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The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    TypeError
Message:      Couldn't cast array of type
struct<id: string, title: string, thumbnails: list<item: struct<height: int64, url: string, width: int64, resolution: string, id: string>>, description: string, upload_date: string, uploader: string, uploader_id: string, uploader_url: string, channel_id: string, channel_url: string, duration: int64, view_count: int64, average_rating: double, age_limit: int64, webpage_url: string, categories: list<item: string>, tags: list<item: string>, is_live: null, subtitles: struct<en: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>, da: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>, pt-BR: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>, fr: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>>, like_count: int64, dislike_count: int64, channel: null, extractor: string, webpage_url_basename: string, extractor_key: string, playlist: null, playlist_index: null, thumbnail: string, display_id: string, asr: int64, filesize: int64, format_id: string, format_note: string, fps: int64, height: int64, quality: int64, tbr: double, width: int64, ext: string, vcodec: string, acodec: string, format: string, protocol: string, fulltitle: string, _filename: string, _server_used: string, _ids_fn: string, _words_per_30s: list<item: int64>, _avg_cosine_sim: double, _num_coco_objects_expectation: double, _num_bpe_tokens_raw: int64, license: string, creator: string, alt_title: string, annotations: null, chapters: list<item: struct<start_time: double, end_time: double, title: string>>, start_time: null, end_time: null, series: null, season_number: null, episode_number: null, track: string, artist: string, album: string, release_date: null, release_year: null, player_url: string, abr: int64, http_headers: struct<User-Agent: string, Accept-Charset: string, Accept: string, Accept-Encoding: string, Accept-Language: string>, location: string>
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Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2013, in _prepare_split_single
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 585, in write_table
                  pa_table = table_cast(pa_table, self._schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2302, in table_cast
                  return cast_table_to_schema(table, schema)
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in cast_table_to_schema
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2261, in <listcomp>
                  arrays = [cast_array_to_feature(table[name], feature) for name, feature in features.items()]
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in wrapper
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1802, in <listcomp>
                  return pa.chunked_array([func(chunk, *args, **kwargs) for chunk in array.chunks])
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2122, in cast_array_to_feature
                  raise TypeError(f"Couldn't cast array of type\n{_short_str(array.type)}\nto\n{_short_str(feature)}")
              TypeError: Couldn't cast array of type
              struct<id: string, title: string, thumbnails: list<item: struct<height: int64, url: string, width: int64, resolution: string, id: string>>, description: string, upload_date: string, uploader: string, uploader_id: string, uploader_url: string, channel_id: string, channel_url: string, duration: int64, view_count: int64, average_rating: double, age_limit: int64, webpage_url: string, categories: list<item: string>, tags: list<item: string>, is_live: null, subtitles: struct<en: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>, da: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>, pt-BR: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>, fr: list<item: struct<ext: string, url: string>>>, like_count: int64, dislike_count: int64, channel: null, extractor: string, webpage_url_basename: string, extractor_key: string, playlist: null, playlist_index: null, thumbnail: string, display_id: string, asr: int64, filesize: int64, format_id: string, format_note: string, fps: int64, height: int64, quality: int64, tbr: double, width: int64, ext: string, vcodec: string, acodec: string, format: string, protocol: string, fulltitle: string, _filename: string, _server_used: string, _ids_fn: string, _words_per_30s: list<item: int64>, _avg_cosine_sim: double, _num_coco_objects_expectation: double, _num_bpe_tokens_raw: int64, license: string, creator: string, alt_title: string, annotations: null, chapters: list<item: struct<start_time: double, end_time: double, title: string>>, start_time: null, end_time: null, series: null, season_number: null, episode_number: null, track: string, artist: string, album: string, release_date: null, release_year: null, player_url: string, abr: int64, http_headers: struct<User-Agent: string, Accept-Charset: string, Accept: string, Accept-Encoding: string, Accept-Language: string>, location: string>
