stringlengths 12
| trg
stringlengths 57
list all the schools of those who went to school named brandeis university ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbp_school dbr_Brandeis_University sep_dot var_x dbp_school var_uri brack_close |
who appointed samuel b . kent and steven j . mcauliffe to their office ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Samuel_B._Kent dbo_appointer var_uri sep_dot dbr_Steven_J._McAuliffe dbo_appointer var_uri brack_close |
where is 2002 metro manila film festival located ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_2002_Metro_Manila_Film_Festival dbp_location var_uri brack_close |
which coach of chicago blitz is also the coach 1984 arfu asian rugby championship ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Chicago_Blitz dbp_coach var_uri sep_dot dbr_1984_ARFU_Asian_Rugby_Championship dbp_name var_uri brack_close |
where are euro and russian ruble used ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_currency dbr_Euro sep_dot var_uri dbo_currency dbr_Russian_ruble brack_close |
did aimee mann write the lyrics of the story of light | ASK where brack_open dbr_The_Story_of_Light dbp_lyrics dbr_Aimee_Mann brack_close |
what are some people born in new london known for ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_birthPlace dbr_New_London,_Connecticut sep_dot var_x dbo_knownFor var_uri brack_close |
which largest city of morehouse parish is also the largest city of morehouse parish ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Morehouse_Parish,_Louisiana dbo_largestCity var_uri sep_dot dbr_Morehouse_Parish,_Louisiana dbo_largestCity var_uri brack_close |
where did the conflict take place where charles george gordon was a commander ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_commander dbr_Charles_George_Gordon sep_dot var_x dbo_territory var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_MilitaryConflict brack_close |
what is the largest city of the country which have an assembly of transtar dagger gt ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Transtar_Dagger_GT dbo_assembly var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_largestCity var_uri brack_close |
in what movies did jay gruska compose the music ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbp_music dbr_Jay_Gruska sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Film brack_close |
does warner bros . have a subsidiary called castle rock entertainment | ASK where brack_open dbr_Warner_Bros sep_dot dbo_subsidiary dbr_Castle_Rock_Entertainment brack_close |
what is the biggest stadium in sikkim ? | select distinct var_uri where brack_open var_uri a dbo_Stadium sep_dot var_uri dbo_location dbr_Sikkim sep_dot var_uri dbo_seatingCapacity var_n sep_dot brack_close _obd_ var_n offset 0 limit 1 |
which constructor's team won the 2012 stp 400 ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_2012_STP_400 dbp_firstTeam var_uri brack_close |
name the person who died in letterman army hospital ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_deathPlace dbr_Letterman_Army_Hospital sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close |
who developed the software for the operating system of windows live writer ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Windows_Live_Writer dbo_operatingSystem var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_developer var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Software brack_close |
what is the team name of 2012–13 canberra cavalry season ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_2012–13_Canberra_Cavalry_season dbp_teamName var_uri brack_close |
give me all members of lifesavers underground | select distinct var_uri where brack_open dbr_Lifesavers_Underground dbo_bandMember var_uri sep_dot brack_close |
who owns the airport in klamath falls ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_city dbr_Klamath_Falls,_Oregon sep_dot var_x dbp_owner var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Airport brack_close |
name the death location of julius krohn ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Julius_Krohn dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close |
westerkerk is affiliated to protestant church in the netherlands religion | ASK where brack_open dbr_Westerkerk dbp_religiousAffiliation dbr_Protestant_Church_in_the_Netherlands brack_close |
who produces the tv series which made corbin bernsen famous ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Corbin_Bernsen dbo_knownFor var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_producer var_uri brack_close |
which magazine's publisher is vice media and founded by terry jones ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_publisher dbr_Vice_Media sep_dot var_uri dbo_founder dbr_Terry_Jones_ attr_open i-D attr_close sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Magazine brack_close |
what is the residence of the person , who starred in the fanelli boys ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Fanelli_Boys dbo_starring var_x sep_dot var_x dbp_residence var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Person brack_close |
what product is made by magnavox and magnavox togather ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_manufacturer dbr_Magnavox sep_dot var_uri dbo_manufacturer dbr_Magnavox brack_close |
