
ماذا يأكل الأطفال كوجبة خفيفة قبل المدرسة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "شطائر الخبز بالمربى", "شطائر الخبز بالمعجون", "خبز بالمربى والزبدة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "bread sandwiches with jam", "sandwich with jam", "bread with jam and butter" ] }, { "answers": [ "هلالية", "كرواسان" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "crescent-like or related to a crescent", "crescent" ] }, { "answers": [ "حليب", "الحليب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "milk" ] }, { "answers": [ "اللمجة", "لمجة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "snack" ] } ]
What is a common snack for preschool kids in your country?
ما هو الطعام الشعبي الذي يتناول مع البيرة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 5, "other": [] }
What is a popular food to go with beer in your country?
ما هي الفاكهة الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البرتقال" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "orange" ] }, { "answers": [ "التمر" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "dates" ] }, { "answers": [ "الموز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bananas" ] }, { "answers": [ "البطيخ" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "watermelon" ] } ]
What is the most popular fruit in your country?
ما هو طعام كافتيريا المدرسة الشائع في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 4, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العدس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "lentils", "lentil" ] } ]
What is a common school cafeteria food in your country?
ما هي الوجبات الخفيفة التي يتناولها الناس في مراكز التسوق في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البيتزا", "بيتزا" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "همبرقر", "برغر" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "hamburger", "burger" ] }, { "answers": [ "شوارمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shawarma" ] }, { "answers": [ "الآيس كريم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ice cream" ] }, { "answers": [ "سندويتش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sandwich" ] } ]
What are the most commonly eaten snacks at shopping malls in your country?
ما هي الوجبة الخفيفة الشعبية في مدينة الملاهي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "غزل البنات", "لحية بابا" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "cotton candy" ] }, { "answers": [ "الآيس كريم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ice cream" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكعك المقلي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "donuts" ] } ]
What is a popular snack at an amusement park in your country?
في أي سن يبدأ الأطفال الذهاب للروضة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية فقط (مثلاً، 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "4" ] }, { "answers": [ "1" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "1" ] } ]
At what age do kids start preschool in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هو النشاط الرياضي المفضل بعد المدرسة لتلاميذ الابتدائي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] } ]
What is a popular afterschool sport for elementary schools in your country?
ما هي المادة التي يتلقى فيها أكثر تلاميذ الابتدائي دروسا خصوصية؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الرياضيات" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "mathematics", "math" ] } ]
For which subject do elementary students get private education in your country?
ما هي اللغة الثانية الشائعة لطلاب الثانوية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الفرنسية" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "french" ] } ]
What is a popular second language for high school students in your country?
أي مادة هي الأهم لتعليم الموهوبين في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الرياضيات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "mathematics", "math" ] }, { "answers": [ "الموسيقى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "music" ] }, { "answers": [ "الرسم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "painting", "drawing" ] }, { "answers": [ "الموسيقى", "الومسيقى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "music" ] } ]
Which subject is the most important for gifted education in your country?
ما هو الطبق الرئيسي لعيد الشكر في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 5, "other": [] }
What is the main dish for Thanksgiving in your country?
ماذا يفعل الناس للاحتفال بعيد الهالوين في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 5, "other": [] }
What do people do to celebrate Halloween in your country?
ماذا يفعل الناس للاحتفال برأس السنة الجديدة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "يأكلون الحلوى", "يأكلون الحلوة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eating sweets", "eat sweets" ] } ]
What do people do to celebrate New Year's Day in your country?
ماذا يفعل الناس للاحتفال بعيد الميلاد في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
What do people do to celebrate Christmas in your country?
أي نوع من الطعام يرتبط بعيد الهالوين في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 5, "other": [] }
What food is associated with Halloween in your country?
ما هي الأطعمة المرتبطة بعيد الميلاد في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
What food is associated with Christmas in your country?
ما هو الطعام المرتبط بعيد الحب في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الشكلاطة", "الشكولاطة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "chocolate" ] } ]
What food is associated with Valentine's day in your country?
ماذا يأكل الناس في أعياد ميلادهم في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكعك", "كعكة الميلاد", "الحلوى", "تورتة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "cake", "birthday cake", "tart" ] } ]
What do people eat on their birthday in your country?
ما هو مكان أشهر مكان لخروج العائلات مع الأطفال الصغار في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "متنزه الصابلات", "متنزه السابلات", "صابلات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sablettes park" ] }, { "answers": [ "حديقة التجارب", "الحديقة العمومية" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "botanical garden hamma", "public garden", "garden" ] }, { "answers": [ "المنتزه" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "park" ] }, { "answers": [ "البحر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sea" ] }, { "answers": [ "مراكز التسوق" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shopping center" ] } ]
