109 | 0.097 | 0.070 | 0.099 | 0.109 | 0.117 | 0.170 $(75,200)$ | 0.507 | 0.644 | 0.426 | 0.351 | 0.410 | 0.315 | 0.279 | 0.375 | 0.399 | 0.410 | 0.444 $(150,15)$ | 0.104 | 0.056 | 0.050 | 0.042 | 0.053 | 0.037 | 0.032 | 0.048 | 0.054 | 0.058 | 0.066 $(150,200)$ | 0.275 | 0.341 | 0.127 | 0.151 | 0.194 | 0.111 | 0.108 | 0.160 | 0.184 | 0.196 | 0.201 $(300,15)$ | 0.057 | 0.025 | 0.023 | 0.019 | 0.025 | 0.015 | 0.014 | 0.022 | 0.026 | 0.027 | 0.028 $(300,200)$ | 0.096 | 0.203 | 0.048 | 0.078 | 0.105 | 0.056 | 0.054 | 0.083 | 0.099 | 0.107 | 0.110 Table 1: Left: average Mahalanobis loss for each method; the smallest (best) value is bolded. Right: for each simulation, we compute the $q$th quantile of the true Mahalanobis loss for predicting $y_{i}^{*}$ for all acceptable subsets, and then average that quantity across simulations to obtain $\mathbb{A}^{q}$. $\mathcal{M}$ refers to the posterior mean under the Bayesian LMM and SE is the smallest acceptable subset using linear regression and squared error loss (Kowal, 2021a, ). $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ performs exceptionally well across all settings, while even the worst acceptable subsets $(\mathbb{A}^{1})$ outperform the frequentist competitors. More broadly, we evaluate the overall predictive performance of the acceptable family $\mathbb{A}_{0,0.10}$ using the $q$th quantile of the true Mahalanobis loss for each acceptable subset at each simulation, and then average that quantity across simulations to obtain $\mathbb{A}^{q}$. For example, $\mathbb{A}^{1}$ is the worst possible performance in the acceptable family, i.e., if an oracle were to select the _worst acceptable_ subset at each simulation. The main takeaways (see Table 1) are (i) $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ typically outperforms even $\mathbb{A}^{0.1}$ and therefore is consistently in the top 10% of acceptable subsets, and (ii) even the worst acceptable subsets outperform the frequentist competitors. These results confirm our notion of _near-optimality_ of the acceptable family. The 90% interval estimates for $\bm{\beta}^{*}$ are evaluated in Figure 1, which reports the mean interval widths and the empirical coverage; narrow intervals that provide the correct nominal coverage are preferred. The intervals from $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ are clearly the best for these cases: the intervals maintain 90% coverage and are much narrower than competing methods. In particular, the intervals from both $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ and $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ are far more precise (i.e., narrower) than the 90% HPD intervals under $\mathcal{M}$. Figure 1: Mean 90% interval widths (boxplots) with empirical coverage (annotations) for $\bm{\beta}^{*}$. Non-overlapping notches indicate significant differences between medians. The proposed intervals based on $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ are significantly narrower than the usual HPD intervals under $\mathcal{M}$ yet maintain the nominal 90% coverage. Lastly, we evaluate the (marginal) selection capabilities using true positive rates (TPRs) and true negative rates (TNRs) in Table 2. $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ provides consistently high TPRs and TNRs, while the 95% HPD intervals under $\mathcal{M}$ are far too conservative for selection (low TPRs). Both selection mechanisms are based on the same Bayesian LMM $\mathcal{M}$, but $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ is decisively better. The improvements over classical subset selection are also substantial. $(n,p)$ | | lasso | subset | posterior HPD | $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ | $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- $(75,15)$ | TPR | 0.95 | 0.98 | 0.86 | 0.99 | 0.95 TNR | 0.93 | 0.80 | 0.98 | 0.63 | 0.95 $(75,200)$ | TPR | 0.94 | 0.91 | 0.57 | 0.94 | 0.91 TNR | 0.96 | 0.92 | 1.00 | 0.91 | 0.98 $(150,15)$ | TPR | 0.99 | 1.00 | 0.99 | 1.00 | 0.99 TNR | 0.98 | 0.82 | 0.99 | 0.68 | 0.97 $(150,200)$ | TPR | 0.99 | 1.00 | 0.95 | 1.00 | 1.00 TNR | 0.97 | 0.93 | 1.00 | 0.92 | 0.98 $(300,15)$ | TPR | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 TNR | 1.00 | 0.85 | 0.99 | 0.69 | 0.98 $(300,200)$ | TPR | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 | 1.00 TNR | 0.99 | 0.92 | 1.00 | 0.92 | 0.98 Table 2: True positive rates (TPR) and true negative rates (TNR) for synthetic data with $p_{*}+1=6$ active covariates including the intercept. $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ provides consistently high TPRs and TNRs, while the 95% HPD intervals under $\mathcal{M}$ are far too conservative (low TPRs for smaller $n$). ## 4 Application We apply our subset selection analysis to moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) data from NHANES 2005-2006. Intraday activity was measured on each subject using hip-worn accelerometers for one to seven days. $\mbox{MVPA}_{ij}$ is defined as the number of minutes with at least 2020 activity counts for subject $i$ on day $j$, and typically corresponds to more intensive activities that include vigorous walking or running (Fishman et al.,, 2016). The goal is to determine the subject-specific factors that predict MVPA. However, these longitudinal data feature repeated measurements on each participant, and this within-subject dependence must be accounted for in both modeling and decision analysis. We specifically analyze older (ages 65-80) and Hispanic (Mexican American or Other Hispanic) individuals. Fixed effects include body mass index (BMI), age, gender (male or female), education level (less than high school, completed high school only, or some college and above), total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, systolic blood pressure, smoking status (never, former, or current), drinking status (never, moderate, or heavy), and presence of diabetes. After filtering to individuals with at least one day of activity data, days with at least 10 hours of accelerometer wear time, activity measurements that were correctly “calibrated” and “reliable” as flagged by NHANES, and individuals with no mobility problems, the resulting analysis dataset has $N=243$ measurements on $n=61$ individuals with $p=13$ covariates. We model $y_{ij}=\log(\mbox{MVPA}_{ij}+1)$ using a Gaussian random intercept model (see Section 2.2.1) with horseshoe priors for the fixed effects $\bm{\beta}$, a Jeffreys prior for $\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2}$, and a uniform prior for $\sigma_{u}\sim\mbox{Unif}(0,100)$. The Gibbs sampler generated 10,000 samples after a burn-in of 5,000; traceplots indicated no lack of convergence and the effective sample sizes were sufficiently large. A 95% HPD interval for the within-subject correlation, $\sigma_{u}^{2}/(\sigma_{u}^{2}+\sigma_{\epsilon}^{2})$, is $(0.18,0.48)$, which suggests moderate within-subject autocorrelation. Using the posterior and predictive samples from the Bayesian LMM, we compute and study the acceptable family. Since $p$ is not large, we filter from the $2^{p}=4096$ possible subsets to the “best” $s_{k}=100$ models of each size $k=1,\ldots,s_{max}=p+1$ (the intercept is always included), which produces 973 candidate subsets. Figure 2 summarizes the predictive performance among these candidates using Mahalanobis predictive loss. The 80% intervals that include $\eta=0$ (horizontal line) correspond to acceptable subsets with $\varepsilon=0.1$. Each subset of size two performs 10-35% worse than $\mathcal{S}_{min}$. One subset of size three outperforms the rest and is within 3-7% of $\mathcal{S}_{min}$; this subset would be acceptable for margins $\eta>3\%$ or smaller $\varepsilon\leq 0.01$, which corresponds to wider intervals in Figure 2. The smallest acceptable subset for $\eta=0\%$ has four variables, and notably performs as well or better than the larger subsets; this subset is also unchanged for $\varepsilon\in[0.02,0.16]$. Figure 2: Prediction 80% intervals (lines) and expectations (points) for $\widetilde{\mathcal{D}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min},\mathcal{S}}$ across candidate subsets $\mathcal{S}$ (including the intercept). The analogous empirical quantity, ${\mathcal{D}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min},\mathcal{S}}\coloneqq 100\times({\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}}-{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min}})/{\mathcal{L}}_{\mathcal{S}_{min}}$, is also denoted (x-marks). Subsets of the same size are jittered for clarity of presentation. Intervals that include $\eta=0$ (horizontal line) correspond to acceptable subsets. Acceptable subsets range from sizes 4 to 12, including $|\mathcal{S}_{small}|=4$ (solid line) and $|\mathcal{S}_{min}|=6$ (dashed line). The acceptable family features $|\mathbb{A}_{0,0.10}|=333$ members ranging from sizes 4 to 12. To summarize $\mathbb{A}_{0,0.10}$, we report the variable importance metric $\mbox{VI}_{\rm incl}(j)$ in Figure 3. Gender, age, and total cholesterol are keystone covariates that appear in all acceptable subsets, and are the only members (plus the intercept) of $\mathcal{S}_{small}$. Notably, the remaining covariates appear in some—but not most—of the acceptable subsets. These covariates are not entirely extraneous, but appear to be interchangeable and not strictly necessary for acceptable linear prediction. The “best” subset $\mathcal{S}_{min}$ adds smoking status (current) and diabetes to $\mathcal{S}_{small}$. Yet the variable importance provides important context for $\mathcal{S}_{min}$: although smoking status belongs to the “best” subset, it only appears in a moderate fraction (about 40%) of the acceptable subsets. By comparison, education level (some college and above) appears in vastly more acceptable subsets, yet does not belong to $\mathcal{S}_{small}$. Figure 3: Variable importance $\mbox{VI}_{\rm incl}(j)$ for the acceptable family $\mathbb{A}_{0,0.10}$. Gender, age, and total cholesterol are keystone covariates, while the other covariates appear in some—but not most—of the acceptable subsets. These results are robust for $\varepsilon\in[0.02,0.16]$. Lastly, Figure 4 compares the point and interval estimates from $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ against the Bayesian LMM $\mathcal{M}$ and the adaptive lasso. Both $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ and $\mathcal{M}$ highlight a positive effect for total cholesterol—perhaps a realization of the common advice that individuals with high cholesterol should exercise more—while all three methods agree on negative effects for gender (female) and age. $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ produces narrower intervals among the nonzero coefficients compared to the HPD intervals under $\mathcal{M}$, and offers a sparsity in point estimation that is not available for the posterior means under $\mathcal{M}$. Yet the methods broadly agree: the selected variables in $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ correspond exactly to the 90% HPD intervals under $\mathcal{M}$ that exclude zero. The frequentist intervals from Zhao et al., (2021) are difficult to interpret, since they often fail to include the (adaptive) lasso-based point estimates from which they were derived. Figure 4: Estimated coefficients and 90% intervals for $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ ($\bm{\hat{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}_{small}}$ and quantiles from $\bm{\tilde{\delta}}_{\mathcal{S}_{small}}$), the Bayesian LMM $\mathcal{M}$ (posterior means and HPD intervals for $\bm{\beta}$), and the adaptive lasso (intervals from Zhao et al.,, 2021). There is broad agreement, although $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ produces narrower intervals and sparse estimates compared to the the usual Bayesian LMM estimates. These results are robust for $\varepsilon\in[0.02,0.16]$. The results are robust to $\varepsilon$: $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ is unchanged for $\varepsilon\in[0.02,0.16]$, and the variable importances are stable. $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ omits total cholesterol for $\varepsilon=0.01$ and adds diabetes for $\varepsilon=0.20$. The number of acceptable subsets decreases from $|\mathbb{A}_{0,\epsilon}|\in\\{658,456,333,60\\}$ for $\varepsilon\in\\{0.01,0.05,0.10,0.20\\}$, which is expected: larger values of $\varepsilon$ provide more lenient admission to the acceptable family. Note that NHANES data are collected from a complex sampling design, and population-level inference typically requires survey adjustments. The oversampled groups in NHANES 2005-2006 are specific age groups (12-19 and 60+ years), races (Black and Mexican Americans), and low-income individuals. Because we subset by age group and race and further include age and many other covariates in the model, we expect that the effects of the sampling design are mitigated. ## 5 Discussion We have developed a decision analysis strategy for subset selection in Bayesian LMMs. Using a Mahalanobis predictive loss function to bring forward the structured dependence from the LMM into the decision analysis, we derived optimal linear coefficients for (i) any _given_ subset of variables and (ii) all subsets of variables that satisfy a _cardinality constraint_. The coefficients are accompanied by predictive uncertainty quantification and regularization inherited from the underlying Bayesian LMM. Comparing across subsets, we collected and summarized the _acceptable family_ of subsets that (nearly) matched the predictive performance of the “best” subset. The proposed tools demonstrated excellent prediction, estimation, and selection properties on simulated data, and were applied to a longitudinal dataset to study the key predictors of MVPA. Given the acceptable family of near-optimal subsets, it is natural to ask: “Which subset should be used?” Our response is that, based on predictive accuracy, _any_ of the acceptable subsets provides a reasonable answer. Absent additional information (such as individual variable costs), we advocate the _smallest_ acceptable subset $\mathcal{S}_{small}$, which simultaneously (i) provides excellent prediction, uncertainty quantification, and selection capabilities across a variety of challenging simulation settings and (ii) offers a notion of the necessary variables for near-optimal linear prediction (when $\mathcal{S}_{small}$ is unique), since smaller subsets are _not_ acceptable by definition. However, our prioritization of P4 underlines the crucial point that no _single_ subset—including $\mathcal{S}_{small}$—should be used in isolation to report the variables that “matter”. In particular, variables excluded from the “best” subset are not necessarily irrelevant, while variables included in the “best” subset are not necessarily essential. The acceptable family fills in those gaps to provide a more complete picture, and is accompanied by suitable summaries. The Mahalanobis loss (3) is designed for the LMM (1), which is most commonly a Gaussian LMM. Although we focused primarily on random intercept and random slope models, the results are broadly applicable among LMMs, including many functional data and spatial regression models. In addition, modifications for non-Gaussian _generalized_ LMMs (GLMMs) may be attainable. For Bayesian subset selection with binary data, Kowal, 2021a used iteratively-reweighted least squares (IRLS) to approximate the minimizer of a cross-entropy loss with a weighted least squares solution. IRLS is a widely popular strategy for estimating generalized linear models, and can be used to produce optimal coefficients under the corresponding deviance loss functions. For LMMs, a natural modification would be to insert a weighting matrix akin to $\bm{\Omega_{\psi}}$ into the IRLS, thereby extending the proposed tools for compatibility with GLMMs. ### Acknowledgements Research was sponsored by the Army Research Office and was accomplished under Grant Number W911NF-20-1-0184. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the Army Research Office or the U.S. Government. The U.S. Government is authorized to reproduce and distribute reprints for Government purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation herein. ## References * Bashir et al., (2019) Bashir, A., Carvalho, C. M., Hahn, P. R., and Jones, M. B. (2019). Post-processing posteriors over precision matrices to produce sparse graph estimates. Bayesian Analysis, 14(4):1075–1090. * Bertsimas et al., (2016) Bertsimas, D., King, A., and Mazumder, R. (2016). Best subset selection via a modern optimization lens. Annals of statistics, 44(2):813–852. * Bhattacharya et al., (2016) Bhattacharya, A., Chakraborty, A., and Mallick, B. K. (2016). Fast sampling with Gaussian scale mixture priors in high-dimensional regression. Biometrika, 103(4):985–991. * Bondell et al., (2010) Bondell, H. D., Krishna, A., and Ghosh, S. K. (2010). Joint variable selection for fixed and random effects in linear mixed‐effects models. Biometrics, 66(4):1069–1077. * Chen and Dunson, (2003) Chen, Z. and Dunson, D. B. (2003). 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Daniel R. Kowal", "submitter": "Daniel Kowal", "url": "" }
aainstitutetext: Niels Bohr International Academy, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Blegdamsvej 17, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmarkbbinstitutetext: Theoretical Physics Department, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerlandccinstitutetext: Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA, Institut de physique théorique, 91191, Gif-sur-Yvette, Franceddinstitutetext: National Research University Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation # On an Exponential Representation of the Gravitational S-Matrix Poul H. Damgaard a ​​, Ludovic Planté c,d ​​, Pierre Vanhove ###### Abstract An exponential representation of the S-matrix provides a natural framework for understanding the semi-classical limit of scattering amplitudes. While sharing some similarities with the eikonal formalism it differs from it in details. Computationally, rules are simple because pieces that must be subtracted are given by combinations of unitarity cuts. Analyzing classical gravitational scattering to third Post-Minkowskian order in both maximal supergravity and Einstein gravity we find agreement with other approaches, including the contributions from radiation reaction terms. The kinematical relation for the two-body problem in isotropic coordinates follows immediately from this procedure, again with the inclusion of radiation reaction pieces up to third Post-Minkowskian order. ###### Keywords: Scattering Amplitudes, General Relativity ††preprint: XXXXIPhT-t21/037 XCERN-TH-2021-111 ## 1 Introduction The surge of interest in using modern amplitude techniques to calculate the Post-Minkowskian expansion of classical general relativity Damour:2016gwp ; Damour:2017zjx ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2018xdl ; Cheung:2018wkq ; Kosower:2018adc ; Bern:2019nnu ; Antonelli:2019ytb ; Cristofoli:2019neg ; Bern:2019crd ; Kalin:2019rwq ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2019kec ; Cristofoli:2020uzm ; Parra- Martinez:2020dzs ; DiVecchia:2020ymx ; Damour:2020tta ; DiVecchia:2021ndb ; Bern:2021dqo ; DiVecchia:2021bdo ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din ; Bini:2021gat ; Bautista:2021wfy ; Cristofoli:2021vyo ; Herrmann:2021lqe ; Herrmann:2021tct ; Mougiakakos:2021ckm ; Jakobsen:2021smu has led to a renewed focus on the eikonal formalism in relativistic quantum field theory. This eikonal approach is based on an exponentiation of the scattering amplitude in impact-parameter space and it is particularly well suited for understanding classical gravity from a field theoretic setting 'tHooft ; Amati:1987wq ; Amati:1987uf ; Amati:1990xe ; Amati:1992zb ; Amati:1993tb ; Kabat:1992tb ; Akhoury:2013yua ; Luna ; Collado:2018isu ; Paolodue ; DAppollonio:2010krb ; DAppollonio:2013mgj ; Paolotre ; Paoloquatro ; Bern:2020gjj . Nevertheless, as has been known for long (see, $e.g.$, Appendix B of ref. Amati:1990xe as well as ref. Ciafaloni:2014esa ), the precise definition of the eikonal phase becomes subtle at higher orders. What in a first approximation can be treated as insignificant contributions from small transverse momenta $q^{2}$ become important and have to be taken into account. Such terms may appear as being of quantum origin but since they mix with terms from the Laurent expansion in $\hbar$ of higher orders in the perturbative expansion they cannot be ignored. Although there is little doubt that the eikonal formalism can be pushed to arbitrarily high order by a careful analysis (the small-angle classical scattering regime exists and should be computable systematically order by order in the coupling), it nevertheless suggests that it may be useful to pursue alternative strategies as well. A different approach to the semi-classical limit of the $S$-matrix is the WKB formalism. While well-known in the context of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, where it provides a systematic semi-classical expansion of the wave function through its connection to the classical Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, little attention has so far been paid to the WKB framework in relativistic quantum field theory. Motivated by the recent proposal of Bern et al. Bern:2021dqo we here wish to explore the possibility of using the WKB limit of relativistic quantum field theories to derive in an alternative manner the classical scattering of two massive objects in general relativity from scattering amplitudes. The eikonal formalism has issues of complexity at several layers. First, while scattering amplitudes are conveniently computed in the plane-wave basis of momentum space, the eikonal lives in impact-parameter space. To obtain the needed eikonal exponentiation, one must carefully separate, order by order, those terms that go into the exponent and those terms that remain as prefactors at the linear level. Second, after exponentiation in impact- parameter space one must apply the inverse transformation and seek from it two crucial ingredients: (1) the correct identification of the transverse momentum transfer $\vec{q}$ in the center of mass frame and (2) the correct identification of the scattering angle from the saddle point. At low orders in the eikonal expansion this procedure works well but it hinges on the impact- parameter transformation being able to undo the convolution product of the momentum-space representation. When $q^{2}$-corrections are taken into account it is well known that this procedure requires amendments. This motivates why an alternative pathway, such as the one proposed in ref. Bern:2021dqo which we find is rooted in the WKB approximation rather than the eikonal per se should be investigated. We begin our paper by first introducing the exponential representation of the $S$-matrix and we then proceed to develop a method that differs from that of ref. Bern:2021dqo . We shall check our proposal to third Post-Minkowskian order for both maximal supergravity and Einstein gravity, and we shall also point out a simple link to the potential from the Hamiltonian formalism. This has all classical contributions to the order we work, including radiation reaction parts. ## 2 Exponential representation of the $S$-matrix Conventionally, the $S$-matrix is expanded in the form $\hat{S}=1+\frac{i}{\hbar}\hat{T}$ (1) where $\hat{T}$ is the scattering operator. Restricting ourselves at first to two-particle scalar scattering with incoming and outgoing momenta $p_{1},p_{2}$ and $p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}$, respectively, matrix elements of $\hat{T}$ define for us the scattering amplitude $M(p_{1},p_{2},p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime})$ through $\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle~{}=~{}(2\pi\hbar)^{D}\delta^{(D)}(p_{1}+p_{2}-p_{1}^{\prime}-p_{2}^{\prime})M(p_{1},p_{2},p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime})~{}.$ (2) At this stage it is convenient to introduce also the exchanged four-momentum $q$ through $p_{1}^{\prime}=p_{1}+q$ and $p_{2}^{\prime}=p_{2}-q$. The center- of-mass kinematics reads $p_{1}=(E_{1}(p),\vec{p}),\qquad p_{2}=(E_{2}(p),-\vec{p})$ (3) so that $q=p_{1}-p_{1}^{\prime}=-p_{2}+p_{2}^{\prime}$ with $p_{1}^{2}=(p_{1}^{\prime})^{2}=m_{1}^{2}$ and $p_{2}^{2}=(p_{2}^{\prime})^{2}=m_{2}^{2}$, where we have introduced the two masses $m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$. Because the $S$-matrix is unitary, $\hat{S}^{\dagger}\hat{S}=1$, a more natural parametrization might appear to be $\hat{S}~{}=~{}\exp\left[{i\over\hbar}\hat{N}\right]$ (4) where, in contrast to $\hat{T}$, the operator $\hat{N}$ is Hermitian: $\hat{N}=\hat{N}^{\dagger}$. The eigenvalues of $S$ are then manifestly pure phases, defined mod $2\pi$. Standard quantum field theory is set up to evaluate matrix elements of the $\hat{T}$-matrix, providing us with the conventional Born series of perturbation theory. However, it is clearly straightforward to relate $\hat{N}$ to $\hat{T}$ at the operator level. Everything can be formulated in general terms but since we are interested in the application to classical gravity we will be specific here. In perturbation theory of gravity we assume that both $\hat{T}$ and $\hat{N}$ can be expanded in Newton’s constant $G_{N}$. When an odd number of gravitons are emitted the expansion of the fundamental $\hat{T}$-matrix will include powers of $\sqrt{G_{N}}$ and for consistency this must also be the power series expansion of $\hat{N}$. Without having to write out explicitly the precise expansion of the $S$-matrix in terms of the Dyson expansion, we can therefore in a compact notation write111We do not include the lowest-order radiative terms of order $G_{N}^{1/2}$ because they are not needed for our discussion of classical two- body scattering to the order we consider below. Radiative terms contribute also to even powers in $G_{N}$ but we choose here to absorb them into the non- radiative terms without explicit labelling. $\displaystyle\hat{T}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle G_{N}\hat{T}_{0}+G_{N}^{3/2}\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}+G_{N}^{2}\hat{T}_{1}+G_{N}^{5/2}\hat{T}_{1}^{\rm rad}+G_{N}^{3}\hat{T}_{2}+...$ (5) $\displaystyle\hat{N}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle G_{N}\hat{N}_{0}+G_{N}^{3/2}\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad}+G_{N}^{2}\hat{N}_{1}+G_{N}^{5/2}\hat{N}_{1}^{\rm rad}+G_{N}^{3}\hat{N}_{2}+...$ (6) which leads to the operator identifications $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{0}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{0}$ (7) $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad}$ (8) $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{1}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{1}+\frac{i}{2\hbar}\hat{N}_{0}^{2}$ (9) $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{1}^{\rm rad}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{1}^{\rm rad}+\frac{i}{2\hbar}(\hat{N}_{0}\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad}+\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad}\hat{N}_{0})$ (10) $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{2}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{2}+\frac{i}{2\hbar}(\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad})^{2}+\frac{i}{2\hbar}(\hat{N}_{0}\hat{N}_{1}+\hat{N}_{1}\hat{N}_{0})-\frac{1}{3!\hbar^{2}}\hat{N}_{0}^{3}$ (11) and so on for higher orders. We have here kept explicit factors of $\hbar$. The ordering in terms of $\hbar$ clearly becomes meaningful only once we evaluate matrix elements: loop contributions to $\hat{T}$ matrix elements will produce a Laurent series in $\hbar$, thus reshuffling the apparent counting at the operator level. Iteratively, we can relate $\hat{N}_{i}$ to $\hat{T}_{i}$ and lower-order $\hat{T}$’s. In detail, $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{0}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{0}$ (12) $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}$ (13) $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{1}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{1}-\frac{i}{2\hbar}\hat{T}_{0}^{2}$ (14) $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{1}^{\rm rad}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{1}^{\rm rad}-\frac{i}{2\hbar}(\hat{T}_{0}\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}+\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}\hat{T}_{0})$ (15) $\displaystyle\hat{N}_{2}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\hat{T}_{2}-\frac{i}{2\hbar}(\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad})^{2}-\frac{i}{2\hbar}(\hat{T}_{0}\hat{T}_{1}+\hat{T}_{1}\hat{T}_{0})-\frac{1}{3\hbar^{2}}\hat{T}_{0}^{3}$ (16) and similarly for higher orders. We now proceed to consider matrix elements of the $S$-matrix in momentum space. In addition, and in order to elucidate the structure, it is convenient to also insert completeness relations whenever operator multiplications occur. We write the completeness relation symbolically as $\sum_{n}|n\rangle\langle n|~{}=~{}\mathbb{I}$ (17) where the sum over $n$ runs over the complete set of accessible states. Specifically, and again with a view towards the scattering of two heavy objects in gravity, the sum takes the explicit form $\mathbb{I}~{}=~{}\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\frac{1}{n!}\int\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{1}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{1}}}\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{2}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{2}}}\frac{d^{(D-1)}\ell_{1}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{\ell_{1}}}\cdots\frac{d^{(D-1)}\ell_{n}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{\ell_{n}}}\cr\times|k_{1},k_{2};\ell_{1},\ldots\ell_{n}\rangle\langle k_{1},k_{2};\ell_{1},\ldots\ell_{n}|,$ (18) where the state $n=0$ corresponds to just the two massive scalars, the $n=1$ state to one graviton in addition, etc. As is well known, the sum over states is the Lorentz invariant phase space. This is important because the completeness relation will hence relate expressions to cuts and, therefore, unitarity. When we use the complete set of states to saturate the matrix elements to any order in $G$ it becomes immediately obvious which terms include radiative parts. Considering just two-body scattering, matrix elements of $\hat{N}$ in momentum space now read: $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{N}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle,$ (19) $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{N}_{0}^{\rm rad}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 0,$ (20) $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{N}_{1}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{1}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle-\frac{i}{2\hbar}\sum_{n}\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}|n\rangle\langle n|\hat{T}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle,$ (21) $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{N}_{1}^{\rm rad}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 0,$ (22) $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{N}_{2}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{2}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle-\frac{i}{2\hbar}\sum_{n}\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}|n\rangle\langle n|\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ (25) $\displaystyle-\frac{i}{2\hbar}\sum_{n}(\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}|n\rangle\langle n|\hat{T}_{1}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle+\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{1}|n\rangle\langle n|\hat{T}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle)$ $\displaystyle-\sum_{n,m}\frac{1}{3\hbar^{2}}\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}|n\rangle\langle n|\hat{T}_{0}|m\rangle\langle m|\hat{T}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle.$ We straightforwardly infer some basic facts from these expressions. First, the matrix element of $\hat{T}_{0}$, the leading term of the $\hat{T}$-matrix, must be real. Second, because also the matrix element of $\hat{N}_{1}$ is real we conclude that $\imaginary[\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{1}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle]~{}=~{}\frac{1}{2\hbar}\sum_{n}\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}|n\rangle\langle n|\hat{T}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ (26) where we have abbreviated the completeness relation (18). This relation is the leading-order expression of unitarity, $\hat{T}-\hat{T}^{\dagger}~{}=~{}\frac{i}{\hbar}\hat{T}\hat{T}^{\dagger}~{}.$ (27) On account of coupling constant counting, the right hand side of eq. (26) is saturated by elastic unitarity so that $\imaginary[\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{1}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle]\cr=\frac{1}{2\hbar}\int\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{1}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{1}}}\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{2}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{2}}}\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{T}_{0}|k_{1},k_{2}\rangle\langle k_{1},k_{2}|\hat{T}_{0}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ (28) is exact. The next step where unitarity allows us to understand the separation into real and imaginary parts is in the evaluation of the matrix element of $\hat{N}_{2}$. Although we are here restricting ourselves to elastic scattering (it can easily be extended to include radiation following the general steps above) radiation appears indirectly because of unitarity. From eq. (12) it follows that the matrix element of $\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}$, the leading term of the $\hat{T}$-matrix that includes radiation, must be real. Let us now consider the unitarity relation (27) at order $G_{N}^{3}$: $\hat{T}_{2}-\hat{T}_{2}^{\dagger}~{}=~{}\frac{i}{\hbar}\left[(\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad})^{2}+\hat{T}_{0}\hat{T}_{1}^{\dagger}+\hat{T}_{1}\hat{T}_{0}\right]~{}.$ (29) What is inside the parenthesis on the right hand side of this equation is indeed Hermitian. Inserting complete sets of states, we see that the first term is saturated by an intermediate state of two scalars and one graviton while the remaining terms are saturated by just the two-particle state of the scalars, thus $2\hbar\imaginary[\langle 2|\hat{T}_{2}|2\rangle]\cr=\int\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{1}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{1}}}\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{2}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{2}}}\frac{d^{(D-1)}\ell}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}2E_{\ell}}\langle 2|\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}|k_{1},k_{2};\ell\rangle\langle k_{1},k_{2};\ell|\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}|2\rangle\cr+\int\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{1}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{1}}}\frac{d^{(D-1)}k_{2}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{(D-1)}}\frac{1}{2E_{k_{2}}}\Big{(}\langle 2|\hat{T}_{0}|k_{1},k_{2}\rangle\langle k_{1},k_{2}|\hat{T}_{1}^{\dagger}|2\rangle\cr+\langle 2|\hat{T}_{1}|k_{1},k_{2}\rangle\langle k_{1},k_{2}|\hat{T}_{0}|2\rangle\Big{)}.$ (30) Also this equation is exact to all orders in $\hbar$. Comparing with eq. (25) we see how the imaginary part from $\hat{T}_{2}$ is cancelled partly by the radiation term, partly by the iteration of the real part of $\hat{T}_{1}$. Of course, $\hat{T}_{1}$ also has an imaginary part which indeed contributes, through the shown iteration, to $\hat{N}_{2}$. Also in the relation for $\hat{N}_{2}$ in eq. (25) the sums over states are saturated by two scalars and one graviton for the term involving $\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}$ and just two scalars in the remaining terms. At higher orders these relations get increasingly complicated although of course the two body matrix elements of $\hat{N}$ are always real.222 The reality of the two-particle elements is a consequence of the hermiticity of the operator $(\langle p_{1},p_{2}|\hat{N}|p_{3},p_{4}\rangle)^{*}=\langle p_{3},p_{4}|\hat{N}^{\dagger}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle=\langle p_{3},p_{4}|\hat{N}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle$ and the time reversibility of the amplitudes $(\langle p_{1},p_{2}|\hat{N}|p_{3},p_{4}\rangle)^{*}=\langle p_{1},p_{2}|\hat{N}|p_{3},p_{4}\rangle$. reality of the matrix elements For each $\hat{N}_{i}$ the subtractions of eq. (12) remove precisely all imaginary parts from the matrix element of $\hat{T}_{i}$. The expansions (25) have nice diagrammatic interpretations in terms of unitarity cuts. At one-loop order, $N_{1}=M_{1}-{i\over 2}\qquad\leavevmode\hbox to30.56pt{\vbox to45.01pt{\pgfpicture\makeatletter\hbox{\hskip 15.27995pt\lower-29.73015pt\hbox to0.0pt{\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@rgb@stroke{0}{0}{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@rgb@fill{0}{0}{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@setlinewidth{0.4pt}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\nullfont\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope\hbox to0.0pt{\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ } \feynman[inline=(z)] \tikzfeynmanset{every vertex={empty dot,minimum size=0mm}} \vertex(z); \vertex[above left=.4cm and 1.6cm of z] (x1); \vertex[below left=.4cm and 1.6cm of z] (x2); \vertex[above right=.4cm and 1.6cm of z] (x4); \vertex[below right=.4cm and 1.6cm of z] (x3); \vertex[left=1cm of z] (z1); \vertex[right=1cm of z] (z2); \vertex[above=1.1cm of z] (z3); \vertex[below=1.1cm of z] (z4); \diagram* { (x1) -- (x4); (x2) -- (x3); (z3) --[scalar,color=red] (z4); }; {}{{}}{}{{{}}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}{{}}{{}}\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{.5,.5,.5}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }{}\pgfsys@moveto{0.0pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@moveto{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@curveto{15.07996pt}{8.32854pt}{8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}{15.07996pt}\pgfsys@curveto{-8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{-15.07996pt}{8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@curveto{-15.07996pt}{-8.32854pt}{-8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{0.0pt}{-15.07996pt}\pgfsys@curveto{8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{15.07996pt}{-8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@closepath\pgfsys@moveto{0.0pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@fillstroke\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{\hbox{{\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ 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\pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}{{{{}}\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@transformcm{1.0}{0.0}{0.0}{1.0}{-6.79582pt}{-24.5927pt}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{{\definecolor[named]{.}{rgb}{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{{\definecolor[named]{.}{rgb}{0,0,0}\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}$M_{0}$}} }}\pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}}} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}}} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope{}{{}}{}{{{}}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}{{}}{{}}\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{.5,.5,.5}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }{}\pgfsys@moveto{0.0pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@moveto{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@curveto{15.07996pt}{8.32854pt}{8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}{15.07996pt}\pgfsys@curveto{-8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{-15.07996pt}{8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@curveto{-15.07996pt}{-8.32854pt}{-8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{0.0pt}{-15.07996pt}\pgfsys@curveto{8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{15.07996pt}{-8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@closepath\pgfsys@moveto{0.0pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@fillstroke\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{\hbox{{\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}{{}{}{{ {}{}}}{ {}{}} {{}{{}}}{{}{}}{}{{}{}} {\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{0,0,0} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}{{{{}}\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@transformcm{1.0}{0.0}{0.0}{1.0}{-6.79582pt}{-24.5927pt}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{{\definecolor[named]{.}{rgb}{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{{\definecolor[named]{.}{rgb}{0,0,0}\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}$M_{0}$}} }}\pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}}} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}}} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope{}{{}}{}{{{}}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}}{{}}{{}}\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{.5,.5,.5}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{.5,.5,.5}\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{.5}\pgfsys@invoke{ }{}\pgfsys@moveto{0.0pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@moveto{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@curveto{15.07996pt}{8.32854pt}{8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}{15.07996pt}\pgfsys@curveto{-8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{-15.07996pt}{8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@curveto{-15.07996pt}{-8.32854pt}{-8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{0.0pt}{-15.07996pt}\pgfsys@curveto{8.32854pt}{-15.07996pt}{15.07996pt}{-8.32854pt}{15.07996pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@closepath\pgfsys@moveto{0.0pt}{0.0pt}\pgfsys@fillstroke\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{\hbox{{\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}{{}{}{{ {}{}}}{ {}{}} {{}{{}}}{{}{}}{}{{}{}} {\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\definecolor[named]{pgffillcolor}{rgb}{0,0,0} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}{{{{}}\pgfsys@beginscope\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@transformcm{1.0}{0.0}{0.0}{1.0}{-6.79582pt}{-24.5927pt}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{{\definecolor[named]{.}{rgb}{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}\pgfsys@invoke{ }\hbox{{\definecolor[named]{.}{rgb}{0,0,0}\color[rgb]{0,0,0}\definecolor[named]{pgfstrokecolor}{rgb}{0,0,0}\pgfsys@color@gray@stroke{0}\pgfsys@color@gray@fill{0}$M_{0}$}} }}\pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}}} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope}}} \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope \pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope{}{}{}\hss}\pgfsys@discardpath\pgfsys@invoke{\lxSVG@closescope }\pgfsys@endscope\hss}}\lxSVG@closescope\endpgfpicture}}.$ The cut involving $\hat{T}_{0}^{\rm rad}$ was first computed in ref. DiVecchia:2021bdo . We see here how this imaginary part of the matrix element of $\hat{T}_{2}$ is automatically subtracted off as dictated by unitarity. Similar radiative cancellations occur at higher orders. It is interesting to compare with the manner in which terms exponentiate in the eikonal approach where the additional subtractions of imaginary parts of eq. (30) occur as part of the lower-point iterations, instead, as here, in one go because of unitarity. To summarize this part, the matrix element of any $\hat{N}_{i}$ is manifestly real. In addition, all iterations of lower-point amplitudes and their corresponding super-classical terms are automatically subtracted off so that matrix elements of $\hat{N}$ admit a semi-classical limit where $\hbar\to 0$. Such an object could be expected to have a classical meaning from analytical mechanics. Resembling the method of Born subtractions that lead to the classical potential from the solution of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation Cristofoli:2019neg one might guess that it could define in an alternative manner the classical potential. Although Born subtractions share the properties of removing all imaginary parts from the amplitude and of ensuring the existence of a semi-classical limit $\hbar\to 0$, such an identification does not hold beyond leading orders. We can instead get a hint from the identification of the exponential representation of the two-body $S$-matrix in momentum space with the semi- classical WKB approximation. As shown in ref. Eu , the Schrödinger-like equation satisfied by the $U$-matrix (the limit of which provides the $S$-matrix) leads to a systematic semi-classical expansion of the momentum- space $S$-matrix that is a direct analog of the semi-classical WKB expansion of the wave function in non-relativistic quantum mechanics. The pertinent Hamilton-Jacobi equation of the leading-order approximation is in a canonically transformed form compared to the more commonly used in analytical mechanics where, up to a sign, coordinates and momenta are swapped. In quantum field theory this is implemented by a Fourier transform in the usual way. With this identification, the two-body $S$-matrix in momentum space admits a classical limit in terms of the WKB phase shift, $\langle p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime}|\hat{S}|p_{1},p_{2}\rangle~{}\sim~{}e^{2i\delta/\hbar}$ (33) where $\delta=J\frac{\pi}{2}+\int_{r_{m}}^{\infty}dr(p_{r}-p_{\infty})-p_{\infty}r_{m}$ (34) is the radial action. The first term corresponds to the free motion, $p_{r}$ is radial momentum, $r_{m}$ is the classical turning point (minimal distance in the case of scattering), and $p_{\infty}$ is the 3-momentum of either particle in the center of mass frame, evaluated at infinity333This form of the radial action appears to depend on the classical turning point $r_{m}$. In fact, because this turning point is uniquely fixed by the angular momentum $J$ and initial momentum $p_{\infty}$ the final result does not depend on it. Starting with the main equation for the scattering angle $\chi$ Bjerrum- Bohr:2019kec , $\chi=\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{2b}{k!}\int_{0}^{\infty}du\Big{(}\frac{d}{du^{2}}\Big{)}^{k}\left[\frac{V_{\rm eff}^{k}(\sqrt{u^{2}+b^{2}})(u^{2}+b^{2})^{k-1}}{p_{\infty}^{2k}}\right]$ (35) we find that the radial action is $\int_{r_{m}}^{+\infty}drp_{r}=-\frac{\pi J}{2}-\frac{1}{2}\sum_{k=1}^{\infty}\frac{1}{k!}\int_{0}^{\infty}du\Big{(}\frac{d}{du^{2}}\Big{)}^{k-1}\left[\frac{V_{\rm eff}^{k}(\sqrt{u^{2}+b^{2}})(u^{2}+b^{2})^{k-1}}{p_{\infty}^{2k-1}}\right]$ (36) up to a constant which is irrelevant here. The first term is just the free radial action.. This simple expression is valid in the elastic channel. The conventional approach to linking the scattering matrix $\hat{T}$ with the classical trajectory of this two-body problem would be to transform to impact- parameter space as in the eikonal approximation. This unwinds the already beautifully exponentiated form of the $S$-matrix as in eq. (4) and would essentially take us back to the complications of the eikonal expansion beyond the first leading orders. Instead, one could ask if it might be possible to start the analysis directly with the operator $\hat{N}$, essentially viewing it as the operator of the phase shift itself, $i.e.$ here the radial action. Instead of the $S$-matrix itself, we thus consider matrix elements of the $\hat{N}$-operator. This seems to be what lies behind the interesting proposal of a recent paper by Bern et al. in ref. Bern:2021dqo , although it is phrased there with somewhat different terminology. An immediate issue is how to go from momentum space to impact-parameter space. In the above paper it is proposed to do this by means of a $(D-2)$-dimensional Fourier transform, as in the eikonal formalism, in conjunction with a subtraction formalism with roots in effective field theory. This has been employed to compute up to fourth Post-Minkowskian order in what is technically known as the potential region Bern:2021dqo . We shall here view the same idea from the slightly different perspective outlined above and with what we believe is a simpler and more general formalism. We will check the results up to third Post-Minkowskian order and will simultaneously show that this method is not limited to the potential region. ## 3 Unitarity cuts and velocity cuts In practical terms, the expansions (25) are useful for the same reason the effective field theory subtractions do their job in ref. Bern:2021dqo : they tell us which parts of the matrix elements of $\hat{T}_{i}$ we do not have to compute since we know that they will be subtracted off anyway. Because the idea of computing the matrix element of the exponentiated operator $\hat{N}$ is new, we nevertheless find it illuminating to work through the computations and thus show how the subtractions of cut diagrams leave us precisely with the desired object up to third order in the Post-Minkowskian expansion. We will use the same method and the same basis of integrals as in refs. Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din to which we refer for further details. As a warm-up exercise, we first go through the one-loop calculation in all details. Already at this order we will need to carefully keep terms that appear as being of quantum origin but which, nevertheless, will contribute to classical physics at higher orders. In fact, we shall provide an all-order result in $q^{2}$ which will be needed at all subsequent orders in the Post- Minkowskian expansion. As our starting point, consider the box integral in $D=4-2\epsilon$ dimensions $I_{\Box}^{s}=-\frac{1}{4}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi\hbar)^{D}}\frac{\hbar^{5}}{(p_{1}\cdot k+i\epsilon)(p_{2}\cdot k-i\epsilon)k^{2}(k+q)^{2}}.$ (37) In this expression we neglect the $k^{2}$ terms of the massive propagators as they vanish in what corresponds to a soft expansion of $I_{\Box,s}$ in powers of $q$. This is explained in Appendix A. As in Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf ; Bjerrum- Bohr:2021din , we write $q$ as $q=\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|u_{q}$ where $u_{q}$ is a unit space-like vector ($u_{q}^{2}=-1$). Doing the change of variable $k\rightarrow\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|k$ we get $I_{\Box}^{s}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)(p_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}.$ (38) The integral can be written equivalently in terms of $p_{3}$ and $p_{4}$ as $I_{\Box}^{s}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{3}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)(p_{4}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}$ (39) Note the exchange of the signs of the $\varepsilon$ in the propagators. Similarly, for crossed box which we label by $u$ we get $I_{\Box}^{u}=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)(p_{4}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}$ (40) or, equivalently, $I_{\Box}^{u}=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{3}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)(p_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}$ (41) Adding the boxes ($I_{\Box}=I_{\Box}^{s}+I_{\Box}^{u}$) the final result takes the compact form $I_{\Box}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{8\hbar}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr\times\left(\frac{1}{p_{1}\cdot k+i\epsilon}-\frac{1}{p_{3}\cdot k-i\epsilon}\right)\left(\frac{1}{p_{2}\cdot k-i\epsilon}-\frac{1}{p_{4}\cdot k+i\epsilon}\right).$ (42) As shown in Appendix A, the real part of the box integral is given by the unitarity cuts of the massive propagators $\real(I_{\Box})=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{2\hbar}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D-2}}\frac{\delta((k+p_{1})^{2}-m_{1}^{2})\delta((k-p_{2})^{2}-m_{2}^{2})}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}},$ (43) which exactly matches to all orders in $q^{2}$, the product of trees from the right hand side of the one-loop unitarity relation (26) (recalling that the one-loop amplitude is $i$ times the box contribution) $I_{\Box}^{\rm 1-cut}\equiv-2\real(I_{\Box}).$ (44) The integral (43) evaluated in $D=4-2\epsilon$ reads $\displaystyle\real(I_{\Box})=-\left(1-\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)}\right)^{\epsilon}\frac{1}{8|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2+2\epsilon}\hbar m_{1}m_{2}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\frac{\Gamma(-\epsilon)^{2}\Gamma(1+\epsilon)}{(4\pi)^{1-\epsilon}\Gamma(-2\epsilon)}.$ (45) This has precisely the form needed for being cancelled by the first unitarity subtraction of eq. (25). At two-loop order we need one more iteration of the tree-level amplitude, which is the two-loop equivalent of the one-cut (or two velocity cuts) of the box integral. The relevant two-cut (or four velocity cuts) two-loop integral is in $D=4-2\epsilon$ dimensions $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}=\hbar^{3}\int\frac{d^{D}l_{1}d^{D}l_{2}}{(2\pi\hbar)^{2D-4}}\frac{\delta((p_{1}-l_{1})^{2}-m_{1}^{2})\delta((p_{2}+l_{1})^{2}-m_{2}^{2})}{l_{1}^{2}(l_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}}\cr\times\frac{\delta((p_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}-m_{1}^{2})\delta((p_{2}-l_{2}+q)^{2}-m_{2}^{2})}{l_{2}^{2}}.$ (46) As we show in detail in Appendix A, this integral can also be evaluated in the soft expansion. For both the computation of $q^{2}$-corrections to $\real(I_{\Box})$ and $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}$ our method is the one of velocity cuts introduced in ref. Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din . Velocity cuts can be viewed as the leading-order parts of full unitarity cuts and they conveniently form the starting point for computations of $q^{2}$-corrections in the soft expansion. Keeping for now only the order in $q^{2}$ needed for our present purpose, we find $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}=-\left(1-\frac{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{3m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)}\right)\frac{1}{16m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2+4\epsilon}\hbar^{3}}\frac{\Gamma(-\epsilon)^{3}\Gamma(1+2\epsilon)}{(4\pi)^{2-2\epsilon}\Gamma(-3\epsilon)}\cr+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1-4\epsilon}).$ (47) These equations, together with the results already provided in refs. Bjerrum- Bohr:2021vuf ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din suffice to evaluate the needed matrix elements of $\hat{N}_{1}$ and $\hat{N}_{2}$ for both maximal supergravity and Einstein gravity. This will be described in the next two subsections. ### 3.1 Maximal supergravity In maximal supergravity the tree amplitude reads $\mathcal{M}_{0}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=N_{0}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{32\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{2}}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}}$ (48) and the one-loop amplitude evaluated in Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf can be rewritten as $\mathcal{M}_{1}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)={i\hbar\over 2}\left(32\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{2}\right)^{2}I^{\rm 1-cut}_{\Box}\cr+\frac{32\sqrt{\pi}G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})\sigma^{4}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\frac{(4\pi)^{\epsilon}\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}-\epsilon)^{2}\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}\Gamma(-2\epsilon)}\cr+\frac{16(1+2\epsilon)G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{4}(\sigma\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)-\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1})}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\frac{(4\pi)^{\epsilon}\Gamma(-\epsilon)^{2}\Gamma(1+\epsilon)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2\epsilon}\Gamma(-2\epsilon)}\hbar+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}).$ (49) The first line is the square of the numerator of the tree amplitude in (48) times the imaginary part of the one-loop amplitude in (43). This is just the unitarity subtraction given by one iteration of the tree as shown in the one- loop computation above. These amplitudes are given with the choice of helicity for the external states made in Caron-Huot:2018ape ; Parra-Martinez:2020dzs . We refer to section 3 of Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf for a discussion of helicity dependence on the various part of the amplitude. We thus immediately get from (12) $N_{1}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{32\sqrt{\pi}G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})\sigma^{4}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\frac{(4\pi)^{\epsilon}\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}-\epsilon)^{2}\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}+\epsilon)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}\Gamma(-2\epsilon)}\cr+\frac{16(1+2\epsilon)G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{4}(\sigma\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)-\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1})}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\frac{(4\pi)^{\epsilon}\Gamma(-\epsilon)^{2}\Gamma(1+\epsilon)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2\epsilon}\Gamma(-2\epsilon)}\hbar+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}).$ (50) It is worthwhile to highlight one difference with the corresponding eikonal calculation here. Apart from exponentiating the amplitude in impact-parameter space, the eikonal method is also based on an order-by-order separation into classical and quantum pieces conventionally parameterized in the $b$-space transform of the $S$-matrix as $\bar{S}(b)~{}=~{}\left(1+2\frac{i}{\hbar}\Delta(b)\right)e^{2i\delta(b)\over\hbar}.$ (51) Where $\Delta(b)$ collects, to any given order in the expansion, those quantum terms that are not needed to ensure exponentiation. Indeed, already at one- loop order $\Delta(b)$ will contain $q^{2}$-corrections that are subtracted off in the above cancellations used to produce $N_{1}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)$. Thus, to that order, exponentiation of the eikonal is also based on unitarity Cristofoli:2020uzm but only through the leading contribution from the unitarity relation. Here, we instead consistently subtract in the exponent and thus include the $q^{2}$-corrections. In this way, all imaginary parts of the amplitude in momentum space are removed completely, rather than kept at the non- exponentiated level, as in the eikonal formalism. At this one-loop level, where we have kept the first quantum correction to illustrate our point, this does not affect the calculation of the classical term but it shows explicitly how the imaginary quantum terms are removed. From 2-loop order and up these (real) quantum subtractions of lower order can correct classical terms at higher orders. A related phenomenon occurs in the eikonal formalism, but again: the details differ. We next move to the two-loop amplitude in supergravity, including the radiation reaction parts. Quoting from ref. Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf , we can conveniently rewrite that result as $\mathcal{M}_{2}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)={\hbar\over 6}(32\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{2})^{3}I^{\rm 2-cut}_{\Box\Box}\cr+\frac{64i\sqrt{\pi}G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}(m_{1}+m_{2})\sigma^{6}}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+4\epsilon}\hbar}\frac{(4\pi)^{2\epsilon}\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}-\epsilon)^{2}\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}+2\epsilon)\Gamma(-\epsilon)\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}-2\epsilon)}{\Gamma(\frac{1}{2}-3\epsilon)\Gamma(-2\epsilon)}\cr+\frac{32G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{4}m_{2}^{4}\sigma^{4}(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{2\epsilon}}{\pi}\Bigg{(}\frac{i\pi(1+2\epsilon)\sigma^{2}(\sigma\operatorname{arccosh}{\sigma}-\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1})}{\epsilon^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}\cr-\frac{\pi^{2}s\sigma^{2}}{6\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}-\frac{\pi^{2}\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}m_{1}m_{2}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\cr-\frac{i\pi(1+i\pi\epsilon)}{2\epsilon^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}\Big{(}(1+2\epsilon)\sigma^{2}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}+\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)+\epsilon((\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}\cr-\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2))\operatorname{arccosh}^{2}(\sigma)-\epsilon\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2)\operatorname{Li}_{2}\big{(}2-2\sigma(\sigma+\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1})\big{)}\Big{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (52) In this form we see that the first three lines are eliminated by the relations of eq. (25) with tree and one-loop terms. The imaginary part of the radiation reaction part is subtracted by the corresponding two-to-three particle cut of eq. (25) as follows from the calculation of ref. DiVecchia:2021bdo . We thus get $N_{2}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{32\pi G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}\sigma^{4}\left(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}}\right)^{2\epsilon}}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Bigg{(}-\frac{s\sigma^{2}}{6m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}-\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\\\ +\Big{(}\frac{1}{4(\sigma^{2}-1)}\Big{)}^{\epsilon}\Big{(}\frac{\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{3\over 2}}+\frac{\sigma^{2}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\Big{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (53) Up to two loop classical order and keeping only the leading terms in $\epsilon$ we finally have $N(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{32\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{2}}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}}+\frac{32\pi G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}\sigma^{4}}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Bigg{(}-\frac{s\sigma^{2}}{6m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}-\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\cr+\Big{(}\frac{1}{4(\sigma^{2}-1)}\Big{)}^{\epsilon}\Big{(}\frac{\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{3\over 2}}+\frac{\sigma^{2}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\Big{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (54) Following the prescription of ref. Bern:2021dqo and thus defining a Fourier transform of a function $f(s,q^{2})$ by $\bar{f}(s,b^{2})=\frac{1}{4m_{1}m_{2}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\int\frac{d^{D-2}\underline{q}}{(2\pi)^{D-2}}f(s,q^{2})e^{-ib\cdot\underline{q}}$ (55) we go to impact-parameter space with $\vec{p}\cdot\vec{b}=0$ and angular momentum $J=|\vec{p}||\vec{b}|$. This gives, again keeping only needed terms of $\epsilon$, $\bar{N}(b,\sigma)=\frac{2G_{N}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma^{2}\Gamma(-\epsilon)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}(\pi|\vec{b}|^{2})^{\epsilon}+\frac{16\pi G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\sigma^{4}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\Bigg{(}-\frac{s\sigma^{2}}{6m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}-\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\cr+\Big{(}\frac{1}{4(\sigma^{2}-1)}\Big{)}^{\epsilon}\Big{(}\frac{\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{3\over 2}}+\frac{\sigma^{2}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\Big{)}\Bigg{)}{1\over(\pi|\vec{b}|^{2})^{1-3\epsilon}}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar)$ (56) or, in terms of $J$ and ignoring factors of $p^{\epsilon}$ which become unity in the $\epsilon\to 0$ limit, $\bar{N}(J,\sigma)=\frac{2G_{N}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma^{2}\Gamma(-\epsilon)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}(\pi J^{2})^{\epsilon}+\frac{16\pi G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{4}m_{2}^{4}\sigma^{4}}{s}\Bigg{(}-\frac{s\sigma^{2}}{6m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}-\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\cr+\Big{(}\frac{1}{4(\sigma^{2}-1)}\Big{)}^{\epsilon}\Big{(}\frac{\sigma(\sigma^{2}-2)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{3\over 2}}+\frac{\sigma^{2}}{\sigma^{2}-1}\Big{)}\Bigg{)}{1\over(\pi J^{2})^{1-3\epsilon}}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (57) Assuming that this coincides with the interacting part of the radial action, we get $\chi=-\frac{\partial}{\partial J}\lim_{\hbar\to 0}\bar{N}(J,\sigma)=\frac{4G_{N}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma^{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\frac{1}{J}\cr+\frac{32G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{4}m_{2}^{4}\sigma^{4}}{s}\Bigg{(}-\frac{s\sigma^{2}}{6m_{1}m_{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}-\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)+{d\over d\sigma}\left(\sigma^{2}\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\over\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}\right)\Bigg{)}\frac{1}{J^{3}}$ (58) which we indeed recognize as the angle at third Post-Minkowskian order in maximal supergravity DiVecchia:2020ymx ; DiVecchia:2021bdo ; Bjerrum- Bohr:2021vuf . It includes all terms, and hence also radiation reaction pieces. ### 3.2 General relativity Next, we turn to Einstein gravity. We will be able to recycle much of what was used above plus add the needed new features from refs. Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din . The tree and one-loop amplitudes now read $\mathcal{M}_{0}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=N_{0}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{16\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar)$ (59) and $\mathcal{M}_{1}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)={i\hbar\over 2}(16\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1))^{2}I_{\Box}^{\rm 1-cut}\\\ +\frac{3\pi^{2}G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})(5\sigma^{2}-1)(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{\epsilon}}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}}\\\ -\frac{4G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{\epsilon}\hbar}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2\epsilon}}\Big{(}\frac{2(2\sigma^{2}-1)(7-6\sigma^{2})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}+\frac{1-49\sigma^{2}+18\sigma^{4}}{15(\sigma^{2}-1)}\Big{)}+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon})$ (60) where for the classical and quantum terms this is valid up to leading pieces in $\epsilon$. For the one-loop piece we have rewritten the result in the same manner as for maximal supergravity above. We notice that the first line is cancelled by the unitarity relation based on the iteration of the tree as dictated by eq. (25), leaving us with $N_{1}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{3\pi^{2}G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})(5\sigma^{2}-1)(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{\epsilon}}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}}\cr-\frac{4G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{\epsilon}\hbar}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2\epsilon}}\Big{(}\frac{2(2\sigma^{2}-1)(7-6\sigma^{2})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}+\frac{1-49\sigma^{2}+18\sigma^{4}}{15(\sigma^{2}-1)}\Big{)}+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}).$ (61) We next turn to the full two-loop amplitude in Einstein gravity Bjerrum- Bohr:2021din which to the needed order in $q^{2}$ can be rewritten as $\mathcal{M}_{2}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)={\hbar\over 6}(16\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1))^{3}I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}\cr+\frac{6i\pi^{2}G_{N}^{3}(m_{1}+m_{2})m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}(2\sigma^{2}-1)(1-5\sigma^{2})(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{2\epsilon}}{\epsilon\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+4\epsilon}}\cr+\frac{2\pi G_{N}^{3}(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{2\epsilon}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\hbar}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}}\Bigg{(}\frac{im_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)}{\pi\epsilon(\sigma^{2}-1)^{\frac{3}{2}}}\Big{(}\frac{1-49\sigma^{2}+18\sigma^{4}}{15}-\frac{2\sigma(7-20\sigma^{2}+12\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\cr+\frac{s\left(64\sigma^{6}-120\sigma^{4}+60\sigma^{2}-5\right)}{3\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}-{4\over 3}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma\left(14\sigma^{2}+25\right)\cr+\frac{4m_{1}m_{2}(3+12\sigma^{2}-4\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\cr-\frac{2im_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}{\pi\epsilon\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}{\frac{1+i\pi\epsilon}{(4(\sigma^{2}-1))^{\epsilon}}}\bigg{(}-\frac{11}{3}+\frac{d}{d\sigma}\Big{(}\frac{(2\sigma^{2}-1)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\bigg{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (62) So that the first three lines are eliminated by the subtractions of tree and one-loop terms as dictated by eq. (25). The imaginary part of the radiation reaction term is cancelled by the corresponding two-to-three particle cut of eq. (25) as again follows from the calculation of ref. DiVecchia:2021bdo . We thus find $N_{2}(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{2\pi G_{N}^{3}(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{2\epsilon}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}}\Bigg{(}\frac{s\left(64\sigma^{6}-120\sigma^{4}+60\sigma^{2}-5\right)}{3\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}\cr-{4\over 3}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma\left(14\sigma^{2}+25\right)+\frac{4m_{1}m_{2}(3+12\sigma^{2}-4\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\\\ +\frac{2m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\bigg{(}-\frac{11}{3}+\frac{d}{d\sigma}\Big{(}\frac{(2\sigma^{2}-1)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\bigg{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (63) Up to two loop classical order and again keeping only the leading real terms in $\epsilon$ we thus arrive at $N(|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)=\frac{16\pi G_{N}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}}+\frac{3\pi^{2}G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})(5\sigma^{2}-1)}{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{1+2\epsilon}}\cr+\frac{2\pi G_{N}^{3}(4\pi e^{-\gamma_{E}})^{2\epsilon}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}}{\epsilon|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{4\epsilon}}\Bigg{(}\frac{s\left(64\sigma^{6}-120\sigma^{4}+60\sigma^{2}-5\right)}{3\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}\cr-{4\over 3}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma\left(14\sigma^{2}+25\right)+\frac{4m_{1}m_{2}(3+12\sigma^{2}-4\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\cr+\frac{2m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\bigg{(}-\frac{11}{3}+\frac{d}{d\sigma}\Big{(}\frac{(2\sigma^{2}-1)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\bigg{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar)$ (64) which after the Fourier transform to impact-parameter space becomes $\bar{N}(b,\sigma)=\frac{G_{N}m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)\Gamma(-\epsilon)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}(\pi|\vec{b}|^{2})^{\epsilon}+\frac{3\pi^{\frac{3}{2}}G_{N}^{2}m_{1}m_{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})(5\sigma^{2}-1)}{4\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}(\pi|\vec{b}|^{2})^{\frac{1}{2}-2\epsilon}}\cr+\frac{\pi G_{N}^{3}m_{1}m_{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}(\pi|\vec{b}|^{2})^{1-3\epsilon}}\Bigg{(}\frac{s\left(64\sigma^{6}-120\sigma^{4}+60\sigma^{2}-5\right)}{3\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}\cr-{4\over 3}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma\left(14\sigma^{2}+25\right)+\frac{4m_{1}m_{2}(3+12\sigma^{2}-4\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\cr+\frac{2m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\bigg{(}-\frac{11}{3}+\frac{d}{d\sigma}\Big{(}\frac{(2\sigma^{2}-1)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\bigg{)}\Bigg{)}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar)$ (65) or, in terms of angular momentum $J$, $\bar{N}(J,\sigma)=\frac{G_{N}m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)\Gamma(-\epsilon)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}J^{2\epsilon}+\frac{3\pi G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})(5\sigma^{2}-1)}{4\sqrt{s}}\frac{1}{J}\cr+\frac{G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}{s}\Bigg{(}\frac{s\left(64\sigma^{6}-120\sigma^{4}+60\sigma^{2}-5\right)}{3\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}\cr-{4\over 3}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma\left(14\sigma^{2}+25\right)+\frac{4m_{1}m_{2}(3+12\sigma^{2}-4\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\\\ +\frac{2m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\bigg{(}-\frac{11}{3}+\frac{d}{d\sigma}\Big{(}\frac{(2\sigma^{2}-1)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\bigg{)}\Bigg{)}\frac{1}{J^{2}}+\mathcal{O}(\hbar).$ (66) Taking this to be the interacting part of the radial action to third Post- Minkowskian order, we obtain the scattering angle $\chi=-\frac{\partial}{\partial J}\lim_{\hbar\to 0}\bar{N}(J,\sigma)=\frac{2G_{N}m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\frac{1}{J}+\frac{3\pi G_{N}^{2}m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(m_{1}+m_{2})(5\sigma^{2}-1)}{4\sqrt{s}}\frac{1}{J^{2}}\\\ +\frac{2G_{N}^{3}m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}{s}\Bigg{(}\frac{s\left(64\sigma^{6}-120\sigma^{4}+60\sigma^{2}-5\right)}{3\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}\cr-{4\over 3}m_{1}m_{2}\sigma\left(14\sigma^{2}+25\right)+\frac{4m_{1}m_{2}(3+12\sigma^{2}-4\sigma^{4})\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\\\ +\frac{2m_{1}m_{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)^{2}}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\bigg{(}-\frac{11}{3}+\frac{d}{d\sigma}\Big{(}\frac{(2\sigma^{2}-1)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\Big{)}\bigg{)}\Bigg{)}\frac{1}{J^{3}}~{},$ (67) which agrees with the literature Bern:2019nnu ; Antonelli:2019ytb , including the radiation reaction terms DiVecchia:2020ymx ; Damour:2020tta ; Bjerrum- Bohr:2021din . ## 4 Kinematics in isotropic coordinates So far, the computation of the scattering angle from the amplitude has entirely bypassed the notion of a potential $V$; only the radial action, an indirect function of the potential, played a role. However, there is more information in the potential $V$ itself, even if it by construction refers to specific coordinates. It may therefore be useful to see how such an effective potential can be extracted from the scattering angle. Our starting point for this is the relativistic Salpeter equation of two-body scattering in the center of mass frame, $E~{}=~{}\sqrt{p^{2}+m_{1}^{2}}+\sqrt{p^{2}+m_{2}^{2}}+V(p,r)~{}.$ (68) The operator version of this equation together with the Lippmann-Schwinger equation Cristofoli:2019neg allows us to relate the potential $V(p,r)$ to the Fourier transform of the scattering amplitude. However, it is not necessary to introduce this additional step if we already know the scattering angle up to the given order in $G_{N}$. In isotropic coordinates we can always solve the energy equation (68) in terms of $p^{2}$, $p^{2}~{}=~{}p_{\infty}^{2}-V_{\rm eff}(r)~{},$ (69) where $p_{\infty}^{2}=m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)/s$ and, without loss of generality we can parametrize (in $D=4$ dimensions) $V_{\rm eff}(r)~{}=~{}-\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{G_{N}^{n}f_{n}(E)}{r^{n}}$ (70) where the coefficients must be extracted from the amplitude444The case of general $D$ is discussed in ref. Cristofoli:2020uzm .. One of the surprising results of the amplitude approach is that $V_{\rm eff}(r)$ is directly related to the classical part of the amplitude as it derives either from the effective field theory matching Bern:2019crd or from the Born subtractions Kalin:2019rwq ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2019kec . In fact, the kinematical relation (69) can be taken as a new and equally good quantum mechanical Hamiltonian operator, a result anticipated by Damour Damour:2017zjx before these explicit amplitude computations. The scattering angle based on the kinematical relation (69) has been derived to all orders and we quote the first few orders from Table 1 of ref. Bjerrum- Bohr:2019kec , $\displaystyle\chi_{1PM}$ $\displaystyle=f_{1},$ (71) $\displaystyle\chi_{2PM}$ $\displaystyle={\pi p_{\infty}\over 2}f_{2},$ (72) $\displaystyle\chi_{3PM}$ $\displaystyle=2p_{\infty}^{4}f_{3}+p_{\infty}^{2}f_{1}f_{2}-{f_{1}^{3}\over 12}~{}.$ (73) Comparing with the scattering angle computed to this order by the eikonal method (and reproduced here, using the new method) we can recursively solve for the unknown $f_{i}$-coefficients. Reminding the reader that $s=m_{1}^{2}+m_{2}^{2}+2m_{1}m_{2}\sigma$ also has $\sigma$-dependence, we find $\displaystyle f_{1}$ $\displaystyle={2m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(2\sigma^{2}-1)\over\sqrt{s}},$ (74) $\displaystyle f_{2}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{3m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}\left(5\sigma^{2}-1\right)(m_{1}+m_{2})}{2\sqrt{s}},$ (75) $\displaystyle f_{3}$ $\displaystyle=-\frac{m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}}{2\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)}\,\Big{(}3\left(2\sigma^{2}-1\right)\left(5\sigma^{2}-1\right)(m_{1}+m_{2})-4\left(12\sigma^{4}-10\sigma^{2}+1\right)\sqrt{s}\Big{)}$ (76) $\displaystyle-\frac{2m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}}{3\sqrt{s}}\,\left(2\sigma(14\sigma^{2}+25)+\frac{6\left(4\sigma^{4}-12\sigma^{2}-3\right)}{\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\right)$ (77) $\displaystyle+\frac{2m_{1}^{3}m_{2}^{3}\left(1-2\sigma^{2}\right)^{2}}{3\sqrt{s}\left(\sigma^{2}-1\right)^{2}}\left((8-5\sigma^{2})\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}+(6\sigma^{3}-9\sigma)\operatorname{arccosh}(\sigma)\right),$ including radiation-reaction contributions in the last line of $f_{3}$. We stress again that while these $f_{i}$-coefficients reproduce the scattering angle up to third post-Minkowskian order including the contributions from radiation-reaction terms, they also, through eq. (70), provide us with the kinematical relation (69) in isotropic coordinates. Comparing to the potential of a probe small mass $m$ in the Schwarzschild background of large mass $M\gg m$ we have Damour:2017zjx $\displaystyle f_{1}^{\rm probe}$ $\displaystyle=2m^{2}M(2\sigma^{2}-1),$ (79) $\displaystyle f_{2}^{\rm probe}$ $\displaystyle={3\over 2}m^{2}M^{2}(5\sigma^{2}-1),$ (80) $\displaystyle f_{3}^{\rm probe}$ $\displaystyle={m^{2}M^{3}\over 2}(18\sigma^{2}-1)~{},$ (81) a well known result when comparing with the result of the potential region only. Because radiation reaction terms vanish in the probe limit, this is indeed unchanged here. ## 5 Conclusions In an attempt to improve on the systematic expansion of the eikonal formalism we have instead explored an alternative idea recently suggested by Bern et al. Bern:2021dqo and which we find is linked to the closely related WKB approximation. Using an exponential representation of the $S$-matrix, we systematically relate matrix elements of the operator in the exponential $\hat{N}$ to ordinary Born amplitudes minus pieces provided by unitarity cuts. Crucially, we must now relate this object to the radial action. We do this by a Fourier transform into impact parameter space and we have checked up to third Post-Minkowskian order that this method, combined with the above transformation to impact-parameter space, works for both maximal supergravity and Einstein gravity. It reproduces the scattering angles to that order and it is not limited to what is known as the potential region of the loop amplitudes. Instead, we sum all classical contributions and thus include also radiation reaction pieces. The simplicity of this method seems very appealing and suggests that it may be used to streamline Post-Minkowskian amplitudes in gravity by means of a diagrammatic technique that systematically avoids the evaluation of the cut diagrams that must be subtracted, but simply discards them at the integrand level. In practice, we need only evaluate matrix elements in the soft $q^{2}$-expansion. This means that we expand genuine unitarity cuts around the velocity cuts introduced recently Bjerrum-Bohr:2021vuf ; Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din . These velocity cuts seem to provide the most natural way to organize amplitude calculations in the soft expansion. We have finally pointed out that there is no obstacle towards obtaining the potential $V_{\rm eff}(r)$ from the scattering angles computed by this method. Iteratively, coefficients of the effective potential in isotropic coordinates follow from the angles and the result is unique. It is also not limited to the result of just the potential region of the amplitudes. This thereby gives the kinematical relation between momenta and coordinates in isotropic gauge. As a simple illustration, one can from this predict infinite series of terms from lower-order pieces. For instance, keeping only the leading $f_{1}$-term of the effective potential there is nothing to prevent one from summing the whole series to obtain the standard Newtonian deflection angle. If one were to include also the $f_{2}$-term one would get the exact analytical result corresponding to the $f_{1}\\!-\\!f_{2}$-theory computed in Cristofoli:2019neg . Of course, in the context of general relativity it is not meaningful to compute only a part of the higher order terms. ###### Acknowledgements. We thank Zvi Bern and Radu Roiban for useful comments on the manuscript. We also acknowledge interesting discussions with participants at the GGI workshop "Gravitational scattering, inspiral, and radiation", April-May, 2021. The research of P.V. has received funding from the ANR grant “Amplitudes” ANR-17- CE31-0001-01, and the ANR grant “SMAGP” ANR-20-CE40-0026-01 and is partially supported by Laboratory of Mirror Symmetry NRU HSE, RF Government grant, ag. No 14.641.31.0001. P.V. is grateful to the I.H.E.S. for the use of their computer resources. The work of P.H.D. was supported in part by DFF grant 0135-00089A. ## Appendix A Details of the one and two loop box calculations In this appendix we first provide some details on the derivation of the cut part of the one-loop box integral in (43) and two-cut part of the double-box integral in (47). We show explicitly that the real part is given by the unitarity cut of the massive propagators in (97) and we evaluate it to all order in $\underline{q}$ in (101). ### A.1 The cut part of the box integral The box integral is defined as $I_{\Box}^{s}=-\frac{1}{4}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi\hbar)^{D}}\frac{\hbar^{4}}{(p_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)(p_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+q)^{2}}~{}.$ (82) In dimensional regularization we can neglect the $k^{2}$-terms in the massive propagators as they will, after cancelling a massless $k^{2}$-propagator only give rise to tadpoles in the soft expansion, and will hence be set to zero. To perform the soft expansion in powers of $q=\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|u_{q}$ where $u_{q}$ is a unit space-like vector ($u_{q}^{2}=-1$), we make the change of variable $k\rightarrow\hbar|\vec{q}|k$ to get $I_{\Box}^{s}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)(p_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}.$ (83) We note that the integral can equivalently be written in terms of $p_{3}$ and $p_{4}$ as $I_{\Box}^{s}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{3}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)(p_{4}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}$ (84) with the important change of sign of signs of the $i\varepsilon$ term in the propagators. Similarly, in the $u$ channel corresponding to the crossed box integral, we have $\displaystyle I_{\Box}^{u}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)(p_{4}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}},$ (85) $\displaystyle=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(p_{3}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)(p_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}.$ (86) The sum of these box contributions $I_{\Box}=I_{\Box}^{s}+I_{\Box}^{u}$ takes the form $I_{\Box}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{8\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr\times\left(\frac{1}{p_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{p_{3}\cdot k-i\varepsilon}\right)\left(\frac{1}{p_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{p_{4}\cdot k+i\varepsilon}\right).$ (87) Using the variables $p_{1}=\bar{p}_{1}+\hbar{\underline{q}\over 2}$ and $p_{2}=\bar{p}_{2}-\hbar{\underline{q}\over 2}$ we have $I_{\Box}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{8\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr\times\left(\frac{1}{\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k+\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|u_{q}\cdot k}{2}+i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{\bar{p_{1}}\cdot k-\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|u_{q}\cdot k}{2}-i\varepsilon}\right)\cr\times\left(\frac{1}{\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k-\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|u_{q}\cdot k}{2}-i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k+\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|u_{q}\cdot k}{2}+i\varepsilon}\right).$ (88) The soft expansion for small $\hbar|\underline{q}|$ reads $I_{\Box}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{8\hbar^{2}}\sum_{n_{1}=0}^{\infty}\sum_{n_{2}=0}^{\infty}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\left(\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|}{2}\,u_{q}\cdot k\right)^{n_{1}+n_{2}}\cr\times\left(\frac{(-1)^{n_{1}}}{(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)^{n_{1}+1}}-\frac{1}{(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)^{n_{1}+1}}\right)\left(\frac{1}{(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon)^{n_{2}+1}}-\frac{(-1)^{n_{2}}}{(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k+i\varepsilon)^{n_{2}+1}}\right).$ (89) We now rewrite $2u_{q}\cdot k=(k+u_{q})^{2}-k^{2}-u_{q}^{2}=(k+u_{q})^{2}-k^{2}+1$. Since, as explained above, we can neglect the tadpoles in dimensional regularization, we can replace $u_{q}\cdot k$ by $1/2$ in the previous expression, and reduce each integral in a basis of four master integrals of the scalar box, the scalar triangles and the bubble (but we neglect tadpoles as usual): $\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k)^{n_{1}+1}(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k)^{n_{2}+1}k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr=\mathcal{B}_{n_{1},n_{2}}(m_{1},m_{2},\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k)(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr+\mathcal{T}^{1}_{n_{1},n_{2}}(m_{1},m_{2},\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr+\mathcal{T}^{2}_{n_{1},n_{2}}(m_{1},m_{2},\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k)k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\cr+\mathcal{C}_{n_{1},n_{2}}(m_{1},m_{2},\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|,\sigma)\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}},$ (90) where $\mathcal{B}$, $\mathcal{T}^{1}$, $\mathcal{T}^{2}$ and $\mathcal{C}$ are real rational functions of $m_{1}$, $m_{2}$, $\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|$ and $\sigma$. Since the bubble integral is purely imaginary this term cannot contribute to the real part of the integral. Using LiteRed Lee:2013mka , we observe555This has been checked to high order in $|\underline{q}|^{2}$. that for all $n_{1}$ and $n_{2}$ we have $\mathcal{T}^{i}_{2n_{1},2n_{2}}=\mathcal{T}^{i}_{2n_{1}+1,2n_{2}+1}=0$ with $i=1,2$. This implies that the triangle master integrals contribute only when $n_{1}$ and $n_{2}$ are of different parity. In that case, the sum of $s$ and $u$ channel in the box in (89) implies that the integral has one delta function, leaving an integral of the form $i\int\frac{d^{D-1}\vec{k}}{(2\pi)^{D-1}}\frac{1}{\vec{k}^{2}(\vec{k}+\vec{u_{q}})^{2}}$ (91) which is obviously imaginary. We therefore conclude that only the box master integral contributes to the real part of $I_{\Box}$. This box master integral reads $I_{\Box}|_{\rm box}=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{8\hbar^{2}}\sum_{n_{1}=0}^{\infty}\sum_{n_{2}=0}^{\infty}\left(\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|}{4}\right)^{n_{1}+n_{2}}\mathcal{B}_{n_{1},n_{2}}\cr\times\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D}}\frac{1}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}\left(\frac{(-1)^{n_{1}}}{\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k+i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k-i\varepsilon}\right)\left(\frac{1}{\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k-i\varepsilon}-\frac{(-1)^{n_{2}}}{\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k+i\varepsilon}\right).$ (92) We next make that for $x$ real, ${1\over x\pm i\varepsilon}=p.v.(x)\mp i\pi\delta(x)$ (93) where $\varepsilon>0$ and $p.v.(x)$ is the principal value. This implies that for $x$ real we have ${1\over x+i\varepsilon}+{1\over x-i\varepsilon}=2p.v.(x);\qquad{1\over x+i\varepsilon}+{1\over x-i\varepsilon}=-2i\pi\delta(x).$ (94) We now remark that for both $x$ and $y$ real, $\left(\frac{1}{x+i\varepsilon}+\frac{1}{x-i\varepsilon}\right)\left(\frac{1}{y+i\varepsilon}+\frac{1}{y-i\varepsilon}\right)=\left(\frac{1}{x+i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{x-i\varepsilon}\right)\left(\frac{1}{y-i\varepsilon}-\frac{1}{y+i\varepsilon}\right)\cr+\frac{2}{(x+i\varepsilon)(y+i\varepsilon)}+\frac{2}{(x-i\varepsilon)(y-i\varepsilon)}.$ (95) Applied inside the box integral the last terms on the right-hand-side lead to an imaginary contribution. We therefore conclude that the real part of the box contribution is given by $\real(I_{\Box})=-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{2\hbar^{2}}\left(\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\sum_{m=0}^{2n}(-1)^{m}\left(\frac{\hbar|\vec{\underline{q}}|}{4}\right)^{2n}\mathcal{B}_{m,2n-m}\right)\times\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D-2}}\frac{\delta(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k)\delta(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k)}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}.$ (96) Which is the soft expansion of the box integral in terms of the velocity cuts of Bjerrum-Bohr:2021din . We remark that this expression indeed is the soft small $|\underline{q}|$ expansion of the one-loop unitarity one-cut of the massive propagators $\real(I_{\Box})=-{1\over 2}I_{\Box}^{\rm 1-cut}\equiv-\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{2\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D-2}}\frac{\delta(2p_{1}\cdot k+k^{2})\delta(-2p_{2}\cdot k+k^{2})}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}.$ (97) Using LiteRed Lee:2013mka to high orders in $|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}$ we conjecture that $\sum_{m=0}^{2n}(-1)^{m}\mathcal{B}_{m,2n-m}=\frac{2^{n}s^{n}\prod_{j=0}^{n}(D-3-2j)}{(D-3)\big{(}(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot\bar{p}_{2})^{2}-\bar{p}_{1}^{2}\bar{p}_{2}^{2}\big{)}^{n}}.$ (98) We have checked this expression by evaluating the expression up to and including $n=12$. Performing the sum, $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\prod_{j=0}^{n}\left(\frac{D-3}{2}-j\right)\Bigg{(}\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4\big{(}(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot\bar{p}_{2})^{2}-\bar{p}_{1}^{2}\bar{p}_{2}^{2}\big{)}}\Bigg{)}^{n}={D-3\over 2}\left(1+\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4((\bar{p}_{1}.\bar{p}_{2})^{2}-\bar{m}_{1}^{2}\bar{m}_{2}^{2})}\right)^{\frac{D-5}{2}},$ (99) and we thus finally obtain the full real part of the box integral in the soft expansion: $I_{\Box}^{\rm 1-cut}=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar^{2}}\Big{(}1+\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4((\bar{p}_{1}.\bar{p}_{2})^{2}-\bar{m}_{1}^{2}\bar{m}_{2}^{2})}\Big{)}^{\frac{D-5}{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D-2}}\frac{\delta(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot k)\delta(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot k)}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}}.$ (100) Noting that $(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot\bar{p}_{2})^{2}-\bar{m}_{1}^{2}\bar{m}_{2}^{2}=m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1-\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}})$ and finally evaluating the remaining bubble integral we have thus established that the cut part of the box integral is given by $\displaystyle I_{\Box}^{\rm 1-cut}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{\hbar^{2}}\int\frac{d^{D}k}{(2\pi)^{D-2}}\frac{\delta(2p_{1}\cdot k+k^{2})\delta(-2p_{2}\cdot k+k^{2})}{k^{2}(k+u_{q})^{2}},$ (101) $\displaystyle=\frac{|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{D-6}}{4\hbar^{2}m_{1}m_{2}\sqrt{\sigma^{2}-1}}\left(1-\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)}\right)^{\frac{4-D}{2}}\frac{\Gamma(\frac{D-4}{2})^{2}\Gamma(\frac{6-D}{2})}{(4\pi)^{\frac{D-2}{2}}\Gamma(D-4)}.$ ### A.2 The two-cut part of the double-box integral Having gone through the derivation of the one-cut part of the one-loop box integral in such great detail we can be brief regarding the corresponding two- cut (or four velocity cut) computation of the doubly iterated tree in momentum space. We define $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}={1\over\hbar^{2D-7}}\int\frac{d^{D}l_{1}d^{D}l_{2}}{(2\pi)^{2D-4}}\frac{\delta((p_{1}-l_{1})^{2}-m_{1}^{2})\delta((p_{2}+l_{1})^{2}-m_{2}^{2})}{l_{1}^{2}(l_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}}\cr\times\frac{\delta((p_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}-m_{1}^{2})\delta((p_{2}-l_{2}+q)^{2}-m_{2}^{2})}{l_{2}^{2}}.$ (102) Using $\bar{p}$-coordinates and neglecting the $l_{i}^{2}$ terms (for the same reason given above) $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}={1\over\hbar^{2D-7}}\int\frac{d^{D}l_{1}d^{D}l_{2}}{(2\pi)^{2D-4}}\frac{\delta(-2\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{1}-q\cdot l_{1})\delta(2\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{1}-q\cdot l_{1})}{l_{1}^{2}(l_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}}\cr\times\frac{\delta(2\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{2}-q\cdot l_{2})\delta(-2\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{2}-q\cdot l_{2})}{l_{2}^{2}}.$ (103) The soft series expansion leads to $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}=\frac{1}{(2i\pi)^{4}\hbar^{2D-7}}\sum_{n_{1}=0}^{\infty}\sum_{n_{2}=0}^{\infty}\sum_{n_{3}=0}^{\infty}\sum_{n_{4}=0}^{\infty}\int\frac{d^{D}l_{1}d^{D}l_{2}}{(2\pi)^{2D-4}}\frac{(q\cdot l_{1})^{n_{1}+n_{2}}(q\cdot l_{2})^{n_{3}+n_{4}}}{l_{1}^{2}l_{2}^{2}(l_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}}\cr\times\Big{(}\frac{1}{(-2\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{1}-i\varepsilon)^{n_{1}+1}}-\frac{1}{(-2\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{1}+i\varepsilon)^{n_{1}+1}}\Big{)}\Big{(}\frac{1}{(2\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{1}-i\varepsilon)^{n_{2}+1}}-\frac{1}{(2\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{1}+i\varepsilon)^{n_{2}+1}}\Big{)}\cr\times\Big{(}\frac{1}{(2\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{2}-i\varepsilon)^{n_{3}+1}}-\frac{1}{(2\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{2}+i\varepsilon)^{n_{3}+1}}\Big{)}\Big{(}\frac{1}{(-2\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{2}-i\varepsilon)^{n_{4}+1}}-\frac{1}{(-2\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{2}+i\varepsilon)^{n_{4}+1}}\Big{)}.$ (104) Computing the two first orders in $|\vec{q}|$ with LiteRed Lee:2013mka gives $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}=\left(1-\frac{(3+4\varepsilon)|\vec{q}|^{2}s}{12m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)}\right){1\over 16\hbar^{2D-7}}\int\frac{d^{D}l_{1}d^{D}l_{2}}{(2\pi)^{2D-4}}\frac{\delta(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{1})\delta(\bar{p}_{1}\cdot l_{2})\delta(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{1})\delta(\bar{p}_{2}\cdot l_{2})}{l_{1}^{2}l_{2}^{2}(l_{1}+l_{2}-q)^{2}}\cr+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{q}|^{1-4\epsilon})$ (105) which is evaluated to $I_{\Box\Box}^{\rm 2-cut}=-\left(1-\frac{(3+4\varepsilon)\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{12m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)}\right){1\over 16\hbar^{3}(m_{1}^{2}m_{2}^{2}(\sigma^{2}-1)-\frac{\hbar^{2}|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2}s}{4})|\vec{\underline{q}}|^{2+4\varepsilon}}\cr\times\frac{\Gamma(-\varepsilon)^{3}\Gamma(1+2\varepsilon)}{(4\pi)^{2-2\varepsilon}\Gamma(-3\varepsilon)}+\mathcal{O}(|\vec{q}|^{1-4\varepsilon}).$ (106) Finally expanding also the $q^{2}$ of the denominator this gives the result quoted in the main text. ## References * (1) T. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Poul H. Damgaard, Ludovic Plante, Pierre Vanhove", "submitter": "Pierre Vanhove", "url": "" }
# Neutrino mass matrices from localization in M-theory on $G_{2}$ orbifold Eric Gonzalez [email protected] Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA Gordon Kane [email protected] Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics, Department of Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, USA Khoa Dang Nguyen [email protected] Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA ###### Abstract M-theory compactified on a $G_{2}$ manifold with resolved $E_{8}$ singularity is a promising candidate for a unified theory. The experimentally observed masses of quarks and charged leptons put a restriction on the moduli of the $G_{2}$ manifold. These moduli in turn uniquely determine the Dirac interactions of the neutrinos. In the paper, we explicitly compute the Dirac terms for neutrino mass matrix using the moduli from a localized model with resolved $E_{8}$ singularities on a $G_{2}$ manifold. This is a novel approach as the Dirac terms are not assumed but derived from the structure of quarks’ and charged leptons’ masses. Using known mass splittings and mixing angles of neutrinos, we show the acceptable region for Majorana terms. We also analyse the theoretical region for Majorana terms induced from the expectation values of right handed neutrinos through the Kolda-Martin mechanism. The intersection of the two regions indicates a restriction on neutrino masses. In particular, the lightest neutrino must have small but non-zero mass. Moreover, this also puts constraints on possible Majorana contributions from Kähler potential and superpotential, which can be traced down to a restriction on the geometry.We conclude that the masses of the two heavier light neutrinos are about $0.05\text{ eV}$ and $0.009\text{ eV}$ ($0.05\text{ eV}$ and $0.05\text{ eV}$)) for normal (inverted) hierarchy. In both hierarchies, we predict the light neutrinos are mostly Dirac type. Hence neutrino-less double-beta decay will be small. This is a testable result in a near future. Some bounds on heavy neutrinos are also derived. ###### Contents 1. 1 Introduction 2. 2 Background 1. 2.1 General setup 2. 2.2 Yukawa couplings 3. 3 Terms 1. 3.1 Neutrino-neutrino mixing terms 2. 3.2 Mixing Matter with Higgs Superfields 3. 3.3 Mixing Matter with Gauginos 4. 3.4 General Mass Matrix 4. 4 VEVs of right handed neutrinos and their conjugates 1. 4.1 Case 1: No Mixing 2. 4.2 Case 2: Mixing with Two Families 3. 4.3 Case 3: Mixing with Three Families 5. 5 Mass Matrix from Neutrino Mixing 1. 5.1 Mass Matrix Setup 6. 6 Majorana Mass Matrix 1. 6.1 Majorana Mass Matrix from See-Saw Mechanism 2. 6.2 Majorana mass from VEVs of $\nu^{c}_{i}$ 7. 7 Limit for Neutrinos 1. 7.1 Lower Bound for $\epsilon_{i}$ 2. 7.2 Normal Hierarchy Analysis 3. 7.3 Inverted Hierarchy Analysis 8. 8 Ratios of Dirac and Majorana contributions 9. 9 Heavy neutrino mass 10. 10 Conclusion ## 1 Introduction The origin of the light left handed neutrinos in the Standard Model (SM) has been a mystery. Cosmological probes have constrained the sum of the left handed neutrino masses to be $\Sigma m_{\nu}<0.12$ $(0.15)\ \text{eV}$ for normal (inverted) ordering de Salas _et al._ (2021). Neutrino mass splittings observed from neutrino oscillation are $\Delta m_{12}^{2}=7.6\times 10^{-5}$ $eV^{2}$, and $\Delta m_{13}^{2}=2.5\times 10^{-3}$ $eV^{2}$ de Salas _et al._ (2021). Moreover, the oscillation angles are about $\theta_{12}=33.44^{\circ}$, $\theta_{23}=49.0^{\circ}$, and $\theta_{13}=8.57^{\circ}$ de Salas _et al._ (2021, 2020), which can be used to explicitly compute the flavor components of mass eigenstates. Due to none-zero mixing angles, neutrino flavor eigenstates (electron, muon, and tau) are not the same as the neutrino mass eigenstates (simply labeled “1”, “2”, and “3”). It is not known which of these three is the heaviest. In analogy with the mass hierarchy of the charged leptons, the configuration with mass 2 being lighter than mass 3 is conventionally called the “normal hierarchy”, while in the “inverted hierarchy”, the opposite would hold. Several major experimental efforts are underway to help establish which is correct. Current data favors the normal hierarchy, although the confidence for this hierarchy has been decreasing over the years de Salas _et al._ (2021). In this paper we will assume the normal hierarchy first, and then apply similar framework to the inverted hierarchy. We show that viable neutrino masses can arise within the framework of M theory with resolved $E_{8}$ singularities, which is a highly non-trivial result, given the constrained nature of M theory constructions. From our previous work Gonzalez _et al._ (2020), we numerically compute a local solution for moduli of $G_{2}$ manifold from the experimental masses of quarks and charged leptons. As these moduli locally control the geometry structure of the manifold, they determine all other interactions in the model. Therefore, we can use them to compute the Dirac terms of the neutrinos. This distinguishes our approach from previous works with neutrino Dirac mass Acharya _et al._ (2016); Mohapatra _et al._ (2000); Chen _et al._ (2013); Barr and Dorsner (2000); Rodejohann (2004); Goh _et al._ (2003); Damanik (2010a, b); Akhmedov _et al._ (2000); Ma (2021) as we do not make an estimation, instead we compute the Dirac terms explicitly. The origin of Majorana mass terms has been complicated to realize from the string theory perspective Acharya _et al._ (2016). For instance, it is possible to obtain large Majorana mass terms from instanton effects Acharya _et al._ (2006); Blumenhagen _et al._ (2007); Ellis _et al._ (2015), large volume compactification Conlon and Cremades (2007), or orbifold compactifications of the heterotic string Buchmuller _et al._ (2007). In this work, we use the Kolda-Martin mechanism Kolda and Martin (1996); Costa _et al._ (1987) to generate vaccumn expectation values (VEVs) for the scalar components of right handed neutrino supermultiplets and their conjugates. The Kolda-Martin (K-M) mechanism includes effects of non-perturbative terms via the Kähler potential. A similar approach has been done by Acharya et al for an $SO(10)$ gauge group Acharya _et al._ (2016). Our work expands the idea to an explicit resolved $E_{8}$ singularities model, with three generations fitting the experimental data for quarks and charged leptons, and computes neutrino Dirac terms. The computed Dirac terms put constraints on the Majorana terms through the see-saw mechanism, and the Majorana terms are generated from the VEVs of the conjugates of right handed neutrinos. Additionally, when the right handed neutrinos get VEVs, we inevitably generate bilinear R-parity violating terms of the form $\epsilon_{ij}L_{i}H_{j}$. There are many works dedicated to study these terms Barbier _et al._ (2005); Cohen _et al._ (2019); Diaz (1997). In general, due to the presence of large Majorana terms, the bilinear mixing between Higgs and leptons may spoil the Higgs physics. It is more favorable to have a small $\epsilon_{ij}$. This puts a stringent constraints on the aforementioned VEVs. In this paper, we show that there are solutions for the VEVs in which the mixing between leptons and Higgses is minimal. As a result of the constraints, with a generic un- suppressed Kähler potential coefficient, the lightest neutrino can be neither massless nor heavy. Futhermore, the nature of lightest neutrinos are expected to be determined in a near future. The most important process for this effort is the neutrinoless double-beta decay, in which the total lepton number is violated by two units. The prediction for the Standard Model including non-perturbative effects via K-M mechanism is that the neutrinos are Dirac. That implies neutrinoless double beta decay will be small under those assumptions, and therefore a good window for new physics, e.g.neutralinos (which are Majorana particles), R-parity violating interactions, and new physics in general. If the light neutrinos are significantly Majorana, the experiments should be able to detect them. Otherwise, the particles must be mostly Dirac Oberauer _et al._ (2020). In this paper, we predict that the light particles are mostly Dirac, hence the decay will be small. This paper is organized as following: section 2 will briefly cover the local model of M theory compactified on a $G_{2}$ manifold with resolved $E_{8}$ singularities Gonzalez _et al._ (2020). Section 3 will list all of the contributions to the neutrino mass matrix. Section 4 discusses the VEVs for the right handed neutrinos and their conjugates through the K-M mechanism while discussing the $\epsilon_{ij}$ problem. Section 5 contains the computed Dirac matrix and sets up the framework for the neutrino mass matrix. In section 6 we discuss the Majorana mass matrix from the experimental data and from the right handed neutrino VEVs. In section 7 we deduce a limit on the neutrino masses. We predict the masses of the mass eigenstate neutrinos, though we cannot yet exclude one of the normal or inverted case. This will lead to section 8 where the ratio of Dirac to Majorana components are estimated. Finally, some insight about heavy neutrino masses are presented in section 9. ## 2 Background ### 2.1 General setup M-theory is compactified on a $G_{2}$ manifold which is a 7-d manifold. We are interested in $G_{2}$ manifold as an ALE fiberation of $\mathbb{C}^{2}/\Gamma$ on a 3-d base $M_{3}$. Locally the manifold looks like $\displaystyle M_{3}\times\widehat{\mathbb{C}^{2}/\Gamma}$ (2.1) where $\widehat{\mathbb{C}^{2}/\Gamma}$ is some resolution of ADE singular space $\mathbb{C}^{2}/\Gamma$ which is a quotient of complex space $\mathbb{C}^{2}$ by a finite subgroup $\Gamma$ of $SU(2)$, resulting in a singularity at the origin. In our case, the singularity is $E_{8}$. There is a metric $g$, 3-form $C$, gravitino spinor $\Psi$, and $G_{2}$ structure 3-form $\omega$ on the 7-d $X$ . The 3-form $\omega$ completely determines the metric $g$ of the $G_{2}$ manifold; therefore, $C$ ,$\Psi$ and $\omega$ govern all of the physics in M-theory. Integrating $C$ and $\omega$ on the basis of three cycles of $X$ gives axions $a_{i}$ and moduli fields $s_{i}$ respectively Acharya _et al._ (2007, 2008); Acharya and Gukov (2004) . The superfield $\Phi_{i}$ is then of the form $\displaystyle\Phi_{i}=a_{i}+is_{i}+\text{fermionic terms}$ (2.2) The moduli $s_{i}$ controls the size of the three cycles in $X$. When $s_{i}$ varies along the base $M_{3}$, the singularity $E_{8}$ can be deformed and resolved to lower singularities or even completely smooth points. These singularities have a one-to-one correspondence with the gauge group of M theory Witten (2001). The moduli $s_{i}$ corresponding to an $E_{8}$ singularity are listed in Bourjaily (2007). Vanishing moduli correspond to the simple roots of the gauge group. When a simple root modulus vanishes the gauge group is enhanced to a larger one. Furthermore, chiral fermions localize in places along these ADE singularites where non-simple-roots three cycles vanish to form conical singularities Acharya and Witten (2001). Bourjaily et al Bourjaily (2007) and Gonzalez et al Gonzalez _et al._ (2020) give detailed explanations and example computations for the presentations of the chiral fermions. In our model, the resolved $E_{8}$ singularity results in matter as in Table 9 and Table 10 in Bourjaily (2007). In the following, the charges are listed in the same order as in Table 10 in Bourjaily (2007), namely in order $a,b,c,d,Y$. Then we have $\displaystyle E_{8}\rightarrow SU(3)\times SU(2)\times U(1)_{a}\times U(1)_{b}\times U(1)_{c}\times U(1)_{d}\times U(1)_{Y}.$ (2.3) The hypercharge Y has a factor of $6$ compared to the conventional hypercharge normalization to make all the charges integer and does not effect the calculation. The charge $a$ is identically set to zero, following Gonzalez _et al._ (2020), to drop terms dependent on a. Then, the relevant particles for this study are $\displaystyle H^{d}_{1}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(1,1,2,2,-3)}$ $\displaystyle H^{u}_{1}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(1,1,2,2,3)}$ $\displaystyle L_{1}=({\bf 1},{\bf 2})_{(1,1,-1,3,-3)}$ $\displaystyle\nu_{1}^{c}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(1,1,-1,-5,0)}$ $\displaystyle H^{d}_{2}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(1,-1,2,2,-3)}$ $\displaystyle H^{u}_{2}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(1,-1,2,2,3)}$ $\displaystyle L_{2}=({\bf 1},{\bf 2})_{(1,-1,-1,3,-3)}$ $\displaystyle\nu_{2}^{c}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(1,-1,-1,-5,0)}$ $\displaystyle H^{d}_{3}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(0,-1,2,2,-3)}$ $\displaystyle H^{u}_{3}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(0,-1,2,2,3)}$ $\displaystyle L_{3}=({\bf 1},{\bf 2})_{(-2,0,-1,3,-3)}$ $\displaystyle\nu_{3}^{c}=({\bf 1},{\bf 1})_{(-2,0,-1,-5,0)}.$ (2.4) The reason for $a=0$ is to allow large top quark mass Gonzalez _et al._ (2020). Note that the simple root cycles do not shrink under this condition, so there is no enhanced gauge group. This is similar to taking the diagonal $U(1)_{a}\times U(1)_{b}$. Notice that a $\mu$ term $H^{u}_{i}H^{d}_{j}$ is generally not allowed, but can be generated by the Giudice-Masiero mechanism Chen _et al._ (2013). ### 2.2 Yukawa couplings The couplings for the interactions in the superpotential are given by the instanton effect Braun _et al._ (2019); Atiyah and Witten (2003); Acharya _et al._ (2007); Hubner (2021); Pantev and Wijnholt (2011) $\displaystyle Y=\frac{1}{\Lambda}e^{-V_{\text{3 cycles}}}$ (2.5) where $\Lambda$ is a scaling factor proportional to the volume of the $G_{2}$ manifold Acharya _et al._ (2007); Braun _et al._ (2019). In our model, the local moduli are not enough to determine the volume, so we treat $\Lambda$ as a parameter. $V_{\text{3 cycles}}$ is the volume of the three cycles stretching between the three singularities where the three particles in the cubic terms are located. This volume is a function of the moduli $\displaystyle Vol(\Sigma_{ABC})=\frac{1}{2}(-v_{A}^{T}H_{A}^{-1}v_{A}-v_{B}^{T}H_{B}^{-1}v_{B}$ $\displaystyle+(v_{A}+v_{B})^{T}(H_{A}+H_{B})^{-1}(v_{A}+v_{B})).$ (2.6) Here, $\Sigma_{ABC}$ is a three cycle covering three particle singularities A, B, and C. Moreover, each singularity’s location on $M_{3}$ is determined by the critical point of $\displaystyle f=\frac{1}{2}t^{T}Ht+v^{T}t+c$ (2.7) where $t$ is the local 3-d coordinate on $M_{3}$, $H$ is a $3\times 3$ matrix, $v$ is a 3-vector, and c is a scalar. Using this setup, we can write down the mass matrix for quarks and charged leptons. Then, by fitting to experimental data, we can find the solutions for $f_{i}$’s in the local model. We will use the fit result of b, c, d, and Y from Gonzalez _et al._ (2020). In a full theory on a determined $G_{2}$ manifold, the moduli should uniquely determine every other quantity in the theory as they determine the geometry of the manifold. In our local model, as there is some global structure we are missing, the $f_{i}$’s will determine many quantities, such as Dirac neutrino terms, but leave some other quantities, such as Majorana terms and the soft breaking mechanism Acharya _et al._ (2016), subject to tuning. Nonetheless, most of our main results will not depend of the tuning. ## 3 Terms ### 3.1 Neutrino-neutrino mixing terms At tree level, the contribution from the superpotential is $\displaystyle W_{tree}\supset y_{123}H^{u}_{1}L_{2}\nu^{c}_{3}+y_{132}H^{u}_{1}L_{3}\nu^{c}_{2}+y_{312}H^{u}_{3}L_{1}\nu^{c}_{2}+y_{321}H^{u}_{3}L_{2}\nu^{c}_{1}$ (3.1) $\displaystyle+y_{213}H^{u}_{2}L_{1}\nu^{c}_{3}+y_{231}H^{u}_{2}L_{3}\nu^{c}_{1}+y_{333}H^{u}_{3}L_{3}\nu^{c}_{3}$ (3.2) where $y_{ijk}$ are coupling constants computed from Eq. 2.5. There are also contributions to the same terms from the Kähler potential with coefficients of order $\frac{1}{m_{pl}}$ which is negligible Acharya _et al._ (2016). Similar to the work done by Acharya et al Acharya _et al._ (2016) to generate a Majorana mass term, we get contributions to the superpotential of the form $\displaystyle W\supset\sum_{0\leq h,l,m\leq n}\sum_{i,j,k=1,2,3}\frac{C_{h,l,m}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i}^{c}\bar{\nu_{i}^{c}})^{h}(\nu_{j}^{c}\bar{\nu_{j}^{c}})^{l}(\nu_{k}^{c}\bar{\nu_{k}^{c}})^{m}$ (3.3) where $m_{pl}=2.4\times 10^{18}$ GeV is the reduced Planck mass. Ideally, the constants $C_{h,k,l}$ should be determined completely by the moduli of the $G_{2}$ manifold. In the local model of Gonzalez _et al._ (2020), we do not consider $\bar{\nu}_{j}$ fields as they are controlled by global moduli beyond the local patch. As a result, $C_{h,l,m}$ is considered a tunable parameter in our local model. Contributions from the Kähler potential to the same terms are expected. They can be computed from the full Kähler potential Beasley and Witten (2002); Lukas and Morris (2004) $\displaystyle K=-3\log\big{(}\frac{V}{2\pi}\big{)}$ (3.4) where $V$ is the volume of $G_{2}$ manifold. Unfortunately, the precise dependence of the volume on the global moduli in resloved $E_{8}$ orbifold is unknown. We assume it is not significant due to the generic suppression as in Acharya _et al._ (2016). By solving D term and F term equations from the terms in equation (3.3), one can find the VEVs for right handed neutrinos. Assuming the leading term is quartic which we will justify later, the Majorana mass terms in the superpotential would have the form $\displaystyle\sum_{i,j}\frac{C_{2,1}}{m_{pl}}(\langle\bar{\nu_{i}^{c}}\rangle\langle\bar{\nu_{j}^{c}}\rangle)\nu_{i}^{c}\nu_{j}^{c}.$ (3.5) Additionally, we also receive terms of the form $L_{i}H^{u}_{j}$ from expression (3.1) when right handed neutrinos get VEVs. We will discuss this in section 4. In the same manner, the Dirac mass terms emerge from Eq. 3.1 when the Higgses get VEVs. ### 3.2 Mixing Matter with Higgs Superfields When the scalar components of the right handed neutrino superfields $\nu^{c}_{i}$ get VEVs, cubic terms of the form $Y_{ijk}H^{u}_{i}L_{j}\nu^{c}_{k}$ will give rise to the mixing between $L_{j}$ and $H^{u}_{i}$ superfields. They appear in superpotential as $\displaystyle\mu_{ij}H^{u}_{i}L_{j}$ (3.6) where $\displaystyle\mu_{ij}=Y_{ijk}\langle\nu^{c}_{k}\rangle.$ (3.7) This mixing can potentially spoil the Higgs physics, so it is generally more favorable to consider small $\mu_{ij}$ relative to Dirac mass terms in the neutrino mass matrix. This creates a stringent condition which requires $\langle\nu^{c}_{k}\rangle<\langle H^{u}_{i}\rangle$ while $\langle\bar{\nu^{c}_{k}}\rangle$ remains large due to Eq. 3.5 and the see-saw mechanism. This will be realized in section 4. Furthermore, the presence of R-parity violating bilinear terms (B-RPV) induces a sub-electroweak scale (EWS) VEV on the scalar components of the $\nu$-type fields. In our case, below the EWS, we expect all $\nu$-type scalars to acquire a non-vanishing VEV, generating a mixing between right handed neutrino and Higgsinos Acharya _et al._ (2016) $\displaystyle\epsilon_{ij}H^{u}_{i}\nu^{c}_{j}$ (3.8) Although this can create some correction to our analysis, the contribution is usually expected to be smaller then the Dirac mass terms Acharya _et al._ (2016). ### 3.3 Mixing Matter with Gauginos Finally, as in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM), the presence of VEVs will mix some fermions with gauginos through kinetic terms, namely the Higgsinos with $\tilde{B}_{1},\tilde{W}_{0}$ due to the Higgses VEVs Binétruy (2006). In our case we also have $\nu^{c}$-type and $\nu$-type scalar VEVs, which will mix gauginos with matter fermions through kinetic terms. Explicitly, we have, for the $SU(2)$ states (left-handed neutrinos), $\displaystyle L\supset g^{\prime}\tilde{B}\langle\tilde{\nu_{i}}\rangle\nu_{i}+g\tilde{W}^{0}\langle\tilde{\nu_{i}}\rangle\nu_{i}+g_{b}\tilde{B}_{b}\langle\tilde{\nu_{i}}\rangle\nu_{i}+g_{c}\tilde{B}_{c}\langle\tilde{\nu_{i}}\rangle\nu_{i}+g_{d}\tilde{B}_{d}\langle\tilde{\nu_{i}}\rangle\nu_{i}$ (3.9) where the coefficients are gauge couplings. There will be an extra (charge $\times\sqrt{(}2)$) coefficient for each specific particle Binétruy (2006). For the $\nu^{c}$-states, which are singlets under the SM gauge group, mixing takes the form $\displaystyle L\supset g_{b}\tilde{B}_{b}\langle\tilde{\bar{\nu_{i}}}\rangle\bar{\nu_{i}}+g_{c}\tilde{B}_{c}\langle\tilde{\bar{\nu_{i}}}\rangle\bar{\nu_{i}}+g_{d}\tilde{B}_{d}\langle\tilde{\bar{\nu_{i}}}\rangle\bar{\nu_{i}}.$ (3.10) ### 3.4 General Mass Matrix Combining all of the previous arguments, we can write down the general mass matrix for neutrinos. Considering the basis $\displaystyle(\tilde{B},\tilde{W}^{0},\tilde{B}_{b,c,d},H^{u0}_{1,2,3},\nu_{1,2,3},\nu_{1,2,3}^{c}),$ (3.11) the mass matrix will be $\displaystyle M=\begin{pmatrix}M_{\chi^{0}}^{8\times 8}&M^{8\times 6}_{\chi\nu}\\\ (M^{8\times 6}_{\chi\nu})^{T}&M^{6\times 6}_{\nu}\\\ \end{pmatrix}.$ (3.12) where $M^{8\times 6}_{\chi\nu}$ is the mixing sub-matrix between gauginos, Higginos, and neutrinos which is insignificant in our analysis of the magnitude of neutrino masses. $M_{\chi^{0}}^{8\times 8}$ is the pure gauginos- Higginos sub-matrix. Although this sub-matrix can be significant in size, the small mixing with neutrinos makes $M_{\chi^{0}}^{8\times 8}$ irrelevant for the magnitude of neutrino masses. It would be interesting to study their effects in detail in future works. Thus, for the scope of this paper, we will focus only on the neutrino sub-matrix $M^{6\times 6}_{\nu}$. ## 4 VEVs of right handed neutrinos and their conjugates In order to explicitly write down the entries for $M^{6\times 6}_{\nu}$, in this section we will consider a semi-general method to give VEVs to right handed neutrinos and their conjugates. ### 4.1 Case 1: No Mixing First, we consider a standard superpotential that gives rise to right-handed neutrino VEVs without mixing of families $\displaystyle\mu\nu_{i}^{c}\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}+\frac{C_{n,0,0}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i}^{c}\bar{\nu^{c}}_{i})^{n}$ (4.1) where $\mu=m_{3/2}\frac{s}{m_{pl}}=\mathcal{O}(10^{3})$ GeV with $m_{3/2}=\mathcal{O}(10^{4})$ GeV is the mass of gravitino, $\frac{s}{m_{pl}}\equiv 0.1$ GeV is a generic moduli VEVs contribution in Kähler potential Acharya _et al._ (2016). The latter should be determined completely from the value of the moduli if we have a complete description of $G_{2}$ manifold. Unfortunately, we will use this estimated value due to our lack of knowledge for a complete $G_{2}$ structure. D-flat directions implies $\displaystyle\sum_{i}q^{j}_{i}\big{(}|\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle|^{2}-|\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle|^{2}\big{)}-\xi_{j}=0$ (4.2) for $j=b,c,d,Y$ and $\xi$’s are from Fayet–Iliopoulos terms. F-flat directions give $\displaystyle\mu\nu_{i}^{c}+\frac{nC_{n,0,0}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i}^{c})^{n}(\bar{\nu^{c}}_{i})^{n-1}=0$ (4.3) $\displaystyle\mu\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}+\frac{nC_{n,0,0}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i}^{c})^{n-1}(\bar{\nu}^{c}_{i})^{n}=0$ (4.4) The VEVs for $\nu_{i}^{c}$ can be problematic because they can create terms such as $y\langle\nu^{c}\rangle H^{u}L$ which may spoil Higgs physics. On the other hand, large VEVs for $\bar{\nu_{i}}^{c}$ are needed to generate large Majorana terms for right handed neutrinos and hence see-saw mechanism. Thus, we consider $\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{i}\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle$. From F-terms, this will imply $\displaystyle\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{i}\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle=\sqrt{\epsilon_{i}}\big{(}-\frac{\mu m_{pl}^{2n-3}}{nC_{n,0,0}}\big{)}^{\frac{1}{2(n-1)}}.$ (4.5) Plugging this into the D-term, we get a restriction for Fayet–Iliopoulos coefficients. $\displaystyle\xi_{b}$ $\displaystyle=(\epsilon_{1}^{2}-1)\langle\bar{\nu}_{1}^{c}\rangle-(\epsilon_{2}^{2}-1)\langle\bar{\nu}_{2}^{c}\rangle$ (4.6) $\displaystyle\xi_{c}$ $\displaystyle=-\sum_{i=1}^{3}(\epsilon_{i}^{2}-1)\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle$ (4.7) $\displaystyle\xi_{d}$ $\displaystyle=-5\sum_{i=1}^{3}(\epsilon_{i}^{2}-1)\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle$ (4.8) $\displaystyle\xi_{Y}$ $\displaystyle=0$ (4.9) This cannot give too much texture to Majorana terms without tuning $C_{n,0,0}$. From the observed data, as we will see later, a rich texture is needed. Therefore, it is inviting to consider the mixing case. ### 4.2 Case 2: Mixing with Two Families Consider the simplest mixing Käler potential $\displaystyle\mu\nu_{i}\bar{\nu}_{i}+\mu\nu_{j}\bar{\nu}_{j}+\frac{C_{n-k,k,0}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i}\bar{\nu}_{i})^{n-k}(\nu_{j}\bar{\nu}_{j})^{k}.$ (4.10) The D-flat equations are the same as in Eq. 4.2. Again we consider $\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{i}\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle$. F-flat directions give $\displaystyle\mu\nu_{i}+(n-k)\frac{C_{n-k,k,0}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i})^{n-k}(\nu_{j}\bar{\nu}_{j})^{k}(\bar{\nu}_{i})^{n-k-1}=0,$ (4.11) $\displaystyle\mu\nu_{j}+(k)\frac{C_{n-k,k,0}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{i}\bar{\nu}_{i})^{n-k}(\nu_{j})^{k}(\bar{\nu}_{j})^{k-1}=0$ (4.12) $\displaystyle\text{Interchange }\nu\leftrightarrow\bar{\nu}.$ (4.13) which imply $\displaystyle\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{i}\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle=\sqrt{\epsilon_{i}}\Bigg{[}-\frac{\mu}{C_{n-k,k,0}}\frac{(n-k)^{k-1}}{k^{k}}m_{pl}^{2n-3}\Bigg{]}^{\frac{1}{2(n-1)}},$ (4.14) $\displaystyle\langle\nu_{j}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{j}\langle\bar{\nu}_{j}^{c}\rangle=\sqrt{\epsilon_{j}}\Bigg{[}-\frac{\mu}{C_{n-k,k,0}}\frac{k^{n-k-1}}{(n-k)^{n-k}}m_{pl}^{2n-3}\Bigg{]}]^{\frac{1}{2(n-1)}}.$ (4.15) A hierarchy for Majorana terms is possible here as right handed anti-neutrinos from different families get different VEVs. ### 4.3 Case 3: Mixing with Three Families We can consider the simplest mixing of three families in the Kähler potential $\displaystyle\mu\nu_{1}^{c}\bar{\nu}_{1}^{c}+\mu\nu_{2}^{c}\bar{\nu}_{2}^{c}+\mu\nu_{3}\bar{\nu}_{3}+\frac{C_{h,k,l}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{1}\bar{\nu}_{1})^{h}(\nu_{2}\bar{\nu}_{2})^{k}(\nu_{3}\bar{\nu}_{3})^{l}.$ (4.16) where $h+k+l=n$. The D-flat equations are the same as in Eq. 4.2. Again we consider $\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{i}\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle$. Then, F-term equations are $\displaystyle\mu+\frac{hC_{h,k,l}}{m_{pl}^{2n-3}}(\nu_{1}^{c}\bar{\nu}_{1}^{c})^{h-1}(\nu_{2}^{c}\bar{\nu}_{2}^{c})^{k}(\nu_{3}\bar{\nu}_{3}^{c})^{l}=0,$ (4.17) $\displaystyle\text{Permute 3 pairs }(1,h),(2,k)\text{, and }(3,l),$ (4.18) $\displaystyle\text{permute }\nu\leftrightarrow\bar{\nu}.$ (4.19) The solution is $\displaystyle\langle\nu_{1}^{c}\rangle=\epsilon_{i}\langle\bar{\nu}_{i}^{c}\rangle=\sqrt{\epsilon_{i}}\Bigg{[}-\frac{\mu h^{k+l+1}m_{pl}^{2n-3}}{C_{h,k,l}k^{k}l^{l}}\Bigg{]}^{\frac{1}{2(n-1)}},$ (4.20) $\displaystyle\text{Permute 3 pairs }(1,h),(2,k)\text{, and }(3,l).$ (4.21) Note that in all of the above cases, in practice, we can drop the negative signs inside the brackets as they can be absorbed as a phase in the oscillation matrix of neutrinos. Another scenario is that one of the right handed neutrinos completely decouples from the other two. The Kähler potential will then be a sum of case 1 and case 2, and the solutions are the same as case 1 and case 2. ## 5 Mass Matrix from Neutrino Mixing ### 5.1 Mass Matrix Setup We investigate the matrix with only right handed neutrinos and left handed neutrinos. Using the moduli values computed from quarks and charged lepton mass in Gonzalez _et al._ (2020) 111Note that although we can only find one solution in Gonzalez _et al._ (2020), it is likely not unique. Study about the uniqueness of local solution is left for future study., we compute Dirac mass terms from the cubic yukawa couplings at tree level $\displaystyle W_{tree}\supset y_{123}H^{u}_{1}L_{2}\nu^{c}_{3}+y_{132}H^{u}_{1}L_{3}\nu^{c}_{2}+y_{312}H^{u}_{3}L_{1}\nu^{c}_{2}+y_{321}H^{u}_{3}L_{2}\nu^{c}_{1}$ (5.1) $\displaystyle+y_{213}H^{u}_{2}L_{1}\nu^{c}_{3}+y_{231}H^{u}_{2}L_{3}\nu^{c}_{1}+y_{333}H^{u}_{3}L_{3}\nu^{c}_{3}$ (5.2) where $y_{ijk}$’s are computed from the moduli. The Yukawa couplings $y_{ijk}$ form a matrix $\displaystyle Y=\begin{pmatrix}&0&6.93\times 10^{-7}&4.52\times 10^{-10}\\\ &7.25\times 10^{-1}&0&3.19\times 10^{-1}\\\ &2.53\times 10^{-5}&1.71\times 10^{-2}&3.22\times 10^{-2}\end{pmatrix}.$ (5.3) When the Higgs get VEVs, the Dirac terms (in GeV) are approximately $\displaystyle D=\begin{pmatrix}&0&2.32\times 10^{-5}&-3.28\times 10^{-8}\\\ &2.42\times 10^{1}&0&-4.93\times 10^{1}\\\ &-1.83\times 10^{-3}&-2.64\times 10^{0}&1.08\times 10^{0}\end{pmatrix}.$ (5.4) The first two diagonal entries vanish because there are no charge invariant terms for those. This comes down to the fact that when breaking from $E_{8}$, particles from the same family have the same $b$ charge. If their charges are non-zero, they cannot couple in cubic level, which is the case for the first two families with $b$ charge $\pm 1$. The explanation for the size of the rest is complicated as the Yukawa is related to the moduli by exponentiated inverse matrices. However, the significant different in sizes of the entries can be traced back to the hierarchy of the up-type quarks whose b and c charges are the same as the neutrinos. The Majorana contribution comes form the superpotential $\displaystyle W\supset y\nu_{i}^{c}\bar{\nu_{i}^{c}}\nu_{j}\bar{\nu_{j}^{c}}$ (5.5) which was discussed in Sec. 3. When neutrino conjugate terms $\bar{\nu_{i}^{c}}$ get VEVs, terms of the form in equation 5.5 constitute the Majorana mass matrix $RM$. The mass matrix is in the basis of $\\{L_{1},L_{2},L_{3},\nu^{c}_{1},\nu^{c}_{2},\nu^{c}_{3}\\}$ $\begin{pmatrix}&0&D\\\ &D^{\intercal}&RM\end{pmatrix}$ where $RM$ is the right-handed Majorana matrix. Notice that $RM$ must be symmetric. $RM$ gets large entries when right-handed neutrinos get VEVs. Before computing the VEVs for right-handed neutrinos through a variety of methods, we want to see if it is possible to get a sensible left-handed neutrino hierarchy and flavor-ratio for the mass eigenstates. According to the experimental data, orthonormal eigenvectors are approximately $\displaystyle V\equiv\begin{pmatrix}&v_{1}&v_{2}&v_{3}\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}&c_{13}c_{12}&c_{13}s_{12}&s_{13}\\\ &-c_{23}s_{12}-s_{13}s_{23}c_{12}&c_{23}c_{12}-s_{13}s_{23}s_{12}&c_{13}s_{23}\\\ &s_{23}s_{12}-s_{13}c_{23}c_{12}&-s_{23}c_{12}-s_{13}c_{23}s_{12}&c_{13}c_{23}\end{pmatrix}$ (5.6) where $c_{ij}=\cos(\theta_{ij})$, $s_{ij}=\sin(\theta_{ij})$, and we omitted the possible phase for simplicity. We use the oscillation angles $\displaystyle\theta_{12}=33.44^{\circ}$ $\displaystyle\theta_{13}=8.57^{\circ}$ $\displaystyle\theta_{23}=49.0^{\circ}.$ (5.7) Assuming normal hierarchy, the eigenvalues are $\displaystyle\Lambda\equiv\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(m_{1},m_{2},m_{3})=\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(x,\sqrt{\Delta m_{21}^{2}+x^{2}},\sqrt{\Delta m_{31}^{2}+x^{2}},)$ (5.8) where $x$ is the mass of the lightest left-handed neutrino and the mass-square differences are $\displaystyle\Delta m_{31}^{2}=2.32\times 10^{-21}\text{ GeV}^{2}$ $\displaystyle\Delta m_{21}^{2}=7.6\times 10^{-23}\text{ GeV}^{2}$ (5.9) Finally, we denote the remaining components of the left-handed neutrino eigenvectors as $\displaystyle E\equiv\begin{pmatrix}&\epsilon_{1}&\epsilon_{2}&\epsilon_{3}\end{pmatrix}$ (5.10) which we expect to be small but non-zero. The final eigenvector expression is $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}&0&D\\\ &D^{\intercal}&RM\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}&V\\\ &E\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}&V\\\ &E\end{pmatrix}\Lambda$ (5.11) ## 6 Majorana Mass Matrix ### 6.1 Majorana Mass Matrix from See-Saw Mechanism Performing the explicit multiplication in Eq. 5.11, we get $\displaystyle DE=V\Lambda\implies E=D^{-1}V\Lambda,$ (6.1) $\displaystyle D^{\intercal}V+RME=E\Lambda\implies RMD^{-1}V\Lambda=E\Lambda-D^{\intercal}.$ (6.2) The lightest neutrino cannot be massless, otherwise $(RMD^{-1}V-E)\Lambda$ would have a vanishing third column while $D^{\intercal}$ does not. Thus, $\Lambda$ is invertible. Combining the two equations we get an expression for $RM$ $\displaystyle RM=D^{-1}V\Lambda V^{-1}D-D^{\intercal}V\Lambda^{-1}V^{-1}D.$ (6.3) Notice that as $\Lambda$ has very small diagonal entries, the second term is dominant $\displaystyle RM\approx-D^{\intercal}V\Lambda^{-1}V^{-1}D.$ (6.4) For convenience, we absorb negative signs by a phase in $V$. We can investigate the small $x$ regime by writing $\displaystyle RM_{ij}\approx(D^{\intercal}V)_{i1}\frac{1}{x}(V^{-1}D)_{1j}=\frac{(V^{-1}D)_{1i}(V^{-1}D)_{1j}}{x}.$ (6.5) Thus, at small $x$, the Majorana terms will behave as a hyperbolic curve with respect to the lightest neutrino mass $x$, and the texture of $RM$, modulo the magnitude of $x$, is given by the first column of $V^{-1}D$ which is fixed. When $m_{1}$ is close to the largest mass splitting, all $m_{i}$ have the same magnitude and the approximation becomes $\displaystyle RM_{ij}\approx\sum_{k}(D^{\intercal}V)_{ik}\frac{1}{m_{k}}(V^{-1}D)_{kj}=\frac{\sum_{k}(V^{-1}D)_{ki}(V^{-1}D)_{kj}}{x}$ (6.6) which is also a hyperbola with respect to $x$, although the texture of $RM$ relies on all of $V^{-1}D$ here. To build an intuition on the magnitude of $RM$, we plug in $x=10^{-11.5}GeV$ which is about the size of the second mass splitting. The diagonalized left handed neutrino mass matrix is $\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(4.9\times 10^{-5},8.6\times 10^{-6},3.2\times 10^{-12})$, absorbing negative signs by a phase in $V$, we get $\displaystyle RM=\begin{pmatrix}&6.6\times 10^{13}&4.6\times 10^{12}&1.4\times 10^{14}\\\ &4.6\times 10^{12}&5.8\times 10^{11}&9.5\times 10^{12}\\\ &1.4\times 10^{14}&9.5\times 10^{12}&2.8\times 10^{14}\end{pmatrix}$ (6.7) which is a symmetric matrix as we wanted. We will see that this matrix can be constructed with appropriate right-handed neutrino VEVs. For readability, the above entries of this Majorana matrix are being rounded from the actually precise values needed for the hierarchy. In fact, the hierarchy and oscillation of left-handed neutrinos can only be achieved with a high level of precision in the entries of $RM$. We cannot round the entries up because that would destroy the final hierarchy and oscillation. This is a consequence of Eq. 6.2, where the entries of $RM$ are in general much larger than those of $\Lambda$, independent of $E$. So for the equality in Eq.6.2 to happen, entries of $RM$ need to cancel out in $RME$ precisely to very small non-zero numbers. ### 6.2 Majorana mass from VEVs of $\nu^{c}_{i}$ We will argue that contributions beyond the order of equation 3.5 will be insignificant. In fact, the contribution from order $2N$ in the superpotential is $\displaystyle\sum_{i,j}\frac{C_{N,N,0}}{m_{pl}^{4N-3}}\langle\bar{\nu_{i}^{c}}\rangle^{N}\langle\bar{\nu_{j}^{c}}\rangle^{N}\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle^{N-1}\langle\nu_{j}^{c}\rangle^{N-1}\nu_{i}^{c}\nu_{j}^{c}$ (6.8) Plugging in the VEVs from equation 4.20, the coefficients are of the form $\displaystyle\frac{C_{N,N,0}m_{pl}^{\frac{n-2N}{n-1}}}{\epsilon}\Bigg{[}(hk)^{l+1}h^{k-h}k^{h-k}\frac{\mu^{2}}{C_{n}^{2}}\Bigg{]}^{\frac{2N-1}{2(n-1)}}$ (6.9) where $h,k,l$ are permuted to get other terms. Instead of separate $n_{i}$ and $n_{j}$ for $\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle$ and $\langle\nu_{j}\rangle$, we can consider $n_{i}=n_{j}=n$ for some fractional $n$. Assume $\frac{C_{N,1}}{C_{N+1,1}}\approx\mathcal{O}(1)$. The $h,k,l$ dependent part is also approximately $\mathcal{O}(1)$.and the coefficient is decreasing with respect to $N$ if $\displaystyle\frac{\mu}{C_{N,N,0}m_{pl}}<1$ (6.10) which implies $\displaystyle C_{N,N,0}>\frac{\mu}{m_{pl}}\approx\frac{10^{3}}{10^{18}}=10^{-15}\text{ Gev}.$ (6.11) Thus, as long as the suppression coefficient is not too small, the main contribution is always at quadric order. Henceforth, we assume $C\in[10^{-15},1]$ which is consistent with Acharya et al Acharya _et al._ (2016). ## 7 Limit for Neutrinos ### 7.1 Lower Bound for $\epsilon_{i}$ When the right handed neutrinos get VEVs, along with familiar Dirac terms of the form $\displaystyle y\langle H^{u}_{j}\rangle L_{i}\nu^{c}_{k},$ (7.1) there are terms of the from $\displaystyle y\langle\nu^{c}_{k}\rangle L_{i}H^{u}_{j}.$ (7.2) which may potentially spoil the Higgs’ physics. Therefore, it is desirable for the couplings to be smaller than those of the $\mu$ terms $\mu H^{u}_{i}H^{d}_{j}$ (generated at electroweak scale) and the Dirac terms. As our computed Dirac coupling $y$ is $\mathcal{O}(10)$, it is sufficient to have the right handed neutrino VEVs smaller than those of the Higgses $\displaystyle\langle\nu^{c}_{i}\rangle\mathop{}_{\textstyle\sim}^{\textstyle<}10^{2}.$ (7.3) Plugging the result from 4.20 in, we get $\displaystyle\sqrt{\epsilon_{i}}\mathop{}_{\textstyle\sim}^{\textstyle<}10^{2}\Bigg{[}\frac{\mu h^{k+l+1}m_{pl}^{2n-3}}{C_{h,k,l}k^{k}l^{l}}\Bigg{]}^{\frac{-1}{2(n-1)}}$ (7.4) which implies $\displaystyle\sqrt{\epsilon_{i}}\mathop{}_{\textstyle\sim}^{\textstyle<}10^{2}\Bigg{[}\frac{\mu m_{pl}^{2n-3}}{C_{h,k,l}}\Bigg{]}^{\frac{-1}{2(n-1)}}$ (7.5) where we have again assumed the $k,h,l$ dependent factor to be approximately $\mathcal{O}(1)$. ### 7.2 Normal Hierarchy Analysis Using the upper bound for $\epsilon$ we can find a lower bound for the Majorana mass term $\displaystyle RM_{ij}=\frac{C_{1,1}}{m_{pl}}\langle\bar{\nu}^{c}_{i}\rangle\langle\bar{\nu}^{c}_{j}\rangle=\frac{C_{1,1}m_{pl}^{\frac{n_{ij}-2}{n_{ij}-1}}\mu^{\frac{1}{n_{ij}-1}}}{\epsilon C_{h,k,l}^{\frac{1}{n_{ij}-1}}}\geq 10^{4}\Bigg{[}\frac{\mu m_{pl}^{2n_{ij}-3}}{C_{h,k,l}}\Bigg{]}^{\frac{1}{(n_{ij}-1)}}\frac{C_{1,1}m_{pl}^{\frac{n_{ij}-2}{n_{ij}-1}}\mu^{\frac{1}{n_{ij}-1}}}{C_{h,k,l}^{\frac{1}{n_{ij}-1}}}$ (7.6) $\displaystyle=\frac{10^{4}\times C_{1,1}\times m_{pl}^{\frac{3n_{ij}-5}{n_{ij}-1}}\times\mu^{\frac{2}{n_{ij}-1}}}{C_{h,k,l}^{\frac{2}{n_{ij}-1}}}$ (7.7) Instead of considering separate $n_{i}$ and $n_{j}$ for $\langle\nu_{i}^{c}\rangle$ and $\langle\nu_{j}^{c}\rangle$, we again consider $n_{i}=n_{j}=n_{ij}$ for some fractional $n_{ij}$. Following the analysis of the previous section, we find $\displaystyle(D^{\intercal}V\Lambda^{-1}V^{-1}D)_{ij}=RM_{ij}=\frac{C_{2,1}}{m_{pl}}\langle\bar{\nu}^{c}_{i}\rangle\langle\bar{\nu}^{c}_{j}\rangle.$ (7.8) We will analysis the upper bound for $m_{3}$ in many scenarios and deduce those the rest of the neutrinos accordingly. For convenience, we let $m_{1}=\frac{1}{k}m_{3}$ and $m_{2}=\frac{1}{h}m_{3}$. Then we get $\displaystyle\frac{1}{m_{3}}\Big{[}(D^{\intercal}V)_{i3}(V^{-1}D)_{3j}+h(D^{\intercal}V)_{i2}(V^{-1}D)_{2j}+k(D^{\intercal}V)_{i1}(V^{-1}D)_{1j}\Big{]}=RM_{ij}$ (7.10) which implies $\displaystyle m_{3}=\frac{(D^{\intercal}V)_{i3}(V^{-1}D)_{3j}+h(D^{\intercal}V)_{i2}(V^{-1}D)_{2j}+k(D^{\intercal}V)_{i1}(V^{-1}D)_{1j}}{RM_{ij}}.$ (7.11) Now, before we use inequality in Eq. 7.6 to estimate the bound, we should consider specific limiting cases and get the best bound. First, we consider all masses are of the same order, i.e, $k=h=\mathcal{O}(1)$. Consider $i=j=2$ the numerator is $\mathcal{O}(10)$, and the upper bound is $\displaystyle m_{3}\approx\frac{10}{RM_{11}}\leq\frac{10C_{h,k,l}^{\frac{2}{n_{2}-1}}}{10^{4}\times C_{1,1}\times m_{pl}^{\frac{3n_{2}-5}{n_{2}-1}}\times\mu^{\frac{2}{n_{2}-1}}}<10^{-12}$ (7.12) for all $n_{2}\geq 2$ where we use $C\in[10^{-15},1]$. As the largest mass splitting is $10^{-10.5}$ GeV, it rules out the possibility of equal magnitude for neutrino masses. A second case is when $m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$ are of the same magnitude but much smaller then $m_{3}$. Then $m_{3}$ will be approximately the mass splitting which is $10^{-10.5}$ GeV and $h\approx k\gg 1$. However, due to the smaller mass splitting $10^{-11.5}$ GeV, we need $m_{1}\approx m_{2}\gg 10^{-11.5}$ which implies $h\approx k\ll 10$. If we consider $(i,j)=(1,2)$, we find $\displaystyle m_{3}\leq\frac{10}{RM_{12}}\leq\frac{10C_{h,k,l}^{\frac{2}{n_{12}-1}}}{10^{4}\times C_{1,1}\times m_{pl}^{\frac{3n_{2}-5}{n_{12}-1}}\times\mu^{\frac{2}{n_{12}-1}}}<10^{-12}.$ (7.13) Thus, $m_{3}$ fails to satisfy the mass splitting constraint in this case. Finally, when $m_{1}\ll m_{2},m_{3}$, the magnitude of each entry in $RM_{ij}$ is determined by the magnitude of $m_{1}$. The estimate in Eq. 7.11 will be dominated by $k$ and provide an upper bound larger than the mass splitting. Hence this is a viable case that agrees with experimental observation. Nonetheless, as mentioned in Sec. 6, $m_{3}$ cannot be massless in this model. Thus, in general, we predict the lightest neutrino to be massive but light comparing the other two. This implies $\displaystyle m_{3}\approx 0.05\text{ eV}$ $\displaystyle m_{2}\approx 0.009\text{ eV}$ (7.14) ### 7.3 Inverted Hierarchy Analysis We can carry out a similar analysis for the inverted hierarchy of left handed neutrino masses. Notice that the oscillations for each label $i$ for $m_{i}$ do not change. The only thing we need to modify is the diagonal mass matrix $\displaystyle\Lambda\equiv\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(m_{1},m_{2},m_{3})=\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(x,\sqrt{x^{2}+\Delta m_{21}^{2}},\sqrt{x^{2}-\Delta m_{31}^{2}},).$ (7.15) As $m_{2}$ is the largest, we will mimic the previous analysis as $m_{1}=\frac{1}{h}m_{2}$ and $m_{3}=\frac{1}{k}m_{2}$ and end up with $\displaystyle m_{2}=\frac{k(D^{\intercal}V)_{i3}(V^{-1}D)_{3j}+(D^{\intercal}V)_{i2}(V^{-1}D)_{2j}+h(D^{\intercal}V)_{i1}(V^{-1}D)_{1j}}{RM_{ij}}.$ (7.16) First, we consider all masses are of the same order, i.e,$k=h=O(1)$. Then, consider $i=j=2$. We arrive at the same conclusion of $m_{2}<10^{-12}$ which fails to satisfy the mass splitting constraint. Unlike the normal hierarchy, the second case where $m_{1}\approx m_{3}\ll m_{2}$ is not possible with inverted hierarchy. As the large mass splitting $\Delta m_{32}^{2}$ requires $m_{1}\approx m_{3}>10^{10.5}$, the small mass splitting $\Delta m_{12}^{2}\ll\Delta m_{32}^{2}$ will imply $m_{2}\approx m_{1}$ . Again, we arrive at the conclusion the lightest left handed neutrino, in this case $m_{3}$, is light compared to the other two. This implies $\displaystyle m_{1}\approx m_{2}\approx 0.05\text{ eV}$ (7.17) The results from both hierarchies are consistent with the current knowledge of light neutrinos, for instance, the work of Gonzalo et al Gonzalo _et al._ (2021). ## 8 Ratios of Dirac and Majorana contributions It is also important to study the percentage of Dirac and Majorana components in the three light neutrinos. From Eq. 6.1, we have $\displaystyle E=D^{-1}V\Lambda$ (8.1) Following the previous discussion, for the normal hierarchy, we use $\displaystyle\Lambda=\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(x,0.009\times 10^{-9},0.05\times 10^{-9})$ (8.2) where $x$ is nonzero and smaller then $10^{-12}$ GeV. Then, varying the value of $x$, element of $E$ is of order at most $\mathcal{O}(10^{-6})$. Recall that $V$ is chosen to be orthonormal and hence of order $\mathcal{O}(1)$. Thus, the ratio of Majorana components to Dirac components is less than $10^{-6}$. Similarly, we consider inverted hierarchy with $\displaystyle\Lambda=\mathop{\rm diag}\nolimits(0.05\times 10^{-9},0.005\times 10^{-9},x)$ (8.3) where $x$ is nonzero and smaller then $10^{-12}$ GeV. Although the Majorana components look slightly different, we arrive at the same conclusion that the ratio of Majorana components to Dirac components is less than $10^{-6}$. This would predict light neutrinos are mostly Dirac type. Theoretically, this is consistent with the current works, such as that of Gonzalo et al Gonzalo _et al._ (2021). Experimentally, that implies they behave as four component Dirac spinors, and the double beta decay would be small Oberauer _et al._ (2020). There are several experiments in progress of testing this Bilenky and Giunti (2015). ## 9 Heavy neutrino mass We can also extract some information about heavy neutrinos by considering the eigenvector equations similar to Eq. 5.11 $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}&0&D\\\ &D^{\intercal}&RM\end{pmatrix}\begin{pmatrix}&V^{\prime}\\\ &E^{\prime}\end{pmatrix}=\begin{pmatrix}&V^{\prime}\\\ &E^{\prime}\end{pmatrix}\Lambda^{\prime}$ (9.1) where $\Lambda^{\prime}$ is the diagonal mass matrix of the heavy neutrinos. In contrast with light neutrinos, We expect $V^{\prime}$ to be small compared to $E^{\prime}$. Similarly to light neutrino case, we can pick $E$ to be orthonormal.This would imply $\displaystyle DE^{\prime}=V^{\prime}\Lambda^{\prime}$ (9.2) $\displaystyle D^{\intercal}V^{\prime}+RME^{\prime}=E^{\prime}\Lambda^{\prime}$ (9.3) As both $D$ and $V^{\prime}$ are small compared to $RM$ and $E^{\prime}$ respectively, we have the estimation $\displaystyle RME^{\prime}\approx E^{\prime}\Lambda^{\prime}$ (9.4) or $\displaystyle E^{\prime-1}RME^{\prime}\approx\Lambda^{\prime}.$ (9.5) As $E^{\prime}$ is orthonormal, we conclude that $\Lambda^{\prime}$ is approximately the diagonalized matrix of $RM$. This means the lower bound for the heaviest eigenvalue is $\displaystyle\lambda_{max}\geq\frac{\mathop{\rm tr}(RM)}{3}\gtrsim 10^{14}\hskip 28.45274ptGeV$ (9.6) Using this, we can estimate the upper bound for the lightest of the heavy neutrinos. $\displaystyle\prod_{i=1,2,3}\lambda^{heavy}_{i}=\det{RM}.$ (9.7) Hence, $\displaystyle\lambda^{heavy}_{min}\leq\big{(}\frac{\det(RM)}{\lambda_{max}}\big{)}^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ (9.8) $\det(RM)$ is inversely proportional to the mass of the lightest neutrino, so in general $\det(RM)$ is not bounded above when the lightest neutrino becomes lighter and lighter. On the other hand, in the heaviest case, the lightest neutrino is about $10^{-11.5}$ GeV, $\det(RM)$ is about $\mathcal{O}(10^{39})$. Then, the upper bound for the lightest heavy neutrino is $\displaystyle\lambda^{heavy}_{min}\leq 10^{12.5}\hskip 28.45274ptGeV$ (9.9) ## 10 Conclusion In this paper, our primary goal is to analyze the mass matrix of neutrinos using the result from a localized model of M theory compactified on $G_{2}$ manifold with resolved $E_{8}$ singularity Gonzalez _et al._ (2020). We learn in this work that the neutrinos originate in the need for the full content of the representations of the resolved $E_{8}$ singularity. Similar to the work of Acharya et al Acharya _et al._ (2016), there are two main contributions: pure neutrino mixing, and neutralinos and higginos mixing with neutrinos. We argue that the former is more significant and therefore the focus of the paper. Dirac terms of the neutrino mass matrix are explicitly computed from the moduli of the localized model on $G_{2}$ manifold. We computed the contribution on the cubic level. The texture of the neutrino masses is highly hierarchical as a result of the correlation to hierarchy from the up-type quark. From experimental data of the mixing angles and mass splittings, assuming the normal ordering, we can use the Dirac terms to compute the Majorana mass matrix as a function of the lightest neutrino mass. The Kolda-Martin mechanism is the main theoretical tool to generate Majorana terms in this paper. In this picture, the right handed neutrinos ( and their anti particles) get VEVs and generate Majorana masses through quadric terms. The VEVs along with the Dirac terms and experimental data oscillation angles create an upper bound for the masses of left handed neutrinos. Considering this upper bound in both scenarios of normal and inverted hierarchies, we conclude that the last neutrino should always be light comparing the the other two families regardless of the choice of hierarchy. However, the model and the computed Dirac terms generally forbid the lightest neutrino to be massless. The very light mass of the one of the neutrinos implies that the other two left handed neutrinos have masses about $0.05\text{ eV}$ and $0.009\text{ eV}$ ($0.05\text{ eV}$ and $0.05\text{ eV}$)) for normal (inverted) hierarchy. Moreover, the ratio of Majorana components to Dirac components is less than $10^{-6}$ for the three light neutrino in both hierarchy scenarios. This leads to the prediction that in both hierarchies, the light neutrinos are mostly Dirac type. Hence neutrinoless double-beta decay will be small. This is a testable result in a near future. On the other hands, we achieve some restriction on heavy neutrinos. The bounds are not stringent enough to make a testable prediction. For future work, we expect more predictive results when we understand better about the contributions from the global structures which determine all the coefficients, including those being tunable in our local theory. Locally, it is also intriguing to explore the uniqueness of the solution. If other solutions exist, it is interesting to see the implication on the physics, especially the neutrinos. As our work can be repeated for other solutions in a relatively straightforward way, it is inviting to examine a large class of solutions using bigger computational power. ## References * de Salas _et al._ (2021) P. F. de Salas, D. V. Forero, S. Gariazzo, P. Martínez-Miravé, O. Mena, C. A. Ternes, M. Tórtola, and J. W. F. Valle, “2020 global reassessment of the neutrino oscillation picture,” JHEP 02, 071 (2021), arXiv:2006.11237 [hep-ph] . * de Salas _et al._ (2020) P. F. de Salas, D. V. Forero, S. Gariazzo, P. Martínez-Miravé, O. Mena, C. A. Ternes, M. Tórtola, and J. W. F. 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# Emotion Recognition under Consideration of the Emotion Component Process Model Felix Casel∗, Amelie Heindl∗, and Roman Klinger Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University of Stuttgart Pfaffenwaldring 5b, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany {firstname.lastname} ###### Abstract Emotion classification in text is typically performed with neural network models which learn to associate linguistic units with emotions. While this often leads to good predictive performance, it does only help to a limited degree to understand how emotions are communicated in various domains. The emotion component process model (CPM) by Scherer (2005) is an interesting approach to explain emotion communication. It states that emotions are a coordinated process of various subcomponents, in reaction to an event, namely the subjective feeling, the cognitive appraisal, the expression, a physiological bodily reaction, and a motivational action tendency. We hypothesize that these components are associated with linguistic realizations: an emotion can be expressed by describing a physiological bodily reaction (“he was trembling”), or the expression (“she smiled”), etc. We annotate existing literature and Twitter emotion corpora with emotion component classes and find that emotions on Twitter are predominantly expressed by event descriptions or subjective reports of the feeling, while in literature, authors prefer to describe what characters do, and leave the interpretation to the reader. We further include the CPM in a multitask learning model and find that this supports the emotion categorization. The annotated corpora are available at 00footnotetext: ∗The first two authors contributed equally to this work. ## 1 Introduction The task of emotion classification from written text is to map textual units, like documents, paragraphs, or sentences, to a predefined set of emotions. Common class inventories rely on psychological theories such as those proposed by Ekman (1992) (anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, surprise) or Plutchik (2001). Often, emotion classification is tackled as an end-to-end learning task, potentially informed by lexical resources (see the SemEval Shared Task 1 on Affect in Tweets for an overview of recent approaches Mohammad et al. (2018)). While end-to-end learning and fine-tuning of pretrained models for classification have shown great performance improvements in contrast to purely feature-based methods, such approaches typically neglect the existing knowledge about emotions in psychology (which might help in classification and to better understand how emotions are communicated). There are only very few approaches that aim at combining psychological theories (beyond basic emotion categories) with emotion classification models: We are only aware of the work by Hofmann et al. (2020), who incorporate the cognitive appraisal of events, and Buechel et al. (2020), who jointly learn affect (valence, arousal) and emotion classes; next to knowledge-base-oriented modelling of events by Balahur et al. (2012) and Cambria et al. (2014). An interesting and attractive theory for computational modelling of emotions that has not been used in natural language processing yet is the emotion component process model (Scherer, 2005, CPM). This model states that emotions are a coordinated process in five subsystems, following an event that is relevant for the experiencer of the emotion, namely a _motivational action tendency_ , the _motor expression_ component, a _neurophysiological, bodily symptom_ , the _subjective feeling_ , and the _cognitive appraisal_. The cognitive appraisal has been explored in a fine-grained manner by Hofmann et al. (2020), mentioned above. The subjective feeling component is related to the dimensions of affect.111There exists other work that has been motivated by appraisal theories, but that is either rule-based Shaikh et al. (2009); Udochukwu and He (2015) or does not explicitly model appraisal or component dimensions Balahur et al. (2012); Rashkin et al. (2018). We hypothesize (and subsequently analyze) that emotions in text are communicated in a variety of ways, and that these different stylistic means follow the emotion component process model. The communication of emotions can either be an explicit mention of the emotion name (“I am angry”), focus on the motivational aspect (“He wanted to run away.”), describe the expression (“She smiled.”, “He shouted.”) or a physiological bodily reaction (“she was trembling”, “a tear was running down his face”), the subjective feeling (“I felt so bad.”), or, finally, describe a cognitive appraisal (“I wasn’t sure what was happening.”, “I am not responsible.”). With this paper, we study how emotions are communicated (following the component model) in Tweets (based on the Twitter Emotion Corpus TEC, by Mohammad (2012)) and literature (based on the REMAN corpus by Kim and Klinger (2018)). We post-annotate a subset of 3041 instances with the use of emotion component-based emotion communication categories, analyze this corpus, and perform joint modelling/multi-task learning experiments. Our research goals are (1) to understand if emotion components are distributed similarly across emotion categories and domains, and (2) to evaluate if informing an emotion classifier about emotion components improves their performance (and to evaluate various classification approaches). We find that emotion component and emotion classification prediction interact and benefit from each other and that emotions are communicated by means of various components in literature and social media. The corpus is available at https://www.ims.uni- ## 2 Background and Related Work ### 2.1 Emotion Models Emotion models can be separated into those that consider a discrete set of categories or those that focus on underlying principles like affect. The model of basic emotions by Ekman (1992) considers anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise. According to his work, there are nine characteristics that a basic emotion fulfills: These are (1) distinctive universal signals, (2) presence in other primates, (3) distinctive physiology, (4) distinctive universals in antecedent events, (5) coherence among emotional response, (6) quick onset, (7) brief duration, (8) automatic appraisal, and (9) unbidden occurrence. His model of the six universal emotions constitutes one of the most popular emotion sets in natural language processing. Yet it might be doubted if this set is sufficient. Plutchik (2001) proposed a model with eight main emotions, visualized on a colored wheel. In this visualization, opposites and distance of emotion names are supposed to correspond to their respective relation. A complementary approach to categorizing emotions in discrete sets is advocated by Russell and Mehrabian (1977). Their dimensional affect model corresponds to a 3-dimensional vector space with dimensions for pleasure- displeasure, the degree of arousal, and dominance-submissiveness (VAD). Emotion categories correspond to points in this vector space. A more expressive alternative to the VAD model of affect is motivated by the cognitive appraisal process that is part of emotions. The model of Smith and Ellsworth (1985) introduces a set of variables that they map to the principle components of pleasantness, responsibility/control, certainty, attention, effort, and situational control. They show that these dimensions are more powerful to distinguish emotion categories than VAD. Appraisals are also part of the emotion component process model by Scherer (2005), which is central to this paper. The five components are _cognitive appraisal_ , _neurophysiological bodily symptoms_ , _motor expressions_ , _motivational action tendencies_ , and _subjective feelings_. _Cognitive appraisal_ is concerned with the evaluation of an event. The event is assessed regarding its relevance to the individual, the implications and consequences it might lead to, the possible ways to cope with it and control it, and its significance according to personal values and social norms. The component of _neurophysiological symptoms_ regards automatically activated reactions and symptoms of the body, like changes in the heartbeat or breathing pattern. The _motor expression_ component contains all movements, facial expressions, changes concerning the speech, and similar patterns. Actions like attention shifts and movement with respect to the position of the event are part of the _motivational action tendencies_ component. Finally, the component of _subjective feelings_ takes into account how strong, important, and persisting the felt sensations are. Scherer (2005) argues that it is possible to infer the emotion a person is experiencing by analyzing the set of changes in the five components. Scherer (2009) also points out that computational models must not ignore emotion components. ### 2.2 Emotion Analysis in Text The majority of modelling approaches focuses on the analysis of fundamental emotions (see Alswaidan and Menai, 2020; Mohammad et al., 2018; Bostan and Klinger, 2018) or on the recognition of valence, arousal, and dominance Buechel and Hahn (2017). Work with a focus on other aspects of emotions is scarce. Noteworthy, though this has not been a computational study, is the motivation of the ISEAR project Scherer and Wallbott (1994), from which a textual corpus originated, which is frequently used in NLP. It consists of event descriptions and is therefore relevant for appraisal theories. Further, participants in that study have not only been asked to report on events they experienced, but they also report additional aspects, including the existence of bodily reactions. However, their work does not focus on the _linguistic realization_ of emotion components, but on the _existence_ in the described event. Similarly, Troiano et al. (2019) asked crowdworkers to report on events that caused an emotion. This resource has then been postannotated with appraisal dimensions Hofmann et al. (2020). This is the only recent work we are aware of that models appraisal as a component of the CPM to predict emotion categories, next to the rule-based classification approach by Shaikh et al. (2009), who built on top of the work by Clore and Ortony (2013). Another noteworthy related work is SenticNet, which models event properties including people’s goals, for sentiment analysis (Cambria et al., 2014). The only work we are aware of that studies emotion components (though not following the CPM, and without computational modelling), is the corpus study by Kim and Klinger (2019). They analyze if emotions in fan fiction are communicated via facial descriptions, body posture descriptions, the appearance, look, voice, gestures, subjective sensations, or spatial relations of characters. This set of variables is not the same as emotion components, however, it is related. They find that some emotions are preferred to be described with particular aspects by authors. Their work was motivated by the linguistic study of van Meel (1995). In contrast to their work, our study compares two different domains (Tweets and Literature), and follows the emotion component process model more strictly. Further, we show the use of that model for computational emotion classification through multi-task learning. ## 3 Corpus Annotation ### 3.1 Corpus Selection To study the relation between emotion components and emotions, we annotate subsets from two different existing emotion corpora from two different domains, namely literature and social media. For literature, we use the REMAN corpus Kim and Klinger (2018), which consists of fiction written after the year 1800. It is manually annotated with text spans related to emotions, as well as their experiencers, causes, and targets. Emotion cue spans are annotated with the emotions of anger, fear, trust, disgust, joy, sadness, surprise, and anticipation, as well as ‘other emotion’. From the 1720 instances, we randomly sample a subset of 1000. Each instance comprises a sentence triple and may contain any number of annotated spans. We map the emotions associated to spans to the text instances as the union of all labels, which leads to a multi-label classification task. Instances without emotion annotations are considered ‘neutral’. For the social media domain, we choose the Twitter Emotion Corpus (TEC) (Mohammad, 2012). The emotion categories are anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise. TEC consists of approximately 21,000 posts from Twitter that have a hashtag at the end which states one of the six mentioned emotions. According to the authors, the validity of hashtags as classification labels is commensurable to the inter-annotator agreements of human annotators. We randomly sample 2041 instances with the emotion hashtags as labels for the creation of our corpus. Each instance equals one post and has exactly one emotion label. Component | Explanation of Example | Example ---|---|--- Cognitive appraisal | evaluation of the pleasantness of an event. | Thinks that @melbahughes had a great 50th birthday party Neurophysiol. symptoms | change in someone’s heartbeat. | Loves when a song makes your heart race […] Motiv. Action tendencies | urge to attack a person or object. | sometimes when i think bout you i want to beat the shit out of your face so everyone can see how ugly you are inside and out Motor expressions | facial expression. | @TheBodyShopUK when I walk in the room and my 9month old nephew recognises me and his face lights up with the biggest smile thats 100% Subjective feelings | internal feeling state. | Feelin a bit sad tonight Table 1: Excerpt of the final annotation guidelines including examples from TEC. Component | round 1 | round 2 ---|---|--- Cognitive appraisal | 0.288 | 0.777 Neurophysiological symptoms | 0.459 | – Motiv. Action tendencies | 0.444 | 0.732 Motor expressions | 0.643 | 0.617 Subjective feelings | 0.733 | 0.793 Table 2: Inter-annotator agreement after the different annotation rounds during the guideline creation process measured with Cohen’s $\kappa$. In the second round, no annotator detected the neurophysiological component in the sample instances. ### 3.2 Annotation Procedure and Inter-Annotator Agreement We annotate the emotion component dimensions independently: The existence of a CPM label means that this component is mentioned somewhere in the text, independent of its function to communicate one of the emotions. This is a simplification due to the fact that it turned out to be difficult to infer from the limited context of an instance if an emotion category and an emotion component mention are actually in relation. Further, this procedure also ensures that there is no information leak introduced in the annotation process (e.g., that components are only annotated if they indeed inform the emotion, and that a model could learn from its sheer presence). We refined the annotation guidelines in an iterative process with two annotators. Annotator 1 is a 23 year-old female undergraduate computer science student, Annotator 2 is a 28 year-old male graduate student of computational linguistics. We first defined a list of guidelines for each emotion component, then let each annotator label 40 randomly sampled instances (20 each in two iterations) out of each corpus and measured the inter-annotator agreement. Based on instances with disagreement, we refined the guidelines. The achieved inter-annotator agreement scores are displayed in Table 2. We observe that particularly the concepts of cognitive appraisal and motivational action tendencies have been clarified. During this process, for example, the discussion of the instance “He did so, and to his surprise, found that all the bank stock had been sold, and transferred” lead to the addition of a rule stating that the explicit mention of a feeling has to be annotated with subjective feeling. A rule for the annotation of tiredness as neurophysiological symptoms was created due to the instance “Here he remained the whole night, feeling very tired and sorrowful.”. Concerning the annotation of verbal communication as motor expression, we decided to only annotate instances with verbal communications that address an emotional reaction or instances with interjections as for example ‘oh’ or ‘wow’. With this clarification, the instance “‘Jolly rum thing about that boat,’ said the spokesman of the party, as the boys continued their walk. ‘I expect it got adrift somehow,’ said another. ‘I don’t know,’ said the first.” should not be annotated, whereas “‘Sounds delightful.’ ‘Oh, it was actually pretty cool.”’ should (this aspect has particularly appeared in the second annotator training round, which lead to a slight decrease in agreement). We make the annotation guidelines available together with our corpus. Table 1 shows a short excerpt. After the refinement process concluded, Annotator 1 annotated the subsample of TEC and Annotator 2 annotated the subsample of REMAN. ### 3.3 Corpus Statistics We show corpus statistics in Table 3 to develop an understanding how emotions are communicated in the two domains. For both corpora, we observe that cognitive appraisal is most frequent. In TEC, the second most dominant component is subjective feeling, while in REMAN it is the motor expression. The amount of subjective feeling descriptions is substantially lower for literature than for social media – which is in line with the show-don’t-tell paradigm which is obviously not followed in social media as it is in literature. Components are not distributed equally across emotions. Particularly noteworthy is the co-occurrence of disgust with neurophysiological symptoms in social media, but not in literature where this component dominates the emotion of fear. We also observe a particularly high co-occurrence of the subjective feeling component with fear for social media, which is not the case for literature. In literature, the motivational action tendency component co- occurs with anger (and anticipation) more frequently than with all other emotions. This is not the case for the social media domain. On the REMAN corpus, components occur least frequently when there is no emotion across all components. For both corpora, neurophysiological symptoms make up the smallest share of components, even more so in the case of TEC than REMAN. In a comparison of social media and literature, we observe that emotions are distributed more uniformly in literature. The relative number of co- occurrences of CPM components with emotions varies more for REMAN than for the TEC corpus. | Emotion | Cognitive | Phys. | Motiv. Action | Motor Exp. | Subject. | Total ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- TEC | Anger | 127 | (75%) | 8 | (5%) | 30 | (18%) | 20 | (12%) | 49 | (29%) | 169 Disgust | 65 | (83%) | 11 | (14%) | 6 | (8%) | 17 | (22%) | 19 | (24%) | 78 Joy | 606 | (71%) | 59 | (7%) | 176 | (21%) | 95 | (11%) | 233 | (27%) | 848 Sadness | 323 | (87%) | 13 | (3%) | 58 | (16%) | 53 | (14%) | 142 | (38%) | 373 Fear | 196 | (74%) | 9 | (3%) | 37 | (14%) | 27 | (10%) | 130 | (49%) | 266 Surprise | 219 | (71%) | 2 | (1%) | 55 | (18%) | 55 | (18%) | 83 | (27%) | 307 Total. | 1536 | (75%) | 102 | (5%) | 362 | (18%) | 267 | (13%) | 656 | (32%) | REMAN | Anger | 66 | (67%) | 7 | (7%) | 40 | (41%) | 61 | (62%) | 25 | (26%) | 98 Anticip. | 69 | (59%) | 6 | (5%) | 50 | (43%) | 63 | (54%) | 19 | (16%) | 117 Disgust | 81 | (86%) | 5 | (5%) | 21 | (22%) | 33 | (35%) | 16 | (17%) | 94 Fear | 96 | (67%) | 33 | (23%) | 35 | (24%) | 70 | (49%) | 34 | (24%) | 143 Joy | 121 | (57%) | 11 | (5%) | 28 | (13%) | 117 | (55%) | 66 | (31%) | 213 Neutral | 39 | (34%) | 0 | (0%) | 13 | (11%) | 22 | (19%) | 3 | (3%) | 116 Other | 64 | (57%) | 11 | (10%) | 21 | (19%) | 53 | (47%) | 21 | (19%) | 113 Sadness | 94 | (69%) | 19 | (14%) | 22 | (16%) | 66 | (49%) | 42 | (31%) | 136 Surprise | 103 | (74%) | 11 | (8%) | 21 | (15%) | 83 | (60%) | 22 | (16%) | 139 Trust | 94 | (82%) | 2 | (2%) | 17 | (15%) | 34 | (30%) | 27 | (23%) | 115 Total | 610 | (61%) | 76 | (8%) | 190 | (19%) | 440 | (44%) | 174 | (17%) | Table 3: Total/relative counts of CPM components and emotions in our reannoted TEC and REMAN subsamples. Note that the CPM categorization is a multi-label task, with 1000 instances in REMAN and 2041 instances reannotated in TEC. ## 4 Methods We will now turn to the computational modelling of emotion components and evaluate their usefulness for emotion classification. We evaluate a set of different feature-based and deep-learning based classification approaches to join the tasks of emotion classification and component classification. ### 4.1 Emotion Classifier As baseline emotion classification models which are not particularly informed about components, we use two models: Emo-ME-Base is a maximum entropy (ME) classifier with TF-IDF-weighted bag-of-words unigram and bigram features. As preprocessing, we convert all words to lowercase, and stem them with the PorterStemmer. On TEC, with its single-label annotation, Emo-ME-Base consists of one model, while on REMAN with multi-label annotation, we use 10 binary classifiers. (a) (b) (c) Figure 1: Neural Model Architectures (subset) Our neural baseline Emo-NN-Base uses pre-trained BERT sentence embeddings222 (Devlin et al., 2019) as input features. Inspired by Chen and Wang (2018); Sosa (2017), the network architecture consists of a bidirectional LSTM layer (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997), followed by a convolutional layer with kernel sizes 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, and 25. The outputs of the convolutional layer are max-pooled over the dimension of the input sequence, inspired by Collobert et al. (2011). Stacked on top of the pooling layer is a fully connected layer. Its outputs are finally fed into an output layer with a sigmoid activation function (see Figure 1a).333We selected this architecture based on preliminary experiments on the validation data. We evaluated it against LSTM-Dense Layer and CNN-LSTM architectures. We use dropout regularization after each layer. The network uses a weighted cross-entropy loss function, whereby the loss of false negatives is multiplied by 4 to increase recall. The model is trained using an Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2015). All network parameters of this model and subsequent neural models are determined using a subset of the training data as development set for the REMAN corpus and using 10-fold cross-validation for the TEC corpus. Details of the resulting hyperparameters are listed in the Appendix. ### 4.2 Component Classifier The emotion component classifiers predict which of the five CPM components occur in a text instance. Our Cpm-ME-Base baseline models (one for each component) only use bag-of-words features in the same configuration as Emo-ME- Base. In the model Cpm-ME-Adv, we add task-specific features, namely features derived from manually crafted small dictionaries with words associated with the different components. Those dictionaries were developed without considering the corpora and with inspiration from Scherer (2005) and contain on average 26 items. Further, we add part-of-speech tags (calculated with spaCy444, Honnibal et al. (2020)) and glove-twitter-100 embeddings555 (Pennington et al., 2014). Additionally, only for the cognitive appraisal component, we run the appraisal classifier developed by Hofmann et al. (2020) and use the predictions as features.666http://www.ims.uni- For each component individually, the best- performing combination of these features is chosen. The Cpm-NN-Base is configured analogously to Emo-NN-Base. The primary reason for using an equivalent setup is to facilitate a multi-head architecture as joint model for both tasks in the next step. ### 4.3 Joint Modelling and Multi-Task Learning of Emotions and Components To analyze if emotion classification benefits from the component prediction (and partially also vice versa), we set up several model configurations. In Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred, we predict the emotion with Cpm-ME-Adv and use these predictions as features. Other than that, Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred corresponds to Emo- ME-Base. In Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold, we replace the predictions by gold component annotations to analyze error propagation. Emo-Cpm-NN-Pred and Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold are configured analogously and follow the same architecture as Emo-NN-Base with the following differences: A binary vector with the CPM annotations is introduced as additional input feature, feeding into a fully connected layer. Its outputs are concatenated with the outputs of the penultimate layer and passed to another fully connected layer, followed by the output layer. Emo-Cpm-NN-Pred uses Cpm-NN-Base to obtain component predictions, but the weights of Cpm-NN-Base are frozen. The basic network architecture resembles that of the Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold model, replacing the additional CPM input vector with the Cpm-NN-Base model (see Figure 1b). Its outputs are, again, fed into a fully connected layer which is connected to the output layer. Next to the models that make use of the output of the CPM classifiers for prediction, we use two multi-task learning models which predict emotions and components based on shared latent variables. For a multi-head variant (MTL- MH), the basic architectures of the individual models for both tasks remain the same. Outputs of the CNN layer are fed to two separate, task-specific, fully connected layers. This model has two output layers, one for emotion classification and one for CPM component classification. Both tasks use the weighted cross entropy loss function to increase recall. | | Cpm-ME-Base | Cpm-ME-Adv | Cpm-NN-Base | MTL-XS | MTL-MH ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- | Component | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 REMAN | Cognitive appraisal | 60 | 98 | 75 | 60 | 98 | 75 | 60 | 98 | 75 | 60 | 98 | 75 | 59 | 96 | 73 Neurophysiological symp. | 50 | 20 | 29 | 50 | 40 | 44 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 25 | 20 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 Motiv. action tendencies | 36 | 47 | 41 | 46 | 68 | 55 | 42 | 26 | 32 | 29 | 42 | 34 | 25 | 68 | 36 Motor expressions | 67 | 56 | 61 | 76 | 65 | 70 | 92 | 53 | 68 | 76 | 60 | 68 | 81 | 60 | 69 Subjective feelings | 38 | 32 | 34 | 45 | 53 | 49 | 58 | 37 | 45 | 48 | 53 | 50 | 35 | 32 | 33 Macro avg. | 50 | 51 | 48 | 56 | 65 | 59 | 54 | 47 | 48 | 48 | 55 | 50 | 40 | 51 | 42 | Micro avg. | | | 61 | | | 67 | | | 63 | | | 63 | | | 57 TEC | Cognitive appraisal | 72 | 99 | 84 | 76 | 98 | 86 | 76 | 88 | 81 | 77 | 90 | 83 | 75 | 91 | 82 Neurophysiological sympt. | 17 | 17 | 17 | 15 | 33 | 21 | 25 | 17 | 20 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 100 | 17 | 29 Motiv. action tendencies | 42 | 57 | 48 | 50 | 74 | 60 | 46 | 51 | 49 | 48 | 57 | 52 | 45 | 54 | 49 Motor expressions | 47 | 52 | 49 | 41 | 61 | 49 | 55 | 58 | 56 | 50 | 48 | 49 | 62 | 32 | 43 Subjective feelings | 63 | 70 | 66 | 63 | 70 | 66 | 74 | 81 | 77 | 61 | 81 | 69 | 57 | 80 | 67 Macro avg. | 48 | 59 | 53 | 49 | 67 | 56 | 55 | 59 | 57 | 51 | 59 | 54 | 68 | 55 | 54 | Micro avg. | | | 70 | | | 71 | | | 73 | | | 71 | | | 70 Table 4: Performance of the emotion component detection models (multiplied by 100). Based on the model proposed by Misra et al. (2016), we use cross-stitch units in our model MTL-XS. This model employs two separate parallel instances of the Cpm-NN-Base architecture introduced above, one for the CPM classification task and one for emotion classification. The model additionally employs one cross- stitch unit after the respective CNN layers. This sharing unit learns a linear combination of the pooled task-specific CNN activation maps which is then passed to the task-specific fully connected layers. The cross-stitch unit learns during training which information to share across tasks (see Figure 1c). ## 5 Results For our experiments, we use our reannotated subsample of TEC and REMAN (not all instances available in TEC and REMAN). We split the corpora into 90% for training and 10% to test. ### 5.1 Component Prediction We start the discussion of the results with the component classification, a classification task that has not been addressed before and for which our data set is the first that becomes available to the research community. Table 4 shows the results. The model performances are acceptable. Macro-average F1 scores on REMAN range from .42 of MTL-MH to .59 for Cpm-ME-Adv, and from .53 (Cpm-ME-Base) to .57 (Cpm-NN-Base) on TEC. There are, however, differences for the components: On TEC, there are difficulties in predicting neurophysiological symptoms. The addition of task-specific features in Cpm-ME-Adv shows a clear improvement across all components. The neural baseline Cpm-NN-Base outperforms Cpm-ME-Adv on TEC, and does so without feature engineering. On REMAN, the feature-based model is superior which might be due to the engineered features being more commonly represented in the literature domain than in social media. This is partially leveraged in the MTL-XS model on REMAN. The components are not equally difficult to predict; the relations between the components are comparable across models. The lowest performance scores are observed for neurophysiological symptoms. This holds across models and corpora. For the neurophysiological component on the literature domain, however, the engineered features in Cpm-ME-Adv show substantial improvement, yielding an F1 score of 0.44. Cognitive appraisal shows best prediction performances, with F1 between .73 and .86. For TEC, we observe a correlation between performance and class size for all components. For REMAN, Cpm-ME-Adv is the best-performing model. Cpm-ME-Adv’s macro average F1 of 0.59 is 9pp higher than the second best F1-score. For TEC, the best results are achieved by Cpm-NN-Base with a macro F1 of 0.57. | Model | Anger | Anticip | Disgust | Fear | Joy | Neutral | Other | Sadness | Surpr. | Trust | Macavg. | Micavg. ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- REMAN | Emo-ME-Base | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold | 18 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 16 | 62 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 14 Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 14 | 4 | 6 Emo-NN-Base | 36 | 18 | 29 | 41 | 59 | 46 | 14 | 36 | 71 | 50 | 40 | 43 Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold | 56 | 22 | 28 | 37 | 68 | 71 | 15 | 39 | 50 | 60 | 45 | 45 Emo-Cpm-NN-Pred | 32 | 0 | 33 | 34 | 71 | 40 | 17 | 52 | 58 | 42 | 38 | 43 MTL-MH | 35 | 16 | 24 | 39 | 62 | 49 | 22 | 48 | 67 | 56 | 42 | 42 MTL-XS | 38 | 24 | 26 | 47 | 64 | 54 | 37 | 48 | 64 | 55 | 46 | 47 TEC | Emo-ME-Base | 11 | | 0 | 53 | 64 | | | 43 | 38 | | 35 | 54 Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold | 11 | | 0 | 59 | 66 | | | 40 | 43 | | 36 | 55 Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred | 11 | | 0 | 59 | 67 | | | 43 | 43 | | 37 | 55 Emo-NN-Base | 41 | | 44 | 56 | 69 | | | 51 | 39 | | 50 | 57 Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold | 52 | | 33 | 67 | 72 | | | 60 | 47 | | 55 | 62 Emo-Cpm-NN-Pred | 32 | | 0 | 59 | 70 | | | 53 | 44 | | 43 | 56 MTL-MH | 17 | | 57 | 53 | 76 | | | 53 | 45 | | 50 | 58 MTL-XS | 34 | | 50 | 60 | 73 | | | 57 | 44 | | 53 | 61 Table 5: F1 (/100) results across models and emotion categories. (empty cells denote that this category is not available in the respective corpus. The best scores (except the gold setting) are printed bold face. ### 5.2 Emotion Classification In this section, we discuss the performance of our emotion classification models across different configurations. One question is how providing component information to them helps most. Table 5 shows the results for all experiments. The comparison of Emo-ME-Base and Emo-NN-Base reveals that a pure word-based model is not able to categorize emotions in REMAN, due to the imbalancedness in this multilabel classification setup. This observation is in line with previous results (Kim and Klinger, 2018). The use of BERT’s contextualized sentence embeddings leads to a strong improvement of 43pp (against a 0 F1 for Emo-ME-Base). The performance of the ME models is comparably limited also on TEC, though this is less obvious on the micro-averaged F1 due to the imbalancedness of the resource (.35 macro, .54 micro F1). Our main research question is if emotion components help emotion classification. In our first attempt to include this information as features, we see some improvement. On REMAN, Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred “boosts” from 0 to 6 F1, on TEC we observe an improvement by 1pp, to .55 F1. The inclusion of predicted component information as features in the neural network model shows no improvement on REMAN or on TEC. To answer the question if this limited improvement is only due to a limited performance of the component classification model, we compare these results to a setting, in which the predicted values are replaced by gold labels from the annotation. This setup does show an improvement with Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold to .14 F1 on REMAN, which is obviously still very low; and no improvement on TEC. However, with our neural model Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold, we see the potential of gold information increasing the score for emotion classification to .45 F1 on REMAN and .62 F1 on TEC. This is an unrealistic setting – the classifier does not have access to annotated labels in real world applications. However, in the (realistic) cross-stitch multi-task learning setting of MTL-XS, we observe further improvements: On REMAN, we achieve .47 F1 (which is even slightly higher than with gold component labels), which constitutes an achieved improvement by 4pp to the emotion classifier which is not informed about components. On TEC, we achieve .61 F1, which is close to the model that has access to gold components (.62). This is an improvement of 4pp as well in comparison to the model that has no access to components but follows the same architecture. Particularly, we observe that models with component information perform better across all emotions, with the exception of surprise on the REMAN corpus and anger on the TEC corpus. We can therefore conclude that emotion component information does contribute to emotion classification; the best-performing combination is via a cross-stitch model. A detailed discussion based on example predictions of the various models is available in the Appendix. ## 6 Conclusion and Future Work We presented the first data sets (based on existing emotion corpora) with emotion component annotation. While Hofmann et al. (2020) has proposed to use the cognitive appraisal for emotion classification, they did not succeed to present models that actually benefit in emotion classification performance. That might be due to the fact that cognitive appraisal classification itself is challenging, and that they did not compare multiple multi-task learning approaches. With this paper we moved to another psychological theory, namely the emotion component process model, and make the first annotations available that closely follow this theory. Based on this resource, we have shown that, even with a comparably limited data set size, emotion components contribute to emotion classification. We expect that with a larger corpus the improvement would be more substantial than it is already now. A manual introspection of the data instances also shows that the components indeed help. Further, we have seen that emotions are communicated quite differently in the two domains, which is an explanation why emotion classification systems (up-to-today) need to be developed particularly for domains of interest. We propose that future work analyzes further which information is relevant and should be shared across these tasks in multi-task learning models. Further, we propose that larger corpora should be created across more domains, and also that multi-task learning is not only performed individually, but also across corpora. Presumably, the component information in different domains is not the same, but might be helpful across them. ## Acknowledgments This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project CEAT, KL 2869/1-2). ## Ethical Considerations We did not collect a new data set from individuals, but did reannotate existing and publicly available resources. Therefore, this paper does not pose ethical questions regarding data collection. However, emotion analysis has the principled potential to be misused, and researchers need to be aware that their findings (though they are not in themselves harmful) might lead to software that can do harm. We assume that sentiment and emotion analysis are sufficiently well-known that users of social media might be aware that their data could be automatically analyzed. However, we propose that no automatic system ever does report back analyses of individuals and instead does aggregate data of anonymized posts. 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On TEC, we have respective values of 0.56 and 0.71, with the high micro score resulting from cognitive appraisal being the best performing class while also being more than twice as frequent as any other component. Emo-ME-Base Dictionaries POS-tags Embeddings Appraisal prediction Component P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 P R F1 REMAN Cognitive appraisal 60 98 75 60 98 75 57 73 64 60 88 72 60 98 75 Neurophysiological symptoms 50 20 29 25 20 22 00 00 00 40 40 40 50 20 29 Action tendencies 36 47 41 38 42 40 28 47 35 45 68 54 36 47 41 Motor expressions 67 56 61 68 58 63 61 63 62 76 65 70 67 56 61 Subjective feelings 38 32 34 44 37 40 32 37 34 45 53 49 38 32 34 Macro avg. 50 51 48 47 51 48 36 44 39 53 63 57 50 51 48 Micro avg. 61 62 52 65 61 TEC Cognitive appraisal 72 99 84 72 99 83 74 98 84 76 97 85 72 99 84 Neurophysiological symptoms 17 17 17 11 17 13 00 00 00 12 33 17 17 17 17 Action tendencies 42 57 48 40 51 45 42 63 50 45 66 53 42 57 48 Motor expressions 47 52 49 43 48 45 34 45 39 40 61 48 47 52 49 Subjective feelings 63 70 66 62 68 65 62 65 64 58 65 61 63 70 66 Macro avg. 48 59 53 46 57 50 42 54 47 46 64 53 48 59 53 Micro avg. 70 69 68 69 70 Table 6: Overview over the single feature’s impact in classification with Cpm- ME-Adv. Each column displays the classification results if only this column’s feature is additionally to bag-of-words features, enabled. In the last column, the additional feature is only used for the prediction of cognitive appraisal, due to the classification assumption that the components can appear individually of each other in text. ## Appendix B Detailed Emotion Results for Emotion Classification The results table in the main paper did, for space reasons, only show F1 scores. Table 7 present the complete results for the neural network, including precision and recall values. | | Emo-NN-Base | Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold | Emo-Cpm-NN-Pred | MTL-MH | MTL-XS ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- | Emotion | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 | P | R | F1 REMAN | Anger | 28 | 50 | 36 | 47 | 70 | 56 | 33 | 30 | 32 | 31 | 40 | 35 | 31 | 50 | 38 Anticipation | 18 | 18 | 18 | 19 | 27 | 22 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 12 | 27 | 16 | 17 | 36 | 24 Disgust | 20 | 56 | 29 | 20 | 44 | 28 | 24 | 56 | 33 | 16 | 56 | 24 | 18 | 44 | 26 Fear | 35 | 50 | 41 | 25 | 71 | 37 | 33 | 36 | 34 | 28 | 64 | 39 | 40 | 57 | 47 Joy | 47 | 77 | 59 | 74 | 64 | 68 | 70 | 73 | 71 | 65 | 59 | 62 | 57 | 73 | 64 Neutral | 40 | 55 | 46 | 100 | 55 | 71 | 29 | 64 | 40 | 35 | 82 | 49 | 38 | 91 | 54 Other | 33 | 9 | 14 | 50 | 9 | 15 | 17 | 18 | 17 | 15 | 45 | 22 | 29 | 55 | 37 Sadness | 27 | 53 | 36 | 31 | 53 | 39 | 50 | 53 | 52 | 37 | 67 | 48 | 44 | 53 | 48 Surprise | 65 | 79 | 71 | 41 | 64 | 50 | 53 | 64 | 58 | 55 | 86 | 67 | 47 | 100 | 64 Trust | 39 | 69 | 50 | 86 | 46 | 60 | 67 | 31 | 42 | 43 | 77 | 56 | 50 | 62 | 55 | Macro avg. | 35 | 52 | 40 | 49 | 50 | 45 | 38 | 42 | 38 | 34 | 60 | 42 | 37 | 62 | 46 | Micro avg. | | | 43 | | | 45 | | | 43 | | | 42 | | | 47 TEC | Anger | 50 | 35 | 41 | 57 | 47 | 52 | 30 | 35 | 32 | 29 | 12 | 17 | 42 | 29 | 34 Disgust | 40 | 50 | 44 | 50 | 25 | 33 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 67 | 50 | 57 | 50 | 50 | 50 Fear | 65 | 50 | 56 | 86 | 55 | 67 | 73 | 50 | 59 | 48 | 59 | 53 | 54 | 68 | 60 Joy | 60 | 82 | 69 | 68 | 78 | 72 | 67 | 72 | 70 | 79 | 74 | 76 | 66 | 82 | 73 Sadness | 57 | 47 | 51 | 61 | 58 | 60 | 61 | 47 | 53 | 66 | 44 | 53 | 61 | 53 | 57 Surprise | 48 | 32 | 39 | 45 | 50 | 47 | 40 | 50 | 44 | 36 | 62 | 45 | 60 | 35 | 44 Macro avg. | 53 | 49 | 50 | 61 | 52 | 55 | 45 | 42 | 43 | 54 | 50 | 50 | 55 | 53 | 53 Micro avg. | | | 57 | | | 62 | | | 56 | | | 58 | | | 61 Table 7: Performance of the neural network emotion classifiers. The highest F1 scores are printed bold face. ## Appendix C Neural Network Parameters Table 8 shows the network parameters that were determined during the development process of the neural models. | Parameter | Cpm-NN-Base | Emo-NN-Base | Emo-Cpm-NN-Gold | Emo-Cpm-NN-Pred | MTL-XS | MTL-MH ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- REMAN | Bi-LSTM units | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 32 / 24 | 24 CNN filters | 10 | 10 | 16 | 16 | 12 / 10 | 16 FC neurons (cpm) | 128 | — | 96 | 64 | 128 | 128 FC neurons (emo) | — | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 FC neurons (comb.) | — | — | 128 | 96 | — | — Loss weight (emo) | — | 4.0 | 6.0 | 4.0 | 7.8 | 7.8 Loss weight (cpm) | 1.5 | — | — | — | 1.5 | 1.5 Task weight (emo) | — | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.75 | 0.75 Task weight (cpm) | 1.0 | — | — | — | 0.5 | 0.35 Minibatch size | 60 | 50 | 50 | 50 | 25 | 25 TEC | Bi-LSTM units | 24 | 24 | 24 | 24 | 32/24 | 24 CNN filters | 32 | 32 | 32 | 32 | 24/24 | 32 FC neurons (cpm) | 32 | — | — | 64 | 128 | 32 FC neurons (emo) | — | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 | 128 FC neurons (comb.) | — | — | 256 | 256 | — | — Loss weight (emo) | — | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 Loss weight (cpm) | 1.0 | — | — | — | 1.0 | 1.0 Task weight (emo) | — | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 0.75 | 0.5 Task weight (cpm) | 1.0 | — | — | — | 0.5 | 0.5 Minibatch size | 40 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 80 | 80 Table 8: Neural network parameters. In cases where multiple values are displayed, the first value refers to the emotion detection part of the network, while the second value refers to CPM detection. ## Appendix D Discussion of Instances We show examples in Table 9 where component information is helpful for emotion classification. Regarding the neural classifiers, MTL-XS generally tends to predict fewer false positives when there are no strong correlations among the potential emotions to the predicted CPM, like in (1). Similarly, in (2) the model predicts only ‘fear’, which is more likely to occur together with the ‘subjective feeling’ component than ‘anger’ or ‘disgust’, according to Table 3 in the paper. Additionally, CPM information helps to solve ambiguities: In (3), the model predicts ‘anticipation’ rather than ‘sadness’, presumably because of the stronger correlation to the predicted CPM component ‘action tendency’. In the two TEC examples (4–5), the baseline detects ‘joy’, while MTL-XS correctly detects ‘sadness’. The cross-stitch model predicts a ‘subjective feeling’ component in both instances and a ‘cognitive appraisal’ component in one instance. Both components are more strongly correlated with ‘sadness’ than with ‘joy’ (see Table 3 in main paper). We also show some examples that exemplify differences in prediction of the ME- based models (6–8). Generally, the CPM information leads to little improvement in emotion detection on TEC. Nevertheless, there are some cases in which the correct emotion was predicted by at least one of Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold and Emo-Cpm- ME-Pred, whereas it was not detected by Emo-ME-Base. In both examples (6–7), the correct emotions ‘surprise’ and ‘sadness’ have not been found by Emo-ME- Base (predicting ‘joy’ and ‘surprise’ respectively). Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold and Emo- Cpm-ME-Pred both correctly predicted ‘surprise’ for (6) and ‘sadness’ for (7). There are indications of ‘subjective feeling’ in the second and of ‘motor expression’ and ‘cognitive appraisal’ in both examples, that were also predicted by Cpm-ME-Adv, which might have helped assigning the correct emotion class. On REMAN, the ME models were able to classify a small fraction of the instances correctly, which is still an improvement compared to the miserably failing baseline. An example with improved prediction for REMAN is (8), where the emotion ‘joy’ was correctly identified by Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold and Emo-Cpm-ME- Pred, while not being detected by Emo-ME-Base. (1) As for the hero of this story, ’His One Fault’ was absent-mindedness. He forgot to lock his uncle’s stable door, and the horse was stolen. In seeking to recover the stolen horse, he unintentionally stole another. (REMAN) --- Emotion Emo-NN-Base | disgust, other, sadness CPM, MTL-XS | cognitive appraisal Emotion, MTL-XS | neutral CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal, action tendency Emotion Gold | neutral (2) In that fatal valley, at the foot of that declivity which the cuirassiers had ascended, now inundated by the masses of the English, under the converging fires of the victorious hostile cavalry, under a frightful density of projectiles, this square fought on. It was commanded by an obscure officer named Cambronne. At each discharge, the square diminished and replied. (REMAN) Emotion Emo-NN-Base | anger, disgust, fear CPM, MTL-XS | cognitive appraisal, subjective feeling Emotion, MTL-XS | fear CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal Emotion Gold | fear (3) If sleep came at all, it might be a sleep without waking. But after all that was but one chance in a hundred: the action of the drug was incalculable, and the addition of a few drops to the regular dose would probably do no more than procure for her the rest she so desperately needed…. She did not, in truth, consider the question very closely–the physical craving for sleep was her only sustained sensation. Her mind shrank from the glare of thought as instinctively as eyes contract in a blaze of light–darkness, darkness was what she must have at any cost. (REMAN) Emotion Emo-NN-Base | sadness, fear CPM, MTL-XS | cognitive appraisal, action tendency Emotion, MTL-XS | fear, anticipation CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal, neurophysiological symptoms, action tendencies Emotion Gold | fear, anticipation (4) @justinbieber nocticed a girl the first day she got a twitter! :( (TEC) Emotion Emo-NN-Base | joy CPM, MTL-XS | cognitive appraisal, subjective feeling Emotion, MTL-XS | sadness CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal, subjective feeling Emotion Gold | sadness (5) when the love of your life is half way acrosss the world (TEC) Emotion Emo-NN-Base | joy CPM, MTL-XS | subjective feeling Emotion, MTL-XS | sadness CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal Emotion Gold | sadness (6) My sister is home! YAY. VISIT (TEC) CPM Cpm-ME-Adv | cognitive appraisal, motor expression Emotion Emo-ME-Base | joy Emotion Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred | surprise Emotion Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold | surprise CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal, motor expression Emotion Gold | surprise (7) @lauren_frost It was?!?! What the heck, man! I always miss it! Haha. - You guys need another reunion!! :) (TEC) CPM Cpm-ME-Adv | cognitive appraisal, motor expression, subjective feeling Emotion Emo-ME-Base | surprise Emotion Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred | sadness Emotion Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold | sadness CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal, motor expression, subjective feeling Emotion Gold | sadness (8) And if this was a necessary preparation for what, should follow, I would be the very last to complain of it. We went to bed again, and the forsaken child of some half-animal mother, now perhaps asleep in some filthy lodging for tramps, lay in my Ethelwyn’s bosom. I loved her the more for it; though, I confess, it would have been very painful to me had she shown it possible for her to treat the baby otherwise, especially after what we had been talking about that same evening. (REMAN) CPM Cpm-ME-Adv | cognitive appraisal, action tendency, subjective feeling Emotion Emo-ME-Base | / Emotion Emo-Cpm-ME-Pred | joy Emotion Emo-Cpm-ME-Gold | joy CPM Gold | cognitive appraisal, subjective feeling Emotion Gold | disgust, joy, sadness, trust Table 9: Examples in which components support emotion classification.