              {'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'thumbnails': [{'height': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'width': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'resolution': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'id': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'description': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'upload_date': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'uploader': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'uploader_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'uploader_url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'channel_id': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'channel_url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'duration': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'view_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'average_rating': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'age_limit': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'webpage_url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'categories': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'tags': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='string', id=None), length=-1, id=None), 'is_live': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'subtitles': {'en': [{'ext': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'url': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'es-419': [{'ext': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'url': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}], 'es-MX': [{'ext': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'url': Value(dtype='string', id=None)}]}, 'like_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'dislike_count': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'channel': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'extractor': Value(
              : Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'tbr': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), 'width': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'ext': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'vcodec': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'acodec': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'format': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'protocol': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'fulltitle': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '_filename': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '_server_used': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '_ids_fn': Value(dtype='string', id=None), '_words_per_30s': Sequence(feature=Value(dtype='int64', id=None), length=-1, id=None), '_avg_cosine_sim': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), '_num_coco_objects_expectation': Value(dtype='float64', id=None), '_num_bpe_tokens_raw': Value(dtype='int64', id=None), 'license': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'creator': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'alt_title': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'annotations': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'chapters': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'start_time': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'end_time': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'series': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'season_number': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'episode_number': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'track': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'artist': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'album': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'release_date': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'release_year': Value(dtype='null', id=None), 'player_url': Value(dtype='string', id=None), 'abr': Value(dtype='int64', id=None)}
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1391, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations, partial, estimated_dataset_info = stream_convert_to_parquet(
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 990, in stream_convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1884, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 2040, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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[ { "noisyasr": "hey guys what's going on this fuller here with custom offsets custom offsets TV on the YouTube back at it again with another episode of from the inbox where we answer the questions that you guys sent us in the DMS or drop in the comments on YouTube and Facebook so I recently was talking to a guy on Instagram actually a couple people that had really similar questions they're asking about the differences between lift kits and leveling kits and if a lift kit is going to level their truck so when it comes to a leveling kit versus a lift kit it's relatively self-explanatory but it can get kind of confusing because there are different sizes for leveling kits and that's kind of where some of that confusion comes in so if you're buying a leveling kit in general that just lifts the front of your truck there are some out there that sell a lift slash level and that's gonna give you something for the rear also but 99.9 percent of the time if you're buying a leveling kit it's just affecting the front of your truck and most commonly if you're buying a leveling kit it's gonna be a spacer that goes on either at the top or the bottom of your strut and that's gonna bring the front of your vehicle up so trucks from factory come with something called rake so if this is the front of your vehicle and this is the rear naturally the vehicle sits lower in the front so that when you load a trailer it sits level or if you load the bed by installing a leveling kit what you're doing is bringing up the front of the truck so it sits level with the rear when you're unloaded so typically a leveling kit is gonna be two two-and-a-half or three inches depends on the truck and then which kit you buy for the leveling kit you don't get any extra components like upper control arms unless you add those yourself that aren't kits that come like that so you have to be careful if you're really