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int64 0
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int64 0
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| Servings
int64 1
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319 | नवरंग दाल रेसिपी - Navrang Dal (Recipe In Hindi) | Navrang dal recipe - Navrang Dal (Recipe) | 2 बड़े चमच्च हरी मूंग दाल,2 बड़े चमच्च सफ़ेद उरद दाल,2 बड़े चमच्च काली उरद दाल,2 बड़े चमच्च मसूर दाल (स्प्लिट),2 बड़े चमच्च मसूर दाल,2 बड़े चमच्च राजमा,2 बड़े चमच्च काबुली चन्ना,1/4 कप पिली मूंग दाल - 20 मिनट के लिए भिगो ले,1 बड़ा चमच्च अरहर दाल - 20 मिनट के लिए भिगो ले,1 प्याज - बारीक काट ले,1 टमाटर - बारीक काट ले,1 बड़ा चमच्च अदरक लहसुन का पेस्ट,1 हरी मिर्च - काट ले,2 छोटे चमच्च धनिया पाउडर,1 छोटा चमच्च लाल मिर्च पाउडर,2 छोटे चमच्च गरम मसाला पाउडर,1 बड़ा चमच्च कसूरी मेथी,1 इंच अदरक - बारीक काट ले (गार्निश के लिए),2 बड़े चमच्च घी,1 दाल चीनी,1 छोटा चमच्च जीरा,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार | 2 tablespoons Green Moong Dal, 2 tablespoons White Urad Dal, 2 tablespoons Kali Urad Dal, 2 tablespoons Masoor Dal (Split), 2 tablespoons Masoor Dal, 2 Tablespoons Rajma, 2 Tablespoons Kabuli Chana, 1/4 Cup yellow moong dal - soaked for 20 minutes, 1 tablespoon arhar dal - soaked for 20 minutes, 1 onion - finely chopped, 1 tomato - finely chopped, 1 tablespoon ginger garlic paste, 1 green chili - Cut, 2 teaspoons Coriander Powder, 1 teaspoon Red Chilli Powder, 2 teaspoons Garam Masala Powder, 1 Tablespoon Kasoori Methi, 1 inch Ginger - Finely chopped (for garnish), 2 tablespoons Ghee, 1 Dal Sugar, 1 teaspoon cumin seeds, salt - as per taste | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | High Protein Vegetarian | नवरंग दाल बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले सारी दालो को रात भर भिगो ले. पिली मूंग दाल और अरहर दाल को 20 मिनट के लिए भिगोए। सुबह दालो को प्रेशर कुकर में डालकर 3 सिटी आने तक पका ले. कुकर ठंडा होने के बाद, डालो को मैश करें और अलग से रख दे. अब एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम करें और इसमें घी डाले. उसके बाद इसमें दाल चीनी, जीरा डाले और 15 सेकण्ड्स तक पकने दे. 15 सेकण्ड्स के बाद इसमें प्याज डाले और हल्के भूरे होने तक पकने दे. अब इसमें लहसुन अदरक का पेस्ट डाले और 2 मिनट के लिए पकने दे. 2 मिनट के बाद इसमें कटे हुए टमाटर, हरी मिर्च डाले और टमाटर के थोड़े नरम होने तक पकाए। अब इसमें धनिया पाउडर, लाल मिर्च पाउडर, गरम मसाला पाउडर डाले और 3 मिनट तक पकाए। 3 मिनट बाद इसमें पाकी हुई दाल, नमक, प्रयोग अनुसार पानी डाले और 10 मिनट तक पकने दे. 10 मिनट के बाद इसमें कसूरी मेथी डाले और मिला ले. 2 मिनट के बाद, इसमें अदरक डाले और गैस बंद कर दे. नवरंग दाल को बेसन और मिर्च की सब्ज़ी और फुल्के के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे.
| To make Navrang dal, first soak all the lentils overnight. Soak pili moong dal and arhar dal for 20 minutes. Put the lentils in the pressure cooker in the morning and cook till 3 years come. After the cooker cools, mash the pour and keep it aside. Now heat oil in a pan and add ghee to it. After that add cinnamon, cumin and let it cook for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, add onion and let it cook till it turns light brown. Now add garlic ginger paste and let it cook for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, add chopped tomatoes, green chilies and cook till the tomatoes soften slightly. Now add coriander powder, red chili powder, garam masala powder and cook for 3 minutes. After 3 minutes, add the cooked lentils, salt, water as per the usage and let it cook for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add Kasuri methi to it and mix. After 2 minutes, add ginger to it and turn off the gas. Serve Navrang dal with gram flour and chilli vegetable and phulka for dinner. | |
320 | हरी मूंग दाल सुंदल रेसिपी - Green Moong Dal Sundal Recipe | Green Moong Dal Sundal Recipe - Green Moong Dal Sundal Recipe | 1 छोटा चम्मच तिल का तेल,1 छोटा चम्मच राइ,1 छोटा चम्मच जीरा,1/4 छोटा चम्मच हींग,2 टहनी कढ़ी पत्ता,2 हरी मिर्च - काट ले,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार,2 बड़े चम्मच नारियल - कस ले,1 कप अंकुरित मूंग,1 बड़ा चम्मच निम्बू का रस,2 टहनी हरा धनिया - काट ले | 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp rye, 1 tsp cumin, 1/4 tsp asafoetida, 2 sprig curry leaves, 2 green chillies - chopped, salt - as per taste, 2 tbsp coconut - tighten, 1 Cup sprouted moong, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 2 sprig coriander - chopped | 420 | 20 | 440 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Side Dish | Vegetarian | हरी मूंग दाल सुंदल रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले हरे मून को अंकुरित कर ले या आप बाजार से लाये हुए अंकुरित हरे मूंग का भी प्रयोग कर सकते है.अब एक कड़ाही में तेल गरम करें। इसमें राइ डाले और तड़कने दे. राइ के तड़कने के बाद इसमें जीरा, हींग, हरी मिर्च और कढ़ी पत्ता डाले।कढ़ी पत्ता के तड़कने के बाद इसमें अंकुरित हरा मूंग, नमक डाले, मिलाए, कढ़ाई को ढके और 3 से 4 मिनट के लिए पका ले. कढ़ाई को खोले और इसमें कसा हुआ नारियल, निम्बू का रस, हरा धनिया डाले और मिला ले. गैस बंद करें और परोसे। हरी मूंग दाल सुंदल रेसिपी को टमाटर रसम, चाउ चाउ थोरन, चावल और करि पत्ता छास के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे.
| To make green moong dal sundal recipe, first of all sprout green moons or you can also use sprouted green moong from the market. Now heat oil in a pan. Add mustard seeds and let it splutter. Add the cumin seeds, asafoetida, green chillies and curry leaves to it after the rai crackles. After the curry leaves crackle, add sprouted green moong, salt, mix, cover the pan and cook for 3 to 4 minutes. Open the pan and add grated coconut, lemon juice, green coriander and mix. Turn off the gas and serve. Serve green moong dal sundal recipe with tomato rasam, chow chow thoran, rice and curry leaves for dinner. | |
321 | चाउ चाउ सांबर रेसिपी - Chow-Chow Sambar (Recipe In Hindi) | Chow Chow Sambar Recipe - Chow-Chow Sambar | 1 कप अरहर दाल,2 कप चाउ चाउ - काट ले,30 ग्राम इमली - 1 कप पानी में भिगो ले,1 प्याज - पतला काट ले,2 टमाटर - काट ले,1 बड़ा चमच्च सांबर पाउडर,1/4 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,4 टहनी हरा धनिया - काट ले,तेल - प्रयोग अनुसार,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार,1 छोटा चमच्च तिल का तेल - या कोई भी तेल,1 छोटा चमच्च राइ,1/4 छोटा चमच्च हींग,1 सुखी लाल मिर्च,1 टहनी कढ़ी पत्ता - तोड़ ले | 1 cup arhar dal, 2 cups chow chow - chop, 30 grams tamarind - soaked in 1 cup water, 1 onion - thinly sliced, 2 tomatoes - chopped, 1 tablespoon sambar powder, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder , 4 sprigs of coriander - chopped, oil - according to use, salt - as per taste, 1 teaspoon sesame oil - or any oil, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1/4 teaspoon asafoetida, 1 red chili, 1 sprig Curry leaves | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Lunch | High Protein Vegetarian | चाउ चाउ सांबर बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक प्रेशर कुकर में दाल के साथ 2 कप पानी, हल्दी पाउडर, नमक डाले और 2 सिटी आने तक पका ले. दाल के पकने के बाद, दाल को अच्छी तरह से मैश कर ले और अलग से रख दे. एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम कर ले. इसमें प्याज डाले और उनके नरम होने तक पका ले. अब इसमें टमाटर और चाउ चाउ डाले। चाउ चाउ के 3/4 पकने तक पकाए। बिच बिच में मिलाते रहे. अब इसमें इमली का पानी, सांबर पाउडर, नमक इसमें डाले और चाउ चाउ के अच्छी तरह से पकने तक पकाए। अब इसमें दाल, हरा धनिया डाले और 2 से 3 मिनट तक पकाते रहे. गैस बंद कर दे.अब एक तड़का पैन में तिल का तेल गरम करें। इसमें राइ, सुखी लाल मिर्च डाले और 15 सेकण्ड्स तक पकाए। अब इसमें हींग, कढ़ी पत्ता डाले और 10 सेकण्ड्स बाद गैस बंद कर दे. इस तड़के को सांबर में डाले और मिला ले. चाउ चाउ सांबर को बीन्स और गोभी पोरियल और चावल के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make chow chow sambar, first put 2 cups water, turmeric powder, salt along with lentils in a pressure cooker and cook till 2 years come. After the lentils are cooked, mash the lentils well and keep them aside. Heat the oil in a pan. Add onions and cook till they become soft. Now add tomatoes and chow chow. Cook until 3/4 of the chow is cooked. Bitch kept shaking in between. Now add tamarind water, sambar powder, salt and cook it until the chow is cooked well. Now add dal, green coriander and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Turn off the gas. Now heat sesame oil in a tempering pan. Add the mustard seeds, dry red chilies and cook for 15 seconds. Now add asafoetida, curry leaves and turn off the gas after 10 seconds. Add this tempering to the sambar and mix. Serve Chow Chow Sambar with beans and cabbage with porridge and rice for dinner. | |
322 | Tamil Nadu Style Vellai Paniyaram Recipe - Semi Sweet Rice & Dal Fritters | Tamil Nadu Style White Paniyaram Recipe - Semi Sweet Rice & Dal Printers | 1 cup Rice - soaked for 2 hours,2 tablespoon Black Urad Dal (Whole) - soaked for 2 hours,1/4 cup Milk,1 tablespoon Sugar,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - for deep frying | 1 cup Rice - soaked for 2 hours,2 tablespoon Black Urad Dal (Whole) - soaked for 2 hours,1/4 cup Milk,1 tablespoon Sugar,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - for deep frying | 30 | 30 | 60 | 4 | Chettinad | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Tamil Nadu Style Vellai Paniyaram Recipe, wash and soak rice and urad dal in water for 2 hours.Grind them till completely smooth in a Mixer grinder.Add only just enough water for it to grind and do not make it watery. Keep the batter as thick as possible.Add sugar and salt to the batter, and let it rest for another hour.Heat oil in a Kadai/Frying pan for deep frying.Mix the batter well. Add milk to make it watery at this stage. The consistency should be more watery than a dosa batter.Drop one tablespoon full of batter into the Kadai. It will rise and puff up. Once the Vellai paniyaram is cooked on one side, flip it and let it fry for a couple of seconds. Transfer Vellai Paniyaram on a kitchen towel. Pat the Vellai Paniyaram with an oil absorbent paper to remove excess oil and serve.Serve Vellai Paniyaram spicy Tangy Tomato chutney or Dhaniya Pudina Chutney during evenings.
| To begin making the Tamil Nadu Style Vellai Paniyaram Recipe, wash and soak rice and urad dal in water for 2 hours.Grind them till completely smooth in a Mixer grinder.Add only just enough water for it to grind and do not make it watery. Keep the batter as thick as possible.Add sugar and salt to the batter, and let it rest for another hour.Heat oil in a Kadai/Frying pan for deep frying.Mix the batter well. Add milk to make it watery at this stage. The consistency should be more watery than a dosa batter.Drop one tablespoon full of batter into the Kadai. It will rise and puff up. Once the Vellai paniyaram is cooked on one side, flip it and let it fry for a couple of seconds. Transfer Vellai Paniyaram on a kitchen towel. Pat the Vellai Paniyaram with an oil absorbent paper to remove excess oil and serve.Serve Vellai Paniyaram spicy Tangy Tomato chutney or Dhaniya Pudina Chutney during evenings. | |
323 | Kurkuri Bhindi With Spicy Tomato Yogurt Gravy Recipe | Kurkuri Bhindi With Spicy Tomato Yogurt Gravy Recipe | 250 grams Bhindi (Lady Finger/Okra),Sunflower Oil - for deep frying,2 tablespoons Gram flour (besan),Salt - as needed,1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,1 tablespoon Water,Sunflower Oil - as required,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),1 tablespoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 to 2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 Onion - thinly sliced,1/2 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt) - whisked,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania) | 250 grams Bhindi (Lady Finger/Okra),Sunflower Oil - for deep frying,2 tablespoons Gram flour (besan),Salt - as needed,1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,1 tablespoon Water,Sunflower Oil - as required,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),1 tablespoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 to 2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 Onion - thinly sliced,1/2 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt) - whisked,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania) | 20 | 40 | 60 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Kurkuri Bhindi With Spicy Tomato Yogurt Gravy, firstly we will make the crispy bhindi.Wash the bhindi, make a cut, take out the seeds and then thinly slice all of the bhindis.Take a mixing bowl, add the bhindi and all the ingredients mentioned under ‘for the crispy bhindi’.Heat oil in a deep frying pan, and deep fry the bhindi till they become crisp. Take them out on a absorbent paper to absorb the excess oil.Once done, keep them aside.Next heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, hing and ginger garlic paste.After 30 seconds, add the green chillies and onions. Cook till the onions becomes soft and translucent.Next, add the tomatoes and cook for about 3 minutes or till the tomatoes gets mushy.Add all the dry masalas including red chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and coriander powder.Cook for about 5 to 6 minutes and then add curd in it. Stir continuously for about a minute. Add water if required.Let it cook for about 5 minutes more and when it is cooked properly, add the chopped coriander leaves.Now mix the crispy bhindi on the gravy, give a stir and serve hot. Serve Kurkuri Bhindi With Spicy Tomato Yogurt Gravy along with Panchmel Dal, Phulkas and Rice for a perfect weekday meal.
| To begin making the Kurkuri Bhindi With Spicy Tomato Yogurt Gravy, firstly we will make the crispy bhindi.Wash the bhindi, make a cut, take out the seeds and then thinly slice all of the bhindis.Take a mixing bowl, add the bhindi and all the ingredients mentioned under ‘for the crispy bhindi’.Heat oil in a deep frying pan, and deep fry the bhindi till they become crisp. Take them out on a absorbent paper to absorb the excess oil.Once done, keep them aside.Next heat oil in a heavy bottomed pan and add mustard seeds, cumin seeds, hing and ginger garlic paste.After 30 seconds, add the green chillies and onions. Cook till the onions becomes soft and translucent.Next, add the tomatoes and cook for about 3 minutes or till the tomatoes gets mushy.Add all the dry masalas including red chilli powder, turmeric powder, salt and coriander powder.Cook for about 5 to 6 minutes and then add curd in it. Stir continuously for about a minute. Add water if required.Let it cook for about 5 minutes more and when it is cooked properly, add the chopped coriander leaves.Now mix the crispy bhindi on the gravy, give a stir and serve hot. Serve Kurkuri Bhindi With Spicy Tomato Yogurt Gravy along with Panchmel Dal, Phulkas and Rice for a perfect weekday meal. | |
324 | Thulli Recipe (Broken Wheat Halwa) | Thulli Recipe (Broken Wheat Halwa) | 1 cup Broken Wheat (Dalia/ Godumai Rava),3 cups Water,1 tablespoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),1/2 tablespoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),1-1/2 cup Sugar,4 tablespoons Ghee,10 Cashew nuts,1 tablespoon Milk - lukewarm,Saffron strands - few | 1 cup Broken Wheat (Dalia/ Godumai Rava),3 cups Water,1 tablespoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),1/2 tablespoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),1-1/2 cup Sugar,4 tablespoons Ghee,10 Cashew nuts,1 tablespoon Milk - lukewarm,Saffron strands - few | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | Indian | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin making the Thulli recipe, mix lukewarm milk and saffron in a small bowl and keep it aside.In a heavy bottom cooking vessel, add 1 tablespoon of ghee and fry cashews on low flame until they turn light brown. Turn off the flame and set aside.Now in the same pan, add remaining ghee and fry broken wheat until lightly coloured on low flame. Set it aside.Now in the same pan add water, fennel seeds, milk+saffron mixture and cardamom powder. Give the mixture a stir and allow it to boil.Now lower the flame and start adding the broken wheat by continuously stirring to avoid lumps. Cook till broken wheat is completely cooked.Now add sugar to the mixture and give it a nice stir. Cook until the sugar dissolves. Garnish with fried cashews and serve hot or at room temperature.Serve Thulli as a dessert after your everyday meal of Dal Tadka, Makai Wali Bhindi and Phulka.
| To begin making the Thulli recipe, mix lukewarm milk and saffron in a small bowl and keep it aside.In a heavy bottom cooking vessel, add 1 tablespoon of ghee and fry cashews on low flame until they turn light brown. Turn off the flame and set aside.Now in the same pan, add remaining ghee and fry broken wheat until lightly coloured on low flame. Set it aside.Now in the same pan add water, fennel seeds, milk+saffron mixture and cardamom powder. Give the mixture a stir and allow it to boil.Now lower the flame and start adding the broken wheat by continuously stirring to avoid lumps. Cook till broken wheat is completely cooked.Now add sugar to the mixture and give it a nice stir. Cook until the sugar dissolves. Garnish with fried cashews and serve hot or at room temperature.Serve Thulli as a dessert after your everyday meal of Dal Tadka, Makai Wali Bhindi and Phulka. | |
325 | Gulkand Chai Recipe - A Delicious Rose Flavored Indian Tea | Gulkand Chai Recipe - A Delicious Rose Flavored Indian Tea | 2 cups Water,1 teaspoon Tea leaves,1/4 cup Milk,2 tablespoons Gulkand | 2 cups Water,1 teaspoon Tea leaves,1/4 cup Milk,2 tablespoons Gulkand | 0 | 25 | 25 | 2 | North Indian Recipes | North Indian Breakfast | Vegetarian | To begin making the Gulkand Chai, add water into a sauce pan and allow it to come to a brisk boil.Once it begins to boil; add the tea leaves.Allow the tea leaves to simmer in the water for about a minute and turn off the heat.Stir in the milk into the chai and allow it to rest for a few seconds. Add 1 tablespoon of Gulkand into each chai cup at the bottom and strain the chai into the cups and serve.Serve the Gulkand Chai Recipe along with Samosa or Vegetable Bajji or Pakora for an evening snack.
| To begin making the Gulkand Chai, add water into a sauce pan and allow it to come to a brisk boil.Once it begins to boil; add the tea leaves.Allow the tea leaves to simmer in the water for about a minute and turn off the heat.Stir in the milk into the chai and allow it to rest for a few seconds. Add 1 tablespoon of Gulkand into each chai cup at the bottom and strain the chai into the cups and serve.Serve the Gulkand Chai Recipe along with Samosa or Vegetable Bajji or Pakora for an evening snack. | |
326 | Spinach And Tortellini Soup Recipe | Spinach And Tortellini Soup Recipe | 1 cup All Purpose Flour (Maida),1 teaspoon Dried oregano,1 teaspoon Dried Thyme Leaves,1 teaspoon Parsley leaves,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,Salt - to taste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,All Purpose Flour (Maida) - as required for rolling,10 teaspoon Cheese - grated,4 cloves Garlic,1 Cup Baby spinach,1/4 cup Parsley leaves,1 Onion,8 cups Vegetable stock,1/2 Tablespoon Black pepper powder,Salt - as required,Italian seasoning - as required,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - as required | 1 cup All Purpose Flour (Maida),1 teaspoon Dried oregano,1 teaspoon Dried Thyme Leaves,1 teaspoon Parsley leaves,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,Salt - to taste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,All Purpose Flour (Maida) - as required for rolling,10 teaspoon Cheese - grated,4 cloves Garlic,1 Cup Baby spinach,1/4 cup Parsley leaves,1 Onion,8 cups Vegetable stock,1/2 Tablespoon Black pepper powder,Salt - as required,Italian seasoning - as required,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - as required | 20 | 30 | 50 | 4 | Italian Recipes | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin making the Spinach And Tortellini Soup recipe, combine the plain flour, oregano, thyme, parsley, dry red chilli flakes, olive oil and salt in a deep bowl and knead into a firm dough using enough water.Cover with a wet muslin cloth and keep aside for 15 minutes. Divide the dough into 2 equal portions. Roll out each portion of the dough into 250 mm. (10”) diameter circle using a little plain flour for rolling.Cut into circles using a 50 mm. (2”) cookie cutter to get 5 roundels. Keep doing till all the dough is over, to get 20 roundels in all. Place one roundel on a clean, dry surface and put 1/2 teaspoon of cheese in the center.Fold over to make a semi-circle and press the edges lightly with your fingers to seal it.Bring both the corners of the semi-circle one over the other and again pinch it with your fingers to seal it together.Repeat steps 7 to 9 to make the remaining 19 herb tortellini. Boil enough water in a deep non-stick pan, with salt and oil. Add the prepared tortellini, few at a time and cook on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes. Drain and keep aside.Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, and salt and cook for a couple of minutes. Stir in stock, bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to simmer until veggies are tender. Remove lid and add spinach and tortellini. Cook for few minutes, stir in parsley and black pepper, Italian seasoning to taste. Ladle into bowls and add grated cheese on top.Serve Spinach And Tortellini Soup along with Garlic Bread and Savory Melon Salad for your weekday dinner.
| To begin making the Spinach And Tortellini Soup recipe, combine the plain flour, oregano, thyme, parsley, dry red chilli flakes, olive oil and salt in a deep bowl and knead into a firm dough using enough water.Cover with a wet muslin cloth and keep aside for 15 minutes. Divide the dough into 2 equal portions. Roll out each portion of the dough into 250 mm. (10”) diameter circle using a little plain flour for rolling.Cut into circles using a 50 mm. (2”) cookie cutter to get 5 roundels. Keep doing till all the dough is over, to get 20 roundels in all. Place one roundel on a clean, dry surface and put 1/2 teaspoon of cheese in the center.Fold over to make a semi-circle and press the edges lightly with your fingers to seal it.Bring both the corners of the semi-circle one over the other and again pinch it with your fingers to seal it together.Repeat steps 7 to 9 to make the remaining 19 herb tortellini. Boil enough water in a deep non-stick pan, with salt and oil. Add the prepared tortellini, few at a time and cook on a medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes. Drain and keep aside.Heat the olive oil in a large pot over medium-high heat. Add onion, garlic, and salt and cook for a couple of minutes. Stir in stock, bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to simmer until veggies are tender. Remove lid and add spinach and tortellini. Cook for few minutes, stir in parsley and black pepper, Italian seasoning to taste. Ladle into bowls and add grated cheese on top.Serve Spinach And Tortellini Soup along with Garlic Bread and Savory Melon Salad for your weekday dinner. | |
327 | Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding) | Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding) | 3/4 cup Black Rice - soaked for 3-4 hours,2 liter Milk - full cream milk,1/2 cup Sugar,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),8-10 Cashew nuts - fried,10 Raisins - optional | 3/4 cup Black Rice - soaked for 3-4 hours,2 liter Milk - full cream milk,1/2 cup Sugar,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),8-10 Cashew nuts - fried,10 Raisins - optional | 180 | 40 | 220 | 6 | North East India Recipes | Dessert | Vegetarian | To prepare Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding), wash and soak rice in fresh water for 3-4 hours before cooking.In a thick bottomed pan, heat milk and boil till it starts reducing and look light cream in color.Add soaked black rice and cook in medium to low flames till rice is 90% cooked. Keep stirring in regular intervals and also scrap the cream from sides and add into the kheer, this will make it creamier.The kheer will start turning purple in color because of the Chak-Hao/black rice.Once the milk is thick and creamy and the rice is almost done, add sugar and cardamom powder and stir well.After adding sugar, the milk will slightly look diluted, but it will thicken again in few minutes.Cook till the kheer is creamy in texture and turn off the gasIn a small pan, heat ghee and fry cashews till browned slightly.Add the fried cashews to Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding) and give a quick mix.Serve Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding) hot or chilled, as an occasional dessert after a nice weekend meal!
| To prepare Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding), wash and soak rice in fresh water for 3-4 hours before cooking.In a thick bottomed pan, heat milk and boil till it starts reducing and look light cream in color.Add soaked black rice and cook in medium to low flames till rice is 90% cooked. Keep stirring in regular intervals and also scrap the cream from sides and add into the kheer, this will make it creamier.The kheer will start turning purple in color because of the Chak-Hao/black rice.Once the milk is thick and creamy and the rice is almost done, add sugar and cardamom powder and stir well.After adding sugar, the milk will slightly look diluted, but it will thicken again in few minutes.Cook till the kheer is creamy in texture and turn off the gasIn a small pan, heat ghee and fry cashews till browned slightly.Add the fried cashews to Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding) and give a quick mix.Serve Chak-Hao Amubi Recipe (Black Rice Pudding) hot or chilled, as an occasional dessert after a nice weekend meal! | |
328 | Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe | Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms Recipe | 12 Button mushrooms - (button or crimini variety),2 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking,1/2 cup Onions - finely chopped,2 tablespoon Garlic - finely grated,2 cup Spinach Leaves (Palak) - roughly chopped,1/2 teaspoon White pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Parsley leaves,1/2 teaspoon Basil leaves,1/2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder,2 teaspoon Parmesan cheese - grated (reduced fat),1/2 cup Mascarpone Cheese,1/4 cup Britannia Cream Cheese - (reduced fat or fat free),2 tablespoon Mozzarella cheese - shredded (part-skimmed) | 12 Button mushrooms - (button or crimini variety),2 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking,1/2 cup Onions - finely chopped,2 tablespoon Garlic - finely grated,2 cup Spinach Leaves (Palak) - roughly chopped,1/2 teaspoon White pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Parsley leaves,1/2 teaspoon Basil leaves,1/2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder,2 teaspoon Parmesan cheese - grated (reduced fat),1/2 cup Mascarpone Cheese,1/4 cup Britannia Cream Cheese - (reduced fat or fat free),2 tablespoon Mozzarella cheese - shredded (part-skimmed) | 10 | 50 | 60 | 4 | Continental | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To prepare Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, preheat Oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.Grease a Baking sheet with cooking oil spray. Keep it aside.Gently remove the stems of the mushrooms.Keep the caps and the stems separately aside. Wash and clean the caps. Pat it dry with kitchen paper towel.Arrange it on the greased baking sheet, rounded side down.Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes.Finely chop the mushrooms stems.Heat a pan and add 2 teaspoon oil into it.When the oil is hot, add the onions, chopped stems and garlic.Stir fry on medium high heat till the onions and the mushrooms become soft. Mushrooms contain moisture; hence they are cooked at medium high heat to lose the water content.Add the spinach leaves and the white pepper powder into the pan.Mix and stir fry until the spinach leaves are wilted. Turn off the heat. Allow the mixture to cool for 3-4 minutes.In a separate bowl, combine mascarpone cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, parsley, basil, black pepper, and salt.Whisk by hand till it forms a smooth creamy mixture.Add in the vegetable mixture. Stir and mix well.In another separate bowl, mix the parmesan cheese with garlic powder. Keep it aside.Take out the baked mushrooms and allow it to cool. Keep the oven preheated for cooking later.Remove any water or moisture inside and outside the mushroom caps using kitchen paper towel. The mushrooms caps should be absolutely dry.Fill the mushroom caps with generous amount of cheese-veggie mixture such that they are piled even on top of the mushroom caps. Sprinkle the parmesan garlic mixture over the stuffed mushroom caps.Arrange these creamy cheese spinach stuffed mushrooms on a greased baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until the topping begins to brown.Take it out and allow them to cool slightly.Serve these Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms along with other appetizers like Baked Potato Thyme Rolls Recipe and a bread Whole Wheat Bread Recipe With Oatmeal And Flaxseeds on side during tea time or serve it alone as an appetizers.
| To prepare Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, preheat Oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.Grease a Baking sheet with cooking oil spray. Keep it aside.Gently remove the stems of the mushrooms.Keep the caps and the stems separately aside. Wash and clean the caps. Pat it dry with kitchen paper towel.Arrange it on the greased baking sheet, rounded side down.Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes.Finely chop the mushrooms stems.Heat a pan and add 2 teaspoon oil into it.When the oil is hot, add the onions, chopped stems and garlic.Stir fry on medium high heat till the onions and the mushrooms become soft. Mushrooms contain moisture; hence they are cooked at medium high heat to lose the water content.Add the spinach leaves and the white pepper powder into the pan.Mix and stir fry until the spinach leaves are wilted. Turn off the heat. Allow the mixture to cool for 3-4 minutes.In a separate bowl, combine mascarpone cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, parsley, basil, black pepper, and salt.Whisk by hand till it forms a smooth creamy mixture.Add in the vegetable mixture. Stir and mix well.In another separate bowl, mix the parmesan cheese with garlic powder. Keep it aside.Take out the baked mushrooms and allow it to cool. Keep the oven preheated for cooking later.Remove any water or moisture inside and outside the mushroom caps using kitchen paper towel. The mushrooms caps should be absolutely dry.Fill the mushroom caps with generous amount of cheese-veggie mixture such that they are piled even on top of the mushroom caps. Sprinkle the parmesan garlic mixture over the stuffed mushroom caps.Arrange these creamy cheese spinach stuffed mushrooms on a greased baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until the topping begins to brown.Take it out and allow them to cool slightly.Serve these Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms along with other appetizers like Baked Potato Thyme Rolls Recipe and a bread Whole Wheat Bread Recipe With Oatmeal And Flaxseeds on side during tea time or serve it alone as an appetizers. | |
329 | Roasted Vegetable Pasta Primavera Recipe | Roasted Vegetable Pasta Primavera Recipe | 12 Button mushrooms - (button or crimini variety),2 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking,1/2 cup Onions - finely chopped,2 tablespoon Garlic - finely grated,2 cup Spinach Leaves (Palak) - roughly chopped,1/2 teaspoon White pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Parsley leaves,1/2 teaspoon Basil leaves,1/2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder,2 teaspoon Parmesan cheese - grated (reduced fat),1/2 cup Mascarpone Cheese,1/4 cup Britannia Cream Cheese - (reduced fat or fat free),2 tablespoon Mozzarella cheese - shredded (part-skimmed) | 12 Button mushrooms - (button or crimini variety),2 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking,1/2 cup Onions - finely chopped,2 tablespoon Garlic - finely grated,2 cup Spinach Leaves (Palak) - roughly chopped,1/2 teaspoon White pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Parsley leaves,1/2 teaspoon Basil leaves,1/2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 teaspoon Garlic powder,2 teaspoon Parmesan cheese - grated (reduced fat),1/2 cup Mascarpone Cheese,1/4 cup Britannia Cream Cheese - (reduced fat or fat free),2 tablespoon Mozzarella cheese - shredded (part-skimmed) | 10 | 50 | 60 | 4 | Continental | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To prepare Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, preheat Oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.Grease a Baking sheet with cooking oil spray. Keep it aside.Gently remove the stems of the mushrooms.Keep the caps and the stems separately aside. Wash and clean the caps. Pat it dry with kitchen paper towel.Arrange it on the greased baking sheet, rounded side down.Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes.Finely chop the mushrooms stems.Heat a pan and add 2 teaspoon oil into it.When the oil is hot, add the onions, chopped stems and garlic.Stir fry on medium high heat till the onions and the mushrooms become soft. Mushrooms contain moisture; hence they are cooked at medium high heat to lose the water content.Add the spinach leaves and the white pepper powder into the pan.Mix and stir fry until the spinach leaves are wilted. Turn off the heat. Allow the mixture to cool for 3-4 minutes.In a separate bowl, combine mascarpone cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, parsley, basil, black pepper, and salt.Whisk by hand till it forms a smooth creamy mixture.Add in the vegetable mixture. Stir and mix well.In another separate bowl, mix the parmesan cheese with garlic powder. Keep it aside.Take out the baked mushrooms and allow it to cool. Keep the oven preheated for cooking later.Remove any water or moisture inside and outside the mushroom caps using kitchen paper towel. The mushrooms caps should be absolutely dry.Fill the mushroom caps with generous amount of cheese-veggie mixture such that they are piled even on top of the mushroom caps. Sprinkle the parmesan garlic mixture over the stuffed mushroom caps.Arrange these creamy cheese spinach stuffed mushrooms on a greased baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until the topping begins to brown.Take it out and allow them to cool slightly.Serve these Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms along with other appetizers like Baked Potato Thyme Rolls Recipe and a bread Whole Wheat Bread Recipe With Oatmeal And Flaxseeds on side during tea time or serve it alone as an appetizers.
| To prepare Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms, preheat Oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.Grease a Baking sheet with cooking oil spray. Keep it aside.Gently remove the stems of the mushrooms.Keep the caps and the stems separately aside. Wash and clean the caps. Pat it dry with kitchen paper towel.Arrange it on the greased baking sheet, rounded side down.Bake in the preheated oven for 12-14 minutes.Finely chop the mushrooms stems.Heat a pan and add 2 teaspoon oil into it.When the oil is hot, add the onions, chopped stems and garlic.Stir fry on medium high heat till the onions and the mushrooms become soft. Mushrooms contain moisture; hence they are cooked at medium high heat to lose the water content.Add the spinach leaves and the white pepper powder into the pan.Mix and stir fry until the spinach leaves are wilted. Turn off the heat. Allow the mixture to cool for 3-4 minutes.In a separate bowl, combine mascarpone cheese, cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, parsley, basil, black pepper, and salt.Whisk by hand till it forms a smooth creamy mixture.Add in the vegetable mixture. Stir and mix well.In another separate bowl, mix the parmesan cheese with garlic powder. Keep it aside.Take out the baked mushrooms and allow it to cool. Keep the oven preheated for cooking later.Remove any water or moisture inside and outside the mushroom caps using kitchen paper towel. The mushrooms caps should be absolutely dry.Fill the mushroom caps with generous amount of cheese-veggie mixture such that they are piled even on top of the mushroom caps. Sprinkle the parmesan garlic mixture over the stuffed mushroom caps.Arrange these creamy cheese spinach stuffed mushrooms on a greased baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven for 8-10 minutes until the topping begins to brown.Take it out and allow them to cool slightly.Serve these Four Cheese and Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms along with other appetizers like Baked Potato Thyme Rolls Recipe and a bread Whole Wheat Bread Recipe With Oatmeal And Flaxseeds on side during tea time or serve it alone as an appetizers. | |
330 | Kashmiri Style Chicken Pulao Recipe | Kashmiri Style Chicken Pulao Recipe | 1 cup Rice - washed and soaked in water,300 grams Chicken breasts - cut into small pieces,1 Mace (Javitri),1 inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),3 Cloves (Laung),1 Mace (Javitri),1 inch Ginger,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,1 Onion - sliced,1 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1 tablespoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 tablespoon Cashew nuts,5 Badam (Almond) - crushed,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil | 1 cup Rice - washed and soaked in water,300 grams Chicken breasts - cut into small pieces,1 Mace (Javitri),1 inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),3 Cloves (Laung),1 Mace (Javitri),1 inch Ginger,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,1 Onion - sliced,1 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1 tablespoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 tablespoon Cashew nuts,5 Badam (Almond) - crushed,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | Kashmiri | One Pot Dish | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Kashmiri Chicken Pulao Recipe, heat a pressure cooker with oil on medium flame, once the oil is hot add mace, cloves, cinnamon stick and let it sizzle.Once it sizzles, Aad ginger, garlic and saute for a couple of minutes. Add onions and saute them well till they turn translucent.In a mixing bowl, combine the curd along with red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and pepper powder and whisk well.Turn down the heat and add this whisked curd into the sautéed onions and mix well. Add chicken pieces and saute till the chicken is half cooked. This will take about 6 to 8 minutes.After 6 to 8 minutes, add in soaked and washed rice along with 1-1/2 cups of water. Sprinkle salt accordingly and stir well. Close the lid of the cooker and pressure cook for 2 whistles.After 2 whistes, switch off the gas and allow the pressure to release naturally. Open the cooker and fluff up the rice and mix it evenly with the masala.Garnish with cashew nuts and crushed almonds and serve hot.Serve the Kashmiri Chicken Pulao Recipe along with Tomato Onion Cucumber Raita ,Carrot Cucumber Tomato Salad with Lemon and Coriander by the side so it will make a complete meal.
