int64 0
| question
stringlengths 12
| target
stringlengths 15
800 | public NSObject [ ] objectsAtIndexes ( int ... indexes ) { NSObject [ ] result = new NSObject [ indexes . length ] ; Arrays . sort ( indexes ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < indexes . length ; i ++ ) result [ i ] = array [ indexes [ i ] ] ; return result ; } | Returns a new array containing only the values stored at the given indices. The values are sorted by their index. |
801 | private static Entry [ ] concat ( Entry [ ] attrs1 , Entry [ ] attrs2 ) { Entry [ ] nattrs = new Entry [ attrs1 . length + attrs2 . length ] ; System . arraycopy ( attrs1 , 0 , nattrs , 0 , attrs1 . length ) ; System . arraycopy ( attrs2 , 0 , nattrs , attrs1 . length , attrs2 . length ) ; return nattrs ; } | Return a concatenation of the two arrays. |
802 | public static List < ShapeRecord > rectangle ( double startX , double startY , double width , double height ) { List < ShapeRecord > shapeRecords = new ArrayList < ShapeRecord > ( ) ; shapeRecords . add ( move ( startX , startY ) ) ; shapeRecords . addAll ( straightEdge ( startX , startY , width , startY ) ) ; shapeRecords . addAll ( straightEdge ( width , startY , width , height ) ) ; shapeRecords . addAll ( straightEdge ( width , height , startX , height ) ) ; shapeRecords . addAll ( straightEdge ( startX , height , startX , startY ) ) ; return shapeRecords ; } | Creates a List of ShapeRecord to draw a rectangle from the given origin (startX, startY) for the specified width and height (in pixels). |
803 | public GlowServer ( ServerConfig config ) { materialValueManager = new BuiltinMaterialValueManager ( ) ; this . config = config ; opsList = new UuidListFile ( config . getFile ( "ops.json" ) ) ; whitelist = new UuidListFile ( config . getFile ( "whitelist.json" ) ) ; nameBans = new GlowBanList ( this , Type . NAME ) ; ipBans = new GlowBanList ( this , Type . IP ) ; Bukkit . setServer ( this ) ; loadConfig ( ) ; } | Creates a new server. |
804 | public FPSTextureView removeChild ( @ NonNull DisplayBase displayBase ) { displayBase . disable ( ) ; boolean a = mDisplayList . remove ( displayBase ) ; return this ; } | Removes the specified child from the display list. |
805 | static int midPt ( final int a , final int b ) { return a + ( b - a ) / 2 ; } | returns the middle point between two values |
806 | public static ReactiveSeq < Double > fromDoubleStream ( final DoubleStream stream ) { Objects . requireNonNull ( stream ) ; return StreamUtils . reactiveSeq ( stream . boxed ( ) , Optional . empty ( ) ) ; } | Construct a ReactiveSeq from a Stream |
807 | String format ( Date source , StringBuffer toAppendTo ) { return source . toString ( ) ; } | Format a given date. |
808 | public static boolean isExtension ( String filename , String [ ] extensions ) { if ( filename == null ) { return false ; } if ( extensions == null || extensions . length == 0 ) { return indexOfExtension ( filename ) == - 1 ; } String fileExt = getExtension ( filename ) ; for ( String extension : extensions ) { if ( fileExt . equals ( extension ) ) { return true ; } } return false ; } | Checks whether the extension of the filename is one of those specified. <p> This method obtains the extension as the textual part of the filename after the last dot. There must be no directory separator after the dot. The extension check is case-sensitive on all platforms. |
809 | public static List < String > availableInstances ( ) throws IOException { Path confPath = Paths . get ( SystemProperties . getConfigurationProxyConfPath ( ) ) ; return subDirectoryNames ( confPath ) ; } | Gets all existing subdirectory names from the configuration proxy configuration directory, which correspond to the configuration proxy instance ids. |
810 | public LazyFutureStream < Integer > from ( final IntStream stream ) { return fromStream ( stream . boxed ( ) ) ; } | Start a reactive dataflow from a stream. |
811 | protected void resetOptions ( ) { m_trainSelector = new weka . attributeSelection . AttributeSelection ( ) ; setEvaluator ( new CfsSubsetEval ( ) ) ; setSearch ( new BestFirst ( ) ) ; m_SelectedAttributes = null ; } | set options to their default values |
812 | protected void limitTransAndScale ( Matrix matrix ) { float [ ] vals = new float [ 9 ] ; matrix . getValues ( vals ) ; float curTransX = vals [ Matrix . MTRANS_X ] ; float curScaleX = vals [ Matrix . MSCALE_X ] ; mScaleX = Math . max ( 1f , Math . min ( getMaxScale ( ) , curScaleX ) ) ; float maxTransX = - ( float ) mContentRect . width ( ) * ( mScaleX - 1f ) ; float newTransX = Math . min ( Math . max ( curTransX , maxTransX ) , 0 ) ; vals [ Matrix . MTRANS_X ] = newTransX ; vals [ Matrix . MSCALE_X ] = mScaleX ; matrix . setValues ( vals ) ; } | limits the maximum scale and X translation of the given matrix |
813 | public void testGetInputEncoding ( ) throws Exception { assertEquals ( "US-ASCII" , documentA . getInputEncoding ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( "ISO-8859-1" , documentB . getInputEncoding ( ) ) ; } | XML parsers are advised of the document's character set via two channels: via the declaration and also the document's input source. To test that each of these winds up in the correct location in the document model, we supply different names for each. This is only safe because for the subset of characters in the document, the character sets are equivalent. |
814 | protected void closeDialogOk ( ) { dispose ( ) ; } | Overrideen to perform specific clean up when dialog closed. |
815 | public static boolean isDangerous ( double d ) { return Double . isInfinite ( d ) || Double . isNaN ( d ) || d == 0.0 ; } | Returns true if the argument is a "dangerous" double to have around, namely one that is infinite, NaN or zero. |
816 | public static byte [ ] fromBase58WithChecksum ( String s ) throws HyperLedgerException { byte [ ] b = fromBase58 ( s ) ; if ( b . length < 4 ) { throw new HyperLedgerException ( "Too short for checksum " + s ) ; } byte [ ] cs = new byte [ 4 ] ; System . arraycopy ( b , b . length - 4 , cs , 0 , 4 ) ; byte [ ] data = new byte [ b . length - 4 ] ; System . arraycopy ( b , 0 , data , 0 , b . length - 4 ) ; byte [ ] h = new byte [ 4 ] ; System . arraycopy ( Hash . hash ( data ) , 0 , h , 0 , 4 ) ; if ( Arrays . equals ( cs , h ) ) { return data ; } throw new HyperLedgerException ( "Checksum mismatch " + s ) ; } | decode from base58 assuming a trailing checksum of four bytes |