stretching the boundaries and you find like a three or three and a half inch leveling kit because you're really gonna be pushing those front end components and causing unneeded stress on the front of your truck now when it comes to a lift kit that's gonna be something that affects both the front of your truck and the rear of your truck so if you buy a six inch lift kit typically you're", "eos_token": 50266, "cleanasr": "Hey guys! What's going on this morning with Custom Offsets? Custom Offsets TV? On the YouTube? Back at it again with another episode of From the Inbox, where we answer the questions that you guys sent us in the DMS or drop in the comments on YouTube and Facebook. So I recently was talking to a guy on Instagram, actually a couple people that had really similar questions. They're asking about the differences between lift kits and leveling kits and if a lift kit is going to level their truck. So when it comes to a leveling kit versus a lift kit, it's relatively self-explanatory, but it can get kind of confusing because there are different sizes for leveling kits and that's kind of where some of that confusion comes in. So if you're buying a leveling kit in general that just lifts the front of your truck, there are some out there that sell a lift slash level, and that's gonna give you something for the rear also, but 99.9 percent of the time if you're buying a leveling kit, it's just affecting the front of your truck. And most commonly if you're buying a leveling kit, it's gonna be a spacer that goes on either at the top or the bottom of your strut and that's gonna bring the front of your vehicle up. So trucks from factory come with something called Rake. So if this is the front of your vehicle and this is the rear, naturally the vehicle sits lower in the front so that when you load a trailer, it sits level. Or if you load the bed by installing a leveling kit, what you're doing is bringing up the front of the truck, so it sits level with the rear when you're unloaded. So typically a leveling kit is gonna be two, two-and-a-half or three inches, depends on the truck, and then which kit you buy for the leveling kit. You don't get any extra components like upper control arms unless you add those yourself that aren't kits that come like that. So you have to be careful if you're really stretching the boundaries and you find like a three or three and a half inch leveling kit because you're really gonna be pushing those front end components and causing unneeded stress on the front of your truck. Now when it comes to a lift kit, that's gonna be something that affects both the front of your truck and the rear of your truck. So if you buy a six inch lift kit, typically you're", "top_p": 0.94, "ctx_ppl": 36.332454681396484, "model_name": "noisifytext_nov17_2020_medium" }, { "noisyasr": "gonna have either a six inch strut spacer which goes on top of your strut in the front or you'll have the complete replacement strut and that brings the front of your about 6 inches now in that same 6-inch kit in the rear you're probably only only going to get a 4 inch block and again the reason for that is the factory rakes the front has gone up 6 inches and the back has gone up four but because from the factory came with that extra 2 they now sit perfectly level so that's your answer as far as the lift level my trucks now depending on options you can buy I know this is common on like 2500 if you get like a five and a half inch or six and a half inch VDS for example that brings up front up about six and a half inches and then you have the option in the rear to get a four and a half inch flock for a five and a half inch block so if you get that caller block it's gonna bring back some of that factory rake and go up higher in the rear one of the guys that I was talking to an Instagram had a Toyota I think was a Tacoma he went out and measured the distances between the ground and the bottom of his wheel well he said the front was 35 and the rear was 37 so he's got that two inch difference he wanted to know if I buy a three inch level what will happen front and rear and if I buy a three inch lift what will happen in front of them so with the three inch leveling kit if you add that three inches to the 35 inches that he measured that puts you at 38 in front and you still sit at 37 in the rear so you have a little bit of squat now if you were to buy a three inch lift kit that's gonna give you the three in the front you're bringing up to 38 in a one inch block in the rear which also will bring that up to 38 and again now you're sitting level so it's really just simple math if you can kind of follow along with what I'm doing there and you can add up you know what your truck is gonna be and just like he did if you go out and measure from the ground to the bottom of your wheel well add on the size of your kit and then you can figure out where you're gonna be sitting at and then", "eos_token": 50266, "cleanasr": "You're gonna have either a six inch strut spacer, which goes on top of your strut in the front, or you'll have the complete replacement strut. And that brings the front of your about 6 inches now. In that same 6-inch kit in the rear, you're probably only only going to get a 4 inch block. And again, the reason for that is the factory rakes, the front has gone up 6 inches and the back has gone up four, but because from the factory, came with that extra 2, they now sit perfectly level. So that's your answer as far as the lift level. My trucks now, depending on options you can buy, I know this is common on packages like 2500, if you get like a five and a half inch or six and a half inch VDS, for example, that brings up the