public boolean isAveragePO ( ) { String cm = getCostingMethod ( ) ; return cm != null && cm . equals ( COSTINGMETHOD_AveragePO ) && COSTELEMENTTYPE_Material . equals ( getCostElementType ( ) ) ; }
Closes all PreparedStatements in the array.
public static long toUnixTime ( Calendar timestamp ) { return timestamp . getTimeInMillis ( ) / 1000L ; }
Adds a multiblock component to this multiblock. The component's x y z coords should be pivoted to the center of the structure.
void loadTvShowsFromDatabase ( MVMap < UUID , String > tvShowMap , ObjectMapper objectMapper ) { ObjectReader tvShowObjectReader = objectMapper . readerFor ( TvShow . class ) ; for ( UUID uuid : tvShowMap . keyList ( ) ) { try { TvShow tvShow = tvShowObjectReader . readValue ( tvShowMap . get ( uuid ) ) ; tvShow . setDbId ( uuid ) ; tvShowList . add ( tvShow ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { LOGGER . warn ( "problem decoding TV show json string: " , e ) ; } } LOGGER . info ( "found " + tvShowList . size ( ) + " TV shows in database" ) ; }
Retrieves an string containing a UTC time representation of the provided date.
String checkString ( String s , int base ) { if ( s == null ) { throw new NullPointerException ( "s == null" ) ; } int charCount = s . length ( ) ; int i = 0 ; if ( charCount > 0 ) { char ch = s . charAt ( 0 ) ; if ( ch == '+' ) { s = s . substring ( 1 ) ; -- charCount ; } else if ( ch == '-' ) { ++ i ; } } if ( charCount - i == 0 ) { throw invalidBigInteger ( s ) ; } boolean nonAscii = false ; for ( ; i < charCount ; ++ i ) { char ch = s . charAt ( i ) ; if ( Character . digit ( ch , base ) == - 1 ) { throw invalidBigInteger ( s ) ; } if ( ch > 128 ) { nonAscii = true ; } } return nonAscii ? toAscii ( s , base ) : s ; }
Awaits the completion of the exploded super graph. When complete, computes result values, shuts down the executor and returns.
public Fp ( ECCurve curve , ECFieldElement x , ECFieldElement y ) { this ( curve , x , y , false ) ; }
Adds an item to the menu. The other add methods funnel to this.
public PlogReaderThread . IncludePlog parseIncludePlogLCR ( PlogReaderThread parent ) { String filename = null ; for ( PlogLCRTag tag : rawTags ) { switch ( tag . id ) { case PlogLCRTag . TAG_PLOG_FILENAME : filename = tag . valueString ( ) ; break ; case PlogLCRTag . TAG_PLOGSEQ : case PlogLCRTag . TAG_RBA : case PlogLCRTag . TAG_APPLY_NAME : case PlogLCRTag . TAG_MINE_UUID : case PlogLCRTag . TAG_SCN : case PlogLCRTag . TAG_PLOGNAME : default : } } return parent . new IncludePlog ( filename ) ; }
Indicates whether this instance has any partitions.
private int parseStyleInWorkspace ( GeoServerRESTReader reader , Map < String , List < StyleWrapper > > styleMap , int count , String workspaceName ) { List < StyleWrapper > styleList ; if ( workspaceName != null ) { RESTStyleList geoServerWorkspaceStyleList = reader . getStyles ( workspaceName ) ; styleList = new ArrayList < StyleWrapper > ( ) ; for ( String style : geoServerWorkspaceStyleList . getNames ( ) ) { StyleWrapper newStyleWrapper = new StyleWrapper ( workspaceName , style ) ; styleList . add ( newStyleWrapper ) ; if ( parentObj != null ) { parentObj . readStylesProgress ( connection , count , count ) ; } count ++ ; } styleMap . put ( workspaceName , styleList ) ; } return count ; }
This method returns the hash code for the supplied object.
private List < String > listToLowerCase ( List < String > l ) { List < String > result = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ; for ( String s : l ) { result . add ( s . toLowerCase ( ) ) ; } return result ; }
Returns the stamp bits for resizing a table of size n. Must be negative when shifted left by RESIZE_STAMP_SHIFT.
public void test_fill$FIIF ( ) { float val = Float . MAX_VALUE ; float d [ ] = new float [ 1000 ] ; Arrays . fill ( d , 400 , d . length , val ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 400 ; i ++ ) assertTrue ( "Filled elements not in range" , ! ( d [ i ] == val ) ) ; for ( int i = 400 ; i < d . length ; i ++ ) assertTrue ( "Failed to fill float array correctly" , d [ i ] == val ) ; try { Arrays . fill ( d , 10 , 0 , val ) ; fail ( "IllegalArgumentException expected" ) ; } catch ( IllegalArgumentException e ) { } try { Arrays . fill ( d , - 10 , 0 , val ) ; fail ( "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected" ) ; } catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e ) { } try { Arrays . fill ( d , 10 , d . length + 1 , val ) ; fail ( "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException expected" ) ; } catch ( ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e ) { } }
Removes all the values from the series.
public final HttpRequestFactory createRequestFactory ( ) { return createRequestFactory ( null ) ; }
Creates user interface components used by this view bean.
public AtomicReference ( V initialValue ) { value = initialValue ; }
unsubscribe when view is destroyed
public void makeVisible ( int index ) { if ( index < 0 || index >= items . size ( ) ) { return ; } if ( isItemHidden ( index ) ) { if ( index < vsb . getValue ( ) ) { scrollVertical ( index - vsb . getValue ( ) ) ; } else if ( index > lastItemDisplayed ( ) ) { int val = index - lastItemDisplayed ( ) ; scrollVertical ( val ) ; } } }
Responds to the Update button - update to SignalGroup Table
public Spanned [ ] history ( ) { int i = 0 ; Spanned [ ] array = new Spanned [ history . size ( ) ] ; for ( String s : history ) { if ( s != null ) { array [ i ] = Html . fromHtml ( s ) ; i ++ ; } } return array ; }
Parse a .class file for annotations
ConfigurationError ( String msg , Exception x ) { super ( msg ) ; this . exception = x ; }
Copies from a target state.