What is a popular outdoor place for families to have fun with little kids in your country?
ما هي الأنشطة العائلية المنزلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مشاهدة التلفاز" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "watching tv", "watch tv" ] }, { "answers": [ "الغميضة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "hide and seek" ] } ]
What is a popular indoor activity for families in your country?
أين يتناول طلبة الجامعة غداءهم في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المطعم الجامعي", "المطعم" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "university restaurant", "restaurant" ] }, { "answers": [ "محلات الاكل الخفيف" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "snack shops" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "house", "home" ] } ]
Where do university students have lunch in your country?
في أي شهر يتم عادة جدولة الامتحانات النهائية في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم من 1 إلى 12)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "6" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "6" ] } ]
Which month is the final exam term usually scheduled at high schools in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)
كم من ساعة في اليوم يقضيها طلاب المدرسة الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية الصحيحة (0~24)، بدون أي نقاط عشرية.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "8" ] }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "7" ] } ]
How many hours a day do students in your country usually spend at high school? (Provide Arabic numerals in integers (0~24), without any decimal points.)
كم من لغة يدرس الطلاب في المدارس الثانوية في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 5.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "4" ] } ]
How many languages do students study at high school in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)
ما هي أشهر رياضة جماعية يتم لعبها في المدارس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة اليد" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "handball" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة السلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "basketball" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة الطائرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "volleyball" ] } ]
What is the most popular sport played in a team at school in your country?
من هو أشهر معلق رياضي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "حفيظ دراجي", "حفيض دراجي" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "hafid derradji" ] } ]
Who is the most popular sport commentator in your country?
ما هو أشهر فريق رياضي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مولودية الجزائر", "مولودية", "المولودية" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "mc algiers", "mc alger", "mouloudia club d'alger", "d'alger", "mca", "mouloudia" ] } ]
What is the most popular sport team in your country?
ما هي الأماكن أو الفضاءات الشائعة التي يتجمع فيها الأفراد في الجزائر لمشاهدة بث رياضي؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المقاهي", "المقهى", "مقاهي", "مقهى" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "cafes", "cafe" ] }, { "answers": [ "الساحات العمومية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "public squares", "square" ] }, { "answers": [ "مدرجات الملعب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "stadium stands", "stadium" ] } ]
What are the common places or venues where individuals in your country usually gather to watch sports broadcasts?
كم وجبة في اليوم يتناولها الناس في الجزائر عادة؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 5)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "4" ] } ]
How many meals per day do people from your country usually have? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 5) only.)
ما هي أهم وجبة في اليوم بالنسبة للشعب الجزائري؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الغداء", "الغذاء" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "lunch" ] }, { "answers": [ "العشاء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "dinner" ] }, { "answers": [ "فطور الصباح" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "morning breakfast", "breakfast" ] } ]
Which is the most important meal of the day to people from your country?
ما هو أكثر مكون شائع الاستخدام في النظام الغذائي الجزائري؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "القمح", "قمح" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "wheat" ] }, { "answers": [ "البطاطس", "البطاطا,بطاطا, بطاطس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "potatoes", "potato" ] }, { "answers": [ "الخبز", "خبز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bread" ] } ]
What is the most common ingredient used in your country's diet?
ماذا يأكل الناس في الجزائر عادة للتحلية بعد الطعام؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الفاكهة", "الفواكه", "فاكهة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "fruit", "fruits" ] } ]
What do people from your country usually eat for dessert?
أي يوم من أيام الأسبوع ينظم الناس عادة وجبة عائلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجمعة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "friday" ] } ]
Which day of the week do people usually organize a family meal in your country?
ما هو المشروب الساخن الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "القهوة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "coffee" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشاي" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "tea" ] } ]
Which is the most popular hot drink in your country?
ماذا يشرب الشباب في الجزائر عادة في النادي الليلي؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
What do young people from your country usually drink at the night club?
في أي شهر يأخذ الناس عادة عطلاتهم في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 1~12).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "8" ] }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "7" ] } ]
At which month do people usually take holidays in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (1~12) only.)
ما هي التقاليد المتبعة في الجزائر ليلة رأس السنة؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 3, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "اكل الحلوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "eating sweets", "sweets" ] }, { "answers": [ "تناول العشاء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "having dinner", "have dinner" ] } ]
