Can't we simply return `values.clone`?
public byte[] getBytes() { BByteArray copy = (BByteArray) this.copy(); return copy.values; }
return copy.values;
public byte[] getBytes() { return values.clone(); }
class BByteArray extends BNewArray { private static BType arrayType = new BArrayType(BTypes.typeByte); private byte[] values; public BByteArray(byte[] values) { this.values = values; this.size = values.length; } public BByteArray() { values = (byte[]) newArrayInstance(Byte.TYPE); } public void add(long index, byte value) { prepareForAdd(index, values.length); values[(int) index] = value; } public byte get(long index) { rangeCheckForGet(index, size); return values[(int) index]; } @Override public BType getType() { return arrayType; } @Override public void grow(int newLength) { values = Arrays.copyOf(values, newLength); } @Override public BValue copy() { BByteArray byteArray = new BByteArray(Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length)); byteArray.size = this.size; return byteArray; } @Override public String stringValue() { StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ", "[", "]"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { sj.add("\'" + Byte.toUnsignedInt(values[i]) + "\'"); } return sj.toString(); } @Override public BValue getBValue(long index) { return new BByte(get(index)); } }
class BByteArray extends BNewArray { private static BType arrayType = new BArrayType(BTypes.typeByte); private byte[] values; public BByteArray(byte[] values) { this.values = values; this.size = values.length; } public BByteArray() { values = (byte[]) newArrayInstance(Byte.TYPE); } public void add(long index, byte value) { prepareForAdd(index, values.length); values[(int) index] = value; } public byte get(long index) { rangeCheckForGet(index, size); return values[(int) index]; } @Override public BType getType() { return arrayType; } @Override public void grow(int newLength) { values = Arrays.copyOf(values, newLength); } @Override public BValue copy() { BByteArray byteArray = new BByteArray(Arrays.copyOf(values, values.length)); byteArray.size = this.size; return byteArray; } @Override public String stringValue() { StringJoiner sj = new StringJoiner(", ", "[", "]"); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { sj.add("\'" + Byte.toUnsignedInt(values[i]) + "\'"); } return sj.toString(); } @Override public BValue getBValue(long index) { return new BByte(get(index)); } }
I think we can remove the DEFAULT_CLUSTER also. The feature is useless but only has compatibility.
public TGetDBPrivsResult getDBPrivs(TGetDBPrivsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get database privileges request: {}", params); TGetDBPrivsResult result = new TGetDBPrivsResult(); List<TDBPrivDesc> tDBPrivs = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setDb_privs(tDBPrivs); UserIdentity currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); List<DbPrivEntry> dbPrivEntries = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().getDBPrivEntries(currentUser); for (DbPrivEntry entry : dbPrivEntries) { PrivBitSet savedPrivs = entry.getPrivSet(); String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER; String userIdentStr = currentUser.toString().replace(clusterPrefix, ""); String dbName = entry.getOrigDb(); boolean isGrantable = savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.GRANT); List<TDBPrivDesc> tPrivs = savedPrivs.toPrivilegeList().stream().map( priv -> { TDBPrivDesc privDesc = new TDBPrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv.getUpperNameForMysql()); return privDesc; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.LOAD)) { tPrivs.addAll(Lists.newArrayList("INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE").stream().map(priv -> { TDBPrivDesc privDesc = new TDBPrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv); return privDesc; }).collect(Collectors.toList())); } tDBPrivs.addAll(tPrivs); } return result; }
String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER;
public TGetDBPrivsResult getDBPrivs(TGetDBPrivsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get database privileges request: {}", params); TGetDBPrivsResult result = new TGetDBPrivsResult(); List<TDBPrivDesc> tDBPrivs = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setDb_privs(tDBPrivs); UserIdentity currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); List<DbPrivEntry> dbPrivEntries = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().getDBPrivEntries(currentUser); for (DbPrivEntry entry : dbPrivEntries) { PrivBitSet savedPrivs = entry.getPrivSet(); String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER; String userIdentStr = currentUser.toString().replace(clusterPrefix, ""); String dbName = entry.getOrigDb(); boolean isGrantable = savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.GRANT); List<TDBPrivDesc> tPrivs = savedPrivs.toPrivilegeList().stream().map( priv -> { TDBPrivDesc privDesc = new TDBPrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv.getUpperNameForMysql()); return privDesc; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.LOAD)) { tPrivs.addAll(Lists.newArrayList("INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE").stream().map(priv -> { TDBPrivDesc privDesc = new TDBPrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv); return privDesc; }).collect(Collectors.toList())); } tDBPrivs.addAll(tPrivs); } return result; }
class FrontendServiceImpl implements FrontendService.Iface { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(LeaderImpl.class); private LeaderImpl leaderImpl; private ExecuteEnv exeEnv; public FrontendServiceImpl(ExecuteEnv exeEnv) { leaderImpl = new LeaderImpl(); this.exeEnv = exeEnv; } @Override public TGetDbsResult getDbNames(TGetDbsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get db request: {}", params); TGetDbsResult result = new TGetDbsResult(); List<String> dbs = Lists.newArrayList(); PatternMatcher matcher = null; if (params.isSetPattern()) { try { matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern(params.getPattern(), CaseSensibility.DATABASE.getCaseSensibility()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { throw new TException("Pattern is in bad format: " + params.getPattern()); } } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); List<String> dbNames = globalStateMgr.getDbNames(); LOG.debug("get db names: {}", dbNames); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } for (String fullName : dbNames) { if (!globalStateMgr.getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, fullName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } final String db = ClusterNamespace.getNameFromFullName(fullName); if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(db)) { continue; } dbs.add(fullName); } result.setDbs(dbs); return result; } @Override public TGetTablesResult getTableNames(TGetTablesParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get table name request: {}", params); TGetTablesResult result = new TGetTablesResult(); List<String> tablesResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTables(tablesResult); PatternMatcher matcher = null; if (params.isSetPattern()) { try { matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern(params.getPattern(), CaseSensibility.TABLE.getCaseSensibility()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { throw new TException("Pattern is in bad format: " + params.getPattern()); } } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(params.db); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } if (db != null) { for (String tableName : db.getTableNamesWithLock()) { LOG.debug("get table: {}, wait to check", tableName); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, params.db, tableName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(tableName)) { continue; } tablesResult.add(tableName); } } return result; } @Override public TListTableStatusResult listTableStatus(TGetTablesParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get list table request: {}", params); TListTableStatusResult result = new TListTableStatusResult(); List<TTableStatus> tablesResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTables(tablesResult); PatternMatcher matcher = null; if (params.isSetPattern()) { try { matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern(params.getPattern(), CaseSensibility.TABLE.getCaseSensibility()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { throw new TException("Pattern is in bad format " + params.getPattern()); } } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(params.db); long limit = params.isSetLimit() ? params.getLimit() : -1; UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } if (params.isSetType() && TTableType.MATERIALIZED_VIEW.equals(params.getType())) { listMaterializedViewStatus(tablesResult, limit, matcher, currentUser, params.db); return result; } if (db != null) { db.readLock(); try { boolean listingViews = params.isSetType() && TTableType.VIEW.equals(params.getType()); List<Table> tables = listingViews ? db.getViews() : db.getTables(); for (Table table : tables) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, params.db, table.getName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(table.getName())) { continue; } TTableStatus status = new TTableStatus(); status.setName(table.getName()); status.setType(table.getMysqlType()); status.setEngine(table.getEngine()); status.setComment(table.getComment()); status.setCreate_time(table.getCreateTime()); status.setLast_check_time(table.getLastCheckTime()); if (listingViews) { View view = (View) table; String ddlSql = view.getInlineViewDef(); List<TableRef> tblRefs = new ArrayList<>(); view.getQueryStmt().collectTableRefs(tblRefs); for (TableRef tblRef : tblRefs) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth() .checkTblPriv(currentUser, tblRef.getName().getDb(), tblRef.getName().getTbl(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { ddlSql = ""; break; } } status.setDdl_sql(ddlSql); } tablesResult.add(status); if (limit > 0 && tablesResult.size() >= limit) { break; } } } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } return result; } public void listMaterializedViewStatus(List<TTableStatus> tablesResult, long limit, PatternMatcher matcher, UserIdentity currentUser, String dbName) { Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { LOG.warn("database not exists: {}", dbName); return; } db.readLock(); try { for (Table materializedView : db.getMaterializedViews()) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, dbName, materializedView.getName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(materializedView.getName())) { continue; } MaterializedView mvTable = (MaterializedView) materializedView; List<String> createTableStmt = Lists.newArrayList(); GlobalStateMgr.getDdlStmt(mvTable, createTableStmt, null, null, false, true); String ddlSql = createTableStmt.get(0); TTableStatus status = new TTableStatus(); status.setId(String.valueOf(mvTable.getId())); status.setName(mvTable.getName()); status.setDdl_sql(ddlSql); status.setRows(String.valueOf(mvTable.getRowCount())); status.setType(mvTable.getMysqlType()); status.setComment(mvTable.getComment()); tablesResult.add(status); if (limit > 0 && tablesResult.size() >= limit) { return; } } for (Table table : db.getTables()) { if (table.getType() == Table.TableType.OLAP) { OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) table; List<MaterializedIndex> visibleMaterializedViews = olapTable.getVisibleIndex(); long baseIdx = olapTable.getBaseIndexId(); for (MaterializedIndex mvIdx : visibleMaterializedViews) { if (baseIdx == mvIdx.getId()) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(olapTable.getIndexNameById(mvIdx.getId()))) { continue; } MaterializedIndexMeta mvMeta = olapTable.getVisibleIndexIdToMeta().get(mvIdx.getId()); TTableStatus status = new TTableStatus(); status.setId(String.valueOf(mvIdx.getId())); status.setName(olapTable.getIndexNameById(mvIdx.getId())); if (mvMeta.getOriginStmt() == null) { StringBuilder originStmtBuilder = new StringBuilder( "create materialized view " + olapTable.getIndexNameById(mvIdx.getId()) + " as select "); String groupByString = ""; for (Column column : mvMeta.getSchema()) { if (column.isKey()) { groupByString += column.getName() + ","; } } originStmtBuilder.append(groupByString); for (Column column : mvMeta.getSchema()) { if (!column.isKey()) { originStmtBuilder.append(column.getAggregationType().toString()).append("(") .append(column.getName()).append(")").append(","); } } originStmtBuilder.delete(originStmtBuilder.length() - 1, originStmtBuilder.length()); originStmtBuilder.append(" from ").append(olapTable.getName()).append(" group by ") .append(groupByString); originStmtBuilder.delete(originStmtBuilder.length() - 1, originStmtBuilder.length()); status.setDdl_sql(originStmtBuilder.toString()); } else { status.setDdl_sql(mvMeta.getOriginStmt().replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") .replaceAll("[ ]+", " ")); } status.setRows(String.valueOf(mvIdx.getRowCount())); status.setType(""); status.setComment(""); tablesResult.add(status); if (limit > 0 && tablesResult.size() >= limit) { return; } } } } } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } @Override public TGetTaskInfoResult getTasks(TGetTasksParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get show task request: {}", params); TGetTaskInfoResult result = new TGetTaskInfoResult(); List<TTaskInfo> tasksResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTasks(tasksResult); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); TaskManager taskManager = globalStateMgr.getTaskManager(); List<Task> taskList = taskManager.showTasks(null); for (Task task : taskList) { if (!globalStateMgr.getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, task.getDbName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } TTaskInfo info = new TTaskInfo(); info.setTask_name(task.getName()); info.setCreate_time(task.getCreateTime() / 1000); String scheduleStr = task.getType().name(); if (task.getType() == Constants.TaskType.PERIODICAL) { scheduleStr += task.getSchedule(); } info.setSchedule(scheduleStr); info.setDatabase(ClusterNamespace.getNameFromFullName(task.getDbName())); info.setDefinition(task.getDefinition()); info.setExpire_time(task.getExpireTime() / 1000); tasksResult.add(info); } return result; } @Override public TGetTaskRunInfoResult getTaskRuns(TGetTasksParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get