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White House: Trump speaks with Egypt's Sisi by phone on Monday | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump was scheduled to speak with Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi on Monday, the White House said. | politicsNews | January 23, 2017 | 0real
COMEDIAN TIM ALLEN On Hollywood Hypocrites: They Didn’t Like Trump Because He Was A Bully…But If You Support Trump, You Get Bullied [VIDEO] | https://youtu.be/0J4xPRYbsLU | left-news | Nov 22, 2016 | 1fake
Trump Is LITERALLY Polling At 0% With Black People (IMAGE/VIDEO) | Donald Trump s recent African-American outreach efforts seem to have been wasted. Sure, he basically spends his time talking to white people about black people rather than actually visiting black communities, and that might not be the most effective use of his time, but as his former campaign manager Corey Lewandowski points out Trump doesn t actually feel safe around the blacks, as he calls African-Americans.Monday night, Public Policy Polling released a preview of a new poll that lets people know exactly how well screaming at white people about black people sits with the African-American community. And as Rachel Maddow revealed on her show, it doesn t seem to work very well. Trump is polling at an astounding 0% favorability rating with African-Americans with a whopping 97% unfavorability rating (though the 3% undecided, of course, might allow him to pull himself up to a whole 3%).New PPP poll released on @maddow right now TRUMP FAV/UNFAV with African American voters is:Fav: 0%UnFav: 97%Undecided 3% Jesse Ferguson (@JesseFFerguson) August 30, 2016The poll, which was conducted August 26-28 and has a margin of error of +/- 3%, also asked African-Americans to compare Trump to a number of things generally detested by society. He lost to personal injury lawyers, middle seats on airplanes, carnies, Ryan Lochte, junk mail, mosquitoes, the Bubonic Plague, and even bedbugs.The good news for Donald Trump in this PPP exclusive? Lots of opportunity for growth!#Maddow#BrightSides pic.twitter.com/6g5pny5usq Maddow Blog (@MaddowBlog) August 30, 2016Overall, the poll shows Clinton leading Trump 42-37%, with Gary Johnson snagging 6% and Jill Moon Beam Stein somehow earning 4% of the vote and 10% undecided.Trump isn t exactly known for his love of African-Americans. Not only have his inflammatory remarks cemented him as the KKK candidate, but he actively practiced housing discrimination against black people, reportedly ordered all black people off the floor when visiting his businesses, argued in 1987 that five innocent black teens accused of rape should be executed (in fact, he took out a full-page newspaper ad to make this case), complained about black guys counting [his] money, has repeatedly questioned President Obama s citizenship, and much, much more.More recently, he has portrayed African-Americans as individuals with no education who are jobless with no homes who live in war zones. His recent outreach efforts have been dismal as well, with The Donald seizing upon a NBA star s family member s death to say that the murder will cause Black people to vote for him:Dwyane Wade's cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in Chicago. Just what I have been saying. African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 27, 2016While Trump doesn t much talk to black people enough to know how much they hate him, The Star spoke to some African-Americans in Philadelphia, and they aren t exactly fans: Extremely insulting. And I think purposely insulting, said lawyer Rasheedah Phillips, 32. He s getting the ships ready. He wants to send us back over to Africa, said Douglas Skipworth, 33, who does maintenance work. Black folk aren t fooled by this thing. African-Americans are clear about who Trump is, said professor Anyabwile Love, 41, watching his 2-year-old son. Many other elections, local and national, it s been the lesser of the two evils. In this, it s not even lesser of two evils. It s one is completely against us and one is not. Trump has a historically dreadful approval rating with black voters, as low as 1 per cent. But as he frantically attempts to convince white people that he is not a racist, black people have suddenly become central to his message.Which black people believe is racist.[ ] I haven t been shot. I got an education, said Donte, a 17-year-old high school student. Or Ihave an education. Just in case he hears this. The contempt was strong. Navy veteran Rodney Thomas, 50, said he stopped paying attention to Trump long ago, his mind made up, for this reason: I hate stupidity. Watch Maddow reveal the poll results below:Featured image via video screenshot | News | August 30, 2016 | 1fake
NED RYUN ON WHITE HOUSE LEAKS: “This is not whistleblowing. This is weaponizing classified info to undermine a duly-elected President” [Video] | This is spot on! Ned Ryun joined Tucker Carlson to discuss the latest leak regarding AG Jeff Sessions. Do we even have evidence that the source is in fact telling the truth? WaPo went ahead and reported it anyway. Ryun s right when he discusses the Deep State and Mueller subverting the will of the American voter:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-s8sCWnogt4This is dangerous territory and is so harmful to our president and his agenda. Tucker Carlson had more to say on this: What are these transactions? Basically any commercial activity that Trump or his family and associates conducted over the last decade that might pertain to Russia or anyone who has ever lived in Russia. Let s be clear about the politics here. This is a massive threat to the White House. A determined prosecutor can prove almost anything he wants. A prosecutor with no time limit or budget or accountability to voters? There is nobody more dangerous than that. The investigation has been slammed by very reputable lawyers who happen to be Democrats! This needs to end ASAP! | Government News | Jul 22, 2017 | 1fake
Sarah Palin Defends Trump Skipping ‘Ballyhooed Media Debate’ With Indecipherable Word Salad | Rarely in life do you see people go so perfectly together. However, Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are made for one another. They are the peanut butter and jelly of political duos. Unfortunately for America, though, most of us are allergic to nuts.After Trump decided to throw his hissy fit and not attend the Fox News GOP debate being moderated by Megyn Kelly, because apparently he is allergic to her cooties, Palin decided to take to Facebook (as she does) and lay down her defense of the hotel magnate.She starts the post with, Media: Here, Let Me Define For You a Genuine Game Changer . You tell em, Sarah! I m sure they can t wait to read what you have to say. After all, your opinion is so relevant and paramount to all of politics, or for that matter, THE WORLD.Palin doesn t want Trump to get bullied by the ballyhooed media debate game. She goes on and on and on, rambling in an indecipherable word salad. She says things like: Enough is enough; Trump s victory on this issue proves we have a choice. The courageous GOP frontrunner is speaking for us with his screw it, biased media the people deserve better red line. Finally. Trump will now lead others with this empowerment to go around media filters and egos and everything else that s stood between people with a heart to serve and the voters. As well as: We can go elsewhere to seek truthful information that includes a candidate s voting record, their responsibility in spending other people s money and balancing budgets, their record of negotiating to win, their private sector acumen and personal accomplishments, who they re beholden to, if they ve incentivized more illegal aliens to flood our borders with gifts and freebies making America much less secure oh, and so much more! Yes, that s all one sentence. Oh, and what s better than starting a sentence with Like ? Like, if politics is their profession in perpetuity, which is the antithesis of our Founders vision. She then goes on to say that she s studied journalism. Which, I guess, technically she has. However, she apparently didn t learn much along the way.Palin finishes her post with P.S. that is just pure gold as she throws shade at Fox News and Megyn Kelly for not kowtowing to Trump s demands: (P.S. Is it just me, or if a debate host has made himself or herself the principal in a story they re expected to objectively cover for the edification of the public, and they even acknowledge they re the reason the frontrunner chooses not to participate, then isn t it common sense (and courtesy to the voting public) to simply, humbly allow someone else to moderate the debate? With all due respect, what a strange game at play. It s at the expense of straight-shooting candidates gunning in competition for the nation s top administrative position, and more importantly, at the expense of Americans who deserve to hear them instead of the cries from a pity-partying press with noses out of joint because someone finally took a stand for common sense and an even playing field. Sarah Palin really shouldn t be the one to talk about common sense considering she has no sense at all. This is probably one of her more bizarre posts where she apparently used the talk to text feature on her mobile device. If there s anyone out there willing to decipher or translate this, have at it.Without further ado, here s the word salad in all its glory: // < ![CDATA[ // < ![CDATA[ <span class="mceItemHidden" data-mce-bogus="1"><span></span>(function(d, s, id) { var js, <span class="mceItemHidden" data-mce-bogus="1"><span class="hiddenSpellError" pre="" data-mce-bogus="1">fjs</span></span> = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.3"; <span class="hiddenSpellError" pre="" data-mce-bogus="1">fjs</span>.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, 'script', '<span class="hiddenSpellError" pre="" data-mce-bogus="1">facebook-jssdk</span>')); // ]]>Media: Here, Let Me Define For You a Genuine Game Changer Regarding Donald Trump honoring our U.S. Veterans instead Posted by Sarah Palin on Thursday, January 28, 2016Featured image: Flickr/Flickr | News | January 28, 2016 | 1fake
Watch Trump Flat-Out Admit Trumpcare Will Ruin The Lives Of His Own Supporters (VIDEO) | The Republican bill meant to dismantle the Affordable Care Act has been hit on all sides as nonsensical, dysfunctional and sinister. The plan, which appears to be scrapped together with little thought to the consequences, has been shown by the Congressional Budget Office as well as many outside reviewers an excellent way to cost tens of millions of people their health insurance while also not saving very much money for anyone but the wealthy.And critics of the bill now have a perfect soundbite from President Trump himself.In an astonishing interview with Fox s Tucker Carlson, Trump casually admits that the plan put forth by Paul Ryan and endorsed by his administration will make millions lose insurance. Even more incredible, Trump acknowledges that the deepest harm will be felt in poor, red states states that overwhelming voted for him. Only a man who inherited millions, never worked a day in his life, and lives in a literal gold tower could be so nonchalant about essentially admitting that his plan will destroy access to healthcare to the American public:Carlson, who to his credit presses Trump on how damaging this healthcare replacement bill is, points out that the centerpiece of the bill is a tax cut the ultra-rich. On the flipside, the bill disproportionately harms poor people. A Bloomberg analysis showed that counties that voted for you middle class and working class counties would do far less well under this bill. Trump s response: Oh, I know that. I know. Yikes.Trump later tried to salvage the admission by saying that while this bill clearly screws over his own voters, there will be other so far nonexistent additions that will magically help those affected. He never bothers to explain how exactly this would happen. No proposal has even been suggested that addresses these issues. Like a chef admitting he poisoned the food but who still expects his customers to eat up because he may have some Pepto-Bismol lying around somewhere. Only the food poisoning will kill you.And the chef is a known liar.And the Pepto-Bismol is more tax cuts for the rich.Featured image via Fox News | News | March 16, 2017 | 1fake
Swiss urge voters to keep fee for public broadcasters | ZURICH (Reuters) - The Swiss government urged voters on Monday to keep the annual license fee that finances public broadcasters, saying taxpayer money played a crucial role in supporting cultural diversity and political discourse in the media. Its call seeks to defuse support for the No Billag initiative that comes to a binding vote on March 4 and which opinion polls show has around 57 percent support. Proponents want to scrap the Billag fee that last year raised 1.37 billion Swiss francs ($1.38 billion) as the financial lifeblood for public broadcasters at the federal, regional and local levels. National broadcaster SRG, which operates in the four national languages, gets 75 percent of its budget from the fee. A varied media offering is important for a small, polyglot country like Switzerland with its direct democracy, President Doris Leuthard said in a statement. Switzerland says it would be the first country in Europe to abolish fees for public broadcasting should the measure be adopted. This would push advertising revenue to mostly foreign-controlled commercial media. The government is cutting the fee levied on homes with a radio or TV set to 365 francs per private household from 2019 from around 450 now. Businesses will pay up to 35,590 francs a year based on a sliding scale of annual sales. ($1 = 0.9915 Swiss francs) | worldnews | December 11, 2017 | 0real
In abandoned Philippine city, first hints of a return to normalcy | MARAWI CITY, Philippines (Reuters) - After five months of crippling conflict, there are slow signs of life returning in the Philippines battered Marawi City. Utilities engineers were at work on Thursday in the near-deserted outskirts of Marawi which escaped the daily air strikes that flattened vast swathes of the city. A few groceries, motorcycle repair shops and gasoline sellers have opened, ready for the first batch of returning residents in the coming days. Nearly 6,500 families will be headed back to the homes that were left intact, out of the 353,000 people displaced when hundreds of pro-Islamic State gunmen ran amok and seized control of central Marawi in May. Combat operations ended on Monday, when the last fighters were killed in a fierce final stand. With vehicles crushed and overturned and buildings reduced to skeletons of mangled steel and rubble, the city appears to be in the aftermath of a war that lasted years, rather than months. Amelah Ampaso said she decided that day to sneak back to Marawi and reopen her shop, now stocked with cooking oil and cigarettes and offering photocopying services, printing, and haircuts. As a first-mover in a liberated Marawi, the 25-year-old is doing brisk business among the few people around. The other shops are closed, so people are coming here, she said. It s safe again. But nearby streets look like the set of a post-apocalyptic film, silent, with shutters pulled down and weeds growing between concrete slabs. Rust and decay is setting in after months of heavy rains and neglect. Spray painted on the walls of almost every building is the word clear , marking where police and soldiers went house-to-house checking thousands of abandoned properties for booby-traps or signs of insurgents hiding. The fighting has taken a heavy toll, killing more than 1,100 people, mostly militants, and reducing a large part of the interior of the city to piles of rubble, leaving only shells of uninhabitable gray buildings. Shop owner Madid Noor, 64, returned two months into the battle, reassured by detachments of soldiers and police nearby, and unperturbed by what were constant explosions and the howling of fighter jets over the city. After a few lean months, he hopes returnees will come to him to buy washing powder, petrol and fake branded sportswear. Some days we have customers. But not every day, he said. | worldnews | October 26, 2017 | 0real
As Johnson Sirleaf exits, Liberians thankful for peace, excited about change | MONROVIA (Reuters) - After a dozen years of recovery under Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, who won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping bring peace after civil war turned her country into a wasteland, Liberians are hopeful about their first democratic power transfer for 73 years. Twenty candidates are standing to replace Johnson Sirleaf in a first round on Tuesday. With nobody likely to win a majority outright, the top two are expected to face each other in a run-off in around a month. While the election campaign has been rambunctious, it has been mainly peaceful so far, and most expectations are that it will come off without bloodshed. Johnson Sirleaf, 78, has many accomplishments to boast since she became Africa s first modern female head of state. The economy is four times the size it was when she took office in 2005. The gangs of drug addled youths who raped and mutilated their way across the nation during a civil war that ended in 2003 are a vivid but receding memory. Charles Taylor, the warlord who ruled in Liberia s darkest days, is now in a British jail, serving a life sentence for crimes against humanity, including terrorism, pillage, rape, murder and sexual slavery the first former head of state convicted by an international tribunal since Nuremburg. Yet the country is still one of the world s poorest. It survived another existential crisis three years ago with an outbreak of the Ebola virus that overwhelmed its health services. Residents complain of corruption from officials and poor public services, and say that while they are thankful for the peace that Johnson Sirleaf brought, they are excited about the prospect of change. For me, the only thing about this administration is peace. I gave her a plus in that, said Timothy Sambulah, a taxi driver in the capital Monrovia. But, he said: She has not been able to fight corruption. She failed to deal with people who took money to build their big houses. FRONT-RUNNERS INCLUDE WEAH Among the front-runners seen as likely to win a place in the run-off are Vice President Joseph Nyuma Boakai, representing the ruling Unity Party, and football star George Weah, who lost to Johnson Sirleaf in 2005. Weah has served in the senate since 2014 for the opposition Congress for Democratic Change. Candidates have held enthusiastic rallies attended by thousands of supporters wearing T-shirts, drenched by downpours in a carnival atmosphere. Many have promised a break from the past. One poster carried around by opponents read: Another six years of this... with a photograph of a distressed woman seated in a damp home with walls made of corrugated iron. There will be no business as usual. We are going to end the era of selective justice so people are given equal protection under the law, Charles Walker Brumskine, a lawyer running as the candidate of the Liberty Party, third biggest in Congress, told Reuters. But one diplomat said it would be difficult to accelerate development just as millions of dollars in aid money pledged during the Ebola outbreak is drying up. Liberia, Africa s oldest republic, was founded by freed U.S. slaves in the 19th century. Its recovery since the war has been remarkable. GDP for the country of 4.6 million reached $2.1 billion last year up from just $550 million the year Sirleaf Johnson took office. A former finance minister in the 1970s who fled after a coup and worked for the World Bank and Citibank during her exile, she restored a measure of professionalism to a government that had been seized by a military junta in 1980 and collapsed under the predation of the warlords. Outside her home country, Johnson Sirleaf has served as an ambassador for peace in an unstable region, donning colorful headscarves on diplomatic missions such as one last year to persuade Gambia s ruler Yahya Jammeh to step down. Still, many Liberians say she failed to stamp out graft and nepotism that have held the country back. Her son Robert Sirleaf was a senior advisor and ran state oil firm NOCAL, which collapsed after his tenure as crude prices slumped in 2015. Her other son, Charles, was among 45 government officials suspended in 2012 for failing to declare their assets to anti-corruption authorities. She declared her own assets this year. Last year a grand jury indicted government officials, including the speaker of parliament on charges including bribery. High level corruption has been a slap in the face for Liberians, most of whom live in abject poverty, said Liberian political analyst Robtel Neajai Pailey who also criticized what she described as hero worship of Johnson Sirleaf. (This version of the story corrects the gender of the pronoun in final paragraph to she from he, referring to expert) | worldnews | October 8, 2017 | 0real
In Liberian slum, residents demand change from next president | MONROVIA (Reuters) - Crammed into tumble-down shacks on a sandspit that the Atlantic Ocean is steadily devouring, the residents of Liberia s most notorious slum have one common desire: an end to their daily struggle with dire poverty. Next month, when the 75,000 inhabitants of the capital Monrovia s West Point neighborhood decide who should be the next leader of Africa s oldest republic, an ex-soccer star or the current vice president, they will not be nostalgic. The last president didn t give any help to the common people - no improvement, no development, said Ishmael Campbell, a 26-year-old fisherman born and raised in the shantytown. We need a president who will be there for us. While the world has feted President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, for keeping the peace after a prolonged civil war, those living in West Point take a dimmer view of her 12-year tenure. Like most in West Point, Campbell lives in a shack along one of the labyrinthine back alleys where houses are packed so close that residents must squeeze through shoulder-wide paths choked by rotting fish and sewage. On Johnson Sirleaf s watch, an Ebola epidemic saw them placed under quarantine, hemmed in by barbed wire and soldiers who opened fire on protesters challenging the order. Then a global commodities crash dashed the country s hopes of mining riches. The economy quadrupled in size, thanks in large part to the fact that peace prevailed, but Johnson Sirleaf was criticized for failing to curb corruption. The two candidates through to the Nov. 7 runoff election, George Weah, a former FIFA world player of the year, and Vice President Joseph Boakai, must persuade struggling voters across the West African nation that they can make a difference. Though representing the ruling party, Boakai has presented himself as the candidate for change, playing up his humble beginnings in a bid to distance himself from the tinted-windows government elite despised by the poor. Neither he nor Johnson Sirleaf are seen as corrupt, but Boakai has been nicknamed sleepy Joe for falling asleep at public functions and few are buying his message in West Point. He doesn t care about us, he just cares about himself, Campbell said. West Point, where jobs are few and many residents spend the hot afternoons playing checkers or fixing fishing lines in the shade, is a Weah stronghold. The youth are on the streets, but they want to work, said Eugene Nyuti, 35. George Weah is going to empower the youth. Weah is a senator and has been goodwill ambassador for UNICEF; many Liberians call him the ambassador . His policies are vague, although he says he wants to improve the country s roads, and critics say he lacks political experience, but he won a clear lead in the first round of the election, with 38 percent of the vote to Boakai s 28 percent. West Point s problems are echoed to varying degrees across Liberia, which has relied heavily on international donor support since the end of the war in 2003. The state-run Liberia Electricity Corporation struggles to generate enough revenue to erect more power lines. Thousands across Monrovia illegally connect to the grid with crude wires. Still, West Point stands out. Asked about their most desperate need, residents point to the rubbish-strewn ocean that laps at their homes. Old sand bags and tires have not stopped the problem. Houses regularly slide into the sea. Towards evening as Joseph Myame, 25, watched fishermen roll their wooden canoes onto the beach, he too is praying for a Weah victory. Maybe he can make a bit of a difference. But whoever wins, the problems are too big. | worldnews | October 23, 2017 | 0real
Trump says union head who accused him of lying has 'done a terrible job' | NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump clashed on Wednesday with a union official who accused the president-elect of lying about the number of jobs saved in a deal to keep air conditioner maker Carrier from moving some jobs from Indiana to Mexico. Chuck Jones, president of United Steelworkers Local 1999, which represents workers at United Technologies Corp’s Carrier plant in Indianapolis, in an interview on CNN criticized Trump for at least the second time in two days over the deal. Trump, in a Twitter post on Wednesday, offered a sharp reply: “Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers Local 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!” On Tuesday, Jones told The Washington Post that when Trump spoke at the Carrier factory last week, “He got up there and, for whatever reason, lied his ass off.” Indiana state officials have agreed to give Carrier $7 million in tax breaks to encourage it to keep about 1,100 jobs in the state, although about 300 of the jobs are in the company’s headquarters and were not scheduled to go to Mexico. Only 800 of the positions are union factory jobs, and Carrier still plans to send an estimated 1,300 jobs to Mexico. Some employees are disappointed, Jones said on CNN on Wednesday. “We had a lot of our members, when the word was coming out of 1,100, they thought that they would have a job,” he said. In more remarks on CNN later on Wednesday, Jones responded to Trump’s Twitter post. “That’s pretty low-down, low life,” he said. “He doesn’t like to be challenged, and I challenged him.” Trump, who made tough talk on trade a centerpiece of his election campaign, had vowed to impose hefty tariffs if Carrier did not reverse course on shifting jobs to Mexico. Trump posted another tweet after Jones’ later remarks on CNN. “If United Steelworkers 1999 was any good, they would have kept those jobs in Indiana,” Trump wrote. | politicsNews | December 8, 2016 | 0real
Boiler Room – #UniteTheRight Coverage with Hesher, Andy Nowicki, Patrick Henningsen, FunkS0ul & Randy J | Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR host Hesher and along side Andy Nowicki (the Alt Right Novelist) reporting LIVE from the #UniteTheRight rally in VA, Patrick Henningsen of 21st Century Wire and FunkSoul & Randy J (21WIRE & ACR contributors), for this special broadcast of BOILER ROOM.Today on the show the ACR Brain-Trust is having an emergency meeting to cover Andy Nowicki s experience at the Unite The Right rally in VA. Hesher, FunkSoul, Randy J and Patrick Henningsen were also covering the live updates of the news scene at the very same rally, where several cars were involved in a hit and run style event that ended with multiple injuries and fatalities reported.Direct Download Episode #121Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved! Reference Links, for your consideration and research: | US_News | August 13, 2017 | 1fake
Factbox: Contenders for key jobs in Trump's administration | (Reuters) - Below are people mentioned as contenders for senior roles as U.S. President-elect Donald Trump works to form his administration before taking office on Jan. 20, according to Reuters sources and media reports. Trump has already tapped a number of people for other top jobs in his administration. For a list of posts already filled, see. * Mitt Romney, 2012 Republican presidential nominee and former Massachusetts governor * Rudy Giuliani, Republican former mayor of New York City * Bob Corker, Republican U.S. senator from Tennessee and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee * David Petraeus, retired general and former CIA director who pleaded guilty to mishandling classified information that he shared with his biographer, with whom he was having an affair * Jon Huntsman, former Republican Utah governor and ambassador to China under President Barack Obama, ran for Republican presidential nomination in 2012 * James Stavridis, retired Navy admiral * John Bolton, U.S. ambassador to the United Nations under President George W. Bush, foreign policy adviser to 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney * Rex Tillerson, president and chief executive officer of Exxon Mobil * Joe Manchin, Democratic U.S. senator for West Virginia * Dana Rohrabacher, Republican U.S. representative of California and senior member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs * Michael McCaul, Republican U.S. representative from Texas and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee * David Clarke, Milwaukee County sheriff and vocal Trump supporter * Retired Marine Corps General John Kelly, former leader of the military’s Southern Command * Joe Arpaio, who lost his bid for re-election as Maricopa County, Arizona sheriff, and has campaigned for Trump * Kris Kobach, Kansas secretary of state * Frances Townsend, who was homeland security and counterterrorism adviser to President George W. Bush * Jeff Holmstead, energy lawyer, former EPA official during George W. Bush administration * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Leslie Rutledge, Republican Arkansas attorney general * Carol Comer, commissioner of the Indiana Department of Environmental Management * Scott Pruitt, Republican Oklahoma attorney general * Kevin Cramer, Republican U.S. representative from North Dakota * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Heidi Heitkamp, Democratic U.S. senator from North Dakota * Joe Manchin, Democratic U.S. senator from West Virginia * Gary Cohn, president of Goldman Sachs Group Inc * Larry Nichols, co-founder of Devon Energy Corp * James Connaughton, CEO of Nautilus Data Technologies and a former environmental adviser to President George W. Bush * Rick Perry, Republican former Texas governor * Forrest Lucas, founder of oil products company Lucas Oil * Heidi Heitkamp, Democratic U.S. senator from North Dakota * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner in Gryphon * Cathy McMorris Rodgers, U.S. representative from Washington state and House Republican Conference chair * Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee * Jan Brewer, former Republican Arizona governor * Mary Fallin, Republican Oklahoma governor * Ray Washburne, CEO of investment company Charter Holdings * Navy Admiral Mike Rogers, director of the National Security Agency * Ronald Burgess, retired U.S. Army lieutenant general and former Defense Intelligence Agency chief * Robert Cardillo, director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency * Pete Hoekstra, Republican former U.S. representative from Michigan * Rudy Giuliani, former New York mayor * Debra Wong Yang, former U.S. attorney for California’s Central District, appointed by former President George W. Bush * Ralph Ferrara, a securities attorney at Proskauer * Paul Atkins, Republican former SEC commissioner Paul Atkins who is heading Trump’s transition team for independent financial regulatory agencies, including the SEC * Daniel Gallagher, Republican former SEC commissioner * John Allison, a former CEO of regional bank BB&T and former CEO of the Cato Institute * Paul Atkins, former SEC commissioner * Thomas Hoenig, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp vice chairman * Dan DiMicco, former CEO of steel producer Nucor Corp * Robert Lighthizer, a Washington trade attorney and former deputy U.S. trade representative during the Republican Reagan administration * Andrew Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants * Lou Barletta, Republican U.S. representative from Pennsylvania * Victoria Lipnic, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission member and former Labor Department official during the George W. Bush administration * Gary Cohn, Goldman Sachs Group Inc president * Mick Mulvaney, Republican U.S. representative from South Carolina * David Malpass, former chief economist with investment bank Bear Stearns and a senior Trump adviser who also served in the Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush presidential administrations * Scott Brown, former Republican U.S. senator from Massachusetts * Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor * Jeff Miller, former Republican U.S. representative from Florida who was chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee The Trump transition team confirmed the president-elect would choose from a list of 21 names he drew up during his campaign, including Republican U.S. Senator Mike Lee of Utah and William Pryor, a federal judge with the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. | politicsNews | December 6, 2016 | 0real
