person A: I helped find my friend's cats. She's glad they're back now person B: Oh_comma_ no! What happened? Did she just get loose? person A: Yes they both just wandered off when the door was open! person B: Thankfully_comma_ they are both okay. Dogs or cars_comma_ or anything for that matter could get them!
person A: 5 person B: What? person A: I recently got an A on my paper. I feel great. person B: Congrats! I bet that feels great!
person A: I went swimming recently. I lost my trunks walking out of the pool. person B: That is embarrassing. I would hate to have that happen. person A: Yeah_comma_ we all have a good laugh about it now person B: That is the best way to handle those situations.
person A: Drinking a gallon of milk in a day wasn't a good idea person B: Ouch! I can relate. What made you decide to drink a whole gallon in a day? person A: I wanted to see how hard it would be_comma_ turns out my stomach was JUST big enough person B: Haha! I hope you experience no seriously ill effects!
person A: My friend slept with a girl I like. I feel horrible now person B: Sheesh that is brutal_comma_ did you smack him? person A: No_comma_ but I don't think he is my friend any more person B: I don't blame you_comma_ that is low.
person A: I don't like working with managers that try to micro-manage me person B: Me neither_comma_ I hate it when they just wont leave you alone person A: Right_comma_ it kind of feels like they're insecure with their abilities while trying to make me feel bad at the same time person B: Yes! I feel the same
person A: Teeth are weird_comma_ but also take a lot of upkeep which is sometimes irritating person B: Always try to brush your teeth at least twice a day_comma_ it helps person A: Yeah that's what my dentist says_comma_ I'll try person B: If you don't take care of your teeth then you will have a bad time later in life
person A: I wake up with chills sometimes for no reason person B: That is bizarre_comma_ have you had this seen about? person A: I think it's from dreams that I'm not able to recall person B: That is odd_comma_ are you afraid when you wake up?
person A: I wasn't able to reach my goals in the gym a couple days ago_comma_ and it helped me realize where I'm slacking off in other areas person B: You sound a lot like my husband. He is really into going to the gym. Life isnt right if he doesnt get gym time. person A: Yeah_comma_ it's fun to see how much you can conquer yourself_comma_ and it's nice to be able to see how you're changing person B: I agree. Its pretty cool to see the changes. I never really got into going to the gym though.
person A: I recently went skydiving. It was a thrilling rush person B: I have been skydiving_comma_ too! It was a fun experience. person A: It was excellent. I feel so alive! person B: I lost my hearing for a few hours after though_comma_ but other than that it was a wonderful experience.
person A: I think I will have success in my life. I love life these days! person B: That is great_comma_ did something recently happen? person A: I recently finished a new album I have been working on! person B: Awesome! What type of music?
person A: I'm excited to think of all the possibilities that are available to me at the moment person B: What possibilities do you speak of? person A: Being able to learn basically anything with the internet for one person B: That sounds pretty exciting.
person A: I like meditating because it puts things into perspective in a way that I don't usually expect person B: I've never been much for meditating. I'm glad you enjoy it. person A: For sure_comma_ my mind is pretty energetic person B: What got you into meditation?
person A: I've been processing what being lonely feels like_comma_ because I want to be able to have fun by myself sometimes person B: I think that's a good idea so you aren't always dependent on others to have fun and just enjoy time to yourself. person A: True_comma_ and I've felt that way before_comma_ but sometimes like a wave of those kinds of feelings hits like I'm not worthy enough and stuff like that_comma_ but it's all good person B: Meditation on goals and positive ideas during some of that alone time can be so uplifting and refocuses you.
person A: I'm trying to get over my need to control things_comma_ and I find if I just let things happen it feels like a weights been pulled off my shoulders person B: I used to struggle with the same problem_comma_ it can be overwhelming person A: Right_comma_ but things always seem to turn out for the best anyway person B: I agree!!
person A: I grew up pretty skinny and now that I've grown some muscle I feel a lot more comfortable in my skin person B: Grats. How long have you been working out for? person A: around 9 months_comma_ been pretty slow to make progress but overall it's been solid person B: Keep your diet clean and you'll keep improving.
person A: I am going to go camping tomorrow! The back's already packed person B: That sounds nice. Hopefully it isn't too hot for you. person A: I hope not. I'm in Florida so it might get bad person B: Are you going to be sleeping in a tent?
person A: My old house burned down_comma_ and I went to check it out_comma_ was surreal taking a look around the place person B: That's just so sad. House fires are terrifying to me. person A: Yeah_comma_ it was built a long time ago_comma_ some kind of electrical fire person B: The wiring was probably old and not up to code anymore.