What tradition is there in your country for New Year's Eve?
ما هو النوع النموذجي لمنازل العائلات في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "شقة", "الشقق", "الشقة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "apartment", "apartments" ] } ]
Which is the typical type of house for a family in your country?
أين يعيش كبار السن العاجزين عادة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مع احد أبنائهم", "بين أولادهم", "مع أبنائهم", "مع أولادهم" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "with one of their children", "with children", "with their children", "among their children" ] }, { "answers": [ "في البيت", "منزلهم", "في المنزل" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "at home", "house", "home", "their house" ] } ]
Where do the dependent elderly usually live in your country?
كم تستغرق مدة إجازة الأمومة في الجزائر بالأسابيع؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "14" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "14" ] } ]
How long (in weeks) is your country's maternity leave for mums? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)
كم تدوم (بالأسابيع) إجازة الأبوة في الجزائر للآباء؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 20.)
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "0" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "0" ] } ]
How long (in weeks) is your country's paternity leave for dads? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 20) only.)
أي وجهة يتم اختيارها عادة لقضاء عطلة عائلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البحر", "شاطئ البحر", "بحر", "الشاطئ" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "sea", "beach" ] } ]
What type of destination is commonly chosen for a family vacation in your country?
ما هي الرياضات التي يفضلها كبار السن في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الكرة الحديدية", "الكر الحديدية" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "petanque", "pétanque" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "المشي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "walking", "walk" ] } ]
What sports do seniors like the most in your country?
ما هي الرياضات التي يفضل الرجال ممارستها في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] } ]
What sports do men like to play the most in your country?
من هو أشهر لاعب كرة سلة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 4, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
Who is the most famous basketball player in your country?
ما هو أشهر رياضة لدى الأطفال في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "القفز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "jumping" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكاراتيه", "الكراتيه" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "karate", "karaté" ] } ]
What is the most popular sports among children in your country?
ما هي الرياضات التي تفضل النساء ممارستها في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجمباز" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "gymnastics" ] }, { "answers": [ "اللياقة البدنية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fitness" ] }, { "answers": [ "الرقص" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "dance" ] } ]
What sports do women like to play the most in your country?
في أي رياضة فازت الجزائر بأكبر عدد من الميداليات الذهبية في الأولمبياد؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجودو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "judo" ] }, { "answers": [ "السباحة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "swimming" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملاكمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "boxing" ] } ]
What sports event has your country won the most gold medals at the Olympics?
ما هي الرياضات التي يفضل الطلاب الذكور في الجامعة ممارستها في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة السلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "basketball" ] }, { "answers": [ "اللياقة البدنية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "physical fitness", "fitness" ] }, { "answers": [ "رفع الأثقال" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "weightlifting", "weight lifting" ] } ]
What sports do male students in university like to play the most in your country?
كم عدد الأشخاص في الأسرة في المتوسط في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "5" ] }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "4" ] } ]
How many people are there in a family on average in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
كم عدد الأطفال الذي ينجبه الأزواج عادة في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "2" ] } ]
How many children do couples usually have in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هي مدة الدراسة الابتدائية بالسنوات في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "5" ] } ]
What is the duration of elementary school in years in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هي مدة التعليم الإلزامي بالسنوات في الجزائر؟(أجب برقم, مثلا 12)
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "11" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "11" ] }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "12" ] }, { "answers": [ "9" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "9" ] } ]
What is the duration of compulsory education in years in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
من أي سن يبدأ الطلاب تعلم اللغة الثانية في الجزائر؟(أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "7" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "7" ] }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "8" ] }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "3" ] } ]
From which age do students start learning their second language in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ما هي مدة التعليم الجامعي في الجزائر؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "5" ] }, { "answers": [ "7" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "7" ] }, { "answers": [ "3" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "3" ] }, { "answers": [ "4" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "4" ] } ]
What is the duration of undergraduate education in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
في أي وقت ينتهي دوام التلاميذ الصغار في المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "15:30", "03:30" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "15:30" ] }, { "answers": [ "16:00", "04:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "16:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "15:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "15:00" ] } ]
