What is the name of the Loser when the winner was new england patriots, and a Location of giants stadium, and a Result of 30–28?
CREATE TABLE table_name_46 (loser VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, winner VARCHAR, location VARCHAR)
SELECT loser FROM table_name_46 WHERE winner = "new england patriots" AND location = "giants stadium" AND result = "30–28"
The round that had the final, what was the result?
CREATE TABLE table_name_11 (result VARCHAR, round VARCHAR)
SELECT result FROM table_name_11 WHERE round = "final"
What is the Format and Special Notes for of the pact: ...of the gods?
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (format VARCHAR, _special_notes VARCHAR, title VARCHAR)
SELECT format, _special_notes FROM table_name_23 WHERE title = "the pact: ...of the gods"
What was the original title that was directed by Alain Resnais in France before 1986?
CREATE TABLE table_name_22 (original_title VARCHAR, director_s_ VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, country VARCHAR)
SELECT original_title FROM table_name_22 WHERE year < 1986 AND country = "france" AND director_s_ = "alain resnais"
Which Performance has a Test Standard of bs en779, and a Particulate size approaching 100% retention of >2µm, and a Class of f6?
CREATE TABLE table_name_39 (performance VARCHAR, class VARCHAR, test_standard VARCHAR, particulate_size_approaching_100_percentage_retention VARCHAR)
SELECT performance FROM table_name_39 WHERE test_standard = "bs en779" AND particulate_size_approaching_100_percentage_retention = ">2µm" AND class = "f6"
How many years premiered have Sa Beining as main presenter?
CREATE TABLE table_24224647_2 (year_premiered VARCHAR, main_presenter VARCHAR)
SELECT COUNT(year_premiered) FROM table_24224647_2 WHERE main_presenter = "Sa Beining"
What is the example for the American of ɪ, ə, and a Semi-closed initial unstressed vowels of y /ɨ/?
CREATE TABLE table_name_73 (examples VARCHAR, american VARCHAR, semi_closed_initial_unstressed_vowels VARCHAR)
SELECT examples FROM table_name_73 WHERE american = "ɪ, ə" AND semi_closed_initial_unstressed_vowels = "y /ɨ/"
What is the height in Rouen?
CREATE TABLE table_name_23 (height_metres___ft VARCHAR, town VARCHAR)
SELECT height_metres___ft FROM table_name_23 WHERE town = "rouen"
What is the Opponent when the location was groves stadium • winston-salem, nc, with a result of t 17-17?
CREATE TABLE table_name_20 (opponent VARCHAR, location VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
SELECT opponent FROM table_name_20 WHERE location = "groves stadium • winston-salem, nc" AND result = "t 17-17"
What was Jack Brabham's highest grid when his laps were more than 90?
CREATE TABLE table_name_76 (grid INTEGER, driver VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR)
SELECT MAX(grid) FROM table_name_76 WHERE driver = "jack brabham" AND laps > 90
What is the Community Band with a 4BCB Callsign?
CREATE TABLE table_name_95 (band VARCHAR, purpose VARCHAR, callsign VARCHAR)
SELECT band FROM table_name_95 WHERE purpose = "community" AND callsign = "4bcb"
What is the average number of deaths for earthquakes centered in Damghan?
CREATE TABLE table_name_84 (fatalities INTEGER, epicenter VARCHAR)
SELECT AVG(fatalities) FROM table_name_84 WHERE epicenter = "damghan"
Count the Rank-Final which has a Year larger than 2008, and an Apparatus of balance beam, and a Rank-Qualifying larger than 4?
CREATE TABLE table_name_68 (rank_final VARCHAR, rank_qualifying VARCHAR, year VARCHAR, apparatus VARCHAR)
SELECT COUNT(rank_final) FROM table_name_68 WHERE year > 2008 AND apparatus = "balance beam" AND rank_qualifying > 4
If the original air date is April 1, 2003, what number in the series is this episode?
CREATE TABLE table_228973_9 (no_in_series VARCHAR, original_air_date VARCHAR)
SELECT no_in_series FROM table_228973_9 WHERE original_air_date = "April 1, 2003"
What sesaon(s) did they have 254 goals against?