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution Share-Alike -", "authors": "Felix Casel and Amelie Heindl and Roman Klinger", "submitter": "Roman Klinger", "url": "" }
11institutetext: IGAM, Institute of Physics, University of Graz, Universitätsplatz 5/II, 8010 Graz, Austria 22institutetext: School of Physics, Astronomy & Mathematics, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield AL10 9AB, UK 33institutetext: Department of Physics & Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK 44institutetext: Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, Universitat de Barcelona (ICC-UB), Martí i Franquès 1, E-08028 Barcelona, Spain 55institutetext: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Departament de Física, c/Esteve Terrades 5, 08860 Castelldefels, Spain 66institutetext: Isaac Newton Group, Apartado de correos 321, E-38700 Santa Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain 77institutetext: Bay Area Environmental Research Institute, P.O. Box 25, Moffett Field, CA 94035, USA 88institutetext: Thüringer Landessternwarte, Sternwarte 5, 07778 Tautenburg, Germany 99institutetext: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, E-38205 La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain 1010institutetext: Astrophysics Group, School of Physics, University of Bristol, Tyndall Av, Bristol, BS8 1TL, UK 1111institutetext: School of Physics, University of Exeter, Exeter EX4 4QL, UK 1212institutetext: Instituto de Astronomía, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), AP 106, Ensenada 22800, BC, México 1313institutetext: Astrophysics Group, Keele University, Keele, ST5 5BG, UK 1414institutetext: Department of Astrophysics/IMAPP, Radboud University, P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands 1515institutetext: Department of Astronomy, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa 1616institutetext: South African Astronomical Observatory, P.O. Box 9, Observatory, 7935, South Africa 1717institutetext: The Inter-University Institute for Data Intensive Astronomy, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, South Africa 1818institutetext: Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK 1919institutetext: Centro Astronómico Hispano-Alemán, Observatorio de Calar Alto, Sierra de los Filabres s/n, E-04550 Gérgal, Almeria, Spain 2020institutetext: The University of Hong Kong, Department of Physics, Hong Kong SAR, China 2121institutetext: The Laboratory for Space Research, Cyberport 4, Hong Kong SAR, China 2222institutetext: Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE 2323institutetext: Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, Alan Turing Building, Manchester M13 9PL, UK # High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database R. 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Groot High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database M. J. Irwin High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database M. J. Barlow High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database C. Fariña High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database A. Fernández-Martín High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database Q. A. Parker High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database S. Phillipps High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database S. Scaringi High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database A. A. Zijlstra High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database High resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images databaseHigh resolution H$\alpha$ imaging of the Northern Galactic Plane, and the IGAPS images database (Received March 31, 2021; accepted July 13, 2021) The INT Galactic Plane Survey (IGAPS) is the merger of the optical photometric surveys, IPHAS and UVEX, based on data from the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) obtained between 2003 and 2018. These capture the entire northern Galactic plane within the Galactic coordinate range, $|b|<5^{\circ}$ and $30^{\circ}<\ell<215^{\circ}$. From the beginning, the incorporation of narrowband H$\alpha$ imaging has been a unique and distinctive feature of this effort. Alongside a focused discussion of the nature and application of the H$\alpha$ data, we present the IGAPS world-accessible database of images for all 5 survey filters, $i$, $r$, $g$, $U_{\rm RGO}$ and narrowband $H\alpha$, observed on a pixel scale of 0.33 arcsec and at an effective (median) angular resolution of 1.1–1.3 arcsec. The background, noise, and sensitivity characteristics of the narrowband $H\alpha$ filter images are outlined. Typical noise levels in this band correspond to a surface brightness at full $\sim$1 arcsec resolution of around $2\times 10^{-16}$ erg cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2. Illustrative applications of the $H\alpha$ data to planetary nebulae and Herbig-Haro objects are outlined and, as part of a discussion of mosaicking technique, we present a very large background-subtracted narrowband mosaic of the supernova remnant, Simeis 147. Finally we lay out a method that exploits the database via an automated selection of bright ionized diffuse interstellar emission targets for the coming generation of wide-field massive-multiplex spectrographs. Two examples of the diffuse H$\alpha$ maps output from this selection process are presented and compared with previously published data. ###### Key Words.: Surveys – Astronomical databases: miscellaneous – ISM: general – (ISM:) HII regions – (ISM:) planetary nebulae: general – ISM: supernova remnants ## 1 Introduction The stellar and diffuse gaseous content of the Galactic Plane continues to be a vitally important object of study as it offers the best available angular resolution for exploring how galactic disc environments are built, and how they operate and evolve over time. For studies of the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM), the optical offers H$\alpha$ – emission in this strong transition is the pre-eminent tracer of ionized gas. By definition, the ISM is an extended object that must involve investigation by means of imaging data. Our purpose here is to present and describe a newly-complete resource that enables this style of astronomy, specifically within the gas- and dust-rich northern Galactic plane. There is a history, stretching back over the last century, of comprehensive surveying of the optical night sky. Until around 1990, much of the wide-area effort depended on photographic emulsions on glass as detectors (e.g. the Palomar, ESO and UK-Schmidt sky surveys, described by Lund & Dixon, 1973; West, 1974; Morgan et al., 1992, respectively). The last thirty years has seen a switch to digital detectors that has brought with it the benefits of linearity and increased dynamic range, paving the way for increasingly precise photometric calibration. Thanks to this change and the advance of data science, the community now has access to a number of wide-area broad band surveys offering images at $\sim$ arcsecond angular resolution and point- source catalogues (e.g. SDSS, Pan-STARRS, DECaPS, Skymapper: see Alam et al., 2015; Chambers et al., 2016; Schlafly et al., 2018; Wolf et al., 2018). Wide-area narrow band H$\alpha$ imaging, our main focus here, has generally been pursued separately from broad band work (most notably VTSS, SHASSA and WHAM, see Dennison et al., 1998; Gaustad et al., 2001; Haffner et al., 2003) . Finkbeiner (2003) merged these surveys into a single map covering much of the sky, albeit at an angular resolution limited to 6 arcmin. Inevitably, most H$\alpha$ nebulosity is concentrated in the Galactic plane, along with most of the Galaxy’s gas, dust and stars. Within the plane, the angular resolution needs to be better than this to begin to resolve individual clusters and HII regions that show structure on the sub-arcminute scale. The UK Schmidt H$\alpha$ Survey (SHS Parker et al., 2005), based on photographic film, has met this challenge in the southern Galactic plane with imaging data of a resolution approaching 1 arcsec. Before the imaging presented here began to be collected, the same could not be said for the plane in the northern hemisphere. The focus of this paper is on full coverage of the plane of the northern Milky Way, via digital narrowband H$\alpha$ imaging at $\sim$1 arcsec angular resolution obtained from 2003 up to 2018 using the Wide Field Camera (WFC) on the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma. We showcase the properties of the H$\alpha$ images and point out different modes of exploitation, past, present and future. Along side this, we also present the IGAPS 5-filter image database, where IGAPS is the acronym for ”The INT Galactic Plane Surveys”. IGAPS is the cross-calibrated merger of the two Galactic Plane surveys, IPHAS (The INT Photometric $H\alpha$ survey of the northern Galactic Plane, Drew et al., 2005), and UVEX (The UV-Excess survey of the northern Galactic Plane, Groot et al., 2009)111In concept, these two surveys are the older siblings to VPHAS+, the survey covering the southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (Drew et al., 2014).. Together these surveys have offered a new mix of narrow-band H$\alpha$ alongside four broad bands spanning the optical. The IPHAS filters were $r$/$i$/$H\alpha$, while the UVEX survey incorporated a repeat in $r$ and $g$/$U_{\rm RGO}$ observations. The total IGAPS footprint is a 1850 sq.deg. strip along the Galactic Plane defined on the sky in Galactic coordinates by:- $-5^{\circ}<b<+5^{\circ}$ and $30^{\circ}<\ell<215^{\circ}$. Monguió et al. (2020) have recently presented the merged and calibrated IGAPS point-source catalogue of aperture photometry derived from the IPHAS and UVEX surveys. The focus of this study was on the extraction of stellar photometric data. It did not take on characterisation of the extended ionised emission traced by the H$\alpha$ images. This is the partner paper in which this missing piece is put in place. We will outline the world-accessible database of IGAPS images we have set up to hold the H$\alpha$ (and broad-band) data. It is reached via a website that also provides access to the Monguió et al. (2020) point source catalogues. The imagery we have archived incorporates all IPHAS and UVEX observations including a minority that did not meet all the desired survey quality criteria. The majority of the images included benefit from the uniform photometric zero points computed by Monguió et al. (2020) in building the IGAPS point-source catalogue. The structure of the paper is as follows. In section 2, we summarise the relevant features of IGAPS data and our methods and summarise the contents of the image database held within This is followed up by an outline of the search tool available for querying the database (section 3). Attention then switches to our main focus: the properties and application of the narrowband H$\alpha+[NII]$ imagery. Section 4 sets the ball rolling with an overview of the sensitivity and the nature of the background captured in the narrowband filter. We then go on, in section 5 to highlight two contrasting examples of its exploitation for the science of diffuse nebulae (planetary nebulae and Herbig-Haro objects). A discussion of techniques for mosaicking the H$\alpha$ data then follows (section 6). Looking to the near future of massively-multiplexed optical spectrographs, we present a method for automated searching of the IGAPS images database for high H$\alpha$ surface brightness non-stellar diffuse-ISM spectroscopic targets (section 7). To round off, we show two contrasting examples of the output from the automated search in section 7.4. ## 2 Description of the image database Filter | ING/WFC name | $N$ | exposure | PSF FWHM | sky count | ZP | 5$\sigma$ depth | moon phase ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- | | | (sec) | (arcsec) | | (mag.) | (mag.) | $i$ | WFCSloanI | 83652 | 10 (83%), and 20 (17%) | 1.06 | 92 | 26.42 | 20.28 | 0.68 $H\alpha$ | WFCH6568 | 83652 | 120 | 1.20 | 57 | 26.57 | 20.40 | ” $r_{I}$ | WFCSloanR | 83652 | 30 (85%), and 10 (15%) | 1.16 | 164 | 28.19 | 21.37 | ” $r_{U}$ | ” | 67896 | 30 | 1.18 | 126 | 28.20 | 21.67 | 0.21 $g$ | WFCSloanG | 67895 | 30 | 1.26 | 61 | 28.71 | 22.38 | ” $U_{\rm RGO}$ | WFCRGOU | 67892 | 120 | 1.48 | 43 | 27.85 | 21.47 | ” Table 1: Properties of the repository contents by filter for the better- quality image sets graded A to C. The number $N$ specifies the number of CCD images available in the A to C grade range for each filter (D-grade images with identified problems, are not included in the count). Median values are listed for the full width half maximum of the point spread function (PSF FWHM), the sky background count, zeropoint (ZP), 5$\sigma$ detection limit in the Vega system, and moon phase. The PSF FWHM and the background count are pipeline measures, while the zeropoint and limiting magnitude are based on the uniform calibration (Monguió et al., 2020). Moon phase is given as a fraction, such that 0 corresponds to new moon and 1 to full moon. The $r_{I}$ exposure time started out at 10 sec, but was raised to 30 sec from 2004 on, while the $i$ exposure time was increased to 20 sec starting in October 2010. A series of papers (Drew et al., 2005; González-Solares et al., 2008; Groot et al., 2009; Barentsen et al., 2014; Monguió et al., 2020) has already described the survey data acquisition and pipelining. So here it is only necessary to repeat pertinent details. The camera used, the INT’s Wide Field Camera (WFC), is a 4-CCD mosaic arranged in an L shape with a pixel size of 0.33 arcsec/pixel. Each CCD images a sky region of roughly $11\times 22$ sq.arcmin, giving a total combined field per exposure of approximately 0.22 sq.deg. The five filters used – $U_{\rm RGO}$, $g$, $r$, $i$, and a narrow-band $H\alpha$ – have central wavelengths of 364.0, 484.6, 624.0, 774.3, and 656.8 nm respectively. Despite the filter’s different naming, the $U_{\rm RGO}$ transmission curve quite closely resembles that of Sloan $u$ (Doi et al., 2010). We shall refer to the narrow band filter as the $H\alpha$ filter throughout this work, but we note for completeness that the 95 Å bandpass also captures the [NII] 654.8, 658.4 nm forbidden lines typical of HII-region emission. The numbers of CCD images per filter in the repository are listed along with other performance parameters in Table 1. UVEX and IPHAS $r$ band observations are distinguished by labelling them $r_{U}$ and $r_{I}$ respectively. IPHAS and UVEX shared the same footprint and set of pointings, such that the northern Galactic plane was covered via 7635 WFC pointings, tessellating the survey area with, typically, a small overlap. In addition, each field was observed again, and usually around 5 minutes later, at an offset of +5 arcmin in RA and +5 arcmin in Dec in order to fill in the gaps between the CCDs and also to minimize the effects of bad pixels and cosmic rays. As a result, almost all locations in the northern plane have been imaged twice in either survey. The presence of the $r$ band in both surveys means that there will usually be at least 4 CCD images, uniquely in this band, covering any given position within the footprint. The only exception to mention is that there is a triangular patch of sky towards $\ell\sim 215^{\circ}$ where there are no UVEX $U_{\rm RGO}$, $g$, $r_{U}$ images. A distinction between the two surveys is that the blue UVEX data were obtained during dark time, while IPHAS observations were generally made with the moon above the horizon. This difference means that background sky counts are typically higher in the red IPHAS images than they are in UVEX images. A practical consequence of this is that UVEX $r_{U}$ data go deeper than IPHAS $r_{I}$ by 0.3 magnitudes, on average (see Table 1). Another impact is that the background levels in the brighter-time observations in the H$\alpha$ filter can exhibit marked variation, depending on how far away and full the moon is and on cloud cover (see section 4). These variations, especially when mixed with H$\alpha$ nebulosity, represent a challenge when mosaicking IPHAS data to build large-area images. How this challenge can and has been met is the subject of section 6. A part of the pipelining procedure for all survey data was to apply a flux calibration based on nightly standard-star observations. The zero points, in the Vega system, obtained on this basis remain associated with all images in the repository and are stored in every image header as the keyword MAGZPT. The meaning of MAGZPT is that it is the magnitude in the Vega system of an object giving 1 count per second (it does not fold in the exposure time). For details of how it is derived see equation 4 in González-Solares et al. (2008). Experience showed that broadly consistent and reliable results were obtained for the $U_{\rm RGO}$ and H$\alpha$ filters if their zero points were fixed at a constant offset relative to (respectively) their partner $g$ and $r_{I}$ frames. For $U_{\rm RGO}$ this is the only calibration presently available. For $g$, $r_{U}$, $r_{I}$, $i$ and $H\alpha$, a uniform recalibration of the photometry was undertaken in preparing the point source catalogue (Monguió et al., 2020). The result of this is that around 2/3 of the images in the repository now carry a revised zero point (PHOTZP header keyword) that rests on a comparison with PanSTARRS $g$, $r$ and $i$ photometry. This zero point has incorporated the image exposure time, which means it is the magnitude of a source giving 1 count integrated over the exposure. Hence, the Vega magnitude of any imaged source can be computed from: $m=-2.5\log({\rm enclosed\,\,counts})+PHOTZP$ (1) where, for a point source, the enclosed counts would be the total counts within a user-specified aperture, after subtraction of an estimate for the enclosed underlying background. The $H\alpha$ filter magnitude scale is not one conventionally defined within the Vega system. This means we need to define the flux corresponding to the zero of the magnitude scale appropriate to it. We determine that the zero- magnitude flux entering the top of the Earth’s atmosphere within the WFC $H\alpha$ filter transmission profile is $F[m(H\alpha)=0]=1.57\times 10^{-7}{\rm ergs\,\,cm}^{-2}{\rm s}^{-1}.$ (2) In the AB magnitude system this is equivalent to a magnitude of 0.328. Expressed in point-source magnitudes the bright limit of the images is in the region of 11–12 in $i$ and $H\alpha$, rising to 12–13 in the more sensitive $r$ and $g$ bands. There were specific observation periods in which WFC electronic issues meant that saturation was reached at appreciably lower count levels than the norm. For example, there was a particular problem affecting CCD 2 in November 2006 that would push the bright limit fainter by up to a magnitude. Users of the data can track such problems in the images via the count level recorded against the header keyword, SATURATION. As part of creating the point source catalogue images were graded from best to worst as A++, A+, and A to D. For a definition of the grades see appendix A in Monguió et al. (2020). A last point to make about the images is to note that, while there is minimal vignetting of CCDs 1, 2 and 4, there is persistent vignetting of the corner of CCD 3 furthest from the optical axis of the WFC (which passes through CCD 4). In Appendix A.2 a typical confidence map is shown to illustrate this. In Appendix A.3, we briefly outline common artefacts in the image data. ## 3 Accessing the images All the reduced images from both surveys can be accessed via the website,, hosted by University College London. Altogether the repository contains 527736 CCD frames, of which 314923 (or 60%) carry the best-quality A grades and 73097 (14%) are minimum-quality D graded. These grade assignments were made at the level of the basic unit of observation in the two constituent surveys – the consecutive trio of exposures obtained at each sky position. The details of the grading system at work in evaluating data for the IGAPS catalogue can be found in Appendix A of the catalogue paper (Monguió et al., 2020). A consequence of this approach, also applied to the earlier IPHAS DR2 release (Barentsen et al., 2014), is that the grade assignment, referred to individual CCD frames or even filters, can be pessimistic, as it takes just one substandard exposure in a set of three to pull down the grade for all of them. In view of this, and the occasional scientific value of maximising the number of images to examine, the decision was taken to retain all D graded data in the repository, alongside the A to C graded exposures. The images access page within the website offers a search tool that enables users to search for and download images that either overlap a single specified position or occupy a square box of size up to $1\times 1$ sq.deg. on the sky. The user can choose the filters of interest and decide whether to omit grade D data. In response to a query, the tool returns a table listing the images meeting requirement, along with key metadata (grade, seeing, depth, whether calibrated) that can inform the user’s final choice of images for download. For convenience, there is a column of tick boxes in the table, that allows the user to deselect some of the listed images before initiating the download of a gzipped or tarred collection of Rice-compressed (.fz) images. It is generally the case that a contemporaneous $r_{I}$ image accompanied an H$\alpha$ and $i$ image of the same pointing. Similarly the UVEX $r_{U}$, $g$ and $U_{\rm RGO}$ images were observed as consecutive triplets. Given that stars are sometimes subject to variability, users of the repository may need to bear this in mind when deciding how to select images for scientific exploitation. The website also provides a link to a large table of metadata that previews the header information provided with the full set of image profiles. Figure 1: Map of the uniformly-calibrated IGAPS field centres (grey). A darker grey colour is seen where the database contains more than one uniformly- calibrated exposure. The orange overplotted points mark the 339 exposure sets (1356 CCD frames), without alternatives in the database, where the $H\alpha$ sky background exceeds 210 counts ($>95^{{\rm th}}$ percentile). ## 4 Properties of the $H\alpha$ images: backgrounds and sensitivity At the outset, the IPHAS survey was allocated time on the expectation the programme could cope with a moonlit sky. After the first few seasons and some experience had accumulated, the brightest nights were increasingly avoided. Indeed, in the late stages when the acquisition of the blue UVEX filters took priority, dark and grey nights became the norm. The net result is that the median background level among all the uniformly-calibrated $H\alpha$ images is closer to grey, than bright. Table 2 provides some numerical detail illustrating the strongly skewed distribution finally achieved. For comparison with the magnitudes in the table, we mention that the ING exposure time calculator uses 20.6, 19.7 and 18.3 mag arcsec-2 to represent dark, grey and bright sky in the $R$ photometric band – values closely resembling the tabulated 5th, 50th and 95th percentiles. Around a third of the images were not passed through uniform calibration: of these (generally inferior) data, just under a third have background levels in $H\alpha$ exceeding the 210 counts marking the 95th percentile of the uniformly-calibrated set of images. Most of them were obtained early on in the survey, and most have been repeated, resulting in calibrated alternatives. Just 339 calibrated $H\alpha$ exposures (1356 CCD frames, or 2 percent of the total) are left without alternatives in the database, where the background count exceeds the 95th percentile of 210 counts. Where these sit in the survey footprint is shown in Figure 1. Quantity | Percentiles ---|--- | 5 | 50 | 95 Counts | 27 | 52 | 210 Vega magnitude | | | (mag arcsec-2) | 20.6 | 19.9 | 18.3 Surface brightness | | | ($10^{-15}$ erg cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2) | 0.91 | 1.7 | 7.4 Table 2: Percentiles of the distribution of narrowband H$\alpha$+[NII] pipeline-computed background levels in uniformly-calibrated images. The sample used here numbers 63956 CCD frames (or 15989 WFC exposures). Not included are the 36808 CCD frames (9202 WFC exposures) for which only the pipeline photometric calibration is available. Figure 2: Density plot of background surface brightness in the $H\alpha$ band as a function of measured mean sky level in counts. The colour scale is logarithmic, with blue representing the highest density of points. The images used to build this diagram are the IGAPS uniformly-calibrated set, which enables validated conversion of the sky counts to surface brightness via each image’s zeropoint. The black dashed line has a gradient of $3.32\times 10^{-17}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 per count. Figure 3: Density plot of the pipeline-measured sky noise in the $H\alpha$ filter as a function of sky level. Both are in units of counts per pixel. The coloured data shown, and plotted on a logarithmic density scale, are drawn from the IGAPS uniformly-calibrated set. The solid black line is the fit discussed in the text, given as equation 4, that shows the sky noise increases mainly as the square root of the sky level. The lighter grey data (underneath) are from images with zeropoints that were not passed through uniform photometric calibration. Figure 2 shows how the recorded sky background count levels convert into narrow-band $H\alpha$ surface brightness, via the set of zeropoints, PHOTZP. The plot includes only data that have passed through the uniform photometric calibration. Most of the data conform reasonably well to a linear trend such that 1 count per pixel corresponds to $3.32\times 10^{-17}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 (or 5.9 Rayleighs)222At H$\alpha$, 1 Rayleigh is equivalent to $5.67\times 10^{-18}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2. The absolute minimum sky brightness measured in any calibrated frame is $6.6\times 10^{-16}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 ($\sim 120$ Rayleighs), but it is commonly more than twice this. Sky transparency necessarily influences the behaviour. At times of reduced transparency the sensitivity suffers, driving data points from affected nights onto steeper linear trends in Figure 2. Figure 3 is a plot of the pipeline measurement of sky noise versus the estimate of sky background, both in counts per pixel. For around a half of the uniformly calibrated frames, the noise is limited to under 6 counts per pixel (or $\sim 2\times 10^{-16}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2), and it is extremely rare that the sky noise is more than $\sim$12 counts per pixel. A simple expectation for the form of the relation between sky noise and level is $N_{bg}=(N_{RN}+\sqrt{C_{bg}})/\sqrt{n_{pe}}$ (3) where $N_{bg}$ and $C_{bg}$ are respectively the sky noise and sky level, $N_{RN}$ is the CCD read noise, also in counts per pixel, and $n_{pe}$ represents the effective number of pixels over which the sky statistics are measured. Basically, we expect the noise to be the sum of a constant and a Poisson component. In practice, the sky level is determined numerically by the pipeline using two-dimensional non-linear background tracking across the full CCD at a superpixel level. After the background fit has been subtracted from an image, the sky noise is calculated iteratively from the clipped median absolute deviation (MAD) of the residuals. As the readnoise for the WFC is known to be $N_{RN}=2.37$ counts, we only need to fit one parameter of this function. Before the fitting, outliers above the dashed line in Figure 3 were removed. The fit was performed using an iterative 3-$\sigma$ clipped Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm using the median and MAD in place of mean and $\sigma$. The result of the fit is $N_{bg}=(2.37+\sqrt{C_{bg}})/\sqrt{2.88}=1.4+0.589\sqrt{C_{bg}}$ (4) Allowing an additional fit parameter, namely a multiplicative factor for the $\sqrt{C_{bg}}$ term, does not lead to a statistically significant improvement in the fit, and the factor is found to be very close to 1. Hence we are confident that equation 3 accurately describes the distribution. In presenting the Schmidt H$\alpha$ Survey, Parker et al. (2005), compared its sensitivity with IPHAS and other available H$\alpha$ wide-area surveys. In their Table 1 it was estimated that the depth reached by the narrowband (IPHAS) data presented here is $\sim$3 Rayleighs. This is a surface brightness of $1.7\times 10^{-17}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 or, as required by the mean calibration illustrated in Figure 2, the equivalent of around a half count per pixel in a 120 sec exposure at the typical 1 to 1.5 arcsec seeing. The on-sky solid angle that the Parker et al. (2005) estimate refers to was not made explicit – clearly it cannot be 1 arcsec2. If we assume $C_{bg}=0.5$ counts pixel-1 at 3 $\sigma$, $N_{bg}=0.5/3$, we can use equation 3 to calculate the pixel area needed to achieve a sensitivity of 3 Rayleighs. We obtain $18.5\times 18.5$ pixels or $6.1\times 6.1$ arcsec. Used at full seeing-limited resolution, the $H\alpha$ data provide safe detection of raised surface brightness due to diffuse-ISM emission at the level of a few times $10^{-16}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2, or 50–100 Rayleighs. That this is so will be demonstrated by different means in section 7. ## 5 Exploitation of the $H\alpha$ images The search for and characterization of extended nebulae was an original goal of the IPHAS component of the merged IGAPS survey. Initially this mostly concentrated on planetary nebulae (PNe). Discoveries of examples of those alternative products of end-state stellar evolution – supernova remnants – have also been found and recorded (Sabin et al., 2013). Below we present brief discussions of how nebulae can be found and studied, taking the contrasting examples of new PNe and – from the more obscured first phase of the stellar life cycle – a Herbig Haro object. ### 5.1 Planetary nebulae Planetary nebulae (PNe) are the end-products of low and intermediate mass stars ($\sim$1–8M⊙) where a hot central star fully ionises its surrounding shell leading to a glowing nebula. These objects are ideal tools to study the later stages of stellar evolution as most stars in our Galaxy will go through this phase. We can access information related to their physical characteristics via plasma diagnostics (density, temperature, velocity and so on) and the chemical composition allows the measurement of their impact on the chemical enrichment of any given galaxy. However most of the known PNe are bright and/or nearby as the faint ones have been ignored or are out of reach due to observational constraints. An aim of IPHAS was to perform a near complete census of the PNe in the northern Galactic Plane, where a higher concentration of ionised sources co-exists with high extinction. Progress towards this goal has been described by Sabin (2008) and Sabin et al. (2014). #### 5.1.1 Detection Methods Depending on the size of the sources two methods were adopted. On the one hand, compact or point-source PNe have been selected based on H$\alpha$ excess as measured and recorded in photometric catalogues, and cross-checked against IR photometry (e.g. 2MASS, see Viironen et al., 2009). On the other hand, for the case of extended PNe, a mosaicking process was developed using 2∘ $\times$ 2∘ $H\alpha-r$ mosaics with 5$\times$5 pixels and 15$\times$15 pixels binning factors (corresponding to $\sim$1.7 and $\sim$5 arcsec effective pixel sizes respectively, see Sabin, 2008). The coarser binning was mainly used to detect large and low-surface brightness nebulae, while the lower binning was aimed at detecting smaller nebulae hidden in crowded stellar fields. In the latter case we also used the technique adopted in the southern MASH survey (Parker et al., 2006; Miszalski et al., 2008) where RGB composite imagery (H$\alpha$, r’ and i’ filters) is used to distinguish stars from diffuse ionised nebulae.333With advances in the use of machine learning, the classifications of objects in the HASH database can now be automated (Awang Iskandar et al., 2020) Always, new objects were confirmed by independent eyeballing of the data by several team members. This task was found to be ideal for undergraduate projects and two example discoveries are shown below. #### 5.1.2 New Discoveries Hundreds of new PN candidates were found as a result of the visual search with the mosaics and a first large spectroscopic follow-up involving no less than nine world wide telescopes/instruments ranging from 1.5m (ALBIREO spectrograph at the Observatory of Sierra Nevada, Spain) to 10.4 m (GTC-OSIRIS spectrograph at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, Spain) was conducted (Sabin et al., 2014). We identified 159 objects as True (113), Likely (26) and Possible (20) PNe and unveiled a large range of shapes (mostly elliptical, bipolar and round PNe) and sizes (up to $\sim$8 arcminutes). Among all the newly detected PNe, some caught our attention first due to their outstanding morphology and then due to their interesting characteristics revealed by subsequent deep analyses. Notable examples include: the knotty bipolar IPHASX J194359.5+170901, now known as the Necklace Nebula (Corradi et al., 2011); the quadrupolar IPHASX J012507.9+635652 (alternately named Príncipes de Asturias by Mampaso et al., 2006); IPHASX J052531.19+281945.1 at large galactocentric distance (Viironen et al., 2011); and finally, the PN discovered around the nova V458 Vul (Wesson et al., 2008). IPHAS, and now IGAPS, also allows us to target the particular group of PNe interacting with the interstellar medium (ISM). Those objects which are slowly diluting in the ISM are particularly difficult to detect most of all in their late phase. In this case IPHAS imaging data can reveal such faint material (Sabin et al., 2010). We show in Figures 4 and 5, two of the many new PNe that have been found and have not yet appeared in the refereed literature. Most of the new finds are published in Sabin et al. (2014). The first object IPHASXJ015624.9+652830 (PNG 129.6+03.4), shown in Figure 4, came from parallel searches of the $15\times 15$ pixel binned $H\alpha-r$ (5 arcsec per pixel) mosaics, carried out by team members and undergraduate students supervised by them in 2007. This object can be seen in the H$\alpha$ images but is easily missed, yet it stands out very clearly in the binned difference images as the only object in an otherwise blank frame. This demonstrates the usefulness of this method for the discovery of new objects, especially those that, like this one, are only detectable in optical wavebands. Figure 4: IPHASXJ015624.9+652830: this is a cutout from one of the 2 by 2 degree binned H$\alpha$-r mosaics used for searching for new PN. Figure 5: PNG 95.3+0.2: this is a cutout from one of two CCD frames downloaded from the IGAPS image archive. The alternative available image of the PN (not shown) happens to sit adjacent to a ’bad line’ in the CCD. It is precisely to mitigate against this kind of problem that the survey strategy was to collect data from paired offset pointings. The object IPHAS J213508.15+521128.0, discussed in the text, is the lower left of the three bright stars in the central region of the nebula. The second nebula, PNG 95.3+0.2, shown in Figure 5, was discovered using the same search method by Fernández-Martín (2007). Subsequent high resolution (0.6 arcsec seeing) imaging with the NOT telescope on the night of 4th September 2007, through H$\alpha$, [OIII] 5007Å, and [NII] 6583Å filters further clarified an intricate morphology with a bright, roughly elliptical central shell, and a pair of fainter twisted protrusions that show up especially well in the [NII]-only image. Since the IPHAS H$\alpha$ filter bandwidth also incorporates this line, Figure 5 is a composite image, showing both the [NII]-dominated outer filamentary structure and the H$\alpha$ dominated inner ellipse. PNG 95.3+0.2 is now listed in the HASH Catalogue of Parker et al. (2016). It is associated with an infrared (WISE, and 90$\mu$m AKARI), and 1420 MHz radio source (Taylor et al., 2017). According to Anders et al. (2019), the $G\simeq 17.1$ mag star near the geometrical centre, IPHAS J213508.15+521128.0, or Gaia EDR3 2171830374492778880, is a distant, reddened, and apparently relatively cold star (D = 5.5$\pm$ 0.9 kpc, $A_{V}=3.9\pm 0.2$ mag, $\mathrm{T_{eff}}=4800\pm 260$ K). However, our evaluation of the IGAPS broad- band photometry (Monguió et al., 2020) is that the available magnitudes are also consistent with this object being a much hotter, even more extinguished star. The other two, brighter stars embedded in the nebula are located in the foreground at much more secure parallax-based distances of 0.9 and 1.6 kpc: in the Anders et al. (2019) database, they too are assigned low $\mathrm{T_{eff}}$ values, incompatible with those of a hot PN central star. Vioque et al. (2020) combine IPHAS, 2MASS and WISE data in a search for new Herbig Ae/Be stars and list IPHAS J213508.15+521128.0 as a non-Herbig AeBe, non-pre Main Sequence, and non-classical Be star – nor do they confirm an association with a PN (their FPN flag is empty). The WISE source, detected in the four bands and centered at 1.1 arcsec from IPHAS J213508.15+521128.0, shows red IR colours like known PNe, while the spectral energy distribution of the star, built from Pan-STARRS, 2MASS, ALLWISE, and AKARI data, is typical of a reddened star up to the WISE W3 (12$\mu$m) band. Beyond that, a strong IR excess appears up to 90$\mu$m, and points to a physical association of IPHAS J213508.15+521128.0 with the nebula. If that is the case, the apparent nebular size of around 30 arcsec would imply a rather large, evolved nebula, 0.8 pc in diameter, and also suggest the existence of a hidden hot star (a binary?) in the surroundings. PNG 95.3+0.2 is an appealing example of an IPHAS extended object with plenty of online, publicly available information, that nevertheless deserves further dedicated observations including careful quantitative spectroscopy to pin down the central star. Basic confirmation spectra exist for both the above nebulae. The objects have also been independently discovered more recently by amateur astronomers. The first object, IPHASXJ015624.9+652830, has also come to be known as Ferrero 6, Fe6, PN G129.6+03.4, while the second, PNG 95.3+0.2, is also known as StDr Objet 1. Full details on both can be found in the HASH database (Parker et al., 2016). #### 5.1.3 Previously known PN The survey is also useful for the re-analysis of already known PNe. IPHAS images can unveil new faint structures associated with known PNe that have hitherto evaded detection. A clear example of this is the detection of the extended tail of the known Sh 2-188 by Wareing et al. (2006) which enabled the reevaluation of its full extent. A different application has recently been presented by Dharmawardena et al. (2021): with a view to appraising different methods of determining PN distances, they have collected IPHAS H$\alpha$+[N ii] aperture photometry fluxes for 151 previously known nebulae as well as for 46 confirmed or possible PNe that had been discovered by the IPHAS survey. ### 5.2 HH-objects During their growth, young stellar objects (YSOs) eject a fraction of the in- falling matter at high speed via bipolar jets and outflows. Their shock fronts, delineated by line emission, particularly in H$\alpha$, [SII], and [OI], are called Herbig-Haro objects (HHOs, Herbig, 1950; Haro, 1952). HHOs not only trace the presence of young stars, but can also serve as a record of their accretion history. The kinematics of HHOs, derived from proper motions (PMs) and radial velocities (RVs) allow a kinematic dating of the ejection event. Moreover, such data provide information on the inclination $i$ of the circumstellar accretion disk. Constraining the latter is crucial for the analysis of YSO spectral energy distributions using radiative transfer modelling. Figure 6: Top: RGB image (epoch 2007) of the dark cloud Dobashi 3782, based on $I,H\alpha$, and $[SII]$ frames taken with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope. It hosts the YSO IRAS 01166+6635, marked by the circle, which drives a jet that excites a compact HHO south of it (centre). It appears greenish-blue in this RGB representation because of its strong H$\alpha$ emission. Bottom: IGAPS RGB image (epoch 2013), based on $i$, $H\alpha$, and $r_{I}$ frames. The YSO, as well as the HHO, appears green because it is not clearly detected in either $r_{I}$ or $i$. The HHO is just resolved at no more than 2 arcsec across. The potential of IGAPS for such studies is illustrated by the example of a hitherto unknown HHO, driven by IRAS 01166+6635. This low-mass YSO (Connelley et al., 2008) is emerging from the small dark cloud, Dobashi 3782, situated at a kinematic distance of 240 pc (Wouterloot & Brand, 1989). Narrow-band imaging performed in 2007 with the Tautenburg Schmidt telescope revealed a compact HHO south of the YSO within $\sim$1 arcsec of the position RA 01:20:02.9, DEC +66:51:00 (J2000) (Fig. 6). The estimated extinction out to the distance of this cloud is about $A_{V}\sim 2.5$, averaged across a few arcminutes (Sale et al., 2014). The extinction towards the optically-faint YSO is without doubt much more. At the position of this YSO there are eight entries in the IGAPS catalogue (Monguió et al., 2020) within a radius of 5 arcsec. Six of the eight are H$\alpha$ only sources. Blinking with the POSS1 red image showed evidence for proper motion within $\sim$50 years. Thus, in order to establish its kinematics, $H\alpha$ and $R$-band frames have been secured for as many epochs as possible. Four $H\alpha$ frames with grade A quality (r367494 and r367497 obtained 2003, r1018994 and r1018997 obtained 2013) were retrieved from the IGAPS image server. These are supplemented by archival Tautenburg $H\alpha$ images (2007, 2012) and two frames taken in 2020 with the new TAUKAM instrument (Stecklum et al., 2016). The POSS 1 and 2 $R$-band images (1954, 1991) were added as well, using both plate digitisations from STSci and SuperCosmos. Before deriving the HHO positions by fitting its image profile, all frames were tied to the Gaia EDR3 astrometric reference system (Gaia Collaboration, 2020). Figure 7: HHO position displacement with regard to the ALLWISE position (Cutri & et al., 2014) over time (red - DEC, blue - RA). The respective regression lines are shown as well. The coordinate offsets of the HHO relative to the driving source for the various epochs are shown (Fig. 7), along with their respective linear fits. For the distance given above, the DEC slope (red) corresponds to a velocity of $-91.0\pm 3.5$ km ${\rm s^{-1}}$. Assuming constant speed, this implies a kinematic age of $\sim$430 yr. It is likely a major accretion event happened around that time which induced jet strengthening. Accounting for the position angle of the HHO movement of $190^{\circ}$ (measured from N through E), a total PM speed of $92.4\pm 3.5$ km ${\rm s^{-1}}$ can be derived. With the help of an RV estimate of $-74.8\pm 4.6$ km ${\rm s^{-1}}$, obtained by low- resolution spectroscopy of the HHO using the Nasmyth spectrograph at the Tautenburg telescope, the inclination of the velocity vector follows as $51^{\circ}\pm 2^{\circ}$. This intermediate inclination is consistent with the cometary appearance of the YSO in the optical. This example shows that the IGAPS $H\alpha$ line emission images provide an excellent means for the detection of HHOs. In this instance, neither the driving YSO nor the HHO are detected even in $i$-band, and yet the detection of the HHO in $H\alpha$ is clear, at around 30 counts above background (depending on the seeing). Moreover, the $1$-arcsec resolution of IGAPS images allows for good position measurements of these small (but extended) nebulous objects. Together with the availability of repeated IGAPS observations, with several years of epoch difference, precise proper motion measurements are possible, from which information about the physics of the HH flows, as well as their driving sources, can be obtained. ## 6 Image mosaics Figure 8: Supernova remnant, S147. This is a full resolution background- corrected mosaic made from the $H\alpha$-filter data (no $r$ subtraction). Approximate image dimensions are $4.2\times 3.6$ sq.deg. North is up and east is to the left. The greyscale is negative such that the brightest emission is darkest. Compared to the earlier mosaic appearing as Figure 19 in Drew et al. (2005), based on $H\alpha-r$ data, with background fitting and removal, there are fewer artefacts thanks in large part to the incorporation of better re- observations. Much of the faint structure left, such as the ragged diffuse emission in and below the centre of the remnant,is real. The background of astronomical images would ideally be flat and dark. In reality the background in images from ground-based telescopes varies due to the interplay of different sources (e.g., airglow, moonlight) contributing varying levels of unwanted light. To begin to tackle this securely, when working with the standard image data reduction available in the database, we recommend using the available confidence maps to reject pixels with confidence levels less than 90-95% typically. But we note that the level can vary across the sky and between filters, usually requiring a lower confidence level threshold for the $g$ filter and especially $U_{\rm RGO}$. The Montage software444Available from can be used to effectively mosaic images in a given filter, re-projecting images as needed to a single-projection algorithm and direction, adjusting the background levels in overlapping pairs of images to produce a smooth mosaic over a large area. In addition to uniform background light sources, the $i$-band can sometimes be beset by fringing that originates from the airglow OH lines interfering via internal reflections in the CCD chips. This wave-like structure contributes $\sim$2% of the total counts in some images (Irwin & Lewis, 2001). It is almost entirely removed in the CASU pipeline (who use a library of $i$-band fringe frames from other INT WFC observing runs), although some will remain at the $\sim$0.2% level due to night-to-night variations. When $i$-band data is mosaicked, overlapping fringing is occasionally exaggerated and can remain visible in some mosaics. As noted in Section 4, IPHAS observations were at first carried out at any level of moon brightness throughout the Galactic plane season. Observations during bright time were soon found to exhibit varying levels of background counts in the form of a small but noticeable gradient across each CCD (leading in later seasons to tighter moon phase and distance requirements). Ultimately, $\sim$8% of all IPHAS images were taken under such conditions. Moonlight affects IPHAS images through both scattered light across the night sky and a component that reflects off the inside of the telescope dome and across the CCD array. The resulting illumination is therefore not necessarily uniform across all four CCDs, and requires a CCD-by-CCD solution. Its character is also influenced by the phase of the moon, its altitude above the horizon, angular separation from the pointing of the telescope, and the extent (and position) of cloud cover across the sky. These relatively small gradients can be exacerbated by mosaicking CCD images over large areas of the sky (many degrees), becoming a significant issue in the production of large mosaics. The recommended solution to removing the moonlight and achieving a flat and dark background is to model and fit the background gradient for each CCD. Since the $r$ and $H\alpha$ band images contain nebulosity that could affect the fit, we recommend fitting the background gradient to $r-H\alpha$ images (after scaling the images to correct for their different exposure times), since both filters contain the H$\alpha$ and forbidden [Nii] lines that typically dominate diffuse astronomical emission. Binning the image into $100\times 100$ pixel bins and taking the median pixel value in each bin provides a simple method to measure the background level in that bin. A two- dimensional gradient of the form $Z=Ax+By+C$ can then be fit to the data, where $A$, $B$ and $C$ are free parameters, using, for example a Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation and the Python code emcee (Foreman-Mackey et al., 2013). More complex models have been tested (including Fourier transform techniques), but none were found to provide a significant improvement. In short, the two-dimensional gradient method will prove effective in the majority of cases. Some care should also be applied when very bright stars fall on (or near) one of the CCDs, as saturation, atmospheric and lens effects can heavily affect an image and the model fit to it. Identifying and excluding a magnitude-dependent radius around such stars using the Tycho-2 catalogue of bright stars (Høg et al., 2000) proved effective for overcoming these problems. As an example of the potential of IGAPS image mosaicking, we present a large, $4.2\times 3.6$ degree $H\alpha$ mosaic of the supernova remnant Simeis 147, produced using the techniques described above. Simeis 147 (hereafter S147) is otherwise known as SNR G180.0-01.7, Shajn 147, or Sharpless 2-240. It is a large, faint, late-stage remnant located just below the Galactic Anticentre. It was discovered in 1952 and lies at a distance of 0.8–1.6 kpc (Gvaramadze, 2006), on the near side of the Perseus spiral arm. The SNR consists of numerous filaments embedded in large-scale diffuse emission. The east and west edges of S147 show signs of blow-outs, the southern edge shows a sharp boundary, with a less regular one in the north. The undistorted appearance of the SNR may partly be due to it expanding into a region of space already partly cleared by a previous supernova (Gvaramadze, 2006). Regardless, examples of large and pristine SNRs are rare and observations of them can be important for constraining hydrodynamic simulations of their expansion and structure. Figure 8 shows the full mosaic constructed as outlined above. The challenge of this object is its great size, allied with very intricate and sometimes very faint small scale detail. The number of individual CCD frames included is in the region of 250. The full-resolution S147 mosaic (199 MB) itself is provided as a fits-formatted file attached to this paper as supplementary material. ## 7 Nebular target selection for massive-multiplex spectroscopy The next decade will see an increase in large, multi-object digital spectroscopic surveys on 4m class telescopes. In drawing up target lists, these surveys will make use of the data that has been acquired by wide-area digital photometric surveys, like IGAPS. Two examples due to start soon are the WEAVE survey on the 4-metre William Herschel Telescope (WHT) of the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory in La Palma (Dalton et al., 2020) and the 4MOST survey on the 4-metre VISTA telescope operated by ESO at Paranal (de Jong et al., 2019). Both facilities will collect on the order of 1000 targets per pointing, and a major science driver for both is Milky Way science in the Gaia era. Massive-multiplex spectroscopy requires informed target selection. The IPHAS $H\alpha$ images, in particular, can characterise the diffuse sky for studies of the ionised ISM. Here, we outline a software method – named HaGrid – aimed at doing this through the interrogation of H$\alpha$ images. The positions generated by HaGrid will be used in constructing the SCIP (’Stellar, Circumstellar and Interstellar Physics’) northern Galactic plane programme – a strand within the overall WEAVE 5-year survey. The software is also being deployed to find targets for the southern plane (based on VPHAS$+$ data), to enable similar observations via 4MOST. In the text below, the acronym WEAVE appearing on its own will stand both for the instrument and for the WEAVE/SCIP survey strand, according to context. ### 7.1 Building lists of science targets with HaGrid A WEAVE pointing is defined by the coordinates of its centre and a field of view of radius of 1 degree, projecting a circle on the sky covering $\pi$ sq.deg. Within such a field, the aim is to identify several hundred positions that coincide with regions of (locally) maximum H$\alpha$ brightness. In outline, the steps taken are as follows: * • Find all $H\alpha$ CCD images from the IGAPS repository in the area of interest. * • Mask out stars, CCD borders, bad pixels and vignetted areas from the data. * • Divide the image into superpixels. * • Select the superpixels with the highest counts as candidate source positions. The application of the algorithm, confronted with real data, is necessarily more complicated, particularly as it must deal as far as possible with all the artefacts that mimic real nebulosity. So we now itemize the steps involved in more detail: * • Collect the CCD images from the IGAPS repository in the area of interest. For one WEAVE field of radius 1 degree, this will be a list of over 100 H$\alpha$ CCD frames and their associated $r_{I}$ exposures. Since frames with poor data quality often lead to false detections of H$\alpha$ emission, we excluded, where possible, grade C and D frames and favoured uniformly-calibrated over pipeline-calibrated data. * • Create a star mask for each CCD image from both the IGAPS point-source database and a bright star catalogue to identify stars needing larger exclusion zones. The mask radius of IGAPS sources is set as a function of $r_{I}$ magnitude, H$\alpha$ seeing and ellipticity. Also masked are diffraction spikes of bright stars and a visible halo for very bright stars (¡ 4.5 mag, see right panel of figure 9). The halo position relative to the star depends on the angular separation of the star from the optical axis of the telescope. * • Other artefacts like CCD borders, pixels that fall below a specified threshold in the linked confidence map (see A.2), hot or cold pixels and artificial linear structures (satellite trails, noise bands, gain-change strips, bright star reflections, …) found by visual inspection, are also masked. * • Create superpixels and rank them by H$\alpha$ brightness. Each masked CCD frame is divided into superpixels, which are squares of $n\times n$ native pixels, where $n$ is an adjustable input parameter. For WEAVE, $n=25$ giving $8.25\times 8.25$ arcsec2 superpixels. This choice tensions between good- enough angular resolution and the typical loss of area and statistics inflicted by the masking. Superpixels that are more than 50% masked are rejected. To avoid particle hits being mistaken for astronomical signal, the data are median filtered using 3$\times$3 pixel (about 1 arcsec2) binning. The superpixels are then ranked by mean count determined from the unmasked pixels. Figure 9: Left: Ghost on image r372056, CCD#4 due to a bright star. Notice the stray-light image even picks up details of protruding cabling at prime focus of the INT. Part of a much fainter ghost can be seen top right. Right: Example of a halo around a bright star fooling the HaGrid selection from r541554 CCD#3. Source positions selected by HaGrid are shown as red numbered circles. They crowd into the faint extended halo that is a little offset from the star position. A larger stellar mask for bright stars and the rejection of ’star- like’ selections as described in Section 7.2 helps eliminate these. The blue circles mark identified counts minima that are stored as potential sky fibre positions. * • Estimate the H$\alpha$ sky background. A sound determination of the local sky value is very important, especially for determining the correct H$\alpha$ surface brightness. The algorithm measures the sum of sky and any significant astronomical background from the H$\alpha$ frames. In predefined areas of extensive and intense nebulosity we also derive an estimate of the H$\alpha$ sky-only background value from the $r_{I}$ sky value. This uses a linear fit to a global plot of the $H\alpha$ against the $r_{I}$ sky level, exploiting the fact that most of the Galactic plane is free from nebular emission. If the sky value inferred from $r_{I}$ is lower than the $H\alpha$ sky value, then we adopt the average of the two. Taking the average was precautionary against problems with the $r_{I}$ sky prediction due to changing moonlight reflections into the telescope from clouds and other structures such as the dome. * • Select H$\alpha$-excess source positions from the ranked superpixel list for every CCD frame. The superpixel list is searched starting at the highest mean count. A superpixel is rejected if: it is closer than a distance limit (1 arcmin for WEAVE) to an already selected superpixel; the difference between the superpixel mean and the frame H$\alpha$ sky is less than the sky noise (one sigma). Finally, the maximum 3$\times$3 pixel mean-filtered count within the superpixel is located and its position is adopted as the candidate target position. If the difference between this more localised mean and the H$\alpha$ sky is $>10$ ADU, the superpixel goes forward into a merged overview table. * • The location, count, surface brightness and other data for each selected high-H$\alpha$ candidate position is appended to the overview table covering a large user-defined sky area, ready for further checking and analysis. As it searches for positions of bright H$\alpha$ emission, HaGrid also identifies suitable low-count sky positions and gathers statistics on sky noise. The distribution of sky noise versus sky background it finds closely resembles the distribution found by the pipeline shown in Figure 3. The HaGrid found sky noise is lower as it does not involve a fit over the whole CCD, and so avoids contributions from fainter stars. Figure 10: Excess $H\alpha$-band counts compared with the excess counts in the $r_{I}$ band. Both quantities are the difference between the measured peak count and the estimated background level returned by HaGrid. Note that the HaGrid -output list is restricted to excess narrowband counts $>10$. The data are plotted as a density map and before any second-stage cleaning. The selection shown is from the sky region: ($30^{\circ}<\ell<95^{\circ}$, $|b|<4^{\circ}$). Working from top to bottom the red lines are: equality between counts (shown dashed), a line of slope 0.77 (solid) representative of nebula-dominated positions, and a line of slope 1/13 (solid) characteristic of star-like positions. The algorithm can be applied to areas of arbitrary size. As each CCD is independent of the others, the code parallelizes very effectively. The choices of minimum distance between accepted source positions is driven mainly by the design of the destination wide-field spectrograph, and the anticipated observing strategy. For WEAVE, applying the 1 arcmin minimum distance between fibre placements leads to at most $\sim$200 source positions selected per WFC CCD (with a much lower median of 5). ### 7.2 Final processing: list cleaning and reduction Figure 11: Final distribution of selected diffuse ISM sky positions for the WEAVE footprint as a function of the logarithm of excess $H\alpha$ counts. It is highly skewed to low excess counts. A rough translation into surface brightness is that 10 excess counts, the minimum accepted, corresponds to $\sim 3\times 10^{-16}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2. Figure 12: Top: Map of HaGrid selected positions in the Cygnus-X region of the northern Galactic plane. Every selected position has been coloured according to the logarithm of the estimated surface brightness (in ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2). White areas will have log(surface brightness) $<-15.5$. The region shown spans 50 square degrees or 3.6% of the total area processed and contains 20% of the identified candidate target positions. It is the most line emission-rich part of the northern plane. Bottom: Same area in the Finkbeiner (2003) H$\alpha$ map, with 6 arcmin pixels. The data available in this region is a combination of images from VTSS (circular footprint) and WHAM (making up the much coarser resolution background). The list of potential target positions generated as described above is long and needs further cleaning and reduction. Not everything that appears bright in H$\alpha$ and is passed through by HaGrid has an astronomical origin: for example, some satellite trails, ghosts and unrecognised haloes around brighter stars can remain (Figure 9). There are a number of further test-and-eliminate steps that can be taken to reduce the list to a high-confidence core. One such step is to favour repeat selection of the same emission structure and to reject isolated points (typically due to cosmic ray strikes that slip through). Generally speaking, we expect any given high surface brightness structure to be picked up twice or more, given that most sky locations are covered by a minimum of two images. An important piece of empirically-driven post-analysis is illustrated by Figure 10 that compares the excess H$\alpha$ counts above the estimated background level with the excess obtained in the $r$ band, after scaling the latter to correct for the shorter exposure time. Two main trends, drawn as solid lines, are apparent. The uppermost of the two runs a bit below the equality line. In the ideal case where H$\alpha$ and [NII] 654.8, 658.4 nm nebular line emission dominate the total counts measured in the $r$ band, the expectation would be that the measured count excesses in both the narrow and the broad band would be the same (given that the peak transmission in the narrow-band filter corrected for CCD response is closely comparable to the mean of the same quantity for the $r$ band). This ideal does not apply, because of other nebular lines within the $r$ band, not captured by the narrow band (e.g. the [SII] 671.6, 673.1 nm doublet that can be strengthened by shock excitation, and potentially some [OI] 630.0, 636.2 nm emission). The approximate regression line shown in Figure 10 has a slope less than 1, for this reason. The objects of the search are indeed the candidate positions clustered around this empirical trend and, as such, they are the ones to keep. In contrast, the second much lower gradient trend apparent in Figure 10, running close to the horizontal axis, is created by sky locations where the spectrum is continuum-dominated, i.e. star-like. These locations can be stellar haloes where HaGrid picks up a seeming H$\alpha$ excess thanks to the typically wider seeing profile in the longer and unguided narrow band exposures, or ghosts (see Figure 9 for examples). In the case of a typical $0.5\lesssim r-i\lesssim 1$ stellar continuum across the $r$ band, the expectation would be that the narrow-band excess counts would be approximately 1/13 of the $r$ counts – this is the last of the three lines superimposed in Figure 10. Candidate positions of this type need to be removed. To make an accept/reject decision for every candidate position in the list, the distances to the expected nebular and stellar trend lines are calculated. These distances, $N$, are then expressed scaled to $\sigma$, the relevant Poisson-like error on the computed distance (subscript $n$ for nebular, $s$ for star-like). This is followed by cuts applied in the $N_{n},N_{s}$ plane to select the most credible nebular targets. Inevitably, at low count levels, the confidence in assigning a candidate to the ‘nebular’ and ‘star-like’ classes weakens greatly. The minimum excess count of 10 imposed by HaGrid helps deal with this, but a minimum cut on $N_{s}$ is also needed. Where it is placed has to be tested empirically: for WEAVE we required $N_{s}>3.5$. The selection can also be trimmed down to surface densities appropriate to the instrument used and the survey observing strategy (eg. number of visits, required science sampling). In the case of WEAVE this meant a 2 arcmin grid was placed over the relevant sky area and only two positions with the highest flux are kept in each grid cell. Taking all the steps together for the WEAVE example, the original list of about 1.3 million target positions reduced to under 200 000 potential targets, of which we expect around $1/4$ to be selected for observing. ### 7.3 Testing the down-size against known Herbig-Haro objects We have performed a retrospective test that compares the character of the long list with that of the final down-size by cross-matching them both with a list of known Herbig-Haro objects. The latter has been established by a CDS criteria query using the term otype=’HH’&ra>0. The coordinate condition was necessary to dismiss about 800 entries without coordinate information. The resulting table comprises 2622 positions: just 388 of them lie in the sky region defined by the Galactic coordinate ranges, $30^{\circ}<\ell<210^{\circ}$, $|b|<4^{\circ}$ (roughly the footprint HaGrid has been applied to). When a limit of 10 arcsec is set on the angular separation, there are 70 and 40 successful cross-matches with the HaGrid long and short lists, respectively. These numbers drop to 45 and 27 if the limit on angular separation is reduced to 5 arcsec. That no more than 20 percent, at best, of the listed HHO in the region are recovered is attributable to HHO position uncertainties, their high proper motion and the relatively low surface brightness of many. Another occasional factor at work will be the presence of substantial scattered starlight lowering the contrast between the $H\alpha$ and $r$ images to below an acceptance threshold (emission in the vicinity of V645~Cyg is subject to this). The most relevant point is that the down-sized list of candidate emission line positions captures more than half the number matching with the long list, despite the fact it contains only $\sim$0.15 as many positions. Proportionately, the shorter list is doing appreciably better, indicating that the downsizing has the side benefit of raising list quality. Figure 13: S147, the supernova remnant, as a test of HaGrid position selection. The upper panel is a comparison between the pattern of final HaGrid positions, in red, and the VTSS (Dennison et al., 1998) arbitrarily-scaled continuum-subtracted H$\alpha$ surface brightness map shown in greyscale. A good correspondence is achieved. The lower panel is a zoom into a $0.27\times 1.00$ sq.deg. area within the remnant superposing HaGrid positions on the IGAPS $H\alpha$ mosaic at full $\sim$1 arcsec resolution (shown in full in Figure 8). This shows how the fine filaments making up the remnant are accurately traced by the HaGrid selections (green dots): those with surface brightness exceeding $10^{-15}$ erg cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 are encircled in red. Both panels use Galactic coordinates such that latitude increases upwards and longitude towards the left. ### 7.4 Results of selection The distribution of diffuse ionized emission in the northern plane is heavily weighted to low surface brightness and its presence along the plane is extremely uneven. These are the outstanding features of the out turn from the application of HaGrid to the IGAPS images database. The extent to which low surface brightness is favoured is illustrated by the histogram of excess $H\alpha$ counts, presented as Figure 11. The mean of the distribution is 32.5 excess counts, while the more informative median is just 21.6 (translating to a surface brightness of $\sim 7.2\times 10^{-16}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 or close on 130 Rayleighs). The upper panel of Figure 12 is a cut-out of 50 square degrees in the Cygnus-X region of the plane, a region that is very rich in ionized gas: around 20 percent of all the selections are contained in just this 3.6 percent of the processed sky area. Every data point is a candidate target position and is coloured according to the logarithm of H$\alpha$ narrowband surface brightness. The figure amounts to a ’pointilliste’ rendition of an $H\alpha$ image of the region emphasising the brightest locations. Comparison with the much coarser angular resolution H$\alpha$ map presented by Finkbeiner (2003), in the lower panel of Figure 12, shows that the larger scale structure in H$\alpha$ surface brightness is shared, with the important difference that the HaGrid output offers much more better-resolved, brighter detail that vanishes when smoothed to several arcminutes. The bright North America Nebula is located towards bottom left in both panels. The hole in the emission in the top right corner of the upper panel is a product of needing to leave a zone clear around the 2nd magnitude star, $\gamma$ Cyg. The larger hole below it is real in the sense that it is a dark cloud free of line emission. A further example of the candidate positions output by HaGrid and the subsequent reduction is presented in Figure 13 for the case of S147 (already discussed and illustrated in Section 6). Its appearance is very filamentary, somewhat resembling a collection of soap bubbles, with the filaments at the interfaces. The overall distribution of emission is captured very well by the selection, as shown by the comparison with the excerpt from the Virginia Tech Spectral-line Survey (VTSS, Dennison et al., 1998), in the upper panel of Figure 13. However the 1.6-arcmin pixel scale of VTSS does not entirely resolve the structure present. The filaments, with typical widths of under 1 arcmin, emerge more clearly in the IGAPS narrowband imagery, thanks to its native $\sim$1 arcsec angular resolution. This is picked up faithfully by the HaGrid selection. The surface brightness of the selections ranges from $3\times 10^{-16}$ to (very infrequently) $3\times 10^{-15}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2. ## 8 Closing remarks A goal of this paper has been to present and describe the new IGAPS image database, formed from merging the data from both the IPHAS (Drew et al., 2005) and UVEX (Groot et al., 2009) surveys of the northern Galactic Plane. Around two-thirds of the database carries photometric zeropoints from the uniform calibration described previously by Monguió et al. (2020). The collection is complete in that it contains all images of all qualities obtained over the course of the two long-running survey programmes. This creates options to compare different epochs, given that many fields were observed more than once. The main focus of this paper has been on the $H\alpha$ narrow band: the only one of the IGAPS set expressly targeting line emission. Before summarising what we have presented on $H\alpha$, we recall that the Sloan $g$ band contains within its range the sometimes extremely bright [O iii] 495.9, 500.7 nm doublet. Accordingly, images taken using this filter can be used to compare and contrast the appearance of prominent nebulous regions in low ionization lines (H$\alpha$ and the [N ii] 654.8, 658.4 nm doublet) and the much higher ionization [O iii]. This will work especially well for lower extinction sightlines, where the [O iii] lines are not disadvantaged by dust obscuration on top of the 1:4 exposure time ratio. An outstanding example of such a comparison, for the Dumbbell Nebula, is shown as Figure 14. This is a large and bright planetary nebula in which it can be seen that the [O iii] emission ($g$-band image, upper panel) is less clumpy than the H$\alpha$ \+ [N ii] emission ($H\alpha$ image, lower panel), while the extent of the main nebula is nearly the same in both. Furthermore, even in the $g$ band 30-second exposure, fainter more extended structure is also apparent beyond the main nebula rim (seen to the west/right in the figure): its existence was first noticed in the lower resolution narrow-band images presented by Papamastorakis et al. (1993). The central star also stands out at this shorter wavelength. The price paid for this kind of direct exploitation is, necessarily the strong pick-up of star light in the field because the $g$ band is broad. Some improvement on this might be achieved by constructing $g-r$ difference images. Returning to our main aim – we have provided a characterisation of the distinctive narrow-band $H\alpha$ data, whilst also showcasing some new illustrative applications. Thanks to the Monguió et al. (2020) zero points calibration, it is now more certain what the noise levels and sensitivities are: at full $\sim$1 arcsec angular resolution it is possible to distinguish nebulosity of surface brightness down to $\sim 2\times 10^{-16}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 (the typical noise level). We have described here, in detail, how this may be exploited on the large scale to build target lists for diffuse-ISM spectroscopy using the coming generation of massive multiplex wide-field spectrographs (section 7 on the HaGrid algorithm). On rebinning the native 0.333 arcsec pixels, the sensitivity increases as expected: Sabin et al. (2014) already claimed a typical sensitivity of $\sim 10^{-17}$ ergs cm-2 s-1 arcsec-2 for 5 $\times$ 5 arcsec2 binning. We endorse this, with the necessary qualification that, in reality, there will always be a range in sensitivity, linked directly to the prevailing background level (see Figure 3). Figure 14: Dumbbell Nebula: as imaged in the $g$ and $H\alpha$ bands (upper and lower panels respectively). The $g$ image includes the strong [O iii] 495.9, 500.7 nm lines. The cutouts are taken from the same corner of CCD #2 in runs r-477762 and r-1241402, picked for having well-matched seeing (respectively 1.31 and 1.25 arcsecs). The colour scales used are capped at 1250 counts for $g$ and 5000 counts for $H\alpha$ to match the ratio of their exposure times. They run from black at background level up through green/magenta/red to yellow at the bright end. This PN has a diameter of approximately 6 arcmin. North up, east to the left. So far, most science exploitation of IGAPS image data has been directed towards planetary nebulae and, to a lesser extent, supernova remnants. We anticipate this will continue into upcoming programmes using WEAVE and other new generation wide field spectroscopic instruments. But there is also the opportunity to use especially the $H\alpha$ images to support science of the diffuse ISM in star-forming regions. In particular the software tool, HaGrid is permitting dense sampling across a wide area of many of the HII regions of the northern plane (as illustrated by Figure 12). Target lists of this kind for multi-object fibre spectroscopy will be included in the WEAVE survey and should lead to new insights into the detailed chemistry and kinematics of the diffuse environment in and around young star clusters. A programme of a similar kind is already underway using LAMOST (Wu et al., 2020): this samples the northern plane from a catalogue built also with the assistance of IPHAS images, now contained within the database presented here. The full collection of IGAPS images is available to the community via the website This website provides an interface that facilitates downloads of selected images, served up as individual CCD frames. It also provides a number of related resources, including the HaGrid -generated list of bright diffuse H$\alpha$ northern-plane positions presented here. ###### Acknowledgements. This work is based on observations made with the Isaac Newton Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. This research has made use of the University of Hertfordshire high-performance computing facility ( located at the University of Hertfordshire (supported by STFC grants including ST/P000096/1). This study has used part of an image obtained by the Virginia Tech Spectral-Line Survey, which is supported by the National Science Foundation. We thank the following Bristol University students: Greg Mould, William Howie, Luke Davies, Heidi Naumann, Will Summers, Alex Townshend, Paul May, Matina Mitchell, Finn Hoolahan, Tom Burgess, Ashley Akerman, James Jordan, Simon Palmer, Anna Kovacevic, Jai Tailor, Olivia Smedley and Daniel Huggins for their work searching through difference images looking for PN candidates as part of their final year undergraduate projects. RG benefitted from support via STFC grant ST/M001334/1 as a visitor to UCL. JED & MM acknowledge the support of research grants funded by the Science, Technology and Facilities Council of the UK (STFC, grants ST/M001008/1 and ST/J001333/1). MM was partially supported by the MINECO (Spanish Ministry of Economy) through grant ESP2016-80079-C2-1-R and RTI2018-095076-B-C21 (MINECO/FEDER, UE), and MDM-2014-0369 of ICCUB (Unidad de Excelencia ’María de Maeztu’). AM acknowledges support from the State Research Agency (AEI) of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) under grant AYA2017-83383-P. PJG is partially supported by NRF-SARChI grant 111692 and acknowledges support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), in contributing to the Isaac Newton Group of Telescopes and through grant 614.000.601. Aspects of the analysis presented have been carried out via TopCat and stilts (Taylor, 2006). This research has made use of both the SIMBAD database and the ”Aladin sky atlas”, respectively operated and developed at CDS, Strasbourg, France. This research has also made use of the image manipulation software, Montage. It is funded by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number ACI-1440620, and was previously funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Earth Science Technology Office, Computation Technologies Project, under Cooperative Agreement Number NCC5-626 between NASA and the California Institute of Technology. ## References * Alam et al. (2015) Alam, S., Albareti, F. D., Allende Prieto, C., et al. 2015, ApJS, 219, 12 * Anders et al. (2019) Anders, F., Khalatyan, A., Chiappini, C., et al. 2019, A&A, 628, A94 * Awang Iskandar et al. (2020) Awang Iskandar, D. N. F., Zijlstra, A. A., McDonald, I., et al. 2020, Galaxies, 8, 88 * Barentsen et al. (2014) Barentsen, G., Farnhill, H. J., Drew, J. E., et al. 2014, MNRAS, 444, 3230 * Chambers et al. (2016) Chambers, K. C., Magnier, E. A., Metcalfe, N., et al. 2016, arXiv e-prints, arXiv:1612.05560 * Connelley et al. (2008) Connelley, M. S., Reipurth, B., & Tokunaga, A. T. 2008, AJ, 135, 2496 * Corradi et al. (2011) Corradi, R. 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The data is from IGAPS field 6395o, showing the sources from the $g$ image r584231 on the left, and from the $U_{\rm RGO}$ image r584230 on the right. On the left the data of all four CCDs is shown together with a running median plotted as a black line. On the right the data from each CCD is shown with different colours and symbols: CCD#1 as red filled dots, CCD#2 as blue plus signs, CCD#3 as green triangles and CCD#4 as orange squares. The $U_{\rm RGO}$ filter stands out among the filters used by the IGAPS survey in being a liquid filter: between 1mm UG2 and UBK7 glass plates lies a 5mm thick $CuSO_{4}$ solution. The liquid nature of the filter leads to different image properties of the $U_{\rm RGO}$ data. Figure 15 shows a typical pipeline measured ellipticity distribution for the $g$ filter on the left, as an example representing the 4 normal glass filters used by IGAPS. The pixel distance to the instrument rotator center, which should be close to the optical axis, is shown on the x-axis. The data for all 4 WFC CCDs is combined in this plot. A running median is plotted as the thick black line. It can be seen that the ellipticity depends on the radial distance from the optical axis. The right panel of figure 15 shows the same information for the liquid $U_{\rm RGO}$ filter. A single radial trend does not exist. This leads to a more erratic point spread function (see the right-hand panel of figure 16). It is also the reason why an additional 5th order term is sometimes necessary for the astrometric solution (Monguió et al., 2020). It can also be seen in this example that, despite being a low extinction region, the number of sources visible in the 120 second $U_{\rm RGO}$ exposure is clearly less than in the 30 second $g$ exposure. The change in point source image morphology across the WFC array also has an effect on the morphological classification of sources, which are less likely to be classified as stellar the further they are located from the optical axis, independent of filter (cf. section 2.2 in Farnhill et al., 2016). As the seal around the edges of the $U_{\rm RGO}$ filter is not completely tight, the contained solution slowly evaporates over time and hence needs to be topped up whenever an air bubble becomes apparent. Occasionally observations were made with a bubble visible in the filter, which always will drift to the filter edge in zenith direction. At minimum the red leak of the $U_{\rm RGO}$ filter would be increased for stars observed in the bubble area. Accordingly, bright patches of stars near the edge of frames should be viewed with caution. During the creation of the IGAPS catalogue it was discovered that there is also an optical blemish on the surface of the $g$ filter, that has an effect on the image quality. The location of this blemish changed over time, depending on the orientation in which the filter was reinserted into the filter holder after cleaning. For more information see section 6.1 and appendix B in Monguió et al. (2020). Figure 16: Cutout from CCD#3 of images r584231 ($g$ filter, left) and r584230 ($U_{\rm RGO}$, right), showing the difference in PSF appearance between these filters. ### A.2 Confidence maps Figure 17: Confidence map for the H$\alpha$ filter from November 2012. Areas shown in black have a confidence value $<50$. The layout of the CCDs has #2 on top, and #3, #4 and #1 from the left at the bottom. The confidence maps produced in pipeline processing are used for the masking of bad pixels and vignetted areas on the CCDs. The pipeline produces the confidence maps per filter from the observations of flatfields taken during an observing run. Hence each IGAPS observing run has its own set of confidence maps associated with it. The confidence map is referenced in the FITS header item CONFMAP (see appendix B). To define bad pixels, often a limit of confidence $<90$ is used. Figure 17 shows an example of a confidence map. The vignetting of the image area is clearly visible. The use of a round filter in the WFC has its biggest impact on CCD#3, but also affects corners of CCD#2 and CCD#1. The worst column defects are also visible in the figure. Many thinner column defects and small bad pixel areas are not visible at this image resolution. For specific purposes, such as the selection of diffuse-ISM targets for wide field spectrographs as described in section 7, the automatic selection of bad pixels via the confidence maps can benefit from the addition of further hot and cold pixels identified by the user. ### A.3 Artefacts A number of artefacts can be found on the IGAPS WFC images, just as they are in data from a range of astronomical cameras. The cause of these are either optical reflections, external particle or light sources or electronic components. #### A.3.1 Bright stars For bright stars even the faintest parts of the point spread function become visible. The right panel of Figure 9 shows a bright star and its associated halo, with a radius of $\sim$1100 pixels. It can be seen that the halo is offset from the star. This offset depends on the distance to the optical axis of the WFC, which hints at the reflection being caused by a curved optical surface. As shown by this example, the halo of a bright star can affect a considerable part of a CCD. Apart from the direct image and halo, the light of a star also gets reflected on different optical surfaces of the instrument and forms several large reflections, that can appear more than a degree from the star (’ghosts’). In the case that a star is very bright, these reflections will become visible in the images. One example is shown in the left panel of figure 9. The reflection nearly covers a full CCD, and a lot of fine detail from the telescope entrance pupil can be made out – including the cabling of the WFC at the prime focus that protrudes beyond the central obstruction. Also visible is part of a fainter large reflection in the top right corner of the CCD. The seeming small bipolar nebula at the bottom of that fainter reflection is not real either. That it is just reflected light can be checked by inspecting the offset partner image of the same sky location. Figure 18: Reflections of bright stars outside the CCD. Left: image r430532, CCD#1, $H\alpha$ filter. The reflection in the center is up to 25% of the background. The one near the top reaches more than 300% of the background counts. Right: image r764550, CCD#3, $i$ filter. The large and small reflection have 6% and 21% more counts than the background, respectively. The visible fringing is at about 1.5% of background. The HaGrid superpixel map is shown to enhance low level detail. Black areas correspond to rejected superpixels due to high levels of masking. The color scale goes from red (low values) to blue (high values). Reflections do not always have to appear complete or have a circular shape. Figure 18 shows the superpixel map created by HaGrid, as described in section 7.1, as this makes low level detail more readily visible. The left panel of that figure shows two odd reflections. One with a square appearance, which is actually just a cutout from a much larger circular reflection. The other one visible in the top right corner of the CCD is quite different in appearance from the usual circular reflections. The right panel shows part of a circular reflection from a star outside the CCD. On top of it is a smaller, more elliptical reflection. Also visible in this superpixel map is low level fringing outside of the areas covered by the reflections. And the effect of vignetting on CCD#3 is also clearly discernible. Figure 19: Reflection of a bright star on image r414326, CCD#2. On the left side the H$\alpha$ image is shown. The pixel mask is shown on the right. Black corresponds to masked pixels. The bright star is located just outside the top edge of the CCD. This creates a cometary like tail that covers about half the CCD length and a square reflection near the CCD top. The usual circular reflection is also visible at the top. As the masked pixels are generated from the catalogued sources it can be seen that a lot of faint spurious sources are detected due to the reflections. Figure 19 shows the effect of a bright star located at or near the edge of a CCD. This leads to the starlight being reflected on to the CCD at an oblique angle. The left panel shows that this creates a cometary tail like structure, that can extend quite a distance from the star. Also an almost-square reflection is visible near the top edge, along with a fainter circular reflection. The mask created by HaGrid (cf. section 7.1) is shown in the right panel. It can be seen that this reflection creates a lot of faint spurious sources, picked up erroneously by the IGAPS catalogue, which are arranged in the circular pattern of the reflection. Further spurious sources can be seen extending along the cometary reflection. A further faint part of a circular reflection must exist at the centre of the right CCD edge, as another circular structure of spurious sources can be seen there. #### A.3.2 Cosmic Rays and satellite trails Cosmic ray impacts are a well known nuisance in astronomical images (Smith et al., 2002). Despite their name, not all impacting particles actually are of direct cosmic origin. Figure 20 shows a few prominent examples of particle impacts visible in the 120s H$\alpha$ exposures. The long streaks visible in the right hand panels are caused by muon impacts. The track in the lower left panel shows a kink in the track, probably due to a collision with a particle in the CCD. The top left panel shows a so called ”worm”, caused by multiply- scattered low energy electrons. Figure 20: Examples of prominent cosmic ray impacts. Top left: A worm caused by multiply scattered low energy electrons. The other three panels show muon impacts. The images are: top left, r372612 CCD#4; top right, r418359 CCD#2; bottom left, r431220 CCD#2; bottom right, r570439 CCD#3. Each cutout is 180 pixels squared. Another nuisance in astronomical images are satellite tracks. With the current and future planned mega satellite constellations in low earth orbit, this problem is very much on the increase. Satellite tracks are mostly straight lines running through the image at an angle. Sometimes flares can be seen, where the brightness increases for a short time due to the alignment of reflecting satellite surfaces with the observing direction. Rather rare is the observation of fine structure in the satellite track. One such example can be seen in figure 21. The cause of these high frequency ”wiggles” may either be due to telescope-tracking glitches in declination or to satellite spin bringing different structures into illumination. Figure 21: Details of the satellite track on the H$\alpha$ image r541904, CCD#3. Two excursions away from linear are shown. Telescope tracking or satellite structure might have caused them. #### A.3.3 Pickup noise and gain changes Occasionally the WFC images suffer from electronic noise, either from external sources (pick up noise) or from readout electronic problems (gain changes). Over time, with ageing electronics, especially the gain changes became more common. The occurrence of gain changes seems to be random, and subsequent images usually are read out correctly. In most cases there is only one gain change during the readout. As certain observing runs had an increased occurrence rate of gain changes, not all of the affected fields could be re- observed at a later date. Hence the data reduction pipeline was modified to deal with the gain changes and still produce a useful object catalogue. An extreme example of many gain changes during the readout is shown in figure 22 in the right panel. These extreme cases could not be salvaged by the data reduction. The left panel of figure 22 shows an image with typical pick up noise. Figure 22: Left: Pickup noise on image r1018959, CCD#4. The variations here are small, and represent minor degradation. Right: Gain changes on image r1166073, CCD#4. The changes are both spread across the whole and large, rendering this frame unusable. #### A.3.4 Cross talk Cross talk during readout is a well known phenomenon for CCD arrays (Freyhammer et al., 2001). With the WFC, cross talk only becomes visible when a very bright source falls on one of the CCDs. An example is shown in figure 23. The bright star in CCD#1 creates a negative cross talk in CCD#2 at a level of about -10 ADU. CCD#4 shows a positive cross talk at about 10 ADU, and CCD#3 only shows a very small positive cross talk signal in this case. Figure 23: Cross talk on image r1023036. CCD#1 is shown top left, #2 top right, #3 bottom left and #4 bottom right. The same pixel section is shown for each CCD. The bright star on CCD#1 is seen as a negative imprint on #2 for pixels that are saturated, as a positive imprint on #4 and a faint positive imprint on #3. #### A.3.5 Multiple images Very rarely, multiple images of each source are found on an IGAPS exposure. Normally these appear as double images or streaks. The latter effect is caused by the telescope not being settled on the observing position by the time of exposure start. The former is caused by jumps in the telescope tracking or, in the case of the INT, the oscillation of the main mirror support system (see figure 24). The mirror support system at the INT consists of 36 pneumatic pads, which are controlled together in three $120\deg$ segments. Oscillations of the servo loop were audible in the control room and could be stopped by the observer by moving the telescope to a different position. Note that due to differences in the time spent at the end points of the oscillation the double images are of different brightness. Figure 24: Double images on frame r367586, CCD#4. Bright stars clearly show the sign of INT mirror support oscillation, forming dumbell like images. #### A.3.6 Other Very occasionally images suffer rare, sometimes unexplained artifacts. Two such examples are shown in figure 25. The left hand panel shows reduced counts near the left and right edge of the CCD. This effect is visible in CCDs 2 and 4, but not in CCDs 1 and 3. The right hand panel of figure 25 shows the effect of a drop of liquid (water or oil) on the filter. This happened during the two nights of October 10 and 11 2006. The extent and form of the feature changed over time during these nights. Figure 25: Left: image r418779, CCD#4. The left and right edge show 5% difference in background counts. Right: image r531376, CCD#4. The feature, top right, causes up to 10% difference relative to the background. The HaGrid superpixel map is shown to enhance low level detail. Black areas correspond to rejected superpixels due to high levels of masking. The color scale goes from red (low values) to blue (high values). ## Appendix B Header parameters The table below provides an example of the header content associated with each CCD image file. Much of this information is also captured in the metadata table available for download in compressed form as Parameter | Example value | Explanation ---|---|--- BITPIX | 8 | Data type of original image NAXIS | 2 | Dimension of original image NAXIS1 | 2048 | Length of original image axis NAXIS2 | 4096 | Length of original image axis PCOUNT | 0 | Size of special data area GCOUNT | 1 | One data group (required keyword) RUN | 677729 | Run number OBSERVAT | LAPALMA | Name of observatory (IRAF style) OBJECT | intphas_5023 r | Title of observation LATITUDE | 28.761907 | Telescope latitude (degrees) LONGITUD | -17.877559 | Telescope longitude (degrees) HEIGHT | 2348 | [m] Height above sea level. SLATEL | LPO2.5 | Telescope name known to SLALIB TELESCOP | INT | 2.5m Isaac Newton Telescope MJD-OBS | 55015.0452356 | Modified Julian Date at start of observation JD | 2455015.5452356 | Julian Date at start of observation PLATESCA | 6.856013 | [d/m] Platescale ( 24.68arcsec/mm) TELFOCUS | 0.043825 | Telescope focus (metres) AIRMASS | 1.021475 | Effective mean airmass TEMPTUBE | 13.508864 | Truss Temperature (degrees Celsius) INSTRUME | WFC | INT wide-field camera is in use. WFFPOS | 5 | Position-number of deployed filter WFFBAND | r | Waveband of filter WFFID | 214 | Unique identifier of filter SECPPIX | 0.333 | Arcseconds per pixel DETECTOR | WFC | Formal name of camera CCDSPEED | FAST | Readout speed CCDXBIN | 1 | Binning factor in x axis CCDYBIN | 1 | Binning factor in y axis CCDSUM | 1 1 | Binning factors (IRAF style) CCDTEMP | 151.959 | [K] Cryostat temperature NWINDOWS | 0 | Number of readout windows DATE-OBS | 2009-07-03T01:05:10.8 | Start time of the exposure [UTC] INHERIT | T | Extension inherits primary HDU. EXTNAME | extension1 | Extension name EXTVER | 1 | Extension version number IMAGEID | 1 | Image identification DASCHAN | 1 | Number of readout channel WINNO | 0 | Number of readout window CHIPNAME | A5506-4 | Name of detector chip. CCDNAME | A5506-4 | Name of detector chip. CCDCHIP | A5506-4 | Name of detector chip. CCDTYPE | EEV42-80 | Type of detector chip. CCDXPIXE | 0.00001350 | [m] Size of pixels in x. CCDYPIXE | 0.00001350 | [m] Size of pixels in y. AMPNAME | LH | Name of output amplifier. GAIN | 2.80000000 | Nominal Photo-electrons per ADU. READNOIS | 6.40000000 | Nominal Readout noise in electrons. SATURATE | 64276.0 | Highest value that is unsaturated BIASSEC | [11:50,3:4098] | Bias pixels. TRIMSEC | [51:2098,3:4098] | Illuminated pixels. RTDATSEC | [2062:4215,13:4212] | Location in d-space for RTD. RADESYS | ICRS | WCS calibrated against Gaia-DR2 EQUINOX | 2000.0 | Equinox of the astrometry CTYPE1 | RA ZPN | Algorithm type for axis 1 CTYPE2 | DECZPN | Algorithm type for axis 2 CRUNIT1 | deg | Unit of right ascension coordinates CRUNIT2 | deg | Unit of declination coordinates PV2_1 | 1.0 | Coefficient for r term PV2_2 | 0.0 | Coefficient for r**2 term PV2_3 | 213.741679 | Coefficient for r**3 term PV2_5 | 0.0 | Coefficient for r**5 term CRVAL1 | 292.931917 | [deg] Right ascension at the reference pixel CRVAL2 | 28.6651568 | [deg] Declination at the reference pixel CRPIX1 | -329.738223 | [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 1 CRPIX2 | 2945.36999 | [pixel] Reference pixel along axis 2 CD1_1 | -1.3972E-06 | Transformation matrix element CD1_2 | -9.2449E-05 | Transformation matrix element CD2_1 | -9.2444E-05 | Transformation matrix element CD2_2 | 1.3945E-06 | Transformation matrix element STDCRMS | 0.02526049569007405 | Astrometric fit error (arcsec) MOONDIST | 81.0 | Distance to the moon in degrees MOONALT | 18.29999923706055 | Altitude of the moon above the horizon MOONPHAS | 83.40000152587891 | Phase of the moon SKYLEVEL | 252.99 | Sky level SKYNOISE | 10.96000003814697 | Sky noise PERCORR | -0.005 | Sky calibration correction (mags) MAGZPT | 24.47 | Uncorrected nightly ZP (per second) MAGZRR | 0.02 | Photometric ZP error (mags) EXTINCT | 0.09 | Extinction coefficient (mags) PHOTZP | 28.2187 | mag(Vega) = -2.5*log(pixel value) + PHOTZP PHOTZPER | 0.03 | Default 1-sigma PHOTZP uncertainty in IGAPS PHOTSYS | Vega | Photometric system FLUXCAL | IGAPS-UNIFORM | Identifies the origin of PHOTZP SEEING | 0.753579 | Average FWHM (arcsec) ELLIPTIC | 0.1319999992847443 | Average ellipticity EXPTIME | 30.07 | [sec] Exposure time adopted CONFMAP | iphas_jul2009 | r_conf.fits Confidence map CHECKSUM | ZfA6ad53VdA3Zd53 | HDU checksum updated 2020-02-11T11:35:56 DATASUM | 1159687462 | data unit checksum updated 2020-02-11T11:35:56
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "R. Greimel, J. E. Drew, M. Mongui\\'o, R. P. Ashley, G. Barentsen, J.\n Eisl\\\"offel, A. Mampaso, R. A. H.Morris, T. Naylor, C. Roe, L. Sabin, B.\n Stecklum, N. J. Wright, P. J. Groot, M. J. Irwin, M. J.Barlow, C. Fari\\~na,\n A. Fern\\'andez-Mart\\'in, Q. A. Parker, S. Phillipps, S. Scaringi, and A. A.\n Zijlstra", "submitter": "Janet Drew", "url": "" }
# On multidimensional fixed-point theorems and their applications ###### Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present some multidimensional fixed-point theorems and their applications. For this, we provide a multidimensional fixed point theorem and then using this theorem we prove the existence and uniqueness of a solution of a nonlinear Hammerstein integral equation. Moreover, we provide an example to illustrate the hypotheses and the abstract result of this paper. On multidimensional fixed-point theorems and their applications 111MSC2000: 54H25, 47H10. Keywords and phrases: fixed-point, partially ordered metric space, Hammerstein integral equation H. Akhadkulov222School of Quantitative Sciences, University Utara Malaysia, CAS 06010, UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia.,∗, S. Akhatkulov333Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Samarkand State University, Boulevard st. 15,140104 Samarkand, Uzbekistan. * Corresponding author: E-mail: [email protected] , T. Y. Ying2 and R. Tilavov3 ## 1 Introduction and Preliminaries Many problems which arise in mathematical physics, engineering, biology, economics and etc., lead to mathematical models described by nonlinear integral equations. For instance, the Hammerstein integral equations appear in nonlinear physical phenomena such as electro-magnetic fluid dynamics, reformulation of boundary value problems with a nonlinear boundary condition (see [8]). A Hammerstein integral equation is introduced as follows $x(t)=\int_{a}^{b}\mathcal{G}(t,s)H(s,x(s))ds+p(t).$ The aim of this paper is to investigate this integral equation under a certain conditions of $\mathcal{G}$ and $H.$ For this, we use the methods of multidimensional fixed point theorems. The concept of multidimensional fixed point i.e., _$\Upsilon$ -fixed point_ was introduced by Roldàn _et. al._ [12, 13]. This notion covers the concepts of _coupled, tripled, quadruple_ fixed point. We refer the reader to the references [6, 9, 10, 11, 14] in which were introduced the concept of coupled, tripled, quadruple fixed points and obtained related theorems. The uniqueness and existence theorems of multidimensional fixed point and their applications to nonlinear integral equations, matrix equations and the system of matrix equations have been developed in [2]-[5], [7]. In this paper, by using multidimensional fixed point theorems, we prove the existence and uniqueness of solution of a nonlinear Hammerstein integral equation under a certain conditions of $\mathcal{G}$ and $H.$ Moreover, we provide an example to illustrate the hypotheses and the abstract result of this paper. Let us introduce some necessary concepts and tools which help us to formulate our theorems. Denote by $(X,d,\preceq)$ a _partially ordered metric space_. ###### Definition 1.1. An ordered metric space $(X,d,\preceq)$ is called _regular_ if it satisfies the following: 1. - if $\\{x_{m}\\}$ is a nondecreasing sequence and $\\{x_{m}\\}\overset{d}{\rightarrow}x$, then $x_{m}\preceq x$ for all $m;$ 2. - if $\\{y_{m}\\}$ is a nonincreasing sequence and $\\{y_{m}\\}\overset{d}{\rightarrow}y$ then $y_{m}\succeq y$ for all $m$. Taking a natural number $k\geq 2$ we consider the set $\Lambda_{k}=\\{1,2,\ldots,k\\}.$ Let $\\{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\\}$ be a partition of $\Lambda_{k}$ that is $\mathcal{A}\cup\mathcal{B}=\Lambda_{k}$ and $\mathcal{A}\cap\mathcal{B}=\emptyset.$ Using this partition and partially ordered metric space $(X,d,\preceq)$ we define a $k$-dimensional partially ordered metric space $(X^{k},\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{k},\preceq_{k})$ as follows: * • the $k$-cartesian power of a set $X$ $X^{k}=\underset{k}{\underbrace{X\times X\times\cdot\cdot\cdot\times X}}=\\{(\textbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{k})):|x_{i}\in X\,\,\,\,\text{for all}\,\,\,i\in\Lambda_{k}\\};$ * • the maximum metric $\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{k}:X^{k}\times X^{k}\rightarrow[0,+\infty),$ given by $\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{k}(\textbf{x},\textbf{y})=\underset{1\leq i\leq k}{\max}\\{d(x_{i},y_{i})\\},$ where $\textbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{k}),\textbf{y}=(y_{1},y_{2},...,y_{k})\in X^{k};$ * • the partial order w.r.t $\\{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\\}$ that is, for any $\textbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},...,x_{k})$ and $\textbf{y}=(y_{1},y_{2},...,y_{k})\in X^{k}$ we have $\textbf{x}\preceq_{k}\textbf{y}\Leftrightarrow\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}x_{i}\preceq y_{i},&\text{if }\quad i\in\mathcal{A},\\\ x_{i}\succeq y_{i},&\text{if}\quad i\in\mathcal{B}.\end{array}\right.$ It is easy to see that if $(X,d)$ is a complete metric space, then $(X^{k},\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{k})$ is a complete metric space. ###### Definition 1.2. We say that a mapping $F:X^{k}\rightarrow X$ has the _mixed monotone_ property w.r.t partition $\\{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\\},$ if $F$ is monotone nondecreasing in arguments of $\mathcal{A}$ and monotone nonincreasing in arguments of $\mathcal{B}.$ We define the following set of mappings: $\Omega_{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}}=\\{\sigma:\Lambda_{k}\rightarrow\Lambda_{k}:\sigma(\mathcal{A})\subseteq\mathcal{A},\,\,\sigma(\mathcal{B})\subseteq\mathcal{B}\\},$ $\Omega^{\prime}_{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}}=\\{\sigma:\Lambda_{k}\rightarrow\Lambda_{k}:\sigma(\mathcal{A})\subseteq\mathcal{B},\,\,\sigma(\mathcal{B})\subseteq\mathcal{A}\\}.$ Let $\Upsilon=(\sigma_{1},\sigma_{2},\ldots,\sigma_{k})$ be $k$-tuple of mappings of $\sigma_{i}:\Lambda_{k}\rightarrow\Lambda_{k}$ such that $\sigma_{i}\in\Omega_{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}}$ if $i\in\mathcal{A}$ and $\sigma_{i}\in\Omega^{\prime}_{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}}$ if $i\in\mathcal{B}.$ In the sequel we consider only such kind of $k$-tuple of mappings. ###### Definition 1.3. A point $\textbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{k})\in X^{k}$ is called _$\Upsilon$ -fixed point_ of a mapping $F:X^{k}\rightarrow X$ if $F(x_{\sigma_{i}(1)},x_{\sigma_{i}(2)},\ldots,x_{\sigma_{i}(k)})=x_{i}$ for all $i\in\Lambda_{k}.$ ## 2 A Multidimensional fixed point theorem In this section we provide a multidimensional fixed point theorem which will be used in the next section. We need the following definition. ###### Definition 2.1. A function $\psi:[0,+\infty)\rightarrow[0,+\infty)$ is called _altering distance function_ , if $\psi$ is continuous, monotonically increasing and $\psi(\\{0\\})=\\{0\\}.$ The following theorem has been obtained by Akhadkulov et. al in [2]. ###### Theorem 2.2. Let $(X,d,\preceq)$ be a complete partially ordered metric space. Let $\Upsilon:\Lambda_{k}\rightarrow\Lambda_{k}$ be a $k$-tuple mapping $\Upsilon=(\sigma_{1},\sigma_{2},...,\sigma_{k})$ such that $\sigma_{i}\in\Omega_{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}}$ if $i\in\mathcal{A}$ and $\sigma_{i}\in\Omega^{\prime}_{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}}$ if $i\in\mathcal{B}.$ Let $F:X^{k}\rightarrow X$ be a mapping which obeys the following conditions: 1. (i) there exists an altering distance function $\psi,$ an upper semi-continuous function $\theta:[0,+\infty)\rightarrow[0,+\infty)$ and a lower semi- continuous function $\varphi:[0,+\infty)\rightarrow[0,+\infty)$ such that for all $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{k}),\mathbf{y}=(y_{1},y_{2},\ldots,y_{k}),$ $\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}$ with $\mathbf{x}\preceq_{k}\mathbf{y}$ we have $\psi(d(F(\mathbf{x}),F(\mathbf{y})))\leq\theta(\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{k}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}))-\varphi(\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{k}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}))$ where $\theta(0)=\varphi(0)=0$ and $\psi(x)-\theta(x)+\varphi(x)>0$ for all $x>0$; 2. (ii) there exists $\mathbf{x}^{0}=(x^{0}_{1},x^{0}_{2},\ldots,x^{0}_{k})$ such that $x^{0}_{i}\preceq_{i}F(x^{0}_{\sigma_{i}(1)},x^{0}_{\sigma_{i}(2)},\ldots,x^{0}_{\sigma_{i}(k)})$ for all $i\in\Lambda_{k};$ 3. (iii) $F$ has the mixed monotone property w.r.t $\\{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\\}$; 4. (iv) (a) $F$ is continuous or (b) $(X,d,\preceq)$ is regular. Then $F$ has a $\Upsilon$-fixed point. Moreover * (v) if for any $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{k}),\mathbf{y}=(y_{1},y_{2},\ldots,y_{k})$ there exists a point $\mathbf{z}=(z_{1},z_{2},\ldots,z_{k})$ such that $\mathbf{x}\preceq_{k}\mathbf{z}$ and $\mathbf{y}\preceq_{k}\mathbf{z},$ then $F$ has a unique $\Upsilon$-fixed point $\mathbf{x}^{*}=(x^{*}_{1},x^{*}_{2},\ldots,x^{*}_{k}).$ ## 3 An application of Theorem 2.2 In this section, we apply Theorem 2.2 to a nonlinear Hammerstein integral equation to show the existence and uniqueness of solution. Let $T>1$ be a real number. Consider the following nonlinear Hammerstein integral equation on $C([1,T])$: (3.1) $x(t)=\int_{1}^{T}\mathcal{G}(t,s)\Big{[}{\sum_{i=1}^{2m}f_{i}(s,x(s))}\Big{]}ds+p(t),\quad t\in[1,T].$ In order to show the existence of a solution of equation (3.1) we assume: 1. (a) $f_{i}:[1,T]\times\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R},\quad 1\leq i\leq 2m$ are continuous; 2. (b) $p:[1,T]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is continuous; 3. (c) $\mathcal{G}:[1,T]\times[1,T]\rightarrow[0,\infty)$ is continuous; 4. (d) there exist positive constants $\eta_{1},\eta_{2},...,\eta_{2m}$ such that $\max_{1\leq i\leq 2m}\eta_{i}\leq\Big{(}2m\underset{0\leq t\leq T}{\max}\int^{T}_{1}\mathcal{G}(t,s)ds\Big{)}^{-1}$ for all $1\leq i\leq 2m$ and $0\leq f_{2i-1}(s,y)-f_{2i-1}(s,x)\leq\eta_{2i-1}\log\Big{(}1+y-x\Big{)},$ $-\eta_{2i}\log\Big{(}1+y-x\Big{)}\leq f_{2i}(s,y)-f_{2i}(s,x)\leq 0$ for all $x,y\in\mathbb{R},\,\,\,y\geq x$ and $1\leq i\leq m.$ 5. (e) there exist continuous functions $y^{0}_{1},y^{0}_{2},\ldots,y^{0}_{2m}:[1,T]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ such that $y^{0}_{2r-1}(t)\leq H_{2r-1}(t),$ $1\leq r\leq m$ and $y^{0}_{2r}(t)\geq H_{2r}(t),$ $1\leq r\leq m$ for all $t\in[0,T]$ where $H_{1}(t)=\int^{T}_{1}\mathcal{G}(t,s)\Big{[}\sum_{i=1}^{2m}f_{i}(s,y^{0}_{i}(s))\Big{]}ds+p(t)$ and $H_{r}(t)=\int^{T}_{1}\mathcal{G}(t,s)\Big{[}\sum_{i=1}^{2m-r+1}f_{i}(s,y^{0}_{i+r-1}(s))+\sum_{\ell=0}^{r-2}f_{2m-\ell}(s,y^{0}_{r-1-\ell}(s))\Big{]}ds+p(t),$ for $2\leq r\leq 2m.$ Note that the equation (3.1) has been studied in [1], under the similar assumptions. The main difference is the contraction condition i.e., the assumption (e). We have the following. ###### Theorem 3.1. Under assumptions (a)-(e), equation (3.1) has a unique solution in $C[1,T].$ ###### Proof. The proof of this theorem is similar to the proof of the main theorem of [1]. Therefore we give only the sketch of the proof. First, we define necessary notions as follow. Let $X=C[1,T]$ be a space of continuous real functions defined on $[1,T]$ endowed with the standard metric given by $d(u,v)=\max_{1\leq t\leq T}\mid u(t)-v(t)\mid,\quad\text{for}\quad u,v\in X.$ A partial order $\preceq$ is defined as follows: for any $x,y\in C[1,T]$ we say $x\preceq y\Leftrightarrow x(t)\leq y(t),\quad\text{for all}\quad t\in[1,T].$ Let $\Lambda_{2m}=\\{1,2,\ldots,2m\\}.$ Consider a partition $\mathcal{A}=\\{1,3,5,\ldots,2m-1\\}\,\,\,\,\text{and}\,\,\,\,\,\mathcal{B}=\\{2,4,6,\ldots,2m\\}.$ We choose $\Upsilon=(\sigma_{1},\sigma_{2},\ldots,\sigma_{2m})$ as follows: $\Upsilon=\left(\begin{array}[]{cccc}\sigma_{1}(1)&\sigma_{1}(2)&\ldots&\sigma_{1}(2m)\\\ \sigma_{2}(1)&\sigma_{2}(2)&\ldots&\sigma_{2}(2m)\\\ \sigma_{3}(1)&\sigma_{3}(2)&\ldots&\sigma_{3}(2m)\\\ \ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots\\\ \sigma_{2m}(1)&\sigma_{2m}(2)&\ldots&\sigma_{2m}(2m)\end{array}\right)=\left(\begin{array}[]{cccccc}1&2&\ldots&2m-2&2m-1&2m\\\ 2&3&\ldots&2m-1&2m&1\\\ 3&4&\ldots&2m&1&2\\\ \ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots&\ldots\\\ 2m&1&\ldots&2m-3&2m-2&2m-1\end{array}\right)$ Next we consider the operator $\mathbb{A}:X^{2m}\rightarrow X$ $\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{x})=\mathbb{A}(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{2m})=\int_{1}^{T}\mathcal{G}(t,s)\Big{[}{\sum_{i=1}^{2m}f_{i}(s,x_{i}(s))}\Big{]}ds+p(t),$ where $t\in[1,T]$ and $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{2m})\in X^{2m}$. Further, we show $\mathbb{A}$ satisfies all conditions of Theorem 2.2. Let $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{2m}),\,\mathbf{z}=(z_{1},z_{2},\ldots,z_{2m})\in X^{2m}$. We define a metric in $X^{2m}$ as follows: $\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})=\max_{i\in\Lambda_{2m}}\\{d(x_{i},z_{i})\\}=\max_{i\in\Lambda_{2m}}\\{\max_{1\leq t\leq T}\mid x_{i}(t)-z_{i}(t)\mid\\}.$ Step 1. We claim that the operator $\mathbb{A}$ satisfies the first condition of Theorem 2.2 with $\psi(x)=x,\,\,\,\,\theta(x)=\log(1+x)\,\,\,\text{and}\,\,\,\,\varphi(x)=0.$ Indeed, from assumption $(\mathbf{d})$ it follows that $\mathbb{A}(z_{1},z_{2},\ldots,z_{2m})(t)-\mathbb{A}(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{2m})(t)=$ $\int^{T}_{1}\mathcal{G}(t,s)\Big{[}\sum_{i=1}^{2m}f_{i}(s,z_{i}(s))-f_{i}(s,x_{i}(s))\Big{]}ds\leq$ $2m(\max_{1\leq i\leq 2m}\eta_{i})\Big{(}\underset{1\leq t\leq T}{\max}\int^{T}_{1}\mathcal{G}(t,s)ds\Big{)}\cdot\log\Big{(}1+\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})\Big{)}$ for any $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{2m}),\mathbf{z}=(z_{1},z_{2},\ldots,z_{2m})\in X^{2m}$ with $\mathbf{x}\preceq_{2m}\mathbf{z}.$ Hence $d(\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{x}),\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{z}))\leq\log\Big{(}1+\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})\Big{)}$ that is $\psi(d(\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{x}),\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{z})))\leq\theta({\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})})-\varphi({\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})}).$ One can easily see $\psi(x)-\theta(x)+\varphi(x)=x-\log(1+x)>0$ for all $x>0.$ Step 2. There exists $\mathbf{y}=(y^{0}_{1},y^{0}_{2},\ldots,y^{0}_{2m})\in X^{2m}$ such that the operator $\mathbb{A}$ satisfies the second condition of Theorem 2.2. The proof of this claim follows from assumption $(\mathbf{e}).$ Step 3. The operator $\mathbb{A}$ has mixed monotone property w.r.t $\\{\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B}\\}.$ The proof of this claim follows from assumptions $(\mathbf{c})$ and $(\mathbf{d}).$ Step 4. We claim that $\mathbb{A}:X^{2m}\rightarrow X$ is continuous. Indeed, for any $\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z}\in X^{2m}$ verifying $\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})\leq\delta$ we have $\Big{|}\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{x})-\mathbb{A}(\mathbf{z})\Big{|}\leq\int_{0}^{T}\mathcal{G}(t,s){\sum_{i=1}^{2m}\Big{|}f_{i}(s,x_{i}(s))-f_{i}(s,z_{i}(s))\Big{|}}ds$ $\leq\gamma{\mathbf{\textbf{d}}_{2m}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{z})},$ due to the assumption $(\mathbf{d}),$ where $\gamma=2m\eta\underset{1\leq t\leq T}{\max}\int^{T}_{1}\mathcal{G}(t,s)ds.$ Hence $\mathbb{A}$ is continuous. We have shown that the operator $\mathbb{A}$ satisfies the conditions $(i)-(iv)$ of Theorem 2.2. It implies that $\mathbb{A}$ has a $\Upsilon$-fixed point $\mathbf{x}^{*}=(x^{*}_{1},x^{*}_{2},\ldots,x^{*}_{2m}).$ That is $\displaystyle\mathbb{A}(x^{*}_{1},x^{*}_{2},x^{*}_{3},\ldots,x^{*}_{2m})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle x^{*}_{1},$ $\displaystyle\mathbb{A}(x^{*}_{2},x^{*}_{3},\ldots,x^{*}_{2m},x^{*}_{1})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle x^{*}_{2},$ $\displaystyle\vdots$ $\displaystyle\mathbb{A}(x^{*}_{2m},x^{*}_{1},\ldots,x^{*}_{2m-1})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle x^{*}_{2m}.$ It is obvious, for any $\mathbf{x}=(x_{1},x_{2},\ldots,x_{2m}),$ $\mathbf{y}=(y_{1},y_{2},\ldots,y_{2m})\in X^{2m}$ there exists a $\mathbf{q}=(q_{1},q_{2},\ldots,q_{2m})\in X^{2m}$ such that $\mathbf{x}\preceq_{2m}\mathbf{q}$ and $\mathbf{y}\preceq_{2m}\mathbf{q}.$ Indeed, consider the functions $q_{i}:[1,T]\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ $q_{i}(s)=\max\\{x_{i}(s),y_{i}(s)\\},\,s\in[1,T].$ Since $x_{i}(s)$ and $y_{i}(s)$ are continuous on $[1,T],$ the functions $q_{i}(s)$ are continuous on $[1,T]$ and $x_{i}(s)\leq q_{i}(s),y_{i}(s)\leq q_{i}(s)$ for all $1\leq i\leq 2m.$ Therefore $\mathbb{A}$ has a unique $\Upsilon$-fixed point $x^{*}=(x^{*}_{1},x^{*}_{2},\ldots,x^{*}_{2m}).$ Next we show $x^{*}_{1}=x^{*}_{2}=\ldots=x^{*}_{2m}.$ If $x^{*}=(x^{*}_{1},x^{*}_{2},\ldots,x^{*}_{2m})$ is the $\Upsilon$-fixed point of $\mathbb{A},$ then $y^{*}=(y^{*}_{1},y^{*}_{2},\ldots,y^{*}_{2m})$ is also a $\Upsilon$-fixed point of $\mathbb{A},$ where $y^{*}_{i}=x^{*}_{i+1}$ $1\leq i\leq 2m-1$ and $y^{*}_{2m}=x^{*}_{1}.$ However, $\mathbb{A}$ has the unique $\Upsilon$-fixed point. Therefore $\mathbf{x}^{*}=\mathbf{y}^{*}$ hence $x^{*}_{1}=x^{*}_{2}=\ldots=x^{*}_{2m}.$ Finally, we have shown that there exists a continuous function $x^{*}(t)$ such that $x^{*}(t)=\mathbb{A}(x^{*},x^{*},\ldots,x^{*})(t)=\int_{1}^{T}\mathcal{G}(t,s)\Big{[}{\sum_{i=1}^{2m}f_{i}(s,x^{*}(s))}ds\Big{]}+p(t).$ This proves Theorem 3.1. ∎ ## 4 Illustrative example In this section, we provide a representative example to illustrate how Theorem 3.1 can be applied in solving nonlinear Hammerstein integral equation. Let $T>1.$ Consider the following class of nonlinear Hammerstein integral equations. (4.1) $x(t)=\frac{1}{2\ln T}\int_{1}^{T}\frac{1}{ts}\ln\Big{(}\frac{s+x(s)}{sx(s)}\Big{)}ds+\alpha t-\frac{1}{2}\ln\frac{1+\alpha}{\alpha\sqrt{T}}\cdot\frac{1}{t},\,\,\,\,\text{where}\,\,\,\,\alpha>1.$ ###### Theorem 4.1. For every $\alpha>1,$ the equation (4.1) has a unique solution in $C([1,T]).$ ###### Proof. Denote $\displaystyle f_{1}(s,t)$ $\displaystyle=\ln(s+t),$ $\displaystyle f_{2}(s$ $\displaystyle,t)=-(\ln s+\ln t),$ $\displaystyle\mathcal{G}(t,s)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2\ln T}\cdot\frac{1}{ts},$ $\displaystyle p(t)$ $\displaystyle=\alpha t-\frac{1}{2}\ln\frac{1+\alpha}{\alpha\sqrt{T}}\cdot\frac{1}{t},$ where $s\in[1,T]$ and $t\geq 1.$ It is easy to see that the equation (4.1) can be presented as the equation (3.1) by using these notations. Our next goal is to show that the equation (4.1) satisfies assumptions $(\mathbf{a})-(\mathbf{e}).$ One can easily see that the functions $f_{1},$ $f_{2},$ $\mathcal{G}$ and $p$ are continuous. We show that the assumption $(\mathbf{d})$ is satisfied. A simple calculation shows that $2\max_{1\leq t\leq T}\int_{1}^{T}\mathcal{G}(t,s)=2\max_{1\leq t\leq T}\frac{1}{2\ln T}\int_{1}^{T}\frac{ds}{ts}=1.$ Let $y\geq x\geq 1.$ One can see that $0\leq f_{1}(s,y)-f_{1}(s,x)=\ln(s+y)-\ln(s+x)=\ln\Big{(}1+\frac{y-x}{s+x}\Big{)}\leq\ln(1+y-x);$ $-\ln(1+y-x)\leq-\ln\Big{(}1+\frac{y-x}{x}\Big{)}=-\Big{(}\ln y-\ln x\Big{)}=f_{2}(s,y)-f_{2}(s,x)\leq 0.$ We next show that the assumption $(\mathbf{e})$ is fulfilled with $y^{0}_{1}(t)=\alpha t/2$ and $y^{0}_{2}(t)=3\alpha t/2.$ It is easily seen that (4.2) $\displaystyle H_{1}(t)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2\ln T}\int_{1}^{T}\frac{1}{ts}\cdot\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+\alpha}{3\alpha s}\Big{)}ds+\alpha t-\frac{1}{2}\ln\frac{1+\alpha}{\alpha\sqrt{T}}\cdot\frac{1}{t},$ $\displaystyle H_{2}(t)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{2\ln T}\int_{1}^{T}\frac{1}{ts}\cdot\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+3\alpha}{\alpha s}\Big{)}ds+\alpha t-\frac{1}{2}\ln\frac{1+\alpha}{\alpha\sqrt{T}}\cdot\frac{1}{t}.$ Evaluating the integrals in (4.2) the functions $H_{1}$ and $H_{2}$ can be simplified as follow. (4.3) $\displaystyle H_{1}(t)$ $\displaystyle=\alpha t+\frac{1}{2t}\cdot\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+\alpha}{3(1+\alpha)}\Big{)},$ $\displaystyle H_{2}(t)$ $\displaystyle=\alpha t+\frac{1}{2t}\cdot\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+3\alpha}{1+\alpha}\Big{)}.$ The task is now to show (4.4) $y^{0}_{1}(t)\leq H_{1}(t)\,\,\,\,\text{and}\,\,\,\,H_{2}(t)\leq y^{0}_{2}(t).$ For this, we first show that (4.5) $\frac{2+3\alpha}{1+\alpha}\leq e^{\alpha}\,\,\,\,\,\,\text{for}\,\,\,\,\,\,\alpha>1.$ Let $k(\alpha):=e^{\alpha}-\frac{2+3\alpha}{1+\alpha}.$ One can check that $k^{\prime}(\alpha)=e^{\alpha}-\frac{1}{(1+\alpha)^{2}}>0$ since $\alpha$ is positive. It implies that $k(\alpha)$ is increasing and, in consequence, $k(\alpha)\geq k(1)=e-2.5>0.$ From inequality (4.5) it follows that (4.6) $\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+3\alpha}{1+\alpha}\Big{)}\leq\alpha t^{2}$ since $t\geq 1.$ Dividing by $2t$ and adding $\alpha t$ to the both side of (4.6) yields (4.7) $H_{2}(t)=\alpha t+\frac{1}{2t}\cdot\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+3\alpha}{1+\alpha}\Big{)}\leq\frac{3\alpha t}{2}=y^{0}_{2}(t).$ Since $\alpha>1,$ it follows that $\ln\Big{(}\frac{3+3\alpha}{2+\alpha}\Big{)}\leq\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+3\alpha}{1+\alpha}\Big{)}.$ As a consequence of the last inequality and the inequality (4.6) we obtain $\ln\Big{(}\frac{3+3\alpha}{2+\alpha}\Big{)}\leq\alpha t^{2}.$ Similarly as above, dividing by $(-2t)$ and adding $\alpha t$ to the both side of the last inequality we obtain (4.8) $H_{1}(t)=\alpha t+\frac{1}{2t}\cdot\ln\Big{(}\frac{2+\alpha}{3+3\alpha}\Big{)}\geq\frac{\alpha t}{2}=y^{0}_{1}(t).$ Combing inequalities (4.7) and (4.8) we can conclude that the assumption $(\mathbf{e})$ is fulfilled with $y^{0}_{1}(t)=\alpha t/2$ and $y^{0}_{2}(t)=3\alpha t/2.$ This finishes the proof of Theorem 4.1. ∎ ###### Remark 4.2. The aim of Theorem 4.1 is to show a strategy of applying abstract assumptions $(a)$-$(e)$ of Theorem 3.1 in some concrete examples. The reader can check that the solution of the equation (4.1) is $x(t)=\alpha t.$ ## 5 Acknowledgement We would like to thank the Ministry of Education of Malaysia for providing us with the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS/1/2018/STG06/UUM/02/13. Code S/O 14192). ## References * [1] H. Akhadkulov, A.B. Saaban, S. Akhatkulov, F. Alsharari, F.M. Alipiah. Applications of multidimensional fixed-point theorems to a nonlinear integral equation. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 117 No. 4, pp. 621-630, (2017). * [2] H. Akhadkulov, S. M. Noorani, A. B. Saaban, F. M. Alipiah, and H. Alsamir. Notes on multidimensional fixed-point theorems. Demonstr. Math. 50, pp. 360-374, (2017). * [3] H. Akhadkulov, A.B. Saaban, M.F. Alipiah and A.F. Jameel. On applications of multidimensional fixed point theorems. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "H. Akhadkulov, S. Akhatkulov, T. Y. Ying, R. Tilavov", "submitter": "Habibulla Akhadkulov Aburuykulovich", "url": "" }
# Rigidity for circle diffeomorphisms with a break satisfying a Zygmund smoothness condition ###### Abstract Let $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ be two circle diffeomorphisms with a break point, with the same irrational rotation number of bounded type, the same size of the break $c$ and satisfying a certain Zygmund type smoothness condition depending on a parameter $\gamma>2.$ We prove that under a certain condition imposed on the break size $c$, the diffeomorphisms $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ are $C^{1+\omega_{\gamma}}$-smoothly conjugate to each other, where $\omega_{\gamma}(\delta)=|\log\delta|^{-(\gamma/2-1)}.$ Rigidity for circle diffeomorphisms with breaks satisfying a Zygmund smoothness condition 111MSC2000: 37C15, 37C40, 37E10, 37F25. Keywords and phrases: circle diffeomorphism, break point, rotation number, renormalization, rigidity. H. A. Akhadkulov222School of Quantitative Sciences, University Utara Malaysia, CAS 06010, UUM Sintok, Kedah Darul Aman, Malaysia. E-mail:[email protected], A. A. Dzhalilov333Turin Polytechnic University, Kichik Halka yuli 17, Tashkent 100095, Uzbekistan. E-mail: [email protected] and K. M. Khanin444Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto, 40 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2E4, Canada. E-mail: [email protected] ## 1 Introduction The problem of smoothness of a conjugacy between two circle diffeomorphisms is a classical problem in one-dimensional dynamics. Arnol’d [2] proved that any analytic circle diffeomorphism with a Diophantine rotation number, sufficiently close to the rigid rotation $f_{\rho}\rightarrow x+\rho$ is analytically conjugate to $f_{\rho}.$ First significant extension of Arnol’d’s result was obtained by Herman [4]. He proved that $C^{\infty}$-smooth circle diffeomorphism with a Diophantine rotation number is $C^{\infty}$-conjugate to $f_{\rho}.$ Last forty years Herman’s result was developed by Yoccoz [21], Khanin and Sinai [11], Katznelson and Ornstein [5, 6], and Khanin and Teplinsky [14] in virtue of their great discoveries, new ideas, methods, and phenomena. Summarising thus far, if $f$ is $C^{2+\nu}$ and the rotation number satisfies a certain Diophantine condition, then the conjugacy is $C^{1+\alpha}$ for some $0<\alpha<\nu.$ Moreover, in [6], the authors considered a class of circle diffeomorphismsm bigger than $C^{2+\nu}.$ They proved that if $Df$ absolutely continuous and $D\log Df\in L_{p},$ for some $p>1$ then the conjugacy is is absolutely continuous provided its rotation number is bounded type. One of the last results on the progression of the regularity of conjugacy of circle diffeomorphisms have been contributed by Akhadkulov _et al_ [1] by extending previous results for circle diffeomorphisms satisfying a certain Zygmund-type smoothness condition depending on a parameter $\gamma>0.$ It was shown that, if a circle diffeomorphism satisfies the Zygmund condition for $\gamma>1/2$ then there exists a subset of irrational numbers of unbounded type such that the conjugacy is absolutely continuous provided its rotation number belongs to the above set. Moreover, if $\gamma>1$ then the conjugacy is $C^{1}$-smooth for almost all irrational rotation numbers. It is important to remark that, in the case of diffeomorphisms, rigidity is guaranteed only when the rotation numbers satisfy a certain Diophantine condition. Recently, Khanin and Teplinsky [12] showed that in the presence of _critical points_ or _break points_ points the rigidity may be stronger, i.e., valid for a ”large” set of rotation numbers. They have showed that for the diffeomorphisms of a circle with a single critical point, the _robust rigidity_ holds, that is, the rigidity holds without any Diophantine conditions. The robust rigidity result depends on exponential convergence of renormalizations so called renormalization problem. The renormalization problem was proved by de Faria and de Melo for $C^{\infty}$-smooth critical circle maps with irrational rotation numbers of bounded type [16, 17], and extended, in the analytic setting, by Yampolsky [18] to cover all irrational rotation numbers. Recently, a remarkable rigidity results also have been obtained by Guarino and de Melo [19] and Guarino _et al_ [20] in the case of lower smoothness of critical circle maps. In [19], it was proven a $C^{1+\alpha}$ (for a universal $\alpha>0$) rigidity result for any two $C^{3}$ critical circle maps with the same irrational rotation number of bounded type and the same odd criticality. In the case of the class is $C^{4},$ $C^{1}$-rigidity holds for any irrational rotation number and $C^{1+\alpha}$\- rigidity holds for a full Lebesgue measure set of rotation numbers as shown in [20]. In the case of a break type singularity, the first rigidity results for $C^{2+\alpha}$ circle diffeomorphisms were obtained by Khanin and Khmelev [7], and Khanin and Teplinsky [13]. In [7], rigidity theorem was proved for irrational rotation numbers with periodic partial quotients and in [13], for half bounded (see the definition below) irrational rotation numbers. Note that the robust rigidity does not hold for circle diffeomorphisms with breaks. Indeed, as shown in [8], there are irrational rotation numbers, and pairs of analytic circle diffeomorphisms with breaks, with the same rotation number and the same size of the break, for which any conjugacy between them is not even Lipschitz continuous. The most remarkable results in this direction were obtained by Khanin and Kocic̀ [9] and Khanin _et al_ [10]. In [9], it was shown that the renormalizations of any two $C^{2+\alpha}$-smooth circle diffeomorphisms with a break point, with the same irrational rotation number and the same size of the break, approach each other exponentially fast in the $C^{2}$-topology. This result implies that for almost all irrational numbers, any two $C^{2+\alpha}$-smooth circle diffeomorphisms with a break, with the same rotation number and the same size of the break, are $C^{1}$-smoothly conjugate to each other as shown in [10]. The interesting problems of circle maps are the rigidity and renormalizations problems on the less regularities, for instance these problems are open for $C^{2+\alpha}$-smooth critical circle maps and for circle diffeomorphisms with break points satisfying a Zygmund condition, even for bounded combinatorics. The renormalizations problem for circle diffeomorphisms with a break satisfying a certain Zygmund condition is partially solved in [3]. In this paper we study the rigidity problem of two circle diffeomorphisms $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ with a break point, with the same irrational rotation number of bounded type, the same size of the break $c$ and satisfying a certain Zygmund type smoothness condition depending on a parameter $\gamma>2.$ We prove that under a certain condition imposed on the break size $c,$ the diffeomorphisms $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ are $C^{1+\omega_{\gamma}}$-smoothly conjugate to each other, where $\omega_{\gamma}(\delta)=|\log\delta|^{-(\gamma/2-1)}.$ The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, the main notions and statement of main theorem are given. In Section 3, we show the existence of a solution of a cohomological equation for the break-equivalent diffeomorphisms. In Section 4, some universal estimates for the ratio of the lengths of the segments of dynamical partition are obtained. Sections 5 and 6 are devoted to study the renormalizations and closeness of rescaled points. Finally, in Section 7, the proof of main theorem is given. ## 2 General settings and statement of main Theorem ### 2.1 Dynamical partition In this section, first we present some of the basic notations of circle maps and then we estimate the ratio of lengths of elements of the dynamical partition. Denote by $\mathbb{S}^{1}=\mathbb{R}/\mathbb{Z}$ unit circle. Let $f:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^{1}$ be a circle homeomorphism we denote its rotation number by $\rho(f).$ It can be expressed as a continued fraction $\rho(f)=1/(k_{1}+1/(k_{2}+...)):=[k_{1},k_{2},...,k_{n},...).$ The sequence of positive integers $(k_{n})$ with $n\geq 1$ called _partial quotients_ and it is infinite if and only if $\rho(f)$ is irrational. We call $\rho:=\rho(f)$ is bounded type if $s(\rho):=\sup k_{n}<\infty.$ Let $p_{n}/q_{n}=[k_{1},k_{2},...,k_{n}]$ be the sequence of rational convergents of $\rho.$ The coprime numbers $p_{n}$ and $q_{n}$ satisfy the recurrence relations $p_{n}=k_{n}p_{n-1}+p_{n-2},\,\,\text{and }\,\,q_{n}=k_{n}q_{n-1}+q_{n-2}$ for $n\geq 1,$ where$p_{0}=0,$ $q_{0}=1$ and $p_{-1}=1,$ $q_{-1}=0.$ Let $\xi_{0}\in\mathbb{S}^{1}.$ Define $n$th _fundamental segment_ $\Delta^{(n)}_{0}:=\Delta^{(n)}_{0}(\xi_{0})$ as the circle arc $[\xi_{0},f^{q_{n}}(\xi_{0})]$ if $n$ is even and $[f^{q_{n}}(\xi_{0}),\xi_{0}]$ if $n$ is odd. We shall also use the notations $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}=\Delta^{(n)}_{0}\cup\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}$ and $\check{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}=\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}\setminus\Delta^{(n+1)}_{0}.$ Certain number of images of fundamental segments $\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}$ and $\Delta^{(n)}_{0},$ under the iterates of $f,$ cover whole circle without overlapping beyond the endpoints and form $n$th _dynamical partition_ of the circle $\mathbb{S}^{1}$ $\mathcal{P}_{n}:=\mathcal{P}_{n}(\xi_{0},f)=\left\\{\Delta_{j}^{(n)}:=f^{j}(\Delta^{(n)}_{0}),0\leq j<q_{n-1}\right\\}\bigcup\left\\{\Delta_{i}^{(n-1)}:=f^{i}(\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}),0\leq i<q_{n}\right\\}.$ The partition $\mathcal{P}_{n+1}$ is a refinement of the partition $\mathcal{P}_{n}.$ Indeed, the segments of order $n$ belong to $\mathcal{P}_{n+1}$ and each segment $\Delta_{i}^{(n-1)},$ $0\leq i<q_{n}$ is partitioned into $k_{n+1}+1$ segments belonging to $\mathcal{P}_{n}$ such that (1) $\Delta_{i}^{(n-1)}=\Delta_{i}^{(n+1)}\cup\bigcup_{s=0}^{k_{n+1}-1}\Delta_{i+q_{n-1}+sq_{n}}^{(n)}.$ One can easily see that the endpoints of the segments from $\mathcal{P}_{n}$ form the set $\Xi_{n}=\\{\xi_{i}:=f^{i}(\xi_{0}),\,0\leq i<q_{n}+q_{n-1}\\}.$ We shall also use the extended set $\Xi^{\ast}_{n}=\Xi_{n}\cup\\{\xi_{q_{n}+q_{n-1}}\\}.$ Now we formulate a lemma which will be used in the sequel. ###### Lemma 2.1. For every $m>n,$ we have the following decomposition (2) $\Xi_{m}\cap\check{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}=\bigcup_{\xi_{l}\in\Xi_{m}\cap\Delta^{(n)}_{0}\setminus\\{\xi_{q_{n}}\\}}\bigcup_{s=0}^{k_{n+1}-1}\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}}.$ Furthermore, for every $\xi_{l}\in\Xi_{m}\cap\Delta^{(n)}_{0}\setminus\\{\xi_{q_{n}}\\}$ we have $\xi_{l+k_{n+1}q_{n}+q_{n-1}}=\xi_{l+q_{n+1}}\in\Xi^{\ast}_{m}\cap\widehat{\Delta}^{(n)}_{0}.$ ###### Proof. The proof of the lemma follows directly from the properties of dynamical partition. ∎ ### 2.2 Circle diffeomorphisms with a break and Zygmund class We recall the following definition. ###### Definition 2.2. $f:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^{1}$ is called a circle diffeomorphism with a single break point $\xi_{0}$ if the following conditions are satisfied: * (i) $f\in C^{1}([\xi_{0},\xi_{0}+1]);$ * (ii) $\inf_{\xi\neq\xi_{0}}Df(\xi)>0;$ * (iii) $f$ has one-sided derivatives $Df(\xi_{0}\pm 0)>0$ and $c:=c_{f}(\xi_{0})=\sqrt{\frac{Df(\xi_{0}-0)}{Df(\xi_{0}+0)}}\neq 1.$ The number $c$ is called the _size of break_ of $f$ at $\xi_{0}.$ Circle diffeomorphisms with a break were first studied by Khanin & Vul in [15]. It was proven that the renormalizations circle diffeomorphisms with a break approximate fractional linear transformations. Next we define a class of circle diffeomorphisms with breaks satisfying a Zygmund condition. Consider the function $\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}:[0,1)\rightarrow[0,+\infty)$ defined as $\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}(x)=|\log x|^{-\gamma},\,\,\,\,\text{for}\,\,\,x\in(0,1)$ and $\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}(0)=0,$ where $\gamma>0.$ Let $f$ be a circle diffeomorphism with the break point $\xi_{0}.$ Denote by $\nabla^{2}f(\xi,\tau)$ the _second symmetric difference_ of $Df,$ that is $\nabla^{2}f(\xi,\tau)=Df(\xi+\tau)+Df(\xi-\tau)-2Df(\xi)$ where $\xi\in\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}$ and $\tau\in[0,\frac{1}{2}].$ Suppose that there exists a constant $C>0$ such that (3) $\|\nabla^{2}f(\cdot,\tau)\|_{L^{\infty}(\mathbb{S}^{1})}\leq C\tau\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}(\tau).$ In this work we study the class of circle diffeomerphisms $f$ with break point $\xi_{0},$ whose derivatives $Df$ have bounded variation and satisfy the inequality (3). We denote this class by $\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}).$ ###### Remark 2.3. Note that the class $\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\})$ is bigger than $C^{2+\epsilon}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\})$ for any positive $\gamma$ and $\epsilon.$ ### 2.3 Statement of the main theorem In this section we formulate our main theorem. For this, let us first define some necessary facts. Let $m\in\mathbb{N}.$ Define $\mathfrak{D}^{(1)}_{m}=\\{c\in\mathbb{R}_{+}\setminus\\{1\\}:\,\,\,c^{4m}-c^{2}<1\\};\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\mathfrak{D}^{(2)}_{m}=\\{c\in\mathbb{R}_{+}\setminus\\{1\\}:\,\,\,c^{4m+2}+c^{4m}>1\\}.$ The following is our main theorem. ###### Theorem 2.4. Let $\gamma>2$ and $m\in\mathbb{N}.$ Let $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ be two circle diffeomorphisms with a break satisfying the following conditions: * (a) $f,\tilde{f}\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\});$ * (b) $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ have the same irrational rotation number $\rho$ of bounded type such that $s(\rho)=m;$ * (c) $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ have the same size of the break $c\in\mathbb{R}_{+}\setminus\\{1\\};$ * (d) $c\in\mathfrak{D}^{(1)}_{m}$ in case of $c>1$ or $c\in\mathfrak{D}^{(2)}_{m}$ in case of $0<c<1.$ Then there exists a $C^{1}$-smooth circle diffeomorphism $h$ and a constant $A>0$ such that $h\circ f=\tilde{f}\circ h$ and $|Dh(x)-Dh(y)|\leq A\omega_{\gamma}(|x-y|)$ for any $x,y\in\mathbb{S}^{1}$ such that $x\neq y.$ ###### Remark 2.5. The reason for the restriction $c$ in condition $(d)$ is purely technical. It enables us to get an algebraic estimate for the ratio of lengths of segments $\Delta^{n+\ell}$ and $\Delta^{n}$ satisfying $\Delta^{n+\ell}\subset\Delta^{n}$ of the dynamical partition $\mathcal{P}_{n}$ while $\ell$ has a form of the logarithm of $n.$ We do not know if the statement of Theorem 2.4 holds when the restriction is removed. ## 3 Cohomological equation for the break-equivalent diffeomorphisms In this section we show the existence of a solution of a cohomological equation for the break-equivalent diffeomorphisms. We begin from the following definition. ###### Definition 3.1. We say that two circle diffeomorphisms $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ with a break $\xi_{0}$ are break-equivalents if there exists a topological conjugacy $h$ such that $h(\xi_{0})=\xi_{0}$ and $c_{f}(\xi_{0})=c_{\tilde{f}}(h((\xi_{0}))).$ Consider two break-equivalent circle diffeomorphisms $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ with irrational rotation number. Let $h:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^{1}$ be the conjugacy between $f$ and $\tilde{f},$ that is, (4) $h\circ f=\tilde{f}\circ h.$ The _cohomological equation_ associated to (4) is (5) $\zeta\circ f-\zeta=\log D\tilde{f}\circ h-\log Df$ where $\zeta:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is called the solution of (5) if it exists. Note that here $D\tilde{f}(h(x))$ means the derivative of $\tilde{f}$ at $h(x).$ Define $\Lambda_{n}(x)=\log Df^{q_{n}}(x)-\log D\tilde{f}^{q_{n}}(h(x)),\,\,\,\,\,x\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}.$ Since $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ are break-equivalents one-side limits of $\Lambda_{n}$ at the break point $\xi_{0}$ are equal that is, $\Lambda_{n}(\xi_{0}-0)=\Lambda_{n}(\xi_{0}+0).$ Therefore $\Lambda_{n}$ is continuous on $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ and it can be decomposed as $\Lambda_{n}(x)=\sum_{s=0}^{q_{n}-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x))-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x)),\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,x\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}.$ Denote $\Lambda_{n}=\max_{x\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}}|\Lambda_{n}(x)|.$ The following theorem will be used in the proof of main theorem. ###### Theorem 3.2. Let $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ be two break-equivalent circle diffeomorphisms with a break and with identical irrational rotation number $\rho=[k_{1},k_{2},...,k_{n},...].$ If $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}<\infty$ then the cohomological equation (5) has a continuous solution. ###### Proof. Let $i_{n}:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{N}_{0}$ be the first entrance time of $x$ in $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0};$ that is, $i_{n}(x)=\min\\{i\geq 0:\,f^{i}(x)\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}\\}.$ Define $\zeta_{n}:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ as follows $\zeta_{n}(x)=\sum_{s=0}^{i_{n}(x)-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x))-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x)).$ Next we show that $\zeta_{n}$ is a Cauchy. For this, first we estimate $\|\zeta_{n+1}-\zeta_{n}\|_{\infty}.$ To estimate this we distinguish the following three cases: _Case I._ Suppose $x\in\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\Xi_{n+1}.$ By the definition of $i_{n}$ we have $i_{n}(x)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}0,&\mbox{if \,\,$x\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$}\\\ q_{n-1}-j,&\mbox{if \,\,$x\in\Delta^{(n)}_{j}$}\\\ q_{n}-i,&\mbox{if \,\,$x\in\Delta^{(n-1)}_{i}$}\end{array}\right.$ where $0<j<q_{n-1}$ and $0<i<q_{n}.$ Using the properties of dynamical partition we can show that $i_{n+1}(x)-i_{n}(x)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}0,&\mbox{if \,\,$x\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n)}_{0}\cup\Delta^{(n+1)}_{i}$}\\\ k_{n+1}q_{n},&\mbox{if \,\,$x\in\Delta^{(n)}_{j}$}\\\ (k_{n+1}-\ell-1)q_{n},&\mbox{if \,\,$x\in\Delta^{(n)}_{i+q_{n-1}+\ell q_{n}}$}\end{array}\right.$ where $0<j<q_{n-1},$ $0<i<q_{n}$ and $0\leq\ell<k_{n+1}.$ Therefore $|\zeta_{n+1}(x)-\zeta_{n}(x)|=0$ if $x\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n)}_{0}\cup\Delta^{(n+1)}_{i},$ $0<i<q_{n}$ and (6) $\begin{split}|\zeta_{n+1}(x)-\zeta_{n}(x)|&=\Big{|}\sum_{s=i_{n}(x)}^{i_{n+1}(x)-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x))-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x))\Big{|}\\\ &=\Big{|}\sum_{s=0}^{i_{n+1}(x)-i_{n}(x)-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x_{i_{n}})-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x_{i_{n}}))\Big{|}\\\ &\leq\Big{|}\sum_{s=0}^{q_{n}-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x_{i_{n}})-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x_{i_{n}}))\Big{|}\\\ &+\Big{|}\sum_{s=q_{n}}^{2q_{n}-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x_{i_{n}})-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x_{i_{n}}))\Big{|}\\\ &\vdots\\\ &+\Big{|}\sum_{s=i_{n+1}(x)-i_{n}(x)-q_{n}}^{i_{n+1}(x)-i_{n}(x)-1}\log Df(f^{s}(x_{i_{n}})-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s}(x_{i_{n}}))\Big{|}\end{split}$ if $x\in\Delta^{(n)}_{j},$ $0<j<q_{n+1}$ where $x_{i_{n}}=f^{i_{n}(x)}(x).$ Clearly $f^{i_{n}}$ maps $\mathbb{S}^{1}$ into $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ and the points $x_{i_{n}},f^{q_{n}}(x_{i_{n}}),...,f^{i_{n+1}(x)-i_{n}(x)-q_{n}}(x_{i_{n}})$ lie in the interval $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}.$ Therefore the right hand side of (6) can be estimated as follows $|\zeta_{n+1}(x)-\zeta_{n}(x)|\leq\sum_{s=0}^{i_{n+1}(x)-i_{n}(x)-q_{n}}\Big{|}\Lambda_{n}\Big{(}f^{sq_{n}}(x_{i_{n}})\Big{)}\Big{|}\leq k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}.$ Hence (7) $\|\zeta_{n+1}-\zeta_{n}\|_{\infty}\leq k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}.$ _Case II._ Suppose $x=\xi_{i}\in\Xi_{n}.$ For $i=0,$ it is clear that $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{0})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{0})|=0.$ For $i\geq 1,$ one can easily see $i_{n}(\xi_{i})=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}q_{n-1}-i,&\mbox{if \,\,$1\leq i\leq q_{n-1}$}\\\ q_{n}-i,&\mbox{if \,\,$q_{n-1}<i\leq q_{n}$}\\\ q_{n}+q_{n-1}-i,&\mbox{if \,\,$q_{n}<i<q_{n}+q_{n-1}.$}\end{array}\right.$ Consequently, we get $i_{n+1}(\xi_{i})=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}q_{n}-i,&\mbox{if \,\,$1\leq i\leq q_{n}$}\\\ q_{n+1}-i,&\mbox{if \,\,$q_{n}<i<q_{n}+q_{n-1}.$}\end{array}\right.$ Therefore $i_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-i_{n}(\xi_{i})=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}q_{n}-q_{n-1},&\mbox{if \,\,$1\leq i\leq q_{n-1}$}\\\ 0,&\mbox{if \,\,$q_{n-1}<i\leq q_{n}$}\\\ (k_{n+1}-1)q_{n},&\mbox{if \,\,$q_{n}<i<q_{n}+q_{n-1}.$}\end{array}\right.$ This and by the definition of $\zeta_{n}$ we have $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{i})|=0$ if $q_{n-1}<i\leq q_{n},$ and (8) $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{i})|=|\Lambda_{n}(\xi_{0})-\Lambda_{n-1}(\xi_{0})|\leq\Lambda_{n}+\Lambda_{n-1}$ if $1\leq i\leq q_{n-1}$ and (9) $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{i})|=\Big{|}\sum_{s=1}^{k_{n+1}-1}\Lambda_{n}(\xi_{sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})\Big{|}\leq k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}.$ if $q_{n}<i<q_{n}+q_{n-1}.$ _Case III._ Suppose $x=\xi_{i}\in\Xi_{n+1}\setminus\Xi_{n}.$ In this case we consider the following sub-cases: $\displaystyle a)\,\,\,i\in$ $\displaystyle L_{n}:=\\{\ell q_{n}+q_{n-1},\,1\leq\ell<k_{n+1}\\},$ $\displaystyle b)\,\,\,i\in$ $\displaystyle(q_{n}+q_{n-1},q_{n+1})\setminus L_{n},$ $\displaystyle c)\,\,\,i=$ $\displaystyle q_{n+1},$ $\displaystyle d)\,\,\,i\in$ $\displaystyle(q_{n+1},q_{n+1}+q_{n}).$ It is easy to check that $i_{n}(\xi_{i})=0$ and $i_{n+1}(\xi_{i})=(k_{n+1}-\ell)q_{n}$ in the sub-case of $a).$ Thus one gets (10) $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{i})|=\Big{|}\sum_{s=\ell}^{k_{n+1}-1}\Lambda_{n}(\xi_{sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})\Big{|}\leq k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}.$ Consider the sub-case $b).$ It is clear that $i$ can be written as $i=\ell_{1}q_{n}+q_{n-1}+i_{1}$ for some $1\leq\ell_{1}<k_{n+1}$ and $1\leq i_{1}<q_{n}.$ By the definition of $i_{n}$ we have $i_{n}(\xi_{i})=q_{n}-i_{1}$ and $i_{n+1}(\xi_{i})=q_{n+1}-i=(k_{n+1}-\ell_{1})q_{n}-i_{1}.$ It implies (11) $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{i})|=\Big{|}\sum_{s=\ell_{1}}^{k_{n+1}-1}\Lambda_{n}(\xi_{sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})\Big{|}\leq k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}.$ The sub-case $c)$ is clear because of both functions $\Lambda_{n}$ and $\Lambda_{n+1}$ are zero at $\xi_{i}.$ Finally, consider the sub-case $d).$ In this case $i$ can be written as $i=q_{n+1}+i_{1}$ for some $1\leq i_{1}<q_{n}.$ One can easily see $i_{n}(\xi_{i})=q_{n}-i_{1}$ and $i_{n+1}(\xi_{i})=q_{n+1}+q_{n}-i=q_{n+1}+q_{n}-(q_{n+1}+i_{1})=q_{n}-i_{1}$ which implies (12) $|\zeta_{n+1}(\xi_{i})-\zeta_{n}(\xi_{i})|=0.$ Combining the inequalities (7)-(12) we obtain, finally, (13) $\|\zeta_{n+1}-\zeta_{n}\|_{\infty}\leq k_{n}\Lambda_{n-1}+k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}.$ From this it follows that (14) $\|\zeta_{n+p}-\zeta_{n}\|_{\infty}\leq 2\sum_{m=n}^{n+p}k_{m}\Lambda_{m-1}.$ Thus $\zeta_{n}$ is a Cauchy. Let $\zeta(x)=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\zeta_{n}(x).$ Next we show that the function $\zeta:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is continuous and satisfies the cohomological equation (5). First we show that $\zeta$ satisfies (5). It is easy to see that for any $x\in\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}$ there exists $n_{0}:=n_{0}(x)$ such that $i_{n}(f(x))=i_{n}(x)-1$ for all $n\geq n_{0}.$ This and by the definition of $\zeta_{n}$ we get $\zeta_{n}\circ f-\zeta_{n}=\log D\tilde{f}\circ h-\log Df$ for all $n\geq n_{0}.$ Taking the limit as $n\rightarrow\infty$ we get (5). Let $x=\xi_{0}.$ It is easy to see that $\zeta_{n}(\xi_{0})=0$ and (15) $\begin{split}\zeta_{n}(f(\xi_{0}))&=\sum_{s=0}^{i_{n}(f(\xi_{0}))-1}\log Df(f^{s+1}(\xi_{0}))-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s+1}(\xi_{0}))\\\ &=\sum_{s=0}^{q_{n-1}-2}\log Df(f^{s+1}(\xi_{0}))-\log D\tilde{f}(h\circ f^{s+1}(\xi_{0}))\\\ &=\Lambda_{n-1}(\xi_{0})+\log D\tilde{f}(h(\xi_{0}))-\log Df(\xi_{0}).\end{split}$ Taking the limit as $n\rightarrow\infty$ we again get (5). Next we show that $\zeta$ is continuous at $x=\xi_{0}.$ Since $\zeta_{n}(\xi_{0})=0$ for all $n\geq 1$ we have $\zeta(\xi_{0})=0.$ Take any $z\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}.$ It is obvious that $i_{j}(z)=0$ for every $j\leq n,$ so $\zeta_{j}(z)=0$ for every $j\leq n.$ In particular $\zeta_{n+p}(z)=\sum_{m=0}^{p-1}\zeta_{n+m+1}(z)-\zeta_{n+m}(z).$ This and relation (13) imply $|\zeta_{n+p}(z)|\leq 2\sum_{m=n}^{n+p}k_{m}\Lambda_{m-1}.$ Consequently $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\sup_{z\in\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}}|\zeta(z)|=0.$ Hence $\zeta$ is continuous at $x=\xi_{0}.$ Denote by $\Xi=\\{\xi_{i}:=f^{i}(\xi_{0}),\,i\in\mathbb{N}\\}$ the positive trajectory of $\xi_{0}.$ Since $\zeta$ is continuous at $x=\xi_{0}$ and $\log D\tilde{f}\circ h-\log Df$ is continuous on $\mathbb{S}^{1},$ by $\zeta\circ f-\zeta=\log D\tilde{f}\circ h-\log Df$ it implies that $\zeta$ is continuous on $\Xi.$ Note that $i_{n}:\mathbb{S}^{1}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ is continuous in the interior of each element of the partition $\mathcal{P}_{n}$ for every $n\geq 1.$ As a consequence $\zeta_{n}$ is continuous in the interior of each element of the partition $\mathcal{P}_{n}$ for every $n\geq 1.$ Thus the limit function $\zeta$ is continuous on $x\in\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\Xi.$ ∎ ###### Remark 3.3. It is important to remark that Theorem 3.2 holds true for any two break- equivalent circle diffeomorphisms with any countable number of break points. ## 4 Renormalizations of circle diffeomorphisms with a break In this section we will discuss on convergence of renormalizations of two circle diffeomorphisms with a break. Let us recall first the definition of renormalization of circle maps. The segment $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ is called the $n^{\text{th}}$ _renormalization neighborhood_ of $\xi_{0}.$ On $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ we define the Poincaré map $\pi_{n}=(f^{q_{n}},f^{q_{n-1}}):\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}\rightarrow\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ as follows $\pi_{n}(\xi)=\left\\{\begin{array}[]{ll}f^{q_{n}}(\xi),&\mbox{if \,\, $\xi\in\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}$},\\\ f^{q_{n-1}}(\xi),&\mbox{if \,\, $\xi\in\Delta^{(n)}_{0}$}.\end{array}\right.$ Next we define the renormalization of $f$ as follows. Let $\mathcal{A}_{n}:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{S}^{1}$ be an affine covering map such that $\mathcal{A}_{n}([-1,0])=\Delta_{0}^{(n-1)},$ with $\mathcal{A}_{n}(0)=\xi_{0}$ and $\mathcal{A}_{n}(-1)=f^{q_{n-1}}(\xi_{0}).$ We define $a_{n}\in\mathbb{R}$ to be a positive number such that $\mathcal{A}_{n}(a_{n})=f^{q_{n}}(\xi_{0}).$ It is obvious that $\mathcal{A}_{n}:[0,a_{n}]\rightarrow\Delta^{(n)}_{0}$ and $\mathcal{A}_{n}:[-1,0]\rightarrow\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}.$ A pair of functions $(f_{n},g_{n}):[-1,a_{n}]\rightarrow[-1,a_{n}]$ defined by $(f_{n},g_{n})=\mathcal{A}^{-1}_{n}\circ\pi_{n}\circ\mathcal{A}_{n},$ is called the $n^{\text{th}}$ _renormalization_ of $f,$ where $\mathcal{A}^{-1}_{n}$ is the inverse branch that maps $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ onto $[-1,a_{n}].$ Define the following Möbius transformation $F_{n}:=F_{a_{n},v_{n},c_{n}}:z\rightarrow\frac{a_{n}+c_{n}z}{1-v_{n}z}$ where $c_{n}=c$ if $n$ is even, $c_{n}=c^{-1}$ if $n$ is odd, and $\displaystyle a_{n}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{|\Delta^{(n)}_{0}|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|},$ $\displaystyle v_{n}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{c_{n}-a_{n}-b_{n}}{b_{n}},$ $\displaystyle b_{n}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|-|\Delta^{(n)}_{q_{n-1}}|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}.$ The following theorem has been proved in [3]. ###### Theorem 4.1. Let $f\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\})$ and $\gamma>1.$ Suppose the rotation number of $f$ is irrational. There exists a constant $C=C(f)>0$ and a natural number $N_{0}=N_{0}(f)$ such that $\displaystyle\|f_{n}-F_{n}\|_{C^{1}([-1,0])}$ $\displaystyle\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}},$ $\displaystyle\|D^{2}f_{n}-D^{2}F_{n}\|_{C^{0}([-1,0])}$ $\displaystyle\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma-1}}$ for all $n\geq N_{0}.$ The following lemma will be used in the subsequent sections. ###### Lemma 4.2. Let $f\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\})$ and $\gamma>1.$ Suppose the rotation number of $f$ is irrational. There exists a constant $Q=Q(f)>0$ such that $\displaystyle\|f_{n}\|_{C^{2}([-1,0])}\leq Q.$ ###### Proof. The proof of the lemma implies from Theorem 4.1 and Proposition 7.1 stated in [3]. ∎ _Half-bounded rotation numbers._ The half-bounded rotation numbers were defined by Khanin and Teplinsky in [13] as follows. Denote by $M_{o}$ and $M_{e}$ the class of all irrational rotation numbers $\rho=[k_{1},k_{2},...),$ such that $M_{o}=\\{\rho:\,(\exists C>0)\,(\forall m\in\mathbb{N})\,\,k_{2m-1}\leq C\\},\,\,\,\,M_{e}=\\{\rho:\,(\exists C>0)\,(\forall m\in\mathbb{N})\,\,k_{2m}\leq C\\}.$ Let us formulate the following theorem borrowed from [13]. ###### Theorem 4.3. Let $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ be two $C^{2+\nu}$-smooth circle diffeomorphisms with breaks of the same size $c$ and the same rotation number $\rho\in M_{e}$ in case of $c>1,$ or $\rho\in M_{o}$ in case of $0<c<1.$ There exist constants $C=C(f,\tilde{f})>0$ and $\mu\in(0,1)$ such that $\|f_{n}-\tilde{f}_{n}\|_{C^{2}([-1,0])}\leq C\mu^{n}.$ This theorem was extended by Khanin and Kocić [10] for all irrational rotation numbers and for the class of $\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\})$ by Akhadkulov et al [3]. More precisely, in [3], it was proven the following ###### Theorem 4.4. Let $f,\tilde{f}\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\})$ and $\gamma>1.$ Assume that $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ have the same break size $c$ and the same rotation number $\rho\in M_{e}$ in the case of $c>1,$ or $\rho\in M_{o}$ in the case of $0<c<1.$ There exists a constant $C=C(f,\tilde{f})>0$ and a natural number $N_{0}=N_{0}(f,\tilde{f})$ such that $\|f_{n}-\tilde{f}_{n}\|_{C^{1}([-1,0])}\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}},\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\|D^{2}f_{n}-D^{2}\tilde{f}_{n}\|_{C^{0}([-1,0])}\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma-1}}$ for all $n\geq N_{0}.$ _An estimate of $Df_{n}.$_ The following set plays an important role in the investigations of renormalizations of comuting pairs of Möbius transformations (see [13]). $\Phi_{c}^{\varepsilon}=\\{(a,v):\,\varepsilon<a<c-\varepsilon,\,\varepsilon<\frac{v}{c-1}<1-\varepsilon,\,v+a-c+1>\varepsilon\\},\,\,\varepsilon>0.$ ###### Lemma 4.5. Let $f\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}),$ $\gamma>1$ be a circle diffeomorphism with irrational rotation $\rho$ and the break size $c.$ Assume that $\rho\in M_{e}$ if $c>1$ or $\rho\in M_{o}$ if $0<c<1.$ There exists a constant $\varepsilon=\varepsilon(f)>0$ and a natural number $N_{0}=N_{0}(f)$ such that the projection $(a_{n},v_{n})$ of the renormalization $(f_{n},g_{n})$ belongs to $\Phi_{c_{n}}^{\varepsilon}$ for all $n\geq N_{0}.$ ###### Proof. The proof follows from Proposition 7.1 in [3]. ∎ ###### Lemma 4.6. Let $f\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}),$ $\gamma>1$ be a circle diffeomorphism with irrational rotation $\rho$ and the break size $c.$ Assume that $\rho\in M_{e}$ if $c>1$ or $\rho\in M_{o}$ if $0<c<1.$ There exists a constant $\varepsilon=\varepsilon(f)>0$ and a natural number $N_{0}=N_{0}(f)$ such that, for all $n\geq N_{0},$ we have $\frac{c_{n}}{(c_{n}+\varepsilon(1-c_{n}))^{2}}-\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\leq Df_{n}(z)\leq c^{2}_{n}-\varepsilon(c^{2}_{n}-1-\varepsilon(c_{n}-1))+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ if $c_{n}>1$ and $c^{2}_{n}-\varepsilon(c^{2}_{n}-1-\varepsilon(c_{n}-1))-\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\leq Df_{n}(z)\leq\frac{c_{n}}{(c_{n}+(1-c_{n})\varepsilon)^{2}}+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ if $c_{n}<1.$ ###### Proof. It is easy to see that $DF_{n}(z)=(c_{n}+a_{n}v_{n})(1-v_{n}z)^{-2}.$ Let $c_{n}>1.$ Lemma 4.5 implies $(c_{n}-1)\varepsilon<v_{n}<(c_{n}-1)(1-\varepsilon)$ and hence $1+(c_{n}-1)\varepsilon<1+v_{n}<c_{n}-\varepsilon(c_{n}-1).$ Using these inequalities we get (16) $DF_{n}(z)\leq c_{n}+a_{n}v_{n}<c_{n}+(c_{n}-\varepsilon)(c_{n}-1)(1-\varepsilon)=c^{2}_{n}-\varepsilon(c^{2}_{n}-1-\varepsilon(c_{n}-1))$ and (17) $DF_{n}(z)\geq\frac{c_{n}+a_{n}v_{n}}{(1+v_{n})^{2}}>\frac{c_{n}+\varepsilon^{2}(c_{n}-1)}{(c_{n}+\varepsilon(1-c_{n}))^{2}}>\frac{c_{n}}{(c_{n}-\varepsilon(c_{n}-1))^{2}}.$ Assume $c_{n}<1.$ By Lemma 4.5 we have $(c_{n}-1)(1-\varepsilon)<v_{n}<(c_{n}-1)\varepsilon,$ which implies that $c_{n}+(1-c_{n})\varepsilon<1+v_{n}<1+(c_{n}-1)\varepsilon$ and $(1-v_{n}z)^{2}>(1+v_{n})^{2}.$ Hence we have (18) $DF_{n}(z)\leq\frac{c_{n}+a_{n}v_{n}}{(1+v_{n})^{2}}<\frac{c_{n}-(1-c_{n})\varepsilon^{2}}{(c_{n}+(1-c_{n})\varepsilon)^{2}}<\frac{c_{n}}{(c_{n}+(1-c_{n})\varepsilon)^{2}}$ and (19) $DF_{n}(z)\geq c_{n}+a_{n}v_{n}>c_{n}+(c_{n}-\varepsilon)(c_{n}-1)(1-\varepsilon)=c^{2}_{n}-\varepsilon(c^{2}_{n}-1-\varepsilon(c_{n}-1)).$ The proof of the lemma now follows from (16)-(19) and Theorem 4.1. ∎ Denote $\mathfrak{c}=\max\\{c,c^{-1}\\}.$ It follows from Lemma 4.6 the following ###### Corollary 4.7. Let $f\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}),$ $\gamma>1$ be a circle diffeomorphism with irrational rotation $\rho$ and the break size $c.$ Assume that $\rho\in M_{e}$ if $c>1$ or $\rho\in M_{o}$ if $0<c<1.$ There exists a natural number $N_{0}=N_{0}(f)$ such that $\frac{1}{\mathfrak{c}^{2}}-\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\leq Df_{n}(z)\leq\mathfrak{c}^{2}+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ for all $n\geq N_{0}.$ ## 5 Universal estimates for the segments of $\mathcal{P}_{n}$ In this section we estimate the ratio of lengths of segments of dynamical partition of circle diffeomorphisms satisfying in the setting of rotation number is bounded type. ###### Lemma 5.1. Let $f\in\mathrm{D}^{1+\mathcal{Z}_{\gamma}}(\mathbb{S}^{1}\setminus\\{\xi_{0}\\}),$ $\gamma>1$ be a circle diffeomorphism with the break size $c$ and irrational rotation number $\rho$ of bounded type such that $s(\rho)=m.$ Let $\Delta^{(n+k)}\in\mathcal{P}_{n+k}$ such that $\Delta^{(n+k)}\subset\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}$ where $k\geq 1.$ There exists a constant $C=C(f)>0$ and a natural number $N_{0}=N_{0}(f)$ such that $\frac{|\Delta^{(n+k)}|}{|\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}|}\leq C\lambda^{k}\Big{(}1+\frac{1}{n^{\gamma-1}}\Big{)}$ for all $n\geq N_{0},$ where $\lambda=\sqrt{\frac{\mathfrak{c}^{2}}{\mathfrak{c}^{2}+1}}.$ ###### Proof. First we show that (20) $\frac{|\Delta^{(n+1)}_{0}|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}\leq\lambda^{2}+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ for large enough $n.$ One can verify that $\Delta^{(n+1)}_{0}\subset\Delta^{(n)}_{k_{n+1}q_{n}+q_{n-1}}.$ By (1) and Corollary 4.7 we have (21) $\begin{split}\frac{|\Delta^{(n+1)}_{0}|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}&\leq\frac{1}{1+\frac{|\Delta^{(n)}_{(k_{n+1}-1)q_{n}+q_{n-1}}|}{|\Delta^{(n+1)}_{0}|}}\leq\frac{1}{1+\frac{|\Delta^{(n)}_{(k_{n+1}-1)q_{n}+q_{n-1}}|}{|\Delta^{(n)}_{k_{n+1}q_{n}+q_{n-1}}|}}\\\ &\leq\frac{1}{1+(Df^{q_{n}}(\hat{\xi}))^{-1}}=\frac{1}{1+(Df_{n}(\hat{z}))^{-1}}\leq\frac{\mathfrak{c}^{2}}{\mathfrak{c}^{2}+1}+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\end{split}$ where $\hat{\xi}\in\Delta^{(n)}_{(k_{n+1}-1)q_{n}+q_{n-1}}$ and $\hat{z}\in(-1,0)$ such that $\mathcal{A}_{n}(\hat{z})=\hat{\xi}.$ Inequality (21) yields (22) $\begin{split}\frac{|\Delta^{(n+2l+1)}_{0}|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}&\leq\exp\Bigg{(}\sum_{s=0}^{l}\ln\Big{(}\lambda^{2}+\frac{C}{(n+2s)^{\gamma}}\Big{)}\Bigg{)}\leq\lambda^{2(l+1)}\Big{(}1+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma-1}}\Big{)}.\end{split}$ Since the rotation number is bounded type we have (23) $\frac{|\Delta^{(n+k)}_{0}|}{|\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}|}\leq C\lambda^{k}\Big{(}1+\frac{1}{n^{\gamma-1}}\Big{)}$ for any $k\geq 1$ and for $n$ large. Let $\Delta^{(n+k)}$ be any interval satisfying $\Delta^{(n+k)}\in\mathcal{P}_{n+k}$ and $\Delta^{(n+k)}\subset\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}$ where $k\geq 1.$ There exists $i_{0}$ such that $f^{i_{0}}(\Delta^{(n+k)}_{0})=\Delta^{(n+k)}.$ We claim that the length of intervals $\Delta_{0}^{(n+k)}$ and $f^{i_{0}}(\Delta^{(n+k)}_{0})$ are comparable, that is, there exists a constant $C>1$ such that $C^{-1}\leq|\Delta_{0}^{(n+k)}|/|f^{i_{0}}(\Delta^{(n+k)}_{0})|\leq C.$ Indeed, due to Finzi’s inequality we have (24) $e^{-v}\leq\frac{|\Delta_{0}^{(n+k)}|}{|f^{i_{0}}(\Delta^{(n+k)}_{0})|}\frac{|f^{i_{0}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})|}{|\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}|}\leq e^{v}.$ where $v$ is the total variation of $\log Df.$ On the other hand the length of intervals $f^{i_{0}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})$ and $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}$ are $(2e^{v}+1)$-comparable since $f^{i_{0}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})\subset f^{-q_{n-1}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})\cup\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}\cup f^{q_{n-1}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})$ and $\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}\subset f^{-q_{n-1}+i_{0}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})\cup f^{i_{0}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0})\cup f^{q_{n-1}+i_{0}}(\widehat{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}).$ Therefore the length of intervals $\Delta_{0}^{(n+k)}$ and $f^{i_{0}}(\Delta^{(n+k)}_{0})$ are comparable. This and inequality (23) imply $\frac{|\Delta^{(n+k)}|}{|\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}|}\leq C\lambda^{k}\Big{(}1+\frac{1}{n^{\gamma-1}}\Big{)}$ for $k\geq 1$ and large enough $n.$ ∎ ## 6 Closeness of rescaled points Our aim in this section is to show the closeness of rescaled points of $\xi$ and $h(\xi).$ Let $f$ be a circle diffeomorphism with a break. Let $\mathcal{A}_{n}$ be the affine covering map of $f.$ Denote by $\mathfrak{r}_{n}:\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}\rightarrow[-1,a_{n}]$ the inverse of $\mathcal{A}_{n}.$ The point $\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi)$ is called rescaled point of $\xi.$ Next consider two circle diffeomorphisms $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ with a break and with the identical irrational rotation number. Define the distance between appropriately rescaled points of $\xi$ and $h(\xi):$ $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)=|\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi)-\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n}(h(\xi))|.$ We have ###### Lemma 6.1. Let $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 2.4. Then for any $\alpha\in(0,\gamma)$ there exist $\kappa=\kappa(f,\tilde{f})>1,$ $C=C(f,\tilde{f})>0$ and $N_{0}=N_{0}(f,\tilde{f})\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma-\alpha}}$ for all $\xi\in\Xi^{*}_{\ell}\cap\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}$ provided $n\leq\ell\leq n+[\alpha\log_{\kappa}n]$ for $n\geq N_{0}$ where $[\cdot]$ is the integer part of a number. ###### Proof. It is easy to verify that $\Xi^{*}_{\ell}\cap\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}=\\{\xi_{q_{n-1}},\xi_{q_{n}+q_{n-1}},\xi_{0},\xi_{q_{n}}\\}$ for $\ell=n.$ One can easily see that $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{q_{n-1}})=\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{0})=0,$ $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{q_{n}+q_{n-1}})=|f_{n}(-1)-\tilde{f}_{n}(-1)|$ and $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{q_{n}})=|f_{n}(0)-\tilde{f}_{n}(0)|.$ Hence by Theorem 4.4 we get (25) $\underset{\xi\in\Xi^{*}_{n}\cap\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}}{\max}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ for large enough $n.$ For fixed $\ell>n$ let us denote $\mathfrak{q}_{n}=\max_{\xi\in\Xi^{*}_{\ell}\cap\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi).$ The obvious equality $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)=|f_{n}(0)\mathfrak{r}_{n+1}(\xi)-\tilde{f}_{n}(0)\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(h(\xi))|$ and Theorem 4.4 imply (26) $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)\leq a_{n}\mathfrak{d}_{n+1}(\xi)+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ if $\xi\in\Xi^{*}_{\ell}\cap\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n)}$ and $n$ is large, where $a_{n}=f_{n}(0)=|\Delta^{(n)}_{0}|/|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|.$ Let $\xi\in\Xi_{\ell}\cap\check{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}.$ Consider an arbitrary thread in the decomposition (2) and denote $\eta_{s}=\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}}),$ $\tilde{\eta}_{s}=\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n}(\tilde{\xi}_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}}),$ for $0\leq s\leq k_{n+1},$ so that $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})=|\eta_{s}-\tilde{\eta}_{s}|$ where $\tilde{\xi}_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}}=h(\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}}).$ It is easy to see that $\eta_{s+1}=f_{n}(\eta_{s})$ and $\tilde{\eta}_{s+1}=\tilde{f}_{n}(\tilde{\eta}_{s}).$ First we consider the case $s=0.$ In this case, it is a simple matter to verify that (27) $\begin{split}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+q_{n-1}})&=|\eta_{0}-\tilde{\eta}_{0}|=\Big{|}\frac{\mathfrak{r}_{n-1}(\xi_{l+q_{n-1}})}{f_{n-1}(0)}-\frac{\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l+q_{n-1}})}{\tilde{f}_{n-1}(0)}\Big{|}\\\ &\leq\frac{\mathfrak{d}_{n-1}(\xi_{l+q_{n-1}})}{f_{n-1}(0)}+\Big{|}\frac{1}{f_{n-1}(0)}-\frac{1}{\tilde{f}_{n-1}(0)}\Big{|}\Big{|}\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l+q_{n-1}})\Big{|},\\\ \mathfrak{d}_{n-1}(\xi_{l+q_{n-1}})&=|f_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}_{n-1}(\xi_{l}))-\tilde{f}_{n-1}(\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l}))|\\\ &\leq Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0})\mathfrak{d}_{n-1}(\xi_{l})+|f_{n-1}(\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\xi_{l}))-\tilde{f}_{n-1}(\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\xi_{l}))|,\\\ \mathfrak{d}_{n-1}(\xi_{l})&=|f_{n-1}(0)f_{n}(0)\mathfrak{r}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})-\tilde{f}_{n-1}(0)\tilde{f}_{n}(0)\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l})|\\\ &\leq f_{n-1}(0)f_{n}(0)\mathfrak{d}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})+|f_{n-1}(0)f_{n}(0)-\tilde{f}_{n-1}(0)\tilde{f}_{n}(0)||\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l})|,\end{split}$ where $\mathfrak{r}^{0}$ is a point between $\mathfrak{r}_{n-1}(\xi_{l})$ and $\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l})$ such that $|f_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}_{n-1}(\xi_{l}))-f_{n-1}(\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l}))|=Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0})|\mathfrak{r}_{n-1}(\xi_{l})-\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n-1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l})|.$ Since the rotation number is bounded type, Theorem 4.4 and inequalities (20) and (27) imply that (28) $\begin{split}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+q_{n-1}})=|\eta_{0}-\tilde{\eta}_{0}|&\leq a_{n}Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0})\mathfrak{d}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\end{split}$ for $n$ large. Now consider the case $0<s<k_{n+1}.$ Let $\mathfrak{r}^{s}$ be a point between $\eta_{s-1}$ and $\tilde{\eta}_{s-1}$ such that $|f_{n}(\eta_{s-1})-f_{n}(\tilde{\eta}_{s-1})|=Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{s})|\eta_{s-1}-\tilde{\eta}_{s-1}|.$ Then we have $\begin{split}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})=|\eta_{s}-\tilde{\eta}_{s}|&\leq Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{s})|\eta_{s-1}-\tilde{\eta}_{s-1}|+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\end{split}$ for $n$ large. Iterating into it we get (29) $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})=|\eta_{s}-\tilde{\eta}_{s}|\leq\prod_{i=1}^{s}Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{i})|\eta_{0}-\tilde{\eta}_{0}|+\Big{(}1+\sum_{j=2}^{s}\prod_{i=j}^{s}Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{i})\Big{)}\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ Since the rotation number is bounded type the expressions $\Big{(}1+\sum_{j=2}^{s}\prod_{i=j}^{s}Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{i})\Big{)}$ and $\prod_{i=1}^{s}Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{i})$ are bounded above by a universal constant. This and relations (28) and (29) imply (30) $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+sq_{n}+q_{n-1}})\leq\prod_{i=1}^{s}Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{i})\Big{(}a_{n}Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0})\Big{)}\mathfrak{d}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ for $n$ large. Finally, consider the case $s=k_{n+1}.$ In this case, it is easy to see that (31) $\begin{split}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi_{l+q_{n+1}})&=\Big{|}\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi_{l+q_{n+1}})-\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n}(\tilde{\xi}_{l+q_{n+1}})\Big{|}\\\ &=|f_{n}(0)f_{n+1}(\mathfrak{r}_{n+1}(\xi_{l}))-\tilde{f}_{n}(0)\tilde{f}_{n+1}(\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(\xi_{l}))|\\\ &\leq a_{n}Df_{n+1}(\mathfrak{r}^{k_{n+1}})\mathfrak{d}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}\end{split}$ for large enough $n,$ where $\mathfrak{r}^{k_{n+1}}$ is a point between $\mathfrak{r}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})$ and $\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l})$ such that $|f_{n+1}(\mathfrak{r}_{n+1}(\xi_{l}))-f_{n+1}(\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l}))|=Df_{n+1}(\mathfrak{r}^{k_{n+1}})|\mathfrak{r}_{n+1}(\xi_{l})-\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n+1}(\tilde{\xi}_{l})|.$ Combining Lemmas 4.5 and 4.6 we can easily obtain that $a_{n}Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0}),$ $a_{n}Df_{n+1}(\mathfrak{r}^{k_{n+1}})\leq c_{n}^{2}+Cn^{-\gamma}$ if $c_{n}>1$ and $a_{n}Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0}),$ $a_{n}Df_{n+1}(\mathfrak{r}^{k_{n+1}})\leq c_{n}^{-1}+Cn^{-\gamma}$ if $c_{n}<1$ and (32) $\prod_{i=1}^{s}Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}^{i})\Big{(}a_{n}Df_{n-1}(\mathfrak{r}^{0})\Big{)}\leq\begin{cases}c_{n}^{2(s+1)}+Cn^{-\gamma},&\mbox{if}\,\,\,c_{n}>1\\\ c_{n}^{-(s+1)}+Cn^{-\gamma},&\mbox{if}\,\,\,c_{n}<1\end{cases}$ for $n$ large. Let us denote $\mathfrak{c}=\max\\{c,c^{-1}\\}$ and $\kappa:=\kappa(c,m)=\mathfrak{c}^{2m}.$ It follows from the relations (26), (28), (30),(31) and (32) that (33) $\mathfrak{q}_{n}\leq\kappa\mathfrak{q}_{n+1}+\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}$ for $n$ large. Iterating (33) we get $\mathfrak{q}_{n}\leq\kappa^{\ell-n}\mathfrak{q}_{\ell}+C\sum_{j=n}^{\ell-1}\frac{\kappa^{j-n}}{j^{\gamma}}$ for $n$ large. Inequality (25) implies $\mathfrak{q}_{\ell}\leq C\ell^{-\gamma}.$ Hence (34) $\mathfrak{q}_{n}\leq C\sum_{j=n}^{\ell}\frac{\kappa^{j-n}}{j^{\gamma}}\leq\frac{C\kappa^{\ell-n}}{n^{\gamma}}.$ The condition $n\leq\ell\leq n+[\alpha\log_{\kappa}n]$ makes it obvious that $\mathfrak{q}_{n}\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma-\alpha}}$ for large enough $n.$ Lemma 6.1 is proved. ∎ ## 7 Proof of main theorem In this section we prove our main theorem. For this, first we prove a preparatory lemma and then we prove $C^{1}$-smoothness of the conjugacy. Finally, we prove $C^{1+\omega_{\gamma}}$-smoothness of the conjugacy. ### 7.1 Preparatory lemma We begin by proving the following lemma. ###### Lemma 7.1. Let $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 2.4. Then there exists a constant $C:=C(f,\tilde{f})>0$ and a natural number $N_{0}:=N_{0}(f,\tilde{f})$ such that $\Lambda_{n}\leq\frac{C}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}$ for all $n\geq N_{0}.$ ###### Proof. One can see that (35) $\begin{split}|\Lambda_{n}(\xi)|&=|\log Df^{q_{n}}(\xi)-\log D\tilde{f}^{q_{n}}(h(\xi))|=|\log Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi))-\log D\tilde{f}_{n}(\tilde{\mathfrak{r}}_{n}(\tilde{\xi}))|\\\ &\leq|\log Df_{n}(\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi))-\log Df_{n}(\tilde{\mathfrak{r}}_{n}(\tilde{\xi}))|+|\log Df_{n}(\tilde{\mathfrak{r}}_{n}(\tilde{\xi}))-\log D\tilde{f}_{n}(\tilde{\mathfrak{r}}_{n}(\tilde{\xi}))|\\\ &\leq\|D\log Df_{n}\|_{C^{0}([-1,0])}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)+\frac{1}{\inf D\tilde{f}_{n}}\|Df_{n}-D\tilde{f}_{n}\|_{C^{0}([-1,0])}.\end{split}$ By Lemma 4.2 we have $\|D\log Df_{n}\|_{C^{0}([-1,0])}\leq Q.$ Denjoy’s inequality implies $(\inf D\tilde{f}_{n})^{-1}\leq e^{v_{f}}.$ From Theorem 4.4 it follows that $\|Df_{n}-D\tilde{f}_{n}\|_{C^{0}([-1,0])}\leq Cn^{-\gamma}$ for $n$ large. Next we estimate $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)$ on $\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}.$ First we assume that $\xi\in\Xi^{*}_{n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n]}\cap\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}.$ Then, if we choose $\alpha=\gamma/2$ in Lemma 6.1 then for large enough $n,$ the function $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)$ can be estimated as follows (36) $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)\leq\frac{C}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}.$ Let $\xi$ be any point of $\widehat{\Delta}_{0}^{(n-1)}.$ Denote by $\Delta^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(\xi)$ the segment of $\mathcal{P}_{n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n]}$ containing the point $\xi$ and $r_{n}(\xi):=r_{n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n]}(\xi)$ the right endpoint of $\Delta^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(\xi).$ A trivial reasoning shows that (37) $\begin{split}\mathfrak{d}_{n}(\xi)&=|\mathfrak{r}_{n}(\xi)-\mathfrak{\tilde{r}}_{n}(h(\xi))|\\\ &\leq\Big{|}\frac{\xi- r_{n}(\xi)}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}-\frac{h(\xi)-h(r_{n}(\xi))}{|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}|}\Big{|}+\mathfrak{d}_{n}(r_{n}(\xi))\\\ &\leq\frac{|\Delta^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(\xi)|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}+\frac{|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(h(\xi))|}{|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}|}+\mathfrak{d}_{n}(r_{n}(\xi))\end{split}$ where $\tilde{\Delta}^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(h(\xi))$ the segment of $\mathcal{\tilde{P}}_{n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n]}:=\mathcal{\tilde{P}}_{n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n]}(h(\xi_{0}),\tilde{f})$ containing the point $h(\xi).$ By (36) we have (38) $\mathfrak{d}_{n}(r_{n}(\xi))\leq\frac{C}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}.$ It follows easily from Lemma 5.1 that (39) $\frac{|\Delta^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(\xi)|}{|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{0}|}\leq C\lambda^{\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n}\Big{(}1+\frac{1}{n^{\gamma-1}}\Big{)},$ and (40) $\frac{|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n+[\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n])}(h(\xi))|}{|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{0}|}\leq C\lambda^{\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n}\Big{(}1+\frac{1}{n^{\gamma-1}}\Big{)}.$ One can see that (41) $\lambda^{\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n}=\Big{(}\frac{1}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}\Big{)}^{\log_{\kappa}\frac{1}{\lambda}}$ Hypothesis $(d)$ of Theorem 2.4 implies that $\lambda^{-1}>\kappa.$ Hence $\log_{\kappa}\frac{1}{\lambda}>1.$ This implies (42) $\lambda^{\frac{\gamma}{2}\log_{\kappa}n}\leq\frac{1}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}$ Combining (35)-(43) we conclude that $\Lambda_{n}\leq\frac{C}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}$ for large enough $n.$ Lemma 7.1 is proved. ∎ ### 7.2 $C^{1}$-smoothness of conjugacy By the hypotheses of Theorem 2.4 the rotation number of $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ is bounded type and $\gamma>2.$ Lemma 7.1 implies that $\sum_{n=0}^{\infty}k_{n+1}\Lambda_{n}<\infty.$ Therefore, it follows from Theorem 3.2 that the cohomological equation (5) has a continuous solution $\zeta.$ Next we prove the following lemma. ###### Lemma 7.2. There exists $\beta>0$ such that $Dh(\xi)=\beta e^{\zeta(\xi)},\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\text{for all}\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\,\xi\in\mathbb{S}^{1}.$ ###### Proof. Denote by $\beta_{n}=|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n)}_{0}|/|\Delta^{(n)}_{0}|.$ Since the rotation number of $f$ and $\tilde{f}$ is bounded type, Theorem 4.4 and inequality (20) imply that (43) $|\ln\beta_{n}-\ln\beta_{n-1}|=|\ln f_{n}(0)-\ln\tilde{f}_{n}(0)|\leq\frac{1}{L_{m}(\hat{v})}|f_{n}(0)-\tilde{f}_{n}(0)|\leq\frac{C}{n^{\gamma}}.$ Since $\gamma>2$ the sequence $(\ln\beta_{n})_{n}$ and as well as $(\beta_{n})_{n}$ is convergent. Let $\beta=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\beta_{n}.$ It follows from $\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{|\tilde{\Delta}^{(n)}_{0}|}{|\Delta^{(n)}_{0}|}=\lim_{n\rightarrow\infty}\frac{|h(\Delta^{(n)}_{0})|}{|\Delta^{(n)}_{0}|}=Dh(\xi_{0})$ and $\zeta(\xi_{0})=0$ that $Dh(\xi_{0})=\beta e^{\zeta(\xi_{0})}.$ From this and the equality $h\circ f=\tilde{f}\circ h$ we deduce (44) $\log Dh(\xi_{i})-\log Dh(\xi_{i-1})=\log D\tilde{f}(h(\xi_{i-1}))-\log Df(\xi_{i-1}).$ for any $\xi_{i}\in\Xi$ where $\xi_{i}=f^{i}(\xi_{0}),$ $i\geq 1.$ The cohomological equation (5) implies that (45) $\zeta(\xi_{i})-\zeta(\xi_{i-1})=\log D\tilde{f}(h(\xi_{i-1}))-\log Df(\xi_{i-1}).$ Combining (44) and (45) we get $\log Dh(\xi_{i})-\zeta(\xi_{i})=\log Dh(\xi_{i-1})-\zeta(\xi_{i-1})$ which implies $\log Dh(\xi_{i})-\zeta(\xi_{i})=\log Dh(\xi_{0})-\zeta(\xi_{0}).$ Hence (46) $Dh(\xi_{i})=\beta e^{\zeta(\xi_{i})}$ for any $\xi_{i}\in\Xi.$ Since $\zeta$ is continuous and $\Xi$ is dense in $\mathbb{S}^{1}$ the function $Dh$ can be continuously extended to the whole of $\mathbb{S}^{1}$ verifying the equality (46). This proves Lemma 7.2 and concludes the $C^{1}$-smoothness of the conjugacy. ∎ ### 7.3 $C^{1+\omega_{\gamma}}$-smoothness of conjugacy It follow from $C^{1}$-smoothness of conjugacy and the equality $h\circ f=\tilde{f}\circ h$ that (47) $\log Dh\circ f-\log Dh=\log D\tilde{f}\circ h-\log Df.$ Consider the points $\xi_{i}$ and $\xi_{i+q_{n-1}+sq_{n}}$ where $1\leq s\leq k_{n+1}.$ It is clear that $\xi_{i},\xi_{i+q_{n-1}+sq_{n}}\in\Delta^{(n-1)}_{i}.$ The relation (47) implies $|\log Dh(\xi_{i+q_{n-1}+sq_{n}})-\log Dh(\xi_{i})|\leq s\Lambda_{n}+\Lambda_{n-1}.$ Consequently, for any $\xi_{j}\in\Xi\cap\check{\Delta}^{(n-1)}_{i}$ we have $|\log Dh(\xi_{j})-\log Dh(\xi_{i})|\leq C\sum_{\ell=n}^{\infty}k_{\ell+1}\Lambda_{\ell}.$ Since $k_{\ell+1}$ is bounded from Lemma 7.1 it implies that (48) $|\log Dh(\xi_{j})-\log Dh(\xi_{i})|\leq C\sum_{\ell=n}^{\infty}\frac{1}{\ell^{\frac{\gamma}{2}}}\leq\frac{C}{n^{\frac{\gamma}{2}-1}}.$ It is obvious that (49) $|\Delta^{(n+1)}_{i}|\leq|\xi_{j}-\xi_{i}|\leq|\Delta^{(n-1)}_{i}|.$ Lemma 5.1 implies that there exist $\mu_{1},\mu_{2}\in(0,1)$ verifying $\mu_{1}<\mu_{2}$ such that (50) $\mu_{1}^{n}\leq|\Delta^{(n)}|\leq\mu_{2}^{n}$ for any $\Delta^{(n)}\in\mathcal{P}_{n}.$ Relations (49) and (50) imply (51) $n=\mathcal{O}\Big{(}\frac{1}{\big{|}\log|\xi_{j}-\xi_{i}|\big{|}}\Big{)}.$ Combining (48) with (51) we can assert that (52) $|\log Dh(\xi_{j})-\log Dh(\xi_{i})|\leq\frac{C}{\big{|}\log|\xi_{j}-\xi_{i}|\big{|}^{\frac{\gamma}{2}-1}}.$ Since $\Xi$ is dense in $\mathbb{S}^{1},$ the function $Dh$ can be continuously extended to the whole of $\mathbb{S}^{1}$ verifying the inequality (52). This proves $C^{1+\omega_{\gamma}}$-smoothness of the conjugacy. Theorem 2.4 is proved. ## References * [1] H. Akhadkulov, A. Dzhalilov, K. Khanin, Notes on a theorem of Katznelson and Ornstein, Dis. Con. Dyn. Sys. 37 (9), pp. 4587-4609, (2017). * [2] V. I. Arnol’d, Small denominators: I. Mappings from the circle onto itself. Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Mat., 25, pp. 21-86, (1961). * [3] Habibulla Akhadkulov, Mohd Salmi Md Noorani and Sokhobiddin Akhatkulov, Renormalization of circle diffeomorphisms with a break-type singularity, Nonlinearity 30, pp. 2687-2717, (2017). * [4] M. Herman, Sur la conjugaison différentiable des difféomorphismes du cercle à des rotations. Inst. Hautes Etudes Sci. Publ. Math., 49, pp. 5-234, (1979). * [5] Y. Katznelson and D. Ornstein, The differentiability of the conjugation of certain diffeomorphisms of the circle. Ergod. Theor. Dyn. Syst., 9, pp. 643-680, (1989). * [6] Y. Katznelson and D. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "H. A. Akhadkulov, A. A. Dzhalilov and K. M. Khanin", "submitter": "Habibulla Akhadkulov Aburuykulovich", "url": "" }
# So You Want to Analyze Scheme Programs With Datalog? Davis Ross Silverman [email protected] 0000-0002-9921-0176 , Yihao Sun [email protected] Syracuse University900 S Crouse AveSyracuseNew YorkUSA13244 0000-0003-0946-2511 , Kristopher Micinski Syracuse University900 S Crouse AveSyracuseNew YorkUSA13244 [email protected] and Thomas Gilray University of Alabama at Birmingham1720 University BlvdBirminghamAlabamaUSA35294 [email protected] (2021) ###### Abstract. Static analysis approximates the results of a program by examining only its syntax. For example, control-flow analysis (CFA) determines which syntactic lambdas (for functional languages) or (for object-oriented) methods may be invoked at each call site within a program. Rich theoretical results exist studying control flow analysis for Scheme-like languages, but implementations are often complex and specialized. By contrast, object-oriented languages (Java in particular) enjoy high-precision control-flow analyses that scale to thousands (or more) of lines of code. State-of-the-art implementations (such as DOOP on Soufflé) structure the analysis using Horn-SAT (Datalog) to enable compilation of the analysis to efficient implementations such as high- performance relational algebra kernels. In this paper, we present an implementation of control-flow analysis for a significant subset of Scheme (including set!, call/cc, and primitive operations) using the Soufflé Datalog engine. We present an evaluation on a worst-case term demonstrating the polynomial complexity of our $m$-CFA and remark upon scalability results using Soufflé. control-flow analysis, abstract interpretation, m-CFA, datalog ††copyright: acmcopyright††journalyear: 2021††doi: 10.1145/1122445.1122456††journal: JACM††journalvolume: 39††journalnumber: 4††article: 111††publicationmonth: 8††ccs: Software and its engineering Semantics††ccs: Software and its engineering Domain specific languages††ccs: Software and its engineering Automated static analysis ## 1\. Introduction Static analysis is a technique to explicate properties of a program’s behavior via inspecting only the program’s source code (without executing the program) (Nielson et al., 1999). There exist many frameworks for constructing program analyses, e.g., Cousot and Coust’s abstract interpretation (Cousot and Cousot, 1977). A static analysis is _sound_ when it is strictly conservative in the sense that any true program behavior is reported (at least approximately) as a result of the analysis. Unfortunately—due to the halting problem—no terminating static analysis may be both sound and _complete_ (all reported results represent true behavior). While static analyses may be constructed using arbitrary degrees of precision (e.g., via instrumentation-based polyvariance (Gilray et al., 2016a)) in principle, in practice balancing precision and complexity while retaining soundness requires significant engineering effort (Bravenboer and Smaragdakis, 2009a). A central challenge in analyzing Scheme programs is control-flow analysis: for each callsite, which syntactic lambdas (in which contexts, for a context- sensitive analysis) may be invoked? This problem is simple in procedural languages (which include only direct control-flow), but challenging for higher-order languages, as data-flow and control-flow must be performed simultaneously. Shivers defined the $k$-CFA family of increasingly-precise control-flow analyses for Scheme (Shivers, 1991). However, as Shivers notes, uniform $k$-CFA quickly becomes intractable for the case $k>0$, even for reasonably-sized programs (Shivers, 2004). In fact, Van Horn and Mairson later showed that $k$-CFA is EXPTIME-complete (Van Horn and Mairson, 2008). Compared to Scheme, significant engineering work has been expended into whole- program analysis for object-oriented languages, particularly Java (Bravenboer and Smaragdakis, 2009b; Scholz et al., 2016; Kastrinis and Smaragdakis, 2013; Balatsouras et al., 2017). This has culminated in state-of-the-art systems such as DOOP, whose analysis is written in Datalog for subsequent compilation to efficient relational algebra kernels implemented via C++ (Bravenboer and Smaragdakis, 2009b). Systems such as DOOP scale to large (multi-thousand line) codebases even when context-sensitivity is considered. This would appear at odds with Van Horn and Mairson’s result that $k$-CFA is EXPTIME-complete. To resolve this paradox, Might et al. show that the degenerative closure structure of object-oriented languages (analogous to the difference between flat and linked closures), context-sensitive control-flow analyses of object- oriented languages is PTIME (Might et al., 2010). The authors also present $m$-CFA, a technique to analyze arbitrary higher-order languages using flat closures to achieve polynomial complexity. While the techniques for analyzing object-oriented languages using Datalog are well understood, we are aware of no existing presentation illustrating how Datalog may be used to implement the analysis of Scheme. We find this particularly surprising, as we believe the extreme efficiency of modern Datalog engines may prove a key enabling technology to tackle the inherent complexity of higher-order languages. In this paper, we present a systematic approach for deriving a Datalog-based implementation of control-flow analysis for Scheme-like languages. Key to our approach is the formulation of the analysis via the abstracting abstract machines (AAM) methodology of Van Horn and Might (Van Horn and Might, 2010). We present how this formulation may be translated to Datalog, overcoming several key obstacles unique to Scheme. To evaluate our approach, we implemented an analysis of a significant subset of Scheme including multi- argument lambdas, conditional control-flow, builtins, and first-class continuations (call/cc). In section 3, we present a formalization of this language (noting how our choices anticipate a Datalog implementation) via the AAM approach, following in section 4 with its corresponding Datalog transliteration (we plan to the implementation of our analysis open-source). We validated (manually, via inspection) the correctness of our analysis and in section 5 present the results of a set of experiments benchmarking our implementation of $m$-CFA for our subset of Scheme. ## 2\. Background and Related Work In this section, we sketch several key background concepts that underlie our abstract semantics in Section 3 and subsequent Datalog implementation in Section 4. ### 2.1. Program Analysis and Abstract Interpretation Kildall first introduced dataflow analysis (of flowchart-style programs in the style of Floyd (Floyd, 1967)) to approximate static program behavior for the purpose of compile-time optimization (Kildall, 1973). A central idea of Kildall’s work was using a lattice to impose an ordering on analysis results and ensure termination via the finiteness of said lattice. Cousot and Cousot later generalized Kildall’s ideas to define the abstract interpretation of a program. Abstract interpretation allows relating an arbitrary pair of lattices, typically a concrete state space ($\Sigma$) and its abstraction ($\hat{\Sigma}$), along with a pair, $(\alpha,\gamma)$, of (adjunctive) mappings between them for abstraction ($\alpha$) and concretization ($\gamma$). Using this abstraction alongside a _collecting semantics_ allows iterating a program analysis to some fixed-point in an arbitrary lattice of abstract results. Assuming this lattice of results is of finite height, the collecting semantics (and therefore analysis) will necessarily terminate via Tarski’s fixpoint theorem (Tarski, 1955). We elide a complete presentation of abstract interpretation; there exist several expository texts including those by Miné (Miné, 2017) and Nielsen and Nielsen (Nielson et al., 1999). ### 2.2. Control Flow Analysis Languages such as C do not include indirect control flow. Determining control flow (and also data flow) is simple for these languages, as control is syntactically-apparent. In scheme, it is more difficult to tell which values flow to a particular variable because of the pervasive use of higher-order functions. Consider the following Scheme code: (let* ([f (foo 42)] [g (bar 99)] [h (if (= a b) (g 30) (f g))]) (g h)) Deciding which branch of the if is taken depends on (at least) the values that flow to a and b. Similarly, to understand data flow, we also must know control flow: knowing which value flows to h requires reasoning about the if’s control flow. The key is to compute both simultaneously. As the computation continues, data flow information is fed to create a control-flow graph (CFG) on-the-fly, and the new CFG is used to find new data-flow. This is a central idea in the original formulation of $k$-CFA by Shivers (Shivers, 1991), though presentations can also be found elsewhere (Nielson et al., 1999; Miné, 2017). ### 2.3. Abstract Abstract Machines Might and Van Horn presented the Abstracting Abstract Machines (AAM) approach to abstract interpretation for functional languages (Van Horn and Might, 2010). The key insight in their work is to redirect all sources of recursion in the analysis through a store which may be finitized by construction. Using this approach, an abstract semantics may be derived from an abstract machine specifying a concrete semantics. The AAM-based approach can compute any type of CFA, and encompasses a broad array of analysis precision including, e.g., object-sensitivity (Gilray et al., 2016a). The machine described in this paper utilizes $m$-CFA (Might et al., 2010), a variant of $k$-CFA that uses flat closures. ### 2.4. Datalog Datalog is a bottom-up logic programming language largely based on Horn-SAT. We refer the reader to the exposition of Ceri et al. for a detailed description of Datalog (Ceri et al., 1989). Datalog programs consist of a set of Horn clauses of the form $P(x_{0},...)\leftarrow Q(y_{0},...)\land...\land S(z_{0},...)$. To evaluate these programs, an extensional database (EDB) is provided as input specifying a set of initial facts. A Datalog engine then runs the rules to a fixed-point to produce an output database. The following example computes the cousin relation from the EDB relations of parent and sibling. cousin(a, c) :- parent(a, p), sibling(p, q), parent(c, q). Relations can be recursive. Calculating ancestry is simple. The base case shows that a parent is trivially an ancestor, but a parent of an ancestor is also an ancestor: ancestor(p, a) :- parent(p, a). // If p already has some ancestor a, // the parent b of a is also an ancestor of p. ancestor(p, b) :- ancestor(p, a), parent(a, b). ## 3\. Syntax and Abstract Semantics Syntactic Classes $\displaystyle e\in\textsf{Exp}$ $\displaystyle::=\text{\ae}$ $\displaystyle|\;(\texttt{if}\;e\;e\;e)\;|\;(\texttt{set!}\;x\;e)$ $\displaystyle|\;(\texttt{call/cc}\;e)\;|\;\textit{let}$ $\displaystyle|\;(op\;e\;e)\;|\;(e\;e\;e\;...)$ $\displaystyle\text{\ae}\in\textsf{AExp}$ $\displaystyle::=x\;|\;\textit{lam}\;|\;b\;|\;n$ $\displaystyle b\in\mathbb{B}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\\{\textbf{{\\#t}},\textbf{{\\#f}}\\}$ $\displaystyle n\in\mathbb{Z}$ $\displaystyle x\in\textsf{Var}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\text{The set of identifiers}$ $\displaystyle\textit{let}\in\textsf{Let}$ $\displaystyle::=(\texttt{let}\;((x\;e)\;...)\;e)$ $\displaystyle\textit{lam}\in\textsf{Lam}$ $\displaystyle::=(\lambda\;(x)\;e)$ $\displaystyle\textit{op}\in\textsf{Prim}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\text{The set of primitives}$ Figure 1. Syntactic Classes for the Scheme CESK* Machine Many famous papers use a significant subset of scheme, perhaps too small for useful real-world analyses. Might et al.’s m-CFA paper uses a variant of the CPS lambda calculus with multi-argument functions (Might et al., 2010). Shivers’ original work on CFA utilized a CPS subset without conditionals or mutation, instead relying on primitives (Shivers, 1991). Van Horn et al.’s original Abstracting Abstract Machines adds mutation, conditionals, and first order continuations, but does not include multi-argument lambdas, which is a crucial component of CFA (Van Horn and Might, 2010). Each of these leaves out important components which are required to build analyses on real languages. In Figure 1, we separate complex from atomic expressions. We also include a variety of useful syntax such as mutation through set! expressions, let bindings, and the higher order control flow operator, call/cc. Conditional expressions and primitives are also highly important for writing meaningful examples. We support binary primitives, which are needed to analyze real scheme programs. Primitive ops include recursive data (i.e. lists), mathematical, and logical operations. Our subset of scheme is capable of supporting many real world programs. Analyses will be more understandable and easier to implement due to these features. This syntax also clarifies contexts in a CFA and how they grow and shrink. With let and multi-argument lambdas, we can place multiple bindings in a single context. This will avoid states ascending to top, by decreasing the amount of contexts. Semantic Classes $\displaystyle\hat{\varsigma}\in\hat{\Sigma}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq E\langle\widehat{\textit{Eval}}\rangle+A\langle\widehat{\textit{Apply}}\rangle$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\textit{Eval}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\textsf{Exp}\times\widehat{\textit{Context}}$ $\displaystyle\times\widehat{\textit{Store}}\times\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\textit{Apply}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textit{Val}}\times\widehat{\textit{Store}}\times\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}\in\widehat{\textit{Store}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textit{VStore}}\times\widehat{\textit{KStore}}$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{v}\in\widehat{\textit{VStore}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textit{VAddr}}\rightharpoonup\mathcal{P}(\widehat{\textit{Val}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{k}\in\widehat{\textit{KStore}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}\rightharpoonup\mathcal{P}(\widehat{\textit{Kont}})$ $\displaystyle\widehat{ctx}\in\widehat{\textit{Context}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\textsf{Exp}^{m}$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{v}\in\widehat{\textit{VAddr}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\textsf{Var}\times\widehat{\textit{Context}}$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\in\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\textsf{Exp}\times\widehat{\textit{Context}}$ $\displaystyle\hat{v}\in\widehat{\textit{Val}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\mathbb{Z}+\mathbb{B}+\widehat{\textit{PVal}}+\widehat{\textit{Clo}}+\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\textit{p}}\in\widehat{\textit{PVal}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\textsf{Prim}\times\widehat{\textit{Val}}\times\widehat{\textit{Val}}$ $\displaystyle\widehat{clo}\in\widehat{\textit{Clo}}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\textsf{Lam}\times\widehat{\textit{Context}}$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}\in\widehat{\textit{Kont}}$ $\displaystyle::=\widehat{\textbf{mtk}}\;|\;\widehat{\textbf{ifk}}(e,e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle|\;\widehat{\textbf{setk}}(\hat{a}_{v},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})\;|\;\widehat{\textbf{callcck}}(\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle|\;\widehat{\textbf{let}}(\hat{a}_{v},e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})\;|\;\widehat{\textbf{fn}}(v,n,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle|\;\widehat{\textbf{p1}}(\textit{op},e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})\;|\;\widehat{\textbf{p2}}(\textit{op},\hat{v},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle|\;\widehat{\textbf{arg}}(e\;...,\widehat{ctx},\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ Figure 2. Semantic Classes for the Scheme m-CFA CESK* Machine Figure 2 presents a CESK* machine utilizing $m$-CFA for value-analysis, (Van Horn and Might, 2010) (Might et al., 2010). The states are partitioned into evaluation and application states, and the store is partitioned into a value- store and a continuation-store. There are a variety of continuations which give meaning to the program. The state is partitioned into 2 types of sub-state. The control of an Eval state is syntax. When transitioning from an Eval state, the goal is to produce a value. For example, when an if expression is encountered, the resulting state is another Eval state with the guard expression as the control. The second type of state is an Apply, where the control is a value. These states will apply the control depending on the continuation. When an if expression’s guard reaches an Apply state, a branch is selected based on the inspected value. With abstracted abstract machines, both values and continuations are identified through the store with an address. However, they require different address types. Value addresses are determined by the polyvariance and analyses type we are conducting (Gilray et al., 2016a). Continuations, however, are allocated in the Pushdown-For-Free style, which has its own allocator (Gilray et al., 2016b). These stores are combined in the state, but are accessed separately and combined when clear in the semantics for brevity. Environments in this machine are not a mapping, as shown in many AAM based approaches. Instead, environments are simply a function of context, and stand- in for time-stamps a la $k$-CFA (Might et al., 2010). Here, closures utilize flat-contexts, instead of the usual linked model. Instead of store-fetches being $\hat{\sigma}(\widehat{ctx}(x))$, they are now $\hat{\sigma}(x,\widehat{ctx})$. In $m$-CFA, the current context is based on the top $m$ stack frames, as opposed to the latest $k$ call-sites. There are a variety of continuation types to enumerate the various semantic features of the Scheme subset. When a set! expression is evaluated, a $\widehat{\textbf{setk}}$ continuation is added to the store to identify what to accomplish after the inner expression is fully evaluated. Evaluation Rules $E\langle(\texttt{if}\;e_{g}\;e_{t}\;e_{f}),\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{g},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-If) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e_{c},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{ifk}}(e_{t},e_{f},\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $E\langle(\textit{op}\;e_{0}\;e_{1}),\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{0},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-Prim) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e_{i},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{p1}}(\textit{op},e_{1},\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $E\langle\textit{let},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{i},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-Let) $\displaystyle\text{where }\widehat{ctx}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{new}(\hat{\varsigma})$ let $\displaystyle=(\texttt{let}\;((x_{0}\;e_{0})\;(x_{s}\;e_{s})\;...)\;e_{b})$ $\displaystyle(x_{i},e_{i})$ $\displaystyle\in([x_{0}:x_{s}],[e_{0}:e_{s}])$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{v}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{v}}(x_{i},\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e_{i},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{let}}(e_{b},\hat{a}_{v},\widehat{ctx}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $E\langle(\texttt{call/cc}\;e),\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-C/cc) $\displaystyle\text{where }\widehat{ctx}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{new}(\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e,\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{callcck}}(\widehat{ctx}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $E\langle(\texttt{set!}\;x\;e),\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-Set!) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},(\texttt{set!}\;x\;e),\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{v}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{v}}((\texttt{set!}\;x\;e),\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{setk}}(\hat{a}_{v},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $E\langle(e_{f}\;e_{0}\;e_{s}\;...),\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{f},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-Call) $\displaystyle\text{where }\widehat{ctx}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{new}(\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},(e_{f}\;e_{0}\;e_{s}\;...),\widehat{ctx}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{arg}}([e_{0}:e_{s}],\widehat{ctx},\widehat{ctx}^{\prime},\hat{\kappa})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ Figure 3. Rules to evaluate syntax into smaller expressions The Eval rules in Figure 3 govern how to break down complex expressions to form an atomic expression. Some rules are straightforward, such as E-If. After encountering an if expression, the guard is evaluated. A continuation is created to keep track of what to do when we know the value of the guard. Generally, an evaluation rule should focus on evaluating syntax, and not creating semantic objects such as contexts. Although, other transition rules are trickier. The E-Let transitions to multiple states, one for each binding. For brevity, at least one binding is required, as a 0-binding let would have to transition directly to the body with a new context. Let is also complex since it creates the resulting context The E-Prim and E-Call rules are multi-stage rules. They each have multiple expressions that must be evaluated in a specific order. In a function call, the function is evaluated before the arguments, so there must be a special continuation frame for each juncture in the evaluation. Atomic Evaluation $E\langle\text{\ae},\\_,\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ (E-AE) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{v}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\mathcal{A}}(\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\mathcal{A}}::\widehat{\textit{Eval}}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow\hat{v}$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\mathcal{A}}(b,\\_,\\_)\triangleq b\;$ $\displaystyle\;\widehat{\mathcal{A}}(n,\\_,\\_)\triangleq n$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\mathcal{A}}(x,\widehat{ctx},\\_)$ $\displaystyle\overset{\triangle}{\ni}\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}(x,\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\widehat{\mathcal{A}}(lam,\widehat{ctx},\\_)$ $\displaystyle\triangleq(lam,\widehat{ctx})$ Figure 4. Atomic Evaluation, which converts syntax into a value. Atomic evaluation is defined in Figure 4. The function $\widehat{\mathcal{A}}$ produces values from atomic expressions. The rule E-AE will transition from an Eval state into an Apply state using $\widehat{\mathcal{A}}$. Application Rules $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{t},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-IfT) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{ifk}}(e_{t},\\_,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{v}$ $\displaystyle\neq\textbf{{\\#f}}$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{f},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-IfF) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{ifk}}(\\_,e_{f},\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{v}$ $\displaystyle=\textbf{{\\#f}}$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{b},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-Let) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{let}}(e_{b},\hat{a}_{v},\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{v}\mapsto\hat{v}]$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto A\langle-42,\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-Set!) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{setk}}(\hat{a}_{v},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{v}\mapsto\hat{v}]$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime\prime}\rangle$ (A-Prim1) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{p1}}(\textit{op},e,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e,\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{p2}}(\textit{op},\hat{v},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $A\langle\hat{v}^{\prime},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto A\langle\textbf{primVal}(\textit{op},\hat{v},\hat{v}^{\prime}),\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-Prim2) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{p2}}(\textit{op},v,\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{b},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-C/cc) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{callcck}}(\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{v}$ $\displaystyle=((\lambda\;(x)\;e_{b}),\widehat{ctx}_{\widehat{clo}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{v}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{v}}(x,\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textit{copy}}(\widehat{ctx}_{\widehat{clo}},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}^{\prime\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{v}\mapsto\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}]$ $A\langle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ $\leadsto A\langle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ (A-C/ccKont) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{callcck}}(\\_,\\_)$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{i},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-Ar) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{arg}}(e_{s},\widehat{ctx},\widehat{ctx}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle e_{i}$ $\displaystyle\in e_{s}$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e_{i},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{fn}}(\hat{v},i,\widehat{ctx}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{v}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{b},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-Call) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{fn}}(\widehat{clo},n,\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\widehat{clo}$ $\displaystyle=((\lambda\;(x_{s}...)\;e_{b}),\widehat{ctx}_{\widehat{clo}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{a}_{v}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{v}}(x_{n},\hat{\varsigma})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textit{copy}}(\widehat{ctx}_{\widehat{clo}},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}^{\prime\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{v}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{v}\mapsto\hat{v}]$ $A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto A\langle\hat{v},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (A-CallKont) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\ni\widehat{\textbf{fn}}(\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime},\\_,\\_,\\_)$ Figure 5. Value Application Rules Apply rules, as shown in Figure 5 transition based on the value and the current continuation. These rules primarily govern contexts. Here, the context may be extended, bindings added to it, or it may be returned to a previous version. Apply rules may be triggered at the same time. For example, if an address contains multiple value, then both A-If rules must be transitioned from. In Figure 6, both branches must be taken to soundly approximate this program when using a low sensitivity analysis such as 0-CFA. In the example, the inner let calls the same function twice, which, in the same context, binds the address $x$ to both #t and #f. Then, when $a$ is referenced, it contains both possibilities, so both branches will be taken. (let ([f (lambda (x) x)]) (let ([a (f #t)] [b (f #f)]) (if a 4 5))) Figure 6. An example where both branches of a condition must be taken. The A-Let rule will be ran once for every binding in a let expression. Because the addresses were calculated in the E-Let rule, not much work needs to be done in this rule. However, because every $\widehat{\textbf{let}}$ continuation results in the same state, only one output state is generated for the body of the expression. Creating new contexts is only done when variables are bound. Creating scope like this is the trigger, and not simply evaluating an expression. Therefore, we only need to create a context in the case of E-Let, E-Call/cc, and E-Call. We only set the context in the Apply state, however, when we are evaluating the inner expression with the new bindings. Helper Functions $\hat{\mathcal{I}}::\textsf{Exp}\rightarrow\hat{\Sigma}$ $\hat{\mathcal{I}}(e)\triangleq E\langle e,\epsilon,(\bot,\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}),(e,\epsilon)\rangle$ $\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\triangleq\bot\sqcup[(e,\epsilon)\mapsto\widehat{\textbf{mtk}}]$ $\widehat{new}::\widehat{\textit{Eval}}\rightarrow\widehat{\textit{Context}}$ $\widehat{new}(e,\widehat{ctx},\\_)\triangleq\lfloor e:context\rfloor_{m}$ $\widehat{alloc_{v}}::\textsf{Var}\times\hat{\Sigma}\rightharpoonup\widehat{\textit{VAddr}}$ $\widehat{alloc_{v}}(x,E\langle\\_,\widehat{ctx},\\_,)\rangle\triangleq(x,\widehat{ctx})$ $\widehat{alloc_{v}}(x,A\langle(\\_,\widehat{ctx}),\\_,)\rangle\triangleq(x,\widehat{ctx})$ $\widehat{alloc_{k}}::\hat{\Sigma}\times\textsf{Exp}\times\widehat{\textit{Context}}\rightharpoonup\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}$ $\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\\_,e,\widehat{ctx})\triangleq(e,\widehat{ctx})$ Figure 7. Auxiliary functions Transition Relation and Global Store $\displaystyle(\leadsto)::\hat{\Sigma}$ $\displaystyle\rightharpoonup\mathcal{P}(\hat{\Sigma})$ $\displaystyle(\leadsto_{\hat{\Xi}})::\hat{\Xi}$ $\displaystyle\rightharpoonup\mathcal{P}(\hat{\Xi})$ $\displaystyle(\hat{r},\hat{\sigma})$ $\displaystyle\leadsto_{\hat{\Xi}}(\hat{r}^{\prime},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{s}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\\{\hat{\varsigma}\;|\;(r,\hat{\sigma})\leadsto\hat{\varsigma}\\}\cup\\{\hat{\mathcal{I}}(e_{o})\ $ $\displaystyle\hat{r}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\\{r\;|\;(r,\\_)\in\hat{s}\\}$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\bigsqcup_{(\\_,\hat{\sigma}^{\prime\prime})\in\hat{s}}\hat{\sigma}^{\prime\prime}$ $\displaystyle\hat{\xi}\in\hat{\Xi}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{R}\times\widehat{\textit{Store}}$ $\displaystyle\hat{r}\in\hat{R}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\mathcal{P}(\hat{C})$ $\displaystyle\hat{c}\in\hat{C}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq CE\langle\textsf{Exp}\times\widehat{\textit{Context}}\times\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}\rangle$ $\displaystyle+CA\langle\widehat{\textit{Val}}\times\widehat{\textit{KAddr}}\rangle$ Figure 8. Transition Relation and Global Store The value and continuation stores are necessarily responsible for an exponential growth of states in the state space. One method to maintain polynomial worst-case complexity when evaluating closures, is to separate the stores from the states, and to globalize the stores. After each state transition, the stores are combined and used for the next transitions. Figure 8 gives a collecting semantics which transforms a standard machine with an in- line store into a global store. The semantics utilize the injection function $\hat{\mathcal{I}}$, along with the inline-store transition function $\leadsto$. ## 4\. Datalog Implementation Soufflé is used as the Datalog engine for its state-of-the-art runtime performance, parallelism, and language features. Algebraic Data Types (ADT) are utilized for contexts, value and continuation types to maintain brevity. This implementation can be replicated without ADTs but it will be much more verbose. Implementing the above operational semantics as a Datalog program is generally a straightforward process. Many rules can be converted in a near 1:1 fashion. However, there are some unique relations that differ from the operational semantics. Still, the rules of the machine map closely to the implementation in Datalog. Figure 9 shows the similarity between the two. state_e(eguard, ctx, ak), stored_kont(ak, kont), flow_ee(e, eguard) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), if(e, eguard, et, ef), ak = $KAddress(eguard, ctx), kont = $If(et, ef, ctx, ak). $E\langle(\texttt{if}\;e_{g}\;e_{t}\;e_{f}),\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}\rangle$ $\leadsto E\langle e_{g},\widehat{ctx},\hat{\sigma}^{\prime},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\rangle$ (E-If) $\displaystyle\text{where }\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{alloc_{k}}(\hat{\varsigma},e_{c},\widehat{ctx})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\kappa}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\widehat{\textbf{ifk}}(e_{t},e_{f},\widehat{ctx},\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}})$ $\displaystyle\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle\triangleq\hat{\sigma}_{\hat{\kappa}}\sqcup[\hat{a}_{\hat{\kappa}}^{\prime}\mapsto\hat{\kappa}]$ Figure 9. If expression evaluation in Datalog and in the operational semantics. Datalog programs being split into rules maps well onto operational semantics. There is a correspondence between the operational semantics and the Datalog implementation. Datalog places the head of the Horn clause before the body, so the output state is on top, along with the continuation being added to the store. The body of the Datalog rule acts as the input. As rules are computed, new facts are generated by the heads of the clauses. As a result, more rules can be executed, extending the set of total facts. Figure 10 shows two interesting relations. These highlight a key difference between the operational semantics and the Datalog implementation. On the left is the equivalent to $\widehat{new}$: peek_ctx. On the right is the implementation of $\widehat{\textit{copy}}$. In Datalog, we compute a helper relation, peek_ctx, which computes a context as needed. The copy_ctx relation will signal a copy operation, from a source to a destination context. When a copy_ctx fact is added, it does not immediately do the copy, but it will trigger an inference rule for the stored_val relation. peek_ctx(e, old_ctx, new_ctx) :- state_e(e, old_ctx, _), ( callcc(e, _) ; call(e, _, _) ; let(e, _, _); lambda(e,_,_)), old_ctx = $Context(ctx1,ctx0), new_ctx = $Context(e,ctx1). stored_val(av, v) :- copy_ctx(from, to, e), freevar(fv, e), stored_val(av, v), av = $VAddress(fv, to). Figure 10. The new and copy function analogues in the Datalog implementation. See Appendix A for the full Datalog implementation. ## 5\. Evaluation In this section we present an evaluation of our implementation of $m$-CFA in Soufflé. To gain confidence in our implementation’s correctness, we performed manual validation on a set of testcases. To measure scalability and complexity in practice, we construct a family of terms that exhibit worst-case (polynomial) behavior. We used large terms in this family and ran experiments on a 28-core Linux server with 78GB of RAM. ### 5.1. Constructing worst-case terms for $m$-CFA In order to both evaluate the performance and verify the correctness of our implementation, we construct a family of terms that incur maximum-possible work in practice. Van Horn’s dissertation details a construction of terms whose analysis require exponential work for $k$-CFA (Van Horn and Mairson, 2008). Figure 11 shows an example for 1-CFA. The ultimate issue is that #t and #f will be conflated through the call to f, producing two runtime closures but four abstract closures; more bindings, or arguments to $w$, may be added to add further complexity. We use Van Horn’s technique to generate high-complexity terms for our $m$-CFA implementation. The key trick to fool [k=1]-CFA from Van Horn’s example is the application of the identity function inside the term. This identity function acts as _padding_ , as [k=1]-CFA traces only the _most recent_ call site. During concrete execution, the intermediate call to the identity function sits (on the stack) in front of the (separate) calls to f. In [k=1]-CFA, only the most recent callsite is remembered and thus #t and #f will flow to same address. However we cannot directly translatiterate this example into $m$-CFA as we will not see the expected storage blowup. In $m$-CFA, the context (the contour in $k$-CFA) only grows in the state when values are bound to a variable. If padding is in function postion when $\lambda$ (w) (w x) is evaluated, the context has not been extended yet. Using Van Horn’s example with $m$-CFA, the padding will be bypassed. In $m$-CFA, the padding should be moved into argument position and $\eta$-expand the precision losing term. This is shown in Figure 12. This modification forces conflation of the values after the padding label is appended into the context. ((lambda (f) (let ((m (f #t)) (n (f #f))) m)) (lambda (z) ((lambda (x) x) (lambda (w) (w z z))))) Figure 11. Example (from Van Horn) showing exponential behavior for k-CFA ((lambda (f) (let ((mm (f M) ... (m1 (f 1)) (n0 (f 0))) m)) (lambda (z) ((lambda (x) (+ z (+ z ...))) (lambda (x) x)))) Figure 12. An example term from our experiments. Table 1. Running time and memory usage of $m$-CFA in Datalog. Term size N/K means N calls to f and K invocations of +. | | $0\;padding$ | $1\;padding$ | $2\;padding$ ---|---|---|---|--- Term size | Polyvariance ($m$) | Time | Memory | Time | Memory | Time | Memeory | 0 | 00:09:57 | 1.27GB | 00:09:46 | 1.86GB | 09:48.04 | 1.27GB 32/4 | 1 | ¡ 1 sec | 12.1MB | 00:22:49 | 1.28GB | 13:26.88 | 1.27GB | 2 | ¡ 1 sec | 12.29MB | ¡ 1 sec | 12.5MB | 19:09.89 | 1.27GB | 0 | 01:08:58 | 3.55GB | 01:09:36 | 3.55GB | 01:02:51 | 3.56GB 86/3 | 1 | ¡ 1 sec | 6.31MB | 01:34:37 | 3.55GB | 01:32:10 | 3.56GB | 2 | ¡ 1 sec | 6.31MB | ¡ 1 sec | 6.32MB | 02:13:10 | 3.56GB ### 5.2. Results We used our worst-case term construction to perform a variety of runs using Soufflé. Table 1 shows the results of our system on a set of two terms: one with 32 let bindings and one with 86 let bindings. We measure 0, 1, and 2-CFA using a variety of paddings (0, 1, and 2). By construction, we expect terms to explode when the amount of padding is too low as the analysis begins to conflate polynomially-greater callsites. For example, in 32/4, we see 0-CFA explode while 1 and 2-CFA are very fast. This is because both 1 and 2-CFA are fully-precise for the term. As expected, analyses of higher-complexity have longer runtimes. For example, looking at the timings for 2 padding, we can see that 2-CFA is roughly twice as slow as 0-CFA. Table 2. Parallel Performance of m-CFA souffle implementation. 32 different clauses in let with 2 padding | 1 core | 2 threads | 4 threads | 8 threads ---|---|---|---|--- $m$ | time | memory | time | memory | time | memeory | time | memory 0 | 00:09:48 | 1.27GB | 00:13:05 | 1.43GB | 00:18:39 | 1.55GB | 00:22:38 | 1.61GB 1 | 00:13:26 | 1.27GB | 00:14:36 | 1.46GB | 00:20:36 | 1.55GB | 00:22:54 | 1.62GB 2 | 00:19:09 | 1.27GB | 00:25:14 | 1.46GB | 00:36:11 | 1.54GB | 00:46:57 | 1.60GB We measured parallel performance using a variety of thread counts. Soufflé was built to support scalability and multithreading to speed up parallel execution on a single node. In our analysis, we believed there would be many potentially-parallelizable states. For exapmle, we evaluate different let clauses non-deterministically. We used Soufflé version 2.02, compiling from source with OpenMP support enabled. Our results were all compiled to C++ via Souffleé’s -c flag. We verified CPU utilization (via htop) to ensure multithreading was enabled. However, as detailed in Table 2, our results demonstrated anti-scalability: instead of making the program run faster, the more cores used, the slower execution we observed, while also adding more memory overhead. GitHub issues from the Soufflé authors point to several potential reasons for poor scalability. For example, our implementation uses a large number of rules, and Soufflé does not parallelize across rules. ## 6\. Conclusion Datalog-based implementation of static analysis tools has enabled new frontiers in the scalability of analyses to object-oriented languages. However, we do not know of any presentations that extend these ideas to Scheme-like languages. This paper presented the key ideas necessary to implement analyses of Scheme-like languages using Datalog. 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In _Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGPLAN international conference on Functional programming_. 51–62. ## Appendix A Full Soufflé Implementation .type id <: symbol.type context = Context{ctx0:id,ctx1:id}.type value = Number { n : number } | Bool { b : symbol } | Kont { k : address_k } | Closure { e: id, ctx: context } | PrimVal {op: id , v1: value , v2: value}.type kont = MT {} | Arg {args: id, ctx: context, ectx: context, next_ak: address_k} | Fn {fn: value, pos: number, ctx: context, next_ak: address_k} | Set {loc: address_v, next_ak: address_k} | If {true_branch: id, false_branch: id, ctx: context, next_ak: address_k} | Callcc {ectx: context, next_ak: address_k} | Let {av: address_v, ebody: id, ctx: context, next_ak: address_k} | Prim1 {op: id, e2: id, ctx: context, next_ak: address_k} | Prim2 {op: id, v1: value, next_ak: address_k}.type address_k = KAddress{e: id, ctx: context}.type address_v = VAddress{x: symbol, ctx: context}.decl state_e(e: id, ctx: context, ak: address_k).output state_e.decl state_a(v: value, ak: address_k).output state_a.decl stored_val(av: address_v, v: value).output stored_val.decl stored_kont(ak: address_k, k: kont).output stored_kont.decl peek_ctx(e: id, ctx_old: context, ctx_new: context).decl top_exp(Id: id).input top_exp.decl lambda(Id: id, Vars: id, BodyId: id).input lambda.decl lambda_arg_list(Id: id, Pos: number, X: symbol).input lambda_arg_list.decl prim(Id: id, OpName: symbol).input prim.decl prim_call(Id: id, PrimId: id, Args: id).input prim_call.decl call(Id: id, FuncId: id, Args: id).input call.decl call_arg_list(Id: id, Pos: number, X: id).input call_arg_list.decl var(Id: id, MetaName: symbol).input var.decl num(Id: id, v: number).input num.decl bool(Id: id, v: symbol).input bool.decl quotation(Id: id, Expr: id).input quotation.decl value_form(Id: id)value_form(id) :- (num(id, _); var(id, _); lambda(id, _, _); quotation(id, _); bool(id, _))..decl if(Id:id, GuardId: id, TrueId: id, False: id).input if.decl setb(Id: id, Var: symbol, ExprId: id).input setb.decl callcc(Id: id, ExprId: id).input callcc.decl let(Id: id, BindId: id, BodyId: id).input let.decl let_list(Id: id, X: symbol, EId: id).input let_list// context changes startstate_e(e, $Context("",""), $KAddress(e, $Context("",""))),peek_ctx(e, $Context("",""), $Context(e,"")),stored_kont($KAddress(e, $Context("","")), $MT) :- top_exp(e).peek_ctx(e, $Context(ctx1,ctx0), $Context(e,ctx1)) :- state_e(e, $Context(ctx1,ctx0), _), (callcc(e, _) ; call(e, _, _) ; let(e, _, _); lambda(e,_,_)).// context end.decl freevar(x:symbol, e: id)freevar(x, e) :- var(e, x).freevar(x, e) :- lambda(e, vars, body), freevar(x, body), lambda_arg_list(vars, _, v), x != v.freevar(x, e) :- call(e, func, args), (freevar(x, func); freevar(x, args)).freevar(x, e) :- prim_call(e, _, args), freevar(x, args).freevar(x, e) :- call_arg_list(e, pos, arg), freevar(x, arg).freevar(x, e) :- if(e, eguard, et, ef), (freevar(x, eguard); freevar(x, et); freevar(x, ef)).freevar(y, e) :- setb(e, _, ev), freevar(y, ev).freevar(x, e) :- callcc(e, ev), freevar(x, ev).freevar(x, e) :- let(e, binds, body), (freevar(x, binds); freevar(x, body)).freevar(x, e) :- let_list(e, a, bind), freevar(x, bind), x != a..decl flow_ee(e1: id, e2: id).output flow_ee.decl flow_ea(e1: id, a2: value).output flow_ea.decl flow_aa(a1: value, a2: value).output flow_aa.decl flow_ae(a1: value, e2: id).output flow_ae.decl copy_ctx(from: context, to: context, e:id)stored_val($VAddress(fv, to), v) :- copy_ctx(from, to, e), freevar(fv, e), stored_val($VAddress(fv, from), v).state_e(eguard, ctx, $KAddress(eguard, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(eguard, ctx), $If(et, ef, ctx, ak)),flow_ee(e, eguard) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), if(e, eguard, et, ef).state_e(elam, ctx, $KAddress(elam, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(elam, ctx), $Callcc(ectx, ak)),flow_ee(e, elam) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), callcc(e, elam), peek_ctx(e, ctx, ectx).state_e(esetto, ctx, $KAddress(esetto, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(esetto, ctx), $Set($VAddress(x, ctx), ak)),flow_ee(e, esetto) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), setb(e, x, esetto).state_e(efunc, ctx, $KAddress(efunc, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(efunc, ctx), $Arg(eargs, ctx, ectx, ak)),flow_ee(e, efunc) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), call(e, efunc, eargs), peek_ctx(e, ctx, ectx).state_e(ebnd, ctx, $KAddress(ebnd, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(ebnd, ctx), $Let($VAddress(x, ectx), ebody, ectx, ak)),copy_ctx(ctx, ectx, e),flow_ee(e, ebnd) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), let(e, ll, ebody), let_list(ll, x, ebnd), peek_ctx(e, ctx, ectx).state_e(earg0, ctx, $KAddress(earg0, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(earg0, ctx), $Prim1(op, earg1, ctx, ak)),flow_ee(e, earg0) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), prim_call(e, op, pl), call_arg_list(pl, 0, earg0), call_arg_list(pl, 1, earg1).state_a($Number(n), ak),flow_ea(e, $Number(n)) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), num(e, n).state_a($Bool(b), ak),flow_ea(e, $Bool(b)) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), bool(e, b).state_a($Closure(e, ctx), ak),flow_ea(e, $Closure(e, ctx)) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), lambda(e, _, _).state_a(v, ak),flow_ea(e, v) :- state_e(e, ctx, ak), var(e, x), stored_val($VAddress(x, ctx), v).state_e(et, ctx_k, next_ak),flow_ae($Bool("#t"), et) :- (state_a($Bool("#t"), ak) ; state_a($Closure(_,_), ak) ; state_a($Number(_), ak) ; state_a($Kont(_), ak)), stored_kont(ak, $If(et, _, ctx_k, next_ak)).state_e(ef, ctx_k, next_ak),flow_ae($Bool("#f"), ef) :- state_a($Bool("#f"), ak), stored_kont(ak, $If(_, ef, ctx_k, next_ak)).state_e(ebody, ectx, next_ak),stored_val($VAddress(x, ectx), $Kont(ak)),copy_ctx(ctx_clo, ectx, elam),flow_ae($Closure(elam, ctx_clo), ebody) :- state_a($Closure(elam, ctx_clo), ak), stored_kont(ak, $Callcc(ectx, next_ak)), lambda(elam, params, ebody), lambda_arg_list(params, 0, x).state_a($Kont(ak), bk),flow_aa($Kont(bk), $Kont(ak)) :- state_a($Kont(bk), ak), stored_kont(ak, $Callcc(_, _)).state_e(earg, ctx, $KAddress(earg, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(earg, ctx), $Fn(v, pos, ectx, next_ak)),flow_ae(v, earg) :- state_a(v, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Arg(eargs, ctx, ectx, next_ak)), call_arg_list(eargs, pos, earg).state_e(ebody, ectx, next_ak),stored_val($VAddress(x, ectx), v),copy_ctx(ctx_clo, ectx, elam),flow_ae(v, ebody) :- state_a(v, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Fn($Closure(elam, ctx_clo), pos, ectx, next_ak)), lambda(elam, params, ebody), lambda_arg_list(params, pos, x).state_a(v, callcc_kont),flow_aa(v, v) :- state_a(v, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Fn($Kont(callcc_kont), 0, _, _)).state_e(ebody, ctx, next_ak),stored_val(av, v),flow_ae(v, ebody) :- state_a(v, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Let(av, ebody, ctx, next_ak)).state_e(earg1, ctx, $KAddress(earg1, ctx)),stored_kont($KAddress(earg1, ctx), $Prim2(op, v, next_ak)),flow_ae(v, earg1) :- state_a(v, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Prim1(op, earg1, ctx, next_ak)).state_a($PrimVal(op, v1, v2), next_ak),flow_aa(v2, $PrimVal(op, v1, v2)) :- state_a(v2, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Prim2(op, v1, next_ak)).state_a($Number(-42), next_ak),stored_val(loc, v),flow_aa(v, $Number(-42)) :- state_a(v, ak), stored_kont(ak, $Set(loc, next_ak)).