What time do younger elementary school students finish school in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
كم عدد الآلات الموسيقية التي يعزف عليها تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر عادة؟ (أجب برقم, مثلا 12.)
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "0" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "0" ] } ]
How many musical instruments do elementary school students in your country typically play? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
أي يوم من أيام الأسبوع يفضل الناس في الجزائر تنظيم عشاءات في الشركات؟
{ "idk": 3, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الخميس" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "thursday" ] } ]
What day of the week do people in your country prefer to have company dinners?
أي منطقة/مدينة تحتوي على أكبر عدد من الشركات المالية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجزائر العاصمة", "الجزائر" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "algiers" ] } ]
Which region/city has the highest number of financial companies in your country?
ما هي أشهر شركة خاصة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "سيفيتال" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "cevital" ] }, { "answers": [ "حمود بوعلام" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "hammoud boualem" ] } ]
What is the most famous private company in your country?
ما هو العدد الأقصى لساعات العمل التي يمكن للمرء أن يعملها في الأسبوع في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "40" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "40" ] }, { "answers": [ "50" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "50" ] } ]
What is the maximum number of hours one can work per week in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ماذا يأكل الناس عادة في تجمعات الشركات في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 3, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "اللحم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "meat" ] }, { "answers": [ "البيتزا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pizza" ] }, { "answers": [ "معجنات", "المعجنات" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pastries" ] } ]
What do people typically eat during company get-together in your country?
ما هوأهم منتج تصدره الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "البترول" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "petroleum" ] }, { "answers": [ "الغاز", "الغاز الطبيعي" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "gas", "natural gas" ] } ]
What is the representative export item of your country?
كم تدوم (بالساعات) فترة الاستراحة للغداء في الجزائر؟ (قدم الأرقام العربية بمنزلة عشرية واحدة (مثلاً، 2، 3.5) فقط.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "1" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "1" ] }, { "answers": [ "0" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "0" ] }, { "answers": [ "2" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "2" ] }, { "answers": [ "1.5" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "1.5" ] } ]
How long (in hours) is the typical lunch break in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals up to one decimal point (e.g., 2, 3.5) only.)
أين تقيم الأمهات لفترة معينة بعد الولادة للتعافي في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عند والدتهم", "بيت اهلها", "عند أمهاتهن", "عند والداتهن" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "at their mother's", "mother's house", "parents' house", "at their mothers'", "mothers'" ] }, { "answers": [ "بيت زوجها", "البيت", "بيوتهن" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "husband's house", "house", "home", "their houses" ] } ]
Where do mothers stay for a certain period after childbirth for recovery in your country?
ما هي الزهرة الأكثر إهداءً في الجزائر في يوم الوالدين؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الورود" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "roses" ] } ]
What is your country's most commonly given flower on Parents' Day?
على ما ينفق الناس أول راتب لهم في المجتمع الجزائري؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "والديهم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "their parents", "parents" ] }, { "answers": [ "مصاريف البيت" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "household expenses", "household" ] }, { "answers": [ "على الصدقة", "الصدقة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "for charity", "charity" ] } ]
What do people especially spend their first salary on in your country's society?
ما هي المرافق الترفيهية المفضلة لدى الأطفال في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "حديقة التسلية", "مدينة الملاهي", "الملاهي" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "amusement park", "amusement parks" ] }, { "answers": [ "الحديقة العمومية", "الحديقة العامة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "public garden", "garden" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملعب البلدي", "الملعب" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "municipal stadium" ] }, { "answers": [ "البحر" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sea", "beach" ] }, { "answers": [ "الشارع" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "street" ] } ]
What is the most preferred recreational facility among children in your country?
ما هي العطل العائلية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "عطلة الصيف", "الصيفية", "العطلة الصيفية" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "summer vacation", "summer time" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجمعة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "friday" ] } ]
What are the family-related holidays in your country?
ما هي المراحل الرئيسية المرتبطة باستقلال الأطفال عن والديهم في المجتمع الجزائري؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الزواج" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "marriage" ] }, { "answers": [ "العمل" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "work" ] }, { "answers": [ "الهجرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "immigration" ] } ]
What are the key milestones associated with children's independence from their parents in your country's society?