show task run request: {}", params); TGetTaskRunInfoResult result = new TGetTaskRunInfoResult(); List<TTaskRunInfo> tasksResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTask_runs(tasksResult); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); TaskManager taskManager = globalStateMgr.getTaskManager(); List<TaskRunStatus> taskRunList = taskManager.showTaskRunStatus(null); for (TaskRunStatus status : taskRunList) { if (!globalStateMgr.getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, status.getDbName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } TTaskRunInfo info = new TTaskRunInfo(); info.setQuery_id(status.getQueryId()); info.setTask_name(status.getTaskName()); info.setCreate_time(status.getCreateTime() / 1000); info.setFinish_time(status.getFinishTime() / 1000); info.setState(status.getState().toString()); info.setDatabase(ClusterNamespace.getNameFromFullName(status.getDbName())); info.setDefinition(status.getDefinition()); info.setError_code(status.getErrorCode()); info.setError_message(status.getErrorMessage()); info.setExpire_time(status.getExpireTime() / 1000); tasksResult.add(info); } return result; } @Override @Override public TGetTablePrivsResult getTablePrivs(TGetTablePrivsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get table privileges request: {}", params); TGetTablePrivsResult result = new TGetTablePrivsResult(); List<TTablePrivDesc> tTablePrivs = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTable_privs(tTablePrivs); UserIdentity currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); List<TablePrivEntry> tablePrivEntries = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().getTablePrivEntries(currentUser); for (TablePrivEntry entry : tablePrivEntries) { PrivBitSet savedPrivs = entry.getPrivSet(); String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER; String userIdentStr = currentUser.toString().replace(clusterPrefix, ""); String dbName = entry.getOrigDb(); boolean isGrantable = savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.GRANT); List<TTablePrivDesc> tPrivs = savedPrivs.toPrivilegeList().stream().map( priv -> { TTablePrivDesc privDesc = new TTablePrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setTable_name(entry.getOrigTbl()); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv.getUpperNameForMysql()); return privDesc; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.LOAD)) { tPrivs.addAll(Lists.newArrayList("INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE").stream().map(priv -> { TTablePrivDesc privDesc = new TTablePrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setTable_name(entry.getOrigTbl()); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv); return privDesc; }).collect(Collectors.toList())); } tTablePrivs.addAll(tPrivs); } return result; } @Override public TGetUserPrivsResult getUserPrivs(TGetUserPrivsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get user privileges request: {}", params); TGetUserPrivsResult result = new TGetUserPrivsResult(); List<TUserPrivDesc> tUserPrivs = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setUser_privs(tUserPrivs); UserIdentity currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); Auth currAuth = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth(); UserPrivTable userPrivTable = currAuth.getUserPrivTable(); List<UserIdentity> userIdents = Lists.newArrayList(); userIdents.add(currentUser); for (UserIdentity userIdent : userIdents) { PrivBitSet savedPrivs = new PrivBitSet(); userPrivTable.getPrivs(userIdent, savedPrivs); String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER; String userIdentStr = currentUser.toString().replace(clusterPrefix, ""); List<TUserPrivDesc> tPrivs = savedPrivs.toPrivilegeList().stream().map( priv -> { boolean isGrantable = Privilege.NODE_PRIV != priv && userPrivTable.hasPriv(userIdent, PrivPredicate.GRANT); TUserPrivDesc privDesc = new TUserPrivDesc(); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv.getUpperNameForMysql()); return privDesc; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); tUserPrivs.addAll(tPrivs); } return result; } @Override public TFeResult updateExportTaskStatus(TUpdateExportTaskStatusRequest request) throws TException { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); TFeResult result = new TFeResult(FrontendServiceVersion.V1, status); return result; } @Override public TDescribeTableResult describeTable(TDescribeTableParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get desc table request: {}", params); TDescribeTableResult result = new TDescribeTableResult(); List<TColumnDef> columns = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setColumns(columns); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } long limit = params.isSetLimit() ? params.getLimit() : -1; if (!params.isSetDb() && StringUtils.isBlank(params.getTable_name())) { describeWithoutDbAndTable(currentUser, columns, limit); return result; } if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, params.db, params.getTable_name(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { return result; } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(params.db); if (db != null) { db.readLock(); try { Table table = db.getTable(params.getTable_name()); setColumnDesc(columns, table, limit, false, params.db, params.getTable_name()); } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } return result; } private void describeWithoutDbAndTable(UserIdentity currentUser, List<TColumnDef> columns, long limit) { GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); List<String> dbNames = globalStateMgr.getDbNames(); boolean reachLimit; for (String fullName : dbNames) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, fullName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(fullName); if (db != null) { for (String tableName : db.getTableNamesWithLock()) { LOG.debug("get table: {}, wait to check", tableName); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, fullName, tableName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } db.readLock(); try { Table table = db.getTable(tableName); reachLimit = setColumnDesc(columns, table, limit, true, fullName, tableName); } finally { db.readUnlock(); } if (reachLimit) { return; } } } } } private boolean setColumnDesc(List<TColumnDef> columns, Table table, long limit, boolean needSetDbAndTable, String db, String tbl) { if (table != null) { String tableKeysType = ""; if (TableType.OLAP.equals(table.getType())) { OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) table; tableKeysType = olapTable.getKeysType().name().substring(0, 3).toUpperCase(); } for (Column column : table.getBaseSchema()) { final TColumnDesc desc = new TColumnDesc(column.getName(), column.getPrimitiveType().toThrift()); final Integer precision = column.getType().getPrecision(); if (precision != null) { desc.setColumnPrecision(precision); } final Integer columnLength = column.getType().getColumnSize(); if (columnLength != null) { desc.setColumnLength(columnLength); } final Integer decimalDigits = column.getType().getDecimalDigits(); if (decimalDigits != null) { desc.setColumnScale(decimalDigits); } if (column.isKey()) { desc.setColumnKey(tableKeysType); } else { desc.setColumnKey(""); } final TColumnDef colDef = new TColumnDef(desc); final String comment = column.getComment(); if (comment != null) { colDef.setComment(comment); } columns.add(colDef); if (needSetDbAndTable) { columns.get(columns.size() - 1).columnDesc.setDbName(db); columns.get(columns.size() - 1).columnDesc.setTableName(tbl); } if (limit > 0 && columns.size() >= limit) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public TShowVariableResult showVariables(TShowVariableRequest params) throws TException { TShowVariableResult result = new TShowVariableResult(); Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap(); result.setVariables(map); ConnectContext ctx = exeEnv.getScheduler().getContext(params.getThreadId()); if (ctx == null) { return result; } List<List<String>> rows = VariableMgr.dump(SetType.fromThrift(params.getVarType()), ctx.getSessionVariable(), null); for (List<String> row : rows) { map.put(row.get(0), row.get(1)); } return result; } @Override public TReportExecStatusResult reportExecStatus(TReportExecStatusParams params) throws TException { return QeProcessorImpl.INSTANCE.reportExecStatus(params, getClientAddr()); } @Override public TMasterResult finishTask(TFinishTaskRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.finishTask(request); } @Override public TMasterResult report(TReportRequest request) throws TException { return; } @Override public TFetchResourceResult fetchResource() throws TException { throw new TException("not supported"); } @Override public TFeResult isMethodSupported(TIsMethodSupportedRequest request) throws TException { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); TFeResult result = new TFeResult(FrontendServiceVersion.V1, status); switch (request.getFunction_name()) { case "STREAMING_MINI_LOAD": break; default: status.setStatus_code(NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR); break; } return result; } @Override public TMasterOpResult forward(TMasterOpRequest params) throws TException { TNetworkAddress clientAddr = getClientAddr(); if (clientAddr != null) { Frontend fe = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getFeByHost(clientAddr.getHostname()); if (fe == null) { LOG.warn("reject request from invalid host. client: {}", clientAddr); throw new TException("request from invalid host was rejected."); } }"receive forwarded stmt {} from FE: {}", params.getStmt_id(), clientAddr.getHostname()); ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null); ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(context); TMasterOpResult result = processor.proxyExecute(params); ConnectContext.remove(); return result; } private void checkPasswordAndPrivs(String cluster, String user, String passwd, String db, String tbl, String clientIp, PrivPredicate predicate) throws AuthenticationException { final String fullUserName = ClusterNamespace.getFullName(user); List<UserIdentity> currentUser = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth() .checkPlainPassword(fullUserName, clientIp, passwd, currentUser)) { throw new AuthenticationException("Access denied for " + fullUserName + "@" + clientIp); } Preconditions.checkState(currentUser.size() == 1); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser.get(0), db, tbl, predicate)) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the LOAD privilege(s) for this operation"); } } @Override public TLoadTxnBeginResult loadTxnBegin(TLoadTxnBeginRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn begin request, db: {}, tbl: {}, label: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getLabel(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn begin request: {}", request); TLoadTxnBeginResult result = new TLoadTxnBeginResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { result.setTxnId(loadTxnBeginImpl(request, clientAddr)); } catch (DuplicatedRequestException e) {"duplicate request for stream load. request id: {}, txn_id: {}", e.getDuplicatedRequestId(), e.getTxnId()); result.setTxnId(e.getTxnId()); } catch (LabelAlreadyUsedException e) { status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); result.setJob_status(e.getJobStatus()); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to begin: {}", e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private long loadTxnBeginImpl(TLoadTxnBeginRequest request, String clientIp) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(request.getLabel())) { throw new UserException("empty label in begin request"); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } Table table = db.getTable(request.getTbl()); if (table == null) { throw new UserException("unknown table \"" + request.getDb() + "." + request.getTbl() + "\""); } long timeoutSecond = request.isSetTimeout() ? request.getTimeout() : Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second; MetricRepo.COUNTER_LOAD_ADD.increase(1L); return GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().beginTransaction( db.getId(), Lists.newArrayList(table.getId()), request.getLabel(), request.getRequest_id(), new TxnCoordinator(TxnSourceType.BE, clientIp), TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType.BACKEND_STREAMING, -1, timeoutSecond); } @Override public TLoadTxnCommitResult loadTxnCommit(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn commit request. db: {}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn commit request: {}", request); TLoadTxnCommitResult result = new TLoadTxnCommitResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { if (!loadTxnCommitImpl(request)) { status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT); status.addToError_msgs("Publish timeout. The data will be visible after a while"); } } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to commit txn_id: {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private boolean loadTxnCommitImpl(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } if (request.isSetAuth_code()) { } else { checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } TxnCommitAttachment attachment = TxnCommitAttachment.fromThrift(request.txnCommitAttachment); long timeoutMs = request.isSetThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() ? request.getThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() : 5000; timeoutMs = timeoutMs * 3 / 4; boolean ret = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().commitAndPublishTransaction( db, request.getTxnId(), TabletCommitInfo.fromThrift(request.getCommitInfos()), timeoutMs, attachment); if (!ret) { return ret; } MetricRepo.COUNTER_LOAD_FINISHED.increase(1L); if (null == attachment) { return ret; } Table tbl = db.getTable(request.getTbl()); if (null == tbl) { return ret; } TableMetricsEntity entity = TableMetricsRegistry.getInstance().getMetricsEntity(tbl.getId()); switch (request.txnCommitAttachment.getLoadType()) { case ROUTINE_LOAD: if (!(attachment instanceof RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment)) { break; } RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment routineAttachment = (RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment) attachment; entity.counterRoutineLoadFinishedTotal.increase(1L); entity.counterRoutineLoadBytesTotal.increase(routineAttachment.getReceivedBytes()); entity.counterRoutineLoadRowsTotal.increase(routineAttachment.getLoadedRows()); break; case MANUAL_LOAD: if (!