AFTER 8 Years Of Silence From Obama On Cop Killings, Race Riots, Burning Cities To Ground…NYT’s Calls On Trump To “Denounce Hate” [VIDEO] | Here s just one of many discussions of assassinating Trump onTwitter: Here s a sweet little girl on Twitter who appears to be Hispanic with a vile anti-Trump message, showing a picture of a bloodied and body-less Trump head that appears to be sitting on a bed:Even this writer, who allegedly works for The Guardian was openly calling for Trump s assassination: Here s a touching story about an 11 year old boy who was beaten by his classmates after he admitted to voting for Trump in a mock-election at school:https://twitter.com/Pamela_Moore13/status/796883706950676480And unbelievably, the media weighs in on the fear that pro-Hillary Americans are feeling right now.That's strange, Harry Reid, because all I've seen over the last 48 hours is Trump supporters being violently attacked. pic.twitter.com/GDrp9GPtCa Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 11, 2016In his victory speech early Wednesday morning, Donald Trump pledged that he will be president for all Americans, and he asked those who did not support him for your guidance and your help so that we can work together and unify our great country. Here s some guidance right off the bat, Mr. President-elect: Those sentiments will have more force if you immediately and unequivocally repudiate the outpouring of racist, sexist, xenophobic, anti-Semitic and homophobic insults, threats and attacks being associated with your name. Do this in a personal plea to people who supported your candidacy. Tell them this is not what you stand for, nor is it what your new administration will tolerate.Explicit expressions of bigotry and hatred by Trump supporters were common throughout the campaign, and they have become even more intense since his election. On a department-store window in Philadelphia, vandals spray-painted Sieg Heil 2016 and Mr. Trump s name written with a swastika. In a Minnesota high-school bathroom, vandals scrawled the Trump campaign slogan, Make America Great Again, and next to it, Go back to Africa. There are many more reports pouring in of verbal and physical harassment of Muslims, Latinos and other members of minorities. Though not all are verifiable, the atmosphere of intimidation and fear is unquestionably real and will keep growing. Mr. Trump may not be able to stop it by himself, but he must do everything he can.The problem, of course, is that Mr. Trump s campaign was based on appeals some explicit, some coded to racial and ethnic resentment and division. His followers heard it starting with his speech declaring his candidacy, warning of Mexican immigrant rapists, continuing to a rally last weekend where he promised to bar all Syrian refugees because they will import generations of terrorism, extremism and radicalism into your schools and throughout your communities. These statements emboldened and even encouraged those who have been looking for a license to lash out against immigrants, refugees, minorities and anyone else they find threatening. They take his victory as vindication of their feelings.Here are paid protesters and anarchists destroying public property and fighting with each other. Men are openly punching women as other women beg them to stop. But this is probably Trump s fault. He should just come out and denounce the hate against him and they ll all go home to their parents basements .right?Smashing an electrical box with a baseball bat while dozens of people stand nearby.The Alt-Left in action. #TrumpRiot pic.twitter.com/Gx2PWSEWgw Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) November 11, 2016And finally, from the NYT s:As a candidate, Mr. Trump could get away with ignoring racist and sexist abuse by his supporters. But as the president-elect, he has the moral duty to reject it in the most aggressive terms. There should be no space in American political discourse for violent or abusive behavior. And that includes, of course, acts of vandalism and other violence by anti-Trump demonstrators. | left-news | Nov 11, 2016 | 1fake
Kansas governor signs school funding bill aimed at adequacy | (Reuters) - Kansas Governor Sam Brownback on Thursday signed into law a school funding bill that will face scrutiny by the state supreme court to determine if it fulfills a mandate for adequacy. The Republican governor said he approved the measure even though the legislature “missed an opportunity to substantially improve the K-12 funding system.” The Republican-controlled legislature faced a June 30 deadline set by the Kansas Supreme Court in March to come up with enough funding to meet the state constitution’s requirement for adequacy. Alan Rupe, an attorney for school districts that filed a funding lawsuit, said the additional $293 million lawmakers allocated to schools over the next two fiscal years falls far short of what is needed. “We’re grateful for the effort, but it’s not enough to achieve constitutionality,” he said, noting that the Kansas State Board of Education had proposed an $893 million, two-year funding increase. Now that the bill has become law, Rupe said he expects the supreme court to set up a process for the state to demonstrate how the measure complies with the constitutional requirement. Besides finding more money for schools, Kansas lawmakers also had to plug budget holes largely caused by falling tax revenue. Earlier this month, the legislature overrode Brownback’s veto of a bill hiking income tax rates to raise $1.2 billion over the next two fiscal years. | politicsNews | June 16, 2017 | 0real
Trump says hopes to avoid use of military action on North Korea | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Thursday he would prefer to avoid military action to deal with North Korea s nuclear threat, but said previous diplomatic efforts have failed to pressure Pyongyang from developing its missiles. Military action would certainly be an option. Is it inevitable? Nothing is inevitable, Trump said during a news conference. I would prefer not going the route of the military, Trump said. If we do use it on North Korea, it will be a very sad day for North Korea. | worldnews | September 7, 2017 | 0real
Drunk Bragging Trump Staffer Started Russian Collusion Investigation | House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is going to have a bad day. He s been under the assumption, like many of us, that the Christopher Steele-dossier was what prompted the Russia investigation so he s been lashing out at the Department of Justice and the FBI in order to protect Trump. As it happens, the dossier is not what started the investigation, according to documents obtained by the New York Times.Former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos was drunk in a wine bar when he revealed knowledge of Russian opposition research on Hillary Clinton.On top of that, Papadopoulos wasn t just a covfefe boy for Trump, as his administration has alleged. He had a much larger role, but none so damning as being a drunken fool in a wine bar. Coffee boys don t help to arrange a New York meeting between Trump and President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of Egypt two months before the election. It was known before that the former aide set up meetings with world leaders for Trump, but team Trump ran with him being merely a coffee boy.In May 2016, Papadopoulos revealed to Australian diplomat Alexander Downer that Russian officials were shopping around possible dirt on then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton. Exactly how much Mr. Papadopoulos said that night at the Kensington Wine Rooms with the Australian, Alexander Downer, is unclear, the report states. But two months later, when leaked Democratic emails began appearing online, Australian officials passed the information about Mr. Papadopoulos to their American counterparts, according to four current and former American and foreign officials with direct knowledge of the Australians role. Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to lying to the F.B.I. and is now a cooperating witness with Special Counsel Robert Mueller s team.This isn t a presidency. It s a badly scripted reality TV show.Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images. | News | December 31, 2017 | 1fake
London Mayor says police presence to increase after metro explosion | LONDON (Reuters) - London Mayor Sadiq Khan said Londoners will see more police on the streets of the British capital after an explosion at a metro station, which officers said was a terrorist incident. They will see over the course of today and the next few days an enhanced police presence, not simply on the public transport network but also across London, Khan told LBC Radio. | worldnews | September 15, 2017 | 0real
UNREAL! RAW VIDEO: Looting During Milwaukee Riot Captures Thugs Destroying Store [Video] | The Milwaukee riots provided an opportunity for thugs to ransack and destroy small businesses in their own community Unreal! A longer version of the looting: | politics | Aug 16, 2016 | 1fake
WATCH: Trump Literally Accuses The Media Of Covering Up Terrorist Attacks | Donald Trump has definitely gone off the deep end this time.Whenever a terrorist attack has occurred in this country or overseas, the media has been quick to report on it. From the attacks on 9/11 in New York, to those in Nice and Paris in France and elsewhere, the media has always kept us informed when an attack happens.Donald Trump, however, thinks terrorist attacks are happening every minute of the day and in an effort to scare people and justify his policies, such as his Muslim ban, Trump literally accused the media of covering up terrorist attacks in Europe. All over Europe it s happening, Trump said during remarks to U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) on Monday. It s gotten to a point where it s not even being reported. And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn t want to report it. They have their reasons and you understand that. Here s the video via Twitter.Trump says terror so bad it s not even being reported. And in many cases the very, very dishonest press doesn t want to report it. (1/2) pic.twitter.com/PUAIW9ied1 Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) February 6, 2017This is a complete lie and the American people ought to be totally outraged by the accusation. In no way has the media ever ignored a terrorist attack in Europe. As we have personally witnessed over the last few years, the media has provided extensive coverage of attacks that occurred in Paris, Nice, and Brussels in Europe along with attacks that occurred outside of Europe in Beirut and Ankara.Trump s accusation is irresponsible and plain untrue and he is doing it as a way to gain support for his unconstitutional Muslim ban.Earlier in his remarks, Trump once again spewed delusions about the election, bragging about how the numbers prove that everyone likes him even though he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes to Hillary Clinton. We had a wonderful election, didn t we? Trump began. And I saw those numbers and you like me and I like you. Here s that video via Twitter.Trump begins CENTCOM remarks by saying: We had a wonderful election, didn t we? And I saw those numbers and you like me and I like you pic.twitter.com/Xh8Rqfmyal Steve Kopack (@SteveKopack) February 6, 2017It s time for the press to start punishing Trump. Media networks should no longer allow Trump surrogates to appear on television because it is clear that they are not telling the truth and are only there to spread misinformation and propaganda.CNN recently refused to have Kellyanne Conway on their programming because she has zero credibility. Every single network should follow their lead.The accusation that the press intentionally covers up terrorist attacks is outrageous and should draw a sharp rebuke and condemnation from media networks all over the world. Donald Trump is literally saying that Europe is plagued by terrorist attacks. It s the same thing as Kellyanne Conway citing a non-existent terrorist attack in Bowling Green, Kentucky. Trump and Conway are making shit up to defend the administration s bigoted agenda and they cannot be allowed to get away with it.Read more:Featured image via screenshot | News | February 6, 2017 | 1fake
DeVos confirmed as U.S. education secretary as Pence breaks tie | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s choice of billionaire Betsy DeVos to be education secretary was confirmed by the U.S. Senate on Tuesday, but only after Vice President Mike Pence was called in to break a tie that threatened to defeat her. The tie-breaking vote, which Senate officials said was unprecedented to confirm a Cabinet nominee, followed an all-night debate on DeVos as Senate Democrats tried to pressure at least one more Republican to oppose her and defeat the nomination. Only two Republicans joined the 46 Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. Critics have called her unprepared to lead the Department of Education after a rocky Senate confirmation hearing. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer immediately derided the proceeding. “This cabinet nom is so unqualified, so divisive, that @MikePenceVP had to drive down Pennsylvania Ave to cast the deciding vote,” he wrote in a Twitter post after the vote. Under the U.S. Constitution, the vice president also serves as president of the Senate, with the power to cast votes only when there are ties on nominations or legislation. Republican Trump tweeted his congratulations to the nominee and Pence praised her. “Today’s vote to confirm Education Secretary @BetsyDeVos was a vote for every child having a chance at a world-class education,” the vice president wrote in a Twitter post. Ultimately, only Republican Senators Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska joined the Democrats and two independents in opposition to DeVos. That left 50 Republicans supporting her in the 100-member chamber. Historically, Cabinet nominees with weak support in the Senate ask the president to withdraw their nomination, which DeVos did not do. DeVos is married to the heir and former chief executive of Amway, which sells household and personal care items. She is also the daughter of the founders of Prince Corp, a Michigan car parts supplier, and sister of Erik Prince, the founder of the security company formerly known as Blackwater USA, now called Academi. As Monday night’s debate wound down, Schumer said of DeVos: “She disdains public education where 90 percent of our students are.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, urging her confirmation, said it was time to “end the unprecedented delay by Democrats” on the Cabinet nominations by Trump, who took office on Jan. 20. DeVos has been an advocate of charter schools, which operate independently of school districts and frequently are run by corporations. Democrats are concerned she will promote charter schools in a way that would undercut public schools, which have long been the anchor of the U.S. education system. Teachers unions, a major constituency for the Democratic Party, roundly opposed DeVos, a philanthropist and investor, to lead the department, which sets education policy for younger children and universities and also administers a college financial aid program of $1 trillion. The Consumer Federation of America urged DeVos to confront the problem of millions of Americans in default on student loans. “The new secretary needs to put borrowers and taxpayers first, rather than focusing on helping the student loan and for-profit college industries pump up their profits,” it said. Following the cliffhanger vote on DeVos, the Senate promptly limited debate on Trump’s choice of Senator Jeff Sessions to be attorney general. A final vote on Sessions’ nomination is expected sometime this week. Also up for Senate debate soon are Trump’s nominations of Representative Tom Price to be secretary of Health and Human Services and ex-banker Steve Mnuchin to be Treasury secretary. All three face opposition from Senate Democrats. Also facing a rough ride is Trump’s choice of Andrew Puzder to be secretary of labor. Puzder, the chief executive of CKE Restaurants Inc, has admitted to employing an undocumented immigrant as a house cleaner. | politicsNews | February 7, 2017 | 0real
FBI Agents Destroy Donald Trump After He Attacks The Agency And James Comey | Donald Trump went on quite a tweetstorm this morning, lashing out former Director of the FBI James Comey and the agency. Trump is losing his sh*t after his former national security adviser flipped in the investigation into any possible collusion between his campaign and Russia. On his former FBI Director, Trump called him a liar, writing, I never asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn. Just more Fake News covering another Comey lie! Then he claimed his FBI is the worst in History! and said it was in tatters. After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters worst in History! he wrote. But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness. After years of Comey, with the phony and dishonest Clinton investigation (and more), running the FBI, its reputation is in Tatters worst in History! But fear not, we will bring it back to greatness. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 3, 2017That tweet prompted a statement from the President of the FBI Agents Association in a series of tweets. Every day, FBI Special Agents put their lives on the line to protect the American public from national security and criminal threats, FBIAA President Thomas O Connor wrote. Agents perform these duties with unwavering integrity and professionalism and a focus on complying with the law and the Constitution. This is why the FBI continues to be the premier law enforcement agency in the world, he continued. FBI Agents are dedicated to their mission; suggesting otherwise is simply false. James Comey also weighed in. I want the American people to know this truth: The FBI is honest. The FBI is strong. And the FBI is, and always will be, independent. Me (June 8, 2017) pic.twitter.com/OZ1ZiBrMNL James Comey (@Comey) December 3, 2017Former President Barack Obama s Attorney General Eric Holder also took a shot at Trump s tweets. Nope. Not letting this go. The FBI s reputation is not in tatters, Holder tweeted. It s composed of the same dedicated men and women who have always worked there and who do a great, apolitical job. You ll find integrity and honesty at FBI headquarters and not at 1600 Penn Ave right now. Nope. Not letting this go. The FBI s reputation is not in tatters . It s composed of the same dedicated men and women who have always worked there and who do a great, apolitical job. You ll find integrity and honesty at FBI headquarters and not at 1600 Penn Ave right now Eric Holder (@EricHolder) December 3, 2017What the FBI agents are saying is that Donald Trump is fake news.Photo by Tom Pennington/Getty Images. | News | December 3, 2017 | 1fake
This Is Clinton’s Supreme Court Plan, And It Could Destroy Senate Republicans | Hillary Clinton is about to step up the fight against Senate Republicans and their refusal to give constitutional hearings to Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland.Despite his impressive resume, including a stint prosecuting the worst domestic terrorist in America, most Republicans have refused to even give Garland a standard meeting, let alone give him an up or down vote in the Senate.In a speech about the Supreme Court that Clinton is scheduled to deliver at the University of Wisconsin at Madison, the Democratic front-runner is expected to single out Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley and challenge him to hold hearings on the nomination of Merrick Garland to fill the Supreme Court seat vacated last month by the death of Antonin Scalia, according to a campaign official.Clinton has spoken out forcefully against the Republicans intransigence to hold nominating hearings, accusing the GOP of implicit racism in ignoring President Barack Obama s nominee, and noting that it has never taken the Senate more than 125 days to vote on a Supreme Court nomination.Even controversial Supreme Court nominees offered up by Republican presidents, like Justices Alito and Roberts and nominee Robert Bork, were given hearings and subjected to a vote by the U.S. Senate.Republicans have offered several phony excuses for the opposition to Garland, including the strange claim that the Senate shouldn t act on nominees in the last year of a presidency. Historical precedent has already shown that that isn t true.Republican leaders with no actual role in Garland s nomination, like Speaker Paul Ryan, have also chimed in against an up or down vote.But polling shows that an overwhelming majority of Americans, including many Republicans, believe that Garland deserves a fair hearing. In response, some Republicans have already given in on sitting down and having a discussion with the nominee, particularly those in blue or purple states who face re-election this year against strong Democratic candidates.The rest of the Republicans opposed to a Garland hearing are already facing the prospect of having their obstruction linked to highly unpopular presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump has made the same arguments against a Garland hearing as his Republican allies, and some, like Senator John McCain (R-AZ) are facing advertising tying them in with Trump s position here, among others.Despite Arizona s history as a Republican state, the most recent polling has shown McCain tied with his Democratic challenger. Maybe he and his colleagues will stop the Garland blockade?Featured image via Flickr | News | March 28, 2016 | 1fake
Republican Romney to make 'major speech' on 2016 presidential race: Fox | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will make a “major speech” on the 2016 White House race on Thursday, Fox News reported on Wednesday. Fox News said there was no sign that Romney was set to enter the 2016 race, citing people close to the 2012 White House hopeful. The speech is scheduled to begin at 11:30 a.m. EST. (Reporting by Megan Cassella) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production. | politicsNews | March 2, 2016 | 0real
WATCH: Mark Cuban Informs Fox Host That Media Would Cover Trump Better If He Would Just Shut Up | When a Fox News host tried to whine about the way the media has been covering Donald Trump, Mark Cuban dropped a truth bomb on him.Throughout this campaign, the Republican nominee has said increasingly more bombastic statements. In fact, Trump s rhetoric and behavior are totally unprecedented, which is why the media is covering him the way they do.But Trump has repeatedly complained about the media covering the things he has said and done, which is why he has been blaming them for his low poll numbers and is accusing them of rigging the election against him.And Fox host Howard Kurtz tried to push the Trump line on Sunday, only to be derailed by real billionaire Mark Cuban. The media coverage of Trump in the last couple of months has been overwhelmingly negative, Kurtz whined. But Cuban was quick to point out that Donald Trump only has himself to blame for the way the media covers him. Well, that s of his own making, isn t it? If you re going to say the things that he says, and if you re going to make the flippant comments that he makes, you re going to get covered. I mean, all he had to do was shut up nine out of ten times and the coverage would be distinctly different. That s just not something he s capable of doing. Cuban is exactly right. Donald Trump did this to himself by simply opening his mouth and saying and doing things that he shouldn t. He just doesn t want to take responsibility for his words and behavior so he is making the media his scapegoat and his supporters believe him.When Kurtz complained that the media is hostile towards Trump, Cuban once again informed the Fox host Trump knew what he was getting into when he threw his hat into the presidential arena. Look, on the way up, he was happy to ride the train, right? He bragged about media coverage, he was excited about it, he loved the live coverage of the primaries and early on the presidential race. It s a two-edged sword, you know that. So if you re going to love it on the way up, you got to learn to deal with it. Here s the video via YouTube.Once again, Mark Cuban is spot on. Donald Trump has seen a lot of presidential elections in his lifetime so he should know that media coverage of presidential candidates is intense. And Howard Kurtz should know that the primary job of the media is to cover the candidates because that s what journalism is all about. It s not that the media s coverage of Trump is negative, it s that Trump has made himself and his campaign negative from the start and he has made no effort to tone it down.So if Trump wants the media to start covering him differently, he ll have to change first. And that probably won t happen any time soon.Featured Image: Screenshot | News | October 30, 2016 | 1fake
BUCKLE UP AMERICA: Dinesh D’Souza’s Is About To EXPOSE The Democrat Party In “Hillary’s America”…WATCH The Powerful NEW Trailer HERE | No one exposes the truth about the corrupt and self-serving Democrat party better than Dinesh D Souza. For decades, the Democrat party has been able to sweep their role in slavery under the rug this movie could change that. The movie is set to be released on July 25,2016. It all began when the Obama Administration tried to shut me up. What did I learn? The system doesn t go after them because they run the system. It s time to go behind the curtain discover the soul of the Democratic Party. CLICK HERE to purchase tickets or to find out if Hillary s America is playing in a theater near you. If there is no theater willing to show Hillary s America near you, click HERE to demand your local theater shows this important film.The Blaze Tucked among talk about his new book, upcoming documentaries and the future of the United States, Dinesh D Souza made a major prediction on the next American president: If I had to bet now, I regret to say, I would bet on Hillary. [quote_box_center] [Clinton s campaign staff] fight like it matters to them, D Souza said on The Glenn Beck Program. They re in a knife fight, not a chess match, and we have to up our game. [/quote_box_center][quote_box_center] I respect their ruthlessness, D Souza said. If you look at Hillary, her political strategy is to doggedly move ahead and dare everybody else to bludgeon her to the ground and sit on her, otherwise she s going to keep moving you ve got to respect that. [/quote_box_center] Her ambition is to establish a kind of stranglehold of control over the leaders of wealth and power in America, D Souza posited. I don t just mean the government. I mean the private sector, over the lives of American citizens. D Souza compared the presidential contender s ambition to a Napoleonic hunger for power and tyrannical impulse, claiming Clinton would not be satisfied if everything is not at your command if everyone is not at your behest. | politics | Mar 6, 2016 | 1fake
Palestinian rivals Hamas, Fatah agree to complete Gaza handover by Dec. 1: statement | CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah on Thursday agreed to complete the handover of administrative control of Gaza to a unity government by Dec. 1, a statement from Egypt s state information service said. | worldnews | October 12, 2017 | 0real
WATCH: Dem Rep. Just BRAZENLY Called Out Trump’s Immaturity, And It’s Simply AMAZING | Democrats are more pissed off with Trump s behavior than Republicans, because Republicans apparently feel they need to march in lockstep with the president when the president is a Republican. Trump s behavior on Twitter, even though he s taken office and is supposed to be acting presidential, is abominable, and some members of Congress are sick of sugarcoating it.Rep. Kathleen Rice spoke to Wolf Blitzer on CNN, where she blasted Trump and his immaturity, and his inability to let personal slights go. She actually told Blitzer that his behavior was worse than juvenile: It s juvenile. It s actually an insult to actual juveniles to say that it s juvenile I don t even know what category to put this in. Yep, a U.S. Representative went on national cable news to say that Trump is so immature it s insulting to kids to say so. And she s right he went on a tear against Judge James Robart, the U.S. district judge who blocked Trump s Muslim ban, and even told his followers to blame Robart if something happens, because the decision means that anyone and everyone can just enter the country on a whim.He s repeatedly blasted The New York Times as being fake news (same with CNN). He blasts Saturday Night Live because they make fun of him (who don t they make fun of?). He couldn t let reports that his inauguration numbers were less-than stellar go for nearly two weeks. And the list goes on, and on, and on, ad infinitum and ad nauseam. He can t let anything go, and Rice touched on that, too, when she said: And I m hoping that he stops with the name-calling and the attacking every time someone says if it s a poll he doesn t like, if it s a comment that he doesn t like, if it s a court decision he doesn t like that s part of life. Exactly. It s part of life and it s a big part of life when you re a public figure, particularly a public political figure. The fact that she felt she had basically had no words for the level of immaturity Trump shows, and was willing to say so on national television, is very telling. Watch her full comments below:Rep. Kathleen Rice on Trump s name-calling: There s a certain amount of decorum that we expect from our president https://t.co/uh6WIwKPa1 CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) February 6, 2017Read more:Featured image via screen capture from embedded video | News | February 6, 2017 | 1fake
NC TEACHER SIGNS UP FIRST GRADERS For Black Lives Matter Protest With No Consent | This so-called movement is out of control and it s not even clear what the end game is here. This teacher should be fired for exposing the children to this idiotic stuff! A Durham, North Carolina teacher signed up six year-olds for a Black Lives Matter protest without their parents consent.Central Park School for Children in Durham, North Carolina has enrolled grade-school students in a Black Lives March and Rally scheduled for March 17, 2016. The teachers can opt-in or opt-out their classes, but parents have not been given a choice.Stef Bernal-Martinez, a teacher of 6-year-old children, signed up all the children in her class for a Black Lives March and Rally to take place during the school day, at the city s downtown Central Park and Farmer s Market. Ms. Bernal-Martinez describes herself as a Radical Queer Progressive Educator and white-passing Xicana. The event, like the Black Lives Matter movement itself, is less a spontaneous protest movement than a divide-and-conquer campaign by elite leftists. Two out of three African-Americans prefer the hrase All Lives Matter to Black Lives Matter according to a national August, 2015 Rasmussen poll. The grade school is predominantly Caucasian, but run by radical leftists. Naturally the school didn t send the parents consent forms.Read more: Daily Caller | politics | Mar 17, 2016 | 1fake
TRUMP TWEET STORM On Obamacare Sets Up Battle with Democrats On “Lousy Healthcare” [Video] | Remember when Pelosi said it s AFFORDABLE : | Government News | Jan 3, 2017 | 1fake
Pence says his private email use was not the same as Clinton's | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Vice President Mike Pence on Friday said there was “no comparison whatsoever” between his use of a private email account for state business while he was governor of Indiana and the email woes of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Clinton’s use of a private email server during her time in government became a major point of criticism against her as the Democratic nominee during the 2016 presidential election by Pence, the running mate of President Donald Trump, and others involved in the Republican campaign. “There’s no comparison whatsoever between Hillary Clinton’s practice, having a private server that was handling classified information, destroying emails that were requested by the Congress and by officials,” Pence told reporters on the sidelines of an event in Wisconsin. Pence’s use of an AOL email account was first reported by the Indianapolis Star on Thursday. The newspaper said Pence used the account at times to discuss sensitive matters and homeland security issues. The account was hacked last summer, the newspaper reported. Pence said he complied with Indiana laws in his use of the email account, and he had an outside attorney review his private email records and archive those related to state business. During the campaign, Trump and Pence said Clinton’s use of a private server broke the law and endangered national security - complaints that led their supporters to chant “Lock her up!” at rallies. The State Department’s internal watchdog said Clinton’s use of a private server broke department rules. The FBI reviewed her emails for classified material, but it found that no criminal charges were warranted. FBI Director James Comey, however, said Clinton and her colleagues were “careless” with classified information. Clinton’s staff turned over thousands of emails to the State Department in late 2014. Her team said emails that were not related to government work were deleted, although they said that direction was given before lawmakers issued a subpoena for them. A White House spokeswoman said Pence was not subject to federal laws as governor, unlike Clinton, and did not handle classified information. “There’s light years of difference” between the use of private email by Pence and Clinton, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders told reporters. | politicsNews | March 3, 2017 | 0real
TUCKER CARLSON UNLOADS On Dem Strategist Who Posted #HuntRepublicanCongressmen Day After Republicans Shot By Bernie Sanders Supporter: “You’re an unbalanced person” [VIDEO] | Tucker Carlson debated a New Jersey Democratic operative who tweeted an insensitive message after the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.). We are in a war with selfish, foolish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen, James Devine tweeted on June 14.Here s the actual tweet:We are in a war with selfish, foolish & narcissistic rich people. Why is it a shock when things turn violent? #HuntRepublicanCongressmen James Devine (@James_J_Devine) June 14, 2017Devine, a previous candidate for mayor of Rahway, N.J., said he does not condone violence but is instead pointing out what he considered hypocrisy.Devine said the left has to stand up after years of violent Republican rhetoric, saying you have to fight fire with fire. A guy just went and tried to assassinate Republican members of Congress, Carlson said. You re an unbalanced person. Watch the heated exchange here:For entire story: FOX Insider | left-news | Jun 20, 2017 | 1fake
