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Whereafter design and analyze the actualize circuit and the function of each module. | 然后设计和分析了各个子模块的实现电路和功能; |
Mr. Pang denied those allegations, saying the government based its case on the word of a disgruntled employee. | 彭日成否认了这些指控,称政府的指控基于手下一位愤怒雇员的一面之词。 |
For the single-machine case, we derive polynomial-time optimal solutions for the problems to minimize makespan and the total completion time. | 单机排序情形下,对于最大完工时间和总完工时间最小化问题给出多项式时间算法。 |
Objective:To investigate the infection condition of herpes simplex virus(HSV) in Shantou area. | 目的:了解汕头地区单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)感染情况。 |
Blood seeped through its baleen as a bulldozer dragged all 28 feet of it across the rocky beach. | 当一台推土机拖着这头全长28英尺的鲸穿过岩石沙滩时,鲸血渐渐穿过鲸须而渗漏出来。 |
The response would, of course, be for the enraged US congressmen to start enacting their own retaliation. | 这些反应必将激怒美国国会议员,导致他们制定自己的报复措施。 |
Thellonking is one of the most productive activities a human being can undertake. | 念考是此中最出产性活动己的总称能够举行。 |
Shaw was also the only person ever to have won both a Nobel Prize (Literature in 1925) and an Academy Award (Best Screenplay for Pygmalion in 1938). | 肖伯纳还是唯一获得诺贝尔文学奖(1925年)以及奥斯卡最佳电影剧本奖(1938年,《 皮格马利翁》)两个奖项的人。 |
Alistair Woodland, a partner at law firm Clifford Chance, said: “The truth is that no one will escape the new bonus rules completely.” | Clifford Chance律师事务所合伙人阿利斯泰尔·伍德兰(Alistair Woodland)说:“真实的情况是没有人能够彻底规避新的奖金政策。” |
Country and nation need juncture, to ignore individual interest, not Wei hardship, not afraid of bloodshed and even sacrificed their personal life, is to campaign for the country 's warrior. | 国家和民族需要的关头,能够不顾个人利益、不畏艰难、不怕流血甚至献出个人生命的,就是为国征战的勇士。 |
They could even count the fruit in Soviet orchards and analyze their crops. | 他们甚至可以数出苏联果园里的果树并分析其产量。 |
The results show the effects of the geometrical parameters of aluminium foil and heat conductivity of PCM on heat transfer enhancement. | 从计算结果可以看出铝片结构参数和相变材料导热系数对传热性能的影响。 |
The surprise of artificial evolution has been that conventional wisdom was so wrong. Sims , Ray, and Koza have wonderful evidence that logical programs can evolve by progressive modifications. | 人工进化的惊人发现在于传统知识错误百出。辛姆斯、雷和柯扎都拥有证明逻辑程序可以通过渐进改良方式演化的绝妙证据。 |
There is a major difference in function between a sender-receiver channel pair and a requester-server channel -- for more information, see the WebSphere MQ V7 information center. | 发送方-接收方通道对和请求方-服务器通道在功能方面有着很大的区别 ——— 更多信息请参阅 WebSphere MQ V7 信息中心。 |
The American public is growing weary of financing every aspect of Iraq's future, from combat operations to electricity grids and highways, " said Senator Ben Nelson, a Nebraska Democrat. | 美国公众已经厌倦了给伊拉克未来的每个方面提供资助,从作战运行到电力网到公路建设。 |
The results have shown that breeders could use for selecting parental inbred lines, according to the proposed scopes, the… | 试验结果,根据一些生理、生化性状的相关系数,为玉米杂交亲本的选配提供了理论依据。 |
The 7th China-EU Leaders' Meeting will take place on the following day there. | 第七次中欧领导人会晤将于8日在这里举行。 |
This deal and the circumstances under which it was made will provide encouragement and incentive to Hamas and to Hezbollah to abduct soldiers in the future, and make even more extreme demands. | 阿伦斯说:“这次交易以及交换人员的条件会鼓励哈马斯和真主党将来绑架以色列军人,提出更极端的要求。 |