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Davis Ross Silverman, Yihao Sun, Kristopher Micinski, Thomas Gilray", "submitter": "Yihao Sun", "url": "" }
# Non-Axisymmetric Precession of Magnetars and Fast Radio Bursts I. Wasserman Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Cornell University Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics, Cornell University I. Wasserman [email protected] J. M. Cordes S. Chatterjee G. Batra Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, Cornell University ###### Abstract The repeating FRBs 180916.J0158 and 121102 are visible during periodically- occuring windows in time. We consider the constraints on internal magnetic fields and geometry if the cyclical behavior observed for FRB 180916.J0158 and FRB 121102 is due to precession of magnetars. In order to frustrate vortex line pinning we argue that internal magnetic fields must be stronger than about $10^{16}$ Gauss, which is large enough to prevent superconductivity in the core and destroy the crustal lattice structure. We conjecture that the magnetic field inside precessing magnetars has three components, (1) a dipole component with characteristic strength $\sim 10^{14}\,{\rm Gauss}$; (2) a toroidal component with characteristic strength $\sim 10^{15}-10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$ which only occupies a modest fraction of the stellar volume; and (3) a disordered field with characteristic strength $\sim 10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$. The disordered field is primarily responsible for permitting precession, which stops once this field component decays away, which we conjecture happens after $\sim 1000$ years. Conceivably, as the disordered component damps bursting activity diminishes and eventually ceases. We model the quadrupolar magnetic distortion of the star, which is due to its ordered components primarily, as triaxial and very likely prolate. We address the question of whether or not the spin frequency ought to be detectable for precessing, bursting magnetars by constructing a specific model in which bursts happen randomly in time with random directions distributed in or between cones relative to a single symmetry axis. Within the context of these specific models, we find that there are precession geometries for which detecting the spin frequency is very unlikely. stars: neutron — stars: magnetars — Fast Radio Bursts: FRB 121102 — Fast Radio Bursts: FRB 180916 ## 1 Introduction The relatively long 16.4 day period of FRB 180916.J0158 (Chime/Frb Collaboration et al., 2020) and the even longer 160 day period of FRB 121102 (e.g. Cruces et al., 2021) suggest precession of magnetars deformed by strong internal magnetic fields (Levin et al., 2020; Zanazzi & Lai, 2020). However, to date no evidence for a spin period has been reported for either of these FRBs (e.g. Zhang et al., 2018; Li et al., 2021). One possibility is that not enough bursts have been detected yet for either FRB to reveal their spin frequencies, presuming that the underlying engine is a magnetar. But a second possibility is that the physical nature of the repeating busts might prevent detecting a spin frequency even in upcoming surveys that detect far larger numbers of individual outbursts. The important phenomenological questions motivating this paper are: 1. 1. Should the spin period be detectable in FRBs that reappear periodically because of precession ? 2. 2. Is it possible for there to be no evidence for either a spin period or a precession period for FRBs associated with a precessing magnetar ? Recently, evidence for a short $\approx 0.2$ second period has been presented by The CHIME/FRB Collaboration et al. (2021) from analysis of the light curve of a single outburst lasting $\approx 4$ seconds. This report lends urgency to addressing these two questions, and raises other issues we shall not address here, such as whether or not the 0.2 second period is due to magnetar spin, and, if it is, what the implications are for spindown, internal magnetic fields and precession. In order to address these two questions, we first examine what the detection of precession tells us about the internal magnetic fields of the magnetars presumed to be the sources of the FRBs. Shaham (1977) showed that the pinning of (crustal) superfluid neutron vortex lines can prevent slow precession, and Link (2003) showed that pinning of neutron vortices to flux tubes associated with proton superconductor is likely wherever superfluid and superconductor coexist in the core of a neutron star. Moreover, for a neutron star rotating with period $P$ and precessing with period $P_{p}$ the moment of inertia of the region where neutron vortices are pinned must be $\lesssim P/P_{p}\approx 10^{-7}P({\rm s})/(P_{p}/100\,{\rm d})$ times the total moment of inertia of the star for slow precession to be possible. We can’t rule out that FRB 121102 and FRB 180916.J0158 are both fine-tuned to the accuracy necessary to permit slow precession. However, we regard it as far likelier that the magnetic fields in the interiors of these magnetars are large enough to destroy proton superconductivity (and perhaps even neutron superfluidity). §2.1 is devoted to discussing constraints on the internal magnetic fields that would be consistent with precession. We propose a specific model for the magnetic field that has three distinct components: in order of typical magnetic field strength these are a dipole field, a toroidal field, both of which are ordered, and a disordered field. We develop this model in §2.2, where we are led inevitably to the conclusion that the quadrupole distortion of the star is triaxial, and most likely somewhat prolate. We also propose that a magnetar may only precess for a relatively short portion of its life lasting perhaps 1000 years. §2.3 develops results on triaxial precession necessary for the more phenomenological modelling done in §3. In particular, we show that rather large amplitude precession can be excited with relatively little fractional expenditure of magnetic energy, a natural consequence of the fact that magnetic energy is sustantially larger than rotational energy in magnetars. We also consider two distinct types of effects due to spindown. In §2.4 we develop the timing model relating observer time to precession phase when spindown is included. There are two effects, the familiar long term spindown but also a cyclical effect specific to precessing pulsars that has period $P_{p}$ (Cordes, 1993). In §2.5 we investigate the secular effect of spindown on the precession amplitude and phase, generalizing work done by Goldreich (1970) for oblate axisymmetric precession to triaxial precession. We outline a simple phase diagram for this more complicated problem that is more complex than what arises for oblate, axisymmetric precession. Finally, in §3 we develop a very specific model in which we assume that FRBs are tied to magnetar outbursts that occur randomly in time and point in random directions about some reference axis, which we take to be (but need not be) the magnetic dipole axis. We show that it is impossible to detect either the spin frequency or the precession period if the outbursts can point in any direction, which is not a big surprise. However, we also find that the spin frequency ought to be easy to detect in some cases and much harder in others, depending on specific characteristics of the precession model and the distribution of beam directions of the outbursts. From a qualitative point of view, we offer two simple reasons that the outbursts underlying FRBs may occur randomly in time. Although tautological, one explanation is that the physical mechanism triggering the bursts simply is stochastic temporally, with burst directions that are random within some boundaries. Another is that the times between burst triggers are irregular but correlated, perhaps because there is a characteristic time for the burst phenomenon to reload, but associated with each outburst is a random time offset, possibly as large as the spin period, related to where the burst is triggered within the magnetar magnetosphere. The bursts may point in a large range of directions because they involve plasma moving relativistically along open magnetic field lines, leading to highly focussed energy output in directions ranging from close to the magnetic dipole axis to perpendicular to the light cylinder. Alternatively, bursts may originate from a set of distinct, concentrated regions in the magnetosphere of a magnetar that turn on and off stochastically, with each region beaming energy outward in a different direction. In a companion paper we address the challenge of uncovering an underlying FRB spin frequency in a more general, phenomenological way that does not rely on as specific a model for bursts from rotating magnetars as we develop in §3. The model presented in this paper can be regarded as a definite physical set up that realizes the general conditions for hiding the spin frequency of an FRB-inducing magnetar developed in the companion paper. ## 2 Internal Magnetic Fields and Triaxial Precession ### 2.1 Internal Magnetic Fields that Permit Slow Precession Previous work has focussed primarily on precession arising from oblate axisymmetric distortion due to magnetic stresses (e.g. Levin et al., 2020; Zanazzi & Lai, 2020). Here, we examine what internal magnetic structure may be required for precession to occur, and highlight distinctive features that arise when the distortion is not axisymmetric and possibly prolate. The internal magnetic structure of magnetars is not well-studied. In general, magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) studies of the magnetic fields in normal conductors have shown that there are no stable magnetic field configurations in barotropic normal fluids (Lander & Jones, 2012; Mitchell et al., 2015), but that stable, axisymmetric configurations may exist in stably stratified fluids (Reisenegger, 2009; Akgün et al., 2013; Mitchell et al., 2015). Braithwaite (2009) and Akgün et al. (2013) argued that there may be stable magnetic field configurations in stably stratified stars whose poloidal fields are much weaker than their toroidal fields. Glampedakis & Lasky (2016) argued that the equilibrium magnetic fields in non-barotropic normal fluid stars can be specified freely if they are axisymmetric, but not if they are non- axisymmetric. At the strong fields we envision, magnetization due to Landau quantization of core electrons also affects stability (Rau & Wasserman, 2021; Suh & Mathews, 2010). Relativistic equilibria have been computed using realistic equations of state (e.g. Cardall et al., 2001; Kiuchi & Yoshida, 2008; Frieben & Rezzolla, 2012); equilibria were only found to exist if the maximum internal magnetic field strength is $\lesssim 10^{18}$ G, which is a significant indication of limitations imposed by overall dynamical stability, but does not assess MHD stability. Of course, stability constraints are not necessarily relevant if the magnetic field is time-dependent, although presumably field configurations that are MHD unstable vary rather rapidly on timescales set by the local Alfvèn speed and the lengthscale of variation. Overall, these studies suggest that the internal magnetic fields of magnetars could be considerably stronger than their dipole (surface) magnetic field. Another, rather different, argument also suggests strong internal magnetic fields. Once the core of the star cools below $\approx 10^{9}\,{\rm K}$ core protons become superconducting unless the internal magnetic field is stronger than the second critical field strength $H_{{\rm c}2}=\frac{\Phi_{0}}{2\pi\xi_{p}^{2}}=\frac{(\pi m_{p}^{\star}\Delta_{p}/p_{\rm F,p})^{2}c}{2e\hbar}\approx\frac{9\times 10^{15}(\Delta_{p}/m_{e})^{2}(m_{p}^{\star}/0.7m_{p})^{2}}{(p_{\rm F,p}/\,100{\rm MeV})^{2}}~{}{\rm Gauss}$ (1) where $\Delta_{p}$ is the proton gap, $p_{\rm F,p}$ is the proton Fermi momentum, $m_{p}^{\star}$ is the proton effective mass, $\xi_{p}=\hbar p_{\rm F,p}/\pi m_{p}^{\star}\Delta_{p}$ is the coherence length and $\Phi_{0}=\pi\hbar c/e$ is the flux quantum. Proton gap calculations are complicated by many body effects at high densities (Zuo et al., 2008; Gezerlis et al., 2014; Dong et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2019) but indicate that $\Delta_{p}\simeq 0.5\,{\rm MeV}\approx m_{e}$ near nuclear density $n_{\rm nuc}=0.16\,{\rm fm}^{-3}$, where $p_{\rm F,p}\approx 100\,{\rm MeV}$; $\Delta_{p}$ decreases to zero at densities $\gtrsim 2n_{\rm nuc}$. Of course, it is also possible that protons are superconducting but magnetic field strengths at the inner boundary of the (normal) crust are below the first critical field strength $H_{{\rm c}1}\approx\frac{2\times 10^{14}(p_{\rm F,p}/100\,{\rm MeV})^{3}\ln\kappa}{(m_{p}^{\star}/0.7m_{p})}~{}{\rm Gauss},\quad\quad\quad\kappa\approx\frac{4.8(m_{p}^{\star}/0.7m_{p})^{3/2}(\Delta_{p}/m_{e})}{(p_{\rm F,p}/100\,{\rm MeV})^{5/2}},$ in which case magnetic fields would not penetrate into the superconductor in equilibrium if entering from the outside. However, very likely magnetic flux in the core is “left over” from before it cooled enough to become superconducting (e.g. Baym et al., 1969), in which case the proton superconductor in the core is in a “mixed state” with $H_{{\rm c}2}>H>H_{{\rm c}1}$. Quadrupolar deformations due to magnetic fields are $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=\frac{\beta_{2}HBR^{4}}{GM^{2}}\approx\frac{2\times 10^{-6}\beta_{2}B_{15}^{2}R_{10}^{4}}{M_{1.4}^{2}}\times\frac{H}{B}$ (2) for magnetic induction $B=10^{15}B_{15}$ Gauss, stellar radius $R=10R_{10}$ km and mass $M=1.4M_{1.4}M_{\odot}$, where $H/B=1$ for a normal conductor but $H/B>1$ for a type ii superconductor (e.g Jones, 1975; Cutler, 2002; Wasserman, 2003; Henriksson & Wasserman, 2013; Akgün & Wasserman, 2008). The parameter $\beta_{2}$ depends on the structure of the neutron star and of its internal magnetic field, and represents how effectively the magnetic forces cause quadrupolar deformation. The superconductor is type ii as long as $\kappa>1/\sqrt{2}$, which is the case throughout much of the region where protons are superconducting. In a type ii superconductor, magnetic flux is organized into an array of thin flux tubes that have an areal density $eB/\pi\hbar c\approx 5\times 10^{21}B_{15}\,{\rm cm}^{-2}$. If the neutrons are also superfluid their vorticity would be confined into thin vortex lines with a much lower areal density $\mu_{n}\Omega/\pi\hbar\approx 3\times 10^{4}(\mu_{n}/m_{n})/P({\rm s})\,{\rm cm}^{-2}$ for a rotation period $P({\rm s})$ seconds, where $\mu_{n}/m_{n}$ is the neutron chemical potential in units of the neutron rest mass. Unless the relative velocity between flux lines and vortex lines is big enough, which may be true if the precession amplitude remains sufficiently large (Link & Cutler, 2002), vortex lines will pin to flux lines (Link, 2003), which frustrates slow precession (Shaham, 1977). This problem can be avoided entirely if the core of the neutron star is hot enough that neutrons remain normal: neutron gaps are $\sim 10-100\,{\rm keV}\simeq 10^{8-9}\,{\rm K}$ (Zuo et al., 2008; Gezerlis et al., 2014; Dong et al., 2017; Guo et al., 2019). Calculations by Potekhin & Chabrier (2018) indicate that the core of a magnetar may cool below ${\rm a\,few}\times 10^{8}{\rm K}$ within $\lesssim 100$ years of forming, so neutrons may be normal in some but not all of the core of a $\lesssim 100$ year old magnetar unless the maximum neutron critical temperature in the core is lower than current estimates. But even a moderately small region where protons and neutrons are both superfluid could have an important impact on neutron star precession: for a precession period $P_{p}({\rm d})$ days the moment of inertia $I_{p}$ of any region in the core where vortices are pinned to proton flux tubes must be $\lesssim P/P_{p}\simeq 10^{-5}P({\rm s})/P_{p}({\rm d})$ times the total moment of inertia of the star (Shaham, 1977). Here, we assume that the magnetic field in the core is strong enough to suppress superconductivity entirely. This means that we suppose that the total magnetic field strength $B=H>H_{{\rm c}2}$ throughout all of the core. For this to be true, the internal field strength must be at least comparable to and probably larger than the dipole magnetic field at the stellar surface. This may be achieved if there are substantial non-dipolar components of the internal magnetic field, particularly toroidal components (e.g. Cutler, 2002). Akgün et al. (2013) found stable, axisymmetric equilibria with toroidal fields $\lesssim 100$ times stronger than the poloidal fields. The deformation due to toroidal fields can be axisymmetric, but if so is prolate rather than oblate. Vortex line pinning may also be a problem in the neutron star crust, where neutron pairing is S-wave and superfluid gaps are larger, $\sim{\rm MeV}$ (Gezerlis et al., 2014); neutrons are likely to be superfluid down to densities close to neutron drip for temperatures $\sim{\rm a\,few}\times 10^{8}$K (Potekhin & Chabrier, 2018). Unpinning and repinning of neutron superfluid vortices to crustal nuclei have long been thought to be responsible for the behavior of pulsar spins during and after rotational glitches (Anderson & Itoh, 1975; Anderson et al., 1982; Alpar et al., 1984; Link et al., 1993). Strong magnetic fields alter the equation of state because the degenerate electron gas becomes one dimensional once $\frac{p_{F}}{m_{e}c}\lesssim\sqrt{\frac{2eB\hbar}{m_{e}^{2}c^{3}}}=6.7\sqrt{B_{15}}~{};$ the equation of state of the inner crust is largely unaffected for $B\lesssim 10^{17}$ Gauss, although it stiffens considerably in the outer crust (Mutafchieva et al., 2019). The crust ought to crystallize except at low densities for temperatures $\lesssim{\rm a\,few}\times 10^{9}\,{\rm K}$ (Carreau et al., 2020). Neutron star precession can only persist in spite of potential pinning of neutron superfluid vortex lines to crustal nuclei or pasta phases (Ravenhall et al., 1983; Hashimoto et al., 1984; Lorenz et al., 1993) if the sustained precession amplitude is large enough (Link & Cutler, 2002). The complex topology of the nuclear pasta revealed by molecular dynamics simulations (Schneider et al., 2018) could complicate pinning. There are two other effects of superstrong crustal magnetic fields that should alter the physical conditions there, perhaps enabling precession to occur. One effect is to shatter the crystalline crust, which can happen if $B^{2}/8\pi>\mu_{\rm el}$, where $\mu_{\rm el}$ is the elastic shear modulus. Molecular dynamics simulations by Caplan et al. (2018) indicate that the shear modulus of nuclear pasta is $\lesssim 10^{31}{\rm erg}\,{\rm cm}^{-3}\equiv(1.6\times 10^{16}{\rm Gauss})^{2}/8\pi$, so crustal magnetic fields $\gtrsim 10^{16}$ Gauss would shatter the crust. (See also Pethick & Potekhin 1998). A second possibility presents itself for magnetic fields larger than the Clogston-Chandrasekhar limiting field strength (Clogston, 1962; Chandrasekhar, 1962) $B_{\rm CC}=\frac{\Delta_{n}}{\mu_{n}\sqrt{2}}\approx 1.2\times 10^{17}\Delta_{n}({\rm MeV})~{}{\rm Gauss}$ (3) above which flipping the spin of one neutron can break a S-wave Cooper pair; here $\Delta_{n}$ is the neutron gap and $\mu_{n}$ is the neutron magnetic moment. For such large magnetic field strengths, the uniform S-wave BCS superfluid condensate transitions to an inhomogeneous LOFF state (Larkin & Ovchinnikov, 1974; Fulde & Ferrell, 1964; Kinnunen et al., 2018). Although the implications of such states in the crust have not been explored extensively, it is conceivable that the inhomogeneous LOFF state behaves more like a crystal than a (super)fluid, which may permit precession to occur (Lee et al., 2018). Moreover, somewhat weaker magnetic fields may destroy the predominantly P-wave superfluidity of core neutrons for which $\Delta_{n}\lesssim 100$ keV (e.g. Haskell & Sedrakian, 2018). In any event, we conclude that magnetic fields stronger than about $10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$ are necessary for slow precession. However, the precession period is of order $P_{p}\sim\frac{P}{\epsilon_{\rm mag}}\sim\frac{100\,{\rm d}\,P({\rm s})}{10^{7}\epsilon_{\rm mag}}$ (4) which, in view of Eq. (2), suggests a quadrupolar deformation corresponding to $B\sim 10^{14}-10^{15}\,{\rm Gauss}$ for FRB 121102 and FRB 180916.J0158+65, which is too weak to prevent superconductivity of core protons according to Eq. (1). We therefore propose that the magnetic fields inside these magnetars consist of three components: 1. 1. a dipole field with characteristic strength $B_{D}\sim 10^{14}\,{\rm Gauss}$; 2. 2. a quadurpolar field with characteristic strength $B_{T}\sim(10^{15}-10^{16})\,{\rm Gauss}$ and a symmetry axis misaligned with the dipole moment; 3. 3. a disordered magnetic field with characteristic strength $B_{\rm turb}\sim 10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$ strong enough to suppress superconductivity but with large scale stresses that do not contribute significantly to the quadrupolar deformation of the star. The spindown timescale in this model is of order $t_{\rm sd}=\frac{I_{0}c^{3}P^{2}}{4\pi^{2}B_{D}^{2}R^{6}}\approx\frac{2\times 10^{3}\,{\rm y}\,I_{0,45}[P({\rm s})]^{2}}{B_{D,14}^{2}R_{10}^{6}}$ (5) where $I_{0}=10^{45}I_{0,45}\,{\rm g}{\rm cm}^{2}$ is the moment of inertia of the star and $B_{D}=10^{14}B_{D,14}\,{\rm Gauss}$; the expected ratio of spindown timescale to precession period is $\frac{t_{\rm sd}}{P_{p}}=\left(\frac{c^{3}P}{4\pi^{2}GM}\right)\left(\frac{B}{B_{D}}\right)^{2}\left(\frac{I_{0}}{MR^{2}}\right)\simeq\frac{7\times 10^{4}\,P({\rm s})}{M_{1.4}}\left(\frac{B}{10B_{D}}\right)^{2}\left(\frac{I_{0}}{0.2MR^{2}}\right)~{}$ (6) so spindown is very slow compared with precession. Below, we shall also suggest that $B_{\rm turb}$ decays via ambipolar diffusion within $\sim 100-1000$ years. That would mean that if FRB 121102 and FRB 180916.J0158+65 have $P\simeq 10\,{\rm s}$ they are both younger than their spindown ages and spinning close to their original rotational frequencies. However if they are spinning faster, with $P\simeq 1\,{\rm s}$ then they might be about as old as their spindown ages, have quadurpolar distortions $\epsilon_{\rm mag}\sim 10^{-7}$, and be of order halfway through their lifetimes as precessing neutron stars. ### 2.2 Magnetic Precession In this paper, we consider triaxial magnetic distortions that may be far from oblate. We shall see that such configurations lead to qualitatively new features for neutron star precession that may have distinctive observable consequences. Precession of a fluid star caused by magnetic distortions differs qualitatively from solid body precession even though mathematically the two are the same. The inevitability of precession for stars with non- aligned spin and magnetic fields was originally pointed out by Spitzer (1958), and was studied extensively by Mestel and collaborators (Mestel & Takhar, 1972; Mestel et al., 1981; Nittmann & Wood, 1981). These studies also found that there are slow, internal nonrigid motions in addition to uniform rotation which have been studied recently by Lander & Jones (2017) for neutron stars with toroidal magnetic fields. Below, we neglect these motions, which are second order in small quantities although we recognize that they may be significant for magnetic field evolution. In a rotating, highly magnetic fluid the matter density is perturbed away from spherical symmetry. The moment of inertia tensor of the star only depends on the $l=2$ perturbations: $I_{ij}=I_{0}\left[\delta_{ij}+\epsilon_{\rm rot}\left(\text@frac{1}{3}\delta_{ij}-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\Omega}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\Omega}}$}}_{j}\right)+\epsilon_{\rm mag}m_{ij}\right]$ (7) where rotation is along the ${\hat{\Omega}}$ direction, $\epsilon_{\rm rot}$ and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ are the amplitudes of the $l=2$ distortions due to rotation and magnetic fields, respectively, and $m_{ij}$ is symmetric and trace free (STF). The stellar angular momentum is $L_{i}=I_{ij}\Omega_{j}=I_{0}\left[\left(1-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm rot}}{3}\right)\Omega_{i}+\epsilon_{\rm mag}m_{ij}\Omega_{j}\right]\equiv I_{0}^{\prime}\left(\delta_{ij}+\epsilon_{\rm mag}^{\prime}m_{ij}\right)\Omega_{j}~{},$ (8) where we use the summation convention. Since $\epsilon_{\rm mag}^{\prime}=\epsilon_{\rm mag}[1+{\mathscr{O}}(\epsilon_{\rm rot})]$ we ignore the difference between $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}^{\prime}$ below. Invert Eq. (8) to get $\Omega_{j}=L_{i}(\delta_{ij}-\epsilon_{\rm mag}m_{ij})/I_{0}^{\prime}$ to first order in small quantities. Since $\epsilon_{\rm mag}m_{ij}$ is STF $\epsilon_{\rm mag}m_{ij}=-\frac{\epsilon}{2}\left(\delta_{ij}-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3,i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3,j}\right)+\epsilon{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3,i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3,j}+\Delta\epsilon({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1,i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1,j}-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2,i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2,i})~{};$ (9) for an axisymmetric magnetic field $\Delta\epsilon=0$ but we regard this case as exceptional (although Spitzer (1958) and Mestel & Takhar (1972) and subsequent work focused on this situation). Since ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}$ is fixed in the rotating frame of reference $\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}}{dt}=\left(1-\frac{\epsilon}{2}\right)\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath$L$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}}{I_{0}^{\prime}}-\frac{\Delta\epsilon(L_{1}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}+L_{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1})}{I_{0}^{\prime}}\quad~{}\Rightarrow~{}\frac{d({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$L$}})}{dt}=-\frac{2\Delta\epsilon L_{1}L_{2}}{I_{0}^{\prime}}$ (10) in the inertial frame. If the star is axisymmetric, precession is about the magnetic field axis of symmetry, as is well-known (e.g. Spitzer, 1958; Goldreich, 1970; Mestel & Takhar, 1972), but this is untrue for the more general non-axisymmetric case, where precession is more complicated. For the intense magnetic fields we envision, the main cause of quadrupolar deformations are magnetic stresses. Even in non-barotropic stars, the magnetic field configurations that give rise to static deformations are highly constrained (Glampedakis & Lasky, 2016). In such a star, the static structure is perturbed away from spherical symmetry by the Lorentz force density $\mbox{\boldmath{$f$}}_{L}$; to linear order $0=-{\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}}\delta P+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{r}}$}}g_{0}(r)\delta\rho-\rho_{0}(r){\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}}{\delta\Psi}+\mbox{\boldmath{$f$}}_{L}+\mbox{\boldmath{$f$}}_{NF}$ (11) where $g_{0}(r)=-GM(r)/r^{2}$ is the gravitational acceleration in the unperturbed star, $\delta P({\mbox{\boldmath$r$}})$ is the pressure perturbation. $\mbox{\boldmath{$f$}}_{NF}$ is due to non-fluid forces, and ${\delta\Psi}$ is the gravitational potential of the perturbation. In the neutron star core, where $\mbox{\boldmath{$f$}}_{NF}=0$, axisymmetric static perturbations require that the toroidal field is ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{T}=B_{T}(r,\theta){\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\varphi}}$}}=\frac{f(\psi){\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\varphi}}$}}}{r\sin\theta}$ where $\psi(r,\theta)$ is the flux function of the poloidal field ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{P}=\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}}\psi{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\varphi}}$}}}{r\sin\theta}~{},$ but for nonaxisymmetric fields $f^{\prime}(\psi)={\rm constant}$ (Glampedakis & Lasky, 2016). Assuming that this restriction holds, Eq. (11) is easy to solve in a non-barotropic star, where $\delta P$ and $\delta\rho$ are unrelated. Lasky & Melatos (2013) considered a specific example of a nonaxisymmetric field with dipole and toroidal fields that have different axes of symmetry ${\hat{\mu}}$ and ${\hat{t}}$, respectively, that lead to static deformations of the star. Below, we use a slightly different model for the dipole and toroidal fields, and also include a disordered component. Assuming that the quadrupolar deformation due to the disordered component is relatively small, magnetic forces due to the ordered dipole and toroidal fields result in a perturbed moment of inertia tensor $\delta I_{ij}=q_{T}\left(\frac{\delta_{ij}}{3}-{\mbox{\boldmath{${\hat{t}}$}}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath{${\hat{t}}$}}}_{j}\right)+q_{D}\left({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}-\frac{\delta_{ij}}{3}\right)~{}.$ (12) Both $q_{T}$ and $q_{D}$ are positive, and it follows that the toroidal field promotes prolate deformations relative to a symmetry axis ${\hat{t}}$ whereas the dipole field promotes oblate deformations relative to a symmetry axis ${\hat{\mu}}$. If we assume that ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}=\cos\beta\mbox{\boldmath{${\hat{t}}$}}+\sin\beta{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{u}}$}}$ (13) in a right-handed ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{u}}$}},\,\mbox{\boldmath{${\hat{v}}$}},\,\mbox{\boldmath{${\hat{t}}$}}$ coordinate system then we find that the eigenvalues of $\delta I_{ij}$ are $\lambda_{\pm}=q_{T}\left[-\frac{1-d}{6}\pm\sqrt{\left(\frac{1-d}{2}\right)^{2}+d\sin^{2}\beta}\,\right]~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\lambda_{v}=\frac{q_{T}(1-d)}{3}$ (14) where we have defined $q_{D}=dq_{T}$. For the dipole field, we adopt a stream function $\psi=B_{D}h(r/R)r^{2}[1-({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{r}}$}})^{2}]$ (15) where the dimensionless function is $h(x)=\frac{m(x)}{x^{3}}~{}$ (16) for a mass profile $M(r)=Mm(r/R)$. The magnetic field matches smoothly to an exterior vacuum dipole provided that both $\rho=0$ and $d\rho/dr=0$ at the stellar surface. Typically, the poloidal magnetic field vanishes somewhere along its equator, and is prone to instability there. In the Cowling approximation we find that $q_{D}=\frac{2\mu^{2}}{GM}=\frac{2B_{D}^{2}R^{6}}{GM}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}[{\rm Cowling}]$ (17) independent of the detailed density profile of the star, but including self- gravity changes $q_{D}$ by a factor $\sim 2$. The toroidal field must vanish at the surface of the star in order to match to a vacuum exterior. (The toroidal fields in a pulsar magnetosphere are much weaker than the internal toroidal fields we consider here.) For $f^{\prime}(\psi)={\rm constant}$ in the neutron star core, this important constraint can be satisfied in two ways that lead to very different values of $q_{T}$. 1. 1. The toroidal field may fill the core, ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{T}=\frac{B_{T}rh(r/R)\sin\theta{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\varphi}}$}}}{R}=\frac{B_{T}m(x)\sin\theta{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\varphi}}$}}}{x^{2}}$ (18) and plunge to zero in a thin boundary region where $\mbox{\boldmath{$f$}}_{NF}$ may be nonzero, thus loosening constraints on ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{T}$, even if the crust is damaged severely by its strong magnetic field. The value of $q_{T}$ depends on the density profile; we adopt $\rho(r)=\rho(0)\left(1-x^{2}\right)^{2}~{}\Rightarrow~{}m(x)=\frac{35x^{3}}{8}-\frac{21x^{5}}{4}+\frac{15x^{7}}{8}~{}{\rm and}~{}I_{0}=\frac{2MR^{2}}{9}$ (19) where $I_{0}$ is the moment of inertia of the spherical star; for this particular density profile including self gravity implies $q_{D}\simeq\frac{3.19B_{D}^{2}R^{6}}{GM}~{}\Rightarrow~{}\epsilon_{{\rm mag},D}\simeq\frac{14.36B_{D}^{2}R^{4}}{GM^{2}}~{}.$ (20) To zeroth order in the shell thickness $q_{T}=\frac{0.237B_{T}^{2}R^{6}}{GM}=\frac{0.188\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle R^{6}}{GM}~{}\Rightarrow~{}\epsilon_{{\rm mag},T}=\frac{0.845B_{T}^{2}R^{4}}{GM^{2}}$ (21) for this model, where $\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle=1.26B_{T}^{2}$ is the mean square toroidal field strength. The thin shell contributes about half of the deformation, which may be unrealistic, so actual values could be as small as half as large. 2. 2. The toroidal field may be confined to a limited valume if instead of Eq. (18) ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{T}=B_{T}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\varphi}}$}}\left[\frac{m(x)\sin\theta}{x^{2}}-\frac{1}{x\sin\theta}\right]\Theta\left(\frac{m(x)\sin\theta}{x^{2}}-\frac{1}{x\sin\theta}\right)~{},$ (22) which is the model used by Lasky & Melatos (2013). (See also Akgün et al. (2013), who introduced models of this type in their study of magnetic stability in axisymmetry.) The field only occupies about 21% of the stellar volume, and has a mean square $\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle=0.01B_{T}^{2}$ within this volume. In this case $q_{T}=\frac{3.53\times 10^{-4}B_{T}^{2}R^{6}}{GM}=\frac{3.53\times 10^{-2}\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle R^{6}}{GM}~{}\Rightarrow~{}\epsilon_{{\rm mag},T}=\frac{1.59\times 10^{-1}\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle R^{4}}{GM^{2}}~{}.$ (23) The quadrupole moment for this model is diminished severely because it is confined to such a small volume. 3. 3. Interpreting these two models as extremes for quadrupolar distortion due to toroidal fields we estimate $q_{T}\simeq\frac{(0.04-0.2)\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle R^{6}}{GM}$ (24) and therefore $d=\frac{q_{D}}{q_{T}}\simeq\frac{(20-100)B_{D}^{2}}{\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle}=\frac{(0.2-1)(10B_{D})^{2}}{\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle}~{}.$ (25) Thus, $d\lesssim 1$ and may even be $\ll 1$; the quadrupolar distortions arising from ordered field are significantly triaxial, and very likely prolate. If the toroidal field occupies a small volume, as for Eq. (22), then no matter how large $\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle$ is the field will be incapable of suppressing proton superconductivity everywhere. Even if the field occupies much of the star, as in Eq. (18), it may not be strong enough to exceed $H_{{\rm c}2}$ even if it is much stronger than $B_{D}$. Moreover, as noted above ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{P}$ is prone to instability in this model. Although the toroidal field represented by Eq. (22) can prevent the instability in axisymmetry if $\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle$ is large enough (Akgün et al., 2013) we doubt that the tilted dipole model is stable (${\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{T}\parallel{\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{P}$ for both Eqs. (22) and (18) in axisymmetry but not in the tilted dipole model.) For these reasons we conclude that a precessing neutron star with internal fields that are stable on short timescales ought to include a disordered component for with characteristic local field strength $B_{\rm turb}>\sqrt{\langle B_{T}^{2}\rangle}>B_{D}$. The disordered field may be a remnant of the violent process that generated the strong internal magnetic fields (Thompson & Duncan, 1993; Braithwaite, 2009). The turbulent magnetic field is ${\mbox{\boldmath$B$}}_{\rm turb}={\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}}N_{1}({\mbox{\boldmath$x$}}){\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\nabla$}}N_{2}({\mbox{\boldmath$x$}})$ (26) where the scalar functions $N_{i}({\mbox{\boldmath$x$}})$ are constant along field lines and are advected with the fluid in the limit of perfect conductivity. We can think of $N_{i}$ as a pair of comoving field line labels. We assume that the turbulence is small scale locally but with a large scale bias, so that we can expand $N_{i}({\mbox{\boldmath$x$}})=\frac{1}{\sqrt{V}}\sum_{{\mbox{\boldmath${k}$}}}S_{i}(\epsilon{\mbox{\boldmath$x$}},k)\exp[i({\mbox{\boldmath${k}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$x$}})+i\psi_{i}({\mbox{\boldmath${k}$}})]$ (27) where $S_{i}(\epsilon{\mbox{\boldmath$x$}},k)$ is a spectral function and $\epsilon$ is the ratio of the small scale that characterizes the local turbulence and the large scale that characterizes the bias; $V$ is a normalization volume and $\psi_{i}({\mbox{\boldmath${k}$}})$ is a random phase. If we assume that $\psi_{1}({\mbox{\boldmath${k}$}})=\psi_{2}({\mbox{\boldmath${k}$}})$, which is plausible if the turbulent field results from fluid motions that stretch, twist and fold individual field lines, then Eq. (26) has a mean value $\sim\epsilon^{2}$ times the characteristic local field amplitude, and there are magnetic forces $\sim\epsilon$ (corresponding to gradient of turbulent magnetic pressure), $\sim\epsilon^{3}$ and $\sim\epsilon^{5}$ (corresponding to the mean field). We assume that the local field is strong enough to destroy superconductivity, but that the forces are too weak to have much effect on quadrupolar deformation. However, we do hope that the stresses can act as deus ex machina to stabilize the ordered fields. Magnetic fields in the core of a highly magnetic neutron star containing normal neutrons and protons decay via ambipolar diffusion: Reisenegger & Goldreich (1992) estimate a decay timescale $t_{\rm ambip}(L)\sim\frac{220\,{\rm y}\,(20Y)(T_{8}/3)^{2}[L({\rm km})]^{2}(n_{b}/n_{\rm nuc})^{2/3}}{B_{16}^{2}(L)}~{},$ (28) for field varying on a length scale $L({\rm km})$ km, where $n_{b}$ is baryon density, $n_{\rm nuc}=0.16\,{\rm fm}^{-3}$ is nuclear density, $Yn_{b}$ is the proton density, and $T=10^{8}T_{8}$. (See also Glampedakis et al. (2011), Passamonti et al. (2017) and Gusakov et al. (2017), Fig. 1.) Neutron superfluidity would increase the decay time but as long as the core temperature is as high as $\sim{\rm a\,few}\times 10^{8}$ K the normal neutron fraction will be considerable in much of the core, and Eq. (28) remains true within a factor of an order of magnitude or less. (Field decay heats the core, but given the steep $T$ dependence of neutrino cooling the core temperature is not changed substantially.) The tangled component will decay on a timscale that depends on its fluctuation spectrum: if $B^{2}(L)\propto L^{\alpha}$ the decay timescale $t_{\rm ambip}(L)\propto L^{2-\alpha}$, which implies faster decay on smaller scales for $\alpha<2$ and vice-versa; theories of fully developed magnetic turbulence generally find $\alpha<1$ (Iroshnikov, 1963; Kraichnan, 1965; Goldreich & Sridhar, 1995). Plausibly, the tangled field decays away in a time $\lesssim 10^{3}$ y, after which substantial portions of the magnetar core become superconducting, which limits the time span during which a magnetar may precess slowly. The larger scale ordered fields also decay as long as core protons are normal but since $L({\rm km})\simeq 10$ for these fields they may survive relatively undiminished until protons become superconducting, after which ambipolar diffusion becomes ineffective. Ambipolar diffusion in the crust is suppressed by neutron superfluidity. Magnetic field evolution in a magnetar crust involves an interplay among the Hall effect, Ohmic dissipation and plastic flow (Lander & Gourgouliatos, 2019; Li et al., 2016), involving instabilities on timescales $\sim 10^{3}\,{\rm y}$ (Gourgouliatos & Pons, 2020) and possibly evolution toward an attractor solution on timescales $\sim 10^{5}\,{\rm y}$ (Gourgouliatos & Cumming, 2014b, a). (The effect of Landau quantization of crustal electrons on magnetar magnetic field evolution, which may be substantial, is being included for the first time in a forthcoming paper by Rau, P. B. & Wasserman (2021).) ### 2.3 Triaxial Precession Conservation of angular momentum is $\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath$L$}}}{dt}=\frac{d^{\star}{\mbox{\boldmath$L$}}}{dt}+{\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$L$}}={\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}$ (29) where $L$ is the angular momentum and $N$ is the spindown torque; $d^{\star}/dt$ is time derivative in rotating frame. Substitute ${\mbox{\boldmath$L$}}=L{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}$ where $L=|{\mbox{\boldmath$L$}}|$ to get $\frac{dL}{dt}=\frac{d^{\star}L}{dt}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}\equiv N_{\parallel}~{},$ (30) and $\frac{d^{\star}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}}{dt}+{\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}=\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}}{L}\equiv\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}_{\perp}}{L}~{}.$ (31) For the spindown torque we adopt $\displaystyle{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}=-\frac{k\mu^{2}\Omega^{2}}{c^{3}}\left({\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}-a{\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\right)~{}\Rightarrow~{}N_{\parallel}=-\frac{k\mu^{2}\Omega^{2}}{c^{3}}\left({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}-a{\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\right)$ (32) where $\mu$ is the magnetic moment of the star, $k$ and $a$ are numerical constants $\sim 1$; for numerical evaluations we adopt $k=2$ and $a=1/2$, which corresponds to a rate of energy loss ${\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}=(\mu^{2}\Omega^{4}/c^{3})(1+\sin^{2}\theta)$ where $cos\theta={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\Omega}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}$ (Li et al., 2012). (The same spindown model was used in Akgün et al. (2006).) The angular velocity of rotation is ${\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}=L\left(\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}\hat{\ell}_{1}}{I_{1}}+\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}\hat{\ell}_{2}}{I_{2}}+\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}\hat{\ell}_{3}}{I_{3}}\right)=\frac{L}{I_{3}}\left[\frac{I_{3}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}\hat{\ell}_{1}}{I_{1}}+\frac{I_{3}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}\hat{\ell}_{2}}{I_{2}}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}\hat{\ell}_{3}\right]$ (33) where $I_{3}>I_{2}>I_{1}$ are the moments of inertia along the principal axes of the quadrupolar distortion; we define a parameter $0<e^{2}<\infty$, which measures the degree of triaxiality, in terms of which $\frac{I_{3}}{I_{2}}=1+\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}}{2+e^{2}},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\frac{I_{3}}{I_{1}}=1+\frac{2(1+e^{2})\epsilon_{\rm mag}}{2+e^{2}},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}e^{2}=\frac{I_{3}(I_{2}-I_{1})}{I_{1}(I_{3}-I_{2})}$ (34) where $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ is given by Eq. (2). Oblate axisymmetric distortions ($I_{1}=I_{2}$) correspond to $e^{2}=0$; prolate axisymmetric distortions ($I_{3}=I_{2}$) correspond to $e^{2}\to\infty$. For the tilted dipole model (see Eq. (14) and Lasky & Melatos, 2013) $e^{2}=\frac{I_{3}(|1-d|\sqrt{1+\Delta}+1-d)}{I_{1}(|1-d|\sqrt{1+\Delta}-(1-d))},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\Delta=\frac{4d\sin^{2}\beta}{(1-d)^{2}}~{}.$ (35) For $d\gg 1~{}\Rightarrow~{}\Delta\simeq 4\sin^{2}\beta/d\ll 1$ the dipole field dominates the quadrupolar distortion and Eq. (35) implies that $e^{2}\simeq\Delta/4\simeq\sin^{2}\beta/d\ll 1$. For $d\ll 1~{}\Rightarrow~{}\Delta\simeq 4d\sin^{2}\beta\ll 1$ the toroidal field dominates the quadrupolar distortion, and Eq. (35) implies that $e^{2}\simeq 4/\Delta=1/d\sin^{2}\beta\gg 1$. For $\beta=0$, the axisymmetric case, $e^{2}=0$ if $d>1$ and $e^{2}=\infty$ for $d<1$. The Euler equations have an exact conservation law ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}^{2}=1$ (36) because ${\hat{\ell}}$ is a unit vector, but there is also an approximate conservation law ${\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}=\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}}{I_{1}}+\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}}{I_{2}}+\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}^{2}}{I_{3}}\equiv\frac{2E_{\rm rot}}{L_{0}^{2}}~{};$ (37) $d^{\star}({\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}})/dt=-{\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}_{\perp}$ so $\Omega$$\cdot$${\hat{\ell}}$ only varies appreciably on a timescale of order $1/\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ times the spindown time. In Eq. (37) the parameter $L_{0}$ is the magnitude of the stellar angular momentum at some reference start time, which could be the time when precession is excited. The Euler equations allow steady state rotation about any of its three principal axes. By combining Eqs. (36) and (37) in three different ways appropriate to perturbation away from each principal axis we find $\displaystyle\frac{E_{\rm rot}}{L_{0}^{2}/2I_{3}}-1=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}[{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}(1+e^{2})+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}]}{2+e^{2}}$ $\displaystyle\frac{E_{\rm rot}}{L_{0}^{2}/2I_{2}}-1=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}e^{2}-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}^{2})}{2+e^{2}+2\epsilon_{\rm mag}}$ $\displaystyle\frac{E_{\rm rot}}{L_{0}^{2}/2I_{1}}-1=-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}[{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}e^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}^{2}(1+e^{2})]}{2+e^{2}+2\epsilon_{\rm mag}(1+e^{2})}~{}.$ (38) Eq. (38) shows that at a given angular momentum, the lowest energy state is rotation about ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}$, the highest is rotation about ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}$ and rotation about ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}$ is intermediate, as is well-known. For axisymmetric oblate precession ($e^{2}=0$) the ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}$ directions are interchangeable, and precession about either one is unstable but stable about the symmetry axis ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}$, but for axisymmetric prolate precession ($e^{2}\to\infty$) the ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}$ directions are interchangeable, and precession is stable about either one and unstable about the symmetry axis ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}$. Below, we will use the first of Eqs. (38) to quantify the second conservation law by defining the energy perturbation above the minimum energy state to be $E_{\rm rot}=\frac{L_{0}^{2}}{2I_{3}}\left[1+\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})}{2+e^{2}}\right]~{}\Rightarrow~{}\delta E_{p}=E_{\rm rot}-\frac{L_{0}^{2}}{2I_{3}}=\frac{L_{0}^{2}\Lambda^{2}\epsilon_{\rm mag}(1+e^{2})}{I_{3}(2+e^{2})}~{},$ (39) where $\delta E_{p}$ is the extra energy associated with precession. Using Eq. (39) we write the conservation law as $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}(1+e^{2})+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}~{}.$ (40) Suppose precession is excited from its minimum energy state by injection of rotational energy $\delta E_{p}=\eta L_{0}^{2}/2I_{3}$. This is consistent with exciting precession with amplitude $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})=\frac{(2+e^{2})\eta}{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}}\equiv\frac{\eta}{\eta_{\rm crit}}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\eta_{\rm crit}=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}}{2+e^{2}}~{}.$ (41) There are then two very different cases depending on how much energy is injected: if $\eta<\eta_{\rm crit}$ then $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})<1$ and if $\eta>\eta_{\rm crit}$ then $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})>1$. We shall treat each of these cases, which have very different properties, separately. Qualitatively, we shall see that $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})<1$ has well defined $e^{2}\to 0$ (axisymmetric, oblate) limiting dynamics whereas $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})>1$ has well defined $e^{2}\to\infty$ (axisymmetric, prolate) limiting dynamics. Since $\epsilon_{\rm mag}\simeq\beta_{2}E_{\rm mag}/E_{\star}$ $\epsilon_{\rm mag}\simeq\frac{\beta_{2}E_{\rm mag}}{E_{\star}}$ (42) where $E_{\rm mag}\sim B^{2}R^{3}$ is the magnetic energy and $E_{\star}\sim GM^{2}/R$ is the binding energy of the neutron star, a more apt comparison is $\frac{\delta E_{p}}{E_{\rm mag}}\simeq\frac{2\beta_{2}\epsilon_{\rm rot}(1+e^{2})\Lambda^{2}}{2+e^{2}}$ (43) where $\epsilon_{\rm rot}=L^{2}/2I_{3}E_{\star}$ is the rotational distortion of the star. For a rotation period $\sim 1$ second we expect $\epsilon_{\rm rot}\sim I\Omega^{2}R/GM^{2}\sim 10^{-7}I_{45}R_{10}^{3}/M_{1.4}[P({\rm s})]^{2}$ so the energy required to excite even high amplitude precession is only a small fraction of the magnetic energy of the star. Even small changes in the magnetic field can engender relatively large amplitude precession. To make this quantitative, suppose that a shearing event in the neutron star distorts the magnetic field changing the moment of inertia of the star from $I$ to ${\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}^{\prime}={\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}+\Delta{\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}$, where $\Delta{\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}$ is STF. The eigenvalues of ${\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}^{\prime}$ are slightly different than those of $I$, and its eigenvectors are rotated relative to the eigenvectors of $I$. If the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors of $I$ are $(I_{i},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i})$, then to lowest order in $||\Delta{\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}||$ the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of ${\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}^{\prime}$ are $I_{i}^{\prime}=I_{i}+\Delta I_{ii}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}^{\prime}\simeq{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}\left(1-\text@frac{1}{2}\sum_{j\neq i}\theta_{ij}^{2}\right)+\sum_{j\neq i}\theta_{ij}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{j}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\theta_{ij}=\frac{\Delta I_{ij}}{I_{i}^{\prime}-I_{j}^{\prime}}~{},$ (44) normalizing the eigenvectors so that ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}^{\prime}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{j}^{\prime}=\delta_{ij}$. Since we expect $\Delta I_{ij}=s_{ij}\epsilon_{\rm mag}$, where $s_{ij}$ is STF with magnitude $\lesssim 1$, and $|I_{i}^{\prime}-I_{j}^{\prime}|\sim\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ the rotations involve angles $\lesssim 1$, not $\sim\epsilon_{\rm mag}\ll 1$. Assuming that $L$ is conserved in the shearing event, its projection along the rotated principal axes of ${\mbox{\boldmath$I$}}^{\prime}$ differs from its projection along $I$. For example, suppose that the star was rotating without any precession at all along ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}$, the axis of largest moment of inertia, prior to the shearing event; then afterwards ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}\simeq{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}^{\prime}\theta_{13}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}^{\prime}\theta_{23}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}^{\prime}\left[1-\text@frac{1}{2}\left(\theta_{13}^{2}+\theta_{23}^{2}\right)\right]~{},$ (45) and the star will precess. If angular momentum is conserved as the field rearranges itself, then the angular velocity changes during the shearing event by $\Delta\Omega_{i}=-\frac{\Delta I_{ij}\Omega_{j}}{I_{i}}$ working in the reference frame where $I$ is diagonal. The associated change in rotational energy is $\Delta E_{\rm rot}=L_{i}\Delta\Omega_{i}=-\frac{L_{i}\Delta I_{ij}\Omega_{j}}{I_{i}}=-\Omega_{i}\Delta I_{ij}\Omega_{j}=-\epsilon_{\rm mag}\Omega_{i}s_{ij}\Omega_{j}~{}.$ (46) $\Delta E_{\rm rot}$ might be negative or positive, and is not equal to the extra energy in precession above the minimum energy state corresponding to rotation about ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}^{\prime}$, in part because the magnitude of the angular velocity changes as a result of the shearing event. In rough order of magnitude $|\delta E_{\rm rot}|\lesssim\epsilon_{\rm rot}E_{\rm mag}$. Phenomena associated with the spindown torque include a cyclical variation over a precession cycle and a secular torque that develops very slowly compared with the precession period. We discuss these in Sections 2.4 and 2.5 using a perturbative technique similar to Goldreich (1970) but generalized to triaxial precession. To zeroth order, we neglect spindown effects, and Eq. (31) becomes $\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}}{d\phi}=-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}}{2+e^{2}}~{}~{}~{}~{}\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}}{d\phi}=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}(1+e^{2})}{2+e^{2}}~{}~{}~{}~{}\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}}{d\phi}=-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}e^{2}}{2+e^{2}}$ (47) where $d\phi=(L/I_{3})dt$ is differential spin phase. From an observational standpoint, we are most interested in the motion of the direction from the star to the observer, ${\hat{n}}$, in the rotating frame of reference. In the inertial frame, where ${\hat{\ell}}$ is independent of time to lowest order, let ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}=\cos i{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}+\sin i{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{x}~{}.$ (48) To project ${\hat{n}}$ into the rotating frame we use a standard Euler angle rotation (Gottfried, 1966): (i) Rotate angle $\alpha\in[0,2\pi]$ about the 3 axis to get new axes $1^{\prime},2^{\prime},3^{\prime}=3$, (ii) Rotate angle $\beta\in[0,\pi]$ about the $2^{\prime}$ axis to get new axes $1^{\prime\prime},2^{\prime\prime}=2^{\prime},3^{\prime\prime}=z$. (iii) Rotate angle $\gamma\in[0,2\pi]$ about the $3^{\prime\prime}=z$ axis to get the axes $x,y,z$. In terms of the angles $\alpha$, $\beta$ and $\gamma$ we get ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}={\hat{n}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}$ where $\displaystyle{\hat{n}}_{1}=\sin i(\cos\alpha\cos\beta\cos\gamma-\sin\alpha\sin\gamma)-\cos i\cos\alpha\sin\beta$ $\displaystyle{\hat{n}}_{2}=\sin i(\sin\alpha\cos\beta\cos\gamma+\cos\alpha\sin\gamma)-\cos i\sin\alpha\sin\beta$ $\displaystyle{\hat{n}}_{3}=\sin i\cos\gamma\sin\beta+\cos i\cos\beta~{}.$ (49) If we define ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}=\mbox{\boldmath{${\hat{z}}$}}$ in the inertial frame we find that $\cos\beta={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}$ and $\sin\alpha=-\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}}{\sqrt{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}}}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\cos\alpha=-\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}}{\sqrt{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}}}~{}.$ (50) Using $d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}/dt={\mbox{\boldmath$\Omega$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{i}$ for any of the principal axes we find that $\frac{d\gamma}{d\phi}=-1-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}[(1+e^{2}){\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}]}{(2+e^{2})({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2})}=-1-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})}{(2+e^{2})({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2})}$ (51) using Eq. (40). Note that these results can be used for both $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<1$ and $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}>1$. In the rotating frame of reference, ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}=\cos i{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}+\sin i\left({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{a}\cos\gamma+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{b}\sin\gamma\right)$ where ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{a}=({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}){\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}/\sin\beta$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{b}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\times$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}/\sin\beta$ are slowly varying unit vectors perpendicular to ${\hat{\ell}}$; ${\hat{n}}$ rotates rapidly in the retrograde direction in the plane instantaneously perpendicular to ${\hat{\ell}}$. For emission along a beam direction ${\hat{b}}$ the observed intensity depends on ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}=\cos i{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}+\sin i\left({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{a}\cos\gamma+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{b}\sin\gamma\right)~{}.$ Define ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}=\cos\eta_{b}$, ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{a}=\sin\eta_{b}\cos\psi_{b}$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{b}=\sin\eta_{b}\sin\psi_{b}$; then ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}=\cos i\cos\eta_{b}+\sin i\sin\eta_{b}\cos(\gamma-\psi_{b})~{},$ (52) where $\eta_{b}$ and $\psi_{b}$ vary during the precession cycle for a given ${\hat{b}}$. For “pulsar-like” behavior, beam directions are randomly distributed in a narrow cone around a dominant direction. Given unlimited sensitivity, the observed intensity would be nearly periodic, with periodic timing residuals due to precession $\lesssim 1$ radian of spin phase. The amplitude of the rapidly oscillating term in Eq. (52) is $\propto\sin\eta_{b}$, which varies during the precession cycle. Presumably the observed intensity is a decreasing function of ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$, so the observed intensity has extrema when $\frac{d{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}}{d\phi}=0~{},$ (53) which has solutions twice per cycle, only one of which corresponds to the maximum value of ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$. Intrinsic intensity fluctuations and imperfect, time-varying and often unfavorable beaming due to precession turn out to render most pulses undetectable, but nevertheless the spin frequency would be discernible readily in this case. For “stochastic behavior” in which outbursts occur randomly in time with a random distribution of beam directions it is much harder but not impossible to uncover the pulse frequency. If the beams emit into narrow cones, Eq. (52) implies that most outbursts will not be seen but there will be a bias favoring times when ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$ is near one. This bias imprints the effect of fast rotation on the times when outbursts happen, but only weakly, so the spin frequency is only discernible after many bursts have been detected. We develop a specific model for stochastic outbursts in §3. An approximate analytic model that elucidates how information about the spin frequency and precession period is imprinted on the modelled series of burst detection times may be found in Appendix B. Intermediate between these two extreme models would be one in which FRBs occur randomly in time but are triggered by exceptionally narrow beams within a restricted range of possible directions. For an outburst occuring at a particular time, the associated FRB would only be seen if ${\hat{b}}$ is very nearly parallel to ${\hat{n}}$, as determined from Eqs. (49) with Eq. (50), and ${\hat{n}}$ is in the range of allowed beam directions. Table 1: Precession Solutions | $0<\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<1$ | $1<\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<\sqrt{1+e^{2}}$111$\Lambda<1$ is required. ---|---|--- $q$ | $\frac{e\Lambda}{\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}<1$ | $\frac{e\Lambda}{\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}>1$ $\Phi$222Precession phase. $F(\varphi|q)$ and $F(\varphi|1/q)$ are elliptic functions (e.g. Abramowitz & Stegun, 1972) | $F(\varphi(\Phi)|q)=\int_{0}^{\varphi(\Phi)}\frac{d\varphi^{\prime}}{\sqrt{1-q^{2}\sin^{2}\varphi^{\prime}}}$ | $F(\varphi(\Phi)|1/q)=\int_{0}^{\varphi(\Phi)}\frac{d\varphi^{\prime}}{\sqrt{1-\sin^{2}\varphi^{\prime}/q^{2}}}$ $\,{\rm sn}\Phi$ | $\sin[\varphi(\Phi)]$ | $\sin[\varphi(\Phi)]$ $\,{\rm cn}\Phi$ | $\cos[\varphi(\Phi)]$ | $\cos[\varphi(\Phi)]$ $\,{\rm dn}\Phi$ | $\sqrt{1-q^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi}$ | $\sqrt{1-\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi/q^{2}}$ $\Phi_{p,{\rm cyc}}$333Precession phase per precession cycle. | $4F(\pi/2|q)$ | $4F(\pi/2|1/q)$ $d\Phi/d\phi$ | $\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}}{2+e^{2}}=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}e\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}{q(2+e^{2})}$ | $\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}e\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}{2+e^{2}}=\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}q\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}}{2+e^{2}}$ $\phi_{p,{\rm cyc}}$444Spin phase per precession cycle. | $\frac{2(2+e^{2})F(\pi/2|q)}{\epsilon_{\rm mag}\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}}=\frac{2q(2+e^{2})F(\pi/2|q)}{\epsilon_{\rm mag}e\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}$ | $\frac{2(2+e^{2})F(\pi/2|1/q)}{\epsilon_{\rm mag}e\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}=\frac{2(2+e^{2})F(\pi/2|1/q)}{\epsilon_{\rm mag}q\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}}$ ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}$ | $\Lambda\,{\rm cn}\Phi$ | $\Lambda\,{\rm dn}\Phi$ ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}$ | $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}\,{\rm sn}\Phi$ | $\frac{\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}\,{\rm sn}\Phi}{e}=\frac{\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}\,{\rm sn}\Phi}{q}$ ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}$ | $\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}\,{\rm dn}\Phi$ | $\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}\,{\rm cn}\Phi$ $1+\frac{d\gamma}{d\phi}$ | $-\frac{\sqrt{1+e^{2}}d\Phi/d\phi}{\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})}(1+e^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi)}=-\frac{q\sqrt{1+e^{2}}d\Phi/d\phi}{e\Lambda(1+e^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}\phi)}$ | $-\frac{\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}d\Phi/d\phi}{e[\Lambda^{2}+(1-\Lambda^{2})\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi]}=-\frac{\sqrt{1+e^{2}}d\Phi/d\phi}{e\Lambda(1+e^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi/q^{2})}$ | | $=-\frac{\sqrt{1+e^{2}}d\Phi/d\phi}{q\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}(1+e^{2}\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi/q^{2})}$ | $e^{2}=0.0$ (Axisymmetric, Oblate) | $e^{2}=\infty$ (Axisymmetric, Prolate) $d\Phi/d\phi$ | $\epsilon_{\rm mag}\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}$ | $2\epsilon_{\rm mag}\Lambda$ ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{1}$ | $\Lambda\cos\Phi$ | $\Lambda$ ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}$ | $\Lambda\sin\Phi$ | $\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}\,\sin\Phi$ ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{3}$ | $\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}$ | $\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}\,\cos\Phi$ $1+\frac{d\gamma}{d\phi}$ | $-\frac{d\Phi/d\phi}{\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}=-\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ | $-\frac{2\epsilon_{\rm mag}\Lambda^{2}}{\Lambda^{2}+(1-\Lambda^{2})\sin^{2}\Phi}$ Table 1 details the solutions of the Euler equations. Note that the solutions are continuous across the limiting case $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}=1=q$, but because the precession period diverges logarithmically as $q\to 1$ (from either side) the solutions are not really connected physically across $q=1$. There are two different axisymmetric situations, $e^{2}=0$, which is oblate ($I_{1}=I_{2}<I_{3}$), and $e^{2}=\infty$, which is prolate ($I_{3}=I_{2}>I_{1}$); these solutions are listed in Table 1. However, these are singular limiting cases: $q=e\Lambda/\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}$ is identically zero for $e=0$ and any value of $\Lambda\neq 1$ and is infinity for $e=\infty$ for any value of $\Lambda\neq 0$. The ratio of the neutron star spin period $P$ to its precession period $P_{p}$ is $\frac{P}{P_{p}}=\frac{2\pi}{\phi_{p,{\rm cyc}}}=\frac{\pi\epsilon_{\rm mag}e\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}{2+e^{2}}\left\\{\begin{array}[]{l}1/qF(\pi/2|q)~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\,[q<1]\\\ 1/F(\pi/2|1/q)~{}~{}~{}~{}[q>1]\end{array}\right.$ (54) which is plotted in Fig. 1 for various values of $e^{2}$ as a function of $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}$. The smallest values of $P/P_{p}\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ are for $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<1$ and large $e^{2}$, except for the region right around $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}=1$, where $P/\epsilon_{\rm mag}P_{p}\to 0$ for all values of $e^{2}$. Since R1 and R3 both have very long $P_{p}$, Fig. 1 favors models with large values of $e^{2}$, which implies that the toroidal component of magnetic field is significantly larger than the poloidal component, unless the star is fortuitously close to $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}=1$. Figure 1: $P/\epsilon_{\rm mag}P_{p}$ as a function of $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}$ for $e^{2}=0.01,\,0.1,\,1,\,10$ and $100$. ### 2.4 Periodic Timing Residuals from Precession Plus Spindown Here, we derive the equation for $t(\phi)$, the functional dependence of time on spin phase, which we have defined previously as $d\phi=(L/I_{3})dt$; we use Eqs. 30 and 32 to zeroth order in $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ to get $\frac{d\Omega}{d\phi}=-\frac{k\mu^{2}\Omega^{2}[1-a({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}})^{2}]}{Ic^{3}}~{}\Rightarrow~{}\frac{d}{d\phi}\left(\frac{1}{\Omega}\right)=\frac{d^{2}t}{d\phi^{2}}=\frac{k\mu^{2}[1-a({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}})^{2}]}{Ic^{3}}~{}$ (55) where $dt/d\phi=1/\Omega$ and $I_{i}\simeq I$ in this approximation. The solution to Eq. (55) is a continuous function $t(\phi)$ that exhibits the timing residuals due to spindown; for a single beam, which is appropriate for a precessing pulsar, we evaluate at $\\{\phi_{i}\\}$, the discrete set of spin phases where the pulses are beamed toward the observer optimally. The dependence on precession phase arises from $[{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}(\Phi)]^{2}=\sum_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{i}^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{i}^{2}+2\sum_{i\neq j}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{j}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}\Lambda^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}(1-\Lambda^{2})+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}\left(-\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}e^{2}}{1+e^{2}}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}\right)+2\sum_{i\neq j}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{j}~{},$ (56) where we used the conservation laws, Eqs. (36) and (40), to separate out the constant term and isolate the dependence on ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}\propto\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi$. In evaluating $t(\phi)$ we must be careful to isolate secularly growing terms from terms that are periodic over a precession cycle. We write the solution to Eq. (55) succinctly as $\displaystyle t(\phi)=t(0)+\frac{\phi}{\Omega(0)}\left[1-\frac{2ak\mu^{2}\Omega(0)}{Ic^{3}(d\Phi/d\phi)}\sum_{i<j}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}C_{ij}\right]$ $\displaystyle+\frac{k\mu^{2}\phi^{2}}{2Ic^{3}}\left\\{1-a\left[{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}\Lambda^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}(1-\Lambda^{2})+\langle{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}\rangle\left(-\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}e^{2}}{1+e^{2}}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}\right)\right]\right\\}$ $\displaystyle-\frac{ak\mu^{2}}{Ic^{3}(d\Phi/d\phi)^{2}}\left[\left({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}-\frac{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}e^{2}}{1+e^{2}}\right)P_{22}(\Phi)+2\sum_{ij}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{i}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}P_{ij}(\Phi)\right]~{}.$ (57) where $1/\Omega(0)=(dt/d\phi)_{0}$. Coefficents in Eq. (57) are given in Table 2. The various averages and functions in Table 2 are evaluated in Appendix A. For calculations, it is convenient to express $t-t(0)$ in terms of the precession period $P_{p}$. Then $\phi/\Omega(0)P_{p}=\Phi/{\Phi_{p,{\rm cycle}}}$ and the remaining terms all depend on the single nondimensional parameter $\epsilon_{\rm sd}=\frac{\mu^{2}\Omega^{2}(0)P_{p}}{I_{0}c^{3}}=\frac{P_{p}}{t_{\rm sd}}\simeq\frac{2.3\times 10^{-4}B_{D,14}^{2}R_{10}^{4}(P_{p}/100\,{\rm d})}{[P({\rm s})]^{2}M_{1.4}(I_{0}/0.2MR^{2})}~{}$ (58) because Eq. (55) may be written in the form $\frac{d^{2}(t/P_{p})}{d\Phi^{2}}=\frac{k\epsilon_{\rm sd}[1-a({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}})^{2}]}{{\Phi_{p,{\rm cycle}}}^{2}}~{}.$ From Eq. (57) we see that in addition to the apparent frequency shift ${\mathscr{O}}(\epsilon_{\rm mag})$ arising from precession there is another apparent frequency shift ${\mathscr{O}}(\epsilon_{\rm sd})$. Table 2: Coefficients in Timing Model | $q<1$ | $q>1$ ---|---|--- $\langle{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\ell}}$}}_{2}^{2}\rangle$ | $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle$ | $(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+1/e^{2})\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle$ $C_{12}$ | $\frac{\Lambda^{2}\sqrt{1+e^{2}}(1-\langle\,{\rm dn}\Phi\rangle)}{q^{2}}$ | $\Lambda\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+1/e^{2})}$ $C_{13}$ | $0$ | $0$ $C_{23}$ | $\Lambda\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}$ | $q^{2}(1-\Lambda^{2})\sqrt{1+1/e^{2}}(1-\langle\,{\rm dn}\Phi\rangle)$ $P_{12}$ | $\Lambda^{2}\sqrt{1+e^{2}}C_{2}(\Phi|q)$ | $-\Lambda\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+1/e^{2})}C_{4}(\Phi|1/q)$ $P_{13}$ | $\Lambda\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}C_{3}(\Phi|q)$ | $\Lambda\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}C_{3}(\Phi|1/q)$ $P_{23}$ | $-\Lambda\sqrt{(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+e^{2})}C_{4}(\Phi|q)$ | $(1-\Lambda^{2})\sqrt{1+1/e^{2}}C_{2}(\Phi|1/q)$ $P_{22}$ | $\Lambda^{2}(1+e^{2})C_{1}(\Phi|q)$ | $(1-\Lambda^{2})(1+1/e^{2})C_{1}(\Phi|1/q)$ The amplitude of the cyclical terms is of order $\Delta t_{{\rm sd,cyc}}=\epsilon_{\rm sd}P_{p}=\frac{P_{p}^{2}}{t_{\rm sd}}$ (59) and the cyclical shift in pulse phase due to spindown is of order $\Omega(0)\Delta t_{{\rm sd,cyc}}=\frac{2\pi\epsilon_{\rm sd}P_{p}}{P}=\frac{2\pi P_{p}^{2}}{Pt_{\rm sd}}$ (60) which can be large for $\epsilon_{\rm sd}\gtrsim\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}\equiv\frac{P}{P_{p}}\sim\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ (61) (Cordes, 1993). The secular terms $\propto\Phi^{2}$ also become progressively more important for $\epsilon_{\rm sd}>\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}$ and, if large enough, may frustrate searches for the underlying spin period of the precessing magnetar in models based on stochastic outbursts. Eqs. (58) and (61) imply that $\frac{\epsilon_{\rm sd}}{\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}}=\frac{\mu^{2}\Omega^{2}(0)P_{p}^{2}}{I_{0}c^{3}P}=\frac{1.9\times 10^{3}B_{D,14}^{2}R_{10}^{4}(P_{p}/100\,{\rm d})^{2}}{[P({\rm s})]^{3}M_{1.4}(I_{0}/0.2MR^{2})}~{}$ (62) which is between $\sim 5B_{D,14}^{2}$ and $\sim 5000B_{D,14}^{2}$ if $P_{p}=160\,{\rm d}$ (FRB 121102) and between $\sim 0.05B_{D,14}^{2}$ and $\sim 50B_{D,14}^{2}$ if $P_{p}=16.4\,{\rm d}$ (FRB 180916.J0158+65) for $1/P\sim 0.1-1\,{\rm s}^{-1}$. ### 2.5 Secular Evolution of Precession via ${\mbox{\boldmath$N$}}_{\perp}$ We now consider how precession evolves as a consequence of spindown, generalizing Goldreich (1970) to cases with $e^{2}\neq 0$. As in Goldreich (1970) we consider effects to lowest order in $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$. We generalize the solutions to the Euler equations to include slow evolution of the amplitude parameter $\Lambda=\Lambda(\epsilon t)$, as was done by Goldreich (1970), but also include a slowly varying phase shift by replacing $\Phi=(d\Phi/d\phi)\phi$ with ${\tilde{\Phi}}(t)=\Phi+\psi(\epsilon t)$. This phase shift is required for triaxial precession evolving via spindown. Here $\epsilon=ak\mu^{2}(L/I_{3})^{2}/c^{3}I_{3}$ is roughly the inverse spindown time. We assume that the spindown time is long compared with the precession timescale, a necessary condition for a perturbative treatment; this assumption fails at early times, or if $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}\to 1$. We start by considering $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}<1$, which is favored for long precession periods, and is the expected state if precession is excited from rotation about ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}$ with relatively low $\delta E_{p}$. Averaging over precession phase we find $\displaystyle\frac{1}{q}\frac{dq}{dt}=\frac{ak\mu^{2}(L/I_{3})^{2}}{c^{3}I_{3}}\left\\{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}[2-(1+q^{2})\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle]+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}[1+(1-2q^{2})\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle]-(1-q^{2}\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle)\right\\}$ $\displaystyle\frac{d\psi}{dt}=\frac{ak\mu^{2}(L/I_{3})^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}}{c^{3}I_{3}\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}\left[\left\langle\frac{\,{\rm cn}^{2}\Phi}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\right\rangle-(1+e^{2})\left\langle\frac{\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\right\rangle\right]~{}.$ (63) where we used $\frac{dq}{q}=\frac{d\Lambda}{\Lambda}-\frac{d\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}{\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}=\frac{d\Lambda}{\Lambda}+\frac{\Lambda d\Lambda}{1-\Lambda^{2}}=\frac{d\Lambda}{\Lambda(1-\Lambda^{2})}-\frac{d\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}{\Lambda^{2}\sqrt{1-\Lambda^{2}}}~{}.$ (64) Eq. (63) reduces to the results in Goldreich (1970) for $e^{2}=0$, the axisymmetric oblate case, for which $\langle\,{\rm cn}^{2}\Phi\rangle=\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle=\text@frac{1}{2}$ and $\,{\rm dn}\Phi=1$, after replacing $dq/q\to d\Lambda/\Lambda(1-\Lambda^{2})$ using Eq. (64); for that case, there is no phase shift $\psi$.The stability condition implied by the first of Eqs. (63) is more complicated than what was found by Goldreich (1970) for the axisymmetric, oblate case: there is a separatrix that is an ellipse in the ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}-{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}$ plane whose axes depend on $q$, so that, for given values of $e^{2}$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}$ and ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}$, there is a fixed point at a specific value of $q$. Figure 2: Stability boundaries for $q=0$ and $q=1$ and outcomes for secular evolution of $q$. By contrast, for the axisymmetric oblate case, the ellipse degenerates into a circle ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}=\frac{2}{3}$ (65) irrespective of the value of $\Lambda$. In this case, $\Lambda$ grows as long as the magnetic moment configuration of the star is outside this circle. The growth halts once $\Lambda\to 1$, where $d\Lambda/dt$ also goes to zero. Inside the circle, $\Lambda$ decreases, reaching $\Lambda=0$ asymptotically. For the triaxial case $q$ cannot grow beyond $q=1$; since $\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle=1$ for $q=1$, Eq. (63) implies $dq/dt=0$. The stability curve (infinitesimally) close to $q^{2}=1$ is $2{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}=1~{}.$ (66) The two curves intersect at ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}=1/3$; in fact all of the stability boundaries intersect at this point since $\langle\,{\rm cn}^{2}\Phi\rangle=1-\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle$ and $\langle\,{\rm dn}^{2}\Phi\rangle=1-q^{2}\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle$. These two bounding stability lines are depicted in Fig. 2. The stability boundaries for all other values of $q$ are between these two lines, pivoting about their intersection point at ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}=1/3$. Fig. 2 depicts evolution outcomes for various regions in the $\mu_{1}^{2}-\mu_{2}^{2}$ phase plane. The region marked “$q\to 1$” is unconditionally unstable: if precession is excited for $(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ in this region, $q$ grows on the spindown timescale until $q=1$, where growth ceases. Conversely, the region marked “$q\to 0$” is unconditionally stable: if precession is excited for $(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ in this region, $q$ shrinks toward zero on the spindown timescale. In the two triangular regions between the $q=0$ and $q=1$ bounding curves $dq/dt=0$ at $q=q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ for each $(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$. In the region marked “$q\to q_{\rm eq}$,” $dq/dt<0$ for $q>q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ and $dq/dt>0$ for $q<q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$, so if precession is excited in this region $q\to q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ asymptotically as a result of spindown. In the region marked “$q\to 0$ or $1$”, $dq/dt>0$ for $q>q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ so $q\to 1$ asymptotically if precession is excited with $q>q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ and $dq/dt<0$ for $q<q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$ so $q\to 0$ asymptotically if precession is excited with $q<q_{\rm eq}(\mu_{1}^{2},\mu_{2}^{2})$. For precession in the $\Lambda\sqrt{1+e^{2}}>1$ regime we get $\displaystyle-\frac{1}{q}\frac{dq}{dt}=\frac{ak\mu^{2}(L/I_{3})^{2}}{c^{3}I_{3}}\left\\{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}\left[2-\left(1+\frac{1}{q^{2}}\right)\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle\right]+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}^{2}\left[1+\left(1-\frac{2}{q^{2}}\right)\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle\right]-\left(1-\frac{\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle}{q^{2}}\right)\right\\}$ $\displaystyle\frac{d\psi}{dt}=\frac{ak\mu^{2}(L/I_{3})^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{2}e}{c^{3}I_{3}\sqrt{1+e^{2}}}\left[\left\langle\frac{\,{\rm cn}^{2}\Phi}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\right\rangle-\left(1+\frac{1}{e^{2}}\right)\left\langle\frac{\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\right\rangle\right]~{},$ (67) where we used Eq. (64) again. Eq. (67) may be obtained from Eq. (63) with the substitutions ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{1}^{2}\to{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{3}^{2}$, $e^{2}\to 1/e^{2}$ and and $q\to 1/q$. The evolution scenarios for $1/q$ analogous to those for $q$ shown in Fig. 2 may be derived using this mapping. ## 3 Application to Fast Radio Bursts ### 3.1 A Random Burst Model To this point, we have focussed on the combined effects of precession and spindown on observations of emission along a single beam in which emitted intensity is determined entirely by ${\hat{b}}$$\cdot$${\hat{n}}$. For application to FRBs we develop a different model in which multiple beams pointing in random directions fire at random times with random intrinsic intensities. To address these questions we simulate an ideal observing program consisting of daily observations over a total observing time lasting $n_{\rm p,cycle}$ precession cycles. In our idealized observing campaign, each daily observation starts one day after the beginning of the previous one and lasts $f_{\rm obs}$ days (2.4 hours). We assume that bursts occur at a uniform rate throughout the duration of the observing program and that $n_{\rm bursts}$ occur during the total time $f_{\rm obs}n_{\rm p,cycle}P_{p}$ of the observations. We input $P_{p}$ in days, so that the number of observing days is the integer part of $P_{p}$ plus one. We also input the parameters of the precession model, $(\epsilon_{\rm mag},\Lambda,e^{2})$ from which we can compute the spin frequency $\nu_{\star}$. We choose $\gamma(0)$ randomly in the range $[0,2\pi]$. The simulation starts by choosing the set $\\{\Phi_{j}\\}$ of individual burst precession phases; in the absence of spindown the corresponding burst times are $t_{j}=P_{p}\Phi_{j}/{\Phi_{p,{\rm cycle}}}$, and even with spindown included the burst times only differ from these times by ${\mathscr{O}}(\epsilon_{\rm sd})$. For each simulation there are $n_{\rm bursts}$ bursts. Ultimately, only a small fraction of these are detectable. For each $\Phi_{j}$ we next determine a beam direction ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}$ in the rotating frame of reference. We do this relative to a reference beam whose direction we input. In the calculations presented here we assume that this reference direction coincides with the direction of the dipole moment appearing in the spindown formula, ${\hat{\mu}}$. We assume that ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}$ is anywhere between two cones about ${\hat{\mu}}$ defined by $\cos\theta_{\rm min}\leq{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\leq\cos\theta_{\rm max}$, adopting a uniform distribution for ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}$ over this range and a uniform direction of azimuthal angles in $[0,2\pi]$. We could, of course, choose a different reference direction or multiple reference directions among which bursts may switch. As should already be apparent, there are many parameters in this model, and choosing a single reference direction simplifies the calculation somewhat. Our model does allow the reference direction to switch to a different one with a probability $p_{\rm flip}=1-f_{\rm no\,flip}$, but the results reported here are for $p_{\rm flip}=0$. The next step is to compute ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}$ for each outburst. We do this by computing ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi_{j})$ in the rotating frame of reference from Eq. (52). This requires choosing a value of the inclination angle $i$ defined in Eq. (48), which we input. Once we have the value of ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi_{j})\equiv{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}_{j}$ for a given outburst we can decide whether or not that outburst is detectable. As a first cut, we discard all bursts for which ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}_{j}<0$ since these point away from the observer. Because we assume that each beam has a FWHM $\theta_{\rm FWHM}$ we may be discarding some bursts that could be detectable, in principle, but as long as $\theta_{\rm FWHM}$ is not too large we expect that this is not an important source of inaccuracy in our conclusions. We do not discard beams that would be eclipsed by the neutron star. To do that we would need to specify the radius $r_{b}$ from which emission originates for beam $b$; eclipses could occur for $\cos\theta_{b}<0$ and $\pi-\theta_{b}\lesssim R/r_{b}$. In most of our simulations we restrtict $\cos\theta_{b}\geq 0$. We assume a Gaussian emission pattern for each beam with an intrinsic intensity $I_{j}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}})=I_{j}(1)\exp[\kappa({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}_{j}-1)]$ (68) where, if the FWHM of the beam is $\theta_{\rm FWHM}$, $\kappa=\frac{\ln 2}{1-\cos(\text@frac{1}{2}\theta_{\rm FWHM})}~{};$ (69) $I_{j}(1)$ is the peak intensity for outburst $j$ and $\int_{0}^{1}d\mu I_{j}(\mu)=\frac{2\pi I_{j}(1)[1-\exp(-\kappa)]}{\kappa}$ (70) is the total intensity of the beam integrated over directions. Eq. (68) would be the final answer if all outbursts were equally intense intrinsically, but in general we expect a distribution of $I_{j}(1)$. To model this, we input a range of intrinsic intensities, and assume that the distribution of intrinsic intensities $I_{j}(1)$ is uniform in $\ln I_{j}(1)$ over the corresponding logarithmic range with a mean value of one. (In this model we could choose a different mean value, but this would just introduce a multiplicative factor in each value of $I_{j}(1)$.) After selecting $\ln I_{j}(1)$ at random from this distribution we evaluate $I_{j}$ using Eq. (68). Given $\\{I_{j}\\}$ we can find the maximum value $I_{\rm max}$. We assume that only bursts greater than $I_{\rm min}=I_{\rm max}\times(I_{\rm min}/I_{\rm max})$ are detectable, where $I_{\rm min}/I_{\rm max}$ is another input parameter. We then have the sets $\\{\Phi_{j}\\}$ and $\\{I_{j}/I_{\rm max}\\}$ for the bursts. The latter can immediately be turned into a plot of number of detected bursts per (daily) observing session versus precession phase, which provides a simple visual indication of whether the data reveal or conceal the precession period. The same data can be plotted as a cumulative distribution of observed burst intensities which we shall see is different from the inputted distribution of intrinsic burst intensities. The final step in our calculations is to determine conditions under which the spin frequency ought to be detected. We do this by computing ${\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})=\sum_{j}w_{j}\exp[2\pi i\nu_{\star}t(\Phi_{j})]$ (71) where $\nu_{\star}=\Omega(0)/2\pi$ is the (initial) spin frequency of the star and $t(\Phi_{j})$ is computed from Eq. (57) for selected values of $\epsilon_{\rm sd}$. In Eq. (71) $\\{w_{j}\\}$ is a set of weights assigned to each detected burst. To assess the evidence for a given $\nu$ we compute $|D(\nu)|$. For totally uncorrelated $t_{j}$ $\left\langle|\hat{D}(\nu_{\star})|^{2}\right\rangle_{\rm uncorrelated}=\sum_{j}w_{j}^{2}$ (72) so we normalize the computed values: $|\hat{D}(\nu_{\star})|_{\rm normalized}\equiv\frac{|\hat{D}(\nu_{\star})|}{\sqrt{\left\langle|\hat{D}(\nu_{\star})|^{2}\right\rangle_{\rm uncorrelated}}}~{}.$ (73) In our calculations we weight each term in Eq. (71) equally, so that $w_{j}=1/N_{\rm bursts}$ for $N_{\rm bursts}$ detected bursts; with this choice $\langle|D(\nu)|^{2}\rangle_{\rm uncorrelated}=1/N_{\rm bursts}$, and $|\hat{D}(\nu_{\star})|_{\rm normalized}\equiv|{\hat{D}(\nu_{\star})}|\sqrt{N_{\rm bursts}}~{}.$ (74) Another plausible choice for $w_{j}$ would be $I_{j}/I_{\rm max}$. If the burst times are precisely periodic then $|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})|=1$ and $|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})|_{\rm normalized}=\sqrt{N_{\rm bursts}}$. This remains true for $\nu_{\star}^{\prime}=\nu_{\star}+\Delta\nu_{\star}$; the frequency shift associated with spindown, which is included in our calculation, is undetectable. For a single beam, there would be a systematic frequency shift ${\mathscr{O}}(\epsilon_{\rm mag})$ that depends on beam direction, but for multiple beams there is no systematic shift. The value of $|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})|$ is unaffected by shifting the burst times by a common time offset. If burst times are random, the asymptotic probability distribution of $r=|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})|\sqrt{N}$ is $\frac{dp(r)}{dr}=2r\exp(-r^{2})$ (75) independent of $N$. The mode of Eq. (75) is $r=1/\sqrt{2}$ and the mean is $\sqrt{\pi}/2$. In our models, we evaluate $D_{d}(\nu_{\star})=|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})|\sqrt{N_{d}}$ for each of $\\{d\\}$ days of observations during which $\\{N_{d}\\}$ bursts are detected. According to Eq. (75) the probability that $D_{d}>r$ is $\exp(-r^{2})$ if the bursts occur randomly. If observations are done on $M$ days the expected number of values of $D_{d}$ that exceed $r$ is $n(>r)=M\exp(-r^{2})$, and the value of $r$ for which $(n>r)=1$ is $r_{1}(M)=\sqrt{\ln M}~{}.$ (76) The probability that no values of $|\hat{D}_{d}(\nu_{\star})|\sqrt{N_{d}}>r_{0}$ are found at random is $p(r_{0},M)=[1-\exp(-r_{0}^{2})]^{M}$ so for a chosen value $p=p(r_{0}|M)$ $r_{0}(p,M)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\ln(1-p^{1/M})}}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\ln[1-\exp(\ln p)/M]}}\approx\frac{1}{\sqrt{-\ln p/M}}=\frac{r_{1}(M)}{\sqrt{(-\ln p)}}~{};$ (77) $r_{1}(M)\approx r_{0}(1/e,M)$. Below we use $r_{1}(M)$ to assess the dectability of $\nu_{\star}$ over $M$ days by keeping track of the number of days for which ${\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})$ exceeds $r_{1}(M)$. Of course the observer will not know $\nu_{\star}$ in advance but we presume that he/she analyzes the data for a broad range of possible spin frequencies including test values near $\nu_{\star}$. In our simulations, we compute $\\{{\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})\\}$ for each of $M=512$ consecutive days, so $r_{1}(M)=\sqrt{\ln 512}=2.498$. We focus on the day with the largest value ${\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})\sqrt{N_{d}}$ and for that day we calculate ${\hat{D}}(\nu)\sqrt{N_{d}}$ for $N_{\rm freq}$ different frequencies. For small enough spacing between the test frequencies $\nu_{\star}$ ought to be very near one of the sampled frequencies; a value above $r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})$ is considered to be signficant. In the simulations reported in Table 3 we sample frequencies spaced by $\Delta\nu/\nu=10^{-5}$ Hz between $0.05$ Hz and $5$ Hz, a total of $N_{\rm freq}=460518$ frequencies, so $r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})=\sqrt{\ln 460518}=3.611$. Although we have only done frequency searches on the most promising day for each burst model, the spin frequency ought to be detectable on any day for which ${\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})\sqrt{N_{d}}>r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})$, so we tabulate the number of such days. In Appendix B we develop an analytic theory of the probability of burst detections at a given time in our model. Eq. (B1) makes it clear that the probability depends on spin and precession frequency via ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi){\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}$. Moreover, there is no time dependence at all if the distribution of beam directions is isotropic. Thus, the observation of regular precession cycles by itself argues for a restricted range of beam directions. Table 3: Simulated Burst Models666Consecutive daily observations lasting 0.1 d each for 512 d, observer at $i=52^{\circ}$. A total of 1024000 outbursts. Beam width $\theta_{\rm FWHM}=20^{\circ}$. Intrinsic intensity range a factor of 1000; ratio of minimum to maximum observed intensities $I_{\rm min}/I_{\rm max}=0.01$. $\epsilon_{\rm sd}=0$. $P_{p}$(d) | $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ | $\Lambda$ | $\nu_{\star}$ (Hz) | $\cos\theta_{b}$777Range of beam offsets axisymmetric relative to symmetry axis at ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}\cos\theta_{\mu}+\sin\theta_{\mu}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}\cos\varphi_{\mu}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}\sin\varphi_{\mu})$ with $(\theta_{\mu},\varphi_{\mu})=(30^{\circ},40^{\circ})$. | $D_{max}$(d)888Maximum value of $\hat{D}_{d}\sqrt{N_{d}}$ and day on which it occurs. | $N_{\rm bursts}$(%)999Total number of detectable bursts and fraction of total number of outbursts. | $N_{d}(512)$101010Number of days for which ${\hat{D}}_{d}\sqrt{N_{d}}$ exceeds $\sqrt{\ln 512}=2.498\ldots$. | $N_{d}(N_{\rm freq})$111111Number of days for which ${\hat{D}}_{d}\sqrt{N_{d}}$ exceeds $\sqrt{\ln N_{\rm freq}}=3.611\ldots$. | Description ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- 160 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.2 | 0.1521 | [0.99,1] | 13.6 (411) | 37596 (3.7%) | 399 | 384 | pulsar-like 160 | $10^{-7}$ | 0.2 | 1.521 | [0.99,1] | 13.0 (414) | 37017 (3.6%) | 403 | 386 | pulsar-like 16.4 | $10^{-5}$ | 0.2 | 0.1484 | [0.99,1] | 13.0 (48) | 40280 (3.9%) | 417 | 403 | pulsar-like 16.4 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.2 | 1.484 | [0.99,1] | 12.8 (109) | 39497 (3.9%) | 416 | 403 | pulsar-like 160 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.2 | 0.1521 | [0,1] | 4.46 (443) | 29864 (2.9%) | 114 | 13 | hemisphere 160 | $10^{-7}$ | 0.2 | 1.521 | [0,1] | 4.40 (427) | 29663 (2.9%) | 114 | 11 | hemisphere 16.4 | $10^{-5}$ | 0.2 | 0.1484 | [0,1] | 4.24 (341) | 29333 (2.9%) | 110 | 8 | hemisphere 16.4 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.2 | 1.484 | [0,1] | 4.05 (488) | 29456 (2.9%) | 109 | 12 | hemisphere 160 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.2 | 0.1521 | [0.1,0.8] | 3.22 (438) | 28965 (2.8%) | 17 | 0 | inter-cone 160 | $10^{-7}$ | 0.2 | 1.521 | [0.1,0.8] | 3.79 (377) | 29030 (2.8%) | 24 | 2 | inter-cone 16.4 | $10^{-5}$ | 0.2 | 0.1484 | [0.1,0.8] | 2.90 (37) | 28630 (2.8%) | 8 | 0 | inter-cone 16.4 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.2 | 1.484 | [0.1,0.8] | 3.36 (168) | 28290 (2.8%) | 13 | 0 | inter-cone 160 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.44 | 0.1071 | [0.99,1] | 13.1 (352) | 16682 (1.6%) | 181 | 164 | pulsar-like 160 | $10^{-7}$ | 0.44 | 1.071 | [0.99,1] | 12.6 (32) | 16541 (1.6%) | 182 | 169 | pulsar-like 16.4 | $10^{-5}$ | 0.44 | 0.1045 | [0.99,1] | 12.9 (86) | 16747 (1.6%) | 181 | 168 | pulsar-like 16.4 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.44 | 1.045 | [0.99,1] | 12.9 (431) | 16784 (1.6%) | 179 | 166 | pulsar-like 160 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.44 | 0.1071 | [0,1] | 5.07 (50) | 21334 (2.1%) | 326 | 157 | hemisphere 160 | $10^{-7}$ | 0.44 | 1.071 | [0,1] | 4.85 (445) | 21158 (2.1%) | 317 | 143 | hemisphere 16.4 | $10^{-5}$ | 0.44 | 0.1045 | [0,1] | 4.80 (418) | 20322 (2.0%) | 336 | 149 | hemisphere 16.4 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.44 | 1.045 | [0,1] | 5.20 (187) | 20799 (2.0%) | 343 | 177 | hemisphere 160 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.44 | 0.1071 | [0.1,0.8] | 5.61 (390) | 22160 (2.2%) | 271 | 179 | inter-cone 160 | $10^{-7}$ | 0.44 | 1.071 | [0.1,0.8] | 5.65 (433) | 22335 (2.2%) | 278 | 177 | inter-cone 16.4 | $10^{-5}$ | 0.44 | 0.1045 | [0.1,0.8] | 5.46 (46) | 21615 (2.1%) | 299 | 185 | inter-cone 16.4 | $10^{-6}$ | 0.44 | 1.045 | [0.1,0.8] | 5.37 (385) | 21268 (2.1%) | 300 | 193 | inter-cone ### 3.2 Results Given the large number of parameters, we have not done a systematic, complete exploration of the multidimensional phase space of models. However, we have explored numerous particular cases to look for trends related to the two phenomenological questions above. In doing this, we held one parameter not listed in Table 3 fixed for most runs: the initial value of the random number seed. Normally, this is Monte Carlo malpractice. Two models with identical initial random number seed and the same value of $n_{\rm bursts}$ and same ranges of $\cos\theta_{b}$ and $I_{j}(1)$ will start with identical sets of outbursts; that is $\\{\Phi_{j},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j},I_{j}(1)\\}$ will be the same. However, two models with the same $e^{2}$ but different values of $\Lambda$ will have different $\\{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}_{j}\\}$ hence different $\\{{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}_{j}\\}$ and different intensities $\\{I_{j}\\}$ so their subsets of detectable outbursts will be different. Models with different ranges of $\cos\theta_{b}$ and $I_{j}(1)$ start with identical sets of $\\{\Phi_{j}\\}$ which isolates the differences in properties of detectable bursts associated with emitting geometry and precession. Here and there we verified that the initial random number seed was not critical to qualitative features of the results. For $n_{\rm bursts}$ in a total observing time $t_{\rm obs}=f_{d}n_{\rm p,cycle}P_{p}$, the burst rate is $n_{\rm bursts}/t_{\rm obs}$; for the simulations listed in Table 3 $t_{\rm obs}=51.2$ d and the burst rate is $1024000/51.2{\,\rm d}=20,000\,{\rm d^{-1}}=0.231\,{\rm Hz}$. For our simulations, $\nu_{\star}\simeq 0.1$, $0.15$, $1$ or $1.5$ Hz so the number of outbursts per spin period ranges from $\simeq 0.15$ to $\simeq 2.3$. If all of these bursts were detectable, the spin frequency of the magnetar would be easy to find. In the simulation results, the burst detection efficiency is at most $\simeq 4\%$, which would correspond to at most of order one burst per ten spin periods which, although not large, should still suffice to uncover the underlying spin period. The total number of outbursts was chosen so that the average number of detected bursts per day would turn out to be $\sim 50$ in the simulations. This detection rate is comparable to the rate reported by Li et al. (2021) for about 50 days of observations of FRB 121102. No convincing evidence for a spin frequency was found by Li et al. (2021). Table 3 tabulates results for sixteen simulations. For all of these 1. 1. $e^{2}=10$, 2. 2. the distribution of intrinsic intensities ranges over a factor of 1000, 3. 3. the beam width is $\theta_{\rm FWHM}=20^{\circ}$, 4. 4. bursts are detectable over a range of observed intensities $I_{\rm max}/I_{\rm min}=1000$, 5. 5. the distribution of beam directions is axisymmetric about symmetry axis ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{3}\cos\theta\mu+\sin\theta_{\mu}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{1}\cos\varphi_{\mu}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{2}\sin\varphi_{\mu})$ with $(\theta_{\mu},\varphi_{\mu})=(30^{\circ},40^{\circ})$, 6. 6. there are daily observations lasting 0.1 d each over a total timespan of 512 d, 7. 7. and the observer is at $i=52^{\circ}$ relative to the spin angular momentum of the star (Eq. (48)). The average number of bursts per day is $\sim 30-60$ for all of the tabulated models. Although the tabulated models are for ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=0$ we do not regard this as an essential limitation for two reasons. First, as ominscient simulators, we can nullify the effects of spindown entirely by adjusting the value of the frequency tested from $\nu_{\star}$ to $\nu_{\star,{\rm d}}$; our code allows us to do this, and we have verified that ${\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star,{\rm d}})$ with ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}\neq 0$ is virtually the same as ${\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star})$ with ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=0$. Second, we do frequency searches on the most promising day with ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}\neq 0$ and detect frequency shifts for large enough spindown compared to our frequency resolution. The table is divided into two categories, $\Lambda=0.2$ and $\Lambda=0.44$; more precisely $q^{2}=5/12$ for the upper half of the table and $q^{2}=12/5$ for the lower half. Each half is subdivided into three parts that are distinguished by different ranges of beam directions: 1. 1. “pulsar-like” models only allow beams in a very narrow cone of angles around ${\hat{\mu}}$, $0.99\leq\cos\theta_{b}\leq 1$; 2. 2. “hemisphere” models allow beams in any direction in the outward hemisphere relative to ${\hat{\mu}}$, $0\leq\cos\theta_{b}\leq 1$; 3. 3. “inter-cone” models allow beams between the cones defined by $\cos\theta_{\rm min}=0.1$ and $\cos\theta_{\rm max}=0.8$ around ${\hat{\mu}}$. Inter-cone models exclude beams in a fairly narrow cone near the symmetry axis as well as beams orthogonal to it. A number of trends are apparent in Table 3: 1. 1. more bursts are detectable for $\Lambda=0.2$ than for $\Lambda=0.44$ in all cases; 2. 2. for either value of $\Lambda$ all subcategories – pulsar-like, hemisphere, intercone – give similar results irrespective of the value of $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$; 3. 3. $\nu_{\star}$ is readily detectable on $\sim 30\%$ of days for $\Lambda=0.44$ for pulsar-like, hemisphere and intercone geometries; 4. 4. $\nu_{\star}$ is detectable on $\lesssim 3\%$ of all days for hemisphere models with $\Lambda=0.2$, but reproducible results for $\nu_{\star}$ (modulo spindown) ought to emerge in a dedicated program of nearly daily observations that lasts long enough; 5. 5. $\nu_{\star}$ is largely undetectable for inter-cone models with $\Lambda=0.2$. The uniformity of results within the various subcategories is not a complete surprise since $160/16.4$ is near ten so models with $P_{p}=160$ d and a given value of $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ are ought to resemble models with $P_{p}=16.4$ d and $10\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ closely. The dependence on $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ for a given value of $P_{p}$ is weak. The detection criteria in our simulations only depend on spin frequency implicitly via ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)$, but this dependence is weak because ${\hat{b}}$ varies widely and stochastically (except in the pulsar-like models). We expect that as long as the time between bursts is large compared with $1/\nu_{\star}$ final results should be insensitive to $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$. Although we have not tabulated results for models in which beams can point in any direction (i.e. $-1\leq\cos\theta_{b}\leq 1$) we have simulated such models; in general neither $\nu_{\star}$ nor $P_{p}$ is apparent in the results. Fig. 3 shows numerical results for two models where $\nu_{\star}$ ought to be detected. All of these results are for $P_{p}=160$ d, $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$ and $\Lambda=0.2$, so that $\nu_{\star}=0.1521$ Hz. The top panels are for the pulsar-like case and the bottom for the hemisphere case. The left panels in both rows show $N_{d}/10$ for each day (purple crosses); the precession cycle is evident in both panels. These panels also show ${\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})\sqrt{N_{d}}$ for each day (green x’s), with the day on which ${\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})\sqrt{N_{d}}$ is largest indicated by a downward arrow. The horizontal red lines in each figure are at $r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})=\sqrt{\ln N_{\rm freq}}\simeq 3.611$, which we take to be the threshold for detection of $\nu_{\star}$. The right panels show the results of a period search on the most favorable day for detecting $\nu_{\star}$ using $N_{\rm freq}=460518$ test frequencies spaced at equal logarithmic intervals $\Delta\nu/\nu\simeq 10^{-5}$ between 0.05 Hz and 5 Hz. The value of ${\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})\sqrt{N_{d}}$ exactly at $\nu_{\star}$ is also shown as an orange triangle. The leftmost vertical dashed lines are at the spin frequencies for these two models; for the pulsar-like model vertical dashed lines at four harmonics of $\nu_{\star}$ are also shown. The spin frequency and four harmonics are found easily for the pulsar-like model; the spin frequency is also found for the hemisphere model. Figure 3: Results for the most promising days for spin frequency detection for two models with $P_{p}=160$ d, $\Lambda=0.2$ and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$. A pulsar-like model is shown in the top row and a hemisphere model in the bottom row. See Table 3 for details. Left panels show the number of bursts per day, $N_{d}$, divided by 10 (purple crosses) and the value of $|{\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})|\sqrt{N_{d}}$ on each day (green x’s). Downward pointing arrows indicate the day with largest value of $|{\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})|\sqrt{N_{d}}$, days 411 (top/pulsar-like) and 443 (bottom/hemisphere) respectively. Right panels show results of computing $|{\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu)|\sqrt{N_{d}}$ on these days for frequencies $0.05\,{\rm Hz}\leq\nu\leq 5\,{\rm Hz}$ with equal logarithmic spacing $\Delta\nu/\nu\simeq 10^{-5}$. Horizontal red lines are at $|{\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu)|\sqrt{N_{d}}=\sqrt{\ln N_{\rm freq}}\simeq 3.611$, the value above which about one point ought to appear at random according to the Rayleigh distribution. For the models shown, detecting the spin frequency ought to be relatively easy: the fundamental and four harmonics show up signficantly for pulsar like model but just the fundamental for hemisphere model. Fig. 4 shows numerical results for two inter-cone models with $P_{p}=160$ d and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-7}$ (top) and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$ (bottom). For $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-7}$ the spin frequency should be detectable, whereas for $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$ it is not. The spin frequency would be found significantly for $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-7}$, but a slighlty larger value of $|{\hat{D}}(\nu)|\sqrt{N_{d}}$ is found around 1.7 Hz;. This is not particularly troubling since both frequencies have values of $|{\hat{D}}(\nu)|\sqrt{N_{d}}$ close to $r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})$, but it suggests that $\nu_{\star}$ would not be detected on this particular day. (We reran this case with a different random number seed and found that $|{\hat{D}}(\nu)|\sqrt{N_{d}}<r_{1}(N_{\rm freq}$ on all days.) The spin frequency would not be found for $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$. Figure 4: Results for the most promising days for spin frequency detection for two inter-cone models with $P_{p}=160$ d, $\Lambda=0.2$ and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-7}$ (top) and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$ (bottom). The format is the same as in Fig. 3. For these models the spin frequency is not detectable unambiguously on their respective most promising days. So far, we have concentrated on searching for $\nu_{\star}$ on individual days, presenting frequency spectra only on the most promising days for detection. Alternatively, the frequency search can be performed on the entire data set. Fig 5 shows results for the cumulative value $|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star},\leq d)|$ computed by performing the sum Eq. (71) over the $N(\leq d)$ bursts detected up to the end of day $d$ and multiplying by $\sqrt{N(\leq d)}$. All four panels in Fig. 5 are computed for nested-cone geometry with $0.1\leq\cos\theta_{b}\leq 0.8$. The top panels are for $P_{p}=160$ d and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$ and the bottom for $P_{p}=16.4$ d and $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-5}$ so spin frequencies are comparable in all cases. The left panels are for $\Lambda=0.2$, where Table 3 indicates no promising days for burst detections, and the right panels are for $\Lambda=0.44$, for which we expect $\approx 200$ promising days. The top left panel shows that the value of $|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star},\leq d)|\sqrt{N(\leq d)}$ generally increases with $d$ for ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=0$, apart from fluctuations, suggesting that detection may be possible in a cumulative analysis. However, Eq. (62) implies that ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}/\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}\approx 17B_{D,14}^{2}$ for the top left panel in Fig. 5 and $\approx 6B_{D,14}^{2}$ for the right panel. At these levels, the accumulated spindown over many days of observation becomes important, and discovering $\nu_{\star}$ from a cumulative analysis that neglects spindown is problematic. The situation for $P_{p}=16.4$ d appears to be more complicated. As the left panel shows, although $|{\hat{D}}(\nu_{\star},\leq d)|\sqrt{N(\leq d)}$ increases at first for ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=0$, ultimately it decreases while fluctuating considerably; the same sort of behavior is evident in the right panel. For these cases, ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}\approx 0.17B_{D,14}^{2}\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}$ and $0.06B_{D,14}^{2}\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}$, respectively, so spindown is less important for $B_{D,14}=1$. We show what happens for ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=\epsilon_{{\rm sd},1}$ in both panels: spindown this fast further suppresses accumulation of evidence for $\nu_{\star}$ in the left panel, but actually can enhance it, at least for awhile, in the case depicted in the right panel. Figure 5: Cumulative $|\hat{D}(\nu_{\star},\leq d)|\sqrt{N(\leq d)}$ as a function of day number $d$. Top: $P_{p}=160$ d, $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-6}$ nested-cone models with $\Lambda=0.2$ (left) and $\Lambda=0.44$ (right), and ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=0$ (purple crosses) and ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=10\epsilon_{sd,1}$ (green x’s). Bottom: $P_{p}=16.4$ d, $\epsilon_{\rm mag}=10^{-5}$ with $\Lambda=0.2$ (left) and $\Lambda=0.44$ (right), and ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=0$ (purple crosses) and ${\epsilon_{\rm sd}}=\epsilon_{sd,1}$ (green x’s). ## 4 Conclusions The first part of this paper has been devoted to the theory of precession of neutrons stars whose distortions are due to strong internal magnetic fields. We have stressed that unless internal field strengths are very large precession ought to be frustrated by pinning of neutron superfluid vortices, to nuclei in the crust (Shaham, 1977) and to flux tubes associated with Type II proton superconductivity in the core (Link, 2003). We argue that internal magnetic fields with strength $\gtrsim 10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$ must pervade the star if precession is to be possible. As we have discussed, fields this strong can prevent proton superconductivity in the core (see Eq. (1) and associated discussion), are strong enough to shatter the crust and may even prevent or at least substantially alter neutron superfluidity in both core and crust (see Eq. (3) and associated discussion). Avoiding vortex line pinning is a very stringent requirement: even very localized regions where neutron vortices pin can prevent slow precession if they comprise just a modest fraction – say 0.1% – of the moment of inertia of the star (Shaham, 1977). These considerations led us to examine implications of a three component model of the magnetic field in magnetars: (1) a dipole component with characteristic strength $\sim 10^{14}\,{\rm Gauss}$; (2) a toroidal component with characteristic strength $\sim 10^{15}-10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$; and (3) a disordered field with characteristic strength $\sim 10^{16}\,{\rm Gauss}$. Because the volume occupied by the toroidal field may be limited (as in the models of Akgün et al. (2013)) the disordered component may be critical for suppressing superfluidity and superconductivity, which is a necessary condition for slow precession. Since small-scale, disordered fields may decay in a timescale $\sim 1000$ years (see Eq. (28) and Reisenegger & Goldreich (1992), Glampedakis et al. (2011), Passamonti et al. (2017) and Gusakov et al. (2017)) a magnetar may only precess for a relatively short time, until the disordered field that enables slow precession decays significantly. The decay of the disordered field may also end the bursting phase in the life of a magnetar, for this component contains most of the stellar magnetic energy and is capable of stimulating internal fluctuations that propagate into the magnetosphere, where they might trigger burst activity. Illustrative but schematic models for magnetic distortion in §2.2 imply that the resulting quadurpolar deformation is almost certainly triaxial and probably prolate. We developed the theory of triaxial precession in §2.3, noting in particular that large amplitude precession can be excited as a result of small shearing motions involving only tiny fractions of the magnetic energy of the star. We included spindown in the theory developed in this section (using the spindown formula found by Li et al. (2012)): §2.4 develops a timing model $t(\Phi)$ that relates clock time to precession phase when spindown is included, and §2.5 develops the secular effects of spindown on precession dynamics for the triaxial case, a generalization of Goldreich (1970) which dealt with axisymmetric, oblate precession. We have yet to explore possible phenomenological implications of the secular evolution. The timing model exhibits the expected systematic spindown, as altered by precession, but also includes important cyclical terms that vary periodically with precession (discussed less generally by Cordes (1993)). In the introduction, we asked whether the spin frequency ought to be detected for a magnetar precessing with a known precesion period. So far, no spin frequency is apparent in either FRB 121102 or FRB 180916.J0158+65. This may be simply because we have not detected enough bursts from these FRBs to find evidence for their spin periods, or it may be that doing so is virtually impossible because of physical properties of these objects and the FRB mechanism. If the reason we have yet to detect spin frequencies is that we need more burst detections, how sensitive and systematic must an observing program be to find the spin convincingly ? In order to address this issue we constructed a specific stochastic model for FRBs in §3. In this model, FRBs are associated with outbursts that occur randomly in time with energy output that is beamed into a range of directions that we select. Generally, we confine the beam directions to be outward relative to a reference (magnetic) axis; for beam directions that are totally random neither the spin frequency nor the precession period is discernible. Thus, the existence of repeated precession cycles for FRB 121102 and FRB 180916.J0158+65 already shows that they are not caused by beamed emission directed entirely at random. Our model offers some hope for detecting spin frequencies, as precession implies that there is a bias that favors detection of optimally directed beams. The analytic model in Appendix B demonstrates that the dependence on both the spin and precession frequencies arise from the motion of the unit vector to the observer in the rotating frame of reference, but the dependences may be very weak. In order to assess whether or not the spin frequency can be detected, we computed $r_{d}(\nu_{\star})=|{\hat{D}}_{d}(\nu_{\star})|\sqrt{N_{d}}$ for each day $d$ in our hypothetical observing program; $N_{d}$ is the number of bursts detected on day $d$ and ${\hat{D}}(\nu)$ is defined in Eq. (71). For a frequency search with $N_{\rm freq}=460518$ frequencies spanning the range $0.05-5$ Hz with equal logarithmic spacing, $\Delta\nu/\nu=10^{-5}$, on any given day, the largest value that should arise at random is approximately $r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})=\sqrt{\ln N_{\rm freq})}\approx 3.611$. The spin frequency ought to be detectable on days when $r_{d}(\nu_{\star})>r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})$. Finding $\nu_{\star}$ is likelier for cases where the number of days with $r_{d}(\nu_{\star})>r_{1}(N_{\rm freq})$ is a substantial fraction of the total number of days on which observations are done. Although we have only computed a modest number of models, the results reported in Table 3 divide qualitatively into two classes depending on the value of $q^{2}=e^{2}\Lambda^{2}/(1-\Lambda^{2})$. Based on the criterion described above, we believe that detecting the burst frequency is likely when $q^{2}>1$ irrespective of the value of $\epsilon_{\rm mag}$ or the distribution of beam directions. However, the situation for $q^{2}<1$ is more complicated. Although detecting $\nu_{\star}$ ought to be easy for pulsar-like models, where the range of beam directions relative to the reference axis is small, widening this range diminishes the odds of detection considerably. Allowing beam directions anywhere in the outward hemisphere relative to the axis would lead to detections on $\lesssim 3\%$ of the days during which observations are done. But, restricting beams to avoid directions moderately close to the axis and perpendicular to it makes detecting the spin frequency is nearly impossible in our models. Finally, the simulations all indicate that the fraction of outbursts that are ultimately detectable is small: the largest fraction of all outbursts that were detectable in our models was 3.9%, for pulsar-like models with $q^{2}<1$, and is at most $2.9\%$ for all other models we have simulated. That means that the model simulated here is not very energy-efficient, in that at least $\sim 25-50$ times as much energy is being emitted in FRBs than we would deduce from observations. One might expect that beaming mitigates the energetic requirements, and of course for a given peak intensity the total emitted intensity is $\propto 1/\kappa\sim\theta_{\rm FWHM}^{2}$. Our calculations only cover a single Gaussian beam width, $\theta_{\rm FWHM}=20^{\circ}$. Lowering $\theta_{\rm FWHM}$ reduces the total number of detections at fixed outburst rate, which we have found to be roughly $\propto\theta_{\rm FWHM}^{2}$ via sporadic exploration of the phase space. Assuming this to be true, the overall amount of energy required in the stochastic model would be roughly independent of $\theta_{\rm FWHM}$ for small values of the beam width: the total emission per beam is $\propto\theta_{\rm FWHM}^{2}$ but the number of undetected beams per detected beam is $\propto 1/\theta_{\rm FWHM}^{2}$. Moreover, with fewer burst detections per day uncovering the magnetar spin frequency becomes harder. ## Appendix A Useful Integrals and Details of Computing the Timing Model Table 4: Useful Integrals and Averages Integral121212$Q=q$ for $q<1$ and $Q=1/q$ for $q>1$. | Result ---|--- $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm dn}(\Phi^{\prime})$ | $\varphi(\Phi)$ $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm cn}\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm dn}\Phi^{\prime}$ | $\,{\rm sn}\Phi$ $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm sn}\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm dn}\Phi^{\prime}$ | $-\,{\rm cn}\Phi$ $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm cn}\Phi^{\prime}=\int_{0}^{\varphi(\Phi)}\frac{d\varphi\cos\varphi}{\sqrt{1-Q^{2}\sin^{2}\varphi}}$ | $\frac{{\sin^{-1}}[Q\sin\varphi(\Phi)]}{Q}$ 131313$-\pi/2\leq{\sin^{-1}}z\leq\pi/2$. $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm sn}\Phi^{\prime}=\int_{0}^{\varphi(\Phi)}\frac{d\varphi\sin\varphi}{\sqrt{1-Q^{2}+Q^{2}\cos^{2}\varphi}}$ | $\frac{1}{Q}\ln\left[\frac{1+Q}{Q\,{\rm cn}\Phi+\sqrt{Q^{2}\,{\rm cn}^{2}\Phi+1-Q^{2}}}\right]=\frac{1}{Q}\ln\left[\frac{\,{\rm dn}(\Phi)-Q\,{\rm cn}(\Phi)}{1-Q}\right]$ $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi^{\prime}$ | $\frac{1}{Q^{2}}\left[F(\varphi(\Phi)|Q)-E(\varphi(\Phi)|Q)\right]$ | $E(\varphi|Q)=\int_{0}^{\varphi}d\varphi^{\prime}\sqrt{1-Q^{2}\sin^{2}\varphi^{\prime}}$ $\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm sn}\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm cn}\Phi^{\prime}$ | $-\frac{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}{Q^{2}}$ $\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle$ | $\frac{1}{Q^{2}}\left[1-\frac{E(\pi/2|Q)}{F(\pi/2|Q)}\right]$ $\langle\,{\rm dn}\Phi\rangle$ | $\frac{\pi/2}{F(\pi/2|Q)}$ $\langle\frac{1}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\rangle$ | $\frac{\pi/2}{F(\pi/2|Q)\sqrt{1-Q^{2}}}$ $\left\langle\frac{\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\right\rangle$ | $\frac{\pi/2}{Q^{2}F(\pi/2|Q)}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{1-Q^{2}}}-1\right)$ $\left\langle\frac{\,{\rm cn}^{2}\Phi}{\,{\rm dn}\Phi}\right\rangle$ | $\frac{\pi/2}{Q^{2}F(\pi/2|Q)}\left(1-\sqrt{1-Q^{2}}\right)$ Using Table 4 we find $\displaystyle\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\int_{0}^{\Phi^{\prime}}d\Phi^{\prime\prime}\,{\rm cn}\Phi^{\prime\prime}\,{\rm sn}\Phi^{\prime\prime}=\frac{1}{Q^{2}}\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}(1-\,{\rm dn}\Phi^{\prime})=\frac{\Phi-\varphi(\Phi)}{Q^{2}}=\frac{\Phi(1-\langle\,{\rm dn}\phi\rangle)}{Q^{2}}+\frac{\Phi\langle\,{\rm dn}\Phi\rangle-\varphi(\Phi)}{Q^{2}}$ $\displaystyle~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\equiv\frac{\Phi(1-\langle\,{\rm dn}\phi\rangle)}{Q^{2}}+C_{2}(\Phi|Q)$ $\displaystyle\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\int_{0}^{\Phi^{\prime}}d\Phi^{\prime\prime}\,{\rm cn}\Phi^{\prime\prime}\,{\rm dn}\Phi^{\prime\prime}=\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm sn}\Phi^{\prime}=\frac{1}{Q}\ln\left[\frac{\,{\rm dn}(\Phi)-Q\,{\rm cn}(\Phi)}{1-Q}\right]\equiv C_{3}(\Phi|Q)$ $\displaystyle\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\int_{0}^{\Phi^{\prime}}d\Phi^{\prime}\,{\rm sn}\Phi^{\prime\prime}\,{\rm dn}\Phi^{\prime\prime}=\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}(1-\,{\rm cn}\Phi^{\prime})=\Phi-\frac{{\sin^{-1}}[Q\sin\varphi(\Phi)]}{Q}\equiv\Phi- C_{4}(\Phi|Q)$ (A1) where we rewrote the first integral to isolate the secular term from the strictly periodic one. The third integral also has a secular term. These terms are $\propto\Phi\propto\phi$ and, in effect, renormalize the initial spin period. Finally, we consider terms $\propto\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi$; we clearly need to remove $\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle$, which produces a term in $t(\phi)$ that is $\propto\phi^{2}$. We assume that what remains is periodic, so we focus just on the period starting at $\Phi=0$. We then find $\displaystyle C_{1}(\Phi|Q)\equiv\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}\int_{0}^{\Phi^{\prime}}d\Phi^{\prime\prime}\left(\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi^{\prime\prime}-\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle\right)=\int_{0}^{\Phi}\frac{d\Phi^{\prime}[F(\varphi(\Phi^{\prime})|Q)-E(\varphi(\Phi^{\prime})|Q)]}{Q^{2}}-\frac{\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle\Phi^{2}}{2}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{\Phi^{2}}{2}\left(\frac{1}{Q^{2}}-\langle\,{\rm sn}^{2}\Phi\rangle\right)-\frac{1}{q^{2}}\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\phi^{\prime}E(\varphi(\Phi^{\prime})=\frac{\Phi^{2}E(\pi/2|Q)}{2Q^{2}F(\pi/2|Q)}-\frac{1}{Q^{2}}\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}E(\varphi(\Phi^{\prime})|Q)~{}.$ (A2) Available routines for evaluating complete elliptic functions return values for $\varphi(\Phi)\leq\pi/2$ (Press et al., 2002) which covers all of the values of these functions; for $\pi/2<\varphi\leq\pi$ we substitute $E(\varphi|Q)=E(\pi|Q)-E(\pi-\varphi|Q)=2E(\pi/2|Q)-E(\pi-\varphi|Q)$ (A3) to get $\displaystyle\int_{0}^{\Phi}d\Phi^{\prime}E(\Phi^{\prime}|Q)=\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{d\varphi E(\varphi|Q)}{\sqrt{1-q^{2}\sin^{2}\varphi}}+2E(\pi/2|Q)(\Phi-F(\pi/2|Q))-\int_{\pi/2}^{\varphi(\Phi)}\frac{d\varphi^{\prime}E(\pi-\varphi^{\prime}|Q)}{\sqrt{1-Q^{2}\sin^{2}\varphi^{\prime}}}$ $\displaystyle=\int_{0}^{\pi/2}\frac{d\varphi E(\varphi|Q)}{\sqrt{1-q^{2}\sin^{2}\varphi}}+2E(\pi/2|Q)(\Phi-F(\pi/2|Q))-\int_{\pi-\varphi(\Phi)}^{\pi/2}\frac{d\psi E(\psi|Q)}{\sqrt{1-Q^{2}\sin^{2}\psi}}$ $\displaystyle=2E(\pi/2|Q)(\Phi-F(\pi/2|Q))+\int_{0}^{\pi-\varphi(\Phi)}\frac{d\psi E(\psi|Q)}{\sqrt{1-Q^{2}\sin^{2}\psi}}~{}.$ (A4) $C_{1}(\Phi|Q)=0$ at $\Phi=0$ and $\Phi=2F(\pi/2|Q)$, and has its peak value at $\Phi=F(\pi/2|Q)$. Fig. 6 shows results for $C_{i}(\Phi|Q)$ for one precession cycle for $Q=0.3$, $0.6$ and $0.9$, and also for $Q=0$ (thin black line), for which the limiting forms are $C_{1}(\Phi)=\frac{\cos 2\Phi-1}{8}~{}~{}C_{2}(\Phi)=-\frac{\sin 2\Phi}{8}~{}~{}C_{3}(\Phi)=1-\cos\Phi~{}~{}C_{4}(\Phi)=\sin\Phi~{}.$ (A5) The functions $C_{1}(\Phi|q)$ and $C_{2}(\Phi|q)$ have periods equal to half of the precession period. The functions $C_{3}(\Phi|q)$ and $C_{4}(\Phi|q)$ have periods equal to a full precession cycle. Notice that although there is no secular variation of $C_{3}(\Phi|q)$ this function has a nonzero mean over its full cycle of variation, which would manifest itself as a offset in $t(\phi)$. Figure 6: $C_{i}(\Phi|Q)$ versus $\Phi$ for one precession cycle and $Q=0$, $0.3$, $0.6$ and $0.9$. ## Appendix B Analytic Theory of Detection Probability Eq. (68) relates the intrinsic intensity $I$ and the peak intensity $I(1)$; in our model a burst is detectable if $I>I_{\rm min}$. The probability that a burst with peak intensity $I(1)$ is detectable at precession phase $\Phi$ is $P_{\rm detect}(I(1),\Phi)=\int d^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\,n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})\,\Theta(I-I_{\rm min})=\int d^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\,n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})\,\Theta\left(I(1)\exp[\kappa({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)-1)]-I_{\rm min}\right)~{},$ where $n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})$ is the distribution of beam directions (normalized to one) and $\Theta(\cdots)$ is the Heaviside function; use $\displaystyle\Theta\left(I(1)\exp[\kappa({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)-1)]-I_{\rm min}\right)=\Theta((I(1)/I_{\rm min})\exp[\kappa({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)-1)]-1)$ $\displaystyle~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}=\Theta(\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})+\kappa[{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)-1])=\Theta(\kappa^{-1}\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})-1+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi))$ to rewrite as $P_{\rm detect}=\int d^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}\,n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})\,\Theta(\kappa^{-1}\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})-1+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi))~{}.$ In a right handed coordinate system defined by unit vectors ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{a},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{b},{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}$ let ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)={\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}\cos\theta_{n}+\sin\theta_{n}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{a}\cos\varphi_{n}+{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{e}}$}}_{b}\sin\varphi_{n})~{},$ so that ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)=\cos\theta_{b}\cos\theta_{n}+\sin\theta_{b}\sin\theta_{n}\cos(\varphi_{b}-\varphi_{n})\equiv\cos\theta_{b}\cos\theta_{n}+\sin\theta_{b}\sin\theta_{n}\cos\tilde{\varphi}_{b}~{};$ then the Heaviside function requires that $1\geq\cos\theta_{b}\cos\theta_{n}+\sin\theta_{b}\sin\theta_{n}\cos\tilde{\varphi}_{b}>1-\frac{\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})}{\kappa}~{},$ and therefore ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}{\mbox{\boldmath$\cdot$}}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{n}}$}}(\Phi)$ must be close to one for very large values of $\kappa$. Thus if we define $\theta_{b}=\theta_{n}+\delta_{b}$ where $\delta_{b}\ll 1$ and assume that $\tilde{\varphi}_{b}\ll 1$ $\cos\theta_{b}\cos\theta_{n}+\sin\theta_{b}\sin\theta_{n}\cos\tilde{\varphi}_{b}=\cos(\theta_{b}-\theta_{n})+\sin\theta_{b}\sin\theta_{n}(\cos\tilde{\varphi}_{b}-1)\approx 1-\text@frac{1}{2}\left(\delta_{b}^{2}+\sin^{2}\theta_{n}\tilde{\varphi}^{2}_{b}\right)$ and the Heaviside function requires that $1\geq 1-\text@frac{1}{2}\left(\delta_{b}^{2}+\sin^{2}\theta_{n}\tilde{\varphi}^{2}_{b}\right)>1-\frac{\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})}{\kappa}~{}\Rightarrow~{}0\leq\delta_{b}^{2}+\sin^{2}\theta_{n}\tilde{\varphi}^{2}_{b}<\frac{2\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})}{\kappa}\equiv R^{2}~{}.$ We assume that $n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})={\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{b})/2\pi$ is only a function of $\cos\theta_{b}$; with this assumption $d^{2}{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})=\frac{d\varphi}{2\pi}\,d\cos\theta_{b}\,{\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{b})\simeq\frac{d\tilde{\varphi}_{b}}{2\pi}\,d\delta_{b}\sin\theta_{n}\,{\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{n})$ With these substitutions we find $\displaystyle P_{\rm detect}(I(1),\Phi)\simeq\int_{-R}^{+R}d\delta_{b}\,\sin\theta_{n}\,{\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{n})\int_{-\sqrt{R^{2}-\delta_{b}^{2}}/\sin\theta_{n}}^{+\sqrt{R^{2}-\delta_{b}^{2}}/\sin\theta_{n}}\frac{d\tilde{\varphi}_{b}}{2\pi}$ $\displaystyle~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}=\frac{2R^{2}{\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{n})}{\pi}\int_{0}^{1}dx\,\sqrt{1-x^{2}}=\frac{{\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{n})\ln(I(1)/I_{\rm min})}{\kappa}~{}.$ (B1) 1. 1. $P_{\rm detect}$ increases with increasing $I(1)$ weakly, decreases $\propto 1/\kappa$ as $\kappa$ increases, and is only nonzero where $n(\cos\theta_{n})\neq 0$. 2. 2. If ${\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{b})$ is uniform, as would be the case if beam directions are random and isotropic, then there is no $\Phi$ dependence so there is no imprint of either the spin frequency or precession frequency on $P_{\rm detect}$. 3. 3. $\Phi$ dependence arises from nonumiformity in ${\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{b})$; in our models, nonuniformity is a consequence of boundaries in the distribution of beam directions. Consider the region near $\theta_{\rm max}$. If $\theta_{\rm max}-R<\theta_{n}<\theta_{\rm max}$ and ${\tilde{n}}(\cos\theta_{b})=0$ at $\theta_{b}>\theta_{\rm max}$ then $P_{\rm detect}(I(1),\Phi)\simeq\frac{{\tilde{n}}R}{\pi}\int_{-R}^{\theta_{\rm max}-\theta_{n}}d\delta_{b}\,\sqrt{1-\delta_{b}^{2}/R^{2}}=\frac{{\tilde{n}}R^{2}}{\pi}\left[\frac{\pi}{4}+\frac{1}{2}\left(\sin^{-1}\Delta+\Delta\sqrt{1-\Delta^{2}}\right)\right]$ (B2) where $\Delta=(\theta_{\rm max}-\theta_{n})/R<1$ and ${\tilde{n}}$ is the uniform value inside the region containing beams; if $\theta_{n}>\theta_{\rm max}$ then $-R<\delta_{b}<\theta_{\rm max}-\theta_{n}<0$ and $P_{\rm detect}(I(1),\Phi)=\frac{{\tilde{n}}R}{\pi}\int_{-R}^{\theta_{\rm max}-\theta_{n}}d\delta_{b}\sqrt{1-\delta_{b}^{2}/R^{2}}=\frac{{\tilde{n}}R^{2}}{\pi}\left[\frac{\pi}{4}-\frac{1}{2}\left(\sin^{-1}|\Delta|+|\Delta|\sqrt{1-\Delta^{2}}\right)\right]~{}.$ (B3) Eq. (B2) can be used for $\theta_{n}$ inside or outside provided that we use $\sin\Delta=-\sin|\Delta|$ for $\Delta<0$. Near $\theta_{\rm min}$, similar considerations imply that $-1<\delta_{b}<\theta_{n}-\theta_{\rm min}$; then we get the same results but with $\Delta=(\theta_{n}-\theta_{\rm min})/R$. For $\theta_{\rm min}=0$, $0\leq\delta_{b}\leq\theta_{n}$ ($0\leq\Delta\leq 1$). Otherwise, $P_{\rm detect}=0$ for $\theta_{n}\leq\theta_{\rm min}-R$ and for $\theta_{n}>\theta_{\rm max}+R$. These results depend on $\Phi$ via $\Delta$ and imprint information about both the spin frequency and the precession cycle on our models. We also note that the range of values $\theta_{n}$ is model dependent via $\Lambda$, $e^{2}$, and the rate at which outbursts occur, which may depend on $\Phi$ (but doesn’t in our models). If $R(\Phi,I(1))dI(1)d\Phi$ is the rate of outbursts with intrinsic intensity in $I(1)+dI(1)$ then $dr_{\rm detect}(\Phi)=d\Phi\int dI(1)R(I(1),\Phi)P_{\rm detect}(I(1),\Phi)$ (B4) is the rate of detection of bursts in $d\Phi$. These results can be generalized to beams distributed about multiple axes by replacing $n({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})\to\sum_{j}p_{j}n_{j}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})$ where $p_{j}$ is the probability that a beam comes from the distribution around the axis ${\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{\mu}}$}}_{j}$ and $n_{j}({\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}})$ is normalized to one. The average beam direction is then the sum of $p_{j}\langle{\mbox{\boldmath${\hat{b}}$}}_{j}\rangle$. SC and JMC acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation (NSF) under AAG award 1815242 and are members of the NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center supported by NSF award 1430284. IW thanks Jeevak Parpia, Armen Sedrakian and Peter Rau for helpful comments. ## References * Abramowitz & Stegun (1972) Abramowitz, M., & Stegun, I. A. 1972, Handbook of Mathematical Functions * Akgün et al. (2006) Akgün, T., Link, B., & Wasserman, I. 2006, MNRAS, 365, 653, astro-ph/0506606 * Akgün et al. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Ira Wasserman (1 and 2), James M. Cordes (1), Shami Chatterjee (1) and\n Gauri Batra (2) ((1) Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Sciences,\n Cornell University, (2) Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics, Cornell\n University)", "submitter": "Ira Wasserman", "url": "" }
# AToM: Active Topology Monitoring for the Bitcoin Peer-to-Peer Network Federico Franzoni These authors were supported by Project RTI2018-102112-B-I00 (AEI/FEDER,UE). Xavier Salleras Vanesa Daza11footnotemark: 1 ###### Abstract Over the past decade, the Bitcoin P2P network protocol has become a reference model for all modern cryptocurrencies. While nodes in this network are known, the connections among them are kept hidden, as it is commonly believed that this helps protect from deanonymization and low-level attacks. However, adversaries can bypass this limitation by inferring connections through side channels. At the same time, the lack of topology information hinders the analysis of the network, which is essential to improve efficiency and security. In this paper, we thoroughly review network-level attacks and empirically show that topology obfuscation is not an effective countermeasure. We then argue that the benefits of an open topology potentially outweigh its risks, and propose a protocol to reliably infer and monitor connections among reachable nodes of the Bitcoin network. We formally analyze our protocol and experimentally evaluate its accuracy in both trusted and untrusted settings. Results show our system has a low impact on the network, and has precision and recall are over 90% with up to 20% of malicious nodes in the network. ## 1 Introduction Since its release, Bitcoin [1] has attracted a constantly increasing number of users, who exchange large amounts of money every day [2]. Given its relevance, the security aspects of this cryptocurrency system have been extensively studied in research [3, 4, 5]. The network layer, among other components, has received a lot of attention due to its key role in the communication between the involved actors. In particular, several practical attacks have been shown, such as partitioning [6], eclipse [7], and deanonymization [8, 9], which can pose a serious threat to the security of single users or that the system as a whole. With respect to such attacks, Bitcoin developers implicitly adopted the concealment of the network topology as a protective measure. Specifically, while (reachable) nodes in the network are publicly known [10], their connections are kept hidden. This security-by-obscurity approach is meant to hinder adversaries from performing attacks like the ones we mentioned above. However, several techniques have been shown over the years that allow bypassing this measure by exploiting side channels [11, 12] or abusing the protocol [13]. While Bitcoin developers promptly fix the protocol to make newly-disclosed techniques ineffective, it is hard to prevent attackers from using undisclosed methods or devising new ones. At the same time, hiding the topology hinders a proper analysis of the network [11, 13] and an accurate definition of network models [6, 14]. As a consequence, these limitations ultimately hinder the improvement of the efficiency and security of the network. In contrast, having a reliable source of topology information could enable the design of a safer and more performing network. It is thus important to investigate whether concealing the topology is indeed a valid protection mechanism for the Bitcoin network, given the fact that topology information is not a threat per se and that no solid proof has been given to support the current approach. In this paper, we empirically show the ineffectiveness of topology obfuscation as a defense from known network-level attacks, and foster the idea of a public topology. In light of this, we argue that the benefits of an open topology potentially outweigh its risks, and propose a protocol to reliably infer and monitor connections among reachable nodes of the network. We analyze the potential impact of our protocol on the Bitcoin network and experimentally evaluate its performance in a simulated environment, as well as its resilience to malicious nodes. Results show that our system has little impact on the network and has high precision and recall, even with high concentrations of malicious nodes. Furthermore, although designed for Bitcoin, our solution can be implemented on any P2P network. The contributions of our paper include: * • we study the potential benefits of an open network topology for the Bitcoin P2P network; * • we show that most attacks mentioned in literature as aided by topology information are actually independent from such knowledge; * • we design a protocol to prove connections among peers, and propose a system to monitor the topology of the reachable network; * • we employ a reputation scheme to discourage malicious nodes from misbehaving and, at the same time, decentralize trust in the monitoring nodes; * • we implement a proof of concept and evaluate the accuracy of our solution through simulations. ## 2 The Bitcoin P2P Network The Bitcoin P2P network is the core infrastructure through which clients exchange transactions and reach consensus on the contents of the blockchain. New nodes join the network by connecting to well-known nodes or querying a trusted DNS server. After establishing the first connections, nodes discover new peers by receiving ADDR messages from their current neighbors. These messages advertise other known nodes in the network to which it is possible to connect. Each node connects to some peers and, when possible, accepts connections from other nodes. Relatively to a node, connections are called outbound if initiated by the node itself, and inbound otherwise. Nodes running the reference client (Bitcoin Core) [15], which is the most used in the network [10], always keep 8 outbound connections, and accept inbound connections up to a maximum of 125 peers [16]. Nevertheless, this limitation is not enforced by the protocol, leaving nodes free to establish any number of connections. As some clients, due to the presence of NAT or firewall, are unable to accept incoming connections, nodes in the network are typically divided into reachable and unreachable [17]. According to research, unreachable nodes are around ten times more than reachable nodes, thus counting for almost 90% of the whole network [18, 13]. Despite that, most research focuses exclusively on the reachable part of the network [19, 11], as this is easier to analyze, and is considered to be more relevant for the propagation of messages since that they maintain the vast majority of connections [20]. Similarly, in this work, we will only focus on reachable nodes. ## 3 Motivation The relevance of topology for blockchain networks has been clearly shown in the literature. Kiayias et al.[21] show how the efficiency of the information propagation is directly influenced by the network topology. Propagation delay can also be substantially affected by the number of connections that nodes have [22]. Furthermore, all unstructured P2P networks, like blockchain ones, are known to suffer from the so-called topology mismatch problem (i.e., the incoherence between logical and physical links), which causes inefficiency in the transmission of data [23, 24]. As for what concerns security, it has been shown how the Bitcoin network topology is far from being a random graph as designed. Instead, it contains nodes communities [13] and supernode [11], showing high levels of centralization. Knowledge of the network topology could help spot such issues and improve decentralization. An open topology could also boost the propagation of transactions and blocks, which in turn would reduce the ability to perform double-spending attacks and selfish mining [25]. If nodes had access to topology information, all these aspects could be addressed in real-time. Furthermore, the availability of such information could help reduce discrepancies between formal models and the real network [21]. As stated by Delgado et al. [13], hiding the topology prevents network analysis and measurement, further complicating the solution of existing issues. Similarly, Miller et al. [11] point out that understanding the topology allows identifying structural faults in the network that might hinder broadcast optimization. For this reason, they support the idea that monitoring the network can help quickly detect and react to attacks and mistakes. Authors of [26] also state it is crucial to acquire the knowledge of topology to accurately manage the network, optimize its performances, and ensure that it works properly. An open Bitcoin topology could allow the introduction of mechanisms for avoiding centralization and increasing connectivity among nodes, as well as detecting weak spots that can be exploited to perform network-level attacks. With this work, we aim at taking a first step towards this direction. We do this by showing that an open topology should not be considered a security concern, and by proposing a practical protocol to reliably monitor the state of the network. ## 4 Security Concerns of Open Topology According to research, the main reason to keep the topology hidden is to avoid the risk of network-level attacks and deanonymization [11, 27, 13]. In this section, we analyze known threats and evaluate their relation to topology knowledge. ### 4.1 Network-level Attacks Network attacks commonly related to topology information include double- spending, selfish mining, partitioning, and eclipse attacks. In the following, we study each of these attacks. ##### Double Spending Attacks Double spending in fast payment transactions [28] was one of the first attacks correlated with topology. In this attack, the adversary sends a transaction to a victim node, while sending a conflicting one to the rest of the network. The goal is to make the victim accept a 0-confirmation transaction as payment, while having a double-spending one added to the blockchain. Note that, despite being cited by many research papers, the attack described in [28] does not make use of any topological information beyond the IP address of the victim, which is publicly available. Moreover, as the probability of success decreases exponentially in the number of peers, the victim could effectively protect himself by establishing few more connections. Knowledge of the topology might indeed ease a double-spending attack when the victim is only connected to few, reachable, peers [29]. However, this situation is typical of unreachable nodes, which would not be affected by revealing the topology of reachable nodes. Furthermore, the time frame in which this attack can succeed is so short that the victim only needs to wait a couple of seconds to be safe. ##### Mining Attacks Mining attacks [30, 31] could also benefit from the knowledge of the topology. In particular, miners could take advantage of network information to improve the propagation of their own blocks, or to slow down competing ones [11, 31]. However, this is true only when a fraction of miners have such knowledge. Instead, if all miners had access to topology information, they could all leverage highly connected nodes to speed up block propagation, with no advantage for a particular subset. On the other hand, the drastic improvement in block propagation speed [32] likely made topology information less relevant for this kind of attacks. Moreover, nowadays, miners usually connect to each other through high-speed relay networks [33, 34], which are separate from the main network, thus further reducing the importance of its topology. ##### Partitioning Attacks Partitioning attacks [6, 35] are also a commonly cited problem in relation to topology knowledge. These attacks consist in trying to split the network to prevent communication between isolated groups of nodes. The goal of the attacker can be to double-spend or simply to affect the functionality of the network and create distrust in the system. Depending on the goal, the attacker can follow different strategies. To divide the network in two she tries to detect the minimum vertex cut, that is, the smallest set of nodes whose removal causes a split in the network, and disrupt their communications with a DoS attack. To disconnect a specific portion of the network, she tries to disrupt all the connections between the target nodes and the rest of the network. In both situations, knowing the topology would indeed make the attack easier. However, the reference study on the topic [6] shows how the network can resist attacks lasting several hours even against a powerful adversary controlling a botnet as large as the Bitcoin network itself. Moreover, for the attack to be effective, both reachable and unreachable nodes have to be considered. For instance, let us consider a public topology containing a cut $C$ between portions $P1$ and $P2$ of the network. By looking at it the attacker might think that taking down $C$, $P1$ and $P2$ would be disconnected (i.e., partitioned); however, the attacker does not see any of the unreachable nodes that might be connected to both $P1$ and $P2$. Therefore, knowing the topology of the reachable network is not sufficient to calculate a complete cut. Note that actively monitoring the network graph would also provide a double benefit for protecting from these attacks. On the one hand, it would help detect attacks in real-time, allowing the network to react promptly. On the other hand, using an adaptive topology-aware protocol, it would be possible to maximize the number of nodes in the minimum vertex cut (of the reachable network) to make the attack harder. Finally, it is worth mentioning that, as pointed out in [17], partitioning can accidentally occur in random P2P networks if the network formation process is not well designed. This is one of the reasons why Bitcoin makes use of trusted DNS servers and hard-coded peers for the bootstrap procedure. Again, it is easy to show that monitoring the public topology could help prevent such an event. ##### Routing Attacks Similarly to partitioning attacks, routing attacks [36, 37] aim at isolating a portion of nodes at the AS-level by means of BGP hijacking. These attacks are also commonly cited to justify the obfuscation of the topology. However, in these attacks, the adversary gains advantage from being in control of an AS, and only needs knowledge of the target IP addresses, with no need of further topology information. Furthermore, an AS-level adversary already has knowledge of all connections under its control, which represents a potential advantage over network-level nodes. Making the topology public to the whole network would effectively reduce this advantage. ##### Eclipse Attacks Another attack typically mentioned in relation to network topology is the eclipse attack [7]. This attack is aimed at a single node and consists in replacing all the peers of the victim with others controlled by the attacker. Eclipsing can be used to perform other attacks, such as censorship, where the attacker drops transactions coming from the victim, or double spends. By eclipsing a miner, an attacker could also perform selfish mining or even increase the chances of a 51% attack [30]. Despite being cited by virtually all topology-related papers as one of the attacks that justifies hiding the topology, the eclipse attack does not make use of any topology information besides the IP address of the victim. In fact, this attack is mostly related to the address management and the mechanism used to establish new outbound connections. Furthermore, a number of defensive mechanisms have been introduced in the Bitcoin reference client to avoid these attacks, such a the limitations in the number of outgoing connections to the same subnet or the randomization in the address selection procedure 111See .. Additionally, miners further protect themselves by running highly-connected gateway nodes [11] and propagating blocks via relay networks. ### 4.2 Deanonymization The second major threat commonly linked to the knowledge of the network topology is transaction anonymity. Several papers showed it is possible to deanonymize a specific transaction by detecting the node that generated it [8, 9, 38]. The basic idea, originally proposed by Kaminsky [39], consists in connecting to all reachable peers and monitoring incoming transactions. Intuitively, the first node to send a transaction will likely be the one that created it. This attack only works against reachable peers, as the attacker needs to be connected to all possible sources. By looking at known attacks, it can be observed that although topology information might improve the heuristics used to link transactions to their source node, it is hardly a requirement to deanonymize transactions. The only exception to this is [8], where unreachable nodes are deanonymized by identifying the set of their peers. However, knowing the topology of reachable nodes is irrelevant in this case. Additionally, this technique has been made ineffective in the current protocol. Apart from [8], none of the state-of-the- art techniques use topology information, proving how these attacks do not depend on it. In fact, as pointed out by Fanti et al. [38], the problem with anonymity lies in the transaction propagation algorithm, and should be addressed by adopting alternative relay protocols, such as Dandelion [40, 41] or [42]. ## 5 Related work To the best of our knowledge, there are no known algorithms to reliably compute the topology of a P2P network. In fact, this information seems not to be as relevant to most such networks as it is for cryptocurrencies. The closest-related works are on routing protocols [43, 44] and location-aware topology studies [45, 46]. However, none of these works explicitly address topology discovery. Most notably, the only known topology-inferring techniques are those aimed at the Bitcoin network. In this section, we briefly review all such techniques. The first technique was proposed in [8] and allowed to determine the outbound connections of a node, based on the propagation of addr messages: as nodes advertise their own address when connecting to a new peer, and such messages are forwarded to other peers, it was possible to detect the target’s peers by connecting to all nodes and analyzing received addresses. Similarly, in [11], Miller et al. proposed a network-wide technique, called AddressProbe, that allowed inferring connections among reachable nodes. Their technique exploited the timestamp attached to each entry of addr messages: since the address of each outbound peer was updated every time a message was received, it was possible to determine which entries in the addr message corresponded to outbound peers by looking at their timestamp. Both techniques were made ineffective by an update in the reference client [47]. A more generic technique was proposed by Neudecker et al. [12], which was based on the rumor centrality of gossip propagation. Assuming the source of a specific message is known and that the adversary is connected to all nodes, it is possible to infer connection by observing the time at which nodes propagate the information. Their technique was made ineffective by the switch in the spreading protocol from Trickle to Diffusion ([48]). In [49], Grundmann et al. propose two different methods. The first one exploits the fact that nodes accumulate transactions before announcing them to their peers. In particular, an inv message contains all transactions received since the last inv message was sent. Based on this fact, the adversary creates marker transactions for all peers and observes inv messages to infer links. This technique shows high precision (more than 90%) but has very low recall (10%), and is hardly practical in real life. The second method targets a single node, and exploits the fact that clients do not relay double-spending transactions. To infer the target’s peers, the adversary sends a different double-spending transaction to each node, except the target. Then she observes which transaction the target relays and deduces a link with the node to which that transaction was sent. Although this technique has very high precision (97%) and good recall (60%), no countermeasures have been introduced to date. The most recently disclosed technique for topology inferring is TxProbe [13]. Similar to the previous example, this technique leverages marker messages, this time based on orphan transactions (i.e., transactions spending unknown inputs). Despite its high precision and recall (more than 90%), this method is rather invasive and can interfere with the ordinary transaction propagation. Again, the technique was invalidated by a recent update in the reference client 222See ”Select orphan transaction uniformly for eviction” ( All mentioned techniques target reachable nodes, and require the adversary to connect to the whole network and observe data propagation either in a passive way or by actively introducing marker messages to infer communication links. In Section 6, we will leverage these concepts to design our topology- monitoring solution. ## 6 The AToM Protocol We propose a dynamic topology-monitoring algorithm for the Bitcoin P2P network called AToM (Active Topology Monitor). In this section, we give an overview of our protocol, explaining its operating principles, and motivating our design choices. ##### Notation We denote the Bitcoin network as a directed graph $G{=}(V,E)$, where $V{=}\\{N_{\\_}1,N_{\\_}2,...\\}$ and $E{=}\\{(N,P){\text{ }{:}\text{ }}N{\to}P\\}$. A generic node is denoted by $N{=}addr_{\\_}N$, where $addr_{\\_}N$ is the IP address accepting incoming connections. We denote the set of outbound peers of a node $N$ as $O_{\\_}N$ and the set of inbound peers as $I_{\\_}N$. A generic peer of $N$ is indicated by $P{=}(addr_{\\_}P,out)$, where $out$ is $true$ if $P{\in}ON$, and $false$ if $P{\in}I_{\\_}N$. We represent an outbound connection from $N$ to $P$ with the notation $N{\to}P$. We use $M$ to denote a monitor, and $G_{\\_}M{=}(V_{\\_}M,E_{\\_}M)$ to indicate its local topology snapshot. Finally, we use $\Gamma$ to denote the set of valid monitors running in $G$. ### 6.1 Protocol Overview The AToM protocol is run by a set of monitors that connect to all reachable nodes. The monitors continuously run a topology-inferring protocol to maintain an updated snapshot of the network. An example of this scenario is depicted in Figure 1: a monitor connects to all reachable nodes, and run the AToM protocol to compute and maintain a continuously up-to-date state of the topology; links between unreachable nodes and reachable nodes are not included in the computed snapshot. Figure 1: Our scenario: a monitor node ($M$) connects to all reachable nodes ($N$), excluding unreachable ones ($U$). We assume monitors know all public nodes. To that purpose, monitors can use a crawler or external services like Bitnodes [10]. ##### Scope We limit the scope of the AToM protocol to the reachable part of the network. There are different reasons behind this choice. As mentioned in Section 2, reachable nodes constitute the backbone of the network, since they maintain the vast majority of connections. On the contrary, unreachable nodes are only marginally involved in data propagation [18]. This arguably makes the reachable part the most important to protect and optimize. From a security perspective, it is also safer to limit the public topology to reachable nodes, as this does not affect their protection from known attacks, as discussed in Section 4. Instead, unreachable nodes might be more exposed to certain attacks if the adversary had access to this information. Finally, there are several practical advantages in monitoring reachable nodes only. First of all, as discussed in Section 2, the reachable portion of the network is relatively small, and its nodes show more stability in terms of number and connections [10, 50]. This eases the monitoring task, which can better adapt to changes in the network. Another advantage is the fact that is possible to guarantee the (almost) completeness of the snapshot computed by monitors. In fact, it is virtually impossible to know (and connect to) all unreachable nodes, due to the inability to reach them from the Internet. Because of this, malicious users could also fake the existence of unreachable nodes, without the monitors being able to verify them. Instead, reachable nodes can be verified by simply opening a connection towards them and ensuring they run the Bitcoin protocol333Note that there is a one-to-one relation between reachable nodes and ’IP:port’ tuples; in fact, while multiple nodes can run on the same device, only a single ’IP:port’ address can be used for each running instance.. Note that, despite being out of scope, unreachable nodes could also make use of the AToM protocol by querying monitors a snapshot of the topology. Specifically, each unreachable node can compute its relative snapshot by adding its own connections to the queried snapshot. In fact, as these nodes only maintain outbound peers, all their connections are towards reachable nodes. This extended snapshot could be used, for example, to autonomously decide which peers to connect to. Given the above discussion, the restriction of AToM to reachable nodes should be considered a feature of the protocol, rather than a limitation. In the rest of the paper, when talking about nodes, we will always refer to reachable ones, unless specified. ### 6.2 Approach Similar to other topology-inferring techniques described in Section 5, our solution has monitors connect to all nodes and leverage marker messages to verify links. To minimize the overhead, monitors verify outbound connections only. While this might seem counter-intuitive, it is easy to see that this allows covering the whole (reachable) network. In fact, all connections in the network are outbound, relatively to the node that initiated them, while inbound connections are just their symmetric view. This approach also allows us to implicitly exclude unreachable nodes from the protocol, since no outbound connection can be established towards them. To verify a link between two nodes, monitors have a marker message go through it, proving the two nodes are connected. Adding an unpredictable random value to the marker, monitors ensure the only way a node can know it, is to have received it from the peer to which it was originally sent. For instance, if a monitor wants to verify a connection between nodes $A$ and $B$, it sends to $A$ a marker containing a random value $r$; then, it probes $B$ for such a value. If $B$ replies with the correct value, the monitor considers the connection verified. In fact, the only way for $B$ to know $r$ is to have received from $A$, which proves they are connected. Different from inferring techniques, which typically make use of side channels, we have nodes actively participate in the AToM protocol. This makes the result more reliable, but presents a downside: if nodes misbehave, because faulty or malicious, it is hard to prove or disprove a connection without making use of trusted solutions like certificates or trusted execution environments. We address this by assuming nodes have a list of ”semi-trusted” monitors, which are well-known (and thus partially trusted) nodes in the network, and that the majority of them is honest. This means the set of valid monitors should be agreed on beforehand by the Bitcoin community. At a practical level, this can be obtained by leveraging already-existing semi- trusted entities of the Bitcoin network, such as the DNS servers used for node bootstrapping, or the list of peers hardcoded in the reference client [51]. ### 6.3 The AToM Design Each monitor computes the network topology by executing, for each node, a Peers Verification (PeeV) protocol. The PeeV protocol verifies the outbound connections of a node using a marker message. This message contains the following information: the monitor $M$ that created the marker, the target node $N$ whose connections are being verified, and a random value $r$. The monitor ID allows nodes to recognize which monitor is running the protocol and to verify it is a valid actor. The target node ID and the random value are required to avoid malicious behaviors, as we will show later in this section. Specifically, the PeeV protocol for a target node $N$ and a monitor $M$ works this way: Algorithm 1 PeeV protocol for a monitor $M$ and a node $N$ 1:$M$ creates a marker message $\mu{=}[M,N,r]$, where $r$ is a random value; 2:$M$ sends $\mu$ to $N$; 3:$N$ forwards $\mu$ to its outbound peers $P_{\\_}1,P_{\\_}2,...$; 4:Each peer $P_{\\_}i$ forwards $\mu$ to $M$; 5:Upon receiving a marker $\mu^{\prime}$ from $P_{\\_}i$, $M$ checks whether $\mu^{\prime}=\mu$: 6: If so, $M$ adds the connection $N{\to}P_{\\_}i$ to its local topology snapshot. Figure 2: PeeV overview: a monitor $M$ verifies $A{\to}B$ by sending a $marker$ message to $A$ and receiving it from $B$. Red arrows show the route of the marker. We call a single execution of this protocol a PeeV round. An example of a PeeV round verifying a connection $A{\to}B$ is depicted in Fig. 2. ##### Handling network changes By running a PeeV round for every node, a monitor obtains a snapshot of the full network topology. However, changes in the network can occur at any time, producing errors in the computed snapshot. While the relative stability of the reachable network makes the number of mistakes in a single snapshot very limited, information on the connections among nodes should be updated over time in order to monitor the network. An easy way for monitors to do so is to simply scan the network (i.e., to run the PeeV protocol for all nodes) at a certain frequency, keeping the last computed results as the up-to-date snapshot. However, this approach cannot adapt well to all nodes. In fact, each node can experience changes at a different rate, making it hard to decide an appropriate scan frequency for the whole network. In particular, if the frequency is too high, it might affect efficiency and increase network traffic. On the other hand, setting this value too low would affect the accuracy of the snapshot. For instance, short-lived connections established within two consecutive scans would remain undetected. Therefore, we adopt a continuous-monitoring approach, scanning each node (with the PeeV protocol) individually, with an independent frequency value. In turn, this value is dynamically adjusted for each node according to the stability of its connections (i.e., the number of changes per unit of time). This way, nodes experiencing changes at a higher rate will be scanned more frequently than stable ones. Such an approach allows us to improve accuracy, as the scanning process adapts to the variability of single nodes, and reduce the impact on the network, as message exchanges are spread over time (while performing a one-shot snapshot requires exchanging all messages at once). #### 6.3.1 Securing the protocol A potential issue for the AToM protocol is the presence of misbehaving nodes. These nodes can deviate from protocol, either accidentally (if faulty) or intentionally (if malicious), producing errors in the snapshot. In particular, while faulty nodes do not behave consistently with each other (making it easier to spot the error), malicious ones, when controlled by a single actor, can cooperate to deceive monitors. Therefore, in this section, we specifically address malicious behaviors, with the goal of preventing them from affecting the accuracy of the protocol. While our countermeasures are designed to protect from malicious nodes, it should be clear that they are effective against faulty nodes as well. ##### Adversary model We consider an adversary that controls an arbitrary number of colluding nodes and aims at affecting the accuracy of the snapshot computed by the monitors. To that purpose the adversary can try to hide or fake nodes, and to hide or fake connections. To hide a node, the adversary needs to avoid all connections from the monitors (whose ID is known). This can be done, for instance, by blacklisting monitor addresses. However, monitors can easily bypass this restriction by connecting from different (unknown) addresses. Thus, the only way a node can hide completely is by rejecting all inbound connections. Nevertheless, this would effectively make the node unreachable, thus falling out of the AToM scope. To fake a node, the adversary can announce a fake address, pretending the existence of a running node. However, as previously mentioned, monitors verify the existence of a node by connecting to them and running the Bitcoin protocol. Therefore, the only way to fake a node is to have a single instance of a client accepting connections through multiple addresses (this can be done by using different ports or different IPs redirected to the running node). This case is analogous to controlling multiple colluding nodes (communicating with each other), which is part of our adversary model. Colluding nodes can be used by the adversary for hiding or faking connections. In particular, two such nodes can easily hide a connection among each other, or fake one by using external channels or a third colluding node. There are virtually no means to detect or avoid this kind of behavior, as it is not possible to prevent malicious nodes from cooperating. However, there is no clear advantage for the adversary in doing so, since she controls both edges of the connection. Instead, it is realistic to assume the adversary would try to hide or fake connections with honest nodes, as this might be used for other attacks (e.g., eclipse). Therefore, when considering a pair of nodes, we will only focus on the case where at least one node is honest. ##### Malicious behaviors Malicious nodes can deviate from the protocol by doing any of the following actions: 1. 1. forward a marker to an inbound peer; 2. 2. forward a marker to a non-peer node, through a colluding node; 3. 3. reuse a marker from a previous PeeV round (replay attack); 4. 4. tamper with a marker; 5. 5. drop a marker received from the monitor (i.e., not forward the message to one or more outbound peers); 6. 6. drop a marker received from a peer (i.e. not forward the message to the monitor). It is easy to see that each of the above-listed behaviors potentially produce errors (false positives and false negatives) in the snapshot computed by a monitor. In particular, cases (1) and (2) might induce the monitor to infer a non-existing outbound connection (false positive). Similarly, case (3) might make the monitor keep in the topology snapshot a connection that does not exist anymore (false positive). The effect of case (4) depends on which field the adversary modifies. On the one hand, changing the monitor identity or the random value would make the marker being dropped or rejected (false negative); as such, this analogous to dropping the message (cases 5 and 6), although it generates more traffic. On the other hand, changing the target field could be used in combination with case (2) to produce a fake connection (false positive). However, since the random value is bound to the target node, this modification would result in the marker being considered invalid. Cases (5) and (6) effectively hide one or more connections from the monitor (false negative). Given the importance of accuracy in our topology-computation protocol, it is necessary to introduce countermeasures to avoid the effects of the above- listed behaviors. ##### Handling malicious behaviors To ensure the accuracy of our protocol in the presence of malicious nodes, we address each of the behaviors listed above. To avoid case (1), we make (honest) nodes accept markers only from inbound peers; markers received from outbound peers are simply dropped. Similarly, to handle case (2), we make nodes accept markers only when received from the specified target. To avoid replay attacks (case 3), we make monitors accept only markers of the current PeeV round (for a specific target). In this respect, the random value $r$ acts as an identifier of the round. Case (4), (5) and (6) are hard to avoid, since we cannot prevent a malicious node from dropping or modifying a message 444Note that adding a digital signature to the marker (to mitigate case 4) is not helpful, as this would be dropped or rejected either way. However, it could prevent honest nodes from forwarding invalid markers (in the combination of cases 4 and 2).. Therefore, we mitigate these cases by leveraging information from the monitors. In particular, we make each node maintain a peer if confirmed by the majority of monitors. At the end of a PeeV round, monitors send to the target node the list of its currently verified peers (both inbound and outbound). Whenever a peer is not confirmed by the majority of monitors, its connection is closed, and the monitor is blacklisted (typically, in Bitcoin, nodes are banned for 24 hours before being readmitted as peers). This mechanism aims at discouraging malicious nodes from misbehaving, as it might make them lose connections. Additionally, it allows monitors to restore the correctness of the topology snapshot. In fact, while the snapshot is initially incorrect for not including an existing connection (false negative), it becomes correct as soon as such connection is closed (true negative). We refer to this feature as enforced consistency. Note that such a behavior only applies to connections where the malicious node is connected to an honest peer, since, as already discussed, it is not possible to prevent two malicious nodes from faking or hiding a connection. ##### Handling Man-In-The-Middle Attacks As connections in Bitcoin are not encrypted, a MitM adversary is able to drop, modify, and forge messages. As we saw, the use of random values in markers prevents the adversary from forging or modifying valid markers. In fact, these attacks are akin to the cases described above, and ultimately result in a connection not being verified. However, differently from previous cases, this attack might aim at hiding a connection between honest nodes, eventually leading to the connection to be lost. In other words, this is can be seen as a DoS attack. Similarly to the drop case, there is no possible countermeasure to avoid the attack. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that a MitM attacker is always able to drop the connection it controls, and, in the case of the Bitcoin protocol, other dangerous attacks are possible, such as deanonymization and double- spending. Therefore, in that respect, our protocol does not create any additional attack surface. ## 7 Protocol Procedures In this section, we formally define the AToM protocol by means of the procedures executed by monitors and nodes. For the sake of simplicity we refer to a single monitor when describing the procedures, unless where differently specified. ##### Protocol Messages We introduce the following protocol messages: * • marker = [target,monitor,value]: sent by a monitor $M$ to a node $N$, where $\texttt{target}{=}N$, $\texttt{monitor}{=}M$ and value is a random number; * • verified = [$L_{\\_}N^{M}$]: sent by a monitor $M$ to a node $N$, where $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ is the list of peers of $N$ currently verified by $M$. ##### PeeV procedures To run the PeeV protocol for a target node $N$, monitors execute the procedure shown in Algorithm 2. This procedure generates a random number $r$, and sends to $N$ a `marker` message with the following payload: $\texttt{marker := [target:N,monitor:M,value:r]}.$ To avoid indefinite waits, the monitor sets a timeout `t` for receiving markers back from other nodes. When a `marker` message is received from a node $P$, it is checked against the one sent to $N$. If it matches, $P$ is added to the list of verified peers $L_{\\_}N^{M}$. When `t` expires, the PeeV round ends, and the procedure outputs the list $L_{\\_}N^{M}$. When a `marker`${=}[M,N,r]$ message is received, nodes process it with the $HandleMarker$ procedure, shown in Algorithm 3. This procedure acts depending on the source of the message ($pfrom$): if $pfrom$ is a legit monitor $M$, the `marker` is forwarded to all outbound peers; if $pfrom$ is an inbound peer and corresponds to the target $N$, the `marker` is forwarded to the monitor $M$. Algorithm 2 PeeV 1:$PeeV(N)$: 2: $r\leftarrow rand()$ 3: $\texttt{marker}{=}[N,M,r]$ 4: $send(N,\texttt{marker})$ 5: $t\leftarrow getTimeout(N)$ 6: while $now{<}t$ do: 7: $receive(P,\texttt{marker})$ 8: if $\texttt{marker}==[N,M,r]$: 9: $L_{\\_}N^{M}:=L_{\\_}N^{M}\cup\\{P\\}$ 10: output $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ Algorithm 3 HandleMarker 1:Env: $O$, $\Gamma$ 2:$HandleMarker(pfrom,\texttt{marker}):$ 3: $[N,M,r]{=}\texttt{marker}$ 4: if $pfrom==M$ and $M{\in}\Gamma$: 5: for each $P$ in $O$ do: 6: $send(P,\texttt{marker})$ 7: if $pfrom==N$ and $pfrom\text{ in }I$: 8: $send(M,\texttt{marker})$ ##### AToM procedures To build and maintain an up-to-date snapshot of the topology ($G_{\\_}M$), monitors run the $AToM$ procedure, shown in Algorithm 4. This procedure executes a loop for every node $N$: at each iteration, the $PeeV$ procedure is run, and the output $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ is used to update the snapshot $G_{\\_}M$ ($updateTopology()$). A `verified` message is then sent to $N$ with the list of the verified peers, that is, $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ plus all known inbound peers currently verified by other PeeV executions ($getPeers()$). Note that peer lists do not change between PeeV rounds, which means that a connection stays in $G_{\\_}M$ until a PeeV execution fails to verify it. Before the following PeeV round for $N$, a time $f_{\\_}N$ is waited ($waitNext()$), which depends on the corresponding scan frequency. The value of $f_{\\_}N$ is specific to the node $N$, and is adjusted ($adjustFrequency()$) at the end of each PeeV round according to the number of changes in the verified peer list $L_{\\_}N^{M}$. In particular, when no change is detected, $f_{\\_}N$ is increased (that is, the scan frequency is reduced); instead when $c>1$ changes are detected, $f_{\\_}N$ is reduced by an amount proportional to $c$. When only 1 change is detected, the frequency is kept unchanged. This mechanism allows AToM to better adapt to sudden and isolated pikes in the variability of peer connections. If $N$ disconnects, it is removed from $V_{\\_}M$, and all its connections are removed from $E_{\\_}M$ ($removeNode()$). Again, we assume new nodes are automatically discovered by the monitor, and added to $V_{\\_}M$. When this occurs, the corresponding PeeV loop is started. Algorithm 4 AToM 1:Env: $G_{\\_}M{=}(V_{\\_}M,E_{\\_}M)$, $f_{\\_}{min}$, $f_{\\_}{max}$ 2: 1:$AToM()$: 2:for each $N$ in $V_{\\_}M$: 3: while $isOnline(N)$ do: 4: $L_{\\_}N^{M}\leftarrow PeeV(N)$ 5: $updateTopology(E_{\\_}M,L_{\\_}N^{M})$ 6: $\texttt{verified}=getPeers(N,E_{\\_}M)$ 7: $send(N,\texttt{verified})$ 8: $adjustFrequency(N,L_{\\_}N^{M})$ 9: $waitNext(f_{\\_}N)$ 10: done 11: $remove(N)$ 1:$updateTopology()$: 2: for each $P$ in $V_{\\_}M$: 3: if $P$ in $L_{\\_}N^{M}$: 4: $E_{\\_}M=E_{\\_}M\cup\\{(N,P)\\}$ 5: else: 6: $E_{\\_}M=E_{\\_}M-\\{(N,P)\\}$ 7: 1:$adjustFrequency(N,L_{\\_}N^{M})$: 2: $\texttt{c}\leftarrow countChanges(G_{\\_}M,L_{\\_}N^{M})$ 3: if $\texttt{c}==0$ and $f_{\\_}N<f_{\\_}{max}$: 4: $f_{\\_}N=f_{\\_}N+1$ 5: else if $\texttt{c}{>}1$ and $f_{\\_}N>=f_{\\_}{min}$: 6: $f_{\\_}N=f_{\\_}N-\texttt{c}$ 7: Algorithm 5 HandleVerified 1:Env: $Peers{=}O\cup I$, $\Gamma$, $\tau{=}\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}$ 2: 1:$HandleVerified(M,\texttt{verified}):$ 2: $L_{\\_}N^{M}=\texttt{verified}$ 3: for each $P$ in $Peers$: 4: if $P$ in $L_{\\_}N^{M}$: $\upsilon_{\\_}P^{M}=1$ 5: else: $\upsilon_{\\_}P^{M}=0$ 6: $checkReputation(P)$ 7: 8: 1:$checkReputation(P)$: 2:$\phi_{\\_}P=0$ 3:for each $M$ in $\Gamma$: 4: $\phi_{\\_}P=\phi_{\\_}P+\upsilon_{\\_}P^{M}$ 5:if ($\phi_{\\_}P\leq\tau$) 6: $disconnect(P)$ ##### The peer reputation system Upon receiving a `verified` message from a monitor $M$, nodes execute the $HandleVerified$ procedure shown in Algorithm 5. This procedure uses the list of verified peers $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ included in the message to maintain a reputation system. In particular, each peer has a reputation value $\phi_{\\_}P$ based on the verification status $\upsilon_{\\_}P^{M}$ of each monitor $M$. To set this value, the $HandleVerified$ procedure checks the list of current peers ($Peers$) against the list of verified peers received from $M$ ($L_{\\_}N^{M}$). If a peer $P$ is in $L_{\\_}N^{M}$, $\upsilon_{\\_}P^{M}$ is set to $1$, otherwise, it is set to $0$. The reputation for a peer $P$ ($\phi_{\\_}P$) is then obtained by summing the confirmation status of all monitor. When connecting to a peer $P$, its verification status is set to $1$ for all monitors, so that its initial reputation value is $\phi_{\\_}P{=}|\Gamma|$, corresponding to the number of monitors. This value is then updated every time a `verified` message is received. If the reputation value falls below a threshold $\tau{=}\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}$, the peer is disconnected. Therefore, a connection is maintained as long as it is confirmed by the majority of monitors. This reputation system is designed to prevent the attacker from keeping a connection hidden and alive at the same time, effectively making the attack inconvenient. ##### Global Topology We consider as a full trusted snapshot of the topology the union of nodes and connections confirmed by the majority of the monitors. We first define the verification set for a connection $A{\to}B$ as the set of monitors that verified such a connection. Formally: ###### Definition 7.1. Let $G{=}(V{,}E)$ be a Bitcoin network, $\Gamma$ be the set of monitors in $G$, and $(A{,}B)$ be a connection in $E$, the verification set $\Sigma_{\\_}{AB}$ of $(A,B)$ is $\Sigma_{\\_}{AB}=\\{M:M{\in}\Gamma\wedge(A,B){\in}E_{\\_}M\\}.$ Then, we define the global snapshot $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ as the union of the connections that are verified by the majority of monitors. Formally: ###### Definition 7.2. Let $G{=}(V{,}E)$ be a Bitcoin network, and $\Gamma$ be the set of monitors in $G$, the global snapshot $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ computed over the network $G$ is $G_{\\_}{AToM}=(V,E_{\\_}{AToM}),$ where $E_{\\_}{AToM}=\\{(A,B):|\Sigma_{\\_}{AB}|>{|\Gamma|/2}\\}.$ We assume monitors synchronize among each other to compute $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ and always use this snapshot as the trusted one. In particular, whenever some party requests the current state of the topology to a monitor, the global snapshot $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ is returned. ## 8 Analysis In this section, we study the correctness and accuracy of our protocol, both in an honest setting and in the presence of misbehaving nodes. Finally, we analyze the overhead for participating nodes in terms of the number of extra messages exchanged. For our analysis, we consider a monitor $M$ and a network $G{=}(V,E)$. Without loss of generality, we assume $M{\in}V$ and $(M,N){\in}E$ for every $N$ in $V$, but do not show them in $G$. As $M$ is not included in the snapshot $G_{\\_}M$, this does not affect our analysis. We analyze PeeV and AToM by means of their procedures, described in Algorithm 2 and Algorithm 4, respectively. ### 8.1 Correctness For the sake of simplicity, we show the correctness of AToM in a trusted setting (i.e., when all nodes are honest). In Section 8.2, we will study how misbehaving nodes can affect the correctness of the result. Additionally, we assume a connection is never dropped during the execution of the protocol (we will relax this assumption in the accuracy analysis). Showing the correctness of our protocol in a trusted environment is relatively straightforward. In particular, we can easily prove that a connection $N{\to}P$ is added to a topology snapshot $E_{\\_}M$ if and only if it exists in the actual topology (i.e., $(N,P){\in}E$). ##### PeeV We prove that, for a target node $N$ and a peer $P$, the $PeeV$ procedure adds $P$ to $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ if and only if $N{\to}P$ exists in $G$. We give a formal proof for a network $G{=}(V,E)$, and nodes $N,P{\in}V$. ###### Theorem 1. Let $G{=}(V,E)$ be a Bitcoin network, $N,P$ be nodes of $V$, and $M$ a legit monitor. Then, if $M$ executes the procedure $PeeV(N)$ defined in Algorithm 2, and $N,P$ execute the $HandleMarker()$ procedure defined in Algorithm 3, the following condition holds on the output $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ of $PeeV(N)$: $P{\in}L_{\\_}N^{M}\iff(N,P){\in}E.$ ###### Proof. We prove the two sides of the implication separately. We assume the connection $N{\to}P$ is maintained during the whole execution of the protocol, and that the timeout $t$ in $PeeV(N)$ is longer than the time needed by a marker message to be transmitted through the sequence of nodes $M{-}N{-}P{-}M$. We start proving that $(N,P){\in}E{\implies}P{\in}L_{\\_}N^{M}.$ Let $L$ be the set of outbound peers of $N$, and let us assume $(N,P){\in}E$. Then, if $M$ executes $PeeV(N)$, and $N$,$P$ execute $HandleMarker()$, the following occurs: $M$ creates `marker`${=}[N,M,r]$ and sends it to $N$; $N$ receives `marker` from $M$, and since $\texttt{pfrom}{=}M$, it sends `marker` to every peer in $L$; since $(N,P){\in}E{\implies}P{\in}L$, $P$ receives `marker` from $N$; as $\texttt{pfrom}{=}N$, $P$ sends `marker` to $M$; $M$ receives `marker` from $P$; as $\texttt{marker}{=}[N,M,r]$, $M$ executes $L_{\\_}N^{M}{:=}L_{\\_}N^{M}{\cup}{P}$; finally, the $PeeV(N)$ procedure outputs $L_{\\_}N^{M}$, such that $P{\in}L_{\\_}N^{M}$. We prove the converse side of the implication by proving its contrapositive: $(N,P){\notin}E{\implies}P{\notin}L_{\\_}N^{M}.$ Let $L$ be the set of outbound peers of $N$, and let us assume $(N,P){\notin}E$. Then, if $M$ executes $PeeV(N)$, and $N$ executes $HandleMarker()$, the following occurs: $M$ creates `marker`${=}[N,M,r]$ and sends it to $N$; $N$ receives `marker` from $M$, and since $\texttt{pfrom}{=}M$, it sends `marker` to every peer in $L$; since $(N,P){\notin}E{\implies}P{\notin}L$, $P$ does not receive `marker` from $N$; as $M$ does not receive `marker` from $P$, it does not execute $L_{\\_}N^{M}{:=}L_{\\_}N^{M}{\cup}{P}$; finally, the $PeeV(N)$ procedure outputs $L_{\\_}N^{M}$, such that $P{\notin}L_{\\_}N^{M}$. ∎ ##### AToM The correctness of AToM directly derives from that of PeeV. In particular, we can prove that the $AToM$ procedure adds a connection $N{\to}P$ to the snapshot $G_{\\_}M$ if and only if $(N,P){\in}E$. Similar to the previous case, we assume, for the sake of simplicity, that connections are not dropped. ###### Theorem 2. Let $G{=}(V,E)$ be a Bitcoin network, and $M$ a legit monitor, and $G_{\\_}M{=}(V,E_{\\_}M)$ be the local snapshot of $M$. Then, if $M$ executes the procedure $AToM(V)$ defined in Algorithm 4, the following condition holds: $(N,P){\in}E\iff(N,P){\in}E_{\\_}M.$ ###### Proof. Let us assume $(N,P){\in}E$. Then, when $M$ executes $AToM(V)$, the following occurs: since $N{\in}V$, $M$ executes a while loop for $N$; the $AToM$ procedure loop executes $L_{\\_}N^{M}\leftarrow PeeV(N)$; the $AToM$ procedure loop executes $updateTopology(E_{\\_}M,L_{\\_}N^{M})$; since, by Theorem 1, $(N,P){\in}E\iff P{\in}L_{\\_}N^{M}$, $updateTopology(E_{\\_}M,L_{\\_}N^{M})$ adds $(N,P)$ to $E_{\\_}M$ if and only if $(N,P){\in}E$. ∎ ### 8.2 Security Analysis In this section, we analyze the correctness of AToM in the presence of misbehaving nodes. In particular, we study how malicious nodes can affect the global snapshot $G_{\\_}{AToM}$. We refer to the possible misbehaviors for a malicious node, listed in Section 6.3.1: (1) forward a marker to an inbound peer; (2) forward a marker to a non-peer node, through a colluding node; (3) resend a valid marker used in a previous PeeV round (replay attack); (4) tamper with a marker; (5) drop a marker received from the monitor (i.e., not forward the message to one or more outbound peers); (6) drop a marker received from a peer (i.e. not forward the message to the monitor). Given the fact that two colluding nodes cannot be prevented from faking or hiding connections, we only study the cases where at least one node is honest. In Section 9, we experimentally evaluate how accuracy is affected by how multiple colluding nodes can affect the accuracy of the protocol. We consider a malicious node $N$ and an honest peer $P$. For cases (1) to (3), we show that, for any monitor $M$ computing a snapshot $G_{\\_}M$, $(N,P){\in}E_{\\_}M$ only if $(N,P){\in}E$. We do so by proving that none of these behaviors make the PeeV protocol verify an incorrect peer. ###### Lemma 1. Let $M$ be a monitor, $N$ be a malicious node, and $P$ be an honest inbound peer of $N$. If $M$ executes $PeeV(N)$ and $N$ forwards marker to $P$, then the following condition holds when $PeeV(N)$ ends: $(P){\notin}L_{\\_}N^{M}$. ###### Proof. Let us assume $M$ executes $PeeV(N)$ (Algorithm 1), and $N$ forwards to $P$ the `marker` received from $M$. Then, the following occurs: $P$ receives marker and runs the $HandleMarker$ procedure (Algorithm 3); in this procedure, since $pfrom=N$, the if statement at line 5 yields $true$; since $pfrom.out=true$, the if statement at line 6 yields $false$, so line 7 ($send(M,\texttt{marker})$) is not executed; during the execution of $PeeV(N)$, since marker is not received from $P$, line 8 ($L_{\\_}N^{M}:=L_{\\_}N^{M}\cup\\{P\\}$) is not executed; hence, at the end of $PeeV(N)$, $P{\notin}L_{\\_}N^{M}$. ∎ ###### Lemma 2. Let $M$ be a monitor, $N$ be a malicious node, $C$ be a colluding node, and $P$ be an honest outbound peer of $C$ that is not connected to $N$. If $M$ executes $PeeV(N)$, $N$ forwards marker to $C$, and $C$ forwards it to $P$, then the following condition holds when $PeeV(N)$ ends: $P{\notin}L_{\\_}N^{M}$. ###### Proof. Let us assume $M$ executes $PeeV(N)$ (Algorithm 1), $N$ forwards `marker` to $C$, and $C$ forwards it to $P$. Then, the following occurs: $P$ receives marker and runs the $HandleMarker$ procedure (Algorithm 3); in this procedure, since $pfrom=C$, the if statement at line 5 yields $false$, so line 7 ($send(M,\texttt{marker})$) is not executed; during the execution of $PeeV(N)$, since marker is not received from $P$, line 8 ($L_{\\_}N^{M}:=L_{\\_}N^{M}\cup\\{P\\}$) is not executed; hence, at the end of $PeeV(N)$, $P{\notin}L_{\\_}N^{M}$. ∎ Note that, as previously mentioned, the adversary could modify the marker message setting the colluding node $C$ as the $target$. In this case, $P$ would consider the message valid and forward it to $M$. However, the $value$ field would not match the target, making the monitor discard the marker. ###### Lemma 3. Let $M$ be a monitor, $N$ be a malicious node, and $P$ be a previously- connected honest inbound peer of $N$. Let $PeeV(P)_{\\_}i$ be a past PeeV round for node $P$, and let $\mu=[P,M,r_{\\_}i]$ be the marker received by $N$ in that round. Then, if during a subsequent round $PeeV(P)_{\\_}j$, $N$ is not connected to $P$ (i.e., $(P,N){\notin}E$) and sends $\mu$ to $M$, the following condition holds when $PeeV(P)_{\\_}j$ ends: $N{\notin}L_{\\_}P$. ###### Proof. Let us suppose $M$ is running $PeeV(P)_{\\_}j$ (Algorithm 1) with a marker $\mu^{\prime}=[P,M,r_{\\_}j]$, and $N$ sends $\mu$ to $M$. Then, the following occurs: $M$ receives $\mu$ from $N$, a compare it with $\mu^{\prime}$; since $\mu{\neq}\mu^{\prime}$, line 8 ($L_{\\_}N^{M}:=L_{\\_}N^{M}\cup\\{P\\}$) is not executed; hence, at the end of $PeeV(P)_{\\_}j$, $N{\notin}L_{\\_}P$. ∎ For cases (4) to (6), we show that a mismatch between $E$ and $E_{\\_}{AToM}$ can only occur during a limited time frame, thanks to the enforced consistency feature. For the sake of simplicity, we only prove case (5), as the other two cases are equivalent (modified markers are dropped by the monitor) and thus follow the same reasoning. We assume the connection $N{\to}P$ can only be closed by the $HandleVerifier$ procedure. ###### Lemma 4. Let $\Gamma$ be the set of monitors, $N$ be an honest node, and $P$ be a malicious outbound peer of $N$ ($(N,P){\in}E$). If each monitor $M$ runs $PeeV(N)$ (Algorithm 1) then when all PeeV rounds have ended, the following condition holds: $(N,P){\in}E_{\\_}{AToM}\iff(N,P){\in}E$ ###### Proof. Let us suppose $(N,P){\in}E$, and all monitors in $\Gamma$ execute $PeeV(N)$. For each monitor $M$, $N$ receives a `marker` message during the PeeV round, which is forwarded to $P$ ($|\Gamma|$ messages in total). At the end of each PeeV round, $N$ receives a `verified` message from each monitor $M$, containing the list $L_{\\_}N^{M}$ of verified peers. Now, let $\psi$ be the number of markers that $P$ correctly forwards to the monitor. Given the threshold value $\tau{=}\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}$, two cases are possible: (a) $\psi{>}\tau$ or (b) $\psi{\leq}\tau$. In case (a), given Definition 7.2, we have $(N,P){\in}E_{\\_}{AToM}$. At the same time, since $P{\in}L_{\\_}N^{M}$ for $\psi{>}\tau$ monitors, we have $\phi_{\\_}P{>}\tau$; hence, $P$ is not disconnected ($(N,P){\in}E$). In case (b), given Definition 7.2, we have $(N,P){\notin}E_{\\_}{AToM}$. At the same time, since $P{\in}L_{\\_}N^{M}$ for $\psi{\leq}\tau$ monitors, we have $\phi_{\\_}P{\leq}\tau$; hence, $P$ is disconnected ($(N,P){\notin}E$). ∎ ### 8.3 Accuracy As previously discussed, the accuracy of AToM depends on how the network topology changes over time. In this section, we study all the events that can produce a mismatch between the global snapshot $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ and the actual topology $G$. In particular, we consider the following events: 1. 1. a new node $N$ joins the network: $V:=V\cup\\{N\\}$; 2. 2. a node $N$ leaves the network: $V:=V-\\{N\\}$; 3. 3. a new connection $N{\to}P$ is established: $E:=E\cup\\{(N,P)\\}$; 4. 4. a connection $N{\to}P$ is closed: $E:=E-\\{(N,P)\\}$. Note that case (1) implies case (3), since, by definition, a node with no connections is not part of the network. Similarly, case (2) implies case (4) for all the connections held by the node leaving the network. Thus, without loss of generality, we focus on cases (3) and (4). Let us consider a monitor $M$ and a node $N$. In both cases (3) and (4), if the event occurs before executing $PeeV(N)$, no mismatch is produced in the local snapshot $G_{\\_}M$. Similarly, if a connection $N{\to}P$ is closed during a PeeV round, $M$ will not receive the `marker` message and correctly remove $(N,P)$ from $E_{\\_}M$. Hence, only two cases can produce an error in the snapshot $G_{\\_}M$: when a connection $N{\to}P$ is dropped after $PeeV(N)$ completes, and when a connection $N{\to}P$ is established after $PeeV(N)$ has started. The first case generates a false positive: $(N,P){\in}E_{\\_}G$ but $(N,P){\notin}E$. The second case generates a false negative: $(N,P){\in}E_{\\_}G$ but $(N,P){\notin}E_{\\_}M$. Relatively to the local snapshot $G_{\\_}M$, both mismatches will be fixed at the following PeeV round for $N$. In particular, for any node $N$ and monitor $M$, errors can only exist during the time frame between two consecutive executions of $PeeV(N)$, which depends on the scan frequency $f_{\\_}N^{M}$ set by $M$ for the target $N$. Since the global snapshot is the majoritarian union of the local snapshots (a connection is included only if confirmed by the majority of monitors), a mismatch in $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ can only last while half of the monitors contemporary have the error in their local snapshot. Specifically, the time frame during which an error can stay in the global snapshot is, in the worst case, the smallest frequency for $N$ that is greater than the smallest $\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}$ frequencies. Formally, the following theorem holds: ###### Theorem 3. Let $[f_{\\_}N^{1},f_{\\_}N^{2},...,f_{\\_}N^{|\Gamma|}]$ be the ordered list of all frequencies set by monitors $M_{\\_}1,M_{\\_}2,...,M_{\\_}{|\Gamma|}$ for node $N$: . The longest time frame during which an error can exist in $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ is $f_{\\_}N^{\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}+1}$. ###### Proof. Let $t_{\\_}0$ be the time in which a change occurs. We consider the worst- case scenario where all monitors execute $PeeV(N)$ at time $t_{\\_}0-1$. For the sake of simplicity, we assume the execution of $PeeV(N)$ as an atomic event. At time $t_{\\_}0+f_{\\_}N^{1}$ the first monitor detects the change. At time $t_{\\_}0+f_{\\_}N^{\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}}$, half of the monitors will have detected the change. At time $t_{\\_}0+f_{\\_}N^{\frac{|\Gamma|}{2}+1}$, the majority of monitors will have detected the change, which is then reflected into $G_{\\_}{AToM}$. ∎ Given the above, the accuracy of the global snapshot can be adjusted by setting a maximum frequency value for all monitors. ### 8.4 Overhead In this section, we analyze the impact of AToM over network nodes, in terms of the number of extra messages introduced by our protocol and comparing it to the average number of messages currently exchanged by a node of the Bitcoin network. We calculate the average number of messages exchanged by a node $N$ in a complete PeeV round, which includes the execution of a PeeV round for $N$ (to verify its outbound peers) as well as the PeeV rounds needed to confirm all inbound peers. During a complete round, nodes exchange the following messages: * • a `marker` message from each monitor in $\Gamma$, which is forwarded to all outbound peers; * • a `verified` message from each monitor in $\Gamma$; * • a `marker` message from each inbound peer, which is forwarded to the corresponding monitor. Therefore, in a complete PeeV round, the total number of messages exchanged by a single node is: $Msg_{\\_}{PeeV}{=}(|O|+2{\cdot}|I|+1){\cdot}|\Gamma|,$ where $|O|$ and $|I|$ are the number of outbound and inbound peers, respectively, and $|\Gamma|$ is the number of monitors. As, on average, Bitcoin nodes experience around one change per hour in their outbound connections [50], monitors will need to run, for each node, approximately one PeeV round per hour. Hence, each node will exchange, for each monitor, around $Msg_{\\_}{PeeV}$ messages per hour. As mentioned in Section 2, connections for a node are usually limited to 8 outbound and 117 inbound. This value can actually be diverse in real life, with most nodes never reaching the limit [20, 13], and few others exceeding this number [11]. Therefore, we consider $|O|{=}8$ and $|I|{=}117$ as average values and estimate the overhead of AToM for a single node as approximately $|O|{+}2{\cdot}|I|{+}1=8{+}2{\cdot}117{+}1=243$ additional messages per hour, for each monitor. If we run, for instance, 10 monitors, each node would exchange around 2430 extra messages per hour, which is less than 1 extra message per second. Following the same reasoning, we could run as many as 50 monitors with only 3 extra messages per second for each node. Considering the average number of messages exchanged by a Bitcoin node is around 50 per second [52], we can say the overhead introduced by the AToM protocol is very low. Moreover, AToM can easily scale to larger networks. In fact, the cost of running the AToM protocol for a monitor increases linearly in the number of nodes, with an average of only 10 extra messages per new node (1 marker to the node, 8 markers from its outbound peers, and 1 verification message), in each PeeV round. On the other hand, the impact on a single node does not depend on the size of the network, but only on the number of monitors and the number of peers (which is limited by the Bitcoin client). ## 9 Experimental Results To evaluate our solution, we implemented a proof of concept (PoC) and performed experiments in a simulated environment. In this section, we describe our implementation and show the results of our experiments. ### 9.1 Implementation We give details about our PoC implementation of AToM and describe our simulation environment. ##### AToM We implemented AToM by modifying Bitcoin Core 0.20. We limited the compatibility of the protocol to one node per IP address (i.e., we do not allow two nodes to run from the same IP). This limitation is due to the fact that inbound peers are assigned a random port, making it impossible to distinguish two different nodes connecting from the same IP. Considering that virtually all known public nodes run from a different IP, we consider this a minor issue. The scan frequency and timeout values have been chosen according to our local network delays. The PeeV timeout was set to 1 second, which proved to be sufficient for a full PeeV round ($M{-}N{-}P{-}M$). Similarly, $adjustFrequency()$ works as described in Algorithm 4, using seconds as the time unit ($f_{\\_}N$ is increased by 1 second and decreased by $c$ seconds). In particular, for each node $N$, the initial scan frequency $f_{\\_}N$ was set to 5 seconds, while the minimum and maximum values were set to $f_{\\_}{min}{=}1$ and $f_{\\_}{max}{=}10$, respectively. The actual PeeV round scheduling is randomized following a Poisson distribution over $f_{\\_}N$. This further spreads messages over time and makes it harder for an adversary to predict PeeV round timings. For safety purposes, nodes enable the reputation system for a node only after 3 PeeV rounds have passed (since the connection was established) for each monitor. This was necessary to avoid disconnecting inbound peers that are not being scanned at the same rate as the node itself. After this safe period, nodes are immediately disconnected when not verified by the majority of peers. Such peers are also banned, avoiding future connections to and from them. ##### Adversary We implemented malicious nodes, which consistently deviate from the protocol to hide and fake connections. These nodes are able to recognize each other and cooperate to deceive the monitors. In particular, malicious nodes conceal their connections by dropping all markers received from honest peers and fake connections by forwarding those received from a monitor to other malicious nodes. When a malicious node receives a marker from a colluding peer, it forwards it to the monitor, producing a false positive in the local snapshot. Note that such behavior represents the worst-case scenario for our protocol. ### 9.2 Evaluation We performed three series of experiments with network variability values of 1, 5, and 10 seconds, which have been chosen to be equal to the lowest, initial, and highest scan frequency for each node ($f_{\\_}N$). In each series, we performed runs with different percentages of malicious nodes in the network, ranging from 0% (i.e., all honest nodes) to 50%. Each simulation lasted 10 minutes, with monitors probed every 30 seconds. The global snapshot $G_{\\_}{AToM}$ was calculated as in Definition 7.2 and compared to the ground-truth topology $G$. For each experiment, we counted the number of True Positives (TP), False Negatives (FN), and False Positives (FP, and then evaluated the accuracy of AToM in terms of precision and recall, defined as follows: $Precision=\frac{|TP|}{|TP|+|FP|}$ $Recall=\frac{|TP|}{|TP|+|FN|}.$ These metrics are typically used to evaluate topology-inferring techniques, allowing a direct comparison with our protocol. However, it should be noted that such techniques are run from the adversarial perspective. This means, on the one hand, that honest nodes do not participate to the protocol, and, on the other hand, that there are no malicious nodes trying to cheat. Therefore, false negatives and false positives are caused by other factors compared to our setting, giving precision and recall values a different meaning for topology-inferring techniques. This should be taken into account when comparing these techniques to our protocol. ##### Simulation Environment To perform the experiments, we implemented a private Bitcoin network (i.e., Regtest) using our modified client and running nodes in Docker containers and managing them through a script. The network is composed of 50 nodes and 4 monitors (the number of malicious nodes is calculated as the percentage of the total number of nodes). Outbound connections are opened from each monitor towards all nodes, as soon as they are created. In turn, each node connects to 3 outbound peers, chosen uniformly at random. Between two nodes, only one connection can be established, meaning that there are no mutual connections, nor multiple inbound connections from the same node. To cope with the local scale of the simulation, we let changes in the network occur at a much faster rate than the real Bitcoin network. In particular, we have network events occur at a target average frequency, referred to as network variability (and denoted by $var$ in our results), whose value is set at the beginning of each experiment. At each iteration a node is either added or removed, maintaining an average of 50 nodes throughout the experiment. The percentage of malicious nodes is also kept stable over time. When a node is removed, its inbound peers are connected to another node to always keep 3 outbound connections (this emulates the behavior of nodes in the Bitcoin network). Despite the small scale, our framework is designed to behave as close as possible to the real Bitcoin network. As such, although experiments are needed at a larger scale, we are confident that the results we obtained fairly represent the characteristics of our protocol. ##### Experimental results We show the AToM precision and recall obtained in our simulation Figure 3(a) and Figure 3(b), respectively (values are shown in Table 2 and Table 2). | 0% | 5% | 10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- var=10 | 100 | 100 | 98.9 | 96.9 | 79.9 | 62.9 | 47.6 var=5 | 100 | 100 | 97.2 | 95.7 | 66.1 | 50.8 | 47.6 var=1 | 100 | 99.2 | 95.6 | 84.2 | 64.8 | 51.7 | 51.3 Table 1: AToM precision (values) | 0% | 5% | 10% | 20% | 30% | 40% | 50% ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- var=10 | 100 | 99.5 | 98.0 | 95.9 | 88.3 | 79.5 | 54.6 var=5 | 99.9 | 99.0 | 97.3 | 95.8 | 82.5 | 75.7 | 50.1 var=1 | 99.8 | 98.8 | 96.7 | 91.3 | 82.3 | 68.6 | 43.0 Table 2: AToM recall (values) (a) AToM precision. (b) AToM recall. Figure 3: Experimental results for the AToM protocol. In an honest setting, both precision and recall are above 99%, independently from the network variability. In particular, the different network variability did not seem to produce notable differences in the results. When malicious nodes are introduced, the number of false negatives and false positives starts to grow, lowering recall and precision, respectively. However, recall decreases slower than precision, keeping over 90% up to with 20% malicious nodes and over 80% with 30% of malicious nodes. This is due to the fact that colluding nodes, when connected, can only hide their own connection (thus generating a false negative), since the enforced consistency property quickly removes hidden connections with honest nodes. On the other hand, as discussed in Section 6, colluding nodes can exchange valid markers received from their inbound peers to make the monitor infer wrong connections. This translates to as many false positives as their inbound peers. For this reason, precision, while also keeping over 90% with up to 20% malicious nodes, decreases more rapidly than recall when the number of colluding nodes grows. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that controlling more than 20% of the reachable network is very costly for the adversary, since it requires deploying thousands of nodes, located in different areas of the Internet (this is because Bitcoin clients limit the number of connections from a single subnet to reduce the risk of connecting to multiple adversarial nodes). While controlling such a massive amount of nodes can be used to affect the accuracy of the global snapshot (but not, for instance, to cause disconnections among nodes) Given the fact that controlling many reachable nodes can only affect the accuracy a similar attack could only affect the precision of the global snapshot, without being able, for instance, to cause disconnections among nodes, it is unclear whether such a motivation would be worth the cost for the adversary. In conclusion, our results prove that AToM adapts well to the variability of the network and has high resilience against malicious nodes. However, a massive number of colluding malicious nodes can affect its precision. This factor should be taken into account when leveraging AToM for security purposes. ## 10 Conclusion In this paper, we studied the problem of topology obfuscation in the Bitcoin network. Despite the general agreement on the fact that the Bitcoin topology should be hidden for security reasons, no solid proofs have been provided in the literature to support this measure. On the other hand, topology-inferring techniques are periodically disclosed, which allow attackers to effectively bypass this protective mechanism. While most such techniques have been quickly made obsolete by fixes to the protocol, they show the difficulty of developers to enforce this limitation. At the same time, researchers pointed out how the lack of topology information greatly hinders the analysis and optimization of the network, which are of paramount importance for its improvement. We then addressed this problem by questioning the need of topology obfuscation and empirically investigating the security threats that are traditionally cited as a motivation for this approach. We thoroughly reviewed all known network-level attacks related to or aided by knowledge of the topology. Our analysis shows that most such attacks do not actually depend on this information or their risk has been mitigated over the years. In light of this, we argued for an open topology, and proposed AToM, a semi- trusted monitoring system for the Bitcoin network. Our protocol allows computing a full snapshot of the network and keeping it up-to-date over time. We formally analyzed its correctness and showed its resilience against colluding malicious nodes. We also experimentally evaluated its precision and recall in both trusted and untrusted settings. Our solution has low overhead and can be implemented on any permissionless blockchain network, with virtually no modifications. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to specifically address the debate on topology obfuscation and to propose a viable solution for the monitoring of the Bitcoin network. Based on our findings, we endorse an open topology for the Bitcoin network and promote its active monitoring to help researchers and developers design a more efficient and secure cryptocurrency. Future work includes a fully-distributed (trustless) version of the protocol, the application or introduction of topology-analysis techniques for the bitcoin network, and the design of new mechanisms for improving connectivity and promptly react to security threats. ## Acknowledgment This project is co-financed by the European Union Regional Development Fund within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020 with a grant of 50% of total eligible cost. ## References * [1] S. Nakamoto “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System”, 2008 URL: * [2] CoinMarketCap “Bitcoin price, charts, market cap and other metrics” (Last accessed: 2020-01-16), 2020 URL: * [3] M. Conti, E. Sandeep Kumar, C. Lal and S. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Federico Franzoni, Xavier Salleras, Vanesa Daza", "submitter": "Federico Franzoni", "url": "" }
[a]Thomas Gaisser # Seasonal variation of atmospheric muons Stef Verpoest ###### Abstract Competition between decay and re-interaction of charged pions and kaons depends on the temperature/density profile of the upper atmosphere. The amplitude and phase of the variations depend on the minimum muon energy required to reach the detector and on muon multiplicity in the detector. Here we compare different methods for characterizing the muon production profile and the corresponding effective temperature. A muon production profile based on a parameterization of simulations of muons as a function of primary energy is compared with approximate analytic solutions of the cascade equation integrated over primary energy. In both cases, we compare two definitions of effective temperature. We emphasize applications to compact underground detectors like MINOS and OPERA, while indicating how they relate to extended detectors like IceCube. ## 1 Introduction Two-body decays of $\pi^{\pm}$ and $K^{\pm}$ are the principal source of atmospheric muons in the TeV energy range relevant for this paper, where the focus is on inclusive rates of muons from the steep spectrum of all cosmic rays. Prompt muons from decay of charm and three-body decays of kaons [1] contribute significantly only at much higher energies, for example when primary energies in the PeV region and above can be selected by a surface array. The relation of the muon rate to atmospheric temperature evolves over a range determined by the critical energies for decay of the parent mesons, $\epsilon_{\pi}=115$ GeV, and $\epsilon_{K}=857$ GeV. At the lowest energies both pions and kaons are below the threshold for re-interaction in the atmosphere, so the correlation of the muon rate with temperature is small. Re- interaction becomes significant first for pions and only at higher energy for kaons. Full correlation with temperature is reached for $E_{\mu}>>1$ TeV. The relation between measured muon rate and atmospheric temperature is conventionally quantified by a correlation coefficient, $\alpha_{T}$, $\frac{\delta R}{R_{av}}=\alpha_{T}\frac{\delta T}{T_{av}},$ (1) where $T=T_{\rm eff}$ and $T_{av}$ is its average over a year and $R$ is the rate of muons. Effective temperature is a convolution of the muon production spectrum as a function of slant depth in the atmosphere with the corresponding temperature profile. The paper is organized with an initial section on the muon production. We compare approximate analytic solutions of the hadronic cascade equations with a muon production profile characterized by parameters determined from simulation. The next section deals with effective temperature and compares two approaches for relating temperature to muon production. Finally, we discuss calculation of the correlation coefficient, its evolution with energy and how it varies between the different approaches to calculation of rates and effective temperature. ## 2 Rates of muons The rate of muons of energy $E_{\mu}$ from a direction $\theta,\phi$ in a detector with effective area $A_{\rm eff}$ is given by ${\rm R}(\theta,\phi)=\int{\rm d}X\int_{E_{\mu,min}}{\rm d}E_{\mu}\,A_{\rm eff}(E_{\mu},\theta,\phi)P(E_{\mu},\theta,X),$ (2) where $P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)$ is the production spectrum of muons differential in slant depth $X$. For a compact detector at a depth large compared to its vertical dimension, the effective area is the projected physical area from the direction $\theta,\phi$. For simplicity, we consider detectors with a flat overburden, in which case the physical area of the detector averaged over azimuth can be used and $\displaystyle{\rm R}(\theta)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle A_{\rm eff}(\theta)\int{\rm d}X\int_{E_{\mu,min}}{\rm d}E_{\mu}\,P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle A_{\rm eff}(\theta)\int{\rm d}XP(>E_{\mu,min},\theta,X)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle A_{\rm eff}(\theta)\,I(E_{\mu,min},\theta),$ where $I(E_{\mu,min},\theta)$ is the integral muon flux for a given zenith angle and $E_{\mu,min}(\theta)$ is determined by the muon energy-loss formula and the slant depth through the overburden for each zenith angle. In both cases, the total rate is given by ${\rm Rate}=\sum_{\theta}{\rm R}(\theta).$ (4) Here we use calculations for the MINOS Far Detector (FD) at Soudan [2] and the MINOS ND at Fermilab [3] to compare two approaches to calculating the integral muon flux and its dependence on atmospheric temperature in two different ranges of energy. The standard approach is to use an analytic approximation for the integral flux of muons at slant depth $X$ $P(>E_{\mu,min},\theta,X)=F(E_{\mu})\frac{A_{\pi\mu}(X)}{\gamma+(\gamma+1)B_{\pi\mu}(X)E_{\mu}\cos\theta/\epsilon_{\pi}},$ (5) where $F(E_{\mu})\equiv E_{\mu}\,N_{0}(E_{\mu})$, and $N_{0}(E_{\mu})=C\times E_{\mu}^{-(\gamma+1)}$ is the primary spectrum of nucleons per GeV m2s sr evaluated at the energy of the muon. The integral spectral index is $\gamma\approx 1.7$, This form (plus the corresponding term for kaons) provides the production profile that can be inserted into Eq. 2 to get the integral spectrum of muons. The analytic form 5 is based on a solution [4] to the cascade equation for nucleons, pions and kaons in the atmosphere and produces an inclusive muon flux that is not applicable to multiple muons. The primary spectrum is integrated assuming scaling for the production cross sections and a constant spectral index and appears in Eq. 5 evaluated at the energy of the muon. The production cross sections and two-body decays of the charged pions and kaons appear as spectrum weighted moments for production and decay in the quantities $A$ and $B$ in Eq. 5: $A_{\pi\mu}(X)=\frac{Z_{N\pi}}{\lambda_{N}(\gamma+1)}\frac{1-r_{\pi}^{\gamma+1}}{1-r_{\pi}}e^{-X/\Lambda_{N}},$ (6) and $B_{\pi\mu}(X)=\frac{\gamma+2}{\gamma+1}\,\frac{1-r_{\pi}^{\gamma+1}}{1-r_{\pi}^{\gamma+2}}\,\frac{X}{\Lambda^{*}}\,\frac{e^{-X/\Lambda_{N}}}{e^{-X/\Lambda_{\pi}}-e^{-X/\Lambda_{N}}},$ (7) where $\Lambda_{\pi}^{*}=\Lambda_{\pi}\times\Lambda_{N}/(\Lambda_{\pi}-\Lambda_{N})$ is a combination of the attenuation lengths for nucleons and pions. The equations for the kaon channel have the same form, with the branching ratio $0.635$ multiplying $A_{K\mu}(X)$. For calculations we use the TeV values of spectrum-weighted moments and attenuations lenghts from Ref. [4]. An alternate approach is to use a parameterization of Monte Carlo simulations to calculate $P(>E_{\mu,min},\theta,X)$. In this case, because the simulation is following the production of muons along the trajectory of the primary cosmic ray, multiple muons are included. In Ref. [5] the parameterization was applied to the seasonal variation of multiple muon events as measured by MINOS [6] and by the NOvA ND [7]. Here we use it to calculate total rates of muons integrated over the primary spectrum. Because the total rates are dominated by single muons, the comparison with the analytic approach is of interest. For the primary spectrum in both cases we use the primary spectrum of nucleons from the H3a model [8, 9] of the spectrum and composition for the calculations shown below. Figure 1: Angular distribution the the MINOS near a far detectors. Table 1 shows the binning in zenith angle and the corresponding minimum muon energies used to calculate total rates (Eq. 4). The corresponding angular distributions are shown in Fig. 1. The distribution is significantly flatter for the shallow detector at Fermilab where the muons of lower energy are not so much influenced by radiative energy losses as for the deep detector at Soudan. Table 1: Minimum muon energies (GeV) for 8 bins of $\cos\theta$ $\cos\theta$ | 0.95 | 0.85 | 0.75 | 0.65 | 0.55 | 0.45 | 0.35 | 0.25 ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- MINOS FD | 730 | 850 | 1030 | 1320 | 1800 | 2730 | 5000 | 14000 MINOS ND | 50 | 56 | 64 | 74 | 89 | 111 | 147 | 217 ## 3 Effective temperature The effective temperature is a convolution of the atmospheric temperature profile with muon production along a path defined by the zenith angle. One possibility is to define it as $T_{\mathrm{eff}}(\theta)=\frac{\int{\rm d}X\,P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)\,T(X)}{\int{\rm d}X\,P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)},$ (8) A simple derivation of a different definition of effective temperature starts by taking the variance of the rate with respect to temperature. $\displaystyle\Delta{\rm R}(\theta)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\int{\rm d}X\int{\rm d}E_{\mu}\,A_{\rm eff}(E_{\mu},\theta)$ $\displaystyle\times\frac{{\rm d}P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{{\rm d}T}\Delta T.$ Then define $\Delta T=T(X)-T_{\rm eff}$ and set $\Delta{\rm R}=0$ to get $T_{\rm eff}(\theta)=\frac{\int{\rm d}X\int{\rm d}E_{\mu}\,A_{\rm eff}(E_{\mu},\theta)T(X)\frac{{\rm d}P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{{\rm d}T}}{\int{\rm d}X\int{\rm d}E_{\mu}\,A_{\rm eff}(E_{\mu},\theta)\frac{{\rm d}P(E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{{\rm d}T}}.$ (10) This derivative definition of effective temperature originated with the first paper on seasonal variations of muons [10], and a more recent implementation [11] is used by MINOS and detectors such as OPERA [12] at LNGS. Use of the simple analytic approximation of Eq. 5 leads to relatively simple forms listed in the next paragraph. Application to the parameterization requires numerical differentiation of $P(>E_{\mu},\theta,Z)$. The temperature dependence of the muon production spectrum is entirely contained in the two critical energies, $\epsilon_{i}=\frac{m_{i}c^{2}}{c\tau_{i}}\frac{RT}{Mg}\,\,{\rm with}\,\frac{RT}{Mg}=29.62\,\frac{\rm m}{{}^{\circ}K}.$ (11) Thus, for the differential form of the pion channel, for example, $T(X)\frac{dP(E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{dT}=\frac{A_{\pi\mu}(X)B_{\pi\mu}(X)E_{\mu}\cos\theta/\epsilon_{\pi}(T)}{[1+B_{\pi\mu}E_{\mu}\cos\theta/\epsilon_{\pi}(T)]^{2}}.$ (12) The corresponding integral form is $T_{\rm eff}(\theta)=\frac{\int{\rm d}X\ T(X)\frac{{\rm d}P(>E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{{\rm d}T}}{\int{\rm d}X\,\frac{{\rm d}P(>E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{{\rm d}T}},$ (13) with $T(X)\frac{dP(>E_{\mu},\theta,X)}{dT}=\frac{A_{\pi\mu}(X)(\gamma+1)B_{\pi\mu}(X)E_{\mu}\cos\theta/\epsilon_{\pi}(T)}{[\gamma+(\gamma+1)B_{\pi\mu}E_{\mu}\cos\theta/\epsilon_{\pi}(T)]^{2}}.$ (14) It is enlightening to apply the two definitions of effective temperature to calculation of the correlation between rate and $T_{\rm eff}$. Figure 2 shows the correlation from the analytic calculation for the MINOS FD. The same comparison using the parameterization is shown in Fig. 3. The corresponding correlations for the MINOS ND are presented in Figs. 4 and 5. Figure 2: Correlation with temperature for the MINOS FD calculated with the analytic formula; Left: T1 and Right: T2. Figure 3: Correlation coefficient for the MINOS FD calculated with the parameterization; Left: T1 and Right: T2. Figure 4: Correlation with temperature for the MINOS ND calculated with the analytic formula; Left: T1 and Right: T2. Figure 5: Correlation coefficient for the MINOS ND calculated with the parameterization; Left: T1 and Right: T2. ## 4 Correlation coefficient Slopes of straight-line fits to the data shown in the correlation plots give the respective coefficients, $\alpha_{T}$ from Eq. 1, for each set of assumptions. In all cases, the derivative definition of effective temperature (Eq. 10) gives a tighter correlation with the fit line. This reduction of scatter is especially noticeable when the rates are calculated with the parameterization. For the MINOS ND the measured correlation coefficient is $\alpha_{T}=0.352\pm 0.046$ [3], and for the FD $\alpha_{T}=0.873$ [2]. It should be emphasized, however, that these are correlations with measured rates, whereas the figures here show correlations with calculated rates. For the MINOS FD, all the calculations give coefficients somewhat below the measured value. It is interesting that for the shallow detector, the experimental value is closer to the result when the rates are calculated with the parameterization. ## 5 Summary Understanding seasonal variations of muon rates in underground detectors requires accounting for the temperature profile in the integration of the muon production spectrum over slant depth in the atmosphere. This paper compares two approaches to calculation of rates in compact underground detectors: 1) uses an analytic approximation to the muon production spectrum as a function of slant depth in the atmosphere and 2) uses a formula based on simulations. In both cases, the temperature-dependence is entirely contained in the critical energies for pions and kaons. Results are typically quantified as the correlation between the muon rate and a single effective temperature evaluated for each day (or other time span) for which the rates are determined, either by calculation or by measurement. We compared two definitions of $T_{\rm eff}$, one in which temperature is weighted by the muon production spectrum itself, and another in which it is weighted with the derivative with respect to temperature of the production spectrum. The latter has been traditionally used in analysis of results from compact underground detectors. By definition it minimizes deviation of calculated rates from the value expected for a given effective temperature. These different methods are illustrated in two different energy ranges by calculations for the MINOS ND ($E_{\mu}\sim 100$ GeV) and for the MINOS FD ($E_{\mu}\sim 1$) TeV. As expected, the correlation with effective temperature is significantly higher ($\alpha_{T}\sim 0.79$) for the higher energy region than for lower energies ($0.2$ to $0.35$). In the lower energy range, with $E_{\mu}\sim\epsilon_{\pi}$, the dominant pion component still has a high probability to decay, whereas in the higher energy range it is fully correlated with the temperature. One aspect that remains to be examined is the relation between the fractional contribution of the kaon channel to the calculated rates and the values of the corresponding correlation coefficients. Other things being equal, a larger kaon fraction should result in a smaller value of the correlation coefficient. The opposite is the case for the lower energy calculation, where the kaon fraction is higher for the parameterization, but the correlation coefficient is higher. ## References * [1] T. K. Gaisser and S. R. Klein, Astropart. Phys. 64 (2015) 13–17. * [2] MINOS Collaboration, P. Adamson et al., Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 012001\. * [3] P. Adamson et al., Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 012010. * [4] T. K. Gaisser, R. Engel, and E. Resconi, Cosmic Rays and Particle Physics. Cambridge University Press, 2016. * [5] T. K. Gaisser and S. Verpoest, arXiv:2106.12247. * [6] MINOS Collaboration, P. Adamson et al., Phys. Rev. D91 (2015) 112006\. * [7] NOvA Collaboration, M. A. Acero et al., Phys. Rev. D99 (2019) 122004\. * [8] T. K. Gaisser, Astropart. Phys. 35 (2012) 801–806. * [9] T. K. Gaisser, T. Stanev, and S. Tilav, Front. Phys. (Beijing) 8 (2013) 748–758. * [10] P. Barrett et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 24 (1952) 133–178. * [11] E. Grashorn, J. de Jong, M. Goodman, A. Habig, M. Marshak, S. Mufson, S. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Thomas Gaisser and Stef Verpoest", "submitter": "Thomas K. Gaisser", "url": "" }
# Open sets of partially hyperbolic skew products having a unique SRB measure Davi Obata 111D.O. was partially supported by the projects ANR BEKAM : ANR-15-CE40-0001 and ERC project 692925 NUHGD. ###### Abstract In this paper we obtain $C^{2}$-open sets of dissipative, partially hyperbolic skew products having a unique SRB measure with full support and full basin. These partially hyperbolic systems have a two dimensional center bundle which presents both expansion and contraction but does not admit any further dominated splitting of the center. These systems are non conservative perturbations of an example introduced by Berger-Carrasco. To prove the existence of SRB measures for these perturbations, we obtain a measure rigidity result for $u$-Gibbs measures for partially hyperbolic skew products. This is an adaptation of a measure rigidity result by A. Brown and F. Rodriguez Hertz for stationary measures of random product of surface diffeomorphisms. In particular, we classify all the possible $u$-Gibbs measures that may appear in a neighborhood of the example. Using this classification, and ruling out some of the possibilities, we obtain open sets of systems, in a neighborhood of the example, having a unique $u$-Gibbs measure which is SRB. ###### Contents 1. 1 Introduction 2. 2 Preliminaries 3. 3 Proof of Theorem A assuming Theorems B and C 4. 4 Center Lyapunov exponents for $u$-Gibbs measures 5. 5 Proof of Theorem C 6. 6 Rigidity of $u$-Gibbs measures 7. 7 The non invariance of stable directions by $u$-holonomies 8. 8 Measures with atomic center disintegration and the proof of Theorem B 9. 9 The proof of Theorem 8.3: the $s$-invariance of the center conditional measures 10. 10 Appendix A: $C^{2}$-regularity of unstable holonomies ## 1 Introduction In dynamics one usually tries to understand the asymptotic behavior of the orbit of many points. In this direction, it is natural to try to understand properties, and the existence, of certain invariant measures that capture the statistical behavior of a set of points that is relevant for the Lebesgue measure. Let us make this more precise. Let $f$ be a diffeomorphism of a closed, compact, connected, orientable manifold $M$. Given an invariant ergodic222Recall that $\mu$ is ergodic if and only if any $f$-invariant measurable set $\Lambda$ has measure $0$ or $1$. probability measure $\mu$, its basin is defined as $B(\mu)=\left\\{p\in M:\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\delta_{f^{j}(p)}\xrightarrow{n\to+\infty}\mu\right\\},$ where $\delta_{p}$ is the dirac measure on $p$ and the convergence is for the weak*-topology. The measure $\mu$ is physical if its basin has positive Lebesgue measure. In other words, physical measures are the measures that capture the asymptotic behavior of many points in the Lebesgue point of view. In the 1970s, Sinai, Ruelle and Bowen [56, 53, 14] proved that $C^{1+\alpha}$ uniformly hyperbolic systems have finitely many physical measures that describes the statistical behavior of Lebesgue almost every point. Nowadays, the measures they constructed are called SRB measures (SRB for Sinai-Ruelle- Bowen), see Definition 2.17. These measures have an important geometrical property: they admit conditional measures along unstable manifolds which are absolutely continuous with respect to the volume of the unstable manifolds. After the work of Ledrappier in [40], there is a well developed ergodic theory for these measures. The hyperbolic333See section 2.2 for the definition of hyperbolic measure. SRB measures form an important class of physical measures. We remark that in the hyperbolic setting there are uniform expansion/contraction, and a dominated splitting444An invariant set $\Lambda$ admits a dominated splitting if it admits an invariant splitting $T_{\Lambda}M=E\oplus F$, such that $\exists N\in\mathbb{N}$ that verifies $\|Df^{N}(p)|_{E_{p}}\|\|Df^{-N}(f^{N}(p))|_{F_{f^{N}(p)}}\|<\frac{1}{2}$. (which implies that the angle between the expanding/contracting directions is uniformly bounded from below). These two points are important to carry the constructions of such measures. There are many works that study conditions that guarantee the existence of hyperbolic SRB measures outside the uniformly hyperbolic setting, see for instance [63, 13, 3, 23, 24, 7]. We also refer the reader to the recent survey [25] for a discussion on the different methods of construction of such measures (with a focus on the geometrical method). We now mention some of the examples of systems admitting hyperbolic SRB measures. * • Some derived from Anosov examples, in particular the ones introduced by Bonatti-Viana in [13]: these examples have a dominated splitting, and nonuniform expansion, or contraction (also known as mostly contracting, or mostly expanding), see also [3, 58]. It gives open sets of systems having an unique hyperbolic SRB measure. * • Hénon maps: in [8] it is proved that for a set of positive Lebesgue measure of parameters $(a,b)$ with $b>0$ small, the map $h_{a,b}(x,y)=(x^{2}+y+a,-bx),$ admits a hyperbolic SRB measure. This example has non-uniform expansion/contraction, it is dissipative (it does not preserve the Lebesgue measure), and it does not admit a dominated splitting. However, it is not guaranteed the existence of an SRB measure for an open set of parameters $(a,b)$. * • Some robustly non-uniformly hyperbolic volume preserving diffeomorphisms whose Oseledec’s splitting is not dominated555See section 2 for the definition of non-uniform hyperbolicity and Oseledec’s splitting.: by the absolute continuity of the unstable partition after the work of Pesin (see [47]), in the volume preserving scenario, the existence of a hyperbolic SRB measure is equivalent to prove non-uniform hyperbolicity. Let us mention a few of such examples. The Berger-Carrasco’s example in [10] (which we will study in more detail in this work). We also mention Avila-Viana in [5], and Liang-Marin-Yang in [43], where they obtain $C^{2}$-open sets of symplectomorphisms which are non-uniformly hyperbolic. These examples are conservative, they have non- uniform expansion/contraction, and the expanding/contracting directions are not dominated. * • Some “large local” perturbations of Axiom A systems, which appeared in [23]: these examples also present non-uniform expansion/contraction, and no dominated splitting. But the proof of the existence of a hyperbolic SRB measure does not guarantee the robust existence of a hyperbolic SRB measure. We remark that the list above is not a complete list of examples, but they represent well the examples according to the presence of non-uniform expansion/contraction, domination, and volume preserving or not. Berger-Carrasco introduced in [10] an example of a partially hyperbolic system666See section 2 for the definition., with two dimensional center, and such that among the volume preserving systems it is robustly non-uniformly hyperbolic with both expansion/contraction along the center and it does not admit a decomposition of the center in dominated directions. In [45], the author proves that the Berger-Carrasco’s example and any $C^{2}$-small volume preserving perturbation of it is ergodic. In this work we study dissipative perturbations of this example. In particular, we will find an open set of systems having an unique hyperbolic SRB measure with full basin, and each system in this open set has non-uniform expansion/contraction whose angle between the expanding/contracting directions is not bounded away from zero. ### The example and precise statement of the results For $N\in\mathbb{R}$ we denote by $s_{N}(x,y)=(2x-y+N\sin(x),x)$ the standard map on $\mathbb{T}^{2}:=\mathbb{R}^{2}/2\pi\mathbb{Z}^{2}$. For every $N$ the map $s_{N}$ preserves the Lebesgue measure induced by the usual metric of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. This map is related to several physical problems, see for instance [21], [36] and [54]. It is conjectured that for $N\neq 0$ the map $s_{N}$ has positive entropy for the Lebesgue measure, see [57] page $144$. By Pesin’s entropy formula, see [47] Theorem $5.1$, this is equivalent to the existence of a set of positive Lebesgue measure, whose points have a positive Lyapunov exponent. The existence of those sets is not known for any value of $N$. See [11, 22, 27, 32] for some results related to this conjecture. In what follows we refer the reader to Section 2 for some basic definitions regarding partially hyperbolic dynamics. Let $A\in SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ be a hyperbolic matrix that defines an Anosov diffeomorphism on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, let $P_{x}:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$ be the projection on the first coordinate of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, this projection is induced by the linear map of $\mathbb{R}^{2}$, which we will also write $P_{x}$, given by $P_{x}(a,b)=(a,0)$. Consider the torus $\mathbb{T}^{4}=\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and represent it using the coordinates $(x,y,z,w)$, where $x,y,z,w\in[0,2\pi)$. We may naturally identify a point $(z,w)$ on the second torus with a point $(x,y)$ on the first torus by taking $x=z$ and $y=w$. For each $N\in\mathbb{N}$ define $\begin{array}[]{rcccc}f_{N}&:&\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}&\longrightarrow&\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}\\\ &&(x,y,z,w)&\mapsto&(s_{N}(x,y)+P_{x}\circ A^{N}(z,w),A^{2N}(z,w)).\end{array}$ This diffeomorphism preserves the Lebesgue measure. For $N$ large enough it is a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism, with two dimensional center direction given by $E^{c}=\mathbb{R}^{2}\times\\{0\\}$. This type of system was considered by Berger-Carrasco in [10], where they proved that for $N$ large enough $f_{N}$ is $C^{2}$-robustly non-uniformly hyperbolic among the volume preserving diffeomorphisms. For $r\geq 1$ we consider $\mathrm{Diff}^{r}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ to be the set of $C^{r}$-diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb{T}^{4}$. Inside $\mathrm{Diff}^{r}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$, we may consider the subspace $\mathrm{Sk}^{r}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ of skew products, which is the set of $C^{r}$-diffeomorphisms $g$ of the form $g(x,y,z,w)=(g_{1}(x,y,z,w),g_{2}(z,w)),$ where $g_{2}(.,.)$ is a $C^{r}$-diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, and for each $(z,w)\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, $g_{1}(.,.,z,w)$ is a $C^{r}$-diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ as well. Observe that $f_{N}\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$. We also remark that for $N$ large enough, if $g$ is a skew product $C^{1}$-close enough to $f_{N}$, then $g_{2}$ is an Anosov diffeomorphism, and $g$ is partially hyperbolic. We recall that for a map $g$, a $g$-invariant measure $\mu$ is Bernoulli if the system $(g,\mu)$ is measurably conjugated to a Bernoulli shift. Our main result is the following: ###### Theorem A. Let $\alpha\in(0,1)$. For $N$ large enough, there exist $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ a $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ contained in $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$, and $\mathcal{V}$ a $C^{2}$-open and $C^{2}$-dense subset of $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ such that for any $g\in\mathcal{V}$ having regularity $C^{2+\alpha}$, there exists a unique $g$-invariant measure $\mu_{g}$ with the following properties: 1. 1. $\mu_{g}$ is a hyperbolic SRB measure and Bernoulli; 2. 2. $\mathrm{Leb}(B(\mu_{g}))=1$; 3. 3. $\mathrm{supp(\mu_{g})}=\mathbb{T}^{4}$. The proof of Theorem A is based in the study of the so called $u$-Gibbs measures, see Definition 2.21. These measures play a key role in the study of ergodic properties of partially hyperbolic systems. Indeed, they capture the asymptotic statistical behavior of Lebesgue almost every point, see Theorem 2.22. For a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism $g$, we write $\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$ as the set of $u$-Gibbs measures for $g$. To prove Theorem A we will first classify all the ergodic $u$-Gibbs measures that may appear in a neighborhood of $f_{N}$. This is given in the following theorem: ###### Theorem B. Let $\alpha\in(0,1)$. For $N$ large enough, there exists $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ a $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ contained in $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$, such that for $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ having regularity $C^{2+\alpha}$, if $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$ is ergodic, then either: 1. 1. $\mu$ is a hyperbolic SRB measure, or 2. 2. there exists a finite number of $C^{1}$ two dimensional tori $T^{1}_{\mu},\cdots,T^{l}_{\mu}\subset\mathbb{T}^{4}$ such that each of them is tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$, and $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)=\cup_{j=1}^{l}\mathbb{T}^{j}_{\mu}$. The proof of Theorem B uses an adaptation to the partially hyperbolic skew product setting of a recent result by Brown-Rodriguez Hertz in [17]. In their paper they classify all the ergodic, hyperbolic stationary measures for random products of surface $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms. Their proof is inspired in ideas from Benoist-Quint [9] and Eskin-Mirzakhani [30]. In the partially hyperbolic skew product setting, we can actually get a result more general than Theorem B, see Theorem D below. We remark that there are also some recent works that “push” the ideas from [9, 30, 29, 17] to different settings. There is the work of Cantat-Dujardin in [19] which attempt to classify stationary measures of random products of automorphisms of real and complex projective surfaces. There is also the work of Katz, [38], which pushes the ideas of [30, 29] to prove rigidity of “$u$-Gibbs measures” of Anosov flows under a technical hypothesis called QNI (quantified non-integrability). The uniqueness of the SRB measure, and some other properties that appear in the statement of Theorem A, will be a consequence of the following theorem: ###### Theorem C. For $N$ large enough, there exists $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ a $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ in $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ such that if $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, then $g$ has at most one SRB measure. Moreover, if $\mu_{g}$ is an SRB measure for $g$, then $\mathrm{supp}(\mu_{g})=\mathbb{T}^{4}$, it is Bernoulli and hyperbolic. ###### Remark 1.1. Theorems A and B hold for a neighborhood of $f_{N}$ inside the set of skew product diffeomorphisms, $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$. Theorem C guarantees that there exists at most one SRB measure in a neighborhood of $f_{N}$ inside $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$. However, it does not guarantee the existence of an SRB measure. As we mentioned before, the proof of Theorem B uses the following theorem, which holds for more general partially hyperbolic skew products and not only perturbations of Berger-Carrasco’s example. Let $S$ be a compact surface. We can define $\mathrm{Sk}^{r}(S\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ as the set of $C^{r}$-diffeomorphisms $g$ of the form $\begin{array}[]{rcc}S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}&\to&S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}\\\ (p_{1},p_{2})&\mapsto&(g_{1}(p_{1},p_{2}),g_{2}(p_{2}))\end{array}$ such that $g_{2}(.)$ is a $C^{r}$-diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and for each $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, $g_{1}(.,p_{2})$ is a $C^{r}$-diffeomorphism of $S$. We say that $g$ is a partially hyperbolic skew product of $S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$ if $g$ is partially hyperbolic and $g_{2}$ is an Anosov diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Let $g$ be a partially hyperbolic skew product of $S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$. In what follows we write $\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|:=\displaystyle\sup_{p\in S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}}\|Dg(p)|_{E^{ss}}\|$ and $m(Dg|_{E^{c}}):=\displaystyle\inf_{p\in S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}}m(Dg(p)|_{E^{c}})$, where $m(Dg(p)|_{E^{c}}):=\|\left(Dg(p)|_{E^{c}}\right)^{-1}\|^{-1}$ is the co-norm of $Dg(p)|_{E^{c}}$. ###### Theorem D. Let $S$ be a compact surface and let $\alpha,\theta\in(0,1)$ be two constants. Let $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2+\alpha}(S\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ be a partially hyperbolic skew product such that: 1. (a) $g$ is $(2,\alpha)$-center bunched (see (8) for the definition) ; 2. (b) $E^{uu}$ is $\theta$-Hölder and $\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E^{c}})$. If $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$ is an ergodic measure having one positive and one negative Lyapunov exponent along the center direction, then either: 1. 1. $\mu$ is an SRB measure; 2. 2. the Oseledets direction $E^{-}$ is invariant by linear unstable holonomies (see item $2$ of Theorem 6.3 for a precise definition); 3. 3. there exist a finite number of two dimensional $su$-tori $T^{1}_{\mu},\cdots,T^{l}_{\mu}$, such that $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)=\cup_{j=1}^{l}T^{j}_{\mu}$. This theorem will be a direct consequence of the combination of Theorems 6.5 and 8.1 below (see also Remark 8.2). ### Discussion on the techniques and strategy of the proofs Theorem A is an easy consequence of Theorems B, C, and of some recent results on accessibility classes for skew products with two dimensional fibers from [35], given by Theorem 2.13 below. Using the calculations to prove non-uniform hyperbolicity of $f_{N}$ from [10], and the adaptations made in [45], we prove that in a neighborhood of $f_{N}$ in $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$, every $u$-Gibbs measure is hyperbolic with both a positive and a negative Lyapunov exponent along the center. The proof of Theorem C is based on the techniques developed by the author in [45]. Using such techniques we can prove that any $u$-Gibbs measure has a set of large measure, whose points have “large” stable and unstable manifolds. Furthermore, we can obtain precise control on the “geometry” of these invariant manifolds. This allows us to prove that any two $u$-Gibbs measures are homoclinically related (see Definition 2.19 and Theorem 5.1). Hence, we conclude that in a neighborhood of $f_{N}$ (inside $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$) there exists at most one SRB measure. The techniques will also allow us to conclude that such a measure is Bernoulli. Using some arguments from the recent work [20] of the author with P. Carrasco, we prove that if there exists an SRB measure then it has full support. A key point in this proof is a quantified version of Pesin theory that appeared in [26]. We remark that this type of strategy using this quantified Pesin theory allowed the author to prove the uniqueness of the measure of maximal entropy for the standard map itself (see [46]). One of the key ingredients in the proof of Theorem B is an adaptation for the partially hyperbolic skew product setting of the main results from [17]. There are two parts in this adaptation, which are given by Theorems 6.3 and 8.1. To prove Theorem 6.3, we show that for $g$ sufficiently close to $f_{N}$ and for an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$, after a measurable change of coordinates using the unstable holonomies, we are in the setting of Theorem $4.10$ from [17]. To justify that the change of coordinates mentioned above take us to the setting of Brown-Rodriguez Hertz’s rigidity result, we use the version of the invariance principle by Tahzibi-Yang in [59]. We then obtain that there are only three possibilities for an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure: either it is an SRB measure; or it has atomic disintegrations along the center foliation; or the Oseledets direction for the negative center Lyapunov exponent is invariant by the derivative of unstable holonomies. Using some estimates from [10], we prove that the third case never happens (see proposition 7.1). We are left to deal with the $u$-Gibbs measures having an atomic disintegration along the center foliation. This is done with Theorem 8.1. Theorem 8.1 corresponds to the adaptation of Theorem $4.8$ from [17]. The proof of this theorem is done in Sections 8 and 9. If the $u$-Gibbs measure has atomic disintegration along the center foliation and the stable Oseledets direction is not invariant by the derivative of unstable holonomies, we prove that the center disintegration is invariant by stable and unstable holonomies. Since the system also verifies a condition called center bunching (see Definition 2.1), using some results on accessibility classes (see Theorem 2.14), we may conclude the existence of the tori tangent to the strong stable and unstable directions (see Theorem 8.1) which contain the support of the measure. Let us finish with a remark on item $(b)$ in the hypothesis of Theorem D. This condition states that we need $E^{uu}$ to be “Hölder enough” to apply the theorem. It is well known that the invariant directions of a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism are usually Hölder. Let $g$ be a partially hyperbolic skew product. If $\theta\in(0,1)$ is a number such that $\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg(p)|_{E^{c}}\|}{m(Dg(p)|_{E^{uu}})}<m(Dg(p)|_{E^{ss}})^{\theta},$ for every point $p\in S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$, then $E^{uu}$ is $\theta$-Hölder (see Section 4 from [50]). This condition gives an upper bound on $\theta$. Indeed, we obtain that $\theta<\inf_{p\in S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}}\left\\{\displaystyle\frac{\log m(Dg(p)|_{E^{uu}})-\log\|Dg(p)|_{E^{c}}\|}{-\log m(Dg(p)|_{E^{ss}})}\right\\}.$ On the other hand, to obtain condition $(b)$ in the hypothesis of Theorem D we need that $\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E^{c}})$, which implies $\theta>\displaystyle\frac{\log m(Dg|_{E^{c}})}{\log\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|}.$ Thus, a sufficient condition to obtain the hypothesis $(c)$ is that $\displaystyle\frac{\log m(Dg|_{E^{c}})}{\log\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|}<\inf_{p\in S\times\mathbb{T}^{2}}\left\\{\displaystyle\frac{\log m(Dg(p)|_{E^{uu}})-\log\|Dg(p)|_{E^{c}}\|}{-\log m(Dg(p)|_{E^{ss}})}\right\\}.$ ### Further remarks and questions The $\alpha$ that appears in the statements of Theorems A and B and D, only appears because in the statement of the main result from [17], the surface diffeomorphisms they consider have regularity $C^{2}$. If one obtains a version of their result for $C^{1+\beta}$-diffeomorphisms, then one could remove the $\alpha$ from the statement (see section 6). Let us make a few remarks about the skew product hypothesis in the statement Theorems A, B and D. This condition implies that the center foliation is smooth. This is used to prove Proposition 2.28, which states that we may use the invariance principle (see also Corollary 2.30). We also use the smoothness of the center foliation to prove that an $u$-Gibbs measure projects to the unique SRB measure for the $C^{2}$-Anosov diffeomorphism on the basis (see Lemma 2.29). This is important in our proof because SRB measures for a $C^{2}$-Anosov diffeomorphism have a property called local product structure (see Section 8). This local product structure is a key property used to obtain Lemma 8.4, which is used in the proof of the existence of the $su$-tori in item $2$ of the statement of Theorem B (and item $3$ of Theorem D). It is an interesting question to know if one can remove the skew product condition in the hypothesis to work with more general partially hyperbolic systems with two dimensional center. An important notion in the study of dynamical properties of partially hyperbolic systems is accessibility (see Section 2 for the definition). It is not known if $f_{N}$ is accessible or not. If it were, we would obtain several interesting consequences, such as: * • $f_{N}$ would be $C^{1}$-stably ergodic (we refer the reader to [45] for the definition and discussion on stable ergodicity); * • for $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ small enough such that Theorem B is verified, for any $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}\cap\mathrm{Diff}^{2+\alpha}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$, there would be an unique $SRB$ measure $\mu_{g}$, which is Bernoulli, it has full support and full basin. Furthermore, this measure would be the unique $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$. We emphasize the question made by Berger-Carrasco in [10]: ###### Question 1.2. For every $L>0$, does it exist $N\in[L,+\infty)$ such that $f_{N}$ is accessible? An interesting strategy to prove the existence of an SRB measure in a neighborhood of $f_{N}$ inside $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ is to use the results from [23]. In order to do that, one needs to prove that the condition called effective hyperbolicity is verified (see Section $1.2$ in [23]). This condition seems hard to prove, however it could give the existence of SRB measures outside the fibered case. ###### Question 1.3. For $N$ large enough, for any diffeomorphism $g$ which is sufficiently $C^{2}$-close to $f_{N}$, does it hold that $g$ is effective hyperbolic? In [60], Viana introduced two examples of systems (sometimes called Viana maps), which exhibit non-uniformly hyperbolic attractors . The first one is an endomorphism (see Theorem A in [60]), which is an skew product over an expanding map of the circle (on the basis), and the dynamics on the fiber is based on the quadratic family. For this example there were several works that studied its ergodic properties, in particular the existence of SRB measure, see for instance [1, 2, 4, 18]. The second example introduced by Viana is a diffeomorphism on a $5$-dimensional manifold (see Theorem B in [60]). It is an skew product with a solenoid on the basis, and the dynamics on the fiber is based on the Hénon maps (which are dissipative). Viana proved that Lebesgue almost every point has a positive Lyapunov exponent along the fiber. This example is not well understood. In particular, nothing has been done regarding the existence of SRB measures for this type of Viana maps. ###### Question 1.4. Can the same strategy we use to study SRB measures be applied to study the existence of SRB measure for the second type of Viana maps? ### Organization of the paper In Section 2, we review several tools that we will use in this work. In particular, results on partially hyperbolic systems and accessibility classes, $u$-Gibbs and SRB measures, and the invariance principle. In section 3 we prove Theorem A assuming Theorems B and C. Sections 4 and 5 are dedicated to prove Theorem C. In these sections we show how the techniques from [45], and [10], are used to obtain precise control on the center Lyapunov exponents of $u$-Gibbs measures, and how to obtain the uniqueness of the SRB measure. In Section 6 we state Theorem $4.10$ from [17], and we show how after a measurable change of coordinates of our systems we are in the setting of their result. In Section 7 we prove that in a neighborhood of Berger-Carrasco’s example, the Oseledets direction for the negative center Lyapunov exponent is not invariant by the derivative of unstable holonomies, for any $u$-Gibbs measure. In Sections 8 and 9, we deal with the case where a $u$-Gibbs measure has atomic center disintegration. This is done by using the invariance principle and adapting the proof of Theorem $4.8$ from [17]. In the appendix we prove that with some stronger bunching condition the strong unstable holonomy between center manifolds has regularity $C^{2}$, this is used in the proof of Theorem B. ### Acknowledgments The author thanks Sylvain Crovisier for careful reading of this work, and useful conversations. The author also would like to thank Aaron Brown, Alex Eskin, Todd Fisher, Mauricio Poletti, Rafael Potrie, Federico Rodriguez Hertz, Ali Tahzibi and Amie Wilkinson for useful conversations and comments. ## 2 Preliminaries ### 2.1 Partial hyperbolicity, holonomies and accessibility classes #### Partial hyperbolicity and foliations A $C^{r}$-diffeomorphism $f$, with $r\geq 1$, is partially hyperbolic if the tangent bundle has a decomposition $TM=E^{ss}\oplus E^{c}\oplus E^{uu}$, there is a riemannian metric on $M$ and continuous functions $\chi^{ss},\chi^{uu},\chi^{c}_{-},\chi^{c}_{+}:M\to\mathbb{R}$, such that for any $m\in M$ $\chi^{ss}(m)<1<\chi^{uu}(m)\textrm{ and }\chi^{ss}(m)<\chi^{c}_{-}(m)\leq\chi^{c}_{+}(m)<\chi^{uu}(m),$ it also holds $\begin{array}[]{c}\chi^{c}_{-}(m)\leq m(Df(m)|_{E^{c}_{m}})\leq\|Df(m)|_{E^{c}_{m}}\|\leq\chi^{c}_{+}(m);\\\ \|Df(m)|_{E^{ss}_{m}}\|\leq\chi^{ss}(m)\textrm{ and }\chi^{uu}(m)\leq m(Df(m)|_{E^{uu}_{m}}).\end{array}$ If the functions in the definition of partial hyperbolicity can be taken constant, we say that $f$ is absolutely partially hyperbolic. It is well known that the distributions $E^{ss}$ and $E^{uu}$ are uniquely integrable, that is, there are two unique foliations $\mathcal{F}^{ss}$ and $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$, with $C^{r}$-leaves, that are tangent to $E^{ss}$ and $E^{uu}$ respectively. For a point $p\in M$ we will denote by $W^{ss}(p)$ a leaf of the foliation $\mathcal{F}^{ss}$, we will call such leaf the strong stable manifold of $p$. Similarly we define the strong unstable manifold of $p$ and denote it by $W^{uu}(p)$. ###### Definition 2.1. A partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism is center bunched if $\chi^{ss}(m)<\frac{\chi^{c}_{-}(m)}{\chi^{c}_{+}(m)}\textrm{ and }\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}(m)}{\chi^{c}_{-}(m)}<\chi^{uu}(m),\textrm{ for every $m\in M$}.$ We denote $E^{cs}=E^{ss}\oplus E^{c}$ and $E^{cu}=E^{c}\oplus E^{uu}$. ###### Definition 2.2. A partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism $f$ is dynamically coherent if there are two invariant foliations $\mathcal{F}^{cs}$ and $\mathcal{F}^{cu}$, with $C^{1}$-leaves, tangent to $E^{cs}$ and $E^{cu}$ respectively. From those two foliations one obtains another invariant foliation $\mathcal{F}^{c}=\mathcal{F}^{cs}\cap\mathcal{F}^{cu}$ that is tangent to $E^{c}$. We call those foliations the center-stable, center-unstable and center foliation. For any $R>0$ we write $W^{*}_{R}(p)$ to be the disc of size $R$ centered on $p$, for the Riemannian metric induced by the metric on $M$, contained in the leaf $W^{*}(p)$, for $*=ss,c,uu$. The definition below allows one to obtain higher regularity of the leaves of such foliations. ###### Definition 2.3. We say that a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism $f$ is $r$-normally hyperbolic if for any $m\in M$ $\chi^{ss}(m)<(\chi^{c}_{-}(m))^{r}\textrm{ and }(\chi^{c}_{+}(m))^{r}<\chi^{uu}(m).$ ###### Definition 2.4. Let $f$ and $g$ be partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of $M$ that are dynamically coherent. Denote by $\mathcal{F}^{c}_{f}$ and $\mathcal{F}^{c}_{g}$ the center foliations. We say that $f$ and $g$ are leaf conjugated if there is a homeomorphism $h:M\to M$ that takes leaves of $\mathcal{F}^{c}_{f}$ to leaves of $\mathcal{F}^{c}_{g}$ and such that for any $L\in\mathcal{F}^{c}_{f}$ it is verified $h(f(L))=g(h(L)).$ One may study the stability of partially hyperbolic systems up to leaf conjugacy. Related to this there is a technical notion called plaque expansivity which we will not define here, see chapter 7 of [34] for the definition. The next theorem is important for the theory of stability of partially hyperbolic systems. ###### Theorem 2.5 ([34], Theorem $7.4$). Let $f:M\to M$ be a $C^{r}$-partially hyperbolic and dynamically coherent diffeomorphism. If $f$ is $r$-normally hyperbolic and plaque expansive then any $g:M\to M$ in a $C^{r}$-neighborhood of $f$ is partially hyperbolic and dynamically coherent. Moreover, $g$ is leaf conjugated to $f$ and the center leaves of $g$ are $C^{r}$-immersed manifolds. ###### Remark 2.6. Fix $R>0$, and let $f$ be a diffeomorphism that satisfies the hypothesis of the previous theorem. The proof of this theorem implies that for $g$ sufficiently $C^{r}$-close to $f$, for any $m\in M$ we have that $W^{c}_{f,R}(m)$ is $C^{r}$-close to $W^{c}_{g,R}(m)$. In particular, if the center foliation is uniformly compact then for every $g$ sufficiently $C^{r}$-close to $f$, for any $m\in M$, $W^{c}_{f}(m)$ is $C^{r}$-close to $W^{c}_{g}(m)$. It might be hard to check the condition of plaque expansiviness, but this is not the case when the center foliation of a dynamically coherent, partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism is at least $C^{1}$, see Theorem $7.4$ of [34]. Usually the invariant foliations that appear in dynamics are only Hölder. We can also obtain a better regularity for the center direction given by the following theorem, see section $4$ of [50] for a discussion on this topic. ###### Theorem 2.7. Let $f$ be a $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism and let $\theta>0$ be a number such that for every $m\in M$ it is verified $\chi^{ss}(m)<\chi^{c}_{-}(m)m(Df(m)|_{E^{ss}})^{\theta}\textrm{ and }\chi^{c}_{+}(m)\|Df(m)|_{E^{uu}}\|^{\theta}<\chi^{uu}(m),$ then $E^{c}$ is $\theta$-Hölder. #### Unstable holonomies Let $f$ be a partially hyperbolic, dynamically coherent diffeomorphism. Each leaf of the foliation $\mathcal{F}^{cs}$ is foliated by strong stable manifolds. For a point $p\in M$ and $q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)$, where $W^{ss}_{1}(p)$ is the strong stable manifold of size $1$, we can define the stable holonomy map restricted to the center-stable manifold, between center manifolds. Let us be more precise. We can choose two small numbers $R_{1},R_{2}>0$, with the property that for any $z\in W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)$, there is only one point in the intersection $W^{ss}_{2}(z)\cap W^{c}_{R_{2}}(q)$. We define $H^{s}_{p,q}(z)=W^{ss}_{2}(z)\cap W^{c}_{R_{2}}(q)$. With this construction we obtain a map $H^{s}_{p,q}:W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)\to W^{c}_{R_{2}}(q)$. By the compactness of $M$ we can take the numbers $R_{1}$ and $R_{2}$ to be constants, independent of $p$ and $q$. We can define analogously the unstable holonomy map, for $p\in M$ and $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$, which we will denote by $H^{u}_{p,q}:W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)\to W^{c}_{R_{2}}(q)$. In [48] and [49], the authors prove that the map $H^{s}_{p,q}$ is $C^{1}$ if $f$ is a partially hyperbolic, center bunched and dynamically coherent $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism. Indeed, the authors prove that the strong stable foliation is $C^{1}$ when restricted to a center-stable leaf. Consider the family of $C^{1}$-maps $\displaystyle\\{H^{s}_{p,q}\\}_{p\in M,q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)}$. ###### Theorem 2.8. Let $f$ be an absolutely partially hyperbolic, dynamically coherent diffeomorphism with regularity $C^{2}$. Suppose also that $f$ verifies: 1. 1. $\chi^{c}_{-}<1$ and $\chi^{c}_{+}>1$; 2. 2. there exists $\theta\in(0,1)$, such that $(\chi^{ss})^{\theta}<\frac{\chi^{c}_{-}}{\chi^{c}_{+}}\textrm{ and }\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}<(\chi^{uu})^{\theta};$ (1) and also $\chi^{ss}<\chi^{c}_{-}m(Df|_{E^{ss}})^{\theta}\textrm{ and }\chi^{c}_{+}\|Df|_{E^{uu}}\|^{\theta}<\chi^{uu}.$ (2) Then the family $\\{H^{s}_{p,q}\\}_{p\in M,q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)}$ is a family of $C^{1}$-maps depending continuously in the $C^{1}$-topology with the choices of the points $p$ and $q$. Furthermore, there exists a constant $C>0$ such that for any $p\in M$, $q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)$, and any unit vector $v\in E^{c}_{p}$, it is verified $d\left(\frac{H^{s}_{p,q}(p)v}{\|H^{s}_{p,q}(p)v\|},v\right)<Cd(p,q)^{\theta}.$ (3) Similar results holds for the family of unstable holonomies $\\{H^{u}_{p,q}\\}_{p\in M,q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}$. The proof of this theorem can be found in [44], which is an adaptation of the arguments from [15] by Brown. In what follows, we give the main points of this proof mostly to justify (3). For all the details, we refer the reader to [44]. ###### Sketch of the proof. By Theorem 2.7, condition (2) implies that the center bundle $E^{c}$ is $\theta$-Hölder (see section $4$ in [50]). The condition (1) is sometimes called the strong bunching condition. We may fix a local approximation of the holonomy $H^{s}_{*}$, which we will denote by $\pi^{s}_{*}$, that verifies the following: there exists a constant $\tilde{C}>0$ such that for any $p\in M$ and $q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)$, there exists a $C^{1+\theta}$-map, which is a diffeomorphism onto its image, $\pi^{s}_{p,q}:W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)\to W^{c}(q)$ that verifies 1. 1. $d(\pi^{s}_{p,q}(p),q)\leq\tilde{C}d(p,q)$; 2. 2. $d(D\pi^{s}_{p,q}(p).v,v)\leq\tilde{C}d(p,q)^{\theta}$, where $v\in SE^{c}_{p}$, and $SE^{c}_{p}$ is the unit sphere on $E^{c}_{p}$; 3. 3. if $p^{\prime}\in W^{c}_{loc}(p)$ and $q^{\prime}\in W^{ss}_{1}(p^{\prime})\cap W^{c}_{loc}(q)$, then $\pi_{p,q}^{s}$ coincides with $\pi^{s}_{p^{\prime},q^{\prime}}$ on $W^{c}_{loc}(p)\cap W^{c}_{loc}(p^{\prime})$. This can be done in the following way: Consider a smooth subbundle $\widetilde{E}$ inside a cone which is close to the direction perpendicular to the subbundle $E^{c}$, with dimension $\mathrm{dim}(M)-\mathrm{dim}(E^{c})$. Since $E^{c}$ is $\theta$-Hölder, the center manifolds are $C^{1+\theta}$. Hence, the restriction of $\widetilde{E}$ to any center manifold is a $C^{1+\theta}$-bundle. For each point $q\in M$ and $\rho>0$, consider $L_{q,\rho}:=\exp_{q}(\widetilde{E}(q,\rho))$ to be the projection of the ball of radius $\rho$ by the exponential map over $q$. By the uniform transversality and the compactness of $M$, there exists a constant $\rho_{0}$ such that for any center leaf $W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)$, the set $\\{L_{q,\rho}\\}_{q\in W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)}$ forms an uniform foliated neighborhood of $W^{c}_{R_{1}}(p)$ (or a tubular neighborhood). Let $\pi^{s}_{p,q}$ be the holonomy defined by this local foliation, up to rescaling of the metric we may assume that it is well defined for $p\in M$ and $q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)$. By the compactness of $M$ we obtain the constant $\tilde{C}>0$ above. Observe also that since the center leaves vary continuously in the $C^{1}$-topology, we obtain that the map $\pi^{s}_{p,q}$ varies continuously in the $C^{1}$-topology with the points $p$ and $q$. For any $p,q\in M$ and each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, write $p_{n}=f^{n}(p)$ and $q_{n}=f^{n}(q)$. We define $H^{s}_{p,q,n}=f^{-n}\circ\pi^{s}_{p_{n},q_{n}}\circ f^{n}.$ If it is clear that we are talking about two points $p$ and $q\in W^{ss}_{1}(p)$ we will only write $H^{s}_{n}=H^{s}_{p,q,n}$ and similarly $\pi^{s}_{n}=\pi^{s}_{p_{n},q_{n}}$. Since we are assuming that $f$ is absolutely partially hyperbolic, only for this proof, we write its partially hyperbolic constants as $\chi_{s}=\chi^{ss}$, $\chi_{c}=\chi^{c}_{-}$ and $\widehat{\chi}_{c}=(\chi^{c}_{+})^{-1}$. Also, for a diffeomorphism $g:N_{1}\to N_{2}$, between manifolds $N_{1}$ and $N_{2}$, we will write $g_{*}:SN_{1}\to SN_{2}$, the action induced by the derivative on the unitary bundles of $N_{1}$ and $N_{2}$. The proof of Theorem 2.8 follows the steps in [15]. The first step is to prove that $(H^{s}_{n})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is uniformly Cauchy in the $C^{0}$-topology. The second step is to prove that the sequence $\left((H^{s}_{n})_{*}\right)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is uniformly Cauchy. The third step is to prove that for any vector $v\in E^{c}_{p}$, the sequence $\left(\|DH^{s}_{n}(p)v\|\right)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is also uniformly Cauchy. In all these three steps it is obtained that the rate of convergence of these sequence does not depend on the choices of the points $p$ and $q$. The uniform convergence in the $C^{1}$-topology of the sequence $(H^{s}_{n})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ then follows from these three steps. In this paper, we only describe in more details step two, for the details of the other two steps we refer the reader to [44]. Observe that the Lipschitz norm of $f^{-1}_{*}$ restricted to a fiber $S_{x}E^{c}$ is $(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-1}$. Since $f$ is a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism, then $f^{-1}_{*}$ is a $C^{1}$-diffeomorphism of $SM$, let $C_{1}>0$ be the $C^{1}$-norm of $f^{-1}$ on $M$ and $C_{2}$ to be the $C^{1}$-norm of $f^{-1}_{*}$ on $SM$. For $\xi=(x,v)\in S_{x}M$, write $\xi_{k}=f^{k}_{*}(x,v)=(x_{k},v_{k})$, with $k\in\mathbb{Z}$. In [15], the author uses the strong bunching condition (1) above, but he also uses another type of bunching (see Theorem $4.1$ in [15]). In the proof, this different type of bunching is only used to obtain a version of lemma 2.9 below. In our setting, instead of asking for this other type of bunching, we ask that $\chi_{c}<1$ and $\hat{\chi}_{c}<1$. We obtain the following lemma. ###### Lemma 2.9. There are constants $\delta,\alpha\in(0,1)$, that verify the following: if $\xi=(x,v)$, $\zeta=(y,u)\in SW^{c}(p)$, $K>0$ and $n\geq 0$ verify $d(x_{n},y_{n})<K\chi_{s}^{n}$, $d(\xi_{n},\zeta_{n})\leq K\chi_{s}^{n\theta}$, and for every $0\leq k\leq n$, $d(x_{k},y_{k})\leq\delta.$ Then, for all $0\leq k\leq n$, $d(x_{k},y_{k})\leq K\chi_{s}^{n}.\chi_{c}^{-(n-k)}\textrm{ and }d(\xi_{k},\zeta_{k})\leq K\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-(n-k)(1+\alpha)}.$ In particular, $d(\xi,\zeta)\leq K\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-n(1+\alpha)}.$ Furthermore, $\alpha$ can be chosen such that $\chi_{s}^{\theta}.(\widehat{\chi}_{c}\chi_{c})^{-(1+\alpha)}<1.$ ###### Proof. The proof is by backward induction in $k$. We will first denote by $\alpha$ and $\delta$ quantities that will be fixed later. Since $x_{k}$ and $y_{k}$ belongs to the same center manifold, we obtain $d(x_{k-1},y_{k-1})\leq\chi_{c}^{-1}d(x_{k},y_{k})\leq K\chi_{s}^{n}.\chi_{c}^{-n+k+1}.$ For any $\beta\in(0,1)$, and since $d(x_{k},y_{k})\leq\delta$, we have $\begin{array}[]{rcl}d(f^{-1}_{*}(x_{k},v_{k}),f^{-1}_{*}(y_{k},u_{k}))&\leq&d(f^{-1}_{*}(x_{k},v_{k}),f^{-1}_{*}(x_{k},u_{k}))+d(f^{-1}_{*}(x_{k},u_{k}),f^{-1}_{*}(y_{k},u_{k}))\\\ &\leq&(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-1}d(v_{k},u_{k})+C_{2}d(x_{k},y_{k}).\\\ &\leq&(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-1}[1+C_{2}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})d(x_{k},y_{k})^{1-\beta}].\max\\{d(x_{k},y_{k})^{\beta},d(v_{k},u_{k})\\}\\\ &\leq&(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-1}[1+C_{2}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})\delta^{1-\beta}]\\\ &&.K\max\\{\chi_{s}^{n\beta}.\chi_{c}^{-(n-k)\beta},\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-(n-k)(1+\alpha)}\\}.\end{array}$ We claim that we can choose $\alpha$ and $\beta$ such that for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ and $0\leq k\leq n$ it holds $\chi_{s}^{n\beta}.\chi_{c}^{-(n-k)\beta}\leq\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-(n-k)(1+\alpha)}.$ This inequality is equivalent to $1\leq\chi_{s}^{n(\theta-\beta)}.(\chi^{(\beta-1-\alpha)}_{c}\widehat{\chi}^{-(1+\alpha)}_{c})^{(n-k)}.$ (4) Since $\widehat{\chi}^{-1}_{c}>1$, we can fix $\beta>\theta$ close enough to $1$ such that $1<\chi^{(\beta-1-\alpha)}_{c}\widehat{\chi}^{-(1+\alpha)}_{c}$. Let us explain. Observe that $(\chi_{c})^{-\alpha}>1$, for any $\alpha>0$. Hence, $\chi_{c}^{\beta-1}(\hat{\chi}_{c}\chi_{c})^{-\alpha}\hat{\chi}_{c}^{-1}>\chi_{c}^{\beta-1}\hat{\chi}_{c}^{-1}.$ From this, one can see that if $\beta$ is sufficiently close to $1$, we have that $1<\chi^{(\beta-1-\alpha)}_{c}\widehat{\chi}^{-(1+\alpha)}_{c}$. Since $\beta>\theta$, and hence $\theta-\beta$ is negative, we conclude (4). We also need that $\chi_{s}^{\theta}.(\widehat{\chi}_{c}\chi_{c})^{-(1+\alpha)}<1.$ (5) By the strong center bunching condition (1), the inequality above holds if $\alpha$ is sufficiently close to $0$. Fix $\alpha>0$ that verifies (5). Now fix $\delta>0$ small enough such that $[1+C_{2}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})\delta^{1-\beta}]\leq(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-\alpha}.$ We conclude, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}d(f^{-1}_{*}(\xi^{k}),f^{-1}_{*}(\zeta^{k}))&\leq&(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-(1+\alpha)}.K\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-(n-k)(1+\alpha)}\\\ &=&K\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-(n-k-1)(1+\alpha)}\end{array}$ ∎ Fix $\xi=(z,l)\in SW_{R_{1}}^{c}(p)$. Write $\zeta^{n}:=(H^{s}_{n})_{*}(\xi)$ and $\zeta^{n}_{j}:=f^{j}_{*}(\zeta^{n})$, for any $j\in\mathbb{Z}$. We also write $w=H^{s}_{p,q}(z)$, $\zeta^{n}=(H^{s}_{n})_{*}(\xi)=(x,v)$ and $\zeta^{n+1}=(H^{s}_{n+1})_{*}(\xi)=(y,u)$. Observe that $\zeta^{n}_{n}=(\pi^{s}_{n})_{*}(\xi_{n})$ and $\zeta^{n+1}_{n}=f^{-1}_{*}((\pi^{s}_{n+1})_{*}(\xi_{n+1}))$. First we have $\begin{array}[]{rcl}d(\pi^{s}_{n}(z_{n}),f^{-1}(\pi^{s}_{n+1}(z_{n+1})))&\leq&d(z_{n},\pi^{s}_{n}(z_{n}))+d(f^{-1}(z_{n+1}),f^{-1}(\pi^{s}_{n}(z_{n+1}))\\\ &\leq&\tilde{C}\chi_{s}^{n}d(z,w)+C_{1}\tilde{C}\chi_{s}^{n+1}d(z,w)\\\ &\leq&2\tilde{C}C_{1}\chi_{s}^{n}d(z,w).\end{array}$ The previous estimate shows that $d(x_{n},y_{n})\leq 2\tilde{C}C_{1}d(z,w)\chi_{s}^{n}$. Also it is verified for any $0\leq k\leq n$ $d(x_{k},y_{k})\leq 2\tilde{C}C_{1}d(z,w)\chi_{s}^{n}\chi_{c}^{-(n-k)}.$ (6) Let $\delta$ be the constant given by lemma 2.9. By domination, if $n$ is large enough, we conclude that $d(x_{k},y_{k})<\delta$. This $n$ can be taken uniform, independently of $p$ and $q$. Also, using that $f^{-1}_{*}(\xi_{n+1})=\xi_{n}$, we obtain $\begin{array}[]{rcl}d(\zeta^{n}_{n},\zeta^{n+1}_{n})&=&d((\pi^{s}_{n})_{*}(\xi_{n}),f^{-1}_{*}(\pi^{s}_{n+1})_{*}(\xi_{n+1}))\\\ &\leq&d(\xi_{n},(\pi^{s}_{n})_{*}(\xi_{n}))+d(f^{-1}_{*}(\xi_{n+1}),f^{-1}_{*}(\pi^{s}_{n+1})_{*}(\xi_{n+1})).\end{array}$ By property $2$ of $\pi^{s}_{*}$, we have $d(\xi_{n},(\pi^{s}_{n})_{*}(\xi_{n}))\leq\tilde{C}d(z,w)^{\theta}\chi_{s}^{n\theta}$. For the second term in the inequality we have $\begin{array}[]{lcl}d(f^{-1}_{*}(\xi_{n+1}),f^{-1}_{*}(\pi^{s}_{n+1})_{*}(\xi_{n+1}))&=&d(f^{-1}_{*}(z_{n+1},l_{n+1}),f^{-1}_{*}(y_{n+1},u_{n+1}))\\\ &\leq&d(f^{-1}_{*}(z_{n+1},l_{n+1}),f^{-1}_{*}(z_{n+1},u_{n+1}))\\\ &&+d(f^{-1}_{*}(z_{n+1},u_{n+1}),f^{-1}_{*}(y_{n+1},u_{n+1}))\\\ &\leq&C_{2}d(l_{n+1},u_{n+1})+C_{2}d(z_{n+1},y_{n+1})\\\ &\leq&\tilde{C}C_{2}d(z,w)^{\theta}\chi_{s}^{(n+1)\theta}+\tilde{C}C_{2}d(z,w)\chi^{n+1}_{s}\\\ &\leq&(\tilde{C}C_{2}+\tilde{C}C_{2}d(z,w)^{1-\theta}\chi_{s}^{(n+1)(1-\theta)})d(z,w)^{\theta}\chi^{(n+1)\theta}_{s}\\\ &\leq&(\tilde{C}C_{2}+\tilde{C}C_{2}d(z,w)^{1-\theta})d(z,w)^{\theta}\chi^{(n+1)\theta}_{s}.\end{array}$ Thus, $d(\zeta^{n}_{n},\zeta^{n+1}_{n})\leq[\tilde{C}+(\tilde{C}C_{2}+\tilde{C}C_{2}d(z,w)^{1-\theta})]d(z,w)^{\theta}\chi^{n\theta}_{s}.$ By compactness, $d(z,w)$ is bounded from above independently of $p$ and $q$. Hence, take a constant $C_{3}$ such that $d(\zeta^{n}_{n},\zeta^{n+1}_{n})\leq C_{3}d(z,w)^{\theta}\chi^{n\theta}_{s}$. Fix $K_{1}=\max\\{2\tilde{C}C_{1},C_{3}\\}$, and observe that we are in the setting of lemma 2.9, for $K=K(z,w):=K_{1}d(z,w)^{\theta}$. Let $\alpha$ be the constant given by the same lemma. We conclude that $d(\zeta^{n},\zeta^{n+1})\leq K\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-n(1+\alpha)}=K_{1}\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-n(1+\alpha)}d(z,w)^{\theta},\textrm{ for $n$ large enough.}$ In particular, the sequence $(\zeta^{n})_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is Cauchy. Since this holds uniformly for any $\xi$, we obtain that $\left((H^{s}_{n})_{*}\right)_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a Cauchy sequence whose speed of convergence does not depend on the choices of the the points $p$ and $q$. If $d(p,q)\leq\delta$ then for any $n\geq 0$ it holds that $d((H^{s}_{n})_{*},(H^{s}_{n+1})_{*})\leq K_{1}\chi_{s}^{n\theta}.(\chi_{c}\widehat{\chi}_{c})^{-n(1+\alpha)}d(p,q)^{\theta}.$ Write $(H^{s}_{p,q})_{*}=\displaystyle\lim_{n\to+\infty}(H^{s}_{n})_{*}$. Hence, there exists a constant $K_{2}>0$ such that for $p,q\in M$ with $d(p,q)<\delta$, we have $d(Id_{*},(H^{s}_{p,q})_{*})\leq d(Id_{*},(\pi^{s})_{*})+\displaystyle\sum_{j=0}^{+\infty}d((H^{s}_{j})_{*},(H^{s}_{j+1})_{*})\leq K_{2}d(p,q)^{\theta}.$ Since $\delta>0$ is a constant, there is a maximum number $T=[\frac{1}{\delta}]$ such that there are at most $T+1$ points, $\\{x_{1},\cdots,x_{T+1}\\}\subset W^{s}_{1}(p)$ verifying $x_{1}=p$, $x_{T+1}=q$ and $d(x_{i},x_{i+1})<\delta$. Since $H^{s}_{p,q}(.)=H^{s}_{x_{T},x_{T+1}}\circ\cdots\circ H^{s}_{x_{1},x_{2}}(.)$, we conclude that there exists a constant $C>0$ such that $d(Id_{*},(H^{s}_{p,q})_{*})\leq Cd(p,q)^{\theta}.$ (7) This concludes the proof of the second step that we mentioned above. In particular, it also proves the conclusion (3) in the statement of this theorem. ∎ Suppose that $f$ is a partially hyperbolic, center bunched skew product on $\mathbb{T}^{4}=\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$, with the Anosov map on the base $f_{2}:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Observe that for any $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, its unstable manifold $W^{uu}(p)$ projects to the unstable manifold of $\pi_{2}(p)$ of $f_{2}$. In particular, for each $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{uu}(p)$ and since the center leaves are uniformly compact (indeed they are just the fibers), the unstable holonomy map can be defined on the entire center leaf $H^{u}_{p,q}:W^{c}(p)\to W^{c}(q)$. By Theorem 2.5, this property is $C^{1}$-open. Using the $f$-invariance of the center and strong unstable foliations, it is easy to see that for any $n\in\mathbb{Z}$, for each $p,q$ as above, we have $H^{u}_{f^{n}(p),f^{n}(q)}\circ f^{n}=f^{n}\circ H^{u}_{p,q}.$ We remark that in the skew product case, we may also use the notation $H^{u}_{p_{2},q_{2}}$ to denote the unstable holonomy between $\pi_{2}^{-1}(p_{2})$ and $\pi^{-1}_{2}(q_{2})$, for $p_{2}$ and $q_{2}$ belonging to the same unstable manifold of $f_{2}$. Sometimes we will use this notation. ### Higher regularity of unstable holonomies Let $f$ be a $C^{2+\alpha}$ absolutely partially hyperbolic skew product of $\mathbb{T}^{4}=\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and let $\chi^{ss},\chi^{c}_{-},\chi^{c}_{+},\chi^{uu}$ be the partially hyperbolic constants of $f$. We say that $f$ verifies the $(2,\alpha)$-center unstable bunching condition if $\displaystyle\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{2}<\chi^{uu}\textrm{ and }\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}<(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}.$ (8) Similarly, $f$ verifies the $(2,\alpha)$-center stable bunching condition if $\displaystyle\chi^{ss}<\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{-}}{\chi^{c}_{+}}\right)^{2}\textrm{ and }(\chi^{ss})^{\alpha}<\frac{\chi^{c}_{-}}{(\chi^{c}_{+})^{2}}.$ (9) If $f$ verifies condition (8) and (9) then we say that $f$ is $(2,\alpha)$-center bunched. We use the $(2,\alpha)$-center bunching condition to obtain $C^{2}$-regularity of the unstable holonomy inside a center unstable leaf. This is given in the following theorem. ###### Theorem 2.10. Let $f$ be a $C^{2+\alpha}$ absolutely partially hyperbolic skew product of $\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and fix $R>0$. If $f$ is $(2,\alpha)$-center unstable bunched, then $\\{H^{u}_{p,q}\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W_{R}^{uu}(p)}$ is a family of $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ whose $C^{2}$-norm varies continuously with the choices of $p$ and $q$. This theorem is proved in the appendix (see section 10). #### Accessibility classes For a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism $f$, an $su$-path is a curve which is the concatenation of finitely many curves, each of them being contained in a stable or unstable leaf. Given a point $m\in M$, its accessibility class is defined as $AC(m)=\\{p\in M:\textrm{ there exists an $su$-path connecting $m$ and $p$.}\\}$ We say that $f$ is accessible if for any $m\in M$, $AC(m)=M$. Suppose that $f$ is dynamically coherent, we say that an accessibility class $AC(m)$ is trivial if $AC(m)\cap W^{c}(m)$ is totally disconnected. We say that $f$ has the global product structure if there is a covering $\pi:\tilde{M}\to M$ and a lift $\tilde{f}:\tilde{M}\to\tilde{M}$ for any $\tilde{x},\tilde{y}\in\tilde{M}$ we have $\\#\\{\tilde{\mathcal{F}}^{cs}(\tilde{x})\cap\tilde{\mathcal{F}}^{uu}(\tilde{y})\\}=1\textrm{ and }\\#\\{\tilde{\mathcal{F}}^{cu}(\tilde{x})\cap\tilde{\mathcal{F}}^{ss}(\tilde{y})\\}=1,$ where $\tilde{\mathcal{F}}^{*}$ if the lift of the foliation $\mathcal{F}^{*}$, for $*=ss,cs,cu,uu$. We now describe some results from Horita-Sambarino in [35]. In what follows we will restrict ourselves to the case that $M=\mathbb{T}^{4}$. We define $\mathcal{E}=\mathcal{E}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ to be the set of $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms $f$ such that * • $f$ is dynamically coherent, $2$-normally hyperbolic and plaque expansive; * • $f$ is center bunched; * • $f$ has the global product structure; * • the set of compact center leaves that are $f$-periodic is dense in $M$. The set $\mathcal{E}$ is $C^{1}$-open in $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(M)$. Inside $\mathcal{E}$ let us define the set of skew-products over a fixed Anosov diffeomorphism. Let $g:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$ be a $C^{2}$-Anosov diffeomorphism, let $\mathcal{V}_{g}\subset\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2})$ be the open set such that if $h\in\mathcal{V}_{g}$ then $h\times g$ is partially hyperbolic, center bunched and $2$-normally hyperbolic. Let $f:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathcal{V}_{g}$ be a continuous map and denote by $f(.,y)$ the diffeomorphism $f(y):\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$. We define the skew product given by $f$ over $g$ as $f_{g}(x,y)=(f(x,y),g(y)).$ Observe that $f_{g}\in\mathcal{E}$. Let $\mathcal{E}^{sp}_{g}$ be the set of partially hyperbolic skew products over $g$ which take value on $\mathcal{V}_{g}$. That is, $f_{g}\in\mathcal{E}^{sp}_{g}$ if and only if $f_{g}(x,y)=(f(x,y),g(y))$, where $f(.,y)\in\mathcal{V}_{g}$ for every $y\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Observe that $\mathcal{E}^{sp}_{g}$ can be identified with $\mathcal{G}_{g}:=\\{f:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathcal{V}_{g},\textrm{ s.t. $f$ is continuous}\\}$, since $g$ is fixed. We say that $f,\tilde{f}\in\mathcal{G}_{g}$ are $C^{2}$-close if for each $y\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, the diffeomorphisms $f(.,y)$ and $\tilde{f}(.,y)$ are $C^{2}$-close. Of course, $\mathcal{E}_{g}^{sp}\subset\mathcal{E}$. We state the following theorem of Horita-Sambarino in our scenario, but we remark that their theorem is more general than the statement we give. ###### Theorem 2.11 ([35], Theorem 2). Let $g:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$ be a $C^{2}$-Anosov diffeomorphism, then the set $\mathcal{R}_{0}$ of diffemorphisms in $\mathcal{E}^{sp}_{g}$ whose accessibility classes are all non trivial is $C^{1}$-open and $C^{2}$-dense. Another important result from [35] is the following: ###### Proposition 2.12 ([35], Corollary $4.3$). If $f\in\mathcal{E}$ has all its accessibility classes non trivial, then there exists a $C^{1}$-open set $\mathcal{V}(f)$ in $\mathcal{E}$ of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms whose accessibility classes are all non trivial. Recall that $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ is the set of $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms $h$ that are skew products, that is, $h(x,y)=(h_{1}(x,y),h_{2}(y))$ where $x,y\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and $h(.,y)$ is a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ that changes continuously with the choice of $y$. Recall that in the introduction we defined, for each $N\in\mathbb{N}$, the diffeomorphism $f_{N}(x,y,z,w)=(s_{N}(x,y)+P_{x}\circ A^{N}(z,w),A^{2N}(z,w))$, such that $s_{N}$ is the standard map, $P_{x}$ is the projection on the horizontal direction, and $A$ is a linear Anosov diffeomorphism on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Observe that $f_{N}$ belongs to $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$. Furthermore, for $N$ large enough we have that $f_{N}$ is $2$-normally hyperbolic and center bunched, in particular, it belongs to $\mathcal{E}$. Using Theorem 2.11 and Proposition 2.12, we obtain the following theorem. ###### Theorem 2.13. For $N$ large enough, for each sufficiently small $C^{1}$-neighborhood $\mathcal{W}$ of $f_{N}$ in $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$, there exists a set $\mathcal{V}\subset\mathcal{W}$, which is $C^{1}$-open and $C^{2}$-dense in $\mathcal{W}$ such that for any $g\in\mathcal{V}$ all its accessibility classes are non trivial. ###### Proof. If $\mathcal{W}$ is sufficiently $C^{1}$-small, then for any $g\in\mathcal{W}$ the basis dynamics $g_{2}$ is a $C^{2}$-Anosov diffeomorphism which is $C^{1}$-close to $A^{2N}$. Let $\mathcal{N}$ be a small $C^{1}$-neighborhood of $A^{2N}$ in $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2})$. For each $g_{2}\in\mathcal{N}$ we consider $\mathcal{W}_{g_{2}}=\mathcal{W}\cap\mathcal{E}^{sp}_{g_{2}}$ and observe that this set is $C^{1}$-open in $\mathcal{G}_{g_{2}}$. By Theorem 2.11, there exists a $C^{1}$-open and $C^{2}$-dense subset $\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{g_{2}}$ of $\mathcal{W}_{g_{2}}$ such that for each skew product $g\in\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{g_{2}}$ all its accessibility classes are non trivial. By Proposition 2.12, for each $g\in\tilde{\mathcal{V}}_{g_{2}}$ there exists a $C^{1}$-open subset of $\mathcal{E}$, which we denote it by $\mathcal{V}(g)$, of diffeomorphisms whose accessibility classes are all non trivial. Now define $\mathcal{V}:=\displaystyle\bigcup_{g_{2}\in\mathcal{N}}\bigcup_{g\in\tilde{\mathcal{W}}_{g_{2}}}\mathcal{V}(g).$ It is easy to see that $\mathcal{V}$ is $C^{1}$-open and $C^{2}$-dense in $\mathcal{W}$. Moreover, for each $g\in\mathcal{V}$ all its accessibility classes are non trivial. ∎ In our work we will also need the following result that describes the structure of accessibility classes. ###### Theorem 2.14 ([51], Theorem B). Let $f$ be a dynamically coherent $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism with two dimensional center, and which is center bunched. Then every accessibility class is an immersed $C^{1}$-submanifold. ### 2.2 Pesin’s theory and SRB measures Let $f$ be a $C^{1}$-diffeomorphism. A number $\lambda\in\mathbb{R}$ is a Lyapunov exponent if there exists a point $p\in M$ and a non zero vector $v\in T_{p}M$ such that $\lim_{n\to\pm\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log\|Df^{n}(p)v\|=\lambda$. We write $\lambda(p,v):=\lim_{n\to\pm\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log\|Df^{n}(p)v\|$. We say that a set $R$ has full probability if for any $f$-invariant probability measure $\nu$ it is verified that $\nu(R)=1$. The following theorem is known as the Oseledets theorem. ###### Theorem 2.15 ([6], Theorems $2.1.1$ and $2.1.2$). For any $C^{1}$-diffeomorphism $f$, there is a set $\mathcal{R}$ of full probability, such that for every $\varepsilon>0$ it exists a measurable function $C_{\varepsilon}:\mathcal{R}\to(1,+\infty)$ with the following properties: 1. 1. for any $p\in\mathcal{R}$ there are numbers $s(p)\in\mathbb{N}$, $\lambda_{1}(p)<\cdots<\lambda_{s(p)}(p)$ and a decomposition $T_{p}M=E^{1}_{p}\oplus\cdots\oplus E^{s(p)}_{p}$; 2. 2. $s(f(p))=s(p)$, $\lambda_{i}(f(p))=\lambda_{i}(p)$ and $Df(p).E^{i}_{p}=E^{i}_{f(p)}$, for every $i=1,\cdots,s(p)$; 3. 3. for every $v\in E^{i}_{p}-\\{0\\}$, $\lambda(p,v)=\lambda^{i}(p)$. We call the set $\mathcal{R}$ the set of regular points. A point $p\in\mathcal{R}$ has $k$ negative Lyapunov exponents if $\displaystyle\sum_{i:\lambda_{i}(p)<0}dim(E^{i}_{p})=k.$ Similarly for positive or zero Lyapunov exponents. From now on, we assume that $\nu$ is a $f$-invariant measure, not necessarily ergodic, and there are numbers $k$ and $l$ such that $\nu$-almost every point $p\in\mathcal{R}$ has $k$ negative and $l$ positive Lyapunov exponents. For a regular point we write $E^{s}_{p}=\displaystyle\bigoplus_{i:\lambda_{i}(p)<0}E^{i}_{p}\textrm{ and }E^{u}_{p}=\bigoplus_{i:\lambda_{i}(p)>0}E^{i}_{p}.$ (10) It is well known that for a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism $f$ and an invariant measure $\nu$, then for $\nu$-almost every $p$, the set defined by $W^{s}(p)=\\{q\in M:\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log d(f^{n}(p),f^{n}(q))<0\\}$ is an immersed submanifold such that $T_{p}W^{s}(p)=E^{s}_{p}$ (see section $4$ of [47]). We call $W^{s}(p)$ the stable Pesin manifold of the point $p$. Similarly, the set defined by $W^{u}(p)=\\{q\in M:\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log d(f^{-n}(p),f^{-n}(q))<0\\}$ is an immersed submanifold such that $T_{p}W^{u}(p)=E^{u}_{p}$. We call $W^{u}(p)$ the unstable Pesin manifold of the point $p$. Since these manifolds exist for $\nu$-almost every point, the unstable manifolds $\\{W^{u}(p)\\}_{p\in\mathcal{R}}$ form a partition of a $\nu$-full measure subset of $M$. ###### Remark 2.16. If $f$ is also partially hyperbolic, with $TM=E^{ss}\oplus E^{c}\oplus E^{uu}$ then the Oseledets splitting refines the partially hyperbolic splitting. This means that for a regular point $p\in\mathcal{R}$, there are numbers $1\leq l_{1}<l_{2}<s(p)$ such that $E^{ss}_{p}=\displaystyle\bigoplus_{i=1}^{l_{1}}E^{i}_{p},\textrm{ }E^{c}_{p}=\bigoplus_{i=l_{1}+1}^{l_{2}}E^{i}_{p}\textrm{ and }E^{uu}_{p}=\bigoplus_{i=l_{2}+1}^{s(p)}E^{i}_{p}.$ This follows from a standard argument similar to the proof of the uniqueness of dominated splittings, see section $B.1.2$ from [12]. It also holds that for any regular point $p$, $E^{ss}_{p}\subset E^{s}_{p}$ and $E^{uu}_{p}\subset E^{u}_{p}$. A partition $\xi$ of $M$ is measurable with respect to a probability measure $\nu$, if up to a set of $\nu$-zero measure, the quotient $M/\xi$ is separated by a countable number of measurable sets. Denote by $\hat{\nu}$ the quotient measure in $M/\xi$. By Rokhlin’s disintegration theorem [52], for a measurable partition $\xi$, there is set of conditional measures $\\{\nu_{D}^{\xi}:D\in\xi\\}$ such that for $\hat{\nu}$-almost every $D\in\xi$ the measure $\nu_{D}^{\xi}$ is a probability measure supported on $D$, for each measurable set $B\subset M$ the application $D\mapsto\nu^{\xi}_{D}(B)$ is measurable and $\nu(B)=\displaystyle\int_{M/\xi}\nu_{D}^{\xi}(B)d\hat{\nu}(D).$ (11) From now on we suppose that $f$ is a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism and $\nu$ has no zero Lyapunov exponents. We call such a measure hyperbolic. We remark that usually the unstable partition $\\{W^{u}(p)\\}_{p\in\mathcal{R}}$ is not a measurable partition. We say that a $\nu$-measurable partition $\xi^{u}$ is $u$-subordinated if for for $\nu$-almost every $p$, the following conditions are verified: * • $\xi^{u}(p)\subset W^{u}(p)$; * • $\xi^{u}(p)$ contains an open neighborhood of $p$ inside $W^{u}(p)$. ###### Definition 2.17 (SRB measure). A measure $\nu$ is SRB if for any $u$-subordinated measurable partition $\xi^{u}$, for $\nu$-almost every $p$, the conditional measure $\nu^{u}_{\xi^{u}(p)}$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the riemannian volume of $W^{u}(p)$. There is a well developed ergodic theory for hyperbolic SRB measures. We now state some results obtained by Ledrappier in [40]. ###### Theorem 2.18 ([40], Corollary $4.10$ and Theorem $5.10$.). Let $f$ be a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism and $\nu$ a hyperbolic SRB measure. Then there are at most countably many ergodic components of $\nu$, that is, $\nu=\displaystyle\sum_{i\in\mathbb{N}}c_{i}\nu_{i},$ where $c_{i}\geq 0$, $\displaystyle\sum_{i\in\mathbb{N}}c_{i}=1$, each $\nu_{i}$ is an $f$-invariant ergodic SRB measure such that if $i\neq j$, and $c_{i},c_{j}>0$ then $\nu_{i}\neq\nu_{j}$. Moreover, for each $i\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $c_{i}>0$, there exists $k_{i}\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\nu_{i}=\frac{1}{k_{i}}\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{k_{i}}\nu_{i,j},$ where each $\nu_{i,j}$ is an $f^{k_{i}}$-invariant probability measure, the system $(f^{k_{i}},\nu_{i,j})$ is Bernoulli and $\nu_{i,j}\neq\nu_{i,l}$ if $j\neq l$. Furthermore, $f$ permutes the measures $\nu_{i,j}$, that is, $f_{*}(\nu_{i,j})=\nu_{i,j+1}$ for $j=1,\cdots,k_{i}-1$ and $f_{*}(\nu_{i,k_{i}})=\nu_{i,1}$, where $f_{*}(\nu)$ denotes the pushforward of a measure $\nu$ by $f$. Now given two hyperbolic ergodic measure, $\mu$ and $\nu$, we say that stable manifolds of $\mu$ intersects transversely unstable manifolds of $\nu$ if the following holds: there exist a set $\Lambda^{s}$ with positive $\mu$-measure and a set $\Lambda^{u}$ with positive $\nu$-measure, such that for each $p\in\Lambda^{s}$ and $q\in\Lambda^{u}$, there exists $n_{1},n_{2}\in\mathbb{Z}$ with $W^{s}(f^{n_{1}}(p))\pitchfork W^{u}(f^{n_{2}}(q))\neq\emptyset.$ In this case we write $\mu\pitchfork_{su}\nu$. ###### Definition 2.19. For $\mu$ and $\nu$ hyperbolic ergodic measures, we say that $\mu$ is homoclinically related with $\nu$, if $\mu\pitchfork_{su}\nu$ and $\nu\pitchfork_{su}\mu$. We write $\mu\sim_{hom}\nu$. In the case that $\mu$ and $\nu$ are ergodic SRB measures, homoclinic relation actually implies that they are the same. ###### Theorem 2.20. Let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be two hyperbolic, ergodic SRB measures. If $\mu\sim_{hom}\nu$ then $\mu=\nu$. The proof of Theorem 2.20 is a consequence of Hopf’s argument adapted to the non-uniformly hyperbolic scenario. This type of argument has been done in many places, see for instance Lemma $3.2$ in [33]. We remark that all the results stated in this section were stated for $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms, but they hold for $C^{1+\alpha}$-diffeomorphisms. ### 2.3 $u$-Gibbs measures and the invariance principle #### $u$-Gibbs measures Let $f$ be a $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism and let $\mu$ be an $f$-invariant measure. We say that a $\mu$-measurable partition $\xi^{uu}$ is subordinated to the foliation $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$, if for $\mu$-almost every $p$, $\xi^{uu}(p)\subset W^{uu}(p)$ and $\xi^{uu}(p)$ contains an open neighborhood of $p$ inside $W^{uu}(p)$. For simplicity, we will write the conditional measure $\mu^{uu}_{\xi^{uu}(p)}$ by $\mu^{uu}_{p}$. ###### Definition 2.21 ($u$-Gibbs). An $f$-invariant measure $\mu$ is $u$-Gibbs if for any $\mu$-measurable partition $\xi^{uu}$ subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$, for $\mu$-almost every point $p$, the conditional measure $\mu^{uu}_{p}$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure of $W^{uu}(p)$. We denote the set of $u$-Gibbs measures of $f$ by $Gibbs^{u}(f)$. These measures have an important role in the study of ergodic theory of partially hyperbolic systems. The next lemma states that they capture all possible statistical behavior of Lebesgue almost every point. Recall that for any $p\in M$ and $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we defined $\mu_{n}(p)=\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\delta_{f^{j}(p)}.$ ###### Theorem 2.22 ([12], Theorem $11.16$). Let $f$ be a $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism, then for Lebesgue almost every point $p\in M$, every accumulation point of the sequence of probability measures $(\mu_{n}(p))_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ belongs to $\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(f)$. Let us consider the strong unstable foliation $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$ and $\mu$ an $f$-invariant measure. We say that a $\mu$-measurable partition $\xi^{uu}$ subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$ is increasing if for $\mu$-almost every $p$, we have $\xi^{uu}(f(p))\subset f(\xi^{uu}(p))$. We define the $\mu$-partial entropy along $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$ by $\displaystyle h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})=H_{\mu}(f^{-1}\xi^{uu}|\xi^{uu}):=-\int_{M}\log\mu^{uu}_{p}(f^{-1}\xi^{uu}(p))d\mu(p),$ (12) where $f^{-1}\xi^{uu}(p)$ is the element of the partition $f^{-1}\xi^{uu}$ containing $p$. The definition above does not depend on the choice of the $\mu$-measurable partition $\xi^{uu}$. The notion of partial entropy along expanding foliations has been introduced in [61] and [62] (see also [41]). Let $Jac^{uu}(p)=|\det(Df(p)|_{E^{uu}})|$. In the case that $E^{uu}$ has dimension one, for any ergodic $f$-invariant measure, we write $\lambda^{uu}_{\mu}$ to be the Lyapunov exponent of the strong unstable direction. The following result can be found in [62] and [40]. ###### Proposition 2.23 ([62], Proposition $5.2$, and [40], Theorem $3.4$). Let $\mu$ be an $u$-Gibbs measure. Then $h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})=\displaystyle\int_{M}\log Jac^{uu}(p)d\mu(p).$ In particular, if $E^{uu}$ is one dimensional and $\mu$ is ergodic then $h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})=\lambda^{uu}_{\mu}$. #### The invariance principle An important tool in this work is the invariance principle which was first developed by Furstenberg in [31] and by Ledrappier in [39]. We also mention the work of Avila-Viana in [5]. In this work we use the version of the invariance principle given by Tahzibi-Yang in [59], which we describe in this section. This relates entropy along strong unstable foliations with the so called $u$-invariance of certain measures. Their results hold for large classes of partially hyperbolic skew products, however, we will state them for skew products on $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Let $f$ be a $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic center bunched skew product and let $f_{2}$ be the Anosov diffeomorphism on the base. We remark that on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, every Anosov diffeomorphism is transitive. Fix a $f_{2}$-invariant measure $\nu$. Let $\mathcal{\xi}^{uu}_{2}$ be a $\nu$-measurable partition of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ which is subordinated to the foliation $\mathcal{F}^{uu}_{2}$ (the unstable foliation of $f_{2}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$), and consider the $\mu$-measurable partition $\xi^{uu}$ of $\mathbb{T}^{4}$ subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$ which refines the partition $\pi^{-1}_{2}(\xi^{uu}_{2})$ with the property that for $\mu$-almost every $p$, $\pi_{2}(\xi^{uu}(p))=\xi^{uu}_{2}(\pi_{2}(p))$. ###### Definition 2.24. We say that an $f$-invariant measure $\mu$ is an $u$-state projecting on $\nu$, if $(\pi_{2})_{*}=\nu$ and for $\mu$-almost every $p$, $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu^{uu}_{p}=\nu^{uu}_{\pi_{2}(p)}.$ (13) We denote the set of $u$-state measures projecting on $\nu$ by $\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. We say that a measure $\mu$ projecting on $\nu$ is an $s$-state projecting on $\nu$, if $\mu\in\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f^{-1})$. We denote the set of $s$-state measures by $\mathrm{State}^{s}_{\nu}(f)$. ###### Remark 2.25. In [59], the authors call the measures from definition 2.24 $u$-Gibbs measures projecting on $\nu$. Since we already use the name $u$-Gibbs for the measures from definition 2.21, we changed the name in our paper. Even though later we will see that in our setting both definitions coincide once the measure $\nu$ is an SRB-measure for the Anosov diffeomorphism on the basis (see proposition 2.28). The following result is a characterization using entropy for a measure to belong to $\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. ###### Theorem 2.26 ([59], Theorem A). Let $f$ be a $C^{2}$-partially hyperbolic skew product as above and let $\nu$ be an $f_{2}$-invariant measure. Suppose that $\mu$ is an $f$-invariant measure such that $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu=\nu$. Then $h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})\leq h_{\nu}(f_{2})$ and the equality holds if and only if $\mu\in\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. ###### Proposition 2.27 ([59], Proposition $5.4$). A measure $\mu$ is an $u$-state projecting on $\nu$ if and only if there exists a set $X\subset\mathbb{T}^{2}$ of full $\nu$-measure such that for any two points $p_{2},q_{2}\in X$ in the same unstable leaf, we have that $\mu^{c}_{q_{2}}=(H^{u}_{p_{2},q_{2}})_{*}\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}.$ (14) The property described by (14) is called $u$-invariance of the conditional measures $\\{\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}\\}_{p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}}$. Since $f_{2}$ is a transitive $C^{2}$-Anosov diffeomorphism, it is well known that it admits an unique SRB measure $\nu$, see [14, 53, 55]. Consider now the set $\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. In what follows we will show that $\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(f)=\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. ###### Proposition 2.28. For $f$ and $\nu$ as above, $\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(f)=\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. To prove this proposition, we will need the following lemma. ###### Lemma 2.29. Let $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(f)$, then $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu=\nu$. ###### Proof. It is enough to prove that $\tilde{\nu}:=(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu$ is an SRB measure for $f_{2}$. Since $f_{2}$ admits only one SRB measure, it follows that $\tilde{\nu}=\nu$. Let $\xi^{uu}_{2}$ be a $\tilde{\nu}$-measurable partition subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}_{2}$. Observe that the partition $\xi^{cu}=\pi_{2}^{-1}(\xi^{uu})$ is $\mu$-measurable and denote by $\mu^{cu}_{p}$ the conditional measures of $\mu$ with respect to this partition. The partition $\xi^{cu}$ is refined by the $\mu$-measurable partition $\xi^{uu}$ which is subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$ and such that for $\mu$-almost every $p$, we have $\pi_{2}(\xi^{uu}(p))=\xi^{uu}_{2}(\pi_{2}(p))$. Take a $\tilde{\nu}$-generic point $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and let $B\subset\xi^{uu}_{2}(p_{2})$ be a set of zero Lebesgue measure inside the unstable manifold of $p_{2}$. Since the foliation by center fibers is smooth (because we are in the skew product setting), and the strong unstable manifolds of $f$ are uniformly transverse to the center direction inside the $cu$-leaves, we have that for $\mu^{cu}_{p_{2}}$-almost every $q$ the set $\xi^{uu}(q)\cap\pi^{-1}_{2}(B)$ has zero Lebesgue measure inside $W^{uu}_{f}(q)$. In particular, the $u$-Gibbs property of $\mu$ implies that $\mu^{uu}_{q}(\pi^{-1}_{2}(B))=0$. We conclude $\tilde{\nu}^{uu}_{p_{2}}(B)=\displaystyle\int_{M}\mu^{uu}_{q}(\pi^{-1}_{2}(B))d\mu^{cu}(q)=0.$ This is true for any set $B$ of zero Lebesgue measure. This implies that $\tilde{\nu}^{uu}_{p_{2}}$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure of $W^{uu}_{f_{2}}(p_{2})$ and the measure $\tilde{\nu}$ is SRB. ∎ ###### Proof of Proposition 2.28. From (13) and the fact that the foliation by horizontal fiber is smooth, it is immediate that $\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)\subset\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(f)$. Since the strong unstable direction is uniformly transverse to the center fibers inside the $cu$-leaves and it projects to $E^{uu}_{f_{2}}$, and since the center direction is orthogonal to the base, there exists a constant $C\geq 1$ such that for any $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and any $v^{uu}\in E^{uu}_{p}$ we have $\displaystyle\frac{1}{C}\|v^{uu}\|\leq\|D\pi_{2}(p)v^{uu}\|\leq\|v^{uu}\|.$ Suppose that $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(f)$ is an ergodic measure. Let $p$ be a generic point for $\mu$ and let $v^{uu}\in E^{uu}_{p}$ be an unit vector. Observe that for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ we have $\displaystyle\frac{1}{C}\|Df^{n}(p)v^{uu}\|\leq\|D\pi_{2}(f^{n}(p))Df^{n}(p)v^{uu}\|\leq\|Df^{n}(p)v^{uu}\|.$ Since $f$ is a skew product and $\pi_{2}\circ f=f\circ\pi_{2}$, we obtain that $D\pi_{2}(f^{n}(p))Df^{n}(p)v^{uu}=Df^{n}_{2}(\pi_{2}(p))D\pi_{2}(p)v^{uu}$. By lemma 2.29, we may assume that $\pi_{2}(p)$ is a generic point for $\nu$. We conclude that $\displaystyle\lambda^{uu}_{\mu}=\lim_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log\|Df^{n}(p)v^{uu}\|=\lim_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log\|Df^{n}_{2}(\pi_{2}(p))D\pi_{2}(p)v^{uu}\|=\lambda^{uu}_{\nu},$ where $\lambda^{uu}_{\mu}$ is the Lyapunov exponent of $f$ for $\mu$ along the strong unstable direction and $\lambda^{uu}_{\nu}$ is the Lyapunov exponent of $f_{2}$ for $\nu$ along the unstable direction. It is well known that the measure $\nu$ verifies Pesin’s formula (since it is also an SRB measure for $f_{2}$), see [40], and hence $h_{\nu}(f_{2})=\lambda^{uu}_{\nu}$. By proposition 2.23, we have that $h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})=\lambda^{uu}_{\mu}$. We conclude that $h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})=h_{\nu}(f_{2})$. By Theorem 2.26 we obtain that $\mu\in\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(f)$. ∎ The main conclusion of proposition 2.28 is the following corollary. ###### Corollary 2.30. For $f$ as above, any $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$ has $u$-invariant center conditional measures. ## 3 Proof of Theorem A assuming Theorems B and C Fix $N$ large enough and let $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ be a $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ inside $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ small enough such that it verifies the conclusions of Theorems B and C. By Theorem C, any $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ has at most one SRB-measure. By Theorem B, every $u$-Gibbs measure is either SRB or it is supported on a finite union of two dimensional tori tangent to the strong stable and unstable directions. In particular, in the second, the support of the $u$-Gibbs measure is contained in the finite union of trivial accessibility classes. By Theorem 2.13, there exists a subset $\mathcal{V}\subset\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ which is $C^{2}$-open and $C^{2}$-dense in $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ such that any $g\in\mathcal{V}$ does not have any trivial accessibility class. In particular, for such $g$, there cannot be a two dimensional torus tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$. Therefore, as a consequence of Theorems B and C, we conclude that for any $g\in\mathcal{V}$, there exists an unique $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu_{g}$. It is hyperbolic SRB and Bernoulli. Moreover, $\mathrm{supp}(\mu_{g})=\mathbb{T}^{4}$. Fix $g\in\mathcal{V}$. By Theorem 2.22, for Lebesgue almost every point $p$, any accumulation point of the sequence $\mu_{n}(p)=\frac{1}{n}\displaystyle\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\delta_{g^{j}(p)}$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure. Since there exists only one $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu_{g}$, we conclude that for Lebesgue almost every point $p$, $\displaystyle\lim_{n\to+\infty}\mu_{n}(p)=\mu_{g}.$ Therefore, $Leb(B(\mu_{g}))=1$ and we conclude the proof of Theorem A. ## 4 Center Lyapunov exponents for $u$-Gibbs measures In this section we explain how the techniques developed by Berger-Carrasco in [10], and the adaptations of their techniques made by the author in [45], actually give estimates for the Lyapunov exponents for any $u$-Gibbs measure. We prove the following theorem: ###### Theorem 4.1. For every $\delta\in(0,1)$, there exists $N_{0}=N_{0}(\delta)$ such that for every $N\geq N_{0}$, there exists $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ a $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ inside $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ with the following property. If $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and $\mu$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure, then $\mu$-almost every point has a positive and a negative Lyapunov exponent along the center whose absolute value is greater than $(1-\delta)\log N$. ###### Remark 4.2. Even though the results from [10, 45] are in the volume preserving scenario, several of the lemmas and propositions still valid for dissipative perturbations. In what follows, we will use several results from these works. The only point in this section that will need an adaptation for $u$-Gibbs measures is given in proposition 4.11. Let $A\in SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ be the linear Anosov matrix considered in the definition of the map $f_{N}$. Denote by $0<\lambda<1<\tilde{\mu}=\lambda^{-1}$ the eigenvalues of $A$. Let $e^{s}$ and $e^{u}$ be unit eigenvectors of $A$ for $\lambda$ and $\tilde{\mu}$, respectively. Recall that we defined the linear map $P_{x}:\mathbb{R}^{2}\to\mathbb{R}^{2}$ given by $P_{x}(a,b)=(a,0)$. ###### Lemma 4.3 ([10], Proposition $1$). There is a differentiable function $\alpha:\mathbb{T}^{4}\to\mathbb{R}^{2}$ such that the unstable direction of $f_{N}$ is generated by the vector field $(\alpha(m),e^{u})$, where $Df_{N}(m).(\alpha(m),e^{u})=\tilde{\mu}^{2N}(\alpha(f_{N}(m)),e^{u})\textrm{ and }\|\alpha(m)-\lambda^{N}P_{x}(e^{u})\|\leq\lambda^{2N}.$ Observe that $|\det Df_{N}|_{E^{c}_{f_{N}}}|=1$. ###### Lemma 4.4 ([45], Lemma 7.17). For $\varepsilon_{1}>0$ and $\beta>0$ small, if $N$ is large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ is small enough then for every $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and for all unit vectors $v^{s}\in E^{ss}_{g}$, $v^{c}\in E^{c}_{g}$ and $v^{u}\in E^{uu}_{g}$, the following holds: 1. 1. $e^{-\varepsilon_{1}}\tilde{\mu}^{2N}\leq\|Dg(v^{u})\|\leq e^{\varepsilon_{1}}\tilde{\mu}^{2N}$; 2. 2. $\frac{1}{2N}\leq\|Dg(v^{c})\|\leq 2N;$ 3. 3. $\|D^{2}g^{-1}\|\leq 2N$ and $\|D^{2}g\|\leq 2N$; 4. 4. $|\det Dg|_{E^{c}_{g}}|\in(e^{-\beta},e^{\beta})$; 5. 5. $E^{c}_{g}$ is $\frac{1}{2}$-Hölder. A key element in Berger-Carrasco’s proof is to consider center vector fields over certain pieces of strong unstable curve. Consider $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. ###### Definition 4.5 ([10], Definition 7.18). An $u$-curve for $g$ is a $C^{1}$-curve $\gamma=(\gamma_{x},\gamma_{y},\gamma_{z},\gamma_{w}):[0,2\pi]\to M$ tangent to $E^{uu}_{g}$ and such that $\left|\frac{d\gamma_{x}}{dt}(t)\right|=1$, $\forall t\in[0,2\pi]$. For every $k\geq 0$ there exists an integer $N_{k}=N_{k}(\gamma)\in\left[(e^{-\varepsilon_{1}}\tilde{\mu}^{2N})^{k},(e^{\varepsilon_{1}}\tilde{\mu}^{2N})^{k}\right]$ such that the curve $g^{k}\circ\gamma$ can be writen as $g^{k}\circ\gamma=\gamma_{1}^{k}\ast\cdots\ast\gamma_{N_{k}}\ast\gamma_{N_{k}+1}^{k}$ where $\gamma_{j}^{k}$ for $j=1,\cdots,N_{k}$, are $u$-curves and $\gamma_{N_{k}+1}^{k}$ is a segment of $u$-curve. The following lemma controls the length of $u$-curves. ###### Lemma 4.6 ([10], Corollary $5$). For $N$ is large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough then for every $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and any unit vector $v^{u}\in E^{uu}_{g,m}$, it holds that $|P_{x}(D\pi_{1}.v^{u})|\in[(\lambda^{N}(\|P_{x}(e^{u})\|-3\lambda^{N}),(\lambda^{N}(\|P_{x}(e^{u})\|+3\lambda^{N})].$ An easy consequence of this lemma is the following. ###### Corollary 4.7. For any $\varepsilon_{2}>0$, if $N$ is large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ is small enough, then any two $u$-curves $(\gamma,\gamma^{\prime})$ satisfy: $e^{-\varepsilon_{2}}|\gamma|\leq|\gamma^{\prime}|\leq e^{\varepsilon_{2}}l|\gamma|,$ (15) where $|\gamma|$ denotes the length of the curve $\gamma$. We define the unstable jacobian of $g^{k}$ as $J^{uu}_{g^{k}}(m)=|\det Dg^{k}(m)|_{E^{uu}_{g}}|,\textrm{ $\forall m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$.}$ (16) By item $2$ of lemma 4.4, for $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and for every $m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ $e^{-\varepsilon_{1}}\lambda^{2N}\leq J^{uu}_{g^{-1}}(m)\leq e^{\varepsilon_{1}}\lambda^{2N}.$ (17) ###### Lemma 4.8 ([45], Lemma 7.20). For $\varepsilon_{3}>0$ small, if $N$ is large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ is small enough, for every $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and any $u$-curve $\gamma$ for $g$, for every $k\geq 0$, we have $\forall m,m^{\prime}\in\gamma,\textrm{ }e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}\leq\frac{J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}(m)}{J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}(m^{\prime})}\leq e^{\varepsilon_{3}}.$ This lemma implies that for $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and for any $u$-curve $\gamma$ for $g$, if $A\subset\gamma$ is any measurable set, for every $k\geq 0$, it holds $e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}\frac{Leb(A)}{Leb(\gamma)}\leq\frac{Leb(g^{-k}(A))}{Leb(g^{-k}(\gamma))}\leq e^{\varepsilon_{3}}\frac{Leb(A)}{Leb(\gamma)}.$ ###### Definition 4.9. An adapted field $(\gamma,X)$ over an $u$-curve $\gamma$ is an unitary vector field $X$ such that 1. 1. $X$ is tangent to the center direction; 2. 2. $X$ is $(C_{X},1/2)$-Hölder along $\gamma$, that is $\|X_{m}-X_{m^{\prime}}\|\leq C_{X}d_{\gamma}(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}},\textrm{ }\forall m,m^{\prime}\in\gamma,$ where $C_{X}<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$ and $d_{\gamma}$ is the distance measured along $\gamma$. ###### Remark 4.10. The estimate on the Hölder constant used in [10, 45] is $20N^{2}\lambda^{N}$, instead of $30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$ as above. This is due to the fact that the parametrization of the torus $\mathbb{T}^{4}$ is by intervals of length $2\pi$ instead of $1$ in the proof of lemma $2$ in [10]. However, this change on the estimate of the Hölder constant does not affect the rest of the proof. Let $(\gamma,X)$ be an adapted field, and define $I_{n}^{\gamma,X}=\frac{1}{|\gamma|}\int_{\gamma}\log\|Dg^{n}.X\|d\gamma.$ ###### Proposition 4.11. Suppose that there exists $C>0$ with the following property: for every $u$-curve $\gamma$ there exists an adapted vector field $(\gamma,X)$ for $g$ and for all $n>0$ large enough $\frac{I_{n}^{\gamma,X}}{n}>C.$ Then any $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$ for $g$ has a positive Lyapunov exponent along the center direction greater than $e^{-2\varepsilon_{3}}C$. ###### Proof. Suppose not, then there exist an $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$ and a measurable set $B$ with positive $\mu$-measure such that every point in $B$ has exponents in the center direction strictly smaller than $e^{-2\varepsilon_{3}}C$. Since $\mu$ has disintegration along unstable leaves equivalent to the Lebesgue measure along the leaves, there is an unstable manifold $\gamma$ that intersects $B$ on a set of positive measure for the Lebesgue measure of $\gamma$. Let $b\in\gamma\cap B$ be a density point and take $\gamma_{k}=g^{-k}\circ\beta_{k}$, where $\beta_{k}$ is a $u$-curve with $\beta_{k}(0)=g^{k}(b)$. We have that $l(\gamma_{k})\to 0$ and by bounded distortion (lemma 4.8) $\frac{Leb(\gamma_{k}\cap B)}{Leb(\gamma_{k})}\longrightarrow 1.$ Take $k$ large enough such that $\frac{Leb(\gamma_{k}\cap B^{c})}{Leb(\gamma_{k})}<\frac{e^{-2\varepsilon_{3}}(e^{\varepsilon_{3}}-1)C}{2\log 2N}.$ Using bounded distortion again, for any $m^{k}\in g^{k}(\gamma_{k})$ $J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}(m^{k})\geq\frac{Leb(\gamma_{k})}{Leb(g^{k}(\gamma_{k}))}e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}.$ Define $\chi_{k}(m)=\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log\|Dg^{n}(g^{k}(m)).X^{k}_{g^{k}(m)}\|$ for all $m\in\gamma_{k}$, where $X^{k}$ is the vector field such that $(\beta_{k},X^{k})$ verifies the hypothesis of the proposition. Since for $\mu$-almost every point the Lyapunov exponents exist, using the dominated convergence theorem, we have $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\displaystyle\int_{\gamma_{k}}\chi_{k}d\gamma_{k}&=&\displaystyle\int_{\beta_{k}}\chi_{k}\circ g^{-k}J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}d\beta_{k}\\\ &\geq&\displaystyle e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}\frac{Leb(\gamma_{k})}{Leb(\beta_{k})}\int_{\beta_{k}}\chi_{k}\circ g^{-k}d\beta_{k}\\\ &=&\displaystyle e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}\frac{Leb(\gamma_{k})}{Leb(\beta_{k})}\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{I_{n}^{\beta_{k},X^{k}}}{n}.Leb(\beta_{k})\geq e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}CLeb(\gamma_{k}).\end{array}$ On the other hand, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\displaystyle\int_{\gamma_{k}}\chi_{k}d\gamma_{k}&=&\displaystyle\int_{\gamma_{k}\cap B}\chi_{k}d\gamma_{k}+\int_{\gamma_{k}\cap B^{c}}\chi_{k}d\gamma_{k}\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle e^{-2\varepsilon_{3}}CLeb(\gamma_{k})+\frac{\log 2Ne^{-2\varepsilon_{3}}(e^{\varepsilon_{3}}-1)CLeb(\gamma_{k})}{2\log 2N}\\\ &<&e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}CLeb(\gamma_{k})\end{array}$ which is a contradiction. ∎ Write $E(\gamma,X)=\frac{1}{|\gamma|}\displaystyle\int_{\gamma}\log\|Dg(m).X_{m}\|d\gamma(m),$ where $(\gamma,X)$ is an adapted field. Let $\pi_{1}:\mathbb{T}^{4}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$ be the projection defined by $\pi_{1}(x,y,z,w)=(x,y)$. For $X$ a vector field on $\gamma$ define $\widetilde{X}_{m}=\frac{D\pi_{1}(X_{m})}{\|D\pi_{1}(X_{m})\|}.$ In what follows, we let $\tilde{\delta}>0$ to be a positive constant that we will fix later. ###### Definition 4.12. Consider the cone $\Delta_{\tilde{\delta}}=\\{(u,v)\in\mathbb{R}^{2}:N^{\tilde{\delta}}|u|\geq|v|\\}$. Let $(\gamma,X)$ be an adapted vector field. If for every $m\in\gamma$ we have that $\tilde{X}(m)\in\Delta_{\tilde{\delta}}$ then we say that $(\gamma,X)$ is a $\tilde{\delta}$-good adapted vector field. Otherwise we say that it is $\tilde{\delta}$-bad. Recall that for $k\geq 0$ and an $u$-curve $\gamma$ the number $N_{k}=N_{k}(\gamma)$ denotes the maximum number of $u$ curves that subdivide $g^{k}\circ\gamma$. For an adapted field $(\gamma,X)$ define the unit vector field over $g^{k}(\gamma)$, $Y^{k}=\frac{g^{k}_{*}X}{\|g^{k}_{*}X\|}$, where $g^{k}_{*}X_{m}=Dg^{k}(g^{-k}(m))X_{g^{-k}(m)}$. ###### Lemma 4.13 ([10], Lemma $9$). For $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and $(\gamma,X)$ be an adapted field for $g$. For $k\geq 0$, every possible pair $(\gamma_{j}^{k},Y^{k}|_{\gamma_{j}^{k}})$, with $1\leq j\leq N_{k}(\gamma)$ is an adapted field. The following formula is proved in section $6$ of [10]. ###### Lemma 4.14. For every adapted field $(\gamma,X)$ and any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ $I_{n}^{\gamma,X}=\displaystyle\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\left(R_{k}+\sum_{j=0}^{N_{k}}\frac{1}{|\gamma|}\int_{\gamma_{j}^{k}}\log\|Dg(m).Y^{k}_{m}\|J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}d\gamma_{j}^{k}\right),$ where $R_{k}=\frac{1}{|\gamma|}\int_{\gamma_{N_{k}+1}^{k}}\log\|Dg(m).Y^{k}_{m}\|J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}d\gamma_{N_{k}+1}^{k}$. As a consequence of lemma 4.14, and using (15), we obtain $\displaystyle I_{n}^{\gamma,X}\geq\displaystyle\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\left(R_{k}+e^{-\varepsilon_{2}}\sum_{j=0}^{N_{k}}(\min_{\gamma_{j}^{k}}J^{uu}_{g^{-k}})E(\gamma_{j}^{k},Y^{k})\right).$ (18) Since $\gamma^{k}_{N_{k}+1}$ is a piece of an $u$-curve, then $\displaystyle\frac{|\gamma^{k}_{N_{k}+1}|}{|\gamma|}<2.$ By (17), we have $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\displaystyle|R_{k}|=\frac{1}{|\gamma|}\int_{\gamma_{N_{k}+1}^{k}}\log\|Dg(m).Y^{k}_{m}\|J^{uu}_{g^{-k}}d\gamma_{N_{k}+1}^{k}&<&\displaystyle\frac{|\gamma^{k}_{N_{k}+1}|}{|\gamma|}(e^{\varepsilon_{1}}\lambda)^{2Nk}\log 2N\\\ &<&\displaystyle 2(e^{\varepsilon_{1}}\lambda)^{2Nk}\log 2N\xrightarrow{k\rightarrow+\infty}0.\end{array}$ Hence, $\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}|R_{k}|\longrightarrow 0.$ The following is the key proposition that will give us the estimate that we need. ###### Proposition 4.15 ([45], Proposition 7.29). For $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, for every $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, any $\tilde{\delta}$-good adapted field $(\gamma,X)$ and every $k\geq 0$, we have $e^{-\varepsilon_{2}}\displaystyle\sum_{j=0}^{N_{k}}(\min_{\gamma_{j}^{k}}J^{uu}_{g^{-k}})E(\gamma_{j}^{k},Y^{k})\geq(1-12\tilde{\delta})\log N.$ ###### Remark 4.16. In [45], the term $e^{-\varepsilon_{2}}$ on the right hand side of the equation (18) is missing. The same term is also missing in the statement of proposition $7.29$ in [45]. Since we can fix $\varepsilon_{2}$ arbitrarily close to $0$, this does not affect the rest of the proof in [45] to obtain the estimate of the center Lyapunov exponents. Now, we can proceed with the proof of Theorem 4.1. ###### Proof of Theorem 4.1. Take $\tilde{\delta}=\frac{2\delta}{15}$. Let $N$ be large and let $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ be small enough such that it verifies proposition 4.15. Fix $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and let $\mu$ be an $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$. Consider any $u$-curve $\gamma$ and any $\tilde{\delta}$-good vector field $X$ on $\gamma$. By proposition 4.15, and using inequality (18), for $n$ large enough $\frac{I^{\gamma,X}_{n}}{n}\geq(1-14\tilde{\delta})\log N.$ (19) Since we could have chosen $\varepsilon_{3}>0$ small enough such that $e^{-\varepsilon_{3}}(1-14\tilde{\delta})\geq(1-15\tilde{\delta})$ by proposition 4.11, $\mu$-almost every point has a Lyapunov exponent for $g$ in the center direction larger than $(1-15\tilde{\delta})\log N=(1-2\delta)\log N.$ By condition ($4$) in lemma 4.4, we have that for $\mu$-almost every point $m$ the sum of the center Lyapunov exponents belongs to the interval $(-\beta,\beta)$, that is, $-\beta<\lambda^{-}(m)+\lambda^{+}(m)<\beta$. By taking $\beta>0$ small, after fixing $\delta$, we conclude that $\lambda^{-}(m)<\beta-\lambda^{+}(m)<\beta-(1-2\delta)\log N<(1-\delta)\log N.$ Therefore, we obtain that for $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, for $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, any $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$ verifies that $\mu$-almost every point $m$ has both a positive and a negative Lyapunov exponent on the center with absolute value larger than $(1-\delta)\log N$. ∎ ## 5 Proof of Theorem C Recall that in section 2 we defined the notion of homoclinically related measures (see definition 2.19). The goal of this section is to prove Theorem C. This is based in the techniques developed by the author in [45]. We actually prove the following theorem, which is more general than Theorem C: ###### Theorem 5.1. For $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, for any $k\in\mathbb{N}$ the following holds: if $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and $\mu_{1},\mu_{2}$ are two ergodic $u$-Gibbs measures for $g^{k}$, then $\mu_{1}$ is homoclinically related to $\mu_{2}$. For an SRB measure, we can also obtain the following proposition. ###### Proposition 5.2. For $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and let $\mu$ be an SRB measure for $g$. Then $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)=\mathbb{T}^{4}$. ###### Proof of Theorem C assuming Theorem 5.1 and Proposition 5.2. Let $N$ be large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ be small enough such that Theorem 5.1 holds and fix $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. If $\mu_{1}$ and $\mu_{2}$ are two ergodic SRB measures for $g$, by Theorem 5.1, $\mu_{1}$ is homoclinically related to $\mu_{2}$. By Theorem 2.20, $\mu_{1}=\mu_{2}$, and therefore $g$ has at most one SRB measure. Suppose that $\mu$ is an SRB measure for $g$. By Theorem 2.18, there exist $k\in\mathbb{N}$ and $k$ measures which are $g^{k}$-invariant and SRB, $\mu_{1},\cdots,\mu_{k}$, such that $\mu_{i}\neq\mu_{j}$ for $j\neq i$ and $\mu=\frac{1}{k}\displaystyle\sum_{j=1}^{k}\mu_{j}.$ Moreover, $g_{*}(\mu_{j})=\mu_{j+1}$, with the identification of $k+1=1$, and $(g^{k},\mu^{k})$ is Bernoulli. Observe that if $k=1$, then $\mu$ is Bernoulli for $g$. Suppose $k>1$, by Theorem 5.1, we have that for any $i,j\in\\{1,\cdots,k\\}$ with $i\neq j$, the measures $\mu_{i}$ and $\mu_{j}$ are homoclinically related. Since these measures are SRB, we obtain that $\mu_{i}=\mu_{j}$, which is a contradiction with the fact that $\mu_{i}\neq\mu_{j}$. Hence, $k=1$ and the measure $\mu$ is Bernoulli for $g$. Proposition 5.2 states that if $\mu$ is SRB then it has full support. ∎ The rest of this section is mostly dedicated to prove Theorem 5.1. As we will see, the proof of this theorem is essentially contained in the proof of the stable ergodicity for the map $f_{N}$ in [45]. We will refer the reader to [45] for the proofs of several of the lemmas and propositions that we will use in this section, and we remark that they are also valid outside the volume preserving setting. At the end of the section we explain how to obtain Proposition 5.2. The argument involved in the proof of Proposition 5.2 is a combination of some estimates obtained to prove Theorem 5.1 and arguments from [20]. ### 5.1 Estimates for stable and unstable manifolds of $u$-Gibbs measures For a vector $v\in T_{m}\mathbb{T}^{4}$, write $v_{1}=D\pi_{1}(m).v$. For a direction $E\subset T_{m}\mathbb{T}^{4}$ we will write $(E)_{1}=D\pi_{1}(m).E$. For this section we fix $0<\delta<<1$ small and we are assuming that $N$ is large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ is small enough such that Theorem 4.1 holds. For this subsection we fix two constants (depending on $N$), $\theta_{1}:=N^{-\frac{2}{5}}$ and $\theta_{2}:=N^{-\frac{3}{5}}$. Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. For each ergodic measure $\mu$ for $g$ let $\Lambda_{\mu}$ be the set of points $m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ such that $\displaystyle\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\delta_{f^{j}(m)}\xrightarrow[n\to+\infty]{}\mu\textrm{ and }\frac{1}{n}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}\delta_{f^{-j}(m)}\xrightarrow[n\to+\infty]{}\mu\textrm{, in the $weak^{*}$-topology.}$ Where $\delta_{p}$ is the dirac mass on the point $p$. Birkhoff’s theorem implies that $\mu(\Lambda_{\mu})=1$. Recall that $\mathcal{R}_{g}$ is the set of regular points for $g$. By Theorem 4.11, if $\mu$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$, then for each $m\in\mathcal{R}_{g}\cap\Lambda_{\mu}$ there are two directions $E^{-}_{g,m}$ and $E^{+}_{g,m}$ contained in $E^{c}_{g,m}$, which are the Oseledets’ directions with respect to the negative and positive Lyapunov exponent, respectively. For each $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$, we define the sets $\begin{array}[]{rcl}Z_{\mu}^{-}&=&\left\\{m\in\mathcal{R}_{g}\cap\Lambda_{\mu}:\forall n\geq 0\textrm{ it holds }\displaystyle\left\|Dg^{n}(m)|_{E^{-}_{g,m}}\right\|<\left(N^{-\frac{4}{5}}\right)^{n}\right\\};\\\ Z_{\mu}^{+}&=&\left\\{m\in\mathcal{R}_{g}\cap\Lambda_{\mu}:\forall n\geq 0\textrm{ it holds }\displaystyle\left\|Dg^{-n}(m)|_{E^{+}_{g,m}}\right\|<\left(N^{-\frac{4}{5}}\right)^{n}\right\\};\\\ Z_{\mu}&=&g(Z_{\mu}^{-})\cap g^{-1}(Z_{\mu}^{+});\\\ Z_{g}&=&\displaystyle\bigcup_{\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)}Z_{\mu}.\end{array}$ The proof of the following lemma is the same as lemma $5.2$ in [45]. It is an application of Pliss lemma. ###### Lemma 5.3 ([45], lemma $5.2$). Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. If $\mu$ is an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$, then $\mu(Z_{g})\geq\frac{1-7\delta}{1+7\delta}$. Let $T=\left[\frac{1+7\delta}{28\delta}\right]$ and define $X_{g}=\displaystyle\bigcap_{k=-T+1}^{T-1}g^{k}(Z_{g}).$ (20) An easy consequence of the estimate in lemma 5.3 is given in the following lemma. ###### Lemma 5.4 ([45], lemma $5.3$). For $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, if $\mu$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ then $\mu(X_{g})>0.$ For a vector $v\in\mathbb{R}^{2}$ we write $v=(v_{h},v_{v})$, where $v_{h}$ and $v_{v}$ are the coordinates of $v$ with respect to the basis $(1,0)$ and $(0,1)$. For each $\theta>0$ we consider the horizontal and vertical cones $\mathscr{C}^{hor}_{\theta}=\\{v\in\mathbb{R}^{2}:\theta\|v_{h}\|\geq\|v_{v}\|\\}\textrm{ and }\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\theta}=\\{v\in\mathbb{R}^{2}:\theta\|v_{v}\|\geq\|v_{h}\|\\}.$ One of the key ingredients in the proof of stable ergodicity of $f_{N}$ is based in a version of the stable manifold theorem given by Crovisier-Pujals in [26]. Using their construction we can obtain precise estimates on the sizes of stable and unstable manifolds inside the center direction for $u$-Gibbs measures. This is given in the following proposition. Fix $\theta_{1}=N^{-\frac{2}{5}}$. ###### Proposition 5.5 ([45], Proposition $5.6$). Let $N$ be large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ be small enough. For $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and $m\in Z_{g}$, there are two $C^{1}$-curves, $W^{*}_{g}(m)$, contained in $W^{c}_{g}(m)$, tangent to $E^{*}_{g,m}$ and with length bounded from below by $r_{0}=N^{-7}$, for $*=-,+$. Those curves are $C^{1}$-stable and unstable manifolds for $g$, respectively. Moreover, $\left(T_{p}W^{+}_{g,r_{0}}(m)\right)_{1}\subset\mathscr{C}^{hor}_{\frac{4}{\theta_{1}}}(p)$ and $\left(T_{q}W^{-}_{g,r_{0}}(m)\right)_{1}\subset\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\frac{4}{\theta_{1}}}(q)$, for every $p\in W^{+}_{g,r_{0}}(m)$ and $q\in W^{-}_{g,r_{0}}(m)$. We remark that the proof of this proposition only uses the estimates for points in the set $Z_{g}$ and estimates on the $C^{2}$-norm of $g$. The proof is exactly the same as the proof of proposition $5.6$ in [45] Let $\theta_{2}=N^{-\frac{3}{5}}$. Proposition 5.5 is one of the key ingredients to prove the following lemma. ###### Lemma 5.6 ([45], Lemma $5.7$). For $N$ large, $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small and $n>15$, let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. Then for every $m\in X_{g}$ there are two curves $\gamma_{g,-n}^{-}(m)\subset g^{-n}(W^{-}_{g,r_{0}}(m))$ and $\gamma_{g,n}^{+}(m)\subset g^{n}(W^{+}_{g,r_{0}}(m))$ with length greater than $4\pi$, such that $\left(T\gamma^{-}_{g,-n}(m)\right)_{1}\subset\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\theta_{2}}$ and $\left(T\gamma^{+}_{g,n}(m)\right)_{1}\subset\mathscr{C}^{hor}_{\theta_{2}}$. We remark that the statement of lemma $5.7$ from [45], which is the equivalent of lemma 5.6 above, involves a measure $\nu_{g,i}$. However, the proof only uses the estimates of the points in the set $Z_{g}$ and the definition of $X_{g}$. Therefore, the proof of lemma 5.6 is exactly the same as the proof of lemma $5.7$ from [45] For $R>0$, let $\displaystyle W^{s}_{g,R,-n}(m)=\bigcup_{q\in\gamma_{g,-n}^{-}(m)}W_{g,R}^{ss}(q),$ where the curve $\gamma_{g,-n}^{-}(m)$ is the curve given by the previous lemma. Define similarly the set $W^{u}_{g,R,n}(m)$, but using the strong unstable manifolds. Let $m\in X_{g}$ be a typical point for an $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$. Recall that the stable Pesin manifold is a $C^{1}$-immersed submanifold and it has a topological characterization given by $W^{s}(m)=\\{y\in\mathbb{T}^{4}:\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{n}\log d(f^{n}(m),f^{n}(y))<0\\}.$ By the topological characterization of the stable Pesin manifold and by the definition of $W^{s}_{g,R,-n}(m)$, it is easy to see that $W^{s}_{g,R,-n}(m)\subset g^{-n}(W^{s}(m))$. Observe that the strong stable manifolds subfoliate the Pesin stable manifold, in particular $W^{s}_{g,R,-n}(m)$ is open inside the Pesin manifold $g^{-n}(W^{s}(m))$. We conclude that $W^{s}_{g,R,-n}(m)$ is a $C^{1}$-submanifold. An analogous conclusion holds for unstable manifolds. The next lemma allows us to control the tangent space of these stable and unstable manifolds inside the center direction. ###### Lemma 5.7 ([45], Lemma $5.8$). Fix $\theta_{3}>0$ such that $\theta_{3}>\theta_{2}$ and satisfies $\mathscr{C}^{hor}_{\theta_{3}}\cap\mathscr{C}_{\theta_{3}}^{ver}=\\{0\\}$. For $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, there exists $0<R<1$ such that if $n\geq 15$, $m\in X_{g}$ and $m^{-}\in W^{s}_{g,R,-n}(m)\subset W^{s}_{g,2,-n}(m)$, then $\left(T(W^{s}_{g,2,-n}(m)\cap W_{g}^{c}(m^{-}))\right)_{1}\subset\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\theta_{3}}.$ A similar result holds for $W^{u}_{g,R,n}(m)$. The last ingredient for the proof we will need is the following proposition. ###### Proposition 5.8. For $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, if $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ then for any ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$ for $g$ and for any $k\in\mathbb{N}$, the following property holds: for $\mu$-almost every point $m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, its center leaf $W^{c}_{g}(m)$ has dense $g^{k}$-orbit in $\mathbb{T}^{4}$. The proof of this proposition is essentially the same as the proof of Proposition $5.9$ in [45]. For the sake of completeness we will include it here. ###### Proof. For $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough, for every $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ there is a homeomorphism $h_{g}:\mathbb{T}^{4}\to\mathbb{T}^{4}$, that takes center leaves of $f_{N}$ to center leaves of $g$, such that for every $m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ it is verified $g\circ h_{g}(W^{c}_{f}(m))=h_{g}\circ f(W^{c}_{f}(m))$ Consider the quotients $M_{f}=\mathbb{T}^{4}/\sim^{c}_{f}$ and $M_{g}=\mathbb{T}^{4}/\sim^{c}_{g}$, where $p\sim^{c}_{*}q$ if and only if $q\in W^{c}_{*}(p)$ for $*=f,g$. We denote $\pi_{f}:\mathbb{T}^{4}\to M_{f}$ and $\pi_{g}:\mathbb{T}^{4}\to M_{g}$ the respective projections. Observe that $M_{f}=\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and that the induced dynamics $\tilde{f}:M_{f}\to M_{f}$ of $f$ is given by $A^{2N}$. Endow $M_{g}$ with the distance $d_{g}$ given by the Hausdorff distance on the center leaves, that is, $d_{g}(L,W)=d_{\textrm{Haus}}(\pi_{g}^{-1}(L),\pi_{g}^{-1}(W)).$ By the leaf conjugacy equation, the induced dynamics $\tilde{g}:M_{g}\to M_{g}$ of $g$ is conjugated to the linear Anosov $A^{2N}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ by the homeomorphism induced by $h_{g}$, which we will denote by $\tilde{h}_{g}$. Denote by $W^{uu}_{A^{2N}}(.)$ the stable manifold of $A^{2N}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and let $W^{uu}_{\tilde{g}}(L)=\\{W\in M_{g}:\displaystyle\lim_{n\to+\infty}d_{g}(\tilde{g}^{-n}(L),\tilde{g}^{-n}(W))=0\\},$ be the stable set of $L$. ###### Claim 5.9 (Claim 2 in the proof of Proposition $5.9$ from [45]). For every $m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, for every $q\in W^{c}_{g}(m)$, it is verified that $\pi_{g}(W^{uu}_{g}(q))=W^{uu}_{\tilde{g}}(\pi_{g}(m))=\tilde{h}_{g}(W^{uu}_{A^{2N}}(\pi_{f}(h_{g}^{-1}(m)))),$ and $\pi_{g}$ is a bijection from $W^{uu}_{g}(q)$ to $W^{uu}_{\tilde{g}}(\pi_{g}(m))$. For the linear Anosov $A^{2N}$ the unstable foliation is minimal, that is, every unstable manifold of $A^{2N}$ is dense in $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Let $\mu$ be an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ and fix $m$ a generic point for $\mu$. Using the minimality of the unstable foliation of the linear Anosov and by the leaf conjugacy $W^{uu}_{\tilde{g}}(\pi_{g}(m))$ is dense in $M_{g}$. Take $U$ a small open set in $M_{g}$. Since the center foliation is uniformly compact, $\hat{U}=\pi_{g}^{-1}(U)$ is a saturated open set such that any two center leaves in $\hat{U}$ are close to each other. By the previous claim $W^{uu}_{g}(m)\cap\hat{U}\neq\emptyset$. Since $\mu$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure, we have that $W^{uu}_{g}(m)$ is contained in the support of $\mu$. Hence, $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)\cap\hat{U}\neq\emptyset$. In particular, $\mu(\hat{U})>0$. Recall that $m$ is a generic point for $\mu$, therefore, its future orbit visits $\hat{U}$ infinitely many times. This is true for any open set $U$ inside $M_{g}$, which concludes the proof of the proposition for $k=1$. For $k\in\mathbb{N}$, we remark that an unstable leaf for $A^{2N}$ is an unstable leaf for $A^{2Nk}$, in particular, the unstable foliation of $A^{2Nk}$ is minimal. The map $g^{k}$ is leaf conjugated to $A^{2Nk}$. The same argument as above concludes the proof of the proposition. ∎ ###### Proof of Theorem 5.1. Let $N$ be large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ be small enough such that lemmas 5.6, 5.7 and proposition 5.8 hold. Fix $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and $\mu_{1},\mu_{2}$ be two ergodic $u$-Gibbs measures for $g$. Recall that we defined the set $X_{g}$ in (20) and let $\Lambda_{\mu_{i}}$ be the set of typical points that we defined before for the measures $\mu_{i}$, for $i=1,2$. Since $\mu_{i}(X_{g})>0$ and $\mu_{i}(\Lambda_{\mu_{i}})=1$, the set $X_{i}=X_{g}\cap\Lambda_{i}$ has positive $\mu_{i}$ measure as well, for $i=1,2$. For any two points $m_{1}\in X_{1}$ and $m_{2}\in X_{2}$, we will prove that the stable manifold of $m_{1}$ has a transverse intersection with the unstable manifold of $m_{2}$. Fix a center leaf $W^{c}_{g}(q)$, the center leaf of some point $q\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$. By proposition 5.8 and remark LABEL:rmk.pastiteratesdensity, the forward and past iterates of $W^{c}_{g}(m_{i})$ are dense in $\mathbb{T}^{4}$, for $i=1,2$. Hence, there are two sequences $n_{k}\to+\infty$ and $l_{j}\to+\infty$, such that $g^{n_{k}}(W^{c}_{g}(m_{1}))\to W^{c}_{g}(q)\textrm{ and }g^{-l_{j}}(W_{g}^{c}(m_{2}))\to W^{c}(q).$ By lemma 5.6, there are curves $\gamma_{g,n_{k}}^{+}(m_{1})$ and $\gamma_{g,-l_{j}}^{-}(m_{2})$ with length bigger that $4\pi$ and contained in the cone $\mathscr{C}^{hor}_{\theta_{2}}$ and $\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\theta_{2}}$, respectively. Take $R$ given by lemma 5.7 and consider the sets $\displaystyle L^{u}_{k}(m_{1})=\displaystyle\bigcup_{z\in\gamma^{+}_{g,n_{k}}(m_{1})}W^{uu}_{g,R}(z)\subset W^{u}(g^{n_{k}}(m_{1}))$ $\displaystyle L^{s}_{j}(m_{2})=\displaystyle\bigcup_{z\in\gamma^{-}_{g,-l_{j}}(m_{2})}W^{ss}_{g,R}(z)\subset W^{s}(g^{-l_{j}}(m_{2})).$ For $k$ and $j$ large enough, $g^{n_{k}}(W^{c}_{g}(m_{1}))$ and $g^{-l_{j}}(W^{c}_{g}(m_{2}))$ are very close to the leaf $W^{c}_{g}(q)$. Thus by the control on the angles that we obtained in lemma 5.7, there is a transverse intersection between $L^{u}_{k}(m_{1})$ and $L^{s}_{j}(m_{2})$. In particular, $W^{u}_{g}(g^{n_{k}}(m_{1}))$ and $W^{s}_{g}(g^{-l_{j}}(m_{2}))$ intersect transversely. Since transverse intersections are invariant by iterates, we conclude that $W^{u}_{g}(m_{1})$ and $W^{s}_{g}(m_{2})$ have a transverse intersection. Repeating this argument, exchanging the roles of $m_{1}$ and $m_{2}$, implies that $W^{u}_{g}(m_{2})$ and $W^{s}_{g}(m_{1})$ have a transverse intersection. Since the set $X_{i}$ has positive $\mu_{i}$ measure, for $i=1,2$, we conclude that $\mu_{1}$ is homoclinically related to $\mu_{2}$. This finishes the proof of Theorem 5.1 for $g$, in the case $k=1$. Let $k\in\mathbb{N}$. Following the same steps as above, it is easy to prove that any two ergodic $u$-Gibbs measures for $g^{k}$, $\mu_{1}$ and $\mu_{2}$, are homoclinically related. ∎ ### 5.2 Proof of proposition 5.2 We will need a few results from [20]. ###### Lemma 5.10 ([20], Lemma $3.2$). There exists a constant $R>0$ with the following property: for $N$ sufficiently large, there exists a $C^{1}$-neighborhood $\mathcal{U}$ of $f_{N}$ such that for any $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and any two points $p,q\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ we have that for any $m_{p}\in W^{c}_{g}(p)$ there exists $m_{q}\in W^{c}_{g}(q)$ such that $W^{uu}_{g,R}(m_{p})\cap W^{ss}_{g,R}(m_{q})\neq\emptyset$. Fix $\theta=N^{-\frac{3}{5}}$ and recall that in subsection 5.1, we defined the vertical cone $\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\theta}$. ###### Lemma 5.11 ([20], Proposition $3.3$). If $N$ is sufficiently large there exists $\mathcal{U}_{N}\subset\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ a $C^{1}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ such that for any $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and any open set $U\subset\mathbb{T}^{4}$, there exists $n_{s}\geq 0$ such that for any $n\geq n_{s}$, there exists a $C^{1}$ curve $\gamma^{-}_{n}\subset g^{-n}(U)$ satisfying: * • $\gamma^{-}_{n}$ is contained in a center leaf. * • $\pi_{1}(\gamma^{-}_{n})$ is tangent to $\mathscr{C}^{ver}_{\theta}$. * • $\gamma^{-}_{n}$ has length greater than $4\pi$ * • $\displaystyle\bigcup_{q\in\gamma^{-}_{n}}W^{ss}_{g,R}(q)\subset g^{-n}(U).$ Consider the vertical foliation $\mathcal{F}_{ver}=\\{\\{z\\}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}:z\in\mathbb{T}^{2}\\}$. Observe that for any diffeomorphism $g$ sufficiently $C^{1}$-close to $f_{N}$, we have that $W^{c}_{g}(m)$ intersects each vertical torus $\\{z\\}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$ in exactly one point, for any $m\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$. Hence, for any two points $m_{1},m_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, the map from $W^{c}_{g}(m_{1})$ to $W^{c}_{g}(m_{2})$ defined by $h^{g}_{m_{1},m_{2}}(p)=W^{c}_{g}(m_{2})\cap\mathcal{F}_{ver}(p)$ is well defined. Note that, after identifying all the horizontal tori with $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, the map $h^{f_{N}}_{m_{1},m_{2}}$ is just the identity, independently of the points $m_{1},m_{2}$. ###### Lemma 5.12 ([20], Lemma $3.4$). For every $\varepsilon>0$, there exists $N_{0}:=N_{0}(\varepsilon)$ with the following property: for $N\geq N_{0}$ there exists a $C^{1}$-neighborhood $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ of $f_{N}$ such that if $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N},p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{ss}_{g,R}(p)$ then $d_{C^{0}}(h^{g}_{p,q},H^{s}_{p,q})<\varepsilon$. Analogous result holds for the unstable holonomy. ###### Proof of proposition 5.2. Let $N$ be large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ be small enough such that lemmas 5.6, 5.10, 5.11, and 5.12 hold. Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and suppose that $\mu$ is an SRB measure for $g$. Fix $U\subset\mathbb{T}^{4}$ an open set, we must prove that $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)\cap U\neq\emptyset$. Since $\mu$ is SRB, its supports contains entire Pesin unstable manifolds. By lemma 5.6, we can take a $\mu$-generic point $m_{u}$ with the property that for $n_{u}$ large enough there exists $\gamma_{g,n_{u}}^{+}(m)\subset g^{n_{u}}(W^{+}_{g,r_{0}}(m))$ a curve of length greater than $4\pi$ and whose projection by $\pi_{1}$ is tangent to $\mathscr{C}^{hor}_{\theta}$. For $n_{s}$ large enough, let $\gamma_{n_{s}}^{-}$ be the curve given by lemma 5.11 for $U$ and $g$. As a consequence of lemmas 5.10, and 5.12, we conclude that $\displaystyle\left(\bigcup_{q\in\gamma^{-}_{n_{s}}}W^{ss}_{g,R}(q)\right)\cap\left(\bigcup_{p\in\gamma^{+}_{n_{u}}}W^{uu}_{g,R}(p)\right)\neq\emptyset.