front up about six and a half inches. And then you have the option in the rear to get a four and a half inch lift, for a five and a half inch block. So if you get that three inch block, it's gonna bring back some of that factory rake and go up higher in the rear. One of the guys that I was talking to, an Instagram had a Toyota, I think was a Tacoma, he went out and measured the distances between the ground and the bottom of his wheel well. He said the front was 35 and the rear was 37. So he's got that two inch difference. He wanted to know if I buy a three inch level, what will happen front and rear. And if I buy a three inch lift, what will happen in front of them. So with the three inch leveling kit, if you add that three inches to the 35 inches that he measured, that puts you at 38 in front. And you still sit at 37 in the rear. So you have a little bit of squat. Now if you were to buy a three inch lift kit, that's gonna give you the three in the front. You're bringing up to 38 in a one inch block in the rear, which also will bring that up to 38. And again, now you're sitting level. So it's really just simple math, if you can kind of follow along with what I'm doing there, and you can add up what your truck is gonna be, and just like he did, if you go out and measure from the ground to the bottom of your wheel well, add on the size of your kit, and then you can figure out where you're gonna be sitting at, and then -", "top_p": 0.94, "ctx_ppl": 36.5517578125, "model_name": "noisifytext_nov17_2020_medium" }, { "noisyasr": "in the rear you can do the same thing you can use the just simple math by taking whatever size the block is and adding that to the rear of your truck and that's about where you're gonna sit so that should answer those questions another question that we got was somebody who already had a three inch leveling kit installed on his truck he was wondering if he switches out to a two inch to two and a half inch coil over if that will give him five and a half inches lit the way leveling kits work like I said is that spacer on top of your stock strut assembly so if you switch out to a coil over you should be removing that spacer so the coil over then will give you two and a half inches so in his case he had a three inch wants to replace it with a two two two and a half the spoilers are adjustable so he's actually not increasing any of the front lifts you'd be decreasing it by about a half inch inch depending on where he sets the coil over at now you can add a coil over to your leveling kit however it's not recommended because like I said those leveling kits don't come with new control arms or all the other parts you need to correct the angles being your CV angles and your control arm angles because as you go up with the truck you're changing the geometry of your front suspension which causes more stress on those front end components so if you were to try to add a coil over to get on top of your three-inch leveling kits to get about five to five and a half inches of lift you're gonna really stress the front of your truck and we definitely do not recommend stacking lift components that's gonna be something you want to avoid so hopefully that answers your question if you were one of those guys I know I responded directly to you on Instagram and got you guys all figured out but if you had the same question you're just watching these videos hopefully that answers it for you give it another questions Cooper do drop them in the comments I know this was kind of may be confusing to some people because there's a lot of numbers in there but it really is just simple math if you guys need any help with it like I said feel free to drop a comment below or shoot us a message we will do our best to answer your questions or we might make a video on it peace", "eos_token": 50266, "cleanasr": "In the rear, you can do the same thing. You can use the - just simple math - by taking whatever size the block is and adding that to the rear of your truck and that's about where you're gonna sit. So that should answer those questions. Another question that we got was somebody who already had a three inch leveling kit installed on his truck. He was wondering if he switches out to a two inch to two and a half inch coil over if that will give him five and a half inches lit the way leveling kits work. Like I said, is that spacer on top of your stock strut assembly. So if you switch out to a coil over, you should be removing that spacer. So the coil over then will give you two and a half inches. So in his case, he had a three inch wants to replace it with a two, two, two and a half. The spoilers are adjustable, so he's actually not increasing any of the front lifts. You'd be decreasing it by about a half inch inch depending on where he sets the coil over at. Now you can add a coil over to your leveling kit. However, it's not recommended because like I said, those leveling kits don't come with new control arms or all the other parts you need to correct the angles, being your one angles and your control arm angles because as you go up with the truck, you're changing the geometry of your front suspension which causes more stress on those front end components. So if you were to try to add a coil over to get on top of your three-inch leveling kits to get about five to five and a half inches of lift, you're gonna really stress the front of your truck and we definitely do not recommend stacking lift components. That's gonna be something you want to avoid. So hopefully that answers your question. If you were one of those guys, I know I responded directly to you on Instagram and got you guys all figured out, but if you had the same question, you're just watching these videos. Hopefully that answers it for you. Give it another couple questions and do drop them in the comments. I know this was kind of may be confusing to some people because there's a lot of numbers in there, but it really is just simple math. If you guys need any help with it, like I said, feel free to drop a comment below or shoot us a message. We will do our best to answer your questions or we might make a video on it. Peace", "top_p": 0.94, "ctx_ppl": 40.20667266845703, "model_name": "noisifytext_nov17_2020_medium" } ]