| To begin making the Kashmiri Chicken Pulao Recipe, heat a pressure cooker with oil on medium flame, once the oil is hot add mace, cloves, cinnamon stick and let it sizzle.Once it sizzles, Aad ginger, garlic and saute for a couple of minutes. Add onions and saute them well till they turn translucent.In a mixing bowl, combine the curd along with red chilli powder, turmeric powder, coriander powder and pepper powder and whisk well.Turn down the heat and add this whisked curd into the sautéed onions and mix well. Add chicken pieces and saute till the chicken is half cooked. This will take about 6 to 8 minutes.After 6 to 8 minutes, add in soaked and washed rice along with 1-1/2 cups of water. Sprinkle salt accordingly and stir well. Close the lid of the cooker and pressure cook for 2 whistles.After 2 whistes, switch off the gas and allow the pressure to release naturally. Open the cooker and fluff up the rice and mix it evenly with the masala.Garnish with cashew nuts and crushed almonds and serve hot.Serve the Kashmiri Chicken Pulao Recipe along with Tomato Onion Cucumber Raita ,Carrot Cucumber Tomato Salad with Lemon and Coriander by the side so it will make a complete meal. | |
332 | Stuffed Tomato With Stir-Fried Quinoa And Feta Recipe | Stuffed Tomato With Stir-Fried Quinoa And Feta Recipe | 4 Tomatoes - pulp scooped out,100 grams Quinoa - soaked in water for 2 hours,1 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - chopped finely,1 Yellow Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - chopped finely,100 grams Cheddar cheese - grated,50 grams Feta Cheese - cubed,2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,Salt - to taste | 4 Tomatoes - pulp scooped out,100 grams Quinoa - soaked in water for 2 hours,1 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - chopped finely,1 Yellow Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - chopped finely,100 grams Cheddar cheese - grated,50 grams Feta Cheese - cubed,2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,Salt - to taste | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | Middle Eastern | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To begin making Stuffed Tomato With Stir Fried Quinoa and feta Recipe, heat a pan with oil , add chopped garlic, saute the vegetables and add the feta cheese.Once done add the quinoa and saute for 2 minutes then add 1 and 1/2 cups of water. Cover and let the quinoa boil and get cooked.Let the water evaporate, check for seasoning. Let it cool down and stuff it inside the tomato that has been scooped out and season with salt.Top it up with cheddar cheese and some chopped bell peppers and bake it in the oven for about 10 minutes at 150 degree Celsius. Serve your juicy Stuffed Tomato With Stir Fried Quinoa and feta with breakfast.
| To begin making Stuffed Tomato With Stir Fried Quinoa and feta Recipe, heat a pan with oil , add chopped garlic, saute the vegetables and add the feta cheese.Once done add the quinoa and saute for 2 minutes then add 1 and 1/2 cups of water. Cover and let the quinoa boil and get cooked.Let the water evaporate, check for seasoning. Let it cool down and stuff it inside the tomato that has been scooped out and season with salt.Top it up with cheddar cheese and some chopped bell peppers and bake it in the oven for about 10 minutes at 150 degree Celsius. Serve your juicy Stuffed Tomato With Stir Fried Quinoa and feta with breakfast. | |
334 | Keeme Ja Bhalla Recipe - Sindhi Mutton Keema Balls In Gravy | Keeme Ja Bhalla Recipe - Sindhi Mutton Keema Balls In Gravy | 300 grams Mutton Kheema,1 tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped,2 Green Chillies,Salt - salt to taste,2 sprig Mint Leaves (Pudina) - finely chopped,1 Whole Egg,2 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,1/4 cup Gram flour (besan),2 tablespoons Sunflower Oil,1 tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped,2 Onions - finely chopped,1 cup Homemade tomato puree,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania) | 300 grams Mutton Kheema,1 tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped,2 Green Chillies,Salt - salt to taste,2 sprig Mint Leaves (Pudina) - finely chopped,1 Whole Egg,2 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,1/4 cup Gram flour (besan),2 tablespoons Sunflower Oil,1 tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped,2 Onions - finely chopped,1 cup Homemade tomato puree,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania) | 15 | 40 | 55 | 6 | Sindhi | Main Course | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Keeme Ja Bhalla Recipe - Sindhi Mutton Keema Balls In Gravy, make sure you have the mutton keema ready. To make the Mutton Keema Balls for the Keeme Ja BhallaIn a mixer jar, combine the ginger, garlic, green chillies, and salt and grind to a fine paste. Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Into the mixing bowl with the freshly ground masala, add chopped coriander and mint leaves, and the egg. Combine well, add the mutton keema and mix until well combined. At this stage you will see the mutton keema mixture is way too moist, to bind the mixture well, now add the besan and mix well. Grease a steel plate with oil. Grease your hands with oil and make lemon sized balls and place it on the greased plate and set aside. To make the Gravy for the Keeme Ja BhallaIn a kadai, heat oil on medium flame, Once hot, add the chopped garlic and ginger, saute for about 30 seconds. Next add in the onions, and fry until it turns into a deep brown colour. This will decide the colour of your Keeme Ja Bhalla gravy. Once you've achieved a lovely brown colour, add all the dry spice powders - red chilli powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder, and salt. Mix well. Gradually mix in the tomato puree and allow it to simmer for a good 5 minutes, by placing the plate with the keema balls on it. Now cover these keema balls with a lid, allowing the keema balls to cook in the steam. After 5 minutes, once the oil has come to the surface, remove the keema balls plate and it's lid to check. To the gravy add 3/4 cup of water and bring the gravy of the Keeme Ja Bhalla to a brisk boil. Mix well and add the par cooked keema bhallas. Cover and continué to cook with the lid on, until the keema balls are completely cooked. Check the salt and adjust according to taste.Turn off the flame, transfer the Keeme Ja Bhalla a serving bowl and serve hot. Serve Keeme Ja Bhalla along with Phulka, Sindhi Bhuga Chawal, Pickled Onions for a completely satisfying Sindhi meal.
| To begin making the Keeme Ja Bhalla Recipe - Sindhi Mutton Keema Balls In Gravy, make sure you have the mutton keema ready. To make the Mutton Keema Balls for the Keeme Ja BhallaIn a mixer jar, combine the ginger, garlic, green chillies, and salt and grind to a fine paste. Transfer to a large mixing bowl. Into the mixing bowl with the freshly ground masala, add chopped coriander and mint leaves, and the egg. Combine well, add the mutton keema and mix until well combined. At this stage you will see the mutton keema mixture is way too moist, to bind the mixture well, now add the besan and mix well. Grease a steel plate with oil. Grease your hands with oil and make lemon sized balls and place it on the greased plate and set aside. To make the Gravy for the Keeme Ja BhallaIn a kadai, heat oil on medium flame, Once hot, add the chopped garlic and ginger, saute for about 30 seconds. Next add in the onions, and fry until it turns into a deep brown colour. This will decide the colour of your Keeme Ja Bhalla gravy. Once you've achieved a lovely brown colour, add all the dry spice powders - red chilli powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, garam masala powder, and salt. Mix well. Gradually mix in the tomato puree and allow it to simmer for a good 5 minutes, by placing the plate with the keema balls on it. Now cover these keema balls with a lid, allowing the keema balls to cook in the steam. After 5 minutes, once the oil has come to the surface, remove the keema balls plate and it's lid to check. To the gravy add 3/4 cup of water and bring the gravy of the Keeme Ja Bhalla to a brisk boil. Mix well and add the par cooked keema bhallas. Cover and continué to cook with the lid on, until the keema balls are completely cooked. Check the salt and adjust according to taste.Turn off the flame, transfer the Keeme Ja Bhalla a serving bowl and serve hot. Serve Keeme Ja Bhalla along with Phulka, Sindhi Bhuga Chawal, Pickled Onions for a completely satisfying Sindhi meal. | |
335 | काबुली चना सुंदल रेसिपी - Chickpea Sundal Recipe | Kabuli Chana Sundal Recipe - Chickpea Sundal Recipe | 1 कप काला चना - रात भर भिगो ले और नरम होने तक पका ले,1 छोटा चम्मच तेल,1/2 छोटा चम्मच राइ,1 छोटा चम्मच हरी मिर्च,1 इंच अदरक - कस ले,1/4 छोटा चम्मच हींग,2 बड़े चम्मच नारियल - कस ले,हरा धनिया - थोड़ा,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार | 1 cup black gram - soak overnight and cook till it becomes soft, 1 tsp oil, 1/2 tsp rye, 1 tsp green chilli, 1 inch ginger - tighten, 1/4 tsp asafoetida, 2 tbsp Spoon coconut - grated, coriander - little, salt - to taste | 20 | 20 | 40 | 5 | South Indian Recipes | Snack | High Protein Vegetarian | काबुली चना सुंदल रेसिपी बनाने के लिए एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम करें। इसमें राई डाले और तड़कने तक पका ले.अब इसमें अदरक, हरी मिर्च, हिंग, नमक, और काबुली चना डाले। 1 से 2 मिनट के लिए पका ले. अब इसमें नारियल डाले और 1 मिनट के लिए और पका ले. गैस बंद करें, हरे धनिये से गार्निश करें और परोसे. काबुली चना सुंदल रेसिपी को मिक्स्ड वेजिटेबल सांबर, चावल और पापड़ के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे.
| Heat oil in a pan to make Kabuli Chana Sundal recipe. Add mustard seeds and cook till it sizzle. Now add ginger, green chillies, hing, salt, and kabuli gram. Cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Now add coconut and cook for 1 minute more. Turn off the gas, garnish with green coriander and serve. Serve Kabuli Chana Sundal Recipe along with mixed vegetable sambar, rice and papad for dinner. | |
336 | Spinach And Corn Sandwich Recipe Flavored With Sandwich Spread | Spinach And Corn Sandwich Recipe Flavored With Sandwich Spread | 4 Whole Wheat Brown Bread,2 cups Spinach Leaves (Palak) - blanched,1/4 cup Sweet corn - steamed,4 tablespoons Del Monte Sandwich Spread,2 tablespoons Butter | 4 Whole Wheat Brown Bread,2 cups Spinach Leaves (Palak) - blanched,1/4 cup Sweet corn - steamed,4 tablespoons Del Monte Sandwich Spread,2 tablespoons Butter | 20 | 20 | 40 | 2 | Continental | World Breakfast | Vegetarian | To begin making the Spinach And Corn Sandwich Recipe Flavored With Sandwich Spread recipe, wash and add the spinach in a saucepan with some water. Cook for 2 minutes and then switch off the stove. Cool and finely chop the spinach and keep aside.Collect the chopped spinach in a bowl and add corn kernels, 2 tablespoons sandwich spread and mix well.Take a slice of bread, spread 1 tablespoon of del monte sandwich spread all over and place spinach mix generously all over the slice.Take another slice and place over. Keep aside and make another sandwich from rest of the two slices.Heat a grill pan or a grill sandwich maker with butter. Place the prepared sandwich and grill from both sides till crisp and golden in colour.Transfer on a serving plate, cut into two diagonally and serve hot. Serve Spinach And Corn Sandwich Recipe Flavored With Sandwich Spread along with Tomato Garlic Chutney for the breakfast and a cup of Masala Chai.
| To begin making the Spinach And Corn Sandwich Recipe Flavored With Sandwich Spread recipe, wash and add the spinach in a saucepan with some water. Cook for 2 minutes and then switch off the stove. Cool and finely chop the spinach and keep aside.Collect the chopped spinach in a bowl and add corn kernels, 2 tablespoons sandwich spread and mix well.Take a slice of bread, spread 1 tablespoon of del monte sandwich spread all over and place spinach mix generously all over the slice.Take another slice and place over. Keep aside and make another sandwich from rest of the two slices.Heat a grill pan or a grill sandwich maker with butter. Place the prepared sandwich and grill from both sides till crisp and golden in colour.Transfer on a serving plate, cut into two diagonally and serve hot. Serve Spinach And Corn Sandwich Recipe Flavored With Sandwich Spread along with Tomato Garlic Chutney for the breakfast and a cup of Masala Chai. | |
337 | Spaghetti Pasta Recipe In Roasted Pumpkin Sauce | Spaghetti Pasta Recipe In Roasted Pumpkin Sauce | 2 cups Kaddu (Parangikai/ Pumpkin),1 cup Homemade tomato puree,1/2 cup Fresh cream,1 Onion - chopped,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,6 cloves Garlic - minced,1/2 cup Parmesan cheese - grated,2 sprig Basil leaves - roughly torn,Salt - to taste,1/2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,2 cups Spaghetti Pasta - cooked,1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,1 teaspoon Italian seasoning,Parmesan cheese - for garnish | 2 cups Kaddu (Parangikai/ Pumpkin),1 cup Homemade tomato puree,1/2 cup Fresh cream,1 Onion - chopped,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,6 cloves Garlic - minced,1/2 cup Parmesan cheese - grated,2 sprig Basil leaves - roughly torn,Salt - to taste,1/2 teaspoon Black pepper powder,2 cups Spaghetti Pasta - cooked,1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,1 teaspoon Italian seasoning,Parmesan cheese - for garnish | 45 | 20 | 65 | 2 | Italian Recipes | Dinner | Vegetarian | To begin making the Spaghetti Pasta Recipe In Roasted Pumpkin Sauce, we will first make the sauce for the pasta.Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté till the onions are soft and tender, add the minced garlic and sauté for a minute.Next add the diced pumpkin and roast the pumpkin until it is soft and gets a roasted texture.Once the pumpkin is roasted, turn off the heat and allow it to coolInto a blender, add the roasted pumpkin, tomato puree, cream, salt, pepper. Blend to make a smooth puree.Once done, keep the roasted pumpkin pasta sauce aside.In a large pot, add water and bring it to a boil. Once the water has boiled, add a teaspoon of salt.Add the spaghetti pasta to the boiling water and let it cook in the boiling water until it is al dente. This process should take a good 12-15 minutes.Once the spaghetti pasta has cooked till al dente (just cooked), drain the water and run the cooked pasta under running water to stop the cooking process.Drizzle some oil on top of spaghetti pasta and make sure to coat all of the pasta with the oil so that the pasta doesn't stick to each other. The final step is to bring the roasted pumpkin and the pasta sauce together.Heat oil in a pan, chilli flakes, Italian seasoning and the roasted pumpkin sauce.Add the spaghetti pasta and toss well till well coated with the roasted pumpkin sauce. Sprinkle grated parmesan and the basil leaves on top and serve hot.Serve Spaghetti Pasta Recipe In Roasted Pumpkin Sauce along with Pizza Margherita and a glass of wine for your weekend night dinner with friends or family.
| To begin making the Spaghetti Pasta Recipe In Roasted Pumpkin Sauce, we will first make the sauce for the pasta.Heat olive oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and sauté till the onions are soft and tender, add the minced garlic and sauté for a minute.Next add the diced pumpkin and roast the pumpkin until it is soft and gets a roasted texture.Once the pumpkin is roasted, turn off the heat and allow it to coolInto a blender, add the roasted pumpkin, tomato puree, cream, salt, pepper. Blend to make a smooth puree.Once done, keep the roasted pumpkin pasta sauce aside.In a large pot, add water and bring it to a boil. Once the water has boiled, add a teaspoon of salt.Add the spaghetti pasta to the boiling water and let it cook in the boiling water until it is al dente. This process should take a good 12-15 minutes.Once the spaghetti pasta has cooked till al dente (just cooked), drain the water and run the cooked pasta under running water to stop the cooking process.Drizzle some oil on top of spaghetti pasta and make sure to coat all of the pasta with the oil so that the pasta doesn't stick to each other. The final step is to bring the roasted pumpkin and the pasta sauce together.Heat oil in a pan, chilli flakes, Italian seasoning and the roasted pumpkin sauce.Add the spaghetti pasta and toss well till well coated with the roasted pumpkin sauce. Sprinkle grated parmesan and the basil leaves on top and serve hot.Serve Spaghetti Pasta Recipe In Roasted Pumpkin Sauce along with Pizza Margherita and a glass of wine for your weekend night dinner with friends or family. | |
338 | Cold Potato Salad With Cilantro Dressing Recipe | Cold Potato Salad With Cilantro Dressing Recipe | 600 grams Baby Potatoes - boiled and cut into halves,1/2 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt),1 tablespoon Mustard sauce,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - small bunch,1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,Salt - to taste | 600 grams Baby Potatoes - boiled and cut into halves,1/2 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt),1 tablespoon Mustard sauce,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - small bunch,1 tablespoon Apple cider vinegar,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,1/2 teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,Salt - to taste | 10 | 5 | 15 | 4 | Continental | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin making Cold Potato Salad with Cilantro Dressing Recipe, wash and pressure cook the baby potatoes using a pressure cooker for 2 whistles. Peel, cut it into halves and keep aside.Take a medium bowl, add the hung curd, apple cider vinegar, kasundi mustard sauce and whisk it to a smooth consistency.To this add the finely chopped cilantro, red chilli flakes, salt, olive oil and whisk again till it all comes together to a easy pouring light dressing.Now, take the baby potatoes in a big salad bowl, add the prepared salad dressing and mix well.Refrigerate the salad for an hour before serving.Serve the Cold Potato Salad with Cilantro Dressing Recipe along with French Onion Soup Recipe for a light weeknight dinner.
| To begin making Cold Potato Salad with Cilantro Dressing Recipe, wash and pressure cook the baby potatoes using a pressure cooker for 2 whistles. Peel, cut it into halves and keep aside.Take a medium bowl, add the hung curd, apple cider vinegar, kasundi mustard sauce and whisk it to a smooth consistency.To this add the finely chopped cilantro, red chilli flakes, salt, olive oil and whisk again till it all comes together to a easy pouring light dressing.Now, take the baby potatoes in a big salad bowl, add the prepared salad dressing and mix well.Refrigerate the salad for an hour before serving.Serve the Cold Potato Salad with Cilantro Dressing Recipe along with French Onion Soup Recipe for a light weeknight dinner. | |
339 | Pista Burfi Recipe - Indian Spiced Pistachio Fudge | Pista Burfi Recipe - Indian Spiced Pistachio Fudge | 2 cups Pistachios,1/4 cup Fresh coconut - grated,1 cup Sugar,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi) | 2 cups Pistachios,1/4 cup Fresh coconut - grated,1 cup Sugar,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi) | 35 | 35 | 70 | 8 | Indian | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin making the Pista Burfi Recipe, soak the pistachios in warm water for about half an hour. Once soaked, drain the water and blend the pistachios along with the coconut in the blender until you can a almost smooth burfi mixture. Keep the mixture aside.The next step is to make the syrup for the burfi. In a medium size sauce pan; stir in the sugar and 1/4 cup water with heat on medium. Once the sugar has melted continue to boil the sugar mixture until the liquid reaches a two string consistency.To know the right consistency - do the cold water candy test. Take few tablespoons of water in a cup; add a drop of sugar syrup to water. If it holds its shape like a softball and doesn’t dissolve into water then it’s at the right consistency.Once the sugar syrup has reached the right consistency, add the ground pista and coconut mixture, the cardamom powder to the sugar syrup.With the heat on medium continue stirring frequently to prevent the mixture from sticking to the pan.In 10 to 15 minutes, the pista burfi mixture will thicken and will come away from the sides of the pan. This happens with the coconut and pista releasing its oil.At this stage turn off the heat and be careful not to stir any longer on heat as the mixture can get over cooked and will not set to the consistency required. The sugar will crystallize making the burfi very hard.Transfer the mixture on a greased square pan and spread it evenly on the top and press it down so its sets well. Allow the pista burfi to cool completely.Once cooled, cut the Pista Burfi into squares and serve.You can make the Pista Burfi as a dessert when you have guests at home or make for festivals like Holi, Diwali and Raksha Bandhan.You can also serve it after your delicious meal of Dal Makhani, Aloo Bhindi Sabzi, Palak Raita, Phulka and Jeera Rice.
| To begin making the Pista Burfi Recipe, soak the pistachios in warm water for about half an hour. Once soaked, drain the water and blend the pistachios along with the coconut in the blender until you can a almost smooth burfi mixture. Keep the mixture aside.The next step is to make the syrup for the burfi. In a medium size sauce pan; stir in the sugar and 1/4 cup water with heat on medium. Once the sugar has melted continue to boil the sugar mixture until the liquid reaches a two string consistency.To know the right consistency - do the cold water candy test. Take few tablespoons of water in a cup; add a drop of sugar syrup to water. If it holds its shape like a softball and doesn’t dissolve into water then it’s at the right consistency.Once the sugar syrup has reached the right consistency, add the ground pista and coconut mixture, the cardamom powder to the sugar syrup.With the heat on medium continue stirring frequently to prevent the mixture from sticking to the pan.In 10 to 15 minutes, the pista burfi mixture will thicken and will come away from the sides of the pan. This happens with the coconut and pista releasing its oil.At this stage turn off the heat and be careful not to stir any longer on heat as the mixture can get over cooked and will not set to the consistency required. The sugar will crystallize making the burfi very hard.Transfer the mixture on a greased square pan and spread it evenly on the top and press it down so its sets well. Allow the pista burfi to cool completely.Once cooled, cut the Pista Burfi into squares and serve.You can make the Pista Burfi as a dessert when you have guests at home or make for festivals like Holi, Diwali and Raksha Bandhan.You can also serve it after your delicious meal of Dal Makhani, Aloo Bhindi Sabzi, Palak Raita, Phulka and Jeera Rice. | |
341 | No Onion No Garlic Lobia Masala Recipe In Electric Pressure Cooker | No Onion No Garlic Lobia Masala Recipe In Electric Pressure Cooker | 1 cup Black Eyed Beans (Lobia) - soaked for two hours,1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,2 Green Chillies,2 sprig Curry leaves,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 tablespoon Gram flour (besan),1 tablespoon Tamarind Paste,1 teaspoon Jaggery,Salt - to taste | 1 cup Black Eyed Beans (Lobia) - soaked for two hours,1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,2 Green Chillies,2 sprig Curry leaves,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 tablespoon Gram flour (besan),1 tablespoon Tamarind Paste,1 teaspoon Jaggery,Salt - to taste | 10 | 20 | 30 | 4 | Gujarati Recipes | Dinner | No Onion No Garlic (Sattvic) | To begin making the No Onion No Garlic Lobia Masala Recipe, wash lobia and soak in water for about 2 hours.Heat oil in saute mode of the electric pressure cooker over medium heat; add the cumin seeds, ginger, green chillies and fry for few seconds. Then add besan and roast it for two minutes stirring continuously. Add half cup of water and make a smooth paste.Next add the turmeric powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, jaggery, salt, tamarind paste and the soaked beans with 2 cups of water.Stir to combine and cover the pressure cooker.Change the mode of the electric pressure cooker to dal mode and just let the pressure cooker to its job.If you are cooking in a regular pressure cooker, pressure cook Jain Style lobia curry for 4 to 5 whistles on medium heat and turn off the heat. Open the pressure cooker after the pressure releases on its own. Adjust the consistency of the dish according to your taste, by adding more or less water. Once done, check the taste and adjust the salt and seasonings accordingly.Serve No Onion No Garlic Lobia Masala along with a Jain meal made up of Paka Kela Ki Sabzi, Masala Jowar Methi Roti and Beetroot Carrot Raita for a weeknight dinner or a sunday lunch.
| To begin making the No Onion No Garlic Lobia Masala Recipe, wash lobia and soak in water for about 2 hours.Heat oil in saute mode of the electric pressure cooker over medium heat; add the cumin seeds, ginger, green chillies and fry for few seconds. Then add besan and roast it for two minutes stirring continuously. Add half cup of water and make a smooth paste.Next add the turmeric powder, coriander powder, red chilli powder, jaggery, salt, tamarind paste and the soaked beans with 2 cups of water.Stir to combine and cover the pressure cooker.Change the mode of the electric pressure cooker to dal mode and just let the pressure cooker to its job.If you are cooking in a regular pressure cooker, pressure cook Jain Style lobia curry for 4 to 5 whistles on medium heat and turn off the heat. Open the pressure cooker after the pressure releases on its own. Adjust the consistency of the dish according to your taste, by adding more or less water. Once done, check the taste and adjust the salt and seasonings accordingly.Serve No Onion No Garlic Lobia Masala along with a Jain meal made up of Paka Kela Ki Sabzi, Masala Jowar Methi Roti and Beetroot Carrot Raita for a weeknight dinner or a sunday lunch. | |
342 | Instant Puliyodharai Powder Recipe (Puliyogare/Pulihora Powder) | Instant Puliodarai Powder Recipe (Puliogare / Pulihora Powder) | 100 grams Tamarind,1/4 cup Jaggery - powdered,1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),Salt - to taste,1/2 cup Chana dal (Bengal Gram Dal),1/2 cup White Urad Dal (Split),1/2 cup Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,10 Dry Red Chillies - gundu or milagai),1 tablespoon Whole Black Peppercorns,1 tablespoon Sesame seeds (Til seeds),1 teaspoon Flax seeds,1 teaspoon Sunflower seeds,1 teaspoon Melon seeds,1 teaspoon Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1 teaspoon Sesame (Gingelly) Oil,1/2 cup Raw Peanuts (Moongphali),1 tablespoon Mustard seeds,1 tablespoon Sesame (Gingelly) Oil,5 Dry Red Chillies,1/2 cup Curry leaves - washed and pat dried | 100 grams Tamarind,1/4 cup Jaggery - powdered,1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),Salt - to taste,1/2 cup Chana dal (Bengal Gram Dal),1/2 cup White Urad Dal (Split),1/2 cup Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,10 Dry Red Chillies - gundu or milagai),1 tablespoon Whole Black Peppercorns,1 tablespoon Sesame seeds (Til seeds),1 teaspoon Flax seeds,1 teaspoon Sunflower seeds,1 teaspoon Melon seeds,1 teaspoon Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1 teaspoon Sesame (Gingelly) Oil,1/2 cup Raw Peanuts (Moongphali),1 tablespoon Mustard seeds,1 tablespoon Sesame (Gingelly) Oil,5 Dry Red Chillies,1/2 cup Curry leaves - washed and pat dried | 0 | 55 | 55 | 100 | South Indian Recipes | Dinner | No Onion No Garlic (Sattvic) | To begin making Instant Puliyodharai/ Puliyogare/Pulihora Powder Recipe, place a kadai on medium heat, dry roast all the ingredients given under 'for roasting' till the dals start getting roasted and start releasing aroma. Turn off the heat and keep it aside. Roast the dry red chili in 1 teaspoon sesame oil for 1-2 minutes on low heat. Keep this aside, let it cool.In the same pan, lightly roast tamarind for just one minute on low heat. Keep it aside. We will now proceed to make the tempering ingredients.Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Roast the peanuts for 2-3 minutes. keep it aside. In the remaining oil, fry the curry leaves till they turn crisp.Do not brown the leaves. Take out the curry leaves and add mustard in the remaining oil and take out the mustard seeds once they crackle.Powder the ingredients that are given under for roasting along with jaggery, tamarind, hing and salt to taste.Mix the tempered ingredients with the ground powder and allow the mixture to cool completely.Transfer the contents to an air tight container and store in a cool dry place.You can also add Sesame, flax, melon seeds , delicately roasted them on low flame and enhance the nutrition quotient of the powder.Instant Puliyodharai/ Puliyogare/Pulihora Powder can be stored in an air tight container for 3-4 months.Refer to 'Method to Make the Puliyodharai / Puliyogare Recipe' in Puliyodharai / Puliyogare Recipe to prepare the Puliyodharai / Puliyogare rice.
| To begin making Instant Puliyodharai/ Puliyogare/Pulihora Powder Recipe, place a kadai on medium heat, dry roast all the ingredients given under 'for roasting' till the dals start getting roasted and start releasing aroma. Turn off the heat and keep it aside. Roast the dry red chili in 1 teaspoon sesame oil for 1-2 minutes on low heat. Keep this aside, let it cool.In the same pan, lightly roast tamarind for just one minute on low heat. Keep it aside. We will now proceed to make the tempering ingredients.Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Roast the peanuts for 2-3 minutes. keep it aside. In the remaining oil, fry the curry leaves till they turn crisp.Do not brown the leaves. Take out the curry leaves and add mustard in the remaining oil and take out the mustard seeds once they crackle.Powder the ingredients that are given under for roasting along with jaggery, tamarind, hing and salt to taste.Mix the tempered ingredients with the ground powder and allow the mixture to cool completely.Transfer the contents to an air tight container and store in a cool dry place.You can also add Sesame, flax, melon seeds , delicately roasted them on low flame and enhance the nutrition quotient of the powder.Instant Puliyodharai/ Puliyogare/Pulihora Powder can be stored in an air tight container for 3-4 months.Refer to 'Method to Make the Puliyodharai / Puliyogare Recipe' in Puliyodharai / Puliyogare Recipe to prepare the Puliyodharai / Puliyogare rice. | |
343 | Vendakka Stew Recipe (Kerala Style Okra Stew) | Vendakka Stew Recipe (Kerala Style Okra Stew) | 500 grams Bhindi (Lady Finger/Okra) - cut into 1 inch pieces,1 Onion - big,1 Green Chilli - slit,1 cup Coconut milk - thick,2 teaspoons Ginger - grated,1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 tablespoon Coconut Oil,Salt - to taste | 500 grams Bhindi (Lady Finger/Okra) - cut into 1 inch pieces,1 Onion - big,1 Green Chilli - slit,1 cup Coconut milk - thick,2 teaspoons Ginger - grated,1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 tablespoon Coconut Oil,Salt - to taste | 10 | 15 | 25 | 4 | Kerala Recipes | Dinner | Vegetarian | To begin making Vendakka Stew, first wash, dry and cut the okras into 1 inch long pieces and keep aside.Heat coconut oil in a pan on medium heat, add the mustard seeds and let it splutter.Add the curry leaves and let it splutter.Add the sliced onions and saute until it turns translucent.Add the grated ginger, slit green chilli and saute for a minute.Add the cut okras and mix well.Season with salt and saute for around 10 minutes till its half cooked.Close with the lid and let the okras cook well.Once its cooked, add the coconut milk and a cup of water and bring it to a rolling boil.Switch off the flame and serve the Vendakka Stew along with steamed rice or appams for the weeknight dinner.
| To begin making Vendakka Stew, first wash, dry and cut the okras into 1 inch long pieces and keep aside.Heat coconut oil in a pan on medium heat, add the mustard seeds and let it splutter.Add the curry leaves and let it splutter.Add the sliced onions and saute until it turns translucent.Add the grated ginger, slit green chilli and saute for a minute.Add the cut okras and mix well.Season with salt and saute for around 10 minutes till its half cooked.Close with the lid and let the okras cook well.Once its cooked, add the coconut milk and a cup of water and bring it to a rolling boil.Switch off the flame and serve the Vendakka Stew along with steamed rice or appams for the weeknight dinner. | |
344 | Party Sev Puri Recipe Filled With Potato & Pomegranate Mint Mayo | Party Sev Puri Recipe Filled With Potato & Pomegranate Mint Mayo | 2 Potatoes (Aloo) - boiled,1/2 cup Anardana Powder (Pomegranate Seed Powder),3 tablespoons Del Monte Mint Mayo,1 Onion - finely chopped,1 Green Chilli - finely chopped,1 Lemon - squeezed,Black Salt (Kala Namak) - to taste,1/2 cup Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,25 Papdi puris,Sev - finer one | 2 Potatoes (Aloo) - boiled,1/2 cup Anardana Powder (Pomegranate Seed Powder),3 tablespoons Del Monte Mint Mayo,1 Onion - finely chopped,1 Green Chilli - finely chopped,1 Lemon - squeezed,Black Salt (Kala Namak) - to taste,1/2 cup Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,25 Papdi puris,Sev - finer one | 25 | 10 | 35 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Party Sev Puri Recipe Filled With Potato & Pomegranate Mint Mayo, first prep all the ingredients and keep them ready.In a large mixing bowl, add potatoes, pomegranates, chili, Del Monte Mint Mayo, onion, half of the coriander leaves, lemon juice and black salt. Mix them all very well. Check the salt and seasoning and adjust according to taste.Arrange 5 to papdi puris on each serving plate, place a spoonful of mixture on the papdi puris and top it with sev. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve immediately.Make the delicious Party Sev Puri Recipe Filled With Potato & Pomegranate Mint Mayo and serve it at a chaat party along with Moong Sprouts Usal , Hariyali Pav Bhaji and Orange Mocktail or as a evening tea time snack.
| To begin making the Party Sev Puri Recipe Filled With Potato & Pomegranate Mint Mayo, first prep all the ingredients and keep them ready.In a large mixing bowl, add potatoes, pomegranates, chili, Del Monte Mint Mayo, onion, half of the coriander leaves, lemon juice and black salt. Mix them all very well. Check the salt and seasoning and adjust according to taste.Arrange 5 to papdi puris on each serving plate, place a spoonful of mixture on the papdi puris and top it with sev. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve immediately.Make the delicious Party Sev Puri Recipe Filled With Potato & Pomegranate Mint Mayo and serve it at a chaat party along with Moong Sprouts Usal , Hariyali Pav Bhaji and Orange Mocktail or as a evening tea time snack. | |
345 | Rava Chakli Recipe - Karnataka Style With Rava & Rice Flour | Rava Chakli Recipe - Karnataka Style With Rava & Rice Flour | 1 cup Chiroti Rava,2 cups Rice flour,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),2 tablespoon Butter,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - to cook | 1 cup Chiroti Rava,2 cups Rice flour,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),2 tablespoon Butter,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - to cook | 10 | 60 | 70 | 5 | Karnataka | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Rava Chakli Recipe, take water in a pan and allow it to boil, add salt to this and mix well.Add chiroti rava to boiling water. Mix well to form lump free mixture similar to the uppittu. Switch off the flame and then add rice flour, jeera, hing, butter.Prepare the dough when it is cool enough to handle. Do not allow it to cool completelyHeat the oil in a pan for deep frying on medium high heat. Add a ball of dough into the chakli press and begin to press it over the oil, in circular motion to make flat circular spirals like that of a jalebi. Deep fry the chakli in batches over medium heat till they are fried to crisp. Remember not to overcrowd the oil or the chaklis will not be crisp.Remove chakli from hot oil once they stop sizzling and sink to the bottom, or when you notice the right color change.Drain on an absorbent paper to remove the excess oil. Once they are cooled to room temperature, store in airtight container till needed. This can stay good for up to 10 days.Serve Rava Chakkuli Recipe (Karnataka Style Chakli With Rava & Rice Flour) along with other snacks like Bhel Puri Recipe and South Indian Filter Coffee Recipe during evening.
| To begin making the Rava Chakli Recipe, take water in a pan and allow it to boil, add salt to this and mix well.Add chiroti rava to boiling water. Mix well to form lump free mixture similar to the uppittu. Switch off the flame and then add rice flour, jeera, hing, butter.Prepare the dough when it is cool enough to handle. Do not allow it to cool completelyHeat the oil in a pan for deep frying on medium high heat. Add a ball of dough into the chakli press and begin to press it over the oil, in circular motion to make flat circular spirals like that of a jalebi. Deep fry the chakli in batches over medium heat till they are fried to crisp. Remember not to overcrowd the oil or the chaklis will not be crisp.Remove chakli from hot oil once they stop sizzling and sink to the bottom, or when you notice the right color change.Drain on an absorbent paper to remove the excess oil. Once they are cooled to room temperature, store in airtight container till needed. This can stay good for up to 10 days.Serve Rava Chakkuli Recipe (Karnataka Style Chakli With Rava & Rice Flour) along with other snacks like Bhel Puri Recipe and South Indian Filter Coffee Recipe during evening. | |
346 | Roasted Chickpeas Recipe | Roasted Chickpeas Recipe | 1 1/2 cups Kabuli Chana (White Chickpeas) - soaked in water for 7-8 hours ( overnight),1 teaspoon Cajun spice mix,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,1 teaspoon Dried oregano,2-3 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,1 tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped(or garlic paste),Salt - to taste | 1 1/2 cups Kabuli Chana (White Chickpeas) - soaked in water for 7-8 hours ( overnight),1 teaspoon Cajun spice mix,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli flakes,1 teaspoon Dried oregano,2-3 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,1 tablespoon Garlic - finely chopped(or garlic paste),Salt - to taste | 10 | 40 | 50 | 3 | North Indian Recipes | Snack | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making the Roasted Chickpeas, first, Pre-heat the oven to 200 deg Celsius.Brush some olive oil on a non-stick baking sheet.Drain the chickpeas till all the water is removed. Use a kitchen towel to soak off the excess moisture.Whisk together the olive oil, garlic, and salt, in a small bowlToss this together with the chickpeas in a mixing bowl.Spread the chickpeas in an even layer on the baking sheet.Bake till they just start browning about 20-25 minutes. While they are being baked, stir to mix using a spatula once or twice, to ensure even baking.Sprinkle the seasoning and mix so that it evenly coats the chickpeas.Bake Roasted Chickpeas for another 10-12 minutes. Once done remove form the oven and allow to cool before serving.Serve on its own or with chopped onions,herbs, with some mulled apple juice as a snack or just with some Masala Chai Recipe - Indian Spiced Tea to enjoy your evening time.
