Date: Mon, 24 Jun 2002 07:49:06 -0700 From: Pete in Los Angeles Subject: dorm-domination-13 Dorm Domination Chapter 13 Initiation, part 2 by [email protected] Disclaimers: * Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you live. * This is a story about men having (raunchy, cumeating, ass rimming, and very satisfying) sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * The characters aren't having safe sex because this is fantasy. Please use condoms when you have sex in the real world. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do. * * * * * From Chapter 12: Tom looked pleased, a smile forming on the corners of his mouth. "Very well then," he said. "Your initiation will begin tonight. Rico was the first to be tested, and his shall be your first test. Get some rest today; you will need it." As he walked up the stairs (his ass sculpted perfection), I realized I hadn't been breathing while he had been in the room. The world seemed normal again. "Let's get down to the basement," Mike said, leading me away. "You can sleep there." "Mike, thank you," I said. "Can I ask what Rico's test was?" "I can't tell you directly," Mike said, "But I can tell you that Rico has a very small bladder. He pees every 10 minutes." As my new pledgemates and I walked down to the basement of what would be my fraternity, my mind raced trying to think what punishment a house full of college men would think of for a guy with a small bladder. * * * * * Chapter 13 -- Initiation, part 2 I was woken up by a hard cock slapping my face. I knew that feeling well after having Mike slap me around with his dick. He (whoever he was) slapped me hard across the cheek, and said, "Rise and shine, butthole. It's time to be initiated." I recognized the voice (Carlos), and I grinned. I couldn't open my eyes at first, and I heard the laughter of nine pledges. There was something stuck to my face keeping my eye lids closed. As I moved other muscles on my face, I realize what it was: cum. One or more of the pledges had cum on my face while I slept on the basement couch. I licked my lips and tasted the flakes of dried cum, which sent the pledges into another bout of laughter, and calls of, "He's such a whore!" and "Fucker can't get enough cum in him." I was becoming part of the group. It was shaping up that my distinguishing characteristic would be my insatiable appetite for cock and cum. I finally got my eyes open, and saw Mike standing there, that million dollar smirk on his handsome face. "You've had quite a day already," he said. "You sure you're ready for more?" I nodded my head, yes. "Put this on," he said, handing me a black jock strap. I looked at the band and it had the Greek letters for ATO on it. "Nothing else. Meet us upstairs. You might want to take a leak first. This could be a long night for you." When I went back out into the basement room after taking a piss, everything was dark. The only light I could see was coming from the stairway. Candles lit each stair up, and the house had become eerily quiet. I became the ascent up the stairs. At the top of the stairs, I saw no one. The first floor of the house was deserted. From the second floor, I heard Mike's voice shout down, "Up here," and then everything was again quiet. I checked my hands and they were shaking. I did not want to let Mike down, or my new pledge brothers. A trail of candles led me from the top of the stairs around a bend and into the bathroom. Still no sound. The candles led me through the sink area and then, as I turned the corner into the shower area, I saw them, my brothers-to-be. The actives were dressed in black robes with hoods covering their heads so I couldn't tell who was who. The pledges stood at attention, wearing only jockstraps identical to mine. Seeing that -- my future brothers dressed exactly like me -- sent a surge of pride through me. I would succeed. "Pledge Rico," a voice boomed. I recognized it as Kirk's. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?" "Pledgemaster, Sir," Rico shouted. "I was found to have a small bladder, Sir. I peed more than any other pledge or active in the distinguished history of this fraternity, Sir." "That's right," Kirk said. "Your bladder was fucking pathetic, the size of a fucking peanut. For every beer, you pissed three times. Pledges, prepare our newest pledge for the same ordeal which Rico was put through." "Yes, Pledgemaster, Sir!," nine voices boomed in unison. There was a flurry of activity, and four pledges rushed forward, each grabbing one of my limbs. They carried me to the center of the communal shower -- a huge area with at least 20 showerheads around the walls -- and put me onto the floor. I shivered as my bare skin made contact with the cold tiles. "Pledge Rico," another voice said. I recognized it as Tom's. "You survived this ordeal. You may therefore assume the honor of beginning it with Pledge Alex." I saw Rico smile with pride and he walked over to me. Rico stood over me -- a monument to manhood -- and rubbed the front of his bulging jock for a minute. Quietly, so that only I could hear, he said, "I hope you enjoy this as much as I did." He dragged his cock out of his jock and held it in his hand for a moment. I had time to think -- That's odd. I've never seen him soft before -- and then I knew what was about to happen. The stream of his piss struck my chest a second after I realized what Rico was forced to endure, and what I was about to experience. His piss was warmer than I would have imagined, and the smell hit me next: potent, overwhelming, the unmistakable smell of urine that fills public restrooms and street corners where bums hang out. Only instead of the smell being a remote discomfort, the smell was inches away, shot directly out of the cock of this college jock above me. Rico's piss spattered against my chest and I felt spray hitting my face. Rico moved his cock, and his stream ran over my stomach and down onto the jock I was wearing. I couldn't believe how warm it was, and I had a sudden urge to piss myself. I resisted the urge, thinking it must somehow be wrong. After a few seconds of Rico pissing on my body, a couple of the actives walked forward and took positions around my body and the pledges holding me down. (These pledges were getting enough of a splash effect that they must have gotten almost as much piss on them as I did.) The actives parted their robes -- their cocks sticking out from the material like disembodied parts -- and they began pissing on me, as well. There were four guys pissing on my body, all at once. Mike had paraded me around naked, had his teammates gang-bang my ass, and had given me over to his frat brothers. Nothing in those experiences was anywhere close to how humiliating, how degrading, this experience was. I was being pissed on by a group of men. Instead of their sex toy, I was their urinal, their object of ridicule, their toilet. Above me, they snickered and made comments like, "Been saving this recycled beer for you all night," and "Look! His hairs getting all wet with my piss. Did anyone bring shampoo?" Someone even went to the janitor's closet and got the blue urinal hockey puck and stuck it in the waistband of my jockstrap. This became the area where most of the men aimed their piss. And through this degrading, dehumanizing process, my cock stayed rock hard. I never thought I would like it this much. The guys lined up and took turns pissing on me. All four lines had waits, so that there was never a time when I didn't have at least one guy's piss running down my body, reeking. Some guys were even going to an adjacent room and drinking more beer and came back to piss on me a second time. The guys holding my body were relieved by other pledges, and they, too, got their turn to piss on me. They were even more pissed at me (no pun intended) because they had to hold me while the other brothers' piss had splattered them. They aimed for my face mainly, and I squeezed my eyes and mouth closed to prevent piss from getting in them. Piss flowed continuously down my body for at least half an hour, a steady stream of warm, smelly man waste. Eventually, the last stream stopped, and I thought I was done. Tom's voice broke the silence. "I need two more pledges," he said. "You know what to do." Two of my pledgemates knelt by my head. One grabbed the top of my head and the other forced my jaw down. "The urine of the president of the fraternity is used to make you stronger," Tom said. "And to unify your class. All of your pledgemates have sipped of my piss. You will drink it directly from the source." The spray hit me first in the nose and sprayed up inside, causing my nasal passages to burn. Tom's urine smelled different -- more sweet, maybe, or less pungent. He adjusted the flow so that it hit me in the mouth. The taste was overwhelming and earthy and metallic on my tongue. I had never tasted anything like it. My mouth was quickly filling, and by almost instinct, I swallowed. He was pissing so much so quickly that I had to keep swallowing continuously for close to a minute. When he was done, the taste left over was like I had swallowed a jar full of pennies. "You have done well, new one," Tom said. "Clean him up, and bring him to the balcony for his next ordeal." The strong hands of the pledges lifted me and guided me to a running shower head. I didn't realize how exhausted the pissing had made me until I tried to stand up and nearly fell over. The strong hands of my pledge brothers supported me and washed me. I had already learned humility and the need for support from others in this first ordeal, and I had eight others to endure. It would be a night of great learning, and great sacrifice. I followed a row of robed brothers and jock-strapped pledges through the upper floor of the house until we came to the balcony. We walked out and could see over the row of fraternity houses and part of the campus. The people walking on the sidewalk noticed this congregation and looked up, pointing at the row of pledges in jock straps, myself included. All four of my cheeks burned red from embarrassment. The actives formed a semi-circle with us pledges in the center. Kirk stepped forward and began speaking. "Pledge Carl," Kirk said. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?" "Pledgemaster, Sir," Carl shouted. "I was found to be the laziest pledge, Sir. I was the last to volunteer for anything, and I sat on my ass while others did work." "You lazy fuck," Kirk said. "You watched as your pledges scrubbed the entire house from top to bottom. You were found lacking. Pledges, prepare the new worm for the same ordeal which Carl faced." Mike and Zak were standing on either side of me and each took an arm. They manhandled me until my arms were pinned on the balcony's railing and my ass was pushed out towards Kirk and the other actives. I could feel a breeze blow across my exposed hole, and my vulnerability was very clear to me at that moment. I heard Kirk say, "Pledge Carl, since you endured the ordeal, you will begin this pledge's." I felt a shuffling of feet, and then heard Carl say, "Sorry for this." My ass cheeks were on fire. That's what I felt. I yelled out in pain, and a group of guys down on the sidewalk yelled up, "Pussy!" It took my brain a second to realize that I had just been paddled by Carl. The moment of sheer intensity was replaced by a dull, throbbing pulsing in my ass cheeks, and they felt more alive than ever before. I felt the blood rushing to them, and my ass must have been blushing even more furiously now than my face had been moments before. "Each of the brothers will paddle you with the official fraternity paddle," Kirk said to me, leaning down and whispering in my ear. "This taught Carl not to sit on his ass quite so much. I don't think you'll have the same problem after tonight." The next swat was almost worse than the first because this time I knew what to expect. I heard a slight whistle as the board swung through the air, propelled by the arm of a jock stud who worked out at least four times a week. The second swat, given by an active I didn't recognize, was full force, and stronger than Carl's had been. He swatted my left ass cheek more than my right, and this time I was able to hold in the cry of pain. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Say it," I heard Kirk say. "Say what, Sir?," I asked. "I think you know, shithead." I racked my brain. What was I supposed to say? My mind jumped back to a scene from "Animal House" of all things, to the scene where the asshole jocks are paddling each other. Why was I thinking of that scene right now? Fuck! What was I supposed to say? In the scene, they paddle the new pledge, who says . . . "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" I yelled. The group of guys on the sidewalk below had grown now, and they started laughing even harder as I shouted. "Faggot!" one guy yelled. "Very good, shit for brains," Kirk said. "You might get into this fraternity yet." I felt something touch my burning ass and instinctively flinched. But it was someone's hand, not the paddle -- someone's hand which was soothing and caressing the flesh which had just been pummeled. I looked over my shoulder and Tom was there, his hand touching my butt. "It's a shame that we have to treat you so roughly," he said. "But sometimes, a boy needs to be disciplined. `Spare the rod, and spoil the child,' right?" "Sir, yes, Sir!," I shouted. "You don't seem to mind too much," he continued, and his hand ran down the crack of my exposed ass and past my balls. His touch sent shivers from my tailbone directly up through my spine and into my head. He grabbed my cock through my jock strap, and it was only then that I realized I had been hard the entire time. His touch sent me over the edge, and I started cumming into my jock and his hand. The orgasm -- caused by this god like man -- was one of the most intense of my life. I shot once, twice, and then the next swat landed on my ass. The paddle connected while I was shooting my third time, and I came so hard I worried that I had hurt something inside my dick. I groaned again, shouting in pleasure/pain as the paddle landed on my ass as I came. Mike and Zak had to press harder down to keep my arms from moving. My body felt so conflicted that I thought I might cum, cry, and die all in the same moment. I suddenly realized exactly what ecstasy was -- the sensation of bliss and anguish which transcends time and comes close to god. And I was experiencing this at the hands of this man, this archetype of masculinity. Tom removed his hand and stepped back. I felt empty and complete simultaneously. "Be strong," Tom said to me as the next brother stood to strike me. I knew that I could be strong with these men. The next blows passed by in a blur. My mind still reeled from Tom's touch, and the orgasm I had experienced. After each brother took a turn at my ass, I said, "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" My ass burned more and more with each swat, yet my dick still hadn't gone down, and I was growing to appreciate the heat which smoldered in my ass cheeks between paddles. After a few more paddles, I wiggled my ass at the crowd, and the brothers snickered. The actives had all taken a turn at my ass, and now it was time for the rest of the pledges. Coleman stepped up, and he could see the redness in my ass. He took a swat at my ass which stung, but even I could tell it was pathetic. Kirk shouted, "Give him a real fucking swat or else it's your turn to join him up there." Coleman's next swat came in second only to Tom's as the hardest one all day. Tears again streamed down my face. They were tears of pain, and of catharsis. Zak was up next, and he had two other pledges come over to help him. "Spread his cheeks," Zak said to the pledges. "I've got a surprise for him." My cheeks were spread and I felt Zak run his finger up and down my rudely exposed crack. Zak brought the paddle down, hard, on the inside of my ass crack -- that fleshy part that is more sensitive than the cheeks. I nearly pushed down the railing I was being held against from the sheer intensity of the feeling. The pain rushed through me, and I screamed. "Payback -- it's a bitch, isn't it?," Zak said to me. I replied back the only way I could: "Thank you, Sir! May I have another?" Zak chuckled and flicked my exposed asshole with his finger. "Don't you wish," he said. The last pledge to paddle me was Mike. Like Tom, he rubbed his hand over my asscheeks, soothing them and causing little lightning bolts to rush through me at the same time. "Your ass is hot, whore," he said. "I could cook an egg on your faggoty ass." The actives laughed with Mike. I looked over my shoulder at this man who had brought me here as he brought the paddle down in a wide arc. Seeing the paddle coming, I braced for the impact which was exactly the wrong thing to do. The paddle connected as my muscles clenched, and I was pushed forward into the railing hard, bruising my shoulder. "Thank you, Sir!," I said, with tears in my eyes and a sense of pride and strength I got from performing well for Mike. "May I have another?" He smirked that sexy smirk of his and said, "You know you will, slut. I know you can't get enough." Paddling had given me strength and a sense of ecstasy I had never experienced before. I felt cleansed by this trial, and I had connected with each man who had struck me. I was becoming closer to these men, almost one of them now. I was exhausted, yet wanted to continue, to get closer to brotherhood. "The pledge has passed the ordeal," Kirk said. "His ass must be sore. Take him to the kitchen, and we will help him sooth his ass." I leaned on Mike and Coleman as they led me in a procession down the stairs. My legs were shaking. They led me through a big dining area and back through swinging doors into the kitchen. It was an industrial sized kitchen, something that you'd see in the back of a small restaurant: big, industrial sized metal sinks and tables, multiple huge ovens, a grill, and a walk-in freezer. Some of the actives were pushing a table off to one side, leaving a large open space in the middle of the kitchen. Kirk had gone into the walk-in freezer, and was backing up, dragging something which I couldn't see. He left it in the now-open space, and turned to face me. "Sit," he commanded, and pointed to the object: a large block of ice. I sat down slowly on the ice block. The first contact was jolting, electrifying on my ass. After a couple of seconds, my ass felt soothed, and I groaned in appreciation for letting me sit on the ice. "Pledge Zak," Kirk said. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?" "Pledgemaster, Sir," Zak shouted. "I get cold very easily, Sir. My nipples get hard when it's cold, and the other pledges used to call me a pussy for getting cold when they thought it was warm outside." "You were worse than my fucking grandmother, you cunt," Kirk said. "You would be cold standing in the desert in the middle of summer. You were found lacking, and you faced an ordeal. You will be the first of the brothers to help bring our newest pussyboy into the fold." Zak whipped his cock out from his jockstrap, and he was already hard. He began jerking his cock, and I noticed a couple of actives take their hands and put them down into their robes, which then started pumping up and down. These guys were jerking off, but I didn't know what the ordeal was that I was about to endure. "Pledge Alex," Kirk continued. "You will endure the same punishment as Pledge Zak endured. You are to sit on the block of ice -- a symbol of the coldness in the world -- until you are warmed by the presence of every one of your future brothers. You are not to move your ass off of that block until we have all cum on your body." My ass was starting to feel a combination of numbness and tingling that was soothing for the paddling I had just received, but also somewhat disturbing -- like when my leg had fallen asleep before. Already the soothing effects of the ice were wearing off and being replaced by a discomfort. I squirmed on the block of ice, the movement sending shooting intensity up through my bruised ass. "Let's make this a little more interesting," Tom said. "Turn on all the ovens and open the doors. The stove tops, too; let's get those going. I want to see this fucker sweat at the same time his ass is getting chilled." A couple of pledges scrambled to complete his orders, and I was just beginning to understand this ordeal. By now, all of the actives and pledges were openly jacking their cocks. Zak stood directly beside me, his cock inches from my face. He jacked his cock rapidly with one hand and was pulling down on his balls with the other. "I'm gonna shoot, fucker," he said, panting. "I'm gonna shoot all over your faggot body. Open your mouth, cocksucker!" His first shot hit me in the forehead, and I closed my eyes instinctively. The next spurt landed right on my tongue, and I could taste Zak again, that great tasting cum. His next spurts landed on my chin and chest and stomach and some on my hard cock. I felt the forehead shot slide down my nose and I stuck my tongue out to make sure I caught it. Zak leaned down and wiped his cum-smeared hand over my chest, leaving a trail of slime. He stared me in the eye as he leaned down, his face coming within an inch of mine. I thought he might slap me. Instead, his tongue snaked out and licked along the path his cum had left, lapping it up. "In case you missed the point, you stupid fag," he said to me. "Our Brothers can keep us warm when it's cold. They feed if we're hungry. We're here for each other in every way." I nodded, and mumbled, "I think I got it." My cock was hard and still dripping with the cum he had shot on me. One of the actives was pumping his cock faster than the others. (Later, I found out his nickname was "Speedy" from the way he jacked his cock so fast, and came so fast.) He parted his robe and shuffled forward, jacking his cock the whole time. His cock was level with my nipple, and he brushed the tip of his cock against my nipple, which had itself become erect thanks to the frigid ice I was sitting on. "Fuck, man," he said. "Nothing gets me hotter than you new pledges coming in, thinking you're all fucking tough, then getting put in your place. Fuck! I'm gonna. Fucking. Cum!" He started shooting -- thick, potent wads of cum which were so dense that they didn't fly very far. His first shots landed on my nipple and chest, and the rest dribbled down into my crotch, pooling in my pubic hair and the base of my cock. I reached up and helped him squeeze the last few drops out of his dick. When I stuck my tongue out to get the last dribbles, Kirk said, "No eating the cum, faggot!" I rubbed the cum from the tip of his dick onto my cheek, instead. As the next few guys came closer to me, each close to shooting their load, my thoughts were drawn to my cold ass instead of their cocks. The intensity of the pleasure/pain on my ass was increasing, and with every passing minute, I didn't think I could handle any more. I shifted my weight from one cheek to the other for a minute, and then Kirk caught on to what I was doing. He had Zak stand behind me and hold my shoulders down tight, preventing me from moving my ass off the block. Simultaneously, I was covered in cum, and I began to sweat. My forehead beaded up with sweat, as did my arms and chest. I felt a trickle of sweat run down my side from my armpit, tickling me as it made its slow path down my ribs, down my stomach, down my ass, to the ice block. The physical discomfort was becoming almost unbearable, yet I could have gotten up at any time. I wanted to belong to this group of men, these brothers, and I would have endured far more pain than this to become a part of this group. As the intensity increased, I thought of Mike and how much I wanted to be close to him and to please him, and that is what got me through. By the time that all of the actives and most of the pledges had cum, my entire torso -- from my shoulders down to my crotch, including my back -- and most of my face was covered in manseed. Coleman had shot an especially big load, right on my face. I had to keep my lips closed and breathe through my mouth at Kirk's command to prevent myself from eating any of it. The smell of it was driving me crazy. I wanted to lap up every drop, and then use my hands to scoop up the rest which my mouth couldn't reach. I was these frat stud's cum dump, the place where they put their seed. Every time a new splatter of cum hit my cock, it would throb and stay hard. I wanted to jack my cock to feel what it would be like to have so much cum as lube. The last two men to step up to my cum covered body were Tom and Mike. They had both been standing on the side lines, making other guys jack their dicks (Mike had Carl jacking him, and Tom had Coleman). The block of ice was melted half way down, and my ass was on fire from the cold. Tom and his cockjacker came close, and Tom looked down at me, smirking. He took his finger and pointed directly at my forehead. His smirk became a smile as he ran his finger down my nose, over my lips, down the cleft in my chin, over my adam's apple, down the cleft between my pecs, tickling down over my abs, stopping briefly in my belly button, then continuing down to my pubic bush, and up my hard, dripping cock. His finger had now accumulated a large wad of cum, cum from all of my frat brothers, cum shot out of balls of 18 to 22 year old men, cum shot past the prostate and through the long cocks of these college jock studs. He had millions of sperm swimming on his large finger. He looked at it intently, and brought it to his face. He held his cum covered finger under his nose and inhaled. "Potent batch you got there," he said. He took his finger and brought it to my face. "Open," he said -- a command if ever I heard one. I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue. "Do you know the importance of the gift you are to receive?," he asked. I nodded my head. "I don't know if you do, you cumsucker. You've gotten spoiled. On my finger, I hold the making of a million studs like our frat brothers. This is their seed, the biological mark of who they are, their essence. And they are giving that to you, you worthless ass eater. They have given you a gift, and you shall always be thankful to your brothers for this gift. It is not a gift given lightly. Do you understand now?" I nodded my head again, and said, "Yes, Sir. I understand, and am thankful for the gift I'm about to receive." He pressed his cum covered finger onto my tongue, and spread the remaining cum out over the back of my tongue. My tastebuds exploded. It was like Mike's cum, only more condensed, more potent. No one man could have created this ambrosia. It had to have come from a group of men, from the balls of many. I closed my mouth, and kept the cum in my mouth, swirling it around and tasting it, savoring it for as long as I could. When Tom's finger touched my tongue, his cock exploded in Coleman's. Tom's cum hit my face and chest and stomach and cock and balls and legs. He came everywhere. He replaced more cum than he had taken on his finger. His cum also flew past me and hit Mike's cock. The hot lube put Mike over the edge. He started cumming on my body, too. His cum hit me from behind, on my ear and the back of my neck, and on my back. He aimed his last shots so they landed very low on my back, close to my ass, and I felt it drip slowly down into my crack, a place his cum knew all too well. I wondered if he had trained his sperm to swim for my hole. "You are warmed by your brothers," Kirk said after everyone had stepped back into a half-circle around me. "And you have endured the harshness on your ass. Pledges -- help him stand." Two other pledges came forward and held my arms as I stood up. I had thought that the worst of the pain would be while I was sitting on the ice, but I was wrong. As I stood up, the hot air in the room hit my cold ass and jolted me. Slowly and almost painfully, the blood started to rush back to my battered ass cheeks, and the return was intense. I stumbled when I first stood, and Coleman had to help hold me up, trying not to get too much cum on his fingers. "I know some of you also enjoy the taste of cum from time to time," Kirk said. "And we have some grade A quality spunk on this bitch. Anyone who wants some, come and get it." Zak was the first one on me, getting on his knees and taking my cum soaked cock deep in his mouth. Carlos sucked on one nipple and cleaned the cum from my pec at the same time Coleman shrugged and dive onto my other pec. Speedy started on my back, and Greg -- who I'd known only as an RA until a few hours ago -- got behind me and started to rim me, taking the cum along with him in his mouth. Mike came forward and lifted my chin with his finger. He looked me in the eye, leaned forward, and devoured my mouth with his lips, our eyes open the whole time. Kissing me, he ate the cum from all around my mouth, including on my nose and on my chin. He began to bite and nibble on my cum covered neck. He brought his mouth back to mine and forced my teeth open with his tongue. He tilted my head back a little bit, and then opened his mouth, letting the collected cum pour from his mouth into mine. He kissed me, and I groaned into his mouth, the flavor and action of his mouth on mine along with the cum of all of our brothers sending me over the edge. I came into Zak's mouth, at least six blasts coating his tonsils. He sucked like a lamprey, vacuuming out as much cum from my cock as possible. When he was done on my cock, he cleaned off my balls, and his tongue met Greg's at the spot between my balls and ass. The sensation of a dozen tongues and hands and fingers on my body forced my cock back to full hardness, in spite of the mind-numbing orgasm moments before. Cum had dripped onto my arms and legs, so I ended up getting a tongue bath on my entire body. I was giggling one minute as one guy licked my arm pit clean, and moaning the next as Greg's tongue pushed deep into my ass. Kirk finally stopped the action. "The pledge is clean," he said. "And we have much yet to do tonight." The guys all stood back, and I stood there clean. If not for the pain in my ass and the aftertaste of the cum in my mouth, I might have thought it was all a dream -- the hottest dream I'd ever had. "Pledge Jimmy," Kirk said. "How were you found to be lacking as a man?" "Pledgemaster, Sir," Jimmy shouted. "I was found to be the skinniest pledge. No matter how much I worked out, I could not seem to put any muscle on." "You were a skinny runt," Kirk said. "Before you came into the frat, you didn't have any meat on your bones." I looked at Jimmy and was surprised. He looked built now, his pecs sticking out far from his chest, his arms bulging with muscle, and his legs cut and defined. "And what did we do to fatten you up, pledge?" Kirk asked. "You fed me, Sir," Jimmy said. "You made me eat." "That's right, you wimpy cunt," Kirk said. "We made you into a man, instead of a scrawny girl who happened to have a penis. Pledge Alex, sit in this chair." I was put in a chair in the middle of the kitchen. I felt some of the pledges grab my arms and pull them back behind the chair, and then restraints were put on my wrists. My back arched out and my hands were immobilized behind me, soon to be followed by my legs, which were tied to the legs of the chair. "Get the stuff," Kirk said. The pledges scrambled around the kitchen on his command. He took something from inside his robe and put it around my eyes. Through his blindfold, I could see nothing. "Let's start him off with a snack," Kirk said. "Open up, bitch." I opened my mouth wide and someone shoved at least twelve stale crackers in my mouth. My mouth was so full I couldn't chew, and I started salivating to try to soften up the crackers. I tried chewing, and my jaw could only go half way. I started breathing through my nose and gnawing on the crackers in my mouth, spitting crumbs everywhere. Slowly, I worked the crackers down to about half of what had started there. "Can't have crackers by themselves," Kirk said. "Gotta have something to go on top. How about a little peanut butter." Two brothers stood on either side of my head and pried my jaw open. Someone -- Kirk, probably -- put a huge spoonful in my mouth, so much that it pushed my cheeks out. My mouth was overloaded. I chewed on the baseball sized clump of peanut butter and the rest of the crackers. The peanut butter kept sticking to my mouth, and the crackers gummed it up so it was a big wad of sticky goop. My mouth was completely dry. All the spit I was generating was going directly to the peanut butter ball in my mouth. Finally, the ball was small enough so that I could actually chew on it. The brothers were cheering me on, saying, "Eat it faggot!" Kirk saw I was getting to the final traces, and said, "Open your mouth, cunt, for the inspection." I finished the last swallow, my mouth completely dry, and Kirk said, "Got milk?" The whole frat busted up laughing. "Open," Kirk said, and confirmed that I had eaten everything. "Now your next snack is something one of the brothers got from a motel. Let's see if you can guess which motel." Kirk had me open my mouth and he placed something on my tongue. It felt about the size of a quarter. When I closed my mouth, I quickly realized that whatever I was eating had LEGS. It was a fucking dead cockroach, and they had put it in my mouth. I gagged instinctively, and the two guys nearest me held my jaw to prevent me from spitting it out. "That's right, you worthless bug," Kirk said. "It's a roach motel. Now bite into it and swallow that fucker down." I crunched into the vile thing in my mouth and felt the hard case break, and then liquid squirt out the sides. I wretched, but didn't throw up. I had to take a few more bites to swallow it, and then finally managed to gag it down. It was only the next year, the year when Jeremy rushed ATO, that I found out that it hadn't been a roach at all. It was some sort of sea weed/sushi thing which looked exactly like a cockroach, and the frat got these every year. I had no way of knowing that then, and I was convinced that night and many after that I had eaten a damned bug. "Good job, you worthless fuck," Kirk said. "Now for something you're a little more used to." They pulled a table over to where I was tied up and I felt it shake. Someone pushed my head forward, and I went, nose first, into someone's ass. It was a familiar smell, and I could tell it was one of the pledges, but I didn't know which one. I began to rim and eat his ass, thankful that this part seemed to be coming to a close. "Now for the surprise," Kirk said. "Hold him, boys, and keep his faggot mouth open. He may not like this." The guys held my head to the ass, and held my jaw open. My face was buried in this guy's cheeks. I could feel the pledge's ass quiver and twitch as I was rimming him, and it continued to do so as my face was held in his crack. As soon as I felt his ass ring open, I knew what was about to happen, and I freaked. While I had eaten enough ass to qualify me an assivore, I did NOT want to eat shit. Mike knew that. How could he let this happen to me? I pulled and pushed and tried everything I could to get away. If this is what it took to get into this frat, I didn't know if I could do it. The strong arms of my would-be brothers held me firm. I began to yell. "Hold him!," Kirk said. "Don't let him move a goddamned inch. He doesn't know it yet, but he's gonna like it." I continued to struggle and fight as the turd crept out of the pledge's ass, and yet I couldn't move and inch. Slowly, lewdly, my mouth filled up, and I struggled harder than ever in my life, still screaming. One of the guys holding my head said, "Shit, man! He's really struggling. I think he's gonna hurt himself." I felt a familiar hand reach out and touch the back of my neck. It was Mike. He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Trust me. You're gonna like this." And suddenly, I could do it. I could and would survive this because Mike was there, and he told me to trust him. He squeezed the back of my neck one more time, and I relaxed, accepting my fate. The thing in my mouth was now half-way to my throat. Oddly, it had almost no taste at all. I expected shit to taste horrible. Kirk said, "Bite it." I wanted to struggle again, but Mike had told me to trust him, and I would. I bit down into the turd. "Now chew it and swallow it," Kirk said. Disgusted, I did as he commanded. The first bite into the "gift" from my pledge's ass, I gagged. It wasn't foul like I expected. In fact, it tasted an awful lot like... "It's a banana!," I shouted as much as I could with half a banana in my mouth. "It's a fucking banana." And the whole frat burst out laughing. They laughed and laughed as I ate the peeled banana which Carlos had shoved up his ass. I couldn't believe it. I was completely convinced I was eating shit, and I was about to do it to join this frat, because Mike told me to. I chewed my banana as these frat boys roared with laughter. They laughed for over three minutes, laughing so hard that some of them had tears streaming down their faces. I grinned, but was less amused than my tormentors. Mike came over and tussled my hair, saying, "Told you it would be okay." I smiled up to where I imagined him to be. "That's what got me through it," I said. "Thinking of you." He reached down and kissed me once, fleetingly on the lips, and squeezed my shoulder. Kirk came over, still chuckling to himself. "Gets `em every time," he said. "Ready for the main course?," Kirk asked. I nodded my head, yes. "Because you're not a brother yet, you don't get to eat at the table with the real men. You get to eat in a place suited to your rightful place in life: the floor. We all know you're a bitch, but it's time to start acting like one, Fido. Get the leash." The last part was directed to one of the brothers standing around. They brought a collar which they put around my neck, and a leash. They untied me and took off the blindfold. "Get on your knees like the bitch that you are," Kirk said, and I obeyed. "Paws, too, you bad dog." When I didn't move quickly enough, he smacked my ass. He started walking quickly, and I tried to keep pace on all fours, but couldn't keep up with my knees banging on the hard floor. He tugged hard on the leash, causing the brothers to howl with laughter again. "Heel!," Kirk said. He paraded me around the kitchen, stopping first at Tom. "Be polite, mutt," Kirk said to me. I looked up at him, confused. "How do dogs greet their master?" I stuck out my tongue and started panting, putting my "paws" up and trying to look like an excited dog whose owner has come home. Kirk smacked the back of my head, stunning me. "No, you dumb bitch." He pushed his hand on the back of my head and forced my nose into Tom's crotch. "A dog sniff's his master's crotch." I smelled Tom's crotch, and I suddenly envied every dog who had ever smelled Tom's crotch. It smelled entirely masculine -- a mixture of sweat and piss and cum and funk. I sniffed his cock, then his balls, and then down towards his ass. Tom put his hand on the back of my head and said, "Good boy," as he scratched me behind the ears. A jolt of pride ran up my spine as he said that. "Good boy," he said again, and I thought I could nuzzle here forever. Reality came snapping back with a tug on the leash. I was lead around and told to smell every active's crotch, which I did with great enjoyment. Some guys had really musty crotches, others really fresh like soap. I wanted to eat all of them until they were shiny with my spit. When we got to the other pledges, Kirk yelled out, "Assume the position!" and all the pledges got on their hands and knees. He led me to Mike first. "How does one dog greet another dog?," Kirk asked me. I thought about it for a second, and then I knew the answer. I crawled on all fours so I was side-by-side with Mike, and I twisted my neck so I could smell his ass. I felt his face come close to my crack, and then he inhaled at the same time I did. His ass smelled heavenly, as always, like Tom's crotch, except with something extra added, something earthier, something I wanted to bury my face in for about six days. Kirk came around and shoved my face in Mike's crack even harder, causing my nose to go directly into his asshole. Mike jumped, and I smelled even deeper into this man, the man who had brought me here. I inhaled deeply. The leash tugged and I had to leave Mike's ass. I was led to each pledge, and I sniffed and nose-fucked each of their asses. It was interesting to see how each guy sniffed my ass. Some of them took one quick whiff, clearly not enjoying the experience. Carlos and Zak, however, stuck their noses so far up my ass that I thought they were smelling my stomach. I don't know which I enjoyed more: sniffing each ass, or getting my ass sniffed. For at least the second time tonight, I envied dogs. I had a brief, absurd thought of what our lives would be like if people smelled each other's asses when they first met. The thought made me chuckle, which earned me a swift tug on the leash. My knees were beginning to ache from the walking we were doing. After all of the pledges, Kirk led me over to a corner of the kitchen, and I saw a dog bowl. The bowl had dog food in it -- the chunky kind with gravy all over it and that peculiar smell. "Fido's been a good dog," Kirk said, scratching my head and behind the ears. "Fido gets to eat now." He pushed my face into the bowl, and I had my first taste of dog food. The brothers standing around watching started laughing again. It was actual dog food. I had thought that maybe it was beef stew. The first taste was stronger than people food, and I knew instantly that this was the real deal. I choked down as much as I could, and then forced myself to finish it off. "The dog is hungry," Kirk said as I licked the bowl clean. I knew they weren't going to let me get away without finishing the bowl. "Now here's something to wash down all that nasty dog food." Kirk set down a water bowl filled with beer. After the peanut butter and crackers and ass banana and dog food, I really was thirsty. I stuck my entire mouth in the bowl and began to gulp down the beer. Except this beer tasted... different, more acrid. After three gulps, I realized what I was drinking, and involuntarily spat out the contents of my mouth. "This isn't beer!," I said. "It's piss." The brothers howled with laughter again. They had been watching closely to gauge my reaction, and now they were doubled over laughing at me. Kirk came over. "It is beer!," he said. "Just consider it recycled beer. It's beer that's Tom has used once, and now you get to drink it again." I gave my best puppy dog eyes to Mike, who was laughing with all the others. He looked at me and shrugged his shoulders -- "You're on your own here, buddy" his look said. I went back to the bowl and lapped up the piss. The bitter taste was horrible. The aftertaste was worse. The only thing which kept me going was knowing that this beer had passed through Tom, that god of a man, and knowing that this was part of being accepted by these men. For the second time in one night, I was drinking his piss. After the last of the piss was gone, Kirk brought out another bowl, and said, "Time for dessert." He set the bowl down, and it was actually a pie tin with a cream pie. I started slowly, licking the top of the pie. This lasted all of about 10 seconds, when Kirk walked up and pushed his foot on the back of my head, sending my face down into the pie and getting pie on my face, in my hair, and even in my ears. The guys again burst out laughing, watching me get my face shoved in this pie. He kept his foot on the back of my head, and I ate mouthfuls of crust and filling and cream -- whatever my mouth encountered. Someone else came forward and began taking handfuls of cream and smearing it on my back and sides. He even put it in my armpits, and in a moment of inspiration, he took a great heaping handful and smeared it onto my asscrack. The guys loved this, and cheered him on and laughed. Later I found out it had been Zak. When half the pie was gone, my stomach was absolutely full. I slowed down in my eating, and with half the pie still left, I didn't think I could eat another bite. "Come on, faggot!," one active jeered. "You liked eating our cream so much earlier. Now finish that fucking pie." I forced my mouth to open and close, not even tasting the pie any more. I felt like a runner in a marathon, forcing his legs to take just one more step. With each bite, my stomach distended more and more, and I wondered for the first time tonight if they would actually make me vomit. Another bite. Then another. Still a quarter of the pie remaining. Forcing my mouth open, again and again. Finally, my face hit the pie tin, and I had never felt more full in all my life. I brought my cream covered face up and lapped up everything on my face within reach of my tongue. My body felt sticky from where Zak had smeared me, and my stomach was bloated. Kirk uncollared me. "You're a fucking mess," Kirk said, chuckling. "But you have done very well." He smiled, and it felt great to have this guy who had tormented me so much break a smile. "You have come far tonight, but you have more ordeals to endure. Go now, and get some sleep. We will continue tomorrow night. Rest as much as you can now. You will need it." As the realization of what he had just said struck me, I saw through a crack in the door that the sun was rising. We had been up all night. And at that moment, the fatigue of this hazing hit my body like a body slam. I lay on my side on the ground, and promptly fell asleep. The pledges carried me to a bed and let me sleep for hours, a deep, dreamless sleep. When I woke up, Mike was at my side, and the first thought that went through my head was, There are still five pledges to go! Cumming next: Part 14 -- Initiation, Part 3 * * * * * Administrative Stuff: * Folks! Sorry it's taken me so long to post again, and I probably won't be able to post again for 2-3 MONTHS. I have to train someone else on my job, and move to a different city in the next month. I will continue to write, but it's gonna be a while. Thanks to all the great fans out there who keep writing and supporting me (you know who you are :) * A special thank you to [email protected] who provided me with a lot of "technical" information about hazing. He's far more of an expert about it than I am :) * If you're curious what I look like, you can view a face picture at http://profiles.yahoo.com/sailboyla . Just click on the picture and the distortion will go away. * Recommendations: If you liked this story, you might also like on the Nifty archive: Dominated by Doug (authoritarian) Cup of Joe (authoritarian) Jock Sex Slave (high school or authoritarian) Special Dorm Delivery (college) Ryan's Hole (celebrity section) Buttsex Junkie (bi section, but all gay sex) Fraternity Memoirs (college - a real life story of frat hazing) Rim Shots New to this list (and sorry -- you might have to hunt a little for them) : 40 days and 39 nights (celebrity -- Josh Harnett!) Brains Over Brawn (authoritarian or high school) Locker Jock (high school section) Dental Rim Doctor Rim Rim Service (and any other story with "Rim" in the title written by TomGTongue) (various sections) Little Brothers Sex Slave (incest) Slick Finger Scam Team Reward Any of the "Rob's Life" stories (authoritarian) Gang Banging Mario Lopez (celebrity) Cocksucker series (authoritarian) Gentlemens Wager (encounters) These stories have truly inspired me and caused me to shoot enough cum to fill a bathtub. Thanks to all of the folks who wrote those stories. Feel free to email me with other stories you think I might like. I don't always get to read everything that's posted out there. * Thanks, as always, for all the GREAT fan mail. It's great encouragement. If I don't respond to an email for a while, it's because I'm working on the next part, so please be patient. * About me: I'm 29, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys 18-35. I currently live in LA, and I will be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2024 14:24:36 -0400 From: Robert Halstead <[email protected]> Subject: Dave's boy julian chapter 4 Dom Dave's boi julian Chapter 4. The Spanking I get the place ready for Julian. I set towels out for him and have candles ready to be lit. I put out my wooden spoon just in case, although this spanking might only be by hand. It's always good to leave options. I give him an affectionate welcome when he gets here and we enjoy a nice snuggle together for a bit. We sit and chat for a while getting caught up. Todd and Zach are moving ahead with things. Julian is always naked now. One night they had a couple friends over to play cards and he was their naked waiter bringing drinks and snacks. They're trying out asking permissions, like to use the bathroom (when one of them is home), or go out for any reason on his days off. They let him know that chastity is eventually going to be mandated. He's had two chastity days this week, and now again tonight because I demanded it. "You must be meeting a lot more people who are into their scene, Julian." "I'll say! I could have a different Dom every night if I wanted to be a slut. Not for me though." "Good. I just got this mean idea that maybe Todd or Zach could be in charge of that, as if they decide to send you to someone to serve, something along those lines." "Oh man, you mean like they pimp me out?" I crack up. "Well, maybe . . . But enough about that. Let me watch you strip. Then you can go take your shower, nice and slow and as hot as you can make it. Don't worry, you won't run out of hot water. When you're done I'll be ready for you to get over my lap. Go now, faggot." It's a real button-pusher for him to be called faggot. It makes him wince, so I know it gets to him. They don't call him that at home. They usually don't call him anything other than his name. Despite him being naked they're all casual with one another. So, disciplinarian . . . .I've got to think about this some more. . . . but now . . . Here he is, young flesh sparkling warm and clean. Julian wrapped modestly in a towel, looking a bit apprehensive. "Lose the towel, boy. I've seen you naked before and you're getting spanked naked. Drop it." He does, of course, and blushes. "Gee, by now I would have thought being naked would just be natural for you, Julian." "It still gets to me at times, but yeah, it almost seems ordinary now. For some reason it's really embarrassing right now." "I'm not surprised. This time you're standing here naked in front of the man who's about to take you over his knee and give you a good solid thrashing, one you've had coming for a long time, boy. So let's get to it. Over you go." Not surprise it's a bit awkward until I have him set over me at just the right angle. I just start caressing his pale ass made pink in the shower and about to get a hell of a lot pinker before this evening is over. I stroke his ass with one hand and his back and neck with the other, getting him to relax. "Your muscles are tense. Let them go, Julian. Don't tighten up to protect yourself. You're here to be punished. Take it. Don't try to resist it. It will hurt more if you fight it. Get used to the idea that sub boys like you have to get thrashed every so often. It keeps you more obedient and docile. You really need this, Julian. You have for a good long time. You'll understand it better once I'm done with you now." And I begin. Lightly and liberally and everywhere and gradually some real spanking begins and his reactions are so enticing, and I realize that this is going to be happening often from now on, and he's just going to have to get used to being sore most of the time if he continues to pursue being submissive. Light outcries begin and every once in a while I make sure to land a harder blow to get a yelp out of him. Will he actually break down crying? I don't know for sure, but he sure is making some pretty music for me and his flesh is quivering more and more now. He starts writhing and I keep coaching, "calm down and take your punishment, kid, Take the pain. It's gotta hurt. It's punishment, boy. Punishment for a lifetime of getting away with things. No more, Julian. This is how things are for you now." I stop just before the outcries turn into outright crying. We'll save that for another time. There are tears in his eyes, sure, but he didn't break down. I don't move when I'm finished, and tell him to stay still as well. Eventually I tease his reddened flesh with my fingertips and it really gets his ass trembling until at last he almost starts to laugh. I just spill him off my knees and onto the floor. Shit, my hand hurts! This fucking kid is tough! It's a good thing I have a nice assortment of implements. And I still haven't used the wooden spoon. He lies there on his back but trying to prevent his ass from toughing the carpet. What a lovely sight. Next time I'll keep my phone nearby to snap a photo. I reach down and wipe his eyes dry. "I would have died if I ended up crying," he says to me. "You will next time, Julian. It's all part of the experience. Think about it the next time you're allowed to jerk off. Think about me making you cry the next time I spank you." He gets quiet. After a while, I start in. "There will be a next time, Julian. You realize that now, don't you, that even worse spankings like this are part of your life now. Regularly. One of these days I'll get to see you sobbing. And you'll keep coming back for more, boy. Sometimes you'll really wish you didn't have to. Some times you'll come here with a chip on your shoulder and I'll have to knock it off with my strap." He gets up on his knees and puts each hand on my knees as I sit there looking at him. "Can I ask for something, Dave?" "Sure, you can ask. I'm not guaranteeing you'll get it, though." "I just want to ask that we can still just go out as friends like we did the other night. Me taking you to dinner to thank you and we just sit and talk about life like we did that night. Just so it doesn't just all become only about discipline and bdsm stuff." "Perfectly reasonable request, Julian. I think it's an excellent idea. And yes, I'll deliberately make you pay for dinner." He laughs. "I don't pay with my own money; it's a business expense. The Firm requires that every new member have a mentor and there's a budget for us to entertain our mentors as a gesture of gratitude. It's all expensed!" I laugh as well. "Wow. You really lucked out when you got this job, Julian." "Tell me about it. I've been lucking out ever since that night when I was sitting by myself nursing a drink in the corner of a cocktail lounge in a hotel in Atlanta Georgia having to go to the straight wedding of a sister who hates me and who always used to picked on me. I tried to get out of going. Good thing I didn't, because I never would have met you. I never would have ended up here, on the floor at your feet, naked and with a sore ass from being spanked." I reach out and tweak one of his nipples and he throws himself at me for more. One thing leads to another but I finally put a stop to it as much as I'd like to take the boy inside and fuck the daylights out of him. "Boys like you always show your gratitude for being disciplined by sucking off their disciplinarians," I tell him. Maybe I'm stupid, but I'm following my instinct on this. Funny how it makes me think about that night he was naked in the limo that picked me up. But we both got off that night. I will tonight, but I'm denying him permission to take care of it later. Let's find out if he can hold off just because I ordered him to. "Next time we go out you can come over after dinner. You'll serve me the way I want. You can even plan to spend the night in my arms if that's allowed. Does that sound like something you'd like to do? Will they allow it?" "Oh please, Dave. Yes, please let's do that. I'll text you tomorrow from work and we can pick a date. I'd love that. It will be fine with them. They want me to be at your disposal as often as possible." "You got it, kid." I help him get dressed and actually walk him out to the car that came to pick him up. Reminds me the last time I was at the door of a limo looking in at him. I wouldn't miss it this time. I know it will hurt when his butt hits the back seat. He looks at me with a stricken look on his face and we both chuckle before I shut the door and send the car on its way. What a wonderful young man! What a luscious ass to thrash—whenever I want to! I'm so happy he's part of my life. Besides that, I'm really looking forward to finally meeting Todd and Zach. The next day I have two other dates on my calendar. Lunch with Todd and Zach is one, finally!!! And an evening cuddling Julian, but that turned out to be not at all what I expected. Oh, I'm not disappointed. It's just that we came to a more astute understanding of how we would continue to fit in each other's lives from here on. The romancing was delicious and much needed by both of us, and I made love to him the same way I did when we met in Atlanta, babying him and praising him and coaching him along as he slowly opened up and gave himself to me. But that was only the first part of the evening. Lying in each other's arms afterwards, we have a lovely conversation. He wanted to thank me for spanking him the way I did the first time and how as the days went on he felt better and better being sore the way he was. Several days after that he met up with another guy who loved playing with his ass and it drove him out of his mind, the combination of being sore from a thrashing and having his sore flesh being loved by this really sweet and innocent guy who didn't know what a slut he was turning into. I chuckled because I knew exactly what he was talking about. "I call it sweet and sour," I tell him and he said he might make that a motto to live by. Well anyway, eventually he told me that he missed being sore and damn it, he actually came out and asked me to spank him again then love him while he was hurting from the spanking. He wanted to find out what it would be like, if it would turn him on the same way it did after the last time he got spanked. How could I deny a request like that? I used a nice strap I had set aside for him when I first got it. A perfect one for the first time, I felt, because it would deliver what I think of as soft pain. Pain that is pleasurable at the very same time it is received. I made him talk more, down on his knees this time. I made him tell me why he deserved to be punished, real things he could confess to me. Finally he told me how he gets a snobby and snotty attitude in his mind sometimes towards co-workers he dislikes. I made him mention their names, too. I wanted it to be real for him, to understand that every sub boy like him needs to be punished for all sorts of things. It worked. He was near tears when he admitted he really deserved a good thrashing. I had him up on the bed on all fours, the way we had discussed last time. And I did what had to be done to help this wonderful young man to become his better self. The sub needed to be punished, and he was well punished—not nearly as badly as last time—and then I consoled him in my arms and made sure he had an intense experience of sweet and sour, only this time, the sour first. And I fucked him again, not like a virgin but like the slut he's becoming for men, and he was in ecstasy. I took care of him the next morning as well to make sure he would be okay on his way home. We had a lovely breakfast, him standing, and then we called a car to take him back home. So anyway, our time together was unique and fulfilling for both of us. Damn, how lucky I was the night I met that kid! Sorry for repeating myself. I say that a lot. . . . later at lunch with Julian's roommates: "So you got to spank the boy a second time," Todd said as he shook my hand when we first met. "and he even asked for it. That's impressive, that the kid feels that secure with you." "We both owe you a great debt," agreed Zach. "It's thanks to you that we've all had the good fortune to meet Julian and to feel a part of the progress he's making the past several months. That was indeed a fortuitous meeting." "For me as well, guys, let me assure you. As long as I live I'll never forget the night I looked into the limo to see him kneeling naked on the seat, happy to display himself to me. He's come so far since he was that shy little guy sipping his gin looking as if he was about to put down the glass and escape back to the safety of his lonely room. You know, he never did tell me about the wedding he was in town for that weekend." "there was no wedding, Dave. It was all a pretext." "I don't understand." "He said he was there for a wedding with his family. The truth is he lived there in Atlanta. He'd been hanging around in various hotel lounges around the city hoping for some man to pick him up. He lucked out the night he met you. First time it paid off for him, he tells us, and it was a great pay off." I'm flabbergasted. The first thing I think of is how I'm going to punish him for that whole gambit. Some day soon. Maybe that's when I'll introduce the boy to the cane. "Well obviously another punishment session is in the works," I say, laughing. "I cant believe I fell for the lie, but come to think of it, he pushed it all night, even to the point of telling me he had to get back to his room before morning so his parents didn't realize he'd been whoring around. Damn good actor, that's for sure." "Which is precisely why we have to keep him naked as much as possible," says Todd. "Naked, he has nothing to hide." "Not only that," adds Todd, but we gave him his phone password and I check it out every couple days to see what he's been up to." ". . . and given out his number to local Doms," adds Zach. "What I don't understand, if I may be so bold, is why you're just not turning him into your personal slave, the both of you. Considering what's happened, I'm surprised he isn't serving the both of you on a regular basis or why you'd even want your Dom friends to get a piece of him. Keep the virgin slave for yourselves, after all." Zach cracks up. "We've got professional responsibilities as far as Julian is concerned, and we can't mix business with pleasure, so to speak, or The Firm would blow a gasket. That's also why we asked you to handle the discipline. We've got to keep things in their proper categories." "sounds weird to me," I admit. "For some reason keeping the boy naked, shaving him bare, imposing chastity, but not making him your owned slave? I don't understand why you don't follow things through to its inevitable conclusion. Then you talk about categories? I'm sorry, guys, but this just doesn't make any sense to me at all." "Service without ownership," says Zach. "That's the prevailing situation in The Firm for most of us, ourselves included. We have access to all the slaves we could ever need, but we're not allowed to own any of them. They, like us, are all members of the Firm, each of us in our own category. Likewise, those who are chosen and trained as slaves for the Firm are exactly that: slaves to the Firm but unowned by any single individual." "You see, Dave," says Todd, "Keeping the kid naked is not unusual in situations where a relatively green associate is placed with more experienced executives. In fact, it's quite common, part of forming a certain humility in the new guy to see how he'll handle it. Demands will be made on him in his position that he might otherwise not be able to handle. When someone who only thinks of himself as an employee eventually finds himself coaxed or coerced to be naked in front of colleagues, it sets a particular tone. It helps him understand his place." "Sounds to me like you're breaking him in as a slave to a lot more people than just the two of you," "True, Dave, but a lot of that hasn't been made clear to him yet. But now we have something else to ask of you at least to consider." What's next, I wonder. I have to say I'm not surprised when they tell me what they want. SO THAT'S THE END of this Chapter. Please write and tell me what you think. [email protected] If you click my name you'll get a list of all the other stories I've written. I'm also on Telegram as sub_kodak. Say Hi! And listen, since you probably spend a lot of time on Nifty, why not help with expenses by making a donation, no matter how small. https://donate.nifty.org
Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 20:03:46 -0800 From: Peter in Los Angeles Subject: dorm-domintation-4 Dorm Domination Chapter 4 Mike's Surprise for Alex by [email protected] Disclaimers: * Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you live. * This is a story about men having sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * The characters aren't having safe sex because this is fantasy. Please use condoms when you have sex. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do. * * * * * >From Chapter 3: "Kiss me goodnight," he said, and I knew he wasn't talking about his mouth. I wedged my head between his muscular, furry thighs and my mouth found his beautiful ass. I kissed his hole once, just the outside, and inhaled his scent deeply. "Nice bitch," he murmured sleepily. He was already falling asleep. He closed his legs and I took his cock in my mouth. It tasted of cum and . . . ass? Not mine. Someone else's? It turned me on that Mike's cock might have been in another guy's ass. I wanted him to fuck me, to be inside me, but tonight would not be the night. I fell asleep with Mike's soft cock in my mouth, breathing through my nose. I had never been happier. * * * * * Chapter 4 - Mike's Surprise for Alex I awoke to the smell of ass. Mike and I had shifted in the night, and my nose had found a comfortable place to rest in the cleft of his ass. An alarm clock was going off somewhere. I didn't care. I didn't want to move again. Ever. Mike shifted in his sleep, moving his leg and giving me better access to his hole. I stuck my tongue out and very gently began lapping at it. With Mike asleep, I took the time to run my hands over his back, his strong lats, his broad, muscular shoulders, and his slightly furry legs, to worship with touch what I had so far only worshipped by sight. My hands were hot from his skin by the time I reached his hips and pulled his ass closer to my face. Mike groaned as he started to wake. He rolled over, trapping my body under his, my legs by his head and his legs by my head, still stuffed in his ass. I was crushed by the weight of him. He stretched and I could feel every muscle in his body tense, then relax slowly. His silky ballsac fell over my nose and I decided to lick on those for a while. I felt his body tense just before he farted. The smell hit me instantly, inches away from his ass, and Mike started laughing heartily. "Morning, sunshine," he said, still chuckling. "Better than a morning cup of coffee to wake you up, huh?" "Very funny," I said through a mouthful of balls. A fart in the face was a small price to pay for getting to suck his balls and eat his cum. Maybe I even liked it a little. I reached my hands around Mike and gave his body a squeeze. His body pressed against mine and I had to take short, quick breaths to get air. I liked feeling close to him. "Time to get clean," he said. "And you're going to do it." Shower with Mike? I'd love to, but we had community showers, and I didn't think Mike or I wanted that reputation. "Give me a tongue bath, whore," he said. "I had a rough night last night, and you're going to run your tongue all over my jock stud body." If Mike thought this was torture for me, he was dead wrong. I started with his balls, then moved down one leg. When I sucked his toes, he started to snicker. He was ticklish on his toes. I held onto his calf firmly; it was nice to be in control for once. I moved back up to his crotch and kissed his cock, then moved down his other leg. He was ticklish on the back of his knees, of all places, and I spent some extra time there to torture him a bit. He giggled, then smacked my head and said, "Enough!" I couldn't help but smile while working on the rest of that leg. At his crotch, I bathed his pubes and balls again and licked underneath his nutsack and got a faint taste of his ass. I kissed my way up along his "Apollo's belt" - that sexy as hell line that separates the leg from the torso on guys like Mike who work out. I licked and nipped my way up to his sides, which were also ticklish. I ravished his navel, sticking my tongue into it and kissing it and sucking on it until Mike started laughing again. His navel was nestled in his flat stomach, and I was able to kneed his meaty pecs while I made love to his flat, sexy belly. I dragged my now-tired tongue up his stomach to his nipples and teased and chewed them for each, making Mike wince and squirm. As I was working on his nipples, I could smell his arm pits, beckoning me. Like the rest of Mike, his arm pits were perfect. Just above his nipples, his side dimpled in, and then the smattering of hair which radiated from the joining of his strong arm and his big chest. Lifting his arm up, he showed his triceps and biceps joining his pecs at his fragrant pit. Besides the ass, a man's armpit was my favorite place to park my nose. Mike didn't use deodorant and he had done some exercising last night. I licked the sweat and grime from his pit. He still smelled like a real man when I was finished. He flipped over, and I worked my way down from his shoulders, down his wide lats, and down the cleft his spine made down his muscular back. I gave him a massage with my hands and my tongue followed. His ass tasted even better after tasting the rest of him. I worked my way back up to finish the job. I cleaned and kissed his neck and ears. He started moaning as I chewed on his ears. I finished up with his face, licking his cheeks, his nose, and his closed eyes. There was an awkward moment as his lips became the only flesh I hadn't cleaned. Did he want me to kiss him? I hesitated a moment, then thought, Why the hell not? I leaned forward to kiss him when his hand grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back. "BITCH," he said. "Let me get this straight right now. I let you please me. I sometimes let you get your rocks off. That's only because I treat my property well. You and I - we're not boyfriends. No falling in love or other faggoty stuff like that. Understand?" I nodded my head, yes. Then he pulled my face to his and kissed me, hard. His touch had never been more electric. Before I knew it, the kiss was over, and Mike was standing next to the bed, getting his clothes on. This kissing thing was really throwing me off. "Shit," he said. "I'm gonna be late." "Your schedule says you don't have class until 11," I told him. It was a little before 8. "I've got some other business to take care of," he said. "You'll understand soon. Keep your pager on all day, and be ready today. No cumming. Big day for both of us." He was smirking as he bolted out the door. My cock was hard from the tongue bath, and I wondered what was happening today. Every moment, my mind came up with more twisted and wonderful things Mike would do to me today. I wore my pager with a sense of urgency and importance. My biology teacher was lecturing on pheromones, scents that a male creature gives out to attract mates. Certain smells were genetically programmed to arouse the mate. I wondered if Mike's ass had pheromones. Half way through the lecture, the pager went off. It was sent to vibrate, and I had put it in my front pants pocket. The vibrations - and the anticipation of the page - made my dick instantly hard. The page was "69696969." I packed up my books and left, my backpack hiding my hard on like I was in junior high again. Three o'clock - that was in the middle of Mike's wrestling practice in the school's oldest gym. My heart beat faster as I thought about the implications. Mike wanted me to come to the gym, probably to service his dick. It was one thing in the privacy of our room, but the gym was a different story. I walked through the big gym doors and felt dwarfed by the huge gym. The bleachers were empty, and the floor was half covered with wrestling mats, the other half left open for guys playing basketball. As I walked in, the sounds of grunting and running and physical exertion - male sounds - overwhelmed me. I tried not to stare at the wrestlers in their singlets, but I had to look for Mike. I passed by several very hot pairs of guys wrestling. Towards the end, there were two guys on the mat: one guy on all fours, his head down, the other guy on his knees behind the first guy, his hand wrapped around his waist, a classic wrestler's pose. The guy on all fours looked like Mike, and I stared, hoping he would look up. It was only when the second guy, the guy holding the first guy's waist, said, "Back again, bitch?," that I realized it was Doug. "Doug!," I said, surprised. "I didn't know you'd be here." "Coming to take another look at my ass, faggot?" he said. His partner on the mat looked up now and it wasn't Mike. I blushed bright red. "I don't know what you're. . ." I started. "Don't try to deny it, fag boy," Doug said. "It's written all over your face that you crave cock." "Is Mike around?," I asked, trying to change the subject so that I wouldn't be embarrassed any more. "He's in the locker room, straight back," Doug said. "Pulled his ham string or some shit. You here to make him feel better, bitch?" "I don't know," I said. "He just paged me." Doug laughed as I walked away, a laugh that seemed to imply that he knew what the page meant. The smell of the locker room was like 100 asses, all like Mike's, put into a warm room without circulation for about a week. I had smelled locker rooms before, but this one was especially rank. I was sweating as soon as I walked in. My cock throbbed in my jeans. Judging by the sound, the locker room seemed empty. I walked down each row of lockers and didn't see anyone. A used jockstrap lay on one bench, a drying towel from another. At the end of the last aisle was a room, dark except for the light from the locker room itself. "Hello?," I said. "Anyone in there." No response. I took a step closer. This was the only place Mike could still be if he was in the locker room. "Hello?" I could see into the room a little bit now. There was a bin which had been knocked on its side, spilling the contents - laundry, it looked like - into a pile on the floor. It wasn't regular laundry, though - only underwear and jockstraps. There were even some where the cup was still in the jock. This was the epicenter of the man-crotch smell coming from the locker room. I reached my hand in to try to find a light switch in the room. And that's when the world turned upside down. A very strong hand grabbed my wrist and put me in a hold, my hand behind my back. I couldn't see who was grabbing me. I was shoved roughly and tripped at the same time. My face and body landed in the pile of jocks and briefs. "Welcome to the locker room, cunt," said the familiar voice of Mike. My cock raged in my pants. "You're gonna be spending a lot of time here." I tried to push up in this pile of men's ball huggers. One hand came away wet and warm and sticky. When I looked, it was cum - fresh from the look of it. I looked down to see that my face had landed in a pair of shorts with a skid mark in them. I could smell man everywhere. I felt a smack on my ass and yelped. "Don't bother trying to get up, bitch," Mike said. "We're gonna have some fun in here." He closed the door and turned on a dim light. "Your responsibility is increasing," Mike said. "I've been testing you, making sure you will abide by my orders. I wanted to see if you really took your responsibility for my dick seriously. And you have done well." He started to spank my ass as his talked, punctuating his words with a swat. With his other hand, he began to run his fingers up and down my asscrack, causing me to shiver with pleasure. "I needed to test you," he continued, "Because I have found that once I make my domination complete - once I feed a cock hungry bitch my cock up his ass - the bitch never stops craving cock up his ass again. I needed to know if you were ready for that step." I pushed my ass up to meet his fingers. I wanted this man inside me more than anything I could ever remember wanting, more than the bike I wanted for Christmas when I was 9, more than wanting to get my driver's license the day I turned 16, more even than I had wanted to eat Mike's cum and his ass the first time. Mike had gotten inside my head, and I needed to please him now. I needed Mike to fuck me to satisfy that need right now. Right now. "Have you ever been fucked?," Mike asked. "No," I answered truthfully. "Are you ready?," Mike asked. "God, yes, I'm ready," I replied. SMACK! "If you're really ready, you will ask for it," Mike said. "Please, Mike," I said. "I need your cock in my ass, right now. I want to please you and take care of your cock and make you cum and make you happy. Please, Mike. Please fuck me." "Well since you asked so nicely. . ." Mike said, smacking my ass again. He pulled my hips up, exposing my hole. He spit onto my ass and started to spread it around with his fingers. "Do you know why I brought you here to take your cherry?," Mike asked. I answered no through my groans of pleasure as his fingers began a gentle pressure on my hole. "I brought you here because this is a sacred place, where men are trained to become men," he said. "Pussyboys like you maybe didn't spend enough time in the locker room, or maybe you were the geeky kid in the corner watching guys like me change and jerking off thinking about it later. But it was here that we are all men. It is here that we prepare for sports and everything else that makes us men. The locker room is where men like me and fags like you learn our roles and what we're good at. And it is here that I will show you what a real man does to a fag whore like you." His finger penetrated my ass just as he said "whore," and I gasped in surprise and pleasure. His finger felt huge in my virgin ass, and I felt myself pushing back on his hand, trying to get more of his finger inside of me. "Your ass is tight, and it's hungry for me, bitch," Mike said. He spit, right on my ass, lubing his finger. "Your ass is admitting what I've known all along. You are unhappy, unfulfilled if my cock isn't inside of you. Isn't that right, cumwhore?" "Yes, it's true, Mike," I said between groans. His finger was finding a spot inside my ass which was causing me to leak pre-cum like I was cumming. "If you're cock isn't inside of me, I'm thinking about the next time it might get there. I love your cock. I need your cock. I need you to fuck me. Please, Mike." I groaned again as a second finger joined the first. "You'll need to be quieter, bitch," Mike said. "I don't want my teammates finding out about my cockwhore just yet." He reached deep into the pile and pulled out a pair of briefs. They had once been white, but now were covered in cum and piss stains and skid marks. "Open," Mike said, holding the dirty underwear to my face. I opened my mouth. With two fingers up my ass, Mike stuffed the cum stained jock wear into my mouth, gagging me. I groaned even louder, but the sound was muffled by the briefs. Mike pulled his fingers out of my ass, and for a brief moment, I was empty. He got his face close to my hole and spit hard onto it. I felt his spit strike the center, causing my hole to clench. "It feels better for me if you're lubed up," Mike said, "But I do NOT lick ass like you, whore." This time, he put his thumb up my ass. I moaned again, the taste of the dirty briefs becoming stronger as my spit got them wet. They tasted like ass and cum and sweat combined. He pulled his thumb out until just the tip was inside my ass. His fingers had been long and probing, and now his thumb was thick, filling my ass and stretching it wide like a mini-cock. "Push back on my thumb," Mike commanded. "Show me how hungry your hole is to have me inside of it." I immediately pushed back, and his thumb filled me, stretched me. I rocked forward, and then back again, feeling his thick digit rub against my prostate. He cupped his hand around so that my balls came to rest in it as I pushed back. "That's it, bitch. Get yourself nice and ready, because the next thing in your ass won't be as small as this thumb." I moaned around the dirty underwear stuck in my mouth, imagining how his cock would feel inside me, 100 times bigger than his thumb. "Stop," he commanded. He slowly pulled his thumb out of my dilated ass, and then moved behind me. He spit again and rubbed it around the edge of my hole. "I'm about to change you forever," Mike said, and the head of his cock was inside of me. I gasped and squirmed, trying momentarily to get away, but Mike had anticipated that. One hand held the hair and my head which pulled painfully as I tried to get away. The other hand held my hip, preventing any involuntary movement of my ass away from his cock. I had Mike's cock inside of my ass. I was letting Mike do the most violating thing one man could do to another: put his cock in another man's ass. No real man would let another man do this to him. And here I was, not only letting him do this to me, but asking for it, begging for it. I understood completely who I was in that moment, and I loved Mike for showing me. "From what the fagboys tell me, it gets better," Mike said. "Let your ass relax if you can. Don't fight it; we both know you want it now. Relax, and your ass will relax and accept my cock. And in a minute, you're gonna beg me to never take it out." My ass was relaxing, and the initial strain in my ass was being replaced by a warmth and a fullness: his flesh inside of me. "I like to take cumwhore's asses like this the first time, on their knees, their proud asses raised high in the air. It reminds them of what they are: bitches, dogs, cockhounds." He spit again, and it landed on the exact spot where his cock met my ass. He pushed further in, slowly and steadily, spreading the feeling of fullness inside of me. I could feel as his hard prick passed over my prostate, and I groaned again and almost came. I held back, knowing I should wait for Mike's permission. "Three more inches," he said. My ass was still straining, trying to get over the widest part of his cock. The pain of my opening ass was balanced by the pleasure of his cock against my prostate. "Your turn to work, faggot," Mike said. "I've put this much in. Show me that you want all of my cock inside you." I didn't know if I could take any more, but my desire to please this man overcame my apprehension. I pushed my ass back, impaling myself on his hard dick. I stopped only when I felt my ass hit his pubic hair, his balls hitting mine. Mike groaned as he bottomed out in my hole. My ass was full. I was full of Mike. "It's a shame that no one has used this hole before," Mike said. "It's so hot and tight that every real man should have a crack at it." My cock, which had been going in and out of hardness, came to throbbing with Mike inside me, telling me how good my ass was. Mike pulled on my hair, causing me to raise from all fours to me kneeling in the pile of dirty underwear. I felt his breath on my ear, and he spoke. "You are taken now, my bitch. I have claimed your ass as my own. I am the first, and you will always remember this moment of me taking your manhood for my own. Nod your head if you need me to fuck you now." There was no hesitation as I nodded, yes, to this man. He pulled his cock slowly out, enjoying the friction of his cock against my hole. My insides seemed to rush to fill the void left by his monster cock, and then were suddenly pushed back again by it. As he fucked me with long, slow strokes, he continued to pull back on my hair, arching my neck back. His mouth clamped down and he began eating my neck. By morning it would be covered in hickeys which I was proud to display. As he fucked, he murmured, more to himself than to me, things like, "Ass is so fucking tight," and "Perfect fit for my cock." He was almost in a trance as he fucked me and ate at my neck, using his other hand to forcefully pull my hip back to meet his cock. The pain in my ass had disappeared, and only the pleasure of his cock pounding my prostate remained. The jock in my mouth was getting more ripe by the minute. He pushed me back down on all fours. "I shouldn't be the one doing the work here, fagboy," he said. "Fuck yourself on my cock." The head of his cock was still in my ass, and I got to work. Where he had been fucking slow and steady, I wanted it faster and began to rock back and forth, fucking myself on his flesh. Mike let out a long satisfied groan. "I like this, whore, you working hard for my cum. I can't believe you've degraded yourself to pushing your own ass back on a man's cock. You're the lowest of the low, just like I said. Fucking Omega male if ever I saw one." He slapped my ass, reminding me of my place with his hands as he did with his words. "Stop," he commanded. I did, but not fast enough. His cock almost slipped out. He grabbed me by the shoulders and pushed me back down, his cock lodged completely inside me. "Flip onto your back," he said. "And don't let my cock come out of your ass." I tried several different ways, all of which tangled my legs in his and didn't accomplish the goal. Mike finally lifted one leg for me and spun me around on his dick, my legs in the air, saying, "Never send a faggot to do a man's job." "I want to see your eyes when I cum inside you, when I leave my seed in your most intimate hole." He began pumping into me again, more quickly than before. Somehow, his cock felt even bigger in my ass. "I'm going to take your gag out now," he said. "But make one fucking noise, and I pull my cock out and it never goes back in you. Understand?" I nodded, yes. He pulled the crusty and now wet briefs from my mouth. A strong, wonderful aftertaste remained. "Tell me why you like it when I fuck you," Mike said. "I want to hear you explain." "I like pleasing you, and I can tell that fucking my tight ass pleases you. I've been trying to clamp down on your cock to make it feel better for you, Mike. You were right about me, all along: I need your cock. You have made me your faggot pussyboy and I will never be the same without your cock." His fucking tempo had increased, and he was going quickly now. "You say all the right things to get me off, fucker," he said with a smirk. "That's part of the reason I keep you around." I saw the kiss coming this time, but I still wasn't mentally prepared. He kept his eyes open and his mouth covered mine, almost eating my lips. His tongue pried apart my lips and teeth and he shoved it inside my mouth, almost down my throat. I realized what he was doing: fucking my throat while he fucked my ass. Complete domination. Our eyes locked and I moaned into his mouth. I was going to cum soon if he didn't stop fucking me at both ends like this. He breathed in and he stole air from my lungs. I moaned again, louder this time, with his tongue and mouth replacing my old gag. He had to know I was close. Could I cum? Was that allowed? He pumped his cock into my ass, faster and faster. He must be close, too. When his hand gripped my cock, I came. He didn't pump my cock, just grasped it firmly, and that was more than enough. It was unlike any orgasm I had ever had. My body bucked and my ass clenched and cum spurted from my cock and my eyes never left Mike's, his penetrating stare lighting the fuse for the fireworks going off inside my body. I was screaming into his mouth, around his tongue, screaming for finally knowing where I belonged and how I needed to be used by this man. At the height of my orgasm, I felt something else which re-doubled this nirvana: Mike was cumming in me. His thrusts into my ass became more rapid, and I could feel the hot ropes of cum striking the inside of my ass. His already strong thrusts became powerful enough to push me further back into the pile of underwear we were rutting on. His hand around my cock clenched tighter, sending me into an even higher high, and his other hand pulled on the back of my neck, getting my face closer to his, mashing our lips together. He moaned in my mouth, almost screaming and grunting like a bear. My own orgasm seemed meager next to Mike's. His eyes never closed, but they glazed over with a look of pure pleasure that was more than enough payment for all the humiliation and pain I had suffered at his hands. He pulled his lips off of mine. The silence was broken only by our pounding pulses. The world seemed to have stopped. "That, my bitch, is how to fuck." He smiled and lay on top of me, pressing our two sweaty bodies close together. "It's a lot better when the cockslut gets off just before I do," he said. "That clenching ass makes my orgasm that much better." His only reason for making me cum was to give him a better orgasm. I glowed, knowing that my body had pleased him. After we both caught our breath, he pushed up off of me, leaving his cock inside my ass. "Ready?," he asked, and a moment later, he pulled his cock out of my ass. I missed him already. He had a hand underneath where he had penetrated me and he caught a few drops of cum as they fell from his cock. He cupped his hand and put it up to my hole. "Give it back," he said. I whimpered slightly - I didn't want to give it back! - and he slapped my ass. "Now," he said. I opened my ass and his cum slipped out of it into his hand. I had to do this a couple of times until I knew I was empty. With his fingertips, he wiped the last bit of cum off my ass, sending a shiver through my whole body as he touched my hole. He brought his hand up to my face, and I thought, There's no way he's going to do this. "You've earned it," he said. "Open up." I opened my mouth to accept the nastiest gift I had ever received: his cum, taken out of my ass after he had fucked me. The first drop hit my tongue and I almost came again. It tasted like Mike's cum, only stronger, with a darker flavor to it. I knew the extra taste to be my ass and the juices from it. "Nice pussyboy likes his milk," Mike said condescendingly. By now I had half of his hand in my mouth, sucking away at his cummy fingers. He pulled his fingers out suddenly. "I almost forgot," he said. "My little bitch has a favorite bowl." He turned over and lay on his stomach. He reached around with his still cum filled hand and wiped the cum onto his own ass. This guy was truly warped. I was so glad he was my roommate. "Lap it up, bitch," he said. I got on my knees and parted his ass cheeks, savoring the smell and the sight of the pearly liquid coating the hairy crack of his ass. The flavor of his cum, my ass, and his ass sent me over the edge. I began cumming again, amazingly less than five minutes after cumming, and without even touching my cock. "Shoot in my crack, dipshit!," Mike said. I brought my cock up to his ass and continued shooting my second load onto it, his cum still stuck to my face. After I was finished, I continued eating, content as a cat with a saucer of milk. Mike was right. He had changed me forever. After Mike had me eat all of our cum, we got dressed. "I'm glad I faked that ham string pull to get out of practice early," he said. I thanked him for setting up this afternoon. "There's more of those to come, my friend," he said. We left the room and turned the corner, going into an office with the coach - a huge stud in his own right - sitting behind the desk. "Here's the guy I was telling you about, Coach," Mike said. "He's really eager to be our new equipment manager. I've just been showing him the ins and outs of the equipment room." I blushed and smiled and shook the coach's hand and before I knew what was happening, I was appointed to be the keeper and cleaner of all equipment worn by the entire wrestling team. TO BE CONTINUED. . . * * * * * Administrative Stuff: * I have forgotten to mention a thanks to [email protected] for his Dominated by Doug series. He has inspired me to write this story and his continues to be the standard which I hope I live up to. * Thanks for all the encouragement so far. Fan emails are welcome but not required ([email protected]). I'm not the type of guy to hold the story hostage; I will continue to write the story even if I don't get emails. I'm assuming someone out there likes the stories. * I'm working on part 5, but I'm going out of town so it might take me a while longer to post. Email me if you have suggestions, but I can't promise I'll include them. * About me: I'm 28, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys under 35. I currently live in LA, though I may be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.
Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 19:53:34 -0800 From: Peter in Los Angeles Subject: dorm-domination-3 Dorm Domination Chapter 3 by [email protected] Disclaimers: * Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you live. * This is a story about men having sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * The characters aren't having safe sex because this is fantasy. Please use condoms when you have sex. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do. * * * * * >From Chapter 2: I sat next to him, and he looked at me. "You did well tonight," he said, and then he did something which surprised me more than anything he had done tonight. He kissed me. He pulled my neck to meet him, and he pushed his lips hard against mine. His tongue snaked out and found mine, and was gone before I knew what had happened. This man - this GOD - had kissed me. "Goodnight," he said as he fell back in bed, and turned out the only light in our room. Stunned from the kiss I had just gotten (What did it mean? I didn't think he would do anything to please me. What the HELL?!), I stumbled to my bed. As I lay down, I could still smell his scent - crotch, cock, ass, cum - on my face. With my belly full of Mike's cum, I fell asleep and dreamed of sex. * * * * * Chapter 3 In my dream, I was in the middle of a group of hot, naked men, cocks and cum and asses everywhere. I was being pushed and pulled by these men, and I was being held up by their hands only, like being in a naked mosh pit and having a finger or cock in every one of my holes. When I woke up, I was being pushed around - by Mike. He had grabbed my shoulders and was pushing me around on my own bed. He quickly had me positioned on my back with my head hanging over the edge of my bed, my neck extended. "What the hell . . ." I started to ask. That was all I could get out before my mouth was stuffed full of Mike's cock. Quite a wake-up call. "Morning, sunshine," Mike said. He grunted as his cock hit bottom inside of my throat, his balls now resting on my nose. I could smell our sex from the night before. I started swallowing his cockhead lodged inside of me, trying to give him even more pleasure. "I get real bad morning wood, bitch, but luckily you are here to accommodate. My morning wood is now your problem, even more than it is mine. I warned you that this cock was your responsibility now, cunt." He pistoned his cock in and out of my throat. I had to gasp for breath. "Put your hand on your throat, bitch," Mike commanded. I reached up and his hand pressed mine down on my throat, holding it there, not strangling me. "Now feel this." He pushed his cock head from where it had been in my mouth down into my throat. I could feel my throat expanding as his dick filled me up. "That's my cock inside of you, slut," Mike said, holding his dick deep. He pulled out an inch, then rammed back in. I could feel exactly where his dick head was. "You can feel me filling you up, faggot. Keep your hand there." He pumped in and out of me. I kept one hand on my throat, feeling his cock penetrate my throat with each thrust. With my other hand, I reached behind him and found the back of his thigh. I felt his furry legs up to his ass, and put my fingers in his crack. He was hot and a little sticky from our mixed cum the night before. I got my finger wet with the cum and ass juices there and brought my hand to my face. "You can't get enough, can you, cumslut?" Mike asked, snorting. I put the finger under my nose and inhaled the smell of cum and Mike ass. I nearly came then. "I wish I could take my time, but I've got a 9 o'clock class. Just enough time for a blow job from my whore." Mike was grunting more and more. "You're gonna get it directly from the source this time, faggot. I'm gonna shoot down your throat, right into your stomach. Don't worry; I'll let you taste a little bit." He started bucking harder now and I knew he was close. His balls pulled up off my nose, I felt his cock lodge deeper in my throat than before, and I could feel the spurts shoot into me. His ass shook and pumped. I was his. As he was slowing down but still coming, he pulled his cock most of the way out of me, leaving just the cockhead in. He reached down and finished jacking his cock into my mouth, feeding me several spurts of cum directly on my tongue. I lapped his dick head and sucked hard to try and get every last drop. He slapped my cheek, saying, "Careful. My dick is sensitive now." He pulled out and I felt empty, filled a little by the cum in my stomach. I swirled his cum around my tongue, savoring the flavor. "My class and work out schedule are on the desk," Mike said as he got dressed. "Memorize them by the end of the day. Get a pager today and leave the number on my desk by 6 o'clock." He gathered up his backpack and turned the door knob to leave. He stopped and turned around. He snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground in front of him. I knew what he wanted without him having to tell me: Knees. Now. I crawled from bed and fell to my knees in front of this man. His ass facing towards me, he dropped his pants and bent over. His ass crack, that amazing crevice, faced me. "Give me a kiss before you leave," Mike said. "Big, sloppy wet kiss." I leaned forward and spread his ass cheeks. His hole was pink and a little puffy from where I had rimmed him a little too hard the night before. I saw some dried cum around the edges of his asshole. I licked from the base of his balls to the hole, then cleaned the hole. The smell - cum, sweat, ass, man - was stronger than even last night. My cock raged with a mind of its own. I had just pressed my tongue past his tight ring when he pulled his pants up. "You can jerk off and shower, but don't wash your face today," Mike said. "I think we both want everyone to know what a whore you are. And you never know - someone else may want a piece of you." He left before I could protest. I looked in the mirror. I had cum and ass juice all over my face. It wasn't completely obvious, but I smelled of sex. Anyone who got near me or sat next to me today would know what it was. I sighed, resigned to the fact that I wouldn't wash my face today, and came in five strokes. I ate my own cum, something I rarely did, but today I wanted to. Mike had given me a thirst for cum I was only beginning to understand. As I got out of the shower, Greg the RA was brushing his teeth. My face flushed and I knew he could see the dried cum on my face. "How are you and the new roommie getting along?," he asked. He always seemed to be smirking. "Great," I said. "We seem to have a lot in common." "Glad to hear it," he said. "Let me know if I can help. With anything." "I'll do that," I said, rushing to get out of the bathroom. In spite of my embarrassment (or maybe because of it), my dick was pushing against the towel around my waist. I headed off to class, trying my best to memorize Mike's schedule as I went. Geography, English, Weight training, Wrestling practice. I memorized as much as I could before I walked into class. I wanted a seat in the back for my Psychology class. I didn't want anyone to see my face, or to smell the sex we had last night. I found a seat in the far corner. Lecture started and luckily no one sat in my row. Five minutes after class started, Zak walked in. Zak was the hottest guy in our class and I tried to sit behind him whenever I could. He had a habit of leaning forward in his seat and I could look down his shorts and underwear to the crack of his ass. He wore tight shirts and baseball caps turned backwards. He was the absolute last person I wanted to see today, and he was heading for the open seat next to mine. I tried to put my backpack over the seat, but Zak got there first. "This one taken?," he asked, looking at my face. I told him it wasn't. A look of surprise was gradually replaced by something that looked like understanding. He smiled, big, and sat down. My face burned with shame as I continued to take notes. Zak was sitting right next to me, our legs touching. He had to smell me. He said nothing. I looked over and he was writing in the margins of his notebook closest to me. He wrote, "Looks like one seat was taken last night." I was puzzled, and put a question mark next to his comment. "Looks like your FACE was used as a SEAT last night, dipshit. Musta been fun. I envy the fucker who rode you." I literally slouched down in my chair and wished I could evaporate right there. He did know. And he liked it. "Who was it?" he wrote. I wrote back, "Can't say." He wrote back, "Tell me, or I ask the professor why one guy would let another guy sit on his face." He had me. "Roommate," I wrote. "Lucky guy," Zak finished. My cock, thinking for itself again, pushed against my jeans. He whispered something I couldn't make out. I leaned in to hear better, my ear nearly touching his mouth. "I said, sit forward and pay real close attention to the professor," he whispered. "You make one sound and everyone around here will know what a faggot asslicker you really are." I leaned forward in my seat and nearly jumped out of it when Zak put his hand on my back. His touch was electric through my shirt. When he untucked my shirt and put his hand on my warm back, my cock throbbed. He ran his hand down my back until he found the crack of my ass. I let out an involuntary moan which caused the girl in the row in front of me to look back. I smiled and tried to look absorbed in taking notes. I couldn't let that happen again. Zak's fingers probed my ass crevice. When he got as far as he could reach, he pushed me forward so just the edge of my ass was on the seat. His finger made contact with my hole, and I did jump a little. His finger snaked inside of me and I felt utterly helpless, literally wrapped around the finger of this college stud. He leaned in to whisper to me again. "Now, whore, you are going to reach into your pants and jack yourself off. Right here, right now. You are to cum in your hand. Any questions?" I shook my head no. His mouth inched forward and he bit my ear, hard, while he stuck his tongue in it. The pleasure/pain was intense. The girl looked up again, just after Zak had taken his mouth away, and I realized I had moaned again. I put my hands in my pants (I was glad I worry the baggy ones today) and began to jack my already leaking cock. Zak's finger had found my prostate, and I was dripping enough precum to make a visible drop on my jeans. I was getting close to cumming when Zak pulled his finger out of my ass. I looked at Zak to see what was wrong. He had put the finger from my ass up to his nose and was casually smelling it. "Not bad," he whispered. "I might have to taste that direct from the source one day." My eyes bulged at this straight guy who had just smelled my ass on his finger. "Get it wet," he said, putting the finger to my mouth. "Someone might see. . ." I started. "GET IT WET," he said, more firmly. This time a fairly hot guy to our right heard and looked. Before he got any louder, I stuck the stinking finger in my mouth and cleaned it off. I could taste my ass juices on his finger and it got me harder than ever. The eyebrows to the guy on our right shot up and I couldn't look at him any more. My face was flushed with embarrassment and exertion from jacking off in class. Zak plugged the finger back into my hole and began to push and pull in my ass, stimulating my prostate. The taste of my own ass, this stud finger fucking me, and the guy to my right watching pushed me over the edge. I began coming. As I began shooting, Zak raised his free hand, and interrupted the professor. "Professor Miller, I had a question. . ." The abrupt interruption made everyone in the class turn around and focus on Zak . . . and the guy sitting next to him shooting a load into his hand in his pants. "Could you repeat the part about the dominance of the alpha male over the other males in the pack?" I tried my hardest to maintain a normal composure as I shot my load in my pants with this stud's finger in my ass. He suddenly added a second finger which caused a third and then forth wave of orgasm to hit me, all while the professor is talking about the necessary role of alpha males to maintaining order in wolf packs. The guy to our right said, "Fag!" just load enough for us to hear him. My hands were getting soaked in cum. As attention shifted back to the lecture, Zak pulled his finger out and made me clean it. "Show me your cum," he said. When I did, he said, "Eat up. You have 30 seconds before class ends." I gobbled the cum off my fingers and finished just as the lecture ended. Zak leaned over and whispered, "Sometime we should have more fun when we're not in class," and left. The guy who had been sitting on our right murmured, "Faggots!" as he left. I looked down to my notes and saw that Zak had written down his phone number right under the heading "Alpha Males" in my notes. After class, on the way back to the dorm, I stopped by the student union and got a pager. The guy who signed up the service leaned over the counter at one point and sniffed, then looked at me. This was turning out to be a long day. I got home and waited for Mike. There was nothing on his schedule, yet he wasn't back by dinnertime, so I ate alone. Even though I had known him a little over a day now, I missed him. I played with my cock, downloaded some porn off the internet (one picture I found looked a little bit like Mike, or Mike's younger brother), and did some homework. Still no Mike. I went over to his dirty laundry basket. A cum crusted jock was buried about half way down. The smell was bitter and musky and acrid; I couldn't get enough of it. I jerked my cock until I was just about to cum - visions of Mike shooting down my throat bolting through my head - but held back. I didn't think Mike would want me to cum this late at night. When Mike arrived at 2 in the morning, I rushed to unlock the door. He look completely exhausted. "Where have you. . .?," I started. "I'll tell you later," he said. "Right now I just need sleep." He stripped out of his clothes slumped into bed, and I started to get into mine. "Push your bed over to mine," he said. I hesitated only a moment before I complied. Would I get to sleep with him? "I need a cockwarmer," he said. I looked confused. "Get under the covers and put my cock in your mouth. Don't suck it. I want to go to sleep with my cock in your cumwhore mouth." He smiled at that. He liked that he could call me his cumwhore and that I liked it. I got under the covers, and lay down next to him, scooting down so that my arm around his bulky thighs and my mouth even with his cock. His cock was flaccid and looked as exhausted as Mike did. I hugged his legs tight and admired his body. I felt closer to Mike than ever. It was an intimate furnace with his heat and mine trapped under the sheets. "No sex for you tonight, bitch," he said. "We've both got a big day tomorrow. Make sure you have that pager on all day tomorrow, understand?" I nodded yes as I started to take his dick in my mouth. He slapped the top of my head. "What?," I asked. "You forgot something." He lifted his leg. I was still confused. "Kiss me goodnight," he said, and I knew he wasn't talking about his mouth. I wedged my head between his muscular, furry thighs and my mouth found his beautiful ass. I kissed his hole once, just the outside, and inhaled his scent deeply. "Nice bitch," he murmured sleepily. He was already falling asleep. He closed his legs and I took his cock in my mouth. It tasted of cum and . . . ass? Not mine. Someone else's? It turned me on that Mike's cock might have been in another guy's ass. I wanted him to fuck me, to be inside me, but tonight would not be the night. I fell asleep with Mike's soft cock in my mouth, breathing through my nose. I had never been happier. TO BE CONTINUED. . . * * * * * Administrative Stuff: * Special thanks to [email protected] and his series "Special Dorm Delivery" for the inspiration. * Thanks for all the encouragement so far. Fan emails are welcome but not required ([email protected]). I'm not the type of guy to hold the story hostage; I will continue to write the story even if I don't get emails. I'm assuming someone out there likes the stories. * I have a rough outline for part 4, but it might take me a while to write it. Email me if you have suggestions, but I can't promise I'll include them. * About me: I'm 28, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys under 35. I currently live in LA, though I may be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2002 14:52:36 -0800 From: [email protected] Subject: dorm-domination-1 Dorm Domination Chapter 1 by [email protected] Disclaimers: * Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you are * This is a story about men having sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do. * * * * * The key turned in the lock, and he walked in. Mike. The man who would change my life. The man with the boy's face and the man's body that I would come to worship every day. Not that I knew that then. All I knew was that suddenly there was a stud standing in my doorway, bags in hand. Mike was my replacement roommate, set up through the housing department at the southern California university where I was a freshman. My first roommate, Doug, had been a guy from the South, decent looking but with a mean streak. When he found the gay porn on my computer, he flipped out. He waited until I got home and then said I "owed him." He said I had been looking at him while he changed, watching his tight ass and big cock, jerking off at night thinking about him. He was right about that, but he hadn't realized I had also been stealing his sweaty and cum stained jock straps and briefs every couple of days, or that I would jerk off while he loudly fucked girls in his bed, or that I would sometimes lick the wet spot off of his cum town after he'd jerk off. He thought I owed him for being a faggot and jerking off while thinking about him, this stud baseball player. The look of anger, lust, and dominance in his eyes has scared me and gotten my dick harder than I could remember. He tackled me on the bed and we had wrestled - me not trying very hard - until he had pinned me down, me on my back with my arms up, his knees pinning my arms down, his crotch close to my face. "Do you want it, faggot?" he asked. "Do I want what?" "Are you a faggot or not?" "Yes." "Yes, what?" "Yes, I'm a faggot," I answered. "And what do faggots do?" he asked. "Faggots suck cock," I answered. "And what else?" "Faggots...go to the opera?," I asked in my best smart-ass voice. "WRONG ANSWER!" he said. I didn't see his hand coming. His slap landed hard on my cheek, stinging. I would not try that again. "Faggots suck cock and lick balls and take it up the ass and eat real men's cum and..." A big grin spread across his face. "And faggots even like to eat sweaty assholes." I thought he was pretty educated for a straight guy. "Isn't that true, fagboy? Don't you like to do all those things?" Before I could answer, his denim covered ass was pressed against my face with Doug's weight pressing down. "That's what you like, isn't it, faggot?! Smell my ass, you sick fuck." I knew from experience that he rarely washed his jeans, and these were not recently cleaned. The smell was all man, the smell of ass but not shit, the smell of mansex. I could almost taste his ass through his jeans. "Your cock is pitching a tent in your pants, you sick fuck. I'm sitting on your fucking face and getting off on it, you twisted bastard." He slapped my dick, hard, through my pants, causing me to jump (as much as I could with a 220 pound muscle guy sitting on my face). My dick wasn't comprehending the seriousness of the situation, however, and got even harder. "I should beat the shit out of you," he said. "I should fucking kill you for thinking that you could jerk your faggoty cock and think of me. I'm a real man, and real men don't want anything to do with faggots like you." He farted then, and I tried to get my nose away as best as I could. The stench was immediate and overwhelming. He started laughing so hard his ass bounced up and down on my nose. "But if I beat the snot out of you like I should, you'll tell the RA or some shit like that. No use in getting my ass in trouble. Might as well use you like I can't use a woman. Most women are such prudes - will lick your cock instead of taking it all the way down, won't swallow, won't take it up the ass, and I've only met one who would tongue my ass. Busted my nut so fast that time that I still think about that night." He let my arms out from under his legs. "Unbutton my pants, faggot." I did as he asked, and was only mildly surprised that I felt a hard on through his jeans. I knew from him changing that Doug had a thick cock, but I had never seen it hard. It felt big from this angle, his ass still pressed against my mouth and nose. "I know what you faggots like most is to suck cock, so you're going to have to earn that," Doug said as he quickly stood up and took off his pants, white briefs, and t-shirt. I could have left, I suppose, but my cock told me to stay put. "You're going to have to get to my cock through my ass. If I like the job you're doing with my ass, I'll give you my cock, and maybe even my man cum. If you earn it , you sick fuck." He straddled my head, his hairy legs on either side of me, and I had the best view in the world: a hot college jock stud standing over me, ripped body, huge, hard cock, nice balls, and a firm bubble butt. He sat down slowly on my face. His hole landed on my closed mouth, his balls draped over my nose, and I could look past his very hard cock to see his face. The heat and smell from his balls and cock and ass nearly made me cum right then, without touching myself. "Now pucker up, buttercup," he said, smirking. "And make it a french kiss." I closed my eyes and opened my mouth to the ass I had been worshipping from afar for the last month. The taste was man, pure man, an ass as masculine as a locker room, a jock ass, the ass of a stud. The musk smell came alive in my mouth and I couldn't get enough. I lapped at the outside ring, savoring the experience. "Open your eyes, faggot," Doug said. "I want you to look at a real man while you eat his ass." I opened my eyes and looking past Doug's hand, jacking his cock, and into his eyes. "Do you know how warped you are?," he asked. "You are eating my ASS in the hopes that you will get to suck my cock. You are a sick fuck." "Now plug that tongue up my ass, faggot," he commanded. His assring stretched, and Doug groaned, a groan from deep in his chest. My cock throbbed. Doug threw his head back and ground his ass on my mouth. "Eat my ass, faggot. Eat it. Taste what a real man tastes like. It sure feels good, fagboy." My tongue probed and tasted inside of him. His tight hole was getting looser, letting more of my tongue up his hot ass. "Is that the best you can do, faggot?" he taunted. "That bitch got her tongue half way to my stomach. Come on, fagboy. Dig deeper. That's it. Yeah. Good job, bitch. Eat my ass." My tongue strained to get as far up this man's ass as possible. My hand started rubbing my cock through my jeans. I decided to give Doug a surprise. I took a finger and snaked it along side my tongue up his ass. I started finger fucking him, tasting his ass juices as I pulled out, and adding my spit to help lube him up. He began making gutteral grunts, rubbing his ass even harder on my nose and mouth. I heard an occasional "deeper!" among his groans of pleasure. I had found his prostate. "Fucking faggot! Making me so fucking horny..." He stopped jerking off and looked me right in the eye again. "I'm gonna cum, faggot, and you're going to take it. I'm gonna ride your face until I'm just about to cum, and then you're going to take all of my cum in your mouth. You are NOT to eat it, understand, faggot? You are to keep all of my ball juice in your mouth and savor it until I tell you what to do. Got it?" I shook my head and wiggled my finger in his ass in understanding. As I continued to eat his musky ass, I slipped a second finger in, and the straight stud on top of my face seemed to love it. "Yeah, fucker. Here it comes..." He pulled his ass off of my mouth, my fingers still probing him, and stuck his thick cock all the way down my throat. I gagged around his huge dick, but managed to take it all. He pumped his cock in and out of my throat for a few strokes and then pulled the shaft out so that only the head was in my mouth. He jacked his cock as I massaged his prostate. And then he came. The first spurt alone nearly choked me - thick and shot out of his cock like a bullet from a gun. I managed not to choke, and his manseed filled my mouth. I could still smell his ass on my face, and now the taste of his cum sent me over the edge. My cock began shooting in my jeans, my finger up a jock stud ass, and his cum shooting in my mouth. Doug bucked above me, calling me faggot and whore and cocksucker. He came more than my mouth could handle, and some leaked out of the sides of my mouth. He looked down at me, a wide, I-just-came-in-your-mouth smile on his face. "Enjoy your reward, fagboy. It's the only load of mine that you'll ever get." He pulled my fingers out of his ass and his cock out of my mouth. He used my fingers from his ass to wipe up the come which had spilled out and fed me the cum on my ass fingers. "Show me my load, fag." I opened my mouth and showed him his big load. "Swirl it on your tongue. Taste it. Enjoy it." He got dressed and snickered as he noticed the load I had shot on the front of my pants. He left the room, telling me not to swallow until he came back. He returned a minute later and told me to open my mouth. He stuck his finger in my mouth and got some of his cum on it. He smeared it on my nose, leaving a drop of cum hanging off of my nose. He put more on my cheeks and chin. His last fingerful he brought to his own lips and ate it. My eyes widened in shock. "Not bad," he said. "My cum doesn't taste bad at all. No wonder you faggots like it." I heard a knock at the door and hid behind the door. Doug answered. It was Greg, our RA. "My roommate is a faggot," I heard Doug tell Greg. "I want a transfer to a different room. Just look at him." Doug pulled me by the arm until I was face-to-face with Greg, a jock star soccer player. Cum dripped off of my face, my jeans were stained with my own cum, and Doug put me close enough that Greg must have smelled ass on my face. Greg smirked a condescending little smirk. "Do you see this?," Doug asked. "Fucking faggot can't control himself. I need to room with a real man, not this fagboy." "I think we can find a suitable replacement," Greg said, still smirking. So that's what led to today, with Mike the jock walking through the door. My first thought was, I wonder if he knows Doug... TO BE CONTINUED... * * * * * Administrative Stuff: * This is the first in what I hope to be a series of stories. I have a rough outline already, so I'm thinking 4-5 installments over the next 4-5 months. Email me if you have suggestions, but I can't promise I'll include your suggestions. * Fan emails are welcome but not required ([email protected]). I'm not the type of guy to hold the story hostage; I will continue to write the story even if I don't get emails. I'm assuming someone out there likes the stories. * About me: I'm 28, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys under 35. I currently live in LA, though I may be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.
Date: Fri, 15 Feb 2002 20:44:48 +0000 From: Michael Bear Subject: Gold THIS WORK IS FULLY PROTECTED BY U.S. COPYRIGHT LAWS. NO PORTION OF THIS WORK MAY BE COPIED OR REDISTRIBUTED BY ANY MEANS WITHOUT THE EXPRESS CONSENT OF ITS AUTHOR. THIS WORK DEALS WITH A FICTITIONAL RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TWO MEN. IF READING ABOUT HOMOSEXUAL RELATIONSHIPS OR SEXUAL CONTACT BETWEEN TWO MEN IS EITHER ILLEGAL IN YOUR AREA OR OFFENDS YOU, PLEASE DO NOT READY ANY FURTHER. PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS OF THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY AND USE CONDOMS, THEY MIGHT JUST SAVE YOUR LIFE. RESEARCH SHOWS THAT MORE AND MORE PEOPLE HAVE MADE THE DECISION TO PRACTICE UNSAFE SEX�-PLEASE RECONSIDER THIS DECISION IF YOU HAVE CHOSEN THAT PATH. ANY SIMILARITIES TO ANY PERSON LIVING OR DEAD ARE PURELY COINCIDENTAL. THIS WORK IS ENTIRELY FICTITIONAL. GOLD The spectators were on their feet screaming and applauding the victory on the ice oval. Sixty thousand excited fans chanting: `USA! USA! USA!' while he took his victory lap. Someone passed him the flag and he skated with it held victorious over his head in his outstretched hands. The culmination of the past three years of vigorous workouts, meets all across the world, and the discipline that I had imposed on his training. And on his life. Four years ago he had been so close, having won several regional and national meets. On the final lap his attention faltered and he wiped out before reaching the finish line. The coaches were unprepared for his reaction; they were too busy with their own. Jake Evans gave up on himself as he got back to his feet, vowing to never don another pair of skates. In spite of all the cajoling, encouraging and shouting he had made up his mind. Well, that is until I was called in. Jake's coach, Chuck was a former teammate and had been my occasional roommate twenty years ago when we were in Jake's position. He and I had grown up only thirty miles apart in small towns in Michigan but didn't meet until we were competing against each other in first regionals then nationals. Somehow through all that competition we had forged a friendship that endured. Sometimes he won, sometimes I did, but through it all we remained friends. Even on that fateful day at the games when we took the gold and the silver there was no animosity for each other. We knew we both couldn't win and when I stepped up to the podium to receive my gold I quickly pulled him up to stand with me. Without his friendship and competitiveness I wouldn't be there anyway. We had stayed in touch over the years but our careers had taken us in entirely different directions. Chuck started coaching after our games and had finally landed a position with the national team. He was the first person called when a young man showed the speed and dedication to the sport. He would mold them into the athletes we all looked to to carry on the great tradition. Overall, he was successful. Except for Jake. The training was too strenuous for me to compete and to finish my medical training so I had taken a break between medical school and internship. After the games I returned to finish what I had started. I built a thriving sports medicine practice near my hometown. There never seems to be a shortage of skaters messing up their ankles and skiers blowing out their knees. I lived quite comfortably on my deceased parents farm but wasn't working the kind of hours I would have in a larger city. I suppose Chuck knew that when he called me. He knew I would have the free time and he used that information against me. He and Jake arrived at my house in the woods early that morning. I heard the car drive up and went out to greet my visitors. Chuck stepped from the car but was having a difficult time getting his passenger out. I would find out later that Jake had tried every tactic to convince his coach to just let him go back to his home and to forget skating. His father and Chuck were not about to give up on the boy, but knew they would need more help. Over the next hour we had coffee in my spacious kitchen, gathered around the wood-burning stove. Chuck tried to get Jake involved in the discussion but he remained quiet, almost sullen, refusing to even make eye contact with me. I finally agreed to give it a try and to come out of my retirement from the ice. Chuck brought in Jake's bags while I showed him to the spare bedroom. I couldn't convince Chuck to stay for the night or even for dinner. He had other skaters that needed his skills and felt he had to get back to Denver as soon as possible. He probably felt that we needed the time to get to know each other and wanted to be out of the way. Jake looked like he was losing his only friend as we stood on the front porch waving to his coach. I tried to cheer him up but he was having none of it. "Jake, you're here for a reason. They think you're damned good and from what I've seen on television you are. None of that will do you any good if you don't believe it yourself." I said then turned and walked back into the house, leaving him standing in the cold. I returned to the kitchen and started dinner preparations. It was nothing fancy, but was good honest food, steaks and vegetables. I was putting the pan under the broiler when I heard footsteps behind me. "I'm sorry, sir." He spoke, barely above a whisper, his voice cracking. When I turned around to answer he looked more like a little boy and not the twenty year old he was. His eyes were downcast, studying the pattern in the tiled floor, one hand picking at the other. I reached over and patted his shoulder and pointed to where the dishes were. Over dinner that night we talked. He also was studying medicine but had dropped out during his second year due to stress. He wanted to go into orthopedics after graduation and needed to finish. He also confessed to being a little in awe of me, understandable I guess. I never considered myself anything special, but he had grown up watching me compete and never expected to meet me, much let be training with me. My alma mater was only a few miles away and I knew several people in the department so I told Jake that he would be going back to school while he stayed here. I had every intention of him finishing his degree. We would train early in the morning and in the afternoons after classes. His bedroom had a desk and plenty of space so he could study here whenever he needed to. We'd worry about the internship and residency later, after the next games, if he was still competing. Our schedule varied little over the next few months. Jake reenrolled in classes and I'd drop him off on campus on my way to the office. Most afternoons he would meet me before we drove back towards home and stopped off at the training rink. His speed was good but he seemed to want to be anywhere else but in Michigan with me. I tried everything that came to mind to inspire him, trying to somehow get through the funk that clouded his mind. Nothing seemed to be working and my frustration level was higher that I ever remembered it. The proverbial straw happened about three months into the school term when I got a call at the office from one of the faculty, a longtime friend. Jake was having trouble in school and it all boiled back down to the same problem he was having on the ice, lack of concentration. He was standing by the car when I locked up the office. All the way to the rink he kept looking over at me, trying to engage me in conversation. I wouldn't meet his eyes and had nothing to say. I think he knew something was wrong, but I wasn't giving him any clue as to what it was. When we arrived at the rink I grabbed my workout bag and headed on into the building not waiting for Jake. We usually had the track to ourselves for most practices and the place was deserted as I flipped on the lights. I trudged on into the locker room. Furiously I stripped down and was getting into my suit when he entered. "Strip!" I demanded. "Sir?" "You heard me boy. Now strip!" I looked up at him standing in the floor not moving and lost it. I pulled my hand back and slapped him across the face, leaving a red patch. "You heard me." Steel evident in my voice. "Yes, sir." He mumbled. "What?" I yelled, slapping him again. "Yes, sir!" he shouted back at me. I slapped him again. "You will treat me with respect. I'm not here to watch you fuck up, boy." "Sir, I do respect you." He said, his chin touching his chest. "Obviously you don't. You're flunking out of school and your flunking out of life. What you do with your life is your own problem but you've embarrassed the shit out of me. What do you think those people think about me at school? I recommended you, for god's sake." "I'm sorry, sir." "Yes, you are. And it's going to stop, now. Get your clothes off." "Yes, sir." He said, kicking off his shoes and grabbing for his shirt. I had seen Jake's body many times since we started, but I had never seen him this nervous. His 5'10", 180pound solid frame was shaking as he removed the last of his clothes. He had a well-developed smooth chest, topped with two eraser-sized nipples. The years of lifting weights and training gave him solid muscles all over his body. Most noticeable were the taut abdominals and the bulging thighs of a racer. His blue eyes were looking at me from under the bangs of his blonde hair. "Get over here and lean your hands against these lockers." I ordered. He complied, turning his back towards me. He assumed the position, his body braced against his hands, his legs slightly spread. I pulled the belt out of my dress slacks, doubled it in my hand. Reaching out, I stroked his tight buns lightly then placed the first well-aimed smack across his white butt. He yelled out but didn't move from the position. I patted his bun again then launched into the whipping. During the thirty strokes he grunted, wailed and finally gave in to all-out crying. By the time I finished his butt glowed red from the strokes. "Now, get in your suit and out on the ice." I ordered. "Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." He straightened up and reached for his training suit. He tried to not turn so I could see the front of his body, but I got a quick glimpse of his straining six-inch dick. The thick cock was incredibly hard and dripping precum from the flaring head. Hmm, so maybe this was the trick. I'd have to give that some thought. After warm-ups he skated better than I'd seen since he'd been with me. He was more focused, more involved with his routine. I set him up so he could race a 500-meter in which he shaved almost a full two seconds over his best time in this arena. I cut the workout a little short and told him to cool down then get to the showers while I finished up. I took a few more laps then skated towards the bench. I unlaced my skates and walked towards the locker room. He was in the shower; I could hear the water running. I also heard him moaning something. I quietly walked to the shower room entrance to see what the problem was. The sight that greeted me instantly caused my dick to harden in my form-hugging suit. Standing under the spray Jake was furiously pumping his hardon with his right hand, at least three fingers of his left shoved up his ass. "Coach, oh coach. Fuck me, fuck your boy." He was moaning over and over. I placed my skates on the floor and slid out of my suit. I padded over to the trainer's room and grabbed a handful of massage oil in my hand. I pumped my hard nine inches a couple of times as I walked to the shower. He was turned at such an angle that he could not see me ease up behind him. Aiming my dick with my right hand, I grabbed his left hand and pulled it from his ass. Before he could react I had shoved a good couple of hard cock into his hole. His screams echoed off the tiled walls and floor. He was fighting my invasion but couldn't get away. I had him in a tight bear hug. He struggled only for a second or two then he pushed back at me. Taking that as my cue I straightened up my bent knees and thrust the full package up his tight butt hole. "Oh god, oh god, oh god." He chanted. "Fuck me!!!!!" he screamed. I felt the spasming in his ass ring as he blew his load onto the shower floor. It had been too long since I'd had a good fuck and his unloading triggered my own orgasm. A couple of long strokes and then I buried my throbbing dick in his body and creamed his guts. My knees weakened and Jake helped us ease down to the floor, me still riding his back. Our rapid breathing and the still running shower were the only sounds in the empty gym. I lay full-weight on him, trying to regain my composure and strength. My softening dick slipped out of his ass and I rolled over off of him. After a few more deep breaths I looked over to see him smiling brightly, big tears rolling down his face. "Are you alright?" I asked, stroking his wet face. "Better than I've ever been, coach. Thank you." He leaned into my hand. "Come on let's get out of here." I stood and pulled him up by the hand. We showered under the same showerhead, taking turns rubbing our soap-slick hands over each other. He leaned against me, his arms around my back, pulling me to him. I leaned down and kissed him passionately on the lips. "Let's get moving, boy. You've got studying to do." "Yes, sir." He grinned back at me. That was the true beginning of our relationship as more than just coach and athlete. He moved to my bed that night, never to return to the other bedroom. His grades improved, as did his times. By the next racing season he was back in condition and having the best times of his life. I knew the competition would be fierce and stayed after him to improve and work harder. The ass beatings became a regular part of our routine, every time I needed to remind him of his obligations I would blister his butt. There were several weeklong periods that it was always bright red, having been worked over just about every afternoon. His gained more self-confidence under my guidance and he was less shy in public and with his contemporaries. He still would seek me out at competitions, preferring to stand by my side until it was his time for warming up or racing. He was most comfortable he told me when he was lying under me, my hard cock buried up his ass. It was there that the true Jake emerged. We tried on several occasions to analyze what it was about his submission to me or my dominance over him that turned us both on but finally gave up trying to figure it all out. Intellectually we understood it, not that it mattered anyway. We are who we are. He never took the ice in competition without a good spanking to strengthen his focus on the task at hand. The first year out he won most of his races, seriously surprising the other skaters and their coaches. Chuck approached me after a meet where Jake had blown his whole team out of the water. "Man, how did you ever get that kid back in shape?" He asked. "You've just got to know which buttons to push, Chuck." I laughed. "Why couldn't I do that for him?" "Don't know, maybe its just a personality thing." I answered, not about to blow our cover, even if it was to an old friend. Midway through our second year together we were sitting in a caf� on campus talking. It was my day off and Jake was between classes so we were planning the upcoming trip to France. Out of the corner of my eye I got a glimpse of two men walking in our direction. I knew the older man, but couldn't put a name with the face, or the body. Jake waved at the younger man and they veered towards our table. I looked back at the man, making eye contact with him. Where did I know them from? Memories ran through my mind and suddenly I got it. "Willem, I haven't seen you in fifteen years!" I exclaimed, reaching out my hand to shake his. He pulled me into a bear hub. "Max, is it really you? You look great, just like the last time I saw you." He spoke in my ear. We met back at our games. He had taken the gold in luge for his home country of Germany. Tall, incredibly handsome, muscular, an ever-present three day growth of beard on his face, he was the center of attention in any group of athletes in the village. We got talking one night around the fire and had to be shooed off to bed so they could close down the lodge. He was still as attractive, even with the few gray strands of hair at his temple. I realized that we were still in the hug and pulled back to look in his sparkling green eyes. He flashed me that sexy grin that I so remembered and turned to introduce his prot�g�. I hadn't been keeping up in the other winter sports and was not acquainted with the man. Willem introduced him as Alex and explained that they were working together in preparation for the upcoming seasons. Alex was studying at the same university Jake was and Willem had been recruited to come over from Wisconsin where he lived now. Looking over at Jake I realized that he and Jon were staring intently at each other. We sat around talking about old times while the boys discussed their classes and training schedules. All of us had training that night so we parted after about an hour. We invited the other couple to come out to the farmhouse for dinner sometime. Willem and I rekindled our friendship over the next months. He was so damned sexy that many times when I was fucking Jake I fantasized it was those furry German buns I held in my hands. We flirted shamelessly with each other but I couldn't bring myself to initiate anything since Jake was still sleeping in my bed. Jake and Alex were drawn together as well. They often studied together after our dinners and many times I'd leave the office to find them both standing by the car waiting on rides to the training camp. It was plainly obvious to anyone who bothered to look that they were madly in love with each other. But, I knew Jake would remain faithful to me as long as I wanted him. Jake approached me one night after dinner wanting to talk. It was obvious he wanted it was serious but he was having a hard time starting. "Jake, just say whatever it is you want to say. I'll listen." "Coach, I love you." "Yes, I know that. I love you too." "What about the future?" Now I had thought several times about that over the last year. Jake and I were together now, but what would the future bring. Where would we take this relationship? We were thoroughly exploring sexual fantasies, both his and mine. Was that all there was to it? I knew I loved him, and at the same time I knew I wasn't in love with him. His whole life was ahead him, including two years of internship and residency. He deserved to find a partner that was his own age since I was fifteen years older than he was and much more settled in my own life. The age difference was not the problem; it was more the exposure factor, I guess. He hadn't traveled the world like I had, nor had he experienced the many options available to him. He needed someone like Alex. "Buddy, is this about Alex?" His eyes snapped up from the table he had been staring at to meet mine. "How'd you know that?" "Jake, it's evident every time you're together. I can see it in the way he moves to comfort or protect you. I can see it by the way you always defer to his choice of what to do. You're in love with him and he's in love with you." "You know I'd never cheat on you." "No, but you're tempted to. Your future is with him, not me." Even as I said it, I wished I hadn't. Suddenly a flare of jealously struck at my heart. Was I jealous of Alex or just afraid of losing Jake? "I know." He said simply. "And that scares you?" I asked, perplexed. He seemed at a loss for words and took a few seconds to continue. "I love him with all my heart, but what if he can't do for me what you do?" Ah, the problem at last. "What do you mean?" I was being intentionally obtuse. "You know. What if he can't control me like you do? I need that." "You mean you haven't talked about this with him?" "Ah, no, I haven't." "Jake, how do you think he'll ever know if you don't talk to him about it." "I can't..." "You have to." "But, what if he laughs at me?" "Buddy, if he really loves you he won't laugh. He might not understand, but somehow I don't think that will matter. He's in love." I thought for a few seconds then asked: "Do you want me to talk to Willem about it? He might have some insight." "If you would, sir. I think that might help." "Okay, will do." I reached over and patted his shoulder. "What is going on with you and Willem anyway?" "I'm not sure, but I think it's a little of the same thing you and Alex are going through." "I knew it! I knew it! Alex told me to watch you two together, but I didn't want to believe him. God, my coach has the hots for his coach." "Boy, I think it's a little more than the `hots'." I mumbled. "Alright, I'll admit it, I'm in love with the man." "What about...?" "Hmm." "Want me to talk to Alex for you?" he giggled. "You little shit!" I couldn't help myself and joined him in laughter. Jake was searching the crowd surrounding the oval, his face bright with his infectious smile. He finally saw Willem, Alex and me waving at him and he skated over. Alex's won his luge event earlier in the day, his gold medal was still hanging around his neck. I pulled him aside after his ceremony and reminded him of his reward. He grinned at me slyly and patted me on the back. "You promised!" Jake yelled at me as he skated by. I only grinned and nodded my head at him. The culmination of so many dreams would happen tonight for him. We turned and followed him towards the locker room. Alex and Willem indicated they'd wait outside the doors for us. I hugged Alex then pulled Willem into towards me. Grabbing his head with my hand I roughly pulled his face to mine and kissed him. He was startled but quickly pushed his body against mine, grinding his crotch on my leg. I quickly released him and turned to the locker room. As I glanced back he was still standing in the same spot, looking off dreamily. Alex was patting him on the back and congratulating him but didn't notice Willem's bulging crotch. "Boy!" I yelled as the door shut. He bounded out from behind some lockers and jumped at me. "Oh, god! I can't believe it!" "I told you. You're the best." I was swinging him around in my arms. "Coach, thank you. Thank you so much." He was crying in my arms, big tears flowing down his cheeks. Not that I was any calmer. I was crying too. Incredibly happy for his victory and at the same time sad that it was all over. "Don't forget your promise." He goaded. "Don't worry. When we get back to the house I'm gonna slam this big hand in you so hard you'll never forget this night." I stuck my forearm in the air, clutched in a fist. Jake moaned and plastered himself harder to my body. "You're gonna think it's coming out your mouth." "Oh god, I can't wait." "Let's get you ready. We've got about an hour till the medal ceremony." I pulled him towards the shower. I dropped my bag on the nearby bench and pulled the enema bag and hose out. Jake turned the water on and warmed it up so I could fill the bag. Thankfully the shower area in the locker room was not one of those communal things so we had a little privacy in his preparations. I greased the hose and indicated for Jake to turn his ass towards me. He leaned up against the wall of the shower and braced his hands on the wall. His butt cheeks were still pink from the thrashing I had given them earlier in the day. I caressed his buns then pulled them apart so I could get a good look at his rosebud asshole. Jake had become such a buttslut the last couple of years that I felt no need to be easy on his intrusion. I stuck the nozzle in his hole and shoved about a foot of hose up into him. He breathed in sharply and moaned. "Coach." He moaned. "Be a good boy and take your water." "Yes, sir. Fill me up." I pulled the hose out of him when he had taken the gallon of warm water into his guts. I made him get down on his hands and knees so it could do its job. After a full five minutes of him moaning and cramping, I pulled him to his feet so he could shoot the water out. He squatted down and released his muscles. The water was mostly clean as it left his body. No wonder, it was the second enema for the day already. He wanted to feel lighter he told me that morning after his butt beating. Mostly I think he just wanted me to play with his asshole so he could think about the reward for a well-run race. I obliged after he begged a little and had run several gallons of warm water through him. He resumed the position against the wall so I could give him the second dose. After he had held that for a few minutes he squatted again and this time the water was clear. I told him to finish up his shower and I'd be back in a minute. I came back with the huge buttplug that we'd purchased especially for this event. He knew I wanted it in him when he was on the medal stand. Yes, he would walk a little bowlegged, but nobody would know but me. Or so he thought. He had finished the shower and was pulling the curtain aside as I started greasing the dildo. His eyes glazed over when he realized what he was about to take into his body. The plug was seven inches long and bigger around than a beer can. He didn't say a word, just walked over to me and turned around and grabbed his knees, opening his play trench for me to explore. I pulled his left cheek to the side, opening his hole even more then knelt on the floor behind him and buried my face in his crack. I stuck my tongue as far in his ass as I could get it, savoring the smell and taste of his clean hole. This was the last time I would ever experience his hole and I wanted to remember his taste. After the ceremony he would no longer be mine to play with. When I had my fill of he glorious ass I eased the tip of the butt plug against his hole and shoved with all the strength I could muster. The plug stretched his asslips apart and invaded his body. He screamed as I seated the monster plug in him. Someone outside our area called out to us if anything was wrong. "Na, just a muscle cramp. He'll be fine." I answered back. "Get dressed, boy. They're waiting for you." A few minutes later we departed the locker room to rejoin our friends and to get Jake to the medal ceremony. He did walk kind of funny, but Alex, Willem and I were careful not to laugh at his predicament. They knew what had happened in the shower and what would happen afterwards. Alex had an incredible grin on his face as he walked beside his soon to be lover. Willem elbowed me in the side and whispered to me: "Don't forget, I want that too." "Yes, baby. I know." I pulled him to my side for a quick hug. The medals were awarded and we were asked to stand for the anthem. In that solemn moment, Jake's resolve not to cry weakened and we saw the tears rolling down his face. He had worked so hard. I had driven him, encouraged him and loved him. Now he was reaping the adulation of the world for his unbelievable victory. Soon it would be time for their reward. During the weeks leading up to the games I had talked over the plan with Willem and later with Alex and we all discovered the depths of our attraction for our partners. Alex was jealous of our relationship but Jake had explained it all to him. We all understood what we wanted and what was destined for us. Willem and I pledged our love and commitment to each other but would not start our relationship until Alex and Jake could start theirs. It was a great incentive to the two athletes to work even harder. Alex was prepared carefully for his duty as lover, caretaker and master. I explained Jake's needs and desires as best I could to the young man. According to Willem he was a natural top and had a good head on his shoulders. Willem put his house on the market and sold it quickly. His possessions had already been moved to the farm. I bought the house next door and offered it and a partnership in my practice to Jake. He would still have to finish his studies but he had been accepted at the hospital nearby so he and Alex could stay in the area. We would be nearby if they needed anything or needed any advice. "Strip, boy. Get on that bed on your hands and knees." I ordered. We had arrived back at the house the four of us, all now gold medallists, had rented for the games. It was time for the plan to go into action, for Jake to get what he really wanted. "Yes, sir." I undressed as well then grabbed my medal from the case and slipped it around me neck. Jake's dream was to be fist by a gold medal winner when he finally earned his own. I finally agreed to wear mine because the symbolism seemed so important to him. I turned to see him already on the bed, butt high in the air, the pink latex plug still seated in his hole. The low light in the room flash off the gold as it dangled from his neck. I grabbed the can of Crisco and a couple of towels and placed them on the bed and ordered him to look straight ahead. He snapped to attention and I nodded towards the partially cracked door. Quietly Alex crept into he room, naked as I was, his medal hanging around his neck. I pulled him into a hug and whispered in his ear: "Take good care of him." "I will, he whispered back at me." I walked to the door and glanced back to see Alex greasing up his muscular forearm. Quietly I closed the door behind me. Jake was moaning in anticipation as I walked away. I crossed the hall to Willem's room and opened the door. The bedside lamp was the only light in the room. I stopped, totally surprised at the sight that greeted me. Willem was on his hands and knees, his furry butt turned towards the door, his medal hanging from his neck. On the bed beside him lay the same setup I had just left in Jake's room. He looked over his shoulder, grinned at me and wiggled his butt. "Come on in daddy." He leered. I settled in on my knees behind him and feasted my eyes on the beauty he presented to me. I grasped the base of the butt plug in his distended asshole and tore it from his ass. I plunged my right hand in the open can of grease and began to spread it around his trench. "OH, FUCK ME!" We heard Jake screaming. "He's leaving you in the dust Max, better catch up with him." Willem taunted. Balling up my fist I punched it through his ring.
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2002 20:43:06 -0700 (PDT) From: BJ Bear Subject: Cheater's Consequence Part 3 When I arrived back home, I found that my cheating boy had indeed packed up a few things and was gone. He had left a long and pleading letter begging me to forgive him and stating that he would do anything to remain my boy. He also stated he would be staying at mutual friend's home until further notice. On the answering machine was a message from said friend asking me to call and tell him what was up as my boy wasn't giving him any details. I dialed his number and let him know we had argued and were probably not going to get back together for a while, if ever. He had plenty of room and a big nonjudgemental heart so he agreed that the boy could stay there until we worked it out or broke up completely. Despite my anger I couldn't deny that whenever the vision of him bent over and getting his cheating ass raped popped into my mind (about every 10 minutes) I got a big dripping woody. Cracking a beer I slipped the videotape in and stroked myself to my third orgasm of the day. Usually my limit was two loads a day, when I hit three, it usually was a few drops oozing out in displeasing contrast to the geysers I usually shoot. As a matter of fact, I had just shot cum up into my beard and hair, luckily missing my eyes (something I had discovered in my teen years to be rather unpleasant). I fell asleep to the blue screen of a run out videotape. When I awoke the next day my first thoughts were of the boy and how he must be hurting. I forced myself to recall that he had brought his eviction on himself by disobeying my orders. That's when I realized what I would do, how I could resolve my feelings and quite possibly salvage the relationship while steering it into a new,different and very exciting direction. I called the house where he was staying and asked for him. "Don't say a thing" I cautioned as he picked the line. " Be here tonight at 8 pm naked and kneeling in the center of the playroom if you ever want to see me again." I hung up, knowing he'd crawl through fire to be there . . . but would he do what I planned to order him to do ? That remained to be seen. At ten minutes to 8, I heard a car pull up and then the squeak of the hinges on the back door. I decided to let him wait and didn't go downstairs to the playroom until 8:20. As I am very prompt and demand it of my subs, I knew these minutes would drag by painfully for the boy. When I entered he was kneeling naked as I had directed. I silently crossed the room and stood in front of him. "You get to say one thing tonight. You can say No at any time and you will then be free to go. You will never come back. Or you can say nothing all night and then when I am done with you, you can say Yes before you leave". I waited a minute knowing he would be mulling over this enigmatic proposition. He said nothing so I ordered him to stand and put his hands out on front of him. I stepped behind him and placed a snug stretchable nylon hood over his head, one that would act as a blindfold and would keep me from seeing his facial expressions, denying him even that communication. With clothesline rope I tied his hands together and threaded the excess through an eyebolt in the ceiling. I found the point at which the rope would be snug and tied loops around his cock and balls, rather tight but not constricting. I forced his legs apart from behind and then tied each ankle separately to an eyebolt located in ther floor. Stepping back to survey my work, I noticed his erection, topped with the 4 gauge Prince albert ring he had earned by fucking another sub one time. He had always maintained that he couldn't fuck another person but with the motivation of the piercing he so wanted and with a hairy young bottom tied up in front of him he had overcome his submission long enough that one time to get a condom on and fuck the guy silly. His awkward monotonous thrusting added to the torture the guy had come for. But his dick would neglected tonight as would his cheating hole. I had other plans for him. I selected a nylon riding crop that could tease with marks that faded quickly or leave welts or break the skin depending on the amount of skill or force the wielder used. Beginning slowly I whipped him from shoulder to shoulder with long strokes that drifted past his waist and streaked his buttocks red. Every ten strokes or so, I increased the force until his back was was welted and he was grunting to avoid speaking a word. I began to get sweaty so I stopped to pull off my shirt and got another idea when I noticed that my coarse chest hair was wet. I usually reserved this treatment for the fucking I always give a sub after I whip or spank him. But this time I would do it mid session. I moved behind him and pressed my sweaty chest againgst his raw back. He flinched yanking his arms and consequently his dick which now boasted sticky strings of precum. Clasping my arms in front of him I ground my salty wet chest into him. He shuddered and pushed back onto me, his ass rubbing the bulging crotch of my jeans. Realizing he was enjoying it and might just cum from it I stepped back away and picked up another crop, not my favorite but his. It featured two heavy leather straps that hurt no matter how llightly they were applied and could inflict serious damage if used too forcefully. I chose a medium force and rapidly lashed his raw and stinging back twenty times. The last three left parallel lines dotted with droplets of blood. He sagged backward towad me, unmindful of the tension this was putting on his bound up cock and balls, now no longer erect and so not as tightly held. I released my aching cock from my pants and stood inches from his inflamed and just barely bloody back, I leaned forward and dragged my beard across it, he moaned but did not jerk away. I stroked my cock and in seconds shot my load all over him. My cum dripped and mixed with the drops of blood and slowly ran down to his ass cheeks. Normally I would be praising my boy at this point but in this case I had to remain stern. I untied his feet, hands and genitals and removed his hood. Swaying unsteadily he blinked and I pushed him back down to knees. He collapsed down greatfully and waited. "Here is the question you have to answer, boy" I spoke slowly, " You cannot earn your way back to being my boy" I paused to let that sink in. "However, if you do what I am about to tell you you can earn the right to be my cumslut and you can live here again". Our eyes locked and he stared art me with that look a true bottom gets when he is confronting both his greatest desire and his worst fear. "Each night for the next seven nights, you will report here at 8 PM. Prior to getting here you will have, in the previous twenty-four hours have found some cock to fuck you bareback. You will keep that load in your hole until you get here. " HIs eyes were wide with surprise and confusion. "You wanted to be a cumbitch so I am making you one, boy" I mocked. "when you get here each night select a dildo that most closely resembles the cock you have just been fucked by. When I arrive, you will assume the position you were in when you got fucked and re-enact the fucking you got for my entertainment. I will expect a verbal play by play description of your fucking as well". " You may have questions, but I will not answer them. I don't care how you get cock, whether you have to peddle your ass on a street corner or if you have to pay someone to fuck you, that's your problem. Fail even one night and do not bother coming back here." Again I paused. " Do you accept, boy?" "Yes". (This is part 3 in an ongoing series, for something a bit different see my story "The Crocodile Experience" in the Celebrity section).
Date: Tue, 8 Oct 2024 13:43:03 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 82 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN - STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 82 (Last day in Paris - Uncle George - meeting Jacob) "I hope Reynard wasn't too annoyed with Pierre for taking me away from the show the other night. Pierre looked a bit upset at the exhibition yesterday." Colin rested his head on Bill's naked upper body. Bill had been as excited as ever after Colin's detailed description of the sex session with the French singer. Now Colin used his hands to caress Bill's body before taking hold of his morning erection as he had done many times before. "Reynard had probably wanted you to suck his colleagues, but that was not the deal and Pierre knew that. He did right to help you get away from that situation but I'm afraid he ended up with a red butt. Not the first time!" Bill spread his legs and gave Colin access to his lower body. With a rough hand, Colin tugged Bill's night-sweaty ballsack and played with his nuts. With hard lips, he pressed the foreskin back until the `string' was hard like a spike. "Do me like what you did to Patrick last night. Suck the morning cream out of me, son. A father's privilege. Ahhh, yeah, yeah!" Bill lifted his hips. "Go, on! Go on! I'll piss you down afterwards!" Colin tried to comment, but Bill had his cock buried inside Colin's mouth and was gripping him firmly. However Colin needed to breathe and he managed to get free from the strong hands. "Come with me then, my old man. I'll take care of you, all of you!" Colin pulled his dad by the stiff cock into the bathroom of the luxurious Parisian hotel and knelt in the shower corner. With hands behind his neck and an open mouth, Colin showed that he was submissive and ready. As if in a trance, Bill closed his eyes and gave his huge cock some hard strokes. "Take it, love. Take it, take it!" Bill shot his man-cream all over Colin's face and upper body. Some white shots hit the open mouth and the waiting tongue. "Don't move! Just wait, wait!" Bill squeezed his own cock hard three times before the yellow stream started. It was a slow, weak stream at first but soon turned into a real hard morning stream, hitting Colin's head and mouth. The piss mixed with jizz made Colin look completely drenched. Even his curly dark hair was wet. "Now swallow, son. I have marked my property. Never forget that you're mine, Colin love!" Bill sat down on a bench. "I will never forget that," smiled Colin. "Long time since I saw you piss and wank at the same time like that. Did you do that when you were a teen?" Bill just smiled as he played with his half-hard stallion cock. Colin spread his legs, still kneeling and started a silent wank with two fingers. He had been rock-hard since he woke beside Bill. The piss started slowly while he continued the rough treatment of his tiny tool. Now he let the stream hit his body and face while he wanked his cock furiously with a fisted hand. "I'm� daddy�I'm! I have to daddy, have to!" He sucked two fingers while the yellow stream continued. Without more preparation, he managed to put the fingers deep inside his boy-cunt. "Aye..aye�please daddy, please help me, yes, no, no, aaagh. Cumming, cumming, cumming, daddy. Yes! Yes!" The piss ended and a mix of white and yellow fluid spread all over his body, before a white shot hit his own face. Colin almost fainted in front of his daddy and lover. "You ready for breakfast, son?" Bill asked with a grin. "And we have to say goodbye to Reynard!" "And to Pierre!" Colin added. With help from Bill, he managed to rise and adjust the so-called rain shower. *** "I love Paris in the springtime!" Colin sang out of tune and let his car accelerate in the bends leading to `his' village up in the Scottish Highlands. "But I could never leave Scotland. I will always be back!" He turned and smiled at Bill sitting beside him "But you are still a young man, Colin. There's an exciting world out there waiting for you." Bill placed a hand on Colin's naked knee. He was dressed in his old `everyday' kilt given to him by Uncle George. "Aye! Rub my upper leg, Daddy. Just now that's more exciting than the outside world. I'm horny like a mare waiting for a stallion. No morning fuck today. Not by you, sir, and not by Kenny." Bill's hand followed the inside of the upper leg, but stopped when he understood that Colin really was dressed in the Scottish manner with nothing under the kilt. "For the rest of the Easter break I hope for hard fucking in the cottage - day and night! But first we must see Uncle George! He is usually waiting for a real ride when I visit." Colin moaned when Bill accidentally touched his stiff cock. He had problems driving safe in the narrow bends. They were just about to pass the road to the church ruins where Colin had received cock more than once. "We could do it there, Dad. We could." Colin looked at Bill, slowed down and turned into the gravel road. "Let me suck you off, son. You are sex-crazy. I thought you had received cock enough in Paris." Bill pushed aside the sporran and lifted Colin's kilt. Colin moaned again when Bill licked the wet cockhead and used his teeth on the swollen shaft. He yelled when Bill pretended to bite his deep red cockhead, and he started to shiver when Bill at the same time squeezed his balls. "Eat my pussy, daddy. Fuck me with your tongue. Aaghh! You are the best, always. Please make me cum, Dad. Cum! Yes, yes�" Again he shivered and then sent his boy-milk into his dad's waiting mouth. "Don't let anything spill on the kilt�eat me, eat me!" Colin's whole body moved as he pumped and pumped cum. Bill licked his lips before he went back to the wet cockhead. Colin yelled at the harsh treatment of his sore, after-ejaculation cock but Bill went on using his teeth rather hard. He didn't stop until Colin was rock-hard again. "You can't arrive soft when you are to meet George, the old fucker!" Bill gave Colin a last smack on his super-sensitive todger before he pulled the kilt back down. "I'm always horny in this kilt!" Colin said. "The woollen fabric stimulates me, you know." He started the car, turned around, and made gravel flow when he accelerated out into the main road. "The party must have started already!" Colin commented. Two cars were standing outside Uncle George's little Highland cottage. "Didn't know the twins should be here. Both Boyd and Doug were in the guard house at Uni yesterday." Colin parked and jumped out of the car. Smoke from the chimney was, as always, a welcoming sign of life. Even before walking inside, Colin felt welcome. "Come in, Colin love. We have waited for you. You were seen passing the horse-farm a while ago. Did you have some trouble?" Uncle George said after he opened the door and welcomed the two visitors. "Colin needed some extra service!" Bill turned up from behind the car. "Thought these new cars were grease-free!" The old man winked and welcomed Bill with a tight hug. "Come in now, please. Lunch is ready! I shot some rabbits at the weekend." The old-fashioned kitchen was also the sitting room and George pointed out a seat for Bill beside Doug and Boyd. Between them was Charlie, the young lad from Newcastle, now a vet-student and Doug's special protege. "Good to see you, Charlie!" Bill commented. "Colin said you would be in Oban for Easter. To meet your roommate's family, he thought." "He wasn't�he couldn't... it was some..." Charlie looked down and blushed. The red-haired boy had an even redder face. "Fine to have you here, Charlie!" George interrupted. "Ready for lunch all of you?" "Come sit with me, Colin." George made room for him in the double chair where he always sat. "You serve the beer, Col. The stew is in the oven." Colin stood up and poured mugs of George's homemade beer. The heat from the oven, and Uncle George's hand, which cupped his naked buttocks underneath the kilt, made him sweat. "You will allow me to take off the sweater, sir? "Colin spread his legs a bit and let the old man understand that he loved the touching. "You kids shouldn't use clothes at all!" Uncle George grinned and looked from Charlie back to Colin who stripped off his thick home-made sweater and then sat down close to the more than eighty years old man. The lunch was great and the talk was free and lively. The twins emptied their glasses and burped. "Behave!" Uncle George's voice was very direct. "We have guests around!" "Why don't you all go ahead and prepare the cottage for the coming days?" Colin spoke as he started to collect the empty plates. "I'll help Uncle George here and follow you later." "I'm sure he will help the old man!" Boyd whispered into his brother's ear. They were heading for the door. "We'll use my car. Yours is not built for the forest road at this time of the year." He looked at Colin. "Colin will use my Land Rover!" George gave his nephews straight orders. Even before the car had left the parking space outside, Uncle George had undressed Colin. "Forget about the kitchen, boy. I know you are ready for some joy. Ready for an old-fashioned scrubbing first?" Without waiting for an answer, he almost carried the naked youngster through the back door into the bathroom which was hot like a sauna. Colin was placed in the old-fashioned bathtub and George, just dressed in his old kilt, soaped and scrubbed him all over. No parts were left untouched. Colin's boy-cunt and cock got some special treatment and he had to focus hard not to cum into the old man's eager hands. "Your turn, Uncle!" Colin helped George to sit down in the bathtub and started similar treatment. George is not into oral sex but he both gives and takes handwork with great joy. After a short cleaning spray from the hose, Colin was wrapped in a huge rough towel. "It was like a Turkish bath!" he told Bill afterwards. "No skin left untreated when the job was done, but the honey based cream uncle used afterwards, made for a fast recovery." Again Uncle George, now naked, carried Colin into his own bedroom and placed him on the bed covered in a sheepskin. The man lay down beside him and pulled him close. For some small minutes he just enjoyed the young naked body. "You fancy a ride to heaven?" he whispered with a hoarse voice. "Aye, I do, I do, like always, eh?" Colin climbed onto the man. The old brown veiny cock found Colin's arse-crack. "You'll find the cream on the table. I bought it from the pharmacy pretending it was to treat my sore hands. The young girl, I fucked her father once by the way, said it wasn't suitable for hands, but I insisted." George showed his teasing behaviour. Colin knew that George wanted to see his face when he was fucked so he just knelt with one leg on each side of him while the old man used his hands to grease the boy-cunt. Two fingers all the way, three fingers all inside and then he added a fourth finger. Colin twisted and moaned while his iron cock dripped pre-cum on the grey body hair. "Pity to waste it!" Colin could hardly speak, but he caught some of the slimy liquid and licked his fingers clean. "Give me your cock now, please Uncle, please," he begged. "My cock is just waiting. You're in charge, boy!" George let the wet cockhead rest outside Colin's rosebud. The veiny man-cock fitted Colin well. He never really knew if Uncle George was bigger than his nephews, but he knew that Doug had a bigger cockhead. Now the almost 20 cm (8 inch) cock sought entry. Colin lifted his body, used two hands to spread his arsecheeks and lowered his body onto the cock in one single movement. Uncle George had been dryer than he thought, but the pain of being penetrated turned him on. He wanted more of the sore feeling and repeated the penetration once more, and then again. Now his body again was fully heated. "Don't hurry, Colin. I want you to stay there as long as possible. Your dad and the boys can fuck young Charlie while waiting for us. I've heard he has become a real sex god, like you, you�you! Yes, yes! Like that, again, please." Uncle George closed his eyes and let Colin fuck him with his tight arse. Colin was close to cumming and tried to think of Charlie rather than himself, just to prolong the sex-act. Charlie was now enjoying sex, giving himself to his college roommate as well as his lover Doug. Colin knew that Charlie also had occasional threesomes, with Doug's brother, Boyd joining them. Before Bill lifted him out of the `prison' of his own uncle's house, he had just been a toy, raped and tortured by workers and customers. Now the vet-student could experience real sexual pleasure. "More, Colin. Harder, harder, let me see your cock. Shoot your cum on me! Just do it. I feel you are near. Go on, go on!" George's rampant cock met Colin from underneath. He was brought over the edge and started a wild hands-free shooting. Some white boy-milk dropped onto the sheepskin but most covered the older man who had joined the young one with a slow, hard and long-lasting eruption deep inside the waiting body. Colin couldn't remember last time he really kissed Uncle George, but now he did, and was given some hot feedback from the man of more than eighty. "You are my boy. I'll dream of this in the coming months." Colin heard some sore tones in the speech. "And you are my only uncle, and what you do to my body when you play with me and make me cum is something very special." Colin let his body stay very close to the man and drifted away in a sort of over-all pleasure. Colin awoke to the smell of coffee and looked at his watch. He should leave for the cottage in good time before darkness. George stood beside the bed fully dressed. "You have slept an innocent's sleep, love!" he said. "Dress and have some coffee and a homemade bun. I will believe Bill is waiting for you. Boyd was standing out in the yard when Colin arrived at the cottage. Shirtless, the redheaded man with a lot of red body hair, had been using a huge axe to chop some wood. "Well, well, the dear professor has finally arrived. Uncle George needed a lot of help in the kitchen?" Boyd hit the chopping block. "Doug has the supper prepared, but waited until your arrival before finishing the cooking." "I'll tell him I'm here!" Colin said with a smile. "How is he by the way? A bit stressed last time I saw him. Worried that he might lose Charlie because of the love-affair with his roomy." "More stressed now!" Boyd laughed. "Now he has to serve two youngsters every weekend. Eddie is often in bed with them. A nice lad, horny as hell." "Hell? Not his style I guess!" Colin laughed too. "But I'm sure Doug brings the boys near to heaven! But what about you then, you sexy hunk?" "I'm the spare you know. I give my brother a hand (he coughed) when he is exhausted." Boyd picked up some wood ready to go inside. "Where is my dear daddy?" Colin asked. "Last time I saw him he was almost crawling back from the ditch. He and Charlie had missed the path back from the wolf cave, and were dirty from their feet up to their heads. They are still in the wash-house. I guess they are cleaning up!" Boyd grinned and winked. Some sounds in the silent evening told of other activities than cleaning. "More Bill! Deeper, deeper!" A young voice was heard, followed by a faraway moaning. "Let me help you, Boyd." Colin picked another armful of dry wood and followed the hunk inside. "Good to see you safe. Crazy roads!" Doug met Colin with a smile. "I'll put on the stew. It will be ready in half an hour." "You guys fancy a starter?" Colin dropped the kilt and his sweater. He had no other clothes. He kicked his boots aside and dived onto the huge cottage bed. The twins were easy to ask. The three of them had been in bed together more than once. No position was unknown. The stew was excellent and both Bill and Charlie had cleaned off the mud before the meal. It was late night when Colin and Bill waved off the twins and the young vet-student. They had a trip home to the horse-farm not too far away. Bill put an arm around his `son'. "You ready for a silent little holiday?" he said. "Not too silent, I hope. Start to tell me about your afternoon with Charlie." Colin pinched Bill's bum. "Not before you tell me why you arrived so late!" Bill nudged Colin with his hips. *** It was the first warm day of spring and Colin almost turned back to his apartment to change into shorts. He probably would have done if he'd had more time but he had to hurry to university for his first lecture. Further along the street he passed a ground floor apartment with the front window wide open. There was a man in a wheelchair sitting looking out and he smiled when he saw Colin looking towards him. Colin waved to him and said, "It's a lovely day, isn't it?" "It's always a lovely day when I see you," the man replied. Colin laughed and hurried on. A few minutes later he thought about what the man had said. "He has obviously noticed me quite often. Maybe he fancies me," Colin thought, smiling to himself. Colin was soon concentrating on his studies but on the way home he thought about the man in the wheelchair. "It must be horrible being stuck at home most of the time. I wonder if he gets many visitors." As Colin approached the building where the man lived, he looked towards the window which had been open earlier. It was closed now but Colin could see the man on the other side, apparently reading a book or a magazine. The man looked up as Colin got closer and smiled at him. Colin smiled back and, on an impulse, he turned into the path leading to the man's apartment. "Are you okay?" he called out. The man opened the window and said, "Yes, thanks. Nice of you to take an interest in an old man." Colin smiled. "You made my day with your flattering comment this morning." The man laughed. "Well, it's true. I do enjoy seeing you. You always seem so happy." Colin nodded. "I am a lucky boy. Nothing to complain about. You must find it boring being confined to a wheelchair." The man nodded. "It's frustrating not being able to get out much but I still have a healthy mind. Life isn't too boring." "I'm glad to hear that," said Colin. "I'm not in a hurry. Would you like me to come in and chat with you for a little while?" "Seriously? I'd love that. Buzz on the name Ronberg and I will let you in." Moments later Colin was inside the man's apartment. He closed the door and walked through to the living room where he found the man waiting for him. "I didn't even tell you my name. It's Jacob," the man said. "Please sit down." Colin smiled. "I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Colin." "I know who you are. You're the famous model, JustColin," said Jacob. "You know about my modelling job?" Colin was surprised. "I may not get out much but I have seen your posters," replied Jacob. "I have also found lots of photos of you online. I think you're very sexy." Colin grinned. "Thanks. It's nice knowing that I appeal to men of all ages. People of all ages, I should say." Jacob laughed. "It's okay to say that you prefer men looking at you. I had a feeling that you might be gay." "You guessed correctly," smiled Colin. "I assume you are too." "I am but it's been a while since I had a partner," responded Jacob. "A young man like you though won't have trouble finding someone." "There is someone special in my life - my daddy," said Colin. "With me living in Glasgow and him forty-odd miles away, we have an open relationship. I'm often horny so he doesn't mind me having sex with others." "You're a lucky boy then and he's a lucky man having you in his life," said Jacob. "Hey, where are my manners? Would you like a cup of tea or something else to drink?" Colin shook his head. "No, thanks. I'm fine." Jacob nodded. "I couldn't believe my luck when I discovered that you were living nearby. I love seeing you pass by in shorts and occasionally topless in the summer." "Taps aff! Isn't that what the locals cry when it's sunny?" Colin smiled. "I'm a bit of an exhibitionist so I'm glad of an excuse to take my top off. Or should I say `tap aff'?" Jacob laughed. "I guess you have to be a bit of an exhibitionist to pose in skimpy underwear." Colin smiled. "I will admit to getting turned on sometimes when I'm posing in very skimpy items knowing that lots of men will be seeing me virtually naked." "A boy as hot as you shouldn't wear clothes," Jacob said. Then he quickly put his hand up to his mouth. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." "I'm flattered rather than embarrassed," smiled Colin. "There are lots of photos of me wearing very little online so I would be surprised if gay men who are into twinks didn't want to see me naked." "I'd love to see you naked. I admit that but I know it will never happen," Jacob said. "Never say never. That's my motto," smiled Colin. Jacob smiled and shook his head. "That's wise for a young man like you. You should grab every experience open to you." Colin nodded and said, "It's not a problem being gay these days. It would have been very different when you were young." "It certainly was," said Jacob. "Did you know that sex between two males wasn't decriminalised until 1980 here in Scotland?" "I did know that," said Colin. "Do you mind me asking how old you are?" "I'm eighty. Very old!" Jacob replied. "Oh? I would have guessed younger," said Colin. "And I would have guessed you were still at high school if I hadn't read about you being a third year university student," responded Jacob. Colin smiled. "People often think I am younger than my real age." Then he asked Jacob how long he had been confined to a wheelchair. "Too long! About seven years. I can only stand or walk for a few minutes," replied Jacob. "It's frustrating because I used to be very active when I was younger." "Can you manage to cook for yourself?" "Only microwave meals. I can make tea and coffee but basically only things I can do sitting down," replied Jacob. "I have a carer who comes in every day to help with meals, baths and so on. I employ a cleaner too." "Okay. It's good that you still have some independence," said Colin. The clock struck six and he said, "I'd better be going or my flatmate will wonder where I am. Can I give you my phone number? I'm not always around but I am happy to come for a chat if you want some company at this time of day." "That would be nice. Always good to have a new friend," said Jacob. "And having a cute, sexy one will be a novelty." Colin laughed. "I will look out for you whenever I pass by. Don't hesitate to shout if you need help with anything." "Thanks, Colin. Much appreciated," said Jacob. Colin made his own way out and Jacob thought he was a very nice young man, not just a sexy one. Colin didn't always see Jacob when he walked to and from university but when he did, he smiled and gave the man a wave. Colin wondered if he should visit Jacob but decided to let the man make the next move. Six afternoons after their first meeting, Colin received a phone call from Jacob shortly after leaving the university. Jacob asked if he was busy and Colin said that he was on his way home and would be happy to pop in for a chat. Jacob said he would like that. "I hope there's nothing wrong," Colin said to himself after ending the call. Jacob was waiting by the window when Colin arrived. He buzzed the boy in and smiled when Colin entered the room. "You're wearing shorts today. Very nice!" Colin looked down. "Knee length shorts. Not very sexy." "I still like them. I like looking at your legs," smiled Jacob. Colin laughed. "Maybe I should take them off. I'm wearing a pair of JustColin briefs underneath. Jacob's mouth fell open. He didn't think that Colin was serious. His eyes opened wide when Colin, on seeing the look on the man's face, unbuttoned the shorts and let them fall to the floor. "Maybe you have seen these briefs online. They are very popular," Colin said before slowly turning around. Jacob gasped. "I'm dreaming," he muttered. Colin smiled. "I hope it's a good dream. I will take my polo-shirt off and you will be able to see the briefs better." Colin removed the polo-shirt and slowly turned around again. Then he felt his cock stiffen and he covered it with his hands, not wanting to embarrass the man. "Don't hide it!" cried Jacob. Colin smiled and pulled his hands away. His cock slowly grew to its maximum 10 cm (4 inches) under Jacob's gaze. He stood still for a few minutes and then bent down to pull his shorts back up. "I didn't mean to go that far but it turned me on seeing the way you were looking at me," he told Jacob. Jacob smiled. "Sorry. Was my mouth watering?" Colin laughed. "No, but it was obvious that you liked looking at it." "It. The shape of what I have often fantasised about," said Jacob. "Maybe I will show you more another time." Colin put his clothes back on and sat down. "Now tell me why you phoned me. Is there something I can help you with?" Jacob nodded. "My son paid me a rare visit yesterday and he didn't believe me when I told him that I had met the famous JustColin. Could you use my phone to take a picture of us together so that I can show him?" "I didn't know that you had a son," said Colin. "Ah, that's right." Jacob looked a bit embarrassed. "Well, I always knew I was sexually attracted to men but, like many others in those days, I felt pressured into getting married. I met a nice girl and we had two children together - a girl and a boy. My wife passed away almost twenty years ago. The son lives in Edinburgh and my daughter lives in London. I don't see either of them very often." "I'm sorry to hear that," said Colin. Then he smiled and said, "Of course I can take a selfie of us. Give me your phone." Colin knelt beside Jacob and put arm around the man's shoulder before taking the photo. Jacob was pleased with the result and said that he would send it to his son. He then surprised Colin by saying, "He will be jealous. He's married to a slightly older man but he knew who you were so he has probably seen many photos of you. He might even fancy you as much as I do." Colin smiled. "You fancy me?" "You know I do! You're gorgeous!" Jacob replied. Colin laughed. "Do you get stiff looking at photos of me in skimpy swimsuits and underwear?" He instantly regretted saying that because he feared that might be impossible due to whatever led to the man being in a wheelchair. He was relieved to see Jacob smile. "I have to admit that I do," said Jacob. "Some parts of me are still in full working order." Colin grinned. "I'm pleased to hear that." "I'm eighty. You don't think that's too old for sex?" Jacob asked. "Of course not! I've had some great sex with eighty year old men," replied Colin. "Men plural? I'm amazed," said Jacob. "There has only been two," stated Colin. "One man in the north east of England that I spent a weekend with a couple of years and one of the men I love the most. He lives in the Highlands but we get together a few times a year." "And you still have sex sometimes when you meet up with him?" "We always have sex when we meet up," smiled Colin. "I go home well fucked after being with him." "So you're a bottom? I hoped you were because you have a fabulous arse." Colin laughed. "Does that mean you have fantasised about fucking me?" "Guilty." Jacob smiled. "I'd like to suck you off too though." "Careful! You're going to make me stiff again," said Colin. Jacob shook his head. "It's just fantasy. I know that. Now tell me what you are studying at university." Colin told Jacob about his course and how he had become really interested in language. Then he asked Jacob what work he did before he retired. "I worked in the computer industry. Programming, design and so on," said Jacob. "When I started, computers were absolutely massive. Nowadays a tablet or a smartphone has greater capacity." "So if I ever have a problem with my laptop, could you fix it?" Colin asked. "Probably. I follow the latest developments," replied Jacob. "That's good to know," said Colin. "I need to be going soon but there is something I want to give you. Can you tell me your email address?" "I'm curious," Jacob said before giving Colin the information. Colin entered the details into his phone and said, "I'm going to send you a photo. Don't share it with anyone else." He scrolled through the photos on his phone and then sent one to Jacob. Jacob's phone pinged so he picked it up to see Colin's email. He gasped and smiled when he saw the photo Colin had sent him. It was a rear view shot of Colin totally naked and smiling as he looked over his shoulder into the camera. "You said you like my bum so I hope you like that photo," said Colin. "I love it," grinned Jacob. "I am looking forward to seeing it on my big computer screen." Colin gave Jacob a hug. "I will come back and see you soon. You take care." Colin thought he saw tears in the smiling man's eyes when he said goodbye but he didn't comment. "Poor guy. He must be lonely," he thought. *** Colin was doing some research in the library when he took a break to phone his roommate, Kenny. He wanted to let him know that he'd be home later than normal but soon learned Kenny was going to the birthday party of one of his rugby mates and wasn't likely to be home before midnight. "Okay. Have a good time," Colin told him. "That's a pity. I was looking forward to a long fuck from him before bedtime," Colin thought. "Oh well, I can visit Jacob again." He smiled to himself and wondered if he might have some sexy fun with the man. They hadn't discussed sex on his last two visits. Colin found a photo of himself on his phone where he was wearing a low-cut swimsuit and displaying a very obvious erection. He sent it to Jacob with the message, "I just want to warn you that I will be coming to see you about six-thirty this evening." He switched his phone to silent mode and went back into the library. He was walking home when he remembered to restore his phone back from silent mode. He found that there was a message from Jacob. "Colin, are you trying to give an old man a heart attack?" Colin smiled and typed a reply. "Sorry. I thought you'd like it but I won't send anything like that again. See you in ten minutes." A short time later Colin saw Jacob sitting at the window with a smile on his face. The door to the man's apartment was open so Colin let himself in and closed the door behind him. "Hello, Jacob," he said with a smile before giving him a hug. Jacob patted Colin's back. "Always lovely to see you, Colin. Take a seat." Colin sat down and saw that Jacob had printed out the photo he had sent earlier on a sheet of A4 paper. He smiled and asked, "Did you like the photo?" "I loved it! I wish I could hang a big framed version on the wall but my cleaner wouldn't approve," said Jacob. Colin laughed. "I don't want you to get in trouble." Jacob smiled. "You're naughty, teasing an old man with photos like that." "I was trying to make you happy, not tease you," Colin protested. Jacob pretended to frown. "That's the second time you have shown me the outline of your stiff cock. You know I would love to see more." Colin raised his eyebrows. "Yeah? I would show you more but I don't want to risk you getting a heart attack. I thought the last photo shocked you." Jacob smiled. "It surprised but delighted me. And I would like to see more." "Do you promise that you won't get a heart attack if I strip off?" "I promise," replied Jacob. Colin took off his shoes and then stood up to remove his sweatshirt. "Have I told you that I love your big nipples?" Jacob asked. "I don't think so but I'm pleased," said Colin. "I love men playing with them." He dropped his shorts to reveal that he was wearing a JustColin jockstrap. "Woah! I really like that," said Jacob. Colin stepped out of his shorts and slowly revolved in front of Jacob. "That's beautiful. You have a beautiful bum, Colin." "I'm glad you think so. Would you like to touch it?" Jacob swallowed. "I'd love to." He reached out and caressed the twin globes with his fingertips. "Such soft skin but firm," he whispered. Colin looked over his shoulder at Jacob and said, "You can help take the jock off." Jacob smiled, took hold of the waistband and eased it down. He heard the sound of a stiff cock bouncing off Colin's stomach as it was released after being pulled downwards by the jockstrap. Jacob pulled the jock slowly down Colin's smooth thighs and then let it fall to the floor. Colin stepped out of the jock and turned to face Jacob, allowing the man to see his stiff cock and his hairless balls for the first time. Jacob smiled. "Your cock is a bit smaller than I thought it would be but it's lovely. I see that you have removed your pubic hair." "My balls are naturally smooth but I often shave my pubes," said Colin. "Maybe you'd prefer me with hair?" "I don't mind either way," said Jacob. "I thought you probably trimmed or shaved a bit when modelling low-cut items." Colin nodded. "I have shaved down there more often since I started modelling. I shave under my arms too." Colin showed off his smooth armpits. "Very nice," said Jacob. "Feel free to touch me anywhere," said Colin. Jacob hesitated for a moment but then ran his fingers lightly over the skin behind the stiff 10 cm (4 inch) cock. He then cupped Colin's balls and gave them a gentle tug before smiling up at Colin. "Is this okay?" Colin smiled back. "Yes. I'm enjoying it. You don't need to be so gentle though. Why don't you pinch my nipples?" Jacob's hands went up to Colin's erect nipples. His fingertips moved over them and then he grabbed them between his thumbs and forefingers. He pinched them hard and Colin gasped. Jacob quickly let go and apologised. "No, I like it. Pinch them harder," said Colin. Jacob took hold of the proud nubs once more and pinched them hard. "Yesss," hissed Colin. That encouraged Jacob to tug and twist the nipples. Colin groaned and then said, "It turns me on having my nipples abused. Look at my cock." Jacob dropped his hands and looked at Colin's cock. He saw that the head was now wet with pre-cum and smiled. "I have fantasised about sucking and biting your big nipples." "I would like that," Colin responded. Jacob turned his attention back to Colin's cock. "I'm cut but I'm fascinated by your foreskin." He took hold of the cock with his thumb and two fingers and gently moved the foreskin up and down. "Maybe it will look like a cut cock if you pull the foreskin all the way back," said Colin. Jacob pulled the foreskin so far back that Colin drew air in through his teeth. He quickly let go and said, "Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." "It's okay," said Colin. "I don't mind a bit of CBT." Jacob smiled. "You are full of surprises." He took hold of the cock again and gave it a few wanks. "You told me before that you have fantasised about fucking me," Colin said. "Perhaps you'd like to spread my arse cheeks and see your target." "Yes, please!" Jacob licked his lips. Colin, now wearing nothing but socks, turned around and bent over with his legs apart. Jacob caressed the buttocks once more and then pulled them apart to gaze at the small pink pucker. "Your hole looks so small," said Jacob. "It's hard to believe you have regular anal sex." "I do exercises to stay tight," responded Colin. "Feel free to touch it." "There's not a hair in sight," Jacob murmured as his forefinger gently moved up and down the arsecrack. The finger returned to move in circles over puckered entrance and then gently pressed until it was in as far as the first knuckle. Suddenly Jacob pulled his finger out and sat back in his wheelchair. "I shouldn't have done that. Sorry," he said. Colin straightened up and turned to face Jacob. Smiling, he said, "Nothing to apologise for. I enjoyed it." "But�" Colin shook his head. "No buts. I invited you to look and touch." He squeezed his cock and more pre-cum leaked from the piss-slit. "It really turned me on." Jacob looked at Colin's throbbing cock and licked his lips. Colin noticed and said, "Go ahead." Jacob looked up at Colin. "You said in one of our earlier meetings that you had fantasised about sucking me off," responded Colin. "Or maybe you would prefer me to suck you off? I'm more than happy to do that." "No. You don't have to do that," said Jacob. He looked at Colin's cock again, hooked a finger around the base and leaned forward to lick pre-cum off the head. "Mmm, you taste good." Jacob then opened his mouth and sucked on the cockhead. Colin moaned softly and Jacob took more of the cock into his mouth. Soon the whole of the cock was in the man's mouth. Jacob sucked and used his tongue to stimulate the cock, and occasionally his tongue licked at Colin's balls. "Oh, you're good," said Colin. He enjoyed the blowjob even more when Jacob grabbed hold of his buttocks and squeezed them at the same time. "I'm about to cum," Colin warned a short time later. Jacob bobbed faster up and down on the cock. "I'm cumming!" Colin cried as he sent jets of boy-cream into Jacob's mouth. Jacob swallowed every drop and then licked the cock clean. He was smiling when he sat up. "It's been a long time since I've sucked a cock but that was wonderful. Your cum is sweet and delicious." "Thanks. I enjoyed it too," Colin said as he collapsed into the sofa. "Definitely the best blowjob I've had in a long time." He sat and smiled at Jacob until he had fully recovered. Then stood up and said, "I have to give you one now." "No, Colin," you don't," said Jacob. He didn't want to explain that it took him a while to become fully erect. "I have had one wonderful experience today and that's enough." "Okay, if you're sure." Colin said, not wanting to put any pressure on the man. "Maybe next time." Jacob smiled. "Yes, maybe. Now, tell me. What are your plans for the rest of the evening?" "I will have dinner. There is leftover chicken casserole in the fridge ready for heating," Colin began. "I will probably phone Dad for a chat and then I'll do a bit more work on my current project before watching some telly. My flatmate won't be in until midnight." "You get on well with your flatmate?" "Very well." Colin grinned. "We share a bed." "So he is gay too," said Jacob. Colin laughed. "No! Kenny says that he's straight. However he loves sex with me so I would say he's bi." Jacob smiled. "Sounds like you don't miss out on sex despite being away from your daddy much of the time." Colin nodded. "Kenny is always horny. He also has a lovely big cock." He stood up and said, "I'd better go." He picked up the jockstrap and put it on. "My son Joshua was jealous when he saw that photo of us together," Jacob said as he watched Colin get dressed. "I wonder what he will say when I tell him that I have now seen you totally naked." Colin smiled and Jacob quickly added, "I won't tell him that I gave you a blowjob." Colin said, "No. Wait until after I have given you a blowjob. That will definitely make him jealous." Jacob grinned. "It certainly would. I'm not sure he will believe me though." "It's pity he rarely visits you because I could tell him face to face that it's true, and that it was a great blowjob," responded Colin. Jacob smiled. "Joshua would probably jump in his car and drive straight here if he thought he could meet you." "Perhaps he could. Meet me, I mean," said Colin. "Anyway let me know what he says when you tell him that you have seen my stiff cock." "He always phones me on Sundays so I'll tell him this weekend," said Jacob. When Colin finished dressing, he gave Jacob a hug and said that he'd be back to see him again soon. "I look forward to that," said Jacob. *** Colin was curious to find out how Jacob's son had reacted to the news that his father had seen the famous JustColin model totally naked so he stopped off at the man's apartment on the way home from university a few days later. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon," Jacob said as he let Colin in. "I hope nothing is wrong." "Nothing's wrong," said Colin. "I just wondered if your son believed you when you told him about seeing me fully naked." Jacob smiled. "It was quite funny actually. He had convinced himself that the selfie of the two of us was taken at some charity or local social event rather than inside this house. He almost called me a liar when I said that you had visited me again." Jacob chuckled and then went on. "He gasped loudly when I told him that you had stripped to show me the JustColin jockstrap you were wearing. When I told him that you invited me to remove the jockstrap and see you naked, he swore. Joshua very rarely swears so I think he was turned on picturing the scene." Colin grinned. "He must have been quite jealous of you." Jacob shook his head. "No. Joshua still didn't believe me at that stage. It was only when I said I might be able to arrange for him to meet you that he started to think I could be telling the truth. He asked about the size of your cock and whether you were cut or uncut." "Maybe I will show him one day but not on our first meeting," said Colin. "Okay, next time you speak to him tell him that you have discussed the matter with me and that I am willing to meet him here with you." "I will do that," smiled Jacob. *** Having finished at university around just after 3pm, Colin decided he wanted to visit Jacob again. They had exchanged some words a few times when he had passed the man's apartment but they hadn't chatted properly in over a week. Jacob was delighted to see Colin. "I brought cakes. I thought we could have them with a cup of tea," Colin said after giving the man a hug. "If you show me where things are, I'll make the tea." "No, I will make the tea," said Jacob. "I'm not helpless." "I didn't mean�" Colin shut up and followed the wheelchair into the kitchen. He saw that it had been adapted so that most things were within easy reach for Jacob. Jacob put the kettle on and laid out mugs for the tea and plates for the cakes. "I brought chocolate eclairs. I assume you like them," Colin said as he took the pastries out of the paper bag. "I do and it will be a nice treat," said Jacob. "I don't have cakes very often." Colin had a special reason for choosing eclairs. He waited until they were sitting at the table and then he held his cake pointing upwards before giving the chocolate topping a long, sensual lick. "I like cream-filled phallic cakes," he said. He went on to open his mouth and insert half the pastry, moving it in and out suggestively. Jacob laughed and said that he was a naughty boy. "Yes, but you still love me," smiled Colin and took a bite of the eclair. "I do," said Jacob. "You have brightened up my life." They finished their cakes in silence and then Jacob said, "I told my son that you were willing to meet him. His immediate response was `When?' It's safe to say he liked the idea." "I will be away this weekend," Colin said. "I could come back here on Monday, around five, if that's suits you both." Jacob nodded. "I will phone him later. I'm sure he'll arrange to be here then." "Okay," said Colin. "I should probably have told you before but my Daddy knows about you giving me a blowjob." "Was he annoyed?" Jacob asked. "Not at all," replied Colin. "He knows it won't affect my relationship with him." "I wouldn't want it to," said Jacob. The conversation moved on to other topics before Colin left in time to prepare dinner for Kenny. It was his turn to cook. To be continued
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2022 13:14:31 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 54 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 54 (Geneva - Milan) The evening boat trip on Lake Geneva had started in a rather formal fashion. Colin and Reynard had been welcomed onboard by an Italian man in his thirties. Soon afterwards a car with a private chauffeur had arrived with Reynard's friends from the bank, lawyer Antoni Lucas and bank adviser Richard Kems. Both men had greeted Reynard with formal handshakes but, after some hesitation, both men had kissed him in the French style and then hugged him tight. The skipper - Antony according to the label he wore - was also the barman onboard, and local sparkling wine welcomed the group. After the second bottle the situation became less formal. The men had taken off their jackets and Colin, with no shirt underneath his jacket, removed his jacket too. Some light applause followed from the two Swiss men when Colin turned around showing his erect nipples. "Beauties like you have need no shirts - for sure!" Mr Lucas commented as he placed a hand on Colin's naked shoulder. Colin didn't know what say so he just smiled. Reynard had brought some of his own wine for the occasion, and the four men sat down to a well-prepared table. Just minutes earlier a door had opened from what looked like a pantry and two young waiters had entered with a grand selection of hot and cold food. As Colin took his seat, he was still a bit worried. He had asked Mr Lucas' grandchild, Junior, to join him and help with the private show later. The boat had left without him but Colin received a message on his phone shortly afterwards - "Sorry kid, had to fuck the lady first. See you at turning point in an hour! Don't give the oldies a heart attack! Junior." Colin had answered with a thumbs up emoji but he wondered if the guy would arrive on time. Colin had been very hungry. His lunch had been light and the hot action with Kevin, the stylist and pool-guy, had given him an appetite. He needed to fill up now. He had let the men discuss the `problems of the world' and concentrated on the food. The desserts, especially the Italian ice creams, had been great and Reynard had even brought his own sweet wine for the occasion. Normally Colin would have taken just water before a show, but this early summer night on the lake was very informal affair. Mr Lucas had placed his hand twice on Colin's upper leg during the meal, as if to remind him of the agreement from the toilet. With a slutty use of the tip of his tongue, wetting his lips, Colin had given him a silent answer. "I have brought you some good quality Scottish whisky from my Dad, gentlemen. He is looking after the fort in France while Mr Reynard is travelling around with me." Colin filled the glasses and then raised his own glass for a toast. "I have to thank my dear friend and artistic adviser who made me a rich man today!" Colin sat down in Reynard's lap and gave him a tender, but dry, kiss. "No, no, Colin love. You have created your own wealth all the way, but thank you for letting me be your old `supporteur'." Reynard lifted his glass. Colin was surprised when the usually very formal man reached over and put a hand between his legs to play with his hardening bulge. "I want you in bed tonight, son!" The whisper was barely audible. His squeezing of Colin's balls was obvious though. Colin moaned in surprise. The sounds from the engine told everyone that the skipper had slowed down. The noise from a racer made the men stand up. From a small boat a youngster climbed onboard. Dressed in shorts and a hoodie, barefoot, and still with a racing cap backwards on his head, Junior joined the company. He embraced Colin, then turned to his granddad with double kisses. "Please meet the hurricane!" Mr Lucas pushed Junior forward. Junior received Reynard very formally, before he ended the entrance by placing himself on Mr Kems' lap. The two were obvious very familiar. Colin had served another round of whisky and even helped young Junior with some wine. Now he took command and placed the `oldies' on the sofas in the saloon. The ladder from the bridge down to the saloon was to be used as a stage and Colin had placed his JustColin collection all around the bridge to Skipper Antony's amusement. The same skipper had problems with his concentration when Colin undressed the Italian-looking youngster and pointed out the different items. "You have to be his helper, sir!" Colin grinned and looked at the skipper. "And don't bother about your hard-on, Junior!" Colin gave the guy's small cock some wanks. "The guys downstairs will love you! We'll start the show in a few minutes." "Nice to be able to present the JustColin brand for you, gentlemen." Colin was standing on the ladder. "As you perhaps know JustColin is a range of underwear for young European men. We know that youngsters today like to be sexy - even when they are still below the age of sexual consent. We also know that a lot of grown-ups like to see and even use young men's underwear." Colin searched for eye contact with his new admirers. Colin stepped down to the floor and placed himself in front of Mr Kems. "If you strip me, sir, you will see our first rather innocent item that has been one of our winners." He lifted his hands above his head and then folded them behind the neck while he pushed his hips slightly forward. Mr Kems found Colin's belt with shaking hands and pulled down the white formal trousers. Underneath, Colin had white bikini-cut briefs. The material was so thin that it covered Colin's bulge like a second skin and the cockhead from the half-hard little cock was clearly visible. "You see I prefer to be all smooth, but for a youngster that is proud of his first pubic hair, this item is a winner." The men could see that Colin's prick grew to a full erection while he showed off his body. "You will also see that the arsecrack is fully visible and hopefully you'll find that very sexy." Colin smiled because he already could see two formally-dressed men adjust themselves due to their excitement. When he bent to remove his socks, his arse was no secret. "The second item from our collection is also a winner. And that's a surprise, because a jockstrap is probably not very normal for teenagers, even if some wear them for junior sports. Now welcome my partner for today - the real Junior!" Colin turned to the ladder where the very sexy grandchild of Mr Lucas entered the `stage'. He was completely naked but for a tight red jockstrap. Well-tanned, and with some wild black pubic hair, and even hairy armpits, Junior looked very different from Colin even if they were the same size. What was similar was that Junior also sported a full erection that was quite obvious inside the tight pouch. "My next item is from the swimwear collection I will show in Milan. Please just give us a second!" Colin announced and pushed Junior in front of him up the ladder. Junior's arsecrack was visible to everybody. Seconds later Colin was down again. "This swimwear got some dirty names when worn by a comic actor in a movie some years ago. We have made a more sophisticated the `manikini'. I hope you find it sexy!" Colin walked the floor and showed the body gear with a tight pouch at the front and a string between his buttocks. The top ended in a sort of harness. The front was so tight that Colin's balls and his stiff cock pointing upwards were very obvious. Mr Lucas pinched Colin's naked buttock when he passed. "You see sir, even a small-cocked boy like me can have the pleasure of looking well-equipped in this outfit." The show went on with Colin and Junior modelling the full swimwear collection. "I will show you some of the more extreme swimwear to end this part of the show. Junior, why don't you serve the gentlemen another drink while I prepare." Junior served the whisky and the joyful group seemed to like the golden drops from Scotland. "You have to help me, captain!" Colin was completely naked in front of Antony. He had tried to tie up an almost see-through pouch around his balls and dick. "No problem normally, but it's more difficult when I'm hard." Colin grinned. "Tie the ribbon underneath my balls, please." "You are leaking, young man!" Now the captain was one big smile. "How can I stay dry when a handsome man like you plays with my balls?" Colin turned and thanked the captain. Then he climbed back down the ladder. He was met with an applause. Completely smooth, but still with some tan lines, Colin looked just like a teenager. "I call it my Instagram suit!" he continued. "No visible pubic hair, no so-called genitalia can be seen, and my butt..." Colin stopped himself, placed his hands on the ladder and spread his legs to show his smooth boy entrance. The next step in the performance was not planned. Junior went down on his knees behind Colin and started to rim him. An eager tongue and wet lips licked and sucked Colin's boy-cunt. When Junior used his tongue inside the hole, Colin moaned and let him go on. "Better than that girl of yours, eh Junior?" Mr Kems shouted. The man had and obvious tent in his trousers. "You think, sir, that we should give these gentlemen a preview from the new adult collection?" Colin had sent Junior back to the bridge and asked him to find the `black box'. Now Colin sat down on Reynard's lap. "Oui, parfait, and give these men some `service special'. Look upon it as an investment, mon petit!" Reynard whispered. "But you said, sir, no cumming!" Colin was a bit confused. "Oui, don't spill your cream if you can manage. Save it for me." Reynard bit Colin's earlobe and played with his erect nipples. "Okay, gentlemen. I have a bonus for you. JustColin plans to present a rather flamboyant adult collection. Maybe we can dim the light for your own privacy?" Colin winked. Junior was dressed in a pair of very sexy black briefs. The front was cut so that the cock-root was visible and when he turned, the back had a large round hole. Colin had persuaded him to wear two nipple clamps with some hanging rhinestones. They looked marvellous on the dark, tanned body. The boy accepted the pain with tear-filled eyes. "I wished we had time to trim this beauty's bush before the show, but he looks good enough to eat like this as well. He needs some applause!" Colin stated. He went up to Junior, wet two fingers, and played with his arse through the hole. The boy almost knelt when Colin put the fingers into him up to second knuckle while making a light twist on the nipple clamps. "Let the men feel the fabric, Junior. Don't be shy. Grandpa will not tell your young lady!" Colin let Junior stay in the saloon and went off to prepare for his own final entry. A new round of applause met Colin. The bikini had an open front. He had bent his cock down into a sort of fishnet condom which fitted like a second skin. The very horny boy dripped pre-cum in a long thread. Now he went up to Mr Lucas, the lawyer. "You want to taste my juice, sir?" He pushed his hips forward. The man used a finger to catch the slimy thread and licked his finger afterwards. "Now I would like to taste your juice, sir. You will allow me?" Colin had already started to unfasten the man's belt. With eagerness, the man helped Colin to pull down both the formal jeans and the white underwear. The brown veiny cock was rock-hard. With two fingers Colin pulled the man's foreskin behind the swollen glans. With light pressure, he managed to get out a drop of pre-cum from the open piss-slit and with the tip of his tongue he caught it. That was the end of Colin's light show. The next show was a tougher one. With some force the man grabbed the back of Colin's head and penetrated his mouth. Colin did what he could, but again and again the man tried to force his cock down into Colin's throat. "Take it easy, man!" Mr Kems had a hand on his colleague's arm. "Don't hurt him. You're treating him a slut!" The bank adviser had his trousers around his ankles too, ready for his turn. "Go on, Antoni. Colin can take it. He's just playing with you!" Reynard grinned. "Damn it!" Colin thought. "Wait until I get Kenny to deep throat you, Reynard!" He was not hot enough for a throat-fuck. Now he managed to take back control and showed off his sucking skills. The lawyer could not stay calm any longer. He lifted his hips as if was trying to make his cock even bigger. Colin used his last weapon - hard lips around the man's glans. Antoni Lucas started to spurt and Colin didn't move. He just held his grip on the sixty year old man's cock and let him fill him. Like a real pornstar, he let some of the jizz drip from his mouth down his naked body and all the way to the floor. "Have a drink, mon ami!" Reynard handed Colin a glass of sparkling water. "I need a whisky, sir! Nothing less." Colin drank half the glass of water and received the whisky with a wide smile. The non-whisky drinker just pretended. He was a tough guy, but no drinker. A very polite hand was placed on Colin's shoulder. Richard Kems, Junior's grandfather played with his upper body. "May I undress you completely, son? I just wish to see you in your birth costume. You don't need this stuff to make an old man horny." Very carefully, he freed Colin from the condom-like fishnet tube. The 10 cm (4 inch) teen-like cock stood up immediately. "May I?" the man asked and then he cupped Colin's balls and dick with a very dry hand. Soon he was wanking him. "A very good and professional handjob!" Colin told his Dad later that night. Colin was suddenly really horny; he couldn't stand. The set up was hot, and he liked the adviser who just without any specialities wanked him in front of an audience. He was very close to cumming. He looked at Reynard who played with his limp bulge. "Please sir, next time, okay. Let me do you good now." Colin knelt. He looked at Junior who had followed the show until now with a hand squeezing his own cock. When Colin went down on his grandfather, he hurried up the ladder. "He's always been quite shy!" Mr Kems commented with a grin when Colin started his job on him. His cock was much bigger than his colleague's and Colin was happy that this man wasn't into the throat-fucking business. He also understood that this man wasn't going to last long. Without shyness in front of his colleagues, Mr Kems begged and prayed and moaned. Colin wondered what God and Jesus had to do with this. With a howl the man withdrew and wanked his pole in front of Colin's face. Colin knew what was coming and he was ready. Soon man-milk hit his face and his upper body, some filled one eye and some dripped from his curly hair. The old man had shot a load any porn actor would have envied. "Come to me, Colin!" Reynard had used a camera to film the whole event. Now he used a white silk handkerchief to clean up the milk that didn't get into Colin's mouth. "Good show, love! Happy you left the best for me!" He cupped Colin's hard balls. Colin was confused. He had never seen his boss like this. "I think we are coming to land," Colin said. "I need to find my clothes." He hurried up the ladder to the bridge. He was not surprised by the sight, but it made him really horny. A naked Junior was on his knees in front of Captain Antony who was occupied with the boat's steering wheel. Colin hurried across the room and knelt beside his new friend. The two kissed each other, they kissed and sucked the huge man-cock, and they shared the spunk when the captain sent his white creamy shots from his very virile body, kept horny during the last hour's show. "Junior, a young lady is waiting for you!" Antoni Lucas shouted from downstairs. "Let her wait for God's sake. I have business to do here!" Junior cleaned the captain's balls and cock with his tongue and mouth and Colin looked on with a big smile. "I like your appetite, Junior," Colin said. "Maybe I will call you one day!" *** Colin had never seen his boss and friend as stressed as when they returned to the hotel. Reynard hurried for the key and he almost forced both Colin and Castro into the lift. "But sir, I don't stay up here. I have my room in the annex!" Castro protested. "I know, but you have to taste Bill's whisky. A shame that you didn't join us on the boat trip. Colin here did a tremendous job and he sucked the Swiss bank guys to heaven and back. And Colin, we go for the adult lounge collection. You have to convince Signore Beroni. He never says no when you have him in bed, I know!" Reynard was excited. He almost fell down in a leather chair and took the whisky bottle from a paper bag he carried. "You find glasses and some ice, Colin. Take one yourself too, you deserve a drink!" Reynard stripped off his white jacket and just threw it on the bed beside him. "Thank you, sir, but I prefer to stay sober since you want me in bed!" Colin suddenly blushed and looked at Castro who coughed and grinned. The Argentinian horse manager knew perfectly well that his boss was not capable to give a youngster full service in bed. Colin hurried to get the glasses and the ice cubes, and then served the guys some large drinks. "May I take a beer, please?" Colin asked. "Take whatever you want, love. Call for champagne if you feel for it. Cheers!" Reynard lifted his glass and Castro answered. "You think Colin is hot, Castro? Look at him, he's an angel, isn't he? Any gay man's and most women's dream!" Reynard didn't wait for an answer. "Strip him Castro, and fuck him. Do it now! I want to watch you two, and you have both wanted to fuck each other since this morning, haven't you?" Reynard sipped his glass. Castro and Colin were an odd couple - Castro, dark and more than 1.90m (6ft 3in) tall and fair-skinned Colin, just 1.64 (5ft 4in). "But don't penetrate him, Castro. You're too big for his pussy tonight. He can't go on stage with a swollen cunt. See? Go on, don't be shy. I've seen you two perform dozens of time and I'm damn excited to watch you now!" Reynard cupped his crotch. In a way Colin felt sorry for the man who couldn't get an erection. On the other hand, Reynard could be very bossy, almost terrifying. Colin was no doubt a good performer, and Castro honestly couldn't give a damn about his boss at that moment. His only concern was to please the young man he adored. He went close up to Colin, took his can of beer and placed in on the table. He then found his lips, not in a soft dry kiss, but in a wet forceful kiss that tasted to Colin of pampas and grown up man. Colin almost fainted in the man's arms. Castro made no show just now. He was too horny. He just undressed Colin from his elegant white suit, shoes and socks in a hurry before he knelt in front of the youngster and took the underwear pouch into his mouth. The last underwear from the show was almost nothing and soon Castro undid the ribbons with his teeth. Young Colin was fully naked. Colin gave Reynard a glimpse and saw that he was working his limp cock with both hands. Now Colin concentrated on the service from his stage lover who was sucking him with great skill. Colin moaned with excitement. Castro's hands were all over him. "Undress me, Chico. Do me good, please. Take my cock, you're good, I know!" Castro helped Colin to strip off his tight denims and leather waistcoat. Colin grinned when he saw Castro wearing a tiny, very familiar, jockstrap. With his fingers, he combed the black pubic hair, and the dark trail running from the waistband up to the navel. Castro's smooth upper body was a contrast to his hairy arms and legs. With trembling hands, Colin found the stretched waistband and pulled down the last piece of clothing. The 30 cm (almost 12 inch) monster-cock was all ready for play. The loose foreskin partly covered the cockhead so Colin forced it behind the glans and started a wild suck. Some minutes later Castro lifted Colin in his strong arms and carried him to the bed. A wild sixty-nine followed and Castro had soon three fingers deep inside Colin's tunnel. The boy moaned and dripped pre-cum as if he was about to start pissing. Reynard suddenly stood beside the bed and used two fingers to collect the pre-cum. After licking the juice like sucking a cock he repeated the action. "Try not too cum, son. Save some spit for me, please." Reynard went back to his chair. He was now partly naked. Colin was very stressed. He was hot as hell, and had been close to cumming more than once. "Pretend to fuck me, Castro. I'll make you feel good. Use my upper thighs as if I was a real whore and treat my cock as a big clit, ok?" He lay down on his back and lifted his legs straight, instead of spreading them, he locked them with his arms. Castro spat in his palms and wet the long spear. Colin gave him access and soon the horse manager fucked against Colin's balls and cock as if he was using a real cunt. "I'm ready, ready, yes, yes!" Castro forced his cock forward. The jet hit Colin's head and body without the touch of hands. With an open mouth and working tongue Colin caught some of the white cream. His nose, one of his eyes, and both of his gracious eyelashes were drenched in cum. As a sort of reflex, Colin took Castro's cock in his mouth and cleaned him. The boy was very frustrated - almost angry. "Please wait love, please, please!" Reynard bowed down and licked the spunk from Colin's upper body and face. Then he turned to Castro. "Good job, damn good job! See you in the morning. Find a call-boy - plenty around!" While Castro collected his clothes and left for the bathroom, Reynard climbed onto the bed completely naked and lay down beside the boy. With an arm he pulled him close. Still a bit frustrated, Colin accepted Reynard's moves and rested his curly head on the man's chest. Reynard played gently with the young body. Colin was still fully erect and dripping and now he looked up. "You liked the show, sir? A bit fake though!" Colin moaned. "You were both damn hot, you always are. You hate me just now, don't you? Wanted to cum and I asked you not to. Frustrated eh?" Reynard touched the sweaty curls. Colin did not answer. "You want me to fuck you, Colin?" "Aye, of course sir. But�." Colin rose on one elbow and looked at his boss. "I know you are afraid of needles, love, but now I want you to do a job for me, an important job." Reynard looked at Colin who was looking on with a partly open mouth. "Please fetch the black box from the bathroom, love, but let me kiss you first!" A long, tender and wet kiss followed. Reynard followed with sore eyes the naked beauty who crossed the floor. The lad had in many ways changed his life. "Do I press him too much now?" he wondered. "Open the box, Colin love, and do exactly what I tell you, okay?" With some fear Colin heard what the older man said. "You see the syringe and the medical ampulla?" Colin nodded. Start with the gloves, then use the pad and the cleaning liquid. Wash my cock-root and my ball-sack, please.!" Colin who had played with his own cock and others as long as he could remember, had never done what he was about to do now, but he had of course watched vaccinations and seen how the nurses worked. Reynard grinned when the youngster cleaned his flaccid dick. "Now fill the syringe all the way, my doctor said today," Reynard instructed. "And then check that there is no air inside." "Why couldn't your doctor or a nurse do this?" Colin asked, still a bit frustrated. "If it works I'll be able to fuck you for real, Colin. A dream, and no whips, no lashes, no pain! It's like the pill. You have to be horny, damn horny, to get it to work. Well, we still we don't know for sure if it works! Please give me the popper, just nitrous oxide, no drugs!" Reynard placed the bottle underneath his nose. "I'm a softy you see!" He smiled at Colin. "Now lift my dick and give me one third of the amount in the root. Go on!" Colin's heart was pumping like just before cumming, but he gave his boss the injection. "Please play with me and see if there are any changes." Reynard smiled. He looked at the worried youngster who sat with a syringe in one hand and wanked him with the gloved other. "I am to be touched, baby, and I feel you well!" Three minutes and nothing happened. "Give me another one-third! Just change the needle." Reynard commanded. "Direct in my cock this time - at the root!" Colin pulled the dick like a rubber string and then placed the needle deep. Not a sound from Reynard. Just a deep breath when he used the poppers. Colin wanked him harder this time, then he bowed down, pulled the foreskin back and sucked him. Reynard smiled when he saw that Colin had his erection back. Reynard was suddenly half-hard, but no real erection. "I can't dock you with that one!" Reynard frowned. "Give me the rest. Another one in the root, go on. This works!" Colin trembled when he changed the needle, but again he did the job and delivered the last of the fluid. Reynard moaned now and pushed his hips forward. His cock rose like a pole - rock hard. The 15 cm (6 inch), very normal cock, was a beauty both for Reynard and Colin. "Give me a whisky, son, and change this room from hospital to a love-nest. I want you in my arms. My dream comes true! But take some photos first. My doctor will be thrilled." Reynard wanked his cock in silence while Colin found the whisky. He even gave himself a shot before he handed his boss the glass and found his camera. "Would you like a picture when I ride you too?" Colin asked. "Just for the clinic!" He grinned. "Boss me for real now, sir. Tell me what you long for. Let me do you good." "First of all, I will do you good, son. You are unique! But forget about me now, and pretend I'm your loving Daddy. Do with me what you would have done with him, and I'll try to be a good dad tonight, but hurry. I don't know how long this cock will stay hard!" Reynard emptied the glass and opened his arms for his young lover. Colin turned around and gave Reynard his own dripping cock. With mouth and tongue, Reynard almost ate the hard, naked glans. Colin had seen Reynard excited before, once after Bill had flogged him with a heavy whip, but not like this time. The man lifted his hips like a youngster and did what he could to penetrate Colin's mouth and throat. Colin managed to open all the way and Reynard forced the erection down his throat. The cock had grown in size, but still the length was no problem. The problem for Colin was that Reynard used both his hands to press his head down. Colin could hardly breathe, and tears dripped from his eyes. Reynard also used teeth on his cock and the double pain was intense. With a quick movement Colin managed to get his breathing back. "Please sir, don't strangle me!" Colin begged. "I'm not a slave!" "Sorry, son. I'm so damn excited. I've waited so long. You ride me now, please?" Reynard was the one who begged now. Colin climbed over the man's face and opened his arse with two hands. Now he let his boss lick him for the first time. He wanted to be tongue-fucked and he wanted to be prepared for a real ride. He found the tin of lube that Castro had left. "Grease me up, sir. Make me your slut, wet my boy-pussy for your pleasure!" He turned around and let Reynard see him all open. With fat, well-manicured hands, Reynard found Colin's love-knot and pushed it hard and direct. Colin howled. He was about to cum again. Pre-cum dripped from his own cock down to Reynard's dark red cockhead. Almost in slow motion Colin turned around and placed his knees beside the excited man's body. With both hands he pulled his arse cheeks apart and lowered his cunt onto the waiting spear. He didn't stop until he could feel his master's nuts. Colin didn't control the situation now. Two strange men fought. Both wanted to cum. Neither managed to slow down. "I'm cumming, sir. Your cock is so hard, so hard, so hard�" Colin rode the cock like crazy while his uncontrolled prick spread his boy-milk all over his boss's face and upper body. He felt how Reynard tried to ejaculate. Again, and again, Reynard cried like a child, until he finally lifted himself and sent some wet drops into the very hot young body. Colin wriggled like a snake now, and he turned into a young devil. He thought about young Pierre who had suffered a lot to help his boss get some satisfaction, and he thought about the young rent-boys who had been paid for actions above their own comfort zone. He also felt that the medically-assisted cock was as hard as before the cumming so he started another wild ride. Soon his own cock was fully recovered and he was ready for more satisfaction. Colin stopped for a while, still sitting with the man's cock inside his body. He handed Reynard the whisky. The man emptied the glass without a word. "Now fuck me all the ways you have dreamt of. I want you, sir. I want you so much. Make me cum again and make me be your own slutty whore!" Colin lifted his body off the stiff cock and placed himself doggy. "But my heart!" Reynard whispered when Colin turned his partly open hole to him. "Forget about your heart, sir. Think of the beauty between your legs - that well working man-cock. Use it. Use me, sir, and if I say no, don't stop. Drain my balls, let me cum like never before. Yeah, just like that, again sir, again!" Colin was really used hard by the man who for once had a hard-on like a teenager. Mr Reynard had two more blowouts that night and Colin could not count how often he had cum. When the hall-boy entered with breakfast, the two were still in bed. Colin had a normal morning wood and behind him he still felt Mr Reynard's hard, wet erection. *** Colin was excited when they entered the Mont Blanc tunnel - excited because he had seen a new side of his boss, and excited because Reynard had accepted his idea of creating a hot lounge-wear and club-wear collection named JustColin. But he was also excited in a childish way because he was about to enter one of Europe's longest road tunnels knowing that Europe's highest mountain was above his head. "Mont Blanc is 4808 meters above sea level," Colin commented. "Ben Nevis, the highest mountain in Scotland, is 1344 meters. A huge difference!" Colin continued his talk. Reynard was not very talkative; the night's experience and the medication had been quite a challenge for the man. "I have climbed Ben Nevis a couple of times," Colin continued. "And I climbed Mont Blanc in my youth. A dream, a dream�" Reynard closed his eyes. "Before my accident, Colin. I was very fit in those days. Some even called me sexy." He grinned. "You are still very fit, sir - I mean Reynard - and sexy too. You fucked me like a stallion last night." Colin placed a hand on the well-dressed man's knee. "Flatterer!" The man did nothing to signal Colin to withdraw his hand. "I fucked you with a prosthetic last night - made by my doctor, but you made me cum, love, more than once. You are a dream for any gay man, and I'm sure for many women too." Colin blushed. He wasn't used to such compliments from his boss and friend. "It was not a prosthetic that wet my butt this morning. It was still rock-hard then!" "But all gone minutes later!" Reynard sighed. "But my best fuck for twenty years, son. Well worth the struggle." The sunshine was like a gunshot when the car left the tunnel. Reynard woke up too. "Back to business, Colin. You are your own master now. I will not follow you to the meetings today, and I wanted Bill to stay behind too. You represent the future, son. Tell them about your plans and sell them for a good price." Colin swallowed. He missed his Daddy. He let his hand rest on the man's knee. "And tell them how you want the show this afternoon too. Let them understand that even if you please them in bed by a submissive attitude, you are the master when it comes to business." Reynard took Colin's hand and placed it on his soft bulge. He put an arm around the boy's shoulder and pulled him close. Then he kissed him lightly on his forehead. *** `Milano Centro'. The traffic was heavy and the drivers used their horns to find the best line. Castro was a unique driver, the life on the Argentinian pampas had taught him patience. "Direct to the hotel, sir?" Castro had pressed the communication button. "Yes please, and take the rest of the day off, Castro. I'll get you a ticket for Colin's strip show tomorrow." Reynard patted Colin's upper leg. "The press will remember his naked butt from last year. He might need you as a bodyguard, Castro!" The black limo drove up in front of the huge hotel where Colin and Bill had stayed on previous visits. Two men in uniforms waited. Colin followed Reynard into the hotel lobby where they were met by a young Italian beauty. "Signori, per favore. I'll show you to your rooms!" The hall-boy opened the door to the huge suite. Reynard turned towards a questioning Colin. "I trust you need your own bed tonight, Colin. I have booked the adjoining room for you." He looked at his watch. "I've ordered a lunch for the two of us in my room in half an hour. Okay, Colin?" Colin knew that this was not a question, but an order. He followed the hall-boy to the room next door. The luggage had just arrived. "You want some help to unpack, sir?" The boy had placed the trunks in the walk-in wardrobe. Colin smiled. What if he said yes and let the youngster unpack the bag with the `adult collection' meant for presentation later. "I need a quick shower," Colin said. "Maybe you could help me to dry my hair?" He grinned. "Of course, sir, but I can get you a hairdresser if you please." The boy blushed when Colin started to undress. "I will be styled for the dress rehearsal later tonight, so no need for that." Colin gave the hall-boy his shirt and then he opened the belt and let his trousers fall. He really was in a teasing mood. Most of all because he saw that there was a door between his room and Reynard's suite. Dressed in his red thong he left for the bathroom. The hall-boy took care of the clothes while watching the round naked globes leaving. *** Colin was far from his comfort zone when he entered the old-fashioned conference room at The Latin Institute. He was dressed in a rather formal style, but sexy, in tight black leather trousers and a white see-through lace shirt. His hair had been styled by the young hall-boy, and Reynard had advised him to dress in a slightly sexy manner to tease the `old men', as he had called his colleagues and friends. Colin had met Reynard for a private lunch in a white bathrobe, but Reynard had wanted him fully naked in his presence during the meal, even when the waiters arrived. Now Colin looked at the `old men' around the oak table. A chair was obvious meant for him at the short side. Normally Reynard would have taken that seat, but there was no doubt Colin was in charge today. He sat down, looked at the four men, and smiled. "Nice to see you all, gentlemen. It's good to be back in business here in hot Milan. I'm here as a model only. I'll do my best to present our new JustColin collection, and as you know I also want to suggest a new adult collection." He let his eyes follow the very different men. "They have one thing in common besides this business," Colin thought. "They have all fucked me, and they will all try to get me in bed again!" "The business is yours, gentlemen. Bill, my dad, will still be my adviser and Monsieur Reynard is temporarily occupied with a new exhibition," Colin went on. The truth was that Reynard was a bit upset after the tough medication, but he hadn't even admitted that to Colin. "Let's start with the most important thing - the show tomorrow. Who is the producer for our section? I had hoped Ricardo, I mean Signore Ricci, would be here like last year." Colin looked at Signore Beroni who sat closest to him. The man lifted his eyes to check the old clock on the wall. "Ricardo will be here very soon. We have a very positive problem, Colin. Too many young men want to model for you, so Ricardo has to choose the ones for the rehearsal tonight." Signore Beroni was, as always, dressed extremely soberly. Colin fancied him very much. The man, in his fifties, was a professor of Latin. He was the principal of The Latin Institute as well as being an executive for an Italian-American company involved in underwear fashion. On the first day Colin had met him, he felt that the man had undressed him with his eyes, and Colin had no objections. Colin had visited his mansion at Lago del Garda many times, and originally had the impression that the professor was just an onlooker. During Colin's last visit to Milan this had changed and the relationship between Colin and Professor Beroni was not longer just academic. The man had fucked his `bambino' with a strong veiny cock and filled him with man-milk. "The show is in really good hands." Mr Baird, the London lawyer who represented the Italian owners, was also Armani-dressed. The man, in his forties, made Colin smile. He remembered the first time the man had asked to follow him to the bathroom to hold his stiff cock while pissing. Afterwards he had sucked the last yellow drops from Colin's piss-slit and soon after taken his boy-milk, still fully dressed. Colin looked at the two men who had not yet commented on the situation. Colin's good friend Sergio, the Milan photographer, looked a lot younger than his forty-five. Colin had sucked him off at the very first photo-session, and since that day Sergio had organised visits to dungeons, strip-clubs and adult movie theatres. "I must ask Sergio to arrange my free night this time too," Colin thought. "I hope for his long shooter again." Colin was about to lose his concentration when the fourth man asked for attention. "I hope we will manage to feed the popular press with some hot stuff again this time. Your naked butt was a winner last time, Colin." Mr Klaus Sieger grinned. The man, in his mid-thirties, was editor of "Young Fashion" - the magazine that was responsible for much of the marketing in Europe. "I guess Ricardo has some plans," Colin commented. "I don't think my small bulge will sell in the porn-like market today." In his mind Colin thought about Mr Sieger's young son Robin. Father and son were both well-equipped and both Colin and Bill had enjoyed the German's company. "Well, gentlemen, thank you for giving me a short status update. I can see you have done your homework!" Colin grinned. "I've done mine too. I believe you want to see if I still can pretend to be a teenager." Colin climbed onto the formal table, took off his socks and shoes, and started to unbutton his white shirt. He sat down on his heels, straightened his upper body and placed his arms behind his neck. "Touch me now, gentlemen. Don't be shy, I want your opinion!" Colin had been a little uncomfortable when he arrived the conference arena, he now made the formal table his stage. Mr Baird and Mr Sieger didn't hesitate. With trembling hands, they stroked the young body. Mr Baird even used two fingers to play with Colin's nipples. The gentle but erotic touch made Colin close his eyes and moan. For a moment he forgot the time and place. He was extremely horny with four men ready to eat his body. He grinned and went on. "You happy with my armpits, Signore?" Colin looked at Signore Beroni. "Please touch. No stubble, sir. As you like it, eh?" The professor sat on the front of his formal chair. Now he bent very near Colin's body and let his nose and lips touch the smooth skin. "Bellissimo, bambino!" Beroni ended the inspection by licking his thin lips. "Your body is that of a well-trained young man, but on stage we must sell you as a bit younger," Sergio said. "May we see your legs - hairy or smooth?" Colin was happy for Pierre's treatment back in France. He knew the wax treatment and the tanning had made him smooth. "You strip me then, guys. These trousers are not for a show." Colin lay down, and opened his belt. Very slowly, as if he was performing, he unzipped. "Help me, gentlemen!" Again there was no hesitation. Two men pulled off the leather jeans. Colin watched Sergio who did nothing to hide that he was excited. The see-through black boxers were like a second skin. When Colin now placed himself on his knees the sexy underwear followed his arsecrack, covering nothing but what looked like a thin black string. "Am I still too overdressed for you to make a proper inspection?" Colin grinned again. "Well, help me to show you the tiniest item we have in our collection." Colin turned around and placed himself doggy-style in the middle of the table. Mr Sieger stood up and so did Sergio on the other side of the table. Together they found the thin ribbon and pulled down the almost invisible boxers. Colin helped and ended by spreading his legs. "Check my arse, gentlemen. I'm very clean and very soft. I haven't even shaved, Signore Beroni. I'm as smooth as I was when I shot my teenage milk for the first time. Please, gentlemen!" Colin wiggled like a slut, but did it with an innocent smile. Mr Baird who had watched the show with a partly open mouth, not very intelligent looking, pulled the tiny thong aside and let his fingers follow the crack. "You're like a kid, Colin. A very hot one, and a very inviting one." He licked his own finger, then he found the inviting entrance and put the finger inside without warning. Again Colin moaned, and again he was far away from his presentation. A long slimy thread dripped down onto the dark table through the front pouch. "You're dripping, Colin, so you have the teenage look I like!" Mr Sieger watched Mr Baird collect the pre-cum. "Easy to get excited here with four sexy men around playing with my innocent body!" Colin heard the light laughter from the men from his last expression. "I know the press and the audience expect some nudity. How far do you want me to go? What can you publish, Mr Sieger?" "Maybe we could see you naked now and then decide!" Signore Beroni had promised the local press some nudity. Colin turned around and again he lay down on his back. The tiny black pouch covered his balls and parts of the stiff dick. With an athlete's movement, he peeled off the thong. The erection was obvious - the cockhead was shining in the light from the Venetian crystal lamps. "You think you can manage to stay `soft' on stage?" Mr Sieger asked. "We will manage, we have our routines. Colin isn't the first horny model around!" Sergio responded. "I see you have shaved your pubic hair off this time. Some discussion on this last time, wasn't there?" "Reynard wanted me like this!" Colin used his hands to play with his pubic bone and the smooth balls. He was about to give his 10 cm (4 inch) erection some treatment, but stopped in time. "Please touch me, gentlemen, and decide if you think I'm well prepared!" Colin spread his legs and his arms. He lay on the table as if he was bound to the four corners. The four men continued their inspection, and when Mr Baird let his fingers follow the cock up to the piss-slit he caught another drop of pre-cum. Colin reacted by pressing his shoulders down on the table, and then his heels to lift his body like a bridge. His cock was the very top. He knew that if he used his arse muscles he could perhaps give the men a hands-free cumming. He was horny as hell from the performance on the table. An applause from a man standing in the open door stopped Colin. Signore Ricci, the designer for the JustColin performance was back from the huge arena. "That's really a good show, Colin. Wish we could use that as the ending tomorrow but I'm afraid that would be my last job as designer!" He grinned. "But we have to find a good and entertaining grand finale. If the gentlemen are happy for the private show, maybe you could follow me to the rehearsal. We are already a bit late. Twenty-one youngsters are very keen to meet you!" Colin, still naked, collected his clothes and followed Signore Ricci out the door. He turned to the four businessmen, sitting like unhappy schoolboys. "You will make the right decisions gentlemen, I trust you. Thank you!" Colin left. "I need to piss, Ricardo, so please don't stress me. And don't tell me you are not excited. Why do you try to cover that hard-on inside those stupid Arab trousers?" Colin was the first to enter the old-fashioned toilet. Seconds later both were naked. Ricardo looked like a hot Italian football-player. He had curly body hair, but his balls were shaved and the pubic area was well-trimmed. The long dark brown veiny cock was pointing upwards like a feather. Colin knelt and found the round pink mushroom cockhead. With two fingers he squeezed the cockhead and pressed out some clear drops. Colin's mouth was more than ready to please the sexy man in his forties. "I want you to fuck me after the show tomorrow!" Colin took a deep breath. He needed a small rest from the tough mouth-fuck. "Let me tongue-fuck you now. I'll let you cum first, okay? Then you wank yourself dry before the rehearsal, okay? You want to meet some of the lads perhaps?" Ricardo spread Colin's arse and spat in the partly open hole. The man was a master. Colin sprayed boy-milk all over the old furniture. Minutes afterwards his own mouth was filled with Italian cream. The open white sports car brought them to the huge arena. Colin was ready for a new JustColin show. To be continued.