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[ { "noisyasr": "a blessing in disguise for Egypt with the unpopular move of closing the currency now being touted as a success but it's still too early to celebrate as it will take time to revive the budget economy some like Egyptian billionaire semester worries or however preaching caution whether it goes down twenty percent o goes up another twenty percent it doesn't matter but this means there is a market with supply and demand meeting somehow and that is the crucial point where you say the flotation has been successful modern six years of political shamu have scared of investors and tourists a major blue came in 2015 when Islamic state brought down a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula Russia suspended all flights to Egypt and if you have to restore them those in the tourism industry have their opinions as to why so these are political decisions really packaged in in other excuses and I think even with the Russians it's a political decision that needs to be taken so this is a hundred percent up to the top price of both countries to iron out whatever differences and get the ball rolling again because it's a sad situation for us you know but a government and parties with vested interests have been trying their best to guide the tourism industry confidence is really all about marketing that's why I repeated the word three times we just need to spend a lot more trying to initially this bad image that was falsely spread I mean at the end of the day we've had in the last 23 years in France more dead tourists than we've had in 20 years in Egypt and the number of incidents in Germany in France in Belgium combined are 10 times more than the incidents that have resulted in such a bad image for Egypt through the media at present surely make supper on three and a half percent of the country's revenue compared to five percent before the revolution penina caribe 50", "eos_token": 50266, "cleanasr": "A blessing in disguise for Egypt, with the unpopular move of closing the currency now being touted as a success, but it's still too early to celebrate as it will take time to revive the budget economy. Some, like Egyptian billionaire Meri Sor has warned or however preaching caution, whether it goes down, twenty percent or goes up another twenty percent. It doesn't matter. But this means there is a market with supply and demand meeting somehow, and that is the crucial point where you say the flotation has been successful. Modern six years of political instability have scared investors and tourists. A major blue flag came in 2015 when Islamic State brought down a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula. Russia suspended all flights to Egypt, and if you have to restore them, those in the tourism industry have their opinions as to why so. These are political decisions really packaged in in other excuses. And I think even with the Russians it's a political decision that needs to be taken, so this is a hundred percent up to the top price of both countries to iron out whatever differences and get the ball rolling again, because it's a sad situation for us, you know. But a government and parties with vested interests have been trying their best to guide the tourism industry. Confidence is really all about marketing, that's why I repeated the word three times. We just need to spend a lot more trying to prevent this bad image that was falsely spread. At the end of the day we've had in the last 23 years in France more dead tourists than we've had in 20 years in Egypt, and the number of incidents in Germany in France in Belgium combined are 10 times more than the incidents that have resulted in such a bad image for Egypt through the media at present. Surely make supper on three and a half percent of the country's revenue compared to five percent before the revolution. Penina Caribe, 50", "top_p": 0.94, "ctx_ppl": 84.42250061035156, "model_name": "noisifytext_nov17_2020_medium" } ]
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[ { "noisyasr": "paving the way for progress and more controversy after decades of planning the crosstown Parkway extension bridge is set to break ground in Port st. Lucie Meg McRoberts is live there with a look well Ashley some drivers are getting this warning you see behind me tonight telling them some roads will be closing starting January 3rd to make way for the first phase of building that bridge it's exciting news to some drivers who are fed up with traffic hoping this will ease some of that congestion but local environmentalists are concerned saying that this project should have never gotten this far the signs are everywhere that construction is coming they got the pipes over there and yes they're finally gonna start it Arlene Lauer will have a front row seat to see the bridge go up right near her new home her old house had to be demolished to make way for the project I sat and watched him tear it down it was not a good feeling for old Street is now empty lots lined with utility trucks and construction equipments next week crews will start moving