Neurodegenerative diseases are incurable and debilitating conditions that result from the progressive degeneration and / or death of neurons in the brain and spinal cord. Neurodegeneration causes problems with movement (ataxias) and / or cognitive function (dementias), and includes a number of diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), Parkinson’s Disease (PD), Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). While many of neurodegenerative diseases are genetic, other causes can include viruses, alcoholism, tumors or toxins, and as is now clear, repetitive brain injuries. Neurons also accumulate considerable levels of cellular damage over time, which is generally considered the reason why many neurodegenerative diseases associated with long-term cellular stress, such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, occur in aged individuals. Neurodegenerative Disease Facts: - Dementias are responsible for the greatest burden of neurodegenerative diseases with AD representing approximately 60-70% of cases8 - An estimated 5.2 million Americans of all ages have AD in 2014; one in nine people age 65 and older (11%) have AD - By 2050, the number of people age 65 and older with AD may nearly triple to a projected 13.8 million with one new case appearing every 33 seconds. - In the US, the cost of providing care for AD patients is $214 billion per year, with Medicare and Medicaid covering 70% of this cost. If present trends continue, this cost is projected to grow to $1.2 trillion per year by 2050 – an overwhelming economic burden. - As many as one million Americans live with PD, and approximately 60,000 Americans are diagnosed each year, and this number does not reflect the thousands of cases that go undetected10. - The combined direct and indirect cost of PD, including treatment, social security payments and lost income from inability to work, is estimated to be nearly $25 billion per year in the United States alone11. - More than 400,000 people in the United States have MS, and among young adults, MS is the most common disease of the central nervous system12. - Approximately 5,600 people in the U.S. are diagnosed with ALS each year, and it is estimated that as many as 30,000 Americans may have the disease at any given time13. Astrocyte Pharmaceuticals is investigating chronic treatments approaches that regularly activate astrocytes and stimulate recovery and repair of the neurons and their connections. A successful therapeutic would impact many patients across the broad spectrum of neurodegenerative diseases. 8 Kandale 2013 9 Alzheimer’s Association 10 Parkinson’s Disease Foundation 11 Parkinson’s Disease Foundation & Huse 2005 12 Multiple Sclerosis Foundation 13 ALS Association
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'Celestial Bodies' shines a light on Omani literature Jokha Alharthi is the first writer from the Arabian Gulf to be longlisted for the Man Booker International Prize. We review her notable work When Jokha Alharthi’s second novel appeared in 2010, it marked the arrival of a major literary talent. Originally titled Sayyidat al-Qamr (Ladies of the Moon), it is a densely woven, deeply imagined tour de force that follows Omani families between the 1880s and the early years of the 21st century. Translated by Marilyn Booth and published quietly in 2018 as Celestial Bodies, the book is suddenly in the spotlight. It’s one of 13 titles longlisted for the 2019 Man Booker International Prize, and Alharthi is one of only six Arab authors – the first from the Arabian Gulf – to ever be longlisted for the prize. While the novel is historical fiction, it does not follow an easy trajectory from “tradition to modernity” or “local to global”. The book scorns romanticised history and happily-ever-afters. Individual characters are often taunted when they use romance as a way of understanding the world. When Abdallah asks his wife Mayya if she loves him, her retort is: “It’s the Egyptian films, have they eaten up your mind?” Celestial Bodies never actually gets to the “ever after”. Instead, it continually re-evaluates both present and past. And while the book doesn’t tell us how things turn out, it skilfully builds suspense by creating “Aha!” moments as characters come to better understand their pasts. The power of history Every character – woman or man, enslaved or free – finds themselves trapped, in some way, by history. Yet they also grasp at liberation. Mayya asserts herself by naming her daughter “London”, despite the whispers and giggles of her family. Still, this name does not free her daughter from Omani history. Young and privileged, she remains stuck, unable to move on. After her divorce, the narrative asks: “So why did London’s hand remain frozen in place, letting itself be crushed under the weight of the page, until she could no longer turn it?” Other characters don’t even try to turn the page; instead, they ignore their pasts. Mayya’s sister Khawla loves paperback romances and has an apparently happy marriage. But in middle age, the “wild forest” inside Khawla awakens, ripping through “all the old sheets with which you tried to cover it and choke off all those thorns”. Characters might try to paper over painful pasts, yet the thorns always find a way in. It is the same with Oman’s history of slavery. The novel’s main families have two originating ancestors: one is Hilal the Merchant, who earned his fortune in illegal weapons and whose son, Suleyman the Merchant, was a slaver; the other is Senghor, a man who is caught outside his village and dragged to a ship. He’s brought to English plantation owners before he is sold in Oman. Characters regularly remind themselves and others that slavery is illegal in Oman, which was one of the last countries to officially abolish it, ending the practice in 1970. Still, the oppression continues to affect both the characters who descended from the enslaved and those who descended from slavers. Even heroic episodes can be a trap. Mayya’s bookish sister Asma marries Khalid, an artist who struggles to escape his father’s expectations. Khalid’s father often reminded him: “His great-grandfather Shaykh Mansur bin Nasir was among the cavalry who combated Mutlaq the Wahhabi in his repeated raids on Omanis. "He was in the battle where the Omanis held on so fiercely to their swords that their hands were stiff and rigid around them by the time darkness fell. The women soaked the fighters’ hands in water until they softened enough for the swords to drop.” It is a beautiful image, but a cage for Khalid, who finds freedom while painting horses and living in Cairo. He, too, is drawn back to Oman. The translation does not coddle the reader who may be afraid of foreign words. Booth embroiders the text with the sound of Arabic wherever possible, maintaining rhythm and even rhyme, as well as the crackle and pop of the book’s humour. Celestial Bodies is not a straightforward book, but readers who can leap nimbly into its stream will certainly find themselves carried away. The shortlist for the prize will be announced on April 9, with the winner being announced on May 21 in London Updated: March 28, 2019 02:05 PM
{ "date": "2019-07-19T21:24:56Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526359.16/warc/CC-MAIN-20190719202605-20190719224605-00119.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9653549790382385, "token_count": 1039, "url": "https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/books/celestial-bodies-shines-a-light-on-omani-literature-1.842326" }
Georgia Purdom is a creation scientist with a specialty in molecular genetics. She is currently working for Answers in Genesis as a teacher, researcher, writer, and lecturer on the book of Genesis. Purdom is one of few women in her field engaged in full-time research and lecturing. Personal History and Professional Accomplishments Georgia Purdom has been a Christian since the age of eight, when she accepted Christ at a youth camp . After hearing Ken Ham speak as a student at Cedarville University (Ohio), Purdom became interested in creation studies. While working towards her Ph.D., Purdom's belief in the Bible was challenged by a professor who told her, "...creationists don't know how to think critically." This remark motivated her to research the evidence available for different viewpoints on the origins of life. While attending a BSG (A Creation Biology Study Group) Conference in 2001, she learned about the Hebrew word yom (meaning a 24-hour day), which is used repeatedly during the creation account in Genesis 1, and became convinced that the Biblical story of creation is true . Purdom graduated in 2000 from Ohio State University after earning her Ph.D. in molecular genetics . Soon afterward, she became a biology professor at Mount Vernon Nazarene University in Ohio, where she was employed for six years . Today, she works for Answers in Genesis as their first female full-time researcher and speaker who holds to the literal translation of the Bible (including the book of Genesis) and the belief in a young earth . At Answers in Genesis, Purdom is involved in lecturing, writing articles for the website and Answers magazine, and teaching online classes. She also designed the "Natural Selection Is Not Evolution" exhibit for AiG's Creation Museum in Kentucky . Georgia Purdom and her husband Chris live in Indiana. They adopted their daughter, Elizabeth, from China in 2005 . Purdom has written papers published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, the Journal of Leukocyte Biology, the 2008 Proceedings of the International Conference on Creationism, and the Answers Research Journal. She is a peer reviewer for Creation Research Science Quarterly and Answers Research Journal. She also has memberships in several scientific organizations including the Creation Research Society, the American Society for Microbiology, and the American Society for Cell Biology. For her graduate work, Purdom studied the genetic regulation of factors important for bone remodeling. Since then, her specialty has been cell and molecular biology. Other interests include the problems with naming natural selection as the cause of evolution, as well as the Intelligent Design movement. Purdom has written several articles about natural selection and Intelligent Design (ID) which can be found on the Answers in Genesis website. Concerning natural selection, Purdom's argument is that, while it does occur and causes changes in organisms, natural selection always results in a loss of information, not the addition of new information. On the subject of Intelligent Design, Purdom believes that the movement has many good points, but she has a problem with the fact, while it insists there must be a designer, it does not identify the designer. In an article on the subject, Purdom says, "...the major problem with the ID movement is a divorce of the Creator from creation. The Creator and His creation cannot be separated; they reflect on each other. In today's culture, many are attracted to the ID movement because they can decide for themselves who the creator is—a Great Spirit, Brahman, Allah, God, etc." . One of Purdom's pursuits while at AiG has been research and models on the role of microbes before and after the Fall of man (described in Genesis chapter 3). Regarding this topic, Purdom organized and headed the first meeting of creation microbiologists, which was called Microbe Forum, in 2007 . The forum's purpose was to present research on the role of microbes in the world, as well as to counter evolutionist views on the subject. Those in attendance included co-leader Dr. Joseph Francis (bacteriology and immunology), Dr. Kevin Anderson (bacteriology), Dr. Dan Criswell (bacteriology), Mr. Frank Sherwin (parasitology), Dr. Yingguang Liu (virology), and Dr. Alan Gillen (bacteriology), as well as two Ph.D.-holding scientists from secular universities with specialties in mycology and virology. Microbe Forum 2 was held in 2009 with more research on the topic presented by eight creation microbiologists . In addition, Purdom presented her research on microbes at the 2008 International Conference on Creationism. She is also a member of the GENE project in progress at the Institute for Creation Research . Georgia Purdom: Does the Bible Have a Place in the Marketplace of Ideas? - The generation of neuronal heterogeneity in a rat sensory ganglion. Hall, A.K., Ai, X., Hickman, Georgia E., MacPhedran, S.E., Nduaguba, C.O., and Robertson, C.P. 1997. The Journal of Neuroscience 17:2775-84. - The Microphthalmia Transcription Factor Regulates Expression of the Tartrate-Resistant Acid Phosphatase Gene During Terminal Differentiation of Osteoclasts by A. Luchin, G. Purdom, et al. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Volume 15. 11/3/2000. American Society for Bone and Mineral Research. - The microphthalmia transcription factor and the related helix-loop-helix zipper factors TFE-3 and TFE-C collaborate to activate the tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase promoter by K.C. Mansky, G. Purdom, et al. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2002. Society for Leukocyte Biology. - The microphthalmia transcription factor (MITF) contains two N-terminal domains required for transactivation of osteoclast target promoters and rescue of mi mutant osteoclasts by K.C. Mansky, G. Purdom, et al. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. 2002. Society for Leukocyte Biology. - More Abundant than Stars: An Introductory Overview of Creation Microbiology by J.W. Francis and G. Purdom. Answers Research Journal 2 (2009): 85-95. - War of the World Views: Powerful Answers for an "Evolutioniszed Culture"- "Is the Intelligent Design Movement Christian?" Ken Ham, Georgia Purdom, et al. Answers in Genesis 2005. - Morality and the Irrationality of an Evolutionary Worldview by Georgia Purdom and Jason Lisle. Phi Kappa Phi Forum, Spring 2009: 6. - The Code of Life - speaker Georgia Purdom. DVD. 2007, Answers in Genesis- U.S. - Dissecting Darwin Audio CD with speakers including Georgia Purdom. 2009, Answers in Genesis- U.S. - The Intelligent Design Movement: How Intelligent Is It? by Georgia Purdom. DVD. 2005, Answers In Genesis- U.S. - The New Answers Book 1: Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution? (chapter 22) and The New Answers Book 2 by 15 authors including Georgia Purdom. Answers in Genesis- U.S. - Origins of Life: A Simple Approach? 7/20/05 - “Evolution” of Finch Beaks—Again 7/20/05 - Is the intelligent design movement Christian? 7/20/05 - A first in creation research! 7/20/05 - The Intelligent Design Movement: Does the identity of the Creator really matter? 5/2/06 - Evolution or Adaptation?: Mutation leads to better survival in beach mice 8/23/06 - If human and chimp DNA are so similar, why are there so many physical and mental differences between them? 9/5/06 - From Ferrari to Model T: Is Reverse Evolution Possible? 10/18/06 - The Trouble with Sequencing 11/22/06 - Human Endogenous Retroviruses (HERVs)—Evolutionary “Junk” or God’s Tools? 12/19/06 - Stem Cells: Does Their Origin Matter? 1/1/07 - International Adoption: One Couple’s Journey 1/1/07 - Observation of evolution in bacteria 1/31/07 - Origin of photosynthesis: A theory out of thin air 5/16/07 - Bacteria: More Good than Bad and Ugly 6/16/07 - Antibiotic Resistance of Bacteria: An Example of Evolution in Action? 7/10/07 - A meeting of the minds 8/2/07 - Microbe Forum at AiG—the first ever meeting of creation microbiologists 8/14/07 - “Junk” DNA—past, present, and future, part 1 8/22/07 - Feedback: Does the Bible teach female inferiority? by Dr. Georgia Purdom and Bodie Hodge. 8/24/07 - Feedback: Did T. Rex taste like chicken? 8/31/07 - Semi-homemade life 9/5/07 - Have Scientists Created a New Life-form in the Lab? 10/8/07 - “Junk” DNA—past, present, and future, part 2 10/17/07 - Ancient Protein “Resurrected”? 10/24/07 - Public Schools and Parenting: One Big Happy Family or Not? 11/6/07 - Can’t We All Just Get Along? 11/19/07 - Stem Cell Breakthrough 11/21/07 - Red-Haired, Fast-Talking Neanderthals 11/21/07 - Selling Science to the Public 11/28/07 - Feedback: The Nature of Myth 12/14/07 - Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed 12/17/07 - Is Natural Selection the Same Thing as Evolution? 1/3/08 - Unraveling Worldviews: Review of Unraveling the Origins Controversy by David DeWitt, PhD 1/8/08 - Feedback: Evidence of New Genetic Information? 2/1/08 - Feedback: Are There Beneficial Mutations? 4/25/08 - Gene Duplication: Evolution Shooting Itself in the Foot 4/30/08 - Feedback: Call for Help 5/23/08 - Did People Like Adam and Noah Really Live over 900 Years of Age?: Preview chapter from The New Answers Book 2 by Dr. David Menton and Dr. Georgia Purdom. 6/4/09 - A Poke in the Eye?: Lenski and the adaptive acrobatics of E. coli 6/30/08 For a list of recent articles by Georgia Purdom, visit Answers in Genesis- Get Answers. - Dr Georgia Purdom Ph.D.: Molecular Geneticist by Answers in Genesis, USA. Creation Ministries International. accessed 10/4/09. - Dr. Georgia Purdom. AnswersinGenesis.com. © Copyright 2009 Answers in Genesis. accessed 10/4/09. - Dr. Georgia Purdom: Researcher, Author and Speaker. accessed 10/9/09. - The Intelligent Design Movement: How Intelligent Is It? by Georgia Purdom. 5/2/06. copyright 2009 Answers in Genesis. accessed 10/10/09. - Microbe Forum 2 Comes to AiG by Dr. Georgia Purdom. 8/25/09. Answers in Genesis- U.S. accessed 10/11/09. - Microbe Forum at AiG—the first ever meeting of creation microbiologists by Georgia Purdom. 8/14/07. copyright 2009 Answers in Genesis. - "God Said It, That Settles It" by Ronald Bailey. 7/21/05. ReasonOnline ©2009 Reason Magazine. accessed 10/4/09. - Researchers Create Largest DNA Structure -- But is it Life? y Jennifer LeClaire. 1/25/08. Sci-TechToday.com © 2000-2009 NewsFactor Network. accessed 10/4/09. - Dr. Georgia Purdom. © 2009 Zoom Information Inc. accessed 10/4/09. - Who Designed That?: Creationism v. Intelligent Design by Tom McIver. 6/6/07. Sceptic- eskeptic. accessed 10/4/09. - Young Earth Creationists of the World Unite! by Jason Rosenhouse. 10/28/05. Sceptic- eskeptic. accessed 10/4/09. - Get Answers. 2009. AnswersinGenesis.com. accessed 10/4/09. - Media: Video Interview between Michael Shermer and Georgia Purdom.