public static File saveFile ( String logData ) { File dir = getLogDir ( ) ; if ( dir == null ) { return null ; } FileWriter fileWriter = null ; File output = null ; try { output = new File ( dir , getLogFileName ( ) ) ; fileWriter = new FileWriter ( output , true ) ; fileWriter . write ( logData ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } finally { if ( fileWriter != null ) { try { fileWriter . close ( ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } } } return output ; }
Fill Resource Pick from Resource Type
public void animateThenRemove ( MarkerWithPosition marker , LatLng from , LatLng to ) { lock . lock ( ) ; AnimationTask animationTask = new AnimationTask ( marker , from , to ) ; animationTask . removeOnAnimationComplete ( mClusterManager . getMarkerManager ( ) ) ; mAnimationTasks . add ( animationTask ) ; lock . unlock ( ) ; }
Loads version information from the URL.
public static File createTmpFile ( String pathToFile ) throws IOException { File file = new File ( pathToFile ) ; if ( file . exists ( ) ) { file . delete ( ) ; } if ( ! file . createNewFile ( ) ) { LOGGER . warn ( "Couldn't create new File! Maybe the file " + file . getAbsolutePath ( ) + " already exists!" ) ; } return file ; }
Closes 'closeable', ignoring any checked exceptions. Does nothing if 'closeable' is null.
public Stream < T > reverseStream ( ) { return StreamSupport . stream ( Spliterators . spliterator ( reverseIterator ( ) , size ( ) , 0 ) , false ) ; }
Generates a PublicKey instance from a string containing the Base64-encoded public key.
public static ArrayList < String > exportResultVariables ( long workerID , LocalVariableMap vars , ArrayList < String > resultVars ) throws DMLRuntimeException , IOException { ArrayList < String > ret = new ArrayList < String > ( ) ; for ( String rvar : resultVars ) { Data dat = vars . get ( rvar ) ; if ( dat != null && dat . getDataType ( ) == DataType . MATRIX ) { MatrixObject mo = ( MatrixObject ) dat ; if ( mo . isDirty ( ) ) { mo . exportData ( ) ; ret . add ( ProgramConverter . serializeDataObject ( rvar , mo ) ) ; } } } return ret ; }
Changes this packet into a human-readable hexadecimal stream of bytes.
public OnSetClause addAssignment ( Expression expression ) { assignments . add ( new Assignment ( expression ) ) ; return this ; }
Validates the field information. Does not make any GUI changes. A field value that is zero-length is considered invalid.
private InterpreterResult processSearch ( String [ ] urlItems , String data , int size ) { if ( urlItems . length > 2 ) { return new InterpreterResult ( InterpreterResult . Code . ERROR , "Bad URL (it should be /index1,index2,.../type1,type2,...)" ) ; } final SearchResponse response = searchData ( urlItems , data , size ) ; return buildResponseMessage ( response ) ; }
Instantiates a new test per class loader runner.
public void testDelete4 ( ) throws SQLException { DatabaseCreator . fillFKCascadeTable ( conn ) ; statement . execute ( "DELETE FROM " + DatabaseCreator . PARENT_TABLE + " WHERE id = 3;" ) ; }
Inject everything that can be injected. This method is intentionally not synchronized. If we locked while injecting members (ie. running user code), things would deadlock should the user code build a just-in-time binding from another thread.
public static Array listToArrayTrim ( String list , String delimiter ) { if ( delimiter . length ( ) == 1 ) return listToArrayTrim ( list , delimiter . charAt ( 0 ) ) ; if ( list . length ( ) == 0 ) return new ArrayImpl ( ) ; char [ ] del = delimiter . toCharArray ( ) ; char c ; outer : while ( list . length ( ) > 0 ) { c = list . charAt ( 0 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < del . length ; i ++ ) { if ( c == del [ i ] ) { list = list . substring ( 1 ) ; continue outer ; } } break ; } int len ; outer : while ( list . length ( ) > 0 ) { c = list . charAt ( list . length ( ) - 1 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < del . length ; i ++ ) { if ( c == del [ i ] ) { len = list . length ( ) ; list = list . substring ( 0 , len - 1 < 0 ? 0 : len - 1 ) ; continue outer ; } } break ; } return listToArray ( list , delimiter ) ; }
Generate next permutation (algorithm from Rosen p. 284)
void restore ( ) { System . arraycopy ( registerSave , 0 , register , 0 , blockSize ) ; }
This is used to attach a attribute to the provided element that is used to identify the class. The attribute name is "class" and has the value of the fully qualified class name for the object provided. This will only be invoked if the object class is different from the field class.
public URI ( String scheme , String userInfo , String host , int port , String path , String query , String fragment ) throws URISyntaxException { if ( scheme == null && userInfo == null && host == null && path == null && query == null && fragment == null ) { this . path = "" ; return ; } if ( scheme != null && path != null && ! path . isEmpty ( ) && path . charAt ( 0 ) != '/' ) { throw new URISyntaxException ( path , "Relative path" ) ; } StringBuilder uri = new StringBuilder ( ) ; if ( scheme != null ) { uri . append ( scheme ) ; uri . append ( ':' ) ; } if ( userInfo != null || host != null || port != - 1 ) { uri . append ( "//" ) ; } if ( userInfo != null ) { USER_INFO_ENCODER . appendEncoded ( uri , userInfo ) ; uri . append ( '@' ) ; } if ( host != null ) { if ( host . indexOf ( ':' ) != - 1 && host . indexOf ( ']' ) == - 1 && host . indexOf ( '[' ) == - 1 ) { host = "[" + host + "]" ; } uri . append ( host ) ; } if ( port != - 1 ) { uri . append ( ':' ) ; uri . append ( port ) ; } if ( path != null ) { PATH_ENCODER . appendEncoded ( uri , path ) ; } if ( query != null ) { uri . append ( '?' ) ; ALL_LEGAL_ENCODER . appendEncoded ( uri , query ) ; } if ( fragment != null ) { uri . append ( '#' ) ; ALL_LEGAL_ENCODER . appendEncoded ( uri , fragment ) ; } parseURI ( uri . toString ( ) , true ) ; }
This will launch the Android market looking for BusyBox
public Iterator iterator ( ) { return objectList . iterator ( ) ; }
Adds a column to the result set. All columns must be added before adding rows.