ما هي الهدية التي تقدمها عند زيارة الوالدين المسنين في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحلوى", "الحلويات", "حلويات" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "sweets" ] }, { "answers": [ "الفاكهة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "fruit" ] }, { "answers": [ "الطعام" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "food" ] }, { "answers": [ "عطور" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "perfume" ] } ]
What is the common gift you give when visiting elderly parents in your country?
متى يكون أول يوم يحتفل فيه الناس بولادة طفل في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "اليوم السابع", "اسبوع بعد الولادة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "seventh day", "seven days later", "7th", "seven days", "week after childbirth", "week after", "after a week" ] }, { "answers": [ "يوم الميلاد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "day of birth" ] } ]
When is the first day that people celebrate after a child is born in your country?
أي عيد ميلاد يحتفل به بأكبر قدر من الفخامة في المجتمع الجزائري؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
Which age's birthday is celebrated the most grandly in your country's society?
أين يدرس طلاب المتوسط والثانوي في الجزائر عادةً للامتحانات؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المكتبة", "في المكتبة مع الأقران" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "library", "in the library with peers" ] }, { "answers": [ "في المنزل", "البيت", "المنزل" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "at home", "home", "house" ] }, { "answers": [ "مدارس الدعم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "support schools" ] } ]
Where do middle and high school students in your country usually study for exams?
أين يذهب طلاب الثانوية في الجزائر عادة بعد العشاء؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "بيوتهم", "البيت", "منازلهم", "البيت,المنزل", "المنازل,منازل" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "their homes", "home", "house" ] }, { "answers": [ "إلى النوم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "to sleep" ] } ]
Where do high school students in your country usually go after dinner?
كيف يذهب تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر إلى المدرسة؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مشيا" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "on foot" ] }, { "answers": [ "يوصلهم احد الوالدين" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "one of the parents drops them off", "parents' car", "parents" ] }, { "answers": [ "لوحدهم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "alone" ] }, { "answers": [ "الباص", "النقل العمومي", "الحافلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "bus", "public transport" ] } ]
How do elementary school students in your country go to school?
ما هي أكثر أشكال التعليم الخاص شيوعًا في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "مدارس التعليم الخاصة", "التعليم الخاص", "التعليم العام", "المدارس الخاصة" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "private schools", "general education", "private education", "special education", "private school" ] }, { "answers": [ "دروس الدعم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "support lessons" ] }, { "answers": [ "مدارس التكوين المهني للكبار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "vocational training schools for adults" ] } ]
What is the most common form of private education in your country?
أي أكاديمية أو معهد تعليمي خاص بمادة معينة يرتادها طلاب المتوسط أو الثانوي في الجزائر بكثرة؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 4, "other": [] }
Which subject’s academy/private educational institute do middle or high students most frequently attend in your country?
أي نوع من الملابس يرتديها طلاب المتوسط والثانوي إلى المدرسة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "المئزر", "المئزرة", "مئزر" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "apron" ] }, { "answers": [ "ملابس عادية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "casual clothes", "casual clothing" ] } ]
What type of clothing do middle and high school students wear to school in your country?
أي تخصص جامعي يعتبر الأصعب نسبة لمعدل القبول في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الطب", "طب" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "medicine" ] }, { "answers": [ "الهندسة", "هندسة" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "engineering" ] }, { "answers": [ "الاعلام الآلي", "الإعلام الآلي", "إعلام الآلي" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "computer science", "computer engineering" ] }, { "answers": [ "الصيدلة", "صيدلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "pharmacy" ] } ]
Which major is considered the most difficult to gain admission to in your country?
ما هي الآلة الموسيقية التي يقبل أكثر تلاميذ المدارس على تعلمها؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 2, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الجيتار", "جيتار", "الغيتار" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "guitar" ] } ]
What is the most commonly learned musical instrument by elementary school students in your country?
ماذا يفعل طلاب الثانوية عادة أثناء فترة الاستراحة في المدارس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 2, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "يأكلون" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "eat" ] }, { "answers": [ "يلتقون باصدقائهم" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "meet their friends", "meet friends" ] }, { "answers": [ "يتحدثون" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "talk" ] }, { "answers": [ "يلعبون" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "play" ] } ]
What do high school students typically do during break time in schools in your country?
أي نوع من الأحذية يرتديها الطلاب في المدارس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "حذاء رياضي" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sneakers" ] }, { "answers": [ "حذاء" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "shoe" ] }, { "answers": [ "الأحذية الرياضية" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "sports shoes" ] } ]
What kind of shoes do students wear in schools in your country?
ما هي مواد امتحان دخول الجامعة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كل المواد" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "all subjects", "all" ] }, { "answers": [ "الباكالوريا", "هو إمتحان الباكالوريا" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "baccalaureate", "baccalaureate exam" ] } ]
What are the required subjects in your country's university entrance exam?