Date: Sat, 13 Jun 2020 21:00:44 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 6 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 6 (Professor Thomsen) Colin was enjoying his afternoon jog. He had eaten a small lunch and was happy that his afternoon class had been postponed. He had decided to take the long track today. Fifty minutes through the park, then jogging beside the river, and then up the hill covered with trees to the old ruin on the top. Colin usually took a small break to enjoy the view from there when the weather was good. "You might find this a good place for cruising," Kenny had commented one day. "We used to bring girls up here in the summer," he had added with a big grin. Colin couldn't believe that the city guys had taken girls all the way into the forest for fun, but Kenny always had good stories. It was not only the weather that made Colin happy today. He was very satisfied with the way his morning meeting with Professor Thomsen had gone. Colin had been involved in some serious discussions with the Danish guest professor, and the man had given him credit for his arguments. Not a big deal, but the professor had in Colin's eyes been too lenient with the Nordic terminology. "You cannot talk about Norway and Denmark as nations during the first of the Viking landings in Scotland and England," he had proclaimed. Coming out of the forest, Colin chose the back track to the ruins. The steeper path there would give extra training for his lower legs. The path ended at some stone steps leading to a sort of circular wall. Inside was an area sheltered from its surroundings. Staying there you would not be seen, but you could still watch the traffic on the main path. Colin spotted a man sun-tanning on the warm stones on the other side of the sheltered area. As far as Colin could see, he was naked. It was not the first time Colin had seen people in the sun up here. He had done it too but the weather was not normally convenient for sun-tanning, with or without clothes, in this part of the country. "Damn!" Colin said to himself. It was his professor; the Danish professor he just had thought about. Rumours said that he was a nudist, so Colin wasn't totally surprised, but what a coincidence. Colin blushed. He admitted to himself that the naked body in front of him was really manly. But he felt like an intruder, a voyeur. The professor hadn't seen him. Colin took the steps downhill, jogged around the ruins to the main entrance, and entered the area from the path where he could be seen. Now he waved to the man who now was properly dressed in blue running shorts. "Nice to see you out here, sir. How did you know this place?" Colin was breathing heavily. "Nice weather!" Colin suddenly felt stupid and in lack of words. "Mr Wilkie showed me the area when I was here in the spring. I met you at Thor Olsen's farewell party - remember?" The man with a close cut, almost ginger-coloured goatee smiled at his young student, who blushed slightly in response. "Honestly I was looking for you, Colin. I noticed you here last week, but you didn't see me. I had hoped since the weather was fine�" "But why were you looking for me, sir? I feel ashamed of my opposition to your points this morning. I was very bossy, sir. Sorry!" Colin looked at the ground. "Not at all, Colin dear. You were correct, and you are the expert on these matters. Please sit down. Get yourself some water." The man handed Colin a bottle and placed a hand on the youngster's naked shoulder. "I hope we can continue our discussion on Monday." "Thank you, sir. I am very happy with the way you teach; always asking for thoughts and objections. Keeps one awake, sir." Colin was happy for the water. "Thor was more straightforward, more direct, I guess?" The professor let his hand rub Colin's shoulder. The lad did not comment. "Did I scare you, lying naked over there? You turned away. I was afraid you'd left. I'm happy that you returned by a different route." He placed an arm around Colin's shoulder. "Takes more than a naked man to scare me, sir. It was a hot sight!" Colin could have bitten his tongue off. Professor Thomsen just grinned. "Didn't Mr Wilkie tell you that I'm a naturist? There are many of us in Denmark, you see." "Western Scotland is not the best area for naturism. Easy to freeze your nuts off here!" Colin looked at his new professor, trying to establish what he tolerated from one of his own students. "According to Thor, you two played naked in the snow up in Norway," the man continued. "And I would think that was quite cold!" "Well, we had just come from a hot sauna. It's different when you have the western winds blowing in from the Atlantic!" Colin let the man pull him close. "You are wet with sweat, Colin. Don't get cold! Hurry home now. I'll take another half an hour more. Maybe we could jog together out here one day," the man said. "And stay naked!" Colin thought, adjusting his stiffening boner. The tall, well-built Professor Thomsen hugged his much smaller student and sent him on his way. *** The narrow apartment was turned into a dark grotto encircled with artificial vines and other green climbing plants. One wall was partly covered by the new huge TV-set rented by Kenny. Colin's fellow student from last year, the effeminate Roland, was in charge of decorations. Roland was one of the first guys Colin had met when he arrived at the university. The 21 year old youngster was a real `queen', but also a good swimmer. When it came to themed parties and shows, he was a born artist. The `Jungle' theme had been perfect for him. "Kenny is bringing beer and I have ordered some jungle kebabs from town," Colin said. "What else do we need, Roland?" "I'll make a jungle punch, very strong. Just some rum and a lot of spices, ice cubes and fireworks � a very heavy combination! We need a lot of snacks as well." Roland was giggling. He wiggled his round butt as he made adjustments to the decor. "Who is coming tonight?" "I'm not quite sure. All the mates from the upper floor last year are invited, but you know it's Friday night and no girls are invited. I guess some will party elsewhere. Mason is coming and I guess Logan will be here too. They do some sport together now, I've heard." Colin tried to hang up some ropes. "Logan is `out' now, isn't he?" Roland was standing on the top of the desk. "And Mason fights for the chicks? But he has really helped Logan by stopping some light bullying." Colin nodded. "The twins will be here, you know Gordon and Gregor? They have rented an apartment above us on the third floor this year. Our guests tonight can change there." Colin finished and threw himself down on the old leather sofa Kenny's father had brought the other day. "I have asked Mr Wilkie to look into the party too. I guess he will like jungle-boys! What will you wear tonight, my prince?" Colin pulled Roland down beside him. "Maybe you'll be naked with just some glitter�" "How did you know, dirty boy? I'd love to see Tarzan himself. That must be Kenny, eh?" Roland had his naked legs across Colin's lap and put an arm around his neck. He licked his lips and winked his made-up eyes. Colin had to kiss him, and give Roland his tongue. His cock struggled inside the cock-cage he had put on after his shower. "Thank you for the job you have done, honey. It's perfect!" Colin caressed the warm body beside him. The silk-like pink singlet covered a slim and completely smooth body. Colin had a hand on Roland's bulge. The submissive lad had a dick Colin had envied many times, an 18 cm (7 inch) slim spear with a proud helmet on the top. Now the dick grew rapidly under Colin's searching hands. "Anybody home? Give me a hand with the beer and stop fucking. I don't want another parking ticket!" A broad smile came from Kenny who had almost torn down the door. "48 bottles. Is that okay, Kiddo? We have ten in the fridge, haven't we?" Roland adjusted his hard-on, and Colin tried to organise the steel-cage that filled his sports shorts. They hurried out onto the pavement and helped Kenny with the crates of beer. Still an hour until the guests were expected. Kenny and Colin lay side by side inside the `grotto', Kenny in sweat boxers and Colin for the occasion in sports shorts. "Are you going to wear that stupid cock-cage tonight too, Kiddo? Time to stop that game, isn't it? What do you want to prove?" Kenny scratched his balls. Colin did not answer. "So you will not allow me to fuck you tonight then?" Kenny put a hand down inside his boxers. "Tarzan fucks Jane, doesn't he?" "I will not be Jane. I'll be Tarzan's son!" Colin placed a hand on Kenny's bigger hand that without shyness was wanking the huge weapon. "No chicks tonight then, and my girlfriend didn't even offer me a blowjob!" Kenny snarled. "She was envious, she said!" "You know I hate to see you suffer, Buddy. Let me!" Colin grinned, pulled down Kenny's boxers and found his friend's wet cockhead. "I have the key, you know!" Kenny had problems talking when Colin let the huge cock fill his mouth. Colin changed position. "Keep it for later. Maybe we can do a show, if the lads are getting too relaxed." Colin had problems speaking. Like many times before, but for the first time caged, Colin sucked his room-mate to a quick orgasm. He played with Kenny's big balls, tugged his ball sack and rolled the stones inside. �Colin squeezed the balls and used his tongue on the rear side of the cock all the way from the root up to the sensitive string that split the two parts of his cockhead. A careful touch by his teeth made the macho guy whimper like a girl and when Colin used tight lips around the top of the circumcised dick while teasing the piss-slit with his tongue, Kenny's eruption started. "Fuck, damn. Crazy�oh.. you are crazy, Kiddo� fuck.. fuck." Kenny was lifting his hips from the mattress. Spurt after spurt of thick, white boy-cream hit the back of Colin's mouth. This time the load was too big to swallow, so some of the jizz dripped from Colin's mouth down to Kenny's trimmed black pubic hair. The howling from the Tarzan filled the jungle. "I love you, Kiddo. You're the best sucker around! I'm sorry you are not a girl." Kenny grinned. He collected the spunk from his pubes and let Colin lick his fingers. "Drop that love talk, Kenny. Save that for your chicks. I'm happy to be your fuck-buddy! Every man should have one. I do like that Greek habit." Colin licked some clear drops coming from the still super-erection. "But you are too salty today, buddy. You'd better take a shower, eh? Roland will soon be back with his special drink and we have to get dressed." "You need some cleaning up yourself, Kiddo. Looks as if you have pissed yourself." Kenny stripped off Colin's shorts, knowing that his mate leaked lots of pre-cum when horny. The red-hot prick tried to grow inside the steel barrier. "Come with me, baby. We'll dive in the shower together, okay?" "I'll fetch your one piece of clothing, easy to wear. Anton lent it to me. But Tarzan needs some tanning and Roland has some brown cream for you." Colin followed Kenny to the bathroom. Washed and dried, Kenny was standing like a statue with a beer. Roland was creaming up his body and Colin tried to arrange the leopard-pattern loincloth around Kenny's naked body. The problem was Kenny's 26 cm (10 inch) erection. "You have to cool down, mate, or you'll just have to stay naked. Your choice! Not possible to cover up that hard-on!" Colin grinned. "Stop you two, or I'll have to fuck you two to get some relief!" Kenny opened another beer. "A threat or a promise, Tarzan? You just relax, eh?" Colin pushed Kenny down on the sofa. From the sides, Kenny's hot body looked naked. The front and the back were just partly covered, and he had of course no underwear. Colin went to the bathroom and found the tiny leopard-skin pouch that was his outfit for the night. He had decided to keep the cock-cage underneath and the result was an inviting tent. Around his neck, he had a fake-fur collar and he had bracelets of the same material around his wrists and ankles. Roland went upstairs to do his change and both Tarzan and his son whistled when `Jane' arrived in a sexy girlish steward uniform. The shorts were cut so the beauty's lower buttocks were visible when he bowed. He looked very androgynous but not vulgar. Tarzan kissed his `Jane' and placed him on his lap. *** The party had so far been a success. The twins Mason and Logan dressed as monkeys called Adam and Eve, or Adam and Evan as Kenny liked to call them, had taken charge of dispensing the drinks, the food and a large quantity of beer. The entertainment had mostly been on screen. Tarzans from Johnny Weissmuller to Alexander Skarsg�rd had been jumping in the jungle. And when Bo Derek showed up as Jane, Roland was helped by Kenny. The submissive Roland stripped while pretending to serve Tarzan under the loincloth. Well, not only pretending; Jane sucked her Tarzan with great skill. Colin was happy with his friends. He had really relaxed, but he was surprised by the end of the show where Mason had cross-cut some dirty gay porn with a movie called `Jungle'. "That's reality from our flat Kiddo, isn't it?" Kenny shouted. "He's too small for me, Kenny! Show us the real thing!" Colin knew Kenny would take up the challenge. In front of the screen he stripped his only piece of clothing. Half-hard he showed off his great body in a dance that was far from erotic. "I think we have new guests outside!" Roland had been looking outside from behind the curtain. "Mr Wilkie, and�wow!" He giggled like a real princess. "The real black guys are here too!" Kenny managed to get the loincloth back around his hips before the three new guests entered the already well-filled apartment. Colin welcomed them and presented Isaac and Joseph to everyone at the party. The two were dressed in baggy football gear like the day before. "We have some more of the jungle drink Roland, haven't we? Please find some clean glasses!" Colin pulled the three inside. "I thought I must bring some real jungle-guys!" Mr Willkie was excited. "Is there jungle in the Gambia, by the way?" He grinned and looked at the black students. "A lot of thick jungle, and maybe a Tarzan too." Isaac found Kenny's arm. The Scottish lad was taller than the two Africans, but beside the two very slim guys Kenny looked rather bulky. He had consumed more than his share of beer and was soon taking over the host-role from Colin. "We had just started the dancing and stripping!" Kenny proclaimed. "Colin told me you are into swimming. You are too well dressed tonight! Let's get some hot music, Mason." Kenny started his dance before the guests had finished their drinks. All the jungle guests clapped and sang. "Strip, Kenny!" Mason shouted. "Show them the real Scottish national costume!" Kenny was easy to ask in his state of party mood. Very soon the loincloth came off again. "Cool, Kenny! A very promising baptism for our new flat! Please join him, guys!" Colin almost pushed the Africans forward and turned up the volume. The old sandstone building trembled. The two Gambians looked at Mr Wilkie, a bit uncertain. Dave Wilkie just nodded. "Go ahead, guys. What happens here, stays here. Right, Colin?" Mr Wilkie put a hand on Colin's naked buttocks. "That's true, sir!" Colin went up to Kenny and danced beside him. "Look at this naughty boy. Kiddo is imprisoned, poor guy!" Kenny pulled down Colin's tiny pouch and the lad went on dancing, wearing only the steel cock cage. The drinks and the suggestive music turned the last visitors into action. The shirts came off to intense cheering from the others, and minutes later the two simultaneously pulled down their shorts. Today they had been wise to add some underwear, and not just any kind of underwear. They were dressed in tight, small sport-jocks branded JustColin. The naked black globes were dramatically lifted by the white ribbons. Booing and whistling met the strippers. "Come on guys, all of you!" Colin went in action, and soon both monkeys and people from the Garden of Eden joined the jungle-guys. Kenny was the only complete naked guy at the party, and he stayed naked for the rest of the evening, most of the time with Jane/Roland sitting on his lap. Mr Wilkie offered Colin some comfort and soon the music changed to a more romantic mood. Colin was not quite sure what happened, but Isaac and Joseph left hand in hand for the campus, and the monkey-dressed brothers headed upstairs to their own apartment. "Let's find some clothes, Kenny!" Roland said. "I have mine upstairs." Colin smiled when he saw Kenny, naked and half-hard, hand in hand with Jane, the princess, leaving for the flat above. "What happened to Mason and Logan?" Colin looked at Mr Wilkie. "They went to the bathroom a while ago, but I haven't seen them return." "They are using the sofa. Strange couple. Mason pretends to be very straight and macho. New girls around all the time. And Logan has told friends he's gay, I think." Mr Wilkie still had his arms around Colin. "The two shared a room last year, real buddies. What happens inside a campus room, and what happens outside, are two different worlds, Dave!" Colin kissed his friend and swim instructor. "You know all about that, don't you darling?" Dave met Colin's kiss. "Please let me give you a blow-job, Dave." You have just been watching all night, and your cock is both hard and dripping. "It's not right, love. You are locked up. I haven't asked why. Your own business, I guess." Mr Willkie showed every sign of acceptance when Colin pulled down his shorts and jock in one movement. The 20 cm (8 inch) rock-hard cock with a wet plum-head was ready for service. "Yes, yes, yes, Mason. Deeper, deeper!" They heard a sore voice from the other room, followed by the sounds of a dual orgasm. Colin grinned. "I think they still are buddies!" The trained sucker opened his mouth for Dave, bent his head backwards and gave the grown-up man permission to throat-fuck him. Colin tried to relax, and not vomit, because throat-fucking wasn't his favourite sexual activity. Mr Wilkie had waited a long time for this and was very tough. After a while Colin managed to take back command and sucked and licked the man until he begged him to take it easy. But the youngster, stressed by a painful cock, and waiting for the man with the key, went on until the man again took hold of Colin's head and forced the cock down his throat. Colin stopped breathing when the man filled his throat and mouth with spunk. He managed to swallow, and he managed to get the plum-head out from his throat. With tears in the eyes, and with mucus, saliva and man-milk dripping from his mouth, he looked at the man with a sort of irritation and pride. "Why so damn tough, sir?" Kenny was standing in front of the bed, still naked. "Next time I'll fuck the brains out of you, okay!" he shouted. "Calm down, buddy. I offered him service, and I like it hard, you know! Where is Roland?" Colin felt a bit ashamed. "He is sleeping between two monkeys upstairs!" Kenny grinned. "And Adam and Evan are still in the Garden of Eden!" Kenny nodded his head to tell that the two mates still were resting on the kitchen sofa. "You want a nightcap, sir?" Kenny's anger was gone. He went to the fridge to fetch another round of beers. "You need a blanket, guys?" Kenny passed Mason and Logan spooning half-naked on the uncomfortable sofa. "We have our clothes upstairs. Think we'll leave for home now. Logan is staying with me until he finds his own place." The rugby guy seemed very protective. Logan just grunted between his mate's hairy arms. "I have to thank you for hospitality too." Mr Willkie finished his beer. "I believe you two will go to your home tomorrow, Colin." "Aye, that's right. We are going to collect my car from the garage. I talked to the boss today, and the job is finished," Colin answered. "And Colin removed the stitches from my forehead today. You should have been a nurse, Kiddo, with your comforting hands." Kenny grinned. He made some very understandable movements along his half-hard dick. Mr Wilkie swallowed and hurried out of the room. "We'll return the ropes and everything we borrowed tomorrow, Dave. Thank you." Colin went up to the man and hugged him tight. "We start formal training on Thursday at 5pm. I'll introduce you to the A-team," Mr Wilkie whispered. "Thank you, sir. I'll do my best to earn my place." Colin waved the man off. "I'm certain he wished to stay." Kenny was lying on the bed with spread legs, playing with his now super hard 26 cm (10 inch) cut beauty. "I understand him. You have teased the man, and all the others too, with your naked body all evening. You're a stallion, Kenny. A damn hot stallion!" Colin dimmed the light to almost nothing. The music was soft. "Please dance for me, Kiddo. Strip for me, be my baby. I'm so damn horny." Kenny pointed at a hook on the wall. The key to Colin's chastity belt was there. "Didn't Jane give you any pleasure, Tarzan?" Colin was opening the strings that kept the small thong in place. "You know Roland. He's an eminent sucker, the best next to you Kiddo, but he looks so frail. I'm afraid to hurt his pussy. And I hoped�" Kenny pointed at the wall again. "Emergency!" Kenny said. "I want all of you for the rest of the night! And the rest of the year. No more restrictions in this apartment." Kenny wanked slowly while Colin removed his tiny jungle decoration. Then he took the key and walked up to his buddy who unlocked the cock ring and steel cage with huge trembling hands. The small cock, which had been swollen inside the steel cage for the whole day, grew like a wet and glistening rose. "Let me taste you, honey!" Kenny took Colin's dick inside his strong lips. The lad who hated to lick his girlfriend gave Colin all the service he had longed for. Minutes later Colin climbed onto the waiting body. Kenny greased up his spear and gave Colin three oily fingers inside his boy-cunt. Colin was ready to ride his stallion. The smell of beer and party was added to with the three portions of spunk during the next hour. Kenny, the normal fast fucker, managed well after Roland's blowjob just an hour earlier. He brought Colin to an early hands-free orgasm after just a few minutes, and after turning his fuck-buddy around he took him `missionary' as he liked to say, while using a hand on Colin's cock. Kenny ended the party with a roar that could have been heard out in the street if it hadn't been for the storm building up. The guy Colin trusted above all withdrew in a hurry and pointed his weapon at Colin's open mouth. Colin received his white nightcap and swallowed every drop. Then he curled up beside the stallion, very happy for the double bed. To be continued.
Date: Sun, 7 Jul 2002 16:42:20 -0700 (PDT) From: BJ Bear Subject: Cheater's Consequence 2 "Sir, I'm not feeling so well today. Could I be excused while you watch your video?" my cheating boy now asked me, as yet unaware that he was the star of the video in question. Slapping his face, I growled " Shut up, strip down, queue up the video in the bedroom and assume the position, I'll be there in a minute. His eyes tearing, he meekly took the tape and went into the bedroom. Going downstairs, I grabbed a few items from the playroom for later use. Upon my return I walked into the bedroom to find my boy on all fours facing the TV, the VCR on and the remote laying on his back. "Did you preview it boy ? I asked, to which he replied "No, sir". Stripping naked behind him , I found my dick already hard. I sat down on the edge of the bed with it pointing straight at his ass crack. "Show me your hole, boy" I ordered and he carefully pulled his cheeks apart, a tiny gasp escaping his lips. His hole was quite red and slightly open. "Get a finger wet, boy, and moisten that hole while I watch" I next demanded. After the earlier slap he knew better than to try to dissuade me but I noted his actions were less than enthusiatic. He licked his right index figure and brought it back to his hole, hesiating for a second before he rubbed it lightly over the puffy red skin around his hole. "Yeah, get that pussy wet boy" I taunted him as I picked up the VCR remote and hit Play. As the tape began, I told him " Back on all fours and watch the video". He lifted his head and looked at the video of him and his rapist walking into the playroom. With a strangled cruy he began stammering out something " Sir, No, Please Sir, I'm sorry Sir". My loud shout of "Shut the fuck up, bitch, and watch the video" silenced him except for an occasional sob and some whimpering. I began lightly rubbing the outside of his sore fuck hole with my hard dick. "Whose hole is this, slut?" I demanded from him. "Yours, Sir" he said in a quiet voice. On the screen he was already sucking the fat uncut cock of the top before him. Watching him so obviously enjoying the tasty meat in from of him and unaware of the abuse to come refueled my anger at him. "Obviously my property was used without my permission" I said in a husky voice as I pulled my cock back away from his hole. To my amazement his hole opened slightly and a trickle of cum oozed out. "Look at this" I said " your pussy is leaking cum, someone else's cum" I continued in a dangerous tone " Listen to me, slut. You broke the rules and by all accounts you are so fucking out of here. BUT do what I tell you and I MIGHT think about it. Yes or no, boy ?" In a timid shaking voice " he sputtered " Yes, Sir". On the screen he was just about to be penetrated so I hit pause and pulled out a dildo about the size and length of his rapist's. Pulling a condom over it to keep from being contaminated with whatever gunk was in his hole, I handed it to him unlubed. "Now, bitch, you take this dildo and you watch the screen. I don't want to see your eyes leave it until the tape is finished. Whatever you see that cock on the screen doing, you do it with this dildo. If it's getting sucked you suck it. If it's fucking you, fuck yourself the same way it's fucking you, as hard and as deep" I ordered. " the only lube you get is the drool you slobber on it when sucking it". Sitting back I grabbed my swollen cock and the remote. Hitting play, I barked " Now do it". On the screen the cock was pressed to his hole and he quickly brought the dildo to his red and puffy hole. Mimicking the action on screen, he held the dildo steady and slowly backed onto it. With his eyes fixed to the TV he matched his assault on the screen stroke for stroke, even whimpering in unison with himself when the thrusts were particularly deep or vigorous. I slowly stroked my cock, not wanting to cum before his performance ended. Recognizing the moment when the top told him it was too late to spare his tortured hole from his cum, I grabbed his hand with the dildo and pulled it away. Aiming my rock hard cock at his open hole I thrust all the way in, beginning to ejaculate just as the head breached the sore hole. Pumping three or four time I emptied my searing load into his abused pussy, then abruptly withdrew my still hard cock and stood up. "Clean your fucking ass slime off my cock, bitch" I screamed and grabbed his arm to yank him around and down to his knees in front of me. Eagerly he slurped every bit of blood, ass slime and cum, both old and new off my cock. Pushing him off my cock I let him kneel there, eyes down as I dressed and grabbed the video tape. " Okay, I thought about it" I said in a flat voice, " I'm going out for a few hours, pack your shit up and get out, you motherfucking, cheating piece of crap". Then I left.
Date: Sun, 06 Jan 2002 12:26:54 -0800 From: [email protected] Subject: dorm-domination-2 Dorm Domination Chapter 2 by [email protected] Disclaimers: * Don't read this if it's illegal to read this where you live. * This is a story about men having sex. If you don't want to read this, go elsewhere. * The characters aren't having safe sex because this is fantasy. Please use condoms when you have sex. * Post this story freely and widely, but please include my email credit if you do. * * * * * From Chapter 1: I heard a knock at the door and hid behind the door. Doug answered. It was Greg, our RA. "My roommate is a faggot," I heard Doug tell Greg. "I want a transfer to a different room. Just look at him." Doug pulled me by the arm until I was face-to-face with Greg, a jock star soccer player. Cum dripped off of my face, my jeans were stained with my own cum, and Doug put me close enough that Greg must have smelled ass on my face. Greg smirked a condescending little smirk. "Do you see this?," Doug asked. "Fucking faggot can't control himself. I need to room with a real man, not this fagboy." "I think we can find a suitable replacement," Greg said, still smirking. So that's what led to today, with Mike the jock walking through the door. My first thought was, I wonder if he knows Doug... * * * * * Chapter 2 Mike set his things down and stepped into the room for the first time. His skin-tight tank top outlined his muscled pecs and abs nicely. The soccer shorts he was wearing bulged in the front and showed off his buff, hairy legs. I wondered if I would ever get to see what was underneath those shorts. We made our introductions and Mike was genuinely nice. He asked what had happened with Doug ("personality differences," I told him) and he told me that housing had messed up his application, and he'd been living in a hotel until this room became available. We spoke more in those first few minutes than Doug and I ever had; it was a nice change to have a roommate I liked. It was getting late, and Mike said, "Let's go eat." As I came to learn, the way Mike spoke said volumes about his personality. It was never, "Do you want to come eat now?," or, "Could you pass me the salt, please?" It was "Let's go eat" or "Pass me the salt." Mike always knew what he wanted and he demanded it. At dinner, as I stood up, he said, "Get me some more orange juice," and handed me his glass. Of course I got it for him (with my cock getting half hard in my jeans just from serving this manboy). From the beginning, we both knew who the alpha male was. When we got back to the room, Mike put his things away while I finished up some homework. I had a mirror on my desk, and a couple of times, I could see Mike bending over to put something away. He briefs stuck up a little over the top of the soccer shorts. His ass was like something sculpted by a master artist. I could have set a glass on it. It was perfect, like everything I had seen so far on Mike. The last time I glanced in my mirror, Mike was changing and I saw his ass through the white material of his briefs. He looked over his shoulder and I blushed. He might have caught me looking. As the night was winding down, Mike finished making his bed and flopped down on it, wearing only those sexy soccer shorts. "Alex, come here," he said, patting the bed next to him for me to sit. "There's a problem that we need to work out." I instantly became nervous. This seemed a little bit like what had happened with Doug. But Mike didn't look angry. What was going on? Was this a trap? Why did he want me to sit next to him? With my heart pounding, I cautiously went to sit next to him. "I won't bite," Mike said, smiling that 15 megawatt smile of his. That removed all doubt. I would have walked through a desert with no water just to see that smile. I sat down next to him, feeling the warmth from his body. This was the closest I had gotten to him. He put his arm around me and I felt the strength of his grip. "My problem, Alex," Mike said, "Is that I left my bitch back home when I started college. And I have sexual needs. Many sexual needs." My face was turning red. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "This is the problem," he said, and grabbed his crotch in one hand. A big slab of meat was outlined in those soccer shorts of his. "And this is the solution." He caught me completely off guard. He grabbed my neck and pulled me down so that my face was in his crotch, his hard dick pressing against my cheek. I think back on that moment now as the moment when everything could have changed. I could have said, "Fuck you. I'm NOT a faggot. What the hell are you doing?" He might have even expected that. Instead, I hesitated. And like all those who hesitate, I was lost. After a few seconds of smelling crotch and feeling the heat from his cock and feeling the wet stickiness forming on my cheek, I started to say in a muffled, pathetic voice, "Mike, I'm not. . ." and Mike started to laugh. "You can try to protest, Alex, you can try. But right now, in this moment, we both know what you are and what you need." His strong hands were rubbing my face against his package. "I don't know what you're talking. . ." I tried to say through mouthfuls of his soccer shorts. "Yes you do," Mike said. "And whether you admit it to me now or later when my cock is in your ass or after you've eaten my cum or after I've loaned you out to some of my friends for them to use your mouth and ass, you WILL admit it. You need men. You need to suck cock and eat cum and eat assholes and get fucked. You are what I call an Omega male - the lowest man in the pack. You need Alpha males like me to put you in your place and to show you the ultimate fulfillment of what you know yourself to be. You need a man like me in your life to help you become what you want to be: the server of men, the pleaser of men." My drool now covered the entire crotch of his shorts. I could have said something - should have said anything to protect my pride - but I remained speechless, controlled by this man. "You may admit this in the form of a grunt when you suck my cock or a plea for me to fuck you harder. We will both know exactly what it means, because I had you pegged as a cocksucker from the second I walked through that door." "All this talk has made me horny," Mike said. "Take my shorts off, not my underwear, and don't you dare suck my cock yet." I could have denied anything up to this point: Mike had coerced me, I didn't know what he meant, we were just fooling around. But this - voluntarily taking his shorts off - would mean that he was right about everything, would be part of the admission he was looking for. My hesitation was as short as a heartbeat, and then his short were off. "Good cocksucker," he said, and I could tell he was smirking. "Now smell right here." He pointed to where his leg met his crotch. "I want you to remember that smell; it's one that you're going to know quite well very soon. It's the smell of the man who lords over you, the man who controls you, and the man who knows what you want more than you do sometimes. Do you understand?" I inhaled deeply, and was rewarded with a heady smell, like all the best parts of a men's locker room, and like a room smells after sex. It was distinct to Mike, and I knew I would always associate this smell with the man who now controlled me. "Good, cocksucker," Mike almost purred. "Now strip and get on your knees. You should get very familiar with this position, too." I did as he ordered, and he stood over me. Standing in only his shorts, Mike looked more spectacular than even I had thought: beautiful boy face on top of a man's body, broad shoulders, meaty pecs, defined lats which came down in a V which pointed all of my attention to his crotch and the bulging package there. "Now we're going to take this slowly," he said. "Pull my underwear down so that my public hair is showing. No more." I did as he told. He had a trail of hair running from his navel to his underwear which fanned out as I pulled his underwear down. Pubic hair had never struck me as particularly sexy, but on Mike it was. I stopped as I exposed a small portion of the base of his dick. "Kiss it, right above my cock. You will learn to worship every part of my body. You will love my body, every inch." I kissed his pubic patch, his curly hairs tickling my lips and nose. His scent was strong here. "Uncover my cock," he said. "Do not touch it with your hands yet." I pulled down his briefs slowly. From the base, I watched his cock grow... and grow. . . and grow. It was and is to this day the perfect cock. Veins crisscrossed his cock which was big and thick. Numbers about its length and girth do not do justice to the power and weight and sheer masculinity of Mike's cock. It was the true embodiment of manhood. My hunger to touch and taste it became foremost in my mind. Above me, Mike started to chuckle. "You are not the first boy to have that look on your face when you've seen my cock. Swallow, bitch. You're about to drool." "Kiss the head," Mike said. I reached up to touch it. "DO NOT touch it." He barked. "Only your lips. Kiss my cock." I did as he told, my hands coming to rest on his furry thighs. I kissed just the tip, and his cock jumped. My own cock jumped; he liked this. As my lips pulled back, and string of precum from his cock followed, stretching between us, connecting me to Mike. "Look at me," Mike ordered. "Do you like precum?" I nodded my head. "Answer me in your own words." I licked my lips as I opened my mouth to speak. His precum flooded my tastebuds. I was tasting Mike, the essence of Mike. "I like cum and precum from most guys," I said. "But from you, it is a gift from a god." Mike's smile was more reward than I could have expected. His grin became his face, and I felt his cock throb, leaving a spot of precum on my chin. "You and I are going to get along very well," he said. "Now, my balls." I pulled his underwear past his balls, which looked small compared with his dick, but would have been huge on most guys. They had a light sprinkling of hair on them, and one hung lower than the other. He lifted his hard cock out of my face. "Suck them. Both at the same time. I want to see you struggle to get them in your mouth." I licked his balls, knowing that his cum - and my reward - was inside. I covered my teeth with my lips and gently put his first nut in my mouth, filling it almost completely. As I tried to get his second nut in my mouth, my teeth scraped against his ballsac. He winced and raised his hand as if to hit me, anger flaring in his eyes. "Treat them better, or you will pay, bitch," he said, his voice laced with anger and warning. Finally, I was able to get his second ball in my mouth, my cheeks puffing out obscenely. I had to breathe through my nose. Mike groaned, his eyes closed, and his hand dropped to his side, his pleasure obvious. He dropped his hard cock and it slapped me in the forehead, leaving a trail of precum in my hair. I stared at his gorgeous face past his cock. "This is the way the world should be," he said. "My balls in a cocksucker's mouth and both of us with a hard on." "Now I will tell you about the contract we are forming, you and I. This cock," he said, lifting his dick up and letting it smack down on my face, "Is now your responsibility. Any time I want to cum, you will be there to make it happen. Any time I feel like sticking my cock in a hot mouth or ass, it will be yours that it will fill, unless I chose another convenient hole, or unless you don't deserve my cock at that time. You will know my schedule and my cock's schedule, and you will be getting a pager. Any time you receive a 69 message, you will respond to where I am and you will service me how I want. I know cockhounds like you need to get off sometimes to keep the interest up, and I will let you beat your pathetic meat sometimes. But your wants and your cock will never get in the way of me getting what I want. If you violate these conditions, you may never get to touch me or this cock again. That should be a worse punishment than anything else I can think of. Are we clear?" I nodded my head up and down carefully, making sure not to yank on his balls too much. "Good, cocksucker. To think that I was lucky enough to get a cocksucking roommie like you. . ." He pulled my mouth off of his balls. "Enough foreplay." He jammed my still-open mouth down on his cock, all the way down so that my nose hit his pubes and I had to concentrate to not gag on the huge cock now filling my mouth and throat. I could feel Mike groan as he held my head tight against his body. "Doug was crazy," Mike said. "He doesn't appreciate the value of a good cocksucker, and I can tell you're one already." I tried to pull off his cock to say something about Doug. Mike and Doug had talked about me. I wanted to kill Doug at that moment. But that also meant that Mike had chosen me, had chosen to be my roommate, and had chosen me to be his cocksucker. I tried to pull off of Mike's cock, but his strong arms held me fast. "Not so fast, bitch," he snarled. "Yes, Doug and I are both on the wrestling team. He told me about requesting a transfer because his cocksucker roommate had made a pass on him. What Doug doesn't understand it that, while you're a whore, you're a valuable whore. Guys like me need guys like you to get our rocks off. Doug was too quick to judge. I might let him use you again. We'll see." Mike was now bobbing my head up and down his cock, from head to base. I gagged once, but Mike pressed on. He was using my mouth to masturbate. "What Doug also didn't understand is that for some of you faggots, the ass is the real prize. Lots of guys will suck a cock, but Doug told me you eat ass real nice. My ass needs eating almost as often as my cock needs sucking, so you're in luck, bitch. But Doug gave you his ass too easy. You're going to have to earn a chance to taste my ass, faggot." "You're already almost as good as the cocksucker I had at home," Mike said, and my ears perked up. "It took me four years to train him to suck cock this good. You must have had a lot of practice servicing real men's cocks." I wondered who this guy was who Mike had trained. That must have been how he knew what I needed so well - he had found another guy to service him in his home town. Where was that guy now, I wondered. I had little time to wonder, as Mike's cock was demanding all of my attention. I ran my hands slowly up his legs until I was grabbing his perfect ass cheeks in my hand. They were covered with a little bit of hair, not too much, with more in the crack of his ass. He had been right about that - I did want to taste his ass more than anything else on his body, with the possible exception of his cum. Mike's cock began expanding in my mouth, and his breathing became faster. "I'm about to cum, fagboy," he said, "But you are not going to eat it just yet. When I tell you to, you pull your cocksucking mouth off of my cock, and you are going to catch all of my cum in your hands. I've got a special treat for you. Any that you miss, you will lick up off the floor. Are we clear?" I nodded my mouth yes around a throatful of cock. His cock got impossibly large in my mouth, and I feared for a moment that I wouldn't be able to take it out of my mouth when the time came. "Here it comes, bitch, catch it all!" he moaned. I pulled off quickly and brought my hands to the head of his dick, forming a trap for his manseed. His first blast squirted hard enough to get through my fingers, and ran down the back of my hand. Mike bucked wildly, and I had to keep my hands moving to make sure I got it all. He was beautiful as he came, the embodiment of masculinity, the muscles all up and down his torso thrashing as he brought himself off, his head thrown back, and the grunts from his gut as he shot his hot load. All too quickly, he was done. His hand slowed down and then stopped jacking his beautiful cock. He walked away towards the bed, my hands cupped together with his hot semen. He knelt on the edge of the bed, his ass towards me, and I got my first look of his ass in the flesh, unobstructed by any clothing. Perfectly symmetrical, the crack darkened by a light smattering of hair, his ass was porn star quality, and I wanted to bury my face in the crevice for about four days. He got on all fours and looked at me through his legs. His ass, balls, and dangling cock were all visible, a picture burned forever into my memory. "Come here, bitch," he said, his voice deeper and more relaxed after cumming. "Come here and bring that cum with you." I waddled over, still on my knees, wondering what the hell he had in store for me next. "Smear my cum on my ass, you slut. I'm gonna give you a treat you'll never forget." I opened my hands and poured his huge load into that dark crack of his. I wiped the remainder from my hands on the crack itself, amazed at the heat from his hole. "Eat, faggot," he said. "I know you want it. Eat my cum from my asshole. Eat a real man's cum from his hole. And you are going to cum on my hole and eat that, too." My cock throbbed and I brought my face to his cum filled crack. The smell and the taste of his ass and his cum mingled. He smelled of mansex and cum and everything that makes a man a man. After one lick of his hole covered with cum, I was cumming. I stood up, his cum and ass juices still on my face and in my mouth and up my nose. I brought my cock close enough to his hole, and after three quick strokes, my own cum shot out and joined his in his crack. "Yeah!" Mike shouted. "Cum while eating my cum, you cocksucking whore. Cum all over this ass which you are going to worship every morning and every night. Cum because I told you to cum and you do what I tell you, bitch." I had never cum so hard in my life. Some of my cum flew over his ass and onto Mike's back. Most landed in his crack or on his exposed asshole. Some flew on his balls. As I was heading back down from my orgasmic high, Mike said, "You're not done yet, bitch. It's time to clean me up." My cock, which had been deflating, got instantly hard again. I looked down to his cum soaked ass and dove in. I cleaned up his ass and back and balls, savoring our mingled juices. Mike got tired of being on all fours and lay down on his bed, me worshipping that perfect ass and eating our cum. I was hard again and wanted to cum but I would wait for Mike to give me the word. When I was done, I kissed each of his ass cheeks one last time, and started to walk to my bed. Mike sat up and patted the spot beside him on his bed. "Come here," he commanded, and there was no hesitation for me this time. I sat next to him, and he looked at me. "You did well tonight," he said, and then he did something which surprised me more than anything he had done tonight. He kissed me. He pulled my neck to meet him, and he pushed his lips hard against mine. His tongue snaked out and found mine, and was gone before I knew what had happened. This man - this GOD - had kissed me. "Goodnight," he said as he fell back in bed, and turned out the only light in our room. Stunned from the kiss I had just gotten (What did it mean? I didn't think he would do anything to please me. What the HELL?!), I stumbled to my bed. As I lay down, I could still smell his scent - crotch, cock, ass, cum - on my face. With my belly full of Mike's cum, I fell asleep and dreamed of sex. TO BE CONTINUED. . . * * * * * Administrative Stuff: * Thanks for all the encouragement so far. Fan emails are welcome but not required ([email protected]). I'm not the type of guy to hold the story hostage; I will continue to write the story even if I don't get emails. I'm assuming someone out there likes the stories. * I have a rough outline for part 3, but it might take me a while to write it. Email me if you have suggestions, but I can't promise I'll include them. * About me: I'm 28, love rimming, and like to get dominated by guys under 35. I currently live in LA, though I may be moving to SF in August. If you're interested in hooking up, email me with a picture and we'll see what we can do.
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2001 08:02:56 -0500 From: t a Subject: Neighbors Entertainment part 4 Disclaimer - this is a work of fiction involving consensual male sex. Don't read it if that offends you. Neighbors Entertainment pt 4 Last Friday night Matt called me up again. I knew the drill, and quickly stripped down to my gym shorts. I got over there fast, eagerly awaiting whatever treat was in store for me tonight. Matt let me in and pointed to the living room. Unlike the last several times, there weren't five guys in there waiting for me. Instead there was some blond chick in a robe sitting on the couch. She had an amazing body, but she wasn't the man meat that I had expected... "So this is him?" she asked. Matt nodded. "What are you waiting for, bitch, strip!" he told me. I quickly pulled off my shorts and handed them over. "I've got something a little different planned for you today, bitch. Don't think you're going to get used any less because there's not as many people here!" I nodded, and kept my eyes on the floor. I was turned on as hell, my cock standing nearly straight out. The blond stood up. "Go on, get over there. You can be her mouth bitch too." I hurried over on my knees. She opened up the robe and spread her legs. Her tits were amazing. She beckoned me closer, and grabbed me by the hair. "You heard what he said, bitch. I'm going to use you just as much as you've ever been used before. Now get to work!" I didn't need to be told twice. I started licking and sucking her clit. She moaned and started squeezing her tits. She reached down and shoved two fingers in herself, fucking herself while I licked off her fingers. She was wet as hell and it was making me hot. "All right, that's enough," said Matt. I turned and saw that he was naked, that magnificent cock standing rigidly out. He shoved it into my mouth. "Get it wet, bitch." This was more like it. I stroked it up and down with my lips and tongued the head all over. Just when I was getting into it he pulled out, and sat down on the couch. The girl, fingering herself the whole time, sat on his lap facing me, and he started ramming his cock in her. She was moaning loud as hell. I knew my place. I crawled over and started licking the base of his cock and her clit, savoring the taste of both of them. Now and then Matt would pull his cock out and let me suck the juices off it, then plunge it back in. His balls were getting tight and he was getting ready to explode. With a final moan, his body jerked up and down as he shot load after load in her pussy. They were both sweaty and flushed. I just wanted to taste his cock again. He pulled out of her and told me to clean off his cock. I eagerly licked and sucked every bit of juice off of it. "You want to taste my cum, bitch?" I nodded vigorously. The blond smiled. He reached down and spread her legs. "Well suck it out then." She grabbed me by the back of the head and pulled me in. I had definitely never done that before, but it was good. I loved the taste of his cum, and her moans were making me unbelievably horny. I licked and licked until they pushed me away. "You're right, he is good at doing what he's told," she said, "but there's more I want to see." She got up and went into the bedroom. Matt began stroking his cock. She came back a few minutes later - wearing a strap on! My heart began to race. I had never expected this! She stroked her rubber cock up and down. "Here you go, bitch. Suck on this." I immediately opened up and took it in my mouth. It was very much like a real dick. I worked it with my mouth and hands while she fucked my mouth. Matt got up and put his cock in my mouth too. They tag teamed me for quite a while. Then she pulled away and he pushed his cock all the way down my throat several times. He pulled out, and I saw that she had moved behind me. "You don't mind if I fuck him, do you Matt? I've always wanted to fuck some little bitch. Spread em!" I couldn't believe this! I spread my legs wide though, and braced myself. She must have lubed it, because the strapon went in pretty easy. Matt stopped fucking my mouth long enough for her to build up a good rythym of fucking me. I couldn't believe it - I was being fucked by a woman! She was moaning heavily too, so it must have turned her on a bit. She was really rough too, holding my hips and slamming into me. It was easy to tell that Matt was turned on - he rammed his cock into my mouth over and over, and finally he shot a massive load. I swallowed the whole thing and kept his softening meat in my mouth for several minutes while she reamed me. She finally pulled out and I lay there, exhausted. She smacked my ass. "Good little bitch, I can see why Matt likes you. I think we can really have some fun with you..." Matt nodded. "You're right...but now it's time for you to get the fuck out. Go on!" I gathered myself and my shorts and got out as fast as I could. What would happen next? [email protected]
Date: Sat, 03 Feb 2001 02:19:40 -0600 From: t a Subject: Neighbors Entertainment, pt. 1 Usual disclaimer: This involves man on man action, so don't read it if it offends you; the events and characters are fictional. Good Neighbors, pt. 1 Recently I changed jobs and moved into a new town. I didn't know anyone there, much less anyone in the gay scene, so I pretty much kept to myself. There were no decent guys around at all, until the apartment next to mine got new tenants. Two hot guys moved in. They looked like they had just graduated from college, and from the looks of it, they were in great shape. During the summer I used to sneak peeks at them in our apartment pool when I could. But they were obviously straight. I had many nights of jerking off listening to them fuck whatever girls they had brought home for the night, wishing it was me they were fucking. We never said more than hello until one night when I was coming back from the gym. Their music was up loud, and it sounded like they were having a party. As I walked by their door one of them, the tall one with the goatee, walked out with a beer in his hand. "What's up, man? You want to join the party? There's plenty of beer. Go on in, I've just got to get something out of my car." I was surprised, but excited. Hell, I'd get to drink and stare at these guys. Why not? "Hey, sure. Thanks." He was already past me walking to his car. I pushed open the door and walked in. There were four guys sitting around a foosball table, drinking beer. They were an okay looking bunch. They all looked like they were basketball players or something. They were definitely bigger than I was, and I try to keep in shape. We chatted for a couple of minutes about nothing, then the first guy, Mike I think his name was, came back in. "Sweet!" said one of the guys. "Here's the entertainment." The others laughed. Mike was carrying some porn tapes. I started to think about all those guys around me getting hard in their shorts, and I found my own meat starting to get hard. The shorts I was wearing were just gym shorts, they definitely couldn't keep my cock down, so I tried to think of something else. No one noticed though, and we crowded around the TV while Mike put in the tape. I was on a couch with two other guys, and the others were on various chairs. The movie was pretty sexy. I don't know about anyone else, but I love watching someone suck on a big dick, I don't care if it's a guy or a girl. There were all these chicks getting face fucked, and I was definitely turned on. I started looking out of the corner of my eye at the guys next to me, trying to see if they were getting hard. I definitely was. Mike spoke up. "So that's a nice cock, huh?" He was looking right at me. I wasn't sure what to think. "Uh, I guess, if you're a chick, yeah. I don't know." He kept staring at me. "You know, we've seen the way you look at us." I started to protest, but he held up his hand. "Now, I figure, we've given you our beer, it's time for you to give something to us. Right guys?" The other four nodded. All of them were staring at me. I was totally turned on, but I played along. "Hey, I don't know what you're talking about. I think you're confused." I stood up like I was going to go. The guys on either side of me stood up too and shook their heads. "Go on over to the TV. Go on." I walked over in front of it, and turned to face them. "Now give us a little strip show. I want you naked, bitch." I don't think they knew how hot I thought this was. I stripped down to my shorts. "Everything." So I slipped off my shorts and underwear and my cock popped out. It was nothing great, but it wasn't bad either. It's about 6" and cut. I was rock hard now, naked in front of five bigger guys, and liking it. "I think he likes this, guys." The others nodded. "It'll be nice to have a bitch right next door. We'll see how well he does though. On your knees, bitch." I dropped. "It's my house, so you can serve me first, motherfucker. Crawl over here!" I crawled over to his chair. He stood up, and motioned me to come closer. I did, and pulled off his pants. His cock bounced out, and I don't think I could have hoped for more. It was a good 9" and thick as hell. I couldn't wait to go to work, but I waited for him to boss me around. "You like this, don't you." I nodded. He started stroking his meat. "You're gonna be a hot cocksucker for me and my friends right?" I nodded, my eyes on his cock. He thrust his hips at me and I took that as a sign to get started. I wrapped one hand around the base and started stroking the rest up and down. He moaned and put his hands on the back of my head. Then I wrapped my lips around his rubbery meat and started working it, sucking and licking the best I could. He tasted fantastic. Moaning in ecstasy, he started to fuck my mouth, so I tried to stay still and not hit him with any teeth. Apparently he liked it, because he started bucking wildly. "You're gonna swallow it all, bitch, swallow it all!" I just held on to his hips and enjoyed his cock sliding in and out of my mouth. It was nice to see such a hot cock covered in my saliva. Soon after he rewarded me with a big load of cum. It had been a while, so I gagged a little and some ran down my chin onto my chest. When he had finished, he kept sliding his meat in and out as it got softer. I cleaned every inch of it off, but he shook his head. "No, no. You didn't swallow it all," he said, "so now you're gonna get punished." I couldn't say anything, my mouth was full. The other four got up and circled around me. I felt a little trapped, but I knew what they wanted, and I was going to give it to them. My own cock was leaking, and I was close to shooting my load all over. They started stripping, and all of them had really hot cocks. Mike pushed me away. "Now let's see how you do with four cocks, bitch. I hope your mouth and ass are ready.I think we're going to enjoy being neighbors." He smiled. He was right. END want more let me know, [email protected]
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 06:02:27 -0600 From: t a Subject: Neighbors Entertainment part 3 Disclaimer: This fictional story involves man on man sex. If that offends you, don't read it! Neighbors Entertainment, part 3 The next Saturday afternoon I was just sitting around watching tv, wondering if these guys were ever going to use me again. I really liked being their bitch. I didn't have long to wait though. There was a knock on my door and my heart started racing. It was Matt from next door. "All right, bitch. We're having a get-together tonight, and you're the party favor." I nodded. "Come over at eight, and dress like we talked about. You'll do what you're told, right?" I nodded again. "Good boy." He turned and left. As soon as the door was shut I pulled out my dick and started jerking off like crazy. Serving these hot cocks turned me on like nothing else. I couldn't wait until it was time for the party! At exactly eight o'clock I knocked on their door. I could hear several guys talking inside. I was wearing what I was supposed to - gym shorts and nothing else. My hairless cock was already semihard. Matt answered the door, and looked me up and down. "Good boy, I'm glad you can follow instructions. Get in here." I stepped inside. There were five guys sitting around the tv, drinking beer. They all turned and looked hard at me. I recognized a couple of them from the last time. Matt shut the door and pushed me into the middle of the room. "Hand em over," he said. I slid my shorts off and handed them to him. I was totally naked in front of these guys and my shaved cock was only getting harder. I didn't know what to expect next. "So this is the party bitch, huh," said one of the new guys. "I think I'd like to try him out." He stood up and started pulling off his belt. Matt pushed me from behind. "On your knees!" I got down in a hurry, and crawled over in front of the guy. Another one stood up and walked over. He dropped his pants and waved a sweet 7" cock with a fat head in my face. "Get to work!" He didn't need to tell me twice. I started stroking it up and down and tonguing the head. He closed his eyes and moaned. The other guy stuck his meat in my face so Iwrapped my lips around it and let him fuck my mouth, in and out. I kept stroking the other guy, and started going back and forth with my mouth, keeping both of them moaning in total ecstasy. After a while I began rubbing their cocks together, moving my tongue all over and around them, keeping both cocks coated with saliva. They tasted fantastic. I closed my eyes and did everything I could to please them. Apparently it worked, as their moans got louder and louder. One of them grabbed me by the hair and started fucking my mouth hard and deep, until he shot a huge load right down my throat. The other one couldn't take anymore so he pushed his cock up against my full mouth and came on my face. I licked every drop off their cocks. I knew my place. They backed off and sat down. "Damn, Matt, you were right, he is good!" I stayed on my knees, wiping their juice off my face and licking it up. "Have you ever fucked him?" "No, I never have. I had an idea about that though. He's a damn good mouth bitch, but it's definitely time to fuck him. I don't want to be selfish though, so I'll give everyone a fair shot. How about we play some poker, and the guy that's ahead after an hour gets to be the first to fuck our little bitch here. Sound good?" They all laughed and nodded. I couldn't believe it! Not only had it been a damn long time since I was fucked, but I was going to be some kind of prize? Matt moved a chair right in front of the tv. "Sit," he said. I sat down in it, wondering what was next. He held up several pieces of rope. "Tie him up." They tied my arms and legs to the chair. I couldn't move. "You sit here and watch this. It's a preview of what's going to happen to you." He started up a videotape, and they all went to the kitchen table to play. I couldn't see them so I settled down to watch the movie. It was, predictably, a porn tape. It was all about this guy getting fucked every possible way by a group of guys. I was rock hard. I watched this guy suck and get fucked by at least fifty guys before the hour was up. Finally I heard Matt and the others clapping and laughing. They walked into the living room. "All right, bitch, you ready? You're really in for it now!" Matt laughed. They untied me and pushed me on my knees. One of the new guys walked up to me. "Get in his pants and see what you're getting!" I eagerly went to work pulling off his pants. I almost had a heart attack. His cock was huge! These other guys were big, but he was really hung. I stroked it until it was hard, and I had to sit back and admire it! It must have been 11", but it was fat as hell, with a gigantic head. "I'll let you work on it a little first," he said, and laughed. "But sooner or later I'm going to fuck the hell out of you. That's what you want, right?" I pulled my eyes from his dick. "Yes sir. I want you to shove your meat in and out of me until you shoot your load in me. I want to be your ass bitch and your mouth bitch. May I please suck on it?" He nodded and shoved it into my mouth. I could only get a small bit of the length in. I savored the taste of it, and licked every inch. He had plenty of length for my hands though, and I jerked him hard up and down while he moaned like crazy. This was the hottest cock I had ever seen or sucked. After a while he pushed me away. "You better grab onto that chair." I turned around and put my head in the chair seat and grabbed the back of it. He slapped my ass and I spread my legs as far as I could. "You ready bitch?" I could feel his head at my asshole. He put one hand on my hip. "Here we go!" The other guys laughed. It took him a while to work it in. I gritted my teeth and held on for dear life. Slowly he started to push in and out of me, and worked up until he was banging the hell out me with that monster cock. It was good though, I liked being this stud's bitch. Matt pulled the chair away put his dick in my face. I did my best to suck him good while being plowed, but it was damn hard. I'd never been gangbanged, ever. Matt didn't mind though, he shot hard in my mouth, and I had to swallow fast. Two more of them had my mouth before the guy behind me came. He started going even fasted and harder with his hands on my shoulders. He jerked with huge spasms as he came load after load in me. Finally he was done, and I was exhausted. I had come too and hadn't even noticed! After everyone calmed down, Matt threw my shorts at me. "All right, bitch, get out. You've been a good bitch and you better be ready for the next time we want you." I couldn't wait. [email protected]
Nifty Archive: neighbors-entertainment SizeDateFilename 4KApr 15 18:46neighbors-entertainment-4 6KMar 16 20:13neighbors-entertainment-3 4KFeb 7 19:47neighbors-entertainment-2 6KFeb 3 21:06neighbors-entertainment-1
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 2021 10:46:28 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 34 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN -- STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 34 (Canberra and Melbourne) Two men with light hangovers met at the bathroom door. The sun was about to reach the balcony outside. "Do you know where Colin is?" Bill asked his brother. "I don't know, honestly. I went back to sleep after the most sexy wake-up I've had for years," Ruairidh answered. "What did he say when he found you beside him in bed this morning?" Bill went on. "He didn't comment. He just gave me the best blow-job ever." Ruairidh scratched his hanging balls. "Well, his sports bag is gone, so I guess he is having a morning swim in the pool." Bill tried to cover his morning-wood. "So, you haven't had your morning service then?" The older brother grinned and gave Bill a light spank on his butt. "After last night's show I think I need to take it easy, Bro. He was good last night, wasn't he?" Bill shouted as he entered the bathroom. He tried to make his hard-on ready for the morning ritual. "He was the one to ask me to company you in bed, you know. I was almost in dreamland," Ruairidh responded. He was dressed in khaki this morning. "You were not! You were using your right hand, and Colin felt sorry for you being alone." Bill turned on the shower. "Are you sure he is just swimming?" Ruairidh was standing in the open bathroom door, admiring his brother in the shower. "He said something about a masseur yesterday." The man did not turn away when Bill soaped his lightly haired body. "You really are in good shape, Willy. Your body is as hard today as it was forty years go." Ruairidh turned and left. He felt a growing erection, but it was not the time or the place for that. A few minutes later, Ruairidh called out. "Colin is coming, Bro. He's crossing the street now. I'll meet him and take him to the breakfast room. You hurry up!" Ruairidh looked at his brother with a towel around his wet hair. The damp body was shining in the morning light. Ruairidh had to adjust his bulge again. Colin had filled a huge plate before Bill arrived -- egg, bacon, sausages and potatoes, and plenty of HP sauce. Ruairidh had started a bit more easy with scrambled eggs and fruit. Bill soon found a classic oatmeal porridge and a triple juice. The waiter brought black coffee. "It's been a hard day's night!" Colin started the Beatles song as he looked at the two brothers, both with an obvious morning-after look. "You ready for sightseeing, uncle." "Aye, aye. I'm fit for a long walk." Ruairidh straightened up. "Then we will check out and head for Melbourne. I just talked to Kirsty. She will make us a late supper tonight at home. And Paul searched for you on the `net, Colin. He told his mother that he found some very sexy pictures of you." Colin blushed. He went to find some Danish pastry, and some chilled water-melon. "Did you see the masseur this morning?" Ruairidh changed the topic when Colin was back. "Aye, we had a very hot meeting after 2000 metres freestyle!" Colin winked. "Now I just need to brush my teeth, guys. Are you ready?" Colin ended the chat. The very sexy youngster in a tight outfit crossed the reception area towards the lift. *** Ruairidh was happy to take his guests on a guided tour of what he considered the most important buildings of Australia's capital city. "We will start with the Australian War Memorial which was opened in 1941," he said as they set off in the car. They were able to park within walking distance of the memorial. Bill and Colin admired the view down Anzac Parade towards the parliament building before they entered it. The Commemorative Area was calm as you would expect and there were some people standing or sitting in quiet contemplation by the rectangular pond in the outdoor space. They saw the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in the Hall of Memory and then visited the small museum. Back outside the Memorial building complex, they gazed at the statue of `Simpson and his donkey' which was erected to commemorate a soldier killed less than four weeks after he had arrived at Gallipoli in 1915. They learned how he and his donkey had transported wounded soldiers under enemy fire and were reminded of the self-sacrifice of many in times of war. Nearby was a tree planted in 1934 as a memorial to those killed at the Battle of Lone Pine in 1915. As they drove towards the national parliament, Colin asked Ruairidh if he was now an Australian citizen. "Aye, I give up my British passport and became an Australian citizen in my early twenties," replied Ruairidh. "I always regarded myself as a Scot rather than a Brit so it wasn't a big deal. Now I'm proud to be an Aussie." Parliament House was impressive and they were content to admire it from the outside. "I read that the design was based on the shape of two boomerangs," said Colin. "That's correct although I can't really see it," said Ruairidh. "Queen Elizabeth opened this building in 1988. It houses both the House of Representatives and the Senate. The Prime Minister's Office is in one wing. Let's move on to the old parliament which I find more interesting." They walked the short distance to Old Parliament House. "This came into use in 1927 when Parliament was transferred from Melbourne," said Ruairidh. "It's now officially known as the Museum of Democracy at Old Parliament House." Ruairidh led them inside and up a flight of stairs to the King's Hall. "You will note the larger than life bronze statue of King George V who was the king when this building was completed. The two debating chambers are on either side." Ruairidh took them into the Senate where they admired the wood panelling. "This is the equivalent of the House of Lords at Westminster and you will see the two thrones for the monarch and consort, or the Governor-General and spouse, on official occasions. Oh, and you will note the red carpet in here. The House of Representatives has a green carpet and these colours were also used in the new building." Bill was surprised to see that the House of Representatives was the same size as the Senate despite having to serve many more members, giving the chamber a cramped look. "The Speaker's Chair is a copy of the one in the British House of Commons," said Ruairidh. Colin had to use the toilet before leaving the building and smiled to himself as he peed where many politicians had done in the past. "There is a garden at the back but I think we should make an immediate start on our journey to Melbourne," Ruairidh said as he looked at his watch. "Whatever you say, Bro." Bill smiled and patted Ruairidh on his back. *** The traffic was rather heavy when they left the capital. A lot of the temporary residents in the city were heading for the New Year celebrations on the coast. After an hour's drive they again reached the main highway from Sydney to Melbourne and the traffic cooled down. "Will you drive for the next hour, Colin? I need a nap. I've had some heavy nights since your arrival!" Ruairidh was yawning. He looked in the rear view mirror where his brother was fighting to keep his eyes open. "I would love to drive this `monster'!" Colin answered. "I'm not that familiar with these automatic cars, but it will be fun." "Shouldn't we stop for a piss soon?" Bill was suddenly awake. "And I'm hungry too." Colin supplied. "We had an early breakfast and we didn't ask for sandwiches, did we?" "No, but I have a plan, Colin love. We will soon reach the city of Wagga Wagga, half way between Sydney and Melbourne. I often stop at a Thai restaurant there when I drive this way. It's one of the highest-ranked Asian restaurants around." Ruairidh looked at his watch. "A bit late for lunch perhaps, but they serve the best green curry you could ask for. What do you say, guys?" "Perfect, Boss. There might be some cute Thai boys there to cheer you up too!" Colin grinned. He was not sure but he thought his uncle blushed. A sign told that they soon would reach a truck stop and a service area. "Let's take a stop here, and allow Willy to empty his bladder. Then you may drive into town afterwards, son." Ruairidh slowed down. The truck stop was pretty full due to the coming holidays, but Ruairidh had obviously been there before and knew exactly what he was looking for. The girls that waited beside the entrance road smiled and yelled at the car. "I guess you aren't looking for service they offer!" Ruairidh teased Colin. "What do they offer you?" Colin tried to play innocent. "There's two young guys over there too - at the other side!" Colin pointed. "They look like Filipinos." "They look for papis," Ruairidh said. "Plenty of men here -- less trouble to buy a young man than a chick." Ruairidh parked the car between two huge lorries at the very end of the parking spot. "You can use mother nature here instead of the stinky toilets," he proclaimed. He was ready to open his shorts. No doubt that the dry forest in front of them had been used as an open landscape toilet before. "I really need a toilet, guys. Too much to eat last night." Bill went past the lorries to find the service rooms at the petrol station. Colin went up beside his uncle, spread his legs and unzipped. "I told you about Olav in Norway, the one I call my piss-brother." Colin found his half-hard small one. "He has a local expression -- a true Norwegian never pisses alone." "I like that!" Ruairidh said. "A lot can be solved among friends in front of a trough." "No trough here though!" Colin moved close to his pissing uncle. His own yellow jet hit the dry ground. "Did you like the Filipinos by the entrance, Boss? Hot guys eh?" Colin teased. "You mean the cock-suckers?" Ruairidh shook his dickhead to clean up. "They hope for a lift as well, I guess -- or a ride." He grinned." Truck-stop tarts we call them." "I want to be your truck-stop tart, Boss. You're horny, aren't you?" Colin used one hand to squeeze Ruairidh's growing cock. His other hand played with the man's balls. "I've been thinking of your mouth for the last hour, boy, but I couldn't hope for a reprise from yesterday." He looked around, but nobody except for the lorry-drivers could see them. When Colin pulled down Ruairidh's shorts and knelt in front of him, he helped the youngster to get the brown veiny cock deep inside. A blowjob from the tart soon became a real mouth-fuck from the man who placed both hands on Colin's head and become very active. Colin responded by groping the man's buttocks and put four fingers - two from each hand - into his arse. Ruairidh moaned and Colin was afraid this happening meant things would be over very soon. He was dripping hard and wanted more. Colin ended the uncomfortable kneeling and rose in front of his uncle. "Please fuck me, Boss - fast and hard. I know you are close. No love session, just a hard fuck. I'll be your whore, uncle! A real whore!" From his pocket he fetched some lube. Then he bent forward and placed his hands on the front of the car. Again Ruairidh looked around, a bit uncertain. He did not see the lorry-driver watching and wanking in the cab of the nearest lorry, but that would probably not have stopped the horny man. Seconds later Colin's shorts were down at his ankles. The jockstrap's side ribbons framed the globes and Ruairidh spread the buttocks to find the boy-cunt. Spit, jelly and the man's own pre-cum greased Colin's hole. The oiled cock searched for the target, and this time Colin did not hesitate. He opened and pushed back. A bit surprised, Ruairidh quickly bottomed in the boy with his huge weapon. "Fuck me, Boss! Do me hard. I'm your whore -- use me, aye, aye..." He gasped every time the man's belly hit his butt. Ruairidh found the wet pouch that covered Colin's hard-on and pulled it free. For the next few minutes the man-cock worked the open arse and a real car-mechanic's hard fist jerked the student's erection. "I'm cumming, Boss...please, please!" Colin sent his cum into Ruairidh's cupping hands. Shortly afterwards Colin felt that his uncle was about to end the show. Ruairidh withdrew and Colin managed to get down on his knees again to catch the spurts emanating from the well-filled balls. Together the two managed to take care of the spunk without splashing the car. "Good boy, good boy! Dried cum is really bad for the car's paintwork!" Ruairidh rubbed the front of his new car. "Sorry for keeping you waiting, guys, but there was a big queue over there. I brought you some cold water. You seem to need refreshment!" Bill grinned, letting the pair know that he was aware they'd been having sex. "You drive, Colin. Off we go! I'll guide you to the Thai restaurant. It's in the middle of the city, but easy to find." Ruairidh pushed him forward. The car adjusted the seat automatically for the smaller driver. They left the truck stop. Colin gave the two Filipino boys a thumbs-up. Ruairidh just smiled. The lunch at the Thai restaurant in the centre of Wagga Wagga was excellent. Colin asked for a medium hot green curry, and was happy for his choice. Bill had ordered a real hot one and ended up with tearful eyes and heavy coughing. "Good for your potency though, Brother!" Ruairidh had commented. Colin had been driving for more than three hours when they reached the outskirts of Melbourne. They found another truck stop and had strong coffee. "Kirsty wants us to go directly to her new apartment in St Kilda. Since we are a bit late she will serve us a hot meal as soon as we arrive," said Ruairidh as he climbed into the driver's seat. "Better for me to drive in the city. You can look around Colin. Melbourne is a very extensive city, with a lot of more or less self-governing settlements." "St Kilda is close to the sea, isn't it?" Colin asked. "I read about a red light district there during the war." "Well, it was - and is - an amusement area. It was probably always a bit bohemian, so I don't know, but it's a nice place to stay. I know that Paul -- Kirsty's son -- has done some kite surfing at St Kilda beach. You ever tried that Colin?" Ruairidh changed lines to avoid the heaviest traffic. "No, I haven't. We have of course plenty of possibilities in Scotland for all kinds of water-sports, but I haven't even tried surfing. I'm probably too conservative." Colin's serious remark was met by an outbreak of laughter from Bill in the backseat. "Do you live far from your daughter?" Bill asked, quickly changing the subject. He had been very silent during the drive. "I live some kilometres north, nearer to the city. I kept my small apartment above the garage when we split. My wife ended up with our house, you see," Ruairidh answered, sounding a bit sore. "But I kept the business!" *** An hour later Ruairidh parked at a guest area beside a modern residential complex. A lift took them to one of the upper floors where they were met by a very welcoming lady in her forties. She hugged her father before she almost pulled Colin and Bill inside. Bill, at bit reserved, greeted her with a handshake, while Colin was met by a tight hug. "Paul, love! They are here!" she shouted and a long-haired, fair guy could be seen coming out from a side room. Barefoot, dressed in wide, knee-length shorts and a baggy singlet with a naked view to his upper body, met them looking very relaxed. With sun-bleached hair and tanned body, both Bill and Colin thought he was breath-taking. Colin swallowed and felt suddenly very grown-up in formal tight shorts and a polo shirt. "Hey Boss! Long drive?" The boy hugged his grandfather, before he gave Bill his hand. "And here's the man who made Boss run away from home, and never return!" He grinned before turning to Colin. "And here's the guy who makes AussieBum look like pensioner's clothing. Cool to have you here, Colin. Too formally dressed though!" He raised his hand for a high-five. "Aye, too hot for us, but we are a bit shy up north, you know!" Colin placed a hand on Paul's naked shoulder. The lad was not as tall as the two brothers, but reached a bit higher than Colin's 1.65m (5ft 4in). "Please come and sit down outside on the balcony for a cold drink. The supper will be ready from the oven in a few minutes. I hope you are hungry! Show your brother the bathroom, if you need to freshen up, Dad." Kirsty dressed in a kaftan-like, sleeveless summer gown, went in front into the very modern apartment. "You may use my bathroom. Colin. This way." Paul placed his hand on Colin's lower arm. The boys went into a small bedroom with a toilet and shower behind a frosted-glass wall. "No time for a shower, I guess, but please change into something lighter. You can borrow some of my stuff." Colin smiled. The room reminded him of the room he shared with Kenny at home. There was used training gear on the floor, some smell of soap and sweat, and the very special smell from young sexually active men. Beside the bed and a chair, the room was filled with computer equipment. Two of the walls were covered with posters of steam locomotives and railway maps. Colin stopped and looked around at the various pictures. "I'm a volunteer on the Puffing Billy Railway," Paul said by way of explanation. "Not as easy to get there since we moved out here, but I do some jobs from time to time." "Cool," Colin said. "Maybe I could go with you one day?" He gave Paul a bright smile. "And where did you find these pictures?" He pointed at two photos of himself in JustColin underwear hanging on the wall above the bed. "You are all over the `net, you know. Damn sexy model!" Paul blushed. Colin did not know what to say. He stripped off his polo shirt and his singlet, and pulled down his city shorts. Dressed only in a white thong with naked buttocks he went into the small bathroom. Paul did not move. "You like the JustColin style?" Colin grinned. "Yes, I do -- very much. But I go commando when hot like today!" He winked and left the bedroom. Colin was almost irritated because he had grown super-hard during the talk with the youngster. Normally he would be very reserved in meeting with `kids' younger than him, but it was something about the whole situation that aroused him. Again he looked at the two pictures above Paul's bed. "I have to find out what else he has from the `net," he thought. "He seems to be very computer-literate and the dirty stuff won't be in the open." Colin kept the tight thong to keep his erection under control and put on a pair of high-cut sport shorts and a super-tight singlet. The silk-like material teased his nipples, which were clearly seen through the light fabric. Barefoot, like young Paul, he entered the balcony and received a cold drink from a smiling Kirsty. The lady was already very familiar with Bill, and she winked at him when Colin arrived. Colin noticed the situation, and could not but smile when he saw his dad and lover blush as if he had been caught in dirty thoughts. Soon afterwards Kirsty called them to the table. "She is flirting with you, Dad. Every man has his price, you once told me. Be careful!" Colin loved the situation. "Hush, idiot!" Bill followed his son inside. The view along St Kilda beach was excellent, and the food was superb -- Indian-style curried chicken and plenty of local red Australian wine. Ruairidh handed Colin the car keys. "Not often I have a private chauffeur," he said. "Just some months now, and you will have that job, Paul." He placed a hand on his grandson's shoulder. "In two weeks. I'll be eighteen on January 10th!" Paul was suddenly very much a teenager. "Cool!" Colin found this new friend's naked knee. Paul did not move away. After supper and in the middle of a second whisky on the rocks, the talk changed to Australian politics and then car business. Paul did not take part in the discussion and Colin's thoughts were at first far away, and then very near. He found Paul's eyes. The two lads talked without words. "Paul has some pictures to show me," Colin said. "Please give me a shout when you want us to leave for your flat, Boss." "No hurry, son. Your beds are ready, and it's free time tomorrow. But don't show him any dirty pictures, Colin. He's still a kid remember!" Ruairidh grinned and slapped Paul's butt. The boy wiggled his arse and hurried in front of Colin into his own room. "It's hot, isn't it?" Colin peeled off the singlet. Paul did not hesitate to copy him. He stripped off his loose t-shirt. Paul was thinner and Colin's body had more definition. For some seconds the two just admired each other. "Please show me what you have found about me on the `net. I've never searched for myself." Colin placed himself behind Paul who sat down and operated three screens with professional skills. "A lot of pictures, but almost JustColin and a German magazine which carried an article about your modelling career. Ian asked me to make a presentation. He fancies you, you know. In fact, he's crazy for you!" Paul smiled. "But he has a very poor internet connection out there so I put stuff on a memory stick for him. Did he tell you?" Paul switched on a presentation. Colin bent down to see better. He placed both hands on Paul's naked shoulders and without thinking he started to give him some neck and shoulder massage. "No Instagram, no Twitter, no Facebook!" Paul sighed. Colin let his hands follow Paul's upper body down to his rock-hard nubs. "But your German pal has some stuff!" Paul showed a picture of young Robin -- naked with a youngster behind which could be Colin. "Aye, it's me. We had some fun inside a public toilet in Copenhagen -- in the Tivoli Gardens! Colin used his fingers to squeeze Paul's nipples. The boy put his head back to find Colin's body. "He's only 17. The biggest cock I've seen on a teenager!" Colin's hands moved down the sides of Paul's body. "And he's a great top." "I have a picture of you with a hard-on too," Paul said. "Can't be very impressive!" Colin said. He wondered what sort of porn-picture could be on the open `net. "Okay!" Colin smiled when Paul brought up the picture. "You can't hardly call me naked. I'm painted. My stiff cock is the head of a snake, you see. It was for a competition in France last summer. The painter was a professional." "Wish I could see the snake without paint, Colin. Ian said you are hot!" Paul left the chair. "He is well-equipped, your little cousin. Told me you had been his sex teacher! Said you are a master of sucking!" Colin placed his hands on Paul's low hanging shorts. "Your free-balling monster seems to be as big as my German friend's!" Paul placed his hands behind his neck and gave a very clear signal that he wanted to be stripped. Colin was not difficult to ask. The boy's cock was a dream of a teenage cock. The head was part covered by foreskin and the 20 cm (8 inch) quite thick dick was pale and smooth. The bush above was more red than fair, and the balls were hard and free from hair. Colin swallowed. His own little one struggled and just waited to get its freedom. "If you still want my snake without paint, you have to unveil the artwork." Colin grinned. Seconds later the two were naked. Stiff cocks met when the two hugged hard. Colin found Paul's firm buttocks and gripped them tightly. Paul's hands moved to Colin's buttocks and spread them. Moments later two fingers played with Colin's entrance. "Please let me suck you, Colin?" Paul could hardly speak. His voice was trembling. "Let's do it 69 then. I want to eat you out. You're so damn hot. I have your spit all over my belly, dirty man!" Colin pushed Paul down onto the bed. The youngster turned around and let Colin's body cover him. "Go on, don't be shy." Colin wanted to see what the youngster was made of. His young cousin in Sydney had called him professional. To Colin's surprise, Paul didn't start with his cock. He managed to have Colin spread his legs. Being a bit taller, he easily found Colin's arse. The hot, wet tongue found the rosebud. "Aye, kid. Eat me out. Eat my pussy." Colin opened his boy-cunt while he found the rock-hard cock and forced the foreskin back with his lips. Paul moaned when Colin treated his cock quite hard. Colin, lying on the top, took command. Soon he managed to swallow the Australian boy-cock. Paul wriggled like a worm, but he was not able to get free. Colin just ate the youngster's beauty. Trying to recover and get his normal breath back, Colin forced his cock into the mouth below. The narrow bed didn't let them move around easily, but soon Paul lifted Colin and placed him on top. Neither of them was into a giving mode. This was just wrestling and fighting for a fast satisfaction. Paul turned Colin around. For a while, the two fucked just with heavy body contact. Paul lifted Colin's legs and spread them. Then he went down on his knees and spat in Colin's crack before he again ate his arse. With tongue and lips the young man worked the love entrance. With one hand, he cupped Colin's ball sack, and with the other hand he played with the erect nipples. The professional treatment made Colin yell and shake, and when Paul penetrated him with his tongue, Colin was already very close to the edge. "Yes, yes, yes...more...more." Colin lifted his hips and the youngster went on. In a way Colin wanted to cool down, to show this kid who was the master, but when Paul put a finger into his arse and formed it like a hook, he could not stop the inevitable. "I'm cumming. baby. I'm cumming, yeah...yeah...yeah, you're crazy man!" White spunk shot hands-free from his cock, while Paul squeezed his ball sack. Without a word Paul let Colin finish, then he climbed onto him and sat down across his body. With an open mouth and the look of a fighter, he wanked his beautiful cock to climax. He pointed at Colin's face. "Eat me, eat me...take me!" The young man's spunk was met by Colin's open mouth. Colin had cum earlier that day, but had still produced a good amount of boy-milk. It was nothing compare to what this teenager delivered. Colin tried to swallow, but streams of jizz dripped down from the sides of his mouth. With cum all around, Paul met Colin's filled mouth. Like in a dirty porn-movie, the two finished the heavy action with kissing. Paul licked Colin's body and then he licked his cock, and Colin returned the service. "Your cousin is right," Colin smiled. "You are a professional cock-sucker. I bet you are a good teacher too!" He winked. Happy for the private shower, the two managed to look relaxed when they entered the group in discussion on the balcony. "You ready to drive to my flat, Colin?" Uncle Ruairidh asked. Colin understood that both the brothers and Kirsty had more than just tasted the whisky Bill had brought. "We'll pick you up for the beach at nine tomorrow night, eh?" Ruairidh looked at Kirsty. "You will come with us tomorrow too, or do you have other plans?" He placed a hand on Paul's shoulder. "No, no! I'll go with you. It's not often we have hunks like these around!" Paul squeezed Colin's butt, while he looked at his grand-uncle and winked. Colin felt some vibrations from his mobile. A short text message arrived. "Hey hottie. You go for New Year at the beach tomorrow? St Kilda Beach? Please meet me by the Main Rescue Tower 10:30 PM if you need some `massage'. Look for our team's blue and red flag. All the guys will be here. Bring swimwear. Mr X." *** There was a big difference between Kirsty's modern upper floor apartment and Ruairidh's small and worn out apartment in the older part of the city. Narrow stairs behind the old garage brought them to the second floor. "I moved in here when my wife and I split up twenty years ago. The previous garage owner lived here, and I should have renovated it, but you know..." Ruairidh stopped himself. "You are very welcome. It's my castle now!" "Over there, Bro." Ruairidh pointed at the bathroom door. He understood his brother's needs. Colin saw suddenly a tired man and went up to him, put his arms around him, and kissed him. Colin was a bit overwhelmed by the strong arms that held him tight and the searching tongue that met him. The kiss became both long and intense and two hands pulled his hips toward his own. Colin felt that the bulge was hard and inviting. "I think I need a shower before I go to bed!" Bill was back and made no comments about the two standing very close. A sound from the tramline was heard outside. On the other side of the street was a well-lit car showroom. "That's my store!" Ruairidh pointed through the window. "That's my life, Willy. Far from Scotland and the green fields of home." Colin heard a proud man, but also one with some regrets. He understood that his dad felt a bit uncomfortable too. "Two old men, a bit drunk, pitying themselves," Colin thought. "I've been driving all day, and it's damn hot here!" he said. "You have a beer for me, Boss? I hope you don't care if I strip! You take your shower, Dad." "Silly me!" Ruairidh woke up. "Let me show you to your room." He went in front into an old-fashioned bedroom with a huge double bed. "A good mattress!" He used his hands to show his guests the bed. "You may do all the actions you wish here, boy." He grinned -- his joyful spirit was back. Colin placed his luggage beside the bed, and then he just stripped. "I feel very much at home, Boss! You have that beer?" Naked he followed his adopted uncle into the kitchen. Bill smiled and rolled his eyes. Little over half an hour later, Colin curled up in Bill's arms. The bed was comfortable and the air-conditioning wasn't bad, but Colin could not sleep. With searching hands, he inspected the body he knew so well. He heard his dad's sighs when he touched his nipples and he knew the absent moaning when he cupped his balls and squeezed them lightly. He loved the feeling when the flaccid cock started to grow, and he loved the reaction when his dad curled his toes and almost lifted his body from the mattress. As had happened many times before, Colin had made his dad's cock change to iron-hard. The love act between the two was long and soft, then fast and rough. Colin - drained earlier by young Paul - gave his dad a mouthful, and Bill was very happy to fill up his young lover for the second time that day. "You'd better see if my brother is okay?" Bill had closed his eyes. "I think he misses company tonight." He yawned. Colin knew Bill would be in dreamland soon. The door to Ruairidh's bedroom creaked lightly when Colin opened it. The man was awake. "You have an arm for me, Boss?" Colin whispered. Ruairidh lifted the light blanket and made room for the naked youngster. Soon after Colin curled up beside a body not so different from the one he just had left. He fell asleep with a caring arm around him. *** "I need to check what's going on at the car showroom," Ruairidh said at breakfast. "Can you two do some sightseeing on your own today?" "Of course we can, Boss," replied Colin. "I have some ideas. You just need to tell us which tram to take to reach the city centre." "No worries. I'll get you Myki passes too. You'll need them to travel on trams and trains within Melbourne, although the trams are free within the city centre," Ruairidh explained. Colin checked the street map as the travelled into the city centre and confidently led Bill along Bourke Street when they got off the tram. "This is one of the main shopping and entertainment areas," he told Bill. "This is what I wanted us to see," he said when he reached the end of the street. Opposite them stood Parliament House, the magnificent colonnaded building which was home to the Parliament of the state of Victoria. "Construction started in the 1850's," Colin informed Bill. "It was the temporary home of the Parliament of Australia before it moved to Canberra. Pretty impressive, eh?" Bill agreed and took some photos. They looked at the adjacent Old Treasury Building, now a museum, on the way to the Treasury Gardens where Colin wanted to see a statue. "Robert Burns! I didn't expect to see a statue of our Ayrshire poet here," said Bill. "I think it's the same pose as the statue in Ayr." "I think you're right," smiled Colin. "I read that virtually every Scotsman living in Melbourne contributed to its cost when it was made in 1903." "Where to next?" asked Bill. "To some something connected with Captain James Cook, the man who claimed to have discovered Australia," replied Colin. "We walk through these gardens and cross the road into Fitzroy Gardens." They enjoyed walking through the gardens and visited The Conservatory before seeing the sign pointing to Cooks' Cottage. "This was Cook's family home in North Yorkshire, built sometime in the 1750's. It was transported brick by brick and re-erected here in 1934 for the centenary of the founding of Melbourne." They paid their entrance fee and admired the building and the collection of antiques inside. Bill liked the cottage garden and Colin insisted on having his photo taken beside an employee dressed as a 19th century British soldier. They took a tram along to Flinders Street and alighted at St Paul's Cathedral. After a quick glance at the cathedral they crossed to Federation Square, a plaza flanked by abstract buildings, restaurants and art venues. They had cold drinks and then walked along Flinders Street to the Immigration Museum. "Since your brother was an immigrant, I thought you might find this interesting," Colin told Bill. Both of them found the museum interesting but Colin was desperate for food when they came out. "Let's go the Southbank on the other side of the river. There are lots of restaurants there," he suggested. They were walking along Southbank when they saw river cruises advertised and Bill booked tickets for a trip leaving at 2pm. So, after lunch, they took a cruise up the Yarra River past the Botanical Gardens and Melbourne Cricket Ground and down to the docks. After the cruise, they used the Sandridge Bridge, a former railway bridge but now a pedestrian and cycle path with some abstract sculptures, to return to Flinders Street. From there a free City Circle tram took them to the Docklands area. This modern harbour development with shopping and waterside dining is dominated by high rise developments and the Melbourne Star - a giant observation wheel which reminded Colin of the London Eye. Another City Circle tram took them to within walking distance of Queen Victoria Market. This heritage venue bustled with stalls and shops selling everything from food to clothing, art work and souvenirs. Bill was particularly interested in the fresh and speciality foods from many parts of the world and couldn't resist buying coffee. Colin had a hot jam donut with his pineapple juice while they listened to some musicians. "I don't know about you but I'm shattered," Bill said as they left the market. "Yes, I think it's time we headed back to Ruairidh's apartment," said Colin. "Let's find the tram." *** "Are you not afraid of losing him?" Kirsty and Bill sat side by side on beach chairs brought from home. The two had been working on the simple barbeque in front of them. Ruairidh had gone off with Colin and Paul to shoot some photos of the youngsters playing in the sea. The sun was about to set, but the temperature was still high. "You mean if he falls in love with someone else?" Bill answered. "Yes, what if he finds someone younger than you. You are 40 years older than him, aren't you?" Kirsty smiled. "Well if does, I will have to think about our good years, and hope he will be happy." Bill did not hesitate. "He's preparing his own life. So far I think I've been a good influence in his life." "And a damn hot lover!" Kirsty smiled. "If you wonder if I fill his needs, you'd better ask him. He will tell you, I'm sure." Bill liked the free-speaking lady. "Be prepared for a very direct answer though." Colin and Paul returned all wet, in the smallest and tightest speedos possible. Ruairidh followed them, in a small speedo as well, showing off his rather big belly. "You might as well be naked. Not much is being covered!" Kirsti grinned. "Let them be kids, Kirsty. We are ready for food now, aren't we? Or have you two only been flirting?" Ruairidh sat down on the sand. "Hungry boys?" He looked at the two wet youngsters laying side by side on a huge beach mat. "I could eat horse!" Colin shouted. "And fuck a beast!" Paul whispered. "Shut your mouth, Kid!" Kirsty was sharp as a knife. No-one saw that Paul had a finger inside Colin's speedo, deep inside, and Colin loved it. The two had finger-fucked in the water and they had not been happy when interrupted by the camera. Prawns and chicken on the grill, and all sorts of salad, and plenty of cold drinks -- it was a marvellous meal. "I have an appointment in fifteen minutes!" Colin announced. "Down by the rescue tower -- the swim team I met in Canberra. You must get my dad into the water, Paul. He's so shy." "I will come with you, Colin." Ruairidh was very direct. "It's dark, and there's a lot of strange people for the fireworks. Be careful!" Colin put shorts on and found his mobile phone. Minutes later Colin saw the swim team with the blue flag in front of the rescue tower. They cheered when Colin arrived. Their leader was soon in the middle of the group giving Colin his hand while putting the other on his bare shoulder. "Meet my uncle, sir!" Colin turned to Ruairidh. "Trainer Jack," the man answered. "Look for me in half an hour, Boss, please!" Colin suddenly felt like a kid, but he did not want to make a scene. I'll call!" "Come on, let's swim!" One of the guys was in full action. Colin stripped off his shorts and asked Mr Jack to look after his phone. "Afterwards I'll be in need of a short massage, sir." He grinned and ran off with fifteen cheering youngsters. Colin and some of the swimmers were back after ten minutes. "You need a towel, son? Please come with me." Mr Jack went in front and used his key-card to open the side-door to the tower. The room was filled with rescue equipment. "Let me dry you!" Mr Jack, dressed all in white, found a towel. Without asking. Colin peeled off his speedos, closed his eyes, placed his arms behind his neck and spread his legs. He was ready for some service. *** When Colin met Ruairidh half an hour later, he put an arm around the man's waist when walking back to the family group. "Thank you for taking care of me, Uncle." Colin said. "I feel very secure with you!" "I think Paul is very secure too!" Colin squeezed his uncle's butt. Paul was sitting on Bill's lap, both of them covered in a huge beach blanket. The first firework covered the dark sky. Soon the next followed, and some minutes later the sky was filled with firework in all possible colours, and all possible shapes. Cheering, dancing - smoke, thunder and shots filled the tropical night. It was a new year for Colin and Bill Down Under! To be continued
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 2020 16:14:58 +0100 From: Bill Jonners <[email protected]> Subject: Colin - Student and Model 7 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] COLIN Ð STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 7 (Adam Morrison) Adam Morrison, or simply Mr Morrison as most people in Colin's hometown referred to him, had been a central character in the youngster's life during his teenage years. The man, now in his 70's had been a swim instructor in the local pool and so had been involved in Colin's training. He also owned a garage in town, and had retired as a driving instructor some years ago. Part of the garage was built up like a gym and many youngsters in town, mostly young men, visited the place both for car or bike service, but also for workouts. It was well-known among the youngsters that service could be paid `the hard way' instead of by cash. The youngsters, both in the pool and in the garage, knew that Adam Morrison was in very good shape, and besides that was extremely well-equipped. The same man was also into photo entertainment Ð most of the videos and pictures shown on the huge screen in the gym were his own production. "Was this Morrison guy your driving instructor, Kiddo?" Kenny asked, driving his old car out of Glasgow. "Aye, there was a long waiting list when I turned 17 so Dad asked Mr Morrison to help me. He already had Chris, a scouting friend of mine, as a student so I didn't have to wait." Colin was stretching, a bit tired after the party night. "So you got your licence because the man with the unique cock fucked you?" Kenny grinned. "Not far from the truth, Kenny. I gave him all the service he wanted, even some SM business in the garage. Kind man though, more a watcher than a fucker really!" Colin tried to adjust the chastity belt he had put on after the morning play. "And your dad was pleased?" Kenny made a heavy acceleration into the Saturday noon traffic. "He was NOT! He was really pissed. I remember every word he said when I told him there would be no expense. `I'll pay him. I don't want you to be in any debt to that man. Then he has you in his net. I know all about that'. I never asked dad what he meant, but dad too had grown up in our town, you know." Colin grinned. "Are we sluts if we let him fuck us for the car repair today, Kenny?" Colin asked. "It's not much more than what you do to get paid for your modelling. It's your kid-like beauty that makes horny girls scream and old men wank!" Kenny squeezed Colin's upper leg. Colin blushed. He was about to argue, but thought of his own private shows and private movies and stayed silent. "But can you take his 30 cm (12 inch) thick cock again, Kenny? Cocks are my pleasure, but straight guys like you should charge more!" Colin teased his fuck-buddy who from time to time could bottom if the situation was hot enough. "We will stay overnight with your daddy, isn't that so? I remember Bill's look when I stripped last week. Don't you think he's keen for my hole?" Kenny was heavily tenting and Colin gave his erection a smack. "I will spare my ass for him if possible. I could hardly walk after Mr Morrison fucked me last time." Colin was one big smile when he saw that the garage gate was open and his yellow JustColin-marked car was just inside. He hurried out from the front seat and hugged Mr Morrison who waited inside, shirtless in a blue overall. "Thank you, sir, for seeing us on a Saturday," Colin said. Kenny received a hug from the man too. "I know you two are busy guys in the city. I'm just an old retiree out here in the countryside. But young meat like you gives me energy, you know!" The man squeezed his huge bulge without shyness. "Come on inside. Take a look at this beauty!" The man let his hand follow the newly varnished car-side. "A great job, sir! Just like new." Kenny was impressed. "You can't see it has been repaired, not even the brand marks are changed, Mr Morrison. You are an artist!" Colin found the man's arm. Kenny and Colin opened the car and sat inside, smiled and were very happy that the problematic situation with the promotion car had been solved without the insurance company becoming aware of the incident. They both thanked the garage owner with hugs and high-fives. "And now, sir." Colin swallowed and tried to smile. "The bill, please." "I haven't worked it out yet," Mr Morrison said. "Please come with me to the office, and I'll take a look at the notes made by my men. I had to hire a specialist for the varnishing job." Colin had a Mastercard with 45 days delay before payment was due. He knew that Kenny was almost broke after paying his share of the rent for the apartment in the city. He himself had a good amount of savings, but he knew Bill wouldn't be too happy at him spending a large amount on the car repair. "Let's say a round sum of three grand, minus 500 for Kenny's deposit last weekend so 2,500 pounds net." The man grinned. "Five hundred for some hours modelling and a fuck. He was well paid!" Colin thought. He found his wallet and pulled out his card. "I hope you will accept my credit card, sir." Colin tried to make this a very normal business transaction but he was pretty sure that the man with a tent in his overalls wanted some fun this Saturday afternoon. "No cards, my friend. You know I prefer cash, cash on delivery!" Mr Morrison was smiling. Colin had known the man for years so he knew quite well the way his business functioned. "I hoped you would like to see my renovated studio, son! Just completed this summer, with some new installations too." The man showed the youngsters into the indoor hall. Three cars were more or less finished, and the room was fitted with chains and hoists. The walls were filled with tools, but also car tyres in different dimensions. Colin went up to one tyre, probably 3 metres (almost 10 feet) in diameter. "That's some size!" he said. "Aye, it's huge one. From the quarry, you see! You fancy huge equipment, Colin. I seem to remember." The man looked at a grinning Kenny and a blushing Colin, who was suddenly a bit shy in front of his buddy. Colin felt a little slutty for what he was certain was about to come. "We made some good pictures, and a cool video last weekend, Kenny. It will be shown on-screen at our open studio evenings!" Mr Morrison pointed at the wall in front of them. Again Colin felt a bit shy when he saw two of his JustColin posters on the wall beside the screen. "I want you two naked today. Better than cash, you know! "Mr Morrison gave his orders now. "I want you on the big tyre again, Kenny, but full frontal this time. And Colin. You see the cage in the corner over there? It's for the dogs, but I think it's suitable for a naughty boy too!" "You think I'm naughty, sir?" Colin had already stripped down to the cock-cage. "Aye, boys your age are always naughty. I see your dad has secured you too." Mr Morrison grabbed the steel-cage, then turned Colin around and played with his round hard buttocks. "I have tools to open that son, but I know Bill. He would not be pleased." "He will not be pleased if you publish naughty pictures of me or Kenny either. You know my Dad well, don't you sir?" Colin climbed into the cage. The situation made him really horny. Now he had an idea for the next private show, a school-kid caged up waiting for his daddy! "Aye. It's just for my private use lads, instead of cash, you know." Mr Morrison helped Kenny off with his t-shirt and shorts. The tight boxers hardly covered the young stallion's erection. Very slowly the elderly man pulled down the stretched underwear. The 26 cm (10 inch) rock-hard cock pointed straight up. Kenny climbed onto the huge tyre and had his wrists and ankles locked. His body hung like an X on the rubber tyre. The man played with Kenny's low hanging balls and started to squeeze his cock. The huge boy whined like a girl. "You have a really nice one here, boy! Shame that your folks cut you Ð a crime in my opinion. What do you say, Colin? You like him cut?" Mr Morrison shouted. "I love that cock. Taste him, sir. He's something special. Vintage pre-cum!" Colin shouted back. He felt the confinement in the dog cage was humiliating, but hot too. "Just wait, boy! I need some pictures of you as well." Mr Morrison found a hand camera and went up to the cage. He left the movie camera running on Kenny's position. "We need some action here, don't we?" The man found a riding crop and gave Kenny some ball-treatment before he moved to his nipples and well-formed pectoral muscles. Kenny showed discomfort, but said nothing. He was not a man into pain like Colin, but the macho-guy wanted to show his roomy that he could present a good figure. Mr Morrison picked up a whip Ð a real whip, not a small cock-whip, and let the tool hit Kenny just below the balls. The lad howled, but stayed rock-hard. A stream of pre-cum dripped from his naked piss-slit down to the garage-floor. "Save the whip for me Mr Morrison, please. Kenny is just a soft rugby guy, you know sir!" Colin was not happy for the situation. "I have to piss, sir! I really have to," Kenny shouted. His eyes were wild. "Go on, lad! You are free to squirt," the man shouted back. "Yeah, yeah. Come on, come on!" Kenny moaned and worked with his hips. "Yeah, yeah! I'm there!" He started to piss. His cock was still rock-hard and the boy sounded like he was having an orgasm. The stream seemed to go on forever and the rather dirty stone-floor was drenched by the lad's damping piss. Mr Morrison went up to the cage and opened the door. "Clean him, son and taste the cock you worship." Colin bent down and found Kenny's dripping spear. He licked the last few yellow drops before he gave his friend a real blow-job. Mr Morrison was close with a hand camera and filmed the deep-sucking. "Yeah, give me some really dirty pictures! Try to swallow the huge cock!" The man pushed Colin but tears and mucus told him and the camera that a throat fuck from 26 cm (10 inches) was probably too tough, even for a trained sucker. Colin decided to run the show now. He was in pain caused by his own stupidity, and he had a secret plan for a hot night with his dad and Kenny. He knew that Bill was very fond of his roomy, and would probably find an excuse to have him in bed beside them. The kid-like youngster wriggled his hips at the thought of a threesome in his dad's bed that night. Some whisky would remove any of Bill's doubts and solve the situation. Mr Morrison was happy for the show in front of him. The models had almost forgotten that they were being filmed. He dropped his overalls. The strong looking man was commando, and he did not cover up his enormous cock, already dripping hard. "Be my boy, Colin. You would like my cock all inside, wouldn't you?" Mr Morrison had the camera in one hand and his own cock in the other when his fingers followed Colin's arse all the way from the top of the crack to his smooth balls and then back to the rosebud again. He spat on his own cockhead and continued the stimulation. Colin was in pain. He was horny, his cock was red from the excitement, and he was dripping pre-cum. Suddenly he turned away from Kenny. "Eat him, Adam. He's ready for you now. Let him feed you his straight spunk, sweet and juicy. You will love it!" Colin was the only one of the lads that, in private, could use the old man's given name. Now he almost pushed the man forward and forced the old top-guy to remember his young skills as a cocksucker. Colin zoomed the camera and spread Adam Morrison's white arse before he dived into his hairy arse-crack. "Sweat, oil, soap and man!" Colin thought. "Not much different from the man on the tyre." He loved a real rimming too. Colin used his tongue to penetrate the man who was almost mouth-raped from two sides. With both hands he squeezed Mr Morrison's low-hanging ballsack before he started to double-wank the huge spear. The roaring was intense when the locked-up boy on the tyre filled Mr Morrison's mouth and throat with his boy-cream. Kenny's hips shook and the chains jingled. The old fighter took it all, not a single drop was spilled. Then he, like the old wrestler he was, turned around and placed his own monster-cock into Colin's mouth. With both hands he forced the cock to stay deep inside. He mouth-fucked Colin until tears and spit were combined with the grown-up man's clear, salty spunk. Colin looked drenched when Mr Morrison finished with him. Spit and spunk dripped down onto the kid-like youngster's chastity belt. Colin - with Kenny's help - had paid some of their debt, and Colin had for once both saved his cunt and spunk for his homecoming. "You may leave your car here, Kenny dear. I'll fix that oil leak for you tomorrow morning. If you come back after lunch, I'm sure the car will be ready." Mr Morrison put a hand on the tall Glasgow guy's shoulder. The broke student was very pleased, even if he knew he had to pay `the hard way'! "I saved your arse today, buddy. You have my old bike around the corner, I think. See you at home!" Colin hugged Adam and placed the luggage in the renovated `Yellowhammer' as Bill called Colin's small sports car. Colin was home just before Kenny. Bill met him outside with open arms and Colin answered with a wet and tender kiss. Kenny had crossed the local parks and some backyards using Colin's old bike. He was an athlete who always had to compete. Bill hugged him and wished him welcome. "Good to see you both, and good to see the car repaired." He walked around the parked car. "But you two smell really filthy. Have you been crawling on the floor in that garage, or was Mr Morrison in a really dirty mood today?" Bill asked, but did not wait for an answer. He just pushed the two lads inside the house, both carrying bags filled with mostly used clothes. "Go to the bathroom and clean up for supper. I'll serve in half an hour prompt! You will find two new bathrobes up there - gifts from your company in Milan, Colin. You don't need more clothes tonight!" Bill was already through the kitchen door, while the guys were still standing in the hall with their bags. "Hurry up!" The impatient host was very direct. He had been waiting for them for hours. "And let me see two hot lads down for supper. No stupid cages and no shower wanking now! Okay?" The boys placed their luggage in the utility room and hurried upstairs. "What's he planning, Kiddo?" Kenny asked. "Seems to be an evening of entertainment." "My old man just likes to remind us who's the boss." Colin smiled. "Easy to follow him though. He will good care of us, in all possible ways I'm sure! And now I'm hungry. I could eat a horse!" "And the cock-cage is history, Kiddo?" Kenny cupped the steel cage inside the pre-cum drenched jock. "Aye, you heard my dad. You please help me, Kenny. I've been almost hard inside for three hours!" Colin stripped. "But it saved my arse from Mr Morrison, I'm sure." He grinned. Face to face in the spacious double shower, a 26 cm (10 inch) rock-hard cut cock met a 10 cm (4 inch) kid-like beauty, free and as hard as a teenage cock could be after hours inside a chastity belt. Kenny bent his legs to lower himself to Colin's level. He knew that Colin wanted to play one of his favourite games. Colin pulled his foreskin as long as he could and covered Kenny's naked cockhead with it. "Please Kiddo, don't! You know I love that game, and you know what happens if you continue, remember what your dad said. No shower wanking!" Kenny found the shampoo and started with Colin's hair. "You have dried spunk in your curls, baby. Where have you been? What dirty people have you met?" Half an hour later, two soap-washed and wet-haired teenagers were ready for supper. Barefoot and dressed in white sexy bathrobes with a JustColin monogram, they hurried downstairs. Bill sniffed them and hugged them cheek to cheek. "I'm serving you a Beef Stroganoff and some mashed sweet potatoes." Bill placed the two at the kitchen table ready to eat like freshly bathed school kids. "Beer or wine, lads? I have a dark Spanish lady for you, Kenny!" Bill passed him a bottle. Kenny filled both his own and Bill's glass. Colin shook his head. "Since you are into ladies tonight, I'll drink for my Norwegian boyfriend perhaps. We have more of that `Old Norwegian' from Orkney, Dad?" "Aye, a few bottles. Be careful. It's strong, remember!" Bill handed Colin a local beer from the islands north of the Scottish mainland. "So you still have your Norwegian boyfriend, the one you call your `piss-brother'? Haven't heard of him since you came back from holiday." Kenny looked a bit concerned "He's back at uni in Bergen now after attending an archaeological camp up in the Norwegian mountains. You'll meet him in a fortnight when he comes to Scotland. Cheers, guys!" Colin lifted his glass. "Let's drop the small talk, I couldÉ" "É eat a horse!" Bill finished. The bottle of wine was empty and Colin had finished his second strong-beer when the two students looked at Bill and shook heads when he offered them another plate of beef stew. "It was great, Bill. Your cooking is perfect. You spoil the little one!" Kenny grinned and thumped Colin's shoulder. "Thanks, Dad! Splendid as always." Colin hugged Bill. "You'll show us the teaser soon, Dad? I can hardly wait!" Bill had wondered why Colin hadn't asked for the video-clip from Mr Reynard on his arrival, but guessed that he probably wasn't sure if he would like Kenny to see the copy of their very private weekend in this house. "But Kenny?" Bill whispered. The lad was on his way to the bathroom. "Time he saw me as the real porn-star I am!" Colin whispered back. "Is that what you think you are, son? A porn star?" Bill sounded a bit worried. "No Dad, I'm a damn hot stage performer, giving old men cures for all sorts of impotence. Am I not right?" Colin kissed his Dad. Kenny was back from the bathroom. "Coffee and brandy, or do you prefer a whisky, Kenny dear?" The lightly-aroused Bill put an arm around Kenny's shoulder. His eyes followed the front of the lad's not properly belted bathrobe. "I must have this body tonight," he thought. "I must have them both!" Bill adjusted his stiffening cock inside the informal khaki trousers. Without more questions he served the coffee. "You please take care of the drinks, son. I'll manage the entertainment." He went up to the TV-set connected to his laptop. Colin served brandy. For once he even poured a rather big glass for himself too. He was very stressed over what was to be shown. For the next 21 minutes nobody said a word; no comments, no questions. Colin was watching with staring eyes and from time to time even with an open mouth. Kenny, the tough guy, shivered when Colin was caned. When the video changed to the upstairs love-bed where Colin and Bill shared their privacy with the spy-cam, Kenny placed his open hand upon Bill's. Bill did not withdraw. He looked at him in a side view and his eyes found full tenting inside the partly-open bathrobe. The scene in Colin's teenage bedroom lasted only a few minutes and the film quality wasn't great, but when Bill penetrated Colin with his huge man-cock Kenny caught Bill's hand and placed it inside his bathrobe. Bill let two fingers play with his wet cockhead, but did not touch him for real. The scenes inside the playroom were met by a sort of grin both from Kenny and Colin. Colin had one hand inside his bathrobe and with spread legs he was wanking his tiny stiffy. He did not pay any attention to the small interaction between Kenny and his dad. He was completely in his own world. "Better than I feared," Colin commented. "Very amateur though! What do you think, Kenny?" Kenny looked at Colin and answered with a typical rugby-guy expression, "What the hell is this?" "My French impresario and photographer decided he would try some `Big Brother' event here last weekend. I didn't know, but my dear Daddy agreed without my knowledge." He looked at Bill who did not feel comfortable. "The guys streamed the house 24/7. This is just a teaser selected from the footage." Colin was a bit uncertain how to involve Kenny, but he hated secrets among close mates. "You mean this has been on the net, for people to watch?" Kenny was a bit shocked. "No, no Kenny. Nothing like that. Nobody but Reynard and his staff have seen this. It's a test for future events," Bill stated. "But no more in this house, I hope!" Colin interrupted. "But Kenny, be truthful, is this hot? You were as hard as iron from first scene to the last. Five minutes more and you would have had spunked off inside your bathrobe. And you dad, you have watched the clips many times, I'm sure. Still you present a boner that's about to burst your trousers at any time. Go on, Kenny. Touch my dad's bulge and tell me!" Colin grinned. "You are ready for release both of you!" "It's damn hot!" Kenny answered. "The last part is straightforward porn, even if the man with the hood is a bad actor and the little Asian looks terrified. You know this tough action is not my style, but still...!" "And the spanking?" Colin asked. "Better than your mum's birch?" "Nothing to cry over, Kiddo!" Kenny smiled. "You should have given him some harder strokes, Bill. He deserved that. People into spanking would have loved to see more red stripes!" "Why did you take my hand when you watched Colin and I making love upstairs?" Bill found Kenny's hand again. "Because everybody can see you make love to each other." Kenny paused. "Kiddo, you remember we discussed the difference between fucking and making love. The action in the playroom was fucking, eh? But upstairs you two made love. No acting, you were there for each other! Wish IÉ" The boy seemed a bit touched. "Cheers, guys! That was the entertainment. You want another drink before we go to bed? I'll mix you a gin and tonic, okay?" A service-minded Colin went to the fridge. Some minutes later he was back with the drinks, happy to see both Kenny and his dad looking very relaxed. "What's he up to?" Kenny asked. After serving the drinks Colin had gone upstairs to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later and he was still upstairs. "Too much to drink for our baby, eh?" Kenny was as close to Bill as possible. "I'll look for him!" Bill went upstairs. "He's sleeping like an angel!" Bill smiled when he got back and sat down close to Kenny. "He's no drinker, never more than a couple of beers normally," he said and emptied his glass. "He tried to keep pace with you, Kenny - his big brother and idol. He adores you, you know?" Bill's face was close to Kenny's. His lips met the youngster's while his hand squeezed the still rock-hard cock. Kenny answered by closing his eyes and by giving Bill his tongue. The kiss became hard and intense, but both suddenly turned back. "It's not right!" Bill said. "Colin must be a part of this!" "Aye, sir. Agreed, sir. And I have to piss. I need the bathroom, please." Kenny blushed. When he got up, the bathrobe opened completely. The huge cock pointed upwards, to the left. Bill swallowed and was the one to blush. Colin's roomy was a young god. "You go to the bathroom, Kenny dear, and finish. I'll tidy the kitchen. Your bed is ready. Good night, sleep well!" Bill embraced the almost naked young man who looked a bit sad when he went upstairs. A naked Bill crawled close to Colin and put an arm around him. "You okay, son?" Bill looked at Colin's gleaming eyes. The boy was awake. "I've been waiting for you, Daddy. I just needed a short nap, you see." He used his hand to caress Bill's hairy upper body and played lightly with his nipples. Bill did not breathe. He knew what was coming. He wanted it and he wished for it, but he decided to play it cool. Colin let his hand follow the hard belly. He played with the trimmed pubic hair before he found the tip of his dad's wet cock and pulled his foreskin free from the swollen cockhead. "Why didn't you let Kenny...?" Colin was stopped by Bill's forefinger. They heard the noise of a person entering the bathroom. Colin wanked his dad with a teasing hand. They heard the sound from the toilet, the person stopped as if he listened, then he went on and locked the door to the room beside them. Both Bill and Colin found their pillows, spooned and tried to sleep. Half an hour passed. "You still awake, son?" Bill asked. "Aye dad, I can't sleep. I'm horny and I feel your cock as if it was inside me. You have fucked my crack for the last ten minutes, haven't you, and you're leaking more than me!" Colin turned to face Bill. He collected pre-cum from his dad and sucked his fingers. "Go and get him," Bill whispered. "Thought you would never ask me!" Colin was out of the room in seconds. He gave a small knock on his own teenage bedroom door and he went inside. "I thought you would never come, Kiddo. I've waited for you. You okay, baby?" Kenny grinned. "Bill finally sleeps, or...?" "He's waiting for you, Kenny. He's ready to fuck the brains out of you if you want that too. Come on. Don't dress. You are great!" Colin used one hand to catch hold of Kenny's cock and almost drag the naked boy into his dad's room. Bill met the two with open arms. "Lie down, Kenny," said Colin. "I'll prepare you both. No need for foreplay, you have fucked each other inside your minds the last few hours, haven't you?" Colin started with one hand on his Dad's cock while sucking Kenny deep and hard. Minutes later he changed over. He let Bill's thick weapon mouth-fuck him while he used his fingers and light nails on Kenny's similar, but thinner cock. The rugby-guy was whining at the tough treatment. Both of them let Colin play the under-master role for a while, but Colin soon understood that the two macho men were about to take action. With a mouth full of cock, he tried to speak. "Who will fuck me first? "The little boss is commanding, Kenny. Will we fuck him, or...? I could fuck you. I've wanted that all evening, and maybe you would give me a full package too. Months since I had a Dreamliner like you inside me!" Bill went on, but stopped when Colin opened his crack and placed his arse above his face. He knew what to do and soon his son howled with lust with Bill's rimming tongue inside him. Bill's whole body was erect. Kenny's mouth-licked the thick cock and tried to get the naked glans inside. He was not a good sucker, but Bill was happy. He was well treated by the two youngsters like he had hoped for all day. "Let me see you fuck my son, Kenny. Colin has told me you've done it many times, but I have never seen you. Do you mind?" He gave Kenny his lips. "We have some lube here. Colin is wet, but let me!" Bill greased Kenny's cock from root to glans, much longer and harder than necessary. "Please stop, or I'll cum in your hands, sir." Kenny filled a hand with cream and pushed three greasy fingers inside Colin's open arse. "Yes, yes. Do my pussy, Kenny. Do my pussy as only you can do it. Come on now. I want your cock all inside me, until I can almost taste the top of it!" Colin was wild. He spread his legs and let Bill almost lift him from the bed. Kenny looked at Bill with a grin, then he placed the naked cockhead outside the boy's sphincter. "Ready, Kiddo?" he shouted. "Aye. All the way," Colin answered. In one single movement Kenny let his 26 cm (10 inches) slide into the small body, no screaming, no hard pounding, just slowly all the way inside until Colin felt the newly-trimmed bush tickle his balls. "Yes, Kenny. You're great. You're great. Fuck me now. Do it, be hard with me now. Show my dad you can be hard too. Colin was far away already. He knew he was going to cum very soon, but he also knew that he didn't need more breaks now. He would show them some real spunking. Colin did not see what Bill was doing, but Bill handed Colin's legs to Kenny and placed a pillow under his hips. Then he greased up his own weapon, two centimetres shorter than Kenny's, but thick and hard like a wooden stick. "You want me inside, Kenny? You think we may fuck this lad to silence together?" He opened Kenny's hairy arse with two fat fingers. Bill knew he had to be careful. He had been inside this straight guy before, but he didn't want him to lose his own erection. "Go on, sir. I can take you, you remember?" Kenny gave Colin some extra pounding and moved his hips back when he felt Bill's cockhead just outside. Bill broke through his sphincter without problems, but Kenny screamed like a pig. "Stop yelling, Kenny. Show me how you two cooperate. Dock me, Kenny. Then you dock him Dad, slowly, slowly!" Colin was in command again. It was a marvellous feeling. The two bodies pounded him. "You okay, Kenny? We go on? Okay?" Bill started a slow fuck, but Colin wriggled like a worm. He used his body on Kenny and just some minutes later he tried to lift up from the cushion. "I'm cumming. Damn, I'm cumming!" Colin splashed white boy-milk all over his upper body, up to his face, and into his hair. "You love that white shampoo, Kiddo, but we have a long way to go, haven't we Bill?" Kenny was getting warm. The pain in the arse was turning to heat, and Bill was playing with his whole body. "Wish you could be my daddy, Bill! Wish you were my fucking daddy! Take me harder, Bill. Please do me harder. Colin's fully hard again too. We will, we willÉcome on. You squeeze my cock again, Kiddo. Just go on, do it." Another scream was heard from Kenny when Bill rotated half way inside, close to his prostate. The straight guy, not often pleased by a real prostate orgasm, could hardly stay inside Colin when he exploded. Some spunk stayed in Colin's boy-cunt, some splashed over the outside of his arse and some shots landed on Colin's body and mixed with Colin's own spunk. Bill was far from finished. He helped Kenny off and placed his greasy cock outside Colin's dripping boy-cunt. Then he hesitated. "Go on, Dad. Let me cum again, I have more milk inside me, and Kenny, let me clean your cock. Give it to me!" Colin opened his mouth for Kenny's dripping cock. Bill was not in a hurry. He gave his son the long treatment he wanted, and he was very pleased by Kenny's finger-fucking. Colin felt that his dad's cock made the final growth, and then he pushed his huge cock all inside. With a silent roar he filled Colin with his man-cream. To his surprise Kenny almost pushed Bill aside and forced his cock into Colin again. The sound of his cock meeting the spunk on the way out, was a thrill. Colin answered by pulling Kenny's head down, meeting his mouth with a wet and loving tongue. Soon the two mates ended the last part of the evening with a simultaneous orgasm with Bill as a loving onlooker. To be continued.
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 16:07:24 -0800 (PST) From: Brown Pete Subject: "The New Method Of Carriage Pulling" THE NEW METHOD OF CARRIAGE PULLING By Pete Brown. Petebrownuk @ yahoo.com Author's note: I ran into this gorgeous looking guy when my flight from Australia made an unscheduled stop with a mechanical problem in the Gulf. We were put up in a hotel, and I went off to find the exercise room. This guy was in there, working away, and he had the best looking body I have ever seen.... In the showers, I couldn't help noticing an unusual mark on his stomach, and asked him about it. One thing led to another, and as we lay in bed later together later that night, he told me about himself. In the morning, when I wanted to know more, he had gone. The reception people said that he was an employee of a rich Sheikh from close by, and sometimes came and stayed when he had business to transact - they said he "had been expecting a shipment", but had checked out early as it had arrived. I now wonder exactly what that shipment was.... But here's what he told me, as well as I can remember it! Was he really telling me his life story, or just spinning me an elaborate tale? Certainly the detail with which he embellished his story was impressive. But it did keep us both sexually charged - in between fucks, I was quickly erect again as Steve's story was revealed to me, and this may have been his objective. I'll leave you, the reader, to judge. For myself, I'm now much more careful when I consider going to meetings with men I don't know, or accepting offers of new work! Steve's Autobiography, as told to Pete Brown. I was really excited when I was offered the job in the Gulf. There aren't many luxury sports complexes out there, and not that many jobs in them for English guys - especially not if, as like me, you've only just left university. Of course I did do well on the Sports Management degree course at Loughborough, but, in truth, I'm not all that academic and I think a lot of the reason I did well there was because I played sport - almost every sport - moderately well. I swam, did athletic events like the 5K, played in the first XV for rugger, and was a pretty nifty performer in the gymnastic events that really require good muscular development and control - the horse, parallel bars, and the rings. I'd left there at 22 with my degree, a really fit body (my 6'4" of muscle had never been in better shape, as I'd had so much time, and truly excellent facilities, to devote to sport), and not much hope of getting a good job - most of the council-owned sports centres were cutting back on recruitment, and there are not that many private clubs in England that want to employ a 22-year old - they like their trainers and exercise leaders to be a bit older. So when I'd applied for this job at the sports complex in this tiny place in the Gulf I'd never heard of and had to locate on a large-scale map (it turned out to be a tiny sheikhdom just to the South of Abu Dhabi) it was without much hope. I was amazed when I got a phone call almost the next day, inviting me to an interview at a large London hotel. I hitched down there and crashed out the night before on the floor of a friend's flat - he was one of the lucky ones on my course who had only been doing it "for fun", and his parents were well off and were insisting he got a job in the City. He wasn't even up when I left for the interview - I peeked into his bedroom to say "goodbye", but he was asleep - sprawled across the bed, face down, face in his arms. The sheets had almost slipped off him, and I could see his naked back and ass. I blushed and backed out quickly - even though you're used to seeing friends naked all the time in the gym and so on t University, seeing them naked in this "domestic" setting is quite different. The interview was a breeze. They asked me almost nothing, except, curiously, about my family background, and that was easy - my mom had died when I was 12, and dad had been killed in a car crash in my first year at Loughborough, so I had no close family. And they wanted me to start almost immediately. Things were looking good when my tickets arrived - they'd paid for business class, not back of the plane! But there was a note cautioning me to take only minimal luggage, as most of the clothes I needed in the complex were to be provided for me. So I was in excellent spirits when we took off from Heathrow, and sipped the free champagne: this was the life. There was even a big limo to meet me - and I had no problems with customs or anything, as I was met at the door of the plane and whisked through some sort of "VIP" channel, with the customs and immigration people laughing and joking as they exchanged rapid Arabic with the guy who had met me. I looked at the scenery as it went past outside the window - it looked so very hot and dry out there, although the aircon in the limo kept it fine inside. We went through a number of scrubby-looking Arab towns with all the stuff I expected to see there - donkeys, carts, general poverty and squalor, then through miles and miles of absolutely empty desert of sand, rock, and the occasional small shrub that looked as if it was really struggling to survive. I thought it would be hard to survive out there - without shade or water, I didn't think a man could last more than a couple of hours. After about two hours we eventually pulled in through a big set of double doors into a huge courtyard. I must say it didn't look a bit like a luxury sports club, as the only people you could see around were uniformed guards cradling sub machine guns! My guide said "We're here", and before I could ask him where "here" was, had got out. So I got out, too, and went to look for my bags - but the guards came over to me, there was a lot of shouting, and I found myself being led off with them roughly pushing and shoving me, and much pointing of their guns. What the fuck was happening? The cell I was thrown in was completely basic - lavatory in one corner, narrow, hard bunk down one side, concrete walls and floor except for the front, which was made of bars and which had the barred door set into it. I stood there shouting at them, and demanding to see the British Consul. But I was just completely ignored, and after a few minutes I decided I should conserve my energy and just sat there on the edge of the bunk. It must have been a good two hours before anything happened, and then a distinguished-looking Arab guy came in and stood in front of the bars. I started to shout at him, because I was angry by now, and demanded to be let out, or at least to be able to use a phone. But he just looked at me, and waited until I had burned myself out. Then he said "Now listen, and listen well, as I'm only going to tell you this once. There is no job at a sports complex - there never was. But that advert is an excellent way of attracting men like you - young and fit, with good-looking, well-trained bodies. And the interview helps us find those of you with few ties in England - no parents or other close relatives, just down from University, so you've lost contact with your friends from school, and your university friends expect to lose contact as you all go to find jobs." "So now you're here. And no one cares. And, if they do, the British Consul will find that a young man did indeed arrive at the airport, but on searching your luggage drugs were found so you never even entered the country - we didn't want to cause an international incident, so we deported you instantly. As you know, if you had gone back to England, there's no check kept on arrivals of citizens into the UK." "You are going to work, but in a way you never thought. I am an enslaver, and I have been commissioned to find a man like you - early twenties, good body, tall, and with dark blonde hair. My client will, I think, be delighted that we managed to attract you, and I will get a handsome commission." "You're a slave now. So start acting like one. Get naked, so I can inspect you better." "Don't be so fucking stupid! This has gone far enough!", I shouted back. "There isn't such a thing as slavery any more. I'm certainly not going to strip in front of you. Get me a phone so I can call the British Consul!" "Think on, slave, about your position. There is indeed slavery here - although the law does not explicitly allow it, as we need to be concerned about the UN grants we get and they would not countenance those sorts of provisions in our constitution. Our Sheikh is one of the largest slave owners in the country and so there is de facto continuance of the old slavery laws. Your owner has absolute power over you. He can order you to be punished in any way he sees fit, from starvation, through to beatings of any severity, mutilation, and even death." "You are in this cell, and I have absolute power over you anyway. I could order my guards in here and have you stripped, but I want this to be a lesson in your understanding of your new position. So I will give you your first punishment - a little mild starvation." And with that, he went out, and I was left alone. After four hours, I was worried - there was a tap in the cell, so I could drink. But I was hungry - I hadn't eaten since the plane. I tried shouting, but no one came. Four more hours, and still nothing. It was dark outside now, I could see through the small window high up in the wall outside my cell. So I lay down on the bunk, and hoped that I could sleep to forget the constant rumbling from my stomach. Dawn was early - about 4 am according to my watch. I was ravenous when I woke up, and drank a lot of water to try to fill my stomach. I hated having to sleep in my clothes, and I could smell that smell of old sweat coming up from all over me. I'm usually fastidious about personal cleanliness, and doing so much physical activity I showered four times a day at least, normally. By the time the man appeared again I was so hungry, as it must have been about 24 hours at least since I last eat. And, to make matters worse, he stood there with a big steak sandwich on a plate - the smell of the meat, and the onions on it, literally made my mouth water so much I drooled a little. He just stood there, looking at me, whilst I shouted again for a phone. All he did was look at me when I had stopped, and say the two words he had used before: "Get naked." I started to shout at him to "Fuck off!" again, and saw him turn and start to leave. Christ, I thought, he could leave me here for ever until I starve to death. So I called out "No.... Wait... " He turned and looked at me. What else could I do? I started to unbutton my shirt. He came back to the bars, and watched as I took my shirt off. I hated doing this - of course I'm used to stripping in front of other men, as I did it all the time at university for all the sport I did. But actually taking your clothes off when another man is watching, having ordered you to do it, is something else! I could feel a blush creeping up from my shoulders to my neck - sort of a mixture of embarrassment and anger. Then I pulled my T-shirt up and over my head, and dropped it to the floor beside my shirt. I had hoped that would be enough, but he just stood there watching and saying nothing. So I stooped down and undid my shoes and slipped them off, then stood up and unbuckled my belt and unzipped my jeans. I turned around so my back to him as I slipped them to the floor, and stepped out of them - I don't know why, as my boxers were covering me anyway, but it just seemed the thing to do. It seemed easier to be stripping like this when I didn't have to look at him watching me. I stood there in my socks and boxers, and turned around. "Push those clothes out of the cell", the Arab said. I did, and then asked him for the sandwich. He said nothing, but turned to leave again. "No, wait! Come back. Please come back!" He returned and stood looking at me. "Yes?" "Look, I've stripped for you. Please let me have something to eat." "I thought you were English. Do you not understand your own language? I commanded you to get naked. You defied me yesterday by doing nothing. Now you continue your defiance by standing there in those socks and shorts." I could see that there was nothing else to do - sooner or later, I would have to surrender or starve to death. So I bent down and pulled off one sock after another. The Arab watched impassively as I pushed them out of the cell. Then with a shrug of resignation, I pushed my thumbs under the waistband of my boxers and pushed them down to the floor, stepped out of them, and pushed them, too, through the bars. "Good!", the Arab said. "Display yourself properly now." "Uh?" "Shake your dick, idiot! It's been cramped in those boxers." So I did that little "flick" on my cock that you usually do when you take your clothes off - when there are lots of guys together in the changing room, no one notices and every one does it. But with the piercing gaze of the Arab on me, and having been made to forcibly strip like this, it was extra embarrassing and I even thought I was going to get a hard on. "Can I eat now?", I asked, my mouth still full of saliva from the smell of the steak sandwich. "Sure!" And with that the Arab went out, taking my clothes with him. I shouted at him to make good his part of the deal - I'd stripped, hadn't I? He did return a few minutes later, carrying a stainless steel bowl containing what looked like a lot of hard dog biscuits. "Now listen, slave, and listen well. You don't bargain with a master - you don't say 'I've taken my clothes off, now do your part of the bargain'. Slaves aren't here to bargain, only to obey. You should have stripped the moment I told you to get naked. For that, I should really have punished you." "As it is, I'm being merciful - and anyway I don't want your flesh damaged before I hand you over to your new master." "Here's your food. You don't think slaves get fed on steak here, do you? This will be your diet from now on, I expect: almost all masters use it as it's cheap and easy to serve, and there's no mess, no waste, and no clearing up afterwards. It's specially formulated to keep you happy and healthy - well, healthy, at least - as it contains everything you need in terms of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals.... " I picked up one of the small one-inch square biscuits out of the bowl and bit it in half, as you would a chocolate. It was hard and dry, and crumbs went everywhere. "Idiot! Look at the mess you're making. You eat slave biscuits by putting them whole in your mouth, then crunching them up. When you've eaten that one, get down on your knees and clean the floor." I looked at him, and he looked at me. He knew, I'm sure, that I was about to tell him to fuck off - now I had some food, I thought I could hold out until I was rescued, or something. "Before you say anything, slave, think on. No one knows you're here, except for people on my staff, and they're all experienced enslavers. So you're not going to get rescued or released. Even if you disobey me now, we will soon starve you into submission, or, of course, I could forget about delivering you to your new master immediately, and simply have you hauled out of that cell and taken to the flogging chamber." "In fact, that might be the best thing. I don't know what your master is planning to do with you, but obviously you don't have the correct attitude for a slave yet. It would probably be best for all concerned if some of that defiance was beaten out of you now - best for your new master, and, at the end of the day, best for you! A good hard thrashing upfront will probably save you from multiple beatings over the first few months of your enslavement." "Now, before I order the flogging, show me you understand your position. Get down on your knees and clear up those crumbs with your tongue!" I looked at the Arab in astonishment. Surely he couldn't mean it? The floor was that type of smooth concrete that had been painted with a thick paint, but, even so, it would be harsh on my tongue! But what other choice did I have? I didn't doubt that he would have me whipped or something, so I knelt down, and then started gingerly to lick the floor. Have you ever tried this? It's actually quite difficult, as you need to get your head right down and even then your nose gets in the way. I don't think it's a practical method of removing the crumbs - I could have picked them up with my fingers, one by one. But it certainly does make a man feel servile, especially as with your head down your ass is right up in the air. I knew the Arab must be looking at my ass hole, and at my cock and balls as they swung freely between my legs. After a couple of minutes I thought I had done all I could, so I started to get to my feet. "Good, you're learning! Now wait patiently, as your new owner is coming to inspect you later today." The Arab left, and I just sat there, naked, on the bunk. I buried my head in my hands and was in despair - what he fuck was going to happen to me? Just a few days a go I was a young, free man, in the prime of early manhood, raring to get started on a new career. And now here I was, stuck naked in this cell, with all this talk of "new owners" just as if I was a horse or something! But I didn't have too long to think about this as before long the door outside my cell opened, and the Arab appeared with another one - he was about my age, and dressed in traditional Arab robes so I couldn't see his body. But he was shorter than I was, probably only about 5'10". "Highness, this is the slave we captured for you to those very exacting specifications you gave us. As you will see, he is well made and muscular, over 6'3" tall with the height well proportioned between body and legs, so he has good long legs. And he is a blond - a dark shade, admittedly, but there were none of those very pale Scandinavians we could find within your time scale that otherwise fitted the requirement to be removable from society without too much fuss being made." "You have done well, Dealer. At first glance, he's exactly what I'm looking for. You didn't mention my requirement for a properly proportioned cock, and low-hanging balls, but I see that they are very satisfactory, too. Have him turn around, slowly, so I can see the back and sides of him." The enslaver looked at me and commanded "Turn around - slowly, mind!" What was this? Couldn't the second guy speak to me directly? I was going to tell them to screw themselves, but what's the point? I was completely in their power, so I started to turn as instructed. It's somehow very demeaning, and very erotic, to be inspected as if you're a piece of merchandise. Of course I was used to being naked with my team mates and so on, but having two fully-clothed men watching you - no, inspecting you - is something else. I could feel my cock start to harden a bit. Fuck me, I thought - this is not the time to get a hard-on! "Good, Dealer. You have fulfilled my other requirement - no obvious blemishes anywhere on the body. And excellent job, if I may say so. I will take delivery, for the agreed price." "Shall we ship him to you tomorrow?" "No, I will take him with me today. You know what they say - the goods you take with you get home first!" "Are there any preparations you would like made to the slave, Highness? Tattoos, circumcision, gelding...." "No, of course not, fool! I'm not paying you all this money for an unblemished slave just so that you can go ahead and start making it artificial! My plan is to start a new fashion for totally 'natural' slaves and everything you suggest would spoil the effect. I'm only having minor cosmetic changes - such as a new haircut - made to him, and my own slave handlers will do that." "There is the question of the slave ID, Highness. As licensed dealers we are required to ensure this is tattooed clearly onto all slaves before they leave here. Normally, we do it on the biceps, or the ass...." "Absolutely not! Nor in the ass crack, which is where a lot of my slaves are marked. I expect to see this slave's ass exposed quite often. You may have him marked on the sole of the left foot. And whilst you're having the state registered number inscribed, have the following number put underneath - it's the reference number in my inventory system. And be quick about it - I want to take the slave with me, and don't want to sit around here all day!" As he was speaking, the younger Arab to whom the enslaver had been deferring had passed over a slip of paper, and I could see clearly on the top of it the words "INVENTORY CONTROL - NEW ACQUISITION". I was being treated just as if I was an object that the man had acquired - an object amongst so many that the guy owned that he needed some sort of computerised inventory to keep track of it all. Did he think so little about men - slaves - that they could just be reduced to numbers in an inventory control system? "Of course, Highness. It shall be done instantly. Will you take coffee whilst you wait? And may I arrange a parade of some of our new stock for you, to help pass the time?" "Yes, Dealer. Coffee would be excellent. And it's always worth having a look at your new stock, although I have to warn you that after buying this one, I'm unlikely to buy anything today. However I think I heard at a dinner the other evening that you have some of those new dark-haired Slav types from Eastern Europe? Lots of body hair, wiry and short, rather than long and shaggy? You can show me some of those - I'm looking for a stunningly handsome slave as a new attendant for my bath, and I think I'd like a change from the blacks that I traditionally use: a nicely-muscled Slav, not too tall, with interesting body hair all over him would make a nice change." "Of course, Highness. All shall be as you command. The chaos in Eastern Europe has given us many new opportunities for acquiring prime stock - a lot of the men there are so desperate to get to German, England or France that they even pay our enslavers for a 'passage' to get smuggled in - they're usually very surprised when they arrive here instead!" And the two Arabs went out, still discussing men from Eastern Europe. I tried to make sense of what I had heard... But frankly it didn't all make sense - "gelding", "new fashion", "natural" ... What the hell was going on? As I was turning over in my mind all I'd heard, the door opened again and four guards came in - big, tough-looking men in short, tight leather shorts, tight leather vests and black "workmen's" boots. They all had what looked like whips neatly coiled attached to the leather belts at their waists, and a couple of them carried short, blunt rods of metal, about two feet long." One of them came up to the cell door and said to me "OK, slave. Do you know what a cattle prod is?" "No." "Well it's what a farmer uses to control unruly stock. A jab with one of these prods my colleagues are carrying discharges high-voltage energy into you. It is, I assure you, extremely painful." "We won't hesitate to use it on you if there's any sign of struggle or resistance. We have to take you for tattooing, and your new master is waiting, so we want to do it as quickly as possible. Normally we don't need these prods for just a single slave, as we enjoy any sign of resistance as the four of us can then use our boots on you. But we have specific orders that you are not to be damaged - even temporarily - so it will be the prod at the first sign of any misbehaviour. Understood?" I just looked at him, wondering what to say. One of the others reached into my cell and just touched his prod to my thigh. In an instant, I was rolling on the floor - it was just as if someone had thrown a bucket of scalding water over me! I writhed in agony, screaming and choking. As the pain subsided a bit, I looked down expecting to see my leg horribly disfigured - but no, it looked just the same as usual. "I asked you if you understood, and you did not reply instantly, as a good slave should. So you've seen the prod in action - good, isn't it. Direct stimulation of the nerves, so all the pain and none of the damage! Think what would have happened if we'd touched your balls, or even that nice-looking cock of yours, with it!" "Now, I ask again. Do you understand that the slightest resistance will be met with the prod?" Quickly I snapped out "Yes." "Good. Get up off the floor, and come with us." They had unlocked the cell, and I struggled to my feet and was marched in the centre of the four of them out of the cell room and along a couple of corridors. As we passed I could see in to other cells - most of them contained one or more naked men, of all ages, sizes and colours. There were a lot of single guys like me, in their twenties, but I saw that a many of the blacks were grouped in twos, fours or eights, all of roughly the same size and colour of black. Four of the cells held what I guessed must be the Slavs that the enslaver had been talking aout, because they had that typical "Slav" look - wiry, luxuriant hair on their heads, a lot of body hair, and very dark skin tones even where they had obviously been wearing swimming shorts. We ended up in a room where there were already two naked men - slaves, I suppose, one of whom was sitting against the wall, and the other in a chair. The one in the chair was having his biceps tattooed, and was looking angry. I would think he was in his late thirties, and had a very muscular body - I suppose he had been a labourer or something before he came here. "Stop that", my chief guard said to the tattooist. "This one is urgent. His new owner's waiting." Without looking round, the tattooist said "Look, they're all urgent! I'm just finishing this one, and his master is waiting, too. I've already done his son, and if you just give me a couple of minutes, the pair of them will be ready for shipment." "The son?" "Yes, that one snivelling over by the wall and this one are a father and son. Rare, I know, to get two slaves like this - the son is 20, the father 38. The father was a warehouseman in a big distribution centre - he handled all the items the automated systems couldn't cope with because they were too big and too heavy. The son was at college, and quite a jock, I understand." "They can't seem to adapt to their new status - they're shy of being naked in front of each other even after several days here. But they'll soon get over that, I guess, with their new master!" "Where are they going?" "Their new master has ordered them for his leisure complex. He wants to be able to choose whether to beat the older one at sport, or to be beaten by the younger one! And he specially wanted a father and son as he likes to see a family resemblance in his slaves, and thinks it adds an extra little spice when he fucks them. I'm told he likes a sandwich - he fucks the son, whilst the father fucks him - when he doesn't have them fucking each other, as entertainment for his guests!" "OK, you're done!", he went on, addressing the naked slave. The man got up and I could see he had a good body for someone almost forty, and a big thick cock. He went over to the guy sitting against the wall, and helped him to his feet. The son did not have so much muscle but was in excellent shape, too, and was slightly taller than his father, as is usually the case. As they stood side by side, you could see the likeness between them. The father put is arm protectively around his son's shoulders, and the young guy visibly straightened. Oh my God, I thought, how would I have felt if I'd had to stand there with my dad with both of us naked like that, knowing that we were going to have to fuck each other? Could this slavery thing get any worse, that they could even consider treating men in this way? Little did I know that it could - I didn't then know what was in store for me! The tattooist motioned for me to get in the chair, but the guard said "No, this one's on the left foot - it's to be a 'secret' marking." The tattooist gave an exasperated sigh, and snapped at me "Lie on the floor. Raise your left knee to your chest, and put your leg straight up in the air." The guards were hefting their prods menacingly, so I did as I was told. It was only after I was stretched out hat I realised I'd chosen to lie with my feet towards the naked father and son, who still stood there waiting for whatever was to come next. As I raised my knee as I had been told, it occurred to me that they would now get an even better view of my cock and balls, and could even see my asshole as it was exposed. The tattooist lugged over some sort of apparatus - rather like those portable workbenches you see in the DIY stores: a trestle arrangement, with a top that opens and closes to clamp wood or whatever so you can work on it. He straddled my body with the trestles, then grasping my ankle, held it steady as he screwed together the "work top". There had been a notch cut in the two top pieces, so as they came together my ankle was gripped firmly. He carried on screwing, then relaxed the screws one half turn so my ankle was completely securely clamped, but not painfully so. He sat astride he worktop, and I could feel him doing something with my toes. "You have to clamp the ankle really securely", he was telling the guards, "and then use this strap to keep the toes firmly in place. That way the whole sole of the foot is exposed and there's no possibility of movement. People think it's easy to tattoo slaves here, but a lot of them are very ticklish on the soles of their feet and if the work is not well secured, it becomes a nightmare to do! And even those who aren't very ticklish still have that reflex... Look..." I felt his finger nail run the length of my sole, and, as you do, went to jerk my leg and curl up my foot. But nothing happened. "Good - did you see how the slave's muscles tried to move, by reflex? But he's properly fixed, and so there was no motion possible." I heard a buzzing start, and then for the next 20 minutes or so I was in some discomfort - I won't say pain as it didn't so much as hurt as be extremely uncomfortable. There was an odd mixture of that ticklish sensation you get when something sharp is scraped across your sole, made worse by my total inability to do anything about it; and a persistent "pricking" as the sharp tattooing needle went in and out. As I lay there, I saw other guards come in and take out the father and son. The father still had his arm protectively around the son's shoulder, and as they moved away I could see how even more alike their bodies were from the back than from the front- same general musculature, same shaped ass, and so on. What sort of a life were they going to have, I wondered? I know a lot of older men enjoy being with younger lads, and many lads in their early twenties appreciate the company of older men - but a father and son! And all that talk of fucking, as an entertainment! But then I was finished, my toes and ankle were released, and I was told to get to my feet. The guards marched me out by the same door that the father and son had, and we went along more corridors and then down to an underground garage. It was cool in there, and one guard said to another "This is a lucky slave. His master's taking him away in his limo, that's in this air conditioned garage. Most of them go out in those ordinary delivery vans - fucking sweat shops, in the hot sun." I was led over to a large black Mercedes, and what I guessed was the chauffeur got out - I was becoming used to seeing naked men by now, but this chauffeur's "uniform" was just a tiny silk posing pouch held by thin strings around his waist. When commanded by the guards, he opened the boot of the car and I was told to climb in. Even though it was a huge Mercedes, the boot is still not all that large if you are over six foot, like me, and I had to almost curl into a foetal ball before they could slam down the lid on me. I don't know how long I lay there before I felt motion in the car, and the slamming of its doors, and then it moved off. It did get hot in the boot as we went out into the sunshine, and soon the sweat was pouring off me. I don't know how long the journey was, or where it went, as it was pitch black in the boot, but after some time the car stopped, and I felt the motion of people getting out, then more slamming of doors, and then the car started off again - but only for a very short distance. Suddenly the lid opened, and I was blinded by the light. "Get out, slave. And quickly!", I heard a voice say. I was difficult to uncoil my hot, sweaty body and actually get out of the boot - you try it sometime! And my muscles ached a bit from the cramped position I had been in. Reflexively I pushed my shoulders back, arched my belly forwards, and had a simple stretch. Then I saw that I was being watched by a big man wearing short white silk shorts and a white silk singlet - all of which seemed designed to emphasise his big thigh muscles, and big hairy chest. I realised that my stretching had had the effect of pushing my naked cock forwards, towards him, and so stopped and stood upright immediately. The man was holding one of the prods and looking at me said "You know what one of these is, slave?" "Yes." "Yes, what?" "Yes, I do know what it is." "OK, slave. Lesson one would normally be that you always answer respectfully. 'Yes, master', or 'Yes, boss'. But you are here in the Sheikh's stables, to join his herd of ponies. So lesson one for you is that you never, and I repeat, never, use any words again. You may nod your head, or shake it on those very rare occasions when you are indicating a negative. But absolutely no words." "The Sheikh is a very good master, and very fair. But here in the stables he has two standing orders that we obey totally. One, any attempt at escape results in death. Absolutely automatic - no excuses, no extenuating circumstances, no pleas for mercy. Do you understand?" "Yes". I was writhing on the ground in agony again, screaming with pain, as the man jabbed at me with his prod. He shouted at me to get to my feet, and went on : "You've just seen the consequences of breaking rule one, as I said - slaves designated as ponies may never - and I repeat never - use any words of any kind. This punishment was mild - take it that you have used up your one 'trial' lesson. The next time you utter any word - even a single word - you'll be flogged. And, believe me, we have excellent flogging masters here on the estate who can inflict terrible punishment on you without leaving permanent scars that would reduce your value. Now- and think carefully before you act - do you understand rule one?" I went to say "Yes", but remembering what he had said instead just nodded my head. "Good. You're a quick learner, I see. Most ponies find it easier just to keep their mouths shut - when they can shut them if they are not wearing a bit - to avoid any possibility of a painful mistake." "Now, follow me into the stables, and I'll explain the routine to you." We went inside, and I saw that the building was long and low. There was a wide centre aisle, with a smooth concrete surface, and on each side here were bays - stalls, I suppose you would call them - each with a layer of straw on the floor. "This is the area where you ponies sleep, and are kept between work assignments. They are all empty at this time of the day as all our ponies are out. The Sheikh has two teams of eight draft animals for pulling heavy carts around the estate, a matched set of four blacks for his own formal carriage, two racing pairs for long-distance work when he wants to visit the next estate, and a few individual ponies for light work around the estate. Quite an establishment - you can tell how rich and successful he is that he can afford so many ponies. Most of them are 'thoroughbreds' like you with especially nice bodies, and it costs a lot to acquire and keep you. Even his draft teams are closely matched for size and shape, and don't contain the usual cheap rubbish that you often find in teams of that type." "At the end are the showers and tackle room, were we will groom you and put on your harness for each day's work." As he was talking , we had walked the length of the stable and had now entered a big tiled area with shower heads coming out of the wall and a number of pieces of apparatus - tables, something that looked like a set of parallel bars, and a big "X" made out of wood - standing against the walls. "OK, shower!", he told me. I was so glad to be able to do that - I was hot and sweaty from the car journey, and anyway hadn't been able to shower since I was captured. I could smell the stale smell of my own body as it wafted past my nose, and hated it - how much worse it must be for anyone else close to me. So I stood under the cascading water, and really enjoyed the feeling of being squeaky clean all over again, even though the soap I had been given was just a lump of something very coarse that smelt as if it was the product of a chemical factory - not at all like the smooth perfumed bars we are used to. The water was turned off before I was really finished - I had washed all the soap off me, but could have stood under the cascading water for hours, it felt so good. I looked around for a towel, but there was none, so I simply "planed" the water off my arms, chest, ass, and legs as best I could - the hot dry air would obviously dry out the rest of me quick enough. And, as can happen, I even felt a momentary chill as the remaining water evaporated quickly from my skin. The guy in the shorts and singlet motioned me over to him. "Let me see your left sole", he said. I turned around so my back was to him, bent my left leg up and grasped my ankle to hold it as high as possible. He stooped down and read the Arabic that had been tattooed there, and punched it into the keyboard of a handheld PC that had been dangling from his belt. "Good", he said, half to himself, half to me. "The Palace inventory system has already been updated and so you are on the Sheikh's property register. That saves a lot of time for me, as sorting out he paperwork fuck-ups after the event takes so much effort. This new radio-linked PDA system really is a godsend to us managers!" "You'll be pleased to know that the Sheikh has approved the use of 'Steve' for you. We only have one name in use at any one time in the stables, and currently there's no 'Steve'. And the Sheikh thinks that short names are best for ponies, so that's OK, too. Somehow it seems easier for you new ponies to adjust when we continue to use your existing names, rather than have to try to get used to new ones. Some of our ponies get punished very harshly in their first few weeks because they simply don't remember that an order addressed to 'Bob' or 'Slim' or ' Jeff' or whatever is intended for them - they're still thinking of themselves as 'William', or whatever!" So these bastards could even cruelly rename a guy on a whim, could they? A man's name is his - by the time you're mature, you're so used to it I can see why some of the ponies had problems. "There are no special treatments needed for you, as you are not to lose teeth to take the bit firmly down in your mouth, or to have the chain waistcoats that a draft pony needs welded on. And the Sheikh has postponed a decision as to where you will be branded - he wants to see how the 'new attachment strategy' he's working on looks in practice." "So all that we need to do for you is cut your hair, shave you, and give you all the right shots you need if you are to remain healthy and work hard out here. And even then, most of this is simple - you're not even having the full body shave, like the blacks and racing ponies - just the standard ball trim." "So, let's get started. Bend over that table." I was going to run away or something - but I didn't know where I was, or whether there was anywhere to run to, even. And as he was hefting his prod, I just did as I was told. He gave me four injections in all - two in each ass cheek. "Yellow fever, typhoid, anti-maleria......", he said to himself as he was doing it. "It was much easier when the vet used to come out and do this. But when he put his rates up last year, the Sheikh decided we could do all the regular vaccinations of the ponies and the vet would only be called in for emergency work." My bum felt quite sore after this, but the man shouted something and a couple of young guys who can't have been more than 16 years old came running. Like me, they were naked but their well-muscled bodies looked even younger and less mature as they were totally devoid of body hair. "Standard pony hair trim and pubic treatment for this one, lads" the man said. "But nothing off anywhere else, except you can shorten the armpit hair a bit. And remember, it's his first day. He's not used to being handled by you stable lads, so be patient and gentle with him." So these were stable lads! This "pony" business was obviously carried to the limit. Did they have "jockeys", too, I wondered? The lads were obviously skilled and experienced at what they did , however. Within a couple of minutes my already short hair (I liked to keep it quite short as it's easier for showering after sports) was reduced to a uniform quarter-inch all over. And my hair-line usually tapered out gradually, whereas now it was razored into a sharp cut-off. They even razored around my temples a bit, to make the hair that comes right up to the forehead even more pronounced from the valleys on either side. But it was the shaving of my cock and balls that I really hated - even though they were ever so gentle and clearly knew that holding another man's balls, especially when you also have a really sharp razor, is a real responsibility. They shaved my balls totally, together with the few strands that were on the shaft of my cock. My pubic hair was trimmed down to a uniform length of half an inch, and the sides shaved away totally so I just had a small patch left immediately above the cock and balls themselves. When they gestured for me to lie back and open my legs so that they could get in to razor the hair away from underneath my sac in that sensitive area leading towards the asshole, I didn't think it could get any worse from the point of view of humiliation. But it did - I then had to lie on my stomach and pull my ass cheeks apart, whilst they shaved all down inside my crack and around the asshole. No one- and I mean no one - not even myself - had ever touched my asshole before. And now here were these two naked lads soaping it up and then razoring the hair off! When they had finished, the man led me off and into one of the stalls about half way along. "That spigot is for water. It's always available. Just push your mouth well over it, then tongue the flap to get the water flowing", he said. "The straw is fresh every day. But try to keep it clean, as it's not nice for the lads when they clean the stables in the morning if you piss or crap in it. That hole in the corner is for that." "Now after those injections you'll be stiff, and probably have a bit of a fever. So I'll leave you to rest for the remainder of the day and night." "Come over here..." I followed him to the far end of the stall, away from the corridor. He bent down and rummaged around in the straw, and came up with a length of chain. Reaching up he looped one end of the chain around my neck, then did some sort of little "cinch" followed by a "snap". "This is another example of how the Sheikh's a good master", he said. "He allows you the freedom to move around in your stall, rather than tethering you firmly to the floor. And he does it with a chain, rather than a fixed collar around your neck, so that there is no possibility of sores or scarring caused by chafing. You can't reach the corridor, but you can get to the shit hole, stretch, and do exercises, if you want." He went out, without a further word, and I just sat down, and remained motionless, feeling the sharp ends of the straw poking into my naked ass. It smelt fresh and sweet, though - I suppose there's something primeval going back to our early days as farmers about the smell of fresh straw - although I was not really in a position to completely appreciate it! It must have been the sheer strangeness of everything that allowed me to sleep. It's funny, isn't it - when there's a big problem in your "normal" life you lie awake worrying about it. But when something totally overwhelming happens to you, you can just sleep. I was so tired from everything that had happened to me so far that I just went out like a light. I suppose I knew there was nothing I could do about what was happening to me - it didn't matter how much I worried and fretted, I just knew that whatever was in store for me was going to happen anyway. So I woke up to find the stalls opposite me occupied by other naked men, who I supposed must be the other "ponies" the guy had told me about the day before. In one stall I could see eight really big, heavily muscled guys who had chains running across their shoulders, down under their pecs, and around to the back. And another stall held two completely naked - and I mean completely, as they didn't seem to have any hair at all on them - black guys. They were huge - I'm tall, but these lads must have been at least six inches taller than me. And when I say "black", I mean "black" - these weren't the sort of dark brown you see every day on the street, they were the absolutely coal-black men that you only rarely see in the USA or Europe as they come from West Africa and tend to stay there. I sat there rubbing my eyes, and realised I needed to piss - after my usual morning hard-on had subsided. It wasn't the sight of those other men that made me erect - don't get me wrong - it's just the normal erection that all young guys get as they wake. I was glad there was some of the loose straw in front of me, as I didn't want the other men across the passage way to see me like that. I thought about calling out to the others, then remembered what I had been told about not speaking. And they obviously followed the "no speaking" rule, too, because although they had seen me and had even half-waved to acknowledge my presence, none of them called out. I moved in my stall until I was by the piss hole, then, turning my back so that the others wouldn't see, relieved myself. It was good to do those "normal" morning things - although I knew the rest of my day was going to be far from normal. As I finished, one of the young naked lads who had shaved me the day before came along with a stainless steel dish and pushed it at me. I saw it had the same dog-biscuit things in it as I had been fed before, but I was so hungry that I just sat there and chewed them up. The other "ponies" that I could see were eating, too, and as they finished guards came along and unfastened them from where they had been tethered in their stalls and led them off. I could distantly hear the sounds of wheels on the stones of the yard outside, and supposed they were therefore going off "to work". There was nothing else I could do so I just sat there, and then, when that got boring, I decided to do some stretching and exercises. Ever since I was about 15 I'd done the Canadian Army exercises every morning, as you can do them anywhere as you don't need apparatus. And the familiar feeling of these routines as I stretched, bent, jumped, and ran on the spot was comforting somehow. Except, of course, that I wasn't used to my cock and balls flying around as I did it - at home, and at university, I'd always pulled on a pair of training shorts before I started! And the chain around my neck got in the way, and the clinking and jangling sound it made as I tried to exercise was really annoying. It must have been midmorning before anything else happened, and then it was the big muscular guy in singlet and tight shorts who came in. "Right, Steve! Just remember lesson one from yesterday, and don't make a sound. I've got my cattle prod here waiting to teach you a lesson if you deserve it." "I'm going to unchain you now, and take you off to be measured. Don't try to escape, as you won't succeed: you're in the middle of the stable complex, in the middle of the Sheikh's estates. Even if you make a break for it, I guarantee you won't get far. And I'm sure you remember what I told you was the absolutely automatic punishment for attempted escape?" He stopped, and was obviously expecting a reply. So remembering his "lesson one", I simply nodded my head. "Good boy! You're a quick learner, I see." He undid the chain from around my neck, and told me to follow him. We went along the passage in-between the stalls, and I could see all the muscles in his body flowing in that controlled way that all guys who look after their bodies have. There wasn't an ounce of fat on him - he was all solid muscle - and it seemed as if the singlet, which was cut very low, and the shorts, that were tight over his ass and cut very high at the sides, were designed to emphasise his body rather than to conceal it. In the "tack room" at the end, there were two men with several pieces of apparatus made out of stainless steel. I was told to stand upright in the middle of the room, and the two men proceeded to put one piece of it around my neck - it was two bars, hinged together at one end, whose middles were bent out so that my neck would fit in. As soon as it was around me, they closed the other two ends together, and then spent sometime discussing "the fit". Fingers were poked down between the steel and my neck, and there was much discussion as to whether it should be tighter or looser. "It's really important there should be no movement", said one, "as I t will otherwise chafe and scar badly. Remember, the whole load is being taken on his shoulders." So they carried on, and then measured from marks on the bars to where the hard tops of my shoulders and collar bone touched it. I was then told to raise my arms, and the positions where my hands intersected with the bars were carefully measured. I was then told to bend over, double, and they measured the height of the bars to the floor, then commanded me to stand up and measured the distance from the bars vertically downwards over my body to the tops of my legs - the place where you can feel your pelvic bone stick out, just above your cock. What the hell was going on, I wondered? Ultimately they finished, and I was released from the bars. But the final thing was strangest of all - they measured my wrists, very exactly. And measured them when I was told to hold my hands at shoulder-height, with my hands parallel to the sides of my head. I heard one say to the other "We need to get his wrists right, in the position he's going to have to hold them. Most men when told to hold their hands in the air do so with the palms facing forwards, but we need to understand how his wrist bones will be when his hands are at right angles to that. After all, we do need to get an exact fit." Then they were gone, and the man in the singlet and shorts, who had been watching all this, said "That's all for today, Steve. So now we'll just make sure you get some exercise." He led me off to a yard, where there was a long pole mounted about eight feet above the ground, parallel to the ground, with one end fastened to a pillar. The pole was rotating, driven by a motor within the pillar. Fastened to the rotating pole by chains around their necks were the two jet-black slaves I had seen that morning. "The Sheikh isn't using his fast carriage today", the singlet guy said , "So Gin and Tonic here are doing their daily exercises on the exerciser. You can join them, even though your own work won't really be like this. But I think you'd probably rather run around here in the open, than be chained in your stall all day." I looked at the two blacks, who were sweating in spite of the hot, dry air. How degrading fore them - I supposed they had had "African" names, so the Sheikh had re-titled them "gin and tonic" in that way you see dog owners do sometimes who call a pair of dogs "Whiskey and Soda", or some other cute combination! Singlet man reached up to the bar and pulled down a chain, which he looped around my neck and snapped shut. Then he took a pair of handcuffs off his belt and told me to hold my hands behind my back, and cuffed them together. A short chain from the cuffs to the one around my neck then held my hands very uncomfortably high up in the middle of my back, instead of allowing them to hang down at ass level. He looked at what he had done, pulled at the chains and cuffs to make sure everything was secure, then shouted "Roll it!". The arm began to rotate, and all three of us started to circle the big pillar. I thought the blacks had it relatively easy as their hands were not cuffed and they could adopt a "normal" running posture, whereas it was extremely difficult for me to have to run with my hands constrained as they were. And then I found out why the blacks were sweating - the rotational speed varied, sometimes allowing us to go at a gentle jog, and sometimes requiring us to run fast - and I mean fast! I was fortunate in being chained to the bar closer to the pillar than the blacks, as they had to run even faster than me in order to keep up with the relentless sweeping of the arm around the circular yard. Now I'm a fit guy, but this running was just endless. We went on and on, and there was no way I could stop without being choked by my chain. And my feet, which were used to exercising in proper athletic shoes, were really sore as they had to run over the sand and pebbles in the yard. That, and the rasping effort a my lungs tried to drag in enough air to keep me going, certainly took my mind off the ache from my unsupported balls as they slapped against my thighs as I ran on, and on. Singlet guy came and watched for a bit after what I judged was a couple of hours, and then called out to someone. The turning of the pole ceased, and he came up and unchained me. But then it started again and the two blacks had to continue their relentless running. "Gin and tonic really prefer to pull the Sheikh's high-speed gig", singlet man said. He seemed to like telling me what was going on. "He rarely goes more than five or six miles, and they find that a lot easier than the exerciser here." He led me back into the stables, I was allowed to shower, quickly, then he led me back and chained me again into an empty stall. I was fed again that night, and was so tired that again I slept well. All the "ponies" seemed to be in the same position, as when they got back to their stalls you could just tell they were exhausted and all they wanted to do was to stretch out and sleep. It was the same the next day as the previous one - I was left in my stall until all the other "ponies" had left, and then singlet man came and got me. "Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life", he said with an irritating false bonhomie. "Those smiths who measured you yesterday worked through the night, and your new rig is ready. The Sheikh is really excited!" "Now I'll caution you again. Say nothing. Absolutely nothing, when we get to the tack room. Your master the Sheikh is coming down specially to see you fitted into the new tack. He's very proud of the system, which he has designed himself, and he's got his cousin with him to show it off to on its first day. He would be extremely angry if you were to show any human signs, and I can't answer for the consequences if you do. He has a violent temper, and even though he paid a lot to the enslavers to get a man with your physical characteristics, and has spent a lot on this custom rig, he'd easily start all over again with a new man if he loses his temper!" We went into the tack room, then stood there waiting until the Sheikh - the young guy I had seen at the enslavers - accompanied by another Arab of about the same age, appeared. I just stood there, totally naked, in front of them and singlet guy. Somehow it was worse being naked in front of the two Arabs who were about my own age, than it was being naked in front of "singlet guy". I don't know whether this was because I had become used to being naked in front of the "singlet guy", or because I knew the Sheikh "owned" me, or just because guys don't like being naked in front of their clothed contemporaries - for whatever reason I felt embarrassed in a way I hadn't for the last couple of days, and could even feel the beginnings of a flush across my chest and shoulders. The Sheikh was speaking as he came in, and it was in English. His was faultless and unaccented, and I could clearly hear "....bored with the existing methods. As you know, we have chain waistcoats permanently welded on to the draft ponies, and these can be hooked onto the chains on the front of the carts they pull. That way they are free to use their arms for greater leverage when necessary, and, of course, they can easily be hitched and unhitched to load and unload the carts." "And as you've seen many times before, my carriage ponies - whether they are the big formal matched team of four, the pair of blacks I use for fast work, or one of the single ponies use for very light work - are all conventionally harnessed. Their wrists are chained to the cross-poles, and they simply push forwards against them. Of course I have their back teeth removed so that the bits can fit snugly down, and they are held in place by bridles around their chins and heads." "But this new method is my own invention entirely. I got the idea when I saw one of those yokes that used to be used for carrying buckets of water back in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. And I guess draft cattle and so on use a variation of it for ploughing in less advanced countries." He stopped talking to his companion, turned to "singlet man" and continued "Right, Stable Master, let's see if all the effort has been worth it. Get him into the rig." The man who I had been thinking of as "singlet guy" was evidently the Sheikh's Stable Master. He picked up a large stainless steel object lying on the floor, and approached me with it. I saw that yesterday's pair of stainless steel poles had been transformed into a yoke - hinged at one end still, and the stable master fitted it around my neck. As well as a hole for my neck, there were two holes for my wrists which I had to raise and hold just outside my shoulder line. When the yoke was snapped closed, I found that my shoulders fitted snugly into depressions on its underside, my neck was held firmly but not tightly, and the wrist holes were shaped so closely that I could not rotate my hands. The stable master and the Sheikh came over and spent a lot of time examining the fit of this yoke - they seemed pleased, as the couldn't slip fingers between it and my flesh. "That's just what I ordered", the Sheikh commented, "Tight, but not constricting. As this pony matures, stable master, ensure the yoke is checked regularly. I expect his neck will thicken further - although he has a mature man's neck already - and I don't want him choking or being restrained by not being able to breathe properly." The stable master then gestured for me to follow him, and we went out into the yard where there was a thing that looked like a rickshaw waiting. I say "looked like a rickshaw", as I have only ever seen pictures of them and have not been to the Far East. It was a small cart, with two big wheels at the side and a leather seat running between them. From the front of it stretched two stainless steel shafts, and the whole thing looked designed for lightness and speed. The stable master commanded me to step between the shafts, behind a small bar that joined them together about half way along. He then raised the shafts, and told me to move forward to the bar, which was then at the height of my pelvic bone. I stood there as the Sheikh and his companion watched, then the stable master told me to bend forwards. As soon as I did, leaning against the bar, be roughly pushed my head further down and then I heard a double "snap" as the two ends of my yoke locked into fittings at the far end of the cart's shafts. "Look", observed the Sheikh to his companion. "Perfect! The pony can't stand up now as any effort to do so merely tries to force the cart into the ground. And he can't bend further forward, without lifting the cart off the ground. Whilst it's been designed for lightness, the mechanics of it and the leverage caused by the length of the shaft just make it impossible. He's stuck bent double like that until he's released." "Of course, we'll loose a lot of power this way. A man runs best upright, and the classical attachment method when he can throw his chest out is probably best. But look at what this new method gives us." "Firstly, I selected a long-legged pony. When you look at a naked pony slave, you tend to overlook the legs as you naturally focus on the cock, and then on the musculature of the torso. But here you can't help seeing those fantastic long legs. And the way he is stretched, you see the thigh muscles, and the tendons at the back of the knees, in perfect detail." "Secondly, observe his back. Do you see how the muscles are all standing out, an you can also see the line of his backbone almost the entire length? The shoulder muscles are emphasised because of the way he's having to hold his hands slightly out from his body, and in the 'wrong' direction. And I always choose slaves with those prominent vertebrae as I like to see a back like that." "And thirdly, look how it makes his ass look. Have you ever seen a nicer ass on a young slave than that?" "But surely he can't run as well like that as if he's put into a conventional harness", the Sheikh's friend observed. "He can't use his whole body to run with - only his thigh and ass muscles." "True enough", he Sheikh replied. "But then this is a light trap, so not all that much effort is required. And I deliberately chose a slave with long, muscular legs and a muscular ass so that his body power could be maximised. But, anyway, I think you miss the point!" "And what point is that?" "Look, if I wanted to get around my estate quickly, I could simply have a four-wheel drive vehicle. There's nowhere on the estate not accessible to an all-terrain vehicle, and it certainly would be more comfortable - we could have the air conditioning on! The whole point of having human ponies to pull a trap is to humiliate them and to show my power by having another man completely subservient to my whims and desires." "Now consider the ordinary harness ponies", the Sheikh went on. "Sure, they're naked, and they're held on to the traps by their harnesses. But they still have some freedom of movement, and they're upright, like real men. But look at this slave - he's totally helpless. He can't stand up, he can't sit down, he can't move his arms at all. And he knows that he is totally powerless to do anything to prevent me from feeling his testicles, or probing his asshole, which is, after all, almost exposed. Look...." The Sheikh came over toward me, and the next moment I felt his finger sliding down between my ass cheeks. Then his finger touched my actual asshole, and I flinched- that's all I could do, as I was indeed powerless. I wanted to scream out and tell the dirty fucker to leave me alone, but I remembered all I'd been told about using speech, and was even more afraid about what might happen to me if I protested like that. So I just had to stand there, shuffling from foot to foot as the Sheikh's finger remorselessly toyed with my asshole, and even pushed itself a little way in. It was totally disgusting. I'd never even fingered up there myself - real men don't, do they? And now to have this pervert doing it to me in front of everyone standing around was so shameful it was almost more than I could bear. "See....", the Sheikh continued, "Look how humiliated the slave is. I know he's a virgin, as I ordered one and since he has been enslaved no one has been near his hole. He absolutely detests my finger feeling him in his most secret, most private place, but there's absolutely nothing he can do about it whilst he's in this rig. If he was in a conventional harness, It would be much more difficult for me to feel him there, as I'd need to get him to bend over first, and then he would be free to move around." "No, using a man as a pony is all about domination and control, and this new method of attaching the slave to the trap is infinitely better in this respect than the conventional ones. It's worth losing out on the slave's efforts, in order to achieve this total dominance of him. He knows he's just being treated as a plaything for me, and there's not a blind thing he can do about it!" "Now", he continued turning towards his stable master, singlet guy, "Let's attach the reins so I can go for my first drive." The stable master approached the front of me, and I could see his crotch bulging and his semi-erect cock clearly outlined through the thin silk of them - it was at my eye level, as I stood there bend at right angles from my waist. The stable master had two long leather leashes, each of which had a stainless steel ring sewn onto one end. He slipped one of the rings over the middle finger of each of my hands, then led the leashes backwards, over my back, towards the trap. "I've even invented this new method of steering", the Sheikh went on. "Instead of the conventional bit and bridle, pulling on the reins will pull the slave's fingers backwards and I can quickly cause him any desired amount of pain to ensure proper steering control. Although I like having the bits and bridles in my conventional ponies, it does mean that anything they might try to say is muffled. This method leaves the slave's mouth completely clear, so, if he dares, he can shout or cry out: so much more of a subservient position for him - he has to control himself not to say anything - he has to use his own innate fear of me and the punishments I can order for him to make sure he never says anything. Subtle, don't you think?" The Sheikh and his friend were now standing in front of me, and by bending my head upwards I could just see up to their faces. "And here's the final indignity for the slave", the Sheikh went on. "To be as relaxed as he can be given his unnatural body position, he needs to keep his neck straight and thus his eyes are directed downwards. As you can see, he has to make a real effort to try to look up, or ever straight ahead. So during a long drive, he won't be able to keep looking forwards, only downwards at the spot almost underneath him. So he'll become totally dependent on my guidance - he'll have to rely on his driver to steer him clear of obstacles, make sure he doesn't bump into things, and so on. Not only do we remove another part of his free will, but we increase the subservience to the master." "I had thought of having a bracket attached to the yoke", he went on, "To prevent the slave raising his head at all. But on reflection I decided it probably isn't necessary- normal muscle fatigue will prevent him from raising his head much. And, of course, I avoid all the need for those unsightly blinkers you see conventional harnessed ponies wearing sometimes to keep them focussed on the road ahead. Now.... Shall we go for our first ride?" I felt the shafts flex as the Sheikh and his friend were obviously getting into the trap - there was absolutely no way that I could turn around to see, of course. Then the Sheikh snapped at me "Forward!", and the leather reins were slapped across my naked back and ass. So I started to move forward. It really was difficult - even though I've always done stretching exercises so my muscles are fairly loose and flexible, you're just not used to trying to walk, and then run, when bent at right angles! I could feel myself using the balls of my feet rather than putting my whole foot flat on the ground, and the pain from the backs of my knees, my thighs, and my ass muscles got worse and worse as I went along. I soon got used to being steered" by the Sheikh, who pulled on the reins to pull my middle fingers back when he wanted me to turn left or right. And I also discovered another disadvantage of being bent over - my ass was completely exposed to the Sheikh as driver, and he could easily flick at it with a light, thin whip he carried - it didn't really hurt in a sustained way, but each time it fell across me, the sharp stinging pain was enough to spur me on to maintain my pace if it was flagging a bit, or to speed me up. I don't know how long this first drive" went on, because after the first few minute I ceased to be able to think about time rationally - I was hurting so much from my legs and I needed to concentrate so hard on just keeping going, not stumbling, and obeying the Sheikh's steering commands to prevent my fingers being broken off. I just knew that this was the hardest exercise I'd ever done in my entire life - I was gasping for breath, and I could feel the sweat running off my entire body. The Sheikh was also a master of causing me unexpected pain - if it seemed that I was not reacting properly to one of the stinging lashes to my ass or thighs, he would occasionally - and of course totally unexpectedly - throw his whip forward so that the fast-moving, light, thin end would curl down into my exposed armpits, and the burning pain I then got when the tender skin there was hit was a new agony for me. And when he tired of this, I found he could also whip my exposed balls as they hung down between my naked thighs. Although I desperately wanted to cry out and shout, I knew that this would only be worse for me in the end, so I had to content myself with strangled, inarticulate cries. I wanted to curse and swear, call the Sheikh all the vile names I could think of - but all I could do was just howl with an animal-like shout. But we did get back to the stables eventually, and I heard the Sheikh say "So far so good, stable master. Make sure he exercises the top of his body this afternoon as we want to ensure he maintains an even development - running like this, all that will get exercised is his ass and his legs. I'll not use him myself for another week, but I want you to take personal charge - he's to run at least five miles a day in the new rig, and you can drive him yourself: I don't trust the other slaves to do the job properly." "Yes, your highness.", the stable master replied, and by straining my head I saw the sheikh and his friend walk off towards the palace. "Right, Steve, you heard what the man said!", the stable master said in a kind of joking tone. Let's get you out of this rig for today, then on to upper-body exercises." He came around to the front, and fiddled with the fastenings that held the end of my yoke to the shafts. As they came free, I couldn't help myself, and simply pitched forward. Unable to use my hands to break my fall, I hit my head quite hard on the sand of the stable yard. The stable master at once rushed to help me, and ordered a couple of the stable lads to come and raise me to my feet. I really couldn't stand unaided - my muscles had all seized and locked into place, and it was only with the greatest difficulty that they held me there, on my wavering legs. If the pain when I had been bent over and running was bad, it was even worse now that my body was returned to its "normal" position, and I groaned and moaned in agony. I wanted to reach down and try to massage my cramping and spasming muscles, but my hands were still locked rigidly into my yoke. "I didn't realise you were in such a bad way, Steve!", the stable master said as he saw my obvious distress. "Hang in there....", and then he snapped some orders at the stable lads who half-supported me, half carried me into the stables. Inside, I was lowered into a large plunge pool full of hot water, and with most of my body weight taken by the water, and the effect of the heat on my muscles, I could actually stand upright and began to feel better. "I always knew this hydrotherapy pool would be useful one day", the stable master said. "The Sheikh had it installed here after he had visited a racing stable for real horses in England, and saw them using a pool for injured race horses. But we haven't used it ourselves so far - if a pony is that badly hurt here, it's easier just to replace him." The stable master then, to my amazement, slipped off his tight silk shorts and his semi-erect cock sprang out from his body. Reaching down with crossed arms, he pulled the singlet up and off in one fluid motion, so he was totally naked (and of course as he did so his cock bounded upwards as his stomach tightened - I've often commented to myself that there are two sorts of guys in this world: those who take off their tops before modestly dropping their shorts whilst changing, usually turning their backs to you so you can't see their cocks; and those who get rid of the shorts first and then strip off their tops. They always face you, and even if you don't want to look at heir cocks, it's difficult not to when you know they can't see you whilst their head is covered by their shirt!). He slipped into the water, and stood in front of me. Then he reached up and released the catch at the end of my yoke so the two halves came apart, and I could free my hands. He helped me to take the yoke off completely, and put it on the side of the pool, and then we just stood there, facing each other. If anyone had come in at hat moment we might have been two buddies who had just come back from a run, or a session in the gym, and who were now cooling off in the plunge pool. But this man had my happiness and my life in his direct control. He looked directly in my eyes, and then I felt his hands running all over my shoulders, and down across my chest until his fingers were probing the ridges of muscles across my belly. "Well, no obvious signs of strain there", he said. "Now sit down on the seat around the edge, and raise your legs." I did as he said, and then he stood there running his hands up and down each of my legs in turn. I had never been handled like this by another guy before - well, at least not unless it was by a professional physiotherapist on a massage table. And here it was a naked guy doing it to me. He wasn't at all concerned about my cock and balls, and his hands ran right up my thighs as they probed for muscle strain - he wasn't in the least bit concerned about feeling my cock against the back of his hand as he continued his examination. And he obviously wasn't concerned about being naked himself whilst all this was going on. "OK, you'll live!", he grinned. "Now, after about 15 minutes of this relaxing warmth, you're going to have to get out. I'll schedule only a little exercise of the legs for you, as we do need to keep you capable of walking and running normally. But, as the Sheikh said, we mustn't neglect your upper body development so it will be long sessions on the weights machines, a lot of press-ups, and a hundred or so trunk curls, to keep that belly of yours nicely ridged with muscle." So saying, he got out of the water, planed himself dry, and casually pulled back on his singlet and shorts. He walked off, shouting orders to the stable lads, and after a time they came and motioned me to get out. Surprisingly, I could walk almost normally, and I was led into the gym attached to the stables where I was able to do a whole afternoon's exercises with only the occasional "encouragement" from a guard who patrolled with a light whip to make sure that the slaves using the gym did not slacken their pace, or fail to do all the exercises properly. I certainly slept well that night - I didn't hear any of the usual sounds from the rest of the ponies - the little sighs and farts all guys make during the night, and even the noises of passion as I guessed some of the "team" ponies enjoyed each others' bodies. He following day it was the stable master, in his customary white singlet and shorts, who was waiting by my trap when I was led out, and he supervised the fixing of my yoke, and the attachment of it to the shafts. And then we were off again - running, running, running, until all thought of anything else had disappeared from my brain. All I could do was just keep my will going to put one foot down in front of the next - it was the total focus of my thoughts, my whole being. When we did stop, we were not back in the stable yard, so I knew a further period of torment was in store for me as we would need to get home. But it was a pleasant spot, and we were on a patch of grass under a couple of tress that shaded my back from the burning sun. "OK, Steve", the stable master said as he came around and stood by my head. I saw him slide the shorts off, and his cock - which although not as long as mine was certainly as thick - started to erect. "You're not going to like this, but it's for your own good." "You're a virgin, I know, but the Sheikh doesn't allow his slaves to stay like that. He likes his slaves to be multipurpose, so all you ponies are part of the palace's 'pleasure' operation: when he's bored, he has you get together for a little orgy whilst he watches! So you've got to lose that virginity, and get used to taking a cock up your ass." "Normally I just let it happen, and we all laugh when a virgin slave first realises that he's about to lose it. But I've taken a fancy to you, as I think you've got something special about you - and I actually feel a bit sorry for you, being torn out of your normal life and ending up here. So I'm going to break you in personally, gently. The first time is always the most difficult as your asshole is tight and unstretched, and if some big pony just fucks you it will really hurt and he might even damage you. So I'm going to do it now, slowly and gently." "Of course, as you can see, I'm way above average in the cock department, so it won't all be a bed of roses for you. But I'll be as gentle as I can." "This will be a really stressful time for you, so let me remind you again that you absolutely must not speak. You can cry out - and I'll expect you to do that - from pain, or pleasure, or perhaps both. But just animal howls, no words! Remember!" He walked around behind me, and I felt the shafts move as he got between them. Then I felt his fingers probing my ass, and as I had when the Sheikh had first touched me in my secret place, I tried to get away by shifting my weight from foot to foot - but it was equally futile: bent double, locked in the shafts by my yoke, there was absolutely nothing I could do. I felt his finger go inside me, then it was withdrawn, but it was back a moment later and it felt easier. "See, I've lubed it with a bit of spit!", I heard him say. He carried on probing and moving his finger around inside my hole, and it did indeed seem to feel better after a very short time. But then he pulled his finger out, and I heard him spitting again. "OK, Steve. Now be brave! I've slathered my cock in my spit, and I'm going to start to go up you. Don't resist! If you try to resist, your asshole will clamp shut and it will be much more difficult for both of us. Instead, pretend you're about to have a crap - that crapping motion opens the asshole, and it will be easier for me to get inside, and that in turn will be much easier for you." I wanted to say "No, no. This is all wrong...", but couldn't, of course. I felt his hands pulling my ass cheeks apart, and then a warm "something" pushing at my asshole. It actually was much warmer than his finger - I've since realised that cocks always do feel warm like that to the asshole, but this first time it was a new sensation. The pressure increased on me, and I could feel the stable master pushing forwards against me, as his cock tried to enter me. "Come on, Steve", he shouted. "Stop resisting...... Think about crapping". I did, and to my surprise there was a sort of "pop" sensation and a little sigh from the stable master. "OK, Steve, that's the most difficult bit. The head of my cock and it's thick flange is now safely inside you. I'm now going to slide the rest of my cock into you, slowly and gently. Just shout if the pain is too bad - but do try to take it like a man!" In fact, it wasn't painful, at first. It felt good to have this piece of warm, solid man flesh sliding into me. There was that amazing sensation you get when you're shitting - the physical pleasure of feeling something moving deep inside your ass. The stable master was grunting "Only a little more now", and it was starting to hurt, but not anything I couldn't take. And I'm not really certain, looking back on it, whether it was real pain, or just an odd mixture of true pleasure spiced up with a bit of pain. Then felt his thighs in direct contact with my ass cheeks, and he flopped forward so his silk singlet with his hot body underneath it was lying along my back. "There. All in. You've taken me in totally. That wasn't bad, was it?" "Now for the fun! I'm going to slide in and out of you, ever so slowly at first, although I will get quicker. Only shout if you really want me to stop." And he did - it felt incredible. We all know what it feels like to have a big, rampant cock up our asses, and my words can't really add anything to your ow experiences. But I now know how lucky I was to have such a gentle and considerate lover that first time - as he rocked backwards and forwards, slowly and gently, I had those feelings that I had never had before. I now knew why men wanted to fuck each other, and why a man's cock is the perfect size and shape for a man's asshole. Why hadn't anyone ever told me whilst I was growing up that having another man up you is the most amazing sensation that you can have? Why had all my mates always jeered at "gays" - surely at least one of them must have known the real truth about how fucking and being fucked by another man is the best sensation in the world? But after a few minutes of this sheer unadulterated bliss, the stable master stopped and pulled out. "I could tell you liked that", he said. "But you have to learn to take the rough with the smooth." And with that, his whole rhythm changed - he started to thrust in and out with a force that almost amounted to violence, and his pubic bone kept smashing into that sensitive area around my ass hole as he did. I started to gasp, and the gasps soon changed to cries of pain (or pleasure?) in time with his thrusting. He too was making noises, and then I heard him shout "Sweet Jesus....." And he stopped and collapsed forwards onto my back again. I could feel something different inside me, and there were tiny spasms from his cock as he shot the last few spouts of his cum deep up into me. He lay there on me for a minute or two, then stood up and pulled his now flaccid cock out of my ass. "There you are, Steve. You're a real man now - no longer a virgin! That's a good hard fucking, to get you started on your new life. You did well - a lot of guys scream and shout the first time, especially if they're with a very active dominant guy like me. I know it hurt a bit, and I could hear you gasping and shouting, but I think you enjoyed it, mostly, didn't you?" "Anyway, it really doesn't matter. As you'll find out, the Sheikh likes all his ponies to be well fucked all the time - it adds to his pleasure to be able to see good-looking, well-muscled men fucking away at each other." "You should be glad that we're going straight back to the stables - If I was going around for the rest of the day I'd have you clean my cock up...." He was standing in front of me now, and I could see his singlet was soaked in sweat. His cock was at eye level, and I could smell my own shit on it as he waved it in front of my face. "But I can have a good bath when we get back, and so for now I'll just go home dirty!" And with that he bent down and pulled on his shorts, then I felt the trap move as he got in, and there was a quick slap of the reins on my ass and I had to trot off. As well as all the other miseries of having to run in such an unnatural way, I now had a further problem - I could feel something trickling down the inside of my thighs - it could only be his semen, I knew, trickling gently out of my asshole. I never felt more humiliated in my life, and knew I had been totally violated by the stable master. When we got back to the stables, the stable master came around and stood looking at me as I remained there totally immobile. "Well, Steve, you're not only a proper man now, but you took it like real men do - bareback, as we say. Without one of those disgusting condom things. You don't know how lucky you are - most guys in the civilised world now have to have sex with their cocks covered in a layer of latex. It completely removes most of the sensation for the guy doing the fucking, and the guy being fucked doesn't get to feel the delicious warmth of the cock pushing up into him. And, of course, both of them don't get to experience that fantastic feeling as the semen shoots out." "We're very fortunate here, as all you ponies are considered to be part of the Sheikh's leisure activities. So all of you are carefully screened for AIDS and all the other STDs before you join the stables. You're a disease-free pool of slaves, and so the masters can use you as they like, without risk or danger." "Now, let's get you out of that yoke, showered, and then you can do your daily exercises!" He shouted commands, and the stable lads came and uncoupled me, took the yoke off, and led me off to the showers. Each of the next five days was like this - a long, hard run in the trap with the stable master driving me, a stop in some shady place where he fucked me, and then a run back to the stables with his seed running out from me. I got used to it - the runs were longer and faster each time, and he varied the way he fucked me, too. Some times it was gentle, some times rough and vigorous, and of course he also took the opportunity of using me in some of the more brutal ways that men can - I particularly disliked it when he withdrew from me completely on each stroke, and then rammed his cock in fresh: that really hurt, and I didn't then see how anyone could enjoy it - well, at least it wasn't enjoyable for me, on the receiving end, although judging by the way he was shouting as he thrust home each time, it was pleasing him!. On the sixth day I was yoked into he trap as usual, waiting out side the stables, but instead of the stable master getting into the trap and driving me off, we all just waited. After about a quarter of an hour, the Sheikh came out and started to discuss me with the stable master. "I think you'll be pleased with the pony's progress, Highness. There's nowhere on the estate that you can't run him to now, non-stop. And he's very willing - only the gentlest slaps of the reins, or a very light whipping, are necessary to keep him going at full tilt. His muscles have relaxed in this past week, and as you can see, he's standing much more comfortably now with his feet properly on the ground." "Good, Stable Master. And has he been properly drained?" "Nor formally, Highness. I think that like most of the ponies he masturbates himself on first waking with his morning hard-on. But our standard regime for pony care does not normally include forced draining." I heard the Sheikh say "Hmmmm....", thoughtfully, and then felt a finger - which I assumed to be his - probing between my ass cheeks as he had before. When it touched my asshole I didn't flinch this time - I'd got used to being fingered and fucked by the stable master, so one more finger there was no longer a problem to me. "Altogether calmer, Stable Master. I remember he tried to buck away from me last time I wanted to examine his anus." Then I felt my balls being weighed - they were being cupped in the palm of the Sheikh's hand. And then something completely new - I tingling, itchy, scratchy sensation as the Sheikh ran his finger nail along the sensitive area between my asshole and ball sac. In spite of myself, I felt an erection growing, and the Sheikh's hands soon detected this, too. "Well, either this pony is very virile, Stable Master, or he didn't masturbate himself this morning. I don't want to go on a run with the possibility of him having an erection and shooting in an unseemly way - how embarrassing it would be for me if I were to meet one of my friends, and this animal were to have a sexual climax. Have him drained now, before we start." "Of course, Highness", the stable master replied, and he snapped out orders. One of the naked stable lads - he couldn't have been more than 16, although with all his hair shaved off it was difficult to tell, but he was sporting a good hard erection so I knew he must be fully sexually mature - came out of the stables and at once threw himself on the ground under my naked body. He reached up, and I felt his mouth close over my cock! Now I've had blow jobs from my girl friends in the past, but another man has never had his mouth around my cock. The girls were always a bit reluctant to do this for me, but this young lad clearly enjoyed it as he was sucking away at me like a Trojan! And he was clearly very experienced, because in addition to taking my cock in and out rhythmically, he was also catching my flange very gently on his teeth which dramatically heightened the sensation for me, and running his tongue over my exposed piss-slit, which was causing me to shiver with ecstasy. I really didn't want to cum - it's OK to be given a blow job when you want one, but to have it done to you in public, totally against your will, is just another form of rape. But shackled completely immobile as I was, what could I do? I guess I could have kicked out at the naked lad with my feet, but how would that help? They'd only restrain me more, and probably punish the lad, too. He was, after all, only obeying his master's orders, as a slave should. In spite of myself, I felt my climax building, then I shot explosively into his mouth. All my girl friends had been disgusted by this, as they'd always wanted me to pull out before I came. But this lad seemed to actually enjoy my cum, and kept on sucking and massaging my cock with his lips. Like most guys, my cock is incredibly sensitive the moment I've cum, and when I'm wanking myself I always stop after the first shoot and just let the remaining smaller loads dribble out. But as the lad went on sucking, I felt the heightened sensation in my cock head- that feeling that is so strong and so sensual that it almost crosses the border between extreme pleasure and extreme pain. In spite of myself I tried to buck to get away from his insistent lips, and I moaned and groaned in ecstasy as h continued to suck me dry. "Very instructive, Stable Master", I heard the Sheikh say. "This pony is obviously highly sexed and very sensual - do you see how he reacted when the slave continued to suck at him?" "Yes, Highness. Although I wouldn't consider that unusual. Bear in mind the pony is only 22, so his body has only just passed the peak of his sexual maturity. And in his society, he probably doesn't even consider himself completely 'mature' yet. So as he's probably been a bit repressed and didn't start sex very early, for him this is almost certainly his peak time emotionally. And, as we know, a whole lot of sex is inside the head. He's probably doubly excited by being sucked by another man like this, with us watching - for many of the newly enslaved, this is a real turn on all by itself." "You may be right, Stable Master. But I can't stand here all day now - I need to try this pony out properly." I felt the shafts move, and then settle as the Sheikh clearly took his seat in the trap, and then an insistent tugging at my finger from the reins and a sharp slap across my ass told me to start off. Unlike the stable master, who varied the pace at which I needed to run, the Sheikh had only one idea of the speed I should go at - flat out! I was soon beyond mere tiredness, and the aching from my legs and the pain from my chest as my breath rasped the hot, dry air in and out was indescribable. But as athletes do, I went "beyond the barrier", and it was as if my body switched to some sort of automatic mode that enabled me to carry on pumping my legs along the rough dirt roads of the estate. I was almost unaware of it when the reins first pulled both my fingers back to indicate "halt", and the Sheikh had to tug twice, hard, before I snapped back to reality and stopped. My whole body was heaving, as my chest rose up and down as I tried to get enough oxygen into me. And I was covered in sweat, all over, in spite of it rapidly evaporating in the dry air. I saw that we had stopped alongside one of the estate carts - it was piled high with sacks of something or other, and the eight ponies, naked except for their "waistcoats" of chains permanently welded on to them were straining and sweating with their efforts to keep it moving. A young lad - totally naked, and totally shaved, was moving alongside and "encouraging" them to keep going with shouts and lashes of the whip he carried. The Sheikh called out something - he wasn't using English now, so I supposed it was Arabic. Clearly the young lad understood him, because he went up to the two lead ponies and unhooked the drag chain from the ring on the back of their "waistcoats" so they were standing free. They came towards me, and then were out of sight behind me. But then I felt the shafts move, and the next minute the hot feeling of another naked body being pressed against my ass! My ass cheeks were roughly pulled apart, and then I felt that hot feeling against my asshole that tells you that there's a cock waiting to enter. I almost didn't have time to react and do what I had learned from the Stable Master and consciously relax, before the cock was roughly pushed into me. It was obviously one of the huge, beefy ponies from the cart was fucking me. Having observed them in the stables I could see they had all been chosen as a "type" - stocky, heavily muscled, and extremely well built. That went for their cocks, too, and although the stable master had a good thick cock, it was nothing like this slave's! It really did hurt as he pushed into me, and it was all I could do to stop myself crying out. He fucked me hard - slamming into my ass with his body time after time, until he exploded inside me. He obviously wanted to rest then, but there was more shouting and I could feel him pull out from me. But now there was another cock going into me - it must be the second pony, I knew. The other six were still attached to the cart, but I could tell they were excited by what they were watching - they were all playing with their cocks, which were rock hard, and they were obviously hoping to be allowed to come over and fuck me, too. In fact the Sheikh did get a third pony over, so I took three massive loads of cum. But I suspect he must have tired of the game, as the three were re-shackled to the cart and with a snap of the reins, I was made to run off. We got back o the stables, and the Sheikh congratulated the Stable Master on my progress "so far". I was uncoupled, and allowed to shower whilst the Stable Master watched me carefully. "So, Steve", he said as I stood there in the showers. "Your education continues! I understand you've now had three other men up your ass - you do know, don't you, that four men in total is more than a lot of guys experience in a lifetime! In fact, some unfortunates never get to experience the feeling of a big, stiff cock rammed up into them at all. If those enslavers hadn't chosen you in response to the Sheikh's requirements, you might have spent your whole life without experiencing the pleasure of your fellow men." Well, I could see what he meant. Although I wasn't at that point sure that "pleasure" was exactly how I would describe the brutal gang fuck I had experienced just a few minutes before. That night in the stables my stall was opposite the one occupied by the cart team. They saw me, and whistled and called to attract my attention. The three who had fucked me were grinning and making that gesture with their hands and arms that means "fuck you!". And the other five were wanking themselves and clearly indicating that they wanted me! But I decided there was nothing cruel in all of this - they were just trying to be friendly. I'd seen how they all fucked each other all the time, so it was normal for them to enjoy another man's body, and probably thought that I did, too. And in any case, they were only obeying the Sheikh's orders - what else were they supposed to do when he commanded them to fuck me? The next day the Sheikh again took me out, and again I was run "through the barrier", and I only saw what was happening when we again stopped near the cart and its sweating team of eight ponies. This time the Sheikh didn't tire, and the five remaining men who hadn't had me the previous day now had their turn to shoot up me. On the third day, as I stood out side the stables wondering how many more men were going to fuck me - I was really sore, as most of those big ponies didn't care how they used me - they were in a hurry, and knew they had to shoot their loads quickly so there was not time for gentleness, even if that's how they might have wanted to do it. I guess there's something in being a huge beefy guy that means you fulfil the world's expectation of you anyway - no one thinks a big guy can be gentle, so they act out the stereotype and are rough and tough anyway. But it seemed as if I was going to be spared. The Sheikh and Stable Master stood there discussing me, and at first I didn't know what they ere talking about. "I don't really want the traditional place, Stable Master. With this new method of attaching him to the trap, his ass is completely exposed in the way I want. Having those wonderfully muscular ass cheeks held high and firm like that, it seems a pity to spoil them with asymmetry." "Indeed, Highness. But all the other ponies in your stable are always marked on the left...." " Yes, I know. But not this one. The ass and thighs are to be kept clear. As I'm driving, they are directly in front of me and I enjoy seeing them 'natural'." "How about on his back, then Highness? Although you do see it stretched out in front of you, it's not at the same angle as the ass..." "No. I like to see his backbone, and I think the symmetry would be spoiled. It will have to be somewhere on the front." "So that leaves us the face, neck, pectorals....." "Are you being stupid, Stable Master? The neck is hidden when he's yoked. If we choose the face, there could be a problem if I decide to have the yoke fitted with a spike to cause him to hold his head up - I'm happy at the moment to have him looking down, but I'm not sure it will be that way for ever, as it might amuse me to have him under the extra strain of having to keep his head up to avoid a spike pushing into his throat." "I'm not totally in favour of the pecs either. If I have him ringed later, it can introduce a degree of asymmetry." "So, Highness, we're left with the lower chest, the belly, or, as an interesting variation, the front of the thighs?" "No, Stable Master, not the front of the thighs. I've had them done there before, and it looks wrong if I ever decide to use him as a normal pony. Interesting, isn't it, but you can have one ass cheek done, as we do conventionally, and it doesn't upset the natural balance of the body, but the front of one thigh causes it to look all wrong! And I don't like the lower chest - it can make the slave look as if he's wearing one of those horrible medallions you see working-class men wearing on the beach. So I think that means the belly - make sure it's centred between the cock and navel, properly!" "Yes, Highness, as ever your wishes will be obeyed." "And whilst we're at it, have his balls ringed." What were they talking about - all this discussion of "marking"? But I heard "ringed" - what could they mean? I'd once bought one of those gay magazines, by accident, and I'd seen a guy in there wearing a cock ring. The article hinted that it made it easier to maintain an erection - but I'd never had a problem with that myself, so I couldn't see the point of it. But what was a ball ring? The Sheikh went away, and the Stable Master called for the stable lads to come and unhitch me. "Well, Steve, no running for you today, and no fucking. But before you start to celebrate, I'm afraid you're in for worse. The Sheikh has just decided on where you're to be branded, and he wants your balls ringed with a cinch ring, too." "That's good in one way, as he's decided to keep you. If he was planning to sell you on, he wouldn't have ordered the branding as that's so permanent that it destroys your resale value. And whilst you may think the Sheikh is a cruel master, you have no real idea of how brutally some masters can treat their slaves, so it's good news for you in the long term." I was led off into the tack room, and made to crouch down and shit into one of the crap holes. I couldn't go - it wasn't my regular "time" (with regular feeding at a fixed time, with exactly the same slave food all the time, my bowel function had become amazingly regular, too). The Stable Master stood watching, and when it was obvious nothing was going to happen, said to me "Are you sure there's nothing up there?" I nodded. "Well, there's two things we can do now. Either we can give you an enema to flush you out completely, or I can trust you.... Something is going to happen to you that's so painful that many slaves let their bowels go quite involuntarily. It makes a disgusting mess, so we like them to be empty before they start. But if you're sure, and if you think you can keep your body under control.... Do you think you can hold your crap in, whatever happens to you?" I nodded again. "Very well. But if you fail me, I will wait until the Sheikh is gone on a nice long trip and will then really whip that lovely back and ass of yours that he's so fond of - I'll flail it with a proper bull whip, so it takes weeks to recover. Do you understand?" I nodded once more. I won't tell you about how bad it was to be branded - memory plays funny tricks, and I can only clearly remember being taken to one of the tables in the tack room and being strapped down completely immobile - my arms and legs shackled to the four table legs, and big heavy webbing straps around my navel and thighs, that were then ratcheted tight to make sure I was absolutely unable to move my belly. To make it worse, a wooden cylinder about eight inches in diameter had been slipped under my lower back first, just above the top of my ass crack, so my belly was stretched out hard and taught. But after that, things were a bit hazy. I saw the Stable Master take an instrument that looked a bit like a potato masher, except that where the holes were to do the mashing, there was an intricate design. A slave bought him in one of those portable gas burners, and he stood there, looking at me impassively, as the end of the instrument was heated in the flame, going first from red and then to a dull white glow. "OK, Steve, ready?" He asked. But before I could nod or anything, he had pushed the white-hot thing down onto my belly. There was no way I could avoid screaming. I tried to get away from the fearsome thing, but the straps kept me completely immobile. He held it there, and my nose filled with the acrid smell of burning flesh - and I knew it was my body that was being burned. I passed out, mercifully. And I don't remember much of the next couple of days- I was allowed to lie in my cell, and all I could think about as the pain that filled my entire being. I could see my belly was filled with scar tissue and blisters, and there was nothing I could do - I guessed that they knew I would try to scratch the scabs, or something, so in addition to being chained by the neck as usual, my hands were cuffed behind my back - but not tightly, just so that there was no way that I could get to my belly. On the third day I was released, and taken to the tack room again. The Stable Master was standing there, and came over and inspected me carefully. "Good, Steve! You kept your word, and didn't crap all over us! And you're obviously a strong guy, as the wound is healing well. You mustn't scratch at it or touch it, however, as the blisters and scabs must fall off naturally. That way the brand will have the sharp, defined edges that the Sheikh likes." "You will, of course, carry the Sheikh's mark for life, showing the world that you are his property. There's absolutely no way of removing a deep brand like that - it's scarred right through into the underlying layers of the skin. " "You are particularly unfortunate to have been branded on the belly, as I think that is the most painful place. We normally brand the left asses of our ponies, and that is not quite as bad as there are fewer nerve endings there, and a lot more muscle to take the brand. But the Sheikh didn't want the perfection of the back of your body spoiled... So there you are!" "Now, you've lazed around for two days, and we don't want you going off form. So it's off to the gym and the exercise yard for you this morning. It will hurt like crazy as you start to stretch those abdominal muscles, but it has to be done: you have to keep in training, and anyway, it will help to get the scabs off quicker. So be brave.. I know you can do it!" He was right - it did hurt like hell. And it did the next day, and the next day, too! But by day five the scabs had fallen away and there below my navel and above my cock was a circle scarred into my flesh four inches in diameter, with two stylised Arabic characters inside it. I couldn't help looking down and seeing it - can you imagine what it feels like to be marked like that? It really brought it home to me, even more than being humiliatingly yoked in to the Sheikh's trap, that I was not a man any more, I was just an object, completely subject to the Sheikh's will and whim. I thought I was going back into the yoke the following day, but one more thing was in store for me. In the tack room again I was made to lie across one of the tables, and spread my legs. The Stable Master and another man in Arabic dress were there, and the Stable Master and he were discussing me. "My master the Sheikh wants his balls cinched. And to match his trap, the ring is to be of stainless steel." "But Stable Master, a slave with a cock like this one's would look so much better with his whole apparatus tightly ringed- imagine seeing him running naked with his cock jutting firmly out in front of him - you know how the total ringing pushes the balls up. And the cock then is forced out in front. Surely that would be better?" "No. Just the balls. This slave never runs upright anyway, only bent over. So even if his cock were sticking out, and if it was erect all the time, no one would really see. We only see his balls handing down from behind, and that's why the Sheikh wants those ringed." "But stainless steel... Surely gold would be more appropriate for a slave of this calibre and quality...?" "No, as I said, stainless steel to match his trap. Now no more discussion. Just do it!" The Stable Master then addressed me "This won't hurt, Steve, provided you fully co-operate. The jeweller has to stretch your balls down low into their sac, but the actual fitting of the ring is painless. I know a young man's balls are especially sensitive, so if it gets too much during the stretching, just cry out... But I'll rely on you not to do so unless you really can't hold out. The Sheikh your master likes them sitting really low in your sac, so we do have to stretch you hard.... OK?" I nodded. As usual, it was what the Sheikh wanted, and nothing to do with my needs or desires. I was going to be "stretched" and "cinched" for the Sheikh's pleasure, whether I liked it or not. The jeweller was obviously experienced at this, because as he grasped my testicles firmly and started to pull them down, he did it with a slow, steady pressure. There was none of that feeling of retching or sickness you get if someone treats your balls roughly - sure, the relentless pressure was unpleasant, and I'd rather not have another man handle me in that way, but, given all the circumstances, it was quite a humane process. When I felt as if I was at the limit of what I could bear and was about to cry out, I think the jeweller knew it, too, because he asked the Stable Master to come and hold me in the stretched position. "Just cup your thumb and forefinger around the sac above my hands", I heard him tell the Stable Master, "Then pull them down towards my hands, Then I can let go, and we won't lose all this stretch we have in him, Be very careful not to let go - once you've stretched a slave's balls like this, if they're allowed to relax they disappear up into the body cavity for at least 15 minutes, and it's the very devil to get them stretched again!" Obviously the process went OK, because the next thing I felt was something going around my sac. And then I saw the jeweller go around me with a big pair of pliers with long handles. There was a lot of fiddling, and then a final "Great - done!" The Stable Master told me to stand up, and as I did so my testicles felt very strange- you don't usually feel your testicles, after all, unless they're in pain from an unexpected blow or something. But I definitely "knew" mine were there! "So, Steve, you're ringed now! When you get around to inspecting it, you'll see there's a stainless steel band around he top of your sac, so both of your balls are squeezed down into the bottom. At this moment, the skin of your sac is stretched very tight, but over the next few days that will ease a little. You will be in pain, for two reasons: firstly, your balls are used to being able to go up and down in your sac and into your body cavity. They can't now do that, as they can't get past the ring - that's why we call it a cinch ring - and until they get used to it, they'll complain! And secondly, having both balls in the very bottom of your sac and a relatively heavy steel ring above them changes the shape and swing geometry of your balls - as you run, you'll find your balls will slap into you thighs, and that'll hurt, too! But again, you'll get used to it, the body will accommodate it, and after week or so you'll feel as if your balls have always been like that." "You'll still be able to jerk off and there should be just as much cum as usual, as you'll be pleased to know that the general operation of the balls is not affected by any of this. It's purely cosmetic, to give the Sheikh something more interesting to look at between your legs - so you should be grateful he didn't decide to have you gelded (although that's not very likely with a high-priced slave like you, especially as I think he's going to breed from you)". He was right - that night, I could hardly sleep as my balls were so sore. And when I had to run the next day, it felt very different to have my balls hanging so low. And they swung very differently with the heavy metal ring on them, as the Stable Master had predicted. The Sheikh and the Stable Master stood there before I set off admiring the view - the Sheikh very much liked seeing the stainless steel ring above my balls between my thighs. By way of variation that day the Sheikh had me stop alongside his carriage that was being pulled by the two long-legged totally smooth jet-black blacks who were themselves out on an exercise run. Their fucking of me as the Sheikh watched was mercifully almost painless- although they had long cocks to go with their tall bodies, they were not as thick and meaty as the cart ponies and so they slipped easily up me - although they did shoot very big loads! It's funny how some guys are totally prejudiced against black men - believe me, if you can't see what's going on, there's no way that you can actually tell whether it's a white man, a black, or whatever, who's fucking you! I always knew now when I was due to pull the Sheikh and when I was just going on a training run with the Stable Master - once yoked, if it was to be the Sheikh, one of the stable lads always came out and sucked me off just before the Sheikh appeared. The Stable Master didn't bother as, he said, he really didn't care whether a pony had a hard-on or not, or whether the pony actually ever shot a load. So life went on. I was at the point where it was all routine - the estate was of such a size that I could run anywhere across it at full tilt without incredible pain. And I was used to being fucked, whether for the Sheikh's amusement by whatever pony we stopped by, or just as a recreational exercise by the Stable Master. One day, as I was showering after a long run with the Sheikh driving me, I looked at myself. There was no doubt I was healthy - I'd always been fit, but the constant forced exercises coupled with what was obviously a healthy diet had made me even fitter. I was literally glowing with good health, and the deep, all over tan I had suited me - the tiny hairs on my arms and legs were all bleached almost white, and set off the dark brown of my skin perfectly. I rather liked the trimmed pubic hair and crisp short haircut that was maintained on me by the stable lads. But I couldn't help seeing how I was now definitely no longer a free man - the Sheikh's ownership brand stood out on the ridges of my stomach, and underneath my cock, the stainless steel ball cinch ring glinted. As I washed my ass I was amazed at how normal it now felt to be fingering my asshole - before I was a slave, I'd never even touched it, and now I was used to being fingered there constantly. And, of course, I had experienced being fucked constantly and humiliatingly once I was yoked into the shafts. One day was really exactly like another - the routine never varied. There was no difference between days of the week, and the weather almost never varied so there was no sense of the seasons. Without any form of writing, I couldn't keep a count of the days of my slavery; I couldn't even scratch marks on the walls of my stall, as I was put into a different stall almost every night. But one morning there was a change in routine. As I was being unlocked from my tethering chain in my stall, the Stable Master came up - still in his singlet and tight shorts, which was the only thing I had ever seen him wear - and said "Congratulations, Steve, it's your anniversary today!" I wondered what he was talking about, as I didn't think it felt like my birthday, but he continued "It's exactly a year since the Sheikh acquired title to you, and we call this your anniversary. He is extremely pleased with your progress, and thinks he made a wise choice in commissioning your enslavement and then in his ongoing training programme for you. He's so pleased in fact that he's decided to breed from you." "You're probably not aware of it, but the price of slaves is far outstripping inflation - everyone likes to own men for their pleasure. And the supply is drying up as it gets harder and harder to snatch good-looking men from civilised countries. Of course there's a constant supply of blacks and Asians, but handsome European stock is increasingly rare and expensive. We had thought the problems in Eastern Europe would help alleviate the problem as there would be more mid-Europeans available, but the settlement of the Bosnian troubles has meant all those countries are returning to normal, too. So the Sheikh has decided to make a long term investment in the future - he has set up his own stock farm, with a hundred brood mares. And he has them inseminated with seed from his finest ponies and pleasure slaves." "From now on, there will be no more sucking off for you out in the yard, and your hands will be tethered at night, too, as we don't want you masturbating and wasting all that cum! Did you jerk yourself off this morning?" I shook my head - I'd thought about it when I'd woken with my morning hard on, but had fallen asleep again before getting around to it. "Good. So now's as good a time to start as any. Follow me to the breeding shed!" We went out of the stables and across the yard, and into a building I'd never been in before. It was like the stables, in that it was lined on both sides with stalls, but each one held a naked woman. As I walked along the passage between the stalls, the women all called out at me - I couldn't understand everything that was said, as they were all speaking different languages, but I could tell they were all commenting on my body. I'd been used by now to being naked in front of men, of course, but having to walk naked through all these naked women aroused too many memories of my former life and I had a giant erection, which caused the women to laugh and catcall even more. We went on in to a room at the end, and I was told to sit on a table. A man in a short white coat came in and shook hands briefly with the Stable Master. Then he came over to me and told me to raise my foot - and he copied my slave ID number on to a form he was holding. "The Sheikh's fanatical about record keeping", he explained to the Stable Master. "He wants to know who each of the brood mares is pregnant by, how many times she had to be impregnated, and so on. And then, when the pregnancy is two months on and we can test for the sex of the baby, he demands to know how many of them have to be aborted as they're girls, and which of the slaves has the greatest propensity to father boys. But his primary interest is in seeing how well the characteristics of the father carry onto the boys that are born." "I can see why he wants to breed from this one - magnificent body, with those very long legs, and a natural blond! If he sires children who are half as good as he is, the Sheikh will stand to make a handsome profit a few years down the line when the offspring can be sold on." "Right, you!", he continued, looking at me, "Jerk yourself off. And be sure to catch every drop of ejaculate in this dish." I was given a small laboratory dish, and sat there, holding it. The man and the Stable Master laughed at me.. "You didn't think you were going to fuck the mares yourself did you?", the man said. "It would be terribly wasteful, as one lot of your ejaculate can impregnate ten of them using AI techniques, whereas if you had to do it physically, we'd be here all morning! Come on, get jerking." "And anyway", the Stable Master cut in, "Who'd want to stand and watch you fuck a woman? Absolutely disgusting. I can't understand why people pay to go to see sex shows with men fucking women." I was so used to obeying orders now that I started to jerk off - I'd got used to doing it in semi-public in my stall with other ponies across the corridor watching me, but this felt worse: it wasn't just for my pleasure, but my spunk was actually going to be used to father children. Somehow this was different, and I blushed. But it didn't make any difference to my performance - my cock sprang to erection, and I soon shot one of my normal big loads into the dish. The man in the white coat looked at it, and told the Stable Master that was all for today. I was led back out, towards the stables, and I really felt bad as there was still a drop of semen hanging from the tip of my cock as I had to make my way past all the women again. That night, as well as being chained by the neck, my hands were loosely cuffed behind my back which made sleeping more difficult, and for the next four weeks I repeated the humiliating walk and jerking-off every day. The Sheikh seemed to disappear from the scene shortly after this, and I was exercised by the Stable Master every day. There was no more fucking of me by the other ponies, as the Stable Master liked to do this himself, but generally only every second or third day. I was expecting to be fucked when we stopped one afternoon, as it was about the third day since he had last had me. We were in a shady glade, and there was one of the artificial ponds with which the Sheikh had had dug around the estate to beautify it in front of us. The Stable Master stripped of f his shorts and singlet, and dived into the pond - I could only stand there, desperately hot, and watch as his magnificently muscled body powered up and down the pool. He came out, and stood by me, the water steaming off him in the dry air. Then he sat down on the grass, naked, like me. Had I not been yoked into the carriage, you would not have been able to tell who was the pony slave and who was the Stable Master - I speculated on how long each day he had to spend keeping his body in good shape, and how he managed to find the time, given all the duties he had in running the stable, exercising me, and so on. "Steve", he said, "You know I've always told you what's going on. It's nice that I can chat to you like this, even though it's very one-sided. I like to use my English, as having to work mostly in Arabic I find myself tending to forget it." "I've been exercising you like this for the past weeks as the Sheikh is on an extended trip - he's travelling the world, inspecting the different types of men available in the countries, and negotiating personally with slavers for more stock." "He's buying in a lot of new slaves, as the prices are continuing to rise, as I told you. And at the same time he's hugely expanding his breeding programme - that's one of the reasons for getting in more slaves, as he's going for men who have already sired large families, in an attempt to get he breeding rate up - not that you have anything to worry about, as you are a very successful sire. Your semen almost always results in a pregnancy first time, and you tend to have a high proportion of boys - the Sheikh is very pleased indeed. It won't be long now before we start to see a lot of 'little Steves' running around in the nursery compound." "And I like to think I can trust you. You've always kept your word before when I have asked you to do something.... I remember how you passed out when you were branded, but you didn't let your bowels go, as you'd promised not to." "So would you like to swim? I will release you from the yoke if you tell me you will get back in again when I command. I suppose there's not much risk, as we're still miles from anywhere and you'd be certain to be captured before nightfall, but it would be messy. But if you say you will be re-yoked when told, I will let you out. Agreed?" I nodded, vigorously. I knew he was right about being recaptured, and had long since decided that escape from the remote estate in the middle of the desert was impossible. I even thought that we were only chained up each night to emphasise our slavery, rather than for any real practical purpose. So he came and released the catches holding my yoke to the shafts, then, when I had stood up, the yoke itself was released and I could do my customary big stretches. "Off you go then, into the water!", he said, and I ran and plunged in. God, did it feel good! I'd always liked swimming, but had not been in a pool since my enslavement. And swimming totally naked is the best of all - you can hardly ever do that in England, but once or twice, on deserted beaches whilst on holiday, I had managed it. The water flowing past your unrestricted cock and balls is so much better than having them confined in swimming trunks! He then came in again, and we raced up and down in friendly races, and then sat in a shallow part and splashed each other. We looked just like two very good friends, indulging in friendly rivalry in the way that men do when there's any athletic competition. If it wasn't for the brand on my belly, a passer by would not have known I was a slave. "Time to go", he said after I had swum again, and we both got out. I walked over to the trap, and waited for me to come and yoke me in to it. "No.... First, it's time for your fuck", he said. "Lie down, on your back." I did as I was told, then he said "Lift your legs up, grasp your ankles and pull them back towards your head. I want free access to that asshole of yours!" Now of course I was used to being fucked by the stable master when yoked and totally unable to resist, but this was different - all my limbs were free, and I could easily prevent him from going in me. I never wanted him to fuck me really, as I'm not like that - so here was my chance to make him desist. So what did I do? Well, I just lay there, and felt humiliated all over again as I bowed to the inevitability of my being fucked. I soon realised that there was were big differences about being taken from behind when you're immobile and can't do anything about it, and can't even see, and the position I was now in. For one thing, I could see his face as he smiled as he started to ease himself into my ass. And then, as he thrust home, I found it was more painful than usual - with my legs right back like that, his big cock reached up even higher inside me. I saw his body pistoning in any out, and the different emotions that came across his face as my he continued to fuck me, then the look of sheer ecstasy as he started to spurt inside me. He collapsed forwards on to me so we were chest to chest, and, as if by reflex, my body knew what it ought to do - I let go of my ankles, and gripped my legs tightly around his waist. His moans of pleasure from having cum redoubled as I did this, and I knew it must be pleasing him. In fact, I actually really enjoyed feeling him gripped by me like this - as I said, some reflex took over, and perhaps that's how it's meant to be when one man is fucking another. Then something happened that had never happened to me before - he reached his head forward, and kissed me. His lips locked onto mine, and I could feel his tongue trying to force its way between them. I've never been kissed by a man, and never wanted to be, so I stayed absolutely still. He drew away, then snapped at me "Open your mouth, Steve!" I knew I was beaten, that I was a slave. A slave who had to obey a master, and so I did. He returned and pressed his lips to mine, and now his tongue was inside me, licking and probing, and playing with mine. All of a sudden I didn't care that I had been ordered to take him - I liked it. I responded, by squeezing him tighter with my legs, and putting my arms around his body, too, so that his chest was pressed even more tightly into mine. We kissed and kissed, moving the directions of our heads, and both moaning softly as our tongues enjoyed that second most intimate sensation of coupling that men can have together. But he broke off eventually, and raised himself off me, on his elbows. "Sorry, Steve, but I've got to get back. You know, for a supposedly straight guy, you surely do kiss another man well!" I suppose there's no difference really - I'd just concentrated on the pleasures of being kissed, and had simply forgotten that it was a man doing it to me, and not a woman. During our afternoons he introduced me to other aspects of manly love, too. One afternoon he released me from the shafts but kept my yoke on so my hands were immobile. Telling me to lie on my back as usual, he then knelt, pressing his knees down onto the yoke, so that his cock was hovering above my mouth. "You've never beef face fucked, have you, Steve?" I shook my head. "Right - open your mouth!" I hated having his cock in my mouth, and it was terrible when he started to thrust away so it went up and down my throat. I was gagging and struggling for air, so he stopped and said "Steve, calm down! You can take it down your throat if you don't panic. Control that reflex, man, don't fight it! Do you think it's any fun for me to have you gagging on my cock - I want to feel it sliding over your tongue, and butting into the back of your throat. So stop acting selfishly, and let me have my pleasure." I did try, and I suppose it was better. But I hated it when he shot his load into my mouth. I'd never even tasted my own cum before - like a lot of guys I had shot into the palm of my hand and smelled it, but the smell nauseated me and I hadn't gone on to lap it up. Now I had no choice, and my whole mouth and throat were coated with his slimy semen - although as we all know its one of those things where the smell and the taste are different. I still don't much fancy the smell, but the taste and texture combination is not actually unpleasant at all. Whilst the Sheikh continued to be away, our afternoon excursions became a regular feature. He always allowed me to swim, and our fucking and kissing became even more intense and long-lasting. But I was never allowed to cum myself, as he was insistent that he wouldn't break faith with the Sheikh and allow any of my seed to be wasted: I was still having to masturbate myself in the breeding shed each morning, although I had long since ceased to be embarrassed by the cries and catcalls of the naked women as I walked there to my appointment., Of course the Sheikh did come back from his buying trip, and my life resumed its normal pattern - sometime being driven unmercilessly hard by the Sheikh, with often a random fucking from whatever other slave we came across during the afternoon, and on other days a more leisurely drive with the Stable Master, usually with a bout of real man to man passion. I can't say that the Sheikh's new attachment method really caught on - very few other masters seemed to adopt it. Although the Sheikh never tired of promoting it, and I remember one occasion particularly. I had been yoked, then driven up the ramp of a large truck which proceeded to drive for an hour or so. When I was unloaded, we were at a race course where all the local bigwigs had brought their racing ponies for a speed trial. Of course the Sheikh's own racing ponies were there, being driven by the stable lads as they were lighter than the Sheikh, and so he had brought me to pull him around the course from place to place, as he exchanged pleasantries with his fellows. Most of them had conventionally harnessed ponies, in all shapes and sizes - singles, couples, four in hands, whites, blacks, pairs of whites and pairs of blacks, shaved, hairy, naked, wearing tiny pouches - the variety of things that masters seemed to do with their ponies was almost endless. The masters all sat in their traps to watch their ponies racing, and it was a sight as the naked men charged down the half-mile course with their riders whipping them on to even greater efforts. There was obviously a lot of betting going on, as there would be when a lot of rich men gather at any race track, and some of the races were "selling races", where the slaves who had been entered were auctioned off at the end. The Sheikh never tired of pointing out to his fellows what a superior method of attachment I displayed - he could see over my back and had a perfect view of the course whereas the others had some of their view blocked by their upright ponies. And when he wanted refreshments, he served them to his guests using my horizontal back as a picnic table. I could feel the coldness of the crystal champagne glasses on my naked flesh. Time went on, and I had almost completely forgotten my old life in England. The combination of the routine, the strict prohibition on my using language, and the lack of activity in my life other than exercise and work, all combined to emphasise my position as a slave, not as a man. The only real way that I was aware of time was the fact that the Stable Master told me of each of my "anniversaries", and five years passed almost without my noticing it. But my fifth anniversary was different. I suppose it was unusual that the Stable Master himself came to unchain me that morning, as it was generally one of the stable lads. And I wasn't taken to masturbate in the breeding shed. My washing and grooming seemed to take longer than usual and my balls, ass and face were shaved even though it was not in the usual three-day schedule for this. The Stable Master then came along and told me to follow him, and we crossed the yard and went into the palace itself. I'd never been in there before, and it felt really strange to have cool marble under my feet rather than the concrete, or dirt, that I was used to in the stables and on the estate. We went along corridors, then up a magnificent flight of marble stairs. All my old embarrassment at nakedness came back - you'd think that after five years I'd be used to being nude, but that was "outside". Here, "inside", in a "normal" building, I wasn't used to being naked - especially not as all the other people we saw were not. They hardly looked at me, however, and it was as if they were used to seeing naked slaves amongst them. We crossed a hall way, and then I was walking on carpet! Carpet - can you imagine how that feels under your naked feet, when you've experienced nothing soft for five years? Giant double doors opened and we were in a large room, with a throne at the far end on which sat the Sheikh. We made our way across it, and stopped in front of him. "This is the slave, Highness. He was your first pony on which you worked out the new attachment strategy five years ago. He has worked hard and faithfully since, and his record in your breeding programme is excellent - a high percentage of fertilisations first time, a high proportion of sons, and a good rate of transfer of his primary characteristics into his offspring." The Sheikh looked me up and down for a moment, and said "I understand your needs, Stable Master, but I'm not certain I can do without this pony. He is, as you say, excellent in every way." "Highness, you now hardly use him at all as your current favourite is the big black-haired German who was enslaved a couple of months ago. I really do desperately need help...." "Oh very well, Stable Master." Turning to me, he said "Slave..." I stood there dumbly "Slave...." His voice was rising in anger. "Highness... The slave has been taught never to speak." "Oh, of course. Well, slave, the Stable Master has been very eloquent in your cause. He says he needs help to run the stables, and only you will do. So I am going to give you limited freedom. You are no longer a pony slave, but a free man, like my Stable Master. But of course you may never leave this country, and may only move off my estate here with my express permission. Otherwise you are free - you can fuck whatever slaves you want to, and can only be fucked when you freely agree to it with your partner. I shall be sad to lose your mandatory participation in my breeding programme, but you will be welcome to make voluntary - shall we say - donations of your seed.... Perhaps once a moth, if I make my self clear?" He went on "Well, what do you say? You're no longer a slave, and may answer." I had almost forgotten how to do it, but with a s supreme effort, I managed to croak out "Yes, Highness. Thank you." The Stable Master then whispered in my ear "You should now approach the Sheikh, and kiss his cock in a gesture of obedience, even though you're free. Say the proper words as you do so - 'I freely show my allegiance to your body, highness, by this token kiss given freely as a free man'." So I went forward, and knelt in front of the Sheikh. He parted his robes, and I saw a big cock nestling there. I very gently picked it up so that its head was facing towards me, and saying the words exactly as the Stable Master had given them to me, touched it to my lips. "Excellent!", the Sheikh said. "I can see you're going to be as good a free man as you were a slave. Go now and start your new life, and I will see you again shortly in less formal surroundings." We went out, and outside the door the Stable Master gave me a singlet and pair of silk shorts just like his own. He watched as I pulled them on, there in the hall way. It felt incredibly strange to be clothed for the first time in five years... I couldn't get used to the way that the fabric, even though it was incredibly light, chafed against my body. He led me off down more passages and corridors, and we stopped before a door. Taking out a key, he unlocked it and led me in to what looked exactly like a conventional hotel room - big double bed, TV on a chest, bathroom to the right. "This is your new room, Steve. This is where you live now." I felt the carpet under my feet, then threw myself experimentally onto the bed, remembering how these bounced! So different from the heap of straw I had become used to. "So aren't you going to say 'thank you', then?" I stumbled over the words... "Thank you.... Stable Mas...." "No! We'll be working together - you call me Ray now: that's my name." "Thank you then, Ray..." "So aren't you going to show your gratitude more obviously - I seem to remember from those afternoons together that you like kissing....." Of course! Now I was free, I could do what I liked. And I really wanted Ray at that moment. So I went over to him, threw my arms around him and kissed him deeply. We stood there for minutes rocking backwards and forwards as we gripped each other's bodies and felt each other ecstatically. I don't know who pulled the other's shorts off first, or who ripped who's singlet, but we were soon both totally naked, kissing passionately, and with our two erect cocks stabbing at each other as we tried to get our bodies even closer together. I fell back on the bed, and Ray started to move between my legs as he had done so many times before after he had unyoked me on one of our runs. But I wanted more - I wanted to be in control. I was five years younger than him, and in spite of his gym-toned muscles, I was much stronger from the real work I did. So I rolled him onto his back, and there was little he could do about it. Then I thrust my cock towards his ass, and for the first time ever felt the warm moistness of another man start to surround me. I could hear him groaning as I continued to keep my tongue deep down his throat, then pushed harder and harder until I had penetrated his ass completely. I soon found out that the same movements I had used to fuck my girl friends very effectively pushed my cock in and out of his ass, and the excitement of this caused me to cum almost immediately. I then drew away from him, and looked down. He was smiling! "Ah, Steve! Fantastic! I was worried that after five years of being fucked, you'd be a total 'bottom'. But you're a 'top', too, like me. That's fantastic, mate - two men can have much more fun if they can decide each time who's going to give and who's going to take" "Ray... Look... I don't know what came over me. I just wanted to fuck you... To hurt you, even... To pay you back for what you did to me." "Don't worry, Steve - it didn't hurt! I usually have one of the pleasure slaves in here and they're chosen for their cock size, so having your monster up me didn't hurt at all. And I don't think you really did it for revenge... I think your natural instincts as a man, a man who likes sex, simply took over and you wanted to fuck whatever was in sight. We all feel randy like that from time to time, and whilst you can fuck almost everything you see here around on the estate, you'll soon learn that fucking a friend voluntarily is miles better than fucking a slave by force. Well, at least most of the time it is - there's almost nothing to compare with the first time you take a new slave, especially one who thinks as himself as 'straight'!" "So I'll leave you now to explore...." "No, don't leave me, Ray. What am I going to do in here? I feel scared - I'm not used to all these things... " "The phone's there. Call room service when you want to eat, or if you want a slave sent up. There are clothes in the drawers - because of our semi-free status - yes, I was a slave, too, once, and was freed by the Sheikh's father - I tend to wear only a minimum of clothing so that real free men don't feel threatened. So I have only got you singlets and shorts like mine. But if you want anything else, just order if from room service." "No.... Can't I come with you, and see what you do?" "Well, I've finished for the day, and was going back to my own quarters.... But come along, if you like." So we went out of my room, and along corridors and out to the stables. Ray had a small suite there - a big bedroom, luxurious bathroom, small plunge pool in a secluded courtyard, and a sitting room. He showed it all to me, and said how convenient it was to be so close to the stables - he could be in there in seconds, if there were any problems. I shut him up finally by kissing him again, then we fell onto his bed. This was my first real experience of mutual man to man sex - he didn't force himself on to me, and I didn't force myself on to him. We both took our time exploring each other's bodies, and kissed, sucked and then fucked each other time after time. We fell asleep in each other's arms, and only awoke the next morning when it was time for work - "morning call" at the stables! That was the first night I spent with Ray, and I've never moved out - we share those same quarters today. I learned that my job was to help Ray with all aspects of pony and stable management - selecting suitable slaves for ponies in the first place, their training in whatever style of use they were to be put, their regular exercise and maintenance, and the control and management of the young stable lads. The expansion of the Sheikh's holdings was more than Ray could mange himself, and he didn't want standards to fall. But as we lay in bed that first morning and I was due to start work, I told Ray of my fears. "I just don't know enough about it. I don't know how to select slaves, I don't know how to look after ponies, I...." "Stop, Steve! Come on now, you've lived in the stables for five years. You know all about how they're run...." "Yes, Ray. But I've only ever run in the 'new method', I've no idea about racing ponies, pairs, those four carriage horses, or even about how the cart ponies operate - except for their readiness to fuck anything in sight!" "You'll soon pick it up." "No.... I need something more. I tell you what - let me do a sort of 'management training', I'll spend a week as an upright pony, then a week with the cart ponies...." "You're mad, Steve." "No, seriously, Ray. It couldn't be worse than doing what I have been for the past five years." I wouldn't be persuaded, in spite of what Ray said, so instead of dressing again in the singlet and shorts, I followed Ray into the stables just as if I was a pony again. It was hard being a "normal" upright pony, as all my muscles were tuned to running bent over. But I had good lung capacity, and so I could run without my breath giving out. But I had pretty bad cramp in the night, and muscle ache the following day. I had to act just like an upright pony, however, and that included getting a pretty severe whipping from one of the Sheikh's friends who hadn't understood that I wasn't used to running upright and who therefore thought I was just lazy when I did not go as fast as he wanted! But my week with the cart ponies was sheer unadulterated pleasure! I wore a leather harness, as it wasn't worth having me welded into a steel one permanently, and I didn't have the power they had when it came to hauling the heavy cart up hills and so on. So I got a lot of lashes of "encouragement". But I did discover the real pleasure of proper team working - all those ponies worked together as if they were a single co-ordinated unit. And overnight, they were just like brothers - every one fucked every one else, and it was absolutely joyous to roll over from experiencing one team mate to find another one waiting to start playing with you. But at the end of these weeks my "proper life" had to begin, and I started to help Ray out. Amazingly, in spite of Ray's help during the day and his love at night, I started to sleep badly. I even had a cramping pain in my stomach one night. At first, Ray said this was the change from slave food o a "regular" diet, but when the problems went on, he got worried so he sent me to see the Sheikh's doctor. A whole battery of tests revealed nothing. But as we were lying in each other's arms one night, with his hand companionably cupping my cock, Ray said "Steve, I think that pain in your stomach is worry. You're not used to stress any longer, and the responsibilities of your new job are getting to you." "People just don't realise what a good life slaves have - especially if you work for a good man like the Sheikh. You got regular exercise, the best possible food for the work you had to do, but you had absolutely no stress. You had to make no decisions, didn't have to ask for anything, or argue with anyone... Your whole life was mapped out for you by someone else. That's why our slaves stay so relatively young looking, and are rarely ill - they have no worries, and no problems. You had no money worries, nothing." "Think of how you would be if you'd been at work in England for the last five years - you'd have worried about unemployment, worried about whether you were satisfying your girlfriend, worried about whether you could afford the mortgage on the tiny flat you'd have had to buy as you needed somewhere to live, worried about your boss, worried....." "All that worry. And you'd probably have moved out from 'doing' training into 'managing training', so your body would have lost its tone. And you'd secretly remember how you used to be, a magnificent male animal, and worry about that, too, as your belly slackened and your waist started to expand." "I think you're just catching up - after this stress-free, responsibility-free life, the things we're asking you to do now are too much." "But it can be good - look at me! I'm five years older than you, but I'm still in good shape. And I've learned how to manage the work properly - that's one of the reasons why I had an assistant. So now we know what the problem is, we'll fix it." "But how, Ray?" "By me supervising you properly until you build your confidence. So all the responsibility is mine, and you can just carry out orders until you feel you really understand what's what. So stop worrying... Come here and kiss me...." And he took his hand off my cock, turned towards me and folded me in his arms. I just sort of knew that things would be all right from then on. And indeed they were - after a few weeks, I started to enjoy taking a trap out by myself and exercising the ponies properly. And when it came to making sure they were exercised in the gym, there was nothing you could teach me! Of course it was irksome having to wear those tiny shorts and that singlet every day, but once we were "home", Ray and I always went totally nude so that our bodies were accessible to each other totally as we watched TV, or ate dinner. What a strange irony, I thought. I'd done my degree in sports centre management, but I doubted that any of my lecturers would have thought that the lessons I learned there were now being put to use in such unusual surroundings. The only thing that Ray and I really argues about was the subject of fucking new ponies. He reminded me that he had treated me gently in my early days, and how good that was for me. But I just couldn't bring myself to rape any of the new ponies - however gently. But Ray persisted, telling me it was my job, and how much kinder it was for the young slaves to be taken by a caring trainer than to have their first experience of a cock from one of the cart slaves. I was persuaded by his arguments, and after the first one or two, began to look forward to the arrival of new ponies - there is indeed something special about the first time you take a man up the ass, especially when he's protesting and trying to stop you. Ray had wanted me to have my ball ring removed on my first day of freedom, but I had resisted. And I'm glad - I'd got used to running with it on, and, frankly, I think it looks nice - even Ray tells me it adds a touch of the exotic as he strokes my balls sometimes. And the Sheikh loves it. That, I think, was the biggest surprise of all. During all my time a s a pony, the Sheikh had never fucked me. I assumed he didn't like fucking men, just seeing them humiliated by being force fucked by others. But shortly after he had given me my freedom he was off travelling again, and only returned after I had gained a lot more confidence. Instead of eating dinner together as usual one night, Ray told me to hop in the shower with him and we showered again, and dressed in fresh singlets and shorts. "The Sheikh has invited us over for dinner", Ray told me. "I think you'll be surprised!" So we went over to the place, and through all the formal "official" rooms on the ground floor and up the sweeping staircase, along a couple of passages, to a heavy door. Ray pressed a button on a standard intercom box on the door, and I saw a TV camera swivel to look at us, before there was that "click" you get of an automatic door opener, and we could go in. There was the Sheikh, dressed casually in jeans and a T - I'd only ever seen him in "Arab" robes before. "Sorry for the delay, boys", he said, "But I look after my own security in this heavily fortified wing. I don't want to have all the bother of armed guards and so on." "Hi, Ray", he continued. "And you of course are the famous Steve! I really do miss you as my pony, you know. I think I'll always remember you as you were the first to use my new method." I grinned at him and said something lame like "Yes, Highness, they always say you remember the first...", in the way that someone had said it to me five years ago. "No, Steve! Here in private, you can drop the 'highness' bit. I'm just a regular guy, about to hang out with my buddies, and in here I'm Ahmed." I started to mutter something in embarrassment, but he took me by the arm and said "Look, I know this is going to be difficult, as you still think of yourself deep down as my slave. But we're going to be good buddies - and I mean really close, good buddies. Stop being scared of me... I don't bite, you know.....!" He stopped for a moment and with a little laugh said "Well, that's not QUITE true! Ray will testify that I do in fact bite - he's often a bit embarrassed by the hickeys on his neck after one of our sessions. But let's cut to the chase, as they say, come on through." He turned and walked through into what I saw was a bedroom, peeling off his T as he went. As soon as he stopped he unbuttoned the jeans, and shrugged them to the floor - he was naked, as he had nothing on under them. I saw he had a nice body for an older guy, especially one who did not do hard physical labour. And he was very hairy - a thick coat of wiry black hair was almost all over him. Ray had stripped off as he came in, and I saw that I should do the same. And then I found out I still had a lot to learn about fucking, and being fucked! There are more things that three fit, enthusiastic men can do together than two pairs of men can do individually. I found, for example, that it takes quite a lot of practice - practice that's a lot of fun in itself - before three guys can "sandwich" properly. I could fuck Ray, and Ahmed could fuck me, but trying to do both at the same time so Ahmed pulled back from me as I pulled back from Ray.... Well, I guess you guys know all about that. Whilst he was in residence, we "played" together almost every night. As I lay there with him sucking at my left tit one night, I reached out and pulled Ahmed's head up off me. "Hey, if you're so keen on my body now, how come you never had me when I was your slave?", I asked. "Oh, come on, Steve! Don't be so stupid! You weren't a slave - not like the pleasure slaves who I keep here in the palace for when I do want a fuck and there are no free men around. You were a pony slave! I could no more consider fucking a pony slave than I would consider fucking a real pony!" "Of course I liked your body - I was very tempted on many occasions. And hadn't I specified exactly what I was looking for to the enslavers in the first instance, so you were exactly my type... But it just wouldn't be right to fuck someone who was pulling my trap. Of course I enjoyed seeing you humiliated by being worked over by all those others - who wouldn't enjoy a spectacle like that? But I certainly couldn't do it myself, in the circumstances. It was actually very frustrating for me." "In fact, although I heard Ray's arguments about needing an assistant, the real reason I gave you your freedom was so that I could have you in my bed! That's also the reason why I persuaded my late father to give Ray his freedom some years ago." Ray laughed. "You know, Ahmed, it's funny really. Who's the slave here? You're the big boss, but you still can't do what you like with the slaves... So in a way, you're just as much a slave as they are!" Ahmed was going to start arguing, but I didn't want to hear it, so I pushed his face back onto my tit - and he gave me a sharp nip with his teeth that caused me to cry out and arch my back... Which set Ray off..... And we moved onto more pleasurable pursuits! Well, that's about my life so far. You'll have to wait for the rest, if you ever get around to these parts again. But don't count on meeting up, as I don't think I'll have too much time in the near future, though: as Ahmed has scored a real coup that will drive all the other Sheikhs around here mad with envy. He's managed to get a pair of identical twins, and their father! The twins were at college in the USA on a football scholarship, and their father was a player himself before retiring and going in to coaching. The twins are absolutely identical - I can't tell them apart - and Ray and I are wondering if we should have them branded on opposite ass cheeks, so we can call them "lefty" and "righty". And when you see all three naked together, the family resemblance is so strong. Ahmed has tasked Ray and me to find some really new way of showing all three off to their best advantage, together, and it's a real problem. But we're working on it! Author's note: So there you have it, readers! The guy I met may or may not have been Steve. He may or may not have been telling the truth. He was young, and very virile as I can testify. The marks on his stomach that had first caused me to talk to him could certainly have been as a result of branding. He was very long-legged. If it was Steve, and the story is true, then he seems to have fallen on his feet. He laughed a lot during our time together, and was completely self-assured. He seemed to have a love for life that only comes from an inner happiness, and I can only hope that one day I will bump into him again. I really would like to know about that father and his twin sons. THE END
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2001 18:55:54 -0800 (PST) From: Good Puppy Subject: Teacher learns to play Hey you're supposed to be an adult! That means 18 and over. The story is about a fun loving gang rape of an unsuspecting High School teacher. All ends well. It's pure fantasy. Names are change to protect the innocent. Please feel free to enjoy your self while reading it. Being voted Teacher of the Year sure has its privileges. I thought all I was to get was a plaque but was I wrong! The award ceremony that evening was over and for the most part the school was quite empty. As I walked down the quiet hallways I saw three boys from my junior English class hanging around in the exercise room. Two of them were mock wrestling on some floor mats. All three were a fun loving bunch and kept me on my toes throughout the year. They clowned around a lot but usually submitted when I said it was time to get serious. Bryan, the most jovial of the group called out, "Hey Mr. Michaels, you wanna work out?" - The others just broke out laughing. Evan the toe-headed blond snapped back, "You jerk, shut up, He doesn't want to work out. He's all dressed up." Kevin whispered something into Bryan's ear. Bryan nodded. The two walked over, each on one side of me with their arms around my shoulder. Bryan said come on Mr. Michaels we want to show you something. I went with them willingly, but one year with them in my class and I should have known better. They were all my size, but I could feel their youthful muscles could easily out power mine. Kevin said " I'll bet he loves to work out". "I get to the gym" I replied Evan said " I don't think you understand" As he said this Bryan quickly shut the door. My second thoughts to bolt loose and run were a bit too late. Kevin swung around to my front and quickly loosened my tie and slid it from my collar. As he did that Byran slipped off my coat from my back. Kevin grinned in my face and said "We'll need a foursome for this work out and you're just the right size". Before those words left his lips he reached down and grabbed both my knees and began lifting them. Before I could fall flat on my back Bryan caught me by the shoulders and I found my self quite helplessly suspended between them a few feet of the ground. Kevin shouted " Hurry Evan get his shoes". With two quick jerks my shoes came flying off. Then my socks. I barely started to say "what the hell....." when Kevin grabbed at my belt, whipped it off, unzipped my pants and stripped them off along with my underwear. Bryan had my arms locked up in a full nelson grip as he lowered me gently to the floor. Kevin flung the pants to the side and straddled my partially prone and half naked body, then with two hands tore my shirt open. Byran finished the job by pulling the shirt off of me. They had completely stripped me naked in a matter of thirty seconds. I was in a state of semi terror, and embarrassment I lay helpless on the floor with Kevin stitting astride my stomach as he pinned my arms to the wrestling mat. I was terrified that someone would find me , the Teacher of the Year pinned naked to the floor by a 17 year old student. The door to the room had been locked by Bryan but there was still a narrow window and someone might peak in. This only encouraged me not to make a lot of noise. Kevin just kept me pinned with a hand presed on my mouth and giggled, "Don't worry Mr. Michaels we're only playin'. We like you and would never hurt you". I was not totally reassured, especially when I saw Evan and Byran stripping themselves bare. When they were totally naked, Evan took Kevin's place astride my body. As he stepped over me in front of Kevin, I saw his beautiful, young body void of any body hair. All that exposed flesh and with out any thought except the site of this incredible young 16 year old body lowering himself to hold me down caused a certain reaction on my part. You guessed it ....my cock just sprang to life. I could feel it stretching hard against my skin as it stood straight up in the air. As Kevin rose to get up he pointed at my stiff cock and said "Look Evan, I told you he would like to work out." During all this I did not think even consider the fact that I had never been with a guy before. This did not include passing fantasies that I never expected to pursue. But here I was naked with a beautiful 16 year old naked boy on top of me smiling with his beautiful blue eyes shinning into mine. Byan said "well Mr. Michaels by the look of that cock I can see that you're ready....I best warm you up first." He got down on all fours and moved his head behind Evan and I could no longer see his face. And then I felt total helplessness as I felt Bryan's hands and the warm wet sensation of his mouth on my cock and balls. I let out a little high pitched "uugh"....Evan just giggled some more. Bryan just began to suck me crazy. I then noticed Kevin bend down next to Bryan's ass. He had undressed himself while I was distracted. He was a well muscled boy, with a beautiful physique that would cause anyone, man or woman, boy or girl, to take notice. He took out some lube from a paper bag and spread it on his middle finger. He then slipped it into Bryan's ass. When he entered, Bryan stopped for a moment at my cock and took a bit of a breath and moaned ever so slightly. My head was spinning....here I was an unwilling pawn in my first sex orgy every. Come to think of it...before this there had only been two other woman, and here I am being play raped by three handsome boys. I considered myself straight but through the excitement of seeing and feeling the young naked boys dominating me, I was just entrapped by the moment. I couldn't believe what happened next. Kevin stopped playing with Bryan's ass and Bryan stopped sucking my cock. Bryan swung himself astride my upright cock facing forward, took some of the lube, smeared it on my stiff penis and then slowly lowered his ass right down on top of it. I could feel my shaft pushing into a very tight and very warm hole. He and I let out a moan simultaneously. When I felt that I had gone all the way in, Bryan rose just a little bit then sat down on my dick. He then began a slow up and down motion. I was loving life. Kevin got up, and came around behind Byran and lifted my legs by my knees. Right as I was about to say again "what the hell.....?" Evan slid his body forward a bit and laid his warm penis across my chin with the head of it at my lips. Without any thought my tongue lapped at the precum dribbling from its round head and tried to take his cock into my mouth. Good night I thought, I just willingly tried to taste his cock. Evan slowly sat up from my chest and leaned forward causing his cock to aim straighter towards it intended target. I opened my mouth and he slipped it partially in. The precum was warm and sweet and salty. The cock felt like a nice piece of meat. Now here I am with a hot young cock in my mouth with my own engulfed by a tight young ass and all the while I have not been able to utter a protest other than "what the hell....?" While the tasty young meat was entering my mouth I had forgotten Kevin lifting my legs. I could still catch a glimpse of him and I saw him take some lube to his finger and then I felt it.......something warm push into my ass.....I could only mutter a quiet helpless groan. I saw how he played with Bryan's ass and I quickly realized mine was next. I started to struggle a bit because I was not sure if I wanted to be fucked. All three just held me immobile. In truth my struggle was a lame attempt. There was no escape. Kevin just repeated "Don't worry Mr. Michaels we're only playin'. I like you and I wouldn't hurt you". I felt his finger probing in and out of my hole. When he found my prostrate I felt my cock twitch double hard inside of Bryan. I could feel the blood pumping throughout my body. Kevin moved in and I felt his two hands lift my ankles high. He moved in so that my legs rested on his shoulders. His chest was pressed to the back of my legs. My heart was pounding. I felt his cock pushing on my hole.....and pushing strong......My hole stretched and gave way .....Kevin let out a grunt as his hard rod pressed deep in side me. I just let out more high pitched helpless moans as the pain of entry ripped through my body. He pulled back a little and pushed all the way in. He held himself tight against me until the pain subsided and I relaxed. He then began a slow pumping action on my tight virgin hole. "Ok now is every body ready"? Kevin spoke.... Evan just wimpered "yep" as I gave his cock the best tongue massage I could. Bryan said "we've been ready" At that they began the complete the ravishment of my body. Evan curled over my face and rested his elbows on the floor and pumped his hips slowly as his cock slid up and down in my mouth. I could feel Bryan riding my cock in a slow up and down motion. Kevin was at the helm as he pumped slowly but forcefully at my ass. I thought I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. I certainly could feel it. My head was a rush. Kevin said "Alright, lets pick up the pace." I then felt his pumping build up speed as the others fell in time with him. They were a skilled team giving me one hell of a gang bang. They had me where they wanted me. I was now there little fuck toy. I just lay passively ..there was nothing I could do but take this total body fuck like a man. I was just a piece of meat for these young studs and I was actually enjoying this attention. My body entered a state of ecstasy it had never felt before. Evan was starting to wimper "uugh, uugh, uugh," I could tell he was about to loose it. Kevin then shouted "Alright everyone! Ramming speed! Bryan just laughed and began to ride my cock like a rodeo cowboy. Kevin picked up the pace and was fucking me like a mad bull. Evan was loosing it. I knew I was about to explode. My heart was hammering. It was if I could feel the blood racing through my body. Then it happened. Evan was the first to go.....he cried out like a baby as he shot his milky warm jism into my mouth. At the moment the sweet salty taste hit my tongue, I exploded......sweat broke all over my body as I shot wave after wave of hot cum into Bryan's ass. Kevin must have been set off by the contractions of my hole because he just let out a moan and I felt the hot sperm pour into my hole. I was completely consumed by this massive orgasm we were all sharing. Evan kept fucking my face, Bryan my cock, and Kevin my ass. Tears just started streaming from my eyes. I couldn't stop it. It was incredible. What started as a total animalistic fuck came washing over me in a wave of emotion. I felt everything draining from my body. As they slowed down, the breathing subsided. It was finished. Bryan reclined forward on Evan and I, as Kevin reclined forward on Bryan. I still licked at Evans now drained cock. We were just a pile of drained human flesh. Kevin pulled his dick slowly from my hole and stood up. Bryan slowly got up with a devilish grin on his face as my cock was released from his ass and droped limp on my stomach. Evan just rolled over and lay down beside me. Without their bodies on me I felt completely empty. I started to cry. Yea me. Just sniveling. I was raped. But I loved it. I was humiliated. But I loved it. Kevin just said "Sorry man...I didn't mean to hurt you" I just shook my head as I lay there. I wasn't really hurt. I said nothing. I wasn't unhappy....I just can't even to day explain my emotions of that moment. Kevin and Bryan got dressed. They peeked out side the door into the now darkened hallway and left. I looked over at Evan. He turned his head and looked sweetly into my eyes. "you OK?" he asked. I just nodded twice and looked into his eyes and smiled. He slid over to me and cuddled next to me. Then Evan started to kiss my face, my tears, my lips. He whispered into my ears, "I'm all yours Mr. Michaels". We lay there together until we fell asleep. CONTINUED By request to [email protected]
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 16:46:46 -0400 From: Robert Spencer Subject: WEEKEND SUBMISSION, PART 2 The clock on the dresser was the only light in the dark bedroom. I lay awake looking at the red electronic displays as they changed. It was now 3:35 Saturday morning. I had been dozing here and there for the past couple of hours but the level of excitement that still coursed through my body made it very hard to sleep. I could hear Bill snoring behind me. One arm was wrapped over my shoulder, his belly was pressed tightly against my back, and his well-used tool was nestled near my ass. Unlike me, Bill had fallen asleep almost as soon as we had climbed into bed. Whereas my excitement was still contained, Bill had released his twice and his body was ready to rest for whatever other adventures the weekend had in store for us. As he breathed heavily I snuck one hand up to the large leather collar that I wore around my neck and slid it over to the side. Then very carefully I reached below the covers and adjusted the butt-plug that Bill had given me near the end of our first evening together. It was uncomfortable as hell, but Bill said that I'd thank him for it when I saw what Saturday had in store for us. I placed my trust in this man whom I now considered my master. I had met Bill several weeks ago through a slight mistake over the Internet. I was looking for a girlfriend and he was looking for a new slave. While I did not consider myself gay, over the course of several provocative emails my curiosity had been peaked. He was almost 25 years older than I was and the confidence and authority he showed left me quite intrigued. The deciding factor came when Bill gave me an address to his personal homepage that showed him engaging in sexual encounters with numerous men. Bill was always the dominant one and the variety of his pictures showed everything from oral to anal to various forms of sexual punishment. The pure feeling of total submission to another man left me more aroused than I could ever have imagined. I began to masturbate as I visited the site and knew that I had to meet him and possibly become his slave. He eventually extended an invitation and I accepted. I drove out to his place on a Friday evening and we ended up hitting it off, quite successfully. Within two hours of meeting, I had agreed to serve as his slave for the entire weekend. This began with me giving him a blowjob in his hot tub. Afterwards Bill began to explain the rules of my servitude. I was allowed to wear nothing for the weekend save for a leather slave collar that was locked around my neck. I was also instructed that for the duration of my visit I would only address him as "Master". He then bound my hands behind my back and ordered me to again service his large cock. When he came Bill covered my face and mouth in his scorching juice but forbade me to swallow any of it. Instead he ordered me to remain on my knees. He then left the room for several minutes. My knees hurt from being on the floor for so long. I badly needed to swallow, but I would not disobey my master. Bill soon returned and stood before me. He was 51, tall and stocky and towered over my slender frame. His hair and beard were dark with shades of gray and his nude body was covered in dark hair. With the two of us next to each other there was no question that he was the dominant force. Bill's semi-hard cock still dripped with his cum from the blowjob I had just given him. He positioned his cock so that it dangled towards my mouth. As I looked to his hands I noticed that he had returned with a digital camera. "Your Master is very proud of how well you have served him tonight." He set up the camera and turned it on. "It's been a long time since I've needed my camera, but I am so happy I want to add your image to my web page so that I can show others how hard you work to please me." I felt butterflies again tighten in my stomach. My picture was to be on the Internet while it was covered in another man's cum? What if someone I knew found it? What would other people think when they saw what I had done? If my colleagues at work or my friends back home discovered what I had been party to it would change my entire life! Still, as much as parts of my mind shouted against it, there was a side of me that had been excited by the idea. I had sucked another man's cock, swallowed his cum, and was on my knees willing to do whatever he ordered me to do. The thrill of letting other stranger's view these pictures turned me on. My cock began to grow as I kneeled in front of my Master. "I see you like the idea." Bill smiled as he watched my engorged member. "Yes Master." I opened my mouth wide and allowed him to place his spent tool back inside of me. Bill took numerous pictures as I sucked at his spent shaft. He ordered me to lick his balls for further shots. Then he began playfully smacking his cock against my cum-drenched face, he said it turned him on the way I flinched when he did this. Finally he took several photos as he tugged on his length and squeezed a few last drops of cum out onto my face. Bill took a moment to view the pictures in the playback screen and then added, "These are perfect. If this is the only weekend you serve me, at least I'll have these to masturbate to for years to come." He then placed the camera aside and undid my arm straps. He told me to go into the bathroom and clean myself off. I went in and showered. My cock was still painfully hard but I didn't want to cum, for some reason I feared that my orgasm might kill some of my desire to be at the service of this total stranger. When I was finished I found Bill out in the living room. He was sitting in his recliner, wearing his white bathrobe and smoking a cigar. I felt exposed as I was still naked except for my collar but I walked in and sat on the floor next to his chair. He was watching a gay porn tape. The tape was of older men and younger men engaging in sex. Normally the thought of watching a tape like this would never have crossed my mind, but after our encounters earlier, I realized that if Bill had a video camera, the two men on the screen could very well have been us. "Do you like watching this?" Bill asked me. "Yes, Master. It's the first time I've seen a gay porn tape." Several more scenes came on. Bill soon pointed out his favorite that included a man in his late fifties fucking a young college stud. The young stud was a total submissive in the scene and did nothing except pant and moan as he was thoroughly fucked by the old timer. Bill laughed. "I watch this scene every weekend. In a few more years that'll be me, some shriveled senior citizen still attempting to get laid." We both laughed at this. "This is the first time in months that I haven't needed to masturbate while I watched it. I'm absolutely exhausted." I looked over my shoulder as he said that and smiled knowing that I had made my master very happy. "In fact," Bill continued, "I think it's time we call it a night." He stubbed out his cigar and got up. A moment later the living room was dark and Bill said, "Let me show you the bedroom." I stood up and Bill reached down and grabbed my semi-hard cock. "Don't want you to get lost slave. Follow me." He held his grip on me and I followed him down the hallway. We walked into his large bedroom. Bill sat down on the king-size bed and smiled at me. "This, Matt, is where I think you and I will spend a great deal of our time this weekend." I walked over to my side of the bed and prepared to get in. "Just a moment." Bill said. I looked back and saw that he had pulled something from the pocket of his robe. "I want you to wear this tonight." "What is it?" I asked. "It's an anal-stimulator...but most people just call them a butt plug." "A what?" Bill smiled. "They help make things go...easier...when the time comes. Trust me, you'll be glad you wore it." Three hours later and I was still fidgeting with the plug. Surprisingly my ass didn't hurt, but the feeling of penetration definitely would take some getting used to. I was making one final adjustment when I felt Bill stir. His breathing paused for a moment. In the darkness it was hard for me to decide if he was awake or asleep. I simply waited. Finally his voice whispered to me. "Uncomfortable?" "Yes. Sorry, Bill...I mean Master. I didn't mean to wake you. I'm just not used to wearing all of these things." I heard Bill chuckle. "That's understandable. Would you like me to remove the plug for you?" "Very much so." Bill pulled the covers back and I could feel him remove the apparatus from around my waist. The feeling of release was incredible as the tool slid from me. A moment later he said, "There, I hope you'll be able to sleep more comfortably now." I paused for a minute and then decided to be honest. "I'm not sure I'll be able to sleep. I'm a little too excited." "Excited?" "Yes Master. I keep thinking about you fucking me. A butt plug is one thing, but I just keep thinking about how it will feel to have your cock inside of me." "I'll be honest. It will hurt." I turned around on my stomach and looked over my shoulder into the darkness where he lay. "After the plug, I'm sure it will. After all, you're about the size of three of those plugs. But Master...?" "Yes." "It'll hurt whether it happens tonight...or tomorrow." "What are you saying."? "I'm saying I would like to have it happen tonight." Bill did not respond. He lay in silence for a few moments and then I heard him turn and open a drawer in his nightstand. I couldn't tell what he was doing but after a minute or two he sat up and moved to the foot of the bed. In the darkness I felt his large hands touch me and ease me completely down on his bed. The bed shook as he positioned himself over me, slowly easing down onto my back. His voice was right against my ear. "Slave, I will go as gently as possible. If it hurts you too much simply tell me and I will stop. The important thing is to just relax and let it happen." As he spoke his fingers caressed my asshole and slowly began rubbing warm lubricant inside of me. A while later one finger entered me and eased me open for a second finger. It felt uncomfortable, but not nearly as bad as the plug. The thought that there was a man on the other end filled me with a whole new level of arousal. Bill continued working his fingers in and out of me until he felt I was ready. Then slowly he removed them. I could hear him tearing open a condom and rolling it on his cock. Again he positioned himself and this time I felt the heat from his dick as it slid between my cheeks. He penetrated me and the feeling was incredible. At first I wanted to shout out in pain, but then the thought of what was occurring led my mind in a new direction. Here I was in another man's house and I was completely giving myself to him. I was allowing a man to fuck me! Bill's rhythm was slow and gentle. He took his time and waited to see how I would react. As several minutes passed, I began to anticipate his motions. Once as he pulled back I pushed away from the bed and met his body. I heard him moan with pleasure in the dark. "Oh, this feels incredible. It's been too long since I've had sex. How does it feel to be fucked for the first time slave?" I moaned with pleasure below him and attempted to tighten my ass. "Wonderful Master. Please don't stop." Bill laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not stopping." His grip was solid on my hips to let me feel his strength. He pulled me onto my knees as he rose behind me. Both of his hands moved to my ass and I could feel him put some renewed vigor into his actions. The heat and sweat coming off of his body was erotic as our bodies continued to rock in the night. The only constant sound was from the bedsprings, slowly squeaking with the movement of our fucking. After a bit the pain in my ass began to grow and I knew I would have to stop. "Master, it's starting to hurt. But don't stop yet...I need you to cum for me." Bill groaned. "I will slave. But before I do, your master needs something from you." I looked over my shoulder just making out his silhouette as he rocked me back and forth. "What?" "I want you to shout out my name. Let me hear how wonderful this feels for you." "Will anyone hear?" Bill laughed. "Not out here in the country." I then felt his hand pinch my ass. "Make your master happy." I turned back around and continued helping his thrusting movements. As my mind raced for things to say I realized that the more I thought about it the more the pain I was feeling began to subside. I could hear Bill huffing behind me and I knew that he was close. "Master fuck me! Fuck me like a man!" "That's it!" Bill groaned with increasing volume. His motions picked up speed. He reached one hand forward and tightened it in my hair, pulling me back on his scorching length. "More slave! Tell your master what you want!" The words exploded from me. "Bill! Please! Fuck me! I've never been fucked before! Harder!" His pace quickened and I knew he was focusing on cumming. "Fuck me! Harder!" I began shouting in ecstasy as loudly as I could. The memories of how my girlfriends would howl as I fucked them flooded my mind. I rocked hard and screamed with excitement. "YES! CUM FOR ME!" Bill's breathing was loud and his thrusts were the most powerful they had been. Then his body plunged deep and tightened for a moment. His hands clenched my skin. "HERE IT COMES!" He bellowed. He pulled back from me and I heard him remove his condom. The next thing I knew a powerful blast of juice sprayed across my backside. A second and then a third squirt of the most wonderful liquid I had ever felt followed. It was even more rewarding of a sensation than when I had sucked him off earlier in the night. Bill groaned with the sheer joy of total release. He reached down and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me up against his body. His cock dripped against my back as his hands turned my head towards him. He panted as he tried to speak. "That, slave was the best fuck I have ever had." I felt his face close against mine. He pressed against me and there in the darkness we began to kiss. The feeling was strange because his mustache and beard rubbed against my smooth features and his power reminded me that I was the submissive. But what may have normally repulsed me was now so enticing that I could barely believe the feeling. I kissed back and our tongues met as his tool dripped onto me. After a few minutes our strength had completely left us. We barely had the energy to move much less clean up. Bill let out a final groan and then collapsed down on the mattress and fell asleep. I lay next to him and drifted off as well, more content than I had been in years. TO BE CONTINUED... By: Rob Spencer, [email protected]
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 20:12:10 -0700 (PDT) From: Good Puppy Subject: Teacher learns to play (part 2) Teacher Learns to Play Part Two [email protected] This story is continued by multiple requests. The story is created purely via the machinations of my mind. It is for your erotic pleasure. Enjoy yourself. _______________________________________________________________________________ I felt something nudging my ribs and opened my eyes. Because of my earlier initiation, and having fallen asleep in a strange environment, I was very disorientated. Blinking the slumber away I saw a very strong stature of a man standing over me. I then recognized the face and voice of Coach Jacobs. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked. It then hit me....I am completely naked, lying on the floor with a 16 year old boy. Coach Jacobs looked at Evan and said, "Get your clothes on boy and get out of here." I started to get up but Jacobs snapped at me, "You stay just where you are." Evan was dressed in a heartbeat and out the door in a flash. The Coach just looked down at me and taunted, "Get up.....so you're pretty popular with the young boys, huh?" "It's not like that..." I stuttered. He just smirked and said " Oh yea? Why don't you tell me like it is." As he spoke he pulled his T-shirt of over his head and stepped in at me. His well muscled chest and shoulders immediately caught my eye. His arms were two powerful limbs extending from his body. He pressed forward pushing his chest up against mine. "Well, I'm waiting Michaels, speak up! Is that how you make Teacher of the Year? Fucking the boys?" How could I tell him I was just raped and out of sheer exhaustion, passed out where I was taken? That it was myself who was the victim.....My heart came alive again and was beating rapidly. His steady eyes just burned into mine. With out braking his stare he kicked off his shoes. He clasped my shoulders with his vice like hands and pushed me down to my knees. I was too weakened to resist much. He instructed me to pull of his socks. I did as I was told. I couldn't look up. "Now my shorts." He commanded "And while your at it ... the underwear too." I hesitated for a second...."Don't make me repeat myself" he barked. Like a little whipped puppy I did as I was told. I reached up to his waist and caught eye to his sculpted abdominal midsection as I slid his shorts down. As his penis broke free it flipped up and popped me in the face. It was straight and powerful like the rest of his body. At its end was a beautifully shaped head. "You know what a boy feels like, ....well now you're going to feel a man inside you." I started to say "Please wait....." but he grabbed my hair with one hand and his cock in the other and said "Open up..." This was no boy cock. It was a man's organ. I guess those boys had already broken me because I parted my lips and leaned forward of my own free will and let his shaft-like cock slip through my warm wet lips and on to my tongue. He let out a sigh of total pleasure as I tongued and sucked on his head. While this was happening I felt my own cock stiffening until it stuck straight out. I could only think how terrified I was but at the same time how alive my own body felt with this man's penis in my mouth. I was turned on by this feeling of submissiveness towards my forceful mate. I was lost in the moment like a animal seeking something bestial to satisfy my nature. I could feel his cock growing stiffer by the second. Coach Jacob just moaned in ecstasy. I slid my wet mouth over and over, back and forth on his penis, just letting him fuck my face. My hands reached around grasping his powerful buttocks, pulling him into me as I slid the whole thing in. I could feel his knees beginning to shake a bit. Suddenly he pulled my head back and fell to his knees in front of me. His two powerful hands gripped me by the waist, and with the torque of his mighty arms he flipped me around like a doll so that I ended up facing the other way on my knees and elbows. He once again grabbed at my waist from behind and slid me towards him I felt the weight of his body lean over me and I twitched as I felt his cock starting to probe at my hole. I knew I was about to be his fuck toy. My head was flushed. I was thankful that Kevin had taken the time to lube my hole well because the Coach just found his target and began to slide it in. He was the stud and he was making me his bitch. The penetration was slow but forceful and his crotch was soon pressed tight up against my bottom. I let out a grunt. "You can take it, can't you baby" he teased. He pulled out a little bit and then started a slow fuck on my ass. It felt like his cock was pumping my own cock from the inside. Each time he slid outward, I just wanted him to push back in. I could feel my sphincter tightening around his dick as if it were trying to hold on. Then he started thrusting faster and faster; like a wild beast because his thrusts started bucking my entire body. My own cock was wagging back and forth between my legs with each of his massive thrusts and precum was drooling from its opening. I wanted to reach for it to jack myself but needed both arms to keep me from being driven into the mat. I just wanted this fuck to go on and on. It was though I needed to be fucked and I was getting what I needed. Then I could feel it, .......I was going to cum........I guess he was too because we were both moaning together. I could feel my heart pulsing in my head...........Then I started crying out ....."Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me......." again there were tears in my eyes......"fuck me......" It was then that I blasted the first wave from my cock............It splattered on the mat below me. I could hear Coach Jacobs yell out and I felt a hot load splashing deep into my hole. My arms couldn't hold me up much longer as Coach Jacobs finished pumping his load into me. I collapsed, and the stud fell on me, his cock still inside me, still slowly pumping. As his thrust slowed to a stop I faded off to sleep. Story to be continued by request............