$ (21) We refer the reader to [20] for more details on this argument. By (21), we obtain that $g^{n_{s}+n_{u}}(W^{u}(m_{u}))\cap U\neq\emptyset$, and since $\mu$ is SRB we conclude that $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)\cap U\neq\emptyset$. ∎ ## 6 Rigidity of $u$-Gibbs measures The main tool to study the existence of SRB measures that we will use is a recent result by Brown-Rodriguez Hertz on measure rigidity for random dynamics of surface diffeomorphisms. The goal of this section is to explain the statement of their result and how it can be applied to our scenario after a measurable change of coordinates using the unstable holonomies (see Theorem 6.3). ### 6.1 Measure rigidity for general skew products Let $(\Omega,\mathcal{B}_{\Omega},\nu)$ be a Polish probability space, that is, $\Omega$ has the topology of a complete separable metric space, $\mathcal{B}_{\Omega}$ is the Borel $\sigma$-algebra of $\Omega$ and $\nu$ is a Borel probability measure on $\Omega$. Let $\theta:(\Omega,\mathcal{B}_{\Omega},\nu)\to(\Omega,\mathcal{B}_{\Omega},\nu)$ be an invertible, measure-preserving and ergodic transformation. Let $S$ be a compact smooth surface and $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(S)$ be the set of $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms of $S$. We consider a measurable map that for each point $\xi\in\Omega$ associates a diffeomorphism $f_{\xi}\in\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(S)$. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}$ we define $\begin{array}[]{l}f^{0}_{\xi}:=Id,\\\ f^{n}_{\xi}:=f_{\theta^{n-1}(\xi)}\circ\cdots\circ f_{\xi}\textrm{ for }n>0,\\\ f^{n}_{\xi}:=(f_{\theta^{n}(\xi)})^{-1}\circ\cdots\circ(f_{\theta^{-1}(\xi)})^{-1}\textrm{ for }n<0.\end{array}$ We consider the skew product over $\theta$ given by the map $\xi\mapsto f_{\xi}$, which is defined by $\begin{array}[]{rcl}F:S\times\Omega&\longrightarrow&S\times\Omega\\\ (x,\xi)&\mapsto&(f_{\xi}(x),\theta(\xi)).\end{array}$ With the notation above, we may write $F^{n}(x,\xi)=(f^{n}_{\xi}(x),\theta^{n}(\xi))$. Write $X=S\times\Omega$ and let $\pi_{2}:X\to\Omega$ be the natural projection on $\Omega$. Let $\mu$ be an $F$-ergodic probability measure, such that $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu=\nu$. Observe that the partition by the fibers $S$ is measurable. Therefore, we have a family of conditional measures defined in a set $D$ of full $\nu$-measure $\\{\mu_{\xi}\\}_{\xi\in D}$ with respect to the partition induced by $\pi_{2}$. For $\nu$-almost every $\xi$, the measure $\mu_{\xi}$ is supported on $S_{\xi}:=S\times\\{\xi\\}$. There is a trivial identification of $S_{\xi}$ with $S$, hence, by an abuse of notation we consider the map $\xi\mapsto\mu_{\xi}$ to be a $\nu$-measurable map from $\Omega$ to the space of Borel probability measures of $S$. To talk about SRB measures in this setting, we need to first talk about Lyapunov exponents and stable and unstable manifolds. Write $TX:=TS\times\Omega$ and let $DF:TX\to TX$ to be the linear cocycle defined by $DF((x,v),\xi)=((f_{\xi}(x),Df_{\xi}(x)v),\theta(\xi)).$ Suppose that the following integrability condition holds $\displaystyle\int_{\Omega}\log^{+}(\|f_{\xi}\|_{C^{2}})+\log^{+}(\|f^{-1}_{\xi}\|_{C^{2}})d\nu(\xi)<\infty,$ (22) where $\log^{+}(.)=\max\\{0,\log(.)\\}$ and $\|f_{\xi}\|_{C^{2}}$ is the $C^{2}$-norm of $f_{\xi}$. Applying Oseledec’s theorem for the linear cocycle $DF$, there is a $\mu$-measurable decomposition $T_{(\xi,x)}X=\bigoplus_{j}E^{j}_{(x,\xi)}$ such that the space $E^{j}_{(x,\xi)}$ is the space corresponding to the Lyapunov exponent $\lambda^{j}_{\mu}$, where $\\{\lambda^{j}_{\mu}\\}_{j}$ are the Lyapunov exponents of $DF$. From now on, let us suppose that the measure $\mu$ is hyperbolic on the fibers, meaning, all the Lyapunov exponents are non zero. The integrability condition (22) is used to have Pesin’s theory for fibered systems. In particular, for $\mu$-almost every point there exists stable and unstable manifolds, which may possibly be just points in the case that all the exponents are negative or positive. We refer the reader to section 6 in [17] for more details. Suppose that $\mu$ has at least one positive Lyapunov exponent. The family of unstable manifolds $\\{W^{u}(x,\xi)\\}_{(x,\xi)\in X}$ forms a partition of a $\mu$-full measure subset of $X$. Usually this partition is not measurable. In this context, we say that a measurable partition $\mathcal{P}$ is $u$-subordinated if for $\mu$-almost every $(x,\xi)$, there exists a positive number $r>0$ such that $W^{u}_{r}(x,\xi)\subset\mathcal{P}(x,\xi)\subset W^{u}(x,\xi)$. ###### Definition 6.1 (Fiber-wise SRB). An $F$-invariant probability measure $\mu$ is fiber-wise SRB if for any $u$-subordinated measurable partition $\mathcal{P}$, for $\mu$-almost every $(x,\xi)$, the conditional measure $\mu_{(x,\xi)}^{\mathcal{P}}$ is absolutely continuous with respect to the riemannian volume on $W^{u}(x,\xi)$. Let $\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}$ be a measurable partition of $\Omega$. We say that $\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}$ is increasing if for $\nu$-almost every point $\xi$ we have $\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\theta(\xi))\subset\theta(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}(\xi)).$ Let $\hat{\mathcal{F}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})\subset\mathcal{B}_{\Omega}$ be the sub-$\sigma$-algebra generated by $\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}$. We say that $\hat{\mathcal{F}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})$ is an increasing sub-$\sigma$-algebra. We remark that in [17], the authors call these partitions and sub-$\sigma$-algebra decreasing instead of increasing. We changed it here to be in harmony with the notion of increasing that we defined in section 2. Let $\mathcal{F}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})$ be the $\mu$-completion of $\mathcal{B}_{S}\otimes\hat{\mathcal{F}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})$, where $\mathcal{B}_{S}$ is the Borel $\sigma$-algebra on $S$. For a hyperbolic measure $\mu$, we may also look at the Oseledec’s direction $E^{s}(x,\xi)$ as a measurable map of $X$ that takes values on the projectivization of $TX$. We are now ready to state the main theorem in [17]. ###### Theorem 6.2 ([17], Theorem $4.10$). Let $F:X\to X$ be as above verifying the integrability condition (22), let $\mathcal{P}_{\Omega}$ be a measurable increasing partition of $\Omega$ and let $\mu$ be a hyperbolic $F$-invariant measure such that $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu=\nu$. Suppose that the family of conditional measures on the fibers $\\{\mu_{\xi}\\}$ are non-atomic almost surely. Furthermore, assume that 1. 1. $\xi\mapsto f_{\xi}^{-1}$ is $\hat{\mathcal{F}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})$-measurable, and 2. 2. $\xi\mapsto\mu_{\xi}$ is $\hat{\mathcal{F}}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})$-measurable. Then either $(x,\xi)\mapsto E^{s}(x,\xi)$ is $\mathcal{F}(\mathcal{P}_{\Omega})$-measurable of $\mu$ is fiber-wise SRB. ### 6.2 Change of coordinates Fix $\alpha\in(0,1)$. In this section, we show how to use Theorem 6.2 to obtain the following theorem: ###### Theorem 6.3. For $N$ large enough, there exists $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ a $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ in $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ such that for $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}\cap\mathrm{Diff}^{2+\alpha}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$, for any ergodic $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$ one of the following holds: 1. 1. $\mu$ is SRB; 2. 2. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and for Lebesgue almost every point $q$ in $W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$ $E^{-}_{g,q}=DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p};$ 3. 3. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ the measure $\mu^{c}_{p}$ is atomic. To prove Theorem 6.3 we will define a measurable change of coordinates using the strong unstable holonomies, so that after this change of coordinates we are in the setting of Theorem 6.2. Recall that $\lambda<1$ is the rate of contraction of the linear Anosov $A$. Let $N$ be large enough such that $\displaystyle(4N^{2})^{2}\left(\lambda^{2N}\right)^{\alpha}<1.$ In particular, if the $C^{2}$-neighborhood $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ of $f_{N}$ is sufficiently small, then for every $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ we have $\displaystyle\left(\frac{\|Dg|_{E_{g}^{c}}\|}{m(Dg|_{E_{g}^{c}})}\right)^{2}(m(Dg|_{E^{uu}_{g}}))^{-\alpha}<1.$ (23) Fix $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}\cap\mathrm{Diff}^{2+\alpha}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ and some $R>1$. Condition (23) above is the $(2,\alpha)$-unstable center bunching condition defined in (8). By Theorem 2.10, for any $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, $q\in W^{uu}_{g,R}(p)$ the unstable holonomy $H^{u}_{p,q}:W^{c}_{g}(p)\to W^{c}_{g}(q)$ is a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism, whose $C^{2}$-norm varies continuously with the choices of $p$ and $q$ as above. Since $g$ is a partially hyperbolic skew product, we have that $g(p_{1},p_{2})=(g_{p_{2}}(p_{1}),g_{2}(p_{2}))$, where $g_{2}(p_{2})$ is a $C^{2+\alpha}$-Anosov diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ which is topologically conjugated to $A^{2N}$. It is well known that a transitive $C^{1+\alpha}$-Anosov diffeomorphism has an unique ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure. Let $\nu$ be such a measure for $g_{2}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Fix $\mathcal{R}=\\{R_{1},\cdots,R_{m}\\}$ a small Markov partition for $A$ and observe that $\mathcal{R}$ is also a Markov partition for $A^{2N}$ for every $N\in\mathbb{N}$. By taking $N$ sufficiently large we may suppose that the transition matrix $P_{2N}$ associated with $\mathcal{R}$ for $A^{2N}$ verifies $(P_{2N})_{i,j}=1$, for every $i,j=1,\cdots m$. Let $\mathcal{R}_{g}$ be the image of $\mathcal{R}$ by the conjugacy map between $A^{2N}$ and $g_{2}$. It is easy to see that $\mathcal{R}_{g}$ is a small Markov partition for $g_{2}$ and the conjugacy implies that it has the same transition matrix $P_{2N}$. Define $\Sigma:=\\{1,\cdots,m\\}^{\mathbb{Z}}$ which is the shift space associated with $\mathcal{R}_{g}$ for $g_{2}$, let $\sigma:\Sigma\to\Sigma$ be the left shift map, and let $\Theta:\Sigma\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$ be the continuous surjection that defines the semi-conjugacy between $\sigma$ and $g_{2}$. Let us set some notations. Write $\Sigma^{-}=\\{(\xi_{i})_{i\leq 0}:\xi_{i}\in\\{1,\cdots,m\\}\\}$ and $\Sigma^{+}:=\\{(\xi_{i})_{i>0}:\xi_{i}\in\\{1,\cdots,m\\}\\}$. Let $\pi^{-}:\Sigma\to\Sigma^{-}$ and $\pi^{+}:\Sigma\to\Sigma^{+}$ be the natural projections. For a point $\xi\in\Sigma$ we write $\xi^{-}:=\pi^{-}(\xi)$ and $\xi^{+}:=\pi^{+}(\xi)$ and we use the notation $\xi=(\xi^{-},\xi^{+})$. The local unstable set of a point $\xi\in\Sigma$ is $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)=\\{\eta\in\Sigma:\eta^{-}=\xi^{-}\\}.$ Define $\nu_{\sigma}:=\Theta_{*}\nu$, and observe that this is an ergodic, $\sigma$-invariant measure. The partition $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}$ on local unstable sets forms a $\nu_{\sigma}$-measurable partition of $\Sigma$. Let $\mathcal{P}^{u}$ be the $\nu$-measurable $u$-subordinated partition given by the intersection of local unstable manifolds of $g_{2}$ with the rectangles from the Markov partition $\mathcal{R}_{g}$. Notice that $\mathcal{P}^{u}$ is equivalent (on a set of full $\nu$-measure) to the partition $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}$ (on a set of full $\nu_{\sigma}$-measure). It is easy to see that the partition $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}$ is an increasing partition. Let $\mathcal{B}^{u}$ be the sub-$\sigma$-algebra generated by the partition on local unstable sets. This is an increasing sub-$\sigma$-algebra. It is well known that $\Theta$ is bijective in a set of full $\nu_{\sigma}$-measure, which we will denote by $\hat{D}$. We may further assume that $\hat{D}$ is $\sigma$-invariant. Let $D:=\Theta(\hat{D})$ this is a $g_{2}$-invariant set of full $\nu$-measure. Define $\Psi=Id\times\Theta^{-1}$, and notice that it is an isomorphism between $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times D$ and $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\hat{D}$. Let $\pi^{\prime}_{2}:\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma\to\Sigma$ be the natural projection on the second coordinate. Let $\mu$ be an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$. By lemma 2.29, $\nu=(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu$. Consider the measure $\hat{\mu}:=\Psi_{*}\mu$, and observe that it verifies $(\pi^{\prime}_{2})_{*}\hat{\mu}=\nu_{\sigma}$. We define the skew product on $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\hat{D}$ by $\hat{g}(x,\xi)=(\hat{g}_{\xi}(x),\sigma(\xi))$, where $\hat{g}_{\xi}:=g_{\Theta(\xi)}$. We may extend $\hat{g}$ to $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma$ by setting $\hat{g}_{\xi}=Id$, for $\xi\notin\hat{D}$. Observe that $(g,\mu)$ is isomorphic (or measurably conjugated) to $(\hat{g},\hat{\mu})$ by the isomorphism $\Psi$. Since $\Psi$ is just the identity in the first coordinate, it is immediate that the center Lyapunov exponents of $\mu$ are the same as the fiber Lyapunov exponents of $\hat{\mu}_{\sigma}$. Furthermore, $\mu$ is SRB if and only if $\hat{\mu}$ is fiber-wise SRB. We now introduce a change of coordinate in the fibers for the skew product $\hat{g}$ in a way that the new skew product will verify the conditions to apply Theorem 6.2. Fix $\eta^{+}\in\Sigma^{+}$ and define the function $\phi:\Sigma\to\Sigma$ by $\phi(\xi)=(\xi^{-},\eta^{+})$ for every $\xi\in\Sigma$. Observe that for each $\xi\in\Sigma$, $\phi(\xi)\in\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)$. In particular $\phi$ is $\mathcal{B}^{u}$-measurable. For each $\xi\in\hat{D}$, since $\Theta(\xi)$ and $\Theta(\phi(\xi))$ belongs to the same local unstable manifold for $g_{2}$, we define $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\Phi_{\xi}:\mathbb{T}^{2}&\longrightarrow&\mathbb{T}^{2}\\\ x&\mapsto&H^{u}_{\Theta(\xi),\Theta(\phi(\xi))}(x).\end{array}$ To simplify our notation, we write $H^{u}_{\xi,\phi(\xi)}:=H^{u}_{\Theta(\xi),\Theta(\phi(\xi))}$. We also define $\Phi:\mathbb{T}^{2}\times D\to\mathbb{T}^{2}\times D$ by $\Phi(x,\xi)=(\Phi_{\xi}(x),\xi)$. We can extend the definition of $\Phi$ to $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma$ by setting $\Phi_{\xi}=Id$ for $\xi\notin\hat{D}$. We consider a skew product $\tilde{g}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma$ defined by $\tilde{g}=\Phi\circ\hat{g}\circ\Phi^{-1}.$ (24) Consider the ergodic $\tilde{g}$-invariant measure $\tilde{\mu}=\Phi_{*}\hat{\mu}$ and observe that $(\pi^{\prime}_{2})_{*}\tilde{\mu}=\nu_{\sigma}$. The partition on the fibers $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ forms a measurable partition of $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma$. Let $\\{\tilde{\mu}_{\xi}\\}_{\xi\in\Sigma}$ be the family of conditional measures with respect to the fibers. Figure 1 represents all these changes of coordinates that are conjugacies on subsets of full measure. ${(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2},\mu)}$${(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2},\mu)}$${(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma,\hat{\mu})}$${(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma,\hat{\mu})}$${(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma,\tilde{\mu})}$${(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma,\tilde{\mu})}$$\scriptstyle{g}$$\scriptstyle{\Psi}$$\scriptstyle{\Psi}$$\scriptstyle{\hat{g}}$$\scriptstyle{\Phi}$$\scriptstyle{\Phi}$$\scriptstyle{\tilde{g}}$ Figure 1: Changes of coordinates ###### Lemma 6.4. The maps $\xi\mapsto\tilde{g}_{\xi}^{-1}$ and $\xi\mapsto\tilde{\mu}_{\xi}$ are $\mathcal{B}^{u}$-measurable. ###### Proof. Recall that $\tilde{g}_{\xi}^{-1}=(\tilde{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi)})^{-1}$. Since the unstable holonomy commutes with $g$, and by the definition of $\hat{g}$, in what follows we will use that $H^{u}_{\xi,\eta}\circ\hat{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi)}=\hat{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\eta)}\circ H^{u}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi),\sigma^{-1}(\eta)}$. By (24), we have $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\tilde{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi)}(x)&=&H^{u}_{\xi,\phi(\xi)}\circ\hat{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi)}\circ H^{u}_{\phi(\sigma^{-1}(\xi)),\sigma^{-1}(\xi)}(x)\\\ &=&H^{u}_{\xi,\phi(\xi)}\circ H^{u}_{\sigma(\phi(\sigma^{-1}(\xi))),\xi}\circ\hat{g}_{\phi(\sigma^{-1}(\xi))}(x)=H^{u}_{\sigma(\phi(\sigma^{-1}(\xi))),\phi(\xi)}\circ\hat{g}_{\phi(\sigma^{-1}(\xi))}(x).\end{array}$ Notice that $\phi(\xi)$ and $\phi(\sigma^{-1}(\xi))$ depend only on $\xi^{-}$, in particular $\tilde{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi)}$ depends only on $\xi^{-}$. If $\eta\in\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)$, which means that $\eta^{-}=\xi^{-}$, then $\tilde{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\xi)}=\tilde{g}_{\sigma^{-1}(\eta)}$ and hence the map $\xi\mapsto\tilde{g}_{\xi}^{-1}$ is constant on local unstable sets and it is $\mathcal{B}^{u}$-measurable. Since $\mu$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure, and it projects to $\nu$, corollary 2.30 implies that for $\nu$-almost every $p_{2}$, and for Lebesgue almost every $q_{2}\in W^{uu}_{g_{2}}(p_{2})$ (for the riemannian volume of $W^{uu}_{g_{2}}(p_{2})$), we have $\mu^{c}_{q_{2}}=(H^{u}_{p_{2},q_{2}})_{*}\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}.$ (25) At first, the disintegration $\mu^{c}_{q_{2}}$ is defined for almost every point inside the unstable manifold of $p_{2}$. However, using (25), for any $q_{2}\in W^{uu}_{g_{2}}(p_{2})$, we may consider the measure $\mu_{q_{2}}=(H^{u}_{p_{2},q_{2}})_{*}\mu_{p_{2}}$. This defines a new disintegration that coincides with the original one in $\mu$-almost every point with the advantage that for $\nu$-almost every point the disintegration is defined along entire unstable manifolds. Since $\Psi$ is the identity on the fibers and a conjugation with the shift on the basis, for $\nu_{\sigma}$-almost every $\xi$ we obtain $\mu_{\Theta(\xi)}=\hat{\mu}_{\xi}$. Let us see the equivalent of property (25) for $\hat{\mu}$. Consider the disintegration of $\nu_{\sigma}$ on the measurable partition $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}$. For $\nu_{\sigma}$-almost every $\xi$, let $\nu_{\sigma}^{\xi}$ be the conditional measure on $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)$. Hence, for $\nu_{\sigma}^{\xi}$-almost every $\eta$, we have that $\hat{\mu}_{\eta}=(H^{u}_{\xi,\eta})_{*}\hat{\mu}_{\xi}$. In an analogous way as we did for $\mu$, we define the measure $\mu_{\eta}$ for every $\eta$ in the local unstable set of $\xi$ and this defines a new disintegration that coincides with the original disintegration on a set of full measure. By an abuse of notation we will use the notation $\hat{\mu}_{\xi}$ for the conditional measure of this new disintegration. We remark that this disintegration has the advantage of being defined along entire local unstable sets. By the definition of $\Phi$ we see that for $\nu_{\sigma}$-almost every $\xi$ and for any $\eta\in\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)$ the measure $\tilde{\mu}_{\eta}=(H^{u}_{\eta,\phi(\xi)})_{*}\hat{\mu}_{\eta}=\hat{\mu}_{\phi(\xi)}$. In particular, the map $\xi\mapsto\tilde{\mu}_{\xi}$ is constant on local unstable sets and it is $\mathcal{B}^{u}$-measurable. ∎ ###### Proof of Theorem 6.3. First, let us explain how the skew product $\tilde{g}$ verifies the hypothesis of Theorem 6.2. Since $\Sigma^{u}_{loc}$ is a decreasing partition, we have that $\mathcal{B}^{u}$ is a decreasing sub-$\sigma$-algebra. Let $\mathcal{B}^{*}$ be the $\tilde{\mu}$-completion of $\mathcal{B}_{\mathbb{T}^{2}}\otimes\mathcal{B}^{u}$, where $\mathcal{B}_{\mathbb{T}^{2}}$ is the Borel $\sigma$-algebra on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Recall that $\tilde{g}_{\xi}=H^{u}_{\sigma(\phi(\xi)),\phi(\sigma(\xi))}\circ\hat{g}_{\phi(\xi)}.$ We claim that there exists a constant $R>0$ such that for any $\xi\in\Sigma$, we have $\Theta(\sigma(\phi(\xi)))\in W^{uu}_{g_{2},R}(\Theta(\phi(\sigma(\xi))))$. Indeed, recall that we had fixed $\mathcal{R}_{g}=\\{R_{g,1},\cdots,R_{g,m}\\}$ a small Markov partition for $g_{2}$. Since $\phi(\xi)\in\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)$, we obtain that $\Theta(\phi(\xi))$ and $\Theta(\xi)$ belongs to the same local unstable manifold intersected with some rectangle $R_{g,i}$. Since the expansion rate of unstable manifolds for $g_{2}$ is close to $\lambda^{-2N}$, which is a constant, there exists $R_{1}>0$ that verifies $\Theta(\sigma(\phi(\xi)))\in W^{uu}_{g_{2},R_{1}}(\Theta(\sigma(\xi)))$, for any $\xi\in\Sigma$. To conclude, we observe that $\Theta(\phi(\sigma(\xi)))\in W^{uu}_{g_{2},loc}(\Theta(\sigma(\xi)))$. Hence, by fixing $R$ sufficiently large we conclude our claim. Since $g$ is $C^{2+\alpha}$, Theorem 2.10 in the appendix implies that for every $\xi\in\Sigma$, the holonomy $H^{u}_{\sigma(\phi(\xi)),\phi(\sigma(\xi))}$ is a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ with uniformly bounded $C^{2}$-norm. Since $\hat{g}_{\xi}=g_{\Theta(\xi)}$, we also have that all the $C^{2}$-diffeomophisms $\hat{g}_{\xi}$ belong to a compact subset of $\mathrm{Diff}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2})$. We conclude that for every $\xi$, the $C^{2}$-norm of $\tilde{g}_{\xi}$ is uniformly bounded. Similar conclusion holds for $\tilde{g}^{-1}_{\xi}$. In particular, the skew product $\tilde{g}$ verifies the integrability condition (22). It is easy to see that the fiber-wise Lyapunov exponents of $(\tilde{g},\tilde{\mu})$ are the same as the center Lyapunov exponents of $(g,\mu)$. In particular, $\tilde{\mu}$ is a hyperbolic measure with a positive and a negative fiber-wise Lyapunov exponent. Lemma 6.4 states that $(\tilde{g},\tilde{\mu})$ verifies the conditions $(1)$ and $(2)$ in the hypothesis of Theorem 6.2. Since the skew products $\tilde{g}$ fibers over the system $(\sigma,\nu_{\sigma})$, which is ergodic, we conclude that either 1. 1. the measure $\tilde{\mu}_{\xi}$ is atomic for $\nu_{\sigma}$-almost every $\xi$; 2. 2. $\tilde{\mu}$ is fiber-wise SRB; 3. 3. the stable distribution $(x,\xi)\mapsto E^{-}_{\tilde{g}}(x,\xi)$ is $\mathcal{B}^{*}$-measurable. Notice that the composition $(\Phi\circ\Psi)$ takes fibers of $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$ into fibers of $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\Sigma$. Furthermore, it acts as a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism on each fiber. Observe also that it measurably conjugates the dynamics of $g$ and $\tilde{g}$ on a set of full $\mu$-measure. In particular, for $\nu$-almost every $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ we have $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}=(\Phi\circ\Psi)^{-1}_{*}\tilde{\mu}_{\Theta^{-1}(p_{2})}.$ (26) From (26) above, $\tilde{\mu}_{\xi}$ is atomic if and only if $\mu_{\Theta(\xi)}$ is atomic, for $\nu_{\sigma}$-almost every $\xi$. Since $\mu$ is an $u$-Gibbs measure, it will be an SRB measure if and only if it is fiber-wise SRB in the sense of definition 6.1. From (26), we conclude that $\tilde{\mu}$ is fiber-wise SRB for $\tilde{g}$ if and only if $\mu$ is fiber-wise SRB for $g$. For the map $(x,\xi)\mapsto E^{-}_{\tilde{g}}(x,\xi)$ to be $\mathcal{B}^{*}$-measurable, it is equivalent to the following: for $\tilde{\mu}$-almost every $(x,\xi)$ and for $\nu_{\sigma}^{\xi}$-almost every $\eta\in\Sigma^{u}_{loc}(\xi)$, we have that $E^{-}_{\tilde{g}}(x,\xi)=E^{-}_{\tilde{g}}(x,\eta)$. Observe that the points $(x,\xi)$ and $(x,\eta)$ belong to the same local unstable set for $\tilde{g}$. By the conjugacy $(\Psi\circ\Phi)$, we conclude that $E^{-}_{\tilde{g}}(x,\xi)=DH^{u}_{\Theta(\xi),\Theta(\phi(\xi))}(x)E^{-}_{g,(x,\Theta(\xi))}.$ Since the measure is $u$-Gibbs, the third condition above is equivalent to for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, for Lebesgue almost every point $q\in W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$, we have $E^{-}_{g,q}=DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p}$. All these conclusions hold for any $g\in\mathrm{Diff}^{2+\alpha}(\mathbb{T}^{2})$ sufficiently $C^{2}$-close to $f_{N}$. This concludes the proof. ∎ We remark that the same proof of Theorem 6.3 also gives the following theorem. ###### Theorem 6.5. Let $S$ be a compact surface and let $\alpha\in(0,1)$ be a constant. Suppose that $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2+\alpha}(S\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ be a partially hyperbolic skew product which is $(2,\alpha)$-unstable center bunched. If $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$ is an ergodic measure with one positive and one negative exponent along the center, then either 1. 1. $\mu$ is an SRB measure; 2. 2. for $\mu$-almost every $p$ and for Lebesgue almost every point $q\in W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$, $E^{-}_{g,q}=DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p};$ 3. 3. for $\mu$-almost every $p$, the measure $\mu^{c}_{p}$ is atomic. ## 7 The non invariance of stable directions by $u$-holonomies In this section we fix $N$ large and $\mathcal{U}_{N}$ small enough such that Theorem 4.1 holds for some small fixed $\delta>0$. In particular, if $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ then any $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ has both a positive and a negative center Lyapunov exponent for $\mu$ almost every point. Since $\mu$ has absolutely continuous disintegration with respect to strong unstable manifolds, for $\mu$-almost every point $p$, Lesbesgue almost every point $q\in W^{uu}_{g}(p)$ has a well defined Oseledec’s stable and unstable directions in the center, where the Lebesgue measure we are considering is the measure restricted to the strong unstable manifold $W^{uu}_{g}(p)$. Recall that for any $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and any $q\in W^{uu}_{g}(p)$, there is a well defined unstable holonomy map $H^{u}_{p,q}:W^{c}_{g}(p)\to W^{c}_{g}(q)$. Furthermore, this map is a $C^{1}$-diffeomorphism. The main result in this section is the following: ###### Proposition 7.1. Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$ and let $\mu$ be an $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$. For any $\varepsilon>0$, the following property holds: for $\mu$-almost every $p$, there exists a set $D^{u}$ contained in $W^{uu}_{g,\varepsilon}(p)$ with positive Lebesgue measure (for the riemannian volume of $W^{uu}_{g,\varepsilon}(p)$) such that for any $q\in D^{u}$ it is verified that $DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p}\neq E^{-}_{g,q}.$ The rest of this section is dedicated to prove proposition 7.1. Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, for any $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, for any piece of strong unstable manifold $\gamma^{u}_{p}$ containing $p$ and any unit vector $v\in E^{c}_{g,p}$, we define a unitary vector field over $\gamma^{u}_{p}$ defined as follows: for any $q\in\gamma^{u}_{p}$ we write $PH^{u}_{p,q}(p)v=\displaystyle\frac{DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)v}{\|DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)v\|},$ (27) and define $v^{\prime}_{q}:=PH^{u}_{p,q}(p)v$. First we study the regularity of the vector field $v^{\prime}$. ###### Lemma 7.2. Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. There exists a constant $C>0$ that verifies the following: for any $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, let $\gamma^{u}_{p}:=W^{uu}_{g,1}(p)$ be the strong unstable manifold of size $1$, for any unit vector $v\in E^{c}_{g,p}$, the vector field $v^{u}$ defined above is $(C,\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder. ###### Proof. Observe that, for $N$ large enough, we have $\left(\lambda^{2N}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}<(4N^{2})^{-1}\textrm{ and }\left(\lambda^{2N}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}<(2N)^{-1}.$ This means that $f_{N}$ verifies the conditions (1) and (2) from Theorem 2.8, for $\theta=\frac{1}{2}$. In particular, any $g$ sufficiently $C^{1}$-close to $f_{N}$ also verifies (1) and (2). Lemma 7.2 then follows from the conclusion (3), for unstable holonomies, of Theorem 2.8. ∎ Next, we will see how the center bunching condition “smoothes” a center vector field over a piece of strong unstable manifold. This is a crucial point for us, so that it will allow us to apply some of the techniques and estimates from section 4 to prove proposition 7.1. ###### Lemma 7.3. Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. For any piece of strong unstable curve $\gamma^{u}$ and any $X$ unitary vector field over $\gamma^{u}$ tangent to $E^{c}_{g}$ which is $(C_{0},\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder, for some $C_{0}:=C_{0}(X)>0$, the following holds: there exists $n_{0}\in\mathbb{N}$, which depends only on $C_{0}$, such that for every $n\geq n_{0}$, the vector field $X_{n}:=\frac{g^{n}_{*}(X)}{\|g^{n}_{*}(X)\|}$ over $g^{n}(\gamma^{u})$ is $(C_{n},\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder with $C_{n}<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$. ###### Proof. The proof of this lemma is essentially contained in the proof of Lemma $1$ from [10]. However, we will repeat the main steps of the argument here. For simplicity we will prove the lemma for $f_{N}$, which we will denote by $f$. Using the estimates from Lemma 4.4, one can adapt the calculations for any $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$. Let us just review some estimates for $f$. Recall that $Df(x,y,z,w)=\begin{pmatrix}Ds_{N}(x,y)&P_{x}\circ A^{N}(z,w)\\\ 0&A^{2N}(z,w)\end{pmatrix}.$ Hence, $\|Df(x,y,z,w)|_{E^{c}}\|=\|Ds_{n}(x,y)\|\leq 2N$. Since $Ds_{N}$ is the only non linear term, $\|D^{2}f\|=\|D^{2}s_{N}\|\leq N$. Let $\gamma^{u}$ be a piece of a strong unstable manifold and $X$ a $(C_{0},\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder unitary vector field over $\gamma^{u}$. Let us estimate $C_{1}$, the Hölder constant of $X_{1}$ over $f(\gamma^{u})$. First, for any $m,m^{\prime}\in\gamma^{u}$, we have $\begin{array}[]{l}\|Df(m)X_{m}-Df(m^{\prime})X_{m^{\prime}}\|\leq\\\ \|Df(m)X_{m}-Df(m)X_{m^{\prime}}\|+\|Df(m)X_{m^{\prime}}-Df(m^{\prime})X_{m^{\prime}}\|=I+II.\end{array}$ Since $X$ is $(C_{0},\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder, we obtain $I\leq 2N\|X_{m}-X_{m^{\prime}}\|\leq 2NC_{0}d(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ If $d(m,m^{\prime})\leq 1$, then $II\leq Nd(m,m^{\prime})<Nd(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}<7Nd(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ Observe that $d(m,m^{\prime})\leq 2\pi<7$, for any two points $m,m^{\prime}\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$. If $d(m,m^{\prime})>1$, then $II\leq Nd(m,m^{\prime})\leq 7N<7Nd(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ We conclude that $\|Df(m)X_{m}-Df(m^{\prime})X_{m^{\prime}}\|<(7N+2NC_{0})d(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ (28) Also, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|(X_{1})_{m}-(X_{1})_{m^{\prime}}\|&=&\displaystyle\frac{1}{\|f_{*}X_{m}\|\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|}\left\|\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|f_{*}X_{m}-\|f_{*}X_{m}\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\right\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\frac{1}{\|f_{*}X_{m}\|\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|}\left(\left\|\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|f_{*}X_{m}-\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\right\|\right.\\\ &&\displaystyle+\left.\left\|\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}-\|f_{*}X_{m}\|f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\right\|\right)\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\frac{2}{\|f_{*}X_{m}\|}\|f_{*}X_{m}-f_{*}X_{m^{\prime}}\|\\\ &=&\displaystyle\frac{2}{\|f_{*}X_{m}\|}\|Df(f^{-1}(m))X_{f^{-1}(m)}-Df(f^{-1}(m^{\prime}))X_{f^{-1}(m^{\prime})}\|.\end{array}$ Using (28) for the points $f^{-1}(m)$ and $f^{-1}(m^{\prime})$, we have $\|Df(f^{-1}(m))X_{f^{-1}(m)}-Df(f^{-1}(m^{\prime}))X_{f^{-1}(m^{\prime})}\|\leq N\lambda^{N}(1+\lambda^{N})(7+2C_{0})d(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ Recall that $\|Df|_{E^{c}_{f}}\|\geq(2N)^{-1}$, hence $\|X_{1}(m)-X_{1}(m^{\prime})\|\leq\displaystyle\frac{2N\lambda^{N}(1+\lambda^{N})(7+2C_{0})d(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}}{\|f_{*}X(m)\|}\leq 4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}(7+2C_{0})d(m,m^{\prime})^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ Observe that $4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}(7+2C_{0})$ estimates the Hölder constant of $X_{1}$. If $C_{0}\leq\frac{1}{10}$, then for $N$ large enough $\displaystyle 4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}(7+2C_{0})\leq 4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}(7.2)<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}.$ Hence, $C_{1}<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$ and the same calculations imply that $C_{n}<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$, for every $n\geq 1$. Now suppose that $C_{0}>\frac{1}{10}$. Then, for $N$ large enough $\displaystyle\frac{4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}(7+2C_{0})}{C_{0}}=4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}\left(\frac{7}{C_{0}}+2\right)<4(1+\lambda^{N})N^{2}\lambda^{N}72<\frac{1}{2}.$ This implies that $C_{1}<\frac{C_{0}}{2}$. Therefore, there exists $\tilde{n}\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $C_{\tilde{n}}<\left(\frac{1}{2}\right)^{\tilde{n}}C_{0}\leq\frac{1}{10}$. Take $n_{0}=\tilde{n}+1$. We conclude that for every $n\geq n_{0}$, $C_{n}<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$. ∎ ###### Proof of proposition 7.1. If the conclusion of proposition 7.1 did not hold, there would exist a diffeomorphism $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, an $u$-Gibbs measure $\mu$ and a measurable set $D$ of positive $\mu$-measure such that for any $p\in D$ and for Lebesgue almost every point $q\in W^{uu}_{g}(p)$ we would have $DH^{u}_{p,q}(E^{-}_{g,p})=E^{-}_{g,q}$. Fix $p\in D$ and let $\gamma^{u}:=W^{uu}_{g,1}(p)$. Consider $v$ an unit vector on $E^{-}_{g,p}$ and let $v^{\prime}$ be the unit vector field over $\gamma^{u}$ defined as in (27). Let $C$ be the constant given by lemma 7.2. Therefore, $v^{\prime}$ is a $(C,\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder vector field over $\gamma^{u}$. Let $n_{0}\in\mathbb{N}$ be given by lemma 7.3. Hence, for $n\geq n_{0}$, the vector field $v_{n}^{\prime}:=\frac{g^{n}_{*}(v^{\prime})}{\|g^{n}_{*}(v^{\prime})\|}$ is $(C_{n},\frac{1}{2})$-Hölder over $\gamma^{u}_{n}:=g^{n}(\gamma^{u})$, with $C_{n}<30N^{2}\lambda^{N}$. Suppose that $n_{0}$ is large enough such that $l(\gamma^{u}_{n_{0}})>2\pi$. Hence, we may consider a $C^{1}$-curve $\tilde{\gamma}:[0,2\pi]\to\mathbb{T}^{4}$ such that $\tilde{\gamma}=(\tilde{\gamma}_{x},\tilde{\gamma}_{y},\tilde{\gamma}_{z},\tilde{\gamma}_{w})$ with $\left|\frac{d\tilde{\gamma}_{x}}{dt}\right|=1$, $\tilde{\gamma}([0,2\pi])\subset\gamma^{u}_{n_{0}}$, and define $\tilde{v}=v^{u}_{n_{0}}$. Following definition 4.9, the pair $(\tilde{\gamma},\tilde{v})$ is an adapted field. Recall that $\delta>0$ is fixed and in section 4, on the proof of Theorem 4.1, we fixed $\tilde{\delta}=\frac{2\delta}{15}$. For each $k\geq 0$, we write $\tilde{v}_{k}=v^{\prime}_{n_{0}+k}$ and recall that there exists $N_{k}\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $g^{k}\circ\tilde{\gamma}=\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{1}\ast\cdots\ast\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{N_{k}}\ast\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{N_{k}+1},$ where $\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{j}$ is an $u$-curve for $j=1,\cdots,N_{k}$ and $\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{N_{k}+1}$ is a segment of a $u$-curve. By lemma 4.13, every pair $(\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{j},\tilde{v}_{k}|_{\tilde{\gamma}^{k}_{j}})$ is an adapted field for $j=1,\cdots,N_{k}$. Recall that in section 4, we had defined the notion of $\tilde{\delta}$-good adapted field (see definition 4.12). We will need the following lemma. ###### Lemma 7.4 ([45], Lemma $7.27$). Let $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}$, and let $(\gamma,X)$ be a $\tilde{\delta}$-bad adapted field. Then there exists a strip $S$ of length $\pi$ such that for every $j$ satisfying $g^{-1}\gamma_{j}^{1}\subset S$, the field $(\gamma_{1}^{j},\frac{g_{*}X}{\|g_{*}X\|})$ is $\tilde{\delta}$-good. Let $(\hat{\gamma},\hat{v})$ be a $\tilde{\delta}$-good adapted field defined as follows: if $(\tilde{\gamma},\tilde{v})$ is a $\tilde{\delta}$-good adapted field then $(\hat{\gamma},\hat{v})=(\tilde{\gamma},\tilde{v})$. Otherwise, by the previous lemma, we may choose $j\in\\{1,\cdots N_{k}\\}$ such that $(\tilde{\gamma}^{1}_{j},\tilde{v}_{1}|_{\tilde{\gamma}^{1}_{j}})$ is a $\tilde{\delta}$-good adapted field. In this case, we define $(\hat{\gamma},\hat{v})=(\tilde{\gamma}^{1}_{j},\tilde{v}_{1}|_{\tilde{\gamma}^{1}_{j}})$. Let $K\in\\{n_{0},n_{0}+1\\}$ be such that $g^{-K}(\hat{\gamma})\subset\gamma^{u}$ and write $\hat{\gamma}_{-K}:=g^{-K}(\hat{\gamma})$. Recall that we had defined $J^{uu}_{g^{k}}(.)=|\det Dg^{k}(.)|_{E^{uu}_{g}}|$. For any $n\in\mathbb{N}$, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\displaystyle\frac{1}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\int_{\hat{\gamma}_{-K}}\log\|Dg^{K+n}v^{\prime}\|d\hat{\gamma}_{-K}&=&\displaystyle\frac{1}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\left(\sum_{i=0}^{K-1}\int_{g^{i}\circ\hat{\gamma}_{-K}}\log\|Dgv^{\prime}_{i}\|J^{uu}_{g^{-i}}d(g\circ\hat{\gamma}_{-K})\right.\\\ &&\displaystyle\left.+\int_{\hat{\gamma}}\log\|Dg^{n}\hat{v}\|J^{uu}_{g^{-K}}d\hat{\gamma}\right)\\\ &=&\displaystyle M_{K}+\frac{1}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\int_{\hat{\gamma}}\log\|Dg^{n}\hat{v}\|J^{uu}_{g^{-K}}d\hat{\gamma}=M_{k}+I^{\hat{\gamma},\hat{v}}_{n},\end{array}$ where $M_{K}$ does not depend on $n$. Since $(\hat{\gamma},\hat{v})$ is a $\tilde{\delta}$-good curve, by (19) in section 4, for $n$ large enough we have $\frac{I^{\hat{\gamma},\hat{v}}_{n}}{n}\geq(1-14\tilde{\delta})\log N.$ Therefore, $\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\int_{\hat{\gamma}_{-K}}\frac{\log\|Dg^{K+n}v^{u}\|}{n}d\hat{\gamma}_{-K}=\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{M_{K}}{n}+\frac{I^{\hat{\gamma},\hat{v}}_{n}}{n}\geq(1-14\tilde{\delta})\log N>0.$ (29) However, by assumption, for Lebesgue almost every $q\in W^{uu}_{g}(p)$ the vector $v^{u}_{q}$ belongs to $E^{-}_{g,q}$. In particular, there exists a number $\lambda^{-}<0$ such that for Lebesgue almost every $q\in W^{uu}_{g}(p)$ $\displaystyle\lim_{n\to+\infty}\frac{\log\|Dg^{K+n}(q)v^{u}_{q}\|}{n}=\lambda^{-}<0.$ (30) By (30) and applying the dominated convergence theorem, we obtain $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\displaystyle\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{1}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\int_{\hat{\gamma}_{-K}}\frac{\log\|Dg^{K+n}v^{u}\|}{n}d\hat{\gamma}_{-K}&=&\displaystyle\frac{1}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\int_{\hat{\gamma}_{-K}}\limsup_{n\to+\infty}\frac{\log\|Dg^{K+n}v^{u}\|}{n}d\hat{\gamma}_{-K},\\\ &=&\displaystyle\frac{|\hat{\gamma}_{-K}|}{|\hat{\gamma}|}\lambda^{-}<0.\end{array}$ which is a contradiction with (29). ∎ ## 8 Measures with atomic center disintegration and the proof of Theorem B In this section we conclude the proof of Theorem B. The main ingredient that is missing to conclude this proof is the following theorem. ###### Theorem 8.1. Let $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ be a partially hyperbolic, center bunched skew product. Suppose that there exists a constant $\theta\in(0,1)$ such that $E^{uu}_{g}\textrm{ is $\theta$-H\"{o}lder and }\|Dg|_{E^{ss}_{g}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E_{g}^{c}}).$ Let $\mu$ be an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ that verifies: 1. 1. $\mu$ has atomic center disintegration; 2. 2. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and for Lebesgue almost every point $q$ in $W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$ $E^{-}_{g,q}\neq DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p}.$ Then there exists a finite number of $C^{1}$ two dimensional tori $T^{1}_{\mu},\cdots,T^{l}_{\mu}$ such that each of them is tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$ and $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)=\cup_{i=1}^{l}T^{i}_{\mu}$. ###### Remark 8.2. Theorem 8.1 also holds for a partially hyperbolic skew product $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(S\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$, where $S$ is a compact surface, verifying the rest of the hypotheses of the theorem. In section 8.2, we reduce the proof of Theorem 8.1 into proving the $s$-invariance of the center conditional measures, given by Theorem 8.3. The proof of Theorem 8.3 is then given in section 9. ### 8.1 Proof of Theorem B assuming Theorem 8.1 Let $\alpha\in(0,1)$ and take $N$ large enough such that Theorem 6.3 holds and let $\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}$ be a small $C^{2}$-neighborhood of $f_{N}$ is $\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$. Take $g\in\mathcal{U}_{N}^{sk}\cap\mathrm{Sk}^{2+\alpha}(\mathbb{T}^{4})$ and take an ergodic measure $\mu\in\mathrm{Gibbs}^{u}(g)$. By Theorem 6.3, there are three possibilities: 1. 1. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, the measure $\mu^{c}_{p}$ is atomic; 2. 2. $\mu$ is SRB; 3. 3. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, for Lebesgue almost every point $q$ in $W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$, we have $E^{-}_{g,q}=DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p}.$ Let us verify that $g$ verifies the Hölder condition in the statement of Theorem 8.1. If $\theta\in(0,1)$ is a number that verifies $\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg(p)|_{E^{c}_{g}}\|}{m(Dg(p)|_{E^{uu}_{g}})}<m(Dg(p)|_{E^{ss}_{g}})^{\theta},\textrm{ for all $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$,}$ then $E^{uu}_{g}$ is $\theta$-Hölder (see Section $4$ from [50]). In particular, the maximum $\theta$ we can take is arbitrarily close to $\displaystyle\inf_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}}\left\\{\frac{\log m(Dg(p)|_{E^{uu}_{g}})-\log\|Dg(p)|_{E^{c}_{g}}\|}{-\log m(Dg(p)|_{E^{ss}_{g}})}\right\\}.$ (31) From the estimates of Lemma 4.4, for some small $\varepsilon_{1}>0$, if $N$ is sufficiently large, we have that (31) is greater than $\displaystyle\frac{2N\log\tilde{\mu}\left(1-\frac{(\varepsilon_{1}+\log 2N)}{2N\log\tilde{\mu}}\right)}{2N\log\tilde{\mu}\left(1-\frac{\varepsilon_{1}}{2N\log\tilde{\mu}}\right)},$ and this can be made arbitrarily close to $1$ by taking $N$ sufficiently large (we remark that an analogous estimate of item $1$ from Lemma 4.4 holds for the strong stable direction). On the other hand, we also want $\|Dg|_{E^{ss}_{g}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E^{c}_{g}})$. From the estimates of Lemma 4.4 for this inequality to hold we need $\theta>\displaystyle\frac{\log 2N}{2N\log\tilde{\mu}\left(1-\frac{\varepsilon_{1}}{2N\log\tilde{\mu}}\right)}.$ The right side of the inequality goes to $0$ as $N$ increases. So for $N$ sufficiently large, we may take $\theta\in(0,1)$ that verifies the hypothesis of Theorem 8.1. Let $\mu$ be an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$. By Proposition 7.1, $\mu$ cannot verify item $3$ above. If $\mu$ has atomic center disintegration, then $\mu$ verifies the hypothesis of Theorem 8.1, and therefore, there exist $T^{1}_{\mu},\cdots,T^{l}_{\mu}$ which are $C^{1}$-tori tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$ such that $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)=\cup_{i=1}^{l}T^{i}_{\mu}$. If $\mu$ does not have atomic center disintegration, then $\mu$ is an SRB measure and this concludes the proof of the theorem. ### 8.2 Reducing the proof of Theorem 8.1 into proving $s$-invariance of the center conditional measures In this subsection we will reduce the proof of Theorem 8.1 into proving the following theorem: ###### Theorem 8.3 (The $s$-invariance of measures with atomic disintegration). Let $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ be a partially hyperbolic, center bunched skew product. Suppose that there exists a constant $\theta\in(0,1)$ such that $E^{uu}\textrm{ is $\theta$-H\"{o}lder and }\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E}^{c}).$ Let $\mu$ be an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ and suppose that $\mu$ verifies: 1. 1. $\mu$ has atomic center disintegration; 2. 2. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and for Lebesgue almost every point $q$ in $W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$ $E^{-}_{g,q}\neq DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p}.$ Let $\nu$ be the unique SRB-measure on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ for the Anosov diffeomorphism $g_{2}$. Then there exists a set $X$ of full $\nu$-measure such that for any $p_{2},q_{2}\in X$ in the same stable leaf for $g_{2}$, we have that $\mu^{c}_{q_{2}}=(H^{s}_{p_{2},q_{2}})_{*}\mu^{c}_{p_{q}}.$ For the rest of this section we suppose that $g$ and $\mu$ verify the conditions of Theorem 8.1. Recall that $\mu\in\mathrm{State}^{u}_{\nu}(g)$, by Corollary 2.30, the measure $\mu$ has $u$-invariant center conditional measures (see (14) for the definition of $u$-invariant). By Theorem 8.3, the measure $\mu$ also has $s$-invariant center conditional measures. Observe that for $g_{2}$, after fixing some small $\varepsilon>0$, for any $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ there exists a neighborhood $U$ of $p_{2}$ such that the map $[.,.]:W^{ss}_{g_{2},\varepsilon}(p_{2})\times W^{uu}_{g_{2},\varepsilon}(p_{2})\to U$ defined by $[x^{s},y^{u}]=W^{ss}_{g_{2},\varepsilon}(x^{s})\cap W^{uu}_{g_{2},\varepsilon}(y^{u})$ is a homeomorphism. For a probability measure $\hat{\nu}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ we say that it has local product structure if for any $p_{2}\in\mathrm{supp}(\hat{\nu})$, using the homeomorphism $[.,.]$ as above, the measure $\hat{\nu}$ can be written as $\rho\hat{\nu}^{s}\times\hat{\nu}^{u}$, where $\rho$ is a positive measurable function. Since the measure $\nu$ is the unique SRB measure of $g_{2}$, in particular, it is an equilibrium state for the logarithm of the unstable jacobian of $g_{2}$, it has local product structure (see [14]). Since the unstable foliation of $g_{2}$ is minimal (i.e. every unstable manifold is dense), then the support of $\nu$ is $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. The proof of the following proposition can be found in [5]. It is a type of Hopf argument, and is a consequence of the local product structure of $\nu$, the $su$-invariance of the center conditional measures of $\mu$, and that the support of $\nu$ is the entire torus. ###### Lemma 8.4. Let $\mu$ be a measure as above. Then there exists a disintegration $\\{\overline{\mu}^{c}_{p_{2}}\\}_{p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}}$ of $\mu$ with the following properties: 1. 1. the measures $\overline{\mu}^{c}_{p_{2}}$ coincides with the measures $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$ for $\nu$-almost every $p_{2}$; 2. 2. the map $p_{2}\mapsto\overline{\mu}^{c}_{p_{2}}$ is continuous; 3. 3. for any $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, and $q_{2}\in W^{uu}_{g_{2}}(p_{2})$ we have $\overline{\mu}^{c}_{q_{2}}=(H^{u}_{p_{2},q_{2}})_{*}\overline{\mu}^{c}_{p_{2}}$; 4. 4. for any $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, and $q_{2}\in W^{ss}_{g_{2}}(p_{2})$ we have $\overline{\mu}^{c}_{q_{2}}=(H^{s}_{p_{2},q_{2}})_{*}\overline{\mu}^{c}_{p_{2}}$. By an abuse of notation, we will denote the disintegration $\\{\overline{\mu}^{c}_{p_{2}}\\}_{p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}}$ by $\\{\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}\\}_{p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}}$. We will also need the following lemma: ###### Lemma 8.5. There exists $k\in\mathbb{N}$ such that for every $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ the measure $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$ has $k$-atoms. ###### Proof. We already know that the measure $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$ is atomic for every $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$ consider the set $B_{n}:=\\{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}:\mu^{c}_{\pi_{2}(p)}(\\{p\\})>\frac{1}{n}\\}$. It is easy to see that $B_{n}$ is a $g$-invariant set for each $n\in\mathbb{N}$. For $n$ sufficiently large $\mu(B_{n})>0$, and by ergodicity $\mu(B_{n})=1$. Hence, for $n$ large enough, every atom of $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$ has measure larger than $\frac{1}{n}$, for any $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, and therefore there are finitely many atoms. Let $\mathcal{A}_{p_{2}}$ be the set of atoms of $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$. The $su$-invariance implies that for any $\\#\mathcal{A}_{p_{2}}=\\#\mathcal{A}_{q_{2}}$, for any $p_{2},q_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Hence, there exists $k\in\mathbb{N}$ such that $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$ has exactly $k$-atoms, for every $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$. ∎ ###### Proof of Theorem 8.1. Let $k\in\mathbb{N}$ be as in lemma 8.5 and fix $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Let $\mathcal{A}_{p_{2}}:\\{x_{1},\cdots,x_{k}\\}$ be the set of atoms of $\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}$. The $su$-invariance of $\\{\mu^{c}_{p_{2}}\\}_{p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}}$ implies that for any $x_{i}\in\mathcal{A}_{p_{2}}$, the endpoint of any $su$-path starting in $x_{i}$ and ending in $W^{c}(x_{i})$ also belongs to $\mathcal{A}_{p_{2}}$. In particular, for each $x_{i}\in\mathcal{A}_{p_{2}}$, its accessibility class $AC(x_{i})$ is trivial (see section 2 for the definition of trivial accessibility class). There exists $l\in\mathbb{N}$ such that the union of the accessibility classes of the points $x_{i}$ can be partitioned into $l$ disjoint accessibility classes, that is, $\displaystyle\bigcup_{i=1}^{k}AC(x_{i})=T^{1}_{\mu}\sqcup\cdots\sqcup T^{l}_{\mu},$ where each $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is an accessibility class. We will prove that each $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is a two dimensional torus tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$. Since $\mathrm{supp}(\mu)\subset\bigcup_{i=1}^{k}AC(x_{i})$, this will conclude the proof of the theorem. By Theorem 2.14, we know that $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is a $C^{1}$-submanifold of $\mathbb{T}^{4}$. Furthermore, since the accessibility class $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is trivial, we obtain that it is a $2$-dimensional $C^{1}$-submanifold immersed in $\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and by the definition of accessibility class it is tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$. ###### Claim 8.6. $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is compact. ###### Proof. Since the direction $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$ is uniformly transverse to $E^{c}_{g}$, the surface $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is uniformly transverse to the center foliation. If it was not compact, then it would intersect some center leaf $W^{c}(p)$ infinitely many times. However, this is a contradiction with the fact that $T^{i}_{\mu}\cap W^{c}(p)\subset\mathcal{A}_{\pi_{2}(p)}$ which is finite. ∎ Since the strong stable and strong unstable manifolds of $g$ projects to the stable and unstable manifolds of $g_{2}$, which are dense in $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ we have that $\pi_{2}(T^{i}_{\mu})=\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Let us see that $\pi_{2}|_{T^{i}_{\mu}}:T^{i}_{\mu}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$ is a covering map. The property that $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is $su$-saturated implies that $\pi_{2}|_{T^{i}_{\mu}}$ is surjective. Since $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is tangent to $E^{ss}_{g}\oplus E^{uu}_{g}$, which is uniformly transverse to the fibers (center direction), then for any point $p_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and small neighborhood $U$ of $p_{2}$, any connected component of $\pi_{2}^{-1}(U)\cap T^{i}_{\mu}$ is diffeomorphic to $U$, hence, $\pi_{2}|_{T^{i}_{\mu}}$ is a covering map, and $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is a cover of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. The only possible covers of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ are homeomorphic to $\mathbb{R}^{2}$, $S^{1}\times\mathbb{R}$ and $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. Using that $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is compact, we conclude that $T^{i}_{\mu}$ is actually a two torus. ∎ ## 9 The proof of Theorem 8.3: the $s$-invariance of the center conditional measures The goal of this section is to prove Theorem 8.3. Recall that for a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism $f$ and $\mu$ an $f$-inviariant measure, we defined in (12) the $\mu$-partial entropy along $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$, which is given by $h_{\mu}(f,\mathcal{F}^{uu})=-\displaystyle\int\log\mu^{uu}_{p}(f^{-1}\xi^{uu}(p))d\mu(p),$ where $\xi^{uu}$ is any $\mu$-measurable partition subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$. Let us first see how the proof of Theorem 8.3 is reduced into proving the following theorem: ###### Theorem 9.1. Let $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ be a partially hyperbolic, center bunched skew product. Suppose that there exists a constant $\theta\in(0,1)$ such that $E^{uu}_{g}\textrm{ is $\theta$-H\"{o}lder and }\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E^{c}}).$ (32) Suppose that $\mu$ is an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure that verifies: 1. 1. $\mu$ has both a positive and a negative Lyapunov exponent along the center; 2. 2. $\mu$ has atomic center disintegration; 3. 3. for $\mu$-almost every $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and for Lebesgue almost every point $q$ in $W^{uu}_{loc}(p)$ $E^{-}_{g,q}\neq DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{g,p}.$ Let $\nu$ be the unique SRB-measure on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ for the Anosov diffeomorphism $g_{2}$. Then $h_{\mu}(g^{-1},\mathcal{F}^{ss})=h_{\nu}(g_{2}).$ (33) ###### Proof of Theorem 8.3 assuming Theorem 9.1. Let $g$ be a partially hyperbolic skew product and $\mu$ be an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure verifying the hypothesis of Theorem 8.3. By Theorem 9.1, $\mu$ verifies $h_{\mu}(g^{-1},\mathcal{F}^{ss})=h_{\nu}(g_{2})=h_{\nu}(g_{2}^{-1})$. Applying the invariance principle (Theorem 2.26), we have that $\mu$ is an $s$-state projecting on $\nu$. Proposition 2.27 applied to $g^{-1}$ then implies the conclusion of Theorem 8.3. ∎ ###### Remark 9.2. For the rest of the section we fix * • $g$ a partially hyperbolic skew product and * • $\mu$ an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ that verifies the hypothesis of Theorem 9.1. Let * • $\nu$ be the unique SRB measure for $g_{2}$ on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, such that $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu=\nu$, and * • $\lambda^{+}$ and $\lambda^{-}$ be the positive and negative center expoenents of $\mu$, respectively. * • Fix $\xi^{uu}_{2}$ a $\nu$-measurable partition of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ which is subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}_{2}$ (the unstable foliation of the Anosov system $g_{2}$). * • Let $\xi^{uu}$ be a $\mu$-measurable partition which is subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$, with the property that $\pi_{2}(\xi^{uu}(p))=\xi^{uu}_{2}(\pi_{2}(p))$. Furthermore, we may assume that each element of $\xi^{uu}$ has small diameter. The proof of Theorem 9.1 follows closely the proof of Theorem $4.8$ in [17], with some adaptations. Brown-Rodriguez Hertz’s proof is based on the “exponential drift” arguments that were introduced in [9] and its modified version from [30]. Since the proof of Theorem $4.8$ in [17] is technical and to make this work more self contained, we repeat most of the proof here, with the necessary adaptations. For the proof of some of the lemmas we will refer the reader to [17]. ### 9.1 Sketch of the proof of Theorem 9.1 Let us describe the idea of the proof as well as the main points where our setting differs from the random product setting. Suppose that $\mu$ is a $u$-Gibbs measure verifying the hypothesis Theorem 9.1. We fix a compact set $K$ of large measure such that the map $p\mapsto\mu^{c}_{p}$ is continuous. Since $\mu^{c}_{p}$ is atomic, in this set, we can fix a constant $\varepsilon>0$ such that any two atoms in a center leaf have distance greater than $\varepsilon$. Suppose that the conclusion of the theorem does not hold, then we obtain that conditional measures along the $2$-dimensional Pesin stable manifolds are not supported in a single strong stable leaf. In particular, we can find two points $p,q$ in the same $2$-dimensional stable manifold with $d(p,q):=\delta<<\varepsilon$ such that they don’t belong to the same strong stable leaf, $p$ is an atom of $\mu^{c}_{p}$ and $q$ is an atom for $\mu^{c}_{q}$. The idea of the argument is to find a point $p_{0}\in K$ such that $\mu^{c}_{p_{0}}$ has two atoms with distance smaller than $\varepsilon$, which will give a contradiction with the choice of $\varepsilon$ and $K$. The idea is to find two sequences of times $l_{j}\to+\infty$ and $\tau_{j}\to+\infty$ such that for each $l_{j}$, we can choose two points $\overline{p}_{j}\in W^{uu}_{loc}(g^{l_{j}}(p))$ and $\overline{q}_{j}\in W^{uu}_{loc}(g^{l_{j}}(q))$ that verify the following: 1. 1. $\overline{q}_{j}\in W^{cs}(\overline{p}_{j})$; 2. 2. let $\overline{w}_{j}=H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{loc}(\overline{q}_{j}))\cap W^{+}_{loc}(\overline{p}_{j})$, then $d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{w}_{j})\approx d(g^{l_{j}}(p),g^{l_{j}}(q))$; 3. 3. $d(g^{\tau_{j}}(\overline{p}_{j}),g^{\tau_{j}}(\overline{q}_{j}))\approx\delta.$ Then we prove that, up to a subsequence, $g^{\tau_{j}}(\overline{p}_{j})$ and $g^{\tau_{j}}(\overline{q}_{j})$ converge to $p_{0}$ and $q_{0}$ which are atoms of $\mu^{c}_{p_{0}}$. Item $3$ above implies that $d(p_{0},q_{0})\approx\delta<<\varepsilon$. Then we show that we can do this so that $p_{0}$ belongs to the set of points for which the distance of any two atoms of $\mu^{c}_{p_{0}}$ is greater than $\varepsilon$ and this will give the contradiction. Let me remark that the hypothesis that $E^{-}$ is not $DH^{u}$ invariant appears to obtain item $2$, and item $2$ is used to prove item $3$. This is the strategy used in the proof of Theorem $4.8$ from [17]. As we follow this proof, let us mention the two points where more adaptation is needed in our setting. * • The main difficult in the strategy is to work this construction so that all the points involved belong to some “good” set. To achieve that, in their proof, they work with the suspension flow and a reparametrization of this flow. This reparametrized flow is convenient because it gives precise times where a certain expansion is observed along the Oseledets unstable direction. One of the key tools they use to control these returns to the “good” set is a martingale convergence argument for this reparametrized flow (see Sections $9.3$ and $9.4$ in [17]), in which they apply the reverse martingale convergence theorem. To apply this theorem, they need that the reparametrized flow verifies some measurability condition. In our setting, we use $DH^{u}$ to adjust the definition of the reparametrized flow so that the measurability condition is verified. This is done in Section 9.4.2. Let me remark that this is similar to the change of coordinates done in Section 6.2. * • The other point where some adaptation is needed is to obtain item $2$ above. Let us briefly explain Brown-Rodriguez Hertz’s proof of item $2$. Let $\overline{z}_{j}=H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{loc}(\overline{q}_{j}))\cap H^{u}_{g^{l_{j}}(p),\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{loc}(g^{l_{j}}(p)))$. Let $q^{*}:=H^{s}_{q,p}(q)$ and observe that $q^{*}\in W^{-}_{loc}(p)$. If we had local $su$-integrability, we would have that $\overline{z}_{j}=H^{u}_{g^{l_{j}}(p),\overline{p}_{j}}(g^{l_{j}}(q^{*}))$, since $\overline{q}_{j}=H^{u}_{q_{j},\overline{q}_{j}}\circ H^{s}_{p_{j},q_{j}}(g^{l_{j}}(q^{*}))$. Then, by a geometrical argument, we could conclude that $d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{w}_{j})\approx d(\overline{p}_{j},H^{u}_{g^{l_{j}}(p),\overline{p}_{j}}(g^{l_{j}}(q^{*}))\approx d(g^{l_{j}}(p),g^{l_{j}}(q^{*})).$ In the random product setting considered in [17], this local “joint integrability” is verified, since these holonomies maps are just the identity between fibers. In our setting, to obtain the estimate in item $2$, we need to use two ingredients: the unstable foliation is $\theta$-Hölder, and $\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{\theta}<m(Dg|_{E^{c}})$. This is where condition (32) comes in. The estimate needed for item $2$ is obtained in Lemma 9.17. ### 9.2 Pesin Theory and parametrization of invariant manifolds From now on fix a constant $0<\varepsilon_{0}\ll\min\\{1,-\lambda^{-},\lambda^{+}\\}$. We will be interested in obtaining certain estimates for stable and unstable manifolds along the center. In our setting, these will correspond to curves contained in horizontal tori. On $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ consider the the standard basis and for any $v\in\mathbb{R}^{2}$ write $v=v_{1}+v_{2}$. Consider the metric on $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ given by $|v|=\max\\{|v_{1}|,|v_{2}|\\}$. For any $l>0$ write $\mathbb{R}^{2}(l)$ to be the ball of radius $l$ centered at the origin for this metric. Fix $0<\varepsilon_{1}<\varepsilon_{0}$. There exists a measurable function $l:\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}\to[1,+\infty)$, and a $\mu$-full measurable set $\Lambda$ such that: 1. 1. For each point $p=(p_{1},p_{2})\in\Lambda$, there is a neighborhood $U_{p}\subset\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\\{p_{2}\\}$ of $p_{1}$, and a diffeomorphism $\phi_{p}:U_{p}\to\mathbb{R}^{2}(l(p)^{-1})$ with: 1. (a) $\phi_{p}(p_{1})=0$; 2. (b) $D\phi_{p}(p_{1})E^{-}_{p}=\mathbb{R}\times\\{0\\}$; 3. (c) $D\phi_{p}(p_{1})E^{+}_{p}=\\{0\\}\times\mathbb{R}$. 2. 2. Let $\tilde{g}_{p}=\phi_{g(p)}\circ g\circ\phi^{-1}_{p}\textrm{ and }\tilde{g}^{-1}_{p}=\phi_{g^{-1}(p)}\circ g^{-1}\circ\phi^{-1}_{p}.$ On the domain of definition of $\tilde{g}_{p}$, we have: 1. (a) $\tilde{g}_{p}(0)=0$; 2. (b) $D\tilde{g}_{p}(0)=\begin{pmatrix}\beta^{-}&0\\\ 0&\beta^{+}\end{pmatrix}$, where $\beta^{-}\in(e^{\lambda^{-}-\varepsilon_{1}},e^{\lambda^{-}+\varepsilon_{1}})$, and $\beta^{+}\in(e^{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{1}},e^{\lambda^{+}+\varepsilon_{1}})$. 3. (c) Writing $\mathrm{Lip}(.)$ the Lipschitz constant of a function in its domain of definition, we have $\mathrm{Lip}(\tilde{g}_{p}-D\tilde{g}_{p}(0))<\varepsilon_{1}$; 4. (d) $\mathrm{Lip}(D\tilde{g}_{p}(0))<l(p)$; 5. (e) similar property holds for $\tilde{g}^{-1}_{p}$. 3. 3. There exists an uniform $k_{0}$ such that $k_{0}^{-1}\leq\mathrm{Lip}(\phi_{p})\leq l(p)$; 4. 4. $l(g^{n}(p))<e^{|n|\varepsilon_{1}}l(p)$, for any $n\in\mathbb{Z}$. The diffeomorphisms $\phi$ above are called Lyapunov charts. Its construction can be found for instance in the appendix of [41]. We will also use a more quantified statement of the Pesin’s stable manifold theorem. Let $\mathbb{R}^{-}:=\mathbb{R}\times\\{0\\}$ and $\mathbb{R}^{+}:=\\{0\\}\times\mathbb{R}$. ###### Theorem 9.3 (Local stable manifold theorem). For each $p\in\Lambda$, there exists a $C^{2}$-function $\varphi^{-}_{p}:\mathbb{R}^{-}(l(p)^{-1})\to\mathbb{R}^{+}(l(p)^{-1})$ such that: 1. 1. $\varphi^{-}_{p}(0)=0$; 2. 2. $D\varphi^{-}_{p}(0)=0$; 3. 3. $\|D\varphi^{-}_{p}\|<\frac{1}{3}$; 4. 4. $\tilde{g}_{p}(\mathrm{graph}(\varphi^{-}_{p}))\subset\mathrm{graph}(\varphi^{-}_{g(p)})\subset\mathbb{R}^{2}(l(g(p))^{-1})$; 5. 5. setting $W^{-}_{loc}(p):=\phi^{-1}_{p}(\mathrm{graph}(\varphi^{-}_{p}))$, we have that 1. (a) $g(W^{-}_{loc}(p))\subset W^{-}_{loc}(g(p))$; 2. (b) for any $z,y$ in $W^{-}_{loc}(p)$, and $n\geq 0$, we have $d(g^{n}(z),g^{n}(y))\leq l(p)k_{0}e^{(\lambda^{-}+2\varepsilon_{1})n}d(z,y).$ Similarly, there exists a $C^{2}$-function $\varphi^{+}_{p}$ which will define the local unstable manifold. We may define the global stable manifold of $p$ by $W^{-}(p):=\cup_{n\geq 0}g^{-n}(W^{-}_{loc}(g^{n}(p)))$. In our setting, for $\mu$-almost every point $p$, the stable manifold $W^{-}(p)$ is a one dimensional curve, and it can be parametrized by $\mathbb{R}$. We remark that this curve can also be obtained by intersecting a stable Pesin manifold, which in our setting has dimension two, with a center manifold. For these one dimensional stable manifolds, it is convenient to use some special parametrization that conjugates the dynamics $g^{n}|_{W^{-}(p)}$ with the linear dynamics $Dg^{n}(p)|_{E^{-}_{p}}$. ###### Proposition 9.4. For $\mu$-almost every $(p_{1},p_{2})$, and for any $(q_{1},p_{2})\in W^{-}(p)$, there exists a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism $h^{-}_{(q_{1},p_{2})}:W^{-}(p)\to T_{q_{1}}W^{-}(p),$ such that 1. 1. Restricted to $W^{-}(p)$ we have $Dg(q_{1},p_{2})\circ h^{-}_{(q_{1},p_{2})}=h^{-}_{g(q_{1},p_{2})}\circ g;$ (34) 2. 2. $h^{-}_{(q_{1},p_{2})}((q_{1},p_{2}))=0$ and $Dh^{-}_{(q_{1},p_{2})}((q_{1},p_{2}))=Id$; The proof of Proposition 9.4 follows from the construction of the parametrizations that appeared in [37] Section $3.1$ (see also Proposition $6.5$ in [17]). For each $r>0$ and $p$ a point that verifies Proposition 9.4, we define $W^{-}_{r}(p):=\left(h^{-}_{p}\right)^{-1}(\\{v\in E^{-}_{p}:\|v\|<r\\}).$ (35) One obtains similarly functions $h^{+}_{.}$ and define $W^{+}_{r}(p):=(h_{p})^{-1}(\\{v\in E^{+}_{p}:\|v\|<r\\})$. We fix two $\mu$-measurable unitary vector fields $p\mapsto v^{-}_{p}$ and $p\mapsto v^{+}_{p}$ such that * • $v^{*}_{p}\in E^{*}_{p}$, for $*=-,+$; * • for each $p$ and $q\in\xi^{uu}(p)$ we have that $v^{+}_{q}=\frac{DH_{p,q}(p).v^{+}_{p}}{\|DH_{p,q}(p).v^{+}_{p}\|}$; Using these measurable vector fields, we parametrize the stable and unstable manifolds by $\mathcal{I}_{p}^{-}:t\mapsto(h^{-}_{p})^{-1}(tv^{-}_{p})\textrm{ and }\mathcal{I}_{p}^{+}:t\mapsto(h^{+}_{p})^{-1}(tv^{+}_{p}).$ (36) It is convenient to consider another norm, called Lyapunov norm, where we can see contraction, or expansion, after one iterate. Let $X$ be a set of full $\mu$-measure where the Lyapunov exponents are well defined. For each $p\in X$, and $v\in E^{\sigma}_{p}$ consider the two-sided Lyapunov norm $\|v\|^{\sigma}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}:=\left(\displaystyle\sum_{j\in\mathbb{Z}}\|Dg^{j}(p)v\|^{2}e^{-2\lambda^{\sigma}j-2\varepsilon_{0}|j|}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}},\textrm{ where $\sigma=\\{-,+\\}$}$ (37) and for $v\in E^{+}_{p}$, consider the one-sided Lyapunov norm $\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,p}:=\left(\displaystyle\sum_{j\leq 0}\|Dg^{j}(p)v\|^{2}e^{-2\lambda^{+}j-2\varepsilon_{0}|j|}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}$ (38) For these norms, we have the following estimates (see [16] for the estimate on the two-sided norm). ###### Lemma 9.5. For $p\in X$, and $v\in E^{c}_{p}$, we have that $\begin{array}[]{rclcl}e^{k\lambda^{-}-|k|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}&\leq&\|Dg^{k}(p)v\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,g^{k}(p)}&\leq&e^{k\lambda^{-}+|k|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}\\\ e^{k\lambda^{+}-|k|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}&\leq&\|Dg^{k}(p)v\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,g^{k}(p)}&\leq&e^{k\lambda^{+}+|k|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}.\end{array}$ If $v\in E^{+}_{p}$ then $e^{k\lambda^{+}-k\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|_{\varepsilon,-,p}\leq\|Dg^{k}(p)v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,g^{k}(p)}.$ The following lemma is a classical lemma in Pesin theory on the control of expansion/contraction and angle between expanding and contracting directions. ###### Lemma 9.6. There exists a measurable function $L:X\to\mathbb{R}$, such that for any $p\in X$ and $n\in\mathbb{Z}$: 1. 1. For $v\in E^{-}_{p}$, $\frac{1}{L(p)}e^{n\lambda^{-}-\frac{|n|}{2}\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|\leq\|Dg^{n}(p)v\|\leq L(p)e^{n\lambda^{-}+\frac{|n|}{2}\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|.$ 2. 2. For $v\in E^{+}_{p}$, $\frac{1}{L(p)}e^{n\lambda^{+}-\frac{|n|}{2}\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|\leq\|Dg^{n}(p)v\|\leq L(p)e^{n\lambda^{+}+\frac{|n|}{2}\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|.$ 3. 3. $\measuredangle(E^{+}_{g^{n}(p)},E^{-}_{g^{n}(p)})\geq\frac{1}{L(p)}e^{-|n|\varepsilon_{0}}$. Furthermore, $L(g^{n}(p))\leq L(p)e^{|n|\varepsilon_{0}}$. ### 9.3 Angles and some estimates Recall that in our setting there is a set of full $\mu$-measure such that for any two points $p$ and $q$ in this set with $q\in W^{uu}(p)$ we have that $DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{p}\neq E^{-}_{q}.$ (39) Recall also that $X$ is the set of points of full $\mu$-measure with well defined Lyapunov exponents. Given $\gamma_{1}>0$ consider $\Lambda_{1}$ to be the set of points $p$ such that $\measuredangle(E^{-}_{p},E^{+}_{p})>\gamma_{1},$ (40) where $\measuredangle(E^{-}_{p},E^{+}_{p})$ is the angle for the natural riemannian metric of $\mathbb{T}^{4}$ between the subspaces $E^{-}_{p}$ and $E^{+}_{p}$. Observe that we can make the $\mu$-measure of $\Lambda_{1}$ arbitrarily close to $1$, by taking $\gamma_{1}$ small. For $\gamma_{2}\in(0,\frac{\gamma_{1}}{2})$ and $p\in\Lambda_{1}$, we define $\mathscr{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p)$ to be the set of points $q\in\xi^{uu}(p)$ such that * • $q\in X$; * • $\measuredangle(DH^{u}_{p,q}(p)E^{-}_{p},E^{-}_{q})>\gamma_{2}$; * • $\measuredangle(E^{+}_{q},E^{-}_{q})>\gamma_{2}.$ Recall that for $p$ in a set of full $\mu$-measure, we defined $\mu^{uu}_{p}$ as the conditional measure on $\xi^{uu}(p)$ given by the disintegration of $\mu$ on the partition $\xi^{uu}$. For each $\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2}$ as above and $a\in(0,1)$, define $\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2},a}:=\\{p\in\Lambda_{1}:\mu^{uu}_{p}(\mathscr{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p))>1-a.\\}.$ (41) ###### Remark 9.7. By (39), for any two numbers $a,c\in(0,1)$ there exist $\gamma_{1}>0$ and $\gamma_{2}\in(0,\frac{\gamma_{1}}{2})$ sufficiently small such that $\mu(\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2},a})>1-c$. By Lusin’s theorem, there is a compact set $\Lambda_{2}\subset\mathbb{T}^{4}$ with measure arbitrarily close to $1$ such that the parametrized stable and unstable manifolds $W^{-}_{r}(p)$ and $W^{+}_{r}(p)$ vary continuously in the $C^{1}$-topology, for $p\in\Lambda_{2}$, on the space of embeddings $C^{1}([-r,r],\mathbb{T}^{2})$ for any $r\in(0,1)$. Given $\theta^{\prime}\in(0,\pi)$ and a one-dimensional space $E$ in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$, let $\mathscr{C}_{\theta^{\prime}}(E)$ be the cone centered in $E$ with angle $\theta^{\prime}$. In what follows, we will consider $\exp$ to be the exponential map on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, and we identify every center manifold with the two torus $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. ###### Lemma 9.8. Given $\theta^{\prime}\in(0,\pi)$, there exist $\hat{r}_{0},\hat{r}_{1}>0$ such that for any two points $p=(p_{1},p_{2})$ and $q=(q_{1},q_{2})$ both belonging to $\Lambda_{2}$, such that $d(p,q)<\hat{r}_{0}$ and $q_{2}\in W_{g_{2}}^{ss}(p_{2})$, we have: 1. 1. $\exp^{-1}_{p_{1}}(W^{*}_{\hat{r}_{1}}(p))\subset\mathscr{C}_{\theta^{\prime}}(E^{*}_{p})$, for $*=-$ or $+$; 2. 2. $\exp^{-1}_{p_{1}}(H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}}(W^{-}_{\hat{r}_{1}}(q)))\subset\mathscr{C}_{\theta^{\prime}}(E^{-}_{p})+\exp^{-1}_{p_{1}}(q_{1})$. ###### Proof. Recall that on $\Lambda_{2}$, for $r\in(0,1)$, the map $\Lambda_{2}\ni p\mapsto W^{*}_{r}(p)$ varies continuously on the space of embeddings $C^{1}([-r,r],\mathbb{T}^{2})$. Hence, we may fix $\hat{r}_{1}$ sufficiently small such that for each $p\in\Lambda_{2}$ we have that $\exp^{-1}_{p_{1}}(W^{*}_{\hat{r}_{1}}(p))\subset\mathscr{C}_{\frac{\theta}{4}}(E^{*}_{p})$, for $*=-$ or $+$. Using that $p\mapsto E^{-}_{p}$ varies continuously on $\Lambda_{2}$, one may take $\hat{r}_{0}$ sufficiently small so that if $d(p,q)<\hat{r}_{0}$ then $E^{-}_{q}\subset\mathscr{C}_{\frac{\theta}{4}}(E^{-}_{p})$. Recall that if $p_{2}$ and $q_{2}$ are in the same strong stable manifold of size $1$ for $g_{2}$, then $d_{C^{1}}(H^{s}_{p_{2},q_{2}},Id)\leq Cd(p_{2},q_{2})$, for some constant $C\geq 1$. If $\hat{r}_{0}$ is sufficiently small we also have that $\exp^{-1}_{p_{1}}(H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}}(W^{-}_{\hat{r}_{1}}(q)))\subset\mathscr{C}_{\frac{\theta}{2}}(DH^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}}(q)E^{-}_{p})$, and $DH^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}}(q)E^{-}_{q}\subset\mathscr{C}_{\frac{\theta}{2}}(E^{-}_{p})$. This implies the second item of the lemma. ∎ For each $l_{0}$, we may consider the set $\Lambda_{3}\subset\Lambda_{2}$ of points having the value $l(p)$ bounded above by $l_{0}$, where $l:\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}\to[1,+\infty)$ is the function defined in Section 9.2. We may also fix $\tilde{r}_{0}>0$ and $\tilde{r}_{1}>0$ small enough such that for each $p\in\Lambda_{3}$, we have 1. (a) $W^{-}_{\tilde{r}_{1}}(p)\subset W^{-}_{loc}(p)$, where $W^{-}_{loc}(p)$ is the local stable manifold defined in Theorem 9.3; 2. (b) for $q=(q_{1},q_{2})\in\Lambda_{2}$ such that $q_{2}\in W^{ss}_{g_{2}}(p_{2})$, if $d(p,q)<\tilde{r}_{0}$ then $\phi_{p}^{-1}(H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}}(W^{-}_{\tilde{r_{1}}}(q))$ is contained in the graph of a $1$-Lipschitz function $G:D\subset\mathbb{R}^{-}\to\mathbb{R}^{+}$, where $D\subset\mathbb{R}^{-}(l_{0}^{-1})$. The second point above follows from combining the estimates from Theorem 9.3 and Lemma 9.8. Observe that by taking $l_{0}$ large, the set $\Lambda_{3}$ has $\mu$-measure arbitrarily close to $\mu(\Lambda_{2}).$ ###### Lemma 9.9. For every $\gamma_{1}>0$, $\gamma_{2}\in(0,\frac{\gamma_{1}}{2})$ and $\Lambda_{3}\subset\Lambda_{2}\subset\Lambda_{1}$ as above, there exist a measurable set $\Lambda^{\prime}\subset\Lambda_{3}$, with $\mu(\Lambda^{\prime})$ arbitrarily close to $\mu(\Lambda_{3})$, constants $r_{0}\in(0,\tilde{r}_{0})$, $r_{1}\in(0,\tilde{r}_{1})$, and $C_{1},C_{2},C_{3}>1$, with the following properties: For each $p\in\Lambda^{\prime}$ we have 1. 1. $\frac{1}{C_{1}}d(p,w)\leq\|h^{*}_{p}(w)\|\leq C_{1}d(p,w)$, for every $w\in W^{*}_{r_{1}}(p)$, with $*=-$ or $+$, where $h^{*}$ is given by Proposition 9.4; Let $p=(p_{1},p_{2})\in\Lambda^{\prime}$, $p^{\prime}=(p_{1}^{\prime},p_{2}^{\prime})\in\mathscr{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p)\cap\Lambda^{\prime}$ and $q=(q_{1},q_{2})\in\Lambda^{\prime}$ such that $q\in W^{cs}_{r_{0}}(p^{\prime})$ and $d(p^{\prime},q)<r_{0}$. Then, 1. 2. $W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p^{\prime})\cap H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(q))$ is a single point $w^{\prime}$, furthermore this intersection is transverse with angles uniformly bounded away from zero inside $T_{x}\mathbb{T}^{2}$; 2. 3. $H^{u}_{p_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(p))\cap H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(q))$ is a unique point $z^{\prime}$, this intersection is transverse with angle uniformly bounded from below. 3. 4. For $z^{\prime}$ and $w^{\prime}$ as above, $\frac{1}{C_{2}}d(p^{\prime},z^{\prime})\leq d(p^{\prime},w^{\prime})\leq C_{2}d(p^{\prime},z^{\prime});$ 4. 5. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{C_{3}}\leq\frac{\|Dg^{n}(w^{\prime})|_{T_{w^{\prime}}W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p^{\prime})}\|}{\|Dg^{n}(q)|_{E^{+}_{q}}\|}\leq C_{3}$, for every $n\geq 0$. 5. 6. For any $x\in\Lambda^{\prime}$ and $y\in W^{+}_{r_{1}}(x)$ we have that $\displaystyle\frac{1}{C_{3}}\leq\frac{\|Dg^{-n}(y)|_{T_{y}W^{+}_{r_{1}}(x)}\|}{\|Dg^{-n}(x)|_{E^{+}_{x}}\|}\leq C_{3},\textrm{ for every $n\geq 0$.}$ ###### Proof. Items $1-3$ follow from $C^{1}$-topology, Luzin’s theorem and using that in our setting there exists a constant $C>1$ such that $x_{2}\in W^{ss}_{g_{2}}(y_{2})$ with $d(x_{2},y_{2})<1$, we have $d(H^{s}_{x_{2},y_{2}},Id)<C.d(x_{2},y_{2})$ (similar estimate holds for unstable holonomies). One can also conclude that for any $r_{1}>0$ small, if $r_{0}>0$ is sufficiently small the conclusions hold. To prove item $4$, by items $2$ and $3$ above, the angles of the intersections $W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p^{\prime})\cap H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(q))$ and $H^{u}_{p_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(p))\cap H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{\tilde{r}_{1}}(q))$ are uniformly bounded away from zero (depending on $\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2}$ that are fixed). Fix $\theta^{\prime}>0$ small. We may suppose that $r_{1}<\hat{r}_{1}$ and $r_{0}<\hat{r}_{0}$ are sufficiently small so that items $1-3$ remain valid, where $\hat{r}_{0},\hat{r}_{1}$ are the constants given by Lemma 9.8. From the conclusion of Lemma 9.8, we obtain that for any $x_{1}\in W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p^{\prime})$, $x_{2}\in H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(q))$, and $x_{3}\in H^{u}_{p_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p))$, we have that the angles between $T_{x_{1}}W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p^{\prime})$, $T_{x_{2}}H^{s}_{q_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(q))$, and $T_{x_{3}}H^{u}_{p_{2},p_{2}^{\prime}}(W^{+}_{r_{1}}(p))$ are uniformly bounded from below. The estimate in item $4$ then follows from the law of sines (see Figura 2). Figure 2: Comparing $d(p^{\prime},w^{\prime})$ and $d(p^{\prime},z^{\prime})$. Since in $\Lambda_{3}$ the function $l(.)$ is bounded by $l_{0}$, by the properties given by the Lyapunov charts, we obtain that there exists a constant $C(l_{0})$ such that for any $n\geq 0$, $\displaystyle d(T_{g^{-n}(y)}W^{+}_{r_{1}}(g^{-n}(x)),E^{+}_{g^{-n}(x)})\leq C(l_{0})\left(\frac{e^{\lambda^{-}+\varepsilon_{1}}}{e^{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{1}}}\right)^{n}e^{2\varepsilon_{1}n}.$ We also have that $d(g^{-n}(x),g^{-n}(y))<l_{0}k_{0}e^{(-\lambda^{+}+2\varepsilon_{1})n}d(x,y)$ for $n\geq 0$. In what follows denote $T_{g^{-j}(y)}W^{+}(g^{-j}(x))$ by $E_{y_{-j}}$, $x_{-j}=g^{-j}(x)$ and $y_{-j}=g^{-j}(y)$, for any $j\in\mathbb{N}$. Observe that $\|Dg^{-1}(y_{-j})|_{E_{y_{-j}}}\|\leq\|g\|_{C^{2}}\|Dg^{-1}(x_{-j})|_{E^{+}_{x_{-j}}}\|\max\\{d(x_{-j},y_{-j}),d(E_{y_{-j}},E^{+}_{x_{-j}})\\}.$ Since $\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg^{-n}(y)|_{E_{y_{0}}}\|}{\|Dg^{-n}(x)|_{E^{+}_{x}}\|}=\prod_{j=0}^{n-1}\frac{\|Dg^{-1}(y_{-j})|_{E_{y_{-j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{-1}(x_{-j})|_{E^{+}_{x_{-j}}}\|},$ the result then follows combining the estimates above. The proof of item $5$ is similar to the proof of item $6$. One uses the information that the future orbit of the points $w^{\prime}$ and $q$ converge exponentially and that the respective tangent directions considered also converge uniformly exponentially fast on $\Lambda_{3}$. ∎ ### 9.4 Reparametrized suspension flow, stopping times and the Martingale convergence argument #### 9.4.1 The suspension flow It will be convenient for us to work with the suspension flow associated with $g$ and a reparametrization of it. Let us recall the definition of the suspension flow. Consider the $5$-dimensional manifold $\tilde{M}=\mathbb{T}^{4}\times\mathbb{R}$. On $\tilde{M}$ consider the following equivalence relation $(p,l)\sim(g(p),l-1).$ Let $M=\tilde{M}/\sim$ be the quotient manifold, and consider the flow $\Phi_{t}:M\to M$ defined by $\Phi_{t}([p,l])=[p,l+t]$, where $[p,l]$ denotes the equivalence class of the point $(p,l)\in\tilde{M}$. For $\zeta=[p,l]\in M$, we consider the center fiber $\mathbb{T}^{2}_{\zeta}$ which is given by the projection of $\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\\{p_{2}\\}\times\\{l\\}\subset\tilde{M}$ into $M$. The fiber $\mathbb{T}^{2}_{\zeta}$ is naturally identified with $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. We will use the coordinates on $M$ induced by $\mathbb{T}^{4}\times[0,1)$. Consider the measure on $\tilde{M}$ defined by $\tilde{\omega}:=\mu\times\mathrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}}$, where $\mu$ is the measure on $\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $\mathrm{Leb}_{\mathbb{R}}$ is the usual Lebesgue measure on $\mathbb{R}$. This measure projects to a probability measure $\omega$ on $M$, which in the coordinates $\mathbb{T}^{4}\times[0,1)$ can be written as $d\omega(p,l)=d\mu(p)dl$. Observe that this measure is invariant by the flow $\Phi_{t}$. Recall that $X$ is the set of full $\mu$-measure on $\mathbb{T}^{4}$ where the Lyapunov exponents are well defined. Let $Y$ be the projection on $M$ of the set $X\times\mathbb{R}$ defined on $\tilde{M}$. This is a set of full $\omega$-measure and for each $\zeta=[p,l]\in Y$, we may define the Oseledets splitting of the center direction $T_{\zeta}\mathbb{T}^{2}_{\zeta}=E^{-}_{\zeta}\oplus E^{+}_{\zeta}$, where $E^{*}_{\zeta}=D\Phi_{t}(\zeta).E^{\sigma}_{p}$, for $*=-,+$. We can naturally extend to $Y$ the vector fields $p\mapsto v_{p}^{*}$ (defined in Section 9.2) and the parametrizations defined in (36). We can also extend to $Y$ the Lyapunov norms defined in (37) in the following way. Let $\zeta=[p,l]\in Y$, then for any $v\in E^{\sigma}_{\zeta}$ we define $\|v\|^{*}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}:=\displaystyle\left(\|v\|^{*}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}\right)^{1-l}\left(\|Dg(p)v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,g(p)}^{*}\right)^{l},\textrm{ for $*=-,+$.}$ (42) We define in a similar way the one-sided norm $\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}$, for $v\in E^{+}_{\zeta}$. This norm allows us to have expansion or contraction varying continuously with the time. In particular, from the estimates of Lemma 9.5, we obtain: ###### Lemma 9.10. For $\zeta=[p,l]\in Y$, for $v\in T_{\zeta}\mathbb{T}^{2}_{\zeta}$, and for any $t\in\mathbb{R}$ we have that $\begin{array}[]{rclcl}e^{t\lambda^{-}-|t|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}&\leq&\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)v\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}&\leq&e^{t\lambda^{-}+|t|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}\\\ e^{t\lambda^{+}-|t|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}&\leq&\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)v\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}&\leq&e^{t\lambda^{+}+|t|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}.\end{array}$ If $v\in E^{+}_{\zeta}$ then $e^{t\lambda^{+}-|t|\varepsilon_{0}}\|v\|_{\varepsilon,-,\zeta}\leq\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}.$ Recall that $L(.)$ is the function from Lemma 9.6. The proof of the following lemma can be obtained by a simple adaptation of the proof of Lemma 9.4 from [17]. ###### Lemma 9.11. For $\omega$-almost every $\zeta=[p,l]$, for any $v\in E^{+}_{\zeta}$ $\|v\|\leq\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}\leq L(p)\|g\|_{C^{1}}e^{\varepsilon_{0}}(1-e^{-\varepsilon_{0}})^{\frac{1}{2}}\|v\|.$ In particular, by defining $\hat{L}(\zeta)=L(p)\|g\|_{C^{1}}e^{\varepsilon_{0}}(1-e^{-\varepsilon_{0}})^{\frac{1}{2}}$, we have $\hat{L}(\Phi_{t}(\zeta))\leq e^{2\varepsilon_{0}(|t|+1)}\hat{L}(\zeta)$ and $\frac{1}{\hat{L}(\zeta)}\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|\leq\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\leq e^{2\varepsilon_{0}(|t|+1)}\hat{L}(\zeta)\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|.$ (43) #### 9.4.2 The reparametrized flow and the Martingale convergence argument From the partition $\xi^{uu}$ we may consider the partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$ obtained by the sets of the form $[\xi,\\{l\\}]$ in $M$, where $\xi\in\xi^{uu}$ and $l\in[0,1)$. This forms an $\omega$-measurable partition. For each $\xi\in\xi^{uu}$ fix $\xi^{uu}_{p}\in\xi$ an Oseledets regular point for $\mu$ and for $\tilde{\xi}=[\xi,l]\in\mathcal{P}$ let $\zeta_{\tilde{\xi}}$ be the point $[p_{\xi},l]$. Given two points $\zeta=[p,l]$ and $\eta=[q,l]$ such that $q\in W^{uu}(p)$, we write $H^{u}_{\zeta,\eta}$ as the map induced by $H^{u}_{p,q}$ in the first coordinate and fixing the $l$ coordinate. Consider the $\omega$-measurable bundle $V$ over $M$ such that for $\omega$-almost every point $\zeta$, the fiber $V_{\zeta}$ is given by $E^{+}_{\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta}}$. This bundle can be obtained from the bundle $E^{+}$ over $M$ in the following way: for each $\zeta\in M$ we identify $E^{+}_{\zeta}$ with $E^{+}_{\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta}}$ using the holonomy $DH^{u}_{\zeta,\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta}}(\zeta)$, recall that $E^{+}$ is $DH^{u}$-invariant.On the bundle $V$ we may consider the linear cocycle over $\Phi_{t}$ given by $G_{t}(\zeta)v=DH^{u}_{\Phi_{t}(\zeta),\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}}(\Phi_{t}(\zeta))\circ D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)\circ DH^{u}_{\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta},\zeta}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta})v$, where $v\in V_{\zeta}$. ###### Claim 9.12. For any $t>0$, and for any two points $\zeta,\eta$ such that $\eta\in\tilde{\xi}^{uu}(\zeta)$ it holds that $G_{-t}(\zeta)=G_{-t}(\eta)$. In other words, $G_{-t}(.)$ is constant on elements of the partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$. ###### Proof. Observe that $\begin{array}[]{rcl}G_{-t}(\zeta)=\left(G_{t}(\Phi_{-t}(\zeta))\right)^{-1}&=&DH^{u}_{\Phi_{-t}(\zeta),\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{-t}(\zeta)}}(\Phi_{-t}(\zeta))\circ D\Phi_{-t}(\zeta)\circ DH^{u}_{\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta},\zeta}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta})\\\ &=&DH^{u}_{\Phi_{-t}(\zeta),\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{-t}(\zeta)}}(\Phi_{-t}(\zeta))\circ DH^{u}_{\Phi_{-t}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta}),\Phi_{-t}(\zeta)}\circ D\Phi_{-t}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta})\\\ &=&DH^{u}_{\Phi_{-t}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta}),\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{-t}(\zeta)}}\circ D\Phi_{-t}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta}).\end{array}$ Recall that the partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$ verifies $\Phi_{-t}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}(\zeta))\subset\tilde{\xi}^{uu}(\Phi_{-t}(\zeta))$. Thus, for any $\eta\in\tilde{\xi}^{uu}(\zeta)$ we have $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{-t}(\eta)}=\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{-t}(\zeta)}$ and we conclude that $G_{-t}(\eta)=G_{-t}(\zeta)$.∎ For $\omega$-almost every $\zeta=[p,l]$ and any vector $v\in V_{\zeta}$ define $\|v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}:=\left(\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,p}^{V}\right)^{1-l}\left(\|G_{1}([p,0])v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon,-,g(p)}\right)^{l},$ (44) where $\|v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-,p}:=\displaystyle\left(\sum_{j\leq 0,j\in\mathbb{Z}}\|G_{j}([p,0])v\|^{2}e^{-2\lambda^{+}j-2\varepsilon_{0}|j|}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}.$ Define $\kappa_{\zeta}(t):=\log\|G_{t}(\zeta)\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}.$ (45) Observe that $\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}^{V}$ is a one-sided Lyapunov norm for the linear cocycle $G_{t}$. From the construction of $G_{t}$ it is easy to see that it the Lyapunov exponent of $G_{t}$ is $\lambda^{+}$. In particular, for every $t\in\mathbb{R}$ we have the estimate $t\lambda^{+}-|t|\varepsilon_{0}\leq\log\|G_{t}(\zeta)\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}.$ We conclude that $\kappa_{\zeta}(.)$ is an increasing homeomorphism of $\mathbb{R}$. Moreover, the function $\kappa_{\zeta}$ verifies the cocycle condition, that is, $\kappa_{\zeta}(t_{1}+t_{2})=\kappa_{\Phi_{t_{1}}(\zeta)}(t_{2})+\kappa_{\zeta}(t_{1})$. ###### Claim 9.13. There exists a uniform constant $\hat{C}>1$ such that for $\omega$-a.e. $\zeta$ and any $s\in\mathbb{R}$, $\frac{1}{\hat{C}}e^{s}\leq\|D\Phi_{\kappa_{\zeta}^{-1}(s)}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\leq\hat{C}e^{s}.$ ###### Proof. Let $t=\kappa^{-1}_{\zeta}(s)$ and observe that by definition $\log\|G_{t}(\zeta)\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}=s$. Fix a non-zero vector $v\in V_{\zeta}$, hence $\displaystyle\frac{\|G_{t}(\zeta)v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}}{\|v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}}=e^{s}.$ Set $v^{+}=DH^{u}_{\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta},\zeta}v$ and observe that $\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}=\displaystyle\frac{\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)v^{+}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}}{\|v^{+}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}}.$ Recall that for any $t^{\prime}\in\mathbb{R}$, $G_{t^{\prime}}(\zeta)v=DH^{u}_{\Phi_{t^{\prime}}(\zeta),\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{t^{\prime}}(\zeta)}}(\Phi_{t^{\prime}}(\zeta))\circ D\Phi_{t^{\prime}}(\zeta)\circ DH^{u}_{\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta},\zeta}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\zeta})v$. In particular, $G_{t}(\zeta)v=DH^{u}_{\Phi_{t}(\zeta),\tilde{\xi}^{uu}_{\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}}(\Phi_{t}(\zeta))\circ D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)v^{+}$. Since the distance between any point $q$ and $\xi^{uu}_{q}$ is uniformly bounded from above, there exists a uniform constant $K>1$ such that for any non positive integer $j\leq 0$, $\frac{1}{K}\leq\frac{\|Dg^{j}(p)v^{+}\|}{\|G_{j}([p,0])v\|}\leq K.$ The result then follows easily from the remarks above and the definitions of the norms $\|.\|^{V}_{\varepsilon,-,\zeta}$ and $\|.\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}$. ∎ Recall that $Y$ is the set of $\omega$-full measure of Oselede ts regular points. We consider the reparametrized flow $\Psi_{s}:Y\to Y$, defined by $\Psi_{s}(\zeta)=\Phi_{\kappa_{\zeta}^{-1}(s)}(\zeta).$ For $\zeta=[p,l]\in Y$, let $h(\zeta)=h(\xi^{uu}_{p}):=\log\|G_{1}([p,0])v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\Phi_{1}(\zeta)}$, where $\|v\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}=1$. By (44), for any $t\in[-l,1-l)$ we have that $\kappa_{\zeta}(t)=th(\zeta).$ (46) For $s\in\mathbb{R}$ such that $\frac{s}{h(\zeta)}+l\in[0,1)$, we have that $\Psi_{s}(\zeta)=[p,l+\frac{s}{h(\zeta)}]$. That is, $\frac{1}{h(\xi^{uu}_{\zeta})}$ gives the local change of speed of the flow $\Phi_{t}$ to obtain the flow $\Psi_{s}$. In particular, $\kappa_{\zeta}(t)=\int_{0}^{t}h(\Phi_{\tau}(\zeta))d\tau$. Observe that $h(\zeta)>\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}$ for $\omega$-almost every $\zeta$. We also have that $\int h(\zeta)d\omega(\zeta)<+\infty$ (see Claim 9.5 in [17]) and hence the flow $\Psi_{s}$ preserves the probability measure $\hat{\omega}$, which in coordinates is given by $\displaystyle d\hat{\omega}(\zeta):=\frac{h(\zeta)}{\int h(\eta)d\omega(\eta)}d\omega(\zeta).$ (47) Since the measure $\omega$ is ergodic for $\Phi_{t}$, we obtain that $\hat{\omega}$ is ergodic for $\Psi_{s}$. Observe that the partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$ is both $\omega$ and $\hat{\omega}$ measurable. Let $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}$ be the $\sigma$-algebra generated by the partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$. Let $\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}$ and $\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}$ be the conditional measures of $\omega$ and $\hat{\omega}$ with respect to the $\sigma$-algebra $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}$. This is the same as considering the disintegrated measures of $\omega$ and $\hat{\omega}$ with respect to the measurable partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$. From (47) we obtain that $d\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}(\eta)=\frac{h(\eta)}{\int h(\rho)d\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}(\rho)}d\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}(\eta).$ By construction, the function $h$ is $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}$-measurable, since it is constant on elements of the partition $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$. Since $\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}$ and $\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}$ are probability measures, we take $\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}=\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta}.$ (48) The function $(\zeta,-t)\mapsto\kappa_{\zeta}(-t)$, where $t\geq 0$, is $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}$-measurable. This follows from Claim 9.12. In particular, the semiflow $\Psi_{-s}$ is $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}$ measurable. We also have that $\Psi_{s}(\tilde{\mathcal{B}})\subset\mathcal{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}$ for $s\geq 0$, where $\Psi_{s}(\tilde{\mathcal{B}}):=\\{\Psi_{s}(C):C\in\tilde{\mathcal{B}}\\}$, this follows from the fact that $\tilde{\xi}^{uu}$ is decrasing for the measurable flow $\Psi_{s}$. Write $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}=\Psi_{s}(\tilde{\mathcal{B}})$. We have that $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}\subset\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s^{\prime}}$, for $s\geq s^{\prime}$, and we obtain that $\\{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}\\}_{s\geq 0}$ forms a decreasing filtration. Let $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\infty}:=\bigcap_{s\geq 0}\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}$. Let $\rho:Y\to\mathbb{R}$ be a $\omega$-integrable function, in particular it is also $\hat{\omega}$-integrable. For $\hat{\omega}$-almost every $\zeta$, define the conditional expectation $\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})(\zeta)$ by $\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})(\zeta):=\int\rho\circ\Psi_{s}(\eta)d\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0}}_{\Psi_{-s}(\zeta)}(\eta)=\int\rho(\eta^{\prime})d((\Psi_{s})_{*}\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0}}_{\Psi_{-s}(\zeta)})(\eta^{\prime}).$ By the $\Psi_{s}$-invariance of $\hat{\omega}$ it is easy to conclude that $(\Psi_{s})_{*}\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0}}_{\Psi_{-s}(\zeta)}=\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}}_{\zeta}$. Furthermore, since $\Psi_{s^{\prime}}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu})$ refines $\Psi_{s}(\tilde{\xi}^{uu})$, whenever $s\leq s^{\prime}$, we can also conclude that $\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s^{\prime}})(\eta)=\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s^{\prime}})(\eta)$. Thus, $\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})(.)$ defines a reverse martingale for the decreasing filtration $\\{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}\\}_{s\geq 0}$ on $(Y,\hat{\omega})$. By the Reverse Martingale Convergence Theorem (see [28] Theorem $5.8$) we obtain that for $\hat{\omega}$-almost every $\zeta$ we have the convergence $\lim_{s\to+\infty}\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})(\zeta)=\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\rho|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\infty})(\zeta)$. ### 9.5 Stopping time and bi-Lipschitz estimate Let $\zeta\in Y$. For $\delta>0$ and $t\in\mathbb{R}$, define $\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t):=\sup\left\\{t^{\prime}\in\mathbb{R}:\|D\Phi_{t}(\zeta)|_{E^{-}_{\zeta}}\|^{-}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}.\|D\Phi_{t^{\prime}}(\Phi_{t}(\zeta))|_{E^{+}_{\Phi_{t}(\zeta)}}\|^{+}_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\Phi_{t+t^{\prime}}(\zeta)}\delta\leq\delta\right\\}.$ Define $L_{\zeta,\delta}(t):=t+\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t)$. Observe that the functions $\tau_{\zeta,\delta}:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ and $L_{\zeta,\delta}:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ are increasing homeomorphisms. ###### Lemma 9.14 ([17], Lemma $9.7$). The functions $\tau_{\zeta,\delta}$ and $L_{\zeta,\delta}$ are bi-Lipschitz with constants uniform in $\zeta,\delta$. In particular, for $t^{\prime}\geq 0$ $\begin{array}[]{rcccl}\frac{-\lambda^{-}-3\varepsilon_{0}}{\lambda^{+}+\varepsilon_{0}}t^{\prime}&\leq&\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t+t^{\prime})-\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t)&\leq&\frac{-\lambda^{-}+3\varepsilon_{0}}{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}}t^{\prime},\\\ \frac{\lambda^{+}-\lambda^{-}-2\varepsilon_{0}}{\lambda^{+}+\varepsilon_{0}}t^{\prime}&\leq&L_{\zeta,\delta}(t+t^{\prime})-L_{\zeta,\delta}(t)&\leq&\frac{\lambda^{+}-\lambda^{-}+2\varepsilon_{0}}{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}}t^{\prime}.\end{array}$ ### 9.6 Estimates for the holonomies We will need the following estimate on the holonomies. ###### Lemma 9.15. Suppose that $E^{uu}_{g}$ is $\theta$-Hölder for some $\theta\in(0,1)$. There exists a constant $L>1$ such that the following holds true: given three points $q_{2}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, $q_{2}^{u}\in W^{uu}_{g_{2},1}(q_{2})$, and $q_{2}^{s}\in W^{ss}_{g_{2},loc}(q_{2})$; let $\tilde{q}_{2}$ be the unique point of the intersection between $W^{ss}_{g_{2},loc}(q_{2}^{u})$ and $W^{uu}_{g_{2},2}(q_{2}^{s})$, then for any $q_{1}\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ $d\left(H^{u}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{u}}(q_{1}),H^{s}_{\tilde{q}_{2},q_{2}^{u}}\circ H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1})\right)<Ld(q_{2},q_{2}^{s})^{\theta}.$ Observe that if the strong foliations were jointly integrable, then for any points as above, we would have $H^{u}_{q_{2}^{u},q_{2}}(q_{1})=H^{s}_{q_{2}^{u},\tilde{q}_{2}},$ and Lemma 9.15 would be immediate. This lemma will give a quantitative (upper) control on the non-integrability. ###### Proof of Lemma 9.15.. By the triangular inequality, we have $\begin{array}[]{l}d\left(H^{u}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{u}}(q_{1}),H^{s}_{\tilde{q}_{2},q_{2}^{u}}\circ H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1})\right)\\\ \leq d\left(H^{u}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{u}}(q_{1}),H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1})\right)+d\left(H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1}),H^{s}_{\tilde{q}_{2},q_{2}^{u}}\circ H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1})\right).\\\ \end{array}$ Since the foliation $\mathcal{F}^{uu}$ is $\theta$-Hölder and the distance between $q_{2}$ and $q_{2}^{u}$ is uniformly bounded form above, there exists a uniform constant $K_{1}$ such that $d\left(H^{u}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{u}}(q_{1}),H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1})\right)\ leqK_{1}d(q_{1},H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1}).$ Since the distance between $\tilde{q}_{2}$ and $q_{2}^{s}$ is uniformly bounded form above, we have $d\left(H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1}),H^{s}_{\tilde{q}_{2},q_{2}^{u}}\circ H^{u}_{q_{2}^{s},\tilde{q}_{2}}\circ H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1})\right)\leq K_{2}d(\tilde{q}_{2},q_{2}^{u}),$ where $K_{2}$ is a uniform constant. Notice that $d(q_{1},H^{s}_{q_{2},q_{2}^{s}}(q_{1}))\leq K_{3}d(q_{2},q_{2}^{s})$ and $d(\tilde{q}_{2},q_{2}^{u})\leq K_{4}d(q_{2},q_{2}^{s})$. The result then follows. ∎ ### 9.7 The proof of Theorem 9.1 For this section we fix $g\in\mathrm{Sk}^{2}(\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2})$ and $\mu$ an ergodic $u$-Gibbs measure for $g$ that verifies the hypothesis of Theorem 9.1. Suppose that $\mu$ does not verify the conclusion of Theorem 9.1. By Theorem 2.26 and Proposition 2.27 (the Invariance Principle), we have that $h_{\mu}(g^{-1},\mathcal{F}^{ss})<h_{\nu}(g^{-1}_{2})\leq h_{\mu}(g^{-1}),$ (49) where $\nu=(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu$ is the unique SRB of $g_{2}$. Let $\xi^{s}$ be a $\mu$-measurable, $s$-subordinated partition, and observe that $\xi^{s}$ is a unstable partition for $g^{-1}$ (we recall that in our notation $\xi^{s}$ is subordinated to the two-dimensional Pesin stable manifolds of $g$). By Ledrappier-Young’s entropy formula results (see Theorem C’ in [42]), we have that $h_{\mu}(g^{-1})=h_{\mu}(g^{-1},\xi^{s})$. Hence, $h_{\mu}(g^{-1},\mathcal{F}^{ss})<h_{\mu}(g^{-1},\xi^{s})$ Take $\xi^{ss}$ a measurable partition subordinated to $\mathcal{F}^{ss}$ that refines the partition $\xi^{s}$. For $\mu$-almost every $p$ let $\mu^{ss}_{p}$ be the conditional measure of $\mu$ along $\xi^{ss}(p)$ and let $\mu^{s}_{p}$ be the conditional measure of $\mu$ along $\xi^{s}(p)$. By Ledrappier-Young’s entropy formula we also get that for $\mu$-almost every $p$, the dimension of the measure $\mu^{s}_{p}$ is strictly greater than the dimension of the measure $\mu^{ss}_{p}$. Since the measure $\mu^{s}_{p}$ can be written as $\int_{\xi^{s}(p)}\mu^{ss}_{q}d\mu^{s}_{p}(q)$ we conclude that the measure $\mu^{s}_{p}$ is not supported on $\xi^{ss}(p)$. Moreover, for any $\delta>0$ we could have chosen these measurable partitions having its elements with diameter smaller than $\delta$. Since we are assuming $\mu$ to have atomic disintegration along the center, we conclude that for any $\delta>0$, for $\mu$-almost every $p$, there is a point $q\in W^{s}_{\delta}(p)$ such that $q\notin W^{ss}(p)$ and $q$ is an atom of $\mu^{c}_{q}$. #### 9.7.1 Fixing several parameters and sets We now fix the choices of several parameters to obtain a set of large measure of “good” points for which we can apply the strategy. 1. (A) Fix $\beta\in(0,1)$ small such that $\frac{1+\beta}{1-\beta}<\frac{\lambda^{+}-\lambda^{-}-2\varepsilon_{0}}{-\lambda^{-}+\varepsilon_{0}}$. 2. (B) Fix $\kappa_{1}=\frac{\lambda^{+}-\lambda^{-}-2\varepsilon_{0}}{\lambda^{+}+\varepsilon_{0}}$, $\kappa_{2}=\frac{\lambda^{+}-\lambda^{-}+2\varepsilon_{0}}{\lambda_{+}-\varepsilon_{0}}$ and $\alpha_{0}=\frac{\kappa_{1}}{5(\kappa_{1}+\kappa_{2})}$. 3. (C) Recall that in Section 9.4 we defined the equivalent measures $\omega$ and $\hat{\omega}$ which are invariant for the suspension flow $\Phi_{t}$ and the reparametrized suspension flow $\Psi_{s}$, respectively. We were also using the notation $\zeta=[p,l]$ for points in $M$, where $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $l\in[0,1)$. Fix $N_{0}>1$ large such that $\omega\left\\{\zeta:N_{0}^{-1}\leq\frac{d\hat{\omega}}{d\omega}(\zeta)\leq N_{0}.\right\\}>1-\frac{\alpha_{0}}{2}.$ On $M$ we may consider the measurable partition induced by the center foliation on $\mathbb{T}^{4}$. For the measure $\omega$, we will write $\omega^{c}_{\zeta}$ the conditional measure on the leaf containing $\zeta$. 1. (D) By Luzin’s Theorem we fix a compact set $K_{0}\subset Y\subset M$ of $\omega$ and $\hat{\omega}$ measure arbitrarily close to one ( where $Y$ is the set of full $\omega$-measure defined at the beginning of Section 9.4) such that: 1. (i) the vector fields $\zeta\mapsto v^{*}_{\zeta}$; 2. (ii) the parametrizations defined in (36) and extended to $Y$ in Section 9.4; 3. (iii) the Lyapunov norms defined in (42); 4. (iv) the map $\zeta\mapsto\omega^{c}_{\zeta}$; 5. (v) the function $\hat{L}(.)$ from Lemma 9.6 vary continuously in $K_{0}$. In particular, $\hat{L}(.)$ is bounded by a constant $\hat{L}_{0}$ in $K_{0}$. Recall that by assumption $\omega_{\zeta}^{c}$ is atomic for $\omega$-almost every $\zeta$. By the continuity of $\zeta\mapsto\omega^{c}_{\zeta}$ in $K_{0}$, there exists a constant $\varepsilon_{1}>0$ such that for any $\zeta\in K_{0}$ $\min\\{d(\eta_{1},\eta_{2}):\textrm{ $\eta_{1}$ and $\eta_{2}$ are different atoms of $\omega^{c}_{\zeta}$}\\}>\varepsilon_{1}.$ (50) 2. (E) Let $C_{0}>1$ be the maximal ratio between the Lyapunov norms defined in (42) and the Riemannian norm for the points in $K_{0}$, that is, $C_{0}=\displaystyle\sup_{\zeta\in K_{0}}\sup_{v\in T_{\zeta}\mathbb{T}^{2}_{\zeta}-\\{0\\}}\left\\{\left(\frac{\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}}{\|v\|_{\varepsilon,-,\zeta}}\right)^{\pm 1},\left(\frac{\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,\zeta}}{\|v\|}\right)^{\pm 1},\left(\frac{\|v\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\zeta}}{\|v\|}\right)^{\pm 1}\right\\}.$ 3. (F) From Remark 9.7, fix $\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2}>0$ small such that $\mu(\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2},0.9})>1-\alpha_{0}$. Let $\Lambda^{\prime}\subset\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and the constants $C_{1},C_{2},C_{3}>1$ and $r_{0},r_{1}>0$ small given by Lemma 9.9. We may also suppose that $\mu(\Lambda^{\prime})>1-2\alpha$. Write $\mathpzc{A}:=\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{1},\gamma_{2},0.9}\times[0,1)$ and for $\zeta=[p,l]$ write $\mathscr{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(\zeta)=\mathscr{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p)$, where $\mathscr{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p)$ is defined as in Section 9.3. 4. (G) Let $L^{*}$ be a constant such that for any $q\in\xi^{uu}(p)$ and for any $x,y\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$ we have $\frac{1}{L^{*}}d(x,y)\leq d(H^{u}_{p,q}(x),H^{u}_{p,q}(y))\leq L^{*}d(x,y),$ and let $L$ be the constant obtained in Lemma 9.15. Take $C^{*}=L^{*}+L$. 5. (H) Take $\hat{T}:=\displaystyle\frac{\log(\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{2}\hat{L}_{0}^{2}C_{3}^{3})}{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}}$, where $\hat{C}$ is the constant from Claim 9.13. 6. (I) Fix $K=K_{0}\cap[\Lambda^{\prime}\times[0,1)]$. By taking the previous sets with sufficiently large measure, we may suppose that $\omega(K)>1-\frac{\alpha_{0}}{10}$ and $\hat{\omega}(K)>1-\frac{\alpha_{0}}{20N_{0}}$. Observe that if $\rho:Y\to[0,1]$ is an integrable function such that $\int\rho d\omega>1-ab$, for constants $a,b$ then $\omega(\\{p\in Y:\rho(p)>1-a\\})>1-b$. Indeed, write $B=\\{p\in Y:\rho(p)>1-a\\}$, then $1-ab<\int\rho d\omega=\int_{B}\rho d\omega+\int_{Y-B}\rho d\omega\leq\omega(B)+(1-a)(1-\omega(B)),$ and this implies that $\omega(B)>1-b$. Recall that in section 9.4.2 we defined $\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s}=\Psi_{s}(\tilde{\mathcal{B}})$. Let $\mathds{1}_{K}(.)$ be the indicator function of $K$.Consider $\mathbb{E}_{\omega}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0})(\zeta)=\int\mathds{1}(\eta)d\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0}}_{\zeta}(\eta)$. Take $a=0.1$ and $b=\alpha_{0}$, we have that $\displaystyle 1-\frac{\alpha}{10}<\omega(K)=\int\left(\int\mathds{1}_{K}(\eta)d\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0}}_{\zeta}(\eta)\right)d\omega(\zeta).$ By the argument above, we conclude that $\omega(\\{\zeta\in M:\mathbb{E}_{\omega}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0})(\zeta)>0.9\\})>1-\alpha_{0}$. Similarly, using (I) and by taking $a=0.1$ and $b=\frac{\alpha_{0}}{2N_{0}}$, we conclude that $\hat{\omega}(\\{\zeta\in M:\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\infty})(\zeta)>0.9\\})>1-\frac{\alpha_{0}}{2N_{0}}$. From (C), we can conclude that $\omega(\\{\zeta\in M:\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\infty})(\zeta)>0.9\\})>1-\alpha_{0}$. 1. (I) Take $\mathfrak{B}_{0}:=\\{\zeta\in M:\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{0}}_{\zeta}(K)>0.9\\}$. From the argument above, $\omega(\mathfrak{B}_{0})>1-\alpha_{0}$. 2. (J) For each $N>0$ let $\mathrm{B}_{N}:=\\{\zeta\in M:\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})(\zeta)>0.9,\forall s\geq N\\}=\\{\zeta\in M:\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\Psi_{-s}(\zeta)}(\Psi_{-s}(K))>0.9,\forall s\geq N\\}$. By the Martingale convergence argument from section 9.4.2, we have that for $\hat{\omega}$-almost every $\zeta$, $\lim_{s\to+\infty}\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s})(\zeta)=\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{\infty})(\zeta).$ Hence, fix $N$ sufficiently large so that $\min\\{\hat{\omega}(\mathrm{B}_{N}),\omega(\mathrm{B}_{N})\\}>1-\alpha_{0}$. For each $T>0$, let $\mathcal{R}(T)$ be the set of points $\zeta\in K$ such that for $B=K,\mathpzc{A},\mathrm{B}_{N},\mathfrak{B}_{0}$ it holds that $\frac{1}{T}\mathrm{Leb}(\\{t\in[0,T]:\Phi_{t}(\zeta)\in B\\})>1-\alpha._{0}$ 1. (K) By the pointwise ergodic theorem, fix $T_{0}>0$ large enough such that $\omega(\mathcal{R}(T_{0}))>0$. ### 9.8 Back to the proof Recall that we supposed that $\mu$ does not verify the conclusion of Theorem 9.1. Recall that $\varepsilon_{1}>0$ is a small constant fixed in (50). Since $\mathcal{R}(T_{0})>0$, we may fix two points in $K$, $\zeta=[p,l]$ and $\eta=[q,l]$, such that * • $\zeta,\eta\in\mathcal{R}(T_{0})$; * • $q\in W^{s}_{loc}(p)$; * • $q\notin W^{ss}(p)$. Let $\delta=\|h^{-}_{p}(H^{s}_{q,p}(q))\|$, where $h^{-}_{p}$ is the local chart obtained in Proposition 9.4 . Furthermore, we may assume that $\delta<\frac{\varepsilon_{1}}{2C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{3}C_{2}}.$ ###### Lemma 9.16. There exists a sequence $(t_{j})_{j\in\mathbb{N}}$ of positive numbers with $t_{j}\to+\infty$, as $j\to+\infty$, such that 1. 1. $\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)\in K\cap\mathfrak{B}_{0}\cap\mathpzc{A}$; 2. 2. $\Phi_{t_{j}}(\eta)\in K\cap\mathfrak{B}_{0}$; 3. 3. $\Phi_{L_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\zeta)\in K\cap\mathrm{B}_{N}$, where $\mathrm{B}_{N}$ is defined in (J); 4. 4. $\Phi_{L_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\eta)\in K\cap\mathrm{B}_{N}$. The proof of Lemma 9.16 is the same as Claim $12.2$ in [17]. Let $t_{j}\to+\infty$ be a sequence verifying Lemma 9.16. Let $\zeta_{j}=\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)$, $\eta_{j}=\Phi_{t_{j}}(\eta)$, $\tilde{\zeta}_{j}=\Phi_{L_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\zeta)$ and $\tilde{\eta}_{j}=\Phi_{L_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\eta)$. Let $s^{\prime}_{j}=\kappa_{\zeta_{j}}(\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j}))$ and $s_{j}^{\prime\prime}=\kappa_{\eta_{j}}(\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j}))$. Notice that for $t_{j}$ sufficiently large, since $\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})\to\infty$, and by the definition of the $\kappa$ function, we have that $\min\\{s^{\prime}_{j},s_{j}^{\prime\prime}\\}\geq(\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}).\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})\geq N.$ Since $\tilde{\zeta}_{j}$, $\tilde{\eta}_{j}\in\mathrm{B}_{N}$, we have that $\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s^{\prime}_{j}})(\tilde{\zeta}_{j})>0.9\textrm{ and }\mathbb{E}_{\hat{\omega}}(\mathds{1}_{K}|\tilde{\mathcal{B}}_{s_{j}^{\prime\prime}})(\tilde{\eta}_{j})>0.9.$ (51) For a point $\hat{\zeta}=[\hat{p},l]$, by construction, there is a natural identification of $\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\hat{\zeta}}$ with $\mu^{uu}_{\hat{p}}$. We also recall that in the skew product setting, since $\mu$ is $u$-Gibbs, $(\pi_{2})_{*}\mu^{uu}_{\hat{p}}=\nu^{uu}_{\pi_{2}(\hat{p})}$. Write $\zeta_{j}=[p_{j},l_{j}]$ and $\eta_{j}=[q_{j},l_{j}]$. We have the following: * • Since $\zeta_{j}$ and $\eta_{j}$ belong to $\mathfrak{B}_{0}$, we have that $\min\\{\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta_{j}}(K),\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\eta_{j}}(K)\\}>0.9$. * • Since $\zeta_{j}\in\mathpzc{A}$, we obtain that $\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta_{j}}(\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(\zeta_{j}))=\mu^{uu}_{p_{j}}(\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p_{j}))>0.9$. * • Observe that $\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime}}(\tilde{\zeta}_{j})=\Phi_{\kappa_{\tilde{\zeta}_{j}}^{-1}(-s_{j}^{\prime})}(\tilde{\zeta}_{j})$, by the definition of $s^{\prime}_{j}$ and $\tilde{\zeta}_{j}$, we have that $\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime}}(\tilde{\zeta}_{j})=\Phi_{-\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\tilde{\zeta}_{j})=\zeta_{j}$. Similarly, $\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\tilde{\eta}_{j})=\eta_{j}$. * • By (51) and the previous item, we obtain that $\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta_{j}}(\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime}}(K))>0.9\textrm{ and }\hat{\omega}^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\eta_{j}}(\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(K))>0.9.$ Using the identification in (48), we conclude that $\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\zeta_{j}}(\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime}}(K))>0.9\textrm{ and }\omega^{\tilde{\mathcal{B}}}_{\eta_{j}}(\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(K))>0.9.$ Observe that $\zeta_{j}$ and $\eta_{j}$ both have the same time coordinate. Recall that the invariant foliations for $\Phi_{t}$ are induced by the foliations of $g$. In particular, for any two points with the same $l$-coordinate we can look at the holonomy map induced by the center stable foliation between the pieces of strong unstable manifolds. We remark that the center stable holonomy induces a $C^{1}$ map between strong unstable manifolds. In particular, for $j\in\mathbb{N}$ sufficiently large, we can choose points $\overline{\zeta}_{j}\in\tilde{\xi}^{uu}(\zeta_{j})$ and $\neq{\eta}_{j}\in\tilde{\xi}^{uu}(\eta_{j})$ such that * • $\overline{\eta}_{j}\in W^{cs}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})$; * • $\overline{\eta}_{j}\in\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(K)\cap K$; * • $\overline{\zeta}_{j}\in\Psi_{-s_{j}^{\prime}}(K)\cap K\cap\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(\zeta_{j})$. Write $\overline{\zeta}_{j}=[\overline{p}_{j},l_{j}]$ and $\overline{\eta}_{j}=[\overline{q}_{j},l_{j}]$. Let $\overline{w}_{j}=W^{+}_{r_{1}}(\overline{p}_{j})\cap H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(\overline{q}_{j}))$ and let $\overline{\omega}_{j}=[\overline{w}_{j},l_{j}]$. Let $\overline{z}_{j}=H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(p_{j}))\cap H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(\overline{q}_{j}))$. Since $\overline{p}_{j}\in\mathcal{A}_{\gamma_{2}}(p_{j})$ and $\overline{q}_{j}\in K$, by Lemma 9.9 we obtain that $\frac{1}{C_{1}C_{2}}d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{z}_{j})\leq\|h^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}(\overline{w}_{j})\|\leq C_{1}C_{2}d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{z}_{j}),$ observe that by taking $j$ sufficiently large and by Lemma 9.15, we may suppose that $p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}$ and $\overline{q}_{j}$ verify the hypothesis of Lemma 9.9. Write $q^{*}_{j}=H^{s}_{q_{j},p_{j}}(q_{j})$ ###### Lemma 9.17. For $j$ sufficiently large, we have $\frac{1}{C^{*}}d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})\leq d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{z}_{j})\leq C^{*}d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*}),$ where $C^{*}$ is the constant defined in (G). ###### Proof. Write $\overline{q}_{j}^{*}=H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(q_{j}^{*})$. By Lemma 9.15 we have that $d(H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(q^{*}_{j}),H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}\circ H^{u}_{q_{j},\overline{q}_{j}}\circ H^{s}_{p_{j},q_{j}}(q^{*}_{j}))\leq Ld((p_{j})_{2},(q_{j})_{2})^{\theta}\leq L\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{t_{j}\theta}.$ (52) Since the angle between $H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(p_{j}))$ and $H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(\overline{q}_{j}))$ is uniformly bounded away from zero, by (52) we conclude that $d(\overline{q}_{j}^{*},\overline{z}_{j}))\leq C_{4}L\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{t_{j}\theta}$, for some uniform constant $C_{4}>0$. Figure 3: Control on distances Since $H^{u}$ is $C^{1}$ and the diameter of the elements of the partition $\xi^{uu}$ is uniformly bounded, there exists $L^{*}>1$ such that for any $x,y\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$, $\frac{1}{L^{*}}d(x,y)<d(H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(x),H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(y))<L^{*}d(x,y).$ Hence, $\begin{array}[]{lll}d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{q_{j}})&\leq&d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{q}_{j}^{*})+d(\overline{q}_{j}^{*},\overline{z}_{j})\leq d(H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(p_{j}),H^{u}_{p_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(q^{*}_{j}))+C_{4}L\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{t_{j}\theta}\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})\left(L^{*}+C_{4}L\frac{\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{t_{j}\theta}}{d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})}\right).\end{array}$ However, $d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})\geq m(Dg|_{E^{c}})^{t_{j}}d(p,H^{s}_{q,p}(q))$ and by the condition (32), for $j$ sufficiently large we have $C_{4}\frac{\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{t_{j}\theta}}{d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})}\leq\left(\frac{\|Dg|_{E^{ss}}\|^{\theta}}{m(Dg|_{E^{c}})}\right)^{t_{j}}\frac{C_{4}}{d(p,H^{s}_{q,p}(q))}<1.$ Therefore, for $j$ sufficiently large $d(\overline{p}_{j},\overline{q}_{j})\leq d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})(L^{*}+L)=C^{*}d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*}).$ The proof of the lower bound is similar. ∎ Combining the estimate from Lemma 9.17 and the estimates for $\|h^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}(\overline{w}_{j})\|$, we obtain $\displaystyle\frac{1}{C^{*}C_{1}C_{2}}d(p_{j},q^{*}_{j})\leq\|h^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}(\overline{w}_{j})\|\leq C^{*}C_{1}C_{2}d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*}).$ However, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})&\leq&C_{1}\|h^{-}_{p_{j}}(q_{j}^{*})\|\leq C_{0}C_{1}\|h^{-}_{p_{j}}(q_{j}^{*})\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p_{j}}\\\ &=&C_{0}C_{1}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\|h^{-}_{p}(H^{s}_{q,p}(q))\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm,p}\leq C_{0}^{2}C_{1}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\delta.\end{array}$ Similarly, we can obtain the lower bound $d(p_{j},q_{j}^{*})\geq\displaystyle\frac{1}{C_{0}^{2}C_{1}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\delta.$ Let $t_{j}^{\prime}=\kappa_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}^{-1}(s_{j}^{\prime})$ and $t_{j}^{\prime\prime}=\kappa_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}^{-1}(s_{j}^{\prime\prime})$. Observe that $\Psi_{s_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})$ and $\Psi_{s_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})$. Write $\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime}=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\omega}_{j})$, $\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}:=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})=[p_{j}^{\prime},l_{j}^{\prime}]$, $\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime}:=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})=[q_{j}^{\prime},l_{j}^{\prime}]$ and $\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime\prime}:=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})=[q_{j}^{\prime\prime},l_{j}^{\prime\prime}]$. Recall that $\hat{C}$ is the constant given by Claim 9.13. ###### Claim 9.18. $\displaystyle\frac{1}{\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}}\delta\leq\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime})\|\leq\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}\delta.$ ###### Proof. $\begin{array}[]{lll}\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime})\|&\leq&C_{0}\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime})\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}=C_{0}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}(\overline{\omega}_{j})\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-,\overline{\zeta}_{j}}\\\ &\leq&C_{0}^{2}\hat{C}e^{s^{\prime}_{j}}\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}(\overline{\omega}_{j})\|\leq C^{*}\hat{C}C_{0}^{4}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\delta e^{s_{j}^{\prime}}\\\ &=&C^{*}\hat{C}C_{0}^{4}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{-}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\delta\|G_{\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\zeta_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\\\ &\leq&C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{4}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{-}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\delta\|D\Phi_{\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\zeta_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\zeta_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\\\ &\leq&C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}}(\zeta)|_{E^{-}_{\zeta}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}\delta\|D\Phi_{\tau_{\zeta,\delta}(t_{j})}(\zeta_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\zeta_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},\pm}=C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{2}C_{2}\delta.\end{array}$ The proof of the lower bound is similar. ∎ Since $\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}\in K$, we have that $\frac{1}{C_{1}}\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime})\|\leq d(\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime},\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime})\leq C_{1}\|h^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime})\|.$ Notice as well that $\overline{\omega}_{j}$ belongs to the stable manifold of $\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime}$, indeed, $\overline{w}_{j}\in H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W-_{r_{1}}(\overline{q}_{j}))$. From the definition of $t_{j}^{\prime}$, we have that $t_{j}^{\prime}\to+\infty$ as $j$ goes to infinity. In particular, $d(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime},\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime})\to 0$ as $j$ increases. Hence, for $j$ large enough, we have that $d(\overline{\omega}_{j}^{\prime},\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime})<\frac{1}{2C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{3}C_{2}}\delta.$ (53) From Claim 9.18, the estimate (53) and triangular inequality, we obtain $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{3}C_{2}}\delta\leq d(p_{j}^{\prime},H^{s}_{q_{j}^{\prime},p_{j}^{\prime}}(q_{j}^{\prime}))\leq 2C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{3}C_{2}\delta.$ (54) ###### Claim 9.19. $|t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime}|<\hat{T}$, where $\hat{T}$ is the constant given in (H). ###### Proof. We consider two cases. ##### Case 1: $t_{j}^{\prime}\geq t_{j}^{\prime\prime}$. As $\overline{\zeta}_{j}\in K$, from (D) and (43), $\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\geq\frac{1}{\hat{C}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\geq\frac{1}{\hat{C}\hat{L}_{0}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\zeta}}\|.$ Since $\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime\prime}\in K$, we have $\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\leq\hat{C}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\leq\hat{C}C_{0}^{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}}\|.$ Let $n^{\prime}=\lfloor t_{j}^{\prime}\rfloor$ be the integer part of $t_{j}^{\prime}$, and let $n^{\prime\prime}=\lfloor t_{j}^{\prime\prime}\rfloor$ be the integer part of $t_{j}^{\prime\prime}$. Observe that we are assuming that $n^{\prime\prime}\leq n^{\prime}$. We also have that $n^{\prime\prime}\geq 0$. $\begin{array}[]{l}\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg^{n^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{q}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{q}_{j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{n^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{p}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}}\|}=\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg^{n^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{q}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{q}_{j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{n^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{w}_{j})|_{T_{\overline{w}_{j}}W^{+}(\overline{p}_{j})}\|}.\frac{\|Dg^{-n^{\prime}}(\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime}}}\|}{\|Dg^{-n^{\prime}}(\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime})|_{T_{\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime}}W^{+}(\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime})}\|}.\frac{\|Dg^{-(n^{\prime}-n^{\prime\prime})}(\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime})|_{T_{\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime}}(W^{+}(\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime})}\|}{\|Dg^{-(n^{\prime}-n^{\prime\prime})}(\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime}}}\|}\\\ \hskip 78.0pt=I.II.III\end{array}$ Recall that $\overline{w}_{j}\in H^{s}_{\overline{q}_{j},\overline{p}_{j}}(W^{-}_{r_{1}}(\overline{q}_{j}))$. In particular, it belongs to the stable manifold of $\overline{q}_{j}$. By item $5$ in Lemma 9.9, $I$ is bounded by $C_{3}^{-1}$ and $C_{3}$. Observe that $-(n^{\prime}-n^{\prime\prime})$ and $-n^{\prime}$ are negative numbers. Since $\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime}\in W^{+}_{r_{1}}(\overline{p}_{j})$, from item $6$ of Lemma 9.9, we obtain that $II$ and $III$ are bounded by $C_{3}^{-1}$ and $C_{3}$. Hence, $\frac{1}{C_{3}^{3}}\leq\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg^{n^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{q}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{q}_{j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{n^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{p}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}}\|}\leq C_{3}^{3}.$ (55) Thus, $\begin{array}[]{lll}\hat{C}C_{0}^{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}}\|\geq\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}&=&\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon,-}\geq e^{(\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0})(t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime})}\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\\\ &\geq&e^{(\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0})(t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime})}\frac{1}{\hat{C}\hat{L}_{0}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|E^{+}_{\zeta}\|\end{array}$ By (55), $e^{(\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0})(t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime})}\leq\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{2}\hat{L}_{0}C_{3}^{3}.$ Therefore, $t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime}\leq\displaystyle\frac{\log(\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{2}\hat{L}_{0}C_{3}^{3})}{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}}=\hat{T}.$ ##### Case 2: $t_{j}^{\prime}\leq t_{j}^{\prime\prime}$. Observe that, similar to the first case, $\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\geq\frac{1}{\hat{C}\hat{L}_{0}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}}\|\textrm{ and }\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\leq\hat{C}C_{0}^{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}}\|.$ We have $\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\geq\frac{1}{\hat{L}_{0}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\eta}_{j}}}\|\textrm{ and }\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}}\|_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\leq C_{0}^{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}}\|.$ We also have $\displaystyle\frac{\|Dg^{n^{\prime}}(\overline{q}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{q}_{j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{n^{\prime}}(\overline{p}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}}\|}=\frac{\|Dg^{n^{\prime}}(\overline{q}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{q}_{j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{n^{\prime}}(\overline{w}_{j})|_{T_{\overline{w}_{j}}W^{+}_{r_{1}}(\overline{p}_{j})}\|}.\frac{\|Dg^{-n^{\prime}}(\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime}}}\|}{\|Dg^{-n^{\prime}}(\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime})|_{T_{\overline{w}_{j}^{\prime}}W^{+}_{r_{1}}(\overline{p}_{j}^{\prime})}\|}.$ From items $5$ and $6$ of Lemma 9.9, we obtain $\frac{1}{C_{3}^{2}}\leq\frac{\|Dg^{n^{\prime}}(\overline{q}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{q}_{j}}}\|}{\|Dg^{n^{\prime}}(\overline{p}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{p}_{j}}}\|}\leq C_{3}^{2}.$ Hence, $\begin{array}[]{lll}\hat{C}C_{0}^{2}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|_{E^{+}_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}}}\|\geq\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon,-}&=&\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\geq e^{(\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0})(t_{j}^{\prime\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime})}\|G_{t_{j}^{\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j})\|^{V}_{\varepsilon_{0},-}\\\ &\geq&e^{(\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0})(t_{j}^{\prime\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime})}\frac{1}{\hat{C}\hat{L}_{0}}\|D\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\zeta}_{j})|E^{+}_{\zeta}\|.\end{array}$ Therefore, $t_{j}^{\prime\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime}\leq\frac{\log(\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{2}\hat{L}_{0}C_{3}^{2})}{\lambda^{+}-\varepsilon_{0}}\leq\hat{T}.$ ∎ Up to taking a subsequence, we may suppose that the sequence $\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}$ converges to a point $\hat{\zeta}_{0}$, the sequence $\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime\prime}$ converges to a point $\hat{\eta}_{1}$, the sequence $t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime}$ converges to a number $\hat{t}\in[-\hat{T},\hat{T}]$ and $\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime}=\Phi_{t_{j}^{\prime}-t_{j}^{\prime\prime}}(\overline{\eta}_{j}^{\prime\prime})$ converges to a point $\hat{\eta}_{0}=\Phi_{\hat{t}}(\hat{\eta}_{1})$. Since $q_{j}^{\prime}$ belongs to the center stable leaf of $p_{j}^{\prime}$, from (54) we obtain that $d(\hat{\eta}_{0},\hat{\zeta}_{0})\geq\frac{1}{2C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{3}C_{2}}\delta>0.$ Observe that since $\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}\in K$ and $\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}$ is an atom of $\omega_{\overline{\zeta}_{j}^{\prime}}^{c}$, then $\hat{\zeta}_{0}$ is an atom of $\omega_{\hat{\zeta}_{0}}^{c}$. Similarly, $\hat{\eta}_{1}$ is an atom of $\omega^{c}_{\hat{\eta}_{1}}$. By the $\Phi_{t}$-invariance of $\omega$, we obtain that $(\Phi_{\hat{t}})_{*}\omega^{c}_{\hat{\eta}_{1}}=\omega^{c}_{\hat{\eta}_{0}}=\omega^{c}_{\hat{\zeta}_{0}}$. Therefore, $\omega^{c}_{\hat{\zeta}_{0}}$ has an atom in $\hat{\eta}_{0}$. However, $d(\hat{\zeta}_{0},\hat{\eta}_{0})\leq 2C^{*}\hat{C}^{2}C_{0}^{6}C_{1}^{3}C_{2}\delta<\varepsilon_{1}$ and this is a contradiction with (50). This concludes the proof of Theorem 9.1. ## 10 Appendix A: $C^{2}$-regularity of unstable holonomies In this appendix we prove Theorem 2.10. Let $f$ be a $C^{2+\alpha}$ absolutely partially hyperbolic skew product of $\mathbb{T}^{4}=\mathbb{T}^{2}\times\mathbb{T}^{2}$ and let $\chi^{ss},\chi^{c}_{-},\chi^{c}_{+},\chi^{uu}$ be the partially hyperbolic constants of $f$. We say that $f$ verifies the $(2,\alpha)$-center unstable bunching condition if $\displaystyle\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{2}<\chi^{uu}\textrm{ and }\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}<(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}.$ (56) Similarly, $f$ verifies the $(2,\alpha)$-center stable bunching condition if $\displaystyle\chi^{ss}<\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{-}}{\chi^{c}_{+}}\right)^{2}\textrm{ and }(\chi^{ss})^{\alpha}<\frac{\chi^{c}_{-}}{(\chi^{c}_{+})^{2}}.$ (57) If $f$ verifies condition (56) and (57) then we say that $f$ is $(2,\alpha)$-center bunched. In this section, for any point $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and any $n\in\mathbb{Z}$ we write $p_{n}:=f^{n}(p)$. In this appendix, we use the $(2,\alpha)$-center unstable bunching condition to obtain $C^{2}$-regularity of the unstable holonomy inside a center unstable leaf. Recall that given $p$ and $q$ belonging to the same strong unstable leaf, then there exists a well defined strong unstable holonomy map $H^{u}_{p,q}:W^{c}(p)\to W^{c}(q)$. Since the center manifolds are $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, we have that each unstable holonomy is a diffeomorphism of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. For each $R>0$, we consider the family $\\{H^{u}_{p,q}\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W_{R}^{uu}(p)}$. The main theorem of the appendix is the following: ###### Theorem 10.1 (Theorem 2.10). Let $f$ be a $C^{2+\alpha}$ absolutely partially hyperbolic skew product of $\mathbb{T}^{4}$, and fix $R>0$. If $f$ is $(2,\alpha)$-center unstable bunched, then $\\{H^{u}_{p,q}\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W_{R}^{uu}(p)}$ is a family of $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ whose $C^{2}$-norm varies continuously with the choices of $p$ and $q$. It is easy to see that this theorem follows from the case that $R=1$. Observe that the $(2,\alpha)$-center unstable bunching condition implies $\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}<\chi^{uu}.$ This condition is the regular bunching condition which is sufficient to prove that inside a center unstable manifold, the unstable holonomy is a $C^{1}$-diffeomorphism. For each $n\in\mathbb{Z}$, for each $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$ we have $f^{n}\circ H^{u}_{p,q}=H^{u}_{p_{n},q_{n}}\circ f^{n}\textrm{ and }Df^{n}(H^{u}_{p,q}(.))DH^{u}_{p,q}(.)=DH^{u}_{p_{n},q_{n}}(f^{n}(.))Df^{n}(.),$ (58) where $p_{n}=f^{n}(p)$ and $q_{n}=f^{n}(q)$. Since the center leaves are $\mathbb{T}^{2}$, all its tangent spaces have a canonical identification with $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. In particular, we may consider $DH^{u}_{p,q}(.)$ to be a continuous map from $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ to $L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2})$, where $L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2})$ is the set of linear maps from $R^{2}$ to $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. Thus, the family $\\{DH^{u}_{p,q}(.)\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}$ is a continuous family that takes values on $C^{0}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$. Furthermore, there exists an uniform constant $C\geq 1$ such that $\|DH^{u}_{p,q}(.)-Id\|<Cd(p,q).$ (59) Fix some constant $K>C$ and let $\mathcal{L}$ be the set defined as follows: an element $\mathcal{L}$ is a continuous family of maps $\\{A_{p,q}\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}$ that takes value on $C^{0}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$ such that $\|A_{p,q}-Id\|<Kd(p,q)$. For simplicity, we will denote a family $\\{A_{p,q}\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}$ by $\mathcal{A}$, such that $\mathcal{A}_{p,q}(.)=A_{p,q}(.)$. We will also write the continuous family given the derivative of the unstable holonomy just by $DH^{u}$. Observe that $\mathcal{L}$ has a natural distance defined by $d(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B})=\displaystyle\sup_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}\left\\{\sup_{x\in\mathbb{T}^{2}}\|\mathcal{A}_{p,q}(x)-\mathcal{B}_{p,q}(x)\|\right\\}.$ For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$ we define $\Gamma_{n}:\mathcal{L}\to\mathcal{L}$ in the following way: for each $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$, then $\Gamma_{n}(\mathcal{A})_{p,q}(.)=Df^{n}(H^{u}_{p_{-n},q_{-n}}(f^{-n}(.)))\mathcal{A}_{p_{-n},q_{-n}}(f^{-n}(.))Df^{-n}(.).$ (60) By (58), for any $n\in\mathbb{N}$ the derivative of the unstable holonomy $DH^{u}$ is $\Gamma_{n}$-invariant, that is, $\Gamma_{n}(DH^{u})=DH^{u}$. In the next lemma we prove that it is the only element of $\mathcal{L}$ that has this property. ###### Lemma 10.2. For any $\mathcal{A}\in\mathcal{L}$, the limit $\lim_{n\to+\infty}\Gamma_{n}(\mathcal{A})$ exists and it is equal to $DH^{u}$. Moreover, $DH^{u}$ is the only element of $\mathcal{L}$ which is $\Gamma_{n}$-invariant for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$. ###### Proof. Let $\mathcal{A}\in\mathcal{L}$. Fix $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$, and we write $H^{u}_{-n}(.)=H^{u}_{p_{-n},q_{-n}}(.)$. We will use a similar notation for $\mathcal{A}_{p_{-n},q_{-n}}$. For any $x\in W^{c}(p)$, we have $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|\Gamma_{n}(\mathcal{A})_{p,q}(x)-DH^{u}_{p,q}(x)\|&=&\displaystyle\|Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n}(x_{-n}))\left(\mathcal{A}_{-n}(x_{-n})-DH^{u}_{-n}(x_{-n})\right)Df^{-n}(x)\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{n}\|\mathcal{A}_{-n}(x_{-n})-DH^{u}_{-n}(x_{-n})\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{n}\left(\|\mathcal{A}_{-n}(x_{-n})-Id\|+\|DH^{u}_{-n}(x_{-n})-Id\|\right)\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{n}(K+C)(\chi^{uu})^{-n}d(p,q).\end{array}$ The center bunching condition implies that $\displaystyle\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}(\chi^{uu})^{-1}<1.$ Hence, $\|\Gamma_{n}(\mathcal{A})_{p,q}(x)-DH^{u}_{p,q}(x)\|$ goes to zero uniformly as $n$ goes to infinity. Since $d(p,q)\leq 1$, this estimate is independent of the points $p$, $q$ and $x$. In other words, $\lim_{n\to+\infty}d(\Gamma_{n}(\mathcal{A}),DH^{u})=0$. Moreover, if $\mathcal{A}$ is $\Gamma_{n}$-invariant for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$, then $\lim_{n\to+\infty}d(\Gamma_{n}(\mathcal{A}),DH^{u})=d(\mathcal{A},DH^{u})=0$ and thus $\mathcal{A}=DH^{u}$. ∎ For a $C^{2}$-diffeomorphism $g:\mathbb{T}^{2}\to\mathbb{T}^{2}$, we have that $Dg(.)$ is a map that belongs to $C^{1}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$. In particular, $D^{2}g(.)$ is a map that belongs to $C^{0}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2})))$, where $L(\mathbb{R}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$ is the space of linear maps from $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ to $L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2})$. The space $L(\mathbb{R}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$ can be identified with the space $L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2})$, which is the space of bilinear maps of $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ taking values in $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. The space $L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2})$ has a norm given by $\|B\|=\displaystyle\sup\\{\|B(u,v)\|:\|u\|=\|v\|=1\\}.$ Using this norm, we can naturally define a $C^{0}$-metric in $C^{0}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L^{2}(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$, which gives a $C^{1}$-metric in $C^{1}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$ that we will denote it by $d^{*}_{C^{1}}(.,.)$. We remark that the space $C^{1}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$ is complete with $d^{*}_{C^{1}}(.,.)$. Consider the set $\mathcal{L}^{1}$ of the elements $\mathcal{A}$ of $\mathcal{L}$ such that for each $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$ we have $\mathcal{A}_{p,q}(.)\in C^{1}(\mathbb{T}^{2},L(\mathbb{R}^{2},\mathbb{R}^{2}))$ and it varies continuously in the $C^{1}$-topology with the choices of the points $p$ and $q$. We define the $C^{1}$-distance on $\mathcal{L}^{1}$ by $\displaystyle d_{C^{1}}(\mathcal{A},\mathcal{B})=\sup_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}\left\\{d^{*}_{C^{1}}(\mathcal{A}_{p,q}(.),\mathcal{B}_{p,q}(.))\right\\}.$ It is easy to see that $\mathcal{L}^{1}$ is closed for the metric $d_{C^{1}}$. The strategy to prove Theorem 2.10 is the following: we consider the family $Id$ in $\mathcal{L}^{1}$ which is just the identity for any choices of $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$ and $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$, next we consider the sequence $\\{\Gamma_{n}(Id)\\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ and we prove that this sequence is Cauchy for the metric $d^{*}_{C^{1}}$. Then, by Lemma 10.2 we know that $\Gamma_{n}(Id)$ converges $C^{0}$ to $DH^{u}$. However, $\Gamma_{n}(Id)$ also converges $C^{1}$ and therefore $DH^{u}\in\mathcal{L}^{1}$, which implies that $\\{H_{p,q}^{u}\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}$ is a continuous family of $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms. ###### Remark 10.3. In what follows, we will use the identification of any tangent space of $\mathbb{T}^{2}$ with $\mathbb{R}^{2}$. So that it makes sense, for any vector $v\in\mathbb{R}^{2}$, to consider the composition $Df(x)Df(y)v$, for any two points $x$ and $y$. Theorem 2.10 also holds for other surfaces, the main point that will change in the proof is two include the parallel transport between different tangent spaces of the surface, so that we can make sense of similar compositions. This would include some extra terms in the computation presented below, which can also be controlled to obtain the same conclusion. For simplicity, and having our original problem in mind (perturbations of Berger- Carrasco’s example), we will work only on $\mathbb{T}^{2}$. ###### Proof of Theorem 2.10. As we explained in the previous paragraph, to prove Theorem 2.10 it is enough to prove that the sequence $\\{\Gamma_{n}(Id)\\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a Cauchy sequence. We fix $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$ and $x\in\mathbb{T}^{2}$. For each $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we define $H^{u}_{-n}:=H^{u}_{p_{-n},q_{-n}}(x_{-}n)$ and $\Gamma_{n}:=\Gamma_{n}(Id)_{p,q}(x)$. Observe that $\Gamma_{n}=Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df^{-n}(x)=Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df(x_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})Df^{-n}(x).$ By (58), for each $j=1,\cdots,n$, we have $f^{j}(H^{u}_{-n})=H^{u}_{-n+j}$. Hence, $\Gamma_{n+1}=Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})Df^{-n}(x).$ We want to estimate $\|D\Gamma_{n+1}-D\Gamma_{n}\|$. First, let us evaluate $D\Gamma_{n+1}$ and $D\Gamma_{n}$. In what follows, for a diffeomorphism $g$, we will write $D^{2}g(y)[.,.]$ to represent the bilinear form of its second derivative on the point $y$. By the chain rule and using that $Df(x_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})=Id$, we obtain $\begin{array}[]{rclr}D\Gamma_{n}[.,.]&=&D\left(Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df(x_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})Df^{-n}(x)\right)[.,.]&\\\ &=&D^{2}f^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})\left[DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{-n}(x).\right]&\left(\mathrm{I}_{n}\right)\\\ &&+Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})D^{2}f(x_{-n-1})\left[Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]&\left(\mathrm{II}_{n}\right)\\\ &&+Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df(x_{-n-1})D^{2}f^{-1}(x_{-n})\left[Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{-n}(x).\right]&\left(\mathrm{III}_{n}\right)\\\ &&+Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})D^{2}f^{-n}(x)[.,.]&\left(\mathrm{IV}_{n}\right)\\\ &=&\mathrm{I}_{n}+\mathrm{II}_{n}+\mathrm{III}_{n}+\mathrm{IV}_{n}.&\end{array}$ Similarly, $\begin{array}[]{rclr}D\Gamma_{n+1}[.,.]&=&D\left(Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})Df^{-n}(x)\right)[.,.]&\\\ &=&D^{2}f^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})\left[DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]&\left(\mathrm{I}^{\prime}_{n}\right)\\\ &&+Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-n-1})\left[DH^{u}_{-n-1}Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]&\left(\mathrm{II}^{\prime}_{n}\right)\\\ &&+Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})D^{2}f^{-1}(x_{-n})\left[Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{-n}(x).\right]&\left(\mathrm{III}^{\prime}_{n}\right)\\\ &&+Df^{n+1}(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})D^{2}f^{-n}(x)[.,.]&\left(\mathrm{IV}^{\prime}_{n}\right)\\\ &=&\mathrm{I}^{\prime}_{n}+\mathrm{II}^{\prime}_{n}+\mathrm{III}^{\prime}_{n}+\mathrm{IV}^{\prime}_{n}.&\end{array}$ To estimate $\|\Gamma_{n+1}-\Gamma_{n}\|$ we will separate it into four estimates. ### The estimate for $\|\mathrm{I}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{I}_{n}\|$ Let us first write the expressions for $I_{n}$ and $I_{n}^{\prime}$. In what follows we use that $f^{j}(H^{u}_{-n})=H^{u}_{-n+j}$, for any $j\in\mathbb{Z}$. Then, $\displaystyle I_{n}$ $\displaystyle=\displaystyle D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-1})\left[Df^{n-1}(H^{u}_{-n})DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{n-1}(H^{u}_{-n})Df^{-n}(x).\right]$ $\displaystyle(\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,1})$ $\displaystyle+\displaystyle Df(H^{u}_{-1})D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-2})\left[Df^{n-2}(H^{u}_{-n})DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{n-2}(H^{u}_{-n})Df^{-n}(x).\right]$ $\displaystyle(\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,2})$ $\displaystyle\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\vdots$ $\displaystyle+\displaystyle Df(H^{u}_{-1})\cdots Df(H^{u}_{-n+1})D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-n})\left[DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{-n}(x).\right].$ $\displaystyle(\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,n})$ We also have $\displaystyle I_{n}^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle=\displaystyle D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-1})\left[Df^{n-1}(H^{u}_{-n})DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]$ $\displaystyle(\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,1}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle+\displaystyle Df(H^{u}_{-1})D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-2})\left[Df^{n-2}(H^{u}_{-n})DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{n-1}(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]$ $\displaystyle(\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,2}^{\prime})$ $\displaystyle\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\vdots$ $\displaystyle+\displaystyle Df(H^{u}_{-1})\cdots Df(H^{u}_{-n+1})D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-n})\left[DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right].$ $\displaystyle(\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,n}^{\prime})$ Let $\tilde{C}_{n}=Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})-Id$. For each $j=1,\cdots n$, we obtain $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,j}-\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,j}\|&=&\displaystyle\|Df(H^{u}_{-1})\cdots Df(H^{u}_{-j+1}).\\\ &&\displaystyle D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-j})\left[Df^{n-j}(H^{u}_{-n})DH^{u}_{-n}Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{n-j}(H^{u}_{-n})\tilde{C}_{n}Df^{-n}(x).\right]\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\|Df^{j-1}|_{E^{c}}\|\|f\|_{C^{2}}\|Df^{n-j}|_{E^{c}}\|^{2}\|DH^{u}_{-n}\|\|Df^{-n}|_{E^{c}}\|^{2}\|\tilde{C}_{n}\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\|f\|_{C^{2}}\frac{(\chi^{c}_{+})^{j-1}.(\chi^{c}_{+})^{2(n-j)}}{(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2n}}\|DH^{u}_{-n}\|\|\tilde{C}_{n}\|\\\ &=&\displaystyle\|f\|_{C^{2}}\|DH^{u}_{-n}\|\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{2n}\|\tilde{C}_{n}\|(\chi^{c}_{+})^{-j-1}<\|f\|_{C^{2}}\|DH^{u}_{-n}\|\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{2n}\|\tilde{C}_{n}\|.\end{array}$ We remark that in the last inequality we used that $\chi^{c}_{+}>1$. By (59), for every $n\in\mathbb{N}$, we have $\|DH^{u}_{-n}\|<K$, for some constant $K\geq 1$. Also $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|\tilde{C}_{n}\|&=&\displaystyle\|Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})-Id\|\\\ &=&\displaystyle\|\left(Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})-Df(x_{-n-1})\right)Df^{-1}(x_{-n})\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\frac{1}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\|f\|_{C^{2}}d(x_{-n-1},H^{u}_{-n-1})\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\frac{1}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\|f\|_{C^{2}}(\chi^{uu})^{-n-1}d(p,q)\leq\frac{1}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\|f\|_{C^{2}}(\chi^{uu})^{-n-1}.\end{array}$ Hence, $\displaystyle\|\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,j}-\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,j}\|\leq\frac{\|f\|_{C^{2}}^{2}K}{\chi^{uu}\chi^{c}_{+}\chi^{c}_{-}}\left[\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{c}_{-}}\right)^{2}(\chi^{uu})^{-1}\right]^{n}.$ Take the constant $C_{1}:=\displaystyle\frac{\|f\|_{C^{2}}^{2}K}{\chi^{uu}\chi^{c}_{+}\chi^{c}_{-}}$ and observe that $\displaystyle\|\mathrm{I}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{I}_{n}\|\leq\sum_{j=1}^{n}\|\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,j}-\mathrm{\tilde{I}}_{n,j}\|\leq C_{1}\left(\frac{(\chi^{c}_{+})^{2}}{\chi^{uu}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n}.$ (61) This gives the estimate we need for $\|\mathrm{I}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{I}_{n}\|$. ### The estimate for $\|\mathrm{II}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{II}_{n}\|$ This is the only part in the proof of Theorem 2.10 that we use that $f$ is $C^{2+\alpha}$. Let $\tilde{\mathrm{II}}_{n}:=D^{2}f(x_{-n-1})\left[Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]-D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-n-1})\left[DH^{u}_{-n-1}Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right].$ Notice that $\|\mathrm{II}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{II}_{n}\|=\|Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})\tilde{\mathrm{II}}_{n}\|\leq(\chi^{c}_{+})^{n}\|\tilde{\mathrm{II}}_{n}\|.$ By the triangular inequality, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|\tilde{\mathrm{II}}_{n}\|&\leq&\displaystyle\|D^{2}f(x_{-n-1})\left[Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]\\\ &&\displaystyle-D^{2}f(x_{-n-1})\left[DH^{u}_{-n-1}Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]\|\\\ &&+\displaystyle\|D^{2}f(x_{-n-1})\left[DH^{u}_{-n-1}Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]\\\ &&\displaystyle-D^{2}f(H^{u}_{-n-1})\left[DH^{u}_{-n-1}Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]\|\\\ &=&\|D_{n}\|+\|E_{n}\|.\end{array}$ Let us estimate each of these terms.. $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|D_{n}\|&=&\displaystyle\left\lVert D^{2}f(x_{-n-1})\left[\left(Id- DH^{u}_{-n-1}\right)Df^{-n-1}(x).,Df^{-n-1}(x).\right]\right\lVert\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\|f\|_{C^{2}}\|Id- DH^{u}_{-n-1}\|\|Df^{-n-1}(x)|_{E^{c}}\|^{2}\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\|f\|_{C^{2}}\left(\frac{1}{(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n+1}C(\chi^{uu})^{-n-1}d(p,q)\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle\|f\|_{C^{2}}C\left(\frac{1}{\chi^{uu}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n+1}\leq\|f\|_{C^{2}}C\left(\frac{1}{(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n+1}.\end{array}$ Since $f$ is $C^{2+\alpha}$, There exists a constant $C_{H}\geq 1$ such that $\|D^{2}f(z)[.,.]-D^{2}f(w)[.,.]\|\leq C_{H}d(z,w)^{\alpha}$. Recall that $\|DH^{u}_{-j}\|<K$, for every $j\in\mathbb{N}$ and some constant $K\geq 1$. Therefore, $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|E_{n}\|&\leq&C_{H}d(x_{-n-1},H^{u}_{-n-1})^{\alpha}\|DH^{u}_{-n-1}\|\|Df^{-n-1}|_{E^{c}}\|^{2}\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle C_{H}K\frac{1}{(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2(n+1)}}(\chi^{uu})^{-\alpha(n+1)}d(p,q)\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle C_{H}K\left(\frac{1}{(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n+1}.\end{array}$ Take the constant $C_{2}:=\displaystyle\left(\|f\|_{C^{2}}C+C_{H}K\right)\frac{1}{(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}.$ We obtain $\displaystyle\|\mathrm{II}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{II}_{n}\|\leq C_{2}\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n}.$ (62) The $(2,\alpha)$-center bunching condition implies that the right hand side of (62) goes exponentially fast to zero. This gives the estimate we need for $\|\mathrm{II}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{II}_{n}\|$. ### The estimate for $\|\mathrm{III}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{III}_{n}\|$ Observe that $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\displaystyle\|\mathrm{III}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{III}_{n}\|&=&\displaystyle\|Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})\left(Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})-Df(x_{-n-1})\right)D^{2}f^{-1}(x_{-n})\left[Df^{-n}(x).,Df^{-n}(x).\right]\|\\\ &\leq&\displaystyle(\chi^{c}_{+})^{n}\|Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})-Df(x_{-n-1})\|(\chi^{c}_{-})^{-2n}.\end{array}$ We have $\displaystyle\|Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})-Df(x_{-n-1})\|\leq\|f\|_{C^{2}}(\chi^{uu})^{-n-1}.$ By taking $C_{3}:=\frac{\|f\|_{C}^{2}}{\chi^{uu}},$ we conclude that $\displaystyle\|\mathrm{III}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{III}_{n}\|\leq C_{3}\displaystyle\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{uu}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n}.$ (63) This concludes the estimate we need for $\|\mathrm{III}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{III}_{n}\|$. ### The estimate for $\|\mathrm{IV}^{\prime}_{n}-\mathrm{IV}_{n}\|$ Notice that $\begin{array}[]{rcl}\|\mathrm{IV}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{IV}_{n}\|&=&\|Df^{n}(H^{u}_{-n})\left(Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})Df^{-1}(x_{-n})-Id\right)D^{2}f^{-n}(x)[.,.]\|\\\ &\leq&(\chi^{c}_{+})^{n}\|\left(Df(H^{u}_{-n-1})-Df(x_{-n-1}\right)Df^{-1}(x_{-n})\|\|D^{2}f^{-n}(x)\|\\\ &\leq&(\chi^{c}_{+})^{n}\|f\|_{C^{2}}(\chi^{uu})^{-n-1}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{-1}\|D^{2}f^{-n}(x)\|.\end{array}$ Let us estimate $\|D^{2}f^{-n}(x)\|$. First, observe that $\displaystyle D^{2}f^{-n}(x)[.,.]$ $\displaystyle=D^{2}f^{-1}(x_{-n+1})\left[Df^{-n+1}(x).,Df^{-n+1}(x).\right]$ $\displaystyle+Df^{-1}(x_{-n+1})D^{2}f^{-1}(x_{-n+2})\left[Df^{-n+2}(x).,Df^{-n+2}(x).\right]$ $\displaystyle\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\vdots$ $\displaystyle+Df^{-n+1}(x_{-1})D^{2}f(x)[.,.].$ Using that $\|D^{2}f^{-1}(.)\|\leq\|f^{-1}\|_{C^{2}}$ and by the expression above, we obtain $\|D^{2}f^{-n}(x)\|\leq\displaystyle\|f^{-1}\|_{C^{2}}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{-j}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{-2n+2j}=\|f^{-1}\|_{C^{2}}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{-2n}\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{j}.$ Since $\chi^{c}_{-}<1$, the sum $\sum_{j\in\mathbb{N}}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{j}$ converges. Define the constant $C_{4}$ as $C_{4}:=\displaystyle\frac{\|f\|_{C^{2}}\|f^{-1}\|_{C^{2}}\sum_{j\in\mathbb{N}}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{j}}{\chi^{uu}\chi^{c}_{-}}.$ We conclude that $\displaystyle\|\mathrm{IV}_{n}^{\prime}-\mathrm{IV}_{n}\|\leq C_{4}\left(\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{uu}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right)^{n}.$ (64) ### Conclusion of the proof of Theorem 2.10 Take $\displaystyle\chi=\max\left\\{\frac{(\chi^{c}_{+})^{2}}{\chi^{uu}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}},\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{(\chi^{uu})^{\alpha}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}},\frac{\chi^{c}_{+}}{\chi^{uu}(\chi^{c}_{-})^{2}}\right\\},$ and observe that by the $(2,\alpha)$-center bunching condition $\chi<1$. Fix the constant $\hat{C}:=C_{1}+C_{2}+C_{3}+C_{4}$. By (61),(62), (63) and (64) we obtain that $\|\Gamma_{n+1}-\Gamma_{n}\|\leq\hat{C}\chi^{n}.$ Therefore, $\\{\Gamma_{n}\\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a Cauchy sequence for the $C^{1}$-topology. Observe that all these estimates and constants are uniform with the choices of $p\in\mathbb{T}^{4}$, $q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)$ and $x\in W^{c}(p)$. We conclude that $\\{\Gamma_{n}(Id)\\}_{n\in\mathbb{N}}$ is a Cauchy sequence in $\mathcal{L}^{1}$ for the $C^{1}$-topology. Since $\Gamma_{n}(Id)$ converges $C^{0}$ to $DH^{u}$, we conclude that $DH^{u}$ is $C^{1}$. This implies that $\\{H^{u}_{p,q}(.)\\}_{p\in\mathbb{T}^{4},q\in W^{uu}_{1}(p)}$ is a continuous family of $C^{2}$-diffeomorphisms whose $C^{2}$-norm varies continuously with the choices of $p$ and $q$ as above. ∎ ## References * Al [01] J. Alves. Non-uniformly expanding dynamics: stability from a probabilistic viewpoint. Discrete Contin. Dynam. Systems, 7:363–375, 2001. * Al [00] J. Alves. SRB measures for non-hyperbolic systems with multidimensional expansion. Ann. Sci. École Norm. Sup., 33:1–32, 2000. * ABV [00] J. Alves, C. Bonatti, and M. Viana. 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# Transfer Learning in Electronic Health Records through Clinical Concept Embedding Jose Roberto Ayala Solares Yajie Zhu Abdelaali Hassaine Shishir Rao Yikuan Li Mohammad Mamouei Dexter Canoy Kazem Rahimi and Gholamreza Salimi- Khorshidi This research was funded by the Oxford Martin School (OMS) and supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (BRC). It also got support from the PEAK Urban programme, funded by UK Research and Innovation’s Global Challenge Research Fund, Grant Ref: ES/P011055/1. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the OMS, the UK National Health Service (NHS), the NIHR or the Department of Health and Social Care.All authors are affiliated with Deep Medicine, University of Oxford, United Kingdom.A.H., D.C. and K.R. are also affiliated with NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Oxford, United Kingdom.A.H. ([email protected]) is the corresponding author. ###### Abstract Deep learning models have shown tremendous potential in learning representations, which are able to capture some key properties of the data. This makes them great candidates for transfer learning: Exploiting commonalities between different learning tasks to transfer knowledge from one task to another. Electronic health records (EHR) research is one of the domains that has witnessed a growing number of deep learning techniques employed for learning clinically-meaningful representations of medical concepts (such as diseases and medications). Despite this growth, the approaches to benchmark and assess such learned representations (or, embeddings) is under-investigated; this can be a big issue when such embeddings are shared to facilitate transfer learning. In this study, we aim to (1) train some of the most prominent disease embedding techniques on a comprehensive EHR data from 3.1 million patients, (2) employ qualitative and quantitative evaluation techniques to assess these embeddings, and (3) provide pre-trained disease embeddings for transfer learning. This study can be the first comprehensive approach for clinical concept embedding evaluation and can be applied to any embedding techniques and for any EHR concept. Clinical Concept Embeddings, Deep Learning, Electronic Health Records, Transfer Learning. ## 1 Introduction Electronic health records (EHR) are becoming the ubiquitous approach to keep track of an individual’s health journey; they provide a comprehensive view into one’s health record and include “concepts” such as demographic information, diagnoses, medications, laboratory tests and results, medical images, clinical notes, and more [1]. As a result, the availability of large EHR datasets has enabled a broad range of new applications in clinical informatics and epidemiology [2, 3, 4] including medical concept extraction [5, 6], disease and patient clustering [7, 8], patient trajectory modelling [9], disease prediction [10, 11], and data-driven clinical decision support [12, 13], to name a few. Recent developments in machine learning (ML), on the other hand, have provided the field of EHR research with an opportunity to train powerful models for predictive modelling and risk prediction. An important step in training ML models on EHR is the representation of patients as input data for these models; EHR being a sequence of heterogeneous (and often non-numeric) concepts that are recorded in irregular intervals, makes this step a challenge. In traditional epidemiological research, individuals have been often represented by a limited number of commonly collected variables or features [14]. Unfortunately, such approaches rely on prior knowledge about each feature’s relevance to, and the interaction among, the features given the task of interest; such a prior knowledge can be difficult to source. Furthermore, the appropriate features are likely to vary from task to task, which turns the feature engineering to a hard-to-scale task in medicine, where there are many diseases and problems for which one might need to use ML. The early applications of ML for EHR have tried to alleviate this by extracting more features, and showed some improvements; for instance, Rahimian et al. [15] showed that improving the feature extraction in a statistical ML framework can outperform a well-known hospital readmission model [16] by nearly 10% (in terms of AUC). Despite such improvements, given the high number of potential features that one can extract from EHR (reaching hundreds, if not thousands or more), the high risk of missing the important features remains a key weakness of manual feature extraction. This is the problem that deep learning (DL) and artificial neural networks have solved in other domains, through their use of many linear and nonlinear transformations of inputs, across multiple layers, and resulting in more useful representations (hence the names “representation learning” [17] and “distributed representations” [18]). Such low-dimensional representations have been shown to improve the performance of models in domains such as computer vision [19], natural language processing (NLP) [20, 21] and clinical informatics [22, 23]. In this study, we aim to provide the field with a number of qualitative and quantitative benchmarking approaches that could be considered for evaluating such learned representation (also referred to as “concept embeddings”) and hence improve the quality of transfer learning (through shared concept embeddings that are appropriately assessed and benchmarked). The remainder of this paper is organised as follows: Section 2 provides an overview of the existing representation-learning approaches in EHR research, as well as related benchmarking studies; Section 3 introduces the data and methodology used in this study; results are presented in Section 4; and Section 5 concludes the paper with further discussions and key conclusions. ## 2 Related work One of the earliest works for learning both concept vectors and patient vectors from EHR was Tran et al.’s $\mathtt{eNRBM}$ (EHR-driven non-negative restricted Boltzmann machines) [22], which was shown to learn clinically- meaningful representations of concepts (i.e., both diagnoses and medications), and patients. They evaluated these embeddings (i.e., the mapping of non- numeric concepts to vectors of real numbers) using both visual assessment (i.e., showing how diseases that are close in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) hierarchy appear close to each other in the vector space) and predictive modelling (i.e., showing that the use of these vector representations improves the accuracy of suicide-prediction models). In a similar work, Miotto et al.’s $\mathtt{DeepPatient}$ [23] used a three-layer stack of denoising autoencoders to learn distributed representation of patients; they evaluated the resulting patient embeddings by showing that they can lead to superior predictions in a range of clinical predictions tasks, when compared to other forms of patient representations such as feature extraction. In a more recent work, Nguyen et al. [24] used a Convolutional Neural Network architecture called $\mathtt{Deepr}$ (i.e., Deep record); one of the main differences between $\mathtt{Deepr}$ and previous works was its ability to simultaneously learn patient representations and predict unplanned readmissions, for which it outperformed a logistic regression using Bag of Words (BOW) patient vectors as input. In addition to patient vectors, taking inspirations from NLP (given the similarities between EHR and language, as both being sequences of non-numeric concepts), Choi et al. introduced Med2Vec [25], for learning the embeddings for both visits and medical codes. When compared to techniques such as Skip- gram [26], GloVe [27], and stacked autoencoders [23], for predicting future medical codes and clinical risk groups, Med2Vec showed a better performance. Later, Choi et al. [28, 29, 30] extended their work by using a Recurrent Neural Network for simultaneously learning both vector representations and clinical predictions; in another extension of their earlier works, Choi et al. introduced GRAM [31], a graph-based attention model that learns disease embeddings and combines them with hierarchical information inherent to medical ontologies. Both these improvements led to better performance in clinical prediction tasks. Most of the works discussed so far do not fully take into account the temporal nature of EHR. In a recent work by Cai et al. [32], authors proposed a time- aware attention model to address this issue; their model simultaneously learns representations and temporal scopes of medical concepts. They employed clustering and nearest neighbour search tasks to evaluate the quality of their medical concept embeddings and observed improvements over Continuous BOW (CBOW), Skip-gram, Glove and Med2Vec. In another related work, Xiang et al. [33] attempted to take time into account by extending three popular embedding techniques (Word2Vec [34], positive pointwise mutual information [35, 36], and FastText [37]) to consider time-sensitive information. They used clustering- and classification-based evaluation frameworks to show the improvements that resulted from their approach. More recently, Transformer – a new deep-learning architecture which does not rely on sequential processing of data and instead employs an attention mechanism to learn the interdependencies among various concepts in a sequence – has been growing in popularity in representation learning. Transformers were shown to outperform most common alternatives in a broad range of tasks[38]. One of the most successful use cases of Transformer models was in “BERT” (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers), which has achieved state-of-the-art performance in many NLP tasks [39]. The technique has also been applied to learn the latent EHR patterns; Graph Convolutional Transformer [40] and Med-BERT [41] are two examples of such applications. One of the best performances of risk prediction in EHR was shown to result from a Transformer- based approach named BEHRT [42]; it outperformed previous deep learning architectures in predicting the on onset of many diseases. The success of such techniques is due to their ability to learn contextualised embeddings, and hence allowing a better representation of different clinical concepts and the overall sequence. Overall, the use of representation learning and concept embeddings that result from them are fairly new and growing in medicine; new techniques are being developed to use the complexities found in healthcare data such as EHR as an advantage towards more accurate predictions. Nevertheless, the exploration of ways to compare, benchmark and assess the quality of different embeddings in EHR remains an under-investigated topic, despite the important role this plays in EHR DL research. Even in fields such as NLP, with longer history of transfer learning through multi-purpose word embeddings, there are works as recent as Chen et al. [43] that propose tools to explore and compare word embeddings from different training algorithms and textual resources, in order to identify clusters of words in terms of word embeddings, the semantic direction, and the relationship between semantically related words. In another example, Wang et al. [44] perform a qualitative and quantitative analysis where they focus on a comparison of word embeddings trained from a Skip-gram model using different corpora (namely clinical notes, biomedical publications, Wikipedia, and news) to address biomedical natural language processing applications. There are also some benchmarking efforts, which aim to compare different methods in terms of natural language inference, recognising question entailment and question answering [45]. Similar benchmarking exists for key phrases annotation in medical documents [46], for the evaluation of embeddings derived from clinical notes [36] or for assessing how representative are embeddings for medical terminology [47]. All these methods evaluate embeddings resulting from textual information rather than structured EHR. To the best of our knowledge, no benchmarking approaches have been proposed for semantic evaluation of embeddings resulting from EHR data. In this paper, we propose a set of approaches for both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of EHR concepts’ embeddings, which will help improve the quality of transfer learning (through shared concept embeddings that are appropriately assessed and benchmarked) in the field. We consider five representation learning frameworks: Autoencoders, Neural Collaborative Filtering (NCF), Continuous Bag-of-Words (CBOW), CBOW with Time-Aware Attention (CBOWA), and BEHRT; each one of these approaches will be trained and validated for disease embedding on one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive datasets of linked primary care EHR, known as Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). We believe the list of techniques we chose is representative of the most commonly used methods for representation learning in EHR, which have been shown to outperform some of their counterparts in mapping diseases to “useful” vectors (see Shickel et al. [4]). In addition to the evaluation of the disease embeddings resulting from each of these methods, we share these embeddings with the field to encourage further research in this direction, as well as the use of the best ones – according to our advocated benchmarking process – for some downstream tasks, and promoting transfer learning in EHR research through concept embeddings. ## 3 Materials and Methods ### 3.1 EHR Data The source of EHR data for this study was the UK Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) [48], a service that collects de-identified longitudinal primary care data since 1985 from a network of GPs in the UK, which are linked to secondary care and other health and area-based administrative databases [49]. These linked databases include the Hospital Episode Statistics, or HES (for data on hospitalisations, outpatient visits, accident and emergency attendances, and diagnostic imaging), the Office of National Statistics (death registration), Public Health England (cancer registration), and the Index of Multiple Deprivation. Patients included in the CPRD database are nationally representative in terms of age, sex and ethnicity. Given the data on demographics, diagnoses, therapies, and tests together with its linkage to other health-related databases, the CPRD is a valuable source of healthcare data [48]. Because CPRD contains detailed personal information, the dataset is not readily available to the public, and its usage depends on approval from the CPRD Research Ethics Committee [49]. In this study, we only considered practices providing healthcare data that met research quality standards within the period from 1 January 1985 to 31 December 2014, and agreeing for their patients’ records to be linked to the Hospital Episode Statistics national database. Furthermore, we focused on patients aged 16 years or older who have been registered with their GP for at least 1 year, and that have at least 5 visits in their records. This resulted in a dataset of 3,092,631 patients, and is profiled in Table 1. Table 1: A summary of CPRD dataset from 1 January 1985 to 31 December 2014 for the selected cohort of 3.1 million individuals. (SD: Standard Deviation, IQR: Interquartile Range) Number of patients | 3,092,631 ---|--- Number of visits (in GP or Hospital) | 57,918,684 Number of visits per patient, Mean (SD) | 18.73 (17.16) Number of visits per patient, Median (IQR) | 13 (17) Number of disease codes | 1899 Number of codes in a visit, Mean (SD) | 1.36 (1.07) Number of codes in a visit, Median (IQR) | 1 (0) While CPRD contains many data fields, in this study, we limited our analyses to diagnoses, in order to explore “comorbid” conditions. Some demographics variables were also taken into account including sex (binary), region (categorical with 10 classes), and birth year (categorical with 111 classes ranging from 1888 to 1998). In CPRD, diagnoses are coded in Read codes for primary care [50] and ICD-10 codes for HES [51]. In their raw format, these coding schemes were unsuitable to work with given their high cardinality, i.e., there were around 110,000 Read codes and 14,000 ICD-10 codes. Many of the Read codes do not correspond to actual diagnoses (but rather to other information such as procedures, family medical history, occupations, and so on). In order to have a unified coding system, we mapped diagnoses from Read codes to ICD-10 codes using the mapping provided by NHS Digital [52]. Furthermore, we limited the ICD-10 codes to three-characters, resulting in approximately 1800 disease codes. Beyond the $3^{rd}$ character, other granular details such as the anatomic site or severity of the disease are provided but these are not always present and are mostly used for billing purposes. Moreover, further granularity can lead to lower frequency for many codes, which can decrease the quality of the learned representation for less frequent diseases; this might be the reason many such representation learning works in the field have operated at this level of granularity [22, 24] ### 3.2 Representation Learning Methods In this section, we briefly introduce the five representation-learning methods that we employed for learning the disease embeddings. Our simplest architecture is an autoencoder (AE), a type of artificial neural network that can learn a new (and more efficient) representation of its inputs, in an unsupervised manner. As shown in Fig. 1, AE is trained to learn a lower- dimensional representation of its input that can reconstruct the original input data as closely as possible. For this work, we based our AE model on the model architecture from Miotto et al. [23] and the data format from Tran et al. [22]. Our model consisted of a single layer with 10 hidden units, a learning rate of 0.1 and a noise rate of 0.05 to train the AE for 7 epochs. Each patient’s medical history was aggregated into a sparse vector, where each entry corresponded to the number of times a single disease was diagnosed. All categorical features (sex, region, birth year) were converted to dummy variables. This resulted in a 2,022 dimensional input. Figure 1: The five representation-learning architectures used in this paper. For AE and NCF (top row), the input consists of diseases and additional concepts such as sex and region; for CBOW and CBOWA (second row), we only used the diseases; BEHRT (bottom row) uses in addition to diseases, temporal information such as age at different encounters as well as position of different encounters. Neural collaborative filtering (NCF) is the second framework that we used (see Fig. 1). Based on the earlier work of He et al. [53] and Howard et al. [54], our model architecture consisted of 3 hidden layers (with 100, 50 and 10 hidden units, respectively) and an output layer with a single classifier unit. In this case, our data consist of sex, region, birth year, age and disease codes, which were embedded into 1, 6, 22, 23, and 110 dimensions, respectively (these dimensions were computed using the rule-of-thumb formula from [54]). In order to define a classification problem, we labelled the actual samples from the data as “positive”; additionally, we generated “negative” samples by creating records that were not available in CPRD [55]. That is, for every positive record, we generated two negative records by randomly sampling from the age years and disease codes, and verifying that such new records did not exist in CPRD. We trained the NCF in this two-class classification task. In addition to AE and NCF, we employed the continuous bag-of-words (CBOW) model, originally proposed by Mikolov et al. [26], which learns word/concept embeddings by using the context words within a sliding window to predict a target word (see Fig. 1). This has been one of the standard approaches to learn embeddings in NLP. We used the implementation provided by Řehůřek et al. [56] with the suggested hyperparameters to create embeddings of size 110. We trained the CBOW model by formatting any given patient’s data as a sequence of disease codes, where disease codes are handled in the same way words are handled in NLP [20, 42]. Given the importance of temporal information in EHR, Cai et al. [32] modified the CBOW model to take such temporal characteristics into account, using an attention mechanism [57, 58, 59, 38] that learns a time-aware context window for each disease code (see Fig. 1). We trained the CBOWA model using the same code available at the authors’ GitHub repository [60]. The model creates embeddings of 100 dimensions using a learning rate of 0.01 and a negative sample of 5 for 10 epochs. We trained the CBOWA by formatting any given patient’s data as a sequence of time-stamped disease codes, and treating disease codes in the same way words are treated in NLP. Our final model is BEHRT, which is based on the Transformer architecture [42]. By depicting diagnoses as words, visits as sentences, and patients’ medical histories as documents, this architecture supports temporal information through the use of positional encoding as well as age and segment encoding. It was trained to predict masked disease tokens using 10 attention heads and 4 hidden layers (see Fig. 1). For more details about the BEHRT model, please refer to the original paper [42]. ### 3.3 Benchmarks and Evaluation As discussed earlier, the quality of EHR research through medical concept embeddings (including transfer learning) will depend on the quality of such embeddings. Therefore, in this study, we aim to introduce a series of benchmarking approaches that can assess such embeddings and evaluate them for use for transfer learning. The simplest of our advocated approaches are qualitative assessments. In order to do so, we first created for each disease a list of closest diseases (using cosine similarity as the measure of distance); these neighbourhoods were then assessed by human experts. Next, we mapped these embeddings to a 2D space using t-SNE [61]; the goal here is to compare the resulting disease clusters (based on embedding vectors’ distances) with what we know from ICD-10 disease hierarchy. Both these approaches are difficult to use at scale, and can suffer from variability, due to differing opinions of experts. Therefore, we next introduced a number of quantitative assessments, which score the similarities between the relationships among diseases in the embedding space and their relationships in some a priori known medical space. We used three different sources of medical knowledge as compiled in [62], each providing disease pairs that are associated with each other, i.e., pairs of comorbid conditions: (1) Jensen et al. [63] concluded a list of 4,014 comorbid disease pairs based on the analysis of a large national health dataset, followed by thorough medical due diligence; (2) Dalianis et al. [64, 65] studied the Stockholm EPR Corpus to conclude a list of 1,000 disease pairs; and (3) and Beam et al. [36] studied a large body of medical literature to conclude a list of 359 comorbid condition pairs. Furthermore, through the study of large body of medical literature, they also concluded a list of 724 causal pairs, where one disease causes the other. When evaluating each embedding approach, we calculate the percent of disease pairs ($d_{i}$,$d_{j}$), where $d_{i}$ is in $d_{j}$’s L-neighbourhood (i.e., the closest $L$ diseases to a disease of interest, according to cosine similarity), or vice versa. As the final benchmarking of our embeddings, we tested them in a number of downstream prediction tasks. The classification task we chose was whether a patient will develop a given disease within 6 months leading to his/her last recorded visit. The inputs to our model (i.e., a feed-forward neural network) were sex, region, birth year, and disease history for each patient. The first three input variables were considered as categorical features, while the disease history was formatted as a sparse vector, where each entry corresponded to the number of times a single disease was diagnosed for a patient. The architecture of our neural network consisted of three layers (with 100, 50, and 10 hidden units, respectively), with a single classifier output unit. To benefit from the transfer learning, we used the learned embeddings as the weights that connect the input layer to the first hidden layer. Note that, unlike AE and NCF, CBOW, CBOWA and BEHRT did not provide embeddings for sex, region, and birth year. Therefore, we made two separate evaluations using the embeddings obtained for sex, region, and birth year from the AE and NCF models with the disease embeddings from the CBOW, CBOWA and BEHRT models (see Table 2). Furthermore, in order to assess the benefit of using these learned representations, we considered the case where the disease embeddings needed to be learned for each task, i.e., the end-to-end approach, instead of using transfer learning (i.e., the one we refer to as “Random”). Lastly, in addition to qualitative, quantitative, and prediction-based assessment, and in order to assess the robustness of the embeddings to run-to- run variability, and their sensitivity to the size of the training dataset, we carried out two reliability analyses. These will provide an additional assessment of the embeddings’ quality in terms of reflecting the true meaning in the data, with lower risk of under-fitting and higher generalisation ability (see Antoniak et al. [66] for similar assessment in the NLP space). First, we checked the run-to-run variability by training the models 10 times and computing the confidence interval of the cosine similarity metrics for some disease pairs. In a second experiment, we checked the effect of sample size on the cosine similarities of all embeddings pairs, by training the models 10 times on 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the available data, and computing the corresponding average standard deviation among all cosine similarities. ### 3.4 Code and Embeddings availability For each method, we used the authors’ original code; otherwise, we implemented them based on the descriptions in the papers. All our code is implemented in PyTorch 1.0.1 [67], and scikit-learn 0.20.1 [68], and run on two NVIDIA Titan Xp graphics cards. Furthermore, all hyperparameters were manually tuned using the learning from our own previous related works [69] and the documentation that accompanied the authors’ original code. In addition, we provide a downloadable set of pre-trained disease embeddings for other researchers to use, which will be available at concept-embeddings. ## 4 Results In this section, we show the results from various benchmarking approaches, as well as the reliability of the embeddings resulting from each representation- learning technique. ### 4.1 Qualitative and Quantitative Assessment The t-SNE graphs in Fig. 2 show the closeness of diseases in the embedding spaces; we assigned a unique colour to each ICD chapter to help the visual investigation. Embedding approaches where nearby diseases show similar colours can be seen as being in correspondence with a priori medical knowledge coming from ICD-10 disease hierarchy. Overall, the embeddings obtained from CBOWA and BEHRT seem to form more concise clusters that agree with the hierarchical structure of ICD-10. Furthermore, we chose some of the diseases and derived their 10 nearest neighbours (based on cosine similarity) for expert evaluation. The resulting lists are shown in the Tables in the Supplementary Information section. According to expert’s evaluation, all the embeddings seem to capture meaningful associations often from different perspectives, although some patterns seem to be related to how diseases are recorded in the health system. BEHRT’s inability to learn the appropriate representations for rare conditions (as can be seen in the most similar diseases to hypertension), is in line with what was previously shown [42]. Figure 2: 2D projection of the disease embeddings learned from AE, NCF, CBOW and CBOWA. Each dot denotes a disease and colours uniquely represent the ICD-10 chapters. Overall, the embeddings obtained with the CBOWA model seem to form more concise clusters, aligned with the colouring from a priori medical knowledge we have from the hierarchical structure of ICD-10. An online interactive version of this figure is available at Following the qualitative assessment, we carried out quantitative benchmarking for neighbourhood sizes ranging from 3 to 20 diseases. For each neighbourhood, we calculated the percentage of diagnosis pairs that appeared within the neighbourhood of either of the diseases in that pair (see 3.3). The results are shown in Fig. 3, where we see that context-aware representation learning models are better at capturing statistically significant relationships among pairs of diseases. In Fig. 3, we show the percentage of disease pairs ($D_{1}$,$D_{2}$) where $D_{1}$ (or $D_{2}$) is one of the k-nearest neighbours of $D_{2}$ (or $D_{1}$) using the cosine similarity metric. The value of $k$ varies from 3 to 20. These percentages are computed from different sources of disease pairs including the works of Jensen et al. [63], Dalianis et al. [64, 65] and Beam et al. [36]. Figure 3: Neighbour analysis result based on the cosine similarity between the embeddings of different ICD codes. ### 4.2 Prediction Task We carried out the prediction task for three different diseases; see Table 2 for more details. Despite us selecting the diseases with high prevalence (i.e., high percent of people in our data that had them), in all three classification tasks, the target variable was imbalanced (i.e., we had much lower number of positives than negatives). Therefore, we evaluated the models using average precision score (APS) and F1 [70] metrics. Note that APS summarises a precision-recall curve as the weighted mean of precisions achieved at each threshold, with the increase in recall from the previous threshold used as the weight [71, 72]. The prediction is performed using FastAI tabular learner where sex, region and year of birth are fed as categorical variables and every disease is fed as a continuous variable. Note that the aim of this downstream prediction task is to evaluate the performance of the tabular learner when the only information fed to it relates to the embeddings being evaluated. While some models have the ability to incorporate other information, such as the timing of diagnoses, in order to make the comparison as fair as possible, we only focused on disease, sex, region and year of birth inputs (the accuracy of performance due to the embeddings). Results show that BEHRT has the best performance overall. Furthermore, using transfer learning based on pre-trained embeddings, seems to result in better performance when compared to end-to-end learning of a typical classifier. Table 2: Average precision and F1 scores for the classification tasks using different pre-trained embedding approaches. ICD-10 code | Pre-trained embeddings method for: | Average precision | F1-Score ---|---|---|--- Diseases | Sex, region and year of birth I10: Essential (primary) hypertension | Random initialisation | 12.74% | 20.27% AE | AE | 8.50% | 12.83% NCF | NCF | 11.86% | 19.30% CBOW | AE | 14.69% | 22.42% CBOW | NCF | 15.08% | 22.50% CBOWA | AE | 13.99% | 21.34% CBOWA | NCF | 14.19% | 21.69% | BEHRT | AE | 15.04% | 19.47% | BEHRT | NCF | 15.35% | 20.29% M79: Soft Tissue Disorders | Random initialisation | 7.45% | 0.70% AE | AE | 5.49% | 9.79% NCF | NCF | 7.32% | 0.77% CBOW | AE | 8.30% | 13.94% CBOW | NCF | 8.53% | 14.04% CBOWA | AE | 7.62% | 13.16% CBOWA | NCF | 7.97% | 13.54% | BEHRT | AE | 8.71% | 14.27% | BEHRT | NCF | 8.74% | 14.53% R10: Abdominal and pelvic pain | Random initialisation | 7.15% | 10.07% AE | AE | 5.75% | 10.14% NCF | NCF | 6.81% | 2.65% CBOW | AE | 7.85% | 13.16% CBOW | NCF | 8.01% | 13.22% CBOWA | AE | 7.60% | 12.74% CBOWA | NCF | 7.83% | 13.08% | BEHRT | AE | 8.10% | 13.57% | BEHRT | NCF | 8.25% | 13.77% ### 4.3 Reliability Analysis In order to carry out the first reliability analysis, we selected three of the most common ICD codes (i.e., I10, M79, and R10). For each of these ICD codes, we showed the robustness of their cosine similarity against 10 other codes across 10 different runs (obtained using 10 random splits on the data into training (80% of patients), validation (20%) and test (20%) sets). According to the results (shown in Fig. 4 CBOW, CBOWA and BEHRT result in the most stable embeddings for different levels of similarity. The embeddings resulting from AE seem to have larger variations as one goes from one run to the other; the embeddings from NCF also seems stable, however, it clearly shows that NCF tends to learn highly similar embeddings for the most prevalent ICD codes which is not useful in practice. Figure 4: Cosine similarities between the 10 most prevalent ICD-10 codes and I10, M79, R10, respectively. The mean (point) and one standard deviation (error bar) are shown. The average standard deviation for each method ($\sigma$) is also shown. The result of the second reliability analysis (stability of the embeddings as we vary the portion of the data we use for learning them) is shown in Fig. 5. We trained the models on 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the available data (the x-axis) – 10 times for each case – and showed the standard deviation of the cosine similarity of the embeddings on the y-axis. In line with all our results so far, contextual representation models (i.e., CBOW, CBOWA and BEHRT) are more reliable. Figure 5: Standard deviation of the embeddings’ cosine similarities obtained for varying training sample sizes. Overall, context representation learning methods are more stable. ## 5 Discussion In this study, we investigated the properties of disease embeddings obtained from different neural representation-learning models. There were two primary objectives behind this research: (1) provide a range of frameworks (both qualitative and quantitative) for evaluating such embeddings and comparing them, and (2) encourage the field to share the embeddings for various EHR concepts (ideally, after such evaluations) for various downstream tasks through transfer learning. All the disease embeddings that resulted from our analyses will be shared at embeddings, which can be used by other researchers to map disease codes to numerical spaces, which are suitable for statistical and algebraic operations. One of the major contributions of our work was the provision of a set of new quantitative benchmarks for the evaluation of disease embeddings. We used the diagnosis pairs provided by Jensen et al. [63], Beam et al. [36], and Dalianis et al. [64, 65], as clinical insights that our embeddings should show some degree of agreement with. These pairs are extracted via mining large EHR cohorts as well as extensive study of a large body of medical literature. Therefore, the extent of agreement between them and a set of disease embeddings can provide an effective numerical evaluation tool. Our results showed that the context-aware representation-learning models were better at capturing such known relationships, which can explained by how localised information is captured in these models process. Furthermore, their results seem to be more stable going from run to run (i.e., different random initialisations) and changing the training sample sizes (more specifically, changing the proportion of the available data that was used for training); see Fig. 4 and 5. Our results, showing that the best embeddings were obtained from the BEHRT architectures, agree with the huge success the Transformer architecture gained in other studies [38, 39, 42]. So far, the concept of embeddings has been extensively used in NLP, and its applicability has extended to other fields, such as healthcare. As we foresee that this would continue to be the trend – with new and more advanced neural network architectures being developed – our approach can be used for assessing such new embedding techniques. Plus, the embeddings that resulted from our analyses are shared with the field so they can be compared against other alternatives and/or used for transfer learning. ## 6 Supplementary Information ### 6.1 Data Availability and Reproducibility CPRD Data Access: The CPRD database used for this study has been approved by an Independent Scientific Advisory Committee (ISAC). The ISAC protocol number for this study is: $17\\_224R$. To obtain access to CPRD data, researchers are advised to follow the required procedure on the CPRD website Data Access page ( access). Reproducibility: With regards to the reproducibility of this study, we are committed and pleased to share all the source codes underlying our implementations to empower others to reproduce our work. However, codes related to handling and processing the CPRD data cannot be simply shared as they may reveal sensitive information about the data. More importantly, all research protocols for CPRD data access must be submitted to the ISAC Secretariat using the Protocol Application Form, and if successful, would receive a specific cut of the CPRD data based on the research protocol. We note that, different research protocols would generally receive different data cuts, thus, it is not possible to obtain exactly same benchmark dataset as we used in our study. However, all the major conclusions drew from our work should be reproducible. In order to facilitate such reproducibility, we advocated for minimal data preprocessing and have included all the important data preparation information in our manuscript under the Materials and Methods section. ### Cosine similarity metric for 10-nearest neighbours Cosine distance for 10-nearest neighbours are shown in Tables 3, 4 and 5. Table 3: Top 10 diseases closest to I10: Essential (primary) hypertension Method | Cosine Similarity | ICD-10 Code ---|---|--- AE | 0.96069 | E78: Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias 0.94603 | Y52: Agents primarily affecting the cardiovascular system 0.93265 | I11: Hypertensive heart disease 0.92673 | I70: Atherosclerosis 0.91515 | I65: Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction 0.91113 | R03: Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis 0.90615 | I73: Other peripheral vascular diseases 0.89762 | I35: Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders 0.89018 | I44: Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block 0.87448 | I74: Arterial embolism and thrombosis CBOW | 0.50812 | I11: Hypertensive heart disease 0.47293 | R74: Abnormal serum enzyme levels 0.44107 | M15: Polyarthrosis 0.43357 | M10: Gout 0.41775 | I12: Hypertensive renal disease 0.41319 | I35: Nonrheumatic aortic valve disorders 0.40996 | I65: Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction 0.4096 | I22: Subsequent myocardial infarction 0.40455 | H40: Glaucoma 0.40136 | I44: Atrioventricular and left bundle-branch block CBOWA | 0.78802 | I11: Hypertensive heart disease 0.77610 | E78: Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias 0.75836 | I20: Angina pectoris 0.72871 | I25: Chronic ischaemic heart disease 0.72319 | I12: Hypertensive renal disease 0.71360 | E11: Type 2 diabetes mellitus 0.71235 | I65: Occlusion and stenosis of precerebral arteries, not resulting in cerebral infarction 0.69908 | I22: Subsequent myocardial infarction 0.69247 | I48: Atrial fibrillation and flutter 0.69182 | I13: Hypertensive heart and renal disease NCF | 0.95770 | M19: Other arthrosis 0.95499 | E78: Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias 0.95240 | M79: Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.94367 | L98: Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified 0.94161 | J22: Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection 0.94026 | M54: Dorsalgia 0.93908 | R03: Abnormal blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis 0.93847 | R07: Pain in throat and chest 0.93586 | R06: Abnormalities of breathing 0.93153 | K62: Other diseases of anus and rectum BEHRT | 0.27687 | X61: Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to antiepileptic, sedative-hypnotic… 0.25725 | Q90: Down syndrome 0.25159 | H40: Glaucoma 0.24646 | G40: Epilepsy 0.24359 | J44: Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 0.23918 | E03: Other hypothyroidism 0.22216 | F32: Depressive episode 0.22018 | M13: Other arthritis 0.21731 | F20: Schizophrenia 0.21652 | E78: Disorders of lipoprotein metabolism and other lipidaemias Table 4: Top 10 diseases closest to M79: Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified Method | Cosine Similarity | ICD-10 Code ---|---|--- AE | 0.90472 | M71: Other bursopathies 0.90431 | G57: Mononeuropathies of lower limb 0.89115 | M65: Synovitis and tenosynovitis 0.88924 | R20: Disturbances of skin sensation 0.88842 | S33: Dislocation, sprain and strain of joints and ligaments of lumbar spine and pelvis 0.87179 | M02: Reactive arthropathies 0.86672 | M25: Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.8646 | M75: Shoulder lesions 0.86387 | M76: Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot 0.86325 | M70: Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure CBOW | 0.47778 | M70: Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure 0.46388 | M65: Synovitis and tenosynovitis 0.44834 | M77: Other enthesopathies 0.44325 | M67: Other disorders of synovium and tendon 0.42256 | L84: Corns and callosities 0.42254 | M76: Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot 0.4146 | M71: Other bursopathies 0.41433 | G57: Mononeuropathies of lower limb 0.39715 | R52: Pain, not elsewhere classified 0.38953 | S46: Injury of muscle and tendon at shoulder and upper arm level CBOWA | 0.59134 | I83: Varicose veins of lower extremities 0.55397 | M71: Other bursopathies 0.54512 | G57: Mononeuropathies of lower limb 0.54505 | M76: Enthesopathies of lower limb, excluding foot 0.53288 | M65: Synovitis and tenosynovitis 0.52307 | M20: Acquired deformities of fingers and toes 0.51443 | M66: Spontaneous rupture of synovium and tendon 0.50651 | M70: Soft tissue disorders related to use, overuse and pressure 0.50574 | M25: Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.49245 | L84: Corns and callosities NCF | 0.98563 | M54: Dorsalgia 0.9786 | M25: Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.97852 | R10: Abdominal and pelvic pain 0.97815 | R07: Pain in throat and chest 0.97807 | J22: Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection 0.97252 | R21: Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption 0.9709 | J06: Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites 0.97035 | R05: Cough 0.96738 | K30: Functional dyspepsia 0.96652 | L08: Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue BEHRT | 0.30496 | R21: Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption 0.30296 | R07: Pain in throat and chest 0.269 | L98: Other disorders of skin and subcutaneous tissue, not elsewhere classified 0.2646 | K30: Functional dyspepsia 0.26124 | M25: Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.24571 | L08: Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.21928 | R22: Localized swelling, mass and lump of skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.21867 | B35: Dermatophytosis 0.20065 | T14: Injury of unspecified body region 0.19411 | J06: Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites Table 5: Top 10 diseases closest to R10: Abdominal and pelvic pain Method | Cosine Similarity | ICD-10 Code ---|---|--- AE | 0.91692 | K58: Irritable bowel syndrome 0.90787 | R12: Heartburn 0.8933 | K66: Other disorders of peritoneum 0.88993 | B80: Enterobiasis 0.88897 | K81: Cholecystitis 0.88667 | I84: Haemorrhoids 0.88505 | K50: Crohn disease [regional enteritis] 0.88488 | K82: Other diseases of gallbladder 0.88467 | B98: Other specified infectious agents as the cause of diseases classified to other chapters 0.88383 | R76: Other abnormal immunological findings in serum CBOW | 0.38417 | R12: Heartburn 0.37309 | R14: Flatulence and related conditions 0.34671 | K82: Other diseases of gallbladder 0.31971 | K66: Other disorders of peritoneum 0.31593 | R19: Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen 0.30709 | G43: Migraine 0.30615 | E73: Lactose intolerance 0.30376 | O21: Excessive vomiting in pregnancy 0.29091 | J02: Acute pharyngitis 0.28959 | N97: Female infertility CBOWA | 0.67008 | R19: Other symptoms and signs involving the digestive system and abdomen 0.65309 | R14: Flatulence and related conditions 0.63626 | K83: Other diseases of biliary tract 0.60278 | K37: Unspecified appendicitis 0.60188 | K66: Other disorders of peritoneum 0.60182 | Q43: Other congenital malformations of intestine 0.60083 | K82: Other diseases of gallbladder 0.5987 | K38: Other diseases of appendix 0.59438 | K81: Cholecystitis 0.58445 | Q44: Congenital malformations of gallbladder, bile ducts and liver NCF | 0.98303 | M54: Dorsalgia 0.98138 | R21: Rash and other nonspecific skin eruption 0.97895 | J06: Acute upper respiratory infections of multiple and unspecified sites 0.97852 | M79: Other soft tissue disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.97846 | J22: Unspecified acute lower respiratory infection 0.97568 | M25: Other joint disorders, not elsewhere classified 0.97487 | R05: Cough 0.97297 | R07: Pain in throat and chest 0.9711 | L08: Other local infections of skin and subcutaneous tissue 0.96679 | H60: Otitis externa BEHRT | 0.24785 | D64: Other anaemias 0.18252 | K62: Other diseases of anus and rectum 0.18163 | D50: Iron deficiency anaemia 0.17432 | K52: Other noninfective gastroenteritis and colitis 0.1595 | R33: Retention of urine 0.15783 | D69: Purpura and other haemorrhagic conditions 0.15201 | K92: Other diseases of digestive system 0.15122 | K83: Other diseases of biliary tract 0.15053 | R12: Heartburn 0.14959 | K21: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease ## Acknowledgment This work used data provided by patients and collected by the NHS as part of their care and support and would not have been possible without access to this data. The NIHR recognises and values the role of patient data, securely accessed and stored, both in underpinning and leading to improvements in research and care. We also thank Wayne Dorrington for his help in making Fig. 1. ## References * [1] G. S. Birkhead, M. Klompas, and N. R. Shah, “Uses of electronic health records for public health surveillance to advance public health,” _Annual review of public health_ , vol. 36, pp. 345–359, 2015. * [2] T. Botsis, G. Hartvigsen, F. Chen, and C. Weng, “Secondary use of ehr: data quality issues and informatics opportunities,” _Summit on Translational Bioinformatics_ , vol. 2010, p. 1, 2010. * [3] P. B. Jensen, L. J. Jensen, and S. Brunak, “Mining electronic health records: towards better research applications and clinical care,” _Nature Reviews Genetics_ , vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 395–405, 2012. * [4] B. Shickel, P. J. Tighe, A. Bihorac, and P. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Jose Roberto Ayala Solares, Yajie Zhu, Abdelaali Hassaine, Shishir\n Rao, Yikuan Li, Mohammad Mamouei, Dexter Canoy, Kazem Rahimi, Gholamreza\n Salimi-Khorshidi", "submitter": "Abdelaali Hassaine", "url": "" }
# Emotion Stimulus Detection in German News Headlines Bao Minh Doan Dang, Laura Oberländer Roman Klinger Institut für Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, University of Stuttgart, Germany [email protected], {laura.oberlaender, roman.klinger} ###### Abstract Emotion stimulus extraction is a fine-grained subtask of emotion analysis that focuses on identifying the description of the cause behind an emotion expression from a text passage (e.g., in the sentence “I am happy that I passed my exam” the phrase “passed my exam” corresponds to the stimulus.). Previous work mainly focused on Mandarin and English, with no resources or models for German. We fill this research gap by developing a corpus of 2006 German news headlines annotated with emotions and 811 instances with annotations of stimulus phrases. Given that such corpus creation efforts are time-consuming and expensive, we additionally work on an approach for projecting the existing English GoodNewsEveryone (Gne) corpus to a machine- translated German version. We compare the performance of a conditional random field (CRF) model (trained monolingually on German and cross-lingually via projection) with a multilingual XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R) model. Our results show that training with the German corpus achieves higher F1 scores than projection. Experiments with XLM-R outperform their respective CRF counterparts. ## 1 Introduction Emotions are a complex phenomenon that play a central role in our experiences and daily communications. Understanding them cannot be accounted by any single area of study since they can be represented and expressed in different ways, e.g., via facial expressions, voice, language, or gestures. In natural language processing, most models build on top of one out of three approaches to study and understand emotions, namely basic emotions Ekman (1992); Strapparava and Mihalcea (2007); Aman and Szpakowicz (2007), the valence- arousal model Russell (1980); Buechel and Hahn (2017) or cognitive appraisal theory Scherer (2005); Hofmann et al. (2020, 2021). Emotion classification in text has received abundant attention in natural language processing research in the past few years. Hence, many studies have been conducted to investigate emotions on social media (Stieglitz and Dang-Xuan, 2013; Brynielsson et al., 2014; Tromp and Pechenizkiy, 2015), in literary and poetry texts (Kim and Klinger, 2019; Haider et al., 2020) or for analysing song lyrics Mihalcea and Strapparava (2012); Hijra Ferdinan et al. (2018); Edmonds and Sedoc (2021). However, previous work mostly focused on assigning emotions to sentences or text passages. These approaches do not allow to identify which event, object, or person caused the emotion (which we refer to as the stimulus). Emotion stimulus detection is the subtask of emotion analysis which aims at extracting the stimulus of an expressed emotion. For instance, in the following example from FrameNet Fillmore et al. (2003) “Holmes is happy having the freedom of the house when we are out” one could assume that happiness or joy is the emotion in the text. One could also highlight that the term “happy” indicates the emotion, “Holmes” is the experiencer and the phrase “having the freedom of the house when we are out” (underlined) is the stimulus for the perceived emotion. Detecting emotion stimuli provides additional information for a better understanding of the emotion structures (e.g., semantic frames associated with emotions). More than that, the fact that stimuli are essential in understanding the emotion evoked in a text is supported by research in psychology; Appraisal theorists of emotions seem to agree that emotions include a cognitive evaluative component of an event Scherer (2005). Therefore emotion stimulus detection brings the field of emotion analysis in NLP closer to the state of the art in psychology. To the best of our knowledge, there are mostly corpora published for Mandarin (Lee et al., 2010b; Gui et al., 2014, 2016; Gao et al., 2017) and English (Ghazi et al., 2015; Mohammad et al., 2014; Kim and Klinger, 2018; Bostan et al., 2020). We are not aware of any study that created resources or models for identifying emotion stimuli in German. We fill this gap and contribute the GerSti (GERman STImulus) corpus with 2006 German news headlines. The headlines have been annotated for emotion categories, for the mention of an experiencer or a cue phrase, and for stimuli on the token level (on which we focus in this paper). News headlines have been selected as the domain because they concisely provide concrete information and are easy to obtain. Additionally, unlike social media texts, this genre avoids potential privacy issues Bostan et al. (2020). Given that annotating such a corpus is time-consuming, we propose a heuristic method for projecting an annotated dataset from a source language to a target language. This helps to increase the amount of training data without manually annotating a huge dataset. Within this study, the GoodNewsEveryone corpus (Gne, Bostan et al., 2020) is selected as an English counterpart. Our contributions are therefore: (1) the creation, publication, and linguistic analysis of the GerSti dataset to understand the structure of German stimulus mentions;111The data is available at https://www.ims.uni- (2), the evaluation of baseline models using different combinations of feature sets; and (3) comparison of this in-corpus training with cross-lingual training via projection and with a pre-trained cross-lingual language model with XLM-RoBERTa (Conneau et al., 2020). ## 2 Related Work We now introduce previous work on emotion analysis and for detecting emotion stimuli. ### 2.1 Emotion Analysis Emotion analysis is the task of understanding emotions in text, typically based on psychological theories of Ekman (1992), Plutchik (2001), Russell (1980) or Scherer (2005). Several corpora have been built for emotion classification such as Alm and Sproat (2005) with tales, Strapparava and Mihalcea (2007) with news headlines, Aman and Szpakowicz (2007) with blog posts, Buechel and Hahn (2017) with various domains or Li et al. (2017) with conversations. Some datasets were created using crowdsourcing, for instance Mohammad et al. (2014) , Mohammad and Kiritchenko (2015) or Bostan et al. (2020), that have been annotated with tweets, or news headlines, respectively. Some resources mix various annotation paradigms, for example Troiano et al. (2019) (self-reporting and crowd-sourcing) or Haider et al. (2020) (experts and crowdworkers). Emotion analysis also includes other aspects such as emotion intensities and emotion roles (Aman and Szpakowicz, 2007; Mohammad and Bravo-Marquez, 2017; Bostan et al., 2020) including experiencers, targets, and stimuli (Mohammad et al., 2014; Kim and Klinger, 2018). ### 2.2 Stimulus Detection Emotion stimulus detection received substantial attention for Chinese Mandarin (Lee et al., 2010b; Li and Xu, 2014; Gui et al., 2014, 2016; Cheng et al., 2017, i.a.). Only few corpora have been created for English (Neviarouskaya and Aono, 2013; Mohammad et al., 2014; Kim and Klinger, 2018; Bostan et al., 2020). Russo et al. (2011) worked on a dataset for Italian news texts and Yada et al. (2017) annotated Japanese sentences from news articles and question/answer websites. Lee et al. (2010b, a) developed linguistic rules to extract emotion stimuli. A follow-up study developed a machine learning model that combines different sets of such rules (Chen et al., 2010). Gui et al. (2014) extended these rules and machine learning models on their Weibo corpus. Ghazi et al. (2015) formulated the task as structured learning. Most methods for stimulus detection have been evaluated on Mandarin. Gui et al. (2016) propose a convolution kernel-based learning method and train a classifier to extract emotion stimulus events on the clause level. Gui et al. (2017) treat emotion stimulus extraction as a question answering task. Li et al. (2018) use a co-attention neural network. Chen et al. (2018) explore a joint method for emotion classification and emotion stimulus detection in order to capture mutual benefits across these two tasks. Similarly, Xia et al. (2019) evaluate a hierarchical recurrent neural network transformer model to classify multiple clauses. They show that solving these subtasks jointly is beneficial for the model’s performance. Xia and Ding (2019) redefine the task as emotion/cause pair extraction and intend to detect potential emotions and corresponding causes in text. Xu et al. (2019) tackle the emotion/cause pair extraction task by adopting a learning-to-rank method. Wei et al. (2020) also argue for the use of a ranking approach. They rank each possible emotion/cause pair instead of solely ranking stimulus phrases. Fan et al. (2020) do not subdivide the emotion/cause pair detection task into two subtasks but propose a framework to detect emotions and their associated causes simultaneously. Oberländer and Klinger (2020) studied whether sequence labeling or clause classification is appropriate for extracting English stimuli. As we assume that these findings also hold for German, we follow their finding that token sequence labeling is more appropriate. ## 3 Corpus Creation To tackle German emotion stimulus detection on the token-level, we select headlines from various online news portals, remove duplicates and irrelevant items, and further subselect relevant instances with an emotion dictionary. Two annotators then label the data. We describe this process in detail in the following. ### 3.1 Data Collection We select various German news sources and their RSS feeds based on listings at a news overview website222, accessed on April 27, 2021 and add some regional online newspapers.333The list of RSS feeds is available in the supplemental material. The collected corpus consists of headlines between September 30, 2020 and October 7, 2020 and between October 22 and October 23, 2020 with 9000 headlines, spread across several domains including _politics_ , _sports_ , _tech and business_ , _science_ and _travel_. ### 3.2 Data Preprocessing and Filtering Short headlines, for instance “Verlobung!” or “Krasser After-Baby-Body” do not contain sufficient information for our annotation, therefore we omit sentences that have less than 5 words. Further, we remove generic parts of the headline, like “++ Transferticker ++”, “+++ LIVE +++” or “News-” and only keep the actual headline texts. We also remove headlines that start with particular key words which denote a specific event which would not contribute to an understanding of emotions or stimuli, such as “Interview”, “Kommentare”, “Liveblog”, “Exklusive”, as well as visual content like “Video”, “TV” or “Pop”. Additionally, we discard instances which include dates, like “Lotto am Mittwoch, 30.09.2020” or “Corona-News am 05.10”.444Details in Supplementary Material. After filtering, we select instances that are likely to be associated with an emotion with the help of an emotion lexicon (Klinger et al., 2016). For this purpose, we accept headlines which include at least one entry from the dictionary. ### 3.3 Annotation The annotation of the 2006 headlines which remain after preprocessing and filtering consists of two phases. In the first phase, emotion cues, experiencers and emotion classes are annotated, while stimuli are addressed in the second phase only for those instances which received an emotion label. Table 8 in the Appendix shows the questions to be answered during this annotation procedure. Each headline in the dataset is judged by two annotators. One of them is female (23 years old) while the other annotator is male (26 years old). The first annotator has a background in digital humanities and linguistics, while the second has a background in library and information management. After each phase, we combine overlapping stimulus annotations by choosing the parts annotated by both annotators, and discuss the cases where the annotations do not overlap until a consensus is reached. No. | Linguistics Rules ---|--- 1. | Stimuli can be described by verbal or nominal phrases 2. | Subjunctions like “because of” belong to the sequence 3. | Conjunctions like “and”, “or” and “but” connect main clauses. They can therefore belong to a stimulus sequence. 4. | Antecedents, if present, are annotated as stimuli 5. | If antecedent is not present, an anaphora may be annotated instead 6. | Composites with “-” are considered a single word 7. | Stimuli can include one or multiple words 8. | Punctuation (e.g. ,.-:;“”!?) should not be labeled as stimulus Table 1: Linguistics rules for annotating stimuli. | | | | | F1 ---|---|---|---|---|--- | $\kappa$ | tok. | span Iteration | Cue | Exp. | Emo. | Stim. Prelim. 1 | .22 | .43 | .25 | — | — | — Prelim. 2 | .71 | .49 | .47 | — | — | — Prelim. 3 | .46 | .69 | .44 | — | .65 | — Final | .56 | .57 | .51 | .68 | .72 | .56 Table 2: Inter-annotator agreement for the binary tasks of annotating the existance of cue mentions, experiencer mentions, the multi-label annotation of emotion labels, and the token-level annotation of stimulus spans. The F1-span value for stimuli is an exact match value for the whole span. ##### Guidelines. We created an initial version of guidelines motivated by Lee et al. (2010b, a); Gui et al. (2014); Ghazi et al. (2015). Based on two batches of 25 headlines, and one with 50 headlines, we refined the guidelines in three iterations. After each iteration, we calculated inter-annotator agreement scores and discussed the annotator’s results. It should be noted that we only considered annotating emotions in the first two iterations. The sample annotation of emotion stimuli on the token-level has been performed in the third round, i.e., after two discussions and guideline refinements. During these discussions, we improved the formulation of the annotation task, provided more detailed descriptions for each predefined emotion and clarified the concept of sequence labeling using the IOB scheme. Additionally, we formulated several linguistic rules that help annotating stimuli (see Table 1). ##### Details. The goal of Phase 1 of the annotation procedure is to identify headlines with an emotional connotation. Those which do then receive stimulus annotations in Phase 2. We annotated in a spread sheet application. In Phase 1a both annotators received 2006 headlines. They were instructed to annotate whether a headline expresses an emotion by judging if cue words or experiencers are mentioned in the text. Further, only one, the most dominant, emotion is to be annotated (_happiness_ , _sadness_ , _fear_ , _disgust_ , _anger_ , _positive surprise_ , _negative surprise_ , _shame_ , _hope_ , _other_ and _no emotion_). In Phase 1b we aggregated emotion annotations and jointly discussed non-overlapping labels to a consensus annotation. In Phase 2a, annotators were instructed to label pretokenized headlines with the IOB alphabet for stimulus spans – namely those which received an emotion label in Phase 1 (811 instances). In Phase 2b, we aggregated the stimulus span annotations to a gold standard by accepting all overlapping tokens of both annotators in cases where they partially matched. For the other cases where the stimulus annotations did not overlap, we discussed the annotations to reach an agreement. ##### Agreement Results. Table 2 presents the inter-annotator agreement scores for the preliminary annotation rounds and for the final corpus. We observe that the results are moderate across classes. Figure 1 illustrates the agreement for each emotion class. The emotions _anger_ , _fear_ , and _happiness_ show the highest agreement, while _surprise_ , _other_ , and particularly _disgust_ show lower scores. For the stimulus annotation, we evaluate the agreement via token-level Cohen’s $\kappa$, via token-level F1, and via exact span-match F1 (in the first two cases, B and I labels are considered to be different). The token-level result for the final corpus is substantial with $\kappa$ =.68, F1 =.72 and moderate for the exact span match, with F1 =.56 (see Table 2). HappinessSadnessFearDisgustAngerPos. Surpr.Neg. Surpr.ShameHopeOther$0$$0.2$$0.4$$0.6$ Figure 1: $\kappa$ for all emotion classes. ## 4 Corpus Analysis Emotion | # inst. | w/ cue | w/ exp | w/ stimulus | avg. $|$stimulus$|$ | ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- Happiness | 80 | 80 | 77 | 76 | 3.72 | Sadness | 65 | 65 | 54 | 59 | 4.07 | Fear | 177 | 117 | 138 | 167 | 3.83 | Disgust | 3 | 3 | 2 | 3 | 4.00 | Anger | 226 | 226 | 195 | 208 | 3.86 | Pos. Surprise | 51 | 51 | 45 | 44 | 4.11 | Neg. Surprise | 142 | 140 | 125 | 130 | 3.96 | Shame | 9 | 9 | 9 | 8 | 3.75 | Hope | 20 | 19 | 16 | 19 | 4.05 | Other | 38 | 37 | 26 | 34 | 3.71 | No Emo. | 1195 | 930 | 109 | - | - | All | 2006 | 1737 | 796 | 748 | 3.9 | Table 3: Corpus statistics. Columns show the amount of annotated instances for emotion cue, experiencer, stimulus and the average length of all stimulus spans within each respective dominant emotion. For aggregating cue and experiencer, cases where one of the annotators annotated with a yes have been accepted. Emotion | News Sources ---|--- Happiness | Bild, Welt, Stuttgarter Zeitung Sadness | Bild, Spiegel, Stuttgarter Z. Fear | Stuttgarter Z., Bild, Welt Disgust | T-Online, Welt, Spiegel Anger | Bild, Stuttgarter Z., Spiegel Pos. Surprise | Welt, Focus, Bild Neg. Surprise | Bild, Stuttgarter Z., Spiegel Shame | Stuttgarter Z., Bild, Welt Hope | T-Online, Bild, Stuttgarter Z. Other | Bild, Stuttgarter Z., Welt Table 4: Top three most observed media sources for each dominant emotion sorted by frequency. ### 4.1 Quantitative Analysis Our corpus consists of 2006 headlines with 20,544 tokens and 6,763 unique terms. From those, 811 instances were labeled with an emotion category and received stimulus annotations on the token-level. The shortest headline consists of five words, while the longest has 20 words. The headlines are on average short with nine words. The stimulus spans range from one to eleven tokens and have four words on average. Table 3 summarizes the corpus statistics of GerSti. For aggregating emotion cue and experiencer we accept instances for which the mention of these emotion roles has been annotated by one annotator. For all emotions, most instances include the mention of an emotion cue (likely biased by our sampling procedure). Further, the number of headlines with mentions of a stimulus and an experiencer is also high for those instances which are labeled to be associated with an emotion. Table 4 presents the most common sources, sorted by their frequencies, for each aggregated emotion during Phase 1b. Not surprisingly, Bild-Zeitung is to be found in the top three for almost all emotion classes, followed by Stuttgarter-Zeitung and Welt. In particular, in five out of ten of the emotions, Bild-Zeitung takes the first place. As Table 3 demonstrates, disgust is relatively rare, we therefore list all available sources for this emotion category. Furthermore, four in five most frequently annotated emotions are negative (anger, fear, negative surprise, happiness, sadness). Note that this analysis does not necessarily reflect the actual quality of chosen news sources. The findings we report here might strongly be biased by the data collection time span. ### 4.2 Qualitative Analysis of Stimuli To obtain a better understanding of stimuli in German, we analyse which words together with their preferred grammatical realizations are likely to indicate a stimulus phrase. For this purpose, we examine the parts of speech555We use spaCy,, accessed on April 29, 2021 of terms that are directly left positioned to stimulus phrases, inside the stimulus phrases and right after it (see Table 5). We further compare our findings with Mandarin Lee et al. (2010a) and English Bostan et al. (2020). Our analysis shows that for GerSti common nouns, proper nouns, punctuation, and verbs are most frequently located directly to the left of stimulus mentions (common nouns $\approx$26%, punctuation $\approx$28%, verbs $\approx$22%, proper nouns $\approx$0.09%). Often, these words are emotionally connotated, for instance as in the nouns “Streit”, “Angst”, “Hoffnung” or “Kritik” or the verbs “warnen”, “kritisieren”, “bedrohen”, “beklagen” or “kämpfen”. | GERSTI | GNE ---|---|--- POS | All | Inside | Before@1 | After@1 | All | Inside | Before@1 | After@1 NOUN | .28 | .33 (1.17$\times$) | .26 (0.93$\times$) | .00 (0.01$\times$) | .16 | .17 (1.09$\times$) | .11 (0.69$\times$) | .17 (1.05$\times$) ADP | .15 | .22 (1.48$\times$) | .03 (0.19$\times$) | .23 (1.54$\times$) | .10 | .12 (1.12$\times$) | .14 (1.37$\times$) | .20 (1.95$\times$) PROPN | .14 | .09 (0.65$\times$) | .09 (0.68$\times$) | .01 (0.04$\times$) | .30 | .26 (0.89$\times$) | .25 (0.86$\times$) | .25 (0.83$\times$) PUNCT | .13 | .02 (0.16$\times$) | .28 (2.23$\times$) | .49 (3.87$\times$) | .09 | .07 (0.82$\times$) | .21 (2.40$\times$) | .08 (0.91$\times$) VERB | .09 | .09 (0.91$\times$) | .22 (2.32$\times$) | .16 (1.68$\times$) | .11 | .12 (1.06$\times$) | .09 (0.80$\times$) | .09 (0.85$\times$) DET | .05 | .08 (1.47$\times$) | .00 (0.09$\times$) | .01 (0.16$\times$) | .04 | .05 (1.03$\times$) | .04 (0.81$\times$) | .03 (0.63$\times$) ADJ | .05 | .07 (1.44$\times$) | .00 (0.03$\times$) | .01 (0.29$\times$) | .05 | .05 (1.09$\times$) | .02 (0.42$\times$) | .03 (0.53$\times$) ADV | .05 | .05 (1.04$\times$) | .04 (0.87$\times$) | .04 (0.93$\times$) | .02 | .02 (1.07$\times$) | .02 (0.80$\times$) | .03 (1.47$\times$) AUX | .02 | .01 (0.75$\times$) | .04 (2.34$\times$) | .03 (1.68$\times$) | .03 | .03 (1.01$\times$) | .03 (1.16$\times$) | .03 (1.11$\times$) PRON | .01 | .01 (0.71$\times$) | .02 (1.02$\times$) | .00 (0.19$\times$) | .03 | .03 (1.14$\times$) | .01 (0.45$\times$) | .02 (0.63$\times$) NUM | .01 | .02 (1.49$\times$) | .00 (0.00$\times$) | .00 (0.00$\times$) | .02 | .02 (1.15$\times$) | .01 (0.27$\times$) | .01 (0.34$\times$) CCONJ | .01 | .01 (0.97$\times$) | .01 (0.55$\times$) | .01 (0.77$\times$) | .01 | .01 (1.21$\times$) | .00 (0.64$\times$) | .02 (3.82$\times$) Table 5: Relative frequencies of POS tags of all tokens in GERSTI and GNE datasets (All) vs relative frequencies of POS tags inside the stimuli spans (Inside), before and after the stimuli spans (Before@1, After@1). For all the columns that show frequencies of the spans related to the stimuli we show the factor ($\times$) of how much it differs to the global frequencies in All. There are discrepancies between German and Mandarin stimuli. Lee et al. (2010a, b) state that prepositions or conjunctions mostly indicate stimulus phrases in Mandarin, while this is not the case for German due to our predefined annotation rules (Rule 2 from Table 1). Furthermore, indicator words for Chinese stimulus events do not cover common nouns or proper nouns. However, verbs seem to emphasize emotion causes in both languages. Compared to Gne, we also notice some differences: English stimuli do not begin with prepositions, but prepositions are most likely to be included in the stimulus span ((ADP) $\approx$0.14% in GNE vs $\approx$0.03% in GerSti). Further, by looking at the part of speech tags that were relevant in indicating the stimuli for GerSti we see that they are dominating for GNE as well. However, there are far more proper nouns than common nouns and quite fewer verbs that occur right before the stimulus phrase (common nouns$\approx$11%, punctuation $\approx$21%, verbs $\approx$0.09%, proper nouns $\approx$0.25%). Often, these indicator words of English stimuli do not as directly evoke an emotion. For instance, “say”, “make”, “woman”, “people” or “police” are often observed to be directly left located words of English stimuli. Nevertheless, similar to GerSti, stimuli from Gne corpus are not indicated by conjunctions, numerals or pronouns. The positioning of the stimuli is only similar to a limited degree in German and English: 53% of the instances in GerSti end with the stimulus (86% in English Gne) and 13% begin with the stimulus (11% in Gne). ## 5 Experiments In the following, we explain how we project annotation from an English stimulus corpus to a machine-translated counterpart. Based on this, we evaluate how well a linear-chain conditional random field Lafferty et al. (2001) performs with the projected dataset in comparison to the monolingual setup. We compare that result to the use of the pre-trained language model XLM-RoBERTa (XLM-R) (Conneau et al., 2020). ### 5.1 Annotation Projection We use the Gne dataset (Bostan et al., 2020) which is a large English annotated corpus of news headlines. Stimulus sequences in this dataset are comparatively longer with eight tokens on average. We translate the GNE corpus via DeepL666, accessed on May 20, 2021 and perform the annotation projection as follows: We first translate the whole source instance $\mathbf{t}_{\mathrm{en}}$ to the translation $\mathbf{t}_{\mathrm{de}}$ (from English to German). We further translate the stimulus token sequence $\mathbf{stim}_{\mathrm{en}}$ to $\mathbf{stim}_{\mathrm{de}}$. We assume the stimulus annotation for $\mathbf{t}_{\mathrm{de}}$ to correspond to all tokens in $\mathbf{stim}_{\mathrm{de}}$, heuristically corrected to be a consecutive sequence. ### 5.2 Experimental Setting #### 5.2.1 Models ##### CRF. We implement the linear-chain conditional random field model via the CRF-suite in Scikit-learn777, accessed on April 30, 2021 and extract different features. What we call _corpus-based features_ contains the frequency of a current word in the whole corpus, position label for first (_begin_), last (_end_) and remaining (_middle_) words of the headline, if the current word is capitalized, or entirely in upper or lowercase, if the token is a number, a punctuation symbol, or in the list of 50 most frequent words in our corpus. We further include _linguistic features_ , namely the part-of-speech tag, the syntactic dependency between the current token and its head, if it is a stopword or if it has a named entity label (and which one it is). We further add a feature which specifies whether the token is part of an emotion-word dictionary (Klinger et al., 2016). Additionally, we combine the feature vector of the preceding and succeeding token (we add the prefixes _prev_ and _next_ to each feature name) with the current token to get information about surrounding words. We mark the first and last token with additional features. ##### RoBERTa. We use the pre-trained XLM-RoBERTa base model with the HuggingFace888, accessed on April 30, 2021 library from Wolf et al. (2020). In addition to the pre-trained transformer, we add a linear layer which outputs a sequence of IOB tags for each input sentence. We fine-tune the language model in five epochs and use a batch size of 16 during training, a dropout rate of 0.5, and the Adam optimizer with weight decay Loshchilov and Hutter (2019), with a learning rate of $10^{-5}$ and a maximum gradient norm of 1.0. ##### Setup. For our experiments, we only use the 811 instances from the GerSti dataset that received annotations for emotion stimuli. We split them into a train and validation subset (80 %/20 %) and perform experiments in three different settings. In the _in-corpus training_ , we train with the GerSti training data and test on the test corpus. In the _projection_ setting, we train on the english Gne data and test on the German GerSti test data (either with the CRF via projection or directly with the XLM-R model). In the _aggregation_ setting, we use both the English train data and the German train data for training. #### 5.2.2 Evaluation Metrics We evaluate the stimuli prediction as follows (following Ghazi et al. (2015) and Oberländer and Klinger (2020)): _Exact_ match leads to a true positive for an exactly correct span prediction. _Partial_ accepts a predicted stimulus as true positive if at least one token overlaps with a gold standard span. A variation is _Left_ /_Right_ , where the left/right boundary needs to perfectly match the gold standard. ### 5.3 Results Table 6 reports the results for our experiments. The top four blocks compare the importance of the feature set choice for the CRF approach. In nearly all combinations of model and evaluation measure, the in-corpus evaluation leads to the best performance – adding data from the Gne corpus only slightly improves for the _Partially_ evaluation setting when the CRF is limited to corpus features. The projection-based approach, where the model does not have access to the GerSti training data consistently shows a lower performance, with approximately a drop by 50 % in F1 score. The linguistic features particularly help the CRF in the _Exact_ evaluation setting, but all feature set choices are dominated by the results of the XLM- RoBERTa model. This deep learning approach shows the best results across all models, and is particularly better in the _Partial_ evaluation setting, with 19pp, 13pp and 15pp improvement. Both projection and aggregation models indicate that extracting the beginning of a stimulus span is challenging. We assume that both models have learned English stimulus structures and therefore could not generalize well on the German emotion stimuli (also see Section 4.2). Model | $F_{1}$ | in-corp. | proj. | aggre. ---|---|---|---|--- CRF with corpus features | Exact | .38 | .19 | .33 Partial | .49 | .43 | .52 Left | .42 | .22 | .38 Right | .51 | .41 | .51 CRF with linguistic features | Exact | .42 | .16 | .35 Partial | .58 | .41 | .54 Left | .52 | .19 | .43 Right | .57 | .40 | .53 CRF with corp.+lingu. features | Exact | .45 | .19 | .35 Partial | .57 | .48 | .53 Left | .53 | .24 | .41 Right | .56 | .47 | .52 CRF with all features | Exact | .42 | .20 | .36 Partial | .56 | .48 | .55 Left | .50 | .25 | .43 Right | .55 | .46 | .53 RoBERTa XLM-R | Exact | .47 | .25 | .45 Partial | .75 | .61 | .70 Left | .68 | .35 | .58 Right | .71 | .59 | .72 Table 6: Results for the CRF models with different feature sets and the XLM-R model. Highest F1-scores in each row printed with bold face, highest score in column/per evaluation measure is underlined, highest score in each column and per evaluation measure in the CRF is printed italics. Err. Type | Example | Setup ---|---|--- Early start | $\underset{\textrm{Court}}{\hbox{Hof}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{in}}{\hbox{in}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Bavaria}}{\hbox{Bayern}\vphantom{y}}$$\underset{\textrm{:}}{\hbox{:}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{21-year-old}}{\hbox{21-J\"{a}hriger}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left[\right.$ $\underset{\textrm{after}}{\hbox{nach}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{deadly}}{\hbox{t\"{o}dlichem}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{car-accident}}{\hbox{Autounfall}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{to}}{\hbox{zu}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{probation}}{\hbox{Bew\"{a}hrungsstrafe }\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{convicted}}{\hbox{verurteilt }\vphantom{y}}$ $\left.\right]$ | projection | Court in Bavaria: 21-year-old sentenced to probation after fatal car accident | Late start | $\underset{\textrm{Peter}}{\hbox{Peter}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Madsen}}{\hbox{Madsen}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{in}}{\hbox{in}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Denmark}}{\hbox{D\"{a}nemark}\vphantom{y}}$$\underset{\textrm{:}}{\hbox{:}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Kim}}{\hbox{Kim}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Wall's}}{\hbox{Walls}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{murderer}}{\hbox{Mörder}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left[\right.$ $\underset{\textrm{fails}}{\hbox{scheitert}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{by}}{\hbox{bei}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{escape-attempt}}{\hbox{Fluchtversuch}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{from}}{\hbox{aus}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{prison}}{\hbox{Gefängnis}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left.\right]$ | in-corpus | Peter Madsen from Denmark: Kim Wall’s killer fails in escape attempt from prison | Early stop | $\underset{\textrm{Even}}{\hbox{Noch}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{more}}{\hbox{mehr}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{parents}}{\hbox{Eltern}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{tell}}{\hbox{erzählen}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left[\right.$ $\underset{\textrm{about}}{\hbox{von}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{the}}{\hbox{den}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{scary}}{\hbox{unheimlichen}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{things}}{\hbox{Dingen}\vphantom{y}}$$\underset{\textrm{,}}{\hbox{,}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{that}}{\hbox{die}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{their}}{\hbox{ihr}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{child}}{\hbox{Kind}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{once}}{\hbox{mal}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{said}}{\hbox{gesagt}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{has}}{\hbox{hat}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left.\right]$ | in-corpus | More parents share creepy things their kid once said | Late stop | $\underset{\textrm{In}}{\hbox{In}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Paris}}{\hbox{Paris}\vphantom{y}}$$\underset{\textrm{:}}{\hbox{:}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left[\right.$ $\underset{\textrm{Loud}}{\hbox{Lauter}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{bang}}{\hbox{Knall}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left.\right]$ $\underset{\textrm{scares}}{\hbox{schreckt}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{people}}{\hbox{Menschen}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{on}}{\hbox{auf}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{-}}{\hbox{-}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Cause}}{\hbox{Ursache}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{quickly}}{\hbox{schnell}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{found}}{\hbox{gefunden}\vphantom{y}}$ | aggregation | In Paris: Loud bang startles people - cause quickly found | Surrounding | $\underset{\textrm{EU-summit}}{\hbox{EU-Gipfel}\vphantom{y}}$$\underset{\textrm{:}}{\hbox{:}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Dispute}}{\hbox{Streit}\vphantom{y}}$$\left[\right.$ $\underset{\textrm{about}}{\hbox{\"{u}ber}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{line}}{\hbox{Linie}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{to}}{\hbox{zur}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Turkey}}{\hbox{T\"{u}kei}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left.\right]$ $\underset{\textrm{-}}{\hbox{-}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Erdogan}}{\hbox{Erdogan}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{reacts}}{\hbox{reagiert}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{with}}{\hbox{mit}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{gloat}}{\hbox{H\"{a}me}\vphantom{y}}$ | projection | EU-summit: Dispute over line on Turkey - Erdogan responds with gloating | Consecutive | $\underset{\textrm{Defeat}}{\hbox{Niederlage}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{for}}{\hbox{f\"{u}r}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{car-manufacturer}}{\hbox{Autohersteller}\vphantom{y}}$$\underset{\textrm{:}}{\hbox{:}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left[\right.$ $\underset{\textrm{work-council-election}}{\hbox{Betriebsratswahl}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{by}}{\hbox{bei}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{Daimler}}{\hbox{Daimler}\vphantom{y}}$ $\underset{\textrm{invalid}}{\hbox{ung\"{u}ltig}\vphantom{y}}$ $\left.\right]$ | aggregation | Defeat for car manufacturer: Daimler’s work council election invalid | Table 7: Example headlines for examined error types. Gold annotations correspond to tokens between $\left[\;\right]$. Predicted stimulus segments are highlighted as follows: red (B tag), blue (I tag). English translations for each sample are written in italics. All examples stem from the CRF models except the last one. ### 5.4 Error Analysis We now discuss the model’s quality (see Table 7) based on various error types, namely _Early Start_ , _Late Start_ , _Early Stop_ , _Late Stop_ , _Surrounding_ (_Early Start_ & _Late stop_) and _Consecutive_ error. Both CRF and XLM-R with projection settings have largely generated _Early Start_ and _Late Stop_ errors. These models tend to detect longer stimulus segments than annotated in the gold data. This might be a consequence of English stimuli being longer than in German. Despite the fact that a CRF does not have an understanding of the length of span due to the Markov property, it has a bias weight for transitions between I labels. An example for such a case is the first instance from Table 7 the projection setting also extracted the token “21-Jähriger” as the start of the stimulus sequence. This explains the difference between partial and exact F1 scores in Table 6. The _Surrounding_ exemplifies that the models tend to predict the beginning of a stimulus span directly after a colon. In contrast, in the in-corpus experiments (particularly with XLM-R), models tend to generate _Late Start_ and _Early Stop_ errors more often. For example the second headline from Table 7 shows a missing prediction of the verb “scheitert”. Instead, the preposition “bei” is found as the start of the stimulus phrase. Further, in the subsequent example, this model setting does not cover the phrase “die ihr Kind mal gesagt hat” in the stimulus segment. Both sample headlines demonstrate that in-corpus models tend to label prepositions as the start of stimulus sequences. In the XML-R experiments, we opted against the use of a Viterbi-decoded output layer (like a CRF output) – this leads to errors of the _Consecutive_ type, as shown in the last example: start and end of the stimulus are correctly found, but tokens in between have been missed. ## 6 Conclusion and Future Work We introduced the first annotated German corpus for identifying emotion stimuli and provided baseline model results for various CRF configurations and an XLM-R model. We additionally proposed a data projection method. Our results show training and testing the model in the same language outperforms cross-lingual models. Further, the XLM-R model that uses a multilingual distributional semantic space outperforms the projection. However, based on partial matches, we see that, when approximate matches are sufficient projection and multilingual methods show an acceptable result. Previous work has shown that the task of stimulus detection can be formulated as token sequence labeling or as clause classification (Oberländer and Klinger, 2020). In this paper we limited our analysis and modeling on the sequence labeling approach. Thus, we leave to future work the comparison with the clause-classification approach. However, from the results obtained, we find sequence labeling an adequate formulation in German. For further future work, we suggest experimenting with the other existing corpora in English to examine whether the cross-lingual approach would work well on other domains. Regarding this, one could also train and improve models not only for language change but also to extract stimuli across different domains. Subsequently, another aspect that should be investigated is the simultaneous recognition of emotion categories and stimuli. ## Acknowledgements This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (project CEAT, KL 2869/1-2). Thanks to Pavlos Musenidis for fruitful discussions and feedback on this study. ## References * Alm and Sproat (2005) Cecilia Ovesdotter Alm and Richard Sproat. 2005. Emotional sequencing and development in fairy tales. In _Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction_ , pages 668–674, Berlin, Heidelberg. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. * Aman and Szpakowicz (2007) Saima Aman and Stan Szpakowicz. 2007. Identifying expressions of emotion in text. In _Text, Speech and Dialogue_ , pages 196–205. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. * Bostan et al. (2020) Laura Ana Maria Bostan, Evgeny Kim, and Roman Klinger. 2020. GoodNewsEveryone: A corpus of news headlines annotated with emotions, semantic roles, and reader perception. In _Proceedings of the 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference_ , pages 1554–1566, Marseille, France. European Language Resources Association. * Brynielsson et al. (2014) Joel Brynielsson, Fredrik Johansson, Carl Jonsson, and Anders Westling. 2014. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution Share-Alike -", "authors": "Bao Minh Doan Dang and Laura Oberl\\\"ander and Roman Klinger", "submitter": "Roman Klinger", "url": "" }
# Angel’s Girl for Blind Painters: an Efficient Painting Navigation System Validated by Multimodal Evaluation Approach Hang Liu, Menghan Hu, Yuzhen Chen, Qingli Li, Guangtao Zhai, Simon X. Yang, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Xiaokang Yang, This work is sponsored by the Shanghai Sailing Program (No. 19YF1414100), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61831015, No. 61901172), the STCSM (No. 18DZ2270700), the Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (No. 18511102500), and “Chenguang Program” supported by Shanghai Education Development Foundation and Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (No. 19CG27).H. Liu, M. Hu, Y. Chen and Q. Li are with the Shanghai Key Laboratory of Multidimensional Information Processing, East China Normal University.M. Hu, G. Zhai, and X. Yang are with the Key Laboratory of Articial Intelligence, Ministry of Education.Simon X. Yang is with the Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory, School of Engineering, University of Guelph.Xiao-Ping Zhang is with the Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, Ryerson University.Corresponding author: Menghan Hu ([email protected]) ###### Abstract For people who ardently love painting but unfortunately have visual impairments, holding a paintbrush to create a work is a very difficult task. People in this special group are eager to pick up the paintbrush, like Leonardo da Vinci, to create and make full use of their own talents. Therefore, to maximally bridge this gap, we propose a painting navigation system to assist blind people in painting and artistic creation. The proposed system is composed of cognitive system and guidance system. The system adopts drawing board positioning based on QR code, brush navigation based on target detection and bush real-time positioning. Meanwhile, this paper uses human- computer interaction on the basis of voice and a simple but efficient position information coding rule. In addition, we design a criterion to efficiently judge whether the brush reaches the target or not. According to the experimental results, the thermal curves extracted from the faces of testers show that it is relatively well accepted by blindfolded and even blind testers. With the prompt frequency of 1s, the painting navigation system performs best with the completion degree of $89\%\pm 8.37\%$ and overflow degree of $347\%\pm 162.14\%$. Meanwhile, the excellent and good types of brush tip trajectory account for $74\%$, and the relative movement distance is $4.21\pm 2.51$. This work demonstrates that it is practicable for the blind people to feel the world through the brush in their hands. In the future, we plan to deploy “Angle’s Eyes” on the phone to make it more portable. The demo video of the proposed painting navigation system is available at: ###### Index Terms: Painting navigation system, Visually impaired artists, Assistive device, QR code positioning, Multimodal evaluation metrics. ## I Introduction According to the recent report of the world health organization, about 1.3 billion people worldwide suffer from various forms of visual impairment, and about 36 million people are blind [1, z]. Visual organ is one of the most important sensory organs of human beings. More than 90$\%$ of sensory information transmitted to human beings is visual [2, 3]. For blind people, the decline or lack of visual perception brings great inconvenience to their daily life. They can hardly complete some routine tasks just like walking, driving, writing and recognizing objects [4, 5]. Vision loss can also greatly affect artistic creations such as painting. Though having dexterous hands, many of them find their artistic dreams hard to realize because of visual inconvenience. They are eager to pick up the paintbrush, like Leonardo da Vinci, to create and make full use of their own talents. Obstacles that mainly come from their visual impairments keep their dreams so far away from them! Painting can not only mould a person’s temperament, but also improve communication between people [6]. Drawing images can assist the process of remembering information, which turns out to be a good memory strategy to quickly grasp a new concept [7, 8] and help acquire knowledge of different subjects [9, 10]. While painting, people can release their pent-up emotions as a way to maintain an optimistic attitude [11, 12]. After having taken training in art, blind people can also better express themselves and adjust their mood during the process of painting. More benefits can be further obtained by blind people through artistic creation, such as the development of their brain areas related to visual memory [13, 14]. White cane, dog guides and wearable vision assistance [15, 16], etc., have been used to help visually impaired and blind people finish daily tasks. Recent years have seen a rapid technological development in the navigation system based on spatial orientation for blind people. The existing navigation systems to which technologies of route planning and human-computer interaction are usually applied can provide navigational aids for blind users and protect them from a fall or a tumble [17, 18]. Zhang et al. designed an indoor navigation system for blind people by using technologies of ARCore-based visual positioning and touch-based human-computer interaction [2]. Murata et al. designed a navigation assistance system for blind people using mobile phone positioning technology, which offers guidance when blind people walk around in a large-scale indoor public place [19]. Li et al. designed a new navigation system based on overall vision, which can help blind people themselves move about while being indoors [20]. Cordeiro et al. developed a high level information fusion technology in their navigation system and a system can automatically calculate the possibility of collision in the moving process of blind users [21]. Most of the current researches focus on how to use robot sense technologies (computer vision, ultrasonic sensing, etc.) to help blind people safely and successfully perform basic daily tasks such as positioning [19, 2, 22] and obstacle avoidance [21, 23, 24]. As far as we know, there are few studies that employ sensing technologies such as computer vision to assist blind people in accomplishing higher-level tasks, including painting. Traditional drawing auxiliaries for blind people use their tactile perception and low-tech analog tools to draw images [25, 26]. Vinter et al. designed a drawing board made out of thin plastic, which is based on tactile perception [27]. With a pen, the board enables blind people to draw images, though it can only help create simple geometric patterns due to the low tactile perception dimension (it is one-dimensional to our knowledge). Thus it is difficult to help create more vivid images. Kamel and Landay designed a simple static grid to help blind users, while painting, determine the paper’s locating points from the start point to the end point [28]. The positioning scheme turns the paper into the uneven surface paper, which may eventually have a negative impact on the painting. On the other hand, it is relatively complicated for blind people to operate owing to the absence of feedback. Concomitant with the development of science and technology, researchers developed drawing equipment for blind people based on tactile display. Recently, Bornschein et al. have designed an array display for blind people to make tactile drawings by means of two-dimensional tactile input and output matrices [29]. Tactile display devices can interactively guide blind people in drawing, but they are expensive and difficult to operate. With protruding points on the drawing paper affecting user experience, the navigation system for blind people, which takes tactile sense as the core solution, can only assist blind users to draw simple and low-dimensional images. In view of the defects of tactile navigation system for painting, we intend to design a navigation system for painting using visual assistance, which may enhance blind people’s dimension of perception with regard to painting space, so as to help add more artistic appeal to the painting and bring more pleasures of creation. Therefore, the main contribution of the current work is that we develop an efficient painting navigation system based on visual aid and auditory feedback for blind people to help them with painting training and artistic creation. This painting navigation system is able to serve as an “Angle’s Eyes” of blind painters, and provide the possibility for them to feel the world through the brush in their hands. Aiming at overcoming the difficulties of the painting navigation system for blind people, we have carried out the following work: (1) to realize the real- time monitoring and correction of the painting position, we adopt the QR code positioning technology; (2) to accurately and efficiently identify brush tip position, we utilize the dynamic brush tip recognition algorithm; (3) to locate the tip position in an efficient, accurate, and real-time manner, we divide the painting area using virtual grids. These virtual grids are simply coded, allowing blind users to easily access the tip location; (4) to achieve the human-machine information exchange when fulfilling drawing tasks, we develop a digestible two-way voice interaction method. Blind people can tell the navigation system where to paint via the pre-designed voice, and then follow the voice cue to find the targeted region; and (5) to efficiently test the performance of the painting navigation system, we use the multimodal evaluation metrics including recognition accuracy and user experience evaluation. In addition, to explore the navigation effect with different frequencies of voice prompt, three prompt frequencies namely fast, medium and slow are set during the comparative experiments. ## II Design of painting navigation system The photograph of painting navigation system is illustrated in Fig. 1. The system mainly consists of drawing board, voice input/output component, main camera, macro camera, extended display, QR code, data processing terminal, adjustable camera mount, virtual grid and brush. The above components further constitute the other modules in the system, thereby realizing the functions of the painting navigation system. The demo video of the proposed painting navigation system is available at: In this demo video, the brush color recognition module is demonstrated. Considering the length of the paper and the high accuracy rate of the brush color recognition, this module is not described in this paper. Figure 1: Setup of the painting navigation system for blind painters. ### II-A Information Stream in Painting Navigation System To complete the painting task, the painting navigation system needs to process multimodal and multilevel information. Consequently, in the process of system design, it is necessary to understand the information flow. Fig. 2 shows the path of the main information flow in the proposed painting navigation system. The main part of painting navigation system is cognitive system and guidance system. The cognitive system aims to help blind people understand the world near the drawing board (macro control of drawing area, dynamic recognition of brush position, access to the targeted drawing region, etc.), and it is composed of QR code based drawing board positioning module and brush real-time positioning module. The guidance system aims to build an informational bridge between the real world and users or services, and its main part is human- computer interaction module. As shown in Fig. 2, we design the main working logic among the painting navigation system: locate the stable top view for the painting navigation system $\rightarrow$ recognise the user’s voice command information $\rightarrow$ identify the coordinate information via semantic analysis $\rightarrow$ detect the brush position in real time $\rightarrow$ transmit location information of brush to users in real time. More detailed working logic diagram is shown in Fig. 3. Figure 2: Main information flow in painting navigation system. The subjective assessment methods are used for evaluating the system performance on the user’s feeling, and the objective assessment methods are used for evaluating the performance of each technique. Figure 3: Detailed working logic among the painting navigation system. ### II-B QR Code based Drawing Board Positioning Module To help the blind complete the painting task, the drawing board needs to be positioned. We combine the QR code positioning and the perspective transformation to achieve the positioning of the drawing board. Four ARUCO squares with different encoded information are printed on the four sides of the drawing board. ARUCO markers are synthetic square markers. ARUCO library was originally developed by Rafael Muñoz and Sergio Garrido [30]. ARUCO markers comprise a wide black border with an inner binary matrix, so that they can be recognized quickly [31]. The ARUCO squares are marked as [$ARUCO_{j}X_{1}$, $ARUCO_{j}Y_{1}$], [$ARUCO_{j}X_{2}$, $ARUCO_{j}Y_{2}$], [$ARUCO_{j}X_{3}$, $ARUCO_{j}Y_{3}$], and [$ARUCO_{j}X_{4}$, $ARUCO_{j}Y_{4}$], respectively, where $j$ $\in$ $\\{$1,2,3,4$\\}$. This is the encoding information of the ARUCO squares. After the system detects an ARUCO square with corresponding coded information, it will automatically recognize the four vertex coordinates of the ARUCO square. The designed drawing board is then imaged by the main camera. Assisted by QR code and perspective transformation algorithm, the drawing board can be located with any camera angles. The whole procedure for identifying four QR codes and calculating their coordinates is presented in Fig. 4. According to the layout of the ARUCO squares, the corner of ARUCO square closest to the center is one of the final four location points, and therefore, the final coordinates of drawing board can be calculated using: $[X_{i},Y_{i}]=[ARUCO_{j}X_{k},ARUCO_{j}Y_{k}]$ (1) when $i$ value is 1, 2, 3, and 4, the corresponding $k$ value is 4, 3, 2, and 1, which respectively correspond to the upper left corner, upper right corner, left bottom corner, and right bottom corner of drawing board. Figure 4: Procedure for identifying four QR codes and calculating their coordinates. Subsequently, the painting region is registered using the perspective transformation. After this operation, we can realize the transformation of painting area from squint angle to overhead angle. Let assume that the coordinates of detected ARUCO squares in the original image and in the transformed image are respectively $O$=($x_{i}$,$y_{i}$) and $T$=($x_{i}^{{}^{\prime}}$,$y_{i}^{{}^{\prime}}$), where $i$ $\in$ $\\{$1,2,3,4$\\}$. The correlation between these two coordinates is $T$=$O$$\times$$M$, where $M$ is the transfer matrix. The conversion formula of perspective transformation is: $[x^{{}^{\prime}}\ y^{{}^{\prime}}\ w^{{}^{\prime}}]=[u\ v\ w]M=[u\ v\ w]\begin{bmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\\ a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\\ a_{31}&a_{32}&a_{33}\end{bmatrix}$ (2) where ($u$,$v$) is the coordinates from original image, ($x$, $y$) is the coordinates after conversion. According to formula 2, ($x$, $y$) can be expressed as: $(x,y)=(\frac{x^{{}^{\prime}}}{w^{{}^{\prime}}},\frac{y^{{}^{\prime}}}{w^{{}^{\prime}}})=(\frac{a_{11}u+a_{21}v+a_{31}}{a_{13}u+a_{23}v+a_{33}},\frac{a_{12}u+a_{22}v+a_{32}}{a_{13}u+a_{23}v+a_{33}})$ (3) Let $w=1$, $a_{31}=1$,$a_{32}=1$, $a_{33}=1$, $M$ can be expressed as: $M=\begin{bmatrix}a_{11}&a_{12}&a_{13}\\\ a_{21}&a_{22}&a_{23}\\\ a_{31}&a_{32}&a_{33}\end{bmatrix}$ (4) Therefore, we can calculate $M_{1}$ in transformation ($x_{0}$, $y_{0}$)$\rightarrow$(0, 0), ($x_{1}$, $y_{1}$)$\rightarrow$(1, 0), ($x_{2}$, $y_{2}$)$\rightarrow$(1, 1), ($x_{3}$, $y_{3}$)$\rightarrow$(0, 1), and can calculate $M_{2}$ in transformation (0, 0)$\rightarrow$($x_{0}^{’}$, $y_{0}^{’}$), (1, 0)$\rightarrow$($x_{1}^{’}$, $y_{1}^{’}$), (1, 1)$\rightarrow$($x_{2}^{’}$, $y_{2}^{’}$), (0, 1)$\rightarrow$($x_{3}^{’}$, $y_{3}^{’}$). The transformation ($x_{0}$, $y_{0}$)$\rightarrow$($x_{0}^{’}$, $y_{0}^{’}$), ($x_{1}$, $y_{1}$)$\rightarrow$($x_{1}^{’}$, $y_{1}^{’}$), ($x_{2}$, $y_{2}$)$\rightarrow$($x_{2}^{’}$, $y_{2}^{’}$), ($x_{3}$, $y_{3}$)$\rightarrow$($x_{3}^{’}$, $y_{3}^{’}$) can be seen as: ($x_{0}$, $y_{0}$)$\rightarrow$(0, 0)$\rightarrow$($x_{0}^{’}$, $y_{0}^{’}$), ($x_{1}$, $y_{1}$) $\rightarrow$(1, 0)$\rightarrow$($x_{1}^{’}$, $y_{1}^{’}$), ($x_{2}$, $y_{2}$)$\rightarrow$(1, 1)$\rightarrow$($x_{2}^{’}$, $y_{2}^{’}$), ($x_{3}$, $y_{3}$)$\rightarrow$(0, 1)$\rightarrow$($x_{3}^{’}$, $y_{3}^{’}$). So that we can calculate $M$: $M$ = $M_{1}$$M_{2}$. The coordinates of corner points determined by the image processing method are discrete observations, and they inevitably will change over time by the user intervention (move the camera or the panel). To reduce this error, when the camera detects the ARUCO squares simultaneously, the position of drawing board is updated. ### II-C Brush Real-time Positioning Module To navigate the painting process, it is necessary to identify and locate the position of brush tip. The process is divided into four steps (Fig. 5): 1) brush identification: the dynamic target recognition algorithm [32] is adopted to identify the dynamic objects in the drawing area. In the process of painting, the drawing area is still, while the brush is dynamic. Therefore, the brush can be identified through the dynamic target recognition algorithm; 2) brush tip detection: YOLOv3 [33] is used to accurately position the brush tip; 3) tip’s edge detection: Canny edge operator is applied to detect the nip’s edge; and 4) tip’s center determination: the points on the edge are numbered in order. Each edge is a line made up of many points. We assume the total number of points that make up the line is $M$, and the serial number of the points is $i$. The curvature of $i$th point is presented as $Cur_{i}$, and it can be calculated using: $Cur_{i}=\sqrt{(\sum_{k=-j}^{k=j}(x_{i+k}-x_{i}))^{2}+(\sum_{k=-j}^{k=j}(y_{i+k}-y_{i}))^{2}}$ (5) where $j$ denotes the curvature calculation range, and $k=1,2,...,j$ is the serial number within the range determined by $j$. The value of $j$ can be assigned based on the scale of application scenario. That is, it mainly depends on the performance of the used camera and the distance between the used camera and panel. In this case, we set the $j$ as 5. In the process of drawing, there is a movement speed of the brush tip. Therefore, the time delay inevitably exists between the past position of brush tip announced by the painting navigation system via voice and the current position of brush tip detected by the system. This means that by the time the user hears the voice announcement, the pen has already moved out of the targeted area. To fill this time gap as much as possible, we design a new rule for brush tip positioning. Fig. 6 shows the rule of judging whether the brush tip reaches target area. We choose a central area from the target area as ‘the reference area’. The length and width of ‘the reference area’ are labeled as $a$ and $b$, respectively. The coordinates of central point and brush tip are set as $(x_{0},y_{0})$ and $(x_{t},y_{t})$, respectively. Assume ${\Delta x}_{t}=x_{t}-x_{0}$ and ${\Delta y}_{t}=y_{t}-y_{0}$. If ${\Delta x}_{t}$ and ${\Delta y}_{t}$ meet the criterion ${2\Delta x}_{t}\leq\,a$ and ${2\Delta y}_{t}\leq\,b$, the brush tip reaches the target successfully at the moment $t$, or the painting navigation continues. This rule reduces the time delay and is being optimized in our subsequent work. Figure 5: Process of brush tip detection: a) brush region identification using dynamic target detection; b) brush tip detection; c) tip’s edge detection via Canny edge operator; and d) determination of tip’s center based on maximum curvature. Figure 6: A micro-scenario of the brush tip’s arriving at target monitoring. The legend indicates the positive direction. The yellow area denotes the target area while the red area represents central area. ${\Delta x}_{t}$ represents ($x_{t}-x_{0}$) and ${\Delta y}_{t}$ equals ($y_{t}-y_{0}$). If ${2\Delta x}_{t}\leq\,a$ and ${2\Delta y}_{t}\leq\,b$, the brush tip reaches the target successfully at the moment $t$. ### II-D Human-computer Interaction Module To allow the blind people to better grasp the location information of the painting area, we use the grid division method to divide the painting area into 64 small independent areas. It should be noted that these sub-regions are programmed by virtual grids, which are invisible for people. The schematic diagram of panel region segmentation and coding is shown in Fig. 7. Each small area is coded with two letters. The first and second letters of sub-region represent the row and column where it locates, respectively. For example, the sub-region in the first column and the fourth row is encoded as “bd”, and the sub-region in the fourth column and the fifth row is encoded as “de”. Based on these virtual sub-regions, the process of human-computer interaction consists of three steps: 1) the user activates the system by the pre-set voice, and presses a button and enters the desired navigation location by voice. The speech recognition unit recognizes the user’s voice commands and parses the data to obtain the targeted location information that needs to be navigated; 2) the navigation system gains the coordinate of brush tip using brush positioning module, and then calculates the difference between the coordinates of the target location and the brush tip. Subsequently, four voice prompts namely down, up, left and right are used to guide the user to move the brush to the target location. To avoid confusion, the system only gives guidance information in one direction at a time. For each navigation, the system first navigates in vertical dimension, and then guides the user in horizontal dimension when the vertical and horizontal coordinates of the brush tip are the same. The guidance in one dimension ends, while the guidance in another dimension begins. The above operations alternate back and forth until the targeted region is reached; and 3) when the tip reaches the target position, the system prompts the user to reach the desired painting area by voice. Figure 7: Schematic diagram of panel region segmentation and coding. ### II-E Multimodal evaluation approach To verify the practicability of the navigation system, we invite twenty-five blindfolded people, one blind person, and four blindfolded painters who have received professional training in painting to use our painting navigation system. With respect to the testers receiving professional training in painting, we invite them to use the developed system for personalized painting. For the testers without receiving professional training in painting, the target block filling task is designed to evaluate the system performance. The steps of this filling task are shown in Algorithm 1. This procedure is also the workflow of the developed navigation system. The main workflow is: 1) the tester enters coordinate information by voice; 2) the tester looks for the target location by following the voice prompt; 3) the tester fills in with the brush; and 4) the system analyzes the filling condition of the target square to judge whether the color block has been filled. During the experiment, we record the following test information: 1) the thermal video of tester’s face; 2) probability distribution of brush tip’s occurrence frequency; and 3) the path of brush tip. After the experiment, we conduct the questionnaire survey on the testers. The questionnaire is carefully designed based on empathy map. The introductions for six evaluation approaches are elaborated as follows: 1) Analysis of facial temperature changes: the thermal camera is used to record the temperature changes of tester in the process of the painting experiment. By analyzing the local temperature changes in the facial area of the testers, we can analyze their emotional fluctuations when using the navigation system. The fluctuation degrees of the temperature of subjects’ faces can reflect the user’s acceptance of the painting system[34]. Figure 8: The illustration of ‘relative movement distance’. The ideal distance is the length of the straightline between the start point and the end point. Additionally, the relative movement distance can be obtained by (6). Figure 9: Thermal diagrams of 9 blindfolded testers and 1 blind tester (these thermal curves may reflect their emotional fluctuations when using the navigation system). These thermal curves are derived from 10 testers during two-target destinations experiments using the navigation system. (A total of 13 testers were invited, but in three sets of experiments, the thermal imaging camera malfunctioned or was forgotten to be switched on, so there were three sets of missing thermal imaging data.) 2) Analysis of probability distribution of brush tip: during navigation, the system will record the coordinates of the tip every certain time interval (about 0.3s in this work). After the navigation, the system will automatically generate the probability distribution map of brush tip. This map reflects the occurrence frequency of brush tip: in the painting area, the positions with a high probability are rendered with darker color, while those with a low probability are rendered with lighter color. On the other hand, the brush tip’s probability distribution directly indicates the working area involved by the brush during the task: if the task areas are filled with darker color and the other areas are filled with lighter color, the navigation performance is considered to be satisfactory. 3) Analysis of trajectory of brush tip: when the task is completed, the trajectory of brush tip is generated by connecting the positions of brush tip in sequence. Through this trajectory, we can analyze the movement velocity, the movement distance, and movement direction of brush. Intuitively, the distance between two adjacent points is greater, which indicates the movement of brush is faster. Simultaneously, the navigation efficiency can be presented by this trajectory: the shorter the trajectory path is, the higher efficiency the navigation has. Furthermore, to make movement distance easier to understand, we introduce ‘relative movement distance’, as elaborated in Fig. 8. We set the straight-line distance between the start point and the end point as ‘ideal distance’. Subsequently, the ‘relative movement distance’ is calculated by: $R=\frac{L_{I}}{L_{M}}$ (6) where $L_{I}$ denotes the length of the straightline between the start point and the end point. $L_{M}$ stands for the total length of the brush trajectory. $R$ means the relative movement distance. Meanwhile, the navigation system is more efficient when the ‘relative movement distance’ is smaller. 4) Analysis of task completion: when the filling area in the target block and the overflowing area account for more than 80$\%$ and less than 375$\%$ respectively, the system considers that the task is completed. The completion degree and the overflow degree are used to evaluate how well the task is done. Particularly, we calculate the overflow degree in the following equation: $O_{D}=\frac{S_{C}-S_{T}}{S_{T}}$ (7) where $S_{C}$ denotes the area of completed block and $S_{T}$ represents the area of target block. $O_{D}$ means overflow degree. The completion degree can be calculated using: $O_{C}=\frac{S_{R}}{S_{T}}$ (8) where $O_{D}$ means completion degree. $S_{R}$ and $S_{T}$ represent the area of completed block in the target area and the area of target block, respectively. The smaller the value of overflow degree is, the more accurately it is painted. The larger the value of completion degree is, the better the task is completed. 5) Analysis of task completion time: we set three different prompt frequencies (high frequency: 1s; middle frequency: 2s; low frequency: 3s), and record the task completion time of each frequency. The task completion time is long, which indicates the navigation performance is poor; the completion time is short, which indicates the navigation performance is good. In addition, the influence of prompt frequencies on the performance of painting navigation system is analyzed via the tasks with the different prompt frequencies. 6) Analysis of system satisfaction: based on empathy map, we thoughtfully design the questionnaire to the satisfaction of each tester with the system. You can get the the blank questionnaire at: The questionnaire contents include but are not limited to: basic information about the tester; satisfaction; whether the guiding voice conveyed information clearly enough; whether the system provided an accurate painting navigation; how difficult for you to use this system; how much do you think it will help visually impaired painters. ## III Results of validation experiments The developed navigation system is fairly thoroughly validated with the blindfolded people, the blind person, and blindfolded painters using the multimodel evaluation approaches. The original results of evaluation experiments can be found at: The results of validation are elaborated below. ### III-A Experience of blindfolded and blind users Six multimodal evaluation metrics are used to assess the experience of the developed navigation system for both blindfolded and blind users. 1) Analysis of facial temperature changes: the facial temperature changes of the thirteen users recorded by thermal camera are extracted by image processing algorithm, and the obtained thermal diagrams of ten users are shown in Fig. 9. To some extent, these thermal curves can reflect the user’s emotional fluctuations during the experiment. The fluctuation degrees of all testers are relatively small except the tester 7’s, suggesting the navigation system is relatively well accepted by testers. Furthermore, we compare the thermal curves between the blindfolded and blind users. Intuitively, the emotional fluctuation degree of the blind user is much smaller (Fig. 9), which indicates that the blind user can better navigate this painting navigation system. Due to the loss of vision, the blind people generally do things more slowly than the people with normal vision. Accumulated over time, the blind people will be more patient than most people with normal vision. As a result, the blind people will also appear to be “calmer” when using painting navigation system. This phenomenon is quantitatively and objectively revealed in Fig. 9. Figure 10: Two typical real drawings and their corresponding brush tip probability distributions for blindfolded and blind users: a) and b) are the real drawing and the corresponding brush tip probability distribution for blindfolded user; and c) and d) are the real drawing and the corresponding brush tip probability distribution for blind user. In the brush tip probability distribution, the length and width of drawing board are divided into 25 blocks and 15 blocks, respectively. Meanwhile, the legend explains the correspondence between color and frequency. The darker the color of block is, the more often the tip appears. 2) Analysis of probability distribution of brush tip: the two typical real drawings of blindfolded and blind users and their corresponding brush tip probability distributions are shown in Fig. 10. We compare these two sets of data and find it obvious that the probability distribution is in line with the real image. The task areas are rendered with darker color while the others have lighter color, which indicates the performance of the navigation system is satisfactory. Because the traces of the brush tip leave during navigation. It can be observed that a few areas with color are unrelated to the working area. These light color area are reasonable and can be omitted when analyzed. By analyzing all the experimental data, we find that the number of light color regions is related to the distance between the point where the brush enters the drawing board and the target area. TABLE I: Average and standard deviation values of three indicators namely Completion Degree, Overflow Degree, and Relative Movement Distance for two-target experiments. Target | Completion Degree | Overflow Degree | Relative Movement Distance ---|---|---|--- Target BC and Target EG | 89$\%$$\pm$8.37$\%$ | 347$\%$$\pm$162.14% | 4.21$\pm$2.51 Target BC | 85$\%$$\pm$7.83$\%$ | 367$\%$$\pm$198.62$\%$ | 2.93$\pm$1.44 Target EG | 93$\%$$\pm 6.99$$\%$ | 325$\%$$\pm$115.41$\%$ | 6.70$\pm$4.47 Figure 11: Trajectories of brush tip and their corresponding distance diagrams. Trajectories of brush tip are divided into three categories namely excellent, good and bad according to its trajectory quality: I, II, and III represent the excellent, good and bad categories, respectively; a) and b) represent the trajectory of brush tip and the corresponding distance diagram. The x coordinate represents the serial number of the sampling points (The longer the completion time is, the more the sampling points are.) and the y coordinate denotes the relative distance (The unit of it is pixel.). 3) Analysis of trajectory of brush tip: all brush tip trajectories are divided into three categories according to its trajectory quality: excellent, good and bad. Subsequently, we obtain the corresponding distance diagram composed of the distance from the sample point in the trajectory to the destination. Fig. 11 shows the trajectories and distance diagrams of these three typical categories. We can easily get the movement direction of brush and distance change. Obviously, the less messy trajectory is, the more efficient navigation is. In other words, the curve of excellent category in distance diagram is smoother with less fluctuation from the upper left to the lower right. The final results show that the excellent and good types account for 74% (among 23 valid processed results, the number of type excellent and type good results is 17), indicating the efficiency of the navigation system. Furthermore, when calculating the relative movement distance, we especially divide the two targets into two parts and then calculate them in three conditions: Target BC and Target EG, Target BC, and Target EG, as shown in TABLE I. It can be noted that the relative distance of target BC is much shorter than target EG’ s. To some extent, hoping to finish the experiment as soon as possible, the users move the brush too much, so that the final distance becomes longer. In our experiment, we regard 3.5 as excellent and 4.5 as good. Therefore, the average relative movement distance 4.21 is satisfying. The results will be even better if users experience it with calmer mood. In other words, the navigation system may perform better in realistic operation. Figure 12: The original drawing and the labeled one. The target area is labeled in every drawing, then the completion ratio and overflow ratio are computed. 4) Analysis of task completion: completion degree and overflow degree of the task are shown in TABLE I while the original and the labeled drawings are shown in Fig. 12. Because of the drawing ways of users, almost every target block is overflowed, so we introduce the indicator: overflow degree. The equation is shown in (7). Notice the completion degrees in all conditions, 89$\%$, 85$\%$ and 93$\%$, are all a lot more than 80$\%$, which suggests the work is well done. The overflow degree meets the completion criterion, 375%, while the overflow degree of target BC is larger than target EG’ s. Considering users have the experience of completing the first target BC, they are more proficient in finishing target EG. Accordingly, the overflow degree is better. The completion degree is excellent and the overflow degree is good while the standard deviation of both indicators is relatively small. Therefore, the navigation system is considered efficient according to the two indicators. Figure 13: Mathematical statistics of the task completion time: maximal time, minimal time, average time and standard deviation of completion time. Each red point is generated after 13 testers have finished the experiments. 5) Analysis of task completion time: in Fig. 13, we show completion time of all testers’ finishing drawing two target destinations. All results are in the range of 110s to 256s, with the average time 169s and standard deviation 44s, showing the painting navigation system works well for testers. The blind user’s time is at a normal level but a little longer than most blindfolded users, which indicates that the painting navigation system may be fit for the blind. One possible reason is that blind people are more patient. Particularly, two testers finished the task within 120s. 6) Analysis of system satisfaction: after sorting questionnaires of the testers, we find the evaluation on satisfaction is positive. It is true of the two following respects namely whether the guiding voice conveyed information clearly enough and whether the system provided an accurate painting navigation. Thus, the results indicate high efficiency of the navigation system. In terms of satisfaction, all testers are satisfied while one third are very pleased. Most users feel easy even very easy to use the navigation system while 13.33% regard the navigation system a little difficult. Meanwhile, all testers think the system is helpful for blind painters; specifically, the testers thinking it helpful and very helpful account for 28.57% and 64.29%, respectively. All feel they can improve proficiency in operating the system through training. In addition, users also raise hope of improvement in the sensitivity of the system perception, the frequency and way of voice guidance, and the robustness of the system, etc. ### III-B Influence of different prompt frequencies Figure 14: The completion time in three different prompt frequencies. Testers complete drawing two target destinations in prompt frequency of 1s, 2s, and 3s. To validate our system reliability, we carry on experiments with three different prompt frequencies. The results are shown in Fig. 14. Among three prompt frequencies, the completion time is the shortest at the high frequency of 1s, followed by the middle, 2s, and the longest at low, indicating the system works best at the frequency of 1s. On the other hand, it can be noted that the task completion time of a few users decreases as prompt frequency increases and the completion time is proximate under three conditions. The ability to accept new things and reaction time varies from person to person, so it is reasonable and acceptable that a few special results appear. Overall, the task completion times for three different prompt frequencies are relatively short. ### III-C Comparison between different target destinations To verify the system adaption, we further invite another 13 blindfolded users to carry out comparison experiments under the condition of three target destinations and the prompt frequency of 1s. TABLE II: Comparison of task completion time in different target destination experiments. Targets Number | Maximum time (s) | Minimum time (s) | Average time (s) | Standard deviation (s) ---|---|---|---|--- Two | 256 | 110 | 169 | 44 Three | 385 | 123 | 261 | 85 All the testers succeed in drawing three targets successfully. We show the statistical results in TABLE II. The extra time of average time is about 90s in three-target-destination experiment. Given the greater difficulty, the performance is reasonable and good, which suggests the painting navigation system works well in multi-destination experiment. Meanwhile, the other items namely the maximum and minimum time and standard deviation, show the high efficiency of the painting navigation system. ### III-D Experience of four blindfolded professional painters Figure 15: Completed works of professionals with the guidance of the painting navigation system. To validate the actual drawing function of the painting navigation system, we invite four professional painters from the Fine Arts Department to draw under the guidance of the painting navigation system, and the four completed works are shown in Fig. 15. The professional painters can finish drawing successfully and create fascinating works, showing the practicability of the painting navigation system. Moreover, the professionals consider the experience of painting satisfactory, which further shows the potential of the navigation system to be actually applied to the blind. ### III-E Influence of background sound noise on speech recognition accuracy To test the noise resistance of the system, we conduct the experiments to analyze the influence of background sound noise on speech recognition accuracy. Speaker devices are used to create different noise conditions. We use a noise detector to measure the noise level at the microphone position. In the range of 19dB $\sim$ 95.3dB, 10 noise levels are selected for this test. “CD”, “AB”, “EF”, “HG”, and “FD” are the target commands in this test. We invite testers to test each instruction four times under each noise condition. The test results are shown in Fig. 16. Speech recognition will be affected by environmental noise to a certain extent. When the noise is 43.7dB or less, the recognition accuracy of speech recognition is 100 $\%$. When the noise is above 90dB, the speech recognition accuracy will decrease significantly. The standard of 45 dB indoors in residential areas is identified as the maximum levels below which no effects on public health and welfare occur [35]. According to the test results, the speech recognition accuracy of the system meets the needs when the ambient noise is less than 45dB. Figure 16: Speech recognition accuracy of the system under different background noise conditions. ### III-F Influence of lighting condition on recognition accuracy of brush tip We choose five different brightness values between 2LUX and 183LUX in this test. To suppress other factors, the test background is blank. Since the moving speed of brush tip will also affect the test results, the two moving speeds namely the high speed ($>$10cm/s) and the low speed ($<$2cm/s) are set in the test process. The test number of each group is 100. The test results are shown in Fig. 17. When the brush moves at a low speed, the recognition accuracy of brush tip is above 95$\%$. Under the dark light condition, the recognition accuracy of brush tip for high-speed moving brush tip is between 60$\%$ and 65$\%$. With the increase of brightness, the recognition accuracy of brush tip also increases. When the brightness is 183LUX, the recognition accuracy of brush tip at a high moving speed is 96$\%$. In most applications such as offices and classes, the common light level is around 250LUX [36]. Therefore, the above results indicate that the system can operate under the normal ambient lighting conditions. Figure 17: The recognition accuracy of brush tip with the high moving speed or the low moving speed in different lighting conditions. ### III-G Influence of complexity of drawing board background on recognition accuracy of brush tip We test the influence of the complexity of content in drawing board on recognition accuracy of brush tip. The moving speed of brush tip is set low during the test. Experiments are carried out under five different lighting conditions. We use four paintings (Fig. 15) drawn by blindfolded volunteers using the painting navigation system as the backgrounds in this test. The test number of each group is 100. The test results are shown in Fig. 18. In the case of very low illumination, the recognition accuracy of brush tip is low in complex background. When the brightness of the drawing board is normal (>20LUX), the average recognition accuracy is more than 90$\%$. According to the above tests, the painting navigation system can work in the drawing board of complex content. Figure 18: The recognition accuracy of brush tip in the drawing board of complex content and different lighting conditions. ## IV Conclusions and future work In this work, we propose an efficient painting navigation system to assist blind painters in painting training and artistic creation. It consists of cognitive system and guidance system. Specifically, the cognitive system is mainly composed of QR code based on drawing board positioning module and brush real-time positioning module. Additionally, we use QR code positioning technology, the dynamic image recognition algorithm, virtual grids to locate the position of the tip, and a digestible two-way voice interaction technology to make the navigation system serve as an “Angel’s Eyes” of blind painters. In mulimodal evaluation, we find the painting navigation system is relatively well accepted by testers especially the blind tester through their thermal curves. With the prompt frequency of 1s, testers can finish the experiment most successfully with the completion degree of 89$\%$ and overflow degree of 347$\%$, showing the efficiency of our system. Analyzing trajectory of brush tip, the type excellent and good account for 74$\%$, and the relative movement distance is 4.12. It is foreseeable that the adaptation will improve after adopting the system and training. Furthermore, the painting navigation system performs well in multi-destination work with the average completion time 261s in three-destination experiment. Most testers believe that they can improve proficiency in operating the navigation system through training. In the future research, we will aim at improving sensitivity of the system perception, navigation and feedback accuracy. We also plan to deploy the system on the phone to make it more portable. ## References * [1] W. H. Organization. (2018, Oct.) Blindness and vision impairment. [Online]. Available: * [2] X. Zhang, X. Yao, Y. Zhu, and F. Hu, “An arcore based user centric assistive navigation system for visually impaired people,” _Applied Sciences_ , vol. 9, no. 5, p. 989, 2019. * [3] E. L. Horton, R. Renganathan, B. N. Toth, A. J. Cohen, A. V. Bajcsy, A. Bateman, M. C. Jennings, A. Khattar, R. S. Kuo, F. A. Lee _et al._ , “A review of principles in design and usability testing of tactile technology for individuals with visual impairments,” _Assistive Technology_ , vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 28–36, 2017. * [4] M. Hu, Y. Chen, G. Zhai, Z. Gao, and L. Fan, “An overview of assistive devices for blind and visually impaired people,” _International Journal of Robotics and Automation_ , vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 580–598, 2019. * [5] L. Li, Q. Xu, V. Chandrasekhar, J. Lim, C. Tan, and M. A. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Hang Liu, Menghan Hu, Yuzhen Chen, Qingli Li, Guangtao Zhai, Simon X.\n Yang, Xiao-Ping Zhang, Xiaokang Yang", "submitter": "Menghan Hu", "url": "" }
# gaBERT — an Irish Language Model ###### Abstract The BERT family of neural language models have become highly popular due to their ability to provide sequences of text with rich context-sensitive token encodings which are able to generalise well to many NLP tasks. We introduce gaBERT, a monolingual BERT model for the Irish language. We compare our gaBERT model to multilingual BERT and the monolingual Irish WikiBERT, and we show that gaBERT provides better representations for a downstream parsing task. We also show how different filtering criteria, vocabulary size and the choice of subword tokenisation model affect downstream performance. We compare the results of fine-tuning a gaBERT model with an mBERT model for the task of identifying verbal multiword expressions, and show that the fine-tuned gaBERT model also performs better at this task. We release gaBERT and related code to the community. Keywords: BERT, Irish languageresourceLanguage Resources gaBERT — an Irish Language Model James Barry1, Joachim Wagner2, Lauren Cassidy1 --- Alan Cowap3, Teresa Lynn1, Abigail Walsh1 Mícheál J. Ó Meachair4, Jennifer Foster2 1,2,3School of Computing, Dublin City University, 1ADAPT Centre 3SFI Centre for Research Training in Machine Learning at Dublin City University 4Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge 1 {firstname.lastname} 2 {firstname.lastname} 3 [email protected] 4 [email protected] Abstract content ## 1\. Introduction The technique of fine-tuning a self-supervised language model has become ubiquitous in Natural Language Processing (NLP) because models trained in this way have advanced evaluation scores on many tasks [Radford et al., 2018, Peters et al., 2018, Devlin et al., 2019]. Arguably the most popular architecture is BERT [Devlin et al., 2019] which uses stacks of transformer blocks to predict the identity of a masked token and to predict whether two sequences are contiguous. It has spawned many variants [Liu et al., 2019, Lan et al., 2019] and much analysis [Jawahar et al., 2019, Chi et al., 2020, Rogers et al., 2020]. In this paper, we introduce gaBERT, a monolingual model of Irish. Although Irish is the first official language of the Republic of Ireland, only a minority, 1.5% of the population [CSO, 2016], use it in their everyday lives outside of the education system. As the less dominant language in a bilingual community, the availability of Irish language technology is important since it facilitates Irish speakers and learners to continue to use the language in their increasingly digital daily lives. In terms of technological support however, Irish is a low-resourced language and significantly lacking in speech and language tools and resources [Lynn, 2022]. From a linguistic perspective, the Irish language is an inflected language, sharing linguistic features with other Celtic languages such as verb-subject- object (VSO) word order, initial mutation (lenition and eclipsis) and inflected prepositions. Inflection is common through suffixation, marking tense, number and person, while nouns are inflected for number and case. Nouns are either masculine or feminine in grammatical gender, which in turn influences declension-dependent inflections. Its inflected nature has already been shown to impact data-driven NLP tools due to data sparsity [Lynn et al., 2013], as has the frequent use of clefting (fronting), two forms of the verb ‘to be’ and prevalence of variable and discontiguous multiword expressions. Building upon recent progress in data-driven Irish NLP [Lynn et al., 2012, Lynn et al., 2015, Walsh et al., 2019, Cassidy et al., 2022], we release gaBERT with the hope that it will contribute to preserving Irish as a living language in the digital age. While there is evidence to suggest that dedicated monolingual models can be superior to a multilingual model for within-language downstream tasks [de Vries et al., 2019, Virtanen et al., 2019, Farahani et al., 2020], other studies suggest that a multilingual model such as mBERT is a good choice for low-resourced languages [Wu and Dredze, 2020, Rust et al., 2020, Chau et al., 2020]. We compare gaBERT to mBERT and to the monolingual Irish WikiBERT, both using Wikipedia as the source of training data. We base our comparison on the downstream task of universal dependency (UD) parsing, since we have labelled Irish data in the form of the Irish UD Treebank [Lynn and Foster, 2016, McGuinness et al., 2020]. We find that parsing accuracy improves when using gaBERT – by 3.7 and 3.6 LAS points over mBERT and WikiBERT, respectively. Continued pretraining of mBERT using the gaBERT training data results in a recovery of 2 LAS points over the off-the-shelf version. The benefit of the gaBERT training data is also shown in a manual analysis which compares the models on their ability to predict a masked token, as well as a Multiword Expression (MWE) identification task, where a token classification layer is trained to locate and classify verbal MWEs in text. We detail our hyperparameter search for our final model, where we consider the type of text filtering to apply, the vocabulary size and tokenisation model. We release our experiment code through GitHub111 and our models through the HuggingFace [Wolf et al., 2020] model repository.222,333We also release gaELECTRA described in Appendix D. ## 2\. Data We use the following to train gaBERT: * • CoNLL17: The Irish data from the CoNLL’17 raw text collection [Ginter et al., 2017] released as part of the 2017 CoNLL Shared Task on UD Parsing [Zeman et al., 2017]. * • IMT: A collection of Irish texts used in Irish machine translation research [Dowling et al., 2018, Dowling et al., 2020], including legal text, general administration and data crawled from public body websites. * • NCI: The New Corpus for Ireland [Kilgarriff et al., 2006], which contains a wide range of texts in Irish, including fiction, news reports, informative texts and official documents. * • OSCAR: The unshuffled Irish portion of the 2019 OSCAR corpus [Ortiz Suárez et al., 2019], a subset of CommonCrawl. * • Paracrawl: The Irish side of the ga-en bitext pair of ParaCrawl v7 [Bañón et al., 2020], which is a collection of parallel corpora crawled from multi- lingual websites. * • Wikipedia: Text from Irish Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia.444We use the articles from The sentence and word counts in each corpus are listed in Table 1 after tokenisation and segmentation but before filtering described below. See Appendix A for more information on the content of these corpora, including license information. We apply corpus-specific pre-processing, sentence- segmentation and tokenisation, described in Appendix B. Corpus | Num. Sents | Num. Tokens | Size (MB) ---|---|---|--- CoNLL17 | 1.7M | 24.7M | 138 IMT | 1.4M | 22.6M | 124 NCI | 1.6M | 33.5M | 174 OSCAR | 0.8M | 16.2M | 89 ParaCrawl | 3.1M | 67.5M | 380 Wikipedia | 0.7M | 6.8M | 38 Overall | 9.3M | 171.3M | 943 Table 1: Sentence and word counts and plain text file size in megabytes for each corpus after tokenisation and segmentation but before applying sentence filtering. ## 3\. Experimental Setup After initial corpus pre-processing, all corpora are merged and we use the WikiBERT pipeline [Pyysalo et al., 2020] to create pretraining data. We experiment with four corpus filtering settings, five vocabulary sizes and three tokenisation models. ### 3.1. Corpus Filtering The WikiBERT pipeline contains a number of filters which dictate whether a document should be kept. As we are working with data sources where there may not be clear document boundaries, or where there are no line breaks over a large number of sentences, document-level filtering may be inadequate for such texts. Consequently, we also experiment with using OpusFilter [Aulamo et al., 2020], which filters individual sentences, thereby giving us the flexibility of filtering noisy sentences while not discarding full documents. For each filter setting below, we train a BERT model on the data which remains after filtering: #### No-filter All collected texts are included in the pre-training data. #### Document-filter The default document-level filtering used in the WikiBERT pipeline. #### OpusFilter-basic OpusFilter [Aulamo et al., 2020] with the following filters: * • LengthFilter: Filter sentences containing more than 512 words. * • LongWordFilter: Filter sentences containing words longer than 40 characters. * • HTMLTagFilter: Filter sentences containing HTML tags. * • PunctuationFilter: Filter sentences which are over 60% punctuation. * • DigitsFilter: Filter sentences which are over 60% numeric symbols. #### OpusFilter-basic-char-lang The same filters are used as OpusFilter-basic but with additional character script and language ID filters: * • CharacterScoreFilter: All alphabetic characters in a sentence must be in Latin script. * • LanguageIDFilter: The confidence scores from the language ID tools must be $>0.8$. We use two language identification tools: [Lui and Baldwin, 2012] and CLD2.555 ### 3.2. Vocabulary Creation To create a model vocabulary, we experiment with the SentencePiece [Kudo and Richardson, 2018] and WordPiece tokenisers.666As BERT expects WordPiece tokenisation, a heuristic tool is used to map the SentencePiece vocabulary to WordPiece ( Using the model with highest median LAS from the filtering experiments, we try vocabulary sizes of 15K, 20K, 30K, 40K and 50K. We then train a WordPiece tokeniser, keeping the vocabulary size that works best for the SentencePiece tokeniser. We also train a BERT model using the union of the two vocabularies. ### 3.3. BERT Pretraining Parameters We use the original BERT implementation of ?). For the development experiments, we train our BERT model for 500K steps with a sequence length of 128. We use whole word masking and the default hyperparameters and model architecture of BERTBASE [Devlin et al., 2019].777We use a lower batch size of 32 in order to train on NVIDIA RTX 6000 GPUs with 24 GB RAM. Training for development runs of gaBERT took just under 48 hours on GPU. While a seed for data preparation can be set (we do not change the default 12345), the BERT implementation does not provide an option to set a seed for model initialisation and we did not find code that sets a seed for pretraining internally, suggesting initialisation is non-deterministic. For the final gaBERT model, we train for 900k steps with sequence length 128 and a further 100k steps with sequence length 512. We train on a TPU-v2-8 with 128GB of memory on Google Compute Engine888TPU access was kindly provided to us through the Google Research TPU Research Cloud. and use a batch size of 128. Training gaBERT on TPU for 1M steps took around 37.5 hours. ## 4\. Evaluation Measures #### Dependency Parsing The evaluation measure we use to make development decisions is dependency parsing labelled attachment score (LAS). To obtain this measure, we fine-tune a given BERT model in the task of dependency parsing and measure LAS on the development set of the Irish-IDT treebank in version 2.8 of UD. We report the median of five fine-tuning runs with different random initialisation. For the dependency parser, we use a multitask model which uses a graph-based parser with biaffine attention [Dozat and Manning, 2016] as well as additional classifiers for predicting POS tags and morphological features. Model hyperparameters are given in Appendix C.1. We use the AllenNLP [Gardner et al., 2018] library to develop our multitask model. #### Cloze Test To compile a cloze task test set, 100 strings of Irish text (4–77 words each) containing the pronouns ‘é’ (‘him/it’), ‘í’ (‘her/it’) or ‘iad’ (‘them’) are selected from Irish corpora and online publications. One of these pronouns is masked in each string for the cloze test.999All the masked tokens exist in the vocabularies of the candidate BERT models and are therefore possible predictions. Following ?), the models are evaluated on their ability to generate the original masked token, and a manual evaluation of the models is also performed wherein predictions are classified into the following exclusive categories: * • Match: The predicted token fits the context grammatically and semantically. This may occur when the model predicts the original token or another token which also fits the context. * • Mismatch The predicted token is a valid Irish word but is unsuitable given the context. * • Copy The predicted token is an implausible repetition of another token in the context. * • Gibberish The predicted token is not a valid Irish word. This might occur in the form of a subword or sequence of punctuation not forming a meaningful word. #### MWE Identification task Multiword expressions (MWEs) pose a challenge in many tasks in NLP, including parsing. Treatment of MWEs can range between considering them as syntactically fixed words-with-spaces (ex: ‘out of’, ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’, ‘sooner or later’), to syntactically flexible constructions that display idiosyncratic behaviours (ex: ‘touch up’, ‘life hack’, ‘get something out of your system’). In addition to varying syntactic structures, MWEs also present issues of discontinuity, disambiguation, productivity, and can be more or less semantically opaque [Sag et al., 2002]. The task of automatically identifying multiword expressions (MWEs) has been explored in the series of shared tasks organised by the PARSEME network [Savary et al., 2017], focusing on verbal MWEs, i.e. MWEs headed by a verb, as they pose a particular challenge in terms of automatic identification. We design an experiment to compare the results of fine-tuning both a gaBERT model and an off-the-shelf mBERT model for the task of identifying MWEs in Irish text. We used the Irish portion of the PARSEME 1.2 shared task data [Walsh et al., 2020], which has been manually annotated with six types of verbal MWEs. The annotations were converted to a modified version of BIO tagging, based on the work of [Schneider et al., 2014], and a linear layer for token classification was added for the task of identifying the correct label for each word. ## 5\. Results ### 5.1. Development Results Filter | Sentences | Tokens ---|---|--- No-filter | 9.2M | 171.3M Document-filter | 7.9M | 161.0M OpusFilter-basic | 9.0M | 170.8M OpusFilter-basic-char-lang | 7.7M | 161.2M Table 2: The number of sentences and words which remain after applying the specific filter. Figure 1: Dependency parsing LAS for each filter type. #### Filter Settings The overall number of sentences and words which remain after applying each filter are shown in Table 2. The results of training a dependency parser with the gaBERT model produced by each setting are shown in Fig. 1. Document-Filter has the highest LAS score. As the BERT model requires contiguous text for its next-sentence-prediction task, filtering out full documents may be more appropriate than filtering individual sentences. The two OpusFilter configurations perform marginally worse than the Document-Filter. In the case of OpusFilter-basic-char-lang, the additional character script and language ID filters did not lead to a noticeable change in LAS. Finally, No-Filter performs in the same range as the two OpusFilter configurations but has the lowest median score, suggesting that some level of filtering is beneficial. #### Vocabulary Settings The results of the five runs testing different vocabulary sizes are shown in Fig. 2. A vocabulary size of 30K performs best for the SentencePiece tokeniser, which outperforms the WordPiece tokeniser with the same vocabulary size. The union of the two vocabularies results in 32,314 entries, and does not perform as well as the two vocabularies on their own. A manual inspection of the two vocabularies showed that the WordPiece tokeniser created more entries consisting of foreign characters and emojis at the expense of Irish words/word-pieces, which may account for the lower performance of settings using this tokeniser. Figure 2: Dependency parsing LAS for each vocabulary type. ### 5.2. Model Comparison We compare our final gaBERT model with off-the-shelf mBERT and the monolingual Irish WikiBERT-ga model, as well as an mBERT model obtained with continued pre-training on our corpora (mBERT-cp).101010Since training the gaBERT model, other BERT models supporting Irish we found are BERTreach ( and LaBSE ( BERTreach is a monolingual model trained on 47 million tokens. LaBSE is a multilingual model trained to encode the meaning of sentences and covers 109 languages including Irish. #### Dependency Parsing Table 3 shows the results for dependency parsing. The first row (No BERT) is a baseline which does not use a pretrained BERT model but uses a BiLSTM encoder operating over token and character-level features instead. Using mBERT off- the-shelf results in a test set LAS of 80.3, an absolute improvement of 8.9 points over the baseline. The WikiBERT-ga model performs slightly better than mBERT. By training mBERT for more steps on our corpora, LAS can be improved by 2 points. Our gaBERT model has the highest LAS of 84. The last two rows compare gaBERT, on v2.5 of the treebank, with the system of ?) who augment the mBERT vocabulary with the 99 most frequent Irish tokens and fine-tune on Irish Wikipedia. The results are lower for both settings due to the fewer amount of trees in v2.5 of the treebank111111v2.5 has only 858 trees compared to the 4,005 in v2.8. and a manual effort to clean up some inconsistent annotations [McGuinness et al., 2020]. Our model outperforms this approach, likely due to our inclusion of a wider variety of corpora as well as our dedicated Irish vocabulary. | | LAS ---|---|--- Model | UD | Dev | Test No BERT | 2.8 | 73.4 | 71.4 mBERT | 2.8 | 81.8 | 80.3 WikiBERT | 2.8 | 81.9 | 80.4 mBERT-cp | 2.8 | 84.3 | 82.3 gaBERT | 2.8 | 85.6 | 84.0 ?) | 2.5 | - | 76.2 gaBERT | 2.5 | - | 77.5 Table 3: LAS in dependency parsing (UD v2.8) for selected models. Median of five fine-tuning runs. Scores are calculated using the official UD evaluation script ( #### Cloze Test Table 4 shows the accuracy of each model with regard to predicting the original masked token. mBERT-cp is the most accurate and gaBERT is close behind. Model | Original Token Prediction ---|--- mBERT | 16 WikiBERT | 53 mBERT-cp | 78 gaBERT | 75 Table 4: The number of times the original masked token was predicted (100 test items). Model | Match | Mism. | Copy | Gib ---|---|---|---|--- mBERT | 41 | 42 | 4 | 13 WikiBERT | 62 | 31 | 1 | 6 mBERT-cp | 85 | 12 | 1 | 2 gaBERT | 83 | 14 | 2 | 1 Table 5: The number of matches, mismatches, copies and gibberish predicted by each model (100 test items). Table 5 shows the manual evaluation of the tokens generated by each model, accounting for plausible answers deviating from the original token and separately reporting copying of content and production of gibberish. These results echo those of the original masked token prediction evaluation in so far as they rank the models in the same order. Context Cue | Masked Word | Model | Prediction | Classification ---|---|---|---|--- _Céard [MASK] na préamhacha raidiciúla sin?_ ‘What [MASK] those radical roots?’ | _iad_ ‘them’ | mBERT-cp | _faoi_ ‘about’ | match _Agus seo [MASK] an fhadhb mhór leis an bhfógra seo._ ‘And this [MASK] the big problem with this advert.’ | _í_ ‘it’ (fem.) | WikiBERT | _thaitin_ ‘liked’ | mismatch _Cheannaigh Seán leabhar agus léigh sé [MASK]._ ‘Seán bought a book and he read [MASK].’ | _é_ ‘it’ (masc.) | gaBERT | _leabhar_ ‘a book’ | copy _Ní h[MASK] sin aidhm an chláir._ ‘[MASK] is not the aim of the programme.’ | _##é_ ‘it’(masc.) | mBERT | _-_ minus sign | gibberish Table 6: Examples of cloze test predictions and classifications. Table 6 provides one example per classification category of masked token predictions generated by the language models during our cloze test evaluation. In the _match_ example in Table 6 , the original meaning (‘What are those radical roots?’) differs to the meaning of the resulting string (‘What about those radical roots?’) in which the masked token is replaced by the prediction of mBERT-cp. However, the latter construction is grammatically and semantically acceptable. In the _mismatch_ example in Table 6, the predicted token is a valid Irish word, however the resulting generated text is nonsensical. Though technically grammatical, the predicted token in the _copy_ example in Table 6 results in a string with an unnatural repetition of a noun phrase where a pronoun would be highly preferable (‘Seán bought a book and he read a book.’). In the _gibberish_ example in Table 6, the predicted token does not form a valid Irish word and the resulting sentence is ungrammatical. In order to observe the effect that the amount of context provided has on the accuracy of the model, Table 7 shows the proportion of matches achieved by each language model when the results are segmented by the length of the context cues. Model | Short | Medium | Long ---|---|---|--- mBERT | 20.69% | 55.56% | 41.67% wikibert | 51.72% | 58.33% | 74.29% mBERT-cp | 75.86% | 83.33% | 94.29% gaBERT | 79.31% | 83.33% | 85.71% gaELECTRA | 79.31% | 77.78% | 88.57% Table 7: Accuracy of language models segmented by length of context cue where short: 4–10 tokens, medium: 11–20 tokens, and long: 21–77 tokens. All the models tested are least accurate when tested on the group of short context cues. All except mBERT achieved the highest accuracy on the group of long sentences. A context cue may be considered easy or difficult based on: * • Whether the tokens occur frequently in the training data * • The number of grammatical markers * • The distance of the grammatical markers from the masked token Two Irish language context cues which vary in terms of difficulty are exemplified below. * _Bean , agus í cromtha thar thralaí bia agus [MASK] ag ithe a sáithe._ ‘A woman, bent over a food trolley while eating her fill.’ We can consider Example 5.2 to be easy for the task of token prediction due to the following grammatical markers: * • ‘Bean’ is a frequent feminine singular noun. * • ‘í’ is a repetition of the feminine singular pronoun to be predicted. * • The lack of lenition on ‘sáithe’ further indicates that the noun it refers to may not be masculine. These grammatical markers indicate that the missing pronoun will be feminine and singular. * _Seo béile aoibhinn fuirist nach dtógann ach timpeall leathuair a chloig chun [MASK] a ullmhú._ ‘This is an easy, delicious meal that only takes about half an hour to prepare.’ None of the language models tested predicted a plausible token for Example 5.2 This example is more challenging as the only grammatical marker is the feminine singular noun ‘béile’ which is 11 tokens in distance from the masked token. #### MWE Identification MWE identification is a difficult task, and according to the system results of the most recent edition of the PARSEME shared task,121212Full results: it appears to be particularly challenging for Irish, with the majority of systems performing most poorly on the Irish dataset. This may be due to the smaller size of the data, coupled with the relatively high number of MWE labels to classify [Walsh et al., 2020]. We attempt a series of fine-tuning experiments varying the learning rate, batch size and initial random seed, and found model performance is sensitive to changes in hyperparameters. Figure 3 shows the results of training twenty models with different random seed values. It is evident that gaBERT outperforms mBERT in precision, recall and F1 scores on the test set. Figure 3: Verbal MWE Identification: Precision, Recall and F1 scores for each model across 20 random seed values Table 8 records the Precision (P), Recall (R), and F1 scores for the best performing gaBERT and mBERT model found during the manual tuning of hyperparameters (see Appendix C.2 for details). gaBERT performs better using these optimised parameters, particularly for precision scores, indicating that the gaBERT model tends to be correct more often when classifying MWEs than the mBERT model. Model | P | R | F1 ---|---|---|--- mBERT | 0.342 | 0.245 | 0.285 gaBERT | 0.523 | 0.361 | 0.427 Table 8: Verbal MWE Identification: (P)recision, (R)ecall and F1 scores of the best performing gaBERT and mBERT model In comparison to other systems submitted to the PARSEME shared task on the Irish data, both models perform well. The best performing model for MWE identification had an F1 score of 0.306, which the gaBERT model exceeds by 0.121.131313The results are not directly comparable, due to minor differences in calculating F1, so comparisons between our model and those systems submitted to the PARSEME shared task may be subject to slight variation when the same F1 calculation is used for both systems. Furthermore, emphasis in the most recent edition of the PARSEME shared task was on the identification of MWEs that had not been seen previously during the training phase. The highest ranking system for Irish actually had the second-highest F1 score for the task of global (seen and unseen) MWE identification, so we compare to the system with the highest F1 score for global MWE identification. On a multilingual level, the averaged F1 score for overall MWE identification of the highest ranking system was 0.701, and even with the improved F1 score of the best performing gaBERT model, results for Irish are still below the best system for Hebrew (0.483), which was the language where systems had the second-lowest performance. ## 6\. Friends of gaBERT In subsequent experiments (see Appendix D-F for details), we look at variants of BERT, including RoBERTa [Liu et al., 2019]. The multilingual XLM-RBASE [Conneau et al., 2020] clearly outperforms both variants of mBERT but underperforms gaBERT. We expect that the more diverse crawled data found in the XLM-R pretraining data makes it more competitive than mBERT. We tried training a RoBERTaBASE model but could only obtain LAS scores comparable to off-the-shelf mBERT and leave finding suitable hyperparameters to future work. We train an ELECTRA model [Clark et al., 2020], which performs slightly below gaBERT but better than both mBERT models and the WikiBERT model. As with gaBERT, this is likely due to the use of a dedicated Irish vocabulary which is absent in the multilingual models, and being exposed to more diverse data than Irish Wikipedia in the case of WikiBERT. ## 7\. Conclusions We release gaBERT, a BERT model trained on over 7.9M Irish sentences (containing approximately 161M words), combining Irish language text from a variety of sources, and evaluate it in dependency parsing, a pronoun cloze test task, and a MWE identification task, showing improvements over three baselines, multilingual BERT, WikiBERT-ga and XML-RBASE. ## 8\. Ethical Considerations No dataset is released with this paper, however most of the corpora are publicly available as described in Appendix A. Furthermore, where an anonymised version of a dataset was available it was used. We release the gaBERT language model based on the BERTBASE [Devlin et al., 2019] autoencoder architecture. We note that an autoregressive architecture may be susceptible to training data extraction, and that larger language models may be more susceptible [Carlini et al., 2021]. However, gaBERT is an autoencoder architecture and a smaller language model which may help mitigate this potential vulnerability. Possible harms of language model pre-trained on web-crawled text have been widely discussed [Bender et al., 2021]. Since gaBERT uses CommonCrawl data, there is a risk that the gaBERT model may, for example, produce unsuitable text outputs when used to generate text. To mitigate this possibility we include the following caveat with the released code and model cards: > We note that some data used to pretrain gaBERT was scraped from the web > which potentially contains ethically problematic content (bias, hate, adult > content, etc.). Consequently, downstream tasks/applications using gaBERT > should be thoroughly tested with respect to ethical considerations. We do not discuss in detail how gaBERT can be used in actual use cases as we expect the use of BERT-style models to be essential knowledge for NLP practitioners up-to-date with current research. There are many downstream tasks which can use gaBERT, including machine translation, educational applications, predictive text, search and games. The authors hope gaBERT will contribute to the ongoing effort to preserve the Irish language as a living language in the technological age. Supporting a low-resourced language like Irish in a bilingual community will make it easier for Irish speakers, and those who wish to be Irish speakers, to use the language in practice. Each use case or downstream application may rank the available pre-trained language models differently in terms of suitability. We urge NLP practitioners to compare available models such as those tested in this paper in their application rather than relying on results for a different task. ## Acknowledgements This research is supported by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) through the ADAPT Centre for Digital Content Technology, which is funded under the SFI Research Centres Programme (Grant 13/RC/2106) and is co-funded under the European Regional Development Fund. This research is also supported through the SFI Frontiers for the Future programme (19/FFP/6942) and SFI Centre for Research Training in Machine Learning (18/CRT/6183), as well as by the Irish Government Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht under the GaelTech Project. We would like to thank Chris Larkin from the TPU Research Cloud (TRC) for generously providing TPU access and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful feedback and suggestions. For the purpose of Open Access, the authors have applied a CC BY public copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript version arising from this submission. ## References ## References * Aulamo et al., 2020 Aulamo, M., Virpioja, S., and Tiedemann, J. (2020). OpusFilter: A configurable parallel corpus filtering toolbox. In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations, pages 150–156, Online, July. 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C., Tanaka, T., Tella, S., Tellier, I., Thomas, G., Torga, L., Toska, M., Trosterud, T., Trukhina, A., Tsarfaty, R., Türk, U., Tyers, F., Uematsu, S., Untilov, R., Urešová, Z., Uria, L., Uszkoreit, H., Utka, A., Vajjala, S., van Niekerk, D., van Noord, G., Varga, V., Villemonte de la Clergerie, E., Vincze, V., Wakasa, A., Wallenberg, J. C., Wallin, L., Walsh, A., Wang, J. X., Washington, J. N., Wendt, M., Widmer, P., Williams, S., Wirén, M., Wittern, C., Woldemariam, T., Wong, T.-s., Wróblewska, A., Yako, M., Yamashita, K., Yamazaki, N., Yan, C., Yasuoka, K., Yavrumyan, M. M., Yu, Z., Žabokrtský, Z., Zahra, S., Zeldes, A., Zhu, H., and Zhuravleva, A. (2020). Universal dependencies 2.7. LINDAT/CLARIAH-CZ digital library at the Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics (ÚFAL), Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University. ## Appendix A Data Licenses This Appendix provides specific details of the licence for each of the datasets used in the experiments. ### A.1. CoNLL17 The Irish annotated CoNLL17 corpus can be found here: [Ginter et al., 2017]. The automatically generated annotations on the raw text data are available under the CC BY-SA-NC 4.0 licence. Wikipedia texts are available under the CC BY-SA 3.0 licence. Texts from Common Crawl are subject to Common Crawl Terms of Use, the full details of which can be found here: ### A.2. IMT The Irish Machine Translation datasets contains text from the following sources: * • Text crawled from the Citizen’s Information website, contains Irish Public Sector Data licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence: * • Text crawled from Comhairle na Gaelscolaíochta website: * • Text crawled from the FÁS website (, accessed in 2017. The website has since been dissolved. * • Text crawled from the Galway County Council website: * • Text crawled from, the central portal for government services and information. * • Text crawled from articles on the Irish Times website. * • Text crawled from the Kerry County Council website: * • Text crawled from the Oideas Gael website: * • Text crawled from articles generated by Teagasc, available under PSI licence. * • Text generated by Conradh na Gaeilge, shared with us for research purposes. * • The Irish text from a parallel English–Irish corpus of legal texts from the Department of Justice. This dataset is available for reuse on the ELRC-SHARE repository under a PSI license: * • Text from the Directorate-General for Translation (DGT), available for download from the European Commission website. Reuse of the texts are subject to Terms of Use, found on the website: technologies/dgt-translation-memory. * • Text reports and notices generated by Dublin City Council, shared with us for research purposes. * • Text uploaded to ELRC-share via the National Relay Station, shared with us for research purposes. * • Text reports and reference files generated by the Language Commissioner, available on ELRC-share under PSI license: * • Text generated by the magazine Nós, shared with us for research purposes. * • Irish texts available for download on OPUS, under various licenses: * • Text generated from in-house translation provided by the then titled Department of Culture, Heritage and Gaeltacht (DCHG), provided for research purposes. The anonymised dataset is available on ELRC-share, under a CC-BY 4.0 license: * • Text reports created by Údarás na Gaeilge, uploaded to ELRC-share available under PSI license: * • Text generated by the University Times, shared with us for research purposes. ### A.3. NCI The corpus is compiled and owned by Foras na Gaeilge and is provided to us for research purposes. ### A.4. OSCAR The unshuffled version of the Irish part of the 2019 OSCAR corpus was provided to us by the authors for research purposes. ### A.5. ParaCrawl Text from ParaCrawl v7, available here: The texts themselves are not owned by ParaCrawl, the actual packaging of these parallel data are under the Creative Commons CC0 licence ("no rights reserved"). ### A.6. Wikipedia The texts used are available under a CC BY-SA 3.0 licence and/or a GNU Free Documentation License. ## Appendix B Corpus Pre-processing This appendix provides specific details on corpus pre-processing, and the OpusFilter filters used. #### CoNLL17 The CoNLL17 corpus is already tokenised, as it is provided in CoNLL-U format, which we convert to one-sentence-per-line tokenised plain text. #### IMT, OSCAR and ParaCrawl The text files from the IMT, OSCAR and ParaCrawl contain raw sentences requiring tokenisation. We describe the tokenisation process for these corpora in Appendix B.1. #### Wikipedia For the Wikipedia articles, the Irish Wikipedia dump is downloaded and the WikiExtractor tool141414 is then used to extract plain text. Article headers are included in the extracted text files. Once the articles have been converted to plain text, they are tokenised using the tokeniser described in Appendix B.1. #### NCI As many of the NCI segments marked up with $\langle$s$\rangle$ tags contain multiple sentences, we further split these segments with heuristics described in Appendix B.3. ### B.1. Tokenisation and Segmentation Raw texts from the IMT, OSCAR, ParaCrawl and Wikipedia corpora are tokenised and segmented with UDPipe [Straka and Straková, 2017] trained on a combination of the Irish-IDT and English-EWT corpora from version 2.7 of the Universal Dependencies (UD) treebanks [Zeman et al., 2020]. We include the English-EWT treebank in the training data to expose the tokeniser to more incidences of punctuation symbols which are prevalent in our pre-training data. This also comes with the benefit of supporting the tokenisation of code-mixed data. We upsample the Irish-IDT treebank by ten times to offset the larger English-EWT treebank size. This tokeniser is applied to all corpora apart from the NCI, which is already tokenised by ?), and the CoNLL17 corpus as this corpus is already tokenised in CoNLL-U format. ### B.2. NCI Foras na Gaeilge provided us with a .vert file151515MD5 7be5c0e9bc473fb83af13541b1cd8d20 containing 33,088,532 tokens in 3,485 documents. We extract the raw text from the first tab-separated column and carry out the following conversions (number of events): * • Replace &quot; with a neutral double quote (4408). * • Replace the standard xml/html entities quot, lt, gt and amp tokenised into three tokens, with the appropriate characters (128). * • Replace the numeric html entities 38, 60, 147, 148, 205, 218, 225, 233, 237, 243 and 250, again spanning three tokens, with the appropriate Unicode characters (3679). * • Repeat from the start until the text does not change. We do not modify the seven occurrences of \x\x13 as it is not clear from their contexts how they should be replaced. After pre-processing and treating all whitespace as token separators, e.g. in the NCI token “go leor”, we obtain 33,472,496 tokens from the NCI. ### B.3. Sentence Boundary Detection Many of the NCI segments marked up with $\langle$s$\rangle$ tags contain multiple sentences. We treat each segment boundary as a sentence boundary and further split segments into sentences recursively, finding the best split point (among candidate split points after “.”, “?” and “!” tokens) according to the following heuristics, splitting the segment into two halves and applying the same procedure to each half until no suitable split point is found. * • Reject if the left half contains no letters and is short. This includes cases where the left half is only a decimal number such as in enumerations. * • Reject if the right half has no letters and is short or is an ellipsis. * • Reject if the right half’s first letter, skipping alphabetic and Roman enumerations in round brackets, is lowercase. * • Reject if the left half only contains a Roman number (in addition to the full- stop). * • Reject if inside round, square, curly or angle brackets and the brackets are not far away from the candidate split point. For full-stop only: * • Reject after “DR”, “Prof” and “nDr”. * • Reject after “No”, “Vol” and “Iml” if followed by a decimal number. Additional candidate split points are added with the following heuristics. Furthermore, when we need to choose between multiple candidate split points that pass the above tests, we try to keep the lengths of the halves (in characters) similar but also factor in the preferences in the heuristics below. * • If sentence-ending punctuation is followed by two quote tokens we also consider splitting between the quotes and prefer this split point if not rejected by above rules. * • If sentence-ending punctuation is followed by a closing bracket we also consider splitting after the closing bracket and prefer this split point if not rejected by above rules. * • If a question mark is followed by more question marks we also consider splitting after the end of the sequence of question marks and prefer this split point if not rejected by above rules. * • If a exclamation mark is followed by more exclamation marks we also consider splitting after the end of the sequence of exclamations marks and prefer this split point if not rejected by above rules. * • If a full-stop is the first full-stop in the overall segment, the preceding token is “1”, there are more tokens before this “1” and the token directly before “1” is not a comma or semi-colon we assume that this is an enumeration following a heading and prefer splitting before the “1”. * • Splitting after a full-stop following decimal numbers in all other cases is dispreferred, giving the largest penalty to small numbers as these are most likely to be part of enumerations. An exception is “Airteagal” followed by a token ending with a full-stop, a number, a full-stop, another number and another full-stop. Here, we implemented a preference for splitting after the first separated full-stop, assuming the last number is part of an enumeration. ## Appendix C Hyperparameters used in the Multitask Parser and MWE Identification Task This appendix provides specific details and hyperparameters for the multitask parser and MWE identification model. ### C.1. Multitask Parser The hyperparameters of the multitask parser are given in Table 9. For the tagging tasks, the output of the Transformer is first projected through a task-specific Feedforward network and then passed to a classification layer. For dependency parsing, the projected representations from the tagging modules are concatenated to the output of the Transformer before being passed to the parsing module. Multitask Parser Details --- Encoder Word-piece embedding size | 768 Word-piece type | average Tagger (UPOS/XPOS/Feats) MLP size | 200 Dropout MLP | 0.33 Nonlinear act. (MLP) | ELU Parser Arc MLP size | 500 Label MLP size | 100 Dropout LSTMs | 0.33 Dropout MLP | 0.33 Dropout embeddings | 0.33 Nonlinear act. (MLP) | ELU Optimiser and Training Details Optimizer | AdamW Learning rate | 3e-4 beta1 | 0.9 beta2 | 0.999 Num. epochs | 50 Patience | 10 Batch size | 16 Table 9: Chosen hyperparameters for the multitask parser and tagger. ### C.2. MWE Identification For the task of automatically identifying MWEs, the best performing models were found using a learning rate of 2e-5, and a random seed of 10. We trained the models for 20 epochs each. Using a batch size of 5, we found the best performing mBERT model, while the best performing gaBERT model used a batch size of 1. We fine-tuned each model on all layers. ## Appendix D gaELECTRA Model In addition to the gaBERT model of the main paper, we release gaELECTRA, an ELECTRA model [Clark et al., 2020] trained on the same data as gaBERT. ELECTRA replaces the MLM pre-training objective of BERT with a binary classification task discriminating between authentic tokens and alternative tokens generated by a smaller model for higher training efficiency. We use the default settings of the “Base” configuration of the official implementation161616 and train on a TPU-v3-8. As with BERT, we train for 1M steps and evaluate every 100k steps. However, we train on more data per step as the batch size is increased from 128 to 256 and a sequence length of 512 is used throughout. Figure 4: Dependency parsing LAS for each model type. Every 100k steps, we show the median of five LAS scores obtained from fine-tuning the respective model five times with different initialisation. Figure 4 shows the development LAS of gaELECTRA and gaBERT for each checkpoint. The best gaBERT checkpoint is reached at step 1 million, which may indicate that there are still gains to be made from training for more steps. The highest median LAS for gaELECTRA is reached at step 400k. It is worth noting that although the two models are compared at the same number of steps, the different pretraining hyperparameters mean they are not trained on the same number of tokens per step. We also compare the results of the gaELECTRA model to the other models in Tables 10 and 11. gaELECTRA performs slightly below gaBERT but better than both mBERT models and the WikiBERT model. In terms of the Cloze test experiments: First, for the original masked token prediction (Table 4), gaELECTRA predicted the correct token 75 times, which is the same number as gaBERT and is slightly below mBERT with continued pretraining, which has a score of 78. Second, for the manual evaluation of the tokens generated by each model (Table 5), gaELECTRA predicted 82 matches, 8 mismatches, 1 copy, and 9 gibberish tokens; compared to 83, 14, 2 and 1 predicted by gaBERT, respectively. ## Appendix E XLM-R Baseline We add another off-the-shelf baseline by fine-tuning XLM-RBASE, which is a multilingual RoBERTa model introduced by ?), in the task of multitask dependency parsing and POS and morphological features tagging. This model performs better than both variants of mBERT as well as the WikiBERT model but underperforms our two monolingual models, gaBERT and gaELECTRA. ## Appendix F Full Model Results This section examines the results produced by each of our models in more detail and also presents the scores of the additional models we examine, namely XLM-RBASE and gaELECTRA. 171717We tried training a RoBERTaBASE model on our data but could not obtain satisfactory LAS scores (a fine-tuned model achieved a dev LAS of 81.8, which is comparable to mBERT) and leave finding suitable hyperparameters for this architecture to future work. Tables 10 and 11 list the accuracies for predicting universal part of speech (UPOS), treebank-specific part of speech (XPOS) and morphological features, as well as the unlabelled and labelled attachment score (UAS and LAS, respectively) for all models discussed in this paper. For the multilingual models, mBERT performs worse than XLM-RBASE, which is a strong multilingual baseline. The monolingual WikiBERT model performs slightly better than mBERT in terms of LAS but is worse than XLM-RBASE. The continued pretraining of mBERT on our data enables us to close the gap between mBERT and XLM-RBASE. gaBERT is still the strongest model for all metrics in terms of test set scores. gaELECTRA performs slightly below that of gaBERT but better than XLM-RBASE. It should be noted that each row selects the model based on median LAS, therefore, all other metrics are those that this selected model achieved. Model | UD | UPOS | XPOS | FEATS | UAS | LAS ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- mbert-os | 2.8 | 95.7 | 94.7 | 89.2 | 86.9 | 81.8 xlmr-base-os | 2.8 | 96.4 | 95.1 | 90.6 | 88.3 | 84.0 wikibert-os | 2.8 | 95.9 | 94.9 | 89.4 | 86.8 | 81.9 mbert-cp | 2.8 | 97.2 | 95.8 | 92.3 | 88.1 | 84.3 gabert | 2.8 | 97.1 | 96.2 | 93.1 | 89.2 | 85.6 gaelectra | 2.8 | 97.3 | 96.1 | 92.8 | 89.1 | 85.3 Table 10: Full model results on development data. For model name abbreviations, see test result table. Model | UD | UPOS | XPOS | FEATS | UAS | LAS ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- mbert-os | 2.8 | 95.4 | 94.3 | 88.6 | 86.2 | 80.3 xlmr-base-os | 2.8 | 96.1 | 95.1 | 90.0 | 87.7 | 82.5 wikibert-os | 2.8 | 95.7 | 94.4 | 88.3 | 85.9 | 80.4 mbert-cp | 2.8 | 96.7 | 95.5 | 91.7 | 87.1 | 82.3 gabert | 2.8 | 97.0 | 95.7 | 91.8 | 88.4 | 84.0 gaelectra | 2.8 | 96.9 | 95.5 | 91.5 | 87.6 | 83.1 Table 11: Full model results on test data (os = fine-tuned off-the-shelf model, cp = continued pre-training before fine-tuning).