(attachment instanceof ManualLoadTxnCommitAttachment)) { break; } ManualLoadTxnCommitAttachment streamAttachment = (ManualLoadTxnCommitAttachment) attachment; entity.counterStreamLoadFinishedTotal.increase(1L); entity.counterStreamLoadBytesTotal.increase(streamAttachment.getReceivedBytes()); entity.counterStreamLoadRowsTotal.increase(streamAttachment.getLoadedRows()); break; default: break; } return ret; } @Override public TLoadTxnCommitResult loadTxnPrepare(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn prepare request. db: {}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn prepare request: {}", request); TLoadTxnCommitResult result = new TLoadTxnCommitResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { loadTxnPrepareImpl(request); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to prepare txn_id: {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private void loadTxnPrepareImpl(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } if (request.isSetAuth_code()) { } else { checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } TxnCommitAttachment attachment = TxnCommitAttachment.fromThrift(request.txnCommitAttachment); GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().prepareTransaction( db.getId(), request.getTxnId(), TabletCommitInfo.fromThrift(request.getCommitInfos()), attachment); } @Override public TLoadTxnRollbackResult loadTxnRollback(TLoadTxnRollbackRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn rollback request. db: {}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, reason: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), request.getReason(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn rollback request: {}", request); TLoadTxnRollbackResult result = new TLoadTxnRollbackResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { loadTxnRollbackImpl(request); } catch (TransactionNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("failed to rollback txn {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.TXN_NOT_EXISTS); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to rollback txn {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private void loadTxnRollbackImpl(TLoadTxnRollbackRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } if (request.isSetAuth_code()) { } else { checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); } String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new MetaNotFoundException("db " + dbName + " does not exist"); } long dbId = db.getId(); GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().abortTransaction(dbId, request.getTxnId(), request.isSetReason() ? request.getReason() : "system cancel", TxnCommitAttachment.fromThrift(request.getTxnCommitAttachment())); } @Override public TStreamLoadPutResult streamLoadPut(TStreamLoadPutRequest request) { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive stream load put request. db:{}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, load id: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), DebugUtil.printId(request.getLoadId()), clientAddr); LOG.debug("stream load put request: {}", request); TStreamLoadPutResult result = new TStreamLoadPutResult(); TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { result.setParams(streamLoadPutImpl(request)); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to get stream load plan: {}", e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private TExecPlanFragmentParams streamLoadPutImpl(TStreamLoadPutRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } long timeoutMs = request.isSetThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() ? request.getThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() : 5000; if (!db.tryReadLock(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new UserException("get database read lock timeout, database=" + dbName); } try { Table table = db.getTable(request.getTbl()); if (table == null) { throw new UserException("unknown table, table=" + request.getTbl()); } if (!(table instanceof OlapTable)) { throw new UserException("load table type is not OlapTable, type=" + table.getClass()); } if (table instanceof MaterializedView) { throw new UserException(String.format( "The data of '%s' cannot be inserted because '%s' is a materialized view," + "and the data of materialized view must be consistent with the base table.", table.getName(), table.getName())); } StreamLoadTask streamLoadTask = StreamLoadTask.fromTStreamLoadPutRequest(request, db); StreamLoadPlanner planner = new StreamLoadPlanner(db, (OlapTable) table, streamLoadTask); TExecPlanFragmentParams plan = planner.plan(streamLoadTask.getId()); TransactionState txnState = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().getTransactionState(db.getId(), request.getTxnId()); if (txnState == null) { throw new UserException("txn does not exist: " + request.getTxnId()); } txnState.addTableIndexes((OlapTable) table); return plan; } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } @Override public TStatus snapshotLoaderReport(TSnapshotLoaderReportRequest request) throws TException { if (GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getBackupHandler().report(request.getTask_type(), request.getJob_id(), request.getTask_id(), request.getFinished_num(), request.getTotal_num())) { return new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); } return new TStatus(TStatusCode.CANCELLED); } @Override public TRefreshTableResponse refreshTable(TRefreshTableRequest request) throws TException { try { if (request.getCatalog_name() == null) { request.setCatalog_name(InternalCatalog.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_CATALOG_NAME); } GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().refreshExternalTable(new TableName(request.getCatalog_name(), request.getDb_name(), request.getTable_name()), request.getPartitions()); return new TRefreshTableResponse(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK)); } catch (DdlException e) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList(e.getMessage())); return new TRefreshTableResponse(status); } } private TNetworkAddress getClientAddr() { ThriftServerContext connectionContext = ThriftServerEventProcessor.getConnectionContext(); if (connectionContext != null) { return connectionContext.getClient(); } return null; } private String getClientAddrAsString() { TNetworkAddress addr = getClientAddr(); return addr == null ? "unknown" : addr.hostname; } @Override public TGetTableMetaResponse getTableMeta(TGetTableMetaRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.getTableMeta(request); } @Override public TBeginRemoteTxnResponse beginRemoteTxn(TBeginRemoteTxnRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.beginRemoteTxn(request); } @Override public TCommitRemoteTxnResponse commitRemoteTxn(TCommitRemoteTxnRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.commitRemoteTxn(request); } @Override public TAbortRemoteTxnResponse abortRemoteTxn(TAbortRemoteTxnRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.abortRemoteTxn(request); } @Override public TSetConfigResponse setConfig(TSetConfigRequest request) throws TException { try { Preconditions.checkState(request.getKeys().size() == request.getValues().size()); Map<String, String> configs = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < request.getKeys().size(); i++) { configs.put(request.getKeys().get(i), request.getValues().get(i)); } GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().setFrontendConfig(configs); return new TSetConfigResponse(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK)); } catch (DdlException e) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList(e.getMessage())); return new TSetConfigResponse(status); } } }
class FrontendServiceImpl implements FrontendService.Iface { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(LeaderImpl.class); private LeaderImpl leaderImpl; private ExecuteEnv exeEnv; public FrontendServiceImpl(ExecuteEnv exeEnv) { leaderImpl = new LeaderImpl(); this.exeEnv = exeEnv; } @Override public TGetDbsResult getDbNames(TGetDbsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get db request: {}", params); TGetDbsResult result = new TGetDbsResult(); List<String> dbs = Lists.newArrayList(); PatternMatcher matcher = null; if (params.isSetPattern()) { try { matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern(params.getPattern(), CaseSensibility.DATABASE.getCaseSensibility()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { throw new TException("Pattern is in bad format: " + params.getPattern()); } } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); List<String> dbNames = globalStateMgr.getDbNames(); LOG.debug("get db names: {}", dbNames); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } for (String fullName : dbNames) { if (!globalStateMgr.getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, fullName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } final String db = ClusterNamespace.getNameFromFullName(fullName); if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(db)) { continue; } dbs.add(fullName); } result.setDbs(dbs); return result; } @Override public TGetTablesResult getTableNames(TGetTablesParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get table name request: {}", params); TGetTablesResult result = new TGetTablesResult(); List<String> tablesResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTables(tablesResult); PatternMatcher matcher = null; if (params.isSetPattern()) { try { matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern(params.getPattern(), CaseSensibility.TABLE.getCaseSensibility()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { throw new TException("Pattern is in bad format: " + params.getPattern()); } } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(params.db); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } if (db != null) { for (String tableName : db.getTableNamesWithLock()) { LOG.debug("get table: {}, wait to check", tableName); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, params.db, tableName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(tableName)) { continue; } tablesResult.add(tableName); } } return result; } @Override public TListTableStatusResult listTableStatus(TGetTablesParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get list table request: {}", params); TListTableStatusResult result = new TListTableStatusResult(); List<TTableStatus> tablesResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTables(tablesResult); PatternMatcher matcher = null; if (params.isSetPattern()) { try { matcher = PatternMatcher.createMysqlPattern(params.getPattern(), CaseSensibility.TABLE.getCaseSensibility()); } catch (AnalysisException e) { throw new TException("Pattern is in bad format " + params.getPattern()); } } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(params.db); long limit = params.isSetLimit() ? params.getLimit() : -1; UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } if (params.isSetType() && TTableType.MATERIALIZED_VIEW.equals(params.getType())) { listMaterializedViewStatus(tablesResult, limit, matcher, currentUser, params.db); return result; } if (db != null) { db.readLock(); try { boolean listingViews = params.isSetType() && TTableType.VIEW.equals(params.getType()); List<Table> tables = listingViews ? db.getViews() : db.getTables(); for (Table table : tables) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, params.db, table.getName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(table.getName())) { continue; } TTableStatus status = new TTableStatus(); status.setName(table.getName()); status.setType(table.getMysqlType()); status.setEngine(table.getEngine()); status.setComment(table.getComment()); status.setCreate_time(table.getCreateTime()); status.setLast_check_time(table.getLastCheckTime()); if (listingViews) { View view = (View) table; String ddlSql = view.getInlineViewDef(); List<TableRef> tblRefs = new ArrayList<>(); view.getQueryStmt().collectTableRefs(tblRefs); for (TableRef tblRef : tblRefs) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth() .checkTblPriv(currentUser, tblRef.getName().getDb(), tblRef.getName().getTbl(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { ddlSql = ""; break; } } status.setDdl_sql(ddlSql); } tablesResult.add(status); if (limit > 0 && tablesResult.size() >= limit) { break; } } } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } return result; } public void listMaterializedViewStatus(List<TTableStatus> tablesResult, long limit, PatternMatcher matcher, UserIdentity currentUser, String dbName) { Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { LOG.warn("database not exists: {}", dbName); return; } db.readLock(); try { for (Table materializedView : db.getMaterializedViews()) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, dbName, materializedView.getName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(materializedView.getName())) { continue; } MaterializedView mvTable = (MaterializedView) materializedView; List<String> createTableStmt = Lists.newArrayList(); GlobalStateMgr.getDdlStmt(mvTable, createTableStmt, null, null, false, true); String ddlSql = createTableStmt.get(0); TTableStatus status = new TTableStatus(); status.setId(String.valueOf(mvTable.getId())); status.setName(mvTable.getName()); status.setDdl_sql(ddlSql); status.setRows(String.valueOf(mvTable.getRowCount())); status.setType(mvTable.getMysqlType()); status.setComment(mvTable.getComment()); tablesResult.add(status); if (limit > 0 && tablesResult.size() >= limit) { return; } } for (Table table : db.getTables()) { if (table.getType() == Table.TableType.OLAP) { OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) table; List<MaterializedIndex> visibleMaterializedViews = olapTable.getVisibleIndex(); long baseIdx = olapTable.getBaseIndexId(); for (MaterializedIndex mvIdx : visibleMaterializedViews) { if (baseIdx == mvIdx.getId()) { continue; } if (matcher != null && !matcher.match(olapTable.getIndexNameById(mvIdx.getId()))) { continue; } MaterializedIndexMeta mvMeta = olapTable.getVisibleIndexIdToMeta().get(mvIdx.getId()); TTableStatus status = new TTableStatus(); status.setId(String.valueOf(mvIdx.getId())); status.setName(olapTable.getIndexNameById(mvIdx.getId())); if (mvMeta.getOriginStmt() == null) { StringBuilder