أي منطقة (داخل مدينة) في الجزائر تتمتع بأعلى حماس أكاديمي؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 1, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الحراش" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "el harrach" ] }, { "answers": [ "مركز الجزائر العاصمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "algiers downtown", "center of algiers" ] } ]
Which region (within a city) in your country has the highest academic fervor?
ما هو الشيء الذي يتطلع إليه الناس أكثر شيء في مهرجانات الجامعات في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 1, "not-applicable": 2, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التعرف على أفضل الفرص الممكنة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "identifying the best possible opportunities", "identify the best possible opportunities" ] } ]
What do people look forward to the most at university festivals in your country?
ما هو ثاني رياضة الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة اليد" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "handball" ] }, { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "كرة السلة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "basketball" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجودو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "judo" ] } ]
What is the second most popular sport in your country?
ما هي أشهر رياضة تُلعب بدون كرة في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "العدو", "الركض" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجودو", "الجيدو" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "judo" ] }, { "answers": [ "العاب القوى", "ألعاب القوى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "athletics" ] }, { "answers": [ "الملاكمة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "boxing" ] } ]
What is the most popular sport played without a ball in your country?
ما هي الرياضات الأكثر ارتباطًا بالطبقة الغنية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "التنس" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "tennis" ] }, { "answers": [ "ركوب الخيل" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "horse riding" ] } ]
What sports are most associated with the upper class in your country?
ما هي الرياضة المائية الأكثر شعبية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "السباحة" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "swimming", "swim" ] } ]
What is the most popular water sport in your country?
ما هي أشهر رياضة ذهنية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "الشطرنج" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "chess" ] } ]
What is the most popular mental sport in your country?
كم يوم عطلة في السنة يحصل عليها العامل العادي في الجزائر؟(استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 12)
{ "idk": 1, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "30" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "30" ] } ]
How many holiday days per year does a standard worker gets in your country? (Provide Arabic numerals (e.g., 12) only.)
ها هي أهم منطقة زراعية في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "متيجة", "المتيجة" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "mitidja" ] }, { "answers": [ "الهضاب العليا" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "high plateaus", "hautes plaines", "high plains" ] }, { "answers": [ "عين الدفلة", "عين الدفلى" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ain defla", "aïn defla" ] } ]
What region in your country has been traditionally associated with agriculture?
متى يغادر الناس عادة العمل لتناول الغداء في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقيقة مثلاً، 18:00، 09:00).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "12:00" ], "count": 5, "en_answers": [ "12:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "12:30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "12:30" ] }, { "answers": [ "13:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "13:00" ] } ]
What time, if any, do people usually leave work for lunch in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
في أي وقت يميل طلاب الثانوية لمغادرة المدرسة في الجزائر؟ (قدم الوقت بتنسيق الساعة:الدقائق مثل، 18:00، 09:00).
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "16:30" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "16:30" ] }, { "answers": [ "17:00" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "17:00" ] }, { "answers": [ "17:30" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "17:30" ] }, { "answers": [ "16:00" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "16:00" ] } ]
What time do high school students tend to leave school in your country? (Provide in HH:MM format (e.g., 18:00, 09:00).)
أي رياضة يميل تلاميذ المدارس الابتدائية لممارستها في المدارس في الجزائر؟
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "كرة القدم" ], "count": 3, "en_answers": [ "football", "soccer" ] }, { "answers": [ "الجري", "الركض" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "running" ] }, { "answers": [ "القفز" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "jumping" ] }, { "answers": [ "الكرة" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "ball" ] } ]
What sport do elementary school students tend to practice at school in your country?
كم تدوم عطلة الصيف (بالأسابيع) في المدارس الابتدائية في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "12" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "12" ] }, { "answers": [ "10" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "10" ] }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "8" ] }, { "answers": [ "13" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "13" ] } ]
How long (in weeks) are summer vacations at elementary schools in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)
كم تدوم عطلة الصيف في الجامعات الجزائرية بالأسابيع؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "10" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "10" ] }, { "answers": [ "8" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "8" ] }, { "answers": [ "12" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "12" ] }, { "answers": [ "15" ], "count": 1, "en_answers": [ "15" ] } ]
How long (in weeks) are summer vacations at universities in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)
في أي سن يبدأ التعليم الابتدائي في الجزائر؟ (استعمل الأرقام العربية مثل 7, 8.)
{ "idk": 0, "no-answer": 0, "not-applicable": 0, "other": [] }
[ { "answers": [ "6" ], "count": 4, "en_answers": [ "6" ] }, { "answers": [ "5" ], "count": 2, "en_answers": [ "5" ] } ]
At what age does elementary education begin in your country? (Provide in Arabic numerals (e.g., 7, 8) only.)