Friday’s New York Daily News Cover Perfectly Illustrates What The Trump ‘Presidency’ Has Done To America | Ever since Donald Trump took his ride down the escalator with his wife Melania, we ve all known he was not fit to be president. The nation watched in helpless horror as he coarsened our political discourse, encouraged violence at his rallies, attacked a Gold Star family, kicked off the whole campaign with anti-immigrant, white nationalist rhetoric that painted all Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals, and much more. Then, with childish pet names and taunts, he decimated the traditional GOP candidates one by one and clinched the Republican nomination.As Trump carried the mantle of the GOP, the party brass desperately hoped that he would no longer be the crude, crass, racist, misogynist, xenophobic, disgusting man they had seen in the primary campaign. They hoped that he we would pivot, to no avail. Then, in a shocking political upset, Trump actually won the presidency via America s draconian Electoral College system, which was actually created to appease southern slave owners, and should have been dismantled long ago. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million, yet she did not get to take the White House. The nation has suffered both at home and on the world stage for this.In Trump s latest outrage, just shy of six months into his presidency, Trump has again sunk to another low, and launched an incredibly misogynistic, disgusting attack on his one-time friend, Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski. Trump, a lifelong New Yorker, has finally gotten his wish, but likely not in the way he imagined. One of his city s biggest papers, the New York Daily News, devoted a cover to him, to display what his so-called presidency has actually done to America and its citizens: He has humiliated us. In a dramatic cover, the Daily News tweeted Trump s effect, with a photo that said it all, an American Bald Eagle with its head bowed, with just the world HUMILIATION and a sub-header declaring that Trump has set a new low. Here is their profound tweet:How did we get here?A sneak peek at Friday's front page: https://t.co/zGR78o9N9L pic.twitter.com/qrzLJfhj2t New York Daily News (@NYDailyNews) June 29, 2017The New York Daily News is correct. No matter what Trump s ignorant, mouth-breathing base thinks, his very candidacy damaged America s standing on the world stage, and his so-called presidency has destroyed it. The damage Trump has done and continues to do will take a generation to repair. The fact that this man got anywhere near the presidency and that s saying nothing of actually being elected concerns and alarms our allies regarding the judgment of the citizens of this nation, and rightly so. They have every reason to worry.That bowed bald eagle says it all. Shame on us, America, for doing this to our great nation.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images | News | June 30, 2017 | 1fake
Obama Has Harsh Words After Veto Override On 9/11 Bill: ‘It Was A Mistake’ (VIDEO) | President Obama had scathing words for the lawmakers who voted to overturn his presidential veto on a bill that will allow victims of terrorists to sue foreign nationals.The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) will allow the families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, the country where many of the terrorists were from. The bill passed Congress with a unanimous vote, but on Friday, Obama used his veto pen to strike the law down.However, the Senate voted 97-1 to overturn the president s veto and Congress voted in favor of the veto override 348-77, meaning the bill has now become law despite Obama s objections.This is the first time in Obama s presidency that lawmakers have voted to override his veto. According to White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest, it is the single most embarrassing thing the Senate has done. Speaking to CNN s Jake Tapper, President Obama said their decision to override the veto was a mistake. I think it was a mistake, and I understand why it happened. Obviously all of us still carry the scars and trauma of 9/11, the president said, noting that there is a long list of resources available to help support the victims of this tragedy.Obama voiced his objections to the bill yet again, explaining that it will do away with sovereign immunity. which win turn, put Americans abroad in danger of finding themselves facing private lawsuits in countries around the world. It s a dangerous precedent and it s an example why sometimes you have to do what s hard, Obama said. And frankly I wish Congress here had done what s hard. I didn t expect it, because if you re perceived as voting against 9/11 families right before an election, not surprisingly, that s a vote for people to take. But it would have been the right thing to do. Watch Obama respond to the veto override, here:Featured image via video screen capture | News | September 28, 2016 | 1fake
BOILER ROOM – EP #46 – Murder, Witchery, Politricks & A Manatee | Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST every Wednesday. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Daniel Spaulding of Soul of the East, Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, Jay Dyer of Jays Analysis & ACR/21Wire contributor Randy J. In this broadcast listeners will be hearing us go around the BOILER ROOM on a veritable feast of topics including commentary on the latest in the lame stream media reality TV show that is the US Presidential race, the mysterious death of Supreme Court Justice Scalia, an in depth discussion with Jay Dyer on the pitfalls of anarchy/libertarian ideologies, predictive programming aimed at children through Barbie cartoons, unfortunate experiences in air travel, a cautionary tale about manatees and a discourse between Randy J and Hesher on aftermath of the Oregon stand off. If you want to participate, bring something interesting to throw into the boiler Join us in the ALTERNATE CURRENT RADIO chat room.BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! LISTEN TO THE RECORDING IN THE PLAYER BELOW ENJOY! | Middle-east | March 3, 2016 | 1fake
Brazil top prosecutor requests billionaire Batista's arrest -source | BRASILIA/SAO PAULO (Reuters) - Brazil s top prosecutor asked the country s Supreme Court late on Friday to approve the arrest of billionaire Joesley Batista, one of the owners of the world s largest meatpacker JBS SA, a person with knowledge of the matter said. Brazil s Prosecutor-General Rodrigo Janot had told a news conference on Monday that he was considering revoking a plea bargain deal struck by Batista and a fellow state s witness after they appeared to have inadvertently recorded themselves discussing crimes not covered in the deal. The source, who asked for anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the matter publicly, said that Janot had requested the arrest of Batista and Ricardo Saud, a former executive at the Batista family holding company J&F Investimentos, based on the four-hour recording. Janot s office did not respond to calls and email requests for comment. Joesley Batista and his brother Wesley confessed to bribing scores of politicians in plea bargain testimony that allowed them to avoid prosecution. Amongst the evidence they provided to prosecutors was a recording of President Michel Temer apparently endorsing hush payments to a possible witness in a graft probe. The source said that Janot had revoked the benefits granted under the plea bargain deal to Joesley and Ricardo Saud, a former executive of holding company J&F Investimentos, through which the Batista family controls JBS. He also asked Supreme Court Justice Edson Facchin to authorize the arrest of a former prosecutor, Marcelo Miller, the source said. The taped conversation, which was made public by the Supreme Court this week, was inadvertently submitted to prosecutors with unrelated material last week. In it, Batista and Saud say Miller helped the Batista brothers strike their plea bargain before leaving the Prosecutors Office in April to work in a private law firm. In a statement this week, J&F said Batista and Saud were simply discussing hypotheses in the conversation, not facts. Batista s lawyer, Pierpaolo Bottini, filed a request on Saturday for the Supreme Court to hear defense arguments before authorizing the arrest of his client and Saud. The lawyer also said Batista and Ricardo Saud are willing to surrender their passports. A lawyer for Miller, Andr Perecmanis, said on Saturday his client did not help the Batistas in their plea deal while working as a prosecutor. Another source with knowledge of the matter said the leniency agreement of J&F Investimentos SA, which the company signed in May agreeing to pay a record leniency fine of 10.3 billion reais ($3.3 billion) for its role in the political bribery scheme, had been validated on Friday by a federal court. The source, asking for anonymity to discuss the matter freely, said that if a plea bargain by J&F Investimentos is canceled, the leniency agreement may also lose effect. A string of asset sales depend on the validity of the leniency agreement. In three months, the holding company has signed agreements to sell Havaianas flip-flops maker Alpargatas SA ALPA4.SA, dairy company Vigor Alimentos SA and pulpmaker Eldorado Brasil Celulose SA, but the sales may only be finalized if the leniency agreement is still valid. | worldnews | September 9, 2017 | 0real
Trump tax proposal would mostly benefit New York's wealthy: report | NEW YORK (Reuters) - Nearly all of New York City’s millionaires would receive big tax cuts under President Donald Trump’s proposed tax overhaul, while more than one-third of moderate- and middle-income families would face increases, according to a government report issued on Thursday. City Comptroller Scott Stringer said Trump’s overall plan, as proposed during the Republican president’s campaign, would give more than $5 billion of tax cuts to city dwellers. But almost two-thirds of that would go to those earning more than $500,000, even though they bear just over one-half of the total tax burden. “We already have astounding wealth gaps across the city and across the country,” Stringer told a news conference. “The Trump tax code, if implemented, would only exacerbate it.” The lower taxes for wealthier residents would be achieved through lower marginal tax rates on ordinary and capital gains income and the elimination of the alternative minimum tax (AMT). Last week, U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Trump’s objective is a tax cut for the middle class, not the top 1 percent. He said he is aiming for passage of a comprehensive tax overhaul by the time Congress takes its August recess. Stringer’s office analyzed tax returns of 365,000 New York City households. It found that 92 percent of the city’s millionaires would receive, on average, a tax cut of at least $113,000. Nearly half of single parents who make $25,000 to $50,000 would experience a tax increase, it said. The tax cuts, which would reduce federal revenue by more than $2 trillion over 10 years, are driving proposed budget cuts that would leave the city, home to 60,000 homeless people, with a weakened social safety net, Stringer said. “I find it incredible that this guy, who comes from New York City, who has major investments here, can’t see what his proposal will do to his hometown,” he said. “And then when you scratch the surface, you realize that part of his agenda and who benefits from it is Donald Trump himself.” Based on the limited information available from Trump’s now-public 2005 federal tax return, his proposal to eliminate the AMT would have benefited him by $31 million that year. In contrast, under his tax plan, a single mother raising two children on less than $50,000 a year would face a tax increase of $464. | politicsNews | March 30, 2017 | 0real
BREAKING: Republican Senate Hopeful Speaks His Mind, Says Putin Is Right, America Is Evil | After more than seven years of Republicans desperately trying to kill everything that is great about this country, like the fact that it s a melting pot or a land of opportunity. Now, one Republican has gone so far as to say that Vladimir Putin is right when he calls the United States evil.We always knew there was a flip-side to Donald Trump Make America Great Again, as if America, in its multiculturalism and in its quest for freedom, is somehow no longer great. Now, Roy Moore, who s hoping to replace now Attorney General Jeff Sessions in the Senate, as admitted as much.When The Guardian s Paul Lewis, who was probing the rising popularity of Russian President Vladimir Putin among U.S. conservatives, told Moore that former President Reagan called Russia the focus of evil in the modern world, Moore said it wasn t the only one. You could say that very well about America, couldn t you? Moore responded in the interview published Wednesday. We promote a lot of bad things, added the former chief justice of Alabama s Supreme Court, specifically citing same-sex marriage.Then he had to, like any loyal Trumpster, thrown in a little love for Vladimir Putin. That s the very argument that Vladimir Putin makes, Lewis pointed out. Well, then maybe Putin is right, Moore said. Maybe he s more akin to me than I know. Source: The HillI guess Moore, who s currently in the lead to be the nation s next Senator, doesn t know that Russia has one of the highest rates of abortion in the world. Republicans really have to do a better job of picking their dictator crushes.You may remember Moore as the Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice and religious nut job who was forced to leave office after refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments as was ordered by a federal court.He took the job back in 2013, but was forced to resign once again for ethics violations, including his refusal to allow gay marriages once the Supreme Court ruled them constitutional.Moore loves him some Donald Trump, though. In two sentences he invoked God in reference to Trump, a man who s almost certainly never read the Bible, a whopping four times. God puts people in positions in positions he wants. I believe he sent Donald Trump in there to do what Donald Trump can do, Moore said. More than thinking I can win, it s up to God and God s will. We will see what God would have me do. And here we thought it was bad enough with Jeff Sessions in the Senate. Actually, it was. Now, we ll have Sessions as AG and who knows what kind of nuttery replacing him in the Senate. If there s any consolation at all, it s that we re all getting screwed and the party in charge wants to take away our birth control.Read more: | News | August 10, 2017 | 1fake
Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein interviewed over FBI ex-director's firing: WSJ | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s office has interviewed U.S. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein about President Donald Trump’s firing of former FBI Director James Comey, the Wall Street Journal reported on Tuesday. Citing unnamed people familiar with the investigation, the Journal said the interview occurred in June or July. Mueller is looking into allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 elections, possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, and whether Trump may have obstructed justice by firing Comey in May. Mueller, himself a former FBI director, ultimately reports to Rosenstein because Attorney General Jeff Sessions has recused himself from the probe. The Journal said the handling of the interview “could be a sign that Mr. Mueller’s team doesn’t view Mr. Rosenstein as a central witness in its probe, as the deputy attorney general hasn’t withdrawn himself from overseeing it since that interview.” The paper quoted Ian Prior, a Justice Department spokesman, as saying: “As the deputy attorney general has said numerous times, if there comes a time when he needs to recuse, he will. However, nothing has changed.” A Justice Department spokeswoman and a representative for the special counsel both declined to comment to Reuters. The Russian government denies any attempt to influence the election, and the Republican president has repeatedly denied any collusion, calling the investigations a “witch hunt.” | politicsNews | September 20, 2017 | 0real
Fox Pundit Blows Top Over Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Fanatics, Attacks Female Prosecutor (VIDEO) | A Grand Jury in Texas realized who the real criminals are, and Fox News isn t happy about it.On Monday, a Houston Grand Jury chose to indict two anti-abortion activists from the right-wing group Center for Medical Progress (CMP) for their involvement in an investigation of Planned Parenthood that led to the release of repeatedly debunked videos the CMP secretly filmed while posing as employees of the women s health organization.The videos allegedly show Planned Parenthood employees selling fetal body parts when in reality they were only discussing reimbursement of transportation costs to get the cells to researchers. Planned Parenthood wasn t actually selling baby parts at all.Despite that, Texas Republicans ordered a court to indict the women s health organization, instead the Grand Jury slapped CMP boss David Daleiden and CMP employee Sandra Merritt with their own indictment, charging them with tampering with government documents and trying to purchase organs illegally, both of which are felonies. The CMP employees also used fake IDs to infiltrate Planned Parenthood.Thus far, Planned Parenthood has been cleared of any wrongdoing by a congressional investigation as well as several state investigations.But that didn t stop Fox legal analyst Andrew Napolitano from throwing a temper tantrum about the indictment.During an appearance on Fox & Friends on Tuesday, the former judge weighed in without having seen the actual indictment itself, claiming that the Grand Jury indicted the wrong people and were somehow led astray by the prosecuting attorney.The CMP employees, he said, should be considered bona fide journalists running a legitimate investigation, even though they aren t journalists at all. They re really seriously pro-life people wanting to expose how government dollars are being used by Planned Parenthood, Napolitano said. The tapes came out, there s a big uproar. He then accused Planned Parenthood of using tax dollars to kill babies and sell their body parts, even though such use of funds are prevented by the Hyde Amendment. Furthermore, abortion services only amount to 3 percent of the services Planned Parenthood provides and it has already been established by legal and medical experts that Planned Parenthood was not doing anything wrong in the tapes.Napolitano also made some rather serious accusations against Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson, suggesting that she turned the jury against CMP instead of getting the jury to automatically indict Planned Parenthood regardless of the evidence or lack thereof like a real Republican is supposed to do. The grand jury does not turn around and indict your witnesses, the people who brought you the case, without the prosecutor wanting this to happen! So, why would this prosecutor, appointed by Governor Perry, a former judge, a Republican woman, why would this prosecutor want to do this other than to send a message like, I might be a Republican but leave Planned Parenthood alone ? In the end, Napolitano called the indictment a political hit job while continuing to defend Daleiden and Merritt as journalists who did nothing wrong since the government uses the same techniques for catching criminals all the time.Here s the video via YouTube.Clearly, Napolitano has lost his damn mind and demonstrates why he shouldn t have ever been allowed to be a judge in the first place. These CMP employees do not work for the government nor are they employed by a media organization. They are activists who forged government documents and tried to buy fetal body parts that Planned Parenthood was never actually trying to sell. Therefore, CMP broke the law, not Planned Parenthood. In addition, just because the prosecuting attorney is a Republican, it doesn t mean Planned Parenthood isn t entitled to a fair investigation. Napolitano is whining because he thinks there should have been an automatic indictment just because the attorney is Republican and the investigation took place in Texas. In fact, it took place in the very city CMP conducted the sting operation. The true political hit job would have been if Napolitano had his way.However, the bottom line is that the Grand Jury did their job based on the evidence presented to them and they chose to indict CMP and exonerate Planned Parenthood. The legal system worked despite how much Napolitano and other conservatives want it to be rigged.Featured image via Fox News screenshot | News | January 26, 2016 | 1fake
Lebanese offshore oil and gas licensing round continues despite political crisis | BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s Energy Minister on Friday called on companies bidding in its first round of licensing to explore for oil and gas in its Mediterranean waters to begin technical discussions, suggesting the process would continue despite the political crisis. Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri resigned in a speech from Saudi Arabia last Saturday and has yet to return to the country, sparking a political crisis. President Aoun has said he will not accept Hariri s resignation until he returns to the country, while the Lebanese authorities have said they consider the government to still be legitimate. And Energy and Water Minister Cesar Abi Khalil said on Twitter that he signed a document on Friday calling on companies who submitted bids for the offshore license blocks to negotiate the technical proposals . Lebanon sits on the Levant Basin in the eastern Mediterranean where a number of big subsea gas fields have been discovered since 2009, including the Leviathan and Tamar fields situated in Israeli waters near to the disputed marine border with Lebanon. Lebanon re-launched the tendering competition for the exploration and production rights in January after a three-year delay due to political paralysis. However, a consortium made up of France s Total, Italy s ENI and Russia s Novatek, made the only offer in the tendering process which closed on October 12, with bids for two of the blocks. The Lebanese Petroleum Administration has said it will evaluate bids for the offshore blocks and present them to the energy minister by Nov. 13. Final approval will then be sought from Lebanon s council of ministers. | worldnews | November 10, 2017 | 0real
FLASHBACK: WATCH TED CRUZ Promise To Support Donald Trump As Republican Candidate [Video] | Yes, he did promise to support Donald Trump: | politics | Jul 21, 2016 | 1fake
WHOA! BLACK WOMAN FED UP WITH BLACK RACISTS NAILS IT: “Many Black People Voted For Barack Obama Simply Because He Was Black…And Now Your Black god Has Failed You!” [VIDEO] | WOW This woman absolutely nails it! | left-news | Jul 18, 2016 | 1fake
WHOA! ANDERSON COOPER GOT MORE Than He Bargained For When He Tried To Discredit MELANIA TRUMP’s Husband During Their Interview [VIDEO] | Melania Trump is pure class. She refuses to allow Anderson Cooper to Destroy her husband or his reputation in this powerful and classy interview Here s part II: | politics | Oct 20, 2016 | 1fake
This New Ad Gives Us A Horrifyingly Realistic Preview Of ‘President Trump’ (VIDEO) | Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump has redefined the election process. All predictions can be thrown out the window along with hope and human decency. In a decent society, if a presidential candidate was horrifically racist, they would be condemned. If they cursed and spoke in a totalitarian tone, they would be quickly ushered out of any hope of winning an election. However, this election seems different. People seem to be lining up behind Trump s racism, xenophobia and totalitarian rhetoric in huge numbers. Numbers reminiscent of another totalitarian regime that rose up in Europe during the 1930s and 40s.To be blunt, we cannot allow Donald Trump to win the Oval Office. Not only would it be bad for the nation, but it would be horrific for the entire world. Top foreign diplomats are already standing against Trump. They know how dangerous his rhetoric is.Trump s campaign isn t the joke campaign everyone originally made it out to be. No, he wants to be president, and that notion should scare the crap out of absolutely everyone worldwide. The leader of the free world can t be against half the people living in it.Showing Trump in his true form, American Future Fund put together an ad that puts Trump at the White House podium using his inflammatory and derogatory rhetoric, curse words and all. If seeing him at the podium doesn t light a fire under your ass to make sure he s never elected, then nothing will.Our nation is better than this. We re better than this. We cannot allow Trump to be President of the United States.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Thw6k1XNRtcFeatured image via image screen capture | News | March 7, 2016 | 1fake
POLITICO DOWNGRADES AMERICA: Declares Germany’s “Open-Borders” Angela Merkel “Leader Of The Free World” In Anti-American Headline | Here s what Politico s headline today looked like:Here s what the leftist anti-American rag Politico had to say about Angela Merkel s visit to the US to meet with our new President Donald Trump: This time the media hype surrounding a White House meeting is no wild exaggeration. When President Donald Trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel finally get together on Friday, the leaders of the West s two most powerful countries are sure to come off more like an odd couple than two close allies chewing over plans for some joint enterprise. And for good reason. Merkel and Trump are not only polar opposites as people, but they share little in terms of international outlook.Their styles reflect their vastly different backgrounds. Merkel, Germany s first and only female chancellor, was raised by a pastor in communist East Germany, where she earned a doctorate in physical chemistry. Although she is the longest-serving and most powerful leader in Europe, she is unfailingly modest, competent and consensus-oriented. Trump s all-about-me mentality, Queens upbringing and brash, tabloid-and-reality-TV personality couldn t be more different. Could one even imagine the outrage if a piece like this was published about Barack Obama within his first 60 days in office? The mentality of the unhinged left is on display for every American to see and if they keep this up, even for a few more months, they will never win another election. Here s how Nigel Farage, the British rock star who was behind Brexit feels about Merkel s visit to the White House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqnCkSYLDgQ | politics | Mar 17, 2017 | 1fake
BAD ASS BUSINESSMAN Challenges Paul Ryan In New Campaign Ad Like You’ve Never Seen Before [Video] | Businessman Paul Nehlen is challenging Paul Ryan for his seat in congress. What do you think of this commercial? | politics | May 5, 2016 | 1fake
Growing feud: Trump, Cruz escalate attacks on each other | MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (Reuters) - The growing feud between Republican front-runner Donald Trump and his central rival Ted Cruz intensified on Saturday with tit-for-tat attacks that put to rest any notion that their debate night fight was a solitary engagement. The split between the two is evidence of the closeness of the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, particularly in Iowa. Polls there show a neck-and-neck battle with little more than two weeks to go until Iowa on Feb. 1 stages the first nominating contest on the road to the Nov. 8 election. Trump, who needs a victory in Iowa to set a winning tone to his campaign, kept up his attempt to undermine Cruz’s attempt to portray himself as an outsider to the political establishment. Trump seized on a report in The New York Times that said Cruz had failed to disclose a second loan, from Citibank, that helped bankroll his 2012 Senate campaign. The Times earlier had reported that Cruz had not disclosed a loan from Goldman Sachs for the same campaign. Cruz’s campaign has said the failure to report the loan was a paperwork error. “He didn’t report his bank loans,” Trump told delegates to the South Carolina Tea Party Convention. Some booed Trump for criticizing Cruz since they had cheered Cruz when he spoke to the group earlier. “Say whatever you want,” Trump said in response to the boos. “He didn’t report his bank loans... And then he acts like Robin Hood. Say whatever you want..” Cruz did not mention Trump to the Tea Party event but talking to reporters in Fort Mill, S.C., earlier in the day he was unsparing. He suggested the New York billionaire and former reality TV star lacks the temperament to be president, pointing to his frequent Twitter assaults on his adversaries. He said Trump had attacked him because Cruz was a threat to him in Iowa. “I think in terms of a commander-in-chief, we ought to have someone who isn’t springing out of bed to tweet in a frantic response to the latest polls,” Cruz said. “I think the American people are looking for a commander-in-chief who is stable and steady and a calm hand to keep this country safe.” Trying to prove Trump is not the conservative he says he is, Cruz’s campaign released a video entitled “Donald Trump’s New York Values” that linked to a 1999 interview Trump did on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in which Trump declared he favored a woman’s right to abortion and supported gay marriage. The two candidates had clashed at the last Republican debate, on Thursday in Charleston, over the issue of “New York values” with Trump saying Cruz had insulted the city that absorbed the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and rebounded. Trump brought up the issue again at a town hall meeting in Portsmouth, N.H., hours before a scheduled address at the South Carolina Tea Party Convention in Myrtle Beach. Cruz’s criticism of New York, he said, was a “total disgrace.” (Reporting By Steve Holland; Editing by Chizu Nomiyama) SAP is the sponsor of this coverage which is independently produced by the staff of Reuters News Agency. | politicsNews | January 16, 2016 | 0real
BREAKING: PUTIN TIRED OF WAITING FOR Obama’s DOJ To Release Hillary’s Highly Classified Emails…Set To Release Them In Near Future | This is not the first time Putin has warned the US to hurry up with its release of Hillary s emails. Biden better get the emergency campaign team ready. If Putin releases the unedited, corrupt version of Hillary s highly classified emails, Crooked Hillary will not likely be able to overcome the damage that will be done to what s left of her reputation. Reliable intelligence sources in the West have indicated that warnings had been received that the Russian Government could in the near future release the text of email messages intercepted from U.S. Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton s private e-mail server from the time she was U.S. Secretary of State. The release would, the messaging indicated, prove that Secretary Clinton had, in fact, laid open U.S. secrets to foreign interception by putting highly-classified Government reports onto a private server in violation of U.S. law, and that, as suspected, the server had been targeted and hacked by foreign intelligence services.The reports indicated that the decision as to whether to reveal the intercepts would be made by Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin, and it was possible that the release would, if made, be through a third party, such as Wikileaks. The apparent message from Moscow, through the intelligence community, seemed to indicate frustration with the pace of the official U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the so-called server scandal, which seemed to offer prima facie evidence that U.S. law had been violated by Mrs Clinton s decision to use a private server through which to conduct official and often highly-secret communications during her time as Secretary of State. U.S.Sources indicated that the extensive Deptartment of Justice probe was more focused on the possibility that the private server was used to protect messaging in which Secretary Clinton allegedly discussed quid pro quo transactions with private donors to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for influence on U.S. policy.The Russian possession of the intercepts, however, was designed also to show that, apart from violating U.S. law in the fundamental handling of classified documents (which Sec. Clinton had alleged was no worse than the mishandling of a few documents by CIA Director David Petraeus or Clinton s National Security Advisor Sandy Berger), the traffic included highly-classified materials which had their classification headers stripped. Russian (and other) sources had indicated frustration with the pace of the Justice Dept. probe, and its avoidance of the national security aspects of intelligence handling. This meant that the topic would be suppressed by the U.S. Barack Obama Administration so that it would not be a factor in the current U.S. Presidential election campaign, in which President Obama had endorsed Mrs Clinton. via: Oilprice.com | left-news | Jun 14, 2016 | 1fake
Dennis Rodman talks of skiing friendship with Kim Jong Un | EDINBURGH (Reuters) - U.S. basketball legend Dennis Rodman said on Wednesday he had skied and sung karaoke with his friend North Korea s leader Kim Jong Un and would like to straighten things out amid a nuclear standoff with the United States. Rodman has paid several visits to Kim in the isolated state but the two rarely discuss politics, the retired National Basketball Association star told British TV show Good Morning Britain. North Korea has carried out a series of nuclear and missile tests and U.S. President Donald Trump has responded with warnings of a massive military response. For me to go over there and see (Kim) as much as I have, I basically hang out with him all the time. We laugh, we sing karaoke, we do a lot of cool things together. We ride horses, we hang out, we go skiing, we hardly ever talk politics and that s the good thing, Rodman said, according to a transcript. The basketball ace expressed admiration for Trump but said the U.S. president could be a little bit crazy sometimes . Rodman last visited North Korea in June and earlier trips stoked talk that he could facilitate a breakthrough between Pyongyang and Washington, although his comments on Kim have also drawn ridicule. North Korea has long ignored warnings from the West and from its lone major ally, China, to halt its nuclear and missile tests which it conducts in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions. Rodman said he was not trying to defend the actions of Kim and was just an ambassador for sports. He said the relationship between the U.S. and Russia had changed but for some reason we have a big issue with North Korea. I don t love (Kim). I just want to try to straighten things out for everyone to get along together. Rodman, nicknamed The Worm during his playing career and known for his flamboyant character, is considered one of the best defensive players and rebounders in NBA history. (This story has been refiled to change tense of word in lede) | worldnews | September 6, 2017 | 0real