{ "date": "2019-07-22T11:39:23Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195528013.81/warc/CC-MAIN-20190722113215-20190722135215-00319.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.8758465647697449, "token_count": 2722, "url": "http://creationwiki.org/Georgia_Purdom" }
Tom In The Long Bath by Paul Penn This is (almost) completely true. The main events of the story took place just over two years ago. I have changed a number of the details to protect the identities of “Tom” and the team. I am a great fan of the local rugby team in West Yorkshire, spending many Saturday morning, hands thrust in big coat, watching them thrash it out from the sidelines. The maroon shirts with white emblem are a source of pride to myself and many local people, family members and neighbours of the ground alike. The team consists of lads and men from 16 to 40-odd year olds, from schoolboys to accountants from young bloods to welders recreating their sporting youth through the training regime and bruising battles in the local league. The facilities have not always been that great and, in my position as managing director of a successful advertising company, I have been able to sponsor some improvements to the clubhouse and changing rooms. My company’s name, logo and contact details appear, of course, stretched across the back of the maroon shirts. Improving the bar area was not a controversial move, nor was my funding of a small covered stand on one side of the pitch for the older members of the crowd. But there was a lot of heated discussion among the players when the committee had to discuss my offers to improve the showers and toilets — should they keep the communal showers and long bath, or go for a more discrete and contemporary arrangement with individual cubicles with doors or screens? On the whole the older men wanted to keep the group facilities and the younger lads wanted the more private arrangements. Apart from young Tom. Although only 17 and Head Boy with one year to go at a local independent school, he sided with the older men and cited tradition and team spirit as the reason for keeping the shared showering arrangements. He was popular and influential amongst the younger crowd, so his argument won the day. The improvements were planned for the tiling, pipe work and water pressure, but the structural arrangements were largely the same — a long bath for about twelve big bodies in the anteroom of a larger communal shower area with eight shower heads — six on a long wall and one on each of two shorter sides. The habit, as I understood it, was for the men to wash off the mud and sweat in the showers and then pack into the bath for a soak. I had never been in these changing rooms at the same time as the players, being a fan only, but heard about these routines in the committee discussions about the new facilities. A significant surprise were the discussions when it was proposed to make the long bath bigger, to try and accommodate all 15 players and a couple of subs. One senior player said – “the little’uns just sit in the middle on our feet or squash in on our legs, it’ll be fine — we don’t always fill it anyway — leave it as it is.” The thought of 17 or 18 blokes squashing into a hot bath built for 12 seemed faintly mad, but totally horny to me. My interests in rugby were not only, of course, sporting. I had always enjoyed erotic fantasies about the hard, physical contact between the players and at school had played second row myself, until an excruciating knee injury stopped my active career in most team sports. I was a big, shy lad, not much of a socialiser, and threw myself into GNVQ Business in the Sixth Form, gaining a distinction easily and graduating three years later with a Business and Marketing degree. I had a few close friends who, one-by-one, started pairing off with girls. Gradually I developed a pretty independent and work-related life, arriving early and staying late, with the result that, by the age of 42, I was managing director of a local firm with a strong reputation locally for creative design and shrewd advertising decisions. I recruited instinctively but it always paid off and my busy firm had a healthy annual turnover of 500K. I moved property frequently and now had a swish city apartment overlooking the canal area of Leeds from the 10th storey, perfect for national transport links and ideal for escaping from the bustle of the streets to my bachelor pad. My social life was made up of family gatherings with my parents and sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, work events and a few get-togethers with old school friends to hear moans about wives, kids and girlfriends. “Who are you going to leave your fortune to?” and “When are you going to get hitched?” and “You’re a dark horse, aren’t you?” were typical of the questions I faced regularly but with humour, knowing winks and a modicum of bluff I managed to sail through my 20s and 30s unscathed by relationships. “Footloose and fancy free, that’s me.” Impossible to believe, I expect, in the 21st century, but by the age of 42 I had only had a very few sexual partners, apart from my own trusty fingers and hand: one member of my own family, four men, four women and one group event at university. Maybe I’ll write about them all eventually, but the truth of the situation when this particular event took place was that I had not had a partner for 15 years. So did I know I was gay? I suppose I did, but, despite my work success, I was a pretty unsociable guy. I have never been drawn to gay clubs or porn, though I did order a couple of bi and gay DVDs to play and wank to. I find the bi films arousing and like seeing the manly bodies of the models and watching the poles slide in and out of the hairless fannies, but it is when the men start to kiss that I feel my sap rising and start slapping my salami to its happy end. Of the two gay DVDs I have, one is naff and old, but the other is a German film about a sporting event and there are some truly arousing duos (and a foursome) in that. A couple of the lads in that film have jockstraps too, and that does something for me. What I have always really wanted to see, though, were shower scenes — and preferably lads coming off a muddy pitch and then having fun in the showers. Which brings me to my story. It was late August and the season was about to kick off again. The contractors had been in over summer improving the shower, bath and toilet facilities at the club and the first opportunity to use them would be the first game of the season against another local side, a Halifax team. The crowds were out and I turned up to the game and had lots of club members and the coach congratulating me and thanking me for my latest investment in the conditions at the club. “Come on in after the game,” called Len, the coach. “You should see the lads using the new facilities. You paid for it after all.” “I’ll see,” I said, secretly thinking that would be my fantasy come true, but fearing to show too much interest in naked rugby players. The lads charged out for the game — the usual shapes and sizes of men and lads — mostly familiar, but a couple of new faces. My eyes, though, were drawn to Tom who had grown since last May when I had last seen him. He was now 6 foot 2 and was packing a column of a body into his shorts and shirt, his legs trunk-like and covered with soft blonde hairs. His big feet were encased in their studded boots and he grinned at me from ear to ear. “Hey, Paul, you’ve done us proud inside. I’m glad I won about keeping the long bath. Come in at the end and have a look.” Another offer to look! And a reminder that he had been one of the voices to keep the bath and showers a communal arrangement. “Just win, that’s all I ask, Tom” I shouted back. “Get us off to a good start.” He stopped and bounded over, brimming with energy and muscle. I could hardly breathe. He had mussy blonde hair and quite dark eyebrows, even features, bright brown eyes, a cute nose and full sensuous lips — a bigger, beefier Jude Law. And he was looking at me like a mate, rather than as someone who could conceivably be old enough to be his father. “It makes a difference, though,” he said. “After a game is important – whether you win or lose. I mean it about coming in after — the lads won’t mind. Anyway I bet loads of people will want to buy you a pint. I’ve been wanting to talk to you anyway.” “I was thinking about Business at uni and I’ve got to fill my UCAS form in. I wonder if you’d check it out for me and see what you think about my choices.” “Course I would,” I said, and meaning it. (Fatherly advice, I thought, willing my balls to stop churning with desire.) “If you want to spend a day before you start school again, you could come over to Leeds and spend a day in the office.” “That’d be excellent,” grinned Tom. “See you later, Paul. Hope you don’t get too wet today.” He nodded at the sky and bounded off again. I looked up and saw the approaching cloud, black and ominous, heavy and bulging. It is fair to say that the game got off to a rousing start. We received the kick off and made massive ground with fast legwork and skilful passing. Some switches of possession were soon replaced by our dominance of the game with superior handling skills. As we pushed towards their end, the crunching tackles began. Our backs were waiting for minutes and more minutes, a bit frustrated but shouting and egging on their mates as the forwards shoved inch by inch to make ground, and Halifax’s unflinching defence aggressively kept a wall between us and the try line. Then the heavens opened with a dramatic crack of thunder. It was the kind of rain that builds steadily to a deluge and the already moist ground started churning and throwing up black mud onto the backs of the hairy legs of players on both sides. Tom was playing at the back of the pack and was part of a manoeuvre that helped shove Big Bill over the line for our first try. There was a cry of male anguish from Halifax and whoops of triumph from our side. The lads thundered back to their half, planting smackers on Big Bill and smirking at the early lead. The local rivals turned nasty from that point. Tackles were high and boots were flicked into shins. The scrum met with a crunching thud and grunts and growls were heard all over the pitch. The referee could tell things were hotting up and started to run swiftly towards every play, increasing the sharpness of his instructions. The rain by now had stopped, but all the players were caked in mud and many of the spectators, me included, were drenched. Tempers were frayed. Then it happened — it was on the far side of the pitch and the next few minutes are a blur. “Grab this, Paul,” shouted Arnie, the first aid man and “physio” to the team. In reality he was a local milkman who had been with the team as a player when he was younger. “This” was a bucket with sponges inside and I followed Arnie across the pitch, sliding and slipping a few times as we made our way over to a heap of bodies, Arnie carrying his first aid boxes and shoulder bags. It had been in an intense lineout and from what I understood on the spot and later, several heads had crashed together and someone had stamped on Tom’s ankle. As Arnie attended to the injured, I felt faint with the surrounding aromas and the physical mass of testosterone. I remember very clearly the heat of the massive bodies crowding round, and the smell of the wet mud, the sweat and the wintergreen embrocation smeared on the legs of some of the lads. I could hear promises to the ref being made by both teams that they would all cool it and the game should go on. I then heard Arnie saying to me “I need to stay out here, Paul, cos of the head-banging. I need to keep my eyes on the lads who’ve collided — can you get Tom into the changing rooms and help him get dressed? He’s not going back on today. Could you run him up to Casualty, just to be sure?” “Sure,” I said, my head confused with what seemed like an impossible task. But I hitched Tom onto my shoulder and heard the applause for the injured lad, as I hobbled him over to the changing rooms. “Thanks, Paul, thanks a lot,” said Tom, as I lowered him onto one of the benches. “Can you start running the bath — normally they don’t run it till later, but I just want to lower myself in there.” My brain was racing as I realised it was highly likely I was about to see the stud Head Boy in the buff. I plugged the drainage hole and turned the huge taps so the water started roaring into the new shiny bath. “Do you put any bubbles in?” I asked in all innocence. Tom grinned, his wide mouth dimpling his cheeks and his eyes laughing at me. “The lads would have a fit if it was full of bubbles,” he said. “Are you serious about letting me come and see you at work, Paul?” “Any time, Tom. Glad to be of help.” “I don’t want to get in the way,” he said and started pulling his rugby jersey off. He had a stacked chest and built arms, large areola and studly nipples jutting out from his great pecs. There was a little blonde hair in between his man-boobs and a darker snail trail trickling into his shorts. Tufts of black hair peeped out from his pits. “You won’t be in the way,” was all I could think of to say. “You’ll always be welcome with me, I mean, at work, or wherever….” I had started burbling and I think his mischievous eyes were enjoying my awkwardness. “Are you going to get in with me?” he asked, staring at me intently. “I’ll be all right,” I said. “I’ll make sure you’re all right, but I don’t think it’s right for me to get in.” “What do you mean?” he challenged. “Well, I’m, er, not in the team.” “Fuck off, Paul, you paid for these showers and baths. They’re yours if anybody’s. Anyway I think I’ll need your help getting in and out. And you’re soaking anyway. Come on, Paul. Nobody’ll think anything.” “Let’s get you sorted first,” I said, by way of compromise. I swear my heart was thumping in my chest and the familiar feelings of sexual arousal were beginning inside my jeans. I started to get the feeling that Tom knew exactly what he was doing, but I didn’t know if it was because he had a thing for older men in general, for me in particular, or it was a typical ruggerbugger male bonding thing. “Can you reach down and untie my boots, Paul?” Without a word, I did just that, crouching in front of the hunk and covering my hands and jeans with the mud from his studs as I did so. I also pulled off his socks, sliding the rough well-washed material over his thick calves, and in the case of the injured ankle, I very gently and carefully took time so as not to jar the bony joint. I cradled the ankle with one hand and held his muscley calf with the other and pretended to assess the damage; as I did this he had shucked his shorts under his backside and now started pushing them down his thighs. “Let me,” I said quietly, predictably, and hooked the waistband down his legs and off. He was wearing a stained jockstrap, pretty old and a bit tatty and the outline of his meat and two veg was clear, a curved tube of rugbyboy flesh, hanging over large plum-like mounds. The front of his jock, I swear, had piss and cum stains on, and there was a definite patch of new wetness near the end of his dick. The whiff of boy groin invaded my senses. “Your ankle isn’t swelling up,” I said, a line that for some reason made another part of my anatomy swell uncomfortably inside my jeans. The more I got a hard on, the more I thought it would be impossible to get undressed and in the long bath with him. I felt sure he could see my love-tube packing up the front of me. “I think it’ll be ok,” he said. “It doesn’t feel bad at all, just sore. It’s probably just bruised.” He indicated that he wanted to stand up and I helped him lever himself onto one foot. His huge nude frame was now pressed against me, my arm round his manly back and holding his side. I felt like I was in the presence of a Michelangelo model. I put my arm on his abdomen to steady him, an action that meant I was spraying my pants with pre-cum. His tummy was soft on the outside with obvious muscles inside — not a six-pack, but a trim middle with some softness. I helped him lurch over to the edge of the baths and he held onto the tiled wall as I turned the taps off. What a fucking sight he was as I moved back over to help him — a rugby player in his prime, legs, hands, face and hair smeared in mud, dressed only in a stinky jockstrap. I expected him to get in with the jockstrap, but as I supported him again he started to push it down his leg. “Can you get that for us?” he asked quietly, almost like a whisper. Suddenly he seemed incredibly vulnerable, standing on one leg and relying on me for balance — my heart went out to him. I knelt and he steadied himself with one hand on the wall and the other on my shoulder. I gripped the strap at the back and peeled the waist band off his backside and then tried to tug the whole thing down quickly but his legs were together, so I got my hand into the front, gripping the material and pulled the thing over his tackle, the back of my hand brushing his pubes and a couple of my knuckles making contact with his cock. I think I gasped, if not out loud, then certainly inside my head. His cock became possessed, the second it swung free from his jockstrap. The tube swelled out at the end filling his foreskin like a giant saggy fruit and swung loosely from side to side over enormous balls, fuzzy with blonde pubes and hanging proudly beneath his salami. The tube thickened and reared away from his body and moved from side to side, almost hypnotising me. “Dang,” Tom twanged in a fake American accent. “It just won’t behave!” I was tongue- tied and couldn’t say a word, but looked up into his eyes, which were still mischievous, but now a little wary. Did I detect some uncertainty at this point? I stood up and supported his weight as he hopped onto the ledge under the water. As he tried to lower himself I moved my hands wherever I thought would help, at one point right onto his arse before it made contact with the tiles. He was in, wallowing in the steaming water. “Come in,” said Tom, quietly. “You’ll warm up.” “I don’t have a towel,” I said. “You can share mine, but there’s extras anyway in the stock cupboard.” He used his good foot to rear up, stretching the muscles of his gorgeous body, the water swirling round his thick thighs, turning muddy as the black stuff slid off his legs and hands. “Come in, Paul,” he said again. “I want you to come in.” Years of avoiding the subject suddenly caved in. “I’m gay,” I said. “I can’t come in.” “Just fucking come in,” he said, quietly and forcefully. There was a pause, me at the side of the long bath, him in the water with his injured ankle. I could see his cock, now rigid, veiny and stretched, bouncing above the muddy water, the foreskin peeling back to reveal the pink moist dome with its teasing hole. Could I see a different sort of liquid, other than water, oozing from the slit on Tom’s bell-end? I’m fairly sure that he said one more time “come in” before I threw off my trainers and socks, pulled down my jeans and pulled off my sweatshirt, shirt and T-shirt. I stood in white pants with my own dick full of blood and wetting the end. For some reason I kept my pants on as I moved towards the long bath. He reached out his large mitt. I grabbed his hand and stepped over the edge into the hot water. “Attaboy,” said Tom. “Do you think you could grab that soap and wash my ankles?” Mesmerised, I knew by now that this young rugger stud was completely in charge and no amount of logic would cause me to ask why on earth I had to wash his ankles. In a story it seems weird, in real life it was even weirder. I’d heard of feet fetishists, but not ankle fetishists. I took the soap and worked up a lather in my hand. It was strong-smelling soap, pretty industrial. He then lifted his leg and I started washing up and down the fabulous limb, massaging his muscles as I went. “That feels good,” said Tom. “You ought to be our physio.” “You’ve got very muscly legs,” was the only thing I could think to say. Pathetic, I know. The last of the mud came off the first leg and I remember the feel of his rough hairs and a few scabs and cuts as I made a good job of cleaning him. After the other leg, he asked me to do his back, so I did, working across his shoulders and up and down the solid surface. “That’s great, Paul. You’ve got the touch. You can go where you like, you know. The lads help each other get washed every week. Part of team bonding.” “More like a gay fantasy,” I said. “Well, you know what they say about rugby, don’t you?” I swear he was acting like the mature one and I was the kid. “You should see what happens on tour. It opened my eyes I can tell you.” After a couple of back washes I felt encouraged to start sliding my hands round his front and moving closer in to him, resting my own head on his back and soapily sliding my hands across his chest, nipples and abdomen. I pushed as much of my body as I could against him and enjoyed the feel of our soapy torsos mashing together. My dick in my pants was of course like a ramrod about to explode. “Wash my arse,” he said and knelt on the sitting shelf of the bath with his mighty backside mooning me. I lathered up again and spread my hands over those hairy cheeks, letting my fingers linger on the puckered hole and sliding the side of my hand up and down the crack. His cock and balls hung tantalisingly, so I pushed my hands between his legs and started fondling his uncut cock and big soft balls, wanking his dick-tube in a soapy, sloppy fashion and reaching my other hand through to soap up his pubes. My thumb came regularly into contact with his hole and he was clearly into it, grinding his hips slowly and quietly moaning. Tom then turned round and flung his arms round me and shoved his tongue down my throat. This was completely unexpected but I got straight into it, grabbing him and desperately taking his tongue without gagging. We snogged for the best part of three minutes, our hands stroking and caressing every part of the other one, hair, faces, backs, sides, groins. I was just as soapy as Tom by now. At some point the lad pulled off my pants and we were both mutually stroking our cocks. We both had to stop the other’s wanking actions at one point because we were getting too close to cumming. “Let’s get over to the showers,” he then said. We made it pretty quickly and I started having suspicions about how injured his ankle actually was. “Turn round and bend over,” he said. I did as I was told and felt Tom grabbing my buttocks and spreading them. I knew I was tight but still I felt Tom’s cockhead pressing against it, rubbing round it, pushing and trying to invade. He turned the water on so it was cascading over him and across my back. Still he tried to push his knob into my unyielding orifice. “I’m not ready for that,” I said and dropped to my knees in front of his raging pole. “Go for it, Paul,” he rasped. His cock veins were standing out and the bell-end was purple with blood. A blob of cum hung on his frenulum. Tom shuddered with pleasure as I placed my lips over his dick’s end and swallowed his cum. I spent a few seconds adjusting my mind to what I was about to do, then closed my mouth over a quarter of the length and started to suck and slide my lips up and down. I tugged and fondled his danglers and after a few minutes he pulled me up again for another snogging session, my tongue now tasting of his spunk. Next Tom closed his hand around my dick and I almost shot my load there and then. I trembled and had to steady myself on the shower wall. He knelt in front of me and slurped up my full dick-length before diving underneath to nuzzle, lick and suck on my nads. I nearly fell over with pleasure. Tom was moving his mouth up and down my genitals, sometimes licking my balls, sometimes at the side of my cock, sometimes diving down the whole length so his forehead touched my pubes. I found myself starting to move my hips and fuck his face, gripping the side of his head and feeling the build-up of jizz as I thrust almost uncontrollably into Tom’s head. He encouraged me down onto the tiled floor and pushed my legs up so he could gain better access to my churning balls. He moved them gently in and out of his mouth and then tongued his way back to my dark crack with its sweaty hairs. I then felt him pushing his tongue and nose as far as he could into my hole. It was an incredible feeling, especially when I felt the tongue accompanied by a prodding finger. The little stud was fingering my virgin hole! As I relaxed I felt Tom’s tongue go slithering past the puckering gateway and deep into the chute beyond. Almost instantly a finger followed and I was skewered on the floor of the changing room. How wonderful that I was one of the first to use the new facilities! We were both on our feet next and used shower gel to soap each other all over, then kissed again with our nude bodies sliding against each other. Both our dicks were bouncing now, lurching, even when not touched, with pulsing beats that showed us to be on the edge of explosions. Tom reached under my legs and punched his soapy right thumb right into my hole again and spread his fingers across my buttocks so I was virtually impaled on his hand. In a mighty show of strength, born of all his upper body training, he almost lifted me off the ground and I cried out in ecstasy — “fuck! fuck!” “Up you go, Paul,” Tom laughed and supported me on his hand so my feet were bouncing on the floor, his thumb jabbed well into my sizzling bumhole. I fell to the ground again and down to my knees to once again swallow and slurp up and down on the young man’s love-stalk. Tom seemed to grow even bigger than ever and the glans was raging for release. It was an astonishing turn-on, having this 17-year old rugby player squirming out-of- control. I switched back from slurping to licking the length of his rod, flicking it with my tongue, massaging it with my lips, watching it vibrate and pulsate as the spunk filled the tubes ready to shoot. ‘Fuck me,” he whispered. “Condom?” I asked. “You’re the second — the other one was a virgin like me” and, given my own meagre sexual history, I took the risk. Stupid, I know, and I’ve been way more careful since this occasion. But it was so fast moving and horny. On the edge of the long bath, Tom threw his knees next to his ears and I positioned my burgeoning cockhead on his open hole. I spat into my hand, slicked up the end, spat on his opening and looked in his eyes for confirmation. He grinned cheekily and reached down to cup and tickle my balls. “Go for it,” he grunted and I squeezed with some effort into his welcoming but tight fuck-tube. “Go, Paul. Further. Get in there. Go on, pal.” I rested for a few seconds with my dick pulsing like a mad thing, throbbing in the body of the beautiful boy who had been an object of lust and fantasy for a few years. I started to push further in and Tom groaned. I withdrew and he moaned. I slid back into the lad’s channel. Out, in. Out, in. Out, in. Throbbing and pulsing, advancing and retreating, forwards and back. We developed an easy rhythm and started openly grunting and moaning. I was vaguely aware that there were about fifty other people just outside watching a game. It was pretty near the half-time whistle, I thought, and someone may well come in to use the bogs. I could see that Tom was building to cumming, as he slapped his own salami in rhythm to my own thrusting. Pressure built on both our parts, balls jumping with joy and spunk- tubes filling to the brim. Tom reached his left hand round for my arsehole to plunge a finger into the end as he gasped, “I’m coming.” He let go of his dick. Globs of semen shot out from his fat sausage, spewing spectacularly up his body. He opened his mouth in a silent cry. Then groaned “Fuuuuuck!” I reared backwards, picked up speed, sweat sprang out of me and I let rip my own load. It felt as if my cock had tripled in size and was permanently stuffed up Tom forever. Four massive spurts shot out of me that day, before the dozen or so mini-spews that finished me off. The ropes and squirts of love-cream that had flown from Tom were spattered as far as his shoulders, one drop on his neck. His torso was smeared and one thick surge lay across his right nipple. There was a blob in his belly button. I collapsed onto him, my still pulsing dick slithering out of his chute and our chests squelching Tom’s jizz. He started giggling and wrapped his arms and legs round me, squeezing tightly. “What do you mean, you’re gay?” he said. “You could have fooled me.” Feedback is the only payment our authors get! Please take a moment to email the author if you enjoyed the story.