private static void verifyMarkdownContainsFieldsInTables ( File doc , Map < String , Set < String > > fieldsByTable ) throws IOException { final List < String > lines = Files . readAllLines ( doc . toPath ( ) , Charset . defaultCharset ( ) ) ; final Map < String , Set < String > > fieldsLeftByTable = Maps . newHashMap ( ) ; for ( Map . Entry < String , Set < String > > entry : fieldsByTable . entrySet ( ) ) { fieldsLeftByTable . put ( entry . getKey ( ) , Sets . newHashSet ( entry . getValue ( ) ) ) ; } String inTable = null ; for ( String line : lines ) { if ( fieldsLeftByTable . isEmpty ( ) ) { return ; } final String currentHeader = getTableHeader ( line ) ; if ( inTable == null || currentHeader != null ) { inTable = currentHeader ; } if ( inTable != null && fieldsLeftByTable . containsKey ( inTable ) ) { String [ ] parts = line . split ( "\\|" ) ; if ( parts . length > 1 ) { final String fieldName = parts [ 1 ] ; final Set < String > fieldsLeft = fieldsLeftByTable . get ( inTable ) ; Iterator < String > fieldIt = fieldsLeft . iterator ( ) ; while ( fieldIt . hasNext ( ) ) { String fieldLeft = fieldIt . next ( ) ; if ( fieldName . contains ( fieldLeft ) ) fieldIt . remove ( ) ; } if ( fieldsLeft . isEmpty ( ) ) { fieldsLeftByTable . remove ( inTable ) ; } } } } if ( ! fieldsLeftByTable . isEmpty ( ) ) { fail ( String . format ( "Markdown file '%s' did not contain expected fields (by table): %s" , doc , fieldsLeftByTable ) ) ; } }
Serializes the packet. Will compute and set the following fields if they are set to specific values at the time serialize is called: -checksum : 0 -headerLength : 0 -totalLength : 0
public void addVideoFileTypes ( String type ) { if ( ! type . startsWith ( "." ) ) { type = "." + type ; } if ( ! videoFileTypes . contains ( type ) ) { videoFileTypes . add ( type ) ; firePropertyChange ( VIDEO_FILE_TYPE , null , videoFileTypes ) ; } }
Finds the most specific common super class of the given classes. This method is a copy from javassist.bytecode.analysis.Type.
public E poll ( ) { if ( isEmpty ( ) ) { return null ; } E result = elements [ 0 ] ; removeAt ( 0 ) ; return result ; }
Verify fail create properties if properties are not compatible.
public static long unixTimestamp ( UUID uuid ) { if ( uuid . version ( ) != 1 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( String . format ( "Can only retrieve the unix timestamp for version 1 uuid (provided version %d)" , uuid . version ( ) ) ) ; } else { return uuid . timestamp ( ) / 10000L + START_EPOCH ; } }
Convert a bitset into integer column ids.
private void parseBoldAndItalicSpans ( SpanManager sm , Span line , List < Span > boldSpans , List < Span > italicSpans ) { parseQuotedSpans ( sm , line , boldSpans , "'''" ) ; parseQuotedSpans ( sm , line , italicSpans , "''" ) ; int openTag = sm . indexOf ( "''" , line ) ; if ( openTag != - 1 ) { Span qs = new Span ( openTag , line . getEnd ( ) ) ; if ( calculateSrcSpans ) { qs . setSrcSpan ( new SrcSpan ( sm . getSrcPos ( openTag ) , sm . getSrcPos ( line . getEnd ( ) ) ) ) ; } if ( sm . indexOf ( "'''" , openTag , openTag + 3 ) != - 1 ) { boldSpans . add ( qs ) ; sm . delete ( openTag , openTag + 3 ) ; } else { italicSpans . add ( qs ) ; sm . delete ( openTag , openTag + 2 ) ; } } }
Helper method to associate request ids to shared preference keys
public void putAll ( Collection < V > c ) { ensureCapacity ( m_data . length + c . size ( ) ) ; for ( V e : c ) { put ( e . getOsmId ( ) , e ) ; } }
Escape a string configuration element.
public static String toSystemDependentPath ( String path ) { if ( File . separatorChar != '/' ) { path = path . replace ( '/' , File . separatorChar ) ; } return path ; }
Remainder of division of two numbers of different signs. The first is negative.
private void fields ( Class type ) { Field [ ] list = type . getDeclaredFields ( ) ; for ( Field field : list ) { FieldDetail detail = new FieldDetail ( field ) ; fields . add ( detail ) ; } }
Asserts that the explanation value for every document matching a query corresponds with the true score.
private String findPropertiesFile ( final String directory ) { final File f = new File ( directory , DEFAULT_OPENDJ_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME + DEFAULT_OPENDJ_PROPERTIES_FILE_EXTENSION ) ; if ( f . exists ( ) && f . canRead ( ) ) { return f . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; } return null ; }
Returns new Element(this), and also recursively copies sub-elements.
private void closeInternal ( ) { final BigdataSailRepositoryConnection cxn = tlTx . get ( ) ; if ( cxn != null ) { close ( cxn ) ; } }
Returns true if the specified AuthnContextClassRef matches a list of requested AuthnContextClassRef.
public static Date stringToDate ( String datstr ) { SimpleDateFormat fmt = ComponentTime . makeInputFormatter ( ) ; ParsePosition zero = new ParsePosition ( 0 ) ; if ( datstr . length ( ) > 23 ) datstr = datstr . substring ( 0 , 23 ) ; return ( fmt . parse ( datstr , zero ) ) ; }
Implements OutputStream.write(int) in terms of OutputStream.write(byte[], int, int). OutputStream assumes that you implement OutputStream.write(int) and provides default implementations of the others, but often the opposite is more efficient.
public JarListLoader ( ) { }
Read a single hex digit. returns 16 if digit is invalid
public Statement in ( Object ... values ) { statement . append ( " IN (" ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < values . length ; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) statement . append ( ", " ) ; append ( values [ i ] ) ; } statement . append ( ')' ) ; return this ; }
Validates the signature element of the SAML token.
public long elapsedTimeMillis ( ) { if ( this . stopTime == 0 ) { return System . currentTimeMillis ( ) - this . startTime ; } else { return this . stopTime - this . startTime ; } }
Checks whether the mouse event is a double-click event (with the left mouse button). Ctrl/Alt/Shift are allowed.