Highlights of Reuters interview with Trump | (Reuters) - Here are some of the highlights of the Reuters interview with U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday. ON HIS DECEMBER TWEET SAYING THE UNITED STATES SHOULD EXPAND ITS NUCLEAR CAPABILITY “We’ve fallen behind on nuclear weapon capacity. And I am the first one that would like to see ... nobody have nukes, but we’re never going to fall behind any country even if it’s a friendly country, we’re never going to fall behind on nuclear power. And I did tweet that. It would be wonderful, a dream would be that no country would have nukes, but if countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack.” “It’s a one-sided deal like all other deals we make. It’s a one-sided deal. It gave them things that we should have never allowed. ... Just another bad deal that the country made, whether it’s START, whether it’s the Iran deal, which is one of the bad deals ever made. Our country only made bad deals, we don’t make good deals. So we’re going to start making good deals.” ON RUSSIA’S DEPLOYMENT OF A CRUISE MISSILE IN VIOLATION OF ARMS CONTROL TREATY “To me, it’s a big deal ... If I meet (Putin), if and when we meet, I would bring it up. It’s a big deal. Because it’s a violation of an agreement that we have.” “I know exactly what’s going on between China and North Korea and everybody else. But I don’t like talking about military strategy in newspapers ... I’m not liking it. This didn’t take place under the Trump administration, this took place under the Obama administration. Many things took place that should not have been allowed. One of them is the building of a massive, you know, massive military complex in the middle of the South China Sea. And don’t forget I’ve only been here for four weeks. This is something that took place and has been started three years ago and you were in a much better negotiating position three years ago. I am not happy about it.” “I think they’re grand champions at manipulation of currency. So I haven’t held back. We’ll see what happens.” “Well, we appreciate that. You know, I have a very, very good, I’ve had very good phone calls with the president, President Xi, and I’ve had very, very good talks with him, and the call is a start. But we have a very big problem and a very dangerous problem for the world with North Korea. ... I think China has tremendous control over North Korea. Whether they say so or not is up to them, but they have tremendous control over North Korea. I think they could solve the problem very easily if they want to.” “It’s very dangerous and something should have been done about it years ago. It’s very dangerous and very unacceptable. ... And very unfair to Japan.” ON TALK OF ACCELERATING MISSILE DEFENSE SYSTEM FOR JAPAN AND SOUTH KOREA “There’s talks of a lot more than that. We’ll see what happens. But it’s a very dangerous situation, and China can end it very quickly in my opinion. ... It’s one of many things that can be done. Missile defense is one of many things that can be done.” ON WHETHER MEETING WITH KOREAN LEADER KIM JONG UN IS A POSSIBILITY “I guess ... I would never say no. It may be very late. It’s very late in the picture right now. ... We’re very angry at what he’s done, and frankly this should have been taken care of during the Obama administration.” ON THE BORDER ADJUSTMENT TAX PROMOTED BY REPUBLICANS IN CONGRESS “It could lead to a lot more jobs in the United States. ... I certainly support a form of tax on the border because everybody else does. We’re the only country, we’re one of the very few countries, possibly the only country, that has no border tax. And that’s not a tax to the consumer, because that’s going to be a tax to companies and it’s going to be a tax to other countries much more so than it is to the consumer. That’s a tax to other countries. And what will happen is, don’t forget there is no tax if we make our product in the United States. So I don’t consider it a tax. That’s a tax if companies are buying their product outside of the United States. But ... if they make their product in the United States, there is no tax. So what is going to happen is companies are going to come back here, they’re going to build their factories and they’re going to create a lot of jobs and there’s no tax.” “We’re going to have a corporate tax cut ... anywhere from 15 to 20 percent (as a target for the corporate tax rate). ... We’re going to have other things that are very good and we’re going to have a tremendous regulatory cut because the regulations are piled up on top of each other and you’ll have many regulations for the same thing within different industries and it’s out of control. The regulations in this country are out of control. And it makes it hard for businesses to even open in the United States. We’re going to get rid of a lot of the unnecessary regulations.” “We’re going to submit legislation. We’re going to be working with Congress to do legislation, yes. .... We’re mandated to do the healthcare first. We have to. And that’s for budgetary reasons. So the healthcare will come first. It’s moving along really well. I would say before the middle of March. ... We have a very, very good healthcare plan which will give great healthcare to great numbers of people. We have to also remember, Obamacare is a disaster. It doesn’t work. It just doesn’t work. So we have a plan that will be a far better plan which will cost people less money, which will cost our country less money also ‘cause Obamacare is very expensive for the country. And we will be submitting sometime during the month of March. ... It’d be repeal and replace. ... The tax reform comes immediately thereafter.” “The economy, we have close to 100 million people that are not working. We’re going to get the economy revving again through meetings like I had today with the biggest companies in the world and the biggest manufacturers in the world, through tax reform, and through regulatory reform, and it will take a little period of time, but yeah, we’re going to have, I mean, we had massive deficits under Obama, under President Obama, massive deficits, and until it gets kicked in, there’ll be some deficits but something which we can very easily handle.” “We have a $70 billion trade deficit with Mexico, which is unacceptable. Unacceptable. On top of the $70 billion, many of our jobs and companies have fled to Mexico, and that, and they sell their product back in the United States. It’s just not acceptable. So, hopefully, we’ll be able to work something out with Mexico, we’ll see. Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. ... We have the right to do a lot of things that I haven’t done yet. We have a lot of rights that people don’t know about and they never did know about until I came along.” ON THE TWO-STATE SOLUTION IN ISRAEL “I like the concept of the two-state solution. People have been talking about it for so many years now, it so far hasn’t worked. But I am satisfied with whatever makes both parties happy.” “I do, sure. I have very good relations with the EU. But I thought that the UK would pull out of Brexit and I was right. ... But the EU, I’m totally in favor of it. I think it’s wonderful, if they’re happy. If they’re happy – I’m in favor of it.” “Remember the first time I talked about NATO, I said they all owe money? The first time anyone ever asked me a question about NATO ... I said two things: It’s obsolete because it doesn’t cover terrorism. They have now opened up a division to cover terrorism, solely because of me. And experts on NATO that do nothing but study it said, ‘You know, Trump is right.’ And I knew nothing about NATO, I mean, I knew very little about NATO. ... But you watch what’s going to happen. They’re paying. They’re paying big league. ... They owe a lot of money. Many countries owe a lot money. Number one, 2 percent is a low number, and number two, only five countries are paid up.” | politicsNews | February 23, 2017 | 0real
YOU’RE FIRED! TRUMP Makes Stunning Move To Defeat ‘Crooked Hillary’ | The New York Times and all other news outlets are reporting with glee that Donald Trump s campaign manager was fired. The truth is that Corey Lewandowski had never run a national campaign before now so it s time to bring in experienced campaign workers to get the job done. This is not to say that Lewandowski was the perfect campaign manager he wasn t. The New York Times brings up dirt on Corey but it s more likely that Trump was concerned he wasn t getting the job done soooo .YOU RE FIRED!FYI: REAGAN FIRED HIS CAMPAIGN MANAGER TOO!Donald J. Trump has fired his contentious campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, a move that comes as the presumptive Republican nominee faces challenges as he heads into the general election.Mr. Lewandowski could not immediately be reached for comment about his departure, which was announced by the campaign. The Donald J. Trump Campaign for President, which has set a historic record in the Republican primary having received almost 14 million votes, has today announced that Corey Lewandowski will no longer be working with the campaign, the campaign spokeswoman, Hope Hicks, said in a statement: The campaign is grateful to Corey for his hard work and dedication and we wish him the best in the future. Mr. Trump had faced increasing concerns from allies and donors, as well as his children, about the next phase of the campaign as he pivots toward the November election.Two people briefed on the move, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that Mr. Lewandowski was fired.The campaign manager was seen as having a hostile relationship with many members of the national press corps who cover Mr. Trump, and many officials at the Republican National Committee had strained relationships with him.And Mr. Lewandowski was often at odds with Mr. Trump s chief strategist, Paul Manafort, who was brought on in March when the candidate seemed poised for a lengthy fight over delegates.Mr. Lewandowski was said to have resisted certain moves that would have increased the staff, at times blocking Mr. Manafort from making hires or later undoing them.But the people briefed on Mr. Lewandowski s departure said that the circumstances went well beyond any particular incident or any particular relationship.One person stressed that the move had been in the works for many weeks, particularly since it became clear that Mr. Trump would be the nominee. The person added said that the campaign is now focusing on bringing the party together, including hiring new staff members and adjusting to the race against Hillary Clinton. And there had been a desire for many weeks to make changes ahead of the Republican National Convention, July 18-21 in Cleveland.No one inside the campaign was given any advance warning about the dismissal of Mr. Lewandowski, who was on the campaign s daily 8:30 a.m. conference call on Monday, according to a person briefed on the developments.Read more: NYT | politics | Jun 20, 2016 | 1fake
Turkish minister says will work to improve ties with Germany | BERLIN (Reuters) - Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Saturday he would work towards a normalization of relations with Germany after months of mutual recriminations on a range of issues between the NATO allies. Already tense relations took a turn for the worse after Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan launched a crackdown on his opponents following a failed coup attempt last year. Germany has also protested against the detention of German citizens on political charges and has raised the question of whether EU accession talks with Turkey should go ahead. Striking an unusually conciliatory tone, Cavusoglu told Der Spiegel weekly there was no reason for problems between the two countries. If you take one step towards us, we will take two towards you, he said. And asked if he believed there would be a normalization in relations, Cavusoglu said: Yes. And I am ready to make an effort towards that. Earlier this year, Erdogan and some of his political allies compared Germany to the Nazi era after some local authorities stopped Turkish ministers campaigning here for a referendum that handed the president sweeping new powers. German officials cited security concerns. The Nazi comparisons were a kind of response to the hostility from Germany, Cavusoglu said, adding Germany had to learn to respect Turkey. Germany s deputy foreign minister Michael Roth told Welt am Sonntag weekly that Berlin was ready to talk and said he hoped that we can soon move closer together again. However, he said Germany would not be silent when innocent German citizens are behind bars. We must find solutions to this, he said. In an election on Sept. 24, conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel won a fourth term but suffered heavy losses to the far right. She looks set to try to form a coalition with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and Greens. A possible candidate for foreign minister is Cem Ozdemir, a co-leader of the Greens who has Turkish parents and has been very critical of Erdogan. Whoever comes to Turkey as foreign minister will meet the same respect as he shows us, Cavusoglu told Der Spiegel. | worldnews | October 7, 2017 | 0real
WATCH: MSNBC Cuts Mic Of GOP Senator Lindsey Graham When He Brings Up Hillary’s Campaign During Interview About Donald Trump Jr. | MSNBC s Casey Hunt was interviewing war-hawk and RINO Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) about the meeting Donald Trump Jr. on Capitol Hill. Senator Lindsey Graham appeared to be concerned about Trump s decision to meet with the Russian lawyer who ended up only wanting to talk about adoptions. Graham inferred that Trump Jr. made a rookie mistake saying, On it s face, this is very problematic. We cannot allow foreign governments to reach out to anybody s campaign and say we d like to help you. That is a non-starter. I know that Donald Trump Jr. is new to politics, I know that Jared Kushner is new to politics, but, um this is gonna require a lot of uh questions to be asked and answered. MSNBC was delighted to hear Lindsey Graham questioning Trump Jr. s judgement in agreeing to take the meeting. Graham continued to express his feelings about the meeting, suggesting that Trump Jr. should have to testify about what transpired in the alleged meeting. Graham was then asked by the MSNBC reporter, Do you think the White House has been truthful about the version of events that happened and their meetings that occurred between their associates and the Russians? Graham responded, It s been very frustrating to find out every couple of weeks about a new meeting. I m sure they met with a lot of people during the campaign. I m sure the Clintons met with And just like magic, as soon as Hillary s name was mentioned, Graham s mic was cut!And just like that Boom! Mic cut. MSNBC had no issues with their sound while Lindsey Graham (who got less than 1% of support from voters against Donald Trump in a crowded field of GOP candidates during the primaries) was feigning concern over Donald Trump Jr. s meeting with the Russian lawyer, but mention Hillary Clinton, and boom the interview with MSNBC is suddenly over.Watch: | left-news | Jul 11, 2017 | 1fake
Saudi deputy crown prince, Trump meeting a 'turning point': Saudi adviser | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia hailed a “historical turning point” in U.S.-Saudi relations after a meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and Deputy Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman highlighted the two leaders’ shared view that Iran posed a regional security threat. The meeting on Tuesday appeared to signal a meeting of the minds on many issues between Trump and Prince Mohammed, in a marked difference from Riyadh’s often fraught relationship with the Obama administration, especially in the wake of the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. “This meeting is considered a historical turning point in relations between both countries and which had passed through a period of divergence of views on many issues,” a senior adviser to Prince Mohammed said in a statement. “But the meeting today restored issues to their right path and form a big change in relations between both countries in political, military, security and economic issues,” the adviser said. Saudi Arabia had viewed with unease the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama, whom they felt considered Riyadh’s alliance with Washington less important than negotiating the Iran nuclear deal. Riyadh and other Gulf allies see in Trump a strong president who will shore up Washington’s role as their main strategic partner and help contain Riyadh’s adversary Iran in a region central to U.S. security and energy interests, regional analysts said. The deputy crown prince viewed the nuclear deal as “very dangerous”, the senior adviser said, adding that both leaders had identical views on “the danger of Iran’s regional expansionist activities”. The White House has said the deal was not in the best interest of the United States. Iran denies interference in Arab countries. The meeting was the first since Trump’s Jan. 20 inauguration with the prince, who is leading the kingdom’s efforts to revive state finances by diversifying the economy away from a reliance on falling crude oil revenues. Under the plan, which seeks to promote the private sector and make state-owned companies more efficient, Riyadh plans to sell up to 5 percent of state oil giant Saudi Aramco in what is expected to be the world’s biggest initial public offering. The two leaders, who discussed opportunities for U.S. companies to invest in Saudi Arabia, kicked off their talks in the Oval Office posing for a picture in front of journalists. U.S. Vice President Mike Pence, Trump’s senior adviser and son-in-law, Jared Kushner, chief of staff Reince Priebus and strategist Steve Bannon were also present at the Oval Office meeting with Prince Mohammed. The meeting also appeared to illustrate support for some of the most contentious issues that Trump has faced since taking office on Jan. 20. On a travel ban against six Muslim-majority countries, the adviser said Prince Mohammed did not regard it as one that was aimed at “Muslim countries or Islam”. Earlier this month Trump signed a revised executive order on banning citizens from Yemen, Iran, Somalia, Syria, Sudan and Libya from traveling to the United States but removed Iraq from the list, after his controversial first attempt was blocked in the court Trump’s travel ban has come under criticism for targeting citizens of several mainly Muslim countries. The senior adviser said Prince Mohammed “expressed his satisfaction after the meeting on the positive position and clarifications he heard from President Trump on his views on Islam”. The senior adviser said the leaders discussed the “successful Saudi experience of setting up a border protection system” on the Saudi-Iraq border which has prevented smuggling. Trump has vowed to start work quickly on the barrier along the nearly 2,000-mile U.S.-Mexico border to prevent illegal immigrants and drugs from crossing to the north. Obama late last year suspended the sale of U.S.-made precision-guidance munitions to the Saudis, a reaction to thousands of civilian casualties from Saudi-led air strikes in Yemen. U.S. officials said Trump was considering ending that ban and approving the sale of guidance systems made by Raytheon Co. The State Department has approved the move, which awaits a final White House decision, the officials said. A source close to the issue, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said a main topic of the meeting would be Saudi investment in the United States, which could help the U.S. president fulfill his promises of job creation. “It’s the creation of jobs through investments - President Trump wants results and statistics matter for him,” said Ingrid Naranjo, an expert in U.S.-Saudi relations. “It makes a lot of sense for the diversification strategy of Saudi to invest abroad and especially in the U.S.” Gregory Gause, a Gulf expert at Texas A&M University, said that while Saudi Arabia might find the “atmospherics” of its relations with Trump better than those with Obama, it might find less change than it hopes on key issues. For example, he said, Trump is unlikely to mount a major, costly effort to counter Iranian influence in Iraq, or to launch a full-scale campaign to oust Syrian President Bashar al Assad, as Riyadh might wish. “I think they’re going to find rhetorically that the new administration says things and uses language they like more,” said Gause. “But I think on the ground, we’re not going to see an enormous difference.” | politicsNews | March 14, 2017 | 0real
Betsy DeVos TOTALLY HUMILIATED During Keynote Speech At Historically Black University | U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos tried to give a speech at the graduation ceremony of a historically black university, and things did not go well for her.When DeVos began to speak at Bethune-Cookman University in Daytona Beach, Florida, the students loudly booed her and turned their backs. I am honored to become a Wildcat, DeVos started out, waving her honorary doctorate in the air proudly. And then the boos started and they did not stop. If this behavior continues your degrees will be mailed to you, insisted Edison Jackson, the school s president. Choose which way you want to go. Unfortunately for DeVos, that didn t shut them up. Jackson was also booed when he tried mentioned White House communications official Omarosa Manigault. You don t know her, nor do you know her story, Jackson whined, which only prompted the crowd to boo more.The decision to have DeVos give the keynote address at the graduation ceremony has been a source of contention since the announcement was made. On Tuesday, protesters presented the school with petitions and called on leaders to cancel her speech. The petition had garnered 50,000 signatures. According to their complaints, not only has DeVos failed to support student loan borrowers, but she is also fundamentally ignorant about HBCUs.She proved this last part herself in February when she said that HBCUs were real pioneers when it comes to school choice. They saw that the system wasn t working, that there was an absence of opportunity, so they took it upon themselves to provide the solution, she said in a statement after meeting with school leaders.As a result of these obviously problematic remarks, DeVos has been accused whitewashing the history of these historically black institutions. In an attempt to save face, she later said that these schools arose out of necessity, in the face of racism. But that doesn t seem to have been enough to appease the students who just booed her.Jasmine Johnson, one of the graduating students who was not even a little impressed with DeVos presence, explained why she was so upset. For someone to come and speak at my commencement that cannot relate to me or know what I have been through is kind of like a slap in the face, she said.According to the petition against DeVos visit, asking her to speak at the commencement ceremony was an insult to the school s legacy. In addition, the NAACP Florida State Conference is calling for Jackson s resignation.You can watch DeVos get humiliated here:Featured image via video screen capture | News | May 10, 2017 | 1fake
U.S. Congress members decry 'ethnic cleansing' in Myanmar; Suu Kyi doubts allegations | YANGON/NAYPYITAW (Reuters) - Members of the U.S. Congress said on Tuesday operations carried out against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar had “all the hallmarks” of ethnic cleansing, while the country’s leader Aung San Suu Kyi expressed doubts about allegations of rights abuses. The U.S. Senate members also said they were disturbed by a “violent and disproportionate” security response to Rohingya militant attacks that have driven more than 600,000 people from Myanmar to neighbouring Bangladesh. Human rights monitors have accused Myanmar’s military of atrocities, including mass rape, against the stateless Rohingya during so-called clearance operations following insurgent attacks on 30 police posts and an army base. Myanmar’s government has denied most of the claims, and the army last week said its own probe found no evidence of wrongdoing by troops. “We are not hearing of any violations going on at the moment,” Suu Kyi told reporters in response to a question about human rights abuses at the end of the Asia-Europe Meeting, or ASEM, in Myanmar’s capital Naypyitaw. “We can’t say whether it has happened or not. As a responsibility of the government, we have to make sure that it won’t happen.” Nobel laureate Suu Kyi said she hoped talks with Bangladesh’s foreign minister this week would lead to a deal on the “safe and voluntary return” of those who have fled. Suu Kyi’s less than two-year old civilian government has faced heavy international criticism for its response to the crisis, though it has no control over the generals it has to share power with under Myanmar’s transition to power after decades of military rule. While a top UN official has described the military’s actions as a textbook case of “ethnic cleansing”, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on a visit to Myanmar last week refused to label it as such. In early November, U.S. lawmakers proposed targeted sanctions and travel restrictions on Myanmar military officials. Democratic Senator Jeff Merkley, who was among the sponsors of the legislation introduced in the Senate, led a congressional delegation that visited Rakhine this week, but was blocked from traveling to the violence-hit north of the state and to Rohingya camps. The group also traveled to Cox’s Bazar district in Bangladesh, where Rohingya refugees are huddled into makeshift camps and fed by overstretched aid agencies. “Many refugees have suffered direct attacks including loved ones, children and husbands being killed in front of them, wives and daughters being raped, burns and other horrific injuries. This has all the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing,” Merkley told reporters in Myanmar on Tuesday. “We are profoundly disturbed by the violent and disproportionate response against the Rohingya by the military and local groups,” he said. The delegation called for Myanmar to allow an investigation into the alleged atrocities that would involve the international community. “We want to emphasize that the world is watching,” Merkley said, adding that it was important Myanmar allow anyone who wants to come back to return to their homes and their farms. Merkley said the delegation was “not here today to recommend…what the U.S. government would do or should do,” when asked about the legislation introduced in the Congress. Myanmar officials have so far said they plan to resettle most returnees in new “model villages”, rather than on the land they previously occupied, an approach the United Nations has criticized in the past as effectively creating permanent camps. “Individuals cannot be coming back…simply to return to camps where there would be continued discrimination, restrictions on full participation in the economy and society,” said Merkley. He warned that isolating people in camps creates a “two-tier society that is fundamentally incompatible with the future of democracy and it guarantees perpetuation of suspicions and misunderstandings and conflicts.” Speaking earlier on Tuesday, Suu Kyi said discussions would be held with the Bangladesh foreign minister on Wednesday and Thursday about repatriation. Officials from both countries began talks last month on how to process the Rohingya wanting to return. “We hope that this would result in an MOU signed quickly, which would enable us to start the safe and voluntarily return of all of those who have gone across the border,” Suu Kyi said. The Rohingya are largely stateless and many people in Myanmar view them as illegal immigrants from Bangladesh. Suu Kyi said Myanmar would follow the framework of an agreement reached in the 1990s to cover the earlier repatriation of Rohingya, who had fled to Bangladesh to escape previous bouts of ethnic violence. That agreement did not address the citizenship status of Rohingya, and Bangladesh has been pressing for a repatriation process that provided Rohingya with more safeguards this time. “It’s on the basis of residency...this was agreed by the two governments long time ago with success, so this will be formula we will continue to follow,” Suu Kyi said. Earlier talks between the two countries reached a broad agreement to work out a repatriation deal, but a senior Myanmar official later accused Bangladesh of dragging its feet in order to secure funding from aid agencies for hosting the refugees. | politicsNews | November 21, 2017 | 0real
DISGUSTING! UNEMPLOYED, RACE-OBSESSED Colin Kaepernick Will Be Added To Smithsonian Black History Museum, While Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Is BLACKLISTED | Few people, if any, keep track of ratings or public approval numbers for the Smithsonian. However, if they did, those numbers would soon go down dramatically. Why? Because the man who single-handedly accomplished the nearly impossible feat of turning America against its favorite game, is about to get his own exhibit.Most fans were not impressed with Kaepernick s disrespect of our American flag and of our national anthem. According to curators at the museum, currently unemployed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick is about to get his own display at the Smithsonian s National Museum of African American History and Culture on the National Mall.In fact, museum officials have already begun requesting various items of significance from Kaepernick s protests of last year.According to the Washington Examiner, Artifacts from former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick s national anthem protests will reportedly soon be on display at the Black Lives Matter collection at the Smithsonian s National Museum of African American History. The National Museum of African American History and Culture has nearly 40,000 items in our collection, said Damion Thomas, the museum s sports curator, to USA Today. The Colin Kaepernick collection is in line with the museum s larger collecting efforts to document the varied areas of society that have been impacted by the Black Lives Matter movement. Incredibly, as pointed out by IJR and The Washington Times, the museum extends Kaepernick this honor while only mentioning African-American Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, in connection with the sexual harassment charge brought against him by Anita Hill. BrietbartI was opposed to welfare because I had seen its destructive effects up close in Savannah. Most of the older people among whom I had grown up felt as I did, sharing Daddy s belief that it would be the ruination of blacks, undermining their desire to wor & provide for themselves. I added that my own sister was a victim of the system, which had created a sense of entitlement that had trapped her and her children. I went on to say that I opposed busing, preferring to give school vouchers to poor children. Source: My Grandfather s Son: A Memoir by Clarence Thomas, p. 132-3 , Oct 1, 2007Quotes like the one above from Clarence Thomas have made him a target of the left. It really doesn t matter what color you are, if you don t tow the entitlement line that keeps you in the good graces of the Democrat Party, you will be punished. In Clarence Thomas case, the punishment is that he will likely never see himself featured in the Smithsonian Black History museum.Here is a short biography of Clarence Thomas, that illustrates the unimaginable odds he overcame to become a US Supreme Court Justice:Clarence Thomas was born in the tiny coastal town of Pin Point, Georgia, on June 23, 1948. As a very young boy he lived in a one-room shack with dirt floors and no plumbing. When Thomas was two years old, his father walked out on the family. As a result, at the age of seven he and his younger brother were sent to live with their grandfather, Myers Anderson, and his wife in Savannah, Georgia. Anderson, a devout Catholic and active member of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), sent Thomas to a Catholic school staffed by nuns.In remarks reported by Jet magazine, Thomas has said that he grew up speaking Gullah, a creole dialect spoken by African Americans on the coastal islands of the southeastern United States. Unlike other Supreme Court justices, he rarely asks questions from the bench during court proceedings. He has said that he developed this habit of silent listening when he was young because he found it a struggle to speak standard English correctly in school. Nevertheless, he was always a strong student.Clarence Thomas went on to become a US Supreme Court Justice and champion of our Constitution.Apparently, the Smithsonian can t find space in their museum for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a highly accomplished conservative black man, who was born into poverty, and through sheer determination and hard work, became the longest serving black Supreme Court Justice in America s history. | left-news | Aug 20, 2017 | 1fake