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{ "date": "2019-07-20T15:48:58Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195526536.46/warc/CC-MAIN-20190720153215-20190720175215-00079.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9279372096061707, "token_count": 12607, "url": "http://xn--bibelfralle-yhb.de/wp-content/themes/twentysixteen/pdf.php?q=shop-Possession.html" }
By: Jason Kerin Director Chris Wedge has animated background. Not so much in saying in his personal life, but rather in his previous work as a director of animated movies. After directing two short films (Tuber’s Two-Step and Balloon Guy), Wedge directed the cartoon short titled Bunny and won an academy award for best animated short film. After that, Wedge help co-found the animation studio Blue Sky Studio and is the Vice President of Creative Development there. Being a value component to the team, Wedge lent his hand to several animated feature films to Blue Sky, this includes their first theatrical release 2002’s Ice Age as well as 2005’s Robots and 2013’s Epic. Now, making the jump from animation to live-action, director Chris Wedge, Paramount Pictures, and Nickelodeon Movies present the family feature film Monster Trucks. Is Wedge’s first live-action debut worth seeing or is it just a monster mess? Stuck in a small North Dakota town (and going nowhere), Tripp Coley (Lucas Till) is a high school senior who dreams of leaving his mundane life, clashing with his mother Cindy (Amy Ryan) and her new boyfriend Sheriff Rick (Barry Pepper). Keeping the small community afloat is an energy oil company run by Reece Tenneson (Rob Lowe). It is about to hit a major oil deposit, drilling through a layer of water caverns home to some unknown sea dwelling creatures. When one of these monsters make their way to the surface (due to the drilling), Reece and head scientist Dr. Dowd (Thomas Lennon) capture two of them, while the third escapes, finding his way to Tripp, who works in a junkyard. After the initial shock of the meeting, Tripp, and the tentacled sea creature blob that he names Creech, slowly become friends, finding a hiding spot for the beast inside his beat-up dream truck and using its natural power to drive the vehicle around. Soon joined by fellow classmate / biology tutor Meredith (Jane Levy), Tripp soon realizes the threat the oil company poses to the town, working to stop Reece and his thug henchman Mr. Burke (Holt McCallany) and rescue’s Creech’s brethren and returning them to the deep. THE GOOD / THE BAD At its core, Monster Trucks is a kids’ movie, pandering to that demographic with its story, humor, and overall premise as the film itself doesn’t take itself too seriously when presenting the tale of Tripp and Creech. Thus, that particular age group will find this movie enjoyable (and probably like it). Heck, if this movie was released back in 1991 or 1992 (when I was 7 or 8), I would definitely be begging my parents to take me to see this movie. In truth, it has the all the makings of Disney-eque family film (i.e. a young boy longing to leave his small hometown, an evil corporate villain who is out to make a profit, and a loveable creature who ultimately befriends the young boy). Throw in a love interest, evil henchmen, and some chase scenes, you have it all. Of course, the big catch to the movie is trucks, finding Creech gelatinous form to squeeze inside the guts of an engine-free truck to take control of the vehicle for some kid-friendly adventures on-screen. Speaking of Creech, the visual effects for the creature are pretty good. It’s nothing revolutionary in design or visual effects, but it’s still pleasing to eye and it’s hard not fall in love with Creech’s adorable blubbery face. As for the filmmaking aesthetic, it’s pretty standard, which not good nor bad, just middle of the road. There’s plenty of set pieces that simulate the small rural town in the heartland of the US and there’s a big action-chase finale that keeps up with the film’s kid oriented direction (i.e. plenty of kid-glove thrills with some humorous bits). Unfortunately, to the adult-crowd, Monster Trucks becomes a bore right from the get-go, feeling more like a TV movie fit for Cartoon Network or ABC Family. First and foremost is the ridiculous plot of the movie, which personally seems a bit absurd. In conjunction with that idea, the way the story unfolds is nothing new or original, which makes Monster Trucks highly predictable from where it goes to where it ultimately ends up. Basically, in my opinion, the movie is combination of Legend of the Water Horse and Herbie with a splash of E.T. and Transformers. All of those are good movies, but Monster Trucks feels like a cobbled version of them, picking and choosing certain aspects, only to find them to a lesser degree in Wedge’s film. In addition, Wedge along with writer Derek Connolly meander through several side-stories through the movie, finding Tripp conflicted with parental figures from his deadbeat / flunky father (Wade Coley) and his mom’s new boyfriend (Sheriff Rick), to a finding a high school romance between Tripp and Meredith, and Dr. Dowd’s discovery of the creatures having a hive-mind communication mentality. These are really interesting ideas / sub-plots, but they’re never really fully examined in the movie, with these narrative threads getting lost along the way or just simply unfinished by the film’s end. Lastly, the film’s comedy has its moments of levity, but most jokes fail to hit their target. Perhaps this is the reason why the movie has been delayed for some time…. like almost three years. Principle photography was in 2014, with a set release date of May 2015. The movie was then pushed back to December 2015 and then again to March 2016 and the one finally time to January 2017 (this of course is the US release date). In addition, the movie has a very large production price tag attached to it, roughly $120 million. I know…what! That’s a lot…that’s almost the budget bracket for a standard big studio blockbuster film. So, you can easily see why Paramount Pictures pushed the release date back for Monster Trucks. Learning all that, I’m surprised that the studio decided to release the movie altogether. Monster Trucks fills its cast with plenty of familiar faces, starting with its central hero character of the film Tripp Coley, who is played by Lucas Til. Known for his roles in the recent X-Men movies (First Class, Days of Future Past, and Apocalypse) as well as in the recent TV show reboot MacGyver, Til handles his part well as Tripp, a character who is written in broad fashion of being a central protagonist. The role doesn’t require him to be theatrically dramatic, but Til doesn’t overact in the part of Tripp, playing to the tone of the movie. Thus, Lucas Til’s portrayal of Tripp is just fine for what Monster Trucks needs. It’s not “out of this world” spectacular nor is it deplorable in bad acting. In terms of supporting characters, Monster Trucks has plenty of recognizable actors in its cast (probably one of the reasons why the production budget was so high). These actors, while not A-list stars in the current Hollywood echelon are well-known in various other TV / film projects, which makes their appearances enjoyable, but also begs the question on why their wasting their talents on such a bad movie. Perhaps the best two supporting roles In Monster Trucks are from actors Thomas Lennon and Holt McCallany. Lennon does bring an all-around goofy / comedic performance in his previous work and so does in Monster Trucks as the character of Dr. Jim Dowd, bringing some of the more “on-point” laughs in the film. As for Holt McCallany, he looks the parts, acts the part, talks the talk of the cliché architype character of a thug henchmen. So, while the character of Mr. Burke isn’t new, McCallany does a good job in easily filling that position. The movie also has several throwaway roles from Danny Glover’s Mr. Weathers, Tripp’s paraplegic boss who runs the junkyard (however, in one scene, he can drive a normal truck? Kind of strange?), to Rob Lowe’s cartoon-ish villain in Recce Tenneson (its kind hard to take Lowe as a bad guy), to Barry Pepper’s (yes, the cool sniper from Saving Private Ryan) character of Sheriff Rick, a character who doesn’t seem to fit properly in the movie. The rest of the cast includes, Jane Levy as Tripp’s love interest Meredith, which really feels shoehorned into the movie and manufactured than organic, Frank Whaley as Tripp’s flunk dad Wade Coley (again this storyline doesn’t go nowhere and serves to further plot beats), and Amy Ryan as Tripp’s mother Cindy Coley (Ryan basically only has two small scenes in the movie. Why even include character in the movie?). Again, their appearances are welcomed, but I’ve seeing each one in better roles and in better movies. Tripp hits the road with the sea-like creature Creech in the movie Monster Trucks. Director Chris Wedge’s first live-action movie has its mark on its intended demographic, lathering up kid filled laughs and gags for the juice box crowd. Unfortunately, with cartoon-ish like characters, unfulfilled side plots, a ridiculous concept, and poorly written script, Monster Trucks is far from being a great movie, despite its recognizable cast. Personally, it was pretty humdrum kids’ movie. I had low expectations walking into this movie and even those expectations were only half-met. Some parts were okay, some parts bad, but the end result just left a bad taste in my mouth. It’s not really worth seeing in theaters (unless you have little kids) and just skipping it is the best option (or just wait until it comes to one of the main TV channels). All in all, Monster Trucks hits in intended target audience (young kids ages 7-9 will probably like it), but that’s pretty much it, failing to connect to a larger audience and already projected to be the first box office bomb of 2017. There’s not much “under the hood” in Monster Trucks. 2.4 Out of 5 (Skip It) Released On: January 13th, 2017 Reviewed On: January 14th, 2017 Monster Trucks runs for 104 minutes and is rated PG for action, peril, brief scary images, and some rude humor
{ "date": "2019-07-24T08:53:29Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2019-30", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2019-30/segments/1563195532251.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20190724082321-20190724104321-00559.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.958547830581665, "token_count": 2278, "url": "https://keithlovesmovies.com/2017/01/15/monster-trucks-not-much-under-the-hood-guest-review/" }
The Big Garden Birdwatch is marking its 40th year this year, and they're asking people to get involved with recording which birds visit their garden. The request comes with the news that sparrows and starling have suffered "alarming" declines over the last four decades, while other species have become a common sight in backyards. The world's largest garden wildlife survey expects around half a million people to take part, counting the birds in their garden as part of the world's biggest wildlife citizen science project. With cold weather forecast, more birds might head to gardens in search of food, the RSPB said. The results of the survey could also give some indications of the impact on birds of last year's "Beast from the East" in spring and the heatwave that followed. Over the years the project run by the RSPB has revealed the failing fortunes of some of the UK's most commonly seen garden birds such as house sparrows, starlings and song thrushes. It has also recorded increasing numbers of species such as wood pigeons and long tailed tits spotted in backyards and parks, and influxes of birds such as bramblings and waxwings. It has even helped chart new arrivals, including the reintroduction of red kites, the one species which people are allowed to record if they see them flying over their garden rather than in it. The spread of invasive ring-necked parakeets has also been recorded in places such as London. This year the event takes place on January 26, 27, and 28, and members of the public are asked to spend just one hour watching and recording the birds in their garden or local green space, then send their results to the RSPB. Results over the 40 years since 1979 show the average number of starlings seen in each garden has fallen by four fifths. House sparrows have declined by 57% since the Big Garden Birdwatch began, but in the most recent decade their numbers appear to be recovering with a rise of around 17% since 2009. The survey was the first to flag up the decline in song thrushes, which were the seventh most commonly seen bird in 1979, but by 2009 its numbers had more than halved and it had crashed to 20th place in the rankings. But there have been major increases in birds such as wood pigeons and collared doves. Goldfinches and long tailed tits, which have been tempted into gardens in search of food such as nyjer seeds which householders are putting out, have also flown into the top 10. 'Everyone has a role to play' Mike Clarke, RSPB chief executive, said: "Everyone has a role to play in saving nature and protecting our wildlife. "Big Garden Birdwatch participants have made a significant contribution to monitoring garden bird numbers over the past four decades. "Those taking part work together as part of a community with thousands of other Big Garden Birdwatchers to help the RSPB's work to protect birds, other wildlife and the places they live. "Reaching 40 years is a huge achievement and shows just how passionate people across the UK are about their wildlife. " He said the survey, which started out as a winter activity for young RSPB members, was now the largest garden wildlife survey in the world. As well as counting birds, the RSPB has for the last few years been asking participants to log some of the other wildlife they have seen throughout the year. This year, people are being asked to look out for badger, fox, grey squirrel, red squirrel, muntjac deer, roe deer, frog and toad. For more information and to submit results, people can visit the RSPB website .
{ "date": "2020-09-21T07:33:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400198942.13/warc/CC-MAIN-20200921050331-20200921080331-00799.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9782459139823914, "token_count": 780, "url": "https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/uk-world-news/nation-urged-join-big-garden-2465324" }
In a moving show of solidarity, on Thursday 60 students from the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, traveled to the Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, on the eve of the 19th anniversary of the school shooting to hold a Vote For Our Lives rally. There, at a park near the school, the Parkland students joined together with with survivors, families of the victims, current students, and Littleton community members. Prior to their own tragedy, many Parkland students had never even heard of Columbine, where 13 lives were lost and over 20 injured on April 20 when two senior students carried out an attack on the school. Kayla Schaefer, a 17-year-old junior, is one of those students who traveled halfway across the country for the event. “I feel like we’re both kind of going through the same thing,” Schaefer told CNN. “They went through it a long time ago, but we’re going through it now so they understand what we are going through.” Parkland student Carlos Rodriguez, pictured above, spoke on behalf of Parkland students at the rally. “Two months ago, Douglas faced what Columbine faced 19 years ago. I have had two months to understand what it’s like to feel alone, what it’s like to feel despair, what it’s like to feel pain. We have been eternally scarred, and now we share a common voice,” he said. “This nation should have realized that the right to live, the right to feel safe is more important than the right to bare arms 19 years ago.” The rallying cry of the rally was clear, and November is undoubtedly going to see young people coming out to vote like never before. At the conclusion of the event, former Columbine Principal Frank DeAngelis read out the names of the 13 victims at his school. “Go out and change the world,” he told the students.
{ "date": "2020-09-25T06:37:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400222515.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20200925053037-20200925083037-00799.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9703658819198608, "token_count": 422, "url": "https://uproxx.com/culture/parkland-columbine-rally/" }
March 7, 2014 1:30 pm Please join us at our SXSW showcase in Austin, TX this year at The Parish Underground on March 13th. Doors at 7:30pm the show will go from 8pm to 2am and includes performances by Saint Pepsi, Greys, GRMLN, Young Magic, TEEN, Speedy Ortiz and Cloud Nothings. The show is free for badge and wristband holders and a $10 cover for everyone else. Below you’ll find a schedule for all our bands along with individual flyers for Cloud Nothings, Speedy Ortiz and TEEN.
{ "date": "2020-09-29T07:13:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600401632671.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20200929060555-20200929090555-00799.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9199733734130859, "token_count": 126, "url": "http://carparkrecords.com/news/sxsw-2014/" }
Fri 5 May 2017 | 7:20 pm - 9:20 pm Chabad on the Coast - Bar Kochba 18, Tel Aviv, 30 NIS Disconnect from the weekly grind, unwind, and connect with great people. Join us on the first Friday of each month for an inspirational get-together. Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in style with Shabbat melodies paired with mojitos and Mexican appetizers! What? Bring in Shabbat with beautiful melodies led by Chazzan David Goldman, enjoy mojitos, words of inspiration & the best company! Who? Young Jewish Professionals & Lone Soldiers in their 20’s & 30’s Where? 18 Bar Kochba, Tel Aviv When? Friday, May 5th 7:20pm: Shabbat Melodies 8:00pm: Mojitos and Mexican appetizers Thought of the Week by Cynthia Ferman. Event is free with RSVP! Suggested Donation: 30 NIS Partial Sponsorship: 400 NIS Please RSVP so we can make sure to have more than enough mojitos to go around! Cynthia has lived in São Paulo, Buenos Aires, Madrid and Washington DC before moving to Israel. For the past three years she has made Tel Aviv her home. When Cynthia is not working, she enjoys studying Jewish philosophy, biking along the beach and traveling across this beautiful country. Cynthia and her husband live in the center of Tel Aviv, where they love having Shabbat guests.
{ "date": "2020-09-29T08:35:25Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600401632671.79/warc/CC-MAIN-20200929060555-20200929090555-00799.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9226189851760864, "token_count": 321, "url": "https://www.secrettelaviv.com/tickets/first-friday-cinco-de-shabbat" }
- Age: 1 year and 8 months - Breed: French Bull Terrier - Location: Bishopton - Places walked: Knockmountain & Erskine beach - Most likely walked with: Levi, POtiphar, Chilli, Brodie French Bull Terrier Dior is a young and super friendly French Bull Terrier. She lives with her big sis, Levi the Staffordshire bull terrier and loves chasing after her on the walks. When she’s not doing that she plays with her pals Brodie and Potiphar and loves playing “keep-away” with sticks and things she finds.
{ "date": "2020-09-21T13:03:04Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400201699.38/warc/CC-MAIN-20200921112601-20200921142601-00199.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9385106563568115, "token_count": 133, "url": "https://www.bdws.co.uk/dior/" }
Directly east of Riverside lies one of the most dynamic communities of the Inland Empire, Moreno Valley, California. With nearly 194,000 people, the young city continues to grow and thrive in Riverside County, attracting more business and people. Even with “People, Pride, Progress” as the city’s motto, Moreno Valley citizens are not immune to altercations with the law. In many cases, however, you may be unfairly charged, or the law enforcement system may have not properly handled your particular situation. If you have been charged with a crime in Moreno Valley, you are likely scared, frustrated, and worried about your career, your family, and your freedom. Depending on the severity of the accusation, you could be facing time in prison, heavy fines, or other legal ramifications that limit your freedoms as California citizen. At Greenberg & Greenberg, APLC, we understand this fear and confusion. Most importantly, we will defend your side of the incident, fighting for your rights as a Moreno Valley citizen. Don’t feel like you have to face a criminal charge alone. When it seems no one is on your side, contact the experienced criminal defense attorneys Greenberg & Greenberg, APLC. We promise to hear your side of the story, carefully explore and explain all possible defenses, and fight for your rights as a California citizen.