public void handleConfiguration ( Class < OpsType > opsType , Interface instance ) throws InstantiationException , IllegalAccessException { if ( mRetainedFragmentManager . firstTimeIn ( ) ) { Log . d ( TAG , "First time onCreate() call" ) ; initialize ( opsType , instance ) ; } else { Log . d ( TAG , "Second or subsequent onCreate() call" ) ; mOpsInstance = mRetainedFragmentManager . get ( opsType . getSimpleName ( ) ) ; if ( mOpsInstance == null ) initialize ( opsType , instance ) ; else mOpsInstance . onConfiguration ( instance , false ) ; } }
Copies elements in original array to a new array, from index start(inclusive) to end(exclusive). The first element (if any) in the new array is original[from], and other elements in the new array are in the original order. The padding value whose index is bigger than or equal to original.length - start is (byte)0.
public static byte [ ] decode ( byte [ ] input , int offset , int len , int flags ) { Decoder decoder = new Decoder ( flags , new byte [ len * 3 / 4 ] ) ; if ( ! decoder . process ( input , offset , len , true ) ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "bad base-64" ) ; } if ( decoder . op == decoder . output . length ) { return decoder . output ; } byte [ ] temp = new byte [ decoder . op ] ; System . arraycopy ( decoder . output , 0 , temp , 0 , decoder . op ) ; return temp ; }
Adds the data source updated listener.
public static final boolean isASCII ( Resources res , int resId ) throws IOException , NotFoundException { BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader ( new InputStreamReader ( res . openRawResource ( resId ) ) ) ; boolean isASCII = isASCII ( buffer ) ; buffer . close ( ) ; return isASCII ; }
Set the default Hostname Verifier to an instance of a fake class that trust all hostnames.
public boolean hasPools ( ) { return _poolHashTable . size ( ) > 0 ; }
Calculate the bounds for a view's title
public synchronized void add ( String name , long threadId ) { if ( mFinished ) { throw new IllegalStateException ( "Marker added to finished log" ) ; } mMarkers . add ( new Marker ( name , threadId , SystemClock . elapsedRealtime ( ) ) ) ; }
Return a path for an arrow pointing to the left.
public Zhqrd ( Zmat A ) throws JampackException { A . getProperties ( ) ; nrow = A . nr ; ncol = A . nc ; ntran = Math . min ( A . nr , A . nc ) ; U = new Z1 [ ntran ] ; R = new Zutmat ( A ) ; for ( int k = A . bx ; k < A . bx + ntran ; k ++ ) { U [ k - A . bx ] = House . genc ( R , k , A . rx , k ) ; House . ua ( U [ k - A . bx ] , R , k , A . rx , k + 1 , A . cx ) ; } if ( nrow > ncol ) { R = new Zutmat ( R . get ( R . bx , R . cx , R . bx , R . cx ) ) ; } }
If this name is in the set of reserved names, then return a quoted version of it. Else pass it through.
public void fillPolygon ( int [ ] xPoints , int [ ] yPoints , int nPoints ) { int [ ] cX = xPoints ; int [ ] cY = yPoints ; if ( ( ! impl . isTranslationSupported ( ) ) && ( xTranslate != 0 || yTranslate != 0 ) ) { cX = new int [ nPoints ] ; cY = new int [ nPoints ] ; System . arraycopy ( xPoints , 0 , cX , 0 , nPoints ) ; System . arraycopy ( yPoints , 0 , cY , 0 , nPoints ) ; for ( int iter = 0 ; iter < nPoints ; iter ++ ) { cX [ iter ] += xTranslate ; cY [ iter ] += yTranslate ; } } impl . fillPolygon ( nativeGraphics , cX , cY , nPoints ) ; }
Converts String represenration of IP address to a long.
public boolean correctHeatSinks ( StringBuffer buff ) { if ( ( aero . getHeatType ( ) != Aero . HEAT_SINGLE ) && ( aero . getHeatType ( ) != Aero . HEAT_DOUBLE ) ) { buff . append ( "Invalid heatsink type! Valid types are " + Aero . HEAT_SINGLE + " and " + Aero . HEAT_DOUBLE + ". Found " + aero . getHeatType ( ) + "." ) ; } if ( aero . getEntityType ( ) == Entity . ETYPE_CONV_FIGHTER ) { int maxWeapHeat = countHeatEnergyWeapons ( ) ; int heatDissipation = 0 ; if ( aero . getHeatType ( ) == Aero . HEAT_DOUBLE ) { buff . append ( "Conventional fighters may only use single " + "heatsinks!" ) ; return false ; } heatDissipation = aero . getHeatSinks ( ) ; if ( maxWeapHeat > heatDissipation ) { buff . append ( "Conventional fighters must be able to " + "dissipate all heat from energy weapons! \n" + "Max energy heat: " + maxWeapHeat + ", max dissipation: " + heatDissipation ) ; return false ; } else { return true ; } } else { return true ; } }
CRLDP test with local DOD CRL cache. Using dod soft cert:
public boolean acquire ( ) { int [ ] stamp = new int [ 1 ] ; while ( true ) { boolean undeployed = usage . get ( stamp ) ; int r = stamp [ 0 ] ; if ( undeployed && r == 0 ) return false ; if ( usage . compareAndSet ( undeployed , undeployed , r , r + 1 ) ) return true ; } }
this is not very efficient, only for tests and troubleshooting
public void init ( int size , int typeproc , SecureRandom random ) { this . size = size ; this . typeproc = typeproc ; this . init_random = random ; }
Creates a new string property matcher.
public EventSourceImpl ( ) { LOG . entering ( CLASS_NAME , "<init>" ) ; }
Convert a long integer into roman numerals.
public static BigInteger [ ] transformRawSignature ( byte [ ] raw ) throws IOException { BigInteger [ ] output = new BigInteger [ 2 ] ; output [ 0 ] = new BigInteger ( 1 , Arrays . copyOfRange ( raw , 0 , 32 ) ) ; output [ 1 ] = new BigInteger ( 1 , Arrays . copyOfRange ( raw , 32 , 64 ) ) ; return output ; }
to be called after a message is consumed so the flow control of the test kicks in.