utility lines and relocating protected animal species I think most people in the city feel like they get a holiday gift city manager rust Blackburn says the city is getting good feedback about the bridge it will give drivers a third roadway to cross the st. Lucie River and ease traffic on already congested roads Lauer is behind the project despite what it's put her through it's kind of a a lot easier getting over town but multiple environmentalist groups are still fighting the federal funding for the they say it's illegal to build through the wetlands and how patty okie State Park for now the city only has a permit from South Florida Water Management District to build on the west end of the not through the environmentally sensitive areas those groups wanted to stay that way but not Laur let's get it over with now you know you screwed up my life as far as my home so do what you got to do the city does still need permits from the Army Corps of Engineers and the Coast Guard those who build closer to the wetlands and the bridge though still need to be approved environmentalists will be in Circuit Court next month in Miami to keep fighting that federal funding reporting live in Port st. Lucie I'm Meghan McRoberts WPTV newsChannel", "eos_token": 50266, "cleanasr": "Paving the way for progress and more controversy. After decades of planning, the Crosstown Parkway Extension Bridge is set to break ground in Port St. Lucie. Meg McRoberts is live there with a look at some drivers are getting this warning. You see behind me tonight telling them some roads will be closing starting January 3rd to make way for the first phase of building that bridge. It's exciting news to some drivers who are fed up with traffic, hoping this will ease some of that congestion. But local environmentalists are concerned saying that this project should have never gotten this far. The signs are everywhere that construction is coming. They got the pipes over there, and yes, they're finally gonna start it. Arlene Lauer will have a front row seat to see the bridge go up right near her new home. Her old house had to be demolished to make way for the project. I sat and watched him tear it down. It was not a good feeling. For old street is now empty. Lots lined with utility trucks and construction equipments. Next week crews will start moving utility lines and relocating protected animal species. I think most people in the city feel like they get a holiday gift. City Manager Rust Blackburn says the city is getting good feedback about the bridge. It will give drivers a third roadway to cross the St. Lucie River and ease traffic on already congested roads. Lauer is behind the project, despite what it's put her through. It's kind of a a lot easier getting over town. But multiple environmentalist groups are still fighting the federal funding for the bridge. They say it's illegal to build through the wetlands and how in \"Patty Okie State Park.\" For now the city only has a permit from South Florida Water Management District to build on the west end of the not through the environmentally sensitive areas. Those groups wanted to stay that way, but not let's get it over with now. You know you screwed up my life as far as my home, so do what you got to do. The city does still need permits from the Army Corps of Engineers and the Coast Guard. Those who build closer to the wetlands and the bridge though still need to be approved. Environmentalists will be in Circuit Court next month in Miami to keep fighting that federal funding. Reporting live in Port St. Lucie, I'm Meghan McRoberts, WPTV NewsChannel 5.", "top_p": 0.94, "ctx_ppl": 63.147850036621094, "model_name": "noisifytext_nov17_2020_medium" } ]
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[ { "noisyasr": "hey everybody welcome back it's the true story Trudy here and this is Chazz Michael Michaels the true crew mascot no not now please stop yourself anyways we have a very exciting episode today I'm gonna do something today that nobody ever wants to do but you actually should do it on a regular basis I'm gonna brush the dogs teeth so you don't have to now let's just have a word about Chaz's breath his in particular it's painful he hurts people's feelings with that looks chewy smell oh my god it's like it's like somebody's Amos he was a man of streets for many years and he's a rescue dog I feel like world hygiene was not topping his list and so when we got him he had to have some teeth pulled he has this crazy snaggletooth there yeah so that's why we have to help them we're just gonna get ready to bring in our expert but before we do I want to make sure that Chaz enjoys his to face because he deserves it so do you we're going to do a little taste test so first up we're gonna try this vanilla scented toothpaste and it smells like a very delightful latte perhaps I don't know no no I think cha cha cha's a businessman so he's ready for his morning latte so let's see what he thinks hain't got Chaz it's looking force feeding him vanilla thing he's not that into it let's just see what I think I mean it's bearable it's like a snack plot a like you wouldn't order it in a restaurant oh and by the way did I mention you really shouldn't be eating dog toothpaste but I'm doing this for you okay so now we're going to move on to the peanut butter toothpaste smells like a mild peanut butter nothing too crazy there you go bottoms up there's some enthusiastic licking going on there i think somebody enjoys this peanut butter so let me give it a little whirl shall I okay I'm just not taste like peanut butter I'm saving the best for last i feel like this is the one that Chaz is going to love the most this one is a