Nifty Archive: teacher-learns-to-play [ Nifty Archive : Gay Male | Bisexual | Lesbian | Trans ] Chronological Directory Listing for teacher-learns-to-play
Slave Training SLAVE TRAINING - MY FIRST SESSION by Beachmas I was instructed not to ejaculate for 48 hours before our meeting. I was also told to swim a 4000 yard physically exhausting workout from noon until 2:30pm. Leave my house no later than 3:30pm and shave off all of my body hair from my torso and legs. I was told to leave all of the hair under my Speedo. The master had his plans for that. One odd request he had - bring a jock that used a center strap instead of the usual side straps. And don't forget my 5 inch dildo. The main purpose of this month's visit was to test my manhood. All aspects of it. To experience every masculine emotion and physical sensation. To steal something from STAR TREK : "Go where no man has gone before." Or atleast go where this man had never gone before. My libido was aching, my heart pounding, my COCK was dripping all day. I had a tough time swimming with a semi-hard cock but I got through that killer workout. I got in the car and started the 90 minute trek to the master's house. My hands trembled as I pulled off the parkway to finish the last 20 minutes of the trip. As I pulled up in front of his house I put my head down and took a deep breath. Most everything in this physical rollercoaster ahead of me was not negotiable. I've never been fucked before so I asked that everything be safe including cock sucking. The master told me he had no trouble wearing a rubber. I also told him how spent I am after he straps me and how I always feel like his monster cock gets the short end of the stick, or should I say the tongue. So I will probably be trained on cock sucking soon after I get there. As far as the fucking issue, we made a trade. He wouldn't fuck me but I would have to take his large and I mean very large dildo in the final lesson of the night. I feared it and craved it at the same time. Fearing it because it is so fucking thick, but craving it because it is so long. I've heard guys tell of the ecstacy of being penetrated past the 2nd sphincter. In agreeing to meet this time I turned over total ownership of this outer shell of me and my erotic soul. Surrending control - at least for one night. I walked up the walk and rang the bell. After a second the door opened. The master looked and smiled. Although he was ten years younger than me he's an expert trainer in discipline and sexual training. A former water polo player he stands 6'5", weighs in at 230 pounds, and has steel blue eyes and a short jet black hair. He spends an hour a day on a vacuum pump to increase his 9 inch cock. "You made it. I had a feeling you were going to chicken out." I shook my head no. I did not utter a word because slaves are not allowed to speak without permission. This is rule #1. "You can respond BOY." I took another breath. "Speak freely, I need to know what frame of mind you are in. This is your last chance to change your mind." I stammered and then he took my hands. "Relax." I sighed. "I'm glad I came, I really need to know what I'm made of." "You will... you've made the right choice. Do you want anything to drink before we get started?" I shook my head "no". "Rule #2?" the master probed. I started to unbutton my coat. "You may respond BOY." I undid another button. "A slave never wears clothes inside the home. This includes his own home." The master nodded and helped me off with my coat. "Rule #3?" he asked. "The master owns the slaves body." I nodded again and proceeded to strip, placing my clothes in a neet pile on the floor beside the sofa. As I turned around and looked at the master he was suddenly naked except for a bulky University of Calfornia, Berkeley sweatshirt. Our eyes met, he looked down towards his crotch. "The condoms are on the tv stand." he whispered. I opened a packet of Magnums and started to slide one on his cock. He was almost rock hard. "I stayed on the milker for an extra 20 minutes, so I'm pretty pumped up." The master sat down in his easy chair and I knelt down in front of him. I put my tongue right on the tip of his monster cock and teased the head. Making little circles right around the head. Slowly I slid the head into my small mouth. "Take it farther into your mouth." So I did. "That's it deeper." he was moaning now. "How did your pool workout go today... you may respond." "Very well sir I'm kind of tired." I licked the head of his cock again. "You should be exhausted." "I worked very hard Sir... I'm not exhausted because I'm running on nervous energy." The master started to moan again. "Take it in your throat." I did and I began to gag. "DEEPER BOY" I tried again and again each time I gagged even worse. The master pulled my head off his cock. "You haven't done much breath control in the water this week have you?" I shook my head no. I started to speak but the master put his cock across my lips. "You don't have permission to respond." The master got up from his chair and motioned for me to stand in the corner facing the wall. I obeyed. The master went over to a desk and took out some rubber bands and some duck tape. "Come over here." I obeyed. First he took a large rubber band and twisted it around my cock and balls. My cock was held facing the floor. Then he took a long, wide strip of duck tape and placed it length-wise at the base of my cock. He took the other end of the tape and yanked it between my legs - attaching the other end to the crack of my ass. Essentially my cock and balls were stuffed between my legs. Next the master lied down on the floor, face up. I was then instructed to assume a push up position with my mouth directly over his ever growing cock. "You will now learn breath control." I was then ordered to do pushups over his cock. At the very end of the exercise, when I am almost to the floor, I am to take his cock in my mouth and go down to the base. I was ordered to do push ups until absolute complete tricep failure. The last 5-6 he ordered me to slow down to a snails pace. I collapsed on his legs with his cock still in my mouth. "Now that's more like it." he groaned. The master left me panting and grunting on the floor. END OF LESSON #1 Fifteen minutes later the Master summoned me to his back room. Sort of a den/workout room. In the middle of the room was a black and decker workmate. Basically a portable table complete with vices and clamps. The most interesting thing about this table is that the middle of it opened up and was strong enough to hold about 250 pounds. I was ordered to to get on top of it and lie face down with my head hanging over the edge and my butt just off the other end. My feet rested on the legs. Next the Master took surgical tubing and tied my hands and feet to the legs. In the corner a fan blew cold air just hitting my butt. He then took some adhesive tape and closed my eye lids shut. "Sh, sh, you'll be fine." He stroked my spine as he moved away from the table. I lie there for what seems like an eternity and then I hear a buzzing sound. On and off. The sound gets louder and softer, on and off. Then the Master put his hand through my hair and then grabbed my head and pulled it back forcing me to arch my back. Suddenly I feel hair falling to my back. He was shaving my head. One pass and then another. Then silence. After a second I hear what sounds like a hair dryer. If he was shaving my head what did he need a hair dryer for? The heat from the dryer was a nice contrast to the cold air blowing up my ass and cock. He released my head and then untied my legs. He spread them far apart and pulled my knees up towards my chest. Next he retied my feet to a different part of the workmate. My ass cheeks were really spread now. He put one hand on one cheek and the other hand on the other cheek. "Your ass is mine... inside and out." he whispers. He squeezes my cheeks like his working his hands with hand grippers. I start to shake. Suddenly the clippers snap on again. He begins to shave my ass. Up and down even strokes. Then nothing, completely still. All of a sudden intense tearing and ripping - he yanks the duck tape off in one pass. I scream. "We're going to have to work on your pain level, aren't we?" He reaches under and shaves my pubs. After a few strokes I feel wet then I hear shaving cream being sprayed on. He begins to shave me clean, over and over again. He flattens my ball sac and strokes it over and over with the razor. He even shaves the base of my throbbing cock! Then he wipes me off with a dry cloth. Then I lie there for a few moments. I hear something pouring. I smell something familiar, something from when I was a teenager. All of a sudden he pours something on me and I see STARS. I scream. He douces my ass with SEA BREEZE! He grabs my ass cheeks and pulls them apart. The sea breeze trickles down to my ball sac. "Quiet... TAKE IT LIKE A MAN!" he commands. After a moment of fire he wipes my ass off with what feels like Aloe vera. Now I'm in heaven. I hear a snap, the snap of rubber gloves going on. The I feel a hot sensation on the head of my cock. The Master put his tongue in my piss slit. I arch my back. "Now don't come on me." he whispers. He releases his mouth from my cock and starts to massage my ass cheeks. Then I hear another glove going on. He fingers the area around my hot hole. My opening twitches and tightens. After a moment he spreads them apart. Then with his mouth he blows into my opening hole. "What a tight little CUNT... very fuckable." he laughs. "You may respond." I sigh. "Sir I don't know about-" He slaps my ass with the back of his hand. "I know our agreement, I will not FUCK YOU." I relax for a second. "Thank you SIR, thank you." "But I will train you to be FUCKED!" He slowly works one finger inside me. I moan. He spreads my opening again and then inserts another finger. He spreads the two fingers apart stretching my FUCK HOLE. I moan again. Then with the other hand he slide a third finger inside me. He slides it all the way in and touches my prostate. I twitch and arch my back. He rocks his finger over and over that spot. I drip like a faucet. "You will not cum, do you understand. If you cum when you are not supposed to I will milk you dry or atleast until your prostate bleeds." I tighten up. He stops for a moment an then I hear one glove come off. The he reaches under and strokes my throbbing cock. He puts some kind of crean on it. "This is Mentholatum... to warm you up." Then I feel something really cold going up and down my spine, it feels like ice. He then runs it down my ass crack. Then with both hands he takes my balls and craddles them. He frees up one hand and then I hear a glass with ice rattling in the background. I hear it pour into something. He lifts up what feels like a bowl. ICE cold. I yelp. "We still need to do something about your pain threshold, don't we.? I swallow. "Sir yes, I'm sorry SIR." He dries off my ass and balls. I lie there for a few minutes. Suddenly I hear a strap whipping around and then CRACK right across my ass. "You did not have permission to speak." he teases my hanging cock with the strap. He leaves the room and I lie there still and quiet. My neck is now aching from holding my head off the table. My cock twitching from the mentholatum. He returns. "How are you BOY... you may respond." "Fine SIR." I hear the workmate squeak and I feel like I'm moving or falling. I resist it and fight it. Suddenly I'm upright in a strange verticle squat posiition. The Master moves close to me. I feel his pecs against my back and his cock against the small of my back. He slowly begins to to HUMP me. Humping me like a dog. Faster and faster with wild abandon. He moans and groans. I fee his sweat on my shoulders. He screams. Strangely I don't feel like he came on me, then he puts his hands on my shaved shalp. He caresses my now bald head. I smell CUM. He licks the back of my neck. "My CUM is salty today... I haven't cum in four days. I've saved it up for today." He takes his finger and puts it in front of my nose. Very strong CUM smell. I put my tongue out to taste it but I can't reach it. "Oh no, saftey first... remember." I nod. "Someday you'll have my cum inside of you, if you are the ONE." After a few minutes I feel like I'm moving again. The falling feeling returns. Now I'm horizontal. The Master leaves the room. Minutes later he comes back with what sounds like a metal bucket. He puts on a new set of gloves and spreads my cheeks. In goes one finger, then another. Then he slides something in. Suddenly something warm fills me up. It's so fucking hot I can't believe it, then the PAIN. Cramping. I whimper and almost speak but I remember I don't have permission. I feel his fingers on my eyes. He slowly pulls off the tape. I open my eyes. He unties my limbs and orders me to stand up. I catch a glance of myself in a mirror. My belly sticks out like a beer gut. "25 deep knee bends, NOW." I comply. Around the 22nd one I feel like I can't hold it any longer and beg him to let me release the water. He agrees and escorts me to the toilet. Before I sit down he makes me put on a condom. I sit down and- "Arch your back and force it out as fast as you can." I do and my cock feels like it will explode. After I expell the water he takes the condom off. It's full of pre-cum. He orders me to lick it clean. "Get in the tub and bend over" he orders. I do. On the wall is some kind of stainless steel hose with a six inch long smooth cylinder on the end. He slowly works it up my ass and slowly turns on the water. It fills me up but not as much as the first time. This time I'm ordered to do 20 deep knee bends. This goes on and on maybe 3 or 4 times. "Is your man-CUNT loosened up yet?" I open my mouth and he puts his finger to my mouth. "Rule #1." I don't have permission to speak. "You may only make sounds, not words. Feel free to express your most primal feelings, but no more words." He leads me into another room. This is the room where he straps me. In the doorway is a chin up bar. He looks at it. "Now you will do chinups until failure... absolute failure. Failure... completely." I nod and begin pulling myself up and releasing. 35 chinups later my biceps are on fire. As I get to the top my arms cramp and I crash down. My chest heaves up and down as I get up off the floor. "Very good." He puts his 2 hands around my cock and caresses me. He orders me onto the bed. Face down. He places 4 pillows under my cock and spreads my legs apart. He places a pipe between my legs. I'm ordered to keep it still, it cannot move. "You will receive 30 extra lashes with my toughest belt as punishment for the 3 deep knee bends you failed to do during the first enema." Silence, then a crack right across my ass. "Sir, one SIR." Now I'm back in familiar territory. At lash number 65 he stops. "BOY go get your dildo and the jock you were ordered to bring." When I return he orders me to bend over. He pours some lube on the dildo and slowly inserts it. Ecstacy, nothing less. "Stand up and put on the jock." I do. "Back into position BOY." Is he crazy, he's going to strap me with this thing in me? I do as I am told. This time he uses a paddle, a small painful ping pong paddle. In between lashes he pulls on my jock jiggling the dildo. WOW FUCKIN "A" I think. Ecstacy again. I really wish he'd fuck me. At around the 85th strike he increases the intensity and speed - not letting up. At the 95th strike he yanks down the jock pulling the dildo out. He climbs on top of me, straddling my back and working the left cheek without mercy. I almost loose my breath counting. Now he's going faster. I feel a tear running down my cheek. By the 100th lick I start to openly cry. He removes the bar from between my legs. He kneels down at my ass and starts to caress it. He even kisses it. After a moment he puts some lotion on it. He rubs it and pours the lotion on my balls and and the underside of my cock. He stands at my head and looks at me. "For every 100 licks you take, you are permitted one orgasm, a dildo induced orgasm if you prefer." My eyes light up. "The only condition is..." He picks up a small wind up timer. "You must ejaculate in 2 minutes of less... for every additional 100 licks you get another orgasm... the 2nd orgasm can be 3 minutes of pleasure before you cum... For every 15 seconds you are late in cumming you will receive 1 lick across your bare back with my cat o nine tails... Also I promise the tails will probably hit you across your swimming muscles... your lats." I lie there for a moment. "It's your choice, if you decline you will not be thought of any less... you may respond." "Sir I'd like to try it. I'd like a dildoed induced orgasm." He nods. "Sir could you please dildo me?" He nods. He motions for me to get on all fours. "Permission to stroke sir?" "Absolutely." Silence he starts the timer and spreads my cheeks. "One last thing... you must lickup all of your cum after you shoot." I nod. "Thank you SIR." I reach around to my cock and start pumping. The master slides the dildo in and out of me at a feverish pitch. Ecstacy, pure and simple. I keep one eye on the time and the other on my cock. Coming up on 2 minutes. I'm so close, so close... the timer goes off. The Master twists the dildo around and around. I blow like a geyser. I collapse on the floor. "Two licks with the tails." he whispers in my ear. In the garage I stand with my arms spread apart and tied to a chin up bar. "Count off... just like before." The tails hit me and I scream. "Sir, One SIR." Almost immediately I feel the 2nd one. "Sir, two SIR." I see stars before my eyes. INTERMISSION (Each time I meet with the Master we stop for lunch or dinner, and this time was no different.) We left the garage and sat in the dining room eating pizza. After I finish my last slice the Master loooks at me and asks: "Well are you ready for the next 100?" Reluctantly I nod yes. We return to the strapping room. This time this set is nothing special, just a routine strapping. The Master knows how much I can take. After the last strap he orders me to leave the room and return to the den. I'm ordered back onto the workmate. I do. He ties my arms and legs again, but he leaves my eyes open. He puts on the gloves and puts the timer in front of me. He sets it. He goes behind me and spreads me open with 3 fingers. He slowly slides in my 5 inch dildo working it in and out. He finds my prostate and rubs it over and over. FUCK ME FUCK ME PLESE SIR - I think to myself. Moaning and groaning I watch the timer tick down. He reaches under me and fingers my cock slit, then slowly starts to stroke me. He starts to ram the dildo higher and higher inside of me. Now he's really pumping my cock. I start to cum as the timer hits 2 minutes. I shoot and then I shoot again. "You may respond." "I've never felt anything like that before sir, I can't believe it." I'm trembling now, shivering. "Would you like to go for another 100 licks or go right to the next level?" He releases me and tells me to sit up. He leaves the room. He comes back carrying his monster sized dildo. He opens my legs and rugs it against my cock. "You may speak." "Do you think I'm ready sir?" He shakes his head. "Do you deserve it? I don't what to say. "For each part of pleasure there needs to be an equal part of pain. Pain... pleasure." I nod. "It's your choice." I look at him then at the dildo. "You've picked the pleasure... I pick the pain." We return to the garage and I'm order to pull myself up on another chin up bar attached to the rafters. I'm to stay there until he says I can release. He picks up his most intense strap and puts it between my legs. I'm shaking now, from the cold and from fear. "I will be here to catch you if you fall... you're almost there. You wanted to know what you are made of. Now we'll see." Silence then the wind up and snap. I scream, stars before my eyes. I struggle to count. "Sir, one SIR." This goes on for 10 licks. I'm struggling to hold myself up there. Just as the 10th strike hits me my arms give out and I fall. Just as I am about to fall to the ground the Master catches me. At this point I start to cry, really cry almost a sob. He picks me up and carries me into the bedroom. He lies me on my side and pushes my knees up to my chest. With his tongue he goes up the center of my back nibbling up to my neck. He reaches down and pulls my legs apart slowly working the head of the monster dildo inside of my cunt lips. I moan and squirm. "Fuck" I cry out. "Fuck me sir!" he slowly slides the dildo in and out. The whole time he has his hand wrapped around my cock and balls, holding them in place. He starts to drive the dildo in and out farther and farther each time. As he slides it in again he puts my cock in his mouth. Suddenly he drives the dildo in all the way in - past the 2nd sphincter. I scream. He takes my cock into his throat! He slides his mouth off of my cock and pulls the dildo out of me. He stands up and takes off his clothes. "Come over to the edge of the bed, put your knees on the floor face down." He straddles my back with his cock sitting right between my shoulder blades. It's hot and sticky. With one hand he strokes my cock and with the other he slides the dildo into my man CUNT. He rams it in and out faster and faster! I scream and pant. I need to cum but he won't let me. Suddenly he pulls out the dildo and slides his thumb in. He searches around for my prostate. I scream when he touches it. 'FUCK ME, FUCK!" Next he takes his index finger and his middle finger squeezing right behind my balls. Then with the thumb still inside me he milks my prostate from inside and out. "Bear down from inside, put more pressure on that prostate. NOW BOY or you'll get that cat o nine tails. CUM NOW BOY!" I scream one more time and then explode. He rubs my back. "Still hard?" I nod. "Kind of..." I reply. "Reach under with your left hand and pump your cock." "What?" I ask. "Grab your cock and hump your fucking fist..." Slowly I repsond. This time I'm harder than before. "You have one minute to shoot or else." he whispers in my ear. I humped it for everything I had. Suddenly a hot rush fills my whole body. The most intense orgasm I've ever had. I shoot again, or at least I think I'm shooting. Nothing comes out, but I feel like I blew a giant wad. The Master picks me up and sits me on his lap. Facing him he puts his tongue down his throat. THE END.
Nifty Archive: weekend-submission [ Nifty Archive : Gay Male | Bisexual | Lesbian | Trans ] Chronological Directory Listing for weekend-submission
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2001 23:54:42 EST From: [email protected] Subject: "Looks Good in Black" LOOKS GOOD IN BLACK (Tales from the Net series) by K. Nitsua. Copyright 2001 by the author. WARNING: This story contains scenes of bondage and domination between consenting adult males. "Brandt, you're an idiot," Kevin said. We were sitting in comfortable overstuffed chairs by the window of our favorite downtown coffeehouse. Outside, traffic rushed by in the sunny warmth of a late spring afternoon. "I know it's been rough since Jason left you," he continued. "So I introduce you to a friend of mine. You go out for a while. Things seem to be going great. Now you tell me you're dumping him. What the hell's the matter with you, Rolf?" "I know, I know," I sighed. There weren't many of my friends who could get away with talking to me like that. Kevin could tell me things I didn't like to hear, but had to admit were true. "I mean, is there something I don't know about Cary? Is he really a jerk in disguise, or what?" "No. He's every bit as nice as you said he was." "Some people are just too fucking picky," Kevin said to the ceiling. "Well, we can't all be as lucky as you," I retorted, stung. Kevin had found his soulmate the night he graduated from college. A professor he had always had a crush on had invited him over for dinner, and he had never left. They had been together now for years. He didn't challenge my statement, just shook his head. "You are a hard case. I thought you guys really hit it off the night of the recital." He had been after me for months about meeting his friend Cary Walsh. I had finally agreed to go to one of his recitals at the University, even though classical music is not really my thing. When the lights dimmed, a man appeared, dignified and elegant, his black tails setting off his golden hair. He sat down to play and rich piano tone flowed from his fingers. One piece in particular entranced me. Its melodies seemed to shimmer in the higher reaches of the keyboard, now raptly still, now gently rippling. As the last soft chords died away, I swallowed the lump in my throat. "What does that mean?" I asked Kevin, pointing to the sheet of paper in my hand, as the applause surrounded us. He smiled. "Why don't you ask him after?" Backstage I shook Cary's hand, warm from his exertions. Up close, he was shorter than me, handsome, his face animated. "Good to meet you, Rolf, thanks so much for coming. Kevin's told me so much about you." "I'm not sure that's a good thing," I replied. I felt a discreet swat on my rear, but refused to reward him with any sign I had noticed. "I really liked that piece you played right after intermission." "The Debussy?" I felt awkward, embarrassed. "I--don't know French. What does the title mean?" "`Clair de Lune?' It means `moonlight.'" The silence of new acquaintances fell between us. Cary tried to fill it. "Some of us are going out. Would you like to come along?" "He'd love to," Kevin answered before I could say anything. "And so would I." I glared at him. He smiled innocently back. "Wouldn't we?" A while later we were at a trendy, noisy gay watering hole downtown. To my surprise Cary had kept his tails on, looking like a young butler among the mostly blue-jeaned, T-shirted crowd. Still, he caught plenty of admiring glances from the regulars, unused to seeing such effortless class in their midst. I felt big and stupid next to him, but oddly enough, he seemed to like me. "We did hit it off," I said to Kevin now, a few months later. "What can I say? Things change." He wouldn't let it go. "You guys are great together." "I don't know what it is. I feel like he's too good for me." Kevin snorted with disbelief. "An inferiority complex? You? Please." He added, darkly, "Just be gentle when you do it, or you'll answer to me." I wasn't being honest with him, of course. I was looking for something else. Being the tall stud with the German name, the top, wasn't enough anymore. I had enthralled and intimidated smaller men with ease, and fucked them silly in bed. Now I longed for one to turn the tables and give me a taste of my own medicine. What I also didn't tell Kevin was that I'd found a man who I thought could give me what I wanted. It happened one night online, in the "Dungeon M4M" chatroom. His screen name leaped to my eye: LitlTopMn. Little top man. I quickly scanned his profile--he lived in town. My breath quickened as I read what he had written as his occupation: "Bringing bigger men than me to their knees." I sent him a message, asking permission to address--it was granted. Before long I realized I had found the genuine article. LitlTopMn was not a dimwitted brute, but a master manipulator. He was cagey, telling me little about himself other than his name: Claude. Yet, I sensed an intelligence about him that enticed me into more and more self-revelation. Over the next few weeks, I laid my deepest desires bare in front of my master, who promised to fulfill them--in good time. "When?" I asked, frantic for an actual meeting. "When your master decides the time is right," he typed back. I could almost hear him chuckling at my frustration. I could think of nothing but Claude, and the ecstatic torments he dangled tantalizingly before me. Cary's charm and even his piano playing paled in comparison. Things came to a head over dinner, a few days after my conversation with Kevin. "Look," I finally said after the uncomfortable meal, "Maybe we should, you know, put things on hold for a while." As insensitive as I was, I imagined Cary felt exactly as I did. I was dismayed to find his eyes brimming. "Why, Rolf?" he managed after a long moment. "I like you a lot. I thought you liked me, too." I floundered, mouthing cliches that sounded hollow even to me. "You're a great guy, Cary. It's not you, it's me. I'm just not the one for you." "Bullshit," he said flatly. "There's someone else, isn't there." "Well--there is." I tried, clumsily, to tell him the truth. "Look--I'm not what you think I am. There's stuff going on inside of me you don't want to know about." "And you won't even give me a chance and tell me about it." Then he was up and gone. I dialed Cary's number several times over the next few days to apologize and ask for another chance. But I always cut the connection before the call went through. Then one night when I logged on there was an e-mail waiting from LitlTopMan: Rolf: You say you want to experience total submission. You say you're ready to put yourself in my hands. The time has come. Meet me in Bull Creek Park this coming Friday night just before closing time. Get out of your car and walk toward the creek. I'll be waiting for you. Claude. All thoughts of Cary flew out of my mind. I remember very little about the next few days except the feverish anticipation. Finally Friday night arrived. I drove to the park Claude had mentioned, situated on the banks of a creek in the northern outskirts of the city. Green and pleasant during the day, it was notoriously cruisy by night. The parking lot was shaded by trees. It was almost empty, except for a U-Haul truck parked facing out at the far end. Manuevering my own car into a space, I stepped out and began to walk into the woods, toward the creek, as instructed. I passed by the public restrooms, dark and silent. As I continued to move toward the water I sensed movement behind me. Wheeling around, I saw that someone had emerged from the men's room and was watching me. I stared at the stranger, a slim and compact silhouette in the dim light. A thrill ran through me as I was able to make out how he was dressed: a loose black vest that left his chest bare, black chaps, black boots. Through the gap in the front, I saw the swelling pouch he wore underneath. His head was covered by a hood that completely obscured his face other than openings for his eyes, mouth, and nostrils. I was face to face with Claude at last. He tossed his head back, indicating that I was to follow him, then turned toward the parking lot. I walked after him without hesitation. Although Claude didn't have a weapon, or any way to compel obedience, I was completely under the spell of this faceless figure in black leather. Staying in the shadows underneath the trees, we approached the truck I had seen earlier. Finally we were there and Claude grasped the handle on the back hatch of the U-Haul. He jerked upward and the door slid open with a loud, protesting rattle. Claude turned back toward me and gestured, commanding me to enter the compartment. My breathing was fast and shallow, my heart pounding. After a moment's hesitation I placed my foot on the bumper and hoisted myself into the shadows. I heard him following me inside. A moment later I froze as the door rattled downward and thumped shut, leaving us in utter darkness. Panicking, I opened my mouth to shout for help, but an arm encircled my chest and a hand clamped down on my face with crushing force. All that emerged from my throat was a muffled squeak. A whisper sounded in my ear, gentle and chilling. "You said you trusted me. Are you willing to prove it?" My mind was racing. Wasn't this exactly what I had told Claude I wanted? Despite my fear, I realized I was aroused to fever pitch, my cock pressing painfully against the front of my jeans. In a split second I made my decision and nodded, relaxing my body to indicate acquiescence. There was a click and the compartment was filled with dim red light. It was larger than it appeared from the outside, sufficient to hold the two of us and one other object. In the center of the metal floor stood what looked like a sawhorse, except that its sloping sides were built of solid wood, and the top was wide and seemed to be padded. Two loops of some dark material were attached to the side I could see. Slowly my captor relaxed his grip, but stayed close. I tried to look at him but a firm hand prevented me from turning my head. "Keep your eyes front. Strip and mount the bench, face down." As I pulled off my T-shirt, the hooded figure behind me bent down, untied my sneakers and pulled them off, tossing them across the floor of the truck. Next, my socks were removed. Caressing hands moved up my legs and across my crotch as Claude stood. He raked his fingers lightly across my bare stomach and chest, tickling my nipples. My breathing deepened at the pleasurable sensations and I leaned back against him, only to jump with a startled cry as he pinched one hard enough to hurt. Quickly Claude unbuttoned the fly of my jeans and pushed them down my thighs. My hard cock sprang free as it was exposed. Stripping them off of my legs, he pushed me forward with a hand on the back of my neck, compelling me to climb onto the strange bench. It was tall enough that my feet barely touched the floor when I was on top of it. "Hold onto the front with your hands," came the whisper. I obeyed, and just as I realized what the loops on the sides were for, they were fastened around my wrists, pinioning me to the apparatus. Then my ankles were lifted off the floor and bound to the sides as well, forcing me into a crouching position with my knees bent and legs spread wide apart, as if I were riding a horse bareback. There was a pause, as if Claude were examining his handiwork. Then, he moved toward the side wall. Daring to look up, for the first time I saw a bag hung there from a hook. I saw Claude extract a hood similar to what he was wearing, then what looked like a small stick with a loose rope hanging from the end. Claude bent close to me and grabbed the hair on my head, none too gently, as he whispered again in my ear. "You've told me all about what you wanted, Rolf. You should have been more careful what you wished for." A soft chuckle. "We'll see if you're man enough to take it." He raised the stick in front of my face. "My best rawhide quirt." He must have seen my eyes widen, for he added, "Time to put this on," and slipped the hood over my head. I realized there were no eyeholes, and began to struggle and shout. This was a mistake, as Claude slipped a thick cylindrical object between my open lips--a short dildo attached to the lower flap of the hood, making an effective gag when he pulled it tight and fastened it across the lower part of my face. Now my muffled protests were inaudible to anyone but my tormentor. Claude let me struggle until I realized it was useless. My breathing was hampered by the gag and I was exhausting myself as well. Finally I stopped and hung my head downward, my chest heaving. "Let's begin." I held myself absolutely still. The hood was partly blocking my hearing, and I strained for some clue as to what he was going to do. After a moment I felt the light touch of the quirt on my backside, moving slowly across my cheeks. "Nice ass," Claude said. Suddenly I shrieked into the gag, my head snapping up, as the whip struck my butt sharply. "Nice." He continued, keeping me off balance, lightly stroking my nipples, butt cheeks, or my cock and balls hanging down between my spread legs, for long moments, using either the quirt or his hands. Every time I began to give in to the pleasure, the crack of the rawhide on my back or ass jerked me back. Several times he aimed a series of strokes at the same spot on my butt as I screamed uselessly for him to stop. Just as I thought I could no longer bear the pain he would desist, stroking the very place he had assaulted as I whimpered into the gag, tears starting from my eyes. Finally the rain of caresses and blows stopped. My ass was on fire. Harsh breaths whistled through my nose, spit was running out of my mouth around the gag, and my cheeks were wet with tears of pain. My cock was straining against the back of the bench, harder than I could ever remember it being. I felt a moist, probing finger in the crack between my cheeks. It found my asshole and slipped in. It was withdrawn and I felt a larger, blunter object push against the opening. Soon new fires were searing my insides as Claude fucked me, drilling my hole with such force that I grasped the front of the bench with my hands for dear life. I felt heat welling from within, then cum dribbling from my cock. His assault had forced an unwilling climax out of my body. Claude's thrusts increased to a frenzied pace and I heard, or rather sensed, a low, animal growl rise from his throat. He bent down and gripped me around my chest with his arms, squeezing the breath out of me. I felt his hot breath on my neck. The scent of leather, mixed with sweat and a faint, incongruous hint of aftershave filled my nostrils. I don't know how long we remained locked together in this position, conqueror and conquered. The compartment was hot and close, and I was dizzy from lack of oxygen. Just as I thought I might pass out, Claude rose and pulled himself out of me. I heard him moving toward the back of the truck. The light was snapped off, and the hatch rattled partway open, letting in a welcome blast of cool fresh air. Was he going to release me now? To my horror, Claude jumped out and the hatch slammed shut, leaving me in blackness. I renewed my struggles to no avail. In front of me, I heard the cab door open and Claude climb in. A moment later it was banged shut, the engine roared to life and we began to move. I had no idea what was going to happen to me. After the longest ride of my life we slowed and came to a stop. The engine was shut off. A moment later the rear hatch slid open once more, and someone stepped up into the cargo hold. I braced myself for new, unknown torments but couldn't keep from flinching as a hand fell on my bare shoulder. However, all my captor did was lean forward until his head was close by my right ear. "I'm going to untie you now. We've traveled a bit, as you can tell. If you do exactly what I say, I'll take you back and release you, unharmed. Any trouble, and I'll throw you out and leave you here, just as you are. Got it?" I had no idea how far we had come, not to mention where my clothes were. I nodded quickly. "Good. Now hold still." I felt a strip of some material being placed around my neck. Claude pulled on it and drew it tight, fastening it in place. Then I heard rattling and felt the touch of cold metal on my back as he attached a chain to the collar. A moment later I grunted as my head was pulled up by a hard tug on the leash. Holding me in this position with one hand, he pulled at the restraints that held my wrists and ankles one by one. Soon I sensed that my limbs were free, and let my cramped arms and legs dangle, shaking them slightly. Other than that I kept still, remembering his threat. "Up on your feet. We're going for a walk." Motivated by another sharp pull on the chain, I slid backward off the bench to which I had been strapped, dropped to the floor of the van, and crawled backwards toward the opening, being careful to keep my head down. Moments later I was standing shakily on what felt like asphalt, still naked and hooded, the night air cool on my inflamed skin. "Hands behind your back. I'm fastening your leash to the bumper, so don't try anything funny." I obeyed, and my wrists were bound. I heard the rear hatch being slammed shut, then felt a tug as Claude grasped the chain again. Abruptly he began walking, causing me to stumble and almost fall as I struggled to keep up with him. My heart pounded as I was forced to march, completely dependent on my master for guidance. After a while Claude's hand on my chest stopped my progress. I sensed that we were next to some structure, a building. I heard more rattling of metal, then a sound which I recognized as a key turning in a lock, followed by the groaning squeak of metal hinges. We were passing through what was obviously a heavy door. I heard it fall shut behind me. Where on earth were we going? Claude continued to walk rapidly, giving me no chance to collect myself. A minute later he said a single word: "Stairs." My feet touched cold metal and we began to ascend. My breathing became labored from our rapid pace. I stumbled again, and a strong arm caught me. "Please," I said into the gag, my chest heaving. I felt a hand caress my cheek. "Hang on. We're almost there." Disoriented by this gesture of mercy, I struggled once more to my feet. Sure enough, a few more icy steps and we were on level ground again, on what seemed now to be a wooden floor. We stopped, and I heard Claude pull one more door open, easily this time. He pushed me through the opening. All I could tell about where we were was that it was a large, even cavernous space. Behind me, I heard him fasten the chain to the handle. "Stay here and don't move." Then he was gone. I stood, knees trembling, trying to get a grip on myself. I was exhausted, and freezing. Suddenly I sensed light trickling underneath my hood. I realized that whatever space I was standing in had previously been dark, and was now brightly illuminated. I heard footsteps some distance away. They stopped, and there was dead silence. Just as I felt I could no longer stand the suspense, it was broken. I heard music fill the air. Sweet music. Piano music. After a moment I recognized it--"Clair de Lune." What had been a welter of blurry thoughts began to come into focus. I was on a stage, and that had to be Cary playing. He and the mysterious Claude were in cahoots, playing some insane trick on me. Anger rose, and I began to struggle and twist against my bonds, trying to shout, succeeding only in making strangled noises into the gag. The music broke off and footsteps came rapidly toward me. Strong arms caught hold of my writhing body. "Easy, easy," a familiar voice said. "I thought you liked Debussy." I stopped struggling and held still, daring him to release me. "I can tell you'd love to take a swing at me," Cary said, suppressed laughter in his voice. "Better take the hood and gag off first, don't you think?" he said, and I realized there must be a third person nearby. Let me at them, I raged. A moment later the hood was unsnapped and lifted off my head, the gag pulled out of my mouth. I flinched and lowered my head at the blaze of unaccustomed light. After a few moments I raised my eyes--and gaped, stunned at the sight in front of me. It was Cary, his blond hair tousled, looking hot in black leather vest, chaps, thong, and construction boots. In his hand he held the hood he had just taken off of me. My eyes flashed over his shoulder to the grand piano he had been playing, on top of which rested another, discarded hood--the one he had been wearing tonight until a few minutes ago. I turned, looking for the person Cary had addressed, and got another shock as I saw Kevin, dressed normally, standing on the floor of the large auditorium we were in. In one hand he held a bundle which I recognized as the clothes and shoes that had been stripped from me, at the beginning of this escapade that I still hadn't fully figured out. He smiled blandly, betraying nothing. Cary spoke again. His voice, though still lighthearted, betrayed a hint of uneasiness. "I guess this is where I say, surprise! Eh, Rolf?" I stared at him, still speechless. "I'll release you and explain everything. But only if you promise not to get violent, okay? Even though you have every right to." Another beat, then I nodded. Cary undid my wrists, and removed the collar from around my neck. Finally I found my voice. "When did you know it was me?" I demanded hoarsely. "Pretty soon after we started chatting. I should have let you know it was me, too. But--" "Why the fuck didn't you?" Cary shifted his weight uneasily, looking at the floor. "I don't know, Rolf. At first, I was amazed that we were into the same secret scene--kind of tickled, actually. The thought of a hunk like you wanting to be dominated--that was hot. It was fun playing along. "Then you told me you wanted us to stop seeing each other. From the hints you dropped I realized you were dumping me for, well, me. Things had got out of hand and I didn't know what to do. I went crying to Kevin and ended up spilling the beans about what was going on between us online. Kevin cracked up. He cooked up this little scheme and offered to help." I looked over at Kevin. "I might have known." Kevin shrugged. "I warned you. Fuck with Cary and you answer to me." Cary said, "I guess I was mad enough at you to go along with it." His voice dropped. "I won't lie, Rolf. I enjoyed it. A lot." I looked at him, remembering the thrill that had run through me when the dark, lithe figure had emerged from the shadows, how my heart had pounded as I let myself be bound to the wooden bench inside the truck. I felt again the stinging pain of the quirt as it descended on my butt, and the driving heat of Claude's, no, Cary's cock as he took me. "Looks like he enjoyed it too," Kevin said. He had mounted the stage and was coming toward us, pointing a finger at the rising evidence between my legs. "Fuck you," I said. I turned to Cary, gazing anxiously at me. "And I thought you were too classy for a lowlife like me." I looked him in the eye. "I guess this changes things--Claude." I saw the dawning comprehension in his eyes, the smile forming on his lips. "I just hope," I added, deadpan, "you don't use that whip on your piano students." Cary laughed. A moment later his arms were around me, and I was drinking in the aroma of sweat and leather once more as we kissed. "Very touching," Kevin said, thrusting my clothes at me, "but University security makes rounds of this building at night. Get decent and let's blow this joint before they bust us." We rode back to the park, Kevin driving and Cary and me snuggled shotgun. Kevin had, of course, been along for the entire ride. He had been sitting at the wheel of the U-Haul while Cary worked me over in the back, ready to drive off had anyone gotten suspicious. "Damn truck was shaking like an earthquake hit it," he grinned at Cary, who ducked his head bashfully. He dropped us off and went to return the U-Haul with its cargo--I never did find out to whom. I forgave him eventually. After all, he did bring Cary and me together--twice. As for Cary, I gave him some more grief for setting me up and playing me for a fool. But my body hadn't lied in the back of the truck that night, and we both knew it. It's been years since all this happened. Living with Cary, I've heard a lot of classical piano music. "Clair de Lune" is still one of my favorites. He sometimes plays it as an encore when I am in the audience. Sitting in the dark, I smile. Cary still cuts a fine figure in his white tie and black tails. But I know what's underneath the formal concert wear. That's for later, when the audience is gone and I have him all to myself. The man I love looks good in black. Whatever the material. END
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 18:32:37 -0400 From: Robert Spencer Subject: WEEKEND SUBMISSION, PART 1 I had butterflies in my stomach as my car pulled up in the driveway. I shut off the lights and sat for a moment in the darkness. It had been two months of emails, but I was finally at Bill's house. I'd never met him, but after all of our emails and phone conversations I felt that I knew him quite well. I climbed out of the car and walked nervously to the front porch of the wooded ranch house. I hadn't talked to Bill since he had emailed me the directions to his place the day before. They came attached to an email that was the conclusion to a long string of enticing correspondence between us. Bill's email had read: >>Hello Matt (or should I start calling you Slave?), >> >>I am going to attach a picture of my cock, taken a couple days ago. I'll >>let you decide how much you like it. It's nice to hear that you're >>interested in wearing a slave collar for me. Still, you'll have to earn >>that privilege. Are you 100% sure about licking my balls and sucking my >>cock? I get too many emails and calls from guys who SAY they want this >>experience, and then back out. Be advised, if you come over this weekend >>and want to live out this fantasy you have of being dominated then I will >>make sure you work hard sucking my cock and swallowing my hot cum. >> >>Take care future slave and I hope to see you on Friday night. >> >>Master Bill I knocked and a moment later someone walked over and opened the door. "Hey Matt!" Bill said as he opened the door. "Glad you made it, I was starting to think this would just be another one of those Internet things that never materialized." He looked exactly like he did in the pictures that he'd emailed, of course in many of those pictures he was nude and right now he was wearing a pair of jeans and a denim shirt. He was over six-foot, and quite stocky. His brown hair was still thick, but the slight gray in portions of his full beard and mustache helped show his age of 51. I stepped inside the house, still feeling plenty of nervous energy. "It was touch-and-go for quite a while. I have to tell you I was pretty...well I am pretty nervous." Bill smiled. "Understandable. I'd lie if I said I wasn't. The first meeting is always the tough one, setting up the rules. You know." He then laughed, "Of course, I was more nervous that I'd be spending the evening alone. But relax, we'll go slow. Can I get you a drink?" "Coke." Bill walked off towards the kitchen. "Make yourself at home." I looked around the large living room. Pictures hung along the walls of Bill and his relatives and friends. A big-screen TV was against one wall and nice furniture occupied the area. The aroma of cigar smoke still lingered in the air. Bill obviously had a decent job but there was no hiding the fact that his home was a pure bachelor pad. How had I ended up here? It was pretty amazing when I thought the whole thing over. Six months ago my girlfriend dumped me. I didn't have many options as I was just out of college, new to the area, and still didn't know many people. I posted an ad on an adult matchmaker service. Several responses had come in from women, but they didn't go anywhere. I just didn't feel it was time to get back into any form of serious relationship. Then after a few weeks, I received an email from Bill. It was pretty straightforward. He was a gay man who liked my profile and picture and he wished me luck in finding someone who would make me happy. However, in his conclusion he added that if I couldn't find the right woman that I would always be welcome to email him. I didn't respond immediately but after a few days I wrote back and told him how much I appreciated his honesty and while I wasn't gay it made me feel good that at least someone out there thought I was handsome. As strange as it was, over the next few days Bill and his email kept coming across my mind. While I was at work, driving in my Jeep, and even while hanging out with some friends. The thought of his honesty and attraction really had my attention. With nothing to lose, I decided to ask him about what his attraction for me was. His email reply caught me off guard... >>I LIKE YOUR LOOK MATT. YOU'RE YOUNG, IN SHAPE, AND STILL >>LOOKING FOR YOUR PLACE. THAT SORT OF THING REALLY >>TURNS AN OLD GUY LIKE ME ON. YOU SEE, I LOVE TO BE >>IN CONTROL OF YOUNGER MEN AND... >>I THINK YOU'D BE THE PERFECT SLAVE FOR ME. -MASTER BILL At first I was offended but then slowly thoughts of being with Bill began to creep into my head. I encouraged him to tell me more and he sent me the web-address to a private home page that he had created. On his site he had numerous pictures of himself with a couple of young men. Each of the pictures showed some form of sexual domination with Bill always in the position of power. The men with Bill all wore leather collars and were often on their knees sucking his cock, being spanked, or getting fucked in the ass. The most astonishing picture had a man who was roughly my age on his knees wearing a leather collar and leash. This slave's mouth was open and he was accepting a long string of cum from Bill's dripping cock. Bill towered over the slave and held the end of the leash in his hands. It was an image of pure submission and before I knew it my erection was harder than it had ever been. I found myself returning to the site each day...and to my amazement I began having masturbating and envisioning myself with Bill in these same situations. So my emails began to hint to him that I might like to meet him and see if this was something that would work for both of us. Bill emailed me daily pictures of his cock and I began masturbating while looking at it. I could picture myself on my knees pleasuring this older man, and nervous or not, I knew that my urge to try this was something I could not ignore. "Here's your drink," Bill said as he walked back into the room. "Thanks." "Hey, have a seat, make yourself at home." I did. "Nice place you have here." "Well I do what I can. It's taken forever to fix it all up but it works for me. You find it OK?" "Oh yeah. Great directions." "Most people miss the driveway at night with all the trees around." "How much property do you own?" "5-acres. I may add onto the house down in a few years. But I need some time to just enjoy everything I've done before I start in with a new project." "Looks big enough to me. Just you?" Bill laughed. "Yes. All me, myself, and I." I drank some soda. "Wow. This is just different than I expected." Bill laughed. "How's that?" "I don't know. I guess I expected you to be giving me orders and making demands." "What, did you expect me to open the door naked with a whip in my hand? That'll come later." This made me laugh quite hard. "Well...gee...I guess I really don't know what I expected." "Well Matt, I've played this game several times and each time it works out a little differently. What I find works best though is easing into things. Trust me, once you feel comfortable enough to relinquish control, then I'll handle the rest." He gave me a wink then and added, "Here let me give you the tour of my place." We got up and walked through the house. Bill showed me the den, his study, the finished basement with built-in sauna, his bedrooms, and the enclosed back patio complete with hot tub. You could tell he'd spent lots of time on every aspect of the place. "Hot tub too!" I laughed. "Wow! If you ever see my apartment you'll crack up at what a shoebox it is compared to this place." Bill chuckled. "Well we all have to start somewhere." I drank some more of my Coke as I leaned over and ran my hand through the warm waters of the tub. Bill walked over next to me. "You want to take a soak?" I thought about it for a second. "Well, if you want too. I don't want to impose." He was a gracious host. "Hey you're the one who did all the driving. A soak sounds good to me. My back can always use the release. Nothing more relaxing than a long soak...well almost nothing." I laughed at this. The nervousness was easing up quite a bit and I was starting to feel at home. Bill leaned over and raised the temperature. He then hit a couple of buttons and bubbles and steam started actively rising from the large round tub. "So how do you want to do it?" I had no clue what he meant. "Do what?" He smiled. "The tub? Do you want to borrow a bathing suit or are we just going in au natural? Either way works for me." I thought about it for a minute. "Well, how do you normally go in?" "The truth?" he asked. "I've never worn a bathing suit in this thing." We both laughed at this. "Ok," I said. "Sounds like you've made our decision for us." "Yes, I'm good at making decisions when people let me have control." He gave me a wink and patted me on the shoulder. "Fine. Go ahead and strip down," Bill said. "I'm going to go grab a beer. You want anything?" "I'm set." He walked off. I stood alone in the hot tub room and began undressing. It was an interesting experience. Here I was stripping naked in a house I'd barely been in for a half-hour with a man I only knew from the Internet. Part of me was still a little scared but now that was starting to turn towards exhilaration. What would my friends think if they knew I was doing this? The pure taboo of being alone in this situation made it that much more invigorating. As I removed my underwear I could see my cock showing early signs of an erection. I stepped up and slid into the tub. The water was shockingly hot but after a few seconds it felt incredible. "Oh darn I missed the best part." Bill had returned dressed in a thick robe. "The best part?" "Sure naked time." Bill walked to the tub carrying a bottle of beer. He then untied his belt and let the robe drift open. He was completely naked. I looked over and took a moment to examine his body. His cock looked beautiful, exactly like the image that I had already masturbated to plenty of times. He didn't seem shy as he stood before me. He slid out of the robe and walked over to the tub. "See you get to see all the good stuff on me and you're hidden under all that water." "Oh sorry. I didn't know I was supposed to wait." As Bill climbed up the steps and swung his feet into the water he said, "Well I figure if you decide you'd made a mistake, then a quick look at naked time might be all the fun I'd get tonight." He sat on the edge of the tub and just let his legs rest in the water. "Aren't you coming in?" "Thought I'd have a cigar first. You don't mind do you?" "Not at all," I said. Bill lit up his cigar and blew out some smoke before having a long drink of his beer. I sat in the water admiring his body. It was not a prime example of physical fitness but it was the body of a real man. He had dark black hair from his legs all the way up to his shoulders. He sported a larger than average beer belly but that only accentuated the fact that he was not a little man. And I couldn't help but continue examining his large member dangling between his legs. His cock was much larger than mine and it had a solid girth to it. His balls hung lower and larger than mine could ever hope to be and the whole package was surrounded in a dense bushel of black pubic hair. The water concealed my hand, so I discreetly drifted to my own cock and gave it a couple of strokes. It was rock-solid and painfully bulging. It amazed me that the sight of another man could turn me on to such an extent. "How's it feel?" Bill said. "What?" I stammered. "The water. Feel good?" "Oh yeah, yeah." I went with the conversation but had the embarrassed look of someone who had been caught. Bill smoked for a few seconds before saying, "So, how are you feeling about this whole thing so far? Disappointed? Nervous?" I thought about it for a moment and then realized that I was no longer nervous at all. In fact, I felt right where I should be. "I'm glad I came over tonight." "Me too," Bill smiled and said. "So, what does the rest of the night hold for us?" I stretched out. "I'm not sure, what do you think?" "Ha! I know what I think." He smoked and then his eyes drifted down to his dangling cock. "Hell, after reading all of our chats and emails. I'd be lying if I didn't say that I need to blow a load...real bad." "Oh really," I let out a genuine smile and the last bit of tension in the house was gone. "Yes, it's been so long for me. I need to have a slave again. And I think you'd be perfect for the role." "I see. Were you planning on offering me a cigar?" "Oh, you want a cigar?" "Nope." Bill looked puzzled. "Then what did you ask for?" "Thought I'd like to have something in my mouth." My stomach fluttered with butterflies of excitement, as I couldn't believe what I had just said. He smiled with relief when he heard my words. "I'm sure we can work something out," Bill said. "But not if you're way over there." I slowly slid across the tub until I was positioned between his legs. I looked up at him as he sat on the edge. "So what are we going to work out?" He reached down and grabbed his tree trunk around the base with one hand and hoisted it up, dangling it in front of me. "Well if you want something in your mouth really bad, I bet this might suffice." I rested my elbows on his knees and hovered between his hairy legs. He continued, "But before you take this, you need to weigh the situation. You need to know, if you suck my cock, then you become the slave and I become the Master. Our little relationship is going to change. From that point on whatever I say is the way things will be done." "I understand." Bill continued, "That means that I am in charge. You need to place your trust in me. I will only do what is good for the both of us, but the decision is mine. If this is what you want to submit to, then I want you to call me Master." Our eyes were locked in silence for several moments. I knew this was the kind of arrangement that was going to need to begin with honesty. "Master, I've never been in a situation like this before. I've never had any form of sex with a man. So I'll need a good teacher, who'll be patient with me." Bill wiggled his cock and grinned. "I agree to that, slave. Now, if you are 100% prepared to serve as my slave you'll need to complete Lesson #1." I looked at him. "What's Lesson #1?" He put the cigar back into his mouth. "That's the lesson where you learn how to suck a man's cock." He let his cock drop and it swayed, waiting for me. I moved closer and reached out, taking his length into my hand. I gave it a few playful strokes and could feel it begin to stiffen in my hand. This was the first time I had ever held another cock and yet it was all so natural that I knew I was right where I was meant to be, between the legs of another man. Bill had an ear-to-ear smile as I began exploring his shaft and balls with my fingers. Soon his erection was intense and he leaned back in anticipation. "Your Master wants you to suck his cock." I opened my mouth and welcomed him inside of me. "That feels incredible." He groaned as I slowly began wetting his ever-hardening rod. "I believe you'll make an excellent slave." Bill's massive cock was still growing as my tongue and mouth began working it over. I'd never sucked a cock before but I began by simply doing things that my ex-girlfriends had done with me. It didn't take long though before Bill's enjoyment made me feel comfortable enough to start working on some of my own techniques. My head bobbed up and down along his solid bone until it was slick with my spit. Then as I heard his groans I began swaying my head from side-to-side and drawing a figure-8. As the minutes passed, I was building up momentum. Bill reached down with a hand and placed it on the back of my head, showing me the speed that he liked best. "This is what your Master wants. Look at me." I slobbered along his length and looked up into his eyes. "Slave, are you ready for the end of Lesson #1?" I continued working his length with my mouth for a few seconds before switching to my hand saying, "What's that?" "That's where you take your Master's cum." I took turns licking his cock head as it slid through my hand. "How am I taking it, Master?" Bill grinned. "Eventually you'll take it how I decide. But since this is your first time, I'm giving you a choice, you can swallow it or else you can take it along the face." Bill groaned again and said, "Matt, it's been so long since I came. You need to decide now or else I'll decide for you." This really turned me on and I could feel my cock squirting substantially under the water. My pace quickened and there was no way I was letting him out of my mouth. "Master," I panted. "I want to swallow your seed." He led me back to his length and ordered me to continue. The hot tub cycle shut down a few minutes later, just as Bill's body tensed. He let out a huge roar that only sounded louder with the immediate silence from the tub. If he had close neighbors there is no doubt that they would have heard the shout of his immense orgasm. He placed his hand tight on the back of my head and held me in place, deep on his cock. Before I knew it there was a blast of hot liquid from his cock followed quickly by two more. He shot his load into me and it was sweeter than I could have imagined. I swallowed as much as I could but Bill was still delivering more and more. I knew that he must have not had any form of sex for months to have this much cum, and I was grateful for it. The feeling of that cock exploding in my mouth was one of the greatest experiences of my life. At that moment I knew that I had given this man a great feeling of pleasure, and my reward was his scorching sweet cum. Bill collapsed backwards laughing as he lay on the edge of the tub. "Matt! That was incredible!" We sat in the tub for one more cycle and just enjoyed the relaxing pulse of the water. Finally, we both climbed out and dried off. Bill looked at me, "Slave, I want you to stay here with me for the weekend." I hadn't planned on this but the newness of the situation made it incredibly exciting. "Yes, Master." I trembled just saying those two words, surrendering myself to him. Bill put on his bathrobe and walked out of the room. I stood there alone still reeling from the past moments. I could still taste his juice in my mouth; it felt like a dream and that any moment I might awaken back at my apartment. I started putting on my clothes just as Bill returned. "What are you doing slave?" He asked. "I was going to get dressed." Bill smiled. "Oh no. When you stay with me, you will not wear clothes." His hand then reached up and showed me a large leather collar. "This is the only item of clothing you will wear when you are with me." I felt my cock stiffen with excitement. It was the same collar I had seen other men wear on Bill's web page. "Yes Master. I understand." Bill stood before me. "I want you to get down on your knees in front of me." I did as I was told. "Now slave take me back into your mouth. I opened my mouth and welcomed his limp wet shaft back into me. He reached down and placed the collar around me. The leather was colder than I expected and it felt very strong and thick around my neck. Bill continued, "This collar is a symbol of your servitude to me. When you visit me you will strip, get on your knees, and beg to have this collar placed on you. You earned the right to wear this collar by swallowing my cum. You have made your Master very happy, and this is your reward." I felt Bill lock the collar into place. My cock grew so hard so fast I couldn't believe it. Suddenly everything felt real. Bill must have noticed. "I can see you already enjoy the feeling of submission. Good. If I ask you to suck my cock you will suck it. Should I want to fuck you in the ass, you will bend over and allow me to. As my slave you will trust in me and you will do as I command. Look at me." Our eyes met. "As my slave you do not know the word `No'." I remained on my knees, his cock growing in my mouth. "Good. Now slave, please demonstrate to your Master how you like to suck his cock." My knees were hurting from kneeling on the floor but I began working Bill's cock as I had earlier in the tub. However, this time my new Master was giving me some advice on what he preferred. As I sucked and licked Bill would lead me in certain directions and explain what he enjoyed the most. He told me to remember exactly what he liked as he did not enjoy having to review his lessons. Bill remained hard in my mouth for thirty minutes as the lessons on oral servitude continued. As he began to conclude, he told me that he wanted to end the lesson with another orgasm. This time he was in a position to help my rhythm and he began pushing forward with his hips. He placed one hand on the back of my head and rested the other one on his hip. He began working me harder, increasing his thrusts. "That's right slave. Suck your Master's cock. Earn your reward." I continued working his cock with my tongue and throat. The feel of his warm tool in my mouth was exhilarating. I closed my eyes and just took in the sensations. The heat coming off of his rod was powerful. The smell of chlorine mixed with his own manly aroma was intoxicating. The tickle of his thick pubic hair as it brushed against my face made me thrill with excitement. The light slap of his balls as they moved forward and bounced against my chin was a reminder that I sucked the cock of another man. For those minutes I just knew that my only purpose was to service my Master. "Excellent." Bill continued thrusting as he spoke. "I believe you will be my slave for quite a long time. Will you enjoy that?" I nodded my head. Bill pulled back and removed his cock from my mouth. He walked behind me and took hold of my arms. Carefully he moved my arms behind my back and I felt two leather straps fastened around my wrists. There was no way I could get my arms free. I sat and waited and soon Bill walked back around in front of me, his cock was still hard. I looked at him as he began stroking it in front of me. "Your Master enjoys having you on your knees slave. Do you want your Master to let you have his cum for a second time tonight?" "Yes Master." "How would you like it?" I thought for a moment. "Master, please, I would like to have you do what you did to the other slave. The pictures you had on your web page." Bill smiled. "Good. You are doing excellent. Your Master is happy to reward you. Now open your mouth." I opened my mouth and stretched out my tongue. Bill picked up some speed and began frantically jerking his rod. With a groan he shot a scorching load onto my tongue. He continued and shot a second and third blast across my face. Without the use of my hands and arms, I had to twist to try and catch as much as I possibly could. It was still thick and steamy has it dripped onto my face. Bill then positioned my head upwards. He towered above me and I looked into his eyes as a long thick string of his cum was slowly trickling down towards my mouth. "That cum is your reward slave, but you have to wait for it." It took an eternity as the cum stretched and lowered to me and the anticipation was incredible. I opened my mouth as wide as I could an made sure that the entire load would land inside of me. This is what I had dreamed of and now it was coming true. The feel of that cum dripping into my mouth was amazing. Instinctively I began to close my mouth but Bill stopped me. "Oh no. I want you to stay there. On your knees. With my cum on your open mouth." Bill squeezed a few last drops from his cock and then turned around. I watched as he picked up my clothes and my belongings. "From now on when you visit me you will hand over all of your personal items to me. I will lock them up and will only return them when your service is finished. Nod your head if this is agreeable to you." I nodded, still feeling his hot cum drip along my face and my tongue. Bill walked off to another room taking my stuff with him. I remained on my knees with this older man's fluid still leaking down my face. I could taste the sweetness of his seed, a man that I had only met a few hours ago was now treating me as nobody ever had in my life. I could only imagine what my family and friends would think if they saw the way I allowed myself to be dominated by another man. Still, the thoughts of my earlier and future submissions left me thrilled for even more. So I waited for my Master's return. When Bill came back into the room I could not believe what he held in his hands... TO BE CONTINUED! By: Rob Spencer, [email protected]
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 16:36:20 -0800 From: arthur Subject: Child of Mythra part 3 Authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Three By Arthur When we had arrived home Eric was fast asleep in the car, so after parking I went around to his side and carefully lifted him in my arms making sure that the cuts on his back did not have pressure put on them, and then carried him into the house, he gave a little murmer as I lifted him but then snuggled back into my chest, a very tired and worn out boy. Once in the bedroom I gentley woke him and began to remove all his leathers and restraints then turned him on his front and checked the marks to see that they had not opened up any more and were not weeping into the bandages, having checked it all to my satisfaction I then laid him down in the center of the bed and proceeded to undress and join him for a well earned rest. In the early hours of the morning I was awakened by a small groan as Eric turned over onto his back and with a start at the pain jumped against me, I leaned over and took him in my arms brushing back the hair on his forehead and whispered to him that he was safe, he snuggled once again into my side and drifted back into noddy land a smile on his lips as he tucked his head under my arm and clasped my chest. When the new dawn came I looked down at him and saw a little blood on his bandages and as he made to get up I told him to stay there and turn onto his stomach while I had a good look at his back and repaired any damage that the night had done, after carefully removing the bandages I could see that the bleeding had been minimal and with fresh dressings he would be ok to move around. "Ok kiddo, you stay there, I'm just going to rebandage these stripes and then we'll have breakfast, you're excused duties for this morning until you've recovered a little better, then we have a lesson on the Mythra for you to do." "Thanks James, It does feel a bit sore at the moment." "It'll be ok soon as I change the dressings, I was really proud of what you did, but you should have said something to me or taken a smaller count, you're going to be sore for a few days now until they heal up so it'll put a slow down on a few things for you till then." "It's ok James, it was for you, and now I know I can do it, I feel a lot better for it now." "You did really good kiddo, now lay there and let me fix you up." After soaking the dressings to make them easier to remove I set about tending his back and a few minutes later was all done, I reached to the bedside table and took up his codpiece and began to fit it on him. "Just go have a light wash for now, buddy, then breakfast, after we'll sit and talk a bit then after lunch you'll have your next lesson, ok?" "Ok James." He took off for the bathroom and I went to the kitchen to get it ready for him, when he arrived I sat him down and allowed him to eat sitting for a change. "You all finished kiddo?" "Yes James." "Ok start cleaning up then come into the lounge, and I'll have another coffee when you're finished." "Ok James, I wont be long, do you want your coffee now while I clean up?" "Ok then bring it in now." I left him to get on with the clean up and made my way to the lounge and switched on the TV for the morning news while at the same time going over in my mind all that I would have to pass onto him later after lunch, it had been a while since I'd had to do the history of the Mythra and I didn't want to make any mistakes. I got up and went over to the third painting to check and see that it was properly presented and when satisfied I recovered it and sat down to finish my coffee. When Eric arrived in the room he came and knelt beside my chair as he'd been told but this time facing me, and with a wince of pain on his face attepted to lift his arms into position behind his head. "No Eric, leave your hands down for the moment, it's going to be painfull for a little so this time if you just try lifting them a little at a time, your back will loosen up, just raise them until you feel sore then lower them and after a couple of minutes try again a little higher each time." He did as he was told, and I could see he was pushing himself to do it, good, a little pain would prepare him for other things later in his training. At last he made it but was still in a little pain but at least he was trying to overcome it in his mind, he knelt there looking up into my eyes, silent and watchful, waiting for me to speak or to indicate what I wanted from him. "You're doing great, Eric, keep it up as long as you can, then take a rest. let me know when you're ready." I again sat back and watched the News broadcast as he waited and watched. Twenty minutes later I could see he was struggling to keep his position, his face covered in sweat, small chest tight and straining, his arms shaking but he wouldn't quit, I leaned over and looked at his back, it had not started to seep through the dressings but it wouldn't be long so I told him to rest. "That was great Eric, you did really well, now relax and come and sit here near my legs and get comfortable, while I tell you a few things for later." With a look of pride tinged with relief Eric lowered his arms and shuffled to a sitting position between my legs and rested his head on my thigh as he kept his eyes on my face, a small smile stretching his lips as I rubbed his head slowly and lightly, caressing his silken beauty and also smiling down at him as he snuggled closer placing a hand under his head on my thigh. "Ok Eric this afternoon you'll be doing the next of the Mythra, now normally you'd only be seeing the third one in preparation for your first conclave, then later on the fourth just before you're presented to prepare you for your kisses to the cat, however after what you did so proudly last night I'm going to do both of them for you because you've already taken the steps, but you need to know what was behind it all, ok so far?" "Yes James." "Well first I have to outline the legend as it was passed down to us so that you will see how important your position of Mythras Child is compared to the other slaves, the naming last night in our society is like winning a gold medal at the Olympics, you understand how important that is don't you?" "Yes, really was it like the Olypic medals?" "Yes, you'll see why after I tell you our history." Eric settled further onto my legs, relaxing and at the same time attentive to every word. "You good and comfortable, this takes quite a while to go through and you have to remember as much of it as you can for this afternoon, you don't have to be word perfect but some of it will come up during the ceremony." "I'll do my best James." "That'll be enough, later you'll get a manuscript to read it all again and learn it all by heart." "Our history is believed to have started around 1200bc in the province of Sparta in what is now called Greece, they were in those days called the Laconians, the city of Sparta was in the valley of the river Eurotas in the southern Peloponnese, the other four main towns were spread out from Sparta but now days there is only four of them named, we believe the fifth was called Mythraenos, after a local Deity or minor god of war and servitude called Mythros, Ok so Far?" "Yes I think so." "Now the four main cities were of course Sparta, then there was Pitane, Limnai, Mesoa and Kinosoura, We believe that Mythraenos was not just one city but was made up of five villages but close enough to be called one, they were on the slopes and valleys of Mount Taygetos, these were called, Pilane, Selacia, Aigitida,Pharu and Amikles, altogether they were a polpulation of about 3000 people." "Ok, The Laconians, or Spartans as we know them today in history books, were a very modern people, and were very advanced in mathmatics, architecture, astronomy, and many other of the arts and crafts like music and sculpture, but what they were most famous for was there military strength and fighting abilities. They had a system that allowed them to spend most of their time looking to conquer other states and by using Perioikoi or people who were friendly to them and also Helots who were captured slaves to do all the mundain work like farming and such like they were able to devote their lives to a more war like attitude, now most of the general population of Spartans lead a pretty austere life but there was one small city Mythraenos, that lead a life so hard and rigid that they were known to be the toughest fighters of all Sparta. You keeping up with all this?" "Yes, sort of, all these names are a bit confusing though." "You'll get the hang of it all after a while, right the Mythraenians were dedicated to war and to the service of the state, so when an army was needed they would be the first to provide the troops, the other cities held them in such respect that they were given the honour of taking the first lines in battle and were always the last to leave the field at the end, those that were still alive, when they were 16 years old they were taken into an 18 man conclave or mess hall, now that in itself was unusual as the rest of Sparta would wait until the young men were 20 years old before they were taken in and then the mess hall would only have about 15 men, the reason for the number being 18 was so that each man was partenered with a younger one to teach, protect and of course love, these partnerships were only broken by the death of one or the other in battle, the youth at 16 was given a sheild by his parents as a sign of adulthood and was told that, "You will always carry this sheild on your return home or be carried upon it" This was to say that they were to return home only at the end of battle and never in retreat or die on the field and be carried home to be cremated so their soul would go to Mythros in honour, he was also given his cloak of a blood red colour, that and his short tunic were the only clothes he was allowed to wear, the red colour of the cloak was said to hide any blood from wounds so that the enemy did not know he had been injured, it was also used to wrap his body in after death, during a battle his shield was bound to his arm so that it would not be taken from him and was also there for the others of his conclave to carry his body on if he was killed." I looked down at Eric, a slightly stunned expression on his face as he tried to take in all he'd heard so far. "I think we need another coffee so you can sort it all out in your mind, ok?" "Yes I'll get one for you now." He took off to the kitchen to get my coffee and when he returned he had a coke in his hand for himself, he settled down again between my legs taking up the same position as before.We sat and drank for a few minutes and then when he looked ready I began again. "Until around 800bc Sparta kept to itself but the general population began to soften from what they once were, except of course for Mythraenos and its people who maintained their customs in the name of Mythros, I 776bc the son of king Eumenos, Lykourgas came to the throne of Sparta after his elder brother Polydektes died, but because of a lot of internal polotics he decided to give up the throne to the son of his elder brother after he was born, but on seeing the state of the Spartan people and their decline he instead took the child to Agora and gave him the name Charilaos and proclaimed him king of the Spartans, Lykourgos then left Sparta and began his search for a new truth and to bring back to the people a constitution that would restore the people to their former life. On his way out of Sparta he entered Mythraenos and was so impressed by what he saw as a true way of life for a Spartan that he took notes on how they lived and then continued his travels to Crete, Egypt, Libya, and later on to Spain and Asia always searching for the right ways to bring his people back from their decadence. He returned to Sparta some twenty or so years later with his idea of a constitution and with many trials and tests he eventually convinced the Spartan people to accept the constitution and made them promise never to change it until he returned, he then left Sparta again and went to Delphi where he died and left instructions that his body was to be cremated and the ashes spread on the wind thereby denying even the body being returned to Sparta and so the people because of their word of honour had to continue to live under his rules of the constitution." I looked again at Eric sitting there almost bewitched by the story, but I could also see he was having trouble trying to follow so much information at one time, so I decided to take a break and prepare a little lunch for us both before going on and let him ask questions while we ate to clear up anything he was not sure of, the history was normally given over a longer period but due to his performance the night before he deserved the right to go to the fourth Mythra as soon as possible, it would not have been fair to him to keep him back now and I was sure he was bright enough to take in most of the salient points for the ceremony later in the day. "Ok kiddo, enough for now lets have lunch and you can ask some questions, then afterwards we'll continue." "James this is so exciting, I didn;t know old history could be so good." "Well I like to think our part of it is good anyway, buddy, ok lets eat." We got up and went to the kitchen and prepared for the nose bag and a bit of a rest. To Be Continued:
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 2002 02:17:55 +1300 From: arthur Subject: Mythras child/ a sub to love/ part 7 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Seven By Arthur Nigel and I sat listening to Eric making his own communication with the Mythra and waited until I felt he had made his peace then rose and approached him, standing behind him I began to explain it all to him, Nigel had one more part to play then the night would be done for my little dove and he would be officially Mythra's Child. "Boy, before you is the Fourth of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' it is called 'Revelation' the bright orange of the back ground shows your inner strength and the way for you to follow, the black in the center is the darkness from where you came, the crimson tips on the wings of the white dove symbolise the fire in your soul that you may use the strength of its flames to show you your path to the true following, there will be added to the gold ring on the left foot another on the right to show all who see this Fourth Mythra that a child was born tonight that is a true follower of Mythra, Prime Master of the Chair, I ask you to bestow upon this slave a title of respect." "Presented slave Eric, being that you are above all who would follow the Mythra and their Master I bestow upon you the title, "Mythras Child" and you shall be known by all by this title save your Master to whom you will show all manner of honour and respect, turn Mythras Child and recieve your just reward." Eric turned and showed the tears falling down his face as he swallowed a lump in his throat, his posture was straight and taut, he looked into my eyes with such acceptance and love that I nearly went to him and hugged him tight, at the last second I pulled myself up and then gave him the last blessing. "By the sign of the Fourth Mythra I declare you, Presented Slave Eric, to be Mythras Child, come take your place beside me and show your honour." Eric kept his present position as he came to stand just behind my left shoulder and at a nod from me went down into the third position. "Mythras Child give due respect to the Prime Master of the Chair." "Prime Master of the Chair, I Mythras Child offer you honour in the name of the seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'. Nigel moved to stand in front of Eric and bending laid his hand on his head. "Child of Mythra, I Prime Master of the Chair honour you." Nigel then moved back to his place and waited for the last of the ceremony to be done. "Boy, Present." Eric jumped to his feet, taking his place behind me, Nigel turned to his boy Brian. "Boy go show honour to Mythras Child." Brian rose to his feet and smartly walked to where Eric stood, then going to the third position he for the first time in two hours spoke. "Mythras Child, I honour and follow you." I nodded to Eric to do as he had with lim at the conclave, he reached out his hand laying it on Brians head. "Sir, I the Child of Mythra give you honour in return." Brian got to his feet and returned to Nigels side taking his position in the second and to the left of his chair, I half turned to Eric. "Well done boy, come to me, you are now fully inducted into the ways of the Mythra and there is now only your schooling to be taught that you may become true to our cause and the ways of the Mythra." I held out my arms for him as he came into them clasping me around the waist, his head on my chest and the tears again began to fall. "Thank you James, thank you, I love you, I'll never leave you, I'm home at last, safe." "Yes my little love you're home at last, now the next of the Mythra will take a lot longer, you'll have some very serious training to do before you can advance to them." "What do you think Nigel, time to let them relax?" "Yes James they've both done well tonight." I sat in my chair and lifted Eric onto my lap and pulled him into me, rubbing his back softly as I did so and leaned down and kissed his head, he snuggled into me like a kitten almost purring, Nigel nodded to Brain and he went and sat between Nigels knees leaning his head in Nigels lap and slowly rubbed his thigh, I reached for the bottle of whiskey and poured two glasses for us, the tension of the evenings work leaving the room as we sat and talked as our boys unwound from there respective duties. "James I was wondering what you both would be doing next weekend?" "There's nothing planned at this stage Nigel." "I have a small gathering at Thames next weekend, would you like to come along?" "Yes I think that might be arranged all going well this week, whats the occassion?" "Oh some worthless slave is being raised to Junior Master." "Really, anyone we know?" "This little devil here in my lap. it's his time." "Well thats one for the books, congratulations Nigel, thats a great effort, is he ready?" "This boy ready, hmm, well he does get lazy sometimes, but oh well I suppose he's earned it." Nigel smiled as he said this, I knew one thing for sure that he would not raise Brian to Master unless he was fully prepared and I think he used his words of jest to ease his soon to be broken heart. "You think that this little ragamuffin here in my lap should see it?" "Now cut it out James, you know it wouldn't be right to raise Brian without Mythras Child attending he needs to see how it goes and I think he should be able to perform the duties of Helot for Brian." "Thats a good idea, I'll get him ready this week to do it." "Will his back be ok by then?" "Yes he's a strong little bugger as you've already seen last night." "Yes he is, Eric you scared the hell out of me last night asking for your kisses like that, I was getting ready to give you your dispensation, when you asked I tried to think of a way out for you knowing that James hadn't got you ready." "I didn't know I was going to do it till I got in front of you sir." "Why did you Eric?" "I don't really know sir, it just seemed the right thing to do at the time." "It was Eric, it certainly was, you've set the whole society buzzing with your actions." "Thank you sir." I gave a little hug again to Eric as he sat there snuggling up to me, Nigel and I continued to chat as the boys relaxed in our laps then at about eleven o'clock Nigel rose to his feet, Brian jumping up and taking his place behind him. "Well James it's time we got home, thank you and Eric for a great evening, I'll remember this night for a loong time to come, and don't forget about next week, it'll be held at Gregs place out at Tapu, you know where it is don't you?" "Yes Nigel I remember it well, some good times been had there and thank you for this evening it went really well and now this boy can settle down to some real work." "Well we must be off, come boy lets get ourselves home." "Boy present." Eric jumped up into Present." "Escort the Prime Master and his Slave to the door boy." "Yes Master." I rose and walked with Nigel to the door as Eric held it open for him and as Nigel turned to shake hands Eric took the third position in the doorway as respect for Nigel. "Damn it James he's so cute, you are one lucky bugger is all I can say." "Thanks Nigel, yes he's going to be a good boy, maybe in ten or twenty years." (Chuckle) Nigel laughed and turned toward his car, the beautiful young Brian at his heels, as he left the driveway he gave a toot on the horn and then was speeding away into the night. "Ok my little dove, it's over for the night, come and have a snuggle while I finish my drink then it's off to bed for you." Eric closed the door as I made my way back to my chair then he tumbled into my lap for his snuggle as I drank the last of my whiskey. "James?" "Yes Eric?" "Whats this thing next week, Master Nigel said I was going to be a Helot for Brian?" "Don't worry about it for now, it's an honour to be asked just leave it at that for now." "Yes James." The drink finished I pushed Eric off my lap and made ready to go to bed. "Come on little one lets get you ready for bed, come with me." I took Eric to his room and as I glanced at him a faint look of disappointment came over his face as he saw he was going to his room and not mine, I smiled to myself at the thought of the night to come, once in the bedroom with Eric waiting for instructions beside me I said. "Boy Present." Eric snapped into position. "I'm going to release all you restraints this evening, you will star sleep tonight, remember my orders for your conduct." "Yes Master." "Right boy come here so I can unlock you." Eric stood before me as I unlocked all his leathers and as I released his chastity belt last his 4" rod shot to attention already showing signs of wetness at the tip. "Not one touch boy, you are now Mythras Child, you must be stronger than all other slaves." "Yes Master." "Right on the bed in star." Eric lay down on the bed in the star position closing his eyes and taking a couple of deep breathes his shaft standing up straight and strong as he lay there. "Good night boy, remeber what I said." "Yes Master, good night Master." I left him there alone and went to take a shower in my room switching on the monitor to record as I went past, after a long hot shower I checked the monitor and replayed the last half hour of tape noting that twice his hand had made to move but he had caught himself in time and was it appeared now asleep, time to wake him up a bit, I moved quietly into his room with my trusty mohair brush and began another night of fun for him, as the brush started to run over the head of his penis lightly it again came fully erect and then he began to moan deep in his chest. "Ungh, oohh, ungh." "Sshh boy, remember no cumming." "Mmmm, ungh, Master, Master, oh god." "Stay still boy, let it fill you, think of the dove, feel it's wings caress you." "Ungh Master, oooohhhhhh god." "Sshhh, relax, feel the wings of the dove, sing your song boy, relax." It then started, that soft deep humming in his chest, his little 4" rod stayed hard and tight but his breathing slowed as the humming took him away from the sensations being given to his organ, when he was deep in harmony I left him and returned to my room to wait and read a little. An hour later he was again asleep, the humming had stopped and he was still in star position, it had taken me three weeks to get Cameron to stay in that position but Eric had maintained it now for two and a half hours without changing, I left my room with the next little surprise for him and as I looked down at him on the bed again marvelled at my luck at having this beautiful boy with all his tallents sent to me, I opened the mouths of the two number four clamps and placed them on his nipples, with a start he came awake as they bit into his tender breast. "Arrggh, Master." "Stay boy, sing your song, fly with your dove." Erics shaft had slackened but at the first bight of the clamps came alive again, precum from the earlier ministrations still shiney on its tip and now more was starting to flow, the sweat on his brow was showing his effort to control himself and the pain he was feeling, at last I heard him reaching for his harmony, his little fists began to unclensh from the edge of the bed as he settled and began his humming, he was getting quicker and quicker to find his place, I had been right in my assumptions that he was going to stretch my abulities as his time went on, I left the clamps on and returned to my room to wait and to watch. The small soft chime of my alarm clock broke through my dozing an hour later and I rose to go to Erics room, the clamps still in place but eric was sound asleep, his star porition still fully maintained, I removed the clamps and he jumped as the pressure was taken from his nipples then the pain returned as the blood flowed back. "Yaagghh, oh Master." "Push it away boy, lift your head?" As Eric lifted his head I reached over and placed his blindfold on him, the throbbing in his nipples causing him to groan a little and then he returned to his harmony again, I tightened the blindfold and let his head rest back on the pillow then taking the next toy I began his next little exercise, at the first touch his humming stopped as he jumped at the contact. "Yeow." "Arrgh." "Yeow." "Relax boy sing your song." "Master, yeow." The hot wax was making a small pattern on his slim little stomach as I let a drop at a time fall onto him in an eratic spacing of time, sometimes two drops then none for a minute or two, varying it so he would find it hard to concentrate, it worked for only a short time then he was gone again into his harmony, I stopped the drops and left him to sing with his dove as he settled down again. My beautiful Eric was going to be the challenge of all challenges wiht his ability to defend himself from pain, a less experienced person would have probably done a lot of damage to Eric as he would not know when to stop as the boy would go into harmony and not be able to use his safe words to protect himself, I was going to have to find another way to protect him although I had no intention of taking him to a level of danger that would threaten his life but there was ahead some heavy work to be done and as great as it was to see a boy able to go to harmony it was something to be prepared for in looking out for his health. I returned to my room and set the monitor onto record and fell into a deep sleep with the alarm set at 8 o'clock, it would be amussing to see if Eric decided to get up for my coffee or as he was technically in a scene if he would wait till I released him, if he made the wrong decision then it was punishment time for him, only the morning would tell the tale so I turned over and fell asleep, the mornnnning would bring what it would bring. To Be Continued:
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 10:28:50 -0800 From: arthur Subject: a sub to love epilogue authoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Epilogue By Arthur Dear readers even though this last part of the story has just been posted I have been inundated with emails from you all for the continuation of our sub's teaching and future life with James, looks like I'll have to get another hard drive to keep the mail file on, how can I refuse you all so if you will allow me a little time to complete my other stories on nifty I will continue with Erics education and to those who asked for it I will explain more of the Mythra to them as it developes, the ceremony of presenting is as close to the facts as I can remember them from the directives, it's been a lot of water under the bridge since I had the opotunity to practice so I hope my memory is as good as it used to be, further to another request I will reopen the story of 'SIONI' as well, as the requests, well more like the demands for it's continuation can not be denied to his followers. A final word must go to the guy's at NIFTY for allowing me to post these stories as without them us beginners would never have a chance to find out about any skills, or lack of, that we may have, Guy's a big thank you. P.S. Mike.M could you let me have your email address and I will send you the titles of the other stories here on Nifty, yes I have only posted on Nifty but will explain on reciept of your address. Arthur
Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2002 10:53:15 -0800 From: arthur Subject: child of mythra part 5 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Five By Arthur "So Eric how does your back feel now?" "It's ok, James." "You sure, let me have a look at it, you're going to have all your leathers on this time." "Yes I'm sure, if those boys back then can handle it, then I can." "Ok, lets go through to your room and I'll get you locked into your gear." "Ok, James." We went into Erics room and I began to dress him and lock his restraints on to him, when he was dressed, I looked him over, he was so beautiful when wearing his leathers, or without them for that matter, I took a last look then. "Slave Eric, Present." Eric with obvious pain, snapped into position and held it unwaveringly. "Come boy." I lead Eric to the lounge and when he was standing in front of the Mythra, I unvieled it. "Bonded and Double Ringed Slave Eric, this is the Third of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' it is called 'Awakening' you will stand before it and study it until you understand its meaning." I left Eric standing before the third Mythra and left the room to make some phone calls, one for later tonight and one for tomorrow, as I talked to the people on the other end of the phone I also ran over in my mind the next part of the ceremony to make sure my mind was clear on all the facts, having waited for 30 minutes I returned to Eric in the lounge. "Boy, what do you see, speak?" "Master I see the Dove of Mythra in full harness, I also see a look of awakening in his eyes." "You have seen well boy, what do you surmise from this, speak?" "Master, I surmise from this that you have awakened me to my true self and that I must follow the ways of the Mythra and fulfill your needs." "How will you fulfill my needs boy,speak?" "Master, to obey you in all things." "Well said boy, now to explian the Third of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' the mauve colour beginning at the top of the Mythra is to indicate that you have now entered into the domain of the Mythra, the darker purple is to tell you that you will be entering into the depths of our ways and that there is no turning back now that you have been accepted, the full harness of the Dove shows you your bondage to his discipline and to myself as your Master, his position on the plynth shows that in my eyes and the eyes of other Masters, that you will be held in high esteem as my submissive slave as long as you show honour to our ways, I will now ask of you questions of honour, you have my permission to answer freely when needed." "Bonded and Double Ringed Submissive Slave Eric, to whom do we owe honour?" There was a pause as Eric tried to work out in his mind what was meant and what the correct answer should be. "Master, we owe honour to Mythros, God of war and servitude." "And where were we born?" "Master, the city of Mythraenos in the state of Sparta." "Why were we born?" "Master, to serve and to honour." "What is the greater sin, to steal or to dishonour?" "Master, to dishonour." "To whom do we owe total servitude?" "Master, to the teachings of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve'." "Bonded and Double Ringed Submissive Slave Eric, who among all the kings of Sparta do we honour above all else?" "Master, King leonidas we honour above all." "Why?" "Master, for he led us to ulitmate honour on the field of Thermopylae for all the world to see." "Your answers are well recieved, you will step forward and as a sign of love and devotion to the Dove of Mythra, you will place three kisses upon him." Eric took the two paces forward and placed the three kisses on the painting of the dove then stepped back to his original position facing the painting with myself standing behind him. "Boy turn around and face me." Eric smartly obeyed and it was now that I could clearly see the effort he was making to maintain his position of Present due to his wounds but he had to stay for a while more yet reguardless of the discomfort. "Bonded Double Ringed Submissive Slave Eric, as you will be presented to the Conclave of Mythra you will remember the order of the Council of Mythra, you will pay attention." Blink, nod. "You will at all times show honour to the Founding Prime Master of Mythra by taking the third position when in his presence, unless ordered to do other wise, you will show honour to the Prime Master of the Chair by taking the third position when in his presence, you will show honour to the Prime Masters of the Council by taking the second position when in their presence, you will show honour to all other Masters of the Mythra by taking the first position when in their presence, you will never speak to another slave without your Masters orders or the acceptance of the slaves Master, do you understand these dictates, speak?" "Master, I understand these dictates and obey." Eric on the saying of the last word immediately went into the third position on the floor in front of me. "Rise up and present yourself." Eric rose back onto his feet, his head back, arms out, back arched, looking proud and so beautiful in his leathers and although he was sweating profusely from the efforts of this ceremony he showed an inner strength that made me so proud of him. "Do you Eric, Bonded and Double Ringed, accepted Submissive Slave of myself, Founding Prime Master James, follower of the ways of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' avow and attest to your full and freely given honour, to serve myself and the ways of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' to the fullness of your ability, speak?" "Founding Prime Master James, I avow and attest to obey and to follow with honour both yourself and the ways of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve' to the fullness of my ability." "So saying I accept your final gift of servitude and offer you honour, approach me presented Submissive Slave Eric." Eric stepped forward and I clasped him in my arms, careful of his back, and hugged him close, placing a kiss on his head as I carressed his warm and somewhat sweaty body, pulling his arms down from the present as I did so, he grabbed onto my waist and with an audible sigh snuggled in closer to my chest. "Oh thank you James, that was so cool, when you asked all those questions I wasn't sure what the answers were." "So how did you come up with them?" "Well I sort of tried to relax, then they just came to me, just like, well popped into my head." "That, my dearest Eric, is why you're now known as the "Child of Mythra" we like to think it's the dove of Mythra sending them to you." "Do you really think so?" "Well if it isn't then you tell me what it was?" "I don't know, they were just there when I wanted them." "I told you before little dove, you are special, now do you believe me?" "If you say so then it must be true, James." "Ok kiddo, lets go and have a rest for a while, we're going to have a visitor later and we need something to eat before then, does your back feel ok?" "It's a bit tender but I'm not worried about it now, it doesn't seem important after all this." "Good, we still have a way to go yet, when our visitor gets here we'll do the fourth Mythra." "Who's coming, James?" "None of your business Mr. nosey, wait and see." "Yes, Founding Prime Master james." "Good boy, you catch on fast, thats why I love you little dove." "I love you to James, I feel so free when you're here teaching me." "Good, ok lets go eat." When I had finished eating I watched as Eric stood at the table finishing his and then told him. "Eric when you've finished, clean up the kitchen while I get a few things ready for later, then go to the cabinet and get out two of the crystal whiskey glasses and the bottle of Glenfiddich and place them on the table in the lounge, after, I want you to go to your room and lay down till the door bell rings, when it does you will go and as usual answer it and show the proper respect for our visitor as you've been taught, then show him into me in the lounge, ok?" "Yes Master." I left Eric to finish up in the kitchen and went to the back room for some of the items I would need for the next presentation for him, having collected everything I took it all to the lounge and placed them on the cabinet beside the paintings, covering them so he would not see them, I then went and sat in my usual chair where I could see the enterance way and began to again go over in my mind the next step.After eric had readied everything for our visitor he went to his room to rest as I had instructed, when the door bell rang some fourty minutes later he was quickly at the door to open it, on opening the door he stepped back the single pace as required and went immediately to the third position and said in a clear voice. "Prime Master of the Chair, I welcome you to the home of Founding Prime Master James, may I accompany you to him?" Nigel of course would have nodded, and Eric arose and brought him into the lounge room then taking the second position beside my chair as I rose to greet Nigel. "Prime Master of the Chair, I welcome you to my home." "Founding Prime Master James, you honour me sir." "The honour is mine Prime Master." "now thats out of the way Nigel, would you like a whiskey and a seat?" "Thanks James I'd love one of each." "Boy pour the whiskey for Prime Master Nigel and myself." Eric rose up and did as he was told then again took his place. "So tell me James, how did our little dove do on the third?" "Not to bad Nigel, and with only one lesson this afternoon he remembered nearly all of it." "How many mistakes then if thats all the lessons he had?" "Well Nigel I have to confess he made none at all." "Really, that's brilliant, he's truly a Child of Mythra." "Yes, but don't go swelling his head." I leaned over and gave Eric a smile and patted his head, he blushed and at the same time straightened up a little more in his position. "So you think he can handle the fourth then?" "Yes, you know I wouldn't have asked you here other wise." "Yes true, I had to do a little reading up on the process to make sure I was clear on it for him." "Yes, this is a little different than the norm for a fourth." "Ahh well it's all good practice." "You didn't bring your boy with you?" "Now James, have you ever seen me go anywhere without that dear boy?" "Well no, thats why I asked." "he's out in the car, I wasn't sure if you'd want him in here on this occassion." "Of course he can be here, why don't you go call him in?" "You don't mind?" "Not at all, boy escort Prime Master Nigel to the door." Nigel rose up and with eric in attendance went to get his slave from the car,Brian had been with Nigel for about five years and was well schooled by him, at the age of twenty three he'd soon be moving into a positon as a new Master and Nigel would be alone again until some one could be found to replace him, this can sometimes take years for the right person although with the more relaxed attitudes of todays society it was becoming a little easier but could still take time, Nigel would be lonely for a while, I made a mental note to keep this in mind and offer company for him, parting with a slave that had been your life and soul for a number of years was always taken hard by our society even though they would always show up for gatherings it was still hard to take. When Nigel called for Brian to join us he turned and came back into the room and sat with me as Brian came to the door, Eric stood there at present waiting for him, Brian entered and seeing Eric went to the second position saying. "Child of Mythra, I follow thee." Eric was quick to reply and as I had not told him how to accpet this greeting I was interested as to how he'd handle it, but true to form he took it in his stride and with a clear voice for both of us to hear said. "Sir I accept your honour and welcome you to the home of Founding Prime Master James, allow me to escort you to your Master." When Eric brought him into the lounge he took up his positon beside me as usual while Brian went to Nigels chair and there took the third position in deference to me, waiting until Nigel released him, which he did immediately. "Boy rest." Brian came up to the second position and I noticed he could hardly take his eyes from Eric seated beside me, I looked over to Nigel. "May I ask a question of you slave, Master?" "By all means, Master James." "Boy, why so interested in my slave?" "Forgive me Founding Prime Master, but if I may speak freely?" "Do so, boy." "Founding Prime Master, my appologies for my dishonour, but the Child of Mythra, well Prime Master, he is so beautiful, forgive me for my dishonour and I will bow to your better judgement for my punishment." "What do you think Master Nigel, does he deserve punishment for telling the truth?" "Personally Prime Master, I think you should beat the living day lights out of him, but if you did that then you would have to punish me as well, for he has told nothing but the truth as I see it as well." "Oh well Prime Master what can I say, if the truth is told then there should be no punishment, boy you are absolved of dishonour, instead I thank you for your words of thruth for the child of Mythra is as you say." Brian fell to the third position again in acknowledgement of the compliment and Nigel and I continued to finish our drinks and when all was done I rose and asked. "Well Nigel I think it's time, don't you?" Yes James, lets give our best to Mythra's Child." To Be Continued:
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2003 09:05:58 +1300 From: arthur Subject: child of mythra part 12 Authors Note: I would at this stage like to introduce all readers to my new Editor 'Subby' who has gallantly offered to edit for me as my eyes can no longer handle the chore as well as keeping my other stories going, the poor boy doesn't know what he's in for, so my heartfelt thanks to you Subby for taking this on and I hope we have a long and fruitful relationship, I have had many offers for this job and it has taken me a while to decide to give one of my babies over to another I'm sure he will do it well. Thank you Subby. Dinner became a relaxed affair with the four boys looking to our every need as was expected, Tony showed he had the right attitude and did well for his first taste of servitude, I noticed he was especially attentive to Nigel who occasionally rewarded him with a pat on the butt which made Tony beam at the gesture of recognition. the other three boys smiled at Tony and tried to do their best to make him feel useful and a part of their little group. At the end of dinner Nigel and Alton nodded to me to let me know I could dismiss their boys to eat with my two as soon as the coffee had been served and the port opened on the table. "Right then Nigel we have everything done for Saturday only the earring for Tony to get and that'll be all done." "Yes James, I'll get the earring tomorrow and have it ready, what are you going to do with Eric on Thursday at the school, sounds like an interesting exercise?" "Not a lot Nigel, just show some of the good gear and then let them see how Eric's restraints work, well not quite all of them hahaha, then I let them ask the questions they want too, those kids have a completely different outlook on things and they ask some good questions, makes for an interesting session." "Do you think it will help our way of life to be understood better?" "Can't say, maybe not for us but hopefully for Eric and any others that come after us, if they know that its not all bashing and pain maybe they will accept boys like ours a little better." We sat and chatted about all and sundry for a while longer and then the sound of dishes being put into the dish washer told us our boys were nearly finished. "So Alton sounds as though they are done, who do you want to take care of first, Eric or Tony?" "Well Tony is going to be the easiest and quickest also I think everyone will want to see Eric get dressed last, it might make a good impression on Tony as well." "Ok I'll hand him over to you when they get in here." "Do you mind if Peter does it again, its good for him to get the practice and now he's seen how we made Eric's gear he is going to be a real help to." "No that's fine with me, Peter it is then." Just then the four boys came into the room and took their places beside their Masters, my two bookends beside me straight and proud at the way the evening had gone so far, I looked down at Tony beside me. "Boy, Present." Tony jumped up, he was getting better and better with his posture. "Go stand in the center of the room for Master Alton's boy to measure you, you will allow him to strip you for that purpose, understand boy?" "Yes Master." Tony moved to the center of the room and waited until Alton nodded to Peter to carry on, he left Alton's side and went to stand before Tony and then after looking to me and accepting my nod as approval he began to strip Tony of all his temporary leathers including his skin tight shorts. Tony stood there without moving and only the slightest of blushes touched his cheeks as Peter took his cloths from him and then began to measure him all over, Tony's erection had been instant the moment that his shorts were removed but he stood firm as Peter handled him freely. "Well chosen James, Tony's a great boy, stands well and follows his orders without question." "Thanks Nigel yes he's going to make you very proud of him." Tony straightened more when he heard the compliments and his beautiful smile shone out as though he had been petted with a soft caress. Once Peter had finished I nodded to Tony to bring his leathers to me and dressed him once again then turned to Eric as soon as Tony was at his place beside my chair. "Come boy I want to unlock you, Master Alton will have some new clothes for you and will dress you this time, you will do as he says, understand?" "Yes Master." I finished unlocking Eric and he stood before us all naked except for his two rings and gold arm bracelet. "Stand at the center boy." Eric moved to the middle of the room to wait for Alton, and at Alton's nod Peter went to the corner and took up the boxes and brought them to him as he stood before Eric. Alton took the first and smallest box opened it and brought it over to me to look at first, I had always been aware of Alton's ability as a tailor and leather worker but the pieces of sheer art in the box took my breathe away, there fitted into their respective slots were Eric's new ankle and wrist cuffs also his new collar, the bright red leather was stitched together so finely that the white stitching seemed to one continuous line almost unbroken, the catches a new type I had not seen before were of highly polished stainless steel and appeared to lockless, the symbol of the dove on each piece was of anodised metal that would need no polishing as the older type did, I could see that this colour was going to be outstanding against Eric's copper skin, Alton began to explain to me the new catches. "They're the latest Greg could find on the net, they just clip in and they can't be opened unless you have this key, with this you just push it in the hole here and they snap open." Alton showed me how it worked, it was going to be a lot easier than all the padlocks we had at the present. "I'll put the cuffs on but of course I'll leave the collar for you James." Alton placed the collar in my hands for later, I looked closer at it and marvelled at the workmanship, Alton was a true craftsman, by the weight of it I could tell it was lighter than the one Eric had been wearing but somehow seemed to be stronger, Alton went to Eric and with a very deft click set the cuffs in place, he next turned to Peter and took the next box, it was a little larger and again he brought it to me to see, the chastity belt was of the same high standard but then I expected nothing less from Alton. "I'll leave this with you James, I think he would look better in his shorts for now." Alton removed the short pants and then turned them inside out to show me the work done inside, at the bottom of the flap was the usual pocket for Eric's cock to fit into but the tube was bent downward so that it was underneath his scrotum even more than the ones Tony was wearing and either side of the tube was a small concave piece of the same metal to fit his small balls into, the top band of the shorts had a clip like the cuffs on it but the very top of the band had Velcro stitched onto it. "If you look under the edge of his belt James you'll see a flap of the other side of the Velcro, it drops down and you can attach the shorts to the bottom of his belt it looks all one piece then if you want to take him out, all you have to do is disconnect the chastity rig on the belt, once its all on him you cant tell the difference, it looks like one piece." I nodded that I understood but was still overwhelmed at the work he had done, these were the finest set of leathers I had ever seen, Alton approached Eric and then he turned to me for permission to get Eric's erection down and fit him into the tube in the shorts, I nodded to go ahead, as the shorts were pulled up his legs Eric positively glowed at the feel and newness of them, the smell of new leather in the room began to give us a nice heady feeling and as the shorts were zipped up and snapped on Eric shuddered with delight at the tightness and feel of them. The next box held his chest harness and a vest again Alton brought them over to me to inspect first and then went to Eric an began to put it on him, everything was a perfect fit, the harness pulled Eric's smaller chest upward and made his small nipples stand out further than the old one, the bright red of the leather shone and also made Eric's colour stand out even more, he looked like a bright light as he stood there in the middle of the room. "Now the vest James is made so that he can wear it over the harness but as I put it on you'll see that it has small slits in it that correspond to the position of all the restraint rings on the harness, if you want to hold him just pull the ring through the hole and snap him up, the vest can be worn by itself as well and as you can see the holes are almost invisible and look just like tucks in the leather when they aren't in use." The last box was a shoebox and Alton took from it the most beautiful pair of red boots that could be made, on the inside of each heel was another small steel ring worked into the leather as well as another two up near the tops that had an open flap to make them easier to put on. "If you want to remove his ankle cuffs so as he can wear the boots then once he has them on you just snap them closed like the rest he cant get them off till you let him, the heel and top rings are to make it easy for you to hold him if you need too." Alton took out the key and popped the cuffs off Eric and slid the boots on clicking them in place, then brought the cuffs over to me, now only the collar remained, it was the one piece no other Master could put on for him. "Come boy." Eric came and stood in front of, his beaming smile told me all I needed to know. I lifted the collar toward his neck and as I did so something caught my eye, I paused and looked at Alton then Nigel. "You two cant be serious, is this what I think it is?" "Yes, they're all real." "But..but..why, how?" Nigel continued. "After that night of the conclave and Eric's gutsy performance, when you left we called a special meeting, the vote was unanimous, every member of the conclave donated money to pay for these and Greg donated all the gold and silver, which will be on the other sets, dove clips, so yes James as a mark of respect for Eric we had those ones made of 18crt gold," "But.. well.. I'm meant to look out for these things for him." "James he's our first double, let us show how we feel about him, it's the least we can do for the honour he's brought us all." "Well..I mean.. uhm ok.. but I don't know how to thank you all." "You brought us Eric, what more thanks do we need, besides he looks an absolute dream in them, you can't give them back now, hahaha." Eric looked up at me and lifted an eyebrow that could have mean anything but I had a feeling of what he wanted to do, I leaned forward and clipped the collar about his neck. "Boy you may show gratitude to these Masters for your good fortune." Eric approached Nigel and went to the third position even though as the Child of Mythra he did not have to. "Prime Master of the Chair, you have honoured my Master beyond call." Eric moved to Alton and again took the third without hesitation or thought. "Master Alton you have honoured my Master beyond call." Eric looked up at me as he gained his feet asking without words to go to the three boys, I nodded, it was his wish and he wasn't obliged to do it, firstly to Brian then Peter, he took the second position before each of them saying. "Sir my Master is honoured by your attendance as am I." He then went to Tony sitting beside me and again went to the second position. "Bonded boy, I am honoured by your presence and thank you for your attendance." Eric rose to his feet and looked askance at me, I opened my arms as he rushed to be in my embrace hugging my waist as though he was going to die at any moment. "Master, oh my Master, thank you, thank you, I love you James." Everyone broke the spell and came to either pat his head or try to get close enough to hug him, the boys had tears in their eyes and I think that Alton and Nigel weren't far behind, it was a very heady moment, one that none of us would forget, my little dove now looked like a true Child of Mythra. To Be Continued:
Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2002 17:13:34 +1300 From: arthur Subject: Child of Mythra Part 8 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Eight By Arthur The soft buzzing of my alarm brought me awake at 8.00am the smell of coffee missing from the room so my boy had stayed or was still asleep and he'd made the right decidsion to remain where he had been put for the night, I rose and made my way to his room to see him still in the star but his eyes wide open waitiing for me to release him from his position, the strak white blobs of now cold wax from his test during the night had a dull shine on his golden stomach, the usual teen boy hardness was only different by the amount of precum on his shaft and aloong with the small dry puddle in his navel he had not handled himself, it was quite amazing to see, it was a great feat of self control for one so young. "Up boy, shower, do your enema and return here, you have twenty minutes, go." Erics tight little body jumped off the bed as he ran to the shower his little globes twitching as his legs carried him, I stayed there waiting and so I could be near in case he should forget his rules even though I knew there was very little hope of him doing that, I listened as he removed his butt plug with a soft sigh and heard the gurgle of the bag being filled, a short silence and then the little Hmmm as the nozzel was inserted, I waited and then the groans came as the first of the flush did its work on his insides, after the required five minutes the sound 0of the discharge could be heard and after a short pause the gurgle again and then the Hmmmm as he took his second flush, when all was done the shower started up and there was a soft singing as he scrubbed himself clean, the shower stopped and after a little time he was standing at the present before me all done in 18 minutes. "Right boy take you restraints to the kitchen and make my coffee, while I shower do your cleaning and polishing." "Yes Master." Eric took off to the kitchen leathers ijn hand as I went back to my room to shower and to check the tapes for the period I had dozed, after leaving him last night he'd stayed in star without moving and had by the look of his REM movements gone to sleep in ten or so minutes, I finished with the shower and checking of the tapes as the smell of fresh coffee wafted through the house and went to the kitchen where Eric had my large mug full of steaming coffee waiting on the table as he worked on his leathers. "We're going out to shop after breakfast you'll find some shorts and a tee shirt on your bed when you've finished up here and I've put your gear on, dress and then come back for something to eat." "Yes Master." I sat and sipped my coffee, perfect, he was already a master of coffee making, the little touch of salt in the pot made all the difference with the strong Typica coffee bean from New Guinea that I prefered to drink, Eric stood back as he finished his cleaning and stood at present waiting for my inspection of his work, I looked them over and as he'd done before they were immaculate. "Come boy lets get you done." I locked him into his restraints using this time his light cod piece so he could wear the shorts over them. "Go dress boy." Eric left for his room as I got up to make some breakfast for him, at this stage I didn't mind doing it for him but soon he would be doing it himself, I felt that at this early stage he had enough to do just learning the first of his duties and the Mythra, he was already moving freely and the salve of Aloe Vera and Titoki was healing his skin very quickly, the scabs were already thin and dry on his back and the other marks were barely discernable after rubbing on the Prestinol the day before, the only still bright mark on him was across his little butt from the cane but it didn't seem to bother him, he returned a few minutes later to stand dressed in his shorts and tee shirt, snelling of fresh soap and boy, I layed his plate on the table as he stood there waiting. "You may eat boy." I sat down again with another coffee as he stood at the tabkle eating his breakfast, he ate slowly and with good manners even though his eyes said he was starving but his care to show respect was greater than the desire to wolf his food down. "I'm going to the lounge boy, when you've finished eating clean up here and come to me." "Yes Master." I went through to the lounge to wait for him and after a short time he was standing in front of me agaiin at 'present'. "all done boy?" "Yes Master." "Then come here my luittle dove and give me a cuddle." Eric leapt into my arms as I held them oepn for him snuggling in close like he loved to do, his warm boy smeeling body fitting itself to mine. "Why we going shopping today James?" "You need some clothes for school and something for next weekend." "But I've got school clothes here now." "Yes my boy but these are better oones, the school you'll be going to is quite close and very good so I want to get you some clothes that fit you right for who you are." "Oh ok." "As you start tomorrow at your new school you'll have to wear some of your stuff for the next few days until your new clothes are made then you'll wear them, I've already ordered what you'll need we judst have to get you measured and thats what we'll be doing today." "Really, I'm going to have tailor made clothes?" "Yep my little dove, nothing but the best for you from now on." "Oh thank you James, I've never had anything made to measure before." "Then think of it as a welcome home present for finishing your induction." "Oh thank you James, it's so neat." "Right lets go then kiddo." We went out to the car and I headed into the city to get him measured up, the traffic at this hour was the biggest pain and I hated driving in the peak times but I had to get this done as soon as possible if I wanted everything to be ready for the weekend meeting and for his school. At last we made it into the city and found a parking place not to far from the shop I wanted and as we got out of the car I truned to Eric noticing that he was a little nervous with all the crowds around looking at his leathers as they passed by us. "Ignore them Eric, you are Mythras Child, carry the name with pride and honour all you've been taught." He straightened up and took his place to my left as we made our way to the shop, over the doorway was the sign 'A.J.Denton, Specialty Tailors' there was nobody inside except a young man with his back to us straightening shelves, the smell of high quality wool suiting and the fresh smell of linen and cotton gave the shop a comfortable feeling, the young mans suit was immaculate and fitted his frame to perfection obviously well made as it showed his slim frame to its best, he turned as we entered and went into the third position as soon as he saw me. "Founding Prime Master, welcome to my Masters shop, and welcome to Mythras Child." "Thank you Peter, is Master Alton here?" "Yes Prime Master I will get him for you." "No need boy, carry on with your work, hello James how are you both this morning?" "Hello Alton, we're both good thanks, do you have all the designs?" "Yes, got them this morning off the fax, you want to come through to the rrear and we'll get Eric measured up." "How about the extras?" "Gregs doing all that and promises to have everything ready to go on, it's a bit of a rush for this much buit we'll do it don't worry, everything else can wait till its done, do you mind if I get Peter to do the measuriing, I want him to learn how to do it properly and I dont get a lot opf oppotunity to do this much at one time?" "No thats fine, if you still have that excellent coffee of yours available we can sit and watch them." "Just put on a fresh pot, come on through, Peter set the bell and follow us." "Yes Master." We went into the rear work room and as Alton and I sat down on the old style comfortable arm chairs Peter took Eric to a small dais in the center of the room and got him to stand on it. "Ah Peter I think you forgot something." "Sorry Master, yes he's no good like this, Prime Master we will need Mythras Child to be unlocked." "Eric, come here and strip so I can unlock you." Eric with a slight blush came to stand in front of me to remove his shorts and tee shirt then waited as I unl;ocked his leathers, when he was done I told hiim to go stand on the dais and do what Peter said, Alton and I watched as Peter began to measure him all over, pausing only momentarily at the now hard rigid member at Erics waist then carrying on for the rest. "So James are you sure about the colours?" "yes Alton and I think that you could add two pair of long troiusers as well to the other stuff." "Damn James you like to push the time frame don't you." (Chuckle) "For what you and Greg are going to charge me, why not,(Chuckle) but my little dove is worth every penny. "He is that James, you have everything now Peter?" "I think so Master." "Let me check then." "Yes Master." Peter bought his note book over for Alton to look through as Eric came to stand by me to refit his leathers and then his clothes. "Thats very good Peter, well done." Peters look of pride and enjoyment at the compliment from his Master was very evident on his young face. "May I get more coffe for the Prime Master and your self, Master?" "Thank you Peter, and you may get something for yourself and Mythras Child for doing such a good job." "Thank you Master." "You've got a really great boy there Alton." "Yes James, I never thought I would find a boy like him, you know I had a section 23 didn't you?" "Yes I did hear a little about it." "Funny, but I think it was the best thing for me at the time, they really screwed my head up but now looking at Peter I think they had to do it, even I could see I had lost it but I jusdt couldn't stop, with Peter I can see how amny times I had a chance for someone like him and stuffed it up." "Yes Alton, section 23 is not a good way to do it but it does work." "Yep you're right there James, have you ever seen them at it?" "Yes had to do a couple of them myself when we first started." "Ahh, can I ask who or is that out of line?" "Not at all, the first was Greg, he was the toughest, took me seven weeks to bring him around, and the other was Nigel, he has an innner strebgth you wouldn't believe and you can see how they are now, probably the best we've had for the council." "There's no doubt about that James, damn Greg and Nigel, I'd never of thought." "So who was your guardian for the section 23?" "Greg, damn no wonder he was so good at it after he had been there himself." "Haha, best way to know how to deal the cards is to have played the game before." "You're right there, he had me so I didn't know which way was up, I only lasted three weeks and he had me and you say he took seven weeks?" "Yep, he's one tough cooky is our Greg." "To watch him with his boys though you'd think he was a real softy underneath." "You didn't know him before his section 23, he damn near killed a boy one night, just lost it altogether, we just found out by a sheer stroke of luck, had to use a needle on him to get him out, we took the boy to Stevens surgery and had him looked after, god I had tears in my eyes when I saw the boy, If I'd not had the trsaining I would have taken Greg to the harbour bound and thrown him over the bridge." "What happened to the boy?" "You've met him plenty pf times." "???" "Prime Master William." "Bill? god even at thirty hes a damn good looking man, he was the boy?" "Yes that's why he's so good on the council when protecting the other boys and is in charge of investigations when they arise." "Yes now I understand why he's so diligent, his report on me was like as though he'd been a fly on the wall all my life, he seemed to know everything about me." "Yeah, never underestimate Bill with his posiytion in government he can get information on anyone." "Well Alton thanks for everything we have to go and get Eric enrolled in school, you'll ring when all is ready?" "Of course James but you can guarantee it will be done by Friday, which school is he going into by the way?" "Kingsgate." "Haha should have known." "Ok thanks again Alton, see you Friday." "Ok James bye for now, boy show the Prime Master and Mythras Child to the door." "Yes Master." Eric and I left and as we made our way back to the car Eric attracted a lot of looks and stares as he kept his head high and chest out ignoring the looks, some of them with lust and some with disgust, to hell woith them, they were to narrow in their minds to understand his needs. We arrived at the car and then left the city as quick as I could to return to our area and to his new school for enrollment, his parents had sent me his report cards and he had done reasonably well in school until the last year when all his marks had nose dived to the point of almost failing and being held back for a year, I kknew he was good enough to pass any subject with ease but his growinng needs had taken his mind off school in his desire to find someone to be his Master and take care of him. "Now Eric, this school is a pretty good one and they are very tollerant of all there students, you will be going here to learn not to play around, each day when you get home I want you to give me a report on your day, if you make new friends, and you will, then you may have them over to the house but you ask me first, ok?" "Yes James, but I don't make friends very easy." "You will Eric, now that you have some order in your life you'll find it easier to mix." "You think so?" "Know so kiddo, look who your friends are now?" "Who?" "Well apart from every Master at the Conclave you have every boy as well." "But I don't know many of them?" "They know you and thats all you'll ever need, but at the school you'll meet other types of kids, some of them wont understand your way of life but there'll be those that do, you'll see, you'll have new friends bafore you know it." We arrived at the school gates and I drove up to the administration building parkiing the car near the main door in the visitors lot. "Come on Eric lets do this." There were a number of parents and kids milling around the enterance as we walked up the steps, most of the kids looked Eric over and seemed intrigued with his leathers, the adults stared a little harder but then went back to doing their own thing, Kingsgate was a very progressive school due mainly to its headmaster, although there was still a little bullying at times he was a strong headmaster and tried to stamp it out very quickly, it still happened but they offenders were dealt with very severely, this school was privately funded and did not stand for the politically correct stand of the public schools that were under the thumb of the government departments. We went to the enrollment desk where I put Erics name and address on the form and gave the report cards with a copy of the guardian papers to the clerk to put in his file, that all done we turned and left for home which by car was only two minutes away but after tomorrow Eric would walk there and back at lunch time and after school finished in ten minutes or less.