CREATE TABLE table_2817196_1 (season VARCHAR, goals_against VARCHAR)
SELECT season FROM table_2817196_1 WHERE goals_against = 254
List the types of competition that have at most five competitions of that type.
CREATE TABLE competition (Competition_type VARCHAR)
SELECT Competition_type FROM competition GROUP BY Competition_type HAVING COUNT(*) <= 5
on how many days did the episode written by harold hayes jr. & craig s. phillips originally air
CREATE TABLE table_29196086_4 (original_air_date VARCHAR, written_by VARCHAR)
SELECT COUNT(original_air_date) FROM table_29196086_4 WHERE written_by = "Harold Hayes Jr. & Craig S. Phillips"
Which team scores 119 in round 4?
CREATE TABLE table_name_1 (club_team VARCHAR, round VARCHAR, overall VARCHAR)
SELECT club_team FROM table_name_1 WHERE round = 4 AND overall = 119
What is the to par for Tom Weiskopf?
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (to_par INTEGER, player VARCHAR)
SELECT AVG(to_par) FROM table_name_6 WHERE player = "tom weiskopf"
How many womens doubles had champions the years broddi kristjánsson drífa harðardóttir won mixed doubles
CREATE TABLE table_14903999_1 (womens_doubles VARCHAR, mixed_doubles VARCHAR)
SELECT COUNT(womens_doubles) FROM table_14903999_1 WHERE mixed_doubles = "Broddi Kristjánsson Drífa Harðardóttir"
I want the chassis for entrant of ecurie lutetia
CREATE TABLE table_name_34 (chassis VARCHAR, entrant VARCHAR)
SELECT chassis FROM table_name_34 WHERE entrant = "ecurie lutetia"
what is the aggregate score for the europa league play off round contest and round
CREATE TABLE table_29261823_10 (aggregate_score VARCHAR, contest_and_round VARCHAR)
SELECT aggregate_score FROM table_29261823_10 WHERE contest_and_round = "Europa League Play Off Round"
what is the average year for 0 points and ferrari v8?
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (year INTEGER, points VARCHAR, engine VARCHAR)
SELECT AVG(year) FROM table_name_85 WHERE points = 0 AND engine = "ferrari v8"
What was the H/A on 29 july 1992?
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (h___a VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
SELECT h___a FROM table_name_4 WHERE date = "29 july 1992"
WhichPlayer has a Debut year larger than 1930, and Goals smaller than 95, and Years at club of 1938, and Games of 6?
CREATE TABLE table_name_6 (player VARCHAR, games VARCHAR, years_at_club VARCHAR, debut_year VARCHAR, goals VARCHAR)
SELECT player FROM table_name_6 WHERE debut_year > 1930 AND goals < 95 AND years_at_club = "1938" AND games = 6
What is the Group position for the date of 7 November 2007?
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (group_position VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
SELECT group_position FROM table_name_9 WHERE date = "7 november 2007"
Name the award for nominated result and year after 2011
CREATE TABLE table_name_38 (award VARCHAR, result VARCHAR, year VARCHAR)
SELECT award FROM table_name_38 WHERE result = "nominated" AND year > 2011
What is the total time that it took for the driver to finish 14 laps?
CREATE TABLE table_name_52 (time VARCHAR, laps VARCHAR)
SELECT time FROM table_name_52 WHERE laps = 14
Count the Grid which has a Manufacturer of aprilia, and a Rider of bradley smith?
CREATE TABLE table_name_33 (grid INTEGER, manufacturer VARCHAR, rider VARCHAR)
SELECT AVG(grid) FROM table_name_33 WHERE manufacturer = "aprilia" AND rider = "bradley smith"
Show all team names.
How many districts first elected someone in 1808 and had george smith as the incumbent?
CREATE TABLE table_2668374_13 (district VARCHAR, first_elected VARCHAR, incumbent VARCHAR)
SELECT COUNT(district) FROM table_2668374_13 WHERE first_elected = "1808" AND incumbent = "George Smith"
What is the largest number for trine dehli cleve?
CREATE TABLE table_28677723_5 (trine_dehli_cleve INTEGER)
SELECT MAX(trine_dehli_cleve) FROM table_28677723_5
Which products has been complained by the customer who has filed least amount of complaints?