very enticing looking poultry cool mint flavor let me see oh okay that smells like poultry and mint which is not a winning combination in my estimation but let's see what we all think shizzle all right he's taking it like a man I don't know what to tell you I'm gonna take it like a lady okay so it is minty fresh I'm gonna give it that and it is a little chicken fresh and so it's like a chicken and a minty and it's really not suitable for it did I feel like I feel like you peanut butter was the winner so that's what we're gonna use to brush my beloved Chazz Michael Michaels breath ok guys so now Jason's gonna show us how to brush Chaz's teeth I'm gonna prepare the tiny little toothbrush pain all right size is it my chihuahua and we felt it to face thank you like yes he enjoyed the peanut butter act you know it's not buttery peanutty ish enough for me but this isn't about brushing my teeth of peanut butter toothpaste is about brushing jasmine tea so all right so what are you doing now do you want to go side to side on the inside no work he's really swirly for you to me so it's not just me he's not so used to it no no but will I get on a daily basis now that is it didn't know he could he's weight less worried than I thought I had Chazz it it's important to do the outside because fit inside a ninety-nine percent of it is on the outside and the tongue takes care of it inside that's nice so now what what and by by getting them used to brushing the teeth you can see if there's any infections and the gums or or gross so it's really important to brush the teeth you know cuz there's noting that I like a little too important to check my dogs now for us because that's not just I mean exciting um all right and that's it and you don't have to like no spitting no me Braille miss petunia as long as don't use of human toothpaste to be burned up yes I'm human just don't use doctors bring suits and now what so it's all good to make our chest right yes definitely I want to thank Jason one more time for showing us how to brush your dog's teeth and now we know why it's really important to do that to you and I will be making out with Josh shortly but before I do I want to ask you please like subscribe and know that every Thursday we're going to do a bunch of stuff for you so you don't have to and now I'm going to go make out much as off camera because he has been very delightful peanut butter Brock now bye", "eos_token": null, "cleanasr": "Hey everybody, welcome back. It's the true story, Trudy here, and this is Chazz Michael Michaels. The true crew mascot. No, not now, please stop yourself, we have a very exciting episode today. I'm gonna do something today that nobody ever wants to do, but you actually should do it on a regular basis. I'm gonna brush the dogs teeth so you don't have to. Now, let's just have a word about Chaz's breath, his in particular. It's painful. He hurts people's feelings with that looks chewy smell. Oh my God, it's like it's like somebody's had... He was a man of streets for many years and he's a rescue dog. I feel like world hygiene was not topping his list. And so when we got him, he had to have some teeth pulled. He has this crazy snaggletooth there. Yeah, so that's why we have to help them. We're just gonna get ready to bring in our expert. But before we do, I want to make sure that Chaz enjoys his to face because he deserves it. So do you... We're going to do a little taste test. So first up, we're gonna try this vanilla scented toothpaste. And it smells like a very delightful latte. Perhaps I don't know. No, no, I think Cha Cha Cha's a businessman, so he's ready for his morning latte. So let's see what he thinks. Hain't got Chaz. It's looking like force feeding him vanilla thing. He's not that into it. Let's just see what I think. It's bearable. It's like a snack plot, a like you wouldn't order it in a restaurant. Oh, and by the way, did I mention you really shouldn't be eating dog toothpaste, but I'm doing this for you now. We're going to move on to the peanut butter toothpaste. Smells like a mild peanut butter. Nothing too crazy there. You go bottoms up, there's some enthusiastic licking going on there. I think somebody enjoys this peanut butter, so let me give it a little whirl, shall I? Okay, I'm just not taste like peanut butter. I'm saving the best for last. I feel like this is the one that Chaz is going to love the most. This one is a very enticing looking poultry cool mint flavor. Let me see... Oh okay, that smells like poultry and mint, which is not a winning combination in my estimation. But let's see what we all think. Shizzle all right, he's taking it like a man. I don't know what to tell you. I'm gonna take it like a lady. Okay, so it is minty fresh. I'm gonna give it that. And it is a little chicken fresh. And so it's like a chicken and a minty and it's really not suitable for it. Did I feel like I feel like you? Peanut butter was the winner. So that's what we're gonna use to brush my beloved Chazz Michael Michaels breath. Ok guys, so now Jason's gonna show us how to brush Chaz's teeth. I'm gonna prepare the tiny little toothbrush pain, all right? Size is it my Chihuahua and we felt it to face, thank you. Like, yes. He enjoyed the peanut butter act. You know, it's not buttery peanutty ish enough for me but this isn't about brushing my teeth of peanut butter toothpaste is about brushing jasmine tea. So all right, so what are you doing now? Do you want to go side to side on the inside? No, no work. He's really swirly for you to see me. So it's not just me. He's not so used to it. No, no. But will I get on a daily basis now? That is it. Didn't know he could. He's no more weight