{ "date": "2020-10-01T00:29:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600402130531.89/warc/CC-MAIN-20200930235415-20201001025415-00199.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.944359302520752, "token_count": 277, "url": "https://danielgreenberglaw.com/moreno-valley-ca-criminal-defense/" }
With nesting season on it’s way, birds need to build up reserves to meet high energy demands. Nest-building, egg-laying, incubating and providing food for young come with high energy costs. And, like human parents, bird parents will work themselves to the bone for their offspring. Now through nesting season, suet is readily taken as a nutritional boost for adults and young. During cold snaps, insects are scarce putting nesting birds at risk of losing their young. Because baby birds develop so rapidly, one day without enough food, can make the difference. Even seed-eating birds feed their young suet, as it is a soft-food that baby birds can digest. If you have never offered suet, now’s a good time to introduce it to your feeding stations. Be sure and keep the suet feeder well stocked so birds will come to know your feeder as reliable. You’ll be thanking us when parent birds feed their newly fledged young right there in front of you. Talk about joy! Happy suet feeding! Article by Darlene Betat
{ "date": "2020-09-21T18:41:42Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600400202007.15/warc/CC-MAIN-20200921175057-20200921205057-00599.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9518670439720154, "token_count": 229, "url": "https://backyardbirdshop.com/welcome-new-birds-suet/" }
it was 5 am saturday morning. she was wide awake. sleeping in wasn’t happening today. another roller coaster week in her never a dull moment life was over. it was time to rest and reflect, laugh again. it was a melting pot of warfare, sleepless nights, tears, passionate conversations with bad endings. demons swearing at her. nice. what was that about being blessed when you’re persecuted and people talk ugly to you? she shook her head and laughed. the devil only has a hissy fit when you’re doing something right. well then. trust the process “trust the process,” her friend told her. when she heard it, she knew it came right from papa god’s heart. trust the process. indeed. she’d asked papa for his best for her. she’d seen him through his papa’s eyes for some time now. she saw him in truth, in perfection, as a beloved son even when he wasn’t fully awake to this reality. he’d had brilliant prophetic words spoken over him, words of promise, hope and a future. he saw vignettes of unlimited possibilities and potential, the ways papa god wanted to bless him as his son. he saw how his gifts and talents could be brought to life. most importantly, he was presented with the beautiful gift of a wife, a full partner he could walk with in this life. would he step into his destiny? would he come back for her? this was a major life decision. in returning to her, he’d be turning his face fully back to papa god. it meant walking arm in arm with him in unity. it meant stepping into sonship. it meant radical change in direction, a homecoming worth celebrating loudly. the cloud of witnesses perched on the edge of their seats wondering how this would play out. would he choose well? would he be bold and courageous? yes, the stakes were high but the reward was great. she’d prayed intently over him and his family for cleansing and restoration in their blood lines. for all the enemy stole to be returned to them 7-fold. weeks turned to months, months grew to years. she wept over him, took communion over him, visioning life with him. she determined to cooperate fully with papa god, willing him to have every opportunity to make the best choice for his future and future generations. she prayed for wisdom and revelation that the eyes of his understanding would be open. she prayed for his heart to be one with father god’s heart again. she called to his spirit to rise up and lead his soul, declaring his spirit would only be led by holy spirit. faithful friends stood with her and prayed. in all of it she kept telling papa god she wanted his best. she gave him wide margins to work things out on his own. she spoke when holy spirit prompted her – and sometimes when silence was the better option. grace covered her. unconditional love often gets an unexpected response wisdom dictated several things she would not compromise. those things had earned her unfriending, blocking and ‘goodbye.’ unconditional love often gets an unexpected response. jesus chimed in on her thoughts, showing her some of his daily experience. he’s telling us, “i love you, i’m here for you, not leaving you. ever.” his compassion rises, watching us trying to stitch up our gaping wounds. we lay there bleeding, still holding up the hand, saying, “i’m good here. get the hell away from me.” see how we are see how we are. still, he doesn’t leave. he waits until we give in, showing him our wounds, allowing him to love and heal us. she remembered her conversation with jesus, drowning in her own lake of mess. “i am so freaking broken. what do you want with me??” she could see it wasn’t him rejecting her. it was a combination of pain, fear and angst speaking, a realization that the old ways of dodging brokenness weren’t working. she didn’t leave, either. she loved him hard, praying for him when she would have rather kicked his backside. love never fails, never gives up. it gets up in the morning to love another day, to love the hell away. now, she waited, trusting the process, waiting on the promise. it was a birthday gift from a *sister, the one who filled the role of *jonathan in their david and jonathan relationship. it was breathtaking, in full bloom the day she received it, adorned with five beautiful white blossoms. she’d never had an orchid before. it intimidated her. she knew they could be tricky to care for. not only that, but this was a gift from a friend. what if it died? this was different than failing with a plant you bought for yourself. there was pressure to keep the plant alive and nurture the relationship that was clearly from papa god. oh boy. over time, the delicate white petals dried up and gently fell to the cabinet below. the stems that held the petals also dried up and fell off. only a long green stalk remained where so much glory and beauty had shown weeks earlier. even the stalk began to dry up. she clipped it back, hopeful it would prevent further decay. it did not. desperate, she cut it back again. ugh. this was a failure. no, she was failing at caring for the white orchid. so she thought. there was danger in overwatering these plants. she followed the watering instructions. and somehow overwatered it. the little pieces of bark on the top of the pot grew mold. the small new shoots at the bottom of the plant were moldy. more failure. frustrated, she cut off some of the moldy shoots. they would not recover from the mold. conversely, the green leaves at the base of the plant were huge. they looked healthy while the stalk that once held the flowers was dried up and quite a bit shorter than before. she shook her head. overall, the prognosis was poor. the big leaves were healthy but would it ever bloom again? every day she looked at the orchid, wondering if she should just throw it in the dust bin and be done with it. looking at it was tormenting, a constant reminder of failure. one day, with a burst of resolve, she moved it to the window ledge. here it would get intense sunlight whenever the sun made an appearance during the rainy winter. she still gave it an occasional drink, teetering between willing it to live and wanting to pitch it. she was sure she sucked at caring for this gift. where had the green thumbs gone? months went by. on the saturday morning before easter sunday, she decided to give it a little drink. she considered it might be wise to turn the whole plant around on the window ledge. the backside of the orchid could benefit from the sun, too. this complicated plant closely mirrored another relationship. she wrestled with vision, hope, and big promises from papa god about this one. all her eggs were in this one basket. the investment was great, the risk high, the reward and return not yet realized. it made her lay awake at night sometimes. what was that about walking by faith and not by sight? reaching down, she turned the plant 180° and set it down gently. sitting back down at her desk, she saw it. there was a new, beautiful green shoot growing from the stalk she’d cut back and left for dead. not only that, there was another smaller shoot growing up at the base of the pot on the top of one of those big, healthy green leaves. new life was springing up all over this plant. she was dumbstruck. leaning in for closer examination with wide eyes and eyebrows raised, she found yet another new shoot growing from underneath another large green leaf. even the moldy shoots that remained were growing new shoots. what??? the stalk she’d thought was dead was now producing new life. she looked at it, tears running down her face. new life was springing up all over this plant she’d wanted to toss out. she looked spoke to the orchid and the man she loved in her words of blessing. “i bless you to grow and bloom more than you were ever told you could.” the plant and the man would respond beautifully to her words of love and encouragement. it was easter morning when she wrote this post. the deer were passing through the back yard, playing and leaping as they often did. her morning cup of coffee went down easy as she listened to elisabeth cooper (the journey) sing about the banqueting table set before her. the plant continued to speak to her. things were seldom as they appeared. more tears flowed. then she heard daddy god’s quiet voice break into her thoughts, mingling with her hopeful tears. her experience with high tea was limited to british tv programs. she’d spent countless hours howling in laughter watching ‘fawlty towers‘, ‘keeping up appearances‘ and ‘to the manor born.‘ she’d owned every episode on vhs, even had them memorized, a fact that was a well kept secret until now. she’d always had a fascination with all things british, the humor, the mannerisms, jane eyre, the yorkshire moors and old english estates. fancy that. her momma told her of her heritage as a child: english, irish and german. the german slice was of little interest, further proven out by her near failure of german class in high school. the english and irish pieces of her heritage, though, they were fascinating and very alive. she was convinced narnia was a real place somewhere over there. and by george, she was going to have a chocolate box cottage one day, yes, she was. papa god, good papa that he is, why, he even brought her a friend whose roots were all united kingdom. she grew up having tea several times a day. fascinating. black tea, cucumber sandwiches, sausage rolls, little cakes and tarts, biscuits and digestive crackers. licorice all sorts and peppermints. she knew about all of it, lived it. brilliant. weeks prior, her friend had told her of this place, a real destination, a very british place with all manner of british fair. oh my. they plotted and planned to visit and eat english pastry. filled with gluten. and sugar. it was time to break all the eating rules if only for a bit. finally, the day came. they were going to go the ‘place’ for high tea. she speculated to said friend, “certainly, there will be a portal in the place and we’ll just translate to the united kingdom. why not?” indeed, why not? in keeping with the english theme, rain fell steadily as they drove along to their destination. the pair of them were rather a sanitized version of thelma and louise with a jesus bent, slightly more than eccentric and completely over people pleasing. this was their time. yes, it was. her friend encountered a problem during the drive. the passenger headrest did not fit her head and neck properly, so for nearly the entire trip, she was not only uncomfortable, but also in a bit of pain. clearly, this was not acceptable. alas, there was no way to remedy the issue while they were driving, so on they went. each lady had dressed for the occasion, looking very lovely, all made up and gushing with childlike anticipation. when they pulled up to the front of the restaurant and gift shop, she put the car in park and took in the sight before them. her mouth opened to a perfect ‘o’ like shirley temple might have done. she drew in a long breath like a little girl seeing her first lollipop. the women turned and looked at each other. oh. my. goodness. they had arrived. they were going in. this was going to be good, jolly good, right? they walked to the entrance and paused, trying to decide who would go in first. it was too much excitement. walking through the foyer, they approached the doorway into the restaurant. a voice without a body asked how many were in their party. she responded, “two, please,” to the invisible woman who then appeared to take them into the dining room. they slowly entered the charming, quaint space and looked about. the hostess encouraged them to sit wherever they would like. they agreed on a table near the window with a wall opposite them on one side and more tables on the other. the wall featured various photos of british royalty. they gazed upon the royal family, prince philip and the queen mum. she was resting on the wall right above them, gazing down upon their table. surely all would be well if the queen was keeping watch. their waitress left them to peruse the menus. more big eyes formed as oohs and aahs sounded over the potential selections available to their palates. this was akin to the wallace and gromit episode, ‘a grand day out.‘ could it get better? they decided on the high tea plate. it looked like a feast. after placing their orders, they looked at each other across the table, still hardly believing they were there. it was surreal. america was a world away as they took in the atmosphere. her friend was moving her neck about, still trying to ease the ache she felt from the headrest issue. always the fixer, always the healer, she looked across the table and spoke. “if you ever get a pair of those balls….” her words trailed off as her ears heard what her mouth had just uttered in public. at the very proper british restaurant. it hit her at the same time she observed her friend’s expression, the mirth showing in her eyes and already escaping her mouth. and then it was over. it went from zero to sixty in three seconds flat as both women erupted in laughter, doubled over with hands over their mouths. did that really just happen? yes, love, it most certainly did. brilliant. kind reader, do stop for a moment. it’s not what you think. really. those balls are not the balls you’re imagining right now. these balls were invented by a ballerina in new york city. these are different, for different purposes. oh my. google miracle balls. you will see. back to the problem at hand. there was no way to reel those words back in. she didn’t dare look at the family to her right. she didn’t know if the father or his children had heard her words, but they were certainly hearing them try to contain the snorts and chortles. crikey, mate. after several minutes of hysterics, they contained themselves. the queen mum hanging on the wall was no longer looking on with approval, however. her countenance had gone from a controlled, stately expression to one of stern disapproval. who were these two brash american women sorely lacking in manners and decorum, and what was a queen to do? enjoy high tea, that’s what. and they did. what a meal. it was more gluten and sugar than either of them had consumed in six months. sometimes it helped her to write about things. sometimes it did not. she still wasn’t sure where this would land on the processing meter. the rock band ‘til tuesday‘ played on her itunes. those old familiar songs coaxed her angry seventeen year-old girl back out of hiding to confront this goliath. she was still angry, and she came out swinging. it was safe to be angry now, safe to confront the injustices, the lies and the shame. she was quite cognizant of the fact that justice would not come from him. it would only come from papa god, the only one who could fix the wrongs, make them right, restore what had been stolen. innocence. purity. trust. it was all true. he made bad choices in abusing his position of authority. he did bad things to her. he broke her heart, stole her self-worth. it was also truth his actions did not define him anymore than they defined her – that was harder to reconcile. it was ugly all around. the movie reel of those years was painful to watch as it played through her head, even after so much time. she had no desire to out him, no desire to destroy his life or family. if it came out, it would be because he himself told the story. it would not be her doing. she found a recent photo of him on the internet. he was all gray now. so would she be if it weren’t for hair color. back in the day, no one said anything when they saw it happening. and it happened a lot. thousands upon thousands of young girls at high schools around the country were manipulated, seduced and sexually assaulted by male teachers. the ones there to protect became the predators. it happened to the boys, too. and it still does. was it easier to overlook adult indiscretions than protect a child? apparently so. it was easier than confrontation resulting in a lost reputation or a statutory rape charge. no one knew much about soul ties or soul wounds in those days. no one knew what would utterly break the fragile heart of a seventeen year-old girl. maybe he didn’t know, either. maybe he would have made a different choice. maybe not. she hadn’t been the only one. his history wasn’t any nicer than hers, she recalled. an abusive father. beatings. similar story, different town. too many similar stories, not enough love, not enough goodness. not enough honor. no healthy boundaries. no respect for women. and no jesus. the summer of heartbreak it was not the summer of love. it was the summer of heartbreak and more loss, the quick, necessary construction of more protective walls. when he took her up north for a weekend, it was to tell her he was breaking up with her. he was going to go live his dream, moving far enough away to put several states and ocean water between them. even now, she couldn’t remember when she began to cry or how she stopped. the song ‘voices carry’ played, cautioning her to keep her voice down, “hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry, hush, hush, keep it down now, voices carry..” the motorcycle ride home from that weekend was several hours long. a motorhome crossing the center line on a curve nearly took them out. the weather was a mix of sunshine, rain and hail. she had blisters on her face for weeks after. the questions still came to her. school administrators, why didn’t you protect us? you saw it – you saw it all. the other teachers saw it all, too. teenagers are no less vulnerable than small children – the vulnerability just looks different. dad, mom, where were you? she knew where they were. miserable in their own mess. did anyone see her? did anyone love her? was she just invisible? helloooo? was anyone there? sigh. yes, her parents did the best they could do with what they had at the time. no use crying over what was anymore. well, no. not exactly. to forgive without fully feeling anger or grief leaves a wound that weeps silently for years. righteous anger demands expression as much as it demands justice. she loved her parents, honored them as a choice of her will. it was the right thing to do. in the big picture, it mattered quite a lot, even though there were days she wanted to be jenny from the movie, ‘forrest gump’ and throw rocks at the house she grew up in. throwing rocks only caused more brokenness. it wasn’t a solution. throwing rocks wouldn’t take back the hand of the parent that slapped her, upsetting her so much she hyperventilated, her left lung collapsing. she called him to take her to the hospital. there was no one else she could call. he was bothered, annoyed even. he was getting ready to leave on vacation and there she was all emotional and unable to breathe. he took her to the emergency room in his pickup, went home, and headed west on his motorcycle. she told the doctor what happened at home. he blew it off, didn’t report it. when her mom came to visit her in hospital, she spoke firmly to her. “tell that ********* if he ever hits me again, he’s going to jail.” all the #metoo stuff triggered memories and opened old wounds. she could see his face, even recall the last time he showed up at her house at 2 am, throwing little pebbles at her bedroom window to wake her up. her father came downstairs to wake her, announcing, ‘that guy is outside waiting for you,’ as she wondered what he wanted. perhaps he had guilt. she’d heard he slept with another high school girl. more insult heaped upon injury. and now he was here, quite drunk. she was seventeen. he was twenty-four. the numbers said what they said. he should have known better in a few things. they walked off the farm yard out to the creek. he was playing, acting strangely, teasing her. she was not amused. they walked back to the farm. she begged him not to get back on his motorcycle. he was too drunk to drive. he left anyway. that was the last time she saw him. she wondered if he’d given up the scientology cult, if he’d recognized jesus coming after him hard yet, she hoped so. now, she prayed for it. her emotions still registered anger. but it was good anger. it was okay. be angry, sin not. she looked him in the eyes in the spirit. he could barely look back at her hazel eyes on fire. “let me be clear. you had no right to take what was not yours. but i forgive you.” with a choice of her will, she forgave him. she’d asked jesus to take it all. maybe throwing a bucket of rocks one by one into the river would help process any remaining feelings of anger. there was more. hidden freemasonry curses on her life demanded things of her she never knew, never agreed to. the unknown agreement her grandfather made with the occult set her on paths of death and destruction. grandpa didn’t know what he signed up for, and when he realized it, he couldn’t get out. momma’s life was cursed, as was her dad’s, their life together. curses of all manner came on her, beginning in the womb, bringing devastation on every level. she realized she had rejected her own beauty because it was always used to destroy her. now, she could embrace that same beauty with no more fear of exploitation, manipulation or abuse of authority. she was papa’s girl before anything else these days. she had overcome the past. she wasn’t defined by the things that were done to her or said about her. she wasn’t the whore the clique girls at school said she was. she wasn’t the broken, unloved seventeen year-old anymore, either. absolute truth tells her a different story about who she is, about who the people who hurt her really are. absolute truth declares all humanity is made in the image and likeness of papa god. humans are good, the very crown of creation. even in the darkest moments, true glory dwells within the man or woman doing the bad things. humans already in the light of papa god must seek it and see it in those still sleeping, to awaken them, to call them into sonship with papa god. she did a once-over of her life now. she was rich. rich in peace. rich in friendships. rich in love, compassion and forgiveness. rich in laughter, rich in joy. the visual came a moment later. smiling now, she sat right down in the weeds and waited for the poppies to grow up around her. for years, they’d been watered with her tears, sorrow, forgiveness, laughter & hope. they grew strong, tall and brilliant, drowning out the dullness of the weeds. jesus took her through her healing when it was safe. he made her new. she was a graceful, glorious one. and always had been. she wasn’t sure when the thought came to her. and to go to that restaurant? she hadn’t been there since they’d last been there together. the pleasant thought stayed with her until it became almost a compulsion. breakfast food. ham and eggs. what? the weekend arrived and the prompting to go out to breakfast persisted. but it wouldn’t happen today. today was just about rest. she had no intention of leaving the house. the last week brought revelation and information she hadn’t necessarily appreciated, even though it was necessary. mucking around in family cobwebs was dusty and dirty. an epsom salt bath to get it off was in order. saturday was largely uneventful, exactly the way she wanted it. then sunday morning came. she rose early and cleaned up. should she go to church? no. that was easy. she was going out to breakfast. ham and eggs called her. ridiculous, but all right. in the meantime, another friend texted her. she was going through some transitions and needed time. they talked until the issues were unpacked and prayers were spoken to resolve them. it was good to be daughters of the king. he was kind, loving, patient. he ruled his kingdom well. she left the house, got in her car and drove downtown to the restaurant. there was parking right in the front of the stairs up to the entrance. she parked and sat in the car for a moment. off to the right was the courtyard they’d sat in so many times after church drinking iced teas, beer or hot tea depending on the weather and the mood. they’d sorted things in this place, laughing, crying, grieving, making friends with their favorite waitress, all the while looking to the future. the memories were sweet and there would be more of them. soon. this morning, no one was sitting outside. it was still cool, the weekend prior to the grand eclipse. everyone was out of town getting in position to witness the heaven-kissing-earth event. the only activity was the young woman sweeping the entrance to the courtyard. she was a teenager, fifteen or sixteen perhaps, with long sandy, blonde hair pulled back in a pony tail. she was assigned to wait on any guests who chose to sit outside during her shift. she was drawn to her. why? she grabbed her bag and exited the car, greeting the young woman at the same time. “good morning! how are you?” there was purpose in being friendly. a door needed opening. they made some small talk, and then she saw them. the young woman’s right cheek had scratches all over it. “honey, what happened to your cheek?” she asked. the young woman hesitated, unsure of herself. was she embarrassed? was she afraid? what was it? finally, the waitress met her gaze and answered. “i, uh, fell down. i’m sort of clumsy. i fall down a lot.” she looked into the young woman’s eyes intently. did she call her out or did she meet her where she was? grace took over. “well, then. you are a daughter of god, and he didn’t make you to be clumsy and fall down. do you mind if i pray for you, honey?” “no, not at all,” the waitress smiled shyly. she bridged the distance between them with two steps and put her left hand on the girl’s right shoulder. in a few sentences, she commanded her angels to protect her from future falls and harm of any kind, declaring that daddy god would order her steps and make them sure. she blessed her. when she opened her eyes, she saw the young woman still had her eyes closed. it was a sweet image to see. as they finished, a young man, either a cook or a waiter from inside the restaurant called out from the top of the stairs to young woman. hmm. okay. she would have time to observe more while she ate. she went up the stairs and got seated. the menu choices were varied and good, but she stuck to ham, eggs, potatoes and sourdough toast. as she ate, she recalled another meal in that place with other dear friends she hadn’t seen in months. more good memories. it was good to be here and think on happy things. the young woman appeared to clear her plate and refill her water glass. she had been touched that a stranger loved her enough to pray for her, and not say out loud what they both knew: she was not clumsy. she did not fall. someone had pushed her down. hard. they kept the secret between them and daddy god. it was fine for now. but when she went back there again, she would be checking on the girl who wasn’t clumsy. after the gathering, things opened up and began to accelerate. the help and revelation she’d asked father for were present