817 | public Collection < Class < ? extends Closeable > > shardServices ( ) { return Collections . emptyList ( ) ; } | Per index shard service that will be automatically closed. |
818 | public static SparseIntArray adjustPosition ( SparseIntArray positions , int startPosition , int endPosition , int adjustBy ) { SparseIntArray newPositions = new SparseIntArray ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 , size = positions . size ( ) ; i < size ; i ++ ) { int position = positions . keyAt ( i ) ; if ( position < startPosition || position > endPosition ) { newPositions . put ( position , positions . valueAt ( i ) ) ; } else if ( adjustBy > 0 ) { newPositions . put ( position + adjustBy , positions . valueAt ( i ) ) ; } else if ( adjustBy < 0 ) { if ( position > startPosition + adjustBy && position <= startPosition ) { ; } else { newPositions . put ( position + adjustBy , positions . valueAt ( i ) ) ; } } } return newPositions ; } | internal method to handle the selections if items are added / removed |
819 | public int compare ( Object o1 , Object o2 ) { String s1 = o1 . toString ( ) ; if ( s1 == null ) s1 = "" ; String s2 = o2 . toString ( ) ; if ( s2 == null ) s2 = "" ; return s1 . compareTo ( s2 ) ; } | Compare based on Name |
820 | private final ArrayList < AwtreeNodeLeaf > to_array ( ) { ArrayList < AwtreeNodeLeaf > result = new ArrayList < AwtreeNodeLeaf > ( leaf_count ) ; AwtreeNode curr_node = root_node ; if ( curr_node == null ) return result ; for ( ; ; ) { while ( curr_node instanceof AwtreeNodeFork ) { curr_node = ( ( AwtreeNodeFork ) curr_node ) . first_child ; } result . add ( ( AwtreeNodeLeaf ) curr_node ) ; AwtreeNodeFork curr_parent = curr_node . parent ; while ( curr_parent != null && curr_parent . second_child == curr_node ) { curr_node = curr_parent ; curr_parent = curr_node . parent ; } if ( curr_parent == null ) break ; curr_node = curr_parent . second_child ; } return result ; } | Inserts the leaves of this tree into an array list |
821 | public void unregister ( ) throws PayloadException , NetworkException { if ( sLogger . isActivated ( ) ) { sLogger . debug ( "Unregister from IMS" ) ; } mRegistration . deRegister ( ) ; mSip . closeStack ( ) ; } | Unregister from the IMS |
822 | public static int listFind ( String list , String value ) { return listFind ( list , value , "," ) ; } | finds a value inside a list, case sensitive |
823 | public FlacStreamReader ( RandomAccessFile raf ) { this . raf = raf ; } | Create instance for holding stream info |
824 | public static void overScrollBy ( final PullToRefreshBase < ? > view , final int deltaX , final int scrollX , final int deltaY , final int scrollY , final int scrollRange , final int fuzzyThreshold , final float scaleFactor , final boolean isTouchEvent ) { final int deltaValue , currentScrollValue , scrollValue ; switch ( view . getPullToRefreshScrollDirection ( ) ) { case HORIZONTAL : deltaValue = deltaX ; scrollValue = scrollX ; currentScrollValue = view . getScrollX ( ) ; break ; case VERTICAL : default : deltaValue = deltaY ; scrollValue = scrollY ; currentScrollValue = view . getScrollY ( ) ; break ; } if ( view . isPullToRefreshOverScrollEnabled ( ) && ! view . isRefreshing ( ) ) { final Mode mode = view . getMode ( ) ; if ( mode . permitsPullToRefresh ( ) && ! isTouchEvent && deltaValue != 0 ) { final int newScrollValue = ( deltaValue + scrollValue ) ; if ( PullToRefreshBase . DEBUG ) { Log . d ( LOG_TAG , "OverScroll. DeltaX: " + deltaX + ", ScrollX: " + scrollX + ", DeltaY: " + deltaY + ", ScrollY: " + scrollY + ", NewY: " + newScrollValue + ", ScrollRange: " + scrollRange + ", CurrentScroll: " + currentScrollValue ) ; } if ( newScrollValue < ( 0 - fuzzyThreshold ) ) { if ( mode . showHeaderLoadingLayout ( ) ) { if ( currentScrollValue == 0 ) { view . setState ( State . OVERSCROLLING ) ; } view . setHeaderScroll ( ( int ) ( scaleFactor * ( currentScrollValue + newScrollValue ) ) ) ; } } else if ( newScrollValue > ( scrollRange + fuzzyThreshold ) ) { if ( mode . showFooterLoadingLayout ( ) ) { if ( currentScrollValue == 0 ) { view . setState ( State . OVERSCROLLING ) ; } view . setHeaderScroll ( ( int ) ( scaleFactor * ( currentScrollValue + newScrollValue - scrollRange ) ) ) ; } } else if ( Math . abs ( newScrollValue ) <= fuzzyThreshold || Math . abs ( newScrollValue - scrollRange ) <= fuzzyThreshold ) { view . setState ( State . RESET ) ; } } else if ( isTouchEvent && State . OVERSCROLLING == view . getState ( ) ) { view . setState ( State . RESET ) ; } } } | Helper method for Overscrolling that encapsulates all of the necessary function. This is the advanced version of the call. |
825 | public void addScrollingListener ( OnWheelScrollListener listener ) { scrollingListeners . add ( listener ) ; } | Adds wheel scrolling listener |
826 | public final void skipUntil ( final double when ) { this . skipUntil = when ; } | Allow this SnapshotGenerator to skip all snapshots up to, but not including, a give timestep. This is especially useful for interactive settings where a user may fast-forward. Snapshot generation is one of the most expensive parts of mobility simulations, so this saves a lot of time. |
827 | public static String quote ( char ch ) { switch ( ch ) { case '\b' : return "\\b" ; case '\f' : return "\\f" ; case '\n' : return "\\n" ; case '\r' : return "\\r" ; case '\t' : return "\\t" ; case '\'' : return "\\'" ; case '\"' : return "\\\"" ; case '\\' : return "\\\\" ; default : return ( isPrintableAscii ( ch ) ) ? String . valueOf ( ch ) : String . format ( "\\u%04x" , ( int ) ch ) ; } } | Escapes a character if it has an escape sequence or is non-printable ASCII. Leaves non-ASCII characters alone. |
828 | public static byte [ ] serializeToByteArray ( Serializable value ) { try { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream ( ) ; try ( ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream ( new SnappyOutputStream ( buffer ) ) ) { oos . writeObject ( value ) ; } return buffer . toByteArray ( ) ; } catch ( IOException exn ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( "unable to serialize " + value , exn ) ; } } | Serializes the argument into an array of bytes, and returns it. |
829 | @ Override public Set < Statement > gather ( final IGASState < Set < Statement > , Set < Statement > , Set < Statement > > state , final Value u , final Statement e ) { return Collections . singleton ( e ) ; } | Return the edge as a singleton set. |