person A: I was truly surprised when I notice my tire got hit by a rock_comma_ thought I wouldn't make it to the tire place in time person B: did it go flat? person A: It did not_comma_ got it replaced when I dropped it off_comma_ pretty lucky person B: that is very fortunate!
person A: There was a cat who had string stuck around it so I had to help person B: That is really nice of you! Is the cat OK now? person A: Yeah_comma_ everything turned out fine in the end person B: That's good. If not for you_comma_ who knows what could have happened. You must be a very caring individual.
person A: I feel like deepening my connection to God is the most important thing in my life person B: I think that is a lovely thing person A: It's like if I don't get that sorted out I won't be able to live a fulfilling life person B: If its important_comma_ you will figure it out
person A: When I can't take a breather in the day I feel suffocated person B: Yea_comma_ its a good idea to take time for yourself when you can person A: Right_comma_ it's like I can't focus or relax person B: I think relaxing is very important
person A: When I was in elementary school I was envious of the kids who were popular! person B: Yeah as a child it's hard to see other kids with a bunch of friends when you don't have that many. person A: Yeah_comma_ I just had trouble socializing is all person B: Well_comma_ I hope you got over that issue and ended up making lots of friends yourself.
person A: When I do things that are challenging I feel more self-reliant. I recently tried taking an ice bath person B: Oh man! thats impressive_comma_ those baths are rough. person A: Yeah_comma_ my bath wasn't deep enough_comma_ so I didn't get covered all the way! person B: That's good. But still! You must be pretty tough!
person A: I'm eating a lot of food to make sure I can lift more weight in the gym next time! person B: Are you taking protein? person A: I'm taking everything_comma_ honey_comma_ raw garlic_comma_ yogurt_comma_ EVERYTHING! person B: That is good_comma_ hopefully it helps!
person A: I don't like scammy sales people_comma_ nothing good comes from it person B: I agree_comma_ were you recently screwed by one? person A: Yeah_comma_ it's like they live to manipulate people for money person B: Yep its disgusting
person A: I went to lunch the other day with my kids. My daughter needed help opening her dipping sauce and of course I did.... person B: That is sweet of you_comma_ kids are cute person A: They are but when I finally got it open it sprayed me from my waste all the way to my hair! person B: Oh that is not good_comma_ I hope you were able to clean it up easily...
person A: Listening to old artists like they Might Be Giants is my jam person B: Wow I haven't thought of them in years. Sometimes it is good to have bands you can always go back to person A: Haha_comma_ I didn't grow up with them but it's like discovering a gold mine that no one else seems to listen to person B: True. I have favorite bands to that I consider to be musical comfort food
person A: Getting my driver's license was a freeing experience person B: Nice! Are you getting a car soon too? person A: Yeah_comma_ that was a while ago_comma_ cars are great in a lot of situationsz! person B: Definitely_comma_ especially when you get really hungry at night. I love a good drive thru
person A: I've had the worst week_comma_ someone stole my credit card information. person B: That is awful. I've had it happen to me once before. person A: Yes it's been hell_comma_ they charged over 15 thousand dollars on it. I hope my identity is fine besides the card. person B: I sure hope so_comma_ too! It is a lot of work to get it sorted out.
person A: I was pretty disillusioned when I found out door to door sales wasn't a fun time person B: Yeah... that seems like a hard gig_comma_ especially in today's day and age_comma_ where everyone's so wary_comma_ and especially since there's not often people at home during the day. You have to have good people skills to do that job_comma_ though. So_comma_ you at least probably have that going for you. person A: I realized that it was unethical in the end! person B: Ah.. yeah_comma_ I'm sorry you had to run into that kind of problem. It's hard doing a job you don't agree with the ethics of. There's really no way to fake it sometimes. But at least you were able to realize that and stand by your morals.
person A: Ugh_comma_ I'm so annoyed! My husband went out again with his friends_comma_ third time this week. person B: Is he going out drinking? person A: Yes_comma_ I'm exhausted. My daughter is teething so she hasn't been sleeping well. person B: That is such a tough time_comma_ my son is teething as well
person A: Seeing people taken advantage of by fake religious services is something I find the most vile. It makes them believe that they're doing the right thing_comma_ but the person taking advantage of them knows what's really up. What do you know about that? person B: Well I am not a religious person but I will have to say it urks me when I am surronded my religious people that is trying to push their belief on me. Then seeing them feel people heads with stuff that they can not prove is there irritates me also person A: Exactly_comma_ I feel that getting people to believe irrational things is the same as giving them a brain virus_comma_ it'll slowly erode their ability to think rationally. person B: Lol. exactly how I feel
person A: I have a presentation for work on Monday_comma_ I'm a little nervous. person B: Oh_comma_ thats not unusual. You must try to relax. Is it an important presentation? person A: Kind of_comma_ but I have prepared a lot so I'm sure it'll go good! I work in the human resource department for a big company and we are trying to find new ways to retain good employes. person B: I see_comma_ I hope it goes well for you. Remember to breathe!