The Australian Taxation Office has taken action against 27 employees for breaches of privacy, including sacking four of them. | 澳大利亚税局,已经对27名违反了客户隐私条例的员工采取了行动,其中四名被解雇。 |
Recently, an international team of biologists released the first draft sequence of the pig genome, the complete set of genetic instructions for making the ruddy-furred Duroc breed of Sus scrofus. | 最近一个跨国生物学家团队发布第一分猪基因体定序图谱初稿,也就是红色毛的杜洛克猪的完整基因指令。 |
Comparisons of explosion processes of single-charge, two-charge exploding at bottom in shallow-layer water and two-charge exploding in infinitive water were made. | 研究了水底水面对沉底爆炸冲击波传播与相互作用的影响。 |
Three: the right with the right thumb pulp press Sanyinjiao that 3-inch ankle on right leg, made the patients feel soreness Roudong clockwise 20 times. | 三:用右手拇指指腹按压右三阴交穴,即右下肢内踝上3寸,患者感到酸胀时作顺时针揉动20次。 |
In this paper we analyzed the decomposing principals of good-sized products; | 分析了大型机电产品设计任务分解原则; |
The regeneration proposal for the city centre and traffic hub of Ballerup, a suburb of Copenhagen, aims to create a model for revitalizing and rethinking the typical suburban commuter spaces. | 对哥本哈根近郊城市巴勒鲁普市中心及交通枢纽的重建提议旨在创建一个恢复中心活力,反思标准郊区通勤空间的模型。 |
Even in time of danger, many times in body armor. | 甚至在危险时刻,多次以身相护。 |
So is an change for the better, like birth and death which convulse the body. | 向更好的转变也是如此,和颠覆身体的生死一样。 |
The bury depth is mainly related to the rigidity of the pipe, geological conditions and designed density of backfill soil. | 埋设深度主要与管材的刚度有关,同时与管道敷设地点的地质条件和设计回填土的密实度有关。 |
After spending 10 years producing this film, Woo plans to release an Anna May Wong pictorial book and DVD in late 2009. | 在花了十年制作这部纪录片之后,胡美金打算在2009年末出版一本黄柳霜的画册和DVD。 |
The Spurs squandered a 20-point lead to lose Game 1 in Los Angeles and the Lakers routed them in Game 2. | 第一场马刺在领先20分情况下被翻盘,第二场更是惨败。 |
The result is, that it is not necessary to use gibberlin acid. | 实验结果是,种子不必经过酸处理也可以发芽。 |
Monday: A Water bearer expresses the symbols of fortunes during the dates of 7th, 14th and 21th hours past sunrise. | 星期一:水瓶座的运势将在日出后的第7,14,21小时候体现。 |
Davyn felt his feet leave the wood of the chair and wrapped his hands around the wool rope. | 达文感到他的脚正慢慢远离椅子,他的手死死攥住绳圈。 |
Two days earlier, the 13-year-old was sitting on a porch and eating pizza with Deneysi Valdovinos, a girl he's known his whole life, when a gunman walked up and started shooting. | 两天前,这个13岁的男孩正和发小好友丹妮斯•瓦尔德文斯坐在门廊吃披萨,这时有个持枪歹徒走进来开始射击。 |
It is intended for mission-critical, heavy-load production systems as well as for embedding into mass-deployed software. | 它旨在成为能用于大型应用、高负载的生产系统以及大规模部署的软件。 |
The blanket was a gift from his Dad to his Granddad----a going-away gift. | 这条毛毯是父亲送给爷爷的礼物----送别的礼物。 |
After giving your baby a bath, gently massage him with a small amount of baby lotion. The gentle touches and caresses can help soothe him and provide him with a sense of security. | 帮幼儿洗完澡擦乾后,可为孩子擦点婴儿乳液并轻轻地为其做点简单的按摩,除了轻柔的动作、肢体的抚摸可安定孩子的情绪,而孩子也能感受到父母的慈爱。 |
To gowardesh ErNian room send chicken soup, also see ErNian encourage lost ErNian marry big boss when good, ErNian told gowardesh black mule to marry grandma, gowardesh hurried out. | 狗娃去二娘屋里送也鸡汤,看到二娘失落劝慰二娘跟大掌柜结婚时好事,二娘告诉狗娃黑骡子要娶奶奶了,狗娃急忙跑出去。 。 |
When you share a page, you can designate users as viewers or editors. | 在共享页面时,您可以将用户指定为查看者或编辑者。 |