| To begin making the Roasted Chickpeas, first, Pre-heat the oven to 200 deg Celsius.Brush some olive oil on a non-stick baking sheet.Drain the chickpeas till all the water is removed. Use a kitchen towel to soak off the excess moisture.Whisk together the olive oil, garlic, and salt, in a small bowlToss this together with the chickpeas in a mixing bowl.Spread the chickpeas in an even layer on the baking sheet.Bake till they just start browning about 20-25 minutes. While they are being baked, stir to mix using a spatula once or twice, to ensure even baking.Sprinkle the seasoning and mix so that it evenly coats the chickpeas.Bake Roasted Chickpeas for another 10-12 minutes. Once done remove form the oven and allow to cool before serving.Serve on its own or with chopped onions,herbs, with some mulled apple juice as a snack or just with some Masala Chai Recipe - Indian Spiced Tea to enjoy your evening time. | |
347 | Carrot Chutney Recipe | Carrot Chutney Recipe | 3 Carrots (Gajjar),8 Dry Red Chillies,1 tablespoon Mustard seeds,1 teaspoon Jaggery,Salt - to taste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,5-6 Curry leaves | 3 Carrots (Gajjar),8 Dry Red Chillies,1 tablespoon Mustard seeds,1 teaspoon Jaggery,Salt - to taste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,5-6 Curry leaves | 75 | 15 | 90 | 6 | Indian | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin with carrot Chutney, soak the dry red chillies and mustard seeds in just enough water for 1 hour or more.Chop the carrots very finely (do not grate them). Make a fine paste of the red chilly and mustard in a mixer grinder. Add 3/4th of the carrots and give it one quick blend. Do not make it into a paste.In a pan, heat the oil for tempering in a pan. Add mustard seeds and let it crackle.Add curry leaves and let it crisp up. Once it is done, add the ground carrot and chopped carrot in the pan.Add 1/4 cup of water to the pan and add salt and jaggery and boil on a low flame, till the oil separates.Once it is cooled down, store it in an air-tight jar.Serve Carrot Chutney with Kanchipuram Idlis, Phulkas or Neer Dosa.
| To begin with carrot Chutney, soak the dry red chillies and mustard seeds in just enough water for 1 hour or more.Chop the carrots very finely (do not grate them). Make a fine paste of the red chilly and mustard in a mixer grinder. Add 3/4th of the carrots and give it one quick blend. Do not make it into a paste.In a pan, heat the oil for tempering in a pan. Add mustard seeds and let it crackle.Add curry leaves and let it crisp up. Once it is done, add the ground carrot and chopped carrot in the pan.Add 1/4 cup of water to the pan and add salt and jaggery and boil on a low flame, till the oil separates.Once it is cooled down, store it in an air-tight jar.Serve Carrot Chutney with Kanchipuram Idlis, Phulkas or Neer Dosa. | |
348 | Chilke Wali Mung Dal Curry Recipe | Peeled Moong Dal Curry Recipe | 1/2 cup Green Moong Dal (Split),1 Onion - finely chopped,2 cloves Garlic,3 Cloves (Laung),1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),2 Green Chillies,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 Tomato - chopped,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,Salt - to taste,2 tablespoons Ghee - or oil,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - for garnishing | 1/2 cup Green Moong Dal (Split),1 Onion - finely chopped,2 cloves Garlic,3 Cloves (Laung),1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),2 Green Chillies,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 Tomato - chopped,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,Salt - to taste,2 tablespoons Ghee - or oil,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - for garnishing | 10 | 20 | 30 | 3 | North Indian Recipes | Dinner | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making the Chilke Wali Mung Dal Curry recipe, wash and drain the split mung bean dhal. Place in a pressure cooker/pan, add about 1 to 1 ½ cups of water (up to 1 inch above the dhal). Close the pressure pan and cook on high. After one whistle, lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes. You can cook the dhal in a saucepan with lots of water till soft and tender.Let the pressure drop on its own. Open the pressure pan and mash the dal. You may choose to make it into a fine paste or leave it a little coarse.In a deep kadai or saucepan, heat oil/ghee. Once the oil is hot, add cumin seeds and cloves; sauté for a few seconds.Add the finely chopped onions along with garlic and green chillies; fry for a few minutes till the onions are slightly soft and translucent.Stir in tomatoes, turmeric powder and garam masala powder.Saute on medium low for a few minutes till the tomatoes are slightly cooked and soft. You will start to see the oil separating from the mixture.At this stage, add the cooked dal along with 1 to 1 ½ cups of water and salt to taste. Give it a good mix and taste for seasoning. Adjust accordingly.Bring to a boil on high and once it comes to a boil, reduce to medium low and simmer for about 3 to 4 minutes till the flavours have blended well and you get the consistency you want.Remove from heat, garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves and serve hot.Chilke Wali Mung Dal goes well with steamed rice, any pulao or biryani and any Indian flat bread like roti, paratha, naan, puri etc.
| To begin making the Chilke Wali Mung Dal Curry recipe, wash and drain the split mung bean dhal. Place in a pressure cooker/pan, add about 1 to 1 ½ cups of water (up to 1 inch above the dhal). Close the pressure pan and cook on high. After one whistle, lower the heat and cook for about 10 minutes. You can cook the dhal in a saucepan with lots of water till soft and tender.Let the pressure drop on its own. Open the pressure pan and mash the dal. You may choose to make it into a fine paste or leave it a little coarse.In a deep kadai or saucepan, heat oil/ghee. Once the oil is hot, add cumin seeds and cloves; sauté for a few seconds.Add the finely chopped onions along with garlic and green chillies; fry for a few minutes till the onions are slightly soft and translucent.Stir in tomatoes, turmeric powder and garam masala powder.Saute on medium low for a few minutes till the tomatoes are slightly cooked and soft. You will start to see the oil separating from the mixture.At this stage, add the cooked dal along with 1 to 1 ½ cups of water and salt to taste. Give it a good mix and taste for seasoning. Adjust accordingly.Bring to a boil on high and once it comes to a boil, reduce to medium low and simmer for about 3 to 4 minutes till the flavours have blended well and you get the consistency you want.Remove from heat, garnish with finely chopped coriander leaves and serve hot.Chilke Wali Mung Dal goes well with steamed rice, any pulao or biryani and any Indian flat bread like roti, paratha, naan, puri etc. | |
349 | Til Chikki Recipe - Healthy Sesame Bars | For Chikki Recipe - Healthy Sesame Bars | 1/2 cup Sesame seeds (Til seeds),1/3 cup Jaggery,1 teaspoon Ghee - + 1/2 teaspoon more for greasing | 1/2 cup Sesame seeds (Til seeds),1/3 cup Jaggery,1 teaspoon Ghee - + 1/2 teaspoon more for greasing | 10 | 30 | 40 | 6 | Indian | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Til Chikki recipe, we will first grease an 8 x 8 square pan with ghee that has a minimum of two inch rim and keep aside.Place a pan on medium heat and roast the (til) sesame seeds till they are light golden in color. Turn off the heat and allow the sesame seeds to cool.Heat ghee in a sauce pan on medium heat; stir in the crushed jaggery to the ghee and allow the jaggery to melt. Turn the heat to low and continue stirring until it the jaggery caramelizes. When you drop a small amount into cold water it should form a hard ball.Turn off the heat and immediately stir in the roasted (til) sesame until well combined with the melted jaggery.While the mixture is hot quickly spread the mixture on to the greased pan and smoothen the surface with a flat spatula. Allow the mixture to cool completely allowing it to set.When completely cool, cut the Til Chikki/ bars into desired shapes and serve as a healthy sweet for the festivalsYou can serve Til Chikki Recipe to kids along with Khakra Chaat Recipe and Turmeric Milk Recipe (Haldi Doodh)
| To begin making the Til Chikki recipe, we will first grease an 8 x 8 square pan with ghee that has a minimum of two inch rim and keep aside.Place a pan on medium heat and roast the (til) sesame seeds till they are light golden in color. Turn off the heat and allow the sesame seeds to cool.Heat ghee in a sauce pan on medium heat; stir in the crushed jaggery to the ghee and allow the jaggery to melt. Turn the heat to low and continue stirring until it the jaggery caramelizes. When you drop a small amount into cold water it should form a hard ball.Turn off the heat and immediately stir in the roasted (til) sesame until well combined with the melted jaggery.While the mixture is hot quickly spread the mixture on to the greased pan and smoothen the surface with a flat spatula. Allow the mixture to cool completely allowing it to set.When completely cool, cut the Til Chikki/ bars into desired shapes and serve as a healthy sweet for the festivalsYou can serve Til Chikki Recipe to kids along with Khakra Chaat Recipe and Turmeric Milk Recipe (Haldi Doodh) | |
350 | Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons Recipe | Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons Recipe | 4 cups Sweetened coconut flakes,400 grams Condensed Milk,1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract,2 Egg whites,1 pinch Salt,Chocolate Bar - chopped (as needed) | 4 cups Sweetened coconut flakes,400 grams Condensed Milk,1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract,2 Egg whites,1 pinch Salt,Chocolate Bar - chopped (as needed) | 10 | 25 | 35 | 6 | Continental | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons Recipe, Preheat oven at 180 degree celcius.In a bowl, add shredded coconut, sweet condensed milk, vanilla extract, salt, mix to combine and keep it aside.Take another bowl and beat egg whites until it becomes fluffy.Slowly mix egg white into coconut mixture. Fold and mix in order to get a light airy mixture.Preheat the oven at 180 degree C for 10 minutes.Drop the coconut mixture on baking sheet with help of tablespoon, spacing one inch apart.Bake Coconut Macaroons for 10-15 minutes or till the bottoms & sides are deeply golden and top is lightly golden.Take the baking tray out and let it cool down.Now melt the chocolate in microwave (low temperature for 2 minutes) or in a double boiler. Dip the bottoms of the macaroons in chocolate and place them on a parchment paper.Refrigerate Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons for about 10 minutes or till the chocolate solidifies.Serve Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons Recipe with a cup of hot Masala Chai at a tea party or with Peanut Butter Oats & Banana Smoothie for an after school snack.
| To begin making Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons Recipe, Preheat oven at 180 degree celcius.In a bowl, add shredded coconut, sweet condensed milk, vanilla extract, salt, mix to combine and keep it aside.Take another bowl and beat egg whites until it becomes fluffy.Slowly mix egg white into coconut mixture. Fold and mix in order to get a light airy mixture.Preheat the oven at 180 degree C for 10 minutes.Drop the coconut mixture on baking sheet with help of tablespoon, spacing one inch apart.Bake Coconut Macaroons for 10-15 minutes or till the bottoms & sides are deeply golden and top is lightly golden.Take the baking tray out and let it cool down.Now melt the chocolate in microwave (low temperature for 2 minutes) or in a double boiler. Dip the bottoms of the macaroons in chocolate and place them on a parchment paper.Refrigerate Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons for about 10 minutes or till the chocolate solidifies.Serve Chocolate Glazed Coconut Macaroons Recipe with a cup of hot Masala Chai at a tea party or with Peanut Butter Oats & Banana Smoothie for an after school snack. | |
351 | Sookhi Moong Palak Dal Recipe (Whole Green Moong Gram with Spinach) | Sookhi Moong Palak Dal Recipe (Whole Green Moong Gram with Spinach) | 1 cup Green Moong Dal (Whole) - soaked overnight,1/2 cup Spinach Leaves (Palak) - chopped and boiled,2 Tomatoes,1-1/2 tablespoons Mustard oil,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),2 Onions - chopped,5 cloves Garlic - minced,1 inch Ginger - minced,2 Green Chillies,Salt - to taste,1/4 Onion - few slices,1 Green Chilli - to garnish,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - few | 1 cup Green Moong Dal (Whole) - soaked overnight,1/2 cup Spinach Leaves (Palak) - chopped and boiled,2 Tomatoes,1-1/2 tablespoons Mustard oil,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),2 Onions - chopped,5 cloves Garlic - minced,1 inch Ginger - minced,2 Green Chillies,Salt - to taste,1/4 Onion - few slices,1 Green Chilli - to garnish,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - few | 20 | 45 | 65 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Side Dish | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making the Sookhi Moong Palak Dal Recipe, first drain the water from the soaked green moong and keep it aside.In a mixer-grinder, add the spinach and tomatoes and puree them together. Keep this aside.Heat the mustard oil in an iron kadhai and add the jeera seeds to it. When they start sputtering, add the onions and fry until they are soft and lightly browned.Add the garlic, ginger and green chillies and saute for a few seconds until you can smell the aromas coming through.Next, add the spinach-tomato puree along with salt and cook for 2 minutes.To this, add the drained dal and cook on high heat, stirring often, for 5 minutes.Reduce the flame to low, cover and cook undisturbed for 20 minutes. Remove the lid and check the to see if the dal is cooked. It should be soft and cooked but still hold its form and have some bite to it.At this stage, you can take the lid off completely and cook on low heat until all the liquid has been absorbed/evaporated and the spinach coats the dal, which will take approximately 15 minutes. Ensure that you stir often at this stage to avoid the sabji from sticking and burning.Remove from heat and serve the Sookhi Moong Palak Dal garnished with sliced onions, green chillies and coriander along with Raita for a wholesome weeknight dinner.
| To begin making the Sookhi Moong Palak Dal Recipe, first drain the water from the soaked green moong and keep it aside.In a mixer-grinder, add the spinach and tomatoes and puree them together. Keep this aside.Heat the mustard oil in an iron kadhai and add the jeera seeds to it. When they start sputtering, add the onions and fry until they are soft and lightly browned.Add the garlic, ginger and green chillies and saute for a few seconds until you can smell the aromas coming through.Next, add the spinach-tomato puree along with salt and cook for 2 minutes.To this, add the drained dal and cook on high heat, stirring often, for 5 minutes.Reduce the flame to low, cover and cook undisturbed for 20 minutes. Remove the lid and check the to see if the dal is cooked. It should be soft and cooked but still hold its form and have some bite to it.At this stage, you can take the lid off completely and cook on low heat until all the liquid has been absorbed/evaporated and the spinach coats the dal, which will take approximately 15 minutes. Ensure that you stir often at this stage to avoid the sabji from sticking and burning.Remove from heat and serve the Sookhi Moong Palak Dal garnished with sliced onions, green chillies and coriander along with Raita for a wholesome weeknight dinner. | |
352 | Coconut Chocolate Balls Recipe | Coconut Chocolate Balls Recipe | 200 grams Dessicated Coconut,250 grams Condensed Milk,150 grams Milk chocolate - melted | 200 grams Dessicated Coconut,250 grams Condensed Milk,150 grams Milk chocolate - melted | 15 | 60 | 75 | 10 | Continental | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin making the Coconut Chocolate Balls recipe, take a mixing bowl and add dessicated coconut powder and condensed milk. Mix everything well and make a dough.Keep the dough in a bowl and put it in the fridge for about 15 to 20 minutes.After 15 to 20 minutes, take out the coconut dough and using your hands, squeeze the mixture and make small small balls out of it. Once the balls are formed, place these small coconut balls on a baking tray covered with parchment paper.Keep them back in fridge for 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, add the milk chocolate in a saucepan and melt it fully. Keep it aside.After 15 to 20 minutes, take out the coconut balls and dip each coconut ball in melted chocolate using two forks.Let the excess chocolate drip off the fork. Place the dipped coconut ball on a parchment paper.Once all the balls are covered with the milk chocolate, keep them in the freezer for about half an hour. The yummy Chocolate Balls are ready to be served.Serve Coconut Chocolate Balls during festivals to your guests with other snacks and mithais like Palak And Peas Kachori, Farali Batata Chivda and Kaju Katli.You can also pack Coconut Chocolate Balls in gift boxes and gift them to your friends and family on Diwali or Christmas.
| To begin making the Coconut Chocolate Balls recipe, take a mixing bowl and add dessicated coconut powder and condensed milk. Mix everything well and make a dough.Keep the dough in a bowl and put it in the fridge for about 15 to 20 minutes.After 15 to 20 minutes, take out the coconut dough and using your hands, squeeze the mixture and make small small balls out of it. Once the balls are formed, place these small coconut balls on a baking tray covered with parchment paper.Keep them back in fridge for 15 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, add the milk chocolate in a saucepan and melt it fully. Keep it aside.After 15 to 20 minutes, take out the coconut balls and dip each coconut ball in melted chocolate using two forks.Let the excess chocolate drip off the fork. Place the dipped coconut ball on a parchment paper.Once all the balls are covered with the milk chocolate, keep them in the freezer for about half an hour. The yummy Chocolate Balls are ready to be served.Serve Coconut Chocolate Balls during festivals to your guests with other snacks and mithais like Palak And Peas Kachori, Farali Batata Chivda and Kaju Katli.You can also pack Coconut Chocolate Balls in gift boxes and gift them to your friends and family on Diwali or Christmas. | |
353 | Kerala Style Pacha Mango Avial Recipe | Kerala Style Pacha Mango Avial Recipe | 1 Carrot (Gajjar) - finely chopped,1 Brinjal (Baingan / Eggplant) - finely chopped,1 Potato (Aloo) - finely diced,1 Elephant yam (Suran/Senai/Ratalu) - finely diced,6 Green beans (French Beans) - cut into 1 inch pieces,1 Mango (Raw) - cut into 1 inch lengthwise,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 cup Fresh coconut - grated,1 tablespoon Ginger - juliennes,6 Green Chillies,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 cup Pearl onions (Sambar Onions),2 sprig Curry leaves,1 tablespoon Coconut Oil,Salt - to taste | 1 Carrot (Gajjar) - finely chopped,1 Brinjal (Baingan / Eggplant) - finely chopped,1 Potato (Aloo) - finely diced,1 Elephant yam (Suran/Senai/Ratalu) - finely diced,6 Green beans (French Beans) - cut into 1 inch pieces,1 Mango (Raw) - cut into 1 inch lengthwise,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 cup Fresh coconut - grated,1 tablespoon Ginger - juliennes,6 Green Chillies,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 cup Pearl onions (Sambar Onions),2 sprig Curry leaves,1 tablespoon Coconut Oil,Salt - to taste | 15 | 25 | 40 | 4 | Kerala Recipes | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin making Kerala Style Pacha Mango Avial Recipe, in a mixer grinder, coarsely grind fresh grated coconut, green chillies (reserve a few for later), cumin seeds and shallots with a little water. Keep aside in a bowl.Place a kadai on a medium heat, cook the vegetables with just enough water so that the water should get dried up when the veggies are cooked al dente. (about 70% cooked)Add turmeric powder, give it a quick mix, and cook further.When the vegetables are cooked till firm (do not over cook), add the raw mango pieces and cook for another 7 minutes.Add the coconut mixture and salt to taste stirring carefully.Cook for 2 minutes till dry on a low heat. (If you prefer to make it little gravy type, add few teaspoons of yogurt and mix well, turn off flame immediately)Finally add curry leaves and coconut oil (optional) and switch off.Serve Kerala Style Pacha Mango Avial Recipe with Steamed Rice, Pachai Sundakkai Puli Kuzhambu Recipe (Turkey Berry Tamarind Based Gravy), Cabbage Thoran (Poriyal) Recipe to make a complete lunch meal.
| To begin making Kerala Style Pacha Mango Avial Recipe, in a mixer grinder, coarsely grind fresh grated coconut, green chillies (reserve a few for later), cumin seeds and shallots with a little water. Keep aside in a bowl.Place a kadai on a medium heat, cook the vegetables with just enough water so that the water should get dried up when the veggies are cooked al dente. (about 70% cooked)Add turmeric powder, give it a quick mix, and cook further.When the vegetables are cooked till firm (do not over cook), add the raw mango pieces and cook for another 7 minutes.Add the coconut mixture and salt to taste stirring carefully.Cook for 2 minutes till dry on a low heat. (If you prefer to make it little gravy type, add few teaspoons of yogurt and mix well, turn off flame immediately)Finally add curry leaves and coconut oil (optional) and switch off.Serve Kerala Style Pacha Mango Avial Recipe with Steamed Rice, Pachai Sundakkai Puli Kuzhambu Recipe (Turkey Berry Tamarind Based Gravy), Cabbage Thoran (Poriyal) Recipe to make a complete lunch meal. | |
354 | Stuffed Palak Paneer Paratha | Stuffed Palak Paneer Paratha | 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,Water - as needed,Salt - a pinch,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1 cup Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese) - grated/crumbled,2 cups Spinach Leaves (Palak) - finely chopped,2 tablespoons Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves) - crushed,2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),Salt - to taste,Nutralite Classic Spread - to cook parathas | 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,Water - as needed,Salt - a pinch,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1 cup Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese) - grated/crumbled,2 cups Spinach Leaves (Palak) - finely chopped,2 tablespoons Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves) - crushed,2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),Salt - to taste,Nutralite Classic Spread - to cook parathas | 30 | 50 | 80 | 4 | Indian | Indian Breakfast | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making the Palak Paneer Paratha Recipe, knead a soft yet pliable dough using the ingredients listed in dough making and set aside for 20 minutes.Meanwhile, mix all the above ingredients mentioned in palak paneer filling section well. Give it a taste and adjust the salt and chilli accordingly.Next, divide the dough into equal portions and keep aside. Make the same portions of the palak paneer stuffing mixture and keep them aside.Roll out the paratha dough into a 3 inch diameter disc, place the palak paneer stuffing mixture in the centre and bring the edges of the paratha together and pinch to seal it.Dust the palak paneer paratha on dry flour and roll to make a large circle, ensuring that the filling does not come out. Stuff and roll the remaining portions of the paratha dough and palak paneer stuffing mixture the similar way.Once done, it's time to cook them. Preheat a tawa on medium heat, melt the Nutralite spread and place these stuffed palak paneer parathas on the pan. Cook these palak paneer parathas on both sides until browned and crisp.Serve Stuffed Palak Paneer Paratha along with Boondi Raita and Aam Ka Achaar for breakfast or for dinner.
| To begin making the Palak Paneer Paratha Recipe, knead a soft yet pliable dough using the ingredients listed in dough making and set aside for 20 minutes.Meanwhile, mix all the above ingredients mentioned in palak paneer filling section well. Give it a taste and adjust the salt and chilli accordingly.Next, divide the dough into equal portions and keep aside. Make the same portions of the palak paneer stuffing mixture and keep them aside.Roll out the paratha dough into a 3 inch diameter disc, place the palak paneer stuffing mixture in the centre and bring the edges of the paratha together and pinch to seal it.Dust the palak paneer paratha on dry flour and roll to make a large circle, ensuring that the filling does not come out. Stuff and roll the remaining portions of the paratha dough and palak paneer stuffing mixture the similar way.Once done, it's time to cook them. Preheat a tawa on medium heat, melt the Nutralite spread and place these stuffed palak paneer parathas on the pan. Cook these palak paneer parathas on both sides until browned and crisp.Serve Stuffed Palak Paneer Paratha along with Boondi Raita and Aam Ka Achaar for breakfast or for dinner. | |
356 | Meen Vevichathu Recipe - Kottayam Style Fish Curry | Meen Vevichathu Recipe - Kottayam Style Fish Curry | 2 Seer fish - slices,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,2 teaspoons Aachi Fish Masala,1/3 cup Fresh coconut,6 cloves Garlic,1 inch Ginger,2 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - washed and finely chopped,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),2 Cloves (Laung),1 Kokum (Malabar Tamarind),2 tablespoons Coconut Oil,3 sprig Curry leaves,8 Pearl onions (Sambar Onions) - sliced,2 tablespoons Sambar Powder | 2 Seer fish - slices,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,2 teaspoons Aachi Fish Masala,1/3 cup Fresh coconut,6 cloves Garlic,1 inch Ginger,2 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - washed and finely chopped,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),2 Cloves (Laung),1 Kokum (Malabar Tamarind),2 tablespoons Coconut Oil,3 sprig Curry leaves,8 Pearl onions (Sambar Onions) - sliced,2 tablespoons Sambar Powder | 10 | 30 | 40 | 6 | Kerala Recipes | Lunch | High Protein Non Vegetarian | To begin making the Meen Vevichathu Recipe, wash and clean the fish well and drain off the excess water. In a mixing bowl, combine the salt, turmeric powder, and fish masala, mix this well. To this mixing bowl, add the seer fish slices and massage the masala gently into the fish and set aside. *To make the masala In a mixer-jar combine the coconut, coriander leaves, garlic, ginger, tomato, cinnamon, cloves, and kokum. Grind this into a smooth paste, using some water. Transfer into a bowl aside. Soak the kokum pieces in warm water for 10 minutes. Mash the kokum well into the water, strain and set the kokum water aside. *Getting ahead with the Meen Vevichathu recipe:Heat a meen chatti and pour the coconut oil into it. Once the oil is hot, add the curry leaves and allow them to crackle. Next into the meen chetti, add the sliced shallots and fry until it turns transparent. To this add the freshly ground masala, salt and cook until the raw smell goes away, this will take a good 4-6 minutes. Once the masala is well cooked, add in the sambar masala. Then add the prepared kokum water and required amount of water to adjust the thickness of the Meen VevichathuIncrease the flame and bring the Meen Vevichathu to a rolling boil and then reduce the flame to medium.At this stage, add the marinated seer fish slices along with the marinade and cover and cook. Reduce the flame to medium-low and cook until the fish is done. This will take about 12-15 minutes. Turn off the flame and check if the fish is cooked through, if not cook for a few minutes to ensure it's well done. Serve Meen Vevichathu Recipe along with some hot Steamed Rice, Prawn Ghee Pepper Masala Recipe With Garlic for a simple lip smacking meal over the weekend.
| To begin making the Meen Vevichathu Recipe, wash and clean the fish well and drain off the excess water. In a mixing bowl, combine the salt, turmeric powder, and fish masala, mix this well. To this mixing bowl, add the seer fish slices and massage the masala gently into the fish and set aside. *To make the masala In a mixer-jar combine the coconut, coriander leaves, garlic, ginger, tomato, cinnamon, cloves, and kokum. Grind this into a smooth paste, using some water. Transfer into a bowl aside. Soak the kokum pieces in warm water for 10 minutes. Mash the kokum well into the water, strain and set the kokum water aside. *Getting ahead with the Meen Vevichathu recipe:Heat a meen chatti and pour the coconut oil into it. Once the oil is hot, add the curry leaves and allow them to crackle. Next into the meen chetti, add the sliced shallots and fry until it turns transparent. To this add the freshly ground masala, salt and cook until the raw smell goes away, this will take a good 4-6 minutes. Once the masala is well cooked, add in the sambar masala. Then add the prepared kokum water and required amount of water to adjust the thickness of the Meen VevichathuIncrease the flame and bring the Meen Vevichathu to a rolling boil and then reduce the flame to medium.At this stage, add the marinated seer fish slices along with the marinade and cover and cook. Reduce the flame to medium-low and cook until the fish is done. This will take about 12-15 minutes. Turn off the flame and check if the fish is cooked through, if not cook for a few minutes to ensure it's well done. Serve Meen Vevichathu Recipe along with some hot Steamed Rice, Prawn Ghee Pepper Masala Recipe With Garlic for a simple lip smacking meal over the weekend. | |
357 | मसूर दाल गस्सि रेसिपी - Masoor Dal Gassi Recipe | Masoor Dal Gassi Recipe - Masoor Dal Gassi Recipe | 3/4 कप मसूर दाल,1/2 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार,1/3 नारियल - कस ले,20 ग्राम इमली,3 सुखी लाल मिर्च,2 छोटे चमच्च धनिये के बीज,घी - प्रयोग अनुसार,1 छोटा चमच्च राइ,3 कली लहसुन,5 कढ़ी पत्ता,2 सुखी लाल मिर्च | 3/4 cup masoor dal, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, salt - as per taste, 1/3 coconut - tighten, 20 grams tamarind, 3 dry red chillies, 2 teaspoons coriander seeds, ghee - as per use, 1 Teaspoon mustard, 3 cloves garlic, 5 curry leaves, 2 dry red chillies | 10 | 40 | 50 | 4 | Mangalorean | Dinner | High Protein Vegetarian | मसूर दाल गस्सि रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले दाल को प्रेशर कुकर में पका ले. दाल को प्रेशर कुकर में नमक, हल्दी पाउडर और 2-1/2 कप पानी डाले। कुकर को ढके और 2 सिटी आने तक पका ले.2 सिटी आने के बाद, आंच धीमी करें और 4 मिनट के लिए पका ले. गैस बंद कर ले और प्रेशर अपने आप निकलने दे. अलग से रख दे. अब हम गस्सि के लिए मसाला बनाएँगे। एक छोटे पैन में धनिये के बीज और सुखी लाल मिर्च डाले। 2 से 3 मिनट के लिए सेक ले. सिकने के बाद ठंडा होने के लिए रख दे. ठंडा होने के बाद, एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में धनिये के बीज, सुखी लाल मिर्च, नारियल, इमली और लहसुन में डाले। थोड़ा गरम पानी डाले, पिसे और पेस्ट बना ले. इस मसाले को दाल में डाले और उबलने के लिए रख ले. दाल को 3 से 4 मिनट के लिए उबलने दे. अपने हिसाब से थोड़ा और पानी डाले और मिला ले. इसे एक बाउल में निकाल ले तड़के के लिए एक तड़का पैन में घी गरम करें। इसमें राइ डाले और तड़कने दे. इसके बाद इसमें लहसुन, सुखी लाल मिर्च और कढ़ी पत्ता डाले। 15 सेकण्ड्स तक पकने के बाद इसे दाल में डाले और मिला ले. मसूर दाल गस्सि रेसिपी को चावल, चाउ चाउ थोरन और पचड़ी के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make Masoor Dal Gassi recipe, first cook the lentils in a pressure cooker. Add the lentils, salt, turmeric powder and 2-1 / 2 cups water to the pressure cooker. Cover the cooker and cook till it comes to 2 cities. After coming to the city, reduce the heat and cook for 4 minutes. Turn off the gas and let the pressure drain automatically. Keep it aside. Now we will make masala for the gas. In a small pan add coriander seeds and dry red chillies. Roast for 2 to 3 minutes. After it gets roasted keep it for cooling. After cooling, add coriander seeds, dry red chillies, coconut, tamarind and garlic in a mixer grinder. Add some hot water, grind and make a paste. Add this spice to the lentils and keep it to boil. Allow the lentils to boil for 3 to 4 minutes. Add some more water according to your taste. Take it out in a bowl and heat ghee in a tempering pan for tempering. Add mustard seeds and let it splutter. After this add garlic, dry red chilli and curry leaves. After cooking for 15 seconds, add it to the dal and mix it. Serve Masoor Dal Gassi recipe with rice, Chow Chow Thoran and Pachadi for dinner. | |
358 | Potato Stuffed Dal Dhokli Recipe | Potato Stuffed Dal Dhokli Recipe | 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour,Salt - to taste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Whole Wheat Flour - for rolling,3 Potato (Aloo) - boiled and mashed,1 tablespoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 tablespoon Garam masala powder,2 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped,1 tablespoon Sugar - optional,1/2 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 cup Arhar dal (Split Toor Dal) - boiled and ground,1/4 tablespoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1/3 cup Raw Peanuts (Moongphali) - boiled,Salt - to taste,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 Green Chilli - finely chopped,1 inch Ginger - grated,1/2 tablespoon Lemon juice,3 tablespoon Jaggery - chopped,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 tablespoon Mustard seeds,1/2 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),10 Curry leaves,2 Dry Red Chillies,1 Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),2 Cloves (Laung),1 Bay leaf (tej patta),4 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped | 1 cup Whole Wheat Flour,Salt - to taste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Whole Wheat Flour - for rolling,3 Potato (Aloo) - boiled and mashed,1 tablespoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 tablespoon Garam masala powder,2 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped,1 tablespoon Sugar - optional,1/2 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 cup Arhar dal (Split Toor Dal) - boiled and ground,1/4 tablespoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1/3 cup Raw Peanuts (Moongphali) - boiled,Salt - to taste,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 Green Chilli - finely chopped,1 inch Ginger - grated,1/2 tablespoon Lemon juice,3 tablespoon Jaggery - chopped,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 tablespoon Mustard seeds,1/2 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),10 Curry leaves,2 Dry Red Chillies,1 Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),2 Cloves (Laung),1 Bay leaf (tej patta),4 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped | 25 | 75 | 100 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To prepare Potato Stuffed Dal Dhokli Recipe, get prep with all the ingredients mentioned and proceed with making the dumplings. Start with sieving the flour with salt and knead into a semi-stiff dough with enough water.Cover the dough with a lid and keep aside for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile prepare filling for dumplings. Take boiled and mashed potato in one bowl, add salt to taste, chilli powder, turmeric powder, chopped coriander, Garam masala, lemon juice and sugar(optional).Mix all spices well into potato. Make medium sized balls from the potato mixture.Make about 10-15 equal small sized balls from the dough.Roll out into 3-4 inches diameter roti base with a rolling pin, place the potato ball in center of roti. This rolled out roti dough should be thinner, like the thickness of regular chapati.Bring together all the edges in the center and join them. Cover whole potato roll with roti, remove the excess dough if necessary. Try to avoid thick covering around the stuffing.Similarly, prepare 10-15 dumplings till all the filling is used up and cover with a plate.For Lentil CurryTo make lentil curry, clean, wash and drain the lentils. Combine the lentil, about 2 cups of water, & turmeric powder in a pressure cooker and cook for 3 whistles.Combine the cooked dal and a cup of hot water in a tall mixing bowl and blend it well using a hand blender till smooth. Add enough water and mix very well.Place the mixture in a shallow frying pan on the flame and add turmeric powder, peanuts boiled, salt to taste, tomato, green chilli, ginger, lemon juice, & jaggery.Mix well and cook on a medium flame for 10 to 15 minutes, while stirring occasionally.Now add prepared dumplings gently into dal, and cook them for another 15 minutes, once dumplings are starting to come at top of dal, it is almost cooked.Meanwhile, for the tempering, heat the oil in a small non-stick pan, add mustard seeds and cumin seeds, allow them to crackle.When the seeds crackle, add the asafoetida, curry leaves, red chillies, cinnamon, cloves, bay Leaf and sauté on medium till aromatic.Add this tempering to the dal, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally.After adding tempering cook for 5 minutes and now it is ready to serve.Serve Potato Stuffed Dal Dhokli Recipe along with Masala Khichia Recipe (Spicy Corn Flour Papad) for a meal in itself.