public static boolean deleteRecursively ( File f ) { boolean done = false ; if ( f . isFile ( ) ) { f . delete ( ) ; return true ; } if ( f . isDirectory ( ) ) { File [ ] list = f . listFiles ( ) ; if ( list . length < 0 ) { Logger . appendLog ( "[FilesUtils][I] deleting " + f . getAbsolutePath ( ) ) ; return f . delete ( ) ; } else { for ( File file : list ) { deleteRecursively ( file ) ; } return f . delete ( ) ; } } return done ; }
<!-- begin-user-doc --> <!-- end-user-doc -->
private void initCircleCropWindow ( @ NonNull RectF bitmapRect ) { mOffset = 0.1f * Math . min ( bitmapRect . width ( ) , bitmapRect . height ( ) ) ; mDrawableWidth = bitmapRect . width ( ) ; mDrawableHeight = bitmapRect . height ( ) ; mCenterPointX = mDrawableWidth / 2.0f ; mCenterPointY = mDrawableHeight / 2.0f ; mRadius = ( Math . min ( mDrawableWidth , mDrawableHeight ) - mOffset ) / 2.0f ; }
Prints the state of the Mesos master or agent
public boolean hasChildren ( ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( arguments != null ? arguments . size ( ) : 0 ) ; i ++ ) { if ( getArgument ( i ) instanceof MathContainer ) { return true ; } } return false ; }
Add OMA download info to SharedPrefs.
private void handleServerURLChange ( String newServerURL ) { this . coordinatorServerURL = newServerURL ; log . info ( "Server URL being set to " + newServerURL ) ; }
Merges a range into the range list, coalescing ranges if possible.
public PacketOutputStream writeTimeLength ( final Calendar calendar , final boolean fractionalSeconds ) { if ( fractionalSeconds ) { assureBufferCapacity ( 13 ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) 12 ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ; buffer . putInt ( 0 ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) calendar . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY ) ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) calendar . get ( Calendar . MINUTE ) ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) calendar . get ( Calendar . SECOND ) ) ; buffer . putInt ( calendar . get ( Calendar . MILLISECOND ) * 1000 ) ; } else { assureBufferCapacity ( 9 ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) 8 ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) 0 ) ; buffer . putInt ( 0 ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) calendar . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY ) ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) calendar . get ( Calendar . MINUTE ) ) ; buffer . put ( ( byte ) calendar . get ( Calendar . SECOND ) ) ; } return this ; }
This method adds this Combinable object to an ArrayList.
public DAbout ( JFrame parent , String title , String licenseNotice , Image aboutImg , Object [ ] tickerItems ) { super ( parent , title , ModalityType . DOCUMENT_MODAL ) ; initComponents ( aboutImg , licenseNotice , tickerItems ) ; }
Prints an integer as a String.
public Criteria createCriteria ( ) { Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal ( ) ; if ( oredCriteria . size ( ) == 0 ) { oredCriteria . add ( criteria ) ; } return criteria ; }
will sleep up to 30 seconds, looking for expectedDocCount
public boolean contains ( long prefix_hash ) { if ( prefix_hash == 0 ) { return false ; } int idx = - 1 * Arrays . binarySearch ( hashes_idx , prefix_hash ) - 1 ; if ( idx == cache_size ) { return false ; } else { return ( hashes_idx [ idx ] & PREFIX_HASH_MASK ) == prefix_hash ; } }
Returns the distance/value of a given scale/level. I.e. the value of base^i (e.g. 2^i).
public void closeIfNecessary ( ) { if ( jmdnsInstance != null ) { if ( jmdnsSubscriberCount . get ( ) <= 0 ) { close ( ) ; } } }
Add a Principal entry to an existing PolicyEntry at the specified index. A Principal entry consists of a class, and name. If the principal already exists, it is not added again.
public void removeAnnotation ( int index ) { mAnnotations . remove ( index ) ; mStringXY . removeByIndex ( index ) ; }
Pads spaces onto the end of the value to make it 'places' long
protected void loadValue ( String sValue ) { value = new File ( sValue ) ; absolutePath = value . getAbsolutePath ( ) ; }
Multiplies two opacities with range [0,255]. First maps both values to [0,1], then calculates the product and maps the result back to [0,255].
public void removeDebugger ( final IDebugger debugger ) { debuggers . remove ( debugger ) ; for ( final DebuggerProviderListener listener : m_listeners ) { try { listener . debuggerRemoved ( this , debugger ) ; } catch ( final Exception exception ) { CUtilityFunctions . logException ( exception ) ; } } }
Normalize a sequence of char values. The sequence will be normalized according to the specified normalization from.
private int compareTemplates ( @ NotNull File file1 , @ NotNull File file2 ) { TemplateMetadata template1 = getTemplateMetadata ( file1 ) ; TemplateMetadata template2 = getTemplateMetadata ( file2 ) ; if ( template1 == null ) { return 1 ; } else if ( template2 == null ) { return - 1 ; } else { int delta = template2 . getRevision ( ) - template1 . getRevision ( ) ; if ( delta == 0 ) { delta = ( int ) ( file2 . lastModified ( ) - file1 . lastModified ( ) ) ; } return delta ; } }
Create result file for the specific iteration (FinalResults.txt) and write some results to the console.
public static byte [ ] decode ( byte [ ] data ) { int len = data . length / 4 * 3 ; ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( len ) ; try { encoder . decode ( data , 0 , data . length , bOut ) ; } catch ( Exception e ) { throw new DecoderException ( "unable to decode base64 data: " + e . getMessage ( ) , e ) ; } return bOut . toByteArray ( ) ; }
Test to check the Bucket Distribution for the Long values
public synchronized Entry firstValue ( ) { if ( array . isEmpty ( ) ) return null ; else { return array . get ( 0 ) ; } }
Calculates the error for the current example.