and available. it was time to clear out the mess, to get some things scrubbed clean. as she considered what was before her, she knew she needed wisdom and equipping. “teach me, lord. i have to be equipped.” he answered her quickly. “i’ve made you to be a warrior, a strong one. do not be afraid to learn the things i am going to teach you to overcome the enemy where you live.” she answered him simply. “okay.” he went on to give her a visual to help her walk it out. she saw a woman in a torn, dirty t-shirt and jeans on her knees in the dirt. she was washing clothes the old fashioned way with a washboard and a tub of water. each piece of clothing had years of wrong alignments, curses, stains and grime that had become part of the fabric. her long hair partially obscured her view as she rubbed each piece of clothing across the washboard until it looked like new. her nails were broken, her arms and shoulders ached. she was tired, yes, but it didn’t matter. enough was enough. she was going to recover all her family had suffered. the days of demons controlling her, her family and her city were coming to an end. broken to whole this new book was packed with revelation. both women bought the book at the roughly the same time. her friend began with the final chapter. that signaled significance, so she began there, too. what she read set her over on tilt. it was true, then. those gut feelings didn’t lie. she dialed her momma’s cell phone. it was late there. she might be sleeping. the telephone rang several times. to her surprise, momma answered the phone. “mom. you’re still up?” “yes, i’m just watching television.” “i wasn’t sure you’d be awake. i know it’s late there. listen, i’ve been looking into some things and i have some questions. do you know if anyone on your side of the family or dad’s was ever involved in freemasonry?” momma jumped right in. “your dad would never get involved with anything like that, no. but grandpa was in it. he joined through the pipe fitter’s union or something. they promised him a lot of money when he retired.” she held her breath for a moment. momma continued. “you know, they don’t believe in god, don’t you?” “yes, mom. i know. it’s evil. and it explains why grandpa was so tormented when he died.” momma’s next words caught her off guard. “i know. that’s why i left the room.” she recalled the sounds of the sick, elderly man screaming in his hospital bed. both women were silent as their personal movie reels played in their minds simultaneously. the unredeemed parts of his soul were about to go through cleansing fire. it must have been terrifying for him. this was a new topic of conversation for them. the younger woman had a myriad of questions answered in a few short sentences, while the older one wasn’t sure where it was going. she continued on interviewing her momma. “what about grandma’s side? were any of them involved in this stuff?” “i don’t know. i was just an infant when grandpa took me away.” “i thought you told me you were three years old when he took you?” “no, i was a baby. they settled it in divorce court. grandpa was 7 or 8 years older than my mother. her mother thought she was too young to be married and have a child.” well, then. clearly some soul fractures occurred in those events. and they continued. this would have been enough trauma, but now it was apparent that freemasonry oaths and curses were in play, too. when grandpa died, they took full effect on her momma. as the oldest child in the next generation, they impacted her as well as her own son. they talked a few minutes longer, reviewing names and rank in her grandmother’s family again. ethelynn (grandma) was the oldest, then tommy. she remembered he was in the air force years. he used to send gifts from japan. one christmas, she received a beautiful jewelry box as the rest of the family unwrapped their own gifts. she still had the japanese doll he had given her momma. she knew uncle dwight. she’d met him and aunt joan when they came for graduation. he’d served in the navy. momma spoke up. “there was another brother, too.” “yes. there was another brother after tommy. all i know about him is that he was a drunk. and dwight was the youngest.” more rabbit trails to follow. something with london persisted. others were seeing it, too. something about going back to her roots. in the meantime, it was time to get clean of the freemasonry mess. she went into the heavenly court of accusation to deal with the matter, acknowledging and agreeing with the accuser that, yes, her grandfather had participated in this evil. she forgave him and pled the blood of jesus as her righteousness. the power of the curses began to weaken instantly. there was more work to do but it was a good beginning. there would be more interviews with momma. additional research identified the local lodges and other fraternal organizations near the place she grew up. on the surface, they appeared harmless enough. but they were not. when allegiance is given to anything but father god, there is idolatry. and there are issues. the weeks apart turned into months. truth be told, it was not easy. standing and believing took on new meaning. her faith grew exponentially in the process. day by day, she took communion, prayed and declared over them and their children, mixed lot that they were. when she prayed, she saw things and then she would speak them out. in one vignette, she saw him with his head resting on father god’s chest, hearing the heartbeat of the one who made him. in another, she saw father god building a new bridge between him and one of his children. they approached from opposite ends of the bridge, getting closer to each other every day. in the moment they met in the middle, they entered into a brand new beginning, one that would make up for the lost years. she knew he was getting closer. father gave her dreams to encourage her to keep doing what she was doing. he was so close, she could feel it. when the breakthrough began, she would see him coming to the house to get her, standing at the front door ringing the doorbell. other times, she would see him at her work. memories of them working in the conference room together would flood back to her mind. they were precious, sweet and painful at the same time. their foundation together had been good, but now it would be strong, solid, immoveable. father said so. several friends knew this road they were walking out. their prayers were impactful, clear, declarative, filled with power and love. praying together, they moved things that had blocked and hindered, clearing a path for his healing, freedom, future and calling. on the day she cut a cord of control and witchcraft, one friend observed it would take him a few days to get his bearings. this action was critical. the ties that held him captive held him no more. now, he was able to move freely like never before. and then, days later, father let her see him walking free. on a thursday night after work, she headed to the pool for a swim. it was the same pool where they’d met a year earlier. it was the same park they walked and talked around many times. she was parked on the street sitting in the car talking to another friend. their conversation went all over the place, rabbit tracks in every direction. they were still getting to know each other. there was a lot of ground to cover – and not. conversations were rarely short and this was no exception. she opened the car windows to keep from melting from the heat. she rolled down the passenger window and looked to her left. what she saw stopped her talking in mid-sentence. there he was, walking on the path. she looked again, hard. yes, it was him. “oh, my god, he’s here, ****’* here!!! he’s about twenty feet away from me walking on the path around the park. what do i do?!?!” ‘”what is the lord saying to you to do?” “i don’t know! my heart is beating so hard i can’t think.” she stopped talking to listen, to feel and know what to do. then it was easy. “i’m not doing anything. i’m not going after him. he still has to come for me when he’s ready. i just get to see him.” crying, she continued, “he looks good. he’s standing taller. and his gait seems more purposeful, like he’s freer and sorting things out.” she waited to see if he went into the pool building. he did not. he kept walking. “okay, he’s out of sight now. i’ve got to get in the building while he’s on the other side of the park.” they postponed their remaining conversation until later. she went on to swim. what was normally relaxing was anything but after the excitement of the ‘sighting.’ she kept an eye on the men’s changing room to see if he’d walk through the door. when later came and their conversation resumed, both women agreed how special it was for father to let her see him. she knew a few more things now, with certainty: he was healing. he was free. he was stronger. and he would be coming for her soon. the next morning, another friend messaged her. she asked if something had happened with him due to her post the night before: “tears of joy, peace, contentment, high expectations and a pint of organic vanilla ice cream drowning in chocolate sauce. it was a grand day. ♥” this friend had surmised correctly, and she had some encouragement to bring, as well. she offered what father showed her: “it’s not a long road between you two,” father says. “turn around, look.” she continued. “i see things in pictures mostly. so i saw the path being swept, and you a short distance away waiting. father is saying turn around and look. maybe an encouragement to see what father is doing.” yes, it was an encouragement. yes, yes, yes! she mulled over the words again. “it’s not a long road between you two. father says, “turn around, look.” she turned around to look. psalm 37:4 the voice take great joy in the eternal! his gifts are coming, and they are all your heart desires! neither one of them remembered exactly when they became facebook friends. was it four months, six months? it was only in recent weeks that regular communication began. they both caught it. something was happening. initially, she wasn’t planning on attending the event. there were obstacles, some natural, some spiritual. the natural ones were easy to see, the spiritual not so much. she sensed dark spirits trying to keep her from going, from connecting. one friend lovingly prodded her until she agreed to go. she let go of the obstacles she could see and pressed through the ones she could not. father god would take care of it all. it was time to go, to meet the tribe in person. and that new friend. there was something there, something important. when the day arrived, she drove north and met with customers she’d grown to love over the years. those appointments went well. now, it was time to meet the new friend and get with ‘family.’ they’d exchanged telephone numbers days earlier, anticipating meeting. the texting began, then the calls to figure out where to meet for coffee. after muddling through disconnects and bad reception, they agreed on a nearby starbucks location. she got there first and ordered, nearly inhaling the frosty frappachino to counter the heat outside. as she waited at the large table, she observed a man to her left. he was mumbling and reading stuff that was well, not right and not truth. the book cover saidsomething about the legion of mary, whatever that was. it was legion, all right, that was for certain. interesting. an enemy plant here? what was he thinking? they would pray for him. of course they would. the liar was shaking in his boots about this relationship. that was obvious. no matter. she prayed in tongues and watched the guy, smiling at him when he would happen to steal a glance her way. then, the moment arrived. the new friend walked in the door and crossed the room. they embraced like old friends only needing to get reacquainted. after having the baristas craft a cool beverage for her, they both sat down on high stools at the table. the conversation began flowing like water. holy spirit joined them and joy erupted all over the place. three hours and thousands of words later, they parted company, albeit unwillingly. she had to get to the meeting. what a thrill it was to drive the last few miles and anticipate the joy to come. after parking, she first met and hugged the precious friend who’d never let up getting her there. then there was everyone else. she was overcome with emotion. it was surreal to see, touch, hug and love so many people she’d only known long distance. all these relationships spanned from a few months to several years. she had yet to comprehend why she screamed not once, but twice when she saw her friend from the u.k. she’d never done that before for anyone. maybe love just does that. even with the physical distance, so much of life had been shared heart to heart in telephone conversations and over chat. that epic friday evening was a wash of glory, tears, laughter and worship on a level she had sorely missed for years. she was finally with family, her tribe. and it was good. but someone was missing. saturday morning came. more teaching, more fellowship, then late lunch at a local restaurant mulling over all the wonderful things happening. she acted on the nudge to call her new friend to come and join them that evening. they agreed on a time, and in a matter of hours, they were sitting together again, side by side this time. she was on the right, her friend on the left. the teaching was good, rich, full of life and impartation. then came time for the offering. she had four one dollar bills in her wallet. the remaining large bills were a gift from the new friend for a trip home to see momma. that was important. she looked at the ones and put them back in her wallet. she had no peace giving the cash. dad spoke. “you don’t need to sow into this conference. it’s my gift to you.” she thanked him silently. the holy moment five minutes later, he spoke again. “i want you to give ****** your ring.” she felt the prick in her heart immediately as she slid the two-toned ring off of her left ring finger. it was her favorite, most loved, cherished and enjoyed piece of jewelry. turning to her new friend, she spoke. “father wants you to have my ring.” it was a holy moment as both women’s eyes filled with tears. they knew what it meant, even while seeing only a small fraction of what he wanted for them, with them. it was a david and jonathan moment with strong women in the lead roles. it should have been easy. it was not. after getting her momma reconnected with her stepsisters, she also re-engaged with them in the hopes of learning more about grandma. she talked with the oldest of momma’s stepsisters, then with the youngest. it was great to visit and talk with them. yes, it was. but it did not provide any of the answers to her questions. what was grandma like? what was her personality? what were her hobbies? did she like music? horses? dogs or cats or both? did she bake or cook? no one could really say. grandma had been ill and in hospital often. she was there more than she was home. her daughters didn’t really know her, either. there were a few photos of her left. she asked for copies to be sent to her but they never came. was there any family resemblance? did momma look like grandma? did she look like grandma? hmmm. another idea came to her. would it be possible to see grandma in the cloud of witnesses? could she, would she make herself known? could she share more about her life in a visitation? maybe. it was worth asking daddy god about. he did have one answer for her. he told her one morning on her commute to work. in a brilliant movie reel playing in her mind, so many things became clear. “your grandmother was a worshipper. she loved to sing.”
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Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: |Title:||The complex high-mass star-forming region IRAS 15507-5359||Authors:||Persi, P. ELIA, Davide Quintino López-Vázquez, J. A. |Issue Date:||2016||Journal:||MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY||Number:||459||Issue:||2||First Page:||1946||Abstract:||The far-infrared IRAS 15507-5359 source is known to be a medium-mass star-forming region associated with a compact H II region and a near-infrared embedded cluster. We present a survey of infrared-calibrated images ranging from 1.2 to 500 μm obtained with the Baade telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, and the Herschel space telescope with additional archive Spitzer data. We confirm the distance to the complex to be 5.0 kpc. Three Herschel far-infrared sources are found, I, II, III, identified with dense cores at different evolutionary stages. One (III) is a starless infrared dark cloud showing, near its edge, two infrared reflection nebulae (R1) and (R2) with dispersed young stellar populations, including a knot of shocked H<SUB>2</SUB> line emission. Both show considerable polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon emission. Core II has associated a radio H II region and a deeply embedded one-million-year-old cluster (Cl 1) that contains more than 45 young stellar objects, reddened by at least 20 visual magnitudes. About 20 per cent of them show considerable infrared excess emission. Core I appears void of a near-infrared population, and coincides with a long emission bar that resembles a photodissociation front. We determine the properties of the two most luminous Class I sources in the region by fitting models of young stars with accreting discs and envelopes to their 1-500 μm spectral energy distributions. This is another example of a medium-mass region with at least three well-defined active centres of star formation separated by about 1 pc and at different evolutionary stages.||URI:||http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12386/24563||URL:||https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/459/2/1946/2595136||ISSN:||0035-8711||DOI:||10.1093/mnras/stw741||Bibcode ADS:||2016MNRAS.459.1946P||Fulltext:||open| |Appears in Collections:||1.01 Articoli in rivista| Show full item record Files in This Item: |_Persi_et_al._MNRAS.pdf||PDF editoriale||6.41 MB||Adobe PDF||View/Open| checked on Sep 30, 2020 checked on Sep 30, 2020 Items in DSpace are published in Open Access, unless otherwise indicated.
{ "date": "2020-09-30T04:08:31Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2020-40", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2020-40/segments/1600402101163.62/warc/CC-MAIN-20200930013009-20200930043009-00799.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.7811532616615295, "token_count": 661, "url": "https://openaccess.inaf.it/handle/20.500.12386/24563" }
Po Laiya (603605): Q3 revenue scale accelerated expansion in line with expectations maintain recommendation Event summary In the first three quarters of 2019, the company achieved operating income of 20. 80 ppm, an increase of 33 in ten years. 35%; realize net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies. 400,000 yuan, an increase of 32 in ten years. 04%; realized net deduction of non-net profit2. 380,000 yuan, an increase of 41 over the same period last year. Net operating cash flow 73 trillion, down 61 from the same period last year. Our Analysis and Judgment (I) The expansion of the third quarter’s revenue scale accelerated, driving performance improvement and increasing the company’s main business revenue in the first three quarters of 201920. 80 ppm, an increase of 5 over the same period last year. 20 trillion, growing up to 33. By quarter, the company’s Q1 / Q2 / Q3 achieved revenue of 6 respectively. 52 trillion, corresponding to a revenue increase of 1. 3.4 billion, 27 year-on-year. 59% / 27. 39% / 45. 15%, the scale of revenue increased quarter by quarter, and the incremental part improved month-on-month, and the improvement effect was obvious; of which, the single quarter in the third quarter contributed year-to-date. 17% of revenue and 44. The 98% increase in revenue broke through the company’s relatively weak performance in the third quarter of the past two years (sale season). The third quarter of 2017/2018/2019 changed by -0 from the second quarter of the same year. 01 / -0. 20 / + 0. In terms of product categories, skin care / cleansing / beauty products achieved operating income of 3 in the third quarter. 370,000 yuan, a change from the same period last year2. 17 / -0. 280,000 yuan, corresponding to YOY47.63% /-22. 65% / 333. Compared with the second quarter of this year, the three main products also showed significant improvement, each increasing by 0. Among them, skin care products contributed 89 this quarter. 51% of operating income (up 1. 57 single), while contributing 92% of the main business income increase. 98%, keeping the absolute leading mass scale. In the third quarter of 2019, the average sales prices of the three main products, skin care / cleansing / beauty, respectively changed by -13 from the same period last year. 28% / 12. 93%, of which the average price of skin care products decreased significantly, the range of change decreased by 14 compared with the third quarter of 2018. 32 singles; the average breakdown ratio of cleansing products narrowed3. For 40 grades, the average price growth of beauty products continued to improve, a significant increase of 9 on the basis of last year. It can be seen that the scale expansion of beauty products has enjoyed dividends of both volume and price, while skin care and cleansing products have mainly driven sales growth through increased sales. The company achieved net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies in the first three quarters. 400,000 yuan, an increase of 0 over the same period last year. 580,000 yuan; realized net deduction of non-net profit 2. 380,000 yuan, an increase of 0 over the same period last year. The increase in net profit and non-net profit was mainly due to the company’s sales growth. The company’s net cash flow from operating activities in the first three quarters was zero. 73 trillion, a decrease of 1 over the same period last year. US $ 1.4 billion, which can be used to obtain cash inflows from the sales of goods and the provision of labor services. (19. 43%) is less than the growth rate of revenue expansion, an increase of 3 over the same period last year. 45 ppm to 21. 19 trillion; At the same time, cash may be used to purchase goods, and cash paid for labor services is increased by 2. 10 billion, taxes and fees increased by 0. 8.8 billion yuan. (2) Comprehensive gross profit margin rose by 0. 71pct, the cost rate increased by 0 during the period. 19pct’s consolidated gross profit margin for the first three quarters of 2019 was 63. 85%, an increase of 0 compared with the same period last year. The first three quarters of operating costs increased by 30 per year. 79%; in the third quarter of this year, operating costs increased significantly by 64. 36%, an increase far exceeding the corresponding revenue growth rate, increasing operating costs dragged the company’s gradual gross profit margin higher than the first half of the report. The company produces humectants in raw materials (15. 69%), actives (55. 14%), grease wax (321. 82%) and emulsifier (29. 47%) The unit price has increased on average to a different extent compared to the same period last year. Among them, the company’s products are upgraded and selected to purchase more active actives. The shortage of supply in the silicone market has pushed up the price of related materials in waxes and other factors.Up. Only the packaging (-26. 15%) Unit price appears temporarily for ten years. The company’s comprehensive expenses during the period are 48. 05%, about 0 in the same period last year. 19 shares per share, sales / management (excluding R & D) / finance / R & D expense ratios are 39. 43% / 6. 49% / 2. 28%, a change of 0 from the same period last year. 31 / -0. In the first half of 2019, the company incurred sales expenses5. 230,000 yuan, an increase of 33 compared with the same period last year. 49%. The increase in sales expenses and sales rate was mainly due to the increase in online and offline advertising promotion in the first half of the year, and the increase in promotion and promotion expenses increased; management expenses (excluding R & D expenses) 1 were incurred. 420,000 yuan, an increase of 39 over the same period last year. 78% (an increase of 4046. 390,000 yuan), mainly due to equity incentive amortization; the company incurred research and development expenses of 0. 470,000 yuan, an increase of 33 in ten years. 81%, mainly due to increased R & D investment, active development of new products and technological transformation. (3) Multi-channel, multi-brand, ecological and comprehensive development, effectively promoting revenue and net profit growth Through brand upgrades, new product listings and online and offline integration of interactive marketing have driven the company’s revenue to steadily grow. Among the sales channels, e-commerce channels have grown rapidly; the company has in-depth cooperation with Tmall, JD.com and other consumer electronics platforms to continue to refine operations, strengthen crowd analysis, integrate media resources, and improve the content marketing system. In addition, the company continues to develop a single-brand store operation model, build a healthy and beautiful smart store model, gradually build a brand matrix, and seize growth opportunities from multiple perspectives. At the same time, the company’s sales of fist products are improving, which is conducive to the company’s brand awareness and market share. Taking the Double Eleven presale data as an example, as of the evening of October 28, 2019, the company’s explosive product Black Sea Salt Bubble Mask (Double Eleven price 79. 90 yuan) in Tmall flagship store sales has exceeded 14. 800,000 pieces, which is expected to bring corresponding 1182 million (d) human resources to promote the company’s development. Supply chain management escorted production to the company. 合肥夜网 After the reorganization of the company, the post-90s talents were injected after the 90s, which injected young blood into the company and made the company younger., Diversification and internationalization. At the same time, the company has designed a variety of incentive mechanisms for talents of different levels and grades, so that the initiative and enthusiasm of employees are enhanced, which provides a feasible guarantee for achieving performance growth. In terms of production and supply, the company newly introduced equipment such as automatic glass bottle cleaning and drying lines, which improved the overall production efficiency. Increasingly mature supply chain management in materials procurement, manufacturing and logistics distribution allows companies to quickly adapt to today’s rapidly changing markets. 杭州桑拿In addition, the company must also attach great importance to environmental protection, continue to uphold the concept of green and low-carbon environmental protection, strictly control the company’s environmental, safety, energy consumption, sewage treatment and other indicators, and all factories and office areas in the factory to achieve waste management. Investment suggestion We believe that the company’s scale has maintained continuous growth in traditional brands and traditional channels, and gradually vigorously promote the multi-brand, multi-category, multi-channel ecological development strategy, which is guided by consumer demand and gradually develops in accordance with channels. Organizational platform provides protection for the company’s ecological growth, realizes maximum resource sharing, and improves production and operation efficiency; the brand is continuously upgraded and new products are listed, and popular products are sold to promote the brand image and promote the brand spirit; integration of magazines, variety shows and spokespersonMarketing expands brand awareness; economical scientific research and innovation capabilities achieve brand quality assurance; combined with the company’s scale expansion and continuous improvement in gross profit margin, we predict that the company will achieve revenue of 29/2019/2020 respectively. 110 thousand yuan, net profit 3. 79 trillion, corresponding to a PS of 5. 84 times, corresponding PE is 47/38/31 times, maintaining the “recommended level”. The risks indicate the risk of intensified competition in the cosmetics industry and the risk of incubation of new projects.