| To prepare Potato Stuffed Dal Dhokli Recipe, get prep with all the ingredients mentioned and proceed with making the dumplings. Start with sieving the flour with salt and knead into a semi-stiff dough with enough water.Cover the dough with a lid and keep aside for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile prepare filling for dumplings. Take boiled and mashed potato in one bowl, add salt to taste, chilli powder, turmeric powder, chopped coriander, Garam masala, lemon juice and sugar(optional).Mix all spices well into potato. Make medium sized balls from the potato mixture.Make about 10-15 equal small sized balls from the dough.Roll out into 3-4 inches diameter roti base with a rolling pin, place the potato ball in center of roti. This rolled out roti dough should be thinner, like the thickness of regular chapati.Bring together all the edges in the center and join them. Cover whole potato roll with roti, remove the excess dough if necessary. Try to avoid thick covering around the stuffing.Similarly, prepare 10-15 dumplings till all the filling is used up and cover with a plate.For Lentil CurryTo make lentil curry, clean, wash and drain the lentils. Combine the lentil, about 2 cups of water, & turmeric powder in a pressure cooker and cook for 3 whistles.Combine the cooked dal and a cup of hot water in a tall mixing bowl and blend it well using a hand blender till smooth. Add enough water and mix very well.Place the mixture in a shallow frying pan on the flame and add turmeric powder, peanuts boiled, salt to taste, tomato, green chilli, ginger, lemon juice, & jaggery.Mix well and cook on a medium flame for 10 to 15 minutes, while stirring occasionally.Now add prepared dumplings gently into dal, and cook them for another 15 minutes, once dumplings are starting to come at top of dal, it is almost cooked.Meanwhile, for the tempering, heat the oil in a small non-stick pan, add mustard seeds and cumin seeds, allow them to crackle.When the seeds crackle, add the asafoetida, curry leaves, red chillies, cinnamon, cloves, bay Leaf and sauté on medium till aromatic.Add this tempering to the dal, mix well and cook on a medium flame for 2 to 3 minutes, while stirring occasionally.After adding tempering cook for 5 minutes and now it is ready to serve.Serve Potato Stuffed Dal Dhokli Recipe along with Masala Khichia Recipe (Spicy Corn Flour Papad) for a meal in itself. | |
359 | हरी मिर्च चिकन फ्राई रेसिपी - Green Chilli Chicken Fry Recipe | Green Chilli Chicken Fry Recipe - Green Chilli Chicken Fry Recipe | 500 ग्राम चिकन - काट ले,18 हरी मिर्च - कम भी कर सकते है,7 कली लहसुन,2 इंच अदरक,2 बड़े चम्मच हरा धनिया,2 प्याज,3 टमाटर,4 लॉन्ग,1 इंच दालचीनी,1 बड़ा चम्मच धनिया पाउडर,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार,पानी - प्रयोग अनुसार,1/2 निम्बू,2 छोटे चम्मच तेल | 500 grams of chicken - cut it, 18 green chillies - can also reduce, 7 cloves garlic, 2 inch ginger, 2 tablespoons green coriander, 2 onions, 3 tomatoes, 4 long, 1 inch cinnamon, 1 tbsp coriander powder, Salt - as per taste, water - as per use, 1/2 lemon, 2 tsp oil | 15 | 25 | 40 | 4 | Indian | Appetizer | High Protein Non Vegetarian | हरी मिर्च चिकन फ्राई बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले चिकन को अच्छी तरह धोकर सूखा ले.अब एक बाउल में चिकन, 1 छोटा चम्मच नमक, निम्बू का रस डाले और मिला ले. ढके और फ्रिज में 30 मिनट के लिए रख ले. अब एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में हरी मिर्च, अदरक, लहसुन, हरा धनिया, प्याज डाले और पीस ले. अलग से रख ले. अब इस मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में टमाटर के साथ थोड़ा पानी डाले और पीस ले. अलग से रख ले. अब एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम करें। तेल के गरम होने के बाद इसमें लॉन्ग, दालचीनी, हरी मिर्च का पेस्ट डाले और 2 मिनट के लिए पका ले.2 मिनट के बाद, इसमें चिकन डाले और चिकन के रंग बदलने तक पकाए। अब इसमें टमाटर की प्यूरी डाले और 3 से 4 मिनट के लिए पका ले. धनिया पाउडर, नमक डाले और 5 मिनट के लिए पका ले. 5 मिनट के बाद, इसमें 1/2 कप पानी डाले और चिकन चिकन के अच्छी तरह पकने तक पका ले. परोसे। हरी मिर्च चिकन फ्राई रेसिपी को दाल फ्राई और चावल के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make green chili chicken fry, first wash and dry the chicken thoroughly. Now add chicken, 1 teaspoon salt, lemon juice and mix in a bowl. Cover and keep it in the fridge for 30 minutes. Now in a mixer grinder, add green chili, ginger, garlic, coriander, onion and grind them. Keep it separately. Now in this mixer grinder add some water with tomatoes and grind it. Keep it separately. Now heat oil in a pan. After the oil is heated, add long, cinnamon, green chilli paste and cook it for 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, add the chicken and cook until the chicken changes its color. Now add tomato puree to it and cook it for 3 to 4 minutes. Add coriander powder, salt and cook for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, add 1/2 cup of water and cook the chicken till the chicken is cooked well. Serve. Serve Green Chilli Chicken Fry Recipe along with Dal Fry and Rice for dinner. | |
360 | Tofu and Chickpea Patty Recipe (Cutlets) | Tofu and Chickpea Patty Recipe (Cutlets) | 200 grams Tofu - grated,1 cup Whole Wheat Bread crumbs - (optional),1 Onion - finely chopped,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - small bunch,2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,2 inch Ginger - grated,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 cup Kala Chana (Brown Chickpeas) - cooked until soft,2 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,Salt - to taste,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for shallow frying | 200 grams Tofu - grated,1 cup Whole Wheat Bread crumbs - (optional),1 Onion - finely chopped,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - small bunch,2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,2 inch Ginger - grated,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 cup Kala Chana (Brown Chickpeas) - cooked until soft,2 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,Salt - to taste,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for shallow frying | 20 | 45 | 65 | 4 | Indian | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Chickpea & Tofu Patties Recipe, we first have to cook the chickpeas until soft. Note, that the chickpeas have to be soaked in water for atleast 6 hours before you can cook them. Click to see the video recipe of how to cook chickpeas in a pressure cooker. Once the chicpeas are cooked, drain any water from the cooked peas and use them in your soups, vegetable stock or any other recipe that would need water. To make the patties we need to use the cooked chickpeas that has all the water drained out.Add the chickpeas to a large mixing bowl, mash it with a potato masher or a fork. Once coarsely mashed, in the remaining ingredients and stir well to combined. You your fingers to mix the patty. Divide the chickpea patty mixture into 10 to 12 equal portions and shape them into oval or round balls. Flaten them slightly in the palm of your hand. Oiling your fingers makes it easier to shape the patties.Our next step is to cook the patties; preheat a skillet and place the patties on the preheated skillet. Drizzle olive oil over each of the patties and cook them on low to medium heat. Flip them over a couple of times, so they get roasted to get golden brown color on all sides. Serve the Chickpea and Tofu Patties along with coriander chutney as an appetizer for your parties or even pack them into a kids lunch box or make burgers out of these patties.
| To begin making the Chickpea & Tofu Patties Recipe, we first have to cook the chickpeas until soft. Note, that the chickpeas have to be soaked in water for atleast 6 hours before you can cook them. Click to see the video recipe of how to cook chickpeas in a pressure cooker. Once the chicpeas are cooked, drain any water from the cooked peas and use them in your soups, vegetable stock or any other recipe that would need water. To make the patties we need to use the cooked chickpeas that has all the water drained out.Add the chickpeas to a large mixing bowl, mash it with a potato masher or a fork. Once coarsely mashed, in the remaining ingredients and stir well to combined. You your fingers to mix the patty. Divide the chickpea patty mixture into 10 to 12 equal portions and shape them into oval or round balls. Flaten them slightly in the palm of your hand. Oiling your fingers makes it easier to shape the patties.Our next step is to cook the patties; preheat a skillet and place the patties on the preheated skillet. Drizzle olive oil over each of the patties and cook them on low to medium heat. Flip them over a couple of times, so they get roasted to get golden brown color on all sides. Serve the Chickpea and Tofu Patties along with coriander chutney as an appetizer for your parties or even pack them into a kids lunch box or make burgers out of these patties. | |
361 | Paneer In Coconut Gravy Recipe | Paneer In Coconut Gravy Recipe | 2 cups Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese) - cut into 1/2 inch cubes,1 Onion - finely chopped,2 Tomatoes - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,Salt - to taste,3/4 Water,2 tablespoons Butter,1 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,1/2 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),4 Dry Red Chillies,3 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1 1/2 inch Ginger - finely chopped,1 Onion - diced,1/3 cup Fresh coconut - grated | 2 cups Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese) - cut into 1/2 inch cubes,1 Onion - finely chopped,2 Tomatoes - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,Salt - to taste,3/4 Water,2 tablespoons Butter,1 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,1/2 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),4 Dry Red Chillies,3 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1 1/2 inch Ginger - finely chopped,1 Onion - diced,1/3 cup Fresh coconut - grated | 30 | 15 | 45 | 3 | North Indian Recipes | Dinner | Vegetarian | To begin making the Paneer In Coconut Gravy Recipe, we need to first prepare the masala for the gravy.In a heavy bottomed pan, add coriander seeds, cumin seeds and dry red chillies on a low flame. Roast the spices until they turn aromatic. Turn off the flame and allow it to cool. In another pan, add one tablespoon of butter. Once the butter has melted, add chopped garlic, ginger and saute until the aroma wafts through the air. Next, add the chopped coconut pieces and saute till raw smell of coconut goes away. Finally, add diced onion and fry till they turn translucent, turn off heat and allow it to cool. In a mixie jar, add dry roasted spices and grind into coarse powder. To the ground powder, add onion ginger, garlic and coconut mixture and grind smooth into a paste. To this ginger garlic onion and coconut mixture, add little salt and mix well. Marinate the diced paneer cubes in this paste for half hour.In the meantime, in a pan, add remaining butter and saute onions until they turn soft.Add finely chopped tomatoes and salt. Mix well and cook covered on low heat until the tomatoes turn soft and mushy. Mash tomatoes with the back of a ladle and cook till the tomato mixture looks like a paste. Add garam masala and saute until the masala combines well into the mixture. To this mixture, add paneer along with the marination, about 1/4 cup of water and mix well. Add salt according to taste.Cook the Paneer gravy covered on low heat for 5 to 7 minutes. Add little more water to adjust the consistency according to your preference. Finally, add kasuri methi to the Paneer In Coconut Gravy recipe and give it all a good mix. Once done turn off the heat and check the spices and salt. Adjust according to taste.Serve this Paneer In Coconut Gravy along with hot Phulkas or even Jeera Rice along with a Kala Chana Salad to make it a complete North Indian Style Dinner.
| To begin making the Paneer In Coconut Gravy Recipe, we need to first prepare the masala for the gravy.In a heavy bottomed pan, add coriander seeds, cumin seeds and dry red chillies on a low flame. Roast the spices until they turn aromatic. Turn off the flame and allow it to cool. In another pan, add one tablespoon of butter. Once the butter has melted, add chopped garlic, ginger and saute until the aroma wafts through the air. Next, add the chopped coconut pieces and saute till raw smell of coconut goes away. Finally, add diced onion and fry till they turn translucent, turn off heat and allow it to cool. In a mixie jar, add dry roasted spices and grind into coarse powder. To the ground powder, add onion ginger, garlic and coconut mixture and grind smooth into a paste. To this ginger garlic onion and coconut mixture, add little salt and mix well. Marinate the diced paneer cubes in this paste for half hour.In the meantime, in a pan, add remaining butter and saute onions until they turn soft.Add finely chopped tomatoes and salt. Mix well and cook covered on low heat until the tomatoes turn soft and mushy. Mash tomatoes with the back of a ladle and cook till the tomato mixture looks like a paste. Add garam masala and saute until the masala combines well into the mixture. To this mixture, add paneer along with the marination, about 1/4 cup of water and mix well. Add salt according to taste.Cook the Paneer gravy covered on low heat for 5 to 7 minutes. Add little more water to adjust the consistency according to your preference. Finally, add kasuri methi to the Paneer In Coconut Gravy recipe and give it all a good mix. Once done turn off the heat and check the spices and salt. Adjust according to taste.Serve this Paneer In Coconut Gravy along with hot Phulkas or even Jeera Rice along with a Kala Chana Salad to make it a complete North Indian Style Dinner. | |
362 | कीरई मसियल रेसिपी - Keerai Masiyal (Recipe In Hindi) | Keerai Masiyal Recipe | 500 ग्राम पालक - काट ले,अमरंथ के पत्ते - काट ले,1/2 छोटा चमच्च जीरा,1/2 छोटा चमच्च राइ,1 छोटा चमच्च सफ़ेद उरद दाल,1 टहनी कढ़ी पत्ता,हींग - चुटकी भर,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार,1 छोटा चमच्च तेल | 500 grams Spinach - chopped, Amaranth leaves - chopped, 1/2 teaspoon cumin seeds, 1/2 teaspoon mustard, 1 teaspoon white urad dal, 1 sprig curry leaves, asafetida - a pinch, salt - as per taste 1 teaspoon oil | 15 | 20 | 35 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Side Dish | High Protein Vegetarian | कीरई मसियल को बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले अमरंथ और पालक को एक प्रेशर कुकर में 1 बड़ा चमच्च पानी और नमक के साथ डाले। 1 सिटी आने तक पकाए और कुकर को ठन्डे पानी के निचे रख दे ताकि प्रेशर निकल जाए. अलग से रख दे. अब एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम करें. इसमें राइ, जीरा, कढ़ी पत्ता, हींग डाले और 30 सेकण्ड्स तक पकने दे. अब इसमें पालक और अमरंथ डाले और 1 मिनट तक पकने दे. 1 मिनट बाद, गैस बंद करें और गरमा गरम परोसे. कीरई मसियल को टमाटर प्याज सांबर और चावल के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make Keerai Masli, firstly put Amaranth and Spinach in a pressure cooker with 1 tablespoon of water and salt. Cook till 1 city comes and keep the cooker under cold water to remove the pressure. Keep it aside. Now heat oil in a pan. Add the mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, asafoetida and let it cook for 30 seconds. Now add spinach and amaranth and let it cook for 1 minute. After 1 minute, turn off the gas and serve hot. Serve the Keerai Masli with tomato onion sambar and rice for dinner. | |
364 | Thai Som Tum Recipe (Thai Green Papaya Salad) | Thai Som Tum Recipe (Thai Green Papaya Salad) | 5 Cherry tomatoes,1 tablespoon Dried shrimps - optional,2 Fresh Red chillies,1-1/2 tablespoons Fish sauce - or soya sauce,2 cloves Garlic,6 Green beans (French Beans),2 cups Papaya - Unripened ,2 tablespoons Lemon juice,1-1/2 tablespoons Palm sugar - or brown sugar,2 tablespoons Roasted Peanuts (Moongphali) | 5 Cherry tomatoes,1 tablespoon Dried shrimps - optional,2 Fresh Red chillies,1-1/2 tablespoons Fish sauce - or soya sauce,2 cloves Garlic,6 Green beans (French Beans),2 cups Papaya - Unripened ,2 tablespoons Lemon juice,1-1/2 tablespoons Palm sugar - or brown sugar,2 tablespoons Roasted Peanuts (Moongphali) | 10 | 15 | 25 | 4 | Thai | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To begin making the Thai Som Tum recipe, take a raw papaya which is green and very crisp. You must aim for a papaya which is white in colour from inside. Peel off its skin. Cut it into thin sticks or julienne it with a sharp knife. I have used this peeler which makes juliennes for zucchini, papaya, radish and carrots.Take some fresh beans and trim its ends and then cut them into 1 inch pieces.Take thai red birds eye chilli and chop it finely and place it in a mortar along with clove of garlic. With the help of a pestle crush it and grind it into a paste. If you don't have mortar and pestle you can use a food processor.Add the chilli garlic paste into a bowl and add some lemon juice to it. Also add fish sauce, if you are a vegetarian or don't like the smell of fish sauce you can replace it with soya sauce. Also add brown sugar or palm sugar to the lemon sauce and mix everything together. You can add dried shrimps at this stage for an authentic flavour but if you are a vegetarian you can give it a pass.Place the chopped beans in the mortar and bruise them slightly with the pestle so that the juices can run out and it can absorb the dressing better. Take tomato and scoop out its pulp using a spoon. Cut the tomato into juliennes or into cubes, as you like.Add the papaya juliennes to the dressing bowl along with beans and tomato. Toss everything together and transfer it to a serving bowl.Toss on top toasted salted peanuts. If you like you can crush the peanuts I just used them halved. Indulge in the most amazing and healthy salad from Thailand.Serve Thai Som Tum Recipe as a side dish along with Vegetarian Thai Red Curry and Steamed Rice for a weekend dinner.
| To begin making the Thai Som Tum recipe, take a raw papaya which is green and very crisp. You must aim for a papaya which is white in colour from inside. Peel off its skin. Cut it into thin sticks or julienne it with a sharp knife. I have used this peeler which makes juliennes for zucchini, papaya, radish and carrots.Take some fresh beans and trim its ends and then cut them into 1 inch pieces.Take thai red birds eye chilli and chop it finely and place it in a mortar along with clove of garlic. With the help of a pestle crush it and grind it into a paste. If you don't have mortar and pestle you can use a food processor.Add the chilli garlic paste into a bowl and add some lemon juice to it. Also add fish sauce, if you are a vegetarian or don't like the smell of fish sauce you can replace it with soya sauce. Also add brown sugar or palm sugar to the lemon sauce and mix everything together. You can add dried shrimps at this stage for an authentic flavour but if you are a vegetarian you can give it a pass.Place the chopped beans in the mortar and bruise them slightly with the pestle so that the juices can run out and it can absorb the dressing better. Take tomato and scoop out its pulp using a spoon. Cut the tomato into juliennes or into cubes, as you like.Add the papaya juliennes to the dressing bowl along with beans and tomato. Toss everything together and transfer it to a serving bowl.Toss on top toasted salted peanuts. If you like you can crush the peanuts I just used them halved. Indulge in the most amazing and healthy salad from Thailand.Serve Thai Som Tum Recipe as a side dish along with Vegetarian Thai Red Curry and Steamed Rice for a weekend dinner. | |
365 | Desiccated Coconut Coriander Chutney Recipe | Desiccated Coconut Coriander Chutney Recipe | 3 Green Chillies,3 cloves Garlic,1 inch Ginger,1/2 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 tablespoon Lemon juice,2 tablespoons Dessicated Coconut,Salt - to taste,1 cup Coriander (Dhania) Leaves | 3 Green Chillies,3 cloves Garlic,1 inch Ginger,1/2 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 tablespoon Lemon juice,2 tablespoons Dessicated Coconut,Salt - to taste,1 cup Coriander (Dhania) Leaves | 5 | 5 | 10 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin making Desiccated Coconut Coriander Chutney Recipe, get all the ingredients ready.Add all ingredients in a mixer jar and grind it to a fine paste with the help of a water as needed. Transfer this to a serving bowl.Serve Desiccated Coconut Coriander Chutney Recipe as a dip with Cheese Crackers Recipe for a movie evening at home.
| To begin making Desiccated Coconut Coriander Chutney Recipe, get all the ingredients ready.Add all ingredients in a mixer jar and grind it to a fine paste with the help of a water as needed. Transfer this to a serving bowl.Serve Desiccated Coconut Coriander Chutney Recipe as a dip with Cheese Crackers Recipe for a movie evening at home. | |
366 | Quick Masala French Toast Recipe | Quick Masala French Toast Recipe | 3 Whole Wheat Brown Bread,4 Whole Eggs,Sunflower Oil - or butter as required,2 tablespoons Milk,1 tablespoon Red Chilli flakes,Salt - as per your taste,3 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,1/4 tablespoon Black pepper powder,1 Onion - finely chopped,2 to 3 Green Chillies - finely chopped | 3 Whole Wheat Brown Bread,4 Whole Eggs,Sunflower Oil - or butter as required,2 tablespoons Milk,1 tablespoon Red Chilli flakes,Salt - as per your taste,3 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,1/4 tablespoon Black pepper powder,1 Onion - finely chopped,2 to 3 Green Chillies - finely chopped | 10 | 10 | 20 | 2 | Continental | World Breakfast | Eggetarian | To begin making the Quick Masala French Toast recipe, beat the eggs in a mixing bowl.Add milk, beat it again and make sure that it is mixed properly. Add chilli flakes, salt and black pepper.Once it is done, heat oil in a wide pan. Take a bread slice, dip it in the egg mixture and put it on the pan.Spread some onion, green chillies and coriander on the top of bread and pour some egg mixture on it again.Turn the bread and let the other side also cooked properly. Once it turns light brown in colour, take it out of the stove and it is ready to be served.Serve Quick Masala French Toast on its own with a cup of hot Espresso Coffee or Masala Tea for a filling breakfast.
| To begin making the Quick Masala French Toast recipe, beat the eggs in a mixing bowl.Add milk, beat it again and make sure that it is mixed properly. Add chilli flakes, salt and black pepper.Once it is done, heat oil in a wide pan. Take a bread slice, dip it in the egg mixture and put it on the pan.Spread some onion, green chillies and coriander on the top of bread and pour some egg mixture on it again.Turn the bread and let the other side also cooked properly. Once it turns light brown in colour, take it out of the stove and it is ready to be served.Serve Quick Masala French Toast on its own with a cup of hot Espresso Coffee or Masala Tea for a filling breakfast. | |
367 | Kerala Style Tapioca with Coconut Curd Chutney Recipe | Kerala Style Tapioca with Coconut Curd Chutney Recipe | 1 kg Tapioca root,1 cup Fresh coconut - grated,4 to 5 Shallots,2 Green Chillies - chopped,1-1/2 cups Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt),Salt - to taste | 1 kg Tapioca root,1 cup Fresh coconut - grated,4 to 5 Shallots,2 Green Chillies - chopped,1-1/2 cups Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt),Salt - to taste | 5 | 60 | 65 | 4 | Kerala Recipes | South Indian Breakfast | Vegetarian | To begin making the Tapioca With Coconut Curd Chutney recipe, firstly peel, cut and wash the tapioca well.Take lots of water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and add the tapioca pieces.Once tapioca pieces are cooked, drain the water.For the chutney, in a blender add coconut, green chilli and shallots and blend it finely.Add this mixture to sour curd and add salt and mix properly, season it well according to your palate. Serve the Tapioca With Coconut Curd Chutney as a snack or for a healthy and light breakfast along with Kerala Style Pazham Pori Recipe (Banana Fry) or Kerala Style Appam Recipe (Fermented Rice Pancakes With Coconut).
| To begin making the Tapioca With Coconut Curd Chutney recipe, firstly peel, cut and wash the tapioca well.Take lots of water in a saucepan and bring it to a boil. Add salt and add the tapioca pieces.Once tapioca pieces are cooked, drain the water.For the chutney, in a blender add coconut, green chilli and shallots and blend it finely.Add this mixture to sour curd and add salt and mix properly, season it well according to your palate. Serve the Tapioca With Coconut Curd Chutney as a snack or for a healthy and light breakfast along with Kerala Style Pazham Pori Recipe (Banana Fry) or Kerala Style Appam Recipe (Fermented Rice Pancakes With Coconut). | |
368 | Matcha Cookies Recipe | Matcha Cookies Recipe | 1 cup All Purpose Flour (Maida),1/2 cup Butter - I have used salted butter,1/2 cup Caster Sugar,1-1/2 tablespoons Matcha powder - (japanese Green tea),1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract,1 teaspoon Butter - for greasing | 1 cup All Purpose Flour (Maida),1/2 cup Butter - I have used salted butter,1/2 cup Caster Sugar,1-1/2 tablespoons Matcha powder - (japanese Green tea),1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract,1 teaspoon Butter - for greasing | 10 | 20 | 30 | 4 | Fusion | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making Matcha Cookies Recipe, cream the butter and powdered sugar in a steel mixing bowl with the help of a hand mixer. Once that is done, add in the vanilla essence and mix well till combined.Sift in the all purpose flour and Matcha powder in a bowl and add it to the wet ingredients. Mix well to combine.Once all the ingredients are incorporated, take the mixture out of the bowl and put it in a cling film to refrigerate for around 1 hour.After and hour, take it out of the refrigerator, make even sized balls (this recipe made 14) out of the mixture and place them on a baking tray greased with butter.Preheat the oven to 160 degree Celsius.Place the Matcha Cookies in the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cookies start turning slightly brown from the edges. Once done remove from the oven and allow them to cool. Serve Matcha Cookies Recipe along with Irani Chai Recipe for evening.
| To begin making Matcha Cookies Recipe, cream the butter and powdered sugar in a steel mixing bowl with the help of a hand mixer. Once that is done, add in the vanilla essence and mix well till combined.Sift in the all purpose flour and Matcha powder in a bowl and add it to the wet ingredients. Mix well to combine.Once all the ingredients are incorporated, take the mixture out of the bowl and put it in a cling film to refrigerate for around 1 hour.After and hour, take it out of the refrigerator, make even sized balls (this recipe made 14) out of the mixture and place them on a baking tray greased with butter.Preheat the oven to 160 degree Celsius.Place the Matcha Cookies in the preheated oven and bake for 15-20 minutes or until the cookies start turning slightly brown from the edges. Once done remove from the oven and allow them to cool. Serve Matcha Cookies Recipe along with Irani Chai Recipe for evening. | |
370 | Corn Salad With Radishes, Jalapeño And Lime In Mint Mayo Recipe | Corn Salad With Radishes, Jalapeño And Lime In Mint Mayo Recipe | 1 cup Sweet corn - steamed,4 Red baby radish - thinly sliced,2 Pickled Jalapenos - chopped,2 teaspoons Lemon juice,4 tablespoons Del Monte Mint Mayo,1 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon White pepper powder | 1 cup Sweet corn - steamed,4 Red baby radish - thinly sliced,2 Pickled Jalapenos - chopped,2 teaspoons Lemon juice,4 tablespoons Del Monte Mint Mayo,1 tablespoon Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon White pepper powder | 15 | 30 | 45 | 2 | North Indian Recipes | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Corn Salad With Radishes, Jalapeño and Lime in DelMonte Mint Mayonnaise recipe, boil corns and keep aside.Transfer the boiled corns to a plate or bowl.AddAdd DelMonte Mint Mayonnaise, salt and pepper, give it a mix.Now add radish slices, Jalapenos, coriander leaves, mix.Serve Corn Salad With Radishes Jalapeño And Lime In Mint Mayo Recipe immediately as an evening snack or as side dish.
| To begin making the Corn Salad With Radishes, Jalapeño and Lime in DelMonte Mint Mayonnaise recipe, boil corns and keep aside.Transfer the boiled corns to a plate or bowl.AddAdd DelMonte Mint Mayonnaise, salt and pepper, give it a mix.Now add radish slices, Jalapenos, coriander leaves, mix.Serve Corn Salad With Radishes Jalapeño And Lime In Mint Mayo Recipe immediately as an evening snack or as side dish. | |
372 | गोअन पोई रेसिपी - Goan Poee Recipe | Goan Poee Recipe | 1 कप मैदा (ऑल पर्पस आटा),1 कप गेहूं का आटा,1/4 कप गेहूं ब्रान,1-1/4 छोटा चम्मच एक्टिव ड्राई यीस्ट,1/4 छोटा चम्मच शक्कर,1/2 छोटा चम्मच नमक,1 कप पानी - गुनगुना | 1 cup all purpose flour (all purpose flour), 1 cup wheat flour, 1/4 cup wheat bran, 1-1 / 4 tsp active dry yeast, 1/4 tsp sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, 1 cup water - lukewarm | 90 | 10 | 100 | 12 | Goan Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | गोअन पोई रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक बाउल में मैदा, गेहूं का आटा, एक्टिव ड्राई यीस्ट, शक्कर, नमक डाले और अच्छी तरह से मिला ले.अब धीरे धीरे पानी डाले और आटे को गुंद ले. ऊपर से थोड़ा तेल लगाए और 2 घंटे के लिए अलग से दोगुना होने के लिए रख ले. अब आटे को अच्छी तरह से फिर से एक बार गुंद ले. आटे को 12 हिस्सों में बात ले. आटे को गेहूं ब्रान में छिड़के और एक बेकिंग शीट में रख दे. 1 घंटे के लिए फिर से अलग रख दे. अब इन्हे अपने हाथ से थोड़ा फ्लैट कर ले. बेकिंग शीट पर रखें और ओवन को पहले से 220 डिग्री सेल्सियस पर 10 मिनट के लिए गरम कर ले. पोई को ओवन में डाले और 6 से 8 मिनट के लिए पका ले. ज्यादा देर न रखें क्यूंकि पोई कड़क हो जाती है। परोसे। गोअन पोई रेसिपी को गोअन स्टाइल मशरुम शगोटी या आलू विंदालू के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make Goan Poi recipe, first of all add maida, wheat flour, active dry yeast, sugar, salt in a bowl and mix it well. Now slowly add water and knead the dough. Apply some oil on top and keep it aside to double for 2 hours. Now knead the dough once again. Take the dough in 12 parts. Sprinkle the flour in the wheat bran and keep it on a baking sheet. Keep it aside for 1 hour. Now flatten them slightly with your hand. Place on a baking sheet and preheat the oven at 220 ° C for 10 minutes. Put the poi in the oven and cook it for 6 to 8 minutes. Do not keep long because the poi becomes hard. Serve. Serve Goan Poi Recipe with Goan Style Mushroom Shagotti or Aloo Vindaloo for dinner. | |
373 | Chunky Cucumber Salsa Recipe | Chunky Cucumber Salsa Recipe | 3 Cucumbers - washed,1 Red onion - diced,1 Tomato - cut into chunks,2 cloves Garlic - minced,2 Pickled Jalapenos - chopped,1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns - freshly cracked,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - one bunch,Salt - to taste,Lemon juice - of 2 large limes,2-3 Spring Onion Greens - for garnish (optional) | 3 Cucumbers - washed,1 Red onion - diced,1 Tomato - cut into chunks,2 cloves Garlic - minced,2 Pickled Jalapenos - chopped,1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns - freshly cracked,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - one bunch,Salt - to taste,Lemon juice - of 2 large limes,2-3 Spring Onion Greens - for garnish (optional) | 15 | 30 | 45 | 4 | Mexican | Dinner | Vegetarian | To begin making the Chunky Cucumber Salsa, lay the cucumbers on a flat wooden surface or working space.Use a rolling pin and bash the cucumber into bite size chunks. Alternatively, use a wooden mortar pestle to roughly break the cucumbers down to chunks.In a bowl toss together the cucumber chunks, tomato, onion, garlic and coriander leaves.Add the jalapenos, black pepper, salt, lime juice and toss again.Garnish with spring onion leaves. Chill for half an hour and then serve.Serve the Chunky Cucumber Salsa with Chips made of Homemade Tortillas or as an accompaniment to Mexican Brown Rice and Quinoa Casserole or Vegetarian Bean & Cheese Enchiladas.
| To begin making the Chunky Cucumber Salsa, lay the cucumbers on a flat wooden surface or working space.Use a rolling pin and bash the cucumber into bite size chunks. Alternatively, use a wooden mortar pestle to roughly break the cucumbers down to chunks.In a bowl toss together the cucumber chunks, tomato, onion, garlic and coriander leaves.Add the jalapenos, black pepper, salt, lime juice and toss again.Garnish with spring onion leaves. Chill for half an hour and then serve.Serve the Chunky Cucumber Salsa with Chips made of Homemade Tortillas or as an accompaniment to Mexican Brown Rice and Quinoa Casserole or Vegetarian Bean & Cheese Enchiladas. | |
374 | Grilled Eggplant With Tahini & Yogurt Dip Recipe | Grilled Eggplant With Tahini and Yogurt Dip Recipe | 2 Brinjal (Baingan / Eggplant),1/2 cup Tzatziki,1/2 cup Tahini,12 to 15 Sun Dried Tomatoes - dipped in olive oil,1 Pomegranate Sauce - recipe,1 sprig Mint Leaves (Pudina),Salt and Pepper,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking | 2 Brinjal (Baingan / Eggplant),1/2 cup Tzatziki,1/2 cup Tahini,12 to 15 Sun Dried Tomatoes - dipped in olive oil,1 Pomegranate Sauce - recipe,1 sprig Mint Leaves (Pudina),Salt and Pepper,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking | 15 | 30 | 45 | 4 | Continental | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To begin making the Grilled Eggplant in Tahini & Yogurt Recipe, we will first have to roast the eggplants. I personally like to roast it on the pan, but you can roast them in the oven too.First, slice the eggplant lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slices, sprinkle some salt and drizzle some olive oil over the eggplants and toss them well until well coated. Roasting Eggplants in the Oven - Preheat oven to 180 CArrange the eggplants on a baking tray and loosely cover the tray with foil and roast the eggplants in the preheated oven roast until they are soft and pliable, about 15 to 20 minutes, turning them halfway through while it is roasting. Roasting Eggplants on a Cast Iron SkilletPreheat a skillet on medium heat; place the eggplant slices on the cast iron skillet and roast them until soft and cooked on both sides. Proceed the same way to roast the remaining eggplants.Now, we will use only the eggplant that have the largest rounds, as we will be able to stuff and roll only the larger rounds. The smaller rounds you can chop them fine and use them as you wish.Assembling the Grilled EggplantOnce grilled place the eggplants on a serving platter. Arrange the eggplants, flat on the surface. Spread a spoon of Tahini on each of the grilled eggplants. Place the sun-dried tomatoes over the eggplant, next spoon the greek dip and finally drizzle the pomegranate sauce. Garnish with mint leaves or thyme leaves and serve. Serve the Grilled Eggplant with Tahini & Yogurt Dip as an appetizer for parties or as a side dish for dinner.
| To begin making the Grilled Eggplant in Tahini & Yogurt Recipe, we will first have to roast the eggplants. I personally like to roast it on the pan, but you can roast them in the oven too.First, slice the eggplant lengthwise into 1/4-inch thick slices, sprinkle some salt and drizzle some olive oil over the eggplants and toss them well until well coated. Roasting Eggplants in the Oven - Preheat oven to 180 CArrange the eggplants on a baking tray and loosely cover the tray with foil and roast the eggplants in the preheated oven roast until they are soft and pliable, about 15 to 20 minutes, turning them halfway through while it is roasting. Roasting Eggplants on a Cast Iron SkilletPreheat a skillet on medium heat; place the eggplant slices on the cast iron skillet and roast them until soft and cooked on both sides. Proceed the same way to roast the remaining eggplants.Now, we will use only the eggplant that have the largest rounds, as we will be able to stuff and roll only the larger rounds. The smaller rounds you can chop them fine and use them as you wish.Assembling the Grilled EggplantOnce grilled place the eggplants on a serving platter. Arrange the eggplants, flat on the surface. Spread a spoon of Tahini on each of the grilled eggplants. Place the sun-dried tomatoes over the eggplant, next spoon the greek dip and finally drizzle the pomegranate sauce. Garnish with mint leaves or thyme leaves and serve. Serve the Grilled Eggplant with Tahini & Yogurt Dip as an appetizer for parties or as a side dish for dinner. | |
375 | Potato Paneer Curry Without Onion And Garlic Recipe (Vrat Wale Aloo Paneer) | Potato Paneer Curry Without Onion And Garlic Recipe (Vrat Wale Aloo Paneer) | 8 Potatoes (Aloo) - cut into medium sized pieces,250 grams Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese) - cut into medium cubes,5 Tomatoes,2 inch Ginger - grated,3 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - as required,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - as required | 8 Potatoes (Aloo) - cut into medium sized pieces,250 grams Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese) - cut into medium cubes,5 Tomatoes,2 inch Ginger - grated,3 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - as required,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - as required | 20 | 60 | 80 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Potato Paneer Curry Without Onion And Garlic recipe, in a blender, add the tomatoes and 2 inch ginger pieces along with the green chillies. Make a coarse puree and set aside.In a pressure cooker, heat 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil and add 1 tablespoon of grated ginger.Saute the ginger until it releases its fragrance, about a minute.Then add the puree and saute for about 10 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated.Add 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Saute for another 5 minutes or until the water has completely evaporated.Add the potatoes next and saute for 2 min. Then add 2 cups of water and the roasted cumin powder.Stir, close the lid and allow one whistle. Turn off the flame and let the pressure diffuse on its own.(If cooking in a pot cook until the potatoes are fully cooked.)Open the lid and bring the curry to a boil, then add the paneer cubes. Cook for 2 minutes and finish the dish with lots of fresh coriander.Serve Potato Paneer Curry Without Onion And Garlic along with Rajgira Puri for the fasting days.
| To begin making the Potato Paneer Curry Without Onion And Garlic recipe, in a blender, add the tomatoes and 2 inch ginger pieces along with the green chillies. Make a coarse puree and set aside.In a pressure cooker, heat 2 tablespoon of vegetable oil and add 1 tablespoon of grated ginger.Saute the ginger until it releases its fragrance, about a minute.Then add the puree and saute for about 10 minutes or until most of the water has evaporated.Add 1 teaspoon of red chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Saute for another 5 minutes or until the water has completely evaporated.Add the potatoes next and saute for 2 min. Then add 2 cups of water and the roasted cumin powder.Stir, close the lid and allow one whistle. Turn off the flame and let the pressure diffuse on its own.(If cooking in a pot cook until the potatoes are fully cooked.)Open the lid and bring the curry to a boil, then add the paneer cubes. Cook for 2 minutes and finish the dish with lots of fresh coriander.Serve Potato Paneer Curry Without Onion And Garlic along with Rajgira Puri for the fasting days. | |
376 | Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak Recipe - Green Beans With Gram Flour Dumplings | Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak Recipe - Green Beans With Gram Flour Dumplings | 400 grams Green beans (French Beans) - cut into 1 inch pieces,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1/4 teaspoon SSP Asafoetida (Hing),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1/2 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),1 teaspoon Jaggery,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 cup Gram flour (besan),2 tablespoons Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves),1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Sugar,1/4 teaspoon SSP Asafoetida (Hing),1/2 teaspoon Enos fruit salt,1 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Salt - to taste | 400 grams Green beans (French Beans) - cut into 1 inch pieces,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1/4 teaspoon SSP Asafoetida (Hing),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1/2 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),1 teaspoon Jaggery,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 cup Gram flour (besan),2 tablespoons Kasuri Methi (Dried Fenugreek Leaves),1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Sugar,1/4 teaspoon SSP Asafoetida (Hing),1/2 teaspoon Enos fruit salt,1 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Salt - to taste | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | Gujarati Recipes | Main Course | Vegetarian | To begin making the Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak Recipe, add the green beans into a pressure cooker, with 1/4 cup of water, salt to taste and pressure cook for 2 whistles. Turn off the heat and release the pressure immediately to retain the bright green color of the beans. Open the pressure cooker and keep aside.*To make the Muthia:In a small bowl combine the ingredients for the muthia - Gram flour, kasuri methi, turmeric powder, sugar, asafoetida, enos fruit salt, lemon juice, cooking oil and salt. Combine to make a firm dough by adding little water. Divide the dough into equal small portions. Shape them in ovals and lightly press them down. Preheat a paniyaram pan and add little oil into each cavity. Place the muthia in each cavity and pan fry until golden and crisp on all sides. Once done remove and keep aside.*The next step is to make the Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak:Heat a teaspoon of oil in a heavy bottomed pan over medium heat; add the ajwain seeds, mustard seeds and allow them to crackle.After the seeds crackle, add asafoetida and the cooked green beans.After a minute, add the coriander powder, red chilli powder, amchur powder, turmeric powder, jaggery, muthia and saute until well combine. Cover and allow it to steam cook for two minutes and turn off the heat. Transfer Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak into a serving bowl and serve.Serve the Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak Recipe along with Gujarati Kadhi, Phulka and Steamed Rice to enjoy your everyday simple lunch.