Yijun: Now you can't tell me you don't like her story. | 怡君:你不能跟我说你不喜欢她的故事了。 |
Christmas is a day for gathering. I will get together with my classmates and friends, some foreigners and some Chinese and have dinner together and give each other presents. | 圣诞节是人们聚会的一天。我将与同学们以及朋友们共聚一堂,一些外国人和一些中国人共同聚餐,并且互相分发礼物。 |
The problem authorities in Abuja face, though, is that no single approach to confronting Boko Haram's expansion has yet gained broad political backing or attained major momentum. | 但是阿布贾的政府面临的问题是处理博科圣地的单方面行动还没有过的广泛的政治支持也没有得到主要的推动力。 |
You’re probably one of those weirdos that doesn’t drink coffee in the morning either. | 而且你可能也是那种早晨不用喝咖啡的古怪人。 |
The smell of perfume suggests the girl whom I met in the plane on the way to Lisbon. | 这种香水味令我想起了飞往里斯本的航班上遇到的那位姑娘。 |
It is worth mentioning that the provisions of the Social Security Board, to receive social security payments for personnel do not live in the United States to facilitate the retirees living abroad. | 值得一提的是,社安局规定,领取社会安全金的人员不一定要住在美国境内,以方便生活在海外的退休人士。 |
METHODS:To select the optimum method with morphology, particle size and entrapping efficiency as criterion. | 方法:以形态、粒径、包封率为指标评价工艺。 |
But the PE teacher, Ms Huang, helped me. | 但是,体育老师肜——黄老师帮助了我。 |
Magna's plan is less clear, and representatives of the company could not be reached immediately. | 麦格纳的计划不太清楚,且公司代表还无法立即达成协议。 |
Listing 9 shows you how the tag uses its ID attribute to link to a specified bug report in the MediaWiki Bugzilla database. | 清单 9 显示了 标记是如何使用其 ID 属性链接到 MediaWiki Bugzilla 数据库内的一个指定的 bug 报告的。 |
Smart software can also reduce medical errors. | 高智能的软体也可以减少医疗疏失。 |
With the right products and the right terms, these workers can still have access to that crucial crutch. | 在合适的产品和合适的条款下,这些工人仍然可以得到这些重要的支柱。 |
The lesions will "bleach out" and become clean wounds that will heal after a molt. | 病变会“漂白了”,成为清洁伤口愈合后,将蜕皮。 |
The result with white-space text nodes ignored is Listing 19. | 空白文本节点被省略后的结果是 清单 19。 |
Walter Reuther, the union’s captain, would have preferred that the government provide pensions and health care to all citizens. | 工会首领沃尔特·鲁瑟(Walter Reuther)本来更希望政府为所有公民提供养老金和医疗保健。 |
Two ash pits of the Erlitou culture were excavated in 1997. Containing artifacts present distinctive features of the Erlitou cultural style. | 本次发掘的二里头文化灰坑仅两座,出土遗物具有比较典型的二里头文化风格。 |
We can do that, and everyone who is in this room will be part of a historic endeavor - one that makes life better for our children and our grandchildren.[/en] | 我们能够这样做。 在座的每一位都能亲身参与这项前所未有的事业──为了改善我们子孙万代的生活。 |
Most turtles are carnivorous worms, screw, such, shrimp and fish feed, also food plants for the stem. | 大多数龟均为肉食性,以 蠕虫、螺类、虾及小鱼等为食,亦食植物的茎叶。 |
The report notes: ’In reaction to these slow drivers, almost half (45%) of motorists risk overtaking, thus increasing the chances of an accident. | 这篇报道指出:“对于这些慢行司机,几乎45%的司机会冒险超车,这反而增加了发生事故的概率。” |
Those results can be explained by Automaticity Theory, Threshold Hypothesis Theory, and Relevance Theory and Natural Order Theory. | 作者用信息处理自动性理论、词汇临界值假说、关联理论和自然顺序假设理论解释了这些现象。 |
Still, the planets do slightly disturb each other with their mutual gravity, pulling each other around a little bit and thus causing tiny variations in the exact timing of the transits. | 然而,由于行星之间的相互引力,它们确实会轻微地受到彼此的干扰,把相互之间的距离稍微拉近一点,这样就会在凌日的确切时间上引起微小的变化。 |