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Coogler’s Imaginative Black Panther a Heroically Timeless Spectacle Before the Marvel Cinematic Universe, otherwise known as the MCU, became a thing, Marvel Studios got started with tidy, entertainingly self-contained adventures like Iron Man and, to a much lesser extent, The Incredible Hulk. But things began to change somewhat with the release of Iron Man 2 in 2010, the studio starting to rather obviously be planning something bigger, planting little tidbits of extra information that hinted towards the larger comic book universe everything was building towards. While 2011’s Captain America: The First Avenger and Thor still worked in and of themselves, it was also clear both were engineered to be prequels to 2012’s The Avengers, this massive superhero team-up the end all, be all for the MCU. This has been an issue that’s only grown in magnitude and obviousness as the MCU has expanded. While sequels like Iron Man 3 and Captain America: The Winter Soldier have overcome feeling like prequels to a different story audiences haven’t seen yet, other entries into this super-powered universe, efforts like Thor: The Dark World, Avengers: Age of Ultron and Captain America: Civil War, struggled to come across as anything other than vehicles conceived and designed to get all of these characters into one place at the right time for this May’s massive Avengers: Infinity War, none of them working outside of the larger story being told and as such aren’t very entertaining or worth watching more than once. Not that Marvel hasn’t made some very entertaining movies. Both Guardians of the Galaxy adventures are a heck of a lot of fun, as are Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Thor: Ragnarok and Spider-Man: Homecoming. But none of them feel as if they are willing to take much in the way of a risk, and while filmmakers like James Gunn and Taika Waititi seem to have had some liberty to make the interstellar exploits of the crew of The Milano and the Nordic wanderings of the God of Thunder their own, it was equally apparent Marvel wasn’t going to allow them stray too far afield in a way that would make getting to Avengers: Infinity War more difficult than it needed to be. In my opinion this way of doing things has always hampered the films of the MCU to varying degrees, and while some of the entries have flirted with greatness, sadly none of them has ever been able to actually get there. These are nice movies, fun little throwaway larks featuring comic book favorites that are almost all initially enjoyable if also equally frustrating in that almost none are worth returning to for a second look. More, even though each follows a different set of characters with their own unique powers, they all still follow the same template, making being surprised by anything that ends up transpiring at any point during their respective narratives almost impossible. All of which makes Ryan Coogler’s turn behind the camera captaining one of these MCU installments even more impressive. After making a striking debut with 2013’s based-on-fact, tragically devastating drama Fruitvale Station and following that up with the stunning, Oscar-nominated Rocky spin-off Creed in 2015, the young writer/director was seemingly given the keys to the kingdom by Marvel as it pertained to Black Panther, the studio apparently feeling comfortable to let him do whatever he wanted with this story of an African superhero from the secluded fictionalized nation of Wakanda. He makes a movie that’s unlike anything else in the MCU, and while certain beats and story points follow a traditional pattern, the world Coogler has crafted as well as the people he has constructed to live within it are so uniquely three-dimensional I sat in mesmerized awe for every single second of the film’s briskly paced 134-minute running time. After the death of his father, Prince T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman) returns home to the African nation of Wakanda to be crowned King. He is joined on the trip by his trusted protector Okoye (Danai Gurira) and his nation’s most highly skilled spy Nakia (Lupita Nyong’o), his grieving mother Ramonda (Angela Bassett) and his inventive technological genius sister Shuri (Letitia Wright) eagerly awaiting his return back at the royal palace. Unbeknownst to the majority of the world save for a trusted few, T’Challa is also the Wakandan protector known as the Black Panther, a vibranium-clad hero entrusted to keep his people safe from the prying eyes outsiders. On a secret mission to capture international arms dealer Ulysses Klaue (Andy Serkis), things go sideways for T’Challa, Okoye and Nakia when CIA analyst Everett K. Ross (Martin Freeman) unexpectedly shows up on the scene at just the wrong time. They get even worse when the mysterious mercenary Erik Killmonger (Michael B. Jordan) becomes involved, his knowledge of Wakanda, its culture and its secrets catching everyone by surprise. Turns out, he also has a claim to the country’s throne, and what he wants to do with it if he is able to snatch it out from underneath T’Challa will have a calamitous impact upon the clueless nations of the Earth. The basic thrust of Coogler and Joe Robert Cole’s screenplay revolves around a recognizable hero’s journey Joseph Campbell would have been more than pleased with. T’Challa’s quest will be one of success, failure and redemption that will open his eyes to a wider world, helping him understand where his people and his country need to go next in order to continue to thrive and prosper. It’s pretty standard fair, and none of what happens should shock anyone, and while Black Panther isn’t an origin story, there are certainly elements of one planted throughout the motion picture like little hidden Easter Eggs waiting to be discovered. Thankfully, Coogler and Cole have gone out of their way to make something extraordinary out of these and a handful of additional familiar tropes inherent to the genre. They have made it a point to make these characters fiercely intelligent and more than capable of standing up for themselves no matter their age, gender or life experience. They make decisions that are both good and bad, learning in the process how to stay true to their core beliefs or, if they are unable to do so, pay a steep price for this moral failure. It is a movie that celebrates African culture in manner comic book epics of this size and budget never have before, Coogler presenting a fully realized vision that’s is colorful, dynamic and impressively genuine. Boseman is outstanding. Jordan crafts arguably the MCU’s most intriguing, angrily heartfelt and tragically multifaceted villain, doing so with a fiery emotional verisimilitude that’s astonishing. Serkis steals scenes left and right, his maniacal exuberance as Klaue downright infectious. As for Freeman, he’s obviously having a befuddled blast as his CIA operative discovers there’s much more to Wakanda than initially meets the eye, his ultimate emergence as a hero as well justifiably worthy of a tiny little cheer of its own. Veteran Forest Whitaker (whose character I won’t go into any detail about whatsoever) and perennial bad-ass Bassett make the most of any moment they happen to be a part of, while rising stars Daniel Kaluuya (an Oscar nominee for 2017’s Get Out) and Winston Duke each get a handful of opportunities to make a lasting impression they’re more than up to the challenge of making the most of. But it is the young women fighting alongside T’Challa who prove to be the most memorable members of this stellar ensemble. Each manages to create unique, captivating characters I found I kept wanting to spend more and more time with, all doing so in their own idiosyncratic way. But while Nyong’o and Wright get the most playfully lively opportunities to charm, it is the fiercely dedicated passion Gurira brings to her portrayal of the warrior Okoye that impressed me the most. She is dazzling, commanding the screen with her intricately nuanced turn and in the process added layers of depth and meaning to the character as well as the to the film as a whole that took my breath away. I was stunned by what she was doing, Gurira deserving of becoming a major international star and here’s my hope that after people see here in this that’s exactly what happens. Featuring incredible camerawork from Academy Award nominee Rachel Morrison (Mudbound) and gorgeous costumes designed by the great Ruth E. Carter (Selma), the visual aesthetics of all that Coogler has envisioned is of an imaginatively creative scale unlike anything I had anticipated. More than that, though, he and Cole have also manufactured the MCU’s most explicitly political film, the pair’s story talking about issues of race, protectionism, humanitarianism, police brutality, political fascism and immigration policy that comes alive as if it was pulled from today’s most recent headlines. But they do so in a way that never preaches, that isn’t forced but is instead an integral part of T’Challa’s journey to becoming the type of hero his people can be proud of. In the process, Black Panther becomes a movie that grows beyond its comic book roots, Marvel allowing Coogler the freedom to craft a vital, representative, culturally authentic and universally reflective adventure almost certain to be enjoyed, debated and discussed for many years to come. – Review reprinted courtesy of the SGN in Seattle Film Rating: 3½ (out of 4)
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Cenexperts® Blog | Kyle Parker Read blog posts by Kyle Parker, District Manager, CHS Lubricants. Kyle Parker District Manager, CHS Lubricants Kyle Parker has over twelve years of lubricant sales experience with CHS Inc. He is currently a North Region District Manager supporting dealer customers and local sales teams in Wisconsin and southern Minnesota. Expertise Kyle holds a Bachelor of Science degree from UW-Stevens Point and has worked for CHS since 2008. Fact When not at work, Kyle and his wife Paula, are busy with 3 their young kids who are active in baseball, basketball and gymnastics. When time allows, Kyle enjoys hunting and fishing, especially bowhunting for whitetail deer and elk.
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Looking for Best Child Behavioral Therapist Near Me?…Lets talk about something called better assistance which is an online treatment platform and I’m also going to inform you how you can get 2 weeks without better aid services but first if you’re brand-new to the channel my name is Lauren and I make articles about what it’s like dealing with schizophrenia or schizoaffective condition alright so prior to I start I simply wish to let you know that there is a link in the description below to access the two weeks totally free trial membership to much better assistance you can try it totally run the risk of totally free no strings attached and see how you like it um so what is better assistance much better aid is an online therapy service that is sort of an option to in-person therapy a membership to much better aid gives you access to a therapist basically whenever and it consists of limitless text audio and video messaging as well as a weekly live session now I’ve attempted this out and my therapist stated that you can sort of break up those weekly sessions nevertheless you see fit – so she stated you can have perhaps 3 20-minute sessions or a one-hour session it’s sort of whatever fits your schedule and whatever fits your needs the best so I myself have actually tried it out like I said I have a therapist through better help and it’s truly truly easy interacting with them they have a website that’s extremely simple to communicate with as well as an app on your phone that you can send out instantaneous messages through you can you can voice call through you can even video chat through and it’s really truly easy to browse so I want to talk to you a bit more about my experience with much better help to kind of give you a concept about what it resembles using it so it took me a while to find the right therapist if I’m being truthful so um I experimented with a couple of therapists to begin with none really felt like a great fit which’s actually important I think even when discovering a therapist out in the real life with in-person interactions is that you require to truly operate at finding one who’s going to be a truly great suitable for you and there’s this it’s no exception for better assistance either so don’t be afraid to experiment with different therapists if the first one you get doesn’t seem like the very best fit you can keep browsing up until you find like you have a really great connection with the therapist that you’re compared with the service makes it truly easy to just change therapists when I seemed like I wasn’t actually connecting with my very first couple therapists I simply chose I believe it’s simply an alternative in the app where you can look for Best Child Behavioral Therapist Near Me From the age of about 13 onwards, I have actually suffered from higher-than-seems-normal levels of anxiety, and while I have actually primarily come to terms with being tense and a bit doomy, I certainly wouldn’t mind being less so. I’ve had counselling before, and it does assist. And drawing back from my own (relatively subtle) problems for a moment, could e-counselling be the answer to the mental health issues escalating amongst under-30s? With cuts to mental health services actually starting to bite, digitised therapy could be just the ticket for young adults who currently filter almost every aspect of their lives– pals, work, sex, entertainment– through a screen. Not everyone is totally persuaded that moving mental health care online is the way forward. “For me, what works in treatment is when you meet someone face-to-face, in the same room,” says London-based psychotherapist Sandra Tapie. “You are familiar with not just what it resembles to speak to the individual, however how it feels to be in a space with them. Utilizing Skype is the next best thing: it’s ‘good enough’, but it does not create the closeness, the intimacy, that really gets individuals to open and check out things.”. ” I have actually carried out some research into Skype counselling,” says London-based psychotherapist Dr Aaron Balick, “and it’s not the ‘practical equivalent’ of traditional counselling; it’s just not quite the same thing. It’s really important that people who take part in it understand that it’s a different experience from being in the space with somebody, speaking face-to-face.” Best Child Behavioral Therapist Near Me
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Ministry Programs in Guatemala Impact the Lives of Young Filmmakers — Mary Kathryn Tiller · Tuesday, August 7, 2018 — It’s five in the morning, and sisters Emily and Hannah Puder are sipping on warm cups of coffee, preparing to shoot the sunrise over Antigua, Guatemala. They are two of the eleven students who were chosen to participate in the first trip of its kind for Regent University and Orphan Outreach. Together, these students and their professors, Vince Williams and Peggy Southerland, were ready to find the stories of those served by Orphan Outreach — but they weren’t prepared to have their own stories impacted forever. Vince Williams was a new hire for Professor Peggy Southerland in 2017. An award-winning videographer, Williams embodies Regent’s mission to equip Christian leaders to change the world. “When I entered the film industry, my prayer was to use video to promote the message of Christ throughout the world. I saw film for what it was: the most powerful communication tool on earth. Film influences people. I waited for about a decade for God to answer that prayer when I met Amy Norton (Director of Programs for Orphan Outreach in Asia, Africa, and Eastern Europe) on a film set. We tried out a test run trip to Guatemala for three days and I've been volunteering for Orphan Outreach ever since. I have met some incredible people along the way. It has been truly life and career changing for me.” Williams says. When he accepted the position at Regent, Williams had already felt God place the dream to take students abroad on his heart. The opportunity came sooner than expected, however, when, during an open meeting with students, Professor Southerland suggested he organize a trip for that coming summer. Williams didn’t need convincing, and after an overwhelming show of support from Regent’s board of directors, what began as mere suggestion suddenly became a full fledge plan. “God’s hand has directed this trip from beginning to end. I trusted that He would take care of calling students if myself, Peggy, Orphan Outreach and Regent University could open the door for the trip. My desire was to bring students with a heart for mission work and a passion for the film industry. Amazing things can happen when you combine those two things.” Williams explains. Among those ten students were Emily and Hannah Puder, graduating seniors in Cinema-Television and Strategic Communications respectively, and Bruna Vilela, a junior in Cinema-Television. While some of the students had been abroad and on mission trips before, these three girls had not. This would be a completely new experience for them and they were thrilled. “I have always wanted to go overseas; I love to travel. I knew this would be an opportunity to use all the skills I’ve been learning for the past four years to create something that could really have an impact and change people's lives.” Hannah shares. Once they arrived, the students were divided into teams, each of which also included a director, a translator, and a representative from Orphan Outreach. The first team covered the Guatemala Association for Down Syndrome in Guatemala City providing holistic training and therapy to children with special needs and their families. The second filmed the Community Care Center in Chimaltenango focusing on the importance of education as a key to breaking the cycle of poverty. An all-girl team made up of Ms. Vilela, Ms. Puder and Ms. Puder told the story of Hope & Future, where efforts are being made to bring together the public and private sectors to provide true wraparound care to victims of sexual abuse and exploitation. Each day the teams would gather for breakfast, and then hear a short devotional and receive the rundown for the day from the Orphan Outreach trip leader, Ronne Rock. Then, they would break into their groups and head to their respective locations for a day of filming. Hannah Puder recalls her first visit to the government home for girls, located in Xela: “We had been prepped for the conditions that these girls had come from. It is sobering walking into that environment. Everything is purple and lime green. All their beds are together in one room. The girls are all together most of the time. The director had all the girls come in and teach us their morning chant: ‘We are blessed. We are prosperous. We are beautiful. We are made in God’s image.’ Something about that hit me because I was looking at these girls and they don’t look blessed, they don’t look prosperous. Yet, that is how they are welcoming us, as Americans.” As the girls moved between the government home and the private home, they could not help but be impacted by the stories they heard. Bruna Vilela was particularly affected by the interviews they recorded and often struggled to stay behind the camera: “Sometimes I’d go to Ronne and say, ‘I need a minute alone. Why am I feeling like this?’ You don’t know if you want to cry or punch a bag or scream at the top of your lungs. I became friends with two girls in particular and that was something really special.” The teams were able to accomplish their filming goal in just three days; a feat that is unheard of in the film industry. Once home, the students began the post-production process, editing three promotional films, three documentaries and one ‘behind the scenes” film. They plan on entering the documentaries into film festival circuit this fall.Their hope in submitting these films is singular: to inspire their viewers to action on behalf of these causes. “Our Facebook feeds are full of short films that make you cry; but, our challenge as filmmakers is to move people to action. I want to move the viewer towards a better understanding of the circumstances in Guatemala, the world, and ultimately of themselves.” says Emily. As for the students, their eyes have been opened to a whole new world of possibilities for their craft. “My mom has a saying”, Vilela shares, “‘What your eyes don’t see, your heart doesn’t feel.’ Well, my eyes have seen and my heart is feeling like it's never felt before. Telling these girl’s stories has given me a sense of satisfaction that I haven’t yet felt as a filmmaker. I don't know what that means for my future exactly, but I know I want to continue helping people and sharing their stories with the world.” Several of the students echo Vilela’s desire to continue telling stories like those of Orphan Outreach programs by using the art of filmmaking. Others, like Emily Puder, have committed to loving those in her local community better than before. “I’m certain this trip will have an impact and a legacy for years to come.” Williams says. Orphan Outreach is excited to unveil the new promotional videos this fall. We are certain the hard work and dedication of these students will shine through as well as their invitation for you to get involved in the incredible work happening through our partnerships in Guatemala.