U.S. lawmakers want to restrict internet surveillance on Americans | (Reuters) - A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers unveiled legislation on Wednesday that would overhaul aspects of the National Security Agency’s warrantless internet surveillance program in an effort to install additional privacy protections. The bill, which will be formally introduced as soon as Thursday, is likely to revive debate in Washington over the balance between security and privacy, amid concerns among some lawmakers in both parties that the U.S. government may be too eager to spy on its own citizens. The legislation, written by the House of Representatives Judiciary Committee, is seen by civil liberties groups as the best chance in Congress to reform the law, known as Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, before its expiration on Dec. 31. Senior U.S. intelligence officials consider Section 702 to be among the most vital tools they have to thwart threats to national security and American allies. It allows U.S. intelligence agencies to eavesdrop on and store vast amounts of digital communications from foreign suspects living outside the United States. But the program, classified details of which were exposed in 2013 by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, also incidentally scoops up communications of Americans, including if they communicate with a foreign target living overseas. Those communications can then be subject to searches without a warrant by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. A discussion draft of the legislation, a copy of which was seen by Reuters, partially restricts the FBI’s ability to access American data collected under Section 702 by requiring the agency to obtain a warrant when seeking evidence of a crime. That limit would not apply, however, to requests of data that involve counterterrorism or counter-espionage. The narrower restriction on what some have called a “backdoor search loophole” has disappointed some civil liberties groups. Several organizations sent a letter this week saying they would not support legislation that did not require a warrant for all queries of American data collected under Section 702. The legislation would also renew the program for six years and codify the National Security Agency’s decision earlier this year to halt the collection of communications that merely mentioned a foreign intelligence target. But that codification would end in six years as well, meaning NSA could potentially resume the activity in 2023. The spy agency has said it lost some operational capability by ending so-called “about” collection due to privacy compliance issues and has lobbied against a law that would make its termination permanent. Republican senators introduced a bill earlier this year to renew Section 702 without changes and make it permanent, a position backed by the White House and intelligence agencies. But that effort is expected to face major resistance in the House, where an influential conservative bloc of Republicans earlier this year said it opposed renewal unless major changes were made, reflecting disagreement within the majority party. Separately, Senators John Cornyn, the No. 2 Republican in the chamber, and Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein are working on Section 702 legislation that may also be introduced this week and include fewer reforms. Democratic Senator Ron Wyden and Republican Senator Rand Paul are also planning to introduce a bill that would require a warrant for any query of Section 702 involving data belonging to an American. | politicsNews | October 4, 2017 | 0real
White House does not rule out Sessions recusal on Russia probes | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House on Sunday did not rule out that Attorney General Jeff Sessions may recuse himself from Justice Department investigations into allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a deputy White House press secretary, said congressional investigations into possible Russian hacking of Democratic groups would have to run their course before Sessions needed to decide whether to step aside from the FBI probes. Sessions was a top adviser to President Donald Trump, a Republican, during the 2016 presidential campaign. “I wasn’t saying that he shouldn’t recuse himself or that he should,” Sanders told ABC’s “This Week.” “My point is I don’t think we’re there yet. Let’s work through this process.” U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded that Russia tried to help Trump win the White House by discrediting Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and her party through cyber attacks. President Barack Obama, a Democrat, expelled Russian diplomats in retaliation in December. Moscow has denied the accusations. The FBI is investigating alleged Russian election-related hacking and financial transactions by Russian people and companies believed to have links to associates of Trump, according to current and former government officials. Trump has dismissed the controversy about ties between his aides and Russia as a “ruse” perpetrated by a hostile news media. “Russia talk is FAKE NEWS put out by the Dems, and played up by the media, in order to mask the big election defeat and the illegal leaks,” Trump wrote on Twitter on Sunday. Trump fired his national security adviser, Michael Flynn, three weeks into the new administration after disclosures surfaced that Flynn had discussed U.S. sanctions on Russia with the Russian ambassador to the United States before Trump took office and misled Vice President Mike Pence about the conversations. Democrats have been pushing for an independent investigation into whether there were links between the Trump campaign team and Russian officials. “The attorney general must recuse himself,” House of Representatives Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said on ABC. Republican lawmakers echoed the White House, saying the investigations must take their course. Senator Tom Cotton said it was premature to talk about a special prosecutor. “If we get down that road, that’s a decision that Attorney General Sessions can make at the time,” he told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” | politicsNews | February 26, 2017 | 0real
New ISIS Video On Brussels Features These Trump Comments (IMAGE) | Donald Trump has once again given the terrorist group ISIS (aka Daesh, The Islamic State) material for their latest propaganda video. It isn t the first time.In the new video released on Thursday by al-Battar, an ISIS affiliate, Trump s comments on the city of Brussels are prominently featured.Almost forgot to note that comments from Trump featured in opening of IS-affil al-Battar Brussels video. pic.twitter.com/935vgwSRc6 Michael S. Smith II (@MichaelSSmithII) March 24, 2016Specifically the video gives the terrorists what they want, labeling the chaos caused by the terror attacks as a horror show. The chilling video opens with a message in Arabic followed by an image of Trump, saying Brussels is now an absolute horror show .Trump s voice is heard saying: Brussels was one of the great cities, it was one of the most beautiful cities of the world 20 years ago, it was amazing actually, and safe. Now it s a horror show, it s an absolute horror show. The rest of the video celebrates the attack, which killed at least 31 people, and shows images of dead children and babies. The song accompanying Trump s video praises the jihadists: Brothers, rise up, rise up. Claim your victory. Let s go, Let s go In December, Hillary Clinton warned that Trump s over the top, heated anti-Muslim rhetoric would be used as fodder for ISIS terrorist videos. You know, people around the world pay close attention to our elections. And if you go on Arabic television, as we have, and you look at what is being blasted out with video of Mr. Trump being translated into Arabic, No Muslims coming into the United States, other kinds of derogatory, defamatory statements, it is playing into the hands of the violent jihadists, she said. There is nothing they want more than to be able to claim that the United States is against Islam and against Muslims and that then lights an even bigger fire for them to make their propaganda claims through social media and other ways. A month later, video from the al Qaeda-affiliated terrorist group al-Shabaab included clips of Trump calling for a ban on Muslim immigration after the San Bernardino shooting as evidence that America is a racist society. Featured image via Twitter | News | March 24, 2016 | 1fake
STATE DEPARTMENT COVERUP: Reporter Questions Missing Video Potentially Showing Iran Deal Deception Was a ‘Glitch’ | The deception was really a Glitch Sure! | left-news | May 11, 2016 | 1fake
Trump angers UK with truculent tweet to May after sharing far-right videos | LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump sparked outrage in Britain on Thursday with a sharp rebuke of Prime Minister Theresa May on Twitter after she criticized him for retweeting British far-right anti-Islam videos. As British politicians lined up to condemn Trump for sharing videos originally posted by a leader of a British far-right fringe group, Trump, in an unprecedented attack on one of America’s closest allies, replied with an unrepentant message. “Theresa @theresamay, don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive Radical Islamic Terrorism that is taking place within the United Kingdom. We are doing just fine,” he tweeted. His truculent response caused anger in Britain, where there have been several major Islamist militant attacks this year, with one minister describing Trump’s tweets as “alarming and despairing”. London’s Muslim mayor called for the withdrawal of an offer to him to make a state visit to Britain. May, on a visit to Jordan, repeated her view, expressed earlier by her spokesman, that the U.S. leader was wrong for sharing anti-Muslim videos posted by Jayda Fransen, deputy leader of Britain First. But she did not directly respond to Trump’s rebuke. “I’m very clear that retweeting from Britain First was the wrong thing to do,” May told reporters in Jordan. She said the group was a “hateful organization” that sought to spread division and mistrust. “The fact that we work together does not mean that we’re afraid to say when we think the United States has got it wrong, and be very clear with them,” May said. She added that Britain had a long-term, enduring relationship with the United States. The British ambassador to the United States, Kim Darroch, said he had raised concerns with White House officials. “British people overwhelmingly reject the prejudiced rhetoric of the far right, which seek to divide communities & erode decency, tolerance & respect,” he wrote on Twitter. Fransen, who was convicted this month of abusing a Muslim woman and whose group wants to ban Islam, is facing further criminal charges of racially aggravated harassment. TRUMP AND MAY ONCE HAND-IN-HAND Islamist militants have carried out several major attacks in Britain this year that have killed a total of 36 people, including a bombing in Manchester and two attacks on bridges in London in which victims were rammed with vehicles and stabbed. Trump initially addressed his rebuke to a Twitter handle that was not May’s, though he later retweeted to the British leader’s correct account. Always a pillar of Britain’s foreign policy, the so-called “special relationship” with Washington has taken on added importance as Britain prepares to leave the European Union in 2019 and seeks new major trade deals. Since Trump became president, May has gone out of her way to cultivate a good relationship with him. She was the first foreign leader to visit him after his inauguration in January, and they were filmed emerging from the White House holding hands. She later said Trump took her hand in a gentlemanly gesture as they walked down a ramp. But she angered his many critics in Britain then by extending an invitation to make a state visit to Britain with all the pomp and pageantry it brings including a formal banquet with Queen Elizabeth. London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, said May should withdraw the offer of a state visit. “After this latest incident, it is increasingly clear that any official visit at all from President Trump to Britain would not be welcomed,” Khan, who has clashed on Twitter with Trump, said. British lawmakers held an urgent session to discuss Trump’s tweets, with parliamentarians from across the political divide united in condemnation. “By sharing it (the videos), he is either a racist, incompetent or unthinking, or all three,” opposition Labour lawmaker Stephen Doughty said. Britain’s Middle East minister Alistair Burt tweeted: “The White House tweets are both alarming and despairing tonight. This is so not where the world needs to go.” Despite repeated calls from opposition lawmakers to cancel the state visit, Home Secretary (interior minister) Amber Rudd said the invitation still stood although a timing had not been agreed. Outside parliament, there was more harsh criticism from the likes of Brendan Cox, the husband of lawmaker Jo Cox who was murdered in 2016 by a far-right extremist and Justin Welby, the spiritual head of the Anglican Church. The U.S. ambassador to London Woody Johnson wrote on Twitter he had relayed concerns to Washington. “The U.S. & UK have a long history of speaking frankly with each other, as all close friends do,” he said. The videos shared by Trump purported to show a group of people who were Muslims beating a teenage boy to death, battering a boy on crutches and destroying a Christian statue. Reuters was unable to verify the videos. The Dutch embassy in Washington issued a Twitter comment on one of them, which Fransen had described as showing a “Muslim migrant” beating up a boy. “@realDonald Trump Facts do matter. The perpetrator of the violent act in this video was born and raised in the Netherlands,” the embassy said. “He received and completed his sentence under Dutch law.” Britain First, a little-known party on the periphery of UK politics, welcomed Trump’s retweeting of the videos to his 44 million followers, regarding it as an endorsement of their message. “I’m delighted,” said Fransen, whose own Twitter following increase by 50 percent in the wake of the furor to 78,000. She told Reuters Trump’s retweets showed the president shared her aim of raising awareness of “issues such as Islam”. The White House defended the retweets by the Republican president, who during the 2016 U.S. election campaign called for “a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States”, saying that he was raising security issues. It repeatedly refused to be drawn into the content of the videos or whether Trump was aware of the source of the tweets. “It’s about ensuring that individuals who come into the United States don’t pose a public safety or terrorism threat,” White House spokesman Raj Shah told reporters aboard Air Force One. | politicsNews | November 30, 2017 | 0real
WATCH: FEMALE CAB DRIVER Entering Mandalay Bay Casino Property Records Video That Appears To Capture Gun Fire From More Than One Location | Cori Langdon, a Las Vegas cab driver recorded her harrowing experience as she entered the Mandalay Bay Casino at about the same time gunshots were first being fired into the crowd at the Rt 91 country music festival in Las Vegas.Langdon was using her phone to videotape, as she was pulling into the Mandalay Bay Casino, when she heard gunshots. She can be heard telling the dispatch operator for her cab service that she hears what sounds like automatic gunfire. Cori Langdon hears more gun fire, and tells her dispatch operator that the gun shots sound like they re coming from a completely different area: Now it sounds like its coming from farther away. After listening to Langdon s video recording of the event as it unfolded, one can t help but wonder if it s possible there was more than one shooter. Automatic gunshots are still being heard from the cab. Langdon tells her dispatch person: Somethings going on. I m not sure why people aren t running, but. There s a security guard, what s he doing? Ya know, for there being gunfire, it sure doesn t seem like people are runnin . Oh, shit! Seriously? I don t know what s goin on? Where are the cops at? I m right here by the porch of Mandalay Bay, and everything seems to be normal here. More and more rapid-fire gunshots are heard. The radio dispatcher replies, Remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. And everything seems normal when it s not. Langdon and the other drivers are then warned by another driver that claims he just got details from the metro police at the airport, Do not go to Mandalay Bay! Langdon then says she s leaving, I m leaving. I don t know why people aren t leaving. This is insane. Everyone s just standing around, it doesn t seem like anybody s uh moving. She then gets a message on her radio telling her, Shots fired. They don t even know the details yet. I just talked to the Metro here at the airport and they re still getting the details, but there s multiple injuries and uh (inaudible) That s all they re saying though. They re saying stay away from there, uh, they re shutting the whole place down. Langdon continues to have a conversation with her dispatch people on the radio in her car. She is remarkably calm amongst the chaos going on around her. Langdon tells dispatch, Alright, I m oughta here , as she speculates that she believes the shots are coming from the 10th floor of the hotel. As she s attempting to leave the premises, some panicked concertgoers, who appear to be injured, enter her cab at the Mandalay Bay Casino. The passengers get into the car screaming, Broken leg, broken leg! Drive, broken leg! Let s go, let s go Langdon asks the passenger where they want to go, to which they reply, Anywhere! Langdon asks the passengers, Is there somebody out there? to which the passengers reply, Yes, yes, and active shooter. The passengers reply, Heck yeah! Go, go, go! Langdon: Oh, oh, and active shooter? Alright. Passengers: Go, go, go! Langdon: Go, okay. Alright, alright. Oh g*d, alright, there is an active shooter then. The female passenger replies: Yes, so many people are dead! Langdon asks: Are you kidding me? The passengers appear to be in pain and are screaming in the back seat.Langdon yells at them: Okay, close the door, close the door! The passengers yell: Okay, lock the doors! Go, go, please drive! Langdon: Oh my g*d, okay. Alright, alright, I m going, I m going, okay. Oh shit! Where are we going? The male passenger is freaking out and asks: Are you going as fast as you can? Are you f*cking videotaping this?Langdon replied: Yeah, I am. I didn t know it was so bad! Okay. The female passenger implored Langdon to get out of the area: Thousands of people are dead! Everybody s dead, c mon! and go! and get out of the area.Next, the passengers begin to panic, as Langdon isn t leaving the scene fast enough, not understanding how many people are running in front of her cab to get away from the scene.Langdon calmly drives people out of the scene as she relays the situation to her dispatch unit, and the passengers relay the horrific scene of dead people everywhere! to their parents on their cell phones.Watch: | politics | Oct 3, 2017 | 1fake
Plague kills 124 in Madagascar, cities most affected: report | KIGALI (Reuters) - A plague epidemic in Madagascar has killed 124 people since August in an outbreak that has hit the island s two main cities the hardest, the authorities said on Wednesday. Plague is endemic in Madagascar, but the outbreak that has caused 1,192 suspected cases since August is especially worrying because it started earlier in the season than usual and has hit urban rather than rural areas. In addition, two thirds of the cases are of the pneumonic plague, the deadliest form of the disease. The total number of cases (1,192) is already three times higher than the average annual total, the National Office for Risk and Disaster Management said in a report on Wednesday. Last week a World Health Organization report said the death toll stood at 94. The capital Antananarivo and Toamasina, the two largest cities in Madagascar, an island in the Indian Ocean, were the most affected, with 55 percent of cases recorded there. To date 54 medical staff have been infected, it said. The report said that of an estimated $9.5 million in aid needed to counter the epidemic, only $3 million has been raised. | worldnews | October 25, 2017 | 0real
OAS may recommend new Honduras election unless irregularities fixed | (Reuters) - The Organization of American States (OAS) on Wednesday called for an immediate return of constitutional rights in Honduras and said it may call for new elections if irregularities mean it is impossible to be sure of the results of a disputed Nov. 26 vote. The Honduran government suspended some rights to free movement by imposing a curfew last week when protests erupted over irregularities in the way results were released from the presidential election. | worldnews | December 6, 2017 | 0real
How The GOP Became The Party Of White Supremacists Under Donald Trump | The Republican Party has always had a problem with racism. That s no accident; after all it was their racist Southern Strategy that got them the votes of racist white southerners once the Civil Rights Act was signed. Modern day Republicans like to point out that it was the Democrats who were the party of the Ku Klux Klan and other racists, but the parties switched sides once the Civil Rights Act was signed by President Lyndon B. Johnson, because Southern Democrats couldn t abide the idea of de-segregating the south and starting down the path of trying to kill racism as a matter of policy and practice as they knew it. That s how the racists wound up in the GOP, and the Democrats lost the South for a generation. It s also why, to this day, the GOP has such a hard time with minority voters. However, something amazing has happened to the Republican Party in this area with Donald Trump as its titular head. They have literally become the party of white supremacists and they aren t even trying to hide it anymore.Just a few years ago, no one would have thought this possible not even elected Republicans themselves. For instance, when notoriously racist Rep. Steve King ( R- Iowa) made his infamous comment about Mexican immigrants having calves the size of cantaloupes because they re hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert, then- House Speaker John Boehner said, from a podium to the press that the comments were hateful, and offensive. There were also reports that Boehner said privately that King is an asshole for saying what he said.That was just three years ago in 2014. To compare, here in 2017, when King made a much worse remark the infamous and openly white nationalist we can t restore our civilization with somebody else s babies tweet current House Speaker Paul Ryan was tepid in his response, only saying that he is sure that Rep. King misspoke. To top it all off, King tweeted that in support of far-right Dutch candidate for high office Geert Wilders, who literally wants to outlaw the religion of Islam. Something tells me that if given the chance, Steve King would outlaw Islam in America.Wilders understands that culture and demographics are our destiny. We can't restore our civilization with somebody else's babies. https://t.co/4nxLipafWO Steve King (@SteveKingIA) March 12, 2017When King doubled down on the remarks, Speaker Ryan said nothing. Further, only a few GOP elected officials had the nerve to rebuke King almost all of them minorities. This is because these people know who their base is, who Donald Trump s base is, and they know they need the racists and white supremacists that helped propel Trump to the White House to get reelected.This is all perfectly in line with Trump s infamous call to ban Muslims from entering the nation, and of course, there was former New York Mayor and close Trump confidante Rudy Giuliani s admission that Trump asked him to put together a way for him to ban Muslims that would pass Constitutional muster:Then, we get to the Donald Trump campaign itself. Let s not forget Trump entered the political arena by trying to delegitimize the first Black president by spreading the racist lie that President Barack Obama was not born here, and forcing him to show his birth certificate in a show me your papers, boy, type of way. Even when Trump let his birtherism go, he still lied and said Hillary Clinton started it.Also, we all remember how long it took Trump to disavow David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan when Jake Tapper asked him about it. Only then did House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell rebuke him. However, that was before Trump had secured the nomination, too. There was radio silence from GOP leadership on the open racism and anti-Semitism and misogyny of the Trump campaign unless they were cornered, as when #NeverTrump conservative radio host Charlie Sykes forced House Speaker Paul Ryan to answer for Trump s repeated retweets of anti-Semitic images.As for the Trump Administration itself there are no words for the level of bigotry allowed therein. First, we have Trump campaign CEO turned White House Chief Strategist Stephen K. Bannon, who ran the openly racist and anti-Semitic website Breitbart.com prior to joining Trump s campaign. Bannon is a literal white supremacist. He has said that one book that shapes his world view is a French novel called Camp of Saints, which fantasizes that immigrants conveniently of the black and brown variety are coming to destroy the white race. Every educated analysis of the novel reveals that it is virulently racist (this is a book that also happens to be a favorite of Steve King). Then, we have head speechwriter and immigration policy maker Stephen Miller, who shares this ideology and has for a long time; after all, this is a guy who spent his high school years harassing Latino students. Then, there is adviser Sebastian Gorka, who wore a medal from a Hungarian Nazi group to Trump s inauguration. The group said they were proud to see Gorka wearing the medal.Through all of these clearly white supremacist appointments, prominent GOP leaders have been silent. Nothing from House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, or any of the others. In fact, when asked about Bannon, Speaker Ryan only said he hadn t met him. Well, I haven t met David Duke either, but I let his past work inform my opinion of him. When McConnell was asked about Bannon, he was silent, then told the reporters in his office, It s great to be with you guys today. Then, aides rushed the reporters out before anyone could press further.What did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell have to say today about Steve Bannon s appointment? Not much. pic.twitter.com/bPZ2UtRkxW The Last Word (@TheLastWord) November 16, 2016And let s not forget Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the guy who they all say isn t a racist but was deemed too racist to be confirmed to a federal judgeship by a GOP-controlled Senate in Ronald Reagan s administration in 1986. There s also White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer s saying that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler never used chemical weapons all while referring to Nazi death camps as Holocaust Centers. And there is the White House s engaging in Holocaust denial by omitting any mention of Jewish people from their Holocaust Remembrance Day statement. It turns out that this was deliberate, which is definite Holocaust denial because while other minorities died in the Holocaust as well, Hitler s Final Solution was to eradicate the Jewish people from the planet. In short, the Holocaust was specifically about Jews, and the White House is deliberately denying this. Here is video of their statements regarding their omission of the original purpose of the Holocaust, and why they deliberately omitted the mention of Jews:I could go on, but you get the picture. The GOP, in the past, had no issue rebuking open white nationalism. They do now because that is literally who they are. There are white supremacists working in the White House, and all throughout Trump s government. And the mainstream leadership of the Republican Party has absolutely no problem with that at all because the people with those same repugnant ideas are their base. This is who the GOP is.So, I implore you to look at all the evidence provided here and think if you are a Republican, but you abhor racism, anti-Semitism, and white supremacy, why are you still a member of the GOP?Featured image via BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images | News | June 13, 2017 | 1fake
Illegal miners in South Africa swallow gold in condoms | CAPE TOWN (Reuters) - Illegal miners in South Africa are swallowing unrefined gold and platinum in condoms as a new tactic to avoid arrest for smuggling that is costing the industry $1.5 billion a year, the police told parliament on Friday. Illegal mining has plagued South Africa s mining sector for decades, and extends from small time pilfering to global organized crime networks. The crime costs the industry and government an estimated 20 billion rand ($1.5 billion) a year in lost sales, taxes and royalties, the Chamber of Mines, an industry body, says. They are ingesting the amalgam concealed in condoms and this is done for two principle reasons. One is to be able to bypass mine security and the other is also to prevent being robbed by opposing groups, Brigadier Ebrahim Kadwa, a commander in South Africa s Hawks organized crime unit, said, showing parliament slides of gold-filled condoms in miners x-rays. Potentially toxic clumps of mercury and gold concentrate can be refined to extract gold once passed through the body. Illegal mining in South Africa involves a complex criminal web that extends from desperate unemployed workers, many from neighboring countries, to gun-toting gang bosses and front companies exporting refined products to global markets. The threat posed by illicit mining and related crimes continues to proliferate across the country, Kadwa said, adding that the majority of incidents were in gold mines owned by Harmony Gold and Sibanye. However, hundreds of incidents occurred throughout the country and targeted other minerals such as diamonds and chrome. High rates of unemployment and a stagnant economy helped entice illegal miners to the dangerous work, which is also being driven by rising commodity prices. Kadwa said a weakening of the rand currency between December 2015 to April 2016, saw the relative gold price rise, encouraging illegal smuggling. In February, 22 illegal miners were given lengthy sentences after being found guilty of 577 charges, ranging from theft of gold to racketeering and money laundering. This is a landmark moment in the fight against illegal mining in the country, Kadwa said. | worldnews | August 25, 2017 | 0real
Hillary Tweets An All-Out Attack On The GOP’s Promise To Obstruct SCOTUS Nominations (TWEETS) | Hillary Clinton may be favored in the polls to take the Democratic nomination and she may be considered the most likely candidate to be sworn in as the 45th President of the United States and even SHE doesn t want to see the Republicans succeed in obstructing President Obama s constitutional duty to nominate the next associate justice of the Supreme Court.In fact, she got so tired so quickly of all the talk, she decided to tweet an all-out assault on Republican stupidity with an eleven-point argument about why they re idiots, beginning with the obvious:1 Until Jan. 20, 2017, it's @POTUS' job to nominate Supreme Court justices it's right there in the Constitution. -H pic.twitter.com/AWV47TRaTw Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016There it is, highlighted and everything. The president gets to nominate people regardless of what Mitch McConnell says. Surely Hillary Clinton would love the honor of nominating the next justice herself given the opportunity, but she understands that there is too much at stake. Her epic tweetfest continues:3 Right now, millions of families are waiting for SCOTUS to decide on @POTUS' executive actions on immigration. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016It s not as if the right cares one iota about the fate of immigrants, but the rest of us certainly do. The president s actions are the only positive thing to come out of government on immigration since the snoozefest of Republican control began.5 And right now, a case from Texas could determine whether the right to abortion will be a reality for all or some. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016Should the rights of American voters and the decisions of American women be left to a 4-4 tie, these cases could very well revert down to the decisions of lower courts and in these cases, the conservative judges who have allowed such egregious violations of the constitution to move forward.6 These decisions could determine whether we as a nation uphold our principles of liberty and equality, or turn back the clock. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016Well said. Turning back the clock has been the Republican agenda for years, so nothing new there, but the ability to stave off the stupidity with a ruling by the highest court in the land is essential.8 I have news for Republicans who would put politics over the Constitution: Refusing to do your duty isn t righteous, it's disgraceful. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016And the truth shall set you free. Republicans have been enjoying long vacations of obstruction for far too long. Even with control of congress, they accomplish nothing but witch-hunt hearings and idiotic legislation they know has no chance of being signed by the president.10 As for complaints that this is an election year: 1988 was an election year, too and Justice Kennedy was confirmed 97-0. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016Some simple facts that Republicans will ignore. And finally, in closing:11 So, a message for Senate Republicans: Fill this vacancy. @POTUS will do his job. Do yours. -H Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) February 16, 2016On behalf of the sane people of America Thank you, Secretary Clinton.Featured image from Twitter | News | February 16, 2016 | 1fake
Bristol Palin Wants Black Actors To Ignore Oscars’ Racism — ‘Not Everyone Gets A Trophy’ | Bristol Palin is no smarter than her mother, half-term governor of Alaska, Sarah. However, she sure does think she knows a lot about a lot of things. As if being an abstinence activist who has had two out-of-wedlock children weren t enough, Bristol has also decided that she is some kind of racism expert.Ever since black actors and their allies have decided to boycott the Oscars because, for the second year in a row, they have no black stars nominated for their prestigious awards, white folks all over the place have been telling Black America at large that there s no problem here, when we all know damn well there is. Now, Bristol Palin has added her voice to the mix.She said that she agrees with Fox contributor Stacey Dash, who wants to ride the world of pesky, racist institutions such as BET and Black History Month. This is bad enough coming from the Clueless star, who is black herself. To refresh, Dash said the following: Either we want to have segregation or integration. If we don t want segregation then we need to get rid of channels like BET and the BET Awards and the [NAACP] Image Awards. Now, lily-white Bristol Palin goes and blogs about something that in no way concerns her. Taking to her own blog, Bristol wrote: I have to admit, I don t know who Waka Flocka is, or what he sings, but I agree with him on this! Though [Ice Cube] didn t mention Stacey by name, isn t it interesting how he echoed her sentiments exactly? We shouldn t segregate ourselves or limit Black History Month to one month a year. I wish things were really colorblind. I don t know how other people think about it, but I hope my son sees early on that not everyone gets a trophy. And this is the problem with people like Stacey Dash and Bristol Palin. Ignoring problems like racism doesn t make them go away; in fact, it always them to fester and grow under cover of dark. Exposing these things is how we rid the world of them. These actors and their supporters are taking on a systemic problem.No, you privileged, clueless little girl, this isn t about trophies and segregation. This is about uncovering the truth and telling it like it is, in an effort to right wrongs that are centuries old and counting.Then again, I don t expect you to know anything about that.Featured image via video screen capture | News | January 27, 2016 | 1fake