And am a qualified programmer in about 4 high-level languages and machine language in 8008,8080,8085 and fair at Z80. | 我是个有资历的程序员,能使用四种高级语言,也能在8008,8080,8085,z80机器上使用机器语言。 |
The growing demand for meat, milk and eggs in developing countries thus potentially provides an opportunity for poor livestock keepers to improve their livelihoods. | 因此,发展中国家对肉、奶和蛋不断增长的需求,可能给贫困的牲畜饲养者提供改善其生计的机遇。 |
Calcium in Chinese olive organs is in the form of HAC-soluble calcium and HCL-soluble calcium. | 在各器官中钙主要以醋酸溶钙和盐酸溶钙的形式存在。 |
The positive rate can be raised when the IFAT and other immunological methods were jointly used for diagnosis of human hydatidosis. | 将IFAT和其它免疫学方法合用,能提高包虫病的检出率。 |
Furthermore, you should avoid nicotine and caffeine in the evenings since these stimulants can make it harder to fall asleep. | 此外,晚上要避免含尼古丁和咖啡因的东西,它们有刺激作用,使人难以入睡。 |
You cannot get away. Do not think you can escape them, At night, or early in the morn'. | 别以为趁著夜色昏冥或朝晨迷雾你们就能逃离德州人的目光。 |
During the six months ended June 30, 2007, the Company received net loans totaling $725,324 primarily from its officers. | 截止2007年6月30日的六个月里,公司净贷款总额为725324美元,贷款主要来自公司高级官员。 |
A united method for greatest common factor and least common multiple of two elements in Euclidean ring is given. | 通过对欧氏环上矩阵的讨论,给出了欧氏环中两个元素的最大公因子与最小公倍子的统一求法。 |
They were about to go down. When Tom suddenly whispered. "Sh! Keep still. Don't move!" | 他们正想再下去,这时汤姆突然低声道:“嘘,安静,别动!” |
For Saliou, the work in the mines goes on. | 对Saliou来说,矿山的工作还要继续。 |
Jonathan Scurlock, of the National Farmers Union, said: “Going vegetarian is not a worldwide solution. | 全国农民联盟的乔纳森斯格劳克说:“吃素食并非全球性的解决方案。 |
On this subject, I do not wish to think, or speak, or write, with moderation. | 对于这个问题,我不愿温文尔雅地思考、发言和写文章。 |
YIN-W Series Plastic towline, also has a wide range of applications, are of special plastic towline. | 系列塑料拖链,也有着广泛的应用,属于特种塑料拖链。 |
Our results showed that the extract or HL 60 cells agglutinated the lymphocytes of mouse spleens. | 结果表明,HL-60细胞含有很高的内源性凝集素活性。 |
An area 5km in length and 500 meters wide has been covered by a combination of mud and rock thrown up by the floods, the local government said in a statement. | 当地政府在一项声明中称5公里长500百米宽的区域被洪水的泥土岩石混合。 |
As we might put it somewhat misleadingly, what is it for "two" people to really be the same single extended-through-time person? | 对于“两个“人、,如何才是同一个贯穿时间的人,可能有一些误导的观点? |
In order to combine resources and provide higher speed, more stable, more flexible broadband access services, wireless and optical networks tend to be integrated into the access network. | 为了优化组合资源,并且提供更高速、更稳定、更灵活的宽带接入业务,无线和光纤网络的融合成为接入网演进的趋势。 |
Each "scream" lasts for just 0.05 seconds. | 每一声“尖叫”仅仅持续0.05秒。 |
Nanguo Pear obtains the fame of "The King of the Pear" for its appealing color, soft fresh, full of juice and strong fragrance. | 南果梨因其色泽鲜艳、果肉细腻、爽口多汁、风味香浓,所以素有“梨中之王”的美誉。 |
E. g One Company Need to Rent heavy equipment or buy a materials , they can post Their RFQ and ask for Quotation. | 例如,一个公司需要租用或购买重型设备材料,他们可以张贴他们的报价,要求报价。 |
The current world record stands at 27 hours and 15 minutes - but Carragher is confident the title will soon be heading to Liverpool. | 现世界纪录为27小时15分,但卡拉格信心冠军最终属于利物浦。 |
Moreover, the skull has features resembling those of contemporary Asians. | 此外,该头骨具备类似现代亚洲人头骨的特征。 |