public static Map < String , Collection < String > > groupFilesByMimeType ( Collection < String > attachments ) { Map < String , Collection < String > > attachmentsByMimeType = new HashMap < > ( ) ; for ( String url : attachments ) { String mimeType = getMimeType ( url ) ; if ( mimeType . length ( ) > 0 ) { Collection < String > mimeTypeList = attachmentsByMimeType . get ( mimeType ) ; if ( mimeTypeList == null ) { mimeTypeList = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; attachmentsByMimeType . put ( mimeType , mimeTypeList ) ; } mimeTypeList . add ( url ) ; } } return attachmentsByMimeType ; }
as the hotspot enters a platform dependent drop site
private synchronized void deleteCommentInternal ( final CommentingStrategy strategy , final IComment comment ) { Preconditions . checkNotNull ( comment , "IE02542: comment argument can not be null" ) ; final List < IComment > currentComments = strategy . getComments ( ) ; if ( ! currentComments . remove ( comment ) ) { return ; } strategy . saveComments ( currentComments ) ; commentIdToComment . remove ( comment . getId ( ) ) ; for ( final CommentListener listener : listeners ) { try { strategy . sendDeletedCommentNotification ( listener , comment ) ; } catch ( final Exception exception ) { CUtilityFunctions . logException ( exception ) ; } } }
Adds given number of days/months/years to given date and returns the resulting date.
void resume ( ) { paused . set ( false ) ; synchronized ( pauseLock ) { pauseLock . notifyAll ( ) ; } }
Return the full length of all the data. If you override this method make sure to override #send(OutputStream) as well
public long readLong ( ) throws IOException { return primitiveTypes . readLong ( ) ; }
Returns original with occurrences of oldSubstring replaced by newSubstring. Set all to true to replace all occurrences, or false to replace the first occurrence only.
private static JValueSlider createField ( Force f , int param ) { double value = f . getParameter ( param ) ; double min = f . getMinValue ( param ) ; double max = f . getMaxValue ( param ) ; String name = f . getParameterName ( param ) ; JValueSlider s = new JValueSlider ( name , min , max , value ) ; s . setBackground ( Color . WHITE ) ; s . putClientProperty ( "force" , f ) ; s . putClientProperty ( "param" , new Integer ( param ) ) ; s . setPreferredSize ( new Dimension ( 300 , 30 ) ) ; s . setMaximumSize ( new Dimension ( 300 , 30 ) ) ; return s ; }
Equality means name is the same and argument type erasures as well.
private boolean zzRefill ( ) throws java . io . IOException { if ( zzStartRead > 0 ) { System . arraycopy ( zzBuffer , zzStartRead , zzBuffer , 0 , zzEndRead - zzStartRead ) ; zzEndRead -= zzStartRead ; zzCurrentPos -= zzStartRead ; zzMarkedPos -= zzStartRead ; zzStartRead = 0 ; } if ( zzCurrentPos >= zzBuffer . length ) { char newBuffer [ ] = new char [ zzCurrentPos * 2 ] ; System . arraycopy ( zzBuffer , 0 , newBuffer , 0 , zzBuffer . length ) ; zzBuffer = newBuffer ; } int numRead = zzReader . read ( zzBuffer , zzEndRead , zzBuffer . length - zzEndRead ) ; if ( numRead > 0 ) { zzEndRead += numRead ; return false ; } if ( numRead == 0 ) { int c = zzReader . read ( ) ; if ( c == - 1 ) { return true ; } else { zzBuffer [ zzEndRead ++ ] = ( char ) c ; return false ; } } return true ; }
Confers with policy and calls appropriate callback method.
public void saveAuthenticatedPrincipal ( String principalName ) { authenticatedPrincipals . add ( principalName ) ; requestMap . put ( ISAuthConstants . AUTHENTICATED_PRINCIPALS , StringUtils . join ( authenticatedPrincipals , "|" ) ) ; }
This function differs from regular transitions because we incorporate the cost of incomplete left-hand ngrams, as well as including the start- and end-of-sentence markers (if they were requested when the object was created). KenLM already includes the prefix probabilities (of shorter n-grams on the left-hand side), so there's nothing that needs to be done.
public boolean isDisplayLogging ( ) { return this . logArea != null ; }
Check the given verb for gerund form, e.g. "doing".
public void removeOnceFromDamaged ( final Unit damagedUnit ) { m_damaged . remove ( damagedUnit ) ; }
Print text on console.
public Query appendIf ( final String name , final GitlabAccessLevel value ) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if ( value != null ) { append ( name , Integer . toString ( value . accessValue ) ) ; } return this ; }
Pops a type from the output frame stack.
public void incrStats ( Collection < GraphNode > nodes ) { totalCount += nodes . size ( ) ; for ( GraphNode node : nodes ) { ElementKindDescriptor descr = findDescriptor ( node ) ; if ( null == descr ) { otherCount ++ ; } else { int count = kindCounts . get ( descr ) ; kindCounts . put ( descr , count + 1 ) ; } } }
Preprocess a given type looking for (i) additional info (where clauses) to be added to the main diagnostic (ii) names to be compacted.
public TrainSchedule ( Element e ) { org . jdom2 . Attribute a ; if ( ( a = e . getAttribute ( Xml . ID ) ) != null ) { _id = a . getValue ( ) ; } else { log . warn ( "no id attribute in schedule element when reading operations" ) ; } if ( ( a = e . getAttribute ( Xml . NAME ) ) != null ) { _name = a . getValue ( ) ; } if ( ( a = e . getAttribute ( Xml . COMMENT ) ) != null ) { _comment = a . getValue ( ) ; } if ( ( a = e . getAttribute ( Xml . TRAIN_IDS ) ) != null ) { String ids = a . getValue ( ) ; String [ ] trainIds = ids . split ( "," ) ; for ( String id : trainIds ) { _trainIds . add ( id ) ; } } }
As MapQuest and OSRM doesn't provide legs information, we have to rebuild it, using the waypoints and the road nodes. <br> Note that MapQuest legs fit well with waypoints, as there is a "dedicated" node for each waypoint. But OSRM legs are not precise, as there is no node "dedicated" to waypoints.
public WindowBeanshell ( BoardFrame p_board_frame ) { super ( p_board_frame ) ; stat = board_frame . stat ; workFrame = new JFrame ( "Ammi Client Beanshell" ) ; workPanel = ( JPanel ) workFrame . getContentPane ( ) ; bshConsole = new JConsole ( ) ; workPanel . add ( bshConsole , BorderLayout . CENTER ) ; workPanel . add ( newButtons ( ) , BorderLayout . NORTH ) ; workFrame . setSize ( 500 , 500 ) ; bshInterp = new Interpreter ( bshConsole ) ; }
Determine the content generator (i.e. Slic3r, Skeinforge) for the given resource.