| To begin making the Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak Recipe, add the green beans into a pressure cooker, with 1/4 cup of water, salt to taste and pressure cook for 2 whistles. Turn off the heat and release the pressure immediately to retain the bright green color of the beans. Open the pressure cooker and keep aside.*To make the Muthia:In a small bowl combine the ingredients for the muthia - Gram flour, kasuri methi, turmeric powder, sugar, asafoetida, enos fruit salt, lemon juice, cooking oil and salt. Combine to make a firm dough by adding little water. Divide the dough into equal small portions. Shape them in ovals and lightly press them down. Preheat a paniyaram pan and add little oil into each cavity. Place the muthia in each cavity and pan fry until golden and crisp on all sides. Once done remove and keep aside.*The next step is to make the Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak:Heat a teaspoon of oil in a heavy bottomed pan over medium heat; add the ajwain seeds, mustard seeds and allow them to crackle.After the seeds crackle, add asafoetida and the cooked green beans.After a minute, add the coriander powder, red chilli powder, amchur powder, turmeric powder, jaggery, muthia and saute until well combine. Cover and allow it to steam cook for two minutes and turn off the heat. Transfer Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak into a serving bowl and serve.Serve the Fansi Muthia Nu Shaak Recipe along with Gujarati Kadhi, Phulka and Steamed Rice to enjoy your everyday simple lunch. | |
377 | केरला स्टाइल अप्पम रेसिपी - Kerala Style Appam Recipe | Kerala Style Appam Recipe - Kerala Style Appam Recipe | 2 कप चावल - 3 घंटे के लिए भिगो दे,1 कप चावल - पके हुए,1 कप नारियल - कस ले,1 छोटा चम्मच एक्टिव ड्राई यीस्ट - + 1/2 कप गुनगुना पानी,2 बड़े चम्मच शक्कर,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार | 2 cups rice - soaked for 3 hours, 1 cup rice - cooked, 1 cup coconut - tighten, 1 tsp active dry yeast - + 1/2 cup lukewarm water, 2 tbsp sugar, salt - as per taste | 200 | 30 | 230 | 4 | Kerala Recipes | Main Course | Vegetarian | केरला स्टाइल अप्पम रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले चावल को 3 से 4 घंटे के लिए पानी में भिगो दे. अब एक बाउल में नमक, शक्कर, एक्टिव ड्राई यीस्ट डाले और मिला ले. 5 मिनट के लिए अलग से रख दे. अब एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में भिगोये हुए चावल, पके हुए चावल, नारियल, थोड़ा पानी, नमक डाले और पीस कर बैटर बना ले. इसमें यीस्ट का मिश्रण डाले और मिला ले. इस मिश्रण को एक बाउल में निकाले, ढके और 5 से 6 घंटे के लिए फरमेंट होने के लिए अलग से रख ले. अब प्रयोग अनुसार पानी डाले और बैटर को अपने हिसाब से पतला कर ले. ध्यान रखें जयदा पतला न करें। अब एक अप्पम पैन को गैस पर मध्यम आंच पर रखें। अब इस पैन में अप्पम का बैटर डाले और पैन को हाथ में लेके चारो तरफ घुमा ले ताकि बैटर अच्छी तरह से फेल जाए. अप्पम बिच में से मोटा होगा और कोने से पतला। पैन को 2 मिनट के लिए ढक ले जब तक कोने से हल्का सुनहरा भूरा नहीं हो जाता। निकाले और परोसे. केरला स्टाइल अप्पम रेसिपी को अपने दिन के खाने के लिए कडला करी या वेजिटेबल स्टू के साथ परोसे।
| To make Kerala Style Appam recipe, first soak rice in water for 3 to 4 hours. Now add salt, sugar, active dry yeast in a bowl and mix. Keep it aside for 5 minutes. Now in a mixer grinder add soaked rice, cooked rice, coconut, a little water, salt and grind it to a batter. Add yeast mixture to it and mix. Take out this mixture in a bowl, cover and keep it aside to ferment for 5 to 6 hours. Now add water as per use and dilute the batter according to your needs. Take care not to dilute Jayda. Now place an appam pan on medium flame on the gas. Now put appam batter in this pan and take the pan in your hand and turn it around so that the batter fails well. Appam will be thicker than the middle and thinner than the corner. Cover the pan for 2 minutes until the corner turns a light golden brown. Remove and serve. Serve Kerala Style Appam Recipe with Kadla Curry or Vegetable Stew for your dinner. | |
378 | Kashmiri Style Shab Deg Recipe-Mutton Kofta and Turnip Curry | Kashmiri Style Shab Deg Recipe-Mutton Kofta and Turnip Curry | 5 Turnips,1 tablespoon Poppy seeds,2 tablespoons Badam (Almond) - blanched and peeled,500 grams Mutton - minced,1-1/2 teaspoon Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder,2 teaspoons Ginger Garlic Paste,2 tablespoons Gram flour (besan) - roasted,1/4 tablespoons Badam (Almond) - paste,1/4 tablespoons Poppy seeds - paste,2 tablespoons Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,Salt - as needed,500 grams Mutton,1-1/2 teaspoon Fennel Powder,1 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1/2 cup Fresh cream,2 tablespoons Ginger Garlic Paste,1/2 cup Onions - thinly sliced and fried,2 teaspoons Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder,1 tablespoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1/2 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),5 Cloves (Laung),4 Cardamom (Elaichi) Pods/Seeds,Saffron strands - a pinch,1/2 cup Milk,1 cup Whole Wheat Flour,Water - as required | 5 Turnips,1 tablespoon Poppy seeds,2 tablespoons Badam (Almond) - blanched and peeled,500 grams Mutton - minced,1-1/2 teaspoon Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder,2 teaspoons Ginger Garlic Paste,2 tablespoons Gram flour (besan) - roasted,1/4 tablespoons Badam (Almond) - paste,1/4 tablespoons Poppy seeds - paste,2 tablespoons Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,Salt - as needed,500 grams Mutton,1-1/2 teaspoon Fennel Powder,1 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1/2 cup Fresh cream,2 tablespoons Ginger Garlic Paste,1/2 cup Onions - thinly sliced and fried,2 teaspoons Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder,1 tablespoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1/2 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),5 Cloves (Laung),4 Cardamom (Elaichi) Pods/Seeds,Saffron strands - a pinch,1/2 cup Milk,1 cup Whole Wheat Flour,Water - as required | 40 | 180 | 220 | 4 | Kashmiri | Lunch | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Shab Deg recipe, firstly slowly add water into the whole wheat flour and make a tight dough. This dough is to seal the vessel. Once it is ready, keep it aside.Collect all the ingredients on your counter and do the preparations mentioned like, grind Almond and Poppy to make a paste and keep aside.Peel and wash the turnips, cut into half or four quadrants and keep aside. Soak saffron in milk and keep in fridge to get more intense colour. Take a large mixing bowl and combine all the ingredients required for making kofta and mix well to make a dough.Pinch a lemon sized ball from the dough, roll it and shape into kofta and keep aside. Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed vessel known as DEG and fry the turnips till they are golden in colour. Collect them and keep aside.In the remaining ghee add caraways seeds, cardamom and cloves and wait till they crackle.Add mutton and fry for atleast 5 minutes. Now add ginger garlic paste and saute for another couple of minutes.Season it with chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Mix well and add whisked curd/yogurt. Keep stirring till curd incorporates with the spices well.Add garam masala powder and some water, give a quick stir and simmer the gas. Cover the lid and let it cook on low flame till one hour.Add water (preferably warm) and fried onions. Mix and add turnips and meat balls.Check salt again and adjust if needed. Cover the deg with a lid that fits well and seal the sides with dough.Let the deg be on very low flame for another 2 hours. Once the curry is done, break the seal carefully and open the lid.Stir in the saffron milk and garnish with some finely chopped coriander or kasuri methi and drizzle some cream/malai all over.Serve Shab Deg along with Jeera Rice or Naan, Boondi Raita and a plate of Onion salad.
| To begin making the Shab Deg recipe, firstly slowly add water into the whole wheat flour and make a tight dough. This dough is to seal the vessel. Once it is ready, keep it aside.Collect all the ingredients on your counter and do the preparations mentioned like, grind Almond and Poppy to make a paste and keep aside.Peel and wash the turnips, cut into half or four quadrants and keep aside. Soak saffron in milk and keep in fridge to get more intense colour. Take a large mixing bowl and combine all the ingredients required for making kofta and mix well to make a dough.Pinch a lemon sized ball from the dough, roll it and shape into kofta and keep aside. Heat ghee in a heavy bottomed vessel known as DEG and fry the turnips till they are golden in colour. Collect them and keep aside.In the remaining ghee add caraways seeds, cardamom and cloves and wait till they crackle.Add mutton and fry for atleast 5 minutes. Now add ginger garlic paste and saute for another couple of minutes.Season it with chilli powder, coriander powder and salt. Mix well and add whisked curd/yogurt. Keep stirring till curd incorporates with the spices well.Add garam masala powder and some water, give a quick stir and simmer the gas. Cover the lid and let it cook on low flame till one hour.Add water (preferably warm) and fried onions. Mix and add turnips and meat balls.Check salt again and adjust if needed. Cover the deg with a lid that fits well and seal the sides with dough.Let the deg be on very low flame for another 2 hours. Once the curry is done, break the seal carefully and open the lid.Stir in the saffron milk and garnish with some finely chopped coriander or kasuri methi and drizzle some cream/malai all over.Serve Shab Deg along with Jeera Rice or Naan, Boondi Raita and a plate of Onion salad. | |
379 | Tofu Bánh Mì Recipe - Vietnamese Grilled Tofu Sandwich | Tofu Banh Mi Recipe - Vietnamese Grilled Tofu Sandwich | 1 Baguette - 12 inch,4 tablespoon Classic Mayonnaise (With Egg),2 tablespoon Sriracha sauce,3 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking,1 English Cucumber - sliced,1 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - sliced,1 Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - sliced,1 Carrot (Gajjar) - cut into julienne,1 Mooli/ Mullangi (Radish) - sliced,2 Pickled Jalapenos - sliced,1/2 cup Chilli vinegar,1 tablespoon Sugar,Salt and Pepper - to taste,250 grams Tofu - sliced into thin rectangular shapes,1 tablespoon Soy sauce,2 tablespoon Red Chilli sauce,1 teaspoon Honey,1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 teaspoon Dry ginger powder | 1 Baguette - 12 inch,4 tablespoon Classic Mayonnaise (With Egg),2 tablespoon Sriracha sauce,3 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - for cooking,1 English Cucumber - sliced,1 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - sliced,1 Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - sliced,1 Carrot (Gajjar) - cut into julienne,1 Mooli/ Mullangi (Radish) - sliced,2 Pickled Jalapenos - sliced,1/2 cup Chilli vinegar,1 tablespoon Sugar,Salt and Pepper - to taste,250 grams Tofu - sliced into thin rectangular shapes,1 tablespoon Soy sauce,2 tablespoon Red Chilli sauce,1 teaspoon Honey,1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 teaspoon Dry ginger powder | 20 | 30 | 50 | 4 | Vietnamese | Dinner | Vegetarian | To begin making the Vietnamese Style Veg Bánh Mì Recipe, we will first keep the vegetables chopped and ready.Add all the vegetables into a bowl, add in chilli vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and mix it well. Rest the vegetables in the fridge until you finish making your grilled tofu for the Bánh mì.Take a mixing bowl, add soy sauce, red chilli sauce, honey, pepper powder, ginger powder, salt a pinch and give it a mix. Add in tofu slices and mix will and allow it to soak in the mixture for 10 minutes.Heat a grill pan, once it is hot, brush the pan with some olive oil and place the marinated tofu pieces on to the grill. Grill on each side for at least 5 minutes, until you notice brown grill marks on either side.Once done, take the grilled tofu slices and place them on a plate. Keep the pickled vegetables also out and we can start to assemble the Bánh Mì.Cut the Baguette into a 6 inch length, cut it lengthwise on one of the sides in order to stuff in the fillings inside. You can optionally toast the baguette along with butter or olive oil in the oven, to make it warm and more crisp. Spread 2 tablespoon of mayonnaise evenly on the bread, and again spread about a tablespoon Sriracha sauce as well.Layer the pickled vegetables over the bread and next place two grilled tofu slices one next to each other.Place sliced cucumber and jalapeños neatly on top of the grilled tofu and finally garnish it with freshly washed coriander sprigs. Repeat the procedure for the remaining half of the baguette. Your Vietnamese Style Veg Bánh Mì is ready to be served.Serve the Vietnamese Style Veg Bánh mì Recipe along with a Cherry Tomato and Orange Salad by the side and a glass of Mango Iced Tea Recipe to make your weekend meal complete.
| To begin making the Vietnamese Style Veg Bánh Mì Recipe, we will first keep the vegetables chopped and ready.Add all the vegetables into a bowl, add in chilli vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper and mix it well. Rest the vegetables in the fridge until you finish making your grilled tofu for the Bánh mì.Take a mixing bowl, add soy sauce, red chilli sauce, honey, pepper powder, ginger powder, salt a pinch and give it a mix. Add in tofu slices and mix will and allow it to soak in the mixture for 10 minutes.Heat a grill pan, once it is hot, brush the pan with some olive oil and place the marinated tofu pieces on to the grill. Grill on each side for at least 5 minutes, until you notice brown grill marks on either side.Once done, take the grilled tofu slices and place them on a plate. Keep the pickled vegetables also out and we can start to assemble the Bánh Mì.Cut the Baguette into a 6 inch length, cut it lengthwise on one of the sides in order to stuff in the fillings inside. You can optionally toast the baguette along with butter or olive oil in the oven, to make it warm and more crisp. Spread 2 tablespoon of mayonnaise evenly on the bread, and again spread about a tablespoon Sriracha sauce as well.Layer the pickled vegetables over the bread and next place two grilled tofu slices one next to each other.Place sliced cucumber and jalapeños neatly on top of the grilled tofu and finally garnish it with freshly washed coriander sprigs. Repeat the procedure for the remaining half of the baguette. Your Vietnamese Style Veg Bánh Mì is ready to be served.Serve the Vietnamese Style Veg Bánh mì Recipe along with a Cherry Tomato and Orange Salad by the side and a glass of Mango Iced Tea Recipe to make your weekend meal complete. | |
380 | Khatta Meetha Petha Recipe (Yellow Pumpkin Sabzi) | Sour Sweet Petha Recipe (Yellow Pumpkin Vegetable) | 1 Kaddu (Parangikai/ Pumpkin),4 Green Chillies,1 teaspoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1 teaspoon Sugar,Salt,1 Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped | 1 Kaddu (Parangikai/ Pumpkin),4 Green Chillies,1 teaspoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1 teaspoon Sugar,Salt,1 Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped | 10 | 30 | 40 | 2 | Indian | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Yellow Pumpkin Sabzi, first peel, deseed and cut the pumpkin into cubes of approximately 3/4 inch each. Chop the green chillies as well and keep aside.In a kadai or skillet on medium heat. Dry roast the fennel seeds and peppercorns over medium heat till fragrant. Transfer them to a bowl and set aside to cool.In the same skillet, heat oil over medium heat and add the pumpkin cubes to it, stir in the salt and cook pumpkin for few minutes until it begins to become soft.Reduce the heat to low, add sugar, salt, green chillies and stir to combine. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook till the pumpkin softens and cooked all the way through.In the meanwhile, pound the fennel and pepper to a coarse powder using a mortar-pestle or in the dry spice grinding jar of the mixer to a coarse powder.Open the lid of the skillet, add the fennel-pepper powder along with dry mango powder and stir to combine. Adjust the salt and spices to taste. Cook for another minute or so and turn off the heat.Stir in the chopped coriander leaves and serve. Serve Khatta Meetha Petha with Phulka and Raita for a wholesome and light lunch or even pack it into your lunch box along with a glass of buttermilk.
| To begin making the Yellow Pumpkin Sabzi, first peel, deseed and cut the pumpkin into cubes of approximately 3/4 inch each. Chop the green chillies as well and keep aside.In a kadai or skillet on medium heat. Dry roast the fennel seeds and peppercorns over medium heat till fragrant. Transfer them to a bowl and set aside to cool.In the same skillet, heat oil over medium heat and add the pumpkin cubes to it, stir in the salt and cook pumpkin for few minutes until it begins to become soft.Reduce the heat to low, add sugar, salt, green chillies and stir to combine. Cover the skillet with a lid and cook till the pumpkin softens and cooked all the way through.In the meanwhile, pound the fennel and pepper to a coarse powder using a mortar-pestle or in the dry spice grinding jar of the mixer to a coarse powder.Open the lid of the skillet, add the fennel-pepper powder along with dry mango powder and stir to combine. Adjust the salt and spices to taste. Cook for another minute or so and turn off the heat.Stir in the chopped coriander leaves and serve. Serve Khatta Meetha Petha with Phulka and Raita for a wholesome and light lunch or even pack it into your lunch box along with a glass of buttermilk. | |
381 | Macher Chop Recipe (Bengali Style Fish Croquettes) | Macher Chop Recipe (Bengali Style Fish Croquettes) | 500 grams Fish fillet,1 cup Onion - chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger - grated,1 teaspoon Ginger - chopped,1-1/2 teaspoon Garlic - minced,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,3 teaspoons Green Chillies - chopped,1-1/2 teaspoons Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1/2 cup Potato (Aloo) - boiled and mashed,4 tablespoons Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped,1 teaspoon Sugar,Salt - to taste,Mustard oil - to cook,2 Whole Eggs - whisked,Salt - to taste,200 grams Whole Wheat Bread crumbs | 500 grams Fish fillet,1 cup Onion - chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger - grated,1 teaspoon Ginger - chopped,1-1/2 teaspoon Garlic - minced,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,3 teaspoons Green Chillies - chopped,1-1/2 teaspoons Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1/2 cup Potato (Aloo) - boiled and mashed,4 tablespoons Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped,1 teaspoon Sugar,Salt - to taste,Mustard oil - to cook,2 Whole Eggs - whisked,Salt - to taste,200 grams Whole Wheat Bread crumbs | 40 | 20 | 60 | 15 | Bengali Recipes | Snack | Non Vegeterian | To begin making Macher Chop Recipe (Bengali Style Fish Croquettes), clean the fish pieces. Smear a teaspoon turmeric powder and some salt to the fish pieces.Cook the fish pieces in microwave for 4-5 minutes on high or more time depending on the fish and power of microwave. You can boil the fish pieces with little water in a pan too. Let the fish pieces cool down. If you are using fish with bone, then discard skin and fish bones, mash the fish pieces.In a pan heat a bit of oil. Add chopped onions and cook till the onions become translucent.Add ginger paste and chopped ginger, garlic paste mix well and cook for 3-4 minutes.Add the mashed fish and mix well, cook for 2-3 min. Add mashed potato, salt and sugar, mix well.Add turmeric powder, roasted cumin powder, red chili powder, garam masala powder, mix well. Add chopped coriander and green chilies, mix well.Let the fish mix cool down. Shape up the mixture. You can make any shape of your choice. I made elongated patty.In a bowl beat the eggs some water and salt. In another plate take the breadcrumbs.Roll the patties in breadcrumbs and keep them aside for 10 minutes.Then dip each fish patty into the egg wash, roll in breadcrumb to coat well. Keep aside. Repeat the process for all other patties. Keep the patties in refrigerator for 30 minutes.Heat oil in a deep pan or wok. Slowly slide the croquettes 3-4 at a time and fry the fish croquettes to brown.Macher Chop Recipe (Bengali Style Fish Croquettes) for your weekend snack along with slices on onions, Homemade Dijon Mustard Sauce Recipe or kasundi and Dhaniya Pudina Chutney Recipe (Green Chutney) and enjoy with your friends and family over Masala Chai Recipe.
| To begin making Macher Chop Recipe (Bengali Style Fish Croquettes), clean the fish pieces. Smear a teaspoon turmeric powder and some salt to the fish pieces.Cook the fish pieces in microwave for 4-5 minutes on high or more time depending on the fish and power of microwave. You can boil the fish pieces with little water in a pan too. Let the fish pieces cool down. If you are using fish with bone, then discard skin and fish bones, mash the fish pieces.In a pan heat a bit of oil. Add chopped onions and cook till the onions become translucent.Add ginger paste and chopped ginger, garlic paste mix well and cook for 3-4 minutes.Add the mashed fish and mix well, cook for 2-3 min. Add mashed potato, salt and sugar, mix well.Add turmeric powder, roasted cumin powder, red chili powder, garam masala powder, mix well. Add chopped coriander and green chilies, mix well.Let the fish mix cool down. Shape up the mixture. You can make any shape of your choice. I made elongated patty.In a bowl beat the eggs some water and salt. In another plate take the breadcrumbs.Roll the patties in breadcrumbs and keep them aside for 10 minutes.Then dip each fish patty into the egg wash, roll in breadcrumb to coat well. Keep aside. Repeat the process for all other patties. Keep the patties in refrigerator for 30 minutes.Heat oil in a deep pan or wok. Slowly slide the croquettes 3-4 at a time and fry the fish croquettes to brown.Macher Chop Recipe (Bengali Style Fish Croquettes) for your weekend snack along with slices on onions, Homemade Dijon Mustard Sauce Recipe or kasundi and Dhaniya Pudina Chutney Recipe (Green Chutney) and enjoy with your friends and family over Masala Chai Recipe. | |
382 | Mixed Sprouts Sabzi Recipe | Mixed Sprouts Sabzi Recipe | 2 Mixed Sprouts - bowls,3 cups Water - for cooking,2 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),pinch Asafoetida (hing),1 Onion - chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 Tomato - chopped,1 or 2 Green Chillies - chopped,1/2 tablespoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,1/2 tablespoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 tablespoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1/2 tablespoon Garam masala powder,1/2 tablespoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped | 2 Mixed Sprouts - bowls,3 cups Water - for cooking,2 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,1 tablespoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),pinch Asafoetida (hing),1 Onion - chopped,1 tablespoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 Tomato - chopped,1 or 2 Green Chillies - chopped,1/2 tablespoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,1/2 tablespoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 tablespoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1/2 tablespoon Garam masala powder,1/2 tablespoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - chopped | 30 | 30 | 60 | 4 | Indian | Lunch | High Protein Vegetarian | To prepare Mixed Sprouts Curry Recipe, get ready with healthy homemade sprouts to start with. Now in a pressure cooker, pressure cook the mixed sprouts for 3-4 whistles or till lightly mushy.Once pressure cooker cools down by itself, take out sprouts and stock in a bowl and keep it aside.Preparing the curryHeat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and asafoetida.Once cumin seeds start to crackle,add chopped onion.Saute them till it turns into light brown colour.Add ginger garlic paste.stir and saute till raw aroma of ginger garlic goes away.Add chopped tomatoes and green chillies, saute them till tomatoes soften.Add all dry masala,start with turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder, red chilli powder, stir it well.Now add mixed sprouts along with stock, add salt to taste.Cover the lid and cook it for 10 minutes on slow flame.Once it is cooked ,add chopped coriander leaves.Mixed Sprouts Curry Recipe is ready to serve with Pulao for a complete meal.
| To prepare Mixed Sprouts Curry Recipe, get ready with healthy homemade sprouts to start with. Now in a pressure cooker, pressure cook the mixed sprouts for 3-4 whistles or till lightly mushy.Once pressure cooker cools down by itself, take out sprouts and stock in a bowl and keep it aside.Preparing the curryHeat oil in a pan, add cumin seeds and asafoetida.Once cumin seeds start to crackle,add chopped onion.Saute them till it turns into light brown colour.Add ginger garlic paste.stir and saute till raw aroma of ginger garlic goes away.Add chopped tomatoes and green chillies, saute them till tomatoes soften.Add all dry masala,start with turmeric powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala powder, red chilli powder, stir it well.Now add mixed sprouts along with stock, add salt to taste.Cover the lid and cook it for 10 minutes on slow flame.Once it is cooked ,add chopped coriander leaves.Mixed Sprouts Curry Recipe is ready to serve with Pulao for a complete meal. | |
383 | Baked Muesli Tart with Strawberry Yogurt and Chia Seeds Recipe | Baked Muesli Tart with Strawberry Yogurt and Chia Seeds Recipe | 1/3 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt) - fat-free plain,1 tablespoon Butter,1 Egg white,1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract,1 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini),1/4 teaspoon Salt,2 cups Muesli,2 tablespoons Almond Meal (Badam Powder),1 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt) - low fat,200 grams Strawberries - chopped,1 tablespoon Honey,1/4 cup Chia Seeds | 1/3 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt) - fat-free plain,1 tablespoon Butter,1 Egg white,1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract,1 teaspoon Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini),1/4 teaspoon Salt,2 cups Muesli,2 tablespoons Almond Meal (Badam Powder),1 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt) - low fat,200 grams Strawberries - chopped,1 tablespoon Honey,1/4 cup Chia Seeds | 45 | 25 | 70 | 4 | Continental | Dessert | Vegetarian | We begin making the Baked Muesli Tart with Strawberry Yogurt and Chia Seeds Recipe by mixing all the ingredients mentioned in the list to make tart into a big bowl till it all combines.It will form a thick texture and then later add it into your tart pans and press them with the help of your finger and make sure it forms a tart shell.Pre heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius for about 10 minutes. Then place these tarts into the oven and bake it for about 10 minutes.In the meantime, wash the strawberries and blitz them in the mixer till it forms a smooth paste and mix it with the hung curd. Mix well till it combines and blends.Once the tart is baked take them out and keep the yogurt as well as the tart in the fridge for about 20 minutes till it cools down.Then later take them out and slowly pour the yogurt into the tart shell and set it again in the fridge for about 10 more minutes and serve.Serve the Baked Muesli Tart with Strawberry Yogurt and Chia Seeds Recipe as dessert or as a healthy snack during the tea time.
| We begin making the Baked Muesli Tart with Strawberry Yogurt and Chia Seeds Recipe by mixing all the ingredients mentioned in the list to make tart into a big bowl till it all combines.It will form a thick texture and then later add it into your tart pans and press them with the help of your finger and make sure it forms a tart shell.Pre heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius for about 10 minutes. Then place these tarts into the oven and bake it for about 10 minutes.In the meantime, wash the strawberries and blitz them in the mixer till it forms a smooth paste and mix it with the hung curd. Mix well till it combines and blends.Once the tart is baked take them out and keep the yogurt as well as the tart in the fridge for about 20 minutes till it cools down.Then later take them out and slowly pour the yogurt into the tart shell and set it again in the fridge for about 10 more minutes and serve.Serve the Baked Muesli Tart with Strawberry Yogurt and Chia Seeds Recipe as dessert or as a healthy snack during the tea time. | |
384 | Banoffee Pie Recipe | Banoffee Pie Recipe | 250 grams Digestive biscuit,2 tablespoon Butter - melted,175 grams Butter,375 grams Condensed Milk,75 grams Caster Sugar,120 ml Heavy whipping cream,1/4 cup Caster Sugar,Dark chocolate - curls for garnish,2 Ripe Bananas - sliced | 250 grams Digestive biscuit,2 tablespoon Butter - melted,175 grams Butter,375 grams Condensed Milk,75 grams Caster Sugar,120 ml Heavy whipping cream,1/4 cup Caster Sugar,Dark chocolate - curls for garnish,2 Ripe Bananas - sliced | 15 | 60 | 75 | 4 | British | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin Banoffee Pie recipe, Using a food processor pulse the biscuits roughly. Now add melted butter not too hot and mix it properly until it resembles wet sand.Add the biscuit crumbs equally on the pie molds and press firmly to form the shape of a pie.Place the pie molds in freezer for half an hour.Now to make the caramel sauce, use a pressure cooker, add 1/2 cup water and place the whole after removing the paper wrapper.Pressure cook it on a medium heat , with a whistle for about 40 minutes. Release the pressure naturally and do not open until it is completely been released. Allow it to cool down and then open it. Now to make the whipping cream, into the bowl add cream and sugar and whip in the medium speed till it is fluffy and stands up straight.Remove the pies from the refrigerator and place chopped bananas on it. Drizzle a generous layer of caramel sauce from the can.Top it with whipped cream and garnish with chocolate curls. Place in the refrigerator until served.Serve the Banoffee Pie during your tea time with hot cup of coffee or just as Dessert after your dinner.
| To begin Banoffee Pie recipe, Using a food processor pulse the biscuits roughly. Now add melted butter not too hot and mix it properly until it resembles wet sand.Add the biscuit crumbs equally on the pie molds and press firmly to form the shape of a pie.Place the pie molds in freezer for half an hour.Now to make the caramel sauce, use a pressure cooker, add 1/2 cup water and place the whole after removing the paper wrapper.Pressure cook it on a medium heat , with a whistle for about 40 minutes. Release the pressure naturally and do not open until it is completely been released. Allow it to cool down and then open it. Now to make the whipping cream, into the bowl add cream and sugar and whip in the medium speed till it is fluffy and stands up straight.Remove the pies from the refrigerator and place chopped bananas on it. Drizzle a generous layer of caramel sauce from the can.Top it with whipped cream and garnish with chocolate curls. Place in the refrigerator until served.Serve the Banoffee Pie during your tea time with hot cup of coffee or just as Dessert after your dinner. | |
385 | Himachal Style Khatta Jimikand Recipe - Spicy Tangy Yam | Himachal Style Khatta Jimikand Recipe - Spicy Tangy Yam | 300 grams Elephant yam (Suran/Senai/Ratalu) - chopped small,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Kalonji (Onion Nigella Seeds),1/2 teaspoon Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1/2 teaspoon Kala jeera,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 Onion - chopped,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,1 inch Ginger - chopped,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,2 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),Salt - to taste,Mustard oil - for cooking | 300 grams Elephant yam (Suran/Senai/Ratalu) - chopped small,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Kalonji (Onion Nigella Seeds),1/2 teaspoon Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1/2 teaspoon Kala jeera,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 Onion - chopped,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,1 inch Ginger - chopped,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,2 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),Salt - to taste,Mustard oil - for cooking | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | Himachal | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin making the Himachal Style Khatta Jimikand Recipe, heat a pressure cooker with oil, add all the seeds that are mentioned above including cumin seeds, kalonji, methi seeds, kala jeera and mustard seeds.Allow it to crackle for few seconds. Add in curry leaves and leave to splutter for few seconds.Add ginger and garlic and saute until they soften. Add in onions and cook until they turn golden brown.Add chopped yam along with all the spice powders and salt to taste and give it a stir.Add about 1 cup of water and pressure cook the yam for atleast 3 whistle until it becomes soft.Once done switch off the heat and allow the pressure to release naturally and bring the cooker back on the heat.Open the lid and keep sauteing until the water has all evaporated and the subzi thickens.Serve the Himachal Style Khatta Jimikand Recipe along with Kadhi, Bhakri and Cauliflower & Cucumber Raita by the side for a delicious meal.
| To begin making the Himachal Style Khatta Jimikand Recipe, heat a pressure cooker with oil, add all the seeds that are mentioned above including cumin seeds, kalonji, methi seeds, kala jeera and mustard seeds.Allow it to crackle for few seconds. Add in curry leaves and leave to splutter for few seconds.Add ginger and garlic and saute until they soften. Add in onions and cook until they turn golden brown.Add chopped yam along with all the spice powders and salt to taste and give it a stir.Add about 1 cup of water and pressure cook the yam for atleast 3 whistle until it becomes soft.Once done switch off the heat and allow the pressure to release naturally and bring the cooker back on the heat.Open the lid and keep sauteing until the water has all evaporated and the subzi thickens.Serve the Himachal Style Khatta Jimikand Recipe along with Kadhi, Bhakri and Cauliflower & Cucumber Raita by the side for a delicious meal. | |
386 | तुलसी और पान के पत्तो का रसम रेसिपी - Tulsi And Betel Leaves Rasam Recipe | Tulsi and Betel Leaves Rasam Recipe - Tulsi and Betel Leaves Rasam Recipe | 4 sprig Tulsi (holy basil),2 Betel leaves (paan),6 cloves Garlic,1/2 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1/3 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),25 grams Tamarind,1 Tomato,Curry leaves - Few,1 tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped,1/2 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),Salt - as needed,1/3 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Water - as required,1/2 tablespoon Rasam Powder,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - Few,1 teaspoon Ghee,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 Dry Red Chilli | 4 sprig Tulsi (holy basil),2 Betel leaves (paan),6 cloves Garlic,1/2 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1/3 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),25 grams Tamarind,1 Tomato,Curry leaves - Few,1 tablespoon Ginger - finely chopped,1/2 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),Salt - as needed,1/3 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Water - as required,1/2 tablespoon Rasam Powder,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - Few,1 teaspoon Ghee,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 Dry Red Chilli | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | तुलसी और पान के पत्तो का रसम रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले पान के पत्तो को साफ़ करले और 2 भाग में तोड़ ले. बिच का स्टेम निकाल ले. तुलसी के पत्ते भी स्टेम से निकाल ले और अच्छी तरह से धो ले एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में पान के पत्ते, तुलसी, लहसुन, काली मिर्च, जीरा, इमली, अजवाइन और थोड़ा पानी डाले। अच्छी तरह से पीस ले. एक कढ़ाई में यह पेस्ट, अदरक, टमाटर, कढ़ी पत्ता, नमक, हल्दी पाउडर और हींग डाले। 2 मिनट तक पका ले और पानी डाले। 15 मिनट तक अच्छी तरह से उबाल ले. उबाला आने के बाद, इसमें रसम पाउडर डाले और 4 से 5 मिनट के लिए पका ले. अब तड़के के लिए कढ़ाई में घी गरम करें। इसमें राइ और सुखी लाल मिर्च डाले। 10 सेकण्ड्स तक पकने के बाद यह रसम में डाले और मिला ले. हरे धनिए से गार्निश करें और परोसे। तुलसी और पान के पत्तो का रसम को चावल और चाउ चाउ थोरन के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make rasam recipe of basil and betel leaves, first of all clean the pan leaves and break them into 2 parts. Take out the stem of the middle. Remove the basil leaves from the stem and wash them well. Add the betel leaves, basil, garlic, black pepper, cumin, tamarind, celery and some water in a mixer grinder. Grind it well. Put this paste, ginger, tomato, curry leaves, salt, turmeric powder and asafoetida in a pan. Cook for 2 minutes and add water. Simmer well for 15 minutes. After boiling, add rasam powder to it and cook it for 4 to 5 minutes. Now heat ghee in a pan for tempering. Add mustard seeds and dry red chilies. After cooking for 10 seconds, add it to the rasam and mix it. Garnish with green coriander and serve. Serve basil and betel leaves with rice and chow chow thoran for dinner. | |
387 | Prawn Ghee Roast Recipe | Prawn Ghee Roast Recipe | 250 grams Prawns - shelled and deveined,4 Dry Red Chillies,1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/4 Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1/2 teaspoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,1/2 Fennel seeds (Saunf),1 tablespoon Tamarind - soaked in 1/4 cup warm water,1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/4 Cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1/2 Lemon juice,6 cloves Garlic,2 tablespoons Ghee - plus 1 teaspoon,Salt - as per taste. | 250 grams Prawns - shelled and deveined,4 Dry Red Chillies,1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Peppercorns,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/4 Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1/2 teaspoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,1/2 Fennel seeds (Saunf),1 tablespoon Tamarind - soaked in 1/4 cup warm water,1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),2 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/4 Cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1/2 Lemon juice,6 cloves Garlic,2 tablespoons Ghee - plus 1 teaspoon,Salt - as per taste. | 10 | 15 | 25 | 2 | Mangalorean | Side Dish | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Prawn Ghee Roast recipe, soak the chillies in warm water for 1 hour, drain the water and reserve the chillies.Clean the prawns, wash and pat them dry.Soak tamarind in 1/4 cup warm water for 10 minutes. Once soaked squeeze the tamarind and extract the pulp.Heat a small fry pan, roast the pepper corns, fenugreek, mustard, fennel and cumin, once the spices stop to splutter, switch off the heat. Transfer the spices into a bowl, let it be cool, and grind to make a fine powder.Add the garlic and soaked chillies into a grinder with a splash of water and grind to form a smooth paste.Marinate the prawns with the lime juice, yoghurt, red chilli powder, turmeric and a pinch of salt for 20 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons ghee to a pan, place it on medium flame add the prawns in batches. Fry from both the sides until light brown. Remove the prawns from pan. Add garlic chilies paste into the remaining ghee, fry for 2 minutes, add prawns, roasted dry spice powder, remaining marination masala and salt, mix well and cook until oil gets separated.Add tamarind pulp, curry leaves and cook for 5 minutes on low flame, if required sprinkle some water. Add remaining 1 teaspoon ghee on top, mix and switch off the gas. Transfer the Prawn Ghee Roast into a serving bowl.Serve Prawn Ghee Roast as a side dish along with Mangalorean Style Kuvalyacho Pollav and Steamed Rice for a weekday meal.