originStmtBuilder = new StringBuilder( "create materialized view " + olapTable.getIndexNameById(mvIdx.getId()) + " as select "); String groupByString = ""; for (Column column : mvMeta.getSchema()) { if (column.isKey()) { groupByString += column.getName() + ","; } } originStmtBuilder.append(groupByString); for (Column column : mvMeta.getSchema()) { if (!column.isKey()) { originStmtBuilder.append(column.getAggregationType().toString()).append("(") .append(column.getName()).append(")").append(","); } } originStmtBuilder.delete(originStmtBuilder.length() - 1, originStmtBuilder.length()); originStmtBuilder.append(" from ").append(olapTable.getName()).append(" group by ") .append(groupByString); originStmtBuilder.delete(originStmtBuilder.length() - 1, originStmtBuilder.length()); status.setDdl_sql(originStmtBuilder.toString()); } else { status.setDdl_sql(mvMeta.getOriginStmt().replace("\n", "").replace("\t", "") .replaceAll("[ ]+", " ")); } status.setRows(String.valueOf(mvIdx.getRowCount())); status.setType(""); status.setComment(""); tablesResult.add(status); if (limit > 0 && tablesResult.size() >= limit) { return; } } } } } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } @Override public TGetTaskInfoResult getTasks(TGetTasksParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get show task request: {}", params); TGetTaskInfoResult result = new TGetTaskInfoResult(); List<TTaskInfo> tasksResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTasks(tasksResult); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); TaskManager taskManager = globalStateMgr.getTaskManager(); List<Task> taskList = taskManager.showTasks(null); for (Task task : taskList) { if (!globalStateMgr.getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, task.getDbName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } TTaskInfo info = new TTaskInfo(); info.setTask_name(task.getName()); info.setCreate_time(task.getCreateTime() / 1000); String scheduleStr = task.getType().name(); if (task.getType() == Constants.TaskType.PERIODICAL) { scheduleStr += task.getSchedule(); } info.setSchedule(scheduleStr); info.setDatabase(ClusterNamespace.getNameFromFullName(task.getDbName())); info.setDefinition(task.getDefinition()); info.setExpire_time(task.getExpireTime() / 1000); tasksResult.add(info); } return result; } @Override public TGetTaskRunInfoResult getTaskRuns(TGetTasksParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get show task run request: {}", params); TGetTaskRunInfoResult result = new TGetTaskRunInfoResult(); List<TTaskRunInfo> tasksResult = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTask_runs(tasksResult); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); TaskManager taskManager = globalStateMgr.getTaskManager(); List<TaskRunStatus> taskRunList = taskManager.showTaskRunStatus(null); for (TaskRunStatus status : taskRunList) { if (!globalStateMgr.getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, status.getDbName(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } TTaskRunInfo info = new TTaskRunInfo(); info.setQuery_id(status.getQueryId()); info.setTask_name(status.getTaskName()); info.setCreate_time(status.getCreateTime() / 1000); info.setFinish_time(status.getFinishTime() / 1000); info.setState(status.getState().toString()); info.setDatabase(ClusterNamespace.getNameFromFullName(status.getDbName())); info.setDefinition(status.getDefinition()); info.setError_code(status.getErrorCode()); info.setError_message(status.getErrorMessage()); info.setExpire_time(status.getExpireTime() / 1000); tasksResult.add(info); } return result; } @Override @Override public TGetTablePrivsResult getTablePrivs(TGetTablePrivsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get table privileges request: {}", params); TGetTablePrivsResult result = new TGetTablePrivsResult(); List<TTablePrivDesc> tTablePrivs = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setTable_privs(tTablePrivs); UserIdentity currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); List<TablePrivEntry> tablePrivEntries = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().getTablePrivEntries(currentUser); for (TablePrivEntry entry : tablePrivEntries) { PrivBitSet savedPrivs = entry.getPrivSet(); String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER; String userIdentStr = currentUser.toString().replace(clusterPrefix, ""); String dbName = entry.getOrigDb(); boolean isGrantable = savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.GRANT); List<TTablePrivDesc> tPrivs = savedPrivs.toPrivilegeList().stream().map( priv -> { TTablePrivDesc privDesc = new TTablePrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setTable_name(entry.getOrigTbl()); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv.getUpperNameForMysql()); return privDesc; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); if (savedPrivs.satisfy(PrivPredicate.LOAD)) { tPrivs.addAll(Lists.newArrayList("INSERT", "UPDATE", "DELETE").stream().map(priv -> { TTablePrivDesc privDesc = new TTablePrivDesc(); privDesc.setDb_name(dbName); privDesc.setTable_name(entry.getOrigTbl()); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv); return privDesc; }).collect(Collectors.toList())); } tTablePrivs.addAll(tPrivs); } return result; } @Override public TGetUserPrivsResult getUserPrivs(TGetUserPrivsParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get user privileges request: {}", params); TGetUserPrivsResult result = new TGetUserPrivsResult(); List<TUserPrivDesc> tUserPrivs = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setUser_privs(tUserPrivs); UserIdentity currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); Auth currAuth = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth(); UserPrivTable userPrivTable = currAuth.getUserPrivTable(); List<UserIdentity> userIdents = Lists.newArrayList(); userIdents.add(currentUser); for (UserIdentity userIdent : userIdents) { PrivBitSet savedPrivs = new PrivBitSet(); userPrivTable.getPrivs(userIdent, savedPrivs); String clusterPrefix = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER + ClusterNamespace.CLUSTER_DELIMITER; String userIdentStr = currentUser.toString().replace(clusterPrefix, ""); List<TUserPrivDesc> tPrivs = savedPrivs.toPrivilegeList().stream().map( priv -> { boolean isGrantable = Privilege.NODE_PRIV != priv && userPrivTable.hasPriv(userIdent, PrivPredicate.GRANT); TUserPrivDesc privDesc = new TUserPrivDesc(); privDesc.setIs_grantable(isGrantable); privDesc.setUser_ident_str(userIdentStr); privDesc.setPriv(priv.getUpperNameForMysql()); return privDesc; } ).collect(Collectors.toList()); tUserPrivs.addAll(tPrivs); } return result; } @Override public TFeResult updateExportTaskStatus(TUpdateExportTaskStatusRequest request) throws TException { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); TFeResult result = new TFeResult(FrontendServiceVersion.V1, status); return result; } @Override public TDescribeTableResult describeTable(TDescribeTableParams params) throws TException { LOG.debug("get desc table request: {}", params); TDescribeTableResult result = new TDescribeTableResult(); List<TColumnDef> columns = Lists.newArrayList(); result.setColumns(columns); UserIdentity currentUser = null; if (params.isSetCurrent_user_ident()) { currentUser = UserIdentity.fromThrift(params.current_user_ident); } else { currentUser = UserIdentity.createAnalyzedUserIdentWithIp(params.user, params.user_ip); } long limit = params.isSetLimit() ? params.getLimit() : -1; if (!params.isSetDb() && StringUtils.isBlank(params.getTable_name())) { describeWithoutDbAndTable(currentUser, columns, limit); return result; } if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, params.db, params.getTable_name(), PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { return result; } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(params.db); if (db != null) { db.readLock(); try { Table table = db.getTable(params.getTable_name()); setColumnDesc(columns, table, limit, false, params.db, params.getTable_name()); } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } return result; } private void describeWithoutDbAndTable(UserIdentity currentUser, List<TColumnDef> columns, long limit) { GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); List<String> dbNames = globalStateMgr.getDbNames(); boolean reachLimit; for (String fullName : dbNames) { if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkDbPriv(currentUser, fullName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(fullName); if (db != null) { for (String tableName : db.getTableNamesWithLock()) { LOG.debug("get table: {}, wait to check", tableName); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser, fullName, tableName, PrivPredicate.SHOW)) { continue; } db.readLock(); try { Table table = db.getTable(tableName); reachLimit = setColumnDesc(columns, table, limit, true, fullName, tableName); } finally { db.readUnlock(); } if (reachLimit) { return; } } } } } private boolean setColumnDesc(List<TColumnDef> columns, Table table, long limit, boolean needSetDbAndTable, String db, String tbl) { if (table != null) { String tableKeysType = ""; if (TableType.OLAP.equals(table.getType())) { OlapTable olapTable = (OlapTable) table; tableKeysType = olapTable.getKeysType().name().substring(0, 3).toUpperCase(); } for (Column column : table.getBaseSchema()) { final TColumnDesc desc = new TColumnDesc(column.getName(), column.getPrimitiveType().toThrift()); final Integer precision = column.getType().getPrecision(); if (precision != null) { desc.setColumnPrecision(precision); } final Integer columnLength = column.getType().getColumnSize(); if (columnLength != null) { desc.setColumnLength(columnLength); } final Integer decimalDigits = column.getType().getDecimalDigits(); if (decimalDigits != null) { desc.setColumnScale(decimalDigits); } if (column.isKey()) { desc.setColumnKey(tableKeysType); } else { desc.setColumnKey(""); } final TColumnDef colDef = new TColumnDef(desc); final String comment = column.getComment(); if (comment != null) { colDef.setComment(comment); } columns.add(colDef); if (needSetDbAndTable) { columns.get(columns.size() - 1).columnDesc.setDbName(db); columns.get(columns.size() - 1).columnDesc.setTableName(tbl); } if (limit > 0 && columns.size() >= limit) { return true; } } } return false; } @Override public TShowVariableResult showVariables(TShowVariableRequest params) throws TException { TShowVariableResult result = new TShowVariableResult(); Map<String, String> map = Maps.newHashMap(); result.setVariables(map); ConnectContext ctx = exeEnv.getScheduler().getContext(params.getThreadId()); if (ctx == null) { return result; } List<List<String>> rows = VariableMgr.dump(SetType.fromThrift(params.getVarType()), ctx.getSessionVariable(), null); for (List<String> row : rows) { map.put(row.get(0), row.get(1)); } return result; } @Override public TReportExecStatusResult reportExecStatus(TReportExecStatusParams params) throws TException { return QeProcessorImpl.INSTANCE.reportExecStatus(params, getClientAddr()); } @Override public TMasterResult finishTask(TFinishTaskRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.finishTask(request); } @Override public TMasterResult report(TReportRequest request) throws TException { return; } @Override public TFetchResourceResult fetchResource() throws TException { throw new TException("not supported"); } @Override public TFeResult isMethodSupported(TIsMethodSupportedRequest request) throws TException { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); TFeResult result = new TFeResult(FrontendServiceVersion.V1, status); switch (request.getFunction_name()) { case "STREAMING_MINI_LOAD": break; default: status.setStatus_code(NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR); break; } return result; } @Override public TMasterOpResult forward(TMasterOpRequest params) throws TException { TNetworkAddress clientAddr = getClientAddr(); if (clientAddr != null) { Frontend fe = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getFeByHost(clientAddr.getHostname()); if (fe == null) { LOG.warn("reject request from invalid host. client: {}", clientAddr); throw new TException("request from invalid host was rejected."); } }"receive forwarded stmt {} from FE: {}", params.getStmt_id(), clientAddr.getHostname()); ConnectContext context = new ConnectContext(null); ConnectProcessor processor = new ConnectProcessor(context); TMasterOpResult result = processor.proxyExecute(params); ConnectContext.remove(); return result; } private void checkPasswordAndPrivs(String cluster, String user, String passwd, String db, String tbl, String clientIp, PrivPredicate predicate) throws AuthenticationException { final String fullUserName = ClusterNamespace.getFullName(user); List<UserIdentity> currentUser = Lists.newArrayList(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth() .checkPlainPassword(fullUserName, clientIp, passwd, currentUser)) { throw new AuthenticationException("Access denied for " + fullUserName + "@" + clientIp); } Preconditions.checkState(currentUser.size() == 1); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getAuth().checkTblPriv(currentUser.get(0), db, tbl, predicate)) { throw new AuthenticationException( "Access denied; you need (at least one of) the LOAD privilege(s) for this operation"); } } @Override public TLoadTxnBeginResult loadTxnBegin(TLoadTxnBeginRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn begin request, db: {}, tbl: {}, label: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getLabel(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn begin request: {}", request); TLoadTxnBeginResult result = new TLoadTxnBeginResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { result.setTxnId(loadTxnBeginImpl(request, clientAddr)); } catch (DuplicatedRequestException e) {"duplicate request for stream load. request id: {}, txn_id: {}", e.getDuplicatedRequestId(), e.getTxnId()); result.setTxnId(e.getTxnId()); } catch (LabelAlreadyUsedException e) { status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.LABEL_ALREADY_EXISTS); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); result.setJob_status(e.getJobStatus()); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to begin: {}", e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private long loadTxnBeginImpl(TLoadTxnBeginRequest request, String clientIp) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(request.getLabel())) { throw new