830 | public void run ( E start ) { run ( Collections . singleton ( start ) ) ; } | Computes shortest paths to nodes in the graph. |
831 | private boolean tooBig ( BasicBlock bb , int maxCost ) { int cost = 0 ; for ( Enumeration < Instruction > e = bb . forwardRealInstrEnumerator ( ) ; e . hasMoreElements ( ) ; ) { Instruction s = e . nextElement ( ) ; if ( s . isCall ( ) ) { cost += 3 ; } else if ( s . isAllocation ( ) ) { cost += 6 ; } else { cost ++ ; } if ( cost > maxCost ) return true ; } return false ; } | Simplistic cost estimate; since we are doing the splitting based on static hints, we are only willing to copy a very small amount of code. |
832 | @ Override public boolean addEntry ( Principal caller , AclEntry entry ) throws NotOwnerException { if ( ! isOwner ( caller ) ) throw new NotOwnerException ( ) ; if ( entryList . contains ( entry ) ) return false ; entryList . addElement ( entry ) ; return true ; } | Adds an ACL entry to this ACL. An entry associates a principal (e.g., an individual or a group) with a set of permissions. Each principal can have at most one positive ACL entry (specifying permissions to be granted to the principal) and one negative ACL entry (specifying permissions to be denied). If there is already an ACL entry of the same type (negative or positive) already in the ACL, false is returned. |
833 | private boolean has_colinear ( PlaPointInt a_point ) { int count = point_alist . size ( ) ; if ( count < 2 ) return false ; for ( int index = 0 ; index < count - 1 ; index ++ ) { PlaPointInt start = point_alist . get ( index ) ; PlaPointInt end = point_alist . get ( index + 1 ) ; if ( a_point . side_of ( start , end ) != PlaSide . COLLINEAR ) continue ; double d_start_p = start . distance_square ( a_point ) ; double d_p_end = a_point . distance_square ( end ) ; double d_start_end = start . distance_square ( end ) ; if ( d_start_end >= d_start_p ) { if ( d_start_end >= d_p_end ) { return true ; } else { point_alist . set ( index , a_point ) ; return true ; } } else { if ( d_start_end >= d_p_end ) { point_alist . set ( index + 1 , a_point ) ; return true ; } else { point_alist . set ( index , a_point ) ; return true ; } } } return false ; } | Return true if the given point is colinear with two points in the list and should NOT be added Now, the issue is that this point may be colinear (on the same line) but further away, so, it should be the one being kept, not the one currently in the list.... |
834 | protected void incorporateDigestMethod ( final Element parentDom , final DigestAlgorithm digestAlgorithm ) { final Element digestMethodDom = documentDom . createElementNS ( XMLNS , DS_DIGEST_METHOD ) ; final String digestAlgorithmXmlId = digestAlgorithm . getXmlId ( ) ; digestMethodDom . setAttribute ( ALGORITHM , digestAlgorithmXmlId ) ; parentDom . appendChild ( digestMethodDom ) ; } | This method creates the ds:DigestMethod DOM object |
835 | public static boolean isXML11ValidName ( String name ) { final int length = name . length ( ) ; if ( length == 0 ) { return false ; } int i = 1 ; char ch = name . charAt ( 0 ) ; if ( ! isXML11NameStart ( ch ) ) { if ( length > 1 && isXML11NameHighSurrogate ( ch ) ) { char ch2 = name . charAt ( 1 ) ; if ( ! XMLChar . isLowSurrogate ( ch2 ) || ! isXML11NameStart ( XMLChar . supplemental ( ch , ch2 ) ) ) { return false ; } i = 2 ; } else { return false ; } } while ( i < length ) { ch = name . charAt ( i ) ; if ( ! isXML11Name ( ch ) ) { if ( ++ i < length && isXML11NameHighSurrogate ( ch ) ) { char ch2 = name . charAt ( i ) ; if ( ! XMLChar . isLowSurrogate ( ch2 ) || ! isXML11Name ( XMLChar . supplemental ( ch , ch2 ) ) ) { return false ; } } else { return false ; } } ++ i ; } return true ; } | Check to see if a string is a valid Name according to [5] in the XML 1.1 Recommendation |
836 | public String resolvePath ( String pathInfo ) { if ( ( pathInfo == null ) || ( pathInfo . indexOf ( ".." ) != - 1 ) ) { return null ; } int libStart = pathInfo . indexOf ( '/' ) + 1 ; int libEnd = pathInfo . indexOf ( '/' , libStart ) ; if ( libEnd == - 1 ) { libEnd = pathInfo . length ( ) ; } String libname = pathInfo . substring ( libStart , libEnd ) ; String subpath = pathInfo . substring ( libEnd ) ; String lib_home = getPath ( libname ) ; if ( lib_home == null ) { return null ; } return lib_home + "/" + subpath ; } | Return a file object that the path resolves to. Performs some minimal checks to try and prevent an attacker from feeding in urls that cause the servlets to climb out of their sandbox. A better option is to use a servlet container with the ability to restrict servlet file access. For example, Apache Software Foundation's Tomcat 5 Servlet/JSP Container running with the -security flag. |
837 | protected int rangeUpper ( String range ) { int hyphenIndex ; if ( ( hyphenIndex = range . indexOf ( '-' ) ) >= 0 ) { return Math . max ( rangeUpper ( range . substring ( 0 , hyphenIndex ) ) , rangeUpper ( range . substring ( hyphenIndex + 1 ) ) ) ; } return rangeSingle ( range ) ; } | Translates a range into it's upper index. Must only be called once setUpper has been called. |
838 | @ Override public boolean equals ( Object that ) { try { if ( that == null ) { return false ; } RuleBasedBreakIterator other = ( RuleBasedBreakIterator ) that ; if ( checksum != other . checksum ) { return false ; } if ( text == null ) { return other . text == null ; } else { return text . equals ( other . text ) ; } } catch ( ClassCastException e ) { return false ; } } | Returns true if both BreakIterators are of the same class, have the same rules, and iterate over the same text. |
839 | public static String extractResponse ( IDiagnosticsLogger log , StringWriter sw ) { String samlResponseField = "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"SAMLResponse\" value=\"" ; String responseAsString = sw . toString ( ) ; log . debug ( "Received response " + responseAsString ) ; int index = responseAsString . indexOf ( samlResponseField ) ; assertTrue ( index >= 0 ) ; int startIndex = index + samlResponseField . length ( ) ; int endIndex = responseAsString . indexOf ( '\"' , startIndex ) ; assertTrue ( endIndex >= 0 ) ; String encodedSamlResponse = responseAsString . substring ( startIndex , endIndex ) ; String decodedSamlResponse = new String ( Base64 . decode ( encodedSamlResponse ) ) ; return decodedSamlResponse ; } | Extract Saml Response which was written to a stream |