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Can you imagine a God who dances with shouts of joy, laughs when you laugh, loves to play, enjoys life, and invites us to join the fun? I couldn’t until recently. I grew up with a very serious, workaholic God. Even when my theology changed, I struggled to live into my new way of thinking. Then Jesus words Unless you become like a child you cannot enter the kingdom, began to resonate in my head. What childlike characteristics shape us into the people God intends us to be? I posted my question on Facebook and was amazed at the response. Curiosity, imagination, playfulness, creativity, awe and wonder, compassion, love of nature, trust and many more emerged. I chose 12 and explore them in The Gift of Wonder encouraging us to develop fresh spiritual practices that engage all our senses and help us to live a new kind of spiritual life that embraces the wonder and joy that God intends for us. The chapter ends with a creative spiritual exercise based on the characteristic discussed in it. These exercises are designed as both individual and group activities and encourage us to think outside the box and enjoy the presence of the fun loving, joy filled God we follow. Response to The Gift of Wonder The wonder of mountains , of blue skies and seas The wonder of prairies and trees The wonder of childhood so joyfully free All eclipsed by the wonder of three* Three in a dance filled with frolic and glee Calling to others come join in the spree Delight in each other they’re unhindered, free The essence of joy flowing out from the three The rustle of leaves *sstsstsssts as wind blows through trees Listen, the cadence of soft flowing breeze Wistful the spirit now flirts in the lees Of hearts young like children or bees So rise up my soul in great joy , if you please Join whimsical rhythm of wind in the trees Don’t mince words or thought, simply reach for the keys To the kingdom now present in sight, sound and breeze *the trinity of course *Listen to the swish of the wind over poplar leaves and the percussion as they embrace one another” The comment below is from a young mother involved in a Gift of Wonder study group: My prayer time has changed so much just since starting this study of “The Gift of Wonder.” I no longer feel that I have to cram it in whenever the kids are both asleep (which is never… I almost never had prayer time ). Now I just sit at the table while M. brings me toys and R. kicks around in my lap and I pray. I no longer feel that I have to read a certain number of Bible pages or for a set time. I read some scripture, but also Mary Oliver, John O’Donahue, Edna St. Vincent Millay, and various prayer books and devotional resources… Just finished reading, praying, and coloring while Mary sat next to me eating a cupcake and watching birds on the feeder today. So in between verses of the Lord’s Prayer, “Look, a nuthatch!” “The downy woodpecker is back.” “I see five finches.” Etc. This no longer feels distracted or silly to me. It does feel prayerful, meaningful, fulfilling. I’m seeing/feeling God’s presence, even in my scattered, crazy life with little kids.” Endorsements for Gift of Wonder Christine Sine has always provided a consistently prophetic voice that is always edged with intelligence and grace and enfolded in an active spirituality of discipleship. This book continues in that vein. The Gift of Wonder takes the reader on a journey of discovery through the integration of goodness, beauty, and truth. A great read. Alan Hirsch, author of numerous books on mission, discipleship, and leadership. Founder of 5Q Collective and Forge Mission Training Network. For many, the term ‘spiritual disciplines’ conjures thoughts of monotonous practices performed alone and by rote. But not for Christine Sine. With her usually exuberant style she reimagines the spiritual practices as communal activities that restore the intense joy and unbridled enthusiasm God wants for all followers. The Gift of Wonder is indeed a gift for anyone wanting to explore more creative approaches to the spiritual disciplines. The exercises and prayers are worth the price of admission alone. Michael Frost, author, Surprise the World, and Keep Christianity Weird. Play, pray, plant, paint! Christine Aroney-Sine invites us to recover our childlike sense of wonder. Each page encourages us to pause, to exhale, to breathe in each moment with holy awe. Sine offers wise, practical ways to care for our souls by cultivating gardens—all around us. This is lived theology, rooted in the world, mediated through our eyes and ears, hearts and hands. I’m grateful for such respite and creative renewal. Craig Detweiler, President, The Seattle School of Theology & Psychology There’s a deep desire among so many people I work with as a spiritual director and pastor to connect with God in a new way, to get out of their heads and into their bodies and hearts, to lighten up and play, to experience joy and healing. Christine Sine is one of my favorite writers and practitioners because she brings things to life in simple yet profound ways; the Gift of Wonder is a wonderful mix of accessible spiritual practices, stories, and hope for those who long to experience the kingdom of God here, now. I have no doubt it will re-kindle delight and ignite our sense of wonder for all who engage with it. Kathy Escobar, Co-Pastor of The Refuge and author of Faith Shift: Finding Your Way Forward When Everything You Believe is Coming Apart I trust Christine Sine to teach me about wonder because she lives with playful curiosity, discovering beauty in the unexpected and the everyday details of life— and she writes with uncommon eloquence and simplicity. Mark Scandrette, author of Belonging and Becoming, Practicing the Way of Jesus and FREE. As a pastor committed to the spiritual nurture and formation of my congregation, this book is a dream resource. Christine Aroney-Sine doesn’t just re-cover the by-now familiar ground of spiritual practices laid out by others, she brings to bear research, commentary, story and practical experience that make her contemporary take on these practices (and the large number of new practices she offers) applicable to a huge range of settings, learning styles and intelligences. A rare strength of what she offers is that it isn’t a soft spirituality but a robust approach that has something in it for men as well as women. Any individual, group or leader will find creative inspiration, and sustenance to flourish in this book. Mark Pierson, pastor, worship curator, author “The Art of Curating Worship: reshaping the role of worship leader.” “In a culture that values adult things it will stretch us to explore Jesus’ crucial observation that we can only enter the Kingdom through childlikeness. To explore that strange reality we’ll need some friends on the journey. Christine Sine is such a friend, inviting us into the kind of rich, whole person, communal engagement with God we knew as children. If you join her on this playful, messy, wonder-full adventure, you might never be the same again!” Mandy Smith, pastor and author of “Making a Mess and Meeting God” and “The Vulnerable Pastor” Jesus talks about childlike trust in God. The Apostle Paul writes about compassion and thankfulness. These themes play a big role in Christine Sine’s new book. Using stories from the Bible, creative exercises, reflection questions, and her own beautiful poems, Sine addresses the question of how we can bring joy to God and how we can live out the Christian faith as a journey of discovery. The topics of her book – awe, play, curiosity, creativity, imagination, adventure, and wonder – bring balm to the soul in this age of fear and polarization. She guides us on pathways to experience God’s generous gifts and to grow in contentment and peace in Christ. Lynne M. Baab, PhD, author of Sabbath Keeping and Nurturing Hope: Christian Pastoral Care in the Twenty-first Century Spiritual practice is designed to awaken us to God’s presence, but it need not be boring. Sine has produced a brave work here, inviting spiritual seekers to become like children—playful, curious, and trusting. With Sine’s guidance and support you will discover the God who delights in you and unlock a wellspring of joy. Phileena Heuertz, Founding Partner Gravity, a Center for Contemplative Activism. Author of Pilgrimage of a Soul: Contemplative Spirituality for the Active Life and Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation Refreshing and helpful, The Gift of Wonder, soothed my oft weary spirit. In our polarized, driven, and consumer-obsessed culture, this book is an invitation into God’s creative freedom. Sine not only encourages us to wonder again like a little child, she also gives practical ways to experience God’s delight. From the childlike characteristic of playfulness to trust, Sine leads us into a rare and grace-filled space of choosing joy. Dr. MaryKate Morse, author and Professor of Leadership & Spiritual Formation Portland Seminary “Friends, Christine Sine’s The Gift of Wonder is a book of wisdom and delight! It is truly an extraordinary, life-changing book because it is a book overflowing with Life! Repeatedly while reading I found myself grinning and laughing from sheer joy. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel wrote, “Only one response can maintain us: gratefulness for witnessing the wonder…” Gratefulness in the form of paying attention, adoring the work of God in the world, and reveling in the mystery of our own life and our lives woven together pervades Christine’s The Gift of Wonder. From philosophical and theological reflection to practical application, Christine shares how to see anew through appreciating God’s goodness infused all about us. She gives full permission to play – to delight in the Lord’s delight of each of us! Read this and then live it; it’s that good.” Clint Baldwin, CEO Word Made Flesh Christine Aroney-Sine opens up wonder for us, firstly in the title itself, by returning us to wonder as it is, a gift. She invites us to child-like questioning, creative activations, and provocative inspiration in such a way that we come away, changed. Life with its constant busy pace can lose some of the flavour of wonder and we need this challenge to return, to explore, to discover. Christine uses her own life stories, together with the woven stories of others and applications that are easy and practical, to flesh out each aspect of wonder. Her crafted prayers are spring boards into contemplation, and you cannot come away without a sense of transforming spiritual renewal. Whether done together with a group, your family, or alone, this book will call forth wonder inside of you, in a playful adventurous way. Jenneth Graser, Author of Catching the Light Dr Christine Aroney-Sine originally brought, to my attention, the verses from Isaiah that became the foundation for Mercy Ships following the 2,000 year old model of Jesus. She put in countless hours of selfless labor, updating our first hospital for surgery. She also led the team that recruited Dr Gary Parker for a short term Medical outreach that became a lifelong calling as a surgeon for the poor. I am sure that The Gift of Wonder will also guide others towards the word of God and draw them closer to God’s calling for them. Don Stephens – President Mercy Ships. Christine Sine’s wonderful new offering, ‘The Gift of Wonder’ is a very special read. Uplifting and informative, inspiring and encouraging, this book has you engrossed from the start, and hungry for more. In it we discover a God who delights in us, who finds joy in our joy, and is always beckoning us back to a child-like faith, and revealing to us the keys to the kingdom. As well as reminding us of the God who is the source of our joy, and who finds delight in us, Christine give us a wealth of creative and imaginative ideas and tools for living out our new insights, to help turn our days into records of praise, and gratitude. Christine also reminds us of the places and relationships in which we find God, and how through compassion and hospitality we might image the God we discover in contemplation, and in community. This wonderful treasure trove can be enjoyed individually, as well as in a group and can be returned to again and again, as each time we draw a myriad of insights and benefits from its wealth of wisdom. Ana Lisa de Jong, Living Tree Poetry. Author of ‘The Poetry for the Soul’ Series, and new releases ‘Heart Psalms’ and ‘Thrice Blessed’ “The Gift of Wonder is a joyful and profoundly serious invitation to get dirty and play with the Creator. This book makes me want to get outside, take out some art supplies, become curious, and experience divine delight! If you are craving a fresh approach to connecting with God, this book will ignite your imagination and inspire you to explore new life giving practices.” The poet Mary Oliver famously gave these instructions for life: “Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.” The Gift of Wonder is a guidebook for the attentive and astonished life. Take its message to heart and your eyes will be opened, like Elisha’s servant, to see the horses on the hills. You will be more alive to God’s abundant love, joy, provision, and even playfulness. Christine Aroney-Sine has been an inspiration and mentor for me on my own journey toward a more embodied, holistic, and creative life of faith; she is also a tremendous writer. The words that kept ringing in my ears as I read this book: “The Gift of Wonder is a wonderful gift.” Once, after baptizing some young children, I invited them to splash in the baptismal font and even splash the congregation a bit too. I could see a lot of uptight “adults” all around. While I prayed that wonderful prayer after baptism, which ends, “Sustain them O Lord in your Holy Spirit, Give them an inquiring and discerning heart, the courage to will and to persevere, a spirit to know and to love you, (as I said these words I pointed to the children splashing in the water) AND THEJOY AND WONDER IN ALL YOUR WORKS. AMEN.” In The Gift of Wonder, Christine Aroney-Sine is pointing to those splashing in the water, inviting us to do more of the same, in order to be more of what God intends for us to be”. Order Your Book Today! Gift of Wonder – Bonus Packet Download$0.00 Add to cart Gift of Wonder Book$11.85 Buy product Gift of Wonder Book + Prayer Cards Bundle$21.99 Add to cart Gift of Wonder Prayer Cards – Download$5.99 Add to cart Gift of Wonder Prayer Cards (1 Set)$11.99 Add to cart Gift of Wonder Prayer Cards (3 Sets)$29.99 Add to cart
{ "date": "2022-01-23T18:04:48Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304309.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20220123172206-20220123202206-00239.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9306092858314514, "token_count": 3342, "url": "https://godspacelight.com/the-gift-of-wonder/" }
In the 1940s and ’50s, Ricardo Ocreto Alvarado made it his mission to document his world – San Francisco’s Filipino-American community – by photographing his family and friends at their homes, at their jobs, and places where they played. Selecting from some 3,000 black-and-white images he left when he died in 1976, his daughter, Janet M. Alvarado, has curated an enaging show of several dozen of the pictures, “Compositions: A Filipino American Experience,” on view at the San Francisco Public Library through Dec. 7. The exhibition “captures and reveals the lives, cultures, hardships and joys of a generation that needs remembering,” Alvarado writes in notes accompanying the display. Grouped by theme and location, the historical photos show life in South Park, South of Market, the Presidio, the Fillmore, Western Addition and Bayview-Hunters Point – areas where Filiipino Americans worked as cooks, dishwashers, barbers and houseboys in the post-World War II era. Alvarado, who came to California in 1928 at 14, served in the U.S. Army during the war, and held jobs including janitor, houseboy and cook. The collection reveals that Alvarado was insightful and successful, as his daughter notes, in obeserving, “with his camera’s eye, ordinary people in everyday situations.” The most fun photos showcase folks in extracurricular activities, such as the prim and proper young women in gowns at a box social in the 1950s or at more leisurely sock hop. Music also played a big role in the Filipino community, whose members bonded with African Americans. A series of photos taken in the Fillmore showcases sleekly attired blacks and Filipinos performing, and enjoying, music. Seemingly a stranger to noone, Alvarado tooks picture of weddings, funerals, parties and family gatherings. He shot street scenes, beauty pageants, and food and agricultural workers. One of his most charming images is a 1950s-era portrait of his wife, Norberta, pictured with a car in 2900 block of Pine Street, near their first residence in The City. Not long after, Alvarado stopped taking photos, and returned with his wife to the Philippines. The exhibition also has eye-catching antiques, such as vintage film, darkroom supplies purchased at Fillmore Camera, as well as the photographer’s camera bag. IF YOU GO Compositions: A Filipino American Experience Where: Skylight Gallery, sixth floor, Main Library, 200 Larkin St., S.F. When: Noon to 5 p.m. Sundays, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays and Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesdays-Thursdays, noon to 6 p.m. Fridays; closes Dec. 7 Contact: (415) 557-4400, www.sfpl.org
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So sorry to see the news tonight of the death of Clark Gillies at the age of 67. Born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, in 1954, Gillies played a dozen unrelenting years on the left wing for the New York Islanders in the 1970s and early ’80s, captaining the team for three seasons and winning four Stanley Cup championships. He played his final season-and-a-half in the NHL with the Buffalo Sabres before his retirement in 1988. The Islanders retired his number, 9, in 1996, and in 2002 he was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame. The Islanders paid their respects tonight: they’re here. Sorry to say that Curt Ridley has died at the age of 70. Born in Winnipeg in September of 1951, he got his NHL start at the age of 23 with the New York Rangers in 1974 when Ed Giacomin was sidelined, nursing a wonky knee. Ridley was tending goals for the AHL Providence Reds that year when his coach, John Muckler, told him he’d be starting for the Rangers against the Boston Bruins. “Was he surprised?” Muckler was asked. “I dunno,” Muckler said. “He had his mask on.” The Bruins rang up six goals on Ridley before Giacomin limped in to relieve him. With Phil Esposito notching three goals and four assists, the Bruins won 11-3. Ridley found some redemption (and his first NHL win) ten days later when he was back in net for New York’s 2-1 triumph over the Kansas City Scouts. Ridley’s did his steadiest NHL work for the Vancouver Canucks, with whom he played parts of four seasons. He took several turns, too, in net for the Toronto Maple Leafs before his NHL career came to its end in 1981. In 2015, Curt Ridley was inducted into the Manitoba Hockey Hall of Fame. Sorry to hear of the death, late last week, of Charlie Burns at the age of 85. Born in Detroit in 1936, he grew up in Toronto and went on to join the OHA Junior A Marlboros in the early 1950s. He was 19 in 1954, starting his third year with the Marlboros, when he suffered a double skull fracture falling into the boards in an accident at practice. He underwent brain surgery, during which a silver plate was installed to stabilize his skill; he wasn’t expected to play hockey ever again. He recovered and did indeed return to the ice — wearing a helmet. It was in 1958, with the Allan-Cup-champion Whitby Dunlops of the EOHL that Burns starred at centre at the World Championships in Oslo, Norway, when Canada won gold. His teammates included Harry Sinden and tournament-leading-scorer Connie Broden; a 21-year-old Burns distinguished himself an ace penalty-killer, and was named the tournament’s outstanding forward. Burns launched into his NHL career that same year, with the Detroit Red Wings, and he went on to play 11 seasons, taking turns over time with the Boston Bruins, Oakland Seals, Pittsburgh Penguins, and Minnesota North Stars. Numberswise, his best year was 1968-69, when he notched 13 goals and 51 points for the Penguins. Midway through the following year, 1969-70, Burns was named playing-coach of the North Stars, succeeding Wren Blair, the man who’d coached him with Whitby a decade earlier. After going 10-22-12 in the regular season, Burns saw his regime come to an end after the North Stars were eliminated in six games in the Stanley Cup quarter-finals by the St. Louis Blues. He does maintain the distinction of being the last playing-coach in NHL history. After hanging up his skates in 1974, Burns served as assistant GM in Minnesota, making a return to the bench that year when he replaced Jack Gordon. His record that time around was 12-28-2 and in the summer of ’75, Burns gave way to a new coach, Ted Harris, returning to his GM duties. Saddened to hear the news that former Boston Bruins centreman Fred Stanfield has died at the age of 77. Born in Toronto in 1944, he broke into the NHL with the Chicago Black Hawks in 1964 before he was traded (along with Phil Esposito and Ken Hodge) to the Bruins in 1967 in exchange for Pit Martin, Gilles Marotte, and Jack Norris. In Boston, he often lined up with Johnnys Mackenzie and Bucyk, and in so doing, piled up six successive 20-goal seasons, aiding in a pair of Bruin Stanley Cup championships, in 1970 and ’72. He played two seasons with the Minnesota North Stars and parts of four others with the Sabres in Buffalo before he stowed his skates in 1978. So sorry to hear the news this evening of the death of Rod Gilbert at the age of 80. Born in Montreal in 1941, he only ever skated in the NHL as a New York Ranger. He was a speedy right winger who scored profusely for the Blueshirts: the 406 regular-season goals and 1,021 points he collected in his 18 seasons with New York are still tops among Rangers. In 1979, a year after his retirement, the seven Gilbert wore on his sweater became the first number to be retired by the Rangers. He was inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame in 1982. Sorry be hearing the news tonight that René Robert has died at the age of 72. Born in Trois-Rivières, Quebec, in 1948, he made his name in the 1970s as the right winger on the Buffalo Sabres’ famous French Connection line. Robert had suffered a heart attack in Florida a week ago. The Buffalo News has an obituary here. Saddened to have learned it, sorry to report it: former lofty defenceman Gilles Lupien died of cancer on Tuesday at the age of 67. Born in Lachute in 1954, he was drafted by Montreal in 1974 and joined the AHL’s Nova Scotia Voyageurs. At 6’6” and 210 pounds, he got into policing, and led the league in penalty minutes for two of the three full-time seasons he spent in the A. “I guess you can say they wanted me to be an enforcer,” Lupien said in 2010. “I think I did a good job.” He played three seasons with the Canadiens, collecting a single regular-season goal and 100+ penalty minutes in each one. His colleagues on defence included Serge Savard, Larry Robinson, and Guy Lapointe, which goes a long way to exaplaining why, at the end of both of the first two seasons in Montreal, in 1978 and again in ’79, Lupien hoisted the Stanley Cup with his teammates. He went on to play parts of two more NHL seasons, lining up with the Pittsburgh Penguins and Hartford Whalers before ending his on-ice career with a combative season with the AHL Binghampton Whalers in 1981-82. Gilles Lupien was, in recent years, a popular player agent. He described himself as an “above-average not-great player,” but maybe flag that for excess of modesty, because Johnny Peirson was a very proficient goalscorer in the 11 seasons he played the right wing for the Boston Bruins between 1946 and 1958, scoring 20 goals in four of those campaigns, and finishing among the NHL’s top ten scorers three times. Peirson, who was born in Winnipeg in 1925, died on April 16 at the age of 95. The Bruins’ alumni site has an obituary, here. After 98-year-old former Detroit Red Wing Steve Wochy, Peirson was the second-oldest NHLer. Peirson got much of his hockey upbringing in Montreal, where he chased high-school pucks for Westmount Academy before joining the Montreal Junior Canadiens. After a stint in the Canadian Army, he studied and skated at McGill. In 1946, he signed for Boston’s AHL farm team, the Hershey Bears, for a princely $4,500. As a rookie with the Bruins, Peirson found a berth on what teammate Woody Dumart dubbed the “Muscles Line,” for the irony: at 5’11” and 170 pounds, 22-year-old Peirson was the bulk of a unit that also counted centre Paul Ronty (6’, 150) and left winger Kenny Smith (5’7”, 155). “I would say I was above average because I was a better balanced player,” he told writer Frank Pagnucco, “a forward that knew how to backcheck. I had some defensive skills as well as being able to find the net sometimes.” The first time he retired was in 1954, when he was 28. He stashed his skates to go into the furniture business with his father-in-law, across the river from Boston in Cambridge. He unretired after a year, rejoining the Bruins in 1955. His first game back, he played on a line with Cal Gardner and Vic Stasiuk, scoring a goal and setting up another to spark the Bruins to a 4-1 home win over the Chicago Black Hawks. He played three seasons, after his comeback, and could have kept it going beyond that, maybe, but decided not to. “You reach a point in your career where you realized you’ve lost half a step,” he said, looking back. “In those days, with six teams, there weren’t a lot of places to go. I had a job offer which I had to weigh against the possibility of making the team again or moving to another team … and with four kids, that didn’t make any sense.” Regrets? Hockey-wise, he had at least a couple. “I’d have given my eyeteeth to play on a Stanley Cup winner,” he once said. He also wished he’d worked harder on developing his upper-body strength — his, well, muscles. “I would have been a better player. I lost a lot of battles and wasn’t able to do what I would like to have done from the point of view of strength.” While the Bruins Peirson played for never won a Stanley Cup, he was at close hand when the team started winning championships in the late 1960s, serving as a long-time colour analyst on Bruins’ TV and radio broadcasts alongside Fred Cusick. So sorry to hear the news that Bob Plager died in a car accident this afternoon in St. Louis. He was 78. Born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, he was an original Blue, joining brothers Barclay and Bill in St. Louis in 1967 after starting his NHL career with the New York Rangers. He played 10 seasons on the St. Louis blueline, and continued with the Blues beyond his retirement as a scout, executive, and (briefly) head coach. Saddened to hear this morning of Walter Gretzky’s death yesterday at the age of 82. Son Wayne posted a message late last night announcing the news on Twitter. The Toronto Star has an obituary of the world’s most famous hockey dad here, and Kevin McGran weighs in with a fond collection of Wally stories — along with a lovely image of the man himself in what always seemed like his natural habitat, the storied backyard rink back home in Gretzkytown, Brantford, Ontario. Sorry to see the news today that long-time Toronto Star hockey writer Frank Orr has died. Born in 1936, he grew up on a farm in Hillsburgh, Ontario, northeast of Guelph, to which (as he later said) Foster Hewitt’s voice carried from the gondola at Maple Leaf Gardens in the 1940s. “You grew up with it — it was the Saturday night of your life,” he recalled. “We watched games on radio.” He was a radio DJ before he started in newspapers, starting with the Cornwall Standard Freeholder and Guelph Daily Mercury before joining the Star’s sports department in 1961. Awarded the Elmer Ferguson Memorial Award and elected to the Hockey Hall of Fame as a member of the media in 1989, he said that witnessing Bobby Orr’s rise was one of the highlights of his career. “I saw him play his first major junior game at the age of 13 for Oshawa and watching him grow from the little blond-haired kid into one of the greatest players of all time was a thrill.” He noted, too, his admiration for Montreal defenceman Doug Harvey. “He wasn’t necessarily the best to have ever played, but he was my personal favourite,” he said. “I was also a big admirer of Red Kelly for the simple reason that he was an all-star defenceman as well as an all-star centre.” As well as treading the Leafs beat, Orr wrote more than 30 books, most of them non-fictional, there were novels, too, including a couple in the mid-’60s about a plucky young centre by the name of Buck Martin and, later, in 1983, the altogether bawdier Puck is a Four-Letter Word. Sad news tonight that Ralph Backstrom has died at the age of 83. A son of Kirkland Lake, Ontario, he played parts of 13 seasons at centre for the Montreal Canadiens starting in the late 1950s and on through the ’60s, winning six Stanley Cups and a Calder Trophy along the way. He skated for the Los Angeles Kings, too, and the Blackhawks in Chicago. In the WHA, he played for Chicago’s Cougars as well as the Denver Spurs/Ottawa Civics, and the New England Whalers. He later coached at the University of Denver and with the IHL Phoenix Roadrunners. He was a founder, too, of the Avalanche’s AHL affiliate, the Colorado Eagles. Dave Stubbs has a good look at Backstrom’s memorable career at NHL.com, here. (Top Image: Louis Jaques, Library and Archives Canada)
{ "date": "2022-01-23T20:34:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304309.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20220123202547-20220123232547-00519.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9823137521743774, "token_count": 3041, "url": "https://puckstruck.com/category/adieu/" }
Between 2014 and 2017, ISIS banned children’s toys in their occupied cities, labeling toys as forms of idolatry. Dolls, action figures, teddy bears and other toys with faces or eyes were forbidden. ISIS’s brutal campaigns across Iraq were intended to crush the hope of adults and children alike. “Children were oppressed (under Islamic State), they didn’t leave anything they didn’t ban,” a father named Hassan told Reuters. “Everyone was oppressed young and old.” After the fall of ISIS in 2017, Children’s toys were again allowed, and toy shops reopened to sell teddy bears, dolls, and other toys. Reuters reported that “Parents say buying these toys for their children will help them move on after three years of war and terror.” However, in ISIS’s wake, many families were displaced and forced to flee their homes. Many children still feel the effects of ISIS’s attempts to destroy their hope and happiness. “Children are traumatized; [ISIS] ruined schools, they ruined toys, [children’s] lives are hell,” another parent, named Taha, also told Reuters. For the Martyrs is traveling to Iraq to bring toys and Christmas presents to children who are still suffering after ISIS. Will you help make Operation Christmas to Iraq possible? Click here to learn more. Image: Acquired from this Borgen Project article: “10 Things You Should Know About Refugees in Iraq.”