Date: Sat, 16 Nov 2002 11:14:10 -0800 From: arthur Subject: Mythras Child part 4 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Four By Arthur "How does your back feel, Eric?" "It's better now, it feels looser and now there's hardly any pain, just a numbness most of the time." "Well lets get back to our history lesson, lets get comfortable again, you ok down there?" "Yeah this is great." I settled back again and put my hand on his head softly stroking his hair, it was a relaxing feeling and helped to organise my mind as he sat and watched me with anticipation. "Well the children of Mythraenos started their training from the day they were born, on the night of their birth they were left naked and the fathers sheild was layed outside the door to the house upside down with a black cloth laid on it and the baby was put down on top of it, he ] was left there for the night, if he was still alive and fighting in the morning he was taken back into the house to be raised to adulthood and given his name, if he died during the night as he had no name he was not mourned but instead cremated that day and the ashes given to Mythros in thanks for his honour, breast feeding was kept to a minimum and as soon as the baby could be weaned he was begun on a diet which was the norm for the people and any more he wanted he had to go and find for himself, even though he had to crawl to do so, the normal fare for those days in Mythraenos was usually olives, goat cheese, wine and a type of gruel that most others outside Sparta said was so vile that it was inedible and that only the Spartans could stomach it. As the child grew he became attached to others of his age group and they hunted for food or stole what they wanted to eat, then spent most of their time fighting with others in readiness for their adulthood, they were kept naked until they were seven years old and then they were given their one peice of clothing that they would wear winter or summer and that was a tunic that barely covered them but that was all they were allowed and they were never given sandals unless they were going into battle so their feet became like steel shod boots, from the age of five they were beaten daily with a Strega, which is like a paddle but made from ox hide, it was about two feet long with a handle of wood, the leather strap was quite rigid about one hand wide, that is about six inches, and four hands in length, the leather was about a half inch thick and on one side was smooth and oiled, on the other it was rough and studded with small holes, in the morning when they arose the five year olds would line up and standing at what we now call The Present they would wait while the six year olds would give them five strokes with the oiled side on their back or butts, in the eveniing before they retired for the night they were given five strokes with the rough side, if they called out or moved they were made to crouch down in what we call The Position of Penitence and recieved one stroke from each of their age group for showing weakness in front of their group, after this was down then the six year olds would line up and the seven year olds would do the duty until they got to the ten year olds, when it was their turn they would line up the same for the next older group but they would recieve ten strokes morning and night, by the age of eight or nine they were almost looking forward to the pleasure it gave them and would wait with anticipation for their turn, even when they joined their conclave this went on until they went to their first battle and then after that they were deemed to important to the state for it to continue.You have all this buddy?" "It's facinating, did they really like the pain each day?" "Yes as far as we can tell it became a mark of honour with them, anyway they continued with their training in battle tactics and weaponry, they were all after years of training very competent with all the weapons of the time like the javelin, heavy spear, sling, bow and long sword, but they of all the Spartans only used the short sword in battle and the only armour they wore was a pair of greaves on their legs and a helmet and shield, the rest of their bodies were never covered with armour like so many others as this they believed, with their training the freedom it gave for better movement and speed out weighed the advantages of armour and the shorter sword was to show honour to Mythros who would keep their soul in a special place by his side if they died in battle for his honour, now as you can imagine being children and growing up in a place as hard as that, they were always hungry and to ease that they were expected to search themselves for any other food they needed and if they had to then steal it which was the norm, there was no disgrace in stealing only in being caught and the penalty was very severe for being caught and the whole age group was dishonoured if oone of them was caught even though the culprit was openly punished by the towns councilor the whole group was laughed at by the rest of the boys and adults for being so careless as to let one of their own be caught, the penalty for being caught was thirty strokes of the Strega, given by a newly admitted teen in one of the conclves, that is where we got our Master of The Rod from he is responsible for official punishment under the sign of the Mythraand at the command of the council of Primes, got all that Eric?" "Yes, they were a tough lot then?" "yes, very tough and very dedicated, there are many stories of their valour and hardiness in battle but the two most prominent ones were the battle of the six hundred and the battle at Thermopylae where they were most famous for their dedication to king and state.In 547bc when Argos tried to recover Kynouria from the Spartans they agreed that instead of a full battle each side would select three hundred soldiers and the winner of the mini battle would take possesion of the city and state,The Spartans selected three hundred from Mythraenos and the Argives three hundred Hoplites, now a Hoplite was well armoured and held a full length shield also they used a heavy spear and carried a long sword, as you already know the Mythraenians had only their light greaves and shields with short swords and it would seem that they would not stand much of a chance against well armoured troops as the Hoplites but at the end of the fughting their was only two Hoplites alive and one Mythraenian and he was wounded but still standing, the Argives believing they had won left the field of battle claiming victory, but the Mythraenian named Othryades stood his ground and after the Agives had left went around the battle field and dismembered all the enimy bodies then took his own life on the pile of bodies rather than return home to what he saw as a defeat but which the Spartans claiimed also as a victory as their man was the last standing on the field after the Agives left. As both sides claimed victroy they later decided to finish it the old way and the Argives were destroyed in the ensuing battle, the Spartans led, as it would seem right, by two hundred Mythraenians into the battle to regain honour for Mythros and to avenge the death of Othryades. In 480bc Xerxes the Persian arrived at Thermopylae with his army of many thousands and when he found that the pass was only defended by three hundred Spartans and a mixed group of about seven thousand Hoplites from other friendly states commanded by King Leonidas Xerxes could not believe his eyes at the small force and add to that the fact the Spartans were sitting around doing their hair and exercises instead of getting ready for the battle, Exerxes thought this was going to be easy but he was also confused at the antics of the three hundred Spartans, so he called his general Demaratos to explain, He told Exerxes that they were preparing to fight to the death and that it would not be an easy battle as the Spartan first ranks would be made up of two hundred Mythraenians and they would not retreat or surrender to Exerxes. Exerxes didn't believe him and delayed the battle for four days thinking that the enimy would run from the field as soon as they saw the size of his army, it is said that one of the Hoplites was heard to say that he had heard that the archers of Exerxes were so many that the sky would darken with the arrows as the flew, a Mythraenian was heard to answer "So we will fight in the shade" when the asked to surrender their arms King Leonidas said "come and take them", on the fifth day Exerxes ordered the attack but when his troops were beaten back time and again he ordered his best forward, they were called the Immortals and were some ten thousand troops, the best in the army of Exerxes, for two days they attacked time and again but were pushed back sustaining huge losses until eventually Exerxes was told about a Malian called Ephialtes who knew of a secret pass over the hills and behind the Spartans, he sent his best troops and the lightly held pass was surrendered to his tropps and they came up behind the Spartan army in the pass of Thermopylae,when King Leonidas learned of this he called all his troops together and told them what had happened and if they wanted to find a better place to defend,King Leonidas was bound by the laws of Sparta and it is said that the Oracle at Delphi had said a king must fall at Thermopylae for Sparta to be safe decided to stay and fight but would allow those who wanted to go, to leave the feild, most of the Hoplites left but not one Spartan or Mythraenian moved, they knew they would all die but their duty to state and god their gods would never allow them to retreat, when all was decided King Leonidas did not wait for the attack to come but with his three hundred Spartans and seven hundred Thespians spearmen charged the Persian thousands and pushed them back to the beach until at last as the last of the spearmen fell they started to lose ground to the superior numbers, King Leonidas was killed during the battle and the Persians tried four times to steal his body but were beaten back by sword carrying Mythraenians until the last one fell and all there was on the field of battle was death and of course honour, as a mark of the ultimate in honour for stand of the three hundred Spartans the Greeks raised a marble Lion on the spot with the insciprtion, 'Oh stranger, tell the lacedaemonians (Spartans), that we lay here, obediant to their laws' This act is the basis of our belief in the need to protect our slaves as they protected their state, and is a very important part or our belief in the Mythra, now the part that is pertinent to you a a Child of Mythra is in the fact that during the old Olympic games a Spartan won the games more often than any other state in fact it is believed that they won it more than fourty times out of the eighty times it was held, of the more than fourty times it is thought that it was a person from Mythraenos that won it more than twenty five times for Sparta and he was given the title of "Son of Mythros" and was allowed to fight at the right hand of the King in battle which is the ultimate honour for a Spartan, also as "The Son of Mythros" reguardless of his age he was allowed to select first a wife then two young boys as his partners, they tended to all his needs and only when he went to his wifes bed for the purpose of having children of his own, did the boys not sleep with him, his wife was for the bearing of children only and his young men were for his pleasure and would serve him anything he wanted, they also fought beside him when the time came as they were still Mythraenians and had a duty and honour to maintain, these two boys were given priveledges and honours far beyond the other boys in their age group because of the standing of their protector and if he fell in battle they would fight on over his body till they also fell or if the battle finished before they died then they would take their own lives so as to accompany him to the throne of Mythros as a sign of their final honour, this is why you now are more important than the other submissives, you are named after these boys and as 'The Child of Mythra' your duty and sense of honour must guide you in you future, soon you will be asked for advise and help from other slaves, your decisions will affect them and our honour, you're going to have a big load on your shoulders, but I want you to always remember that I'm not only your Master but your Protector, you have any doubts at all about anything you can come to me for advice, at first it will be difficult for you to advise the others but I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in time, just always remember I'm here to Protect you, I will never let you be hurt by anyone, so there we are kiddo thats the outline of our history, what do you think?" "I,I,I'm stunned, its so much, they were so brave, I couldn't do that sort of thing." "You already have." "When?" "Last night, thats why you're "The Child of Mythra" what you did is the same as the three hundred at Thermopylae and Kynoria, it was in a different way but it was just as brave as they were." "I didn't think of it like that." "Well it was, buddy, now before we go onto the ceremony I think we should take another break, how's your back feel, are you up to being able to hold the present for a longer time?" "Yes James, I have to, my back doesn't matter now, I want to be a true follower if I can." "You already are my little dove, you are more valuable to me than life itself." "Th,thanks, James." "You're welcome, kiddo now lets rest a bit, then we'll start again. To Be Continued:
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 2002 15:04:16 +1300 From: arthur Subject: child of mythra part 11 CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Eleven By Arthur Authors note: Seasons Greetings to all my readers and may the New Year be a good and happy one for you all. Now that all of the rush and hurry is out of the way I am able to get back to writing and I hope I can bring everything up to date for you over the next few days. Thank you all for your patience. I could still hear Eric in the bathroom as we sat with our drinks in the lounge, Tony was a cute looking kid and I could see he was dying to ask questions but I let it pass for the moment until he decided to start, it was not long in coming. "Sir?" "Yes Tony, and you can call me James now, the lessons are over." "Oh ok, thanks James, uhm, can I ask you some questions, I didn't have a chance at school, I (giggle) was sort of occupied at the time." "Sure Tony, fire away." "Well there's so many I want to ask, you don't mind?" "Not at all Tony, I think I know whats going on in your head, and I understand so just let it rip." "Ok, thanks, well first, when you were punishing Eric in the room, what did he do wrong, I mean at school you said he only got punished when he did something wrong, but today you gave him a real hiding?" "I was not punishing Eric, Tony, I was punishing you and your two mates, Eric took the strokes for the three of you so that I would not break my word to your headmaster, Eric took the position of what we call, a Helot, that is he took someone elses punishment so they would not be hurt physically, but you saw your two friends, in their heads they will see Eric on the cross for a long time." "Yes so will I James, he really did that for us?" "Yes Tony, it was his duty to me, he was saving my honour." "But you could have given mine to me." "No Tony, I made a promise to your headmaster, I couldn't break it, not even if you had asked me too, I could tell that you were wanting to feel it thats why I let you hang in the shackles,so you would get a little feeling and fun for yourself, I could tell even when I first saw you in the auditorium what you wanted." "You knew even then what I liked?" "Yes Tony, I've been doing this a long time and you get to be able to work people out before they even know themselves what they want or need." "Mmmm, ok, does Eric always wear all that leather stuff, like all the time?" "Yes most of the time, there are times that I let him work without them, but mostly he has them on all the time." "Are they just to sort of make him look good or do you use them for something else." "No, they are part of his learning tools, just like the paddle and other things, they have special uses." "Uhhm, like what do you do with them?" "I think that we might ask Eric later if he will show you, how would that be?" "Oh, you ask him, I thought you could just do anything you wanted to him." "I could Tony, but this would not be punishment, it would be a demo and I have to respect his position the same as he respects mine when it comes to something outside his normal bounds." Just then I heard the bath water draining out and expected Eric to appear at any moment, and also waited for Tonys next question. "James, is it easy to find someone like you, you know a Master, to look out for you, if you wanted to be like Eric?" "No Tony, not if you want to be safe, there are plenty of people that like to hurt others, they're easy to find, but to find a good man as a Master is not easy, see it's not just a plaything, we take our life style seriously, we have very strict rules to follow, it's a way of life for people like Eric and I." "If...uhm...if I....ahh...wanted to be like...ahhh...Eric,..umm...what should I do?" "You try to find someone you can trust, then talk to them about how you feel and what you think you want to do, but make sure you trust them to tell you the truth, there are those who will try to take advantage of you, they can hurt you really badly." "I trust you James, would you help me?" "Is that what you really want Tony, I mean deep down inside you, do you really want that, or are you just wanting to play at it?" "Please James, I know I really want to be like Eric, he's so happy all the time, I want to be like that, have someone to look after me and do things with me like you did, it made me tingle all over when I was haning up in the chains, I wanted you so badly to do it to me, James?" "Yes Tony?" I knew what was coming, he'd been leading up to this all afternoon, just then I heard the sound of bare feet scuffling down the hallway from the back of the house, and then Eric appeared, his restrainsts piled in his arms as his slim little golden body came into the louge with his shaft out hard in front of him, he barely glanced at Tony except for a faint blush not expecting him to be there, but he never faultered as he made his way toward me. "Hey kiddo, you feel better, come over here and let me do your back for you, you know Tony, he wanted to stay and ask some questions, what took you so long, I heard the water go ages ago?" "Yes james, hi Tony, glad you stayed you're my first real friend so I'm glad you stayed, I wanted to clean up the mess in the room before it began to stink to much." "PRESENT." The soft clatter as the restrainst hit the floor when Eric jumped into position, the loudness of the command startling Tony as he jumped back into his chair, Eric stood stock still at 'Present' as I stood up. "What were my orders for the back room boy?" The look of horror and shame came over Erics face as he realised what he had done, he crashed down to the floor in the position of 'Penitence' as the situation called for. "Master, may I speak?" "Speak Boy?" "Master, I have disobeyed you and would ask for your punishment for my bad behaviour." "Disodedience is ten strokes Boy, get the paddle." "Yes Master." Eric jumped to his feet and headed to the bedroom for the paddle and in 30 seconds was back kneeling in front of me with the paddle in his hands stretched out toward me, I could see Tony sitting in his chair a look on his face of shock at what had happened so quickly but behinnd the shocked look was also a growing glint as he stared at the paddle in Erics hands. I took the paddle from Eric and he returned to the third position but this time side on to me, his small tight butt high in the air still glowing from the 'Strega' the marks on his thighs and back were red and needed some lotion to ease the tightness for him, it would have to wait, he knew he'd broken the rules laid down weeks ago, his butt was going to be crimson and very tender soon. I sat down again and tapped the paddle on my thigh, Eric was now within arms reach for me when I wanted to begin. "Boy, you deserve ten strokes, is that right, speak." "Yes Master." "However, you broke my rules with good intentions in mind, is that right, speak." "Yes Master." "Right, because of your good intentions you will recieve only five strokes, do not go to harmony Boy, this is punishment, you will count them off, where is your plug Boy, speak?" "It is inside Master as you ordered." "Remove it." Eric reached between his legs and began to remove his butt plug, I watched Tonys face as he saw it appear, I had only this morning given Eric the next size up and I knew he would cum very quickly if I paddled him with the bigger plug in him, Eric pushed outward with his muscles as he eased out the larger plug and then with a plopping sound it was in his hand, it was spotlessly clean and gleamed with the smear of anal lube still on it, Eric placed it on the floor beside his head and resumed his position as I kept tapping the paddle on my knee, just then the phone rang as I took the first line up on his butt. "Tony, do you think you could answer that for me?" "Yes James." Tony stood up and moved toward the phone trying to not take his eyes off Erics upraised butt and the paddle in my hand, I paused for a moment to watch as Tony picked up the hand piece, he then surprised me at the way he answered. "Good afternoon, this is the home of Master James, may I help you?" **** "No sir, I'm Tony sir." **** "Yes sir he is sir, but he is engaged at the moment sir." **** "No sir, but I would like to be like him sir." I swung the paddle hard and made contact with Erics butt. SWAT. "Arghmph, one sir." "Yes sir, he is sir." **** "Yes sir I shall pass that on sir." SWAT. "Urgphm, two sir." **** "Yes sir, Very hard sir, thank you sir." Tony put down the phone as I let fly again at Erics now very red butt. SWAT. "Yeowch, three sir." SWAT. "Oomph, four sir." SWAT. "Yargh, five sir, thank you Master." (sobbing) I threw the paddle on the floor and opened my arms as Tony sat down again, his pants were tented out in front of him, his eyes glued to erics crimson butt cheeks. "It's done Eric come here little dove." Eric straightened up and then fell into my arms and I began to rub his back as I laid him over my knees and reached for the bottle of aloe vera and titoki oil to ease his back and butt, I started to rub it in gentley as he relaxed on my lap his hardness pushing into my thigh, I massaged his back and legs then went to that very red and very hot little butt of his and took more time to rub in the oil. "You feeling better, little dove." "Yes James, oooooohhh that was a real butt burner." "Hehehe, well you deserved it didn't you?" "Yes James, I was wrong, I should've asked you first, I'm sorry I just didn't want our room to stink." "Yes I know what you were trying to do, but you have to remember all the rules all the time." "Yes I know James, it was silly of me to forget." "Ok kiddo, it's done and over, Tony who was that on the phone?" "Sir." "Just James, Tony." "Sorry, it was a man called Alton, he asked if you could call him back." "Ok, what were you two chatting about?" "He wanted to know,...well if I was your new....you know...Boy." "And?" "He asked if I wanted to be like Eric so I said yes." "Then?" "Well he msut have heard the first swat and asked me if it was Eric getting heated up, and then he said something really nice to me." "What was that Tony?" Tony blushed as he smiled back at me, Eric still laying on my lap began to wriggle as I continued his butt massage. "He said,(giggle) I was a very good boy and should ask you to, well take me in." "Is that what you'd like to do, you know that you would have to stay here and not at home?" "Oh thats not a problem, Dads always overseas on business, Mum is away a lot doing charity things and my older sister is out with her boyfriend all the time, I think that's why I hung around with those guys all the time, it was boring at home alone." "But what would they say if you said you were moving out to live with someone else, especially a man." "I came out to them last year, since then they don't seem to care very mucu what I do as long as I don't get into trouble." "Well if your serious Tony, I think I could find someone to look after you, I cant do it as much as I would like too, you see Eric is very special and I have to be here for him alone, he is going to be very important in our scene later on and I need to spend all my time with him, to train him properly for his role in the future." A crestfallen look came over Tonys face as I spoke, there was a hint of a tear in his eye as I looked at him. "Do you really, I mean Really deep down want to be like Eric?" "Yes,yes, I really want to have someone like you." "Look Tony I know a man who might like to meet you, he may be able to help you if you'd like to meet him." "Could I, really." "Ok then, let me finish with Eric then I'll make a phone call, would you like to stay for dinner tonight?" "Yes please, can we talk some more?" "Of course, but I think you'd be better talking to Eric about a few things as well." "Ok, that'd be great." I finished rubbing Erics butt then pulled him up in my lap and pulled him into my chest hugging him close as he snuggled into me. "You ok now kiddo?" "Yes James, thank you, I love you." "I love you too kiddo, ok bend over let me put your plug back then you clean your leathers while I make a phone call or two, then you and Tony can talk while I get dinner on." "Ok, love you." I saw a look of envy come over Tonys face as he saw us together. "Would you like a hug Tony?" He shot out of his chair and into my arms before Eric could move, trying to find a place beside Eric as he reached around both of us to get a snuggle up, well it was a long time since I'd had two arms full of warm boy. "Ok you two, I got things to do, would you like to help eric do his cleaning Tony?" "Can I?" "Yep sure, he'll show you what to do." I left the two boys there on the floor as Eric showed Tony what to do and how to clean the restraints as I went to the phone in my bedroom to make the calls, I could hear the two of them chattering away about everything that had happened today and as Eric explained his position I could hear the pride in his voice, Tonys questions were inciteful and genuine as he tried to find out all he could about Erics way of life. "Hello, Alton here?" "Alton, James." "Hi James, thanks for calling back." "No worries, Alton, what can I do for you?" "I was talking to Richard earlier and he told me what happened at school and what you did this afternoon, I just wondered if I could come over tonight, I have something for Eric that he may like for thursdays talk to the school." "Thats no problems, why don't you bring Peter with you and we'll have dinner, I might have a couple of other guests here as well we'll make a night of it." "That'd be great James, you know what my cookings like, Peter does it all for me now, so I'm sure he'd like a break as well, what times good for you?" "Say, seven?" "Great, we'll be there." "Good, I have to make another call so I'll see you both then." "Ok bye for now, and thanks, oh by the way, who's the new boy?" "You'll see when you get here." "You and your bloody mysteries James, ok see you then, bye." I hung up and then dialed the other number, once all had been set up I made my way through the lounge to the kitchen to start dinner for seven people, the two boys still working on the restraints and chatting about everything, I looked down at Tony as he kneeled there with Eric polishing and buffing as they worked side by side, they made a beautiful couple together and had Eric not been the person he was I would have had no hesitaion taking Tony in, a pair like those two would have made quite a splash at the next gathering, still eric was to special to take on another boy at the same time and he deserved my full attention to make him one of a kind as he was meant to be. "Tony?" "Yes James?" "I have four guests coming for dinner, would you like to dress up like Eric for them, it's not needed, you're fine as you are or you can go home and change into something more casual if you want to." "Could I, just like Eric does?" "Well not completely but I have a few things if you want to." "I'd love to, but I don't know what to do?" "You just follow what Eric does, you won't have to do anything hard, I want you to have fun, but I thought you might like to dress up a bit." "Yes, oh yes please, I'd love to do it." "Ok then, you can have a shower later and Eric can explain what he does when I have visitors, and what you do, don't worry if you make mistakes, nobody is going to laugh at you or say anything mean to you, these people are very understanding and will only help you, they will never make you feel uncomfortable." "Thank you James, I'll try my best for you." "I know you will, just remember, you're allowed to make mistakes, you're not going to be punished for anything you do, just be your self and enjoy the night." I turned and left the two of them to finish the cleaning as I went to the kitchen and started prepartions for dinner, an hour later and I'd finshed most of it so went back to the lounge to see what the two boys were up too, they were sitting on the floor talking quietly as I entered and took my seat. "Ok Eric come here kiddo lets get you dressed, Tony you can grab a seat if you want while I dress Eric." I was stunned as Tony stood and moved to the left side of my chair and took the second positon beside me blushing a little at the unaccustomed position, Eric stood in front of me as I began to lock his leathers on, Tonys eyes never left Eric as he watched the restraints going on and being locked into place, once he was all locked up and without a word took the second postion beside me and on my right. "Ok smarty pants, whos idea is this?" Eric answered. "Mine James, I wanted to show Tony how we were going to do it tonight." "Well Tony, that was excellent, you do it very well, you sure you're happy with this?" "Yes James, it feels so right somehow." "Ok enough you two, Eric, want to lap dance, heheh, you grab a seat and get comfortable Tony, I'll just give the boy a special hug then we'll see what we can do to make you look the part for tonight." The boys got organised with Tony taking a seat and Eric taking his usual snuggle position in my lap but with his back against my chest so he could see Tony in his chair, Erics head was on my shoulder and he had a leg either side of mine, I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me and felt his warmth. "How's your back and butt kiddo?" "Good, the stinging has gone, that oil is really great, you really laid that paddle on." "Thats not as hard as I can make it though." "Really, oooh, better not get you mad then, eh?" "I never get mad Eric, not when I punish or teach you, it wouldn't be good for you or me." "James?" "Yes Tony?" "Could you, well kinda, uhm, give me, well one....ahhm..hit with that paddle thing, I want to see...well see what it's like." "Tony, it's not a play thing, I know and understand how you feel, but I don't think it's a good idea, it's a form of punishment not for just feeling good." "It's ok James, I understand, but..well..I did do those things to Eric and well I think you should have punished me and not Eric in that room today, well you see, I think I should get at least one to pay Eric back." "You really think you should Tony?" "Yes James, I think it's only fair." "You know it's going to hurt like hell don't you?" "Yes James." "Ok Tony, PRESENT BOY." Tony was like lightening as he jumped into 'Present' almost perfect. "Strip Boy, Eric go get the paddle off the floor and bring it to me." "Yes James." I watched Tony as he shakely removed his shirt, shoes, socks and lastly with an embarrased look on his face his shorts, he stood there in his white briefs sweating a little as his slim muscles twitched, his shaft was pressing hard against the white cotton a wet spot showing on the front. "Everything Boy." Blushing a bright red Tony lowered his briefs as his hard 5" cock jumped up to his well defined abs with a slapping sound. "Come here Boy and take the third position." Tony came to the front of my chair and knelt down as he'd seen Eric do in the third position. "Straighten your thighs Boy, get your butt up higher." Tony followed instructions, his globes smooth and firm as I looked down at them as they shivered at the thought of what was to come, I waited and let the tension build in him as I reached out for Eric to give me the paddle. "Boy, at your request you are recieving one stroke of the paddle as punishment for your conduct at school today, do you understand Boy?" "Yes Master." "Count it out Boy." SWAT. "Yeow, ouch ouch ouch, ohh god, oh ouch." "What you say Boy?" "Ohh, argh, one...one sir... thank you sir, oh damn that hurts." "Come here Tony." I looked at Eric as he stood there watching Tony get to his feet very gingerly and I opened my arms for him to come into. "Ok, Tony, you're ok, here lay down on my lap and I'll put some oil on it, it'll take the sting out." Tony laid down and I began to rub in the oil on his butt, the bright red stripe was so sexy on his tight skin. "So what do you think of your first paddle, Tony?" "Damn that thing was like getting hit with a Mack truck." "Oh really and you get hit with a Mack truck a lot do you?" "No, no, you know what I mean James." "Yeah I know Tony, I'm just kidding with you, stings doesn't it." "Hell yeah, how does Eric do it?" "Because he's special Tony, ok all done, feel better, why don't you go with Eric and he'll show you where the shower is and you can have a clean up while I go look for some things for you to wear tonight, Eric you help him to relax ok?" Eric gave a giggle as he lead Tony to the bathroom as I went to my bedroom and began to hunt around for a few things for him to wear, once I had sorted out an outfit for Tony I switched on the monitor for the bathroom to check on them and was in time to see Eric make Tony very relaxed as he took him in his mouth as he stroked Tonys thighs with his small hands, Tony held out for all of a minute and a half before he began to shudder as he unloaded into Erics mouth, his knees buckling under him as the intensity of the hot water and hot mouth took its toll of his feelings, I smiled to myself as Eric looked up at Tony with a satisfied look as though to say 'Well james said to make you relaxed', then he stood up and waited until Tony could speak again. I had switched off the mic but could see the look on Tonys face said it all, Eric nodded and turned to leave as Tony began to wash himself, I switched off the monitor and closed the door as I heard Eric coming into the room. "How does Tony feel now Kiddo?" "Well, hehe, he's pretty relaxed now." "How'd you do that Kiddo?" "Well..you know..I gave him a BJ. it's ok isn't it?" "Yes Kiddo, you did the right thing for him, thats what I wanted you to do, he's a good boy and I think he needs someone like you as well as a good Master to look after him as well." "Thats cool James, who do you think would be good for him?" "You'll see later, hell look it's 6.45, better go hurry him up so I can dress him." "Ok." Eric disappeared into the bathroom again and I heard the sound of the water being turned off and a bit of giggling going on as I waited next to the bed to dress tony in his first leathers, they came in together, Eric of course already dressed and Tony wearing just a towel around his waist. "Ok Tony, I've seen it all before, you can drop the towel and come over here so I can dress you." Tony dropped his towel without hesitation and came to stand in front of me. "Ok Tony I'm going to explain it all to you as we go, now these are not the normal leathers you'd wear if you were to belong to someone, these are called trainers, now you see how erics are all locked on, well these are held on only with studs so you can remove them if you don't like the feel, now instead of a chastity belt I'm going to put you into a pair of short pants, they should fit you tightly and they'll feel just like a belt but you should be more comfortable in them for your first time, the cuffs and collar are the same, they are for looks only and not the real ones you'd have if you were some ones boy, right now lets get you into the pants first, here step into these, now pull them up to your waist and I'll show you the tricky bit, good, now i've got to take hold of your dick, you ok with that?" "Yes James, you do what you have to, they feel so great already and that leather smeel is so cool." "Ok, now you see this flap at the front,(he nodded) good, now see that little pouch in the bottom we have to put your dick in that, it will keep it pulled down under yourgroin and stop you from getting hard, its a little uncomfortable at first because your balls are pushed upwards." "James?" "Yes Tony?" "Do you think I could have one of those thiings Eric has, you know in his.....ahhm...butt?" "Hahaha, you want to try a butt plug, Tony?" "Could I?" "Ok Tony, wait I'll get a small one for you, take the pants off and go with Eric, he'll show you how to have an enema, not to much Eric, just a small wash out ok?" "Yes James." (giggle) "You gonna love this Tony, c'mon." The two of them left again for the bathroom and I started to look through my collection of plugs to find one suitable for Tonys first time, I could hear the water running as weric filled the bag ready for Tony, the chatter and giggling was amusing to hear. "Jeez Eric, you gonna shove that up me?" "Not shove, I'll just ease it into you, wait I'll put some lube on you, bend over, ohh Tony?" "What, what?" "Nice ass," "Hehehe, you think so? ohhhh thats cold, oh,oh,oh thats nice, oh wow, is that your finger?" "No, see nice isn't it, wait I'll just push a little more." "Oh god, thats so cool, oh damn, how far you pushing it in,oh,oh,oooohhhh. what now, oh god whats that, huh thats warm, hey I'm filling up, oh god how much more, ngh, oh no more Eric, I'm full." "Ok thats all of it, can you keep the water in while I pull the nozzel out, yeah thats it, try to hold it long as you can, when you can't hold anymore just sit on the loo and let it go." I couldn't help laughing to myself as the conversation went back and forth then I heard the groan and the loud slushing as Tony let go of the enema. "Whew, oh yuk, jeez that stinks, god I feel so empty, poo the stink, how oten you do this Eric?" "I have to do it two times every morning before I put my plug in. CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Eleven Continued; "Everyday?" "Yep, it's part of my routine in the mornings, I put my own plug in as well, except when James has a bigger size for me then he does it the first time for me." "What they feel like, you know the plugs?" "It's so cool, when you sit or move around you feel it move around inside you, it rubs your prostrate thingy, feels so awesome, but of course I can't cum with my belt on so every time the belt comes off I go so hard straight away." "So you get to have a wank and things then all the time?" "Hell no, not unless James says I can." "You mean you cant jerk off or anything unless he tells you, damn that must be hard?" "No, my dick gets hard, hehehe, you have to understand, in my head I belong to James, he protects me and looks after me so the least I can do is obey him, he never does anything wrong to me, and boy you got to feel it when he says I can cum, he made me go without for two weeks when I first came here but boy when he said I could cum it was like flashing lights and everything." "Jeez don't know if I can last that long, I got to do it two three times a day." "No it's ok, a good Master shows you how to do it, ok you're done now lets go back and see you dressed." The two boys came back into the bedroom, we had about five minutes to go before Alton arrived so I got on with the job. "Ok Tony, I'm going to lube your butt for you, then I'll ease this into you slowly, it's smaller than Eric stated with but it should feel nice for your first time, ok now bend over, thats the boy, now this is my finger, you ok?" "Ungc, yes, feels hard, oooohh what was that you just did?" "Thats your prostate, you ok, not sore?" "A little but it's getting better." "Ok here comes the plug, see I'm just going slow, feel ok?" "Ooohh yeah, oh, oh that feels so big, uhng.ooh owe, ooh ok, much more?" "No Tony no more, its in, feel ok?" "Yes, ooh I feel real full, will it fall out?" "No Tony, it's got a little lip on it, that was the hard part going in at the end, it stays there till you want to take it out, ok now for your shorts again, think you can get that thing down enough to get it into the pouch?" "I'll try, that plug is rubbing on my prostate thing." "Ok wait, I'll get you down, there hows that, now put yourself in there, thats right, now let me zip you up, ah damn you're a fine looking boy in those pants Tony." "You really think so?" "Yes Tony, what do you think little dove?" "Yes James he looks a real hunk?" "There you are Tony see, now let me put these cuffs on you, right now lift your legs one at a time, thats the boy, now stand up straight and lift your head a little, good thats it, now I'm going to ask you a few questions and you just answer them as you feel." "Ok James." "Boy 'Present'" "Boy you are a free man you are not bonded to any other, is this true?" "Yes sir." "Boy you asked to be bonded for this one night, is this true?" "Yes sir." "Then Boy I place around your neck this Collar and bind you to me for this one night only, do you agree?" "Yes sir, thank you sir." "Your position in this house will be below that of the Child of Mythra, do you agree?" "Yes sir." "Then Boy go before the Child of Myhtra and take the second position and state to him that you will follow him for this one evening." "Yes sir." Tony turned to Eric and took the second position looking up into his eyes. "Child of Mythra, I follow you for this evening." Eric reached out and laid his hand on Tonys head. "Bonded Boy I'm honoured." "Ok Tony come here let me give you a welcome hug, you too Eric, come on a groupy." They both jumped at me in a big hug just as the door bell rang. "Nice timing boys, PRESENT." "Eric you will take this boy with you to answer the door, explain to him what to do, go now." "Yes Master, come with me Tony." They left the room ahead of me as I put a couple of things away then went into the lounge to wait for Alton, I watched as Eric opened the door, Tony was standing on his left and slightly behind him at 'Present', Eric snapped into 'Present' and spoke clearly. "Welcome Master Alton, welcome sir, Master James awaits you sir may I show you to him?" I watched Tony closely as he took it all in, Eric stepped back again letting Alton and then Peter come in, then with Tony at his shoulder he led them into where I was sitting, Eric immediately went to my right and Tony to my left taking the second positon, Peter had an arm full of boxes which he held as Alton made his Greeting. "Founding Prime Master, you honour me Sir." "Greetings Master Alton, I'm honoured you would come, please relax and take a seat." I looked down at Tony. "Boy you will take the boxes from Master Altons boy and place them over there in the corner then return to me." "Yes Master." Peter handed the boxes to Tony then took his place beside Alton but his eyes never left Tony until a sharp hiss from Alton brought him back again. "Thats one Boy." "Yes Master." It was to let peter know he was out opf line and would get his punishment when they got home, Tony returned to his place beside my chair, Alton looked him over with a very critical eye. "Ok James how did you do it this time, he's not a double as well is he?" "Unfortunately not Alton, what you think of him?" "Well you kept him well hidden from us, I see you've got him in trainers, how long has he been with you, he moves well and looks good and solid in his positions." "This afternoon Alton." "You're joking of course." "Nope, he's a freeman, I've bonded him only for tonight, he came here this afternoon for the first time." "How the hell do you do it, one day and he's as good as I've seen, well except for this one here." He reached down and patted Peters head gicing him a small stroke as he took his hand away. "Those two look like bookends beside you." "Yes, his name's Tony, he's a good looking boy, hope to find someone for him." "Eric?" "Yes Master?" "Take the boy with you and get some drinks for us, I'll have a Glen as usual, Rum and coke for you Alton?" "Thanks James." "You heard him, go to it." "Yes Master." Eric tossed his head at Tony and they got up and went into the kitchen for our drinks. "Ok James, where did you find him?" "He was one of the boys that had the fight with Eric, I brought the three of them home for a lesson in humility when we finished at the school, I could see the first time I saw him what he was, he took it well, even asked for a swat to pay Eric back for doing Helot duty for them." "Ah that explains the black eye then." "Yes, now what did you want in such an all fired hurry today?" "Well Greg dropped all the stuff off today and when Richard called me I thought I should try to get one of Erics suits finished for Thursday, we closed the shop and went to it, just finished it when I rang you, Peter was puting the last bits on so I ranf to ask if we could bring it over." "Which one?" "The red one, damn that boys going to look good in it." "After dinner then?" "Yes that'll be fine." Eric and Tony returned with our drinks as the door bell went off again. "Eric?" "Yes Master?" "That will be a Prime Master, explain to the boy his duties and then open the door." "Yes Master." Altons, Peters and my eyes followed the two boys as they made for the door taking in the sight of the bookends as Alton had named them, Eric had tony go to the second position then opened the door, saw Nigel and his boy there and as he went to the second position whispered to Tony to go to the third. "Prime Master of the Chair, Welcome and welcome to you sir, my Master awaits you sir may I show you to him?" Nigel and his boy entered and waited as Eric closed the door then preceeded them into the lounge with Tony again at his shoulder, they took their place beside my chair as I rose. "Prime Master of the Chair I welcome you Sir." "Founding Prime Master, you honour me sir." Alton had taken his position at 'Present' "Master Alton I greet thee." "Prime Master of the Chair, you honour me sir." "Ok thats over, what'll you have to drink Nigel, Glen?" "Yep that's fine thanks James, and how's our Child of Mythra this evening?" Eric looked at me, I nodded. "I'm very well thank you Prime Master of the Chair." "Good, and who's this James, you gone and done it again?" "No Nigel, he's not a double, worse luck, he's bonded for tonight only." "Hes got good posture James, he's going to make someone a very good boy." "Well Nigel, thats why I asked you here, I thought you might consider him as you loose Brian this weekend?" "Are you serious James?" "Very, hes a good boy, learns very quick and wants to know more and he has a spark, when I saw him I thought of you and what this weekend meant to you, would you consider it?" "Would you allow my boy to look him over?" I watched as Brians eyes lifted, surprise showing, what Nigel had just done was offer the highest compliment to a slave tha he could give, I'm sure it was a reflection of his total trust in Brian and also meant as a final gesture to him before loosing him this weekend. "I'm sure he would be honoured Nigel, Boy, Present yourelf before Prime Master Nigels boy." At a nod from Nigel Brian rose and approached Tony as he stood straight and rigid in front of Nigels chair, a thin sheen of sweat on his skin as Brian neared him, Brian glanced at me and when I nodded he reached out to run his hands over Tonys bare skin, after an intial flinch Tony settled down and seem to enjoy the feel of another mans hands on his skin as Brian ran his hands over him from head to toe slipping a finger in between his legs as he reached his butt, when he'd finished I glanced at Tony, he was in outer space somewhere, his eyes glazed and his breath coming in short gasps, Brian returned to Nigels side as we all watched the look of bliss on Tonys face. "BOY, come." The sudden shout broke through tonys revery and he jumped back beside me, Brian leaned over to Nigel and whispered in his ear for a few moments, Nigel looked at Tony and nodded then turned to me. "Well James, I have to agree with my Boys judgement." "And what would that be Nigel?" (As though I had no idea) "Well if the boy agreed to it, he says that he could not find a finer boy to take his place, also he said that he must be a very good boy to be plugged already, hahaha." "The plug is at his request Nigel." "Really, May I speak to him?" "Of course." "Boy do you like the feel of the plug?" I watched as tony was about to answer, then a very soft hiss came from Eric, Tony stopped then looked up at me, I smiled and nodded to him, he turned to Nigel. "Prime Master of the Chair, Founding Prime Master James has made me feel very good sir." "Well said boy, but we're not formal now just sir is enough for now, but I compliment you on your good manners and the honour you show, now would you like to be trained correctly?" Tony waited for me to nod to him. "Yes sir, I would like that very much, sir." "Do you know that you would have to leave your home to stay with me full time?" I nodded to Tony. "Yes sir, it would not be any trouble sir." "Thank you boy, he's going to need a few days to sort out his home life James, do you thinnk he might like to join us all on the weekend?" "What do you think Boy, want to come to a gathering with us on the weekend?" "Yes Master, I would like to very much Sir." "And would you be happy for Master Nigel to take you for your training?" "Yes Sir, I would be happy to be with the Prime Master sir." "Well theres your answer Nigel, after sunday you'll be responsible for young Tony here, if you have no objection Mythras Child and I would like to be present at his commitment ceremony." "What say we make it on Sunday, Alton could you have his leathers done by then?" "If James would let me be a little late with the rest fo Erics wardrobe I'm sure I could do it, what about Greg though he'd need time to do the tags." "No, thats no problem we can transfer the ones from Brians gear after the ceremony on Saturday night." "Ok then Nigel, Peter and I will have it all ready, can we measure him up tonight James?" "Sure after dinner should be ok, speaking of which, Eric?" "Yes Master?" "Take the boy with you and start to serve dinner please." "Yes Master." "Ah James?" "Yes Nigel." "Perhaps we can send all the boys together to serve tonight, if you had no objection, we have a little extra planning to do now, will give us some peace to sort all the details out if they're all busy in the kitchen." "Well if Alton has no objections I don't se why not Nigel, Alton?" "None at all James, boy go help the others in the kitchen." Nigel gave Brian the same order and the two boys left to help Eric and Tony as we settled down to plan for the ceremonies on the weekend. To Be Continued:
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2002 19:19:14 -0700 From: arthur Subject: a sub to love part 6 authoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Part Six By Arthur "Take the third position boy." Eric lowered himself into the position of penitence, knees tucked under, his butt up in the air. "Hmm, somethings wrong here,...ah yes, stand up boy." Eric rose to his feet once again, waiting. "Go to the bathroom, on the top shelf there are some blue towels, bring one back here and lay it down on the floor, I don't want you making a mess on the carpet." Eric scuttled away to the bathroom and soon returned with the towel and laid it out on the floor where he was going to be. "Down boy, now when you feel the paddle on your butt you'll begin to count to fourty slowly saying sir after each number, do not count the strokes, just count through to fourty." I hefted the paddle tapping it on my thigh so he could hear it, his tension and anticipation of the coming whack already showing in his muscles, a thin sheen of sweat breaking out on his skin, I lowered the paddle onto his butt resting it there, he gave a little start as it made contact. "One sir." "Two sir." "Three sir." I lifted the paddle and watched as he tensed his muscles ready for the contact, then lowered it to again rest gentley on his tightened butt, the tension of that first touch made him jump, the sweat now running freely down his back and thighs, his body tightening up waiting. "Four sir." "Five sir." I lifted the paddle again six times as he counted, each time lowering it without force, he was now a quivering mess as his muscles became like steel ropes, sweat gathering in the hollows behind his knees as it ran down his butt and thighs, his back glistened with it as it pooled in the hollow of his back and ran down to his bent head to fall onto the towel below him. "Tttttwenty ssssssseven ssssir." The strain of waiting for the anticipated pain becoming to much as his voice cracked and stuttered out the call, I lifted the paddle for the eighth time and. Crack. "Yeeoooooow, ungh." The last sound was from the feeling of his butt plug being moved inside him at the strike of the paddle, and then he continued the count, at thirty five I again lifted the paddle and then lowered it without force to rest on the same spot as the previous hit, at thirty nine up went the paddle again, I could see he now knew that he was going to get the other nine all at once when he got to fourty, as he said. "Fourty sir." His lythe little body tensed up further waiting for the sharp crack of the paddle, I brought it down so he could hear the swish through the air but at the last second before contact I eased up and just tapped him on the left cheek and said. "Ten." I looked down on him, sweating and quivering on the floor, his 4" shaft seemed to have grown to 5", the head large and throbbing showing dark purple with the built up blood, the shaft thick and the veins distended pushing hard against the translucent skin, his precum was a continuous string from his slit to the towel where it pooled making a dark wet spot as did his sweat on the towel outlining his shape with it's wetness. "Rest boy." With a huge effort Eric forced himself up into position, his face was red from effort, the tears of stress and strain still ran down his face, his breathe coming in short pants and puffs as he tried to gather himself again. "Stand up boy." This last order took super human effort as his legs shook and threatened to give out under him as he tried to stand, his sheer will power forcing him upright, hands clenched behind his neck showing the white knuckles as he grasped them together. "Now boy don't let me down again, ok fold the towel in half twice then carry it to the laundry for washing later and return to me in your bedroom, go." Eric took off as I headed for his room to wait, when he joined me a few moments later I had him lay face down on the bed and took up the bottle of prestynol oil. "Ok boy I'm going to rub this in to take away the marks by this evening so some of my guests will not see them and you wont have to explain that you don't listen to my orders." I proceeded to rub the oil into his skin, in about four hours there would hardly be a mark left on his butt, it was an old herbal oil I had come across when in Aussie and it had been very handy over the years. "Right boy stand up and we'll take off your gear so you can go and have your enemas and then take another shower, take your restraint with you and wash out the tube and dry it properly when you've finished the rest, then come back here and gather your gear and bring it into the kitchen, I'll be in to check on you to make sure you don,t do anything silly, take this timer with you and set it for five minutes for each enema, dont try to cheat, I'll be checking, right go." I went into my room and switched on the camera to watch him, this time I saw with great satisfaction that he made no move to relieve himself even though the precum was still dripping a little from his erection, it only stopped as he pulled out his plug when getting ready for the nozzel, I was glad to see that even though it was difficult for him he was very diligent in doing the job himself. When he had finished I walked into the bathroom, he was still pale and sweating from the enema but continued to finish cleaning his tube as I entered, his butt plug was already cleaned and ready. "You finished boy?...good, now set the timer for nine minutes and hop into the shower, you will wash with hot water for five minutes then turn on the cold full for the other four minutes, when you have dried yourself you'll come into the kitchen with your restraint, get going." When he returned I had all his fittings spread out on the table with some cleaners. "Ok Eric take it easy kiddo, now you're responsible for the upkeep of your leathers so everyday you'll clean them here and show them to me afterward, if they're good then I'll fit them on, if not, well you know what happens, ok?" "Yes James." "Alright then, lets start, you do the metal fittings with this silvo then after it's all clean you'll use this dubbin on the leather till it all shines, ok?" "Yes James." "OK kiddo go to it while I make a drink for us." At last he had finished and I inspected it all, he had done a beautiful job, everything was clean and shiney, the dubbin leaving a new leather smell in the kitchen, I motioned for him to sit and have the hot drink I'd got ready. "So what did you think of your second paddling Eric?" "It was worse than having the ten strokes, It just washed me out, at the end I could hardly think or stand, my head was going round and all my muscles felt as though I'd been run over." "So you can see that there's a lot of different sorts of pain now eh?" "Yes, I think that was the worse sort, not knowing when it was going to happen, then when you gave me that good one I almost fainted and then I thought I was going to cum all over the towel." "So you reackon that the ten would have been better?" "Yes much better, that would have been only pain, but this way it was terrible." "Oh well you going to get five good ones tonight so that'll make up for it wont it?" "I suppose so." "Ok buddy, now you have a lot of cleaning to do while I start to get things ready for our dinner guests and make a phone call, so you start in the bedrooms and then the lounge and dining room. lastly the bathroom and laundry, now off you go, do a good job ok, one of the guests tonight is another master and I want him to see how good you are." "Ok James, everything will gleam for you." He disappeared into the bedrooms to start his cleaning duties as I went to the phone and dialed a number, when it was picked up and before the person could answer I stated who I was. "I stand in the east to guard the seven" "Good morning Prime Master I will get Master Cameron immediately" "Prime Master James, you honour me sir." "Always a pleasure, Cameron." "What can I do for you James?" "I would like to ask you to dinner this evening, you and your boy of course, I have just initiated a young man and would like you to meet him." "So at last you've been able to replace me, how long has he been with you, whats he like?" "Today is his third day, and he's very special but you'll see that tonight if you can come." "Three days and you've initiated him already?" "Yes but he's very special, you'll see, so you'll come?" "Of course I wouldn't miss this for the world, as he's so new may I offer you the use of my boy to assist him, it would honour me to be able to do it for you." "Thank you Cameron, yes he would be appreciated." "Is it formal?" "For us yes, it's special for the boy so I'd like to do it that way, although I have some other guests coming that are not of our calling but I'm sure they will be ok." "What time then James?" "Shall we say six, and then the others will be here at seven, give us a chance to chat, oh one thing, can you do the test for me?" "The same one you did on me?" "Yes that one." "Not a problem, I'm looking forward to getting my own back, ha ha ha, see you at six then." "OK Cameron, six o'clock, by the way do you still have buzz with you, better bring him along, keep the boys on their toes, he he, and thanks." "Ok, bye for now." "Bye." I replaced the phone then looked up another number and rang, with their agreement the nights guest list was done and I began the work of preparing for the dinner. By four o'clock all was ready, the house shone, Eric had really outdone himself in the cleaning, as we sat down for a spell I started to let him know what was going to be done tonight. "Now Eric, in a minute you go and have a shower, clean your plug but don't put it in, when you're dry come into my room and I'll dress you ready, now as you've not had visitors before I want to run over a few things with you so listen carefully and follow instructions tonight and make me proud of you ok?" "Yes James." "Right, first off the first guest will be another Master and his boy, they'll be here at six, the second guests will be here at seven, now they're not in our scene so you will greet them differently from the Master, ok so far?" "Yes." "Ok, the first guest is Master Cameron, when he rings the bell you'll go and open the door then take one step back and come to the present, you'll keep your head up but not look into his eyes, keep your eyes a little to the left of his then say, "good evening Master Cameron" then look to his boy and say"good evening sir" look back to Master Cameron and say to him "My Master awaits your pleasure sir, may I escort you through to him." he will not speak to you but he'll nod his head, you'll bring him in here then go back and close the door and join us, you'll stand at present to my left and half a step behind me, have you got all that?" "Yes James." "Good boy, now the other guests as I've said are not a part of us so your greeting will be different, there'll be two men and a woman so you will say "good evening sirs and madam,welcome to the home of my master, may I escort you to him?" then bring them in and take your place as before, Master Cameron and I will be sitting down so your place will be as before but at the second position this time, Master Camerons boy will be by his side, now later his boy will be given to me to help you with dinner so when he comes to join us you will move to my right and he will be on my left, ok?" "Yes James." "Good boy now go have your shower while I get out your clothes for tonight." "Ok see you soon." I left the lounge and went into the back room to get out his regalier for tonight and to find my old friend 'buzz' for him. Eric finished his shower and came into the room where I waited, his eyes popped as he saw what was ready for him, he would wear his usual cuffs and collar but his belt would be a full chastity belt and he would also have on a full chest harness, his 3" long plug would be replaced with my friend 'buzz' a 6" long plug the same diameter as his smaller one but with a hidden twist to its tail. The belt was four inches wide with two rings on the front and two more at the rear either side of where the padlock fitted, in the center of the front was the dove symbol on a silver disc, the belt was studded with stainless studs, the restrain was heavier than his normal cod peice and had holding straps that went under his buns and locked in place at the rear, the butt strap clipped onto the front and then again was locked into place at the rear. The harness was also heavier than his other leathers with a chest strap 3" wide and also studded to match the belt, the front halves were joind by a stainless ring from which the two shoulder straps were fitted, it was buckled at the rear and had four rings spaced so that two were in the front and two at the back. The other addition to his normal leathers were the two arm bands that fitted just above his elbows, both had rings attached to the outer edges, also studded to match the rest. "Ok kiddo, time to get dressed, come over here and I'll put your cuffs on and then your collar, ........ok thats the boy, now for your new belt,....thats good, now before we put the butt strap on I'm going to put this new plug in for you, as you can see it's longer but the same thickness so you should be ok with it, besides you'll like the feel of it, it just reaches your fun button." As he bent over I could see the marks of the paddle had all but disappeared, I pushed some lubricant into him gentley and after doing the same to the plug began to push it in, after some ooohhs and aahhs and a squirm of those golden globes he looked up and smiled. "OH James that feels so good." "Not to much?" "No it's nice, feels real good." "Right now your harness, it should fit, Cameron was about the same size as you when he first wore it." "Cameron, is that the Master thats coming tonight, was he your boy too?" "Yes he was, thats why he's coming tonight, so that your first visitor knows what it's like to have people for the first time, don't worry just do as I've told you and you'll do fine." "ok James." When he was dressed he went to the mirror and stood there, his eyes glazing over as he felt the heavier leather and the closeness of the fit holding him tight. "James?" "Yes Eric?" "Ahhm, do I look ok?" "Little dove you look sensational, now go see that everthing is ready while I dress." "Ok." After he left I went to the wardrobe and got out my dark charcoal grey suit then a white shirt and put them on, fitting a black bow tie and the red sash of my ex office followed by white gloves and lastly reached into the draw and brought out the gold signet ring that I had not worn for nearly ten years, it had a black onyx stone with a gold dove inlaid in the center, I placed this on the last finger of my right hand over the gloves and then I was done and made my way out to await the guests. As I entered the lounge I heard a voice from the kitchen doorway. "Holy shit, uhm sorry James, but you look fantastic all dressed up like that." "Thanks kiddo, it's been a long time, but it does feel good again." Just then the door bell rang. "Ok little dove, present...go and recieve my guests boy." As he went to the door I stood in the lounge to see his actions, he opened the door and took the one step backwards. "Good evening Master Cameron, good evening sir, my Master awaits your pleasure sir, may I escort you to him?" Eric then proceeded into the lounge and as I looked at Camerons face I knew he had seen it, his jaw had dropped at the sight of Erics signet ring. "Master James your guests sir." Eric took his place behind me and came to present the same as Camerons boy had behind him, he was a nice looking lad of about 17 blonde hair a nice tan and sparkling blue eyes, he held his position well and complimented Cameron nicely with his looks. "Good evening Prime Master James, you honour me sir." "Welcome to my house Master Cameron, you do me honour sir." "Prime Master, may I introduce my slave Dennis." "Welcome boy." "Master Cameron, may I introduce my slave Eric." "Well met boy." "Ok Cameron thats all out of the way now lets relax a bit, take a seat, boy get Master Cameron a double bourbon, ice and soda." "So what do you think Cameron?" "God James how did you rig the lottery, he's double ringed, nobody is that lucky, and he's also a very beautiful boy as well, three days and he's double ringed, I can't get over it, I'd heard about total subs but never hoped to see one here in this country." "Well at my age you got to get lucky some time, I'm thinking of presenting him at the conclave in two weeks, what do you think?" "It would blow everbody away, but he wont be ready for the kiss by then, that takes at least a year, you know that." "Yes but I think under these circumstances I can get a dispensation for him for that part of the ceremony, who's the prime at the moment?" "Nigel." "Yes a good choice, he's a good Master, I'm sure he will allow the dispensation for Eric." "They are going to die when they see him, you know that don't you?" "Ha ha yeah but I think he's worth it, and by the way not a word about him to anyone, just ask Nigel for a dispensation and that I'll talk to him on the night about it." "Promise not a word, I wouldn't miss this for death it self." I looked at Cameron and gave him a small nod, he closed one eye half way and then it started. "Prime Master may I ask you a favour?" "You're my guest Master Cameron." "May I look your boy over?" "But of course." I sat back and told Eric to come to my front and face me and Cameron, then sat silently as Cameron started. "Come here boy." Eric startled almost moved toward him then remembed his orders only came from me and he looked to see my reactions, I stayed impassive giving no sign either way. "I said come here boy." Eric looked to me again, I gave no sign, Cameron raised his voice to a roar. "I SAID GET HERE NOW BOY." Fear showed in Erics face but he continued to look to me for a sign, Cameron got to his feet and moved to within a foot of Eric and again roared into his face. "I'm a Master, when I tell you to move you move boy." Eric stood his ground as the words echoed in his head, pleading me with his eyes for a sign. "Why waste your time Prime Master, he's bloody useless." Tears fell down Erics face as he watched me and waited, wanting so much to do as he was told but knew he could not move without my command, I could almost see him forming the words for his go slow and decided he had done his best. "Come to me boy, thank you Master Cameron, so what do you think of him now?" Eric came into my arms, his head on my chest as he sobbed out his frustration, I rubbed his back and held him close. "You did really well Eric, I know of a lot of boys would have broken by now, you made me really proud of you, you ok now little dove?" "Yes thank you Master." "Good boy now take your position." Eric moved to the left of my chair and took his rest position. "Well Cameron?" "perfect, absolutlely perfect, he's a real gem James." Just then the door bell rang again as my last guests arrived. "Boy see to the door and welcome my other guests." Eric went to the door and opened it to greet the other guests. "Good evening sirssss...ooooooh god ooh god.......Master, Master 'Granite' He screamed as he fled into the room arms out wide, I caught him and held him to me. "Master Cameron, thats his go slow, would you allow your boy to welcome my guests while I see to him?" "The honour would be mine Prime Master, boy welcome the guests to Prime Master James home." As I steered my frightened boy to the bathroom I could hear Dennis at the door welcoming the guests. "Ok little dove calm down now and tell me what the matter is, why did you dishonour my guests?" Through the tears he began to explain and as the sobs eased he took a large lung full of air and told me all. "Oh James, my parents were at the door, I was so frightened and sort of embarrassed and it all sort of rushed in on me, I didn't know what to do and you know my dress and everything, I'm so sorry I lost it and well you know I'm sorry." "So it was the shock of seeing them was it?" "Yes, I just got all frightened." "Ok, little dove, are you ok now?" "Yes the shock has sort of gone now, but what do I do, I've let you down again." "Well Eric you have to do what's right and that's to appologies to them all, but it's got to be done correctly as there's a Master here so I want you to listen carefully again and follow my instructions, ok?" "Yes James." "Right you first go to Master Cameron, you will take the third position and offer him your appologies for dishonouring him and your Masters house, you then go to each of the others in turn and take the second position saying the same, then to Master Camerons boy take the first position and say the same to him, after that you will come to me and take the third position and after appologising for dishonouring myself and my house you will ask for your punishment, have you got all that?" "Yes Master." "Good boy, now wash your tears away and wait for me to call you to come back, don't forget go straight to Master Cameron first, don't look at me or ask me for direction, ok, if master Cameron accepts, he will pat you on the head, the others including his boy will just nod, when they do you move onto the next one, got it?" "Yes Master." "Ok here we go, now wait till I call you." I returned to the lounge to find Brian, Steve and Sue all comfortable and with a drink being entertained by Cameron laughing and joking, as I arrived Brian turned to me. "Well James It's really nice to see Cameron again, I see he's taken after you." "Yes Brian, He was one of the best and I'm sure his boy would agree." "So what happened just now James." "The short version?" "That'll do." "I, on purpose, didn't tell him the three of you were coming, to see his reactions under preasure, considering his short training time he actually did rather well, now what I have to ask you is that as part of his training he is required to come back here and appologise to everyone, Cameron and his boy know what to do, so all you have to do is as he speaks to each of you at the end just nod your head at him, he'll understand, don't speak to him just a nod is enough, ok?" "Yes we can do that, no problem, but wont this be embarrasing for him." "Yes but he has to learn that although you're his family his first duty is to me and this is his way of realising that fact." "Ok fine by us." "BOY, come." Eric entered the lounge and going straight to Cameron fell onto his knees then to the third position, his voice came out clearly and with obvious feeling. "Master Cameron, I beg your forgiveness for my behaviour and for bringing dishonour to my Master." As was normal Cameron gave no sign for about ten seconds, then he reached down and touched eric on the head, as soon as he had been patted he arose and went to Brian, going down onto his knees in the second position repeated his words and after the other two went to Camerons boy and then turned to me and fell into the third position. "Master please forgive my behaviour and for bringing dishonour to yourself and your house, Master I ask for your punishment, that it may be severe for my bad attitude and dishonour." I ignored eric as he knelt there, as had to be done in these cases, and began to chat with the others about work and things, Sue mentioned the prostrate boy. "Uhm, how long does he stay there James?" "Oh him, well till I decide maybe soon, maybe tomorrow but he'll stay there till I tell him different, he knows that, don't worry about him, he knows he has a lot to think about, now how about another drink?" After about half an hour it was almost time to eat so it was time to relent a little on Eric. "Boy." A muffled answer. "Yes Master." "Your punishment will be decided later tonight after the guests have left, you may rise and take your place." Eric rose to his knees and shuffled around to his position beside me, his form magnificent as he straind for the perfect position of present at rest. "Prime Master James, as your boy is young may I offer the use of my boy to assist him with dinner?" "Thank you Master Cameron, you again honour my house." Eric quickly moved over to my right as Dennis moved to my left, as this was taking place Steve spoke up. "Tell me James, do you always do things like this with the ahm 'boys' ahh you know all so formal and correct all the time?" "No Steve not all the time but tonight is special for Eric and we're training him at the same time as having some good company, another time when you come you'll see that things are more relaxed but tonight is special for him, it may not look like it but the fact is that his mistakes tonight are amongst friends and it's a chance to teach him without the added preassure of strangers." "Oh I see, but will he remember everything, I mean it's a lot to take in." "He's a very exceptional boy Steve, he'll remember everything, right down to the last detail." "well Sue and I have never seen him looking happier, we're so grateful that you are prepared to look out for him, and I have to say, ha ha, he looks so sexy with that leather on." "Yes I agree with you Steve, anyway what about dinner, everyone ready,.. good lets go to the table." My dining table was a large round one with a split center for when I entertained more than six and could be fitted with an insert for up to ten people, as we gathered at the table Eric took notice of how Dennis was pulling out the chair for each of us as we prepared to sit and followed suit with Brian and his Mother. "Boy's you can bring the appetisers now please." The two boys turned toward the kitchen and as the neared the door I looked over to Cameron and gave an imperceptable nod as I reached into my jacket pocket for my remote, Cameron doing the same and at a nod we held down the button, we watched as two boys knees buckled and a loud ooooooohhhhhhhhaaaarrgrgg came from their lips as they forced themselves through the doorway, their legs shaking and trembling. Brian burst out laughing at the results. "what the hell was that about James?" "They're both wearing anal stimulators, but these ones have a vibration mobe, we set them off with these remotes, watch their faces when they come back." We were all still chuckling when the two red faced and starry eyed boys returned with the first course, after the plates were on the table they both took their places beside my chair. "Don't they eat with us?" asked Sue. "No Sue they're here to serve us, they'll eat later, it's ok they know the way things go, how you boys feel, speak." They answered together. "We feel very well Master." I winked at Cameron and gave the button another push. "unngghh,aahhhh,mmmph." "What you think Cameron, do they like it?" "By the look on their faces I guesse, mmm, yes." We all laughed at their looks of pure heaven as the vibrations ceased, finally as dinner came to an end and the boys were serving coffee I asked Cameron. "What do you think Master Cameron, the boy's seem to have quite a buzz out of the evening, do you think they would like a glass of wine with their dinner?" "Yes Prime Master, I think they've had a good buzz, a glass of wine would do them the world of good right now." "Boys you may eat now, also you may both have a glass of wine, when you're finished you'll return to the lounge and bring some extra coffee with you, you have thirty minutes, go now." The boys took off for the kitchen and their dinner and as we all agreed it was well deserved they had done us proud, we all went into the lounge and it was then I decided to tell the others about the upcoming paddling after dinner. "So you see he has it coming, he knows it will be done here in front of you, that's part of the punishment, I'll have to ask the three of you not to say or do anything, he'll be alright after, you'll see how it works, he would normally be naked but this time I think it would be to much for him in that state so he'll just have a bare bum and I'm sure you've all seen that before, are you happy with that?" Sue answered for them all. "Honestly James you've done wonders with him so far and only after three days, he's a completely different person, I can tell he loves you just by the way he looks at you all the time, so you go ahead and do what you would normally do, none of us will interfere, beside I wont to know how loud he can yell, ha ha ha." "You might be surprised Sue, he's a tough little nut underneath, don't underestimate his inner strength." The boys returned to the lounge and took their places beside my chair. I looked down at Dennis and said. "Boy present." Dennis jumped to his feet in the present. "Boy I thank you for your help this evening, you have done great honour to your Master, I hope he rewards you justly for you efforts, you may go." Dennis returned to his place beside Camerons chair and knelt to position. "Prime Master you do my boy great honour and on his behalf I thank you." "Thank you Master for your kind guesture, now we have some unfinshed business, boy the paddle." Eric ran off to the bedroom and returned with the paddle held in both hands, he went down to the second position and offered up the paddle to my hands. "Take the position boy, count them off." Crack "one sir" Crack "unmph, two sir" Crack "Umph. three sir" I could hear the tears in his voice but he wouldn't yelp, he gave a healthy grunt and held his silence, I could tell he was not going to weaken in front of his parents, his little golden butt was already red, the muscles playing hide and seek as he flexed with the pain. Crack "urmph, four sir" Crack "Arrmph, five sir" I dropped the paddle to the floor. "come to me little dove." As he came to his feet I saw the blood running from his cut lip where he had bitten himself rather than dishonour me by crying out loud in front of the others, he jumped into my arms and I stroked his hair and kissed his ear letting him nuzzle into my neck. "Thank you Eric I'm so proud of you, no one could do what you just did, you're very brave and need never worry about your honour again." When the others saw him there in my arms they all said how proud they were of him and how brave he'd been, Steve actually stuck out his chest with pride at the feat nodding at Eric as I soothed his battered ego. "You ok now my little dove?" "Yes James, ooh my bum stings something wicked though." "Ok kiddo, go clean up a bit then come back and take you position ok?" "Yes Master." When eric returned the evening began to wind down and as the others left we waved them good bye from the door step, my arm tight around the most beautiful sub anyone could have. To Be Continued:
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2002 20:47:53 +1300 From: Arthur Subject: a sub to love part 2 authoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Part Two By Arthur Authors Note: Well readers by the emails I have recieved so far it appears that you are happy with the beginings of what I hope will be an enthralling tale for you. As I have returned to work from my vacation there maybe a delay sometimes in the production of the next part due to having other stories to complete as well as not a lot time now ( the Rent must be paid). For those of you wishing answers to your emails please ensure your return address is made available as my system does not have auto return for your answers. The most asked question at this stage is: are the seven Mythra real, answer yes they are but I see very little of them here in NZ as mine were destroyed in a fire and as they can only be hand painted I have neither the talent nor the use of an artist to replace them, the scene here is not active in the sense of the Mythra that part is fictional but the basis for this story is what I learned many years ago. Ok thats it on to part 2 hope you enjoy. Whack "27 sir, thank you sir, oh, oh,arrrrgh" I felt the wetnes of his orgasm as it spread down my thigh so I gave him a little extra to help. whack,whack,whack. three sharp hard ones as his hard steel like rod shot out more onto my leg. whack. "Unnnhh, 30 sir, thank....nnnhhh.. you sir" "No boy, that was 28, you didn't count those last ones, we start at 28." "yes sir, 28 sir, thank you sir." I continued with the basting as I looked down at those two golden globes , now a bright crimson red twitching as my hand decended again and again, his lythe little body shivering and wrything as I began to lay it on for the final count, his hard little penis all of 4" rubbing and throbbing still agaiinst my thigh. "38 sir, thank you sir." Now I felt it was time to finish it and still keep him hard with out cuming before the end. Whack, whack. "39 sir, 40 sir, thank you sir." He was grinding his pelvis into my thigh harder each time trying to cum again but this was my time not his. "Stop moving boy and stand up." "Yes sir." "Turn around and face the other way boy, no talking and dont move." He stood in front of me, his knees turning to jelly as he vainly tried to stand erect, his little 4" like a pointer out in front of him, throbbing and dancing as his heart rate increased. I reached over and removed the cuffs, the red rings of them visible but not cut into his skin. "Present." Eric snapped into his position, hands behind his head, elbows out, shoulders back as though he had been doiing this all his short life, his smooth golden butt glowing fit to light up the room, I reached over to the side table and took the bottle of skin lotion I had put there, rubbing a fair amount in my hands I reached over and began to tenderly masage his very hot butt cheeks, as I cooled him down I started to slide my middle fiinger in his crack and very lightly over his tight little rose bud, his effort to stay standing was a credit to him as I hit that one place he had never thought of as being sensitive enough to bring him closer. "Stand still boy, this is not for you, this is for me and dont you dare cum or I'll take the skin off your back with my friend on the floor." Without him realising I had slowly eased him around a little until I could see the tip of his cock dripping precum and when I thought he could stand it no longer I removed my hands from his butt. "Turn around boy." "Did you like that boy?" Blink, small nod, he learns fast, he was a total submissive, the final sign was to see he remembered all instructions to the letter as a boy who has dominent traits lets his mind wander at times of arousel where as a total submissive will never forget even after only one instruction. Now for his good time, all scenes must end for the sub with a gesture to show he is important when not under orders. "Lower your arms Eric it's done for today, come here to me?" Eric turned toward me lowering his arms as the realisation hit that I knew his name all along, when he saw my arms open for him he moved closer to me. "Just stand there Eric, I have something for you, you were so brave, I'm really impressed with you, a lot of boys your age would have cried by now, but you're really brave and strong, I'm very proud of you, now stay there I have something for you." As I said this I moved forward on the chair and took his rock hard dick in my mouth, gentley and with soft strokes of my lips and tongue began to give him his present, poor kid he only lasted about 30 seconds and then was colapsing on the floor as he shot every thing he had into my waiting mouth, whimpering and moaning as his legs gave out under him, I reached for him and took him in my arms pulling him up to my chest, kissing his forhead and rubbing his back through his shirt. "You're so brave, I'm so proud of you Eric, you're such a good young man, I love you Eric." "Oh Master I love you too." "No Eric you don't call me Master or Sir unless we're doing a scene or if there is another master or slave here, now you just call me James,Ok?" "Ok james, thank you so much, I thought I would never find anyone to look after me like you did." "I know Eric, it's hard for someone like you." Eric had by now climbed onto my lap and was sitting with a leg either side of mine as he scrunched in closer to me, his arms about my neck, his face and lips caressing my ear and cheek. "You made a bit of a mess on me didn't you, kiddo?" "Oh I'm so sorry James, but you were makingme feel so wanted and so good I just couldn't stop it." "It's ok kiddo, this was your first time so I knew you would not be able to help it, but you have to remember this that you are not allowed to ever cum unless I say so, that means no wanking at night either, thats the one thing you can nevr do unless I say so, if we are doing a scene or not you never cum without permission ok?" "Yes James I will really try not to." "No Eric, it's not a case of try not too, it's the one rule that applies at all times, you do not cum without permission, ever." "Yes James, never without permission, I understand." "Then please remember this Eric, the penalties for disobeying this one rule are very severe." "Yes James." "Good man, now I'm hungry, what about you?" "I'm starving." "Thought you might be, so what will it be, I don't feel like cooking today so is it pizza or kentucky chicken?" "Ok kiddo, there's the phone, order anything you like, the number is on the pad, I have an account there, tell them it's for me and they will take care of it, mines a double peperoni with double cheese." "Can I really have anything James, even two of them?" "Ha ha ha yes kiddo today oonly you can have anything." "Thanks James, I love you." "Ok now go order before you become the meal for me, oh by the way, you might as well ditch the shirt, you look better with nothing on, just don't go in front of the windows to often, the neighbour is over 80 years old." With a pull and a stretch the shirt disappeared and his frame was to die for when seen in the all together and as he went to the phone I was wishing my erection would go down a little so I could stand but I had decided that today was going to be his day and that my satisfaction would come later. When the pizza arrived Eric brought it to the coffee table in front of me and laid it out, no cutlery or plates this was going to be an oldfashion finger licker, the only way to eat pizza, I leaned over for the first piece and then noticed Eric still standing beside me, not eating or reaching for the food. "Whats the matter Kiddo?" "James, can I sit down ther on the floor between your legs?" "Why you want to sit there Eric, there's a nice soft chair over there, your butt might appreciate it." "It's just I sort of think I would like it more to sit down there with you." "Would you feel more comfortable there?" "Yes I think I would feel better to be there." "You're a good lad, and yes it is right for you to sit there, ok come on bog in, it' getting cold." Eric slithered down onto the floor in front of me, leaning back against the edge of the chair, as his butt hit the floor he gave a little gasp and wriggle, I looked down at him as he lifted his head back toward me. "What's the matter kiddo?" "My bum's a bit hot." "Oh really, how did you get a hot bum?" "Oh James, I was a bit naughty and a told a lie to this nice man and he paddled me good, so now my bums all red and hot." "Hmmm, he must be a nice guy, if you play up I'll have to get him back again to sort you out." I sat and watched the dreamy look come over his face as he remembered this afternoon, after he had inhaled the first five peices of his pizza he again turned up to me. "James?" "Mrumph" Pizza does that to you when your mouth is full. "This is good sitting down here like this, I feel all comfortable and safe, it's like I've found where I should be." "That's good Eric, but for now just enjoy, today is a free day but tomorrow your training really begins and you will have a lot to learn very quickly, ok?" "Yes James, I can feel your love from here, I'll do anything for you, really." "Yes kiddo I know you will." I didn't bother to add the bit about 'one way or the other' but I had the feeling that OI had just struck gold in this beautiful boy at my feet, to find a total submissive is very rare and is to be treasured above all else as when found they will not go to anyother person but the first master they have, their devotion to their first master is unbreakable, I had met only one other total before and when his master of nine years had died in a car accident he had left a note stating that he would rather take his own life than go to another master, they found his body three days later from an overdose of pills clutching his masters favourite scene gear in his arms. After the pizza's were demolished all bar two pieces of his second one, for a little guy of about 120lbs he had secret holes to put food into, we settled back and I switched on the TV for the evening news as he cuddled around me legs and began to doze with a purring sound deep in his throat as thought to say 'I'm safe' as he dozed off I reached down and lifted him to my lap, he hardly stirred as I held him to my chest, tonight he would sleep in my bed so he had a good feeling of being loved and of being safe at last. By 9.30pm I was also ready for bed so lifting my boy in my arms I carried him to my room and placed him in the bed, his eyes partly opened as I pulled the sheet up around him. "It's ok Eric, tonight you sleep here with me, tomorrow things will have to change, now settle down I'm just going to do few things for the morning and then I'll be back." "Hmmm, love you,mmmmmm, night,ahhhhh." He sank back into the pillows as I left to rearrange his new room and check that everything was working as it had when Cameron was in there, I had a few secrets in there that needed checking, sneaky but needed to keep him on his mettle and also to keep him honest with the rules he would learn in the morning. I returned to the bed and got in naked as I never slept with clothes on, I don't like the restrictions when I'm sleeping, Eric in his sleep must have felt me lay down and instantly moved next to me and rolled over till his butt was hard against my groin and then melded the rest of his body to mine until we were almost one person, I placed my arm over his chest and held him close as he sighed and snuggled in as close as he could, I reached over with my lips and kissed him on top of his head then fell into a deep satisfying sleep, the next day was going to be frantic and I'd need all the rest I could get. To Be Continued:
Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 04:46:58 -0600 From: t a Subject: Neighbors Entertainment part 2 Disclaimer:Don't read this if you are offended by gay sex. All events and people are ficional. Neighbors Entertainment pt. 2 Well let me tell you, they used me like they said they would. I had four big guys surrounding me, and I had to really work, trying to keep up with all the cocks in my face. Two of them wanted me to work all over their cocks, licking and sucking, "Like a good bitch" they said. The other two just wanted to fuck my mouth as hard as they could. They poled in and out of my mouth while I kept my hands full working the others. Finally one of them pulled out of my mouth. "All right, bitch, close your eyes and open up!" I knew what was coming. He shot his load all over my face and chest. I licked the rest right off his cock while he moaned. I was proud to be such a good cocksucker for these guys. The others all gave me rewards too, two down my throat and the other on my face. And I was hard as a rock. Mike, one of the guys that lived there, had been watching me suck off his friends. He nodded approvingly. "Well, I can see you know your place. We're definitely going to have to have you over more often. But you're all dirty...why don't you go start the shower?" I nodded and started to rise. "No, no, bitch. You crawl there. And don't get in the shower, you just start it." I crawled off to the bathroom with my hard cock bouncing between my legs. Their shower was pretty big, with a big bathtub too. Mike and Alan came in after I started the water. I pulled the shower curtain shut and stood there, waiting. "Well, you've done good. My friends have gone home, and they're damn satisfied." I nodded. "We're going to set some ground rules here in a bit. But you're going to do what we tell you, and that's it." I nodded. "Good boy. First rule is you have to shave your cock. I want you smooth and clean for us." He reached in a drawer and pulled out an electric razor. "Now go on, shave it, bitch." I nodded. What choice did I have? And apparently they were going to watch me. I straddeled the toilet and started shaving. They watched closely, and gave me direction now and then. Finally my cock and balls were totally clean. I hadn't ever done that, and I could really feel the air on me. My meat had never gotten soft. The two guys were pleased, I could see that. Mike pulled the shower curtain. "Go on, get in and clean off." Apparently they were going to watch this too. I stepped in and started rinsing off all the cum from my face and chest. Now and then I licked off my fingers and they smiled. I was glad to be pleasing them. When I started soaping myself up Mike held up a hand. "Give us a little show, bitch. I want to see you cum. But do it slow." So I faced them and started stroking myself all over, letting the water run over me. I grabbed my balls and worked my cock up and down, thrusting my hips out at them. They were loving it. "Show us your ass," Mike said, so I turned around and braced myself with one arm on the wall. With the other I rubbed my ass and worked my cock harder and harder. Finally I couldn't take any more, and I came on the wall. It was a big relief after being turned on all day. They gave me a towel, and left me to dry off. I left the bathroom and went out to the living room, wondering where my clothes were, and what was in store. Mike looked up. "All right. We've decided that you're a good bitch. We're going to use you plenty. Here's some rules though. You break them and you've got trouble. Understand?" I nodded. "Okay. First, you don't tell a soul about this. It's our little secret, just like you're our little bitch." Alan laughed at that. "Next, on the weekends you are ours. The whole time you are home you can wear these gym shorts," he tossed me my shorts, "but nothing else. Not a damn thing. And when we call, you take those off the minute you come over. You have to be naked and ready for service. Understood?" I nodded. "Now put on your clothes and get out. We'll be in touch soon though, I believe we've got another party coming up, and I think we can use you." I put on my clothes quickly and left. Just the thought of those guys living next door, using me for whatever they wanted, made me want to jerk off again. I could still taste their cum, and I couldn't wait to taste it again. [email protected]
Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2002 15:11:32 +1300 From: arthur Subject: child of mythra part 6 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Six By Arthur Authors Note: I must appologies for the long delay in this episode but due to a breakin of my home and the theft of my computer system I have just now been able to replace it and have a lot of ctaching up with both stories and emails so I ask you for your patience and hope that soon everything will be back to normal. Secondly I would like to do something I have never done before and dedicate this chapter to a very nice young man in England who was so kind in his praise and interest of this story so "SUBBY" this as promised is for you, may you enjoy it as much as you enjoyed the previous chapters. Thirdly, 'NIFTY' has made available many different modes of assistance for us authors without which we would be wasting away with stories untold, they have now in concert with 'JUSTIN CASE' set up a new chat room for authors and for those of you that would like to have a chance to chat to your favourites then try the 'WRITERS CHAT ROOM' here on 'NIFTY' everyone has put a lot into it for your enjoyment so please make use of this excellent oppotunity, now back to Eric and James. Nigel and I rose from our chairs, Nigel telling Brian to stay in his position as I turned to Eric. "Boy come." Eric rose and took up his position behind and to my left as we made our way over to the fourth painting, once there I turned around and faced Eric. "Boy, you are before the Fourth of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve' you may freely answer any questions I ask of you, during my questioning you will remain in the first position, do you understand?" "Yes Master." "Prime Master of the Chair, would you ask of this Presented Slave any questions?" "Founding Prime Master, I would ask of him some questions on Honour." "Prime Master of the Chair, to this I would agree, and so ask what you will." Eric was not going to enjoy this at all as it was a test set up to try to decieve him into making errors and there fore have to undergo punishment for his indescrections, the Fourth Mythra remained covered during this part of the ceremony and he would not know until the end if he'd passed or not. "Presented Slave Eric, which is worse, to steal, to lie, or to show dishonour to your Master?" "Prime Master of the Chair, to show dishonour to my Master." "Presented Slave Eric, what are the positions of respect?" "Prime Master of the Chair, to the Founding Master, the position of penitence, to the Prime Master of the Chair also the positon of penitence, to the Prime Masters of the Council the position of rest, to all other Masters the position of present." "Presented Slave Eric, should you show dishonour to any afore mentioned, would you freely accept your punishment as dictated by the laws of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'?" "Prime Master of the Chair, I would gladly accept my punishment so as to redeem my honour for my Master." "Presented Slave Eric, behind you is the covered Fourth Mythra, I ask you to turn and take two steps toward it and let the spirit of the Mythra enter your mind so that you may consider the answers you have given freely." Eric turned and took the two steps toward the covered painting as Nigel turned toward where I stood on the left of Eric, as we began to talk to each other I kept an eye on Erics back waiting for the response that was sure to come. "Founding Prime Master, your Slave seems to have no respect for his betters." "Prime Master of the Chair, it is my dishonour that he should be so." "Founding Prime Master, would you deem it fit to offer punishment to such as he?" "Prime Master of the Chair, I see no other alternative, it shall be done, BOY, come." Eric turned toward me with a look of confusion, the questions buzzing through his mind as he tried to work out where he had gone wrong, all his answers had been correct as he saw it, he had held his position as he'd been told to, what had he done wrong, all these questions ran over his face as he came to stand before me. "Boy, you disappoint me, having trained you myself and to see such disrespect for our ways is nothing less than dishonour, I offer you punishment, do you accept?" "Founding Prime Master, I so accept." I reached out and pulled the cloth from the cabinet beside me revealing the selection of tools laid out there. "Presented Slave Eric, for moving without my permission I give you one stroke of the Paddle, for talking to another Master without permission I give you one stroke of the Strega, for not taking the positon due to the Prime Master of the Chair I give you one stroke of the Cane, for showing such disrespect before the Fourth of the Seven Mythra ' May They Preserve' I give you one stroke of the Cat with Two Claws, do you accept this as fair punishment?" "Founding Prime Master, I accept this Punishment for my dishonour." "Then turn to the Fourth Mythra." Eric turned and faced the covered Mythra, I took up the blindfold from the cabinet and fixed it firmly over his eyes. "Take the position of penitence boy." Eric lowered himself to the third position his little butt high in the air as he'd been shown, I leaned down and unlocked his belt removing it and placing it beside him on the floor, now those two globes were high, tight and bared, I left him there while Nigel and I took our time setting the scene up, by the time I returned to stand behind him and a little to the left he was starting to sweat with the waiting for that first swat, ahh yes the anticipation of the event could wreck havock with a young mind, he was getting a nervous twitch in the back of his thighs as the tension built inside him, I lifted the Paddle bringing it down to within an inch of his now twitching butt cheeks, then back to full height. "THWACK" "Urgnh" "What say you boy?" "Thththank yyyou Master." I placed the Paddle on the floor infront of his head and stood back noddinig to Nigel as I took up the Strega turning it onto the smooth side and lining it up near the bottom of his butt near his thighs then waited until he was showing signs of nervousness again, I looked again at Nigel and smiled as we both imagined what was going through Erics head while he waited for that sudden impact, five minutes, six minutes, seven minutes, "CRACK" "Yeow" "What say you boy?" "Ththank yyou Master." The oil on the smooth side of the Strega has a very tenderising effect on bare skin as he'd just found out, it felt like hot cooking oil on you when it struck and then seemed to stay and burn a little more than a dry Paddle and the redness left to show the strike was very bright and lasted longer, I again placed it beside his head where he could see them when I removed the blindfold, I stood back again waiting with the cane in my hand, this was going to be a longer wait for him, it was bad enough to have a cane with your pants on but rangoon cane was sturdy and very flexible and with it being held back by my left hand at the tip it would feel as though he had been cut in two but it would only leave a welt and not open his skin, he would forever remember what a cane felt like even after one stroke. Nigel and I quietly left him there on the floor as we made our way silently to the kitchen for a few minutes with his smarting butt and with the silence the tension would build even further and his mind would take over this would prevent him from finding his harmony and thereby negating the lesson being taught, the two of us stayed in the kitchen for fifteen minutes then silently returned to where Eric was waiting for us. I took a stance beside him swishing the cane back and forth so he could hear its power and then I heard it, that soft deep humming from his chest. "BOY, are you ready for your cane?" The sudden words stopped the humming as I had planned. "Yes Master" "SWISHSHSH--SNAP." "Oowwwwe." "What say you boy?" "Ngh, thank you Master." It was said so softly and with almost a tear that I hardly heard him but decided to let it pass for now, as I placed the cane down on the floor I turned to Nigel and nodded, he turned to his boy saying. "Come boy, present yourself before the Fourth Mythra." Brian got to his feet and moved toward the Fourth Mythra standing at Present. "Turn and face me boy." Brian obeyed and now stood with his back to the Fourth Mythra. "Hold tight boy, you will support the slave for his kiss to the cat." Although Brian was a little taller than Eric he would be able to steady him, I did not like to give the cat in a kneeling position as your aim is not as clear and with Eric already being marked I could not take the chance of missing the place I wanted. "Come boy, stand." Eric got to his feet, his butt now showed two very clear wide marks and one very thin one in between the others, I took his hand and lead him in front of where Brian stood, taking each hand in turn I placed it onto Brians wrists. "You may lean forward and place your forehead on his, grip tight and don't move." I looked over Erics back to make sure I was not going to overlay anywhere that may open one of his strokes from the night before, there was space just below his waist at the top of his butt cheeks that would be clear so I took a line and lifted the light cat. "SWISH..CRACK." "Mph, thank you Master." "Present boy." Eric straightened facing the Fourth Mythra waiting for his instructions, I nodded to Nigel and he turned to his boy. "You may return to your place, boy." Brian returned to his position beside the chair Nigel had been using. "Founding Prime Master, your slave took well his punishment and shows due diligence in his desire recover his honour, may I ask a question of him?" "Prime Master of the Chair, ask what you will, boy you may answer the Priime Master of the Chair." "Presented Slave, you have shown well your honour and strength, for this i would give you a boon, what would you ask?" "Prime Master of the Chair, I would ask to see the Fourth of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve'" "Founding Prime Master, is it your wish that he see the Fourth Mythra?" "Prime Master of the Chair, it is my wish." "Then Presented Slave your boon is granted." I moved around Eric and removed the covering of the painting then turned to him and reached behind him to loosen his blindfold but before removing it I paused. "Presented Slave Eric I reveal to you the fourth of the Seven Mythra, 'May They Preserve', you will study its form and let it take you to serenity in your thoughts and pain." I took off his blindfold and steeped behind him as his eyes adjusted to the light and the powerful spotlight switched on and aimed on the painting by Nigel to highlight the stark colours of bright orange, black, white and crimson. After a few minutes eric seemed to straighten and the humming began again but this time softly almost like a song of love, I looked at Nigel and he nodded his agreement that we had made a good decision in making Eric a Child of Mythra, between the painting and Eric there was a positive feeling in the air of total harmony. To Be Continued:
Date: Tue, 15 Oct 2002 20:15:19 +1300 From: Arthur Subject: a sub to love part 1 authoritarian All the usual warnings apply here about age restrictions so you are warned the copywrite belongs to the author and this may not be copied for profit or copy without the express permition of the author. this story is fiction although some of the theme is taken from real life however all names and such are total fiction, should you like to make comment please email to [email protected] A SUB TO LOVE Part One By Arthur Well here I sit in my seaside batch, semi retired, thanks to family investments and a little self planning, whiling away my days gardening, doing the odd job of renovation to the old place and spending time on the water where I love to be, single again and have been for the last ten years since my last partner of six years outgrew our relationship and decided to go his own way with my blessing. I'm now in my early fourties and quite like the idea of taking it easy for a change, just a little computer tutoring on the side to keep my hand in and for the interest sake.Here in New Zealand there is not a big B&D scene so I knew that it would be very quiet for my type of life style, only the faint fear of being alone disturbed my thoughts now and again but that's the way things are for people like me. In my younger days (late teens) I had been a dominant/submissive and after a number of years training under the seven signs of the Mythra in Australia I had eventually returned home to start my own council of the Mythra, although small in number those of us who were so inclined formed a tight knit group of about a hundred,and spread throughout the country, I held the title of Prime for five years before taking a back seat and concentrating on training for those who needed it and now my only involvement was as an adviser on the law and training under the sign of the Mythra. It was about 1.00pm when I noticed an unknown car turn into my driveway and as I rose out of my chair I heard a toot from the driver, peering closer I thought I almost recognised the person but was not quite sure so I waited till he emerged from the drivers side as I moved toward him. "Brian Sinnet, what're you doing here after all this time?" "Hi, James, long time eh?" "Yeah, must be close to fifteen years." "Yep, it's about that." "So why now, hey, better come inside it's hot out here, I'll make a drink for you." "Thanks James, I need one with this heat and if you could stretch to something with a bit of bight would be appreciated." "come on in then, I'll just have a coffee, the sun's not over the yard arm yet for me." "Not for me either but I think I'll need it." "So that serious is it?" "Well not serious, but...ahh, awkward I should say." "Ok come in, lets hear it all over a drink." We both went into the lounge and as Brian took a seat on the sofa I began to make the drinks wondering what had bought him here after all these years.The last time we had met young Cameron had been with me for only a year, I had never discussed with Brian what my lifestyle was although he knew I was gay and had a boy friend in Cameron but as far as I knew he had no idea what the relationship and what it involved was. We settled into our respective seats and Brian took his drink, leaned back and studied me while I waited for him to start with his problem. "James, can I ask you some personal questions?" "Of course you can, but I can't guarantee to answer them all." "Fair enough, it's like this, my brother inlaw has a problem with his son but first I want to know if you are the right person to help, I'm pretty sure you are but I need to know for certain." "Ok, fire away." "First, I see that young Cameron is not with you now." "No, he decided to go his own way, we still see each other a lot and are the best of friends,he just outgrew what we had." "Uhm, James, there was more to the relationship than just two men together, wasn't there?" "How do you mean, Brian?" "Well he seemed, oh I don't know, like a slave sort of, but not really a slave like the old times, it's just little things I noticed, he seemed to always bow to your wishes as it were." "In what way do you mean?" "Oh things like, Uhm... he would never walk ahead of you, always just behind you, and ahh, never answer a question before looking to you, also he always sat below you, you know like at your feet, but at the same time he seemed happy doing it all the time." "So?" "Well, ahm...James are you into that sort of slave thing, you know all that bondage and stuff?" "Ok Brian, I'll put you out of your misery, yes I'm a trained Master and also yes Cameron was one of my slaves, so what has this got to do with your,..ahh problem?" "Look don't get me wrong James, you do what you feel is right, you always have if I remember right, but this boy of Steves, that's the brother inlaw, well he seems sort of different to the other boys around their town." "In what way?" "Like he's a really good kid, will do anything I or his mother asks, but the moment his father asks he just wont move, doesn't argue or anything, just stands there waiting for something?" "So, that could just be a teenager's way, you know how they can get at that age." "It's other things as well, like at school he goes up to bigger kids and taunts them till they start to bash the hell out of him." "So what does he do about it?" "Nothing, absolutely nothing, he just stands there and takes it with a smile on his face, he's been hospitalized twice over it, they took him to a shrink but he made nothing out of it." "Hmmmm, anything else?" "Well he'd go into town, wait around till he saw a cop car then break a window or something to get their attention, he'd never run off, just stand there waiting for them to pick him up, when they got him he would struggle with them till they had to use handcuffs on him then he would just stop and stand there for them again smiling and a sort of glazed look in his eyes." "I see, so what do you want me to do about it?" "I thought about you and Cameron and how he seemed to be so happy all the time reguardless of what you asked him to do, he was just so contented, so I thought about it a bit then suggested to my brother inlaw that I talk to you and if you were happy about it they would bring him to see you, I mean really James he's such a nice kid and they're at their wits end with him." "Well from what you've said he maybe and I mean maybe, a submissive looking for some order, but I dont know for sure I'd have to meet him and his parents before I could make any decsions one way or the other." "Look today is Thursday, do you think they could come over on Saturday, this is getting quite serious for them and I feel the sooner the better but it's up to you?" "Ok I've got nothing on this weekend, can you get them here about 10.00am?" "Yes no worries, they only live down in Matamata so they can do it in an hour and a half." "Ok. now I dont want you to say anything to the boy about me and as far as the parents go, not to much to them either, leave it to me to tell them, ok?" "Yeah, that sounds ok, well if you'll excuse me I have to get back to the office, and thanks James I know this is out of the blue but I couldn't think of anyone else that may help." "One thing Brian, how old is this kid?" "He's just turned fifteen." "Any girl friends or boy friends, like serious ones not just friends?" "No, nobody at all, always by himself, never mixes with his own age group at all." "Ok then, I'll see you all on Saturday." "Good then and thanks again James." "Ok see you then Brian." Now I had to think seriously about this, if the boy was a submissive it might be ok, but if he was just experimenting then what I did may be to much for him, especially at such a young age, I know that Cameron was only sixteen when we got together but he had enough dominance in him to be able to adjust and this boy appeared to possibly be totally a pure submissive, he would need to be carefully looked into before I made a final decsion. I sat there for another hour going over in my mind about the possibilities and decided to have a large snifter of brandy, yard arm or not, I had a lot of hard thinking to do.A boy this young had to be treated very carefully and with great finess or he would be ruined for life. After another hour and a second brandy I had made a preliminary decision and made my way to the back room of the house that had been closed except for some renovations since Camerons departure. Once there I started to sort out the equipment and what I may need, checking to see that all was still in good condition and to make a list of what I may need depending on his size and build. Now most people seem to think of a Master of bondage and displine to be a great big bear of a man when in truth the best Masters I'd ever met were of normal stature like myself, but there power came from within and they created a presence by force of will and not with a huge muscular body althought that also can be an asset but most of B&D is phsycological and if used correctly can be more affective than brute force although that is a part of it. I collected the paintings of the seven Mythra and took them to the lounge room and hung them on the wall in line, then covered them all but the first with white cloths leaving only the one to be seen, this was the first of the series and was called "Acceptance and Submission". It was a painting of a white dove in flight with wings and tail spread open and clasped in it's beak was a length of chain with a shackle at each end, the background was of a pale blue slowly fading into a slightly darker shade near the bottom. This was to be the first painting the boy would get to see and if things went further then he would slowly see the others as he progressed through the different stages.Saturday arrived as it does every week and I sat in the longe room waiting for my guests.At five minutes to ten the door bell rung and I went to open up, Brian stood there with two adults and the most beautiful lad I had seen in many years. He was about 5' 6" tall, slightly golden skin, by looking at his father I could see where the Maori blood had come from, dark hair just over his eyes and soft brown eyes with a look of hesitancy in them, his body was slim and firm but I could make out the few light scars from some of the beatings Brian had talked about on his cheek and nose. "Hello Brian, I see you made it, come in, dont want to natter on the doorstep." I let everyone into the small alcove that was the entranceway and stopped for introductions. "Thanks James, this is Steve, my brother inlaw and of course you know sue my sister, and this is." "Thats enough for the moment Brian, I dont need the boy's name, he hasn't earnt the right yet to use his name here." Sounds bad doesn't it, but I had decided on shock tactics with the boy from the beginning and to this end I would then be able to gauge his passive streak.Steve and Sue looked at me with horror and shock at my rudeness but Brian stepped in to ease their fears. "I think it's ok you two, James knows what he's doing." "Thank's Brian, would you like to take them both through to the lounge while I tell the boy what's expected of him?" I had fixed a glare on the boy, looking right into his eyes and within seconds he was looking at the floor, I waited until the others were in the lounge then began his first of the tests. "Come here boy, stand in front of me with both feet on that white square, heels together toes pointed outward at 45's, lift your head up and look at me, put your hands behind your back and clasp your fingers together." The boy moved to the spot I had pointed out then lifted his head until he was looking into my eyes and as I stared at him there was a misty look coming into his. "You know why you're here, boy?" "N,n,no......sir" "In that case I'll tell you, you're here to do what your told, by me, got that?" "Y,y,yes....sir" "Don't drop your eyes boy, look at me when I talk to you." "Y,y,yes ..sir" "This is what you're going to do, you will stand there without moving, you will not speak unless I tell you to, you will answer me smartly as sir at all times is that clear?" "Yes sir." "Ok stay there till I come and get you, you don't move from that spot unless I come for you." "No sir." I left the boy there and made my way into the lounge to talk with the others and to explain to them the need for the earlier performance. I relaxed into my chair and poured out a coffee noting that Brian had already done the same for the others. "Sorry for that Steve, Sue, it was just a test to see his reactions, it's early yet and we have a couple more to do and some of it may be a little embarrasing for you but I'll ask you to keep calm as anything I do or say is to find out what I need to know and to see it I can help him and you both with his problem." Steve took the lead and answered for them both. "Thanks James for seeing us, yeah it was a bit of a shock but Brian swears you are pronbaly the best one to try to find out whats wrong with him." "Don't get it wrong Steve, there's nothing wrong with him, he just may see things a bit different from others, thats what I'm going to find out, now if as I suspect he is a submissive and you wish me to look after him, you do realise that he will have to move in here?" "Yes Brian said that it might be needed." "What about his schooling?" "Well he's only got next year to go and I have a feeling he'll want to leave." "Is that what you want for him?" "No, of course not, we want him to go as far as he can, it's just this thing thats going on in his head we didn't think he would want to." "Ok. fair enough, we'll leave that one for now, ok what I'm going to do now is to see how far he wants to go, again I'll ask you to say nothing, I want you to try to make it look as though you agree with everything I'm saying or doing, I wont hurt him but it can get a little hot at times but again I ask you to keep your cool for him if not for yourselves." "Ok, James we're ready to try anything, he's a good kid, but all this stuff is driving us crazy, I've never lifted a hand to him, but I dont think I can keep doing it." "It may be just what he wanted you to do Steve, ever think of that?" "You're not serious are you?" "If he is a submissive then thats just what he would try to do, he wants to be dominated, he's not sick or anything like that, it's just the way he is." "Sorry James this is all a bit strange is all." "Yes I understand Steve, by the way what is his name?" "Eric." "Ok, don't let on that I know, ok then here we go, just remember stay calm regardless of what happens." "Ok." "BOY, come here." Eric came into the room his hands still clasped behind his back head up looking straight into my eyes ignoring the others there. "Tell me boy, what was the instructions I gave you out there?" "Sir, I was to stay on that white square until you told me to move and I was not to speak unless you told me to." "And did you follow my orders exactly?" "Yes sir." "Tell me boy, if you were lying should you be punished?" "Yes sir, but I didn't lie." "Sir?" "I didn't lie sir" "You're lying to me now aren't you boy?" "No sir." "Yes you are boy." "Yes I am sir." The misty look was coming over his face again mixed with confusion at the way the conversation was going. "Do you know how I know you're lying boy?" "No sir." "I told you to wait till I came to get you, isn't that right?" "Yes sir." "And you ran in here like a wild animal as soon as I called, right?' "Yes sir." "So you lied to me, didn't you boy?" "Yes sir, I lied to you sir." "I also told you not to speak unless I said that you could, that right?" "Yes sir." "So you lied about that to didn't you boy?" "Yes sir." "So why are you chattering away like a rooster in the barnyard boy?" "You are asking me to answer sir." "If I want an answer I will say, speak, do you understand?" "Y...." Eric suddenly caught on to the game and nodded his head in agreement. "Well it's too late now boy, you disrespected me in front of your parents and you lied like all small boys do, isn't that right?" Hasty nodding. "So if you're bad you should be punished, that right?" Again the nodding head but this time a deep sigh of satisfaction and a glazing over of the eyes told me all I needed to know but I had to do this right for the sake of the peace of mind of the two parents. "From now on boy, when I want an answer you will blink once for yes, twice for no, you will drop your head one inch as a sign of respect for me, you understand?" One blink and a small nod of the head followed.I maintain a steady hard glare into his eyes never wavering letting him know that one movement would be noted. "Right boy, place your hands on top of your head clasped as before, pull your shoulders back and spread your elbows to the side, this is the sign of present, when ever I address you, you will stand like that, now go over to that wall in front of that picture facing it with your feet in the same positon as before, you will stand there while I decide what your punishment will be, I don't want to hear a sound from you or see one movement, you understand me boy?" The blink and small nod. "Go now." Eric moved over to the painting and I turned to talk to his parents giving them a wink and a smile as I did so and mouthed the words 'play along'. "So what do you think Steve, what would you do with a liar?" "Well James, I'm not sure, but I'll go along with what ever you think is right." "What about you Sue, any ideas?" "Uhm, well James, my mother used to wash out our mouths with soap, but I don't think thats enough for him." I smiled as she made the concerted effort not to say his name. "Hmmm well I think I have just the thing, I'll be back in a minute, just got to get something from the back room." I went to the room leaving the door open and selected a heavy whip giving it a good loud crack which echoed in the house, then also put a pair of cuffs in my pocket and returned to the lounge carrying the whip openly in my hand. "this should sort out our little problem, don't you think boy?" Eric turned his head and the look of horror and then pleading came over his face as he looked from the whip up to my face, only to see me glaring at him. "I told you not to move boy, thats going to be an extra five." I let the heavy whip uncoil on the floor as I moved past him, the horror and terror in the eyes of his parents was evident from the momnet I walked in the door.Steve was the first to speak. "My god James, he's only a boy, you can't use that on him." "Why not Steve, he's a liar and he has no respect for people?" "But that's a full bull whip." "He has to learn Steve, so no time like now." "B,b,but." "Come here boy." Eric turned looking me straight in the eye head up, a mixture of fear and excitment showing in his face as he came and stood as he had been instructed before, his gaze never leaving my own. "What you think boy, you deserve this?" I shook the whip in front of him."Speak." "Yes sir, it's what I deserve, I'm a liar sir." "You think you would like this then boy? speak." "Yes sir I would like that very much sir." "Well boy you're not going to get something you would like, this is punishment time not fun time." I threw the whip on the floor but in full sight for him, his eyes were trying to waver to see it and then I thought it was time for the real first happy time for him, i looked over at his parents to see the look of sheer relief on their faces, I smiled at them amd winked. "Well boy time for your punishment, you lied to me three times and you broke the rule I set you four times so thats a total of seven times you failed to show respect to meand your parents, is that right? speak." "Yes sir that's correct." "So five strokes for each offense sound right to you? speak." "Yes sir it is a fair amount sir." "Right drop your pants and underpants, then turn around with your hands behind your back as before." "Mmmy underpants sir?" "Five more for speaking boy, now do it." Shaking with embarrasment and the fear of not knowing how the strokes wqere going to come, Eric began to drop his pants and underwear, blushing and trying to hide himself form Steve, Sue and Brian. "Hurry up boy and stand up straight hands behind you." Eric blushing with the embarrasment and have no way to hide himself did as he was told and a clamped the hand cuffs on him which created an instant erection and more shame. "Now boy, come here and lay over my knees." Eric stumbled as he tried to obey and as he knelt down I took hold of the cuffs to lift his arms and open up the way for an old fashioned bum smacking. "So it's now fourty strokes boy, that right? speak." "Yes sir." "Count them out boy." I lowered my hand for the first time squarely over his beautiful round tight butt, square in the middle between both cheeks and as I made contact I could feel his erection jump hard against my leg.I glanced over at the other three only to see an amused look on all their faces. "Does he get the whole lot James?" Steve asked. "Yes Steve he has to learn to do as I say, this is the best way for him to rememeber." I had purposely stopped after the first one to let him think about it and as I felt a soft sigh come from him I gave him number two on the left cheek which made him jump at the unexpected sharp slap, and then waited again to talk to the others. "So what do you think Steve, Sue, you want to leave him with me for a while to get him to tell the truth and show respect for you?" Steve gave a small smile as he could see Erics face and the reaction he was giving to the punishment. "Well Sue what do you think, Personally I think James is just what he needed, don't you?" "Yes Steve, I think he's in good hands now." "Well James how long do you want him around?" "Wait, I'll ask the boy, boy how long you want to stay here? speak." "As long as you'll have me here sir." With that answer I gave him a left right center combination of three harder than the first ones, this time he let out a squeal that was almost of delight. "Well boy thats the first five, but you didn't count them out, now I have to start all over again, this time you count and say thank you sir, speak." "Yes sir, thank you sir, starting now sir." Steve and Sue with Brian arose and made to leave, steve leaving a parting shot. "Thanks again James, we'll send him some clothes over and make arrangements for his schooling here in auckland, this is definately what he needed, I totally agree with Brians decsiond to talk to you now, if it's ok with you we'll get started home, again thanks." "Ok Steve I'll keep you up to date as things go along." "Ok thanks again bye for now, and say bye to the boy for us later." "Will do Steve drive safely, now boy, you got some counting to do." Whack "One sir, thank you sir." To Be Continued:
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2022 09:46:06 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 53 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 53 (Geneva) "I wonder why Reynard wants to go with you to Milan and Cannes, and asks me, or rather almost commands me, to stay on the farm?" A naked Bill was standing beside the huge bed in the luxurious guest room at the top of the old main building. Colin, also nude and very horny, turned to Bill and grabbed his balls with a playing hand. "He said he wanted me to meet some important contacts, and that he didn't want to bore you." Colin watched his lover's cock grow because of his touching. "Are you jealous, Daddy? Reynard can't even get an erection, you know that. You have seen me trying to help him and it's not possible!" "Aye, poor devil. I have almost beaten him senseless at his request for some drops of spunk!" Bill moaned when Colin wanked his 24 cm (9.5 inch) stallion cock. "And he almost kills poor Pierre to get some sort of satisfaction." "Kasim will stay with you this week, he said. He will not be driving." Colin grinned. "I should be the jealous one, shouldn't I? You will fuck and be fucked by the `Stallion of Morocco' both night and day while I'm earning our money." "Well, you being almost naked in front of huge audiences is a real turn on, son. Wish I could have seen you, and watched the dripping dignitaries longing for your cunt!" Bill now knelt upon the bed with Colin between his legs. The young one was now using his tongue to lick the salty pre-cum from his dad's piss-slit. "I'll be with you in Stockholm though. Reynard will not go with me that time. Give me your cock now, all of it, all�argh�" Colin couldn't talk anymore. Bill pushed Colin's head backwards and deep-fucked his mouth and throat. Colin answered by pulling his lover's balls downwards. The result made Bill even harder. When Colin coughed and looked up at him with wet eyes, Bill calmed down a bit before he went on with the heavy mouth-fuck. "Keep some energy for Kasim, Dad, and please let me ride you now. I need your cock deep inside me, and I want to serve you! Reynard is a great guy, but you're my man, my man forever, my stallion. Fuck me from behind, Dad. Fuck the shit out of me, please!" Colin helped his `father' to lie down before he found some jelly and greased up the waiting spear. He then used both hands to pull his buttocks apart. He opened his well-prepared boy-pussy and let the big, rather thick, and very familiar dick, fill him in one single movement. Colin's Tarzan roar filled the room when Bill used his fingernails to pinch Colin's nipples simultaneously. Drops of pre-cum dripped from the boy's tiny, but super-hard erection, down onto his dad's trimmed pubic hair. Bill caught some with a finger and fed Colin first, then sucked the finger himself. "A red light on a working spy-cam is very much amateurish," Colin thought. He lifted his butt and forced Bill's cock inside again. "Watch a real hard-on, sir!" he said in his mind to Reynard. Colin now worked his `father's' tool towards a heavy orgasm. The sixty year old guy was jacked by a super-horny student who did what he could to satisfy him. Suddenly the old stallion took command and lifted his hips and spread his hairy legs. Colin roared again at the sudden change. Minutes later Bill heard what he wanted to hear. "Daddy, yes please, harder, harder. I'm cumming, I'm cumming!" Hands-free, the lad sprayed boy-milk all over his daddy/lover while Bill filled his insides with thick man-milk. Colin almost fainted on top of Bill's body. The red light soon disappeared. *** The large car was heading east. Reynard had a hand on Colin's thigh in the back seat of the luxurious Peugeot. Colin spread his legs to give Reynard easier access. He had been asked to pack some formal clothes for an overnight stay during the trip for the modelling job in Milan, but for today he was wearing rather tight city-shorts. Reynard lightly caressed the smooth, suntanned skin. Just now Colin was really enjoying the mountain landscape in this part of France. It was his first real visit to the French Alps. "I love the mountains. The green forests, the dark shadows, and the white snow are amazing. But sir, you haven't told me why we are going to Switzerland. You said it was a surprise?" Colin heard himself being very formal again. This was unusual because the two were alone, and in the back of this special car. Colin had been friendly with Reynard for a long time. "The best route for us is to use the Mount Blanc tunnel," Reynard said. "And we will stay overnight in Geneva. I have my bank there - and some good friends. Yes, love, I like this area myself." He let his hand very lightly touch Colin's bulge. Colin saw that Castro followed the action through the rear-view mirror. Colin had been very excited when he was told that Castro was to be their chauffeur. One stage-lover had replaced another. "Make a stop at the first official viewpoint, Castro. I want Colin to enjoy this journey!" Reynard gave his orders. "I guess we need a piss-stop as well." "I thought the boss was about to undress you back there!" Castro and Colin shared a pissoir at the viewpoint. "I don't know what's the best view, Castro!" Colin looked from the sun-covered valley below them down to Castro's half-hard monster cock and then back to the view outside. "You're a real meat-gazer, aren't you, Colin?" Castro did nothing to cover his half-hard dick. "And you like me kinder-pissing, don't you, pervo?" Colin had pulled both his shorts and his jock down to his ankles. "Yeah, your globes make me horny as hell!" Carlo sent his golden stream down into the trough while he placed one hand on Colin's butt. "You want some help?" Colin tried to let his hand help the growing dick. "You seem to be the one who need guidance." Castro tried to catch Colin's hard prick and stop the wild spread around. "You piss like a baby, Colin." "I am a baby!" Colin looked at his Argentinian stage-lover while he wanked the last drops of piss out of him. Neither of them had heard their boss arriving at the open door to watch the scene in front of him. No doubt he loved the show. "Allons-y, gar�ons! Depechez-vous! Hurry up!" The voice was more teasing than commanding. The two at the pissoir hurried to make themselves decent. Both of them looked a bit embarrassed at being caught playing piss-games in front of the very formally-dressed Reynard. "Please undress, Colin. You were damn sexy in there. I can't wait for the hotel!" Reynard caressed the boy's upper leg. "We still have forty-five minutes until we reach the hotel." Without a protest Colin started to unbutton his shirt. He had nothing on underneath. The sunbathing in the last two weeks had left him looking extremely healthy and the dark curly hair was wild after his quick morning shower. Pierre had tried to style him, but in vain. Reynard swallowed and used a cool hand to touch Colin's nipples which quickly became erect at the sudden treatment. Reynard put two fingers in Colin's mouth. "Suck them!" he said. Afterwards he used the wet fingers to treat the dark coronas. Another round of sucking and nipple play had Colin moaning in lust. "You have wet my shorts, Reynard," Colin whispered. "That's why I asked you to undress!" Reynard ended the nipple play with a tough squeeze using his manicured nails. Again Colin moaned and looked at his temporary daddy with tear-filled eyes. Colin hurried to strip off his shoes and socks, and pull down the elegant shorts. His favourite white jockstrap had very visible wet spots. "Go on - allez." Reynard was obviously aroused when Colin lifted his hips and pulled down the partly wet underwear. "Please, laisse moi!" Reynard took hold of the jock, placed it in front of his mouth and nose and closed his eyes. Colin was suddenly damn horny and felt really sorry for Reynard who was very excited. "You want me to suck you, sir?" Colin heard he was back to formality. "No darling, mon jeune ami�you know!" He looked a bit helpless. Then he restored his dignity. "Play with your body Colin, please. All the way." Colin looked around, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "No need for dark windows, mon cher. I know how you love an audience!" Reynard let one hand find Colin's wet dickhead and caught the pre-cum. Afterwards he licked the finger with closed eyes. "Don't you dare wank in the front, Castro! You're not on the pampas now!" Reynard shouted and Castro quickly put both hands back on the driving wheel. "Cum for me, Colin. Shoot your load, be good, be good!" Reynard watched Colin squeeze his nipples with one hand while cupping and squeezing his balls with the other. The safety belt made it difficult to move, but he spread his legs wide and placed them on the back of the seat in front. With his right hand, he slowly wanked his 10 cm (4 inch) boyish cock while he licked the fingers on his left hand and soon had three of them inside his arse. "Oui, oui!" Reynard moaned. "Fuck that pussy - harder - deeper." Colin knew this was going to be a fast wank. He was already close to the edge. Looking up, he could see the drivers in the trucks they passed, and when they passed a tourist coach Castro intentionally slowed down and gave Colin a perfect stage. "Soon, soon!" Colin was afraid to shoot his load inside the fashionable car. He reached for his jock which was still held by Reynard. "I'm cumming, yeah, yeah, I'm cumming!" Colin erupted and sent volley after volley of white cream into the jockstrap. After five or six real shots the rest of the spunk dripped down on his completely smooth pubic bone. Pierre had done a good job with the razor that morning. "Please, please!" Eagerly Reynard took hold of the dripping wet jock. With two fingers he played with the jizz, made strings and fed both himself and Colin. Finally he again put the front of the jock into his mouth and sucked like a calf. Colin grinned and used his own fingers to clean the cock and his belly of the remaining cum. "Sorry for not sharing, Castro!" Reynard grinned now. "If you behave well, I may ask Colin to give you a load tonight. Watch out for the young men in the city though. They will sell their bodies to a stallion like you! Don't you think so, Colin?" Reynard looked at the naked boy beside him, who was now feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Geneva Centre - ten kilometres!" Castro shouted. "Direct to your hotel, sir?" "Yes, we will freshen up and change before going to the bank. We won't need the car until tomorrow." Again Reynard was the real boss. "I guess you'd better put on some clothes, baby!" He smiled at Colin. "I'll keep this as a souvenir from Geneva!" He showed off the piss-wet jock. "A full JustColin collection will be brought to our room, so don't worry." *** "What a marvellous view!" Colin was standing on the balcony outside their top floor suite in a central Geneva hotel. Colin felt very comfortable after a quick refreshing shower. Now he just was dressed in a white partly-open robe. He had been surprised on arrival at the hotel. Castro had received his key to a room in the annex but Colin was to share a suite with Reynard. A huge bed filled one of the rooms. Colin realised was to sleep overnight with his boss for the first time. "You are as beautiful as you were the first time I met you in Paris some years ago, mon ami!" Reynard, in only a bathrobe too, pulled Colin close from behind. "I feel like a prince, thanks to you, Reynard." Colin turned around, very close. Reynard kissed him - a kiss far from erotic, but it was the first time their lips met. Reynard cleared his throat, as if he was a bit embarrassed. "You are a prince - and just now my prince!" Nothing more was said. "You like Lake Geneva, son? One of Europe's largest lakes. The colours are magnificent, with all the water coming from the glaciers." Reynard changed the subject. "Aye, and the fountain down there!" Colin pointed. "It's a real cascade of water!" "We'll have supper onboard a boat on the lake tonight, love. I'll show you to some friends, if you don't mind. I hope you will bring some of your sexy JustColin collection for a private show," Reynard said. "I hoped you might want to show me off like this, sir!" Colin dropped the robe to the floor. He was suddenly fully naked on the balcony high above Europe's most international city and financial centre. "Possibly, son, but serious business first. We will visit my bank in one hour. I have ordered a lunch after that." He looked at his watch. "In some minutes we will see a stylist and if you look in your wardrobe you will see four suits and shirts. I hope the size is correct. I think your upper body has grown a few centimetres in the last year!" Reynard used both hands to caress Colin's upper torso. "I have never had suits like these, Reynard. You are really spoiling me, but I guess you want to present me as a gentleman in the bank, and not as a model and pornstar who looks younger than his real age!" Colin lifted one suit after the other and played with the soft material of the stylish outfits. Reynard watched the naked boy with admiration and said nothing when Colin looked through the shirts and the formal shoes. "I guess you will use your own brand of underwear, love. I said no when the company wanted to send us both American and Australian briefs!" "I guess I'm not going to undress in the bank!" Colin smiled. "But yes, I brought a selection of my JustColin stuff. A red silk thong maybe? What do you think?" Colin held up one of the smallest items of underwear ever. "I prefer you just the way you are now, mon petit." Reynard looked at the round globes in front of him and licked his dry lips. A knock on the door, and a man in black entered carrying a basket of equipment. The man, probably in his mid-thirties, didn't even look surprised at the sight of the nude youngster. "My young partner needs some help with his hair. And please help him to choose a formal outfit. I will meet you in the lobby in half an hour, love. I just need to make some photocopies." Reynard picked up a small leather-bound folder and went for the door. When he passed Colin, he let one hand touch the naked buttocks. "You should never wear clothes!" he said and then winked at the waiting man. The bathroom was like an upmarket salon with mirrors on all the walls. Colin was standing feeling a bit uncertain in front of the stylist. The man was extremely handsome, dark-haired and well-tanned. His hands worked Colin's hair and upper body like Pierre would have done at the mansion. The working hands were like the hands of a dancer. "I agree!" the man whispered. "You should never wear clothes, sir!" He had in some seconds touched most of Colin's body. "We must style your hair, maybe cut it a little. Nothing else to adjust?" The man's hand followed Colin's smooth pubic bone up to his navel. "All gently done!" Colin looked into the mirror in front of him and watched how his cock grew. In seconds he sported a full erection and did nothing to hide it. He didn't even blush. The very professional man adjusted Colin's hair and gave him some colour on the eyebrows before he applied moisturising cream on his face. Colin nodded when the man showed him a colourless glistening lipstick to complete the job. The man was standing in front of Colin with spread legs. His bulge was very visible inside the tight black trousers and when Colin left the chair he saw the man looking at his dripping pre-cum. "You want me to take care of this, sir?" The man touched the wet cockhead with a searching finger. A light moan and a bow from the youngster was enough to bring the man down on the knees between Colin's legs. The suck job ended in a real mouthfuck. Colin was very excited. He placed his hands on the man's head and forced his mouth to stay open. Minutes afterwards white body milk hit the back of the man's throat. Even though it was just a few hours after his orgasm in the car, Colin filled the man's mouth with his young cock-spit. Reynard had a huge smile when he welcomed Colin in the lobby. Colin had changed from a looking like a teenage student into a young businessman. In dark suit and formal shoes, he could be presented anywhere. "The stylist chose the light pink shirt instead of the white and said that young men often skipped ties these days. I hope you approve, boss!" Colin let Reynard kiss him lightly in the French manner while he whispered, "I had approved even if you had come down dressed in your birthday suit, love!" "Hope it's okay that we walk to the bank. It's just a couple of blocks away. My father's old bank, he was a board member for years. When he passed away, I inherited both his stocks and his position." Reynard stopped in front of a huge building. "It's one of the smaller banks in Geneva, but most of the winery companies in my region use it. Important that you know this if you have to act on my behalf one day." Reynard sighed. "I hope you haven't changed your mind, son." "No, sir!" Colin acted very formal. "Kasim told me that he had signed your Power of Attorney document and that both of you wanted me to co-sign. I'm very flattered, but I hope of course that you never will be in a situation where you need someone to act on your behalf, or take care of you, because you are mentally `out of order'." "And Bill accepts that too?" Reynard placed a hand on Colin's shoulder when they were allowed into the building by the security staff. Reynard just showed his ID card. "Bill agrees, and we have a similar written agreement too. But he wondered why we had to go to a bank to sign it. It could be done home in the village, couldn't it?" Colin looked around. Even dressed as he was, he felt outside his comfort zone. "Just wait and watch, Colin. I have my reasons! Now let the guys take your photo and prepare a security card for you." Reynard still had a hand on Colin's shoulder when they entered the hall. *** The formal signing was done and the pair were escorted by a high-heeled young lady to a lift for a lower floor. They were met by two men, both smiling and bowing. Both men were in their early sixties Colin thought, and both seemed to be looking at him in a searching manner. "Please meet my young partner, Colin from Scotland!" Reynard opened his arms as he made the introductions. "And Colin, these have been my friends for many years, my business lawyer, Antoni Lucas, and my personal bank adviser, Richard Kems." Both men greeted Colin with firm handshakes. "So this is the young man who has conquered your life, Reynard. I pretty well understand why! The picture you showed us last time was�how to say�taken when he was wearing much less!" Mr Lucas spoke French with an obvious Italian accent. "You liked seeing me without clothes, sir?" Colin was very direct. He smiled when he saw the formal gentleman covering his mouth coughing, looking at his colleague. "Well, I have to admit that we both hoped to see you in person one day," Mr Kems added. "But please sit down, gentlemen. I'll call for some drinks." He pushed a button on the table. "The very formal guys undressed me with their eyes!" Colin told Castro when he met him after lunch. The small talk was easy and the sparkling wine was great. Reynard was listening without saying a word when he heard his protege in discussion with the Swiss pair about their official languages. "Your fourth language, Romansh, is of course of special interest for me because of the connection with the Celtic languages and, through that, Scottish Gaelic." The linguistic student ended his small lecture. He had, after only a few minutes, become much more at ease. "I guess you gentlemen will be able to continue your academic discussion on the boat tonight. You will both be there, I understand. And I'm sure Colin will show you more of his�areas of interest!" Reynard grinned. "But back to business now!" Mr Kems took the signal and pushed the button again. Seconds later the lady was back carrying a leather folder and, when she placed it on the table, Colin suddenly thought of Kenny. The lady's sensual high-heeled walk and the movement of her hips would have caused some dirty comments from his room-mate. As if he read Colin's mind, Reynard bent close to Colin and whispered, "A pity we didn't bring Kenny!" "Qu'est-ce que c'est?" Mr Lucas looked up from his papers. "Rien! Please go on!" Reynard covered a huge smile with his hand. Colin was still thinking of Kenny. He was an unusual lad who fucked him for joy as often as possible but fancied the ladies, even those older than his own 21 years. Colin looked at the two men. One very Italian looking, still with dark hair, a sensual mouth and slightly hairy hands. The other, grey-haired, sophisticated like Reynard, dry looking, but with warm blue eyes, quite different from his cold outer attitude. Colin tried to adjust his boner. He had already imagined both in bed. His gaydar had been working since his arrival, and he was quite sure of his conclusions. He even thought, or hoped, that the men struggled with hard-ons as well. Reynard coughed lightly to have full attention. "As you know, I intend to make some changes regarding my stocks - well, my private stocks. You know, gentlemen, that I'm not into speculation, and I talk about the shares left to me by my late father. I am a simple photographer and a wine-farmer, that's all." Both the men smiled very politely at Reynard's words. "I wish to transfer to Colin here one third of my stocks, the same for Kasim, and the rest is my pension." He grinned as he looked around at the others. "What's todays value regarding Colin's one third share?" Reynard asked. Mr Kems lifted up a paper. "1.8 million US dollars, sir." "And what was the income they produced last year?" Reynard continued. "260,000 dollars!" The man didn't even blink. "Quite a good year, sir." Colin swallowed. He had to think in pounds, but suddenly some light calculations were difficult. "Should be more than enough to finance your new house, Colin, and to carry on with your academic studies!" Reynard held his hand out to Colin for a shake. Colin wasn't sure what the proper behaviour was in his current surroundings, but he hugged the man in a tight embrace. "You have to sign here, both of you, and we will do the official translations during the day." Mr Lucas handed the papers to Colin. "And you have done what I asked for?" Reynard asked. "Yes, yes, these are the safe stocks, very low risk, and with future value," Mr Kems answered. "The potentially high-income stocks, but also the ones with high risk, are still in your name, sir." The man grinned. "We will see you for dinner at seven then. Informal dressing is appropriate, and well...I think perhaps young Colin might provide some�entertainment." Reynard winked. "Maybe you can ask the young lady to take us deeper down!" The four stood up and shook hands. Mr Kems pushed the button. Without a smile the lady entered through a red door. "Is there a�um, washroom around?" Colin asked. The excitement and the midday drinks had filled his bladder. "Let me�" Both the men answered simultaneously. "Let me show you, young man." Mr Lucas was the winner. He went in front of Colin along a narrow corridor and opened a door. Colin went directly to a urinal and opened his fly without shyness. He really was in need of relief. Surprising Colin, the man placed himself alongside Colin even though there were five other empty urinals. Colin was half-hard, but managed. Mr Lucas did nothing to hide the fact that he was watching Colin's piss action. He was hard himself and had problems. "Slow down, sir! I know your problem." Colin looked at the man's cock - a real brown boner. "You want me to suck you, sir?" Colin whispered. "Security cameras are all around, son. Wait until tonight, eh?" Mr Lucas put his erection away without pissing and waited for Colin to finish and wash his hands. *** "The room was like a tomb!" Colin told Bill later that evening. "Made of stone with paintings of Swiss mountains on the walls." Colin and Reynard had passed through three security checks already. Now Reynard placed his thumb on the screen in front of him and Colin had to do the same. "New card, please verify!" A metallic voice was heard. Reynard was irritated. "Damn security, they watch us everywhere!" he snarled. "Let's just follow the instruction, sir." Colin put a hand on Reynard's arm to calm him. He had felt that the normally very calm man had been excited and rather silent all day. After some touching by Colin and the use of cards, the green light told them that the last barrier was open. A metal arm lowered a box onto a table. Again Reynard used his security card and his thumb. "Just like a spy movie!" Colin went on telling his Dad later on. Reynard opened the box. The space was not overfilled. "Some important papers!" Reynard pointed. "My will, my wine authorisation, and now the Power of Attorney." He placed the paper just signed by Colin inside a folder. "My late mother's jewellery." He pointed and coughed. "And some cash if you really need it." Reynard looked at Colin. "Both in US dollars and Euros." "But the most important thing, all my work!" He opened a small container with many hard-discs. "You know I'm old-fashioned. I don't trust the so-called clouds. Here's my life. And now I add a new disc." He opened the leather folder and found a security pin. "Colin!" said the very simple label. "All your pictures, movies, shows, security stuff, all!" He cleared his throat again. "When I'm gone, delete or do whatever you want with it. It's your secret life with me, love - in a stupid bank safe in Switzerland. You think I'm paranoid? Guess I am, but now let's have lunch. Let's leave this grave chamber!" Colin had been silent for a while and he was happy to be out in the sunshine. He was very pleased when Reynard put an arm around his shoulder and walked with him like a father and son couple through the streets to the summer pavilion restaurant that waited for them. The young man already missed his Bill. *** "What's the matter with the boss?" Colin asked Castro when he was waiting to pick up Reynard outside the restaurant. Reynard had left for the toilet after lunch. "It's always like this when he goes to the clinic," Castro answered. "He will be another man tomorrow! He hasn't told you?" "No, he hasn't." In a way Colin felt a bit sorry for not asking Reynard directly. With his normal spirited walk, Reynard was outside moments later. "Can you find your way to the hotel alone, son? Antori's - I mean Mr Lucas' - grandchild will meet you at the hotel at five. He will take you on a sightseeing trip if you want, and then drive you to the boat entrance. I'll see you at seven tonight, okay? Change into the white suit, love, and bring some of your sexy garments, please. You made them drip earlier! A good investment." Reynard gave Colin a light punch and hurried into the black car. "Mr Lucas booked me for a blow-job only, and I'm staying with a man who can't get a boner, and both Kenny and Dad are in France." Colin almost hit a lamppost in frustration. "I need a fuck, I really do! Maybe Castro will be willing? But he's so damn huge, and I have to do the catwalk almost naked tomorrow!" Colin was about to pass his hotel when he `woke up' and entered. The huge lobby was filled with arriving guests. He looked for the lift. Beside the entrance to the lift was a sign saying `hairdresser'. Colin went inside. The man from earlier was not present but a young lady greeted him politely. "I'm looking for the male stylist who did my hair this morning." Colin felt stupid. He couldn't remember his name. "We have no male stylists here today. Perhaps you met Kevin, the pool-guy. He sometimes takes some styling jobs in busy periods. He's still working - in the massage centre." She smiled and pointed to another entrance. Kevin was very pleased to see Colin. Now dressed in white singlet and tight white shorts, he looked like a Greek god in Colin's eyes. Too young for what he really wanted, but he remembered his very professional suck just some hours earlier. A look at the man's strong arms, the black curly body hair on his upper torso and the hairy legs, had his already half-stiff cock fighting for space inside his tight thong. "What can I do for you, sir? I'm just about to go off duty, but�" Kevin was stopped by Colin. "I did like your service - very nice to be dressed by you. I wonder if you would help me undress too!" Colin placed a hand on the man's lower arm. "Would you like some massage perhaps, or a private jacuzzi, or�" Kevin looked at his watch. "You want me to follow you upstairs?" "Yes, please!" Colin smiled. "And I want you to fuck me senseless until I spray you with my cum!" he thought. Kevin found the coat hangers and started to undress the very passive looking Colin. He even helped him remove his shoes and socks, and soon Colin was naked but for his red thong with a very obvious damp spot on the front. "You said you are off duty - may I call you Kevin?" Colin looked the man up and down. He couldn't see any obvious bulge, but his face showed some emotion. "Yeah, I'm off duty, but�." He looked a bit uncertain. "Yes, Kevin is fine!" "Then I can kiss you as a private person, Kevin. No problems with your employer then!" Colin went close up to the young man who was quite a bit taller than himself. "He kissed me with passion, Dad, and he used his tongue in my mouth, just like he had done with my cock earlier," Colin told Bill an hour later. "I want you to fuck me. You are damn hard now, aren't you?" Colin found the man's erection. Without hesitation, Kevin stripped off his singlet and then his shorts. Kevin had no underwear, just an inner brief that now followed the shorts down to his ankles. Two balls like whale nuts and a brown thick veiny cock with a pink cockhead showed after the stripping. "A lefty, nice!" Colin whispered. In a hurry he knelt and took care of the upright hard-on. With the cock, probably 16-17 cm (6.5 inches), well inside his mouth, he used one hand to squeeze the balls and the other hand to comb the curly hair from the navel up to two very erect nipples. "We can't use Reynard's bed!" Colin thought. He wasn't even sure if he would be invited to share the bed with his boss. Colin pushed Kevin down onto a luxurious looking daybed in front of the balcony. "What if�" Kevin looked around worried. "I'm all alone, Kevin. Fuck me now, but first let me lick your hairy arse!" He made the man turn. With Kevin's knees on the floor, his legs spread and his butt in the air, Colin had full access to the man's entrance. Colin showed off his oral skills. He penetrated the arse with his tongue while wanking the thick knob. The man was moaning with lust and pleasure and Colin collected the dripping pre-cum from the wet cockhead. "Do me now, prepare me for your baby-maker!" Colin changed position. He placed himself doggie on the floor. "You'll find lube in the bathroom, remember!" Colin looked at the man with the rock-hard erection. "You want to cum?" Kevin asked. "You want my cum as well?" Colin nodded twice. "Go on - do me good. Master me, please. Fuck me hard - hard, and spit on me, piss on me, drench me with your cream, and feed me if you feel for it. Go on, please, please! I'm all yours." Kevin took hold of the ribbon of Colin's red thong and pulled it down. Fully naked, Colin invited the Swiss guy to his boy-cunt. The man used the half-wet underwear like a light whip. The sudden spank made Colin shiver and moan, but also make his cock stiffen even more. A long thread of slimy pre-cum dripped down to the deep carpet. "You want more, slut?" Kevin shouted. "Yes, yes, please sir!" Some more hits from the skimpy underwear and the tanned globes glistened with sweat. With both hands Kevin played with the hot globes before he knelt and let Colin take his tongue and his lips. After the tongue job, three long well-oiled fingers pushed into Colin's hole. "Damn, I'm about to cum," Colin thought. "How, how to stop?" He tried to recall the lady from the bank and imagine her naked. It worked. But then he thought about Kenny fucking her from behind like a horse, and he was about to reach the edge again. Kevin suddenly squeezed his balls a bit too hard, as if he knew what was going on. Colin made it again without shooting. But then Kevin's hands found his nipples and Colin was soon edging again. Now the lad went in charge. He turned Colin around and lifted his legs. The athlete showed his skills. He held his legs as if he was in a swing. "Fuck me now, fuck the shit out of me!" Colin cried while Kevin greased up his cock. The cockhead was pretty big and Colin cried out when Kevin forced it inside. The real pain triggered him to ask for a fast fuck. "Go on, don't hesitate, just take me. As you said, I'm a slut, a damn horny slut. Make me cum now!" Kevin bottomed in him very fast. "He was a better sucker than fucker," Colin told Bill. "I guess you would have taken his arse instead of his cock!" Colin used his arse muscles and made the guy tremble. Then he moved from underneath to let the guy concentrate on his love-knot. Colin was hot now, very hot, and gave a final squeeze to the new cock that filled him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm cumming Kevin, please. I'm cumming!" Colin spunked off hands-free. His cock sprayed like always, and blast after blast of spunk hit the window behind the day-bed. Some hit his own body and some dripped down his smooth pubic bone and down to his balls. Kevin withdrew like a real professional and aimed for Colin's open mouth with his wanking cock. The shooting was really good. Most of it landed on Colin's face and upper body, but Colin also managed to take a lot of the salty juice into his mouth for a taste. Like a good slut, he fell down in front of Kevin and sucked the confused man dry. "You really meant what you said about piss, sir?" the sweating Kevin almost whispered. "Please, yes, but not here, eh?" Colin grinned. He let the man carry him to the bathroom. "I need to style you again, sir!" Kevin played with Colin's wet hair. The two washed each other in the large shower. Some fifteen minutes later Kevin, just in shorts, dressed Colin in a very elegant white suit. "I don't think you need a shirt, sir. With some sexy movements you can show off your naked nipples if you want. Cover them with this pink scarf - very sexy." "Now, go for your date, sir. I will clean up the room and prepare everything, don't worry!" Kevin gave Colin a light kiss. "Please double the fee, Kevin!" Colin whispered. "On the house, sir. Please look for me on your next visit to Geneva!" Kevin turned for the bathroom. With a bag filled with JustColin items Colin waited outside the hotel for Mr Lucas's grandchild. He smiled when a red open-topped sports car stopped. A young man with a speedway cap bid him welcome to a tour of Geneva. "Hey sexy, jump inside!" the youngster shouted and handed Colin a cap similar to his own. "Better look after your curls! You are Colin, aren't you? Everybody just calls me Junior". Colin was surprised. "You have heard about me?" He had to shout when the car accelerated. "Fancy car!" "Not mine. I couldn't afford anything like this! The club's - I'm into rally driving. You met my grandpa?" The young man was talking fast in fluent English. "What do you want to see?" "Your choice, Junior. This is my first visit." Colin smiled at the Italian-looking youngster. Pimples told Colin that the guy was probably younger than himself. Now Junior pointed and talked." United Nation Europe over there, huge, behind the Red Cross museum - good for a visit." The car accelerated alongside Lake Geneva and then started on a wild climb upwards. With the noise there was no possibility to chat. The car finished up on a small parking spot with a fantastic view of the city and the lake. Junior jumped from the car and headed to a viewpoint. Now he gave Colin his hand. "Nice to meet you. I've been curious! Thought you were taller. Just like me, eh? And small-cocked too, like me. No need for huge tools, what do you say?" He grinned. "How do know?" Colin asked. "I've seen most of your videos. Some are really tough. I would have died if I had been beaten like you! Exaggerated for effect, I guess." The youngster cupped his bulge. "How�?" Colin had suddenly no words. "You know. Stupid old men. They believe they can hide stuff. You have never been into your dad's computer without permission?" He didn't wait for an answer. "Grandpa has all your stuff. He's a close friend of your boss, I know! You like big cocks, eh? And you shoot like crazy - cool, very cool!" He stopped for a while. "You know about the boat for the evening cruise?" Colin asked. He suddenly had an idea. "Yes, the skipper is a friend of the family. I've done some jobs onboard before. Why?" Junior squeezed his balls. "I want you to come with me, and do a job for me. You know I'm modelling my own gear!" Colin put a hand on the lad's shoulder. "Has your grandpa seen you naked lately?" Colin asked very direct now. "Of course, I live with him. He's my friend too! But he doesn't fuck me, if that's what you think. He's no perv!" Junior put on a serious face. "No, no. Sorry if I implied anything like that. I just want you to model some of my clothes and some of them will show you partly naked." Colin grinned. "Cool! I will shock those stiff guys then. You will be modelling too, almost nude, I mean?" The lad grabbed Colin's erection. "That's my plan!" Colin answered. "We should undress now, so we will know each other better. Would love to suck you too. I know a place where it would be safe!" Junior took Colin's hand and almost pulled him through a woody hedge. Colin was not happy for messing up his white suit, but he was very curious, and already planning tonight's show. He followed the youngster who already had his small stiffy waiting. To be continued.
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2002 11:32:32 +1300 From: Arthur Subject: a sub to love part 4 authoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Part Four By Arthur "Boy you will stand before the second covered Mythra, you will spend your time rehearsing what was said to you earlier until you know every word and intent by heart, do not move or make a sound, go now." Eric in perfect position of present, went to face the second of the Mythra while I returned to the toy box and began to remove the rest of the days items, laying them out on the coffee table, the last of them I contemplated, it was not what I liked doing but it was part of who he now was and needed to be done, I reached for my clothes and dressed, ready for the next part of his ceremony. Once all was ready I moved over in front of him and removed the white clothe covering the second Mythra. "Boy, this is the second of the seven Mythra, May They Preserve, It is called 'Honour Bound' the darker blue of the background represents your path into our world, the purple at the bottom is to tell you that there will be both pain and pleasure through your diligence, the dove standing on the hand is you being held in safety by my hand, the out spread wings and feet chained to the hand signifies your bondage to me, the erectness of the collared head shows that you honour your bondage, look deep into this the second Mythra and feel it's message to you." I left Eric standing there and could almost see him stand straighter as he took in the full meaning of the second of the Mythra, after ten minutes I began again, as I stood by the table with the final trappings of his servitude. "Boy, come to me." Eric turned, his flag pole waving before him as he came to stand before me, his eyes glazed, back arched, elbows spread wide, shoulders back, he stood unwavering before me. "Bonded slave Eric, you now stand under the protection of the Mythra, May They Preserve, and I your Master, as you have shown favourably in your initiation I give to you these final signets as a sign of full acceptance by me and to denote your status as my protected slave." I turned to the table and picked up the four cuffs, two for his wrists, two for his ankles. "Bonded slave Eric, do you accept from my hand these signets, to be worn as your sign of honour and devotion to myself as your Master and to the Mythra as your guiding light?" "Master, I accept your signets." "Then bonded slave Eric, stand firm while I attach them, as once done they can not be removed by anyother but myself." The cuffs were a matching set with the collar and made to the same specifications, their inner core was of thin stainless steel, on one end a small oblong ring and at the other there were four slots cut through to allow for adjustment, the core was covered inderneath with a softer kid leather and the outer was covered with shiney hard wearing black leather, in the center on the outside was a disc with the dove engraved on it, the cuffs were fixed with small padlocks and as he grew they would be adjusted until he reached his full growth then they would be replaced with permanent ones that would be riveted into place. I fixed first one then the other to his wrists as he stood, eyes glazed over, his 4" showing how he felt about it as I locked the cuffs into place. "Bonded slave Eric, place your feet on the table one at a time." Although this caused him to be a little unbalanced it was done so that I would not appear to him to be bowing to him as I fitted his ankle cuffs by bending down to the floor. "Bonded slave Eric, with these the first of four signets you are bound by your honour to serve your Master and the Seven Mythra, May They Preserve, do you accept them as they are given?" "Master, I accept them as given." "Bonded slave Eric, give me your right hand." Eric lowered his right hand keeping his left behind his head, presenting his fingers to me. I took up the gold ring and although a little tight on him I placed it on his middle finger. "Bonded slave Eric, with this the second signet I bind you to me and the Seven Myhtra, May They Preserve, that all will know you are spoken for, do you accept this the second signet?" "Master, I accept this the second signet." After speaking he returned his hand to it's place behind his head, persperation was streaming down his face, his beautiful body taut with the excitment of the occassion. I reached to the table taking up his restraint cod piece, this was also made of soft leather, on the inside was a small steel tube fitted into a pouch at the bottom of the triangle with a strap running from the bottom and at the waist two straps with the same steel core as the collar and cuffs to be fitted with a padlock the same as the others. I sat on the edge of the table so he could stand in front of me and at the right height. "Bonded slave Eric, as a sign of your devotion do you accept this the third signet, to be fitted and to remind you that your pleasure is my pleasure and at my discretion?" "Master, I accept this the third signet." "Then stand before me." Eric came to stand in front of me and I could see the look in his eyes as he tried to work out how I could fit his rigid member into the cod piece, I reached under his scrotum and pressed against a nerve in his upper thigh and as he twitched I flicked a finger nail under his glans, his hard erection disappeared and as he was flacid I placed his soft dick into the tube, running the waist straps behind his back and hooking the padlock through the ring but leaving it open, then reaching trough his tender young thighs I placed the remaining crotch strap between his legs and up to join the waisband finally locking them both in place. Now was the time for the last one and it was the only one I disliked but true to the calling it had to be done or the ceremony would not be complete and my responsiblility to him and the Mythra would mean nothing, I reached for the last Item. I took up in my hand the earring, it was a ring of high tensile stainless steel and once fitted would need cutters to get it off, from it hung a gold disc again angraved with the dove on one side and the letter J on the other, I opened my hand so that Eric could see it clearly and know what was to be done, this was it, now or never, if he refused it, then it would all end here. "Bonded slave Eric, do you accept the placing of this the fourth and final signet?" I thought he would take a little time over this, it was not to painful to fit but the mind could play many funny tricks on a young boy, to my surprise Eric never wavered. "Master, I accept the placing of this the fourth and final signet." I turnd to the table and took up the clamp and needle, placing the clamp onto his left ear I pressed the needle close, then with a quick movement pushed it through, a shudder ran through his body as the neddle pierced his ear lobe, working quickly I inserted the ring and clamped it closed with the pliers, finished I stepped back to look at this magnificent boy, now adorned in all his finery, it was truly a magnificent sight, he stood there, a small tear in his eyes, collared, cuffed, double ringed, and restrained, glowing with pride, erect and firm in his posture. "Bonded slave Eric, as a sign of my devotion to you, you may ask of me anything and I may not refuse you." "Master, anything?" "Yes slave this one time you may have anything and I can not refuse you." "Master, kiss me please?" Of all the things he could have asked for and would have been given this one surprised me the most, others would have asked to have had a sexual release but this boy only wanted a kiss, he was truly worth his weight in gold, I reached out and took him in my arms, lowering my mouth to cover his as he reached upward to meet me, I closed my lips over his and pushed inward with my tongue, tasting and savouring his youth and freshness, I made the kiss last as long as I could for him, puting into it all the love and feeling I could for him, when at last we broke apart I looked at the time, it was nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, both of us were now exhuasted from the rigors of the day. "It's over Eric,we need to rest come we'll go and get something to eat and then have a rest in front of the Tv for a while, how do you feel?" "I feel exhausted as well, but also happy and excited, but most of all I feel as though I belong, my minds not going round in circles like it used to, it's sort of like last night when you made me cum, all electric but peaceful." "So you're happy with our partnership then?" "Oh James yes, yes it's everthing I ever wanted, and all this feels so good to wear, Uhm one thing?" "Yes?" "Well, it's ahh this thing, round my waist, what if I have to go, you know?" "Oh, is that all, well you ask me and I take you then when you're finished I lock it up again." "Oh, ok, Ahhm, what about the other stuff, you know, sex?" "Well Eric, from now on I'm the only one to have fun, unless I feel you deserve it, at the moment you have two weeks of abstinenece to do for your earlier punishment." His face fell almost to his knees. "You mean that was real, I can't do anything for two weeks, not once?" "Not once, my little love, I've got to keep you on edge from now on, keeps your mind on what you're doing." "Oh well I suppose I deserve it, I was bad wasn't I?" "Yes you were." ( soft laugh) "Come on lets get those eats ready." After dinner as we sat on the sofa, Eric wrapped in my arms as he lay on my lap snuggliing close I wondered if he would be so relaxed if he knew what the night was going to bring. "Eric?" "Yes James?" "Tonight your new life really begins, I'm going to have to do a few things tonight so that you can learn what is expected of you." "What are they James?" "Have you ever had an enema?" "No what's that?" "It's a process whereby I clean you out from the inside, it's a little uncomfortable at first but you'll get used to it." "Ok." "You know that sooner or later we will be haveing anal sex, don't you?" A smile came over his handsome face. "Ohh, yes." "Well you're very young and I'm going to have to make you be able to take me, I not over large but I want you to feel comfortable and not be hurt, so I'm going to have to start to loosen you up with plugs." "What're plugs?" "They're made of rubber and start off small then as you're able to take them I'll increase the size till you're ready." "Mmmmm, ok, will it hurt alot?" "No not much, I'll be very careful, now the other thing is that from tonight you'll sleep in the other room unless I tell you to come to me, you'll be given instructionts to follow while in that room, you already know what happens if you don't follow them exactly." "Yes James." "Now, tomorrow night we're going to have a guest to celebrate your initiation, you're to remember everything you learnt today and be on your best behaviour, ok?" "Yes James, I'll try to make you proud of me." "I know you will kiddo, I'm already very proud of you, today was special for me as it was for you, now come on relax and enjoy while we can before we start getting you ready for the night." Eric snuggled down on my chest again, arms loosely around my chest, head on my shoulder rubbing his cheek on my shirt. To Be Continued:
Date: Mon, 16 Dec 2002 22:24:18 +1300 From: arthur Subject: child of myhtra part 10 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Ten By Arthur As the scraping of chairs was heard Richard in a rather over loud voice spoke up. "Master James, ahh, what about these three boys?" The hall fell silent as I turned to the three boys still on their knees on the stage, I nodded to Eric to follow me over to them, I set my 'head hunting' look on them. "Ah yes, these three, well headmaster they're going to be busy this afternoon so I wouldn't worry about detention or anything else for them." "Why would that be Master James?" I turned to Eric and could see the smallest of smiles trying to break out on his face. "Boy 'Present', you see these cowards here?" "Yes Master." "At 3.45 this afternoon you will go to the front door, if these cowards are not standing there at 'Present' with their shirts off, their bags at their feet with their shirts neatly folded on them, you will report to me so I can ring the police and have them charged with assault and battery." "Yes Master, 3.45 exactly Master." "Now headmaster will you be so kind as to give these scum my address and impress upon them that I keep my word, if there is no sign of them or they arrive late then at 3.46 I ring the police and charge them." It was a good frightener as the parents of most of the boys here at Kingsgate were well off and had good positions in society, they would not be pleased to see their boys in court, I nodded again at Eric and we made our way off the stage, the auditorium broke into a hubbub of chatter at the presumed fate of the boys once in my hands at home. There were a few things I had in mind for them and one of them was a little more interesting than he other two, this afternoon was going to tell me a great deal about these three. I grabbed my bag as we had not used it after all but it would be on Thursday so I was going to leave it packed, and made our way to the car and then home, when we got in the door I took hold of Eric and gave him a close and affectionate hug. "My little dove, I don't know how you do it but you were perfect again today, you keep coming up with the right thing to say all the time and I haven't taught you half of it, I'm really so proud of you, you do me great honour my little dove." "Mmmmmmmmm, thank you James, can I have another snuggle?" "Just a quick one kiddo, we have to get things ready for our 'guests'." "what do you want me to do James?" "I'll get you unlocked and into your cod piece, then I want you to go to my wardrobe and you'll see in the left corner at the back one of Camerons old leather vests, it should fit you close enough, now at 3.45 we do as I said at the school, don't greet them just look and then close the door and come back to me, ok?" "Yes James, ok." "later I'll get you to let them in don't speak to them just signal them to follow you, bring them here to me then take you place in the second beside me like always, ok?" "Yes James." "When I've had a bit of fun with them I'm going to take them one by one to the back room, afterwards we'll take all three together and you'll follow me this time as well, do you feel up to a little heat up, are you ok, I dont want you to take it on if you're feeling to sore after what they did to you?" "Yes James I'm ok." "Good boy, right I'm going to ask you both as a Boy then as the Child of Mythra for their punishment, its a good time for you to see the part a Helot plays as well so you know what will be going on on Saturday, you ok with this after the fight today?" "Yes James, I'm looking forward to seeing their faces." "Good Boy, and after today and you doing so well, there'll be something special for you, I know you've been waiting a long time but now is the right time for you." "Ohh, thanks James." "OK lets get you unlocked and dressed up ready, it's nearly 3.40." I quickly unlocked his belt and harness leaving his cuffs and arm bands on as well as his jewelry, he took off to get and put on the vest, it was just a touch big on his slim frame but for this day it would be enough, with thirty seconds to spare we were ready. "ok my little dove go look, remember just look and close the door and leave them there." "Yes James." Eric stopped at the door and at my nod on the stroke of 3.45 he opened it and looked then shut the door and came back to me. "So?' "Yes James all three are there." "They standing how they were told?" "Yes James, except for one thing." "Whats that little dove." "Hehehe, they're sweating something terrible." "Hahaha, good, we'll leave them there for a bit, you want to get us a cold drink in the mean time?" "Hehehe, ok James." While Eric was getting us our drinks I slipped into my back room and rearranged a few things then returning to the lounge I covered the four Mythra with their cloths, Eric was waiting for me to finish and then handed my drink to me. "How much longer for them James?" "Oh lets finish our drinks first, we've got the whole afternoon to look after them." "James?" "Yes little one?" "Mind games?" "You learn quick my boy." While we sat and drank I suddenly had a thought and then I knew how to get the ultimate fear into them. "You sit and finish your drink kiddo, I'm going to change my clothes." I very rarely wear what I had in mind this time, it's not really what Im in to but I had them there and the impression of a real nasty bastard would be enhanced, having changed I went back to the lounge, Eric took one look and his jaw dropped, the glow in his eyes said it all. "You like it kiddo?" "Wow James, I didn't know you had all that stuff, oh wow, its going to scare the shit out of them, it makes you look real evil." "Thats the idea my love, so you think that this'll do it eh?" "Oh yeah, they'll piss them selves." "Eric! language." "Sorry James, but, well but, wow." I took a quick glance in the wall mirror, hmm not bad everything still fits snugly, black leather from head to toe was very effective, the cap and sunglasses with the high polished boots and bolero style jacket with chains was the right effect, I had to admit I did look the stereotypical bad ass . "Ok kiddo you ready?" "Yes James." (giggle) "Go get them kiddo." I sat down in a chair where I could see the door without being seen and watched as Eric opened the door flicked his head indicating to come in, then stayed and closed the door after them, he went to the front of them totally expressionless and walked toward my chair, where he took his position on the floor leaving the three boys standing at 'Present' in the middle of the room. "Scum, I'm the Founding Prime Master, third position, NOW." They dropped like stones trying to remember the third position, I didn't need them in that position but it gave me a height advantage as all boys were either the same height as I am or taller. "Get your butts up higher, NOW." "Right this is my boy, he's the Child of Mythra, you will go to the second position and bow your head to him in repsect, NOW." They followed immediately and then sat there in the second as I stood over them looking down through my dark glasses, all they would see was their own reflection in the lens, I looked them over, the leader of the three was not sure what was going on and he didn't like the feeling of being under control,ha good Master material there, next was the blonde kid all of them were about 16 but blondy was just plain scared stiff he was to soft to be any good for anything, the last of them was dark haired, I took a good close look into his eyes, he was the one that interested me the most, his eyes were glazing over as he took in my dress, his pants pushing out in the front, yep I was right first time, this kid was sub material, just waiting to be plucked by some lucky Master and, as it happened, I knew one that would take up the challenge. I turned to Eric. "Boy stay, if any of them move without my permission you will tell me." "Yes Master." "You, the leader of this cowardly scum, stand at 'Present' NOW." The bigger of the boys jumped to his feet, not a bad 'Present' for the little training he'd had. "Follow me." I took him to the closed door of my back room. "When I tell you to move you will take three steps forward and stop, do not look around and do not move." I opened the door to a pitch black room, moved inside and reached out to the light switch ready to turn it on when he was inside, I turned the dimmer switch to full so that the effect of twelve 200 watt bulbs would hit him at the same time and what the room held would be a blur till his eyes became used to it, then the stark reality of the tools and equipment should give him a bit of a shake up. "Move boy." I watched as he moved uncertainly into the room, then as he stood still I hit the lights and at the same time said. "Do not move or speak, I don't want a sound out of you boy." The terror struck him in the gut as his eyes became accustomed to the glaring lights and he saw what I had laid out on the table in front of him, I used to collect a few things from bygone years and use them to decorate the room now and again when I had someone interesting come to the house, they were never used for anybody but they made a good effect this time, there was an old world war one surgeons kit, a few older pieces from a torture chamber of the 1700's and a couple of very old pieces from the days of the inquistion, nice touch. On the table set up behind that were a number of straps and whips with a few paddles to add to the number. "You can forget those ones on the front boy, they're for real men, the table at the back has your punishment laid on it." There was an audible sigh at the first piece of news but a sharp indrawn breath when he saw what was on the other table. "Seem you decided that Mythras Child needed a lesson, then it's only fitting that I let him decide which of those you get later, now turn and follow me boy." As I took him from the room I switched off the lights ready for the next one, the boys face was pale and sweating, he was definately not enjoying this, when we returned to the lounge I gave him his next order. "Go to the third position boy." Turning to Eric. "Boy did they obey my orders?" "Yes Master." "Good then the same applies again." "Yes Master." I looked down at the blonde boy. "You, 'Present'." The boy jumped up as he was told, the kid was a nervous wreck by now but he was going to learn this lesson and it would remain with him for ever. "come boy." I took the boy through the same as the earlier one and when I brought him back to the lounge he was in tears and shaking all over, the front of his pants were decidedly wet, serve him right for trying to spoil my little dove. "You blondy go to the third positon, and you know my rules for pissing on my floor, boy did they behave?" "Yes Master." "Right darky, 'Present'." Good the boy was almost perfect in his 'Present'. "Follow me boy." I took the dark boy through the same prceedure as the other two, he seemed not to scare so easy but was as hard as a rock in his pants and a whistful look came over his eyes, yes he was feeling the power and loving it, I would give him a special treat later when all the boys were in here together, I returned him to the lounge but this time left the lights on in the back room and just turned down the dimmer to a normal level, once in the lounge I gave the oreder to sit at the second, and turned to Eric. "Well boy did they behave themselves?" "Yes Master." "Right boy I think you and I can do with a drink about now before we decide what sort of punishment they should have." "Yes Master, will you have a large whiskey Master?" "Yes boy, make it a good strong one, I like to be a little drunk when dealing with the likes of these three." Of course Eric already knew to fill a glass with cold tea for me but they wouldn't know the difference and the colour would look just like whiskey, when he returned with it I took the glass and downed it in one gulp shaking my head as though it was burning its way down, the stares were beautiful to see, I could almost read their minds. 'the bastards going to get drunk and belt the shit out of us' "You three, 'Present'." They jumped up into the 'Present' "Boy." Eric came to stand at my left. "You three follow us." I walked toward the room and could hear a slight sniffle and a sob, that'd be blondy. 'Quiet, or I'll give you something to sniffle about." Up till now not one finger had been laid on them as I had promised Richard and there wouldn't be it's just they didn't know that, once in the room I stopped them at the usual three paces but allowed Eric to come with me to the table at the back. "Well boy if you were only a boy like them what would you like for your punishment?" "This Master, Six with the tawes would be all a boy could take." "Good decision boy." I took the tawes from his hand and smacked it hard a couple of times on the table, the sound echoed around the silent room, by now they shouold almost be pissing themselves except if I was correct about the dark haired boy he would be wanting to cum by now. "Now boy as you are the Child of Mythra what would you think was a more fitting punishment?" "Master, six with the tawes, then five with the strega amd lastly five with the two clawed cat." "Is that what these cowards deserve then?" "Yes Master they do." I lifted the strega and whacked it down on the table, the sobs from the blonde kid were now full rain drop tears, the bigger leader of the three was very definately green around the gills as the strega struck again, I then picked up the 2 ounce cat and turning slashed it against one of the beams of the cross, four hard whacks, the blonde kid threw up on the floor, the leader went forward onto his hands and knees green and sweating, but darkies eyes never left the cat, he was panting and must have been so close to cumming it was only the tightness of his pants stopping him. "Well boy looks as though they don't have the guts like a real man, do you want to show them what Mythras Child is like and if so what will you take." "Yes Master and I will take as stated sir." "You three, look up an see what a Child o Mythra can do." The two near the floor looked up as Eric took his place face on to the cross reaching up to be locked to the chains, I went to him and after removing his vest placed his cuffs to the chains and locked him up there then the same to his ankle cuffs. "Watch boys and learn, wait, you darky come here." The boy came forward. "Arms above your head boy." He lifted his arms and I clamped two chains to his wrists hanging from the ceiling beam, his body shivered and he smiled at me, I whispered so only he could hear. "You like that boy?" "Yes sir," "Can you stop from cumming till I tell you?" "I'll try sir." "Good boy, if you can do that then I will have something special for you after they have gone home." "Would you sir, thank you sir." I winked at him. "You try your best boy." "Yes sir." "Good boy." Turning back to Eric I got the Tawse ready and then released his belt and laid it on the table. "You are under the no cumming rule boy." "Yes Master." "Then sing your song of harmony boy." Even I was surprised as he went to harmony without the need of pain to send him, I lifted the tawse and gave it a full swing, "swish crack" Again and again until I had readhed the six he had said, the welts stood out on his thighs but the humming had not stopped, it was calm and steady, I reached for the strega and lined up his butt, five loud smacks later and the humming was still level and steady. I lifted the cat and threw it over my shoulder to rest there for a minute while I looked at the boys on the floor, blondy was grey and kneeling in his own spew, the leader was covering his head with his hands and sobbing, they were both out of it, I walked over to the boy suspened from the chains and whispered to him. "You ok boy?" "Yes sir, but ooohhh I'm so close, sir, sir?" "Yes boy?" "Sir could ..you..like...uhm...loosen my....uhm...zipper, sir?" I reached for him and loosened his zipper. "Sir could you...well..you know..like take me out sir." "What about the other boys?" "I...I...I don't care sir. please sir?" "Ok boy, do you think you can wait till I say so?" "I'm trying sir but its ooohh so close sir." "Keep trying boy I'm proud of you, you're a good boy, not like those to whinps." A look of pride came over his face at these words of praise. "Just try to hold on boy I'll tell you soon, listen to Myhtras Childs song, can you hear him?" "The humming sir, yes sir, how does he do it sir?" "Only he knows boy, thats why he's Mythras Child, you ready now boy?" "Yes sir." I turned to Eric again. Swish crack....one. Swish crack....Two. Swish crack....Three. Swish crack....Four. "Ready boy." The humming stopped. Swish crack......"Now boy" I turned to watch the dark boy and as Eric shot his hot sperm out to the wall in front of him the dark boy in the chains let loose his 5" with its foreskin now tight back over his shaft as he sent a jet out and to the floor, the other two boys sat there stunned by what they had just seen by the two boys in the restraints, Eric shuddered as he finished and then the other boy was hanging limply, I went to him first and lowered him to the floor as he came out of his high. "You ok boy, I'm really proud of you holding on like that boy, you did really well." He smiled up at me pride showing through his eyes. I patted his head and went to Eric and released him, then took him in my arms amd hugged him close "Good boy, I love you little dove, I'm so proud of you, come on let me look to your back and legs." "It's ok Master I can walk for you." "Ok Child of Mythra, show them your strebgth, I love you little dove." "I love you Master James." The other boys stood there still stunned by what had happened and how we felt about each other. "You boys into the lounge stand at 'Present" until I get there." They took off except the dark boy who came over to look at Erics Back. "I'm so sorry for what we did to you today Eric, please can I be your friend?" Eric smiled at him. "Of course you are my friend you are one of us, did you like that, up on the chains?" "Oh yes Eric it was ...like real cool, you know hanging there and the sound of that cat thing." "You want to feel it some time, you like tingle all over." "Really, it looked real hard." "Not if you had a Master like miine, he knows how to make you feel real good." "D'ya thinnk he would let me try some time?" "Maybe, you have to ask him, not now maybe next time you come here." "I can come back again?" "Of course your my friend aintcha?" "Oh cool Eric." "Ok you two enough come on let me see to Eric, you go wait with the others." "Yes sir." "Good boy." The boy went off to the lounge room to wait. "James , he is one of us isn't he." "Yes kiddo he's one of us, but he'll never be double ringed like you, he has a spark in his eyes, one day in a few years he'll be a Master." "You can tell already james?" "Yes Kiddo, it's just experience, you get to be able to tell after a while, ok go to the bathroom and run a hot bath and soak for a while, I'll go finish with those three." Eric took off to the bathroom and I then heard the water running as he filled the bath, he then came back for me to unlock him and then he returned with his leathers in hand to clean after his bath. The three boys were at 'Present' as I entered the lounge. "You darky will stay to clean up the mess your friends left in my room, you other two can go home and remember the lessons you saw today, you bigger kids should be protecting the smaller ones not picking on them, I hear of you doing it agin and it'll be your asses on the cross next time, understand boys?" "Yes sir" "Yes sir" "Then get out of my sight,NOW." The two boys hit the front door on the run and with their bags in hand took off down the road. "Sir?" "Yes boy?" "Where's the cleaning stuff sir?" "What for boy?" "To clean the floor sir." "Thats ok boy, that was for their benefit, I just thought you might like to stay and talk with Eric when he's finished his bath and I fix his back, would you like a coke?" "May I sir, thank you sir." "You're a good boy, why hang with those two?" "I don't know sir, I was kinda looking for something, but I didn't know until today what it was." "And you think you know now?" "Oh yes sir, I'd like to be like Eric, he's so cool and all the things he say and does, he's so brave and sorta cool with it." "Yes you're right Eric is a very remarkable boy." "Can I really be his close friend sir." "What did Eric say?" "He said I could sir, but I thought I better ask you too." "You're a good boy, you did the right thing, whats your name boy?" "It's Tony sir." "Well Tony Eric wont be long now, I'll get you a coke and we'll wait for him together, ok?" "Yes sir, thank you sir." To Be Continued:
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 18:58:58 -0700 From: arthur Subject: a sub to love part 8 authoritarin A SUB TO LOVE Part Eight By arthur As we sat and watched the ceremony as it was unfolding the camera panned over the assembled crowd all the Masters were dressed in their finest leathers, their slaves stood behind them in the pose of relaxation, that is standing normally with their hands by their sides as their Masters sat at the tables surrounding the main floor, only the Primes were dressed in tuxedo's and gloves of white cotton all the other Masters had on their leather gloves. As the first slave to be presented was called the Masters slammed once on the table with their closed fist as a welcome to the slave, the Primes sat on the dais at their own table with the Master of the rod standing to the right of them in front of his table of equipment, I explained all this to Eric as the first slave came to the center of the room taking his position in present facing the Primes, his Master in front of him. Although because of the circumstances for Eric our formality would be a little different it would never the less be similar in content, Nigel took his feet standing in the center of the dais. "Master Alton, we greet you under the sign of the Seven Mythra, May They Preserve." "Prime Master Nigel, you honour me with your greeting." "Master Alton, it is well meant, do you have a boon to ask of the assembled?" "Prime Master Nigel, I do have a boon." "Master Alton, ask of us your boon?" "Prime Master Nigel, I ask of the assembled to accept this my slave Peter." "Master Alton, how does he propose to be worthy of this boon?" "Prime Master Nigel, he would offer a kiss to the cat." "Master Alton, if this be so then let him approach and ask his boon." Alton turned to his slave and removed his cape, gasps went up around the room as they saw for the first time the new slave, a truly beautiful young man of about 18 strong and with a solid well built body, obviously to become one day a good Master, the slave went forward to below the dais and fell into the third position in front of Nigel and with a clear voice asked. "Prime Master, this boon I ask to honour my master, that I may offer five kisses to the cat with two claws." "Assembled Masters do you accept this boon?" Every Master again slammed the table in agreement. "Slave Peter your boon to honour your Master is granted." The boy rose and returned to Alton but this time he took the position of rest on the floor in front of his Master but facing the dais, the second one was called and the ceremony continued each giving his request. When the second one asked for his five kisses to the cat of three claws Eric asked his first question, all the time we had watched I had allowed him to sit in my lap to feel comfortable with the newness of the ceremony. "James, whats this boon thing they're asking for, you know so many kisses and how many claws the cat has to have?" "Ah, well Eric this is the part you have a dispensation for, the number of kisses means the number of strokes from the whip called a cat-o-nine-tails, the number of claws means the weight in ounces of each strip of leather making up the whip, example two claws means the lightest whip with a two ounce thong, you'll ask for a dispensation because you're a bit young and the cat can leave you marked for life also five is the least number you can ask for and you get the whole five unless you cry out and then the Master of the rod stops, he's the big guy standing by the table, he takes note of which whip is asked for and then gives the strokes him self, their Master is not allowed to, as you can see the Master of the rod is a big guy, he weights over 250 lbs and is all muscle he knows how to lay it on, only a Prime Master can take over from him because we have had the highest number of lashes from the heaviest whip as part of us becoming a Prime at our inorguration into the chair." "What's the most a slave has ever asked for." "It's always five kisses and either a two or a three, I can't think of anyone asking for more than that, besides you dont have to worry about it you'll have your dispensation, just ask for that and you'll be ok, these guys have been in training for this night for most of a year and some of them wont make it to five but thats not the point it is that they want to try to honour their Master by doing it." "Oh, I see now, ok so I just have to ask for my boon and they ok it all?" "Yes that's it kiddo, now watch, there's only two more to go then we'll be out there, don't worry little dove you're going to knock them dead." Eric snuggled into my chest as the ceremony went on, at last the final presentation was done, all six new slaves were at their Masters feet, Nigel rose again and a hush came over the hall. "Assembled Masters, we have one more to present and it is for this reason that you were all asked to attend this conclave without exception, this presentation has never taken place in this country and any who were not to attend would have lost all honour under the seven Mythra. May They Preserve, As this is the first time for this presentation it will be held under the rules set out in our neighbours office of Australia, Masters I ask you to take your positions to show honour to Founding Prime Master James." As my name was called I rose and told Eric to wait till I got back to take him through the hall, I lifted his hood and mask into position telling him to watch the screen as he will probably never see this again. "Yes James." "Now be patient Eric this is the biggest day ever held here and little dove you're the main attraction so do the best you can ok?" "Yes James, I'll try to make you proud of me, James?" "Yes kiddo?" "I love you." "I love you too little dove, ok here we go, now wait till I come for you." Yes James." I left him standing there watching the screen as I made my enterance into the hall, the slaves immediately went to the third position, the Masters to the second and all the Priime except for Nigel stood at the first, I walked the length of the hall, my heels clicking loudly on the wooden floor. "Founder James, we the assembled greet you with honour." All the leather covered fist banged on top of their tables three times. "Prime Master of the Chair, the assembly does me great honour." "Founder James is there service we can offer?" "Prime Master of the Chair, there is a service that can be offered." A soft murmer went up around the hall. "Founder James the assembly could not deny you your service ask and it shall be done?" "Prime Master of the Chair, my service is to offer a presentation with dispensation, is this granted?" "Founder James, this can not be denied, we await your presentation." A loud gasp went up around the hall as everyone knew I had never handled another slave since Cameron ten years earlier. "Prime Master of the Chair, I ask your leave to gather my presentation." "Founder James it is granted." At this I turned on my heel to go to the room for Eric, a loud hubub of noise broke out, the ceremony had never been heard before here and the fact that I was again active was news to all. I got to the room and went in, Eric was standing staring at the screen in a daze. "Ok kiddo you ready for this?" "Yes." "I'll tell you when to go and ask for the dispensation ok?" "Yes." "OK there's one last thing, you've heard about all the people talking about you being a double?" "Yes." "So you know that by wearing that ring on your fiinger everone will know that you are 100% submissive?" "Yes, it's all I want to be." "Ok for you it's different, when you ask for your dispensation you don't use the third position, because of who you are and also my position you'll only go to the second position, this is to show all the other slaves you have a special place, it also shows honour to my standing, ok?" "Yes, only to the second." "Yes good boy, ok now lets get this show on the road, ready?" "Yes." "Lets go." I lead him out the door and into the hall as the first eyes fell on him the whispering started as I knew it would. "Look,look he wears the silver." "It can't be, there's never been one." "He looks small." "Look how straight he is." "But the silver must be a mistake." "We'll know when he's uncaped." "It can't be a double, not here, our group's to small." "It's a chance in ten million." "Yes but he wears the silver, James would never go against the rules." "Lets wait and see." "He's such a little bloke." I hoped the nattering would not upset Eric but as I glanced from the corner of my eye I was sure he straightened even further as we made our slow way down the hall, we walked past the row of other slaves presented that night and stopped a few feet from the dais. "Founder James, who would be worthy to accompany you in black and silver?" "Prime Master of the Chair, only a worthless boy to be presented to all assembled, to be honoured or disposed of as seen fit by the assembled." "Founder James you asked for a dispensation for this unworthy person, why?" "Prime Master of the Chair, he would ask this boon of the assembled as he has been in training only two weeks." "Founder James, why should he be presented with such little training?" "Prime Master of the Chair, as you see he wears the silver, it is reason enough." "Founder James, it is enough, is there among the assembled that would deny this presentation?" "Founder James, there being no dissent, ask your worthless boy to ask his boon." I turned to Eric and smiled to show him I knew he could do this, then removed his cape with a rather over large flurry, he snapped sharply into present, the gasps went up around the hall, "He's double ringed, my god he's beautiful but so young, look at his present, it's perfect, god James is lucky to have found him." The thumping on the table began in a sign of respect for Eric and to show me how they all felt about him, it continued until Nigel had to call a halt to continue with the ceremony, when at last the hall was silent he began again. "Founder James who would be this slave to wear the silver and be double ringed?" "Prime Master of the Chair, I present my slave Eric for your consideration." "Founder James, he would have a boon that would not be denied?" "Prime Master of the Chair, he would have such a boon." "Founder James, then ask him to approach." I turned back to Eric, and saw he was a little nervous so I winked at him to tell him all was going to be ok. "Bonded and double ringed slave Eric proceed to the Prime Master of the Chair and ask your boon." Eric moved forward to below where Nigel stood, going down on his knees, back rigid. "Bonded, double ringed slave you ask of the assembled a boon?" In a clear steady voice Eric answered. "Prime Master of the Chair, I would ask such a boon." "Then bonded slave ask what you will." Everyone present waited for his request of dispensation, ready to agree the instant it was out of his mouth, a pin could drop and be heard in the room as his clear words rang around the room. "Prime Master of the Chair, I would honour my Master by offering ten kisses to the five clawed cat." I can't have heard right, ten lashes of a five ounce cat would nearly kill him, he was to small and light of build especially done by the Master of the rod, it could not be taken back but there was only one way I could try to save him, the Master of the rod used brute force in his whipping where as I had learned to use technique and even at full force as the blows had to be I could control the whip to do the least amount of damage, but his show of fearlessness was still going to hurt him beyond repair, the only hope was to do it myself and hope he yelled out at the first blow, and thats what everybody expected from him, one blow would satisfy the gathering, I lifted my right hand showing my signet ring to the dais. "Founder James you request the honour to hold the haft?" "Prime Master of the Chair, I so request." "Founder James it is granted, will you take the first of places for the kiss?" "Prime Master of the Chair, we shall." Then the unheard of happened as the senior of the Masters of the other six presented slaves stepped forward. "Master Stephen, you have a request?" "Prime Master of the Chair, we the presenting Masters would ask to withdraw our slaves this day to show honour to the bonded and double ringed slave Eric for his valour and trustworthiness in his Master Founder James, we would present again next year for today we would not want to sully such an honourable slave." "Master Stephen, it is agreed, bonded and double ringed slave Eric return to your master, your boon is granted." Eric joined me in the center of the floor while the others took their slaves to the side as the Master of the rod rolled out the cross into the center of the hall, locking the brakes on the wheels he turned and went back to stand beside his table, lifting a 5 whip in his hand for me to take when I was ready, but this was Erics night so turning to him I ordered. "Bonded and double ringed slave Eric take for me the five clawed cat and return." I was hoping the feel of the weight would make him change his mind, but he just strode to the dais lifting his hands for the whip and holding it out in front of himself returned to me offering it over. "Boy follow me." I moved to the cross and he came to stand beside me, looking with glazed eyes at the solid Kauri timber of the cross with it's four chains attached top and bottom, on the platform below was a small box with a leather bight bit in it for him to clamp down on with his teeth. "Stand boy while I release you." I began to unlock his leathers, stripping him in front of the mass of Masters and slaves, the oohs and aahs came out as they saw his small slender form, his skin shining with the oil and the sheen of perspiration now forming over him, once he was stripped naked I gave him his next order. "Boy stand and face the cross." Eric mounted the platform placing himself hard against the wooden cross spreading his arms and legs without being asked, as I clamped the shackles closed I whispered in his ear. "My little dove you shouldn't have done this, this is going to tear you apart, I'll be as careful as I can but there's going to be blodd if you try to take all of them, I want you to take two then call out so it's over, I'm so proud of what you've done but I don't want you hurt like this." "James?" he whispered back. "Yes little dove." "Please honour us both, and could you squeeze my nipple hard till it hurts, it'll help the dove to find me." "Ok little dove, wait I'll get the bight for you to clamp down on." "No, please this is for your honour." The tears were falling freely down my face as I took his nipple in my fingers and squeezed as hard as I could, he flinched then in his chest I felt the vibration starting, I stepped back lifting the cat as the first of the humming started from his throat, I knew by twisting my wrist at the last moment before impact would bring the tails together and lessen the effect of the blow but it would still sting more than anything he had ever felt, I brought the whip singing down on his upper shoulders. Snap. His body contorted in the chains but no sound except that faint humming. "One" the crowd called Snap. "Two" Snap. "Three" For god sake Eric call out now, but the humming kept on, the third stroke was in the middle of his back but it wouldbn't be long before I started to over lap the strokes and then it was the dangerous part as he could easily be ripped open, I still had enough room to keep him clean but once the seventh blow was done it would be to late, he woudl be opened. Snap. "Four" For gods sake Eric call out. Snap. "Five" The humming grew louder but remained steady, his little body now striped almost to the bottom of his buttocks, I could get one more on his butt and one last one at the top of his thighs, then it would be to late unless he called out. Snap. "six" Snap. "Seven" The last two numbers were called out with awe in the voices of everyone there, I walked to the cross, his humming still strong but he was aware and looking into my eyes as I stood beside him, I whispered to him. "It's enough little one call out or your skin will be broken, I can't hurt you anymore." HIs face was ashen, the sweat was flowing down his face and body, he summoned up a smile for me. "Please James, please mark me as yours, I need it, and can I cum now?" "Honey are you sure, these marks will be with you for life?" "Yes I'm sure, now can I cum?" "When ever and how ever you want little dove." "Then make the last one the best one, leave your mark on me, please James." "As you wish little dove." I stepped back lifting the whip. Snap. "Eight" No skin break yet but it was close, this one would have to be placed carefully for him as the last one was the one to draw blood for him but I was determined it wouldn't be much, I needed all my training to get him through this. Snap. "Nine" still no blood thank the Mythra for his protection, but this one would draw it, I had to for him. Snap. "Ten" "by the Mythra he's done it,and look, look, he's cumming." I looked to his front and he was sending shot after shot of his young cum out onto the floor in front of him, the hall went into an uproar, and then the chant started as I released him from the cross and took him in my arms to carry back to the room and tend to him, the Master of the rod following behind me with a medecine kit, ( he was doctor in civie street), the chant shattered the hall. "Eric,Eric,Eric,Eric." He looked up to me as I carried him into the room. "Did I do it James?" "Honey you slayed them, you did what no ones ever done, you're going to be one of the greats of our history, they'll talk about your courage and honour for years to come, now lay down there on your stomach while we have a look at you." "May I come in James?" "Of course doc." The doc set about fixing the four open lashes on Erics back, stemming the blood and rubbing in a salve to the rest of the marks. "James that was the most beautiful peice of whip work I've ever seen, to not break his skin for nine strokes was amazing, and as for you young Eric, well you leave me speachless, you have honoured your Master like no other has every done, congratulations." Eric lay there naked on the couch letting the salve take effect on his back the four welts covered with guaze to protect the open skin. A knock came on the door. "Come." "James is he alright?" "Yes Nigel, he's a tough little bugger when he wants to be." "Eric you are above honour, I've never seen a new slave do that, and to think you've only been bonded for two weeks, it's unheard of." "Thank you Prime Master of the Chair." "Oh Eric there's no need for that, tonight you're going to be honoured by all so for just now you can call me Nigel." "I'm sorry sir, that would dishonour my Master." "James he's is truly a gem, ok Eric sir is enough for the rest of the night, ok, no titles." "Yes sir." "Ok can you make it out to the rest shortly?" "Yes sir, I'll be ok in a minute or two." "James there was a unanimous vote, everyone wants to show honour to Eric for his devotion to you, are you ok with that?" "For him, anything Nigel, we'll be out soon, but I have no gear here for him, it's still outside." "Please James bring him as he is." "Are you ok with that Eric, to go back as you are?" "Yes Master, they have all seen me anyway." "Good boy, ok Nigel soon." "Right see you both then." As we returned to the hall the whole memebership had lined up along the length of the hall and as we entered they began to stamp there foot on the floor in recognition of Erics performance, we made it to the center of the room where his leathers had been laid out neatly in a line and by the look of them they had been freshly cleaned and polished for him, we went to stand beside them, the stamping stopped abruptly as Nigel stood up from the chair. "Assembled Masters, is there among you who would deny the bonded slave Eric the ultimate honour for a slave?" No one spoke. "There being none to dissent I ask you Founder James to dress your slave and bring him forward." I dressed Eric in his leathers trying to be carefull of his cuts as best I could but even so the preasure of the harness made him wince and give a soft groan, when he was finished he took his place behind me and followed me to in front of the dais. "Bonded and double ringed slave Eric I ask you to step forward." I turned to Eric and nodded, even with all that was going on tonight he had remembered to check with me first, even though he would have been forgiven had he moved without my agreement. He moved to the front of the dais, Nigel came down to the floor beside him holding in his hand a gold arm bracelet, as he pushed it up Erics arm he said. "Slave Eric from this day and by this signet you will be addressed by all as child of Mythra, only your Master may say different, I ask you know to take your place in the center of the room for all to pay homage to a child of Mythra." Eric had become one of a very select group in fact there were only three others that I knew of in Ausralasia that held the title and it had taken them years to achieve not weeks, I strode to the center of the room and Eric stood in front of me with my hands on his shoulders as the lines of Masters and the slaves came to him. As first the Masters came they would put there hand on his head and say to him while looking straight into his eyes. "Child of Mythra I honour thee." When the last of the Masters had passed the slaves came and took the third position in front of Eric, old and young alike and said. "Child of Mythra I follow thee" "When all had passed the Master of the rod came before Eric carrying the whip we had used, taking the second position he lifted the whip up to eric and said. "Child of Mythra, I offer you your five clawed cat, so that it may never be used on another." Eric reached out and took the cat almost reverently in his hands as the tears ran down his face, I could still feel the heat of his whipping hot against my chest even through my clothing as the master gained his feet and left a number of slaves appeared carrying a large round dining table placing it in front of the dais it was quickly prepared for dinner and the chairs for all the primes placed around it as Nigel spoke. "Thats the end of it people lets eat drink and you know what follows, and I want an extra chair set at our table, Myhtra's child sits with us this evening." Then the party really began as we took our seats and the slaves ran around attending to everyone, especially, it seemed Eric, the sub I loved. End:
Date: Sun, 8 Sep 2024 07:35:17 +0200 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 81 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN - STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 81 (Bruce, Johnny - Paris, Patrick) Note - The flashback in this chapter comes from the first story in the Colin saga - chapter 2 to be precise. https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/adult-youth/colins-new-life/ "I've told you twice, so stop nagging!" Bill shouted from the kitchen. He was about to prepare homemade pizza. "Yes, yes!" He sounded a bit irritated now. "Bruce said he would bring the old video machine, but they will be a bit late. Johnnyboy had to work a shift a restaurant today!" "Okay, but we have to watch all the films!" Colin shouted back. "I'm damn excited, Daddy. To watch you being fucked more than forty years ago. Younger than me, eh? Really something!" Colin opened the box with the three old VHS tapes for the sixth time in the last hour. "I think you might be disappointed - and stop swearing. I hate the way your language has changed since you went to university." Bill showed up in the doorway between the kitchen and the sitting room. "And I hate those American-style shorts you put on too by the way!" Colin was naked, apart from more than knee-long surfer shorts. Colin didn't comment. He could tell that his dad was stressed, and he guessed it had something to do with the tapes. Bill hadn't been keen to let Colin watch them, but Bill's old friend Bruce had promised to organise a movie evening. "Do a real job instead of wandering around the house. You promised to do the lawns this weekend, remember?" Bill used the back of one hand to wipe his forehead. Colin could have commented on the flour on his lover's face, but thought it better to follow the instructions. He gave Bill a bright smile and a thumbs-up and hurried out the back door into the garden. Bill just rolled his eyes. The serious student, the international model and porn-star could have a childish attitude at home sometimes, but Bill was pleased that he was relaxing back home like he had done for the last seven years. Colin was in a great mood when he used the new lawnmower. He went on with the garden work shirtless even though the temperature was rather low. When almost finished, he heard the sound he had been waiting for. A fast-moving car was approaching and it now stopped in front of the house. When he heard the slamming of the car doors, Colin left the mower behind and hurried into the sitting room. *** (Seven years ago - the day after Bill picked up Colin in the bus shelter -) ��After closing down his computer, Bill went downstairs to find Colin sprawled on the floor in front of the tv. There were grass stains on Colin's arms and legs...and some on the carpet. "What the fuck!" Bill shouted angrily. Colin looked at him in surprise. "What's wrong?" "Look at the mess you've made on the carpet! Didn't you think of cleaning up first?" Colin scrambled to his feet saying, "Sorry. I'm really sorry." "You will be," said Bill. He took hold of the boy's wrist and pulled him through to the kitchen. He sat down on one of the wooden chairs. "Now take off those dirty shorts." Colin did as instructed and stood nervously in front of Bill wearing only a pair of pale blue bikini briefs. "And now take them off and bend over my knees for a spanking," said Bill. Bill watched as Colin obeyed and thought again that the boy looked younger than his14 years, especially when he wasn't sporting an erection. He helped Colin get into position over his knees then caressed the small but perfectly formed buttocks. He loved the feel of the soft, warm skin. But it was punishment time. SMACK Colin let out a grunt as Bill's hand came down full force across his shapely buns. Bill then gave Colin four spanks in quick succession � two on each cheek. He paused to rub his hands over the slightly pink globes. His cock stiffened as he gave Colin two more hard spanks. He could hear the boy quietly sobbing but he didn't want to stop just yet. He dished out two of the hardest slaps so far then stopped and spread Colin's butt cheeks to gaze at the hairless crack and the puckered entrance to the tiny virgin hole. His cock throbbed and part of him wanted to fuck the boy hard and fast now. Bill knew that this would be wrong though. "The final two," he said aloud and give Colin two more hard spanks. "That's it. I hope you've learned your lesson," said Bill as he helped Colin to his feet. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir," said Colin as he rubbed his sore butt. Bill saw that Colin's cock was fully erect. "Did that spanking turn you on, boy?" Colin blushed slightly. "I don't know why but it did. It hurt like crazy but somehow it excited me." 'Interesting,' thought Bill. "OK, go get showered and then come back downstairs and get the carpet cleaned," said Bill. "And don't play with yourself," he added as the boy left the room. *** "What's going on here?" Bruce opened the door into the hall and placed the box with the VHS-player on the floor. He had rung the doorbell twice without result. Now he heard the familiar sound of an open hand hitting a sweaty butt. A naked, but quite dirty Colin, was lying across Bill's lap with spread legs. "This young man never learns!" Bill spoke through gritted teeth. "Look at the carpet, Bruce. The kid has a lot to learn in life." Another hard spank was heard. Colin moaned when two more hard spanks followed. Bill looked at Bruce when he rubbed the pink-coloured buttocks. Colin raised his hips as if to give Bill easier access. The next four strokes made his legs tremble, but not a sound came from the student. "Save some strength for this kid!" Bruce turned, and almost pushed young Johnny forward. The Hong Kong-Chinese youngster, two years older than Colin, was Bruce's young partner - a junior accountant and also a part-time waiter in his parents' restaurant. To Colin, he was just Johnnyboy, a good friend. Over the years Colin had become a sort of protector for the Chinese boy when his master became a bit too harsh with him. Now Johnny was watching the scene in front of him with a frightened look, and adjusting his bulge with both hands. Bill looked at Johnny, then he smiled at Bruce. The sound from the two last hard spanks filled the room. Bill helped Colin back on his feet. "Sorry for the carpet, Daddy, and sorry for your trousers!" Colin looked at the wet spots on Bill's jeans. Wet pre-cum still dripped from Colin's strong erection. His eyes were tear-filled from the punishment, but he was really horny after the rough treatment. Bill swallowed. His anger was gone and suddenly the situation was very erotic. "Suck him, clean him up, you horny devil!" Bruce pushed Johnny forward. "Your cock is killing you inside that cage, eh?" Johnny was used to following Bruce's orders and he knelt in front of his good friend without thinking to protest. With a searching tongue, he found Colin's wet glans. Colin moaned and pushed his hips forward. His tiny, but rock-hard cock, filled Johnny's mouth. The Asian cocksucker didn't just clean his friend, but a real blow job was about to take place in front of the two adult friends. Bruce often teased his young lover in front of both Colin and Bill, and they were far from happy about that. Now Colin understood why Johnny struggled. Bruce had for certain placed him in a cock cage again, something he often did when he took him out. "Fuck him now, Johnny. Fuck his pink arse. Long time since you were a real man!" Bruce had placed himself on the sofa with his legs spread wide. "But sir, you know..." Johnny looked at Bruce with tear-filled eyes. "Colin knows what to do. He used to call me names for locking you up! Free him now, Colin. Make him your fuck-buddy." Bruce squeezed his own bulge while Bill sat down beside him. Colin almost lifted the Asian boy from the floor. With quick hands, he undressed Johnny, removing his waiter's uniform of bow-tie, white shirt and long black trousers. Colin smiled when he saw his friend in tight JustColin bikini-briefs, but looked at Bruce with staring eyes when he saw the steel cage around the boy's balls and cock. Now Colin knelt. He pulled the underwear down. The cock was blood-red inside the tight cage. "Code?" Colin almost shouted. "No code. If he removes it without permission his arse turns redder than yours!" Bruce grinned. Seconds later the young Asian was free and naked. His thin but quite long cock grew rock-hard when Colin used his mouth to soothe him. "Fuck me, Johnnyboy. Just do it, you are good, I know. Show these men that we can manage without their huge cocks!" Colin whispered loud enough for a harsh comment from Bruce. "Prepare me, buddy. Use your tongue again." Colin went over to the men and placed himself doggy between them, with his arms on the sofa. He spread his legs and lifted his butt. Johnny was inside his crack like a hungry dog. "Don't leak on the carpet!" Bill cupped Colin's cock which was dripping again. "Let me!" Bruce stood up. Soon Colin's cock was inside Bruce's mouth. While Johnny went on with fingers and lips, Bill picked up a tube of KY jelly from the sideboard. With trembling hands, he greased up young Johnnyboy's cock. The recently locked up boy started his fuck like a man, and Colin moaned with lust and joy even if the thin cock was far from his favourite. With his mouth filled with Colin's cock and balls, Bruce was not able to tease his young man when he spunked off deep inside Colin just some minutes after his rabbit-like fucking began. Colin was close to the edge during the double treatment, but almost yelled when Bill knelt behind him and started to eat out Johnnny's dripping boy-milk. The tongue action on his cock and the tongue-fucking sent Colin across the border. "I'm cumming, cumming! Bruce, Dad, Bruce, take it, take it!" Colin filled Bruce's mouth with a load far greater than normal and the man struggled to swallow it all. At the other end of his body, the ejaculation made Johnny's seed drip like a leaking tap. Bill took it all from his familiar boy-cunt. Nothing fell on the carpet! *** "Pizza first and some drinks, then the video show," Bill said. He had sent Colin and Johnny to the bathroom and served his good friend a large whisky. RAW-productions. The opening picture was a bit shaky and not at all professional compared to today's technology. "You remember Letraset, Bruce?" Bill tried to sound professional. "A real job to make those texts." "What's Letraset?" Colin asked a bit confused. "Almost as old as your runes!" Bill grinned and nipped his whisky. He tried to cover up that he was probably the most excited of the viewers. He hadn't seen these old porn videos for twenty years. Now he sat on the sofa close to Bruce, with Colin and Johnny on the floor in front of them. Johnny had put on the JustColin bikini and Bruce had allowed him to drop the cage. Colin was butt-naked, but sat on a towel after Bill had treated his sore butt with Kasim's `African cream'. "RAW-productions: Ruairidh-Archie-Willy - what a name!" Colin teased. "Could you do better, professor?" Bill lightly kicked his boy in front. `Hot summer camp' was the first title, and the film was a bit shaky, but hot and very close up. "Wow, you had already a cock to dream of, Dad!" Colin turned to Bill with a smile. "And Archie could have been the best in porn with that monster!" "Don't tell him, kid. He might believe you." Bill watched the movie with great interest. "Stop wanking, or I will have to lock you up again!" Bruce almost lifted poor Johnny by his hair. "Let him enjoy himself, Bruce. Tells me that the old film still works. You want to sit on my lap, kid?" Bill was obviously aroused by his old performance. "Why did you bottom, dad? You always did, or? And where is your brother, where is Ruairidh?" Colin asked. "He is shooting this movie. He's a bit nervous. That's why there is some shaking," Bill answered. Fifteen minutes later and a huge END filled the screen. "I didn't know you made videos!" Bruce commented before the next film started. "You told me you wrote sex stories, some with sexy photos added, for sale in London." "We did, but there was more money in films in those days! Let's go on with the next one now." Bill patted Bruce's upper leg. "I have never seen those illustrated stories, Dad. You still have them, I know." Colin grinned again. "And you will never see them either! Too hot for a young soul like you. Watch Archie as a doctor now, and understand why I hate needles." Bill kicked Colin lightly again. There were no comments during the next show, but Johnnyboy put hands in front of his eyes when needles were placed through Bill's nipples and his ball-sack and when a rather thick thermometer was pushed into his piss-slit. "He could have performed in the `Dirty Doc porn' today!" Colin said. "Were those needles real?" "Never ask an artist about production secrets!" Bill squeezed Bruce's upper leg very near the man's growing bulge. "Well, the spunk looked like egg-whites, not real. He wasn't that huge, I'm sure!" Colin proclaimed. "Archie would have killed you if he heard you now. He shot loads like he was pissing. And you have seen him for real, haven't you?" Bill didn't wait for answer. "Can you manage the third tape?" "Of course! Go on, please. What do you say, Johnnyboy?" Colin put an arm around his friend. "No more needles. You were bleeding, Bill!" Johnny looked at Bill with horrified eyes. "Theatrical blood, love. Never believe all you see in films!" Bill sounded like a professional. Colin just frowned. "Come here, Johnny!" Bill lifted the Asian boy. "Let's make you more comfortable." He slowly stripped the boy of his bikini. The naked smooth lad, with a small amount of stiff black pubic hair, showed a dripping wet cock. Bill turned him around and placed him in his lap. Colin turned red, suddenly very jealous. The spanking and the movies and the closeness to Bill, and now his dad chose his friend. "Bruce waits for you, Colin love. You won't don't turn him down, will you?" Seconds afterwards, Colin was in Bruce's lap, sitting backwards, giving the man his swollen red lips in a deep French kiss. "Let us see the next movie, okay?" Bruce managed to get loose and turned the naked Colin around. `The young athletes' was probably the most spectacular show, and for the first time both Bill (Willy) and his brother Ruairidh were on the screen together with a very horny Archie. The three fucked in all possible variations and all of them sent hot loads over each other's bodies and faces. Colin was wanking his cock, first in silence, then with a teenager's hissing sound. Johnny followed and wanked while his eyes followed the screen. It was obvious that the tape was near the grand finale when both boys left the laps and knelt in front of their `masters'. Bill's cock was as hard today as it was in the movie, and Bruce's cock was thicker than any of the porn stars. When END appeared on the screen, none of the four in the room noticed. The show in the sitting room ended with Colin and Johnnyboy sucking their masters to full orgasm. No man-milk was spilled on the carpet. Standing side by side on the sofa the two boys shot their seed into two open mouths just waiting for the happy ending. Johnnyboy's clear juice filled Bill's mouth and he drank every drop of it. As always Colin had problems with his shots. The first hit one of Bruce's eyes and the next his forehead, before Bruce managed to take the rest of the creamy boy-milk into his waiting mouth. With good help from Colin, Bruce took care of the jizz dripping from his face. "I have heated the playroom!" Bill proclaimed after some relaxing. "I hoped the video show would lead to a small live show. You boys go ahead and prepare, as Bruce and I need another drink. Prepare more boy-milk for us, please guys." *** It was early afternoon when Colin and Bill landed at Charles de Gaulle airport for a short visit to Paris during the Easter holiday. Colin was both excited and nervous. He was not happy for flights and his boss, Monsieur Reynard, had not told him exactly the purpose for his visit. He knew that Reynard had been invited to give a private exhibition in one of the most fashionable saloons in Paris, and he knew that this was a result of the first prize he had won the year before. The prize-winning picture had been the naked Colin on horseback and that was why Colin's presence was requested. Colin and Bill had been served a very good lunch on the business class flight and then they were collected by Reynard's black limo at the airport. The car took them direct to a hotel near the Pompidou Centre where both Reynard and his young servant, Pierre, waited for them in the lobby. Reynard hugged Colin tight and even greeted Bill with kisses and a huge smile. "Mes amis, welcome. Bien, tres bien!" Reynard was excited. "We have a pre-opening in an hour, so I just hurry to the saloon. Maybe you want to come with me, Bill. Some business to discuss, maybe. And Colin, Pierre will help you with outfits and everything and I will send the car back for you, okay?" The first audience ended very fast, and Colin had not been able to ask any questions. Colin hugged Pierre again when Bill and Reynard left. The young man directed Colin to his huge suite. "Four Parisian photo-artists and a local TV team will meet you today," Pierre said. "The formal press conference will be tomorrow after the official opening, but today is important for the PR. I guess the TV people will ask for some pictures of you scantily dressed, but there will be no real stripping." Pierre gave this information while helping Colin to undress. "I know Harry is not around, and I don't know if Acio will turn up tomorrow," Colin said. He knew that the two boys were in some of the exhibition photos. "You are a professional, Colin. You know the boss; you are his star!" Pierre gave the naked Colin a very light all-body cream. "For the strong lights only," he commented. Pierre's hands made Colin rock-hard, but there was no time for sex even if Pierre was an excellent sucker. "Yes, I'm his star!" Colin thought. "But also his sponsor this time." Colin had seen the JustColin name on the front of the exclusive programme. "Art and business, yes. You have to make me exclusive, but also slutty and sale-able, Pierre. Not a poor student from the far north." Colin grinned. "You will turn them around, Col. You know how to serve men." Pierre placed Colin in front of a mirror and started to do his hair and his face. "Are you sure they are men, and not old women?" Colin shivered. "I've seen the invitation. They are Reynard's photographer colleagues, one a famous French sex photographer from the golden Seventies!" Pierre was suddenly very effeminate, but Colin loved the former ballet-dancer. "The boss has chosen your outfit. He asks you to put on your sexiest string. Be sure Colin shows his round globes and his crack, was his direct order!" People both inside the hotel and outside stopped to watch when Colin left to enter the limousine. Blue shorts, cut just below his globes, and a formal golden jacket and no shirt. In a way Colin felt naked, but now he was suddenly the professional model and he loved the attention. Applause was heard when Colin entered the saloon in front of Pierre. In the strong lights Colin couldn't see the audience. What he saw was an enormous photo of himself naked on the horse. When he turned left, he saw more naked pictures of himself together with Harry dressed in very sophisticated costumes. And when he turned right, he could see Reynard's new pet, young Acio from the South Pacific, dressed in nothing but flowers. Camera flashes filled the room, and the TV folks put on strong lights. Colin felt very uncomfortable for some moments, but then he changed. He acted, he modelled, he smiled and he tried to be the sex object the press was here to see. He went around and shook many hands. He even received some French kisses and always he showed off his body. A small stage had been placed in front of the huge picture of Colin on horseback. Reynard asked Colin to step up. "Give them some flesh if you feel comfortable," Reynard said. "You can use me as a hall stand!" "Okay, you want to share the space!" Colin thought. More cameras flashed when Colin took off his jacket and handed it to Reynard. Some whistling was heard when Colin let his shorts fall to the floor. With a sexy movement, but without bending, he managed to give the shorts to Reynard. The creamy- white g-string was next to nothing and the man with the TV camera did nothing to hide the fact that he was taking close-up pictures. "Merci, mon amis. Enjoy the exhibition. Colin will be present tomorrow and he will sign photos then," Reynard said. In seconds Pierre was there with a white sexy bathrobe. Colin had done his PR stunt. "You'll be on the morning show, Colin!" The young television reporter gave Colin his hand. "Too good for all these old�gentlemen!" he whispered audibly. The strong light was shut off and some waiters brought drinks for the special guests. Colin walked around like he used to do after his private sex shows. Even this time some `old men' wanted to touch and grope the model who soon let the bathrobe fall. "Maybe we should leave for the hotel, son?" Bill said when he saw that Colin was about to sport an erection and some hands were playing with the round globes. "I'm at work, dad!" Colin said. "You and Reynard have to decide. I will suck the guests if that's part of the show, and you can fuck me on stage if that's what the boss wants!" Colin was suddenly a bit irritated. At the same time, he felt an arm around his naked shoulder. A hand caressed his hips, and Pierre whispered in his ear, "Come with me, love. I know a place. I'll bring you back to Bill in good time for dinner!" Bill was suddenly confused, and Reynard, who was about to interrupt, looked at his servant who suddenly took control. Now he just handed Colin his clothes which he had taken care of during the walk around. "I love you, Dad. Please relax, and be ready for me tonight. My body is yours - only yours!" He kissed Bill, not a French kiss, but very tight. Then he found Pierre's hand, waved to the drinking guests, and left. *** Patrick Armand was a singer and occasional actor who had a very successful career in France and in some other, mainly French-speaking, countries. Although he was wearing sunglasses and a hat to avoid being noticed, he had assumed that the crowd of people outside the hotel were waiting to see him. Then he saw that the people were a lot younger than the majority of his fans. He was about to lead his companion inside when Colin come out of the hotel and was greeted with enthusiastic screams. He smiled to himself as the young man waved and then started posing for photos. "Who is that boy?" he asked his friend, Joseph. "That is the famous Colin," replied Joseph. "He's the chief model and part-owner of the JustColin brand of underwear and swimwear." "Oh, I haven't heard of that name," said Patrick. "He's a handsome lad so it's not surprising he has many fans," commented Joseph. "Very handsome, and he seems to attract almost as many boys as girls," Patrick said. "Rumours suggest Colin is gay but he has never confirmed or denied it," said Joseph. "I think his manager keeps him under tight control. He is rarely seen in public without his manager, or Monsieur Reynard, the famous photographer who discovered him and set up the JustColin company." "Interesting," said Patrick. "Come on, let's get inside." Patrick Armand had never had sexual thoughts about other males since he was a teenager but there was something about Colin. His mind kept returning to him and later that evening he searched the internet for information and photos on this JustColin. There wasn't a lot of information but Patrick discovered that Colin was older than he had guessed. There were however lots of photos, many of them showing Colin in swimwear or underwear. Patrick found himself being aroused and he ended up jerking off to a photo of Colin smiling and wearing a very skimpy outfit. Feeling guilty about having fantasised about sex with another man, one more than half his age, Patrick poured himself a large glass of whisky and tried to put Colin out of his mind. He had mixed feelings when he found himself seated near Colin for breakfast the next morning. He was close enough to hear him talking and soon learned that one of the men was called Reynard. "That's the photographer Joseph mentioned. The other man must be his manager," he thought. As he ate, he couldn't take his eyes off Colin. Colin was dressed quite modestly in shorts and a white, short-sleeved shirt but Patrick thought about the sexy body that lay underneath - the prominent nipples and the small but well-rounded arse in particular. Mostly though he gazed at Colin's face. As the three men got up to leave, Reynard noticed Patrick Armand. Being a fan of the singer, he nodded and smiled at him. "This may be my chance," Patrick suddenly thought. As Reynard came closer to his table, he stood up, smiled and asked, "Are your Monsieur Reynard, the photographer? I think we have met before." Reynard smiled. "I would remember if I had met you, Monsieur Armand. You are one of my favourite singers. However I am surprised that you know me." "I know many photographers and I thought I recognised you yesterday when a friend told me your name," said Patrick. "I'm sorry for disturbing you." "Oh, it's my pleasure to meet you," smiled Reynard. "Allow me to introduce you to my friends. This is Colin, a young student who is also one of my models." "Pleased to meet you, monsieur." Colin smiled as he held out his hand. Patrick looked into Colin's eyes as they shook hands, unable to speak for a few moments. Then he smiled and said, "I am very happy to meet the famous JustColin." Reynard concluded the introductions. "And this is his father and manager, Bill." Patrick dragged his attention from Colin to shake Bill's hand. He smiled and asked, "Will you be staying in the hotel long? Perhaps we could all meet up later for a drink." "We leave tomorrow but maybe we could meet this evening," Reynard replied before turning to look at Bill and Colin for approval. "Yes, we have nothing else planned," said Bill. "Let's meet in the bar here for a drink before dinner." "At seven?" Patrick suggested. This was agreed and they parted company. "I think he fancies me," Colin said when they were alone again. "I don't think so," said Reynard. "Patrick Armand has been married and seen with a string of girlfriends over the years." Colin shook his head. "No. He definitely fancies me. I could tell by the way he kept glancing at me when he was talking to you." "Maybe he was simply overawed by meeting JustColin," Bill joked. Colin smiled. "Maybe." *** Colin attended Reynard's photo exhibition, including the press conference. He signed photos and posters, but also found time to do a little online research on Patrick Armand. The man had indeed been married and was the father of two children. He had also been dating some very attractive women since breaking up with his wife. "That doesn't mean I was wrong about him," he told himself. "I'm sure he was having sexual thoughts about me this morning." *** The chat over drinks was followed by the four having dinner together. The atmosphere was light and everyone enjoyed themselves. Patrick tried to hide his attraction to Colin but Colin noticed that the man was paying him a lot of attention. As they were having coffee, Colin turned to Patrick and said, "You know, I have never heard you sing and that's a pity." Patrick smiled and said, "I am not going to sing here but you can find videos of me singing on YouTube." "Will you point out some of your favourite songs to me?" Colin asked. "Dad won't mind if I come to your room for a little while." He looked at Bill for confirmation. "No, I don't mind," said Bill. He was convinced that Patrick was totally straight and thought that Colin was in for a disappointment. Patrick liked the thought of spending some time alone with Colin, even though he was sure nothing out of the ordinary would happen. "Okay, Colin. I can show you some of the videos on my laptop." As the two pairs split up after dinner, Bill whispered to Colin, "Behave." Colin smiled. "I'll be good." "You're a very handsome man, Patrick," Colin said as they entered Patrick's hotel room. "I guess a lot of people would love to be in my position right now." Patrick laughed. "I don't make a habit of inviting people to my room. Anyway I'm sure you get lots of offers. I saw you surrounded by young fans yesterday." Colin shook his head. "I'm not interested in boys and girls. I am attracted to older men. Men like you." Patrick gulped. "You find me attractive?" Colin nodded. "I do. However, I know it's unlikely that you feel the same way about me." Patrick considered what Colin had just said. After a minute's silence gazing into Colin's eyes, he said, "I have never called a boy beautiful before but you are beautiful, Colin. And I never considered having sex with a young man until I saw you." Colin smiled. "Kiss me." Patrick took Colin's head in his hands and their lips gently touched. That was followed by longer, passionate kissing. Colin gasped when they finally parted. He grinned. "That was some kiss! I believe that you want sex with me. I want sex with you. Look!" He pointed to the tent in his shorts. Patrick smiled. "Are you wearing JustColin underwear? I would like to see it." Colin started to unbutton his shirt. "I wore a special item because I was going to have dinner with you. I hope you will like it." As the shirt fell to the floor, Patrick said, "You have an amazing chest. I love your big nipples." Colin smiled as he kicked off his sandals to stand barefoot. "I love having my nipples played with so feel free to bite them." He unbuttoned and unzipped his shorts then paused. "Ready?" Patrick licked his lips and nodded. Colin put his hand inside his shorts to ensure that his stiff cock was standing vertical before pushing them to the floor and stepping out of them. He was wearing a tiny white thong which left his buttocks bare. His cock stretched the small pouch at the front which had COLIN written vertically. Colin smiled when he saw Patrick staring at the outline of his cock and he turned to display his bum. "I hope you will be more interested in this than my little cock," he said. Patrick dropped to his knees and reached out to caress Colin's buttocks. "Fabulous," was all he said. "I hope you will fuck me, Patrick," said Colin. "I'd love to," replied Patrick. "My ex-wife refused to allow me anal sex. Said I was too big." He planted a big kiss on each buttock. "I love big cocks." Colin smiled as he turned to face Patrick again. "I want to see yours. I want to suck it." "Let me see you fully naked first. Please!" Patrick responded. He feared that Colin might be scared off by the size of his cock. "Of course. You can take my underwear off," said Colin. Patrick smiled as he hooked his fingers in the narrow waistband and eased the thong over the stiff cock and then down Colin's legs. "Totally smooth and a lovely little cock and balls. Just as I imagined when I looked at photos of you online last night." Colin was pleased to hear that Patrick had been checking him out online. "My boy-pussy is naturally smooth. See." He turned around to allow the man to check for himself. Patrick let out an "oooh" when he parted Colin's arse cheeks and saw his pink pucker. "It's beautiful but looks very small." "Don't worry. It's stretches wide and I have some lube in the pocket of my shorts," said Colin. Patrick chuckled. "You came prepared for sex." "I was hopeful," Colin said with a grin. "Now I want to see you naked." He moved closer and began to unbutton the man's shirt. He smiled when the smooth, well-formed chest came into view. "Nice pecs." "Thanks. I spend time in the gym most days," responded Patrick. Colin dropped to his knees so that he could unfasten Patrick's trousers easily. "Someone is stiff," he said before rubbing his nose over the big lump at the front. "That's because I think you're very sexy," Patrick said. Colin soon had the trousers off. The socks came off next and so Patrick now stood wearing only black boxer-briefs. Colin slid his hands up the hairy thighs before taking hold of the waistband and easing the underwear down. "Wow! It is a big one," he said when the thick, uncut cock came into view. "Not too big, I hope," said Patrick. Many women had refused him sex because of its size. "Nope. It's beautiful," responded Colin. Although almost 23 cm (9 inches) long, the cock was slightly smaller than Bill's and he had been taking that since he was fourteen. Colin noted the bush of wiry, black hair surrounding the base of the cock and the large, hairy balls and he pulled the boxer-briefs down to Patrick's ankles. Patrick stepped out of his underwear and then pulled Colin to his feet to kiss and hug him. Both of them liked the feel of each other's body against them. As the kissing continued, Patrick's hands slid down Colin's back to grasp his firm, well-rounded globes. Colin was happy, fully confident now that the man would fuck him. The pair smiled at each other when they moved apart. Colin was the first to speak. "I want to suck your cock," he said. "Okay, but I want to suck yours too," said Patrick. Colin nodded as he knelt in front of Patrick and took hold of the big cock. He looked up into Patrick's eyes as he leaned forward to kiss and lick the cockhead. Then, still looking up at the man, Colin took the head between his lips and sucked it. Patrick groaned. He was turned on by the sight of Colin's lips stretched around his cock just as much as by the feeling of Colin's lips and tongue. He had tried to picture this the night before when looking at photos of Colin but the real thing was so much better than he had imagined. Colin spent some time working on the head then he began to slowly bob up and down on the cock, gradually taking more and more into his mouth. He began humming to suppress his gag reflex and soon the whole of Patrick's cock was in in his mouth. Patrick moaned softly, totally turned on by the experience. Then Colin eased off the cock, wiped the saliva from his chin and asked, "Was that okay?" "It was incredible," smiled Patrick. Colin smiled back and then asked, "Have you ever been rimmed?" Patrick looked puzzled. "I don't think so. What is it?" "I'll show you. Turn over onto your front and spread your legs," Colin told Patrick. He was getting a thrill from teaching the man aspects of gay sex. Patrick did as Colin had instructed and Colin knelt between the man's legs. He ran his hands up the backs of the thighs and onto the firm buttocks. Some of Patrick's fans said his `tight buns' were one of his best features. "Nice arse," Colin said before spreading the cheeks and getting his face between them. There was a faint musky smell but Colin could see that the hairy crack was clean. Patrick gasped when he felt Colin licking his arse crack. "What are you doing?" "I'm rimming you. Relax and enjoy it," Colin said. He resumed licking and was pleased to hear Patrick making sounds indicating that he liked it. Patrick gasped again when Colin's tongue penetrated his arsehole but he didn't say anything. "Colin clearly has lots of experience," he said to himself. Colin tongue-fucked Patrick for over a minute before he sat up. "That was rimming. I hope you liked it." Patrick twisted round and smiled at Colin. "It was a new experience for me and I loved it." "Good! I love it being done to me but don't feel obliged. Not everyone likes doing it," said Colin. "I want to try it," said Patrick. "You have a lovely smooth pussy. Let me suck your cock first though." He lifted Colin and laid him onto the bed, smiling at the sight of the rock-hard little cock. Looking down at Colin's body, he thought, "I can't believe how turned on I am by a young man's body." Then he focused on Colin's nipples and climbed onto the bed to lick and then suck them. "Harder," Colin said when Patrick began to nibble on his tits. He moaned and pumped out pre-cum when Patrick bit and tugged at the nipples with his teeth. "Mmmm, yeah," he said to encourage Patrick to continue. When Patrick stopped, he said, "My nipples aren't sensitive but yours obviously are." Colin smiled as he raised himself on his elbows. "I think mine are directly wired to my cock. Pain on my nipples makes my cock harder." "And leak a lot!" Patrick smiled as he took Colin's cock in his right hand. Colin nodded. "Very true! Do you want to taste my clear juice? Some men say it's delicious." "I've never tasted my own but I want to taste yours," Patrick replied before bending down and giving the cockhead a couple of licks. "I wouldn't say it's the best thing I've ever tasted but it's very pleasant," he said before giving it a few more licks and then sucking the cockhead. Colin smiled as he watched Patrick proceed to take the whole of the cock into his mouth. "This straight man now enjoys sucking cock," he said to himself. His amusement continued when Patrick went on to suck his hairless balls. Patrick went back to sucking the cock before asking, "Am I doing it right?" Colin grinned. "You know you are. You have had your cock sucked often enough to know what feels good." Patrick smiled. "Good. I want to give you pleasure, not just receive it. Are you sure you are still willing to take my big cock up your�" He paused. "Call it my arse, my boy-pussy, my boy-cunt, whatever you like," said Colin. "And the answer is definitely yes. You will find the lube in the left pocket of my shorts." Patrick fetched the small tube and then returned, saying, "I want to, what's it called? Yes, I want to try rimming you first." "Help yourself," Colin said as he turned over and spread his legs. Patrick climbed onto the bed between Colin's and caressed the well-rounded buttocks. Then he spread them to gaze once more at what lay at the centre. He had `eaten out' many women before so he had no real qualms about rimming Colin's hairless crack and arsehole. He leaned down and cautiously gave the arsecrack a long, slow lick. Finding nothing offensive, he did it several more times. He was pleased when Colin told him that it felt great. That encouraged him to probe Colin's hole with his tongue. Colin's "Oh, yes" made him push his tongue deeper and soon he was tongue-fucking Colin as if he had been doing it for years. Colin's whimpers and little squeals excited him and made him want to carry on. "That was tremendous. You really know how the turn me on," Colin said when Patrick finally stopped. He smiled and added, "Are you sure you haven't done this before?" "I'm sure," grinned Patrick. "I loved the noises you made while I was doing it." Colin nodded. "Maybe I will make similar noises while you are fucking me. What position do you want me in?" "On your hands and knees, I guess," replied Patrick. "So that I can take you from behind." "Okay. We can start doggy and then maybe try something else later," said Colin. Then, wanting to flatter Patrick, he added, "Since you have a huge cock, you'll need to use plenty of lube." Patrick suddenly looked a bit worried. "I don't want to hurt you." "You won't if you use plenty of lube on my hole and on your cock," responded Colin. "Enter me slowly but once you're inside and I have got used to your size, you don't need to worry. You can fuck me as hard as you like." Patrick followed Colin's guidance on lubing up and then got into position behind him. With one hand on Colin's hip and the other around the base of his cock, he started pushing for entry. Colin pushed back and the thick cockhead penetrated with only a little discomfort. Patrick paused when he heard a small gasp from Colin but continued pushing deeper on receiving word to carry on. Soon the whole of the big cock was inside. "So tight. It's incredible," murmured Patrick. Colin wanted to ask if it was better than a vagina but all he said was, "I love the feeling of being stuffed by your big cock." Patrick began to move his cock slowly in and out but soon he was fucking Colin properly and massaging Colin's prostate. "That feels really good. You're hitting my love-button, my prostate, now and really turning me on," Colin told him. "I never realised that anal sex was so good," said Patrick. "I'm glad that you're enjoying it." "I love it. You can fuck me harder if you wish," responded Colin. Patrick began fucking Colin harder and faster but soon slowed down. "I was close to cumming then," he explained. "Why don't we try another position," Colin suggested. "Okay. You're the expert." Patrick eased his throbbing cock out of Colin. "How do you want it?" Colin moved onto his back and then pulled his legs back. "Like this. Push a pillow under my bum to raise it a little and then push your cock back in." Once again Patrick followed Colin's instructions. Soon both of them were making noises to express the pleasure they were enjoying. Colin was the first to climax. "I'm going to cum!" he cried during a bout of rapid pounding from Patrick. Seconds later he was spunking off hands-free. Cum splattered across his chest and then over his belly. The sight of this together with Colin's arse muscles clamping and unclamping around his cock took Patrick over the edge. He shouted, "Mon Dieu!" and then gave a loud grunt as he sent volley after volley of French man-cream deep into Colin's arse. Patrick smiled at Colin as he came back down to earth. "That was stupendous. Better than I ever imagined. Thank you for allowing me this pleasure." As Patrick eased his softening cock out, Colin smiled and said, "I enjoyed every moment too. I still haven't heard you sing though." Patrick laughed. He lay beside Colin and began to sing one of his biggest hits. Colin listened with interest and then began scooping up the cum from his body and eating it. Patrick carried on singing for some moments but then stopped to ask, "Do you always eat your cum?" "Not always. Sometimes the men I'm with eat it," Colin replied. "I love eating cum though. If we'd had more time together, I would have eaten your first load." He smiled and added, "I prefer to take it anally." Patrick smiled. "You really are incredible. I have learned a lot from you." Colin gave Patrick a quick peck on the lips and then got out of bed. "Sorry to love you and leave you but I really must go now." "Don't you want to shower before you leave?" Patrick asked as he watched Colin put his clothes on. "No, I will shower when I get back to my room," replied Colin. "I have been here for a long time and Dad might be worried." "Okay." Patrick got out of bed. "Can I have one last kiss?" Colin smiled and the pair hugged and kissed. "I will never forget this night," said Patrick. "Maybe you should find yourself a young man as a lover instead of chasing lots of women," Colin suggested. "Maybe I should." Patrick smiled. "It's unlikely though." Colin was puzzled. "But you enjoyed the sex? Why not have sex with another young guy?" "I'm not saying I won't have gay sex again. It's just that there will be nobody who can match you. Nobody that I will want as a long-term lover," said Patrick. "Oh, okay. I guess I should be flattered." Colin gave Patrick a final kiss goodbye. "What took you so long?" Bill asked when Colin returned to their room. Colin smiled. "I was helping Patrick to lose his virginity." "What?" Bill's eyes opened wide. "He had never sucked cock or fucked another guy before. Now he's done both," Colin explained. "I'm going to take a shower now," he added and then began stripping off. "I want a detailed description of all that happened," Bill said as Colin went into the bathroom. Colin smiled to himself. He knew that he would get Bill so turned on that he would be fucked again before bedtime. To be continued
Date: Sat, 26 Oct 2002 13:42:15 -0700 From: arthur Subject: sub to love part 7 authoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Part Seven By arthur Now that everyone had gone Eric and I returned to the lounge for a little while until ready for bed time. "Eric?" "yes James?" "You have a punishment to be taken care of." "Yes James, I'll do anything you ask." "That goes without saying, now, present, Boy, for the next three nights as a punishment for your bad manners this evening, you will wear full leathers to bed each night,you will remove them in the mormning for showering and then clean every piece until it shines, is that clear boy, speak." "Master, all is clear, thank you sir." "You wont be thanking me in the morning boy, now go to your room and wait." Blink, nod. Eric took off for his room as I went to the back room for some sleeping aids for him, he had still not caught onto the fact this was punishment and sleeping in his regalia was not going to as easy as he thought, one day soon he will realise that what I say is not always the whole of the story, having gathered up what I needed I returned to Erics room. "Boy, face down on the bed spread eagle." Eric complied, his skin shining in the light, a golden glow coming from him as the sweat began to ooze from him, a little shiver ran through his body. "stop jiggling about boy, stay still." I took up the spreader bar for his ankles and snapped it into place, this put his ankles a foot apart, in the center of the spreader was a welded ring, I pulled his legs upward and bent them back toward his head, reaching down to take one arm as he grunted with the unatural strain of the position, I clipped his wrist into the ring and then reached for the other to do the same, the strain was now evident as the tendons stood out, his back bowed, his stomach muscles tight, I took up the short strap with the buckle and clipped it into the two arm bands and began to tighten it until his elbows were close together straining the shoulder muscles, Eric was now moaning with the preassure being forced into his upper body, muscles tight, sweat pouring over him. I took out two more adjustable straps fitting them to the rings on his ankles then down to the rings on his waist belt pulling then tight but not yet enough to make then uncomfortable, his groans now coming faster as the strain increased with time, I then fitted his blindfold and ball gag setting them tight, lastly was a pair of ear plugs now cutting him off from all normal sensations except feeling, the last items to go on were the two straps from his collar to his arm bands making them tight enough to just force his head back a little to add strain to the neck muscles, all finished I rolled him onto his side as he moaned and groaned at the preasure now created through his body, taking a last look I went to my bedroom and switched on the monitor, at his age I had to be carefull of how much strain I put onto his body, I switched on the TV to a movie channel and settled back, it was going to be a long night, sleep deprevation was a part of the exercise and some added twists to keep him feeling it as his body adjusted to certain preassures I would change them and add a little something each time. As I watched the movie I also kept a very close eye on my monitor, Erics body had taken up a little of the strain and he had settled a little but was still sweating and a moan came from him when he tried to move to much, it was time to add something to his night, so I went back to his room with a box of number two clamps, these were not to strong, not much more than a light pinch of the skin but over a long period became almost unbearable if placed correctly. With his senses deadened he could not hear me in the room and as I touched him for the first time in an hour he jumped and thereby adding a strain on his joints, I took up two notches on the belts from his ankles to his waist belt bringing his legs lower and opening the gap between his thighs, now the clamps were added to the tender skin of his thighs, a knowledge of acupuncture can come in handy at times like this, a muffled grunt came from him as the first clamp went on in the inner thigh close to his scrotum this was followed by another eight on each side spaced 2" apart on the nerve line running down his leg, these small pricks would become more noticeble as time went on, I reached up and took a notch out of his arm bands making his elbows closer then another notch out of his head straps, his head now bent further back, I took out my remote, changed the settling and hit the on button, it was now under manual control and I could leave it going for as long as I wished, this was to create a conflict in his mind as his strained muscles on the outside fought with the pleassure on the inside, I left him to it, groaning, sweating, trying to find purchase for the inner stimulation and at the same time shaking with the unusual position of his body. Two hours past as I kept an eye on him in the monitor, he was under a lot of strain but bearable if he put his mind to it, I had not planned to start on him with this so early but if I was able to get him to the conclave and could not arrange a dispensation for his kiss then he would need to be as ready as I could make him for the ordeal. I returned to him with four clamps, these were fives and a lot harsher, I checked his heart rate and pulse, to my surprise he seemed to be almost dozing, this was out of the ordinary so I checked all his vital signs again to make sure, yep, he'd gone into a light doze, trussed up like he was took a great deal of inner strength to ignore enough to relax to that extent, I took the first of the clamps and placed it on his upper ear, the extra preasure made him start back to the here and now, a muffled yelp escaped his lips, and again as the other three were applied, I tightened up all the straps another notch except for the neck straps, I could see by his neck tendons that I could not take more from them as it would do damage, the redness from the thigh clamps was spreading as the circulation was being lessened but not to a dangerous degree. Now I could see the tears falling from under his blindfold as he was wracked with the pain of the new postition and clamps, his body was quivering from head to toe, sweat falling in a never ending stream, I switched off the butt plug to allow his body to adjust to the outer pain, it was then I heard it for the first time, a deep humming coming from deep in his throat, even and measured in it's timbre, after only three hours in restraint under preassure he had found his place of harmony, this not only confirmed his standing as a total sub but that he was also exceptional just as I had thought he was, a lot of subs never find their harmony under stress, it was the one safety factor that made him different from others, he was now in his own state of pleasure, the outer pain was now no more than a numbness to his brain, he could if he or I wanted stay in this position for hours without mental damage, I knew however that for every hour under this type of restraint he would need half an hour to regain full use of himself so I had to be carefull with his release when it came time, I left the room again to wait and watch. By 3.00am he had been under restraint for four hours, it was time to ease him out, I went and removed the ear clamps as the feeling returned there was a small stopping of the humming then it continued in the same manner as before, I took one notch out of each strap, again the pause of the humming for a second or two then it continued, I left him for a half hour then returned to repeat the process and the second time removed the thigh clamps as well. By 5.00am he was streched out on the bed all straps removed, the humming had ceased and he was awake, his smudged face under the blindfold looking almost angelic, I began to remove all his leathers except his cuffs and replaced his chastity with his lighter codpiece then picked him up in my arms and carried him into my room laying him on the bed and sliding down beside him. I took this sweet little dove into my arms and drew him close kissing him on the forehead and stroking his bare back. "How you feel little dive?" "All strained and stretched out, but I sort of tingle all over." "Were you aware of what was happening as something new went on?" "Yes it was scarey at first then I could see that white dove flying in a clear blue sky, it was sort of singing to me, and then it all felt so nice." "What about the first hour or two?" "That was terrible, I thought you were going to break me in half, and those stinging things on my legs they just kept getting worse and worse as the time went on, but then the dove came and it all went away, was that ok?" "Yes my little dove, it was perfect, I've only known two people able to do what you did and they took a couple of years to do it, I'm so proud of you I want you to know that you have a very special gift, do you think you could find the dove again if you needed him?" "I'm not sure, it seemed to be at a certain time, just when I thought I was going to die from the pain then he came and we flew around and he sang to me." "I want you to try to remember the feeling next time and use it to keep yourself safe, ok, you have the next two nights under restraint for your punishment and each one will be harder than the night before, but if you believe in the dove then he'll look after you, ok?" "Ok, ahhm, James, I love you." "I love you to little dove, now curl up here and lets get a little sleep, then you've got your chores to do, and don't you forget my coffee when you get up." Eric snuggled down into my chest as he drifted off to sleep, I pulled him even closer as I felt him relax and drift off, then it was my turn. I awoke three hours later with Eric wrapped around my waist clasping me tightly to himself, I shook him until he was almost awake. "Move boy, get my coffee ready then wait for me, move." His eyes opewned then he kissed me on the cheek and rolled over off the bed running out to the kitchen as I got up and went to the shower, fifteen minutes later I was sitting down to a fresh cup of coffee, I sat myself sideways on the chair. "Boy, come here." Eric stood before me at present, his legs twitching waiting to relieve himself for the first time of the morning. "Boy, you kissed me this morning without permission, over my lap, now." Eric's face dropped, I could see the battle going on in his mind trying to work out what he'd done wrong, after all it was a kiss of love, to him it was the right thing and now he was going to be punished for it, the conflict was almost cute. "Boy the kiss was very nice and thoughtful but you did it without permission for that you get five strokes." He lay down on my lap. "Count them out boy." Crack. "One sir" For five slaps I didn't need to work the clock all of them would be in the same place, square in the middle of his delightful little buns, but at full force and that was quite a bit. Crack. "two sir." With my hand on his back to hold him I was then surprised as I felt a vibration under my hand, although there was no sound and he was totally aware the vibrations told me he had already found his place of harmony, this was so unusual for anyone to achieve I almost stopped in disbelief, I had never heard of it happening to anyone, to be able to be alert and aware but at the same time be in harmony was unheard of in all my years. Crack. "Three sir." His voice was calm and steady even though his body jumped as I used full force into the blows, he remaind calm inside himself. Crack, crack. "Four sir, five sir." At the last stroke eric slid off my lap and onto the floor in the third position at my feet. "Oh thank you sir, it was beautiful." "Ok stand up Eric, tell me why was it beautiful?" "The pain was nasty, but after the first one it didn't seem important, I just floated there watching you tan my ass but I tingled as I sort of felt it but watched it." "Did you see the dove again?" "No, he wasn't there, it was like my own place, when I saw your hand come down it was like a shot of electricity then a calmness, it was so great." "Eric I know you don't realise it now but you're about a year ahead of where you should be, I'm not sure how you did it, but to me it confirms that you're a very special boy, you have something that others never find in all their lives and you've done it so naturally, I'm so proud of you, you're going to be the most talked about sub in the country before evry long." "Am I, really, I just feel so good with you, and you do things to me that make me feel good and so happy all the time, I just want to make you happy and pleased with me all the time." "My little dove, I'll always be proud and pleased with you, I know you'll make some mistakes and with your abitlity it's going to stretch my training to the limits to find out how to keep you on your toes, now come here so I can release you and you go get cleaned up and then come back for some breakfast and to clean all your leathers, don't forget your enema's, and I dont have to warn you about your flag pole either." "I promise, James I'll never touch myself with out your order again." "Good boy, now off you go, don't be to long." Eric spent the rest of the day cleaning the house and his leathers, everything shone like new as he worked harder and harder to please me, as though he had to do that, he was the find of the century, a perfect sub, a beautiful and perfect boy. When the night came on I returned him to his room and began the same restraint as the night before but increasing the first tightening and using heavier clamps, after the initial pain and within thirty minutes he was in his place of harmony, I added two number seven claps to his nipples, all I got in return was a sharp grunt through the gag and then that humming again, Damn he was going to be hard to punish if this kept up, unless I went into some very heavy stuff but I didn't feel good about that yet , he was still to young to take to that edge, I'd look again at him after the conclave next week, I would maybe be able to introduce him to a light cat for a couple of strokes first, but I wasn't to ready for him to feel it's bight yet, under the training of the Mythra it was advised to not start the stronger whips until the sub was at least 17 yrs old, by then they were mature enough to handle the mental and physical trauma. On the third night I decided to push him harder than he had been before so instead of going to his bedroom I took him to my back room, stopping outside the door I began to tell him the meanig and order of things once through the door. "Boy, present." He snapped to attention in position. "Listen carefully, tonight you'll spend in this room, once you eneter this room you will nevr speak, ever, after you'll be responsible for it's cleanliness and the maintainenece of the eqipment inside, you can never enter here without my permission, even if the door is wide open, you will never handle anything in there unless it is to put it back into it's proper place after cleaning, whenever you eneter you will stop three paces inside the door and wait until told what to do, do you understand these rules,speak." "Yes Master." "Any questions,speak." "No questions Master." His nervous exitment was almost contageous as he trembled in anticipation, again a light sheen covered his body making him seem to glow in the light of the passage way, his leathers gleamed with a dull glow which emhanced his natural colour. "Now boy, some peole like to call their roooms , dungeons, or pits but for us it is just a work room, it's your class room, this is where you will from now on recieve any punishment or if I wish to you will recieve a lot of pleasure." I opened the door to the darkened room and entered ahead of him. "Come boy, remember what you've been told." True to form he followed exactly my instructions, stopping three steps inside the door, I reached over and switched on the lights, they were all coloured lights of a pale blue, giving the room a warm but eerie glow. "You may relax boy and look around at your class room, but don't move and don't speak." His jaw dropped open as he looked around, eyes wide as he tried to take it all in with one look, the room was 15 feet wide and went the width of the house about thirty feet, the ceiling had been raised to give a stud height of 12 feet with a central beam of steel running down its length, to this was weld many varied hooks and rings, on the back wall was a painting of the seventh Mythra covered with a red cloth, Eric would never get to see this one as he would never be a Master so when he was in here I would have to keep it covered from his eyes, on the walls were locked cupboards, each with a symbol of the dove as they were seen on the paintings, behind those doors were the eqipment allowed to be used on a sub who had reached that stage of his lessons. Against the other bottom wall was the cross ten feet from that in the center of the room was the wrack, next in line was my cage, next the pommel and lastly the chair, around each piece the floor was covered in tiles extending about a foot out from the edge then the rest of the floor was covered in a water proof carpet, on the inner wall was the shower and a small single bed in an alcove built back into the house, the walls were done in fibre board with sound proofing behind that and painted in a mat finish dark blue with a 10" footing of purple at floor level. I kept this room temprature comtrolled at 20 degrees celsius but could take it up to 40 if I wanted to use a little heat at the right time. "Boy present, place your arms behind your back." I walked behind Eric taking hold of his arms and folding them up his back, clipping his wrists to the arm bands so that his arms were in a reverse akimbo fashion but tight against his back. "Move under the beam boy." Eric moved to the center of the room under the beam. I knelt down and placed a 6" spreader on his ankles then clasped his arms and lowered him face down on the floor, I activated the small overhead crane I had fitted earlier in the day, lowering the chain to just above his body, from the hook hung four short chains with metal shakles at the ends, I took two straps and fitted them to his ankle cuffs then to his belt pulling tight till he grunted as his kness bent backwards, I then lowered the shackles until they were down near the floor, taking the first two I fitted them to his calves then the others went onto his arms above his elbows, I fitted the adjustable spreaders on the chains holding the shackles and turned them until they were pushing his legs backwards and his arms forwards, with the lift upwards this created a four directional pull on all his tendons and muscles and when he was suspended four feet off the ground his body weight increased the preassure on him. To add to his discomfort I had changed his butt plug to a five, this was still only 6" in length but it was an inch thicker than before, it had been a challenege to get it into thim but he soon settled down and accepted it, even though it meant a lot of squirming of his little butt. I started the motor and lifted him to four feet, he groaned and wriggled until he could handle the strain put on all his joints, as he settled down to his suspension he calmed down and seemed to be enjoying it, a smile all over his face, thats when I hit the repitition button on the control box, this had the effect of dropping him one link at a time as the chain unwound, but it was not a steady drop as the control box was on a scrambler and even I didn't know when it was going to activate, it was totally random, so the sub would never know when he was going to be dropped that inch of chain, there was an emergency switch which I could use for quick release if he got into difficulty, I would be there all the time I was not going to leave him, at this stage it could get nasty with him being so young so for safety I stayed with him even though the room was under camera three I felt better for him. It took an hour for him to reach the floor but his humming had started after the third drop, continuing all the way never varying, although his body was stretched to the maximum and the drops caused him to shudder he never let up, he almost looked serene in his pain. Over the next four hours I raised him three times, the last being to the top of the chain, his eyes were glazed over as he hummed his inner song even though his body still reacted to the scrambled dropping. When at last he was safe again on the floor I untied him over a period of two hours then lifted him into my arms and took him to my bed where he immediately collasped into a deep sleep, a small smile on his face, I took him into my arms and held him close as I stroked him amd caressed his cheeks with my lips, murmering soft words into his ear. For the rest of the time until the conclave gathering he spent his time looking after the house and his equipment but I did not take him into the room again even though I could feel he wanted to go back there but he had a lot to get ready for and I wanted him to get used to the normal routine of the house and his duties and now the day of the conclave was here and he was filled with nervous excitment at going to his first formal gathering of our calling, his leathers were shining, he had given himself an extra enema and he smelled of leather and that pure boy smell that he would soon lose as he got older, his skin shone with the glow of the oil I'd massaged into his skin, not a lot but enough to highlight his body to it's best advantage, excpet for his arm bands he was in full regalia and I was dressed in mine although this time my suit was a tuxedo and I wore a red cummerband with the sash. "Stay here a minute Eric I have one more thing for you to wear." I went to my room and from the bottom draw of the dressing table took his last piece of clothing, I returned to where he stood. "Now eric as you're being presented tonight you are to be covered at all times until you're called to the main hall, I'll be with you most of the time and for you it'll be easier as being a Prime Master we'll have a seperate room from the others to be presented, now you'll wear this but you don't have to put up the hood till we get there but then you'll stay behind it at all times, as you're with me you'll be presented last but we'll see the rest on the closed ciruit Tv in the room, ok kiddo lets put this on you." I opened up the black silken cape with the hood and placed it on his shoulders, it covered him down to his bare feet, I closed the clasp at his neck with the silver dove clasp, the hood remained hanging behind him, I would pull this up when we got there and pull down the face screen to hide him completely from prying eyes. "James this is like dressing up for halloween, it feels neat, all soft and silky." "You look great kiddo, come on time to get to the car, when we get there I'm going to explain what you'll do and about the dispensation and how you'll get it, ok, lets go." We arrived at the hall and as I parked the car I turned to Eric. "Now Eric you must stay at Half step behind me, if I stop you stop, you don't speak or respond to anything, I'm going to pull your hood up now and cover your face so you can't be seen, there's going to be a lot of formal stuff going on, just stay behind me and concentrate on what Im doing and keep your head up look proud because I'm proud you're here with me, let them see how good you really are, ok kiddo here we go, from now on it's all formal." At the door to the hall were two of the past Primes, although in the eyes of others we were all equal, my position as the Founding Prime gave me honours and benfits the others did not have, as I got to the top of the steps with Eric perfectly positioned behind me, the two Primes snapped into the present before me. "Founder, you do us great honour this evening, your room is ready, will you allow me to escort you?" "Prime, you do me great honour, please lead the way. I could almost hear the soft gasp from Eric as he saw the two Masters at the present before me, we were taken to the private room set aside for me and ushered inside. "Founder, is there anything you need, ask and it will be brought." "Prime, I thank you for your concern but everything is as it should be, I thank you." "Founder, it is my honour." We were left to our selves and as the door closed a lifted off Erics hood to see his face. "Well kiddo, what you think so far?" "James they presented to you, but I thought they were Masters they don't have to do that to anyone?" "Unfortunately kiddo you got yourself tied up with a bit of an icon in this world, he he, because I was the founder of the movement here I get a little something extra, now I'm going to tell you whats going to happen then you can watch the others on the TV and when it's your turn it'll be easier for you,ok?" "Ok." "First of all, we're at the bottom end of the hall, the others are in a room up near the front, we unfortunately because of my position have to walk the full length of the hall, you will do just like you did earlier, keep your eyes open this is a very special night for you it never happens again, you're the first sub to ever be presented in this country after only two weeks of training and also you're the youngest as well so you can be proud of the fact you're the only one ever to make it this far, now as we enter the hall you'll see all the slaves will go to the third position, their Masters will go to the second, and you saw how the Primes will show their respect, If I wasn't here they would go one less positon, but this is special, we'll have to walk slowly, like in a parade, I don't really like all of it but it has to be done right by me as well as you, it's our way of showing honour to them to take our time on the walk, you'll see the other presented slaves lined up on the floor with their Masters behind them, we walk past them and take a position out in front of the dias, ok so far?" "Yes." "I'll go through all the formal stuff, then I'll present you to the Prime Master Nigel, when I remove your cape you snap into your best present facing him, you stay where you are and don't move, there'll be a bit more formal stuff, then when I tell you, you'll go to the Prime Master, take the third position and respectfully ask for a dispensation from the kiss, he'll be here in a minute to see me and it'll all be arranged before hand, you only have to do the formal request to make it binding, no one here will object because of your age and short training period everyone here is on your side so they know that they are responsible for you welfare as well as I am, ok have you got all that?" "Yes James." Just as he answered a soft double knock came at the door, I reached over and covered Erics head with the hood lowering the face screen. "Come." "Founder you honour this conclave with your presence." Nigel stood at present before me. "Prime Master of the Chair, you do me honour for allowing me to be here." Nigel relaxed from the present and stepped forward giving me the grip required and we both relaxed at this last of the formalities of greeting. "How are you Nigel, congatulations on your taking the chair." "Thank you James, it's so good to see you back with us again after all this time." "Well as you can see Nigel I have a good reason." Nigel as the present holder of the chair was the only one allowed to see a candidate uncaped. "May I be introduced James?" "By all means Nigel, informal?" "Of course James, there's going to be enough formality later." "Come here Eric, this is informal so you can relax." I reached up and took off his hood, to my utter surprise Eric immediately dropped to the third position in front of Nigel. hands clasped behind his head as required. Nigel reached down and took his hand lifting him upright then saw the signet ring. "My god James, he's a double, hell this is going to be a night to remember, welcome Eric, you have done your Master proud by your actions even though it wasn't called for." Nigel pulled Eric to him in a hug then stepped back to look at him again. "James you have to be the luckiest bugger in the country, he's beautifull, damn a double, I can't believe it." "Thanks Nigel, I have something to ask you?" "Ah yes, Cameron did mention the dispensation, for this boy it's not a problem at all, I'll gladly give it, does he know what it's for yet?" "No I'll explain it when you do the others, he's had a lot to take in already so closer to the time will be easier for him." "Yes I agree, ok I've got to get this show on the road, see you out there, Eric, again welcome." "Thanks Nigel." "He's nice James." "Yes Eric he's one of the best Primes we've had on the chair, ok let's get comfortable and watch the ceremony, I want you to ask any questions you need to as the ceremony goes along, ok kiddo?" "Ok, James." I went to the fridge and got two cold drinks for us as we sat to watch the ceremony of the presenting at this years conclave, the hall was packed to capacity, I had a feeling it was something to do with Eric's appearance as I recongised old faces that had not been out in years, I had a suspicion that Cameron had spread the word about his being presented by me. To Be Continued:
Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 20:31:43 -0800 From: arthur Subject: Mythra's Child part 1 A SUB TO LOVE authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA (A Sub To Love) Book Two Part One By Arthur Authors Note: Ok guys, you talked me into it, heres book two of 'A Sub To Love' hope it will keep your interest as much as book one did, for those who enquired, this book will contain some of the legend of the Mythra or at least where it came from as I was taught at the time. This book will contain more and heavier scenes than the one before as our 'little dove' will be progressing as well in his submission. Many enquiries for my other writings so I'm going to list them here for those of you that are interested, all can be seen here on NIFTY in the adult/youth section of the archives. Other Stories: The Vision (unfinished) Two Halves Sioni ( also to be added book two) Jomel Sneak Thief Flight of Fancy (unfinished) Thats it guys, hope you enjoy the rest of 'A Sub To Love' As always I am interested in your opinions on any of my stories and will take note of all advice, for return mail please include your email address and I will write to all that ask me too. Part One: As the evening dining got underway the honouring of Eric continued with the invitation to sit with the Prime Masters at their table, which of course left me without a slave to tend to my needs but this was quickly resolved by Master Alton as he approached the table less formally than would be normal if we were still doing the work of the conlclave. "Master James?" "Master Alton, what can I do for you?" "It's more what I would like to do for you and Mythra's child." "And what's that Master Alton?" "I see that as the Child of Mythra is being honoured, you have no slave to tend to you, I would therefore like to offer you my slave to serve you at your pleasure, and of course your slave as well." "Master Alton, that's a most generous offer, we would gladly accept as long as it does not inconvenience youself." "Not at all, you would honour us both by your acceptance, Master James." "Then how can I refuse, we thank you Master Alton and will value his service." "Ahh, here is his remote, he made need a tickle up now and again,( chuckle) and I'm sure that during the games later in the evening you may like to educate him a little, he may appreciate your fine touch on the cross." "Again my thanks Master Alton, I'll try to entertain him later." "My pleasure and my honour Master James, boy you'll obey Master James or the Child of Mythra in all things until Master James returns you to me, is that clear, speak?" "Yes Master, in all things I shall obey." "Good boy, Master James he's all your's for the evening." Peter took his place between Eric and myself, kneeling on the floor at rest waiting for his orders as Grant another of the Primes pointed out. "Well James you're both very lucky, Alton almost dotes on that boy, he must think a great deal of Eric to release him to you." "Does he really, I had no idea." "Yes, I think the boy must have hit a heart string with him, most unlike Alton, you know how he can be when it comes to his boy's." "Yes, he has changed a lot from the old days when he was out for blood all the time." "Yes, you know we had to enforce section 23 on him three years ago, don't you?" Section 23 was a part of the tenets of conduct for a Master whereby he was considered to be using excessive force bordering on abuse on his slave and was then taken before the council of Primes for a hearing and if found guilty was subjected to the councils discipline by the Master of the Rod, if it was serious this could take days and sometimes weeks before he was released to continue his life, but he was not allowed to have a slave for a period of six months and then must report to the council weekly for the next six months to make sure his slave was being well kept and cared for, it was severe but it was also for the protection of our way of life, to administer our own justice kept the usual public attitudes out of our business. "No Grant, I didn't know, as you're aware I've been out of contact for a number of years, I was ready to give it all up after Cameron, but then my little dove appeared and, well you've all seen for yourselves, how could I refuse?" "You're right James, how could you refuse, are you enjoying yourself Eric?" "Yes Prime Master Grant." "No need for that, Eric, sir will do tonight, this night is to honour you so you can relax and enjoy, ok?" "thank you sir." "Eric, come stand up here beside me." Eric stood up and took the step toward me, I took out my key and turned him around and released the padlock holding his chastity belt, removing it I hung it on the back of his chair, the look on his face as he realised he was free for the evening was worth the battle and pain in my mind for the whipping he'd had earlier. "Ok Eric, you're free for this evening but you don't cum without my permission as usual, ok?" "Oh, thank you Master, but it's going to be hard, but I'll try my best." "No Eric, you wont try, you will not cum without my permission is an order not a request." "Yes Master." "Good boy, now anything else is yours to have tonight except that, ok little dove?" "Yes James, thank you, I'll not cum till you tell me." As the other slaves left their Masters to get the first course of dinner I looked down at Peter waiting for his orders. "You may go with the others boy, for the first course, when you return you will service the Child of Mythra while he has his soup, he is not to cum, understand?" "Yes Master." "Good boy, off you go." Peter rose from the floor and went off after the others as I looked down at Eric, as hard as ever at the thought of what was to come when the soup arrived, his rigid little flag pole begining to drip at the idea of it, who could resist, I hit the remote, he went into instant overdrive as 'buzz' started to get him in the mood, the wriggles moans and white knuckles on the edge of the table told everone at there what was happening, Nigel looked at him then me with an eyebrow raised. "Buzz?" I smiled in agreement. "You can still be an evil bugger, can't you James?" I smiled again just as the soup arrived and Peter placed the plates on the table then ducked underneath and between Erics legs as I switched off 'buzz' taking Eric fully into his mouth, the look of total bliss came over Erics face as the hotness of Peters mouth swallowed him to the pubics, I hit Peters remote to give him an incentive, the table was in an uproar as the wriggling and moaning took over from our soup. "You going to keep them at it all night, James?" "Well they need a bit of fun too, Nigel." The other slaves knelt at their Masters feet with a look of longing on their faces as they watched Eric convulsing, moaning and wriggling on his chair, he was so close he was going to explode, then Peter appeared from under the table, glanced in Erics dirction and with a look of satisfaction at seeing he had timed it right knelt between us again waiting but with a look of pain on his face as his own 'buzz' continued to stimulate him, I switched it off and the glazed look began to disappear from his face. "Better have our soup Eric." "Yyyyyeesss, JJames." "Feel better Eric?" "Not yet James." (Chuckle) "You will later" Eric fell to his soup and kept looking sidelong at Peter kneeling at our feet, the precum still flowing copiously from his organ, Peter looked up into my face in askance, I nodded, he went to Eric and cleaned him off just enough to keep him clean then returned to his position waiting to do it again as needed. As I looked around the room at the assembled Masters and slaves I noticed a lot of them looking in Erics direction, the Master's with envy and respect, the slaves with adoration at my little dove of a boy and his glowing globes bare on the chair as he sqirmed about during Peter's ministrations, many a happy nod came from the Master's as they caught my eye. "We have some entertainment organised for after dinner, James, if you'd care to stay for it?" "Yes, I'll be here, the boy will want to see what the annual conclave is all about, Nugel." "Good, Greg,(the Master of the Rod) is going to get his boy up for a heating, he was asking if you'd do a stint on the Stock for us all?" The stock he was talking about was a short whip used mainly in Australia and New Zealand on cattle farms and stock stations in aussie, it's usually made with a cane handle about 15" in length, the tail is of plaited leather about 6 feet long starting at 1" in diameter and tapering to it's thin end leaving a tab with a slot like a button hole in the end, to this was attached about 8" of 3 stranded string to act as a 'cracker', it's also plaited into the end and can be used not only for it's sound value but can cut like a hot knife through butter and in the wrong hands will do permanent damage, a good proponent of the stock whip can shred a small bush in seconds and leave only the stem, it is very dangerous to use and takes a lot of practice to do what they were expecting from me later in the evening. "Yes I think I can arrange that for us all, I'll just call Alton and see if he's agreeable to allowing Peter to be a part of it." I looked around and saw Alton at a far table with friends and signalled him, he rose and made his way through the throng to our table. "James you were wanting me?" "Yes Alton, I've been asked to do a stint on the stock later and wondered if you would lend me Peter for the action, of course I'll need you there to keep an eye on him." "Ahha, so they talked you into it did they?" "Yes, sucked in as usual, do you mind?" "Not at all, he needs a heating up and I'd like to see you in action again, the last time gave me shivers for a week afterward." "Good, ok then later, how you getting on without your boy for service?" "No worries there, Alex has got his boy doing a great job keeping us both happy." "Well young Peter is doing a great job here to, seems Eric is on tenterhooks all the time." "You got him 'buzzed' as well then?" "Yep, he likes it and with Peter adding a little spice he should be ready for a duet with the stock." "A duet, haven't seen that before?" "Haven't done it before, it's one of those make it up as you go jobs, should be fun." "I have a feeling it will be, well I better get back, I'll see you for the fun." "Ok Alton, thanks again for Peter he's been a real help so far." "Glad to hear it, let me know if he play's up." (chuckle) "Will do, later then?" "Ok later." Alton returned to his table and I looked over at Eric, he had a pensive look on his face as he remembered the conversation and what the future of the night would bring.I signalled Peter that Eric was looking a little soft and needed his help before the next course arrived, he diligently ducked under the table to help Erics little problem, to help him I hit the button on both their remotes and leaned back in the chair with a grin as they both tried to concentrate on the task in hand, Eric trying not to cum and Peter trying to bring him as close as possible while the vibrators tried to upset them both. Nigel looked over at me raising his eyebrows in a 'oh god you're a bastard' look, then the rest of the table caught up with what was going on and roared out with laughter at the antics of the two boy's. Peter was well taught in that by the end of the dinner he had brought eric to the peak no less than nine times without loosing it, it appeared that Eric had all but forgotten his episode with the ten kisses and was now centered on his own groin and the non release of his pent up needs. The food and wine had taken it's toll on the Masters and as we sat back to relax their slaves were allowed to leave their positions and go to the kitchen area for their own meals, we would have about an hour to relax and chat as Greg set up his body stocks in the center of the room and we waited until the boys had returned to the hall then Nigel rose to his feet to make the announcements. "Masters, we now have a little entertainment for you before the evening degenerates to it's normal standard of the conclave, Master Greg is going to give his boy a little heating, and then Prime Master James has agreed to show us the Stock." At this the whispering began as none of the new slaves had seen the stock used as I planned to and a few of the newer Masters had not seen it as well so the hubbub was runing around the room as they tried to find out what went on. "Masters please, a bit of shush for a minute then the fun begins, Prime Master James has agreed to do a duet with the stock and Master Alton has kindly allowed his slave Peter to be a part of it, so before Master Greg continues I'd like a show of fists for everyone in appreciation." A loud banging of leather gloved fists hitting tables was the reply to Nigels request, then all settled back in their chairs to watch, as I said before Greg was all brute force but one thing he had was an almost uncanny sense of timing and positioning with the whip head, he was one of those people that could shave you with a whip, but he used all strength to control it and not technique as I used, due mainly to the size difference in us as I was not able to generate the brute force he used for control. Greg called out for his boy to join him in the center of the hall, I'd not seen his new boy and was surprised to see a very slim asian boy of about 23 appear from the room beside the front stage area, he was of the china doll look, petite with a smooth skin completely shaven and no more than 5' 4" tall, slim and with two round little mounds to die for as far as a nice butt went he had it in spades, his small mast was erect and was only about the same as Erics 4" shaft, he strode to Greg and you could see the beginings of a challenge in his eyes, yes he had that iner strength to be a Master one day even though he did not have the muscle bulk of the so called ideal Master. Greg took him up onto the platform and opened the stocls for him, placing his hands in the outer holes and his head in the center then lowering the locking board, when he was fitted into place Greg went to the rear of the stocks and raised the the boards holding the boy with a winch until he was up on his toes, then Greg returned to the front and spoke quietly in the boys ear, the boy nodded his head the Greg went to his table and selected a 12 foot Lansing similar to a bull whip but more of a bay version, it was still not to be toyed with, a good lansing could tear you apart in seconds, it was a brute of a whip and needed a man with the strength of a brute to control it. Greg turned to the crowd and set out the planned exhibition. To Be Continued: P.S. Hot shot please send address for the information you require:
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:49:16 -0700 From: arthur Subject: a sub to love part 3 (rewrite) athoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Part Three Rewrite By Arthur Authors Note: My appologies for the loss of part three but it must have had something to do with with the destruction of my hard drive so this is a rewrite from memeory as I had (yes you guessed it) no back up files, well onto the story. I awoke in the morning with the feel of a rigid member jabbing me in the back, my boy was feeling the effects of teenage morning rise, I leaned over and shook his shoulder. "Come on kiddo time to get up." "Mmmph, morning James." "Morning Eric, come on, time to rise and shower we have a lot to do today, oh and no playing around in the shower." Eric jumped out of bed, his flag pole leading the way to the shower, I rose and went to the second wardrobe and unlocked the door, inside was the internal security monitors, I switched on camera number two and watched as Eric got into the shower still at full mast, I guessed it would take about two minutes before he couldn't resist any longer, he's a tough kid, he lasted three minutes then his hand moved downward, time to move. "Present." Eric snapped to attention in the shower as the water tumbled over him. "BOY, what did I tell you, no playing in the shower, right?" Blink, nod. "For disobeying me you will not cum for one week and you will recieve ten strokes, if you cum again without my permission I will add a week everytime you do, now finish your shower, dry off and come to the lounge." Blink, nod. I left him there to finish and went into the back room for the last of the eqipment for the rest of the days events and to pick up my favourite answer to disobedience. As I sat drinking my first coffee Eric returned and stood before me at present waiting. "Rest position boy." Eric dropped to his knee's, his back arched, shoulders back, elbows high, hands clasped behind his head, his hard little penis out in front. "You ignored my orders boy for that you will recieve ten strokes, get up and fetch my paddle over there on the side board." The paddle was made from kwilla, a very hard wood, the overall length was 18", 6" of that was a heavy handle the rest was the blade, shaved very thin and with six small holes drilled down the center of it's 5" width, the blade was very flexable and it was never used on a young person for more than fifteen strokes as after that the holes left some very nasty marks, this was the ultimate attitude changer but had to be applied with care, especially for a boy as young and lightly built as Eric.I took the paddle from Eric's hand when he returned his hands shaking nervously, the dark wood of the paddle had an intensity all it's own. "Rest Boy." Again he went to his knee's. "You will turn side on to me facing to my left,.. now place your head on the floor,keep your hands behind your head, this is the position of penitence, it is the third position, Now lift your butt a little higher." Eric tucked his knee's a bit more underneath himself, lifting his butt up further. "Count them off boy." Crack. "Yeoow,one sir." first sob. Crack. "Arrgh, two sir." sobs Crack. "Arrrrgghh, three sir." heavy sobbing. "Quiet boy, keep it to yourself." Crack, with this one Eric had moved about a foot along the floor. "Mmmgph, four sir." "Come back here boy, stop trying to run away." Crack, crack. "Mmmgghhng, five sir, six sir." Tears of pain were now flowing freely. Crack. "Mmmgrngph, seven sir, oohh, aahh, ngngh,aahhh," The last came as Erics erection let fly splashing cum all over the carpet. "Thats two weeks worth boy, I told you not to come unless I told you." Crack, crack. "Arrgh,eight sir, nine sir." I looked again, Eric was still rock hard his spent cum still dripping on the floor. Crack. "Oohh, aaahh, ten sir." "Stay there boy." I reached for the lotion again and began to rub gentley on his smarting rump, the line of small semi hole marks across his butt was almost attractive, when the cooling down was finished I sat back in the chair. "Stand at present boy." Eric got up trying not to be tempted to rub his sore spots. "Ok Eric come here kiddo, are you ok?" "Ooohh James my bum's sore as hell." "Do you think you will forget the lesson then?" "Not in a hurry I don't think." "Well you see you came again?" "I couldn't stop it, it just kept coming out." "You have to learn to comtrol it Eric." "Yes, but you do all these things to me and it makes me want to just keep doing it." "Ok kiddo, but you'll learn, now lets get some breakfast, we have a lot to do today and you'll need a good meal, come on." We went into the kitchen where I started his breakfast and I had another coffee, I made him bacon and eggs with plenty of toast and marmelade and two large glasses of juice. "I'll have another coffee please Eric." "Yes James." Taking my mug he refilled it then returned to his seat to finish eating. After the kitchen was cleaned we went into the lounge and I sat Eric in a chair facing away from the wall with the paintings. "Right Eric, I've some things to tell you, you must listen carefully and remember everything as I'm only going to tell it once, so you must concentrate." "Yes James." "Now yesterday when you came in here I sent you to stand by the wall over there, no don't turn around, tell me what you saw?" "Well there was a painting of a bird." "Is that all you saw of it just a bird?" "Well no, it was a blue painting and in the middle was a white bird like a pidgeon flying and it had a chain in it's beak and the colour changed to dark blue at the bottom." "Very good Eric, that painting is called a Mythra, that's spelt M,Y,T,H,R,A. Its one of seven that I live and work by, that one is the first and it's called 'Acceptance and Submission' the pale blue represents the life you have come from, without colour, the darker blue is the life you are entering into if you accept, the bird is a dove, which is the symbol or purity and honour the chain is the sign of submission, in this case you're the dove, pure and I hope honorable, now we have a ceremony to perform for you as well as I, if we're going to be together, so do you think you're ready?" "Yes James." "Present, now dove of purity, stand before the first of the seven Mythra, May They Preserve." I stripped out of my clothes, for this part we were both to be naked as sign of openess, once stripped I moved over in front of Eric. "Dove of purity, under the sign of the Mythra, May They Preserve, do you accept me James as your master and protector?" "Sir I do accept you as my Master." "Dove of purity, before the Mythra, May They Preserve, do you swear to obey and follow my teachings and to show honour to myself and the Mythra, May They Preserve?" "Sir I so swear." "Dove of honour, by the Mythra, May They Preserve, do you freely submit to me, James as your master, to show honour and obedience to myself?" "Sir I freely submit to you as my Master and will honour and obey you in all things." "Dove of purity and honour, with this collar I take you as my slave, to protect, teach and to fulfill you wants and needs." I proceeded to fit Eric with his collar, the outer leather was of black on the outside with a core of thin stainless steel, one end with an oval ring welded to it and the other end had four slots for the ring to fit through and enable a padlock to be fitted, on the front was a silver disk with a picture of the dove engraved on it,the inside of the collar was made from a soft kid leather, after fitting it I stepped back. "With the fitting of this collar I give you the signet for a bonded slave and do avow to protect you and fulfill you wants and needs." "Bonded slave Eric, as a sign of my good faith I give to you your safe word, and that word is 'Saphire' this word is yours to use when you safety is in doubt, it is to be given to no other and can not be taken from you, only by your volantary discharge can it be given back to me, it is your protection from myself and all others, if you accept this your safe word then say after me, "I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my safe word, and that word is 'Saphire'." "I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my safe word, and that safe word is 'Saphire'" "Bonded slave Eric, repeat your acceptance." Again Eric repeated word for word the acceptance. "Bonded Slave Eric, as a further sign and in the interest of your safety I also give you your go slow, and that word is 'Granite' to be used in times of temporary difficulty, should you accept this your go slow then repeat after me "I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my go slow and that word is 'Granite'" "I Eric, as a bonded slave to my Master James do accept my go slow, and that word is 'Granite'" "Bonded slave Eric, repeat your acceptance." Again he repeated word for word his acceptance. "Bonded slave Eric, at the use of either word I will on my honour desist in any activity so being engaged in should you utter these words, however they may not be used lightly and must never be given to another, on my honour I will obey them at all times if used." "As a sign of faith you may ask of me what you will?" "Master hold me, please." "Yes Eric, come here my boy let me hug you, it's is over for this part, lets have a rest and you can ask me anything you're not clear on before we continue." Eric relaxed into my arms as I enclosed him in my arms and then moved over to a chair to rest and to listen to anything he had to say. "James?" "Yes Eric?" "Do I wear this collar all the time, even at school?" "Yes Eric, people don't need to know what it stands for, it is private for you and I only, and the only time it comes off is when you shower." "What are the Mythra, are they more than just paintings?" "Yes Eric, they are a way of life for people who believe in them, there are a lot of people out there into bondage and such, not all of them are trained and can do a lot of harm to others, those of us who chose to follow this way are bound by it's rules to never do serious harm to those who we're responsible for, as I am now for you, I can't throw you away only you can decide to finish our partnership, I'm bound to care for you as long as you wish to stay." "Does that mean if I want to stay with you for the rest of my life you can't send me away?" "Yes Eric that's it exactly, I've accepted the responsiblity for your welfare and your care until you want to go." "So I'm safe at last?" "Yes kiddo you're safe at last, you want a drink before we continue?" "There's more?" "Yes kiddo, one more very important part to go, now I need a drink so how about you?" "Yes Master I will get something for us now." "Thank you Eric, Coke please and ice." To Be Continued :
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 15:20:03 +1300 From: arthur Subject: child of mythra part 9 authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Nine By Arthur I sat in a lounge chair after returning from leaving Eric at school for his first day, the morning paper laying over my knees as I listened to the silence of the house now that my little dove was away, here I was the Founding Prime Master of the Mythra feeling sad and alone without my little dove, come on pull yourself together, he's just your slave, yeah right, damn it's quiet without him, wonder when he'll be back, mmmmmm nine thirty still two and a half hours to go. I took up the paper for the tenth time and tried to read but my eyes wouldn't focus on the words, the fear of my boy alone at school and without my protection was starting to get to me, shit I hope I don't have to go through this everyday he's away, ten thirty, one and a half hours to go, what the hell can I find to do, I know ring Alton see how he's getting on with the new cloths. I went to the hall phone to ring Alton and as usual he was pretty short with the interuption to his work. "Ok James, what's the damn score, you know I'll have it ready for him, why the cross examination?" "Don't know Alton, I just can't believe I miss him so much, damn this is no way for a Master to behave." "Bullshit James, you love him more than you thought thats all, get over it and let me get back to his gear." "Yeah ok, sorry Alton, bye for now." "Hrmph, click." Oh well back to the paper, whats the time, eleven, god one hour to go, another coffee will help, I went to the kitchen and as I got my coffee I thought I heard something in the lounge, but then put the thought out of my mind, he wont be home for another, hmmm let me see, 50 minutes, oh well back to the paper, I took up my cup and went into the lounge, as I entered I came to a sudden halt, the coffee spilling down the front of my shirt as I looked at the object in the middle of the floor. The bundle there had his hair tossed all over his head with small bits of grass in it, the left sleeve of his shirt hanging in tatters, the collar nearly torn off, a grass stain on the back of his jeans, he sat there in the third position waiting for me. "Why are you home boy, speak?" "Master I have brought you dishonour." "Speak freely boy?" "Master, during the first break I was approached by three boys, who began to call me names and then push me around, I wanted to obey you and tried to find a way to leave without causing trouble, the biggest one grabbed me around the chest from behind while the other two started to punch me, I did as you ordered and fought back and managed to kick the two in front in the balls and they stopped but the other one was to big for me and started to beat me, one of the teachers came and stopped him and we all had to go to the headmasters office, he told me to come home and get clean and then to give you a message, Master I am sorry for my bad behaviour and await your punishment for not obeying you to the full." "Stand to 'Present' boy." Eric rose to his feet and took the 'present' position, it was then I saw the full extent of his injuries, my beautiful little dove had the makings of a very nasty shiner, his lip was split and the top of the left ear was torn, all the buttons on his shirt were gone and the bruises on his chest showed they had been kicking him, yet he stood there for me not moving though he had to be in pain. "What is the message boy?" "Master, he asked that you come to the school this afternoon after lunch and then he said something funny." "What was that Boy?" "Master he said to tell you that it was "Formal", I'm sorry he didn't say what was." "Thank you Boy, I know what it's about, now come here my love." "OH, James I'm so sorry, I tried real hard to beat them but they were to many, I was to small, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." "Shh, Eric, you did all I asked of you, I'm proud you did as much as you could, now come little one let me get you cleaned up then take a shower and I'll help you get dressed, do you think you can face the school again today?" "Of course I can James, I wouldn't dishonour you by not going back." "I know you wouldn't Kiddo, but what I mean is could you face the whole school, not as Eric but as the Child of Mythra?" "Yes James, it's who I am." "Good boy,now come on one more hug and then we get you cleaned up and dressed." Eric snuggled into me again and then I took him to the bathroom and after removing his leathers I tended to his wounds and he winced and gave the occasional little moan but he stood there proud and steady while I swabbed and cleaned the cuts and bruises. "Go have your shower now Eric, I'm going to get your things ready for you, then its lunch and I will be coming back with you." After lunch I took Eric to his room and dressed him as he looked in an asking sort of way at me as I locked his gear on him. Once he was all done I went to my room and dressed in my dark suit and picking up the bag I had readied while he was showering, returned to the lounge where he was waiting. "Why all dressed up James?" "You'll see Eric, now I want you to put this on as well, today we're going to do something thats never been done before but if it has to be done then you're the one to do it, are you game my little dove?" "Yes James for you I'm ready." "Ok lets get this over with." We left the house and headed to the school where I parked again in the visitors park and got out of the car Eric joining me as I had instructed him to earlier, we went up through the front doors and down the hallway to where the offices were, at the reception I asked for the headmaster and was shown to his door where the receptionist knocked and went in. "Excuse me sir, the head will see you know." "Thank you, come on Eric." We entered and as usual eric was to my left, I would loved to have seen his face as he saw the headmaster standing there at 'present' yes you guessed it he was one of us. "Founding Prime Master, you honour me sir." "Prime Master Richard, the honour is mine." "Child of Mythra, I welcome you." Eric dropped to the third position as he said. "P..Prime Master, thank you." "Right James, lets get down to business, this is bloody shocking, I thought I'd cleaned up the bullying and for those little bastards to do this to Mythras Child is unforgivable, I asked you both here to make a suggestion, thats why I said it was formal." "Ok Richard, what have you got in mind, I've an Idea but spell it out for us." "Well James as you know we're well ahead of other schools in most things and this includes sex education, the government bods don't like it but we're private and to hell with them. what I want to suggest, that is if your boy is game, is to do a full assembly this afternoon at two o'clock then I would like you and your boy to take the floor and tell or show these little ratbags that the world has all types to make it work not just their idea of what it's like out there, would you do it?" "As far as I'm concerned, no problem Richard, but the boy has been through a bit today, this is one I'm going to leave up to him, stand up eric you can relax here, so what do you think, do you want to do it?" "Is that why you dressed me like this James?" "Yes Eric just in case." "Then if I'm dressed for it lets go, I'm Mythras Child and not ashamed of who I am." "Ok Richard it's a go. what about the three boys?" "Hehehe they're going to be close by and ready for you when you want them." "Thank you for that Richard, I promise not to hurt them, just scare the shit out of them." "Good, thats what they need and at the same time show them how brave your little boy really is, I've already heard about some of the other students thinking that Eric was the bravest one to take on all three of them even after he tried to get away, he has a lot of new friends here after today, you know what kids are like, the best hero is always the underdog." "Thanks from both of us Richard, do you have somewhere we can wait till then?" "You can both stay here if you like, I've got to do rounds and by then they will be all on their way to the auditorium for assembly, once they are all inside I'll come for you and take you back stage until I announce you both, then it's up to you, ok?" "Yes thats fine Richard, and thanks for the chance." "Well it's about time something was done to free up our way of life and this is the best way I can think of doing it." As he finished Richard headed for the door and then we were alone together. I put out my arms for Eric to come into and as he rested against my chest I stroked his back and head calming him for the coming event but then I realised he was perfectly calm and just enjoying the rubbing and closeness of the hugs. "Tonight my little dove, if all goes well today I have something special for you." "Oh James it's always special when you do things for me." "Tonight my little dove is extra special." "Ok James, I'll do my best for you today." "I know, I know, you always do kiddo, I'm so proud of you for today, what you did and what you tried so hard to do, you heard Richard, a lot of the kids here think you're a hero now, you'll have the respect of others now that you deserve." "HMMmmmmmm, thank you James." The time seemed to fly by as I held him in my arms for the next thing I knew was Richard standing there in the doorway. "You ready then James?" "Yes Richard, we're ready." "Ok lets go, I'm going to do a rehash then an introduction after that they're all yours." "Right you are Richard." Richard led us down the hall way to a small door and let us into the back of the auditorium, the smell of chalk dust mixed with floorpolish and the other myriad smells of school brought back those long forgotten memeories of my years in the halls of learning and it was then that I realised where my penchant for B&D came from as corporal punishment was the norm in my day at school and when it was my time for the cane I even looked forward to it and at times went out of my way to get caught so I was sent to the heads office for six of the best, it's funny how your younger years set your patterns for your adulthood. We heard Richard switch on the microphone and then he began to speak to the assembled students, Kingsgate took boys only from the fourth form upward so the youngest was fourteen and the oldest were seventeen, it was a day school only and had no provisions for boarders. "Good afternooon boys, as you can see we have a special assembly today, this is because this morning three cowards attacked one of the new fourth formers, bullying and then beating him because he was a little different than them, I'm also told that he put up a pretty good defense against three bigger and older cowards." There came a loud cheer from the boys as this was said, I pulled Eric closer and squeezed him a little. "Thank you boys, I'm sure the boy concerned appreciates your guesture, now then I want to do something today thats never been done either here or anywhere else in the country, as you know we have a full study course on sex education here, we try to teach you all you should know and we have always answered any and all questions honestly for you, agreed?" A chorus of 'yes sir's' went around the auditorium. "Right then so far we have taught you about all types of life styles except one, you know all there is to know about hetrosexuality,homosexuality, transgenderism, prostitution and everything in between, today you are going to see the last one of the lifestyles that there is for you to know about, this life style is called Bondage and Discipline, it's not wildly known about and is practised only by very special people, the basic principle is that one of the people is a teacher, he is called the Master, the other is the student he is called a submissive and also at times is called a Slave, now I'm sure most of you have read or heard about these sorts of people." There was some loud muttering and mumbling going on as to the good or bad side of what they all thought they knew about the B&D scene until Richard called for quiet. "OK enough, enough, right then, I have asked some people who know a lot about this type of life style to come here today to tell you about it and themselves, what they do and why they do it, I'm sure they will let you ask questions as well but, one warning, the Master is a real Master not a comic book one, you will at all times show him respect and call him sir, he will not be played with so I'm warning all of you, be on your best behaviour with him. ok thats all so now I introduce you to Founding Prime Master James and his boy." I turned to Eric and adjusted his clothes, "Stay here till I call for you Eric, then just be you as we are at home ok?" "Yes James, James?" "Yes kiddo?" "Is this a scene?" "Well sort of Eric, just follow my lead like you always do, ok?" "Yes James." Richard came through the curtains as I adjusted my gloves and sash and checked by bowtie. "Ready Prime Master?" "Yes Richard, lets do it." I stood at the opening of the curtsains and closed my eyes for a second and when I was confident that the look of 'I'm going to rip your head off and shove it up your ass' was set in place I opened the curtains and strode to the front of the stage looking out over the students until I saw the three boys in the front row with fresh bruises and cuts on their faces, damn my little dove had done well to have a go at those three buggers, they were taller, heavier, older and stronger than Eric yet he'd left them marked up pretty well considering the circumstances, I glared at the three of them then crooked a finger at them in a guesture of 'come here boys'and stared them down until they got to their feet with sheer terror in their eyes, the rest of the student body was deathly silent as the three stumbled their way up onto the stage. the leader was a good head taller than I was so Eric had done well to still be alive, the other two were about the same height as I was, I found it hard to keep a straight face as I watched three sets of knees shaking and three faces sweating,(haha, gotcha boys, nothing is more scarey than fear itself) when the boys were on stage side by side, I walked over to them still with the 'I want your heads' look. "You boys will stay there till I tell you to move, no talking, understand?" Three sets of 'yes sir' came from them. "Thats your first mistake, I said no talking, KNEEL." Down they went. "Hands clasped behind your head, elbows out to the side, DO IT." Hands jumped up and elbows went out, one boy began to get a wet spot on his jeans. "You pee on my floor boy and I'll have the skin off you, blink your eyes once if you understand." One blink and a shuddering of his shoulders. "Boys, stay as you are, do not move, thats the last time I tell you." As I turned away from them I allowed my face to settle back into a normal look and then asked the other students for questions so far. The deathly silence that had been maintained up till then broke out into an uproar and as I glanced at the boys I could see Richard with a smile on his face and a look that asked if i wanted him to regain some control out there, I shook my head then turned to the floor again and looked out at the other students then with a middle of the road voice simple said. "Silence." An instant hush fell over the hall. "Gentlemen, I'll answer all your questions but lets do it slowly ok?" "Yes sir" came out from all the throats. Lets start down here at the front then, one question each ok, if you ask something that I'm going to show you later then I'll tell you to wait for then, fair enough?' "Yes sir" "OK, you young man, whats yours?" "Sir, are you going to make them three slaves?" A snigger could be heard around the hall. "They already are, young man, next, the boy next to you." "Sir are you always so hard, like all the time, like night and day?" "No, there's times that you have to do other things, its not about being hard or tough, its about looking out for the boy under your protection." "Sir, the head said you have a boy here, is he going to come out for us to see?" "Yes he'll be here when I call for him." "Sir, can't he just come out when he wants?" "No, I've told him to wait till I tell him." "Sir does he always do what you want him to?" "Yes, most of the time." "Sir,what if he doesn't?" "He gets punished for disobeying me." "Sir, what sort of punishment?" "We'll come to that later." >From the corner of my eye I caught a slight movement from the biggest boy,( Ha gotcha) I spun around glaring at the boy. "Boy, head on the floor, get your butt up, now stay, I told you not to move boy." I turned back to see the shocked look on the students faces, it had been so quick they didn't have time to adjust. "Ok gentlemen, one more question before we move on, yes young man with the blue shirt." "Sir, are there many people like you and your...ahhh...boy?" "Yes son more than you'd think, ok thats it for now, lets get on a bit, BOY come." There was a muttering of speculation from the crowd of boys as the curtains parted and a cloaked diminutive figure made its way to the stage to stand by my left should, his cloak from the conclave again masking his face. "Gentlemen, this is my boy, he is cloaked at the moment for a good reason as you'll all see soon, first you can see he's barefoot and that he has ankle cuffs on, also on the front of the cloak is a silver dove clasp holding it closed, firstly the cuffs are what we call restraints, Boy show your wrists, as you see he wears them on his wrists as well, they can be locked together to stop him from moving or when I want to keep him in one position for his work, secondly the clasp of the dove tells other men like myself that this boy is very special, he is not just a Slave, he is known as The Child of Mythra, he is special in that he will always be a slave and never wants to be a Master which a lot of slaves do become after a time in training, but this boy also has something else special that Im not going to tell just yet, you will see it later, Boy Present." Erics hands went to his head, the mask staying in positon hiding his face. "This is known as the first position or the 'Present' it's his way of showing respect to a Master, Boy 'Rest', this is the second position and he uses it for a higher Master or when I'm sitting down, Boy 'Penitence', this is the third position and is used for his punishment or when a Master of very high rank is in front of him. Im sure you boys have seen these positions before?" Then the hall erupted again into an uproar as the realisation that the three bullies had been made to go through the three positions and I was sure the other students now could see why I said the three others were already slaves, the noise settled down as their laughter at the three bullies subsided, I had on purpose left Eric in the third position. "Now then you have some questioons, the boy in the second row?" "Sir, would your...uhmm...boy stay like that for long?" "Yes, he'd stay there till I tell him to change." "Sir, even all night?" "Yes if thats what I want." A small muttering of admiration went around the hall, not for me but for the boy. "Sir, could you make the other three do it too?" "Yes, they would make mistakes at first but I have ways of changing their minnds." "Sir, what ways?" "We'll go into that later." "Sir, can we see your, you know, your ..uhm..boy?" "Yes ok, Boy stand." Eric came to his feet now at a relaxed position with his hands by his side waiting for me to continue, I leant close and whispered to him. "You ready my little dove?" A whispered."Yes James, I love you." I wanted to make this sound really special for all the boys in the hall so in a loud clear voice I spoke out. "Child of Mythra, when I release your cape you will come to 'Present' to show repsect for these young gentlemen, you will not look or speak to anyone, you will not move until I tell you." I turned my body to shield him from the hall and as I undid the clasp I again whispered "Do it well little dove" With my back to the hall I said again over my shoulder. "Gentlemen, my slave Eric, the Child Of Mythra." I pulled the cape away and Eric snapped into 'Present' as soon as it was clear from his small body, there was loud gasps and oohs, ahhs, and whispers as they recognised him but now he was dressed in his full regalia including full chastity and body harness, everything was gleaming and shiney, the emblems of the Mythra stood out bright and shiney. Eric stood stock still, head back, elbows out wide back arched feet close together, I found it hard to see him even breathing, his eyes were clear and bright as he watched me not even seeing the crowd in the hall. I looked around at what seemed like a sea of hands waving in the air to ask questions, I held up my hand for silence and then turned to Eric. "Boy tell the gentlemen who you are.speak." "I am Eric, Child of Mythra, Bonded, Double Ringed and Presented Slave of Founding Prime Master James of the Seven Mythra 'May They Preserve'" I could not help whispering to my lovely little boy. "Well done Eric that was perfect, I love you little dove." Shouts of "Sir, Sir, Sir." rang around the hall, I made a quick glance to where Richard stood in the wings, he smiled and nodded his head.I looked over to the three bullies the pain on their faces as their knees felt the hardness of the floor was a delight to see but I also saw that they really didn't want to move, just for luck I gave the three of them another 'knock your head off' look and turned back to the crowd. "Ok a few more questions then we do a few things for you, yes, you in the fourth row, green shirt." "Sir, can we ask your b..b..Eric some questioons?" "Boy you may answer freely any questions from the young gentlemen." "Yes Master." "OK guys one at a time, you can ask him anything but be polite to him, he's not just a toy, he's very real and very special, ok the same boy you can be first." "Ahhm, Eric do you always call him sir?" "Yes sir, most times unless he tells me not to." "Eric, when he punishes you, does it really hurt you?" "Yes sir, it's meant to so that I can learn." "Eric why do you let him do thinngs to you?" "I'm a submissive sir, I need to have someone like my Master to protect me and love me." "He loves you?" "Yes sir he does and I love him for protecting me and loving me." "Eric why do you have to have someone to protect you?" "Because sir, if there was no one to protect me I would try to find someone to do it and it might be someone who doesn't know what they're doing, they might kill me because I couldn't stop them." "Eric why couldn't you stop them?" "As I said sir I'm a submissive, I couldn't give an order to stop them, I would just let them do what they wanted to me." "Eric why do you call everyone here 'sir' we're just boys like you?" "No sir, you are higher than I am and I have to show you respect at all times, my Master said so." "Do you have to do everything your, ahhmm.. Master says?" "He's my Master, I dont have to but I want too, if I make a mistake then he should punish me so I can learn not to do it again." "Eric do you like the punishments?" Eric looked over to me and I nodded to him indicating that he tell the whole truth, these boys were asking the questions that they were interested in, it was as far as I was concerned the best way for them to learn, no boring sterilized chatter but real questions from them in terms they could understand and grasp, if we managed to open only one pair of eyes to our ways then it was all worth it. "Yes sir, most times I do, but my Master has lots of ways and some times he scares me, but I know he would never hurt me, the pain is part of who I am and it is a part of who I want to be." "Sir, what is the real difference, you said Eric is a slave but he used the term 'Submissive'?" "There are many words to describe Erics type of person, I'll run through them quickly for you, there is the Helot, the total submissive, the submissive dominant, the dominant submissive and then the dominant,the Helot is from the olden days of the Spartans in old greek times, they took the punishment among other things for the high class people, the total submissives like Eric are just that, they are totally submissive, they don't want to be in charge of anything, they like to be protected and they also need the reminder of order with pain to be happy, they love to be kept to a strict regimen and order, the submissive dominant while being submissive in most things will try to manipulate their Master in some way and in the end will become a Master themselves, the dominnant submissive is more open in his defiance and will usually be found in the harsher and rougher side of the B&D scene, the dominant is always a Master although some will go through a period of being submissive in order to get their training but their agressivness makes them very hard to train." "Sir, whats this Mythra thing?" "The Mythra is a code by which we live our lives, there are rules laid down to protect our boys from abuse and danger from a Master, it's also a way of living your life with order and harmony." "Sir, what if a Master is found to , ahm, you know, like abuse a b..b..boy?" "If he's a Master of the Mythra we have a special number of people that do the investigation, if they find it's all true the boy is taken away to be cared for and the Master is taken before the council to be punished." "Sir, who's side do the council take, like you know really?" "Our first duty is to our boys, they come first in every thing especially in a case of abuse." "sir does that mean that the ahh, Master is wrong until proven innocent?" "Exactly, no boy is ever thought to lie, he is to be protected at all costs." "Sir how good is the investigatioon?" "Give me your name and telephone number and by tomorrow night I will tell you what your great grandfather had for dinner on his twentieth birthday." "Well boys it's nearly 3.00 and we have a little to show you yet or with your headmasters permission we could come back another day to continue, what would you like to do?" A shout went up around the room sir, sir, please can you come back, please sir.? "Headmaster would that be convenient for the school?" Richard came onto the stage and looked at all the boys and their begging faces. "Well Prime Master James we would be glad to have you both back again, it seems you have hit a note with the boys here, when would be suitable?" "Shall we say Thursday at 1.00, it will give the boys a little more time to ask questions." To be Continued:
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Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 10:04:04 -0700 (PDT) From: Rob M Subject: Re: Rob's Life Chapter 4 "Lunch with Kyle" Rob's Life - "Lunch with Kyle" Well, let's get straight to the sex this time. Nothing new or different, but I was woken up at 6am this morning with my dick in someone's mouth. Now there's nothing at all unusual about this for me, as this is how Kyle wakes me up every morning. Billy sometimes gets jealous of this, so he has occasionally conspired with his brother (I call them brothers even though there is no relation, just because it's easier than saying "my other boyfriend". That's like a man calling his wife "my baby's mother") to wake me up at the same time. He's so sweet about it, he'll just start licking my lips, and while I'm still asleep I automatically start to stick my tongue out, and then he sucks on it for me until I pull it back in, then he licks them again until I once again stick out my tongue for him to suck on it, and by the third time I'm normally awake. Meanwhile Kyle has creeped up under the covers from the bottom of the bed and is tonguing the underside of my dick and working the head trying to coax out my morning cum. The reason why Billy doesn't suck my dick in the morning is because Billy doesn't take my piss. He doesn't swallow it, he just lets me piss on him. Sometimes he takes Kyle's bottles from the fridge and pours them on himself in the shower or outside when he goes running (then he really reeks when he returns!). Kyle will continue my morning blowjob until I've grunted and thrust and cum in his mouth, and then as soon as I have he continues holding my dick in his mouth laying on his stomach between my legs and stays as precisely still as he can. He's waiting for me to piss directly into his mouth. He can take an all out ocean of piss straight into his stomach as quickly as I can put it out, even one of those huge beer pisses, he takes all of it. I'm not a big beer drinker, but I know he can do it, so my morning one usually isn't too bad, although he does say it's a little worse than the others of the day because it's more concentrated. So he just holds me in his mouth trying to not make me hard and not to pull off while he gets my piss. If he spills any, I'm not a dick about it, because honestly I'm never a dick, but it's his mess and he better clean it off. I only do pissplay outside, in their beds, in the kitchen or in the shower, never in my room. Now of course when he blows me it's in my room because I usually sleep in my bed, but not always, and I didn't always trust him. I used to wake up, go into their room, the "dorm" room, wake up one of them make him blow me, then piss in Kyle. But since I've seen that he can take practically a liter at a time, I trust him to do it in my bed, and so far he's only spilled any one time and that was only because he had the hiccups and one hit him while he was doing it. But as I said, I'm not an asshole, and instead of pounding his ass or withholding my dick, I just made him clean it up, lap up what he could, clean the sheets, and really scrub down the mattress. He missed a day of work for it. LOL. "This note is to explain that Kyle could not come to work yesterday as he spilled some of his boyfriend's piss and had to work all day to clean it up or else he wasn't getting fucked last night. Please excuse his tardiness." For all of those who asked, Kyle has a degree in pharmacy, and makes as much as I do. Bastard. Billy is a business major. So anyway I got my morning Kyle blowjob and a spectacular kiss from Billy who said to me this morning like he always does "How you feeling handsome man?" before kissing me and offering me his mouth to tonguefuck. I checked my email and headed out to work, and when I got here, I got a message on AIM from one of the guys who sent me an email telling me how much he liked the stuff I'd written about. I'd chatted with him before, he's 20yo, dark hair, olive skin, 6'2", 190lbs, built really nice in a lanky jockish body and he gets off on dudes who look like me with my kind of attitude, he even has a girlfriend who knows nothing of what he wants. He's an online guy, and I've never met online guys, the thought actually makes me a little nervous, and he mentioned to me that he's going to double his trips to the gym so he can try and get bigger for me. Isn't he sweet? I was thinking about offering him a deal. something like, if you can maintain the same level of body fat and put on 25lbs. of muscle (keep the same bodyfat) I'll give you a nut in your mouth. LOL. Now this doesn't mean I'd do this for everyone or even for him, but it is an interesting thought isn't it? I'd want to make it almost impossible, but not totally impossible. I mean everyone needs something to strive for. And if you saw his picture you'd know he has the kind f body that could easily put on the necessary weight, he's not like me, who's relatively lanky and who's metabolism is so fast he can't gain weight. He has a beautiful jock frame that could easily stand added muscular weight. I'll let you guys know what happens. Of course the other big reason I'm writing is because I just fucked 30 minutes ago. At the advice of a buddy of mine, who happens to be a bottom no less, I called up Kyle at home who has today off and told him to come to where I work. It's a long drive, just over an hour, but he made it here by 11:30. I work in a small firm and actually today there was almost no one here, just one of the junior accountants and the girl who answers the phones, everyone else was either out on site, out sick, or away on vacation, so I took Kyle who showed up wearing a backwards ball cap, and A|X t- shirt and jeans into the conference room and told him I was in the mood to fuck and right then I was in the mood to fuck him. His face lit up with a huge smile and he just hugged me and told me he loved me. I was sitting down on one of the chairs of the conference table, which are huge and with arms, and he came over to me and put his knees on either side of me kissing me and stroking my hair with his hands for a moment before undoing my belt and pulling my zipper down. He was about to kneel on the floor and go down on me when I said, "No. No sucking. I said I wanted to fuck." He grinned and nodded at me and turned around, standing in front of me and slid his jeans over his ass, exposing his hole and the band of his jockstrap (I make them both wear it remember?) He spit on his hands and reached back gripping my cock and put his other hand on my knee, guiding himself onto me. Now normally when I fuck I prefer the bottom to just lay there and take what I give him, but this time I was the one who was laying there, not because I really wanted to but because it was almost impossible for me to fuck and thrust more than in inch into him unless he was also moving. He bounced on my dick while I let loose on him with my mouth, pushing my hands up under his shirt and digging my nails into his back, all the while calling him, "My favorite cunt". He really was a piece of beautiful ass today. He pounded himself on me until he came, and I know he came because I felt his ass clamp down on me in that spastic vice grip like it normally does when he cums while being fucked. And no, he wasn't jerking off, he was using his hands to balance himself, and I was using my feet and one of my hands to keep the chair (which had wheels) from moving. After maybe 20 minutes of fucking I felt my balls churning and I cracked my nuts into his hole. Then I told him to get off, and when he did, I saw my load start to leak out of him for a split second before he pulled his pants up. I told him he should go to the bathroom and clean up. He said he would in a minute, after I was clean. He got down on his knees and put my smelly dick in his mouth, tongued me clean, even deep throated me for a good five minutes before being satisfied that I was clean before he stopped. Then he went to the bathroom and I started to eat the lunch he'd brought me. Soon enough he returned, grabbed his lunch (he visited me under the pretense of bringing me lunch. Did I mention that? Although it wasn't a pretense, he really did bring us lunch.) and started eating. We talked about everyday stuff, and I told him about the jock who wants to put on weight for me. He thought it was a good idea, but I did detect a hint of jealousy in his reaction, and just as he left, he turned to me and said to me, "I think that I should bring you lunch more often." "Maybe," I told him. We kissed a loving kiss, and then he left, and I went back to my office to write all this down. : ) Rob
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 11:39:26 -0700 (PDT) From: Rob M Subject: ROB'S LIFE Chapter 2 - "Jay Is A Bottom" Well, this was surprising, I didn't really expect to be writing again so soon but it turns out there's quite a little demand for dudes like me. I had no idea there were so many wannabe cunts out there just looking to get their asses and faces stuffed with the dick of a real man. LOL and some of them are muscleboys! Who'da thunk there were submissive muscleboys out there. A couple of them had questions too, why do you want a muscle dude what's the big deal isn't it all about attitude? Let me clarify. For me it is all about attitude. And most guys out there can't really deny it. And you can't really gauge someone's attitude until they open their mouth, body type and even position had nothing to do with it. Once a guy opens his mouth you can tell whereof he speaks. Confidence shows in the voice. Most bottoms know this according to Billy. I on the other hand am not interested in attitude, not in that aggressive sort of way that attitude without adjectives mean. I'm a man, and I'm shallow, I admit it. If I'm doing all this effort, giving submissive guys what they want, using them like they say they "need" it, then what the fuck are they giving me? Yup, you got it. I make Billy and Kyle workout. They don't mind, most gay guys workout anyway, although Kyle is less enthused about it than I would like him to be, he does it cause he loves me, and because, well, if I wanted to be sweet and say that I love him too, that is true, but it's not completely correct either. There's more to it than that. I love his body. Let's face it, the hotter Kyle is, the more I'm going to want to use him like he needs it, so he and Billy are caught in this spiraling struggle for musculature. It's almost evolutionary. And it's to please me. It's great. A lot of guys have been asking about me specifically. One even asked what I do! Now really. is that any of your business? Although I might as well tell you guys seeing as how you're going to be finding out the details of my sex life anyway. I work as an architect and I am in New York City. I'm 27 years old, (I mentioned that already but some of you seem to have missed it so there it is again), 5'10", 155 lbs, brown hair and brown eyes, Italian/Irish heritage, with a semi smooth body (all the right patches in all the good places) and a 7" cock that looks much bigger and thicker than it is. It's really only slightly larger than normal. Billy says it's beautiful. Some of you guys asked for info on how I met my guys, or how I liked to fuck. With the bottom face down on the bed so I can lay on top of him, press my weight into him, and lick and tongue the back of his neck while I pump. Then when I cum I bite down hard on the back of his neck, to let him know I'm in him. Does that answer your question? I'm going to hold off on the specifics of Billy and Kyle for now though, I'd much rather talk about this guy I fucked last night. So I'm chillin' out at home, and get a call from Jay. Jay is cute guy, boyishly cute, the kind who when he's 65 will look like he's 30. He's 20, with longish blond hair, and a friend of Billy's who used to live out in CA with him but who was from a town out on Long Island. Last year during a home visit for thanksgiving Billy got him to hookup with me. So last night Jay calls me and tells me he's home for the summer, and wanted to know what I was doing this weekend. I told him the truth, I was busy this weekend, but if he wanted to come over right then he could. Billy was watching ER (He's a drama queen, literally) and Kyle as asleep, so I figured why not and told Billy Jay was coming over. It took an hour for him to get to where I live, but it was worth it, because I was shocked when he opened the door. He was shirtless because he knows I'm a sucker for a guy's chest, and while the rest of him still looked exactly the same, clearly he had been working out his chest like mad. It was strange to see his pectoral muscles so impossibly out of proportion with the rest of him, but it actually made him look much bigger than he was, and he's only a short guy, 5'6" so any change in size looks huge. I grabbed one of his tits, tweaked it and brought him inside. He loves to kiss so we liplocked right there inside the door for quite a time, all the while my hands exploring his chest and body and his hands firmly planted and very slightly fondling the bulge growing in my pants. My hands worked their way up to his hair and he worked his way down to his knees until he was standing in front of me. He slipped my t-shirt out of my jeans and kissed my stomach, licking here and there, and then French kissed my navel for a little bit before undoing my jeans. Then Billy walked by to see who was at the door and just smiled before going into the Kitchen to get more 7Up. He did ask me if I needed help. I told him that I might later, but not now. Jay is a bottom, and he does like to be fucked, but his real talent is cocksucking, just like Billy. He also didn't get fucked until he was older, practically 18, and so his favorite thing to do is still suck dick. I've found that whatever people do first is always their favorite thing to do or their favorite way of doing it. Just ask any bottom what his favorite position is and I will bet my ass that whatever they tell you it will be the position that they first took dick in. So I'm rubbing my hands all over in his hair and he takes down my jeans, and starts tonguing, sucking, and licking my dick right through my jockstrap. Yes, I wear jockstraps for underwear, all the time. I read that on some other story here and thought it was hot, so I started doing it. Yes Billy and Kyle do too. So he's licking me and eventually he takes my jock down and is at first just licking the head, just licking it, poking at its tip with the tip of his tongue and telling me what a big boy I am and how good I smell. I must confess that even though I am not that big, I love being called a "big boy" by a breathy bottom guy. So he takes the head into his mouth and is really working me like a pro when I felt some teeth. Now normally I wouldn't mind but I've been blown by him before, and I was expecting a pro job, so I pulled him off my dick with a fist in his hair (I wonder if that's why he keeps it so long), and his little mouth kept making pouty sucking noises. I yelled at him. Told him to watch his fucking teeth, then grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him into my room. My room has a queen size bed in it, and laying in it all curled up is Kyle. So I woke him, up, told him to get out and then laid down on the bed with Jay who asked me who Kyle was. (They hadn't met last time I fucked him). I told him he was my other boyfriend, and this evil grin came over his face. Then he told me, "I love sucking stud cock." Ok, I know I said no quotes, but how could I not leave in a compliment like that! So I lay down on the bed and pull him to me, my hands on his ears and guide my pole back into his mouth. About this time Billy came into the room just to watch. And as soon as someone is watching I feel like I'm being lazy if I'm not doing anything so I rolled Jay over and sat on his chest, and slapped his face around with my dick a little bit before sliding it into him and gagging him some. Then I rolled him over completely, had him pull his shirt off and pulled his pants down. Jockstrap. Nice! At least the cunt remembers what I like. I smacked his ass playfully once, and then really fucking hard the second time. "That's for the teeth, shithead". Then I popped the knob in, and started long dicking his ass. He has one of those asses that doesn't fight you at all, it just seems to suck you in and swallow your whole dick with one long gulp. So I'm long dicking him, and Billy comes over and starts kissing me. Isn't he sweet? He knows that when I fuck I really like to kiss and since it's a logistical impossibility in doggy style, he just came right over and filled the need. I have to love him. But then He pulled away from me and playfully slapped my ass, "Fuck that cunt good Rob. For me." So I pushed Jay down so he was flat on the bed, pushed his knees apart with my own knees and really began pounding him in a regular motion all the while kissing and licking and sucking the back of his neck, and a few times, I even dragged my teeth over his skin. This morning he told me that made him shiver, but I didn't feel it last night. Then just as I was about to cum, I bit down hard on the back of his neck the same spot I had been tonguing. He screamed. Cunt. Then I pulled off him and Billy was kind enough to clean off my dick for me. With his mouth of course. He says he can tell who I've fucked last just by the taste on my dick. Jay fell asleep, and I went into Billy's bedroom and slept in his bed with him. OK that's enough for chapter 2. I didn't think it was going to be this long, this definitely took more than a half hour. Keep the email and messages coming, I really get off on it. If you're a muscle bottom and you email me and want to talk about stuff, email me a picture. It will really help me remember you if you ever chat with me. Time to bolt, Rob
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 13:45:03 -0700 (PDT) From: Rob M Subject: Rob's Life Chapter 3 - "Jay on the Ride Home" Chapter 3 - "Jay on the Ride Home" Ok I've been writing and I have to say that I really appreciate getting the response that I have been getting, especially from the one or two muscleboy bottoms begging for my dick. I'm not goingn to wax philosophical today though because after all it is a weekend, and I want to make this nice and short so instead I'm going to write down a conversation that Billy told me he had with Jay the other day, the morning after I fucked him. I asked Billy to drive him home, because even though I thought he drove to me, he didn't he took public transportation, and I mean, the guy took my load, I could at least get him a ride home. When Billy came back he begged me to fuck him because he said that in the car Jay and he had been talking and it got him so fucking hot. Anyway, Billy told me about it, and here is what they talked about. Jay: You've known Rob a while right? Billy: Not long enough! Jay: I can't believe he woke Kyle up and told him to get the fuck out of bed so I could get it on with him. I wish he would of fucked me again, I am still so fuckin horny. Lemme suck your dick. Billy: No way. Jay: Come on dude, just give it up, I know you're a fuckin sub, don't be a fuckin' bitch just suck it ya hole." Billy: No fuckin' way, my man is home waiting for me, I get all the dick and cum I need from him. Jay: What the fuck dude? He just fucking woke up his other boyfriend so he could prime my ass in your bed. Jay: What kind of boyfriend is he? I mean he fucks around on you like mad, just give him some of the same and let me nut in ya. He'll never know. Billy: He is so fuckin' cool dude. You saw the way he fucks, it is so awesome. He lets me swallow his cum, his piss, and he takes care of me. Jay: He takes care of you? He fucks around! Jay: What's he do for you? Come on man just touch it for me. Billy: Yeah, he keeps me safe, wouldn't let anyone hurt me, and he dosen't fuck around, he does what makes him happy..No dude, you know what I am gonna do as soon as I get back home? Jay: What do you mean he doesn't fuck around? Hell yeah he does. My ass is still sore! He can't keep his dick in one guy! What are you going to do? Billy: I am gonna find the rubber he used on you, and chew on it all night like bubble gum..I love his juices dude, fuckin' love him. Jay: He didn't use a rubber on me. Does that make you want to lick my ass? Maybe you'll taste him in there. Come on dude I know you want it. Billy: Awesome! That means I can suck his cock clean when I get home, he never uses a cum rag, he uses me. Jay: Dude! Don't you care that he fucked me bare? Billy: No man, you're lucky Jay: Yeah but dude he could get something that wont wash off, but I am damned lucky he's real hung, well not long, but that pipe is thick! Billy: Dude I fucking know! That was all the conversation Billy could remember before it just broke down into a general talk about sex, and Billy said he honestly wasn't paying attention, he got distracted thinking about what he was going to do with me when he got back. I'll save that one for later. Kyle has dinner made, so I'm done writing for today.
Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2001 01:17:44 -0500 From: [email protected] Subject: Retired Ex-marine vs Young Cub Guys like that really pissed me off. You know the type. Ex-military, retired, crotchety old bastards that think they are the only ones who know how to do anything right. They sit around and bark orders, looking for an excuse to tell a younger guy that they're not doing whatever they're doing the right way. You tell yourself, if you can show the old fucker that he's wrong, it would be worth any price. Unfortunately, you rarely ask yourself exactly what price that might be... I had lived next door to "Hawk-eye" Johnson for a couple of years. To this day, I still have no idea what his first name was. He was one of those guys that had done some small, unremarkable thing during his service in the military and had gotten a nickname for it. In "Hawk-eye's" case, he and his squad were perimeter guards at a small support base in Vietnam. They had never seen combat, and probably never would have. One night when they were all drunk off their asses, "Hawk-eye" happened to look in the direction of a hill south of camp. There on the side of the hill was an old Vietnamese man, his wife and their grand-daughter. They had made a camp on the hill for the night after a long day of traveling. "Hawk-eye" had been the only one to see them and reported it to his buddies. Needless to say, the family was taken into custody for possession of contraband. Never mind the fact that the contraband consisted of the old man's walking stick and the grand-daughter's straw doll (which she could have used to conceal a hand grenade-if she had one, that is). After the incident, "Hawk-eye" had earned a medal and his new nickname. Afterward, his tour ended and he came home to a loader supervisor job at a local lumber yard which he kept until he retired. He never married. The rest of his life consisted of drinking cheap beer, getting a tattoo of a dancing girl, and getting wrapped up in the drama of pro wrestling. Don't get me wrong, I love to watch wrestling, but I only enjoy the action in the ring. All the interviews, screaming, kidnapping, coffins, ladders, fire, and ridiculous gimmicks I can do without. Not old Hawk, though-yep, you guessed it-in the years following his bravery on the hill, "Hawk-eye" had shortened to "Hawk." Old Hawk thought it sounded tougher-especially when he rode his motorcycle through town. That was a sight to behold too! I've always wanted to learn to ride a motorcycle, but after seeing Hawk on his, the desire left me. He had one of those HUGE things with the windshield as big as a truck's, built in saddlebags that had more space than a station wagon, and an automatic transmission! What a loser! Anyway, I had the pleasure of living next to him for the past two years. Let me tell you what a pleasure that was. Our two houses were on the top of a hill in the neighborhood. The trees from the woods behind our houses concealed our backyards from the rest of the neighbors. I bought a hot tub for my backyard, the first year I was there. To keep it safe, I put up a chain link fence to keep any wandering neighbor kids from drowning in it. In retrospect, I should have put up a privacy fence. I didn't feel that I needed too, though. Old Hawk had a privacy fence around his yard-that is, until I had my chain link one installed. The week after my fence went up, he tore down the side of his fence that adjoined my yard. I asked him why he did it. His response was that the fence had started to rot and he didn't need to repair it since I had just put up a fence. The cheap bastard... I could never enjoy my backyard-he was always..there. Let me illustrate. The week after my fence was up, I went out to enjoy the hot tub. I didn't see Hawk out in his yard, and he never had company, so I took the liberty of sitting in the hot tub nude. How he knew to pick that day, I'll never know. But within minutes he had call over a couple of his old war buddies and and they sat and drank beer in his back yard, facing me and my hot tub. I'm not a shy man, but I try not to be offensive either. I stayed in the tub, hoping he and his friends would go away. After 2 hours, I could stand the hear no longer and turned off the heater. Another couple of hours and the water was getting cool. Finally, I had had enough. I climbed out of the tub-not caring if they saw. If they wanted a show, fine, I would give them one. I'm not the most built thing in the world. I go to the gym when I can. I describe myself as a bear cub. I'm about 5'6" or 7", and weigh about 176 pounds. Not solid muscle, but not fat either. Just kind of your average build with a hairy stomache and a lightly hairy chest. A trim beard outlines my rugged features and a small bear claw tattoo rests on my left shoulder. I like going to the leather bars and meeting the big bears there, but enough about me. I exited the hot tub to the jeers of the old men watching. They yelled things like, "What kind of a faggot goes around nude." And, "Look at that little dick! He thinks he's a man!?"-you gotta remember, the water was cold when I gave up and got out. Over the next couple of years, I endured his presence every time I went into my back yard. Always, he had something to say, or some advice to give-"Don't light your charcoal that way," "That's not the way to paint a house," "You're mowing your yard in strips instead of concentric squares!" I usually tried to tune him out, but then he'd trick me into having conversation with him. "Hey, did you catch WCW last night?" I'd reply that I had and he'd call me over to the fence to ask my opinion about a match, only to tell me that I used the wrong kind of razor when I shaved. I would have given anything to prove the old shit wrong-I call him an old shit, but I don't guess he's that old. At Sixty even, he stood 5'9" and weighed about 200 pounds. His hair was cut into a flattop, his nose a hairy Gin blossom and a scraggly unkempt beard. His chest-which I always saw because he never wore a shirt to show off his dancing girl tattoo on his chest (which incidentally was covered with a rug of white hair) was saggy, indicating that he once had muscle there, but no longer. One day, as I was watering my backyard, he came out of his house wearing something I had never seen before. He called me over to the fence and asked what I thought about it. He was wearing nothing but what looked like a large pair of spandex pro wrestling trunks. Upon closer inspection, I noticed that they had straps. When he pulled them up, I almost laughed. The suit was brief bottoms, but a singlet top with very thin 1" straps. It was covered in pastel Hawaiian flowers and looked like a shirt someone would wear to a luau. "What are you wearing?" I asked. He explained that he and a couple of his friends (the ones that had taunted me about the hot tub incident) had bought a couple of mats and lined his basement with them. They were holding wrestling bouts in his basement. I laughed out loud, but saw that he was dead serious. "That's great, Hawk." I said. "But don't you think you guys are a bit old to be doing that. You could get hurt." He insisted that he was in better shape at sixty then he was his whole life. Again, I chuckled. "What do you know about it anyway," Hawk snorted, "you hardly watch wrestling. I'll bet you wouldn't last five minutes with any of us." "Hawk, we both know that I'm in much better shape than you are. Why don't you go back downstairs with your buddies and tape yourselves giving interviews and such. That's what you're always talking about after watching WWF on TV." I smiled and started to walk away when his hand shot out and grabbed my arm. He turned me back toward him and fixed me with a stern look. "Don't make fun of me, boy. I was marching in Vietnam when you were still in diapers." Hawk had an odd look on his face-not anger, but intensity and need, like he really wanted something from me. "Hey Hawk, I'm not making fun of you," I said. "But don't put your hand on me either. Neither one of us wants to get hurt." "That's it, you're afraid to take on a marine, aren't you. You pussy boy!" Hawk spat at the ground. "Listen you old shit," I yelled, "Fear isn't something I feel when I see you. I feel sorry for you. You're life's over. The most excitement you get is seeing me get in and out of my hot tub." I was angry and not thinking straight. "Nobody in the world would be afraid of you, least of all me. As for wrestling, on my worst day, I could stomp your ass with a hand behind my back!" "Are you saying that you challenge me?" He asked, a hopeful look in his eyes. At that point, I figured it out. He wanted me to wrestle him so he could regain his youth vicariously through me. He wanted to see me in action and feel me close to him so that he could feel like he was young again. Once again, I felt pity for him. I also felt all the frustration that had built up over the past two years having him as my neighbor. "Yeah, I said. I'll take you on. But it's not going to be what you want. You're going to feel pain like you've never felt. I'm not going to pin you, you're going to submit. And before I let you out of the hold, you're going to promise to leave me the hell alone. No more of your friendly advice or your opinions about how I do things. My own father's dead, and I don't need another one." "So you'll do it. You'll come to my basement to wrestle me?" He asked. "Yes. Not today, I've things to do, but day after tomorrow. I assume you'll be home all day?" I asked. He said that he had stuff to do during the day and wanted me to come over about 7pm. He said he'd leave the backdoor open incase he had to get some last minute stuff from the store. "Fine," I said. "I'll be there." The next couple of days passed quickly. I started my week's vacation so that I could spend the time out in my backyard, knowing that Hawk would not be able to bother me after I broke his old ass. When 7pm arrived, I went next door and found him not at home. I let myself in as was instructed, and took a look about. His house was somewhat plain. He had a couch with a clear vinyl covering on it. The furniture looked to be out of the 60's-a metaphor for the life of the man that lived there. I found a note on the table. It said to go to the basement and wait there for him. The general layout of his house was identical to mine, so that meant the basement was off the master bedroom. In the hall, I saw a framed medal. It was the medal he was awarded for spotting the old family on the hill back in his service days. What a joke, I thought. Turning, I opened the door to the basement and descended the stairs. What I saw took my breath away. He had 12 foot ceilings in this basement. There were two finished rooms off to the right, presumably his new dressing rooms. The center of the basement was open and had a 15x15 wrestling mat on the concrete floor. He had drilled out holes on all four corners and cemented in ring poles, complete with ropes and turnbuckles. "Damn, he must be serious," I thought. Above the ring, he had track lights focused on the mat. All in all, it was a nice setup. Suddenly, I heard him coming down the stairs. He wasn't alone either. His two old cronies had come too. "I thought this was a match between you and me, Hawk. What's going on?" "This is Jake and Marty, Dave. You remember them, don't you? They're the other members of my wrestling club. Don't worry, though. I don't need their help to take you out. Marty's here to referee-to make sure you follow the rules. Jake's our camera man. He's going to do the interviews." "Interviews?" I said. "Why interviews?" "This is a pro wrestling match, Dave. Interviews are a part of it." Hawk asserted. "We're not just doing this for kicks. We like to be as authentic as possible." "I see that." I said, looking back at the ring. "Well are you ready?" I asked, flexing my arms. "Almost." He replied. He gave Marty the shopping bag he was carrying and Marty took it to one of the dressing rooms. When he emerged, He was dressed in a referee's uniform, complete with striped short and microphone. I was so busy looking at him that I failed to notice that Hawk had pulled off his shorts and shirt. Underneath, he was wearing his singlet with the Hawaiian flowers. He must have kept it on since he and I had agreed to wrestle. It had sweat rings on it and a dirty spot on his belly. He pulled up a chair and began to don his patent leather black wrestling boots. I waited patiently for him to finish. When he did, he entered the ring and started doing stretches. I started to step through the ropes, when I was pulled back. "Hey, you can't wrestle in that." Said Marty. This mat's new and street shoes and metal buttons on jeans will tear it up." "Oh, I'm sorry," I said, still dazed from the reality of it all. "There's an outfit for you in the dressing room. Go get dressed." He said. I nodded and headed off to the dressing room. Once I was in I heard Jake starting to interview "the Great Hawk." I almost laughed at the sound of it. The interview went on for about 5 minutes while I got dressed. He said all sorts of things ranging from what he was going to do to me, to what he thought about being the champ. "The champ," I thought. That's a good one. He's not even had a match on his mats yet, and he's calling himself the champ. I decided then and there to win the championship from him. Just to add insult to injury. The Dressing room was bare save for a bench to sit on and the shopping bag that Marty brought in with him. I opened the bag and was surprised by what I found. A white pair of wrestling trunks, matching knee pads, an elbow pad, a pair of socks and a box containing an unopened pair of patent leather black and white wingtip wrestling boots. This asshole had gone all out. The boot size was right (how he knew what size to get is beyond me) and all the items were new with tags still on them. He must have gone to quite an expense to get them. I decided that after I kicked his ass, I would keep the items as trophies. I dug to the bottom looking for the jock, but there wasn't one to be found. I had worn boxers under my jeans, so they would be of no help. Finding nothing else in the bag, I decided that maybe he hadn't been as authentic as he claimed. I donned the outfit and looked at myself in the mirror on the back of the door. I was impressed. The tights were a tag snug, but they outlined my form excellently. The outline of my dick and ample balls could be seen quite easily through the trunks. The white color of the trunks, furthermore, stood out in stark contrast to my tanned body and dark hair. I almost got a hardon just looking at myself in the mirror. As I exited the dressing room, Jake focused the camera on me and began to ask me questions about the match. "Don't bother, Jake. I'm not into all that. Let's just get this match underway" I said. He gave me a paper to sign. When I asked what it was, he said it was a release that said I couldn't sue them if I got hurt. The other paper, he explained, was a standard wrestling contract. He said wrestlers always have a contract for a match. "Jeezus!" I yelled and scribbled my name on the papers, confidently stepping through the ropes. Jake moved away and took up position to tape the match. Marty came up to me and began to frisk me for foreign objects. This was getting a little deep, I thought. Then, I felt Marty's hand rubbing back and forth on my balls. I looked at him and asked what the hell he was doing. "The last time I saw your package, he was a lot smaller than this. I'm just making sure you're not hiding something in there" "Get off me, you old pervert," I yelled as I shoved him away. "Go check out the GREAT Hawk over there" "I already did that, while you were jacking yourself in the mirror." Marty snorted. "Stay in your corner until I ring the bell." As Marty exited the ring, I looked across at my opponent. The ex-marine was standing with his arms crossed over his chest. This singlet was low-cut on front, and his sagging chest was clearly visible even if the dancer tattoo was obscured by the white hair. Around his waist was the coup de grace. He had commissioned a championship belt to be made for him. It shone brightly in the glare of the ring lights. Seeing it, filled me with the desire to take that from him too. When this day ended, I was going to have quite a prize. Marty dimmed all of the lights that weren't a part of the track system illuminating the ring, rang the bell, and stepped back into the rind to officiate the bout. Hawk unsnapped the belt from about his waist and handed it to Jake who was filming on the outside. After pulling on the ring ropes a couple of times, he turned to face me and we circled each other in the ring. After a couple of seconds, he lunged forward to lock up. I responded in kind, but at the last second, he side stepped and I grabbed nothing but air. Jake and Marty chuckled as I stumbled forward. Hawk strutted about the ring like he had done something noteworthy. Again we circled and finally locked up. I let him push me back a step to see what he had. Then I pushed forward and walked him backward to the ropes. "Hey, ref, get this jobber off me!" bellowed Hawk. "C'mon, Dave, give the guy a clean break now." Nagged Marty. I gave a final push forward and stepped back and away from the ex marine. One more time, we circled and fell into a lockup. This time, I stepped back again, but instead of pushing forward afterward, I clutched his arm and fell back, turning my hips so that I tossed him over me. I maintained my grip on his arm and now had him in an arm bar. He kicked and sputtered on the mat, complaining that I had pulled his hair. What a joke, I thought. Marty told me to watch the hair and I told him to get lost. I pulled Hawk up by his arm and when I got him to his feet, I executed a full arm drag and twist. He was grimacing in pain and stomping his opposite foot. Can't take the pain, I thought, as I pulled and twisted his arm another round, slowing to a crawl at the end to let him really feel the last few inches. He was cussing like a sailor and reaching for the ropes. Behind me, Jake was positioning himself to get the best camera angle. I looked at him and turned slightly so that he could get a better shot of his buddy getting tortured. "Alright, let him go, Dave" Marty shouted. I spun my head back around and said "What the hell are you talking about?" Marty said Hawk had reached the ropes. "That's bullshit, I said. We're in the middle of the ring!" I protested. "He touched the ropes while you were mugging for the camera, now let him go!" Marty asserted. "Fine!" I yelled as I let go of Hawk and stepped back. "You're gonna pay for that, son." Growled Hawk. Shaking his arm to get the blood flowing again, he and I began to circle again. This time, when he shot forward, I dropped and grabbed his leg, pulling it out from under him. He hit the mat with a thud and wheeze as the air rushed from his lungs. I grapevined his leg and fell back onto the mat and pulled. Hawk spat and sputtered in pain while he flailed his arms and pounded the mat with his other leg. "How 'bout it, Hawk. Is it too much? Ready to submit?" Marty checked Hawk and I applied even more pressure. I was sure that it was only a matter of time before this match would be over. I would hardly break a sweat. Again, Jake was there filming his writhing comrade. I was leaning back with my back on the mat. I decided to sit up a little to get a better look myself. That was mistake number 1. Hawk took the opportunity to drive his other leg straight into my chest. I fell back and released the hold I had on him. Fortunately, He was in much worse shape than I was and I got to my feet in a hurry. I pulled Hawk up by what little hair I could grab with his flattop and locked him into a side headlock. Marty told me to watch the hair-I told him to watch my ass. I backed us up into a corner and then came out, turning the headlock into a bulldog right in the center of the mat. I was rewarded by the feel of Hawk flopping on the mat behind me, holding his head. I couldn't help but smile. I turned around and rolled Hawk over and pinned him, hooking his leg. Marty began a VERY slow count. 1............2....Come on Hawk, kick out....Thr. Hawk bucked his whole body, but didn't manage to get his shoulders off the mat. Marty started the count over. I guess I was giving his friend a little leeway. 1....... 2........Thr. Again, the bucking. Marty started another count. I couldn't believe it. I had pinned the man for 6 seconds, but every time he kicked his legs, Marty started the count over. I got up off my beaten opponent and pulled Marty close by the collar and backed him up to the ropes. "Listen here, you old shit, his shoulders never came off the mat. If you can't see that, then we don't need you in here playing referee." I shoved him out through the ring ropes and told him to take a seat and only come back to hear Hawk scream his final submission. Marty got up off the floor and said to have it my way and took a seat. I turned to finish Hawk off and was met with a boot to the midsection. Air rushed from my lungs and I doubled over more fro instinct than from the pain. This time, my forehead was met by his knee on it's way up. This did hurt and sent me reeling backward into the ropes. I was stunned and Hawk knew that he had to take this advantage or there wouldn't be another. Quickly, he pulled the second rope up and over the first, trapping my arms in the ropes. Then he began to pound my abs with punch after punch. None of the punches sank in, since I was still relatively fresh, having been in control the entire match. I was calm and began to arch my back and push up with me feet to free my arms. Just then, though, Jake leaned in on the ropes while filming, preventing them from becoming untangled. I started to yell at him to get off the ropes when pain exploded in my balls. While I was busy trying to get out of the ropes, Hawk stepped back and kicked a field goal right into my big balls, which were trapped in the snug trunks so that they took the whole hit without being able to move. The pain was like white hot fire running from my crotch to my kidneys and back around to my stomach. Waves of nausea washed over me, and I thought I was going to vomit when another boot found it's way to my abs. This time, it sank way in because of the state I was in after the low blow. This forced the rest of the air from my lungs and Hawk stepped forward and undid the ropes, allowing me to fall to the mat. I lay there, clutching my already swelling nuts, when his hand snaked down and grabbed a fist full of my hair, lifting me to my feet. I swayed on my feet and coughed, trying to get air back into my lungs. Hawk wasted no time taking me back to the mat. He stepped forward and locked on a bearhug, then jumped and turned, making it a spine buster. Again, pain shot through me and the air was forced from my lungs. My minds eye flashed back to about 6 months ago when I was coming home from the hospital from a car accident. I wasn't seriously hurt, but I did injure my back in the crash. I had gone straight to the backyard to soak in the hot tub when Hawk, punctual as ever, showed up and asked where I had been for the past few days. I told him about the crash and that the doctor said to watch jarring my spine up and down. I suppose he had tucked that useful bit of information away for a rainy day. Right then, my day was more like a thunderstorm of pain. I arched upward, hollering in pain and holding my lower back. Hawk stood up and stomped my gut back to the mat. This left me moaning and gasping for breath. Again, I found myself being dragged to my feet. Both hands were now holding my aching back and I tried to pull away from his grasp. He was quicker than I thought, though and pulled me back into a bearhug again. The pain was intense and made worse because he was a little taller and was pulling upward. My ribs felt like they were going to crack and what little breath I had gained was squeezed from me. Trapped in the bearhug, my crotch was rubbing up against Hawk's. The thought that he might be gay never occurred to me, but as I struggled to get air in the bearhug, he was rubbing our crotches together. I could feel his dick getting harder from it. It wasn't just the accidental boner that a guy got when he wrestled either. It was the rock hard dick of a man who got off on being in control of another guy. I didn't get much time to ponder this situation, however. Hawk sensed that I was getting some strength back and put an end to it with s knee snapped straight into my package. Again, the waves of pain and nausea washed over me and I thought I might even black out from it. I'm no sissy when it comes to pain, but when I'm not expecting it, the surprise of it can be a bit much. As my hands tried to hold my bruised balls, Hawk bent himself backward, lifting me off the ground. Then he brought me down into an inverted atomic drop. Both by crotch and my lower back felt like they were being ripped apart, and I fell back onto the mat, pulling my knees up to my chest. I wondered to myself, how things could have gone this bad. I had the old bastard beaten. That screw-up, Marty, had prevented me from claiming the victory from this ex-marine who was proving he could dish pain out much better than he could take it. Hawk, who had been watching me roll around in agony with great pleasure, now took hold of my right leg and pulled me up and over onto my belly. Locking my leg under his arm, he sat down and back, pulling me into a half crab. My already tortured back was filled with the now familiar fiery pain. "Give it up, Punk!" Hawk Shouted as he pulled back even harder. My leg felt as though it might pop out of socket while my back was popping in all of my lower vertebrae. Hearing this, Hawk decided to get sadistic with the hold and began to rock side to side, rubbing my already compacted spine against itself. My moans of pain turned into screams of agony. If I could have had a rational thought at that point, I would have screamed out my submission, but as it was, my mind was filled with pain and the fight to find a way to make it end. Hawk must have liked the way I sounded, because it make him stop and listen. Realizing that if I was going to get out of this hold, it had to be now, I put all my remaining strength into my arms and stomach. Somehow, I managed to push myself up and throw him off with my leg. Hawk went face first into Jake who was getting a close up of my trunk clad, swollen nuts. The two went down in a heap and I collapsed to the mat in relief. Jake was screaming about the possibly broken camcorder, Hawk was groaning about the goose egg forming on his head from where he struck the camera, Marty was yelling for them both to get up, and I was dragging myself up rope by rope in the corner. By the time Hawk was up and coming at me, I was ready for him. The dirty old shit had busted my balls and had tried to really injure my back. I was not happy with him. As he reached for me, I planted my boot solidly into his solar plexus. This doubled him over. I then locked him into a front face lock and DDT'd him right there in the corner. I know it had to hurt, landing on the knot forming on his forehead. Hell, it hurt me to do it. I managed to recover faster than he did. I drug the ex-marine to his feet, shoved him face first into the corner, caught him on the rebound, and planted his head into the mat with a belly to back suplex! By now, I was getting my second wind and was determined to get this match over with as quickly as possible. Seeing that my neighbor was motionless on the mat, I climbed to the top rope and came off with a big elbow to the sternum. His body bucked from the impact and I grabbed his near leg, rolling him up into a lateral press. Hawk made to attempt to kick out of this one. With my other hand, I slapped the mat counting the pin. 1................2................3! With that, I jumped to my feet, feeling like I could take on the world. In fact, it had been a small victory over a washed up know-it-all bossy old man who had it coming for a long time. I was feeling pretty good about myself as I walked to the corner facing Marty. With sweat pouring of my heaving body, I told him to give me the belt that he was guarding. "I don't think so," responded Marty. "You haven't won the match." "What the hell are you talking about?" I rasped. "You're pal's out in the middle of the ring. You can count to 50 and he's not going to get up! I won the match, give me the belt." Marty took the papers I signed out of his pocket and tore a copy off for me. "As you can see, you signed a contract to wrestle Hawk for one fall. However, the contract stipulates that in order to win the match, the winner must make the loser say the words 'I quit'. It's a standard wrestling contract. After all, you yourself said that you wouldn't pin Hawk, but make him submit." "Fine, have it your way." I said and started to turn around to finish it once and for all. "Wait, that's not everything." Marty's reply stopped me dead in my tracks. I wanted this match over with as quickly as possible, due to the throbbing in my back. I gave him my full attention so as not to miss a single stipulation. "What more, Marty?" I asked. "There's a stipulation on the end. As per your request, if you win, Hawk bothers you no more. We never discussed what was in it for Hawk if he wins." This little development by Marty was starting to make me anxious. "What does he want?" I asked. "If Hawk makes you submit, you are his. It's that simple. You become property to be disposed of as he sees fit. You will continue to work and earn an income, but your money is to be deposited into his account. When you are in his presence, you will refer to him as 'Sir' or 'Master' and he will dictate where you go, what you do, and with whom you do it. This arrangement will last as long as he is the champion of our underground circuit." "What underground circuit. It's just you three." I protested. "Exactly. So if Hawk wins, you belong to him until Jake or I take the title away from him." This was beginning to sound like an old man's Christmas wish list. "It's not going to matter what he wants, because 1, he's not going to win, and 2, that paper's worthless. Nobody's going to believe I signed it." I was pretty sure I had covered all bases. "Seeing is believing, Dave." Marty's reply sent shivers up my already aching spine. "Jake's got you signing it on tape." Before I could turn around to smash the camera, Hawk's forearm came up between my thighs, smashing my balls into my pubic bone once again. A groan escaped my lips and on my way down, I knew I had been had. Hawk's arm came circling around my throat. Soon, he was pulling me back into a dragon sleeper, once again, applying pressure to my spine. With my nuts on fire and my face locked firmly in his arm pit, there was little I could do to resist being pulled back into the center of the ring. Without warning of any kind, Hawk dropped me with a reverse DDT. My vision had a flash, and then just blackness with little tiny specks of light. I was vaguely aware of being on my back and in pain when Hawk came off the second rope with a sitting splash to my gut. All the breath was knocked out of me and I kicked my legs and flailed about trying to get air into my lungs. Before I knew what was what, Hawk had reversed his position and was sitting on my face/upper chest, facing down the length of my body. My upper arms were trapped beneath his knees and I was pinned flatly to the mat. My struggle to get breath was made doubly difficult by the addition of his weight to my chest and the awful smell of the singlet that I was now sure he had worn for the last 3 days. With the slow, methodic pace of a blacksmith, Hawk sent hammer after hammer of his fists into my midsection. Alternating in a pattern that attacked my upper and lower abs, my sides just below my ribs, and the occasional smash to my manhood, Hawk pounded away at me, taking my breath and strength support away from me. After untold, strikes, he reached beneath my trunks and with each hand, snared both of my normally large, now swollen beyond belief, nuts in his fists. He began to squeeze and twist them. My legs found the strength to buck and kick as I screamed my submission into his ass. Since the only sound that could be heard was my muffled screaming and the cheering of Marty and Jake, My submission went unheeded. My only hope was to buck the sadistic old man off me. When he saw I was trying to do, he maintained his grip on my orbs, while pulling them upward toward him. This put an end to my kicking as I now needed my legs to hold my hips up to relieve the pulling agony in my loins. When I was on the verge of blacking out from the pain and lack of oxygen, Hawk released my balls and my lower body came crashing back to the mat. I heard Hawk order Jake to throw him "that thing." What that could have been I had no clue. Truthfully, I didn't care. I was on that twilight zone between consciousness and unconsciousness. I had the sensation that my trunks were being stripped off of me. The next thing I knew, air was rushing into my lungs as Hawk got up off of me. I coughed a few times and rolled over onto my belly, hoping to avoid any further pain in my loins. My reprieve was short lived as Hawk straddled my back and yanked my head back with a fist full of hair. Next, he forced what I thought was a hood onto my head. It turned out to be a ball gag. "Gonna make this last a while, so I can't have you ending it by shouting the magic words." Hawk was intent on making me pay for accepting his challenge. As I tried to get out from under him, he secured the gag in place and dropped his entire weight onto my back. The additional fight that the adrenaline from that scare had give me faded instantly as my back spasmed and the muscles there began to contract. What would have been hoarse screams and pleas for mercy came out as only muffled grunts and whines as my arms were pulled up into a camel clutch. At this point, folks, I would have died if I could have--Anything to stop the pain that was ripping through me. Hawk asked me several times if I wanted to submit. Because I was unable to answer him, he kept applying the pressure, adding comments like, "You really shouldn't have ejected the referee," and "c'mon, punk, just two little words can save you this pain." Then the mean old asshole showed just how cruel he could be. He moved his hands from under my chin and put them on the sides of my head, using them to rotate my head side to side and front to back. The effect was that the bones in my neck and upper back were mercilessly grinding together. Unable to submit or power my way out of the hold, clamped my eyes shut and endured the unthinkable torture. Sweat and tears flowed down my face and then, bliss.... Somehow, I had managed to black out from the pain. The next thing I remember was being upside down in the corner of the ring. Pain filled my neck as I strained to look up. My feet were crossed and locked under the top turnbuckle. I tried to reach for them, but my hands had been secured behind the post. Helpless and hogtied in the corner, I began to try to squirm out of the situation. That lasted no more than a second. Hawk and his buddies were seated across the ring, enjoying the view as I fought my bonds in a useless effort to escape. Beer still in hand a nude Hawk got up from where he and his friends had apparently gotten themselves off watching their unconscious captive. As he approached me, I fought harder and harder against my restraints in a last ditch effort to save myself from whatever sadistic fate awaited me. Hawk kneeled beside me and watched me struggle for a minute before stunning me with a powerful smack across the face. Again, I saw stars and felt the warm sensation of blood welling up in my nose. With the ball gag still in place, my only source of oxygen was now closing off as blood from my nose filled my airways. Panic and terror set in as I coughed and shot blood out of my nose. Ignoring my plight and the blood that was getting splattered with every breath I could muster, Hawk focused his attention on a device in his hand. I felt his hand close roughly around my balls and the icy sensation of something cold closing around them. With a dull but constant ache in my balls, Jake brought a Dremel tool over to Hawk who used it on the device around my balls. "What are you doing with that, Hawk?" Asked Jake. "I'm stripping out the bolts that hold this split collar on. Then I'm going to engrave my new property." Hawk's response sent me into panic. I tried to wiggle free, but a firm openhanded smack to my constrained balls took the fight right out of me. I endured the engraving with one thought in mind. One small detail that would allow me to retain my dignity. When he was finished, he put the Dremel away and cut the rope holding my hands behind my back. He also unhooked my feet and dumped me unceremoniously on my head in the corner. His last act was to yank the Ball gag from my mouth and use his singlet (which had already been jacked off on by three old perverts) to wipe the blood from my face. He got up to leave and threw the singlet back down onto me. "That's going to be your uniform from now on. Don't even think about washing it." With that said, Hawk, and this two cronies left me a broken heap in the corner of the pro wrestling ring in his basement. "Aren't you worried about him running off?" asked Marty. "I done tagged him. He wouldn't get far." replied Hawk. Then they were gone. When I could, I drug myself up and staggered painfully to the dressing room where my clothes were. Once inside, I took a look at myself in the mirror. I had a handprint across my face, but otherwise that seemed normal. I had pretty much guessed that he'd shaved my crotch, but wasn't prepared to see that I had not a single hair left on my body! That mean, dirty old bastard had tried to strip me of every shred of dignity. I looked down at my crotch and saw that the source of my testicular aching was a stainless steel split collar that was locked firmly around my package. On it were the words, "Property of 'Hawk-eye Johnson,' won in a contract match. If found, please return to 122 Lakeshore drive for handsome reward." Shit! And he had even stripped the bolts holding it on, so that I wouldn't be able to remove it. For some reason I noticed that my dick was rock hard. Maybe it was the sensation of being locked in the split collar. Who knows. Either way, I was rock hard and after the ballbashing I needed to get off. I sat back on the bench and began to stroke my shaft, think about the match. Old Hawk was a mean fucker, but he had taken what I dished out without too much complaint. Even though he had cheated, something about being beaten by the old man that I rightfully should have manhandled turned me on. Something about having the ex-Marine in control once more of a young man made me respect him. I wanted to be the one who gave him a sense of purpose. I would never be his slave, but I could allow myself to be a willing participant in his role-play fantasy of being an important and powerful force in the ring. That thought got me hot and I savored the sensation in my balls. I shot a huge load of hot semen onto the already soiled singlet. Afterward, my respect for him grew even more as I realized that he had me totally helpless and could have fucked my brains out. But he didn't. Instead, he let me have the choice-a choice I pondered as I dressed. After getting dressed, I left and went upstairs. Jake and Marty were already gone. Hawk was sitting nude on the couch. When he saw me, he ordered me to come service him. I smiled the smile of a man who knows something of great importance. "I'm not your slave, Hawk. The match is void. Neither of us won because neither of us said the words." There, I had done it. I had proven him wrong about something. I had gone to hell and back for the opportunity. Admittedly, it didn't go exactly as I wanted it, but what ever does? A smile played across his lips. He knew it just as I knew it. I was a free man-except for the metal ring around my balls. He must have had the same thought, though. "You want me to get the drill out so you can drill that thing off of you?" asked Hawk. I paused a moment before answering. "No," I said. "I'll leave it on a while longer, Sarge. It's kinda nice and to tell the truth, I've worn one before." I grinned and looked up from my pants. He had the strangest look on his face. Maybe it was befause I had called him 'sarge.' He looked like I had done him the best service in the world. With his face all glowing like that, not barking comments and being a pest, he looked like a nice big polar bear sitting on the couch. I never in my wildest imagination would have guessed that I would be attracted to my neighbor, but seeing him there with that look on his face, thinking of what the inscription on the split collar said, I was suddenly glad to have found him. I knelt beside him and kissed him long and hard on the mouth. When we were done, I looked him straight in the eyes and said. "Whatever happens, I'm going to burn that nasty, ugly singlet." He laughed and pulled me close to him. I returned the embrace which we held for a few minutes. Then without need of words, the polar bear and the cub went downstairs to the wrestling ring and there, we hibernated, locked in each other's warm arms.
Date: Thu, 6 Jun 2002 07:53:02 -0700 (PDT) From: Rob M Subject: ROB'S LIFE Chapter 1 - Intro : "All That Fine Ass" Chapter 1 - Intro : "All That Fine Ass" This is going to be a story about my life and the shit that has happened in it so far, but I'm not good with quotes and shit, so I'm just going to tell you what happened from my point of view as well as I can remember it, the same way I'd tell one of my buds about it the next day. Everyone always says they knew they were gay even when they were very young they just didn't know the word to describe it. I felt the same way about being a top. I knew I was different from everyone else, but even the ones that I eventually knew were gay I felt like I was different from. I'm twenty-seven years old and even now I still feel outside the mainstream gay loop because I'm not just a top, I'm a dominant top. When it comes to fucking, I'm dick centric, centered on dick, my dick that is. I really couldn't give a shit about the other guy's dick. When people talk about size queens or hung guys that's all just lost on me, because I can't understand why anyone would be interested in another guy's dick, not at all, especially when the real passionate love of my life is out there. ass. How can anyone be interested in dick when there's all that fine ass out there. Most of the guys with the fine ass don't even know it's fine because they're just like me, centered on their own dick. Now that's not to say I'm selfish, because I'm not. I'm a very caring lover and devoted boyfriend, you can ask either one of mine. I have two boyfriends and am always looking for more. No, I'm not an asshole, I'm just a dominant top, and you know what? I want more than one boyfriend. and I get what I want. Guys have always been more than willing to give me what I wanted so eventually I started to push that beyond one night hookups and occasional fuckbuds, but I still wanted to fuck around. What's the point of having cake if you can't fucking eat it anyway? Kyle is one of my boyfriends, and Billy the other. Both are great great guys, very submissive bottoms, but very understanding. I love the bond that they have. I'm almost jealous that I'm not in their club of sorts. I've talked to each of them about it, and how they feel (I'm always interested in what someone thinks or how they feel) and it's working out really well. Kyle is 25 years old, 140 lbs, with a perfect pink hairless ass. He's a reformed clubkid, former Alig devotee. If you know what I'm talking about then you know what kind of guy Kyle is. He's got blond hair cut short marine high and tight style, except for this one little lock of hair that he keeps long at the base of his neck. He only keeps that because he says it's his leash. I like to play with it while he blows me. Billy is totally different. He's not from New York, he's from Los Angeles, 19 years old, 150lbs, 5'10" light brown hair, green eyes. Damn I love those eyes! His ass is also great, but not as well worn as Kyle's. Billy always knew he was submissive, but had only acted on it orally. He'd sucked off maybe a dozen guys but he ass was snow white. Until he met me. Maybe if I get enough interest I'll write about his devirginization. He loves my dick now, and begs twice a day to have it up his ass. My boyfriends do not mess with each other. After all, they are my boyfriends, not each other's. So if I'm not around they're left with jerking off, although I know sometimes they've showered together, but I'm certain that both have been as faithful as they've told me. I, on the other hand, am not. I can't be. I've tried it. I've tried being monogamous with a few different guys, at first thinking it would be no big deal, and other times, just lying through my teeth to cover up how often I fucked around on him. I'm just one of those guys who can't be monogamous. If I get offered a new warm ass, or if someone wants to swallow a load, I'm always more than happy to give it up. I've been online a few years and I think I've had at least half a dozen guys ask me for cum samples, piss samples, or underwear. Yeah I'm into piss. So is Kyle. He's my fucking urinal. Isn't it great? Since I've been with him I haven't pissed in the toilet, except of course at work where I have no choice, and if he's not around, I piss in a bottle and keep it in the fridge until he comes over. Billy isn't into piss as much, but he is jealous that Kyle gets more of me than he does, and he's starting to come around. He used to not let me even piss on him, but now he does. And that is awesome. If you haven't pissed on a guy you can't imagine how empowering it is. It's not gross, or unclean, I'm just a dog marking my territory so that other dogs know who his ass belongs to, and that is one damned fine ass. Now I really didn't have a plan for this story, I just wanted to let you know that there are dudes out there like me, who fuck around, and oh yeah I do fuck around. Billy explained the logic to me one day while he watched me fuck this dude I just brought home from Kurfew, he said to me after asking him for the 10th time if he was ok with watching me, "Rob (that's me) of course it's ok with me: you own my body, so when you fuck me, all you're really doing is masturbating, since my body is yours. I am your body, so when you fuck someone else, I feel like I'm scoring." Now wasn't that the sweetest thing you've ever heard? That's why I love him. Don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate the awesome gift that both my guys give me. I know it's very rare and very special, although a lot of guys have offered it or tried to give it to me, these are the only two who actually could. It's always skinny dudes who are the sweet submissive ones. Can't there be one submissive muscleboy out there with a heart? LOL. I've had musclesex before, but they always seem to be dicks who gear themselves up for the one nighter even if they are hardcore power nelly bottoms. Can no muscleboy commit? *sigh* Kyle thinks I should be content with what I have, and just fuck tricks on the side, but Billy wants me to have at least one more boyfriend, maybe two. By the way, the difference is. tricks are one time fucks, boyfriends are long term, committed guys who genuinely love each other. And believe me I do love these guys, so don't be sending me hatemail telling me how much you hate me or are jealous of me. I don't have time for shit like that. Anyway, the premise of this writing was really at Kyle's request. He suggested that there are other guys like us out there and that maybe this would make them feel more normal. Plus, he said I'd probably get a lot of mail, so we'll see if that happens, I love writing to guys online and talking about sex. If you guys want to chat you can, my nickname is `Sierboy' on AOL's instant messenger. It was supposed to be SirBoy, but that was taken. Bastards! And as for this story continuing with the details of our relationship or with my fucks I'm totally open to it, but what I'd like is for the readers to email me, or message me and tell me what they want to hear about. Maybe you guys want to hear about how I met one of them, or maybe you just want to know who I fucked last night or what my first time was like. Let me know, and I'll describe it, and then maybe that generates new questions, and then I'll write about that, and so on. I'm usually quick about writing, I mean I busted this little two page job out in half an hour, so hopefully if you ask about something you'll see a post a few days later. Take care, Rob
Date: Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:35:33 -0700 (PDT) From: Rob M Subject: Rob's Life Chapter 5 "My Dog Skip" Rob's Life Chapter 5 - "My Dog Skip" AIM Nickname: Sierboy Email Address: [email protected] I didn't know how popular my little series was until I stopped writing it, and plenty of you wrote in to complain or ask if everything was ok. Well I appreciate the concern but yes everything is ok. But I mean I can't be writing those little snippets of my life everyday. I need some time to fuck to myself you know. But I'm back and I'm boned even though I fucked like a dog pretty much most of this weekend. On Friday Kyle set me up with someone, said it was a friend of a friend who worked at Target. Ok fine with me. I've seen some seriously hot dudes working in the local Target. The last hot guy I saw there was a very muscular bodybuilder-type guy who looked to be in his early thirties, and ironically enough he may have been gay. He was with another guy in the store who was also big, but didn't seem "fag". I couldn't tell if they were best friends looking for something that some buddy's wife sent him looking for, or if they were decorating the new home they just bought together. They were looking at pictures frames. and only gays look at pictures frames normally. But it was father's day this weekend, and since no one knows what to buy their dad, most get frames, socks, or ties. Right? Everyone else just gets their dad jack shit. He was very distracting, so distracting that I'd almost rather write out a more complete description of him than talk about who and how I fucked the day before. I can get off just looking at a muscular guy. This bodybuilder guy I've been talking to in New Mexico calls it "keeping a trophy" but what can I say it's true. Yeah Dylan you're built too, but put on those extra pounds! Ok enough about muscle. Kyle called Skip for me and had him email me a picture. Now I hate blind dates, and computer dates are just an impossibility for me, because the guy is always a liar about something, I know how it is. Everyone lies about something online, and some people lie about everything, so there was no way I was going to meet some guy that was three friends deep without a picture despite the fact that I knew he was a submissive bottom guy. There are some seriously unattractive submissive guys and since I've had a lot of them and I'm told I'm pretty good, I generally like a higher quality. Sorry to be so shallow, but I'm not going to lie to you guys. So I get a picture of this guy, Skip. Yeah I know, the name alone scared me a little bit too. Turns out Skip is 23 years-old, adorable as hell, skinny, and relatively muscular for his size. By that I mean he has a low bodyfat and visible abs. He's very smooth, with just the slightest hair under his arms, and curly dark blond hair. Even his nose is cute. I ok the picture and tell Kyle we're ok to meet. And I take Kyle with me on the date. I mean if this guy Skip is an idiot at least it won't be a totally wasted evening. We met up in the city at a pretty good but decently cheap Italian place in SoHo with a fire blazing in a real brick oven in the back of the place. LOL I'm sure someone somewhere reading this knows the place and is flipping out right now. Unfortunately we had to wait forever for the wheat to grow before they would cut it down and grind it into pasta. I don't think I've ever waited so long to be served. I needed to shave by the time we left the place. But it turns out Skip is a pretty cool guy, and we all got along pretty good. He's actually a little more submissive than I like a guy to be. MORE SUBMISSIVE?! But Rob how can that be? Well I mean if a guy is waiting for me to pick out what he wears everyday, that's too submissive. Not that I'm shy about what I want or my advice, and if Kyle or Billy put on something that's horrendous then I just tell them "You really don't look good in that." And they get the hint, they're not stupid, but if I had to pick out what they wore on a daily basis it would be a chore. Why not cut their meat for them too? My guys know that if I want control of some aspect of their lives I take it, but if I don't then it means I don't want it or I don't care. So Skip is cute and very submissive, and wouldn't mind being a boyfriend in the situation that Kyle and I outlined to him. He was really cool about it. He would be honored to serve. I kind of knew all that already, because the whole reason we had even been introduced was because friends in common knew the traits that we had in common, or more correctly in opposition I suppose. I grabbed Skips hand under the table and laid it on my crotch where he played with my lump pretty much throughout the whole dinner while Kyle sat opposite us and just smiled. I knew he was happy. Billy and Kyle amaze me almost daily when they take such simple pleasure in making me happy. I told Kyle and Skip that I wanted to try him out at home or else he was going to make me drop a nut in the restaurant. I even slipped a hand into the waistband of his underwear which turned out to be a jock! I guess he was told beforehand by Kyle what I liked. In fact when I realized what it was when I slipped my hand in there, Skip asked me, "Do you like what you feel?" as my face lit up with surprise and Kyle started to giggle. I said, "I feel what I like." and Skip leaned over and gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek, but as he pulled away he let his tongue linger a bit and licked me. It was different, and throughout the whole meal as I listened to the things Skip was talking about I kept thinking how much I'd love to feel those lips on my dick. Kyle drove home, but I told them that I really didn't want to wait until we were home, so Skip and I got into the back of Kyle's Jeep and began kissing. His shirt disappeared really fast, and he sat on my lap facing me, straddling me, he kept putting his hands down my pants, while I had my hands so far down the ass of his pants, that his ass was completely exposed. I had him suck my index and middle fingers, thoroughly soaking them in spit before I began to ply them into his exposed hole. As I began to play with him he laughed and then eventually began moaning his breathe into me, while we continued to kiss and he continued to try to work my dick free. It wasn't that long before he was begging me to fuck him, and loudly at that, to the embarrassment of Kyle who got looks from everyone stopped next to him at what I'm sure were too many red lights. I didn't observe any of this, I was concerned about marking new territory at the time, but Kyle told me that later. He slid over on the seat and let me continue to finger his hole while he eventually took the head of my dick in his mouth and began giving me the usual bobble head blowjob. He was very good, and just as we were arriving home I told him I was about to cum, and he pulled off me. "Get back down there and finish the job," I told him. He didn't want to. It wasn't safe. "Do you plan on getting fucked in a little bit?" I asked. "Yes." "With a condom?" "Of course. I'm always safe." "Anal sex with a condom is riskier than taking a load in your mouth. So get back to work." Then I spanked his ass pretty hard and splayed my fingers out in his ass, working him roughly now. He quickly went back to work and it took a while because he had to work me up a bit again, but soon enough my load was dripping down my rod, and I had to smack him in the back of the head to get him to eat it. "Just fucking eat it, don't be a pussy and make a mess in Kyle's car." Kyle meanwhile had stopped the car and was leaning over from the front kissing me while Skip worked extra hard to clean up my dick. "My dick better be fucking spotless when you're done," I said in between kisses. "Fucking Dog." I added. OK that's enough for today. After all I write these while I'm at work, and now I have to get back to work. I'll write more tomorrow. Later dudes, Rob
Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2002 08:40:27 -0700 (PDT) From: Rob M Subject: Rob's Life Chapter 6 "The Rest of My Dog Skip" Fucking Skip So Kyle pulls up and lets Skip and I get out. Yeah I pulled my pants back up and he straightened himself out before we walked up holding hands to my place. Kyle followed later. Billy wasn't home, so there was no audience. It was just us. Skip has a beautiful body, very skinny, almost lanky but beautifully tight. I laid on my back and Skip crawled over on top of me. I held his head, kissed his face and eventually started fucking him with my tongue as he opened up his mouth for me further. As I kissed him he rubbed my body with his other hand, and I eventually worked his pants off over his ass. "Kyle!" I called out to my boyfriend, "Come here." He quickly appeared at the bedroom door, smiling, and obviously more than a little hard. "Yeah Rob?" "Prep Skip's ass for me ok?" "Sure!" he said, as he crawled on to the bed and began tonguing Skip's hole. I couldn't see what he was going but I knew because I' d watched him do it before. When he rims ass he not only licks, he bites the rim, tongues the opening, fingers it some, and then sucks on his fingers. He is very thorough, and can almost make me cum just from doing that especially if it' s a very long rimjob. As Kyle worked Skip's hole he began to pant into my mouth as I did to his face what Kyle was doing to his ass. "Lube my dick" I told Skip after a little while, and he performed exactly as told giving me one last sucking kiss before sliding down my body and starting an excellent blowjob, taking the head of my meat into his mouth while Kyle continued to work his ass. Before long I was plenty hot and had Skip put the rubber on my dick before sitting on it. Kyle just watched as my hands interlocked with skips and he slowly began bouncing on my dick. Eventually Skip leaned forward and Kyle began tongue swabbing my balls as Skip pumped his ass on my rod. I have a filthy mouth, especially when I' m not fucking Kyle or Billy, so I let loose with a string of expletives. Yeah I could write about them hear, but if you want to know what I say when I fuck you're just going to have to ride my rod. I can't give away all my secrets. It was a decent fuck, and afterward Kyle cleaned off my dick while I cuddled with Skip and played with his body. I'm thinking about taking him on as a third boyfriend. The problem is that he liv es a little too far away, and I would want him living with me if I did that. Come to think of it there are a bunch of dudes who have written to me who are interested in being the third boyfriend. And Billy has told me that he's interested in talking to the fans, so I promised on the next installment I would give his email address. [email protected] is where you can reach him if you guys out there want to ask him anything. Anyway back to the third boyfriend bit: One dude is interested in moving here just so he can live with us, and I'm flattered, I love that attention, but I'm not sure I get along with him all that well. Dylan, the jock who I told I'd fuck if he put on muscular weight for me, told me the other day that he wants me to himself, that if I wanted to date him I'd have to give up my other boys. Well that's not going to happen. He'll just have to live with a one night thing. Other than those two my favorite potential future third (or fourth maybe!?) boyfriend is a guy who lives out in New Mexico. He seems like a real live cowboy, but is 23 years-old and is beautifully muscular. Or so he tells me. I'm still waiting for a picture from him. What the fuck dude! I told you to do something and you blow me off? Not good bro for someone who wants to get with me. LOL. That's enough writing for today. Wait til you find out what happens next. Later, Rob
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 21:31:52 -0500 From: Phaedrus Fantasies Subject: The Bill Collector The Bill Collector ----------------------- Author: Phaedrus Comments: [email protected] Why didn't it surprise me to see the run-down office building? It's exterior about ten years past needing a paint job, window shutters tilted or not in place at all, cheap neon signs hanging in the windows. "Typical" I thought. "This cheapskate doesn't put a dime into anything but his own pocket". The only car parked outside had me counting the number of accidents it had endured and wondering where all the auto body shops must have run to. Perhaps the heap couldn't make the distance anymore. I already dreaded having to meet this scumbag, but unfortunately some aspects of doing business were unavoidable and unpleasant. This guy had forced my hand by simply refusing to pay his far too large and way too overdue bill. Impressions didn't improve upon entering the main office where its complete disarray and the stench of too many cigarettes where the first things to hit my senses. The owner must have taken that phrase "I must get organazized" literally because this office looked about as well put together. "Hello....." I called into the empty space. "Great" I quickly thought to myself. "The son-of-a-bitch has dogged me". Never wanting to meet the asshole in the first place, now it appeared as if he'd bullshitted me again and I was pissed. I stepped forward to what could be presumed to a receptionist's desk and while preparing to write a scathing note to the resident bastard, I heard the creak of furniture coming from an open door to my left. "Hello...?" I called again, slowly walking towards the sound and through the door into a smaller office. My entrance must have been unexpected because it elicited a startled reaction from a man seated behind a ratty wooden desk. Surprised by me, he was hurriedly tossing things around and into drawers and pulling himself forward under the desk. "Robert...?" I asked after he'd composed himself. "Yeah...." He said gruffly, clearing his throat. "Who are you?" "It's me...the guy you keep telling the check is in the mail to" I said while approaching the side of the desk and towering over him. "I though it about time to finally collect my money and it's been proven you can't lick a stamp." A quick scan of the guy's desk revealed it was a complete shambles. In fact, I figured that just about everything about this guy was probably screwed. How he'd talked me into giving him so much credit is an embarrassing wonderment to me. He was a smallish, disheveled, nasty looking little cuss and I'd just as soon he kept his mouth shut, hand me my check and let me leave as soon as possible. "The money.....the money....yes...that" he begins musing, elbows planted on the desk fists interlocking and coming to his mouth. Facing forward and not looking at me, he certainly seemed uncomfortable by my prescence. In complete control, I continue to dictate the action. "Yes, that....you know, the money you've been lying to me about for the past two months!" Standing over his messy desk, my eye is drawn to a magazine that protrudes from a half closed drawer. Nothing remarkable about that, but what was disconcerting was the display it made of a well muscled man sporting a thick, stiff hardon. Trying to "stay on message", I continued aggressively.... "I don't think I've ever done business with someone as low-down as yourself. Is lying continually the way with you?" My voice and facial expressions carry out the plan well, but my mind and eyes are on the picture and my cock is swelling....filling my tight underwear. My thought pattern's scattered now and when I realize that I've probably caught him jerking with the magazine, my cock stiffens completely and starts throbbing from the kinkiness of it. His head spins quickly as he spits back at me "It was your fuck ups that caused all the problems", and he catches me while my attention is squarely on the magazine. "Ahhhhh.....yeah right..." I counter weakly. Taken off my game now, my eyes transfer from the picture too slowly and I realize he's caught me red handed ogling that beautiful cock. There is an extended silence between us....too long a silence...as we stare at each other. My heart had been pumping because of my aggressive distaste for the man, but now it was pounding because of the uniquely embarrassing and exciting situation. I'm totally frozen in place. I feel my inner thoughts exposed, captured and held hostage by the nasty little man. My bravado is dissipating quickly and although totally unlike me, I'm actually enjoying physical and emotional reactions to acceptance of the situation. I'm embarrassed, but strangely excited that he's caught me. A sense of submissivness flows over me and I'm surprised and further excited by my ready acceptance of it. I let him make the next move....I want him to make the next move. Through the stretched silence, I can hear my shortened breath being forced through my nose as I watch the little cuss inspect me closely, his eyes trailing over my body slowly...stopping and staring at the pounding bulge in my pants. My hardon seems to pulse just a bit harder knowing that he can tell my condition. Did I actually stand a bit straighter? Murming to himself now, he slowly starts turning his chair away from the desk to face me. He's saying lowly "come in here to give me all kinds of shit did you...."? I'm suddenly tremendously excited by being weak to this weakling. An image flashes across my mind that confuses, yet excites me more: I'm standing before him....naked....my stiff cock straining up and away from my body....reaching out to him...an offering. Enjoying this unknown and overpowering excitement, I feel...or want to feel...powerless to resist. And I don't resist. The tables have been turned completely and I'm willingly sliding down a slippery slope. My entire body seems heavier from this blessed weakness...conspiring to make me incapable of moving...captive to this circling shark that every sense within me now seems to hope will devour me. With a deep swallow, I take the first step in this dance and officially surrender....by placing a heavy hand next to my bulging crotch and highlighting my excitement to him. No more pretenses, no more confused intentions. I'm breathing heavily and staring at him, some urges from deep within me controlling my actions...and inactions. I feel completely powerless....and I'm loving it! His eyes are burning into me, measuring my lack of resolve and as his chair completes it's turn, my stomach muscles tighten reflexively when I see his small stiff cock extending up from his opened trousers. My eyes are immediately fixed on him and I squeeze my crotch.....to thank him? I feel a rush of precum flows from me when I do this and my mouth is watering for this detestable man's cock. He completely controls me now....he knows it...and I'm mesmerized by the thought! I've become the fly to this spider and I'm loving the web that holds me securely. I hardly even hear it, but my knees bend automatically as the last word crosses this thin little lips... "What do you want more now asshole"? "Your check...or my cock"? My lips wrap around him in seconds, Licking him, loving him, needing him with a fury. Driven by a passion the likes of which I'd never felt before. Impassioned by my on subservience, I'm soaking my own shorts. I'd never before wanted to be dominated sexually -- by man or woman -- but this was a new found opiate that I didn't quite understand but could no longer live without! My breath is short and forced as my mouth stays clamped shut over the only thing that exists for me...his warm, stiff cock. My tongue strokes each and every crease and bump of it, sucking and rimming his dickhead with deliberate slowness. Inhaling his scent in deep gulps, fueling the fog of abandon I'm lost in. "Mmmmmm....mmmmmm...mmmmmmmmm...." I was moaning with each strong pull on his rod. Moments ago he was a detested enemy, now my entire mind and body accepted him completely as my superior...my Master...worthy of nothing less than my devotion. The smooth taste of his precum has me slurping and sucking harder....needing more....needing to please him more. Every twitch of his excited cock receives a rewarding increase in tongue action. It is such a release! My whole body is tingling from my pure devoted servitude! "Give it....." I say in a breathless pause...."please...Sir..." I grab my own crotch and my cock explodes like a bomb, pumping cum into my shorts with violent and sharp convulsions. "MMMMMMM..." I'm almost crying as I continue to suck down on him...harder and harder. The experience, embarrassment and freedom of shooting my load this way actually empowers me and I want to please him further as thanks. My weak mind surrenders to thoughts of releasing my bowels and within seconds I'm intoxicated by the sensations of a large turd purposefully being compressed over my prostate when my Master cuts my tribute off. "Stop you cock sucking bitch" he yells "and get on your knees" Totally compliant, I turn slowly and face away from him as instructed. My submissive fog is so great that my whole body and being seems to move in slow motion. "I'm yours...Sir" I whisper to myself as he hurriedly works my belt, pulling my trousers and briefs down and exposing my ample ass. I show him my eagerness to service his cock by straightenting my back and raising my ass high, but he has other needs of me right now and with a sharp shudder, my ass absorbs a hard blow from his open palm....SMACK! "Ahhhhh....." I wince from the sharp and surprised pleasurepain. "You fat assed cock sucker, you think I give a shit about your bill"? My ass recoils from another delicious blow....SMACK!...."this is the only payment you'll get from me!" "Owwwwwmmmmm...." my ass stings from another whip-like stroke and I'm actually panting as I lay my head on the floor, making my scorched but relaxed ass more accessible to him. "You're right Sir...spank me good ......." Obliging my wish, I'm scalded with a series of hard shots, the delicious sensations of which cause me to forgetfully release that turd and before I realize it, it pops out and lands on the floor! "You dirty bitch"! He's enraged! "Look what you've done to my office"!!! If I'd have known the furious spanking he would now inflict on me, I may have done it sooner! My asscheeks must have looked like mounds of cherry jello as he was peppering them wildly and yelling obscenities. It certainly felt as delicious! My eyes were closed and I was gasping for breath during his onslaught, the sweet sensations of which were felt at the very core or me. I could feel flames rising up from my ass when he stopped...."MMMMMM thank you Master"! I gasped to him. With a hard swipe of my semi-hard cock, he took a handful of cum and began to lubricate my ass and crack. I melted at the cool smoothness of my cream as it was spread over my fiery ass. With a couple of good spits, he finished preparing me for my final service. In a sweet whisper I call to him, "Fuck me good Sir...make me pay for my rudeness..." I live now only to please his tool with my tight hole....accept his cum dutifully....and I lick my lips at the thought of a hoped for treat at the end. "You bill collector cunt...now you'll get paid the way you deserve" and with that he slides his cock up my relaxed and accepting hole. "Ohhhh...yesssssssss..." I move my hips to get closer to him, wanting all of this small cock in me and his body to scratch and torment my still aching ass. Each submissible utterance I make heightens my pleasure and elicits more pumping from my Master. It's a delicious cycle of passion that has me delirious! Never had I felt so "one" with myself sexually. I was having it pounding into me who I truly was. These thoughts and my Master's expert pumping have my cock hard again...as if confirming the new direction my life will take. My hole burns delightfully as it clenches around his small tool like a fist after each and every stroke inside me. I know my true needs now....I've been shown my place....and that is on my knees. His small cock continues to come out of my hole and he spanks me as punishment. "Get your fucking ass down bitch"! I'm torn between wanting his cock or his retribution, but comply obediently...hoping to enjoy more of both. "Yes Sir....I'm sorry Sir" I coo to him. Taking a firm hold of my hips, he raises himself up off his knees and begins the "end game" by mounting me from above and starting to pump down into my hole furiously! "Ohhhhhhh..yesss....mmmmmmmm fuck me, fuck me gooood ahhhhhhh..." I'm pounding my ass back at him at each stroke, driving his cock as deeply into me as possible. My brain registering both the power of his cock and the ache of my sore asscheeks. "Fuckin'ey"! he yells out as he rides he. Sweat drips off his round belly and creates a pool in the small of my back. The sweet scent of my crap has wrapped around my nose, intoxicating me with visions of a creamy meal to come. My eyes closed in rapture, "yess..yesss....yesssss...ahhhhhhh...." I utter breathlessly with each forceful stroke. I squeeze my balls hard and cause my cock to shoot out stiff and straight..a mixture of cum and precum oozes out slowly. "Ahhhhhhhh....." my Master moans as he reaches the passion point. "OHHHHH....." and with his sweet release, he begins to pump my ass full. "Ohhhh yes Sir...mmmmmm....thank you Sir"! He finally completes his gift to me and pushes off me harshly, collapsing back into his chair. With as much speed as my emotionally and physically drained body can muster, I turn and quickly throw my mouth over his still twiching cock. This act of sucking his cock...eagerly...happily...hungrily licking up the mixture of my crap and his cum is my greatest achievement. All the barriers have been broken now and I feel envigorated! Totally uninhibited and with total devotion and abandon, I was showing my Master what he had created. I needed to show him this. I wanted to thank him for this. I was now capable of the filthiest of acts. The nastier the better, the dirtier the more exciting! If he was surprised by my actions, I didn't see it. My eyes and mind were closed while I savored the overpowering scent, bitterly smooth taste and downright depravity of the act I was performing on him. I was finally free to do absolutely everything. I was finally free to want to do anything. I was completely whole. I was a slave.
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2001 05:39:10 -0000 From: A.J. Mindmeld Subject: The Burger King - Part Three Disclaimer Warning: You know that if you are under the legal age of consent to read such erotic material as this, or if you are offended by the subject matter, you shouldn't be reading this, so DO NOT READ any further. This is a Fictional story and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental, yadda, yadda, yadda. Check out earlier parts of "The Burger King", "Stevie's Lover" and other stories by the author in "Stories by Prolific Net authors" under STORIES BY AJAY. All rights reserved. Not to be used anywhere or reproduced without the author's prior permission. Now kick back and enjoy. The Burger King - Part Three Stevie peeked over the camera in time to see another jogger in the distance come onto the grounds and the boys were oblivious to the new presence making his way towards them. Stevie's first instinct was to yell out to George and Brad so they wouldn't be caught, but it would also give away his position and role in this voyeuristic exchange. They would have to take their own chances with this intruder. The jogger stopped when he spotted the two boys hard at it, and then continued to walk towards them. George looked over, smiled and got to his feet and walked over towards the jogger watching them. He wrapped his arms around his waist, and gave the intruder a long hard kiss. At first Brad was blocking the view of the intruder, but when Brad moved Stevie's camera clattered to the ground as it fell from his hands. He could not believe his eyes. There, in the arms of his nemesis, was his own fantasy-man, Aaron. Steven was stunned. The morning shift manager of Burger King, his early morning friend and confidante, and the man of his jerk-off fantasies, was now in the arms of the karate kid who has been tormenting him. His first thought was to walk up behind George and give him an axe-kick on the side of the head while he was deep-throating his friend. Then he thought better of it because he would have to deal with Brad as well. He was angry enough to take them both on, but while he couldn't control his anger, they had the advantage. Instead he decided to bid a silent retreat back into the bush and then around behind the ovals and disappear unnoticed. He needed some time to think about this. He just could not believe that Aaron could be intimate with a prick like George. So as silently as he arrived, Stevie slipped away leaving the three guys on the ovals to have their fun. Stevie was gone and didn't see Aaron push George away from him. "What do you think you're doing?" asked George. "You've had your fun, George. I've done what you asked, I'm here. But it doesn't mean I have to play your games with you and your toy boy here." "You have it wrong, Aaron. You're my toy boy, and you will do what I ask and play my games for as long as I say so. Just remember I have a video of you getting it off with that young stud, Ricky, and unless you want me to put it on the net for all to see, you are going to jump when I say jump, and beg for more. You got it?" "You're going too far, George. This is a not the place to play your control games. This is a public place next to school grounds. If we're caught here we are all dead." "He's right, George. Maybe we should take it somewhere more private. " said Brad, "Why did you choose this spot anyway?" "I was hoping someone else would be here for the party. But let's go over into the bush for a little more privacy then. But first you're going to do a little strip-tease for us, Burger boy, just so you know who the Masters are here." "What here??" "Don't talk back to me Burger boy! From now on you don't speak unless I tell you to speak. Now get those clothes off so we can see those blonde pubes of yours." Aaron glared at his new Master, but knew he was unable to do anything yet. As long as George had that tape, he was under his control. He slipped the t-shirt over his head, and then lowered those red satin jogging shorts down to his knees, revealing a pair of light blue briefs that had begun to bulge despite Aaron's better judgement. "Looks like Burger boy is enjoying this as much as we are, George." "Okay Burger boy, you can leave the clothes here. Let's go into the bushes and get down to some real fun." Aaron was relieved they let him keep his briefs on out here in the open, but wasn't too keen on having to leave his shorts and T-shirt behind. He threw them over to the thicker scrub beside the oval where the bushtrack lead down into the clearing deeper into the bush. At least no one would run off with the clothes unless they were looking for them. It didn't take long for them to get to the clearing that was away from prying eyes. Aaron was thankful for that, at least. He didn't know what these two had planned for him, but the bulges in their shorts hadn't died down, so he knew it was not going to be good in some ways. Part of him also liked the idea of being slave to two such hot guys as George and Brad. Aaron hadn't notice the two boys come up on either side of him. Each grabbed an arm and brought him over to a large gum tree with a nice smooth trunk, which felt good against his bare skin. Pinned against the tree, George and Brad started kissing him and fondling his balls and dick through the thin material of his briefs. Brad began working his way down Aaron's body, licking his neck, shoulders, and chest until he found those nice hard nipples. Meanwhile George had knelt in front of Aaron and was playing with his erection as it stuck out of Aaron's blue briefs. When he was fully hard, George tore the briefs from Aaron's body. "Hey, what do you think you're doing??" shouted Aaron who had been engrossed in Brad's nipple play. George stood up and pinned Aaron to the tree. Aaron could feel his erection sparring with George's own boner confined in his shorts. They were face to face, body to body, eye to eye. George had a stern look in his eye, and for the first time Aaron was afraid. George liked the look of fear he saw in those eyes and softened a little, though a leer stretched out that face of power. "I think that we're going to have to give you a demonstration of who is the boss around here. I told you not to talk unless I said you could, remember?" A look of shock and fear came over Aaron's face. He could both try and fight his way out against two karate kids, or he would have to face whatever punishment was in store for him. Either option was not encouraging. The adrenaline rush Aaron experienced started him shaking. But it was more than just fear, there was also a sense of excitement about what was about to happen. His cock grew harder than he ever remembered it getting. "Look at the hardon throbbing in his briefs, George!" exclaimed Brad. "Do your job first", said George, "We have plenty of time to play later." While George had Aaron pinned to the tree, Brad had taken out some rope from their hidden place and tied each of Aaron's hands and feet. These he wrapped around behind the tree and pulled them tight. Now his arms were tied around behind the tree and his ankles were spread wide. "There". Said George stepping back and looking at their tied up slave. "What are we going to do with him now?" asked Brad while licking his lips. "Well I had hoped that our Burger King here was going to have a little Prince to play with, but since he isn't here, you'll get to do whatever you want with him Bradley boy. You'd like that wouldn't you?" "Oh yeah!" smiled Brad, unable to take his eyes off the bulge in Aaron's briefs. George noticed Brad was entranced by Aaron's cloth covered prick, like a puppy being teased by a bone. "Here, let me start things off for you, Brad." George reached into his bag that was also hidden in the bushes and pulled out a pocketknife and a pair of socks. The socks looked like that had been worn and George scrunched one of the socks up and made a ball of it. Aaron was wary of what George was going to do with the socks and the knife, but he thought better than to protest just yet. He wasn't in much of a position to complain anyway. Suddenly George was up against him and has stripped to his briefs too. He moved over to Aaron, and pressed his body up against his tied captive. Their chest hairs mingled while their hardening cocks meshed together as well. George kissed Aaron on the cheek as his breath sent a shiver of anticipation through Aaron. Then he bent over him and began licking his neck. The feel of George's tongue was soothing on Aaron's skin. His dick throbbed involuntarily as George began to tongue his way down Aaron's body. When he came to the nipples, George began lightly biting first one then the other of Aaron's nipples. Aaron moaned as George's mouth did its work on him. In the meantime, Brad had stripped off naked and was slowly jerking his pulsating prick as he watched his friend kiss and lick their captive. Not wanting to miss out on the fun, Brad crawled over to the tree and began to lick both Aaron and George's legs as well. He licked from one leg all the way across to the other as George gyrated his hips against Aaron's. He licking legs all the way up the ankle, knee, and then thigh to the hip of Aaron's and then across to George's hip and back down George's leg, stimulating both boys. With his nipples getting a workover from George, and Brad giving his leg a tongue bath, Aaron began to enjoy being captive to these guys. George lowered himself down Aaron's body, as Brad began to french kiss with Aaron. Being tied up and getting kissed, Aaron failed to notice that George had the pocketknife in his hand and had cut away the briefs that covered Aaron's now hard, throbbing member. It was when the cool breeze caressed his groin that Aaron realised he was naked, but at that moment he did not care. His body was being taken to sexual heights he had not anticipated. With Aaron's cock now hanging free, George went to work on it, lapping up the drops of precum oozing from the head before deep-throating it as Brad moved over to continue working on Aaron's hard nipples. The thrill of having sex outdoors combined with the bondage scenario heightened the sexual pleasure of all three boys who were getting close to eruption. Brad was the first one to explode. He was humping Aaron's leg while sucking on Aaron's tongue. The pleasure he began to feel was indescribable! Without someone sucking his rod or pulling it, Brad wasn't prepared for the level of pleasure he was experiencing sucking on Aaron's tongue and humping his leg. He began to feel his balls tighten up and he knew he couldn't hold back any longer. He wanted this release, and he needed this release. He grabbed Aaron's dick in his hands and began thrusting his own boner in between his hands and Aaron's cock. The double stimulation of his own hands and someone else's bone was enough to send Brad over the edge. It felt so incredible that he almost lost his balance as spurt after spurt was released, covering Aaron in the hot jism. In the meantime George had retrieved some strips of leather and while Brad was once more kissing Aaron in post-orgasmic pleasure, he slipped the cords around Aaron's hard cock and balls and tied them off tightly. Aaron screamed at the sudden tightness felt around his balls. At first he thought that George had taken the knife to them and cut them off. In actual fact he had Aaron in a homemade cockring that prevented Aaron from shooting his load. "Now my turn to have some fun with our Burger boy here." Leered George, "But first we'll have to make sure you don't scream again." George walked over to Aaron and pulled hard on his tied up balls. The pain went through Aaron's entire groin and he screamed in sudden pain. George took this opportunity to stuff the balled up sock in Aaron's mouth, and used the other sock to tie around his head in an improvised gag. "That should do nicely." Smiled George admiring his handiwork. At that moment the school bell resounded throughout the grounds. "Shit! That means school kids are going to be all over here in a minute. Grab your stuff, Brad. We'll have to save our fun for another time." "What about the dude? Are we just going to leave him here?" "I don't see why not? He should have been here sooner so we could have our fun. This will be a lesson to him for not doing what he is told." So Brad and George gathered up their things as Brad watched in horror at the thought of being left here. "We have another tournament on the weekend, Burger boy, and you are going to be there. When it's over, we are going to have our fun. You got that?" Aaron nodded, being unable to speak. George smiled and slapped Brad on the shoulder before the two of them departed, leaving Aaron tied to the tree. He struggled to release his bonds but to no avail. Just then he heard voices, and the sounds of people walking through the bush in his direction. Here he was tied up and with a raging hardon that wouldn't go down, couldn't go down because it too was tied. Hopefully they would untie him and set him free from this humiliation. It had all been a strangely erotic nightmare. "Whoa, guys! Look what I've found, you won't believe it!" Aaron's nightmare was not yet over. To be Continued...
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2002 15:56:00 -0800 From: arthur Subject: child of mythra part 2 book two a s ub to love authoritarian CHILD OF MYTHRA Part Two By Arthur I watched as Greg with a quick flick of the wrist uncurled the 12 foot black Lansing out on the floor behind him to it's full length, the Lansing was also known as the Black Snake because of it's two thin strips of leather at the end looking like a forked tongue, he stepped back about nine feet and to the left of the boy, the forked tongue seemed to have a life of it's own as it lay waiting for that first chance to strike. The muscles began to bunch and cord on Greg's forearm and bicep as he readied the Lansing, he looked about at the attentive crowd, noting the looks of anticipation at the pain and pleasure to come. "Fellow Masters, my boy Lim has asked to be taken to his limit and therefore has returned his safe word to my keeping for this occassion, I ask you to show your appreciation for his trust." Every leather gloved fist slammed down onto the table tops, in recognition of this momentous happening even the slaves were allowed, by a stamp of their feet, to show recognition for Lim's honour and bravery, if it were not for the dictates of the tenets of a Masters behaviour under the Mythra's Code of Conduct, Greg could literally flay the boy to the bone at the giving up of his safe word, although there was not a Master here that would have allowed that to happen, Lim was still taking a big risk had he not had complete confidence in Gregs ability and care for him. The arm muscles wrythed and jumped, the Lansing appeared to lazely lift from the floor silently as it rose and uncurled toward the defensless boy in the stocks, with a wrist action from Greg the whip reached out toward the bare flesh and just like the snake it was began to wrap around the the childish slim waist of the boy from the back, around the stomach, over the left hip and then the double tongues cracked onto the right butt cheek with the sound of thunder as a red V shaped welt appeared perfectly placed at the top of that small mound. Every muscle in Lim's body tensed as the first bight hit him, his every muscle appeared to want to leave his body to find some relief from the lightening strike of the forked tongue, with a roll of the wrist Greg coaxed the whip to unfold from the boys body with a soft swishing sound it returned to it's place on the floor behind it's Master as the groan sounded around the hall to the waiting ears. At the strike Eric had jumped in his chair and was now looking up to me silently asking, almost begging me to hold him, this was the first time he'd seen what a real whip can do, I nodded and he slid from his chair to climb onto my lap with his back to my chest as I circled his waist to hold him close as he stared at Lim in the stocks the 4" V welt now bright red showing clearly. "How many will he get James?" "He gave up his safe word Eric, it's up to Greg to decide when he's had enough." "But that's real dangerous, isn't it?" "Yes very dangerous, unless you trust your Master with your life like Lim does, Gregs a big brute of a man but he knows what he's doing with that Lansing, if you look closely at Lim's butt you can just see some of the marks from other times." "Oh yes I see them now like little white scar marks." "Yes that's the ones, although he doesn't have a lot of them so I guesse that Greg has not used it on him a lot of times so I guesse he is looking to prove his devotion to Greg tonight in front of all the Masters here, also I think he gave up his safe word because of you." "Me, why me?" "Didn't you see him look over at you before Greg locked him in the stocks?" "No." "I think he's doing this to show honour to you for what you did with the cat." "But I'm just a slave like he is?" "No my little dove, you're not just a slave like he is, you're a chosen Child of Mythra, it's more than any slave here will ever be and they know it, you'll see that they'll treat you with the same respect they give to a Master from tonight on." The tongues twitched again and were on their way toward their target, again it wrapped around the slim waist, this time leaving their mark on the top of the left cheek then returned to the place behind Greg only to jump again and find a new point to torture, right, left, right, left, on it went the screams echoing around the hall as the boy straind in his bonds, his skin covered in fast flowing sweat, his hard tool erect, bouncing as the whip struck again and again to leave it's V marks on the perfect flesh of those small mounds, not drawing blood but lifting a welt that at the slightest miscalculation could open up the flesh. Greg worked his butt and at the thirtieth stroke he yelled out. "Now boy, Now." Limn's high pitched scream caught everybody by surprise as he let go with shot after shot of cum sending it six feet out from the front of his body, muscles shaking with the release of the pain and tension of his servitude to his needs as Greg coiled the whip and dropped it to the floor as he went quickly to his boy to hold him and caress his shivering frame then lowering the stocks he quickly released the boy and took him in his arms as he collapsed against Greg's chest. Thunderous applause broke out with the call of 'Lim. Lim, Lim' resounded around the hall, the boy unsteadily rose to his feet with Greg's help then whispered in Gregs ear looking over to where Eric sat in my lap, Greg looked over at us and nodded to Lim who then shakely made his way over to us and in front of Eric took the third position asking. "Child of Mythra, would you honour me with your blessing?" Eric looked up to me in askance, I whispered in his ear. "Stand in front of him, place your hand on his head and say,'I the Child of Mythra bless your bravery and honour' then take the second position in front of him, ok?" Eric nodded his head and left his seat on my lap to stand in front of the boy, placing his hand on the boys head he spoke out in a loud clear voice for all to hear. "I the Child of Mythra bless your bravery and honour." Eric sank to the second position as Lim spoke out. "Child of Mythra I follow thee." Eric looked up to me and I nodded for him to sit in his chair, once this was done Lim took his feet and returned to where Greg stood a look of pride on his face, Eric did not relise it but he had just given a position to Lim that would make him the envy of all the slaves there and Eric would now have a valuable friend for the rest of his life, as Lim joind Greg in the center of the hall more pandemoniumn broke out as the blessing was finished. Greg with little Lim behind him turned and bowed in Eric's direction as they made to leave the hall to see to the welts on Lim's butt, each one below the other with none overlapping, it was a beautiful piece of whipping done by an expert who new how to get the most without doing to much damage to the recipient. As the two left the hall Nigel rose and called for quiet. "Masters, there'll be a short delay while Master Greg see's to his boy then we will have the pleasure of Prime Master James to entertain us, so relax and enjoy yourselves in the mean time." The crowd returned to the drinking and good humoured talking until Greg and Lim returned to take a seat at Gregs table still covered with his equipment, Nigel again rose to his feet to explain what I was about to do. "Masters, Master James has, as said earlier this evening , agreed to do a little demonstration for us, I believe it's to be a duet which I for one have never seen before, James says he's making it up as he goes along, but I'm sure knowing him as I do that it's not quite like that, so without further ado I give you Master James." I rose from the chair and walked over to Greg's table to talk to him and select the stock whip I would need, the boys were still at the table waiting for my call to them, I looked down at the three stocks Greg had and selected a beautifully leather bound whip, heafting it in my hand to feel it's balance and weight, I looked at Greg and nodded, he returned the nod and smiled. I looked over to the table where Alton was seated and nodded toward him as he stood and made his way to where I stood in the middle of the room, as he came over I checked the length of the 'cracker'(String tail) at the end of the stock, it was an eight inch length doubled over and plaited into the end of the whip which gave me four inches of playing area. "How you feel about this Alton?" "What you going to be doing?" "Not the same as last time you saw it, I don't want to lay it on Eric tonight, he's had enough for one night I think." "Yes I agree, but I would like you to tickle up Peter a little if you don't mind?" "Ok with me but I want to make more of a demo out of it than a heating up, but I'll give Peter a little extra for you." "Good, do you want me here with you, I'm happy to leave him in your hands." "Thanks but I'd feel happier with you here if you don't mind?" "Not at all, I'd be glad to be close to the action this time round." "Good, are you happy to follow my lead with the boy's?" "Yeah sure, just tell me what you want and he's your's." "Ok we'll bring them out and strip them, then I'm going to get them to hold a piece of paper in their mouths and cut it from them peice by piece, from then on it's going to depend on how they act as to how far I take it, I want them under the no cumming rule till we tell them, ok with you?" "Fine, lets get started." "BOY'S, come." Peter rose from his place on the floor as Eric got off his chair, both boys looked good walking beside each other as they came to where we waited out in the center of the hall, when they reached us they took up their positions facing us and standing in the present, bodies taut and erect, I noticed a longing look in Peters eyes as he stared at the whip in my hands, as I called to Eric to turn around Alton did the same to Peter and we unlocked their belts but left all of their other leathers on, Alton spoke to Peter first. "Boy you will continue to obey all Master James instructions as before except you will not cum until I give you express permission to do so, is that clear, speak?" "Yes Master." I spoke to eric for all to hear. "Boy you will also not cum until my Command is that clear, speak?" "Yes Master." I took from my coat pocket a piece of writing paper I had got earlier and folded down it's length until it was only an inch wide and then flattened it. "Ok boy's , you'll stand apart facing each other at about 12 inches, I'll then place this paper between your teeth and you'll hold it there, you'll not let it go at any time, if you do the punishment you get will remain with you for life, understand?" A blink each and a nod from them both assured me that they would obey, I got them into position and placed the paper in their teeth then stepped back to see that they were both still erect in the present position, their hard shafts were erect and beginning to pulse at the thought of the whip in my hands. "Peter bring your elbows back a little more, Eric lift your head an inch, good, now neither of you move from that position." A hush had come over the hall, the stock was not an often used whip and it had rarely been seen in use, because of it's light weight and short length it was a hard whip to master and control for the sort of delicate work I had in mind, I began by loosening up the 'cracker' splitting it's fibres by cracking the whip in fast staccato cracks for and aft using a double snapping motion, to an untrained person it was like a machine gun firing on full automatic, as the end freed up I began to move the whip closer and closer to Peters butt, inch by inch closing in on it until he could feel the power of the sound vibrations on his skin, his tight butt was trembling as the whip cracked within an inch of his skin then with an overhead twist I circled the whip and brought it around to behind Eric's butt starting about six inches out and again working inwards till he also felt the wind brushing his butt cheeks. Both boys were quivering all over at the thought of what that whip head could do, their dicks tight and pulsing, again I used the overhaed move and started again on Peter, the 'cracker' barely brushing him, his face was white as he waited for that first hard lash that just never came, causing him to shiver more as his mind played tricks on him, then it was Erics turn again, as he got to the same state as Peter I flicked the whip into the air and with a double crack brought it down on the middle of the paper in their mouths cutting it cleanly in half like a sharp knife, both pairs of eyes opened wide as they saw what the whip was capable of doing to their skin if I should misjudge it. On the forward stroke I took an inch of paper from Erics mouth and on the back stroke an inch from Peter's until they had the paper cut to within half an inch of their noses, unadulterated fear showed in their eyes, their faces white with strain to keep still, the flashing and cracking whip sending vibrations through them as it hummed and cracked so close to them, the whip had been working non stop since the start, I was soaked in sweat and needed to remove my jacket to free my arms for what was going to be very precise work, I stopped and lowered the whip. "Boy's stay as you are, Alton would you mind holding this for me while I get rid of this jacket, now I'm warmed up I can get down to the real work." Alton nodded and reached out for the whip taking it in his hand and studying it closer, I removed my jacket as the two boys stood still shivering at the memories of what had just happened and at the fear of what was to come, (It's called mind games) I was not going to lay the whip on them in any way that they would really feel it's sting but I'm sure they would afterward swear they had been whipped, I returned to Alton and took up the whip again, now my arm was free from the coat I felt a lot more confident to continue. I stood as before and began the stacato cracking lifting the whip slowly up Peters body from the front until it was cracking an inch from his nipples then moved it inward until it was just caressing them, making them harden and stand out, the sound shock waves teasing him further but the whip never touching him, his erect rod dripping precum like a tap as I manuvoured the tip over to his other nipple, I opened my left hand so that Alton could see what I had and then pushed the go button on his remote, the effort to not move as the whip cracked so close took a super human effort on Peter's behalf as the vibrator sang it's song deep in his butt, sweat rolled off his faces at the sheer determination to not move. I left his Buzzer going as I moved the whip over toward Eric for the same treatment and again as the shock waves teased his nipples I hit his remote as well, both boy's were shaking and quivering as all the sensations hit at the same time, Peter, then Eric back to Peter and again Eric, the pool of precum began to spread on the floor below them, I dropped the whip head down to their groins using the shock wave effect again on their scrotums and small ball sacks as they tried to supress their moans and groans as the preasure built up in them, they were so close that just a touch would put them over the top so I looked to Alton and nodded and as we both said the words. "Cum now." I flicked out the whip to lay the tip of it onto their glans as they spouted their cream for all to see covering each other in hot spurts as they came again and again, I lowered the whip to the floor and went to hug my beautiful boy in his throws of ejectulation. "Oh my little dove you're truly magnificent." "Oooohhh, aarrggghh, aahhmmmm, Jamesss, I love you." "I love you to little dove, feel better now?" "Yyyesssss." We could not hear the uproar of the crowded hall, we were in our own little world as his orgasm came to a shuddering end, his heavy breathing hot on my face as I held him tight in my arms, softly rubbing his back. "How did you like that Eric?" "It was horrible but good too, I was waiting for you to hit me hard, the more it went on without it hitting me the more horrible it felt, but I trusted you, I knew you wouldn't hurt me again tonight, I just knew it." "What about your Peter, Alton, did he like it?" (Chuckle)" You scared the life out of him, he said he'd rather I whipped him all night than have to do that again, I could almost feel it myself as though you were hitting me, jeez James you know how to play head games that's for sure." I looked at the two boys and then I smiled at the antics they were going through still jiggling about, twitching and shaking, I lifted both remotes out of my pocket and smilingly handed Alton his as he caught on to why the boys had not settled down. "Spose we better turn these off James." "Yes they've had enough for tonight." We switched off their vibrators and the sigh of contentment came from both boys as we made our way back to our respective tables, once at our tables I glanced at my watch, it was 2.00am the night had disappeared somewhere and it was time to leave, so I informed Nigel of my decision and he rose to tell everyone that we were leaving. "Masters a bit of quiet please, the time is late and Founding Prime Master James and The Child of Mythra are leaving us, I will ask you all to show your respect as they depart, the hall is open till six am so those who wish can remain and party, but now Masters your respects please." The Masters and slaves took their positions as they had on our entrance so many hours ago as we took our last walk slowly down the hall and made our exit to the car and as I bundled my very tired little dove into the car I said. "Tomorrow you will meet with the Mythra again and I'll tell you the legend so you'll know more about your new position as the Child of Mythra, ok?" "Yes James, James?" "Yes little dove?" "Can I sleep in, in the morning, I'm really bushed." "Yes kiddo, I'm going to as well, it's been a long time since I had such a late night." I started the car and we pulled out of the parking slot to head home to a soft bed and a long sleep with my boy in my arms, tonight he'd sleep with me and not alone in his room, I wanted to wake in the morning with him in my arms. To Be Continued:
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 14:08:33 -0400 From: [email protected] Subject: the-dorm-bully When I was a freshman at IU, I lived on in a dorm that was mostly freshman. My roommate, Chad, is a nice guy. The first month or so of school we really got along great, but now he has a girlfriend who lives in an apartment off campus, so he rarely spends much time in our room. Except for Chad, I really don't have any friends on the floor. Most of the guys are complete asses. They walk around the halls cursing and belching and for some reason don't seem to understand how to flush a toilet in the floor's communal bathroom. They're real jerks, but none of them has gone out of his way to hassle me. I was in a deep sleep in the middle of the night, when someone knocked on the door. I thought it was Chad, so I shouted "Come in," from my bed. But the knocking continued, so in a pissed voice I yelled "Come in!" The door was unlocked, but no one came in. So groggily, I got up out of my bed and opened the door. As the door swung open, I saw Anthony. Anthony lives across the hall. Rumor had it that he was a tough character. But he never tried anything with me. I didn't really know much about him, other than that I have never seen a day go by when he doesn't go into his room with a girl on his arm. Anthony had never really said anything to me, nodding to me as our paths crossed in the hallway, but nothing more. "Hey, Anthony." "Oh. Hi," he said as if he hadn't noticed me open the door. "Is Chad here?" "No. Sorry," I answered and took notice of his body. He was leaning against the doorframe with one arm. His other arm was at his side, the hand disappearing into the waist of his athletic shorts. I could tell that he had a hardon from the huge bulge in his crotch. He wasn't wearing a shirt. He was my type of guy; a real wise ass. He had six-pack abs and tapered waist. I assumed that he had just showered because I could see clearly a damp bush of underarm hair. "You awake?" He asked, stirring me from my trance. "Yeah, I am now! I was cramming for finals, and said what the shit I'll never get this and went to bed." "Sorry to have waken you, but since you're up, want some company I couldn't hide the smile on my face. "Sure." Before I could motion for him to enter my room, he walked past me and flopped himself down on my bed. I sat down on my chair, facing him. He was laying with his elbows propping him up on the bed. His legs hung over the edge, spread open in a V. He was still hard because there was this large mound in his crotch. Then he lay back with his hands behind his head, so both armpits were exposed this time. I just stared at him with a goofy grin on my face. "Do me a favor, will ya?" He asked with a slight smile. "I wanna take my shoes off but I'm tired as hell." He stopped there, never actually getting to the question, but I knew what he wanted. I felt kinda silly doing it, but I knelt down and began to remove his sneakers. "Socks, too," he added. I felt ridiculous, kneeling before this total stud. But whatever, I was just doing a friend a favor. As I slid the final sock off, he emitted a quiet groan. I froze, not sure if I should be excited that I had turned him on--he couldn't be gay, not with all those girls and all the stories I'd heard. So I tried to pretend I hadn't heard it. We were just two guys hanging out. "Man, am I tired," he moaned. "You should go to bed." What a stupid comment. "I can't," he said. "You can't?" "No." He sat up more, leaning over, resting his hands on his thighs. He looked down at me, still sitting on the floor in front of him. "See, I got a problem." "Problem?" "Yeah. I can't get to sleep without, you know, getting off." "You should just jerk off, Anthony." "Jerk off!" He smiled. "Why jerk off when you can get some stupid chick to suck on your cock and swallow your cum? I haven't gone to bed without a blow job for a month. I can't sleep without it now. I get some girl to suck me off and then I send her home and fall right to sleep like a baby. Except the girl I had a date with tonight wouldn't touch it. So I'm in a bit of a bind, huh?" He looked at me, a smirk escaping from his lips. "What are you gonna do?" My cock was growing in my pants. "Well... everyone says you're a faggot, Bob." I froze. My expression must have changed because he noticed. "I never thought that. But everyone in the dorm says you're a fag and that you take it up the ass.' So I figured, it's worth a try. I'm running out of options. So whaddaya say? Will you suck it or what?" My eyes darted to his crotch, which he was rubbing through his shorts. He noticed my glancing. "Caught you looking; you are a faggot." He laughed. Suddenly he reached out and I felt his hand on the back of my head. He pulled my head towards him, holding it against his crotch. I could feel his cock through the fabric. "Do you want that cock, faggot?" I nodded, licking my lips. "Well, get to work. I need to shoot my load." With that, he pulled down his shorts and his boxers, revealing his Hard cock. It was about eight inches in length and very thick around. His balls were hairy and big. Slowly I leaned forward, grabbing the shaft, and began to flick my tongue against the head. "Come on, cock sucker, take the whole thing." I needed no further encouragement. I took a deep breath and began to take Anthony's cock into my mouth, until I had swallowed all eight inches of it and my nose was buried in his thick bush of dark hair. The smell was intoxicating. Sweat and piss; pure manliness filled my nostrils. I wrapped my throat around his cock, sliding up and down, still feeling the pressure of his hand on the back of my head. Suddenly, he gripped my hair, pulling me off his enormous cock, shouting, "Balls. Suck my balls, you faggot." I immediately adjusted my position so that I had better access to his nut sack. I buried my head between his open legs, taking one ball into my mouth and rolling it around with my tongue. From my new position, I could smell a different, muskier, dirtier smell. I licked under his scrotum and traced the path to his rosebud. Then without warning, he let loose an enormous fart. The sheer volume of it shocked me and I tried to pull away. But Anthony's grip on my head was strong. He forced my face directly into his asshole. He laughed out loud as he let out a few more, much smaller, farts. I held my breath. "You're gonna have to breathe sooner or later, so enjoy it." I inhaled. "I know you love it, fag. Lick my hole. Go on, lick it." I dragged my tongue across his sweaty butt hole and tasted his sweat. I began slowly to only lick around his hole but eventually began to lap at it like a slut, darting my tongue in and out of his shit hole as he mocked and humiliated me. "This is the best head I've had in weeks, you dirty queer." I lapped at his hole even more vigorously. "You love licking at my ass, don't ya? Now back on my cock!" I quickly lifted my head from his ass and took his cock into my mouth, sliding down on it until it was buried deep in my throat. I clenched my throat and unclenched it, feeling his tool deep inside me. I felt his balls tighten against my chin. He began to cum, filling my throat first and then pulled out until just the head of his cock remained in my mouth. He continued to pump out his nectar, which I swallowed. Although I was out of breath, I loved it. After his orgasm subsided, I began to pull off his cock, but his hands caught me. He laughed. "What's the rush, man? You love that cock. Take your time. Just let it sit there. Yeah. Like that." He stroked my hair gently as I knelt in front of him. The head of his softening cock was resting on my tongue. "You know what the worst part of getting sucked before you go to bed is?" I shook my head back and forth, signaling that I did not know. "Well... after the chick leaves and I've already had her swallow my cum... I gotta pee real bad." I looked up at him. "Yeah." He said as he grabbed my throat. "But with you, faggot, I don't have to get up and go to the bathroom, do I? You'll drink it down like a good little queer. So enjoy, faggot." I felt the first trickle of piss enter my mouth, acrid, tangy. I Swallowed quickly, knowing the force of the stream would increase, and it did. I swallowed his warm pee for about ten seconds as he stroked my hair. When he'd finished, he removed his soft cock from my mouth and shook it.. "You're a good cocksucking faggot. Did you have fun?" I nodded. "What? Speak up, slut." "Yes. I loved it. I love sucking your cock." He smirked. "Good thing. I'll see you tomorrow night."
Date: Fri, 01 Mar 2002 18:53:48 +0100 From: Chaim B. Subject: Michael and Peter (1-2) Michael and Peter (1 & 2). Nifty and ASSGM: M/t, submission. Disclaimer: You have to be 16+ to read this! Or check your country laws. English is not my mother tongue. Reactions are very welcome: [email protected] Thanks! Chaim (from the Netherlands) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1. Just some instructions after a chat, boy. Peter his hands were shaking, opening the letter he found on his doorstep coming from school. He missed today all the words spoken to him. Just thinking about the late night chat he had. He was on mIRC, and spoke to Top22NL. Wow, it was a hot chat. The man asked him a lot of questions. The man, calling himself Michael. Peter didn't know his age, but the picture showed a good-looking marine of 22? Strong, big muscles and so, just in his army pants and leather boots. Michael ordered him to give him his address. Peter feared the consequences, but the promise getting his Masters orders on his doorstep made him weak. Living at home he feared this part most! What will happen? If his parents will find the note, it will be hell. This promised note? Hell, he would be in serious trouble! No shit. With shaking hands, Pete runs to his room. He sits at his desks and opens the plain envelope. Shaking hands. This is cool. 'Hi Boy, Want you this afternoon into your tight briefs, read this, that way and at the end I want you! Stand in position, boy!' Without hesitation, Peter knows what to do he strips to his tight briefs, as ordered. Reading on... 'Boy, I want to see the outline of your boy cock. Stroke it light through the cotton of your briefs, boy. Good boy!' Reading 'Good Boy'... Peter feels his young teen cock stir in his soft boy briefs. 'Great you are here, boy. I know you will follow my orders. Your Master is sure of that! Don't disappoint me, and if you do, face the consequences, boy. Feel it, close your eyes, feel: I, your Master stroke your hard young chest, feeling your soft skin and young muscles. Your Master is horny again boy... writing this to his boy, my big Master cock is hard, boy! Dripping cum in my army pants. Close your eyes. You see me behind your eyelids? Say it loud!' Peter smiles insecure. He closes his eyes. "Yes, sir, see the out line of your cock in my head, sir!" 'The training starts here and now, boy! Open your eyes, look at your briefs, look at the wet spot of your own cock on your tight white briefs, my boy! If it's there, there is no way back! Otherwise, no more reading, destroy this letter and never thing of me again.' Peter closes and opens his eyes, he looks down at his briefs. A wet spot is clearly visible. Fuck, this man, my Master is right. No way back? Hell, Peter wants to get on his knees to beg for more instructions. 'As I told you this night, about your piercing, making you, MY BOY. The time is right now, my boy. Call this mobile number 83456908178, and open the door just the way you are! NOW! Do as instructed! I like you very much, Your Master, Michael' Peter's body is shaking. He knows he told Michael everything during their long chat, his dreams. He picks up the telephone dealing the number. Peter hears a strong manly voice "Go to the door, my boy". Peter runs down, just in his white briefs he opens the door. A big young man stands in front of him. Very short hair, very tight white T-shirt on a strong wide chest. Big standing legs in skin tight blue jeans, on his hips with a big belt. His feet in Army boots, shining in the afternoon sun. Wow, what a sight! This can't be real. This man is interested in him? Peter, interested in me, just a skinny soccer player, an 18 years old? The man grins, it is a friendly grin. "Hi, my boy" "Hey... sir" "Good boy, you don't let me in?" "Sorry sir..." Peter opens the door wider, to let this man, his Master in. Michael steps into the hall. Peter feels his big hands on his soft skin of this shoulder. The strong man strokes his nipples light. Peter shivers. Michael looks at this tight boy's briefs. Fuck, Peter feels embarrassed. "When does your parents, and big brother come home lad?" "I don't know, sir" "Show me your room, boy. Show me where you where during our chat" Peter walks up the stairs feeling Michael's his eye on his young butt in his tight white briefs. He showed his teen boy room, full of soccer players on all the walls. "We go to my place, leave a message, you stay with a friend, you told me you could do that. Put on your baggy trousers and nothing more. Be quick!" "Yes, sir. I will sir." Peter leaves a note. He will stay over this weekend at Robin's place. They know his mobile number, etc. XXX M. Michael smiles to him. "You are ready, boy" "Yes, sir" They leave the house. Peter feels this cock growing, stretching the soft fabric of his briefs following this big man's, Michael's butt in his tight jeans. Wow, what to expect? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part 2. At Michael's place. I loved the unexpected chat last night. This boy Peter is great, eager to learn and we live very close. He will be a great boy slave to me. By the way I'm Michael, I work for the special troops. I love to train boys into man. I'm on leave now. I live in a little house out of town, in the woods, not far from the sea. Feeling horny I chatted last night and found a boy, Peter, 18, a skinny soccer player, looking for a Master and some training. Peter likes his body, and has a lot of doubts about it, but he wants to become a man. Well, He will get that! No problem here, no problem at all, boy, you will become a real MAN. Peter you will be an excepting just willing little Man, indeed! I asked him about his dreams. He told me everything. Remembering them I smile. Wow... the boy can tell hot. His first loves for his mate Robin. Robin seems to be a sexy soccer player at his team. His hot masturbation fantasies, Peter told me all. Before getting trained, he wants to get a piercing from a real man, a Master. I promised him that. I will make my words come true. Giving him a piercing and making him a real man. What he doesn't know I will make him that way My Boy. After a long chat I got his address. The next morning, I dressed just a little. My boxers and blue jeans and a white T-shirt, my army boots, fuck he will like that. I got him hot on some soft pictures of myself. I left the note on his doorstep and staid in my car. I saw him entering the house. A cute teen! Well, really, Peter is nice, but I want more. After his call I walked slowly at his house. At the door I found a cute teen, as ordered in tight white briefs, showing the promised wet spot of his pre-cum. Well, this is great! I told him to leave a note. We drove to my place. Peter stepped out of the car, in his baggy jeans his young boy's chest shows well. Peter has an olive skin and very red little nipples on a totally smooth chest. The white waistband of his briefs is into my view. White cotton, nice contrast to his young hairless olive skin. Well, this boy has to learn a lot! "You trust me, boy?" "Yes sir", with an open smile! I smile at his eager reply. This boy is fucking hot! I show him a black blindfold. "All the way, boy?" "Yes, sir" I hear a trembling in his voice. The boy must be afraid. I put the blindfold before his eyes. I unbutton his baggy jeans, leaving them between his ankles on his Nike trainers. Without sight the boy, I take the boy into my big house. I bring him to my special treatment room. Leather table in the middle. There is a cupboard with my tools and devices at the wall. I bound the boy's wrists before his body. My friend Aaron is already there. He is my "family doctor". Smile, he helps me out with problems like this. I kiss Aaron on the mouth, wet and hard enough for Peter, my boy, to hear. "Wait boy" My cute boy is without power, bound and soon half naked. I take off his trainers and pants, underpants. He, my boy, must be 18, but he looks younger. He has just a patch of hair over his semi erect cock. I look carefully, Peter has some blond hairs on his legs, and nearly any hair on his balls. "Get on the table, boy!" Securing his legs to the edge with little leather ropes. I take off his blindfold. His eyes are wondering around, looking for my body. "Yes boy. I see your eyes, you follow me." "Yes sir" "Look straight forward, boy." "Yes, sir" I bent forward, sucking my boy's nipple, biting it, hard! Peter struggles in his bonds. I'm sure now they will work out. "You, my boy, Peter, laying naked on this table, my table. I feel you, trembling. You said yes, IS IT REALLY yes? Peter?" "Yes, sir, I want this" Looking at his now rock hard cock, I smile, a little test will do no harm. I spread his arms wide over his head, exposing his sweaty armpits. "Yes boy, you are bound, your arms spread over your head, your legs wide! The leather strings are tight. Good boy!" I admire his stretched body. "Good boy!" I wet Peter's chest with my tongue. Tasting his sweat, his fear. Well, this is just the beginning. "Boy feel it, my tongue on your smooth chest, boy" "Aaron, the doctor, he is a Master himself, brings your silver ring now. It is a very little one, boy". Peter nods his head. "You are sure about this, or you are just fake? Boy" No sir, I'm not fake, I want this very much!" Peter is panting, his boy chest is going up and down, with big strokes. His boy cock is real hard. Pre-cum is leaking on his smooth belly. "O.K. boy the doctor cleans your boy nipples. His black leather pants are close to your face. You must feel his heat, boy. He hands me over the needle..." "Ready boy?" I give him time. I see the fear in his eyes. "You are a good boy, you know you can take it." "Yes, Sir" Stroking his hair, I point the needle at his nipple, "Be a brave boy, do it for your Master" Peter nods a yes. "Good boy" Bringing the needle to the boys skin... "The needle points directly to your young skin, boy. Making my boy, MINE, there will be no way back, my boy." I prick... My boy struggles into his bonds, and his little boy cock makes his stomach full wet of pre cum. Making a mess... The ring is settled in a flash. Just a little drop of blood is showing. The real pain will be nothing. "Wear it proud, MY BOY!" You shout, groans, beg me to take you... Looking at my struggling boy, wow, he is MY BOY NOW. I open my pants, looking at My Boy Peter, his struggle. Wow, he has a fine soft body! His naked body is shaking, his boy boner rock hard pointing at his belly button. "Good boy, as a reward you may cum, cum for your Master! This little ring makes you mine!" Peter wants to reach his young eager cock. Of course, still bound he can't. Aaron smiles, I nod my head, "Thanks". He is an expert. He stays... he takes my boys briefs from the floor putting it on his eyes. He tortures My Boys cock with his little finger, stroking it Very light. The boy, my boy Peter, needs to cum badly! Aaron smiles... Leaving, kissing me just slight on the lips: "Take good care of him". "Man, I will." Turning to the table, looking at Pete, my boy, I feel my cock grow harder. I strip down naked. Putting away his briefs from his eyes, I smile at him, looking in his pleading eyes. I see his begging eyes on my cock. It is too soon for that. "You will get soon your reward, boy" >From the cupboard I take a little mirror. "Look at your piercing boy!" I stroke the little swollen flesh around his pierced nipple. Taking his little rock hard cock in my firm hand. "Proud of it, boy?" "Yes sir!" I make my grip harder, taking his foreskin down. Exposing the wet little cock head. Peter shivers. "Man, sir, master, please" He begs. My boy groans. "Please, sir" I see his balls close to his body. Looking at my trembling boy, I feel great. I leave his boner alone for some minutes, stroking the smooth flesh of his chest. Twisting his not pierced nipple. Peter groans out loud, struggling in his bonds to get his little boy cock in touch with my hand again. "Please, sir, stroke my cock! Do it harder sir!" "Listen, boy, I have big plans with you, my boy. I will give you something to chew on till the time is right. Don't question my orders, my behavior, never do so, boy." I take his white boy briefs again, putting them to Peter's lips. "Take them boy, chew on them" Being a brave boy, he opens his small lips taking his own briefs into his mouth, as ordered. "Good boy" I stroke his nearly smooth boy cock again. Looking at his body reactions. My boy has a hard time. His little balls are close to his body. Licking my finger I put it between his butt cheeks. Touching his hidden rose, I feel his body shaking. "You are a virgin down there, boy?" Not able to speak Peter nods his eyes. His eyes wander to my man cock. Is my boy afraid, I wonder. I stroke his eager cock now with fast strokes. Looking him straight in the eyes. "In a few seconds, you will have permission to cum boy!" His young body is fighting his bonds. His teen hormones must be boiling in his horny body. I like that! What a sight! "I count down, boy... three" Taking my time coating his cock head with his own pre-cum "Two... hold back boy, make me proud!" I take my hand away! Peter gasps for air, tears in his eyes of frustration. "One" Taking his cock again. At the same time I stroke his tight smooth balls with my other hand. "GO, BOY, DO IT FOR ME!" Boy spits his briefs out. He cries out loud! "Yes, sir!" Out of control, a big load of fresh boy cum hits the olive skin of his smooth chest. Spurt after spurt leaves his wide-open piss slit. Heavy spurts of young teen cum hit his chest. It lands on his little boy nipples, and his own face. I leave him for some seconds. Stroking his smooth skin, bringing some cum to his small lips. Without question he opens them wide. Peter is eating his own cum eager from my fingers, sucking them clean. "Good boy" Peter smiles happy to me. Of course I have to feed him more... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- More? Comments or suggestions? Mail me at: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 04 Mar 2001 17:47:00 +1100 From: AJAY Subject: The Burger King Disclaimer Warning: You know that if you are under the legal age of consent to read such erotic material as this, or if you are offended by the subject matter, you shouldn't be reading this, so DO NOT READ any further. This is a Fictional story and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental, yadda, yadda, yadda. Check out other stories by the author in "Stories by Prolific Net authors" under AJAY. All rights reserved. Not to be used anywhere or reproduced without the author's prior permission. Now kick back and enjoy. The Burger King Stevie looked into those piercing pools of hazel and dived deep into their crystalline depths, as he pulled down those red boxer briefs and started stroking the cock of the man of his dreams and obviously enjoying it. Aaron was getting off on this as much as Stevie, and that was all the encouragement Stevie needed. Aaron, at 19, was only one year older than Steven and his dark brown, styled hair shook with the pleasure he was receiving. "Oh Stevie, I'm going to cum, man. I'm gonna shoot. Ahhhhhhhhh..." Stevie's eyes shot open with the images of Aaron shooting still fresh in his mind. It was the early hours of the morning as he lay there on his bed, slowly coming down from the second most incredible dream he ever had within the space of one day. The first dream happened earlier today in the showers. What a day this has been, thought Stevie as he sat up in bed. Bad enough jerking off about it at the gym, but now he was even dreaming about doing it with Aaron. He just couldn't work out what got into him and why he was suddenly so infatuated with his morning shift manager from Burger King. His morning had started off with a light spar session at the martial arts school to get rid of any last minute kinks before the tournament in the afternoon. While he is changing into his uniform, he gets propositioned as well as a feel up from the very guy he is supposed to be fighting. He ends up going down to the dude because he can't get the vision and feel of the dude's hard, throbbing cock out of his head. On top of that he had to fess up to his karate coach that he has the hots for his competitor and his hormones took over, which is why he took a pounding in the tournament. If that wasn't bad enough, he daydreams in the shower about getting it off with his Manager and coats the shower walls with his jizz. To top it off, just before heading off to work, he practically has a wet dream about the guy again. Can it get any better than this, or is this a typical day in the life of an eighteen year old virgin? Stevie wondered. Glancing over at the clock, he had just half an hour to have a shower, get dressed, and head off to work. While the breakfast shift didn't start until about 7am, Stevie always liked to get to work just before 4:45am so he could spend some time alone with Aaron. Well as alone as you can get with the maintenance guy there as well, anyway. Not that anything had ever happened when they were alone, much to Steven's regret. But he just liked being the centre of Aaron's attention and that was the best time to have it. Some of his more memorable moments with Aaron were spent in the washroom while filling cloth buckets with warm, sanitised water, and changing the oil in the cooking vats. These were the times before the rest of the crew started, and Aaron was like one of the boys instead of store manager, and he opened up and talking to Stevie like they were best mates. At first Aaron used to kid around that Stevie was trying to get a promotion to Assistant Manager, but he really enjoyed Steven's company in those early hours, too. If Stevie only knew what was going through Aaron's mind. In record time Steven had showered, shaved, pampered and changed and was standing outside Burger King just as the sun was starting to rise, and the birds in the nearby park were warbling their early morning song. Normally, the maintenance guy was there to open up and let Stevie in, before Aaron had even arrived. The guy normally gets in about 4am, but this morning it was Aaron who opened the door for Stevie. "Hi stud, looks like I finally get to beat my number one employee!" said Aaron. "Excuse me?" replied Stevie, not sure if he had heard correctly. "Ralph called in saying he was sick, so its only you and I here until the shift starts. SO I finally got here before you did. This day has to be added to the Book of world records." Aaron smiled giving Steven a nudge and ushering him into the restaurant. Greetings were exchanged and the guys began their normal ritual of preparing for the breakfast rush. Stevie noticed there seemed to be something different about Aaron this morning. Every time he looked over at Aaron, it seemed as though he was watching him. Steven put it down to his over-active infatuation with Aaron lately and went to back to work ignoring the stares and feeling of being watched. A couple of hours went by and all that was left before the gang arrived for the shift was to clean out the oil vats. It was not a task he particularly enjoyed this morning as his muscles were a little stiff from competition, but it had to be done and Stevie was the one to do it. As Steven bent over the vat and began cleaning it out with a cloth once it was emptied, Aaron looked over at his young protege once more. His top half was bent over into the vat, giving Aaron a perfect view of those twin orbs that begged to be pinched and touched and kneaded. It took all of Aaron's self control not to go straight over there and pull down Stevie's pants there and then to worship those buttocks they way they should be. Lost in his dream of rimming those beautiful buns of Steven, he did not know how long he stood there in wanton desire. Next thing he knew, Aaron was standing right behind Stevie. He pressed his hips forward and made contact with the warmth of that mouth-watering flesh. Stevie was startled by the sudden contact and stood up straight, falling back into Aaron's arms. "Whoa, sorry big guy". Said Aaron, "I didn't mean to startle you. I was just looking to see how far along you were with the vat. "Ummm, that's okay." Replied Stevie, "I didn't know you were standing there, that's all." Aaron's arms were still wrapped around Stevie's waist and his hips were still pressed against Stevie's backside. Maybe it was Stevie's imagination, but he was sure he felt something hard pressed up against his buns as well. Was this turning on Aaron? Stevie liked the body contact and did nothing to stop Aaron from holding on. The arms around the waist, the contact of Aaron's hips against him, and the warmth of his breath tickling the hairs on the back of his neck, were all having the desired effect on him as well. Steven wanted those hands around him to work their way into his pants and find the growing hardness, but even this contact was more than Stevie could have hoped for. Realising that he couldn't hold on to the young stud any longer without making it obvious that he had ulterior motives to just steadying his friend, Aaron grudgingly let go of his hold on Steven. Steven turned around to face his manager and smiled. Aaron smiled back and placed his hands on Steven's shoulders. Steven's muscles were a little tender from the exertion and winced slightly from the contact. "Hey, you a little tender there? Maybe you better finish with the vat and come over here and I'll get those kinks out of your muscles." "No, it's alright. I'm just a little tense. It'll go away as the day goes on." "Bull-crap. I can't have my best employee getting all stiff in the middle of the breakfast rush now, can I? I wouldn't know how to handle it if that happened. So you let me take care of it now for you before it gets too much to handle." Before Stevie could utter another protest, he was dragged over to the tables and forced to straddle a chair backwards while Aaron rested against a table behind him and began to work on Steven's shoulders and neck muscles. "Actually after the punishment you took this at the comp today, I'm surprised you even made it to work today at all?" "How did you know about the comp? Ohhhh. That feels nice. Don't tell me the rumour mill is spreading the word about my defeat already? Ahhhhh!" "No. No one is talking about it. I was there." "You were there? You saw my bout? I didn't even know you liked karate? Why didn't you come say hello?" "I don't like karate as such. Let's just say I have other interests in being there. You looked pretty psyched up before the bout so I didn't want to break your concentration. After the fight you were pretty down, so I thought I'd better leave you alone." "Next time you come you better make sure you say hello. I'd love to introduce you to my coach, I'm sure you two would hit it off. You guys are the best two friends I have." Stevie suddenly realised what he was saying and shut up before he blurted out just how much he liked Aaron. It was as though the massaging was breaking down his defences and releasing his inhibitions. It felt better than he ever thought it would, and it was his fantasy guy who was giving it to him. "This feels fantastic Aaron. Where did you learn to do this? You take a course or something?" "No course. I've just had plenty of practice. My brother used to play football and I just to soothe his muscles after the game because the nerve in his shoulder used to seize up from time to time. You kind of pick up things along the way about what feels good." Aaron glanced over the shoulder of his friend while he worked on those muscles and noticed that Stevie was enjoying the massage very much indeed. The front of his pants were tented out and it looked like the beginnings of a wet spot forming at the head. "Stevie, if you like I could give you a full body massage. Why don't you lie down on the table here and I could work on your back muscles?" "Okay, you're the boss." Said Stevie, never missing an opportunity to have Aaron's hands upon him. Steven got off the chair and lay out on the table with his arms and legs dangling off the sides, while Aaron went to work on Stevie's back. The heels of his Aaron's palms worked their way down Steven's back in small circles, taking away the aches of stretched muscles. Lower, and lower those hands travelled until they rested at Stevie's lower back. It had become more than just a therapeutic massage as those hands hovered over Steven's buttocks. To hold those twin orbs in his palms would take both guys to a place where neither would be willing to turn back from. It was the time of reckoning a time where both wanted to give in to their desires, being unaware of the other's lust. Aaron's hand moved over those pert buns and felt the warmth and solidness beneath him. A sigh escaped from Steven's lips as Aaron kneaded those huge muscles as though he was a baker preparing the dough. Steven felt his hardness grinding against the tabletop, as Aaron worked on him from above. He felt those hands taking him to a new plain for pleasure and he did not want it to stop. But he wanted Aaron to stop working on his arse so he could turn over and show Aaron just how much he really wanted him. He wanted his fantasy man to take his hard member in his hands and bring him to a joyous climax. Then he wanted to get down on his knees and give his boss a blowjob right here in the restaurant where they worked. There was much that both boys wanted to happen, but this was as far as it was going to get for now. The shift crew began arriving and the massage was abruptly halted. Aaron noticed the pulsing member of Stevie's as he got off the table. Seven noticed Aaron's hard phallus as he glanced down at his friend as they made their way behind the counter. In that moment both knew of the other's desire, but for now it would have to wait. Within minutes of the first arrival, the restaurant began to fill with hungry patrons eager to get their morning fill before the dawning of a new working day. Stevie was assigned to the drive-thru while Aaron hovered around the front counter. Both were too busy to think about the turn of events of the morning even though both wanted to say something to the other, to tell each other know it was okay. Stevie was thinking about how Aaron's hands felt on him as another car pulled up to the window. "Good morning, can I take your order please?" said Stevie. "Hi stud. Can I have a burger and a blowjob?" asked the driver. Stevie's head jerked up as he looked out at the insolent driver. It was none other than George Fragopoulos, the dude who had kicked his butt in the karate tournament, smiling at Stevie's discomfort while groping himself. "Will you keep it down?" said Stevie looking around worriedly in case one of his co-workers had overhead George's comments. "You'll get me in trouble with my boss." "Don't worry stud, I've got it all in hand. So you want to give me a blow to start the day for me?" "Did you just come here to hassle me and get me fired?" "You won't get fired, believe me. But I've got these free breakfast coupons and I've come here to use them. Having you here is a bonus. I tell ya what, instead of giving me head in front of your friends, you can meet me when you get off work down behind the Christian Brothers College ovals, off Wakefields. I normally do a few laps down there before a workout and you can help me out." "What makes you think I'm going to even show?" "You'll show, stud. You want a taste of this." Said George, giving his dick another squeeze. "And if you don't, I'll just have to tell your boss here how much you like my dick." "You wouldn't dare." "I won't have to because you'll do what I say anyway. Now get me my breakfast like a good boy and I'll see you later. I'm going to make it worth your while, believe me. Might even be a surprise or two in store for you." Stevie didn't even acknowledge that last remark and went about filling George's breakfast order. The guy was an insolent prick who thought he could get his own way. No way was he going to show up at the Ovals. George had no proof and it would be just his word against Stevie's. But the rumours would do the damage, Stevie had seen how the gossip mongers had destroyed friendships, reputations and budding relationships. Stevie had to get the upperhand and the only way to do this would be to confront George after work away from his co-workers. He decided to do it after work, but first he had to decide what to do about Aaron. Why did life have to be so complicated? To be continued..
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 10:00:45 -0500 From: Stuart James Subject: Chat line [Authors Note: I actually chatted online with someone similar to the character `Owned' who appears in the first part of the story. I have embellished what he said and taken some of his words completely out the context in which he used them. But he gave me the idea for this story. If he ever reads this story and recognises himself, I would just like to say `thank you' and that I enjoyed our chat. Unlike the main character in the story, I did not feel sorry for him as he clearly had found a life he wanted and enjoyed. I wish him well.] It started innocently enough. I was working on the computer trying to get the latest version of Netscape to download. The PC locked twice and the keyboard stopped working once. So after three long and frustrating re-boots I decided to take a break and logged into one of the gay chat lines. I usually just watch other people's comments, and look at their profiles and pictures rather than `chat' myself. From the few times I have initiated a `chat', people have been such arseholes that it always seems to be a waste of time to get involved. Of course if someone wants to chat to me, I usually just play along and say what seems appropriate to the situation. I do not think that this is me being unfair, as they want to talk to me. This time everyone seemed to be just watching. Plenty of people were logged in, but no one was saying anything. I switched from room to room and it seemed to be the same in all the rooms I looked into. I decided to switch again and the cursor stopped on the leather room. It was busy, so I went in there. I suppose some would say I was as big an asshole as everyone else. Whatever chat room I went into I would pick an appropriate alias. So in the `teens' room I became a 17-year-old schoolboy, and in the military room a sailor on shore leave. I had a number of fairly appropriate photos that I attached to my profiles. I tried the alias `leather' in the leather room. It was rejected as a name already being used. I changed it to `boots and leather' and got in. I attached a `neutral' photo to my profile. I am not really into leather and I did not want to give too much of the wrong idea. In my own way, I always try to give the punters on the other end an even break. In the first five minutes a few contributions were made. But overall it was fairly quiet, with a few people logging in and out. I passed the cursor over the list of names. I stopped on one called `Owned'. The profile said that he was `collared, ringed, marked and restrained and instructed by my Master to talk to other slaves'. I noted the capital `M'. There was no photo. What the hell, I was bored. So I decided to chat to him and double clicked his entry. "Hi. I can only talk to other slaves. Are you a slave?" was his first comment. I thought hard. (Yes, even in my own terms I was being an arsehole). "Not at the moment, but I think I want to be one. Can I ask you some questions?" "Yes" was the curt reply. "What does it mean `collared'?" "My Master put a collar on me two years ago. It is welded on." "Metal. You can never take it off?" "No never. It used to have a leather lining but my Master said that was too good for me so he took the lining out. But it feels good and I think I would feel naked without it now." "I like the sound of that", I lied. Well I had to say something. "What does `ringed' mean," I continued when no comment came from the other end. "My Master likes me to be pierced. He enjoys doing it. I have about 20 rings so far mainly in my crotch, but also through my nose. He likes putting thicker and thicker rings through me." "20 in your cock and balls. Wow." I felt a little queasy. "Yes. The first was a PA and then he put 8 down the underside of the shaft and 12 more in my ball sack." "Do you like them?" "Of course. It makes my Master happy, so they make me happy. He says he has made it impossible for me to ever fuck anyone again. Not that I would want to. I am my Masters property." Neither of us said anything for a minute or so. "A couple of week's ago he replaced the PA with a prince's wand. That hurt at first as it was a little bit too thick." "What is a prince's wand?" I asked having never heard of one. "It is a long hollow metal tube that goes down the piss hole of your cock. It is fastened in place through the hole the PA ring was in. It has a screw end so I can only piss when the end is unscrewed. Only my Master is supposed to unscrew it. If I have to do it myself, I get punished." The thought of a metal tube down my cock made me shudder. "How does he punish you?" "It depends how bad I have been. My Master is very fair. He only punishes me when I deserve it. He might just slap me. More usually he ties me against the wall and gives me 6 or more lashes with his whip. If I am really bad I have to go in the punishment box." "What is the punishment box?" "Oh it is wooden box a little bigger than me a bit like a coffin I suppose. He makes me wear a rubber suit and mask. I am completely encased in rubber and can only breathe through a tube." I nearly said `how terrible', but the guy obviously wanted this life. "How long does he leave you in there?" "I am never sure. I sort of get lost in my own little world. He told me once that I had been in the box for a week." I wondered what the stench inside the rubber suit would be like after a day let alone a week. I decided to change the subject. "How has he marked you?" "Tattoos. My master enjoys drawing on me. I think he will cover me one day. One arm is completely covered and I have tattoos on my other arm and on my legs chest and back. And on my neck and hands. He is very good at them. He says they make me look beautiful and more worthy of Him." Capital `H'. "Is your Master with you now?" I used the capital `M'. "No he went out. He chained me in front of the pc and told me to be available to anyone who wanted to chat to me on this line. I cannot initiate a chat. And I can only talk to other slaves. I am not allowed to talk to other masters." Other masters got a small `m'. I had to ask. "Do you like being a slave?" "Oh yes. It is all I want. I am very happy, and very lucky to have such a wonderful Master. He looks after me so well. Can I ask you a question?" Even online to another `slave' he sought permission to ask a question. It made me feel sorry for him. "Of course. I am the same as you. You do not have to ask my permission." "Thank you. Do you really want to be a slave?" "I am not sure now. What you have told me rather frightens me." I nearly typed `sickens me' but I did not want to hurt the other guy's feelings. To make my answer look better I added, "In any case I would not know how to go about becoming a slave." "There are usually plenty of masters on this line. Seek permission to chat to them and see what happens. One will find you if you are lucky." I said I had to go and said goodbye. I logged out of the chat line and went in search of a drink. Although what he had said disturbed me more than a little, it had been one of the more interesting `chats' I had ever had and it had stirred my curiosity. I could not make up my mind if the guy the other end was genuine or (like me I suppose) messing around. I watched the first 20 minutes of a film billed as `5 star'. After seeing about 20 minutes of it I decided I really could not give a damn whether the killer was caught, or whether he killed everybody else or whether an H bomb fell on New York and put them all out of my misery. The film was that bad. I went back to the pc. I logged into the leather room again. I chose `leathered and booted' as my alias. Well it was different from the previous one. `Novice slave looking for leather Master' capital `M'. I added a link to a photo of me in which I was at least wearing a biker jacket. I can only have been in a minute about long enough for someone to check the photo out - when I was `double clicked'. "Stats?" "25 1.8m-70kg-short blond hair." "Sir" I quickly added. "Yes remember who you are talking to, boy. Cock?" I checked out his profile as we chatted. It said simply `Tough Leather Master looking for a real and total slave. No cyber'. There was a link to a site that gave a fuller description of him and it seemed he lived in my town. The photo showed him dressed in leather. He seemed to have a good body although I could not really make out his face because of the leather cap and dark glasses. His age could have been anything between 25 and 45, but then age had never been a hang up for me as it is with so many other guys. "6 inches uncut sir." I did not know the metric equivalent. "What are you wearing?" I was in jeans and a T-shirt. "Leather chaps, leather T-shirt and boots, sir." "Too good for you. Take them off." I don't know why but I actually stripped! "I am naked sir." "Good. Have you got a hard on?" I had and was playing with it. "Yes Sir." "Good. But don't touch it." "No Sir," I replied rubbing it furiously. I was finding this all rather exciting. "So you want to be a slave. Ever been with a Master before?" "Not really sir. I once met someone in a bar. He handcuffed me in the dark room and fucked me. But he was not my master. It never seemed real to me." It was all complete fabrication. There was no way I would ever let someone handcuff me and certainly not in a darkroom. "If I take you on it will all be very and painfully real. There will be no safe words. I will do what I like until I decide to look for someone else." I had no idea what a safe word was. "I will look after you but I will use you in anyway I want. Understand?" "I understand Sir. Will you take me on Sir?" "I will interview you tomorrow night. Be at `Chains' at 8.30. If I decide I want you I will take it from there." "Yes Sir. I hope you want me. I want to learn to be a good slave. How will I recognise you Sir?" I had no intention of going. "I will recognise you." With that he logged out. I did not sleep well that night. Every time I woke up I was thinking about this `Master'. And every time I had a raging hard on, which I really could not understand. I went to work the next day, which was a Friday. I could not get the thought of the previous days `chats' out of my mind. By the time I left work I had decided that I would go. Maybe it was just the thought of a little excitement in what had been a dull couple of weeks. But it suddenly seemed very exciting. The photo I had posted had been an old one when my hair was much longer than it now is and, thanks to a bottle, much blonder. I thought that he would not recognise me if I stood in a dark corner. I would then try to guess which one he was. The photo he had posted gave me some idea of what he would look like. When I thought I had found him or if, by chance, he found me I would leave. That was what I told myself, although in retrospect, I am not sure it was what I meant. `Chains' is a leather bar. That I knew. I wondered what to wear. I knew some leather bars had `dress codes'. I did not know if that was true of `Chains' as I had never been inside. I decided to keep it simple. Jeans white T-shirt and the biker jacket. I polished up some black cowboy boots I had bought in a sale but rarely worn. I looked at myself in the mirror and was content that I would not look too out of place in `Chains'. I arrived at the bar early. I got there at about 8.15 so that I could get a beer and find a dark place from which to observe. The bar had about 30 or 40 people inside, mainly around the edges. Most were in leather with a few in leather from cap to boots. There were a couple of people in trainers and anoraks. I need not have worried about a `dress code'. To me, they looked completely out of place. But they seemed quite happy and no one else seemed to care. There were a couple of Masters and slaves. In any event I thought they were from the way they reacted to each other. I stayed put in the back corner, drinking the beer. Every now and then someone would cruise around the room. They would come and stare into your eyes. I stared right back. One felt for my crotch and I brushed his hand away. I soon realised that there was no way I would know for sure which was my `Master'. It had been a stupid notion that I would be able to. I decided to leave and go to a bar that I would feel more comfortable in. I drained the bottle and put it in the crate on the floor beside me. One of the `total leather' guys cruised up to me and stared into my eyes. His eyes had a certain power that made me divert my eyes. I felt but did not see him snap one end of a pair of handcuffs on my right wrist. He quickly fastened the other end to an iron pipe running down the wall. I suppose I should have been scared, but it seemed rather exciting at the time. "I will get us another beer," he said as he walked away. I looked at his back. He was wearing tight black leather trousers with heavy engineer boots up to the knee, and a black leather jacket. He had cropped dark hair. He was not wearing a cap. When he got to the bar he stood at right angles to it looking at me. I could see he had a leather shirt under the jacket and that his trousers sported a studded black leather belt with a large chrome buckle. He was wearing tight black leather gloves. I guessed he was a little older than me perhaps 30. He was tall and well built but from his arse and his stomach you could see that there was little fat on him. He came back to me and gave me a beer. I had to take it in my left hand. "Why were you hiding in the corner boy?" "I have never been here before. I felt a bit uncomfortable." He grabbed my throat in a gloved hand and squeezed. It forced me to look in his eyes again. They were as hard as nails. "Do not lie to me boy. Every time you lie you will be punished. Now, why the dark corner?" I realised at that moment that this was my `Master'. "Look I just wanted to see what you were like. I don't think this is a good idea. I really do not think that I want to be a slave." "Don't worry. When I have finished training you, you will not want to be anything else. I told you yesterday that if I liked the look of you that I would take it from there. I have been watching you since you came in and I do like the look of you. The fact you really do not want this makes it even better. You will be a good slave, I promise." He let go of my throat and moved his hand to me crotch. He felt the outline of my cock and played with the end through the denim. It had been hard for some time. He stood close to me and I could smell all his leather. It smelt good. "At least you did not lie about your cock. It is a good size. Maybe bigger than mine but mine is fatter. I guess I won't be able to fuck you yet. You will probably need loosening up a bit before you can take it." I wriggled to try to break his grip. I did not succeed and he squeezed my balls harder and harder. The pain showed on my face. "Lesson 1. I do what I like and you do not resist. You are my property now." He squeezed even harder. "What are you?" The pain was unbearable. "I am your property Sir and I will not resist you." He let go. He took the beer bottle away from me and put it and his on a shelf on the wall. He got a key out of his pocket and undid the handcuff attached to the pipe. He was standing in front of me and with my arm free I tried to barge him out of the way. He must have expected something like that as he was ready for me and barely moved although I put all my weight behind it. I doubled up as his fist hit my stomach. He pulled me upright by my hair and turned me so that I faced the wall. I was too winded to resist him fastening my hands behind my back. He turned me back again to face him. "You did not remember lesson one very long. I cannot punish you here as much as you deserve. But I have whip at home with long black leather tails. You have just earned four lashes, which I will give you tonight or tomorrow morning. I guess by then you will have earned a lot more lashes to add to the four." I was now beginning to get very frightened. How long was this going on? He got a short thick leather strap out of the inside pocket of his jacket. "Would you like to wear this collar boy? Your Master's collar?" My guts still hurt and I did not want another punch. "Yes sir, I would like to wear my Master's collar." He fastened it around my neck and pulled the buckle tight. He fastened it with a padlock and put the key in his pocket. He looked at me. It was clear what I was supposed to do. "Thank you sir for my collar. Sir?" "Yes boy?" "How long are you going to keep me like this? I have to go home. I have to go to work." "When I am happy that you have accepted your new position in life you will be allowed to go home and to go to work. And there are ways of controlling you without me being always with you. But at the moment you still are not accepting that I own you now." He picked up a beer and took a drink. He swallowed it and then took another. His head came towards me and he pushed his lips against mine and squirted some beer into my mouth. I swallowed it. It was already a little warm. He let a few drips fall to the floor. Some splashed onto his boots. "Lick the beer off my boots boy." I managed to get to my knees, which was difficult with my hands fastened behind my back, and started to lick the beer from his boots. His boots, like all his leather, was shiny clean and they tasted a little of polish. A number of other guys in the bar came over to look at me licking his boots, but my Master (I had to think of him as that as I did not know his name) said something and they went away. While on the floor I had an idea. When I got up I said, "I need to piss Master." He told me to follow him and we went into the toilet. There were two other guys standing at the long trough. Neither was pissing but each had their erect cocks out and were examining each other's. He led me towards the trough and stood behind me. He undid the belt of my trousers and pulled my jeans and briefs to my knees. He got hold of my cock and pointed it at the trough. I pissed. When I had finished pissing, he stoked my cock with his gloved hand until it became hard again. He knew what he was doing, as his touches in those tight leather gloves felt so good. "You see if you are a good boy I can do nice things to you." He led me back into the bar and to our beers in the corner. He did not seem embarrassed about the fact that my jeans were still round my knees, but then it was not his cock that everyone could look at. He picked up one of the beers and poured the half bottle that was left over my cock and balls. He then pulled up and fastened my jeans. There was a big wet patch around the crotch. He drained the other beer and took me down to the dark room. He took me to the back where it was very very dark. He pulled down my trousers and started attacking it is the only word I can use my cock and balls with his gloved hands. Even with my hands fastened I tried to fight him off with my shoulders. "You really are not ready for this. You have so much to learn. But I can wait" he said. With that he hit me hard around the head and I blacked out. When I came to my hands were free and the collar was gone. My jeans were still around my knees. I decided to do them up and get out of the bar as quickly as I could before he came back. I moved my hands to pull my jeans up and then I felt it. My cock was encased in a metal tube that bent after about an inch and pointed to my feet. In panic I explored it with my hands. It was tightly fastened by what felt like a handcuff that went round my balls. It could not get it off. I got up and rushed out of the darkroom doing my jeans up as I went. I looked around the bar for my Master. I had to get this thing off. But I could not find him. I went to the bar and described the man to the barman. He told me he had left a few minutes ago but that he had left a message for me. He gave me a piece of paper. I took it to a brighter part of the bar and read it. It said "You are my property now. Log into the leather room as `Chastised slave' and I will contact you when you are ready to accept your new position." I left the bar and went home. As soon as I got home I logged in as instructed and waited. Nothing happened. I took my clothes off and examined the device in my crotch. It was fastened by a thick handcuff. Quite clearly it would be difficult to get it off without the key. I wondered if using a blowtorch on it would free my crotch. But as I had that thought I realised that it would not be such a good idea. The metal tube was about 7 inches long and made of thick shiny steel. I tried to push my finger up the end but there were two metal bars criss crossed over the end that made it impossible. And the really stupid thing was that looking at it and feeling my cock inside it, made me want to get a hard on. But the bent tube made that impossible. I needed to piss and wondered if I would be able to. I went to sit on the toilet with the tube in the bowl. I pissed long and hard. At least I could still do that. I went back to the computer and waited for another hour but there was no contact. I logged out and went to bed. I hoped things would look better in the morning. When I woke up things did not look any better and I was no nearer knowing what to do. Most mornings I would wake up with an erection and usually I would jack off in bed. My mind certainly had an erection as usual, but the tube would not let my cock obey. And if it had there was no way that I could jack off. My cock just ached. I got up and showered. I trusted that the steel would not rust. I then got dressed. I still had no idea what to do. I stayed on line all day but while some other `masters' tried to chat to me, my `Master' did not. That evening I went back to `Chains'. I waited for several hours but he did not show. I drank quite a few beers, which unsurprisingly made me want to piss. At first, I waited for the cubicle to become free. But when I went for my third piss, the noise from the two people in the cubicle made it clear that I would have a long wait. And I needed to piss. So I went to the trough and pointed my metal tube at it as best I could. A guy dressed in leather came in and stood next to me. I turned my head to find him looking at me. He smiled and then looked down at my cock. The smile vanished from his face, and he hurried to do up his leather jeans and quickly left. I only wished that I could have seen the funny side of the look on his face. When it seemed unlikely that my Master would come, I went home and went to bed. The next day Sunday I logged into the leather room again. I left it logged in, although I could not stay by it all day. I was walking past the door, when I saw a private chat box pop up. I rushed to the pc. When I got to it there was a message from `Master123'. It simply said `Are you ready yet?' And then the person disconnected from the private line. I clicked back into the room, to see `Master123' disappear from the list of people in the room. I felt sick. I was trapped. And yet all that kept crossing my mind was that I wanted to jerk off and shoot and I could not. Later that day, and for about the 20th time I looked carefully down the list of people in the leather room. `Owned - Collared, ringed, marked and restrained and instructed by my Master to talk to other slaves' was logged on. I quickly set up a private connection. "Hi" I said. We chatted a couple of days ago. I was `boots and leather'. Do you remember?" "I do, but now you are `chastised slave'. Have you found a master?" I explained what had happened without saying that I had only been playing a game. "Then you must be very happy that you are now owned," he said. "I am" I lied " but I do not know how to contact my Master and I have to get this thing off." As he would not understand my wishing not to obey my Master, I added, "He did not know that I am flying abroad and this thing will set off the metal detectors." "I see," he said. "Describe your chastity device to me." I gave him as much detail as I could including the maker's name. "Yes, my Master has one of those for me for whenever he takes me out. They all have intricate and individual locks and are very difficult to cut off. You could try the police or a hospital. You are very lucky that your master values you so highly as to give one of those. They are very expensive." I did not reply for a minute or so. In despair, I then just said goodbye and logged out. None of the options facing me seemed very good. I did not see how I could go to the Police or hospital and ask for help, although eventually I might have to. What if my Master never got back to me or he died? I decided to put off making any decision for the time being. Perhaps he would get back to me. He had once, if only briefly. But what if he did contact me? What would that mean? I tried to run my life as normally as possible. I went to work, as the device did not show in my trousers. But the urge to come got greater and greater. My dreams at night became more and more erotic, but there was nothing I could do about it. I logged on every evening. From Monday to Thursday `Master123' privated me and gave me a quick message. On Monday it just said "Comfortable?" before he logged off. On Tuesday it was "I hope you are keeping my boy clean." I was not sure if he was referring to my cock or to me. But at least he was keeping in touch. On Wednesday it said, "Do you think you are ready to truly submit yet?" On Thursday it said "Nearly a weeks worth of spunk in you." On Friday he logged on again. "Do you have a message for your Master?" "Please stop torturing me. Let me go," I replied. It was not the right thing to say. He logged off. I stayed on line and about an hour later he logged on again. "Do you have a message for your Master?" I tried to think what might make him stay online. "Yes Master. I think I am ready." "I don't," he responded. "But never mind, you are moving in the right direction. I will see you tomorrow. I will give you instructions at 6.00pm. Before then you will get some proper clothes. When I see you, you will be dressed completely in leather. I want to be proud of my boy." He logged off. I went and bought leather clothes the next day. I felt rather embarrassed going to the shop, but the staff seemed to think it was quite reasonable for someone to buy a whole leather outfit. And after a while I began to enjoy trying on the strong smelling leather gear. I even liked the leather-covered reflection that looked back at me from the mirror. The outfit cost a fortune but the money was the least of my worries. I left the outfit on and went for an early drink in `Chains'. Just in case. I logged on long before 6. At 6 o'clock promptly my Master logged on. He made no effort to contact me, so I privated him. "Master?" "Tell me what you have bought." I described the tight leather jeans I had got. I had to get tight ones, as they did not have a bigger size. The tube showed in them and people would think I had a massive cock that was always semi-hard. I described the short sleeved leather shirt. I described the heavy leather bike jacket. And I described the knee high engineer boots with thick soles that I had got and was wearing over my leather jeans. "That is good. You will be in the side street behind the Crown hotel at 8.00pm. You will face the wall. When you hear a car draw up you will get in the car. You will find a leather hood on the seat. Once you have got in the car, you will put it over your head. You will say nothing. If there seems to be anyone else with you, you will not see or hear from me again." He logged off. He clearly did not trust me. Perhaps he thought I might bring the Police or some friends or that I might use his car number to trace him. But I was too scared and embarrassed to tell anyone else and too desperate to try anything clever. At 8.00 I was dressed in my new leathers and was where he had instructed me to be, facing the wall. I prayed that no one else would come down the street. I heard a car pull up behind me. I turned. The passenger door, which was nearest to me, was open. I picked up the hood from the seat, got in and shut the door. I glanced at my Master to see that it was really him, before pulling the hood over my head. He drove off. We drove for maybe 40 minutes in silence. When the car stopped I heard my Master get out. I heard the passenger door open and he helped me out. He led me into a building, which by the sound of the door shutting was probably the front door of a house. He led me further in and down some stairs, towards what I guessed was the cellar. He removed the hood. He unlocked a door at the bottom of the steps and led me in. The door had a combination lock, so it locked automatically when it was again closed. I stood in the middle of the room. It was painted white and was quite warm with concealed lighting. There were some leather-covered benches and a table and some chairs. There was a kitchen area with fridge cooker and sink. And there was a door that I guessed led to the bathroom and toilet. My heart sank when I realised he could easily keep me prisoner here for as long as he liked or until he believed I really was his slave. What did he intend to do with me? Around the walls were bars and rings whose purpose I could not be sure of but doubted I would like. He had made no attempt to handcuff me this time. I guess he realised that I was not going to make a fight of it. He had the key to my crotch and I did not know where it was. He went and sat down in a chair land looked at me. "You will strip. Then you will secure that metal collar on the wall around your neck with the padlock and give me the key." I stripped quickly and did as he said. The collar was attached to a long thick chain secured to a metal ring on the wall. My movement was to be limited. I could see him looking at my metal covered cock and, once again, I wanted to have an erection. "We have some unfinished business from last week. What was it I promised you?" I thought hard until I noticed the whip on the floor beside him, which reminded me. "You told me I must have 4 lashes, Master." "Do you think I should whip you?" I was silent for a moment. There was only one answer that would be acceptable. "Yes Master, I was wrong, you must whip me." "Good boy. You have a nice body. It is a pity that I must mark it with the whip. But the marks will heal quickly so long as you continue to be a good boy." He slowly picked up the black leather whip with long dangling strips of leather that he had told me of. It looked vicious. He got up and pushed me towards a metal frame at right angles to the sidewall. He secured my hands and feet in bindings attached to the frame. He stood in front of me showing me the whip through the bars. "Please understand that I do not enjoy doing this. I cannot say that whipping you will hurt me as much as it will hurt you. It won't. But I would rather not have to do this. So please think about that before you forget what you are again. I said 4 lashes, but as that was your first offence and if you do not cry out as I whip you, I will give you only two." "Thank you Master, you are very kind." I said that without really thinking and was amazed at myself for thanking someone who was about to whip me. He went behind me. I waited for what seemed an age for the first lash. Even in my worst nightmare I could not have been prepared for the pain as the lashes bit into my skin. I gasped but did not cry out. I prayed that he would not call the noise I made crying out. He waited for the pain to die away and my breathing to return nearer to normal before administering the second lash. On top of the first lash, the second was even more painful. But again I did not cry out, although tears streamed down my cheeks. He came and untied me and held me tightly in his arms with my head in his shoulder. I was crying. The tenderness was very comforting. But I could not understand why I should find it comforting or why I should feel such tenderness to the man who had inflicted such pain on me. After a while he let me go and examined my back. "It is bleeding a little but I can soon fix that." He bathed the wounds in hot water containing a disinfectant, and then applied an antiseptic cream. "Let's eat. Whipping a boy always makes me hungry. You will find some bread in the left-hand cupboard. Make some sandwiches for me." As he had expressly said `for me' I assumed that I was not to eat. I made him a ham and a cheese sandwich with things I found in the fridge. I put them on a plate and put the plate on the table where he was sitting. I did not sit myself until he ordered me to do so. He ate a couple of the triangles of bread and meat and then offered me a sandwich, which I accepted. I was also feeling hungry. I was only offered one sandwich. He finished the rest. He got up and took a couple of steps. He turned. "Lesson two. Do not remain sitting when I stand up." I quickly got up. He went to a cupboard and came back with a lump of black rubber that I recognised as a butt plug. I had seen them in sex shops. This was a big one. He told me to lean over the table with my legs apart, which I did. He applied some grease to my arse and pushed one, then two then three fingers up. I had never been one for being screwed. I preferred to screw the other guy. So my hole, while not completely virgin, was tight. He moved his fingers around and then removed them. I was sorry when he did, as it had felt so good. He greased the plug and started to push it up me arse. Then end was tapered and it only really started to hurt when it was about 4 inches up. He kept up a slow pressure, pushing it in deeper and deeper. The pain got worse and I had to brace myself against the table. My breathing got heavy. Then one more push and my cheeks closed around the thin end of the plug with only the base part outside my hole. "You will keep this in for several hours. I will remove it in the morning. It will help stretch you. When I fuck you I want you to enjoy having your Master inside you. Do you like being fucked?" "No sir, not really." "Never mind, I will teach you to like it." He sat down again and told me to do the same. I sat down carefully with the plug up my arse. I did not like the sensation, but he had told me to sit. So I sat. He looked at me and I looked at him. He was dressed all in leather again. And I found the sight making my cock try to stiffen in its metal tube. I looked at his face and that made my cock hurt some more. I wanted to come and whatever this man had done to me, it was him that I wanted to make me come. "I am just wondering what I am going to do with you," he said. "The hair will have to come off. But that can wait until the morning. Would you like me to shave your head?" It was another question to which only a lie would be acceptable. "You are my Master. If you want it, I want it." "Good boy. I would like to give you a permanent collar, but I suppose that would be difficult with your work. I will give you a ring through your nose. You can have a small stud to keep the hole open for when you are at work. Yes, I like my boys well pierced. I shall enjoy doing that. Is that what you want too?" I looked at the floor. "Yes, Master, I do want that. But please Master." I let the sentence trail off. "Yes boy?" "Please don't tattoo me. I would hate being tattooed." I was thinking of `Owned' who I had chatted to. "But if I decide that that is what I want, you will want it too, won't you?" I did not answer. "Tonight you will sleep here. Tomorrow I will fuck you if you want. I think you might want me to as before I fuck you I will take your chastity device off so that you can come as well. You would like that wouldn't you boy?" "Yes Master, I would like that." And I knew I would. I desperately needed to shoot and I wanted to do it with him. He got up and left the room making sure the door was locked behind him. The last was unnecessary, as the chain attached to my collar was too short for me to reach the door. I looked around. There was no bed and no bedclothes. Suddenly the lights went out and the room was plunged into darkness. There was little I could do but curl up on the cold hard floor. I got my leather jacket and put it over me to try to provide some comfort. The tension of the day must have made me tired as I went quickly to sleep. My dreams that night were even more erotic than they had been during the previous few days, except that this time my Master was always there doing painful and pleasurable things to me. And in my dreams I liked them both in equal measure. I awoke to find the lights on and my Master entering the room. He was wearing leather again except that his leather jeans had been replaced by chaps. He had a studded leather pouch covering his cock and balls. "What do you want me to do boy?" "Fuck me please sir. I want you to fuck me." "If that is what you really want. Come here." I got up and went to him. He took a key from his pocket and undid the handcuff from around my balls. He removed the device, and as if that were a signal, my cock sprang to a raging erection. I wanted desperately to play with it, but I knew I must not. "You have missed playing with your little friend. Turn round and bend over." I still had the plug in my arse. He pulled it out in one quick motion, which hurt a great deal. My arse felt quite sore and would no doubt be worse when he fucked me. But even knowing that, I really wanted him inside me. He told me to lie across the thin wooden bench in the room. I obeyed and under the bench he manacled my hands and feet together. He stood in front of me and removed the leather pouch. His cock also sprang to attention. He came behind me and slowly entered me. It hurt but it also felt warm and good. I could feel his leather on my body and hear his breath in my ear as he pumped into me. It was not long before the waves of pleasure came over me and I shot my load as I had never done before. It was the most intense orgasm I could remember. By far. He kept pumping away until he too went rigid and came up my arse. After a while he removed his cock from my arse and then he removed the manacles. When I stood up, he also undid the collar around my neck. I rubbed my neck feeling quite naked without it. He pointed me to other room and told me to shower. I took a long hot shower. I dried myself and came back into the room. He was sitting at the table drinking coffee. He had prepared some breakfast of bread and meat. From the two plates on the table I was to be allowed to eat. He told me to dress and I put on my discarded leather clothes. I went and stood by him, and he told me to sit down. He looked into my eyes. "Did you go abroad as you said?" I was puzzled for a moment and then I remembered. "The slave was you?" "Yes. I find that playing a slave is an excellent way to get ideas of what my slaves really want of their master. And a master and a slave are in many ways the same thing. Most times though I chat as myself. I am not a jerk like you that is a different person depending on where you are or who you are talking to. I have seen different photos of you in so many rooms all with different names and profiles of what you are after. I look around the rooms because you can find a good slave in many different areas. And on so many occasions I have found you there. But I thought that it was your business, even if I knew you were being an arsehole. But when you chose to chat me and told me what I knew to be lies, I thought I would teach you a lesson. I somehow don't think you will be such an arsehole again." He looked at me for some time waiting for me to speak. I said nothing. "You are free to go now. You are not far from where I picked you up last night." I just stood there looking at him. " Master, I do not want to go," I replied. "Can I not stay here with you. I want to be your slave and I have so much to learn if I am to be a good slave for you. Please let me stay." As I said the words, I knew I meant every one whatever it might mean for me in the future. He looked at me for some time. "I will think about it. I will meet you in `Chains' next Friday evening around 8." I picked up the metal chastity device that he had put on the table. I gave it to him and undid my leather jeans and pulled them down. He looked questioningly into my eyes and then took my cock and pushed it down the tube before securing the cuff tightly around my balls. He locked it and put the key in his pocket.