840 | public void testPowNegativeNumToEvenExp ( ) { byte aBytes [ ] = { 50 , - 26 , 90 , 69 , 120 , 32 , 63 , - 103 , - 14 , 35 } ; int aSign = - 1 ; int exp = 4 ; byte rBytes [ ] = { 102 , 107 , - 122 , - 43 , - 52 , - 20 , - 27 , 25 , - 9 , 88 , - 13 , 75 , 78 , 81 , - 33 , - 77 , 39 , 27 , - 37 , 106 , 121 , - 73 , 108 , - 47 , - 101 , 80 , - 25 , 71 , 13 , 94 , - 7 , - 33 , 1 , - 17 , - 65 , - 70 , - 61 , - 3 , - 47 } ; BigInteger aNumber = new BigInteger ( aSign , aBytes ) ; BigInteger result = aNumber . pow ( exp ) ; byte resBytes [ ] = new byte [ rBytes . length ] ; resBytes = result . toByteArray ( ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < resBytes . length ; i ++ ) { assertTrue ( resBytes [ i ] == rBytes [ i ] ) ; } assertEquals ( "incorrect sign" , 1 , result . signum ( ) ) ; } | Exponentiation of a negative number to an even exponent. |
841 | public void putAttribute ( final String attrId , final List ltValues ) { if ( map == null ) { map = new HashMap ( ) ; } map . put ( attrId . toLowerCase ( ) , new LdapEntryAttributeVO ( attrId . toLowerCase ( ) , ltValues ) ) ; } | Permite aniadir un atributo a la entrada ldap |
842 | protected JavaFileObject preferredFileObject ( JavaFileObject a , JavaFileObject b ) { if ( preferSource ) return ( a . getKind ( ) == JavaFileObject . Kind . SOURCE ) ? a : b ; else { long adate = a . getLastModified ( ) ; long bdate = b . getLastModified ( ) ; return ( adate > bdate ) ? a : b ; } } | Implement policy to choose to derive information from a source file or a class file when both are present. May be overridden by subclasses. |
843 | public void evaluate ( final MultivariateFunction evaluationFunction , final Comparator < PointValuePair > comparator ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < simplex . length ; i ++ ) { final PointValuePair vertex = simplex [ i ] ; final double [ ] point = vertex . getPointRef ( ) ; if ( Double . isNaN ( vertex . getValue ( ) ) ) { simplex [ i ] = new PointValuePair ( point , evaluationFunction . value ( point ) , false ) ; } } Arrays . sort ( simplex , comparator ) ; } | Evaluate all the non-evaluated points of the simplex. |
844 | public void testToEngineeringStringZeroNegExponent ( ) { String a = "0.0E-16" ; BigDecimal aNumber = new BigDecimal ( a ) ; String result = "0.00E-15" ; assertEquals ( "incorrect value" , result , aNumber . toEngineeringString ( ) ) ; } | Convert a negative BigDecimal to an engineering string representation |
845 | public SelectClause add ( Expression expression ) { selectList . add ( new SelectClauseExpression ( expression ) ) ; return this ; } | Adds an expression to the select clause. |
846 | private void attemptResponse ( InetSocketAddress addr , int timeout ) throws Exception { Socket s = new Socket ( ) ; try { s . connect ( addr , timeout ) ; respond ( s ) ; } finally { try { s . close ( ) ; } catch ( IOException e ) { logger . log ( Levels . HANDLED , "exception closing socket" , e ) ; } } } | attempt a connection to multicast request client |
847 | protected void addToPortMap ( IOFSwitch sw , MacAddress mac , VlanVid vlan , OFPort portVal ) { Map < MacVlanPair , OFPort > swMap = macVlanToSwitchPortMap . get ( sw ) ; if ( vlan == VlanVid . FULL_MASK ) { vlan = VlanVid . ofVlan ( 0 ) ; } if ( swMap == null ) { swMap = Collections . synchronizedMap ( new LRULinkedHashMap < MacVlanPair , OFPort > ( MAX_MACS_PER_SWITCH ) ) ; macVlanToSwitchPortMap . put ( sw , swMap ) ; } swMap . put ( new MacVlanPair ( mac , vlan ) , portVal ) ; } | Adds a host to the MAC/VLAN->SwitchPort mapping |
848 | public void save ( ) throws SSOException , SMSException { if ( readOnly ) { if ( debug . warningEnabled ( ) ) { debug . warning ( "SMSEntry: Attempted to save an entry that " + "is marked as read-only: " + dn ) ; } throw ( new SMSException ( SMSException . STATUS_NO_PERMISSION , "sms-INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS" ) ) ; } save ( ssoToken ) ; } | Save the modification(s) to the object. Save the changes made so far to the datastore. |
849 | public ErrorDialog ( final SafeHtml message ) { this ( ) ; body . add ( message . toBlockWidget ( ) ) ; } | Create a dialog box to show a single message string. |
850 | public List < Annotation > findByProject ( AppContext app , ProjectPK projectPk , String orderBy ) { List < DataStoreQueryField > queryFields = new ArrayList < DataStoreQueryField > ( 1 ) ; queryFields . add ( new DataStoreQueryField ( "id.projectId" , projectPk . getProjectId ( ) ) ) ; return super . find ( app , projectPk , queryFields , findByProjectCache , orderBy ) ; } | Find a list of annotations of a given project. |
851 | public long start_brk ( ) { return Long . parseLong ( fields [ 46 ] ) ; } | (since Linux 3.3) Address above which program heap can be expanded with brk(2). |
852 | private void addToMap ( LocatorReg reg ) { undiscoveredLocators . add ( reg ) ; queueDiscoveryTask ( reg ) ; } | Adds the given LocatorReg object to the set containing the objects corresponding to the locators of desired lookup services that have not yet been discovered, and queues a DiscoveryTask to attempt, through unicast discovery, to discover the associated lookup service. |
853 | public static String [ ] createFixedRandomStrings ( int count ) { String [ ] strings = new String [ count ] ; Random lengthRandom = new Random ( ) ; lengthRandom . setSeed ( SEED ) ; Random stringRandom = new Random ( ) ; stringRandom . setSeed ( SEED ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ ) { int nextLength = lengthRandom . nextInt ( MAX_LENGTH - MIN_LENGTH - 1 ) ; nextLength += MIN_LENGTH ; strings [ i ] = RandomStringUtils . random ( nextLength , 0 , CHARS . length , true , true , CHARS , stringRandom ) ; } return strings ; } | Creates the same random sequence of strings. |