person A: I had to leave my key in my car for the mechanic and I was left wondering if someone might find it person B: That is a scary situation. People do not care anymore. person A: Right_comma_ there's too many people to say that it wouldn't happen person B: You are so right!
person A: This week was the last one for this semester of my college courses person B: That is awesome_comma_ what degree are you working towards? person A: Healthcare administration_comma_ only 6 months left! I get so antsy waiting to see the final grades_comma_ it drives me crazy person B: I can imagine_comma_ waiting sucks!
person A: I got woken up by my roommate and I swear his voice is the last thing you want to hear in the middle of the night_comma_ sent the fear of God through my veins person B: That's kind of odd. I probably would have tried to take a swing just out of pure instinct. What was the reason they wanted to wake you up? person A: I don't know_comma_ I didn't answer_comma_ pretended I was asleep person B: Hahaha.. that's kind of goofy in a way. Yeah_comma_ sometimes nothing good can come of people trying to get your attention randomly in the middle of the night. That's probably the wisest choice. I probably wouldn't be able to act that good enough to pull it off.
person A: I almost got caught stealing_comma_ I felt pretty bad person B: Ouch! What did you take? person A: A computer keyboard from my school person B: Was it an awesome keyboard worth getting in trouble for?
person A: I'm 38 weeks pregnant_comma_ could have my baby any day now! person B: Congrats! Thats so exciting do You fel ok? person A: Yes_comma_ a bit nervous because my first birth was hard_comma_ but I know I'm ready and have everything we need for the baby! person B: YAY! good job! He/she is going to be beautiful
person A: Christmas was the best time of year back in the day! person B: I still think it is_comma_ i always get so excited person A: Yeah_comma_ it's like there's nothing to worry about person B: yep thats one of the things that make it so nice
person A: Some random dude walked into my room while I was laying down_comma_ couldn't have been more weird person B: Oh wow that is weird. Did you say anything to him? person A: I was like what the hell_comma_ and then he said sorry and walked out person B: Yeesh_comma_ how awkward is that.
person A: Someone hit my car at walmart today and drove off! person B: Were you able to take the plate id? person A: No_comma_ I didn't see it someone reported it to customer service and they paged me. I wish they would have left a note! People have so decency sometimes! person B: I understand. Sorry to hear about that.
person A: I saw my favourite candy at the store today! Was so excited_comma_ hadn't seen it in a while. person B: Oh nice. What kind of candy was it? person A: This sour s'ghetti candy by HARIBRO. I use to eat this all the time as a child. person B: Oh yeah I think I have tried that one! I love anything by Haribro!
person A: My daughter has been sick for months but she is finally starting to get better! person B: Glad to hear it. I hate hearing about children having tragic childhoods and not being able to just simply be a kid. But at least she'll have a good perspective and appreciate life more. person A: Thank you_comma_ Defenitly! She is still young and most likely won't remember this either! person B: Even if she does_comma_ it will help make her a well-rounded_comma_ relatable person. Usually these things help ground kids and give them character. But maybe you're right_comma_ if she moves on from it quickly_comma_ that's great too!
person A: My friend showed me his Minecraft world and it was amazing! Looked like he spent days on it person B: What had he made in the world? person A: He had created one giant hole and filled it up with water_comma_ super cool person B: That's super cool_comma_ I played a few years back but eventually quit.
person A: I had to cancel our family vacation coming up next month. person B: I am really sorry to hear that. I hope everything is alright. person A: Yes_comma_ his work told him he couldn't go after they already approved the time off. Guess next month is going to be busy at his work :( person B: Well_comma_ that is just terrible. I hate it when companies jerk you around like that. I hope you will be able to reschedule it_comma_ although I know that wouldn't make up for the frustration.
person A: Life is good_comma_ it's the gift that keeps on giving person B: that is a great way to look at it person A: Glad you think so as well! person B: Yeah more people should look at life like you do
person A: I saw a huge cockroach outside my house today! person B: did you call the exterminator? person A: Not yet since it's the weekend. We live in Texas so they are common but still gross! I'm glad I haven't see any in my house. person B: I live in Texas to so i know those feels
person A: I have a big test on Monday_comma_ I am so nervous. person B: What is the test on? person A: It's for my Chemistry class. I haven't slept much because I'm worried so I keep studying. person B: Chemistry is quite difficult_comma_have you studied hard?