After the retrieval, the donor's eggs are fertilized by sperm from the recipient's partner and transferred to the recipient's uterus. | 取卵后,捐卵者的卵子用受赠者丈夫的精子受精然后移植到受赠者的子宫。 |
Unconsciously, you use this time, if you are a poor listener, to let your thoughts drift elsewhere. | 如果你是一个差劲的聆听者,你的思绪就会不知不觉地在这段时间飘走。 |
There, they can be associated with XML documents that are stored and retrieved by business applications. | 它们将在那里与由业务应用程序存储和检索的 XML 文档关联起来。 |
Bid and quotation are decision problem, which synthesized multifactor including qualitative analysis, quantitative calculation, decision-maker's experiences etc. | 投标报价工作是一个复杂的定性分析、定量计算、决策者经验等多因素综合性的决策问题。 |
One flat can accommodate a family of five. | 一套房间可供五口之家居住。 |
"There were fairly high expectations for both JPMorgan and Intel, so these beats show how much things are improving," said Douglas Peta, an independent market strategist in New York. | "市场对摩根大通和英特尔两家企业有相当高的期望,所以两家公司业绩超预期反映经济改善的程度,"纽约独立市场策略师Douglas Peta说. |
So Arcadia is trying to improve crops’ ability to absorb nitrogen by changing their biological makeup, Lewis said. | 刘易斯表示,为此阿凯迪亚公司尝试通过改变作物的生物构造,改善它们吸收氮的能力。 |
What does it mean for a project to work in an iterative and incremental manner? | 插图对于一个项目来说,以迭代和增量的方式进行运作意味着什么? |
And, lo, I perceived that God had not sent him; but that he pronounced this prophecy against me: for Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him. | 我看明神没有差遣他,是他自己说这话攻击我,是多比雅和叁巴拉贿买了他。 |
It’s always nice to have some fresh faces and appeal to a younger audience who may not be as familiar with the show as our long-time fans. | 让新鲜面孔出现总是件好事,可以吸引年轻观众,他们不像我们的长期剧迷那样熟悉这个剧。 |
Objective To evaluate the efficacy of Titanor Eine cream and Titanor EIne suppositories in postoperative patients with anorectal diseases. | 目的观察太宁膏、太宁栓联合应用在防治肛肠病术后便秘、疼痛和术区出血的疗效。 |
And they seemed blissfully insensitive to risk - even junk bonds rated a scary C were selling briskly, accounting for more than 25% of all LBO junk-bond issues earlier this year. | 他们似乎对此时的风险并不敏感-甚至是评级为C的垃圾债券都可以顺利销售,并且此级别的债券占那一年所有LBO垃圾债券的25%还多。 |
Preparation: Develop malware-specific incident handling policies and procedures. | 预防: 开始特定恶意软件事故处理策略和过程。 |
"Morning" is Janice's first since his debut album in English songs, ten original songs in English by the jazz genre, French lazy heart, soul, rock ranging from pastoral comedy. | 是Janice 出道以来首张全英文歌专辑,十首原创英文歌的曲风由爵士乐、法式惰怀、骚灵、摇滚至田园小品不等。 |
I'm sorry, I'm not in a position to help you financially. | 我很抱歉,我没办法在财务上帮你忙。 |
This paper introduces the structure of software system about data gathering and communication of bearing windage testing device, the designing of software, and the mostly function and characteristic. | 介绍了轴承游隙检测台数据采集与通讯软件系统,对系统设计、结构和主要功能特点作了较详细的论述。 |
A garden rockeries, part of stone piled with Huangshan, deep in the twists and turns Dengdao, peak circled, it is sent north, a stone; | 个园假山,一部分用黄山石叠成,山腹中有曲折磴道,盘旋到顶,这是北派的石法; |
I've trained long and hard, using my superior IQ to improve all of my gaming methods and strategies. | 我日夜训练,运用我的高 智慧提高我所有的游戏方法和策略。 |
Big-P looked like to be getting presentable over this year, all people smiled and applauded when he summarizing dictions . He performed very well, I had known for a long time. | 这一年来大P变得像模像样了,他总结陈辞时所有人都又笑又鼓掌的,他发挥得很好, 我早就知道。 |
Subsets and Splits