| To begin making the Prawn Ghee Roast recipe, soak the chillies in warm water for 1 hour, drain the water and reserve the chillies.Clean the prawns, wash and pat them dry.Soak tamarind in 1/4 cup warm water for 10 minutes. Once soaked squeeze the tamarind and extract the pulp.Heat a small fry pan, roast the pepper corns, fenugreek, mustard, fennel and cumin, once the spices stop to splutter, switch off the heat. Transfer the spices into a bowl, let it be cool, and grind to make a fine powder.Add the garlic and soaked chillies into a grinder with a splash of water and grind to form a smooth paste.Marinate the prawns with the lime juice, yoghurt, red chilli powder, turmeric and a pinch of salt for 20 minutes. Add 2 tablespoons ghee to a pan, place it on medium flame add the prawns in batches. Fry from both the sides until light brown. Remove the prawns from pan. Add garlic chilies paste into the remaining ghee, fry for 2 minutes, add prawns, roasted dry spice powder, remaining marination masala and salt, mix well and cook until oil gets separated.Add tamarind pulp, curry leaves and cook for 5 minutes on low flame, if required sprinkle some water. Add remaining 1 teaspoon ghee on top, mix and switch off the gas. Transfer the Prawn Ghee Roast into a serving bowl.Serve Prawn Ghee Roast as a side dish along with Mangalorean Style Kuvalyacho Pollav and Steamed Rice for a weekday meal. | |
388 | Rosemary Roasted Potatoes And Pepper Salad Recipe | Rosemary Roasted Potatoes And Pepper Salad Recipe | 300 grams Baby Potatoes - halved or quartered into bite sizes,2 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - thinly slices,2 cloves Garlic - grated or finely chopped,2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil,Salt and Pepper - salt (coarsely pounded black pepper),1 teaspoon Rosemary | 300 grams Baby Potatoes - halved or quartered into bite sizes,2 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - thinly slices,2 cloves Garlic - grated or finely chopped,2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil,Salt and Pepper - salt (coarsely pounded black pepper),1 teaspoon Rosemary | 10 | 30 | 40 | 4 | Italian Recipes | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To begin making the Rosemary Roasted Potato Salad Recipe, get all the ingredients ready. Its easy to work when you have the ingredients in arms reach when you are making a recipe.I like roasting vegetables in wok as opposed to an oven, as wok roasted retains more moisture, make the vegetable feel a little more succulent and also gets done faster too.To begin, heat the two tablespoons of olive oil in a wok; add in the garlic, the red peppers, the quartered potatoes. Sprinkle some salt, and stir fry until the salt gets well combined into the vegetables. Cover the pan, turn the heat to low and simmer until the potatoes get roasted and cooked through completely. You will have to keep stirring the potatoes and the red peppers frequently so they get cooked and roasted evenly.The above process can take between 10 to 15 minutes, based on the heat and the size of the wok and the type of the potatoes you use.Once the potatoes and the red bell peppers are well roasted, sprinkle in the pounded black pepper and the rosemary. Check the salt and spice levels and adjust to suit your taste. Stir fry with the herbs and the pepper for a couple of more minutes and turn off the heat.Transfer the Roasted Potato & Bell Pepper Salad into a serving platter, place a few tooth picks by the side.Serve Rosemary Roasted Potatoes And Pepper Salad along with a Greek Yogurt Dip - Tzatziki, and add another appetizer like Paleo Balsamic Mushrooms Recipe and a glass of chilled wine for your house parties.
| To begin making the Rosemary Roasted Potato Salad Recipe, get all the ingredients ready. Its easy to work when you have the ingredients in arms reach when you are making a recipe.I like roasting vegetables in wok as opposed to an oven, as wok roasted retains more moisture, make the vegetable feel a little more succulent and also gets done faster too.To begin, heat the two tablespoons of olive oil in a wok; add in the garlic, the red peppers, the quartered potatoes. Sprinkle some salt, and stir fry until the salt gets well combined into the vegetables. Cover the pan, turn the heat to low and simmer until the potatoes get roasted and cooked through completely. You will have to keep stirring the potatoes and the red peppers frequently so they get cooked and roasted evenly.The above process can take between 10 to 15 minutes, based on the heat and the size of the wok and the type of the potatoes you use.Once the potatoes and the red bell peppers are well roasted, sprinkle in the pounded black pepper and the rosemary. Check the salt and spice levels and adjust to suit your taste. Stir fry with the herbs and the pepper for a couple of more minutes and turn off the heat.Transfer the Roasted Potato & Bell Pepper Salad into a serving platter, place a few tooth picks by the side.Serve Rosemary Roasted Potatoes And Pepper Salad along with a Greek Yogurt Dip - Tzatziki, and add another appetizer like Paleo Balsamic Mushrooms Recipe and a glass of chilled wine for your house parties. | |
389 | Baked Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Recipe With Low Fat Cheese & Oat Sauce | Baked Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Recipe With Low Fat Cheese & Oat Sauce | 8 Lasagna sheets - the one that needs no pre-cooking,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,200 grams Button mushrooms - chopped,2 Carrots (Gajjar) - chopped,1 Green zucchini - chopped,300 ml Milk,80 grams Instant Oats (Oatmeal),100 grams Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese),1/4 cup Mozzarella cheese - grated | 8 Lasagna sheets - the one that needs no pre-cooking,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,200 grams Button mushrooms - chopped,2 Carrots (Gajjar) - chopped,1 Green zucchini - chopped,300 ml Milk,80 grams Instant Oats (Oatmeal),100 grams Paneer (Homemade Cottage Cheese),1/4 cup Mozzarella cheese - grated | 10 | 45 | 55 | 4 | Italian Recipes | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To begin making the Baked Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Recipe With Low Fat Cheese & Oat Sauce, heat olive oil in a wok, add the garlic and stir-fry for a few seconds.Next add the vegetables and sprinkle the salt. Stir-fry the vegetables until they get cooked completely and are soft and tender. This takes about 10 minutes on medium-high heat.Add the milk and oats to these roasted vegetables and cook until the mixture thickens. This is now the roasted vegetable sauce.The next step is to assemble the Lasagna. Preheat the oven to 180 C.Spread a portion of roasted vegetable sauce at the bottom of the pan; Place a layer of lasagna sheets over the roasted vegetables layer until all the portions are covered.Repeat the similar process for another two times. Finally, sprinkle the mozzarella cheese over the top covering the entire Lasagna.Tightly wrap with foil and place in the preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes.Remove from the oven and allow the Roasted Vegetable Lasagna to rest for five minutes before serving.Serve along with Asian Watermelon Salad Recipe and Cheese Garlic Bread to make a complete dinner to enjoy with your loved ones.
| To begin making the Baked Roasted Vegetable Lasagna Recipe With Low Fat Cheese & Oat Sauce, heat olive oil in a wok, add the garlic and stir-fry for a few seconds.Next add the vegetables and sprinkle the salt. Stir-fry the vegetables until they get cooked completely and are soft and tender. This takes about 10 minutes on medium-high heat.Add the milk and oats to these roasted vegetables and cook until the mixture thickens. This is now the roasted vegetable sauce.The next step is to assemble the Lasagna. Preheat the oven to 180 C.Spread a portion of roasted vegetable sauce at the bottom of the pan; Place a layer of lasagna sheets over the roasted vegetables layer until all the portions are covered.Repeat the similar process for another two times. Finally, sprinkle the mozzarella cheese over the top covering the entire Lasagna.Tightly wrap with foil and place in the preheated oven and bake for 45 minutes.Remove from the oven and allow the Roasted Vegetable Lasagna to rest for five minutes before serving.Serve along with Asian Watermelon Salad Recipe and Cheese Garlic Bread to make a complete dinner to enjoy with your loved ones. | |
390 | Dharwad Peda Recipe | Dharwad Peda Recipe | 2 liter Milk,2 cups Milk,2 tablespoon Lemon juice - or curd,6 tablespoon Ghee,3/4 cup Sugar,5 tablespoon Sugar - for dusting | 2 liter Milk,2 cups Milk,2 tablespoon Lemon juice - or curd,6 tablespoon Ghee,3/4 cup Sugar,5 tablespoon Sugar - for dusting | 0 | 120 | 120 | 4 | North Karnataka | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin making the Dharwad Peda Recipe, heat milk in a saucepan on a medium heat. Once it comes to a boil add the lemon juice and mix till the milk curdles.You will have to separate the curdled cheese from the whey, so drain it over a muslin cloth or a strainer and squeeze out all the water.Transfer the squeezed cheese onto a kadai with 3 tablespoons ghee over a medium heat, by using a spatula start breaking the cheese and create a crumbly texture.Once that is done, add the sugar and 1 cup milk and combine till the sugar dissolves. Switch off the heat and allow it to cool down. Blitz it in a grinder to a smooth creamy paste.Add this paste on to a kadai and keep it over a medium heat. Keep stirring till the water evaporates and you are left with a thick batter without any lumps. Keep stirring and after sometime it will become grainy again, add the left over ghee and keep mixing till the mixture turns medium brown.If you feel that the mixture is too grainy, keep adding milk little by little and combine.Do until the mixture turns brown, cool it down and blitz it with little reserved milk (2 tablespoon milk) to a smooth mixture.Take a small amount of the peda and shape them into desired shapes and coat it with powdered sugar. Do the same for the rest.Serve the Dharwad Peda Recipe as a festive dessert along with other desserts like Churma Laddu With Coconut to enjoy it with your family and children.
| To begin making the Dharwad Peda Recipe, heat milk in a saucepan on a medium heat. Once it comes to a boil add the lemon juice and mix till the milk curdles.You will have to separate the curdled cheese from the whey, so drain it over a muslin cloth or a strainer and squeeze out all the water.Transfer the squeezed cheese onto a kadai with 3 tablespoons ghee over a medium heat, by using a spatula start breaking the cheese and create a crumbly texture.Once that is done, add the sugar and 1 cup milk and combine till the sugar dissolves. Switch off the heat and allow it to cool down. Blitz it in a grinder to a smooth creamy paste.Add this paste on to a kadai and keep it over a medium heat. Keep stirring till the water evaporates and you are left with a thick batter without any lumps. Keep stirring and after sometime it will become grainy again, add the left over ghee and keep mixing till the mixture turns medium brown.If you feel that the mixture is too grainy, keep adding milk little by little and combine.Do until the mixture turns brown, cool it down and blitz it with little reserved milk (2 tablespoon milk) to a smooth mixture.Take a small amount of the peda and shape them into desired shapes and coat it with powdered sugar. Do the same for the rest.Serve the Dharwad Peda Recipe as a festive dessert along with other desserts like Churma Laddu With Coconut to enjoy it with your family and children. | |
391 | Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry Recipe | Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry Recipe | 1 cup Kabuli Chana (White Chickpeas) - soaked for 8 hours,1 Onion - finely chopped,1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1/2 cup Homemade tomato puree,1/4 cup Coconut milk,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,1 tablespoon Ghee,Salt - to taste | 1 cup Kabuli Chana (White Chickpeas) - soaked for 8 hours,1 Onion - finely chopped,1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1/2 cup Homemade tomato puree,1/4 cup Coconut milk,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,1 tablespoon Ghee,Salt - to taste | 15 | 30 | 45 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry Recipe, first soak 1 cup of chickpeas overnight in required water.Next day, transfer the chole along with 3 cups of water into a pressure cooker with some salt, close the pressure cooker. Pressure cook for 6-8 whistles and turn off the flame. Allow the pressure to release naturally before you open the pressure cooker.Now to make Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry; heat ghee in a heavy bottom pan. Add the ginger, garlic and onions and saute till onions become tender. This will take about three minutes. Next add the tomato puree and bring it to a brisk boil. Add the coconut milk and all the dry spice powders including turmeric powder, red chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, chaat masala, salt to taste and stir. Add the cooked Kabuli chana to the tomato coconut milk gravy and combine well. Cover and simmer Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry for 4 to 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Check the salt and spices and adjust according to your taste.Transfer the Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry into a serving bowl and serve hot.Serve Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry Recipe along with Steamed Rice and Mint And Pomegranate Raita for a comforting lunch.
| To begin making Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry Recipe, first soak 1 cup of chickpeas overnight in required water.Next day, transfer the chole along with 3 cups of water into a pressure cooker with some salt, close the pressure cooker. Pressure cook for 6-8 whistles and turn off the flame. Allow the pressure to release naturally before you open the pressure cooker.Now to make Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry; heat ghee in a heavy bottom pan. Add the ginger, garlic and onions and saute till onions become tender. This will take about three minutes. Next add the tomato puree and bring it to a brisk boil. Add the coconut milk and all the dry spice powders including turmeric powder, red chilli powder, cumin powder, coriander powder, garam masala, chaat masala, salt to taste and stir. Add the cooked Kabuli chana to the tomato coconut milk gravy and combine well. Cover and simmer Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry for 4 to 5 minutes and turn off the heat. Check the salt and spices and adjust according to your taste.Transfer the Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry into a serving bowl and serve hot.Serve Chickpea Coconut Milk Curry Recipe along with Steamed Rice and Mint And Pomegranate Raita for a comforting lunch. | |
392 | Vegan Kofta Curry Recipe | Vegan Kofta Curry Recipe | 1/4 cup Carrot (Gajjar) - grated,1/4 cup Green zucchini - grated,1/4 cup Cabbage (Patta Gobi/ Muttaikose) - grated,1/4 cup Bottle gourd (lauki) - grated,1/4 cup Beetroot - grated,1/4 cup Tofu - grated,1 teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 teaspoon Green Chilli Paste,2 tablespoon Multigrain flour - or besan,1/2 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1/2 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),2 teaspoon Rice flour,1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),1/2 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder) - optional,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - for frying (as required),2 Onions - roughly chopped,4 Tomatoes - blanched,8 Cashew nuts - soaked in warm water for 30 minutes,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1/2 teaspoon Sugar,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Salt - to taste,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - for garnish (as required) | 1/4 cup Carrot (Gajjar) - grated,1/4 cup Green zucchini - grated,1/4 cup Cabbage (Patta Gobi/ Muttaikose) - grated,1/4 cup Bottle gourd (lauki) - grated,1/4 cup Beetroot - grated,1/4 cup Tofu - grated,1 teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 teaspoon Green Chilli Paste,2 tablespoon Multigrain flour - or besan,1/2 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1/2 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),2 teaspoon Rice flour,1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),1/2 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder) - optional,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - for frying (as required),2 Onions - roughly chopped,4 Tomatoes - blanched,8 Cashew nuts - soaked in warm water for 30 minutes,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1/2 teaspoon Sugar,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Salt - to taste,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - for garnish (as required) | 30 | 45 | 75 | 5 | North Indian Recipes | Dinner | Vegan | To begin making the Vegan Kofta curry recipe, first add all the ingredients under ‘For the koftas’ except oil in a mixing bowl.Mix and make lime sized balls of the mixture (adjust the amount of besan if required, so that the mixture is easy to handle)Heat oil in a wok and deep fry the koftas till golden brown.Take out with a slotted spoon and drain on absorbent paper. Alternatively, shallow fry in appe patra/paniyaram pan with a drizzle of oil till it is evenly browned, flipping once in between.To make the gravy- Blend the onion, tomato, cashew nuts separately in a Blender to a fine pasteHeat oil in a Kadai. Add the cumin seeds. Once they sizzle add the onion and ginger garlic paste.Fry, stirring continuously till the paste turns brown.Add the tomato paste and cook till the water evaporates and you can see the oil oozing out.Add garam masala, red chilli powder and mix. Saute for a few seconds.Add the cashew paste, sugar and salt.Mix and add enough water to get the desired consistencyBoil the gravy for a couple of minutes.To serve, pour the gravy in a serving bowl. Place the koftas in it and garnish Vegan Kofta curry recipe with fresh coriander leaves.Serve Vegan Kofta curry recipe with Tandoori Roti or Naan for dinner.
| To begin making the Vegan Kofta curry recipe, first add all the ingredients under ‘For the koftas’ except oil in a mixing bowl.Mix and make lime sized balls of the mixture (adjust the amount of besan if required, so that the mixture is easy to handle)Heat oil in a wok and deep fry the koftas till golden brown.Take out with a slotted spoon and drain on absorbent paper. Alternatively, shallow fry in appe patra/paniyaram pan with a drizzle of oil till it is evenly browned, flipping once in between.To make the gravy- Blend the onion, tomato, cashew nuts separately in a Blender to a fine pasteHeat oil in a Kadai. Add the cumin seeds. Once they sizzle add the onion and ginger garlic paste.Fry, stirring continuously till the paste turns brown.Add the tomato paste and cook till the water evaporates and you can see the oil oozing out.Add garam masala, red chilli powder and mix. Saute for a few seconds.Add the cashew paste, sugar and salt.Mix and add enough water to get the desired consistencyBoil the gravy for a couple of minutes.To serve, pour the gravy in a serving bowl. Place the koftas in it and garnish Vegan Kofta curry recipe with fresh coriander leaves.Serve Vegan Kofta curry recipe with Tandoori Roti or Naan for dinner. | |
393 | Chana Dal Chutney Recipe | Chana Dal Chutney Recipe | 1/4 cup Roasted Gram Dal (Pottukadalai),1/4 cup Fresh coconut - grated,6-7 Dry Red Chillies,2-3 sprig Curry leaves,pinch Asafoetida (hing),1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,2 teaspoon Tamarind Paste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Salt - to taste | 1/4 cup Roasted Gram Dal (Pottukadalai),1/4 cup Fresh coconut - grated,6-7 Dry Red Chillies,2-3 sprig Curry leaves,pinch Asafoetida (hing),1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,2 teaspoon Tamarind Paste,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Salt - to taste | 15 | 10 | 25 | 5 | South Indian Recipes | Side Dish | Vegetarian | To begin making the Chana Dal Chutney, first place a pan on the heat and warm up some oil Add the roasted chana dal with a few curry leaves and red chillies. Saute for a couple of minutes on a medium flame.Then add grated coconut and stir for 1 minute till the coconut is lightly toasted. Take the pan off the heat.Transfer the contents from the pan into the mixer jar and using just enough water, grind it to a smooth paste.Take care not to make it too runny, adding only as little water as required to make grinding easy.Next, add salt and tamarind paste and pulse again until combined. Transfer the channa dal into a serving bowl.Place a tadka pan on the heat, warm some oil in it and add in the mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafetida. Allow it all to crackle and crisp up.Then pour it over the chutney and stir well. Serve this Chana Dal Chutney with Aval/Poha Dosa, Tomato Uttapam or Carrot Onion Uttapam.
| To begin making the Chana Dal Chutney, first place a pan on the heat and warm up some oil Add the roasted chana dal with a few curry leaves and red chillies. Saute for a couple of minutes on a medium flame.Then add grated coconut and stir for 1 minute till the coconut is lightly toasted. Take the pan off the heat.Transfer the contents from the pan into the mixer jar and using just enough water, grind it to a smooth paste.Take care not to make it too runny, adding only as little water as required to make grinding easy.Next, add salt and tamarind paste and pulse again until combined. Transfer the channa dal into a serving bowl.Place a tadka pan on the heat, warm some oil in it and add in the mustard seeds, curry leaves and asafetida. Allow it all to crackle and crisp up.Then pour it over the chutney and stir well. Serve this Chana Dal Chutney with Aval/Poha Dosa, Tomato Uttapam or Carrot Onion Uttapam. | |
394 | Coriander Prawn Cakes Recipe | Coriander Prawn Cakes Recipe | 500 grams Prawns - shelled,1 Onion - finely chopped,1 Leek - sliced,2 teaspoons Dried oregano,1 teaspoon Dried Thyme Leaves,1 teaspoon Rosemary,2 teaspoons Red Chilli flakes,1/4 cup Makki Ka Atta (Yellow Corn Meal Flour),4 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil | 500 grams Prawns - shelled,1 Onion - finely chopped,1 Leek - sliced,2 teaspoons Dried oregano,1 teaspoon Dried Thyme Leaves,1 teaspoon Rosemary,2 teaspoons Red Chilli flakes,1/4 cup Makki Ka Atta (Yellow Corn Meal Flour),4 sprig Coriander (Dhania) Leaves,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil | 10 | 20 | 30 | 4 | Continental | Appetizer | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Coriander Prawn Cakes, we will heat a skillet with oil. Add onions and saute until they turn translucent.Add leeks as well along with prawns. Cook until the prawns curl up. Add all of the seasoning along with maize flour.Keep mixing till it comes together and forms a sticky mixture. Allow it cool down and start shaping them into a flat cake.Heat a flat skillet, drizzle some oil, place the cakes and carefully cook on either side till it golden brown.Serve the Coriander Prawn Cakes along with a Tzatziki dip or dips of your choice to create a wonderful appetizer.
| To begin making the Coriander Prawn Cakes, we will heat a skillet with oil. Add onions and saute until they turn translucent.Add leeks as well along with prawns. Cook until the prawns curl up. Add all of the seasoning along with maize flour.Keep mixing till it comes together and forms a sticky mixture. Allow it cool down and start shaping them into a flat cake.Heat a flat skillet, drizzle some oil, place the cakes and carefully cook on either side till it golden brown.Serve the Coriander Prawn Cakes along with a Tzatziki dip or dips of your choice to create a wonderful appetizer. | |
395 | Delicious Skillet Plum Cake Recipe | Delicious Skillet Plum Cake Recipe | 1-1/2 cups All Purpose Flour (Maida),3/4 cup Brown Sugar (Demerara Sugar),1-1/2 teaspoon Baking powder,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 cup Butter,2/3 cup Milk,1/2 teaspoon Orange Zest (Rind),2 Whole Eggs,1/2 teaspoon Almond essence (Badam Essence),6 Plums - thinly sliced | 1-1/2 cups All Purpose Flour (Maida),3/4 cup Brown Sugar (Demerara Sugar),1-1/2 teaspoon Baking powder,1/4 teaspoon Salt,1/2 cup Butter,2/3 cup Milk,1/2 teaspoon Orange Zest (Rind),2 Whole Eggs,1/2 teaspoon Almond essence (Badam Essence),6 Plums - thinly sliced | 10 | 35 | 45 | 5 | Continental | Snack | Eggetarian | To begin making the Skillet Plum Cake Recipe, we will first make the brown butter for the cake. Heat the butter in a small skillet on medium-low heat, stirring continuously. The butter will begin to froth and will start turning brown after about 3-4 minutes. At this stage turn off the heat and set it aside. To make the batter for the Skillet Plum Cake Recipe, in a mixing bowl, combine the milk, eggs and almond essence, and whisk them together and set aside. In another mixing bowl, combine the all purpose flour, demerara sugar, baking powder, salt.Now add the orange zest and rub it along with the flour using your fingers. This will help the zest release its flavour into the flour. Now pour in the egg-milk mixture into the dry ingredients bowl and whisk until you get a smooth batter. Finally whisk in the brown butter into the fresh plum skillet cake batter. Preheat the oven to 180 degree celsius. Generously grease a 10" skillet with soft butter, and pour the fresh plum skillet cake batter into it. Arrange the sliced plums on the surface of the cake. Place the Skillet Plum Cake in the oven for 30-35 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the plum cake comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow the Skillet Plum Cake Recipe to cool. Serve this warm Skillet Plum Cake Recipe as an evening snack along with Hot Coffee Latte Recipe. You could also serve it as a dessert along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a generous topping of Caramel Sauce. It makes a great dessert idea after a delicious weekend dinner.
| To begin making the Skillet Plum Cake Recipe, we will first make the brown butter for the cake. Heat the butter in a small skillet on medium-low heat, stirring continuously. The butter will begin to froth and will start turning brown after about 3-4 minutes. At this stage turn off the heat and set it aside. To make the batter for the Skillet Plum Cake Recipe, in a mixing bowl, combine the milk, eggs and almond essence, and whisk them together and set aside. In another mixing bowl, combine the all purpose flour, demerara sugar, baking powder, salt.Now add the orange zest and rub it along with the flour using your fingers. This will help the zest release its flavour into the flour. Now pour in the egg-milk mixture into the dry ingredients bowl and whisk until you get a smooth batter. Finally whisk in the brown butter into the fresh plum skillet cake batter. Preheat the oven to 180 degree celsius. Generously grease a 10" skillet with soft butter, and pour the fresh plum skillet cake batter into it. Arrange the sliced plums on the surface of the cake. Place the Skillet Plum Cake in the oven for 30-35 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the plum cake comes out clean. Remove from the oven and allow the Skillet Plum Cake Recipe to cool. Serve this warm Skillet Plum Cake Recipe as an evening snack along with Hot Coffee Latte Recipe. You could also serve it as a dessert along with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and a generous topping of Caramel Sauce. It makes a great dessert idea after a delicious weekend dinner. | |
396 | Sweet Potato Dal Recipe | Sweet Potato Dal Recipe | 1 cup Masoor Dal (Whole),1 cup Sweet Potatoes - cubed,1 tablespoon Coconut Oil - or any other oil,2 Onion - finely chopped,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),4 Green Chillies - slit lengthwise,5 Garlic - peeled and chopped,1-1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,6 Curry leaves,1/2 teaspoon Salt - (adjust according to your taste),2 cups Water,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon White Urad Dal (Split),1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - Few sprigs | 1 cup Masoor Dal (Whole),1 cup Sweet Potatoes - cubed,1 tablespoon Coconut Oil - or any other oil,2 Onion - finely chopped,1 Tomato - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),4 Green Chillies - slit lengthwise,5 Garlic - peeled and chopped,1-1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 teaspoon Garam masala powder,6 Curry leaves,1/2 teaspoon Salt - (adjust according to your taste),2 cups Water,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon White Urad Dal (Split),1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - Few sprigs | 10 | 35 | 45 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Sweet Potato Dal recipe, wash masoor dal with water and soak in water for about an hour.In a pressure cooker, add dal, a cup of water and pressure cook for about 2 whistles. Set aside.In a non-stick pan, add oil and heat over medium flame.Add cumin seeds to the oil and wait till the seeds splutter.Now, add green chilies and garlic. Fry until the garlic becomes brownish.Gently add sliced onions and fry till they are translucent. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until they become mushy.Now, add the mentioned spice powders and combine them well.Add potato pieces and stir them until the spices are blended evenly with the potato.Add water and cook on high flame until the potato pieces are cooked well.Add the cooked dal to the pan. Adjust water according to your required consistency.Season it with salt. Reduce the flame and cook on medium flame for about 5 minutes, until the dal are blended with potatoes and spices. Switch off the flame and set asideIn a small pan, add oil. Once the oil is hot, add mustard seeds followed by urad dal and cumin seeds.Let the mustard seeds sizzle and cumin seeds turn brownish.Add the tempered oil to the dal and give a stir. Garnish with coriander leaves.Prepare this Sweet Potato Dal and serve with steamed rice with a dollop of ghee or jeera rice and Kachumber Salad for a simple and comforting weekday meal.
| To begin making the Sweet Potato Dal recipe, wash masoor dal with water and soak in water for about an hour.In a pressure cooker, add dal, a cup of water and pressure cook for about 2 whistles. Set aside.In a non-stick pan, add oil and heat over medium flame.Add cumin seeds to the oil and wait till the seeds splutter.Now, add green chilies and garlic. Fry until the garlic becomes brownish.Gently add sliced onions and fry till they are translucent. Add chopped tomatoes and cook until they become mushy.Now, add the mentioned spice powders and combine them well.Add potato pieces and stir them until the spices are blended evenly with the potato.Add water and cook on high flame until the potato pieces are cooked well.Add the cooked dal to the pan. Adjust water according to your required consistency.Season it with salt. Reduce the flame and cook on medium flame for about 5 minutes, until the dal are blended with potatoes and spices. Switch off the flame and set asideIn a small pan, add oil. Once the oil is hot, add mustard seeds followed by urad dal and cumin seeds.Let the mustard seeds sizzle and cumin seeds turn brownish.Add the tempered oil to the dal and give a stir. Garnish with coriander leaves.Prepare this Sweet Potato Dal and serve with steamed rice with a dollop of ghee or jeera rice and Kachumber Salad for a simple and comforting weekday meal. | |
397 | Beetroot Millet Paniyaram Recipe | Beetroot Millet Paniyaram Recipe | 100 grams Beetroot - peeled and chopped,1/2 cup Foxtail Millet,1/4 cup Instant Oats (Oatmeal),2 tablespoon Rice flour,1 teaspoon Baking powder,1/4 cup Jaggery - powdered,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),Ghee - bfor frying | 100 grams Beetroot - peeled and chopped,1/2 cup Foxtail Millet,1/4 cup Instant Oats (Oatmeal),2 tablespoon Rice flour,1 teaspoon Baking powder,1/4 cup Jaggery - powdered,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),Ghee - bfor frying | 180 | 10 | 190 | 15 | Chettinad | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Beetroot Millet Paniyaram Recipe, soak foxtail millet in warm water for 2-3 hours. Once soaked well drain water completely and blend the millet in a mixer grinder to smooth batter without adding water.Add chopped beetroot to this and blend again. Transfer the batter to a mixing bowl.Add oats, rice flour, baking powder, powdered jaggery and cardamom powder. Mix everything well. Add a little water to make a thick pouring batter.Heat Paniyaram pan on low-medium heat. Pour 1 teaspoon ghee into each cavity of the pan. Spoon the Beetroot Millet Paniyaram batter into the cavities. Don't fill it to the brim, but only 3/4th full.Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low to medium heat for about 3 to 4 minutes until the top of the paniyaram is steamed. Once the top looks steamed, flip the Beetroot Paniyarams over the cook on the other side (without closing the lid) until golden brown.Once each Paniyaram is cooked, remove from the pan and pour another batch of batter and proceed the similar way.Serve this Beetroot Millet Paniyaram as a high protein snack for kids or as a dessert for parties.
| To begin making the Beetroot Millet Paniyaram Recipe, soak foxtail millet in warm water for 2-3 hours. Once soaked well drain water completely and blend the millet in a mixer grinder to smooth batter without adding water.Add chopped beetroot to this and blend again. Transfer the batter to a mixing bowl.Add oats, rice flour, baking powder, powdered jaggery and cardamom powder. Mix everything well. Add a little water to make a thick pouring batter.Heat Paniyaram pan on low-medium heat. Pour 1 teaspoon ghee into each cavity of the pan. Spoon the Beetroot Millet Paniyaram batter into the cavities. Don't fill it to the brim, but only 3/4th full.Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low to medium heat for about 3 to 4 minutes until the top of the paniyaram is steamed. Once the top looks steamed, flip the Beetroot Paniyarams over the cook on the other side (without closing the lid) until golden brown.Once each Paniyaram is cooked, remove from the pan and pour another batch of batter and proceed the similar way.Serve this Beetroot Millet Paniyaram as a high protein snack for kids or as a dessert for parties. | |
398 | Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe - A Healthy Snack | Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe - A Healthy Snack | 1 cup Dates - soaked in warm water for 10 minutes,1/4 cup Cocoa Powder,1/2 cup Almond Meal (Badam Powder),1/4 cup Flax seed powder (flax meal),1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract,4 Multigrain Digestive Oat Biscuits - broken,1/2 cup Dark chocolate - chopped,1/2 cup Dessicated Coconut | 1 cup Dates - soaked in warm water for 10 minutes,1/4 cup Cocoa Powder,1/2 cup Almond Meal (Badam Powder),1/4 cup Flax seed powder (flax meal),1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract,4 Multigrain Digestive Oat Biscuits - broken,1/2 cup Dark chocolate - chopped,1/2 cup Dessicated Coconut | 20 | 0 | 20 | 16 | Continental | Snack | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making the Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe, first prep all the ingredients and keep them ready.Soak the dates in warm water and keep aside.Place the dates, almond powder, flax seed powder, cocoa powder, NutriChoice Oats Almond & Milk Biscuits, Vanilla Extract into the food processor. Pulse entire the entire mixture comes together. Finally add in the Dark Chocolate chips and pulse again.Once done, grease your fingers and make small bite size balls with the truffle mixture.Once you have the Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe ready, roll them over the dessicated coconut and serve.Store the Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks and serve them as a wholesome mid morning snack, evening snack or even pack it into your office lunch dabba or kids school lunch box.
| To begin making the Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe, first prep all the ingredients and keep them ready.Soak the dates in warm water and keep aside.Place the dates, almond powder, flax seed powder, cocoa powder, NutriChoice Oats Almond & Milk Biscuits, Vanilla Extract into the food processor. Pulse entire the entire mixture comes together. Finally add in the Dark Chocolate chips and pulse again.Once done, grease your fingers and make small bite size balls with the truffle mixture.Once you have the Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe ready, roll them over the dessicated coconut and serve.Store the Nutty Oats Almond Truffle Recipe in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 weeks and serve them as a wholesome mid morning snack, evening snack or even pack it into your office lunch dabba or kids school lunch box. | |
399 | Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe | Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe | 300 grams Chicken - cut into pieces,500 grams Button mushrooms - quartered,1 Onion - sliced,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,3 sprig Basil leaves,1 teaspoon Dried oregano,1 teaspoon Rosemary,1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/4 cup Fresh cream,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil,1 All Purpose Pie Crust | 300 grams Chicken - cut into pieces,500 grams Button mushrooms - quartered,1 Onion - sliced,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,3 sprig Basil leaves,1 teaspoon Dried oregano,1 teaspoon Rosemary,1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1/4 cup Fresh cream,Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil,1 All Purpose Pie Crust | 20 | 45 | 65 | 4 | Continental | Lunch | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe, make the pie pastry and keep it ready to be used. To make the filling, heat a pan with oil on medium heat, add garlic and onions and saute until the onions get caramelized. This will take about 4-5 minutes. Add chicken pieces and give it a toss until the chicken is almost tender.This will take about 12-15 minutes. Now add the mushrooms and saute till the mushrooms are almost done. Add all the seasonings- dried oregano, dried rosemary, black pepper powder, salt and saute well.Reduce the flame and add cream at the end and basil leaves and mix well. Check for seasoning. Pre heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes. Start rolling the pastry dough by dusting some flour over your kitchen table.Roll it about 0.5 centimeter thick to a round shaped flat dough. Carefully Place it over the pan that contains the filling and press the edges.Cross it in the center and egg wash the pie pastry using a pastry brush and bake it in the oven for about 25 minutes. Serve the Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe along with Garlic bread, salad by the side to make a complete wholesome meal.
| To begin making the Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe, make the pie pastry and keep it ready to be used. To make the filling, heat a pan with oil on medium heat, add garlic and onions and saute until the onions get caramelized. This will take about 4-5 minutes. Add chicken pieces and give it a toss until the chicken is almost tender.This will take about 12-15 minutes. Now add the mushrooms and saute till the mushrooms are almost done. Add all the seasonings- dried oregano, dried rosemary, black pepper powder, salt and saute well.Reduce the flame and add cream at the end and basil leaves and mix well. Check for seasoning. Pre heat the oven to 180 degree Celsius for 10 minutes. Start rolling the pastry dough by dusting some flour over your kitchen table.Roll it about 0.5 centimeter thick to a round shaped flat dough. Carefully Place it over the pan that contains the filling and press the edges.Cross it in the center and egg wash the pie pastry using a pastry brush and bake it in the oven for about 25 minutes. Serve the Chicken and Mushroom Pot Pie Recipe along with Garlic bread, salad by the side to make a complete wholesome meal. | |
400 | Paruppu Payasam Recipe - Stewed Dal Coconut Milk Payasam | Lentil Sauce Recipe - Stewed Coconut Milk Sauce | 1-1/2 cups Milk,1 cup Coconut milk,1/4 cup Yellow Moong Dal (Split) - washed and soaked,2 tablespoons Chana dal (Bengal Gram Dal) - washed and soaked,2 tablespoons Fresh coconut - grated,1/2 cup Jaggery,10 Cashew nuts - halved,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),2 tablespoons Ghee | 1-1/2 cups Milk,1 cup Coconut milk,1/4 cup Yellow Moong Dal (Split) - washed and soaked,2 tablespoons Chana dal (Bengal Gram Dal) - washed and soaked,2 tablespoons Fresh coconut - grated,1/2 cup Jaggery,10 Cashew nuts - halved,1 teaspoon Cardamom Powder (Elaichi),2 tablespoons Ghee | 10 | 40 | 50 | 4 | Kerala Recipes | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin making Paruppu Payasam, first heat ghee in a small pan on low heat, add in the cashew nuts and roast on low heat until golden and crisp. Turn off the heat and keep aside.In a pressure cooker, combine the washed and drained chana dal and moong dal with 1 cup of water and pressure cook for 4 whistles. Turn off the heat and allow the pressure to release naturally. Mash the dals coarsely and keep aside.Once done, transfer the dals to a heavy bottom pan, add in the milk, coconut milk, coconut, jaggery and cardamom powder.Stir and simmer the dal mixture until the jaggery dissolves and bring the mixture to a brisk boil. Turn the heat to low immediately and simmer for a few more minutes till the payasam reaches the desired consistency. Finally add in the roasted cashew nut and transfer the Paruppu Payasam into serving bowls and serve hot or cold.Serve the Paruppu Payasam Recipe Recipe with an Onam Sadhya made of Chickpea Sundal, Cabbage Thoran/Poriyal, Kuruku Kaalan, Sadya Parippu, Steamed Rice and Elai Vadam.