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 2002 19:49:16 -0700 From: arthur Subject: a sub to love part 5 athoritarian A SUB TO LOVE Part Five By Arthur Authors Note: Dear readers I'm sorry for the delay to this episode but due to a major computer crash and the total destruction of my hard drive, yes you guessed it, no back up files, I have had to setup again so I'm hoping to get back on an even keel soon and continue with my tales. At nine thirty I looked down at Eric and saw his eyes open so I suggested it was time for bed but first we had a few things to take care of, so getting him to stand up I told him to follow me as I made my way to the bathroom, it was time for the next phase of his education into being a submissive. When we arrived in the bathroom I took a seat on the closed lid of the toilet, and as he stood before me I still marvelled at his beauty, he was calm and waiting to see what was about to happen. "Present" Eric jumped into his position looking so sexy and attractive in his new gear. "Now boy, this is the beginning of your inhouse training, what we're going to do now you will carry out everyday before you leave the house for school." I took the key that was on a chain around my neck showing it to him. "This is the only key for your locks, it's a master key so I only have to carry one, now I'm going to unlock everything and you will take them off as I do so, you'll place them on the vanity there in order with the padlock beside them closed, understand?" Blink, nod. Getting him to lift one foot at a time onto my knee I removed the ankle cuffs, then the wrist cuffs, followed by his collar and at last his restraint. His erection stood at attention as soon as the restraint was removed, throbbing with his heart beat. "Now boy into the shower and wash thoroughly, dont play with yourself, shampoo your hair then stand at present and leave the water running, go." Eric turned on the water making sure it was at the right temprature, then entered the shower as I watched, when all was done he stood at present as the water continued to run down his slim little body. "Move to the front of the shower, boy." I reached for the lather and razor on the vanity chest and made my way over to him, the look on his face as he realised what was about to happen was priceless although a little scared, then it changed to resignation as he knew there was no way out, he was going to loose his pubic and underarm hair whether he liked it or not, it didn't take long but he did look cute when he was hairless as a new born baby. "Ok boy, rinse off and come stand over here and dry off." When he was dry enought to my satisfaction I reached into the cupboard of the vanity, taking out the bag and length of tubing with a rudder nozzel. "Do you know what this is boy?" Two blinks and nod "This is an enema kit, we're going to clean you out now and you'll do it yourself every morning from now on, you'll lay over my legs when I've filled it, you watch closely as I do it so you'll know tomorrow." I showed him how to make sure the temprature was not to hot and how much soap to add then sat down again as he prepared to lay over my lap. Once he was in position I got the lube from the vanity and liberally covered the nozzel then began to rub some onto his little tight rose bud while he squirmed and wriggled in delight at the new sensation of having his hole stroked, then I began to ease my finger in, he jerked as he felt the first penetration he had ever had from that end but soon relaxed as I worked my finger and the lube slowly deeper, stretching him as I did so. By now his moans and thrusts against my leg were becoming louder and harder. "Don't you cum boy, you hold it in or else." "Ugnh, sir, argh, sir." I pulled out my finger enough to give me room to start the second finger, now he was trying to thrust back against them as they worked their way inside deeper. "Ok boy now the nozzel, I'm going to take it real slow for you, if it hurts you at all you can ask me to slow down, don't wait for my permission to speak,ok?" "Gnnngh, yes sir." The nozzel was only six inches long but would be enough for his first time, I would later put the ten inch nozzel on when he was used to doing it by himself, there was resistance at first as the nozzel began to enter him but it didn't take long before he relaxed and it entered a lot easier as I took it very slowly and with the odd little twist it eased in nicely, when it was fully in I left it there until he was really comfortable. "Are you ok now boy?" "Yes sir, ooohhh it feels quite nice now." I reached up and loosened the spigot tap to let the first of the liquid begin to fill him and as it got to half way began to rub his stomach gentley, I had prepared a small three inch butt plug for him, not a lot but enough at this time to start to get him used to the feel of it inside him, he was going to spend a lot of time with one so he might as well get used to it now. "You ok boy?" "Oh sir I'm so full, I'm going to burst." "Hold on boy, not much more." His little four inches was now hanging down slack as his belly swelled out more and more, then the last of the wash was inside him and as I sqeezed the bag to get the last drops out he began to moan with the fullness of it all. "Now boy I'm going to take out the nozzel, dont let any water out when I do." I eased out the nozzel readying the butt plug as I did so, his moans now a little louder. "Now boy I'm going to put in a butt plug to hold the water in for a while,this is going to be uncomfortable but you'll get used to it and be able to do it yourself after a while." I oiled up the butt plug and began to push slowly twisting as it began to enter until it pressed hard against his inner spincter muscle, his groan told me that it was more than he had bargained for but it had to be done,then as I pushed and twisted it broke through as he gave a yelp and then it was in, the base hard up against his hole. "Ok boy, now go stand over there on the towel at present and wait till I tell you to move." As Eric took his position on the towel the perspiration broke out on his face as the solution took effect, his legs began to shake and tension built on his face as the fullness overtook him. I caught his eyes and held them with my own as the stomach cramps began to make themselves felt, his distended belly almost covering his now flacid 4"s, groans of pain issued from between clenched teeth as the cramps became more intense. "Look at me boy." "Hold on." "Come on show me how strong you are." "Not long to go now." Erics beautiful face was now distorted with pain and his coloring had turned grey as he struggled on against the overwhelming pressure inside him. I rose from the toilet seat still looking him in the eye. "Come here boy, stand by the toilet and bend over." Eric did as he was told, the pain obvious on his face as he staggered to where I pointed and as he bent over I began to remove the plug. "HOld your cheeks tight boy, don't loose any until I tell you to." By this time Eric had the water in him for almost ten minutes and was close to collapsing on the floor as he valiantly tried to be brave for me. "Ok boy sit and clean." With a lound moan and an even louder gushing of water and faeces he let go, the smell didn't worry me over much, I'd been through this so many times i hardly noticed, at last he was finished his colour beginning to return but the look of pain still lingered on his face. "Ok boy, tonight only, once will be enough, from tomorrow morning on you will do it twice, you will keep the water in you for five minutes each time, now under the shower and wash thoroughly, when you're dry come to me and we'll put the plug back in, you'll wear this plug all the time from now on or unless I give you another order, don't let me catch you without it." Eric showered again and then bent over in front of me to have the plug returned, then, standing up he turned to me still at present waitiing for the next order. "Right legs on the toilet seat, one at a time while I fix your cuffs, then your wrists and collar, once they're on you'll follow me to your bedroom and carry your restraint with you, tonight you'll sleep without it." Erics night was not going to be as he thought it might be, I had planned a long night for him with one of the oldest tricks in the book for a young sub, I had let him think that the next two weeks of abstinance would be just mind over matter, wrong, he was now going to find out what self control was. "Lay down on the bed on your back, spread your arms and legs out as wide as you can get them, I'm going to leave you in that position and thats how you will sleep, do not move, do not play with yourself, do not cum, understand boy?" Blink, nod. "Good boy, see you in the morning." I went to my own bedroom and opening the cabinet switched on camera one for the bedrooom, Cameron had lasted seven minutes the first night I had done the same to him but I had a feeling that Eric would last longer, there was a hidden tough streak in him and with the intiation today his will to succed was very strong. I sat back on my bed to watch, I was quite used to going three to four days without sleep so he was in a lose lose situation, oh well he'll learn. Eric surprised me as he lasted twenty three minutes before his erection took over from his will power and he began to slowly move his right hand to his groin and the little flag pole standing there, I waited till it was in his hand and then moved silently to his room. "BOY, is this how you show me honour?" Blink, blink, blink, blink, face reddening, tears beginning to form. "So you can't be trusted even with something so simple, right I've got the answer for you boy." I reached over grabbing his right wrist and pulled it over his head to the bed rail, where conceald from casual observation were chains fitted with springloaded snap catches, snapping it to the ring on his cuffs I did the same with the left hand, then down to his ankles repeating the process. "My boy's dont cry until I tell them to." I reached into my back pocket and took the blindfold out and tied it tight to his head leaving him in the dark. "Seem's you can't follow orders I'm going to make sure you don't do anything else silly." >From my side pocket I took out a ball gag and pushed it into his mouth buckling it behind his head. "For disobeying me you will recieve ten strokes of the paddle in the morning and five in the evening in front of the guests, now do as you're told and go to sleep, next time I tell you to star sleep you will not move, understand?" Nod, nod, nod. "Right go to sleep." I returned to my room, I'll give him ten minutes and stir a little more, the whole house was not carpeted for nothing, I could move anywhere without making a sound.Ten minutes later I returned to his room with a long handled art brush with a mink tuft at the end, I began at his left ankle and lightly ran the brush up his leg, Eric nearly jumped off the bed bindings and all as the brush moved up his left leg across his scrotum and down his right leg, squirmiing and trying to moan through his gag. After five minutes of this precum was runing down his penis as he wrythed and groaned, when I thought he was close I stopped and quietly left the room, let me see half an hour should do it. Half an hour later I went back and then proceeded to blow hot air over the head of his penis as it continued to produce his nectar, then taking it very slowly lowered my mouth over his throbbing head and millimeter by millimeter down his shaft till he was fully inside my hot mouth, I began to milk him slowly making long slow movements, then I felt him begin to tighten up as his orgasm came to close for him to bare, I stopped and left the room once again, by now he was like a wild animal, twisting and turning in his bindings. By 5.00am I had visited him seven times, each with a different tecnique bring him to the point of release and then leaving him, at 5.30 I returned to his room, as I looked down at him, his blindfold soaked from his tears of frustration, his hard little 4" dick red and throbbing, his body covered in sweat. "You sleep well boy, I'm going to let you up now, when I do you will stand at present for your orders." I released his blindfold, gag and then his legs and arms and stepped back to allow him to stand, shaking from head to foot he made it onto his feet trembling but determiined to follow orders. As he stood waiting I reached for his restraint and then did the same trick with his inner thigh nerve to get his erection down and fitted him into the belt, his groan was almost heartwarming in it's feeling. "Well boy, you going to disobey me again when I tell you to sleep?" Blink, blink, nod. "Good boy, now go make my coffee while I shower, go." I could see he wanted to go to the toilet but he had to learn to hold it so he might as well find out now. I went and had a longer than normal shower as he waited in the kitchen, I could smell the coffee from the bathrooom, twenty minutes later I went throught to the kitchen. "Stay there boy till I finish my coffee then we'll go and you can use the bathroom." Of course I took my time having the coffee, it was the first of the day and he looked so cute hopping from one foot to the other still at present.I finished my coffee and stood up. "Follow me boy." Once in the bathroom I removed his cuffs and restraint as I had done the night before. "You have ten minutes to piss and shower, move." Everything was done in nine minutes and I replaced all his equipment then had him follow me to the kitchen where I poured another coffee and sat at the table. "Ok Eric take it easy, get youself a coffee and come sit with me, you did very well for your first night, but we have something to do after breakfast, don't we?" "Yes James, it's all my fault, I deserve the punishment, I'm sorry to let you down again." "Hey it's ok kiddo, Cameron only lasted seven minutes the first night, so you did really well, you're going to be one of the best, I can tell, we just have to sort out a few things for you is all, I'm real proud of you though for you efforts." "Are you really, I thought I let you down so baddly, and then all during the night you came back so many times and did things, I thought I would die when you kept doing it to me." "Don't worry, kiddo, you've only got thirteen more days left to go, he he he." "James?" "Yes Eric?" "You going to do that stuff every night?" "Maybe,....maybe not." "Is this all training to?" "Yes, you will learn to control your urges and your feelings after a while then the real good stuff begins." "Whats the good stuff like?" "Oh that stuff is a surprise, now finish your coffee,.. good boy,.. now present, follow me to the lounge boy it's time to pay the piper, go and get the paddle and bring it to my chair." To Be Continued:
Fraternity Captives m/m erotic story by Mark Apoapsis [This story contains M/M erotic contact— not entirely consensual, and some of it mildly sadistic.] It was a pretty good party. Some of our fraternity brothers complained about the scarcity of females, so I was doing my duty to them by not using any up. Instead, I was having a good time hanging out in the hallway upstairs with my roommate Josh and three really cool guys from the dorms that we’d struck up a conversation with. A hand grabbed each of our collars from behind. “We need you downstairs, guys,” a cheerful voice boomed. I groaned. Barry always came along at the worst times, to make me and Josh do some menial duty. “Can’t it wait, Barry? It’s the middle of a party.” “This will be fun. I promise.” He spun us halfway around so we were facing each other and could look at him. “We just got through midterms,” Josh protested. “We deserve a break.” “Don’t make me embarrass you guys in front of your new buddies,” he said with a grin. Without giving us a chance to heed his warning, he expertly grabbed each of our heads, banging them together and holding them locked against his chest. When would we learn not to stand so close together when he’s around? It always takes him longer to get us both in a headlock when he has to drag the first guy around the room while chasing the other. But I’ve never been willing to just abandon Josh and run, and he’s never abandoned me, so Barry always winds up getting us both. Anyway, this time he’d managed to grab our shirts before we’d seen him coming. Under his usual musky natural odor, Barry smelled of beer, as if it were oozing out of his pores. Probably it was just coming from his breath, or maybe he’d actually spilled some on his shirt, though the flannel seemed dry enough against my ear and cheek. “Sorry, dudes, we gotta go,” Josh said to the guys from the dorms, his voice muffled by a mouthful of Barry’s shirt. “Fraternity business.” Unless Barry just wants some menial personal service, I thought, like the time that he’d made us wash his car on a hot day while he sat in the shade sipping beer. (Though, admittedly, he had such an awesome car it was almost a privilege to get a chance to slather soap over it. And he hadn’t tried to stop Josh and me from goofing around a little. How could I resist, with a hose in my hand and Josh already stripped to the waist? He really hated being squirted with cold water, and had paid me back later.) But usually it really was fraternity business. Since he’d made Mitch and John scrub the bathroom floors before the party, I guessed it was our turn to deal with whatever else had come up. I just hoped it wasn’t something disgusting, like cleaning up someone’s puke. It wasn’t. He’d told the truth. It actually was a fun task, at least by Barry’s definition of fun. He was even going to help us with it. A lone member of Tau Beta Delta, our traditional rival fraternity, had crashed our party. Barry pointed him out to us from a vantage point at the top of the stairs, where the three of us were crouched like conspirators. Barry had marched us there with our heads still crushed against his chest. Josh and I were pretty good, by this time, at walking sideways and bent over. He loosened his grip, or we wouldn’t have been able to see anything except a close-up view of thick black chest hair sticking out of plaid flannel. He left his hands loosely around our necks in what probably looked like a friendly gesture from a distance. The interloper was a good-looking guy with light brown hair, a few inches shorter than the guys he was drinking beer with, who I knew were about my height. He looked fairly slim. I couldn’t see any obvious muscles bulging under his button-down shirt — the way I could under Barry’s, even if Barry had bothered to button his all the way up. Probably not as strong as Josh or me, I judged. The two of us together would have no trouble throwing him out, and with Barry helping us the guy wouldn’t stand a chance. “So why do you need three of us for that wimp?” I asked. “Can’t you take him yourself?” “Sure. Even one of you shrimps could do it alone, probably.” “He probably just wants him thrown out quietly without a big struggle,” Josh told me. We both ignored Barry’s typical and inaccurate jibe about our sizes; I was taller and stronger than most of the guys in our fraternity, which tended to pick big pledges, and Josh was almost my height and worked out regularly. But it’s all relative. “No, I don’t just want him thrown out. I want him taught a lesson.” “You want us to beat him up?” Josh said in alarm. “No, c’mon, you know me better than that. A more creative lesson.” I already felt sorry for the poor guy. Josh and I looked at each other. We knew we’d have to go along with whatever Barry wanted. One time when Stuart had tried to resist him, he’d dangled him by his feet from a second-story window until he promised to do anything Barry wanted. The last time Josh and I had disobeyed, he’d left us tied back to back on the balcony for an hour, shirtless in the chilly autumn weather. Not one of our fraternity brothers had dared to come out and let us go until Barry said it was okay. Whatever Barry had in mind for this poor schmuck, he’d do it to us instead, if we refused. I would rather have it happen to a stranger than to Josh. Or me. “What do you want us to do?” I asked wearily. “Nothing too complicated. I figured we’d strip the guy to his shorts in front of the crowd, then drag him out to the patio and squirt half the keg over him. If he wants our beer so much, he can drink as much as he can swallow.” “But—!” “Don’t worry,” Barry assured Josh. “We can spare it. We have another keg we haven’t even tapped yet. Then all we have to do is decide whether to make him walk home wearing nothing but his sopping wet shorts, or send his clothes back to Tau Beta Delta with a ransom demand.” I had to admit, it did sound like fun. I wouldn’t want to take responsibility for a prank like that, but since Barry was forcing me into it, I might as well enjoy it. I think Josh saw the gleam in my eyes, because he looked at me reproachfully. But neither of us objected. Barry gave us some more detailed instructions and hauled us to our feet, and the three of us walked casually down the stairs and approached our victim. The poor guy must have had no idea what we planned for him. As we approached him, he glanced at us and smiled, maybe thinking he was going to meet some new friends. Barry gave us a slight push as a signal, and we leapt forward and grabbed him. Barry and Josh each grabbed an arm while I caught his beer before too much of it sloshed on the carpet, and set it aside. “What the fuck are you doing?” asked one of the guys the interloper had been talking to. “Just stand aside,” Barry told him. “This guy knew he wasn’t invited.” I started unbuttoning the guy’s shirt, stepping on his feet to keep him from kicking, as he struggled helplessly in Barry and Josh’s grasp. This was exciting, and kind of fun. I had time to get two buttons undone — exposing a chest that was as smooth as Josh’s, but not so well tanned — before I felt myself grabbed from behind. Josh and Barry were also being pulled off our victim by some of the guys he’d been talking to, even though they were from fraternities supposedly friendly with ours. “You idiots! Let us go!” Barry yelled. Our victim ducked through some people and made a dash for the door. Barry elbowed the guy who had grabbed him, causing him to grunt and double over. Barry grabbed a fistful of shirt and hauled him up, pulling his shirt half off in the process. Our fraternity brothers pulled the other guys off of me and Josh. Barry glared at the terrified guy he was holding, glanced at the door, which the Tau Beta Delta guy was running out of, looked back at the guy he was holding, and threw him to the floor with a growl. “Let’s go after him,” he told me and Josh. Over his shoulder, he told our fraternity brothers, “Take care of these bastards. You know what we do with guests who interfere with our business.” I didn’t know myself, and wanted very much to stay and find out, but I followed Barry out the door, with Josh at my side. He was still in sight, running like hell, when we got outside. As we took off after him, I saw him glance back and put on a burst of speed to get to the corner and out of sight. But he didn’t manage to lose us; he was still in sight when we reached the corner. He repeated this a few times, and I was beginning to get lost. I hoped Barry knew the back ways of the campus better than I did, having been here a couple of years longer. Finally the guy cut through the woods and we followed. It took us a minute to find our way through, and I thought he’d lost us by hiding in there somewhere. But luckily we spotted him, panting to catch his breath, leaning against a lamppost, buttoning his shirt up over his heaving chest. Stupid of him to rest right under a street lamp. I would have tried to hide in the shadowy trees. But maybe he wanted a vantage point where he could see us coming. Before we could sneak up on him, he was running down the street again. By now I had no idea where we were. Josh and I were panting ourselves now, but had no trouble going after him. Barry, jock that he was, wasn’t even breathing hard yet. Our prey was definitely getting winded; we were closing the distance. Barry caught up to him as he was cutting through a sandbox with a volleyball net between two dark looming houses. He tackled him and pinned him down on the sand. I caught up a few seconds later. “Okay, Mike,” Barry ordered me as he stretched the guys arms over his head, “finish what you botched the first time.” Josh caught up and got the guy’s flailing feet under control. I sat down on his hips and reached for his shirt buttons. The little twit had buttoned it all the way back up, even further than he’d worn it before I started on him, as if exposing even that much skin now made him feel vulnerable. Well, that hadn’t lasted long. In a few seconds I had his shirt completely open and spread out on the sand before me. His smooth chest looked pale in the moonlight, but he was actually in better shape than I’d guessed. He wasn’t wearing a belt, so I my next step was to unbutton his pants. “Wait,” Barry said as I was fumbling with the fly. “Let’s make him pay for running away, before we finish stripping him. See if he’s ticklish.” “What if someone hears him laughing?” I asked. I was worried about passers-by, even though I hadn’t seen any on this side of the woods. I also figured he’d been running in the direction of his house and wasn’t sure how close he’d gotten before Barry tackled him. I only knew vaguely where the Tau Beta Delta house was, and I didn’t have a clue where we were now. Then again, he hadn’t tried calling for help, so he probably hadn’t made it into earshot. “Here, dude, stuff a sock in his mouth first,” Josh said, holding a sock over my shoulder. I took it and glanced back. Good old Josh had managed to get one shoe and sock off him already. Once the sock was firmly in his mouth, I began experimenting. Running my fingers lightly under his ribcage made him squirm. Digging into his armpit produced an even bigger reaction. He was going to bite right through his own sock at this rate. I let him catch his breath for a few seconds and was just reaching for his other armpit when he started thrashing wildly. I thought at first he was desperately trying to avoid my touch, but it turned out that Josh was tickling his feet. After a few minutes, Barry told me to switch places with him. Our captive struggled wildly as we made the changeover, but we had no trouble getting him back under control. Now I stretched his arms out for Barry while Barry attacked his armpits. He loves to tickle other guys, and will keep at it forever without mercy. I should know. And Josh is almost as bad, although he always stops when I beg him humbly enough, and I’ve never seen him pick on anyone but me. Until now. He was taking a savage joy at working on our captive’s bare feet, which he had tied with the guy’s own shoelaces and was holding imprisoned between his own legs. Normally by now he’d be complaining about the cold and suggesting we head back. It wasn’t a very cool evening by my standards, even without jackets, but it was cold enough to pucker our captive’s nipples, and usually my roommate is very sensitive to cold. He must be really into this not to notice. I was so intent on watching what they were doing that I myself didn’t notice what was happening around us. I don’t know if I could have warned them in time, or gotten away myself. But suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed motion where there shouldn’t be any. I looked up and saw that sand was spilling off of something all around us in a grid pattern. I had just enough time to say “What the hell—” when there was suddenly sand flying everywhere, and I felt something stir directly beneath me. “Guys—” I began, and then I saw what was happening. I could just make out a net silhouetted against the dark. I whirled around to look behind me, forgetting all about holding onto our captive’s wrists. The net was all around us. I leapt to my feet, but was knocked off-balance and fell to my knees. The huge net was buried beneath the sand right beneath our feet and was beginning to lift up. We were all tossed around, knocking against each other. In seconds we were suspended high above the ground. I wound up with my cheek pressed against our former captive’s ribs. He grinned triumphantly at me, and I began to suspect we’d been set up. There were figures running out of the house and doing stuff below us. I think they were cutting some lines that strung the net between the trees, because the net jerked a few times and drew closed above us. The last cut slammed us against the wood-shingled side of the house, and the net tightened around us. The back of my head was now resting on our former captive’s stomach, I think. My face was pressed into someone’s leg. Some other guy’s chin was pressing against my balls. One of my arms was trapped above my head by some other limbs, and the hand was tangled in the netting. Josh’s face was mashed against my exposed armpit, his breath tickling me even through my shirt. My other hand was touching flannel and hairy skin. Obviously Barry, who owned most of the chest hair in this net, all of it, in fact, that wasn’t on my own chest. “Which of you faggots has his hand down my shirt?” said a loud voice that I could feel against my balls. “That would be me,” I said, annoyed. “What are you gonna do about it, tough guy?” I dug my hand deeper into his shirt and ran my fingers through his chest hair, searching for a nipple. I normally wouldn’t dare taunt Barry that way, but there was something empowering about us all being equally helpless together. What he did about it was to curse loudly and call me more names. That was about all he could do. His hands were probably pinned, like mine. His loud mouth alone couldn’t hurt me. Then I thought about where his mouth actually was, and stopped moving my hand, wondering if I should pull it out or leave it where it was. Meanwhile, the net was swinging wildly. I was glad I couldn’t see the ground below us. I thought I caught a glimpse of a brightly lit room above. It seemed pretty close. Maybe we were being hauled up into it. A while later, we tumbled painfully over a window ledge and through an open window. The hands that had hauled us in grabbed us as the net was opened up. Someone rolled me off of our former captive and helped him to his feet. “What took you jerk-offs so long?” he demanded. “Didn’t you see what they were doing to me down there?” “Sorry, Dan,” one of the guys said. “Tom and I got to playing cards, and we didn’t know what time you’d be leading them here. Um, my back was to the window...” Dan, the little jerk who’d crashed our party and led us here, walked up to a grinning blond guy who had to have thirty pounds of muscle on him, and looked up at him. “You enjoyed watching that, didn’t you, Tommy?” “I figured I owed you that, after what you did to me last week,” Tom said, laughing. “Lucky for you I’ve got someone else to take it out on,” Dan said. “I never knew you were that ticklish,” Tom said, undaunted. He reached out to Dan’s exposed ribs. Dan jumped back. “Get ’em on their feet,” he ordered, buttoning up his shirt before anyone else got any ideas. The guys who were holding us — two each on me and Josh, three on Barry — hauled us to our feet and held our arms. “Welcome to Tau Beta Delta, gentlemen,” Dan said. “What do you want us to do to ’em, Dan?” one of the guys holding Josh asked. “Hold onto them for a minute. Where the fuck are my shoes?” One of our erstwhile captive’s fraternity brothers dug through the net and found one of the shoes we’d removed. “Here’s one, Dan. I guess the other must still be down there.” “Go and find it,” Dan ordered. “And my socks. In fact, get me a fresh pair of socks. They probably have sand in them.” The other guy hurried to obey. It looked like the little twit who’d crashed our party and led us into the trap was in charge here. I wondered if he had some official role or if he was just good at bossing people around, like Barry. We waited nervously, wondering what they were going to do with us. The guys holding us seemed to be waiting for Dan’s orders. He let us sweat, looking us up and down speculatively, while he waited for his shoe and socks to be fetched. When they arrived, there being no chair in the room, he leaned on one of his fraternity brothers while he put them back on. Then he looked back at us and the guys holding us. “Take their shirts off,” he ordered. “Let’s see how ticklish they are.” They got Josh’s off right away, maybe because he didn’t put up much of a fight. He was proud of his well-muscled and nicely tanned torso, and I knew he had nothing to fear from tickling. I resisted, but I realized it was hopeless, with two strong guys holding my arms, another stripping off my shirt, and more standing all around me watching. They had me bare-chested in less than a minute. I watched them still trying take off Barry’s shirt. It was half unbuttoned now, which meant that they’d only managed to undo one or two buttons from the way Barry always wore it. He struggled fiercely, but the guys holding him were as big as he was. They now had two guys holding each arm, straight out to his sides, plus one pressed behind him with his hands around his waist and his legs immobilizing Barry’s legs. A fourth man, ignoring Barry’s curses, stood in front of him and slowly unbuttoned it, revealing first his bulging pectoral muscles, and then his well-developed abs. No wonder Josh and I had never been able to break free of his grip by punching him in the gut. He lived on a different floor and usually showered before I got up, and I’d actually never seen his bare torso — beyond the amount of chest he liked to show off, which I regularly saw close up. What surprised me was that I’d always pictured his thick black chest hair going all the way down, the way own my sparser hair does. Barry’s covered most of his broad chest, but stopped well above the bottom of his rib cage, except for a thin wispy-looking trail that crossed his navel and went straight down into his pants. On either side of that trail was perfectly smooth, pale skin that somehow looked very naked and vulnerable by contrast with his hairy chest above. The guy who was stripping him seemed to think it looked vulnerable too, because he didn’t even wait to get the shirt all the way off. As soon as it was completely open, he immediately began running his fingers along that skin. Amazingly, Barry instantly stopped cursing and doubled up in laughter. The big guy was more ticklish than I was! I exchanged a look with Josh. All we had to do from now on, if Barry grabbed us, was to get our hands inside his shirt and tickle him where he was most sensitive, and he’d be at our mercy. But for now we were all at a rival fraternity’s mercy, and there was nothing we could do for our fraternity brother as we watched him being ruthlessly tickled. To his credit, he never begged for mercy, just cursed them whenever he had breath to spare. Finally Barry hung limply from his captor’s hands, panting, and they began pulling his shirt off his shoulders. He resisted, but there were too many of them, and he must have been too exhausted from the tickling. They removed his shirt entirely, revealing impressively bulging biceps, and the hairy forearms that had been covered tonight because he hadn’t rolled up his sleeves. He sagged in their arms again, his bare chest rapidly expanding and contracting as he caught his breath. Then, just when I thought they’d leave the poor guy alone, they started tickling him again. I actually felt sorry for him, even though if any of my fraternity brothers deserved to be treated this way it would be Barry. Finally they got tired of playing with him and moved on to Josh. Right. Good luck, I thought. They were very thorough, trying his ribs, every inch of his belly and chest, forcing him to his knees while they dangled him by the arms and dug into his armpits. They even got out a feather and started all over again. Nothing worked. I could have told them that. Frustrated, they removed his shoes and socks and tried tickling the soles of his feet, but that didn’t work either. Then it was my turn. I gulped, knowing that I was going to make up for their disappointment with Josh. “Leave him alone, you fuck-heads,” Barry called. “I’m the one who told these guys to grab your sissy little fraternity brother in the first place. Whatever you’re gonna do to us, take it out on me.” I was flabbergasted. If anything, I’d have expected Barry to give them pointers on where my most sensitive spots were. Then again, I guess I’d never been in a situation with him where someone outside the fraternity was trying to torment me. I’d never have guessed he’d stand up for me like that, or take responsibility for his own actions. But they barely glanced at him, though, and started tickling me anyway. There’s something uniquely humiliating about being tickled by total strangers while both of the guys who have tickled you the most in the past are looking on helplessly. They rediscovered all my most ticklish spots, then discovered some I didn’t even know about. Fingers digging into my armpits had their usual effect, but no one had ever tried a feather on my nipples before. As I caught my breath, I noticed that Dan had brought in a bucket of ice. He carried it over to Barry, took out a piece and showed it to him, saying “This is for calling me a sissy.” He ran it down the center of Barry’s chest. I could tell by the way Barry’s eyes squeezed shut that he was trying hard not to react. Then he stuck it in each of his armpits, and touched lightly it to a nipple. Barry was clenching his fists and his chest and stomach muscles now. Then Dan walked around and ran the ice down the length of his spine. Barry gasped, and his entire body arched in response. “I wasn’t going to do that. It’s a special punishment for the name calling. Your buddies are getting it too.” He headed for me. “What for? They didn’t call you anything.” “But you did. You’re going to watch them suffer.” “Leave them alone, you little shit!” Dan had one of the other guys do me so he could watch Barry’s face. I couldn’t help jumping as the ice touched my chest. I tried to follow Barry’s example and react as little as possible. Biting my lip helped, but I’m pretty sure I whimpered, just a little. Josh was the only one of us to actually cry out when the ice touched him. My buddy is no wimp, so he must be especially sensitive to ice. When they started on Josh, Barry struggled even harder against the guys holding him, the muscles in his chest and arms rippling. Amazingly, he actually yanked one arm free of the two guys holding it and started wrestling with the other three guys, trying to get loose. A whole bunch of guys who had been standing around now piled on top of him and overpowered him. Dan ordered him taken away. It took five big men to control him, but they picked him up bodily and carried him out of the room, still screaming in rage and struggling uselessly. The guy who had been tormenting Josh followed them out of the room, ice bucket in hand. I didn’t have any time to worry about what they were going to do to Barry, or whether he deserved it. I was fixated on the sight of my best friend being stretched out spread eagle, shirtless and barefoot, on a ping-pong table they’d dragged in from somewhere. They knew by now that tickling him was useless, so I didn’t think they had anything quite that harmless in mind. They dragged me over to the table, as if to give me a front row seat for whatever they were going do to Josh. They all gathered around their captive and looked him up and down, but nobody touched him, except for the guys at the corners of the table who were pinning his wrists and his bare ankles. Maybe they were pausing to savor my friend’s helplessness, but I had a feeling they were waiting for something. I didn’t see Dan in the room anymore. He must have slipped out while I was watching them stretch Josh out on the table. Come to think of it, Tom, the big blond lookout who’d let us have our fun with Dan for a good five minutes, seemed to be missing too. My imagination worked overtime as I sweated out the wait. Maybe they were getting a big wooden paddle. Or whatever they used on captured members of rival fraternities. How crazy were these guys? The worst we’d ever planned for Dan was to make him walk home in only his beer-soaked undershorts. And the worst we’d actually done to him was a little tickling. They’d already paid us back for that, and then some. How much more were they planning to do to us? Dan walked in, carrying a serious-looking whip coiled in his hand. I instinctively tried to step between him and my buddy, but I was still held fast by two guys pinning my arms behind my bare back. “Are you out of your mind?” I yelled at Dan. Dan approached the table, but he only tossed the coiled whip onto Josh’s chest. Josh stared at the braided leather as if it were a snake. “We won’t use it if you cooperate,” Dan told me. Three more guys entered the room — Tom, a second guy who I’d noticed around watching us get tickled, and a third guy even bigger than Tom who I’d last seen holding Barry’s legs as he was carried kicking and screaming out of the room. Tom was carrying a container of French vanilla ice cream, and the others were carrying towels and a scoop. Maybe they were used to enjoying a late night snack together, and they were going to go on with their routine, prisoners or no prisoners. I doubted they were going to offer us any. My mouth watered. French Vanilla was my favorite flavor, and this was a good quality brand. “Danny,” Tom said, “are you sure we’re not taking this a little too far, man? These guys were just having a little fun.” “That’s not the point. We’ve got to teach them a lesson. Remember what they did to our pledges this year?” Oh, come on, I thought. That wasn’t so bad. And that was months ago. “Well, okay, but I’m not gonna stay and watch.” “What, you didn’t mind watching while they tickled me to within an inch of my life, but you can’t stand to watch something like this?” “It’s just that—” “You’re gonna stay, Tommy.” He picked up the whip that he’d tossed onto Josh’s chest. “In fact, you’re gonna be the one to put it on him.” I was confused, wondering whether they were going to dress Josh up in something humiliating. Then it occurred to me that they hadn’t brought in any plates or spoons for the ice cream. Tom walked up to the table and took the lid off the ice cream, looking really unhappy. He accepted the scoop the other guy traded him for the lid, but then he stood there holding it, looking down at Josh’s chest, which was rising and falling quickly with his panicked breathing. I remembered how sensitive he’d been to the ice cubes a few minutes ago, and tried to work up the courage to volunteer to take his place. I doubted they’d listen to me anyway. “I don’t know if I can do this, Danny.” “John, Rob,” Dan said quietly, and the guys on either side of Tom looked up. A look of relief crossed Tom’s face, and he started to hand the ice cream over. But Dan continued quietly, “take off Tom’s shirt.” They complied, grinning. Tom put the ice cream down beside Josh, its frosty exterior not quite touching his bare skin, and let them pull his shirt over his head, not exactly cooperating but not really resisting either. His well-developed chest muscles were accentuated by a barely visible dusting of reddish chest hair. Dan came up and stood close behind him. He draped part of the whip over one bare shoulder, and reached over the other one to pick up the ice cream container from the table and hold it against Tom’s chest. Tom cringed, as if it were touching one of his small nipples, and took the container. Dan silently backed away, pulling the whip with him so that it slid lightly across Tom’s chest and then down his back. He didn’t make any verbal threats. He didn’t have to. Tom dug out a scoopful of ice cream. He hesitated, leaning over Josh, who could only stare wide-eyed at the scoop, with all the guys holding him down. “Start with the center of his chest,” Dan ordered. Tom licked his lips nervously. The delay was only making it worse for Josh, I could tell. Finally Tom planted the big scoop of ice cream on Josh’s upper chest. Josh managed not to make a sound, but his entire body arched up in reaction, then thumped back down onto the table. “Smear it all over him.” Tom slowly drew the scoop up and down the center of Josh’s chest. The off-white ice cream made a nice visual contrast with the tanned skin. Josh whimpered softly. Tom let some of the ice cream pool at the hollow at the base of his throat, then trailed the scoop down to his stomach, and finally stopped at the navel. Tom then backed off, and some of the tension went out of his muscles. “Now, you,” Dan said, pointing at me. I thought his next words would be something like “get on the table, it’s your turn,” but he surprised me. What he said was, “Lick it off.” “Excuse me?” I said. “You have two choices,” Dan said. “The ice cream, or the whip. And I don’t mean Cool Whip. Lick your buddy clean, or both of you get the lash.” I figured I had no choice, but I at least had to make a point of resisting. If I jumped to obey, Josh might think I wanted it or something. So I said “Like hell I will!” and struggled against the guys holding me. “For God’s sake, Mike, do what he says!” Josh pleaded. “One lash from that kind of whip can break the skin.” “Oh, man,” I said, making a show of holding out for a few more seconds. “All right,” I said, and the guys holding my arms loosened their grip enough to let me lean over my buddy’s helpless form. I saw Dan come over and stand behind me with the whip. “Let him go,” Dan told them. “He won’t try anything.” And he was right. Even without the whip, I wasn’t stupid enough to try to make a break for it with all these guys around me. Did they select their pledges for size? Except for Dan and a couple of others, they were all at least as big as me. And even if I thought I could escape, there was no way I was going to leave Josh at their mercy. I climbed halfway onto him, half hoping the ping pong table would collapse under us. Unfortunately, it was sturdier than it looked. Not unlike Dan. I put my hands on Josh’s shoulders for balance. “Sorry, man,” I whispered, then touched my tongue to my best friend’s smooth chest and began licking off the ice cream, working my way up to the base of his throat. Damn, but it tasted good! As a starving student who could barely afford tuition even with the help financial aid, I always bought the artificially flavored store brand when I treated myself at all. This was the real stuff. I felt guilty for even noticing. Here I was, helping to humiliate my best friend, and myself. I should be disgusted by every aspect of it. I shouldn’t be enjoying the forbidden pleasures of French Vanilla. It shouldn’t taste this good in the first place; it had a guy’s sweat mixed into it! I felt, more than heard, his low moaning as I lapped up the pool of melted ice cream from the hollow at his collar bone. Whenever I glanced up at him, Josh’s soft brown eyes were watching my progress. There was no anger in them. He obviously understood, and didn’t blame me. I began licking my way back down. Finally I reached the ice cream pooled in his navel, and dipped my tongue in that, lapping at this last bit of creamy sweetness. At least I didn’t get any noticeable amount of belly button lint on my tongue. Josh had showered right before the party, maybe hoping to get lucky. Which would have been a first. Instead, he’d spent the evening talking to those guys from the dorms, and now this. Not exactly what he’d had in mind, I would bet. Finally I had every trace of ice cream licked off him. I realized I’d been grinding my nose against his belly, with my hands laced behind the small of his back, as I’d probed his navel with my tongue. I let go and stood up, feeling utterly embarrassed at what I’d been forced to do. I saw the shiny path of saliva I’d left all down my roommate’s torso. Would I ever be able to look him in the eye again? He must feel the same way. Right now he had his head thrown back and his eyes closed, unwilling to look at me. “Horizontally across his chest, next,” Dan said. What? When he’d told Tom to “start with his chest,” I hadn’t realized that meant it was only Round 1. Tom reluctantly approached the table again and touched the scoop to Josh’s far side, just below the armpit, eliciting a gasp. He then drew it toward him, and Josh cried out as the ice cream touched his sensitive nipple. It continued across the wet line I’d left between his pecs, up the other side, and this time Josh managed to hold his tongue, but tears squeezed out of his closed eyes. The second the scoop left his skin, Josh groaned, “Get it off me, Mike, quick!” I went straight for the nipple, and my buddy moaned in relief I gave the hard nipple a few quick licks, leaving it still as shriveled and puckered as if he’d just stepped out of a cold shower, and moved to the other one. This one I lingered over longer, as Josh whispered, “Ohhh! Warm! Nice and warm!” When it began to soften under my tongue, I started removing the line of cold between the two nipples. For the next round, Dan ordered scoops of ice cream stuck directly into my friend’s exposed armpits. I could see the muscles work in Josh’s arms as he tried to bring his arms to his sides to protect himself, but he was being spread out by too many strong men. This time, without being prompted, I grabbed his biceps and stuck my mouth in his near armpit. This scoop tasted more of Josh than of vanilla, and also very salty from the mineral rock he uses for deodorant, and from his own sweat. The contrast made a tasty combination: sweet and salty, creamy and musky. His armpit took more work to get clean than his completely smooth chest had. Rolling him a partway onto his side to get a better angle, I swirled my tongue around in the silky hairs, trying not to leave any trace of stickiness behind. Some of the ice cream had dripped onto the table even before I started, but to my relief, when I stood up to move to the other side, they cleaned up the melted puddle on the table with towels instead of telling me to lick it up. I guess they figured that making me lick out my best friend’s armpits while they held him down was humiliating enough. I reached his other side, grabbed him and adjusted his position, dug my shoulder into his side and my tongue into his armpit, and got back to work. Josh moaned softly in despair throughout it all. I wondered if we’d ever fully regain our self-respect, and how badly this would mess up our friendship. “Flip him over,” Dan ordered when I’d finished. They picked up my friend’s limp and unresisting body and quickly flipped him and slapped him chest-down onto the table. I think he’d have lain there with his arms dangling over the sides if they hadn’t grabbed them to restrain him again. He looked utterly defeated. “Right down his spine, Tommy, in case you can’t guess.” Josh’s eyes flew open at that. “No!” he said, and he would have levered himself up if he weren’t being held down. He screamed as the ice cream was applied to his spine. I felt him shivering as I placed my hands on his back and lowered myself down. I licked it off him as fast as I could, then went back and did a more thorough second pass. He was still shivering, even though the skin above his spine no longer felt cold as I ran my tongue over it. I was lying on him, with my chest pressed again his back skin-to-skin, because it was the easiest position and because I hoped it would keep him warm. I kneaded his back muscles in a friendly way as I worked, trying to communicate to him how bad I felt about being forced to do this to him. I was afraid he’d never talk to me again after this shared humiliation, and I couldn’t stand that. Finally I climbed off him. I thought they must be done with this little game, since they’d attacked just about every exposed skin surface. But I’d forgotten about his feet. They bent his knees, placing his feet at face level, and oozed ice cream between his toes. I had to suck my buddy’s toes and run my tongue between them. This seemed to drive him nuts, and he kept trying to get away. Our captors left it to me to restrain the foot I was working on. A little ice cream dripped onto my chest in the process and clung to the hairs. I didn’t dare look at it and call attention to it for fear they’d make Josh lick it off me. Of course, they might very well make us switch positions now that I was done with him. And I assumed that I must surely be done with him now. They’d made me lick just about every square inch of exposed skin, from his throat down. Duh. Their plan was to expose more. Dan had Tom pull off Josh’s pants and then put ice cream in the backs of his knees and all along his legs. After I’d licked that clean, they flipped him onto his back again and did the fronts of his legs, and I obediently got to work slicking down all the hairs that grow sparsely on his legs. His knees were bent, and while working on his upper legs I noticed the ice cream running downhill just in time to keep his soft cotton boxer shorts from getting soiled. I pushed the material out of the way, bunched almost up to his balls, while I dealt with the dripping ice cream. Our captors thought that was hilarious to watch, so they made Tom apply some more ice cream to Josh’s belly below the navel, and propped him up enough for it to run down his flat belly toward his shorts. I got it licked up before I had to push the waistband down too far, managing to leave him a shred of dignity. It was pushed well below his tan line, but his pubic hair was still covered. Not to mention his erection. That was a strange effect for the cold to be having on him. I don’t know why I bothered, because of course the shorts came off next. Bastards. We’d never done more than unbutton Dan’s shirt and take his shoes and socks off, and even in our original plan we were going to let him keep his shorts. Worst of all, I knew they weren’t just going to expose Josh, they were going to smear ice cream all over his crotch. This was going too far. I tried to stop them, grabbing Tom from behind when we went for the shorts, but I felt Dan’s whip flick against my back, and it hurt like hell, even though I realized it had barely touched me. I let go of Tom and watched as my buddy was stripped of his last scrap of clothing. Once his legs were spread wide again, Tom went straight for the balls. “Please, no. No there,” Josh whispered. Tom paused before he actually dumped the ice cream on them, turning to day and starting to say “Look, Danny, I—” but Dan brandished his whip and Tom shut up fast and applied the ice cream. Josh cried out almost like he was in pain. “Hold it there for a few seconds, then smear some on his shaft,” Dan said. Josh sobbed as the cold seeped through his rapidly shriveling ball sack. A few seconds later Tom moved the scoop up the underside of his still-hard shaft, and his hips bucked. Then Tom backed off, and it was over. All except my part. I stared down at my naked buddy, spread-eagled on the table, knowing that I would have to lick his balls or get us both whipped until we were bloody. If I’d realized at the beginning that it would go this far, I might have decided there were worse things than losing a little skin off my back. But there was no turning back now. I hadn’t cooperated this far only to get us both whipped anyway. Besides, I didn’t dare let Dan use that whip on Josh now; there was no telling where he’d aim it. I moved to the foot of the table and bent forward with my head between my friend’s legs. Feeling my tongue contact his balls, he let out a moan, voicing all the despair and humiliation he must be feeling at having another guy manipulating his most vulnerable parts. And not just any other guy, but his best friend, someone who he’d trusted... Demeaning as this situation was, a weird thought crossed my mind: What it would be like if we’d been alone in our room and Josh had voluntarily let me this close to him? Letting another guy touch your balls, let alone practically put them in his mouth, would take a lot of trust. You’d only do it with someone you were sure would never hurt you. There was something appealing about that idea, exciting in almost a physical way. It would be like saying you trusted him with your life, your very manhood. I’d like to think Josh and I trusted each other that much, but we’d never been in a situation that gave us a chance to prove it. His balls were as hairless as his chest, something I’d never noticed before, only having gotten a few glimpses of them, and never this close of course. It was easy to get them clean of ice cream. Some had dripped down on one side into the fold between his legs, and that part definitely tasted like Josh-flavored ice cream and not vanilla. Finally all that was left was his cock, which was fully hard and twitching. The ice cream on it had been completely melted by the heat, but I couldn’t pretend not to notice that it was there. I sure wasn’t going to take his cock in my mouth. I would limit myself to carefully licking the underside. I was on my third lick, and almost had it clean, when the inevitable happened. Josh’s cock responded to all that physical stimulation, unaware that it was his owner’s best friend doing the licking and not a more appropriate partner, like someone he might have met at the party if Barry hadn’t dragged us away. The milky white jism mixed with the white ice cream. I decided that Dan could flay me alive before I licked any of that up. I remembered one time when Josh had suggested we jack off in front of each other. I’d been totally embarrassed by the idea, and he’d never mentioned it again. Now it seemed like such a trivial thing, compared to the intimacy that had been forced on us by the enemy fraternity. Dan seemed to know just how far he could push me, and didn’t tell me to lick up the cum. They gave me a warm wash cloth and made me clean my buddy up while they continued to hold him down. His softening cock stiffened again at my touch, and I think the wash cloth alone would have gotten him off, if he hadn’t just come already. I finished up and patted him apologetically on the belly. Before I gave the wash cloth back, I took a quick swipe at my chest, trying to get the ice cream drops off of my chest hair, without smearing my buddy’s cum on it in the process, before someone got the idea they should make Josh lick my chest. I was afraid they were going to make him to that next anyway, with fresh ice cream. But I was wrong. They had something different in mind for us. They let us take a bathroom break, one at a time. Someone stood at the door making sure I didn’t try to escape, but it really wasn’t necessary while they had Josh as a hostage. Who knew what they would do to him in the time it took me to get help. I also had a long drink from the sink. I was very thirsty from the salt on my buddy’s skin. After our break, they had me take Josh’s place on the table. It looked like it was my turn to get ice cream smeared over every part of my body and Josh’s turn to lick it off. The idea didn’t disgust me nearly as much as I would have expected. I was just scared that forever afterward he’d be ashamed to be seen anywhere near me. But it turned out they had something else in mind. They wanted to watch Josh exploit my own personal weakness. Dan ordered him to tickle me. That was nothing new for the two of us, but of course Josh normally did it because he wanted to, and always in private... well, occasionally in front of our own fraternity brothers. But that was different. Being forced to do it with half of a rival fraternity watching must have been almost as humiliating for him as it was for me — even if he’d been fully clothed. Being naked couldn’t have helped. Those weren’t the only things that made this different from just the two of us kidding around. Usually, if he took me by surprise, he’d only have a chance to get in a few seconds of tickling before I’d break away. Of course, we also used to playfully wrestle a lot, and if he managed to pin me he’d often take advantage of his victory by tickling me as long as he wanted, or until I begged for mercy. But in that case he usually wasn’t in a position to get to my most sensitive spots; his arms would be busy pinning me and he’d have to dig his fingers into whatever he could reach, usually at an awkward angle. Never before had he had my whole body spread out before him, with four guys holding me down spread-eagle for him. None of the usual struggle to force my arm away from my body far enough for him to get his fingers in; my arm pits were completely exposed. No need for sneaking up on me to yank up a T-shirt or slip his fingers between shirt buttons; I’d already been stripped to the waist. Only my feet were safe for the moment, and I was sure that wouldn’t last long. “Sorry about this, dude,” he whispered as he loomed over me, placing his hand on my bare chest but not yet tickling. “Yeah, right,” I whispered back. “You’ve been waiting for a chance like this as long as I’ve known you, haven’t you?” “How was the ice cream?” he retorted. I felt myself blushing. “I had no choice, man! You know that. I’m sorry, but what can I say?” Josh jumped as Dan cracked the whip in the air, not far from his naked back. “Here goes, dude.” He started with the ribs. I started laughing almost instantly. He moved slowly up my sides. He took his time, knowing I wasn’t going anywhere. When he reached my armpits, I managed to gasp out, “Not there! Anywhere but there!” He paused and looked back at Dan, who said, “There.” He started lightly tickling my armpits. It went on and on, long past the point where Josh would have relented if he’d had any choice. My lungs were burning, and my sides ached, by the time they let him stop. To my shame, I had laughed so hard my face was covered in snot. They gave Josh a tissue and made him wipe it off. He did so tenderly, whispering, “It’s okay, dude. It’s over now.” “While he’s catching his breath,” Dan said, “take off his shoes.” So Josh untied my shoes and gently tugged them off, then peeled off my socks. My sides were still hurting when Dan ordered him to start tickling my feet. They gave him a feather, a hairbrush, and a few other things I didn’t see, but all of them were pure torture. Then they made him use the feather on my nipples, remembering how well that had worked earlier. Next they made my buddy pull off my pants, leaving me clad only in my white briefs. They had him try his fingers and the feather on the backs of my knees and the insides of my thighs, and that forced a couple of laughs out of me, but my legs aren’t nearly as ticklish as my torso or armpits or feet. Inevitably, Dan finally ordered him to strip me of my shorts. Josh hesitated, then grabbed the waistband and started tugging them down. “Not with your hands,” Dan said. “With your teeth.” Josh struggled to get my briefs off using only his teeth. First he tried tugging from the bottom. I felt his hot breath through the cotton and his lips on my skin, and a few times his nose poked me in the balls through the underwear. He didn’t get it very far down that way, possibly because it kept hanging up on my erection. Finally he gave up and grabbed the elastic in his teeth, peeling the briefs down from the top. This meant practically dragging his nose through my pubic hair all the way down, which I guess was why he’d tried the other way first. A few times his teeth lost his grip and the waistband snapped down on my cock, and he had to nose around trying to get a hold of it again, his lips touching my exposed cock, his hands resting on my belly. They made him drag it all the way down my legs, with their guys holding my ankles together. That part went faster. Once he had my briefs around my ankles, our captors took it from there, expertly slipping it over each foot without letting me go. Now we were both completely naked, both with raging hard-ons for some reason, surrounded by Tau Beta Delta guys who were all fully clothed. Except of course for Tom. Dan had never let him have his shirt back, even after he’d finished his job. He was the one holding my left arm; I had a foreshortened view looking up his muscular form whenever I glanced up. I noticed that he had a bulge in his pants, and now that I thought to look around at all the crotches at my eye level, so did many of his fraternity brothers. The bastards were really getting off on this. They made Josh use the feather to tickle me in places I normally would have socked him if he’d tried to touch. I found myself instinctively bucking my hips, but that didn’t keep him from tracking my balls with the feather There was no escape. My cock was oozing pre-cum from all the stimulation. Josh was really getting into this, wielding the feather delicately to just lightly brush it along the length of the underside of my cock. He had a half smile on his face. My best friend was about to make me come, and there was nothing I could do about it! Somehow the thought made the sensations feel even more intense, and I felt an orgasm building. Josh grabbed my cock at the last second to tilt it a few degrees so I spurted over myself instead of in his eye. Judging by the intensity of the orgasm, it should have blasted the guys behind my head, so I was a little surprised to see an ordinary-size puddle that had only reached my lower belly Josh still had his hand on my cock, stroking it a little in an absent-minded kind of way. My best friend’s hand was on my cock, and he had just made me come! This was too much. I groaned, but Josh left his hand there for a few more seconds. They made him clean me up — with a wash cloth, fortunately, not with his tongue, but his gentle touch on my sensitized cock head was almost too much to take — and then they finally let me up. I couldn’t meet my friend’s eyes. I swung my legs off the table and stood up shakily. Then my knees buckled, and Josh grabbed my arm and steadied me with a hand on my back. I finally looked at him, and nodded my thanks. He smiled and looked away. “Should we give them their clothes back now?” asked the guy who’d been collecting our clothes in a pile as each piece was removed. “I guess we can let ’em have their shorts, anyway,” Dan said. The guy tossed me Josh’s boxers and tossed Josh my briefs. We were about to exchange them when Dan said, “No, take what you were given, or you get nothing at all.” So I put on Josh’s boxers. They were made of soft knitted gray cotton, and as I slipped them on I almost understood why he felt they were more comfortable than briefs, but it felt weird having my balls hanging there with nothing to support them. I watched Josh pull on my briefs. They were a little tight on him, but they looked great, with the brilliant white cotton really setting off his tan. “Thanks for the show, guys,” Dan said. Then he turned to someone who must have come in the room while I was, um, distracted. “Okay, what did you come up here to tell me?” “They’ve got him ready for you.” “About time. I hope they left a little fight in him. I liked his spirit.” “Um, I wouldn’t count on that.” “Too bad. Well, I can’t be everywhere, and I wouldn’t have wanted to miss watching these two guys. Hey, is that a bruise on your chin?” He reached out to touch the guy’s chin, which did seem to be darker on one side. “Yeah, well, we got a little careless and he got an arm loose and took a swing at me. But we got him under control again,” he said with relish. “Totally, utterly under control, like I said.” I couldn’t imagine Barry ever being totally under someone else’s control. But then, I’d never seen him throw a punch before, either; he usually relied on intimidation. He must have been feeling really trapped. Dan turned to instruct the men holding us. “Okay, put these two to bed. I want them fresh for tomorrow.” Bed? I guess I had expected them to let us go when they’d had their fun for the night. Were they going to keep us here the whole weekend? Surely they couldn’t enslave us forever. We’d be missed, and our fraternity brothers would come looking for us, if the administration didn’t send the police first. They couldn’t just make three students disappear, could they? They led us to an unfurnished carpeted room and gave us one blanket and one pillow, then left us without a word. I tried the door in the dark. The knob turned, but they’d somehow locked it from the outside. From the shadows in the light leaking under the door, I got the feeling that someone was even standing guard. I was alone with my best friend. I faced him, unable to see the expression on his face in the dark, not knowing what to say, and half expecting him to punch me out for helping to humiliate him. I figured we were even, but he might not agree. “I’m exhausted,” Josh finally said. “You ready to sleep?” I decided to follow his lead and pretend nothing was wrong — that we hadn’t just been forced to completely humiliate each other, and that more torment wasn’t in store for us tomorrow. “Yeah,” I said. “I wonder what time it is.” Neither of us wore watches, nor did Barry. If we had, they probably would have been taken away at some point during the stripping. “I don’t know. Late. It’s been a hell of a night.” “Yeah. Look, man, I’m really— um...” “Let’s talk about it in the morning, okay?” I heard him yawn. “Sure. You can have the blanket if I can take the pillow.” This room wasn’t very well heated, and the air felt cool on my bare skin. It was all right for now, but I knew we’d be chilly once we were inactive. And Josh always felt cold before I did. “I assumed we’d share them,” he said, sounding surprised. “The blanket didn’t look all that big.” And we were both fairly big guys. “I think it’ll cover us.” I wished I could see his face, but all I could see in the dim lighting was his white briefs. My white briefs, I mean. I wondered if it was safe to trade now. “Well?” “We’d have to get pretty friendly,” I said doubtfully. “We’re best friends, aren’t we? How much more friendly can you get?” “Well, sure, but you know what I mean. ’Friendly’ was just an expression. I guess the word I’m looking for is ’intimate.’” “Dude! You just had my balls in your mouth an hour ago, and now you’re afraid of sleeping next to me? C’m’ere.” He got me in a headlock and pulled us both to the ground, with me on top of him. Laughing softly, we wrestled, just like old times, though we’d rarely done it wearing only our shorts. Let alone each other’s shorts. Finally Josh got his legs wrapped around mine, immobilizing them. Once I stopped struggling, his free hand pulled the blanket over us. It covered both of us easily. It could have covered three guys, if they were willing to sleep this close. I sighed in resignation and relaxed a little. “See? It’s no so bad,” he said. Maybe he mistook the sigh for a sigh of contentment. Maybe it was. This did feel like a kind of cozy way to spend the night. And no one could blame it on me. His skin was smooth and warm against mine. I snuggled a little closer. “What do you s’pose they’re doing to Barry?” he asked sleepily. I could feel his warm breath against my forehead, we were that close. “Dunno. But it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.” “Yeah, he deserves it, the bastard,” he chuckled. “Although he did try to stand up for you,” I pointed out. Josh made no response. Maybe he was thinking it over, or maybe he was already half asleep. I relaxed completely, pillowing my head against my roommate’s chest. His strong heartbeat became slow and regular, as did his breathing. Predictably, he started snoring softly. At home, his snoring from across the room had never bothered me. I’d gotten so used to it that I actually had trouble getting to sleep when he was away. Now, even at close range, the familiar sound was comforting, reminding me that my buddy was there beside me. As if I needed a reminder, with his bare flesh pressed warmly against mine. I felt myself starting to drift off. The sound of the door opening must have woken me up, because a widening shaft of bright light was spilling into the room. Josh was still sound asleep. He always was a heavy sleeper. Barry stumbled into the room, pushed by two pairs of hands I saw disappearing back through the door. The door closed, and I heard them locking it. Barry fell to his hands and knees on the carpet, looking a little dazed. He sat down on the floor and drew his knees up to his chest. After a minute, he slumped forward, crossing his hairy forearms across his knees and burying his face in them. He’d been stripped, just like us, and was wearing only boxer shorts. His own, I assumed. “Barry?” I called softly. He raised his head and looked in my general direction. I realized the room was very dark, and his eyes weren’t adjusted like mine. He probably had thought he was alone in the room. “Mike?” he said. The mixture of surprise and hope in his voice, like he’d been afraid he’d never see me again, really startled me. I was not used to hearing him say my name in that tone. I finished disentangling myself from Josh, who mumbled sleepily in protest but didn’t wake up. I covered him with the blanket, then scooted over to Barry and put my hand on his bare shoulder. “You okay, buddy?” I asked gently. “I guess,” he said, with a nervous laugh that sounded like it was on the edge of breaking into a sob. To my surprise, he threw his meaty arm around my back and drew me into a hug, resting his forehead on my shoulder. I hesitantly slid my arm around his back. He was shaking, even though his skin felt warm. I could swear I felt tears leaking onto my shoulder. I stroked his hair and the back of his neck. He clung to me even more tightly, like I was his last link to anything familiar. We silently held each other like that for a few minutes. It occurred to me that this must be a dream. Barry would never act this way in real life. But the rich detail of every sensation — the feel of Barry’s arms on my bare skin, his chest hair flattened against my chest, the roughness of his chin against my shoulder, the sound of his breathing and Josh’s snoring — convinced me that I had to be awake. I noticed that his familiar and not unpleasant musky scent was muted and that he smelled of soap, exactly the same way he smelled when he’d recently stepped out of the shower. His hair was a little damp under my hand, come to think of it. I was almost jealous; they hadn’t let Josh and me take a shower, even after the ice cream. “You smell really clean, pal,” I murmured. “They ... gave me a bath.” The shame in his voice told me that he’d had no choice about it. He’d tried to resist, I was sure, but I got the idea that by that time all the fight had gone out of him. I imagined several big guys stuffing his naked and weakly struggling body into one of those huge old-fashioned stubs they still have in some of the fraternities here. In a way I liked that image. If anyone deserved a little humiliation, it was Barry. Now he knew what it felt like. But at the same time I felt sorry for him. I pulled his head against my shoulder again and stroked his hair some more. I resisted asking any of the questions I wanted to ask about what they’d done to him besides the bath. I sensed he didn’t want to talk about it. “Where’s Josh? Is he okay?” I was touched by the concern in his voice. “He’s over there, sleeping,” I told him, relieved that he hadn’t seen us sleeping together. I mean, it’s weird enough to hold another man like this to comfort him, but to be caught sleeping wrapped in my roommate’s arms would have looked really bad. Saying “over there” so off-handedly should cover the truth up nicely. “Would it be okay if I slept with you guys tonight?” Barry asked hesitantly. So much for secrecy. I don’t know how much closeness he was picturing, but he wouldn’t feel he needed permission to join us if he had thought we were just two guys who happened to be sleeping in the same room. After all, he was already locked in the same room as us. Come to think of it, it wasn’t like Barry to ask permission at all, for anything. Normally, he just took what he wanted. If for some strange reason he wanted two guys in bed with him — not that that’s something he normally would want, of course, but let’s say hypothetically it was really cold — I’d have expected him to roust us out of our own beds, drag us to his room, and just hold onto us until we fell asleep. That was more Barry’s style. “Uh— sure. No problem. We even have, um, a blanket and pillow. Just one, so we need to sleep kind of close.” Together, we crawled over where I had left Josh sprawled out on the floor, and I pulled the blanket off him. I probably would have shaken him awake just to ask if he minded Barry joining us, but Barry lay down between us and scooped my sleeping buddy up with one arm and rolled him onto his chest. Then he snagged me with the other arm and drew me in, until my head was resting on his chest, almost touching Josh’s head. This was a familiar position, except that usually we weren’t lying down and were usually wearing more clothes. And... this time it felt friendly. Maybe it had always been friendly, in a way. “I’m sorry for getting you guys into this,” Barry said, his voice rumbling against my ear. It was the first time I could remember him apologizing for anything. I wished I had a tape recorder right now. But not a camera. “Do you think our fraternity brothers will try to, you know, mount a rescue?” I asked, suddenly worried about them finding us like this. “Um, I don’t think any of them know where we went.” “You didn’t tell anyone the guy we were trying to punish was from Tau Beta Delta?” “Just you and Josh. I’m sorry.” Two apologies in one minute. And he actually did sound sorry. He sounded almost like he was about to cry. I squeezed his shoulder. “’S’okay, big guy.” He sighed, and after a few minutes I could tell by how slowly his chest was rising and falling under my head that he must be asleep. I should have been uncomfortable with my nose buried in Barry’s chest hair and Josh snoring right in my face, but I was sound asleep about thirty seconds later. I woke up with my human pillow shaking under me. Barry was holding Josh’s head clamped against his chest right beside mine, while Josh cursed him and tried to get loose. “What’s the matter, Josh?” he taunted. I sighed. Barry seemed to be back to his old self after a good night’s sleep. “Let him up, Barry,” I said. “It was self-defense, man. He was punching me.” “I was just startled to wake up and find you here, that’s all,” Josh said, his voice muffled because his mouth was buried in Barry’s chest hair. “I was confused. I was just trying to get away.” “Say you’re sorry,” Barry ordered. “You forget that we know your weakness now, buddy,” I told Barry, and started running my fingers lightly up and down that smooth bare skin next to his abs. It worked just as well as I hoped. Barry let go of Josh and grabbed my wrists with both hands, laughing helplessly. Josh sat up and immediately attacked Barry’s other, undefended side. In a minute he was so weak from laughter that I was able to break free of his grip, and then it was all over for him. I got one arm pinned under my leg, Josh grabbed the other one, and then he had four hands attacking him and not a thing he could do about it. The thing about Barry is that he never begs for mercy. At least not from Josh and me, not then and not anytime since. He just lies there and takes it, until he couldn’t gasp out a plea even if he wanted to. What saved him this time was the door opening. They let us take turns using the bathroom again while the other two were closely guarded. I wondered if Barry would try to squeeze through the little window and leave Josh and me at the mercy of Tau Beta Delta, and if he did, I wondered if he’d bother to come back with reinforcements and rescue us. But he didn’t try to run away. They took us downstairs to the big common room, where the Tau Beta Delta guys had just finished breakfast. Pancakes, by the look of the plates they were clearing from the table. “I don’t suppose you guys saved any for us,” Barry said sarcastically. “Let me find out,” said Dan, who was standing near the table. He was wearing a T-shirt today with his fraternity’s Greek letters across the chest, and the same shoes we’d removed yesterday. And the same pants we hadn’t gotten a chance to. “Any pancakes left, guys?” he called. His voice made it clear that he was taunting us and wasn’t planning to feed us anything. “No, and the cook’s already left,” someone answered. “But we have gallons of syrup left.” “Where are my manners?” Dan said. “You guys must be starved. We haven’t offered you any food. Well, except ice cream.” Josh blushed at this, and I’m sure I did too. “Finish getting that table clear! We’re gonna need it!” The last few plates were hurriedly removed, and someone wiped the crumbs off the giant varnished wooden table. Then about six guys suddenly grabbed Barry. He struggled fiercely, every muscle in his body flexing, but it did him no good. Soon he was stretched out on the table right in front of me, breathing hard, and I found myself staring in fascination at that fine trail of hair that ran from his chest down the middle of his stomach and disappeared down his boxer shorts. It went all the way down, I found out a few seconds later, as someone hooked his thumb under the waistband and tugged. I tore my eyes away and saw that someone was holding a pitcher of syrup above my helpless naked fraternity brother. He poured a few ounces of it onto his neck and chest, then drizzled a thin line zigzagging across that trail of hair, finishing up by dripping some of it onto both sides of his cock, which was standing up. Despite how much Barry likes to brag about how well endowed he his, I wasn’t convinced now that he was any longer than me. It was close, and might actually be shorter. Next time he bragged to me when we were alone, I decided, I would make him hold it against mine to measure. “OK, you two, you know what to do.” Josh and I just stared open-mouthed. Dan produced a fork, made sure Barry saw what it was, and used it to lift up Barry’s balls. Barry gasped, hopefully in reaction to the cold, or the implied threat, and not because the tines were poking him. “One of you start at his throat and the other at his cock.” When we hesitated, he added, “Now. Otherwise we may just have to fry up some sausage for you.” He jiggled the balls with the fork. Josh took his cock while I started lapping at the syrup that had pooled in the hollow at the base of his throat. To my surprise, Josh actually put the whole cock in his mouth and slid his lips around it like a popsicle stick. Just once, to get it clean. Then he moved on to the pubic hair. Tired of bending over the table, I climbed onto it and worked on my hands and knees, with my bare feet right between the guys who were holding Barry’s arms. I hoped they didn’t decide to risk letting go with one hand in order to tickle me. But I shouldn’t complain about feeling vulnerable, not with Barry stretched out naked beneath me. I finished his throat and worked my way through the soft thick hair covering his muscular chest. In time with its heaving, I could feel his warm breath stirring my own chest hair. Josh was up to the bottom of that trail of wispy hair, and I hurried to catch up before he traversed the whole thing. But I needn’t have worried, because he was taking his time now, licking the sensitive bare skin very thoroughly on either side. It made Barry squirm, and Josh seemed to like that. Meanwhile, I had worked my way down to where the hair petered out into that little stream, and it felt just as soft on my tongue as it looked. The dry parts that the squiggle of syrup hadn’t touched fluttered with my every breath until my tongue slicked them down. Finally Josh and I met up. When our stubbled cheeks rubbed against each other, I climbed off and let him finish. He licked up the last of the syrup, overlapping by a good two inches the wet trail of slicked-down hair that I had left, to make sure he didn’t miss anything. I had been as thorough as I could, but I suspected Barry would feel sticky all day until they let him get a shower or bath. Even I felt sticky, though that may have been my imagination. I was sick of that sugary imitation maple syrup, which was the same cheap kind they our own fraternity bought from the commissary by the gallon. Not high quality stuff, unlike the French vanilla ice cream last night. They actually were nice to us for a change and took us immediately up to the room with the bathtub and shower. But Barry looked as if he were being led to the gallows. When we got there, there was a freestanding tub already filled with steaming water. It looked very inviting. Just as I’d guessed, it was the huge old-fashioned kind, the kind that actually lets a full-grown man, even one as big as Barry, immerse almost his whole body in water. What a concept. They haven’t made that kind during my lifetime, but some of the fraternity houses at our college are almost a hundred years old. Barry looked around at the guys waiting there, a trapped expression on his face. But when Dan said, “This time your friends can give you your bath,” he looked relieved. Then he quickly masked it with a look of distain and said, “I don’t need any help from these two fuckfaces” and tried to take a step toward the tub. The guys holding his arms wouldn’t let him, of course. “Okay, just thought I’d offer,” Dan said. He nodded to the guys waiting. “Grab him.” “Nooo! No, please! Let my buddies do it.” So Josh took his legs and I put my hands under his armpits. I heard Josh whisper to him, “Buddies, huh?” as we carried him over to the tub. I was surprised that Josh and I between us had no trouble at all carrying Barry’s naked and unresisting form. I made a mental note of that for future reference. It was a little more of a strain on my muscles to lift him over the edge of the tub-and I saw Josh’s muscles standing out too-but we managed, and gently lowered him into the water. It rose almost to the rim of the tub as Barry’s big body displaced it, but it didn’t spill, and the overflow drain started lowering the level. They gave each of us a bar of soap and made us rub it all over him. Barry closed his eyes and relaxed as I ran my hand over his chest above the waterline, running my fingers through the hairs as I rubbed soap into them. I dipped below the waterline and worked on the rest of him, even running my hand over his cock, which hardened under my brief touch. Then they made him stick his feet out, leaving him submerged up to the neck, and handed Josh a scrub brush to use on the soles of his feet. That drove him wild, and I had to stick my arms underwater and hold onto him to keep him from thrashing. I was afraid he’d get us in trouble for splashing, or even drown himself. If I’d been wearing a shirt it would have been soaked by this time. As it was, my shorts, or rather Josh’s, were beginning to get plastered against my crotch. After we’d drained the tub and helped him out, pink and clean, they had Barry peel off our shorts and then made the three of us get into the shower together and take an ice cold shower. I hate cold showers, but not the way Josh hates them. When the cold water hit his shoulders, he yelped and tried to get out of the shower. The guy guarding us pushed him back and said, “Stay under the water.” “Bring me the whip,” Dan said to someone behind him. We wound up physically holding poor Josh under the spray, Barry and I. Josh clung tightly to me to shield himself and to borrow some of my body warmth. “I don’t see you washing in there,” Dan called. So Barry started washing Josh’s back. When he finished he came around and did my back. They still didn’t let us out, so we turned Josh around and Barry held him from behind while I ran soapy hands over his chest and down his belly. “Don’t forget his crotch.” “If we let you go,” I asked Josh, “will you stand still and wash your own crotch?” I asked. “N-no,” Josh said with his teeth chattering. “You let me go, I’m outta here.” So I soaped up his pubic hair and ran my soapy hands lightly on over his shriveled nut sac and all around his crotch, and very quickly over his cock. I stood up and squeezed his shoulder in apology, then quickly washed myself. Only then did they let us out. They wrapped us each in a big white towel and let us dry ourselves off and stop shivering. We all needed a shave, especially Barry, and they gave it to us, Josh first, then me, and then Barry. Standing up, with a towel wrapped around our waists, and someone holding our arms. They wiped our faces with a hot wet towel when they were done, which felt very nice after the cold shower. They gave us our shorts back. They mixed them up again, so that I got Barry’s boxers and he got Josh’s, while Josh got my briefs back again. Usually it didn’t feel right to me to take a shower without putting on fresh underwear, but nothing felt right here. They took us back downstairs in our shorts. “And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for,” Dan announced to his fraternity. “The big guy’s gonna give us all blowjobs.” A few of his fraternity brothers rolled their eyes and left, but most of them stayed, most of them grinning in anticipation. “Like hell I am!” Barry said. For some reason the guy who had shaved us had brought the shaving cream and razor down with him. Dan took the can from him and walked up to Barry with it, squirted some shaving cream into his own hand, and casually dabbed it on Barry’s chest. “What did you say?” he asked mildly. “I’m not putting up with any more of this shit.” He paused as he watched Dan’s hand spreading a second glob of shaving cream over his chest, slicking down the hair. “You can do anything you want to me, but I’m not cooperating.” His brave tone might have fooled someone who didn’t know him so well, but I sensed that his bravado was a fragile thing. “You know,” said Dan, “we have a rule that we’ve never broken, that any punishment inside these walls is never spoken of outside. That applies to fraternity brothers, to our pledges, and even to prisoners like you. Do as we say, and no one will ever hear about it from us. You have my word of honor.” “Yeah, like that’s worth anything to me.” “If we wanted to humiliate you outside, we could be doing a better job of it. Have you seen one camera? We could have had your picture in this morning’s campus paper. ” He continued to cover Barry’s chest with foam. “Okay, so maybe I do believe you.” He looked down again at his chest hair being plastered against his chest with shaving cream, and gulped visibly. “Whereas, if we shave your chest, everyone will know we did that to you. Without our saying a word.” “I can wear T-shirts for a few... for however long it takes to grow back,” Barry said uncertainly. That was a bluff, I knew. Everyone would know something was up. I don’t think Barry even owns any T-shirts. I’d sure never seen him wearing one under his shirt even in the middle of winter-or by itself, no matter how hot it got. He always wears shirts with buttons, and usually leaves them unbuttoned halfway down his chest if he can get away with it. He loves showing off his chest hair. “We’ll shave your arms, too. And what about showers?” “You think I’d go down on you just to avoid that?” But his nerve was giving out. Anyone could hear it in his voice now. Dan didn’t answer, but kept matting down Barry’s hair with shaving cream, working slowly. By the time the can was empty and his chest was uniformly coated, Barry was blubbering. “N-no. Please. I’ll do what you ask. Don’t... don’t shave me. Please.” “OK, so here’s how it’s going to work,” Dan said, as if he hadn’t considered any other outcome than Barry’s complete capitulation. “You’ll be blindfolded, and two of the guys you’ll be sucking off will be your buddies here. That way we’ll know you won’t try any funny business. We’ll gag them with their own shorts — if those are their own shorts — so they can’t warn you. And if they try to make some sound anyway...” he pointed to the corner where one of his fraternity brothers had quietly entered holding the whip. Before we knew it, they had Barry blindfolded and on his knees, and my shorts were in my mouth, leaving me totally naked. Except they were Barry’s shorts. I can’t say they tasted strongly of anything but cotton, but they definitely had a musky smell, similar to the familiar smell of Barry’s chest, but different. Presumably what I would have smelled if I’d stuck my face in Barry’s crotch, which of course I never had. Already I had a growing erection, as if the strangely exciting thought that Barry would soon be sticking his face in my crotch instead was turning me on. The first guy in line unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock, which was half erect already. Then he looked at Barry and he shrunk back. So did his cock. Barry was making biting motions with his teeth. “You’re bluffing,” Dan said. “What makes you so sure this isn’t one of your own fraternity brothers first in line?” “I heard him unzip his fly. Anyway, did you really think I wouldn’t feel his pants by the time I was sucking him off? I know my guys aren’t wearing any. Also, I could tell by the sound of his footsteps that he’s wearing shoes.” There was a pause, and then every guy in the room started taking his clothes off. I had to hand it to Barry. With a few words, he’d intimidated our captors into stripping naked. Not bad for a guy kneeling blindfolded in his shorts with his arms pinned behind him. He couldn’t see it for himself, but he was now wearing more than any other guy in the room. And the situation suddenly felt very different to me, being surrounded a bunch of other guys who were also naked, instead of being the naked prisoner of an enemy fraternity. I found it amusing that Dan, who was short and scrawny compared to Barry, had a longer cock than the one Barry was so proud of, although not the longest in the Tau Beta Delta fraternity. When they were all naked and a different guy had stepped up for the first blowjob, Barry said suddenly, “Mike and Josh are both circumcised, right, guys?” Although we couldn’t answer, we quickly found ourselves standing in a much shorter line, now composed only of the guys who were circumcised, white, and no more than a few inches taller or shorter than us. He’d really got them worried. Dan himself stepped out of line when he saw he was by far the shortest guy left, and started getting dressed again, looking really pissed off. Barry behaved himself now, and one by one our enemies stepped forward and got a blowjob. I could hardly believe it. He’d never live it down, if Josh and I let anyone else in our fraternity know. Some of the guys just stood there and enjoyed it, with closed eyes and open mouths, while others thrust their hips forward in the rhythm they wanted, but none of them tried to grab Barry’s head. That would have given away the fact that they weren’t Josh or me. In fact, they carefully had two big guys flanking their own fraternity brothers and holding onto their arms, just to be sure Barry couldn’t somehow sense they were free. The guys they chose as guards were big enough that they’d had to step out of line, and had gotten dressed again, although they hadn’t yet bothered to button their shirts up over their massive chests. Josh’s handlers quietly passed him over to those guys when his turn came. I was surprised to see the fiendish delight in Josh’s face as Barry took his cock in his mouth. Josh was one of the ones who kept thrusting his cock aggressively down Barry’s throat. He really seemed to be getting into his chance to have his nemesis forced to service him, and to being able to dominate him anonymously. I was one of the stand-there-and-enjoy-it kind of guys when my turn came. Um... I have to admit here what I’d never told even Josh. Even though I was almost 20, I was still basically a virgin. Having my cock enveloped in something warm and wet was such a good feeling that I could close my eyes and not even care that a guy was doing it. Oh, who was I kidding? I was getting off on knowing that my cock was in the mouth of a guy who’d always pushed me around. I couldn’t even think of it the way Josh seemed to view it, not to mention all the Tau Beta Delta guys. I know, the guy getting sucked off is supposed to feel like he was the one in control, and the guy doing the work was the passive one. But I didn’t feel in control at all. It wasn’t just that my arms were being held. It was that Barry had his mouth on my cock, and he could do anything we wanted to it, but what he was choosing to do was to use his tongue and lips in a way that was driving me crazy, and was going to make me come in a minute whether I liked it or not. I was in about as much control as I was whenever he got me in a headlock back at our fraternity and started tickling me, or running his fingertip around my ear, or grabbing my balls to show he had me under his control. Only this time he was manipulating my most private parts to force me to feel pleasure whether I wanted to or not. Up until yesterday, that would have infuriated me, because I’d thought he despised me and just enjoyed dominating me to make him feel like a bigger man. But last night I’d gotten the feeling he actually had a need for friendship, and I wondered if all his roughhousing might have been his way of showing affection. And he’d picked on me and Josh more than anyone else — what did that say about how he felt about us? I ignored the little detail that he was blindfolded and was sucking off some anonymous guy who was probably one of his captors as far as he knew. I was convinced that he somehow sensed it was one of his friends, and was trying to make the best of it and make me feel as good as he could. The way I had with Josh last night, I realized. I think part of me had enjoyed holding my buddy against me, skin to skin, and working him over with my tongue, lingering over his nipples and armpits and his even more sensitive and private spots, listening to him make soft sounds that might have been pleasure, feeling shivers run through his body that might have been delight. Barry was making me feel like that now, and I wanted to think he it was because he enjoyed making me feel good. That thought was really exciting somehow, and along with the physical stimulation... When I came, my knees gave out and I sagged in the arms of the guys who were holding me. The second of the two most incredible orgasms I’d ever had, both in one weekend! I guess it really does help to have someone else do it for you... Grinning in amusement, the guys handed me back to my original handlers, who half carried and half dragged me over to where Josh was sitting on the floor and dumped me next to him. I leaned on his shoulder, and he didn’t seem to mind, and even put a friendly arm around me. I felt incredibly relaxed, leaning against him skin to skin like this. I wondered, once we got out of this, if he’d ever be willing to try... no, I shouldn’t be thinking that way about my best friend! I drowsily watched Barry finish with the few guys remaining in line. Then they removed our gags and Barry’s blindfold. He looked tired, but not really defeated. I noticed that even the rag they’d used as a blindfold looked suspiciously like it had been torn from some guy’s shorts. Of course, that didn’t mean anything. No doubt they just used worn-out clothes for rags, although in this fraternity you never know... “Where’s Tom this morning?” Dan demanded. “He was still sound asleep when I got out of the shower,” said a dark-haired guy, who must have been Tom’s roommate. He was as broad-shouldered as Tom, although not quite tall enough to have disqualified himself from getting sucked off by Barry. His loose T-shirt hid the impressive muscles of his hairy chest, now that he’d gotten dressed again, but still showed off his biceps. “Get him in here, even if you have to drag him in. He’s missing his blow job.” His roommate looked for a minute like he was going to argue. Then suddenly he grinned and headed upstairs. Two other sturdy guys followed him. The three of them would be more of a match for one beefy sleepy blond. The three beefy Tau Beta Delta brothers came back a few minutes later escorting Tom. The big blond was barefoot and dressed only in his pajama bottoms. “Sleep well, Tommy?” “Danny. I might have known it was your idea to drag me out of bed. No, as a matter of fact. I couldn’t get to sleep. I think I dozed off about 4am, but I still didn’t sleep well. And frankly, I was hoping you’d’ve let those poor guys go by the time I got up.” “The big one just gave us each a pretty good blowjob, and you almost missed it. It’s your turn now.” “You know how I feel about forcing—” His arms were grabbed by his roommate and the other two guys, and he seemed to realize he didn’t have much choice himself. “Danny, please! Don’t do this.” They muscled him over to the dining room table. I was close enough to hear Tom tell his roommate, “I’ll get you for this, Rick.” “Yeah, I still remember the last time you ’got’ me, pal. Why do you think I’m going along with this?” “That was two months ago! You’re not still mad, are you?” “Mad, no. Still paying you back, yes.” Once they had him stretched out helplessly, Barry walked slowly over to him. “You don’t have to do this, man,” Tom told him. “Yes,” Barry replied glumly. “I do.” “Let me guess,” Tom said, eyeing the half-dried shaving cream still matting Barry’s chest hair. “Dan threatened to shave your chest if you didn’t do whatever he told you.” Barry hung his head and didn’t answer. “I wish I could tell you he was bluffing, man, but I saw him do it to this guy, once.” “I can believe it,” Barry said. He reached for the fly of Tom’s pajamas. Tom sat bolt upright, despite the guys trying to hold him down, and said desperately, “Is a little chest hair really more important to you than this?” Before Tom’s roommate and his other fraternity brothers reacted and got him back under control, Barry planted his palm in the middle of Tom’s chest and pushed him down. “What would you know about it, Peach Fuzz?” he growled. “Now lie back and enjoy it.” Roughly, he grabbed the waistband and yanked Tom’s pajama bottoms down. Tom’s cock sprang out, half erect. It slowly rose as Barry pushed the pajamas bottoms all the way down to his ankles and ran his hands along the inside of Tom’s leg. I didn’t know it then, as I watched Barry put his mouth around the helpless man’s cock, but I’ve since heard that what Barry was doing was called the “passive” or “bottom” role in oral sex, in personal ads language, while the guy being held spread-eagle beneath him would be considered the “active” or “top.” I laugh whenever I read those terms now, because they always remind me of that moment. But despite his protests, Tom seemed to be enjoying the whole thing, maybe even more than any of the guys Barry had just done while on his knees. Maybe he actually got off on being held down by his own buddies while a guy from another fraternity went down on him. But watching Barry, I suspected he was giving him an especially good blowjob, maybe because Tom had tried to be nice about it, or maybe as a way of thanking him for last night, when he’d given us time to do whatever we wanted to Dan before they’d turned the tables on us. The thought of a blowjob better than the one I’d gotten was unimaginable. Barry brought Tom right to the edge a few times. I could tell by the way he was arching his back and moaning, and flexing every muscle in that big naked body. But each time Barry would remove his mouth at the last minute and move up to lick Tom’s belly or his nipples. Finally, after repeating this torment several times, he closed his mouth over the twitching cock, and in seconds it was obvious to all of us watching that Tom was coming. “Don’t swallow it this time,” Dan said as Tom gave one last moan and relaxed limply on the table. “You were such a good sport, and Tom was such a bad sport, that he deserves to eat his own cum.” Barry paused in his sucking, then seemed to figure out what Dan meant. When he stood up, he was obviously holding most of the cum in his mouth. He moved up to Tom’s face and planted his lips on Tom’s. After a second he pulled back, mouth still closed, and pinched Tom’s nose shut. Tom held his breath for a few seconds, then gave in and opened his mouth. Barry put his mouth back on Tom’s and let go of his nose. I can’t imagine how he forced him to keep it open, unless it was with his tongue. If I didn’t know better, I’d have said that Barry kept his lips locked on Tom’s for a whole lot longer than was strictly necessary to carry out Dan’s order. But then, I’m not exactly an expert on how long it takes to transfer a mouthful of cum to an unwilling recipient. There was probably an unseen wrestling match going on between the two men’s tongues. When Barry finally lifted his head, I thought I heard him say softly, “You okay, man?” Tom nodded silently, staring up at Barry with a dazed expression, and Barry ruffled his blond hair and straightened up. Rick and his helpers didn’t let go of Tom’s arms immediately; they were staring slack-jawed at Barry. As an afterthought, Barry pulled Tom’s pajama bottoms back up, then patted him on the belly and stepped back. “I guess we won’t need that shaving cream after all. Wipe it off him, Tommy. Rick, get him a wet towel.” Rick went into the kitchen and came back with a dripping wet towel. As soon as he handed it to Tom, Tom grabbed Rick by the neck and scrubbed his face with it, then stuffed it down his shirt. I could tell by Rick’s reaction that he’d soaked it in cold water, maybe even ice water. “Try again, pal,” Tom told him. “Only this time use hot water. Got it?” “Okay, okay! Just let me go!” When Rick came back, Tom accepted the towel and used it to wipe the drying shading cream off of Barry’s chest with slow, gentle-looking strokes. Barry stood there with his eyes closed and his head thrown back, mouth half open, obviously enjoying it. A good five or ten minutes later, his chest hair was completely clean and slicked against his chest, which looked ruddier than usual from the heat of the towel. You wouldn’t have known from the way he and Tom were looking at each other that they were members of rival fraternities and that one of them was a prisoner. “You look like you want to keep him, Tommy,” Dan taunted. “Want us to chain him up in your bedroom for a few weeks?” I thought Rick’s eyes lit up at the prospect, but his roommate looked embarrassed. “Go to hell, Danny.” “Just kidding. You can’t have him all to yourself even if you want him. But we are keeping him for a while. His friends can go, though.” “What?” I said. I didn’t expect him to let us go, just like that. “You two can go. You’ve learned your lesson. Someone get their clothes.” “What about Barry?” I asked, walking past Tom to stand next to my fraternity brother. “Weren’t you listening? We’re keeping him.” “No way! We’re not leaving without him.” I threw my arm loosely around Barry’s broad shoulders. “Thanks man,” Barry whispered to me. “You don’t know the kinds of stuff they do to me when you guys aren’t around.” “Dude, what are you doing?” Josh said. “Let’s get out of here.” “Not without Barry,” I said firmly. “But you go ahead if you want.” I hoped that came out as sincerely as I meant it. I didn’t want to shame Josh into putting up with more torment on our account. “Yeah, right. Like I’d leave without you,” Josh said hoarsely. “This is very touching, guys,” Dan said, “but you’re acting like you have a choice. Get them their clothes and throw them out. Not necessarily in that order.” The guys around us started closing in. In a few seconds, the guys surrounding us were going to pull Barry and me apart and throw me out, probably in my shorts. And what did they have in mind for Barry that he was so scared of? Was it that much worse than what I’d just seen them put him through? As they shoved Tom aside to reach us, I acted instinctively. I pulled Barry into something between a bear hug and a wrestling hold and tripped him up, taking us both down to the floor. We hit the carpet none too gently, but we rolled and avoided any serious injury. I interlaced my fingers together behind Barry’s back, holding him tightly against me, and I felt him do the same to me. The guys tried to pry us apart, but they couldn’t break our hold, and when more of them tried to crowd in they just got in each other’s way. Then they picked us both up as a unit, by our legs and our shoulders, and started carrying us somewhere. I could feel Barry’s heart pounding in his chest. They carried us into some other room — I couldn’t see clearly because I had my face pressed against Barry’s neck — and set us down on what felt like linoleum tiles against my bare skin. The ice water came as a shock. I loosened my grip for a split second but then quickly tightened my arms around Barry again before they could pull us apart. My skin was wet and freezing cold except where it was pressed against Barry’s warm skin. We clung to each other, shivering, as they tried without success to pry our arms off each other. Then they backed off and left us alone, and for a minute I thought this might actually work. “No! What are you doing? You’ll kill them!” I heard Josh shout. I looked up and saw a plastic garbage bag coming toward our heads. They wrapped our heads together in one bag and twisted the opening around our necks, cutting off most of our air. “Fuck, what’ll we do now?” Barry muttered, his breath hot against my ear. I had no answer. We kept on stubbornly holding each other as we took turns breathing in the air that the other guy had just exhaled. I felt Barry’s breath growing ragged, along with my own, as our lungs labored to suck out the last of the oxygen. I began to see dark spots swimming before my eyes against the dark green background of light filtering through the plastic. I felt Barry’s grip start to loosen as the strength was sapped from his strong limbs. By the time his head lolled against my shoulder, I barely remembered where we were or what we were trying to do. The next thing I knew, I was being stretched out on the big dining table, gulping in lungfuls of cool fresh air. I looked past the guys holding me and saw Barry’s limp form being carried up the stairs by Dan and four big guys. Most of the others followed them, but a bunch of them stayed with us, including Tom, still dressed only in his pajama bottoms, his roommate Rick, and three guys who were holding a struggling Josh, who calmed down when he saw I was awake. “I’ll let you get dressed if you want to, Tom,” Rick said. “On one condition: you have to promise never to try to get me back for today.” “Forget it, pal. No deal.” “Okay, then just promise not to do anything to me while I’m asleep.” “All right. Fair enough.” Tom turned to go upstairs, then turned back. “Wait. What are you gonna do to these guys while I’m away?” “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna hurt ’em.” “You guys okay?” Tom asked us. “Kind of hungry, that’s all,” I said. I knew it wouldn’t do any good to complain that I didn’t like lying on a table in my shorts with hands all over me. “What about it, Rick? Will you give them something to eat?” “Sure, Tom. I promise. Go get dressed, buddy.” As Tom went upstairs, I thought I heard Barry’s voice filtering down through the floor, pleading with his captors. But I must have imagined it. Barry never begs. “Remember those leftover lasagna noodles Cook left in the fridge last night?” Rick asked someone. “Go find ’em. Wait! Nuke ’em for, oh, ninety seconds.” Man, pasta sounded delicious right now, with or without sauce. “Afraid of what Tom will do to you if he catches you using ice cold noodles?” another guy asked Rick, poking him in the ribs. Rick flushed. Cold noodles would have been fine with me. My stomach was growling now that it knew there was going to be food in it soon. You’d think I would learn. Josh was going to get to eat before I did. And before my stomach was going to have pasta in it, it was going to have pasta on it. I suspected something was up when they stretched me out spread-eagle. I finally figured it out when Rick took a noodle out of the bowl with his fingers. I’ve had pasta stuffed down my shirt front once before, during a food fight, but that time I was fighting back, grinding some mashed potatoes into the other guy’s face. This felt a little different, being held down on a table by four guys while a fifth laid strips of wide lasagna noodles across my naked chest and belly as carefully as if he were planning to add a layer of sauce and a layer of ricotta on top and stick me in the oven. And it felt even more different having my best friend reluctantly bend over and eat it off of me. Josh took his time at that, carefully cleaning off the little bits that clung starchily to my chest hairs. And if I didn’t know better, I’d swear he deliberately chewed on my nipple before he ran his tongue across it. Then it was his turn to be held down while noodles were laid across his torso. They made a nice contrast with his tan, almost as good as my white briefs he was dressed in. But I was too hungry to admire the visual appeal for too long, and quickly ate down to the bare skin. His smooth chest was easy to lick clean, but I bit one of his nipples when I got to it, just for revenge, and was rewarded by a groan. When I looked up, I saw that Tom had returned, fully dressed now in a T-shirt and jeans and sneakers, his blond hair combed. He was watching our latest humiliation with a wry expression of sympathy. When our eyes met, he looked away. He seemed about to say something to Rick when we heard a man screaming upstairs. Tom glanced at the ceiling, then stared at his feet. Many of his fraternity brothers looked almost as uncomfortable. “See, Tom, I’m being really good to my prisoners,” Rick said. “Not like whatever the hell Dan is doing up there to their friend.” “Rick... maybe it’s time to let them go.” “They had their chance, man. They decided to stay with their buddy.” Tom glanced at the ceiling and bit his lip. “Yeah...” “Anyway, do you want to be the one to explain to Dan that we let them go when he left me in charge of them?” “If you were there to back me up, sure.” “Forget it. But if you want, you can pick the next thing we do to them.” “Yeah, right. I asked you to feed them, and you fucking turned it into another game.” “This time you’ll be here to keep me in line.” “Game...” Tom muttered. “I know! Hang on a second.” He ran over to the side of the stairs and opened a small door that led into a closet, and crawled halfway in to rummage around. “Found it!” his muffled voice said. He returned to us holding up a long box and grinning. It was hand-labeled “FF Supplies.” “All right!” said one of the guys. “We haven’t done that for what? Six months?” said another. “This’ll be good!” Suddenly Josh tried to make a break for it, but two of the guys surrounding us grabbed his arms. He struggled, wide-eyed. What was he afraid of? What did “FF” stand for? “I want to do them first!” “No, we’re gonna set them on each other,” Tom said. He opened up the box and took out the supplies: two feathers. Not ordinary little feathers like the one they’d given Josh to tickle me with the previous night, but huge fluffy ones that had to be at least two feet long. Ostrich feathers, I guess. Nothing else could be that big. I glanced at Josh, who had stopped struggling, although he was breathing hard and sweat was running down his chest. He looked more puzzled than panicked now. “Those aren’t for outsiders, Tom,” Rick objected. “Who says?” “We usually use them for pledges.” “Bullshit,” said one of guys holding Josh. “We all had a big tournament with them two years ago, at the end of the school year. And guys used to bring their friends over for this all the time.” “Yeah, and my freshman year I heard there was an organized game against the Delts,” said the guy who’d stripped off my shirt the night before. “That was how I first heard of this fraternity.” “Well, okay then,” Rick said. Tom handed me one of the feathers and gave Josh the other one after his fraternity brothers had let go of his arms. Josh no longer seemed interested in running away. All the Tau Beta Delta guys formed a circle around us, as casually and without discussion as football players forming a huddle or basketball players lining up for a free throw. They gripped each other’s forearms, making a solid unbreakable ring. “The rules are pretty simple,” Tom told us. “You can probably figure it out. Officially we stop after fifteen hits, but in your case I don’t know if we’ll be that merciful.” The game — I eventually figured out it was called “feather fencing” — was actually a lot of fun. I knew I didn’t stand a chance against Josh, but I think I got as many hits on his unguarded ribs as his did on mine, if anyone was keeping score. They just weren’t as effective. It went on for a long time, but after awhile we were both out of breath and I was doubled over from laughter after a quick series of soft brushes along my sides. At that point, Rick jumped into the ring, quickly pulling off his T-shirt like someone who’s been watching other guys swimming on a hot day and can’t resist the cool inviting water for one more minute. He grabbed the feather from me and started attacking Josh with it, but he had no more luck than I had. Rick was a little less ticklish than me, it seemed, but Josh slowly wore him down. Pretty soon he was rolling on the floor laughing, and trying to protect himself with his arms. I couldn’t resist grabbing his free arm, even though it was probably against the rules, and Josh stood over him and attacked his undefended ribs and armpit. Tom then jumped in, also pulling off his T-shirt. They guys still in the ring expanded to arm’s length to give the four of us enough room. I thought Tom was going to punish me for illegal holding, or at least rescue his fallen roommate, but instead he pinned Rick’s other hand and grabbed the feather out of it. Both he and Josh ganged up on his helpless roommate, with me lying beside him and helping to pin him. We all were laughing almost as hard as Rick was. It was a blast! The guys surrounding us seemed to be enjoying it too. Suddenly we became aware that some of the spectators had stopped laughing and were looking in the direction of the stairway. A few seconds later, Dan pushed apart two of the guys in the ring and glared down at us. Rick opened his eyes to see why we’d stopped tickling him, and whispered “Oh, shit.” “I’m disappointed in you, Rick,” Dan said. “I thought you could keep them under control.” I belatedly took my hands off of Rick’s bare shoulder and arm and tried to look like I was under control. “They are! We just decided—” “Who’s ’we?’ You and Tom? Where’d you even get the idea that Tom was allowed to get dressed?” “It was all my fault, Danny,” Tom started to say. “Stow it. You’ve both lost clothes privileges for a week.” “’Clothes privileges? What the hell does that mean?” Rick asked. “It means you guys aren’t allowed to wear anything inside the house,” chuckled one of the guys who’d remembered the precedents for letting outsiders feather fence. “No underwear, no robes, no towels, nothing.” “What about Monday night when the guys always come around to watch the game?” Rick asked, sounding stunned. “I guess you’ll have to choose between hiding in your room all night,” Dan said, “— if we let you — or coming down and following the rules.” “What about meals?” Tom asked. “What do you think?” “You can’t treat us like pled—” Rick started to say, but at that moment he and Tom were grabbed by their fraternity brothers and roughly stripped. Not just the ones who had come down with Dan; even the ones that had been standing around enjoying the feather fencing match were helping to forcibly pull their clothes off. They were very efficient about it, like they overpowered and stripped men every day. Of course, the two roommates were already bare to the waist, which made it easier since they could keep their arms pinned. One guy grabbed each of them from behind and wrapped his arms around him. As soon as his pants were around his ankles, he was lifted off the ground while someone tugged his shoes and socks off and pulled his pants completely off, and by that time another guy had taken a hold of his shorts. They had both of the big men naked in thirty seconds flat. Rick looked a lot less self-confident this time than he had this morning when he’d been waiting in line with a bunch with of other naked guys for a blowjob. Now he and Tom looked very vulnerable, surrounded by dozens of fully clothed men, and they knew it was going to be like that all week. I felt sorry for them. I’d been getting to like them, almost. “Jim and Andy, your room is closest to the front door. Go up to their room and impound every scrap of clothing they’ve got, to make sure they don’t try to cheat. Dressers, hampers, on the floor — check everywhere. Whenever they need to leave the house, they can ask one of you for some clothes.” He tossed the clothes Tom and Rick and been wearing a minute ago to one of the guys he’d addressed. Someone else passed them the shirts the two men had taken off voluntarily when they’d waded into the fencing match. “Danny,” Tom pleaded, “I’m sorry about last night. Don’t take it out on Rick.” “So, anyway,” Dan said, pointedly ignoring Tom, “it looks like we don’t need these guy anymore. We’re all set for entertainment for the next week.” There was general chuckling at that, from everyone who was wearing more than underwear. “You’re free to go,” he told us. “John, go get their clothes.” “Not without Barry,” I said. “What have you done with him?” “He’s free to go too,” Dan said with a shrug. He nodded in the direction of the stairway, and I saw that Barry was standing near the foot of the stairs. Somehow I’d been too distracted to even notice when they brought him down. He was still dressed in Josh’s boxer shorts. Or maybe they had just put them back on him, for all I knew. When I say “standing,” I use the term loosely. He was leaning on the shoulder of one of the bigger Tau Beta Delta guys, grinning broadly and obviously very drunk. Leaning on him so heavily that he was pulling the guy’s shirt askew, revealing curly brown chest hair and a dark nipple. But the guy didn’t seem to care; he was too busy laughing at Barry’s unsteady balance. I found myself laughing too. Partly out of relief that Barry wasn’t visibly damaged by whatever they’d done to him up there, but mostly out of delight at seeing him drunk. Oh, sure, he got drunk almost every weekend — but not anywhere near this drunk. Just enough to lower his inhibitions against pushing weaker guys around. For Barry, that took about half a can of beer, and usually he didn’t even need that. I’d never once seen him drunk enough to need another man to lean on, trying and failing to stand up straight. “It’s not funny, dude!” Josh told me. “I heard this one fraternity actually killed a guy by making him chug too much.” I’d heard that too. Not at our school, but somewhere else. And they hadn’t even had to hold the guy down and pour the liquor down his throat, the way I suspected they’d done to Barry. I tried to choke back my laughter as best I could, but I still had trouble taking it seriously. Josh glared at me and went over to Barry and put his hand on his shoulder. “You okay, dude?” The guy Barry had been leaning on now gave his shoulder a little push, tipping him over so that he collapsed into Josh’s arms. Barry just laughed at this, grabbing Josh by his bare shoulders and trying to right himself. I gave up on trying to not laugh, and stepped up beside Josh to help support him. “Your clothes are over by the door,” Dan told us. “Now get out of here before we think of something else to make you do.” We each supported our drunken comrade with one hand under a hairy armpit and the other arm across his naked back, and walked him over to the door leading to freedom. “I love you guys, you know that?” Barry said, his voice slurred. We didn’t bother to reply. “Hey, cut it out!” I heard Tom say behind us. I glanced back in curiosity. I couldn’t see what had happened, but the two naked men were still surrounded by a dozen of their fraternity brothers. They were in for a hell of a week. We did find our own clothes in one big pile near the door. “You’ll probably have to help him get dressed,” Dan pointed out unnecessarily. “Unless you want to take him home that way, of course. Your call.” “Josh, do you want your shorts back?” I asked half seriously, sliding my fingers under the waistband of the boxers that Barry was wearing. “No, dude,” Josh laughed. “Let’s get dressed and get out of here before they change their minds.” So we set Barry down on the floor while we untangled our clothes from each other. We each found our pants and pulled them on. Even my wallet was there, but I didn’t dare insult them by checking its contents now. Barry sprawled back and made no attempt to get his own pants on, so we hauled him to his feet and Josh lifted him off the ground from behind while I picked up one leg at a time and got his pants on. Pretty much the reverse of what we’d just seen done to poor Tom and Rick, but it wasn’t as easy as the Tau Beta Delta guys had made it look. No one stopped us as we put our socks and shoes on our own feet and then Barry’s. As soon as we all had our shirts on, we dragged Barry out the door without buttoning them, afraid to push our luck. But when no one came after us, we tucked them in and buttoned them up before going out around front to the street. I’ll say that much for Dan. True to his promise that Tau Beta Delta doesn’t brag outside its walls about what it’s done to its enemies — or to its brothers, it seems — he let us walk out of there fully dressed and unescorted, as if nothing had happened. That much, at least, was better than what we were originally going to do to him if he hadn’t escaped from our fraternity. I wonder if he’d have been so generous if he’d known that Barry had planned to make him walk home wearing nothing but beer-soaked underwear. We got a few curious glances on the street, but as far as anyone could tell, Josh and I were just helping a drunken fraternity brother stagger home from a bar or a party or something. We got some more stares from when we got back to our own fraternity house, of course, since everyone knew perfectly well that Barry was the last guy we would have gone out drinking with, but we refused to explain and no one pressed us. We helped Barry up to his room, and since he looked ready to pass out, we laid him down on the bedspread, and took his shoes and socks off. “We should probably get some food into him before we let him sleep it off,” Josh said. “How about that box of whole wheat crackers we’ve got in our room?” I suggested. “Yeah, that should be perfect. Why don’t you go down and get it.” When I got back with the crackers, I was startled to find Josh in the process of getting dressed again, pulling his pants up over his own shorts. Barry was asleep under the covers, with the sheet pulled up to his bare shoulders, and his clothes were scattered on the floor. Josh tossed me my briefs, saying, “I don’t know how you stand these, dude. Having fabric touching my balls all the time makes them itch.” He seemed to expect me to change into them right there in Barry’s room. He waited, with his arms folded across his bare chest, making no move to finish getting dressed. I wondered why he’d needed to take his shirt off to change shorts, but then, Josh has always been very particular about the order in which he gets dressed and undressed. He acts like he’d feel silly wearing a shirt with no pants, even for a few seconds. Or, come to think of it, maybe it’d the other way around; maybe he feels sexy wearing pants and no shirt. Anyway, I followed his lead, and took my own shirt off before removing the rest of my clothes. Even after all we’d been through together, it felt strange, stripping naked in front of my roommate in someone else’s room, with our customary tormentor naked and unconscious under the covers. I wasn’t sure whether I found it embarrassing, or titillating. It’s funny, the kinds of stupid little things that used to seem weird to me when they were still new experiences. One Friday evening a few weeks later, Josh and I were sitting beside each other on my bed, dresed in t-shirts and shorts for the moment, stroking each other’s cocks, when a knock came at our door. “Go away, we’re busy!” I yelled. The door opened anyway. We jumped and tried to cover ourselves, but it was only Barry. Who else would barge in like that? “Dude, we told you not to interrupt us when we’re jacking off,” Josh said. “This is your last warning, buddy,” I added. “Remember what Josh and I said we’d do to you next time? That was no idle threat.” Barry’s hands reflexively moved to protect his belly, but he said, “Sorry, guys, but I didn’t want you to miss out on the fun.” “The movie’s not for two hours at least, dude,” Josh said. “Quit bugging us. If you’re that worried about getting tickets, go on without us and we’ll meet you in front of the theater.” “Fuck the movie,” Barry said cheerfully. “I’ve brought home some much better entertainment. Ought to keep us busy the whole weekend. Come up to my room.” “When we’re done,” I said firmly. “You’ll want to see this right away. I promise.” “Then bring it here,” Josh said wearily. After Barry shut the door, he told me, “I think the poor dude likes to watch us, and won’t admit it. Maybe we should invite him to join us sometime. Hey, I see part of you likes that idea a lot!” We were just getting back into it when we heard Barry’s footsteps thumping as he struggled back to our room, apparently with a heavy burden. He’d left the door a little ajar, and bumped it open with his shoulder. He had a guy slung over his shoulder. Josh and I cursed in surprise and hurriedly stuffed our cocks back into our shorts. We took a closer look as Barry carried him to the middle of the room, between our beds. His burden was a man with light brown hair, trussed up, hand and foot. His t-shirt had ridden halfway up his back from the way he was being handled. When Barry dumped him unceremoniously on the floor, I recognized him the second I saw his face. It was Dan, the bastard who’d lured us to Tau Beta Delta a couple of weeks ago and then presided over our humiliation. He was gagged, and he looked gratifyingly terrified. Josh jumped up and threw his arm around Barry’s neck, pulling his head down and playfully tousling his hair. “You sneaky bastard! How’d you do it, buddy?” “This is gonna being an interesting weekend,” I said as I knelt down beside Dan’s helpless form and started pulling his shirt up as far as I could, with his arms bound behind his back. “Do we have any ice cream?” The End
Nifty Archive: office-slave [ Nifty Archive : Gay Male | Bisexual | Lesbian | Trans ] Chronological Directory Listing for office-slave
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2001 21:45:31 -0600 From: slavewriter Subject: offcie slave part two Mike decided to take a break and told me that he thought 'Johnny-faggot' could use a breather. Unfortunately for John he heard this and assumed that it meant he was free to stand up and walk about. This was a critical mistake. Larry had only left the room a few minutes earlier and thus when John got to his feet Mike had to address it. "What the fuck is your problem asshole, down on your knees" "Sir, Sorry sir" John said as he again assumed a kneeling position. "Stand up faggot" "Sir, yes Sir" John said as he quickly got to his feet. "Back on your knees fag" "Sir yes sir" this time John fell down to his knees almost immediately. "Stand up, Cunt," John jumped to his feet and stood at attention. "On your knees faggot." Again John dropped to his knees and kneeled rigidly at attention. Mike walked to within a foot of him. The tension had eased but I think Mike was getting into it again. I recognized the look on his face. How often had Larry let Mike abuse me. How often had I been humiliated, beaten, spat upon, pissed upon, made to dress and undress several times in a row or follow some other useless command just because I was told to. How many times had I made the slightest slip up and been disciplined with a quick kick to the balls. "You think you're gung ho don't you queer boy?" "SIR YES SIR" Johnny shouted back excited, he was speaking into Mike's crotch. "Stand at attention asshole." John rose immediately and stood at stiff attention, later Mike and I wondered if he was once in the military. "SIR YES SIR" "Fix your clothes you stupid puke." John quickly tucked his shirt and straightened up as best he could, and then stood at rigid attention again. Mike walked around him, ridiculing his appearance. He punched John sharply in the midsection, John flinched and bent his body forward a little. "Not bad faggot." Mikes approval brought a smile to Johns face. Mike motioned me over and I stood beside him. Mike berated John for smiling without permission. "Let's see how many more this maggot can take." Mike said to me. There was a pause as Mike glared at John. "YOU HEARD ME FAGGOT. Get that fucking tie out of my face and put your hands on your head you stupid puke eating cunt." Quickly John tucked his tie into his shirt (I think Mike wanted him to remove the tie but Mike said nothing) and placed his hands on his head. At the exact moment that John hands made contact with his head the punches started flowing into his midsection. Mikes body rocked as he delivered lefts and rights alternately. I watched the clock observing Larry's rule was that intense punishment couldn't last more than 1 minute. As Mike feverishly pounded John abs and lats I abused him verbally, calling him a loser faggot, a piss drinking fool, and whatever less came to mind. What bothered him most was when I suggested he couldn't handle the punishment and suggested to Mike that he take it easy. After several heavy blows to his mid section John lost some balance and had to take a step back. I taunted him as Mike followed him, crouching lower and hitting deeper into his gut. John took another step backwards and before he was really standing again Mike blasted 3 quick kidney shots that sent John staggering back against the wall. Against the wall John was in trouble. Mike wailed into his abs with 3 hard right uppercuts. John buckled and Mike smelled victory knowing that John was relaxing his abs. Mike pushed Johns face back with his left hand and pummeled his gut again. I really couldn't see the clock at this point so I decided that Mike could take 10 more punches and then I would stop it. Mike blasted a few more rights and then started pounding John in the chest. When the tenth punch landed I grabbed Mike by the shoulder and he dropped his arms. John slumped against the wall when Mike released him, his legs were all but gone and he breathed heavily. He was the personification of defeat itself. The sight of this battered man, his damp sweaty hair, the perspiration stains under his arms and along his sides, the labor of his breathing, the look of defeat and exhaustion in his face was almost as thrilling as watching him be beaten. I don't know if John was aware that Mike had approached him - he didn't move. John seemed to have recovered a little, Mike drew back his arm and gave John a full force uppercut into his lower belly. John let out a guttural moan, the unexpected rush of pain overcame him and he sank to his knees and then to the floor. He rolled into a fetal position and I think he begged Mike to take it easy on him. "Please no more ... no more.' His words were faint and not coherent but he repeated them a few times. Saliva was dripping from his chin and his face and neck were bright red. I couldn't help but feel bad for the asshole. That blow was a cheap shot. It was something Larry might do which would be okay but for Mike to do it bothered me. I didn't say anything to Mike as we watched John moan and grunt and wallow in pain. This time when Mike walked toward him John reacted - he rolled on his side so that his back was toward Mike and struggled to get to his feet. Mike reached over and grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his knees, pulling his head back so that he looked nearly straight up. John was his shaken and had all he could do to keep himself balanced on his knees when Mike let his head go. Mike asked me to write up an exercise routine for the faggot while we went to dinner. I retrieved my pad and pen from my briefcase and used the table over by the sideline to write up a list of 10 exercises for the punk to do. Mike had grabbed John's damp hair and was forcing John's face into his crotch. I couldn't hear what Mike was saying but every so often John would reply 'Sir Yes Sir' loudly into Mike crotch. His voice was muffled but loud enough that I could hear it. As I walked back to where Mike was taunting John I caught the gist of what Mike was up to. 'You don't disserve this do you FAG!" "Sir No Sir" "You aren't man enough to suck this are you?" "Sir no Sir" "You're going to do whatever it takes to earn the right aren't you CUNT " etc. etc. I handed Mike the list. He looked at it approvingly. He asked me to get a thumb tack, I went over to the bulletin board where the company basketball schedule was posted. I remove a tack from a signup sheet for this seasons volleyball league. When I returned and handed it to Mike I noticed he had modified two of the items in the list I had made. "This is the jig asshole," Mike told John, "We're going to dinner, you're going to go through this list. You will perform items 1 through 10 and you will do them right. Is that clear fuck face?" "Sir Yes Sir" "Get into some gym clothes and get back here." "Sir, Yes Sir" with that John stumbled off to the changing room. Half way to the locker room door he tried to run but a moan of agony told us he was still in pain from the gut punching. He had to stop and walk/trot the rest of the way. Mike and I discussed where to eat as we put ourselves together; putting our suit jackets back on. When John returned he was wearing a white T shirt and red gym shorts, I noticed that he had developed legs and upper body and a definite bulge in his crotch. As great as he looked in business attire I think the gym shorts were equally sexy. The T shirt was a heavy reversible gym shirt, it had his college emblem imprinted on the right breast. "Sir, permission to begin PT Sir?" "Eight minutes to change asshole, I allow five. You just doubled what you owe me maggot. Do the list twice." "Sir yes Sir", John almost looked happy to get the extra assignment. "And when you're done do some pushups, and don't stop until I tell you." John looked a little worried but determined. It seemed like he wanted to be pushed beyond his limit. Mike was going to fuck with him that was for sure. "Put this over on the table after you finish your first set of laps." Mike then tacked the list to Johns chest, pushing the pin deep into his pectoral muscle and causing a grimace of pain to twist Johns face. John swallowed as the sharp pain bit and burned. Mike and I waited watching the pain build in Johns face, his eyes watered and tears formed. "Get going pussy." John started doing laps around the gymnasium as Mike and I walked to the far doors. The gymnasium doors did not lock, they led to a short hallway. The two security doors at the end of the hallway were locked and secured with a chain around the panic bars. Mike opened the pad lock and we left. I looked back just as the door was closing hoping to see a glimpse of Johns tormented expression as he ran with the thumb tack stuck in his breast. I was disappointed as he had already passed by the door by the time I turned. Dinner was an abbreviated affair as we wanted to get back before John finished the list. We grabbed a sandwich and brew at the pub on the first floor of the building. Believe it or not we barely discussed what was going on upstairs in the company gym. It was like an unwritten rule that we didn't discuss these things. It didn't really matter, Mike and I were friends and before we knew it an hour had blown by and we rushed out of the pub and to the elevators. When we returned instead of entering the Gym we watched from the hallway as John completed the exercise assignments. We'd guessed that the list of exercises would take about an hour to go through twice and when we returned John was working on a set of 'suicides'. He had to start at the Gym wall race to the near fowl line - stop - turn - and race back to the wall. Then without stopping he had to turn and race to the center court line - stop- turn - and race back to the wall - stop -turn - race back to the far fowl line stop-turn etc. etc. The exercise is strenuous when done with some vigor and John was really putting some effort into it. Especially when you consider that he had no idea that we were watching. When John completed his last suicide he bent over and braced himself on his knees for a few moments to catch his breath and then walked over to the table where the list was. He picked the list up, read the next item (which was the last) and put it back down on the table. He looked up at the clock and then around the gym. "That's it asshole ... no one can see you. Blow of the crunches... come on faggot do it" Mike whispered. John looked at the paper again and placed it on the table. At the time it seemed strange to be reading the list in the first place. He must have gone through the whole list at least once and should have known what was on it. John obediently sat on the floor and placed his legs onto a chair and began doing a set of 25 elevated crunches. He raised his body until only his ass touched the floor then held the position for a five count. Then instead of lowering himself he shouted out a cadence that Mike had added to the list: "SIR I am a worthless faggot. I am not worthy to suck your large penis. Please use me like the cum rag I am. " It was something to see. A full grown healthy man demeaning himself just because he was told to. No one was there to see him as far as he knew - he had been ordered to do something humiliating and he did it. As he struggled with the later crunches he stilled continued to call out the phrase with vigor but would then drop to the floor immediately. My cock was raging as I watched Johns beautiful body work. He had to wait a few seconds to get the strength up for the next rep but each time he completed the phrase loud and proud. Mike had taken his penis out and was openly stroking himself. I looked over at the security door, checking that they were chained before I slid my dick out. After John completed the 25th rep he dropped to the floor panting. That was the last item on the list, now he would have to do pushups Mike had assigned. "Not bad huh?" Mike asked as he stroked himself. But before I could answer, and I was about to suggest that we go in and rape the pig right then and there, John elevated himself again in a full elevated crunch and sustained the position for several seconds. Then he sounded off again: "SIR this faggot needs to be broken. Please sir, beat the fuck out of me until I am a broken piece of shit. Please sir show no mercy." Then he elevated himself even further - straining for all he was worth: "Sir - No Mercy Sir." Then a final yell before he collapsed "SIR FUCK ME UP" As I watched John slam into the floor I couldn't take me eyes off of him. He was only about 30 feet away and I longed to be on him, to fuck him as he lay there exhausted unable to resist even if he wanted to. I watched as his whole body seemed to pant and imagined I was on him, in him. I watched and I nearly came right there in the hallway. I caught myself and quickly put my cock away - as hard as it was. Mike was also watching intently but was stroking his pecker slowly, not nearly as fast as I had been. "Let's seem how many pushups the faggot does." John had placed his feet against the wall and was already pumping then out. At about thirty his paced slowed, by about fifty he was done. Each pushup became pure agony. At the top of each pushup He had to lock his arms and try to rest. He looked at each door hoping we'd walk through then try to do another painful pushup. Finally at about 65 or 70 he got stuck. He was face to face with the floor and just couldn't complete it. He collapsed. I asked Mike if we should go in now. 'Let's see what he does' Sure enough after a few minutes John was back up doing pushups. I think he made it to about twenty before he collapsed. "If he starts up again we go in, then we'll really fuck with his head" Sometimes I believe Mike would rather be a full time TOP than a cum sucking slave like me. This situation with John was only temporary. Come Monday Mike,I and John would all report to Larry and bow to his wishes. For all we knew Larry might string Mike and I up and let John go crazy with a leather strap for an hour. Or Larry might decide to whip all three of us and let the one who takes it the best fuck the other two. In the past when it was just Mike and me, I usually ended up getting fucked by Mike. On those occasions it seemed like Mike was only subbing to learn how to be a crueler, meaner top. It was like he needed the slave part just to do the master part better. Anyway John started his third set of pushups and we immediately entered the gym. We walked slowly over to where John was dutifully performing pushups. We took some time getting settled in, Mike suggested that I take my Jacket off and roll my sleeves up. I did but couldn't take my eyes off of John. I admired his strength and loved to watch as pushed himself. I would say he had done about 10 pushups and was struggling when Mike tossed a basketball to me and suggested we shoot some baskets. We took turns at free throws and chatted about business while John worked his ass off trying to do pushups. Finally he stopped - stuck. Unable to complete a pushup- unwilling to let himself collapse. Mike just kept playing until John spoke. "Sir, please may a stop." "We're playing a game here faggot." Mike said as he took a shot, the ball went through the hoop- with out touching the rim - all net. Mike walked over to John, places his feet within inches of his face. "Is there a problem faggot?" "Sir, " John started, "This faggot is unable to complete its assignment, Sir" "What do you think Kye?" Mike asked me. I had positioned myself at John's side and was stunned when Mike asked me my thoughts. I was so involved with the scene I just wanted to watch. "I think he's got another pushup in him." Mike smiled devilishly. God I wished I hadn't said that. I longed to see John struggle but it seemed impossible at this point to get another pushup out of him. I was just about to speak when Mike grabbed John by the hair and yanked his head back. "Listen up pussy.. my friend wants another push up. Now PUSH faggot or you'll be sucking your own dick when I cut it off and shove down your fucking throat. " Mike dropped Johns head but the tirade continued I joined in on his left ear basically telling him that he was a slacker, a father fucking moron, a looser, a punk, a cum dumpster, a cunt, a pansy assed dick smoking homo. Then Mike took over and really started yelling as John. John took some deep breaths like he was going to give it an effort. "You are a LAZY-DOG FAGGOT. If you don't do this pushup I'm going to kick the fuck out of you, then Kyle here is going to kick the fuck out of you then we're Both going to kick the MOTHERFUCK out of you.' "PUSH FAGGOT PUSH" "PUSH FAGGOT PUSH" Miraculously John started to complete the pushup. His whole body tensed and his head dropped as he strained to push the floor away from him. His trembling arms locked in the upright position and straightened his head so that he was looking straight down at the floor. Mike didn't offer and ounce of praise, no one sub-atomic particle of recognition. Instead he just went to the fowl line and shot some baskets. When John heard the basketball hit the backboard he must of realized that Mike wasn't going to spare him a word and collapsed on the floor. Mike and I shot some more free throws, we joked around at John's expense. Mocking him and his performance. Without notice Mike shot the ball hard at John who was just getting to his feet. The impact of the ball knocked him over again. Instead of standing John knelt. Mike and I continued shooting free throws for a while, (we usually played to 20). Then Mike spoke. "I think it's had enough exercise don't you?" Mike asked. "Yeah, it looks like it needs a change of pace" I said agreeing. "Okay fag, you're done." The look of relief that lit Johns face could have been an energy source for generations to come. Wisely he didn't get to his feet without permission. It was wishful thinking that we'd let him go home at 10 o'clock. Larry wanted John broken, or at least softened up. We had Friday night, Saturday and Sunday to break John down as much as possible and Sunday would be a light day since we'd have to go to work on Monday. "Sirs, thank you sirs. Sirs, may I assume that we will have another session tomorrow Sirs." Mike and I laughed. "You're done with the cals, faggot. Now we start to have some fun." Johns face fell. He looked to me as if for some sort of relief. Instead I walked behind him, reached down over his shoulders and grabbed his nipples under his tee shirt and gave them both a hard twist. "I want you to strip naked, " I spoke quietly into John left ear as I gripped his tits tighter. "Then go to your locker and fetch your belt," I twisted his tits another quarter turn, "so I can whip your ass raw," this time he sucked in a mouthful of air as my fingers dug into his chest. Because I had grabbed him from behind and my crotch lay flat against his broad shoulders. I am sure he could feel my erection but what was more important to me was that I could feel the pain go through his body each time I tortured his nipples. Even though he was at attention he straightened and stiffened as I applied the pressure to his nipples. When I finally released him he quickly stood up, stripped, and ran to the locker room as he had been told.
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 15:57:07 +1100 From: AJAY Subject: The Burger King Disclaimer Warning: You know that if you are under the legal age of consent to read such erotic material as this, or if you are offended by the subject matter, you shouldn't be reading this, so DO NOT READ any further. This is a Fictional story and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental, yadda, yadda, yadda. Check out earlier parts of "The Burger King", "Stevie's Lover" and other stories by the author in "Stories by Prolific Net authors" under STORIES BY AJAY. All rights reserved. Not to be used anywhere or reproduced without the author's prior permission. Now kick back and enjoy. The Burger King - Part Two "You'll show, stud. You want a taste of this. I'm going to make it worth your while, believe me. Might even be a surprise or two in store for you". Those words echoed through Steven's mind, as he sat at the Drive Thru of the Burger King restaurant, filling the breakfast orders of hungry patrons. George Fragopolous, who had become Stevie's nemesis, had dropped in and given an special order that he wanted Steve to fill after work. Every time there was a break in traffic orders, Stevie's mind filled up with the vision of George. He was wearing a blue mesh top with 69 emblazoned across its front. You could see his taunt muscles bulging beneath the material and his pert nipples stood out, signalling his excitement. George leaned back in his seat when he knew he had Stevie's interest and one hand lifted up his top to reveal his belly, and that lovely treasure trail which dove down into the blue boxers that he was wearing under his track pants. His hardness was clearly visible as it throbbed in his pants. To emphasise his interest, George gave his dick another squeeze. Stevie looked at him groping himself; he couldn't tear his eyes away. He realised George was watching him and he looked up and their eyes met, before Steven looked away. The scary part was that this prick was one hell of a spunk, and part of Stevie actually wanted to jump over the counter, dive through George's open window, land in his lap and give him the blow job he was craving. But he also knew that the moment he did, he would become the dude's sex slave forever. He had never had sex with anyone before, and he wanted it to be special, to be with someone he loved. So no matter how many times he had these lustful thoughts about guys, he never acted upon them. Otherwise his karate coach and his work manager would be getting more sex than they could handle from him. Stevie especially didn't want it to be with some guy who thinks he's God's gift to women, but still needs guys to give him head because he can't get any with the girls. The way George carried on, Stevie was already his sex slave, almost as though he was used to this kind of thing. Stevie wondered if George is Bi, or a closet gay? Maybe George's reputation is a smoke screen after all. There had to be a way out of this, but right now, Steven didn't know what it was. Just the same, he was going to confront George after work and put an end to the hassling. As the lunch crew began to file into the restaurant, Stevie finished tidying up and went over to Aaron who was also getting ready to leave. "You going too, Aaron?" asked Stevie by way of conversation. "Yeah, I've got to go to the bank and make a deposit before it closes. Listen, we have to talk about this morning, but I'm running late for my appointment. Can we talk about it tomorrow before work?" "Look, don't sweat it, Aaron. You give a great massage and I was disappointed we had to stop, it felt awesome. I appreciated you helping me out, it means a lot to me." "Really?" asked Aaron, now beaming with a huge grin, "We could do it some more if you like? The massage I mean. I didn't get the chance to make a good job of it, I mean only half finishing it. How about I come around to your place tonight and finish what we started?" "Umm, I don't know." "Come on, Stevie. You'll enjoy it. It will me fun. If start to feel uncomfortable I'll stop, no biggie. Is Eight O'clock okay with you?" "Okay then." "Sweet, I'll see you tonight then." Said Aaron giving me a nudge and a grin and walking out to his car. "Wait, I haven't told you where I live?" "I already know, big guy. See you tonight, gotta rush." Suddenly Steven was on cloud 9 because his fantasy man knew where he lived and would be coming over to meet him tonight. Its no big deal, thought Stevie, of course the manager would know where all his employees lived. Besides it wouldn't take much to look it up on the computer anyway. It still gave Stevie a thrill, knowing that Aaron cared enough to know where he lived. It put a smile on his face as he walked through the city on his way home. Since he was going passed this way, on route to the Christian Brothers College, he decided to pick his 35mm camera that was being repaired. He grabbed a couple of rolls of film as well because there were bound to be some hot studs working out on the ovals and Stevie liked nothing better than to take shots of hot studs who were half-naked and had large bulges protruding from tight shorts and track pants. He'd purchased a special telephoto lens for the camera that got him really close to the action without his subjects knowing they were being photographed. It set him back a fair bit, but it was worth it for some of the shots he got. He had more photos in his private collection than he showed to most people and more than one had a few cum stains on them, too. He was going to make sure this rendezvous with George wasn't going to be a total waste. He might even get a few choice pics of the stud as well. It was a warm sunny day, and Stevie had worked up a bit of a sweat by the time he made it down to the ovals behind Wakefields. The ovals themselves were deserted as all the school kids were still in class, but two figures had just finished doing some laps and could be seen doing stretches to cool down. As he got closer, Stevie noticed that one of those figures was wearing a blue mesh top with 69 emblazoned across its front, so Stevie knew he had come to the right place. He decided to sneak around and approach the ovals from the other side. The grounds were set beside parklands on the far side, and the school kids often used the bush to hide from teachers while taking a smoke. From this vantagepoint, Stevie had a perfect view of the George and his friend, being hidden by the foliage along the side of the oval. The trees cast shadows over the area, and unless Stevie walked out of the shadows, no one would know he was there. He decided to try out his camera, and loaded a roll of film into it in preparation for a few shots. As Steven focused his camera on the two boys with their hands on each other's shoulder for balance while stretching their hamstrings and calves, he realised George's companion was none other than Brad. He used to be part of the karate squad until he moved to the other side of the city. He and Stevie used to compete for the captaincy on many occasions with Stevie always being the better man. There was no love lost between the two of them, though they had always respected each other, despite being friendly rivals. It was actually a relief when Brad stopped training and a lot of the tension in the squad disappeared. No one realised how tense everyone was around Brad until he left. He always seemed on edge, and only the coach seemed to be able to control him. It was ironic that he was now hanging with George, Stevie's current nemesis. Both guys stopped stretching and stood up, though Brad did not take his hands away from George's shoulders. George's glance darted around looking to see if anyone else was around. "Feels like you have a bit of tension in those shoulders. Why do you keep looking around? You've been like the cat that doesn't want to be caught with the canary in its mouth. You expecting someone?" "I told you we were going to get rid of our built up tensions. I was hoping the dude to do it would be here by now." "Chill out, Georgie. I'll take care of you until the dude arrives." Brad moved around behind George and started massaging his shoulders. It felt good to have Brad work on those shoulders. George didn't realise how tense he was, or how good Brad's fingers where to get deep into those knotted muscles of his neck. George was practically purring under Bradley's caress. Those hands moved down from the shoulder and neck and slipped down under the mesh top, then up to those pectoral muscles and pert nipples. One hand pinched and squeezed a nipple while the other hand rubbed around those abdominals and then down into George's pants to massage his groin and pubes. He felt Brad's hot breath on his neck, and boner pushing against his ass. George's own dick had blown up to full size and wanted Brad's hand wrapped around it. Georgie didn't expect Brad to come on to him, but he liked it really well. Stevie couldn't believe what he was seeing. Brad, the macho stud of the karate squad, was fondling a guy and kissing him on the neck. The telephoto lens zoomed in to show about 9 inches of steel poking out from the leg of Brad's loose-fitting jogging shorts before he moved din to rub it between those tight buns of George's behind. It was a feeling that George obviously enjoyed as his own track pants had tented out as Brad's hand groped around him there. Steve began to wish he had brought more than just a couple of rolls of film with him. He expected to get a few shirtless shots as the guys worked out, but this workout was even better than he had hoped. It was lucky the camera was autofocus, as Steve was absorbed in the heavy petting going on down on the oval. Brad had moved around in front of George, and looked into his hungry eyes and smiled knowing that George wanted it as much as he did. This was the first time that Stevie had seen Brad smile. It was a very nice smile, which seemed to light up his face. Stevie thought Brad would have got a lot more out of the squad if he had smiled more instead of walking around with a continual scowl. Stevie realised that he was actually attracted to Brad, and wished that he were there in Bradley's arms instead of George. Brad had dark wavy hair that hung down one side over those nice brown eyes, and he was forever pushing it back, except when he wore his bandanna on his head. Stevie's lens wandered all over Brad's taut body as Stevie saw his friend in a new light. The contours of his muscles in his back were easily seen through the dampness of the sweat on his shirt. His body definitely looked hot and photographed nicely. He was going to be a welcome addition to Stevie's collection. Standing there looking into each other's eyes, Brad slowly put his hand on George's thigh. George jerked away for a second but then Brad tried it a second time. This time George didn't pull away. He just let Brad do what he wanted. Brad moved in and started kissing and biting George's neck, like a vampire hungry for a kill, while his hands slid up my George's thighs and massaging his groin. Stevie felt a stirring in his groin as he recorded the action on film. Stevie wanted Brad to blow George so he could see that hard piece of meat once more and photograph it. As if reading Stevie's thoughts, Brad dropped to his knees and pulled down George's pants. His touch was very gentle and soothing on George's hot body. Those expert hands took George's throbber and began to manipulate that muscle as George picked up the rhythm with his fucking hips. Stevie took picture after picture as that pecker slid in and out of Brad's hands. The look of hunger and joy on both boys' faces showed how much they enjoyed giving each other pleasure. With Brad on his knees, George wanted him to put his mouth on his big juicy cock, and suck his dick, but Brad had other plans. Once George had a rhythm going and was really getting into it, Brad stopped and let go of that throbbing boner. He watched as it pulsed on its own, mere inches away from his mouth. George looked down at his friend through eyes glazed with lust, realising that his dick was not being worked over. "Why did you ?" "Shhh." Said Brad as he stood up and deep throated his friend in a long hard kiss. He began fucking his mouth with his tongue while continuing to masturbate George's monkey. George was being over-stimulated and knew that he would not last much longer. His balls were churning up a load that promised to flood the whole oval in a sea of hot jism. Once more at the height of passion, Bradd stopped jerking his friend and pulled back from the kiss. Now Brad had his friend where he wanted him, willing to do anything to get off. The look in George's eyes said it all. He dropped his pants and pushed George down onto his knees. He thrust his hips forward and buried George's face in his groin. Immediately George opened his mouth and took Brad's huge pecker all the way as though he had swallowed this whopper before. Who ever thought that George would be seen being face fucked and loving it? Everyone was right into the action, including Stevie who was almost through his second roll of film. No one knew how difficult it was to watch two hot studs get off on each other, while trying to take photos, and have your own throbbing bone crave for attention as well. The second roll was finished and Stevie peeked over the camera in time to see someone in the distance jogging towards the boys. Another jogger had come onto the grounds and the boys were oblivious to the new presence making his way towards them. Stevie's first instinct was to yell out to George and Brad so they wouldn't be caught, but it would also give away his position and role in this voyeuristic exchange. They would have to take their own chances with this intruder. Closer and closer the jogger came as Brad continued to plow George's face with his hard member. The jogger stopped when he spotted the two boys hard at it, and then continued to walk towards them. Brad noticed the intruder and pulled his dick from George's mouth and nodded towards the jogger. George looked over towards where Brad indicated, smiled and got to his feet. He walked over towards the jogger, wrapped his arms around his waist, and gave the intruder a long hard kiss. Stevie's camera clattered to the ground as it fell from his hands. He could not believe his eyes. There, in the arms of his nemesis, was his own fantasy-man, Aaron. To be continued?
Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 23:01:32 -0500 From: slavewriter Subject: office slave part five "What are you?" "Sir I am a worthless pussy, Sir" I was almost there, and was stroking feverishly. "What are you?" "Sir, I'm a freak of nature, a woman with a cock. Sir" I kept stroking, John must have realized what I was doing even though he was staring at the floor. He kept replying to my question. "Sir, I am less than a faggot, I am less faggot shit. Sir." "Sir. I am a nothing. A slime, shit eating, virus that doesn't deserve to exist, Sir" "Sir. I am a disgusting, stupid, puke breath faggot and I would be honored if Sir would use me as a cum rag, Sir" With that I ejaculated. Some of the jism got in the faggots hair but most landed on its tie. I grabbed the faggot by the hair and yanked its head up and allowed its tie to fall down through an opening in the bed spring. It reached the floor and I positioned the excess so that the fag would have to look at it all night. Grabbing the faggots head I wiped my cock on its hair and face. Not even allowing it the pleasure of cleaning my cock with its mouth. "I want you to think about what a loser you are fag. Look at my cum drying on your tie." I squatted down so I could whisper into its ear, but also so I could reach its balls and slap them as I spoke. "You were going to suck ME?" Slap. "I was going to fuck a loser like you, Ha" Slap Slap. I blew the candle out and left John in the dark. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Start Part Five Office Slave I awoke about 2:30 AM and immediately heard John grunting in the adjacent room. As I walked into the room where John was shackled to the bed spring I heard a louder grunt then the sound of the bedspring flexing. I approached John from the side so he could not see me. The boys balls were still secured by the bed spring and the spring lifted in the middle as he tried to lift his body. What an asshole I thought. If he had been attempting to free himself all night then his balls must be raw and inflamed. John strained against his nature to pull his balls free then stopped and muttered something and then lowered himself. Then he thrust his pelvis into the bed spring as if he were fucking it. Very strange I thought until I got a little closer and could see what the moron was doing. One of the candles I had extinguished and placed under bed spring was just within reach of his cock. As John lifted himself I could hear him say something under his breath - whispering to himself. "Sir this useless faggot deserves to die, please sir rip its nuts off." Then as he stained harder and lifted his body higher, tugging at his balls harder he added in a strained voice "More pain sir. Please." Then he lowered himself, dropping ontot he bedsprings so that it depressed and his cock could just reach what appeared to be a burned candle. The little fucker. I didn't say a word as I sat quietly on the chair across from John. He must of heard me sit because he quickly stopped and snapped to attention. I watched as his cock throbbed a couple of times and realized how close he was. There was a long silence. John was silent, I'm sure he wanted to say something but was probably thinking that the second he opened his mouth I would admonish him for doing so. I on the other sat patiently waiting for John to speak so that I could jump down his throat for speaking out of turn. The impasse went on for several minutes. The outcome was predestined. Eventually John would speak, he had to. He knew something was coming, he was the one under stress. His instinct to remain silent was countered by and instinct to find out what was to happen. I silently waited and watched as John prepared to speak and then changed his mind. I questioned my logic. I had been in the same situation as John and each time I eventually broke down, each time I was punished for doing so. I knew the punishment was coming and yet I spoke. John again prepared to speak. He quickly licked his lips and took a small breath but hesitated. His whole body was panting and heaving as he breathed - like a scared rabbit. "Sir the faggot is sorreeeeee" He caught me off guard but I quickly reached under the bedspring and with a flat hand slammed his balls against the weight of his body. "SHUT THE FUCK UP ASSHOLE" I put more pressure on his balls and then released them. I picked the leather strap up from the floor where it had fallen and quickly delivered ten lashes. I watched as John absorbed the pain and recovered. As he panted his dress shirt clung tight to his torso and then relaxed. From this angle he has a perfect body - large shoulders and a plump hard ass. As I waited for him to calm down I explored his body - punched his gluts and slapped his delts pretty hard. I loved the sound his body made when I hit it, like a hands clapping but louder. After a few minutes I released the shackles from Johns limbs and had him get up and place the mattress back on the bed spring. I reshackled him face up, giving him a little slack. I placed the belt back on Johns body and was going to try to get some sleep. I watched as the John panicked when the belt came near him, it turned me on to have this power and realized I needed to fuck with this boy. First I decided to strip him. Using a scissors I removed Johns shirt, piece by piece. His body was showing the signs of abuse, his skin glowed red where he had been beaten, small balck and blues were starting to form, nothing serious. I stopped when I noticed the brand of neckware he was wearing. "Is this real ?", I asked. When John told me that the tie was a genuine item I couldn't help but feel sorry for having ruined it. I caught myself just as I was about to offer to pay for the damage but stopped. Another awkward silence ensued, again John broke the silence. "Sir, this maggot is honored that sir came on its pathetic faggot tie, sir" I forced myself to focus, to remember the prime directive - break the faggot. The faggot must be broken. I had to resist my attraction and remember my objective. I left the tie but removed the rest of Johns clothing. I cut the last fragments of his trousers free and then showed John his new best friend a well worn beat up 7 inch dildo that was of medium thickness. "This is what you are faggot. A piece of sexual equipment. A slab of meat. Your greatest aspiration is that your body be acceptable to Master Lawrence and that he use you once in a while." As I spoke I ran the head of the dildo up and down Johns chest and over his abs. "You are of no consequence. No more than this dildo." My words were starting to get to him, I could see it in his face. I rapped his balls with the plastic phallic prop and John grimaced slightly. I hit him again harder and he hissed as his lost his breath from the pain. "Your pain does not matter because you are nothing. What matters is that someone enjoys watching you suffer." I spat on the dirty head of the dildo and pressed the head of the sex toy to John mouth. For a second he resisted but then opened his mouth wide to accept the dildo. But I only used his mouth to add some more saliva. Using a thick black magic marker I marked a line about 4 inches from the tip of the dildo and informed John that this was his limit. I told him I wanted him to only take four inches of the dildo into him and that I had a reward if he succeeded. John stared at the dildo with trepidation. I'm not sure he was ready for it. Lifting him by his cock as high as he would go I reached under him with the old dildo and found his hole. I inserted the head of the dildo and forced it until the head was fully inserted. Slowly John lowered his body - his back quickly arched back up when the dildo hit. The shock showed in his face. The dildo stuck out Johns ass 10 inches but I had placed a small carry-on suitcase under Johns ass. The net effect was that John could lower himself very little from his maximum height without the dildo hitting the hard surface of the suitcase. As John lowered himself again I noticed that with the case laying flat on the bed John was able to put considerable weight on the plastic cock before it would slide into him further. I adjusted the case so that is was more perpendicular to the dildo. I pushed down on Johns stomach until the ancient cock-toy just touched the suit case. I pushed a little harder and now the dildo entered Johns anus while supported none of his weight. In order to keep the dildo from entering too far John had to keep himself suspended, bent over backwards. The strain on his muscles began to produce a perspiration sheen on Johns torso which highlighted his physique. I stood back and admired. I watched for awhile as John tried to maintain the position, despite a heroic effort the dildo inched its way deeper and deeper into Johns behind. John adjusted himseld and grabbed the sides of the bed frame - this gave him an anchor to prevent his hands from slipping. The dildo was half way to the 4" mark but now John held steady. I teased his cock and told him not to let me down or he'd be punished. I left the room - turning off the lights so that John suffered in darkness. I tried to return to sleep but my conscience wouldn't let me. It was about 3:15 when I heard a loud moan and went to check on John. To my surprise the dildo had not reached its mark, John had about another inch to go. Judging from Johns condition it wouldn't be long though -his face was bright red, sweat dripped from his body, his neck was almost as red as his face and covered in perspiration, his cock was semi rigid laying on his drenched stomach. His eyes were fixed on a spot on the wall. His entire body trembled. As I entered the room he shifted his weight slightly. Taking a deep breath, trying to give some of his muscles a break. I grabbed his penis and stroked it lightly. "I think you should hold this position for another hour." "Yes sir" he gulped. It had been only ten or fifteen minutes but he had no way of knowing. "Need a break faggot?" I asked with sincerity. John eyes looked at me questioning - "Yes sir" "Tough." I think that crushed Johns spirits a little because his body relaxed and realized but it was too late he had lost another quarter of and inch. "Almost faggot, almost." I stroked his now hard cock more, "You can take a lot of shit can't you fag?" "Sir, yes sir" I continued stroking his cock , stopped and tweaked a nipple and then went back to his cock. "You think you can take whatever I dish out huh?" "Sir, no sir. Sir I am a pathetic piece of dog shit, sir. I am meat for sir to use. Nothing more." "You are a cocky mother fucker. Think you can take it huh?" with that I pinched his left nipple so hard I was sure I would draw blood. John arched his back and moaned loudly. When I released his nipple John sank, he sank a little too far forcing the dildo to enter his ass another fraction of an inch. Now the black line was actually up in his ass cheek. John expression told me his ass was aching. I decided to play with him a little. I ran my hand over his exposed chest and gently over his left nipple. "You are one sexy mother fucker boy." "Sir, thank you sir" "I lowered my face to his chest and licked his left nipple once. I then rubbed my saliva into his nipple with my thumb. Staring into his eyes. I continued to stroke John sweat soaked torso. Runinng my hand from his chest to his crotch. Then with both I gripped his neck lightly, his adams apple pulsed with fear or excitement. I was totally enthralled with the power I had. This man's life was in my hands. I gripped his throat a little tighter. There was a mild panic. I could choke this piece of shit and there was nothing he could do about it. My cock raged at the power I held. The more I thought about what I could do to John beautiful body the more excited I became - luckily I'm a rational person and I released John throat and stroked his niplles some more. "Boy. If you can hold the position for another ten, I'm going to fuck you." John face lit up, a surge of strength pumped into his arms. His ass rose even higher from the bed. I slathered some of the perspiration from Johns body, running my hand over his chest and stroking his cock, then I placed my hand at his mouth. "That's it boy lick it up. I can't wait to rip that piece of shit out of you and give you the real thing, You sexy fucker." Running my hands over his biceps I admired his physique and told him so. I stroked his cock and his ego to the point of explosion. I told him again how sexy he was and how madly I was going to fuck him. After several minutes of stimulation John started thrusting his pelvis. I encouraged him more. "Come on boy, hold on, I need to fuck a real man, " I half whispered to him as I waxed his torso with my hands, "Hold on boy, I have to fuck you, you're so fucking hot." "You want me to fuck you?" "Sir YES Sir" "You want it bad ?" "SIR YESSIR" John thrust high into the air and on the rebound pushed the plastic dick into his ass almost all the way. Immediately I stopped and moved away from John. John realized what had happened, With my hands folded in front of me I looked down at the pig. Demoralized John could barely hold himself up any longer. And there was no reason to. The dildo struck the case and entered John some more. "That's it loser, take that rod up your faggot ass. Take the whole fucking thing CUNT. You have less than a quarter inch to go. Take some more, cause when you hit that line its over pussy. I'm going to beat the cockiness out of you - LOSER." Johns face showed his dismay, when the word loser hit him tears welled in his eyes, he lowered himself until the dildo hit and then pushed back up- but without much gusto. As if it didn't matter. I grabbed the dildo and wiggled it. "Take it like the faggot loser you are." John was struggling now to maintain his height. "You think you're better than me faggot?" "Sir no Sir. Sir I am a pant load Sir. I am faggot Sir. Sir please beat the fuck out of me Sir" I picked up the leather belt and doubled it over. John nearly fainted - panic was everywhere on his face. I placed the belt on his cock gently then pulled off slowly. His eye widened further, I knew exactly what he was thinking - that I wouldn't dare beat him. In an angry voiced I ask him if he thought he was tough enough to hold the position while I used the belt on him. I must admit I was quite astonished after a couple of seconds delay in which he braced his body for the onslaught John simply said "Yes". Immediately I swung the belt, the first lash landed directly on John cockhead. Instantly John collapsed, trying to curl up, and let out a deep painful moan. The next lashes were less effective as John thrashed to get away from the pain. Each of these blows brought a quick reaction, John yanked at his bonds trying to get away from the belt. I finally had to reach in, grab his cock and lift it to expose his balls which I gave two brutal lashes. John was done. He lay there panting in his bonds. This battle was won, John close to tears, he moaned slightly: "oh ... oh my balls.... oh fuck that fucks... its hurt...it hurts..." I told him to shut up. But the pain wouldn't allow him. I ridiculed him for being a pussy and went to bed. I was happy. I knew that Larry would be satisfied with my effort. I told John to shut up or I would beat him again. He was silent. In pain but silent.
Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 22:29:30 -0600 From: slavewriter Subject: office slave part four I told John to straighten up the Gym and to get dressed without showering and that he'd be going home with me. "Sir Yes Sir" he replied with a gleam in his eye. I looked over some paperwork as John quickly organized the mess we had made. I couldn't help but look as he pushed the folding tables into position, his lower back muscles flexed, his legs went taut and he grunted slightly as he pushed the row of three tables from a stand still. When Mike had suggested that I take John home for the night I immediately agreed. But as I watched him work I had second thoughts. Mike would have no problem controlling this faggot. I on the other hand wouldn't know what to do if he If John were to regress while on my 'watch' would I be held responsible? Hard to say. When Larry had left the Gym earlier John had assumed that the scene was over. What would I do if he tried that again. Mike handled it like a pro and made the pussy pay for his assumption, could I do that? I made a simple plan. I'd just stay low key until John was at my place. Once he was bound for the night I would punish him for any violation. It was simple all I had to do was get John shackled. I heard John walking from the locker room. I didn't look up. He stopped a few feet from me. I kept reviewing my notes from this mornings meeting. John snapped his heels and sounded off: "Sir, this pathetic faggot is ready for inspection, Sir" Hmm, I thought, maybe I wouldn't have to keep it low key after all. After an extended dwell time I placed the notes back in my brief case and closed it. Then I turned to John. I nearly fainted when I saw him. After the punishment cycle we had put him through, John looked good as new. He had put shirt, tie, and suit on. I swear he looked like he did this morning when he came in. I remembered that I had admired his taste in clothes and that this suit was particularly well tailored. He looked gorgeous from head to shiny toe. Despite the abuse it went through today his suit looked great. I knew his shirt was ripped from the leather strap, and was missing a button from when Mike was gut punching him, but these defects were hidden. I wished I had fucked him earlier. John smiled and I realized that I must have been gaping at him. "Snug that tie up and carry my case asshole" "Sir, yes sir" most of the smile left his face as John pulled his tie tighter and grabbed my brief case. When we got to our cars I told him that I would follow him to his place. We would get some things and then we would go in my car to my place. On the ride to Johns house I considered this plan and wished I had taken John in my car instead of allowing him to drive himself. At any moment he could floor it and loose me and I'd look like a fool in the morning. Fortunately this did not happen. When I got out of my car John was there holding his keys out for me. I grabbed the keys and told him to lead. Before we entered John informed me that he had a roommate who might be home, it was Friday night and relatively early. We entered and there was no sign of the roommate. John showed me his closet and I pulled some clothes for him to put on and then began throwing more items on the bed for him to bring for tomorrow. I went into his sock draw and found a ball gag and threw it on the bed with the clothes. John stripped down to his jock and quickly put on the clothes I gave him. On the dresser mirror was a picture of John spotting another man lifting weights on an incline bench. Both men were smiling. "Your roommate?" I asked. "Yeah" I stared at John calmly. "Sir, sorry, sir" "Sir that is my roommate Sir" "Nice body. He looks like a real man, has he fucked you yet?" "Sir, this faggot isn't sure if Robert is gay, Sir" "Does he know you're a faggot?" "Sir no Sir" I just continued going through the draws because I think it annoyed John a little. I grabbed a leather belt from the closet and some skanky underwear from the hamper. John organized what I had thrown on the bed into a large arm full. I told him to stand by the door. I went looking through the apartment until I found Roberts room. John tried to get me to respect Roberts privacy clearing his throat and asking if I needed some help. I didn't reply. When I emerged from Roberts room I threw a pair of Roberts nastiest underwear to John who caught them and placed them in his pocket. I carried a pair of Roberts dress shoes. John stared at the shoes helplessly. "How long have you known Robert." "Sir, three months sir" "Met him at the Gym?" "Sir, yes sir" he answered somewhat surprised. "Let's go." "Sir, Yes sir" Most of the way home John was silent. I did notice that he was building up to saying something a couple of time but didn't. I could hear his breathing changed and noticed once that he wet his lips as if to speak. As I realized how frustrated he was I decided not to ask him what was on his mind. He sat there in the passenger seat, perfectly erect, his tie jutting out slightly from his tab collar shirt. I noticed that the shirt I chose for him was rather snug - as if it belonged to someone lese. Once he gulped silently and the tie bobbed up and down. To say I had a suit and tie fetish would be putting it mildly. To say I was into SM /BD would also be putting it mildly. But the combination of the two is what drives me wild. The first day I saw Larry punish Mike while Mike was still dressed in business attire was the day I knew I would belong to Larry for life. And as I looked at John I saw an opportunity I would never have again in my life. I was in command, for a very short time, of a handsome, well built, man who I could do with what I pleased. I studied Johns face and decided to take a short cut home. Finally John asked for permission to speak: "Sir, would it be appropriate for the faggot to speak?" "Go ahead" "Sir, this loser-fag is ashamed of itself Sir. It wants to reveal that it is glad that it was made to go home with Sir. And hopes Sirs will treat it like the scum-fag it is. Thank you Sir" I didn't say anything. "Sir, this pussy believes Sir was taking it easy at the gym. Sir, the pussy asks that Sir not feel obliged to hold back. Sir the excrement eating wuss-boy asks that Sir show it no mercy" My dick was starting to swell and I couldn't take it. "Display your worthless cock" "Sir, yes Sir" John answered quickly as he ripped the fly of his suit pants open and yanked his cock and balls out for inspection. His cock was half hard and he stroked it slyly as he pulled it from inside his boxers. Then he quickly folded his arms behind hid back, threw his chest out and looked straight forward. As I drove my right hand explored his body, I stroked his right breast and twisted his nipple - only suggesting what might be coming. I slapped his chest hard a few times and then allowed my hand to slide down his torso. I tried to find some softness but there wasn't any. I touched his penis and realized that it was fully erect and pulled my hand away. We stopped at a light and I again grabbed Johns cock and stroked as I watched his face. I could only stroke it a few times for fear he would ejaculate all over my car. "What were you saying back there asshole?" "Sir. Pansy-ass is sorry it did not express itself well, sir. Sir, the worthless faggot wishes to state that it is attracted to you and is glad that it is going home with you. It hopes that if Sirs feels it is worthy that Sirs will train it further. Or if it is unworthy in Sirs eyes that Sir will punish it." I was working his left nipple again. John looked straight ahead and barely flinched as I dug my fingers into his breast meat. The faggot was hot for me. I was even hotter for him. But there was no way to express it. The whole idea of this weekend was to break John down, to beat him and make him submit without question. Even though he talked the talk I could still tell he had a long way to go. "When we get to my place do you want to suck my cock?" I decided to play with him a little. "Sir, that would be an honor I don't deserve, sir." "How about I fuck you with a dildo while you drink my piss." I didn't give him time to answer. "How about I tie you up and milk this bone a few times?" I asked as I grabbed his penis again and stroked it madly. The boy was going cum crazy- in a few minutes his dick went from half hard to dripping precum. I dropped his cock just as we were entering my driveway. I rent a duplex. In the other half of the house the teenagers were having a party - parents must have been away. I told John to grab his stuff and follow me. He instinctively started to pack his cock away. "Let is stay." John looked at me and then to the several teenage girls sitting outside on the stairs. He tried to cover his dick with the clothes he carried but I told him to throw them over his shoulder and to carry my briefcase with his free hand. John sighed as I opened the garage door so that he didn't have to walk up the stairs past the girls. I think he realized that I could have chosen to drive into the garage but didn't. One of the girsl said something and the other two laughed. John blushed and muttered under his breath. I just said hello and the girls responded. The duplexes were separated by a pair of garages. When the parents were away the kids played but their parties were relatively quiet. They blasted the music all night but from the bedroom you couldn't hear it. Tonight I would be sleeping in the living room so the sound would be even less noticeable. I led John to the living room and together we pulled the bed from the convertible couch out and unfolded the thin mattress. John placed the restraints on his arms and legs and stood at attention. "On the bed faggot" "Sir, face down Sir?"he asked hopefully. "No." In a minute he was on the bed fully restrained. I placed the cuff around the wrought iron frame and gave him just enough slack so that he wasn't stretched. I left the room for about twenty minutes to clean up. As I brushed my teeth I imagined how filthy John must feel lying there in bed fully dressed. I debated whether it would be wise to gag him for the night or whether I should tape his roommates underwear to his face for the night. When I returned John had amazingly retained his hardon. It lifted the sheet I had thrown over him. I decided it was time to burst his bubble but not before I inflated a little first. I pulled the sheet from Johns body and revealed his raging hardon. "Get rid of that hardon faggot, now !" "Sir yes Sir" John face grimaced as he tried to force his pecker down. After a few minutes his dick was softening. " I told you to stow that rod faggot now get rid of it" "Sir, I'm trying Sir." "Are you playing a game fuck face?" "No Sir" I reached down and picked up the end of his tie and began to wrap it in my hand. When I had a bout 3 wraps around my hand I pulled Johns body up off the bed using the tie, his face instantly reddened. John tried to use his abdominals to lift himself and relieve the pressure on his neck but I just lifted him a little higher. With my left fist I jabbed Johns exposed side lightly. "What are you ?" "Sir, a worthless faggot, Sir" "Good answer" I replied as I bashed Johns kidney with my left arm. He wasn't expecting such a hard punch and he tried to double up but his abs were already flexed to the max. "What are you good for ?" "Sir, this worthless pussy is not good for anything Sir" "That's right faggot" I agreed as I bashed his kidney twice this time and harder than before. Even prepared the pain was evident in John face, yet his cock seemed to love every minute of it. "Were you told to drop the hard-on fuck up?" I yelled at him and didn't wait for his reply before I started beating his lats again. I tried to hit the same spot every punch and could feel his muscles starting to give way. "Sir ............Y Ye Yes Sughhh" John replied as I beat him. I pulled John even higher and bent down so that we were face to face "Then fucking get rid of it Asshole !" "SIR YES SIR" he yelled back, rather proudly I thought. I left the room for exactly 4 minutes and returned. John was successful in restraining his dick, it rested on his stomach and was about half erect. I handed John a water bottle and sat beside him. "I'm sorry I yelled at you John," he blinked as I said this, "but I don't want you to get aroused until I give you permission. Is that clear." "Sir yes Sir." He took a large drink of water and I realized that he probably hadn't had a drink since we left the gym. I took his tie and laid it on his shirt where it belonged. As he swallowed the water the tie moved with his adams apple. I placed my hand on his chest and ran is down to his stomach. "Who's shirt is this?" I asked wondering why it was so snug. "Sir, the faggot wishes to report that it owns the shirt it is now wearing, Sir. Sir the shirt was purchased before the cuntless-woman met Master Lawrence, Sir. Sir, the faggot was required to develop its body while waiting for an opportunity to gain employment under Master Lawrence, Sir. Sir, this stupid dick licking dog is ashamed that it did not discard the shirt ..... and apologizes for talking so much, Sir" He saw that I was losing interest in the shirt tale. I was , however, gaining interest in his body. "How long have you been working out for Larry?" John hesitated, he wasn't sure if he should reveal this information to me, I ran my hand over his shoulder and grasped his bicep, he flexed it slightly. "Sir, for just over two years, Sir. Sir, Master Lawrence told me if I developed myself he would hire me for a position in the firm if I were qualified. He said he already had two slaves and couldn't use me unless I worked for him, Sir." I was running my hand mindlessly along the inside of his thigh as I watched his face. I accidently bumped his cock- it was hard again. His faced dropped but I decided to ignore the hard on for now. I opened my fly and pulled my cock out, showing its hardness to John. He looked at it intently. "Did you mean what you said in the car?" "Sir, Yes Sir. I don't know if we'll ever have the chance again. If Master Lawrence will allow it." I got up and walked around the bed so that I was standing behind Johns head. It was time to see if he had any stamina left. "Do you want to suck this?", I waved my cock slowly. 'SIR YES SIR" he again yelled, sounding more military than before. As he looked up his head brushed against the head of my cock and I nearly came right then. "Let's see if you got what it takes pansy-ass" I sneered as I pulled the thin mattress from beneath him, "If you want this you have to earn it." I lit a half dozen votive candles and slide them on the hardwood floor under the bed spring that John was strapped to. He instinctively arched his back to avoid the heat. His shackles only allowed him to rise so far and the heat was still getting to him. "You comfortable boy?" I asked as I placed another pair of candles down by John legs. John didn't answer he was busy trying to find a way to avoid the heat. Another pair of candles by his head and one for each foot. The pull out bed was close to the floor and the candles were only inches from Johns body. Within a minute he was sweating, as he strained to lift his body he perspired even more. Soon the sweat was dripping off him. I wiped some of the sweat from John face with the back of my hand and then moved the candles so that they did not play directly on John body. "Lower yourself onto the bedspring" Slowly John lowered himself. His face contorted as he touched the hot iron springs and I checked that the flames were not burning him. I stuffed the pair of Roberts briefs into his mouth. I held the leather strap down in my hand and swung for effect. I laid it down on John stomach, and let it slide off slowly. Then I whipped his chest hard with the belt and continued whipping him as he thrashed and cried out in pain. I gave him exactly twenty seven lashes, mostly across his chest but I did land several good ones on his abs. His wet shirt revealed his moderately muscled torso. Under the pain his muscles flexed violently, his abs were evident and a shallow six pack could be seen through the damp material. When I stopped I gave him a minute to recover with the gag removed. His breathing leveled off and I sensed some satisfaction in his slight grin. "How many lashes was that, cum brain?" He hesitated and then guessed thirty. "Wrong twenty seven." I brought the whip down full force on his cock and balls. Almost instantly I regretted hitting him so hard. I couldn't imagine the pain I had just inflicted on him as he thrashed and wailed. Unable to double up and protect himself, John was frantically trying to avoid the belt. I knew what he was going though. When you are in that position your only hope is that you see the belt coming and can move your pelvis in time to avoid the full force of the strap. I swung the belt aimlessly and John nearly exploded in fear. I laughed at his predicament and swung the belt some more. "Got something to say fag-boy?" John gulped, and swallowed thinking, "Sir thank you for the whipping Sir. Sir, this worthless cunt is sorry it did not count the lashes, Sir." "Let's try again", I said as I hammered his abs with my fist. John grunted and his body buckled slightly. I hammered his abs 8 times before they gave way and I could really punish him. After hammering him a total of 12 times I began to use my elbow. The elbow smashes penetrated deeper and cause John much more distress. Each time I sank my elbow into his gut John would jack knife, his face would contort as if he were about to vomit. It took nearly ten minutes for John to recover to the point that he could speak. "How many blows was that faggot?" "SIR, TWENTY ONE SIR" "Pretty good pussy." I said as I moved the candles somewhat closer to the bed. John looked at me helplessly. He was drenched and his faced was beet red. With the added heat his breathing became heavy, he was nearly panting. He adjusted himself by moving away from the candles on his left side. He knew that would only offer temporary relief as I was already moving the rest of the candles. "So what's the grand total - Fuck wad?" Johns face dropped and I knew he had forgotten how many lashes I told him he had received. I grabbed his throbbing cock and pulled it to the side exposing his balls. In a flash the pain engulfed him. This time he resigned to it, he flipped on his side as best he could and merely moaned. I gave him some time and then ordered him to lie at attention. I went sat in the recliner - perched on the edge and watched as John slowly roasted. "Do you think you deserve my cock now boy?" "Sir, no Sir. Please punish me more." "You don't want my cock. You fucking pig. Your too good to suck me now?" "Sir, No Sir. Sir, I am not worthy to lick Sirs cum off the floor." I noticed he was raising himself off the bedspring to avoid the heat. I got up and sat on his stomach. I could feel his abs as they continued to spasm from the beating. My ass became damp as my pants absorbed his perspiration. "So you deserve my penis in your mouth slut?" "Sir, Yes sir." I grabbed him by the tie and yanked his face up and then back handed him across the face. "You fucking worm. You arrogant cocky fuck wad." I reached behind myself and grabbed his balls. "What's the matter pussy, want me to take it easy on you?" I squeezed his balls a little. "Sir, No sir" I squeezed a little more. "Sir make me hurt Sir" I squeezed and pulled his nuts harder. "Sir, Sir no Mercy Sir. BREAK MY FUCKING BALLS SIR !!" As I increased the pressure and dug my thumb into his left nut John moaned deeply. "Sir, more ...." I gave his nuts a 90 degree twist and John arched his back with me still sitting on his abs. He held this until I released his balls and then we both crashed down on the bed and bounced a few times. I ran my hands tenderly up and down Johns chest. His shirt was soaked and the sweat from his body had formed puddles on the floor. Johns heavy breathing caused me to rise and fall with every breath. I stood up slowly and walked behind John and bent over him laying my hard cock on his face. It was the moment of truth for me. Larry wanted this boy broken, and I wanted to feed him my cock. I rubbed my cock against his cheek. ' Decide Decide Decide.' I kept saying it to myself. I rubbed my cock against John damp hair and leaned over further placing my hands on his hard abs for support. I wanted him so bad. No body was going to know. I imagined it. I wanted it. Him. " I want to fuck you, is that okay." " Sir, Yes Sir" as he spoke his lips brushed the head of my cock. "I want to tell you how hot you are and how beautiful you are." I was going to do it I was going to fuck up. John didn't say anything. I wanted to stop but couldn't. I looked into his face, it looked helpless, beaten, sort of boyish. I grabbed his dick and stroked it lightly. "I want to make you cum over and over again." John smiled. No smirked. And I pulled myself together. I remembered why he was here and what my role was supposed to be. "There only one problem." I said clearing my voice and changing to a more serious tone. John expression didn't change. "You're a worthless cunt slave" I stroked Johns dick three more times as he began realize what I was saying. With regret.. No with a lot of regret I bashed John in the balls. The faggots body convulsed with shock and pain. I was tempted to try to hold it down so it wouldn't hurt itself. While it was still thrashing I undid its shackles and flipped on its belly and reattached the shackles. I was shocked at how red its ass and back were from the heat and I pulled the candles out from under the bed spring. Reaching up I pulled the fags dick through the bed spring, then one of his nuts. The bedspring was actually a cable weave and the faggots ballsack was too big to make it through the opening. I reached up through and adjacent opening and got my fingers up on its ballsack. I held my breath and then forced its remaining ball through the opening. The pig jumped when the pain hit him and nearly tore his ball sack off. "Fuck" was all he said as the pain forced the wind out of him. "Got something to say?" It paused and then replied,"Sir no Sir" "Good snap to attention." It complied. "You will sleep at attention. Your feet will remain together, arms by your side. You will face straight ahead." "Sir Yes Sir" I placed the leather belt on its back as a threat. I squatted in front of it and gently pulled the tie it wore from under it. I stroked myself as I tormented the faggot. "You will stare at the floor and will ponder what a worthless cunt you are." "Sir yes Sir." I pulled its tie out straight away from its body so that it was horizontal. "What are you." "Sir I am a worthless pussy, Sir" I was almost there, and was stroking fevorishly." "What are you?" "Sir, I'm a freak of nature, a woman with a cock. Sir" I kept stroking, John must have realized what I was doing even though he was staring at the floor. He kept replying to my question. "Sir, I am less than a faggot, I am less faggot shit. Sir." "Sir. I am a nothing. A slime, shit eating, virus that doesn't deserve to exist, Sir" "Sir. I am a disgusting, stupid, puke breath faggot and I would be honored if Sir would use me as a cum rag, Sir" With that I ejaculated. Some of the jism got in the faggots hair but most landed on its tie. I grabbed the faggot by the hair and yanked its head up and allowed its tie to fall down through an opening in the bed spring. It reached the floor and I positioned the excess so that the fag would have to look at it all night. Grabbing the faggots head I wiped my cock on its hair and face. Not even allowing it the pleasure of cleaning my cock with its mouth. "I want you to think about what a loser you are fag. Look at my cum drying on your tie." I squatted down so I could whisper into its ear, but also so I could reach its balls and slap them as I spoke. "You were going to suck ME?" Slap. "I was going to fuck a loser like you, Ha" Slap Slap. I blew the candle out and left John in the dark.
Nifty Archive: two-tales-of-summer [ Nifty Archive : Gay Male | Bisexual | Lesbian | Trans ] Chronological Directory Listing for two-tales-of-summer
Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 23:13:19 -0700 (PDT) From: Collage Maker Subject: An Interesting Challenge An Interesting Challenge By Collage Maker [A reworking of "An Interesting Challenge" by an anonymous author in Kaa Starhunter's Anthrosaur site at http:///www.furnation.com/kaa/stories/challenge_1.htm and http:///www.furnation.com/kaa/stories/challenge_2.htm .] His sweat-covered muscles gleamed as he sailed upwards in a graceful arc, the all-permeating light of the gymnasium illuminating the hard curvature of his body. All around him countless cameras flashed, catching him at the height of his flight, the strobe making him seem to hang in midair. He twisted exactly once before falling, his meaty feet catching the mat with a perfect synchronous thud. He stood erect and raised sinewy arms triumphantly, facing the crowd. Tense quiet erupted into cheers and shouts, the gathered spectators applauding his performance. More cameras photographed his six feet three of naked muscle, setting his deeply tanned body, chiseled abdomen, thick black hair, alert brown eyes, and brilliant white smile onto film for posterity; proudly on display for (literally) the whole planet to see. He held his dismount pose a moment for the papers before relaxing and stepping off the mat, conscious of the eyes on him. He enjoyed the eyes. They were half the reward of winning, to his mind, the other half being to have won. He could feel the proud watch of his countrymen, the grudging admiration of foreigners; the men judging him for his ability as an athlete, the women contemplating his prowess at more essentially male tasks. He imagined he could hear them murmur to one another, sharing whispered fantasies of the pressure of his great cock against swollen labia. He turned to look at the crowd again, and gave them all his familiar wry smile as he made his way across the floor. As he left the announcer read out his final score. "Garth of Texica: Eight marks." Garth frowned at the figure, it was lower than he was due. He knew it was the Skadian judge; they had a practice of underscoring competitors to give their own athletes an edge. Garth exited the Olympic arena as the score was repeated in three other languages. He made his way through his team's allotted space, wringing his thickly-chalked hands as he again contemplated his loathing of politics. He loved sport, and to see fair competition perverted in that manner irritated him no end. He walked towards the water rooms, intent on washing his hands of the chalk and of other people's disregard for fair play. He selected the drip sauna over the fountains or the steam room and entered, pleased to find it empty. The thin steam curled around his body pleasingly, and tickled his nostrils with its watery scent while hot water dripped onto him from above. He took a deep breath, and decided to relax in here for a while...the rings were his only event today as it happened; he could afford to waste some energy. He found the light controls and dimmed them, smiling to himself. He closed the door and walked to the far wall, pressing his hands to the thin film of warm water which flowed down over it. He leaned into that pose relaxedly, sucking in the steamy air; feeling the slow, hot rain dribble over his head and broad back, his long muscled legs and round muscular ass. He let the water wash his hands clean, and sighed contentedly... all it needed now was a firm set of fingers kneading his wet muscles, or another tightly muscled body pressed against his own... Garth opened his eyes and thought about this. Was he in the mood for a girl... no. Not really. It would be straightforward enough to walk out and pick up one of his swooning public, but frankly he wasn't in the mood to play "Movie Star Stud" just now. Was he in the mood for a man... 'hmm, that would do,' he thought to himself, with a firm set of muscles...hard body, tight ass... but men required 'finesse', and he was more in the mood for a rest than a challenge. So he stood up and stretched, and then sat himself down on the hard tile soaking shelf, and began to massage himself. He started with his rippled calves, pressing with the flat of his fingers to knead and stir the firm musculature. He worked them over, then kneaded his way up his powerful thighs, stirring the idle blood, letting it flow back through his body with the heat and moisture picked up from the steam. He gave his strong thick-muscled arms the same treatment, then lay back on the shelf with his cock flopping lazily between his legs. He closed his eyes and basked in the heat and steam, hot drops of water speckling his muscles in a random, relaxing rhythm, then dribbling warmly down over his body, penetrating every curve and crevice. He sighed, reached down to his hips, touching his naked penis with muscled palms. His tongue licked across his lips, drinking in the suddenly tangy water as he began to stroke; hard muscles over soft flesh. He sighed in pleasure and spread his legs as his groin responded, the fat, fleshy organ growing larger and harder in his hand. He rested his head on the tiles and moaned, his other hand joining in the game, tickling his swollen, spherical testicles while he stroked and pulled, twisting the sensitive helmet...He breathed in deeply and exhaled, savoring the hard power of his shaft under his hand, the electric pleasures of masturbation; teasing his seed orbs with deftly applied fingers, feeling every hot drop of water that landed on his genitals and ran down, luxuriously, between his legs and over his asshole... Memories of sex flowed like liquid through his mind, of ravishingly lovely girls' tight, warm and slick fleshy recesses and of hard-bodied jocks' erect cocks, throbbing balls and madly clutching assholes... of tongues and muscles brushing passionately over his maleness, of wild mountaintop rutting and slow, sensual seductions. He smiled as he picked one. A man... his first. * * * He cast back several years, remembering his twelfth-grade's volleyball team. He was the star player, and team head; thus he would always be the first to challenge the ball. He remembered the third blocker, whose position was directly in front of him. A strongly built youth, a little shorter than Garth, with light brown eyes and chestnut hair, dexterous hands, a gentle mouth with a skilful tongue, and a firm lithe butt with a tight hole which was never refused to him. He remembered that hole well enough, but what was his name? Kale. The youth had other names, but Garth had never asked them. He had always just called him Kale. Garth remembered the third game they played that season. They had won both prior games; they were a good, solid team of skilled players. All were old team-mates but Kale, who was new to the area that season. He noticed Kale because he was quiet... not like the boisterous and rowdy muscleheads that frequented such sports; instead he was quiet and subdued... but capable and alert. In the last quarter of that game he had botched a challenge... sending the ball directly to the other team's strongest member. They'd capitalized on his misjudgment, hammering the hard leather ball straight back across the net, going for a fast mark. Kale moved fast in order to block and the ball hit him in the face, knocking him down with a hard SMACK! The ball bounced straight up with a spin, for a second hanging in the air... Garth vaulted up and smashed the ball, driving it hard down the opposing court, sending their team ducking as it whistled past for another mark. Kale was still sprawled on the ground, holding his head as he sat up dizzily. Garth remembered he had smiled down at the youth, and extended a muscled hand to help him up. Kale looked up and smiled thankfully... then clasped his wide hand in Garth's and rose to stand facing him. The look that passed between them... was more than gratitude. A combination of thankfulness, and excitement, and nervousness. Garth couldn't quite place it, but he knew that he liked it. For the rest of the match his attention was evenly divided between watching the ball, and watching the muscular ass of his third blocker... In the locker room after the match, congratulations and praise were in great abundance over their victory. Kale remained mostly quiet though, and Garth found himself increasingly distracted by him. He delayed, fidgeting with his equipment sack, folding his uniform... until the other four players left, in a hurry to meet the girls that awaited them. Girls awaited Garth too, as they always did; but as he slowly undressed his eyes moved to settle on Kale... also changing very slowly. Garth studied the wide shoulders, hard chest and tight muscles of his team-mate, and thought to himself how bored he was of girls. He was sure he had them all, and though all were good, they all felt the same. They cried at the same times, they moaned in similar ways, they all would wrap their legs around him while he enjoyed their secret places with his penis, giving in all too easily... and after so many... sweet though the reward was, the challenge began to seem almost trivial. But now, Garth contemplated a new prize. Not a fire-fevered girl, but another muscular athlete... and a team-mate, no less. Was he strong enough to make another young jock bend-to before him? Was he so potent, that other studs would be as women next to him? It was certainly an interesting challenge. Garth stood up straight, watching Kale remove his tight shorts. Kale moved shiftily, nervously. Garth could tell that Kale was watching him. Already naked, Garth slowly took a step forward; and then another, and a third, until he stood directly before his team-mate. Kale turned to face him, clad only in a small fabric cup. He had that same look about him, excitement... and fear. Garth looked Kale up and down, taking stock of the situation. He wasn't supposed to do this... it was unheard of, and disgraceful. The subject of locker room jokes and pranks, and the teasing words of 'bender'. It was totally against all good judgement and convention, and in all likelihood Kale would be shocked and unwilling and totally disgusted, as would the rest of the community. Garth had no logical basis for believing that Kale wouldn't just deck him right there. All Garth had to go on was a look... and an instinct. Garth stood there, naked, the picture of a strapping young jock, broad shouldered, thick muscled thighs, big muscled butt. He looked over Kale's taut, well-muscled body, the firm pecs, the strong abs, the smooth, supple muscles; the stretched fabric of the cloth crotchcup. He stared at Kale's crotch for a long moment... he saw the cup twitch. "Bring it out," Garth said, pointing to Kale's crotch. Garth's blood raced as he watched Kale obey without a sound of protest, reaching into the thin cloth piece and pulling out his thick penis, draping it over the waistband of the fabric, letting it hang out for Garth's approval. Garth felt his testicles swell as he saw that his own maleness was just a little bigger than the other's. Kale breathed in shakily as his penis moved. The crowds and teams had all long gone home, the only sound in the room was tense silence. Garth lifted his head and looked Kale directly in the eye. "Turn around," he softly said. Kale sucked in a deep breath and slowly turned his powerfully muscled back to Garth, toes cramping nervously against the stone floor. Garth watched Kale's hard, spherical buttocks, teasingly hiding the realm between them. Garth stepped forward and pressed his hot genital flesh against Kale's tight butt, setting his hands heavily on the blocker's lean hips, holding the muscular youth firmly. Kale looked back at him, almost shaking with fear, and suddenly Garth realized where he had seen that look before -- on the face of Dionne, the tender young maiden who'd been virgin when he took her; she had looked as scared when he had moved himself on top of her. Garth calmed Kale, nibbling the back of the muscleboy's thick neck, and wondered, would this virgin ass be as sweet? Kale's breath hissed out. He twisted testingly against Garth's grip, his hands reaching back to touch the hard muscles behind him, his thick muscular legs rubbing against the hard pillars of Garth's own legs. Garth's heavy balls pulsed, and blood surged to his thick meat, which slowly began to rise and harden, pressing against Kale's asscheeks. Garth ceased nipping Kale's neck as he felt the young man gulp. Kale's eyes were closed and he moved only to breathe now. Garth stroked his fingers possessively down Kale's well-muscled chest and sides, then reached behind Kale and tore the thong of the cloth cup off of the hard male buttocks. He felt Kale shiver as he stroked a finger between them, teasing the tight puckered asshole with the tip of a long digit. Garth positioned his penis at the very door of Kale's tense body, then held Kale by the hips as he pushed forward, working his surging erection into the blocker's muscular butt. Garth pushed against firm resistance, the rippling muscles of his arms pulling the young hunk's spread buttocks back onto the fat cock head which attempted to split them. Harder and harder he pressed, slowly forcing open the tight anal sphincter, until with a suddenness that startled him, Garth's lust-engorged penis penetrated Kale's body, abruptly sliding in like a battering ram bursting wide the castle gates. Kale's whole body tensed against the invasion, toes curling into the floor, fingers digging in deep as they squeezed Garth's hips; his well-muscled limbs quivering with jaw clenched tight, though to his credit he did not cry out as his anal virginity was taken. Garth pressed his broad chest against Kale's sweat-soaked back firmly; he held Kale's flat hips tighter, controlling, as he pushed his fat cock all the way into Kale's body. Garth remembered the sensation, the tightness and undamped heat of Kale's fine virgin anus, the way Kale's whole body shook against his hard muscles and pressed back against his granite penis, squeezing... squeezing... That was when he had felt a tear rolling down Kale's face, rolling from tightly shut eyes down a grimace of extreme pain. Garth had leant over Kale, bending his team-mate forward slightly so he could angle his own meat as deep up Kale's bowels as possible. He had held the other young stud close to him so that the firm cheeks of Kale's ass nestled into Garth's groin and Kale's meaty torso was covered with the reassuring presence of his own muscular bulk, while the muscleboy silently shook. Then he felt Kale shudder through a deep breath, and felt Kale's anus relax, and fingers begin to explore his muscles again. Garth nuzzled his team-mate, licking away a tear, and resumed his slow pumping inside. Kale breathed deeply and silently rode Garth's cock, throat clutching up with tears of growing pleasure and burning pain, his asshole clenching on Garth's meaty tool, letting it up further inside of him. Garth groaned as he pushed into his muscular team-mate, working his thick shaft in and out of the tightly stretched anus before him, grrrowwling possessively as he gripped his new fuck-buddy. His cock dominantly ploughed the muscular rump, spreading Kale's ass around its formidable girth, boring deep into his team-mate's hot guts with every thrust. Garth savored the virgin asshole into which he forcefully plunged with increasing speed, groaning with arousal as his penis reaped pleasure from Kale's cloying tightness. He picked up the pace, spearing his cock into Kale's anus lustfully, the thick shaft wedging its way through gripping anal walls, while Kale took it all, the blocker's strong face a tight mask of joy and hurt... Garth panted onto Kale's neck, watching his team-mate's face intently as he thoroughly drilled Kale's ass, the pleasures of the muscular youth's tightness and warmth slowly working their way back up his shaft. He grunted as he fucked the submissive muscleboy soundly, his heavy balls slapping against the spread cheeks as he enjoyed the body of his new toy. He took the young hunk like a woman, dominantly biting the back of Kale's thick neck, scraping his fingers possessively over his team-mate's heaving chest, his cockmeat slamming home with a building urgency in his swinging testicles... As his mind began to become clouded by lust, he let his hands explore his team-mate's body, taking sensual note of every hard surface, every rippling muscle, everything that was not there on a girl... and finally he reached down and gathered up Kale's genitals, firm, seed-laden balls in one hand, jutting, rock-like erection in the other. He groped them as he slammed his penis up the muscular youth's ass, revelling in the pleasures of fucking a fellow athlete; the power, the lust, the sheer THRILL of owning another jock so completely. With Kale's every movement, every lustful twitch, Garth's arousal grew; other team members could talk about dominance, but THIS... his penis was in total control of the other stud, commanding Kale's body through powerful thrusts into his ass. Intoxicated by power and lust, as his cock began to tingle he started to pull Kale's male member, firmly jerking and viciously fucking the hapless young hunk until he felt the youth's swollen seedsacs clench, and Kale groaned at last as the hard maleness shot its seed at Garth's command. As Kale's thickened sperm splattered onto the tile wall, the muscleboy's whole body seemed to come down like a vise on Garth's shaft. The tingling became a burning, quickly escalating to a fire, a fire which blazed out of control and engulfed Garth's whole body. With a roar that shook the walls, Garth grabbed Kale's sturdy muscled midsection as he drove one last hard thrust, his grip bruising Kale's hips as he impaled his buddy to the hilt on his erupting blowtorch. Over and over Garth blasted his pleasure into his muscular team-mate's spasming asshole, his semen scorching Kale's insides as the two strong youths writhed together. Released from the electrifying climax, they collapsed onto the floor, the two strong bodies still joined by Garth's softening shaft. Both athletes' chests were heaving, their bodies soaked in perspiration. "God," panted Kale, "I hope it's not a one time thing." Garth chuckled hoarsely as he rose up on one elbow, carefully withdrawing and turning Kale over. He leaned over Kale, drinking in every pore of the muscleboy's hunky physique, his brazen appreciative gaze worshipping every part of this naked young stud who had surrendered to his lust. * * * Garth moaned and twisted sensuously as he stroked his erect shaft faster, holding that image firm in his mind. Pulling his thick meat he could almost smell the sperm splattered on the wall, and the leathery mix of male musks that clung to them after both cocks had serviced their masters. Oh, the cocks, the clutching asshole, the tight balls bursting into billions of tiny sperm, jocks writhing together... tongues, teeth, fingers and muscles rubbing over hot phalli... "Garth? Are you in here?" A strained, grating voice hailed him from beyond the fog. Garth growled and bashed his fist against the tile shelf. "Yesss, I am here; but I might as well be in the middle of the stadium for all the privacy it affords me!" Garth grimaced and put down his erection as Ellis, Texica's Olympic coach, approached him through the steam. The gritty man was nearly twice Garth's age, but he carried himself with the air of a jock who had earned his position and was proud of it. Shirt fabric was still pulled tight over thick muscles. Ellis was respected by the team, for though possessed of less speed and dexterity than in his youth, his long experience was quite often used to literally 'teach a lesson' to those who thought themselves above his instruction. Still, it was clear that his days as a competitor were over; his hair had grayed, and he walked with a limp after his hip had been partially crushed by a Skadian who had deliberately stamped on him during a wrestling match. The panel had awarded him the fight, but it had been his last. "At last I find you," Ellis grumbled. "Where have you been? Its almost time for Chase's display on the rings, and I want your analysis of his performance." Garth snorted, rolling his head in irritation. No baby-sitting, please. "Why? I have better things to do than point out his obvious mistakes." "Give the young one a chance, Garth. He's come a long way since you saw him last." Garth hoped he had. Garth felt that the young jock's audition ten months ago could best be described as comical; Chase had been about as graceful as a mud brick. The youngster had been added to the team for his prodigious time in the fifteen-length streak, an event in which Garth did not participate. Garth gritted his teeth. "My time would be better spent in preparation for tomorrow's match." "Three minutes of time and your opinion afterward, that will not interfere with your 'strenuous preparation' here. I want a qualified outside opinion of his progress and you are my choice." "Get Jack to do it. They're friends." "He looks up to you, Garth. It would do him good to see you in the audience." Ellis fixed him with his dark eyes. "This is not about you, Garth. This is about the newest member of the team and helping him feel that he's part of us." The older man relaxed. "Don't do it for him or me, Garth. Do it for the team." Garth nodded. "For the team." Ellis bared his teeth in a grin, and mock-saluted. "Get dressed and make speed to the gym then." Garth nodded and sat up as Ellis left, mumbling under his breath about young men and forgotten priorities. When Garth arrived the Olympic gym was relatively quiet, as most of the 'star' jocks had already come and done their bit to boost the egos of their nations. Now was the time for new arrivals, and as they performed they would be compared to the greatest of all nations. As he sat down with Ellis on the heavy wooden side benches, Chase came forward and took his place below the rings. Garth studied the teenager's lithe body and defined muscles, his hair an unremarkable sandy brown. He moved his wide shoulders back and forth to loosen up, bending his powerfully muscled legs as his muscular arms swung about. Garth noted that Chase did seem to be a little more filled out in the upper body than before, but still it seemed clear that his main focus was running. As the announcer read out his name and affiliation in all five major tongues, the young jock wrung his chalked hands nervously, doubtless feeling vulnerable and exposed to be naked for the first time in front of so many who expected so much. He searched the crowd for reassurance, for escape, for faces and icons of confidence -- finally he found them sitting there, and Ellis smiled and gave a fingers-wide gesture. Chase stared at Garth for the longest time... until Garth nodded, and gestured for him to proceed. It was time to begin the display. Chase leaped into the air, grabbing the rings firmly. He swung his legs and pulled himself up into an aerial handstand, then let his whole body swing down from that position, using the rush of speed as energy for a dizzying quick series of flips, swings, and spins. Garth watched the routine with a growing sense of surprise. Indeed, the youngster had improved -- to a far greater extent than Garth would have given him credit for. Chase was dexterous, he was precise; he executed motion after motion with speed and control. Garth found himself admiring the cunning and audacity with which the youth performed flip after twist after roll, qualities he prized in himself. He watched the young jock's nude body closely, observing the ebb and pull of muscles beneath Chase' youthfully supple skin; and suddenly seeing the youth's endowments in a different light... On the rings, Chase swung in a loop in preparation for his dismount. Garth watched calmly as Chase flew forwards, attempting a daring triple-spin, but his rotation was imperfect and he stumbled slightly as he landed on the mat. That would cost him. "Chase of Texica: Six marks and seven picks." A brilliant score by any standard but Olympic. Garth wondered if Chase could feel his eyes on him, admiring his youthful body as he left the mats... "What did you think?" said Ellis. Garth sucked his teeth, "Very nice..." then suddenly remembered to whom he was talking. "Admirable improvement in such a short time. You have taught him well." "I have taught him acceptably. He has learned well." Ellis looked at Garth. "I think it has helped him to have a role model." Garth looked back, mildly surprised. "He used to watch you practice, then would come back and try whatever you were doing. Pulled muscles more then once." Garth sucked his teeth once again. "Perhaps then, congratulations are in order." Ellis nodded. "I think he's earned them." Garth sat for a moment. Then he rose and, after bowing to Ellis, turned and sauntered off after Chase. * * * Garth's bare feet slapped on the tile floor as he entered the locker room. Chase looked up from buckling his sandals, leaving them unfastened as he sat up in surprise. "Garth...hi!" Garth nodded in greeting. "I um, I noticed you watching today..." Chase looked down. "I'm sorry I didn't get a better score. I hope I didn't disappoint you." Garth approached the youth, who slowly raised his hazel eyes. "You did fine," Garth said with a grin. "I was impressed with how far you've come in ten months." "Really? You mean that?" Garth nodded. "Mm-hm. Your execution of maneuvers was very technically correct." Chase smiled. "Thanks!" Then slumped a little. "The judges weren't very impressed though." "Your landing probably cost you a mark or most of one. You need to keep tighter control over your legs when you flip. It's something you can work on." "Thank you, um... Sir?" The beefy jock chuckled. "Garth is fine." "Thank you, Garth." Chase looked up to him. "But I don't think I'll ever be as good as you are. They underscored you this morning, you deserved nine marks at least." Garth grinned at the junior jock. "You might if you have the right training partner." Chase' eyes opened wide. "A-Are you suggesting...?" Garth nodded confidently. "Sure. Ellis tells me that you often watch me practice, this way you can get better feedback, I can correct you as you go. And at the rate you're improving, I'll have to stay at a run to keep ahead of you." He smiled. Chase jumped up onto the bench and back-flipped onto the floor! "Yesss! Yesss! Oh wow, thank you so much, Garth!" Chase leaped the bench and gave his new mentor a powerful hug! "I'll be your best training partner - ever!!" Garth grunted in surprise, and patted the eager youth on the back. "Certainly the most enthusiastic." Chase was practically bouncing with glee. "When do we start?" "It's never the wrong time to learn, 'partner'." Garth grinned toothily. "That's the first lesson." Chase nodded and smiled, looking like he felt about ten feet tall. "What's the next?" Garth thought for a moment, looking his protege over. "The next lesson, requires demonstration. It will help your confidence when you are standing all alone and naked before the audience." He put a hand on Chase' shoulder. "It will make you feel better about your body, more... desired." Garth let his fingertips run down the youth's arm, feeling the tight muscles. Chase turned to watch Garth's light touch glide down his forearm, shivering a little as Garth fingertips passed over the back of his hand. "Go on.." "First of all you must trust me, Chase." The young jock looked up into the eyes of his idol, and found himself pinned there, his eyes held even as Garth gripped his idle hand. "You have to accept and be open to everything I tell you, because I'll not have your harm on my conscience if you can't cope with it." Chase blinked. "Do you understand?" "Yes..." the youth said hesitantly. "I'll do anything to be like you, Garth. I'll do anything." Garth smiled. "Are you open to weirdness?" Chase visibly relaxed. "I'm open to weirdness." Garth nodded, and stood up before his pupil. "Take a look at my body, Chase." He pulled off his shirt, exposing the thick muscles of his chest and arms, the meaty v-taper of his glorious form. Then, he hooked his third finger into his shorts and hiked them down off of his hips, exposing his powerful thighs and his semi-hard, thick penis. He widened his stance and set his hands on his hips, his muscles rippling as he showed off his perfect body to Chase. The younger jock gulped. "Wow." Garth shifted a bit, letting the student watch his tight muscles flex and move, the powerful cheeks of his muscular ass clench and relax, his veined jock manhood and heavy balls swaying hypnotically below his hips as he moved. "Do you want this body of mine?" "Um, well, I..." Chase croaked, "Um -- yes. Yes I wish I had your body, sir. I'm just skin and bones compared to you. And your skills. I just can't come close. And it's everything about you, the way you walk, the way you talk; everything you say and do is so perfectly... Garth, and all I can be is just Chase. You're my idol, sir; I envy everything about you. I wish I was like you." Garth smiled and ruffled the top of Chase's hair. "It takes courage to admit that you envy someone, kid. A lot of people can't do that." Chase nodded. "It's hard not to envy someone with a... thing as big as yours is," he said, nodding towards Garth's suggestively prominent member. "Not that I've seen many," he hastily added. "What does this body make you want to do?" Garth spoke carefully, monitoring Chase's statement as he responded, hesitating before speaking. "Work out. Like I said I wish I could have it." "Have it for what?" "Umm..." the youth had to think for a moment. "Attracting girls? I suppose." "You don't sound very sure about that." Chase blinked, thrown a little askew. "Well, what else would I want it for?" Garth grinned. "Well, when I see a girl with a great body, it makes my dick rise and I want to fuck her, hard and good. An erection is the ultimate compliment a man can give a woman, Chase... or another man." Chase just gaped at Garth, unable to believe his ears. "So you're saying that I want... to fuck you? Like a woman??" Garth smiled toothily. "Well, do you?" He stretched as he spoke, his long muscular legs apart, displaying the area between them to the wide-eyed youngster. "I-It's beautiful..." Chase breathed in deeply, his eyes following his idol's heavy-hanging studhood. Garth whispered to his student conspiratorially. "You can touch it if you like." Chase stared down at the thick masculine tube, his eyes wide as if they needed stretching to behold it all. He held his breath as he reached out slowly with his fingers, and softly touched the still pliant male cockflesh. "It's hot," he said at last. "It will get hotter," said Garth, as he lay his fingers on Chase's shoulder, "if you want it to." Chase stared at it wantonly, his mouth quivering, "oh, but you'd never let me... fuck you! It just - - it just doesn't happen that way." The junior jock looked away, flushed and embarrassed. "Oh, I'd let you..." Chase looked up, totally astounded. "If you really want to worship this body, Chase." Garth sighed deeply, pushing his heated cudgel through the trembling hand that held it. "You can fuck me." Chase gaped. "Garth I--I don't know what to say..." Garth took his pupil's head gently in his hands and lifted it up. "Say you'll let me fuck you too." "You -- want me?" Garth nodded. "Yes, Chase. I like your body and I want to worship it by pushing my shaft up inside of you." He grinned, staring down at the prominent bulge in the young jock's shorts. "Do you think you can take that kind of compliment?" The young man nodded, his pulse racing. "You know I'd do anything for you, sir." Garth flashed a predatory smile. "Well, I've already shown you mine. How 'bout I see yours?" Chase gulped nervously and stood, looking into Garth's eyes briefly before pulling his shorts down and stepping out of them. His penis buoyed up erect as he kicked them away, his scrotum pulled tight against his youthful body. He stared back at Garth, and Garth looked back at him, rumbling deep in his throat. The tight-muscled older jock brushed his fingers over Chase's lean hips, and the younger man looked down to watch Garth's heavy hand explore his body. Garth's member pulsed in Chase's hand, and the junior jock watched in awe as the thick tool inflated; potent stud's male meat responding to his virgin touch. He stroked it as it grew harder and hotter, filling with rich blood from the heart and potent lust from the testes. The rod of might leaked from its tip, a drop of clear fluid oozing onto Chase's hand. Garth smiled and slid his hands over the youth's naked skin, smoothly stroking tight thigh and hip muscles, tickling the hard buttocks with his fingers. "Your body pleases me," Garth whispered, enjoying Chase' youthfully supple muscles with his fingers. "It's very firm." Chase tensed his buttocks, but also smiled. "Thank you," he said, "I'm glad you approve of it." He breathed in and wiggled when Garth slid his fingers down beneath his muscular asscheeks. "Just loosen up for it," Garth said quietly; Chase moaned as his anus was teased. "The tenser your backdoor is the more it hurts." Chase looked up at him questioningly, shifting his hips about nervously as Garth played with his firm rump. He breathed heavily. "S-so you're gonna fuck me up the butt?" Garth nodded, and there was a long pause, while he probed the muscular youth's anus with a fingertip. "Does it hurt a lot? Uhn..." Garth nodded. "Later on it gets better, but the first time it'll hurt like nothing you've seen before." Garth gripped his student's tight spherical cheeks, as he rubbed their cocks together. "But I want to fuck you so bad... Do you think your ass is ready for my dick?" His penis fenced with Chase's, and brushed against the boy's balls. Chase looked apprehensive. Garth pulled back. "You don't have to if you don't think you're able." Chase hurriedly stepped forward into his idol's powerful arms. "I can take it! My ass is ready to be fucked by you!" The young man gulped, hoping he was telling the truth. Garth sucked his teeth and released his pupil. "Okay, have a seat, then." He gestured to a wide padded bench and the nervous young jock sat down. "Lay on your back, you'll find that easiest." Chase did as he was told, arms hanging backwards to grip the back supports of the bench, and legs raised in the air leaving his virgin-tight pucker bare and exposed. Garth walked over to him, staring at the clean backdoor and reflecting on life's sweet rewards as his erection pulsed, swaying through the air in front of him. Garth grabbed the youth's strong ankles firmly, pushing his muscular legs apart and back as he looked down at his prize with a lustful grin. His cock throbbed potently over Chase's male decorations, and a young virgin butt lay spread awaiting his penetration. Little point in keeping it waiting. He aimed his cock at the doorway, breathed deep with arousal, and said "Get ready; I'm going to push it in fast to get the hurting over with..." Chase barely had time to nod an acknowledgement before Garth rammed his cockhead against the defenseless rose, driving the cap in one mighty shove. "AAH SHIT!!" Chase yelled as his flower was broken. "OH GODS OH MOMMA THAT *HURTS!*" His butt spasmed, attempting to repel the invader. "Keep with it," Garth grunted, then fucked his fat colossus in still further, pushing inch after granite-hard inch of cock into the tight asshole. Chase cried out! "OH, GOD! OH, GOD! NO FURTHER, PLEASE STOP!" He whimpered, "Garth...!" as he fought the muscular jock for control of his legs, trying to stop the horrible burning pain in his ass. Garth paused, half his cock already up the tender asschute. "Chase, your ass is so tight... feels SO good to be in you. Your body is desirable, Chase; I want to go all the way... but if you don't want me in you..." "NO!" Chase said, then groaned in pain. "I.. I can take you... fuck shit damn it hurts a lot... ow... I -- can take it though -- keep going. Please." Chase gasped for breath and let his head loll back, dangling over the side of the bench as Garth gripped him by the thighs, pulling the youth's plundered rump closer to him as he resumed his violent penetration. Garth grrrrowled as he worked his fuckstick in all the way, forcefully spreading the younger jock's virgin rectum to accommodate his great penile girth. His powerful balls dangled low, the great sac brushing the back of Chase's thickly muscled thighs as Garth worked his shaft around in the hole, moaning in pleasure while Chase moaned in pain. Garth pulled back and fucked in again, eliciting another groan from his spread butt-buddy. Garth looked down at the quivering, coldly sweating body of his mount, and saw that despite the youth's protestations he had leaked a small pool of precum onto his rippled belly. Garth smiled toothily and pumped his pupil hard, his wide tool powering its way through Chase's bowels, his hard seedsacs slapping the youth's tender ass with each thrust. Chase was still vocal in his pain, though the moans and sobs were slowly softening into grunts and whimpers. "How are you doing?" Garth asked between thrusts. "It's getting -- better," Chase said breathlessly. "My ass -- my sphincter feels almost numb, I can't feel anything down there anymore..." Chase choked and spluttered, then lifted his head up to clear his throat. He was panting, his face streaked with tears of pain. "*Uurrgh* I can feel you in me though," he said, blearily looking down his body, seeing his limp dick and testicles dangling loosely up top while Garth reamed his pretty pucker down below. "Blood rushes in my ears -- every time you fuck me. And your dick, as it slides through my guts... oh shit; I like it!" The tender jock coughed and choked, then returned to a low groan/grumbling, but this time less for the pain, than for the pleasure. "Oh, Garth; please, touch my dick..." Garth grinned to himself; and while he took his pleasure in the hot guts of his apprentice, he reached down and picked up the soft phallus, letting his other hand hold both of his young student's ankles up. Chase whimpered, his penis responding to the touch in its sensitive state, it was like he could feel each and every one of Garth's fingers on his shaft, stroking it gently, fingertips teasing the head. All the while the hard-bodied older jock plundered his tight ass, Chase's guts stroked by hard and leaking meat. Garth leaned his head back and growled, the youth's ass becoming ever tighter, ever more gripping and cloying. His heavy balls sloshed with unspent seed, banging the now flaming-red anus that he pushed his fucker through. He grunted as Chase groaned, the fat head of his cock stroking the tender jock's virgin prostate, young sweet precum leaking out over his hand as his student's balls bounced with each powerful thrust. Chase gasped and panted, his head reeling dizzily, his balls throbbing in time to Garth's ever- increasing sexual pitch and his ass felt so alive; so good to be fucked! He groaned as he began to tremble, "Oh, Garth, god... you're gonna make me do it, oh god." He felt pushed and pulled towards heaven all at once, as the huge male member filled his ass to the hilt and balls banged his ass, a muscled hand tugged deftly on his cock and his seedsacs bouncing with screaming sperm, "Oh God!! Here it comes--!! UUuaaRRgGGhhh!!!-- Hh-aahh!!" With a tumultuous spasm his body erupted, testicles clenching as his hot, simmering sperm spurted out from his dick, his maleness coating Garth's hand as his ass bore down on the powerful intruder. Garth's throbbing cockshaft endured the incredible tightness for a few seconds only, before his grunts vaulted into a great roar of passion, his tingling member blasting the boiling milk of his balls deep into Chase's young and supple, virgin body. They both rocked with the force of twin orgasms, groaning and moaning from the pleasures torturing their muscular bodies. Long minutes passed while the semen-slickened jocks panted, slowly regaining coherence and control as their hot bodies cooled. Garth slid his fingers down Chase's leg, feeling the stiff muscles of his exhausted protege. He smiled, pulling his softening penis free with a wet squish. Chase groaned, his head hanging over the back of the bench, his cock draped limply in a pool of his own juices. With some effort he moved down so he could lay his head on the padded surface, allowing his body some time to recover while his mind drifted in a post-euphoric fuzz. "So, Garth... what happens now?" he asked quietly, his eyes staring vacantly at the ceiling, speaking as if in trance. "Hm?" said Garth, already drying off his penis with a sweatcloth. "What do you mean?" "Well; am I a bender now?" "Yep," Garth answered as he pulled on his pants. "I am too, and personally I've enjoyed the experience." Garth reached down and tossed the sperm-soaked towel to the splayed youngster. "You should wipe." Chase watched as the fabric alighted on his belly with a soft splat, and calmly picked it up. "You know, I enjoyed it too," he said as he began to mop. "In fact, I don't think I'll ever need to have anything else." Garth had to laugh out loud at that one. "Oh, kid; I know I'm good but I'm not THAT good." He pulled on his shirt and smiled down at the youth. "You just keep your eyes opened and your pants unzipped; you'll be amazed what just walks up and says hi." Chase smiled, tossing the sperm-caked cloth into the laundry hamper. "Yeah... I think for now I'll just get some sleep, though." Garth nodded. "You do that, kid. S'been a big day for you." He turned to leave, but was stopped by Chase as he neared the door. "Garth?" He turned. "Yeah?" "I think this may be the best day of my life, Garth." Garth just rolled his eyes and chuckled. "You wait, kid; it only gets better from here." He watched Chase grin and give a fingers-wide, and then he left. * * * The next morning Garth awoke coughing and spluttering and wet. He rubbed the water out of his eyes to see another jock standing over him, silhouetted in the light of the door to his room. It was Jack, from the relay group, holding an empty bucket. "Ellis wants to see you," he said sternly, "right now." Garth gave Jack a dark look but said nothing, then rose and dressed as commanded. He followed his team-mate to Ellis' office and entered. Jack did not follow him in. Ellis was waiting for him, sitting opposite the door at his large wooden desk. "You wanted to see me?" Garth said, nonchalantly leaning against the wall. "I wanted to talk to you, yes," Ellis said without looking up, "but if I could have my wish I would never look upon your sickly smirking face again." Ellis rose, and pinned Garth to the cold wall with a piercing, accusatory stare. "You are a disgrace to your country, your team and to yourself." Ellis snarled. "Bender." Garth sneered at him, stepping towards the older man. "And upon what do you base this officiated gossip, old man?" "I base it upon that poor young Chase can barely walk!" Ellis yelled, slamming his fist on the desk, making pencils and papers jump. "I base it on the fact that ten people heard screams coming from the lockers yesterday afternoon; I base it on the sodden cloth caked in blood and feces and sperm that was found this morning in the laundry!" Ellis waved a slicing finger at Garth. "You are disgusting, and weak; this team has no room for degenerates such as yourself." Garth leaned over the desk, waving his fist at his superior. "If you doubt my strength I invite you to test it, granddad! And I fail to see what business you have meddling in my personal affairs!" "IDIOT!" Ellis roared. "Did it not occur to your diseased mind that Chase must run a race tomorrow?! The doctor has given him a salve that hopefully will help his injury, but if I think for even one moment that you have cost us a medal, your athletic career will instantly be over!" "And why should I be expected to know of events that don't concern me?" Garth demanded. "Chase is mature enough and strong enough to make such decisions for himself." "He is only eighteen summers, foul temptress! And he worshiped you! He would have leaped from the tall spire had you invited him!" Ellis snarled and spat his words, wielding them like daggers with which to cut Garth down. "And I suppose you haven't considered that as an Olympian, your actions reflect on all of Texica? Can you imagine the chaos that would result if the public knew?! It would be scandal! It would be outrage! The people will never accept a limp- wristed faggot like yourself as their champion. They would lose all faith in the symbols that they believe in, there would be discontent and marching in the streets!" Garth clenched his teeth, gripping the desk and leaning threateningly over the shorter man, his nails digging into the wood. "And what are you going to do? Spank me?" The coach growled, meeting Garth's angry gaze. "Were my actions not also a matter for public concern, I wouldn't hesitate to stuff you back in your suitcase and kick you back to Hell!" For a long moment they stared at each other across the desk, each inches away from attacking his team-mate. Finally Ellis sat down, continuing to scowl at Garth. "But again, that would be scandal. You are fortunate without cause that you have been shown to Texica as one of its heroes! To protect the reputation of the games, this disgrace shall go unspoken and you shall make yourself normal immediately! Your weak and inferior nature shall not be the cause of anarchy, Garth -- I shall be watching you." Garth grunted. "It shall take a stronger man than you to change me." "If you are not strong enough to change yourself, then Texica can do without you!" Ellis growled. "Now get out!" Garth sneered, "I think I shall. The air in here does not breathe clean." Ellis fumed as he turned to leave. But with the door half open, Garth paused and turned -- "Y'know what I think, granddad," he grinned. "I think you're just mad that I didn't pick you." Garth grinned viciously and left, leaving Ellis trembling like a volcano about to burst. Seconds after the door slammed shut, Ellis yelled his rage, echoing throughout the complex; and smashed his desk with his heavy fists. Garth smiled to himself... then frowned. Trumped-up as he was, Ellis did have the power to make life unpleasant for him if he chose. Garth decided to head for the weight room. It was productive time, and working out always helped him think. His team-mates greeted him with usual candor, but also with a quiet restraint; either accurate or partial news had travelled fast. Perhaps they had heard him and Chase in the lockers, perhaps they heard that Ellis had words with him. Perhaps they heard simply that something was up. He elected not to enlighten them at this time. Later today Garth was scheduled for a force-combat match with an experienced Skadian. An edge in stamina would be the deciding factor in such an event, and thus Garth selected a training bar of medium weight. He stood in the middle of the mirrored room and began to squat-and-lift it above his head repeatedly, noting his old record of 100 reps for this exercise. Garth mulled over Ellis' words. The threat of banning him from competition had not been an idle one, the influence of an Olympic coach was far-reaching. But Garth did have one thing in his favor -- the people loved him. Texica worshiped him. He was their Adonis; their Hercules. Such a well-known personality could not lightly be tossed aside, and it was only for this reason that he had been spared a disgraceful expulsion. Garth grunted at 15 reps. If there was anything he found distasteful about the Olympics, it was the way it all inevitably became embroiled in politics. The Skadians underscored their opponents to boost their citizens' egos, and no one campaigned against the practice for fear of laying the groundwork for a new war. To succeed in the Olympics, you had to be more than a competitor, you had to be a spectacle -- or you wouldn't be back next year. It sickened him the way it was all taken so out of context; he was vying for a medal, not challenging for President. How ironic that the one aspect of the games he could do without was the one thing protecting him from the homophobic numskulls in charge. This year. By next season they may have solved this problem, one way or the other. 30 reps. Garth began to breathe deeply. He could not allow that. He had to ensure that he couldn't be quietly removed from the scene in the off-season. Also, he would not bow to the head coach's demand that he give up the pleasures of other jocks. Garth of all people! He could no more remain celibate than art could remain unappreciated; the citizens of Texica deserved to have his body. At 45 reps Garth started to sweat slightly, considering the possible courses of action open to him. The elegant solution would solve both problems, but was one such available? He could do nothing, but that would solve nothing. He could escape to another land more indulgent to his tastes. He banished the thought almost as it came to him. He would not run from his problems. 60 reps was where casual athletes stop, but Garth kept up the pace with only slight shortness of breath. He attempted to analyze the issue. What was the problem? The people would not accept his drives. The obvious solution then, would be to make them accept. But how to do that? They believed such habits were a sign of weakness, therefore he must associate them with strength. Garth hefted his weight bar again and again, his mind at a loss for ideas. Suddenly as he began to pant and sweat profusely, his muscles straining from the exertion, an idea formed in his air- hungry mind. Would it work? He wasn't sure. Did it have any chance at all? After all it would mean changing the minds of Texicans everywhere. Could he be convincing enough? Garth set down his weight bar, gulping air. 110 reps. Could he change the world... Garth smiled. It was sure to be an interesting challenge. * * * The slap of feet on polished wood was utterly drowned by the swell of cheers and victory shouts as Garth re-entered the gym. He strutted proudly forward, grinning at the throng as he approached the thick wrestling mat. Garth took a moment to stretch himself fully, doing a few pushups and a quick flip for the benefit of the audience while his opponent approached. Garth was faced with a green-eyed blond-haired Skadian. He was stockier and shorter in height than Garth, with wide lats and beefy pecs, broad shoulders, powerful arms, and thick trunks for legs. Of more critical importance to Garth was the Skadian wrestler's reputation for endurance. The heavyset fighter before him looked prepared to outlast the mountains themselves. Fortunately Garth had a plan to deal with that... "Force combat elimination round 3," the unseen announcer read. "Garth of Texica, versus Tryg of Skadia." A pair of judges took their places on either side of the mat and motioned for the competitors to take their places. Garth sauntered up. After a count of three, the judges clapped two blocks of wood together, signaling with a loud clop the start of the match. Garth stepped into the ring and assumed a neutral stance, as did his opponent. Garth smiled cheerfully, watching the Skadian study Garth's firm musculature, the rippling muscles beneath the smooth skin. Garth used this brief time to fully drink in Tryg's brawny body. The Skadian was well-endowed, his cock maybe shorter than Garth's own but just as thick, with a large pair of spherical balls. Probably quite a stud back in Skadia, Garth thought. Garth contemplated the full, firm butt that could bring him so much pleasure. Tryg's ass was two perfect ovals of muscular flesh. Never taking his eyes off his opponent, Garth reached down between his own muscular thighs. The legion of spectators murmured as Garth pulled slowly on his fleshy organ, watching as the jock's eyes drifted down to his crotch... oh, this was going to be too easy. The two muscular jocks circled each other, Garth stepping foot-by-foot, subtly closing the gap between them while his opponent's eyes dallied on his slowly firming cockflesh. Garth noted every twitch of shoulders, every purse of his opponent's lips; while in Tryg's eyes Garth's heavy sexual weapon grew larger and larger and harder and hotter as it was delicately caressed by Garth's fingers, until it loomed so large Tryg felt he could reach out and touch it... Suddenly Garth's hand lashed out like a striking viper, grabbing Tryg behind the knee and yanking up hard! The Skadian bellowed in surprise as he was thrown, by luck managing to hit Garth with the heel of one foot before he fell on his back. Garth grunted and recoiled from the heavy blow, giving his opponent just time enough to rise and lunge for the other fighter's legs. Garth jumped and Tryg fell on his stomach, clutching empty air as Garth, with reflexes fine- tuned by years of experience, somersaulted while airborne to land behind the Skadian. He spun around and threw himself onto his opponent as the Skadian started to rise, slamming into Tryg's left side and pressing him against the mat. Garth waited until his opponent pushed himself up onto his hands and knees again, then made his move. He grabbed Tryg's neck in an elbow-lock and slid his knee between the other wrestler's legs, and then rolled the Skadian onto his side with his left arm pinned under him and his legs spread. And then, without warning, Garth power- punched his still-rigid cockshaft hard into the other fighter's vulnerable anus! The Skadian's eyes bulged out of their sockets as Garth's powerful tool was shoved into his rectum. He bellowed in pain and total shock. "AAAAAIIIGGHH!!" he croaked, screaming as his tightly muscled butt was forced wide! He struggled, but his left arm was held fast, and his left leg trapped by Garth's weight; his free arm flailed as he tried to grab Garth but he could find no purchase. The unwanted feeling of a hot shaft sliding up his ass, into his body, through his guts, filled Tryg's mind. "Losh de Texicar diovel vey von mi - HILFFFF..." Tryg moaned, a desperate cry for intervention. The crowd was totally silent. The judges stared wide-mouthed in bewilderment. This was something weird, seeing one jock conquer another and taking his prize. And then, from some far corner of the gym, a faintly-heard shout drifted over the floor -- "Yeah, show that weak-dick Skadian some POWER!" Garth flashed a predatory grin as the crowd began to loose control, fans rooting, Skadians hollering, cameras flashing everywhere as his cockshaft plunged deep between his opponent's muscular cheeks. And then he grabbed the Skadian wrestler's thick cock and began jerking it off as fast as he could! Tryg screamed as his genitals were violated! "Gott NEIIII!" he yelled, shocked and in total disbelief. This couldn't be happening to him! It was impossible! His muscular ass had been penetrated, his maleness brutally taken by another man. Now even his prized loins were at this devil's command, forced into arousal by this randy Texican muscleman! Garth's fingers curled tightly around Tryg's quickly rising erection, sliding over sensitive genital flesh, knuckles rapping the other's tight testicles as they bounced with the rhythm. He fucked the Skadian's ripe ass raw, fighting the rising pressure in his balls while he violently milked his opponent's staff, choking the other musclestud while draining him of all his fighting energy. Tryg didn't know what to think as the pain changed into pleasure. His mind couldn't accept that another stud's dick could feel so good. He gasped for breath, his eyes near to tearing; he could barely move or resist and hardly breathe. So unthinkable... that the entire arena should see him being skewered by his opponent, that he should like it. And then without warning Tryg's body betrayed him, his loins were abruptly on fire with sensation; his tight balls clenching! His hard cock throbbing! Tryg's mind reeled and spun wildly. His body convulsed and he cried out, groaning as his seed spilled forth; the precious sperm he had been saving for his adoring female fans spraying impotently onto the mat, so that all the planet could see the completeness of his humiliation. Garth grunted as his enemy writhed on his penis, then clenched his teeth as the muscled ass surrounding him clenched and throbbed, trying to pull his balls out through his cock. Until at last Garth's restraint was rewarded, Tryg collapsing limp and jellylike as the Skadian abandoned himself to this humiliation. Garth wasted no time in forcing his exhausted opponent onto his belly, pinning both his shoulders to the mat for the judges' count of three as he used the floor as leverage to pound into the other jock with brutal force. As the judges ended the match with the painful clack of wooden bricks, Tryg couldn't stop the groan that vibrated through him. What would they do to him back home? To merely fail was bad enough, but to be totally disgraced in this manner... He could not comprehend how he had fallen so easily; and he could not imagine that he could have liked it so much. The body Tryg had constructed so proudly was now at the whim of the Texican stud, the inside of him speared into submission by Garth's great thrusting sword. Sweat glistened on Garth's muscular frame as he pounded harder and harder, reveling in Tryg's surrender, piercing the other wrestler's tight asshole with no-holds-barred vigor. The large muscles in Garth's body undulated and flexed as he fucked Tryg mercilessly, while Tryg whimpered pitifully with each brutal thrust. The legs Tryg had thought so powerful were spread wide to provide easier access to the conquered fighter's swollen entrance, while Garth's own powerful legs showed themselves handy for the jack-rabbit motions he made as he drove his huge dick inside his brawny opponent over and over, deep and hard. Finally, Garth slammed into Tryg one final time, howling as he finished himself off in the vanquished wrestler's muscular rump. Garth's roar echoed in Tryg's ears as his conqueror's hot seed poured into his body, swamping the inflamed rectum with white clotted liquid and mixing with the blood from his torn inner walls. And then Tryg's battered mind could stand no more and he lost consciousness, fading away into perhaps more peaceful dreams. The two fighters lay together on the ground as Garth rested a moment, enjoying the pleasant feeling of his slowly softening cock still buried inside Tryg's flaming channel. Then Garth yanked the length of his bloodied cock out of the tight clinging ass. Standing up, Garth put one bare foot on the round muscular cheeks of the ass that he had raped, cocked his bulging arms, and screamed a victory cry, amplified a hundredfold by his fans throughout the crowd as they went wild with approval. * * * Two days later, Garth again stood in Ellis' office, facing his stern superior across the desk. Garth smiled, holding his hands behind him in mock-courtesy. "You have summoned, I have come, O wizened one." "Well I'm glad that you still do some things when ordered to," Ellis said calmly. "You quite expertly disobeyed my instructions the other day." Garth stiffened. "When I'm faced with an obstacle, I don't give into it, as you would have me do," he said with equal measured calm. "I fight and I struggle until I have bested it. That is why I've become the best." Ellis sat silently. "You make life difficult for those of us with responsibilities with your careless and immoral behavior. If you value your country you will stop." "I'm not here to make your life easy, Ellis." Garth crossed his arms. "I am here to compete in contests of strength and agility and skill; if you want to use my success as political leverage you do so at your own risk. I am not your pet athlete." "And how am I supposed to manage the Olympic team when half my athletes either refuse to work with you or are afraid for their assholes?! YOU forget that your team-mates do not amount to your personal harem!" Garth offhandedly began to clean his nails, mildly amused by Ellis' show of indignation. "Oh, that's such a disappointment. I thought you were up to the task of managing my personal harem." Ellis pounded his fist on his solid desk. "SHUT UP!!" "Ellis, I am not about to rape anybody. As I'm sure you saw the other day, that would be less than a challenge." Garth smirked. Ellis simmered. "And quite frankly, not worth the bother of going through all this every day. I told you, Chase wanted to bend before me; I will not have jocks -- or girls -- that do not. The match was a demonstration. Chase was the reality and by the way, give him my congratulations on his impressive win yesterday." "A fine demonstration! The Skadian diplomats have been screaming at the top of their lungs for justice! Texica is now seen everywhere as a nation of rapists!" "Let them scream." Garth waved a hand casually. Ellis leaned back heavily in his chair, scowling at the jock. "I can see that political knowledge is as scarce as a decent impulse in that diseased organ you call a brain. But believe me, that we have lost much face and I hope that you're happy about it." "Oh, feel free to discipline me however you like. Just check with my public first. They have their own opinions about me now." "I'm aware of that, you pervert!" Ellis jabbed a finger at Garth. "Let's see what they think of you once our team starts to lose because you have shattered everybody's trust in one another!" "What? Surely the greatest team-builder in all Texica is up to a little challenge? He who can devise such wonderful battle tactics must surely have some trick up his sleeve." "Publicly assigning me credit for your disgusting stunt is a humiliation we will discuss at a later time! My job is not about challenge!" Ellis leaned back. "This is about winning; and it's about making the best possible team. Because of the feelings of the others those goals may be jeopardized." "You'll manage it. I have faith in you." Ellis paused, somewhat taken aback. "If only you would show that faith then, by doing as I tell you." Garth stood firm, very serious. "Ellis, I can't obey your orders when they shackle and enslave my nature. But I'll make you a deal. If you wish I won't discuss it or bring it up in any way, unless the subject is brought before me. I'll do my thing only with those who are already at ease with it, and I'll do my best to keep it from interfering with your job. Can you handle that?" Ellis sat silent for a long moment, watching Garth, his nails drumming thoughtfully on the marble desktop. "I don't like making compromises where it concerns my team, Garth," he said, "but because of the difficult position you have put us all in I have little choice." Garth bared his teeth. "By the next Olympics we'll see which of us is right. And if you are... I'll apologize." Ellis grunted. "Ever the sportsman." Garth nodded. "Am I dismissed?" "Yes, but for one thing. Someone is waiting for you in your room, on official business." Ellis looked at Garth sternly. "I hope for your sake that he is as forgiving as I am." That unnerved Garth. Someone from the governing committee was here to speak with him directly? No phone call, no form letter? Perhaps his deed was as far-reaching as Ellis had claimed. Without further word, Garth turned and left. As Garth strode through the halls to his private quarters, his mind raced with questions. Who could it be? What did they want? What in the stars was so important that they would travel hundreds of kilometers to speak to him personally? Public visits by high committee members were not remarkable, but a secret meeting such as this? Garth shook his head in puzzlement. As Garth neared his room he could see that the door was indeed flanked by two burly guards in government security garb. They opened the door for him without question or explanation, revealing a darkened interior. Garth stepped inside somewhat hesitantly, and the door was closed behind him with the clicking of a lock. As his eyes began to adjust to the darkness, the reading lamp by his bed was turned on, silhouetting a seated figure. Garth blinked and stared as the figure turned the light on himself, illuminating the face of none other than Tryg, the Skadian he had wrestled with and raped in the gymnasium! His former opponent raised a hand in a Skadian salute. "Halu, Garth." Garth was stunned! How was this possible? He crossed his arms and spoke sternly, "What in the stars is going on here?? What do you want?" Garth watched Tryg look down and flip through a Texican phrase book, apparently looking up a word. He found it, set the book down next to the lamp, and grinned at Garth. "Re-match...." Without further word the Skadian hooked his thumbs into his waistband, peeling off his shorts to reveal his rampant penis underneath. Garth smiled. Another interesting challenge... Kicking off his sandals, Garth removed his filmy team shirt with one hand, stripping off his shorts with the other to free his already enlarged cock. Tryg stood up from the bed and took his shirt off. The warm golden light from the bedside lamp caressed the hard curves of the Skadian's body. The two fighters approached and faced each other, two fine specimens of jock flesh. They stared at each other's muscular body appreciatively, their rigid cocks pointed at each other like swords, powerful and thick, heavy with blood. Their gazes locked, both frozen, unmoving, as they stared deep into each other's eyes. Then both men grabbed each other and wrestled onto the floor. The two men engaged in a torrid wrestling match. To the victor would belong the loser. Garth felt his cock pressed against Tryg's as they fought on the ground, muscle straining against muscle, their legs wrapped around each other, chests pressed tightly together. They rolled on the floor, struggling for an advantage, each getting off on the feel of the other's seething, hot, smooth, unyielding, chiseled muscles surging and rippling. Sweat poured from them as the two wrestled for dominance; their bodies slick and shiny in the room light, their hands clawing at the other's body, their legs and feet struggling against the other's to get an advantage. They fought, each trying to gain the upper hand, until Garth's experience overcame Tryg's raw animal power. Garth rolled them over until he was on top, then cunningly lifted his weight for a moment. As the the other jock tried to surge upwards, Garth flipped Tryg over to lie face down on the floor, grabbing the back of the Skadian's neck in a grip of steel as he ground his hips against Tryg. Even horny as hell and desperate to get fucked, Tryg fought like a tiger. The intensity of their struggle was driving Garth mad, and with a growl he nipped the lobe of Tryg's ear. This took Tryg by surprise and his body relaxed for a moment. Instantly, with one emphatic grunting thrust, Garth impaled Tryg's sweaty butt, his inflamed and engorged cock sliding into his conquest's tight asshole, up to the balls. Tryg yelled as Garth's thick meat entered him. He continued to struggle and buck against Garth, but Garth's powerful limbs held him down as the victorious wrestler pumped roughly into him. Jamming his knees between Tryg's legs, Garth forced the other jock to spread his legs wide, opening Tryg's ass to easier access. Again and again Garth rocked back and rammed forward, driving his spike into Tryg's hot corridor. Losing himself completely in the taking of the other muscleman, Garth almost missed when Tryg's thrashing turned to a matching rhythm that impaled him harder and harder on Garth's lustful rod, as the fire from the vicious jabs at his pleasure center fled in waves throughout Tryg's groin. Both fighters groaned, working themselves into a torrid sexual wrestling duo, writhing and torturing their bodies together. Tryg arched up into Garth's savage embrace, lifting his hips to give the Texican musclestud full access, backing his ass up onto Garth to receive every inch the other jock could spare him. Tryg's fingers clawed desperately at the floor as Garth's thighs slapped in a fevered tempo against his. Snarls and growls filled the room as Garth fucked Tryg, savagely pounding into his channel. Every time Garth slammed into him, Tryg would push back to meet the other fighter's thrusts, despite the pain of being fucked so harshly. With every snarl of pleasure Garth gave, Tryg gave an echoing one. The sound of skin slapping against skin could be heard underneath the growls in a rhythmic thumping, as the two wrestlers mated brutally. Then Tryg moaned wildly and he spread his thick smooth thighs further apart. Garth had reached under Tryg and wrapped his callused hands around the fighter's maleness. Tryg threw his head back in ecstasy as his hot meat started to slide in and out, in and out, of the roughened yet slippery sheath of Garth's palms. Garth's pumping action was so hard that he was fucking Tryg into the floor, causing Tryg in turn to fuck Garth's own hands. The two became totally absorbed in the motions and sensations, until the whole world consisted of sweaty hard manflesh and deep-throated moans, until they both convulsed and, with a harmonic roar, exploded together in a violent, shuddering twin ejaculation. Tryg's cock surged and his creamy white jism spouted forth in a huge gush, coating the rough skin of Garth's palms and running out around Garth's fingers. At the same time, Garth's own prick spurted volley after volley of his potent stud seed into Tryg's abused ass, coating the insides with his thick jock batter. As orgasm ripped through them, the two glistening muscled bodies smashed into each other over and over, as if they were violently trying to absorb one another. Finally it was all over, and Garth's softening cock slipped out of Tryg's brutalized butthole. Garth lay on Tryg's back, a warm blanket of over two hundred pounds of muscle, as their breathing came back to normal. Possessively, Garth's mouth and teeth moved slowly across the back of Tryg's bull neck, nipping and biting, grazing and holding. This hadn't been sex. This hadn't been screwing, and it sure as hell hadn't been lovemaking. It had been fucking - fucking and mating and claiming, both showing and being shown that they belonged to the other man, despite their rivalry, despite their different nations and languages, and despite the many days that might pass before they could meet again. E N D
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 19:50:41 -0800 (PST) From: James Truett Subject: Summers End, Part 5 (t/t, Auth) Summers End, Part 5 (t/t, Auth) By the SavannahKid Joe's tale: I can't begin to tell you how I felt as I swallowed Billy's cum. I was not gay but I enjoyed the whole situation. Knowing that I had followed Erik's command to this extreme gave me a rush. I was not abused and in fact it was kind of sexual. I had a rush and it was better than the best sex I ever had. I wanted what I had done kept secret. But I also wanted Erik to know that I would do anything he asked. Billy and I walked toward the cottage. Billy said, "See you later Joe. I'll let Erik know how good you did today." I said, "Thanks." I entered the cottage because all I wanted to do was get clean. I moved into the bathroom to shower when I heard James enter the cottage. He was talking to someone as he entered. I quickly turned off the water and stepped from the tub. I wrapped the towel around me and started toward the bedroom. James said, "Not so fast Joe, come in here a minute." I walked toward the Living room. Billy Arnold was standing talking to James. James looked at me and said, "You know Billy don't you?" Then he started laughing and said, "Of course you know him. I understand you know him in a special way." My humiliation grew as I realized that Billy had told James about the beach. He laughed again and asked, "Did you have a good time today." I looked at him and said, "I did as Erik said." He said, "I didn't know Erik asked you to go down on Billy. In fact I think he would become quite upset when he finds out." I said, "He told me to do as Billy asked." I was interrupted by Erik as he grabbed my towel. James said, "Did you do it on your own or did Billy force you?" I was about to answer when Billy shouted, "I never forced him to suck me or swallow my load. He was willing and no one could be made to suck dick like he did." James said, "Were you forced, Joe?" I looked at him and said, "He didn't force me." He said, "Then you wanted to suck his cock?" I looked at him puzzled, "No I didn't want to. I wanted to do what Erik requested and I did." He said, "You don't mind sucking cock if Erik tells you to?" I looked down embarrassed and said, "I don't mind doing anything." James looked at me. I could tell he was planning something. He looked at me and asked, "Kneel down." I spoke before I thought and said, "I'm not going to do anything with you." He was angry as he said, "You said you would do what Billy told you to do." I said, "He didn't tell me to do anything." Billy said in a commanding tone, "Well I'm telling you to do whatever James asks you to do. Do you understand?" I was mad as I knelt before James. I wanted to do things for Erik. I wanted him to use me as he wanted but I felt like I was a whore when I was sent off with Billy earlier and now James. I also knew my night would not be easy after I had smarted off to James. I enjoyed watching James' penis as he walked around the cottage this summer. I was even turned on when he used Clay and Beth. But I was not prepared to give him a blow job. I always had a slightly aroused cock after watching him force Clay to take his load and I could never before explain why. I looked up to face James when I noticed his erection in his bathing suit. I also noticed that someone else had entered the cottage. I felt two hands touching my body, and I heard the voice of Billy asking "You don't mind doing this, do you." I remained silent. What was there to say anyway? "I'll do whatever you tell me to do." Suddenly I saw Erik looking at me kneeling before James. In a reflex I turned around to see if he was going to rescue me. James responded, by pulling me close to him. I felt his hardening cock press against my own face. He said he wanted me to suck his cock, and before I answered he started to slide his bathing suit down. I looked over at Erik and with my eyes I said, "Erik please help me." He was content to be the voyeur as he said, "Just do what he says." I had never experienced such a weird feeling before. This was a thousand times more intense than what I had done with Billy. I was nearly at that point where I was going to put on a show like Clay had. I never expected this to happen to me. I thought I would be able to keep everything private. I was always more afraid that I would be caught I told Erik this, and he assured me that whatever I did would only be known by them. This hurt my pride a little at first, but would be quickly forgotten as James took control. James spread his legs a little and pulled on my hair causing me to bend over. I felt very strange, but also to my surprise turned on. He gently rubbed his erection on the side of my face. He said, "I'm going to enter you now." He moved his big erection toward my lips. Then he pushed his cock into my mouth, just a little bit. It was a lot larger than I expected. He pushed a little further, and I felt my gag reflexes take hold. Then I relaxed a little. He stroked his cock across my lips and his balls softly massaged my chin. I relaxed a little more and at once, without a lot of effort he slid all the way in. At first I didn't know what he expected of me but that didn't matter any way because he took control. He started pumping and he was moaning from his obvious pleasure. This was something I'd never experienced before. His moaning grew louder and louder. He reached down until he got my cock in his hands, and started jerking me of. It took just a few jerks to get me to cum. I came hard and the cum ended on his legs. At this point he must also have reached his orgasm, because I felt his penis jerk and start pumping cum in to me. He slowly withdrew his softening cock from my mouth. Then I noticed that Erik and Billy were naked with roaring erections. I felt my face go red as James pulled back his cock and we were still attached by a long string of his slime. I wanted to vanish into thin air. James watched my reaction and returned his cock to my lips. I opened my mouth as shoved his cock all the way back in, and started pumping my mouth. He started pumping faster and harder and was soon pounding my face. Not long after, he shot a second load into me. It was only moments before Billy shoved his cock into my mouth. He had a thicker cock than James but much shorter. I felt my mouth being stretched but I did not feel the gagging reflexes. Erik watched me servicing Joe while stroking his cock. I grabbed Billy's cock and started sucking on it like I had done on the beach. I wanted him to cum and with a few long deep thrusts he shot his load. Cum was now oozing out of my mouth. I thought, "One more cock to go now." It seemed to take ages before I saw Erik. I saw his cum dripping out of his softening cock. It was leaking down, over his balls and dripping onto the floor. He had jerked off onto the floor. I sat down on the living room floor and tried to get that look of shame off of my face.