than I thought I had. Chazz, it, it's important to do the outside because Fit inside. A ninety-nine percent of it is on the outside and the tongue takes care of it inside. That's nice! So now what? What? And by by getting them used to brushing the teeth you can see if there's any infections and the gums or... or gross. So it's really important to brush the teeth. You know, there's noting that I like a little too important to check my dogs now for us because that's not just exciting. Um, all right, and that's it. And you don't have to like no spitting. No, me braille. Miss Petunia. As long as you don't use of human toothpaste to be burned up. Yes, I'm human. Just don't use doctors bring suits and now what? So it's all good to make our chest right? Yes, definitely! I want to thank Jason one more time for showing us how to brush your dog's teeth and now we know why it's really important to do that to you and I will be making out with Josh shortly but before I do I want to ask you, please, like, subscribe and know that every Thursday we're going to do a bunch of stuff for you so you don't have to. And now I'm going to go make out much as off camera because he has been very delightful. Peanut butter Brock, now bye.", "top_p": 0.94, "ctx_ppl": 68.06293359250145, "model_name": "noisifytext_nov17_2020_medium_jack_multi" } ]
{ "id": "tYH5R8zJfyk", "title": "I Brushed a Dog's Teeth So You Don't Have To", "thumbnails": [ { "height": 94, "url": "", "width": 168, "resolution": "168x94", "id": "0" }, { "height": 110, "url": "", "width": 196, "resolution": "196x110", "id": "1" }, { "height": 138, "url": "", "width": 246, "resolution": "246x138", "id": "2" }, { "height": 188, "url": "", "width": 336, "resolution": "336x188", "id": "3" }, { "height": 1080, "url": "", "width": 1920, "resolution": "1920x1080", "id": "4" } ], "description": "Today with the help of dog expert Jason Zamudio, I brush the TruCru's mascot, Chazz Michael Michael's, teeth! First Chazz and I taste test 3 kinds of dog toothpaste. **NOTE: Dog toothpaste is NOT for human consumption but I figured I'd take one for the team!\n\nIf you live in the LA area and are interested in hiring Jason to take excellent care of your dog(s), send me a message on Facebook -\n\nBig thanks to the TruCru:\n\nMia Kushner\nSammi Kushner\nCaroline Maltz\nChazz Michael Michaels, the TruCru mascot with an ascot \nAlly Roche\nJordy Roth\nSophie Roth\n\nSubscribe for awesome new videos every Thursday!\n\n\nFind me on social media!\nFacebook:\nInstagram:\nTwitter:", "upload_date": "20160811", "uploader": "It's The TruStory", "uploader_id": "TruddyLove", "uploader_url": "", "channel_id": "UCjjKKs5-Ll-ThIWNf84I2FQ", "channel_url": "", "duration": 342, "view_count": 1852, "average_rating": 4.9230771, "age_limit": 0, "webpage_url": "", "categories": [ "Entertainment" ], "tags": [ "It's the TruStory", "Trudi", "Adults React", "REACT", "Fine Brothers Entertainment", "Trudi from React", "brush dog's teeth", "dog toothpaste", "how to brush a dog's teeth" ], "is_live": null, "subtitles": { "en": null, "es-419": null, "es-MX": null }, "like_count": 51, "dislike_count": 1, "channel": null, "extractor": "youtube", "webpage_url_basename": "tYH5R8zJfyk", "extractor_key": "Youtube", "playlist": null, "playlist_index": null, "thumbnail": "", "display_id": "tYH5R8zJfyk", "asr": 44100, "filesize": 16897761, "format_id": "18", "format_note": "360p", "fps": 24, "height": 360, "quality": 2, "tbr": 395.583, "width": 640, "ext": "mp4", "vcodec": "avc1.42001E", "acodec": "mp4a.40.2", "format": "18 - 640x360 (360p)", "protocol": "https", "fulltitle": "I Brushed a Dog's Teeth So You Don't Have To", "_filename": "videos/tYH5R8zJfyk.mp4", "_server_used": "rowandl11", "_ids_fn": "video_ids_quality_channels_from_2019.csv", "_words_per_30s": null, "_avg_cosine_sim": null, "_num_coco_objects_expectation": null, "_num_bpe_tokens_raw": null, "license": null, "creator": null, "alt_title": null, "annotations": null, "chapters": null, "start_time": null, "end_time": null, "series": null, "season_number": null, "episode_number": null, "track": null, "artist": null, "album": null, "release_date": null, "release_year": null, "player_url": null, "abr": null }
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[{"noisyasr":"for what I'm sure game welcome well you guys have probably already figured out what to(...TRUNCATED)
{"id":"zs79gb32WZs","title":"MY GIRLFRIEND CONTROLS MY FLIPS FOR 24 HOURS!","thumbnails":[{"height":(...TRUNCATED)
[{"noisyasr":"and death of a 16 year old boy earlier this month an arrest report obtained by 8 News (...TRUNCATED)
{"id":"-9RJJwTBnUw","title":"Report says Al'Dijon Williams laughed as he shot, killed 16-year-old Le(...TRUNCATED)
[{"noisyasr":"Dunkin Donuts is releasing coffee things and they sound delicious yeah get ready you g(...TRUNCATED)
{"id":"Biw9FdyvOvk","title":"Dunkin Donuts Releases NEW Chocolate Coffee Thins Candy","thumbnails":[(...TRUNCATED)
[{"noisyasr":"the value now complains is my name engraved on my plate which is also look at until th(...TRUNCATED)
{"id":"oJAKSH2v9Ig","title":"Jueguitos con la pelota y con taco alto - Telefe Noticias","thumbnails"(...TRUNCATED)
[{"noisyasr":"now that we're done with the intensity of Black Friday and Cyber Monday it's back to m(...TRUNCATED)
{"id":"FFIym4u16IA","title":"Things to buy this month","thumbnails":[{"height":94,"url":"https://i.y(...TRUNCATED)
[{"noisyasr":"well our kxan mascot Caxon visiting the studio today and he wanted to let you pet owne(...TRUNCATED)
{"id":"y1xZUATJsWg","title":"Kaxan on-air about West Nile Virus and pets","thumbnails":[{"height":94(...TRUNCATED)
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