give me a count of airlines whose hub airport is hangzhou xiaoshan international airport ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_hubAirport dbr_Hangzhou_Xiaoshan_International_Airport sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Airline brack_close |
whose mom is irene manning ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbp_mother dbr_Irene_Manning_ attr_open One_Life_to_Live attr_close brack_close |
list the common official language of the gibraltar and allied military government for occupied territories ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Gibraltar dbo_officialLanguage var_uri sep_dot dbr_Allied_Military_Government_for_Occupied_Territories dbo_officialLanguage var_uri brack_close |
name the common associate band of nsync and will . i . am ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_NSYNC dbo_associatedBand var_uri sep_dot dbo_associatedBand var_uri brack_close |
which surgery won an oscar ? | select distinct var_uri where brack_open brack_open var_uri dbo_field dbr_Surgery sep_dot brack_close union brack_open var_uri dc:description var_s sep_dot filter regex attr_open var_s,'dbr_Surgery','i' attr_close brack_close var_uri dbo_award dbr_Academy_Awards sep_dot brack_close |
in which city did cape fear crocs take place ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Cape_Fear_Crocs dbp_city var_uri brack_close |
is ontario reign a prospective team for kevin gravel ? | ASK where brack_open dbr_Kevin_Gravel dbo_prospectTeam dbr_Ontario_Reign_ attr_open AHL attr_close brack_close |
where was aleksey kokel trained ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Aleksey_Kokel dbp_training var_uri brack_close |
where is dominik smole located ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Dominik_Smole dbo_birthPlace var_uri brack_close |
which boarder country of siberia was the state of kazakhstan basketball championship ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Siberia dbo_border var_uri sep_dot dbr_Kazakhstan_Basketball_Championship dbo_country var_uri brack_close |
name the cover artist of eyes of the storm ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Eyes_of_the_Storm dbo_coverArtist var_uri brack_close |
give me all video games published by mean hamster software | select distinct var_uri where brack_open var_uri rdf_type dbo_VideoGame sep_dot var_uri dbo_publisher dbr_Mean_Hamster_Softwarebrack_close |
from which country did the china metallurgical group corporation and the great leap brewing ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Great_Leap_Brewing dbp_locationCountry var_uri sep_dot dbr_China_Metallurgical_Group_Corporation dbp_locationCountry var_uri brack_close |
where did the relatives of salman of saudi arabia study ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_relative dbr_Salman_of_Saudi_Arabia sep_dot var_x dbp_education var_uri brack_close |
nick holland and tim o'brien debuted their career with which common team ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Tim_O'Brien_ attr_open footballer attr_close dbp_debutteam var_uri sep_dot dbr_Nick_Holland dbp_debutteam var_uri brack_close |
which scientist is known for nuclear disarmament and has abdus salam as his academic advisor ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_knownFor dbr_Nuclear_disarmament sep_dot var_uri dbo_academicAdvisor dbr_Abdus_Salam sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Scientist brack_close |
lulu santos has composed music for how many things ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_composer dbr_Lulu_Santos brack_close |
which royalty's spouse is manuel i komnenos ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_spouse dbr_Manuel_I_Komnenos sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Royalty brack_close |
was juan pablo montoya a pole driver in 2011 auto club 400 ? | ASK where brack_open dbr_2011_Auto_Club_400 dbp_poleDriver dbr_Juan_Pablo_Montoya brack_close |
where is the headquarters of the company which runs the free b in minnesota ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Free_b dbp_operator var_x sep_dot var_x dbp_headquarters var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Organisation brack_close |
how many currencies are in used in places where people speak malaysian language ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_officialLanguage dbr_Malaysian_language sep_dot var_x dbo_currency var_uri sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Currency brack_close |
list down the associated musical artist of the writer of hey ! ho ! let's go: the anthology ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Hey!_Ho!_Let's_Go:_The_Anthology dbp_writer var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_associatedMusicalArtist var_uri brack_close |
was simon angell born in balclutha ? | ASK where brack_open dbr_Simon_Angell dbp_birthplace dbr_Balclutha,_New_Zealand brack_close |
what ethinicity of garrett neff is also the state of origin of paul vixie ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Garrett_Neff dbo_ethnicity var_uri sep_dot dbr_Paul_Vixie dbo_nationality var_uri brack_close |
how many veterans are buried in the burlington ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_restingPlace dbr_Burlington,_Iowa sep_dot var_uri a dbo_MilitaryPerson brack_close |