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2002 20:46:04 -0800 (PST) From: James Truett Subject: Summers End, Parts 1-2 (t/t, Auth) This story is a continuation of "Two-tales-of-Summer" The stories I write are for imagination and are not to be believed. "I need to experience the things the Kid does without taking his risks and I needed a release in my life. I still need that Savannah Kid, better known as my imagination, to help me through each day." Summers End, Part 1 (t/t, Auth) By the SavannahKid Clay's tale: When I was sixteen, I became caught up in what would be a long summer with James. I felt uneasy today as James, Erik and Joe returned from the beach. What will their reaction be? I left with a furry of anger because I was mad at James and Erik about the events with Beth. I had allowed James to seduce my younger sister. Little did I dream when we left for vacation that I would become obsessed with James? I felt James looked down on me, as if I was his inferior. This along with a game of monopoly had set me up to become his servant for a few weeks. I was ashamed of my actions and I was humiliated at what I had done. Now I was afraid of his return. It was a little past two when Joe called me. He called to ask about Beth. Joe was the person that had intervened and convinced me to take Beth out of the situation I had created for her. He was the one that had come up with the idea for my escape. Joe said, "James was pissed at you leaving. He said yesterday that you still owed him. I guess you need to stay clear of him for awhile." He wanted to meet me at the mall in thirty minutes. The statement, "I owed him", caused me to sweat. Would he want me to continue now that he was home? I was sure that I had broken the tie with him as I left but now I felt un-sureness with his return. What could I do if confronted with James? It would ruin me at school, church and home. I still can't believe that he had enough power over me to have me serve him and Erik in front of Beth and Joe. Joe's tale: I wanted to warn Clay. I saw him walk into the food court at the mall and start looking around for me. I called over to him and he walked my way. He was looking down and not looking directly at me. I looked to see if he would make eye contact but he never did. I said, "Listen, it has been six weeks since you left. So I guess I'd better tell you what happened.'" I just stood and looked at him as tears formed in my eyes. He looked all around as if he was waiting bad news. Finally he mad eye contact with me and asked, "What do you want to tell me?" I said, "The night you left James was pissed. He got into it pretty strong with Erik. I tried to stay out of their feud. James told him he had everything under control with you. He told him you could not say anything as he had that night on tape. James said he thought that you might do something brave so he set up his dad's video recorder. He recorded everything on tape. Both you blowing him and Erik." I looked over at Clay as fear spread on his face, "No, he couldn't have recorded anything." I said, "Yea he did and he played it for me and Erik. The part I hate to tell you is that it showed you close up. It also had me sitting on the couch watching in my jockeys with a hard-on. You never see James or Erik's faces. All you could see was you and me." I wanted to shit when I saw it. Erik started laughing and looked over at me and said, "Looks like we have two fags." I was ready to punch Erik out when James grabbed my arm and said, "Now you owe me. I don't care what you say. You will pay when I'm ready. Do you understand?" I knew he would show the tape to our friends and I was not going to let him show the tape. I was afraid that he would have me take your place. So you know I had to do it. Summers End, Part 2 (t/t, Auth) By the SavannahKid Joe's tale: Erik continued laughing after we had entered our room for the night. He said, "Looks like this is going to be a good summer after all." I should have ignored Erik but I didn't and I asked, "What do you mean?" He said, "You don't know do you? When James said you will pay when he is ready, he meant it. I think he plans to show your tape to someone tomorrow. You understand that you and Clay will be labeled, `queer'. He is so mad he just wants to get even." I knew he was not bluffing so I knew what I had to do. I asked Erik, "Will you talk to him and find out what I have to do to keep him from showing the tape?" He said, "Maybe I will. What's in it for me?" I blushed as I said, "What do you want?" He became serious for the first time and told me, "You and James are always looking down on me. You both think you are so high and mighty. Hell Clay was the only one that treated me like I was a normal person. I want you to be my servant for the next week. You have to do as you are told. I don't mean the blowjob thing, um, unless you want to. I just want you to do for me like Clay did for James. If you agree I'll get James to hide the tape. But I think you will have to agree to help get even with Clay when we get back. Do we have a deal?" I was so glad that he would keep the tape from being shown. I would have agreed to anything. I was also glad I didn't have to agree to the sex thing. He went off to talk to James. In about ten minutes Erik asked me to come into James' room. James looked at me and said, "Erik said you have agreed to submit to him if I put the tape away and he said you also said you would help get even with Clay when we returned. Is this right?" I said, "Yes, please don't show the tape. I could get in big trouble if my older brother saw it. We are friends so can't you just destroy it? He smiled and said, "Kneel down." I was nervous but I slowly knelt down between Erik and James. I said, "Erik said I wouldn't have to do the sex part." He said, "You will only call Erik sir. You will kneel when he enters our cottage. You will only stand when we tell you. You will obey everything Erik tells you no matter who is around. Do you agree?" I said, "Yes, but I won't have do any of the sex stuff." He said, "Do you agree to obey Erik?" I again said, "What about the sex stuff?" He caused me to blush again as he said, "You can not put conditions. It will be up to Erik. Do you agree to serve him the rest of the vacation?" I said, "He said only one week." He said, "If you agree I'll put the tape in a safe place. At the end of the summer I'll give it to you." I knew I was stepping off a cliff as I said, "Yes sir."
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 03:11:13 -0600 From: slavewriter Subject: office slave part three "You're done with the cals, faggot. Now we start to have some fun." Johns face fell. He looked to me as if for some sort of relief. Instead I walked behind him, reached down over his shoulders and grabbed his nipples under his tee shirt and gave them both a hard twist. "I want you to strip naked, " I spoke quietly into John left ear as I gripped his tits tighter. "Then go to your locker and fetch your belt," I twisted his tits another quarter turn, "so I can whip your ass raw," this time he sucked in a mouthful of air as my fingers dug into his chest. Because I had grabbed him from behind and my crotch lay flat against his broad shoulder. I am sure he could feel my erection but what was more important to me was that I could feel the pain go through his body each time I tortured his nipples. Even though he was at attention he straightened and stiffened as I applied the pressure to his nipples. When I finally released him he quickly stood up, stripped, and ran to the locker room as he had been told. When John returned he ran back and stood in front of me holding his leather belt which he retrieved from his trousers. He stood at attention and offered the belt on his outstretched hands. Mike and I just stared silently at him as he stood there. After some time it began to dawn on him that he was doing something wrong. To add to Johns dismay Mike asked if I thought a faggot this stupid would last. "Fuck no, if it can screw up a simple order like this then it will never make it." "Wait til it fucks up like this for Larry...it will have to eat its own shit for a week." "If the faggot mutt can't even fetch an item when ..." That's when John realized his mistake and quickly dropped to his knees and presented the leather belt by holding it in his mouth like a retriever might. "six minutes 16 seconds", Mike announced, "That will cost you 50 lashes." It was hard to tell if John heard or really understood what was said. He was kneeling at attention and had a stoic detached look on his face. It seemed obvious that he had been whipped with a belt before. I remembered when Mike last gave me 50 lashes, I had irritated Larry to some small degree and Larry ordered that I take fifty lashes. The hours and minutes leading up to the whipping were murder. The mind exaggerates the pain yet endured and you can't help but wonder if you'll survive. Mike couldn't help but fuck with the moron as he kneeled there on the hard gym floor. "Fifty lashes on your bare ass and back." He had walked right in front of John "Think you can take it faggot?" Mike grabbed the belt from John mouth to allow him to speak. "Sir, Yes sir" Mike started to rub his crotch teasingly. "You think you're tough don't you pussy. Think you can take it?" "Sir....", he hesitated not knowing what to say then took a shot in the dark, "Yes sir" "You're a Gung-Ho faggot aren't you." Mike had double the leather belt over and was slowly rubbing Johns right nipple with the belt. John couldn't answer, he gulped slightly and tried to look down toward the floor. I followed his gaze and saw his problem prominently jutting nearly straight out from his body. I stepped back and off to the side to gaze upon his entire naked body. He kneeled perfectly rigid from his head to his knees. His penis was 100 percent erect and dripping. There was a look of desperation in his face, of pain, agony, and desire for release. Abruptly Mike struck him with the belt right across the cheek causing it to immediately turn red. "Are you a gung ho mother fucking faggot?"Mike shouted. John looked up in anger and surprise, both emotions were quickly subdued and he lowered his gaze and answered loudly: "Sir this pile of dog excrement is gung ho, Sir" "Sir, this boot licking clown hopes that Sirs will physically abuse it for Sirs amusement, sir." "Sir, this shit eating pussy hopes Sirs will beat the fuck out of it and make it beg for the mercy it doesn't deserve, Sir" Johns voice was nearly cracking with anguish. His hands were behind his back and his penis throbbed with every heart beat. He had a nice pump from the cals he did earlier. I admired him for his self control. It is hard to explain unless you were there. Maybe it was the terse, strong tone of his voice. Maybe it was his rigid posture which got more rigid as he asked Mike to begged Mike to beat him without mercy. Maybe it was the way his muscles tightened as if he expected the beating to begin at any moment. Whatever it was it all spelled the same thing, John needed to cum. To stroke his cock and get some relief. Mike practically ignored him. He set a chair up at Johns side and sat in it. Maybe I'm more sympathetic, maybe it was that I myself had a raging hardon that I wanted to stroke. Whatever it was, for a moment I felt truly sorry for John. I sat in a chair directly in front of John and we began 'knife and fork' school. The idea was that any slave to Larry needed to know all the rules and how and when they applied. "Knife and fork" school was simply the slave kneeling while he answered a series of questions about his expected behavior. Any wrong answer was punished immediately. If the slave flunked the test there was additional punishment. The whole thing is relatively boring. John would make a small mistake and receive a quick belt across the ass cheek. If he made the same mistake again later then he'd get five. If there was a severe mistake made then Mike would jump to his feet and lace the belt across Johns back ten or fifteen strokes. This only happened once when John screwed up on a question about answering a non-coded email. Often time Larry would send an email with a code phrase in it. This was something simple like 'Please remember to update your travel agendas for next month.' Sending that message to Mike and I (and now John) would mean that we were to assemble in the Gymnasium that evening after work. Security was important since we all knew that should we get caught we'd all very likely get fired. And while losing our jobs might seem like a paramount consideration there was an even greater matter to consider. The unique arrangement where Larry was our actual boss on the job and our sexual master off the job would be lost. While we'd all eventually find work, it is doubtful that we'd all work together in the same capacity again. We went through the list of prepared question twice. The first time through didn't count, the second time did. All the while John kneeled on the hard floor, eyes straight ahead and answered the questions as best he could. This was the low point of the evening. It was important that Johnie fuck-up learn the rules but it was tedious. Yet somehow John stayed aroused. When I went through 'knife and fork' Mike used and electric anal probe and buzzed me every time I fucked up. The shock of have electricity running up your ass and through your body was unbearable. The more I sweat the worse it got. Finally John answered the final question and we were done. Unlike me John had passed on his first try and would escape punishment. "Let's set up some tables." Mike saw my reaction to his words and reminded me that John has fifty coming for taking so long retrieving the belt. Great I thought as the three of us walked to the sidelines where the tables were. Two long tables were placed side by side with a 4 inch gaps. The cunt-boy was told to lie face down. His cock and balls fell through the gap. Mike and I pushed the tables together until his ball sack was trapped beneath the tables. We called this set up the guillotine. Johns was bound to the table, a rope passed under the table connecting his left arm to his right. Likewise for his legs. Johns arms extended over the sides of the table. If John jerked or spasmed he would draw the two tables together pinching his ball sack. Two blocks of wood pretended the tables from getting much closer that 2" but of course John-fuckup wasn't aware of that. Johns head hung over the edge of the table and I yanked it back and ordered him to wet the belt with his saliva. "They don't count if you make a sound." Mike put it bluntly. I laid 5 stripes down on his ass. Each time Johns head jerked back and his body arched but he did not make a sound. Mike kept count as I worked up his back. One number 18 I brought the leather strap down with all my might onto John inner thighs. "F U C K" he grunted out as the tables slid together and then with that wave of pain reached him and yelled out again "oh shit... oh please ... oh.....oh ......oh" He released the tension on his bonds and the pain in his groin went down. Quickly he realized he had fucked up. "Tsk tsk tsk" I said, "Let's not give him a penalty for that, it really hurt, I could tell" "Okay" I said as I grabbed the belt forcing John to salivate on it again. When I struck him again Mike started counting the strokes. "One" "Two" John jerked his head around looking for help. Afraid to say anything. He got nothing from me and foolishly tried Mike. Glaring back at the pansy-fool Mike nonchalantly started the count over again. John lowered his head again trying to absorb the pain. The whole trick in getting a faggot to fuck up is surprise. Stroking his ass gently for a dozen strokes and then wailing into him causes a sudden increase in pain that will often time be more effective than striking the heavy blows from the beginning. I decided to go to about 25 the second time. Then I paused. John probably assumed that we were pausing because we were half way through the fifty. I kneaded his ass and spread his cheeks slightly. I figured I had the right spot when John body jerked a little. "Sorry about that I said" Wisely John did not respond. I shoved the belt into John mouth while I continued to play with his ass. Then I took the belt out and asked if he was ready to go again. He nodded yes. With out a delay I quickly grabbed his ass cheek and pulled his ass wide open and laid a blistering stripe staring down his crack. A deep guttural moan filled the gym and Johns body clamped and convulsed. "How you doing Mr. Gung-Ho" Mike taunted. John couldn't reply. He had collapsed onto the tables and was panting madly. Mike grabbed his wet hair and yanked his head back. "I can't wait to fuck this face" then dropped John head. We gave the pussy a few minutes to recover. Mike opened a magazine and started stroking himself while I prepared to start whipping John again. When his breathing was regular I asked if he was ready. He nodded yes, he and I both were not sure if he would be penalized for his moan. On the first stroke mike counted out " Minus ten" "Minus nine" "Minus eight". For the rest of the punishment I just laid the lashes down evenly and fairly. Johns body absorbed the pain. After a while we developed a rhythm. I would thrash John and he would jerk forward, as he came back I would lay the next stripe down. By about 30 count the pain was causing John to lift himself slightly off the table. By the final ten his body was suspended - supported by outstretched arms and legs - about an inch off the table. During the last ten he never really fell back on the table- his entire body was racked by the pain and unable to speak the only relief he had was to exert his muscles. When I finished he continued to suspend himself for a moment then collapsed on the tables. His lips were trembling and tears welled in his eyes. Sweat was running off his body forming puddles on the tables. His breathing was so heavy I was worried he might have a heart attack. Mike wasn't waiting for John to recover though. He dropped the magazine on the floor and pulled Johns head up. John strained against his bonds to give his neck some relief as Mike face Fucked him. "This is the only thing a faggot like you is good for right asshole" Muffled by Mikes cock I could almost make out Johns reply. "You don't deserve my jizz do you faggot" This time I distinctly heard John say 'Sir no Sir" Mike drove himself hard against johns face a couple of times and I thought Johns neck would snap. Mike must of realized and stepped back a little , he grabbed the back of Johns head to give it support and then rammed his hips into Johns face several time. At the last second Mike yanked his cock out of Johns mouth and came all over Johns back and shoulders. "You wanted my cum didn't you faggot?" "SIR YES SIR" "You wanted me to cum in your mouth so you could swallow by jizz because you are a worthless cum eating scum, right faggot?" "Sir, I'm sorry I wanted to swallow your cum Sir" "You want my cum in you?" "SIR, it would be an honor I don't deserve sir" "You wanted my cum inside you and you wanted to get it in there the easy way" Mike said as he spread his load all over Johns shoulders and back" John hesitated and then answered "SIR, I am a pussy faggot for wanting to swallow your cum. I'm a turd eater that does not deserve the honor of ingesting Sirs precious seed. Sir, may this pansy ass please have the honor of having your cum put inside me the hard way, Sir" Already John ass was super sensitive from the belting and Mike slapped him with his wet hand John spasmed. "The hard way ?" Mike asked. "Sir, This scum eating faggot would be honored to have Sirs cum beaten into it Sir" "No faggot you don't deserve it yet" Mike said as he started to undo Johns bonds. John collapsed in relief and sighed. Before Mike had untied Johns right arm I cleared my throat and spoke "Uhh,. I'd sort of like to see if this pussy could take another fifty." Without answering Mike stopped untying John and refastened the bond. "Why not" he said as he again sat in the chair reading the magazine. The next fifty lashes broke John. I started almost immediately and Mike did not count. By about twenty John was moaning and grunting loudly on every lash. By approximately 35 he was begging me to stop. "OH please God stop ... Oh ...oh ...Oh no please please stop ... ahh ahh ohh NO MORE.." The sweat splashed off his back as I laid the lashes down. I didn't stop at fifty but just continued until John out: "OH SHIT ... that's Fifty That's Fifty" I stopped to admire my handy work. Johns back muscles were strained and their definition fully enhanced. His entire back was bright read and he lay on the table sobbing like a child. I glanced under the table and noticed his arousal was gone. His dick was almost invisible now. I knew how to fix that. I pulled my dick from my trousers and stroked myself. I slowly walked over to the end of the table and raised Johns sobbing head with my left hand. I placed my hard cock withing inches of his lips. "Think you deserve to have this is your mouth cunt?" "Sir, no Sir" "That's right Faggot" I said, allowing the leather belt to unfold and gently fall upon Johns blazing back, "Matter of fact you don't even deserve to touch this cock do you?" "Sir No Sir" The belt hit his back again this time less gently. "If you touch this cock you get another fifty." Johns expression changed to one of complete horror. I walked toward John who instinctively try to elevate his face to get it away from my cock. He pushed and strained against the bonds and was able to raise his head high enough. Mike stopped reading the magazine. John chin was about two above the head of the cock and I strained to make my dick throb hard enough to hit his chin. "How's it going loser" I ask nonchalantly. "Sir, it's going well Sir" John said in a voice of man on the verge of spontaneously exploding. "How was your first week here at the company?" "Sir, very challenging Sir" Mike and I smiled to each other. The punk had a sense of humor. "And rewarding I hope?' "Sir yes Sir" "Hey. Did I feel your face on my DICK" As incredible was Johns effort he increased it trying to raid his head that little bit extra. "That's better." John didn't respond I don't think he could. I put my hand on the top of John head and pushed down slightly. "You took that beating like a real man, John. I think you have what it takes." "Sir,...Thank you Sir" I though he would collapse when he said that. I pushed a little harder and his head started to go down. "Hold on buddy .... you can make it." He tried to resist but couldn't. I let up a little just to extend the torture. I could feel the strength subsiding and knew he was done. I stepped back and he collapsed. I placed his head between my legs and clamped it. My cock lay on his shoulders and I knew he could feel me throbbing against him just as I could feel his labored breathing. I couldn't wait and before he had a chance to regain some strength I clamped his head tightly between my legs and strapped his ass with the belt. The jolt of pain registered and he bucked against my weight. "What are you?" I yelled. "Sir I'm a faggot Sir" Again the belt bit his beaten ass. "Say it again" "Sir I'm a faggot". This time his reaction to the pain was severe enough that he nearly lifted me off the ground. "You are a scum faggot." "Sir I am a scum faggot Sir" The belt did not get a good reaction so I whipped a second time which started John convulsing with pain. The without prompting he started to sound off, each time I noticed he was thrusting his hips slightly. "Sir, Please beat this slime monkey. Sir" "Sir, please fuck this slime moneky and flush down the toilet like the used cotex it is, Sir" "Sir, please punish this piece of shit, Sir. Please kick the shit out of it Sir" He was jutting his head back and forth actually stroking me with his shoulders and demeaning himself, asking to ne beaten and punished. If his plan was to get me off it worked. In the matter of minutes my jism sprayed on his back and I laid the second volley in his hair. I fell to the floor in a sitting position and noticed that my trouser were we from Johns sweat. As I got to my feet my glanced upon John dick. He had a raging hardon and couldn't do anything about it. Mike had noticed also and had moved his chair over to the side of the table. "Eric and I just want to thank you for getting us off" Mike said as he started to stroke John. We were sure that John was close so we stopped stroking after only a few seconds. Mike kept John on the edge for about ten minutes while I showered and changed in jeans. When I returned Mike had his finger in Johns ass and John was begging him to stroke him off. When I got to the table Mike told me he was all mine and to see if I could keep him on the edge til he came back. Then we'd both get him off. Mike showered a lot longer than I. When he returned he was dressed in suit and tie and had a fresh shirt on. He was carrying his jacket over one shoulder. He walked ever so slowly over to us. John had been begging me to get him off the whole while Mike was showering. 'Please, I'll do anything you ask. Please just do it Mike won't know. Please I'll let you fuck me, I'll let all your friends' Then when I'd give him a few strokes he begged me to stop. "Don't Don't do it if you're not going to make me cum. Please just don't." As Mike walked toward us I stopped teasing John. "Here he comes" The only sound was Johns panting and Mike footsteps. John twisted his head to watch as Mike approached. Unexpectedly Mike stopped and wiped a piece of lint from his jacked and then continued. "Okay I'm back." Mike announced as he sat on the chair in front of John. Mike looked directly into John face and spoke, "This was one hot session. I was so turned on I jerked off in the shower. It was great." John gritted his teeth. He thrust his hips for some reason, I guess he couldn't help it. Mike spoke again "Dude I'm going to stroke you off and you are going to cum like a race horse." John just said the word 'please' a few times in response to Mikes statement. "You're going to come like you never came before." "Yes ... yes please do it" Mike leaned forward. His tailored shirt drew tight over his shoulders. John and I both wet our lips at the sight. "I'm gonna jerk you off so bad your dick is gonna explode. It's gonna burst like a fucking fire hydrant. And when you shoot I'm going to fuck your ass raw and while Eric fucks your face.........Tomorrow." Mike untied John arms while I untied legs. John repeated the word tomorrow a couple of times as we undid him. He started to beg again a little but stopped. I think he must have been debating what to do. After all he could just jerk off when he went home and no one would know. John was ordered to stand at attention until his hard on was completely gone. In actuality he did not really subside all the way. "Your back will be sore tomorrow. If you jerk off I'll know." the threat was not lost on John who followed the motion of the swinging belt with his eyes. With that Mike whipped Johns penis with the belt and threw it on the floor as John doubled over slightly. Mike left saying that we'd meet downstairs in the office in the morning. I told John to clean the Gym and to get dressed without showering and that he'd be going home with me tonight.
Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 20:16:01 -0800 (PST) From: James Truett Subject: Two tales of summer, Part 2 (t/t, Auth) James's tale: I guess you could say I have some exhibitionism in me. I have a good body and I like to show it off. When I'm around other guys I like to be the lead. I guess that's my "A" traits coming out. When Clay jumped up and ran to get me a coke last night I felt strong. Then when I heard the comments from Eric and Joe I felt even more powerful. Even though the power I had was over Clay, one of my friends, it gave me a rush. I was sitting up on the bed waiting to see if Clay would bring back the coke. When he returned with the coke I saw him stare at my cock. I didn't realize that I was on the bone. He looked embarrassed as he asked, "Will that be all." I saw him staring at my cock and I laughed. I looked down at it and said, "No there's one more thing you can do for me." He became a wild man yelling, "No, No way." I don't know why I had to assert my will but I did. I grabbed his arm and I just started jerking off with him standing in front of me. I don't think I've ever felt that powerful before. I actually liked humiliating Clay. Clay's tale: I thought I had experienced the most humiliation possible as I looked down. I watched as James washed his groin. My humiliation was just starting as I watched him spray me. I stood there as he jerked off. Joe and Eric wanted to know everything that went on last night. I didn't want to talk about it but James did. He watched my reaction at breakfast as he told Eric that I had helped him jerk off and had even been sprayed. I can still hear Eric as he said, "Shit that's gross guy." I was nervous all day as we walked the beach and hung out. To my relief everything was back to normal. James was actually nice to me all day but just to play it safe I kept my distance from him. Things were pretty normal until bedtime tonight. I hurried to get in my bag hoping James would leave me alone. He stayed up late playing cards with Eric and Joe. I never heard him as he entered the bedroom. I felt the first kick and heard him call my name, "Get up, Eric wants a coke." I was still groggy as I eased out of my bag and mumbled, "Where is he." He laughed and said, "We are all in the sitting room slave, get you're butt up." I moved toward my pants when I heard him say, "No like you are, it's just us guys here." That's when I noticed that James was naked. Being called a slave excited me and as I looked up at James. He had a look that said, "You like this shit don't you?" When our eye's met his smirk said everything. I entered the sitting area and grabbed a coke front the fridge and brought it to Eric. As I handed it to him I don't know why I said, "Anything else SIR." He said, "Sure but not right now." James and Joe laughed at his comment. I think I turned a dozen shades of red and I started back to the bedroom when James said, "Who said you can leave?" I looked over at him with a questioning look on my face. I never answered as he said, "Come over her and sit on the floor." I am now sitting on the floor. I'm dressed in just my jockey shorts. James, Eric and Joe are playing poker. Joe and Eric are fully dressed and James is butt naked. I keep trying to look away from the group but my glaze kept coming back to the naked cock not a foot from me. I can tell the game is about to end. Thank goodness I can go back to bed. James's tale: Today went pretty good. I could tell by the way Clay had acted today that he was starting to get into the "slave" part. As we played cards I watched as he stared at my body. I think I even saw a rustling in his jockeys. I decided to see how deep he was into the part as the game ended. "Slave why don't you help Eric and Joe to bed. They need to have their beds turned down and they need to be tucked in. Then you can help tuck me in." I was surprised as Eric said; "I want to see him tuck you in first, like he did last night." I looked over at Clay and could see the fear in his eyes. I said, "That's OK with me, you don't mind do you slave." His fear was frozen on his face but he never answered. I said, "That OK with you." He surprised me as he said, "Yes sir." I was sitting on my bed in the same position as last night when Clay entered with the coke. He came over with the coke next to the bed and glanced down at my erection. Eric was staring intently at me as Clay entered. I think he wanted to see how far we would carry this servant duty. Clay jumped when I grabbed the coke and held it with both hands. I watched his reaction as I said, "I'll hold the coke, and you can help me though." As I looked down at my erection, he got the meaning. I saw him slowly reach his right hand toward my cock. He did a pretty good job of jerking me off as Eric cheered him on. I said, "Now go get the wash cloth." Clay's tale: I guess I was drawn in by James control. Not only did he make me serve Eric and Joe tonight as they played cards but he had me jerk him off as Eric watched. I can still hear Eric say as he left our bedroom, "Man, I can't believe you did that." I should have told James to eat shit but I actually was afraid he wanted me to blow him. I was actually glad all I had to do was to jerk his hard cock. Last night I watched him jerk off, now tonight I had actually jerked him off. I slid into my sleeping bag and was asleep again when I heard James, "Slave wake up, I need you." I realized that it was daylight as I opened my sleeping bag. I moved around the bed and asked James, "Sir how can I help you?" I saw him look down toward his crotch and as I followed his glaze I saw the tent in his sheets. He had a morning erection and expected me to help him again. A smile came across his face as I moved the sheet back from his body. I was watching my hands move toward his hard-on as if it were someone else grabbing the hard teen dick. I stroked him as he squirmed on the bed. I heard Joe and Eric in the sitting area as I jerked off James the second time. James cum burned as it splashed on my hand and arm as he shot his morning load. My humiliation had reached another level.
Date: Sun, 6 Jan 2002 00:30:23 -0800 (PST) From: James Truett Subject: Two tales of summer, Part 9 (f/t/t, Auth) James' tale: `O' called Virginia by the nickname of Beth. I think this was her middle name was Elizabeth. I still can't believe he set me up with her and let me deflower her. I know she felt the sperm flooding her as I pumped her full. I called to `O' after I had deposited my load into her tight pussy. With long strings of white cum dripping from my cock I told `O' to kneel. Beth's eyes were fearful as I inserted my hard cock into his waiting mouth just as it was pulled from her used hole. I let him suck it until it was clean and ready for a second round with Beth. I told the stunned sister, "Don't worry your brother likes to service my cock. I think he is also servicing Erik's cock. I'll let Erik fuck you tonight also if you like. We might even have a gang bang with you and your brother this evening. I can still see the shocked look on her face as I spoke. After I had deposited the second load into Beth we both showered. We were sitting in the sitting area when Joe and Erik returned from the beach. I was still naked although I had washed off the sex smell from my body. Beth had put on her bathing suit and 'O' was still dressed. Erik entered and said, "Hi Beth, have a good time today, how you doing 'O'?" Joe looked up and said, "What are you perverts up to in here and what is this `O' shit?" Erick laughed and said, "I changed Jack's name to `O' because I would rather have him suck me off then jack me off." Joe looked at me puzzled, "You jack someone off?" I looked down and said, "Yea." He said, "Shit who did you jack off?" I was turning red as I confessed before my sister, "Sir and Erik." Joe asked, "What's this `O' shit Erik, you think he will blow you?" He said, "I know he will." Joe looked at me and asked, "You ever suck someone off before?" I looked down and said, "Yes I have." Erik looked over at Sir and yelled, "You son-of-a-bitch he sucked your dick didn't he?" Sir looked at Erik and just smiled. Joe looked at me and said, "Did you suck James?" I looked down and said "Yes I did." Clay's tale: I wanted to tell a lie when Joe asked me if I had sucked off Sir but I knew the rules. Here I was with Sir naked and the others still dressed. I was in total humiliation when Joe spoke, "You have carried this servant thing a long way. I can't believe you let these perverts use you like this. Are you going to do it again?" I looked toward Sir and said, "Yes if Sir tells me to, I'll do it." Erik looked at me and said, "You would suck James if he told you to." I looked down again and said yes. Erik said, "Shit Clay, I didn't think it would go this far. Hell jerking us off was fun and I like it but sucking that's gay. Now telling me in front of Beth is sick." I looked at him and said, "I know I'm not gay but I'll do whatever he tells me to do and I'll like it." Erik said, "This is all bullshit there is no way you would suck James. You guys are just shitting me. You had me going for a minute." James' tale: I didn't like the idea of Erik calling me a liar. I said, "Kneel down `O'." He looked at me and started to protest. You could see the fear in his eyes. I stood up and move in front of `O'. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. His face said please don't. I was not hard but I reached down and took my rod and placed it on `O's lips and said, "Open up. You know what to do." Joe said, "Tell him to get fucked, Clay." I felt the warmth of `O's mouth as he started sucking my cock. Erik said, "Holy shit he's blowing him." I was not in need of a blowjob. I just wanted to prove my power. As I pulled my cock from his mouth I saw the shock on his face. `O' realized that he had just sucked my cock with everyone watching. As I headed to the bedroom I looked back. `O' was still kneeling on the floor watching me walk into the room. I saw Erik pushing his bathing suit to the floor and step out of it. I saw his bone pointing toward `O's mouth. I looked down and saw that `O's cock was hard also. Beth just stared in amazement. I said, "Beth come on in and get naked?" Clay's tale: I watched Sir walk to the bedroom with my sister. I guess I was humiliated when he pulled his cock from my mouth with Erik and Joe's eyes glued to my face. I realize I wanted his cum in my mouth. I saw Erik move in front of me and say, "You are the servant to all three of us. Do you understand? You have already had it in your mouth so this should be easy." I looked up at his face as I blushed again and said, "OK." He said, "Open wide then." I was ready for him to slide his rod into my mouth. I guess like with James I had wanted to be the slave so he had a power over me. I had jerked Erik off a few times and I had him push his cock in my mouth at the beach. But I never really expected to suck his hard cock. He looked down and laughed, "I told you that you would do it. Now suck it good and I expect you to suck me like you did James." I knew this decision would give Joe and Erik the same control that James had. I felt helpless and I was ready to give them what they wanted. I compared Erik's balls to James' and I tried to remember how much cum they had given when I had jerked him off. I saw the vast pubic hair that I had compared to an ape when I first jerked him off. I wanted to get this over with I guess I was now his slave too. I was sucking his cock. I started moving my head up and down like I had done earlier in the week at the dunes. Just and inch at a time like I did with James. I was able to take more of his cock into my mouth. I don't think his cock was as large as James. I was sure I would give his cock the proper worship. My lips stroked the hard shaft as it slid in and out of my mouth. Erik had gotten into the blowjob and was moving his hips to meet my sucking. I let his whole cock slide into my mouth. It became more of him fucking my mouth than me giving him a blowjob. I did not have to wait long before I felt the cum blast into my mouth. I again clamped my lips tightly around the shaft of his prick like I had with James and did not let a drop spill. After his cock stopped I slowly swallowed. Erik pushed me back from his cock and walked into the bedroom with James and my sister. Joe was now removing his suit when I looked over at him. I could see that he was hard but he never made a move toward me. I felt awkward kneeling in the room and Joe not making a move. I wasn't a queer so I didn't want to say, "Next." I guess I expected him to use my mouth after Erik pushed me back. I got up and sat on the couch. I heard Beth whimper and Erik yell to Joe, "Holy shit I have my cock in the slaves sister and I am going to fuck the shit out of her." Joe looked at me and said, "Why are you guys letting them force you to do this?" I looked at Joe and became embarrassed as I said, "At the start of this I was not ready to be a slave to you, James, or even Erik. It is hard to explain. I was never forced to do the things I did. I was ready." I looked down and I felt my face blushing, "I kind of get high being told to do things I would never do if I wasn't serving. I've jerked off James dozens of times. He didn't even tell me to jerk him off in the mornings. I saw his erection as he slept and I just did it because I wanted to please him. I even swallowed his cock at the dunes and tasted my first cum and I was willing to do it again. He never forced me. I'm not gay but I like the slave part of this game. Shit look at me sitting here while they bang my little sister." Joe said, "Do I understand that if I said get over here and suck my cock that you would like it. Yet you say you're not gay. If I got up and fucked your little sister you would just look and listen?" I looked at him puzzled, "Yea.If you told me to lick your balls or clean your room, I would probably get off on it. I actually like sitting here with an erection talking about sucking your cock or listening to Beth being fucked. I guess in the first two weeks I've come a long way." Joe stood and I gasped when I looked at him. He was huge. I had never been in gym with Joe and I never realized he was so endowed. He said, "You think you could do justice to this cock, slave." I looked at him and said, "I'll do whatever you say sir."
Nifty Archive: burger-king [ Nifty Archive : Gay Male | Bisexual | Lesbian | Trans ] Chronological Directory Listing for burger-king
Date: Tue, 7 Jun 2022 09:14:08 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 52 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN - STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 52 (France - Kenny) While Colin was collecting Kenny from the railway station, Reynard and Bill had been discussing the plan for new private shows. "I have set up an online poll to find out how many of the men who purchased all of Colin's videos would pay to see a live performance," Reynard said. "Initial responses are totally in favour of it happening and a high percentage said they would like to attend, depending on price and location." "That's good to know," said Bill. "Colin seems keen to have sex in front of audiences again. What about the men who are unaware of his porn videos?" "The adult male JustColin fans who asked for naked photos?" Reynard smiled. "We are still in the process of emailing them but the replies received so far have been very enthusiastic. We will have no problem selling tickets." Bill said back and groped his dick. "Great! It turns me on hearing that lots of other men are lusting after Colin and it makes me glad that he has chosen to share my bed." Reynard nodded. "You are a lucky man!" He paused for a moment and added, "I think we both really enjoy watching Colin having sex with others too." "It's my guilty pleasure," admitted Bill. He smiled and went on. "I hope Colin can persuade Kenny to take part in a few shows. That will definitely be worth watching." "If the shows are to continue beyond this summer, we will need to find another young partner," said Reynard. "I have looked at photos of some of the new models that Kasim has signed up to the video company in recent months and there are several I'd like to see with Colin. There's one in particular that appeals to me - a very handsome, well-hung black guy. I think he's nineteen." "A young black guy would be a good partner for Colin, and a nice contrast with Kasim," said Bill. "I'd love to see a photo of him." "I will email some photos of him to you," responded Reynard. "I have been thinking about some of the past shows," said Bill. "We often had Colin fuck himself with a dildo near the beginning. How about a mechanical dildo-fuck?" Reynard frowned. "I have seen those electrical fucking machines in some American porn videos and I don't like them. They are too impersonal." "I wasn't thinking of an electrical machine," said Bill. "A contact of mine who is into straight porn sent me a short video clip of what was described as a fitness bike demonstration. In it, a young Japanese woman presented an exercise bike with two dildos mounted on the seat to eight male newspaper reporters. She kept her jacket on but removed her panties before climbing on. You can guess where the dildos went. Anyway the interesting thing was that when she pedalled the dildos moved up and down. She controlled the speed of the fucking. How about something similar for Colin?" Reynard thought for a moment. "That could be interesting to see. Please send me the video and I will arrange for something similar to be made with one large dildo." "Not too large," said Bill. "It should be smaller than the cocks of Colin's live partners." "Of course," smiled Reynard. "How big is Kenny's cock?" "About the same length as Kasim's but not as thick," replied Bill. "Very nice," said Reynard. "I will enjoy seeing Colin take it." "Colin takes it regularly. Kenny has a high sex drive," Bill told Reynard. Reynard smiled. "That makes Kenny ideal for our shows." *** When Colin introduced Kenny to Kasim later that day, he said, "This is my good friend, Kasim. He used to be a porn star and he was known as `The Stallion from Morocco' in those days. His cock is even bigger than yours." Kasim smiled. "I'm not usually introduced like that, Kenny. I've heard a lot about you. You're his sexy roommate at university, right?" "Well, I'm his roommate. I don't know about sexy." Kenny smiled as he shook Kasim's hand. "I think you're sexy but I understand that you prefer girls to boys. Is that so?" Kasim asked. "Yes, that's correct," replied Kenny. "I make an exception for Colin though. He's special." "I agree with you on that. Very special." Kasim winked at Colin. Colin laughed. "I can't help being ultra-sexy. I'm glad I have you both as sex partners though." Kenny looked at Colin with a puzzled expression on his face. "Kasim was my regular stage partner for sex shows," explained Colin. "I've told you about having done live sex shows in front of small groups of men before, haven't I?" Colin had told Kenny about the private shows but not about the bdsm element as Kenny wasn't really into that scene. "Yes." Kenny turned to Kasim and said, "I guess that wasn't too difficult after doing porn movies." "It was a lot more intimate and there were more people around but it was still just having sex with an audience," said Kasim. "You learn to ignore them after a while." "I think I'd find it impossible to ignore an audience," Kenny told Kasim. Colin smiled but said no more. They all went to join the others for dinner. *** Colin took Kenny for a walk through the estate after breakfast. "Were you horny when you woke up in bed alone this morning?" he asked. Kenny grinned. "What do you think? I knew you were in bed with Bill so I had to make do with a wank." Colin laughed. "Well, maybe I can help you out later." "Only maybe?" Kenny gently poked Colin. "Don't tease me!" Colin just smiled before asking, "Do you fancy going into the village? We could cycle or maybe borrow the car." "A cycle ride would be good," replied Kenny. "I like this place but you know I'm a city boy at heart." "Don't get too excited! It's not a big village," said Colin. "A few cafe-bars, a handful of shops, a church. Not much else other than houses. It's lively on market day though." They took a leisurely cycle ride into the village and then strolled around its narrow streets. Kenny announced that he fancied a beer so they sat outside a cafe-bar. He told Colin to order since he was the language expert but he could hardly take his eyes off the young woman who served them. "We could have an early lunch here if you want to carry on�um, enjoying the view a bit longer," Colin suggested. "What�? erm, yeah." Kenny had been watching the young woman serve at another table but he turned back to face Colin. "I wish I knew more than a few words of French." "She probably has a boyfriend," smiled Colin. "Do you really want lunch?" They decided to have a light lunch of Croque Monsieur (a toasted ham and cheese sandwich) with salad. Kenny said, "Merci" when the waitress brought his plate but couldn't think of anything else to say to her. "Nice to see you tongue-tied for once," Colin said to Kenny. Then he leaned closer. "Don't worry. You can fuck me when we get back to the mansion." Kenny nodded and said, "You're gonna get it good. You can be sure of that." "Can't wait!" Colin grinned at Kenny and started eating. "I'm hot," Kenny stated when they were putting their bikes away. "Let's have a swim to cool down," suggested Colin. "We can skinny-dip here. I do it all the time." "That sounds good to me," smiled Kenny. They went to the pool and began to strip off. "Bill and Reynard are over there. They can see us," said Kenny. Colin looked over to where the two men were having lunch on the terrace. "So? They are not going to be put off their food by seeing us naked." Kenny shrugged. "I guess you're right." He continued to undress and then jumped into the pool after Colin. They swam for a while and then crawled onto the grass to bask in the warm sunshine. After a couple of minutes, Colin moved to take hold of Kenny's cock. He gave it a few wanks and then began to lick and suck it. "We can be seen," Kenny said in little more than a whisper. "So? Let them watch." Colin took Kenny's cock back into his mouth and soon brought it to a full erection. Kenny lay back and allowed Colin to suck and lick his cock for a few minutes before moving to suck Colin's cock in a sixty-nine position. A few minutes later he heard the sound of footsteps on the grass and looked up to see Bill dropping a tube of KY jelly next to him. Bill smiled and walked away without saying anything. Colin called out, "Thanks, Dad" and then looked at Kenny. "Ready to fuck me now?" "You bet!" Kenny sat up and reached out for the lube. Colin pulled his legs back and to the side, exposing his hole. "That's a nice sight but I want you to ride me before I give you a pounding." Kenny greased up his cock and then tossed the lube to Colin. Colin would have preferred some finger work first but he was happy to do as Kenny wished. Apart from the fact that he could control the penetration, he thought it would be a better show for his small audience. With his hole well-lubricated, Colin moved astride Kenny and then lowered himself. Kenny held his cock in a vertical position and helped guide Colin. Colin moaned as he pushed against the cockhead but he was able to take the cock with only minimal discomfort. He paused with the cock just inside his entrance and looked down at Kenny. "Come on, Colin. You can do it," smiled Kenny. "Yeah, I know I can." Colin smiled back, knowing he had taken this long, thin cock many times before. He relaxed and slowly sank down on the 26 cm (10 inch) cock. He sighed when he felt the crinkly pubic hair pressing against him. "I've done it again," he told Kenny before squeezing the cock with his arse muscles. Kenny was the one to moan now. Colin waited a moment to get accustomed to the cock stuffing him and then began to move slowly up and down, fucking himself. Kenny allowed Colin to set the pace for a few minutes before putting his hands on Colin's buttocks and taking some of the weight. Colin began to move faster and then Kenny took a more active role, fucking up into the tight arse. Colin was leaking pre-cum now and he knew that Kenny would soon be close to the edge if they didn't change position. "Time for you to take control," he said as he eased himself off Kenny's cock. "How do you want me?" "On your back so that I can see your face," replied Kenny. They moved quickly and Colin moaned softly as Kenny's cock re-entered him. "With only a single wank this morning, I don't think I can hold back much longer." "It's okay. I promise to help you out again later," said Colin. He began to wank himself as Kenny thrusted in and out. He loved the way that Kenny's long cock rubbed against his prostate but he knew it wasn't going to last long enough to result in a hands-free spunking this time. "I'm getting close," Kenny warned after a couple of minutes. "Give me your cum, Kenny. I want to have your baby," Colin said. He was close to the edge too. Kenny's movements became faster and faster. "I'm cumming!" he shouted as he sent the first of many blasts of cum into Colin's arse. Kenny was still shooting off when Colin shouted, "I'm cumming too!" Colin's eruption splattered over his neck and chest. The pair remained motionless, smiling at each other, as they came back down to earth. Colin scooped some cum from his chest and licked it from his fingers. Then he scooped up some more and offered it to Kenny. Kenny smiled and licked the cum from Colin's fingers. Colin repeated these actions, sharing his cum with Kenny, until it was gone. When Kenny's flaccid cock slipped from Colin's hole, he stood up and pulled Colin to his feet. "Let's clean off in the pool." They splashed around in the swimming pool for a while and then swam to the side. "Did you enjoy fucking me with Bill and Reynard looking on?" Colin asked "To be honest, I soon forgot they were there," replied Kenny. Then he smiled and added, "I suppose it was a bit of a turn on knowing that two old men were watching." "Don't let Bill hear you calling him old!" said Colin. "You know what I mean," laughed Kenny. "Bill is a lot older than us but he's still sexy. I don't think I'd call Reynard sexy though." Colin nodded. "I love having an audience. It's funny that you were able to forget that Bill and Reynard were watching. Just like Kasim could switch off when he was on stage with me. I always found it a massive turn-on doing live sex-shows and I liked to look at the audience sometimes while I was being fucked." "Why mention those shows again now? Are you up to something?" Kenny asked. Colin smiled. "I plan to do some more shows and I'd like you to be one of my stage partners.". Kenny shook his head. "I don't think so." "Why not? You've just said it was a turn on having Bill and Reynard watching you," responded Colin. "It will pay well and you said you need to replace your car." "How much would I get?" Kenny asked. "I could probably get Reynard to pay you three or four hundred quid for each show. Maybe a little more," Colin replied. Kenny whistled. "That's tempting. A few shows and I could afford to replace my old banger with something newer." He paused and then said, "I don't know that I want to have sex in front of strangers though." "I think doing it in front of strangers is even more of a turn-on," smiled Colin. "For you though, just think about all those old men being impressed by the size of your cock. They will be jealous of me when they see me sucking it and then jealous of you when they see you fucking me. You won't find an easier way of earning money." Kenny grinned. "I never imagined getting paid for doing something I love. Okay, I will think about it." "Don't just think about. Let's go and discuss it with Reynard now," said Colin. "He's still on the terrace with Bill. Come on." He climbed out of the pool and walked towards the two men. Kenny thought for a moment and then followed Colin. Like Colin, he was naked and he didn't bother putting his shorts on. "I was telling Kenny about doing more sex shows and how I wanted him as one of my stage partners," Colin told Reynard and Bill. "I hope he agreed," smiled Reynard. "My audiences would love him." Kenny had caught up and was now standing beside Colin. "I haven't agreed to anything. I just said I'd think about it," he told Reynard. "He wants to know how much he will earn. He needs to replace his old car," explained Colin. Reynard looked Kenny up and down as he thought about how much to offer. He knew that Colin was very keen on having Kenny as his younger partner and he liked the idea too. "Five hundred Euros per show. I think we might be able to fit in six or seven shows in by the end of August." "So that's at least 3,000 Euros," said Colin. "You could get a fairly decent secondhand car for that amount." "I don't know. Taking part in a sex show is not something I really want to do," responded Kenny. He thought Reynard seemed very keen and hoped he might offer more. The opening offer was higher than Colin had suggested was possible. Bill leaned over and whispered to Reynard, "Make him an offer he can't refuse. We really need him if the shows are to go ahead this summer." Reynard stroked his chin. "You like my Renault Clio, don't you? It's almost new. If you agree to pose for some nude photos as well as take part in all of this summer's shows, you can have the car." Kenny gasped. "Seriously?" Reynard nodded. "I will arrange to ship it to Scotland if you don't want to drive it home." Kenny looked at Colin and grinned. "An almost new car just for allowing some men watching me have sex with you." "And posing for nude photos," Reynard reminded Kenny. "You won't get a better deal," smiled Colin. "I'll do it," Kenny said. "When do I begin?" Reynard laughed. "Dates have still to be finalised. It will be quite soon though." Bill smiled and winked at Colin. "Perhaps you will allow me to take some nude photos of you now," Reynard said to Kenny. Kenny shrugged. "Sure. I'm not going anywhere this afternoon." Reynard stood up. "I will fetch my camera." Kenny looked at Colin and smiled. "Why do I let you talk me into doing crazy things?" Colin laughed. "You will have a lot of fun and end up with an almost new car. Isn't that better than spending all summer back in Glasgow?" Kenny began to think about what was involved in the sex show. "So men will pay just to watch us two having sex?" Colin shook his head. "The show will consist of more than that. They will see me naked on my own at first, maybe playing with a dildo. Then we have our bit of fun. In the second half of the show, Kasim will fuck me. He has agreed to become my regular stage partner again." Reynard arrived back with his camera. "Shall we go over by the pool?" "Wherever you think is best, Monsieur Reynard," replied Kenny. He felt a bit awkward at first when he began posing for photos but he told himself to relax and think about the new car. He looked over towards Colin a few times and thought about him not being embarrassed about posing naked despite have a smaller than average dick. "I guess I should be proud of what I have. Flattered even that men are willing to pay to see pictures of me naked. Or is it only men?" he asked himself. His cock began to stiffen. "That's great, Kenny," said Reynard. "Let me see you fully erect." Kenny gave his cock a few tugs and then asked, "Do women ever buy your photos of male nudes, Monsieur Reynard?" "Oh yes. I have many women among my regular customers," replied Reynard. "I'm certain that a lot of them will be interested in photos of you." He took several more photos. "Has Colin not told you that women have attended some of his private sex shows?" Kenny smiled. "No, he has never mentioned that. He probably tries to ignore their presence." Reynard laughed. "Yes. He's not happy when a woman touches his naked body." "People touch him at his shows?" Kenny was surprised. "Sometimes," replied Reynard. "Don't worry. Nobody but Colin will touch you�unless you want that to happen?" "No. No, I don't want any strangers to touch me when I'm in your sex shows," answered Kenny. "Okay." Reynard lowered his camera. "That's me finished. Let's go back to the others." "How was it?" Colin asked Kenny when they got close. "Quite painless," replied Kenny. "It looks like you enjoyed it judging by that big spear." Colin nodded towards Kenny's erection. "Come over here and let me suck it." "Why not?" Kenny said as he walked up to Colin. "I need to get used to having an audience." "May I take some more photos?" Reynard asked. "Yes," Colin replied while taking hold of the base of Kenny's cock. "Don't let my face be seen," said Kenny. "I don't want photographic evidence of me having gay sex." "A blowjob isn't really sex," Colin responded. "Besides I'm going to be the one with a cock in my mouth." He waited until Reynard was ready, smiled at Bill who was adjusting his own erection and then bent forward to kiss and then lick the cockhead. Kenny was aware of the two men watching. He'd had sex with Bill and he knew that Bill approved of him as Colin's fuck-buddy but it still felt strange to have Reynard watching him. However the feelings that Colin was producing soon made him forget having an audience. He took hold of Colin's head and face-fucked him for a few minutes. Then he pulled off and offered Colin his balls to lick. Colin licked the balls and took them into his mouth one at a time for sucking before taking the cock back into his mouth. Despite having cum a short time earlier, it wasn't long before Kenny was ready to spunk off again. "I'm gonna cum!" he cried. Then he gasped and started filling Colin's mouth with his salty cream. "Thanks, Colin. That was great," Kenny said when he took a step back. He looked down and noticed that Colin was hard and leaking again too. He looked at Bill and asked, "Is it okay if I suck Colin off now?" "Go ahead. I know he will have another load for me later," replied Bill. Kenny knelt between Colin's legs and took the stiff little cock into his mouth. Neither of them noticed Reynard sneaking a few photos but Bill did. He just smiled, knowing that Reynard would give him copies of the photos. It wasn't long before Colin fed his cream to Kenny. Kenny didn't often suck Colin off so he felt it was really special for it to happen with an audience. "Thanks, Kenny. That was great. You'll make a great porn star." "Hey! I'm not going to make this a regular thing," said Kenny. "I'm only doing it to earn that car." "Yeah, and then you'll do it with me just because you like it." Colin smiled and stood up. "Come on. Let's return to the pool." Reynard and Bill watched the pair leave and smiled at each other. "I don't think Kenny will have any trouble performing with Colin in front of an audience," said Bill. "I agree." Reynard smiled. "For a boy who says he's straight, he clearly loves sex with Colin." *** Colin was determined to get Kenny more accustomed to sex in front of an audience. A few days later he seized the opportunity. He denied Kenny sex during the day, despite turning him on by skinny-dipping and sunbathing naked with him. "Later, I'm not in the mood," he told Kenny when he refused sex for the second time. "You must be getting sick. You're always in the mood for sex," Kenny responded. Then, during dinner on the terrace, Colin made sure that Kenny had several glasses of wine. Talk flowed freely around the dinner table at which Castro and Kasim joined Bill, Reynard, Kenny and Colin. When they were having coffee, Colin insisted that Pierre, Reynard's assistant and sometimes sex-slave, join then. He wanted the biggest group possible. Colin started rubbing Kenny's thigh, slipping his fingers under the shorts to get as close to Kenny's cock and balls as possible. "I'm horny," he whispered to Kenny. "We can sneak off later," Kenny whispered back. "No. I need your cock now," responded Colin. He moved his hand and went into Kenny's shorts from the top. He soon found what he was looking for and Kenny groaned softly. Bill heard the noise and smiled when he saw what Colin was doing. "Please stop that," Kenny whispered to Colin. However he didn't do anything to make Colin stop. His legs were spread, one hand held his coffee cup and his other hand was behind his back allowing Colin easy access. Soon Kenny's cock was uncovered and Bill could see it grow to full erection. Colin smiled at Bill and then bent down to take Kenny's cock into his mouth. "What is going on over there?" Castro asked. "Colin is sucking Kenny's cock," replied Bill. At that point, Kenny tried half-heartedly to push Colin away. "No, don't stop him. We all want to watch," said Bill. As he spoke the other men stood up and moved to see Colin with Kenny's cock in his mouth. With five smiling men watching, Kenny realised that he couldn't reject Colin. He closed his eyes and whispered, "I'll get you back for this, Colin." Colin smiled to himself and didn't stop sucking Kenny's cock until he could taste pre-cum. Then he sat up and said, "Let's get more comfortable. We should strip off and move onto the lawn." "Colin!" Kenny tried to protest. "You're horny and we're putting on a show," Colin told him. "I want you to be comfortable when it comes to performing in front of a paying audience." Kenny accepted that it might be a good idea to have some sort of practice but he didn't give in to Colin easily. "We should have discussed this," he said while allowing Colin to unbutton his shirt. "You have a nice chest," Castro told Kenny. "He has a lovely body," said Reynard. "Wait until you see what's between his legs!" "Stand up," Colin told Kenny. He then pulled Kenny's shorts and briefs down. Kenny's erection bobbed up. He stepped out of his clothes to stand naked in front of the kneeling Colin. "Isn't that a beauty?" Colin said, turning to smile at Castro and Kasim. The two men agreed and Pierre said it was huge. Colin kissed Kenny's cockhead and then hurriedly stripped himself before leading Kenny to an area of lawn in front of the terrace. The men lined up their chairs as Colin stood on tiptoes and asked Kenny for a kiss. Kenny felt himself blushing slightly in front of the audience but he gave Colin a kiss. "Okay. When we do this on stage, I will start by sucking your cock and you can face-fuck me if you wish. Then you can lick my pussy and fuck me however you wish," Colin explained. "The only difference from what we do at home is to allow the audience to see you cumming so pull out and shoot off on my pussy or on my face. Okay?" Kenny nodded. "Got it." Colin grinned and dropped to his knees to suck Kenny's cock. Kenny tried to ignore the men watching but he couldn't help hearing some of the comments. They all complimented him. Colin's oral worship of Kenny's cock and balls was followed by some face-fucking. Then Colin moved onto his hands and knees with arse high in the air. Kenny caressed the small, well-rounded globes he had fucked countless times and then bent down to lick the hairless crack. "Oh yeah, lick my boy-pussy. Get it wet for your beautiful big cock." Kenny was surprised to hear Colin say these words because normally they didn't speak when having sex at home but he quickly realised that this was for the benefit of the audience. "Oh, that feels so good. I love having your tongue inside me." Colin was dripping pre-cum as he was rimmed. He glanced to the side and smiled when he saw all five men leaning forward and paying rapt attention. "I want your cock, Kenny. Stick your cock up there!" Kenny stopped what he was doing and said, "We need some lube." "I put some in that tub of yellow flowers." Colin pointed to a tub on the edge of the terrace. Kenny got up and saw that Bill, Castro and Kasim all had their stiff cocks out. He quickly looked away and found the lube. "They are wanking while watching us," he whispered while he applied some gel to Colin's pink pucker. "They are probably just squeezing their stiffies," said Colin. "The paying audience will be doing the same. Some might even cum while watching the show but we won't see much because they will be in darkness." "Oh, I see," said Kenny. He was now finger-fucking Colin. Colin began to moan and say how he needed something bigger in his boy-pussy. After a few minutes Kenny took his fingers out and greased up his throbbing cock. He didn't care about the audience now. He just wanted to fuck Colin and cum. An exaggerated loud moan was heard when Kenny's cock entered Colin from behind. Kenny started off by fucking Colin with long, slow strokes. Then, following Colin's pleas, his thrusts became faster. It wasn't long before he felt himself getting close to the edge so he pulled his cock out and told Colin to lie on his back. Colin gave another exaggerated moan when Kenny penetrated him again. Then he winked and smiled at Kenny. "Yes, fuck me hard. Fuck me hard and make me cum!" he cried. The pair knew each other intimately and when they were about to cum Colin whispered, "I'll cum first and then you pull out and shoot off over me." Kenny gave a small nod. "I'm going to cum!" Colin cried. He turned to look at his audience and let go. Masses of cum flew from his piss-slit and landed on his face, neck and chest. Colin hadn't quite finished when Kenny pulled his cock out. "I'm cumming too," he cried. He directed his cock towards Colin's face. The first five blasts landed on Colin's nose and cheeks while the rest fell on his chest. There was a round of applause and then Colin grinned and started scooping up the cum with his fingers. He ate a mouthful of cum before telling Kenny, "You were magnificent. A natural." "Indeed," said Reynard. "That was a wonderful performance. Very professional." "I agree," Bill said. "I never expected you to do so well with us watching you." "I tried to forget you were there," said Kenny. His cock was softening now and he jerked when Colin took hold of it. He smiled down at Colin when he took the cock into his mouth. "Colin is the real professional. He was able to turn me on even when my mind was telling me that this was a weird situation." Colin came off the cock and said, "No. You are just sex mad like me." Kenny laughed. "Maybe. It was easier than I expected." "You'll do well and you will go home with a new car," said Reynard. Then he turned to the others and said, "I think we all need another drink after that." Colin hugged Kenny. "I'm proud of you. You would have made excuses if I had warned you in advance but you put on a great performance." Kenny shrugged. "I don't know what magic spell you have over me but I can't say no to sex with you." Colin smiled. "You often manage two in a row at home. If you're horny enough to cum twice on stage, I will be delighted." Kenny laughed. "I doubt I'll manage that. Now I need a cold beer!" Like Colin, he didn't bother putting his clothes on when they went to join the others. *** Kenny had gone for a trip into the village when Bill and Colin went to their new holiday home - a place they referred to as their log cabin. They didn't think the decor needed to be changed but they wanted to discuss how to furnish it. Bill wanted to make a few minor changes to the kitchen and Colin thought an enema attachment for the shower was essential for him. They discussed the style of furniture they would like. "Pierre will let you know where to look and I'm sure Kenny will be happy to help you while I'm away modelling," said Colin. They looked around the little garage and agreed that they didn't need any `playroom' fittings. "We can use the pillory if we want some bondage fun," said Bill. "Aye, and maybe you can gather some fresh twigs to thrash my bum," Colin suggested. "I have never experienced a birching and there's no shortage of material with all those trees outside." They came to Castro's old wooden tub. "I might enjoy having an outdoor bath in that occasionally," said Bill. "Or I could sit in that while you piss over me," Colin said with a smile. Bill just rolled his eyes. "I really like staying with Reynard but it will be nice to be here on our own," Bill said when they were back inside the house. "I'm looking forward to buy some lovely fresh produce on market days and cooking here." "On hot sunny days we can wander around naked," said Colin. "I'll enjoy that." "You wander naked around at Reynard's house quite often already," Bill pointed out. "I like being naked," smiled Colin. "You like being naked with an audience," Bill corrected. Colin grinned. "That's true. Naked and erect. I'm looking forward to doing private shows again." "You've told me that a few times," smiled Bill. He moved to hug Colin from behind and then he put a hand into Colin's shorts to take hold of the semi-hard boy-cock. "You like showing this off." "I like having your cock inside me even more," said Colin. "I should have brought some lube." "We can go back to the mansion and have some private time there before dinner," suggested Bill. "Good idea!" Colin smiled. *** Colin and Bill were lying in bed after an early morning sex session when Colin said, "Do you think I should have sex with Kasim while Kenny looks on? Kenny has seen Kasim swimming naked but not with an erection." "I don't think that's necessary," replied Bill. "Kenny isn't really interested in seeing other men naked." Bill poked Colin. "Are you perhaps hoping that Kenny will get turned on seeing you have sex with Kasim and will want to fuck you straight after Kasim has finished?" Colin laughed. "Maybe. You're right though. It isn't necessary. We could invite Kenny to join us for a threesome though." Bill smiled. "It has been a while since the three of us had some fun together. However I don't think you should suggest it to him right now. He's still coming to terms with fucking you in front of a group of strangers. He might think you're trying to turn him gay." "I don't think that's possible," smiled Colin. "He was back in the village yesterday, sniffing around the girl who works in the cafe. He had no success though." "So that is why you disappeared with him shortly after he came back," said Bill. "He was horny and wanted relief with you." "Yeah. He fucked me good," said Colin. "I wonder how he'll cope when I'm off modelling. You'll need to keep him occupied." "I'll do my best," said Bill. "I doubt he'll let me fuck him though." Colin laughed. "Maybe not. He said once was enough." To be continued
Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2021 20:00:00 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 33 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 33 (Sydney-Canberra) It was early morning on their last day on the farm. Colin was sorry to leave. He had loved the life in the countryside. He had felt some small reservations from Ann, Ruairidh's daughter-in-law, at the beginning but over later days he had become close to both Ann and Donald. In a way Colin was a bit sorry that he hadn't seen more of Donald, but the man had been a bit distant when his wife was around. Now Colin was alone with him in the pool. The man was a good swimmer. Colin admired the forty-year-old son of Ruairidh, who was wearing skimpy swimwear. Strange, but his body was like a young version of Bill's. He seemed to have more in common with him than with his father. He was slim and well built, with a torso like an athlete. "How do you manage to build a body like yours?" Colin asked. The two had ended the morning swim and were now sitting side by side at the end of the pool, drying in the morning sun. "Hard work � no need for a gym out here, but Dad trained me when I was a youngster. He had an iron-hard body once, you know. Ask him to show you the old gym he built behind the garage. I competed there with my mates � muscles were important in those days!" That was the longest speech Colin had heard from the silent man in many days. Now Donald found a towel and stripped off his speedos without shyness. Colin swallowed. It wasn't only the torso was similar to Bill's. The flaccid dick with heavy balls made him look like a model. Colin wondered if the man was teasing him. There was something about the man's eyes. Now Colin understood. Donald had smile wrinkles around his eyes, just like Bill. "We'd better dress, Colin. Ross and his guys will be here for breakfast and to say goodbye very soon. There's some horse-mating going on, and then the water-mill to repair. Always something!" Donald scratched his balls as if he knew that Colin admired his jewels. "It's been marvellous to meet you all out here, I'm gonna miss you. Ian is such a great guy. He treats me like a brother!" Colin managed to organise his growing knob inside his JustColin swimwear without being seen. "He'll miss having a brother out here, or a cousin," Donald said. "Paul from Melbourne visits from time to time, but he's a college student now and can't visit often." "You seem to have a tool that could produce a whole bunch of boys by yourself!" Colin grinned. He could have bitten his tongue off after he said that, but he hoped that Donald would take his joke. "I'll tell Ann, Colin dear! She will love you for putting me back in production." He gave his cock a very macho jerk, and wrapped himself in the towel. Colin met his dad on the way to his room and mentioned swimming with Donald. "I think it's good that we're leaving, Colin. You might have been in bed with yet another generation!" Bill pinched him. "Jealous, Dad? I've seen you close to Donald these days. You like him, don't you?" Colin smiled. "He's a very nice man. When I look at him I see how the years pass." Bill was suddenly serious. "You are very much like him, Dad, and a lot more sexy!" Colin hugged his `father'. "Hurry up, Colin. I think they plan to serve us a huge meal before we leave for Melbourne. You have to pack. I've packed up already." Bill was pleased. He never enjoyed the packing part of travelling. "Melbourne? I thought we were going to stay overnight in Canberra." Colin had the route updated. "Aye, that's true. Only four to five hours by car I understand, nice roads and nice car!" Bill left for the pool area. Colin stripped off his swimwear and opened the door in one operation. He hurried inside, but then stopped. On the top of the bed young Ian waited for him. He was completely naked. He was showing off a nice morning-wood and he had been wanking. Colin looked around, a bit worried. "I've locked the door to the hall," Ian whispered. "Please suck me before you leave, please. Like the other day!" "Like every day!" Colin thought. He smiled and went up to the bed. "You are horny again, Ian. You must get yourself a fuck-buddy. You need someone to help you relax." Colin wanked the 15 cm (6 inch) rock-hard young jewel. "Ross has promised to�to do me�but not until I'm sixteen." Ian had trouble talking. He lifted his body from the bed, placed his heels down, and went up in a bridge. The clear liquid from the boy-cock told Colin that the teen would end this play rather fast. Colin had a growing cock himself. The cool water had calmed him a bit, but now the eager sexy teen had lit a new spark. Colin climbed onto the bed and lay down on top of the boy. Soon the newcomer in sucking did what he could to please his instructor of the last few days. Colin filled Ian's mouth, but tried not to make him gag. With his own mouth, he sucked the youngster and let him fill both mouth and throat. The 15 cm (6 inch) beauty was perfect for a hot mouth-fuck. Ian was the first to scream. A real scream filled the room when Colin brought the lad into a hot shooting orgasm. Colin had seen that the amount of cum had increased every day. Cock and ball massage and tit treatment had been new experiences for the fourteen - almost fifteen - year old Australian boy. Colin gasped when Ian's teeth were a bit careless, but soon he followed the youngster by filling up his mouth. The shots hit Ian's palate. He did not vomit, but eagerly ate all his hot milk. "I will miss you, Colin - a lot! Perhaps we can have cyber-sex when you are back home?" The naked youngsters hugged. "Of course, but teach your buddy now what I have taught you. You will be the champion, Ian. But I have to do some packing now, and I think your mum is serving breakfast." Colin hugged Ian again and found his bags. *** "Colin dear, will you please remind Ross and his boys that breakfast will be ready in half an hour?" Ann carried some food from the kitchen and placed it in the air-conditioned sitting room. The outdoor temperature was even higher than yesterday. "Breakfast?" Colin commented. "Looks like a huge meal. Luckily I'm hungry." "You have a long drive today, so I made this like a brunch for you. Ruairidh plans to leave at noon, he said." Ann touched Colin's arm. "Ross is in the stables I think, behind the barn!" Colin crossed the yard in boots and khaki shorts, shirtless and well-tanned after the Christmas holiday. His hat � a gift from Donald � fitted him perfectly. In the distance Colin heard whinnying from a horse, and heavy footsteps. Another horse was answering, and Chinese voices were shouting. Colin climbed the wall next to the stable-boxes. Ross had a tough job holding the stallion. Inside the box the Chinese guys had prepared a tall brown mare for mating. The tail was bound to one side and her back legs were secured. "She's just acting, chico. All girls do, you know!" Ross was one big grin. He was shouting to Colin who followed the show close in front. "And this boy could mate the whole world today � he's even hornier than you!" Ross let the stallion sniff the swollen mare. He responded with a loud neigh, raised his head and opened his nostrils. The fifth leg was like a man's arm. Now the stallion was ready, his cock like a dripping arrow. Colin had to adjust his own erection. Horse mating was hot entertainment. The huge horse lifted his body and mounted the mare. He knew what to do, but the `lady' was ticklish and tried to get rid of the intruder. He missed the target, but Ross was there in a hurry. His one hand found the dripping horse-cock and placed him at the entrance. The rest was the stallion's job � three jerks and the job was done. He filled the mare with his costly seed, a week's foreplay and five seconds joy. A flood of yellow milk dripped from the softening tool when he left the love scene. Minutes later he had a piss and then just searched for some fresh food. The mare was of no more interest. "Horny, chico?" Ross put a hand between Colin's legs from behind and found the boy's balls. Colin was still hanging onto the stable wall. "All young men are dripping when they watch a horny stallion do his job! You are no exception, chico. Come with me!" Ross lifted Colin from the wall and held him close. "I came to call you for breakfast." Colin tried to speak, but was carried into the barn in the strong arms. The supply room was very dry and very hot. Boxes with oats for the horses filled parts of the room. Ross placed Colin on one of the boxes and undressed him � shorts and undies were stripped off in one movement. "Corne, chico, si, si!" Ross licked pre-cum from Colin's dickhead, and then he swallowed the head and the shaft and made Colin fuck his mouth. "Please wait, maestro. I want your cock. I want it so much, please fuck me. I'll never forget you, Cowboy! Be my stallion." Colin tried to strip Ross, but the man was in charge. He turned Colin around and pressed his upper body down on the box. He kicked Colin's legs apart before he lifted his butt and licked his arsehole. Ross made Colin his mare. In a glimpse Colin saw that the man just pushed his baggy shorts down and for the first time Colin could see the cock that had fucked him that first night. The dark brown cock was not the biggest, but among the thickest, and was surrounded by a curly black bush. "Oh, you are so too tight, chico. I don't want to hurt you!" He spat in the crack. Then he shouted an order which Colin did not understand. The man shouted a second time while he put two wet fingers into Colin's arse. Colin sensed that a door was being opened and one of the Chinese boys entered. Soon afterwards the second boy arrived. Colin understood that Ross had ordered some oil. The first guy dripped oil into Colin's arse-crack and gave Ross a handful too. Soon the oiled cock penetrated the boy's waiting arse. "Play with him! Fuck his body, go on!" Ross gave orders to his two jackaroos. The two small-cocked Chinese lads climbed onto the box top and over the next minutes they played with Colin's nipples, they let Colin suck their cocks and they played with his balls and his dripping cock. For once Colin was a real stayer. The cumming in Ian's arms a short time earlier helped him to satisfy all three cowboys. The two boys drenched Colin's face with thin boy-milk while Ross filled his arse. The situation stressed Colin a bit. He knew that the hostess was waiting for them, but he needed to cum too. Now he just turned around and let the three men triple wank him. He went up in his strong bridge before he shouted, "Yes, yes. I'm cumming. Damn, I'm cumming!" The two Chinese boys fought for the spurts from the hard-jerked little cock. His balls were well filled again. The hot show with stallion outside had been enough. "Use the outdoor shower, all of you, and hurry up. Boss is waiting!" Ross was one big smile. He scratched his low-hanging, hairy balls and kissed his young visitor. *** "You are unusually quiet, Colin." Bill turned to Colin who started the long trip in the back seat of the car. They were driving along the highway south, and had just passed the outskirts of Sydney. "You know I hate goodbyes. Ian had tears when we left, Dad. I have become very fond of that boy." Colin swallowed. "They were all very happy for your visit, Colin. You fitted in very well - both of you!" Ruairidh punched his brother's shoulder. "And you have the possibility to stay in touch through the `net," Bill continued. "Different when this hunk disappeared from my life almost forty years ago!" Bill used a fist back on Ruairidh's shoulder.. Nothing was said for a while. "Were you guys just fuck-buddies or were you really in love with each other?" Colin suddenly asked. The chatting in front had been a bit boring for the youngster. Colin wished he had never asked. The question was followed by half an hour of heavy discussion between the two in the front seat. "Okay guys, sorry for the serious question. Ann made us some sandwiches and I'm hungry � and I need to have a piss. You find a place to stop, Boss?" Colin ended the discussion between the brothers. A stop at a service area was a nice break from the travel. Coffee outdoors, and mustard turkey sandwiches followed by some cold drinks, filled the three travellers. A very manly piss side by side, made them ready for the last step of the day � Canberra � the capital of Australia. Colin asked to take the front seat beside his uncle and Bill was happy to relax in the comfortable back seat. The road sign told them where to leave the main road between Sydney and Melbourne. "About an hour left," Ruairigh informed the others. "I want to take you to a place where you really can admire our beautiful capital city. We'll find the hotel afterwards. The hotel is close to a full-size international swimming arena. I guess you would like some real exercise after sitting for so long." The man placed a hand on Colin's knee. "Almost too hot for sport!" Colin smiled. "But I'd be happy for a real work-out!" "I know you heat your pools in Europe for part of the year. Here we have to cool down the outdoor pools for competitions in the warmest months!" Ruairidh found the correct lane in the enormous traffic machine. "Why is Canberra the capital?" Colin asked. "I've heard many explanations." "The most probable reason is just the fact that the Sydney politicians and the Melbourne ones couldn't agree. When Australia became a Commonwealth, we needed a capital and Canberra was chosen. I think it was in 1911. A new federal territory was established inside the borders of New South Wales. The capital was planned and built for the purpose." "By American architects!" Colin grinned. "Chicago guys I've read. The bush- capital has become the nickname, very different from many American cities though." "I don't think you need a guide, son. You have done your homework!" Ruairidh's hand stroked Colin's bare thigh. Colin moved a bit closer to the driver. "Maybe you know the meaning of the name Canberra as well? That's part of your speciality, eh?" The man's hand was inside the leg of the city shorts Colin had put on for the ride. Colin spread his legs. "You are bold, Brother!" Bill commented from behind. He had listened to the talk with closed eyes. "Be ready for a lecture, man!" Colin did not comment on Bill's light sarcasm. He put one hand on top of his uncle's searching hand. His knob was about to wake up by the inviting treatment. He increased his voice as to answer his dad. "Of course, there had been people in this area for hundreds of years." Colin made a pedagogical break. "Before the English arrived," he continued. "The word "Canberra" is said to derive from Canberry, which is claimed to mean "meeting place" in one of the Indigenous languages spoken in the district by Aboriginal Australians," Colin lectured. "I've heard another story!" Ruairidh managed to find Colin's balls with two fingers. "Canberra is the native name for woman's tits. The two mountains, Black Mountain and Mount Ainslie lie almost opposite each other, 800 meters above sea level. We will see them soon." "A meeting place between girls' tits, Colin. New experience for you, eh?" Bill grinned from behind. He found a cushion and closed his eyes again. Colin looked at Bill in the rear-view mirror. Then, in one movement, he lifted his hips and pushed down his shorts. The white thong had wet spots. Now Colin pulled the pouch aside and let his cock and balls get full freedom. Seconds later Ruairidh grabbed the rock-hard boy-cock and just squeezed it. Sounds from the backseat told Colin that Bill was having a nap. Colin used one hand to unzip his uncle's shorts. The tenting in the man's boxer-shorts showed that Colin wasn't the only one with a heavy erection that afternoon. Colin stayed carefully away from the car's equipment when he bent down and kissed his uncle's bulge. The comfortable, spacious car made it possible for Colin to undress his uncle from his underwear. The rock-hard, dark-coloured dick with the lighter cockhead was a target for Colin's playing lips and tongue. A sudden toot from a huge lorry that was passing told the fuckers that they could be seen from the outside. A thumbs-up from the driver made Ruairidh return the sign. Then he pushed a button and the screens changed a bit. "Nobody can see us from outside now, Colin. Please undress, a fantasy of mine can become a reality - driving on the highway with a naked kid sucking me!" Colin undressed and went back to serve his uncle's cock. The movement from the car helped Colin to take the huge cock all the way. Ruairidh let the car drive on speed-control and used his hips from below. Now he mouth-fucked Colin without taking the eyes from the traffic. They were reaching the outskirts of Canberra and the traffic increased. "Yes, Colin. Yes, baby. Please, suck the juice out of me� please� yes." Ruairidh lifted his hips and started to erupt. There were some small side movements in the car. Bill suddenly woke up. "What the hell are you doing? Stay in line for God's sake!" Bill shouted. "Go back to bed, weakling. We're having a good time, you see. Very good � very good." Ruairidh pumped cum into Colin's mouth and throat and the boy licked and swallowed and grinned, while he let the man play with his own cock. "You take care of your son, Bro. He's soon ready to shoot! No jizz in the car, okay!" The driver pushed another button in the luxurious car and Colin's seat folded backwards. Colin could just crawl onto Bill's body. With knees on each side, Colin fed Bill with his dripping erection. Bill had no objection. He also knew what to do to make this very special for the kid. Two wet fingers inside his boy-cunt found his swollen button while he tightened his lips around the cockhead. "Yes, yes. Daddy, daddy, please daddy, I'm. I'm�" A scream followed. "I'm cumming, Daddy! Eat me, eat me�" Colin's orgasm was real. His balls were full again after the morning's events. Now he filled Bill's mouth with a lighter version of his boy-milk, and Bill slurped it up. Signs told that they were inside the Australian Capital territory. The driver and the passenger started to dress while Ruairidh took a sort of ring road around the city. Soon they started to climb. They drove through beautiful wooded landscapes and after half an hour they stopped at a huge parking spot. "Let's take a walk from here. You don't need a t-shirt, but it's probably best to put on shorts!" Ruairidh grinned at the lad just dressed in his tight white thong. "We will take an hour's stop here inside the National Park. The place is called Mount Ainslie Lookout � my favourite place to understand Canberra." Ruairidh handed his guests cold drinks from his cool-box. This car had everything � a real car lover's pride. It was still very hot outside, but there was a light breeze up here, and some shade from the trees. "From this lookout you can really understand Walter Burley Griffin's geometrical plan for the capital." Ruairidh was lecturing now, and he had interested pupils. Colin � the sex athlete from the car-ride � was suddenly the open-minded and questioning young student. Ruairidh pointed out the War Memorial and the Anzac Parade and he told about the river and the artificial lake. "On the other side you have the Capital Hill with the old and the new Parliament Houses � and to the right the City Hall with the modern city around it � very much like cities all over the world. Our hotel is a bit more to the right, close to the university." "Will we have some time for sightseeing tomorrow?" Colin asked. "Well, we have a much longer drive tomorrow, I guess about seven hours, but I've planned some sightseeing after breakfast." Ruairidh placed an arm around his brother's shoulder. "We would love that, Boss!" Colin was the one who answered, and Bill nodded with a smile. Half an hour later they entered the very modern hotel. Colin smiled when he went into the triple suite Ruairidh had ordered � a king-size bed in one room and a rather narrow bed in the connected alcove. To tease the brothers, Colin went into the small room and lay down on the single bed. The blushing brothers did not comment, but Colin found the situation very amusing. "Thanks for the burger, Boss. Just what I needed before a hard session in the pool. The guy in the lobby gave me a one day card for free entrance." Colin was ready to leave. He had packed up swimwear and towels. "I have planned a small walk-about this evening, if it's not too hot outside, and then a supper by the lake � nine o'clock, eh?" Ruairidh looked at Bill and then back to Colin. "Perfect, Uncle. You really take care of us!" Colin hugged the man tight. "I just need an hour. I'm so excited. A fifty metre international competition pool; will be my first!" He almost tore down the door when he left the room. "In many ways he's still a kid," Bill said. "A cute one!" Ruairidh kicked off his shoes, stripped off his t-shirt and landed on the bed beside his brother. "Could be good to have a nap," Bill commented. "Old man, you had a nap in the car. We need a whisky and ice, don't we Bro? Ruairidh placed an arm across his brother's chest. "I'll make them doubles." Bill grinned. "I guess you need to recover from the hitch-hiker business today. Don't you believe for a second that the only wish from my young one tonight will be a late supper." Colin headed for the huge arena just across the park. The number of cars outside told of many visitors this late afternoon. The hotel-ticket gave him free access, but he had to queue for entrance to the competition pool. Colin wanted a lane if possible for his training. "I'm sorry, young man, but the competition pool is occupied today. We have a junior team from Melbourne visiting � but I will have room for you tomorrow." The lady was very sorry. She saw Colin's disappointment when he told her he'd be leaving Canberra in the morning. "Wait a second, son." She used the phone and then smiled at Colin. "Upstairs, second right, A2 private changing room. Ask for Mr Jack." She pointed to the stairs. The sound from a huge crowd shouting and laughing met Colin when he entered the room. A man all in white, with a whistle around his neck, gave him a firm handshake. "You look for some competition?" The man with tight curly red hair, in his early forties, pulled him inside. "Well, sir, I have been out of training for more than a week now, but I'd love to have a session if possible." Colin followed the man inside. The whistle followed. It was suddenly deadly silent. "Make room for this lad. He's from Scotland, I guess." The man looked at Colin, who nodded. "You have had your break now, guys. We will start another hard run in five minutes. Piss, drink and be ready!" the man shouted. About 15 or 16 youngsters dressed in AussieBum speedos prepared for the pool. Two guys about Colin's age pulled some equipment aside for Colin. "If you have valuables, give them to the coach," one of them said. "A real competition then." The other guy grinned. Colin was suddenly a bit shy. He was back in the high school locker rooms with common showers, but no reason to let Mr Jack wait for him. He stripped off his t-shirt, shorts and thong and was naked in seconds. A piercing whistle was heard. A blushing Colin hurried to find his JustColin speedo. "Come on, ladies! This isn't a strip show," the coach shouted, but he was amused too, for sure. With a towel around his neck Colin was very much like one of the group and, when he took instructions and found his starting block, the only difference between him and the others was his paler tan and the pattern of his swimwear. "Two hundred metres free, maximum speed! Go ready to start!" The whistle sounded and eight sporting lads hit the water surface. Colin was happy for this possibility. He was not the fastest but he was not among the slower ones either. He even got nice feedback from the coach. An hour went by very quickly and suddenly Colin was among a lot of naked young men fighting for room in the common shower. At university at home, Colin was privileged with partly private showers, and since he was a part of the team, even a nearly private changing room. Now he was back like in high school with joking, testosterone-filled air, and touching. Now Colin began to compare the bodies. All the guys were shaved, even at their pubic areas. Most of the bodies had visible tan lines, but some were tanned all over. Some guys were well hung, some guys were smaller like him. Two boys were cut, all the others had foreskin. Suddenly the shower scene became very sexual and Colin grew an erection in the middle of the group. What he had managed to prevent during his high school years happened fast. He had a rock-hard hard-on. "What the fuck. I'll never meet these guys again!" Colin did not cover up, but went on soaping his body. Suddenly he saw another boner beside him, and just after that a youngster were obviously jerking close to his butt. The whistle blew. Mr Jack, who had been in the locker-room and shower all the time, asked for attention. "No more play, ladies. Dinner in the cafeteria in half an hour," he shouted. Colin hurried to his bag and found a towel. Soon he covered his `little devil'. The lads around were more interested in his swimwear than in Colin himself. "Is it true that you have you own collection?" one guy asked. "Is it true that you have your own magazine?" Another guy was very close. Colin smiled and told his short story. He also said he was sorry that he hadn't brought some of his underwear collection to give them. Now he just dropped his towel and put on his sports-jock with the JustColin ribbon. He turned around like a model, followed by cheering and whistling. "Who would like my swimwear as a souvenir?" Colin held his speedo high in one hand. All the youngsters put up a hand. "But how?" Colin was very uncertain. "Let's shoot for it!" one guy suggested, making very obvious wanking movements with his fist. Colin had been into competitions like that more than once over the years. There was enough testosterone around for a very hot show. But then the coach appeared � now he didn't need to use the whistle � the roar was enough. Soon afterwards the group was about to leave. Colin was almost outside when he remembered his watch and his credit card. He returned to the changing room and knocked the door to the coach's cabin. The door opened immediately and Mr Jack invited him inside. "They were freer today than normal with a guest among us." The coach was dressed in a piece of underwear, next to nothing. Colin swallowed. The man was obviously half-hard. "I�sir...please. I need my watch and my wallet." Colin swallowed again. The man was a model � a fantastic athlete and in addition a hunk that showed strength. "Sorry, son. I almost forget." The man was close. "You look a bit stressed, young man. Stiff muscles in your shoulders and your neck! He took care of Colin's shoulders with both hands. Lie down, I'll loosen those shoulders for you. Strip off your shorts, I'll find some oil." He placed Colin on a massage bench. Dressed just in the tight sports thong, Colin was given the most professional sports massage he had had in his young life. "You must find a girl to help you with that dripping knob!" Mr Jack ended the short massage by squeezing Colin's wet erection. "I'll give you my business card. You said earlier that you leave for Melbourne tomorrow. We leave tomorrow too. I'm taking my team to the beach for a New Year party the day after. Call me if you feel like meeting up." The man handed Colin his clothes and his valuables. Then he dressed and left. Colin didn't even manage to say thank you. He was confused, a bit tired, and damn horny. Still horny on reaching the hotel, Colin adjusted his hard cock inside the tight shorts. He passed the reception and hurried into the lift. Two well-dressed men entered at the next floor, but they were more interested in girl-talk than Colin's presence. But when Colin left the lift, just when the doors were about to close, he heard a wolf whistle. Satisfied with the attention, he found his key and entered the suite. A hot silhouette in the partly shaded room met him. Bill was fucking his brother steadily. Ruairidh was kneeling doggie with his hips lifted high like a willing bitch. The room smelled of whisky, sweat and spunk � no doubt the sex had been going on for a while. "Great, Colin. You are here at last. Get those rags off and give me some help with this old man!" Bill gave his brother a hard spank on one buttock. Colin was easy to ask. Naked he jumped onto the bed and found Bill's lips. "You smell and taste of chlorine, son. Give that stiffy of yours to my brother. He needs to be fucked in both ends if he is to cum again. He spunked off like a teenager even before I was fully hard." "But you are the best� the best fuck� fuck!" Ruairidh was gagged when Colin filled his mouth with both cock and balls. With both hands he took hold of the man's bald head and pushed his cock deep. Bill grinned and increased the pace. The 24 cm (9.5 inch) tool pounded his brother again and again. Colin let Ruairidh have some air, and then he locked his head again. The man was dripping. Bill wanked his brother's dark brown hanging erection while he continued his heavy fucking. "Suck his cock, son, and give him your juice. He needs some refreshment," Bill commanded. His brother said nothing. On his back Colin crawled underneath the huge man and found his dark dripping cock. At the same time, he spread his legs and lifted his hips. A young and an old guy formed a sexy 69 while the old one was fucked deep and hard by his brother. The situation for Colin was fantastic. A great sucker sucked him, while his mouth received the man's cock like a man-cunt every time his dad pounded him. "I�ergh!" Colin tied to shout. He lifted his hips and sent volleys of spunk into his uncle's mouth. At the same time his uncle gagged him. The huge spear filled Colin's mouth and throat. He did what he could to get loose, but he was caught. Ruairidh went into his second orgasm. Colin's fingernails on the man's balls made him lift his hips. The spurts that could have choked the youngster, splashed all over his face and upper body. "Don't clean him! I want to see him drenched!" Bill commanded again. "Turn around, son, and open up for me. You'll take my cock, eh?" Colin, still on his back, turned around and pulled back his own legs. Bill grinned when he saw the slutty face in front of him. He caught some of his brother's spunk and opened Colin's arse with it. His cock was fat and wet from his brother's inner body, and even without foreplay Colin took him easily. Bill knew how to penetrate his son the way he liked it, somewhere between light pain and heavy pain. By watching Colin's eyes and tears he knew when to push and when to take a break. Soon Bill bottomed inside his young lover. "Rim me, Bro!" Bill looked at Ruairidh who was relaxing after the double orgasm. As if he woke from far away, he dived into his brother's hairy ass. Without words Bill fucked his son and lover while his brother played with a hole he had treated in many ways years ago. "I'm close, Daddy. I have to, please allow me?" Colin shouted as Bill fucked him hard. Moments later clear spunk was shooting from his cock and mixing with his uncle's greasy spunk that still was dripping from his face. Bill withdrew and wanked his huge weapon. He took hold of his cock with both hands, and pointed at his son's face and open mouth. Soon spunk from three men covered the young body. "Take his arms!" Bill commanded his brother while he took care of Colin's legs. Together they lifted him from the bed and carried him into the bathroom. They let him sit down in the shower cubicle. Colin knew what was coming. Ruairidh looked at Bill as if he was uncertain. Bill grinned and pointed at Colin with a half-hard man-cock. "Let's clean our baby boy," Bill said, and let his yellow fluid hit the young body. Colin opened his mouth and took care of his dad's juice. The brother still hesitated. "Come on, Boss! Give me the down-under version!" Colin smiled when the man started a softer piss. After a successful acceleration he could follow his brother all the way. A slutty Colin let his body lie down in the corner. He lifted his legs and let his own half-hard little knob do the rest of the cleaning with his own yellow shower. Minutes later Colin turned on the tropical shower. The huge shower area had room for all three. Soap, shampoo and creams made the three visitors ready for a tour outside in the hot Canberra night. *** "I could eat a horse!" Colin commented when they passed some restaurants and looked at the menus. In tight city shorts and a white partly-open shirt, he was a subject that attracted attention in the crowded city. The old ones felt very comfortable in his company. "We take a small walk first!" Ruairidh was in command now. "Let's go down to the lake - Lake Burley Griffin." He pointed out the well-lit lake in the middle of the city. "If the wind comes from the right direction we should hear the National Carillon placed on Aspen Island." Three columns, 50 metres tall, formed the carillon tower, a very dramatic piece of art. "I know that song!" Colin suddenly stopped. Colin's voice was thick. He swallowed. "All I want for Christmas is you!" Colin found Bill's hand and squeezed it. "Let's try the restaurant across the square," Bill suggested. "You said you wanted beef, Colin? Well, there's a painting of an ox in the sign so I guess that's the place for us." The group was heartily welcomed, and assisted to a small platform with a view to the lake. The outdoor table was cooled with fans and air-conditioning. "How would you like your beef, young man?" The grey-haired butler had been hovering around Colin since they arrived. Both Bill and Ruairidh felt almost neglected, but for Bill this was not a new situation. "Bloody rare, please! Colin grinned. "With some green-pepper sauce and mashed sweet potatoes, okay?" He smiled at the old waiter who blushed like a young girl. "That man stripped you in his mind, son. I hope he remembers our pre-dinner drinks." Bill put a hand on Colin's knee. Soon a young waiter in black trousers and a tight Chinese-style shirt brought the cocktails. Now Colin was the one to smile. His dad and his uncle looked at the youngster with partly open mouths. He was a dream of a boy � his round butt filled the tight trousers. Colin placed a hand on his dad's knee. "Take care, Daddy. I'm still here!" The meal was great and so was the beer. Colin ended his meal with a triple banana split with strawberry jam and chocolate. He had trouble when he left the table. Both the old-fashioned butler, and the young service-minded and very sexy waiter, were well tipped when the three tourists left for their hotel. "Don't you think we need a gin tonic to round off the night?" Ruairidh placed an arm around his brother. They passed a bar just outside the hotel. "You two take your drinks, please!" Colin stopped. "I need my beauty-sleep now, and I know you ordered an early breakfast, Boss. I'll find my bed, guys." "Youngsters nowadays, bad stayers!" Ruairidh grinned and then he hugged Colin tight. "See you tomorrow, son. I will love to show you two my business in Melbourne." *** It was almost midnight, after two bar visits, that the two brothers found their suite. They found young Colin asleep, naked and half-hard, on top of the single bed in the alcove. "No way! I'm not going to sleep behind your farting ass, Bro. Bring that young lover of yours to the bed where he belongs." Ruairidh helped Bill to lift the young body that slept like a piece of meat, and carried him to the double bed. Bill smiled when he watched his brother care for the young body, cared a bit more than natural perhaps, letting his hand follow Colin's front, touching his nipples, and then touching the growing knob and the warm balls. "Maybe you would like to�?" Bill started. Ruairidh interrupted. "I need a piss, and you have to take care of this Adonis � too sexy for an old man like you, but he's made a damn good choice in life!" The Australian hugged his younger brother, and left for the bathroom. Bill turned to the bed. Colin, still far away in dreamland, had spread his legs. One hand played with his full erection and the other hand's thumb was sucked as if it was a teat. The sight made him both fatherly and horny. To be continued
Date: Sat, 6 Jun 2020 11:50:45 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 5 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 5 (Mr Wilkie) The main door to the university's swimming pool was closed. `Open for the season on Sunday', a sign told. But Colin was certain about his appointment. He was to meet his coach and team leader, Mr Wilkie, this afternoon. He looked at the tower on the old main building and the clock showed five. He had borrowed an old bike to be there in time. The afternoon session with Kenny in bed had been great, and a shower had made him ready for more action. Mr Wilkie was one of Colin's favourites at university. Colin had been swimming for a local team, but the competition here was much harder. As a first year student Colin had been able to compete for the A-team even if he was light and a bit inexperienced. Dave, as Mr Wilkie wanted Colin to call him, had very special methods both for relaxing and the creation of extra energy. Some selected students were allowed to visit him in the basement area. The room was originally a storeroom for the swimming pool, and also a sort of office for the team leaders, but it had become a private studio for Mr Wilkie. Nobody visited him down there uninvited. Mr Wilkie had been a swimmer at international level when he was younger. He was now 45, still very good-looking, hairy but with a boyish face. All the swimmers and other visitors respected him. Through the double windows in his upper office he watched and controlled all activity, both in the hall and in the changing room. Everybody knew that. There was a rumour among many of the students that Mr Wilkie had a special interest in young male bodies, but there were no complaints. His regular visits to the shower-rooms were accepted as a normal safety routine. "Mr Wilkie, are you there, sir?" Colin shouted through the unlocked rear door. No answer. Colin went inside, happy to be back. The smell of steam and chlorine was familiar and Colin has to admit that, besides swimming and competing, swimming pools had been a place for excitement and dreams when he was a younger teen. For someone not openly gay, life in the changing rooms and showers had been a challenge, and both group wanking and some sucking had been part of growing up. In his high school days Colin had been `entertained' by Adam Morrison, a man in his sixties who was a swimming instructor in the swimming pool, in addition to being a driving instructor and garage owner, in Colin's hometown. Adam Morrison had asked for sex-service more than once, and Colin had been very happy to give it to him. Colin's dad hadn't been too pleased though. When he heard that Colin had paid for driving lessons by opening his arse for the man, he had intervened. "Dave, are you downstairs?" Colin was at the entrance to the `most holy chamber'. Dave, who had been having some trouble with the track-dividers in the hall, shouted back. "Please help me, Colin. The last user has done a really bad job!" Dave Wilkie was dressed in white singlet and white shorts, his standard outfit, as he tried to loosen the red plastic floats. Now he came over to Colin and hugged him tightly. "Nice to see you, Colin, and good to see that you are in good shape after the summer break!" He let his hands follow Colin's back all the way down to the shorts. Inside the shorts he cupped the globes and let his fingers follow the arse-crack until one finger found the warm entrance. Colin clung to the man and gave him access. "You are still smooth, son. No need for shaving here," Dave whispered. "Some hair above my cock, and some on my legs. Hope you will shave me like last year, sir," Colin whispered back. He shivered. He also felt that something was happening inside Dave's sports shorts. "My pleasure, boy. You have to see me at home for that." He let his lips touch Colin's neck. "But help me now with the job up here, and then we'll go downstairs to the pool." "Why do we need more lanes, sir?" Colin asked when they started to place the third divider. "Will you work with more students today?" Colin had believed that he was to be the only visitor this afternoon. "Have you heard that we have two exchange students from the Gambia this year?" Mr Wilkie asked. "Aye, I saw them in the cafeteria today. Tall guys, very dark, looked quite old!" Colin did all he could to pull the last divider across the 25 m pool. "Dark? Black as hell!" Dave said, "but cute guys, only eighteen, just finished high school. They want to improve their skills in the pool. You asked for an instructor's job last year, so I thought you could be their tutor. They will be here in about half an hour, so you will meet them soon." "Cool!" Colin shouted. He almost fell into the pool, but managed to regain his balance and do the job. "They have been coming to me the last two days." Mr Wilkie went close. "They're more experienced than I thought." The man winked and placed a hand on Colin's shoulder, pushing him in front down to the basement room. "You want full service and then a hard round in the pool? You look a bit stressed, kid." Dave Wilkie placed a padded short-bench in the middle of the room. "I'll make you relax first, and then we can pump some energy afterwards, ok? You allow me to take control, eh?" "Aye, as always sir!" Colin bowed his head and looked down. "All the way, please!" "When did you last cum, kid?" Mr Wilkie's voice was suddenly sterner. "Just an hour ago, sir. My buddy had some needs, and I was damn horny. I had been thinking of my visit here all day, but couldn't wait!" Colin didn't look at Dave. "A full load?" The man lifted Colin's chin and focused on his eyes. "Yes, sir. Sorry, sir. An all-day load. I didn't wank during the lunch break, you see." The lad blushed. "Undress then, and find the ropes!" Dave commanded. "We'll fill up those tight balls of yours!" He cupped Colin's bulge and squeezed his balls. Colin undressed while Mr Wilkie watched him closely. His shoes were already gone so he just took off his white sports socks and passed them to the instructor who placed them in front of his mouth and nose and sniffed. The tight t-shirt came off and Dave took care of that too. Colin placed his arms behind his neck and Dave used an open hand to inspect the armpits before he licked them. "Smooth!" he said. "And no perfume. Good! Use some talc if you feel sore, kid." Colin untied the cord in the high-cut running shorts and pulled them down slowly. He knew that the voyeur in front of him always became aroused from a slow strip performance. Colin acted as if he was very young and very shy and inexperienced. Mr Wilkie did nothing to hide the tenting in his white shorts. He knew that the teens who visited him down here, longed for his manhood so he did not cover up. Mr Wilkie swallowed. He watched with interest the well-shaped, and all-over tanned body, now only with a white, loose-knitted jock strap which had two wet spots in the front. Again, and standing very close to Colin, he used the fingers of one hand to squeeze the lad's nipples. With the other hand he collected the pre-cum from the small iron-hard erection, dripping through the front of the pouch. He sniffed his fingers and then let Colin lick them clean. "I think you are filling up already, son. Keep the jock on for the black guys and hurry up with the ropes now!" Mr Wilkie looked as if he was waking up from a dream. Now he went in action. Colin handed him four red ropes from the equipment wall. Dave forced Colin to lie down with his front on the bench and his feet next to the floor. Then he bound Colin's hands tight to the bench's legs. He spread Colin's legs too and tied them to the bench. Colin's body was now locked up, except for his head. His round buttocks were split and the smooth arse crack was open. Dave oiled his hands and gave Colin a light touch all over. "You ready, son?" A light spank followed on one buttock, followed by the same on the other globe. "Aye, do what you want with me, sir. I'm all yours!" Colin sighed. A noise and then some laughter was heard when the two black youngsters dived into the room. They were suddenly very silent when they saw the young white boy tied up virtually naked in the middle of the room. The two were both dressed in colourful baggy football gear. Their curly hair was very short, and the hairless lower arms and legs were shining as though oiled. Both of them were about 1.85 m (6ft 1in) tall and very slim. "Here is Colin whom I told you about. He's a superb swimmer, and he knows how to win. He's intelligent and he's a stayer. To win, you have to use your brain as well as your muscles." Dave lectured. "I have tied him up for your education. I'll show you how to be a stayer!" Colin turned his head so he could see the two Gambians. They looked like brothers with high their similar cheekbones and thick lips. "Isaac and Joseph will be your pupils in the pool, Colin. I know you'll be a good tutor for them. Like I'm your boss, they will have to obey you!" Mr Wilkie gave Colin two new spanks with an open hand to underline his words. "You understand, guys?" The two guys nodded. "Now, undress, both of you. Get rid of those baggy outfits. Swimming means showing off the body, hot bodies. It's a pity that we have to use swimwear, isn't it Colin? You would appear naked in front of a big audience if you could, eh?" Dave gave Colin a third round of hand-spanking. Both Isaac and Joseph stripped their tops very fast and revealed completely smooth upper bodies. Their football socks came off next. Both of them hesitated and looked at each other. "Go on! No room for shyness here. Show me why English grannies fill the beaches in the Gambia to see bodies like yours!" Mr Wilkie grinned. Colin was not sure that he liked these comments, but said nothing. The two lads stripped off their football shorts, and they had probably not been prepared because they had no jocks or briefs underneath. Two long flaccid dicks and two sets of hanging balls were presented. There was one small difference though. One of them had a small white scar on his dick. "An easy way to tell the difference," Colin thought. The two tried to cover their prides with the hands. Mr Wilkie gave his orders. "Hands at the side, hips forward! That's a swimmer's position." He went up to them. With both hands he cupped their balls and lifted their dicks. Both the youngsters were showing the tips of their dicks but Mr Wilkie forced the rest of their foreskins back and inspected their glans. "Spread your legs and bow!" The man commanded, and again the lads followed his instructions. "Spread your butts, all the way! Show Colin your pussies." He licked his fingers and let them follow the arsecracks down to the pink entrances. Both young men sighed softly when Mr Wilkie put a finger inside. "Okay, lads. Let's have our first lesson!" Again the instructor seemed to return from a sort of trance. "Let's try to picture a competition in the pool. The first rounds are just joy. Your body functions well. It's the dream you have longed for and trained for. Then the pain starts. You have to use your brain now to go on or even increase your efforts. And then comes the third part that will show the winners. They manage to make a grand finale even if their bodies hurt and their brains protest." Colin had heard this lesson before and so instead he concentrated his studies on the African dicks. "They can't be growers!" he thought. "Twenty centimetres (eight inches) flaccid. Would be monster cocks if they grew." He had seen some boys that had no real difference in size between their flaccid and hard states. Some of them had hanging hard ones too. Colin's eye inspection made him more and more aroused and a thread of sticky juice dripped from his jock. Without visible movements he stimulated his own prostate with the use of arse muscles. "Well, guys. You do what I tell you, okay. Now let's give this waiting lad some relaxing massage. "Isaac, you do his upper body, and Joseph, you play with the lower part." He handed the guys some massage oil. The two were familiar with this business and two pairs of hands treated Colin with great skill. "Play with his arse Joseph, but stay away from his bulge. He must start concentrating now. Give him fingers. He takes them without problems." Mr Wilkie only touched himself now, but he was playing with a huge hard-on. The massage went on for some minutes. "Let's increase the stimulation, guys! Isaac, give the lad your cock. You okay, son?" Mr Wilkie spanked Colin's oily butt. "Yes, sir. You will fuck me soon, sir?" Colin whispered, but very soon the black cock was inside his mouth, and the well-trained cocksucker knew what to do. "Concentrate, lad. Don't force yet. No more than half!" Again Dave gave Colin a light spank. "Joseph, you rim him. And do it deep. Tongue-fuck him." The lad seemed to hesitate. "Ten times better than your old ladies! Go on. He tastes of honey, or maybe some spunk, since he had his mate inside him not so long ago!" Five minutes of heavy mouth-fuck combined with rimming and Colin's jock was piss-wet. "You change positions, guys!" Mr Wilkie handed Isaac a tube of lubricating jelly. "Now, open the lad with that cock of yours, but no crazy fucking. Okay?" He filled the teen's hand with jelly and greased up Isaac's spit-wet cock that grew really hard during the man's treatment. Colin was bound tightly but he managed to push back and suck the black cock into his waiting boy-cunt. Isaac was soon balls-deep but he waited as if he needed instructions. "Please go on, man. Don't stop, please don't stop!" Colin tried to shout through heavy mouth-treatment. "I give the orders here, don't forget!" Mr Wilkie shouted. "But okay, guys. We will start on the second part of the run now. Colin needs more energy. Undress me and make me ready." The two black lads did not hesitate now and Dave was stripped of his clothes. The 45-year-old man had an athlete's body. He was quite hairy except for his shaved balls and trimmed ginger pubic hair. The 20 cm (8 inch) cock, with the exceptional mushroom-sized cockhead, was in no need of extra stimulation, but he gave the boys some jelly, both for his own cock and for Colin's arse. "The pain that follows my penetration could normally end a lad's erection, but not for this well-trained fellow. He will transform the pain into heat and more energy!" Mr Wilkie went up to Colin and spat in his arsecrack. Then he placed the huge cockhead outside the rosebud. A sharp howl was heard from Colin when the man-cock burst through his sphincter. Both the Africans moaned too, and found their stiff cocks for some handwork. "Let Colin handle you, guys. He can serve us all!" the instructor commanded. "What do you say, kid?" "Aye, aye sir. Thank you, sir. Please fuck me hard. Your cock is like a cleaner, fills my cunt, ah� You are great, sir!" Colin shouted every time Dave bottomed in him. Isaac and Joseph stood side by side in front of Colin, and he did his best to lick and suck the black cocks. The two were sweating and their cocks were dripping. After a while with hard pounding Colin started to tremble. He would soon reach the edge, but he knew that Mr Wilkie wanted him to last a bit longer. "I�damn�I...!" Colin shouted. Mr Wilkie withdrew his cock. The pain when the huge cockhead left the arse was combined with two new hand spanks. Colin managed to slow down his ejaculation. "This would be the critical point in a contest." The naked, well-equipped man looked at his audience. "Now the pain is starting to be intense. Both the arm muscles and the leg muscles are stiff because of acid. And now the brain must tell those muscles to go on. Let's push Colin forward. Help me to turn him around." The rope-master, helped by Isaac and Joseph, untied Colin and turned him with his back to the bench. Dave tied both arms together underneath the bench, but let the legs be free. "Remove his thong, lads. Let's see if his dick is still hard!" Dave grinned. Bound to the bench Colin's stiffy was now the body's highest point, glistening from pre-cum. "Lick his goodies!" The two Gambians fought for the small cock and the round hard balls. Mr Wilkie took the wet jock. He sniffed and then licked the white fabric before he picked a whip from the wall. "Now kneel, guys, and hold Colin's legs down, very tight, and I will give this competitor new energy. You ready to put on a spurt and end the race, Colin?" Mr Wilkie let the cock whip tease Colin's nipples. "Aye, aye, sir. Let me end now. Please let me cum now, sir!" With tears in his eyes, Colin tightened all the muscles he had and was ready for the whip. Mr Wilkie knew that Colin could take a lot, but he wanted action in the pool afterwards. The first strokes landed across Colin's upper body, letting his nipples glow. Then the helicopter strokes went down his body, down to the dark shadow on his pubic bone. Drops of pre-cum dripped from the piss-slit down to the cock root. The next round of strokes landed across the lad's upper thighs. Colin wailed when the leather strands hit his balls. Dave changed his movements now. Instead of strokes, he let the whip tease the cock. He worked Colin's balls, and he worked the area around the cock before he used the whip directly on the sensitive glans. Colin moaned every time the whip found his cockhead. He shivered now, and the black guys had trouble holding his legs. "Ready for the end, boy?" Dave asked giving Colin a sort of wake-up stroke across his nipples. Colin yelled. "Yes, yes, please sir! Let me cum now! My balls are burning, sir!" "Lift his legs, guys, spread them!" Mr Wilkie gave his cock some jerks and was ready to penetrate Colin again. No mercy this time. He just forced his mushroom cock inside and bottomed him in a single thrust. He pulled out and did the same a second time, and then a third. A macho howl was heard from the true winner. Colin shot his young load. Nine eruptions, the first hit Dave's face and hair; the rest spread, some hit the black skin. The African lads still held Colin's legs when Dave finished. He filled his young student and competitor with man-milk as he gave a primal roar that filled the small basement room. "Thank Colin for the blowjobs, guys. Let him taste African boy-cream!" Mr Wilkie took care of Colin's legs. Isaac and Joseph, on either side of Colin's head, started a crazy wanking while Dave's cock still filled Colin's tight tunnel. Isaac, the guy with a small white scar on his long thin dick, was the first to cum. In complete silence he sprayed his white liquid over Colin's head and upper body. Joseph pumped and pumped. He was next to reach a happy ending, but needed some more jerks. He went up on his toes and he pulled his head back. Then he screamed. His piss-like spunk drenched Colin's face and open mouth. Colin, still bound up, needed some help to get rid of a blob of white cum in one eye. "Now guys, clean him up. You need energy for a fast 1000 meters round now," Mr Wilkie commanded. The two were even commanded to catch the boss's spunk dripping from Colin's open arse. "I have swimwear for you!" Dave handed the Africans two pairs of small speedos. "But you all need a shower first. No sex in the pool, Colin!" Mr Wilkie grinned and followed them to the locker room before he went to his private room. Inside the basement room Colin greeted Isaac and Joseph with a high-five. "Quite a start for you, guys!" Colin said. "Don't take Mr Wilkie too seriously. He's a good man, and he's a very good instructor�and he loves young bodies!" Colin grinned. "And he knows everything that's going on inside and outside these buildings! But wise of you to keep the�'instructions'�given in the basement for yourselves!" "Isaac is the best swimmer," Colin was standing in a tiny JustColin speedo watching the African students in the water. "Joseph has a strange movement with his right foot." Colin sounded like a professional instructor. "Difficult to change habits when you are already seniors." "And both of them have to lift their bodies more, too much resistance!" Mr Wilkie, now dressed in his white uniform put an arm around his young pupil. "I'm sure you will be a good support for them. Jump in now, and show them what they have to compete against." Colin climbed onto the starting block. The slim, young body hit the surface like an arrow. Mr Wilkie was happy to have Colin back in his stable. *** One hour later and three tired youngsters went to the locker room. Dave was not around. "Take a look at the wall over there!" Colin said. "That's Mr Wilkie's so-called security room. You can follow everything from there. I don't know for certain but I guess some of the mirrors are two-way ones too. Colin had stripped off his speedo, but Isaac and Joseph were still dressed in the old bathing suits they had borrowed from Mr Wilkie. "I'll find you some speedos from my own collection," Colin said. "I have some very sexy models that will look superb on you!" The two suddenly looked a bit shy. The naked Colin in front of them did not cover up a rising boner. "I'm horny!" Colin said. "Would either of you guys like to fuck me?" "I will!" Two eager voices were heard, and then came a grin from Colin. "Let me organise that. We still have half an hour before Mr Wilkie locks up. Just undress, guys! Isaac and Joseph pulled down their swimwear. They were not shy now, but looked around to check if they really were alone. Both showed their excitement. Two beautiful black cocks waited for service when Colin knelt in front of them. He placed one cock inside his mouth while he played with the other lad's cock and balls. He made fast changes from one to the other so the two ended up with equally hard erections. In the end the black guys managed to put both cocks in his mouth at once. He licked the two cockheads with a trained tongue. "Okay, guys. My turn, heat me please!" Colin let the two kneel, one in front of him and one behind. With spread legs, he gave a signal for full service. Isaac had no problems taking Colin's cock inside his mouth and throat, and Colin moaned from the good service. From behind Joseph took care of Colin's arse. He licked him from the balls to the top end of the crack and then down again. Colin's arse-muscles had tightened in the cool water, but Joseph, as a good rimmer, soon used his long tongue to open him again. Colin was really excited from the service being given by the two youngsters, and he was prepared for a big cock after Mr Wilkie's fuck. Now he found some lube in his sports bag, before he pulled a gym mat out on the floor. With warm searching hands he greased up the black cocks. Then he asked Isaac to prepare his arsehole. "You lie down on the mat, Isaac. I will ride you!" Colin helped the youngster. Then he placed his legs on either side of Isaac's body and lowered his bum until he found the `spear' and penetrated himself on Isaac's iron-hard erection. Clear pre-cum was dripping from Colin's cock down to Isaac's smooth body. Colin smiled when he felt that Isaac was all inside him. "Let me ride you now, mate!" Colin bent down and for the first time the two kissed. Tongues and lips met in a wild play and the lad who had been rather passive started to fuck him from underneath. The thin cock bottomed again and again. "Your turn now, Joseph! Let me bend forward. You kneel and give me your cock from behind. And lift your hips, Isaac!" Colin commanded. "And make room for your friend's dick." Colin yelled when the second cock penetrated him. Even though the two cocks were rather thin, they stretched his sphincter to the limit. The pain was intense, but he managed to lift his hips a bit and both the cocks were inside. The heat started to come back and soon the excitement was pushing him forward. "Now! Go on, fuck me, guys! Stay inside both of you. Damn, you are crazy!" Colin used his hands to hold Isaac's shoulders tight. Joseph managed well. He placed his hands on Colin's legs and pushed forward. The two lads were breathing heavily and they encouraged each other in a language the linguistic expert did not know. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Isaac's shouting now was very international. He greased up Colin's arse with his boy-cream, but Joseph did not stop. He continued his pounding and went on until he completed the filling of Colin's deep tunnel. Exhausted he withdrew his cock and fell down beside his mate. Colin lifted his body from Isaac's still hard cock. On his knees he gave his own dripping dick some hard jerks. "I'm cumming, guys. I'm cumming! Take it! Take it!" With a sore howl he spurted. Again a big load left the well-stimulated boy and found way to the glistening black bodies resting on the mat in front of him. From the security room there was a noise as if somebody fell on the floor. Colin grinned. "Hope we didn't give Mr Wilkie a heart attack!" he whispered. Three very satisfied youngsters gave their swimming instructor a high-five and left the pool-area. "Where do you live, guys?" Colin asked when they reached the campus area. "We live in Block B, upper floor," Isaac replied. "The inner room, just up there!" Joseph pointed. "Which bed do you have, Joseph?" Colin smiled a bright white smile. "Below the window!" the boy answered. "If you still can smell some spunk from the mattress, it's mine!" Colin lifted his leg and hurried down the road on the old bike he had `borrowed'. To be continued Dear reader. If you want to read about Colin's first visit to Mr Wilkie's basement, please go to `Colin's New Life' � Chapter 25.
Date: Tue, 10 Apr 2001 15:54:53 +1000 From: AJAY <[email protected]> Subject: The Burger King Disclaimer Warning: You know that if you are under the legal age of consent to read such erotic material as this, or if you are offended by the subject matter, you shouldn't be reading this, so DO NOT READ any further. This is a Fictional story and any relation to any real person is purely coincidental, yadda, yadda, yadda. Check out earlier parts of "The Burger King", "Stevie's Lover" and other stories by the author in "Stories by Prolific Net authors" under STORIES BY AJAY. All rights reserved. Not to be used anywhere or reproduced without the author's prior permission. Now kick back and enjoy. The Burger King - Part Four - Stevo's Delight Stevie looked over at the clock for about the hundredth time. It now read 8:35pm. It had been several hours since he'd witnessed the morning shift manager of Burger King, his early morning friend and confidante, and the man of his jerk-off fantasies, in the arms of the karate kid who has been tormenting him. He just could not believe that Aaron could be intimate with a prick like George. Had he stayed there, Stevie would have seen that Aaron was a reluctant participant in this relationship, having been drawn to it in the same way George was trying to recruit Stevie. He also failed to see his boss get tied to the tree with George and Brad making love to Aaron, before they left him there as the bell from the nearby school sounded. An hour earlier, Stevie was ready to give Aaron a piece of his mind and confront him about what he saw. However now, with each passing moment, Stevie became more and more concerned about his friend. Aaron wanted to come over to Stevie's place tonight to give him the massage he didn't get to finish in the early hours of the morning. They decided to make a date and to meet at Stevie's place at eight o'clock. It was not like Aaron to stand anyone up. After all, it was his idea in the first place to meet. If he got held up, he would have called. It was Aaron's way. Stevie called Aaron's place, but got the answering machine. (He'd got Aaron's home number some time ago but was always afraid to use it) Next he called the Burger King restaurant, but they hadn't seen him since this afternoon either. Now Stevie was really worried. It would be silly to think that he would still be over at the ovals since it was several hours now since Stevie had last seen Aaron there, but a little voice in the back of Stevie's mind told him to go check it out anyway. Within minutes he was at the ovals but it was too dark to see anyone around. Taking out his flashlight, he retraced his steps of this afternoon back to where he had seen Aaron and George kissing. It was almost as though he still expected to see the three of them still at it, but the ovals were empty. It was then that he noticed some discarded clothes were thrown into the scrub just off the side of the oval. Immediately he recognised the clothing, it was Aaron's. Just up from where he found the clothes was a dirt track leading into the bush. On a hunch, Stevie decided to follow the track. Deeper and deeper into the bush he went until he came to a clearing that was secluded from the oval nearby. He noticed some ropes that were tied to a tree, which was unusual to find here. A sudden moan to the side of him, startled Stevie and he whizzed the beam of light around to find a naked body had been stretched out and tied face down around a log. He knew that body anywhere, even without clothes. He had found Aaron at last. 'Oh my god,' thought Stevie. 'What did they do to him? If he's hurt in any way I'm going to kill the bastards.' Aaron's head moved around as the light beam alighted on his body and Stevie noticed that he was gagged and unable to speak. He also noticed a pocketknife on the ground beside the log and he used this to cut the bonds around Aaron's hands and feet. Aaron's legs were wide apart and it was obvious that more that one person had their way with Aaron. Stevie didn't know whether to shout in rage or cry in sorrow at what Aaron must have been put through. Next laid Aaron down in the coma position and removed the gag to find a balled-up sock had also been inserted in Aaron's mouth. Aaron had seemed unconscious and Stevie was worried he might have choked to death until he noticed him breathing and he had a steady pulse. Stevie had always wanted Aaron naked in his arms, but this was not the way he expected it to be. He noticed that Aaron's groin was also bound and released him when Aaron stirred. "Nooooo.." he shouted and sat upright. "It's okay Aaron. Everything is going to be alright now. You're safe." "Steven? Is it really you?" "Yes it is. But don't worry about it right now. Let me get you back home where its warm. Come on." Stevie helped Aaron to his feet, and helped him put on his discarded shorts they could make it home without being arrested. Once they were home, Stevie got a blanket for Aaron and started a bath. A nice warm bath would help wash away the aches and pains and hopefully some of the memories too. So while the bath was running, andd Aaron had dozed off again while huddled in the blanket. Stevie called his karate coach, Adam, to come over and help him out. He explained the situation and the state he found Aaron in to his Sensei. As it turned out, Adam also had a doctor friend whom they could confide in, and they came over right away to give Aaron a checkout to make sure there was no serious damage done. The doctor then helped Aaron into the bath and left some sleeping pills with Stevie in case he needed them. By this time Adam had returned with some of Aaron's things as well as his car which Aaron had left on the other side of the ovals. He also brought in the overnight bag and some clothes that Aaron had requested. "We're going to have to do something about George and Brad." Said Adam when he was alone with Stevie. "I'm not even sure if they were the ones who did this to him, Sensei. I mean they seemed really friendly the last time I saw them. I couldn't believe they would do something like this." "That George has always had a bit of a mean streak in him. But its better we don't do anything until we get the full story from your friend. Will you two be all right?" "Yeah, we'll be fine. Thanks for your help, Adam. I don't know what I would have done without you." "When are your parents due home?" "Not until the following Monday." "Well I'm only a phone call away if you need anything. You better go and check on your friend to make sure he doesn't fall asleep in the shower and we'll talk tomorrow." "Will do. Thanks again." "Hey, I have to look after my sexy Champions anyway." Said Adam with a wink before walking out the door. Stevie helped Aaron with the bath, and amid some feeble protests from Aaron who had regained some of his strength, gave him a couple of the pills the doctor had left, helped Aaron into some boxers and put him in Stevie's bed to sleep it off. Stevie slept in the bedside chair, keeping vigil over his friend for the night. He could have slept in the same bed, but in light of the circumstances he thought he chair was the better option. They both slept until the early hours of the morning when Stevie's alarm went off. As Aaron didn't stir, Stevie got changed for work and look Aaron's keys and left him a note in case he woke while Stevie was gone. Aaron looked so peaceful sleeping there in Stevie's bed that Stevie couldn't resist giving him a kiss on the forehead and a gentle rub on his cheek. He didn't want to leave Aaron alone but someone had to open up the restaurant or they would both lose their jobs, so he reluctantly left his fantasy boy alone in slumber in his bed. It was lucky that Stevie decided to go and open up work, too, because he had forgotten that the maintenance guy wasn't going to be there either. So it was that Stevie occupied his time filling cloth buckets with warm, sanitized water to wash down the benches, changing the oil in the cooking vats, informing the other manager of Aaron's unavailability due to food poisoning and doing what he normally does until the breakfast crew arrived. Then it was a made rush of cooking eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes in between running down to the other end of the store to take orders for drive-thru. Throughout all of this, his mind was on the health and well being of his friend in his bed. Normally he'd stay on for a while after his shift to see if Aaron needed a hand with anything, but today it was home a minute after it was knock-off time. When he got home, he found Aaron sitting on the couch in the living room, still in his boxers. "Hi Stevie, I can't thank you enough for all that you've done for me, for last night and today. I am really in your debt, y'know." "Nah, you would have done it for me if I was in need." "Well I appreciate it just the same. I guess I have a few things to explain to you now. It's not exactly how I envisioned this but there's no avoiding it now." "You don't have anything to explain. I understand." "No, I don't think you do. Stevie, I'm gay." "I know. I saw you and George earlier in the day." "You saw us?" "Yeah, George is trying to blackmail me and he asked me to be over at Wakefields just before you arrived. I was in the bushes watching George and Brad go at it when you arrived. I'm cool with you being gay, even if you and George are an item. Kind of took me back seeing you and George together but I forgot all of that when I saw how helpless you were tied to the log." Aaron starred at his friend, stunned by some of the implications of what Stevie just said. It took him a moment to clear his thoughts. "First up, George is not my boyfriend. He has been blackmailing me as well. He caught me and Ricky going at it, back at the restaurant, and threatened to post pics and videos of us on the net if I didn't answer his every whim. He also found out that I had the hots for you and made me point you out at the last tournament to make sure you were the guy I was talking about. That's why I didn't go over to you after the match because I felt like a Judas betraying the one I loved." "So that's why he hit on me in the changerooms? To see if I'd respond?" "I'm sorry Stevie, I really didn't want you to get involved in all of this." "Look, George is no longer an issue. I have pics of him and Brad going at it, that I developed last night. They're graphic enough to shut him up and keep him off our backs. I'll set up a website and tell him that if he so much as breathes our air, the site address will be announced in all the newsgroups as well as emailed to some of his closest friends. I am sure George won't bother us anymore." "Actually, I should thank George." "Thank him? Why?" "If he didn't do what he did to us, you wouldn't have come out to me." "Umm, yeah. I never thought you were gay, Aaron, though I've always wanted you." "Now you have me. Now we have each other." Aaron then proceeded to explain how he had rejected George just after Stevie had departed, and how Brad and George had tied him to a tree and turned him on and got off on the bondage scenario. He also related how they were interrupted by the school bell and how they decided to leave him tied naked to the tree by whoever traveled that way. It turned out that a gang of Seniors had come to the clearing for a smoko and found Aaron there bound and naked. They all took turns jacking Aaron off to the point of orgasm before shooting their loads over him, and laughing that Aaron couldn't come because of the improvised cock ring. They then decided they wanted more than just a jerkoff, so they held Aaron at knifepoint while releasing him and tying him to a nearby log. There they were able to feed him their meat at both ends while getting off with their bound captive. When they all came a second time, they left Aaron bound to the tree and went on their way. "It sounds like some kind of S&M fantasy, if it wasn't against your will." Said Stevie who was now on the couch besides Aaron. Aaron had his hand on Stevie's thigh as he related the story. "Now that I think about it, it was a bit of a turnon, but I was also scared shitless most of the time. Having half a dozen guys at all once was pretty amazing. For guys who were supposed to be straight they sure knew how to feed me their dicks while plugging me at the same time. " "It's a wonder you can even sit down at all." "Well, we won't go into my sordid past and my miraculous feats of endurance and sexual prowess." Smiled Aaron brushing the hair back from Stevie's eyes. "Not now that we have the future to look forward to with you and I." "Umm, I don't know if I can do that, Aaron. I've never done anything like that before with anyone." "Then let me be your teacher and friend. I want to make love to you, Stevie. I have loved you since the first time you set foot in the restaurant. Please don't deny me now." "You sure we should do this? I mean you've just been through a hell of an ordeal. Maybe you should rest some more until you get your ..." Aaron moved closer to Stevie and put an arm around him. At last Stevie could feel the soft skin of his fantasy man around his neck. One hand was around his neck while the other hand moved under his shirt and was rubbing his chest, and Steven forgot what he was saying. All the while Aaron was looking Stevie right in the eye, to make sure his newfound lover was okay with this. The initial startled rabbit look dissolved, when Aaron's lips met his. At first it was the gentle peck on the lips. When no resistance was met, Aaron's tongue glided slowly over Steven's lips as though begging for entry. At the same time, he tweaked Stevie's nipple. As Stevie moaned in joy at the double stimulation, Aaron moved in and pressed his lips against Stevie's open mouth. Now was the time to release the passion of the moment. Aaron had wanted to do this for so long, that he couldn't back out now. He was sure that Steven wanted this as much as he did. Now he would find out for sure. His tongue snaked out seeking prey, and Stevie was encoiled in a lover's embrace, experiencing his first french kiss. Steven felt Aaron's tongue exploring around his mouth and lips before he finally got the courage to sample that sensation with his own tongue. Like two snakes, the tongues sparred from one mouth to the other. He felt new sensations that were neither experienced nor imagined by Stevie for the first time. He was in the hands of a real pleasure stud. Stevie's senses were in overload, he writhed under the manipulation of Aaron's nipple play, he swooned at the sweet aroma of Aaron's body, and he savoured the taste of Aaron in his mouth as their tongues entwined in loving caress. Stevie wrapped his arms around Aaron and returned the love. The last vestige of hesitance was broken, as he gave in to the pleasure that Aaron was providing. Resistance is futile. He was now a part of the collective. Two minds become one and their only thought was to please each other in every possible way. "Now look what you did to us." Aaron said smiling when they finally came up for air, pointing down to his tented boxers and Steven's bulging pants. He grabbed Steven's hand and placed it over the bulge in his boxers, humping the hand as he pressed it against him. Stevie had the cock of his dreams in his hand for the first time and he could feel its hardness beneath the silky cotton material of the boxers. It felt so good in his hand that he wanted to get it out and feel its warmth. "Go on, take it out." Said Aaron as if reading Stevie's thoughts. "I, ah, I can't." said Steven nervously. "Then maybe I should make you a little more comfortable first, then." Aaron got up from the chair and knelt down in front of Stevie who now had a large bulge in the front of his pants. "That's a nice bulge you have there, Steven." Said Aaron placing his hand over the bulge and giving it a squeeze. Stevie moaned in pleasure at the touch. Aaron continued to fondle that package with one hand while putting with Stevie's chest and nipples with the hand beneath his shirt. When a patch of precum formed on Stevie's pants, Aaron decided to take it to the next level. He stood up and straddled Stevie's hips, resting his buns right over the top of Stevie's hard member. He rocked back and forwards a couple of times to let his lover know he was still in control. Then he pulled off Stevie's Burger King vest and then undid the buttons on Stevie's shirt, one at a time, before pulling it off him. He placed his hands over Stevie's chest and he felt his heart thumping wildly under the eortic ministrations of his friend. "Don't worry Stevie, I'll look after you." He said to console his friend as he leaned in to kiss him by way of assurance. It was a nice long french kiss as both boys explored each other's mouth with their tongue once more. Aaron bit on Stevie's lip before working his way down over his chin, and nuzzling into Steven's neck, licking it all over in preparation of a bite. When stevie could take no more of this, he then moved down to his chest and began it lick it all over before concentrating on those now hardened nipples that begged for attention. Aaron whirled his tongue around those little mounds of flesh, from one to the other and then back again. Sensations were running wild through Stevie's body as he held his eyes closed, enjoying the pleasure Aaron was giving him. It was more than he had ever dreamt about, and it was his fantasy man giving it to him. Aaron slid further down Steven's body, his hot breath now caressing the exposed flesh of Stevie's belly. His tongue darted into Stevie's belly button before covering the whole stomach with kisses and licks. While he was kissing, Aaron's hand worked on the button and zipper of Stevie's pants and got them undone. He got off his friend for a moment so he could pull the pants off and then reached up and pulled down the elastic band of Stevie's boxers as well. Steven was now laying there naked with a throbbing boner that was leaking with excitement. Aaron grabbed Steven's hands and place then on his own hips as he stood above Steven. Taking the hint, Steven pulled off Aaron's boxers and now they were both naked. Hard, and ready to love each other. Steven had now crossed the boundary and he wanted to score the goal. "Suck me, please Aaron. I want you to suck me." Said Stevie in barely a course whisper. It was a command that Aaron was happy to oblige but not just yet. He slowly sank down to his knees with his hands on Steven's thighs. He w anted to give Steven as much pleasure as he possibly could, he was consumed with hunger for this young man who now begged to be sucked. Bending his head down, he kissed the top of Steven's cock, which throbbed at the touch of that warm contact. His tongue flicked out and lapped up the precum juices before slowly licking all around the head and up and down either side of the shaft. When he had licked all around the throbbing member, he then kissed every inch of that hard flesh. He was teasing Steven, making it last until Steven couldn't take anymore. Steven's fingers combed through Aaron's dark brown styled hair as he worked on that prick. He wanted Aaron to take it in his mouth and swallow him, but he was not doing it. He placed his hands on Aaron's shoulders and felt the warmth of his very smooth skin. He caressed them in a passionate touch, when Aaron looked up at him with his hazel eyes and beamed up at his lover. Stevie smiled back and Aaron's tongue flicked out again, now licking around the head as though it was a chuppa chup or an ice-cream that was Aaron's favourite flavour. Once more Stevie moaned in pleasure. "Do you like this, Stevie?" asked Aaron mischievously. "Oh yes, Aaron. You are awesome." "Would you like me to suck you all the way now?" "Oh please, please suck my dick." "Then that is what you shall have, my love." Aaron knew that Steven was enjoying this, by the way he was moaning and writhing on the couch. He took Stevie by the hand and led him to his bedroom where he lay him down on the bed. Once more he knelt down between Steven's widespread knees, bent down and began kissing all over Steven's throbbing knob, before wrapping his lips around the head. Slowly, as though tasting every inch of Steven's hard member with his lips, he moved down that cock until those lips were nestled in Steven's pubes. He held Steven buried down his throat as he throat muscles massaged the phallus before coming back up for air again, to tickle the cock-head with his tongue. Steven placed his hands on either side of Aaron's head as he moved slowly back up until just the head was in his mouth, before plunging all the way back down again. It was ecstasy and torture both at once. The way it throbbed with each contact, Aaron knew it would not be long before he tasted the essence of his lover. This time he decided to give his friend what he wanted and changed from the slow blowjob to a faster pace of sucking and jerking that dick off at the same time. Aaron's sudden desire for the taste of his mate sent his passions over the edge. "Ohhhhhh, Aaron. This is soo awesome. You are sooo good, man. I'm going to cum, Aaron. I'm going to ahhhhhhhhhhh..." Sighed Steven. With his face buried in his pubes, Aaron felt the first convulsion of Stevie's throbber as it blasted its first load of cum down Aaron's throat. He moved up the dick head so he could taste the jism on his tongue as his lover continued to feed him his love-juice. Not a drop was wasted as Aaron devoured it all and sucked Steven dry, savouring every bit of it. Stevie sighed in contentment at the first blowjob he had ever received, and it was at the hands and mouth of his fantasy-man. He looked down at his friend and smiled at the cheeky grin that Aaron had on his own face. Aaron moved up Steven's body and planted a kiss on his lips. They held on to each other and life was good once more. "I should do you now." Said Steven as they parted lips, uncertain about giving his first blowjob and hoping that Aaron would like it as much as he did. "There's plenty of time for that, my love. Let's just enjoy this moment in each other's arms for a while." For now, life just could not get any better. At last Steven's fantasy had come true. He had his own Burger King to hold and love and cherish forever.