protected void processBDDPLists ( ) { int count = 0 ; Set < NodePortTuple > nptList = new HashSet < NodePortTuple > ( ) ; while ( count < BDDP_TASK_SIZE && quarantineQueue . peek ( ) != null ) { NodePortTuple npt ; npt = quarantineQueue . remove ( ) ; if ( ! toRemoveFromQuarantineQueue . remove ( npt ) ) { sendDiscoveryMessage ( npt . getNodeId ( ) , npt . getPortId ( ) , false , false ) ; } nptList . add ( npt ) ; count ++ ; } count = 0 ; while ( count < BDDP_TASK_SIZE && maintenanceQueue . peek ( ) != null ) { NodePortTuple npt ; npt = maintenanceQueue . remove ( ) ; if ( ! toRemoveFromMaintenanceQueue . remove ( npt ) ) { sendDiscoveryMessage ( npt . getNodeId ( ) , npt . getPortId ( ) , false , false ) ; } count ++ ; } for ( NodePortTuple npt : nptList ) { generateSwitchPortStatusUpdate ( npt . getNodeId ( ) , npt . getPortId ( ) ) ; } }
Open the proposal popup and display the proposals provided by the proposal provider. This method returns immediately. That is, it does not wait for a proposal to be selected. This method is used by subclasses to explicitly invoke the opening of the popup. If there are no proposals to show, the popup will not open and a beep will be sounded.
public byte [ ] receiveSpecLenBytes ( int len ) { Log . d ( TAG , "receiveSpecLenBytes() entrance: len = " + len ) ; try { acquireLock ( ) ; mServerSocket . receive ( mReceivePacket ) ; byte [ ] recDatas = Arrays . copyOf ( mReceivePacket . getData ( ) , mReceivePacket . getLength ( ) ) ; Log . d ( TAG , "received len : " + recDatas . length ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < recDatas . length ; i ++ ) { Log . e ( TAG , "recDatas[" + i + "]:" + recDatas [ i ] ) ; } Log . e ( TAG , "receiveSpecLenBytes: " + new String ( recDatas ) ) ; if ( recDatas . length != len ) { Log . w ( TAG , "received len is different from specific len, return null" ) ; return null ; } return recDatas ; } catch ( IOException e ) { e . printStackTrace ( ) ; } return null ; }
Transfer control to another coroutine which has already been started and is waiting on this CoroutineManager. We won't return from this call until that routine has relinquished control. %TBD% What should we do if toCoroutine isn't registered? Exception?
private static void execute ( final String [ ] args ) throws Exception { List < String > instances ; if ( args . length > 0 ) { instances = Arrays . asList ( args ) ; } else { instances = ConfProxyHelper . availableInstances ( ) ; } for ( String instance : instances ) { try { ConfProxy proxy = new ConfProxy ( instance ) ; proxy . execute ( ) ; } catch ( Exception ex ) { log . error ( "Error when executing configuration-proxy '{}': {}" , instance , ex ) ; } } }
Simple puts the thread to sleep for the passed duration.
protected byte [ ] _readLastChunk ( long index ) throws IOException , InvalidKeyException , InvalidAlgorithmParameterException , IllegalBlockSizeException , BadPaddingException , FileEncryptionException , ShortBufferException { long nRemaining = backingRandomAccessFile . length ( ) - ( chunkOffset ( index ) ) ; if ( nRemaining > CHUNK_ENC_SIZE ) { throw new FileEncryptionException ( "Calculated size of size of last chunk bigger than default chunk size!" ) ; } else if ( nRemaining <= CHUNK_IV_SIZE ) { return new byte [ ] { } ; } long oldpos = backingRandomAccessFile . getFilePointer ( ) ; backingRandomAccessFile . seek ( chunkOffset ( index ) ) ; byte [ ] iv = new byte [ CHUNK_IV_SIZE ] ; int ret = backingRandomAccessFile . read ( iv ) ; if ( ret != CHUNK_IV_SIZE ) { throw new FileEncryptionException ( "Size mismatch reading chunk IV!" ) ; } IvParameterSpec spec = new IvParameterSpec ( iv ) ; lastChunkCipher . init ( Cipher . DECRYPT_MODE , getFileKey ( ) , spec ) ; nRemaining -= CHUNK_IV_SIZE ; byte [ ] buf = new byte [ ( int ) nRemaining ] ; byte [ ] res ; ret = backingRandomAccessFile . read ( buf ) ; backingRandomAccessFile . seek ( oldpos ) ; if ( ret != nRemaining ) { throw new FileEncryptionException ( "Size mismatch reading encrypted chunk data!" ) ; } res = lastChunkCipher . doFinal ( buf ) ; if ( ( res == null ) || ( res . length != ( nRemaining - CHUNK_TLEN ) ) ) { throw new FileEncryptionException ( "Decryption error or chunk size mismatch during decryption!" ) ; } else { return res ; } }
Creates a new matching ContentType set that contains all of the basic XML types plus an additional list of types.
public DeviceAutomator pressBack ( ) { mDevice . pressBack ( ) ; return this ; }
Description of the Method
private static StringBuilder escapeRegex ( final StringBuilder regex , final String value , final boolean unquote ) { regex . append ( "\\Q" ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < value . length ( ) ; ++ i ) { char c = value . charAt ( i ) ; switch ( c ) { case '\'' : if ( unquote ) { if ( ++ i == value . length ( ) ) { return regex ; } c = value . charAt ( i ) ; } break ; case '\\' : if ( ++ i == value . length ( ) ) { break ; } regex . append ( c ) ; c = value . charAt ( i ) ; if ( c == 'E' ) { regex . append ( "E\\\\E\\" ) ; c = 'Q' ; } break ; default : break ; } regex . append ( c ) ; } regex . append ( "\\E" ) ; return regex ; }
Creates a new DataSet object with the given values it represents. Also, a label that describes the DataSet can be specified. The label can also be used to retrieve the DataSet from a ChartData object.