| To begin making Paruppu Payasam, first heat ghee in a small pan on low heat, add in the cashew nuts and roast on low heat until golden and crisp. Turn off the heat and keep aside.In a pressure cooker, combine the washed and drained chana dal and moong dal with 1 cup of water and pressure cook for 4 whistles. Turn off the heat and allow the pressure to release naturally. Mash the dals coarsely and keep aside.Once done, transfer the dals to a heavy bottom pan, add in the milk, coconut milk, coconut, jaggery and cardamom powder.Stir and simmer the dal mixture until the jaggery dissolves and bring the mixture to a brisk boil. Turn the heat to low immediately and simmer for a few more minutes till the payasam reaches the desired consistency. Finally add in the roasted cashew nut and transfer the Paruppu Payasam into serving bowls and serve hot or cold.Serve the Paruppu Payasam Recipe Recipe with an Onam Sadhya made of Chickpea Sundal, Cabbage Thoran/Poriyal, Kuruku Kaalan, Sadya Parippu, Steamed Rice and Elai Vadam. | |
401 | Tandoori Aloo Gobi Kathi Roll Recipe - Spicy Aloo Gobi Frankie | Tandoori Aloo Gobi Kathi Roll Recipe - Spicy Aloo Gobi Frankie | 1 Cauliflower (gobi) - cut into florets,12 Baby Potatoes,1/2 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1/2 teaspoon Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder,1/2 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,1/4 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),2 Green Chillies - chopped,1 Onion - thinly sliced,1 Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - thinly sliced,1 Lemon - juice extracted,Salt - to taste,2 teaspoons Sunflower Oil,2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,Sunflower Oil,Salt | 1 Cauliflower (gobi) - cut into florets,12 Baby Potatoes,1/2 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),1/2 teaspoon Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder,1/2 teaspoon Chaat Masala Powder,1/4 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),2 Green Chillies - chopped,1 Onion - thinly sliced,1 Green Bell Pepper (Capsicum) - thinly sliced,1 Lemon - juice extracted,Salt - to taste,2 teaspoons Sunflower Oil,2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,Sunflower Oil,Salt | 20 | 40 | 60 | 5 | Indian | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Aloo Gobi Kathi Roll, we have to first cook the aloo and gobi. Into a pressure cooker, add the potatoes along with 1/2 cup of water and pressure cook for 3 to 4 whistles and turn off the heat. Allow the pressure to release naturally.Peel the skin of the potatoes and keep aside.If you have a steamer, steam the cauliflower florets on high heat for 3 to 4 minutes until just about cooked, but its still firm. You can also pan roast the cauliflower with a little salt until it has lightly cooked.In a bowl add curd 1/2 cup yogurt along with chaat masala, red chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt. Add the baby potatoes and cauliflower florets into the curd mixture and coat the aloo gobi evenly using a spoon. Check for seasoning and leave aside for 15 minutes to marinate. Now insert the baby potatoes and cauliflowers into a sticks or skewers for roasting on a skillet. Place a skillet on medium heat and add a teaspoon of oil. Add cumin seeds and let them crackle. Place the skewered aloo gobi on the skillet and roast it until you see a few brown spots on the vegetables and see it getting roasted.Roast all the skewers on a low to medium heat and keep aside. *Making the paratha for the Kati RollsIn a bowl mix whole wheat flour, salt and one teaspoon of oil and mix well. Add little water at a time and bring the flour together to form a smooth dough. Cover with a muslin cloth and keep aside for 10 minutes. Make equal portions of the dough and roll it into balls. On a clean surface dust some flour and flatten the ball of dough on it. Roll out the dough into a paratha. Place a roti tawa on medium heat and cook all the parathas with ghee or oil. Keep the cooked parathas aside. In a medium bowl, mix together sliced onions and capsicum slices along with lemon juice, salt and green chillies.*Assembling the Kathi RollsPlace a paratha on foil paper. Place a small portion of the onion and capsicum slices. Next place a skewer of roasted tandoori aloo gobi in the centre. Pull the skewer out and discard. Roll the parathas along with the foil and prepare the rest of the Tandoori Aloo Gobi Kathi rolls the similar way. Serve Tandoori Aloo Gobi Kathi Rolls along with a Dhaniya Pudina Chutney and a cup of Masala Chai for a tea time meal or pack these Aloo Gobi Kathi Rolls for lunch along with a cup of curd.
| To begin making the Aloo Gobi Kathi Roll, we have to first cook the aloo and gobi. Into a pressure cooker, add the potatoes along with 1/2 cup of water and pressure cook for 3 to 4 whistles and turn off the heat. Allow the pressure to release naturally.Peel the skin of the potatoes and keep aside.If you have a steamer, steam the cauliflower florets on high heat for 3 to 4 minutes until just about cooked, but its still firm. You can also pan roast the cauliflower with a little salt until it has lightly cooked.In a bowl add curd 1/2 cup yogurt along with chaat masala, red chilli powder, turmeric powder and salt. Add the baby potatoes and cauliflower florets into the curd mixture and coat the aloo gobi evenly using a spoon. Check for seasoning and leave aside for 15 minutes to marinate. Now insert the baby potatoes and cauliflowers into a sticks or skewers for roasting on a skillet. Place a skillet on medium heat and add a teaspoon of oil. Add cumin seeds and let them crackle. Place the skewered aloo gobi on the skillet and roast it until you see a few brown spots on the vegetables and see it getting roasted.Roast all the skewers on a low to medium heat and keep aside. *Making the paratha for the Kati RollsIn a bowl mix whole wheat flour, salt and one teaspoon of oil and mix well. Add little water at a time and bring the flour together to form a smooth dough. Cover with a muslin cloth and keep aside for 10 minutes. Make equal portions of the dough and roll it into balls. On a clean surface dust some flour and flatten the ball of dough on it. Roll out the dough into a paratha. Place a roti tawa on medium heat and cook all the parathas with ghee or oil. Keep the cooked parathas aside. In a medium bowl, mix together sliced onions and capsicum slices along with lemon juice, salt and green chillies.*Assembling the Kathi RollsPlace a paratha on foil paper. Place a small portion of the onion and capsicum slices. Next place a skewer of roasted tandoori aloo gobi in the centre. Pull the skewer out and discard. Roll the parathas along with the foil and prepare the rest of the Tandoori Aloo Gobi Kathi rolls the similar way. Serve Tandoori Aloo Gobi Kathi Rolls along with a Dhaniya Pudina Chutney and a cup of Masala Chai for a tea time meal or pack these Aloo Gobi Kathi Rolls for lunch along with a cup of curd. | |
402 | Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini Bake Recipe In A Creamy Parsley Sauce | Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini Bake Recipe In A Creamy Parsley Sauce | 3 Green zucchini - sliced,2 Potatoes (Aloo) - boiled firm and sliced,2 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1/2 cup Britannia Cream Cheese - (I like to use a flavored or herbed cheese),1 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt),Parsley leaves - small bunch,1 cup Feta Cheese - crumbled,1/2 cup Parmesan cheese - grated,Salt and Pepper - to taste,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - to cook | 3 Green zucchini - sliced,2 Potatoes (Aloo) - boiled firm and sliced,2 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1/2 cup Britannia Cream Cheese - (I like to use a flavored or herbed cheese),1 cup Hung Curd (Greek Yogurt),Parsley leaves - small bunch,1 cup Feta Cheese - crumbled,1/2 cup Parmesan cheese - grated,Salt and Pepper - to taste,Extra Virgin Olive Oil - to cook | 15 | 30 | 45 | 4 | Continental | Main Course | Vegetarian | To begin making the Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini Bake Recipe. first get all the ingredients ready. Boil the potatoes firm, peel the skin and slice them to an inch thickness.Preheat the oven to 190 C.In a wide saute pan; heat a tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Add the chopped garlic, potatoes, and zucchini. Sprinkle some salt and pepper and stir-fry them until the zucchini and the potatoes are lightly roasted. Take care not to overcook the zucchini and not stir too much; as this will break the slices and make them mushy.In a small bowl, whisk the cream cheese, Greek yogurt, salt, pepper, parsley until light and fluffy. Check the salt and spice levels and adjust to suit your taste.Arrange the sauteed zucchini and potatoes placing them alternatively on a baking dish. Sprinkle the feta cheese all around and pour the creamy parsley sauce. Finally, sprinkle the parmesan cheese evenly all over on the top.Place the Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini into the preheated oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the mixture is bubbling, slightly set, and top is lightly browned.Serve Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini Bake Recipe In A Creamy Parsley Sauce with Vegetable Clear Soup With Lemon Grass Recipe or Herbed Dinner Rolls Recipe and Tiramisu Recipe (A Classic and Quick Italian Dessert) for dinner.
| To begin making the Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini Bake Recipe. first get all the ingredients ready. Boil the potatoes firm, peel the skin and slice them to an inch thickness.Preheat the oven to 190 C.In a wide saute pan; heat a tablespoon of olive oil on medium heat. Add the chopped garlic, potatoes, and zucchini. Sprinkle some salt and pepper and stir-fry them until the zucchini and the potatoes are lightly roasted. Take care not to overcook the zucchini and not stir too much; as this will break the slices and make them mushy.In a small bowl, whisk the cream cheese, Greek yogurt, salt, pepper, parsley until light and fluffy. Check the salt and spice levels and adjust to suit your taste.Arrange the sauteed zucchini and potatoes placing them alternatively on a baking dish. Sprinkle the feta cheese all around and pour the creamy parsley sauce. Finally, sprinkle the parmesan cheese evenly all over on the top.Place the Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini into the preheated oven. Bake for 40-45 minutes, or until the mixture is bubbling, slightly set, and top is lightly browned.Serve Roasted Potatoes & Zucchini Bake Recipe In A Creamy Parsley Sauce with Vegetable Clear Soup With Lemon Grass Recipe or Herbed Dinner Rolls Recipe and Tiramisu Recipe (A Classic and Quick Italian Dessert) for dinner. | |
403 | Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake Recipe | Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake Recipe | 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,2 teaspoons Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini),1 teaspoon Dry ginger powder,1/2 teaspoon Salt,2 teaspoons Baking powder,1 cup Sugar,1/2 cup Nutralite Classic Spread,3 Whole Eggs,1/4 cup Milk,2 cups Carrots (Gajjar) - grated,1/4 cup Walnuts - chopped,2 tablespoons Icing Sugar - for dusting | 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,2 teaspoons Cinnamon Powder (Dalchini),1 teaspoon Dry ginger powder,1/2 teaspoon Salt,2 teaspoons Baking powder,1 cup Sugar,1/2 cup Nutralite Classic Spread,3 Whole Eggs,1/4 cup Milk,2 cups Carrots (Gajjar) - grated,1/4 cup Walnuts - chopped,2 tablespoons Icing Sugar - for dusting | 30 | 45 | 75 | 4 | Continental | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake, first preheat oven 180 C. Grease and flour a 9-inch springform pan or a bread loaf pan or a Bundt pan.Keep aside. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, ginger and keep aside.In a large bowl or the bowl of the stand mixer add the nutralite classic, sugar and eggs and beat them until light and fluffy. Add the milk and beat it into the egg mixture.Gradually add in the flour mixture and the carrots and beat until well combined. Fold in the walnuts and spoon the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake batter and place it to bake in the preheated oven.Bake the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake for about 35 to 40 minutes or until when a tester inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Once the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake is baked, remove from the oven.Allow the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake to cool for a little bit and serve.Serve the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake warm along with a cup of chai, pack it into a kid's lunch box or even along with glass milk for breakfast.
| To begin making the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake, first preheat oven 180 C. Grease and flour a 9-inch springform pan or a bread loaf pan or a Bundt pan.Keep aside. Mix the flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, ginger and keep aside.In a large bowl or the bowl of the stand mixer add the nutralite classic, sugar and eggs and beat them until light and fluffy. Add the milk and beat it into the egg mixture.Gradually add in the flour mixture and the carrots and beat until well combined. Fold in the walnuts and spoon the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake batter and place it to bake in the preheated oven.Bake the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake for about 35 to 40 minutes or until when a tester inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean. Once the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake is baked, remove from the oven.Allow the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake to cool for a little bit and serve.Serve the Spiced Whole Wheat Carrot Cake warm along with a cup of chai, pack it into a kid's lunch box or even along with glass milk for breakfast. | |
404 | Grilled Tangy Lime Salmon Steak Recipe | Grilled Tangy Lime Salmon Steak Recipe | 500 grams Salmon fillet,1 Onion - chopped,2 tablespoon Lemon zest,1 tablespoon Whole Black Peppercorns - crushed,2 teaspoons Garlic powder,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,1 tablespoon Paprika powder,Salt - to taste,3 tablespoons Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard,1 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Sambal oelek | 500 grams Salmon fillet,1 Onion - chopped,2 tablespoon Lemon zest,1 tablespoon Whole Black Peppercorns - crushed,2 teaspoons Garlic powder,1 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,1 tablespoon Paprika powder,Salt - to taste,3 tablespoons Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard,1 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Sambal oelek | 10 | 15 | 25 | 4 | Continental | Dinner | High Protein Non Vegetarian | To begin making the Grilled Tangy Lime Salmon Steak Recipe, preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Meanwhile, chop the onions and keep it aside. Next take a bowl and add onions, lemon zest, crushed black pepper, garlic powder, olive oil, paprika powder, salt and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients well.Place the fish in an oven-proof form and pour the mixture over the salmon. If the mixture stays on a salmon in one area use a brush to dispense the lemon bath.When the oven has reached its temperature, put the salmon in the oven. It should be in the oven for 15 minutes or until it has a nice light pink color.The next step is to make the sauce for the Salmon. In another bowl, add dijon mustard, lemon juice and sambal oelek. Mix everything thoroughly.Once the fish is done, take it out and cut it into 4 pieces. Serve each piece of fish with a small serving of the sauce on or beside the fish.Serve Grilled Tangy Lime Salmon Steak Recipe along with Roasted Tomato and Pumpkin Soup for a healthy weeknight dinner.
| To begin making the Grilled Tangy Lime Salmon Steak Recipe, preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Meanwhile, chop the onions and keep it aside. Next take a bowl and add onions, lemon zest, crushed black pepper, garlic powder, olive oil, paprika powder, salt and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients well.Place the fish in an oven-proof form and pour the mixture over the salmon. If the mixture stays on a salmon in one area use a brush to dispense the lemon bath.When the oven has reached its temperature, put the salmon in the oven. It should be in the oven for 15 minutes or until it has a nice light pink color.The next step is to make the sauce for the Salmon. In another bowl, add dijon mustard, lemon juice and sambal oelek. Mix everything thoroughly.Once the fish is done, take it out and cut it into 4 pieces. Serve each piece of fish with a small serving of the sauce on or beside the fish.Serve Grilled Tangy Lime Salmon Steak Recipe along with Roasted Tomato and Pumpkin Soup for a healthy weeknight dinner. | |
405 | Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya Recipe - Spicy Sweet Potato Sabzi | Bihari Shakarkand Bhujia Recipe - Spicy Sweet Potato Sabzi | 2 Sweet Potatoes - peeled and cut into thin strips,1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),2 Green Chillies - slit into halves,1-1/2 tablespoon Mustard oil,Salt - to taste | 2 Sweet Potatoes - peeled and cut into thin strips,1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),2 Green Chillies - slit into halves,1-1/2 tablespoon Mustard oil,Salt - to taste | 10 | 10 | 20 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya recipe, wash and peel sweet potatoes.And cut them into one inch long stick pieces similar to the one for finger chips. In a non-stick wok, add mustard oil; Once the oil is hot, add cumin seeds. Allow it to splutter.Now, add green chilies and saute it. Stir in the chopped potatoes and turmeric powder. Season it with salt.Reduce the flame. Cook until the sweet potatoes are cooked completely. Towards the end, when the sweet potatoes have almost cooked, open the lid and allow it to become crispy.At this stage you can optionally add more mustard oil and then sprinkle some more salt. Ensure you keep stirring occasionally so the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya gets cooked from all the sides.Once done, turn off the heat and transfer the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya to serving bowl.Serve the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya and serve with Whole Wheat Lachha parathas and Boondi raita for a weekday meal.
| To begin making the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya recipe, wash and peel sweet potatoes.And cut them into one inch long stick pieces similar to the one for finger chips. In a non-stick wok, add mustard oil; Once the oil is hot, add cumin seeds. Allow it to splutter.Now, add green chilies and saute it. Stir in the chopped potatoes and turmeric powder. Season it with salt.Reduce the flame. Cook until the sweet potatoes are cooked completely. Towards the end, when the sweet potatoes have almost cooked, open the lid and allow it to become crispy.At this stage you can optionally add more mustard oil and then sprinkle some more salt. Ensure you keep stirring occasionally so the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya gets cooked from all the sides.Once done, turn off the heat and transfer the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya to serving bowl.Serve the Bihari Shakarkand Bhujiya and serve with Whole Wheat Lachha parathas and Boondi raita for a weekday meal. | |
406 | Egg White Spinach Omelette Recipe With Garlic & Oregano | Egg White Spinach Omelette Recipe With Garlic & Oregano | 4 Whole Eggs - egg whites separated,1 Onion - finely chopped,50 grams Spinach - washed and finely chopped,2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,Salt and Pepper - to taste,1 teaspoon Nutralite Garlic & Oregano Spread | 4 Whole Eggs - egg whites separated,1 Onion - finely chopped,50 grams Spinach - washed and finely chopped,2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,Salt and Pepper - to taste,1 teaspoon Nutralite Garlic & Oregano Spread | 10 | 5 | 15 | 2 | Continental | World Breakfast | Eggetarian | To begin making the Egg White Spinach Omelette Recipe With Garlic & Oregano, get all the ingredients ready before you begin making the omelette.Since we are using whites from 4 eggs, this can at most serve 2 people of you plan to split the omelette into half or just about one large omelette for one person.If you are making this for more people, then you would need to make it in batches of similar quantity as mentioned in the above ingredient list. Take a large bowl, add all the ingredients together and whisk well with a fork until combined. The egg whites would have blended well and turned little fluffy.Preheat an 8 inch Omelette Skillet, spoon the Nutralite Garlic & Oregano Spread in the skillet.Once the skillet is heated, pour the whisked egg white omelette mixture onto the skillet. Turn the heat to medium low, else the omelette will brown faster at the bottom than it can get cooked on the top.Once you notice the top of the Omelette begins to get cooked (you will know when the wetness has turned to dry), using a flat spatula, flip the omelette and cook the opposite side as well.Allow it to cook for a about a minute and once cooked well on both sides as per your preference, slide the omelette to the serving platter.Serve Egg White Spinach Omelette Recipe With Garlic & Oregano with with slices of buttered whole wheat bread, a glass of Carrot Pineapple Orange Juice Recipe or Cantaloupe (Melon) Juice Recipe for breakfast or for an after school snack.
| To begin making the Egg White Spinach Omelette Recipe With Garlic & Oregano, get all the ingredients ready before you begin making the omelette.Since we are using whites from 4 eggs, this can at most serve 2 people of you plan to split the omelette into half or just about one large omelette for one person.If you are making this for more people, then you would need to make it in batches of similar quantity as mentioned in the above ingredient list. Take a large bowl, add all the ingredients together and whisk well with a fork until combined. The egg whites would have blended well and turned little fluffy.Preheat an 8 inch Omelette Skillet, spoon the Nutralite Garlic & Oregano Spread in the skillet.Once the skillet is heated, pour the whisked egg white omelette mixture onto the skillet. Turn the heat to medium low, else the omelette will brown faster at the bottom than it can get cooked on the top.Once you notice the top of the Omelette begins to get cooked (you will know when the wetness has turned to dry), using a flat spatula, flip the omelette and cook the opposite side as well.Allow it to cook for a about a minute and once cooked well on both sides as per your preference, slide the omelette to the serving platter.Serve Egg White Spinach Omelette Recipe With Garlic & Oregano with with slices of buttered whole wheat bread, a glass of Carrot Pineapple Orange Juice Recipe or Cantaloupe (Melon) Juice Recipe for breakfast or for an after school snack. | |
407 | सेब और टमाटर की सब्ज़ी रेसिपी - No Onion No Garlic Spiced Apple Tomato Curry (Recipe In Hindi) | No Onion No Garlic Spiced Apple Tomato Curry Recipe | 2 सेब - छीलकर काट ले,2 टमाटर - प्यूरी या कस ले,1/2 छोटा चमच्च हल्दी पाउडर,1/2 छोटा चमच्च धनिया पाउडर,1/4 छोटा चमच्च लाल मिर्च पाउडर,1 दाल चीनी,1 तेज पत्ता - तोड़ दे,नमक - या कला नमक (स्वाद अनुसार),2 टहनी हरा धनिया - बारीक काट ले,तेल - प्रयोग अनुसार | 2 apples - peel and chop, 2 tomatoes - puree or grated, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder, 1/2 teaspoon coriander powder, 1/2 teaspoon red chili powder, 1 lentil sugar, 1 bay leaf - break , Salt - or kala namak (as per taste), 2 sprigs of coriander - finely chopped, oil - as per use | 20 | 30 | 50 | 2 | Kashmiri | Dinner | No Onion No Garlic (Sattvic) | सेब और टमाटर की सब्ज़ी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम कर ले. इसमें तेज पत्ता और दाल चीनी डाले और 10 सेकण्ड्स पकाए। 10 सेकण्ड्स के बाद इसमें टमाटर की प्यूरी और सारे मसाले डाले। इसको 10 मिनट तक पकाए। 10 मिनट के बाद इसमें कटे हुए सेब डाले और मिला ले. इसको 10 मिनट तक सेब के पकने तक पकाए। बनने के बाद, गैस बंद करें और गरमा गरम परोसे।सेब और टमाटर की सब्ज़ी को दाल तड़का और रोटी के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make apple and tomato vegetable, first heat oil in a pan. Add bay leaves and lentils and cook for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds, add tomato puree and all the spices. Cook it for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, add chopped apples to it and mix. Cook it for 10 minutes until the apple is cooked. After cooking, turn off the gas and serve hot. Serve the apples and tomato vegetables along with dal tadka and roti for the day's dinner. | |
408 | Homemade Spicy Ramen with Tofu Recipe | Homemade Spicy Ramen with Tofu Recipe | 1 cup Wheat Noodles,1 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - sliced,2 Stalks Spring Onion Greens - finely chopped,3 tablespoons Milk,1 tablespoon Vinegar,1 tablespoon Tomato Ketchup,1 tablespoon Red Chilli sauce,1 cup Tofu,1 tablespoon Sweet and Spicy Red Chilli Sauce (Tomato Chilli Sauce),1 tablespoon Green Chilli Sauce,1 tablespoon Honey,1-1/2 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 1/2 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1/2 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),1 Onion,1 teaspoon Sugar,1/2 teaspoon Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1 Dry Red Chilli,4 cloves Garlic,1 inch Ginger | 1 cup Wheat Noodles,1 Red Bell pepper (Capsicum) - sliced,2 Stalks Spring Onion Greens - finely chopped,3 tablespoons Milk,1 tablespoon Vinegar,1 tablespoon Tomato Ketchup,1 tablespoon Red Chilli sauce,1 cup Tofu,1 tablespoon Sweet and Spicy Red Chilli Sauce (Tomato Chilli Sauce),1 tablespoon Green Chilli Sauce,1 tablespoon Honey,1-1/2 teaspoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1 1/2 teaspoon Garam masala powder,1/2 teaspoon Amchur (Dry Mango Powder),1 Onion,1 teaspoon Sugar,1/2 teaspoon Methi Seeds (Fenugreek Seeds),1 Dry Red Chilli,4 cloves Garlic,1 inch Ginger | 10 | 45 | 55 | 4 | Asian | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Homemade Spicy Ramen with Tofu Recipe by boiling the noodles in a saucepan with water and cook the noodles until done. Strain the water and keep the water in the sauce pan itself. Toss the noodles in a little oil, so it does not stick to each other.Heat another skillet with oil, and then add the fenugreek seeds, sugar, onions, ginger and garlic and sauté till the onions are translucent. Once the onion have turned translucent turn off the heat and allow it to cool down. Once cooled add the onion mixture into a mixer grinder and grind into a smooth paste.Add the masala powders like the coriander powder,black pepper powder, red chili powder, garam masala powder, amchur powder into the water that was used to cook the noodles and keep it on the heat. Add the ground paste also and let it boil for few minutes. You can add more water if required depending on how thick you want your soup.Then add the red chili sauce and tomato sauce to adjust the flavor, check for seasonings also and add according to your taste preferences. Finally add milk and let it boil for 5 minutes and keep it aside.In another small skillet, pan fry the Tofu cubes, once it is crispy, you can add the sweet chili sauces, green chili sauce, honey and give it a toss. Keep it aside. Then in the same pan fry the red bell peppers and other vegetables if using and stir fry for a few minutes and keep aside.In order to assemble the noodle bowl, add the cooked noodles, then pour the soup over, add the sautéed vegetables and top it up with crispy Tofu and chopped spring onions. Serve the Homemade Spicy Ramen with Tofu Recipe in cold winter season as a comforting meal.
| To begin making the Homemade Spicy Ramen with Tofu Recipe by boiling the noodles in a saucepan with water and cook the noodles until done. Strain the water and keep the water in the sauce pan itself. Toss the noodles in a little oil, so it does not stick to each other.Heat another skillet with oil, and then add the fenugreek seeds, sugar, onions, ginger and garlic and sauté till the onions are translucent. Once the onion have turned translucent turn off the heat and allow it to cool down. Once cooled add the onion mixture into a mixer grinder and grind into a smooth paste.Add the masala powders like the coriander powder,black pepper powder, red chili powder, garam masala powder, amchur powder into the water that was used to cook the noodles and keep it on the heat. Add the ground paste also and let it boil for few minutes. You can add more water if required depending on how thick you want your soup.Then add the red chili sauce and tomato sauce to adjust the flavor, check for seasonings also and add according to your taste preferences. Finally add milk and let it boil for 5 minutes and keep it aside.In another small skillet, pan fry the Tofu cubes, once it is crispy, you can add the sweet chili sauces, green chili sauce, honey and give it a toss. Keep it aside. Then in the same pan fry the red bell peppers and other vegetables if using and stir fry for a few minutes and keep aside.In order to assemble the noodle bowl, add the cooked noodles, then pour the soup over, add the sautéed vegetables and top it up with crispy Tofu and chopped spring onions. Serve the Homemade Spicy Ramen with Tofu Recipe in cold winter season as a comforting meal. | |
409 | Ambul Polos Curry - Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry Recipe With Pol Sambol | Ambul Polos Curry - Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry Recipe With Pol Sambol | 1 cup Fresh coconut - grated,6 Dry Red Chillies,1/2 cup Pearl onions (Sambar Onions) - 1 red onion diced,1 Lemon - juice extracted,1/2 teaspoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Pepper Corns,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,4 Cloves (Laung),3 Cardamom (Elaichi) Pods/Seeds,1 inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),1 teaspoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),2 Dry Red Chillies,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,2 Onions - thinly sliced,2 sprig Curry leaves,1-1/2 cups Jackfruit Raw (Kathal),Salt - to taste,2-1/2 cups Water | 1 cup Fresh coconut - grated,6 Dry Red Chillies,1/2 cup Pearl onions (Sambar Onions) - 1 red onion diced,1 Lemon - juice extracted,1/2 teaspoon Coriander (Dhania) Seeds,1/2 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1/2 teaspoon Whole Black Pepper Corns,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,4 Cloves (Laung),3 Cardamom (Elaichi) Pods/Seeds,1 inch Cinnamon Stick (Dalchini),1 teaspoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),2 Dry Red Chillies,1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,1 inch Ginger - finely chopped,2 Onions - thinly sliced,2 sprig Curry leaves,1-1/2 cups Jackfruit Raw (Kathal),Salt - to taste,2-1/2 cups Water | 10 | 20 | 30 | 4 | Asian | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Ambul Polos Curry - Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry Recipe, prepare the jackfruit by peeling cutting and keep aside.To make the Pol Sambol, add all the ingredients for pol sambol into a mixer grinder and make a coarse paste of it and keep aside. The next step is to make the Sri Lankan Spice powder. Place a pan on medium heat, add all the spices and roast for a couple of minutes until the aromas come through.Once done, place the spices in a mixer grinder and blend to make a smooth powder.Now into a pressure cooker, heat oil over medium heat; add the ginger, garlic and onions and saute until the onions caramelize or turn lightly brown. Once done, stir in the curry leaves, the spice powder, the pol sambol, the jackfruit, salt and 2-1/2 to 3 cups of water. Pressure cook the Ambul Polos Curry for 4 to 5 whistles and turn off the heat,Allow the pressure to release naturally.Once the pressure has realeased, open the cooker and give the Ambul Polos Curry a taste. Adjust the salt and seasonings according to your taste.Once done, transfer the Ambul Polos Curry-Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry to a serving bowl and serve hot.Serve the Ambul Polos Curry - Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry along with Steamed Rice and Carrot Poriyal Recipe by the side for a wholesome meal.
| To begin making the Ambul Polos Curry - Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry Recipe, prepare the jackfruit by peeling cutting and keep aside.To make the Pol Sambol, add all the ingredients for pol sambol into a mixer grinder and make a coarse paste of it and keep aside. The next step is to make the Sri Lankan Spice powder. Place a pan on medium heat, add all the spices and roast for a couple of minutes until the aromas come through.Once done, place the spices in a mixer grinder and blend to make a smooth powder.Now into a pressure cooker, heat oil over medium heat; add the ginger, garlic and onions and saute until the onions caramelize or turn lightly brown. Once done, stir in the curry leaves, the spice powder, the pol sambol, the jackfruit, salt and 2-1/2 to 3 cups of water. Pressure cook the Ambul Polos Curry for 4 to 5 whistles and turn off the heat,Allow the pressure to release naturally.Once the pressure has realeased, open the cooker and give the Ambul Polos Curry a taste. Adjust the salt and seasonings according to your taste.Once done, transfer the Ambul Polos Curry-Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry to a serving bowl and serve hot.Serve the Ambul Polos Curry - Sri Lankan Jack Fruit Curry along with Steamed Rice and Carrot Poriyal Recipe by the side for a wholesome meal. | |
410 | Stuffed Gilka Recipe (Maharashtrian Style Stuffed Silk Squash) | Stuffed Gilka Recipe (Maharashtrian Style Stuffed Silk Squash) | 6 Gilka (sponge/silk squash) - cut into about 3 inch pieces,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - as required for garnish (chopped),2 Onions - finely chopped,7 cloves Garlic - crushed,3 tablespoon Groundnut powder,2 tablespoon Sesame powder - roasted,2 teaspoons Red Chilli powder,2 teaspoon Maharashtrian Goda Masala,1 teaspoon Jaggery - grated,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1/2 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),Salt - to taste | 6 Gilka (sponge/silk squash) - cut into about 3 inch pieces,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 tablespoon Sunflower Oil,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - as required for garnish (chopped),2 Onions - finely chopped,7 cloves Garlic - crushed,3 tablespoon Groundnut powder,2 tablespoon Sesame powder - roasted,2 teaspoons Red Chilli powder,2 teaspoon Maharashtrian Goda Masala,1 teaspoon Jaggery - grated,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1/2 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),Salt - to taste | 10 | 20 | 30 | 4 | Maharashtrian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Stuffed Gilka, we will first make the stuffing.In a bowl mix all ingredients mentioned under stuffing. Mix everything properly and keep it aside.Next, make a slit length wise in each gilka piece without cutting through. Carefully stuff about a tablespoon of the filling inside the cut.Heat oil in a flat non-stick pan. Add the cumin seeds and the place the stuffed gilka in the pan, cut side up.Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes on low flame. Carefully turn over the pieces and cook on the other side till soft but the pieces are still intact. Use 1-2 tablespoon water if required for cooking. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve.Serve Stuffed Gilka with Dal Tadka, Kachumber Salad and Tawa Paratha for a spicy, flavourful meal.
| To begin making the Stuffed Gilka, we will first make the stuffing.In a bowl mix all ingredients mentioned under stuffing. Mix everything properly and keep it aside.Next, make a slit length wise in each gilka piece without cutting through. Carefully stuff about a tablespoon of the filling inside the cut.Heat oil in a flat non-stick pan. Add the cumin seeds and the place the stuffed gilka in the pan, cut side up.Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes on low flame. Carefully turn over the pieces and cook on the other side till soft but the pieces are still intact. Use 1-2 tablespoon water if required for cooking. Garnish with coriander leaves and serve.Serve Stuffed Gilka with Dal Tadka, Kachumber Salad and Tawa Paratha for a spicy, flavourful meal. | |
411 | Murungai Keerai Rasam Recipe | Drumstick Spinach Juice Recipe | 2 tablespoons Arhar dal (Split Toor Dal),1 cup Tamarind Water,Drumstick Leaves (Moringa/Murungai Keerai) - one bunch,5 cloves Garlic - crushed,Salt - as required,Asafoetida (hing) - a pinch,2 teaspoon Rasam Powder,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 sprig Curry leaves,1 sprig Curry leaves | 2 tablespoons Arhar dal (Split Toor Dal),1 cup Tamarind Water,Drumstick Leaves (Moringa/Murungai Keerai) - one bunch,5 cloves Garlic - crushed,Salt - as required,Asafoetida (hing) - a pinch,2 teaspoon Rasam Powder,1 teaspoon Cumin powder (Jeera),1 teaspoon Black pepper powder,1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 sprig Curry leaves,1 sprig Curry leaves | 10 | 25 | 35 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making Murungai Keerai Rasam Recipe wash the tur dal and pressure cook the dal along with some water for 3 whistles and turn off the flame. Now allow the pressure to release naturally. Open the lid of the pressure cooker and mash it. Place a pan on a medium flame and add the drumstick leaves into it along with two tablespoons of water. Cover it with a lid and cook until the leaves wilt. Turn off the flame and set aside. In a heavy bottomed pan, add the tamarind water and let it boil until the raw smell of tamarind goes away. Add the cooked tur dal and stir well. Add in the cooked drumstick leaves. Reduce the flame and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Now add salt, asafoetida, rasam powder, cumin powder and pepper powder and mix well. Once the rasam comes to a boil and starts frothing, turn of the flame. In a tadka pan, add a teaspoon of oil and wait for it to heat. Add in the mustard seeds, cumin seeds and let it crackle. Once they have crackled add the curry leaves and garlic and turn off the flame. Add this tempering to the rasam and mix well. Serve Murungai Keerai Rasam Recipe along with Steamed Rice, Carrot Poriyal and a dollop of Ghee.
| To begin making Murungai Keerai Rasam Recipe wash the tur dal and pressure cook the dal along with some water for 3 whistles and turn off the flame. Now allow the pressure to release naturally. Open the lid of the pressure cooker and mash it. Place a pan on a medium flame and add the drumstick leaves into it along with two tablespoons of water. Cover it with a lid and cook until the leaves wilt. Turn off the flame and set aside. In a heavy bottomed pan, add the tamarind water and let it boil until the raw smell of tamarind goes away. Add the cooked tur dal and stir well. Add in the cooked drumstick leaves. Reduce the flame and let it simmer for 2 minutes. Now add salt, asafoetida, rasam powder, cumin powder and pepper powder and mix well. Once the rasam comes to a boil and starts frothing, turn of the flame. In a tadka pan, add a teaspoon of oil and wait for it to heat. Add in the mustard seeds, cumin seeds and let it crackle. Once they have crackled add the curry leaves and garlic and turn off the flame. Add this tempering to the rasam and mix well. Serve Murungai Keerai Rasam Recipe along with Steamed Rice, Carrot Poriyal and a dollop of Ghee. | |
412 | पालक पनीर रेसिपी - Palak Paneer Recipe | Palak Paneer Recipe - Palak Paneer Recipe | 250 ग्राम पनीर - काट ले,500 ग्राम पालक - धोकर काट ले,1 टमाटर - प्यूरी,2 कली लहसुन - कस ले,2 इंच अदरक - कस ले,2 हरी मिर्च - सीधा काट ले,1/2 छोटा चम्मच जीरा,1/4 छोटा चम्मच दालचीनी पाउडर,1 छोटा चम्मच जीरा पाउडर,1/4 छोटा चम्मच हल्दी पाउडर,1 छोटा चम्मच गरम मसाला पाउडर,2 बड़े चम्मच क्रीम,1 बड़ा चम्मच मक्खन,नमक - स्वाद अनुसार | 250 grams Paneer - Chop, 500 grams Spinach - Wash and chop, 1 Tomato - Puree, 2 cloves Garlic - Tighten, 2 inch Ginger - Tighten, 2 Green Chillies - Cut it straight, 1/2 tsp Cumin seeds, 1 / 4 tsp cinnamon powder, 1 tsp cumin powder, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder, 1 tsp garam masala powder, 2 tbsp cream, 1 tbsp butter, salt - as per taste | 20 | 40 | 60 | 4 | Punjabi | Dinner | High Protein Vegetarian | पालक पनीर रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले पालक को अच्छी तरह से धो ले. धोने के बाद काट ले और अलग से रख ले. एक सॉस पैन में पानी गरम करले। उबालने के बाद इसमें पालक डाले और गैस बंद कर ले. 2 से 3 मिनट तक पालक को गरम पानी में रहने दे. पालक को निकाले और ठंडा होने दे. अब इसे एक एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में डाले और पीस कर प्यूरी बना ले. अब एक कड़ाही में मक्खन गरम करें। इसमें जीरा, अदरक, लहसुन, हरी मिर्च डाले और 1 मिनट के लिए पका ले. अब इसमें टमाटर की प्यूरी, हल्दी पाउडर डाले और 2 से 3 मिनट के लिए पका ले.2 से 3 मिनट के बाद इसमें पिसा हुआ पालक, जीरा पाउडर, गरम मसाला पाउडर, दालचीनी पाउडर, नमक डाले, मिलाए और 5 मिनट के लिए पला ले.5 मिनट के बाद इसमें क्रीम, पनीर के टुकड़े डाले और उबलने दे. उबाला आने के बाद, गैस बंद करें और परोसे। पालक पनीर रेसिपी को दाल तड़का, बूंदी रायता, जीरा राइस और फुल्के के साथ अपने रात के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make the spinach paneer recipe, first wash the spinach thoroughly. Cut it after washing and keep it separately. Heat the water in a saucepan. After boiling add spinach and turn off the gas. Allow the spinach to remain in hot water for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove the spinach and let it cool. Now pour it into a mixer grinder and grind it to a puree. Now heat the butter in a pan. Add cumin seeds, ginger, garlic, green chilies and cook for 1 minute. Now add tomato puree, turmeric powder and cook it for 2 to 3 minutes. After 2 to 3 minutes, add powdered spinach, cumin powder, garam masala powder, cinnamon powder, salt, mix and raise for 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, add cream, cottage cheese pieces and let it boil. After boiling, turn off the gas and serve. Serve the Palak Paneer Recipe with Dal Tadka, Bundi Raita, Cumin Rice and Phulka for your dinner. | |
413 | Broken Wheat Upma Or Dalia Khichdi Recipe for Babies & Toddlers | Broken Wheat Upma Or Dalia Khichdi Recipe for Babies & Toddlers | 1/4 cup Broken Wheat (Dalia/ Godumai Rava),1/2 cup Water,Salt - as per your taste,1 Carrots (Gajjar) - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Ghee,1/4 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Curry leaves - a few | 1/4 cup Broken Wheat (Dalia/ Godumai Rava),1/2 cup Water,Salt - as per your taste,1 Carrots (Gajjar) - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Ghee,1/4 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Curry leaves - a few | 10 | 10 | 20 | 2 | Indian | Indian Breakfast | Vegetarian | To begin making Dalia Khichdi or Broken Wheat Upma for babies and toddlers, we have to first steam the finely chopped carrots. In a pressure cooker, add the chopped carrots along with tablespoon of water. Pressure cook for 2 whistles and release the pressure immediately by running the cooker under water. Open the lid, take out the steamed carrots and keep aside. In the same pressure cooker, add dalia /broken wheat along with 1/2 cup water. Pressure cook on high for 3-4 whistles and lower the heat and leave it on low for 2 minutes. Turn off the flame and allow the pressure to release naturally. In a pan, add a teaspoon of ghee. Once the ghee is warm add mustard seeds. Once the mustard seeds sputter, add torn curry leaves to the pan along with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Stir for a minute, and add in the steamed carrots. Mix well. Finally add the cooked dalia /broken wheat along with the required amount of salt and mix thoroughtly. Turn off the heat and your Dalia Khichdi or Broken Wheat Upma for babies and toddlers is ready to be fedServe this Dalia Khichdi to your babies and toddlers who are over the age of 10 months along with a cup of curd and chopped bananas on the side for breakfast or lunch.