854 | private void createEsxiSession ( ImageServerDialog d , ComputeImageJob job , ComputeImage ci , ComputeImageServer imageServer ) { String s = ImageServerUtils . getResourceAsString ( ESXI5X_UUID_TEMPLATE ) ; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( s ) ; ImageServerUtils . replaceAll ( sb , "${os_full_name}" , ci . getImageName ( ) ) ; ImageServerUtils . replaceAll ( sb , "${os_path}" , ci . getPathToDirectory ( ) ) ; ImageServerUtils . replaceAll ( sb , "${pxe_identifier}" , job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) ) ; String content = sb . toString ( ) ; log . trace ( content ) ; d . writeFile ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + PXELINUX_CFG_DIR + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) , content ) ; s = d . readFile ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + ci . getPathToDirectory ( ) + "/boot.cfg" ) ; sb = new StringBuilder ( s . trim ( ) ) ; ImageServerUtils . replaceAll ( sb , "/" , "/" + ci . getPathToDirectory ( ) ) ; ImageServerUtils . replaceAll ( sb , "runweasel" , "runweasel vmkopts=debugLogToSerial:1 ks=http://" + imageServer . getImageServerSecondIp ( ) + ":" + imageServer . getImageServerHttpPort ( ) + "/ks/" + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) + " kssendmac" ) ; content = sb . toString ( ) ; log . trace ( content ) ; d . writeFile ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + PXELINUX_CFG_DIR + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) + ".boot.cfg" , content ) ; content = generateKickstart ( job , ci , imageServer ) ; d . writeFile ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + HTTP_KICKSTART_DIR + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) , content ) ; content = generateFirstboot ( job , ci ) ; d . writeFile ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + HTTP_FIRSTBOOT_DIR + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) , content ) ; d . rm ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + HTTP_SUCCESS_DIR + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) ) ; d . rm ( imageServer . getTftpBootDir ( ) + HTTP_FAILURE_DIR + job . getPxeBootIdentifier ( ) ) ; } | Create PXE UUID config and PXE uuid boot.cfg files for ESXi 5.x and 6.x and put them under tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/. |
855 | protected void createFilterToolbar ( ) { timer = new Timer ( 400 , null ) ; timer . setInitialDelay ( 400 ) ; timer . setActionCommand ( CMD_FILTER_CHANGED ) ; timer . setRepeats ( false ) ; searchFilter = new SearchFilter ( ) ; searchFilter . setFilterText ( StringUtils . EMPTY ) ; } | Create the search filter for the toolbar |
856 | public ParseHeaderState ( HttpHeaders headers , StringBuilder logger ) { Class < ? extends HttpHeaders > clazz = headers . getClass ( ) ; this . context = Arrays . < Type > asList ( clazz ) ; this . classInfo = ClassInfo . of ( clazz , true ) ; this . logger = logger ; this . arrayValueMap = new ArrayValueMap ( headers ) ; } | Initializes a new ParseHeaderState. |
857 | public static String listInsertAt ( String list , int pos , String value , String delimiter , boolean ignoreEmpty ) throws ExpressionException { if ( pos < 1 ) throw new ExpressionException ( "invalid string list index [" + ( pos ) + "]" ) ; char [ ] del = delimiter . toCharArray ( ) ; char c ; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder ( ) ; String end = "" ; int len ; if ( ignoreEmpty ) { outer : while ( list . length ( ) > 0 ) { c = list . charAt ( 0 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < del . length ; i ++ ) { if ( c == del [ i ] ) { list = list . substring ( 1 ) ; result . append ( c ) ; continue outer ; } } break ; } } if ( ignoreEmpty ) { outer : while ( list . length ( ) > 0 ) { c = list . charAt ( list . length ( ) - 1 ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < del . length ; i ++ ) { if ( c == del [ i ] ) { len = list . length ( ) ; list = list . substring ( 0 , len - 1 < 0 ? 0 : len - 1 ) ; end = c + end ; continue outer ; } } break ; } } len = list . length ( ) ; int last = 0 ; int count = 0 ; outer : for ( int i = 0 ; i < len ; i ++ ) { c = list . charAt ( i ) ; for ( int y = 0 ; y < del . length ; y ++ ) { if ( c == del [ y ] ) { if ( ! ignoreEmpty || last < i ) { if ( pos == ++ count ) { result . append ( value ) ; result . append ( del [ 0 ] ) ; } } result . append ( list . substring ( last , i ) ) ; result . append ( c ) ; last = i + 1 ; continue outer ; } } } count ++ ; if ( last <= len ) { if ( pos == count ) { result . append ( value ) ; result . append ( del [ 0 ] ) ; } result . append ( list . substring ( last ) ) ; } if ( pos > count ) { throw new ExpressionException ( "invalid string list index [" + ( pos ) + "], indexes go from 1 to " + ( count ) ) ; } return result + end ; } | casts a list to Array object, remove all empty items at start and end of the list and store count to info |
858 | void updateDayCounter ( final long newMessages ) { GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar ( ) ; int currentIndex = cal . get ( Calendar . HOUR_OF_DAY ) ; boolean bUpdate = false ; for ( int i = 0 ; i <= currentIndex ; i ++ ) { if ( counters [ i ] > - 1 ) { bUpdate = true ; } if ( bUpdate == true ) { if ( counters [ i ] == - 1 ) { counters [ i ] = 0 ; } } } counters [ currentIndex ] += newMessages ; } | Update day counter hour array elements |
859 | public float readFloat ( ) throws IOException { return dis . readFloat ( ) ; } | Read a float from the input stream. |
860 | private < T > Stream < Collection < T > > partitionedStream ( Iterator < T > iterator ) { return StreamSupport . stream ( Spliterators . spliteratorUnknownSize ( Iterators . partition ( iterator , batchSize ) , Spliterator . ORDERED ) , false ) ; } | Partition a stream into a stream of collections, each with batchSize elements. |
861 | public static Cache . Entry makeRandomCacheEntry ( byte [ ] data , boolean isExpired , boolean needsRefresh ) { Random random = new Random ( ) ; Cache . Entry entry = new Cache . Entry ( ) ; if ( data != null ) { entry . data = data ; } else { entry . data = new byte [ random . nextInt ( 1024 ) ] ; } entry . etag = String . valueOf ( random . nextLong ( ) ) ; entry . lastModified = random . nextLong ( ) ; entry . ttl = isExpired ? 0 : Long . MAX_VALUE ; entry . softTtl = needsRefresh ? 0 : Long . MAX_VALUE ; return entry ; } | Makes a random cache entry. |
862 | public void removeLast ( ) { DataChangeEvent [ ] events ; synchronized ( this ) { int row = getRowCount ( ) - 1 ; Row r = new Row ( this , row ) ; events = new DataChangeEvent [ getColumnCount ( ) ] ; for ( int col = 0 ; col < events . length ; col ++ ) { events [ col ] = new DataChangeEvent ( this , col , row , r . get ( col ) , null ) ; } rows . remove ( row ) ; } notifyDataRemoved ( events ) ; } | Removes the last row from the table. |
863 | public CustomEntryConcurrentHashMap ( final Map < ? extends K , ? extends V > m ) { this ( Math . max ( ( int ) ( m . size ( ) / DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR ) + 1 , DEFAULT_INITIAL_CAPACITY ) , DEFAULT_LOAD_FACTOR , DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL , false ) ; putAll ( m ) ; } | Creates a new map with the same mappings as the given map. The map is created with a capacity of 1.5 times the number of mappings in the given map or 16 (whichever is greater), and a default load factor (0.75) and concurrencyLevel (16). |