UserException("empty label in begin request"); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } Table table = db.getTable(request.getTbl()); if (table == null) { throw new UserException("unknown table \"" + request.getDb() + "." + request.getTbl() + "\""); } long timeoutSecond = request.isSetTimeout() ? request.getTimeout() : Config.stream_load_default_timeout_second; MetricRepo.COUNTER_LOAD_ADD.increase(1L); return GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().beginTransaction( db.getId(), Lists.newArrayList(table.getId()), request.getLabel(), request.getRequest_id(), new TxnCoordinator(TxnSourceType.BE, clientIp), TransactionState.LoadJobSourceType.BACKEND_STREAMING, -1, timeoutSecond); } @Override public TLoadTxnCommitResult loadTxnCommit(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn commit request. db: {}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn commit request: {}", request); TLoadTxnCommitResult result = new TLoadTxnCommitResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { if (!loadTxnCommitImpl(request)) { status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.PUBLISH_TIMEOUT); status.addToError_msgs("Publish timeout. The data will be visible after a while"); } } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to commit txn_id: {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private boolean loadTxnCommitImpl(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } if (request.isSetAuth_code()) { } else { checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } TxnCommitAttachment attachment = TxnCommitAttachment.fromThrift(request.txnCommitAttachment); long timeoutMs = request.isSetThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() ? request.getThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() : 5000; timeoutMs = timeoutMs * 3 / 4; boolean ret = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().commitAndPublishTransaction( db, request.getTxnId(), TabletCommitInfo.fromThrift(request.getCommitInfos()), timeoutMs, attachment); if (!ret) { return ret; } MetricRepo.COUNTER_LOAD_FINISHED.increase(1L); if (null == attachment) { return ret; } Table tbl = db.getTable(request.getTbl()); if (null == tbl) { return ret; } TableMetricsEntity entity = TableMetricsRegistry.getInstance().getMetricsEntity(tbl.getId()); switch (request.txnCommitAttachment.getLoadType()) { case ROUTINE_LOAD: if (!(attachment instanceof RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment)) { break; } RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment routineAttachment = (RLTaskTxnCommitAttachment) attachment; entity.counterRoutineLoadFinishedTotal.increase(1L); entity.counterRoutineLoadBytesTotal.increase(routineAttachment.getReceivedBytes()); entity.counterRoutineLoadRowsTotal.increase(routineAttachment.getLoadedRows()); break; case MANUAL_LOAD: if (!(attachment instanceof ManualLoadTxnCommitAttachment)) { break; } ManualLoadTxnCommitAttachment streamAttachment = (ManualLoadTxnCommitAttachment) attachment; entity.counterStreamLoadFinishedTotal.increase(1L); entity.counterStreamLoadBytesTotal.increase(streamAttachment.getReceivedBytes()); entity.counterStreamLoadRowsTotal.increase(streamAttachment.getLoadedRows()); break; default: break; } return ret; } @Override public TLoadTxnCommitResult loadTxnPrepare(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn prepare request. db: {}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn prepare request: {}", request); TLoadTxnCommitResult result = new TLoadTxnCommitResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { loadTxnPrepareImpl(request); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to prepare txn_id: {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private void loadTxnPrepareImpl(TLoadTxnCommitRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } if (request.isSetAuth_code()) { } else { checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } TxnCommitAttachment attachment = TxnCommitAttachment.fromThrift(request.txnCommitAttachment); GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().prepareTransaction( db.getId(), request.getTxnId(), TabletCommitInfo.fromThrift(request.getCommitInfos()), attachment); } @Override public TLoadTxnRollbackResult loadTxnRollback(TLoadTxnRollbackRequest request) throws TException { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive txn rollback request. db: {}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, reason: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), request.getReason(), clientAddr); LOG.debug("txn rollback request: {}", request); TLoadTxnRollbackResult result = new TLoadTxnRollbackResult(); if (!GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().isLeader()) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList("current fe is not master")); result.setStatus(status); return result; } TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { loadTxnRollbackImpl(request); } catch (TransactionNotFoundException e) { LOG.warn("failed to rollback txn {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.TXN_NOT_EXISTS); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to rollback txn {}: {}", request.getTxnId(), e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private void loadTxnRollbackImpl(TLoadTxnRollbackRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } if (request.isSetAuth_code()) { } else { checkPasswordAndPrivs(cluster, request.getUser(), request.getPasswd(), request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getUser_ip(), PrivPredicate.LOAD); } String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new MetaNotFoundException("db " + dbName + " does not exist"); } long dbId = db.getId(); GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().abortTransaction(dbId, request.getTxnId(), request.isSetReason() ? request.getReason() : "system cancel", TxnCommitAttachment.fromThrift(request.getTxnCommitAttachment())); } @Override public TStreamLoadPutResult streamLoadPut(TStreamLoadPutRequest request) { String clientAddr = getClientAddrAsString();"receive stream load put request. db:{}, tbl: {}, txn_id: {}, load id: {}, backend: {}", request.getDb(), request.getTbl(), request.getTxnId(), DebugUtil.printId(request.getLoadId()), clientAddr); LOG.debug("stream load put request: {}", request); TStreamLoadPutResult result = new TStreamLoadPutResult(); TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); result.setStatus(status); try { result.setParams(streamLoadPutImpl(request)); } catch (UserException e) { LOG.warn("failed to get stream load plan: {}", e.getMessage()); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.ANALYSIS_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(e.getMessage()); } catch (Throwable e) { LOG.warn("catch unknown result.", e); status.setStatus_code(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.addToError_msgs(Strings.nullToEmpty(e.getMessage())); return result; } return result; } private TExecPlanFragmentParams streamLoadPutImpl(TStreamLoadPutRequest request) throws UserException { String cluster = request.getCluster(); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(cluster)) { cluster = SystemInfoService.DEFAULT_CLUSTER; } GlobalStateMgr globalStateMgr = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState(); String dbName = request.getDb(); Database db = globalStateMgr.getDb(dbName); if (db == null) { throw new UserException("unknown database, database=" + dbName); } long timeoutMs = request.isSetThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() ? request.getThrift_rpc_timeout_ms() : 5000; if (!db.tryReadLock(timeoutMs, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { throw new UserException("get database read lock timeout, database=" + dbName); } try { Table table = db.getTable(request.getTbl()); if (table == null) { throw new UserException("unknown table, table=" + request.getTbl()); } if (!(table instanceof OlapTable)) { throw new UserException("load table type is not OlapTable, type=" + table.getClass()); } if (table instanceof MaterializedView) { throw new UserException(String.format( "The data of '%s' cannot be inserted because '%s' is a materialized view," + "and the data of materialized view must be consistent with the base table.", table.getName(), table.getName())); } StreamLoadTask streamLoadTask = StreamLoadTask.fromTStreamLoadPutRequest(request, db); StreamLoadPlanner planner = new StreamLoadPlanner(db, (OlapTable) table, streamLoadTask); TExecPlanFragmentParams plan = planner.plan(streamLoadTask.getId()); TransactionState txnState = GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentGlobalTransactionMgr().getTransactionState(db.getId(), request.getTxnId()); if (txnState == null) { throw new UserException("txn does not exist: " + request.getTxnId()); } txnState.addTableIndexes((OlapTable) table); return plan; } finally { db.readUnlock(); } } @Override public TStatus snapshotLoaderReport(TSnapshotLoaderReportRequest request) throws TException { if (GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().getBackupHandler().report(request.getTask_type(), request.getJob_id(), request.getTask_id(), request.getFinished_num(), request.getTotal_num())) { return new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK); } return new TStatus(TStatusCode.CANCELLED); } @Override public TRefreshTableResponse refreshTable(TRefreshTableRequest request) throws TException { try { if (request.getCatalog_name() == null) { request.setCatalog_name(InternalCatalog.DEFAULT_INTERNAL_CATALOG_NAME); } GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().refreshExternalTable(new TableName(request.getCatalog_name(), request.getDb_name(), request.getTable_name()), request.getPartitions()); return new TRefreshTableResponse(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK)); } catch (DdlException e) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList(e.getMessage())); return new TRefreshTableResponse(status); } } private TNetworkAddress getClientAddr() { ThriftServerContext connectionContext = ThriftServerEventProcessor.getConnectionContext(); if (connectionContext != null) { return connectionContext.getClient(); } return null; } private String getClientAddrAsString() { TNetworkAddress addr = getClientAddr(); return addr == null ? "unknown" : addr.hostname; } @Override public TGetTableMetaResponse getTableMeta(TGetTableMetaRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.getTableMeta(request); } @Override public TBeginRemoteTxnResponse beginRemoteTxn(TBeginRemoteTxnRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.beginRemoteTxn(request); } @Override public TCommitRemoteTxnResponse commitRemoteTxn(TCommitRemoteTxnRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.commitRemoteTxn(request); } @Override public TAbortRemoteTxnResponse abortRemoteTxn(TAbortRemoteTxnRequest request) throws TException { return leaderImpl.abortRemoteTxn(request); } @Override public TSetConfigResponse setConfig(TSetConfigRequest request) throws TException { try { Preconditions.checkState(request.getKeys().size() == request.getValues().size()); Map<String, String> configs = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < request.getKeys().size(); i++) { configs.put(request.getKeys().get(i), request.getValues().get(i)); } GlobalStateMgr.getCurrentState().setFrontendConfig(configs); return new TSetConfigResponse(new TStatus(TStatusCode.OK)); } catch (DdlException e) { TStatus status = new TStatus(TStatusCode.INTERNAL_ERROR); status.setError_msgs(Lists.newArrayList(e.getMessage())); return new TSetConfigResponse(status); } } }
the `hashCode` is also inefficient
public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(this.toString()); }
return Objects.hashCode(this.toString());
public int hashCode() { return Objects.hashCode(this.sql); }
class AstKey { private final ParseNode parseNode; public AstKey(ParseNode parseNode) { this.parseNode = parseNode; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || ! (o instanceof AstKey)) { return false; } AstKey other = (AstKey) o; return this.toString().equals(other.toString()); } @Override @Override public String toString() { return new AstToSQLBuilder.AST2SQLBuilderVisitor(true, false).visit(parseNode); } }
class AstKey { private final String sql; public AstKey(ParseNode parseNode) { this.sql = new AstToSQLBuilder.AST2SQLBuilderVisitor(true, false).visit(parseNode); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || ! (o instanceof AstKey)) { return false; } AstKey other = (AstKey) o; if (this.sql == null) { return false; } return this.sql.equals(other.sql); } @Override @Override public String toString() { return this.sql; } }
I think this deserves a "final" here, and the line below too.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ServerConfiguration configuration = new ServerConfiguration(); CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(configuration); try { parser.parseArgument(args); fromConfig(configuration).run(); } catch (CmdLineException e) { LOG.error("Unable to parse command line arguments {}", Arrays.asList(args), e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse command line arguments.", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Hit exception with SamzaJobServer. Exiting...", e); throw e; } }
ServerConfiguration configuration = new ServerConfiguration();
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { final ServerConfiguration configuration = new ServerConfiguration(); final CmdLineParser parser = new CmdLineParser(configuration); try { parser.parseArgument(args); fromConfig(configuration).run(); } catch (CmdLineException e) { LOG.error("Unable to parse command line arguments {}", Arrays.asList(args), e); throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to parse command line arguments.", e); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Hit exception with SamzaJobServer. Exiting...", e); throw e; } }
class ServerConfiguration { @Option(name = "--job-port", usage = "The job service port. (Default: 11440)") private int jobPort = 11440; @Option(name = "--control-port", usage = "The FnControl port. (Default: 11441)") private int controlPort = 11441; }
class ServerConfiguration { @Option(name = "--job-port", usage = "The job service port. (Default: 11440)") private int jobPort = 11440; @Option(name = "--control-port", usage = "The FnControl port. (Default: 11441)") private int controlPort = 11441; }
The above TODO can be removed.