| To begin making Dalia Khichdi or Broken Wheat Upma for babies and toddlers, we have to first steam the finely chopped carrots. In a pressure cooker, add the chopped carrots along with tablespoon of water. Pressure cook for 2 whistles and release the pressure immediately by running the cooker under water. Open the lid, take out the steamed carrots and keep aside. In the same pressure cooker, add dalia /broken wheat along with 1/2 cup water. Pressure cook on high for 3-4 whistles and lower the heat and leave it on low for 2 minutes. Turn off the flame and allow the pressure to release naturally. In a pan, add a teaspoon of ghee. Once the ghee is warm add mustard seeds. Once the mustard seeds sputter, add torn curry leaves to the pan along with 1/4 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Stir for a minute, and add in the steamed carrots. Mix well. Finally add the cooked dalia /broken wheat along with the required amount of salt and mix thoroughtly. Turn off the heat and your Dalia Khichdi or Broken Wheat Upma for babies and toddlers is ready to be fedServe this Dalia Khichdi to your babies and toddlers who are over the age of 10 months along with a cup of curd and chopped bananas on the side for breakfast or lunch. | |
414 | Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari Recipe - Cucumber Kosambari | Name Cucumber Salad Recipe - Quickcomber sausage | 2 Cucumbers - finely chopped,1/2 cup Yellow Moong Dal (Split) - soaked for 4 hours,1 Lemon - juiced,1/4 cup Fresh coconut - grated,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - handful,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon Coconut Oil,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 sprig Curry leaves - few | 2 Cucumbers - finely chopped,1/2 cup Yellow Moong Dal (Split) - soaked for 4 hours,1 Lemon - juiced,1/4 cup Fresh coconut - grated,Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - handful,Salt - to taste,1 teaspoon Coconut Oil,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1/4 teaspoon Asafoetida (hing),2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 sprig Curry leaves - few | 65 | 0 | 65 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Snack | High Protein Vegetarian | To begin making the Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari Recipe, we will first make the tempering.Heat the oil in a tadka pan and add mustard seeds.Once the mustard seeds crackle, add asafoetida, green chillies, curry leaves and saute until the curry leaves crisp up.Turn off the heat and keep aside.Into a large mixing bowl, add the moong dal, cucumber, grated coconut, coriander leaves, lemon juice, salt to taste and the prepared tempering. Mix well to combine.Transfer Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari into serving bowl and serve chilled.Serve Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari Recipe along with hot Masala Chai during your tea time break or even along with a festive meal of North Karnataka Style Nuggekai Kharbyaali, Aavryachi Bhaji/Avarakkai Poriyal Recipe, Steamed Rice and South Indian Poli Recipe.
| To begin making the Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari Recipe, we will first make the tempering.Heat the oil in a tadka pan and add mustard seeds.Once the mustard seeds crackle, add asafoetida, green chillies, curry leaves and saute until the curry leaves crisp up.Turn off the heat and keep aside.Into a large mixing bowl, add the moong dal, cucumber, grated coconut, coriander leaves, lemon juice, salt to taste and the prepared tempering. Mix well to combine.Transfer Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari into serving bowl and serve chilled.Serve Hesaru Bele Southekayi Kosambari Recipe along with hot Masala Chai during your tea time break or even along with a festive meal of North Karnataka Style Nuggekai Kharbyaali, Aavryachi Bhaji/Avarakkai Poriyal Recipe, Steamed Rice and South Indian Poli Recipe. | |
415 | Kurkure Karela Sabzi Recipe - Crispy Karela Bhujiya | Crispy Vegetable Recipe - Crispy Bhujia | 4 Karela (Bitter Gourd/ Pavakkai) - cut into thin strips,1 teaspoon Salt - or to taste,1 tablespoon Mustard oil,1 tablespoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 tablespoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder - or to taste,2 teaspoons Amchur (Dry Mango Powder) | 4 Karela (Bitter Gourd/ Pavakkai) - cut into thin strips,1 teaspoon Salt - or to taste,1 tablespoon Mustard oil,1 tablespoon Fennel seeds (Saunf),1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 tablespoon Coriander Powder (Dhania),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder - or to taste,2 teaspoons Amchur (Dry Mango Powder) | 380 | 30 | 410 | 4 | North Indian Recipes | Lunch | Diabetic Friendly | To begin making the Kurkure Karela Sabzi Recipe, wash Karela thoroughly, peel the skin using a peeler and cut the karela into thin strips. Remove the seeds if any.In the mixing bowl, combine the thin karela strips and the peels, add salt and give it a good mix and allow it to rest for about 20 minutes.Heat a heavy bottomed pan on medium flame, add mustard oil. Once the mustard oil begins to smoke, turn down the heat and add the fennel seeds, let these sizzle. Add the marinated karela peels and slices, and mix gently. At this stage, add the dry spices - turmeric powder, amchur powder, red chilli powder, and coriander powder. Mix well. Cover and cook for five minutes and then cook it without the lid on a very low heat for 15-20 minutes until the Karela Sabzi becomes crispy. Serve Kurkure Karela Sabzi Recipe along with a Gujarati Dal, Steamed Rice and Carrot Cucumber Tomato Salad with Lemon and Coriander for a hearty lunch or dinner.
| To begin making the Kurkure Karela Sabzi Recipe, wash Karela thoroughly, peel the skin using a peeler and cut the karela into thin strips. Remove the seeds if any.In the mixing bowl, combine the thin karela strips and the peels, add salt and give it a good mix and allow it to rest for about 20 minutes.Heat a heavy bottomed pan on medium flame, add mustard oil. Once the mustard oil begins to smoke, turn down the heat and add the fennel seeds, let these sizzle. Add the marinated karela peels and slices, and mix gently. At this stage, add the dry spices - turmeric powder, amchur powder, red chilli powder, and coriander powder. Mix well. Cover and cook for five minutes and then cook it without the lid on a very low heat for 15-20 minutes until the Karela Sabzi becomes crispy. Serve Kurkure Karela Sabzi Recipe along with a Gujarati Dal, Steamed Rice and Carrot Cucumber Tomato Salad with Lemon and Coriander for a hearty lunch or dinner. | |
416 | वेपमपू राइस रेसिपी - Dried Neem Flower Flavoured Rice (Recipe In Hindi) | Dried Neem Flower Flavored Rice (Recipe in Hindi) | 1 कप ब्लैक चावल - पका ले,तेल - या घी,1/3 छोटा चमच्च हींग,1/2 छोटा चमच्च सफ़ेद उरद दाल,2 छोटे चमच्च नीम के पत्ते,1 सुखी लाल मिर्च,Few कढ़ी पत्ता | 1 cup black rice - cooked, oil - or ghee, 1/3 teaspoon asafoetida, 1/2 teaspoon white urad dal, 2 teaspoons neem leaves, 1 red chili, Few curry leaves | 320 | 50 | 370 | 2 | South Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | वेपमपू राइस बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले ब्लैक चावल को 6 से 8 घंटे के लिए भिगो ले. अब इन चावल को पानी के साथ कुकर में डाले और कुकर बंद कर ले.6 सिटी आने के लिए पका ले. प्रेशर निकलने दे और अलग से रख दे. अब एक कढ़ाई में तेल गरम करें। तेल के गरम होने के बाद इसमें हींग, सुखी लाल मिर्च, उरद दाल, नीम के फूल डाले और मिला ले.नीम के फूल ले पकने के बाद इसमें ब्लैक चावल डाले और मिला ले. 1 मिनट के बाद इसमें नमक डाले और 2 मिनट के लिए पकने दे. 2 मिनट के बाद गैस बंद करें और परोसे। वेपमपू राइस को टमाटर ककड़ी प्याज रायते के साथ दिन के खाने के लिए परोसे।
| To make Vepampu rice, first soak black rice for 6 to 8 hours. Now pour these rice into the cooker with water and close the cooker. Cook it to come to the city. Allow the pressure to drain and keep aside. Now heat oil in a pan. After the oil is hot, add asafetida, dry red chillies, urad dal, neem flowers and mix it. After the neem flowers are cooked, add black rice and mix it. Add salt to it after 1 minute and let it cook for 2 minutes. Turn off the gas after 2 minutes and serve. Serve Veppampu Rice with Tomato Cucumber Onion Raita for dinner. | |
418 | Cauliflower Croquettes Recipe | Cauliflower Croquettes Recipe | 1 Cauliflower (gobi) - cut into small pieces,1/2 cup All Purpose Flour (Maida),1 cup Milk,2 tablespoon Butter,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,1 tablespoon Rosemary,1 tablespoon Dried Thyme Leaves,3 tablespoon Tabasco Original - Hot Sauce,Salt - to taste,1 Whole Egg,1/2 cup Whole Wheat Bread crumbs,Sunflower Oil - for frying | 1 Cauliflower (gobi) - cut into small pieces,1/2 cup All Purpose Flour (Maida),1 cup Milk,2 tablespoon Butter,4 cloves Garlic - chopped,1 tablespoon Rosemary,1 tablespoon Dried Thyme Leaves,3 tablespoon Tabasco Original - Hot Sauce,Salt - to taste,1 Whole Egg,1/2 cup Whole Wheat Bread crumbs,Sunflower Oil - for frying | 15 | 45 | 60 | 4 | Continental | Appetizer | Vegetarian | To begin making the Cauliflower Croquettes Recipe, we will first pressure cook the cauliflower with little water and sprinkle some salt and cook it for 2 whistles.Keep it aside and allow the pressure to release naturally.In a sauce pan, heat milk, add butter, garlic and little salt and bring it to a boil. Once it starts boiling, slowly add flour and keep whisking till it comes together and forms a lump.Set aside and rest for few minutes till the mixture cools down.In the mean while take the cauliflower out and blitz it in a blender to a coarse mixture.Heat a saucepan, add a little butter and some chopped garlic and allow it to sizzle for few seconds.Add the ground cauliflower mixture, sprinkle the seasonings like rosemary, oregano and tabasco sauce and check for salt as well.Keep cooking the mixture for around 10 – 15 minutes and set aside to cool down.Once done, mix the cauliflower into the flour and milk mixture and shape them into cylindrical shapes.Refrigerate the croquettes for at least 15 minutes in the freezer before you fry them.Whisk the egg in a plate and keep it ready, keep the bread crumbs also by the side.Heat a flat skillet and add some oil to shallow fry the croquettes.Take the croquettes out and dip them in egg and coat evenly with bread crumbs and shake off any excess crumbs. Drop them into the hot oil carefully and shallow fry the till they turn golden brown. Skim the croquettes and drain it over a paper napkin. Serve the Cauliflower Croquettes Recipe along with Tzatziki Recipe - A Greek Yogurt Dip or Cottage Cheese Dip Recipe With Pepper and Olives to make it even more appetizing during any house parties.
| To begin making the Cauliflower Croquettes Recipe, we will first pressure cook the cauliflower with little water and sprinkle some salt and cook it for 2 whistles.Keep it aside and allow the pressure to release naturally.In a sauce pan, heat milk, add butter, garlic and little salt and bring it to a boil. Once it starts boiling, slowly add flour and keep whisking till it comes together and forms a lump.Set aside and rest for few minutes till the mixture cools down.In the mean while take the cauliflower out and blitz it in a blender to a coarse mixture.Heat a saucepan, add a little butter and some chopped garlic and allow it to sizzle for few seconds.Add the ground cauliflower mixture, sprinkle the seasonings like rosemary, oregano and tabasco sauce and check for salt as well.Keep cooking the mixture for around 10 – 15 minutes and set aside to cool down.Once done, mix the cauliflower into the flour and milk mixture and shape them into cylindrical shapes.Refrigerate the croquettes for at least 15 minutes in the freezer before you fry them.Whisk the egg in a plate and keep it ready, keep the bread crumbs also by the side.Heat a flat skillet and add some oil to shallow fry the croquettes.Take the croquettes out and dip them in egg and coat evenly with bread crumbs and shake off any excess crumbs. Drop them into the hot oil carefully and shallow fry the till they turn golden brown. Skim the croquettes and drain it over a paper napkin. Serve the Cauliflower Croquettes Recipe along with Tzatziki Recipe - A Greek Yogurt Dip or Cottage Cheese Dip Recipe With Pepper and Olives to make it even more appetizing during any house parties. | |
419 | Broccoli And Aloo Poriyal Recipe - South Indian Broccoli And Potato Stir Fry | Broccoli And Aloo Poriyal Recipe - South Indian Broccoli And Potato Stir Fry | 1 Broccoli - cut into florets,3 Potatoes (Aloo) - peeled and cut into wedges,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves - roughly torn,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - for cooking | 1 Broccoli - cut into florets,3 Potatoes (Aloo) - peeled and cut into wedges,1/2 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves - roughly torn,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,1/2 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,Sunflower Oil - for cooking | 20 | 15 | 35 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Broccoli And Aloo Poriyal Recipe (Broccoli & Potato Stir Fry), first prepare all the ingredients and keep them ready.We will cook the broccoli and potatoes separately, as each one of them have separate cooking times.Heat a teaspoon of oil in Kadai/ Wok; add the mustard seeds and allow them to crackle. Add the cut potatoes, sprinkle salt and stir fry them until cooked through. Cover the pan while the potatoes are cooking, so the steam created will make them cook faster.Once the potatoes are done, add the turmeric powder and red chilli powder. Saute till the spices get well coated into the potatoes. Once done, turn off the heat and transfer the potatoes to a dish and keep aside.In the same Kadai/ Wok, heat half a teaspoon if oil and add the cut broccoli florets. Sprinkle some salt and stir fry until the broccoli is just about cooked through. If you over cook them, they will become soggy when you mix with the potatoes. Cover the pan while cooking so the steam created makes the broccoli cook faster.Once the broccoli is cooked through, stir in the roasted potatoes. Check the salt and spices, adjust to suit your taste and serve.Serve the Broccoli and Potato Poriyal Recipe along with a bowl of Thakkali Rasam (Tomato Rasam) and Steamed Rice for a comforting meal.
| To begin making the Broccoli And Aloo Poriyal Recipe (Broccoli & Potato Stir Fry), first prepare all the ingredients and keep them ready.We will cook the broccoli and potatoes separately, as each one of them have separate cooking times.Heat a teaspoon of oil in Kadai/ Wok; add the mustard seeds and allow them to crackle. Add the cut potatoes, sprinkle salt and stir fry them until cooked through. Cover the pan while the potatoes are cooking, so the steam created will make them cook faster.Once the potatoes are done, add the turmeric powder and red chilli powder. Saute till the spices get well coated into the potatoes. Once done, turn off the heat and transfer the potatoes to a dish and keep aside.In the same Kadai/ Wok, heat half a teaspoon if oil and add the cut broccoli florets. Sprinkle some salt and stir fry until the broccoli is just about cooked through. If you over cook them, they will become soggy when you mix with the potatoes. Cover the pan while cooking so the steam created makes the broccoli cook faster.Once the broccoli is cooked through, stir in the roasted potatoes. Check the salt and spices, adjust to suit your taste and serve.Serve the Broccoli and Potato Poriyal Recipe along with a bowl of Thakkali Rasam (Tomato Rasam) and Steamed Rice for a comforting meal. | |
420 | Hot and Spicy Chicken Curry Noodles Recipe | Hot and Spicy Chicken Curry Noodles Recipe | 1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil - saffola active,3 Spring Onion Greens - finely chopped,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,2 inch Ginger - thinly sliced,2 teaspoon Sriracha sauce,100 grams Tofu - cut into small cubes,250 grams Chicken breasts - cut into small pieces,40 grams Rolled Oats Or Instant Oats,40 ml Coconut milk,200 grams Egg noodles - boiled,Red Chilli powder - to taste,Salt - to taste | 1 teaspoon Sunflower Oil - saffola active,3 Spring Onion Greens - finely chopped,4 cloves Garlic - finely chopped,2 inch Ginger - thinly sliced,2 teaspoon Sriracha sauce,100 grams Tofu - cut into small cubes,250 grams Chicken breasts - cut into small pieces,40 grams Rolled Oats Or Instant Oats,40 ml Coconut milk,200 grams Egg noodles - boiled,Red Chilli powder - to taste,Salt - to taste | 10 | 40 | 50 | 4 | Chinese | Lunch | Non Vegeterian | To begin making the Hot and Spicy Chicken Curry Noodles recipe, first boil the noodles and keep aside.In a heavy bottomed pan, heat oil and fry the spring onion, ginger and garlic until lightly browned.Add the sriracha sauce, salt and 1 cup of water and chicken. Cover the pan and simmer for 10 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.Reduce the heat, add the tofu, coconut milk, oats and stir. Add the chilli powder, check the salt and adjust to suit your taste.Give the curry a brisk boil, and turn off the heat.Serve Hot and Spicy Chicken Curry Noodles as an one pot meal for your weekend dinner with a glass of Pomegranate Mint Cocktail Recipe.
| To begin making the Hot and Spicy Chicken Curry Noodles recipe, first boil the noodles and keep aside.In a heavy bottomed pan, heat oil and fry the spring onion, ginger and garlic until lightly browned.Add the sriracha sauce, salt and 1 cup of water and chicken. Cover the pan and simmer for 10 minutes until the chicken is cooked through.Reduce the heat, add the tofu, coconut milk, oats and stir. Add the chilli powder, check the salt and adjust to suit your taste.Give the curry a brisk boil, and turn off the heat.Serve Hot and Spicy Chicken Curry Noodles as an one pot meal for your weekend dinner with a glass of Pomegranate Mint Cocktail Recipe. | |
421 | Nendra Pazham Pulissery Recipe - Ayurvedic Recipe | Nendra Pazham Pulissery Recipe - Ayurvedic Recipe | 2 Nendra Pazham Banana (Ripe) - sliced into rounds,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,1 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),Coconut Oil - for cooking,1/2 cup Fresh coconut,2 Green Chilli,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 teaspoon White Urad Dal (Split),Sunflower Oil - for tempering | 2 Nendra Pazham Banana (Ripe) - sliced into rounds,1/4 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),Salt - to taste,1 cup Curd (Dahi / Yogurt),Coconut Oil - for cooking,1/2 cup Fresh coconut,2 Green Chilli,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 teaspoon Cumin seeds (Jeera),1 teaspoon Mustard seeds,1 sprig Curry leaves,1 teaspoon White Urad Dal (Split),Sunflower Oil - for tempering | 10 | 15 | 25 | 4 | Kerala Recipes | Lunch | Vegetarian | To begin making the Nendra Pazham Pulissery Recipe, heat oil in heavy bottomed pan; add the turmeric powder and the Nendra Pazham along with the salt. Stir fry and cook the Nendra Pazham until it is soft and cooked through.Meanwhile grind all the ingredients - coconut, green chillies, cumin seeds, curry leaves along with 1/2 cup warm water to make a smooth mixture.Add this coconut mixture along with the yogurt to the cooked Nendra Pazham and bring to a brisk boil. Add salt to taste and adjust according to taste. Boil for about 3 to 4 minutes and then turn off the heat.To temper, heat a small tempering pan on heat with oil and add the mustard seeds and allow it to splutter for few seconds and add the curry leaves and the urad dal and allow the dal to turn crisp and golden brown.Once done, turn off the heat and add the seasoning over the Nendra Pazham Pulissery and transfer to a serving bowl and serve hot.Serve the Nendra Pazham Pulissery Recipe along with Steamed Rice, Pavakkai Poriyal Recipe and Elai Vadam for a wholesome lunch or dinner.
| To begin making the Nendra Pazham Pulissery Recipe, heat oil in heavy bottomed pan; add the turmeric powder and the Nendra Pazham along with the salt. Stir fry and cook the Nendra Pazham until it is soft and cooked through.Meanwhile grind all the ingredients - coconut, green chillies, cumin seeds, curry leaves along with 1/2 cup warm water to make a smooth mixture.Add this coconut mixture along with the yogurt to the cooked Nendra Pazham and bring to a brisk boil. Add salt to taste and adjust according to taste. Boil for about 3 to 4 minutes and then turn off the heat.To temper, heat a small tempering pan on heat with oil and add the mustard seeds and allow it to splutter for few seconds and add the curry leaves and the urad dal and allow the dal to turn crisp and golden brown.Once done, turn off the heat and add the seasoning over the Nendra Pazham Pulissery and transfer to a serving bowl and serve hot.Serve the Nendra Pazham Pulissery Recipe along with Steamed Rice, Pavakkai Poriyal Recipe and Elai Vadam for a wholesome lunch or dinner. | |
422 | पालक धनिया डोसा रेसिपी - Spinach And Coriander Dosa Recipe | Spinach Coriander Dosa Recipe - Spinach and Coriander Dosa Recipe | 3 कप चावल - रात भर भिगो दे,1 कप सफ़ेद उरद दाल - रात भर भिगो दे,1 छोटा चम्मच मेथी के दाने - रात भर भिगो दे,2 छोटे चम्मच नमक,100 ग्राम पालक - बारीक काट ले,हरा धनिया - थोड़ा,तेल - प्रयोग अनुसार | 3 cups rice - soaked overnight, 1 cup white urad dal - soaked overnight, 1 tsp fenugreek seeds - soaked overnight, 2 tsp salt, 100 grams spinach - finely chopped, green coriander - little, Oil - as per use | 10 | 45 | 55 | 5 | South Indian Recipes | South Indian Breakfast | High Protein Vegetarian | पालक धनिया डोसा रेसिपी बनाने के लिए सबसे पहले भिगोई हुई उरद दाल को एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में डाले और पीस ले. थोड़ा पानी डाले और पेस्ट बना ले. अलग से निकाल ले.अब चावल को मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में पानी के साथ डाले, पीस ले और बैटर बना ले. ध्यान रखें ज्यादा पानी न डाले। अब उरद दाल बैटर और चावल के बैटर को मिलाए, नमक डाले और 12 घंटे के लिए अलग से रख दे. अब पालक और धनिया को एक मिक्सर ग्राइंडर में डाले और पीस कर पेस्ट बना ले. अलग से रख दे. अब इसमें पानी डाले और गाढ़ा बैटर बना ले. ध्यान रखें ज्यादा पानी डालकर एक दम पतला न बनाए। मिलाए और अलग से रख दे. अब एक तवा गरम करें। इस पर थोड़ा तेल डाले और टिशु से पॉच ले. तवे के गरम होने के बाद इस पर एक बड़ा चमच्च डोसा मिश्रण डाले और बिच में से बहार की तरफ फैलाए। गोल आकार का डोसा बना ले.1 छोटा चमच्च तेल या घी दोसे के चारो तरफ डाले और गैस की आंच तेज कर ले. निचे से सुनहरा होने तक पकाए और फिर उसे चमच्च की मदद से पलट दे. दूसरी तरफ भी सुनहरा होने तक पकाए और गरमा गरम परोसे। पालक धनिया डोसा रेसिपी को नारियल की चटनी और फ़िल्टर कॉफ़ी के साथ सुबह के नाश्ते के लिए परोसे।
| To make the spinach coriander dosa recipe, first put the soaked urad dal in a mixer grinder and grind it. Add some water and make a paste. Take it out separately. Now put rice in a mixer grinder with water, grind it and make batter. Take care not to add too much water. Now mix urad dal batter and rice batter, add salt and keep it aside for 12 hours. Now put the spinach and coriander in a mixer grinder and grind it into a paste. Keep it aside. Now add water and make a thick batter. Take care not to add too much water and make it thin. Mix and keep aside. Now heat a griddle. Pour some oil over it and poach it with a tissue. After the tava is hot, add a tablespoon of dosa mixture and spread it from the middle to the outside. Make a dosa of round shape. Pour 1 teaspoon of oil or ghee around the dosa and turn the flame on high. Cook until it turns golden in color and then flip it with the help of a spoon. Cook on the other side as well until golden and serve hot. Serve the spinach coriander dosa recipe with coconut chutney and filter coffee for breakfast. | |
424 | Rosemary And Thyme Chicken Recipe | Rosemary And Thyme Chicken Recipe | 2 Chicken breasts,2 tablespoon Rosemary,2 tablespoon Fresh Thyme leaves - or dried,4 cloves Garlic - minced,2 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Honey,4 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,2 tablespoon Lemon zest,1/2 tablespoon Black pepper powder,5 Lemon wedges | 2 Chicken breasts,2 tablespoon Rosemary,2 tablespoon Fresh Thyme leaves - or dried,4 cloves Garlic - minced,2 tablespoon Lemon juice,1 tablespoon Honey,4 tablespoon Extra Virgin Olive Oil,2 tablespoon Lemon zest,1/2 tablespoon Black pepper powder,5 Lemon wedges | 60 | 20 | 80 | 2 | Continental | Dinner | High Protein Non Vegetarian | To begin making the Rosemary And Thyme Chicken recipe, take a big bowl and mix everything together except lemon slices and chicken breast. Now add the chicken breast and rub the marinate on chicken so that is it completely covered.Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and marinate this in the fridge for at least one hour.After one hour take the chicken out of the fridge and keep it aside.Heat up a skillet and put the chicken breast on it. Arrange the lemon slices beside chicken and pour the left over marinate all over chicken and let it cook on slow heat in the marinade itself.Keep flipping the chicken and cook for 15-20 minutes until the chicken gets cooked. Overcooking might make the chicken chewy and tough. Serve it hot.Serve Rosemary And Thyme Chicken along with Farm Fresh Vegetarian Pasta Salad for a weekday dinner.
| To begin making the Rosemary And Thyme Chicken recipe, take a big bowl and mix everything together except lemon slices and chicken breast. Now add the chicken breast and rub the marinate on chicken so that is it completely covered.Cover the bowl with a plastic wrap and marinate this in the fridge for at least one hour.After one hour take the chicken out of the fridge and keep it aside.Heat up a skillet and put the chicken breast on it. Arrange the lemon slices beside chicken and pour the left over marinate all over chicken and let it cook on slow heat in the marinade itself.Keep flipping the chicken and cook for 15-20 minutes until the chicken gets cooked. Overcooking might make the chicken chewy and tough. Serve it hot.Serve Rosemary And Thyme Chicken along with Farm Fresh Vegetarian Pasta Salad for a weekday dinner. | |
425 | Akoori with Green Peas Recipe (Parsi Style Scrambled Eggs with Green Peas) | Akoori with Green Peas Recipe (Parsi Style Scrambled Eggs with Green Peas) | 7 Whole Eggs,1/2 cup Green peas (Matar),2 Onions - finely chopped,4 Tomatoes - finely chopped,2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Curry powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,3 tablespoons Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,2 teaspoons Sunflower Oil,1 teaspoon Lemon juice,1 teaspoon Ginger - juliennes for garnish,Salt - to taste | 7 Whole Eggs,1/2 cup Green peas (Matar),2 Onions - finely chopped,4 Tomatoes - finely chopped,2 Green Chillies - finely chopped,1 teaspoon Ginger Garlic Paste,1 teaspoon Turmeric powder (Haldi),1 teaspoon Curry powder,1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,3 tablespoons Coriander (Dhania) Leaves - finely chopped,2 teaspoons Sunflower Oil,1 teaspoon Lemon juice,1 teaspoon Ginger - juliennes for garnish,Salt - to taste | 5 | 10 | 15 | 4 | Parsi Recipes | Indian Breakfast | Eggetarian | To begin making Akoori with Green Peas Recipe, heat oil in a pan add the chopped onions, ginger garlic paste and saute till onions turn translucent.Add the green chillies, tomatoes and saute for 2 minutes.Add the green peas, turmeric, red chilli, curry powder, and saute until the peas are cooked well.Now, whisk eggs in a big bowl till it becomes fluffy.Add this to the pan, season with salt and saute to make runny scrambled eggs.Switch off the flame, add the coriander leaves, lemon juice, and mix well.Garnish with ginger juliennes and serve hot.Serve the Akoori with Green Peas Recipe (Parsi Style Scrambled Eggs with Green Peas) along with toasted bread or pav along and Masala chai for breakfast.
| To begin making Akoori with Green Peas Recipe, heat oil in a pan add the chopped onions, ginger garlic paste and saute till onions turn translucent.Add the green chillies, tomatoes and saute for 2 minutes.Add the green peas, turmeric, red chilli, curry powder, and saute until the peas are cooked well.Now, whisk eggs in a big bowl till it becomes fluffy.Add this to the pan, season with salt and saute to make runny scrambled eggs.Switch off the flame, add the coriander leaves, lemon juice, and mix well.Garnish with ginger juliennes and serve hot.Serve the Akoori with Green Peas Recipe (Parsi Style Scrambled Eggs with Green Peas) along with toasted bread or pav along and Masala chai for breakfast. | |
426 | Mishti Doi Recipe - Traditional Bengali Sweet Yogurt | Mishti Doi Recipe - Traditional Bengali Sweet Yogurt | 3 cups Milk,3/4 cup Sugar,1 tablespoon Curd (Dahi / Yogurt) - whisked,1 tablespoon Water | 3 cups Milk,3/4 cup Sugar,1 tablespoon Curd (Dahi / Yogurt) - whisked,1 tablespoon Water | 10 | 30 | 40 | 3 | Bengali Recipes | Dessert | Vegetarian | To begin making the Mishti Doi Recipe, place a heavy bottom pan on the heat. Add the milk and warm it on a medium heat.Reserve 1/3 of the sugar and add the remaining sugar to the milk. Allow it to dissolve while the milk comes to a boil.Turn the heat down and allow the milk to continue boiling until it reduces by half. Then, take it off the heat and set aside.In another pan,add the reserved sugar and place the pan on the heat. Keeping a low-medium heat allow the sugar to warm and melt, and you will notice it gradually changes colour to brown and starts caramelizing.When the sugar is a light golden bubbly mixture, remove from heat and add a tablespoon of water in the caramelized sugar and pour it in to the reduced milk. Stir well until combined.Let the milk cool slightly. Then add the whisked yogurt, stir well and pour the mixture in earthen pots or glass bowls.Let the doi set in a warm place for few hours. When set, store the Mishti Doi in refrigerator and serve chilled.Serve Mishti Doi after a delicious meal of Aloo Dum, Bengali Lucchi and Tomato Onion Cucumber Raita.
| To begin making the Mishti Doi Recipe, place a heavy bottom pan on the heat. Add the milk and warm it on a medium heat.Reserve 1/3 of the sugar and add the remaining sugar to the milk. Allow it to dissolve while the milk comes to a boil.Turn the heat down and allow the milk to continue boiling until it reduces by half. Then, take it off the heat and set aside.In another pan,add the reserved sugar and place the pan on the heat. Keeping a low-medium heat allow the sugar to warm and melt, and you will notice it gradually changes colour to brown and starts caramelizing.When the sugar is a light golden bubbly mixture, remove from heat and add a tablespoon of water in the caramelized sugar and pour it in to the reduced milk. Stir well until combined.Let the milk cool slightly. Then add the whisked yogurt, stir well and pour the mixture in earthen pots or glass bowls.Let the doi set in a warm place for few hours. When set, store the Mishti Doi in refrigerator and serve chilled.Serve Mishti Doi after a delicious meal of Aloo Dum, Bengali Lucchi and Tomato Onion Cucumber Raita. | |
427 | Whole Wheat Flour Murukku Recipe | Whole Wheat Flour Murukku Recipe | 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,1 teaspoon Salt,1 tablespoon Butter (unsalted) - melted,2 teaspoon Sesame seeds (Til seeds),1 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,Water - as required,Sunflower Oil - for deep frying | 2 cups Whole Wheat Flour,1 teaspoon Salt,1 tablespoon Butter (unsalted) - melted,2 teaspoon Sesame seeds (Til seeds),1 teaspoon Ajwain (Carom seeds),1 teaspoon Red Chilli powder,Water - as required,Sunflower Oil - for deep frying | 10 | 20 | 30 | 4 | South Indian Recipes | Snack | Vegetarian | To begin making the Whole Wheat Flour Murukku, in a cotton cloth place the Vivatta chakki atta, bring 2 opposite ends of the cloth and tie them together. Now bring the other 2 opposite ends and tie them too. The flour should be completed covered by the cloth. Place this cloth in a bowl and place that inside a steamer making sure cloth does not turn the water. Steam the atta for about 15 to 20 minutes.After steaming, remove the cloth from the steamer, open the ends and leave it open for few minutes until it cools down so you can handle the flour.Now break the flour as fine as you can and then sieve it to make sure no lumps are present.To the fine flour, add red chili powder, salt, white sesame seeds, ajwain, and hot melted butter. Mix everything with your fingertips until it resembles bread crumb like texture. Add water little at a time and knead. Make a soft and stiff dough and keep the dough covered and away from stove, else the dough will turn too dry.Heat oil in a wide pan on medium flame. While oil is heating, fill the press with murukku mix.Squeeze out the murukku over a greased ladle and drop them gently into the hot oil. Once you drop the murukku, turn flame to medium. Wait until the murukku releases the ladle by itself (if you find that murukku is not leaving the spotted ladle, you can gently push the murukku using another ladle after it’s cooked on one side, mine released by itself).Fry them in oil until golden brown on both side. You will notice that the bubbles in the oil is reduced which indicates murukku is down. Remove from oil and place it on a kitchen towel to absorb excess oil.Once it completely cools, store in air tight container and enjoy them for a longer time.Serve Vivatta Whole Wheat Flour Murukku with hot Adrak Chai Recipe during your tea time break.
| To begin making the Whole Wheat Flour Murukku, in a cotton cloth place the Vivatta chakki atta, bring 2 opposite ends of the cloth and tie them together. Now bring the other 2 opposite ends and tie them too. The flour should be completed covered by the cloth. Place this cloth in a bowl and place that inside a steamer making sure cloth does not turn the water. Steam the atta for about 15 to 20 minutes.After steaming, remove the cloth from the steamer, open the ends and leave it open for few minutes until it cools down so you can handle the flour.Now break the flour as fine as you can and then sieve it to make sure no lumps are present.To the fine flour, add red chili powder, salt, white sesame seeds, ajwain, and hot melted butter. Mix everything with your fingertips until it resembles bread crumb like texture. Add water little at a time and knead. Make a soft and stiff dough and keep the dough covered and away from stove, else the dough will turn too dry.Heat oil in a wide pan on medium flame. While oil is heating, fill the press with murukku mix.Squeeze out the murukku over a greased ladle and drop them gently into the hot oil. Once you drop the murukku, turn flame to medium. Wait until the murukku releases the ladle by itself (if you find that murukku is not leaving the spotted ladle, you can gently push the murukku using another ladle after it’s cooked on one side, mine released by itself).Fry them in oil until golden brown on both side. You will notice that the bubbles in the oil is reduced which indicates murukku is down. Remove from oil and place it on a kitchen towel to absorb excess oil.Once it completely cools, store in air tight container and enjoy them for a longer time.Serve Vivatta Whole Wheat Flour Murukku with hot Adrak Chai Recipe during your tea time break. | |
Subsets and Splits