WATCH: Retired Alabama Cop: We Were Told To Keep Roy Moore Away From High School Cheerleaders | It seems that Republican candidate for Attorney General Jeff Sessions vacated Senate seat Roy Moore s proclivity for teenage girls was well known decades ago in Gadsden, Alabama even within the courthouse where he worked as an Assistant District Attorney, and even within the police department. Retired police officer Faye Gary spoke with MSNBC and said of the situation: The rumor mill was that he liked young girls, and we were advised that he was being suspended from the mall because he would hang around the young girls that worked in the stores and really got into a place of where they say he was harassing. We were also told to watch him at the ball games, and make sure that he didn t hang around the cheerleaders. Faye Gary went on to say that she originally thought that Moore liked, perhaps, women in their 20 s you know, LEGAL younger women. But, no. It was actually teenagers the old creep liked. Gary also said that Moore s liking for little girls was a known fact, while speaking with the New York Times, going on to say, It was treated like a joke. That s just the way it was. Of course, Roy Moore has long been a controversial character. He was removed from the Alabama Supreme Court twice, both times refusing to follow the law. The first time it was over his refusal to removed a 5,000+ pound monument of the Ten Commandments from the Supreme Court building, and the second time for ordering officials around the state to refuse to comply with the United States Supreme Court s ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalized marriage equality nation wide. He has also said that Representative Keith Ellison should not be allowed to serve in Congress because he is a Muslim. In other words, this is a man who has no regard for the rule of law, and is likely a child molester to boot.In short, the voters of Alabama need to reject this bigoted extremist, and, if they don t, they ll be sending a message to the rest of the nation: a child molester is much better to be seated in the Senate than a Democrat.Watch Faye Gary s comments on the matter below:Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images | News | November 22, 2017 | 1fake
Factbox: Trump on Twitter (July 7) - Putin, Germany, G20 Summit | The following statements were posted to the verified Twitter accounts of U.S. President Donald Trump, @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS. The opinions expressed are his own. Reuters has not edited the statements or confirmed their accuracy. @realDonaldTrump : - My experience yesterday in Poland was a great one. Thank you to everyone, including the haters, for the great reviews of the speech! [0259 EDT] - After Poland had a great meeting with Chancellor Merkel and then with PM Shinzō Abe of Japan & President Moon of South Korea. [0307 EDT] - Everyone here is talking about why John Podesta refused to give the DNC server to the FBI and the CIA. Disgraceful! [0340 EDT] - I look forward to all meetings today with world leaders, including my meeting with Vladimir Putin. Much to discuss. #G20Summit #USA [0342 EDT] - I will represent our country well and fight for its interests! Fake News Media will never cover me accurately but who cares! We will #MAGA! [0344 EDT] - #ICYMI: WSJ Editorial: "Trump's Defining Speech" in Warsaw, Poland: bit.ly/2sONzhM [1104 EDT] - Weekly Address - tune in! #MAGA [1209 EDT] -- Source link: (bit.ly/2jBh4LU) (bit.ly/2jpEXYR) | politicsNews | July 7, 2017 | 0real
OBAMA’S DOJ LET Russian Lawyer Into U.S. WITHOUT A VISA Under “Extraordinary Circumstances” Before She Met With Donald Trump Jr…Lawyer Has Ties To Left-Wing Democrat Activist, Major Hillary Supporter | In July of 2016, Donald Trump, Jr. met a 42-year-old Russian attorney named Natalia Veselnitskaya who had promised him damaging information about then-candidate Hillary Clinton. One of his father s contacts, a music publicist named Rob Goldstone, had arranged the meeting as a favor to a client of his, the Azeri real estate developer and pop singer Emin. Goldstone had worked with the Trumps on the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow. There were other reasons to take the meeting, too: Emin s father, Aras Agalarov, is the 51st-richest man in Russia and an instrumental figure in the President s aborted foray into Russian real estate: the Moscow tower he tried and failed to erect.Trump Jr. has said he knew absolutely nothing about Veselnitskaya before their meeting, not even her name. She turned out to use the promise of information that could help his father s campaign as a pretext to discuss reinstating a popular Russian-American adoption program, according to his version of events. What could be more harmless?In fact, Veselnitskaya was already a key figure for the defense in one of the most notorious money-laundering scandals in recent memory, encompassing $230 million in public funds allegedly stolen from the Russians by a network of corrupt bureaucrats and routed into real estate sales, including some in Manhattan, through ironclad Swiss bank accounts. And she was accused of lobbying U.S. officials for a Russian NGO that sought to overturn the Russian ban on U.S. adoptions, according to a complaint filed with the U.S. Justice Department and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).-TPMThe Hill -The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump s inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under extraordinary circumstances before she embarked on a lobbying campaign last year that ensnared the president s eldest son, members of Congress, journalists and State Department officials, according to court and Justice Department documents and interviews.This revelation means it was the Obama Justice Department that enabled the newest and most intriguing figure in the Russia-Trump investigation to enter the country without a visa.Later, a series of events between an intermediary for the attorney and the Trump campaign ultimately led to the controversy surrounding Donald Trump Jr.Just five days after meeting in June 2016 at Trump Tower with Trump Jr., Trump s son-in-law Jared Kushner and then-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, Moscow attorney Natalia Veselnitskaya showed up in Washington in the front row of a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing on Russia policy, video footage of the hearing shows.Veselnitskaya also attended a dinner with the chairman of the House subcommittee overseeing Russia policy, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-Calif.) and roughly 20 other guests at a dinner club frequented by Republicans.Rohrabacher said he believed Veselnitskaya and her U.S. colleagues, which included former Rep. Ronald Dellums (D-Calif.), were lobbying other lawmakers to reverse the Magnitsky Act and restore the ability of Americans to adopt Russian children that Moscow had suspended.Daily Caller Radical left-wing icon former California Democratic Rep. Ron Dellums was a hired lobbyist for Natalia Veselnitskaya, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. June 9, 2016, the Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group has learned.Dellums, who represented liberal San Francisco and Oakland, Calif., is a long-time darling of left-wing political activists. He served 13 terms in Congress as an African-American firebrand and proudly called himself a socialist. He retired in 1996.The former congressman is one of several high-profile Democratic partisans who was on Veselnitskaya s payroll, working to defeat a law that is the hated object of a personal vendetta waged by Russian President Vladimir Putin.Former Democratic Congressman and Oakland, CA Mayor Ronald Dellums endorsed Hillary Clinton for President against Barack Obama in 2008:Ronald Dellums endorsed Hillary again in 2016. I don t think this was very heavily lobbied at all compared with the other issues we deal with, Rohrabacher said.As for his former congressional colleague Dellums, Rohrabacher said he recalled having a conversation about the Magnitsky Act and the adoption issue: Ron and I like each other I have to believe he was a hired lobbyist but I don t know. Here s how Veselnitskaya is tied to the massive 2013 money laundering scheme and the controversial piece of legislation: 2012 s Magnitsky Act that involved Denis Katsyv, the son of Russian railroad baron Petr Katsyv and owner of the Prevezon group. It was the Magnitsky Act that Veselnitskaya allegedly discussed in her meeting with Donald Trump Jr.:TPM In 2013, Veselnitskaya agreed to represent Denis Katsyv, The younger Katsyv was accused of collaborating with corrupt Russian officials in the money-laundering scheme. Then-U.S. attorney and Sheriff of Wall Street Preet Bharara (who was appointed US Attorney in Manhattan by Barack Obama and was fired by President Trump in March) led the charge against Prevezon; the company, his office said, had used cash from the theft to buy condos in Bharara s jurisdiction.Katsyv had been Veselnitskaya s highest-profile client by far, and his defense would be a world-historic success not just for the wealthy real estate investor, but for the Russian establishment under President Vladimir Putin.Until this weekend, the closest Veselnitskaya had come to the public eye was as a footnote to the compounding scandal of the Prevezon affair. Veselnitskaya had come to the United States with Katsyv, who was to be deposed by Bharara s team. Not only wasn t she deposed herself, she didn t attend her client s deposition in person. But after the deposition, she moved to the Plaza Hotel for the remaining two nights of her stay at a cost of $995 per night. Her firm then billed the U.S. government for the entire stay, as well as a single meal for five that included eight grappas, two bottles of wine, eighteen dishes and a bill that came to nearly $800. The group s total expenses topped $50,000, and they promised to file more.The legal proceedings in which Veselnitskaya was enmeshed contain a spy novel s-worth of twists, turns and tragic, suspicious accidents. Sergei Magnitsky, a whistleblowing accountant who called attention to Russian bureaucrats alleged widespread embezzlement, was arrested and detained without trial for nearly a year until his death in 2009 from what prison staff described as pancreonecrosis, ruptured abdominal membrane and toxic shock, according to the U.S. government s suit against Prevezon. The Russian Interior Ministry later revised the cause of death to heart failure. When Magnitsky s family examined his body, they found bruises and that his fingers had been broken, according to an early draft of a report by then-president Dmitry Medvedev s own investigative committee.The incident led to a controversial piece of legislation: 2012 s Magnitsky Act, which sanctioned 18 Russian officials believed by the US to have been involved in Magnitsky s death. Five days later, the Russian parliament voted to ban adoptions of Russian children by Americans, a move understood to be retaliation for the Magnitsky Act. Putin, by that time president of Russia again, also began to compile an anti-Magnitsky list of his own, according to the New York Times. Bharara was among the prominent names on it.Magnitsky s death, and the original theft by Russian bureaucrats, are believed by many, including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), to be the work of the Klyuev Group, a network of criminals working in the Russian government to enrich themselves at the expense of Russian citizens (its exploits are chronicled in English in a number of articles by reporter Michael Weiss). Magnitsky and others sought to expose what they believed was hundreds of millions of dollars worth of graft by the group.The suit against Prevezon never went to trial. On March 11, Donald Trump fired Bharara, and on March 21, Nikolai Gorokhov, the Magnitsky family s attorney and a key witness for the prosecution, fell from the fourth floor of an apartment building, apparently when a rope broke while he and others were trying to move a bathtub in through the window. He sustained head injuries. | politics | Jul 13, 2017 | 1fake
EU sounds alarm, urges U.S. to coordinate on Russia sanctions | BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union sounded an alarm on Saturday about moves in the U.S. Congress to step up U.S. sanctions on Russia, urging Washington to keep coordinating with its G7 partners and warning of unintended consequences. In a statement by a spokeswoman after Republicans and Democrats in the U.S. Congress reached a deal that could see new legislation pass, the European Commission warned of possibly “wide and indiscriminate” “unintended consequences”, notably on the EU’s efforts to diversify energy sources away from Russia. Germany has already warned of possible retaliation if the United States moves to sanction German firms involved with building a new Baltic pipeline for Russian gas. EU diplomats are concerned that a German-U.S. row over the Nord Stream 2 pipeline being built by Russia’s state-owned Gazprom could complicate efforts in Brussels to forge an EU consensus on negotiating with Russia over the project. “We highly value the unity that is prevailing among international partners in our approach towards Russia’s action in Ukraine and the subsequent sanctions. This unity is the guarantee of the efficiency and credibility of our measures,” the Commission said in its statement. “We understand that the Russia/Iran sanctions bill is driven primarily by domestic considerations,” it went on, referring to a bill passed in the U.S. Senate last month and to which lawmakers said on Saturday they had unblocked further obstacles. “As we have said repeatedly, it is important that any possible new measures are coordinated between international partners to maintain unity among partners on the sanctions that has been underpinning the efforts for full implementation of the Minsk Agreements,” the Commission said, referring to an accord struck with Moscow to try to end the conflicts in Ukraine. “We are concerned the measures discussed in the U.S. Congress could have unintended consequences, not only when it comes to Transatlantic/G7 unity, but also on EU economic and energy security interests. This impact could be potentially wide and indiscriminate, including when it comes to energy sources diversification efforts. “Sanctions are at their most effective when they are coordinated. Currently our sanctions regimes are coordinated. As a result their impact on the ground is increased and through coordination we are able to avoid surprises, manage potential impact on our own economic operators and address collectively efforts to circumvent such measures. Unilateral measures would undermine this,” the Commission said. “We therefore call on the U.S. Congress/authorities to engage with the partners, including the EU, to ensure coordination and to avoid any unintended consequences of the measures discussed.” | politicsNews | July 22, 2017 | 0real
U.S. embassy in Zimbabwe tells staff to stay home due to 'political uncertainty' | (Reuters) - The U.S. ambassador in Zimbabwe has instructed all employees to remain home on Wednesday due to ongoing political uncertainty, the embassy said in a statement on its website amid speculation about a coup. U.S. citizens in Zimbabwe are encouraged to shelter in place until further notice, the statement said, adding the embassy would be closed to the public on Wednesday. Soldiers deployed across the Zimbabwe capital Harare and seized the state broadcaster on Wednesday after 93-year-old President Robert Mugabe s ruling ZANU-PF party accused the head of the military of treason. | worldnews | November 15, 2017 | 0real
James Comey’s Legacy: Blaming Russia Rather Than Saudi Arabia And Israel | 21st Century Wire says If it wasn t enough with James Comey doubling down on the Russia-gate narrative, the so called liberal mainstream media are continuing his work since he got fired by President Donald J. Trump by saying that what happened is a gift to Russia .The United States of America, an atrophying empire, is a laughing stock with these kind of affairs rather than a power to be taken seriously alongside other nations.More on this report from The Duran (Image NBC)Adam Garrie The DuranThe last time Donald Trump fired an important official prior to an important foreign visit was when Steve Bannon was fired from his position on the National Security Council the day before a Chinese delegation led by President Xi was to meet with Trump. It was also incidentally a day prior to Trump s infamous 6 April 2017 attack on Syria.Steve Bannon was known to favour Russian reconciliation, particularly over Syria cooperation. He was also a leader of the anti-Chinese camp, especially in the aftermath of Mike Flynn s resignation. The dots were not difficult to connect.READ MORE: Steve Bannon demoted Chinese President coming to Florida. Coincidence?Now, within hours of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov holding talks with US Secretary of State Tillerson and apparently Donald Trump in Washington, FBI Director James Comey has been fired.Donald Trump is quoted in an official statement as saying, The FBI is one of our Nation s most cherished and respected institutions and today will mark a new beginning for our crown jewel of law enforcement .The liberal mainstream media are all ready saying that this is a gift of Russia as if Trump will hand over Comey s firing notice to Mr. Lavrov on a silver plate, not that Russia particularly cares. Russia does not.Theories about Trump firing Comey to placate Russia are not only literally stupid, but it makes a mockery of the United States. Then again, so too did the entire Russiagate investigation that Comey s FBI was leading.In a democracy, important checks and balances held keep each branch of government scrutinised when any powers are abused or laws are broken. It is important to have an impartial FBI willing to investigate any branch of government when anything untoward is suspected. But it s a two way street.The un-elected FBI can go rogue as much as a President or Senator and that is what the FBI has done over investigating the non-issue of Donald Trump s non-existent connections with Russia.Any patriotic American should be ashamed of what Comey has done, continuing to investigate such a totally bogus set of entirely political/opportunistic accusations.Not only is there zero evidence of any Trump-Russia connnections but more importantly, America is too powerful to be influenced by ANY foreign power. So too are Russia and China.The fact that America still can be influenced by foreign powers is not due to capitulation, but instead due to greed which leads to a voluntary surrender of US interests whilst those of a foreign state are elevated.But is Russia one of those states? No it is not.There are no signs historically nor presently that Russia has ever had any positive influence on the United States Federal government at any level.The same cannot be said of Saudi Arabia and Israel, states which are far weaker than Russia, but states which never the less have influenced US policy making for decades.America doesn t depend on Saudi or Israel for survival, but in a corrupt country, money talks and this is what America has become: a corrupt country that is so rich and so powerful it doesn t even need to be corrupt, but greed has got the better of integrity.For years America depended on cheap oil from Saudi Arabia and its other OPEC goons and likewise, many Americans liked to lavish themselves in the easy money which flowed from the repressive desert kingdom. Hillary Clinton was a prime example of a politician bought and sold in Saudi gold.Likewise, the US based Israel lobby is extraordinarily powerful in terms of monetary influence. Groups like the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) donate millions to political causes. By contrast, groups which oppose Israel s foreign and internal policies do not have that kind of money and therefore do not have that kind of influence.One can love or hate Saudi Arabia/love or hate Israel, but these are facts and they are as American as baseball and burgers. They have nothing to do with Wahhabism or Zionism per se.What a shameful state it is, that US politicians feel the need to rely on foreign money for personal enrichment. I can understand why leaders in the poor countries that America dominates feel the need to go along with American money and influence in order to enrich themselves or even keep their nation from total collapse or invasion, but what is America s excuse? America has the biggest military in the world and is the world s wealthiest nation Continue this report at The DuranREAD MORE COMEY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire COMEY FilesSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV | US_News | May 10, 2017 | 1fake
France unveils labor reforms in first step to re-shaping economy | PARIS (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron s government announced reforms to loosen labor regulations and drive down unemployment, drawing criticism from unions but limited support for the street protests that have hindered previous reform bids. After weeks of negotiations with unions over the summer, the centrist government revealed measures including a cap on payouts for dismissals adjudged unfair and greater freedom to hire and fire. The plan would also give companies more flexibility to adapt pay and working hours to market conditions. The labor code reform is the first big test of Macron s drive to re-shape the euro zone s second biggest economy with its near double-digit jobless rate, double that in Britain and markedly higher than Germany. He also seeks a grand bargain with Germany over broader reforms of the euro zone. For decades, governments of the left and right have tried to reform France s strict labor rules, but have always diluted them in the face of street protests. The reform makes no direct reference to France s 35-hour week but gives employers more flexibility to negotiate deals with employees to work around it. Labour Minister Muriel Penicaud described the five decrees laying out the reforms as a transformation of labor rules on an unprecedented scale . Prime Minister Edouard Philippe said they were necessary to fight France s stubbornly high unemployment. The truth is that for bosses, especially of small companies, and foreign investors, the existing labor law is seen as a brake on hiring and investment, Philippe said. Trade unions were less upbeat at what they perceived as the loss of long-cherished workers rights. All of our fears have been confirmed, said Philippe Martinez, head of the hard-left CGT union, after the government presented the decrees to unions and employers. He said the union would press ahead with its plan for a protest on Sept. 12. But Macron s assiduous courting of the unions over the summer appeared to have born fruit. France s biggest union, the reformist CFDT, said it was disappointed with what amounted to a missed opportunity to improve labor relations. But both the CFDT and the smaller Force Ouvriere, one of the spearheads of last year s anti-reform protests, said they would not be joining the CGT s protest. This reform does not rise to the occasion , CFDT leader Laurent Berger told reporters, but he added: Taking to the streets is not the only mode of action for unions. It sets a cap on compensation for a dismissal judged in a labor court to be unfair. This will be set at three months of wages for two years in the company with the amount rising progressively depending on how long a worker was with the firm. In a concession to unions, normal severance pay would be increased from 20 percent of one month s wage for each year in a company to 25 percent. Economists drew parallels with Germany and Spain. This very much resembles the labor reform carried out in Germany in 2004-2005, said Florian Hense, European economist at Berenberg Bank. This could very well propel France to a golden decade like Germany had. Dutch bank ING said: The ceiling on dismissal compensation is a milestone in labor flexibility and a real positive for permanent contract creation. In Spain, a similar reform kick-started an unprecedented labor market recovery. Pierre Gattaz, the head of the MEDEF employers federation, described the reforms as an important first step which would boost confidence within companies. The CPME, a small business lobby, was even more positive. At last!, it said in a statement. After months of negotiations, we got results. The reform we had been waiting for so long is there. The labor reforms comes as the 39-year-old president suffers a steep drop in popularity ratings. Early policy announcements including an overhaul of the wealth tax and cuts to housing assistance have left a swathe of voters feeling his policies favor the rich, pollsters say. The government plans to start talks on overhauling unemployment benefits in October before tackling pension reform next year. Parliament, where Macron s Republic on the Move party has a commanding majority, has already voted to allow the government to issue the decrees without a vote in the assembly. The government plans to adopt the decrees on Sept. 22. | worldnews | August 31, 2017 | 0real
Saudi cleric condemns inter-Muslim conflict ahead of pilgrimage | MECCA (Reuters) - The imam of Mecca s Grand Mosque denounced those who cause conflict among Muslims in his last Friday sermon before the annual haj pilgrimage, as rifts widen among Gulf neighbors and wars rage across the Middle East. Saudi Arabia, which hosts and supervises the haj, has with other Arab governments imposed sanctions on Qatar and cut all transport links with the country in recent months, accusing it of supporting Iran and backing Islamist terrorism - charges Doha denies. Relations between Shi ite Muslim-led Iran and predominately Sunni Saudi Arabia are at their worst in years, with each accusing the other of subverting regional security and supporting opposite sides in conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Yemen. Anyone who causes conflict and discord among Muslims ignores the blessing of harmony, imitates those who lived in ignorance (before Islam), harms his people and cheats his nation, Sheikh Saleh Mohammed al-Taleb told the hundreds of thousands of pilgrims who have flocked to Mecca from around the world to perform the haj next week. Taleb did not directly refer to the political and military divisions in the Arab world that have killed hundreds of thousands of people and displaced millions more in recent years. Nearly 90,000 Iranians are expected to attend, after Tehran boycotted Mecca last year following a crush at the pilgrimage in 2015 in which hundreds of people died, many of them Iranians. Saudi officials say over 400 Qatari pilgrims have also arrived through the land border in recent days, but Qatar has accused Saudi Arabia of deliberately making it hard for them. Saudi Arabia says Qatar is seeking to politicize the ritual for diplomatic gains. The dispute has defied mediation attempts by the United States and Kuwait. Worshippers on Friday filled the mosque s haram sanctuary, the holiest place in Islam, and spilled into nearby streets, malls, hotel lobbies and garages, listening to the sermon through loudspeakers. An elderly Tunisian pilgrim named Bakari Abdel Jalil attended in a white shirt and cap while other worshippers donned customary white robes. He said he hoped regional tensions would not affect the haj. | worldnews | August 25, 2017 | 0real
WOW! MSNBC’s Senior Political Analyst Hammers FBI Director: “To Release This [Hillary emails] On A Friday, As If He’s An Arm of the Clinton Campaign” [VIDEO] | Say what??? When former Clinton cheerleader Mark Halperin is disgusted by Hillary s dirty dealings and FBI Director James Comey s willingness to provide cover for Hillary and her criminal acts it s a pretty big deal Does anyone else feel like the formerly respected FBI Director James Comey is exhibiting unexplainable Supreme Court Justice John Roberts like behavior? The question is, who is he answering to, Barack Obama or the Clinton Crime Syndicate? | politics | Sep 7, 2016 | 1fake
Dan Rather Says What Every Person With A Moral Compass Is Thinking Regarding Sean Spicer & Trump | It s gotten to the point where if Donald Trump doesn t fire Sean Spicer for his egregious remarks about the Holocaust, Assad and Syria, he should be seen as agreeing with Spicer s sentiment as well as condoning it.It s disgusting, to say the least, and the legendary Dan Rather just released a statement that should summarize what every person with a decent moral compass is thinking right now.Rather wrote: It is with sadness that I do not know where to begin. Today in a briefing, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer issued a statement that is so far beyond the pale, so tone deaf and blind to history and our precarious moment in world affairs, that it is with only a heavy heart that I even bring attention to it. There can be no joy in such incompetence.In trying to make the case for the Administration s policy in Syria and vis a vis Russia which is confused to be generous, and wildly chaotic to be more precise, Mr. Spicer said, We didn t use chemical weapons in World War II. You know, you had someone as despicable as Hitler who didn t even sink to using chemical weapons. He continued, So you have to, if you are Russia, ask yourself: Is this a country and a regime that you want to align yourself with? When asked to clarify, Mr. Spicer said, I think when you come to sarin gas, he (Hitler) was not using the gas on his own people the same way that Assad is doing. Mr. Spicer went on to mention Holocaust centers, in an apparent reference to the Nazi concentration camps.This line of rhetoric is so unhinged, so amateurish, so lacking in the context and perspective necessary for statesmanship and diplomacy that I do not see how Mr. Spicer can be allowed to continue in his current position. But in the end, this is less about him and more about an Administration that is inserting itself in a civil war and now is plunging into a drastic reformulation of American foreign policy without any clear sense that they have a plan. When you try to explain such a situation, it is understandable that your words don t make sense.A bar, already set low, continues to drop. If Trump doesn t fire Spicer then he is fully condoning Holocaust denial within his administration. This shouldn t only outrage America, but cause a massive resistance against the current administration that has never been seen before. This must not be condoned or accepted. It is not okay.Featured Photo by Kirk Irwin/Getty Images for SiriusXM | News | April 11, 2017 | 1fake
Suspect in shooting of Idaho pastor arrested | (Reuters) - A man suspected of shooting an Idaho pastor who led a prayer at a rally for U.S. Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz was arrested on Tuesday and was facing attempted murder charges, police said. Kyle Odom, 30, was taken into custody in Washington D.C. in connection with the Sunday afternoon shooting of Pastor Tim Remington outside the Altar Church, Coeur d’Alene Police Department Chief Lee White said in a late Tuesday news conference. Odom was apprehended by Secret Service officers after he tossed several items, including flash drives, over the fence of the White House, White said. The items thrown by Odom were deemed non-hazardous, the U.S. Secret Service said in a statement. The attack on the pastor is the latest in a spate of highly publicized shootings in the United States that have made gun control an issue in the presidential race. Remington had led a prayer at a Cruz rally on Saturday and was shot by Odom, an ex-marine, the next day in the church parking lot in a preplanned attack, police said. The senior pastor was shot six times, including in the skull, after Sunday morning service, John Padula, outreach pastor at the church told Reuters. Remington regained consciousness on Monday evening as a candlelight vigil for his recovery was underway, Padula said. “He opened one eye and gave me a thumbs up,” Padula said, adding that Remington does not have feeling in his right arm but appears to be improving. “Without God, there is no way he’d be here.” There is no apparent connection between the shooting and Remington’s appearance at the Cruz rally, Padula noted. Cruz, an outspoken supporter of gun rights, could not be reached for comment on Tuesday, but a campaign spokeswoman told NBC News on Monday that they were praying for Remington’s recovery. Odom flew from Boise, Idaho to Washington D.C., on March 7, White said. An investigation into his plans was ongoing. The police chief, who previously said Odom had a history of mental illness, read a statement from Odom’s family saying they were thankful for his “safe apprehension.” Local broadcaster KXLY reported that a Facebook page linked with Odom, who police said suffered from mental illness, was updated on Tuesday with a statement claiming that Remington was part of an ancient Martian civilization that ruled Earth. (Reporting by Curtis Skinner and Victoria Cavaliere; Editing by Sara Catania, G Crosse, Kim Coghill and Michael Perry) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production. | politicsNews | March 9, 2016 | 0real