protected void createColumnAndViewDefs(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException, UserException { if (cols != null) { if (cols.size() != viewDefStmt.getColLabels().size()) { ErrorReport.reportAnalysisException(ErrorCode.ERR_VIEW_WRONG_LIST); } for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); ++i) { Type type = viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().get(i).getType().clone(); Column col = new Column(cols.get(i).getColName(), type); col.setComment(cols.get(i).getComment()); finalCols.add(col); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().size(); ++i) { Type type = viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().get(i).getType().clone(); finalCols.add(new Column(viewDefStmt.getColLabels().get(i), type)); } } Set<String> colSets = Sets.newTreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (Column col : finalCols) { if (!colSets.add(col.getName())) { ErrorReport.reportAnalysisException(ErrorCode.ERR_DUP_FIELDNAME, col.getName()); } } originalViewDef = viewDefStmt.toSql(); if (cols == null) { inlineViewDef = originalViewDef; return; } Analyzer tmpAnalyzer = new Analyzer(analyzer); List<String> colNames = -> c.getColName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); cloneStmt.substituteSelectList(tmpAnalyzer, colNames); inlineViewDef = cloneStmt.toSql(); }
Type type = viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().get(i).getType().clone();
protected void createColumnAndViewDefs(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException, UserException { if (cols != null) { if (cols.size() != viewDefStmt.getColLabels().size()) { ErrorReport.reportAnalysisException(ErrorCode.ERR_VIEW_WRONG_LIST); } for (int i = 0; i < cols.size(); ++i) { Type type = viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().get(i).getType().clone(); Column col = new Column(cols.get(i).getColName(), type); col.setComment(cols.get(i).getComment()); finalCols.add(col); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().size(); ++i) { Type type = viewDefStmt.getBaseTblResultExprs().get(i).getType().clone(); finalCols.add(new Column(viewDefStmt.getColLabels().get(i), type)); } } Set<String> colSets = Sets.newTreeSet(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (Column col : finalCols) { if (!colSets.add(col.getName())) { ErrorReport.reportAnalysisException(ErrorCode.ERR_DUP_FIELDNAME, col.getName()); } } originalViewDef = viewDefStmt.toSql(); if (cols == null) { inlineViewDef = originalViewDef; return; } Analyzer tmpAnalyzer = new Analyzer(analyzer); List<String> colNames = -> c.getColName()).collect(Collectors.toList()); cloneStmt.substituteSelectList(tmpAnalyzer, colNames); inlineViewDef = cloneStmt.toSql(); }
class BaseViewStmt extends DdlStmt { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(BaseViewStmt.class); protected final TableName tableName; protected final List<ColWithComment> cols; protected final QueryStmt viewDefStmt; protected final List<Column> finalCols; protected String originalViewDef; protected String inlineViewDef; protected QueryStmt cloneStmt; public BaseViewStmt(TableName tableName, List<ColWithComment> cols, QueryStmt queryStmt) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(queryStmt); this.tableName = tableName; this.cols = cols; this.viewDefStmt = queryStmt; finalCols = Lists.newArrayList(); } public String getDbName() { return tableName.getDb(); } public String getTable() { return tableName.getTbl(); } public List<Column> getColumns() { return finalCols; } public String getInlineViewDef() { return inlineViewDef; } /** * Sets the originalViewDef and the expanded inlineViewDef based on viewDefStmt. * If columnNames were given, checks that they do not contain duplicate column names * and throws an exception if they do. */ @Override public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException, UserException { super.analyze(analyzer); if (viewDefStmt.hasOutFileClause()) { throw new AnalysisException("Not support OUTFILE clause in CREATE VIEW statement"); } } }
class BaseViewStmt extends DdlStmt { private static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(BaseViewStmt.class); protected final TableName tableName; protected final List<ColWithComment> cols; protected final QueryStmt viewDefStmt; protected final List<Column> finalCols; protected String originalViewDef; protected String inlineViewDef; protected QueryStmt cloneStmt; public BaseViewStmt(TableName tableName, List<ColWithComment> cols, QueryStmt queryStmt) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(queryStmt); this.tableName = tableName; this.cols = cols; this.viewDefStmt = queryStmt; finalCols = Lists.newArrayList(); } public String getDbName() { return tableName.getDb(); } public String getTable() { return tableName.getTbl(); } public List<Column> getColumns() { return finalCols; } public String getInlineViewDef() { return inlineViewDef; } /** * Sets the originalViewDef and the expanded inlineViewDef based on viewDefStmt. * If columnNames were given, checks that they do not contain duplicate column names * and throws an exception if they do. */ @Override public void analyze(Analyzer analyzer) throws AnalysisException, UserException { super.analyze(analyzer); if (viewDefStmt.hasOutFileClause()) { throw new AnalysisException("Not support OUTFILE clause in CREATE VIEW statement"); } } }
Then maybe we substitute `Set<CoLocationGroupDesc>` with `Map<AbstractID, CoLocationGroupDesc>`? ``` final Set<CoLocationGroupDesc> coLocationGroupDescs = getVertices() .stream() .map(vertex -> CoLocationGroupDesc.from(vertex.getCoLocationGroup())) .collect(Collectors.toMap(CoLocationGroupDesc::getId, d -> d)) .values() .stream() .collect(Collectors.toSet()); ``` It can be also in a for-loop, but it is nit anyways so I think it is ok as it is. Maybe, at least a comment why we do it like this: `because equals ...`.
public Set<CoLocationGroupDesc> getCoLocationGroupDescriptors() { final Set<CoLocationGroup> coLocationGroups = new HashSet<>(); for (JobVertex vertex : getVertices()) { CoLocationGroup coLocationGroup = vertex.getCoLocationGroup(); if (coLocationGroup != null) { coLocationGroups.add(coLocationGroup); } } final Set<CoLocationGroupDesc> coLocationGroupDescs = coLocationGroups .stream() .map(CoLocationGroupDesc::from) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(coLocationGroupDescs); }
public Set<CoLocationGroupDesc> getCoLocationGroupDescriptors() { final Set<CoLocationGroupDesc> coLocationGroups = IterableUtils .toStream(getVertices()) .map(JobVertex::getCoLocationGroup) .filter(Objects::nonNull) .distinct() .map(CoLocationGroupDesc::from) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(coLocationGroups); }
class JobGraph implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** List of task vertices included in this job graph. */ private final Map<JobVertexID, JobVertex> taskVertices = new LinkedHashMap<JobVertexID, JobVertex>(); /** The job configuration attached to this job. */ private final Configuration jobConfiguration = new Configuration(); /** ID of this job. May be set if specific job id is desired (e.g. session management) */ private JobID jobID; /** Name of this job. */ private final String jobName; /** The mode in which the job is scheduled. */ private ScheduleMode scheduleMode = ScheduleMode.LAZY_FROM_SOURCES; /** Job specific execution config. */ private SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> serializedExecutionConfig; /** The settings for the job checkpoints. */ private JobCheckpointingSettings snapshotSettings; /** Savepoint restore settings. */ private SavepointRestoreSettings savepointRestoreSettings = SavepointRestoreSettings.none(); /** Set of JAR files required to run this job. */ private final List<Path> userJars = new ArrayList<Path>(); /** Set of custom files required to run this job. */ private final Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> userArtifacts = new HashMap<>(); /** Set of blob keys identifying the JAR files required to run this job. */ private final List<PermanentBlobKey> userJarBlobKeys = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of classpaths required to run this job. */ private List<URL> classpaths = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, * and a random job ID. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobName The name of the job. */ public JobGraph(String jobName) { this(null, jobName); } /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given job ID (or a random ID, if {@code null} is passed), * the given name and the given execution configuration (see {@link ExecutionConfig}). * The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobId The id of the job. A random ID is generated, if {@code null} is passed. * @param jobName The name of the job. */ public JobGraph(JobID jobId, String jobName) { this.jobID = jobId == null ? new JobID() : jobId; this.jobName = jobName == null ? "(unnamed job)" : jobName; try { setExecutionConfig(new ExecutionConfig()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("bug, empty execution config is not serializable"); } } /** * Constructs a new job graph with no name, a random job ID, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, and * the given job vertices. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph. */ public JobGraph(JobVertex... vertices) { this(null, vertices); } /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, a random job ID, * and the given job vertices. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobName The name of the job. * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph. */ public JobGraph(String jobName, JobVertex... vertices) { this(null, jobName, vertices); } /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, * the given jobId or a random one if null supplied, and the given job vertices. * The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobId The id of the job. A random ID is generated, if {@code null} is passed. * @param jobName The name of the job. * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph. */ public JobGraph(JobID jobId, String jobName, JobVertex... vertices) { this(jobId, jobName); for (JobVertex vertex : vertices) { addVertex(vertex); } } /** * Returns the ID of the job. * * @return the ID of the job */ public JobID getJobID() { return this.jobID; } /** * Sets the ID of the job. */ public void setJobID(JobID jobID) { this.jobID = jobID; } /** * Returns the name assigned to the job graph. * * @return the name assigned to the job graph */ public String getName() { return this.jobName; } /** * Returns the configuration object for this job. Job-wide parameters should be set into that * configuration object. * * @return The configuration object for this job. */ public Configuration getJobConfiguration() { return this.jobConfiguration; } /** * Returns the {@link ExecutionConfig}. * * @return ExecutionConfig */ public SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> getSerializedExecutionConfig() { return serializedExecutionConfig; } public void setScheduleMode(ScheduleMode scheduleMode) { this.scheduleMode = scheduleMode; } public ScheduleMode getScheduleMode() { return scheduleMode; } /** * Sets the savepoint restore settings. * @param settings The savepoint restore settings. */ public void setSavepointRestoreSettings(SavepointRestoreSettings settings) { this.savepointRestoreSettings = checkNotNull(settings, "Savepoint restore settings"); } /** * Returns the configured savepoint restore setting. * @return The configured savepoint restore settings. */ public SavepointRestoreSettings getSavepointRestoreSettings() { return savepointRestoreSettings; } /** * Sets the execution config. This method eagerly serialized the ExecutionConfig for future RPC * transport. Further modification of the referenced ExecutionConfig object will not affect * this serialized copy. * * @param executionConfig The ExecutionConfig to be serialized. * @throws IOException Thrown if the serialization of the ExecutionConfig fails */ public void setExecutionConfig(ExecutionConfig executionConfig) throws IOException { checkNotNull(executionConfig, "ExecutionConfig must not be null."); this.serializedExecutionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(executionConfig); } /** * Adds a new task vertex to the job graph if it is not already included. * * @param vertex * the new task vertex to be added */ public void addVertex(JobVertex vertex) { final JobVertexID id = vertex.getID(); JobVertex previous = taskVertices.put(id, vertex); if (previous != null) { taskVertices.put(id, previous); throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JobGraph