who is considered to be the deciding person when it comes to crustaceans from the coronulidae family ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_family dbr_Coronulidae sep_dot var_x dbo_binomialAuthority var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Crustacean brack_close |
who has fought in wars under commander sadiq al-ghariani ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_commander dbr_Sadiq_Al-Ghariani sep_dot var_x dbp_combatant var_uri brack_close |
give me the new the super mario bros . super show ! series | describe var_a where brack_open dbr_The_Super_Mario_Bros._Super_Show! rdfs_label var_l sep_dot var_a a dbo_TelevisionShow sep_dot var_a foaf_name var_l sep_dot var_a dbo_completionDate var_ad brack_close _obd_ var_ad limit 1 |
what country is iav from ? | select distinct var_uri where brack_open dbr_IAV dbo_foundationPlace var_uri sep_dot brack_close |
name the common architecture of the church of our lady and westminster abbey ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Church_of_Our_Lady,_Bruges dbo_architecturalStyle var_uri sep_dot dbr_Westminster_Abbey dbo_architecturalStyle var_uri brack_close |
what has robert darnton written his books about ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_author dbr_Robert_Darnton sep_dot var_x dbp_subject var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Book brack_close |
list the doctoral students of tosio kato ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Tosio_Kato dbp_doctoralStudents var_uri brack_close |
what is the series of the book which is a subsequent work of the sands of time ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Sands_of_Time_ attr_open novel attr_close dbo_subsequentWork var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_series var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Book brack_close |
what is the purpose of vanderbilt exoskeleton ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Vanderbilt_exoskeleton dbp_purpose var_uri brack_close |
count everyone who studied at an institute which are in taytay ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_campus dbr_Taytay,_Rizal sep_dot var_uri dbp_education var_x brack_close |
what is the nationality of wendell meredith stanley ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Wendell_Meredith_Stanley dbp_nationality var_uri brack_close |
what country had the title of dirty love ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Dirty_Love_ attr_open film attr_close dbp_title var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_country var_uri brack_close |
does james morrison play for the scotland national football team's national team ? | ASK where brack_open dbr_James_Morrison_ attr_open footballer attr_close dbp_nationalteam dbr_Scotland_national_football_team brack_close |
what is the origin of the grape whose wine region is the washington ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_wineRegion dbr_Washington_ attr_open U.S._state attr_close sep_dot var_x dbo_origin var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Grape brack_close |
what is the county of the road whose route end is giessen ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_routeEnd dbr_Giessen sep_dot var_x dbo_county var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Road brack_close |
who has written the gilead musical ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Gilead_ attr_open novel attr_close dbo_author var_uri brack_close |
list the people casted in mujhe insaaf chahiye and biwi ho to aisi ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Mujhe_Insaaf_Chahiye dbo_starring var_uri sep_dot dbr_Biwi_Ho_To_Aisi dbp_starring var_uri sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Person brack_close |
what is the common award won by george s . kaufman and tom kitt | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_George_S._Kaufman dbo_award var_uri sep_dot dbr_Tom_Kitt_ attr_open musician attr_close dbo_award var_uri brack_close |
which borough is common for p'yongyang choch'ajang and ryokpo station ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_P'yongyang_Choch'ajang dbp_borough var_uri sep_dot dbr_Ryokpo_Station dbp_borough var_uri brack_close |
who is the son of anthony quinn and anthony quinn ? | select distinct var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_parent dbr_Anthony_Quinn sep_dot var_uri dbo_parent dbr_Anthony_Quinn sep_dot brack_close |
what team did petter granberg and hardy nilsson play for ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Petter_Granberg dbo_formerTeam var_uri sep_dot dbr_Hardy_Nilsson dbp_playedFor var_uri brack_close |
was sam manekshaw a commander of the eastern command of us ? | ASK where brack_open dbr_Eastern_Command_ attr_open India attr_close dbo_notableCommander dbr_Sam_Manekshaw brack_close |
list the developers who has contributed to both spider-man and spider-man and his amazing friends ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Spider-Man_ attr_open 1981_TV_series attr_close dbo_developer var_uri sep_dot dbr_Spider-Man_and_His_Amazing_Friends dbo_developer var_uri brack_close |
where is the grave of bahawal khan v ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Bahawal_Khan_V dbo_restingPlace var_uri brack_close |
where does the road starting from lakeland end ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_x dbo_routeEnd dbr_Lakeland,_Florida sep_dot var_x dbo_routeStart var_uri sep_dot var_x a dbo_Road brack_close |