Date: Sun, 11 Aug 2024 07:30:10 +0200 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 80 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN - STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 80 (A new BDSM video with a watersports ending) Colin was excited to be involved in another porn video. The action had been discussed and agreed by Bill and Reynard as well as those performing in front of the cameras. Not having had sex for almost 48 hours, Colin was really horny as he was driven towards the abandoned factory where filming would take place. Bill noticed that Colin's knee was moving rapidly up and down. "Nervous or just excited?" he asked as he reached over to rub Colin's thigh. "A bit of both, I suppose," replied Colin. "I have only seen pictures of Apollo's cock when erect and it will be a challenge to take one that thick. However I'm sure I will manage when I see the cameras and think of all the men wanking themselves silly as they watch me being fucked hard." "You are a true performer and I know you'll do your best," said Bill. "You mustn't be afraid to call a halt if it is too much though. I don't want you damaged." Colin smiled. "Yeah, I know." "Well, here we are and Reynard is outside waiting for us." Bill drove up and parked in a free spot in front of the old factory on the outskirts of the city. Colin left the car and gave Reynard a hug. "Is everything set up?" he asked. "Yes, the film crew are ready and we have filmed the outdoor scene establishing that you are in an old factory. Rusty and Apollo have showered and changed into their outfits so we are just waiting for you," replied Reynard. "It won't take me long to get ready," smiled Colin. The three men walked into the building and Colin greeted Rusty and Apollo before changing into his outfit - a thin t-shirt and a thin pair of shorts. Both of these could be ripped apart easily. Colin then made a point of saying hello to all the members of the film crew as well as the production team members who were present. He was pleased to count ten men in addition to Bill and Reynard. "A nice big audience," he thought. "More people than really necessary, I'm sure, but it's flattering to know that they want to witness me being fucked." The man acting as the director ordered the strong lights to be switched on and waved at Colin to come over to him. "You know the score as well as I do, Colin. You're a runaway, spending the night in this abandoned factory. You're in your sleeping bag when two men break in, searching for anything they might be able to sell. When they find you, their thoughts turn to sex and you get raped. We will take a few breaks but don't hesitate to shout out at any time if you want to stop. Okay?" Colin smiled. "Okay. I think my only problem will be avoiding getting a hard-on before the sex action starts." The director nodded. "If you do get an erection too early, we'll stop and do it again." Colin thought that was a rather unsympathetic response and was determined to avoid being the reason for a re-take. He climbed into the sleeping bag and waited. "Action!" called the director. A camera focused on the `sleeping' Colin in what appeared to be a former office. The sounds of Rusty and Apollo moving around in the adjoining room could clearly be heard. "There is fuck-all worth stealing." This was the voice of Apollo. "It's too early to give up. Let's see what's in this next room," said Rusty. At that point, Colin sat up and looked towards the door. The camera turned towards the door and filmed the two giant men entering. They were both carrying large black bags. Forty-six year old Rusty at 193 cm (6ft 4in) tall was wearing a black leather jacket, jeans and thick-soled boots. With his bald head, ginger beard and fierce demeanour, he looked scary. Apollo, a dark-skinned black man, was almost as tall and he had the appearance of a bodybuilder, albeit one with a thick black beard. His muscles stretched his white t-shirt to the limits while his thighs stretched the jeans he wore. There were tattoos on both arms and he snarled when he saw Colin. A second camera caught Colin's reaction. His mouth fell open and his eyes opened wide as he pretended to be scared. "Well, what do we have here?" Rusty smiled. "I think it's our lucky day after all." "What? It's just a boy," said Apollo. "A cute boy. You could almost call him pretty," responded Rusty. "Haven't you always said you'd love to fuck a little white boy? I know I'd love to fuck him." "No! You can't!" Colin pulled his sleeping bag up over his chest. Rusty dropped his bag and shouted, "Get out of that sleeping bag and let us see you properly!" "No!" said Colin. He howled a second later when Rusty came over and slapped the side of his face. "Do it now or I'll hit you harder," Rusty said. Colin slowly climbed out of the sleeping bag and stood in front of the two much bigger men with his hands over his crotch. "Strip!" Rusty gave the order but Colin didn't move. Again Rusty slapped Colin's face. Colin staggered back in surprise and was grabbed by Apollo. Rusty then proceeded to rip the t-shirt off Colin. The thin shorts were then ripped off Colin, leaving him totally naked. Apollo let go of Colin and moved to the side for a better view. "Stand with your hands behind your head," said Rusty. This time Colin was quick to obey. He tried to force tears but they wouldn't come because he was very turned on by the situation. "He's got a tiny cock and no pubic hair. How old do you think he is?" Apollo asked Rusty in a loud whisper. "Old enough," replied Rusty. "Turn around, boy," he told Colin. Colin turned and heard a whistle coming from one of the men. "What a fabulous arse! Don't tell me you wouldn't like to fuck that," Rusty whispered to Apollo. "I'd love to but I'm too well-hung for that boy," Apollo whispered back. "I'll open him up for you. He's definitely going to take mine," whispered Rusty. He took off his leather jacket, tossed it on the floor and started to unbutton his shirt. "You can face us again, boy," he told Colin. When Colin turned around, his cock was rock-hard. "Well, look at that," Apollo said pointing at Colin's 10 cm (4 inch) cock. "I think he likes the thought of sex with us." "Is that right, boy? Are you gay and into daddies?" asked Rusty. "Yes, I'm gay. That is why I was kicked out and ended up sleeping here," replied Colin. "I haven't had much experience of sex though." Rusty gave an evil smile. "We can teach you a thing or two. Fancy sucking a man's cock?" Colin looked at the bulge in Rusty's jeans and licked his lips. He no longer paid attention to the cameras or the others in the room. He was now thinking only of the two huge cocks waiting for him. "I think you might be too big for me," Colin told Rusty. "I don't agree," said Rusty. "Kneel down in front of me and I'll show you." Colin glanced over at Apollo and then knelt in front of Rusty, who was now topless and displaying a well-muscled, hairy, upper body. Rusty unzipped and pulled out his very thick 20 cm (8 inch) cock which had a big mushroom head. Colin gasped and looked horrified. "It's humungous! There's no way I can take that in my mouth!" "It's not only going in your mouth," Rusty said quietly. "I am going to fuck your tight little arse!" "No way!" Colin scrambled to his feet and ran towards the door. Apollo was too fast for him. He grabbed Colin's left wrist and dragged him back to face Rusty. "Please don't," Colin begged. Rusty just smiled at Colin. He then turned to Apollo and said, "I think we'll have to tie him up. It's lucky I brought some rope." "Let's play with his body before we fuck him," said Apollo. "Tie him on top of that old desk." "Good idea. Take him over there and I'll get the rope," smiled Rusty. Colin pretended to struggle as he was led over to the desk and then lifted on to it. Apollo pinned him down while Rusty cut some lengths of rope and bound Colin's wrists and ankles to the legs of the desk. "He's got very prominent nipples for a boy," Apollo remarked as he stood next to Rusty as they pondered what to do to Colin first. "I don't suppose you have any tit-clamps in your bag." "No, but let's look around this old office and see if we can find anything to use as sex toys," Rusty replied. Colin looked worried as the men started opening drawers and cupboards. "I've found some bulldog clips in different sizes," said Rusty. "We could use them as tit-clamps." "I haven't found anything. I'll look in the kitchen we passed earlier." Apollo left the room and Rusty walked back to Colin. "We're going to have a lot of fun with you," he said. Colin shook his head. "No. Please let me go." Rusty laughed. "Only after we've had our fun." Colin struggled in vain to free himself and then screamed. "Scream all you like," said Rusty. "There's no-one around for miles." Apollo entered the room and called Rusty over to see what he had found. "The olive oil isn't fresh but it can be used as lube. The handle of this spatula could be used as dildo while the wooden spoon can be used to whack his butt or his stiff little cock." "Good thinking, man," said Rusty. "Let's strip down to our underwear and then we can get started." One of the cameras followed Colin as he watched Rusty take his jeans off and reveal white boxer-briefs with a huge bulge. Apollo removed his t-shirt to display a smooth chest with massive pecs and more of the tattoos on his arms. When he turned to remove his jeans, Colin saw that Apollo also had a large tattoo on his back. Apollo wore black briefs and although the shape of the cock wasn't clear from a distance it did look big. Rusty was heard to whisper, "We will start with his nipples. Take one of the big bulldog clips." He knew that Colin was very much into nipple play. The two men returned to stand on either side of Colin. Acting in unison, they reached out to the nipples. Each grabbed hold of an erect nub which they tugged and twisted, causing Colin to squirm and moan loudly. The camera didn't record the fact that Colin leaked some pre-cum moments after this happened but Bill noticed it. Letting go of Colin, the men then showed him the bulldog clips. Rusty smiled and said to Colin, "Guess where these are going to go." Colin let out a loud howl when the clips were to his nipples. His cock jerked at the same time. The two men flicked their fingers at the bulldog clips and the movement added to Colin's discomfort. Colin whimpered but continued to leak pre-cum. "He's enjoying this," said Rusty. Apollo and both cameras moved to focus on Colin's cock and balls, with one camera zooming in for a close-up. "We should play with that little dick next," Apollo suggested. He reached for the `toys' out of sight behind Colin's head and lifted the wooden spoon. Colin opened his eyes wide, pretending to be surprised when he saw the wooden spoon. He let out a howl when the spoon hit his cock left and right. Apollo smiled and then tapped Colin's balls with the spoon. Colin moaned and Apollo hit the cockshaft again. Colin wailed loudly. "I don't think he likes your spoon," said Rusty. "Let me try something else." He dropped three small bulldog clips on the desk, between Colin's upper thighs. Colin steeled himself for more pain. He had discussed what would happen with the two men but he hadn't tried anything with them. He did however have a safeword to use if necessary. Rusty pulled Colin's foreskin forward and then attached one the small bulldog clips to it. Colin moaned through gritted teeth. He moaned again as the other two clips were attached to his scrotum, one below each ball. It looked really painful and Bill looked on with concern. He was relieved when Colin gave him a thumbs-up signal out of view of the cameras. "Take them off, please!" begged Colin. "I'll take them off if you let me fuck you," responded Rusty. "Yes, okay. Take them off now!" Colin said. "I knew you wanted me to fuck you," smiled Rusty. He removed all three bulldog clips and Colin sighed with relief. "Now how about you start by sucking my cock?" Rusty said as he walked towards Colin's head. He pushed his boxer shorts down and off and Colin was facing the man's thick cock once more. Colin licked his lips and tried to look scared. Rusty leaned forward and removed the clips from Colin's nipples. Colin howled as the blood flowed back into his sore nipples but his cock remained rock-hard. "Cut the ropes off him," he told Apollo. "He's not going to run away from us. Look at his stiff little cock. He wants this as much as we do." Colin proved that by lifting his head and taking Rusty's cock into his mouth. Apollo grinned as he set Colin free. "I can't wait to fuck his cute little arse!" "Have him suck your cock first," said Rusty. "He's a great little cocksucker." No longer being tied to the desk, Colin moved to face Apollo on to his hands and knees. "Let me suck your cock," he said. Apollo slapped Colin. "Say please!" "Sorry, sir. Please let me suck your cock," said Colin. Apollo pushed down his black briefs and stepped out of them. Colin hadn't seen Apollo's cock before so his gasp wasn't entirely an act. He estimated that it was about 18 cm (7 inches) and it was clearly thicker than Rusty's, and even thicker near the base. The purple cockhead was leaking pre-cum. "It's enormous," said Colin, remembering the script. "I'm not sure I can take it." "Oh, you'll take it even if I have to use force," said Apollo. He took hold of Colin's head and pulled it towards his cock. Colin opened his mouth and accepted the cock. He knew he'd have no trouble with the length but the thickness was a challenge. Not much acting was required when he spluttered and gagged on the cock. Rusty meanwhile was caressing Colin's buttocks, and occasionally spreading them to let the second camera see the hairless crack and pink entrance. The first was still focussing on Apollo's cock fucking Colin's mouth. Rusty bent down to spit on Colin's pucker. He then began to lick the arsecrack. Colin moaned around the cock in his mouth when Rusty began to tongue-fuck him. A few minutes later Rusty pulled out and said, "You'd better hope that's enough, boy. It's the only lube you're going to get." Of course, that wasn't true. Out of sight of the cameras, Rusty applied a generous amount of KY to Colin's hole and a little to his own cock. "You'd better pull out in case he accidentally bites you when I enter him," Rusty told Apollo. Apollo pulled out and presented his balls to Colin. "Lick them," he ordered. Rusty lined his cock up with Colin's hole and said, "Here it comes." Colin pushed back but couldn't help crying out when the thick mushroom head burst through his sphincter. It did hurt a little but the agonised expression on Colin's face suggested it was worse. "Stop! Take it out!" he cried. "No. It's going all the way inside," Rusty said. He then pushed slowly deeper. Colin responded by gritting his teeth and keeping the pained look on his face until Rusty bottomed out inside him. "That's it. You have taken it all. Does it feel good?" Colin just moaned in response. Apollo looked on and then said, "Suck my cock. That will take your mind off the pain in your arse." He fed Colin his cock again. Rusty began fucking Colin slowly but he soon speeded up, fucking him hard and fast. Apollo followed by fucking Colin's mouth faster. One of the cameras pulled back a little to reveal that Colin's cock was stiff and leaking pre-cum as he was fucked at both ends. A short time later, Rusty pulled out and said, "Let's change positions. You're going to love that tight arse, Apollo." Colin groaned as Apollo's thicker cock entered him but he didn't lose his erection. Then the fucking began. Rusty waited until Apollo was into a good rhythm before he forced his cock into Colin's mouth. Soon Colin was being fucked at both ends once more. "I don't want to cum this soon. I need to pull out," Apollo said as he eased his cock out of Colin. "Yeah, we should probably change position," said Rusty. "Take a short break, kid." Colin lay on his back, drawing deep breaths into his sweating body. His cock remained hard and wet with pre-cum. Apollo looked at Colin and smiled. "He's quite cute, isn't he? You could almost call him pretty." Rusty smiled and nodded his agreement. "I'm going to sit on his face. I want to feel his tongue up my arse." Colin lifted his head and pretended to look horrified. "No!" "You will do whatever we tell you," snarled Rusty. He grabbed Colin's balls and squeezed them. "Or else." Colin moaned. Apollo climbed onto the desk facing Colin and lowered his big, beefy black arse towards Colin's face. Rusty squeezed Colin's balls again and said, "You know what to do." Colin closed his eyes and stuck his tongue out when he felt the man's buttocks touch his face. Colin knew that Apollo had cleaned himself out and showered just before filming began so he didn't hesitate to lick the arsecrack or, shortly afterwards, push his tongue into the arsehole. The cameraman was able to capture what Colin was doing even if everything wasn't seen clearly. "Yeah, boy. Stick that tongue right up there. You're making me feel good," said Apollo. "I need to fuck him again," said Rusty letting go of Colin's balls. He took hold of Colin's ankles, lifted them and pushed them back towards Apollo. "Held them for me." Apollo looked over his shoulder to see what his partner was doing. "I need to move him down a little. Raise yourself for a second," said Rusty. Apollo lifted his arse. Rusty grabbed Colin's hips and pulled him back so that the youngster's bum was just hanging over the edge of the desk. Apollo repositioned himself and Colin resumed tongue-fucking him without being told. Having lubed his cock out of sight of the camera, Rusty took hold of it and rubbed it up and down Colin's arsecrack. Then he placed the cockhead against Colin's entrance and rammed it all the way inside in a single brutal thrust. Colin gave a muffled scream but Rusty didn't let up. He fucked Colin with hard thrusts, almost grunting with the effort he used. Again Bill was concerned until he saw on one of the monitors that Colin was still happily licking Apollo's arse. Rusty's pounding continued for a few more minutes and then he cried out, "I'm going to cum!" He roared as he pumped his load into Colin. When he pulled his softening cock out a short time later, some of his cum dribbled out of Colin's hole as well. "Now it's my turn," said Apollo. "And cut!" cried the director. "We'll take a short break for lunch." Colin was given some water to drink. He told Bill that he had enjoyed the nipple torture but the cock and ball torture not so much. Then he grinned and added, "I loved the rough fucking!" Bill helped Colin into a bathrobe and then they went for a light lunch. Reynard and the director came over afterwards. "You put on a great show, Colin. Very hot," said Reynard. "How do we make the second sex scene even better?" "How about a DP - a double penetration?" the director asked. "That would be really exciting," smile Reynard. Colin looked at Bill who said, "They both have big cocks so I'm not keen. However it's your body, your decision." Colin thought for a moment before speaking. "I took Apollo's thick cock easier than I expected. Yes, let's do it." Bill was surprised. "Okay, but use your safe word if it gets too much," he told him. "I will, Dad," smiled Colin. The director stood up with a smile on his face. "I'll tell Rusty and Apollo," he said before leaving. "Sales will soar when word of the DP gets out," said Reynard. Business was always a priority for him. When filming resumed after lunch, Colin was sprayed with some water to suggest a sweaty body and then they resumed their previous positions with Apollo's arse over Colin's face and his hands holding Colin's ankles. The first camera filmed from the side as Apollo let go of Colin's ankles and said, "I want you on your hands and knees. Move!" Colin scrambled so that he was kneeling with arse in the air and resting on his elbows. Apollo applied lube to his cock and to his fingers while both cameras focused on Colin. Then he stepped forward, spanked Colin's buttocks and then pushed two fingers into Colin's recently fucked hole. Colin wailed, again making it seem like it hurt more than it really did. Apollo finger-fucked Colin for a minute or so and then lined his thick cock up ready for penetration. Colin did his best to relax, knowing that Apollo's cock was thicker than any he'd taken in a while. He reminded himself that he'd already taken it once and he'd been fucked hard by Rusty just before the lunch break. Bill and Rusty were not the only ones in the room with stiff cocks as they watched the thick black cock prepare to enter Colin's small body. Colin pushed back when he felt Apollo's cock pressing for entry. He gritted his teeth but his scream was genuine when the cock entered him. Fortunately there was only a brief flash of pain. Apollo paused and gave Colin time to recover before pushing deeper. Colin sighed when he felt the man's public hair against his buttocks and then smiled, happy that he had taken the very thick cock. Apollo was pleased that Colin seemed okay and began fucking him. He went slowly at first and then gradually faster and faster. Colin gasped and occasionally whimpered but pre-cum was dripping from his cock. "He's taking your thick monster like a pro," Rusty said to Apollo. "I think we should do something we haven't done for a long time and never with a kid as young as this." He moved closer and said in a loud whisper, "A DP." Apollo smiled. "I like that idea." He pulled his cock out and told Colin to get off the desk for a moment. Colin tried to look puzzled but did as he was told. Rusty climbed onto the desk and lay down. He held his stiff cock perpendicular and said, "Okay, kid. Sit on that facing me." Colin knew he'd have no trouble taking Rusty's cock again, especially as it didn't look quite as rigid as before. However he tried to look nervous for the cameras. He climbed onto the desk, straddled Rusty and then impaled himself on the man's cock, putting a pained look on his face. "Start riding that cock," said Rusty. Colin was soon bouncing up and down on Rusty's cock. He smiled at Rusty and said, "This feels good." "I'm glad you're enjoying it," responded Rusty. He opened his arms and said, "Give me a hug." Colin leaned forward and found himself held tightly by Rusty. "Climb aboard, Apollo," said Rusty. Apollo climbed onto the desk between his mate's outstretched legs and pushed a greased finger into Colin's hole, alongside Rusty's cock. Colin groaned and said, "No, please no." Apollo ignored him and pushed a second finger inside. "It's going to be a tight squeeze but I reckon it can be done." He shuffled forward and pointed his cock (freshly lubed up off camera) towards Colin's arse. Then, with one hand on Colin's hip and the other holding his cock, he pushed it against Rusty's cock and into Colin. It took over a minute and Colin complained loudly but the thick cock eventually joined Rusty's inside the tight love-tunnel. Colin took some deep breaths. His hole had never been stretched this much before and it did hurt. However he liked being held between the two men and he found it arousing to think of his fans watching him being penetrated by two bigger than average cocks. He knew that this part would be edited so he took his time before saying, "Fuck! That was really sore but I want you to cum inside me now." Apollo started slowly and one camera zoomed in for a close-up of his cock moving in and out of Colin and rubbing against Rusty's cock. The other camera focused for a while on Colin's facial expressions and the mixture of pain and pleasure they conveyed. It wasn't a fast fuck and Rusty didn't expect or need to cum again. Apollo hadn't cum yet though so he was determined to give Colin his load. His thrusts were short but forceful. Colin had lost his erection when Apollo entered him but he was stiff and leaking pre-cum again with the pressure on his prostate. "Get ready, boy. You're gonna get some black man-seed inside your white boy-pussy real soon," said Apollo. "Yes. Fill me up. I love your big cock," responded Colin. "Both of your big cocks." Apollo pounded faster. "Here it comes! Aaaagh!" Colin was sure that he could feel the hot cum. He was close to the edge and when Rusty raised his head to bite his left nipple, Colin gasped and started spunking off hands-free. Bill, who had been a little worried during most of the double penetration, smiled and was relieved that Colin had enjoyed it. He watched as Rusty's hairy chest got covered in Colin's cum. "That was pretty special. You're a great fuck, boy," Apollo said as he eased his cock out of Colin. Cum started to dribble out of Colin's hole before he climbed off Rusty's cock. More followed when he left Rusty and dropped to the floor. A camera caught some cum running down the inside of Colin's left thigh. "You have one more job to do," said Apollo. "Suck our cocks clean." He pointed his semi-hard cock at Colin. Colin didn't hesitate. He simply leaned forward and took Apollo's cock into his mouth. "Now mine," said Rusty. His cock was a little harder than Apollo's when Colin turned to take it between his lips. "He took both our cocks up his arse," said Apollo. "Do you think he could take both in his mouth at the same time?" "We won't know unless we try," said Rusty. "Come closer." Colin attempted to take both cocks and finally managed it. However that was only because the cocks had become flaccid. He continued to lick and suck the cocks until Rusty said, "I need to piss." "Give it to the boy. He has accepted everything we've given him so far," responded Apollo. "You want my piss, kid?" Rusty asked with a smile. "I don't know," replied Colin. "We'll take that as a yes," said Apollo. "Go ahead, Rusty." Rusty pointed his cock at Colin's chest and relaxed his pelvic muscles. A slow stream of pale yellow piss soon turned into a faster, heavier stream. Rusty directed the stream upwards. Colin closed his eyes and his mouth just before Rusty began spraying piss over his face. A sudden additional heavy flow told Colin that Apollo was also now pissing over his face. His small cock began to stiffen again. He hoped both cameras were getting good shots because he was looking forward to seeing this onscreen. Finally the flow came to an end. "You have taken our piss as well as our cum," Apollo said to Colin. "Did you enjoy it?" The director had told Colin to do whatever he felt was right at that point. Even though the piss scene was in the rough script, he expected Colin to start cursing and then come over to hit Apollo and Rusty. He was surprised when Colin slowly climbed back onto the desk, place his feet and elbows flat and then raise his bum to lift his body into an arch or bridge position. Only then did he realise what Colin was going to do. Apollo smiled and thought, "He is going to piss on himself." Rusty grinned. He knew that Colin was into piss-play so he wasn't surprised. The first trickle of golden liquid fell on Colin's chest. His cock began to stiffen further as the flow increased and that caused some of the piss to land on his face. Colin opened his mouth and moved his head from side to side, taking some in his mouth as he was soaked once again. When the flow finally ended, Colin swung himself round to face the two men and sat on the edge of the desk. Then he broke into a smile and said, "I loved doing all that with you guys. Sex has never been that good before." Rusty looked at Apollo and said, "I think we should keep him." Apollo nodded and then Rusty told Colin, "You're no longer homeless, kid. You're coming home with us." Colin grinned and said, "Thank you." He stood up and the two men hugged him. Colin smiled into the camera. "And cut!" shouted the director. "Well done, Colin." Several of the men watching started to applaud. Bill, Reynard and the others soon joined in. Colin smiled and took a bow. Bill was holding a bathrobe up for Colin as they walked to meet each other. "You never cease to amaze me. That was a tremendous performance. Now let's get you into the shower. As soon as the cum and piss is washed off you, I am going to apply some lidocaine cream and give you pain relief. You bumhole must be hurting a lot." Colin nodded. "I won't be begging you to fuck me tonight. Then he smiled and added, "Can't wait to see the edited video." Reynard hurried over to join Colin and Bill. "You were wonderful, Colin. This kinky video will be a best seller." Bill and Colin looked at each other and smiled. They both knew that Reynard liked being a successful businessman. "No more videos for while," said Bill. "Colin needs to prioritise his studies for the next few months." "Okay, but you will be coming to France during the Easter break, won't you?" Reynard said. Colin smiled. "Yes. We will be in France for Easter." "Bon! I want you at my photo exhibition in Paris," said Reynard. To be continued
Date: Sat, 1 May 2021 15:19:25 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 32 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 32 (Sydney) "Let's go to my room, Ian. I have a Christmas gift for you, but you have to make the final choice." Colin hurried in front up the outer stairs to the guest rooms. It was strange to go from almost forty degrees outdoor to twenty degrees in the air-conditioning and Colin pulled on a polo-shirt. Then he opened a bag with a lot of gifts � mostly underwear from his own collection. "You chose, Ian, but I want to see you wearing them!" Colin grinned. "Go on. Choose at least two pairs." The teenager blushed when he lifted a red thong with nothing but a pouch for the private parts. "Go on," Colin urged. "It will fit you well." Ian let his towel fall to the floor, turned his back to Colin to hide his erection, and put on the sexy gear. His stiff dick wanted more space, but the lad looked hot and sexy. "You are just like me when I did my first photo session in Paris, years ago, Ian. We had to take a break and an assistant gave me relief," Colin said. "What did he do?" Ian was close. Colin was not sure if the lad tested him, or if he was just very innocent. "You ever had someone to jerk you off, Ian, or have you always had private hand-jobs?" Colin asked. "We sometimes wank in the gym changing room at school. We never touch each other, but Paul is very eager when I see him!" Ian blushed. "Paul - your cousin in Melbourne?" asked Colin. "Yes, but we don't see each other very often. And Mum didn't want me to play with him when I was younger." Ian looked down. He lifted some of the other items of underwear and found a pair of black silk briefs. Colin spread a towel on the bed. "Come here, Ian. Let me show you what the assistant did in Paris." He pulled off the boy's thong and saw that the young man's excitement had produced a small point of sticky pre-cum. Colin climbed onto the bed and sat down with his back to the headboard and spread his legs. "Sit between my legs with your back to me. Just relax. We have to make it a quick job, eh?" The two bodies met. Ian leaned backwards and Colin's slightly shorter body allowed his mouth and lips to meet Ian's neck. With one hand Colin caressed Ian's upper body, his nipples and his belly. With the other hand he lifted Ian's hanging balls and fondled his dick. He had already seen that the boy had some problems with his foreskin - it wasn't possible for him to free the cockhead completely. "A job for his father!" Colin thought. Now he just pulled the foreskin partly back. Ian whined. The nice, quite thick boy-cock was 1.5 times the size of Colin's and, as Colin told Bill later that night, "I envy him his cock, but he needs some mouth treatment!" Colin started slowly with a two-finger jerk, but soon changed to a full hand-job. The situation was just like Colin expected. The youngster started spitting his load at the first real jerk. Colin wished he could have given him a longer, more satisfying full orgasm. One finger inside his arse and some pressure on his prostate and the teen would have collapsed. Now Ian sprayed his white boy-milk all over his body while some dribbled down Colin's hand. "Do you eat your cum?" Colin whispered. "Yes, Paul taught me," Ian whispered and used his hands to collect some drops of spunk from his upper legs and from his balls. Colin lifted his own hand and cleaned it with his mouth. The boy's seed tasted sweet and fresh. "You want me to suck you, Colin?" Ian turned around and blushed. "Have you ever done that before?" Colin asked. "No, but I've seen Ross suck the Chinese guys!" Ian was eager. "Thanks, but I think we have to prepare for Christmas party now, Ian. We are not leaving for a few days, so please come to me if you need any more help. Keep the thong private, eh? And let the black silk briefs be my present. Hurry up now!" Colin watched the teen pick up his towel and hurry out the door. Then he wrapped himself in a towel and left for the adjoining room because he had heard Bill return. He stripped in front of his Dad who was resting on the bed in thin shorts, jumped onto the bed and stripped Bill from his shorts. He had no trouble getting the half-hard cock to stiffen completely. "Please fuck me now, Dad. It will soon be party-time. And fuck me fast and hard, and let me cum. I'm sure I'll shoot my load in seconds, but I want your cock to fill me up. I want a real orgasm, just the way you give it to me. I will tell you a sweet story later, Dad. But now I'm damned, fucking horny!" Bill answered the swearing with a double spank using an open hand before he spat on the open arse and greased up his eager cock with jelly. He was about to give his son exactly the Christmas fuck he asked for. *** It was a fantastic evening. The sun had just set, the temperature was still high, but it was easier to stay outdoors after sunset. They had been indoors for drinks and some nibbles but they were now they settled on the patio. As was common in many families, father and son competed about who had the best barbecue technique. Ruairidh arrived from the kitchen with a huge tray of prawns on sticks � one of their traditional Christmas dishes. Donald followed with a fantastic selection of beef and sausages. On a table beside the food for the barbecue were all sorts of vegetables and corn for grilling, but also salads of all kinds. Colin was one of the first to help himself. "I can't take any more! The best Christmas meal ever!" Colin said and placed his hands on his belly. "Bill is a great chef, better than in many restaurants, but this was fantastic." He smiled at Donald who had done most of the work at the grill. "You think we could cook prawns this way at home?" Colin placed his head close to Bill. "We could build an outdoor grill in the garden." Colin was very enthusiastic and the local beer combined with some Chinese beer brought by the two Chinese guys, had made him more aroused than normal at a Christmas party. "I hope you have room for some dessert, Colin! You see I'm the only one�" Ruairidh was stopped by Ian. "I love your Christmas pudding too, Granddad." Ian was close to the man carrying a plate with the traditional British Christmas dessert. "I'm sure uncle is a fan too!" The young lad winked at Bill who understood that the pudding was often the subject of Christmas discussions in the family. "I have abandoned almost every Christmas custom from my home," Ruairidh said with a theatrical voice. "But I'll keep the Christmas pudding tradition � plenty of calories and plenty of alcohol. You remember our mum's pudding, Willy?" The man made a sad face. "Bought at the cheapest shop and drowned in too much port by our Dad!" Bill grinned. "We are supposed to stay together, Bro! Come on, let me serve you." Ruairidh cut a large piece and handed it to Bill. "There is custard or cream, whichever you prefer. No brandy sauce unfortunately." Ruairidh turned to Colin. "And you, young man, a double portion I guess, to last you through the night!" Colin was served by the man who was obviously in a very happy Christmas mood. Alone in the background, Ross had found a guitar. Soft tones drifted in the hot night, so very different from a Scottish Christmas. Very quietly, Colin found Bill's hand. Bill returned the light touch. "You miss the pampas tonight, Ross?" Ruairidh asked. He filled a glass with some of the whisky brought by Bill and went up to the Argentinian. The men lifted their glasses. "Any signs of Santa around?" "Feliz Navidad! Feliz Navidad!" Ross changed the rhythm and brought the Christmas party spirit back. Ian hurried up to Colin and gave him a red top hat. Together they started to make a chain around the Christmas three. In 35 degrees heat, they did not last long though. They all went back to cold drinks and soft chairs. "You care for a Christmas swim, Colin?" Ian whispered. "Some skinny dipping?" Colin grinned. "Better not, you know Mum!" The boy blushed. "Okay, follow me!" Colin found Ian's hand and like same-age kids they hurried inside. Minutes later they were back � in a fast run across the patio � dressed in nothing but red top hats and the smallest red swimwear possible. Hand in hand they jumped into the pool making the biggest possible `bombs'. Ruairidh looked at his brother. "World hasn't changed that much, Bro!" He lifted his glass and found Bill's eyes. *** From across the yard Colin still heard the guitar, but that was the only sound. The Christmas party had come to an end. It was still hot, and totally dark. Colin had done his evening preparations. The rather cool shower had been refreshing. Now � only dressed in a towel he opened the door to the terrace. There was nobody outside. He rested a while by the railing. There were some lights in the workers' lodge. Inside one window, he saw Ross's silhouette. "Right, left or straight ahead?" Colin wondered. He heard a door open, but didn't turn. A hand cupped one of his buttocks. A voice whispered. "My brother is waiting, son!" Colin had his neck kissed very softly. "And so is the lonely cowboy," Colin answered. "Let me take care of him tonight!" The man turned and left, dressed only in khaki shorts. Colin watched the strong, shirtless body. The night was hot and dark. Collin swallowed and turned right. The door from the terrace was not locked, but there was a sharp sound when the door slid open. The air-conditioning made the room feel cold � a huge contrast to the wall of heat outside. The body in the bed was only covered with a light sheet. Colin let the towel fell to the floor before he climbed into the bed beside his uncle. "I thought you would never come, baby!" Ruairidh moved towards Colin and put an arm around him. "Willy has gone to bed, or�?" "He's on his way to the lodge. I guess Ross is waiting for him � and perhaps the Chinese boys too. He's on holiday and wants some fun, you know!" Colin crept closer to the man. Two naked bodies met in something between a hug and an embrace. Lips and tongues met in a long-lasting deep kiss. Colin placed one hand around Ruairidh's warm balls. The man moaned gently. "Are you sure, Colin?" Ruairidh whispered. His voice was a bit hoarse. "Willy loves you, that's clear to see. You are a real couple and I don't want to�" Colin stopped the man with another kiss. "Aye, I love Bill � he's my dad, my lover and my partner, but you are my strange new uncle, and you are damn hot!" Colin found Ruairidh's cock that was iron-hard. He grabbed the wet cockhead and forced the man's foreskin back. Again Ruairidh moaned, but louder this time. "I want you, Boss, and I want you to dominate me, make me your slave tonight. Forget about your brother now. Maybe he has his cock inside a tight Chinese bum right, or maybe he's using Ross's' whip on their hard bodies?" Colin struggled to carry on speaking as Ruairidh had begun some rough play on his nipples. The old car mechanic knew how to use his fingers like a wrench. A hand wandered over Colin's body and soon the fingers found his hard balls. Ruairidh held them like a vice and tugged them down. Colin screamed, but felt pre-cum dripping. "You're a little puppy, kid, but a tough one. And you mark your territory like a dog too. Think I'll make you my dog, Colin. Ever had a dog licking your arse?" Ruairidh changed position, still cupping Colin's balls. Then he bent down and gave Colin's wet cockhead some hard treatment with his tongue. When he loosened the wrench-like grip, Colin leaked clear juice as if he was cumming already. Ruairidh swallowed it all. Now he turned Colin around. "Give me your beautiful butt, baby. I'll show you what a dog would have done to you." He spread Colin's legs and he pushed the head and shoulders down. With one hand around his own 24 cm (9.5 inches), Ruairidh let his wet cockhead follow the crack all the way from the lower back down to the balls and then back up. "Open up, Colin! Open!" The man spanked the hard globes. Colin did what he was told. The arse muscles made his rosebud quiver. Ruairidh knelt behind his puppy and let his hardworking tongue penetrate him. "Yeah, yeah, I'm gonna piss, Uncle. I'm gonna piss, piss�" Colin did not know what was happening. He felt his whole body dissolve. "Don't you dare to piss in my bed, baby!" Again Colin got his hanging cock and balls squeezed. "You ready for my cock now Colin? Or do we send for Willy's bigger one for you?" Ruairidh had three fingers inside Colin's boy-cunt. "Yesss!" Colin cried when the man screwed his fingers just where the love button felt like an unripe plum. He was about to cum, even before his uncle's cock filled him up. "But�but�Uncle, but Boss, I have to piss. I need...I need to!" Colin cried. "Okay, puppy. Come on, a dog is a dog." Ruairidh took a symbolic grip around Colin's neck and pushed him out to the terrace and up to the partly open fence. He bent Colin down, pushed his legs apart, and again put his fingers into Colin's arse. Colin did not understand how the fingers now could be greased, and he almost felt as if he was being fisted by the fat hand. "Now piss, puppy!" Ruairidh commanded. At the same time Colin felt the fingers being removed and replaced by a cock that seemed identical to his dad's both in length and size. The cock bottomed in him while the man's hands worked his nipples and upper body. The release was like an orgasm. The yellow liquid pumped through the small cock every time the huge cock hit the bottom. To be fucked hard while letting his bladder empty, was a new, strange feeling. As he told Bill the next day, he had felt that he lost his control completely. "Go on, please go on. Do me hard! Fuck me hard, Boss!" Colin was back in the situation. He grabbed the fence with both hands and pushed his hips back. He tried to meet his uncle's pounding, but he was lost again. "I'm cumming, Boss, I have to�aye." The white spunk hit the fence and the floor in eruption after eruption. The orgasm made the sweating boy tremble. Colin felt betrayed when his uncle withdrew. "Please, please, go on. I will do you good, Uncle! Just go on, please�" Ruairidh lifted the hot body and carried him back to bed. Now he placed Colin on his back and lifted his legs. He placed them on his shoulders and then again penetrated the youngster. This time the man was in command, and he showed the youngster that he wanted some action. He sniffed with flaring nostrils and let his belly hit the lad's lower body. The huge man started slow this time. Long, slow strokes filled Colin all the way. Colin felt the bigger body struggle, and he heard his uncle's breathing become faster. Colin lifted his hips from the bed and gave the man better access. Ruairidh increased the pace of his thrusts, and Colin felt that the man-cock had grown even harder. "You�have�travelled�half�way�around�the globe for this!" Ruairidh spat out the words between the bottoming. "I'll give you value, baby!" The man took hold of Colin's shoulders and made the two bodies meet even harder. "Yes, yes, I've dreamt about the man too sexy for Scotland!" Colin moaned when Ruairidh speeded up. "So sexy that they had to send him away to another continent. More please, Boss. Harder. Make me cum again." Colin let Ruairidh push him down. His body was in a sort of foetal position when Ruairidh again was partly behind him. "Show me you are a puppy, Colin. Lift your leg. Invite me. Let me breed you!" The huge man fucked the teenage-looking new family member with great skill for the next several minutes. Colin tried to relax, tried to let his uncle get his relief now. He felt the dripping sweat, and he heard the sore whines. His dad's brother was about to fill him up with the family seed. Ruairidh took hold of Colin's hips and let his cock stay all inside, and then he roared. "Damn! Damn! You are� you are�!" The man erupted inside the young love-tunnel again and again. Every time he squeezed the boy's hips as if he couldn't get deep enough. "I'm cumming, Boss! You made me�made me�crazy�crazy�I'm cumming!" For the second time that Christmas night, Colin sent his white boy-milk all around. Ruairidh hurried to catch most of the protein and grinned when he licked spunk from his own fingers. As the well-behaved puppy he was, Colin turned around and found Ruairidh's still hard cock, now greased in his own cream. With tongue and lips he cleaned the sensitive cockhead and the long shaft. "Willy has taught you well, I see!" Ruairidh ended the play with a gentle kiss. "You told me yesterday that you left everything behind when you moved to Australia!" Colin asked. He was now curled up tight against his uncle. "How could you� I mean� from gay to�become straight?" Colin was suddenly afraid to be too personal. "I had played with both girls and boys back in Scotland. Well, mostly boys, most of all your dad and his mates, but girls loved me and they loved to be fucked� well, that's what I thought anyway. That's the biggest difference between Willy and me. He has never even kissed a girl. And since being gay was part of my� bad behaviour - that's what my father called it - I tried to change." Ruairidh pulled Colin tight. "You tried to, you say. You haven't lived a totally straight life then, have you?" Colin responded by placing an arm around the man's butt. "In Australia, mostly � for the first twenty years. Then I started to import cars, you know. A lot of travelling was involved - South Korea, The Philippines, Malaysia...It was easy to get contacts�and you know the `net changed everything." The man sighed. Colin knew that the chat had come to an end. "Strange, he sounds exactly like Dad just before he drops off to sleep!" Colin thought. That was all Colin remembered. When he woke up, he was cold. The cover was on the floor. The air-conditioning was still working. His uncle was snoring. He heard a rooster crowing. It was early dawn outside. He looked at his watch - 5 am. He looked around. He had no clothes. Feeling a bit worried, he opened the door to the terrace. There was no reaction from the man in the bed. A wall of heat hit the naked body. He stretched his arms in the air. He had to pee again and found the spot from last night. "It's a privilege to piss like a dog," he thought. "I was called a puppy last night!" Colin grinned, groaned like a real man and finished his business. He then passed his own door and opened the door to Bill's room. He was pleased by his dad's morning sounds, and soon he would test if the man he loved had any jizz left after his night-time visit to the workers' lodge. Colin curled into Bill's opening arms and placed his small hand around Bill's warm balls. Soon they were asleep together. *** "How do you manage to keep that sex-athlete satisfied, old man?" Ruairidh punched his younger brother's shoulder. The two were sitting side by side in an amusement park in a small village close to their farm. The two were having a cold beer, while Colin entertained Ian and Katie on the Ferris wheel. "I started young remember, and I had a good teacher!" Bill punched back. "He likes it tough, and you taught me that too." "But damn it, you are almost sixty and he's twenty. Something to be concerned about, isn't it?" Ruairidh went on. "What about when you can't get it up?" "Never happens, Bro! I thought the young devil up there had showed you his skills!" Bill grinned. Ruairidh looked down and blushed in the sunshine. He lifted his broad-brimmed hat and touched his bald head. It was the first time since their arrival, that Ruairidh had asked his brother about the odd partnership between him and Colin. "But you had to master him, didn't you? He was already independent when you first met him, I heard." Ruairidh looked around him to see if the rest of the family was around. They had an appointment to visit Ann's parents and old Uncle Lasse as they called him, who lived on the edge of the village. Bill had been told that Lasse, almost eighty, still spoke Swedish. "You ask if I had to tame him like a wild horse?" Bill responded to Ian's waving from the top of the wheel. Ruairidh nodded. "Something like that." "Colin is not tamed, Bro! And he's his own master, but he always returns to me when the world is a bit odd. I love him, you see, big brother, and he loves to be filled by my cock, just as much as I loved to be filled up by you in the good old days!" Bill squeezed his bulge. "You hardly ever took my cock! You were the young stallion even before you had a hair on your dick. Don't tell me fairy tales." Ruairidh snorted. "But you haven't told me how you get him to obey you. You punish him? He's still a kid, isn't he? That's why you love him, eh? You used to be an old man's toy yourself, didn't you?" Ruairidh lifted his glass and emptied it. Bill did not answer. Then he turned close to his brother. "You would like to whip him, wouldn't you, Bro? Make him crawl for you, eh?" Bill pinched his brother's hip. "We could arrange something, but don't forget � I'm his only real boss. Understand?" The men were interrupted by Donald and Ann who returned from the street-bar being run by the local farmers. The Boxing Day street market was about to close down. "I just called my parents, guys. They are waiting for us with food and drinks. My mum is really looking forward to meeting you Willy, and Uncle Lasse is pretty sure that Colin understands Swedish." Ann looked around to see if she could find the younger ones. "Well, he's pretty good at languages, but I don't think he knows any Swedish, even if he is a number one student!" Bill blushed at his own expression, as if it was a need for him to end the chat with his brother. "Have you seen the kids around?" Ann asked Colin when he was seen through the crowd. "We have to leave for my parents' house." "I'll fetch them!" Colin turned around. "Katie met some friends in the carousel, and Ian went to find a�toilet." Colin wasn't sure if the `local' word used by Ian was proper for his mother. Colin gave Katie the message and walked over to the public toilets. He recognised one of Ian's schoolmates from the Ferris wheel. "You seen Ian around?" Colin asked. The lad just grinned and put his head inside the half-open door. "Stop jacking off, faggots! The Scot is here!" he shouted. Moments later Ian tumbled out, still organising his clothes. "Did you really?" Colin grinned and rolled his eyes. "Idiot!" Ian hurried up beside Colin. "I was just showing them my new JustColin briefs. They didn't know that your brand is more famous in Europe than AussieBum." He zipped up his shorts and was ready to meet the family. *** "God dag!" A very formal and old-fashioned Swedish greeting. The super-tanned elderly man rose from the rattan chair and gave Colin his hand. He was white-haired, very stylish, only dressed in white summer shorts. He was not very muscular, but he had a younger man's tight body, completely hairless and oiled. "Good afternoon, sir!" Colin responded very formally, and returned the firm handshake. "Damn it, boy! I'm not an English lord. I'm Lasse. Just that, a Swedish leftover, loving this sunburned country!" He smiled with very regular, very white teeth. "So you are the kid who has turned the old brothers crazy. Please sit down and help yourself to a juice!" The man pointed at a cooler. Colin was more than surprised, and for once he was speechless. He took a seat opposite the man and opened a carton of juice. "And you speak Norwegian I have heard, and the Norwegians understand Swedish, so maybe..." The man stopped his own speech and lifted a glass. "I study Old Norse, and of course know a lot of Norwegian words, so I guess I might understand a bit little of Swedish too." Colin looked into the man's teasing eyes � they did not move away. The eyebrows were white, and styled. Colin couldn't understand why he suddenly felt so damn horny. His dick struggled to find room inside his tight sports briefs. He was sweating in the sunshine. "Why don't you undress and take a dip in the pool, kid. The others will not be here for half an hour and I promised your man to look after you!" Lasse grinned. "A good idea!" Colin smiled back. "To undress I mean�and I need to be controlled, you see. My man, as you just called him, thinks I'm a bit too bold from time to time! But in the absence of a swimsuit�" Before the elderly gentleman managed to comment further, Colin had turned around, stripped off his t-shirt and shorts, and revealed his two round naked buttocks framed in a JustColin white jockstrap. There was a diving board in the pool and signs told Colin that the pool was really deep. He climbed onto the board and made a somersault as he dived into the water. He was met by applause from the elderly gentleman. "Good job, kid. Like me when I was a youngster!" Lasse shouted. Inspired by the attention, Colin went on. The white jockstrap was almost see-through and he did nothing to hide his half-hard knob. "Let me show you something, son!" Lasse was suddenly beside Colin when he lifted his body out of the pool for a new dive. "Stand up � raise your head!" One hand found Colin's dripping wet butt, the other found his chest, and then he made Colin's body stretch. "That's better! Don't compromise. A diver is like a ballet dancer � erection!" He pinched Colin's buttocks and he played with his nipples. From his side view, Colin saw that the old gentleman had a very obvious hard-on. "Erection?" Colin answered. "Yeah, not only this beauty, but your whole damn body!" Lasse ended his instruction by cupping Colin's bulge. Colin's dick was as hard as ever before and now he hurried back into the pool. This dive was not very elegant. Colin swam some lengths. A bit frustrated, he could see that this Uncle Lasse wanked in front of him � not a real hand-job, but a partly naked play. Colin became more and more aroused. The old man was model-like and horny, and his cock was the cock of a real man. A small accident happened when Colin jumped out of the pool. The jockstrap slipped off. He tried to cover up his complete nudity. "Come over here, son, and stop teasing an old man!" Lasse grinned. "You're a damn flirt, aren't you?" He grabbed Colin's ball sack and cock, and pulled him close. "Well, Uncle, you're a flirt yourself, aren't you? Teasing me with that beauty!" Colin placed one hand on the man's tenting. "You want me to suck you, sir?" Water and pre-cum dripped from Colin's cock. "No Colin, please no. I'm not into this modern sucking business. The mouth and tongue are made for this." The man's hot lips met Colin's. The pair - the twenty year old Scottish student and the almost eighty year old Australian-Swede - shared a long-lasting deep kiss while the man's hands parted the lad's buttocks and found his entrance. "Would you like to ride me, son? That's my favourite thing, you see. A young girl's pussy is great, but a tight boy-pussy is far, far better! But they are so damn rare!" The man had two fingers inside Colin. He was quite dry up there so the rough fingers were a bit uncomfortable. Colin whimpered. "You will find lube in the bathroom, kid. You want a ride, don't you? Please!" The man pointed at a door. Colin was back some minutes later, ready for a ride. A long thread of pre-cum dripped from his cock when he stood in front of the man. "Turn around, spread your legs!" The man was suddenly in command. He had stripped off his own shorts now, the dark-brown veiny man-cock was half-hard. Colin did as he was told. He placed himself with his back to the man. With caring hands, Lasse filled the boy-pussy with cream, and with fingers from both hands he worked Colin's arse, his balls and his cockhead. Colin was in heaven. The man was hard, tough and gentle at the same time. If this went on he would be in the middle of a shooting scene even before he had touched the man's cock. Colin turned around. "Please let me ride you now, sir, and please fuck me hard, really hard. I need to cum, I need to cum but maybe they�" He looked around, a bit worried. "I have an alarm kid, no problem!" Lasse let Colin kneel in front of him. Instead of sucking the man, Colin gave him a complete hand-treatment, and the old Swede soon had an iron spear ready for the rider. Colin climbed onto him, placed one leg on each side of the rattan chair, and took hold of the plum-like cockhead. Lasse let his cock rest for a moment just outside the tight entrance. Colin wasted no time. He had been asked to ride the man, and that's what he did. A 20 cm (8 inch) man-cock entered the young body. With a grin on his face, he let the weapon stay inside him for a few moments before he lifted his body again and repeated the deep fuck. Strong legs allowed him to control the situation. He stopped with the cock close to his prostate and rotated. Colin moaned with pleasure. It was strange, but he felt very comfortable with the old Swede. Despite his knees starting to hurt, he did what he could to give the man the pleasure he had begged for. He placed both hands around Lasse's neck and lifted his body from his lap. "Please fuck me now, sir. Please fill me up, do me hard, and show me what Swedes are made of." Colin used his arse-muscles every time the man bottomed in him. The speed increased. Colin dripped sweat, water and pre-cum. Now Lasse fucked him with an open mouth and closed eyes. He was a great fucker, but the heat was intense. "Yes, yes, harder, please harder!" The bodies met and Colin was very close to an orgasm. "I'm� sir, yes. I'm cumming, sir, okay? Okay?" Colin sprayed his white cream hands-free all over Lasse's tanned upper body. For every eruption he managed to squeeze the cock he had inside his arse. The man locked Colin to his own body. Deep inside, he spunked off. With a whining like a young girl, he filled Colin's tunnel. Still with bodies very tight, the two hugged each other. An entrance signal was heard from the front of the house. With a remote control, Lasse opened the gate. "Let's cool down!" Lasse whispered. Side by side, dripping with man-milk, the pair dived into the pool. Lasse was still an excellent diver. "Help yourself to a beer!" Lasse shouted. Bill and Ruairidh were entering the pool-site. Colin tried to look relaxed, but he was still high. He let the water play with his naked body. "Jump in, guys!" Colin shouted. He had not yet seen the brothers naked together, so this could be the occasion. Bill shook his head. "Family is waiting, Colin. It's been a long day. We are ready for home now!" Ruairidh emptied his beer glass in one gulp. "Thank you for the instruction, sir!" Colin hugged the man, still in the water. Then he jumped from the pool. Bill handed him a towel as if he wanted to cover up the youngster's naked body. Colin just grinned and did nothing to hide that he was still displaying a hard erection. *** Colin and Bill were deciding where to go on their next trip into Sydney. "How about the famous Bondi Beach?" suggested Colin. "Think about all those hunky life savers!" "I wouldn't recommend it," said Ruairidh. "It's just a huge beach and it will be mobbed at this time of year. If you want a beach, I would suggest Manly. That would also give you the opportunity of another ferry trip. Getting to Bondi means getting another train when you reach Sydney and then a bus." "There are life savers at Manly Beach too," said Ian. "Okay, Manly it is," smiled Colin. "Do you want to come with us, Ian?" "I'd love to! I can be your guide," replied Ian. They started off quite early the next morning. Everyone was up early anyway for work on the farm. Bill drove to Penrith station in a borrowed jeep, with Ian giving directions. On reaching Sydney, they decided that they needed a walk so Ian took them past the Town Hall to the magnificent Queen Victoria Building - a late nineteenth century building with a huge dome and stained glass windows. "It's more like a cathedral than a shopping arcade," remarked Colin. Bill had a much-needed coffee there and then they continued walking towards the harbour. They passed close to the Sydney Tower and decided against visiting the observation deck in favour of seeing the Hyde Park Barracks Museum to learn about life in the early days of Sydney. Then they reached Circular Quay where Ian led them to the wharf for the regular ferry service to Manly. "It's crowded," Bill remarked as they boarded the double-decker vessel. "It's always pretty busy," said Ian. "But now it's holiday time so lots of people will be going for a day out." They soon left the harbour and passed the Opera House. Colin took photos of the famous building from the boat. Less than thirty minutes later, there were arriving at the Manly terminal. "Is that Manly Beach?" Colin asked, looking at the small beach to the left. Ian laughed. "No. That's Manly Cove and it's mostly young kids that play on that beach. Manly Beach is on the other side of the peninsula, a short walk away. We just need to cross the road and then go down The Corso. That's a pedestrianised street and the beach is at the end of it." Both Bill and Colin were amazed by the size of the golden sandy beach and by the number of people around. "Bondi will be even busier," said Ian. They walked along the beachfront looking for a less busy area. "Look! There are people out surfing!" he cried. "There's a Surf School here," advised Ian. There wasn't a quiet spot but they found a place on the beach where they could strip down to speedos, or budgie-smugglers as Ian called them, and relax. Bill enjoyed rubbing sunblock on the bodies of the young ones and then watched as they ran off to swim in the warm sea. He later had a swim with Colin while Ian looked after their belongings. Inevitably thoughts soon turned to food but the restaurants lining the beach were all busy. "I think we should try The Bavarian restaurant next to the ferry terminal," said Ian. "I've eaten there before and the food was great." So that where they had lunch. Both Bill and Colin had the Chicken Parmigiana and thought it was tasty. While Ian and Colin chatted, Bill was happy to enjoy the watching the ferries come and go. He also had a good view of the Manly Cove beach from their outside table. All three watched teenagers jumping off the side of the pier into the sea at one point. After taking the ferry back to Circular Quay, Ian took them to the historic Rocks area nearby where they were almost under Sydney Harbour Bridge. Then after visiting Chinatown and having ice creams, they returned to Central station for the train back to Penrith. Bill was really tired as he drove back to the farm with Colin and Ian joking and singing beside him in the jeep he had borrowed from his brother. The long day in Sydney had been great and he was pleased to have had Ian as their guide, but Bill realised he was too old to keep up with the pace of the youngsters. The leftover barbecue from Christmas had been a nice ending to the day, and Bill had helped himself to more beers than he was used to. He was fast asleep when Colin entered his room. Colin himself was in no way ready for bed, and Donald and Ian had gone with the farm-workers to inspect a water mill that had broken down. Katie was in the pool and Ann was relaxing nearby. Colin hadn't seen Ruairidh since supper. He wondered about making a video call to Olav in Norway. "No, it's early afternoon in Bergen and he won't be at home." He was bored. Maybe he could organise the gifts he had brought. He emptied one of his bags on the bed. He had still a lot of items from his underwear assortment. A gentle knock on the door made him start pushing the stuff back into the bag. Colin was happy to see Ruairidh entering the room. "What the hell are you up to, baby boy?" Ruairidh was one big grin. Colin looked down and was suddenly aware of what he was holding in his hand. "I'm�I'm�just trying to find out�" Colin blushed. "Find out what? Don't you think the real stuff is enough?" Ruairidh squeezed his bulge. "Did you buy that devil today, or did you manage to bring it from home?" Colin tried to cover up a huge pink-coloured but natural-looking dildo. He looked at his uncle. Now he grinned, and handed the rubber-cock to Ruairidh who at first hesitated but then took hold of the dildo with both hands. "You know that cock, Boss? You should! You should know it well!" Colin looked at the man who inspected the dildo, squeezed it and played with the hard balls. "The owner is next door!" "Owner?" Ruairidh was uncertain. "You mean the model?" "Aye, just that, Boss. The model is here. You have played with this cock many times. I guess you have both sucked it and had it up your arse." Colin watched Ruairidh who held the rubber-cock as if he was wanking. "Damn it! It's Willy's cock, isn't it? You managed to get it through Customs, even in Singapore?" Ruairidh used his tongue to touch the visible piss-slit. "I don't remember him being so well formed!" Colin had to adjust his own erection when he saw that his uncle had become very aroused by the situation. "I could wake Bill, and you could compare the sizes with your own eyes. He got his hard-on modelled in Amsterdam a few years ago, but he told me once that he hadn't grown since he was eighteen. You should know!" "It's still like a teen's cock. Damn, what a beauty!" Ruairidh spat on the cock and let his hands play with it. "Undress, boy!" the man commanded. "All off, and lie down!" Ruairidh helped the naked Colin to rest on top of the bed, then he handed him the rubber cock replica. "Play with it. Show me how you use it!" Colin hesitated for a second, but then he watched his uncle stripped off his t-shirt and place one hand into his rather baggy khaki-shorts. Colin struggled with his own erection. With closed eyes Colin licked and sucked the rubber-cock while he played with his own stiff knob. He used the dildo to stimulate the already hard nipples and he let the rubber cockhead touch his own wet glans. Ruairidh unzipped and let his dark veiny cock get free. The man moaned with lust at the show on the bed in front of him. Colin was as horny as ever, but he wanted some cream. He was not ready to penetrate himself with the dry rubber. "Please give me the lube, Boss. Just beside you!" He lifted his legs and showed his uncle the pink rosebud in the centre of his smooth arse crack. He placed the rubber cockhead at the entrance. "Wait, boy!" Ruairidh opened a drawer in the dresser next to the bed and found some old ties. As if this was planned, he took an old wide tie and blindfolded Colin before he turned him around and placed him doggie-like at the end of the bed. Without a word from the boy and without a comment from Ruairidh, the man bound Colin's hands to the iron bed sides, and with another pair of ties, he bound the ankles to the bed legs. "You are far from professional," Colin thought. He could have escaped from the bonds quite easily, but he loved what was going on. The boring evening had turned into what could be a wild play. "Please grease me up, Boss! Please master me. Make me cum for you. Do me." Colin wiggled his bum like a slut. The hits that followed from Ruairidh's open hand were not just playful. A howl from Colin was followed by real tears, but also by pre-cum dripping down to the floor. Ruairidh filled his hand with lube and greased the rubber-cock. Then he spread Colin's cheeks and pushed a fat finger inside. Colin moaned, and when the second and the third finger went inside rather directly, his moaning increased. Colin had to adjust his hips when the rubber-cock penetrated him. A real stiff man-cock would have entered his love tunnel differently from this dildo, but Ruairidh used it fast and hard. Colin gasped every time the cockhead broke through his sphincter. "Just howl, Colin dear! Maybe my brother will give you his real one if he wakes up!" With one hand Ruairidh continued the pounding. With the other hand he stripped completely and greased up his own cock � in length and size very much like the dildo � but filled with blood and heat. When Ruairidh pulled out the dildo, he replaced it with his own cock, all the way to the bottom. Colin moaned and tried to lift his own body. "Yeah, yeah, Uncle, yeah, that's it...that's it!" Over the next few minutes the man alternated between using his own cock and the artificial one. Colin was trembling and shouting, and he was dripping pre-cum. Soon he lifted his body as much he could with bound legs. "I'm cumming, Boss. Damn, let me cum! Take me�take me!" Colin begged. This time Ruairidh did not change. Instead he put the dildo into his own mouth and sucked it. He fucked the lad all the way - deep and hard. With the replica of his brother's cock between his lips, he gave Colin the last push across the edge. Colin's white milk splashed on the bedsheets, and Ruairidh filled Colin's arse with his man-milk. For the first time Colin had been penetrated by both his dad's and his brother's cocks during the same session, even if one had been a rubber version. Colin was exhausted and a bit confused when Ruairidh finished. He just put his head down on the pillow. White cum was dripping from his well-worked arse. "Let me untie you, baby boy. You are so damn sexy!" Ruairidh let his hand follow the boy's spine. "Don't untie me, Boss. I feel...well, I feel on display. I feel like a waiting slut. I'm still horny, sir. But just�" Colin stopped. A door was opened nearby. Ruairidh found his shorts and placed them in front of his half-stiff cock. He went out on the terrace and met a grinning Bill. "It's an emergency, Bro! Your puppy needs help." Bill was met by a friendly punch. "Nice cock you have...still!" Ruairidh showed a confused Bill the rubber-cock. The sight inside was like a piece of art. Bill went up to Colin, "You okay, son?" he whispered. "Still in heaven, Daddy. Your turn now, please!" Colin opened up. More cum dripped from his arse. Bill collected some and greased up his own growing tool. To be continued
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 10:18:26 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 79 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN � STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 79 �(Shetland - Knut and Kriss) "Anybody home?" Colin shouted. He jumped into the cabin in the Norwegian fishing boat which had brought students from Bergen to the Viking festival in Lerwick, the capital of the Scottish Shetland Isles. "Up here!" A male voice shouted from the bridge above. Colin climbed the narrow passage to the old-fashioned upper room. "I watched you force your way through the winter weather outside." A broad man in his forties gave Colin a huge smile and held out his hand. The handshake was firm and friendly. "You're looking for the boss, I guess?" He grinned. "Well, eh! Yes, but�I thought!" Colin stumbled. He had expected to see another man. "Knut had to give me the helm today. Some machine trouble and he is the only person that really knows this old lady!" The man clasped the binnacle. "He is still down in the machine-room. I'm sure he will stay there until the problem is fixed." "I'd better not disturb him then�" Colin was about to turn. "No, no, you won't disturb him. You'll be very welcome. You don't remember me from last year?" The man sat down on a half-high stool. "But I remember you well. You stripped for me and my buddy down below - a damn hot event in the saloon!" Colin remembered well, but wasn't quite sure how to comment. Now he coughed lightly and looked at the man without meeting his eyes. "I must have been very horny, and then meeting sexy sailors like you, well�you know." He found the man's smiling eyes. "Too cold for a striptease now I think, or maybe�?" Colin smiled back. "No, no, boy. The skipper would kill me if I didn't send you down to see him. And it's hot down there. You will find Knut at the very bottom. Be careful though, both oil and heat down there!" The man squeezed Colin lightly with a hand on his shoulder as he eased him out of the bridge. The metal ladder down to the machine-room was slippery with oil and grease. The huge engine was not working, but the small generators filled the room with a distinct sound. Knut, normally the skipper on this boat, as well as being the owner, was standing with his back to the arriving guest. The man in his late sixties almost filled the space between the machines. Almost two metres tall, he had to bend when he passed the frames in the ceiling. Colin coughed, and then he coughed again - louder this time. The man dressed in an oily boiler suit turned around. "I'm not deaf, man, even if you all believe that!" He sounded a bit irritated. Now he used an oily hand to wipe his eyes, and the man's face and attitude changed completely. "Colin, Colin, son! Good to see you. Still remember this old fucker, eh?" He opened both his arms and the lighter, shorter boy moved to the man and hugged him tight. "I had to see you. I've missed you, both here and in Bergen. I loved the fishing trip and the way you took care of me," Colin whispered, still held tight by the man. "You mean you miss my hard fucks, eh? You miss my cock, don't you, my sweet little bugger!" The man's huge hands stripped Colin's upper clothes in one single movement. The boy's fair skin was a real contrast in this environment. The skipper's oily hands fondled the boy's body. He snorted and lowered his hands down inside Colin's underwear and cupped the buttocks hard and gentle at the same time. Without any comments he found the boy's hole and gave him a finger inside. Colin shook with excitement when Knut pulled down his clothes. The naked boy let this man do whatever he wanted. He had longed for this moment. "Didn't Olav give you a hot welcome?" the man whispered with a hoarse voice. "He talked about you all the way!" Knut cupped Colin's balls and squeezed them hard. The dark oil on his hands marked the hairless balls. "Olav was hot as always, but you know�" Colin whined when the man used two hard fingers to pull his foreskin all the way back and free the wet cockhead. "Still a bit too soft for you, eh? Just wait. My cock hasn't had a tight one like you for ages!" Colin helped Knut to open the front of the dirty overall. He was naked underneath and Colin let his hands follow the hairy body all the way down to the thermal underwear. The cock, which was one of the biggest Colin had taken, was rising from the treatment by the two small hands. Soon the elderly man presented a cock every young pornstar would have envied. 27 cm at least (more than 10.5 inches) what was Colin had told Bill after their first meeting and `the cock was thick as a donkey's' had been the boy's description. Colin knew that Knut, like his Uncle George, wasn't into oral sex so now he just spat in his hands and continued fondling the man's weapon. "We don't have all day. I have to please this old lady too!" Knut patted the machine beside him. "Open now and let me prepare you! I guess your daddy will want you back in good shape!" He helped Colin to free one leg and then spread him forward to take him doggy. Colin grabbed a pipe with both hands and was ready for the treatment. "Damn, I almost forgot. What an ass! What a beauty!" he said more or less to himself, before he used his stiff cock to tease the boy. He let the cold, wet cockhead follow Colin's arsecrack all the way until he rested outside the entrance. Colin wiggled his butt, a bit nervous that Knut should fuck him dry. He turned his head to the man in a sort of begging attitude. "Don't be afraid, son. You know I have the best grease around!" He grabbed a huge tin of white grease used for the machinery. With two fingers he scooped out a huge load of the fatty stuff and started working on the tight boy-cunt. The big, very horny man used his fingers well. He added a third finger and then he added the thumb from his other hand. To Colin's joy, but also fear, he felt the treatment of his love-button - fear that he might cum long before Knut had used his cock on him. But Colin wasn't able to stop. His body shivered as if he was about to cum. Pre-cum dripped from his cock down on to the oily floor. Knut understood what was coming. With one hand he pinched Colin's balls and with the other hand he spanked the hot globes with an open hand, and didn't stop until the buttocks were pink, and also black with oil. Colin cried out but he managed to stop the ejaculation. "Now prepare me, son." Knut turned Colin around and gave him the tin of grease. With working hands, Colin did the job on the partly hairy cockshaft, right up to the tender brown cockhead. Knut moaned now. "Enough, enough, or I�." Knut quite turned Colin around and bent him facing the wall again. With a hand around his cock, he placed the greased cockhead outside the partly open boy-cunt. Entry was quite easy. "I was greased as if I was to be fisted!" Colin told Bill afterwards. A small yell from Colin followed the stretching of his outer gate. Knut stopped. "Okay, son? I'm inside!" "Aye, aye. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Fuck me now, all the way. Fuck me to heaven and back!" The pain was intense, but Colin loved it and wanted the pain to turn into heat. And Knut went on. Easy, easy, he pushed this monster cock inside, all 27 cm of it. "Don't treat me gentle!" Colin shouted. "Harder, harder! Fuck the milk out, milk me, drain me, make me yours, yours�ah�ah!" He was about to cum this time. "Wait for me son, please, damn, damn�" The man yelled. "I'm cumming, boss. I'm cumming!" Colin shot hands-free, sending his load all over the partly-warm machinery in the foreground. He tried to use his arse muscles to give Knut some special treatment, but he was too stuffed. With his huge cock all inside, Knut gave the youngster his load with a roar that filled the room. "All okay down there?" A voice was heard shouting from the hatch. "Shut up, and have a wank!" Knut's voice was a direct order from the boss of the vessel. *** "What the hell! Did somebody die here? Looks like a funeral!" Colin barged into the hotel room and found Bill on top of the bed tightly covered with a woollen blanket while Olav and Kriss were deeply engrossed in their mobile phones. "Bill doesn't feel well. He's still seasick. I think he is sleeping now," Olav told Colin, smiling broadly. "I'm not sleeping, and the room is still moving. Hey Colin, sorry." Bill grunted, but did not move towards the arriving lad. Colin stripped off both his anorak and sweater then kicked off his boots before he climbed into the bed beside his dad. "Poor Daddy, I told you. Sailing from Aberdeen during wintertime is not for landlubbers. And you fed the fishes more than once, I bet." Colin placed his arms around the wrapped-up torso. "I still feel that I might need to `feed the fishes', and you smell like that damn boat too. What on earth have you been up to?" Bill looked at Colin and tried to turn around, but went back to lying flat and trying to remain stable. "I had to help Knut with the engine!" Colin grinned. He looked at Olav and Kriss who both had big smiles. "And I brought a large bottle of Norwegian aquavit for you. Maybe you want some, Daddy? Should cure that feeling." Colin reached for his rucksack. "Don't try to kill me. That stuff is made for stronger men than me! Helped Knut, you said. Last time you helped him, the motor-grease gave you a sore bum for two weeks, remember?" Bill tried to rise. "I believe it's the size of the old skipper's cock, not the grease, that makes my bum a bit sore!" Colin said. He tried to give Bill a pillow. "Don't touch the bedclothes, boy. You have oil all yourself. Take a look in the mirror!" Bill pointed at the mirror which covered part of one wall. Colin could only smile. He had oil and dirt on his face and hands. Now he left the bed and stripped off his winter jeans. In a t-shirt marked by Knut's dirty hands and grey baggy long-johns, he looked far from sexy as he approached Kriss. "Sorry that I didn't welcome you properly earlier today!" Colin embraced the young Norwegian. "And thank you for bringing this shipwrecked man to the hotel. Good to see you in Shetland, Kriss, I hope Olav took care of you after I left." "Olav always takes good care of me!" Kriss said with a teasing voice. Colin felt a small stroke of jealousy when he looked at his `piss-brother' Olav. "What happed to Sverre, your previous roommate? Did he find a girl?" Colin changed the subject. "He was suddenly called up for military service. He's doing his duty up north this year. I think he is at the military camp you visited last year. Up in the dark winter," Olav answered. "And now I have his bed!" Kriss proclaimed. "Really? I thought Sverre had moved into your bed, Bro. It's cold to sleep alone, isn't it?" Colin pinched Olav's bum. "If Kriss really is your Kenny then you need him in your bed, eh?" "Stop the investigation, professor, and get out of those dirty clothes. You smell of oil and grease, and�" Bill tried to move to the side of the bed. "A big old-fashioned bathroom here!" Colin proclaimed. "Even a huge bath tub! Come on, guys. Help me to get rid of the smell that reminds my dad of his voyage!" He stripped off the t-shirt and the long johns, and bent over to get rid of the woollen socks. Totally naked, with fingermarks from oily hands on both his back and bum, he hurried into the bathroom. The other two boys followed with loud laughter. Bill just rolled his eyes and let his body fall back on the top of the bed. He wasn't fit for play with youngsters at that time. "Let's renew our pact, Bro!" Colin opened the toilet and placed himself with his legs wide apart in front of the bowl. The sexy situation had already made him rock-hard. He grinned when he looked at Kriss who probably was a bit lost in this situation. Olav went up next to Colin, opened his fly and pulled out his cock, almost as stiff as Colin's. "Come on Kriss, I need another piss-brother in Bergen." Kriss hesitated at first, but then just pushed down his jogging suit and boxers in one movement. Colin smiled when he saw that Kriss was much better equipped than both Olav and himself; even flaccid his cock was double the length. Now Kriss understood what was going to happen and held his cock with two fingers, pulled back the foreskin, and was ready. "Piss for eternal friendship!" Colin proclaimed and send a yellow jet down into the toilet bowl. "For eternal friendship, piss-brother!" Olav cross-pissed the stream of his Scottish friend. Kriss blushed, and hesitated, but soon his manhood produced a jet much stronger than the two lads beside him. Finished, all three had a great laugh, and shook their cocks like real pissing friends. "I don't think we can accept that pissing!" Colin said afterwards. "You didn't cross-piss! How do we punish him, Olav? He could add to the piss with a white shot, don't you think?" "Good idea!" Olav said. "Maybe we should undress first, eh?" He was already stripping off his clothes in the well-heated bathroom. "You need some help, Kriss?" Olav started to undress his new roommate and Colin helped him. Colin pushed Kriss lightly against the wall and then both he and Olav knelt in front of the youngster. The 18 year old high school student closed his eyes and moaned when his cock and balls were attacked by two sets of lips and tongues. Colin sucked the cockhead and Olav took care of the shaft and then they changed over. Colin used one hand to play with the lad's balls and Olav pushed a wet finger deep inside the youngster's arse. The treatment was dirty but hot and Kriss couldn't last long. The thin and rather skinny youngster had a man's cock. The two piss-brothers brought it to full erection. The cock was at least 25 cm (10 inches), about the same length but a bit thinner than Kenny's cock at home, Colin thought. "I'm going to shoot now! Move away, move!" Kriss tried to push Olav and Colin aside, but they didn't move. Instead both of them simultaneously opened their mouths. The boy took the signal and gave his long cock some hard wanks and then he sent the creamy boy-milk all over the two piss-brothers who were begging for the spray. Close together, the pair received a large amount of spunk on their faces, although some found its way into the open mouths. "That was a good one!" Colin said. "You think we can accept this addition to the partnership, Bro?" He looked at his Bergen friend. "Absolutely!" Olav smiled. "But, Kriss, Colin has painted you with motor oil. I think we all need a shower." "No, we need a good bath," Colin said. "Let's fill it up! You organise that Kriss, while Olav helps me get rid of the oil." He found a scrubber and placed himself in the shower. With soap and laughter, the two `boyfriends' washed every part of their bodies while Kriss waited in the hot water. Two small cocks were as hard as ever when the pair finished. "I don't think we have time to cum again, have we?" Olav whispered. "I have to meet my group for lunch in half an hour." "And I should be there with you," Colin added. Kriss didn't comment. He wasn't part of the group and it was his intention to sleep onboard the fishing boat. Dressed in the hotel's white bathing robes, the three looked like monks when they entered the room where Bill still was on top of the bed. "Dad, please sort yourself out. You are not that sick! Olav and I have to find our groups, and you need to eat something!" Colin lectured his old man. "I'll stay with Bill, if you allow me, sir. We can order something from room service, can't we?" Kriss placed a hand on Bill's arm. Bill just grunted. "Okay, Kriss. Please help my dear Daddy to have a bath. It's not just me that stinks!" Colin dropped his bathing robe and hurried to get dressed. Olav did the same and was in front of the mirror to style his wild fair hair, but was almost pushed aside by Colin who tried to use a hand-dryer to fix his wet curly dark hair. "See you for dinner then!" Colin hugged the body in bed. "Call me if you want to meet me in town, Kriss. I'm just around the corner. It's a small town so you will easily find me." Olav suddenly had a bad conscience about leaving his young friend with a man he had only just met. "Bill will take good care of him when we leave. You know him. They will manage well." Colin pushed his friend out the door. *** They were late. The meeting and the partying with the groups had gone on for some hours longer than planned. Colin and Olav hurried back to the hotel. The door was locked so Colin used his key. The room was dim. On the table were a pile of pizza boxes, some empty beer bottles and a single Coke can. Bill was still lying on top of the bed, but this time in a white, partly-open bathrobe. Tight in his arms curled Kriss, as near the man as possible. He was wearing a bathrobe too, with one hand resting on Bill's balls. They were both asleep. "You think they sleep the innocents' sleep?" Colin whispered. He took Olav's hand. Strangely enough he didn't feel jealous. He used a finger on his lips telling Olav to be silent. He picked two pizzas and brought them to the small alcove opposite the bathroom. The single sofa-bed and a small table was good enough for the two piss-brothers who had some bad conscience about leaving Bill and young Kriss. "You don't have to whisper, Colin love! I heard your arrival. I'm not deaf, not yet!" Bill almost whispered too. "The chef said you could order hot pizzas when you arrived, but there is a microwave beside the ice machine in the corridor if you just want to heat the ones we left for you. And find yourself beers in the fridge." Bill had left the bed and tied the bathrobe tight. Now he found the only chair in the room. They heard some noise from the bed. "Kriss talks in his sleep, and he sleeps very deep, almost impossible to wake him sometimes." Olav tried to talk and eat at the same time. It wasn't a big success. He started to choke. "You two will soon graduate from university but you have some bad table manners. What do I tell you, son?" Bill grinned. "Don't talk with your mouth full!" Colin didn't answer until he had swallowed. All three had a good laugh. It was obvious that Bill had recovered from his voyage. "I think he's cold!" Bill raised himself and placed a blanket over the sleeping boy. "You are fond of him?" Colin asked. "Aye. He's a great lad. You have to take good care of him, Olav. He's a bit lonely and he has been through some tough times." Bill almost whispered again. "Yeah, I know. He lost his girlfriend when he admitted that he had been with boys and his dad kicked him out of house. Very puritanical parents, very religious, but he has a great uncle, and now he stays with me. Five months and he will finish high school. He's very ambitious!" Olav talked as if he had to introduce his roommate to both Colin and Bill. "And he seems fond of you too, Dad?" Colin sounded a bit jealous. "Isn't everybody, love?" Bill kissed Colin's forehead lightly. "I will use the bathroom now, and I need an early night. Will you two stay with me overnight, or do you have other plans? Eat now, there is plenty!" Again the robe was partly open and without shyness Bill showed off his cock and balls to the two on the sofa-bed. "What was that?" Colin commented when Bill was in the bathroom. "An invitation, or maybe he hopes�" Colin stopped himself. Kriss was talking in his sleep again. The boys smiled. "You think the two of them?" Olav used his hands like kids do when they want to mime fucking. "You dirty bastard! You wish you had been in bed with my daddy, yeah?" Colin was very close to Olav who gave him his mouth with a long-lasting deep kiss. He was about to undress his piss-brother when Bill entered completely naked from the bathroom. "It seems that you plan to stay," Bill said. He jumped into the huge double bed and pulled the blanket around him and the sleeping youngster. "I have to go to the boat!" Kriss talked from `far away'. "The skipper said that he would stay up for me." "You don't need to do that, son. Give him a call please, and tell him you will stay with Colin and Olav overnight. I don't think he remembers my name!" Bill smiled. "Plenty of room here for all of us. Tell him you will see him after breakfast!" Kriss hesitated, but found his mobile phone on the side table and made the call. "Go on, don't be shy, Kriss. Olav and I will share the sofa-bed here. We will not disturb you two love-birds!" Colin tried to make a joke but Olav had undressed both himself and Colin and was now pushing Colin into a 69 position in the narrow bed. Moments later, their mouths were filled with small, but very stiff, dripping dicks. Bill turned out the light and waited for Kriss to end his telephone call. Soon afterwards, the boy was back in Bill's arms. Bill stripped the bathrobe from Kriss and let his large hands caress the hot body from neck to bum. Colin tried not to think about the two in bed a short distance away. He just tried to please his `piss-brother' who had travelled the long way from Bergen to make love to him. Olav was a master-sucker and soon Colin moved to another hemisphere. He was having a new orgasm made by his small-cocked friend who had a mouth and tongue from heaven. *** Colin looked around. The room was dark. He heard Bill's familiar sleeping sound. He raised his head from the pillow. He was in the huge bed with Bill on his left side. Beside his dad, he saw Olav's light hair on the pillow. A hand was playing with his cock. Kriss was awake beside him. Colin didn't know how they had all ended in the huge family bed. Then he remembered. It had been very cold on the narrow sofa. Now Colin placed one hand on the body beside him and let it follow the front down to a hard waiting spear. Kris was lying on his back beside him playing with his own stiffy. Colin looked at his watch - three o'clock. He gave Kriss his mouth in a French kiss. But he had to piss. That's why he woke up, he guessed. "Come, Kriss. You horny, eh?" Colin whispered in the boy's ear. The boy just nodded and Colin saw a white smile in the darkness. Without noise, the two left the bed. Bill spread his legs as if he sensed that there was more space. Colin guided the Norwegian with a tight grip around his huge nighttime woody. "I'd better piss correctly this time!" Kriss grinned. "Or I will be punished again." He sent a strong jet down in the toilet bowl. Colin went after him and cross-pissed the youngster's stream. "Nice to have two piss-brothers in Bergen!" Colin said. "And nice to have one with a cock like a porn-star." Kriss blushed. "Good that you find me hot." The youngster shook his cock to get rid of the last yellow drops. "My friends tease me when we shower, and my girlfriend complains to me. Says I'm too big for her." "Does Olav complain then?" Colin put a hand on the youngster's balls. The huge cock lifted to new heights. "He cries and tells me to be careful, but soon after he begs me to fuck him harder. But first of all he likes to suck me. And he is a winner. He has a tongue like a calf!" Kriss spread his legs and let Colin have full access. Colin continued to play with the lad's balls while he wanked the cockhead with an iron hand. Kriss moaned at the rough treatment and closed his eyes when Colin's fingers slid into his arsecrack and tried to enter him opened with one finger. "You are tight, Bro. Didn't my dad�" Colin's finger entered Kriss as far as the first knuckle. "No, no, Colin, please don't. I'm a virgin." Kriss' face was red from embarassment. "I've never had a cock up there. And your Dad, he's so gentle, he's so nice. He gave me a massage and played with me, but�he just fondled me! I've never been in bed with a real man before, a naked man, a dream, ahhh!" Kriss shivered at the treatment. "Did you suck him then? He has a dream of a cock!" Colin let his little stiffy touch the boy's wet cock. "I asked him� I wanted to... very much. But he said he wanted to wait for you and Olav, and�" Kriss stumbled and Colin wasn't quite sure if the boy told him the truth. "You want to fuck me, Kriss? I would love to feel that man-cock of yours all the way inside me. Olav told me how hot you are!" Colin gave Kriss his lips and the youngster returned with a deep and hard tongue-kiss. "I was afraid you would never ask. I have been horny thinking of you since I saw you this morning. You want me now?" Kriss gave Colin another deep kiss. "Aye, let's find the sofa-bed, I want to ride that monster!" Colin gently hit the erect cock with an open hand. Again Kriss moaned. The room was completely dark and Colin heard his father's deep sleep, while Olav, who often moved a lot while sleeping, grunted from time to time. Colin opened the curtain for a stream of street light. He pushed Kriss down on the narrow bed. In the sparse light, he studied the huge cock pointing upwards from the almost hair-free body. He knelt beside the boy and started his play. He kissed the cockhead and licked the glans. A drop of pre-cum dripped from the piss-slit and Colin caught it with the tip of his tongue. "Good, good!" Colin licked his lips before he started the treatment on the young but man-size cock. Slowly he took the quite thick cock inside and coughed, and coughed. He bent his neck a bit and went on. Colin knew that Olav was a better cocksucker, but he wanted to show the Norwegian his sucking skills. If the light had been better, Kriss would have seen that tears dripped from Colin's eyes, and slimy spit dripped from his red lips. But Colin had taken the cock, all the way, and even made some sucking movements. "Aye, aye, damn, damn!" Kriss almost lifted his hips, and Colin had to let the cock go. With the back of his hand, he wiped his eyes dry and then went back to the cock - taking it only half-way this time. Kriss started to mouth-fuck and he was reaching the edge when Colin pinched his balls with his fingernails. Kriss stifled a cry with a hand over his mouth. "Don't cum, I will ride you. Please open me!" Colin climbed onto the bed and placed himself in a position that left his arsecrack ready to be rimmed. Kriss wasn't perfect, but he did what he could to open Colin for his cock. "Just wait, Bro. I have what we need." Colin found the lube in his rucksack. With a large amount of gel, he lubed Kriss' cock and then placed some gel inside his own boy-cunt. Going down on his elbows and knees, he said, "Finger-fuck me, Kriss. Open me up for your monster." Kriss followed the guidance and Colin was ready. He turned to face his new friend and asked him to lie flat. Colin then straddled Kriss, with one knee on each side of torso, and looked at the waiting tool. He used both hands to spread his buttocks and lowered his body to meet the shining wet glans. Without a sound, except Kriss' whining, Colin lowered himself onto the rock-hard cock in a single downward thrust. Now he had a new huge cock all inside, and he loved the sudden pain that very quickly changed to an almost electric stimulation. "Now, my straight fellow, fuck me from below. Show me your skills. Fuck me until I shoot my load. Close your eyes - think of your girlfriend - make her cry - make me beg for more - make me struggle - don't be nice - be a man - a man. I love your cock - love it - fuck me - fuck, aye, aye, come on, cock on - you do better, don't be slow�" Colin murmured. "But I'm, I'm!" Kriss lifted his hips from the sofa and hit Colin deep inside again and again. "Wait, wait, wait for me!" Colin used his arse-muscles and squeezed the cock inside him. The two youngsters managed a simultaneous orgasm in their first fuck. Colin shot his load hands-free all around. Some hit Kriss' face and some hit his naked torso, but most of the spunk landed on the floor and on the mirror behind the bed. At the same time Kriss' emptied his boy-cream inside Colin's body. He could feel the pumping, his balls worked hard, and so did his hips. Colin let his body fall forward and kissed the drenched youngster. He licked some of his own spunk from Kriss' face and body, and fed him in a white kiss. Kriss had probably seen some dirty porn and he made snowballs with the boy-cream. "Let me taste your white cream!" Colin lifted his butt and the cum dripped down on the boy's still stiff cock. Then Colin turned around and cleaned the slimy cock all the way and gave Kriss' back some of his own spunk. Colin was also into snowballing. It wasn't that long since he was a high school kid - when snowballing was the most kinky thing he could dream of! *** Bill and Colin were still in bed. Olav and Kriss had left to join the group on the fishing-boat. From outside there was a lot of noise, a lot of singing and marching. There were drums and rousing music. Bill got up, opened the door to the small balcony and had a magnificent view of the main street, a main street filled with a morning procession. The chosen Viking leader for the day, the so-called Guizer Jarl, led the procession in a Viking outfit, with helmet, shield and axe. Behind him was the Jarl Squad, also dressed up in Viking outfits. "There must be hundreds of them!" Colin said when looked out. He was back from a trip to the bathroom and was dressed in his woollen outfit. "And that boat is a beauty. It's a replica of a Viking ship, given a different name each year," Colin went on. "Who builds these ships?" Bill asked. "Nowadays it's volunteers," Colin answered. "They start the job in early October." "In a way it is a shame that the beautiful ship will be burned tonight, but it's the tradition, I understand!" Bill's voice was drowned out by the singing squad. "Aye, started in 1889, but you see, Dad, when a Viking dies in battle he goes to Valhalla - the Viking heaven - and so will the ship. And next day the warriors who died will be alive and back in battle! See?" Colin pinched Bill's butt. "Just wait until tonight, you will see a show more exotic than any Latin America carnival. But just now I could eat a horse, Dad. Please get dressed and come downstairs for breakfast with me. I have a plan for the two of us, but we will be back in good time for the finale." *** "Olav and Kriss will go with the professor today and I have the full day off." Colin ended his big Scottish breakfast at the hotel with a Norwegian name. "We'll pick up a rental car just down the street. I want to show you Shetland." "Great, son!" Bill said. "I thought you would be exhausted after your performance during the night." "Performance?" Colin tried to sound innocent. "It was damn dark, and�" "Stop swearing, son. It was light enough for the mirror show. Kriss could easily be a porn star. Better not tell Reynard!" Bill grinned. "And you didn't play last night - a real big one, wasn't it?" "He was really hot, and that monster-cock! He's a stallion like you." Colin cupped his own small bulge. "So you envy Olav now," Bill suggested. "No, Dad. I'm pleased for Olav. Kriss will teach him some skills too. And I have you Dad, my own stallion - and Kenny - he's the hottest roommate you could ever think of. But I don't understand why you didn't offer Kriss a fuck yesterday. You weren't that seasick, eh?" Colin pinched Bill's buttocks. "How did you manage to change the weather from yesterday's storm and snow, to the beautiful sunshine today?" Bill changed the subject. He was looking for outdoor clothes in his bag. "Dress so that you're prepared for bad weather, Daddy. It changes often up here. You never know how next hour will be, especially in winter!" Colin had put on his woollen sweater and put some waterproof clothes in a rucksack. "I asked the hotel for a picnic basket," Colin said. "And a thermos flask with hot tea. Could be nice to be out all day! We will meet the whole group for a pre-Viking drink before we take part in the procession. I have some tickets. Up Helly Aa - end of fiesta season." Colin was one big smile. "So, in a way Christmas ends now." Bill struggled to pack his rucksack. "No, no, not Christmas. J�l ends now, or Yule in English - the Midwinter festival celebrated by the Norse, long before Christianisation of the Nordic countries." Colin looked at Bill as if he was surprised. Then he saw that Bill was teasing him. He knew the story about the `Up Helly Aa' even if he hadn't been up here before. "I tried to explain this to an American tourist on the boat yesterday so I made it very simple - `Up' is `end' - can't be that difficult. And `Helly' is of course `holiday' or `holy day' � true, professor?" Bill smiled brightly. "And when locals here in Shetland say `aa' they mean `all'," Colin continued. "So everybody is told to stop the fiesta, right?" "But I still think it is a strange to burn a Viking ship to end the party." Bill put on his winter shoes and was ready for a day out with Colin - just the two of them away from noisy Lerwick. "Why are you smiling, Daddy?" Colin looked at Bill who waited while he tried to cover his curly dark hair in a home-knitted woollen hat that Olav had brought him. "I was thinking about the tiny chilled lad I found in a bus shelter almost seven years ago, and I think about what he is today." Bill helped Colin to fix his wild hair. "You mean I'm hotter in bed?" Colin grinned. He was not in a serious mode just now. "No, no, you can't be hotter than what you were the first night in my arms, but I'm so proud of you, Colin. I don't think I have told you that lately." Bill hugged Colin tight. "Thanks, Dad. You are my man, and will always be, but now we have to decide - culture and sightseeing in Shetland, or a wild day in bed?" Colin lifted his rucksack. "Is there a possibility to combine the two?" Bill grinned. "I understand you haven't had your morning fuck for some days, eh? I'll see what I can do. Come on now. I'm sweating here in this outfit." Colin almost pushed Bill out of the room. Colin felt very comfortable when he drove the car out of the town. He loved the feeling of freedom and he was very happy for his `father's' company. "We make our first stop in Scalloway, the old capital of Shetland." Colin turned west just outside Lerwick. "I want to show you that the connection between Shetland and Norway is much more than the `romantic' Viking stories. It's a shame that we didn't hear much about the `Shetland Bus' operations during World War II in school. The war histories up here were probably not heroic enough, but a lot of men in their small fishing boats, even smaller than the boat that arrived yesterday, played an important role in the Norwegian resistance movement in the last war." Bill understood that Colin was emotionally involved. "Look at this memorial, Dad!" Bill and Colin were inside the Scalloway Museum. "A memorial about the extremely dangerous missions in rough seas and harsh weather." Bill looked at his son who, with great affection, managed to paint the story. "Count the stones, Dad. Stones taken from the places where each of the 44 crewmen who died on the Shetland Bus missions came from. Young men, fathers and sons. Could have one of us, Dad. They fought for their country." Colin suddenly found Bill's hand. With the other hand he cleaned his eyes. Bill squeezed the hand, and said nothing. He understood that the visit up here was very important for his young son. History for him was more than just something to be read in books. "Great weather!" Colin changed the subject. "I know what I will show you next, Dad. Something quite different from war history. Let's drive south and I will show you something very special. After half an hour Colin found a parking spot beside the main road. "Let's bring our picnic. It'll be nice to eat out here." Colin headed uphill in front of Bill and stopped with a fantastic view down below. From the green hillside they could see an island, but in front of them was a causeway of white sand. "St. Ninian's Isle, great in the sunshine, isn't it? But we can still hear the sound from the waves." Colin found a path downhill. "And the sand is interesting, a causeway connecting the isle to the mainland," Bill added. "Which you can cross when low-tide," said Colin. "In bad weather or high-tide, you can't!" "Do you know what it's called, professor?" Bill asked. Colin shook his head. "Didn't know it had a special name." Colin stopped. They had reached the white sand with sea on either side. "Tombolo!" Bill proclaimed. It wasn't often he could beat the linguistic student. "Latin!" Colin stopped and took off his shoes. "Sand dune, of course." "When did we climb sand-dunes last time, Daddy? Many years ago, I was naked and you were almost naked as well, and I went into the dunes and�" Colin was suddenly running around like a young kid. "I remember, the Dunas of Maspalomas in Gran Canaria. Quite different from Shetland!" Bill was not sure about following Colin's example, but he took off his shoes and went barefoot into the cold white sand. The two were all alone in the great landscape. "I love the sand and I love the sunshine!" Colin went to the top of the ridge. Without hesitation he stripped his upper body of sweater, shirt and t-shirt. Soon afterwards he turned around and pulled off his jeans and underwear. But for the woollen hat, he was completely naked. Bill rolled his eyes. Just now his young professor showed a side far from his normal academic attitude. He ran in front of his daddy across the sand and placed himself on a small cliff at the other side. Bill slowly followed the footprints in the white sand. He wasn't as fast as Colin and he carried both rucksacks as well as Colin's clothes after the stripping event. Turning around the first cliff, he found Colin standing on a high rock like a statue. In the sunshine the fair body looked like a marble piece of art. Bill stopped and found his camera. With joy he took pictures of the boy from different angles. "How come you have a hard-on, son? It's cold out here. Even though there is sunshine, it's the middle of winter." Bill put down his camera. "Because I have some dirty intentions, very dirty! I want you to fuck me, Dad. Fuck me out here with the landscape as the only witness. Let's be a bit crazy, eh?" Colin jumped down from the rock and put his arms around Bill who said nothing, but felt the tingling in his own lower body. "Why always be reserved and responsible?" Bill asked himself. He groped his crotch and felt his tool stiffening. He had missed his morning sex and now his own young sexual athlete was inviting him. Colin knelt on the white sand and unzipped Bill's trousers. With a very direct movement, he pulled down the underwear and freed the cock he loved. No doubt his dad was ready for sex. Colin licked the glans and pulled back the foreskin before he started to suck the big cock. With one hand he cupped the heavy balls which hadn't fathered him, but given him a lot of manly energy over the years. Colin hummed and did what he could to take all 24 cm (9.5 inches) into his mouth and throat. A bit tougher than his normal style, Bill locked Colin's head with both hands on the woollen cap. Colin tried to get free, but Bill didn't let him. Tears and spit dripped when Bill, after a while, eased the pressure of his hands and started to mouth-fuck the youngster. "Now, let me!" Two strong hands lifted Colin back onto the rock and without any explanation took Colin's little stiffy into his mouth and sucked him with great passion. A short time later, he also managed to get parts of Colin's cute balls into his open mouth. The horny youngster whined and yelled. There was no-one around to hear. There was only the wind, the sun and the lonely landscape. Colin twisted his body which was being rather brutally treated by the man he loved. "Please, Dad. Please, I'm, I'm�ah!" Colin was already reaching a climax. "You wait, baby boy, you wait! You asked for cock, eh?" Bill squeezed the ball sack. Again Colin yelled, this time in real pain, and managed to stop the coming ejaculation. "As a former scout, I guess you came prepared for an outdoor adventure." Bill opened Colin's rucksack and found a First Aid box. "Old-fashioned Vaseline will do," he said when he looked inside. He smiled and went on. "Turn around, hands on the rock and spread your legs. Let me take another picture for the record of this trip." He used the camera for a set of pictures of the boy showing off his inviting butt, even spreading the buttocks wider to let the hairless entrance shine in the cold sunshine. The winter temperature made the skin look like fragile paper, but when Bill, without warning, used an open hand to spank the round globes, the colour soon changed to light pink. Colin howled in protest and Bill accepted the request for gentler treatment. For the next few minutes, Colin was worked on by Bill's lips and tongue. When Bill made fucking movements with a stiff tongue inside the boy-cunt, Colin purred like a cat. Bill then spread a large amount of Vaseline onto the boy's love-entrance and used two fingers to push some inside. Colin moaned and locked up. "Don't act like a schoolgirl!" Bill almost shouted. "I didn't know you had experience of schoolgirls, Dad. Your fingers are cold. Please!" Colin lifted his butt even more, like an invitation. Bill used his fingers to fuck Colin and open him up for cock. Some Vaseline on the cockhead helped Bill break through his boy's sphincter. Another yell was heard and Bill stopped. "You okay, son?" Bill had his hands on Colin's hips. "Go on, Daddy. I just called for the Gods. They must be out here, I think. Shag me, Dad. Make me cum, make me sacrifice on this rock with my seed!" Colin wiggled his butt. Bill went slowly, but very direct, all the way into his young lover. The rock-hard, larger than average man-cock entered the young body as many times before. Again Colin tried to prolong his orgasm, but Bill stopped and rotated. He found the prostate. He went slow and then hard, and then even harder. "Yes, yes, Dad, please, please, I'm cumming, cumming, cumming!" Colin shouted as the first shots of boy-milk flew into the air. Spots of boy-milk dripped down into the sand. "Take me now, take me, my slutty baby!" Bill pulled out, turned Colin around and forced him down. After some hard wanks he pointed his glistening slimy cock toward Colin's face. With an open mouth and closed eyes, Colin received Bill's white load. Bill's bear-like roar was heard in the landscape when he drenched Colin's face in the fastest cumming the grownup man had had for ages. "Let me take a photo before you clean up!" Bill found the camera again. "Maybe not for your academic paper, but a very hot memory from the beautiful landscape out here!" Bill grinned and shot a lot of pictures while Colin tried to lick the spunk dripping down into his mouth. "Did you enjoy the sightseeing, sir?" Colin grinned when the two were back at the car some hours later. They had found a nice sheltered spot for their picnic and even had a nice rest after their very special performance. "I loved your uniform, especially the hat!" Bill grinned. "Are you ready for another history lesson?" Colin asked. "Or perhaps you would like a rest before meeting Olav and Kriss for the Viking party tonight." Colin put a hand on Bill's upper leg. "I guess you plan to make the next stop a bit less active!" Bill sighed. "Long time since you were on a student expedition, Dad. The Professor told me that he had brought some pills just in case." Colin grinned and put the car into gear. "No need for pills when you're around, Colin. I have no time to grow old, you know." Bill gave Colin a warm smile. "Better stay in shape. You have invited Kriss to visit us remember, and he's a damn hot top. You better ask Chit to work on your bottoming skills. And Kasim will be around for Easter in Paris. Remember last time in France? You couldn't sit for a week!" Colin set off for the main road south. "The whole group seems to be here. That was not part of the programme." Colin parked the car outside the entrance to the historic Jarlshof. "The Norwegians leave for Orkney tomorrow morning," Professor Sverrisson announced when he met Colin by the gate. "The weather is forecast to grow worse in the coming days. But I wanted everyone to see Jarlshof so that's why we are here now. You will make the introduction, Colin?" The professor followed Colin up to a sort of bridge where it is possible to see the whole of the area below. "Welcome to Jarlshof, one of the most fascinating archaeological sites in Shetland! Here, at the southern tip of Mainland, you'll have the opportunity to explore over 4,000 years of history in one place. Jarlshof reveals traces of human settlement from the Stone Age to the Middle Ages, including houses, pits, and artefacts that provide an insight into how people lived and adapted to their surroundings over the centuries." Colin looked around. The student group had obviously been partying late the night before. "I'd better make this short," he thought. "We will divide into two groups. Olav, I hope he's around, will take one group. I'll take the second. Olav knows all about the Stone Age remains out here, and I'll tell you about the Norse settlement." Colin paused and found some active eyes. "Are there any questions?" he continued. "Is the Norse settlement from the Viking age?" A student from Bergen asked. "Yes, the Norse settlement is from the Viking Age. The site includes remains from various periods of occupation, but it is particularly notable for its well-preserved Norse longhouses, which date back to the Viking Age, around the 9th to 14th centuries." Colin pointed. "We'll change groups after 45 minutes!" Colin whispered to Olav who was then by his side. "I think these guys are in need for some rest before the party tonight." *** In a way the whole town of Lerwick waited for the sunset. All the streetlights had been switched off and it was really dark when the first flaming torches were seen. More than 1000 torches are used during the festival. The day before Up Helly Aa all of these torches are soaked in fuel to ensure they burn well. It was a windy night with fire, different smells and music, and all the local songs. "In distant lands, their raven-flag flew like a blazing star; And foreign foremen, trembling, heard their battle-cry afar; And they thundered o'er the quaking earth, those mighty men of war; The waves are rolling on!" Both Colin and Olav knew some of the lyrics and the last line was known and sung by hundreds. Now the two were standing watching with their arms around each other. Nobody cared about the two piss-brothers tonight. Bill and Kriss had left - they had tickets as guests. When they passed Colin and Olav in the street, Bill had an arm inside Kriss' woolly outfit. A bit jealous at that sight, Colin turned to Olav and kissed him deep and tenderly. The nine metres long ship, with a top mast of 6 metres and a painted dragon head was to be sent to Valhalla. The two young lovers were among the huge crowd when the ship was set on fire. The bonfire, the drums, the music and the songs filled the dark night. Afterwards the public tried to find a restaurant, a bar, or a tent, to eat and drink, and drink more. "It's really a fiesta up north!" Colin sent a photo to Kenny as he had promised. It was just after midnight when Olav and Colin found Kriss in the third bar. "Have you seen my dad, Kriss?" Colin asked. "I think he is partying with Professor Sverrisson!" Kriss answered. "They both seemed rather� well done!" He grinned. "I thought he was to shag you tonight, Kriss. He looked as if he had a hand almost inside your pants last time I saw you." Colin put an arm around the Bergen lad. "I lost him when the party-run started." Kriss smiled. "You want another drink? They serve free Norwegian brandy, Aquavit, in the tent." "I think I'll go back to the hotel. Honestly I have had a drink or two too much, and I'm damn horny. Why don't you follow me for a threesome? It would be hot with two bottoms and a horny Norwegian top." Colin squeezed Kriss' bulge. The boy did nothing to stop him. With joy and lots of noise, the three went back to the hotel. No room key was in the reception. "Bill must be back already," Olav said a bit worried. Maybe the set-up arranged by Colin would have to be cancelled. "I was afraid you had forgotten your old man!" Bill grinned from the only chair in the room. He had a half glass of whisky on the sideboard. Colin could tell that his slow drinking dad was in good shape, and not at all drunk. "Stand over there, all of you!" Bill pointed out. "And strip, every single piece of clothing, even the hats!" He smiled. Colin was naked in a hurry and Olav followed. Kriss hesitated, but had some help from the other two. "Hands behind your necks!" Bill commanded. "Turn around. "Show me the goodies this hot Viking-night." Colin was rock-hard, displaying a promising erection. Olav was just as stiff. They were both dripping and small-cocked, but Olav showed his wet glans, while Colin still had some of his foreskin covering his cockhead. Kriss was not hard yet, just half, but his cock was double or almost triple in size compared with the piss-brothers. "Over here, Kriss," Bill's voice was a bit loud. He bent forward and took Kriss' cock in his mouth and gave him a good suck to bring him fully erect. "Now I see you are ready, all three of you." He looked at the Bergen lad's super-erection, pointing upwards to the right and shaking. Bill looked at his watch. "I will give you ten minutes in the bathroom and then I want you back on the bed, clean and horny. No sucking, no wanking, okay? Go on!" Bill stood up and opened his dressing gown. He was naked underneath and his larger than average manhood was ready for action. Colin was the first to return. "Kneel on the floor! Upper body on the bed. Spread your legs, more! And open your pussy - use your hands!" Olav was next. "Do like Colin, Olav!" Bill's voice was milder when he commanded Olav. Kriss was back too with a towel around his hips. But his erection was obvious. "Prepare the boys for me, Kriss!" He handed the boy a tube of KY jelly. "Use your tongue and your lips, and your cock. I want to see you fuck them!" The lad hesitated, but Colin turned his head. "Go on, Kriss. It will be a night for your diary!" Kriss licked the boy-cunts, greased up his fingers and finger-fucked them. Then he looked at Bill who nodded. `Fuck the brains out of them. They are waiting for you!" Bill grinned. Kriss did a good job. From time to time he looked at Bill who played with his own huge weapon. Olav was the first to cum. Boy-milk spread over the black oak floor. Colin was the next. With a moan he emptied himself beside his Bergen mate. "Stay where you are!" Bill's voice was very direct. "Grease up my cock, Kriss, please." The boy used both hands on the huge cock. "Please wait, you will get your reward soon!" Bill placed Kriss in the chair before he, without any more preparation, gave Colin his cock all the way. Colin took it without a sound. Minutes later Bill penetrated his Bergen friend, more carefully, but all the way. Olav moaned, but soon after he turned to his adult friend. "I'm no princess, Bill. Do me as you do Colin, go on please!" After some minutes Colin sensed that Bill was reaching a climax. He stood up and Bill looked a bit frustrated. "Take a break, Bro!" He pulled Olav up from the bed as well. "Lie down, Dad. The same position we were in. Go on, no hesitation!" He pushed Bill down on the bed. Then he looked at Kriss. "Grease up that beauty and be ready. Olav and I will open this sexy man for you!" Bill did as he was told and Colin first, then Olav, rimmed Bill until he begged for more. "Fuck him, Kriss. Do him good, let him remember his days as a horny young bottom." Kriss did not hesitate this time, and his long cock did a good job. Colin and Olav climbed onto the bed and knelt in front of Bill. He managed to give them full support with a very active mouth. Over the next half hour four men delivered spunk as a hot ending at the `Up Helly Aa' festival. Kriss filled up Bill with his young seed and both Colin and Olav fed Bill with their second loads. And Bill - he had to admit that he had cum first when Olav and Colin had rimmed him, and then again when Kriss had cum deep inside him. When the three youngsters got together to clean his cock with hot tongues and lips, Bill was still rock-hard. The sixty year old man had visited Shetland for the first time and enjoyed it. To be continued.
Date: Sat, 14 May 2022 10:41:34 +0100 From: Bill Jonners Subject: Colin - Student and Model 51 Can you imagine life without Nifty? Please show your support with contributions to keep the Archive online. You can find out how at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html This story is written by me and my Norwegian friend, Fred. It is completely fictional. It contains descriptions of sexual interactions and BDSM activities between a young man (19 when the story begins) and older men. We would love to hear from you if you are enjoying this story. I will reply to all emails sent to [email protected] Bill COLIN - STUDENT AND MODEL Chapter 51 (France - Kasim and Reynard - Castro - Kenny) Colin was excited as looked out of the window of the high speed train heading south-east from Paris. It was the first of June and he and Bill were on their way to start the summer at Reynard's estate. He had enjoyed the end of university year parties and a few days at home but now he was on holiday. "I always love coming to France," he said, not for the first time. "I do too," said Bill. "I enjoyed our brief stay in Paris but now we can really relax." "I'm looking forward to seeing Kasim too. He will meet us at the station, won't he?" Colin said hopefully. "Yes, he'll be there," smiled Bill. "Reynard confirmed that this morning." He looked down at the tent in Colin's shorts. "It's obvious you're thinking of him. Try not to leak too much and create a visible damp patch." Colin grinned and adjusted himself. "Sorry, Dad. He really turns me on. Almost as much as you." Bill laughed. "I'm sure you will get plenty of opportunities to play with him." A short time later Colin was being swept up into Kasim's arms and lifted off the concourse of Lyon Part-Dieu station. "I've missed you," he said before giving the man a big kiss. Kasim returned the kiss and patted Colin's bum before lowering him to the ground. "Good to see you too, Bill," he said as the two men hugged. "Follow me to the car." Kasim picked up the two largest suitcases. "Reynard is desperate to meet you. Have you eaten?" "Yes. We had lunch on the train," replied Bill. Colin sat in the front of the car with a hand on Kasim's thigh. They caught up on each other's news as they drove to Reynard's estate, which incorporated a vineyard and a farm. Reynard had a huge smile on his face as he greeted his guests. Colin had his butt caressed while he received kisses on both cheeks. Bill received only the kisses. Then Pierre, Reynard's personal assistant and sometimes sex-slave appeared and Colin rushed to hug and kiss him. Reynard looked on in amusement and then called on Pierre to bring champagne. "We must celebrate the arrival of our very special guests," he said. Colin wanted sun on his body and he removed his short-sleeved shirt while the champagne was poured. Reynard smiled and said, "It really is wonderful to see you again, Colin." "It's wonderful to be back here with you, my friend," responded Colin. Reynard lifted his glass and toasted the new arrivals. "Welcome, my friends. I'm very happy to have you as my guests once more." "Put some sunblock on, Colin. The sun is stronger than you have been used to," said Bill, acting as the concerned father. "Yeah, okay. It's in my hand luggage," Colin said as he headed indoors for the sunblock. "I hope I can get a tan before I start the modelling tour for JustColin." "You will be looking forward to seeing inside your new house," Reynard said to Bill while they were waiting on Colin. "I'll take you down there shortly. I hope you're happy to stay here until it's ready to move on." "Colin and I always love staying with you," said Bill. "As I said when I phoned you on my birthday, the house was a wonderful gift. You're really too generous." "I have no children or other family members," Reynard stated. "By giving you the house by the forest, I know you and Colin will visit regularly. I am the winner." "What did you win?" Colin heard only the last part of the conversation. "Apart from the chance to rub sunblock on my chest and back?" "The pleasure of your company, dearest Colin." Reynard accepted the sunblock and happily applied it to Colin's upper body. An hour or so later they went to visit Colin and Bill's new house. It was only a few hundred metres from Reynard's mansion house but, as Colin had remarked in the past, it was like being in another world. No other buildings could be seen from the house and the only way in was a rough track, or by foot over the small hill which hid Reynard's mansion. "Wow!" Colin was impressed when he stepped inside. "It looks so different from what I remember." They were standing in a large open-plan living area with a kitchen off to the side. "I added an extension to enlarge this room and create a proper bathroom," explained Reynard. Colin recalled the wooden tub and the primitive outdoor shower used by Castro. They checked out the bathroom and the bedroom. "It's a perfect holiday home. Thanks again, Monsieur Reynard." Colin hugged and then kissed the Frenchman on the cheek. "I'm pleased you like it," smiled Reynard. "It's unfurnished but I thought it best to let you choose things that suit your own tastes. Pierre can advise of places where you can buy furniture. Now let's go outside." He led them to the rear where the old stable had been converted into a garage, complete with log panels on the outside walls to match the house. Inside the garage was an electric all-terrain vehicle of the type Bill had driven on previous visits to the estate. "That comes with the house. You'll need something to fetch groceries and other items from the village, or even just to visit me if you're not in the mood to walk," Reynard told them. "You're too generous!" Colin had tears in his eyes when he hugged Reynard. "It really is a marvellous house," said Bill. "We'll never be able to thank you enough." "Seeing you two happy makes me happy," responded Reynard. Colin spotted the old wooden tub in a corner of the garage. "I see that you have kept Castro's old bath," he said. "Yes, I thought you might enjoy using that occasionally," smiled Reynard. "For some `watersports' fun with Bill as well as for having an outdoor bath on warm, sunny days. I kept the old outdoor shower too but I haven't yet got new screens for it." "I don't think we need screens," said Bill. "We're not likely to get unexpected guests here." Colin smiled when he saw the old wooden pillory outside the garage. It brought back memories of games with Castro. "You remember that, Colin?" Reynard asked. "My builder was going to remove it but I thought you and Bill might have some fun using it." "Yes, I remember being locked up in that," replied Colin. "Maybe Dad and I can put on a show for you one evening with me in the pillory." "That would be lovely to see," smiled Reynard. "Now we should return home. Dinner will be ready soon. *** They were chatting on the terrace after dinner, with Reynard keeping on eye on Colin. Colin took part in the conversation but Reynard noticed him touching Kasim now and again. Colin was still topless and Reynard couldn't help looking at the erect nipples and the tenting in Colin's shorts. "It is obvious that Kasim still turns you on," Reynard remarked during a lull in the conversation. "You don't think he's too old now that he is fifty?" "Of course not," smiled Colin. "Age is just a number. I love Dad who is ten years older than Kasim." "I think you might love Kasim's bigger cock more," said Bill. Colin laughed. "You know that's not true, Dad. You will always be my number one�even if Kasim's beautiful cock gets me excited every time I see it." "It is a pity that Kasim has retired from porn but he's an excellent assistant and I'd be lost without him," said Reynard. "Yeah. I loved having Kasim as my stage partner," smiled Colin. "Castro was good and the audience reaction to seeing me take his huge cock was always amazing. However I never felt the same connection with Castro on stage that I had with Kasim. Or have quite the same trust when he used the whip." "Does that mean you don't want sex with Castro this summer?" Bill asked. Colin grinned. "Of course not! I will be visiting him tomorrow when he returns from the agricultural show up north. I have stopped doing private shows but that doesn't mean I'm going to say no to sex with Castro occasionally. You can all watch if you like." Kasim smiled. "You love having a big audience. Will the three of us be enough to get you really excited?" "Maybe not but I will still enjoy it," smiled Colin. "How do you feel about doing private shows without the bdsm element?" Reynard asked Colin. Colin rubbed his chin as he considered the idea. "That might be fun but will there will be less demand for a simple sex show? It's easy to get explicit gay porn videos for very small sums." "You might find some guys willing to pay to see the famous "JustColin" sucking cock and being fucked," stated Bill. "That is exactly the market I was thinking of," said Reynard. "Your fan mail shows that there are a lot of mature men out there lusting after you." "You have seen some of the fan mail?" Colin asked. "I thought Klaus Seiger and his team sent it all to me." Reynard nodded. "Nearly all of it is sent to you after a standard acknowledgment has been issued but, with Bill's agreement, it is reviewed and certain ones are held back. We didn't think you'd want to see the ones from girls sending revealing photos of themselves or the ones which include their knickers." Colin screwed up his face. "You're right! I wouldn't want to see them." Reynard went on. "I know you won't have time to read them all but you will have seen some from both males and females asking for nude photos." Colin nodded. "There are other, shall we say more sensitive, letters that are sent to Bill as your manager," said Reynard. "Klaus has sent me copies of some of these letters and they are�interesting." Colin frowned and turned to Bill. "Why have you not shown any of these letters to me?" "I thought that they would distract you too much from your studies and might even tempt you to meet some of those men," explained Bill. "I decided to wait until the long summer break and let you read them with me then." "So what makes these letters `sensitive'?" Colin asked. "They come from adult males asking to meet you. Many of them enclose photos of themselves. Some ask for nude photos, and some go into explicit details about sexual fantasies involving you." "They probably would make me horny," grinned Colin. "Klaus and I enjoy reading them," Reynard admitted with a little smile. "He and I have been friends for many years." "Okay, I accept that there are a lot of men who would love to see me naked," said Colin. "However that doesn't mean they would pay to attend a private sex show." "I disagree. Many have offered to pay for nude photos, and larger amounts if you are erect and displaying all your private parts. I bet some of them would love to see you in live sex action." "They wouldn't pay as much as the bdsm fans," stated Bill. "Fans of the famous JustColin might," responded Reynard. "They will have their own fantasies about the boy they have been seeing nearly naked for some months. And with no bdsm action, you would be under a lot less pressure and could perhaps take part in shows for two or even three nights in a row." "Being fucked in front of an audience on three consecutive nights would be hot," smiled Colin. "I checked out some of the men who are keen to meet you and there are number of wealthy men among them. They come from as far away as the United States," said Reynard. Bill was puzzled. "But JustColin products aren't sold in the States." "Men living there can easily find photos and video clips of JustColin online," said Reynard. "I can assure you, Colin, that you are famous amongst admirers of sexy young men over there." "It might be fun but I don't want to go the USA just for sex shows," said Colin. "We would probably only have shows in Europe," responded Reynard. "You have many more European fans but I'm sure some of the richer Americans would be willing to come here for something so special." Colin was silent for a few moments and then he turned to Kasim. "Would you be my partner if I agree to do this?" "I don't know. Perhaps your audience would prefer to see you with another young guy," Kasim replied. "Some might but I imagine that there are more who dream about making love to Colin and would be happy to see him paired with someone close to their own age," said Reynard. "Okay. I could be tempted if it's with Kasim," said Colin. "Maybe you need to do more research and establish whether there is any real demand for Colin to take part in a sex show before any decisions are taken," suggested Bill. "Yes, that's a good idea," smiled Colin. "What about the guys who bought my porn videos? Maybe the ones who were keen enough to buy all of them would pay to see a live performance." "I will carry out some discreet enquiries very soon," responded Reynard. "If you don't mind, I need to make myself comfortable after all this talk about being naked and having sex in front of strangers." Colin quickly removed his shorts and briefs to sit with his legs apart and his rock-hard, dripping cock on display. "What a beautiful sight," sighed Reynard. "I never tire of seeing you naked." Colin slid lower in the chair and put his legs over the arms. In that position his arse crack was spread and his puckered hole was visible to Kasim sitting directly opposite. "Am I turning you on, Kasim?" Colin asked. "Would you like to fuck me or have me suck your cock in front of Bill and Reynard?" "I don't like having to choose only one thing," smiled Kasim. "Supposing I want to fuck you after you have sucked my cock?" "I would say�" Colin paused and then smiled. "Yes, please!" "Then come over here and get started," Kasim said. Colin moved onto the ground and crawled over to the horny Arab. Bill and Reynard smiled at each other, thrilled at having a front row seat at a very special private show. Bill adored Colin but he couldn't explain why he enjoyed seeing other men have sex with him. Colin nuzzled Kasim's cloth-covered cock and then helped him out of the baggy shorts he was wearing. He was delighted to see that Kasim wasn't wearing underwear because that meant he could get to his cock quicker. Kasim's cock was already semi-erect and Colin wasted no time in kissing and licking it, desperate to see it become fully erect. His left hand cupped the large hairy balls while the fingers of his left hand run toyed with the thick bush of dark pubic hair. Colin wondered whether he should keep his own pubes trimmed or have them removed altogether for greater contrast if they went ahead with more private shows. When Kasim's cock was fully erect, Colin took it out of his mouth and sat back to admire it. He held it upright with two fingers and gazed lovingly at the thick 26 cm (just over 10 inch) monster. He turned and smiled at his audience of two. "Isn't it a beauty?" Colin turned back to Kasim. "I think we should be side on to our audience with you standing up to give them the best view." "Whatever you say." Kasim smiled and stood up. "Suck my cock," he ordered when they were both in the position Colin wanted. Colin kissed the cockhead and then sucked the huge tool again. He struggled to take more than half inside and eventually Kasim used a hand to push Colin deeper onto his cock. There was some coughing and spluttering before Kasim pushed Colin away. Blinking away his tears, Colin turned to Bill and Reynard. "I bet that looked good. What do you think guys?" "Yeah! Guys who fantasise about dominating you will love it," replied Bill. Reynard nodded his agreement. "Okay. We will put that in the show," smiled Colin. "Should I rim you now, Kasim?" Kasim was always turned on by a rim-job from Colin so he simply turned around and stood with his legs spread wide. Colin kissed and caressed each buttock before shoving his face in the hairy arsecrack and getting to work. Kasim was soon moaning and leaking pre-cum. "I don't know which one of you is enjoying that the most," commented Bill. "Colin is leaking more than you, Kasim." "Yeah?" Kasim pulled away from Colin and turned to face him. "I think it's time I prepared you for what you really want." Colin grinned as Kasim placed him onto his back on the grass and then pulled his legs back and to the sides. "I want your cock in me, Kasim." "Be patient, boy," Kasim told him before bending down to lick the hairless arsecrack. Although Colin was now twenty, he looked much younger and Kasim still thought of him as a boy. Colin gasped when Kasim's tongue entered him and he spread his legs wider. "Yes, Kasim. Yes, open me up for your beautiful, big thick cock!" Reynard disappeared while Kasim was tongue-fucking Colin and came back moments later with a large tube of KY jelly. "We can't risk having him damage our baby boy," he whispered to Bill. Bill nodded but he couldn't take his eyes off the scene in front of him. Colin was squirming and whimpering as Kasim's tongue prepared him for what was to follow. Kasim sat and smiled at Colin. "Soon," he said as he dipped his finger in the pre-cum pooling on Colin's stomach. Then, using that as lube, he pushed the finger into Colin's hole. "Ooh, yessssss!" Colin hissed as the finger touched his prostate. He turned his head to look at Bill and smiled when he saw him playing with a very obvious erection. "Will this make an audience aroused, Dad?" "If they have blood flowing in their veins, definitely!" Bill replied. "I think you will need this," Reynard said. He tossed the KY to Kasim who had also turned to look at the pair watching. Kasim took the KY and squeezed some onto the palm of his hand. He then coated two fingers and pushed them inside Colin, who moaned in return. "More," Colin said after a few minutes. He was soon rewarded by having three fat fingers fucking his hole. "I really can't wait any longer." Kasim pulled his fingers out and quickly lubed his throbbing cock. "Ready?" he asked as he moved into position. "I'm ready! Fuck the cum out of me, Kasim," replied Colin. Colin gritted his teeth as the thick cockhead sought entry. He pushed back and then cried out as it burst through his sphincter and plunged deeper. A second hard thrust and then a slow push followed until the whole cock was deep inside Colin's arse. "Oh, I have missed this cock," Colin said. Kasim smiled and began to fuck Colin. He went slowly at first but soon got into a fast rhythm, one which had Colin moaning and leaking more pre-cum. Colin started to pinch and pull at his own erect nipples as he pushed back against each incoming thrust. "Neither are going to last long today," Bill whispered to Reynard. Reynard agreed. He loved seeing the bigger, brown-skinned Arab who had gained fame as `The Stallion from Morocco' topping the small, paler and much younger Colin. "I'm going to cum!" Colin cried out. Kasim began to fuck him harder and faster than before. "I'm�I'm cumming!" Hands-free, Colin began spunking off. Spurt after spurt of white cum flew into the air. The first went right over Colin's head, the next two landed on his face and then some landed on his chest. More cum was landing on Colin's stomach when Kasim shouted, "I'm cumming too!" The first blast went deep inside Colin's arse and then Kasim remembered that he was performing for an audience. He quickly pulled his cock of the tight hole. He sent a blast of cum onto Colin's chest before he got into the position he wanted and most of his huge load was splattered over Colin's face. Colin opened his mouth towards the end and received some cum on his tongue. Kasim finally pushed his cock into Colin's mouth and had the head sucked clean. When Kasim collapsed on his back on the grass, Colin sat up and grinned at Bill and Reynard. "Was that hot enough and messy enough to satisfy a paying audience?" "I would have preferred to see a longer fuck but, yes, that was very erotic," said Reynard. "Care to help me with a problem you created?" Bill asked as he opened his shorts and freed his cock. Colin used his fingers to wipe most of the cum from his face as he crawled towards Bill. He licked the cum from his fingers as he looked at Bill's cock. The head was wet with pre-cum and Colin licked his lips. He then opened his mouth and took the head of Bill's cock into his mouth. It didn't take much tongue action before Bill started cumming. Colin swallowed the first two blasts and then pulled away to allow Bill to fire the remainder of his load onto his face for the benefit of Reynard who wouldn't get his cock out. Colin ended up as messy as he had been a few minutes earlier. "What a wonderful start to your visit," Reynard said as he watched Colin scoop the cum from his face into his mouth. "It seems that you are quite keen to do more private shows." "I admit that I am turned on by the idea of having sex in front of an audience again," said Colin. "However I will only go ahead if we know for certain that there is a demand." "I will start my enquiries first thing tomorrow," responded Reynard. "Now I think we need a drink after that little show." "I think you need a shower more than a drink," Bill told Colin as Reynard went inside to organise drinks. "Maybe but I think I will let the remaining cum dry on my skin," smiled Colin. "I want to be really slutty while I'm here this summer." Bill laughed. "You're always slutty here." Colin just grinned. He loved the fact that Bill allowed him to do crazy things at times. *** A leisurely dinner on the terrace was followed by chat about the upcoming JustColin European tour. Colin was excited by the thought of his first visit to Stockholm but he was looking forward to visiting Italy again too. The next day Bill and Colin visited their new house again and discussed how they might furnish it. "Reynard said that Pierre will be able to recommend a furniture store," said Colin. "A big bed is the priority." "I want to get the kitchen nicely kitted out," said Bill. "I've always fancied shopping at a local market in France and then going home to cook with the wonderful fresh produce." "I guess I can look forward to more fabulous meals," smiled Colin. "I'm also looking forward to us marking this as our second home by making love with you in every room!" Bill laughed. "Why am I not surprised by that?" *** Castro was due to return around noon and Colin was looking forward to seeing him again. The Argentinian was one of the hottest studs he had ever met. The forty-something man was a well-built 190 cm (6ft 3in) tall, with broad shoulders and a smooth chest. Colin became rock-hard as he pictured Castro's massive cock. When Colin heard the sound of the Renault Alaskan pick-up truck pulling up, he rushed outside. "Chico! You are here!" Castro grinned as Colin jumped into his arms. "It's great to see you again," Colin told Castro. Then Randy, the black labrador, began barking and jumping up at Colin. Colin let himself down and patted the dog. "I've missed you too, boy." Randy, with his tail wagging furiously, pushed his snout into Colin's crotch. "Hey, don't do that!" Colin laughed as he pushed the dog away. "I guess he's found an interesting smell," said Castro. Colin grinned up at Castro. "I was stiff and leaking juice thinking about you. He must smell that." Castro pulled Colin to his feet, hugged him and then reached down and squeezed Colin's buttocks. "I hope we can have some fun while you're here." "I hope so too," smiled Colin. "I will be away for some trips but I will be around for much of the summer." "Ah! Well, I'm afraid I will only be here for another month or so," said Castro. "Apart from attending the agricultural show, I had a job interview while I was away�and I have been offered a job working with a horse breeder." "Oh, I thought you were happy here," Colin said. "I was but I miss working full-time with horses," responded Castro. "I am just about to tell Monsieur Reynard and I hope he understands." "I see. Well, I will let you carry on but I look forward to spending some time alone with you soon," said Colin. "Tomorrow, Chico. I'll make time then," Castro said. Colin watched Castro head into the house. He sighed and thought, "Well, there is a plus side to his departure. I don't have to explain to him why I want Kasim to be my partner in any future private shows." *** Late the following afternoon, Colin made his way to Castro's house. He had a tube of KY jelly in his pocket just in case Castro didn't have any lube. Bill was aware of Colin's plans but he had no objections. He was hoping to have some sexual fun with Kasim. Randy was outside Castro's house and he ran to greet Colin. Colin patted the dog, played with his ears and made a fuss of him but he was really only interested in Castro. Castro heard the noise and soon ushered Colin inside. "You look just the same," as he looked Colin up and down. "Have you even started shaving yet?" Colin smiled and rubbed his chin. "Not yet. Don't you like my smooth look?" "You know I love it," grinned Castro. "Are you smooth all over?" "Nearly." Colin smiled and whipped off his t-shirt. His shorts and low-cut briefs quickly followed so Castro was able to see that the only hair on Colin's body was a small patch of trimmed pubic hair. Of course, his attention was drawn more to the stiff boy-cock. Castro gave a sort of growl. "You are as sexy as ever." "I want to see you naked. I want to see and serve your beautiful big cock," said Colin. He stepped forward and unbuttoned the man's shirt. After pulling it off, he ran his hands over the smooth, well-defined chest. Colin then knelt down to open and pull down the trousers. Moments later he had removed Castro's boxers and was gazing at one of the biggest cocks he had ever seen. He licked his lips and then ran his fingertips over the veiny 30 cm (12 inch) cock. He grasped the thick shaft in one hand and moved the loose foreskin down a little before kissing the cockhead. Then with his other hand tugging the large balls he took the cockhead into his mouth and sucked it. Castro let out a soft moan. He looked down as Colin sucked and licked the end of his cock. He knew that Colin wasn't able to swallow much of it but it would fit in the youngster's tight arse. He allowed Colin to use his oral skills for some minutes but he was eager for a fuck. "Bend over the arm of the sofa," he said when he pulled Colin to his feet. Colin was soon lying face-down over the end of the sofa, feeling Castro's large hands caressing his buttocks. He let out a gasp when Castro gave him a sudden hard spank but then relaxed when his arse cheeks were spread and he felt a tongue licking his hairless crack. He began to whimper when the tongue poked into his hole. "Yessss," Colin hissed. "I want you to fuck me." Castro tongue-fucked Colin for a few minutes and then reached behind a cushion for the lube. Like Colin, he had prepared in advance for this moment. A large amount of clear gel was pushed into Colin's hole and then Castro finger-fucked him with one, two and finally three fingers. By this time Colin was moaning and dribbling pre-cum onto the wooden floor. Although feeling a little disappointed when the fingers were withdrawn, Colin knew that he would soon receive Castro's cock. He heard the sound of the man applying lube to his cock and then felt the cockhead pressing against his hole. He pushed back to open up and almost immediately the monster cock burst through his sphincter. Colin cried out but Castro didn't stop. He pushed forward until some 20 cm (8 inches) of thick cock was inside the tight tunnel. Castro gave another thrust and the whole of his huge cock was buried deep inside Colin. Tears came to Colin's eyes and he gritted as teeth, trying to cope with the pain. However his little cock remained rock-hard. Castro paused to allow Colin time to get used to having his cock inside him and then he began to move slowly in and out. The pain eased and Colin loved the feeling of being totally stuffed. "Yes, fuck me. I've missed this big cock," he told Castro. Castro smiled to himself and began to fuck with longer strokes. Soon he was withdrawing more than half his cock before pushing back in. Then his thrusts became faster and more forceful. Colin whimpered and dripped more pre-cum. Both of them were very worked up and they accepted that this wasn't going to be a long fuck. "I'm going�oh�oh�I can't hold back much longer," Colin cried. "I'm going to cum!" Then he groaned and began to spunk off. This took Castro over the edge. "I'm cumming too!" he cried as he sent volley after volley of man-cream deep into Colin's arse. After sucking each other's cocks clean, they cuddled naked together on the sofa. "I'll give you a longer workout next time," promised Castro. "I look forward to that," smiled Colin. They lay in silence for a few minutes and then Colin asked, "What did Monsieur Reynard say when you told him you were leaving?" "He seemed disappointed but he understood about me wanting to spend more time with horses," replied Castro. "He has asked me to help interview possible replacements." He smiled and added shortly afterwards, "He wants another gay man so that he won't be shocked by seeing you and others wandering around naked." Colin laughed. "Any new manager should be able to accept naturism without being gay." "True, but he might see you doing more than just walking around naked," smiled Castro. "The last time I went up to the big house, you were sucking Bill's cock on the terrace." Colin laughed again. "I suppose it would be best if your replacement wasn't easily shocked." Castro smiled. "Tell me about your plans for the summer." Colin told him about travelling to model the new range of swimwear and underwear but he said nothing about maybe doing more private shows. Eventually he felt that he should get back to Bill. "We'll meet again soon," he said as he kissed Castro goodbye. His thoughts turned to food and what might be on the menu for dinner as he walked back to the mansion. *** Two days later Colin was sunbathing nude by the pool while Bill, Reynard and Kasim were chatting nearby. When he turned over and revealed a very stiff cock, Bill asked, "What is turning you on, Colin? It's not our chat about the village f�te." Colin smiled and sat up. "Actually I was thinking about the new series of private shows we discussed." "You clearly like the idea of having sex in front of an audience again," smiled Reynard. Colin laughed. "I do, but we need to provide value for money. In previous shows, men got to touch me, see me being abused and then fucked hard. It was a show lasting a few hours. This time we need to offer more than seeing me naked and then getting fucked by Kasim." "You could play with a dildo. You did that in some shows," said Bill. Colin nodded. "Yes, of course, but we need more than that. Kasim suggested that some men might enjoy seeing me with another young guy. How about a young guy fucking me in the first part of the show?" "That could be very entertaining," said Reynard. "Perhaps you might be able to find someone suitable among your contacts in Marseille, Kasim." "From among those making porn videos, you mean? Yes, it's possible," responded Kasim. "I will make some enquiries if you decide to go ahead." "Actually I was thinking about Kenny as my other partner," said Colin. "Kenny? I don't think he will want to perform in front of an audience," Bill said. "Who is Kenny?" Reynard asked. "He is Colin's roommate at university. I think you have met him before," replied Bill. "Ah, yes," said Reynard. "The tall young man I met in Scotland last summer when Colin modelled in different locations for me." "Kenny has a lovely big cock, definitely porn star size," smiled Colin. "But you're right, Dad. He would need some persuasion. We talked last night on FaceTime and he was a bit depressed after a short visit to his family in America. Monsieur Reynard, could I invite him to visit us here for a week or so?" "Certainly! I am always happy to have sexy young men visit me," Reynard replied. "Great! I will phone him now." Colin rushed back to the house, leaving the three men amused. When Colin returned a short time later, he had lost his erection but he was smiling. "Kenny was very happy to be invited here and I helped him book a flight. He will be arriving the day after tomorrow." "Good! I remember him being a very handsome young man," said Reynard. "I hope to get to see him naked this time." "You will. He's not shy," smiled Colin. "He will come skinny-dipping with me if I suggest it." "I still think you will struggle to persuade him to have sex with you in front of others," said Bill. "You have watched us have sex before, Dad," Colin said. "Perhaps I can turn him on enough to fuck me while all three of you are nearby. That would be a start." Bill rolled his eyes. "Okay. You can try." *** Colin had agreed to meet Kenny at Lyon Part-Dieu station. He would be travelling there by TGV from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport and the train journey would take just over two hours. "You can take my Renault Clio if you feel confident enough in a right-hand drive car," Reynard told him. "I haven't used it a lot but it's handy for short journeys." "Thank you. I'd love to drive it and I will be very careful." Colin hugged the Frenchman. Kenny got a longer, tighter hug from Colin when they met. "Great to see you, Kiddo. I've missed you." He had a huge smile on his face as he walked with Colin to the car park. "Reynard lent me one of his cars," Colin explained. "We will be alone on the drive to his estate. Hint, hint!" Kenny laughed. "You surely aren't going without sex here in France." "No, but I love your cock, Kenny," replied Colin. Kenny smiled and went on. "I think my car is fit only for the scrap heap. It broke down again yesterday and I had to take the bus to the airport this morning. Wow! What a beautiful car." He stopped to admire Reynard's car. "Get in, Kenny. Maybe if you're nice to Reynard he will allow you to drive it while you're here." A short time later they were on their way. Kenny told Colin about having yet another argument with his mother. "I'm glad you invited me to join you and Bill. That really cheered me up." "I think you will enjoy being with my French friends too," smiled Colin. "Do you remember meeting Monsieur Reynard last summer?" "Yes, I do." Kenny smiled and added, "It was obvious that he adores you." Colin shrugged. "I can't help being irresistible." Kenny laughed. "So how many times has he fucked you?" "Only once and even then he wasn't fully hard. He has trouble getting an erection," replied Colin. "That must be awful. I hope I never get that old," said Kenny. "It's a medical condition, nothing to do with his age," Colin explained. "That's even worse. Poor guy," said Kenny. Colin nodded. "I'm going to pull onto a quiet, country road very soon. I will stop to check that you don't have any medical problems." "When did you become a doctor?" Kenny smiled but looked forward to some fun with Colin. "I'm not officially qualified but I have had some very probing medical inspections from doctors in the past," responded Colin. "I think I know what to do with you." Kenny laughed but he started to stiffen at the thought of sex with Colin. "We have just entered Reynard's property," Colin said as he turned into a road with grape vines on either side. "The house is just over a kilometre away but we'll stop here." He pulled into a passing place and stopped. "I'll fetch a blanket from the boot. You will find something useful in the glove compartment." Kenny opened the glove compartment and laughed when he saw a large tube of KY jelly. "Can't we wait until we reach the house?" he asked as he watched Colin clamber over the low wall. "No. Everyone will want to talk to you and I'm horny now," replied Colin. Kenny didn't argue. He watched Colin spread the blanket on the ground and then the pair of them stripped off. Colin didn't attempt to kiss Kenny because this was pure sex, not love-making. He knelt down and went straight for Kenny's 26 cm (10 inch) cock. He kissed the cockhead and then took it into his mouth. "I've missed this," Kenny said as he watched Colin lick and suck his cock. Colin knew that Kenny's girlfriend rarely gave him oral sex and he considered her stupid. He loved sucking on the long, thin cock. After a few minutes Kenny began to moan softly. He took hold of Colin's head and pushed his cock deeper. Colin gagged a few times and then pushed Kenny off. "Don't fuck my mouth. I have a tighter hole for you." Colin spread himself face down on the blanket and Kenny got down between his legs. Kenny ran his hands up the smooth thighs and grasped the small, well-rounded buttocks that he loved so much. He squeezed the buttocks and then pulled them apart to gaze at the pink puckered entrance he fucked on a daily basis when they were together in Glasgow. He let some saliva gather in his mouth and then dropped it into the arse crack before diving down and rimming Colin. Kenny might regard himself as straight but he loved eating out and fucking Colin's tight hole. Now Colin was the one moaning. His rock-hard cock leaked pre-cum as Kenny's tongue drove him crazy. When Kenny finally sat back, Colin didn't have to look to know that Kenny would be reaching for the lube and that he'd soon feel a greased finger probing his hole. "Oooh, yessss," Colin hissed as Kenny's finger entered him and sought out his prostate. "Aaagh, that's it!" He whimpered as Kenny prodded his love-button and opened his legs wider. "Yeah! Fuck me, Kenny. Fuck me good!" "You want my cock inside you, don't you? You love my big cock," Kenny said as he roughly finger-fucked his smaller friend. "You know I do," said Colin. "Give me your cock now, Kenny. Fuck me hard and make me cum." Kenny pulled his finger out, quickly lubed his throbbing cock and then sank it deep inside Colin in a single slow but forceful movement. Colin sighed and then smiled when he had taken the whole cock. Kenny started fucking Colin but soon paused to change position. He wanted Colin on his hands and knees. That was their favourite position for a hard, fast fuck. Kenny had his hands on Colin's hips when he resumed fucking and he was very quickly pounding hard into Colin. Colin's cock dribbled pre-cum as it bounced up and down under the assault from Kenny. They were both moaning now, both approaching orgasm. Colin was the first to cry, "I'm going to cum!" Kenny quickly moved his hands to pinch and tug Colin's nipples. That triggered Colin's eruption and he began spunking off onto the blanket. The feeling of Colin's arse muscles clamping and unclamping around his cock took Kenny over the edge. He cried out and sent blast after blast of hot cum deep inside Colin. The pair collapsed on top of the blanket and smiled as they recovered. Both were still semi-hard. "Ready for round two?" Kenny asked after a few minutes. "I'm tempted but we should get to the house," said Colin. "We will have a longer session later." "But you will be with Bill tonight," Kenny said. "Bill won't object to sloppy seconds. I want your cock again," smiled Colin. He crawled between Kenny's legs and took the cock into his mouth for cleaning. "Do you think that Bill will be happy to let me fuck you every day?" Kenny asked. Colin nodded, finished his cleaning job and said, "Yes, of course. Especially if he can watch sometimes. You know he loves you." Kenny smiled. "Bill and I get on very well." "He might want your cock too but I don't know if I can allow that." Colin smiled. "I'm planning to be fucked by you often this summer." Kenny laughed. "I'm only here for eight days. You'll be off modelling after that." "We can get together again after I'm finished parading around in almost nothing," smiled Colin. "As I said, I have plans. All will be revealed in due course." "Very mysterious!" Kenny started to get dressed. A short time later the car pulled up outside Reynard's mansion. Bill and Reynard came out to welcome Kenny. Bill hugged Kenny and then Reynard shook his hand. "It's good to see you again, Kenny. I'm very happy to welcome you to my home." "I'm very happy to be here, Monsieur Reynard," smiled Kenny. "Being in France is going to make this a very special summer for me." Colin grabbed Kenny's hand. "Let's take your suitcase to your room and then I'll show you around. You'll love the pool. There are also a couple of horses if you fancy riding with me." To be continued
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Date: Thu, 7 Nov 2002 15:15:20 -0800 (PST) From: mike earl Subject: Young Vegas Master Chapter 4 Kneeling naked in front of my Master and Ryan with a very red ass and tears streaming down my face seemed to me, at the time, to be the proper place for me. My body reeled with sensations, from my ass to my throat and all I could do was think about my Master and his nephew using me some more. "Raise that ass high in the air boy, Ryan still has a hard-on. I think he wants to use it in you. How about it Ryan are you man enough to fuck him in the ass and fill him with your second hot load of cum," Master said with a smirk in his voice. I raised my ass in the air as I was told, placing my fore head on the carpet as Ryan moved behind me and knelt between my knees. Ryan seemed to hesitate not knowing exactly what to do. I tried to encourage him by moving my ass in a small circle and pushing back to meet him. "Don't worry Ryan it will be the tightest fuck you've ever had because, not even a virgins pussy can cut a turd in half. Just position your dick at his asshole and drive it into him," was the encouragement that Master gave to Ryan. "Won't it hurt him or tear his ass," was Ryan's reply "I've used that asshole enough that your not going to rip him but if you force it in real hard I bet he'll grunt some," Master said with some glee in his voice. Ryan did as he was told driving his dick into my asshole balls deep with all the force that he had. I felt his balls slap my balls as the thrust raised my whole ass higher in the air and the force caused renewed tears to form and run down my forehead. The grunt my Master had predicted was more of an all out guttural spasm. "Your right uncle Mark his ass is tighter than any pussy I've ever fucked and hotter too, damn. I could fuck this ass all day," was Ryan's remark said through clenched teeth as he began to stroke my ass in long, deep, hard thrusts. Master moved in front of me bending down and pulling my face to the level of his dick by my hair he thrust his dick back down my throat, face fucking me in rhythm to Ryan's pistoning dick ramming in and out of my ass. As Ryan would bury his dick in my ass, Master would bury his dick down my throat and they seemed to meet somewhere in the middle sending a shock wave through me with each and every stroke. I was lost in ecstasy and seemed to float between the two of them being skewered like the sexual pig that I knew I was. I was lost, totally lost between these two men, completely excepting of the position that I was in. "Oh God I'm cummmmmmmingggg," Ryan cried out in total ecstasy as I felt his hot, very hot load of cum blast into my ass. That was all Master needed as he buried his dick into my mouth balls deep and erupted, spewing hot cum down my throat. I was totally consumed by the way both were using me, Without warning my body convulsed and I too started cumming with spasm after spasm my hot cum pooled on the carpet between my legs as all I could do was just keep my eyes tightly closed and allow the sensations to roll over me in wave upon wave of ecstasy, Both my Master and Ryan pulled out of me at the same time and I seemed to hover in mid-air momentarily before dropping to a position flat on my stomach totally exhausted but feeling completely empty as my asshole convulsed with nothing in it. Master just laughed, "I told you Ryan that he was just a cumm slave didn't I". "You sure did uncle Mark. I think I'm going to like visiting you and using your slave." Ryan's comments floated through my conscienceless mind.
Date: Sun, 22 Sep 2002 12:32:39 -0700 (PDT) From: mike earl Subject: Young Vegas Master Chapter 2 CLAIMERS: 1.)If you are under the age of 18 please do not continue reading as it is illegal for you to do so. 2.) This story is fantasy all persons and events are fictional for the enjoyment of the reader. 3.) Post this story freely and widely, but please include my e-mail credit if you do. Thank-you [email protected] CHAPTER 2 David stood in the center of the room with a satisfied smirk on his face and began to take off his shirt in a slow strip tease type move. "I like to be comfortable when I get home from work"; his statement was matter of fact as his rippling six-pack became visible. He threw the shirt into the corner and took a couple of steps toward me as he undid the 5 buttons down the front of his jeans revealing a hairless chest and stomach down to the top of his dick which was still in his pants but growing down his leg. I watched mesmerized as he let the jeans drop to the floor and reveal a semi-hard 7" cock that was perfectly proportioned. Standing in front of me he just looked at me and said, "Get over here boy and remove the rest of my clothes". In what seemed like a trance I went to this teen God and knelt in front of him and began to remove the jeans from his ankles. Without even asking I slipped his now hard 8" cock into my mouth and started a slow swirling motion with my tongue around the head of his cock. "Ahhh, show me how you were taught to suck cock boy", It wasn't a question, it was a demand. I started to slowly slide down the length of his cock as it fit perfectly down my throat, not to thick to make me choke, just a perfect fit for the enjoyment that I knew would soon be Cumming to me and my new found Sir. I began to get lost in the sucking of this cock and the feel of David's thighs as I held to them and stroked his cock with my mouth moving from the head to the base with each downward movement of my mouth. The feeling of his pubic hair on my lips and chin kept my own dick hard and I could feel the pre-cum oozing out the tip and down the underside in rhythm to my own movement up and down David's cock. David grabbed the back of my head and started a slow fucking of my mouth. I knew it wouldn't be long before he would be filling my mouth with the rich hot cum that was trapped in his golf ball sized testicles hanging low between his legs and that were now slapping my chin with each thrust of his cock down my throat. His moans and grunts were increasing, not only in volume but also in intensity as he slammed my mouth, burying his cock as far down my throat as he could get it. I felt the first shot of liquid ambrosia of hot cum fill my throat. "Swallow it all, don't let one drop slip outta your mouth or I will spank that disobedient ass of yours. Eat it all boy as I fill you up, ahh God yes, take it all cocksucker, swallow it", David moaned in a voice that was older than the voice that I had heard before. I did my best to swallow everything that he shot into my mouth but I could tell that some of his cum was leaking out the sides of my mouth. I felt it sliding down to my chin and David was still shooting the last of his hot cum into me. I was holding onto his legs to support this man teen from falling as David slowly regained his strength, still holding onto the back of my head. Slowly he slipped his dick from my mouth and said, "Stay right where you are." He moved to the closet and removed a paddle that he brought over with him and sat in the only wooden straight-backed chair in the room. "Get over here and lay across my lap," was the order that was given. I hesitated only a second as I crawled over to him begging him not to paddle me. Pleading that I did the best that I could to swallow every drop of his cum. "Bend over my lap NOW boy," and the look in his eyes told me I had best do it or it would be worse for my ass. Still pleading as I did as I was told and climbed over his lap. He unsnapped and unzipped my pants sliding both my pants and underwear off my ass. He slid them down my legs until he removed them completely. All that I could do was to present up to him my ass for the punishment that I knew was coming. I didn't have to wait long as the paddle was brought down on my bare ass cheeks with a loud smacking sound and the first wave of pain and heat. The second spank with the paddle was even more intense than the first and brought tears to my eyes as David set up a rhythm of the paddle that had me crying in pain and moving my ass with each blow of the paddle. After what seemed like forever, the paddling was over. Still crying from the pain he pushed me to the floor where I knelt between his legs and started to kiss his feet, hoping to show how sorry I was to disobey his command. I hadn't even realized the implications of my actions until I looked up and saw David stand up with a very hard stiff dick. He took hold of my hair and led me on my knees over to the couch. As he pushed my face into the cushions David knelt behind me and spread my legs with his knees. I felt the cooling sensations of lube spread over my ass and felt his fingers massaging the lube into my asshole as first one finger, then two slid up me. My ass cheeks burned with every touch as he continued to massage the lube into me. Then I felt his cock position itself at my hole and the thrust that sent it rocketing up my asshole took my breath away. David buried his 8" cock balls deep up my ass in that one thrust and I felt like I was being split apart. Burying my face deeper into the cushions I felt the long, deep, hard thrusts of this young mans cock begin. "Take my dick up your man pussy boy," David grunted with each stroke of his dick as I felt his balls slapping against my ass cheeks creating new waves of pain from the paddling he had given me. He grabbed my hair and pulled my head back and asked, "Where does my dick belong boy"? All I could say was, "my ass Sir". "Right answer boy," was his reply as he continued to fuck into me with more power than I had ever felt before. He slammed my ass until I thought that I would pass out, but still I felt that I had found the perfect cock to fuck my ass. As he fucked into my ass I began to move my ass back to him to get even more of his cock into me. "That's it boy, move that ass back to me and take every inch of this dick up your ass where it belongs, take it pussy boy, take it". "I'm going to fill that ass up with this load of hot cum that I'm going to shoot right NOW," he grunted as I felt the first spurts of cum fill my ass. "Oh yes, fill my ass, fill me up Sir just like I deserve," I said breathlessly as I felt his burningly hot cum gushing into my ass. After 8 or 10 long filling shots of cum up my ass David collapsed on my back breathing heavily. His weight pinning me to the couch but contentment filled my whole being as I knew I had been well fucked by this 17-year-old man. David finally lifted himself up off my back as his cock slid out of my ass. I felt his cum start to run down the cheeks of my ass and down my legs as he just stood there watching. I knew better than to move until finally he said, "Get up and go clean your self up and take a shower, then come back in here to me". I did as I was told and the hot shower felt great after shitting out what was still left of his cum in my ass. With the hot water streaming down my body I noticed for the first time that my dick was as hard as I ever remember it being. Then I heard from just outside the shower, "don't you even think about jacking off boy"? I knew I would have to suffer the torment of this hard-on until I got home. After drying off I went back to David and knelt at his feet with my forehead on the floor waiting for instructions. He just watched me for a couple of minutes and then finally said, "Go ahead and get dressed". As I put on my clothes David just watched and when I finished dressing he took hold of my shoulders and gave me a deep tongue-probing kiss. He led me to the door and as I was standing there looking at him he said, "I'm off for the next two days but I'll see you on the bus Friday, understand"? "Yes Sir" was all I could say as I began the walk back to the bus stop. The walk to the bus stop didn't take any longer than the walk to David's place but my mind was racing at a thousand miles a minute. What had I allowed to happen? What would my Master say if he found out? What would he do to me when he found out? All the implications were swirling through my head as the bus came to a stop and I got on. "Kinda late this morning Tyler. Have to work overtime? It was George the bus driver that I would have rode with at 2am. He must have made the two hour circle on the route. I looked at my watch and it read 4am. Still time to get home and prepare for my Masters return home from work. "Yes sir, long shift", was all that I could muster from a mind that was nearing over load. I found a seat in the back and just sat totally exhausted, both physically, and mentally. A calm warm feeling started to flow over me as I thought about the way David had used me that night. I was as well used as I had been in a long time and I smiled at that as I began to figure a way to continue seeing my new Sir, David.
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 11:01:15 -0700 (PDT) From: mike earl Subject: Young Vegas Master Chapter 3 5:30am, just enough time to get situated for my Master to get home from work. I hope he is really tired and doesn't want to have sex this morning. I can tell my ass is still red from the paddling that David gave me. I've got to rumple the bed to make it look like I've been sleeping, then dirty a glass to make it seem that I had a glass of milk when I arrived home from work, then unstraighten a towel and run water in the shower. RRRRRingm RRRRRRing, the telephone. "Creighton residence". "This is your Master, I will be going to Pahrump to pick up my nephew who will be spending the next 3 days with us, so I won't be home until 9 or 9:30 this morning. I will expect breakfast for two when we arrive, do I make myself clear boy?" "Yes Master", was all that was needed from me. I heard the distinctive click of the connection being terminated and I hung up the phone. I didn't even know Master had a nephew because He never spoke of even having a brother or sister. Then it hit me, I was going to be babysitting his nephew for the next 3 days, but what about work and what about David on Friday. I had to sit down and think. Sitting down at first didn't seem to help as all my thoughts kept going back to David and the fucking that he had given my ass. All of a sudden my mind started to speed up and the thoughts started to make sense. I am my Master's slave and my Master's nephew was coming to visit, so did his nephew know that my Master owned a slave and that, I the slave, would be watching after him most of the time?? All it seemed to do was make my head swim with thoughts. After what seemed like a hundred hours I heard the driveway alarm go off. I did a mental spin to make sure everything was done that needed to be done and went to open the door for my Master and his nephew. Bowing as they came in and shutting the door I followed both into the living room. Waiting for a command I did a sweep of my Master's nephew. 15 years old, 5'10, 150lbs., brown hair, brown eyes, and a crouch that showed a rather large possibility. The command didn't take long in coming. "On your knees slave as you have been told or do I need to remind you of that fact", was all my Master said. I hit my knees in a heartbeat with my hands clasped behind my head and waited. "Ryan this is my slave Todd, he answers to boy, he is at your disposal while you're here. If you need anything, anything at all boy will provide it for you. If he doesn't, let me know and I will blister his ass for you or I may just let you do it as you look like you could handle a paddle pretty well, any questions Ryan?" "You mean, uncle Mark, that he will do anything for me That I want," Ryan asked kind of shyly. "Yes Ryan anything that doesn't involve injury to him or you, understand that this boy here is my property and he is very valuable, but he is here to be used in what every way other than that you wish," was the way Master explained it to Ryan. Master stood eyeing Ryan for a moment, then asked, "how many times a week do you cum Ryan? Once maybe twice if your girlfriend is generous." "Well we fuck a couple of times a week, I guess", was Ryan's reply as his face turned the cutest shade of crimson. "And how often has your girlfriend sucked your dick, ever Ryan?" Master knew how to catch people off guard. Ryan's answer was predictable, "well ah, you know like She says she doesn't or hasn't ever you know like." Master laughed, "that's what I thought, you've never had Blow jobs before have you Ryan?" "I've wanted one be she hasn't even kissed my dick before, uncle Mark. She has jacked me off some though". Ryan said as if to keep his machoism in tacked. "Come over here boy and show my nephew how you satisfy your Master by deep-throating my dick and making me shoot my hot load of cum down your throat. Remember you better swallow every last drop of my cum or I will whip your ass until you can't sit down, do you understand me boy", was the command that Master issued as much for Ryan's ears as for mine. I crawled over to Master on hands and knees and started By kissing his feet to show my submissiveness. Beginning by untying his shoes and removing them. Then came his socks, which I folded and placed into his shoes. Kissing his bare feet several times each, I moved upon my knees and started to undo Master's belt and then unsnapping his pants, which I slid over his hips and down his legs. Master had already untied his tie and took off his dress shirt, throwing both on the arm of the chair. Standing with his hard 8" dick sticking out of his boxer flap and his hand full of my hair as he pulled my head back, involuntarily opening my mouth. He looked at Ryan and said; "I guess you are going to get your first sex education lesson this morning, huh"? Ryan, with a look of panic on his face stammered, "I'm not gay, Uncle Mark". Master just laughed and said, "I hope your not Ryan. A guy isn't gay just because he gets his dick sucked. Have you ever sucked another guys dick"? Ryan's answer was quick, "no". "Have you ever been fucked in the ass by a guy"? Was Master's next question. "No", was Ryan's reply just as quick. "Then you're no gay, Ryan, however there's nothing wrong with getting your dick sucked, especially by my slave," was how Master put it to Ryan as he pulled my face to his large dick and slammed it down my throat in one thrust. The quickness of the thrust made me gag for just a second but as quick as that I was in the rhythm of sliding his dick in and out of my throat. Ryan just stood there with his mouth opened in disbelief as I made love to my Master's long, thick wonderful dick. Sliding up and down on the shaft brought moans from my Master's throat and I swirled my tongue around the head each time I came to the top of his dick bringing out even louder moans of pleasure from Master. Ryan stood watching and rubbing his dick through the Shorts that he had worn. I could tell by glancing at him he was getting pretty worked up, as the bulge in his shorts grew more pronounced. Finally I saw him pull his dick out of his shorts and start stroking it slowly. "Better be careful Ryan or you'll deprive my slave here of a protein snack, which he loves as it, slides down his throat. Save it for him, no need to waste it". Ryan stopped stroking his dick and just stood there watching as I could tell that Master was getting close to erupting. Master's dick began to increase in hardness and length as his hand went behind my head and filled with hair. His hips started slamming his now rock hard telephone pole down my throat just as far as it would go. Master slammed his dick down my throat and erupted sending a flood of man juice straight to my stomach down the pipeline of my throat. I never even had the chance to lose any of his hot, thick cum as it never got to my mouth but shot after shot, eruption after eruption from the piss slit of his dick went right down my throat. I don't remember Master even Cumming as much as he did this morning. "Oh my God, suck my dick boy just like that" Was Ryan's demand as he looked back and forth between Master and myself. I looked up at Master as he pulled his now wilting dick from my mouth. "You heard him slave, my nephew wants his dick sucked too or do I have to beat your ass to remind you that you are to service his desires too"? "Yes Master", was the only proper response I had. Turning to Ryan I bent my head to the floor and kissed his feet as he had already shed his sandals and short along with his underwear. I knelt up looking at the longest, thickest, hardest 6 3/4" dick I had ever seen in my life. I wanted his first blowjob to be something special so I started by running my tongue over his walnut sized balls sucking each into my mouth individually but very slowly. I could tell from the beginning that this kid and I were going to have lots of fun together in the next three days. Ryan's guttural sounds and moans were telling me everything that I needed to know, this kid was enjoying having my hot mouth and swirling tongue working on his balls but I said to my self, "he ain't seen or felt anything yet". I slid my mouth off his balls and began slowly running my tongue from the bottom of his dick to the large purplish red head of his dick. The movement was like licking an ice cream cone. I licked Ryan's ice cream cone all the way around and continued for a second circle as I had to hold his hips to keep him from bucking away from my mouth. Finally, when I thought that he could stand no more I slid my mouth around the head of his dick and slowly started sliding this wonderful dick into my mouth and very slowly down my throat. Ryan's hands had intertwined into my hair on both sides of my head as he held my head to balance himself. I slid every inch of his dick down my throat and moved my tongue around the base as I began a slow move back to the top. As I reached the head of his dick I swirled my tongue again, around and slid it down my throat as his hips shoved forward sending 6 3/4_" of hot cock down my throat and the race was on. I knew it wasn't going to be long until this Blowjob Virgin would shoot his hot boy load down my throat. I wanted it to last as long as I could, both for him as well as for myself because I was in heaven, cum heaven. Without warning his dick erupted with his first volcanic shot of hot boy cum. It caught me by surprise and I wasn't able to swallow it fast enough. I swallowed, but cum was leaking out the side of my mouth and running down to my chin. I couldn't worry about that now, Ryan was still pumping hot thick cum into my mouth as fast as I could swallow with no let up in sight. After six or seven major eruptions and another five smaller ones Ryan was totally spent. I held onto him to keep him from falling until he regained his legs under him. I hadn't seen Master leave the room until he returned Just as Ryan was regaining his strength. "So what do you think about getting your dick sucked now Ryan", Master asked with a tiny smirk on his face? The look on Ryan's face told me he was trying Frame his words as he replied, "I have never shot as big a load or shot a load as hard as that in my life, uncle Mark and my dick is still hard". "I know the condition Ryan, my slave will help you with that but first lets finish with the first round before going to the second. Present yourself boy", was Masters command. I jumped to attention with legs spread and hands clasped behind my head knowing what was coming. Masters voice was steady but firm, "remove your clothes boy". I did as commanded as quickly as I could since I was only wearing running shorts. They dropped to the floor in an instant and I was standing naked in front of my Master. "Ryan my slave knows that he suppose to swallow every drop of cum that is shot into his mouth. Well when you're cum erupted he allowed it to slide out of his mouth so he must be punished for that disobedience. Since it was you're cum, you should teach him that you would not allow him to be disobedient. The punishment is for you to paddle him ten times and here is the paddle", Master said as he handed the paddle to Ryan. Ryan took the paddle and looked at it for a second then looked at me. Ryan walked behind me out of my sight, as I knew I was to keep looking straight ahead. Suddenly I heard the swoosh of the paddle and the burning pain as it landed squarely on my ass cheeks. The second lick landed as the first had, burning and bringing a moan of pain involuntarily from my chest. The third lick of the paddle was harder than the first two bringing a gasp from my mouth and tears to my eyes. The fourth lick set my ass on fire and started me crying as the pain started to radiate out from my ass. Number five brought a cry out of my chest and a jerk from my ass as the fire increased in intensity. Ryan seemed to be getting into the paddling as six and seven came in rapid succession making me dance and move my ass from the pain. Eight, nine and ten exploded upon my ass and had me begging for relief through my tears of unabashed crying as I felt my ass was on fire from the pain of this paddling. After Ryan finished administering the tenth stroke of the paddle he stood and watched my tears running down my cheeks from intense crying. "I would suggest that you beg for Ryan's forgiveness for your disobedience boy before he decides to give you ten more licks with that paddle", was Masters suggestion. I hit my knees in a heartbeat. "Please forgive me Sir, I'll never let that happen again, please forgive me, please Sir, please no more paddle, please forgive me" I whimpered and whined kissing his feet in a position of complete subjection and submission hoping it was enough. Ryan took all of it in and finally said, "I don't know if you are really sorry for your disobedience, you may need five more licks with this paddle to decide if you are really sorry", "Please, no Sir, I am really sorry For disobeying you. I'll do better next time I promise, please forgive me, please Sir, no more please as new tears streamed down my face.
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 22:36:40 -0600 From: slavewriter <[email protected]> Subject: Office Slave: Part One Larry turned the crank which slowly raised the basketball backboard. Johns arms rose with the backboard, the leather bounds lifting them. Soon John was on his toes, trying to keep his full weight off his arms. Larry gave the crank one more partial turn and stopped. John let out an audible grunt as more of his weight became suspended. "Shut up asshole!" Larry punctuated himself delivering a quick kidney shot to Johns side. The rush of pain showed in Johns face but he did not make a sound. "I said shut up asshole" "Sir, Yes sir" John was 26, blond, GQ body, well groomed, okay face, a sharp dresser, and a friendly enough person. Yet there was something about him. Mike and I both disliked him. Maybe it was that we knew he was one of Larry's boys (as Mike and I are) and that soon enough we would see Larry abuse the shit out of him. But beyond that there was awkward cockiness about him. Knowing that he was a slave didn't seem to cause him any genuine humility. Mike and I both disliked him from the day he started working with us. His attitude really turned us off, as weird as it may sound it was as if he thought of himself was a better slave than us. "That's better faggot. Give me a set of chin ups." "Sir, Yes Sir. Sir one Sir. Sir two Sir. ....... Sir ten Sir." John did the chin ups without a problem, a slight sweat broke on his chest evident through his dark blue shirt. John was still dressed in business attire; navy suit pants, blue shirt and gold-yellow pattern tie. His suit jacket was on the back of a folding chair on the side line of the basket ball court. As he did his chin up Johns upper body muscles worked, pulling and stretching his shirt. I dared to glance over quickly at Mike and noticed that his cock was bulging against his dress slacks as was mine. While John did the chin ups Larry walked around him like a new owner might walk around a race horse, when the chin ups were complete he caught a smirk on Johns face. 'ALRIGHT' I thought, 'Now this faggot is going to get the shit kicked out of it'. I could see the flash of anger in Larrys face, but instead of punishing the punk he turned and looked at Mike. Mike lowered his face so as to avoid locking eyes with Larry. 'How did you like this faggots chin ups Mr. Kelly?' Mike hesitated for a second. Trying to guess what Larry wanted to hear then answered in a calm flat voice: "SIR, the faggots chin ups were too slow and the faggot mumbles when it counts. Other than that the faggot performed well SIR." Now Larry turned on the new man and with his usual demeanor- he was at optimum striking distance and cranked two upper cuts into Johns unprepared midsection Johns body curled and a deep grunt of pain emerged from him. Larry grabbed Johns Pecs and clawed deeply as his knee rose against John balls- "I think we got an arrogant cock sucking faggot who thinks he can take whatever I dish out. Isn't that right John-boy." "Serrrr" Larry dug into John pecs and lifted his knee preventing a response. I had been waiting all week for this and now that it was happening I almost couldn't stand to watch it. At the same time I couldn't look away. Johns face contorted as Larry applied the pressure. A stream of verbal abuses and series of gut punches left the new slave panting. His reddened face tried to conceal the pain, his chest and upper body heaved, his tie pulsed with every pain driven gulp. When his breathing was almost back to normal Larry ordered him to redo the set of chin ups, this time to 'Mr. Kelly's' satisfaction. Larry explained to the new recruit that he needed Mike's permission for a chin up to count and that if any chin up was not acceptable to 'Mr. Kelly' then the count would start over. When Larry wasn't looking John-boy stole a look at Mike, it was that same defiant stare, that arrogant look as if he was in control. Mike was Larry's first slave but that made him no better than anybody else. Larry was just playing him against John-boy. John was new and would soon learn that when Larry gave one of his slaves permission to 'top' another it was just a way to further humiliate and abuse a slave. The 'Mr. Kelly' routine was for Johns benefit and Mike and I knew it. In the three years that I belonged to Larry I was allowed to 'Top' Mike only once - a punishment to Mike for not showing up for a session. Mike on the other hand had topped me several times and next to Larry was the strictest master I had ever served. Larry had retrieved a 4" wide leather strap and was holding it behind his back but in plain view. "Any chin up Mr. Kelly doesn't approve of will be repeated the hard way, is that clear CUNT?" "SIR, yes Sir" Larry snapped the belt for effect and John's eyes widened as he gulped. The look on his face told me that he knew what a strap like that felt like. I knew that it wouldn't be long before he was reminded of the feeling and my cock again raged against my slacks. John gripped the bar and bent his knees slightly. His shoulder muscled bunched as he lifted himself to the halfway position. "Mr. Kelly Sir, permission to begin, Sir?" As he spoke the blood rushed to his face and the veins and his neck bulged against his tight shirt collar. Mike walked right up into his face, he was no more than 3 inches from him when he bellowed as loud as he could- "SAY IT SO I CAN HEAR IT, CUNT". "MR. KELLY SIR, PERMISSION TO BEGIN SIR" "Begin faggot" With that the most grueling set of chin ups I have ever seen began. John-boy completed 9 good chin ups, after each one he lowered his now sweating body to the half way point and yelled as loudly as he could "MR. KELLY SIR, WAS THIS FAGGOTS CHINUP ACCEPTABLE, SIR?" Each time Mike would just stare at him for a few moments and then reluctantly accept the pushup - but just barely. Sometimes there was a comment like - ' That was a bit sloppy faggot, but I'll accept it" John would quickly respond, "MR. KELLY SIR, THANK YOU, SIR" and then did the next chin up. On the ninth chin up Mike waited an extra long while to reach his verdict. Johns damp body hung at the half way position while my cock was equally damp but at full mast. The bulge in my pants was accented by the cum spot now showing. My mind was torn between the site of John's beautiful body and fear that Larry would punish me for having a hardon without permission. A look of worry crossed Johns face as Mike continued to hesitate. Mike walked around John, who held his position half way through his tenth chin up. As he came around he stood slightly off to the side and I admired the view. In the foreground was the back of Mike's body, his tight suit trousers showed off his beautiful ass while his tailored shirt accented his broad shoulders. He add rolled up his sleeves in anticipation of getting physical with John. Behind Mike was John, hanging from the frame work of the basketball hoop. Sweat was forming on his face and was dampening his underarms. His long taut body swung slightly and his face had lost all its haughtiness. His smug expression was gone, replaced by concern that Mike would reject his chin up and make him repeat the entire set. Mike adjusted Johns tie, making it tighter. "I knew something was wrong. That's better isn't it, Faggot" "Sir, Yes Sir" the words were strained by the tension on Johns neck, his face had become visibly redder. "Hmmm.. " Mike replied as he again tightened the noose around John's neck. Johns expression showed fear, Mike and I knew from experience that the tie would loosen somewhat after a couple of chin ups, but John obviously wasn't aware. "THAT'S A LOT BETTER ISN'T IT FAGGOTT." Mike yelled. "SIR, YESSIR." The loser yelled back. "DO you have what it takes ?" "SIR, YES SIR" " That last chin up sucked. Do the set over." "Sir, Yes Sir... Sir, One Sir..." This set of chin ups went almost as slow as the first. I timed how long Mike made John hang between chin ups while Mike mulled over whether to accept it or not. Mikes decisions took anywhere from 30 to 45 seconds. On the ninth chin up Mike seemed particularly worried about the quality of Johns exercise. He left John hanging for over a minute, John s arms visibly shook as they tried to keep his body elevated. Somehow John was able to maintain the half-way position until Mike finally nodded indicating that the chin up was acceptable. On the final chin up of the set Mike again took his sweet time. He walked around John several times as John tried everything to relieve the ache in his arms. Holding his body at the half way position while shifting the weight from one are to another, or swaying slightly from side to side. Pulling up a little and then lowering himself. Anything to relieve the agony in his arms. Anything except giving in and letting go of the bar. Larry had been sitting off to the side and when he noticed that nothing was happening he stood up. I noticed that he was aroused and quickly turned back to looking at John and Mike - for fear of punishment. "Is there a problem Mr. Kelly" Larry asked, but did not move toward them. "Sir, the faggot has performed well." At that moment John smirked again and Mike caught it. The poor fucker didn't realize. Mike continued "Sir, the new pussy is well built, he's gung ho and wants to prove how much he can take." Mike was running his hand over Johns trembling body. John was openly smiling and Mike was about to lower the boom. "Sir, It would be a shame not to let this pansy ass cock sucking maggot do another set just to show us what it's made of." Larry walked over to Mike and John. John tried to control his breathing and shifted his weight a little bit to relieve his arms. Sweat dripped off his face onto his shirt. Mike was standing only inches from John they were face to face. Larry spoke " Well Mr Kelly, since you are so impressed with this new piece of shit, let's leave it up to him." Mike got a little closer to John who was again panting: "What do you say asshole, do you have what it takes to do another set the right way or do you want to call it quits now." John looked at Mike and all the cockiness was gone. His mouth hung slightly open, his long body hung sweating and panting. Still underneath the man was far from broken. Again he adjusted himself on the bar and again my cock twitched inside my pants. "MR. KELLY SIR, This pansy assed faggot would like to do a set of chin ups ... THE RIGHT WAY, SIR" His words were steady as if a new source of energy (his pride?) had been tapped. John began the set immediately. Mike gave approval to each chin up and the set was completed in about a minute. On the tenth chin up John came to rest at the halfway point, his chest was heaving and his arms were starting to tremble slightly. He gathered himself and asked the fateful question: "MR. KELLY SIR, WAS THIS FAGGOTS CHINUP ACCEPTABLE, SIR?" Mike replied, "Nicely done fag, now hold your position." Mike opened Johns fly and pulled out his pecker which was hard and throbbing. "Were you given permission to get hard asshole?" "Mr. Kelly Sir, I couldn't help myself, Sir" Mike signaled for me to come over and I knew he wanted me to stroke John off. Larry handed Mike the strap, Mike loosened his tie and rolled the sleeves of his shirt up more. As I was stroking John Mike laid into him with the strap. Johns body convulsed with pain, a pressure shock went through his penis and he nearly shot his load. John let go of the bar and his body weight yanked his arms up straight. Before he could recover Mike laid a second stripe on his back causing John to fly forward, his head flung back and a deep moan flowed out of his body. I stopped stroking John as I wasn't sure if he was still conscious. He was panting and heaving, his body swayed suspended from the bar. After a minute or two he began to stand up he looked down at me and then over to where Mike was talking to Larry. Mike was handing the strap back to Larry. John gathered the strength to hoist himself up on the chin up. He couldn't really lift himself, he just hung there with his knees bent. "SIRS, PLEASE MAY THIS WORTHLESS FAGGOT BE PUNISHED MORE, SIRS" Mike looked at Larry and without a word went back to his position. Slowly John gathered the strength needed to pull his weight up. I spit in my hand and stoked John furiously, twice the heavy belt came down on Johns back nearly causing him to pass out. Each time his cock pulsed and each time he would gather himself and pull himself up on the bar. After the third stripe John couldn't raise himself, I stopped pumping him long enough so that he could recover. As he gathered the strength needed his panting subsided and a look of determination showed in his face. His trembling arms could just barely lift his weight. John's shirt was drenched with sweat. His suit pants clung to his legs where the perspiration wet them. As he lifted himself this last time I could feel his blood pressure rise in his penis. The 9" rod seemed to grow an inch as he hauled his beaten body upward. I stroked him furiously as he paused with his head above the chin up bar and as he lowered himself to the halfway point. At the halfway point John hung for a few seconds as Mike wound up, ready to give the punk his best stripe yet. But Larry stopped him. Larry also signaled for me to stop. I immediately stopped stroking John and took my place on the fowl line. Larry stood face to face with the punk. The faggots body swayed and the anguish in his face grew as he realized that his arms wouldn't hold out much longer. "You want more asshole?" "Sir, if it pleases you Sir." " Mr. Kelly, let's double team this wimp." "Sir, yes Sir" Larry disengaged the straps that bound the losers arms to the bar. "Listen up cunt. If you hold the position you're done for today, no more bullshit. If you loose your grip then I'm giving you to Mr. Kelly and Mr. Erickson for the weekend. They can do to you whatever they want. Understood pussy?" "Sir, Yes SIR" "Any problem with that asshole?" "SIR, NO SIR" Larry signaled me and in a second my wet hand was on John's throbbing cock. I pumped furiously and as his penis regained its hardness he seemed to regain some stamina - his arms steadied and he actually lifted himself higher. His panting became deeper and I knew he was about to cum. I moved away as Larry stepped up to the plate. Larry placed his leg inside Johns leg and stroked the inside of Johns thighs with his leg. "Are you ready for this faggot?" "Sir, please beat the shit out of me, Sir" With that Larry signaled Mike who laid the strap into Johns back at the exact moment that Larry's knee crushed the punks unsuspecting balls. Instantly a deep moan filled the gymnasium and John fell to the floor and balled into a fetal position. He continued to moan and roll from side to side for several minutes the he came to rest with his back flat on the floor. His long body was spread on the basketball court and his breathing was heavy but steady. In the commotion he had ejaculated on himself, the dark stains from his juice went up the side of his shirt, there was even some cum in his hair. When he had recovered he started to get up, Larry pushed him down to his knees and he assumed a kneeling position. Larry face fucked him for about a minute before he shot into his throat. The stupid freak gagged on the cum and Larry slapped him hard across the face. "It's yours until Monday, " Larry told us, " I want it back with a better attitude." With that Larry left us. Mike forced the wimp to suck him off, I opted instead to masturbate in his face. Mike slapped me on the back as my juice splattered Johns face. "This is going to be a great weekend, " Mike said as he congratulated me. Turning to John who was kneeling at attention Mike taunted, " Well maybe not for you, huh, cum rag" referring to the fact that I was wiping the cum off my dick with the faggots hair. In a way I wished I was kneeling next to. "Sir, no Sir" John managed in the voice of a man who was still clinging to some sense of self worth as his thick blond hair was absorbing my cum.
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2002 09:06:22 -0700 (PDT) From: mike earl Subject: Young Vegas Master Chapter 1 From: [email protected] DISCLAIMERS: 1.) If you are under the age of 18 please do not continue reading as it is illegal for you to do so. 2.) This story is fantasy all persons and events are fictional for the Enjoyment of the reader. 3.) Post this story freely and widely, but please include my e-mail Credit if you do. This is the first installment of many to come. I understand that sex is what people read these stories for and if you bear with me it will, I believe meet, your needs. This chapter only sets up the framework for things to cum. Thank-you spankboy1818 Young Vegas Master Damn, 2am in the morning and the bus is still full with only one seat left. It's amazing that in this city that never sleeps so many people work and ride the bus. Whites, blacks, Asians, teens, middle aged, and older people all have something in common, they ride the Las Vegas city bus to and from their jobs. I'm different; I ride the bus because I have been told to. Not by the courts for drinking and driving since I don't drink or drive, but by my Master. I am an owned slave bought at auction by a casino manager who works the 6pm to 6am shift at an up scale casino on the strip. I work as a bus boy in the casino restaurant where my Master says I deserve to work since a bus boy is the servant of the rest of the employees. I get off at 1:45am in the morning and catch the 24 hour Flamingo bus and ride to the Decatur stop and transfer to the 24 hour Decatur bus for the ride back to My Master's home where after setting the alarm for 6am, to meet my Master at the door when he arrives, I go to sleep. When I first arrived in Las Vegas I was amazed at how young and gay Las Vegas is. Being cruised by teen boys is something that I was not used to, being from the bible belt of the South. I always wear my Master's collar and the comments I receive are sometimes embarrassing and painful, not from the words but from my Master's belt. He says that I provoke the comments from teens as young as 13 years old about how they like the collar or nice leash and sometimes just the winks from kids that should be more impressed with skateboards and bikes instead of collars and leashes. It's Tuesday morning and I am tired when this boy catches my eye as he is outwardly cruising me from the isle-facing seat just in front of me. Smiling and a quick wink but the way he is rubbing his crouch tells me he is cruising and I am his interest for the moment. It's fun when I am alone to flirt back, not that I could ever do anything by order of my Master, but it's fun to fantasize about the possibility, but damn this kids cute. I would say about 17 years old, about the same height as myself 6 foot, 150lbs, and blonde with green eyes. I wonder if he is a natural blonde or if it's a dye job. "Decatur avenue next stop" the bus driver announces and I reach to pull the cord to signal the stop as the kid pulls the cord first. Oh God, He's getting off at the same stop as I am. The kid gets up and moves to the front door so I decide to head for the rear door just as the bus comes to a stop. I step out into the cool Las Vegas night and start toward my transfer point on Decatur as I hear "cool collar and tattoo" come from behind me. I turn and reply, "Thank-you Sir, I will inform my Master that his choices please you." "Your Master, what do ya mean by your Master?" came his reply. I was not sure how to answer this very cute teen boy so I said," I am owned by a gentleman that bought me, I am his property". The kid just stood there and looked at me with these eyes of interest and total bewilderment, the classic "dear in the headlight look" and asked, "how did that happen"? I knew I had about 20 minutes before the Decatur bus would arrive but I wasn't sure he could take the real story so I just said," I don't know if you would really like to hear the real story". It was my way of allowing this gorgeous kid to back out if he wasn't real sure. His answer was right to the point," I wouldn't have asked if I wasn't interested", was all he said and stood there looking at me as my Master sometimes looks at me waiting for an answer. "I've got about twenty minutes till my bus comes so lets cross the street to the Decatur bus stop and I'll tell you as much of the story as I can". We crossed the street and went to the bus bench and sat down where I started to tell this teen the quick version of how I became a slave. "When I turned 18 I left home and moved to the west coast. San Francisco was where I had always dreamed about going so I went and found it to be perfect. The gay capital of the world and the whole place was my pearl. All I had to do was bat my eyes at the right person and I was allowed into the clubs and bathhouses and bars. Sometimes I went home with someone and sometimes I didn't as I had my own place. One day I met this really good looking guy and I went home with him for a little afternoon delight and found that I was really attracted to him because he was a very strong individual, not so much physically but inside. We started to live together and he began to show me the virtues of being submissive to another man. I felt from the beginning that this was what I had wanted for as long as I could remember. I sometimes would disobey my dad just so he would spank me with either his belt or as I got older a paddle. My San Francisco lover slowly became my Master and taught me how to be a slave and I gave over to him absolute control of not only my body but also my well-being. After a year of training and learning on my part, some of it coming easy and some of it coming painfully, he decided that I had learned all that I could from him so he informed me that I was going to be sold at auction. I was sold 8 months ago to my current owner, a casino manager on the strip". I told this teen about how it was invigorating when my Master would spank me and then bend me over and slide his 8" dick up my ass so slow and sensually that I would sometimes cum just from the first penetration and cum 2 or 3 more time without having my dick even touched. The feeling that I got when my Master would begin to shoot his hot cum up my ass and fill me until his cum would be forced out of my ass and run down on my balls, still warm. This boy seemed most interested about how my Master would bind my hands behind my back and then tell me to start sucking his dick. Blindfolding me and finally sliding his dick down my throat and filling my mouth with his sweet tasting cum, always with the instructions that if any of his cum dribbled out of my mouth that he would paddle my ass for not obeying his instructions and sometimes I would let a little out just so I could feel the heat and pain of his paddle on my bare ass cheeks. I finally finished my story by saying "God how I love my Master". I was brought out of my thoughts when he said, "It sounds like you are very happy and lucky to have found a Master that you love so much". "I guess I am", answering this boy who I didn't even know his name but had spilt much of my life to. A bright look came over his face and he asked, "Since you don't have to be home until 6am why not come over to my house for a little while, I have some questions I would like to ask you if it is alright". I wasn't quite sure and I said, "I don't know, I don't even know your name and what would your parents say?" "Oh sorry, my name's David and I have my own place because my parents think it would help me to understand what being an adult is all about. It's only about a two minute walk from here and I'll walk back to the bus stop with you when you are ready to leave". David seemed eager to talk and his smile was slowly melting my resistance away so I finally said, "ok, but only for a short visit". David bounced up off the bench and said, "I like showing people my place and it's very comfortable, you'll see". The walk took 2 minutes and led down this alley to a back gate where David opened it and led the way in. Just to the left of the gate was a building that I thought would be where they kept yard equipment and the like but when he unlocked the door and I stepped in. All I could do was say, "WOW." A fully contained efficiency apartment with a full kitchen, living room, and a queen sized bed with mirrors over and around the bed. I thought to myself, "this kid has it all together, a total sex pad, WOW."
Date: Sun, 29 Sep 2002 17:59:02 -0400 From: Bruce Subject: Cockslave bruce 3 Frank led me by the hand to his apartment. my face was still covered with his and harry's cum. I meekly followed knowing this big beer bellied Cuban was was going to use me for the rest of the night. Inside he told me to sit on the couch and went into the kitchen. The room was dark and smelled musty. In front of me was a big screen TV and a stack of hardcore movies. Looking at the titles I saw queer, straight , anal , cumshot and transvestite movies. "Here lets watch this" Frank said as he came back into the room. He held up a video called Anal Whores. "I love girls who need dick in their ass, I could get all the ass I wanted when I was younger and thinner but now it's easier to turn out a little pussyboy like you. "What are you going to do to me?" I pleaded Frank just sat next to me and poured 2 glasses of rum that he brought from the kitchen. He drank slowly but made me drink the whole glass. He made me drink 2 more before he finished ,the last glass he held to my mouth to make sure I finished everything. "Good boy, I want you all sloppy and loose" My head was spinning as the movie showed a girl taking an enormous cock in her ass. Her eyes were rolled back and her mouth was open and she looked like she was in ecstasy. "Look at her.. she will do anything for a cock in her ass. That's what you will be like soon enough. You will learn to crave cock in your pussy....my cock ...and you will be a slave to cock for the rest of your life." It didn't seem real. I was in a strange mans apartment...and I was going to be fucked in the ass for the first time. I thought about how big his cock was and how it must hurt. But then I thought about how the girl in the film looked and how I came when Frank and Harry made me suck their cocks. I began to wonder if I was going to be a cockslave and be used by men for a pussy.I was dizzy from the rum and confused by my feelings and what Frank was saying. I didn't want to be there but I didn't want to leave. Frank began undressing me. As he did his hands felt all over my body, squeezing and pinching my chest and tits, my ass and inner thighs and waist.I thought that this must be what a girl feels like when a guy paws her. "You know what I'm going to do to you baby? I'm gonna use your pussy. I'm gonna treat you real nice...get you real wet and greased up so I can stretch you out." Franks words were being whispered into my ear ,his hot breath on my neck, and his hands groping everywhere. I was intoxicated from the rum and talk and being treated like a girl. Still, I was scared of what he wanted. Frank stood up grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to my knees on the couch, then grabbed my dick and balls from behind me. As he pulled my balls back toward my ass he pushed my head down to the couch. I had no choice but to bend and lift my ass. My face was against the couch ,my elbows were touching my knees and my ass was as high as it could go in the air. Frank continued to pull up on my dick and balls, almost lifting me off the couch. "Please don't...." "Gonna be my girl?" "Please ...no...I can't...." Frank pulled harder and twisted my balls. " Gonna be my girl?" "......Yes ......ok....I'll be your girl...." I was limp , I closed my eyes and let him do what he wanted. "Good girl... " He continued to hold my dick and balls and began to rub his thumb around my asshole. With his other hand he grabbed a bottle of baby oil off the side table and poured it all over my hole. He continued to finger me a minute or two before he let go and I heard him begin to undress. Frank stood behind me, one foot on the couch and one on the floor. He began pushing at my hole so the head of his cock pushed against my ass over and over. At first I resisted, but he kept poking his big cockhead into my asshole. He kept doing this for a few minutes, each time his cocked would slip in further. The fat head of his cock seamed so big. he rubbed it all over my ass crack and kept poking it into my hole. after a while I relaxed and didn't put up any resistance and his cock went in further. "You want my dick baby? ...I'm gonna put it in you ...gonna make you my girl." My ass opened. I let him do what he wanted. His fat tool slid into me and I heard him groan. I was impaled on dick , I tried to pull away but his full weight came down on me ,pressing me into the couch. I was now on my stomach , my ass pushed into the air and a beer bellied cuban man on me with his dick in my ass. His chest and belly pressed against ny back. His hands were all over me. And he slowly started to pump his Cuban dick into me. "That's it baby.. squirm like a little girl...make your papi feel good." His hot words were whispered into my ear. I could feel the length of his shaft slide all the way in and out of me. I was limp and didn't resist. I just laid there and let a strange man use me.His dick pumped in and out again and again.my hole was stretched wide with cock. I felt disgusted but at the same time I liked it. He was treating me like a girl and I liked it. I felt like I wanted the cock in my asspussy. Frank was on top of me, his huge body pressed me into the couch, covering me and making me feel helpless under his weight. his hands were all over my body ...squeezing my tits and ass and stomach. and his big dick was all the way in me. I was disgusted with myself but it felt natural. It felt better when I raised my ass a little...pushing and arching my back to open my hole for him. "That's it baby"He whispered into my ear." Open your hole for Papi...you feel so good....so wet..." His words made me feel good and I started to moan a little.I could feel his entire shaft slide in and out of me. Sliding past my ass cheeks into my stretched hole and up inside me. "Good girl... take Papi's cock... make me cum deep inside you...Thank papi for making you what you want to be" I couldn't help myself . I was moaning and begging him to use me. "Thank you Papi... I want to be your girl...Please use my hole ....my pussy . I just want to make you feel good...ooooh....want to take your cum..." "That's what a girl is for... to take cum from a real man baby...Now get ready for your first load in your pussy...This is what you always wanted." Frank started to hump me faster and held me tight...his hot breath and groans against my neck. I pushed back at the dick in my ass as he started to cum. He groaned loudly and pumped me over and over. And then I felt his spurting cum in my pussy...filling me with juice....making my hole all wet and sticky... pumping five ...six...seven big shots into me....his girl.... I was dizzy but his cock was still hard. He pulled me up so I was sitting on his lap. My legs were spread wide and I laid limp against his big belly. His hands were all over me ..spreading my legs and squeezing and pinching me. He seamed even more excited now . And for the first time I realized there was a video camera on the dresser ....It's red light on.My ass was filled with cum and stretched wide. He held me by the hips and bounced me on his cock. I was I let him do whatever he wanted. I didn't resist..I knew this was my place...to be a fucktoy... to be a pussy for real men. I realized that I would always be the submissive for men ..the humiliated cockslave ...and that I wouldn't be able to resist.I knew I was being filmed but couldn't stop. "Bounce on papi's dick... thats it.... now bend over and show me your cum filled pussy.... good girl...." My hole was so used I couldn't close it . My ass was gapping open and cum dripped out down my ass and leg. " Reach around and put the dick back in...thats it .... good girl.... bounce on Papi's cock now... make me feel good..good cockslave. Gonna be my girl? Gonna take care of me all the time?" "Yes papi ..I'll be your girl ...You can use my pussy and mouth whenever you want...I want to ... I want to be your girl." "I know you do baby. Get ready so Papi can shoot ... here you go baby.. take it ....oooooh ... baby ....take it....all up in you.... make you all full with my cream..." He pumped spurt after spurt of his cream into my limp body. I was used.. I was his whore. He kept sliding his long dick in and out. I was filled with cream. He pulled me off of him by my hair and pulled my face to his still half hard cock. "Clean me up baby...and then get ready for bed"
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2002 22:57:29 -0400 From: Bruce Subject: Cockslave Bruce 2 Thanks for all the email on the first installment. Most of that story is true. The next chapters will combine true situations as well as fictional embellishments to steam things up.Keep in touch. After leaving Harry's apartment I was disgusted with myself and completely embarrassed. I tried to convince myself that I was forced to suck his cock and drink his cum. But I knew part of me wanted it. As I left his apartment I passed several girls in in the courtyard. They were laughing and I was sure it was about me. I also saw the apartment complex Super who gave me a strange look... and I was sure he knew. I walked as fast as i could to get out of there and home to think about what just happened. What if he told people. It was bad enough that Harry knew these things about me. What if he told some of my friends. What if the girls I knew and dated and fooled around with knew. I could never show my face at school again... what had I done! Worst of all , I was instructed to be back at Harry's apartment again the next night at 9 pm... or else. The next day I was totally distracted. I couldn't think of anything but how to get out of this situation. I was walking through campus when I looked up to see Harry talking to 3 girls. I was stunned and stopped dead in my tracks. "Hey boy.. In a Hurry?" "I....I....I...." "We're hanging out tonight ... right? I need a favor only you can help me with" "Uh....sure" I kept walking. I heard them all laughing. I had to stop this. I made up my mind to go that night and tell him it was a not time thing and that was it. At 9 pm I was at his door and ready to tell him off. The door opened and I was greeted by Harry . I entered the apartment and started to speak and realized that the apartment super was sitting on the couch. "This is Frank ...He's the super for the apartment" Frank was 45 or 50, 225 pounds with a big beer belly and an enormous stocky build. He was a dark skinned Cuban or Porto Rican with a smooth body ,black hair and almost oily skin. I looked like a child next to this man. He looked at me with a smirk on his face and said" I saw you leaving here yesterday You looked a little upset" I looked at Harry ; wondering if he told him anything about sucking his cock.I was embarrassed and turning bright red. Harry broke the awkward moment by telling me to help him get some beer from the kitchen. Once inside he grabbed me by the arm and told me that he was about $100 behind on his rent and Frank would let it go if I took care of him. I couldn't believe this. I was there to stop this and Harry wanted to turn me into a whore for him. " No way." I said as convincing as I could "OK... no problem ... you don't have to do anything. But everyone you know will be hearing about what a great cock sucker you are" "Please Harry...Please don't say anything" "Go ...Get out of here...You had your chance to do me a favor. I can't wait to see the look on some of the girls faces around school" "No Please.... Don't...." I was sick. I didn't know how to get out of this. "OK...." "OK What?" "I'll do it" "What?" "I'll take care of Frank for you... for the rent" "You'll do whatever he wants... let him treat you like a pussy... stick his dick in you ?" I was almost ready to cry ...I could just stare at the floor and nod my head "Good Girl. Grab the beer and serve us our drinks" I walked back into the living room, served the beers and stood in the middle of the room. Frank looked at me and said that Harry had promised him that I would take care of his rent. "Yes" "Did anyone ever tell you that you look like a girl?" "NO" "You do... I bet you don't have a hair on your chest or ass" "Well.... I...." "Come here ,Let me feel how smooth your face is. He started to rub his big hands over my face and lips. His fingers started to push they're way into my mouth. As Frank stood up he put his hand on the top of my head and pushed me to my knees. He tilted my head back and pushed 4 fingers into my mouth. My mouth was stretched open and my eyes were wide and starting to tear. "Nice cockmouth...Harry told me you like cock...You want to be my girl?" I gagged and choked on his fingers. Harry was sitting on his lazy-boy laughing at me. "Feed it to him ....feed him your cock." With that , Frank unzipped his jeans . "Pull it out boy , Fish out my pinga" I slowly reached in and grabbed a fat 8inch slick cock with a huge purple mushroom head. "Ever see a mancock like that? Your gonna make it feel real good aren't you little girl." Frank then pull me up and began to roughly pull my clothes off. As my ass was exposed he started to say how smooth and hairless it was , and how it looked like a girls ass. "I'm gonna enjoy this. You are gonna be our sweet little pussy...Back on your knees" I sank to my knees..Totally humiliated. I was being used as a boy whore to pay rent. Two men were going to use me like a girl. This was as low a thing as a man could do. They knew it and I knew it. Frank started to rub his cock all over my face. Holding me by the hair he pulled me into his crotch and told me to suck and lick at his balls and the base of his shaft. after slapping and rubbing his cock all over my face he pointed his cock at me and jerked it a few times until he had a big drop of percum on the head. He tapped me on the nose with it so it made a string of cum from my nose to his cock. Harry was laughing at me while I sat there stunned. Frank started to slowly paint my lips with precum saying it was my lipstick. Although I was embarrassed I started to feel dizzy.. almost intoxicated from the smell of sex, the taste of cum on my lips and because I was being used. Even though it was wrong, and I was disgusted with myself, I was going to let this happen again. I kept telling myself that I was being forced to do this....but..... Frank stood above me and held my head with both hands. I was now sitting on my ass,legs spread and hands on the floor to my sides. Frank pointed his cock at my mouth. "Open" I did as I was told. The big purple had slid in; stretching my mouth. I didn't put up any resistance . My mouth was full, my eyes were wide and scared and Franks cock was forcing its way deeper into my throat. Frank was humping his cock into me as well as pulling my head by the hair toward his cock. I gave in...I let him use me...the cock im my mouth was starting to make me feel good and my cock was sticking straight up. "See, I told you he's a pussy." Harry said pointing at my hardon. Harry came over to us and put his face 3 inches from mine. As frank fucked my mouth and held my face toward him , I strained to look to my right to see Harry. "Look at you.. a fat wet dick in your mouth. I knew you would do this again. You're a total fag, a cocksucker. You're one of those guys that's more of a girl than a guy. no real man would be so low as to suck dick. And you like it...you get off just by having a dick stuffed in your face." His words were humiliating...I could feel his hot breath as he spoke. Frank was pumping his cock faster now and I was getting dizzy from the abuse.I was breathing heavy and starting to moan. I didn't know why but I needed this cock in my mouth. No one had touched my cock yet but I was ready to cum. Frank started to hug my face against his leg an slide his big hands over my face and chin and through my hair. " Swallow that cock pussy.. where're gonna make you our cockslave. You're gonna blow us whenever we tell you to. Swallow more...deeper ... now his balls.... put them in your mouth....now back into your mouth all the way....more....More...." Harry was giving me orders .He grabbed a fistful of hair to help force Franks cock deeper into my throat as he whispered insults and commands into my ear .My mouth was full of cock and my face was forced into Franks crotch ...my forehead was pushed into his big belly and his thick thighs held my cheeks. His huge balls were covering my chin. I was smothering in this mans crotch and I limply accepted it. My face was being used by a big Cuban man as my black friend helped hold my head in place. "Want some ?" Frank asked Harry. Harry's cock was next to my face in a second. as one cock pulled out the other pushed in. The cock that wasn't in my mouth was rubbed and slapped all over my face. My face was slick from spit and precum and the tears from the rough facefucking I was getting . I was moaning and whimpering and reached for my cock to jerk off as two men used my mouth. Harry and Frank kept insulting me. Calling me their bitch and pussyboy. Frank kept saying I was his girl and they were both grunting and breathing heavy when Harry suggested stuffing both cocks in my mouth at the same time. The next thing I knew my mouth was stretched with 2 enormous dicks. I couldn't really suck them but the guys got off on it and started laughing at my stretched cheeks and distorted face. They went back to taking turns at my mouth. "Suck it all the way down little girl" Frank said " See how much you can swallow" At this point they let me try to swallow as much as I could. They didn't need to hold me in place, I was trying to get as much cock in my mouth as I could ...I wanted to please them...to make them cum. I didn't want to but I knew I would drink their cum...and I knew they were close. I was was jerking off my own cock and I was so hot I didn't care what happened. "Getting close Harry, You?" "Real close Frank" They were both jerking off and taking turns at my mouth. Their grunts and breathing increased. Harry had me by the hair and Frank held my chin, and pulled my mouth open. Both cocks were being jerked off and pointed at my mouth. Harry started to cum first. The first shot went right into my mouth and down my throat. Thick blast after blast followed, covering my face and filling my mouth. " oooh Drink it ...drink it all up." Frank started cumming before Harry was half way through. His cum didn't shoot out as fast and hard as Harry's. It poured out in thick puddles. He coated my face , nose, forehead and cheeks. He pointed his cock at my open mouth and was jerking off so the head of his dick slapped around my lips and tongue. More cum kept spilling into my mouth as Harry kept shooting on my face. Frank kept telling me ;"Lick it up...swollow...more...swollow again..." "Make him drink it all" "Good girl ...Jerk your little pussy stick off" "Take that cream...lick up all my mancream...Little bitch cocksucker" They had unloaded all over me but there dicks were still hard and the began pushing there cum into my mouth. I couldn't control myself and let them feed it to me. I sat there dazed and limp while they filled my mouth over and and over.I was swallowing their cum like I was told and started gagging. They thought this was funny and made me eat more. Their semi hard dicks were rubbed all aver my face and hair as cum dripped down my face and covered my chest, stomach and thighs .Cum even dripped on my cock making my hand slick as I continued to jerk off. "That's it...show us how queer you are. Jerk off ...cum for us... " "What a fag.. getting off just from having a mouthful of cum." They both sat down on the couch and continue to insult me . I was left in the middle of the room. I was in a daze...totally turned from being used by these two guys. I was there for they're amusement. I wanted to be a cockslave... a pussyboy...I was excited by the humiliation and abuse. Then I began to cum. I had been jerking myself off and finally began to cum all over my belly. I sat there on the floor and jerked off and came while they watched and laughed at me and called me a cock slave. A pussyboy who was so low he would do anything he was told. I was discussed and started to wipe the cum from my face but Harry wouldn't let me. "Leave it on cocksucker. And thank us for using you're mouth." "Thank you frank.... Thank you Harry" I said as in a meek whisper. "Now lick some more of the cum off you're lips" I sat there for the next ten minutes covered with Harry's ,Frank's and my own cum, licking up drops of cum as they ran down my face and into my mouth. "Well Gotta go. I'm having a beer with some friends." Harry said "I...I.. have to go now too...." I was mortified at what I had done....I needed to get out of there. The sex was over and now I had to live with the reality; That depression that shows up after you cum and don't like what just happened. Maybe I was queer ...or bi or something.... Frank laughed. "Where do you think your going ... I'm not through with you. That was just a warm up. The rent has still gotta be paid... You're cumming over to my apartment for some more fun. I'm gonna turn you out real good...You're gonna learn to be a real pussyboy by the time I'm through." "No.... No....please...I can't...I'm no in the mood anymore.I don't feel good" I couldn't do this again after I just came. "I don't care what you want... rent is due and you're gonna be my girl for the rest of the night. So lets go. He took me by the hand and we walked into the courtyard toward his apartment. As we walked I saw a few of the girls who lived in the complex, I was sure they saw the cum on my face that Frank would not let me remove. I was on my way to a older beer bellied Cuban mans apartment to be his pussy for the night.
Date: Sun, 08 Dec 2002 16:38:11 -0500 From: Bruce Subject: Cockslave bruce 4 Thanks for the Email. Hope you enjoyed things so far. After Frank used me for the night ,I went back to my apartment. I kept to myself for about a week. I had been forced to suck off Harry and been fucked by Frank. Worse, Harry had filmed me as he used my ass. I was depressed and disgusted with myself for letting this happen. And I was embarrassed the the video would be seen by other people. I promised myself that it would never happen again, but I kept thinking about how they're cocks made me feel.I was afraid I was a fag and tried to get laid like a real man. I took a girl out and got lucky enough to take her to my place. When it came down to it I couldn't get hard. She left , laughing at me and saying maybe I didn't like girls and should get a boyfriend. I turned red and couldn't say anything. I spent my time studying at the library by myself. I didn't want to see anyone. This didn't work for long. Harry found me one night in a quite corner of the library. I saw him walking toward me and tried to avoid him ,but he came right to me. "Where have you been." I was sitting in a low chair with a high back. he was leaning on the back stood with his crotch just inches from my face. "You don't come and see your friends anymore?" I couldn't answer...I just mumbled something. "I hear you took real good care of Frank... He's been asking about you." "I didn't want to . He made me....I'm not like that." "He made you? That's a laugh...I saw his video.It didn't seem like he was forcing you. >From the look on your face , you loved his cock in your ass. So why don't you stop fucking around , your a cocksucking fag... admit it." "You saw the video??......"I was scared and embarrassed. I would never be able to show my face again if anyone else knew. I was stunned. "Get up...come with me ." It was a command. He pulled me out of the chair and led me down to the back of the basement level of the library. The place rarely used and was a maze of cluttered shelves. "This is good." He pushed me face first against the wall and started grabbing my ass and feeling my tits. His body pressed against mine and he spoke into my ear. "That's the last time you disappear on me boy. I told you I was gonna turn you out and that's what's gonna happen . You got that. I got bills and rent to pay and your gonna help me out, and I know your gonna like it, ain't ya." "Please..... I ..I can't." "You can ...you will .. and it's gonna be your decision to do it. Feel my dick against you, That's what you want. Feel how hard it is . remember how I fucked your mouth. and how me and Frank came all over your face. You liked that didn't you. And you took Franks cock in your ass all night while he treated you like a whore. How does that make you feel... being a whore ...a cocksucker.. for men." His words were getting to me , my dick was getting hard and as he reached around he knew. I tried to struggle to get away but I just wound up rubbing my ass against his cock. "Admit it... you loved sucking me and being fed cum... admit it so we can get on with things. Think about my black dick in your white pussy mouth... about my thick cum filling your mouth and little tummy...and covering your face. " He was gropping me and his cock was hard as steel and pressing into my ass. I couldn't help it and started moaning. I was scared someone would see us but I was giving in. " Be my whore....I'll be your pimp and protect you ... your pay will be in cum, and I'll get what I need.All you have to do is turn around and get on your knees ...and tell me what you want. My cock was hard...I was dizzy and I couldn't resist any more.I turned around and Harry gently pushed me to my knees. "Tell me what you want" "I want to suck your cock again...Please.." "If I let you blow me ...you belong to me...you gonna be my whore ...gonna be payin my bills... understand. Your ass is mine to sell." I was giving up everything , but all I wanted was to be used . It felt natural to be controlled ... humiliated.. submissive. " Yes I understand." "Good girl. open your mouth and show me what a nice cocksucking "O" you can make. And smile more.. show me how happy your are to be my whore... Good girl!" "Take my dick out and go to work pussy." I undid his pants , nervously looking around for anyone else in the area.His fat cock popped out and hit me in the face. Harry immediately started rubbing enormous amounts of precum all over my lips and face. The smell and taste was intoxicating. Harry started feeding me his dick. Long strokes.. going deeper each time. I started gagging but he didn't seem to care. I was so worked I started to open my pants so I could jerk off as he fucked my mouth. When Harry saw that he slapped me across the face. "Did I say you could touch your cock.... this is just your warm up for tonight... We got a party to go to." "Now get back to work bitch."His held the sides of my head as he really started to fuck my mouth. Tears were running down my cheeks and he would pull his dick out and slap it all over my face.All I could do was take it . He pulled back a little so the fat dick head was pointed at my mouth as he jerked off. " This is just your first load for tonight ...you want it baby? "Yes" "Gonna swallow it all ... eat my cream? "Yes .... please...." "This is what you live for from now on. You do whatever this dick wants you to do. You are my whore and I am your pimp ..got it? Now open wide baby...and beg for it." "Please.... let me drink your cum... I'll do what you want...be your whore. I'll be a good girl for you ..just cum in my mouth. make me do it...I need you to make me do it. Please pump my mouth full of cum. I'll do anything you want. Harry stood over me and knew I was his to use . And I knew that this was my place...being a submissive cocksucking pussyboy. Harry started cumming. Huge spurts jetted from his greasy cock into my mouth. Jet after jet shot across my lips ...my cheeks...my forehead ,hair and eyes.My mouth was full and I was gagging as I swallowed. Like before Harry would run his cock across my face to feed me the cum that didn't go into my mouth. He held me firmly by the hair as he pushed the puddles of cum into me. I was coughing and gagging and covered with spunk. He then stuffed his still hard dick back in my mouth and continued to pump me as he calmed down. I looked up at him..face covered with cum and mouth filled with black cock.A pathetic fag who just serviced another man's dick. "You are such a natural cockslave. My dick and any real mans dick rules you. You do as your told and we both gonna be happy. "Now... get your act together and meet me at my place in two hours" After Harry left , I sat there on the floor for a few minutes and realized what I had done. I was still turned on because he didn't let me cum and I knew he controlled me and I would do whatever he wanted . Two hours later I was knocking on Harry's door. Harry was on the phone as I entered and as he hung up he said we would be over in a 30 minutes. "Its time to get you ready boy...come with me." He took me to the bathroom gave me a razor and told me to get in the shower and shave everything. "I want you totally hairless...cock, balls ,ass, chest and legs.If you gonna be my bitch you gonna look like a bitch. When you finish ...put these on. I looked over to see some clothes on the couch. I wanted to please him but the clothes were a pair of tight black spandex hot pants and tanktop. They were obviously girls clothes and I knew he wanted me to go outside in them. My meek protest got me slapped in the face. "You're my bitch ...remember? Now do what you're told. We got a card game at Frank's to go to ...and you're the entertainment. Frank's givin me $100 bucks off the rent for next month and the other guys are taken up a collection." Probably not much .They know most cockslaves do it cause they need to. but it'll be good whore training for you." I got in the shower ,soaped up and started shaving. As the hair came off I felt more and more like a girl. I finished up and felt how smooth my body was and that this must be how a girl feels. I got dressed ...I didn't know what I got myself into ,but I started to feel real faggy and feminine and my cock started to get hard from knowing I was going to be used and humiliated by a bunch of strange men. We left Harry's... I was glad It was only across the courtyard to Frank's. We entered the apartment and I started to get scared, there were seven older guys... beer bellies...big... and not to attractive. A few looked up when we entered but most just kept playing cards at the kitchen table. I was led into the living room and told to wait.Harry told me that The guys usually got a whore and whoever won the most after each 10 hands got to use her. This week most of the guys were broke so they could only afford a fag like me.Two minutes later a big black guy won a big pot and said the first round was his and stood and walked toward me. He flopped down on the couch, unbuckled his pants and said to get to work.I hesitantly kneeled in front of him and started tugging at his pants. "Good little bitch....get on all fours and give me a nice blow job. I just want to feel your mouth...nothin else. " His dick was thick , about 8 inches and uncut. The head was already wet with precum. I didn't even know this guy's name and I was ready to suck him off.He gently put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my mouth onto his dick. I couldn't resist , I let the cock slide over my lips getting it wet and slippery as it filled my mouth.I wanted the cock...I felt like such a fag ...shaved ...in girls clothes... with a fat black cock in my mouth.I sucked and bobbed up and down on that cock for about 10 minutes . Finally he stiffened up , held my head tight and forced the length of his black meat into my throat. He held me motionless, with just my mouth around his dick as he started to cum. he shot right down my throat into my belly. Cum poured in as I struggled to breath.The last shot filled my mouth I tasted the thick goo. "Next winner." he yelled as he pushed me aside and went back to the game. The next guy came in pushed my face down to the floor and pulled my shorts down, spit on my ass and slid in. As he fucked me he put a little bottle under my hose. "Here ..breath deep ...you pussy's always like this stuff. It'll make you feel real good when we use ya" The stuff gave me a rush and made me feel dizzy , but it smelled musky and made my cock stiffen. I started to relax and let him use my hole.The more I relaxed the easier he could slide into me and the better it felt. I started moaning and in another 10 minutes my hole was being filled with cum. I got used by man after man Cum was covering my face and ass . One guy would barely finish and the next would be ready to go.Eventually the guys were just lined up to use me and the card game was forgotten. I was now on an ottoman in the center of the dimly lit room surrounded by all 7 guys.Cock after cock was forced into my mouth and ass. Two and 3 cocks were being pushed into my mouth and slapped against my face. The guys were all getting off on using me . "fuck that pussy" "Use his mouth" "Cockslut" "Fag" "Let me into his mouth" "Open his ass wider" The guys were all talking about using me and insulting and laughing at me. I was humiliated but I knew this was my place; a slave to cock. Frank grabbed me and pulled me onto his lap on the couch. He made me sit facing away from him. He told me to bend over to see my asspussy. I leaned forward and showed him my open ass. I had been fucked for the past hour by all those huge dicks, and my ass was was so stretched it wouldn't even close. It was stretched and stayed open even with no dick in it. Frank pulled me back on his chest and pulled my legs up and apart and slid his fat dick in my hole.In front of me was 6 other guys stroking they're cocks. My eyes rolled back and my mouth was open and covered with cum. I started moaning as my ass was filled. "What a cockslut" "He'll do anything we want" Let's see if we can get 2 dicks our little girl" "Hold him back Frank" "Pull her legs open so we can get another dick in" The guys were all turned and talking in breathless whispers. They're cocks rock hard waiting to get at me. I was getting scared, they were going to split me wide open with 2 cocks but i couldn't resist. A big black guy got between my legs and started pushing his dick in. " Please ....no... you're stretching me ....it's to big .....I can't take 2 dicks." Just then the other dick slid in. It hurt at first and they shoved in deep and held their cocks there. "relax baby" "Just take it." Relax your hole and let them use you" "Look at that bitch, letting 2 guys fuck him at once" "What a fag, I can't believe it" I was moaning loudly as they started really fucking me. " shut that bitch up" " She got 2 dicks in her ass ....put a couple in her mouth." In 2 seconds 2 more guys stood on either side of me on the couch and started forcing dicks into my mouth. I lost myself in uncontrollable lust. all I wanted was dick and to be a whore for these men.I was stretched wide open ... held by the arms and legs and hair...Unable to move and forced to take 2 dicks in my mouth and 2 in my ass. I looked up to see Harry smiling with a video camera. They pulled my head to the side so it was over the edge of the arm of the couch. This way more cocks could access my mouth. " Let me in" "Give me some" "Lick it ,bitch" "I'm real close" "Gonna fill this little girl up with cum" They were all close to cumming. I wanted to be a girl for them ...to let them use me...I wanted to make them feel good and to take their cum. The first guy started cumming in my mouth ...shots sprayed across my face and cheeks and into my mouth. Then they all started.... "Here baby open wide." "Take it" "Keep swallowing, baby" Take my cream ,girl....take it all." " That's it ...good girl" My face was covered and my mouth was being filled with cum. Thick jets from cock after anonymous cock shot all over me. The thick musky taste filled my mouth and nose and slid down to my stomach.I was almost drowning in cum. Frank and the other man started grunting and humping me harder ...then stiffened up ...stayed still... and I could feel them both shoot their loads into my ass.Mancream was filling me from both ends at the same time. Cum poured from the cocks around my face and dripped over my chest and stomach. The cum shot into my ass leaked out to cover my legs. I was filled and covered with manjuice. As the last jets of cream finished, I kept one of the dicks im my mouth and jerked my cock a few times . I came instantly. There was still a large amount of cum in my mouth that I was about to let drip out. "Oh no you don't You swallow that last big mouthful." I took a breath and gulped down the load. It was thick and pungent and almost made me gag,... but i knew my place. Frank pushed me forward so I fell to a kneeling position on the floor. The guys stood around me and Harry suggested I give each dick a kiss and thank everyone for their cum. I did as I was told.
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2001 17:12:17 -0600 From: Balboa delFond Subject: Smell of Young Stench The teenager took it in his mouth like a little tease. His lips stretched around it nice and tight. He even managed a moan and so in exchange for that I made my cock twitch while he sucked it. Yea, now we're communicating. But I didn't want a blowjob. Not yet. That's enough. Stand up and turn around. Body nice and fleshy. Not real muscular, just fleshy, with pointy nipples. Limp cock. Poor kid was intimidated by real masculinity, but at the same time he adored it. I bossed him and he obeyed. Bend over and show me your asshole. No two guys do it the same way. Some are shy, some are slow, some are blatant, others won't do it at all unless you really push the issue. This kid surprised me. He wasted no time showing me what I wanted to see. One hand on each of his smooth white buttocks pulled wide apart and there it was. The anus. No secrets, no modesty, no privacy. The asshole, with all the excitement of the first time, all dark and very puckery with just a few hairs, waiting to be eaten alive. All those big pucker folds radiating out in a big oval, ready for the mess. I moved in for a closer look and got a whiff of the ass smell. That's all it took to make my cock twitch up hard as rock. I wanted to gaze for a while at those young balls hanging there all boy hairy. Penis hanging there too. I reached up and grabbed his scrotum sack and squeezed the balls nice and tight. He jumped, the little sissy. Waves of sadism went straight to my erection. I rubbed my finger all over his anal area. We were getting personal now, that's for sure. I gave it a little poke and said "What's this, honey?" No answer, so I made him answer. "My asshole," he said weakly. I made him say it again, louder. "My asshole." I brought my finger up for a whiff. I was dying to slide up deep in his young filth. But he wasn't quite ready for that yet. I put my face in real close. Soap clean butt needs severe education, far as I'm concerned. Use of a thick belt if necessary. His was just right. I put my lips around his anus and gave it a good long, slow lick, making sure I got the full flavor. When it was wet enough I forced a finger through the tight pucker ring. My cock throbbed and throbbed with a mind of its own as I explored deep up his rectum, in there among all the ass folds, and then way up high to the inner sphincture, where ass becomes guts. It teased open real easy. I bet he didn't even know he had that very private little thing up there. A few shit fragments, just enough to give the whole business a low, dirty feel. This was wild ass, my favorite. Not overprepared, just a real capture of boy ass innocence. I couldn't wait to get the shit dirt all over my cock, pull it out of his asshole and see it all packed around the ridge of the cockhead. The ultimate payoff. Shit on my cock. He wasn't getting off easy. Not with me. As I worked my finger all up and around the inside of his ass, the sphincture tight around my finger, I had some more things I wanted him to say, real dirty stuff like, "I want my shit on your cock." It's always a thrill when I get them to say that. But this young little bitch decided he wasn't talking. So I gave him a rough jab up his tight, nervous little anus just to let him know I meant business, and that made him say it: "I want my shit on your cock." I made him say it again, and then again until it began to sound like what I wanted to hear. Good boy. You'll get your wish. The anus felt pretty tight and I wasn't sure how well he could take what I had. He might very likely be a screamer. Loose assholes are predictable. They're great for getting right down to quick horney business. Tight ones can go either way. Sometimes they're so virgin that nothing happens and that's when some serious training is in order. Other times those tight little buttholes open nice and sweet. I have a taste for virgins, especially straight virgins, the ones who put stuff up their assholes when they jack off. I had to kick his knees a little wider apart and push his head down to get that ass up nice and high so I could work on it because now we were getting down to serious business. Lube. The head of my cock went in with the usual please-please-take-it-slow while his hand went around behind to keep me back. He was all tensed up like you wouldn't believe. But when it came to taking the full cock shaft he went all sissy on me. He tried to pull away, but I held him. None of that, you little bitch! Say it again, come on, say it! I gave him a good cock thrust to let him know again that I was serious. He practically gasped it out-- "I want my shit on your cock!" Then he made all kinds of pain moans. Punishment time. He was going through with it all the way to the end, I'd see to that. He put his head down and resolved to take it. Obviously not much experience, but some, though. Otherwise, how did he open himself this far? I had about half my cock up his tight hole and now he was taking the rest of it slow, inch at a time. He got used to it, but not real fast. I reached under to check his cock, and it was still nice and limp, just like I expected. I looked down on his raised rump spread wide and watched my cock go all the way up in his rectum, shoved in right to the balls. I turned my erection a little sideways to get at the wall of his ass and make him feel it even more. He cried out. Then I did the same thing in the other direction, makikng him cry out again. Yea, I know. I like to work `em rough. I expect a lot and I get it too. While sliding it in and out in nice long thrusts, I made him tell me the last time he got it in the ass. I was crude about it and I insisted he be just as crude in telling me. Come on, talk filthy. He answered me in gasps. Last time he got it in the ass was with a dildo. Didn't surprise me. Time before that? Dildo. Ever been fucked by a guy? Yes. How long ago? A month. Who was it? High school friend. I was totally in charge and he was nervous and passive. A few good cock thrusts and a slap across those milky white buttocks was all it took to get him to say any filthy thing I wanted. Tell me more. He said he got it up the ass from a foreign student from India, who liked to watch the cum leak out. Yea, like that. Keep talking... After fucking him in the ass for a good long time I pulled out my cock to see the damage. The hole gaped with a little fold of skin hanging down on the top right, then slowly closed. My cock had some rectal debris, but not as much as I wanted. His anus closed, but not all the way. The open part of his hole was about as big around as a pencil. I put a few fingers in to feel the stretch. Nothing tight now. It was loose, real loose. I shoved my cock back in nice and easy all the way to the hilt in one thrust and I got the biggest moan out him yet. Dog style. That's the way I like to get them at first. No distractions, just pure anal fixation. I like to watch it go in deep. I like to pull it out and look at the open hole and those inner anal folds you can't see any other way. I get better squeels that way too. Then I like to get a little more personal. Missionary style, so I can see his cock right there in front of me and look at his face too. So my command was, on your back, knees up. Missionary style. Wider. Yea, that's it. Puckery wet anus. Penis all shriveled and hanging to one side, with a big string of pre-come smeared across his stomach. Now I could see his innocent face as well as smell his anal stench and dripping filth. I didn't wipe anything away, but left the wet mess just as it was. I slid my cock right back up there again and pushed the brownish mess right into my pubic hair. His gasp almost made me ejaculate, but I held it back. I wasn't through with this kid yet. Not for a long time. I shoved my cock all the way up his ass for a while and gave him some short hard thrusts, then I pulled it out completely for a look. It was filthy with the mess I made of his rectum. I wanted him to see it. Take a look. Take a good look. Get up here, come on, honey, I got something for you to see. After making him look at my cock all slick with lube and filth, I grabbed him by the hair and forced it into his mouth. It was way up in his ass just moments ago, probably still hot with the heat of his own rectum, and now it was in his mouth. I told him in no uncertain terms that I wanted a good blowjob. His face was all passive and stupid looking like he was barely conscious. He looked up at me while he sucked and we both knew when our eyes met that I was his master. He was all mine. He wasn't going to forget this afternoon. He'd be jacking off to it for the rest of his life. I pulled my cock out of his mouth and said, "Tell me what it tastes like now." "It tastes like cock and shit and ass." Like I say, he was now all mine. I had him trained good. He knew just what I wanted. Good I said, suck it till I come. I purposely held back and made him work real hard. I wanted to shoot such a big load in his mouth that he couldn't swallow it all in one gulp. There was saliva all over the place as he sucked and sucked. A couple of times when he thought he was going to take a little break I told him oh no you don't, keep sucking until I shoot. I don't care how much your muscles ache--you keep sucking, and I mean sucking hard... When I was good and ready I said, OK, bitch, taste this...I thrust my hips up and ejaculated into his the back of his mouth. He tried to swallow it all, but couldn't. It was a big, man-size load and even though he eagerly tried to swallow as much as he could, a few big gobs ran down his lips and hung in strings from his chin. He looked up at me like he was drugged and started to wipe his chin. I said not yet, let me have a good look at you first. His mouth hung open, semen slowly running down onto his cock, which was stirring, but still shriveled. By now there was a real mess of pre-come all over his leg. Lips all wet. Ass smell everywhere. Stay just like that. Don't move. I got out my camera and took a close-up photo of his face. Now show me your asshole again. He obeyed like a trained dog. I moved him into the light so I'd get every detail of his wrinkled up hole and balls hanging down and the tip of his shriveled cock and all the pre-come. I shot off several frames. Put on your clothes. By the way, you want to see where you're going? Once he had his clothes on I showed him the album. Page after page of nice young guys like himself, some younger, some older, each with an unposed, blow-job look, some with massive semen on the face, others with nothing except that helpless look. And next to the photo of their faces was a photo of their asses spread wide. All in color. Different ass hair patterns, different shapes of anal lobes and sphinctures, different pucker wrinkles. Tight balls, loose balls, cocks mostly limp. Sometimes you could see the pre-come really good. A few prize shots showed assholes wide open like a mouth, with the rectal folds inside clearly visible, some with semen dripping out. The only time anyone sees this album is when they're leaving. They never see themselves, just all the ones who came before them. Something for you to think about when you jack off.
Date: Sat, 30 Mar 2002 19:52:46 -0800 (PST) From: Dan Hart Subject: Russell (mm/str8/bi/gay) Note: This is adult bi/gay themed erotica..if you are not of legal age in your state, country, or area, 18yrs - 21yrs, or this type of material offends you DO NOT CONTINUE ANY FURTHER. Note2: This story is not meant to be sold or for profit (copyright pending) Any publisher or website for profit using this story must have the expressed permission of the author. If someone wants to pass the story on to a friend all I ask is you make sure the person is over the legal age for reading adult themed material. thx Note3:This is my first attempt at storytelling...any comments would be appreciated including how the story made you feel, or any requests for more, or if you had similar experience...criticism if in the form of tips or pleasant constructive nature is also appreciated. hope you enjoy, guys, and any kinky gals (smile). Read No Further if you are not of legal age or do not like stories bi/gay in theme... I played around jacking off with guys from the neighborhood from age ten. Aside from a little Catholic guilt once we shot our load the experiences were fun. Generally the feeling was a sort of notty secret amongst buddies. This changed one night when an older guy and I hooked up. Russell was twenty two and I was thirteen. He was my friend Reubans older brother. Their family lived up the street. Other then Reuban most of the nine kids in his family were always in trouble. They were nice to me and whatever trouble they were starting pretty much had nothing to do with Reuban. He was the youngest in a large first generation latin family. Reubans older brothers and sisters may of had their problems with the law, but they clealy wanted something better for him. Reuban was born eight years after Russell, the rest were in their late twenties, and early thirties. Reuban and a few other of our buds jacked off sometimes, but never anything more. Even if he wanted to, I wouldn't because we were both in the same class in school and it just didn't seem cool. One night I slept over Reubans house and we were stroking under the covers when Russell came in wanting to know what was going on. It was obvious he was horny and probably listening to us from the hall. He was in his boxer briefs, no shirt, and a big fat bulge in the middle of his legs. All it would of taken was a friendly nod to get him into what we were doing prior to his no knock burst into the bedroom. I decided to tell him we were not doing anything. Reuban backed me up following my lead. The rest of the night Russell kept sneaking upstairs opening the bedroom door trying to surprise us, or catch us in the act. I made sure he didn't get the chance to see anything. Reuban was cool, but there was something about Russell and the rest of his brothers that made me uncomfortable. They had an edgy, almost harsh, mean side from hanging around street gangs too long. At the time I remember thinking they have trouble written all over them. Maybe I didn't understand or didn't want to understand their street savvy ways. Maybe it is as simple as they didnt have an intellectual side, opting to play the part of smiling, friendly guys all the while doing so in order to con or angle their way through life. Whatever the reason, I followed my intuition and Reuban went along with my story when I pretended to have no idea what Russell was talking about each time he came into the room. That was the last time I stayed at Reubans house. Whenever Russell was around the neigborhood from then on, I remained polite but kept a distance. To be honest, the way he stared made me uncomfortable. His eyes were piercing, sort of the glare hard cases have when they come on to girls. And it really bugged me. Monthes passed, then one night on my way home I saw Russell hanging on the corner near my house. Usually I would say, "whats up?" talk for a few minutes and be on my way. This night I had taken prescription diet pills and they made me feel talkative. Another side effect of the pills created a temporary state of euphoria. Things which would usually be minor annoyances did not matter when the stimulant effect was active. Another thing about this medication in particular was it made me horny. Doctors prescribed them to get rid of some of my baby fat. They definitly did the trick, within several monthes I lost all the extra weight and was beginning to look too thin. Exercise increased as well. I spent most evenings at the neighborhood gym or at a friends house where we lifted weights in his basement. After a full day of school activities, followed by several hours of lifting weights, I often went home, stayed up most of the night watching movies and jacking off in an almost obsessive way. Too bad the diet pill junk is so dangerous, when it comes to stroking they had their good points. While I was chatting, talking a mile a minute, Russell commented on how cool it was to see such a big difference in the way I acted and looked. He told me just since the previous summer I had gone from a kid to nearly a grown man. After working as hard as I had to get my body in shape, not to mention the fact a mustache was beginning to shadow my upper lip, it was great hearing someone older say they noticed. Russell's remarks really didn't seem like a come-on, nothing we talked about led me to think anything. But then again I probably would of been more apprehensive if it were not for the sense of well being brought on by the diet pills. We went on talking for a couple hours before he started looking at me with one of those intense hard looks in his eyes. He glared directly into my eyes then would take a drag off his cigarette. A few minutes would go by and he stared again this time his eyes felt like they were lookiing through me. Simultaneously as his eyes locked toward mine, he rubbed or grabbed his crotch. My reaction was to ignore. He was playing a street mind game of some sort. Asserting himself and trying to make me blink. I wouldn't let him push me round. My thoughts were, "if I leave at this moment, he will think i'm a wimp." on the other hand, "if I acknowledge his gaze or looked down at his crotch when he grabs it, he will treat me with less respect, probably thinking of me as a punk or fag." My only choice was to play the whole thing out. Eventually, at the right moment, tell him I had to go home. Adding to my problems, the medication made me hard. When I finally realized there wasn't going to be an opening for me to gracefully leave, I abruptly said, "I gotta go, its 2:30am I was suppossed to be in three and a half hours ago." By placing the blame for my sudden rush to leave on being out three hours later then I was suppossed to, it immediatly distracted Russell from the little macho mind game he was playing. Not to mention it was the truth. My fathers house had a back way which allowed me to sneak in when I was late. My room was in the upstairs area of an old pitched roof victorian. Kind of like a converted attic. Russell walked toward my house with me and asked, "do you still have the upstairs?" Without thinking I said, "yeah, and i'm going to have to sneak in the backway." He quickly replied, "how 'bout I come up and we play some cards, man?" I really didnt want to have him up, mostly 'cause of concern for noise. It was an old house and hard enough for someone who knew how to sneak past the creaks to make it upstairs let alone a second person. At the same time the diet pills had me wired and I wasnt ready to go to sleep. Looking back it may of been dumb, but at the time it seemed cool to let Russell sneak upstairs with me. We made it without waking anyone. I was releived, "phew, cheated death again" I remember saying while pulling off my coat and turning toward Russell. My coat half off, facing him I was honestly surprised to see he had dropped his pants. He was standing there half naked in my room showing off a huge, I mean really huge hardon. Up and to that day it was the biggest cock I'd ever seen. Like I said earlier, all my jack off experiences were pretty cool, so there was no reason to think anything negative. By this time I was hard too and seeing his hard thick cock removed any concern about lead ins which might of been taken either way. It was clear, and to the point, he definitly wanted to fuck-around. Besides he had been really cool all evening, add to this the diet pill euporia plus my own prick rising quick in my jeans, and any apprehension I normally had about Russell disappeared. His energy was hot, his cock bent downward, it was really thick and long. When my eyes finally looked upward, he was giving one of those glares again. Seeing his cock like that made my skin rush, my own dick throbbed beneath my jeans, and my knees felt a little weak. His desire burned all around me. I unbuckled, pulled off my shoes, and pants, then dropped my boxer briefs and smiled when a loud *thwack* sound echoed the room as my 7"cut prick became free and was so rigid it slapped up against my stomach. We sat on my bed. I reached over and couldn't believe the size on him, it must of been 10" my hand barely made its way around his rock hard uncut shaft. After stroking him for awhile I noticed Russell wasn't returning the favor. Every bud I'd been with joined in by stroking me when I storked him. Russell was different. Instead of joining, he reaches around my neck, pulling me towardhis throbbing cock. Every nerve in my body was working overtime. His legs were muscular, chest rock hard, and his energy self assured. My judgement seemed impaired. Instead of pulling away, the heat of his desire acted like a magnet, pulling me closer, his lust became my lust, my lips almost uncontrollably moved closer, touching it, I felt his intensity overpower me, my lips parted, as naturally as can be I kissed the head, a magnetic energy compelled me to open my lips,I sucked the head of his cock. He layed back on my bed took off the rest of his clothes and spread his legs knowing I would follow and move between him. While sucking his cock I pulled off the rest of my own clothes except my tee shirt. I would of pulled the tee off to, but to do so meant stopping, and from the way he was holding my head against his cock, it didn't seem like a good idea. The more I got into it, the more I knew I couldnt take it down my throat. The whole thing was so new to me I decided to try to take as much as I could. Intense, completely in the moment, I took as much of his massive prick as my warm wet throat would allow. While sucking him I tried to position my torso upward, hoping he would give my dick a little attention. Nothing. He totally ignored my cock. It was pretty clear this was entirely a one way thing. Considering his rough and tumble street code I immediately began worrying he would treat me like a punk if we didn't do this together. This in mind I pulled away, off his cock, pretending to do so in order to remove my tee shirt. He was leaning his head and shoulders against the headboard, his legs spread wide, and clearly wanting me to return to his cock. I asked if he wanted to jack off with me. He said, "fuck no!" and then said "I was almost ready to turn you over when you pulled off!" I knew what he was saying, but couldn't believe my ears. Blood rushed to my cock, a mix of anger, fear and lust stired in my stomach, I remember thinking, "this mother fucker thinks he is going to punk me out!" My mind raced, cock throbbed, I had never been fucked and didn't want to do it with him. Jacking off or sucking with a friend in between times where I didn't have a girlfriend was one thing, this was entirely another. I blurted out something like, "ahhh I'drather just jack off, man." That just pissed him off. Suddenly, the other Russell showed his face, the street Russell, the side he had been hiding all night. He got up on his knees on my bed, his tone threatening, "suck it!" I was getting worried more because he was talking in a loud voice and was sure to wake my father downstairs then from threatening demeanor. I asked him to keep it down trying to bargain my way out of what was becoming a big mess I told him if he lowered his voice I'd suck it for a few minutes but then he had to go. He agreed Leaning into his body, as he layed back on my bed, my hands rested on his muscular hips. As I braced to go down on his throbbing, big, round prick, my lips touched the head. Feeling it thickness I licked the crown, my hands wandered to his stomach, his soft hair and ribbed stomach made my own cock pulse keeping pace with my racing heart. I breathed deep as he pushed my head against him pulling me closer. I tongued the soft skin just below his piss slit, deeper, his cock filled my mouth, then my warm wet throat caressed his shaft,tightly, surrounding it, enveloping it. Pushing deeper, his massive hard on bent downward, and although I couldn't get it all the way down, there were moments when I breathed in a certain way that it reached the back going down past my gag reflex. He kept pushing deeper, never satisfied, it was as though he was determined to push his balls down my throat. I know sooner pulled off for air when he leaped off the bed. Before I knew what was going on, he jumped back on the bed, this time behind me, then he grabbed me at the waist, pulled me from the flat on my stomach, positioned my ass in the air, he reached beneath my shoulders, pinned me, as soon as I struggled he tightened his hold and at the top of his voice, loud enough for the whould house to hear, he said "how are you going to explain THIS to your father?" The image of my dad seeing his soon naked with another guy flashed through my mind, I got the message. When he realised I wasn't going to bolt he released his grip long enough to grab his meat in one hand, then in a fraction of a second he slid his massive tool along my ass crack with a finger extended guiding him, his finger touched my tight, virgin hole and he just *thrust* it in..no lube, nothing. The pain went from my ass all the way to my eyes. My body reacted like a fear filled rabbit. Immediatly, instinct compelled me to try and pull away. The pain caused tears to well in my eyes and in this same instant Russell grabbed my hips, holding them in place, making sure I did not break lose. I began to think of anything to make the pain stop - simultaneously trying to negotiate with him, asking him to let me get some vaseline, anything, dishsoap whatever else my mind could think of to make this less painful. As my mind raced, I asked Russell to stop, I knew it was useless, I dont think he even heard me, he was inside me now and there was no turning back. Still, I kept trying, telling him how much it hurt, trying to explain I was dry, nearly begging him to use a lubricant. When I told him he was too big, it only made him more excited. His cock bulged, pulsating within me When I tried to appeal for mercy explaining I never had done this...Finally, after what seemed like forever he spoke and i'll never forget the words that sort of sneered from his lips, "you been wanting this since we first met, your hole dont lie, its soaking wet and dont need no lube, you are wet already bitch." then I felt the coarse hair surrounding his balls rub against the smooth of my ass as he blurted, "mmmm oh yeah, fuck yeah, hot wet tight little pussy!" That was the first time anyone had ever talked to me like that - I hated him. Trying to pull away was no use, he just grabbed my hips and centered me again. Finally, with no other choice, resigned myself to the situation, the never ending *thrust* of his cock pounding inside me caused my mind to tune things out. dark fuzzy spots were all I could see, sound seemed distant I was there, but not there at the same time. My only thought centered on hope it would be over soon. The next twenty minutes were like twenty hours. I remember every breath, every thrust,every reference to my "tight pussy." Why was he talking like this? I am not a girl. Doesn't this mother fucker know the difference between an ass and a pussy? Slowly my thoughts came to understanding him. It was like a gradualrealization, in Russells fucked up mind I was a girl. I believe that even to this day. He was popping a girls cherry. A "bitch" tight "pussy" this sick fuck really thought of people as neither men or women based on their sex. To him men & women based on his sense or perception of their sexuality, the sexual spirit which we are all born with. I knew now Russell was out to fuck me from the first time he saw me. He had always wanted to get inside me. And the words he said to me that night convinced me he didnt think in terms of sexes. A boy could be a girl and a girl could e a boy in his mind. What he thought made a female had nothing to do with dicks and pussies, everything to do with this sense he got about the person. Regardless of sex, if he picked up a feminine or masculine "someting" in a person he thought and acted accordingly. No one has ever mistaken me for feminine. I'm sure as a grownup I am bisexual and both sides exist within me. I am also sure that is what Russell saw within me. Regardless how masculine my spirit may be, its an impossibility to explain something like this to someone like Russell. He saw it, he wanted it, he took it.... When he was done that night, I just layed on the bed, waiting for him to go..hegave a partng shot, a slap on my ass and made sure to tell me how happy "I" should be for finally getting what I wanted. "He said, Next time I better not feel any loose ass, because i'll know you been giving that pussy out - HEAR ME?" What the fuck? Did he think we were going ta-fucking-steady or something? What a sick fuck he had been thinking about this for years ..he had to of been, otherwise why would he say something like that? It wasnt "me" who was "happy" because "he finally" gave me what "I" had been "wanting", it was his delusion...And he had been interpreting his own feelings as though it were my desire for him. He said it again, really loud, "HEAR ME?" I nodded my head yes for no reason other then to get rid of him. Then I buried my head in my pillow, refusing to show my face, knowing if he saw me crying he would call me a punk...he left. I layed there for along time like that, suddenly feeling something beneath me, I stood up and couldn't believe my eyes. My cum was everywhere on the sheets and my stomach. What the fuck? How did that happen? What does it mean? End Russell...more if you want let me know...tell me what the story did (if anything to you) what you think?
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 18:06:58 -0400 From: Bruce Subject: Cockslave Bruce This is my story of how I was turned into a cock slave. I'm 5'10, 165 lbs, with a smooth, almost hairless body. I'm in good shape with a baby face and barely any beard. I grew up around New York as a straight male, but I did have a few experiences with other guys when I was young. I dated and slept with girls and was straight in appearance and actions. Like most guys, I thought being queer was the most embarrassing, low, disgusting thing anyone could do. I went to collage and smoked some pot, drank, hung out and socialized like everyone else. I meet Harry Green in my second year at school when I was 20. Harry was 6'2' about 24 years old , 200lbs, solid and black. He lived in an apartment that was always dark, the curtains were always drawn and the lights were low. It was one of those garden apartments with access to a common courtyard. He was good looking, popular and able to get any white girl he wanted .I was slightly shy and dated but not always successfully. One day, I was in need of some pot and Harry offered to sell me a few joints. I went to his apartment and knocked. As usual, on a perfectly sunny day , the room was dark, cluttered and smoky. He invited me in and offered me a beer. We sat on his couch and decided to smoke a joint and watch TV. Between the beer and Pot I was buzzed in no time. "Pot always makes me horny" he said What I need is a nice blowjob from one of my bitches. At that point he got up and put a tape in the VCR. It was a cum shot movie, the kind with not to much warm up, just guys shooting their loads on girls faces. Each shot was more graphic then the next. Girls were taking multiple loads in the mouth, face ,tits and ass. He made comments about the ones he liked, especially where several men covered the girls face and filled her mouth with cum. After 20 minutes of this I was getting totally hot and a little self conscious. I decided to leave. I offered to pay for the pot but he said that I could have it for free if I did him a favor. Being totally naive ( and broke)I asked what I needed to do. Harry sat there and rubbed his cock through his sweats and I understood. "No.... I don't think so!" This was something I never expected, I was completely embarrassed that someone would think I was a queer! That I would have sex with another guy . Why would he say this to me? ...." No way." "Come on... I'm fuckin horny as hell.. I bet you gave a blow job to a guy before. When you were young... Maybe? In school?" I couldn't believe it, how could he know this about me. I hesitated answering and that gave him his answer. It was so long ago. It was just experimenting with another kid in the neighborhood. It was nothing. I wasn't a queer! "I knew it! You have sucked dick before. With that hairless baby face you looked like you would. I can't believe it. You're a cock sucker" "No... No really I'm not into that." "Come on... I wont tell." "No. I can't. No." "Look.. Just take a look at my cock. If you don't get a hardon you can pay me for the pot and go. If your cock does get hard from looking at my cock .....well...you just might like it. You might be like the girls on the video who crave cock and cum." It was at this inconvenient point that I realized I forgot my money. "O .. O.. Ok But just for a minute." "Come here then." "Where?" "Kneel in front of me. so you can see my cock up close. And pull your pants down so I can see if you get a hardon." I slid off the couch and knelt in front of him as he sat there. He began rubbing his crotch and slowly lowered his sweats. His cock was about 8 inches, thick with a big mushroom head. He was half hard and his cock laid across his thick thighs. His balls were huge and hung low and rested on the couch. "Tell me about the cocks you sucked" I didn't know what to say." It was nothing ... just kid stuff." "I never did that when I was a Kid.. You must have wanted to do it. You might be one of those guys who like to be treated like a girl and have men use them." "I'm not queer! And I'm not a girl". "You sucked a guys cock.. what would you call it? Now what happened?" "Well..... I was a my friends house. .. we had a magazine ... and well ... He pulled out his cock and made me suck it." "He made you? Why didn't you just leave." I was embarrassed. I didn't know what to say. Harry was making me reveal things I had never mentioned to anyone. I was admitting that I let another guy put his cock in my mouth, I sucked it and let him cum in my mouth. An worst of all, I came, not from getting a blow job but from giving a blow job. I told him about sucking my friends dick and how he called me a fag and a queer after he came in my mouth. He made me tell him about his dick, how long and big it was and how much cum he shot in my mouth. While I told him my darkest secrets, Harry stroked his dick just inches from my face. Suddenly he moved to the edge of the couch. His now hard cock was almost touching my lips. I watched his cock get bigger. I could smell his musky cock and balls and it feel its heat. "I think you want to be treated like the cum sluts in the video. You want this black cock in your mouth don't you boy." "No .... Please." The beer, pot, video and sex talk overwhelmed me. I was in a daze. On my hands and knees in front of a big black man. When he pulled my head up and looked between my legs I knew I was in trouble. My cock was rock hard. "I knew you were a cocksucker. Go ahead, put it in your mouth. You lost, now suck." I knew this was the lowest think a man could do, but I had no choice. I lowered my face into his lap. The tip of Harry's cock pressed against my lips. He rubbed his precum over my mouth and lips. "Just do it, no one will know, I wont tell. You know you want it." I knew it was wrong. What kind of man would suck cock? Was I really queer? I was high but I started to feel like I wanted to let him fuck my mouth. The smell of his cock made me even more dizzy. "Taste it" It wasn't a request; it was a demand. He put his hand on the back of my head and slid his cock into my mouth. I didn't resist. Harry was using my mouth, he was in control and I was his submissive cocksucker. He inched forward on the couch and held my head with both hands and slowly humped my mouth. His thighs rubbed against each side of my face. As he humped me he moved my head back and forth. At each stroke the fat cock was forced deeper into my mouth. Harry's hands and thighs surrounded my face. I was smothered in his crotch, held in place, unable to move. All I could feel was that thick hard cock stretching my mouth and the smell of Harry's crotch. Harry leaned forward. In that position his face was just above the back of my head. " That's it, take that cock, you're gonna do whatever I want. You're gonna be my personal cocksucker. That's it, feel that cock in your mouth. You are such a pussyboy. You like it don't you ......... DON'T YOU!" All I could was mumble and nod a little. I knew he was in total control. He knew that I would take another mans cock ... something no one else knew... and that he could force me to do anything. He kept talking in my ear , His face close enough so that he could almost suck his own cock. "Take it pussyboy, swallow it....deeper... my dick is down your throat and you love it. You know how low you are? Taking cock from another guy... Letting me use you. This is hot ... watching your face get pumped with my dick ... making you choke on dick." Harry was becoming more abusive and insulting. The more dominant he became the more I began to understand my place. I could have left. I could have run out of his apartment. ... But I didn't. In one afternoon I went from being a straight male to a submissive cockslave... a pussyboy to another man. After humping my face for 15 minutes he pulled me up by my hair and turned me around to face the TV. A black cock was shooting an enormous load of thick cum into a girls face . She definatly did not like taking the load and tried to pull away, but the man covered her face and filled her mouth with ropes of cum. He held my head with both hands and squeezed my face between his thighs and continued humping my mouth. My mouth formed a cocksucking "O" as I felt his cock slid in and out.I felt his lenth move against my lips and the inside of my cheeks and the head force it's way into my throat. "That's what I'm gonna do to you. You're gonna take my load just like that girl. Weather you like it or not. But in time, after a few dozen or so of my loads I bet you learn to love it. All you need is a little forced discipline to train you as my cockslave." "Then he turned me so the back of my head was on the seat of the couch while sitting on the floor. Harry straddled my face so his balls hung above my mouth. "Put them in... Use your hands and put both my nuts in your mouth." I reached up and tried to pull his balls into my mouth but they were to big. After a few tries Harry became frustrated. "Move ... this is how to stuff balls into a bitches mouth" With that he began feeding me his balls, pushing so my lips stretched. Finally the second popped in. My mouth was full. My eyes were tearing and wide open. He started laughing at me saying how I looked like such a fag and a queer. How no girl would be caught dead with such a cocksucker. I wanted to scream at him and just leave but I knew he was right. I was a queer. I wanted to be used by this guy. He pulled his balls out and started slapping my face with his cock, I could tell he was getting worked up. He was moaning and breathing deeply. He grabbed my hair and began rubbing his dick all over my face. He held his hand flat and pressed the length of that black cock against my face covering from my mouth to my forehead. He rolled his dick from side to side as he humped my face. Precum coated my lips, cheeks and forehead. Dripping precum landed in my hair. Then Harry pushed the greasy pole back into my mouth. He leaned over resting his elbows on the back of the couch and started to really fuck my mouth. I was choking and gagging as he forced the big mushroom head down my throat. I thought I was going to pass out from the abuse but he continued for another 10 minutes. He pumped faster and faster and I knew it was close. He was going to force me to take his cum... the ultimate degradation. "Please don't cum in my mouth, " I begged as his cock slipped from my mouth. "To late for that now" and he pulled his cock out and started jerking off into my face. Open up... I like to watch my cum shoot into a bitches mouth. " I obeyed. A few more strokes and he started to shoot. His cum was thick and creamy. The first 2 shots landed all over my face then he started shooting into my mouth. He must not have cum in days there was so much. My face and hair were covered and my mouth was full. He kept moaning and jerking his cock and rubbing the still hard dick all over my face. He kept moaning and telling me to drink it. Still more cum spit from his piss hole into my open mouth. "oh..oh... here's some more for my girl.. get your mouth on my greasy dick bitch.Eat that cum" My mouth was full of cum and I wanted to spit it out but he looked at me and said " Show me the present I just gave you. Open your mouth, but don't spill any. I opened my mouth and he pushed more of the cum on my face into my already cum filled mouth. "Now swallow.... NOW!" I had no choice. I knew my place. The thick cream slid down to my belly. "Good girl" You like that don't you. I nodded and let out a meek uh huh. "Look at you covered in cum, my dick still sliding around in puddles of cum on your face. "Here eat some more...Lick the head... good girl ...swallow....again...kiss it... that's nice... Good bitch... now the balls .... Now look up at me and smile." I did as I was told, cum all over my face and hair, tears streaming from my eyes and trying to smile at the man who just used me to pleasure his cock with my mouth. "Now thank me" "For what?" For teaching you what you are... a cocksucker" "But I didn't want that" "No? What's that" I looked down to see my own puddle of cum on my stomach. I had cum from being used by another man. I felt disgusted.. I was a queer ... A fag... a pussyboy. "Now get out. Be back here tomorrow night at 9. Don't be late." With that I was pushed out the door into the bright sun, my pants still open and cum all over my face. I walked into the courtyard as several girls walked by. I heard them giggle but could not look them in the eye.
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