already contains a vertex with that id."); } } /** * Returns an Iterable to iterate all vertices registered with the job graph. * * @return an Iterable to iterate all vertices registered with the job graph */ public Iterable<JobVertex> getVertices() { return this.taskVertices.values(); } /** * Returns an array of all job vertices that are registered with the job graph. The order in which the vertices * appear in the list is not defined. * * @return an array of all job vertices that are registered with the job graph */ public JobVertex[] getVerticesAsArray() { return this.taskVertices.values().toArray(new JobVertex[this.taskVertices.size()]); } /** * Returns the number of all vertices. * * @return The number of all vertices. */ public int getNumberOfVertices() { return this.taskVertices.size(); } public Set<SlotSharingGroup> getSlotSharingGroups() { final Set<SlotSharingGroup> slotSharingGroups = new HashSet<>(); for (JobVertex vertex : getVertices()) { final SlotSharingGroup slotSharingGroup = vertex.getSlotSharingGroup(); checkNotNull(slotSharingGroup); slotSharingGroups.add(slotSharingGroup); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(slotSharingGroups); } /** * Sets the settings for asynchronous snapshots. A value of {@code null} means that * snapshotting is not enabled. * * @param settings The snapshot settings */ public void setSnapshotSettings(JobCheckpointingSettings settings) { this.snapshotSettings = settings; } /** * Gets the settings for asynchronous snapshots. This method returns null, when * checkpointing is not enabled. * * @return The snapshot settings */ public JobCheckpointingSettings getCheckpointingSettings() { return snapshotSettings; } /** * Checks if the checkpointing was enabled for this job graph. * * @return true if checkpointing enabled */ public boolean isCheckpointingEnabled() { if (snapshotSettings == null) { return false; } long checkpointInterval = snapshotSettings.getCheckpointCoordinatorConfiguration().getCheckpointInterval(); return checkpointInterval > 0 && checkpointInterval < Long.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Searches for a vertex with a matching ID and returns it. * * @param id * the ID of the vertex to search for * @return the vertex with the matching ID or <code>null</code> if no vertex with such ID could be found */ public JobVertex findVertexByID(JobVertexID id) { return this.taskVertices.get(id); } /** * Sets the classpaths required to run the job on a task manager. * * @param paths paths of the directories/JAR files required to run the job on a task manager */ public void setClasspaths(List<URL> paths) { classpaths = paths; } public List<URL> getClasspaths() { return classpaths; } /** * Gets the maximum parallelism of all operations in this job graph. * * @return The maximum parallelism of this job graph */ public int getMaximumParallelism() { int maxParallelism = -1; for (JobVertex vertex : taskVertices.values()) { maxParallelism = Math.max(vertex.getParallelism(), maxParallelism); } return maxParallelism; } public List<JobVertex> getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources() throws InvalidProgramException { if (this.taskVertices.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<JobVertex> sorted = new ArrayList<JobVertex>(this.taskVertices.size()); Set<JobVertex> remaining = new LinkedHashSet<JobVertex>(this.taskVertices.values()); { Iterator<JobVertex> iter = remaining.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { JobVertex vertex =; if (vertex.hasNoConnectedInputs()) { sorted.add(vertex); iter.remove(); } } } int startNodePos = 0; while (!remaining.isEmpty()) { if (startNodePos >= sorted.size()) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The job graph is cyclic."); } JobVertex current = sorted.get(startNodePos++); addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(current, sorted, remaining); } return sorted; } private void addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(JobVertex start, List<JobVertex> target, Set<JobVertex> remaining) { for (IntermediateDataSet dataSet : start.getProducedDataSets()) { for (JobEdge edge : dataSet.getConsumers()) { JobVertex v = edge.getTarget(); if (!remaining.contains(v)) { continue; } boolean hasNewPredecessors = false; for (JobEdge e : v.getInputs()) { if (e == edge) { continue; } IntermediateDataSet source = e.getSource(); if (remaining.contains(source.getProducer())) { hasNewPredecessors = true; break; } } if (!hasNewPredecessors) { target.add(v); remaining.remove(v); addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(v, target, remaining); } } } } /** * Adds the path of a JAR file required to run the job on a task manager. * * @param jar * path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager */ public void addJar(Path jar) { if (jar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!userJars.contains(jar)) { userJars.add(jar); } } /** * Adds the given jar files to the {@link JobGraph} via {@link JobGraph * * @param jarFilesToAttach a list of the {@link URL URLs} of the jar files to attach to the jobgraph. * @throws RuntimeException if a jar URL is not valid. */ public void addJars(final List<URL> jarFilesToAttach) { for (URL jar : jarFilesToAttach) { try { addJar(new Path(jar.toURI())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("URL is invalid. This should not happen.", e); } } } /** * Gets the list of assigned user jar paths. * * @return The list of assigned user jar paths */ public List<Path> getUserJars() { return userJars; } /** * Adds the path of a custom file required to run the job on a task manager. * * @param name a name under which this artifact will be accessible through {@link DistributedCache} * @param file path of a custom file required to run the job on a task manager */ public void addUserArtifact(String name, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry file) { if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } userArtifacts.putIfAbsent(name, file); } /** * Gets the list of assigned user jar paths. * * @return The list of assigned user jar paths */ public Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> getUserArtifacts() { return userArtifacts; } /** * Adds the BLOB referenced by the key to the JobGraph's dependencies. * * @param key * path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager */ public void addUserJarBlobKey(PermanentBlobKey key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!userJarBlobKeys.contains(key)) { userJarBlobKeys.add(key); } } /** * Checks whether the JobGraph has user code JAR files attached. * * @return True, if the JobGraph has user code JAR files attached, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasUsercodeJarFiles() { return this.userJars.size() > 0; } /** * Returns a set of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job. * * @return set of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job */ public List<PermanentBlobKey> getUserJarBlobKeys() { return this.userJarBlobKeys; } @Override public String toString() { return "JobGraph(jobId: " + jobID + ")"; } public void setUserArtifactBlobKey(String entryName, PermanentBlobKey blobKey) throws IOException { byte[] serializedBlobKey; serializedBlobKey = InstantiationUtil.serializeObject(blobKey); userArtifacts.computeIfPresent(entryName, (key, originalEntry) -> new DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry( originalEntry.filePath, originalEntry.isExecutable, serializedBlobKey, originalEntry.isZipped )); } public void setUserArtifactRemotePath(String entryName, String remotePath) { userArtifacts.computeIfPresent(entryName, (key, originalEntry) -> new DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry( remotePath, originalEntry.isExecutable, null, originalEntry.isZipped )); } public void writeUserArtifactEntriesToConfiguration() { for (Map.Entry<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> userArtifact : userArtifacts.entrySet()) { DistributedCache.writeFileInfoToConfig( userArtifact.getKey(), userArtifact.getValue(), jobConfiguration ); } } }
class JobGraph implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; /** List of task vertices included in this job graph. */ private final Map<JobVertexID, JobVertex> taskVertices = new LinkedHashMap<JobVertexID, JobVertex>(); /** The job configuration attached to this job. */ private final Configuration jobConfiguration = new Configuration(); /** ID of this job. May be set if specific job id is desired (e.g. session management) */ private JobID jobID; /** Name of this job. */ private final String jobName; /** The mode in which the job is scheduled. */ private ScheduleMode scheduleMode = ScheduleMode.LAZY_FROM_SOURCES; /** Job specific execution config. */ private SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> serializedExecutionConfig; /** The settings for the job checkpoints. */ private JobCheckpointingSettings snapshotSettings; /** Savepoint restore settings. */ private SavepointRestoreSettings savepointRestoreSettings = SavepointRestoreSettings.none(); /** Set of JAR files required to run this job. */ private final List<Path> userJars = new ArrayList<Path>(); /** Set of custom files required to run this job. */ private final Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> userArtifacts = new HashMap<>(); /** Set of blob keys identifying the JAR files required to run this job. */ private final List<PermanentBlobKey> userJarBlobKeys = new ArrayList<>(); /** List of classpaths required to run this job. */ private List<URL> classpaths = Collections.emptyList(); /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, * and a random job ID. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobName The name of the job. */ public JobGraph(String jobName) { this(null, jobName); } /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given job ID (or a random ID, if {@code null} is passed), * the given name and the given execution configuration (see {@link ExecutionConfig}). * The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobId The id of the job. A random ID is generated, if {@code null} is passed. * @param jobName The name of the job. */ public JobGraph(JobID jobId, String jobName) { this.jobID = jobId == null ? new JobID() : jobId; this.jobName = jobName == null ? "(unnamed job)" : jobName; try { setExecutionConfig(new ExecutionConfig()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("bug, empty execution config is not serializable"); } } /** * Constructs a new job graph with no name, a random job ID, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, and * the given job vertices. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph. */ public JobGraph(JobVertex... vertices) { this(null, vertices); } /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, a random job ID, * and the given job vertices. The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobName The name of the job. * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph. */ public JobGraph(String jobName, JobVertex... vertices) { this(null, jobName, vertices); } /** * Constructs a new job graph with the given name, the given {@link ExecutionConfig}, * the given jobId or a random one if null supplied, and the given job vertices. * The ExecutionConfig will be serialized and can't be modified afterwards. * * @param jobId The id of the job. A random ID is generated, if {@code null} is passed. * @param jobName The name of the job. * @param vertices The vertices to add to the graph. */ public JobGraph(JobID jobId, String jobName, JobVertex... vertices) { this(jobId, jobName); for (JobVertex vertex : vertices) { addVertex(vertex); } } /** * Returns the ID of the job. * * @return the ID of the job */ public JobID getJobID() { return this.jobID; } /** * Sets the ID of the job. */ public void setJobID(JobID jobID) { this.jobID = jobID; } /** * Returns the name assigned to the job graph. * * @return the name assigned to the job graph */ public String getName() { return this.jobName; } /** * Returns the configuration object for this job. Job-wide parameters should be set into that * configuration object. * * @return The configuration object for this job. */ public Configuration getJobConfiguration() { return this.jobConfiguration; } /** * Returns the {@link ExecutionConfig}. * * @return ExecutionConfig */ public SerializedValue<ExecutionConfig> getSerializedExecutionConfig() { return serializedExecutionConfig; } public void setScheduleMode(ScheduleMode scheduleMode) { this.scheduleMode = scheduleMode; } public ScheduleMode getScheduleMode() { return scheduleMode; } /** * Sets the savepoint restore settings. * @param