which river ends at vorya river and vorya river ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_riverMouth dbr_Vorya_River sep_dot var_uri dbo_riverMouth dbr_Vorya_River sep_dot var_uri a dbo_River brack_close |
what is the television show whose cast members are susan hampshire and susan hampshire ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_starring dbr_Susan_Hampshire sep_dot var_uri dbo_starring dbr_Susan_Hampshire sep_dot var_uri a dbo_TelevisionShow brack_close |
name the office holder who has a child named michael reagan and resting place is simi valley ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_child dbr_Michael_Reagan sep_dot var_uri dbp_restingPlace dbr_Simi_Valley,_California sep_dot var_uri a dbo_OfficeHolder brack_close |
which television show were created by mel smith ? | select distinct var_uri where brack_open var_uri rdf_type dbo_TelevisionShow sep_dot var_uri dbo_creator dbr_Mel_Smith sep_dot brack_close |
what made alfred g . gilman and vladimir prelog famous ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Alfred_G._Gilman dbo_field var_uri sep_dot dbr_Vladimir_Prelog dbo_knownFor var_uri brack_close |
how many molluscas are there whose families are phyllachoraceae and phyllachoraceae ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbo_family dbr_Phyllachoraceae sep_dot var_uri dbo_family dbr_Phyllachoraceae brack_close |
who gave the voice for chip 'n' dale ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Chip_'n'_Dale dbo_voice var_uri brack_close |
count the number of books whose author's were born in ghana ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_birthPlace dbr_Ghana sep_dot var_uri dbo_author var_x sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Book brack_close |
what are some bradypodidae ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_family dbr_Bradypodidae brack_close |
in which companies boards do the writers of the phobos science fiction anthology volume 1 belong ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Phobos_Science_Fiction_Anthology_Volume_1 dbo_author var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_board var_uri brack_close |
which district of curriehill railway station is the location of death of horatio mcculloch ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Curriehill_railway_station dbo_district var_uri sep_dot dbr_Horatio_McCulloch dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close |
where did the partner of dorothy k . kripke die ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Dorothy_K._Kripke dbo_spouse var_x sep_dot var_x dbo_deathPlace var_uri brack_close |
count everyone who studied at an institute which are in park ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbo_campus dbr_Park sep_dot var_uri dbp_education var_x brack_close |
what country provides a citizenship too immanuel wallerstein and david gross ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Immanuel_Wallerstein dbp_nationality var_uri sep_dot dbr_David_Gross dbo_nationality var_uri brack_close |
who is the monarch of suleiman hafez ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Suleiman_Hafez dbo_monarch var_uri brack_close |
who edited the lady ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_The_Lady_ attr_open magazine attr_close dbp_editor var_uri brack_close |
was jefferson c . davis a commander of the 23rd infantry regiment of us ? | ASK where brack_open dbr_23rd_Infantry_Regiment_ attr_open United_States attr_close dbo_notableCommander dbr_Jefferson_C._Davis brack_close |
what team does 2005–06 inter milan season play for , which also employed erick thohir at some time ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Erick_Thohir dbo_occupation var_uri sep_dot dbr_2005–06_Inter_Milan_season dbo_team var_uri brack_close |
what are the hubs of plus helicopter services , a highway helicopter unit of disney transport ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Disney_Transport dbp_hubs var_uri brack_close |
how many buildings are located in leicester ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_uri dbp_location dbr_Leicester sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Building brack_close |
how many other guests are there of the television episodes whose guests is mitch albom ? | SELECT DISTINCT COUNT attr_open var_uri attr_close where brack_open var_x dbp_guests dbr_Mitch_Albom sep_dot var_x dbp_guests var_uri brack_close |
what is the route junction of pennsylvania route 416 ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Pennsylvania_Route_416 dbo_routeJunction var_uri brack_close |
which organisation has superintendent as kurt s . browning ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open var_uri dbo_superintendent dbr_Kurt_S._Browning sep_dot var_uri a dbo_Organisation brack_close |
which famous commander led the six-day war and was involved in the 1948 arab–israeli war ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_Six-Day_War dbo_commander var_uri sep_dot dbr_1948_Arab–Israeli_War dbo_commander var_uri brack_close |
what is the nickname of the city where 2004 mountain west conference men's basketball tournament lives ? | SELECT DISTINCT var_uri where brack_open dbr_2004_Mountain_West_Conference_Men's_Basketball_Tournament dbp_city var_x sep_dot var_x dbp_nickname var_uri brack_close |