Hotel Workers Smashed Trump In A MASSIVE Victory | Bad news for Donald Trump! Despite his objections, workers at the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada, just delivered a huge f*ck you to The Donald with the assistance of the National Labor Relations Board. Since the employees voted to unionize in December, Trump has been fighting racist tooth and Islamophobic nail against the idea that workers deserve some modicum of self-determination but it seems that even his huge hands were not enough to stop the NLRB from officially certifying the union.This comes after numerous dirty tricks, including the use of scare tactics and ironic attempts to convince the Board to throw out the workers vote because employees were allegedly intimidated into agreeing to unionize in the first place. But, of course, it was Trump s goons doing the intimidating: They pressured us a lot [to vote no], housekeeper Marisela Olvera told ThinkProgress. They told us the union only wants our money, that if we supported the union we d lose our jobs, that the company would put our names on a blacklist and no other hotels in Las Vegas would hire us. They told us to think of what our children would do if we were out of work. Everyone was very stressed. People were afraid. But bendito sea Di s, we still won, even with all that pressure. Now, Think Progress reports that (with Trump s appeal going about as well as his attempts to win over anyone who isn t a white, straight Christian male) workers are demanding that management tuck its tail between its legs, sit down with them like adults, and work out a contract. We re just waiting for a contract, housekeeper Maria Jaramillo told the publication. We deserve one. We re not second-class workers. So we re here, waiting for him. Unfortunately, they may have to wait a while longer. Management says they intend to appeal the Labor Board s decision:Jaramillo and her coworkers then formed a bargaining committee, hoping that management would soon recognize their union and begin negotiating with them. But the Trump hotel signaled this week that they have no intention of doing so. We will continue our fight to ensure a fair election for our valued associates, many of whom vigorously oppose union representation, said Jill Martin, an attorney for The Trump Organization, in a statement to reporters. The hearing officer s recommendations erroneously disregarded the severe misconduct undertaken by Union agents, which clearly impacted an incredibly close election. Trump management has until next week to formally challenge the NLRB recommendation, and then the Board s regional chapter will determine whether or not to certify the union. Even if the local board backs the workers, Trump can further delay by appealing their ruling to the federal board in Washington, D.C. Mr. Trump is a very good business man, linens worker Rosebert Donato told ThinkProgress, apparently using a loose definition of both good and businessman. Donoto hopes Trump will grow up, put on his big boy pants, and sit down to discuss things with the workers. He says he wants to make America great, Olvera says. Well, he should start here in his own house, his own business. He always brags about how he has millions and millions and millions of dollars, but he pays his workers less than most in Las Vegas. Featured image via Getty/Isaac Brekken | News | April 4, 2016 | 1fake
Pennsylvania Democrats raise concerns over CP's Norfolk Southern bid | CHICAGO (Reuters) - Democrats from Pennsylvania’s congressional delegation sent a letter to a federal rail regulator on Monday raising concerns over the possible negative impacts of a merger between Canadian Pacific and Norfolk Southern Corp. The letter sent to the Surface Transportation Board raised concerns over the impact it could have on railroad jobs in Pennsylvania and said the merger could lead to “disinvestment” in rail infrastructure in the state. Senator Bob Casey and five members of the U.S. House of Representatives, all Democrats, also wrote that they were deeply concerned about the voting trust structure Canadian Pacific has proposed in its bid for the No. 4 U.S. railroad. The Canadian company in mid-November disclosed its $28 billion offer to buy the Norfolk, Virginia-based railroad. Norfolk Southern has rejected Canadian Pacific’s advances, setting the stage for a possible proxy battle. The Surface Transportation Board would have to review a merger of the two railroads, which would be a test case since the regulator rewrote the rules for approving takeovers in 2001. The review process would include public hearings where rail customers, labor groups and elected officials would be allowed to weigh in. In their letter, the Pennsylvania Democrats wrote that they believe the acquisition could hurt thousands of rail shippers, manufacturers and local communities, as well as rail workers, in the state, and urged a thorough review of any proposed merger. Canadian Pacific has said that a takeover of Norfolk Southern would lead to $1.8 billion in annual savings. In early January, two senior Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives urged the board to reject any merger of Canadian Pacific and Norfolk Southern. A number of industry groups and rail customers, plus a couple of the unions representing workers at Norfolk Southern have also come out against any merger. Last week, the board posted letters from some rail customers who argue that, on the contrary, a merger of Canadian Pacific and Norfolk Southern would create a transcontinental railroad that would result in better service. | politicsNews | February 1, 2016 | 0real
HILARIOUS! WATCH What Happens When Campus Cops Try To Kick “Students For Trump” Off Campus For Building Trump Wall [VIDEO] | Where there s a will, there s a way and these awesome students certainly don t lack the will to succeed in their quest to protect their precious First Amendment Right! The Portland State University Students For Trump chapter were back at it, this time holding an event called BUILD THE WALL , where they literally brought a replica wall to campus.At first campus police told them they could not bring it on the university property because it is a structure and they didn t have a permit. What s quite interesting about that is the fact that the wackjob SJW groups on campus have been getting away with violating policy after policy over and over during their protests and marches. They use amplified devices, march through the halls of the buildings screaming and yelling, they literally took over a PSU board of trustees meeting that cause the board members to flee, and they staged a die in in the street, all of which were ignored by campus police and, as far as this author can tell, no punishment was handed down. If there were, then they were so light that it did not cause any of the students to think twice before doing it all again at the next protest.The students began setting up The Wall off campus, then realized what cucks the campus police are and that none of the policies would be enforced, so they returned to the park blocks in the heart of the campus. This time a city park Ranger decided to tell them the wall had to go. The students made the case that The Wall was a sign and not a structure . The Ranger cucked himself off and the students continued on, with police monitoring both on the ground in uniform, and in plain clothes from the balcony of a nearby building, where an officer had a video camera and was filming the event.WATCH HERE:WATCH these awesome students give offended liberals a lesson in tolerance and truth:And what could possibly offend a liberal more than LGBT s for Trump? Mainstream media asked the Trump students to clarify on the race issue. One old bag and her daughter (?) went on about how Trump s immigration policy is racist, and while a Trump supporter is calmly responding, the young hagling just says Let s go. Fuck Donald Trump while, as usual, flipping everyone off.Via: Progressives Today | politics | Jun 13, 2016 | 1fake
U.S. lawmakers introduce bill to criminalize ‘revenge porn’ | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Lawmakers in the U.S. House of Representatives introduced long-stalled legislation on Thursday that would make it a federal crime to share sexually explicit material of a person online without the subject’s consent. The “Intimate Privacy Protection Act” is an effort several years in the making to combat the rise in recent years of “revenge porn,” images that are shared on the internet in order to extort or humiliate someone. The practice disproportionately affects women. “These acts of bullying have ruined careers, families, and even led to suicide,” Representative Jackie Speier, a California Democrat and lead author of the bill, said in a statement. The legislation would allow fines and up to five years in prison for posting online or distributing sexually explicit photos or videos with “reckless disregard” for the consent of the subject. More than 30 states have enacted similar laws in recent years. Exceptions listed in the bill would allow for posting material that is in the public interest or that features a person voluntarily posing nude in a public or commercial setting. The bill stalled for years amid concerns raised by technology companies and internet freedom advocates worried that service providers such as Alphabet Inc’s YouTube could be exposed to liability for acting as third-party hosts of revenge porn content shared by users. Speier’s bill, which was introduced with support from Facebook and Twitter, exempts such companies as long as they do not promote or solicit revenge porn content. Many tech companies have tightened their terms of service in recent years to prohibit revenge porn. Those companies typically rely on users to report objectionable content to teams of human reviewers who delete content found to violate terms of service. Democratic Representatives Katherine Clark and Gregory Meeks and Republican Representatives Ryan Costello and Tom Rooney joined the bill as original co-sponsors. | politicsNews | July 14, 2016 | 0real
Trump's nuclear remarks test bid to improve Russia ties | WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./MOSCOW (Reuters) - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump upped the stakes on Friday in a back-and-forth exchange with President Vladimir Putin over nuclear weapons that tested the Republican’s promises to improve relations with Russia. Offering a glimpse of how he might conduct diplomacy after taking office on Jan. 20, Trump reportedly welcomed a nuclear arms race with Russia and China and boasted that the United States would win it. MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski said Trump told her in an off-air phone call: “Let it be an arms race. We will outmatch them at every pass and outlast them all.” The television station did not play his comments on air. It was the second brusque comment about atomic weapons in two days from the New York businessman that alarmed nuclear non-proliferation experts worried about fueling global tension. The broadsides from Trump’s resort in Florida appeared to be aimed mostly at Putin even though the two men have vowed to patch up relations between their countries once the Republican enters the White House. Trump tweeted unexpectedly on Thursday that, “The United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capability until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes,” but gave no further details. That comment appeared to be a response to Putin who said earlier on Thursday that Russia needed to “strengthen the military potential of strategic nuclear forces.” Russia and the United States are at odds over Syria’s civil war and Ukraine but Cold War-style nuclear tensions have greatly eased in recent years. Moscow and Washington signed the New START nuclear treaty in 2010 which reduced strategic weapons and delivery systems. Putin, accused by the Obama administration of overseeing a wave of cyber attacks against U.S. political organizations during the presidential campaign, said on Friday he had no interest in competing with the U.S. nuclear weapon program. “If anyone is unleashing an arms race it’s not us ... We will never spend resources on an arms race that we can’t afford,” he said at a news conference. The Russian president said he was surprised by State Department comments that the U.S. military is the most powerful in the world. “Nobody is arguing with that,” Putin said. He said he did not regard the United States as a potential aggressor and said he saw nothing new or remarkable about Trump’s own statement about wanting to expand U.S. nuclear capabilities. The United States is in the midst of a $1 trillion, 30-year modernization of its aging nuclear arsenal and replacement of its ballistic missile submarines, bombers and land-based missiles. It is a price tag that most experts say the United States can ill afford. Russia, also bound by New START limits, is carrying out its own costly modernization program but is not expanding its warhead stockpile. Trump spokesman Sean Spicer said the president-elect’s nuclear comments were meant to send a general message of strength to countries like Russia and China rather than indicate the United States planned to build up its nuclear capabilities. “He is going to do what it takes to protect this country and if another country or countries want to threaten our safety and sovereignty, he is going to do what it takes,” Spicer said onCNN. Trump was elected president unexpectedly last month partly on a platform of building up the U.S. military but he also pledged to cut taxes and control federal spending. His nuclear comments suggest that improving relations with Moscow might not be easy. Trump on Friday released what he said was “a very nice letter” from Putin dated Dec. 15 in which the Russian leader sought bilateral cooperation and a “new level” of relations. In an accompanying statement, Trump said he hoped both countries could “live up to these thoughts” rather than “have to travel an alternative path.” The Obama administration has accused Russia of trying to interfere with the U.S. election by hacking Democratic Party accounts. Information from those hacks was leaked online, causing political problems for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. Putin dismissed suggestions Moscow had helped Trump to victory. “The current administration and the leadership of the Democratic Party are trying to blame all their failures on external factors,” he said at his Friday news conference. “(We are talking about) a party which has clearly forgotten the original meaning of its own name. They (the Democrats) are losing on all fronts and looking elsewhere for things to blame. In my view this, how shall I say it, degrades their own dignity. You have to know how to lose with dignity.” Trump expressed his agreement with Putin’s view of the Democrats. “So true!” Trump tweeted Friday evening. Putin, who spoke positively of Trump before his election win, said that only Moscow had believed in his victory. “Trump understood the mood of the people and kept going until the end, when nobody believed in him,” Putin said, adding with a smile. “Except for you and me.” | politicsNews | December 23, 2016 | 0real
After Russia, Iran seeks deal for long-term Syria garrison: Israel | HERZLIYA, Israel (Reuters) - The Israeli intelligence minister said on Monday that President Bashar al-Assad was ready to permit Iran to set up military bases in Syria that would pose a long-term threat to neighboring Israel. While formally neutral on the six-year-old Syrian civil war, Israel worries that Assad s recent gains have given his Iranian and Lebanese Hezbollah allies a foothold on its northern front. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has lobbied Russia, Assad s most powerful backer, and the United States to curb the Iranian presence in Syria as well as hinting that Israel could launch preemptive strikes against its arch-foe there. In July, Moscow ratified a deal under which Damascus allowed the Russian air base in Syria s Latakia Province to remain for almost half a century. Israeli Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said Iran could soon gain similar rights. In these very days, Assad and Iran are nearing the signing of a long-term agreement that would anchor Iran s military presence in Syria, resembling the agreement that was signed between Assad and the Russians, Katz told a security conference hosted by IDC Herzliya, a university near Tel Aviv. The significance in terms of the danger and the threat against Israel - and not just against Israel, but also many countries in the region - is of the utmost clarity. Katz did not elaborate on the source of his information or give any further details about the purported negotiations. The Iranian Foreign Ministry declined to comment and Syrian officials could not be reached. Katz said the plan was for an Iranian naval port, bases for Iran s air and ground forces, and tens of thousands of Shiite militiamen being brought in from various countries to fight alongside their Iranian and Hezbollah co-religionists in Syria. Iran s presence in Syria, and efforts to bolster Hezbollah in Lebanon, are expected to feature in Netanyahu s address to the United Nations General Assembly on Sept. 19. | worldnews | September 11, 2017 | 0real
The Exodus: The State Department’s Entire Senior Management Team Just Quit Over Trump | Secretary of State Rex Tillerson s better get busy running the State Department because the entire senior level of management officials resigned Wednesday over alleged president Donald Trump. This is only part of the ongoing mass exodus of senior foreign service officers following Trump s election.Trump s team was looking for people to fill Tillerson s Number one and two positions as well as three officials and looking to replace the State Department s undersecretary for management, Patrick Kennedy, The Washington Post reports. Kennedy held that job for nine years and hoped to keep it under Tillerson. He was actively involved in the transition.Then suddenly:Then suddenly on Wednesday afternoon, Kennedy and three of his top officials resigned unexpectedly, four State Department officials confirmed. Assistant Secretary of State for Administration Joyce Anne Barr, Assistant Secretary of State for Consular Affairs Michele Bond and Ambassador Gentry O. Smith, director of the Office of Foreign Missions, followed him out the door. All are career foreign service officers who have served under both Republican and Democratic administrations.On Jan. 20th, Assistant Secretary of State for Diplomatic Security Gregory Starr retired. On that same day, the director of the Bureau of Overseas Building Operations, Lydia Muniz, left her position. It s the single biggest simultaneous departure of institutional memory that anyone can remember, and that s incredibly difficult to replicate, David Wade, who served as State Department chief of staff under Secretary of State John Kerry, told the paper. Department expertise in security, management, administrative and consular positions in particular are very difficult to replicate and particularly difficult to find in the private sector. Since the election, several senior foreign service officers in the State Department s regional bureaus have also resigned or retired. These retirements are a big loss. They leave a void, said Wade. These are very difficult people to replace. This sort of mass exodus has never happened before. It s not a partisan issue. These officials worked under both Republican and Democratic administrations.Meanwhile, our newly minted Twitter-addicted president is busy sending out mean-girl tweets on his unsecured Android and trying to prove that he won the popular vote even though he didn t. There s a madman in the White House and senior officials with the State Department want no part of the former reality show star s presidency.Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images. | News | January 26, 2017 | 1fake
YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS UP: Special Counsel Leading Trump-Russia Collusion Investigation Is Person Who Gave Russians Uranium Under Direction Of Crooked Hillary | You seriously can t make this stuff up Wouldn t it be great if we had a real and honest media, and this was the top story of the day today?Zero Hedge Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton facilitated the transfer a highly enriched uranium (HEU) previously confiscated by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) during a 2006 nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices, a newly leaked classified cable shows.So-called background information was provided in the cable which gave vague details on a 2006 nuclear smuggling sting operation in which the U.S. government took possession of some HEU previously owned by the Russians. Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody and is being held at a secure DOE facility. The secret action request, dated Aug. 17, 2009, was sent out by Secretary of State Clinton and was addressed to the United States Ambassador to Georgia Embassy Tbilisi, the Russian Embassy, and Ambassador John Beyrle.It proposed that FBI Director Robert Mueller be the one that personally conducts the transfer a 10-gram sample of HEU to Russian law enforcement sources during a secret plane-side meeting on a tarmac in the early fall of 2009. We require that the transfer of this material be conducted at the airport, on the tarmac near by the plane, upon arrival of the Director s aircraft. Gateway Pundit The cable also states that Given Russia s reluctance to act so far, FBI Mueller s delivery of this sample will underscore to Russia our commitment to follow through on this case. It continues in stating, Embassy Moscow is requested to alert at the highest appropriate level the Russian Federation that FBI Director Mueller plans to deliver the HEU sample once he arrives to Moscow on September 21. The cable summarizes that, We regret that the April visit by Director Mueller could not take place due to a scheduling conflict. and makes a final request that, We require that the transfer of this material be conducted at the airport, on the tarmac near by the plane, upon arrival of the Director s aircraft. Now knowing that the Obama Administration and Hillary Clinton hid the FBI investigation into the Uranium One deal, this cable brings on new meaning and leads to numerous questions.Why did Obama and Clinton agree to provide this uranium delivered by Mueller to Russia in the first place?An article by the Atlantic from April 2008 tells the fascinating story of the smuggler in the country of Georgia who was arrested trying to sell uranium to potential buyers. The smuggler, Oleg Vladimirovich Khintsagov, on January 31, 2006, was apprehended by authorities carrying 100 grams of highly enriched uranium tucked into a plastic bag in his tattered leather coat.A sample of the uranium captured during this sting operation was provided to the Russians who analyzed it and determined that it was indeed highly enriched uranium (HEU). In the Atlantic article, it states that the Russians at first didn t respond to requests from Georgia on the uranium and at no time asked for the uranium back. As a matter of fact, the Russians worked hard to deny that the uranium came from Russia in the first place. So why did the Obama Administration hand deliver 10 grams of HEU to Russia in 2009 and when did Russia begin asking for another sample of the uranium and why did the memo not mention that the Russians had already obtained a sample of this uranium and determined that it was HEU?Another question is why did Clinton s Secretary of State request that FBI Director Mueller deliver the sample of HEU to Russia and why was the transfer in April canceled and postponed to September?Of all people, why would the Head of the FBI be selected to transfer uranium to Russia? It would seem that the US has a number of individuals who could perform this transfer and it would seem that FBI Director Mueller would have enough on his plate in the US. When Mueller couldn t make the transfer in April the transfer was postponed to September so Mueller could be there.The fact that Mueller needed to perform the transfer should raise numerous red flags. It s been widely reported about Mueller s conflicts of interest with his recent appointment as special counsel in the Russia investigation.According to The Hill, before the Obama administration approved a controversial deal in 2010 giving Moscow control of a large swath of American uranium, the FBI had gathered substantial evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were engaged in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering designed to grow Vladimir Putin s atomic energy business inside the United States, according to government documents and interviews.Federal agents used a confidential U.S. witness working inside the Russian nuclear industry to gather extensive financial records, make secret recordings and intercept emails as early as 2009 that showed Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm with bribes and kickbacks in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, FBI and court documents show.They also obtained an eyewitness account backed by documents indicating Russian nuclear officials had routed millions of dollars to the U.S. designed to benefit former President Bill Clinton s charitable foundation during the time Secretary of State Hillary Clinton served on a government body that provided a favorable decision to Moscow, sources told The Hill.The racketeering scheme was conducted with the consent of higher level officials in Russia who shared the proceeds from the kickbacks, one agent declared in an affidavit years later.Rather than bring immediate charges in 2010, however, the Department of Justice (DOJ) continued investigating the matter for nearly four more years, essentially leaving the American public and Congress in the dark about Russian nuclear corruption on U.S. soil during a period when the Obama administration made two major decisions benefitting Putin s commercial nuclear ambitions.Then-Attorney General Eric Holder was among the Obama administration officials joining Hillary Clinton on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States at the time the Uranium One deal was approved. Multiple current and former government officials told The Hill they did not know whether the FBI or DOJ ever alerted committee members to the criminal activity they uncovered.Spokesmen for Holder and Clinton did not return calls seeking comment. The Justice Department also didn t comment.Mikerin was a director of Rosatom s Tenex in Moscow since the early 2000s, where he oversaw Rosatom s nuclear collaboration with the United States under the Megatons to Megwatts program and its commercial uranium sales to other countries. In 2010, Mikerin was dispatched to the U.S. on a work visa approved by the Obama administration to open Rosatom s new American arm called Tenam.Between 2009 and January 2012, Mikerin did knowingly and willfully combine, conspire confederate and agree with other persons to obstruct, delay and affect commerce and the movement of an article and commodity (enriched uranium) in commerce by extortion, a November 2014 indictment stated.His illegal conduct was captured with the help of a confidential witness, an American businessman, who began making kickback payments at Mikerin s direction and with the permission of the FBI. The first kickback payment recorded by the FBI through its informant was dated Nov. 27, 2009, the records show. For entire story: The HillThe investigation was ultimately supervised by then-U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein, an Obama appointee who now serves as President Trump s deputy attorney general, and then-Assistant FBI Director Andrew McCabe, now the deputy FBI director under Trump, Justice Department documents show.On August 6, 2017, The Washington Times questioned Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein s fishing expedition aimed at digging up dirt on President Trump in his investigation in the Trump-Russia investigation. The special counsel is subject to the rules and regulations of the Department of Justice, and we don t engage in fishing expeditions, Mr. Rosenstein said on Fox News Sunday. In his first Sunday show interview, Mr. Rosenstein added that special counsel Robert Mueller understands and I understand the specific scope of the investigation and so, it s not a fishing expedition. Mr. Rosenstein s comments come amid reports citing unnamed sources that the investigation has expanded into Mr. Trump s finances unrelated to possible Russian interference in last year s election.Mr. Rosenstein played down the reports: That s not anything that I ve said. That s not anything Director Mueller has said. We don t know who s saying it or how credible those sources are. Both men now play a key role in the current investigation into possible, but still unproven collusion between Russia and Donald Trump s campaign during the 2016 election. | left-news | Oct 22, 2017 | 1fake
Trump, Clinton court Ohio as White House race enters final 2 months | CANFIELD, Ohio/CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton opened a final two-month sprint to the Nov. 8 election on Monday with the Republican presidential nominee suddenly looking stronger as he and his Democratic rival took their bitter fight to Ohio. Both Trump and Clinton made overtures to a news media that each candidate sees as often hostile to them, talking to reporters on their private planes. Clinton’s session with reporters was her first news conference since last December. After eating a gyro at a diner in the Cleveland area, Trump rallied thousands of cheering supporters at a county fair in Canfield, and Clinton visited a brewery in Cleveland. For a time, their planes were parked about 200 yards apart at the Cleveland airport, a sign of Ohio’s importance in the election. Ohio is considered one of four swing states - those that are not clearly in the Democratic or Republican camp - that could prove decisive in the Electoral College vote that will ultimately determine the winner. The other swing states are Florida, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Trump was buoyed by more polls showing him in a competitive position. The latest Reuters-Ipsos poll showed Trump with 40 percent support vs 39 percent for Clinton, effectively ending Clinton’s bump up in the polls after the Democratic nominating convention. Other polls showed Clinton’s lead had shrunk. “I think we’ve had a great month,” Trump said. Clinton remained in a strong position to win the White House race, but Trump and his team cited his growing strength in opinion polls nationally and in several states where the election is likely to be decided to argue that his message is breaking through to voters. Clinton, who emerged into the public eye after days of raising money from wealthy donors behind closed doors, said she always knew the race would be close. “We’re just going as hard and fast as we possibly can to be organized for turning out the vote, because we’ve always thought this was going to be hard, and that’s why, you know, I’m not worried, I’m just working,” she said. Trump, shaking his fist triumphantly, plunged into a crowd at the Mahoning County Fair where supporters had built a replica of the wall that the Republican nominee has pledged to build along the U.S.-Mexico border. “This has been an unbelievable reception!” Trump said after maneuvering through a crowd of people who shouted his name, against a backdrop of food stands offering fare ranging from chicken on a stick to Italian sausages, fudge and fresh corn. Inviting reporters onto his plane for the first time since accepting the Republican presidential nomination, Trump said his focus going forward will be on how to create jobs for middle-class Americans. He has spent most of the past two weeks trying to clarify his position on illegal immigration, first flirting with a softening, then reinforcing his hardline approach, and then, on his plane, saying undocumented people might ultimately get on a path to a legal status once border enforcement steps are taken. “I’m all about the jobs now,” he said, saying his position on the immigration issue was now well known. He also pledged to participate in all three televised presidential debates, ending speculation that he might sit out one or more if he was not happy with the format. His first face-off with Clinton is at Hofstra University in New York state on Sept. 26. Clinton made her stop at a brewery in Cleveland before heading to a nearby Labor Day parade and rally, where she tested a new jab at her opponent: “Friends don’t let friends vote for Trump.” The Labor Day holiday traditionally kicks off the last stretch of campaigning ahead of the November election. Speaking to reporters on her new campaign plane, she took credit for Trump’s overture to the news media. Clinton, buffeted by controversy over her use of a private email server as U.S. secretary of state, has been criticized by Republicans and the news media for months for failing to hold a news conference. “I heard now that we’ve got this great plane, that Donald Trump actually invited his press on his plane where I’m told he even answered a few questions,” said Clinton. Trump’s rebound from a series of self-inflicted wounds follows the hiring of a new campaign management team, and the Republican nominee is showing more discipline on the stump. Trump has been helped by what his campaign said was a positive week last week, highlighted by a quick trip to Mexico, appearing side by side with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, and a visit to a black church in Detroit. But an immigration speech that Trump gave following his trip to Mexico drew criticism from some of his Hispanic supporters, and several backers advising him on the issue decided to part ways with his campaign. Trump aide Jason Miller said rising poll numbers showed that the campaign was moving in the right direction. “The trend lines are the important thing to point to,” Miller told Reuters. “The problem that Clinton has is there is no positive information flow for her campaign.” Clinton, who was President Barack Obama’s first-term secretary of state, appeared at few public campaign events during the latter half of August, instead raising funds at high-dollar events in the East Coast vacation spots of Martha’s Vineyard and the Hamptons, and with celebrities in Los Angeles and high-tech leaders in Silicon Valley. Clinton’s campaign announced that it had raised $143 million in August for her presidential bid and the Democratic Party. Clinton is again on the defensive over her use of a private email server and possible conflicts of interest with her family foundation while secretary of state, which have caused unease for some voters. But experts still see the Democratic nominee as the odds-on favorite to win the presidency. | politicsNews | September 5, 2016 | 0real