{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "James Barry, Joachim Wagner, Lauren Cassidy, Alan Cowap, Teresa Lynn,\n Abigail Walsh, M\\'iche\\'al J. \\'O Meachair, Jennifer Foster", "submitter": "James Barry", "url": "" }
# A model of light pseudoscalar dark matter Shreyashi Chakdar [email protected] Department of Physics,College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, MA 01610, USA Dilip Kumar Ghosh [email protected] School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A $\&$ 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata 700032, India P. Q. Hung [email protected] Department of Physics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22904-4714, USA Najimuddin Khan [email protected] School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A $\&$ 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata 700032, India Dibyendu Nanda [email protected] School of Physical Sciences, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, 2A $\&$ 2B Raja S.C. Mullick Road, Kolkata 700032, India ###### Abstract The EW-$\nu_{R}$ model was constructed in order to provide a seesaw scenario operating at the Electroweak scale $\Lambda_{EW}\sim 246$ GeV, keeping the same SM gauge structure. In this model, right-handed neutrinos are non-sterile and have masses of the order of $\Lambda_{EW}$. They can be searched for at the LHC along with heavy mirror quarks and leptons, the lightest of which have large decay lengths. The seesaw mechanism requires the existence of a complex scalar which is singlet under the SM gauge group. The imaginary part of this complex scalar denoted by $A^{0}_{s}$ is proposed to be the sub-MeV dark matter candidate in this manuscript. We find that the sub-MeV scalar can serve as a viable non-thermal feebly interacting massive particle (FIMP)-DM candidate. This $A_{s}^{0}$ can be a naturally light sub-MeV DM candidate due to its nature as a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone (PNG) boson in the model. We show that the well-studied freeze out mechanism falls short in this particular framework producing DM overabundance. We identify that the freeze in mechanism produce the correct order of relic density for the sub-MeV DM candidate satisfying all applicable constraints. We then discuss the DM parameter space allowed by the current bounds from the direct and indirect searches for this sub-MeV DM. This model has a very rich scalar sector, consistent with various experimental constraints, predicts a $\sim 125$ GeV scalar with the SM Higgs characteristics satisfying the current LHC Higgs boson data. ## I Introduction and Framework The various astronomical and cosmological evidences, like rotation curves of spatial galaxies Zwicky:1933gu ; Rubin:1970zza , gravitational lensing Clowe:2006eq , the bullet cluster Massey:2010hh etc., vindicate the existence of dark matter (DM). The Planck Collaboration Aghanim:2018eyx using the precise map of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) indicates that DM contributes almost $26\%$ to the mass/energy budget of the universe. These observations can most plausibly be explained by postulating the existence of particles which interact either very weakly with ordinary particles or only through gravity. However, the nature of dark matter in the form of particles is still elusive. The failure of the standard model (SM) of particle physics to account for a viable DM candidate, opens up the pathway of various scenarios beyond the standard model (BSM) to resolve the DM puzzle. The most studied example of DM in any BSM scenario is the so-called weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP) with mass close to the Electroweak scale and weak couplings with the SM particles. In this scenario, once WIMPs are thermally produced at the very early universe, depending upon its mass and interaction strength remain in thermal equilibrium with the SM bath up to a certain temperature. Eventually they decouple from the thermal bath at some temperature $T_{f}$, which is commonly called the Freeze-out temperature, where the DM interaction rate dropped below the expansion rate of the Universe, governed by the Hubble parameter $H$. At that point, the DM freezes- out from the SM thermal bath providing the observed DM relic density, which is only affected by the expansion of the universe. It is very interesting to note that in the WIMP scenario, the theoretical prediction of the DM thermal relic density coincides very well with the observed DM relic abundance ($\Omega h^{2}\sim 0.12$ Aghanim:2018eyx ), popularly known as the WIMP-miracle. In spite of this WIMP miracle, however, various null results from the WIMP searches at LHC Giagu:2019fmp ; Aaboud:2018xdl ; Aaboud:2017phn ; Aaboud:2017dor ; Aaboud:2017bja , at the spin independent and dependent WIMP- nucleon scattering experiments at LUX Akerib:2016vxi , PANDAX-II Cui:2017nnn , XENON-1T Aprile:2018dbl , PICO Amole:2019fdf etc. and from the indirect detection coming from FERMI-LAT Daylan:2014rsa MAGIC Ahnen:2016qkx and PLANCK Aghanim:2018eyx experiments have excluded a significant part in the parameter space of the WIMP-nucleon scattering cross-section vs WIMP mass plane. As the various WIMP searches continue to provide null results, one either plans completely new search techniques for WIMP detection other than the aforementioned scattering experiments Lin:2019uvt or moves away from the WIMP paradigm completely towards an alternative scenario, where the DM particles have very feeble interactions with SM and never enters the thermal bath. However in this case, DM obtain their relic abundance very slowly through the decay and/or the annihilation of the bath particles, known as the Freeze-in process, providing a completely different solution to the DM conundrum Hall:2009bx ; Bernal:2017kxu . For such cases, the production of DM from the decays will contribute dominantly if the same couplings are involved in both decay and annihilation. Due to such feeble interactions, it is extremely challenging to detect the DM in the present direct search experiments. However, many new experiment techniques with low-threshold direct detectionEssig:2011nj ; Essig:2017kqs ; Emken:2017erx ; Green:2017ybv ; Essig:2015cda ; Essig:2012yx have been proposed that have the capability to probe FIMPs in the near future. Particularly, for a MeV scale feebly interacting massive particle (FIMP), having interaction with electron could be tested by next generation experimentsEssig:2011nj ; Essig:2017kqs ; Bernal:2017mqb and one can constrain the typical DM-electron cross sections. In case of light DM, their number density have to be very large to satisfy the observed relic abundance that can enhance their detection rate. In this paper, we will present a framework for a sub-MeV DM arising naturally from the theoretical construction of our model. However, our detailed knowledge of nucleosynthesis puts a strong constraint on the thermal production of such sub-MeV DM. In particular, this kind of DM could be overabundant if produced by a thermal freeze-out mechanism and motivated by this fact, here we have studied the non-thermal production of such MeV-scale DM. In building such a model for the sub-MeV DM, it is legitimate to ask how natural is it to have such a light (sub-MeV) particle and how it could satisfy the aforementioned constraints. This work is based on a model (the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model) proposed by one of us Hung:2006ap of non-sterile right- handed neutrinos with Majorana masses being proportional to the Electroweak scale $\Lambda_{EW}=246\,$ GeV and, as a result, can be produced and searched for at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). To see how the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model generates a light DM particle, a brief summary of the seesaw mechanism of the model is in order. The model contains mirror fermions and, for the purpose of this introduction, it is sufficient to discuss one generation of SM leptons: $\psi_{L}=(\nu_{\ell},\ell)_{L}^{T}$; $\ell_{R}$, and mirror leptons: $\psi^{M}_{R}=(\nu_{\ell}^{M},\ell^{M})_{R}^{T}$; $\ell^{M}_{L}$. The Majorana mass for right-handed neutrinos is obtained by coupling $\ell^{M}_{R}$ to a complex Higgs triplet $\tilde{\chi}$ as $y_{M}\,\psi^{M,T}_{R}\sigma_{2}(\tau_{2}\ \tilde{\chi})\psi^{M}_{R}$. With $\langle\tilde{\chi}\rangle=v_{M}$, one obtains $M_{R}=\frac{y_{M}v_{M}}{\sqrt{2}}$. Right-handed neutrinos in this model, being non-sterile, have to be heavier than $M_{Z}/2$ constrained by the $Z$-width data, implying that $v_{M}\propto\Lambda_{EW}$ severely affects the custodial symmetry which ensures that $M_{W}=M_{Z}\cos\theta_{W}$ at tree- level. Custodial symmetry is restored by the introduction of real triplet $\xi$ having the same VEV as $\tilde{\chi}$. (It turns out that this real triplet also provides a solution for a topologically stable, finite energy electroweak monopole Hung:2020vuo ; Ellis:2020bpy .) The Dirac mass term in this seesaw mechanism comes from the coupling of a SM left-handed lepton doublet, a mirror right-handed lepton doublet with a complex singlet scalar $\Phi_{s}$: $y_{s\ell}\,\bar{\ell}_{L}\ \Phi_{s}\ell_{R}^{M}+{\rm h.c.}$, giving $m_{D}=y_{s\ell}\ v_{s}$ when $\langle\Phi_{s}\rangle=v_{s}$. As we show below, the imaginary part of this complex singlet $\Phi_{s}$ which is a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone (PNG) boson, $A_{s}^{0}$, can be used as a light DM candidate, for the simple reason that $A_{s}^{0}$ would be massless when a global symmetry present in the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model is spontaneously broken. $A_{s}^{0}$ acquires a mass when there is a explicit breaking term in the scalar potential. As one has encountered similar situations in various places such as chiral symmetry breaking, the explicit breaking term is characterized by some mass scale which is usually assumed to be much smaller than the scale of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB): the global symmetry is an approximate symmetry. For example, hadronic $SU(2)_{L}\times SU(2)_{R}$ is an approximate symmetry with the SSB scale $\Lambda_{QCD}\approx 300{\rm MeV}$ and the scales of explicit breaking are the up and down quarks masses, $2.3$ MeV and $4.8$ MeV. As we shall see below, the SSB scale of the aforementioned global symmetry is of the order of the Electroweak scale and the explicit breaking scale is the mass of $A_{s}^{0}$ which will be assumed to be in the sub-MeV region. This PNG boson $A_{s}^{0}$ will be an ideal sub-MeV DM candidate. It will be shown that the production of $A_{s}^{0}$ through a Freeze-out mechanism is not preferred since it will be overabundant. It will further be shown that the Freeze-in mechanism is the most attractive alternate possibilities in this scenario. As $A_{s}^{0}$ interacts very feebly with other particles (FIMP), it can be non-thermally produced through a Freeze-in mechanism, yielding the correct relic density and satisfying constraints from direct and indirect searches. The model contains a large parameter space exhibiting the aforementioned behavior of our DM candidate. From a particle physics point of view, this DM scenario has a very interesting implication concerning the seesaw mechanism of the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model: the symmetry breaking scales proportional to the Dirac and Majorana masses as described in the previous paragraphs are found to be comparable in sizes, avoiding the kind of hierarchy found in a generic seesaw mechanism. The organization of the paper is as follows. In Section II, we present the framework for the rich scalar sector for the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model. Section III contains the influence of various theoretical and experimental constraints on the model parameters. In Section IV we present our selection of benchmark points and discuss the various LHC bounds examining the stability of this kind of light dark matter candidate. Section V discusses how $A_{s}^{0}(\equiv{\rm Im(\Phi_{s})})$, a pseudo-Nambu Goldstone boson can successfully play the role of a potential sub-MeV dark matter in this framework and section VI includes how the FIMP dark matter candidate $A_{s}^{0}$ produces the correct relic density. Section VII discusses the constraints pertaining to the indirect and direct searches. The summary and implications are presented in Section VIII. Finally, the Appendix is devoted to a collection of detailed results and formulae pertaining to the analysis of the complete scalar sector and the previous sections. ## II Extended Scalar sector of the model The main idea of the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model Hoang:2014pda containing mirror fermions including Majorana masses for right-handed neutrinos proportional to the Electroweak scale with an extended scalar sector is very appealing. Unlike the Standard Model, the framework is not only left-right symmetric, but each left handed fermion multiplet is accompanied by new right handed fermion multiplet of opposite chirality. The framework contains a rich scalar sector incorporating four doublets (two belonging to the Two Higgs doublet model-THDM like $\Phi_{1},\Phi_{2}$, two for mirror sector $\Phi_{1M},\Phi_{2M}$), two triplets $\tilde{\chi}$, $\xi$ and one complex singlet $\Phi_{s}$ it represented by $\displaystyle\Phi_{1}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{1}^{0,*}&\phi_{1}^{+}\\\ \phi_{1}^{-}&\phi_{1}^{0}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{1M}=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{1M}^{0,*}&\phi_{1M}^{+}\\\ \phi_{1M}^{-}&\phi_{1M}^{0}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{2}=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{2}^{0,*}&\phi_{2}^{+}\\\ \phi_{2}^{-}&\phi_{2}^{0}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{2M}=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{2M}^{0,*}&\phi_{2M}^{+}\\\ \phi_{2M}^{-}&\phi_{2M}^{0}\end{pmatrix},$ $\displaystyle~{}\tilde{\chi}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}\chi^{+}/\sqrt{2}&\chi^{++}\\\ \chi^{0}&-\chi^{+}/\sqrt{2}\end{pmatrix},~{}\xi=\begin{pmatrix}\xi^{+},\xi^{0},\xi^{-}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{s}$ (1) The Higgs potential consisting of these scalars has a global $SU(2)_{L}\times SU(2)_{R}$ symmetry, under which the triplet and doublet scalars transform as (3,3) and (2,2) 111The transformation ($SU(2)_{L}$ triplet, $SU(2)_{R}$ triplet)$\equiv(3,3)$ and the doublet transformation is denoted by $(2,2)$.. The Electroweak symmetry is spontaneously broken by the VEVs of the neutral component of the doublet and triplet scalars. We denote VEVs of the scalar fields $\Phi_{1},\Phi_{2},\Phi_{1M},\Phi_{2M},\chi$ and $\Phi_{s}$ as $v_{1},v_{2},v_{1M},v_{2M},v_{M}$ and $v_{s}$ respectively, where, $\chi$ field is the combination of two triplet scalars $\tilde{\chi}$ and $\xi$ (see eqns.37-41). The standard model vacuum expectation value is given by, $v_{\rm SM}\equiv\sqrt{v^{2}_{1}+v^{2}_{2}+v^{2}_{1M}+v^{2}_{2M}+8v^{2}_{M}}\approx 246$ GeV. After the spontaneous Electroweak symmetry breaking, the VEVs are aligned in such a manner that there still remains an unbroken $SU(2)_{D}$ custodial symmetry, ie. $SU(2)_{L}\times SU(2)_{R}\to SU(2)_{D}$ and we get six $SU(2)_{D}$ singlet CP-even Higgs like scalars $(H^{0}_{1},H^{0}_{2},H^{0}_{1M},H^{0}_{2M},H^{0}_{s},H^{0\prime}_{1})$, forming a $6\times 6$ matrix ${\mathcal{M}}^{2}_{{\cal H}}$. We obtain the physical eigenstates $\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H},$ $\,\widetilde{H}_{s}$, in descending order of mass $(M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}}>M_{\widetilde{H}_{S}})$ after diagonalizing ${\mathcal{M}}^{2}_{{\cal H}}$ by an orthogonal matrix ${O}_{H}$. Among these new physical scalars, $\widetilde{H}$ behaves as the SM like $125$ GeV Higgs observed at the LHC. This SM like Higgs boson state is expressed as a superposition of 6 weak eigenstates as: $\widetilde{H}={O}_{H}^{51}\,H_{1}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{52}\,H_{2}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{53}\,H_{1M}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{54}\,H_{2M}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{55}\,H_{s}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{56}\,H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}$. The mixing angles ${O}^{51}_{H}$ and ${O}^{52}_{H}$ control the coupling of $\widetilde{H}$ with various standard model particles through the SM like $SU(2)_{L}$ doublet scalars $H^{0}_{1}$ and $H^{0}_{2}$ respectively. The detailed analysis on the extended scalar sector of this present framework have been discussed in the Appendix A. ## III Theoretical and Experimental constraints on the Model The particle spectrum of this model include additional charged fermions and scalars that interact with the standard model sector leading to non-trivial theoretical implications as well experimental observations. In this section we look at various theoretical and experimental constraints on the model parameters: * • Perturbativity : The values of various quartic couplings of the Higgs potential are chosen to be perturbative : $\mid\lambda_{i}\mid<4\pi$, where $\lambda_{i}$s are defined in the Appendix A. The Yukawa couplings are taken to be $<\sqrt{4\pi}$. * • Constraints from electroweak precision observables : The additional mirror fermions and heavy $SU(2)$ doublet and triplet scalars contribute to the electroweak precision observable, namely the oblique S,T, & U parameters Peskin:1991sw . It should be noted that constraints coming from these parameters have been worked out in Ref. Hoang:2013jfa for an earlier version of the model where only two Higgs doublets were incorporated (in addition to the two triplets and the singlet). As shown in Ref. Hoang:2013jfa , the main contributions that can offset the positive contributions from the new mirror fermions to the S and T parameters come from the triplets which are negative. Additional Higgs doublets will not alter this picture and we preserve the characteristic of the earlier version of the model. Nevertheless, in our numerical analysis, we have applied the constraints on the mass difference between the doubly, singly charged and neutral scalars and between the mirror $up-down$ fermions of the $SU(2)$ fermion doublets, $\Delta M_{5,ij}\equiv\mid M_{i}-M_{j}\mid$ (where $i\neq j$, $i,j=H^{\pm\pm}_{5},H^{\pm}_{5}$ and $H^{0}_{5}$), $\Delta M_{3}\equiv\mid M_{H^{\pm}_{3}}-M_{H^{0}_{3}}\mid$ and $\Delta M_{f}\equiv\mid M_{f_{MF}^{u,\nu_{R}}}-M_{f_{MF}^{d,l}}\mid$ to be less than $\sim 50$ GeV coming from the T-parameter constraint with the assumption of a light SM like Higgs boson with 125 GeV mass and 173.1 GeV top quark mass. For our choice of benchmark points all the aforementioned scalar and mirror up-down masses are almost unchanged, thus automatically satisfying the T-parameter constraints Hoang:2013jfa . * • Constraints from Lepton Flavor Violating processes : The presence of mirror leptons would lead to additional contribution to $\mu\to e\gamma$ at the one loop level and $\mu\rightarrow 3e$ as well as $\tau\rightarrow 3\ell$ processes Miyazaki:2007zw at the tree level due to the charged lepton mixing through the Yukawa interaction $y_{s\ell}{\bar{\psi}_{L}}\psi^{M}_{R}\Phi_{s}$. Among all the aforementioned LFV processes, the most stringent limit comes from $\mu\to e\gamma$ process. From the MEG experiment at PSI, we get the most stringent limit ${\rm BR}(\mu^{+}\to e^{+}\gamma)<4.2\times 10^{-13}$ at $90\%$ C.L. Baldini:2018nnn ; Dohmen:1993mp . On the other hand for $\mu$ to $e$ conversion in the nuclei, the current experimental upper limits on branching ratios are provided by the SINDRUM II experiment for gold and titanium targets, ${\rm BR}(\mu^{-}+{\rm Au}\to e^{-}+{\rm Au})<7\times 10^{-13}$ and ${\rm BR}(\mu^{-}+{\rm Ti}\to e^{-}+{\rm Ti})<4.3\times 10^{-12}$ respectively at $90\%$ C.L. TheMEG:2016wtm ; Dohmen:1993mp . The current experimental upper limit on ${\rm Br}(\mu\to e\gamma)$ sets a stringent limit on $y_{s\ell}\leq 10^{-4}$ for the mirror lepton mass $M_{f_{MF}}\sim 100-800$ GeV Hung:2017voe ; Hung:2015hra ; Hung:2007ez . It is also important to note that the most stringent constraint are placed on the additional couplings $y_{s}\sim y_{sq}\sim y_{su}\sim y_{sd}$ from the solution of the strong CP problem. The previous studies by one us has pointed out such limit as $y_{s}<0.1y_{s\ell}$ Hung:2017pss ; Hung:2017exy . * • The Higgs signal strength : It is to be noted that the experimentally measured properties of the $125$-GeV scalar particle discovered at the LHC so far tend to favor the characteristics of SM Higgs boson. Hence, in every beyond standard model scenario, it is necessary to have at least one of the scalars with mass $\sim 125$ GeV satisfying the experimental Higgs signal strengths data. In the present scenario, we have a rich scalar sector and mirror fermions. After the spontaneous Electroweak symmetry breaking, various scalars and fermions would mix among themselves, and thus causing deviations in the coupling for the SM like Higgs boson with the SM fermions and gauge bosons at tree level. These modified couplings and new scalars and fermions would affect the SM like Higgs production as well as decay modes into various final states. This deviation is parametrized in terms of various Higgs signal strengths, defined as $\mu_{X}=\frac{\sigma(pp\rightarrow\widetilde{H})_{\rm BSM}}{\sigma(pp\rightarrow h)_{\rm SM}}\,\frac{BR(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow X)_{\rm BSM}}{BR(h\rightarrow X)_{\rm SM}}$, where, $X=\gamma\gamma,W^{+}W^{-},ZZ,b{\bar{b}}$ and $\tau^{+}\tau^{-}$. In Table 3, we show the CMS best fit $\mu_{\rm Best-Fit}$ for the combined measurements of the Higgs signal strengths at 13 TeV run of the LHC with $35.9~{}{\rm fb^{-1}}$ data Sirunyan:2018koj . However, any deviation in the aforementioned Higgs signal strengths would be highly dependent on the choice of model parameters as shown in Table 1. We will discuss these benchmark points in the next section. | Benchmark Points | ---|---|--- | VEV of the scalar fields (GeV) | Scalar quartic couplings $\lambda$’s | Masses of the scalar fields (GeV) | $~{}v_{1}~{}$ | $~{}v_{2}~{}$ | $~{}v_{1M}~{}$ | $~{}v_{2M}~{}$ | $v_{M}$ | $v_{s}$ | $\lambda_{1a}$ | $\lambda_{1b}$ | $\lambda_{2a}$ | $\lambda_{2b}$ | $\lambda_{3}$ | $\lambda_{4}$ | $\lambda_{5}$ | $\lambda_{8}$ | $\lambda_{s}$ | $M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}}}$ | $M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}}}$ | $M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}}}$ | $M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}}}$ | $M_{\widetilde{H}}$ | $M_{\widetilde{H}_{s}}$ | $m_{5}$ | $m_{3,H^{\pm},H^{0}_{3}}$ | $m_{3,\rm All~{}others}$ BP-1 | $140$ | $145$ | $43.5$ | $43.5$ | $45$ | $10^{4}$ | $0.09$ | $0.1$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $2.9$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $10^{-14}$ | $1126.12$ | $607.15$ | $369.85$ | $352.90$ | $124.16$ | $0.0028$ | $1279.4$ | $738.66$ | $972.59$ $52.04\%\,\Phi_{1}$, $47.95\%\,\Phi_{2}$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BP-2 | $138$ | $142$ | $51.07$ | $51.07$ | $45$ | $10^{4}$ | $0.1$ | $0.1$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $2.9$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $10^{-14}$ | $1130.13$ | $610.94$ | $433.36$ | $402.58$ | $125.18$ | $0.0028$ | $1279.4$ | $738.66$ | $972.34$ $51.52\%\,\Phi_{1}$, $48.47\%\,\Phi_{2}$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BP-3 | $152$ | $145$ | $42.99$ | $42.99$ | $40$ | $10^{4}$ | $0.001$ | $0.1$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $0.5$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $10^{-14}$ | $622.02$ | $454.13$ | $364.76$ | $337.63$ | $125.82$ | $0.0028$ | $1279.4$ | $738.66$ | $987.95$ $51.52\%\,\Phi_{1}$, $48.47\%\,\Phi_{2}$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BP-4 | $130$ | $135$ | $68.19$ | $68.19$ | $45$ | $10^{4}$ | $0.116$ | $0.1$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $2.9$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $10^{-14}$ | $1142.13$ | $624.92$ | $534.13$ | $463.67$ | $125.23$ | $0.0028$ | $1279.4$ | $738.66$ | $972.34$ $53.69\%\,\Phi_{1}$, $46.31\%\,\Phi_{2}$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | BP-5 | $130$ | $140$ | $62.95$ | $62.95$ | $45$ | $10^{4}$ | $0.11$ | $0.11$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $2.9$ | $9.0$ | $9.0$ | $10^{-14}$ | $1150.57$ | $635.59$ | $578.61$ | $481.12$ | $124.23$ | $0.0028$ | $1279.4$ | $738.66$ | $972.34$ $52.03\%\,\Phi_{1}$, $47.97\%\,\Phi_{2}$ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Table 1: Extended scalar sector parameters (scalar field VEV’s and quartic couplings $\lambda^{\prime}s$) and the corresponding scalar masses in GeV for five representative benchmark points in this framework has been shown. ## IV Benchmark points of the model We now deliberate on the selected benchmark points shown in Table 1 that satisfy the various constraints discussed in the previous section. There are multiple parameters, VEV of the scalar fields (GeV), scalar quartic couplings $\lambda^{\prime}s$ ( $\lambda^{\prime}s$ are $\lambda_{1a}$, $\lambda_{1b}$, $\lambda_{2a}$, $\lambda_{2b}$, $\lambda_{3}$, $\lambda_{4}$, $\lambda_{5}$, $\lambda_{8}$ and $\lambda_{s}$) that control the masses and the corresponding phenomenology of this scenario are shown in Table 1. We choose to assign these following values to the various other parameters in the model such as $\lambda_{4a}\approx 10^{-11}$ (the variation will be seen in the dark matter section later), the singlet scalar VEV $v_{s}\approx 10^{4}$ GeV, $\lambda_{s}=10^{-15}$ and $y_{s\ell}\sim 10^{-8}$ to simultaneously obtain the neutrino mass in the correct order $m_{\nu}=\frac{y_{s\ell}^{2}v_{s}^{2}}{M_{f_{MF}}}\approx 0.1$ eV and correct order of dark matter relic density through freeze-in mechanism. We choose the numerical values of the parameters (scalar quartic couplings, VEVs, etc.) in such a way that the second lightest (at tree-level) component $\widetilde{H}$ acts as the SM like Higgs boson. The dominant contribution from the doublet $\Phi_{1}$ and $\Phi_{2}$ to the Higgs like scalar is also shown in Table 1. For these selections of the benchmark points, the mixing between the THDM like Higgs doublet ($\Phi_{1,2}$) and other scalar multiplets ($\Phi_{1M,2M},\chi$) are very small, hence the $\mathcal{O}(300)$ GeV scalar masses are still allowed from the experimental constraints, as can be seen from the Table 1. Note that all the quartic couplings (parameters of the scalar potential) have been varied within the perturbative range and charged SM $up-type$ quarks, $down-type$ quarks and charged mirror fermions and their right handed neutrinos get their masses due to the VEVs specified by $v_{1},v_{2}$, $v_{1M}$ and $v_{2M}$. We also see that for the choice of smaller values of other scalar VEVs $v_{1M}$, $v_{2M}$ and $v_{M}$ with quartic coupling $\mathcal{O}(1)$, the other CP-even and charged scalar fields masses become lesser or close to $M_{\widetilde{H}}\approx 125$ GeV which is disfavored by the present LHC data Chatrchyan:2012xdj ; Aad:2012tfa . Assigning large values for these VEVs is disallowed as it is bounded by ${v_{\rm SM}}$. Furthermore, one can take the triplet scalar ( both $\tilde{\chi}$ and $\xi$) VEV $v_{M}>3$ GeV as there is no violation of custodial symmetry at tree-level in the presence of both hypercharge $Y=0$ and $Y=2$ trplet scalar fields. We choose the value for the VEV $v_{M}=40$ GeV, hence by adjusting the mirror Yukawa coupling $y_{M}$ (see eqn. 70) one can get the large neutral mirror lepton masses $\approx\frac{y_{M}v_{M}}{\sqrt{2}}$. We also choose the value of $y_{s\ell}\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{-8})$ and singlet scalar VEV $v_{s}=10^{4}$ GeV to get the neutrino mass $\sim 0.1$ eV. We choose similar order VEVs for the other mirror scalar doublet $\Phi_{1M,2M}$ and adjusted the mirror Yukawa coupling $y^{M}_{\ell,d,u}$ to evade the EWPT, LFV, LHC signal strengths and other constraints. It is noted that the mixing between the SM and mirror fermions will not affect the masses of the fermions as the yukawa is $y_{s\ell}\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{-8})$. However, these small mixing can help to get the neutrino low energy variables: masses and mixing angles, dark matter density and may solve the strong-CP problems. These new mirror Yukawa coupling do not affect the scalar sector mass spectrum at tree-level, however it can alter the mass spectrum at loop-level depending on the parameters. In this present work, we only focus on the tree-level mass spectrum as the radiative correction to the masses of the scalars and fermions is beyond the scope of this manuscript. In this framework, the up-type and down-type quarks are coupled to two different THDM like scalar doublets and similar type of interactions are present in the mirror sector. This behavior is analogous to the Type-II 2HDMLee:1973iz ; WahabElKaffas:2007xd ; Branco:2011iw in both sectors. The first THDM like doublet $\Phi_{1}$ interacts with the SM charged leptons and down-type quarks whereas second THDM like doublet $\Phi_{2}$ couples to the up-type quarks (see eqn. 70). Here, we assume that the Higgs-125 GeV scalar $\widetilde{H}$ is mostly generated from the real part of the doublets $\Phi_{1}$, and $\Phi_{2}$. Hence, the effect from the other scalar multiplets on the Higgs signal strength due to mixing can be taken to be negligible. The decay rate of $\widetilde{H}$ into two lightest CP-even scalar $\widetilde{H}_{s}$ (and two dark matter $A_{s}^{0}$) fields can contribute to the Higgs invisible decay width depending on mixing, i.e., the value of the quartic coupling $\lambda_{4a}$ and the VEVs ($v_{1},v_{2},v_{1M},v_{2M},v_{M}$ and $v_{s}$) of the scalar fields. We have carefully chosen the values of these VEVs as can alter the mixing and masses of all the model particles. In particular, these VEVs can significantly modify the $\widetilde{H}t\bar{t}$ coupling, hence affect the Higgs to gluon-gluon ($\widetilde{H}gg$) coupling via top loop. This coupling strength would increase by $\kappa_{t}$, where $\kappa_{t}=\left(\frac{y_{t,\rm New}}{y_{t\rm,SM}}\right)\equiv\left(\frac{v_{\rm SM}}{v_{2}}\,{O}_{H}^{52}\right)$, the ratio of the top Yukawa coupling for the ${\widetilde{H}}$ of this model relative to the SM value. The production cross-section of the Higgs-125 GeV will be different in this framework in comparison to the SM and can be expressed as $R_{\sigma}\equiv\frac{\sigma(pp\rightarrow\widetilde{H})_{\rm BSM}}{\sigma(pp\rightarrow h)_{\rm SM}}\approx\frac{\sigma(gg\rightarrow\widetilde{H})_{\rm BSM}}{\sigma(gg\rightarrow h)_{\rm SM}}$ $\propto\kappa_{t}^{2}$. For our all benchmark points as shown in Table 1, the mixing angle ${O}_{H}^{52}\approx 0.69$ and the minimization condition of the complete scalar potential implies that the individual value of both $v_{1}$ and $v_{2}$ must be smaller than $v_{\rm SM}$. The combined effect of these two makes $R_{\sigma}>1$, leading to enhanced production cross-section for the SM like $\widetilde{H}$ compared to that for the SM like Higgs boson. On the other hand, we know that $\mu_{\gamma\gamma}$ and $\mu_{WW,ZZ}$ are measured very precisely and provide the most stringent limit on the parameters of any BSM scalar decaying into those final states Sirunyan:2018koj . Hence, the enhancement in the production rate $gg\to{\widetilde{H}}$ should be compensated by suppression of the branching ratio $BR(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow xx)_{\rm BSM}$, where $x=\gamma,W,Z$, so that $\mu_{xx}$ consistent with $(\mu_{xx})^{exp}$. We find that for our benchmark points (see Table 1) the branching ratio $BR({\widetilde{H}}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)$ is ($5-18\%$) lower compared to SM-value (see Table 2). Thus the model predicted $\mu_{\gamma\gamma}$ is consistent with the observed data Sirunyan:2018koj . It is noted that the other heavy charged-scalar particles through one-loop do not affect on these signal strength $\mu_{\gamma\gamma}$ due to the tiny quartic coupling $\lambda_{4a}$. On the other hand, due to six custodial $SU(2)_{D}$ CP-even scalar mixing $BR({\widetilde{H}}\to WW,ZZ)\approx 15-30\%\times\,BR({\widetilde{H}}\to WW,ZZ)_{SM}$ and the corresponding Higgs $({\widetilde{H}})$ signal strengths $\mu_{WW,ZZ}$ for our choice of benchmark points remain within $1\sigma$ limit of $(\mu_{WW,ZZ})^{exp}$. Also noted that the quartic couplings $\lambda_{4a}$ and $\lambda_{s}$ are taken to be very small as the dark matter is non-thermally produced through these couplings. While investigating this, we also find that the particular VEVs $v_{1M}=v_{2M}\approx v_{M}\gtrsim 70$ GeV could violate the Higgs signal strength data due to the following reasons: (i) in this model, we have two additional (total four) scalar doublets and two triplets, hence ${v_{\rm SM}}\equiv\sqrt{v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+8v_{M}^{2}}=246~{}{\rm GeV}$ and (ii) the smallness of the two THDM like Higgs doublets VEVs $v_{1}$ or $v_{2}$ could increase the gluon-gluon (quark-quark-)-Higgs like scalar coupling strength due to large Yukawa coupling $y_{u,d}$ compatible with quark masses while decreasing the Higgs to two gauge bosons coupling strength. For this choice of the parameters, the total decay width of the SM like Higgs boson becomes large (especially the $\Gamma(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow b\bar{b},\tau\bar{\tau})$), hence the branching of all the other channels get significantly altered which violate the Higgs signal strength data. | Benchmark Points and Branching of SM like Higgs ---|--- | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow b\bar{b})$ | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow\tau\bar{\tau})$ | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow WW^{*})$ | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow ZZ^{*})$ | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)$ | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow\widetilde{H}_{s}\widetilde{H}_{s},A^{0}_{s}A^{0}_{s})$ | $\,Br(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow{\rm Other~{}BSM})$ SM | $\,5.66\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,6.21\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,2.26\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,2.81\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,2.28\,\times\,{10}^{-03}$ | – | – BP-1 | $\,6.91\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,8.56\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.98\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,2.46\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.96\,\times\,{10}^{-03}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ BP-2 | $\,6.98\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,8.64\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.92\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,2.38\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.95\,\times\,{10}^{-03}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ BP-3 | $\,6.71\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,8.31\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,2.12\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,2.63\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,2.11\,\times\,{10}^{-03}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ BP-4 | $\,7.25\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,8.98\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.63\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,2.02\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.94\,\times\,{10}^{-03}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ BP-5 | $\,7.23\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,8.95\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.64\,\times\,{10}^{-01}$ | $\,2.03\,\times\,{10}^{-02}$ | $\,1.93\,\times\,{10}^{-03}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ | $\,<1\,\times\,{10}^{-06}$ Table 2: The Branching fraction of the SM Higgs and the $\,125$ GeV $\widetilde{H}$ are shown for five benchmark points of Table. 1. Signal Strength | Benchmark Points and Signal strength of SM like Higgs ---|--- | $~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\mu_{b\bar{b}}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ | $~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\mu_{\tau\bar{\tau}}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ | $~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\mu_{WW}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ | $~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\mu_{ZZ}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ | $~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\mu_{\gamma\gamma}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ $\mu_{\rm Best-Fit}$ | $2.51^{+2.43}_{-2.01}$ | $1.05^{+0.53}_{-0.47}$ | $1.35^{+0.35}_{-0.21}$ | $1.22^{+0.23}_{-0.21}$ | $1.16^{+0.21}_{-0.18}$ $\mu_{\rm BP-1}$ | 1.70 | 1.91 | 1.214 | 1.211 | 1.19 $\mu_{\rm BP-2}$ | 1.81 | 2.03 | 1.239 | 1.236 | 1.25 $\mu_{\rm BP-3}$ | 1.42 | 1.59 | 1.114 | 1.111 | 1.10 $\mu_{\rm BP-4}$ | 1.85 | 2.06 | 1.03 | 1.029 | 1.23 $\mu_{\rm BP-5}$ | 2.06 | 2.30 | 1.16 | 1.15 | 1.22 Table 3: 125-GeV Higgs boson signal strengths for five benchmark points of Table. 1. The experimental best fit $\mu_{\rm Best-Fit}$ are the CMS combined measurements of the Higgs boson couplings at 13 TeV run of the LHC with $35.9~{}{\rm fb}^{-1}$ data Sirunyan:2018koj . The error bars shown on $\mu_{\rm Best-Fit}$ are at one sigma. In Tables 2 we show the different branching ratios for $\widetilde{H}$ and also provide the corresponding values for the SM higgs boson for comparison. For our choice of benchmark points, the $\widetilde{H}$ branching ratios to various SM two body final states are consistent with that of the current LHC Higgs boson data. It should be also noted that the invisible decay of $\widetilde{H}$ is negligible small. We have presented the corresponding Higgs signal strengths in Table 3. As seen in Tables 1 and 3, by choosing $v_{1}$ within $130-150$ GeV, we always obtain $\mu_{bb}$ and $\mu_{\tau\tau}$ avry between $1.42-2.06$ and $1.59-2.30$ respectively. This large value can be easily understood. Including the production rate, an additional increment come from the branching ratios of these two channels $\Gamma(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow b\bar{b})$ and $\Gamma(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow\tau\bar{\tau})$ due to the enhanced Higgs to two bottom quarks $\left(\frac{y_{b,\rm New}}{y_{b\rm,SM}}\right)\equiv\left(\frac{v_{\rm SM}}{v_{1}}\,{O}_{H}^{51}\right)$ and Higgs to two tau leptons $\left(\frac{y_{\tau,\rm New}}{y_{\tau\rm,SM}}\right)\equiv\left(\frac{v_{\rm SM}}{v_{1}}\,{O}_{H}^{51}\right)$ couplings. The mixing element of the $SU(2)_{D}$ CP-even singlet mass matrix is ${O}_{H}^{51}\approx 0.72$ for our choice of BPs. Here the combination of the mixing element ${O}_{H}^{51}$ and ratio of VEVs $\frac{v_{\rm SM}}{v_{1}}$ can increase the branching of $\Gamma(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow b\bar{b})$ and $\Gamma(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow\tau\bar{\tau})$ channels. The BPs with signal strengths $\mu_{bb,\tau\tau}$ are allowed by the present LHC signal strength data within $1$ or $2\sigma$ Sirunyan:2018koj (see Table 3 for the SM Best- Fit data). It is noted that one could not decrease these branchings by changing the VEVs or quartic coupling resulting deviation of the Higgs-like $\widetilde{H}$ mass from $\sim 125$ GeV and other branchings $BR(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow xx)$, where $x=\gamma,W,Z$. ## V sub-MeV dark matter of the model Let us now turn our attention to the possibility of accommodating a sub-MeV dark matter candidate in this framework. In this scenario, it is noted that the imaginary part of the complex singlet scalar does not mix with the other scalars and as a result can serve as a viable dark matter candidate $A^{0}_{s}\equiv Im(\Phi_{s})$. The transformation of the following fields can be expressed as $\Phi_{1,2}\rightarrow e^{-2i\alpha_{\rm SM}}\,\Phi_{1,2},\Phi_{1M,2M}\rightarrow e^{2i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,\Phi_{1M,2M},~{}\tilde{\chi}\rightarrow e^{-2i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,\tilde{\chi},\,\xi\rightarrow\xi$ and $\Phi_{s}\rightarrow e^{-i(\alpha_{\rm SM}+\alpha_{\rm MF})}\,\Phi_{s}$. The $\lambda_{5,6}$’s terms, in the potential (see eqn. A), break the $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ symmetries explicitly. Total three ‘massless’ Nambu-Goldstone bosons can be obtained after spontaneous breaking of $SU(2)_{L}\times U(1)_{Y}\rightarrow U(1)_{em}$ by imposing the condition $\lambda_{5a}=\lambda_{5b}=\lambda_{6a}=\lambda_{6b}=\lambda_{7a}=\lambda_{7b}=\lambda_{7ab}=\lambda_{7Mab}=\lambda_{7aMb}=\lambda_{7abM}=\lambda_{5}$. Similarly the first line of $\lambda_{5c}$ term in the potential (see eqn. A) is $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ conserving, and the second line explicitly violates these symmetries. All these terms help to get exact minimization of the scalar potential. In the absence of the $\lambda_{5c}$ term, one can always get an additional ‘massless’ neutral Nambu-Goldstone, i.e., the complex singlet type pseudoscalar (PSS) remain massless. The $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ breaking $\lambda_{5c}$ terms help us to get non-zero sub-MeV mass for the singlet-type complex pseudoscalar field $A^{0}_{s}$. At the tree-level the mass of the complex singlet scalar is given by $\displaystyle M_{A^{0}_{s}}^{2}=8\,\lambda_{5c}\,(v_{1}+v_{2})(v_{1M}+v_{2M}).$ (2) For the chosen BPs, the numerical values of $(v_{1}+v_{2})(v_{1M}+v_{2M})$ remain almost same and the dark matter mass only depends on the quartic coupling $\lambda_{5c}$. The Higgs portal coupling ($A^{0}_{s}A^{0}_{s}\,\widetilde{H}$) is also proportional to the coupling $\lambda_{5c},\lambda_{4a}$ and VEVs (see the eqns. 33). In the following sections, we discuss the various bounds on the model parameter space Hung:2006ap ; Chakdar:2016adj ; Hung:2017exy ; Hung:2017voe coming from terrestrial and laboratory-base experiments. Motivated by the possibility of a viable dark matter candidate in this scenario, we investigate the mass ranges and the corresponding stability conditions for the $A^{0}_{s}$. If the dark matter is heavy, then it can decay into two fermions at tree-level and corresponding the decay width is given by $\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow ff)=\frac{N^{c}_{f}M_{A_{s}^{0}}y_{f}^{2}}{8\pi}(1-\frac{4m_{i}^{2}}{M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{2}})^{\frac{1}{2}},$ (3) where, $y_{f}\approx\sqrt{2}\frac{y_{si}^{2}v_{s}}{y_{i}^{M}v_{2M}},i=u,d,\ell$ (see eqns 77 and 78) for $v_{M}=v_{1M}=v_{2M}$. One can also find the decay life time in this case as $\displaystyle\tau_{A_{s}^{0}}=\frac{6.5821\times 10^{-25}}{\Gamma^{\rm Total}_{A_{s}^{0}}\,\,\,[\rm in~{}GeV]}\,\,\rm seconds$ (4) Here we use the natural unit conversion ${\rm 1~{}GeV^{-1}=6.5821\times 10^{-25}~{}seconds}$. If $M_{A_{s}^{0}}>2m_{e}$, it can decay only into two electrons. The stability of the DM demands that $\tau_{A_{s}^{0}}>\tau_{U}$ where, $\tau_{U}\approx 4.35\times 10^{17}$ seconds is the lifetime of the Universe. For the chosen parameters, $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=1.023$ MeV, $\Big{(}\frac{v_{2M}}{v_{s}}\Big{)}^{2}=1.848\times 10^{-5}$ and $y_{e}^{M}\simeq\sqrt{4\pi}$, we find the limit on the coupling $y_{s\ell}$ to stabilize the dark matter $y_{s\ell}<5.14091\times 10^{-11}.$ (5) Figure 1: Possible two body (tree- & one-loop) decay Feynman diagram of $A_{s}^{0}$. Furthermore, in the present framework, we are interested in the sub-MeV DM mass which is also motivated from the theoretical framework. As the dark matter mass is light (sub-MeV), it is unable to decay into two fermions at tree-level, however there is a possibility of decaying into two photons through the SM and mirror charged particles (see Fig. 1). The decay width for the dark matter decaying into two photons is given by $\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)=\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)^{\rm SM~{}fermions}+\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)^{\rm MF~{}fermions},$ (6) where, $\displaystyle\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)^{\rm SM~{}fermions}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle{\alpha^{2}M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{3}\over 256\pi^{3}v^{2}_{\rm SM}}\left|\sum_{f}N^{c}_{f}Q_{f}^{2}y_{f}F_{1/2}(\chi_{f})\right|^{2}$ (7) $\displaystyle\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)^{\rm MF~{}fermions}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle{\alpha^{2}M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{3}\over 256\pi^{3}v^{2}_{\rm SM}}\left|\sum_{f}N^{c}_{f}Q_{f}^{2}y_{f}^{M}F_{1/2}(\chi_{f})\right|^{2},$ (8) here, $\chi_{i}=M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{2}/4m_{i}^{2}$. $Q_{f}$ denotes electric charges of the corresponding particles. $N_{f}^{c}$ is the color factor. In the limit $y_{sd}\approx y_{sq}\approx y_{su}=y_{s}$, $y_{f}=-y_{f}^{M}\approx\sqrt{2}\frac{y_{si}^{2}v_{s}}{y_{i}^{M}v_{2M}}$ (see eqns 77 and 78) denote $A_{s}^{0}$ couplings to $f_{i}\bar{f_{i}}$ and $f_{i}^{M}\bar{f}_{i}^{M}$ where, $i=u,d,\ell$. The loop function $F_{1/2}$ is defined as $\displaystyle F_{1/2}(\chi)$ $\displaystyle=2[\chi+(\chi-1)f(\chi)]\chi^{-2}\,,$ (9) where, $f(\chi)=\bigg{\\{}\begin{array}[]{ll}(\sin^{-1}\sqrt{\chi})^{2}\,,&\chi\leq 1\\\ -{1\over 4}[\ln{1+\sqrt{1-\chi^{-1}}\over 1-\sqrt{1-\chi^{-1}}}-i\pi]^{2}\,,&\chi>1\end{array}\;,\;$ (10) As previously stated the corresponding couplings being $y_{s}<0.1y_{s\ell}$ Hung:2017pss ; Hung:2017exy to solve the strong CP problem in this framework, the decay $\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)$ channel through SM-quarks are suppressed. Additionally, as the mass of mirror-fermions are large ($\mathcal{O}(150)$ GeV), the decays through mirror-fermions are also small as compared to the other channels. It is to be noted that the coupling of $A_{s}^{0}$ with two charged scalars or charged gauge bosons are absent (protected from the $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ symmetries) in this model. As a result, the decay $\Gamma(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)$ through the SM charged lepton loop becomes dominant one and gives rise to the most stringent bound on the coupling $y_{s\ell}$. Hence we obtain $\displaystyle\Gamma_{tot}(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle{\,\alpha^{2}M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{3}\over 256\pi^{3}v^{2}_{\rm SM}}\,\frac{y_{s\ell}^{4}}{(y_{\ell}^{M})^{2}}\,\frac{v_{s}^{2}}{v_{2M}^{2}}\,\left|F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})+F_{1/2}(\chi_{\mu})+F_{1/2}(\chi_{\tau})\right|^{2}.$ (11) The decay through electron loop is the dominant one as $F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})>>F_{1/2}(\chi_{\mu})>>F_{1/2}(\chi_{\tau})$ for $M_{A_{s}^{0}}\leq 1$ MeV. Hence $\displaystyle\Gamma_{tot}(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)$ $\displaystyle\approx$ $\displaystyle{\,\alpha^{2}M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{3}\over 256\pi^{3}v^{2}_{\rm SM}}\,\frac{y_{s\ell}^{4}}{(y_{\ell}^{M})^{2}}\,\frac{v_{s}^{2}}{v_{2M}^{2}}\,\left|F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})\right|^{2}$ (12) and using this we can obtain the life-time of the pseudoscalar given by $\displaystyle\tau_{A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{6.582\times 10^{-25}}{\Gamma_{tot}(A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma)\,\,[\rm in~{}GeV]}\,\,\,\,\,\,\rm seconds$ (13) The dark matter stability condition imposes an upper limit on the couplings. Taking $\Big{(}\frac{v_{2M}}{v_{s}}\Big{)}^{2}=1.848\times 10^{-5}$ and $(y_{\ell}^{M})^{2}\sim 4\pi$, the limit on $y_{s\ell}$ can be obtained as Figure 2: Plot shows the exclusion region in $M_{A_{s}^{0}}-y_{s\ell}$ plane. The dark matter is stable in the region below the red-line given by, $\tau_{A_{s}^{0}}>\tau_{U}$ where the three red lines correspond to $y^{M}_{u}=1$ (dashed), $\sqrt{4\pi}$ (solid) and $4\pi$ (dotted) respectively. The gray-region is excluded from the $\mu\rightarrow e\gamma$ constraints and $\mu-e$ conversion Hung:2017voe implying $y_{s\ell}<10^{-4}$. $\displaystyle y_{s\ell}^{4}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim$ $\displaystyle\frac{6.582\times 10^{-25}}{\tau_{U}}\,{256\pi^{3}v^{2}_{\rm SM}\,(y_{u}^{M})^{2}\over\alpha^{2}M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{3}|\,F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})|^{2}}\,\Big{(}\frac{v_{2M}}{v_{s}}\Big{)}^{2}$ $\displaystyle y_{s\ell}$ $\displaystyle\lesssim$ $\displaystyle 7.255\times 10^{-9}\over M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{3/4}|\,F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})|^{1/2}.$ (14) We get $|F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})|=1.922$ for $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=1$ MeV and get the bound on $y_{s\ell}$ $\displaystyle y_{s\ell}$ $\displaystyle<$ $\displaystyle\,\,9.305\times 10^{-7}.\,$ (15) Similarly $|F_{1/2}(\chi_{e})|=1.33$ for $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=1$ keV, hence $\displaystyle y_{s\ell}$ $\displaystyle<$ $\displaystyle\,\,1.986\times 10^{-4}.\,$ (16) The above analysis shows that the dark matter can remain stable for $y_{s\ell}\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{-2})$ for the mass ranges of keV and $y_{s\ell}\sim\mathcal{O}(10^{-5})$ and MeV scales respectively. It is to be noted that the parameter space is constrained by $\mu\rightarrow e\gamma$ and $\mu-e$ conversion implies $y_{s\ell}<10^{-4}$ Hung:2017voe . In Fig. 2, we present the allowed parameter space in $y_{s\ell}-M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ plane. The gray-region is excluded from the $\mu\rightarrow e\gamma$ decay and $\mu-e$ conversion constraints Hung:2017voe . The direct detection limits Aprile:2018dbl and indirect searches of the light dark matter may also put stringent constraints on the model parameter space which will be discussed in the later sections. It is to be noted that the direct detection limits Aprile:2018dbl in this model for such light dark matter masses may not be applicable here. We plan to discuss the details of the relic density analysis (through the successful implementation of Freeze-in mechanism) in the upcoming section. ## VI FIMP-like Dark Matter Density From the previous discussion, it is established that the pseudoscalar singlet (PSS) $A_{s}^{0}$ can be a viable candidate for the dark matter, distributed in the Galactic halo. However, a decaying MeV scale dark matter candidate poses a viable limitation due to the fact that one has to implement fine- tuning Rott:2014kfa ; Fiorentin:2016avj to stabilize the dark matter as the lifetime of the DM particles has to be at least larger than the age of the Universe Audren:2014bca ; Aartsen:2014gkd . The decay time of a particle is in general inversely proportional to its mass and proportional to the square of the couplings. In this model, we observe a viable, stable dark matter candidate in the interesting mass range of $\mathcal{O}(<1)$ MeV with the corresponding quartic coupling related to the dark matter mass to be $\lambda_{5c}<\mathcal{O}(10^{-12})$. The most studied DM candidates are WIMPs that are thermally produced in the early universe with the relic density surviving after the Freeze-out. It is to be noted that the assumption behind the Freeze-out mechanism is that the coupling between the dark matter and SM particles cannot be too small; otherwise, it will never reach thermal equilibrium. Similarly, we cannot have large coupling for a small dark matter mass, as it will violate the perturbative-unitarity and the direct detection limits Aprile:2018dbl . Figure 3: Dark matter annihilation diagrams contribute to the relic density through Freeze-out mechanism. In this model, the dark matter dominantly annihilate (see Fig. 3) through the CP-even Higgses ($\widetilde{H}_{All}$) and the corresponding Higgs portal couplings are shown in eqns. 33. For the dark matter mass we are interested in $\mathcal{O}(<1)$ MeV, the allowed annihilation channels are $A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\widetilde{H}_{All}\rightarrow\bar{\nu}_{\ell}\nu_{\ell}$ and $A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\widetilde{H}_{All}\rightarrow\bar{e}e$ ($\nu_{\ell}$ is the three light neutrinos $\ell=e,\mu$ and $\tau$) and other channels are kinematically forbidden with exception of the annihilation channels $A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\widetilde{H}_{All}\rightarrow\bar{\nu}_{\ell}\nu_{\ell}$ only kinematically open to the dark matter mass $\mathcal{O}(<0.5)$ MeV. The $A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}\rightarrow\widetilde{H}_{All}\rightarrow\gamma\gamma$ through charged Higgs in the loop are also kinematically allowed, however the contribution are negligibly small as compared to the other annihilation channels. The choice of these large Higgs portal and other couplings for the low dark matter mass $\mathcal{O}(<1)$ MeV produces relic density at the right ballpark through the well established Freeze-out mechanism, but it violates the direct detection limits Aprile:2018dbl . For example, we need a very large Higgs portal coupling $\lambda^{\prime}s=\mathcal{O}(500)$ (here $\lambda^{\prime}s$ are $\lambda_{4a},~{}\lambda_{5c}$ and $\lambda_{s}$) for $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=0.5$ MeV and $\lambda^{\prime}s=\mathcal{O}(1500)$ for $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=100$ keV to get the thermally averaged annihilation cross- section $\sim 2.0\times 10^{-26}~{}{\rm cm^{3}/s}$. This thermally averaged annihilation cross-section produce the relic density at right ball park $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198\pm 0.0026$ Aghanim:2018eyx . The contribution to the direct detection cross-section can also come from interactions being mediated by CP-even Higgses ($\widetilde{H}_{All}$) through t-channels $A_{s}^{0}N\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}N$ ($N$ is the nucleus), hence being proportional to the square Higgs portal coupling. For large $\lambda^{\prime}s=\mathcal{O}(500-1500)$, we find the direct detection cross- sections are in the range $\sigma>10^{-30}~{}{\rm cm^{2}}$. These choices of Higgs portal couplings violate the direct detection experimental limit Aprile:2018dbl . The large Higgs portal coupling also violates the perturbative-unitarity ($\lambda^{\prime}s\leq 4\pi$). Hence we find that the Freeze-out scenario is disfavored in this model for the dark matter mass we are interested in $<\mathcal{O}(1)$ MeV. Let’s now narrow our focus on why we are unable to obtain thermal dark matter in this framework. In Fig. 4, we present the decay rate for the mirror fermions to the dark matter and compared with the expansion rate of our universe. One can clearly see that those decays can thermalize dark matter in the early universe even for very small $y_{s\ell}$. One important point to remind the reader here is that we are considering the MeV scale DM. However, it can not remain in thermal bath for such low temperature as cosmological observations, in particular Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (BBN), will not allow one more degrees of freedom in the thermal bath at temperature $\mathcal{O}({\rm MeV})$. So, it has to decouple from the thermal bath at some higher temperature and for such relativistic decoupling, the relic density can be calculated by following Kolb:1990vq $\displaystyle\Omega h^{2}=7.83\times 10^{4}\left(\frac{\rm g_{i}}{\rm g_{*s}\left(T_{dec}\right)}\left(\frac{M_{DM}}{\rm MeV}\right)\right),$ (17) where, ${\rm g_{i}}$ is the internal degrees of freedom of DM, ${\rm g_{*s}}$ is the effective relativistic degrees of freedom and ${\rm T_{dec}}$ is the decoupling temperature of DM. So, for MeV scale DM, it will be overproduced by few orders of magnitude compared to the present DM abundance. Figure 4: The decay rates ($\Gamma$) of heavy mirror fermions to dark matter and SM neutrino are shown here for different benchmark values of $y_{s\ell}$ and mirror fermion masses $150$ GeV (left-panel) and $500$ GeV (right-panel). The red line stands for the Hubble expansion rate ($H$) of the universe as a function temperature $T$. Hence we have established that in this framework it is not viable to have thermal dark matter and turn to the altrenative-a non-thermal dark matter scenario. We find that the non-thermally produced PSS can serve as a viable $\mathcal{O}(<1)$ MeV (depending on the parameters $\lambda_{5c},\lambda_{4a},\lambda_{s}$, $y_{s}$, $y_{s\ell}$ and VEVs, see the Appendix A) dark matter candidate satisfying the dark matter relic density constraints. As the dark matter can interact with other particles very weakly (feebly), for such very weakly interacting particles, called feebly interacting massive particles or FIMPs, we can invoke the non-thermal, so- called Freeze-in mechanism. This mechanism needs feeble interactions which could be one of the reasons to have a aforementioned tiny couplings present in this model. The idea we pursue is that the dark matter sector gets populated through decay or annihilation of other heavy particle until the number density of the corresponding heavy particles species becomes Boltzmann-suppressed. For this, we need to solve Boltzmann equation that dictates the final relic abundance for the dark matter candidate $A_{s}^{0}$. The production of dark matter resulting from the decay of any mother particle ($\widetilde{H}_{i}\,(i=1,..6),f_{MF}$) is in thermal equilibrium at early universe. This condition is given by ${\Gamma\over H}\geq 1,$ (18) where, $\Gamma$ is the relevant decay width and $H$ is the Hubble parameter given by Plehn:2017fdg ; Hall:2009bx ; Biswas:2016bfo $H(T)=\left(g^{*}\,\frac{\pi^{2}}{90}\,\frac{T^{4}}{M_{\rm Pl}^{2}}\right)^{1/2},$ (19) where, $M_{\rm Pl}=1.2\times 10^{19}$ GeV is the Planck mass. $T$ is the temperature ($1~{}\text{GeV}=1.16\times 10^{13}~{}\text{Kelvin}$). Figure 5: Annihilation-production diagrams for the dark matter from the Higgs, SM and mirror fermion. If the production of mother particles occur mainly from the annihilation of other particles in the thermal bath $\Gamma$ will be replaced by Plehn:2017fdg ; Hall:2009bx ; Biswas:2016bfo $\Gamma=n_{eq}<\sigma v>,$ (20) where $n_{eq}$ is their equilibrium number density and is given by Plehn:2017fdg $\displaystyle n_{eq}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\left\\{\begin{array}[]{l}\vspace{0.3cm}g^{*}\left(\frac{M\,T}{2\pi}\right)^{3/2}\,e^{-M/T},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}{\rm for~{}non\text{-}relativistic~{}states}~{}~{}T<<M\\\ \frac{\zeta_{3}}{\pi^{2}}g^{*}T^{3},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}{\rm for~{}relativistic~{}boson~{}states}~{}~{}T>>M\\\ \vspace{0.5cm}\frac{3}{4}\,\frac{\zeta_{3}}{\pi^{2}}g^{*}T^{3},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}{\rm for~{}relativistic~{}fermion~{}states}~{}~{}T>>M\vspace{-0.2cm}\end{array}\right.$ (21) where the Riemann zeta function has the value $\zeta_{3}=1.2$ and $g^{*}=208.5$ (for $T>>M$) is the effective degrees of freedom in this framework and $M$ stands for the mass of the particle. Here $<\sigma v>$ is the thermally averaged annihilation cross-section for the particles in the thermal bath and can be written as Gondolo:1990dk ; Plehn:2017fdg $<\sigma_{xx}v>=\frac{2\pi^{2}T\,\int_{4M^{2}}^{\infty}ds\sqrt{s}\,(s-4M^{2})\,K_{1}(\frac{\sqrt{s}}{T})\sigma_{xx}}{\left(4\pi M^{2}TK_{2}(\frac{M}{T})\right)^{2}},$ (22) where $\sigma_{xx}$ is the production annihilation cross-section of the mother particles ($x=\widetilde{H}_{i=1,..6},f_{MF}$) from other particles in the thermal bath (see the production annihilation diagrams in Fig. 5)and $K_{1,2}$ is the modified Bessel function of functions of order 1 and 2 respectively. Figure 6: Decay diagrams contributing to the relic density. Decay-production diagrams for the heavy Higgs and mirror fermion help in thermal equilibrium in the early universe. Figure 7: Annihilation-production diagrams for the heavy Higgs and mirror fermions help in thermal equilibrium in the early universe. It is to be noted that there are many other similar diagrams that can contribute in the production of the heavy Higgs and mirror fermions. In this scenario, we present various possible decays (see Fig. 6) and annihilation (see Fig. 7) production diagrams for the heavy Higgs and mirror fermions that facilitate in the thermal equilibrium in the early universe. There are other diagrams that can also contribute in the production of the heavy Higgs and mirror fermions. One can easily find that the Hubble parameter at early universe (temperature $\sim 3000$ Kelvin) $H(T)=2.6\times 10^{-38}$ GeV and the 2 and 3 body decay width for the heavy Higgs ($\widetilde{H}_{i}$) are given by $\displaystyle\Gamma(\widetilde{H}_{i}\rightarrow f_{MF}f_{MF})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}\,y_{M}^{2}}{8\pi}\,\left(1-4\frac{M_{MF}^{2}}{M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}^{2}}\right)^{3/2}$ (23) $\displaystyle\Gamma(\widetilde{H}_{i}\rightarrow\widetilde{H}_{j}\widetilde{H}_{k})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{y_{\widetilde{H}_{i}\widetilde{H}_{j}\widetilde{H}_{k}}^{2}}{16\pi M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}^{3}}\,\left((M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}^{2}-M_{\widetilde{H}_{j}}^{2}-M_{\widetilde{H}_{k}}^{2})^{2}-4\,M_{\widetilde{H}_{j}}^{2}M_{\widetilde{H}_{k}}^{2}\right)^{1/2}$ (24) $\displaystyle\Gamma(\widetilde{H}\rightarrow f_{MF}f_{SM}A_{s}^{0})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2\pi^{3}}\,\frac{1}{32M_{\widetilde{H}}^{3}}\,|\mathcal{M}|^{2}dE_{1}dE_{3},~{}~{}{\rm where},~{}~{}|\mathcal{M}|^{2}\propto\frac{y_{M}^{2}\,y_{s\ell}^{2}}{M_{MF}^{2}}.$ (25) Here $E_{1,2,3}$ are the energies of the final state particle for three-body decay Zyla:2020zbs . We follow the Ref. Djouadi:1995gv to calculate the three body decay widths and find the three-body decay rates to be always suppressed by additional propagator mass $M_{MF}^{2}$ and the coupling $y_{si}^{2}$. It is to be noted that it is not challenging to obtain ${\Gamma\over H}>>1$ due to the large decay width of the heavy particles in the early universe, resulting the heavy fermions being in thermal equilibrium with the thermal bath particles. Also to note that the lighter CP-even Higgs could also be produced from the decay of the heavier CP-even Higgs and the corresponding decay width is $\mathcal{O}(10)$ GeV. In this case we also find that ${\Gamma\over H}>>1$. Hence the lighter lighter CP-even Higgs will also remain in thermal equilibrium with the thermal bath particles. Similarly the scattering diagrams shown in Fig. 7 also provide $\frac{n_{eq}<\sigma v>}{H}>>1$ in the model parameter space we are interested in. In this model, the dark matter can be produced from the decay of the mirror fermions, heavy scalars and from the annihilation of the other particles. It has already been discussed in existing literatures Borah:2018gjk ; Hall:2009bx ; Biswas:2016bfo ; PeymanZakeri:2018zaa ; Herms:2019mnu ; DEramo:2020gpr ; Das:2021zea ; Das:2021qqr ; Pandey:2017quk ; Biswas:2017tce ; Yaguna:2011qn ; Borah:2019bdi that if same couplings are involved in both decays as well as scattering processes then the former has the dominant contribution to DM relic density over the latter one. Considering all these investigations, we take into account that the dark matter candidate is stable and can be produced only from the decay of the mirror fermions and heavy Higgses in this framework. The Boltzmann equation for the dark matter can be written as Plehn:2017fdg ; Hall:2009bx ; Biswas:2016bfo $\displaystyle\frac{dn}{dt}+3Hn$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle-\sum_{i}S(X_{Heavy,i}\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0},f_{\rm SM}A_{s}^{0}),$ (26) where $X_{Heavy,i}=\widetilde{H}_{i=1..6}$ ($\widetilde{H}_{i=1..6}$ stand for the six physical CP-even mass eigenstates $\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}},$ $\,\widetilde{H},$ and $\,\widetilde{H}_{s}$.), $f_{MF}$ and $f_{\rm SM}$ is SM fermions. Here the decay-based source term $S$ can be written as $\displaystyle S=\Gamma(X_{Heavy,i}\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0},f_{\rm SM}A_{s}^{0})\,\frac{K_{1}(\frac{m_{X_{Heavy,i}}}{T})}{K_{2}(\frac{m_{X_{Heavy,i}}}{T})}\,n^{eq}_{Heavy,i}$ (27) where $K_{1,2}$ is the modified Bessel function of the first and second kind. For $x=\frac{m_{X_{Heavy,i}}}{T}$ and $Y=\frac{n}{T^{3}}$, the eqn. 26 now reads Plehn:2017fdg $\displaystyle\frac{dY(x)}{dx}=\sum_{i}\frac{g_{X_{Heavy,i}}}{2\pi^{2}}\frac{\Gamma(X_{Heavy,i}\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0},f_{\rm SM}A_{s}^{0})}{H(x\approx 1)}x^{3}K_{1}(x),$ (28) where $g_{X_{Heavy,i}}$ is the degrees of freedom of the heavy particle. We can integrate the dark matter production over the entire thermal history and find the final yield $Y(x_{0})$ with the help of the appropriate integral Plehn:2017fdg ; Hall:2009bx ; Biswas:2016bfo $\displaystyle Y(x_{0})=\frac{45M_{Pl}}{6.64\,\pi^{4}\,g_{*}^{S}\sqrt{g^{\rho}}}\,\sum_{i}\frac{g_{X_{Heavy,i}}}{M_{X_{Heavy,i}}^{2}}\Gamma(X_{Heavy,i}\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0},f_{\rm SM}A_{s}^{0})\,\int_{0}^{\infty}x^{3}K_{1}(x)dx$ (29) $g_{*}^{S}$ and $g^{\rho}$ are the effective relativistic of degrees of freedom for the entropy density and energy density respectively. The relic density now can be written as Plehn:2017fdg ; Hall:2009bx ; Biswas:2016bfo $\displaystyle\Omega h^{2}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{h^{2}}{3\,H_{0}^{2}\,M_{Pl}^{2}}\,\frac{M_{A_{s}^{0}}}{28}T_{0}^{3}\,Y(x_{0})$ (30) $\displaystyle\approx$ $\displaystyle 1.09\times 10^{27}\,M_{A_{s}^{0}}\,\sum_{i}\frac{g_{X_{Heavy,i}}\,\Gamma(X_{Heavy,i}\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0},f_{\rm SM}A_{s}^{0})}{M_{X_{Heavy,i}}^{2}}$ Figure 8: Dark matter production diagrams from the decay of the heavy particles contributing to the relic density. We now use eqn. 30 to calculate the relic density in this scenario. The main production diagrams from the decay widths of the heavy particles are shown in Fig. 8. The partial decay of the heavy Higgs into the pair of dark matter and mirror fermion into SM fermion and a single dark matter are given by $\displaystyle\Gamma(\widetilde{H}_{i}\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{y_{\widetilde{H}_{i}A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}^{2}}{32\pi M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}}\,\left(1-\frac{M_{A_{s}^{0}}^{2}}{M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}^{2}}\right)^{1\over 2}$ (31) $\displaystyle\Gamma(f_{\rm MF}\rightarrow f_{\rm SM}A_{s}^{0})$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{M_{f_{\rm MF}}}{8\pi}\,y_{f_{MF}\,f_{SM}\,A_{s}^{0}}^{2}.$ (32) with the corresponding coupling strengths given in terms of the mixing angles in the scalar sector (see eqns. A-66) $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}_{s}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle={O}_{H}^{61}\,y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{62}\,y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{63}\,y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{64}\,y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{65}\,y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}},$ (33) $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle={O}_{H}^{51}\,y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{52}\,y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{53}\,y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{54}\,y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{55}\,y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}},$ $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle={O}_{H}^{41}\,y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{42}\,y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{43}\,y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{44}\,y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{45}\,y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}},$ $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle={O}_{H}^{31}\,y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{32}\,y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{33}\,y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{34}\,y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{35}\,y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}},$ $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle={O}_{H}^{21}\,y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{22}\,y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{23}\,y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{24}\,y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{25}\,y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}},$ $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle={O}_{H}^{11}\,y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{12}\,y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{13}\,y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{14}\,y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}+{O}_{H}^{15}\,y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}},$ $\displaystyle y_{\widetilde{H}_{i}\widetilde{H}_{i}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=\lambda_{4a},\,\,y_{f_{MF}\,f_{SM}\,A_{s}^{0}}=y_{s}\,({\rm f~{}is~{}quark}),\,y_{s\ell}\,({\rm f~{}is~{}lepton}),$ where, $\displaystyle y_{H_{1}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=\lambda_{4a}v_{1}+2\lambda_{5c}v_{1M}+2\lambda_{5c}v_{2M},$ (34) $\displaystyle y_{H_{2}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=2\lambda_{5c}v_{1M}+\lambda_{4a}v_{2}+2\lambda_{5c}v_{2M},$ $\displaystyle y_{H_{1M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=2\lambda_{5c}v_{1}+\lambda_{4a}v_{1M}+2\lambda_{5c}v_{2},$ $\displaystyle y_{H_{2M}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=2\lambda_{5c}v_{1}+2\lambda_{5c}v_{2}+\lambda_{4a}v_{2M},$ $\displaystyle y_{H_{s}^{0}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}$ $\displaystyle=2\lambda_{s}v_{s},\,\,y_{H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=0.$ where $H_{1}^{0}$,$~{}H_{2}^{0}$,$~{}H_{1M}^{0}$,$~{}H_{2M}^{0}$,$~{}H_{s}^{0}$ and $H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}$ is the unphysical scalar fields (before mixing, see the Appendix A for details). The CP-even scalar incorporating both the triplet scalars $H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}=\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\,\chi^{0r}+\sqrt{\frac{1}{3}}\,\zeta^{0}$ does not have the direct coupling to PSS dark matter, i.e., $y_{H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=0$. The other scalars are unable to decay to PSS dark matter due to conservation of the $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ symmetry, charge, etc. Hence the initial DM density for the decay scenario mainly depends on the decay of these CP-even scalars and mirror fermions. One can see from these eqns. 33 and 34 that the decay of these heavy (physical) scalar fields and mirror fermions can be controlled by the $\lambda_{5c},\lambda_{4a},\lambda_{s},y_{s},y_{s\ell}$ and VEVs with the mass of the dark matter mainly depending on the $\lambda_{5c}$ and VEVs (see eqn. 2). Figure 9: Plots show the variation of parameters $\lambda_{5c}$ and $\lambda_{4a}$ in left panel and similarly show the dark matter mass against $\lambda_{4a}$ variation in right panel. These plots are generated for BP-3 as in Table 1. In both plots the red solid line represents $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198$ and the dashed red lines correspond to the $3\sigma$ variation in $\Omega h^{2}$. The lighter region corresponds to higher values of $\Omega h^{2}$. For both these plots the contribution from the mirror fermion decay $f_{MF}\rightarrow f_{SM}A_{s}^{0}$ is sub-dominant and has been neglected. As an example, let us first neglect the contribution from the decay of the mirror fermions $f_{MF}\rightarrow f_{SM}A_{s}^{0}$ (we consider $y_{s\ell}<<10^{-9}$) and consider the benchmark point BP-3 (see Table 1). We choose $\lambda_{s}=10^{-15}$, hence the lightest CP-even scalar field could not decay into the dark matter ($M_{\widetilde{H}_{s}}<2M_{A_{s}^{0}}$). The other CP-even state including 125 GeV scalar fields could decay into the dark matter which increases the abundance of the dark matter. Using BP-3 and $\lambda_{5c}=3.2\times 10^{-12}$ and $\lambda_{4a}=7.377\times 10^{-9}$, we obtain the dark matter mass as $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=0.808$ MeV and find the numerical values of the coupling strengths $y_{\widetilde{H}_{s}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=1.630\times 10^{-11}$, $y_{\widetilde{H}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=-1.021\times 10^{-6}$, $y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=3.390\times 10^{-6}$, $y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=1.059\times 10^{-21}$, $y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=-9.424\times 10^{-6}$ and $y_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}}\,A_{s}^{0}A_{s}^{0}}=3.669\times 10^{-6}$. Finally, we obtain the relic density to be $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198$. We show the variation of the parameters $\lambda_{5c}$ and $\lambda_{4a}$ in Fig. 9(left) and similarly show the dark matter mass against $\lambda_{4a}$ variation in Fig. 9(right). In both plots the red solid line represents $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198$ and the dashed red lines correspond to the $3\sigma$ variation in $\Omega h^{2}$ with the darker region corresponding to the lower values of $\Omega h^{2}$. We find that if we neglect the contribution from the scalar fields, the dark matter abundance could increase from the decay of the mirror fermions $f_{MF}\rightarrow f_{SM}A_{s}^{0}$. In this case, the contribution from the mirror quarks will also be negligibly small; as the corresponding Yukawa couplings are very small ($y_{s}\sim y_{sq}\sim y_{su}\sim y_{sd}<0.1y_{s\ell}$ Hung:2017pss ; Hung:2017exy ). We obtain the relic density in the right ballpark for $y_{s\ell}\sim 4.428\times 10^{-9}$ for $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=10$ keV and $y_{s\ell}\sim 4.429\times 10^{-10}$ with $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=1$ MeV. The variation of dark matter mass against $y_{s\ell}$ is shown in Fig. 10. The blue dashed line indicates the $3\sigma$ relic density $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198\pm 0.0026$ band Aghanim:2018eyx . The line above this blue line will overclose the Universe. The indirect detection bounds form HEAO and INTEGRAL experiments will be discussed in the section VII. Figure 10: The same $y_{s\ell}-M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ plot as in Fig. 2 showing the relic density constraint and including the indirect detection bounds applicable in the parameter space. The blue dashed line indicates the relic density $3\sigma$ band $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198\pm 0.0026$, and the constraints coming from the HEAO-1 Gruber:1999yr and INTEGRAL Bouchet:2008rp indirect detection experiments. Figure 11: Plots show the variation of parameters $\lambda_{4a}$ and $y_{s\ell}$ for two different dark matter masses $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=10$ keV (left) and $0.5$ MeV (right). These plots are also generated for BP-3 as in Table 1. In both plots the red solid line represents $\Omega h^{2}=0.1198$ and the dashed red lines correspond to the $3\sigma$ variation in $\Omega h^{2}$. The lighter region corresponds to higher values of $\Omega h^{2}$. We now consider all these aforementioned contributions in the relic density calculation. The larger $\lambda_{4a}$ increases the contributions from the heavy Higgs decays whereas large values of $y_{s\ell}$ increases the contributions from the mirror fermions. We present such variations for two different dark matter masses $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=10$ keV and $0.5$ MeV respectively in Fig. 11. The contribution is almost equal for $\lambda_{4a}\sim 4.90\times 10^{-8}$ and $y_{s\ell}\sim 2.98\times 10^{-9}$ with dark matter mass $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=10$ keV and similarly for $\lambda_{4a}\sim 7.447\times 10^{-9}$ and $y_{s\ell}\sim 3.78\times 10^{-10}$ with dark matter mass $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=0.5$ MeV. The dark matter abundance increases as a result of the decay of the mirror fermions $f_{MF}\rightarrow f_{SM}A_{s}^{0}$. In this case, the contribution from the mirror quarks are negligibly small as $y_{s}\sim y_{sq}\sim y_{su}\sim y_{sd}<0.1y_{s\ell}$ Hung:2017pss ; Hung:2017exy . We also show the evolution of the dark matter with the temperature of the Universe in Fig. 12 for the following parameters: $\lambda_{s}=10^{-15}$, $\lambda_{4a}\sim 4.90\times 10^{-8}$ and $y_{s\ell}\sim 2.98\times 10^{-9}$ and $M_{A_{s}^{0}}=10$ keV. The plot clearly represents the significance of the Freeze-in mechanism in this framework, i.e., the initial DM density being zero and increasing during the cooling of the Universe. After a certain temperature (T $\sim\,\mathcal{O}$(100 GeV) as shown in Fig. 12) the dark matter density becomes constant. We have also looked into the bound from the free streaming length $l_{fs}$ which will denote whether the dark mater will behave as hot, warm or cold. The $l_{fs}>2$ Mpc region stands for hot dark matter region and can create challenges for the structure formation Dev:2013yza . We avoid these regions (dark matter mass $<<1$ keV) in this analysis and calculate the free streaming length Choi:2020kch for the dark matter with mass rage keV up to MeV and find it to be consistently less than $10$ kpc in the parameter space referred to in the plots of Fig. 10. Hence we conclude that in this scenario $A^{0}_{s}$ behaves as a cold dark matter candidate Dev:2013yza . Figure 12: Plot shows the variation of the yield $Y(x)$ against $x$ for all the contribution coming from the heavy Higgs and mirror fermion decays. The Freeze-in mechanism effect can be clearly seen as the initial DM density is zero and increases during the cooling of the Universe and attaining a constant value after a certain temperature. We have scaled the mirror fermion decay contribution (black line) by a factor $1/10$ to distinguish from the others and used $M_{X}=100$ GeV mass scale factor. In summary, in this section we have discussed the Freeze-in scenario for the dark matter candidate in this model and have already discussed the stability bound on the dark matter in the previous section. Now as we already know that the galactic and extra-galactic diffuse $X-ray$ or $\gamma-ray$ may come form the decay or annihilation of a dark matter through the loop which can put stringent constraints on the model parameter spaces of any dark matter model Essig:2013goa , in the next section we devote a discussion on the possible additional bounds coming from the available data from various indirect dark matter search experiments as well as direct detection experiments. ## VII Indirect and Direct Detection of Dark Matter Let us now focus on the detection possibilities of dark matter in our framework. One very interesting method is to look for some excess of photon or charged particles from different directions of our sky which may come from the annihilation or the decay of dark matter particles. The dark matter decay is less constrained from the early Universe cosmology. The galactic and extra- galactic diffuse $X-ray$ or $\gamma-ray$ background put the most stringent bounds on the model parameters of decaying DM Essig:2013goa . The observations of the Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) put limits on the weak-scale DM (mass $\mathcal{O}(100)$ MeV), having decay lifetime $\tau_{A_{s}^{0}}>10^{26}\,s$, many orders of magnitude larger than the age of the Universe Ackermann:2012qk ; Cirelli:2009dv . The usual gamma-ray constraints from the Fermi-LAT do not apply for the masses $<\mathcal{O}(100)$ MeV. However, the instruments in the several other satellite-based experiments such as HEAO-1 Gruber:1999yr , INTEGRAL Bouchet:2008rp , COMPTEL kappadath , EGRET Strong:2004de are sensitive to photons with energies well below a $\mathcal{O}(100)$ MeV. In this model, only HEAO-1 Gruber:1999yr and INTEGRAL Bouchet:2008rp can put stringent constraints on the dark matter parameters as we are interested in the dark matter mass less than $\mathcal{O}(1)$ MeV. In Fig. 10, we show 222We extract these data from Ref. Essig:2013goa where the authors have put bounds on the lifetime of a scalar dark matter decaying to two photons. We translate it into the interaction strength ($y_{s\ell}$), i.e. the interaction between dark matter, SM and mirror leptons, to constrain our model parameter space. the limits coming from HEAO-1 Gruber:1999yr and INTEGRAL Bouchet:2008rp in $y_{s\ell}-\text{vs}-M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ plane which puts a strong upper bound on the value of $y_{s\ell}\leq 10^{-6}-10^{-7}$. However, as we are considering the non-thermal production of dark matter, the relic density can still be satisfied with smaller $y_{s\ell}$ as shown in the blue line in Fig. 10. Now we turn our attention to the question of possible detection for this dark matter candidate $A_{s}^{0}$ at the current DM direct detection experiments. Motivated by the fact that the WIMP dark matter interacts with the matter weakly, there are many experiments Aprile:2011hi ; Aprile:2012nq ; Akerib:2013tjd seeking to detect the dark matter directly. If the dark matter scatters from atomic nucleus depositing energy in the detector $E_{deposit}=\frac{m_{r}^{2}v^{2}}{m_{N}}(1-\cos\theta)$, where, $m_{r}$ is the reduced mass of the dark matter $M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ and nucleons $m_{N}$, $v=220~{}km/s$ is the relative velocity of the dark matter w.r.t. detector nucleons and $\theta$ being the scattering angle, we find that for the tentative amount of deposited energy for a 100 GeV dark matter particle is $~{}27$ keV. It is to be noted that a cosmic radiation free and radioactively clean environment is needed for the detection of dark matter in these experiments with the set up placed in the deep underground Aprile:2011hi ; Aprile:2012nq ; Akerib:2013tjd ; Mei:2017etc to reduce these backgrounds. Now, the DM direct detection experiments involve the CP-even Higgs-mediated $t$-channel process $A_{s}^{0}N\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}N$ ($N$ is the nucleons) with a cross-section proportional to square of the quartic coupling $\lambda^{\prime}s=\lambda_{4a},~{}\lambda_{5c}$ and $\lambda_{s}$. It also has extra suppression due to the heavy mediator CP-even Higgs particles. The cross-section is given by $\sigma_{A_{s}^{0},N}\approx\frac{m_{r}^{2}}{\pi}f^{2}m_{N}^{2}\left(\sum_{i}\frac{\lambda^{\prime}s}{M_{A_{s}^{0}}M_{\widetilde{H}_{i}}^{2}}\right)^{2}$ (35) where $f\approx 0.3$ is the form factor of the nucleus. $m_{r}$ represents the reduced mass of the nucleus and the scattered dark matter particle. It is to be noted that $\lambda_{4a,5c,s}<10^{-10}$ is needed to get the relic density for $<1$ MeV dark matter (already discussed in the section VI). The direct detection cross-section become $<\mathcal{O}(10^{-61})~{}{\rm cm^{2}}$, far below the neutrino background events in the detector. Similarly mirror fermions mediated $t$-channel process $A_{s}^{0}N\rightarrow A_{s}^{0}N$ with a cross-section proportional to $y_{s\ell,sq}^{4}/{M_{MF}^{4}}$ and the direct detection cross-section through mirror fermions exchange is far smaller than the scalar mediated diagram. Hence it is hard to get the signature of the dark matter form the direct-detection experiments through nucleon-dark matter scattering Mei:2017etc . We have also investigated the dark matter-electron interactions via magnon excitations, a novel detection path for spin-dependent light that has been proposed in the recent work Trickle:2019ovy . Magnons are quanta of collective spin wave excitations in condensed matter systems that exhibit magnetic dipole order in the ground state. It can be used as the spin-dependent counterpart of phonons for the DM detection with similar kinematics. In future this type of experimental model may detect the dark matter (in particular pseudo scalar dark matter candidates) using absorption through magnon excitations or will be able to put stringent constraints on the parameter spaces. However currently in the current framework, the cross-section remain $<\mathcal{O}(10^{-61})~{}{\rm cm^{2}}$ for $\lambda_{4a,5c,s}<10^{-10}$. Hence this method is unable to put farther constraints on this model. The interactions of the mirror fermions with standard model particles make them more feasible to probe via the Collider searches. The existing literature (see Ref. No:2019gvl ) includes possible ways to explore dark matter. The Ref. No:2019gvl has primarily investigated the FIMP dark matter scenario in the context of 14 TeV LHC experiments with a future high integrated luminosity at the MATHUSLA surface detector. In this framework, there is a possibility of forming a charged track due to the mirror fermions decay into SM fermion and dark matter fields at the Colliders. The decay width of the charged mirror fermion is given in eqn. 32. The decay width ($\Gamma(f_{MF}\rightarrow f_{SM}A_{s}^{0}$) for the mirror fermions is proportional to $y_{s\ell}^{2}$ and masses of the mirror fermions. As discussed previously, an estimated value of the coupling $y_{s\ell}\lesssim 10^{-8}$ is needed to obtain the correct dark matter density through the Freeze-in process. We find the decay length for these charged fermions to be $\mathcal{O}(1)$ meter for this choice of $y_{s\ell}$. We are interested to see if we can get sufficient number of events from this charged tracks for the detection. It mainly depends on the production cross-section $\sigma^{\rm LHC}_{\sqrt{s}}$ of the mother particle and luminosity $\mathcal{L}$ at the detector. The number of events at the LHC is calculated in Ref. No:2019gvl and is given by $N_{events}=\sigma^{\rm LHC}_{\sqrt{s}}\,\mathcal{L}\,\int P^{\rm MATH}_{\rm Decay},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}{\rm with}~{}~{}~{}P^{\rm MATH}_{\rm Decay}=0.05(e^{-\frac{L_{a}}{\beta\,c\,\tau_{f_{MF}}}}-e^{-\frac{L_{b}}{\beta\,c\,\tau_{f_{MF}}}}).$ (36) It has been reported in Ref. No:2019gvl that the number of events is $N_{events}\geq 3$ for $\sqrt{s}=13$ TeV with an integrated luminosity $\mathcal{L}=3000~{}{\rm fb^{-1}}$ using a specific model parameter space, showing that the MATHUSLA100/200 detector could detect these mother particle up to $1$ TeV mass and the dominant production of the mother particles comes through the Drell-Yan processes. Following this reference, in our model, as the production of the mother particles (mirror fermions) are hugely suppressed due to the small mixing (see the BPs) of the mirror and standard model particles, we find the production cross-section is less than $\mathcal{O}(10^{-10})$ fb. Hence it might need larger luminosity and energy to get significant events at the present MATHUSLA surface detector for our analysis. ## VIII Conclusion In this work, we have presented a model incorporating a sub-MeV DM based on the exploration of the scalar sector of the Electroweak-scale Right-handed neutrino model. The idea of EW-$\nu_{R}$ model with additional GeV scale mirror fermions with large displaced vertices containing long lived particles (LLP) signatures is already highly appealing from the LHC perspective and has been extensively studied before Chakdar:2016adj ; Chakdar:2015sra ; Chakdar:2020igt . The rich scalar sector of EW-$\nu_{R}$ includes doublets, triplets and an additional complex-singlet scalar $\Phi_{s}$ and the imaginary part of this complex singlet (pseudo-Nambu Goldstone (PNG) boson), $A_{s}^{0}$ is investigated to be a plausible DM candidate in the present context. The dark matter $A_{s}^{0}$ acquires a sub-MeV mass from the explicit breaking term in the scalar potential; this explicit breaking term is characterized by some mass scale assumed to be much smaller than the scale of spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB). The various model parameters present in the scalar sector of this framework are investigated to generate possible benchmark points in the context of a sub-MeV dark matter, satisfying the current $125$ GeV Higgs branching ratio and signal strength constraints from the LHC. In this work, we have shown the limitations of the well established Freeze out mechanism, for which the observed abundance is set almost exclusively by the annihilation cross-section and is largely insensitive to unknown details of early Universe and to the mass, producing overabundance for the sub-MeV DM particle $A_{s}^{0}$ we are interested to study in this work. Null results at direct detection experiments have currently put tight constraints on the WIMP paradigm and alternative possibilities like ALP, axions, SIMPs, FIMPS have become relevant in this context. We have implemented the Freeze-in mechanism to obtain the correct order of relic density for the chosen dark matter masses $<1$ MeV. For such feebly interacting massive particles or FIMPs, we can invoke the non-thermal Freeze-in mechanism that necessitates feeble interactions making it one of the reasons to have such a tiny fine-tuned coupling present in this EW-$\nu_{R}$ model. We find that the non-thermally produced PSS (pseudo-scalar singlet) can serve as a viable $\leq 1$ MeV dark metter depending on the parameters $\lambda_{5c},\lambda_{4a},\lambda_{s}$, $y_{s}$, $y_{s\ell}$ and VEVs satisfying the dark matter relic density. Using the Freeze in mechanism to investigate the scalar sector of the EW-$\nu_{R}$, we obtain a significant parameter space of $y_{s\ell}-M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ for the sub-MeV dark matter mass satisfying the correct relic density and successfully put bounds on the coupling strength $y_{s\ell}$ vs $M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ exclusion region from the stability (lifetime of DM > lifetime of the Universe) of the dark matter, the rare processes ($\mu\rightarrow e\gamma$, and $\mu-e$ conversion), several indirect detection experiments constraining this particular mass region (HEAO-1 and INTEGRAL) etc. We also found that indirect detection experiments, such as Fermi-LAT data are currently unable to successfully constrain the parameter space of $y_{s\ell}-M_{A_{s}^{0}}$ for the mass range of $<1$ MeV. Also, due to such feeble interactions, it is challenging to get handle on the signatures of this light dark matter from the direct-detection experiments through nucleon-dark matter scattering as well as dark matter-electron interactions via the magnon excitations. In our investigation, we have found that $y_{s\ell}\sim 10^{-8}$ is needed for the correct relic abundance and have pointed out the parameter space available for sub-MeV FIMP dark matter ready to be explored by the future experiments. We have discussed in detail the possible future implications of this scenario in the Collider searches, in specific the MATHUSLA detector. From a particle physics point of view, this scenario is highly interesting as the model framework has already been successful incorporating the non sterile right handed neutrinos with Electroweak scale Majorana masses. Having a substantial parameter space available to explore after implementing relevant constraints for a natural sub-MeV FIMP Dark matter particle in the current and future experiments makes this scenario even more relevant and exciting. The current framework casts light on the feebly explored sub-MeV dark sector frontier, and offers many opportunities for exciting and profound discoveries in the future. ## IX Acknowledgements SC is supported by the College of Holy Cross Bachelor Ford Summer fellowship ’20-’21. DKG, NK and DN would like to thank Prof. Satyanarayan Mukhopadhyay and Dr. Anirban Biswas for useful discussions. ## Appendix A Model: Scalar sector The model framework and motivations including the gauge structure, particle content Hoang:2014pda has already been introduced previously in this work. Here we include a summary of the details on the extended scalar sector of the Electro-weak Right handed neutrino model that is vital for studying the dark matter portion of this framework. The present framework includes a rich scalar sector incorporating four doublets (two for the THDM like, two for mirror sector), two triplets and a singlet given by $\displaystyle\Phi_{1}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{1}^{0,*}&\phi_{1}^{+}\\\ \phi_{1}^{-}&\phi_{1}^{0}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{1M}=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{1M}^{0,*}&\phi_{1M}^{+}\\\ \phi_{1M}^{-}&\phi_{1M}^{0}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{2}=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{2}^{0,*}&\phi_{2}^{+}\\\ \phi_{2}^{-}&\phi_{2}^{0}\end{pmatrix},~{}\Phi_{2M}=\begin{pmatrix}\phi_{2M}^{0,*}&\phi_{2M}^{+}\\\ \phi_{2M}^{-}&\phi_{2M}^{0}\end{pmatrix},$ $\displaystyle~{}\tilde{\chi}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}\chi^{+}/\sqrt{2}&\chi^{++}\\\ \chi^{0}&-\chi^{+}/\sqrt{2}\end{pmatrix},~{}\xi=\begin{pmatrix}\xi^{+},\xi^{0},\xi^{-}\end{pmatrix},~{}{\rm Complex~{}singlet~{}scalar}=\Phi_{s}$ (37) The transformation of these scalar multiplet under $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ symmetry are as follows: $\Phi_{1,2}\rightarrow e^{-2i\alpha_{\rm SM}}\,\Phi_{1,2},\Phi_{1M,2M}\rightarrow e^{2i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,\Phi_{1M,2M},~{}\tilde{\chi}\rightarrow e^{-2i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,\tilde{\chi},\,\xi\rightarrow\xi$ and $\Phi_{s}\rightarrow e^{-i(\alpha_{\rm SM}+\alpha_{\rm MF})}\,\Phi_{s}$. Additionally, the Higgs potential has a global $SU(2)_{\rm L}\times SU(2)_{\rm R}$ symmetry. The triplet and doublet scalars transform as $(3,3)$ and $(2,2)$ under that global symmetry. The combination of these triplet can be written as Hoang:2014pda $\displaystyle\chi=\begin{pmatrix}\chi^{0}&\xi^{+}&\chi^{++}\\\ \chi^{-}&\xi^{0}&\chi^{+}\\\ \chi^{--}&\xi^{-}&\chi^{0,*}\end{pmatrix},$ (38) Proper vacuum alignment gives $\displaystyle<\Phi_{1}>=\begin{pmatrix}v_{1}/\sqrt{2}&0\\\ 0&v_{1}/\sqrt{2}\end{pmatrix},~{}<\Phi_{1M}>=\begin{pmatrix}v_{1M}/\sqrt{2}&0\\\ 0&v_{1M}/\sqrt{2}\end{pmatrix},$ (39) $\displaystyle<\Phi_{2}>=\begin{pmatrix}v_{2}/\sqrt{2}&0\\\ 0&v_{2}/\sqrt{2}\end{pmatrix},~{}<\Phi_{2M}>=\begin{pmatrix}v_{2M}/\sqrt{2}&0\\\ 0&v_{2M}/\sqrt{2}\end{pmatrix},$ (40) $\displaystyle<\chi>=\begin{pmatrix}v_{M}&0&0\\\ 0&v_{M}&0\\\ 0&0&v_{M}\end{pmatrix},~{}~{}<\Phi_{s}>=v_{s}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ (41) The generic scalar potential for these scalars can now be written as $\displaystyle V$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\lambda_{1a}\Big{[}Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1}-v_{1}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}+\lambda_{2a}\Big{[}Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}-v_{1M}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}+\lambda_{1b}\Big{[}Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2}$ $\displaystyle- v_{2}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}+\lambda_{2b}\Big{[}Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M}-v_{2M}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}+\lambda_{3}\Big{[}Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi-3v_{M}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{s}\Big{[}\Phi_{s}^{\dagger}\Phi_{s}-v_{s}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}+\lambda_{4}\Big{[}Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1}-v_{1}^{2}+Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}-v_{1M}^{2}$ $\displaystyle+Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2}-v_{2}^{2}+Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M}-v_{2M}^{2}+Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi-3v_{M}^{2}\Big{]}^{2}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{4a}\Big{[}Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1}-v_{1}^{2}+Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}-v_{1M}^{2}+Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2}-v_{2}^{2}$ $\displaystyle+Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M}-v_{2M}^{2}+Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi-3v_{M}^{2}\Big{]}\Big{[}\Phi_{s}^{\dagger}\Phi_{s}-v_{s}^{2}\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{5a}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi)-2(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\frac{\tau^{a}}{2}\Phi_{1}\frac{\tau^{b}}{2})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}T^{a}\chi T^{b})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{6a}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi)-2(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\frac{\tau^{a}}{2}\Phi_{1M}\frac{\tau^{b}}{2})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}T^{a}\chi T^{b})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{5b}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi)-2(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\frac{\tau^{a}}{2}\Phi_{2}\frac{\tau^{b}}{2})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}T^{a}\chi T^{b})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{6b}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi)-2(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\frac{\tau^{a}}{2}\Phi_{2M}\frac{\tau^{b}}{2})(Tr\chi^{\dagger}T^{a}\chi T^{b})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{5c}\Big{[}\\{\Phi_{s}^{2}(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}+Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M}+Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}+Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})+h.c.\\}$ $\displaystyle-2\,\Phi_{s}^{\dagger}\Phi_{s}(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}+Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M}+Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M}+Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{7a}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})-(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{7b}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})-(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{7ab}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})-(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{7Mab}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})-(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{7aMb}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})-(Tr\Phi_{1}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2M})(Tr\Phi_{2M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{7abM}\Big{[}(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})-(Tr\Phi_{2}^{\dagger}\Phi_{1M})(Tr\Phi_{1M}^{\dagger}\Phi_{2})\Big{]}$ $\displaystyle+\lambda_{8}\Big{[}Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi\chi^{\dagger}\chi-(Tr\chi^{\dagger}\chi)^{2}\Big{]},$ where $a,b=1,2,3$ and from Hartling:2014zca $\displaystyle{T}^{1}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\begin{array}[]{ccc}0&1&0\\\ 1&0&1\\\ 0&1&0\\\ \end{array}\right);~{}~{}{T}^{2}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left(\begin{array}[]{ccc}0&-i&0\\\ i&0&-i\\\ 0&i&0\\\ \end{array}\right);~{}~{}{T}^{3}=\left(\begin{array}[]{ccc}1&0&0\\\ 0&0&0\\\ 0&0&-1\\\ \end{array}\right);$ (52) $\displaystyle\tau^{1}=\left(\begin{array}[]{cc}0&1\\\ 1&0\\\ \end{array}\right);~{}~{}\tau^{2}=\left(\begin{array}[]{cc}0&-i\\\ i&0\\\ \end{array}\right);~{}~{}\tau^{3}=\left(\begin{array}[]{cc}1&0\\\ 0&-1\\\ \end{array}\right);~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}$ (59) Please note the transformation $\Phi_{1,2}\rightarrow e^{-2i\alpha_{\rm SM}}\,\Phi_{1,2},\Phi_{1M,2M}\rightarrow e^{2i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,\Phi_{1M,2M},~{}\tilde{\chi}\rightarrow e^{-2i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,\tilde{\chi},\,\xi\rightarrow\xi$ and $\Phi_{s}\rightarrow e^{-i(\alpha_{\rm SM}+\alpha_{\rm MF})}\,\Phi_{s}$. Hence the $\lambda_{5,6}$’s terms break explicitly the $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ symmetries. The three ‘massless’ Nambu-Goldstone bosons can be obtained after spontaneous breaking of $SU(2)_{L}\times U(1)_{Y}\rightarrow U(1)_{em}$, with the condition $\lambda_{5a}=\lambda_{5b}=\lambda_{6a}=\lambda_{6b}=\lambda_{7a}=\lambda_{7b}=\lambda_{7ab}=\lambda_{7Mab}=\lambda_{7aMb}=\lambda_{7abM}=\lambda_{5}$ imposed on the potential above. The first line of $\lambda_{5c}$ term is $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ conserving, and the second line explicitly violates these symmetries. Both of them will help us to get exact minimization of the scalar potential and non-zero mass for the singlet-type complex scalar field. There are eighteen physical scalars grouped into $5+3+3+3+3+1$ of the custodial $SU(2)_{D}$ with $6$ real singlets. Here, we would like to mention that the dedicated study of vacuum stability condition for a multi-Higgs model like ours is extremely complicated and is beyond the scope of this paper. To express the Nambu-Goldstone bosons and the physical scalars let us adopt the following convenient notation: $\displaystyle{v_{\rm SM}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\sqrt{v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+8v_{M}^{2}}\approx 246~{}{\rm GeV}$ $\displaystyle{s_{1}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{{v_{1}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},~{}{c_{1}}=\frac{\sqrt{v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+8v_{M}^{2}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},$ $\displaystyle{s_{2}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{{v_{2}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},~{}{c_{2}}=\frac{\sqrt{v_{1M}^{2}+v_{1}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+8v_{M}^{2}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},$ $\displaystyle{s_{1m}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{{v_{1M}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},~{}{c_{1m}}=\frac{\sqrt{v_{1}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+8v_{M}^{2}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},$ (60) $\displaystyle{s_{2m}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{{v_{2M}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},~{}{c_{2m}}=\frac{\sqrt{v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+8v_{M}^{2}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},$ $\displaystyle{s_{m}}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{2\sqrt{2}{v_{M}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}},~{}{c_{m}}=\frac{\sqrt{v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}}}{{v_{\rm SM}}}.$ Thus, $s_{1}^{2}+c_{1}^{2}=s_{2}^{2}+c_{2}^{2}=s_{1m}^{2}+c_{1m}^{2}=s_{2m}^{2}+c_{2m}^{2}=s_{m}^{2}+c_{m}^{2}=1.$ We also defined $\displaystyle\phi_{1}^{0}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\phi_{1}^{0r}+v_{1}+i\phi_{1}^{0i}),~{}~{}$ $\displaystyle\phi_{2}^{0}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\phi_{2}^{0r}+v_{2}+i\phi_{2}^{0i}),$ $\displaystyle\phi_{1M}^{0}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\phi_{1M}^{0r}+v_{1M}+i\phi_{1M}^{0i}),~{}~{}$ $\displaystyle\phi_{2M}^{0}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\phi_{2M}^{0r}+v_{2M}+i\phi_{2M}^{0i}),$ $\displaystyle\chi^{0}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\chi^{0r}+v_{M}+i\chi^{0i}),~{}~{}$ $\displaystyle\xi^{0}=(\xi^{0}+v_{M}),\Phi_{s}=\phi_{s}^{0r}+v_{s}+i\phi_{s}^{0i}$ $\displaystyle{\rm and}~{}\psi^{\pm}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\chi^{\pm}+\xi^{\pm}),~{}~{}$ $\displaystyle\zeta^{\pm}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\chi^{\pm}-\xi^{\pm}).$ for the complex neutral and charged fields respectively. With these fields the Nambu-Goldstone bosons are given by $\displaystyle y_{1}^{\pm}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle s_{1}\phi_{1}^{\pm}+s_{2}\phi_{2}^{\pm}+s_{1M}\phi_{1M}^{\pm}+s_{2M}\phi_{2M}^{\pm}+s_{M}\psi^{\pm},$ $\displaystyle y_{1}^{0}=$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle-i(s_{1}\phi_{1}^{0i}+s_{2}\phi_{2}^{0i}+s_{1M}\phi_{1M}^{0i}+s_{2M}\phi_{2M}^{0i})+is_{M}\chi^{0i}.$ (61) The physical scalars can be grouped, as stated in the previous section, based on their transformation properties under $SU(2)_{D}$ as follows: $\displaystyle{\rm five\text{-}plet~{}(quintet)}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow$ $\displaystyle H^{\pm\pm}_{5},H^{\pm}_{5},~{}{\rm and}~{}H^{0}_{5}$ $\displaystyle{\rm triplet}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow$ $\displaystyle H_{3}^{\pm},~{}{\rm and}~{}H_{3}^{0}$ $\displaystyle{\rm triplet}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow$ $\displaystyle H_{3}^{{}^{\prime}\pm},~{}{\rm and}~{}H_{3}^{{}^{\prime}0}$ $\displaystyle{\rm triplet}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow$ $\displaystyle H_{M}^{\pm},~{}{\rm and}~{}H_{M}^{0}$ (62) $\displaystyle{\rm triplet}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow$ $\displaystyle H_{M}^{{}^{\prime}\pm},~{}{\rm and}~{}H_{M}^{{}^{\prime}0}$ $\displaystyle{\rm Real~{}singlet}$ $\displaystyle\rightarrow$ $\displaystyle H_{1}^{0},\,H_{2}^{0},\,H_{1M}^{0},\,H_{2M}^{0},H_{1}^{0^{\prime}},~{}{\rm and}~{}H_{s}^{0}$ where, $\displaystyle H^{\pm\pm}_{5}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\chi^{\pm\pm},~{}~{}H^{+}_{5}=\zeta^{\pm},~{}~{}H^{0}_{5}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{6}}(2\zeta^{0}-\sqrt{2}\chi^{0r}),$ $\displaystyle H^{+}_{3}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle-\frac{s_{1}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{+}-\frac{s_{2}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{+}-\frac{s_{1M}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{+}-\frac{s_{2M}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2M}^{+}+c_{M}\psi_{M}$ $\displaystyle H^{0}_{3}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle i\left(\frac{s_{1}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{0i}+\frac{s_{2}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{0i}+\frac{s_{1M}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{0i}+\frac{s_{2M}s_{M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2M}^{0i}+c_{M}\chi^{0i}\right)$ $\displaystyle H^{\prime+}_{3}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{s_{1}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{+}-\frac{s_{2}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{+}+\frac{s_{1M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2M}^{+}-\frac{s_{2M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{+}$ $\displaystyle H^{\prime 0}_{3}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle i\left(\frac{s_{1}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{0i}-\frac{s_{2}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{0i}+\frac{s_{1M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2M}^{0i}-\frac{s_{2M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{0i}\right)$ (64) $\displaystyle H^{+}_{3M}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{s_{1M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{+}-\frac{s_{2M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{+}+\frac{s_{1}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2M}^{+}-\frac{s_{2}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{+}$ $\displaystyle H^{0}_{3M}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle i\left(\frac{s_{1M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{0i}-\frac{s_{2M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{0i}+\frac{s_{1}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{0i}-\frac{s_{2}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{0i}\right)$ $\displaystyle H^{\prime+}_{M3}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\frac{s_{2M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{+}-\frac{s_{1M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{+}-\frac{s_{2}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2M}^{+}+\frac{s_{1}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{+}$ $\displaystyle H^{\prime 0}_{M3}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle i\left(\frac{s_{2M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{0i}-\frac{s_{1M}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1}^{0i}-\frac{s_{2}}{c_{M}}\phi_{2}^{0i}+\frac{s_{1}}{c_{M}}\phi_{1M}^{0i}\right)$ $\displaystyle H_{1}^{0}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\phi_{1}^{0r},~{}H_{2}^{0}=\phi_{2}^{0r},~{}H_{1M}^{0}=\phi_{1M}^{0r},~{}H_{2M}^{0}=\phi_{2M}^{0r},$ $\displaystyle H_{s}^{0}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\phi_{s}^{0r},~{}~{}{\rm and}~{}~{}H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}=\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}\,\chi^{0r}+\sqrt{\frac{1}{3}}\,\zeta^{0},$ where, $H^{--}=(H^{++})^{*}$, $H^{-}_{\rm All}=-(H^{+}_{\rm All})^{*}$, , $H^{0}_{\rm All}=-(H^{0}_{\rm All})^{*}$. The masses of these physical scalars can easily be obtained from Eq. eq:pot. Since, the potential preserves the $SU(2)_{D}$ custodial symmetry, members of the physical scalar multiplets have degenerate masses. These masses are $\displaystyle m_{5}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 3\left({\lambda_{5}}\left(v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}\right)+8{\lambda_{8}}v_{3M}^{2}\right)\equiv 3\left({\lambda_{5}}c_{m}^{2}+8{\lambda_{8}}s_{m}^{2}\right)v_{\rm SM}^{2},$ $\displaystyle m_{3,H^{\pm},H^{0}_{3}}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle{\lambda_{5}}\left(v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+8v_{3M}^{2}\right)\equiv{\lambda_{5}}v_{\rm SM}^{2}$ $\displaystyle m_{3,\rm All~{}others}^{2}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle 2{\lambda_{5}}\left(v_{1}^{2}+v_{1M}^{2}+v_{2}^{2}+v_{2M}^{2}+4v_{3M}^{2}\right)\equiv{\lambda_{5}}(1+c_{m}^{2})v_{\rm SM}^{2}.$ (65) In general, $H_{1}^{0}$,$~{}H_{2}^{0}$,$~{}H_{1M}^{0}$,$~{}H_{2M}^{0}$,$~{}H_{s}^{0}$ and $~{}H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}$ can mix according to the mass-squared matrix $\mathcal{M}_{{\cal H}}^{2}={v_{{\rm SM}}^{2}\left(\begin{array}[]{cccccc}8(\lambda_{1a}+\lambda_{4})s_{1}^{2}&8\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{2}&8\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{m}&8\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{2m}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{1}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{m}\\\ 8\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{2}&8(\lambda_{1b}+\lambda_{4})s_{2}^{2}&8\lambda_{4}s_{2}s_{m}&8\lambda_{4}s_{2}s_{2m}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{2}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{2}s_{m}\\\ 8\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{m}&8\lambda_{4}s_{2}s_{m}&8(\lambda_{2a}+\lambda_{4})s_{m}^{2}&8\lambda_{4}s_{m}s_{2m}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{m}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{m}^{2}\\\ 8\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{2m}&8\lambda_{4}s_{2}s_{2m}&8\lambda_{4}s_{m}s_{2m}&8(\lambda_{2b}+\lambda_{4})s_{2m}^{2}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{2m}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{m}s_{2m}\\\ 8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{1}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{2}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{m}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&8\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{2m}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&8(\lambda_{4a}+\lambda_{s})\frac{v_{s}^{2}}{v_{{\rm SM}}^{2}}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{m}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}\\\ 2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{1}s_{m}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{2}s_{m}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{m}^{2}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4}s_{m}s_{2m}&2\sqrt{6}\lambda_{4a}\frac{v_{s}s_{m}}{v_{{\rm SM}}}&3(\lambda_{3}+\lambda_{4})s_{m}^{2}\\\ \end{array}\right)}$ (66) We denote the mass eigenstates by $\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}},\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}},\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}},\,\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}},\,\widetilde{H},\,\widetilde{H}_{s}$. We adopt a convention of denoting the lightest of the six by $\widetilde{H}_{s}$. The next heavier one by $\widetilde{H}$, the next one is $\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}}$ and so on. The heaviest state is $\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}}$. The descending order of mass of the physical eigenstates is $(M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}^{{}^{\prime}}}>M_{\widetilde{H}}>M_{\widetilde{H}_{S}})$. The diagonalizing $6\times 6$ orthogonal matrix element is denoted by ${O}_{H}^{ij}\,(i,j=1...6)$. The 125-GeV Higgs-like scalar component can be written as $\widetilde{H}={O}_{H}^{51}\,H_{1}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{52}\,H_{2}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{53}\,H_{1M}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{54}\,H_{2M}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{55}\,H_{s}^{0}+{O}_{H}^{56}\,H_{1}^{0^{\prime}}$ (67) The SM fermion sector in this EW-$\nu_{R}$ model are given by Hung:2006ap ; Chakdar:2016adj ; Hung:2017exy ; Hung:2017voe $\displaystyle{\psi}_{L}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}\nu_{\ell}\\\ \ell\end{pmatrix}_{L},~{}~{}~{}{\rm and}~{}~{}\ell_{R},~{}{Q}_{L}=\begin{pmatrix}u\\\ d\end{pmatrix}_{L},~{}u_{R}~{}~{}{\rm and}~{}~{}d_{R},$ (68) where $\ell=e,\mu,\tau$ and $u$ stands for the $up-type$ quarks ($u,c,t$) and $d$ denotes the $down-type$ quarks ($d,s,b$). $L$ indicates the left-chirality and $R$ is right-chirality. In the EW-$\nu_{R}$ model, right-handed neutrinos are parts of $SU(2)$ doublets along with their charged partners (the mirror charged leptons). Anomaly freedom dictates the existence of doublets of right- handed and singlets left-handed mirror quarks Hung:2006ap ; Chakdar:2016adj ; Hung:2017exy ; Hung:2017voe $\displaystyle{\psi}_{R}^{M}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}\nu_{\ell}^{M}\\\ \ell^{M}\end{pmatrix}_{R},~{}~{}~{}{\rm and}~{}~{}\ell_{L}^{M},~{}~{}~{}{Q}_{R}^{M}=\begin{pmatrix}u^{M}\\\ d^{M}\end{pmatrix}_{R},~{}u_{L}^{M}~{}~{}{\rm and}~{}~{}d_{L}^{M}$ (69) It is noted that all other fields ($SU(2)$-singlet right-handed SM fermions, left-handed mirror fermions) are taken to be singlet under $U(1)_{\rm SM}\times U(1)_{\rm MF}$ transformation in Ref. Hung:2006ap ; Chakdar:2016adj . To solve the strong CP problem, we follow different transformation as in Ref. Hung:2017exy . The SM $SU(2)$ singlet fermions transform as $(\ell_{R},u_{R},d_{R})\rightarrow e^{i\alpha_{\rm SM}}\,(\ell_{R},u_{R},d_{R})$ whereas $SU(2)$ singlet fermions go as $(\ell_{R}^{M},u_{R}^{M},d_{R}^{M})\rightarrow e^{i\alpha_{\rm MF}}\,(\ell_{R}^{M},u_{R}^{M},d_{R}^{M})$. The Higgs doublet $\Phi_{2}$ only couples to SM $up-quarks$ while another doublet $\Phi_{1}$ couples to $down-quarks$ and $leptons$. It behaves like type-II two Higgs doublet model. Similar interactions are also there in the mirror sector with $\Phi_{1M}$ and $\Phi_{2M}$ scalar doublets. The $\tilde{\chi}$ in the Higgs triplet fields with hypercharge $Y=2$ and $\chi$ is a real Higgs triplet with $Y=0$. $S$ is a complex singlet scalar which helps to generate the neutrino observables and strong CP problems. The total Yukawa part of the Lagrangian is given by Hung:2006ap ; Chakdar:2016adj ; Hung:2017exy ; Hung:2017voe $\displaystyle\mathcal{L}_{y}$ $\displaystyle=$ $\displaystyle y_{\ell}\,\overline{\psi}_{L}\,\Phi_{1}\,\ell_{R}+y_{\ell}^{M}\,\overline{\psi}_{R}^{M}\,\Phi_{1M}\,\ell_{R}^{M}+y_{s\ell}\,\overline{\psi}_{L}\,\psi_{R}^{M}\,\Phi_{s}+y_{M}\,\psi_{R}^{M,T}\,iC\sigma_{2}\,\tilde{\chi}\,\psi_{R}^{M}$ (70) $\displaystyle+y_{d}\,\overline{Q}_{L}\,\Phi_{1}\,d_{R}+y_{d}^{M}\,\overline{Q}_{R}^{M}\,\Phi_{1M}\,d_{R}^{M}-y_{u}\,\overline{Q}_{L}\,i\sigma_{2}\,\Phi_{2}\,u_{R}-y_{u}^{M}\,\overline{Q}_{R}^{M}\,i\sigma_{2}\,\Phi_{2M}\,u_{R}^{M}$ $\displaystyle+y_{sd}\,\overline{d}_{R}d_{L}^{M}\,\Phi_{s}+y_{sq}\,\overline{Q}_{L}Q_{R}^{M}\,\Phi_{s}+y_{su}\,\overline{u}_{R}u_{R}^{M}\,\Phi_{s}+~{}{\rm h.c}$ where $C$ is the charge conjugation operator, $\sigma_{2}$ being the second Pauli’s spin matrix. Now we will calculate the various mass-mixing matrix after electroweak symmetry breaking, physical mass eigenstates of the fermions in this model. The charged-lepton mixing matrix can be found as Hung:2006ap $\displaystyle\mathcal{M}_{l}=\begin{pmatrix}m_{l}&m_{\nu}^{D}\\\ m_{\nu}^{D}&m_{l}^{M}\end{pmatrix},$ (71) where, $m_{\ell}=y_{\ell}v_{1}/\sqrt{2}$, $m_{\ell}^{M}=y_{\ell}^{M}v_{1M}/\sqrt{2}$ and $m_{\nu}^{D}=y_{s\ell}v_{s}$. The $l$ and $\ell^{M}$ stand for flavour eigenstates whereas $\tilde{\ell}$ and $\tilde{\ell}^{M}$ stand for the mass eigenstates. The mixing angle between $\ell$ and $\ell^{M}$ is $\theta_{\ell}$, hence $\tan 2\theta_{\ell}=\frac{2m_{\nu}^{D}}{m_{\ell}^{M}-m_{\ell}}$. The mixing matrix is $R_{\ell}=\\{\\{\cos\theta_{\ell},\,\sin\theta_{\ell}\\},\\{-\sin\theta_{\ell},\,\cos\theta_{\ell}\\}\\}$. For $m_{\ell}^{M}\gg m_{\ell},m_{\nu}^{D}$, one can write $\tan\theta_{\ell}\approx\sin\theta_{\ell}\approx\theta_{\ell}\approx\frac{m_{\nu}^{D}}{m_{\ell}^{M}}=\frac{\sqrt{2}y_{s\ell}v_{s}}{y_{\ell}^{M}v_{1M}}$. The mass eigenstates can be written as $\displaystyle\tilde{\ell}=\ell\cos\theta_{\ell}+\ell^{M}\sin\theta_{\ell}$ $\displaystyle\tilde{\ell}^{M}=-\ell\sin\theta_{\ell}+\ell^{M}\cos\theta_{\ell}$ (72) As there is no singlet right-handed neutrino in this model, there is no such mixing in the neutrino sector and hence the pseudoscalar $A_{s}^{0}$ could not decay into two light neutrinos. The up and down sector mixing matrix are given by Hung:2017exy ; Hung:2017pss $\displaystyle\mathcal{M}_{u}=\begin{pmatrix}m_{u}&m_{sq}\\\ m_{su}&m_{u}^{M}\end{pmatrix},~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}{\rm and}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}~{}\mathcal{M}_{d}=\begin{pmatrix}m_{d}&m_{sq}\\\ m_{sd}&m_{d}^{M}\end{pmatrix},$ (73) where, $m_{d}=y_{d}v_{1}/\sqrt{2}$, $m_{d}^{M}=y_{d}^{M}v_{1M}/\sqrt{2}$, $m_{u}=y_{d}v_{2}/\sqrt{2}$, $m_{u}^{M}=y_{u}^{M}v_{2M}/\sqrt{2}$, $m_{sq}\approx y_{sq}v_{s}$, $m_{su}\approx y_{su}v_{s}$ and $m_{su}\approx y_{sd}v_{s}$. The mixing matrix are $R_{u,d}=\\{\\{\cos\theta_{u,d},\,\sin\theta_{u,d}\\},\\{-\sin\theta_{u,d},\,\cos\theta_{u,d}\\}\\}$, where $\sin\theta_{u}=\sqrt{\frac{\left(m_{u}^{M}-m_{u}\right)\left(m_{u}^{M}-m_{u}-\sqrt{\left(m_{u}^{M}-m_{u}\right)^{2}+4m_{{sq}}m_{{su}}}\right)+2m_{{sq}}m_{{su}}+2m_{{su}}^{2}}{2\left(\left(m_{u}^{M}-m_{u}\right)^{2}+2m_{{sq}}m_{{su}}+m_{{sq}}^{2}+m_{{su}}^{2}\right)}}$ (74) We can also get the similar analytical form of $\sin\theta_{d}$ by replacing $u$ to $d$ in eqn. 74. Let $u,d$ and $u^{M},d^{M}$ stand for flavour eigenstates and $\tilde{u},\tilde{d}$ and $\tilde{u}^{M},\tilde{d}^{M}$ stand for the mass eigenstates. Thus one can write $\displaystyle\tilde{u}=u\cos\theta_{u}+u^{M}\sin\theta_{u}$ $\displaystyle\tilde{u}^{M}=-u\sin\theta_{u}+u^{M}\cos\theta_{u}$ (75) $\displaystyle\tilde{d}=d\cos\theta_{d}+d^{M}\sin\theta_{d}$ $\displaystyle\tilde{d}^{M}=-d\sin\theta_{d}+d^{M}\cos\theta_{d}$ (76) The terms $(y_{s\ell}\,\overline{\psi}_{L}\,\psi_{R}^{M}+y_{sd}\,\overline{d}_{R}d_{L}^{M}+y_{sq}\,\overline{Q}_{L}Q_{R}^{M}+y_{su}\,\overline{u}_{R}u_{R}^{M})\,\Phi_{s}$ in eqn 70 can help us to get the $A_{s}^{0}\,\bar{\tilde{f}}_{i}\tilde{f}_{i}$ coupling strengths. $A_{s}^{0}$ to two leptons (both the SM and MF charged and neutral leptons) can be written as $\displaystyle y_{f}^{\ell}=y_{s\ell}\sin\theta_{\ell}\cos\theta_{\ell}\gamma_{5}\approx y_{s\ell}\sin\theta_{\ell}\gamma_{5}\approx\sqrt{2}\frac{y_{s\ell}^{2}v_{s}}{y_{\ell}^{M}v_{1M}}\gamma_{5}.$ (77) For $y_{sq}\sim y_{su}\sim y_{sd}=y_{s}$, $v_{1M}=v_{2M}$ and $y_{d}^{M}=y_{u}^{M}$, we can write the mixing angle $\theta_{u}=\theta_{d}\approx\frac{\sqrt{2}y_{s}v_{s}}{y_{u}^{M}v_{1M}}$. Similarly $A_{s}^{0}$ to two quarks (both the SM and MF up and down quarks) coupling strengths are given by $y_{f}^{q}=y_{s}\sin\theta_{u}\cos\theta_{u}\gamma_{5}\approx y_{s}\sin\theta_{u}\gamma_{5}\approx\sqrt{2}\frac{y_{s}^{2}v_{s}}{y_{u}^{M}v_{1M}}\gamma_{5}.$ (78) ## References * (1) F. Zwicky, “Die Rotverschiebung von extragalaktischen Nebeln,” Helv. Phys. Acta 6 (1933) 110–127. * (2) V. C. Rubin and W. K. Ford, Jr., “Rotation of the Andromeda Nebula from a Spectroscopic Survey of Emission Regions,” Astrophys. J. 159 (1970) 379–403. * (3) D. Clowe, M. Bradac, A. H. Gonzalez, M. Markevitch, S. W. Randall, C. Jones, and D. Zaritsky, “A direct empirical proof of the existence of dark matter,” Astrophys. J. Lett. 648 (2006) L109–L113, arXiv:astro-ph/0608407. * (4) R. Massey, T. Kitching, and J. Richard, “The dark matter of gravitational lensing,” Rept. Prog. Phys. 73 (2010) 086901, arXiv:1001.1739 [astro-ph.CO]. * (5) Planck Collaboration, N. Aghanim et al., “Planck 2018 results. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Shreyashi Chakdar, Dilip Kumar Ghosh, P. Q. Hung, Najimuddin Khan,\n Dibyendu Nanda", "submitter": "Najimuddin Khan", "url": "" }
]}+ # Infinite randomness with continuously varying critical exponents in the random XYZ spin chain Brenden Roberts Olexei I. Motrunich Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 (August 27, 2024) ###### Abstract We study the antiferromagnetic XYZ spin chain with quenched bond randomness, focusing on a critical line between localized Ising magnetic phases. A previous calculation using the spectrum-bifurcation renormalization group, and assuming marginal many-body localization, proposed that critical indices vary continuously. In this work we solve the low-energy physics using an unbiased numerically exact tensor network method named the “rigorous renormalization group.” We find a line of fixed points consistent with infinite-randomness phenomenology, with indeed continuously varying critical exponents for average spin correlations. A self-consistent Hartree–Fock-type treatment of the $z$ couplings as interactions added to the free-fermion random XY model captures much of the important physics including the varying exponents; we provide an understanding of this as a result of local correlation induced between the mean-field couplings. We solve the problem of the locally-correlated XY spin chain with arbitrary degree of correlation and provide analytical strong- disorder renormalization group proofs of continuously varying exponents based on an associated classical random walk problem. This is also an example of a line of fixed points with continuously varying exponents in the equivalent disordered free-fermion chain. We argue that this line of fixed points also controls an extended region of the critical interacting XYZ spin chain. ## I Introduction In many situations, phases of many-body quantum systems are stable under weak static, or “quenched,” disorder in the presence of a gap, and the disorder average of certain quantities can be calculated in a related clean system via either the replica trick or supersymmetry arguments for non-interacting models Mezard _et al._ (1987); Efetov (2010). However, these methods are not suitable for relevant disorder, or disorder along with interactions, which together produce a rich variety of behaviors. In contrast, real-space thinking should be suitable for directly accounting for spatial inhomogeneity. Interestingly, strong disorder causes certain classes of disordered systems to become tractable on long scales, making real-space renormalization group (RG) approaches amenable to analytical treatments controlled by the flow to infinite randomness. In this work we investigate a modern application of real- space RG to a random XYZ spin chain Fisher (1994); Slagle _et al._ (2016), where we use exact numerics to perform unbiased exploration and validation, and also use the strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG) to demonstrate and characterize such fixed points using the language of random walks. The original development of a real-space RG appropriate for strong-disorder physics in one dimension (1d) is due to Ma, Dasgupta, and Hu Ma _et al._ (1979); *dasgupta1980low. The feature distinguishing SDRG from, e.g., spin blocking, is that effective degrees of freedom are explicitly associated with an energy scale rather than with a spatial grouping. In this way the disorder realization determines the pattern of integrating out fluctuations. Such an approach is now understood to be well-motivated by the idea of an _infinite-randomness fixed point_ (IRFP), a stable solution of the SDRG equations discovered by Fisher in Refs. Fisher (1992, 1994, 1995) at which effective disorder strength grows with the scale without bound, and SDRG predictions become asymptotically exact. In an IRFP, disorder dominates the low-energy physics and physical observables are not self-averaging; average behaviors are instead often determined by rare regions within a disorder realization. Interestingly, although such fixed points lack conformal symmetry, the phenomenology can resemble that of CFT fixed points: for instance, the scaling of average entanglement follows the conformal form with an effective central charge which in some cases is related to the central charge of the clean theory (but does not obey the same rules under RG) Refael and Moore (2004); Bonesteel and Yang (2007); Fidkowski _et al._ (2008). Since its introduction, the SDRG has been specialized to a variety of classical and quantum systems, and the original scheme has seen many generalizations; see recent reviews Iglói and Monthus (2005); *igloi2018strong. For example, applications in two-dimensional (2d) random models also yield IRFPs in these settings Senthil and Sachdev (1996); Pich _et al._ (1998); Fisher (1999); Motrunich _et al._ (2000, 2002); Sanyal _et al._ (2016); Bhola _et al._ (2020). In another direction, SDRG methods were extended to treat all eigenstates of a quantum Hamiltonian Pekker _et al._ (2014); Vasseur _et al._ (2015); You _et al._ (2016); Monthus (2018), in order to assess the possibility of many-body localization (MBL) of excited states. (There are by now multiple reviews of MBL, for instance see Refs. Nandkishore and Huse (2015); Abanin _et al._ (2019).) The many-body extended SDRG procedures do not perform an iterative targeting of the low-energy space, but instead tabulate emergent conservation laws corresponding to the local integrals of motion of an MBL phase; nevertheless, the equations are formally quite similar to the original picture implementing a more traditional RG. One of the extended many-body SDRG procedures, the “spectrum bifurcation renormalization group” (SBRG) developed in Ref. You _et al._ (2016) for Hamiltonians comprising Pauli strings, was applied to the random XYZ spin chain by Slagle _et al._ (2016). There, along a phase boundary between localized Ising antiferromagnets (proposed to be MBL), disorder- and energy- averaged Edwards–Anderson spin correlations were found to decay as power laws with continuously varying critical exponents. Average entanglement entropy scaling also exhibited a stable effective central charge. The phase transition was conjectured to be “marginal MBL,” meaning that eigenstates do not thermalize but exhibit a logarithmic violation of the area law. However, it has recently been argued that such marginal MBL Hamiltonians are perturbatively unstable to ergodicity at finite energy density due to resonances Moudgalya _et al._ (2020); Ware _et al._ (2021). As is true of all excited-state SDRG schemes, Refs. You _et al._ (2016); Slagle _et al._ (2016) rely on MBL for validity, and these recent arguments call this assumption into question. In the present work we investigate the SBRG findings using unbiased numerics for the ground state and low-energy excited states. We emphasize that our focus is entirely on low-energy properties, and we will not have anything to say about MBL physics at arbitrary energy density. However, we find the possibility of continuously varying power laws in IRFPs already very interesting and worth further study. The random XYZ chain—while suspected to support infinite-randomness phenomenology in Fisher’s original work, Ref. Fisher (1994)—has eluded understanding due to the lack of a closed-form SDRG solution, and developing a stronger grasp of such instances would constitute an important advance. Strongly disordered models pose an especially difficult challenge for unbiased numerics, and have long been recognized as among the only 1d models to be resistant to standard methods, chiefly the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG). We apply a relatively new tensor network numerical method named the _rigorous renormalization group_ (RRG) to this problem, as it has already been shown to be effective in the related random XY model Roberts _et al._ (2017). Our goal for the unbiased tensor network computations is to test the findings of Ref. Slagle _et al._ (2016), and better understand the disordered fixed points associated with the critical line. As a brief overview of our results, the data found by RRG are in support of both infinite-randomness physics as well as continuously varying critical indices for disorder-averaged correlations. These conclusions are based on direct measurements in MPS, along with scaling of low-energy spectral gaps, which we solve for in the various symmetry sectors of the model up to systems of length $N=80$ spins. Our findings are in general agreement with the SBRG results, namely, that critical indices controlling decay of correlations, as well as long-range mutual information, vary along the critical line, while the “central charge” is fixed. We additionally study the critical exponent $\psi$, which characterizes IRFP dynamics through the relationship $\log(1/E)\sim L^{\psi}$ between energy scale and length, and find that its value is close to, but may be varying away from, the free-fermion fixed point with $\psi=\frac{1}{2}$. These numerical results for the critical line are captured reasonably well by a self-consistent Hartree–Fock mean-field that treats $J^{z}$ couplings as interactions added to the free-fermion XY chain [throughout, $J_{j}^{x,y,z}$ refer to terms in the XYZ chain as in Eq. (1)]; the Hartree-Fock also apparently produces continuously varying exponents. This finding motivates study of a “locally-correlated” XY chain with correlations only between terms on the same link of the lattice. The locally correlated model again exhibits similar behavior, and its SDRG structure has an advantageous mathematical connection to the theory of random walks. Within this setting we write rigorous bounds fully determining the critical exponent for power-law decay of a certain average spin correlation function. This exponent indeed varies continuously, proving that the free-fermion critical line of the locally- correlated model is marginal, and is described by a line of IRFPs. This result resolves a question posed by Fisher (1994), as illustrated in Fig. 1. In this figure, we parameterize correlations between $J_{j}^{x}$ and $J_{j}^{y}$ by a generic parameter $\delta$ varying between $\delta=0$ (completely uncorrelated or XY model) and $\delta=1$ (completely correlated or XX model) [for a specific example, see Eq. (19)]; deviation of $\delta$ from $1$ can also be viewed as introducing random anisotropy to the XX model. Returning to the interacting model, based on the above understanding of the noninteracting case and the RRG numerical data, we conjecture that at least in the neighborhood of the free-fermion model, interactions are irrelevant and the local correlations generated in the SDRG drive the interacting theory to the line of noninteracting IRFPs at long distances. This scenario is presented in Fig. 2 and represents our conjectured explanation for the continuously varying critical exponents in the XYZ chain. Figure 1: Shown is an updated version of the schematic RG flow of XY antiferromagnets in Fig. 4 of Ref. Fisher (1994). In this work we prove the line of fixed points along the exactly marginal direction $\delta$, which describes the degree of correlation between bond terms $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$, in the notation of Eq. (1). (Note that $\delta=1$ corresponds to $\sigma_{a}^{2}=0$ in Fisher’s notation.) The average anisotropy $\overline{a}$ is as defined in Ref. Fisher (1994); in the present work we consider only the line $\overline{a}=0$. Figure 2: We propose the following schematic flows for the XYZ antiferromagnet, where $\delta$ is the degree of correlation between local $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$ couplings [as defined in Eq. (1)] and $\tilde{J}^{z}$ is the bandwidth of the $J^{z}$ distribution, with statistical isotropy corresponding to $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$. The line of fixed points at $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ is the same as in Fig. 1, and $\tilde{J}^{z}$ is argued to be perturbatively irrelevant. We conjecture that any $\tilde{J}^{z}<1$ is irrelevant at $\delta=0$, but through generation of finite $\delta$ flows to the line of non-interacting IRFPs. The methods we employ cannot access the statistically isotropic XYZC or $\operatorname{U(}\\!1\\!\operatorname{)}$-symmetric XXZC fixed points, but XXZC was previously described by Fisher (1994). The flows on the dashed line between XYZC and XXZC lie on a manifold separating the basins for XY and ZAF, which is not well described by this slice through parameter space. We avoid any specific conjecture on this matter but remark that it is an interesting topic for further study. The outline of this paper is as follows. In Sec. II we present the XYZ spin model and summarize the history of its SDRG, along with explicitly developing the RG rules in the many-body language. In Sec. III we perform an unbiased study of the ground state using RRG. In Sec. IV, based on our numerical results, we develop both a Hartree–Fock mean-field theory and the free-fermion locally correlated effective model. In Sec. V, we use a picture of the SDRG procedure in terms of random walks to prove continuously varying critical exponents in the locally correlated effective model. In Sec. VI we conjecture a possible long-distance fate of the RG flow for the critical XYZ spin chain, and finally in Sec. VII we discuss the implications of all of these results taken together. ## II Random XYZ model and review of previous SDRG results ### II.1 Spin chain Hamiltonian As our most general model we consider the antiferromagnetic XYZ spin chain with quenched randomness in all couplings; that is, $H=\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}\left(J^{x}_{j}\sigma^{x}_{j}\sigma^{x}_{j+1}+J^{y}_{j}\sigma^{y}_{j}\sigma^{y}_{j+1}+J^{z}_{j}\sigma^{z}_{j}\sigma^{z}_{j+1}\right)\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (1) The couplings $J^{\alpha}_{j}>0$, $\alpha=x,y,z$, are independent. This model generically has a $\mathbb{Z}_{2}\times\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ global symmetry, with generators given by the Ising-type operators $g_{x}=\prod_{j=1}^{N}\sigma^{x}_{j}$ and $g_{y}=\prod_{j=1}^{N}\sigma^{y}_{j}$. In particular, local field terms are excluded by this symmetry. This model also respects time reversal on the spins, which we implement as $g_{y}\mathcal{K}$, where $\mathcal{K}$ is complex conjugation in the $z$ basis. We impose the same functional form on the disorder distributions of $J_{j}^{x}$, $J_{j}^{y}$, and $J_{j}^{z}$ (though delay specification until Sec. III), with bandwidths specified by a set of parameters $\tilde{J}^{x},\tilde{J}^{y},\tilde{J}^{z}>0$. If the value of any one of these is larger than the other two, the ground state of the model displays Ising antiferromagnetic (AFM) order. As we are considering strong disorder, we anticipate that these phases are localized. If two bandwidths are equal and of the largest magnitude, the model lies on a boundary between localized phases with distinct types of magnetic order; we will primarily consider this case. If all three disorder bandwidths are equal, the model has a statistical $S_{3}$ permutation symmetry and sits at a tricritical point in the phase diagram Fisher (1994); Slagle _et al._ (2016). Many exact results are known for phases of the Hamiltonian Eq. (1) in certain limits, and we provide a brief recap here. The SDRG was in fact originally introduced by Ma, Dasgupta, and Hu in order to study the random Heisenberg antiferromagnet with $\operatorname{SU(}\\!2\\!\operatorname{)}$ symmetry Ma _et al._ (1979); *dasgupta1980low, achieved in the present notation by fixing $J^{x}_{j}=J^{y}_{j}=J^{z}_{j}$ for all bonds $j$. These works argued for the asymptotic development of a power-law singularity in the distribution of couplings and computed leading contributions to critical indices, which vary slowly along the flow. Fisher (1994) generalized this analysis to account for anisotropy and performed a thorough study of the resulting phase diagram. The SDRG rules for the random XX model ($J^{x}_{j}=J^{y}_{j}$ and $J^{z}_{j}=0$ for all $j$), which breaks the $\operatorname{SU(}\\!2\\!\operatorname{)}$ spin rotation symmetry to a $\operatorname{U(}\\!1\\!\operatorname{)}$ subgroup, are very similar to those of the isotropic model, and in particular both realize _random-singlet_ (RS) phases Bhatt and Lee (1982). In the ground state the microscopic spins are paired up into singlet states at arbitrarily long scales. Correlations between the spins in a singlet are of order unity, and are strongly suppressed with the rest of the system. Thus typical spin correlations are short-ranged, whereas the average correlations are dominated by rare paired spins. This is one hallmark of an IRFP: that a distribution which is broad on a logarithmic scale leads to exponential separation between typical and averaged properties of the state. From the density of paired spins one finds that average spin correlations exhibit power-law decay, scaling as $r^{-2}$ for separation $r$. This defines the XX fixed point exponents $\eta_{x}=\eta_{y}=\eta_{z}=2$. The characteristic energy scale of the singlets in the RS phase follows $\log(1/E)\sim L^{\psi}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (2) where $\psi=\frac{1}{2}$. As a consequence for the density of states, the dynamical exponent is formally infinite. The random XY chain (i.e., independent $J_{j}^{x}$ and $J_{j}^{y}$ but with $\tilde{J}^{x}=\tilde{J}^{y}$, $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$), in contrast, does not realize the RS phase. With the mean in-plane anisotropy $\tilde{J}^{x}-\tilde{J}^{y}$ serving as the quantum control parameter, Fisher (1994) computed the critical exponents $\nu=2$ and $\beta=3-\sqrt{5}$ for the transition separating Ising $x$\- and $y$-AFM phases. This was accomplished through a lattice duality mapping to two decoupled copies of the random transverse-field Ising model (RTFIM), whose SDRG equations are also well- studied Fisher (1992, 1995); Fisher and Young (1998). Translating the RTFIM results to the present XY chain, at the phase transition the critical exponent for the decay of $x$ and $y$ components of spin correlations is $\eta_{x}=\eta_{y}=4-2\phi$, where $\phi=\frac{1+\sqrt{5}}{2}$ is the golden ratio. Starting from the opposite limit of the XX model, with $J_{j}^{x}=J_{j}^{y}$ for all $j$, it was also found by Fisher (1994) that weak random in-plane anisotropy, which moves along the phase transition toward the XY point, is a marginal perturbation. It was not clear whether this is the case along the entire phase boundary, and we will in fact be led to take up this question in some detail in Sec. V. The set of exponents for disorder-averaged spin correlations can be completed using the mapping of the XX and XY models to free fermions Iglói _et al._ (2000). For the anisotropic model with $S_{2}$ permutation symmetry, $\eta_{z}=4$. In a chain with open boundaries, consideration of the form of the surface magnetization leads to the scaling of the end-to-end spin correlations $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{x}=\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=1$ for the XX model and $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{x}=1$, $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=2$ for the XY model. Focusing on a different type of spin chain, Damle and Huse (2002) studied permutation-symmetric multicritical points arising from effective low-energy theories of partially dimerized spin-$S$ models with $\operatorname{SU(}\\!2\\!\operatorname{)}$ symmetry. They performed a fixed- point analysis of the SDRG equations for degrees of freedom localized at the boundaries between distinct domains of $n=2S+1$ different types of local order (i.e., topological phases distinguished by the properties of edge modes localized near the ends of open chains). Their primary result is a generalization of the $n=2$ random-singlet criticality to a countably infinite set of IRFPs with critical exponents $\psi=\frac{1}{n}$ and $\nu=\frac{2n}{\sqrt{4n+1}-1}$. The permutation symmetry refers to the interchange of distributions for the different types of order, which mediate effective couplings between the domain walls. While the permutation-symmetric tricritical point at $\tilde{J}^{x}=\tilde{J}^{y}=\tilde{J}^{z}$ in our model shares the statistical symmetry of these theories for $n=3$, its microscopic details are dissimilar and it is not clear a priori whether this category of universality applies. Indeed, our estimates of the exponent $\psi$ at the XYZ tricritical point in Sec. III.2.3 appear to rule out the applicability of the Damle–Huse universality in this case. ### II.2 Majorana representation Aspects of this problem become more evident in the language of fermions, for which we use the Jordan–Wigner transformation. Equation (1) maps to a spinless $p$-wave superconductor with density-density interactions: $\displaystyle H$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}(t_{j}c^{\dagger}_{j}c_{j+1}+\Delta_{j}c^{\dagger}_{j}c^{\dagger}_{j+1}+\mathrm{H.c.})$ $\displaystyle\qquad\qquad\qquad+J^{z}_{j}(2n_{j}-1)(2n_{j+1}-1)\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (3) which has position-dependent hopping $t_{j}=J^{x}_{j}+J^{y}_{j}$ and pairing potential $\Delta_{j}=J^{x}_{j}-J^{y}_{j}$. Following the idea of Kitaev (2001); Motrunich _et al._ (2001a), it is enlightening to introduce two species of Majorana fermion, $\eta_{j}=c^{\dagger}_{j}+c_{j}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{and}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \zeta_{j}=\frac{1}{i}(c^{\dagger}_{j}-c_{j})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (4) The $\eta_{j}$ and $\zeta_{j}$ are Hermitian, and normalized so that $(\eta_{j})^{2}=(\zeta_{j})^{2}=1$. In terms of these operators the Hamiltonian is written $H=\sum_{j=1}^{N-1}iJ^{x}_{j}\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+1}-iJ^{y}_{j}\eta_{j}\zeta_{j+1}-J^{z}_{j}\eta_{j}\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+1}\zeta_{j+1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (5) The symmetry group of the problem is somewhat more expressive in the Majorana language. In the following we specialize to even system sizes $N\in 2\mathbb{Z}$. The generators of the global symmetry translate to $\displaystyle g_{x}$ $\displaystyle=i^{N/2}\zeta_{1}\eta_{2}\zeta_{3}\cdots\eta_{N}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (6) $\displaystyle g_{y}$ $\displaystyle=(-i)^{N/2}\eta_{1}\zeta_{2}\eta_{3}\cdots\zeta_{N}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (7) The symmetries measure fermion parity on two disjoint sets partitioning the Majorana orbitals. The Hamiltonian Eq. (5) takes the form of separate “imaginary random hopping” problems (see Ref. Motrunich _et al._ (2001a)) on these two chains of Majoranas of length $N$, which we denote $\mathcal{X}=\\{\zeta_{1},\eta_{2},\zeta_{3},\ldots,\eta_{N}\\}$ and $\mathcal{Y}=\\{\eta_{1},\zeta_{2},\eta_{3},\ldots,\zeta_{N}\\}$. On each chain the coefficients of the Majorana hopping terms—which are fermion parity measurements on adjacent orbitals within a chain—alternate between $iJ^{x}_{j}$ and $-iJ^{y}_{j}$. There are also inter-chain coupling terms with coefficients $-J^{z}_{j}$. A single “rung” term $i\eta_{j}\zeta_{j}$ is odd under the parity symmetries, and $H$ instead includes the double-rung interactions $-\eta_{j}\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+1}\zeta_{j+1}$. The anti-unitary symmetry $\mathcal{K}$ (i.e., complex conjugation in the $\sigma^{z}$ basis) acts on the Majoranas as $\\{i,\eta_{j},\zeta_{j}\\}\mapsto\\{-i,\eta_{j},-\zeta_{j}\\}$. This symmetry prohibits nonzero expectation values of the form $\langle i\eta_{j}\eta_{k}\rangle$ or $\langle i\zeta_{j}\zeta_{k}\rangle$, even when these orbitals belong to the same Majorana chain. Constraining $J^{z}_{j}=0$ for all $j$, the resulting Hamiltonian $H_{\mathrm{xy}}\equiv H[\tilde{J}^{x},\tilde{J}^{y},\tilde{J}^{z}=0]$ is quadratic and can be solved for any particular disorder realization by diagonalization of the auxiliary Bogoliubov–de Gennes (BdG) matrix in the particle-hole basis. The mapping to the Majoranas in Eq. (4) transforms the BdG matrix into a particular form decoupling the two Majorana chains $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$. This further simplifies the solution for the single-particle eigenstates to diagonalization of a pair of $N\times N$ tridiagonal matrices. As we are considering boundaries between Ising ordered phases, the natural observables are the corresponding magnetic order parameters $\sigma^{\alpha}$, $\alpha=x,y,z$. Written in terms of fermion operators, the spin correlation functions $C^{\alpha}(j,k)=\langle\sigma^{\alpha}_{j}\sigma^{\alpha}_{k}\rangle$ are $\displaystyle C^{x}(j,k)$ $\displaystyle=\langle i\zeta_{j}(i\eta_{j+1}\zeta_{j+1})\cdots(i\eta_{k-1}\zeta_{k-1})\eta_{k}\rangle\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (8) $\displaystyle C^{y}(j,k)$ $\displaystyle=\langle-i\eta_{j}(i\eta_{j+1}\zeta_{j+1})\cdots(i\eta_{k-1}\zeta_{k-1})\zeta_{k}\rangle\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (9) $\displaystyle C^{z}(j,k)$ $\displaystyle=\langle-\eta_{j}\zeta_{j}\eta_{k}\zeta_{k}\rangle\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (10) From Wick’s theorem, in the ground state of any specific disorder realization $C^{x}(j,j+r)$ and $C^{y}(j,j+r)$ can be computed as Pfaffians of antisymmetric $2r\times 2r$ matrices, and the calculation further simplifies due to the separation into two Majorana chains. We focus on this case and consider the angle brackets $\langle\cdot\rangle$ as denoting expectation values measured in the ground state, although the expressions Eqs. (8)–(10) apply more generally. We will be discussing disorder-averaged correlations $\overline{C^{\alpha}(j,j+r)}$ and when this is clear we will drop the overline. In the following we work exclusively along the line with statistical symmetry between $J_{j}^{x}$ and $J_{j}^{y}$ and will often collectively refer to $C^{x,y}(j,j+r)$, as $C^{\perp}(j,j+r)$. ### II.3 Strong-disorder renormalization group #### II.3.1 Decoupled Majorana chains Examining the Hamiltonian on Majorana chains $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$ also clarifies the form of the analytic SDRG. In the decoupled model $H_{\mathrm{xy}}$, the RG proceeds independently on each of the chains, which are endowed with parity conservation. The SDRG for a single such chain was developed explicitly in the single-particle spectrum language by Motrunich _et al._ (2001a) and in the many-body Hamiltonian language by Monthus (2018). We review the result here, specialized to our case, in the many-body language, which naturally extends to the interacting problem Monthus (2018). For now we consider only a single Majorana chain, and relabel the orbitals as $\gamma_{n}$, $n=1,\ldots,N$. The Hamiltonian acting on this chain is $H_{\mathcal{M}}=\sum_{n=1}^{N-1}ih_{n}\gamma_{n}\gamma_{n+1}$. Suppose that the largest energy scale is set by $H_{0}=ih_{k}\gamma_{k}\gamma_{k+1}$ for some $k\in[1,N-1]$. $H_{0}$ measures fermion parity on the two orbitals, with eigenvalues $\pm h_{k}$ associated with the two parity states; denote the splitting by $\Omega=2h_{k}$. Accordingly, this term is diagonalized by the complex fermion mode $f^{\dagger}_{0}=\frac{1}{2}(\gamma_{k}+i\gamma_{k+1})$, which has projectors $\pi^{+}=f_{0}f^{\dagger}_{0}$ and $\pi^{-}=1-\pi^{+}=f^{\dagger}_{0}f_{0}$ into the even and odd parity sectors, respectively. In terms of the projectors we have $H_{0}=(\Omega/2)(\pi^{+}-\pi^{-})$. The rest of the terms in $H_{\mathcal{M}}\equiv H_{0}+V$ can be treated as a perturbation if the nearby couplings are much smaller than the local gap $|\Omega|$. Although this condition may not be satisfied initially, the validity of the assumption improves during the RG flow because the SDRG generates an effective disorder distribution with increasingly broad logarithm. The rest of the Hamiltonian can be divided into diagonal and off- diagonal components with respect to $H_{0}$; specifically, $V=V_{\mathrm{d}}+V_{\mathrm{od}}$, where $\displaystyle V_{\mathrm{d}}$ $\displaystyle=\pi^{+}V\pi^{+}+\pi^{-}V\pi^{-}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (11) $\displaystyle V_{\mathrm{od}}$ $\displaystyle=\pi^{-}V\pi^{+}+\pi^{+}V\pi^{-}=\pi^{-}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{+}+\pi^{+}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{-}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (12) Note that $V_{\mathrm{od}}$ contains only a constant number of local terms. We denote the small scale of these terms relative to $H_{0}$ by the parameter $\epsilon$. The effective Hamiltonian with emergent good quantum number $\langle f_{0}^{\dagger}f_{0}\rangle$ is found by a Schrieffer–Wolff transformation eliminating $V_{\mathrm{od}}$ up to $O(\epsilon^{2})$ Schrieffer and Wolff (1966); MacDonald _et al._ (1988); Bravyi _et al._ (2011); Lin and Motrunich (2017). That is, $H^{\prime}_{\mathcal{M}}=e^{iS}H_{\mathcal{M}}e^{-iS}$, where the Hermitian generator of the rotation can be expanded in powers of $\epsilon$ as $S=S^{[1]}+S^{[2]}+\cdots$. The conditions on the rotation are that $S^{[1]}$ is off-diagonal and satisfies $V_{\mathrm{od}}=[H_{0},iS^{[1]}]$, and $S^{[2]}$ eliminates off-diagonal terms at $O(\epsilon^{2})$ (but we will not need to write it explicitly). A suitable generator is $iS^{[1]}=\frac{1}{\Omega}(\pi^{+}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{-}-\pi^{-}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{+})$, $\displaystyle H^{\prime}_{\mathcal{M}}$ $\displaystyle=e^{iS}H_{\mathcal{M}}e^{-iS}$ (13) $\displaystyle=H_{\mathcal{M}}+[iS,H_{\mathcal{M}}]+\frac{1}{2}[iS,[iS,H_{\mathcal{M}}]]+\cdots$ (14) $\displaystyle=H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+\frac{1}{2}\sum_{\iota=\pm}\pi^{\iota}[iS^{[1]},V_{\mathrm{od}}]\pi^{\iota}+O(\epsilon^{3})$ (15) $\displaystyle\approx H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+\frac{1}{\Omega}[\pi^{+}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{-},\pi^{-}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{+}]\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (16) the final line being Eq. (17) of Ref. Monthus (2018). The off-diagonal terms are those which share an odd number of Majoranas with $H_{0}$ and thus anticommute. Consequently $V_{\mathrm{od}}=ih_{k-1}\gamma_{k-1}\gamma_{k}+ih_{k+1}\gamma_{k+1}\gamma_{k+2}$ and $\displaystyle\pi^{+}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{-}$ $\displaystyle=(ih_{k-1}\gamma_{k-1}+h_{k+1}\gamma_{k+2})f_{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (17) $\displaystyle\pi^{-}H_{\mathcal{M}}\pi^{+}$ $\displaystyle=(ih_{k-1}\gamma_{k-1}-h_{k+1}\gamma_{k+2})f^{\dagger}_{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (18) Finally the rotated Hamiltonian is $\displaystyle H^{\prime}_{\mathcal{M}}$ $\displaystyle=H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+\frac{h_{k-1}^{2}+h_{k+1}^{2}}{2h_{k}}(i\gamma_{k}\gamma_{k+1})$ $\displaystyle\quad+i\frac{h_{k-1}h_{k+1}}{h_{k}}\gamma_{k-1}\gamma_{k+2}+O(\epsilon^{3})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (19) This result includes a renormalization of the strength of the $H_{0}$ term which increases the magnitude of the splitting, in addition to a new term $ih^{\prime}_{k-1}\gamma_{k-1}\gamma_{k+2}$. By projecting into the low-energy sector of $H_{0}$ (which depends on the sign of $h_{k}$), the Majoranas $\gamma_{k}$ and $\gamma_{k+1}$ are frozen into one of the definite parity states of the complex fermion mode, and thereby decoupled, or “decimated,” from the effective Hamiltonian. The single effective coupling $h_{k-1}^{\prime}$ replaces three hopping terms in $H_{\mathcal{M}}$. Because the new term maintains the imaginary random-hopping form, the SDRG is closed in this model space and can be iterated, with the flow acting on the disorder distribution of the couplings $\\{h_{n}\\}$. During the RG flow, some of the terms involved in decimations will be themselves renormalized couplings from prior steps; they can be made to fit the present format by re-indexing the chain after every step to remove the decimated Majorana orbitals. In addition, the specific form of the renormalized coupling $h^{\prime}_{k-1}$ permits a framing of the SDRG in terms of a classical random walk; this approach will be developed in detail in Sec. V. The many-body Hilbert space is therefore decomposed into a tensor product of non-interacting complex fermions in definite parity states. Returning to the XY model viewed as two decoupled Majorana chains and running the above procedure independently on each of the chains, one can deduce from the signs of the couplings in Eq. (5) that the ground state is even under $g_{x}$ and $g_{y}$ if $N\mod 4=0$ and odd under $g_{x}$ and $g_{y}$ if $N\mod 4=2$. The ground state spin correlations in an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian can also be understood from this picture; see Sec. II.4. As a technical remark, one way to deal with the signs of the couplings in Eq. (5)—needed to deduce $g_{x}$ and $g_{y}$ quantum numbers as well as the signs of the correlation functions—is to perform a gauge transformation of the Majorana fermions as $\eta_{j}=s_{j}\eta_{j}^{\prime}$, where $s_{j}=1$ if $j=4n+1$ or $4n+2$ and $s_{j}=-1$ if $j=4n+3$ or $4n+4$, while $\zeta_{j}=s_{j}(-1)^{j+1}\zeta_{j}^{\prime}$. The Hamiltonian written in terms of the primed Majoranas takes the form $\sum_{j}iJ_{j}^{x}\zeta_{j}^{\prime}\eta_{j+1}^{\prime}+iJ_{j}^{y}\eta_{j}^{\prime}\zeta_{j+1}^{\prime}$, i.e., all Majorana hopping amplitudes are positive in the convention where the Majoranas are written in the same order as they appear on the chain: $ih_{nm}\gamma_{n}^{\prime}\gamma_{m}^{\prime}$ with $n<m$ has $h_{nm}>0$. This property is preserved under the SDRG, which simplifies analysis of the signs. For example, for Majoranas $\gamma_{n}^{\prime},\gamma_{m}^{\prime}$ with $n<m$ decimated as a pair we then have $\langle i\gamma_{n}^{\prime}\gamma_{m}^{\prime}\rangle=-1$ at the zeroth order in the SDRG, and using the non-crossing property of the pairs in each Majorana chain fixes the signs of correlations in Eqs. (8)–(10) to be $(-1)^{j-k}$. To avoid confusion, in formulas we keep using the original Majoranas as in Eq. (5). #### II.3.2 Majorana problem with inter-chain interaction terms In the presence of interactions coupling the two Majorana chains, it is necessary to consider the full Hamiltonian Eq. (5). In the notation of the present section we have $H=H_{\mathcal{X}}+H_{\mathcal{Y}}+H_{\text{int}}$, where $\displaystyle H_{\mathcal{X}}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{n=1}^{N-1}ih^{\mathcal{X}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{n+1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (20) $\displaystyle H_{\mathcal{Y}}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{n=1}^{N-1}ih^{\mathcal{Y}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{n+1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (21) $\displaystyle H_{\text{int}}$ $\displaystyle=\sum_{n=1}^{N-1}K_{n}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{n+1})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{n+1})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (22) Because all of the terms in $H$ are measurements of fermion parity, the general framework from the previous section—in particular Eq. (16)—still applies. Now there are two cases: the largest energy scale can be set by one of either the hopping terms $\\{h^{\mathcal{M}}_{n}\\}$ or the interactions $\\{K_{n}\\}$. While one can in principle consider both cases following Ref. Monthus (2018), for our purposes we will study only the hopping-dominated case. Suppose that $H_{0}=ih^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}$. Now $\displaystyle V_{\mathrm{od}}$ $\displaystyle=ih^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}+ih^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2}$ $\displaystyle\quad+K_{k-1}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k})$ $\displaystyle\quad+K_{k+1}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+2})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (23) The components appearing in each off-diagonal block of the Hamiltonian are $\displaystyle\pi^{+}H\pi^{-}$ $\displaystyle=\Big{(}\left(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}+K_{k-1}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k})\right)i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}$ $\displaystyle\quad+\left(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}+K_{k+1}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+2})\right)\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2}\Big{)}f_{0}$ (24) $\displaystyle\equiv(ih^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}+h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2})f_{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (25) $\displaystyle\pi^{-}H\pi^{+}$ $\displaystyle=\Big{(}\left(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}+K_{k-1}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k})\right)i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}$ $\displaystyle\quad-\left(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}+K_{k+1}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+2})\right)\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2}\Big{)}f^{\dagger}_{0}$ (26) $\displaystyle\equiv(ih^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}-h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2})f^{\dagger}_{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (27) The effect of the interactions in perturbation theory is simply to modify the couplings into operators which we refer to as “interacting couplings:” $h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k\pm 1}\to h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k\pm 1}$. This is a reasonable shorthand because the interacting couplings commute with each other and all fermion operators appearing in the formula. Then from the result Eq. (19), $\displaystyle H^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle=H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+\frac{(h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k-1})^{2}+(h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k+1})^{2}}{2h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1})+i\frac{h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k-1}h^{\mathcal{X},\text{int}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2}+O(\epsilon^{3})$ (28) $\displaystyle=H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1})\left(\frac{(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1})^{2}+(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1})^{2}+K_{k-1}^{2}+K_{k+1}^{2}}{2h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}+i\frac{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}K_{k-1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k}+i\frac{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}K_{k+1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+2}\right)$ $\displaystyle\quad+i\frac{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2}+\frac{K_{k-1}h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k})+\frac{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}K_{k+1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+2})$ $\displaystyle\quad+\frac{K_{k-1}K_{k+1}}{h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+2})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+2})+O(\epsilon^{3})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (29) Projecting into the low-energy sector sets $i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}\to-\text{sgn}(h^{\mathcal{X}}_{k})$ and again decouples the Majorana operators $\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}$ and $\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1}$ from the rest of the system, decimating them by creating a complex fermion mode with definite parity. As in the non- interacting case, the magnitude of the splitting is increased by renormalization of $H_{0}$, and a new hopping term $h^{\mathcal{X}\prime}_{k-1}$ is added to the $\mathcal{X}$ chain. However, the leading-order effect of the interactions, at $O(\epsilon)$, arises from $V_{\mathrm{d}}$, where the “degradation” of the term $K_{k}(i\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{X}}_{k+1})(i\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathcal{Y}}_{k+1})$ renormalizes $h_{k}^{\mathcal{Y}\prime}=h_{k}^{\mathcal{Y}}-\mathrm{sgn}(h_{k}^{\mathcal{X}})\,K_{k}$. As a result, correlations develop between the hopping terms on the same bond. This aspect of the perturbation will constitute the basis of a mean-field study of the interacting system, presented in Sec. IV. The effective Hamiltonian also includes renormalized couplings $h^{\mathcal{Y}\prime}_{k-1}$ and $h^{\mathcal{Y}\prime}_{k+1}$, as well as new four-fermion terms which change the structure of the lattice graph, and a six-fermion term. The appearance of these terms breaking the form of $H$, as well as the generation of correlations between terms, are an indication that the RG flow cannot be tracked exactly in the interacting model. However, if the interaction terms already tend to be weak compared to the hopping, the higher-order terms generated by this process will accordingly be weaker still. This is the situation, at least initially, in the random XYZ model with small $\tilde{J}^{z}$; however there is no guarantee at this point that the relative strengths of the different types of couplings are maintained asymptotically. We will return to this question more systematically in Sec. VI, after we understand the non-interacting problem with correlated Majorana hopping amplitudes in the two chains in Sec. V. ### II.4 XY model spin correlations in SDRG From the controlled SDRG for the random XY model one can deduce that average correlations in the ground state follow power laws—although typical correlations are short-ranged—and even calculate the exponents. One also obtains a more qualitative picture of the behavior of the spin correlation functions. Expanding Eq. (10) in the ground state at distance $r$, $C^{z}(j,j+r)=\langle i\eta_{j}\zeta_{j+r}\rangle\langle i\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+r}\rangle\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (30) Other terms vanish due to symmetry. One sees immediately that $C^{z}(j,j+r)=0$ if $r$ is even. For odd $r$, $C^{z}(j,j+r)$ assumes a large value if and only if the sites $j$ and $j+r$ were decimated together on both Majorana chains, in which case both expectation values $\langle i\eta_{j}\zeta_{j+r}\rangle$ and $\langle i\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+r}\rangle$ have approximately unit magnitude and opposite sign, so the sign of $C^{z}$ is negative. Otherwise if this decimation did not occur in one or both Majorana chains the contribution is suppressed, arising only from higher-order terms in the perturbation theory. Consider the correlations averaged over sites $j$ as well as over disorder realizations, which average we denote $C^{z}(r)$. Nearly all terms will be vanishingly small, with rare terms of roughly unit magnitude occurring with some density; these dominate the average. It is a result of Ref. Fisher (1994) for the RS phase that at sufficiently large separation the likelihood of such a decimation scales as $r^{-2}$; thus for two independent Majorana chains $\eta_{z}=4$. The transverse correlations Eqs. (8) and (9), summarized as $C^{\perp}(j,j+r)$, are the expectation values of strings of $2r$ Majoranas. Such operators are evaluated as the sum of $r$-fold products of expectation values of symmetry-allowed bilinear contractions, with signs arising from the signature of each permutation. A term in the sum has a large value if and only if it contracts all Majoranas with their decimation partners in the SDRG. This will be the case for exactly one term if all decimations of the Majoranas appearing in the string expectation value are “internal;” that is, if all decimation partners are also included. If any Majoranas were decimated with orbitals which do not appear in the string, the expectation value will be small. We again define $C^{\perp}(r)$ as the average over sites and disorder realizations. If on both chains $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$ the sites $j$ and $j+r$ are decimation partners, then as described above, this pair contributes a large value to $C^{z}(r)$. The pair also necessarily contributes a large value to $C^{\perp}(r)$, as pairing the extremal Majorana orbitals in a string implies that all decimations are internal to the string. Thus, the critical exponent $\eta_{\perp}$ lower-bounds $\eta_{z}$. As reviewed earlier, for the random XY model $\eta_{\perp}=3-\sqrt{5}\approx 0.764$; the bound is saturated in the XX model where $\eta_{\perp}=\eta_{z}=2$ Fisher (1994). Finally, the SDRG picture also tells us about the end-to-end spin correlations in the XX and XY models. The expectation value $C^{z}(1,N)\equiv C^{z}(N)$ obtains large contributions if on both Majorana chains the end sites $1$ and $N$ are paired in the SDRG. While such occurrences in the two chains are perfectly matched in the XX model and have probability $1/N$ or $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=1$, in the XY model the occurrences are independent, giving $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=2$. On the other hand, the expectation value $C^{\perp}(1,N)\equiv C^{\perp}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)$ includes all Majorana orbitals on one chain, and all but those at sites $1$ and $N$ on the other. This string has a large expectation value if all of these Majoranas are paired internally, which is to say that the two excluded Majoranas are decimated together. As this is occurs on a single chain only, it has the same probability in both the random XX and XY models. Indeed, $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{\perp}=1$ in both cases Iglói _et al._ (2000). ## III Unbiased tensor network study ### III.1 “Rigorous RG” numerical method The standard numerical technique for equilibrium states of many-body quantum systems in 1d is the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) White (1992); *white1993density; Schollwöck (2011), which has been remarkably effective in conjunction with matrix product state (MPS) representations of low-energy wavefunctions Klümper _et al._ (1991); *klumper1992groundstate; *klumper1993matrix; Fannes _et al._ (1992). Over nearly 30 years, DMRG has seen enormous practical success in a wide range of models of physical interest. However, for some time its effectiveness was not well explained: even as MPS attained a rigorous footing with the proof of the area law of entanglement in 1d Hastings (2007); Wolf _et al._ (2008); Arad _et al._ (2012), the existence of an efficient algorithm for eigenstates given an area- law Hamiltonian remained unclear. It was not until the work of Landau _et al._ (2015) in 2015 that a polynomial-time algorithm was developed for ground states of gapped models, proving that an efficient method is possible in principle. However, the algorithm exhibited in Ref. Landau _et al._ (2015) bears little resemblance in its particulars to DMRG, and a similar proof for the DMRG algorithm appears to be challenging; in fact, it is known that popular multi- site variants can be NP-hard in the worst case Eisert (2006). As a practical matter, in systems with strong disorder DMRG is susceptible to spurious convergence to excited states, an outcome which cannot be readily diagnosed Schmitteckert (1999). This is fundamentally a consequence of performing an iterated local optimization over MPS parameters. The rigorous algorithm is distinguished by a reliance on an _approximate ground state projector_ (AGSP), an operator derived from the Hamiltonian, which was introduced by Arad _et al._ (2013). The role of the AGSP is to provide global information, ensuring that intermediate states can be efficiently represented and directing the algorithm along a computationally tractable route to the ground state. AGSP-based methods were later generalized to low-energy excited states in models with slightly relaxed conditions on the density of states Arad _et al._ (2017). Based on this work, in collaboration with Vidick we introduced the _rigorous renormalization group_ (RRG), a numerical implementation for low-energy states of local Hamiltonians in one dimension Roberts _et al._ (2017). While the implemented method differs slightly from the proof construction and does not strictly satisfy the conditions of the guarantee—whose parameters are not known a priori regardless—it inherits the intuitive benefits of the AGSP and has been seen to be effective in practice for nontrivial low-energy spectra like those of strongly disordered systems, or in the presence of nearly degenerate manifolds Roberts _et al._ (2017); Block _et al._ (2020), where DMRG may be unreliable. In the following sections, we perform a numerical study of the line $\tilde{J}^{z}\in[0,1]$, $\tilde{J}^{x}=\tilde{J}^{y}=1$, in the phase diagram of Eq. (1), using RRG. Our objective is primarily to verify by unbiased numerics the observation of continuously varying critical exponents in the SBRG study of Slagle _et al._ (2016), and then to shed additional light on the nature of the low-energy theory. (Here we focus solely on the ground state properties and low-energy physics, rather than the question of MBL.) For concreteness, we use the disorder distribution described in Eqs. (3) and (4) of Ref. Slagle _et al._ (2016), namely, $p(J_{i}^{\alpha})=\frac{1}{\Gamma\tilde{J}^{\alpha}}(J_{i}^{\alpha})^{1/\Gamma-1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ J_{i}^{\alpha}\in[0,(\tilde{J}^{\alpha})^{\Gamma}]\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (31) We use a milder disorder strength $\Gamma=2$, as compared to $\Gamma=4$ for the previous work Slagle _et al._ (2016). Both choices lead to strong disorder physics and the specific value should have little effect on the universal low-energy physics for large enough systems. However, we find that the logarithm of the distribution of the energy gaps depends significantly on $\Gamma$, with smaller values tending to lead to larger gaps; this eases the challenge to the numerics which in any case are limited by double-precision floating-point errors on the order of $10^{-16}$. In RRG we are capable of accurately resolving energy scales down to $\log_{10}(\Omega/\epsilon)\sim-12$, and validate our results against the free-fermion solution at the soluble point $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$. To construct the AGSP for RRG we use a Trotter approximation to a thermal operator $e^{-\beta H}$. The output of the RRG algorithm is a subspace of constant dimension approximating the low-energy states of the model. We use an implementation based on ITensor Fishman _et al._ (2020), in which we explicitly realize the $\mathbb{Z}_{2}\times\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ symmetry and solve for the lowest two eigenstates in each of the four symmetry sectors 111The RRG code used in this work is available online at In each case the MPSs generated by RRG are then further optimized using DMRG in order to minimize the overlap with high-energy states. The RRG “hyperparameters” $s$ and $D$ (see Ref. Roberts _et al._ (2017) for details) are chosen so that for the majority of disorder realizations DMRG can optimize the RRG output in a small number of sweeps. For approximately the most challenging 1% of realizations, DMRG requires many sweeps to converge. In these instances we repeat the calculation, increasing the RRG hyperparameters, and find that the improved RRG states are easily converged by DMRG. From comparison with exact free- fermion results for $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ obtained by numerical matrix diagonalization, we find that if RRG produces states which are successfully converged by DMRG and the excitation gap is larger than the target threshold $10^{-12}$, the ground state energy and gap are numerically exact in $\gtrsim 99.5\%$ of realizations. As we will show in the following section, at $\tilde{J}^{z}>0$ the finite-size gaps tend to be larger than those at $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ and should be easier for RRG; thus we believe our results are even more reliable for these points. $\tilde{J}^{z}$ | 0.0 | 0.2 | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.0 ---|---|---|---|---|---|--- $(s,D)$ | (8,14) | (8,14) | (6,10) | (6,10) | (5,8) | (5,8) Table 1: RRG hyperparameters are shown for values of $\tilde{J}^{z}$ studied numerically. As described in the text, we optimize the output of RRG using DMRG, and for finite $\tilde{J}^{z}$ take as a measure of accuracy the number of sweeps required for convergence. These values of $s$ and $D$ were chosen in order to accurately converge approximately 99% of disorder realizations on $N=80$ spins. For the small fraction of more difficult realizations which are not solved by the hyperparameters above we repeat the algorithm with increased values, finding that convergence is achieved this way. ### III.2 Results from RRG #### III.2.1 Critical spin correlations We measure spin correlations in the RRG ground state of $H[\tilde{J}^{x}=1,\tilde{J}^{y}=1,\tilde{J}^{z}]$ with $\tilde{J}^{z}$ ranging from 0 to 1 and microscopic disorder strength $\Gamma=2$ throughout. Bulk correlations in an open chain of length $N$ are measured for $r\leq\frac{N}{2}$ including only sites $j,j+r\in\\{\frac{N}{4},\ldots,\frac{3N}{4}\\}$, in order to distinguish the power law from the end-to-end correlations closer to the boundaries. We show disorder-averaged correlations data measured in chains of length $N=80$ sites in Fig. 3, which includes slices at values of $\tilde{J}^{z}$ moving along the phase boundary from the free-fermion model to the tricritical point. Already the raw data clearly shows power laws with varying exponents for both $C^{\perp}$ and $C^{z}$ in the bulk. Figure 3: Bulk spin correlations data from RRG are shown for the random XYZ model with varying bandwidth $\tilde{J}^{z}$, up to separation $r=40$ lattice spacings, from systems of length $N=80$. Open circles indicate $C^{\perp}(r)$ data, while filled circles mark $C^{z}(r)$. The disorder averages for each value of $\tilde{J}^{z}$ include 1500 realizations. In the spatial average we include only the middle half of the spin chain—that is, only sites in $\\{\frac{N}{4},\dots,\frac{3N}{4}\\}$—in order to separate the bulk correlations from the ends, which exhibit different scaling laws. See Fig. 5 for the critical power law decay exponents extracted from this data. In order to measure the power laws we show the absolute value of the correlations, which originally have a staggered sign pattern $(-1)^{r}$. In addition, only odd $r$ are shown for $C^{z}$ data because the values for even $r$, though demonstrating a similar power law, are much smaller (at $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ they are identically 0, see Sec. II.4). End-to-end spin correlations are measured only between the single pair of sites 1 and $N$ for each disorder realization, and exhibit correspondingly larger statistical fluctuations. In addition, reproducing $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)$ correlations presents a singular challenge for the RRG algorithm. As discussed in Sec. II.4, in the SDRG the likelihood of a nonzero value of $\langle\sigma^{z}_{1}\sigma^{z}_{N}\rangle$ at the XY free-fermion point is the square of the probability of an end-to-end singlet in a spin chain of length $N$ in the RS phase. That is, the distribution is broad on a logarithmic scale, with the average being dominated by a very small tail. More importantly, the disorder realizations located in the tail—of outsize importance in the average—are those on which sites $1$ and $N$ were decimated together on both Majorana chains, which correlate with the smallest excitation gaps in the low-energy spectrum and are the most difficult realizations for the method to solve accurately. We show disorder-averaged end-to-end correlations as a function of $N$ in chains up to $N=80$ in Fig. 4. One sees that the $C^{\perp}_{\mathrm{e}}$ correlations depend weakly on $\tilde{J}^{z}$ and have close slopes on the log-log plot, suggesting similar power law exponents. On the other hand, the $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}$ correlations depend strongly on $\tilde{J}^{z}$ and despite evident statistical scatter appear to have varying slopes. Figure 4: RRG end-to-end correlations data are shown for the random XYZ model with varying bandwidth $\tilde{J}^{z}$. System sizes $N=32,48,64,80$ are included for $C^{\perp}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)$ (open circles) and $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)$ (filled circles). These data are noisier than the bulk data shown in Fig. 3 due both to reduced statistics (same number of disorder realizations but no averaging over bulk pairs) as well as the special difficulty of measuring $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)$ in RRG, as described in the text. See Fig. 5 for the critical power law decay exponents extracted from this data. We use the absolute value of the correlations data here; the true values all have negative sign because all $N$ are even. Our unbiased numerical results for the bulk correlations are in broad agreement with the finding of Slagle _et al._ (2016) of critical exponents governing the decay of spin correlations that vary continuously with $\tilde{J}^{z}$. In contrast to the previous approach, we perform direct measurements in optimized MPS for the ground state. We show the extracted power law exponents for the bulk and end-to-end correlations in Fig. 5 as a function of $\tilde{J}^{z}$. As expected, the $C^{\perp}$ and $C^{z}$ exponents approach each other at the tricritical (permutation-symmetric) point $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$, where we estimate the bulk critical index to be $\eta_{\perp}=\eta_{z}\approx 1.48$. Figure 5: Critical exponents governing spin correlations in the RRG ground states are shown, extracted from the data in Figs. 3 and 4. Both bulk and end- to-end exponents are included, with known results for the bulk correlations in the free-fermion model at $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ indicated by red stars, and results for end-to-end correlations by yellow diamonds. An increase in statistical noise is evident in the end-to-end correlations as compared to the bulk. The reason that these computations, particularly $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)$, are more difficult, is discussed in the text. #### III.2.2 Entanglement structure We also study measures of entanglement in the RRG ground states for varying $\tilde{J}^{z}$. The average bipartite entanglement entropy of a connected subsystem of length $\ell$ adjacent to the system boundary is known to scale according to the conformal field theory result $S_{b}(\ell)=\frac{\tilde{c}}{6}\ln\ell$, with a universal constant $\tilde{c}$. In some cases the “effective central charge” $\tilde{c}$ is apparently related to the central charge of the clean model Refael and Moore (2004); for example, in the critical phase of a single Majorana chain $\tilde{c}=\frac{\ln 2}{2}=c\ln 2$, where $c=\frac{1}{2}$ is the central charge of a clean Majorana fermion chain. Accordingly, the XY fixed point has $\tilde{c}=\ln 2$, being equivalent to two decoupled critical random Majorana chains. From finite-size scaling of the disorder-averaged half-system bipartite entanglement entropy $S_{b}(N/2)$ we find with fair precision that $\tilde{c}$ is stable at this value for any interaction strength $\tilde{J}^{z}$ along the critical line, in agreement with Ref. Slagle _et al._ (2016). Figure 6: Characterizations of the entanglement structure of the ground state are shown. We include the power-law exponent $\rho$ for decay of average long- range mutual information $I(r)$, based on the raw data shown in the upper panel. The subsystems $A$ and $B$ considered in this case are single spins separated by a distance $r$, and the average is taken over sites in the middle half of the chain. Also shown is the effective central charge $\tilde{c}$, found from finite-size scaling of the half-chain entanglement entropy. While $\tilde{c}$ appears to be insensitive to the coupling between the two Majorana chains, the LRMI exponent varies continuously. We also measure long-range mutual information (LRMI) between disconnected regions; the formula for this entropic quantity in terms of the entanglement entropy of a subsystem is $I(A:B)=S(A)+S(B)-S(A\cup B)$. We will take $A$ and $B$ to be single spins separated by a distance $r$; Ref. Slagle _et al._ (2016) found that up to appropriate rescaling, the lengths of the subsystems do not affect the asymptotic behavior. The disorder-averaged LRMI we denote $I(r)$, and this quantity will decay no faster than the slowest observable. That is, in the symmetric ground state of an ordered phase $I(r)$ will be long-ranged; in a phase without order one expects exponential decay; and at a critical point the exponent $\rho$, $I(r)\sim r^{-\rho}$, lower-bounds the power-law decay exponent of any local observable. We show disorder-averaged LRMI data in the upper panel of Fig. 6. The critical exponent $\rho$ varies continuously with $\tilde{J}^{z}$, as is the case with the other critical indices measured, and is very close to the exponent $\eta_{\perp}$, suggesting that the correlations of the order parameters for the adjacent phases saturate the lower bound everywhere along the boundary. Our RRG results for $\rho$ as well as the effective central charge $\tilde{c}$ are shown in the lower panel of Fig. 6. At $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$ we estimate $\rho\approx 1.73$, which is somewhat larger than the estimates of $\eta^{\perp,z}$ but is in general agreement and is also similar to the SBRG estimates in Ref. Slagle _et al._ (2016). #### III.2.3 Scaling of excitation gap Because RRG produces not only the ground state but a constant number of low- energy states, it is possible in principle to study spectral properties as well. We focus first on the simplest of these, the energy gap to the lowest excitation in a finite system. From the SDRG for the free-fermion point one observes that this excitation consists of flipping the parity of the complex fermion associated with the lowest-energy (i.e., the last decimated) pairing on either Majorana chain. As we consider chains with lengths that are multiples of 4, the ground state is found in the $(g_{x},g_{y})=(+1,+1)$ sector of the global $(\mathbb{Z}_{2})^{2}$ symmetry and the first excited state will be found in either the $(+1,-1)$ or $(-1,+1)$ sector. Figure 7: Histograms of the first excitation gap are shown for the random XYZ model at system size $N=80$ sites. Vertical lines indicate the median $M_{\tilde{J}^{z}}$ of each gap distribution. The medians include long tails that are not shown, as they contain energy gaps too small to be accurately measured by the RRG algorithm; however the estimate of the median is not sensitive to these uncertainties. The trace for each value of $\tilde{J}^{z}$ includes 1500 disorder realizations. The distribution of excitation gaps is known exactly via the mapping to two decoupled copies of the RTFIM, where the universal form of the gap distribution is known from the work of Fisher and Young (1998). The gap in the random XY model is the minimum of two independent random variables sampled from the distribution of Ref. Fisher and Young (1998). In Fig. 7 we show histograms of the (logarithmic) excitation gaps for the random XYZ model with varying $\tilde{J}^{z}$ for chains of length $N=80$. The exact distribution for the $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ point is indicated with a dotted line. Indicated on Fig. 7 by vertical lines and the labels $M_{\tilde{J}^{z}}$ are the medians of the histograms; these are provided as a characterization of the distributions that is not overly sensitive to the tails, where the energy gaps can be close to the numerical threshold. While the precise tails are not accessible, it is rare for RRG to make an error which would move a disorder realization out of the tail into the bulk of the distribution. Thus, the median provides an accurate summary of the gap distribution although the mean cannot be reliably estimated. In Fig. 8 the scaling with chain length of the median of the gap distribution is shown with varying $\tilde{J}^{z}$. This allows an estimate of the exponent $\psi$ controlling the length-energy relationship Eq. (2), which takes the value $\psi=\frac{1}{2}$ at the free- fermion point. The RRG scaling data suggest that there may be a systematic drift in $\psi$ as $\tilde{J}^{z}$ is varied toward the permutation-symmetric point $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$, however it is difficult to exclude the possibility of a stable $\psi$ with a long crossover around $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$. In either case, this result does not support the $n=3$ Damle–Huse universality for this tricritical point. Figure 8: The value of the critical exponent $\psi$ extracted from finite- size scaling of excitation gaps in RRG is shown. The upper panel shows the finite-size scaling of the medians $M_{\tilde{J}^{z}}$ (shown in Fig. 7 for $N=80$), with each data point including 1500 disorder realizations. The lower panel shows the extracted power law exponents for both the first gap, denoted $E_{1}-E_{0}$ (found from the data shown in the upper panel) as well as the second and third energy gaps. At the free-fermion point $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$, $\psi=\frac{1}{2}$, and the systematic deviation from the exact value is likely due to finite-size corrections. At this point the first and third energy gaps are very often identical, both being associated with the lowest- energy decimation on one chain. Away from this point, this is no longer necessarily the case and a drift in $\psi$ with $\tilde{J}^{z}$ is visible in the $E_{1}-E_{0}$ curve. #### III.2.4 Symmetry properties of low-energy states As described in Sec. III.2.3, in the non-interacting model $H_{\mathrm{xy}}$, the symmetry properties of the ground and low-lying states can be deduced from the single-particle excitations used to build the many-body states. For convenience we relabel the $\mathbb{Z}_{2}\times\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ symmetry sectors (always working on systems with $N\in 4\mathbb{Z}$): denote the free- fermion ground state sector $(g_{x},g_{y})=(+1,+1)$ as 0; the sector $(-1,-1)$ as 1; $(+1,-1)$ as 2; and $(-1,+1)$ as 3. Along the critical line, $H$ has a statistical $\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{\text{stat}}$ symmetry exchanging sectors 2 and 3, and at the tricritical point a statistical $S_{3}$ relates sectors $1$, $2$, and $3$. Beginning from a vacuum state in sector 0, the first many-body excited state—found by flipping the occupancy of the lowest-energy fermionic mode—comes from either sector 2 or 3, depending on which Majorana chain is involved. The next excited state must also be associated with a low-energy single particle mode on one of the Majorana chains, thus will again come from sector 2 or 3. The third many-body excited state can be of the same type, or can be associated with the simultaneous excitation of the two lowest energy single-particle states. With a logarithmically broad disorder distribution, as at an IRFP, the third excited state is very likely to be of the latter type; thus we expect that for sufficiently long $N$, the four lowest-energy states of $H_{\mathrm{xy}}$ will most often come from the sectors $\\{0,2,3,1\\}$ or $\\{0,2,2,0\\}$, or their $\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{\text{stat}}$ counterparts $\\{0,3,2,1\\}$ and $\\{0,3,3,0\\}$. The other free-fermion-allowed configurations are $\\{0,2,3,2\\}$, $\\{0,2,3,3\\}$, $\\{0,2,2,2\\}$, $\\{0,2,2,3\\}$, and $\mathbb{Z}_{2}^{\text{stat}}$ counterparts. Type 1 | Type 2 | Type 3 ---|---|--- | $\\{0,2,3,1\\}$, --- $(2\leftrightarrow 3)$ | $\\{0,2,2,0\\}$, --- $(2\leftrightarrow 3)$ | $\\{0,2,3,2\\}$, $\\{0,2,3,3\\}$, --- $\\{0,2,2,2\\}$, $\\{0,2,2,3\\}$, $(2\leftrightarrow 3)$ Figure 9: Sampled estimates of the likelihood of the various symmetry patterns of low-energy states are shown as a function of $\tilde{J}^{z}$. The lower panel shows the same data as the upper, zoomed in on the bottom of the $y$-axis. The free-fermion-allowed Types 1, 2, and 3 are defined above and drawn with solid lines, and the free-fermion-disallowed Types $1^{\ast}$, $2^{\ast}$, and $3^{\ast}$ consist of all other partners under the action of the $S_{3}$ statistical symmetry, and are drawn with dashed lines. Here we provide summary data which is averaged over system sizes $N=32,48,64,80$, with 6000 total disorder realizations for each value of $\tilde{J}^{z}$. (In Fig. 10 we study the dependence on $N$.) At $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ we assume that only Types 1, 2, and 3 are present and include eigenstate permutations of the exact symmetry pattern for very small splittings $<10^{-12}$; nevertheless there is still a low rate of “Other” instances. At the tricritical point this picture cannot apply, as the $S_{3}$ counterparts of the free-fermion-allowed configurations (these include, e.g., $\\{0,1,2,3\\}$ and $\\{0,1,1,0\\}$) must also occur and with equal likelihood; thus we study the critical line by tabulating occurrences of free- fermion-disallowed low-energy configurations in disorder realizations with finite $\tilde{J}^{z}$. We classify the various configurations as described in the table in Fig. 9, and their likelihood in our sample of disorder realizations is plotted. Note that in this plot we have averaged over all system sizes, in order to provide an initial summary of the typical behavior (we will study the scaling behavior with $N$ later). For $H_{\mathrm{xy}}$ the dominant pattern is Type 1, with a substantial minority of Type 2 and very few of Type 3. The $S_{3}$ counterparts, which are forbidden in the picture of decoupled Majorana chains, are labeled Types $1^{\ast}$, $2^{\ast}$, and $3^{\ast}$. The category “Other” includes all low- energy configurations not matching any of the types already described. There is a very small, though finite, fraction of such instances; however these are nearly entirely associated with very small excitation gaps. As already described, in such situations with very small splitting RRG cannot systematically identify the lowest-energy state or the exact sequence of excitations, so the precise order of symmetry sectors is not reproduced. At $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ we are able to “interpret” many such cases by assuming that the energy-permuted free-fermion-allowed symmetry pattern is the correct one, though away from this point a corrected type cannot be uniquely determined. (At $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ some low-energy patterns found by RRG cannot be interpreted as one of the free-fermion-allowed configurations, and these are the realizations classified as “Other” at this point.) Moving away from $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$, the Types $1^{\ast}$, $2^{\ast}$, and $3^{\ast}$ occur with increasing probability. We find that Type 2 decreases more quickly for small $\tilde{J}^{z}$ than Type 1, which is in line with our understanding, developed in Sec. IV, of the interaction as introducing correlations between the Majorana chains (such correlations make it less likely that the two lowest-energy single-particle states occur in the same Majorana chain). The rate of “Other” instances is very low and decreasing with increasing $\tilde{J}^{z}$, suggesting that these remain attributable to errors due to small energy gaps, and the only new types of symmetry pattern appearing at low energy are those related to the free-fermion-allowed types by $S_{3}$. As one expects from the definitions of each type, the frequency of Types $1^{\ast}$, 2, and $3^{\ast}$, are roughly twice those of Types 1, $2^{\ast}$, and 3, respectively, at $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$. Here the $S_{3}$ partners Types $1+1^{\ast}$ describe roughly 91% of disorder realizations, with Types $2+2^{\ast}$ and $3+3^{\ast}$ describing roughly 4.5% each. Figure 10: The ratio of the combined likelihood of the free-fermion- disallowed Types $1^{\ast}+2^{\ast}+3^{\ast}$ to the combined likelihood of Types $1+2+3$ is shown as a function of $\tilde{J}^{z}$, separately for system sizes $N=32,48,64,80$. Each data point includes 1500 disorder realizations. For intermediate $\tilde{J}^{z}\in(0,1)$, there is a consistent trend toward lower probabilities as the system size increases from $N=32$ to 64, meaning that the low-energy symmetry patterns of longer systems are more likely to be free-fermion-like. The quantity $\frac{p(1^{\ast}+2^{\ast}+3^{\ast})}{p(1+2+3)}$ is very similar for system sizes $N=64$ and 80 at all values of $\tilde{J}^{z}$, with the difference being within the apparent statistical scatter. At the tricritical point $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$ the predominant scaling behavior is reversed, and the quantity appears to be converging toward its long-distance fixed value from below with increasing system size $N$. From the above general picture of the low-energy states we learn that the critical line is characterized by the increasing probability of the free- fermion-disallowed symmetry partners Types $1^{\ast}$, $2^{\ast}$, and $3^{\ast}$ with increasing interaction strength $\tilde{J}^{z}$. The dependence of these probabilities on system size provides a hint about the RG relevance or irrelevance of the interaction. In Fig. 10, we show the ratio of the combined likelihood of Types $1^{\ast}+2^{\ast}+3^{\ast}$ to that of Types $1+2+3$ as a function of $\tilde{J}^{z}$ for each system size separately 222Normalizing by $p(1+2+3)$ is intended to eliminate the effect of the system size dependence of unclassifiable “Other” realizations, which should be associated with RRG errors.. While these data suffer from poorer statistics than those of Fig. 9, there is a trend for all $\tilde{J}^{z}\in(0,1)$ toward lower probabilities with increasing $N$, meaning that at longer scales the disorder realizations appear more free-fermion-like. The system sizes $N=64$ and 80 are quite similar by this measure, and the differences between these values are smaller than the apparent statistical noise. In contrast, the dependence on system size is opposite at the tricritical point $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$, as the likelihoods converge to their asymptotic value from below with increasing length scale. In Secs. VI and VII we make a conjecture consistent with this observation, that the interactions may in fact be irrelevant but the SDRG generates a marginal perturbation (corresponding to the local correlation of renormalized terms, see Sec. IV) which ultimately takes the system to a line of free-fermion fixed points with variable exponents. ## IV Mean field theory of interaction Turning on $\tilde{J}^{z}>0$ introduces four-fermion interaction terms to the quadratic Hamiltonian $H_{\mathrm{xy}}$. These terms couple the Majorana chains $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$ in such a way that the ground state is no longer analytically tractable under SDRG, which generates multi-fermion terms in the effective Hamiltonian that proliferate with increasing RG scale. However, as mentioned in Sec. II.3.2, if at some point in the RG the interaction terms are typically weaker than the hopping terms then the effective higher-order descendants will be even weaker. One might hope, then, that by beginning with a bandwidth $\tilde{J}^{z}\ll\tilde{J}^{x},\tilde{J}^{y}$ the strength of these terms may be suppressed at all scales, leading to only a minimal effect on the criticality. Based on this understanding, we consider the mean field theory by “expanding” the interaction into fermion bilinear terms. In the Majorana language, the mean-field structure is particularly transparent; here the only symmetry- allowed bilinear terms act internally on the chains. For $J^{z}_{j}\ll 1$, $\displaystyle J_{j}^{z}(i\eta_{j}$ $\displaystyle\zeta_{j})(i\eta_{j+1}\zeta_{j+1})\approx$ $\displaystyle J_{j}^{z}\left(i\eta_{j}\zeta_{j+1}\langle i\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+1}\rangle+i\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+1}\langle i\eta_{j}\zeta_{j+1}\rangle\right).$ (32) This can also be seen in terms of the original spins, where the mean field theory takes the form $\displaystyle J_{j}^{z}\sigma_{j}^{z}\sigma_{j+1}^{z}$ $\displaystyle=-J_{j}^{z}\sigma_{j}^{x}\sigma_{j+1}^{x}\sigma_{j}^{y}\sigma_{j+1}^{y}$ $\displaystyle\approx- J_{z}\left(\sigma_{j}^{x}\sigma_{j+1}^{x}\langle\sigma_{j}^{y}\sigma_{j+1}^{y}\rangle+\langle\sigma_{j}^{x}\sigma_{j+1}^{x}\rangle\sigma_{j}^{y}\sigma_{j+1}^{y}\right).$ (33) The effect of the allowed terms is to renormalize the existing couplings in the following way: $\displaystyle(J^{x}_{j})^{\mathrm{mf}}$ $\displaystyle=J^{x}_{j}+J^{z}_{j}\langle i\eta_{j}\zeta_{j+1}\rangle=J^{x}_{j}-J^{z}_{j}\langle\sigma_{j}^{y}\sigma_{j+1}^{y}\rangle\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (34) $\displaystyle(J^{y}_{j})^{\mathrm{mf}}$ $\displaystyle=J^{y}_{j}-J_{j}^{z}\langle i\zeta_{j}\eta_{j+1}\rangle=J^{y}_{j}-J_{j}^{z}\langle\sigma_{j}^{x}\sigma_{j+1}^{x}\rangle\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (35) With expectation values $\langle\cdot\rangle$ understood to be evaluated in the ground state of the mean field Hamiltonian with parameters $(J_{j}^{x})^{\mathrm{mf}},(J_{j}^{y})^{\mathrm{mf}}$, the above represent self-consistency equations (i.e., minimization equations in the variational perspective of the mean field theory). Because the Majorana chains remain decoupled, the mean-field theory can be solved in the analytic SDRG, at least in principle, by accounting for the distributions of effective $J_{j}^{x}$ and $J_{j}^{y}$ couplings no longer being independent. In the following subsections we numerically investigate the universal behavior of this mean- field theory, and provide exact results from the analytic SDRG in Sec. V. ### IV.1 Self-consistent Hartree–Fock treatment of interaction terms Figure 11: Bulk correlations data from the self-consistent Hartree–Fock mean- field theory are shown with varying bandwidth $\tilde{J}^{z}$, up to separation $r=64$ in chains of length $N=128$. Filled markers indicate $C^{z}(r)$ data, and open $C^{\perp}(r)$. The disorder averages for each value of $\tilde{J}^{z}$ are taken over 25000 realizations and include only the middle half of the spin chain, as described in the caption to Fig. 3. These simpler free-fermion calculations are cheaper to perform, and accordingly exhibit better statistics than those of Figs. 3–10. Figure 12: End-to-end correlations data from the self-consistent Hartree–Fock mean-field theory are shown with varying bandwidth $\tilde{J}^{z}$. Filled markers indicate $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(r)$ data, and open $C^{\perp}_{\mathrm{e}}(r)$. Each data point is the average end-to-end correlations from 25000 disorder realizations. Because for small $\tilde{J}^{z}$ the likelihood of simultaneous end-to-end decimations is very low, in computing $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(L)$ we are restricted to shorter systems in order to have reasonable statistics. For example, in the SDRG picture, $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(N)=e^{-7}$ corresponds to only $25000\times e^{-7}\approx 23$ important “events.” Figure 13: Critical exponents are shown for the self-consistent Hartree–Fock mean-field theory with varying interaction strength $\tilde{J}^{z}\in[0,1]$, extracted from the correlations data in Figs. 11 and 12. Both bulk and end-to-end exponents are included, with known results for the bulk correlations in the free-fermion model at $\tilde{J}^{z}=0$ indicated by red stars, and results for the end-to- end correlations by yellow diamonds. The point $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$ in this model does not feature any special symmetry. We first perform a self-consistent numerical study of the interaction term in the quadratic mean-field theory by directly implementing Eqs. (34) and (35) in the BdG Hamiltonian, iteratively solving the ground state of the Hamiltonian and updating the mean-field couplings until reaching convergence. The bulk correlations data in the thus determined mean field ground state are shown in Fig. 11, end-to-end correlations in Fig. 12, and a summary of the critical exponents in Fig. 13. The key finding of the mean field treatment is that the power law exponents in all correlation functions do evolve with $\tilde{J}^{z}$ in a similar way to those of the interacting model. This not necessarily expected since, e.g., in a clean XXZ model the mean field, while capturing some short-range energetics, cannot capture varying power laws in the fully interacting theory. By understanding the features in the mean field responsible for capturing the varying power laws in the random XYZ chain, in the following sections we will be led to a plausible scenario for the physics of this system. While the mean field theory is reasonably accurate for $\tilde{J}^{z}\leq 0.4$, it is evident from Fig. 11 that the magnitudes of the mean-field correlation functions around $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$ do not approach their actual values. At the tricritical point of the interacting model the statistical $S_{3}$ symmetry of the Hamiltonian leads to the equivalence of the averages $C^{\perp}$ and $C^{z}$; as the mean field lacks this symmetry, it is not surprising that the distinction persists. Moreover, there is nothing special about $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$ in the mean-field model; note also that this specific mean field does not allow any symmetry breaking, and we see that the best it can do upon increasing $\tilde{J}^{z}$ is to approach the XX chain, which is a poor approximation for $\tilde{J}^{z}\simeq 1$. Nevertheless, buoyed by the success of the mean field at small $\tilde{J}^{z}$, we now examine more closely the effective parameters $(J_{j}^{x,y})^{\mathrm{mf}}$. As the interaction strength is increased, the $J^{x}_{j}$ and $J^{y}_{j}$ terms tend to become more similar. We can clearly see how this happens in the spin formulation of the self-consistent mean field of Eqs. (34) and (35): a large bare AFM $J_{j}^{x}>0$ will tend to correlate $\sigma_{j}^{x}$ and $\sigma_{j+1}^{x}$ strongly antiferromagnetically (achieving $\langle\sigma_{j}^{x}\sigma_{j+1}^{x}\rangle\approx-1$ if this is the dominant coupling), and in the presence of AFM $J_{j}^{z}>0$ this will lead to an increase of the effective AFM $J_{j}^{y}$ coupling, and vice versa. However it is not clear what sort of model the full self-consistent mean field treatment actually constitutes, as the iterated nature of the solution could lead to long-range correlations effects among the couplings. In the following section we propose a more straightforward model intended to broadly capture the features of this self-consistent Hartree–Fock mean field. We will see that the ultra-short-range correlations among $J_{j}^{x}$ and $J_{j}^{y}$ identified above can already explain continuously varying power laws. ### IV.2 Numerical study of random XY chain with locally correlated couplings #### IV.2.1 Definition of locally-correlated XY model The rules Eqs. (34) and (35) for the mean-field couplings modify bonds on one Majorana chain based on expectation values across the same bond on the other chain. As a result, recalling that $J^{z}_{j}>0$ for all $j$, the terms on a given bond—which at the mean-field level are strengthened by the interactions—develop correlations among themselves. Terms on separate bonds also get correlated in less obvious ways, since the mean field ground state is influenced by all bonds, but we will proceed by ignoring such longer-range correlations among the couplings. We refer to such an effective model as having “local correlations,” in order to distinguish from spatial correlations between terms on separated bonds. One can mimic the behavior of the mean field theory and explore the effects of such correlations using the following parameterization of the couplings: for $A_{j}$, $B_{j}$ independent random variables and $\delta\in[0,1]$, let $\displaystyle J^{x}_{j}$ $\displaystyle=\left(1-\frac{\delta}{2}\right)A_{j}+\frac{\delta}{2}B_{j}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (36) $\displaystyle J^{y}_{j}$ $\displaystyle=\frac{\delta}{2}A_{j}+\left(1-\frac{\delta}{2}\right)B_{j}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (37) Tuning $\delta$ from 0 to 1 interpolates between fully independent couplings and the perfectly correlated case with $\operatorname{U(}\\!1\\!\operatorname{)}$ symmetry. That is, the parameterization runs along the line between the random XY and XX spin chains. As mentioned in Sec. II.1, Fisher (1994) found that weak random anisotropy is marginal around the XX point, which is in the RS phase. However it was not resolved whether this perturbation is truly marginal, or perhaps instead marginally relevant or irrelevant. The mean-field numerical results in this section provide an investigation into this question, a topic which will be discussed in more detail within the analytic SDRG in Sec. V. #### IV.2.2 Exact diagonalization study of locally correlated Majorana chains Figure 14: Bulk correlations data from the locally-correlated effective XY model are shown with varying correlation $\delta$, up to separation $r=64$ in spin chains of length $N=128$. Filled markers indicate $C^{z}(r)$ data, and open $C^{\perp}(r)$. The disorder averages for each value of $\delta$ are taken over 25000 realizations. In the average we include only the middle half of the spin chain, as described in the caption to Fig. 3. Figure 15: End-to- end spin correlations data are shown in the locally-correlated effective XY model with varying coupling correlation $\delta$. Filled markers indicate $C^{z}_{\mathrm{e}}(r)$ data, and open $C^{\perp}_{\mathrm{e}}(r)$. System sizes $N=32,48,64,80,96,128$ are included and each data point averages over 25000 disorder realizations. See Fig. 16 for the critical power law decay exponents extracted from this data. Figure 16: Critical exponents governing spin correlations in the locally-correlated XY model with varying correlation parameter $\delta$ are shown, extracted from data shown in Figs. 14 and 15. Both bulk and end-to-end exponents are shown, with known results for the bulk correlations in the uncorrelated XY model at $\delta=0$ indicated by red stars and known end-to-end critical spin exponents by yellow diamonds. Known critical exponents for the $\operatorname{U(}\\!1\\!\operatorname{)}$-symmetric XX model at $\delta=1$ are similarly indicated; in this case $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{\perp}=\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=1$ and $\eta_{\perp}=\eta_{z}=2$. The discrepancy in $\eta_{\perp}$ is likely a result of a long crossover, as the disorder distribution of Eqs. (36) and (37) is somewhat weaker than Eq. (31) for the same value $\Gamma=2$. It is not immediately clear to what extent the locally-correlated free fermion effective model defined in Eqs. (36) and (37) shares the qualitative features of the XYZ model, or indeed the self-consistent mean field theory. We investigate this by repeating the measurements of bulk and end-to-end spin correlations in chains of similar length to the previous studies, now varying the coupling correlation parameter $\delta$. Figures 14, 15, and 16 demonstrate that these critical indices do vary continuously in a similar way to the interacting case. Our observation that this mean-field approach indeed exhibits many of the qualitative features of the original case suggests that at least for small $\tilde{J}^{z}$, the primary effect of the interactions is to correlate the coefficients of the hopping terms on the two Majorana chains. However, we emphasize that although the $\eta_{z}$ and $\eta_{\perp}$ converge to similar values at the XX point $\delta=1$ and the tricritical XYZ point $\tilde{J}^{z}=1$, the reasons for this are not necessarily the same. The mean field should not be taken too seriously as a picture of the interacting phase away from the perturbative regime. ## V Locally correlated XY model in the random walk formalism Some types of disordered quantum Hamiltonian can be uniquely associated with a classical random walk (RW). An alternative picture of the SDRG viewed through this connection is useful for understanding the properties of IRFP phases. The RW formulation has previously been applied to both the RTFIM Iglói and Rieger (1998a, b) and AFM quantum spin chains Iglói _et al._ (2000); Motrunich _et al._ (2001b). In this section we first review the RW for a single Majorana chain based on the SDRG procedure of Sec. II.3.1. While all results for correlation functions in this case are known from Fisher’s analytic solutions for flows approaching the RS fixed point, we demonstrate how to obtain some power law exponents from different arguments, which will generalize to the locally correlated XY chain where we do not have analytic flows. We first obtain rigorous bounds in the continuum limit on the asymptotic scaling of the Majorana pairing probability (which determines the correlations of the $z$ component of spin in the random XX and XY chains) based on RW survival probability, a connection which had previously been noted in Ref. Iglói _et al._ (2000). We then consider the problem of two locally correlated RWs, one for each Majorana chain, following the effective model developed in Sec. IV.2. This system turns out to correspond to an anisotropic two-dimensional RW. We again rigorously bound the likelihood of decimation using the RW survival probability, where we find that the power law exponent varies continuously with the local correlation parameter. As a result, we are able to prove a specific form for continuously varying critical exponents of spin correlations in the locally-correlated effective model. ### V.1 RW formulation of SDRG for the Majorana chain Returning to the notation of Sec. II.3.1, define the logarithm of the energy associated with each bond in the Majorana chain Hamiltonian $\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{M}}$ as $u_{n}=\ln(\tilde{J}/|h_{n}|)$, $n=1,\ldots,N-1$. Here $\tilde{J}$ is a bare bandwidth for the coupling terms, meant to evoke the parameters of the Hamiltonian Eq. (1). From Eq. (5) one sees that if $\tilde{J}^{x}=\tilde{J}^{y}$, in each Majorana chain of the random XY model the hopping terms are identically distributed. Note that the signs of $h_{n}$ are not important for the discussion of probabilities of site pairings below, and are only needed to fix sign factors for the spin correlation functions, as discussed at the end of Sec. II.3.1. We consider the specific disorder distribution Eq. (31) with $\tilde{J}^{x}=\tilde{J}^{y}=\tilde{J}=1$. Then the distribution of log- energies is exponential, with distribution parameter $\Gamma$: $\tau(u)=\frac{1}{\Gamma}e^{-u/\Gamma}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ u\in(0,\infty)\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (38) which has mean $\langle u\rangle=\Gamma$ and variance $\mathrm{Var}(u)=\Gamma^{2}$. The Majorana model $H_{\mathcal{M}}$ on $N$ sites is associated with a 1d RW $\mathfrak{m}$, a Markov chain with state variables $(x_{n},\sigma_{n})$, $n=1,\ldots,N$, where $x_{n}\in\mathbb{R}$ is a cumulative log-energy defined below and $\sigma_{n}=(-1)^{n-1}$ is an internal $\mathbb{Z}_{2}$ variable determining the sign of the next step to be taken 333That is, the RW takes alternating positive and negative steps depending on the sublattice of site $n$, and we choose step $n=1$ to be positive. This is distinct from the alternating signs of the couplings in Eq. (5), which are not invariant under a unitary rotation on the spins.. The discrete RW time $n$ matches the spatial index of the quantum chain. A given disorder realization $\\{h_{j}\\}_{1\leq j<N}$ corresponds to a RW step sequence $\\{\sigma_{j}u_{j}\\}_{1\leq j<N}$: that is, the state of $\mathfrak{m}$ at time $n=1,\ldots,N$ is $\mathfrak{m}[n]=\left(\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}\sigma_{j}u_{j}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \sigma_{n}\right).$ (39) In the following we will sometimes leave the $\sigma_{n}$ state variable implicit, and refer to $x_{n}$ as $\mathfrak{m}[n]$. Let $\mathrm{Prob}(x,\sigma,n)$ be the distribution of $\mathfrak{m}[n]$, which is governed by the master equation $\mathrm{Prob}(x,\sigma,n+1)=\int_{0}^{\infty}du\,\tau(u)\,\mathrm{Prob}(x-\sigma u,-\sigma,n)\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (40) We now consider the behavior under the SDRG of a RW $\mathfrak{m}$ associated with a Majorana chain $\mathcal{H}_{\mathcal{M}}$. The largest local energy scale $|h_{k}|$, for some $k$, corresponds to the smallest log-energy $u_{k}$. The effect of the Shreiffer–Wolff transformation up to second order is to eliminate the following hopping terms: $ih_{k-1}\gamma_{k-1}\gamma_{k}+ih_{k}\gamma_{k}\gamma_{k+1}+ih_{k+1}\gamma_{k+1}\gamma_{k+2}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (41) and to introduce the renormalized bond term $ih^{\prime}_{k-1}\gamma_{k-1}\gamma_{k+2}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ h^{\prime}_{k-1}=\frac{h_{k-1}h_{k+1}}{h_{k}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (42) (There is also a shift of the leading energy scale, but this will not be important here.) For the RW the new step is $\sigma_{k-1}u_{k-1}^{\prime}=\sigma_{k-1}u_{k-1}+\sigma_{k}u_{k}+\sigma_{k+1}u_{k+1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (43) In this way the SDRG transformation corresponds to a sequential “smoothing” of the RW, in which the global step of smallest magnitude and its neighbors are removed, and replaced by a treble step directly connecting $x_{k-1}$ and $x_{k+2}$. For an illustration, the reader is referred to Fig. 8 in App. B of the arXiv version of Ref. Motrunich _et al._ (2001b), or Fig. 1 of Ref. Iglói and Monthus (2005). We define an inversion operation $\mathfrak{I}$ acting on a RW $\mathfrak{m}$ of length $N$ as $\mathfrak{I}:\mathfrak{m}[n]\mapsto\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}[n]=\mathfrak{m}[N]-\mathfrak{m}[N-n+1]\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (44) That is, $\mathfrak{I}$ flips the spatial and time coordinates of $\mathfrak{m}$. (The constant shifts the starting point of $\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}$ to 0.) We also define reflection $\mathfrak{R}_{a}$ of the spatial coordinate about the line $x=a$: $\mathfrak{R}_{a}:\mathfrak{m}[n]\mapsto\mathfrak{R}_{a}\mathfrak{m}[n]=2a-\mathfrak{m}[n]\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (45) We will make extensive use of a “gluing” operation $\oplus$ which joins two RWs at their endpoints. For RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{1,2}$ with lengths $N_{1,2}$, then, $n=1,\ldots,N_{1}+N_{2}$, $(\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{m}_{2})[n]=\begin{cases}\mathfrak{m}_{1}[n]\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,&n\leq N_{1}\\\ \mathfrak{m}_{1}[N_{1}]+\mathfrak{m}_{2}[n-N_{1}]\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,&n>N_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .\end{cases}$ (46) That is, the combined RW $\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ first performs the $N_{1}-1$ steps of $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$, followed by the $N_{2}-1$ steps of $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$. It is assumed that the first step of $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ has opposite $\sigma$ state variable as compared to the last step of $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$; this is required on the spin chain, where $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ begins and $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ ends on the same sublattice. Using the above definitions a precise statement can be made about the decimation of a site $n=k$, which we suppose without loss of generality to be a local minimum. For $k$ to have decimation partner $k^{\prime}>k$ in the SDRG, with $k^{\prime}-k=r$, a RW $\mathfrak{m}$ must admit a decomposition $\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}\oplus\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}\oplus\mathfrak{R}_{0}\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (47) where $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ has length $k$, $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ has length $N-k^{\prime}+1$, $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}[r]\equiv\Delta>0$, and the following conditions hold: 1. Condition 1. $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}[l]$ satisfies $x_{l}>0$ for $l=2,\ldots,r$, and attains the unique maximum $x_{r}=\Delta$; 2. Condition 2. $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ reach height $x\geq\Delta$ before crossing 0. (For a pictorial description, see also App. B of the arXiv version of Ref. Motrunich _et al._ (2001b).) These conditions relate the likelihood of a decimation pairing sites $k$ and $k^{\prime}$ to the survival probability of the “interior” and “exterior” partial RWs on the fully bounded interval $(0,\Delta)$. The physical interest of this quantity follows from the strong correlations shared by sites paired in the SDRG; in particular, the scaling of the decimation probability determines average spin correlations, as described in Sec. II.4. Note that the writing of Eq. (47) is chosen so that the exterior RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ have identical structure to the interior RW $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$. That is, all walks evolve forward in time starting at step 1 with the first step being positive. Implicit in this is the assumption that the inversion and reflection operations used result in identical probabilities for the RWs because the microscopic distributions for $u_{n}$ are identical for $n$ even and odd. Focusing on asymptotic scaling (i.e., $n,r\gg 1$), we describe the RW in continuous time, passing from $n\to t$. The central limit theorem specifies that a sum of random variables approaches a Gaussian distribution for sufficiently large $n$, provided only that the moments of the constituent distributions are bounded. The variance of the continuum distribution is $\mathrm{Var}(x)=\mathrm{Var}(u)t$. The effect of the internal state variable $\sigma$ can be accounted for by noting that sites which decimate together necessarily inhabit distinct sublattices. This means that one additional $\sigma=+1$ step is always taken. The mean of the probability distribution, then, is the expectation value of this step: $\langle x\rangle\equiv x_{0}=\langle u\rangle$ 444This can also be derived from the continuum expression of the master equation Eq. (40).. The asymptotic density in free space we denote by $G_{\text{free}}(x,t)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi\mathrm{Var}(u)t}}\exp\left[-\frac{(x-x_{0})^{2}}{2\mathrm{Var}(u)t}\right]\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (48) Now the continuum limit of Eq. (40) is the diffusion equation Hughes (1995) $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}G(x,t)=D\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial x^{2}}G(x,t)\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (49) with diffusion constant $D=\mathrm{Var}(u)/2$. Eq. (48) is the Green’s function of Eq. (49) on $x\in\mathbb{R}$ with initial condition $G(x,t=0)=\delta(x-x_{0})$. This illustrates that the continuum limit of the RW can be treated as a diffusing particle initially localized at $x=x_{0}$. Accordingly, in the following sections we use the language of the diffusion problem, referring to the counterparts of discrete RWs associated with particular Majorana Hamiltonians as “paths,” “histories,” or “trajectories.” We also sometimes write the initial condition explicitly, as $G(x,t;x_{0})$. Finally, we will use the notation defined in this section for the discrete case, e.g., $\mathfrak{I}$, $\mathfrak{R}_{a}$, and $\oplus$, to also refer to the counterparts of these operations in the continuum. ### V.2 Rigorous bounds on critical exponents in the Majorana chain from RW survival The diffusion equation on the fully bounded interval $(0,\Delta)$, i.e., with absorbing boundary conditions at $x=0$ and $x=\Delta$, can be solved straightforwardly by harmonic expansion. From the time-dependent solution one can directly calculate the scaling of the asymptotic decimation probability and reproduce Fisher’s detailed results in Refs. Fisher (1994, 1995). However, in Sec. V.4 the fully bounded geometry for two locally correlated Majorana chains becomes too complicated to solve this way. Instead we employ a different approach by proving upper and lower bounds with the same power-law scaling, based on the survival probability in a semi-infinite domain. A similar method will work also for the locally correlated effective model with an arbitrary degree of correlation. First consider the survival probability of a RW in the semi-infinite interval at time $t>0$. As in the free case Eq. (48), the initial condition on the constrained density $G(x,t)$ is $G(x,t=0)=\delta(x-x_{0})$, but an absorbing boundary is present at $x=0$, restricting the solution domain to $x\in(0,\infty)$ and terminating trajectories that reach $x=0$. The boundary condition $G(x=0,t)=0$ is accounted for by placing an “image charge” at $x=-x_{0}$ and superposing the distributions: $G(x,t)=G_{\text{free}}(x,t;x_{0})-G_{\text{free}}(x,t;-x_{0})$. We generally work in a “scaling limit,” where $\displaystyle G(x,t;x_{0})$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{\sqrt{\pi Dt}}e^{-(x^{2}+x_{0}^{2})/4Dt}\sinh\left(\frac{xx_{0}}{2Dt}\right)$ (50) $\displaystyle\approx\frac{xx_{0}}{\sqrt{4\pi(Dt)^{3}}}e^{-x^{2}/4Dt}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (51) assuming in the last line $x_{0}\ll\sqrt{Dt}$. This approximation is valid at late times in integrals over the spatial coordinate, as the exponential factor strongly mitigates the error introduced, and allows us to extract leading power-law behaviors. The survival probability in the semi-infinite geometry in the scaling limit is $S(t)=\int_{0}^{\infty}dx\,G(x,t;x_{0})=\frac{x_{0}}{\sqrt{\pi Dt}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (52) #### V.2.1 End-to-end decimation probability for a single finite Majorana chain In order to support end-to-end decimation between sites $1$ and $N$, the RW $\mathfrak{m}[n=N]$ associated with a finite Majorana chain of length $N$ need only satisfy Condition 1 of the previous section, with $r=N$. In the continuum limit for the RW ($N\to L$), the likelihood that the left end $t=0$ is involved in the final decimation is given by the survival probability $S(t=L)\sim 1/\sqrt{L}$; however Condition 1 additionally requires that its decimation partner be the right end $t=L$. Applying $\mathfrak{I}$ to $\mathfrak{m}$, one sees that the requirement to reach a maximum at $t=L$ takes the same form as the absorbing boundary condition $x=0$ near $t=0$. Thus a naive estimate of the end-to-end decimation probability $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)$ is the independent survival of the two ends, or $S(L)^{2}\sim 1/L$. Although these events are not actually independent, we will show that the naive estimate turns out to give the correct scaling. Some intuition for this is that surviving histories tend to be located increasingly far away from the absorbing boundary Redner (2001): consequently, the “special” low-probability behavior is confined to the neighborhood of the ends, while the middle of the RW can be allowed to be nearly typical. A precise statement of these schematic remarks is that we are able to determine the scaling of $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)$ by considering two independent “half-RWs” $\mathfrak{m}_{1,2}$ of length $t=L/2$, constructing RWs of length $L$ which satisfy Condition 1 as $\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$. To be more concrete, we first give a rigorous upper bound on the end-to-end decimation probability $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)$. Any RW $\mathfrak{m}$ can be decomposed as $\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$, that is, into two independent “half-RWs” running up to time $t=L/2$, one running over times $t^{\prime}\in[0,L/2]$, and the other over $t^{\prime}\in[L/2,L]$, with the two RWs properly glued at their respective time $t^{\prime}=L/2$. It may be the case that $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ never reach the absorbing boundary, and thus each is considered a surviving RW in the semi- infinite geometry. Any RW instance of length $L$ producing an end-to-end pairing in the SDRG, i.e., satisfying Condition 1, indeed decomposes in this way, with only one absorbing boundary in each case. The converse statement is not true, because when such two surviving trajectories are joined, we cannot guarantee that the full RW satisfies Condition 1. Thus, the desired probability $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)\leq S(L/2)^{2}\sim 1/L$. To prove a lower bound on $p_{\mathrm{e}}$ we construct a subset of all paths satisfying Condition 1 by considering certain $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$, each of length $t=L/2$, which when glued together as $\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ satisfy the criterion. Again, in the present case we can solve the problem with two absorbing boundaries, but we want to demonstrate how to extract the behavior using the semi-infinite solution, where the geometry is simpler, as this will be the only option for the locally correlated model. Specify constants $\alpha$ and $\beta$, $0<\alpha<\beta\leq 2\alpha$, and define a _target window_ $x\in[\alpha\sqrt{Dt},\beta\sqrt{Dt}]$ for a time $t>0$. In the problem with one absorbing boundary at $x=0$, the fraction of surviving trajectories contained in the target window at $t$ is $\displaystyle p_{\text{w}}(\alpha,\beta)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{S(t)}\int_{\alpha\sqrt{Dt}}^{\beta\sqrt{Dt}}dx\,G(x,t)=e^{-\alpha^{2}/4}-e^{-\beta^{2}/4}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (53) That is, a constant fraction $p_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta)$ of the surviving density of RWs at time $t$ is located within the target window. The above calculation Eq. (53) leads to an overcounting of valid paths which can be glued to satisfy Condition 1, because it includes “dangerous” histories which take an excursion to large $x$ values before returning to the target window at time $t$. Half-RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ constrained in this way and glued as $\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ may cross the eventual decimation log-energy scale $\Delta$ prematurely, which would spoil the lower bound. To account for the dangerous cases, we exclude those histories which ever cross $x=\beta\sqrt{Dt}$ and then return to the target window. The way we achieve the exclusion is the following. Suppose that a history $\mathfrak{m}[t^{\prime}]$, $t^{\prime}\in[0,t]$, performs $q$ crossings of the line $x=\beta\sqrt{Dt}$ at times $\\{t_{1},t_{2},\ldots,t_{q}\\}$ before returning to the target window at $t^{\prime}=t$. Immediately after $t_{q}$, the history must travel downwards and remain below $x=\beta\sqrt{Dt}$ until $t^{\prime}=t$. We apply the following transformation: $\mathfrak{T}:\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}\leq t_{q}}\oplus\mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}>t_{q}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mapsto\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}\leq t_{q}}\oplus\mathfrak{R}_{\beta\sqrt{Dt}}\,\mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}>t_{q}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (54) where as indicated by the subscripts $\mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}\leq t_{q}}$ describes the RW up to time $t^{\prime}=t_{q}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}>t_{q}}$ the section $t^{\prime}\in(t_{q},t]$. $\mathfrak{T}$ does not change the earlier partial RW but reflects the later about the line $x=\beta\sqrt{Dt}$. Because $\mathfrak{m}[t]\in[\alpha\sqrt{Dt},\beta\sqrt{Dt}]$, the transformed endpoint $\mathfrak{T}\mathfrak{m}[t]$ necessarily lies in a “shadow window” $x\in[\beta\sqrt{Dt},(2\beta-\alpha)\sqrt{Dt}]$. Moreover, the likelihood of the trajectory is unaffected by $\mathfrak{T}$. Now every dangerous path with $q\geq 1$ crossings can be identified with a transformed partner terminating in the shadow window and having the same probability. Thus the density in the shadow window at time $t$ upper bounds the contribution to the density in the target window arising from dangerous histories. (The upper bound is not saturated, because a trajectory included in the shadow window could deviate above $x=2\beta\sqrt{Dt}$ for some $t^{\prime}\in(t_{q},t]$, and this RW would have no $\mathfrak{T}^{-1}$ counterpart due to the absorbing boundary at $x=0$.) From the previous calculation, the fraction of the surviving density contained in the shadow window is $p_{\mathrm{sw}}(\alpha,\beta)=e^{-\beta^{2}/4}-e^{-(2\beta-\alpha)^{2}/4}$. Consequently a lower bound on the density of _valid_ surviving histories in the target window at time $t$ is given by $\displaystyle p^{\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta)$ $\displaystyle=p_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta)-p_{\mathrm{sw}}(\alpha,\beta)$ (55) $\displaystyle=e^{-\alpha^{2}/4}-2e^{-\beta^{2}/4}+e^{-(2\beta-\alpha)^{2}/4}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (56) There is an extended region of $(\alpha,\beta)$ for which the coefficient is positive; for example, $p^{\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha=2,\beta=4)\approx 0.33$. Figure 17: A dangerous trajectory contributing to the counting $p_{\mathrm{w}}$ of the density in the target window, colored in blue, is illustrated. The shadow window used to eliminate these trajectories is also shown, colored in orange. The particular history $\mathfrak{m}$ shown has $q=4$ crossings of the upper limit of the target window and the reflected partial path $\mathfrak{R}_{\beta\sqrt{Dt}}\,\mathfrak{m}_{t^{\prime}>t_{q}}$, terminating in the shadow window, is shown in green. Because the diffusion is unbiased, both $\mathfrak{m}$ and the transformed $\mathfrak{T}\mathfrak{m}$ path have the same probability, and as any such dangerous trajectory has a counterpart under the transformation, the density in the shadow window upper- bounds the associated contribution to the density in the target window. Now take $t=L/2$. Two RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ fulfilling the criteria above are suitable for constructing a RW of length $L$ which satisfies Condition 1 as $\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$. The result is a trajectory of length $L$ reaching a maximum at $t=L$ (assured by taking $\beta\leq 2\alpha$) without crossing $x=0$. Not all RWs of length $L$ which support end-to-end decimation in the SDRG can be constructed this way, only those with $\mathfrak{m}[L/2]$ lying in the target window and $\mathfrak{m}[t^{\prime}\leq L/2]$ below the upper limit of the target window, but every RW coming from this construction evidently satisfies Condition 1. Thus this probability is a lower bound on $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)\geq[p^{\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta)S(L/2)]^{2}\sim 1/L$. Together with the upper bound, this establishes the scaling of end-to-end decimation probability $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)$—and thus the power law for end-to- end correlations in a single random Majorana chain—as $1/L$. #### V.2.2 Bulk decimation probability in a single Majorana chain Guaranteeing decimation away from the edges of a Majorana chain requires satisfying both Conditions 1 and 2. To find the probability $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)$ of decimation at scale $r$ in the bulk—i.e., that two fixed sites separated by $r$ are decimated as a pair—we decorate interior RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ by gluing exterior RWs to the left and right. We showed that the probability of such an $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ is $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L=r)\sim 1/r$, so we need only find suitable exterior RWs satisfying Condition 2 (while bearing in mind conditions involving both interior and exterior RWs). For the probabilities associated with the exterior walks, we are interested in the likelihood $\omega(x;A)$ that a RW with spatial coordinate $x^{\prime}$ starting from $x^{\prime}=x\geq 0$ eventually reaches a value $x^{\prime}=A$ before being absorbed at the domain boundary $x^{\prime}=0$. We require the consistency condition $\omega(x;A)=\langle\omega(x-dx;A)\rangle$, where the average is taken over sufficiently small displacements $dx$, and $\langle dx\rangle=0$, $\langle(dx)^{2}\rangle\neq 0$ (reflective of the microscopic step distribution) Redner (2001); Bray _et al._ (2013). Taylor expanding leads to Laplace’s equation $\nabla^{2}\omega=0$ which, together with the boundary conditions $\omega(0)=0$ and $\omega(A)=1$, has solution $\omega(x;A)=x/A$. A lower bound on $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)$ is now straightforward based on $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ as defined in Sec. V.2.1, coming from a subset of all RWs of length $L=r$ supporting end-to-end decimation. Any such $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ is constructed from two glued half-RWs, each terminating at $t=r/2$ inside of a target window $x\in[\alpha\sqrt{Dr/2},\beta\sqrt{Dr/2}]$; thus the total and maximum deviation at $t=r$ is bounded above by $\Delta(r)=\beta\sqrt{2Dr}$. Given $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$, the probability of a suitable exterior RW $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ or $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ is greater than or equal to $\omega(x_{0};\Delta(r))$; writing a full RW satisfying all conditions, we find that $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)\geq[p^{\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta)S(r/2)]^{2}\omega(x_{0};\Delta(r))^{2}\sim r^{-2}$. In the same spirit as the upper bound on end-to-end decimation probability, consider $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$; that is, decomposed as two half-RWs surviving until $t=r/2$, with final spatial deviations $\Delta_{1}$ and $\Delta_{2}$ and likelihoods $G(\Delta_{1},r/2;x_{0})$ and $G(\Delta_{2},r/2;x_{0})$, respectively. All RWs with end-to-end decimation are of this form. Now incorporating the probability of exterior RWs which must reach a height $\Delta_{1}+\Delta_{2}$, the likelihood of the full RW provides an upper bound on the probability of bulk decimation: $\displaystyle p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)$ $\displaystyle\leq\int_{0}^{\infty}\int_{0}^{\infty}d\Delta_{1}d\Delta_{2}\,G(\Delta_{1},r/2;x_{0})\,G(\Delta_{2},r/2;x_{0})$ $\displaystyle\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\qquad\times\omega(x_{0};\Delta_{1}+\Delta_{2})^{2}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (57) Making use of $\omega(x_{0};\Delta_{1}+\Delta_{2})^{2}\leq\frac{1}{2}\omega(x_{0};\Delta_{1})\omega(x_{0};\Delta_{2})$ the integrals factorize, and we find $\displaystyle p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)$ $\displaystyle\leq\frac{1}{2}\left[\int_{0}^{\infty}d\Delta_{1}\,G(\Delta_{1},r/2;x_{0})\,\omega(x_{0};\Delta_{1})\right]^{2}$ (58) $\displaystyle=\frac{x_{0}^{4}}{2(Dr)^{2}}.$ (59) Again these upper and lower bounds exhibit the same scaling, proving that $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)\sim r^{-2}$ for a single Majorana chain, in agreement with known results (see the XX case in Sec. II.4). ### V.3 Locally-correlated Majorana chains as a two-dimensional RW To make statements about locally correlated Majorana chains requires dealing simultaneously with two RWs (returning for the moment to the discrete formulation) $\mathfrak{m}_{x}[n]$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{y}[n]$, associated respectively with the $\mathcal{X}$ and $\mathcal{Y}$ Majorana hopping chains. In the general case, the steps taken by each at time $n$ are not independent, being instead drawn from a joint distribution $\mu(u,v)$. If the full state of the system is specified by variables $(x_{n},y_{n},n)$, the master equation for the probability distribution $\mathrm{Prob}(x,y,n)$ is $\mathrm{Prob}(x,y,n+1)=\int du\int dv\,\mu(u,v)\,\mathrm{Prob}(x-u,y-v,n)\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (60) This is however just the master equation for a RW in two dimensions (2d). In the natural 2d vector notation with $\bm{x}=(x,y)^{\top}$ and $\bm{u}=(u,v)^{\top}$, $\mathrm{Prob}(\bm{x},n+1)=\int d^{2}\bm{u}\,\mu(\bm{u})\,\mathrm{Prob}(\bm{x}-\bm{u},n)\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (61) The continuum limit of the master equation Eq. (61) is determined by the details of the microscopic distribution $\mu$, and does not in general reduce to the simple Laplacian. As a remedy we begin by transforming the problem into isotropic diffusion. Let $\mu$ be centered, with covariance matrix 555The central limit theorem allows us to ignore higher-order moments, provided only that they are finite, so for our purposes all acceptable microscopic distributions are fully characterized by this one-parameter family of covariance matrices. $\Sigma=\sigma^{2}\begin{bmatrix}1&\delta\\\ \delta&1\end{bmatrix}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (62) where $\mathrm{corr}(u,v)=\mathrm{cov}(u,v)/\sigma^{2}\equiv\delta\in[0,1]$, with fixed $\sigma^{2}=\mathrm{Var}(u)=\mathrm{Var}(v)$. (The value of $\delta$ here is related to, but not necessarily the same as, the bare $\delta$ defined in Sec. IV.2. $\delta>0$ implies positive correlation between $u$ and $v$, as observed in the mean field for the AFM spin chain.) The continuum limit of evolution driven by $\mu$ is anisotropic diffusion along the eigenvectors of $\Sigma$, $\hat{e}_{\pm}=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(1,\pm 1)^{\top}$, with diffusion coefficients $D_{\pm}=\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2}(1\pm\delta)$. The 2d RW evolves by isotropic diffusion under a linear transformation of the plane $\mathcal{W}:\bm{x}\mapsto\tilde{\bm{x}}\equiv W\bm{x}$, with $W=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\begin{bmatrix}\frac{1}{\lambda}&-\frac{1}{\lambda}\\\ \lambda&\lambda\end{bmatrix},\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \lambda\equiv\left(\frac{1-\delta}{1+\delta}\right)^{1/4}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (63) $\mathcal{W}$ performs a rotation about the origin by $\pi/4$, followed by a $\delta$-dependent anisotropic rescaling. There is a divergence at $\delta=1$, where $\Sigma$ is rank-deficient; this reflects the fundamentally one- dimensional nature of the perfectly correlated case. We will refer to the $(x,y)$ coordinates of the original problem as the “physical geometry,” and the image $(\tilde{x},\tilde{y})$ of $\mathcal{W}$ as the “solution geometry,” where the governing equation is isotropic diffusion, now with coefficient $D\equiv\sqrt{D_{+}D_{-}}=\frac{\sigma^{2}}{2}\sqrt{1-\delta^{2}}$: $\frac{\partial}{\partial t}G=D\left(\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial\tilde{x}^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2}}{\partial\tilde{y}^{2}}\right)G\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (64) ### V.4 Rigorous bounds on critical exponents in the locally correlated model #### V.4.1 End-to-end decimation probability for two locally correlated finite Majorana chains Investigating end-to-end decimation directly in the exact solution for the fully bounded geometry would necessitate solving Eq. (64) in a parallelogram. A harmonic decomposition is not possible here, and as far as we are aware the solution requires a prohibitively complicated Schwarz–Christoffel conformal transformation usually performed numerically Driscoll and Trefethen (2002). Nevertheless, analytic results for two Majorana chains with arbitrary local correlations are possible by utilizing the connection to the survival probability in the simpler semi-infinite geometry. As was the case for the single Majorana chain, we employ a semi-infinite domain, now bounded by the lines $x=0$ and $y=0$. The origin is evidently fixed by $\mathcal{W}$, and the boundaries map to the lines $\tilde{y}=\pm\lambda^{2}\tilde{x}$, where $\tilde{x}$ lies in the $\hat{e}_{-}$ direction and $\tilde{y}$ in $\hat{e}_{+}$. These boundaries delimit an absorbing wedge geometry with opening angle $\Theta$ given by $\cos\Theta=-\delta$, which runs from $\Theta=\pi/2$ at $\delta=0$ to $\Theta=\pi$ at $\delta=1$. In terms of the wedge half-angle $\theta\equiv\Theta/2$, the domain boundaries are $\tilde{y}=\pm(\cot\theta)\tilde{x}$. For easy reference, we collect some relationships between these geometric parameters: $\displaystyle\cos\Theta=-\delta\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \sin\Theta=\sqrt{1-\delta^{2}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (65) $\displaystyle\cos\theta=\sqrt{\frac{1-\delta}{2}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \sin\theta=\sqrt{\frac{1+\delta}{2}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \lambda=\sqrt{\cot\theta}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (66) The Green’s function in the infinite wedge can be found from the free-space distribution by the method of images for opening angles $\Theta=\pi/m$, with $m$ a positive integer. This entails $2m-1$ image charges with alternating sign, arranged symmetrically around the wedge apex. However this approach is of limited use, as we need $\Theta\in[\frac{\pi}{2},\pi)$, and instead we will use the Green’s function known for arbitrary opening angle from an alternative solution. In polar coordinates, with the wedge apex at radius $\rho=0$ and solution domain bounded by absorbing walls $G(\rho,\phi=0,t)=G(\rho,\phi=\Theta,t)=0$ (i.e., the angle $\phi$ is defined relative to one of the absorbing boundaries), we have Carslaw and Jaeger (1986) $\displaystyle G(\rho,\phi,t;\rho_{0},\phi_{0})=$ $\displaystyle\quad\frac{e^{-(\rho^{2}+\rho_{0}^{2})/4Dt}}{\Theta Dt}\sum_{l=1}^{\infty}I_{l\nu}\\!\left(\frac{\rho\rho_{0}}{2Dt}\right)\sin(l\nu\phi)\sin(l\nu\phi_{0})\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (67) where $\nu=\pi/\Theta$ and $I_{l\nu}$ is a modified Bessel function of the first kind: $I_{s}(x)=\sum_{m=0}^{\infty}\frac{(x/2)^{s+2m}}{m!\,\Gamma(s+m+1)}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (68) In the physical geometry the initial condition is $(x_{0},y_{0})=(\langle u\rangle,\langle v\rangle)$, where $\langle u\rangle=\langle v\rangle$ is again the result of each 1d RW taking one additional positive step according to the discrete microscopic distribution. In the solution geometry this point maps to $\rho_{0}\hat{e}_{+}$, where $\rho_{0}=\sqrt{2}\lambda\langle u\rangle$. In polar coordinates the source point is $(\rho_{0},\phi_{0}=\theta)$. Consequently, in Eq. (67) the factor $\sin(l\nu\phi_{0})$ vanishes for even $l$ and for odd $l$ is equal to a sign $(-1)^{(l-1)/2}$. As in the 1d case, we work in the scaling regime at late times $t$, where we are able to extract the leading power-law behavior. Again, spatial integrals are regulated by the exponential factor, which decays fast enough to suppress errors arising at large $\rho$. Because $\nu\in(1,2]$ the leading behavior requires only the $l=1$, $m=0$ term in the double sum, and sets $e^{-\rho_{0}^{2}/4Dt}\to 1$. The survival probability is determined from the Green’s function by integration over the wedge. Explicitly, in the scaling limit $\displaystyle S(t)$ $\displaystyle=\int\rho\,d\rho\,d\phi\,G(\rho,\phi,t;\rho_{0},\phi_{0}=\theta)$ (69) $\displaystyle=\frac{\int_{0}^{\Theta}d\phi\sin(\nu\phi)}{\Theta\Gamma(\nu+1)Dt}\int_{0}^{\infty}\rho\,d\rho\,e^{-\rho^{2}/4Dt}\left(\frac{\rho\rho_{0}}{4Dt}\right)^{\nu}$ (70) $\displaystyle=\frac{2\,\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})}{\pi\Gamma(\nu)}\left(\frac{\rho_{0}}{\sqrt{4Dt}}\right)^{\nu}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (71) The survival exponent depends on the opening angle as $S(t)\sim t^{-\pi/2\Theta}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (72) This result for a RW in a 2d wedge is in fact well known Fisher and Gelfand (1988); Redner (2001); Bray _et al._ (2013). As $\Theta$ is a function of the correlation coefficient $\delta$, continuously varying behavior of this type is in agreement with the numerical observations in Sec. IV.2. Specifically, again relying on the naive assumption that the two ends of the chain decimate independently, the likelihood of this pairing scales as $[S(L)]^{2}\sim L^{-\pi/\Theta}$, which matches the known end-to-end scaling exponents $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=2$ for the uncorrelated model at $\delta=0$ and $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=1$ for $\delta=1$. Our strategy for rigorously bounding the probability of end-to-end decimation occurring on both chains using the infinite wedge results is analogous to that of Sec. V.2. From the Green’s function we establish that at late times a constant fraction of surviving RWs are suitable for subsequent gluing to contribute to this probability, being found in a specified target window, using a shadow window to exclude dangerous trajectories. By gluing the ends of two RWs at time $t=L/2$ we establish bounds on the power law. We will use the notation of the previous section, namely $\mathfrak{I}$ and $\oplus$, to refer to the generalizations of the relevant transformations to 2d. In particular, we can write an upper bound immediately. Any 2d RW of length (duration) $L$ corresponding to two locally correlated Majorana chains can be decomposed into half-chains of length $L/2$ as $\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$, as in the 1d case. $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ may be valid surviving trajectories in their semi-infinite wedge, and some will produce end-to-end decimations on both physical Majorana chains described by the 2d RW $\mathfrak{m}$. Trajectories that do not decompose in this way into surviving half-chains will not satisfy Condition 1. Because not every pair of surviving $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ will do so either, the probability is upper-bounded as $p_{\mathrm{e}}(L)\leq S(L/2)^{2}\sim L^{-\pi/\Theta}$. Now in order to prove a lower bound on $p_{e}(L)$, let $\alpha$ and $\beta$ be positive constants, $\alpha<\beta\leq 2\alpha$, and define the target window for a 2d RW at time $t$ to be the square $(x,y)\in[\alpha\sqrt{Dt},\beta\sqrt{Dt}]\times[\alpha\sqrt{Dt},\beta\sqrt{Dt}]$. In the physical geometry the window is a square; however, when mapped to the solution geometry the window becomes a parallelogram. The corners $\\{a,b,c,d\\}$ map to $\displaystyle\\{\tilde{a},\tilde{b},\tilde{c},\tilde{d}\\}=\sqrt{\frac{Dt}{2}}\,\Big{\\{}$ $\displaystyle 2\alpha\lambda\hat{e}_{+}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ \frac{\alpha-\beta}{\lambda}\hat{e}_{-}+(\alpha+\beta)\lambda\hat{e}_{+}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ $\displaystyle\frac{\beta-\alpha}{\lambda}\hat{e}_{-}+(\alpha+\beta)\lambda\hat{e}_{+}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ 2\beta\lambda\hat{e}_{+}\Big{\\}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (73) as illustrated in Fig. 18. Treating this exact shape in the polar coordinates of Eq. (67) is complicated; instead we define an integration volume that is a subset of the target window, with the same $t$ scaling, but which leads to a simpler bound. Consider the midpoints of the edges of the target window in the solution geometry, which we denote $\\{\tilde{e},\tilde{f},\tilde{g},\tilde{h}\\}$. They describe the four corners of a rectangle, symmetric about the line $\phi=\theta$, with edges in the directions $\hat{e}_{-}$ and $\hat{e}_{+}$ (see Fig. 18). We define an integration domain bounded by radial values $\rho_{+}$ (of points $\tilde{f}$ and $\tilde{h}$) and $\rho_{-}$ (of $\tilde{e}$ and $\tilde{g}$), and the angular deviation $\psi$ of points $\tilde{f}$ and $\tilde{h}$ from the midline $\phi=\theta$. The proof that this “sector” geometry is indeed a subvolume of the target domain for any opening angle $\Theta<\pi$ can be seen by drawing a picture. The specific integration bounds can be found straightforwardly from Eq. (73), but the crucial property is their scaling with $t$. Define the radial limits as $\rho_{\pm}=C_{\pm}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)\sqrt{Dt}$; the angular integration half-width $\psi=\psi(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$ turns out to be purely geometric, with no $t$ dependence. Again extracting the leading behavior for late times $t$, the fraction of surviving paths whose position at time $t$ is in the integration window is $\displaystyle p^{2\mathrm{d}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$ $\displaystyle=\frac{1}{S(t)}\int_{\rho_{-}}^{\rho_{+}}\rho\,d\rho\int_{\theta-\psi}^{\theta+\psi}d\phi\,G(\rho,\phi,t;\rho_{0},\theta)$ (74) $\displaystyle=\frac{4\sin(\nu\psi)}{\nu\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})}\mathcal{I}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (75) where $\mathcal{I}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)=\int_{C_{-}/2}^{C_{+}/2}du\,e^{-u^{2}}u^{\nu+1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (76) So $p^{2\mathrm{d}}_{\mathrm{w}}$ is indeed a constant, determined only by the correlation coefficient $\delta$ and the constants $\alpha$ and $\beta$. As was the case for the 1d RW, the calculation above includes a “dangerous” contribution which should be subtracted in order to lower-bound the decimation probability by subsequent gluing of half-chains $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$. Again we upper-bound this contribution by calculating the fraction in a shadow window. We consider those paths to be dangerous which ever cross the lines $x=\beta\sqrt{Dt}$ or $y=\beta\sqrt{Dt}$ in the physical space before returning to the target window at time $t$. In the solution geometry these lines map to $\displaystyle\mathcal{D}_{R}$ $\displaystyle:\leavevmode\nobreak\ \lambda\,\tilde{x}+\frac{1}{\lambda}\tilde{y}-\beta\sqrt{2Dt}=0\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (77) $\displaystyle\mathcal{D}_{L}$ $\displaystyle:\leavevmode\nobreak\ -\lambda\,\tilde{x}+\frac{1}{\lambda}\tilde{y}-\beta\sqrt{2Dt}=0\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (78) We define the boundary for dangerous trajectories piecewise as (see Fig. 18) $\mathcal{D}(\phi)=\begin{cases}\mathcal{D}_{R}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,&0<\phi\leq\theta\\\ \mathcal{D}_{L}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,&\theta<\phi<\Theta\leavevmode\nobreak\ .\end{cases}$ (79) Suppose a trajectory with time parameter $t^{\prime}$ makes $q$ crossings of $\mathcal{D}$ at times $\\{t_{1},\ldots,t_{q}\\}$ at various points $\\{(\rho_{1},\phi_{1}),\ldots,(\rho_{q},\phi_{q})\\}$ before returning to the target window at time $t^{\prime}=t$. After its last crossing at $(\rho_{q},\phi_{q})$, it must stay within the allowed region for times $(t_{q},t]$. We transform the trajectory by reflecting the partial RW for times $t^{\prime}\in(t_{q},t]$ about the component of $\mathcal{D}$ that was crossed at $t^{\prime}=t_{q}$, either $\mathcal{D}_{R}$ if $\phi_{q}\in(0,\theta]$ or $\mathcal{D}_{L}$ if $\phi_{q}\in(\theta,\Theta)$. This is the counterpart in 2d to the 1d transformation $\mathfrak{T}$. Because the step distribution in the solution geometry is isotropic, the transformed path has the same probability as the dangerous original. (The reflection must be performed in the solution geometry, and does not commute with $\mathcal{W}$.) The shadow window in this case has two components, which are disconnected for $\Theta<\frac{2\pi}{3}$ but overlap for $\Theta>\frac{2\pi}{3}$. Note that overlap of the mapped regions does not introduce the possibility of double-counting, as the full dangerous and transformed trajectories are uniquely related. Figure 18: The solution geometry is illustrated for the 2d RW problem in the wedge with opening angle $\Theta$, found from the correlation coefficient by $\cos\Theta=-\delta$. The exact target window is colored in blue, and the sector defining the easier integration subregion for the target in yellow. The two components of the shadow window are found by reflecting the exact target window across the lines $\mathcal{D}_{L}$ and $\mathcal{D}_{R}$ and are colored in orange, with the easier bounding shadow integration region, which necessarily covers these areas, in green. The corners $\tilde{c}$ and $\tilde{d}$ of the target window lie on line $\mathcal{D}_{R}$, and $\tilde{b}$ and $\tilde{d}$ on line $\mathcal{D}_{L}$. Thus we need only reflect $\tilde{a}$ and $\tilde{b}$ about $\mathcal{D}_{R}$, and $\tilde{a}$ and $\tilde{c}$ about $\mathcal{D}_{L}$. The coordinates of the points reflected about $\mathcal{D}_{R}$ are $\displaystyle\\{\tilde{a}_{R},$ $\displaystyle\,\tilde{b}_{R}\\}=\sqrt{2Dt}\,\times$ $\displaystyle\Bigg{\\{}\frac{\lambda(\beta-\alpha)}{\cosh(2\ln\lambda)}\hat{e}_{-}+\left(\frac{\beta-\alpha}{\lambda\cosh(2\ln\lambda)}+\alpha\lambda\right)\hat{e}_{+}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ $\displaystyle\qquad\left(\frac{\lambda(\beta-2\alpha)}{\cosh(2\ln\lambda)}+\frac{\alpha-\beta}{\lambda}\right)\hat{e}_{-}$ $\displaystyle\qquad\quad+\left(\frac{\beta-2\alpha}{\lambda\cosh(2\ln\lambda)}+\lambda(\alpha+\beta)\right)\hat{e}_{+}\Bigg{\\}},$ (80) with similar forms for $\tilde{a}_{L}$ and $\tilde{c}_{L}$. The four-sided figures described by the exact shadow window are evidently complicated. As with the target window, we bound the area using a sector which scales in the same way, however in this case an upper bound is required. The upper limit $\rho^{\mathrm{sw}}_{+}$ is the radial coordinate of points $\tilde{c}_{L}$ and $\tilde{b}_{R}$, and the lower limit $\rho^{\mathrm{sw}}_{-}$ is that shared by the corners $\tilde{b}$ and $\tilde{c}$. The angular half-width is the maximum of the angular half-widths of points $\tilde{c}$ and $\tilde{a}_{R}$; this depends on the specific value of $\Theta$. Again we find integration limits $\rho^{\mathrm{sw}}_{\pm}=C^{\mathrm{sw}}_{\pm}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)\sqrt{Dt}$, and $\psi^{\mathrm{sw}}=\psi^{\mathrm{sw}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$. Based on the previous calculation, $p^{2\mathrm{d}}_{\mathrm{sw}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)=\frac{4\sin(\nu\psi^{\mathrm{sw}})}{\nu\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})}\mathcal{I}^{\mathrm{sw}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$ and the corrected fraction is $\displaystyle p^{{2\mathrm{d}},\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$ $\displaystyle=p^{2\mathrm{d}}_{\mathrm{w}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)-p^{2\mathrm{d}}_{\mathrm{sw}}(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$ (81) $\displaystyle=\frac{4}{\nu\Gamma(\frac{\nu}{2})}\big{(}\sin(\nu\psi)\mathcal{I}-\sin(\nu\psi^{\mathrm{sw}})\mathcal{I}^{\mathrm{sw}}\big{)}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (82) By working explicitly through the algebra one can verify that $p^{{2\mathrm{d}},\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}$ is positive for all values of $\delta\in[0,1)$, e.g., for the choice $\alpha=1$, $\beta=2$. Now, taking $t=L/2$, for any such $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ we can construct a RW which satisfies Condition 1 for end-to-end decimation in the quantum chain as $\mathfrak{m}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$. Therefore a lower bound on the simultaneous end-to-end decimation probability is given by $p_{\mathrm{e}}\geq[p^{{2\mathrm{d}},\mathrm{corr}}_{\mathrm{w}}S(L/2)]^{2}\sim L^{-\pi/\Theta}$. In combination with the upper bound, this shows that the power law exponent controlling end-to-end decimation probability (and consequently $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}$) varies continuously with $\delta$ as $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}=\pi/\arccos(-\delta)\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (83) #### V.4.2 Bulk decimation probability in two locally correlated Majorana chains Once again we can extend the result for end-to-end decimation $p_{\mathrm{e}}$—requiring that both Majorana chains satisfy Condition 1—to the bulk likelihood $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)$ (for two fixed spins separated by $r$) by considering also Condition 2. We first write a lower bound on the bulk pair decimation probability by identifying exterior RWs which are guaranteed to satisfy Condition 2 when properly adjoined to an interior RW of the type used for the lower bound on $p_{\mathrm{e}}$ in the previous section. Specifically, we restrict to exterior RWs with endpoints at time $t\equiv r$ (for concreteness, but any constant multiple of $r$ would do as well) within a particular sector (specified below) in the solution geometry. In the physical geometry, $\Delta(r)=\beta\sqrt{2Dr}$ is an upper bound on the total deviation of each of the 1d RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{x}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{y}$ described by the 2d interior RW $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$. One way to guarantee the bulk decimation is to require that each of the physical 1d RWs described by each of the exterior 2d RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ survive, and exceed $\Delta(r)$ at $t=r$. A point $(\rho,\phi)$ in the solution geometry corresponds to $x=\frac{\rho\sin(\Theta-\phi)}{\sqrt{\sin\Theta}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,\leavevmode\nobreak\ y=\frac{\rho\sin(\phi)}{\sqrt{\sin\Theta}}$ (84) in the physical geometry. Employing angular integration limits $\phi\in(\theta-\psi,\theta+\psi)$, where $\psi$ can be chosen to be the same value used for $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$, sufficient radial limits for our purposes are $\rho^{\mathrm{ext}}_{-}=\Delta(r)\sqrt{\sin\Theta}/\sin(\theta-\psi)$ and $\rho^{\mathrm{ext}}_{+}\to\infty$ (noticing that $\sin(\theta-\psi)\leq\sin(\theta+\psi)$ for all $\psi\in[0,\theta]$). From the calculation of the previous section there is a constant probability $\kappa(\alpha,\beta,\delta)$ that any surviving RW lies in a window bounded by $\rho\in[\rho^{\mathrm{ext}}_{-},\rho^{\mathrm{ext}}_{+}]$ and $\phi\in[\theta-\psi,\theta+\psi]$ at $t=r$. Such a RW has deviation at least $\Delta(r)$ in the physical $x$ and $y$ coordinates and thus as either $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ or $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ is suitable for satisfying Condition 2 for bulk decimation when properly adjoined to $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ as constructed previously; thus $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)\geq p_{\mathrm{e}}(r)[\kappa S(t=r)]^{2}\sim r^{-2\pi/\Theta}$. Similar to the case of a single Majorana chain, for an upper bound we make use of the probability $\omega(\rho,\phi;A)$ of a RW with spatial coordinates $(\rho^{\prime},\phi^{\prime})$ reaching radius $\rho^{\prime}=A$ in the wedge given a starting point $(\rho,\phi)$. This probability follows Laplace’s equation $\nabla^{2}\omega=0$, now with boundary conditions $\omega(\rho,\phi=0)=\omega(\rho,\phi=\Theta)=0$, $\omega(\rho=A,\phi)=1$. Assuming a separable solution $\omega(\rho,\phi)=R(\rho)T(\phi)$, we find that for the angular coordinate the solutions are $T_{n}(\phi)=\sin(n\nu\phi)$, $n=1,2,3,\ldots{}$, where as before $\nu=\pi/\Theta$. For the radial coordinate $\rho^{2}\frac{\partial^{2}R}{\partial\rho^{2}}+\rho\frac{\partial R}{\partial\rho}-(n\nu)^{2}R=0\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (85) which has solutions of the form $R_{n}(\rho)=\rho^{\pm n\nu}$. Determining the constants from the boundary conditions, $\omega(\rho,\phi;A)=\sum_{\begin{subarray}{c}n=1\\\ n\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{odd}\end{subarray}}^{\infty}\frac{4}{n\pi}\left(\frac{\rho}{A}\right)^{n\nu}\sin(n\nu\phi).$ (86) Along the relevant line $\phi=\theta$, the probability simplifies to $\omega(\rho,\phi=\theta;A)=\frac{4}{\pi}\arctan\left[\left(\frac{\rho}{A}\right)^{\nu}\right]\leq\frac{4}{\pi}\left(\frac{\rho}{A}\right)^{\nu}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (87) In order to write an upper bound on the bulk decimation probability, we consider a full RW satisfying both Conditions assembled from an $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}=\mathfrak{m}_{1}\oplus\mathfrak{I}\mathfrak{m}_{2}$, where each of $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ must survive until $t\equiv r/2$, along with exterior RWs $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ which must reach a particular radial coordinate (determined from $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ as specified below) without being absorbed. Suppose that $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ terminate at coordinates $(\rho_{1},\phi_{1})$ and $(\rho_{2},\phi_{2})$, which define the deviations of the physical RWs $(\Delta_{x,1},\Delta_{y,1})$, and $(\Delta_{x,2},\Delta_{y,2})$ according to Eq. (84). The full deviation of the interior walk $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{int}}$ in the physical coordinates is $(\Delta_{x},\Delta_{y})=(\Delta_{x,1}+\Delta_{x,2},\Delta_{y,1}+\Delta_{y,2})$ and the physical 1d RWs described by $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ must exceed the corresponding $\Delta_{x}$ or $\Delta_{y}$ before being absorbed. For this to be the case it is necessary, but not sufficient, that the 2d exterior RWs each survive in the wedge until reaching radial coordinate $A\equiv\sqrt{\sin\Theta}\min(\Delta_{x},\Delta_{y})$ in the solution geometry. Defining for $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ similar $A_{1}\equiv\sqrt{\sin\Theta}\min(\Delta_{x,1},\Delta_{y,1})$ and $A_{2}\equiv\sqrt{\sin\Theta}\min(\Delta_{x,2},\Delta_{y,2})$, we note that $A\geq A_{1},A_{2}$. The probability of finding two such $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,L}}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{\mathrm{ext,R}}$ given the terminating locations of $\mathfrak{m}_{1}$ and $\mathfrak{m}_{2}$ is $\displaystyle p(\mathrm{ext}|\rho_{1},\phi_{1},\rho_{2},\phi_{2})$ $\displaystyle\leq\omega(\rho_{0},\theta;A)^{2}$ (88) $\displaystyle\leq\left(\frac{4}{\pi}\right)^{2}\left(\frac{\rho_{0}}{A}\right)^{2\nu}$ (89) $\displaystyle\leq\left(\frac{4}{\pi}\right)^{2}\left(\frac{\rho_{0}}{A_{1}}\right)^{\nu}\left(\frac{\rho_{0}}{A_{2}}\right)^{\nu}.$ (90) Then, integrating over the distribution of the interior half-chain coordinates, $\displaystyle p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)$ $\displaystyle=\int\rho_{1}\,d\rho_{1}\,d\phi_{1}\,G(\rho_{1},\phi_{1},r/2;\rho_{0},\theta)\times$ $\displaystyle\qquad\int\rho_{2}\,d\rho_{2}\,d\phi_{2}\,G(\rho_{2},\phi_{2},r/2;\rho_{0},\theta)\times$ $\displaystyle\qquad\qquad p(\mathrm{ext}|\rho_{1},\phi_{1},\rho_{2},\phi_{2})$ (91) $\displaystyle\leq\Bigg{[}\frac{8}{\pi}\int_{0}^{\infty}\rho_{1}\,d\rho_{1}\int_{0}^{\theta}d\phi_{1}\times$ $\displaystyle\qquad\qquad G(\rho_{1},\phi_{1},r/2;\rho_{0},\theta)\left(\frac{\rho_{0}}{\rho_{1}\sin\phi_{1}}\right)^{\nu}\Bigg{]}^{2}$ (92) $\displaystyle=\left(\frac{16\mathcal{I}_{\phi}}{\pi^{2}\Gamma(\nu)}\right)^{2}\left(\frac{\rho_{0}^{2}}{2Dr}\right)^{2\nu}.$ (93) We restrict to the right half-wedge, as the integrand is symmetric about $\phi=\theta$. The angular integral is $\displaystyle\mathcal{I}_{\phi}=\int_{0}^{\theta}d\phi_{1}\frac{\sin(\nu\phi_{1})}{(\sin\phi_{1})^{\nu}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (94) which converges for $\Theta>\pi/2$, equivalently $\delta>0$. (The exponent we are bounding is known at $\delta=0$, and follows from the result of Sec. V.2.2.) Combining the upper and lower bounds, we prove that $p_{\mathrm{b}}(r)\sim r^{-2\nu}$, and the bulk correlations exponent for two locally correlated Majorana chains with parameter $\delta$ is $\eta_{z}=2\pi/\arccos(-\delta)\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (95) ### V.5 Numerical SDRG study The final results of this section, Eqs. (83) and (95), are in qualitative agreement with the quantum simulations of Sec. IV.2 for relatively short Majorana chains, and are consistent with previously-known results at the points $\delta=0,1$, where the locally-correlated model describes the random uncorrelated XY and perfectly correlated XX IRFPs. For further verification we implement the SDRG update Eq. (19) directly for two Majorana chains with locally-correlated terms, and are able to access larger system sizes. This also allows us to study the bulk $C^{\perp}(r)$ power laws, which are not analytically tractable in the mapping to RWs used in the preceding subsections. The numerically extracted exponents are shown in Fig. 19. The bare correlation coefficient $\delta$ may become slightly renormalized from the lattice scale definition in Eqs. (36)–(37) compared to the meaning in the continuum 2d RW treatment in Sec. V.4, but these simulations are in good agreement with the analytic forms for $\eta_{z}^{\mathrm{e}}(\delta)$ and $\eta_{z}(\delta)$ we obtained. While we have precise analytical knowledge only of the critical exponents $\eta_{z}^{\mathrm{e}}$ and $\eta_{z}$, we observe that $\eta_{\perp}$ also varies continuously. In contrast, $\eta_{\perp}^{\mathrm{e}}=1$ for any value of $\delta$, by the argument presented in Sec. II.4. Figure 19: Numerical SDRG data are shown for two locally-correlated Majorana chains, with the end-to-end and bulk decimation probability exponents—equivalent to $\eta^{\mathrm{e}}_{z}$ and $\eta_{z}$, respectively, in the quantum model—compared to the analytic forms Eqs. (83) and (95) (dashed lines). Also shown are critical exponents $\eta_{\perp}^{\mathrm{e}}$ and $\eta_{\perp}$ measured in the numerical SDRG, as well as red stars indicating known values of bulk correlations exponents at $\delta=0$ and $1$, and yellow diamonds indicating known values of end-to-end correlations exponents. The end-to-end correlations data were taken from 1 000 000 disorder realizations each for system sizes up to $N=128$, and the bulk correlations data were taken from 100 000 disorder realizations at system size $N=256$, utilizing the middle half of each of the two Majorana chains. ## VI Fixed points for the interacting model In Sec. V we performed a study of the behavior of critical exponents under a varying degree of local correlations in a random free-fermion model. Despite the lack of tractable SDRG flow equations, we showed that the local correlation controlled by $\delta$ is a marginal perturbation which tunes along a line of IRFPs. In the present section we advance the perspective that this line of non-interacting fixed points in fact also controls the long- distance behavior of the interacting model for small $J^{z}$ strength below the transition to the $z$-AFM phase. To do so requires a study of the SDRG at intermediate stages, taking into account more general terms produced by the interactions. Equation (29) describes the result of an initial decimation, but eventually descendant terms will be frequent and must also be taken into account. We change our conventions here from those of Sec. II.3.2 for convenience: namely, we denote the Majorana chains by $\mathrm{I},\mathrm{II}$ rather than $\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y}$; and by a gauge transformation (described at the end of Sec. II.3.1) we set the signs of $h^{\mathrm{I}}_{n},h^{\mathrm{II}}_{n}>0$ for all $n=1,\ldots,N-1$, and $K_{n}\equiv K_{n,n}<0$. In order to capture the effect of iterated decimations, we observe that in Eq. (29) descendants of the form $K_{n,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{n}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{n+1})(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})$ are produced, which generalize the $K_{n}$ of Eq. (22). We enlarge the space of couplings to include all such terms, with initial distribution $K_{n,m}=0$, $n\neq m$. If the average $K\equiv|\langle K_{n,m}\rangle|$ can be considered to be a small parameter (for weak interactions $K<|\langle h_{n}\rangle|$), the higher-fermion term in Eq. (29) appears at order $O(K^{2})$ and can thus be neglected. We will demonstrate that the space of couplings including all $K_{n,m}$ is closed under RG flow up to $O(K)$, and that the structure of the signs is preserved. Furthermore, we will show that the strength of the $K$ terms decreases in some sense relative to the $h$ terms, suggesting that interactions are irrelevant, at least in the neighborhood of the free-fermion fixed point. Following the approach of Sec. II.3, denote the largest term as $H_{0}=ih^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}$ and associate with the eigenstates of this term a complex fermion $f^{\dagger}_{0}=\frac{1}{2}(\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}+i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1})$ with projectors $\pi^{+}=f_{0}f^{\dagger}_{0}$ and $\pi^{-}=f^{\dagger}_{0}f_{0}$ into the even- and odd-parity sectors, or the high- and low-energy eigenstates, respectively, of $H_{0}$. The off-diagonal terms in the Schrieffer-Wolff treatment share exactly one Majorana operator with $H_{0}$: $\displaystyle V_{\mathrm{od}}$ $\displaystyle=ih^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}+ih^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2}$ (96) $\displaystyle\quad+\sum_{m=1}^{N-1}\big{(}K_{k-1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k})(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})$ $\displaystyle\qquad\qquad+K_{k+1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2})(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\big{)}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (97) Separating $V_{\mathrm{od}}$ into symmetry sectors, we find that $\displaystyle\pi^{+}H\pi^{-}$ $\displaystyle=\left[\left(h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}+\sum_{m}K_{k-1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\right)i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}+\left(h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}+\sum_{m}K_{k+1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\right)\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2}\right]f_{0}$ (98) $\displaystyle\equiv(ih^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}+h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2})f_{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ ,$ (99) $\displaystyle\pi^{-}H\pi^{+}$ $\displaystyle=\left[\left(h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}+\sum_{m}K_{k-1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\right)i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}-\left(h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}+\sum_{m}K_{k+1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\right)\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2}\right]f^{\dagger}_{0}$ (100) $\displaystyle\equiv(ih^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}-h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k+1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2})f^{\dagger}_{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (101) We make use of the “interacting couplings” notation used also in Sec. II.3.2 to connect with the non-interacting case, but here it is not evident that these couplings—which are really operators—all commute. Nevertheless, a suitably generalized version of Eq. (19) implements the Schrieffer–Wolff transformation: $\displaystyle H^{\prime}$ $\displaystyle=H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+\frac{(h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k-1})^{2}+(h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k+1})^{2}}{2h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1})+\frac{h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k-1}h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k+1}+h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k+1}h^{\mathrm{I},\text{int}}_{k-1}}{2h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2})$ (102) $\displaystyle=H_{0}+V_{\mathrm{d}}+(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1})\left[\frac{(h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1})^{2}+(h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1})^{2}}{2h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}+\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}\sum_{m}K_{k-1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})+\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}\sum_{m}K_{k+1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\right]$ $\displaystyle\quad+(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2})\left[\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}+\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}\sum_{m}K_{k+1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})+\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}\sum_{m}K_{k-1,m}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})\right]+O(K^{2})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (103) The effective terms in the first line of Eq. (103) (and the first term of the second line) are $h$-type, with positive coefficients in the low-energy sector of $H_{0}$ where $\langle i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}\rangle=-1$. Conversely, the remaining terms in the second line are $K$-type (recalling that $\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}$ and $\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2}$ become adjacent after the decimation of $\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}$ and $\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}$), and have coefficients with negative signs. One sees that the signs of the initial distributions, namely $h_{n}^{\mathrm{I},\mathrm{II}}>0$ and $K_{n,m}<0$, are maintained during the RG flow, and it is evident from Eq. (103) that these types of terms are closed under the SDRG up to $O(K)$. As a measure of the evolution of the relative strength of $K$ terms to $h$ terms under this RG step, we compare the renormalized $K^{\mathrm{eff}}_{k-1,m}$ to the geometric mean of the proximate $h$ terms $h^{\mathrm{I},\mathrm{eff}}_{k-1}$ and $h^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}$: $\frac{K^{\mathrm{eff}}_{k-1,m}}{\sqrt{h^{\mathrm{I},\mathrm{eff}}_{k-1}h^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}}}=\sqrt{\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}}\frac{K_{k+1,m}}{\sqrt{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}h^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}}}+\sqrt{\frac{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}}\frac{K_{k-1,m}}{\sqrt{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}h^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}}}$ (104) We see that if such ratios are small to begin with, i.e., $K_{k+1,m}/\sqrt{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}h^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}},K_{k-1,m}/\sqrt{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}h^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}}\ll 1$ before the decimation, they will likely become even smaller under the RG flow if the disorder in the Majorana hoppings is strong, so that $h_{k-1}^{\mathrm{I}},h_{k+1}^{\mathrm{I}}\ll h_{k}^{\mathrm{I}}$. This suggests that if the $h$ terms are dominant initially, they will be even more so during the SDRG and will asymptotically constitute the entirety of the decimations. The diagonal terms which contain both decimated Majoranas are $\sum_{m}K_{k,m}(i\gamma_{k}^{\mathrm{I}}\gamma_{k+1}^{\mathrm{I}})(i\gamma_{m}^{\mathrm{II}}\gamma_{m+1}^{\mathrm{II}})\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (105) Upon decimation, setting $\langle i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1}\rangle=-1$ in the ground state gives $O(K)$ contributions to the Majorana hoppings in the other chain, $h_{m}^{\mathrm{II},\text{eff}}=h_{m}^{\mathrm{II}}-K_{k,m}$. Given the opposite signs of the $h$ and $K$ couplings, this increases the overall strength of the remaining Majorana hoppings. This is the local SDRG analog of the “mean field” of Eqs. (34) and (35) where the $J^{z}$ interactions renormalize the $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$ couplings by strengthening and correlating them, as was already noted in Sec. II.3.2 and discussed in Sec. IV. Here we note that including these renormalizations of the $h$ couplings only improves our arguments for the persistence of the dominance of these couplings over the $K$ couplings. The terms omitted from Eq. (103) at $O(K^{2})$ are the following: $\displaystyle\frac{1}{2h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}$ $\displaystyle(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+1})\left[\sum_{m}(K_{k-1,m}^{2}+K_{k+1,m}^{2})+\sum_{m,l\neq m,m\pm 1}(K_{k-1,m}K_{k-1,l}+K_{k+1,m}K_{k+1,l})(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{l}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{l+1})\right]$ $\displaystyle+\frac{1}{h^{\mathrm{I}}_{k}}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k-1}\gamma^{\mathrm{I}}_{k+2})\left[\sum_{m}K_{k-1,m}K_{k+1,m}+\sum_{m,l\neq m,m\pm 1}K_{k-1,m}K_{k+1,l}(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{m+1})(i\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{l}\gamma^{\mathrm{II}}_{l+1})\right]\leavevmode\nobreak\ .$ (106) The first terms in each line are corrections to the ground-state energy and the strength of the renormalized bond coupling on chain $\mathrm{I}$ [which again preserves the sign structure and strengthens this hopping compared to the leading contribution in Eq. (103)]. Along with these, four-fermion terms within chain $\mathrm{II}$ and six-fermion inter-chain terms appear at $O(K^{2})$. The former are expected to be ultimately irrelevant, based on previous studies of a single Majorana chain realized in the quantum Ising model Fisher (1994). However these four-fermion terms and the six-fermion terms will produce yet more complicated descendants in subsequent RG steps, and there will also be “degradation” processes leading to fewer-fermion terms, including renormalization of the two-fermion terms, similar to the discussion after Eq. (105) Monthus (2018). In this case we must rely on the perturbative argument to justify dropping them, viewing them as irrelevant other than feeding into strictly marginal correlations among the effective Majorana hoppings in the two chains. Together with the understanding of the locally correlated XY model in the previous section, this leads us to propose the following picture for the critical XYZ chain along the line separating the $x$-AFM and $y$-AFM phases. For small $\tilde{J}^{z}$, this critical line is actually controlled by the line of free Majorana fixed points with locally correlated hoppings characterized in Sec. V. The effect of the interactions $J^{z}$ in the original model with no correlations among the couplings ($\delta=0$) is to develop such correlations among the renormalized $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$ couplings under RG while the $J^{z}$ couplings flow to zero. The ultimate degree of such correlations (i.e., the fully renormalized parameter $\delta_{\text{eff}}$) then determines the long-distance power laws in the average spin correlation functions. We further conjecture that this persists for all $\tilde{J}^{z}<\tilde{J}^{z}_{\text{crit}}=1$ below the transition to the $z$-AFM phase. While we do not have perturbative control close to this transition, any alternative would require yet another transition below $\tilde{J}^{z}_{\text{crit}}$ which we did not observe and consider to be less natural. Note that in this scenario the transition to the $z$-AFM phase is controlled by a different _non-free-fermion_ fixed point, and we do not have access to this $S_{3}$-symmetric fixed point in the present study. We will further discuss the above conjecture, its corollaries and possible tests, as well as open questions in the concluding section. ## VII Discussion In this paper, motivated by the observations of Slagle _et al._ (2016), we have performed a study of the low-energy properties of the random XYZ model using unbiased numerics. We focus on the line separating the $x$-AFM and $y$-AFM phases, which exhibits statistical symmetry between $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$ couplings. At all points allowing comparison our results are in general agreement with the previous findings of Ref. Slagle _et al._ (2016) which used SBRG and presumed critical MBL physics at arbitrary energy density. Our results strongly suggest that—regardless of the behavior of highly excited states—there is quantum critical behavior in the ground state and the critical line is described by IRFPs with continuously varying critical exponents in the disorder-averaged correlation functions. Perhaps surprisingly, a Hartree–Fock mean-field theory treating the $J^{z}$ interaction terms as perturbations around the random XY (free-fermion) fixed point yielded results that are qualitatively rather consistent with the full interacting model at small to moderate $J^{z}$ couplings, including continuously varying power laws. This is in contrast to the clean case, where the mean field model is not qualitatively accurate due to divergences in the perturbation theory Giamarchi (2004). The locally correlated XY effective model, introduced with the idea of distilling the essential feature of the mean field theory, again exhibited continuously varying critical exponents, which we were able to establish numerically in larger sizes than for the XYZ chain. Because of the particular free-fermion form of this effective model, we were able to treat it in the SDRG using the random walk formulation in two dimensions. By making use of a connection between survival probability and the structure of decimation in the RG, we showed analytically that critical exponents for end-to-end and bulk $C^{z}$ spin correlations vary continuously as the coupling correlation parameter $\delta$ is tuned, and we also observed varying exponents in the bulk $C^{\perp}$ correlations by running the SDRG numerically. This result singles out and proves one of the scenarios of Fisher (1994) that random anisotropy is strictly marginal along the critical line connecting the random XX and random XY fixed points; that is, there is a line of fixed points connecting the XX and XY IRFPs as sketched in Fig. 1. Motivated by the successful understanding of the locally correlated XY model, we revisited the SDRG for the full interacting XYZ chain in the regime of small interactions and proposed a scenario where these interactions are irrelevant, but during the initial flows they generate effective correlations between the local $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$ couplings (i.e., Majorana hopping amplitudes on the two chains). Such flows are sketched in Fig. 2. These local correlations in the free-fermion couplings then lead to non-universal power laws in the average spin correlations: this is our story for the continuously varying criticality in the XYZ spin chain. We note that continuously varying critical exponents were previously observed in IRFPs associated with correlated disorder by Rieger and Iglói (1999), however in a qualitatively different setting than ours. Specifically, disordered fixed points perturbed by the introduction of long-range correlations $\sim r^{-a}$ to the disorder in the random transverse-field Ising chain exhibit critical indices varying continuously with $a$ for $a<1$. Their setting has only one Majorana chain and the correlated disorder is within the chain. Also, in their case the $\psi$ exponent varies continuously, which reflects a different character of the corresponding “random walker” imprinted by the long-range correlations in the disorder. Non-universal exponents at IRFPs were also observed in cases with very broad (singular) distributions of random couplings Karevski _et al._ (2001); Krishna and Bhatt (2020). This again occurs already in a single chain and has varying exponent $\psi$, and the variation can be traced directly to the singularity in the probability distribution of the microscopic couplings, while the exponents are universal for non-singular probability distributions. The XYZ chain studied here is different from the above examples with varying exponents in that there are no long-range correlations or singular distributions input into the microscopic disorder. In this way the continuously varying exponents are intrinsic to this system rather than imprinted extrinsically. What is important in the XYZ chain is that we have two simultaneously critical Majorana chains whose couplings become locally correlated. This insight may be useful when looking for other IRFPs with intrinsic continuously varying critical indices. We conclude by returning to the discussion of the proposed scenario for the fully interacting XYZ chain. This scenario is based on the conjecture that the four-fermion and higher terms are irrelevant other than feeding into correlations between the Majorana hoppings. While this is plausibly justified for small interactions in Sec. VI, we have not fully proved it and the status for intermediate interactions is less certain. In this respect, it would be useful to carry out a systematic numerical SDRG study of the fully interacting problem (e.g., using the scheme of Monthus (2018)) keeping track of all generated interactions as well as allowing decimations of the interaction terms when they happen to be the strongest. If our scenario is correct, we should see the interaction terms progressively decreasing relative to the Majorana hoppings. One should be able to perform such a study also directly in the spin variables using the SBRG approach of Slagle _et al._ (2016) projected onto the ground state branch, e.g., as used in Ref. Duque _et al._ (2021) in a different problem. Employing the insights gained here, it should be helpful to interpret various Pauli string terms generated under the SBRG as either Majorana hoppings or specific multi-fermion interactions. The SBRG can also be indispensable for studying the putative $S_{3}$-symmetric fixed point describing the transition to the $z$-AFM phase, as a possible new IRFP that is not tractable with available analytical tools. Thinking about a broader phase diagram, our work suggests that it could be fruitful to add another parameter “axis” and study the XYZ chain with locally correlated $J^{x}$ and $J^{y}$ couplings in the bare model (analogous to parameter $\delta$ in the correlated XY model), in addition to the interactions $J^{z}$. Figure 2 shows this parameter space, and constitutes a mild abuse inasmuch as it serves as both a phase diagram and a picture of RG flows, the latter of which occur in space not captured by just the two parameters. In the space shown, the bare $\delta=0$ corresponds to the present XYZ chain, with the transition from the critical phase to the $z$-AFM phase at the $S_{3}$ symmetric point, marked XYZC in Fig. 2. On the other hand, $\delta=1$ corresponds to the XXZ chain studied in the original work by Fisher (1994). For $\tilde{J}^{z}$ below some threshold value, the XXZ spin chain is critical and controlled by the free-fermion XX point, while for larger $\tilde{J}^{z}$ it undergoes a transition to the $z$-AFM phase. Fisher concluded that this transition is controlled by the so-called XXZC fixed point which is essentially random singlet–like, also marked in Fig. 2. An interesting question is the nature of the transition to the $z$-AFM phase driven by the $\tilde{J}^{z}$ coupling as we vary the disorder correlation parameter from $\delta=1$ (XXZC fixed point) to the statistically isotropic XYZC fixed point. This line is marked with a question mark in Fig. 2, and one possibility is that it is also described by a line of fixed points, but we cannot at present exclude other scenarios. We leave these questions for future investigations, noting that the possibility of novel IRFPs is quite tantalizing and worth further exploration. ###### Acknowledgements. We acknowledge helpful discussions with Jason Alicea, Matteo Ippoliti, Cheng- Ju Lin, Sanjay Moudgalya, Gil Refael, Kevin Slagle, and Christopher White. We are also grateful for earlier collaboration with Thomas Vidick on the RRG which led us to look for new applications of this method. O.M. is also grateful for previous collaborations with Kedar Damle, David Huse, and Daniel Fisher on the IRFPs which provided important background for this project. This work was supported by National Science Foundation through grant DMR-2001186. Part of this work was performed at Aspen Center for Physics, which is supported by National Science Foundation grant PHY-1607611. ## References * Mezard _et al._ (1987) Marc Mezard, Giorgio Parisi, and Miguel Angel Virasoro, _Spin glass theory and beyond_ , World Scientific lecture notes in physics No. 9 (World Scientific, 1987). * Efetov (2010) Konstantin Efetov, _Supersymmetry in Disorder and Chaos._ (Cambridge University Press, 2010). * Fisher (1994) Daniel S Fisher, “Random antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains,” Physical Review B 50, 3799 (1994). * Slagle _et al._ (2016) Kevin Slagle, Yi-Zhuang You, and Cenke Xu, “Disordered xyz spin chain simulations using the spectrum bifurcation renormalization group,” Physical Review B 94, 014205 (2016). * Ma _et al._ (1979) Shang-Keng Ma, Chandan Dasgupta, and Chin-Kun Hu, “Random antiferromagnetic chain,” Physical Review Letters 43, 1434 (1979). * Dasgupta and Ma (1980) Chandan Dasgupta and Shang-Keng Ma, “Low-temperature properties of the random heisenberg antiferromagnetic chain,” Physical Review B 22, 1305 (1980). * Fisher (1992) Daniel S Fisher, “Random transverse field ising spin chains,” Physical Review Letters 69, 534 (1992). * Fisher (1995) Daniel S Fisher, “Critical behavior of random transverse-field ising spin chains,” Physical Review B 51, 6411 (1995). * Refael and Moore (2004) Gil Refael and Joel E Moore, “Entanglement entropy of random quantum critical points in one dimension,” Physical Review Letters 93, 260602 (2004). * Bonesteel and Yang (2007) NE Bonesteel and Kun Yang, “Infinite-randomness fixed points for chains of non-abelian quasiparticles,” Physical review letters 99, 140405 (2007). * Fidkowski _et al._ (2008) Lukasz Fidkowski, Gil Refael, NE Bonesteel, and JE Moore, “c-theorem violation for effective central charge of infinite-randomness fixed points,” Physical Review B 78, 224204 (2008). * Iglói and Monthus (2005) Ferenc Iglói and Cécile Monthus, “Strong disorder rg approach of random systems,” Physics reports 412, 277–431 (2005). * Iglói and Monthus (2018) Ferenc Iglói and Cécile Monthus, “Strong disorder rg approach–a short review of recent developments,” The European Physical Journal B 91, 1–25 (2018). * Senthil and Sachdev (1996) T. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Brenden Roberts, Olexei I. Motrunich", "submitter": "Brenden Roberts", "url": "" }
# Yet Another Combination of IR- and Neural-based Comment Generation Yuchao Huang Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina [email protected] , Moshi Wei York UniversityTorontoCanada [email protected] , Song Wang York UniversityTorontoCanada [email protected] , Junjie Wang Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina [email protected] and Qing Wang Chinese Academy of SciencesBeijingChina [email protected] (2018) ###### Abstract. Background: Code comment generation techniques aim to generate natural language descriptions for source code. There are two orthogonal approaches for this task, i.e., information retrieval (IR) based and neural-based methods. Recent studies have focused on combining their strengths by feeding the input code and its similar code snippets retrieved by the IR-based approach to the neural-based approach, which can enhance the neural-based approach’s ability to output low-frequency words and further improve the performance. Aim: However, despite the tremendous progress, our pilot study reveals that the current combination is not generalizable and can lead to performance degradation. In this paper, we propose a straightforward but effective approach to tackle the issue of existing combinations of these two comment generation approaches. Method: Instead of binding IR- and neural-based approaches statically, we combine them in a dynamic manner. Specifically, given an input code snippet, we first use an IR-based technique to retrieve a similar code snippet from the corpus. Then we use a Cross-Encoder based classifier to decide the comment generation method to be used dynamically, i.e., if the retrieved similar code snippet is a true positive (i.e., is semantically similar to the input), we directly use the IR-based technique. Otherwise, we pass the input to the neural-based model to generate the comment. Results: We evaluate our approach on a large-scale dataset of Java projects. Experiment results show that our approach can achieve 25.45 BLEU score, which improves the state-of-the-art IR-based approach, neural-based approach, and their combination by 41%, 26%, and 7%, respectively. Conclusions: We propose a straightforward but effective dynamic combination of IR-based and neural-based comment generation, which outperforms state-of-the- art approaches by a substantial margin. Comment generation, information retrieval, deep neural network ††copyright: acmcopyright††journalyear: 2018††doi: 10.1145/1122445.1122456††conference: In Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’21); June 03–05, 2018; Woodstock, NY††booktitle: Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’21), June 03–05, 2018, Woodstock, NY††price: 15.00††isbn: 978-1-4503-XXXX-X/18/06††ccs: Software and its engineering Software maintenance tools ## 1\. Introduction Manually writing comments is very time-consuming, and code comments are often low-quality, missing, or mismatched after the software is upgraded (de Souza et al., 2005; Kajko-Mattsson, 2005). To assist developers in writing high- quality comments or fill in absent comments, code comment generation techniques have been proposed, which aim to generate a summary for a given code snippet automatically (Moreno et al., 2013; Eddy et al., 2013; Iyer et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020). Most of existing code comment generation approaches can be categorized into two orthogonal types, i.e., the information retrieval (IR) based approaches (Haiduc et al., 2010a, b; Edmund, 2014; Wong et al., 2015; Kamiya et al., 2002; Li et al., 2006; Kim et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2018), which leverage the comments of retrieved similar code snippets to generate comments for code snippets and the neural-based approaches (Iyer et al., 2016; Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997; Hu et al., 2018; LeClair et al., 2019), which treat the comment generation task as a translation problem and build neural machine translation (NMT) models to generate comments for code snippets. IR-based approaches can directly leverage the existing and manually written comments, which may contain rare words or project-specific information that are difficult to be generated by NMT (Koehn and Knowles, 2017). In contrast, the neural-based approaches perform more robustly on general and new-coming samples with generalization capability (Koehn and Knowles, 2017). Therefore, recent studies (Zhang et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020) have gradually focused on combining the strengths of the IR-based and neural-based approaches to achieve better performance. Specifically, most of the existing approaches bind IR- and neural-based approaches statically, i.e., each input code sample and its retrieved similar code snippet from the IR-based approaches will be fed to the NMT model of neural-based approaches to generate comments regardless of whether the retrieved similar code snippet is actually similar to the input one or not. In this paper, we will refer to these approaches as IR+NMT approaches. Figure 1. An example where the retrieved code snippet is semantically similar to the input one regarding both code and comment. Figure 2. A false positive example where the retrieved code snippet is only textually, not semantically, similar to the input code sample. However, despite the tremendous progress of existing IR+NMT approaches, our pilot study reveals that such a combination is not generalizable and can lead to performance degradation. For instances, Figure 1 shows an example that the comment from the retrieved similar code snippet is a perfect match to the input code sample; thus, there is no need to feed it into the neural-based models. In contrast, Figure 2 shows another example that a retrieved sample is highly lexical similar to the input sample in codes while they are irrelevant in comments; feeding the retrieved false-positive code snippets into a neural- based model will confusing the neural model and further degrade its performance. In this paper, to tackle the issue of existing static binding of IR- and neural-based approaches, we propose a straightforward but effective approach to combine the strengths of the IR-based and neural-based approaches in a dynamic manner. Specifically, given an input code snippet, we first use an IR- based approach to retrieve a similar code snippet from the corpus. Then we use a Cross-Encoder based classifier to select the comment generation method to be used dynamically, i.e., if the retrieved similar code snippet is a true positive, we directly reuse the existing comment from the similar sample retrieved by the IR technique. Otherwise, we pass the input to the neural- based approach to generate its comment. To evaluate our approach, we conduct experiments on a large-scale dataset provided by LeClair et al. (LeClair et al., 2019), which comes from the Sourcerer repository and contains about 2M code-comment pairs. We employ BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005), ROUGE-L (Lin, 2004), and CIDER (Vedantam et al., 2015) as evaluation metrics to evaluate predicted comments. The experimental results show that our approach can outperform state-of-the-art baselines on all selecting metrics. Specifically, our approach can achieve 25.45 BLEU score, which improves the state-of-the-art IR-based approach, neural-based approach, and their combination by 41%, 26%, and 7%, respectively. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: * • We propose a straightforward but effective approach to combine the IR-based and neural-based comment generation approaches in a dynamic manner. * • We have designed a Cross-Encoder based classifier, which dynamically selects the comment generation method to be used for each input sample. * • We conduct extensive experiments on a large-scale dataset to evaluate the performance of our approach. The experiment results show the effectiveness of our approach. * • We release the source code of our approach and the dataset of our experiments to help other researchers replicate and extend our study111 The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the background of this study. Section 3 describes the details of our approach. Section 4 and Section 5 present the experiment setup and results. Section 6 discusses the strengths of our approach and threats to validity. Section 7 reviews related work. Finally, we conclude our work in Section 8. ## 2\. Background ### 2.1. Neural Machine Translation Recent neural-based comment generation approaches (Iyer et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2018; LeClair et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020; Zhang et al., 2020) treat comment generation as an end-to-end neural machine translation (NMT) task and leverage the encoder-decoder Sequence-to-Sequence (Seq2Seq) model to learn the translating pattern. Specifically, at each time step $t$, it reads one token $x_{t}$ from the input code snippet sequence $X=x_{1},\cdots,x_{n}$, then the encoder updates the current hidden state $h_{t}$: (1) $h_{t}=f(x_{t},h_{t-1})$ where $f$ is a neural unit, e.g. GRU (Cho et al., 2014), LSTM (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). Attention mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2014) is adopted to focus on the critical part of the input code during decoding. For predicting target word $y_{i}$, a context vector $c_{i}$ is calculated as a weighted sum of all hidden states $h_{1},\cdots,h_{n}$: (2) $c_{i}=\sum_{j=1}^{n}\alpha_{ij}h_{j}$ The weight $\alpha_{ij}$ of each hidden state $h_{j}$ is calculated as follows: (3) $\alpha_{ij}=\frac{\exp\left(e_{ij}\right)}{\sum_{k=1}^{n}\exp\left(e_{ik}\right)},e_{ij}=a\left(s_{i-1},h_{j}\right)$ where $s_{i-1}$ donates the last hidden state of the decoder, $a$ is an alignment model, e.g., a Multi-Layer Perception (MLP) unit (Pal and Mitra, 1992). At time step $i$, the hidden state $s_{i}$ of the decoder is updated by: (4) $s_{i}=f(y_{i-1},s_{i-1})$ where $y_{i-1}$ is the previous generated token. Then, the decoder generates the target sequence $Y$ by sequentially predicting the conditional probability of a word $y_{i}$ based on the hidden state $s_{i}$ and the context vector $c_{i}$. (5) $p\left(y_{i}\mid y_{1},\ldots,y_{i-1},X\right)=g\left(y_{i-1},s_{i},c_{i}\right)$ where $g$ is the generator function, e.g., a MLP layer (Pal and Mitra, 1992) along with softmax. Figure 3. An overview of our approach The cross-entropy loss function is used to train the Seq2Seq model, i.e., minimizing the following objective function: (6) $\mathcal{L}(\theta)=-\sum_{i=1}^{N}\sum_{j=1}^{L}\log p\left(y_{j}^{(i)}\right)$ where $\theta$ donates the trainable parameters, $N$ is the number of training instances and $L$ is the length of each target sequence. $y_{j}^{(i)}$ means the $j$th word in the $i$th instance. ### 2.2. Semantic Textual Similarity To better distinguish false-positive samples, like the example shown in Figure 2, we treat determining whether the retrieved results are similar to the input samples as a supervised learning task. The semantic textual similarity (STS) task aims to determine the semantic similarity of a given sentence pair, which is similar to our task. The input sentence pair to the semantic classifier is the input and retrieved code snippet. The predicted label is whether the retrieved result is accurate. Figure 4. Structure of the Cross-Encoder Cross-Encoder (Devlin et al., 2018) is one of the state-of-the-art methods for the semantic textual similarity (STS) task. The structure of the Cross-Encoder is shown in Figure 4. For the given sentence pair ($s_{1},s_{2}$), Cross- Encoder concatenates them by a special token ([SEP]) to encode them simultaneously. A multi-head attention pre-trained model (e.g., BERT (Devlin et al., 2018)) is used to encode the concatenated sequence. In the encoding process, the self-attention mechanism allows two input sentences to perceive each other’s information at a fine-grained level. The embedding result is fed into a classifier layer that produces an output value $\hat{y}$ between 0 and 1, indicating the semantic similarity. In this paper, we use a Cross-Encoder based classifier to identify samples with accurate retrieved results. For the pre-trained model of the Cross- Encoder, we choose CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020), which is trained on a large- scale code corpus consists of Java and five other programming languages (Husain et al., 2019). Comparing with other pre-trained models on natural language, CodeBERT can save the effort of semantic migration from natural language to programming language during fine-tuning. ## 3\. Approach In this work, we propose a comment generation approach that combines the strengths of the IR- and neural-based comment generation approaches dynamically. The key idea of our approach is straightforward: given an input code snippet, we first use an IR-based approach to retrieve a similar code snippet from the corpus. Then we use a Cross-Encoder based classifier to select the comment generation method to be used dynamically, i.e., if the retrieved similar code snippet is a true positive, we directly use the IR result. Otherwise, we pass the input to the neural-based approach to generate the comment. Unlike existing IR+NMT approaches (Zhang et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020), we do not pass the information obtained by the IR-based approach to the neural network model to avoid textually similar but semantically dissimilar retrieved results to confuse the model. ### 3.1. Overview of Our Approach The workflow of our approach is shown in Figure 3. Given an input sample, our approach generates its comment using the following three steps: 1) Comment generation with the IR-based technique (Section 3.2). In this step, our approach extracts the comment from the most similar sample retrieved from the corpus through the IR-based retrieval technique. 2) Evaluate the retrieved result (Section 3.3). We use a Cross-Encoder based classifier to determine whether the retrieved code snippet is similar to the input semantically. We assume that directly leveraging the existing comment from a true-positive similar sample, which may contain low-frequency words and project-specific information that hard to be generated by NMT (Koehn and Knowles, 2017; Zhang et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020), will be more accurate and informative than the generated result of NMT models. Therefore, when the retrieved code snippet is similar to the input, our approach will reuse the comment of the retrieved code snippet. Otherwise, we assume that the current sample needs to be inferred by generation-based methods. 3) Comment generation with the neural- based technique (Section 3.4). For the input sample whose retrieval result is determined to be inaccurate from the previous step, the neural model is used to automatically generate its comment based on the input code snippet and corresponding AST sequence. ### 3.2. Comment Generation with The IR-based Technique This step aims to provide an existing comment for each input sample that may be reusable from the retrieved similar code snippet. To identify the most similar sample for a given sample, in this work, we reuse the retrieval method of Re2Com (Wei et al., 2020), which is a code lexical similarity based retrieval method. The retrieval module of Re2Com uses the training set as the corpus. It retrieves the sample with the highest lexical similarity between code snippets based on BM25 algorithm from search engine Lucene222, a widely used similarity metric. For each term in the given code snippet, its relevance score to the candidate code snippet is calculated based on the term frequency. Then, the BM25 score between the input and candidate code snippet is calculated as a weighted sum of the relevance score of each term, where the weight of each term is calculated based on its inverse document frequency. Finally, the candidate code snippet with the highest BM25 score is selected as the retrieved result. Note that, IR-based approach does not have a training process. We use the settings of BM25 from Re2Com to run our experiments. ### 3.3. Evaluate The Retrieved Result with The Cross-Encoder based Classifier In the previous step, we have provided an existing comment from the retrieved similar code snippet for each input sample. However, as shown in Figure 2, the results of the IR technique could be incorrect, thus to achieve more accurate determination, we compare the semantic between the input and the retrieved code snippet by a semantic model to predict whether the IR result is accurate and can be directly reused. To identify samples with accurate IR results, we compare the input with the retrieved code snippet semantically rather than textually. This is because determining the performance of IR results from text similarity is not accurate enough. As shown in Figure 2, the input and the retrieved code snippet are very similar, with only 2-3 tokens different. However, their corresponding comments have only one token in common. In this work, we use the Cross-Encoder model for the semantic comparison, one of the state-of-the-art methods for the semantic textual similarity (STS) task. Figure 4 shows the structure of the Cross-Encoder. The input to the model is the input and retrieved code snippet. Two snippets are concatenated into a sequence through a specific token [SEP] provided by BERT (Devlin et al., 2018) and simultaneously passed to a pre- trained multi-level transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) network for embedding. We choose CodeBERT (Feng et al., 2020) as the pre-trained model to save the effort of semantic migration. The embedding result of the two snippets is fed into a liner classifier layer that produces an output value between 0 and 1, indicating the degree of semantic similarity: (7) $\hat{y}=T(code_{input},code_{retrieved})W$ where $\hat{y}$ is the predicted degree of semantic similarity, $W$ is the weight of the linear layer, and $T(code_{input},code_{retrieved})$ is the embedding result of the input and retrieved code snippet. The training process is fine-tuning the semantic model with pairs of code snippets to the target that if a semantically similar snippet is retrieved, the model returns 1, otherwise returns 0. We use the classic cross-entropy loss function to fine-tune the model: (8) $Loss=-(y*log(\hat{y})+(1-y)*log(1-\hat{y}))$ where $y$ indicates the golden label of whether the retrieved result is accurate. The details of how we train the Cross-Encoder based classifier are available in Section 4.2.2. ### 3.4. Comment Generation with The Neural-based Technique In the previous step, we have identified samples with accurate IR results. While the remaining input samples, we further use the neural-based approach to generate comments for them. Specifically, in this step, we first build and train an NMT model on our corpus. Then we input samples that are determined to have inaccurate IR results in the previous step to this model to generate comments. This step aims to use the generalization ability of NMT to generate comments for general input samples. In this step, we use the state-of-the-art neural-based comment generation method, i.e., DeepCom (Hu et al., 2020). DeepCom is an encoder-decoder structure model with the attention mechanism (Bahdanau et al., 2014). The input of the model contains both code and AST sequences, where the code sequence contains semantic information such as identifier names, and the AST sequence contains structural information. Using semantic and structural information from the input code snippet simultaneously can help the model understand them more clearly and predict more accurately (Hu et al., 2020). The model uses two encoders to encode the code sequence and the AST sequence, respectively. We follow the model training and turning processes described in DeepCom (Hu et al., 2020) to re-train the models on our corpus (details are in Section 4.2.1). ## 4\. Experiment Design ### 4.1. Dataset We use the FunCom dataset provided by LeClair et al. (LeClair et al., 2019) to conduct our experiments, which has been used in many existing studies (LeClair et al., 2019; Wei et al., 2020; Haque et al., 2021). The FunCom dataset is collected from a large Sourcerer repository (Lopes et al., 2010), which contains over 50,000 projects and 5.1 million java methods. LeClair et al. treat the first sentence of the Javadoc of each method as its comment (Kramer, 1999), use srcML (Collard et al., 2011) to extract AST sequences from source codes, then serialize them by the SBT method proposed by Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2018). To reduce the vocabulary size, LeClair et al. adopt a series of preprocessing to the code and comment text: splitting identifiers in code and comment by camel case and underscore, removing non-alpha characters (including symbols) from the text, and converting the text to lowercase. To better simulate the case where only AST is known, identifiers in the AST sequence are replaced with ¡OTHER¿. To reduce duplicate samples between the training and test set, LeClair et al. use a heuristic rule (Shimonaka et al., 2016) to filter out auto-generated codes which are very similar to each other and too easy to be learned and predicted by the model. In addition, LeClair et al. divide all the data by project in the dataset building stage: data from 90% of projects are divided as the training set, 5% as the validation set, and 5% as the test set. After filtering, the FunCom dataset has about 2M code-comment pairs for training and testing. The FunCom dataset is the most reasonable dataset to the best of our knowledge, which has a large amount of data and excludes noisy data, thus allowing us to evaluate the model’s generalization ability more accurately. ### 4.2. Experiment Settings In this work, we train both DeepCom (Hu et al., 2020) and the Cross-Encoder based classifier (Devlin et al., 2018) on the FunCom dataset. Their training details are as follows. #### 4.2.1. Training Details of DeepCom We use the default settings of DeepCom for training, i.e., the encoder and decoder use a single-layer Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) structure (Cho et al., 2014). Both the word embeddings and the GRU hidden states are set to 256. In the decoding stage, beam search (Wiseman and Rush, 2016) is leveraged to obtain more accurate results, with the beam width is set to 5. We use the entire FunCom dataset for training and validation. DeepCom is trained on the FunCom training set (19,548,008 samples in total). Following DeepCom, we use Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) based optimizer to train the model, the initial learning rate is set to 0.5, and the learning rate decay factor is set to 0.95. In addition, to save GPU memory, we set the batch size to 256. Every 2000 training steps, the checkpoint is saved and validated on the FunCom validation set (104,273 samples in total). After 20 epochs of training (about 150,000 steps), the best parameters are selected from the checkpoint that performs best on the validation set. We trained the model on a Linux server with the NVIDIA RTX 2060S GPU with 8GB memory, which took about 70 hours for training. #### 4.2.2. Training Details of Cross-Encoder Based Classifier We use the Sentence-Bert (Reimers and Gurevych, 2019) package to build and train the Cross-Encoder based classifier. In order to save the effort of language semantics migration, we adopt the widely used CodeBERT pre-trained model (Feng et al., 2020), a 24-layer bidirectional transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017) network. To label the dataset for training the Cross-Encoder based classifier, we use code-comment pairs from the validation set of FunCom (104,273 samples in total). For each sample, we use the IR-based approach (details are in Section 3.2) to retrieve the most similar code snippet, and the corresponding comment will be treated as the IR result. Then we use a trained neural model (i.e., DeepCom) to generate its comment, i.e., NMT result. The label of the sample is whether the IR result is more accurate. Specifically, we use sentence_bleu metric in the NLTK (Loper and Bird, 2002) package to calculate the similarities of the IR result and NMT result with ground truth, respectively. If the score of the IR result is greater than the score of the NMT result, it is labeled as a positive sample; otherwise, it is labeled as a negative sample. We further exclude cases where both methods perform poorly from positive samples (e.g., both IR result and NMT result fail to hit any word in the ground truth comment). Finally, we obtain a triplet for each sample: ¡ Input code snippet, Retrieved code snippet, Is_IR_Result_Better? ¿. After labeling the data, we take 90% of triplets (93,846 samples) for training, and the remaining 10% (10,427 samples) of triplets are used as a developmentset for tuning the parameters and testing. We use Adam optimizer (Kingma and Ba, 2014) to train the Cross-Encoder based classifier, and the initial training rate is set to 2e-5, the learning rate decay factor is set to 0.99. We set the batch size to 16, and for every 2000 training steps, save the checkpoint and validate it on the development set. After fine-tuning 5 epochs (about 55,000 steps), the best parameters are selected from the checkpoint that performs best on the development set. We fine-tuned the model on a Linux server with the NVIDIA Titan RTX GPU with 24GB memory, which took about 3 hours for fine-tuning. ### 4.3. Baselines #### 4.3.1. Baselines for Evaluating Our Comment Generation Approach To investigate the performance of our comment generation method, we selected the IR-based approach (details are in Section 3.2), four state-of-the-art neural-based comment generation methods (Zhang et al., 2020; LeClair et al., 2019; Hu et al., 2020), and two state-of-the-art IR+NMT methods (Zhang et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020) as baselines. 1) Neural-based methods Rencos NMT module (Zhang et al., 2020) is the NMT module of Rencos (Zhang et al., 2020), a standard attentional Seq2Seq model where the encoder is bidirectional LSTM and the decoder is LSTM. This baseline represents a fundamental solution to use NMT on code to comment problem, i.e., train an NMT with code as input and comment as output. attendgru (LeClair et al., 2019) is an attentional Seq2Seq-like model. This baseline predicts only one word at a time. In the encoding process, the model encodes both the code sequence and the output sequence predicted in previous steps. In the decoding process, the model predicts the next most likely word and appends it to the output sequence for the subsequent prediction steps. ast-attendgru (LeClair et al., 2019) is also an attentional Seq2Seq-like model. This baseline adds AST as an additional input to improve the prediction performance. LeClair et al. (LeClair et al., 2019) use the traversal method SBT (Hu et al., 2018) to flatten the AST into a sequence and adds an additional encoder for the AST sequence. DeepCom (Hu et al., 2020) is a standard attentional Seq2Seq model, where the encoder and the decoder are both Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU). The inputs to the model are code and AST sequences. As our proposed method takes the prediction results of this baseline as the NMT results, improvement from combining IR results can be directly measured by comparing the performance of our proposed method with this baseline. 2) IR+NMT methods Rencos (Zhang et al., 2020) combines the IR-based and neural-based comment generation by feeding the most semantic-level and syntactic-level similar code snippets of an input code snippet retrieved by IR-based approach into the neural-based approach to generate the comment. Specifically, given an input code snippet, Rencos retrieves its two most similar code snippets on semantic- level and syntactic-level. Then, the input code snippet and its two similar ones are fed separately into a trained code-to-comment NMT model to generate the comment. Re2Com (Wei et al., 2020) uses additional encoders to encode information from the retrieved sample of IR-based approaches. For a given code snippet, a similar sample with the highest text similarity is retrieved from the corpus. Then Re2Com takes the given code, its AST, code, and comment of the similar sample as input and encodes them by four different encoders. The encoding results are fused by the similarity between the input and the retrieved code and then passed to the decoder to obtain the predicted comment. #### 4.3.2. Baselines for Evaluating Cross-Encoder Based Classifier To evaluate the effectiveness of our Cross-Encoder based classifier (details are in Section 3.3) in determining whether IR results are accurate, we adopt two other classification methods as the baselines. Lexical-level Similarity is a simple method determining whether the IR result is accurate based on the lexical similarity between the input and retrieved code. If the similarity is greater than an appropriate threshold, we assume that the IR result is accurate and treat it directly as the output; otherwise, the neural-based approach will be used to generate its comment. We follow (Gros et al., 2020) and use the sentence_bleu metric in the NLTK (Loper and Bird, 2002) package to calculate the lexical similarity. This method does not require training but needs to determine an appropriate threshold that makes the dynamic combination of IR- and neural-based approaches on the test dataset can achieve optimal performance. To find the optimal threshold, we experiment the threshold values from 0 to 1 with an interval of 0.05. When the threshold value is 0.40, this approach achieves optimal performance on FunCom’s validation set. Thus, we use 0.4 as the threshold value in our experiments. Siamese Network (Bromley et al., 1993) is another state-of-the-art method on the semantic textual similarity (STS) task. It consists of two identical encoders to encode the two input sentences separately, which share the same model structure and parameters. Then, the distance between two embeddings is treated as the semantic similarity between the sentence pair. We use the implementation from GitHub333 nets to build a Siamese network, which uses a bidirectional LSTM (Bi-LSTM) (Schuster and Paliwal, 1997) with 256 hidden sizes as the encoder structure and chooses manhattan distance as the similarity of embedding vector of input sentence pairs. Like Cross-Encoder, we use the labeled dataset described in Section 4.2.2 to train the Siamese network. Table 1. The performance of our method compared with other comment generation baselines (the best ones are marked in bold). The percentages in parentheses indicate the relative improvement achieved by our method compared to the IR- based method and NMT-based method (DeepCom), respectively. Type | Approach | BLEU(%) | BLEU1(%) | BLEU2(%) | BLEU3(%) | BLEU4(%) | METEOR(%) | ROUGE-L(%) | CIDER ---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|--- IR-Based | Re2Com Retrieve Module | 18.04 | 32.04 | 17.84 | 14.4 | 12.88 | 15.41 | 30.64 | 1.643 Neural-based | Rencos NMT Module | 19.15 | 34.64 | 20.58 | 15.11 | 12.49 | 18.92 | 39.54 | 2.074 attendgru | 19.26 | 38.64 | 21.71 | 14.63 | 11.21 | 19.34 | 40.16 | 1.984 ast-attendgru | 19.73 | 39.8 | 22.25 | 14.93 | 11.46 | 19.43 | 39.94 | 1.952 DeepCom | 20.11 | 40.71 | 22.57 | 15.17 | 11.73 | 19.92 | 40.25 | 2.044 IR+NMT | Rencos | 19.86 | 36.7 | 21.58 | 15.55 | 12.64 | 19.17 | 39.9 | 2.066 Re2Com | 23.69 | 40.38 | 24.74 | 19.12 | 16.48 | 20.28 | 39.91 | 2.282 Our Method | | 25.45 (41%/26%) | 43.92 (37%/7%) | 27.08 (51%/19%) | 20.38(41%/34%) | 17.3 (34%/47%) | 22.03 (42%/10%) | 43.21 (41%/7%) | 2.46 (49%/20%) ### 4.4. Evaluation Metrics #### 4.4.1. Metrics for Evaluating Generated Comments In our experiments, we follow Rencos (Zhang et al., 2020) and evaluate the performance of different comment generation methods with four common metrics, i.e., BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002), METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005), ROUGE-L (Lin, 2004), and CIDER (Vedantam et al., 2015), which are widely used in machine translation (Sutskever et al., 2014), text summarization (Rush et al., 2015), and image captioning (You et al., 2016). BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) measures the similarity between the generated comment and ground truth by the geometric mean of $n$-gram matching precision scores $p_{n}$. A brevity penalty $BP$ is used to prevent very short generated sentences. (9) $BLEU=BP\cdot\exp\left(\sum_{n=1}^{N}w_{n}\log p_{n}\right)$ where $w_{n}$ is the uniform weight, and $N$ is set to 4 in our paper. We report a composite BLEU score in addition to BLEU1 through BLEU4 in our experiment. METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) calculates the similarity scores by the unigram precision $P$ and recall $R$, and multiplied by a penalty of language order: (10) $METEOR=\left(1-\gamma\cdot frag^{\beta}\right)\cdot\frac{P\cdot R}{\alpha\cdot P+(1-\alpha)\cdot R}$ where $frag$ is the fragmentation fraction. $\alpha$, $\beta$, and $\gamma$ are three parameters whose default values are 0.9, 3.0 and 0.5, respectively. ROUGE-L (Lin, 2004) is calculated by the Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) matching F-score. Suppose the length of the target sentence ($X$) and the predicted sentence ($Y$) are m and n, respectively, and the length of the LCS between them is $LCS(X,Y)$, then: (11) $\small P_{lcs}=\frac{LCS(X,Y)}{n},R_{lcs}=\frac{LCS(X,Y)}{m},F_{lcs}=\frac{\left(1+\beta^{2}\right)P_{lcs}R_{lcs}}{R_{lcs}+\beta^{2}P_{lcs}}$ where $F_{lcs}$ is the value of ROUGE-L, $P_{lcs}$ and $R_{lcs}$ denote the LCS precision and recall, respectively, and $\beta=P_{lcs}/R_{lcs}$. CIDER (Vedantam et al., 2015) examines whether the prediction result has captured the critical information. Given the generated summary $c_{i}$ and the ground-truth $s_{i}$, CIDER is calculated by the frequency of $n$-grams and TF-IDF weighting: (12) $\displaystyle CIDER_{n}\left(c_{i},s_{i}\right)=\frac{1}{M}*\sum_{j=1}^{M}\frac{g^{n}\left(c_{i}\right)*g^{n}\left(s_{ij}\right)}{\left\|g^{n}\left(c_{i}\right)\right\|*\left\|g^{n}\left(s_{ij}\right)\right\|}$ $\displaystyle CIDER\left(c_{i},s_{i}\right)=\sum_{n=1}^{N}w_{n}CIDER_{n}\left(c_{i},s_{i}\right)$ where $N$ is set to 4, $g^{n}\left(c_{i}\right)$ denotes the TF-IDF weight vector of all $n$-gram in sentence $c_{i}$, $M$ represents the number of reference sentences for each sample (in our work, $M=1$) . The final result $CIDER\left(c_{i},s_{i}\right)$ is calculated by summing of the scores for different $n$-grams ($CIDER_{n}\left(c_{i},s_{i}\right)$) with weight $w_{n}$. #### 4.4.2. Metrics for Evaluating Cross-Encoder Based Classifier To evaluate whether the classifier can accurately distinguish samples with accurate IR results, we use four metrics commonly used in classification problems to verify the performance of our Cross-Encoder based classifier and baselines, i.e., accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. (13) $\displaystyle Accuracy=\frac{TP+FN}{TP+FP+TN+FN}$ $\displaystyle Precision=\frac{TP}{TP+FP},Recall=\frac{TP}{TP+FN}$ $\displaystyle F1\\_score=\frac{Precision\cdot Recall}{Precision+Recall}$ where $TP$/$FP$ donates the number of positive samples identified by the classifier that are/are not samples with accurate IR results, and $TN$/$FN$ donates the number of negative samples identified by the classifier that are/are not samples with inaccurate IR results. ### 4.5. Research Questions We perform a large-scale comparative study to answer the following three research questions for evaluating our approach. * • RQ 1 (Performance): How does our approach compare to the commonly-used and state-of-the-art comment generation baselines? * • RQ 2 (Accuracy of classification): What is the accuracy of our Cross-Encoder based classifier? * • RQ 3 (Generalizability): Does our approach work with other NMT methods? In RQ1, we set out to investigate the performance of generated comments of our proposed approach by comparing with seven state-of-the-art baselines (details are in Section 4.3.1). In RQ2, we evaluate whether the Cross-Encoder based classifier can effectively distinguish samples with accurate retrieved results by comparing with two baselines (details are in Section 4.3.2). In RQ3, we explore whether our approach is applicable for other neural comment generation approaches, i.e., still can obtain a significant improvement from dynamically combining with IR results. ## 5\. Result Analysis ### 5.1. RQ 1: Our Approach vs. Baselines Experimental Method. To answer this research question, we compare our approach with comment generation baselines listed in Section 4.3. All baselines are trained on the FunCom training set. We compare generated comments of our approach and other baselines on the FunCom test set by four evaluation metrics described in Section 4.4.1. Result. Table 1 shows the performance of our method compared to other comment generation baselines. Overall, our approach achieves the best performance on all evaluation metrics. Our approach achieves a 26% improvement on BLEU and a 7%-47% improvement on other metrics compared to DeepCom, the state-of-the-art neural-based approach, and achieves a 7% improvement on BLEU compared to Re2Com, the state-of-the-art IR+NMT approach. From the table, we can see that the IR-based approach has a similar performance to neural-based approaches. The IR-based approach achieves 18.04 BLEU score, while neural-based approaches perform slightly better than it and achieve BLEU score range from 19.15 to 20.11. One of the possible reasons that the neural-based approaches and the IR-based approach perform similarly can be that the word distributions in the training and test datasets are different. Some custom identifiers in the test set samples may be rare or even absent from the training set, making it hard for the model to capture their information accurately (Karampatsis et al., 2020). For the two existing combinations of IR-based and neural-based approaches, i.e., Rencos and Re2Com, as we can see from the table, both could outperform IR-based and neural-based approaches. Specifically, Rencos achieves 19.86 BLEU score by fusing prediction results of the input code snippets with similar snippets. Re2Com achieves 23.69 BLEU scores by feeding the codes and comments of similar samples into the neural model. Our method achieves a higher 25.45 BLEU score by dynamically combining IR results and NMT results. In addition, both Rencos and Re2Com fail to improve the performance of the METEOR and ROUGE-L metrics significantly, but our approach achieves a significant improvement. We have also conducted the Wilcoxon signed-rank test (Wilcoxon et al., 1963) $(p<0.05)$ to compare the performance of our approach and these baselines. The test result suggests that our approach achieves significantly better performance than baseline approaches in BLEU, METEOR, ROUGE-L, and CIDER. Our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art comment generation baselines. The improvements on the IR-based approach, neural-based approach, and their combination are 41%, 26%, and 7% in terms of BLEU score, respectively. ### 5.2. RQ 2: Cross-Encoder vs. Other Classification Algorithms Experimental Method. To answer this research question, we compare the Cross- Encoder based classifier with other classifier baselines listed in Section 4.3.2. Specifically, we apply these approaches on the test set labeled as described in Section 4.2.2 and use accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score to measure the performance. In addition, we replace the Cross-Encoder based classifier of our approach with other classifier baselines, then use BLEU to measure the quality of the generated comments. Result. The performance of each classification method is shown in Table 2. Overall, our approach (the Cross-Encoder based classifier) outperforms the two baselines on all the five metrics. Table 2. The performance of different classification algorithms Approach | Classification Performance | Generated Comments ---|---|--- Accuracy(%) | Precision(%) | Recall(%) | F1-score(%) | BLEU(%) lexical-level similarity | 71.3 | 65.1 | 37.8 | 47.9 | 24.22 Siamese Network | 68.9 | 59.2 | 34.4 | 43.5 | 23.5 Cross-Encoder | 73.6 | 70.2 | 41.9 | 52.5 | 25.45 The first row of Table 2 shows the performance of the lexical-level similarity method (details are in Section 4.3.2), which achieves an accuracy of 71.3% in inferring whether the IR results are accurate. Its combined results achieve 24.22 BLEU score, which is better than Re2Com. Significant improvement can also be achieved even without training a classifier for comparison, which further validates that our idea of dynamically combining IR results with NMT results is indeed practical. However, the text-similarity-based approach also suffers the issues of false-positive as shown in Figure 2. To identify such false-positive samples, we use the Cross-Encoder, a semantic-based classifier, to more accurately predict whether the IR results are accurate. The second row of Table 2 shows the performance of the Siamese network method (details are in Section 4.3.2). We train a Bi-LSTM network with strong expressive capability from scratch to determine semantics similarity. However, the Siamese network does not perform as well as expected; its performance is even worse than the lexical-level similarity method we showed above. One possible reason is that the model focuses on irrelevant features instead of the semantic gap between code snippet pair, leading to over-fitting and poor performance. The third row of Table 2 shows the performance of our Cross-Encoder based classifier. Overall, our Cross-Encoder based classifier achieves the best performance on all metrics. The high accuracy (73.6%) and precision (70.2%) validate that it can help achieve our goal of filtering false-positive retrieval results, i.e., textually similar but semantically dissimilar. Besides, we can also see that the performance of the combined result increases with the increase of accuracy of the classification, which suggests that the performance of our comment generation approach can be improved by better distinguishing samples with accurate IR result. Our Cross-Encoder based classifier can accurately identify samples with accurate IR results. Besides, our idea of dynamically combining IR-based and neural-based approaches can outperform the state-of-the-art IR+NMT approaches even with the naive textual-similarity algorithm. ### 5.3. RQ 3: Generalizability Experimental Method. Different neural models might generate different results, which can affect the generalizability of our approach. To evaluate the generalizability of our approach, we replace the DeepCom in our approach with three other neural-based baseline approaches (listed in Section 4.3). Then we measure the quality of generated comments with BLEU. Table 3. The performance (BLEU) of different NMT results combined with IR results. The percentages in parentheses indicate the relative improvement achieved by combining with IR results Approach | NMT Only | Combined Result | Improvement ---|---|---|--- Rencos NMT Module | 19.15 | 24.95 | 5.8 (30%) attendgru | 19.26 | 25.32 | 6.06 (31%) ast-attendgru | 19.73 | 25.34 | 5.61 (28%) DeepCom | 20.11 | 25.45 | 5.34 (26%) Result. Table 3 shows the performance of other neural-based approaches combined with IR results. Overall, after combining IR results, all three neural methods achieve better performance with 24.95-25.34 BLEU score. Specifically, Rencos NMT module, attendgru, and ast-attendgru can achieve relative improvements of 30%, 31%, and 28% from combining IR results, respectively, which are even higher than the relative improvement of DeepCom (26%). The above results fully demonstrate that the performance of our proposed approach remains stable across different neural approaches. Moreover, all the combined results outperform Re2Com , the current state-of-the-art IR+NMT method, which again validates the feasibility of our idea of dynamically combining IR results and NMT results. The performance of our approach remains stable across different neural-based comment generation approaches. ## 6\. Discussion ### 6.1. Why Our Approach Performs Better? To investigate why our proposed approach can achieve better performance, we partition the 90,908 samples in the test set into two sets, i.e., samples on which the IR-based approach performs better (IR-better samples) and samples on which the neural-based approach (DeepCom) performs better (NMT-better samples). Overall, there are 31,636 samples (34.8%) where the IR-based approach performs better, and 59,272 samples (65.2%) where the neural-based approach performs better. We then recalculate the performance (based on BLEU) of the four methods in these two sets, i.e., Re2Com retrieve module (IR-based approach), DeepCom (neural-based approach), ReCom (IR+NMT approach), and our approach. The results are in Table 4. From the table, we can see that for IR-better samples, the IR-based approach, i.e., Re2Com retrieve module, can directly leverage existing comments from similar samples in the corpus and achieves 39.55 BLEU score, which is almost twice as large as the score of the neural-based approach, i.e., DeepCom. For NMT-better samples, since no similar sample can be retrieved from the corpus, the IR-based approach performs poorly on these general samples and only achieves 5.25 BLEU score. In contrast, the neural-based approach can infer more accurate results by summarizing the code-to-comment pattern and achieves 19.58 BLEU score. The IR-based approach and the neural-based approach perform similarly on the whole test set, but their performance differs significantly on these two sets of samples. Thus combining the strengths of these two methods can achieve better performance. Table 4. The performance (BLEU) of each approach on the IR-better samples and NMT-better samples Approach | All | IR-better samples | NMT-better samples ---|---|---|--- 90908 | 31636 (34.8%) | 59272 (65.2%) Re2Com Retrieve Module | 18.04 | 39.55 | 5.25 DeepCom | 20.11 | 20.86 | 19.58 Re2Com | 23.69 | 39.46 | 14.33 Our Method | 25.45 | 37.5 | 18.0 By feeding information from the retrieved similar sample (code snippet and comment) to the neural model, the IR+NMT approach, i.e., Re2Com, performs better than the neural-based approach, i.e., DeepCom, on IR-better samples and achieves 39.46 BLEU score. However, on NMT-better samples, Re2Com only achieves 14.33 BLEU score, which is 27% lower than the score of DeepCom. The reason for such a performance degradation is that Re2Com can not accurately distinguish false-positive samples like Figure 2, thus incorrectly rely on the inaccurate retrieved information, i.e., the IR-based approach only achieves 5.25 BLEU score on NMT-better samples. Therefore, inaccurate retrieval information can lead to the degradation of the model’s generalization. In contrast, our approach directly distinguishes whether the retrieved result is accurate, which can help avoid the inaccurate retrieved information misleading the NMT to generate inaccurate comment. Thus our approach can outperform Re2Com on the NMT-better samples and the whole test set. Since the Cross- Encoder based classifier cannot perfectly predict whether the IR result is accurate, some samples incorrectly use inaccurate IR results as output or neglect accurate IR results. There is still a distance from the optimal performance of combing IR results and NMT results, i.e., achieving 39.55 BLEU score on IR-better samples and achieving 19.58 BLEU score on NMT-better samples. ### 6.2. Performance of Our Approach on An Alternative Dataset To show the generalization of our approach, we further verify the performance of our method on another large-scale dataset, i.e., the DeepCom dataset (Hu et al., 2020). The DeepCom dataset was collected from GitHub’s Java repositories created from 2015 to 2016 and contained 445,812 code-comment pairs for training and 20,000 code-comment pairs for validation and testing. We re-run our approach and the three baselines on the DeepCom Dataset, and the results are shown in Table 5. Overall, all four methods achieve outstanding performance on the DeepCom dataset, which quite different from their performance on the FunCom dataset. The main reason can be that the projects used in these two datasets are different, in which more code snippets and comments are reused among projects. The IR-based approach, Re2Com retrieval module, achieves 55.28 BLEU score on the test set, which implies that code reuse is more frequent on the projects collected by the DeepCom dataset. Thus the neural model can predict the samples in the test set more accurately due to the presence of similar samples in the training set. The neural-based approach, DeepCom, achieves 38.79 BLEU score, which seems to perform well, but it is even inferior to the naive IR-based method. By feeding codes and comments from retrieved similar samples, the IR+NMT method, Re2Com, achieves 50.21 BLEU score on the test set. However, the performance of Re2Com is still worse than the naive IR-based method, which implies that it fails to combine the strengths of the IR-based and NMT-based method on the DeepCom dataset. In contrast, our proposed approach, dynamically combining the generated results from DeepCom and IR-based approach, achieves 57.13 BLEU score on the test set, which successfully combines the strengths of the IR method and NMT method and achieves the best performance. Table 5. The performance of each approach on the DeepCom dataset Approach | BLEU | BLEU1 | BLEU2 | BLEU3 | BLEU4 ---|---|---|---|---|--- DeepCom | 38.79 | 54.9 | 38.75 | 33.78 | 31.5 Re2Com | 50.21 | 61.83 | 50.6 | 46.29 | 43.89 Re2Com Retrieval Module | 55.28 | 65.93 | 55.27 | 51.69 | 49.59 Our Method | 57.13 | 68.91 | 57.2 | 53.07 | 50.92 ### 6.3. Effort Saved Comparing to The Existing Combination Compared to the existing combination of IR- and NMT-based comment generation approaches, which use both the two models to generate a comment for each input sample, our approach dynamically selects the model to be used. To show the effort our method can save, we count the number of samples that do not need to run neural-based approaches to generate comments. Specifically, our Cross-Encoder based classifier identifies 18,912 samples and 12,979 samples on the FunCom dataset and DeepCom dataset, respectively, that can be directly used for IR results. It implies that about 20% and 65% of the samples do not need to be fed into the NMT. Our approach can save the redundant effort of NMT predicting, making it faster than the current IR+NMT approach. ### 6.4. Threats to Validity Internal Validity relates to the errors in the implementation of the baselines. To mitigate this issue, we directly use the public available code of DeepCom (Hu et al., 2020), (ast-)attendgru (LeClair et al., 2019), Re2Com (Wei et al., 2020), and Rencos (Zhang et al., 2020) to implement baselines. Our experiments showed these baselines achieve comparable performance with the result reported in their papers. External Validity is about the quality of our dataset. Different data sources can have significant different characterics. Therefore, both our proposed approach and the baselines may perform differently on different datasets. In this paper, we only evaluate our proposed approach and baselines on two widely used datasets, i.e., DeepCom (Hu et al., 2020) and FunCom (LeClair et al., 2019). In our future work, we will experiment with other datasets. Construct Validity relates to the suitability of our evaluation metrics. We use BLEU, ROUGE-L, METEOR, and CIDER to evaluate the generated comments of our approach and other baselines. These metrics mainly measure the gap between generated comments and ground truth in terms of textual similarity. ## 7\. Related Work Comment generation. Code comment generation techniques can be divided into three types: manually-crafted templates (Sridhara et al., 2010; Moreno et al., 2013), IR-based (Haiduc et al., 2010a, b; Eddy et al., 2013; Wong et al., 2015; Edmund, 2014), and neural models (Iyer et al., 2016; Hu et al., 2018, 2020; LeClair et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020; Wei et al., 2020). Early studies leveraged manually-craft templates to generate comments automatically. Sridhara et al. (Sridhara et al., 2010) built the Software Word Usage Model (SWUM) to capture the meaning and relationship of terms in the source code, then organized them into readable comments using different predefined templates. Moreno et al. (Moreno et al., 2013) used heuristic rules to capture critical information from the source code and further used them to generate comments. Information retrieval (IR) techniques are also widely used in comment generation. One way is to provide extractive summaries of the source code, using IR techniques to extract keywords from the source code and compose them into term-based comments. Haiduc et al. (Haiduc et al., 2010a, b) treated each function of source code as a document and leveraged Vector Space Model and Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to extract relevant terms from source code, then organized selected terms into comments. Eddy et al. (Eddy et al., 2013) took a similar idea and adopted a hierarchical topic model for improvement. Another way is directly use the existing comment of a similar sample. Since code reuse and cloning are common in software development, similar code snippets that use the same code fragments may be found in large project repositories (e.g., GitHub) or software Q&A sites (e.g., Stack Overflow). Edmund et al. (Wong et al., 2015; Edmund, 2014) retrieved the replicated samples from the corpus by code clone detection techniques. More and more researchers have focused on neural-based methods, which train probabilistic models from large-scale source code in recent years. Iyer et al. (Iyer et al., 2016) treated code to comment as an end-to-end translation problem and first introduced neural machine translation (NMT) into comment generation. They leveraged an attentional seq2seq model to translate code to comment, which used token embedding as the encoder and an LSTM layer as the decoder. Other researchers followed this way. Hu et al. (Hu et al., 2018) argued that treating code as natural language sequences may lose its syntactical information. They proposed a new structure-based traversal (SBT) method to flatten the AST into sequence and replaced code with it as the model input. Later they proposed another hybrid model (Hu et al., 2020) that simultaneously used codes and AST sequences for prediction. LeClair et al. (LeClair et al., 2019) also proposed a similar hybrid model but proved that the neural model also works with only the AST sequence known. The NMT-based method can automatically learn code to comment patterns from the corpus, which saves the manual effort to design features or templates and brings impressive generalization capability. The IR-based method may fail when there are no similar samples in the training set, but the NMT-based method can give more accurate answers. IR-based Neural Comment Generation. The neural models are difficult to generate low-frequency tokens (Koehn and Knowles, 2017). LeClair et al. (LeClair et al., 2019) showed that about 21% of comments in their test set contained low-frequency words (frequency $\leq$100). However, only 7% generated results of their method contained low-frequency words. The IR-based methods leverage existing comments from similar samples, which may contain low-frequency words and project-specific information. Therefore, researchers have begun to combine IR-based methods with NMT-based methods by feeding information from similar samples (their codes only/ and comments) to assist neural models in better generating low-frequency words. Zhang et al. (Zhang et al., 2020) proposed an approach that fuzed decoded results of the input code snippet and its similar code snippets, which were retrieved based on syntactic similarity and semantical similarity. Wei et al. (Wei et al., 2020) treated the existing comments of similar codes as exemplars, which can be reference examples for generating new comments. They introduced additional encoders to encode codes and comments from similar samples, then jointly trained model. To avoid the disturbance of inaccurate search results, both models decided the degree of using retrieved information based on the embedding similarity of the input and retrieved code snippets. The result shows that these methods can improve both the performance of generated comments and generating low- frequency words. However, both methods may be confused by false-positive samples like Figure 2. Without supervised learning, the input and retrieved code snippet of this example will yield similar embedding, making the model mistakenly believe that the retrieved results are accurate and wrongly rely on the inaccurate retrieved result, and leading to a decrease in generalization performance. In our work, we treat determining whether the retrieved result is accurate as a supervision task to distinguish false-positive retrieval results more accurately, and combine the IR-based and NMT-based methods in a dynamic manner to avoid the neural model over-rely on the retrieved information. ## 8\. Conclusion In this paper, we propose a dynamic approach to combine the strength of the IR-based and neural-based comment generation approaches. Specifically, given an input code snippet, we first use an IR-based technique to retrieve a similar code snippet from the corpus. Then we use a Cross-Encoder based classifier to decide the comment generation method to be used dynamically, i.e., if the retrieve similar code snippet is a true positive, we directly use the comment generated by IR-based approach. Otherwise, we input it to the neural-based approach to generate its comment. We have evaluated the effectiveness and generality of our approach on a large-scale Java dataset. The results show that our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin. ## References * (1) * Bahdanau et al. (2014) Dzmitry Bahdanau, Kyunghyun Cho, and Yoshua Bengio. 2014\. Neural machine translation by jointly learning to align and translate. _arXiv preprint arXiv:1409.0473_ (2014). * Banerjee and Lavie (2005) Satanjeev Banerjee and Alon Lavie. 2005. 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{ "license": "Creative Commons - Attribution -", "authors": "Huang Yuchao and Wei Moshi and Wang Song and Wang Junjie and Wang Qing", "submitter": "Song Wang", "url": "" }
# Reinforcement Learning with Formal Performance Metrics for Quadcopter Attitude Control under Non-nominal Contexts Nicola Bernini [email protected] Mikhail Bessa [email protected] Rémi Delmas [email protected] Arthur Gold [email protected] Eric Goubault [email protected] Romain Pennec [email protected] Sylvie Putot [email protected] François Sillion [email protected] ###### Abstract We explore the reinforcement learning approach to designing controllers by extensively discussing the case of a quadcopter attitude controller. We provide all details allowing to reproduce our approach, starting with a model of the dynamics of a crazyflie 2.0 under various nominal and non-nominal conditions, including partial motor failures and wind gusts. We develop a robust form of a signal temporal logic to quantitatively evaluate the vehicle’s behavior and measure the performance of controllers. The paper thoroughly describes the choices in training algorithms, neural net architecture, hyperparameters, observation space in view of the different performance metrics we have introduced. We discuss the robustness of the obtained controllers, both to partial loss of power for one rotor and to wind gusts and finish by drawing conclusions on practical controller design by reinforcement learning. ###### keywords: Reinforcement learning,control,quadcopter dynamics,performance metrics,temporal logics [1]organization=Uber ATCP, city=Paris, country=France [2]organization=LIX, Ecole polytechnique, CNRS, IP-Paris, city=Palaiseau, country=France ## 1 Introduction Neural net based control is now widely used in control. For instance, reinforcement learning is known to be linked to optimal control [1]. Very impressive real-life experiments have shown how practical reinforcement learning and privileged learning can be [2], but have somehow masked the enormous amount of experiments and heuristics that had to be learned in the process. Indeed, we are still in need for a full understanding of what advantages and performances we can gain from learning-based control, and what level of formal guarantees we can reach, either at design or at verification time. This paper extends our HSCC 2021 article [3] with a more complete description of several aspects including the modeling, lessons that have been learned, and most importantly the description of the logic that has been used for evaluating performances of our neural net controllers, as well as new results concerning some spurious correlations that appeared in all attitude controllers that we trained. We concentrate here on low-level controls, and more specifically attitude control for quadcopters. These controllers have the advantage of being understandable - performances being easily measurable -, well studied in the literature, and essential to all higher-level controls and path tracking algorithms. We focus on reinforcement learning (RL) methods, which are close to control and more particularly optimal control. Furthermore, RL has experienced tremendous progress over the past few years, with modern continuous state and action spaces training algorithms such as Soft Actor Critic (SAC) [4] and Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients (TD3) [5]. A common belief is that learning-based control would be more robust to perturbations than e.g. PIDs, or at least could be trained to be more robust. Indeed, even a rather small neural net can encode a much more complex feedback control function than a simple PID, but this is commonly believed to be at the expense of formal guarantees. Also, the current zoology of training methods and architecture choices makes it difficult to fully understand the range of possible results. This paper studies some of these aspects on the fundamental case of an attitude controller for the crazyflie 2.0 [6] quadcopter. We first present in Section 3 a non-linear ODE model for simulating the dynamics of a quadcopter, and extend it to account for partial motor failures, aerodynamic effects and wind gusts. We then present a flexible training platform with various neural net architectures and algorithms in Section 4, discuss performance evaluation using a robust signal temporal logic in Section 6, and describe our experimental setup in Section 7. Finally we discuss experimental results in Section 8. This paper develops in detail the following research items: 1. 1. we develop a neural-net based control study case, after modeling a quadcopter’s dynamics, including aerodynamic effects and partial power loss on motors 2. 2. we discuss the effect of the chosen training algorithm, neural net architecture, reduced observable state spaces and hyperparameters on the performance of the controller, and on the RL training process 3. 3. we present our experimental platform, which allowed us to compare more than 16,000 parameter choices 4. 4. we develop Signal Temporal Logic observers to assess controller performance in a precise manner 5. 5. we demonstrate high-quality attitude control using RL, for a relevant set of queries 6. 6. we show that these controllers have a certain built-in robustness in non- nominal cases, with respect to partial failures of actuators and perturbations such as wind gusts. 7. 7. we discuss in details the lessons learned in reinforcement learning, while applying it to the problem of synthesizing quadcopter attitude controllers ## 2 Related work This paper is based on, and compared with, the following work: ##### RL in control Reinforcement learning in control has been advertised, since [7], for the possibility to be more adaptative than classical methods in control such as PIDs. RL’s close relationship with optimal control (the reward function is dual to the objective function) also makes it particularly appealing for applications to control, see e.g. [1]. Recently model-based reinforcement learning has been successfully used to train controllers without any initial knowledge of the dynamics and in a data- efficient way. For instance, in [8], a learning-based model predictive control algorithm has been used to synthesize a low level controller. In [9], a hybrid approach is proposed, combining the model based algorithm PILCO [10] and a classic controller like a PD or a LQR controller. In this paper, we focus on model-free algorithms because of their generality and because we have high fidelity models available for quadrotors, such as the crazyflie 2.0 [6]. More specifically we concentrate on actor-critic learning which has undergone massive improvements over the last few years with DDPG [11], SAC [4], TD3 [5], and compare it with the popular PPO method [12]. The high dimensionality of the full Markovian observation space is a challenge for training, prompting for a study of different choices for the sets of states observed by RL: we consider sub-spaces of the full Markovian observation space, where we leave out the states which have the least effect on the dynamics of the quadcopter. This is linked to partially observed Markov Decision Processes and Non Markovian learning, see e.g. [13]. We also study the robustness of our neural nets, as well as the specific training of the neural net controller to be able to handle disturbances (wind gusts, partial motor failures). These issues may be linked to robust MDPs [14], but we have stuck to the classical (PO)MDP approach here, for which we have a wealth of tools and techniques available. ##### RL for quadcopters, and attitude control Most papers have been focusing on higher-level control loops, with the notable exception of [15], which serves as the basis of our work. We improve the results of [15] by considering more recent training algorithms (SAC and TD3), finer performance measures, and refined physical models (in particular perturbations due to partial motor failures and wind gusts). The closest other works related to attitude control for quadcopter are [16], [17], [18] and [19]. In [16], the goal is to stabilize a quadcopter in hover mode, from various initial conditions (including initial angular rates). The authors also consider perturbations to the dynamics, which are more predictable than ours: motor lag and noise on sensors. In [17], the objective is to control a quadcopter under cyber-attacks targeting its localization sensors (gyroscope and GPS) and motors. The authors consider (partial) motor failure (a limit on its maximal power, just like we do), but not wind gusts. Contrarily to most approaches including ours, their controller combines a classical controller and a neural net. In [18] the authors discuss the training of a neural net controller for both attitude and position. They observe that it is difficult to train both aspects at the same time, whereas separating control in hover mode (acting mostly on the attitude) and control in position seems to work better. The learning process is based on a full state observation plus the difference with the target state. We extend this work first in discussing the simplification of the observed states, then in more rigorously defining observation metrics for offsets and overshoots. In [19], the author considers neural nets for controlling roll, pitch, yaw rate and thrust, which is similar to the problem we are studying here, and attempts to train the controller such that it can accommodate motor and mass uncertainties within given bounds. In contrast, we deal with uncertainties such as wind gusts and motor failures, following known parametric models. ##### Signal Temporal Logics The study of reinforcement learning under temporal logic specifications has gained a lot of interest in recent years. In a discrete and finite state setting, in [20] a linear-time temporal logics (LTL) property observer automaton is composed with the system MDP to allow blocking unsafe actions during training. In [21, 22] rewards are modulated depending on the observer state, and a model-free approach is proposed in [23] using Limit Deterministic Büchi Automata. _Shielding_ [24] simultaneously trains an optimal controller and a _shield_ that corrects the LTL-formula violating actions. The method requires a fully explicit model of the environment MDP and builds the product of the orignal MDP with the property monitor. Later works extend shielding to the continuous [25, 26] and online [27] cases, assuming an embeddable predictive environment model is available, but only handle simple state invariants. Temporal logics with quantitative semantics such as Metric Interval Temporal Logic (MITL) [28], Signal Temporal Logic (STL) [29] …, have been studied in relation with reinforcement learning. Robust interpretation yields a real number indicative of the distance to the falsification boundary. STL has seen numerous extensions improving expressiveness and signal classes [30, 31, 32, 33] as well as smooth differentiable semantics [34, 35, 36]. Solutions to well known dimension and magnitude mismatch in robust STL interpretation were proposed recently in [37] but have not yet been used in a RL setting. STL usages are varied: In [38], Q-learning is used to train a policy maximizing both the probability of satisfaction and the expected robustness of a given STL specification; The approach requires storing previously visited states in the MDP in addition to the original MDP state, yielding a high dimensional system and limiting learning efficiency. In [39] the authors derive barrier functions from robust temporal logic specifications, either to modulate rewards during training or to control the switch from an optimal and potentially unsafe controller to a safe backup controller [40]. In summary, existing methods focused on the training phase either suffer from dimensionality and combinatorial explosion, require expected robustness approximations, or are strongly tied to the Q-learning algorithms. Considering our goal is to study a large hyper-parameter space for training controllers and we need to quantify controller performance rigorously, we used an expressive yet tractable variant of STL [32] to specify properties and assess trained controllers offline, separately after training. The next steps will be to start using STL-derived reward signals during training on the most promising architectures. ## 3 Modelling and control of a crazyflie 2 quadrotor In this section, we present the dynamical model of the crazyflie quadrotor [41, 42] and we augment it with partial motor failures and wind gusts modelling. ### 3.1 Nominal model (a) Motors’ controls (b) Principal axes Figure 1: Crazyflie 2.0 – source: [43] CC BY-SA 3.0 We study the dynamics on the vertical axis and the pitch rate, roll rate and yaw rate control (4 degrees of freedom), with the following state variables: the vertical position in the world frame $z$, the linear velocity of the center of gravity in the body-fixed frame with respect to the inertial frame $(u,v,w)$, the angular orientation represented by the Euler angles $(\phi,\theta,\psi)$ where $\phi$ is the roll angle $\theta$ is the pitch angle and $\psi$ is the yaw angle, the attitude or angular velocity with respect to the body frame $(p,q,r)$ with $p$ the roll rate, $q$ the pitch rate and $r$ the yaw rate. The Crazyflie 2.0 linear velocities are controlled through the angular velocities and the angular velocities are controlled through rotor thrust differential. For instance, to increase the pitch rate $q$, $Motor_{2}$ and $Motor_{3}$ rotor speeds should be higher than $Motor_{1}$ and $Motor_{4}$ (see Figure 1(a)). As there is symmetry, it works similarly for the roll rate $p$ (with $Motor_{4}$ and $Motors_{3}$ vs. $Motor_{1}$ and $Motor_{2}$ instead). However, the yaw rate $r$ is controlled through the gyroscopic effect. To make the quadcopter rotate clockwise in the x-y plane, the rotor speeds of the clockwise rotating motors ($Motor_{2}$ and $Motor_{4}$) should be higher than those of the counterclockwise rotating ones ($Motor_{1}$ and $Motor_{3}$). Using Newton’s equations given a _thrust_ force and moments $M_{x}$, $M_{y}$ and $M_{z}$ exerted along the three axes of the quadcopter, and using the rotation matrix $R$ from the body frame to the inertial frame, $R=\begin{pmatrix}c_{\psi}c_{\theta}&c_{\psi}s_{\theta}s_{\phi}-c_{\phi}s_{\psi}&s_{\psi}s_{\phi}+c_{\psi}c_{\phi}s_{\theta}\\\ c_{\theta}s_{\psi}&c_{\psi}c_{\phi}+s_{\psi}s_{\theta}s_{\phi}&c_{\phi}s_{\psi}s_{\theta}-c_{\psi}s_{\phi}\\\ -s_{\theta}&c_{\theta}s_{\phi}&c_{\theta}c_{\phi}\end{pmatrix}$ (and $R^{-1}$ is the transpose of $R$) the Translation-Rotation kinematics and dynamics [42] lead to a 10-dimensional non-linear dynamical system: $\left\\{\begin{aligned} \dot{z}&=-s_{\theta}u+c_{\theta}s_{\phi}v+c_{\theta}c_{\phi}w&\qquad\dot{\theta}&=c_{\phi}q-s_{\phi}r\\\ \dot{u}&=rv- qw+s_{\theta}g&\dot{\psi}&=\tfrac{c_{\phi}}{c_{\theta}}r+\tfrac{s_{\phi}}{c_{\theta}}q\\\ \dot{v}&=-ru+pw- c_{\theta}s_{\phi}g&\dot{p}&=\tfrac{I_{y}-I_{z}}{I_{x}}qr+\tfrac{1}{I_{x}}M_{x}\\\ \dot{w}&=qu-pv- c_{\theta}c_{\phi}g+\tfrac{F}{m}&\dot{q}&=\tfrac{I_{z}-I_{x}}{I_{y}}pr+\tfrac{1}{I_{y}}M_{y}\\\ \dot{\phi}&=p+c_{\phi}t_{\theta}r+t_{\theta}s_{\phi}q&\dot{r}&=\tfrac{I_{x}-I_{y}}{I_{z}}pq+\tfrac{1}{I_{z}}M_{z}\\\ \end{aligned}\right.$ (1) writing $c_{x}$ as a short for $cos(x)$, $s_{x}$ for $sin(x)$ and $t_{x}$ for $tan(x)$. $F$ is the sum of the individual motor thrusts, and $I_{x}$, $I_{y}$, $I_{z}$ are the quadcopter’s moments of inertial around the $x$, $y$ and $z$ axes, respectively. Instead of controlling directly each rotor speed, the four commands $thrust$, $cmd_{\phi}$, $cmd_{\psi}$ and $cmd_{\theta}$ are used to deduce the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation)values to apply to each motor, Equation 2: $PWM=\begin{bmatrix}{PWM}_{1}\\\ {PWM}_{2}\\\ {PWM}_{3}\\\ {PWM}_{4}\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}1&-\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&-\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&-1\\\ 1&-\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&\phantom{-}\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&\phantom{-}1\\\ 1&\phantom{-}\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&\phantom{-}\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&-1\\\ 1&\phantom{-}\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&-\nicefrac{{1}}{{2}}&\phantom{-}1\\\ \end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}thrust\\\ cmd_{\phi}\\\ cmd_{\theta}\\\ cmd_{\psi}\\\ \end{bmatrix}$ (2) PWMs are linked to rotation rates $\Omega$: $\Omega=[\omega_{1}\ \omega_{2}\ \omega_{3}\ \omega_{4}]^{\top}=C_{1}PWM+C_{2}$. Finally, we deduce the input force and moments from the squared rotation rates, Equation 1, with force and momentum equations $[F\ M_{x}\ M_{y}\ M_{z}]^{\top}$ equal to: $\begin{bmatrix}C_{T}\big{(}C_{1}^{2}(cmd_{\theta}^{2}+cmd_{\phi}^{2}+4cmd_{\psi}^{2}+4thrust^{2})\\\ \mbox{ }\ \ \ +8C_{1}C_{2}thrust+4C_{2}^{2}\big{)}\\\ 4C_{T}d\big{(}C_{1}^{2}(cmd_{\phi}thrust- cmd_{\theta}cmd_{\psi})+C_{1}C_{2}cmd_{\phi}\big{)}\\\ 4C_{T}d\big{(}C_{1}^{2}(cmd_{\theta}thrust- cmd_{\phi}cmd_{\psi})+C_{1}C_{2}cmd_{\theta}\big{)}\\\ 2C_{D}\big{(}C_{1}^{2}(4cmd_{\psi}thrust- cmd_{\phi}cmd_{\theta})+4C_{1}C_{2}cmd_{\psi}\big{)}\\\ \end{bmatrix}\\\ $ (3) The physical and constant parameters we are using for the crazyflie are obtained by merging data from [42] and [6] and listed in Table 1: Param | Description | Value | Unit ---|---|---|--- $I_{x}$ | Inertia about x-axis | $1.657\,171\text{\times}{10}^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{kg}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{m}}^{2}$ $I_{y}$ | Inertia about y-axis | $1.665\,560\,2\text{\times}{10}^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{kg}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{m}}^{2}$ $I_{z}$ | Inertia about z-axis | $2.926\,165\,2\text{\times}{10}^{-5}$ | $\mathrm{kg}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{m}}^{2}$ $m$ | Mass | $0.028$ | $\mathrm{kg}$ $g$ | Gravity | $9.81$ | $\mathrm{m}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{s}}^{-2}$ $C_{T}$ | Thrust Coefficient | $1.285\text{\times}{10}^{-8}$ | $\mathrm{N}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{rad}}^{-2}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{s}}^{2}$ $C_{D}$ | Torque Coefficient | $7.645\text{\times}{10}^{-11}$ | $\mathrm{N}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{rad}}^{-2}\text{$\cdot$}{\mathrm{s}}^{2}$ $C_{1}$ | PWM to $\Omega$ factor | $0.040\,765\,21$ | - $C_{2}$ | PWM to $\Omega$ bias | $380.8359$ | - $h$ | z rotor wrt CoG | 0.005 | $\mathrm{m}$ $d$ | Arm length | $0.046/\sqrt{2}$ | $\mathrm{m}$ $p_{max}$ | Maximum motor PWM | $65\,535$ | - Table 1: Parameters for the crazyflie 2.0 model ### 3.2 Motor failure We suppose that the quadcopter may experience a power loss on motor 1. This partial failure is modeled as a saturation of the maximum PWM, with a factor between 0.8 and 1. Since quadcopter controls rely on differential thrust between motors, motor failures are very difficult to cope with. In order to keep a constant yaw when one motor is failing, the gyroscopic effect must be made equal to zero, for instance by having the two motors rotating in the opposite direction match the saturation of the faulty motor. The same idea applies to pitch and roll axes. Therefore, if the failure is not too harsh, and the target states are not too demanding, it is a priori feasible to recover some control of the faulty quadrotor by saturating all four motors in the same way. In this paper, we will look at two potential solutions to control in the presence of partial motor failure. The first one is to look at how robust a controller that has been designed for nominal cases (i.e. without partial motor failures) is. The other one is to train, using reinforcement learning, a controller optimized for a variety of non-nominal situations. ### 3.3 Wind gusts #### 3.3.1 Aerodynamic effects In Equation 1, we neglected all aerodynamic effects. When we take into account aerodynamic forces, an extra force $F^{a}$ is exerted on the quadcopter that depends on the wind speed and direction relative to the quadcopter, the angular velocities of the rotors and extra moments $M^{a}_{x}$, $M^{a}_{y}$ and $M^{a}_{z}$. We follow the full aerodynamic model of [6] with the coefficients measured for a crazyflie 2.0, where the effect of the wind on the structure is neglected with respect to the effect on the rotors, and the blade flipping effect (due to elasticity of the rotor) is also neglected. The extra force $F^{a}$ can be decomposed as the sum of the four extra aerodynamic forces on rotor $i$ ($i=1,\ldots,4$), that can be modelled as depending linearly on the rotors angular velocities, and linearly on the wind relative speed with respect to rotors. Other models [44] include blade flipping and other drag effects, but the induced drag we are modelling is the most important one for small quadrotors with rigid blades. We use $f^{i}=\Omega_{i}KW^{r}_{i}$ for the aerodynamic force exerted on rotor $i$ in the inertial frame, where $K$ is the drag coefficients matrix, $W^{r}_{i}$ is the relative wind speed as seen from rotor $i$, in the body frame, i.e. $W^{r}_{i}=(u_{i},v_{i},w_{i})-R^{T}W_{a}$ with $W_{a}$ the absolute wind speed in the inertial frame, $(u_{i},v_{i},w_{i})$ being the linear velocities of the rotors in the body frame, $R$ is the rotation matrix from the body frame to the inertial frame ($R^{T}$ is its inverse, i.e. its transpose here), and $\Omega_{i}$ is the absolute value of the angular velocity of the $i$-th rotor. The drag coefficients we are using for the crazyflie are one of the models of [6]: $K=\begin{pmatrix}-9.1785&0&0\\\ 0&-9.1785&0\\\ 0&0&-10.311\end{pmatrix}10^{-7}kg.rad^{-1}$ For the crazyflie, $\Omega_{i}=C_{1}PWM_{i}+C_{2}$, where the expression $PWM_{i}$ depends on $thrust$, $cmd_{\phi}$, $cmd_{\theta}$ and $cmd_{\psi}$ as given by Equation 2. The linear velocities of rotors can be computed as follows: $\displaystyle\begin{pmatrix}u_{j}\\\ v_{j}\\\ w_{j}\end{pmatrix}$ $\displaystyle=\begin{pmatrix}p\\\ q\\\ r\end{pmatrix}\times\begin{pmatrix}dc_{j}\\\ ds_{j}\\\ h\end{pmatrix}+\begin{pmatrix}u\\\ v\\\ w\end{pmatrix}$ $\displaystyle=\begin{pmatrix}\phantom{-}qh-rds_{j}+u\\\ -ph+rdc_{j}+v\\\ pds_{j}-qdc_{j}+w\end{pmatrix}$ $(u,v,w)$ are the linear velocities of the center of mass of the quadrotor in the body frame, $(p,q,r)$ are the angular velocities of the quadrotor (see Section 3.1). $d$ is the length of the arm linking the center of the drone to any of the four motors, and for $j\in\\{1,2,3,4\\}$, $c_{j}=sin\big{(}\frac{\pi}{2}(j-1)+\frac{3\pi}{4}\big{)}$ and $s_{j}=cos\big{(}\frac{\pi}{2}(j-1)+\frac{3\pi}{4}\big{)}$ are such that $(c_{j},s_{j},h)$ is the coordinate of rotor $j$ in the body frame, with the center of mass being the origin. Now, we add to the second term of Equation 1 for $\dot{u}$, $\dot{v}$, $\dot{w}$ the aerodynamic force $F^{a}=(F^{a}_{x},F^{a}_{y},F^{a}_{z})$ divided by $m$, and to moments of Equation 3, the aerodynamic moments $M^{a}=(M^{a}_{x},M^{a}_{y},$ $M^{a}_{z})$ with $F^{a}=f_{1}+f_{2}+f_{3}+f_{4}$ and $M^{a}=(dc_{1},ds_{1},h)\wedge f_{1}+(dc_{2},ds_{2},h)\wedge f_{2}+(dc_{3},ds_{3},h)\wedge f_{3}+(dc_{4},ds_{4},h)\wedge f_{4}$. We derive the full dynamics of the quadcopter considering aerodynamic effects, and only write below the modified equations: $\left\\{\begin{aligned} \dot{u}&=rv-qw+s_{\theta}g+\tfrac{F^{a}_{x}}{m}\\\ \dot{v}&=-ru+pw-c_{\theta}s_{\phi}g\\!+\\!\tfrac{F^{a}_{y}}{m}\\\ \dot{w}&=qu- pv-c_{\theta}c_{\phi}g\\!+\\!\tfrac{F+F^{a}_{z}}{m}\\\ \dot{p}&=\tfrac{I_{y}-I_{z}}{I_{x}}qr+\tfrac{1}{I_{x}}(M_{x}+M^{a}_{x})\\\ \dot{q}&=\tfrac{I_{z}-I_{x}}{I_{y}}pr+\tfrac{1}{I_{y}}(M_{y}+M^{a}_{y})\\\ \dot{r}&=\tfrac{I_{x}-I_{y}}{I_{z}}pq+\tfrac{1}{I_{z}}(M_{z}+M^{a}_{z})\\\ \end{aligned}\right.$ (4) #### 3.3.2 Wind models There are two main types of models in the literature, represented by e.g. Discrete Wind Gust and von Kármán Gust or Dryden Gust models. Von Kármán gusts and Dryden gusts are stochastic gust models (homogeneous and stationary gaussian processes) characterized by their power spectral densities for the wind’s three components, Dryden gusts being an approximation of Von Kármán gusts. The Discrete Wind Gusts model consists in a explicit and deterministic representation of wind gusts as half period cosine perturbations ([45], eq. (45)). We focus on this model because it is widely used for aircraft certification (using dozens of discrete wind gusts with different magnitudes and scales). A discrete wind gust is characterized by its fixed direction, magnitude and scale, and lasts for a half period during which wind speed increases until it reaches its maximum intensity. The absolute wind velocity is given as a function of time as, using the same notations as in Section 3.3.1: $W_{a}(t)=\frac{A_{g}}{2}\left(1-cos\big{(}\frac{\pi(t-t_{0})}{\delta}\big{)}\right)V_{d}$ if $t_{0}\leq t\leq t_{0}+2\delta$, 0 otherwise, where $A_{g}$ is the maximal magnitude of the wind gust, $\delta$ is the half life of the gust, and $V_{d}$ is a normalized vector in $R^{3}$, which is the wind (absolute) direction. ### 3.4 PID Control As in [15], the objective is to train only the attitude controller, and not the altitude one. We therefore use a PID for controlling $z$. We will also need some idea of what a standard PID controller may achieve in terms of performance, and robustness to wind gusts and failures. For this, we will primarily use one of the altitude and attitude PID controller implemented in the crazyflie 2.0. Given setpoints $z_{sp}$, $p_{sp}$, $q_{sp}$ and $r_{sp}$, the quadrotor is controlled using a PID controller (called PID1 in the sequel) which is the one of [41]: $\left\\{\begin{aligned} thrust&=1000\big{(}25(2(z_{sp}-z)-w)\\\ &\qquad+15\smallint(2(z_{sp}-z)-w)\,\mathrm{d}t\big{)}+36000\\\ cmd_{\phi}&=250(p_{sp}-p)+500\smallint(p_{sp}-p)\,\mathrm{d}t\\\ cmd_{\theta}&=250(q_{sp}-q)+500\smallint(q_{sp}-q)\,\mathrm{d}t\\\ cmd_{\psi}&=120(r_{sp}-r)+16.7\smallint(r_{sp}-r)\,\mathrm{d}t\end{aligned}\right.$ (5) But as we will see, the attitude controller implemented in the crazyflie 2.0 is not very reactive, most probably for ensuring that the altitude is very securely controllable (since too much reactivity in pitch and roll means sudden loss of vertical speed). In order to give an idea of what we could observe as best performance, we also designed a specific PID for attitude, that we call PID2, which is much more reactive: $\left\\{\begin{aligned} thrust&=3000(z_{sp}-z)\\\ &\qquad+300\smallint(z_{sp}-z)\,\mathrm{d}t-500\dot{z}+48500\\\ cmd_{\phi}&=1000(p_{sp}-p)+400\smallint(p_{sp}-p)\,\mathrm{d}t-40\dot{p}\\\ cmd_{\theta}&=1000(q_{sp}-q)+400\smallint(q_{sp}-q)\,\mathrm{d}t-40\dot{q}\\\ cmd_{\psi}&=2000(r_{sp}-r)+1000\smallint(r_{sp}-r)\,\mathrm{d}t-100\dot{r}\end{aligned}\right.$ (6) ## 4 Training ### 4.1 Underlying Markov decision process Reinforcement learning is designed to solve Markov decision problems. At each discrete time step $k=1,2,\ldots$, the controller observes the state $x_{k}$ of the Markov process, selects action $a_{k}$, receives a reward $r_{k}$, and observes the next state $x_{k+1}$. As we are dealing with Markov processes, the probability distributions for $r_{k}$ and $x_{k+1}$ depend only on $x_{k}$ and $a_{k}$. Reinforcement learning tries to find a control policy, i.e. a mapping from states to actions, in the form of a neural net, that maximizes at each time step the expected discounted sum of future reward. For the attitude control problem at hand, the set of Markovian states is $thrust$, $p$, $q$, $r$, $err_{p}=p_{sp}-p$, $err_{q}=q_{sp}-q$, $err_{r}=r_{sp}-r$ (where $(p_{sp},q_{sp},r_{sp})$ is the target state, or ”plateau” we want to reach), in the nominal case (similarly to what is done in e.g. [18]). We will also consider partially observed Markov processes, with only subsets of states for improving sampling over smaller dimensional states, by leaving out those states which should have less influence on the dynamics: our first candidate is to leave out thrust, which appears only as second order terms in the moments calculation, Equation 3, and also, $p$, $q$, $r$ that are second order in the formulation of the angular rates, again in Equation 3. We do not consider here adding past information, classical in non Markovian environments [13], that has been used for attitude control in e.g. [15], but increases the dimension by a large amount. In the case of partial motor failure, we add the knowledge of the maximum thrust for faulty motor 1, as a continuous variable between 80% and 100%. In the case of aerodynamic effect and wind gusts, we add the knowledge of the maximal magnitude and direction (in the inertial frame) of the incoming wind. In both cases, it can effectively be argued that it is possible to detect failures in almost real time, and to measure (or be given from ground stations) maximum winds and corresponding directions, in almost real time as well. In the case of wind-gusts, Markovian states include also the linear velocities $u$, $v$ and $w$, since wind gusts are only defined in the inertial frame, and the induced aerodynamic effects depend on relative wind speed. With a view to solving optimal control problems (or Model-Predictive like control), we choose to use a reward function which is a measure of the distance between the current attitude $(p,q,r)$ with $(p_{sp},q_{sp},r_{sp})$, the target attitude (similar to the one used in [15]): $r(s)=-min\left(1,\frac{1}{3\Omega_{max}}\left\lVert\Omega^{*}-\Omega\right\rVert\right)$ $\Omega_{max}$ being the maximal angular rate that we want to reach for the quadcopter, and $\Omega$ is the angular rate vector $(p,q,r)$ which is part of the full state $s$ of the quadcopter. ### 4.2 Neural net architecture Neural nets, such as multiple layer perceptrons (MLP) with RELU activation, can efficiently encode all piecewise-affine functions [46]. It is also known [47] that the solution to a quadratic optimal control (MPC) problem for linear-time invariant system is piecewise-affine. Furthermore, there are good indications that this applies more generally, in particular for non-linear systems [48]. This naturally leads to thinking that MLPs with RELU networks are the prime candidates for controlling the attitude with distance to the objective as cost (or reward). In some ways, the resulting piecewise-affine function encodes various proportional gains that should be best adapted to different subdomains of states, so as to reach an optimal cumulated (and discounted, here with discount rate $\gamma=0.99$111All other parameters, learning rates in particular are the standard ones of Stable Baselines 2.7.0) distance to the target angular rates, until the end of training. In theory [49], one could find a good indication of the architecture of the neural net in such situations, but the bounds that are derived in [49] are not convenient for such a highly complex system. It is by no means obvious what architecture will behave best, both for training and for actual controller performance, although a few authors argue that deeper networks should be better, see e.g. [50]. Architectures that have been reported in the literature for similar problems are generally alike. In [16], the neural net is a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) with two layers of 64 neurons each, and with $\mathrm{tanh}$ activation function. In [17], the part of the controller which is a neural net is a MLP with two layers of 96 neurons each and $\mathrm{tanh}$ activation function, whose input states (observation space) are all states plus the control. In [18], the hover mode neural net controller, which is the most comparable to our work, is a MLP with two layers of 400 and 300 neurons respectively, with RELU activation for hidden layers and $\mathrm{tanh}$ for the last layer. In [19], the resulting architecture is a two layers MLP with 128 neurons on each layer, and RELU activation function. We will report experiments with one to four layers, and with 4, 8, 16, 32 or 64 neurons per layer, with RELU activation function (except for the rescaling of the output, using $\mathrm{tanh}$). We limit the reporting of our experiments to these values since we observed that these were enough to find best (and worst) behaviours. ### 4.3 Training algorithms The first three algorithms we are discussing in Section 7, DDPG [11], SAC [4] and TD3 [5] are all off-policy, actor-critic methods, which are generally considered to be better suited for control applications in robotics [7] (DDPG is used for instance in [17]). Because of its effectiveness in practice, observed by many authors, e.g. [15] for attitude control, we also compare with the on-policy Proximal Policy Optimisation [12], also used for similar applications in [16] and in [19]. DDPG is the historical method for continuous observation and action space applications to control, SAC and TD3 being improvements of DDPG. For instance, SAC regularizes the reward with an entropy term that is supposed to reduce the need to fine hyper-parameter tuning. Let us now describe the training mechanism: we call query signal the function describing the prescribed angular rates at any given time. We model this signal by a constant plateau, of magnitude chosen randomly between -0.6 and 0.6 radians per second, and duration chosen randomly between 0.1 and 1 second. We are training over a time window of 1 second (a training episode) during which the query signal is a constant plateau followed by a value of 0 until the end of the episode. We chose to report on training where these query signals are used independently on pitch, roll and yaw. We tested joint queries as well but do not report specifically the corresponding results since we observed no significant difference. Controls are updated every 0.03 seconds, and we simulate the full state of the quadrotor, using a Runge Kutta of order 4 on Equation 1 with a time step of 0.01 seconds. The evaluation of the controller is made on similar query signals, but on time windows that last 20 seconds, with a query signal generated according to a more general class of queries (see below). Query signals on such longer time windows could also be considered for training : [15] refers to this approach as ”continuous mode” and reports much poorer performance compared to the ”episodic mode” with 1 second queries. We therefore decided to report only on episodic mode training. Variable | Unit | Lower Bound | Higher Bound ---|---|---|--- $z$ | $\mathrm{m}$ | -1000 | +inf $u$ | $\mathrm{m}\cdot\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ | -30 | 30 $v$ | $\mathrm{m}\cdot\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ | -30 | 30 $w$ | $\mathrm{m}\cdot\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ | -30 | 30 $\phi$ | $\mathrm{rad}$ | ${-\pi}$ | ${\pi}$ $\theta$ | $\mathrm{rad}$ | ${-\pi}$ | ${\pi}$ $\psi$ | $\mathrm{rad}$ | ${-\pi}$ | ${\pi}$ $p$ | $\mathrm{rad}\cdot\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ | ${-5\pi}$ | ${5\pi}$ $q$ | $\mathrm{rad}\cdot\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ | ${-5\pi}$ | ${5\pi}$ $r$ | $\mathrm{rad}\cdot\mathrm{s}^{-1}$ | ${-5\pi}$ | ${5\pi}$ $cmd_{\phi}$ | PWM | -400 | 400 $cmd_{\theta}$ | PWM | -400 | 400 $cmd_{\psi}$ | PWM | -1000 | 1000 $F$ | $\mathrm{N}$ | 0 | 52428 Table 2: State and action space bounds Such query classes are characterised by three distributions $A$, $D$ and $S$ for respectively the amplitude and duration of stable plateaus, and the step amplitude between successive stable plateaus. These distributions are the same for each axis. We define three different classes of queries (where U(a,b) denotes the Uniform distribution of support [a,b]): easy (A = U(-0.2, 0.2), D = U(0.5, 0.8), S = U(0, 0.3)), medium (A = U(-0.4, 0.4), D = U(0.2, 0.5), S = U(0, 0.6)) and hard (A = U(-0.6, 0.6), D = U(0.1, 0.2), S = U(0, 0.9)). Our query generator actually changes the joint distribution of amplitude and duration of stable plateaus by filtering out those queries which would make the roll, pitch and yaw go through singular values in the Euler angles description of the dynamics. The initial states are sampled in rather large intervals of values. These values as well as the maximal magnitudes of states are given in Table 2: ## 5 Robust Signal Temporal Logic with Aggregates To formalize the behavioral properties of the closed-loop system we defined our own flavor of Signal Temporal Logic [51]. Our logic is mainly inspired by two preexisting works [52] and [53]. From [52] we reuse the notion of aggregate operators over sliding windows and extend it with a robust quantitative semantics, where the original paper only defined a classic Boolean semantics for the language. From [53] we reuse the idea of time- averaged robustness, and propose a new Until operator which combines both spatial robustness (instantaneous falsification margin at time t) and temporal robustness (robustness of the property to time delays over signals). In this logic formulas are interpreted over piecewise-constant signals, whereas they were interpreted over piecewise-linear signal traces in [52]. Our logic’s semantics can however be extended to piecewise-linear signals without significant issue. ### 5.1 Abstract Syntax Terms, Formulas and Aggregates: $\displaystyle\tau\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{::=}\leavevmode\nobreak\ $ $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ c\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ x\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ f(\tau_{1},\dots,\tau_{n})$ (7) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{ite}(\phi,\tau_{1},\tau_{2})$ (8) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{R}}$ (9) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{R}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{R}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ (10) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \tau\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{R}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ (11) $\displaystyle\phi\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{::=}\leavevmode\nobreak\ $ $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \top\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \bot$ (12) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \tau>0$ (13) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \lnot\phi\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{1}\land\phi_{2}\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{1}\lor\phi_{2}$ (14) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{B}}$ (15) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{B}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{B}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ (16) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{B}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}$ (17) $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{\bar{U}}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}$ (18) $\displaystyle\psi_{\mathbb{R}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{::=}\leavevmode\nobreak\ $ $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Min}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \tau\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Max}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \tau$ (19) $\displaystyle\psi_{\mathbb{B}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{::=}\leavevmode\nobreak\ $ $\displaystyle\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Forall}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Exists}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ (20) with $(a,b)\in\mathbb{R}^{2}$ and $a\leq b$, ${d_{\mathbb{R}}}\in\mathbb{R}$, ${d_{\mathbb{B}}}\in\mathbb{B}$. A term $\tau$ is either: a constant $c$, a signal $x$ or a combinatorial function $f$ applied to a number of terms (7); an if-then-else selection of a term based on a Boolean condition 8; a value computed from a time interval $[a,b]$ using some numeric aggregate $\psi_{\mathbb{R}}$ (9); an “aggregate until” term $\psi_{\mathbb{R}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{R}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ which computes a real value over a time interval $[a,b]$ using a numeric aggregate $\psi_{\mathbb{R}}$ (10); or a “time-point until” $\tau\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{R}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$, which samples the value of a term when a formula becomes true (11). A formula $\phi$ is either: a logical constant true $\top$ or false $\bot$ (12); the comparison of a term to zero (13); the negation of a formula, or the conjunction or disjunction of a formula (14); an _aggregate_ computed from a time interval $[a,b]$ using some logic aggregate $\psi_{\mathbb{B}}$ (15); an _aggregate until_ formula $\psi_{\mathbb{B}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d_{\mathbb{B}}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ which computes a truth value over a time interval $[a,b]$ using a logical aggregate $\psi_{\mathbb{B}}$ (16); a _sample until_ $\phi\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$, which samples the value a formula when some formula becomes true (17); or an _average until_ of a formula $\phi_{1}$ computed over time interval $[a,b]$ until $\phi_{2}$ becomes satisfied (18). A _numeric aggregate_ $\psi_{\mathbb{R}}$ is either the min or max of a term $\tau$ (19). A _logic aggregate_ $\psi_{\mathbb{B}}$ is either the Forall or Exists of a formula $\phi$ (20). In addition to these core operators, the logic provides a number of derived operators defined in terms of the core operators. The _term lookup_ operator is defined as follows: $\mathrm{D}_{a}^{d}\tau=\tau\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,a}]}^{d}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \top$ (21) The _formula lookup_ operator is defined as follows: $\mathrm{D}_{a}^{d}\phi=\phi\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,a}]}^{d}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \top$ (22) The original STL’s Globally, Finally and Until operators are defined as follows: $\displaystyle\mathrm{F}_{[{a,b}]}\phi$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Exists}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ (23) $\displaystyle\mathrm{G}_{[{a,b}]}\phi$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Forall}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi$ (24) $\displaystyle\phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}^{\mathit{STL}}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}$ $\displaystyle=(\mathrm{Forall}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{1})\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{\bot}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}$ (25) ### 5.2 Interpretation Structures Terms and formulas are interpreted over total piecewise-constant functions $\sigma:\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^{n}$, which assign a value to a tuple of signals $X=(x_{1},\dots,x_{n})$ of size $n$ at any time $t\in\mathbb{R}$. However, for practical reasons we only consider total piecewise-constant functions defined by a finite sequence of _breakpoints_ : $\mathit{Bkpts}=\llbracket(t_{j},X_{j})\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ j\in[0,M-1],(t_{j},X_{j})\in(\mathbb{R},\mathbb{R}^{n}),\rrbracket$ where $t_{j}<t_{j+1}$ for all $j$, and by a default value $X_{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}$, as follows: $\sigma(t)=\begin{cases}X_{d}&\text{ if }t\in(-\infty,0)\\\ X_{j}&\text{ if }t\in[t_{j},t_{j+1})\\\ X_{M-1}&\text{ if }t\in[t_{M-1},+\infty)\\\ \end{cases}$ (26) We use the following notations: * 1. $\mathrm{T}_{\sigma}=\llbracket t_{j}\leavevmode\nobreak\ |\leavevmode\nobreak\ j\in[0,M-1]\rrbracket$ is its sequence of timesteps, * 2. $\sigma(x_{i},t)$, by abuse of notation, is the $i^{th}$ coordinate of $\sigma(t)$, i.e. the value of signal $x_{i}$ at time $t$. ### 5.3 Standard Semantics #### 5.3.1 Term Semantics Assuming some fixed trace $\sigma$, the interpretation function for terms $\mathit{sem}({}):\tau\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ (27) is defined inductively as follows: $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({c})(t)$ $\displaystyle=c$ (28) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({x_{i}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\sigma(x_{i},t)$ (29) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({f(\tau_{1},\dots,\tau_{n})})(t)$ $\displaystyle=f(\mathit{sem}({\tau_{1}})(t),\dots,\mathit{sem}({\tau_{n}})(t))$ (30) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathit{ite}(\phi,\tau_{1},\tau_{2})})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\mathit{sem}({\tau_{1}})(t)&\text{if}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi})(t)\\\ \mathit{sem}({\tau_{2}})(t)&\text{otherwise}\\\ \end{cases}$ (31) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{R}}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\mathit{sem}({\psi_{\mathbb{R}}})([t+a,t+b])$ (32) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\psi_{\mathbb{R}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\mathit{sem}({\psi_{\mathbb{R}}})([t,t^{\prime}]),\text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \\\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\in[t+a,t+b]\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{smallest}\\\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{instant st.}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi})(t^{\prime})=\top\\\ d\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exists}.\end{cases}$ (33) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\tau\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{d}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\mathit{sem}({\tau})(t^{\prime}),\text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \\\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\in[t+a,t+b]\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{smallest}\\\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{instant st.}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi})(t^{\prime})=\top\\\ d\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exists}.\end{cases}$ (34) The semantics of numeric aggregates is defined over intervals as follows: $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathrm{Min}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \tau})([a,b])$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{min}_{t\in[a,b]\cap\mathrm{T}_{\sigma}}(\mathit{sem}({\phi})(t))$ (35) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathrm{Max}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \tau})([a,b])$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{max}_{t\in[a,b]\cap\mathrm{T}_{\sigma}}(\mathit{sem}({\phi})(t))$ (36) Since traces are total piecewise-constant functions, defined by a finite number of samples, and all operators have default values and are hence total, interpretation functions are also total function, and evaluating a numeric or logic aggregates requires inspecting only a finite number of timesteps and yields an exact result. #### 5.3.2 Formula Semantics Assuming a fixed trace $\sigma$, formula semantics is given by the function: $\mathit{sem}({}):\phi\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{B}$ (37) defined inductively as follows: $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\top})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\top$ (38) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\bot})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\bot$ (39) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\tau>0})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\mathit{sem}({\tau})(t)>0$ (40) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\lnot\phi})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\top\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{iff}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi})(t)=\bot$ (41) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\phi_{1}\land\phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\top\leavevmode\nobreak\ \left\\{\begin{array}[]{l}\text{iff}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi_{1}})(t)=\top\\\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{and}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi_{2}})(t)=\top\\\ \end{array}\right.$ (44) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\phi_{1}\lor\phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\top\leavevmode\nobreak\ \left\\{\begin{array}[]{l}\text{iff}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi_{1}})(t)=\top\\\ \leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{or}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi_{2}})(t)=\top\end{array}\right.$ (47) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{B}}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\mathit{sem}({\psi_{\mathbb{B}}})([t+a,t+b])$ (48) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\psi_{\mathbb{B}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{b}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\mathit{sem}({\psi_{\mathbb{B}}})([t,t^{\prime}]),\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\\\ \ \ \text{in }[t+a,t+b]\text{ smallest }\\\ \ \ \text{timestep st. }\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi})(t^{\prime})=\top\\\ b\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exists.}\end{cases}$ (49) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{b}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\mathit{sem}({\phi_{1}})([t,t^{\prime}]),\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\\\ \ \ \text{in }[t+a,t+b]\text{ smallest }\\\ \ \ \text{timestep st. }\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi_{2}})(t^{\prime})=\top\\\ b\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exists.}\end{cases}$ (50) The classic semantics for the _average until_ operator $\phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{\bar{U}}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}$ is defined exactly as the original _STL Until_ semantics. The semantics of logic aggregates is defined over intervals $[a,b]$ as follows: $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathrm{Forall}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})([a,b])$ $\displaystyle=\bigwedge_{t\in[a,b]}{\mathit{sem}({\phi})(t)}$ (51) $\displaystyle\mathit{sem}({\mathrm{Exists}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})([a,b])$ $\displaystyle=\bigvee_{t\in[a,b]}{\mathit{sem}({\phi})(t)}$ (52) ### 5.4 Robust semantics The robust semantics $\rho({}):\phi\rightarrow\mathbb{R}\rightarrow\mathbb{R}$ (53) only concerns Boolean formulas, and is defined inductively as follows: $\displaystyle\rho({\top})(t)$ $\displaystyle=+\infty$ (54) $\displaystyle\rho({\bot})(t)$ $\displaystyle=-\infty$ (55) $\displaystyle\rho({\tau>0})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\mathit{sem}({\tau})(t)$ (56) $\displaystyle\rho({\lnot\phi})(t)$ $\displaystyle=-\rho({\phi})(t)$ (57) $\displaystyle\rho({\phi_{1}\land\phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{min}(\rho({\phi_{1}})(t),\rho({\phi_{2}})(t))$ (58) $\displaystyle\rho({\phi_{1}\lor\phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{max}(\rho({\phi_{1}})(t),\rho({\phi_{2}})(t))$ (59) $\displaystyle\rho({\mathrm{On}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \psi_{\mathbb{B}}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\rho({\psi_{\mathbb{B}}})([t+a,t+b])$ (60) $\displaystyle\rho({\psi_{\mathbb{B}}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{b}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\rho({\psi_{\mathbb{B}}})([t,t^{\prime}])\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\text{ in }\\\ \ \ [t+a,t+b]\text{ is the smallest }\\\ \ \ \text{ timestep st. }\mathit{sem}({\phi})(t^{\prime})\\\ \rho({b})\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exits.}\end{cases}$ (61) $\displaystyle\rho({\phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \downarrow\mathrm{U}_{[{a,b}]}^{b}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}\rho({\phi_{1}})(t^{\prime})\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\text{ in }\\\ \ \ [t+a,t+b]\text{ is the smallest }\\\ \ \ \text{ timestep st. }\mathit{sem}({\phi_{2}})(t^{\prime})\\\ \rho({b})\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exits.}\end{cases}$ (62) $\displaystyle\rho({\phi_{1}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{\bar{U}}_{[{a,b}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{2}})(t)$ $\displaystyle=\begin{cases}(b-t^{\prime})*\rho({\mathrm{On}_{[{t,t^{\prime}}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathrm{Forall}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi_{1}})(0)\\\ \ \ \text{where}\leavevmode\nobreak\ t^{\prime}\in[t+a,t+b]\leavevmode\nobreak\ \\\ \ \ \text{is the smallest timestep }\\\ \ \ \text{ st. }\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{sem}({\phi_{2}})(t^{\prime})\\\ -\infty\leavevmode\nobreak\ \text{if no such $t^{\prime}$ exists.}\end{cases}$ (63) The robust semantics for logic aggregates is defined as follows: $\displaystyle\rho({\mathrm{Forall}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})([a,b])$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{min}_{t\in[a,b]}{\rho({\phi})(t)}$ (65) $\displaystyle\rho({\mathrm{Exists}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \phi})([a,b])$ $\displaystyle=\mathrm{max}_{t\in[a,b]}{\rho({\phi})(t)}$ (66) The robust interpretation of terms is just their standard interpretation, except for _timepoint until_ and _aggregate until_ operators where instead of recursing on the standard interpretation of Boolean formulas, we recurse on their robust interpretation. ### 5.5 Implementation We implemented a code generator for the logic, which generates highly efficient python code allowing to compute the standard and robust semantics of STL formulas on traces. Given an STL formula (or term) as input, the code generator produces a Python 3.x class definition which implements the standard and robust semantics evaluation rules for that formula. The class takes a trace as constructor argument (i.e. a piecewise constant function specified a sequence of breakpoints and a default value as defined in section 5.2), and offers an eval method allowing to compute the standard or robust semantics of the formula at any time step. The generated code uses a number of techniques for efficiency: * 1. Constant folding, * 2. When translating a specification containing several formulas and terms, the code generator implements common subformulas and subterms sharing between all toplevel formulas. * 3. We leverage the fact that in practice, a same formula will be evaluated on sequences of strictly increasing timesteps, and use an incremental method for the evaluation of sliding window aggregates: when evaluating a Max aggregate (resp. Min, Forall or Exists) at time $t$, the aggregate term is evaluated on interval $[t+a,t+b]$ and we cache the result $(t_{Max},x_{Max})$, indicating at which instant the Max value was reached in [t+a,t+b]. When the aggregate is evaluated again at $t^{\prime}>t$, we distinguish the following cases: * (a) if $t_{r}\in[t^{\prime}+a,t+b]$, we evaluate the aggregate on $[t+b,t^{\prime}+b]$ and return $Max(x_{M}ax,x_{M}ax^{\prime})$, cache new result, * (b) if $t_{r}\in[t+a,t^{\prime}+a]$, we evaluate the aggregate on the full window $[t^{\prime}+a,t^{\prime}+b]$ and cache the result. * 4. Last, the generated code uses numpy arrays exclusively and contains Numba annotations for all data structures and classes, allowing to use Numba to JIT the evaluation code using LLVM. This JIT optimization provides a 10x to 20x performance boost over the interpreted python version. ## 6 Formal performance criteria Designing a controller for a specific application requires balancing multiple criteria such as rising time, overshoot, steady error, etc. In order to quantify rigorously the performance of the learned controller, we formalized requirements using the logic presented in section 5. A first set of formulae allows to identify instants when a query signal $q$ becomes stable for $T$ time units, and whether $q$ goes up or down at any instant (with $\epsilon$ and $d$ two small constants), and the step size: $\displaystyle\mathit{stable}(q)$ $\displaystyle=(\mathit{On}_{[0,T]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{Max}\leavevmode\nobreak\ q)-(\mathit{On}_{[0,T]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{Min}\leavevmode\nobreak\ q)<d$ (67) $\displaystyle\mathit{stableup}(q)$ $\displaystyle=(D_{-\epsilon}^{\bot}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \lnot\mathit{stable}(q))\land\mathit{stable}(q)$ (68) $\displaystyle\mathit{up}(q)$ $\displaystyle=q-(D_{-\epsilon}^{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ q)>0$ (69) $\displaystyle\mathit{down}(q)$ $\displaystyle=q-(D_{-\epsilon}^{0}\leavevmode\nobreak\ q)\leq 0$ (70) $\displaystyle\mathit{step}(q)$ $\displaystyle=\mathit{ite}(\mathit{stableup}(q),q-D_{-\epsilon}^{0}{q},0)$ (71) We consider an angular rate signal $x$ as acceptable if it does not overshoot a stable query $q$ by more than $\alpha\%$ of the step size on $[0,T_{1}]$, and does not stray away from a stable query $q$ by more than $\beta\%$ of the step size on $[T_{1},T]$: $\mathit{stableup}(q)\land\mathit{up}(q)\implies\\\ \mathit{On}_{[0,T_{1}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{Max}\leavevmode\nobreak\ (x-q)<\alpha\mathit{step}(q)$ (72) $\mathit{stableup}(q)\land\mathit{down}(q)\implies\\\ \mathit{On}_{[0,T_{1}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{Max}\leavevmode\nobreak\ (q-x)<\alpha\mathit{step}(q)$ (73) $\mathit{stableup}(q)\implies\mathit{On}_{[T_{1},T]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \mathit{Max}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \|x-q\|<\beta\mathit{step}(q)$ (74) We define the rising time $\mathit{RT}$ as the time it takes for $x$ to first reach $q$ within $\gamma\%$: $\mathit{ite}(\mathit{stableup}(q),t-(t\leavevmode\nobreak\ U_{[0,T]}^{+\infty}\leavevmode\nobreak\ \|(x-q)\|<\gamma q),+\infty)$ (75) Figure 2 illustrates the formalised notions and parameters. Figure 2: Property parameters $T_{1}$, $T$, $RT$, $\alpha$, $\beta$, $\gamma$. Using observers code generated from these specifications, we compute statistics about property violations and associated robustness margins on angular rate signals and queries on pitch, yaw and roll axis of the system, acquired at regular intervals during the training of the controller. For evaluation each property $P(x,q)$ is wrapped in a _globally_ modality over the episode length yielding $G_{[0,\mathit{episode\\_length}]}\leavevmode\nobreak\ P(x,q)$. Automating the computation of these behavioral metrics is essential in allowing to scale up the hyper-parameter space exploration and identify the best controller according to objective measurements. ## 7 Experimental setup ### 7.1 Implementation We have developed a platform222The full code is available as open source at with the purpose of running experiments in a reproducible and scalable way, becoming an integration layer between the different moving parts in both training and testing. From a technological standpoint the platform is based on the Stable Baselines 2.7.0 reinforcement learning library [54] itself based on Tensorflow [55], all of our code is in Python and we used Bazel [56] as build system. We used Tensorboard to monitor losses and the internal dynamics of the neural networks during the training. One intermediate goal was to explore the large combinatorial hyperparameter space efficiently, to be able to identify the best hyperparameters values with respect to the STL metrics we defined and to get a better understanding of their impact. With 4 different algorithms, 20 possible configurations for the network architecture and 3 sets of observed states, our hyperparameters space contains a total of 240 points that need to be trained and tested. The corresponding jobs are dispatched on our Kubernetes cluster [57] where they can run in parallel. Disposing of 1 vCPU on the Cascade Lake platform (base frequency of 2.8 GHz), the 3 millions iterations of a single training job take between 3 and 8 hours to complete. The cluster autoscales with the workload and allowed us to run 1,200 hours worth of training in half a day. The container images that end up running on the cluster are created, uploaded and finally dispatched in a reproducible manner thanks to the Bazel rules of our Research Platform. Those rules are built on top of the Bazel Image Container Rules [58] and the Bazel Kubernetes Rules [59] and specially designed to generate all the experiment jobs of the hyperparameters analysis. The training and testing results are automatically uploaded on our cloud storage where they can be browsed for quick inspections, or fed as input for the next pipeline stage. We saved 30 checkpoints per experiment (each file containing 100k training iterations weights between 10KB and 100KB). Including the TensorFlow logs, the training results amount to over 100GB of data. Each of the 30 $\times$ 240 checkpoints was then evaluated on 100 queries computed by the Query Generator, producing the same number of concrete traces representing the commands and the states over the whole episode. Each set of such traces is about 600k hence it yields total of 60MB per checkpoint. Finally each of the 30 $\times$ 240 $\times$ 100 traces was evaluated with STL properties observer to compute synthetic metrics: aggregating the 100 traces of a single checkpoint produced a 150KB file and required approximately 45 minutes. The checkpoint-specific CSV files were further aggregated in experiment-specific and round-specific checkpoints for final visual inspection. ### 7.2 Interactive browsing of the experiments database We want to understand what correlations exist between controller performance and the way it has been trained, and for this, we used Hiplot [60] for browsing through the enormous number of parameters and data generated. We show in Figure 3 how we used Hiplot in an interactive manner for verifying our hypotheses. Each parameter and performance measure is represented by a column in the graph generated by Hiplot from our database. For each parameter, either fixed or free, choosing intervals of values for each performance measure creates lines that link parameter values to performance values within the chosen intervals. The number of entries in the database (i.e. the number of controllers) that satisfy the constraints is also shown, as well as the table of all their corresponding parameters and performance values. Figure 3: Hiplot interactive session For instance, we used Hiplot to select the ”best” networks, filtering the data set of controllers, only retaining the ones with better success in offset, overshoot and rising times altogether, with respect to the best PIDs. This resulted in two neural nets with much better performances than the PIDs on offset and on rising time, as we will discuss in Section 8. ## 8 Experimental results ### 8.1 Performance metrics Each controller is evaluated on a hundred evaluation episodes using STL observers defined in Equations 72, 73, 74 and 75, where parameters are set to $\alpha=10\%$, $\beta=5\%$ and $\gamma=5\%$, $T=0.5s$, $T_{1}=0.25s$, $\epsilon=0.01s$, $d=0.005$. For each evaluation episode the following statistics are computed over all stable query plateaus: * 1. average and maximum overshoot percentage relative to the query step size, * 2. average and maximum offset percentage relative to the query step size, * 3. average and maximum rising time values in seconds (only for plateaus where the signal actually reaches $\gamma\%$ of the query within $[0,T]$). For each metric (overshoot, offset, rising time), we compute the _success percentage_ % OK, i.e. the percentage of stable plateaus of the episode for which the controller behaviour satisfies the specification. Then, episode-level statistics are further averaged, yielding results presented in the tables of the following sections, where columns represent: * 1. avg (resp. max) overshoot: is the per-episode-average of the average (resp. maximum) overshoot values, * 2. avg (resp. max) offset: is the per-episode-average of the average (resp. maximum) offset values, * 3. avg (resp. max) rising time: is the per-episode-average of the average (resp. max) rising time, * 4. % OK offset (resp. overshoot, rising time): is the per-episode-average of the success percentage for the offset (resp overshoot, rising time) metric. ### 8.2 Performance of nominal-trained networks in nominal test case #### 8.2.1 Overall best performance comparison The PID performance metrics in the nominal case are reported in the first two lines of Section 8.2.1 to serve as a reference point for neural controller evaluation. Examples of query tracking behavior are given in Figure 4 for reference. Figure 4: PID2 controller query tracking PID2 reaches within 5% of the target state for about 70% of the queries, and is relatively slow with an average rising time of 0.44s. PID1 in comparison reaches within 5% of the target state for only 8% of the queries, with a (very slightly) better rising time. Overshoot success rates are really good for both PIDs (95-100% OK). Offset success rates are bad (1-3% OK), due to their slow convergence. We will hence use PID2 as a reference for discussing neural controller performance. The comparison between the best networks and the PIDs is also reported in Section 8.2.1. autobooktabular=all_algos_pid_new.csv,table head=algo OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 3: PIDs and overall best networks performance (all in % except rising t. in seconds) We see that our neural nets provide much quicker controls, with an average rising time of about a fourth to a fifth of the rising time for the two PIDs, although with a negligible offset. This is at the expense of a slightly less good performance on the maximum overshoot at least for SAC and DDPG trained networks, with respect to PID2 (our neural nets are still much better than PID1). Results are far less good, in particular concerning overshoots, with PPO and TD3 trained networks. This is also visible when comparing signals between Figure 5 and Figure 4. Somehow, neural nets exhibit extreme reactivity as well as good asymptotic convergence, but show some very short-lived ”spikes”, as in the sample trajectory shown in Figure 5. Figure 5: Neural controller behaviour (sac, 2 layers, 16 neurons per layer, 3M iterations) When we filter the neural nets meeting or exceeding the performances of PID2, many networks remain, among which the best are: * 1. DDPG $64\times 64\times 64\times 64$ trained for 1,500,000 iterations (and also DDPG $32\times 32$, 400,000 iterations) on the three-dimensional observation space $(p-p_{sp},q-q_{sp},r-r_{sp})$ * 2. SAC $32\times 32\times 32\times 32$ (and SAC $32\times 32$ and $16\times 16$ trained for 3,000,000 iterations coming very close) trained for 2,900,000 iterations on the same three-dimensional observation space #### 8.2.2 Training algorithm influence We observe in Section 8.2.1 that PPO and TD3 do not show as good performance as SAC (and even DDPG), moderating the conclusion of [15], and the common belief that TD3 should improve performance of neural net control. We have for now no explanation for this, largely because we have not been able (which is also the case in [15]) to get rid of the overshoot spikes, even using SAC which does some amount of regularization, or TD3 which should lead to more stable solutions, potentially at the expense of a slower convergence rate. In terms of optimal control, if the neural net controller were trained with correctness objectives333Future work to cope with this phenomenon includes improving the reward function using our STL observers, and adding some more regularization during training., these spikes would certainly be much smaller and appear only at the very beginning of plateaus. #### 8.2.3 Convergence of the training algorithms We show in Figure 6 the evolution of the three main performance measures, the OK overshoot, OK offset and OK rising time, for one of the best network architecture and training algorithm, SAC $32\times 32$ neurons. The three metrics improve quickly and almost stabilize in the first 1,000,000 iterations. Figure 6: Performance of SAC 32x32 on dim 3 observation space trained neural nets w.r.t. the number of iterations #### 8.2.4 Observation state influence Of course, for a given number of iterations, smaller-dimensional observation states yield better quality of the sampling. Still, we observe that using a Markovian state or the simpler three-dimensional state space $(err_{p},err_{q},err_{r})$ does not change significantly the performance of the best neural nets obtained, see Section 8.2.4, although the 3-dimensional observation space gives slightly better performance overall. In fact, we even get a worse performance with the 7-dimensional full state, mostly because of the difficulty to sample this higher dimensional space, and identify the subtle second-order effects of some of these states on angular rates. autobooktabular=influence_nof_states3_new.csv,table head=algo dim OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 4: Influence of the observable space dimension (all in % except rising t. in seconds) #### 8.2.5 Neural net architecture influence First, we observe that almost none of the single-layer neural nets seem to converge to a correct controller (see e.g. Figure 7). At 64 neurons, 1 hidden layer networks seem to exhibit some good behaviour, but still far from any of the e.g. two-layers neural nets. Still, 3-layers and even 4-layers networks do not seem to exhibit much better behaviour than the ”best” 2-layers networks, with 16 or 32 neurons each, although they converge faster. Figure 7: OK rising t. for our best SAC network wrt number of training iterations for different architectures Recently Sinha et al. in [61] empirically observed the performance of SAC have a peak using 2 layers MLP and their explanation for this result relies on the Data Processing Inequality hence the fact that mutual information between layers decreases with depth. This will have to be further investigated in our framework. ### 8.3 Performance of nominal-trained networks in non-nominal test cases We now assess the robustness of our PIDs and ”best” neural nets (trained in nominal situations as discussed in Section 8.2) to perturbed, non-nominal conditions, without training the neural nets nor changing the gains of PIDs to cope specifically for the new situation. We report the same performance measures as the ones used in the nominal case, in the test cases where a perturbation can happen, at the start of any new plateau along the 20 second episodes that we are observing (which can contain about 30 different target angular states, or plateaus, to reach within a short time). We take maxima and averages of these measures on 100 such queries as before. #### 8.3.1 Robustness to partial motor failures We report in Section 8.3.2 results where the perturbation is a partial power loss of motor 1, down to 80% of its maximal power. For this case of partial motor failure, our best SAC trained neural net behaves much better than our two PIDs: it keeps on reaching plateaus within 0.5 seconds for about 94% of the time, whereas even the best PID goes down to less than 60% success rate. Our network is even better when it comes to satisfying offset constraints (82% of the time) whereas the PIDs almost never comply. Performances concerning overshoot are comparable, even though the PIDs are very slightly better, but this only concerns cases where PIDs actually reach the target state, which is the case much less often. Essentially, the best neural nets that have been trained under nominal conditions show very little degradation of performance when a partial failure occurs. #### 8.3.2 Robustness to wind gusts We present in Section 8.3.2 results where the perturbation is the occurence of randomly chosen wind gusts (as described in Section 3.3.1) of magnitude up to 10 $m.s^{-1}$ from any fixed direction in the inertial frame. autobooktabular=non_nominal_test_new.csv,table head=mode algo OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 5: Robustness of the best networks and PIDs in case of wind gusts and motor saturation (all in % except rising t. in seconds) The PIDs and the neural nets exhibit the same kind of minor loss of performance, and the nominal trained neural nets are still far superior to the two PIDs. ### 8.4 Performance of non-nominal-trained networks autobooktabular=training_s_test_snew.csv,table head=algo OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 6: Best networks trained for partial motor failures, tested under potential motor failures situations (all in % except rising t. in seconds) #### 8.4.1 Training under partial motor failures In what follows, we train the attitude controller to sustain partial motor failures adding the magnitude of the power loss (1 extra dimension) to the observation states discussed in Section 4.1. We report the performance measures obtained in the non-nominal case in Section 8.4. The concern one may have is that, training the neural net in more various conditions (nominal and non-nominal), the resulting controller may exhibit lower performance. We thus report the same performance measures for neural nets trained with potential motor failures, in nominal situations, e.g. when no power loss happens, see Section 8.4.1 We see that we still achieve much better performance than PIDs, but that we are only similar and even slightly worse than the neural nets trained in nominal conditions, both in nominal conditions (compare Section 8.4.1 to Section 8.2.1) and in non-nominal conditions (compare Section 8.4 to Section 8.3.2). Understanding this non intuitive behaviour and improving the training in this case is left for future work. autobooktabular=training_s_test_nnew.csv,table head=algo OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 7: Performance of best networks trained with potential motor failures, and tested in nominal situations (all in % except rising t. in seconds) #### 8.4.2 Training under wind gusts In what follows, we train the attitude controller to sustain wind gusts up to 10 m.s-1 in any direction, adding to the observation states we discussed in Section 4.1 the wind gust magnitude and directions (4 additional dimensions) plus the linear velocities of the quadcopter ($u$, $v$ and $w$, 3 additional dimensions) since they are necessary for determining the relative wind velocity. We report the performance measures that we get in the non-nominal case in Section 8.4.2 and in the nominal case in Section 8.4.2. autobooktabular=training_w_test_wnew.csv,table head=algo OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 8: Best networks trained for wind gusts conditions, tested under wind gusts conditions (all in % except rising t. in seconds) We see that the SAC and DDPG controller trained with potential wind gusts still behave about as well as the nominal controller (compare Section 8.4.2 to Section 8.2.1). Surprisingly, the best (SAC) network behaves slightly worse than the nominal-trained SAC network under wind gusts (compare Section 8.4.2 to Section 8.3.2), where we can see a slight drop of performance in e.g. OK off. and OK overshoot: it does not seem to be able to learn correctly how to stay close enough to the target plateau, in some cases. autobooktabular=training_w_test_nnew.csv,table head=algo OK OK OK avg avg avg max max max rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot rising t. off. overshoot , before reading= Table 9: Best networks trained for wind gusts conditions, tested in nominal conditions (all in % except rising t. in seconds) ## 9 Lessons learned ##### Sampling First, we observed that we should restrict to a “good” subspace of the (full quadcopter) states that is sufficiently low dimensional for efficient sampling and such that it avoids potentially spurious correlations, while still providing sufficient information for learning. For instance, in the nominal case, the observation space $(err_{p},err_{q},err_{r})$ was found to be the optimal choice. Training depends of course on sampling data, that has to be done on representative data, and on sampling initial states in a large enough space. In order to do this, for better results, we developed a specific query generator, and we sampled initial states in quite large spaces. ##### Training algorithms SAC gives very good results as expected. It is most probably more efficient due to entropy regularization that partially cancels spurious correlations, but this has still to be confirmed in more general situations. A lesson for us was that TD3 was not behaving as well as expected. Our current guess is that TD3 suffers from too much bias on the Q-function estimation at some point in our training environment, or that TD3 needs many more iterations to converge in our case due to bad exploration performance. Recent papers have suggested that action clipping in TD3 can result in poor exploration performance on problems with bounded action spaces (actions on the boundary are too frequently sampled) which has been shown to be remedied by the entropy regularization of SAC or other output scaling and replay buffer sampling approaches that simulate entropy regularization, [62, 63]. Another newly documented [64] undesired behavior of TD3 is to have all Critics converge to a same point in parameter space and degenerate into single-Q-network performance. Without further experiments we cannot say if poor performance is due to action clipping, to critic diversity collapse, or both. Considering SAC works a lot better and also uses dual Q-networks like TD3, it seems more likely that clipping and bad exploration are to blame than diversity collapse. ##### Quality of deep and shallow controllers It is actually hard to find good attitude controllers using RL, probably explaining why papers in this area generally only discuss a single neural net controller: we found only 9 out of about 5000 controllers which complied with our specifications. The very last 5% performance seems to be very hard to get because of “spikes” we observed, due to spurious correlations in the fully connected neural net controllers we have been considering. We also note that small and rather shallow (two or three hidden layers) networks were observed to be best trained and to be behaving best for attitude control. ##### Spurious correlations Even if the STL metrics gives excellent results for some networks, there are still some spikes, as shown with the behavior of one of our best networks on a simple roll rate query in Figure 8, that we identified to be due to spurious correlations between the errors on one axis and the command on another axis. Figure 8: Spikes in roll rate control, with one of our best trained neural nets These spurious correlations can be exposed by training a controller on a single axis, here the roll axis, and showing that they indeed do not appear in that case where correlations cannot possibly be made. This new controller was trained with only the error on the roll rate as input, with the objective of controlling only $cmd_{\phi}$. During training, we have been controlling $cmd_{\psi}$ and $cmd_{\theta}$ by PIDs. We see in Figure 9 that the controller on roll rate is now almost perfect, showing no spikes. Figure 9: Behaviour of a controller trained on roll only. Another way to expose the spurious correlations is to examine the connections between the neurons of our controller, and in particular to show which ones are above a certain threshold, for a given input. In Figures 10(a) and 10(b), we depicted the case of a 16$\times$16 neural net controller for the roll, pitch and yaw rates, with two different inputs. The red arc is the same connection in the two figures, between some neuron of the second hidden layer and the neuron governing the roll rate output. In both cases it has a high value (weight), but in the first case, Figure 10(a), it shows a good correlation with the input that is used, while in the other, Figure 10(b), it shows a spurious correlation. The correlation of Figure 10(b) is deemed “good”, or correct, since the second input linked to the second axis is connected to the second output (on the same axis - connections between neurons are highlighted in the corresponding figures) and the correlation of Figure 10(b) is deemed spurious because it happens when the third input linked to the third axis is connected to the second input (an error on the pitch axis should not influence an action on the yaw axis). During the training phase, i.e. gradient descent, the weight of the connection will never converge to something sensible enough: when the network sees the first type of input, it will increase the importance of this connection while for the second input, it will reduce the importance of the same connection. (a) A case of good correlation between the input and the roll rate output (b) A case of spurious correlation between the input and the roll rate output Figure 10: Two different types of correlations during training ##### Training for nominal and non-nominal situations We also observed that there is some amount of robustness built in neural net controllers, suitably trained in nominal conditions, to certain non-nominal situations. We believe this is due to the fact that the controllers which are trained in the nominal case, are actually trained in many different states that appear in non-nominal situations, for the same neural net inputs (e.g. angular rate errors), by using a very wide distribution of initial states during training. Similar observations on robustness by training from wide initial state distributions were made in [65]. Finally, training neural net controllers to both nominal and non-nominal situations is not an easy endeavor and should be further studied. The difficulty lies in training on sufficiently many non-nominal data, as well as avoiding over-fitting to non-nominal cases: reward distributions can become multi-modal and expectation maximization could be bad in such cases. For instance, when we saturate a motor, we lose a degree of freedom and we can just hope for, for instance, a good control on the roll and pitch axis, at the expense of some degradation for controlling the yaw rate. Indeed, it is much harder for the quadcopter to generate a moment on the yaw axis than on the roll or on the pitch axis. When the controller has only been trained in nominal mode (i.e. without any saturation), it can stay for a rather long time far from the query, when used in non-nominal mode (here, with one motor saturated to a portion of its power, as explained in Section 3.2), as shown in Figure 11. When the controller is trained in non-nominal mode, it learns to overcompensate and does not remain far from the query for a long time, see Figure 12. Indeed, when one motor is saturated, the command on one axis will create a moment on another axis that needs to be compensated. This is what the drone successfully learns when trained with a saturated motor. Figure 11: Controller trained in nominal mode and tested with motor saturation Figure 12: Controller trained with motor saturation and tested with motor saturation ## 10 Conclusion We have presented a complete study of learned attitude controls for a quadcopter using reinforcement learning. In particular we extend previous results by modeling partial motor failure as well as wind gusts, and generating extensive tests of various network architectures, training algorithms and hyperparameters using a flexible and robust experimental platform. We also present a precise evaluation mechanism based on robust signal temporal logic observers, which allows us to characterize the best options for training attitude controllers. Results show that learned controllers exhibit high quality over a range of query signals, and are more robust to perturbations than PID controllers. The immediate next step will be to start using STL-derived reward signals during training on the most promising architectures, and try to improve training under non-nominal situations. Finally, because we use an explicit ODE model, we can hope to discuss formal reachability properties of the complete controlled system, using or elaborating on approaches such as [66] and [41]. ## References * [1] D. Bertsekas, Reinforcement Learning and Optimal Control, Athena Scientific optimization and computation series, Athena Scientific, 2019. URL * [2] E. Kaufmann, A. Loquercio, R. Ranftl, M. Müller, V. Koltun, D. 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