864 | public FileReadStream ( ) { } | Create a new FileReadStream. |
865 | public static String quote ( String s ) { if ( s == null ) return null ; if ( s . length ( ) == 0 ) return "\"\"" ; StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer ( s . length ( ) + 8 ) ; quote ( b , s ) ; return b . toString ( ) ; } | Quote a string. The string is quoted only if quoting is required due to embeded delimiters, quote characters or the empty string. |
866 | public void querySorted ( String type , int index , boolean ascending , int page , int limit , int visibilityScope , CloudResponse < CloudObject [ ] > response ) { try { queryImpl ( type , null , 0 , page , limit , visibilityScope , 1 , index , ascending , false , false , response ) ; } catch ( CloudException e ) { response . onError ( e ) ; } } | Performs a query to the server finding the objects where the sort is equal to the given value. This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. |
867 | private void logMessage ( String msg , Object [ ] obj ) { if ( _monitoringPropertiesLoader . isToLogIndications ( ) ) { _logger . debug ( "-> " + msg , obj ) ; } } | Log the messages. This method eliminates the logging condition check every time when we need to log a message. |
868 | public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) { ActionMap map = tabPane . getActionMap ( ) ; if ( map != null ) { String actionKey ; if ( e . getSource ( ) == scrollForwardButton ) { actionKey = "scrollTabsForwardAction" ; } else { actionKey = "scrollTabsBackwardAction" ; } Action action = map . get ( actionKey ) ; if ( action != null && action . isEnabled ( ) ) { action . actionPerformed ( new ActionEvent ( tabPane , ActionEvent . ACTION_PERFORMED , null , e . getWhen ( ) , e . getModifiers ( ) ) ) ; } } } | ActionListener for the scroll buttons. |
869 | public double entropy ( int g , int lag ) { double h = 0.0 ; int n = cases . length - lag ; double ln2 = Math . log ( 2.0 ) ; int n0 = 0 ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ) { if ( cases [ i + lag ] [ g ] == 0 ) { n0 ++ ; } } double p ; if ( n0 == 0 || n0 == n ) { return h ; } else { p = ( double ) n0 / ( double ) n ; h = - ( p * Math . log ( p ) + ( 1.0 - p ) * Math . log ( 1.0 - p ) ) / ln2 ; } return h ; } | This method implements the same definition of entropy as above but this specialized version is intended to be used by the mutualInformation method (viz). This method computes the entropy of a gene's binarized expressions from a point in time until the end of the data signal. This is useful in the normalization of the mutual information. |
870 | public OnUpdateClause addAssignment ( Expression expression ) { assignments . add ( new Assignment ( expression ) ) ; return this ; } | Adds a variable to set to the clause. |
871 | public short readShortBE ( ) throws IOException { return inputStream . readShort ( ) ; } | read a 16bit short in BE |
872 | public boolean removeMetricCollector ( final IGangliaMetricsCollector c ) { if ( c == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ; return metricCollectors . remove ( c ) ; } | Remove a metrics collector. |
873 | private void fillCommentCombo ( Combo combo ) { if ( previousComments == null ) { previousComments = new ArrayList ( ) ; } for ( int i = previousComments . size ( ) - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i -- ) { combo . add ( ( ( String ) previousComments . get ( i ) ) ) ; } combo . select ( 0 ) ; } | Fill the comments combobox with previous search entries. |
874 | public static synchronized void removeFromDisabledList ( String classname ) { DISABLED . remove ( classname ) ; } | Remove the supplied fully qualified class name from the list of disabled plugins |
875 | public void refresh ( CloudObject [ ] objects , CloudResponse < Integer > response ) { refreshImpl ( objects , response ) ; } | Refresh the given objects with data from the server if they were modified on the server (this is the asynchronous version of the method). This operation executes immeditely without waiting for commit. |
876 | public static String approxTimeUntil ( final int seconds ) { final StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder ( ) ; approxTimeUntil ( sbuf , seconds ) ; return sbuf . toString ( ) ; } | Create a text representing a saying of approximate time until. |
877 | public static AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat searchFocus ( TraversalStrategy traversal , AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat currentFocus , int direction , NodeFilter filter ) { if ( traversal == null || currentFocus == null ) { return null ; } if ( filter == null ) { filter = DEFAULT_FILTER ; } AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat targetNode = AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat . obtain ( currentFocus ) ; Set < AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat > seenNodes = new HashSet < > ( ) ; try { do { seenNodes . add ( targetNode ) ; targetNode = traversal . findFocus ( targetNode , direction ) ; if ( seenNodes . contains ( targetNode ) ) { LogUtils . log ( AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils . class , Log . ERROR , "Found duplicate during traversal: %s" , targetNode . getInfo ( ) ) ; return null ; } } while ( targetNode != null && ! filter . accept ( targetNode ) ) ; } finally { AccessibilityNodeInfoUtils . recycleNodes ( seenNodes ) ; } return targetNode ; } | Search focus that satisfied specified node filter from currentFocus to specified direction according to OrderTraversal strategy |
878 | private void collectWrapperAndSuppressedInfo ( Matcher matcher ) throws AdeException { m_suppressedNonWrapperMessageCount ++ ; m_suppressedMessagesRemaining = Integer . parseInt ( matcher . group ( 1 ) ) ; m_suppressedMessagesRemaining -- ; m_messageInstanceWaiting = m_messageTextPreprocessor . getExtraMessage ( m_prevMessageInstance ) ; } | Record the wrapper and suppressed messages information by adding/subtracting from counts. Note, if the suppressed message is a wrapper, the wrapper message also needs to be outputted. |