settings The savepoint restore settings. */ public void setSavepointRestoreSettings(SavepointRestoreSettings settings) { this.savepointRestoreSettings = checkNotNull(settings, "Savepoint restore settings"); } /** * Returns the configured savepoint restore setting. * @return The configured savepoint restore settings. */ public SavepointRestoreSettings getSavepointRestoreSettings() { return savepointRestoreSettings; } /** * Sets the execution config. This method eagerly serialized the ExecutionConfig for future RPC * transport. Further modification of the referenced ExecutionConfig object will not affect * this serialized copy. * * @param executionConfig The ExecutionConfig to be serialized. * @throws IOException Thrown if the serialization of the ExecutionConfig fails */ public void setExecutionConfig(ExecutionConfig executionConfig) throws IOException { checkNotNull(executionConfig, "ExecutionConfig must not be null."); this.serializedExecutionConfig = new SerializedValue<>(executionConfig); } /** * Adds a new task vertex to the job graph if it is not already included. * * @param vertex * the new task vertex to be added */ public void addVertex(JobVertex vertex) { final JobVertexID id = vertex.getID(); JobVertex previous = taskVertices.put(id, vertex); if (previous != null) { taskVertices.put(id, previous); throw new IllegalArgumentException("The JobGraph already contains a vertex with that id."); } } /** * Returns an Iterable to iterate all vertices registered with the job graph. * * @return an Iterable to iterate all vertices registered with the job graph */ public Iterable<JobVertex> getVertices() { return this.taskVertices.values(); } /** * Returns an array of all job vertices that are registered with the job graph. The order in which the vertices * appear in the list is not defined. * * @return an array of all job vertices that are registered with the job graph */ public JobVertex[] getVerticesAsArray() { return this.taskVertices.values().toArray(new JobVertex[this.taskVertices.size()]); } /** * Returns the number of all vertices. * * @return The number of all vertices. */ public int getNumberOfVertices() { return this.taskVertices.size(); } public Set<SlotSharingGroup> getSlotSharingGroups() { final Set<SlotSharingGroup> slotSharingGroups = IterableUtils .toStream(getVertices()) .map(JobVertex::getSlotSharingGroup) .collect(Collectors.toSet()); return Collections.unmodifiableSet(slotSharingGroups); } /** * Sets the settings for asynchronous snapshots. A value of {@code null} means that * snapshotting is not enabled. * * @param settings The snapshot settings */ public void setSnapshotSettings(JobCheckpointingSettings settings) { this.snapshotSettings = settings; } /** * Gets the settings for asynchronous snapshots. This method returns null, when * checkpointing is not enabled. * * @return The snapshot settings */ public JobCheckpointingSettings getCheckpointingSettings() { return snapshotSettings; } /** * Checks if the checkpointing was enabled for this job graph. * * @return true if checkpointing enabled */ public boolean isCheckpointingEnabled() { if (snapshotSettings == null) { return false; } long checkpointInterval = snapshotSettings.getCheckpointCoordinatorConfiguration().getCheckpointInterval(); return checkpointInterval > 0 && checkpointInterval < Long.MAX_VALUE; } /** * Searches for a vertex with a matching ID and returns it. * * @param id * the ID of the vertex to search for * @return the vertex with the matching ID or <code>null</code> if no vertex with such ID could be found */ public JobVertex findVertexByID(JobVertexID id) { return this.taskVertices.get(id); } /** * Sets the classpaths required to run the job on a task manager. * * @param paths paths of the directories/JAR files required to run the job on a task manager */ public void setClasspaths(List<URL> paths) { classpaths = paths; } public List<URL> getClasspaths() { return classpaths; } /** * Gets the maximum parallelism of all operations in this job graph. * * @return The maximum parallelism of this job graph */ public int getMaximumParallelism() { int maxParallelism = -1; for (JobVertex vertex : taskVertices.values()) { maxParallelism = Math.max(vertex.getParallelism(), maxParallelism); } return maxParallelism; } public List<JobVertex> getVerticesSortedTopologicallyFromSources() throws InvalidProgramException { if (this.taskVertices.isEmpty()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } List<JobVertex> sorted = new ArrayList<JobVertex>(this.taskVertices.size()); Set<JobVertex> remaining = new LinkedHashSet<JobVertex>(this.taskVertices.values()); { Iterator<JobVertex> iter = remaining.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { JobVertex vertex =; if (vertex.hasNoConnectedInputs()) { sorted.add(vertex); iter.remove(); } } } int startNodePos = 0; while (!remaining.isEmpty()) { if (startNodePos >= sorted.size()) { throw new InvalidProgramException("The job graph is cyclic."); } JobVertex current = sorted.get(startNodePos++); addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(current, sorted, remaining); } return sorted; } private void addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(JobVertex start, List<JobVertex> target, Set<JobVertex> remaining) { for (IntermediateDataSet dataSet : start.getProducedDataSets()) { for (JobEdge edge : dataSet.getConsumers()) { JobVertex v = edge.getTarget(); if (!remaining.contains(v)) { continue; } boolean hasNewPredecessors = false; for (JobEdge e : v.getInputs()) { if (e == edge) { continue; } IntermediateDataSet source = e.getSource(); if (remaining.contains(source.getProducer())) { hasNewPredecessors = true; break; } } if (!hasNewPredecessors) { target.add(v); remaining.remove(v); addNodesThatHaveNoNewPredecessors(v, target, remaining); } } } } /** * Adds the path of a JAR file required to run the job on a task manager. * * @param jar * path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager */ public void addJar(Path jar) { if (jar == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!userJars.contains(jar)) { userJars.add(jar); } } /** * Adds the given jar files to the {@link JobGraph} via {@link JobGraph * * @param jarFilesToAttach a list of the {@link URL URLs} of the jar files to attach to the jobgraph. * @throws RuntimeException if a jar URL is not valid. */ public void addJars(final List<URL> jarFilesToAttach) { for (URL jar : jarFilesToAttach) { try { addJar(new Path(jar.toURI())); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("URL is invalid. This should not happen.", e); } } } /** * Gets the list of assigned user jar paths. * * @return The list of assigned user jar paths */ public List<Path> getUserJars() { return userJars; } /** * Adds the path of a custom file required to run the job on a task manager. * * @param name a name under which this artifact will be accessible through {@link DistributedCache} * @param file path of a custom file required to run the job on a task manager */ public void addUserArtifact(String name, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry file) { if (file == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } userArtifacts.putIfAbsent(name, file); } /** * Gets the list of assigned user jar paths. * * @return The list of assigned user jar paths */ public Map<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> getUserArtifacts() { return userArtifacts; } /** * Adds the BLOB referenced by the key to the JobGraph's dependencies. * * @param key * path of the JAR file required to run the job on a task manager */ public void addUserJarBlobKey(PermanentBlobKey key) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if (!userJarBlobKeys.contains(key)) { userJarBlobKeys.add(key); } } /** * Checks whether the JobGraph has user code JAR files attached. * * @return True, if the JobGraph has user code JAR files attached, false otherwise. */ public boolean hasUsercodeJarFiles() { return this.userJars.size() > 0; } /** * Returns a set of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job. * * @return set of BLOB keys referring to the JAR files required to run this job */ public List<PermanentBlobKey> getUserJarBlobKeys() { return this.userJarBlobKeys; } @Override public String toString() { return "JobGraph(jobId: " + jobID + ")"; } public void setUserArtifactBlobKey(String entryName, PermanentBlobKey blobKey) throws IOException { byte[] serializedBlobKey; serializedBlobKey = InstantiationUtil.serializeObject(blobKey); userArtifacts.computeIfPresent(entryName, (key, originalEntry) -> new DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry( originalEntry.filePath, originalEntry.isExecutable, serializedBlobKey, originalEntry.isZipped )); } public void setUserArtifactRemotePath(String entryName, String remotePath) { userArtifacts.computeIfPresent(entryName, (key, originalEntry) -> new DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry( remotePath, originalEntry.isExecutable, null, originalEntry.isZipped )); } public void writeUserArtifactEntriesToConfiguration() { for (Map.Entry<String, DistributedCache.DistributedCacheEntry> userArtifact : userArtifacts.entrySet()) { DistributedCache.writeFileInfoToConfig( userArtifact.getKey(), userArtifact.getValue(), jobConfiguration ); } } }
Oh, I see! You cache the `Uni` and resubscribe to it every time (well Quarkus does). That's actually interesting, but I'm not sure it's what the user would expect. Imagine: ```java @GET public Uni<String> callMyRemoteService() { return webClient.send().map(r -> r.bodyAsString()); } ``` Basically, it calls a remote service. If you cache the result, what would/should happen? 1. the response is cached - the users will get the same response, avoiding calls to the remote service 2. the uni is cached - to every time there is a request, there is another subscription calling the remote service I would have said 1, but it looks like 2 has been implemented. Can you confirm?
public Uni<String> cachedMethod(String key) { invocations++; return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> new String()); }
return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> new String());
public Uni<String> cachedMethod(String key) { invocations++; return Uni.createFrom().item(() -> { subscriptions++; return "" + subscriptions; }); }
class CachedService { private int invocations; @CacheResult(cacheName = "test-cache") public int getInvocations() { return invocations; } }
class CachedService { private int invocations; private int subscriptions; @CacheResult(cacheName = "test-cache") public int getInvocations() { return invocations; } }
"If you could abstract the query schedule strategy like `Presto` and refactor this class, which woul(...TRUNCATED)
"private void computeFragmentExecParams() throws Exception {\ncomputeFragmentHosts();\ninstanceIds.c(...TRUNCATED)
if (bucketShuffleJoinController.isBucketShuffleJoin(destFragment.getFragmentId().asInt())) {
"private void computeFragmentExecParams() throws Exception {\ncomputeFragmentHosts();\ninstanceIds.c(...TRUNCATED)
"class Coordinator {\nprivate static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(Coordinator.class);\npr(...TRUNCATED)
"class Coordinator {\nprivate static final Logger LOG = LogManager.getLogger(Coordinator.class);\npr(...TRUNCATED)
"Currently, the shift operation for tuples is not supported by the runtime. Therefore the runtime ch(...TRUNCATED)
"private void validateTupleSizeAndInherentType() {\nint numOfMandatoryTypes = this.tupleType.getTupl(...TRUNCATED)
this.tupleType.getRestType() : this.tupleType.getTupleTypes().get(i));
"private void validateTupleSizeAndInherentType() {\nList<Type> tupleTypesList = this.tupleType.getTu(...TRUNCATED)
"class TupleValueImpl extends AbstractArrayValue {\nprotected TupleType tupleType;\nprotected Type t(...TRUNCATED)
"class TupleValueImpl extends AbstractArrayValue {\nprotected TupleType tupleType;\nprotected Type t(...TRUNCATED)
"These two return two different results. Original one is : 2 ^ (tryCount-1) Now: (tryCount -1) ^ 2 (...TRUNCATED)
"long calculateDelayInMs(int tryCount) {\nlong delay;\nswitch (this.retryPolicyType) {\ncase EXPONEN(...TRUNCATED)
delay = ((tryCount - 1) * (tryCount - 1) - 1L) * this.retryDelayInMs;
"long calculateDelayInMs(int tryCount) {\nlong delay;\nswitch (this.retryPolicyType) {\ncase EXPONEN(...TRUNCATED)
"class RequestRetryOptions {\nprivate final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(RequestRetryOptio(...TRUNCATED)
"class RequestRetryOptions {\nprivate final ClientLogger logger = new ClientLogger(RequestRetryOptio(...TRUNCATED) exists but content is empty.
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