public InputBuilder < T > emit ( T record ) { if ( record == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "Record has too be not null!" ) ; } input . add ( record ) ; return this ; }
Returns the frequent BitSets out of the given BitSets with respect to the given database.
public void finish ( ) throws IOException { if ( ! this . wroteLastChunk ) { flushCache ( ) ; writeClosingChunk ( ) ; this . wroteLastChunk = true ; } }
Close the database connection.
public static void copy ( String in , Writer out ) throws IOException { Assert . notNull ( in , "No input String specified" ) ; Assert . notNull ( out , "No Writer specified" ) ; try { out . write ( in ) ; } finally { try { out . close ( ) ; } catch ( IOException ex ) { } } }
return if mime type is video
public String buildUnionQuery ( String [ ] subQueries , String sortOrder , String limit ) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder ( 128 ) ; int subQueryCount = subQueries . length ; String unionOperator = mDistinct ? " UNION " : " UNION ALL " ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < subQueryCount ; i ++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) { query . append ( unionOperator ) ; } query . append ( subQueries [ i ] ) ; } appendClause ( query , " ORDER BY " , sortOrder ) ; appendClause ( query , " LIMIT " , limit ) ; return query . toString ( ) ; }
Add subtree rooted at given node to the result set.
public static String [ ] filterPermissions ( Context context , String [ ] permissions , int filter ) { final ArrayList < String > filtered = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; for ( String permission : permissions ) { if ( getPermissionGrant ( context , permission ) == filter ) { filtered . add ( permission ) ; } } return filtered . toArray ( new String [ filtered . size ( ) ] ) ; }
We only rebuild the journal when it will halve the size of the journal and eliminate at least 2000 ops.
public void registerSkippedElements ( String URI , Set < String > skippedElements ) { init ( ) ; if ( skippedElementsByURI == null ) { skippedElementsByURI = new HashMap < String , Set < String > > ( 1 ) ; skippedElementsByURI . put ( URI , skippedElements ) ; } else { if ( skippedElementsByURI . containsKey ( URI ) ) { Set < String > value = skippedElementsByURI . get ( URI ) ; value . addAll ( skippedElements ) ; skippedElementsByURI . put ( URI , value ) ; } else { skippedElementsByURI . put ( URI , skippedElements ) ; } } }
Creates a new Status.
public Object readCostMatrixOld ( Element node ) throws Exception { weka . classifiers . CostMatrix matrix ; weka . core . matrix . Matrix matrixNew ; StringWriter writer ; if ( DEBUG ) { trace ( new Throwable ( ) , node . getAttribute ( ATT_NAME ) ) ; } m_CurrentNode = node ; matrixNew = ( weka . core . matrix . Matrix ) readMatrix ( node ) ; writer = new StringWriter ( ) ; matrixNew . write ( writer ) ; matrix = new weka . classifiers . CostMatrix ( new StringReader ( writer . toString ( ) ) ) ; return matrix ; }
Emit a type conversion bytecode casting from "from" to "to".
public static String BooleanToString ( Boolean bool ) { if ( bool == null ) { return "" ; } return bool . booleanValue ( ) ? "1" : "0" ; }
This basic example shows how to handle incoming DCC chat requests. It basically repeats what the user said and says how many characters are in their message
public static java . sql . Timestamp toTimestamp ( String monthStr , String dayStr , String yearStr , String hourStr , String minuteStr , String secondStr ) { java . util . Date newDate = toDate ( monthStr , dayStr , yearStr , hourStr , minuteStr , secondStr ) ; if ( newDate != null ) { return new java . sql . Timestamp ( newDate . getTime ( ) ) ; } else { return null ; } }
Checks public key. If it is marked as trusted in the identity database, add it to the policy with the AllPermission.
public Metadata . Builder clear ( ) { Metadata_Builder _defaults = new Metadata . Builder ( ) ; type = _defaults . type ; interfaceType = _defaults . interfaceType ; optionalBuilder = _defaults . optionalBuilder ; builderFactory = _defaults . builderFactory ; generatedBuilder = _defaults . generatedBuilder ; valueType = _defaults . valueType ; partialType = _defaults . partialType ; visibleNestedTypes . clear ( ) ; propertyEnum = _defaults . propertyEnum ; properties . clear ( ) ; standardMethodUnderrides . clear ( ) ; builderSerializable = _defaults . builderSerializable ; generatedBuilderAnnotations . clear ( ) ; valueTypeAnnotations . clear ( ) ; valueTypeVisibility = _defaults . valueTypeVisibility ; nestedClasses . clear ( ) ; _unsetProperties . clear ( ) ; _unsetProperties . addAll ( _defaults . _unsetProperties ) ; return ( Metadata . Builder ) this ; }
Takes two RaveError lists and merges them into one.
public int find ( String string ) { if ( string == null ) { return - 1 ; } for ( int i = 0 ; i != m_stringOffsets . length ; ++ i ) { int offset = m_stringOffsets [ i ] ; int length = getShort ( m_strings , offset ) ; if ( length != string . length ( ) ) { continue ; } int j = 0 ; for ( ; j != length ; ++ j ) { offset += 2 ; if ( string . charAt ( j ) != getShort ( m_strings , offset ) ) { break ; } } if ( j == length ) { return i ; } } return - 1 ; }
This method will be used to insert mdkey to store
public synchronized boolean contains ( Integer i ) { return value . contains ( i ) ; }
Returns a HttpURLConnection to the server.
private static String makeFieldValue ( Object value ) { if ( value == null ) return "(null)" ; Class < ? > valueClass = value . getClass ( ) ; try { valueClass . getConstructor ( String . class ) ; } catch ( NoSuchMethodException e ) { final String msg = "Class " + valueClass + " does not have a public " + "constructor with a single string arg" ; final RuntimeException iae = new IllegalArgumentException ( msg ) ; throw new RuntimeOperationsException ( iae , "Cannot make XML descriptor" ) ; } catch ( SecurityException e ) { } final String quotedValueString = quote ( value . toString ( ) ) ; return "(" + valueClass . getName ( ) + "/" + quotedValueString + ")" ; }
Creates an object array from an array of doubles.
private void startRecording ( ) { startNewRecording = true ; trackRecordingServiceConnection . startAndBind ( ) ; bindChangedCallback . run ( ) ; }
Constructs a new Request.