This is the official repository of BLEnD: A Benchmark for LLMs on Everyday Knowledge in Diverse Cultures and Languages (Submitted to NeurIPS 2024 Datasets and Benchmarks Track).


BLEnD Construction & LLM Evaluation Framework

Large language models (LLMs) often lack culture-specific everyday knowledge, especially across diverse regions and non-English languages. Existing benchmarks for evaluating LLMs' cultural sensitivities are usually limited to a single language or online sources like Wikipedia, which may not reflect the daily habits, customs, and lifestyles of different regions. That is, information about the food people eat for their birthday celebrations, spices they typically use, musical instruments youngsters play, or the sports they practice in school is not always explicitly written online. To address this issue, we introduce BLEnD, a hand-crafted benchmark designed to evaluate LLMs' everyday knowledge across diverse cultures and languages. The benchmark comprises 52.6k question-answer pairs from 16 countries/regions, in 13 different languages, including low-resource ones such as Amharic, Assamese, Azerbaijani, Hausa, and Sundanese. We evaluate LLMs in two formats: short-answer questions, and multiple-choice questions. We show that LLMs perform better in cultures that are more present online, with a maximum 57.34% difference in GPT-4, the best-performing model, in the short-answer format. Furthermore, we find that LLMs perform better in their local languages for mid-to-high-resource languages. Interestingly, for languages deemed to be low-resource, LLMs provide better answers in English.


datasets >= 2.19.2
pandas >= 2.1.4


All the data samples for short-answer questions, including the human-annotated answers, can be found in the data/ directory. Specifically, the annotations from each country are included in the annotations split, and each country/region's data can be accessed by country codes.

from datasets import load_dataset

annotations = load_dataset("nayeon212/BLEnD",'annotations')

# To access data from Assam:
assam_annotations = annotations['AS']

Each file includes a JSON variable with question IDs, questions in the local language and English, the human annotations both in the local language and English, and their respective vote counts as values. The same dataset for South Korea is shown below:

    "ID": "Al-en-06",
    "question": "대한민국 학교 급식에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 음식은 무엇인가요?",
    "en_question": "What is a common school cafeteria food in your country?",
    "annotations": [
            "answers": [
            "en_answers": [
            "count": 4
            "answers": [
            "en_answers": [
            "count": 3
    "idks": {
        "idk": 0,
        "no-answer": 0,
        "not-applicable": 0

The topics and source language for each question can be found in short-answer-questions split. Questions for each country in their local languages and English can be accessed by country codes. Each CSV file question ID, topic, source language, question in English, and the local language (in the Translation column) for all questions.

from datasets import load_dataset

questions = load_dataset("nayeon212/BLEnD",'short-answer-questions')

# To access data from Assam:
assam_questions = questions['AS']

The current set of multiple choice questions and their answers can be found at the multiple-choice-questions split.

from datasets import load_dataset

mcq = load_dataset("nayeon212/BLEnD",'multiple-choice-questions')

Country/Region Codes

Country/Region Code Language Code
United States US English en
United Kingdom GB English en
China CN Chinese zh
Spain ES Spanish es
Mexico MX Spanish es
Indonesia ID Indonesian id
South Korea KR Korean ko
North Korea KP Korean ko
Greece GR Greek el
Iran IR Persian fa
Algeria DZ Arabic ar
Azerbaijan AZ Azerbaijani az
West Java JB Sundanese su
Assam AS Assamese as
Northern Nigeria NG Hausa ha
Ethiopia ET Amharic am
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