Philippine Congress gives Duterte green light to extend martial law in south | MANILA (Reuters) - Philippine lawmakers on Wednesday overwhelmingly backed President Rodrigo Duterte s plan to extend martial law for all of next year in Mindanao, an island he called a flashpoint for trouble and atrocities by Islamist and communist rebels. The extension, until Dec. 31 next year, would mark the longest period of martial law since the 1970s era of late strongman Ferdinand Marcos, one of the darkest and most oppressive chapters of the country s recent history. At a joint session of Congress, 240 out of 267 lawmakers agreed with Duterte on the need for tough measures to stop Muslim militants recruiting fighters and preparing a new wave of attacks after occupying Marawi City for five months this year. Duterte thanked Congress for its support and said the communist New People s Army and militants loyal to Islamic State were equally threatening. There is a need for me to come up with something, otherwise Mindanao will blow apart, he told reporters. The government worries that mountainous, jungle-clad Mindanao, a region the size of South Korea that is home to the Muslim minority, could attract international extremists. The Marawi City assault was the Philippines biggest security crisis in decades, killing more than 1,100 people, mostly militants. The armed forces took 154 days to win the battle, and 185 extremists are estimated to still be at large. Duterte enjoys massive public support, but his frequent threats to expand martial law are contentious in a country that suffered nine years of oppression under Marcos before his ouster in 1986. Marcos was accused of inventing security threats to justify tightening his grip on power and crushing detractors. Duterte has frequently praised the leadership of Marcos. Duterte s opponents lament his authoritarian streak and speculate that his end game is to emulate Marcos by declaring martial law nationwide, as he has often threatened. Asked several times on Wednesday if he was prepared to go that far, he said, It depends on the enemies of the state. Minority lawmakers said the extension of martial law was illegal because Duterte had cited security threats, rather than rebellion or invasion, the conditions under which martial law can be invoked. Duterte scoffed at the notion that the conflict in Mindanao, his home for most of his life, did not constitute rebellion. There is actually rebellion in Mindnanao, it is ongoing, the fighting is going on, he said. Congressman Tom Villarin said martial law would cost a huge amount of money, calling broad support for it a death blow to our democracy . We have made martial law the new normal, absent of any proof of invasion or rebellion, he said. Martial law now desensitizes the people to wrongly equate it with good governance and democracy. In his request to Congress on Monday, Duterte had argued that a little-known operative active in Mindanao, Abu Turaifie, was said to be Islamic State s potential point man in Southeast Asia. | worldnews | December 13, 2017 | 0real
Puerto Rico opens arms to refugees from Irma's Caribbean chaos | SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (Reuters) - Saddled with economic problems and its own damage from Hurricane Irma, Puerto Rico is taking thousands of refugees from the U.S. Virgin Islands whose homes were destroyed by the storm, with a cruise ship carrying up to 2,000 more due to set sail for the U.S. territory on Wednesday. Visibly shaken residents from St. Martin and the Virgin Islands arrived on Tuesday on U.S. military aircraft, bringing tales of terrifying winds and a breakdown of law and order. The people of Puerto Rico - what big hearts you guys got because our (local) government did nothing - nothing, said William Vonfabrice, 61, from St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands. People coming at us with machetes, offering bullets and saying There is more for you, breaking into houses, hurting people. Royal Caribbean s Majesty of the Seas cruise ship was expected to depart the badly damaged St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, on Wednesday evening bound for San Juan, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands commissioner of tourism Beverly Nicholson-Doty said. Irma skirted Puerto Rico last week, knocking out power to 70 percent of the island, damaging buildings and killing at least three people, but the destruction was not nearly as bad as elsewhere in the Caribbean. The storm s 185 mph (297 km/h) winds hammered a string of tiny Caribbean islands that are territories of Britain, France, the Netherlands and the United States. Homes, hotels, hospitals, marinas and airports were badly damaged and the extent of the chaos seemed to catch the wealthy nations off guard. Britain s government said local authorities had imposed a curfew on the British Virgin islands, where locals complained of widespread looting and violent crime after Irma. U.K. Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson visited the islands on Wednesday, calling them a scene of utter devastation on Twitter as his government announced 25 billion ($33 billion) in extra aid for its territories. The nations all have launched military relief operations but locals and tourists have criticized the response for being too slow and not reaching everybody evenly. Visiting the French Caribbean on Monday, French President Emmanuel Macron promised to quickly rebuild St. Martin, a French territory shared with the Netherlands. British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson met with security officials in Anguilla. Dutch King Willem-Alexander said the destruction he saw in St. Martin was on a scale he had never seen before. Charles Morrison, 89, an evacuee from the Dutch part of the island, Sint Maarten, said one person was killed when the hotel he was staying in was flooded and partially destroyed. Morrison then took shelter in a friend s more secure place. The fact is, that s the end of Sint Maarten, he said as he was pushed through San Juan s Luis Munoz Marin International Airport in a wheelchair. Puerto Rico has $70 billion in debt, a poverty rate above 46 percent, and near-insolvent pension and health systems, a fact not lost on the arrivals. God bless Puerto Rico and the hearts because you guys are struggling. And from the hardest struggle, that s where the real people come out, Vonfabrice said, thanking Puerto Rico for sending food, water and ships to the Virgin Islands. A Puerto Rico government spokeswoman said the financial situation and expected length of stay of the 2,000 refugees due to arrive in San Juan was still unclear, but that expenses would be covered by emergency federal funding. Puerto Rico has set up a large convention center to house refugees who cannot afford to go to a hotel. Other countries in the region also helped. St. Lucia has agreed to house prisoners from the Turks and Caicos Islands and the British Virgin Islands, after the storm damaged the prisons in those British territories. The Cayman Islands has sent police to help reinforce security in the British Virgin Islands after more than 100 prisoners escaped when the storm breached the prison. Mexico s foreign minister Luis Videgaray instructed his diplomats in the Caribbean to offer unspecified help to Puerto Rico and Cuba even as it seeks to cope with the fallout from a massive earthquake. St. Thomas resident Laci Rivers, 33, was waiting on board the Royal Caribbean s Majesty of the Seas, eager to bring her two small children to safety after days of uncertainty. Everyone is stressed and hungry and confused, she said. Rivers said her car was broken into with a hammer, items were stolen from the flattened sushi restaurant where she worked, and she saw fights break out in St. Thomas among increasingly desperate people jostling for food and water. She was under no illusions about what would happen to her home in western St. Thomas. We ve already realized it s going to be looted while we re gone, she said. ($1 = 0.7571 pounds) | worldnews | September 13, 2017 | 0real
Exclusive: Koch brothers will not use funds to try to block Trump nomination | NEW YORK (Reuters) - The Koch brothers, the most powerful conservative mega donors in the United States, will not use their $400 million political arsenal to try to block Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s path to the presidential nomination, a spokesman told Reuters on Wednesday. The decision by the billionaire industrialists is another setback to Republican establishment efforts to derail the New York real estate mogul’s bid for the White House, and follows speculation the Kochs would soon launch a “Trump Intervention.” “We have no plans to get involved in the primary,” said James Davis, spokesman for Freedom Partners, the Koch brothers’ political umbrella group. He would not elaborate on what the brothers’ strategy would be for the Nov. 8 election to succeed Democratic President Barack Obama. Three sources close to the Kochs said the brothers made the decision because they were concerned that spending millions of dollars attacking Trump would be money wasted, since they had not yet seen any attack on Trump stick. The Koch brothers are also smarting from the millions of dollars they pumped into the failed 2012 Republican presidential bids of Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, the sources said. Donors and media reports have speculated since January, when the Kochs gathered 500 of America’s wealthiest political donors at a California resort, that they would deploy their vast political network to target Trump. The Kochs oppose his protectionist trade rhetoric and hardline views on immigration - which include building a wall along the U.S. border with Mexico and deporting millions of illegal immigrants. Many Republican figures and business backers are eager to see Trump, a political outsider who has tapped into rising anti-establishment sentiment, fail in his bid for the nomination. They prefer instead a more traditional candidate like U.S. Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. But with Trump racking up a series of wins in the early nominating contests against opponents including Rubio and U.S. Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, there is a growing sense of inevitability that he will win the party’s mantle. (Editing by Richard Valdmanis, Chris Reese and Peter Cooney) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production. | politicsNews | March 2, 2016 | 0real
CHICAGO THUG PRESIDENT PERSONALLY LEAKED CHUCK SCHUMER’S OPPOSITION TO HIS DANGEROUS IRAN DEAL | Schumer asked the President not to mention his decision publicly until he could make a formal announcement on Friday.If that s how Obama treats his closest friends who refuse to align with his reckless Iran deal, just think how he treats his enemies President Obama personally leaked news that Senator Chuck Schumer had decided to oppose his Iran deal, even after Schumer personally asked the President not to mention it until he could make an announcement Friday.During last night s widely-viewed GOP debate, word began to circulate that Sen. Schumer had decided to oppose President Obama s nuclear deal with Iran. The leak appeared timed to make sure the high-level Democratic defection Schumer is the 3rd highest ranking Democrat in Congress got as little attention as possible.A story at Politico confirms the leak was in fact timed for minimum impact, but not by Schumer himself. According to an unnamed source familiar with Schumer s decision, the Senator called President Obama Thursday afternoon to say he had decided to oppose the deal. Schumer asked the President not to mention his decision publicly until he could make a formal announcement on Friday. Politico s source was careful to emphasize that Schumer told no one else about his decision, meaning only President Obama himself could have made the decision to leak the story to the press.After word leaked out, Sen. Schumer issued a lengthy statement about his opposition to the deal on his website. The statement breaks his opposition into three parts. He writes that he finds the arguments for the deal over the first 10-years plausible but says the inspections regime has serious weaknesses and that the snap back of sanctions process is cumbersome. In addition, Schumer believes that after 10-years Iran will have a nuclear program approved by the United States. Finally, Schumer considers the non-nuclear parts of the deal and concludes, When it comes to the non-nuclear aspects of the deal, I think there is a strong case that we are better off without an agreement than with one. Congress is expected to vote against the deal when they return from the August recess. However, that decision can be vetoed by the President. Congress needs a 2/3 vote to override that expected veto. That means the President needs just 34 Senators to take his side. So far he has at least twelve.But as a high ranking Democrat in line to become the next Senate leader of his party, Schumer s defection has the potential to weaken the resolve of other Democrats. Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY) announced his opposition to the deal last night, shortly after word of Schumer s decision broke. For this reason, the White House had urged Schumer to avoid announcing his decision until the very end of the process, or at least after enough Senators had declared themselves to make it a non-issue.The spin coming out of the White House now is that Schumer s defection is a clear signal that a win for their side is inevitable. The thinking goes that an insider like Schumer wouldn t really put Obama s foreign policy legacy at risk, therefore his planned Friday announcement must be a signal that the votes are there to prevent a veto override vote without him. As Politico frames it, Bad news is being taken as almost good news at the White House. Contradicting this claim is the fact that the White House seemed to be expressing some anger at Schumer earlier in the day. White House spokesman Josh Earnest suggested Friday that Schumer s defection could become an obstacle to his becoming Democratic leader after Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) leaves the Senate. Other White House surrogates made similar noises.Via: Breitbart News | left-news | Aug 8, 2015 | 1fake
Separation anxiety: Trump’s management style poses challenges in Oval Office | NEW YORK (Reuters) - It has proven one of Donald Trump’s greatest strengths in building a worldwide luxury brand: An obsessive attention to detail, down to the curtains hanging in hotel rooms and the marble lining the lobby floor. As president, it may prove one of his major liabilities, presidential historians warn. Interviews with a dozen people familiar with how Trump conducts business reveal the president-elect as a micromanager who regularly spars over details about decor in projects across his real estate and branding empire. “I’m very much involved in the details,” Trump said during a June deposition in a lawsuit stemming from his development of a Washington hotel. “I was involved in the design of the building and the room sizes and the entrances and the lobby and the marble and the bathrooms and the fixtures and the bars and a lot of things.” Trump announced on Wednesday that he would leave his businesses “in total” so that he could focus on the presidency. But those who have worked with him say a lifetime habit of micromanaging may be difficult to break, providing ammunition for critics who say his decisions as president will be driven by his private interests. A former employee of the Trump Organization who has worked closely with Trump was skeptical that he could leave behind his beloved company after spending decades building it up. “I can’t picture him stepping aside for the presidency,” the ex-employee said. Even if he does make a clean break, Trump will have to guard against getting bogged down in the bureaucratic minutiae inherent in the office. He should avoid the example of President Jimmy Carter, another famous micromanager, who spent his first months in office poring over the White House tennis court schedule, said Ross Baker, a professor of political science at Rutgers University. Micromanagers rarely make successful presidents, said Rick Ghere, an associate professor of political science at the University of Dayton in Ohio. To be effective, presidents must delegate authority to members of their cabinet and rely on a range of expertise, he said. “Being a decisionmaker in a high-level public position is a lot different than being a CEO,” Ghere said. Trump has said he will turn the Trump Organization over to his three adult children, who are already deeply involved in real estate projects around the world. His daughter Ivanka, for instance, was charged with overseeing the renovation of Washington’s Old Post Office Pavilion, a $200 million project to turn the historic building into a luxury hotel. In cases where Trump has delegated authority, he still demonstrates a deep reluctance to let go, even when it comes to seemingly trivial details. Two people who participated in an inspection of the Washington hotel with Trump shortly before he announced his candidacy in June 2015 remember the businessman growing incensed over a detail: The restoration of exterior windows. Trump said the windows looked terrible, though one of the sources recounting the story said there didn’t seem to be anything obviously wrong with them. He demanded the contractor not be paid but was told the work had been done for free in the hopes of getting more business from the Trumps, according to the source. That source and two others on the project also recalled hearing Ivanka say she needed her father’s approval before signing off on some decisions she wanted to make on the project. The sources said it was not uncommon for her to say she would “run this by my father” or “check with New York.” Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks said Trump is “incredibly detail oriented as any great developer is, something he shares with his adult children including Ivanka.” Trump’s reluctance to step aside from his company was apparent in a New York Times interview last week in which he said, “in theory I could run my business perfectly, and then run the country perfectly.” Trump’s reputation as a micromanager dates back to some of his earliest building projects. In her 2013 book ‘All Alone on the 68th Floor’, Barbara Res, who oversaw construction of Trump Tower in Manhattan, described her boss in 1983 agonizing over the height and thickness of decorative trees in the building’s atrium. Three decades later, Trump would bring his management style to the presidential campaign trail. Three sources who worked on the campaign said Trump made almost all the decisions on spending, strategy, and messaging. According to the sources, senior campaign officials were desperate to get aboard the candidate’s plane early on in the presidential race, fearful if they were left behind he would change course on strategy and they would be shut out. When Paul Manafort, who was helping run Trump’s campaign, secured the candidate’s authorization to spend $20 million hiring field operatives, he was triumphant, according to a Republican National Committee member, recounting an RNC meeting with Manafort in April. The committee member though was perplexed - why had Manafort needed Trump’s approval for an expenditure on such an essential part of his campaign, and why was the amount so small? At that point in an election year, past candidates had already begun spending upwards of $80 million on the same thing. Manafort told Reuters that while it was true most candidates simply signed off on a budget rather than reviewing each expenditure, Trump was different because he was partly funding his campaign. “I understood it and totally agreed with that approach,” Manafort said. Later in the campaign, Trump was still agonizing over details. In October, he insisted on reviewing the script of a radio ad that was to be broadcast on stations with predominantly black audiences, according to a source inside the campaign. Micromanaging is not necessarily a recipe for disaster - presidents like Abraham Lincoln, Carter and Barack Obama gained reputations as micromanagers, said Nancy Koehn, a professor at Harvard Business School who studies the history of leadership in the United States. But Koehn said a micromanager with a lack of any government experience was a potentially toxic combination. “I think it is highly likely that diving into areas in which he has very little experience without an extraordinary cast of experts around him will result in poor policy decisions which will have large unintended consequences,” she said. Only two of Trump’s nominees so far have U.S. federal executive branch experience, although the lineup does include a state governor, several U.S. lawmakers, and a former Goldman Sachs executive. | politicsNews | December 1, 2016 | 0real
Finally, Obama Speaks: Americans Need to ‘Reconcile Themselves’ with a Trump Presidency | 21st Century Wire says There is an amazing scene unfolding in America While the Democratic Party s community organizing machine helps ignite street protests, and even some violence, on streets nationwide the Democratic President goes in front of the press this morning saying, Look, the people have spoken. Donald Trump will be the next president. After a week of concentrated unrest, the President has been totally silent about street protests rejecting the election result almost as a wink and a knod, quietly encouraging, or perhaps tempting a boiling point. When will President directly engage the American people on this issue?Certainly, if this situation were reversed, the media would be demanding that a Republican president go to the American people calling for calm and to accept the American media s newly invented term, the peaceful transition of power. More leading from behind in Washington Gregory Korte USA TodayPresident Obama is answering questions about the election, the presidential transition and his legacy Monday at a White House news conference his first since voters handed the White House over to a candidate who promised to dismantle his agenda.Appearing relaxed and reflective, Obama said Americans had to reconcile themselves to the Trump presidency, but that he was optimistic about the country and his Democratic party.He also made clear that he has things he wants to accomplish before he leaves office. We re going to make sure that we finish what we started, that we don t let up in these last two months, he said.Obama said his White House team should be proud of what they ve accomplished. We ve already ensured that when we turn over the keys, the car is in pretty good shape. We are indisputably in a better position now than we were when I came in eight years ago. ( ) At the Monday news conference, Obama addressed: The outcome of the election: Look, the people have spoken. Donald Trump will be the next president, the 45th president of the United States. Those who didn t vote for him have to understand, that s how the system works. That s how democracy operates, he said. Whenever you have an incoming president on the other side, particularly after a contentious election like we ve had, it takes a while for people to reconcile themselves to that new reality. Hopefully it s a reminder that elections matter. His Oval Office meeting with Trump: Probably the most important point that I made was that how you staff, particularly the chief of staff, the national security adviser, the White House counsel that s something that has to be attended to right away, he said. I think it s important to give him the room and the space to do that. Obama said he told Trump he was encouraged by his more conciliatory tone since the election. Gestures matter, and how he reaches out to groups that may not have supported him those are the kinds of things that can set the tone to move forward once he takes office. The future of the Democratic party: It s a healthy thing for the Democratic party to go through some reflection. I think it s important for me not to be bigfooting that conversation. We want to see new voices and new views emerge, he said Continue this story at USA TodayREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE NOW & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV | US_News | November 14, 2016 | 1fake
Chicago Daycare Opens for ADULTS to Wear Diapers, Act Like Babies | 21st Century Wire says It s called Tykables. A disturbing number of stories have been emerging of late documenting what can only be seen as our complete cultural and societal collapse A top feminist author has described the rise of transgender mania as a symptom of cultural collapse, a robotics professor has warned that sex robots will stop people forming relationships with normal people , and now we bring you news of a daycare opening in Chicago that is specifically for adults to attend who want to wear diapers and act like babies.The need for such a daycare is evidence of both the growing infantilization of adults and the widespread prevalence of severe psychological problems in Western populations.Instead of politically fighting against the ever increasing encroachment on our freedoms and constant drive to new wars, adults are spending their time cheering on sports teams and literally sitting around in diapers.Here is a somewhat disturbing promotional video from Tykables: MORE ON WESTERN CULTURE : 21st Century Wire Culture Files | Middle-east | June 17, 2016 | 1fake
Latest gun control bid falters in Congress, Democrat sit-in ends | WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Another attempt at gun control faltered in the U.S. Congress on Thursday despite outrage at the Orlando massacre, as a proposed ban on firearms sales to people being monitored for links to terrorism barely avoided being killed in the Senate. In a procedural vote, the Senate narrowly rejected an attempt to scrap the plan by Republican Senator Susan Collins to prevent guns getting into the hands of people on two U.S. government terrorism watch lists. But the proposal looked short of the support it would need to advance through the chamber, and Republican leaders said the Senate would switch from debating gun control to other matters until at least after the July 4 holiday. It was the latest setback for proponents of gun restrictions who have been thwarted for years on Capitol Hill by gun rights defenders and the National Rifle Association. Frequent efforts at gun control have failed despite anger at mass shootings like the killings at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, in 2012 and in San Bernardino, California, last year. “Eventually this problem will get addressed again one of two ways: We find a breakthrough, which I will seek, or there will be another terrorist attack which will bring us right back to this issue. I hope we can do it without another terrorist attack,” said Senator Lindsey Graham, a Republican who supported Collins. A few hours earlier, Democratic lawmakers ended a sit-in protest in the House of Representatives over guns. Fueled by Chinese food and pizzas, dozens of them stayed on the House floor all night, at times bursting into the civil rights anthem “We Shall Overcome” before giving up their protest after 25 hours. “It’s not a struggle that lasts for one day, or one week, or one month, or one year,” said Representative John Lewis, a Democrat from Georgia and a key figure in the civil rights protests of the 1960s. “We’re going to win the struggle,” said Lewis, who led the House sit-in. Dramatic protests by legislators are rare in the U.S. Capitol and the sit-in underscored how sensitive the gun control issue became after this month’s Florida attack, the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Opinion polls show Americans are increasingly in favor of more restrictions on guns in a country with more than 310 million weapons, about one for every citizen. After a gunman pledging allegiance to Islamic State fatally shot 49 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, some senators had seen resistance to gun restrictions softening because the issue had partly become one of national security. But Collins’ measure received only 52 votes in the 100-seat Senate test vote, short of the 60 votes that would be needed for approval in future Senate procedural votes. While her plan could be revived next month, it is unclear if she has the momentum to overcome pro-gun rights forces in Congress who argue that gun control measures in Congress have been too restrictive and trample on the constitutional right to bear arms. Four other gun control measures failed earlier this week. Collins, a Maine lawmaker, wants to forbid gun sales to anyone on the U.S. government’s “No Fly List” for terrorism suspects or the “Selectee List” of people who receive extra security screening at airports. Despite the lack of legislation, the gun debate has stirred passions. The House Democrats’ sit-in brought an outpouring of grass-roots activity. Jennifer Hoppe, deputy director of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America, said that in less than 24 hours from Wednesday, about 130,000 calls were made from supporters of gun control to members of Congress. First lady Michelle Obama backed the House Democrats’ protest. “We have grieved for too many children and wept for too many families after shootings. Chicago. Tucson. Newtown. Charleston. Orlando. #Enough,” she wrote on Twitter on Thursday. The Democrats were seeking votes on legislation to expand background checks for gun purchases, as well as measures to curb the sale of weapons to people on government watch lists Republicans allied with the NRA gun rights group say that while they want to combat terrorism, they represent constituents who believe firmly in the constitutional right to bear arms. “It’s a tough issue. For people like myself, who come from a hunting and fishing state, it’s pretty hard,” said Senator Orrin Hatch, a conservative Utah Republican who voted against Collins. | politicsNews | June 23, 2016 | 0real
NON-AMERICAN, Wife Of US Citizen ARRESTED In Texas After Voting 5 Times! | Imagine how many more of these non-americans are voting in our elections who haven t been caught! A Texas woman, who is not a citizen of the United States, was arrested Friday for having illegally voted in Dallas County five times.Rosa Maria Ortega, 35, is presently a resident of the Tarrant County Jail, where she is being held on a $10,000 bond, according to the Dallas-Fort Worth NBC affiliate Channel 5 News, which reported:Ortega is married to an American and is living legally in this country, but is not a citizen and therefore, not qualified to vote, said Harry White, who supervises public integrity and white collar crime investigations for the Tarrant County District Attorney.Ortega applied to vote in Tarrant County and acknowledged on the application form that she was not a citizen, White said. The county rejected her application and notified her she was not qualified to vote.Having learned her lesson that only American citizens may vote in Texas, she re-applied five months later, this time claiming to be a U.S. citizen.Although Ortega never voted in Tarrant country, records indicate that she did so five times in neighboring Dallas county the earliest in a 2004 Republican primary, the latest in the 2014 Republican primary.Her charges illegal voting is a second degree felony, punishable by a two to 20 year prison sentence.A running battle between Republicans and Democrats is centered on voter ID laws. More than 30 states currently have some form of voter ID requirement.Republicans claim that such laws are necessary as a protection against voter fraud.Democrats claim stories of voter fraud are overblown and voter ID laws amount to voter suppression. Biz Pac Review | politics | Oct 29, 2016 | 1fake
Palestinian factions agree to hold general election by end-2018 | GAZA/CAIRO (Reuters) - Palestinian factions, including rival groups Hamas and Fatah, have agreed to hold a general election by the end of 2018, a joint statement by several groups said on Wednesday following talks in Cairo. Hamas and Fatah signed a reconciliation deal in October in Cairo-backed talks after Hamas agreed to hand over administrative control of Gaza, including the key Rafah border crossing, a decade after seizing the enclave in a civil war. The Palestinian groups in Cairo said they would defer the choice of a final date for the general election to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. The Western-backed mainstream Fatah party lost control of Gaza to Hamas, considered a terrorist group by many in the West and by Israel, in fighting in 2007. But last month Hamas agreed to cede powers in Gaza to Abbas Fatah-backed government in a deal mediated by Egypt. Salah Al-Bardaweel, a Hamas official involved in the talks, called Wednesday s agreement vague and expressed concern that it was unable to progress on key issues such as lifting sanctions imposed by Abbas and secure full opening of the crossing between Gaza and Egypt. The talks also failed to address security responsibilities in Gaza, which have so far remained in the hands of Hamas-backed security services. Abbas has said previously that upon assuming control of Gaza he would move to lift sanctions imposed on the impoverished enclave that have included power cuts and salary reductions of 30 percent to some 60,000 Gazans employed by his Palestinian Authority. We worked hard to reach practical results ... such as opening crossings and lifting the sanctions and advancing the issue of reconciliation but unfortunately it did not happen, said Bardaweel. Azzam Al-Ahmed, head of Fatah s delegation to the Cairo talks, said his group insisted Hamas completes full handover of Gaza control to the government by Dec 1. He added that another meeting with Hamas will be held later in December to evaluate further reconciliation steps. Palestinian officials said Egypt is expected to send a security delegation to Gaza in the coming days to oversee the implementation of the agreement. | worldnews | November 22, 2017 | 0real
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