879 | private static void assertMp4WebvttSubtitleEquals ( Subtitle sub , Cue ... expectedCues ) { assertEquals ( 1 , sub . getEventTimeCount ( ) ) ; assertEquals ( 0 , sub . getEventTime ( 0 ) ) ; List < Cue > subtitleCues = sub . getCues ( 0 ) ; assertEquals ( expectedCues . length , subtitleCues . size ( ) ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < subtitleCues . size ( ) ; i ++ ) { List < String > differences = getCueDifferences ( subtitleCues . get ( i ) , expectedCues [ i ] ) ; assertTrue ( "Cues at position " + i + " are not equal. Different fields are " + Arrays . toString ( differences . toArray ( ) ) , differences . isEmpty ( ) ) ; } } | Asserts that the Subtitle's cues (which are all part of the event at t=0) are equal to the expected Cues. |
880 | public String concatenate ( String start , List < String > chunks ) { StringBuffer buf ; if ( start == null ) { buf = new StringBuffer ( ) ; } else { buf = new StringBuffer ( start ) ; } if ( chunks != null ) { for ( String chunk : chunks ) { if ( chunk != null ) { buf . append ( chunk ) ; } } } return ( buf . length ( ) == 0 ) ? null : buf . toString ( ) ; } | Concatenates a single String and a List of String into a single long String. |
881 | public List < String > createEntity ( String ... entitiesAsJson ) throws AtlasServiceException { return createEntity ( new JSONArray ( Arrays . asList ( entitiesAsJson ) ) ) ; } | Create the given entity |
882 | private void populateCompletedActivitiSteps ( Job job , List < HistoricActivityInstance > historicActivitiTasks ) { List < WorkflowStep > completedWorkflowSteps = new ArrayList < > ( ) ; for ( HistoricActivityInstance historicActivityInstance : historicActivitiTasks ) { completedWorkflowSteps . add ( new WorkflowStep ( historicActivityInstance . getActivityId ( ) , historicActivityInstance . getActivityName ( ) , HerdDateUtils . getXMLGregorianCalendarValue ( historicActivityInstance . getStartTime ( ) ) , HerdDateUtils . getXMLGregorianCalendarValue ( historicActivityInstance . getEndTime ( ) ) ) ) ; } job . setCompletedWorkflowSteps ( completedWorkflowSteps ) ; } | Populates the job Object with completed workflow steps. |
883 | public static String join ( String separator , double ... elements ) { if ( elements == null || elements . length == 0 ) { return "" ; } List < Number > list = new ArrayList < Number > ( elements . length ) ; for ( Double elem : elements ) { list . add ( elem ) ; } return join ( separator , list ) ; } | Returns a string with all double values concatenated by a specified separator. |
884 | public double entropyNMISqrt ( ) { if ( entropyFirst ( ) * entropySecond ( ) <= 0 ) { return entropyMutualInformation ( ) ; } return ( entropyMutualInformation ( ) / Math . sqrt ( entropyFirst ( ) * entropySecond ( ) ) ) ; } | Get the sqrt-normalized mutual information (normalized, 0 = unequal) |
885 | public void applyAll ( Collection < ? extends IChange > changes ) throws BadLocationException { final Map < URI , List < IAtomicChange > > changesPerFile = organize ( changes ) ; for ( URI currURI : changesPerFile . keySet ( ) ) { final IXtextDocument document = getDocument ( currURI ) ; applyAllInSameDocument ( changesPerFile . get ( currURI ) , document ) ; } } | Applies all given changes. |
886 | public static Map < String , String > strToMap ( String str , String delim , boolean trim , String pairsSeparator ) { if ( str == null ) return null ; Map < String , String > decodedMap = new HashMap < String , String > ( ) ; List < String > elements = split ( str , delim ) ; pairsSeparator = pairsSeparator == null ? "=" : pairsSeparator ; for ( String s : elements ) { List < String > e = split ( s , pairsSeparator ) ; if ( e . size ( ) != 2 ) { continue ; } String name = e . get ( 0 ) ; String value = e . get ( 1 ) ; if ( trim ) { if ( name != null ) { name = name . trim ( ) ; } if ( value != null ) { value = value . trim ( ) ; } } try { decodedMap . put ( URLDecoder . decode ( name , "UTF-8" ) , URLDecoder . decode ( value , "UTF-8" ) ) ; } catch ( UnsupportedEncodingException e1 ) { Debug . logError ( e1 , module ) ; } } return decodedMap ; } | Creates a Map from a name/value pair string |
887 | public Criteria or ( ) { Criteria criteria = createCriteriaInternal ( ) ; oredCriteria . add ( criteria ) ; return criteria ; } | This method was generated by MyBatis Generator. This method corresponds to the database table customer |
888 | private boolean linkLast ( Node < E > node ) { if ( count >= capacity ) return false ; Node < E > l = last ; node . prev = l ; last = node ; if ( first == null ) first = node ; else l . next = node ; ++ count ; notEmpty . signal ( ) ; return true ; } | Links node as last element, or returns false if full. |
889 | public static String now ( ) { Calendar cal = Calendar . getInstance ( ) ; SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ( DATE_FORMAT_NOW ) ; return sdf . format ( cal . getTime ( ) ) ; } | Get the current date and time in a format so that sorting the string will sort the date. |
890 | private void doPostHelper ( HttpServletRequest request , HttpServletResponse response ) throws ServletException , IOException { logger . log ( Level . INFO , "request: " + request . getRequestURI ( ) ) ; final RequestAndResponse requestAndResponse = new RequestAndResponse ( request , response ) ; standardResponseStuff ( requestAndResponse ) ; final String uri = request . getRequestURI ( ) ; requestAndResponse . setOverrideUri ( uri ) ; if ( uri . equals ( "/createQuotationJson" ) ) { handleJsonCreateQuotation ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/makeNotebook" ) ) { handleHtmlMakeNotebook ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/moveNotesJson" ) ) { handleJsonMoveNotes ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/noteOpJson" ) ) { handleJsonNoteOp ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/getNotebookPathJson" ) ) { handleJsonGetNotebookPath ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/makeChildrenJson" ) ) { handleJsonMakeChildren ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/makeSiblingsJson" ) ) { handleJsonMakeSiblings ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/signIn" ) ) { handleJsonSignIn ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/signOut" ) ) { handleJsonSignOut ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/createAccount" ) ) { handleJsonCreateAccount ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doRestore/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoUserRestore ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doOfflineBackup/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoOfflineDbBackup ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doOnlineBackup/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoOnlineDbBackup ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doClear/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoClear ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doBackup/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoUserBackup ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doShutdown/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoShutdown ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doCheckForErrors/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoCheckForErrors ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/changePassword/" ) ) { handleHtmlChangePassword ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/changeAccount/" ) ) { handleHtmlChangeAccount ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/closeAccount/" ) ) { handleHtmlCloseAccount ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . equals ( "/saveOptions" ) ) { handleJsonSaveOptions ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else if ( uri . startsWith ( "/doExport/" ) ) { handleHtmlDoExport ( requestAndResponse ) ; } else { returnHtml404 ( requestAndResponse ) ; } } | Does the real work of doPost(). |
891 | public void clearSelections ( ) { mSelectedTags . clear ( ) ; refreshSelectedTags ( ) ; } | Clears all the selected tags |
892 | @ Override public synchronized void addTestSetListener ( TestSetListener tsl ) { m_listeners . addElement ( tsl ) ; } | Add a listener for test sets |
893 | public void addObserver ( Observer observer ) { Assert . notNull ( "observer" , observer ) ; observers . addIfAbsent ( observer ) ; } | Adds an observer to the set of observers for this object. |
894 | protected void applyValue ( T value ) { bean . setValue ( property , value ) ; } | Applies the given value, which means that the property that this Configurator configures is set to the value. |
895 | protected Object convertAttributeValue ( Object value ) { if ( value == null || value instanceof String || value instanceof Byte || value instanceof Long || value instanceof Double || value instanceof Boolean || value instanceof Integer || value instanceof Short || value instanceof Float ) { return value ; } return value . toString ( ) ; } | Convert the attribute value if necessary. |
896 | @ Override public int hashCode ( ) { int myPosition = position ; int hash = 0 ; long l ; while ( myPosition < limit ) { l = Double . doubleToLongBits ( get ( myPosition ++ ) ) ; hash = hash + ( ( int ) l ) ^ ( ( int ) ( l > > 32 ) ) ; } return hash ; } | Calculates this buffer's hash code from the remaining chars. The position, limit, capacity and mark don't affect the hash code. |
897 | private void onLocationChangedAsync ( Location location ) { try { if ( ! isRecording ( ) || isPaused ( ) ) { Log . w ( TAG , "Ignore onLocationChangedAsync. Not recording or paused." ) ; return ; } Track track = myTracksProviderUtils . getTrack ( recordingTrackId ) ; if ( track == null ) { Log . w ( TAG , "Ignore onLocationChangedAsync. No track." ) ; return ; } if ( ! LocationUtils . isValidLocation ( location ) ) { Log . w ( TAG , "Ignore onLocationChangedAsync. location is invalid." ) ; return ; } if ( ! location . hasAccuracy ( ) || location . getAccuracy ( ) >= recordingGpsAccuracy ) { Log . d ( TAG , "Ignore onLocationChangedAsync. Poor accuracy." ) ; return ; } if ( location . getTime ( ) == 0L ) { location . setTime ( System . currentTimeMillis ( ) ) ; } Location lastValidTrackPoint = getLastValidTrackPointInCurrentSegment ( track . getId ( ) ) ; long idleTime = 0L ; if ( lastValidTrackPoint != null && location . getTime ( ) > lastValidTrackPoint . getTime ( ) ) { idleTime = location . getTime ( ) - lastValidTrackPoint . getTime ( ) ; } locationListenerPolicy . updateIdleTime ( idleTime ) ; if ( currentRecordingInterval != locationListenerPolicy . getDesiredPollingInterval ( ) ) { registerLocationListener ( ) ; } SensorDataSet sensorDataSet = getSensorDataSet ( ) ; if ( sensorDataSet != null ) { location = new MyTracksLocation ( location , sensorDataSet ) ; } if ( ! currentSegmentHasLocation ) { insertLocation ( track , location , null ) ; currentSegmentHasLocation = true ; lastLocation = location ; return ; } if ( ! LocationUtils . isValidLocation ( lastValidTrackPoint ) ) { insertLocation ( track , location , null ) ; lastLocation = location ; return ; } double distanceToLastTrackLocation = location . distanceTo ( lastValidTrackPoint ) ; if ( distanceToLastTrackLocation > maxRecordingDistance ) { insertLocation ( track , lastLocation , lastValidTrackPoint ) ; Location pause = new Location ( LocationManager . GPS_PROVIDER ) ; pause . setLongitude ( 0 ) ; pause . setLatitude ( PAUSE_LATITUDE ) ; pause . setTime ( lastLocation . getTime ( ) ) ; insertLocation ( track , pause , null ) ; insertLocation ( track , location , null ) ; isIdle = false ; } else if ( sensorDataSet != null || distanceToLastTrackLocation >= recordingDistanceInterval ) { insertLocation ( track , lastLocation , lastValidTrackPoint ) ; insertLocation ( track , location , null ) ; isIdle = false ; } else if ( ! isIdle && location . hasSpeed ( ) && location . getSpeed ( ) < MAX_NO_MOVEMENT_SPEED ) { insertLocation ( track , lastLocation , lastValidTrackPoint ) ; insertLocation ( track , location , null ) ; isIdle = true ; } else if ( isIdle && location . hasSpeed ( ) && location . getSpeed ( ) >= MAX_NO_MOVEMENT_SPEED ) { insertLocation ( track , lastLocation , lastValidTrackPoint ) ; insertLocation ( track , location , null ) ; isIdle = false ; } else { Log . d ( TAG , "Not recording location, idle" ) ; } lastLocation = location ; } catch ( Error e ) { Log . e ( TAG , "Error in onLocationChangedAsync" , e ) ; throw e ; } catch ( RuntimeException e ) { Log . e ( TAG , "RuntimeException in onLocationChangedAsync" , e ) ; throw e ; } } | Called when location changed. |
898 | public static byte [ ] decode ( String str , int flags ) { return decode ( str . getBytes ( ) , flags ) ; } | Decode the Base64-encoded data in input and return the data in a new byte array. <p/> <p>The padding '=' characters at the end are considered optional, but if any are present, there must be the correct number of them. |
899 | public void lockUI ( ProcessInfo pi ) { m_isLocked = true ; } | Lock User Interface Called from the Worker before processing |
Subsets and Splits