CREATE TABLE customers (customer_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE products (product_name VARCHAR, product_id VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE complaints (product_id VARCHAR)
SELECT DISTINCT t1.product_name FROM products AS t1 JOIN complaints AS t2 ON t1.product_id = t2.product_id JOIN customers AS t3 GROUP BY t3.customer_id ORDER BY COUNT(*) LIMIT 1
What is Notes, when Silver is "Jarkko Huovila"?
CREATE TABLE table_name_3 (notes VARCHAR, silver VARCHAR)
SELECT notes FROM table_name_3 WHERE silver = "jarkko huovila"
Which Result has a Date of 7 june 2000?
CREATE TABLE table_name_36 (result VARCHAR, date VARCHAR)
SELECT result FROM table_name_36 WHERE date = "7 june 2000"
Name the opponent for opponents being 12
CREATE TABLE table_21092427_1 (opponent VARCHAR, opponents VARCHAR)
SELECT opponent FROM table_21092427_1 WHERE opponents = 12
stae the least number of wins in 1986
CREATE TABLE table_19864214_3 (wins INTEGER, seasons VARCHAR)
SELECT MIN(wins) FROM table_19864214_3 WHERE seasons = "1986"
What is every value for Points 2 when the value of won is 30?
CREATE TABLE table_17359181_1 (points_2 VARCHAR, won VARCHAR)
SELECT points_2 FROM table_17359181_1 WHERE won = 30
Which position is the highest to have less than 54 goals, a loss of 7 and a goal difference higher than 23?
CREATE TABLE table_name_9 (position INTEGER, goal_difference VARCHAR, goals_against VARCHAR, losses VARCHAR)
SELECT MAX(position) FROM table_name_9 WHERE goals_against < 54 AND losses = 7 AND goal_difference > 23
Which Fate has a Nationality of united kingdom, and a Tonnage of 1,809?
CREATE TABLE table_name_4 (fate VARCHAR, nationality VARCHAR, tonnage VARCHAR)
SELECT fate FROM table_name_4 WHERE nationality = "united kingdom" AND tonnage = "1,809"
Which venue has 1st as the result?
CREATE TABLE table_name_45 (venue VARCHAR, result VARCHAR)
SELECT venue FROM table_name_45 WHERE result = "1st"
What is the serial number of the pilot car that is black, has a pilot car number larger than 2, and an engine number of 1008?
CREATE TABLE table_name_71 (serial_no VARCHAR, engine_no VARCHAR, colour VARCHAR, pilot_car_no VARCHAR)
SELECT serial_no FROM table_name_71 WHERE colour = "black" AND pilot_car_no > 2 AND engine_no = 1008
Who was pick number 34?
CREATE TABLE table_29836557_2 (player VARCHAR, pick__number VARCHAR)
SELECT player FROM table_29836557_2 WHERE pick__number = 34
What is Race 1, when Race 4 is 1?
CREATE TABLE table_name_85 (race_1 VARCHAR, race_4 VARCHAR)
SELECT race_1 FROM table_name_85 WHERE race_4 = "1"
Where is the school whose students are nicknamed Panthers located?
CREATE TABLE table_1971074_1 (location VARCHAR, nickname VARCHAR)
SELECT location FROM table_1971074_1 WHERE nickname = "Panthers"
How much did the the player with first name Len and last name Barker earn between 1985 to 1990 in total?
CREATE TABLE salary (salary INTEGER, player_id VARCHAR, year VARCHAR); CREATE TABLE player (player_id VARCHAR, name_first VARCHAR, name_last VARCHAR)
SELECT SUM(T1.salary) FROM salary AS T1 JOIN player AS T2 ON T1.player_id = T2.player_id WHERE T2.name_first = 'Len' AND T2.name_last = 'Barker' AND T1.year BETWEEN 1985 AND 1990
Who is every vacator if date of successors formal installation is August 8, 1960?
CREATE TABLE table_2159571_1 (vacator VARCHAR, date_of_successors_formal_installation VARCHAR)
SELECT vacator FROM table_2159571_1 WHERE date_of_successors_formal_installation = "August 8, 1960"
What date was the release when the format was lp?
CREATE TABLE table_name_21 (date VARCHAR, format VARCHAR)
SELECT date FROM table_name_21 WHERE format = "lp"