{ "date": "2022-01-25T08:22:13Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320304798.1/warc/CC-MAIN-20220125070039-20220125100039-00599.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9803445339202881, "token_count": 320, "url": "https://forthemartyrs.com/isis-banned-toys-in-2014-were-on-a-mission-to-bring-toys-back-for-christmas/" }
When last we saw Elena Delle Donne on court, the two-time WNBA MVP had led the Washington Mystics to the 2019 championship, despite three bulging discs in her back. She hasn't played since, undergoing two back surgeries and sitting out the 2020 season in the WNBA bubble. But as the WNBA resumed play Sunday after a monthlong break for the Olympics, Delle Donne might also soon be making her return to the league. She has been practicing with the Mystics, and while there is no precise timetable for her to play, Delle Donne is hopeful her return is imminent. With the playoff race for the 2021 WNBA season starting to come into focus, the timing couldn't be better for the Mystics. Each team has between nine and 12 games left on the schedule over the next four-plus weeks before the regular season concludes Sept. 19. The top eight teams in the WNBA standings advance to the playoffs. The Las Vegas Aces (17-6) sit in first place, with the Connecticut Sun (16-6) and the Seattle Storm (16-7) not far behind. But after the fourth-place Minnesota Lynx (13-8), another half dozen teams are vying for a spot in the postseason. Washington (8-12) -- which hosts defending champion Seattle on Sunday (3 p.m. ET, ESPN) -- is currently one-half game behind the Dallas Wings for the final playoff spot. What should we might expect from Delle Donne when she returns to the Mystics and how will it affect their playoff potential? Our panel -- ESPN's Kelly Cohen, Dana Lee, Kevin Pelton and Mechelle Voepel -- tackles both questions, and examines whether the Lynx, who had won eight consecutive games before losing on the road at Connecticut on Tuesday, have become a championship contender. We also take a closer look at the front-runners, and which teams in the bottom half of the standings are the biggest threat for a playoff push. When she returns, how do you expect Elena Delle Donne to affect Washington? How far can the Mystics go with (or without) her? How does Myisha Hines-Allen's return also influence your answer? Kevin Pelton: It's tough to know what to expect from Delle Donne more than 22 months after her last WNBA game, the clinching Game 5 of the 2019 WNBA Finals. I don't think MVP-caliber play is realistic right away. As a result, I'd be surprised if the Mystics were able to get through the single-elimination gantlet this year. Dana Lee: Despite her absence this season, Delle Donne has remained part of the conversation because of the type of player she's expected to be when she comes back. Like Kevin, I'm more cautious because of the number of unknowns. What type of minute limitations will there be? How will Delle Donne respond to game speed after being away for so long? What effect will Delle Donne's return have on Tina Charles, who just recorded her ninth 30-point game of the season? How far the Mystics can go will depend on how successfully they navigate all of the above. Mechelle Voepel: Mystics coach Mike Thibault said that Delle Donne being back in practice brings moments when she will do something, and everyone will say, "Oh, yeah, that's the MVP we know." But as Kevin and Dana said, we just don't know how much she can play at that level, and neither does Delle Donne. It's obvious her hunger to play is there. And even a 75% Delle Donne is dangerous and takes up opponents' defensive energy. Charles has been carrying the Mystics. But with Hines-Allen now back and the hope that Delle Donne follows, maybe we'll see something closer this season to the Washington team Thibault envisioned when Charles was first traded to the Mystics in April 2020. Kelly Cohen: As someone who became a WNBA fan through living in Washington, and seeing the Mystics play in person for the first time a few years ago, I have been eagerly anticipating Delle Donne's return. Even though she hasn't played since October 2019, she remains the leader of the team. A former MVP is still going to be a positive addition to a team, even if she is playing restricted minutes or has some kinks to work through. Her return would signal a big change for the Mystics, who despite losing their first two games out of the Olympic break put up a strong fight against a very good Aces team. Provided Delle Donne and Charles can successfully mesh, and everyone else like Hines-Allen and Natasha Cloud stay healthy, I think the Mystics will now be able to push for a playoff spot. Have the Lynx played their way into being a championship contender, or are Seattle, Las Vegas and Connecticut still the front-runners? Pelton: The NBA rule of thumb is that a 5% chance of winning the title separates contenders from pretenders, and I think the Lynx clear that bar. (They win the championship in about 8% of my simulations of the rest of the season.) While those other teams have a much better chance of getting the double-bye, Minnesota has a chance to pull a rare semifinals upset -- particularly if the Lynx get Aerial Powers back from thumb surgery for the postseason. Lee: Calling the Lynx a championship contender still feels a very thin limb to go out on, especially after a 12-point loss against the Sun. But could they potentially pull off an upset late in the playoffs? Sure. Fowles has been dynamic all season, leading the league in field goal percentage. Part of the Lynx's 0-4 start in May was due to various players' overseas commitments and injuries, but since then, they have won 13 of their last 17 games and have settled in nicely. Voepel: The Lynx saw the best of Connecticut's shutdown defense in Tuesday's 72-60 loss, so let's see how they deal with it in the rematch Thursday. It helps to have Natalie Achonwa back for post depth (she had last played June 12 before returning Sunday), and as Kevin said, Powers would be a big lift. But to win a championship, you must have at least one take-over superstar. Sylvia Fowles has been that player and still can be. Napheesa Collier might be that in the future, but isn't there yet consistently. So, yes, the Storm, Aces and Sun are separate from the pack. After two losses without Breanna Stewart and Sue Bird, Seattle is in third place by a half-game. Guard Jewell Loyd had a combined 61 points in those two defeats and almost willed the Storm to victories in both. There's plenty of time to win their way back into one of the top two spots and the double-bye into the semifinals, but the Storm can't afford too many more stumbles in their last nine games. The Sun, who have won four in a row, are without Alyssa Thomas this season, but having Jasmine Jones back obviously makes a huge difference. As for the first-place Aces, A'ja Wilson is having another brilliant season as she looks to possibly repeat as MVP. Kelsey Plum -- who won 3x3 Olympic gold with fellow Aces guard Jackie Young -- is coming off her second-highest point total (24) of the season Tuesday. Chelsea Gray, who won 5-on-5 gold with Wilson for Team USA, is often at her best in crunch time. Liz Cambage, who said she feels rejuvenated after sitting out the Olympics, is a major force offensively and defensively. If that's the case the rest of this season, it's the best possible scenario for the Aces. Cohen: At the Olympic break, I sang the Lynx's praises. My critique was about Minnesota's defense, which is not to be downplayed but is obviously something that can be fixed. In the first two games back from the break, the Lynx held the Liberty to 78 points in a win, and the Sun to 72 points -- which would have been a good stat except that the Lynx scored 60 points. Turning defensive struggles around is a good thing, but not when your offense doesn't step up -- and that is something to watch in the next few games. Still, because the Lynx started the season so poorly but turned it around in such powerful fashion, they could make a run in the playoffs. The consistency they showed during the eight-game winning streak, including two wins over Las Vegas, makes me think they can compete with teams like the Aces and the Storm in the postseason. That said, the Aces' chemistry and depth are overwhelming. Wilson and Cambage work as well together as any duo in the league. Young is playing great at both ends. And Gray is still slinging the ball in wildly impressive ways. The only thing I'm worried about with the front-runners is how they stay motivated for the rest of the season to keep winning and to keep from peaking before the playoffs. Just 3½ games separate five teams in the second half of the WNBA standings. Which team -- New York, Washington, Dallas, Los Angeles or Atlanta -- has the biggest potential to make a playoff push? Cohen: Before the Olympic break, I tabbed the Wings as the best surprise of the season so far and was excited for what they could accomplish in the second half of the season. In addition to the obvious star in Arike Ogunbowale, Dallas has had amazing play from Marina Mabrey (my MIP in 2021), Allisha Gray and Satou Sabally, though I'm worried about her Achilles injury and how much time she might miss. The Wings are entertaining to watch, full of youthful enthusiasm and seem ready to make a playoff push. Pelton: Despite my answer to the previous question, I'm going with Washington with the return of not just Delle Donne but also Hines-Allen after the 2020 All-WNBA Second Team pick missed 10 of the Mystics' 18 games prior to the Olympic break. That's a huge boost to a short-handed frontcourt. Lee: Yes, the Wings entered the break on a three-game losing streak, but the remainder of their schedule looks favorable for a possible playoff push, with six of their nine games at home. Ogunbowale is seventh in the league in points per game and leads a team that while young (the Wings are the youngest in the WNBA), showed flashes of potential in each of their matchups against the Storm, which included a buzzer-beater upset. Voepel: Let's talk about the Los Angeles Sparks. Nneka Ogwumike is back after her knee injury and the Olympic disappointment. There was a scary moment in the first half of Tuesday's 85-80 overtime victory against Atlanta where Ogwumike was hit in the face and then fell awkwardly and left the court with everyone fearing she re-injured her left knee. But coach Derek Fisher said she was probably more "freaked out" than anything; she returned in the second half and nearly had a triple-double, with 13 points, nine rebounds and nine assists. Ogwumike played 37.5 minutes Tuesday and just less than 31 minutes in Sunday's 75-70 win over Indiana, shooting just two free throws between the two games. Fisher has not hidden his displeasure over that, and has tied it to a narrative that Ogwumike and the Sparks (who had no one in the All-Star Game) are not being respected. "We have to find a way to make sure that she's being treated the way a player of her caliber deserves to be treated," Fisher said Tuesday. "When we watch the men's game, we don't consistently see former MVPs and All-Stars and Olympians going to the free throw line two times when they play 40 minutes, on a regular basis. You just don't. So it shouldn't be different over here." This is a familiar kind of "us-against-the-world" coaching tactic, but there is something to it. Candace Parker left for Chicago as a free agent, top draft pick Jasmine Walker was lost early on for the season with a knee injury, Maria Vadeeva isn't going to play in the WNBA this season, Chiney Ogwumike is still out injured -- but the Sparks remain in the playoff race. Kristi Toliver's game-tying buzzer-beater Tuesday helped a lot, giving them the chance to get the OT win. Six of their last 11 games are against teams in the bottom six of the league. But they still have to face Connecticut three times -- twice on the road -- and the Sun have been the Sparks' nemesis the past two postseasons.
{ "date": "2022-01-21T14:13:35Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320303385.49/warc/CC-MAIN-20220121131830-20220121161830-00479.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9748948216438293, "token_count": 2694, "url": "http://insider.espn.com/wnba/story/_/id/32048100/how-elena-delle-donne-return-affect-wnba-playoff-race" }
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When it comes to returning to the classroom, school health and safety is among a top priority for many families. Edward-Elmhurst health, in partnership with NCTV17, offers a number of tips to protect your children. Why is it important for kids to get an annual physical, even if it’s not required that year? A lot can change in a year! When kids get regular check-ups, the doctor can make sure your child is growing and developing properly and take note of what has changed over the last year. The doctor can also make sure your child receives necessary vaccines at the proper ages to prevent the spread of How important is it to establish a sleep schedule/routine for kids (even older kids)? Quality sleep is essential to overall good school health. With quality sleep, children have improved mood and ability to focus. During sleep, the body is repairing itself and a child’s physiological processes are recuperating. As a result, a good night’s sleep can help kids fight off illness and stay healthy. Sleep is also essential for forming and retaining memories —an important part of learning! The secret to getting kids on a back-to-school sleep schedule lies in having healthy sleep habits year- round. A regular sleep schedule, as well as a quality sleep environment and other habits of good sleep hygiene, contribute to children’s academic achievements and overall well-being. - Set a regular bedtime and give your child about 30 minutes advance notice. - Establish bedtime rituals, such as brushing teeth, reading a story and, for young children, snuggling with a favorite stuffed toy. - Take the TV and video games out of the bedroom. - Make sure the bedroom is cool and well-ventilated. - Don’t give your child caffeinated beverages, such as cola or hot chocolate. The amount of sleep needed varies depending on your child’s age, activity levels, and individual needs. The National Sleep Foundation suggests the following guidelines: - Preschoolers (ages 3-5) require 10-13 hours of sleep - School-age children (ages 6-13) require 9-11 hours of sleep - Teenagers (ages 14-17) require 8-10 hours of sleep What can parents do to calm their kids’ anxiety about a new school year? It’s normal for a child to feel nervous about going back to school. New teachers, different routines, maybe even a new school, would make any child edgy. Parents should be sympathetic and reassuring. To ease the jitters, parents can: - Set a routine. Establish a routine for homework and bedtime and start practicing it before - Be selective when talking about school. It’s important to set expectations about the new school year but let your child initiate questions and discussion. Show enthusiasm about the teaching staff and principal. - Clear your schedule. If possible, avoid business trips and evening commitments during the first week of school so you can be home to help your child. Use this time to talk about school and ask - Tour the school. If your child is switching schools or starting middle or high school, walk around the new building to find classrooms, practice using a locker and find the bus stop. - Allow extra time. Pack lunches and pick out clothes before bed to avoid being rushed in the morning. Send your child off to school with a good breakfast. Don’t turn on the television, tablet or video games before school. - Get to know the staff. From the principal to school psychologist, school nurse and teachers, there are many resources for you and your child. What kinds of precautions should parents take to protect their kids from COVID-19? Should they vaccinate their eligible children? Students benefit from in-person learning, so safely returning to in-person instruction is important. Vaccination is the leading prevention tool to keep kids safe from COVID-19. Parents should get their kids vaccinated as soon as they’re eligible. Wearing a mask and maintaining physical distance will help prevent the spread of the virus. Keep kids home if they’re sick. Should parents review pedestrian safety with their kids before school starts? Yes. With children walking to the bus stop or their school campuses, pedestrian safety is very important for them to learn. Parents should teach kids at an early age to look left, right and left again before crossing the street. Then remind them to continue looking until they’re safely across. Teach kids to put phones, headphones and devices down when crossing the street. It is particularly important to reinforce this message with teenagers. Children under 10 need to cross the street with an adult. Every child is different, but developmentally, most kids are unable to judge the speed and distance of oncoming cars until age 10. Parents should set a good example by putting their phone, headphones and devices down when walking LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? Get daily hometown news and sports delivered to your inbox!Sign Up Today!
{ "date": "2022-01-27T08:57:49Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320305242.48/warc/CC-MAIN-20220127072916-20220127102916-00079.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9309869408607483, "token_count": 1095, "url": "https://www.nctv17.com/news/back-to-school-health-and-safety/" }
Got Distribution? Curtice, Carmona, Ferraro in SF Got Distribution? Curtice, Carmona, Ferraro in SF $39.95 – $75.00 Eric Ferraro, Esq., Ric Curtice, and Humberto Carmona discuss how to identify the best distributors for your genre of music, how to approach them, and how to get the best deal and achieve maximum exposure for your product. For those who want to get and make the most of independent distribution, NARIP presents this program to help understand the process. Learn low-cost (or no-cost) ways to get independent record distribution, the best ways to work with a network of independents and how to harness everyone to work as a team. Also, learn about sales arrangements, territories, and payment terms – everything you need to achieve sales success. Find out how you can use SoundScan and other tools, how to identify the best distributors for your genre of music, how to approach them, and how to get the best deal and achieve maximum exposure for your product. - Artist Managers, Producers & Artist Reps - Record, Distribution & Music Publishing Executives - Attorneys and CPAs - Anyone seeking to create or increase sales and exposure for music via distribution. - What it is & how it works - Who needs it & when - How to get it & what it costs - Types of distributors - How to work with distributors for maximum profits - How to fan the flames and create demand for your product - Distributed vs. in-house labels - Distribution agreements: fees, terms and important considerations - How to get paid NARIP PROGRAM NUMBER: P119 PROGRAM DATE: August 11, 2012 in San Francisco, CA PROGRAM TIME: 1 hour, 49 minutes, 09 seconds (1:49:09) QUESTIONS? Call 818-769-7007 or contact NARIP SOURCES FOR MORE INFORMATION Bullivant Houser Bailey PC Ric Curtice, Sales, Marketing & Distribution Executive, Prime Time Entertainment Ric Curtice has worked in the music business his entire career. He began working for the Marketing Department at MCA Records, and here is where he contributed to the development of successful careers for Fine Young Cannibals, Tom Petty, Bobby Brown, Coolio, Mary J. Blige, Jimmy Buffett, Elton John, Vince Gill and others. MCA’s parent company then bought Geffen Records, and Ric entered the Product Development Department for the company, where they had a successful string of multi-platinum sellers including Beck, Weezer, Guns n Roses, Nirvana, Hole, Counting Crows, Jackyl and others. As the industry continued its merging ways, Interscope Records was acquired by Universal where Ric continued successful campaigns to help define the careers of No Doubt, Marilyn Manson, NIN, Dr. Dre Bush and others. A stint at Independent label TVT Records continued his success at developing the careers of Sevendust, Andy Partridge, Pit Bull, Lil John, and others. Ric currently runs a successful independent music marketing and sales consulting business in the San Francisco Bay Area which includes clients Rocket Science Inc., Burnside Distribution Corporation, Booklines inc., Sumthing Distribution, Madacy Corporation, Prime Time Entertainment, and Red Hot Promotions, as well as others working with Heritage, New and Developing artists including Celldweller, Blind Pilot, Sugar Minott, Insolance, Chumbawamba, Karla Bonoff, Irma Thomas, Y & T, Sir Mixx a lot, Nile Rodgers, Ivan Neville, Sherri Austin, Steve Forbert, Dr.Dog, Radio Head, Cold War Kids, King Khan, Mathew Sweet among many others. In addition, Ric has recently been managing the careers of Zakiya Hooker, Michael Lee Firkins, Megan Slankard and George Komsky. Humberto Carmona, Manager of Business Development, IODA Alliance Since joining IODA in 2006, Humberto has spearheaded IODA’s business endeavors in Latin America. In addition to signing key Mexican label clients such as Noiselab and Nuevos Ricos, he has negotiated and executed deals with dozens of IODA’s retail partners, notably with top regional providers like Telefonica and iMusica. A native of Mexico City, Humberto is also a founding partner in the label Arts&Crafts Mexico, and manager of the bands Chikita Violenta, Rey Pila and Bam Bam. Eric Ferraro, Esq., Music & Digital Media Attorney, Bullivant Houser & Bailey PC Eric Ferraro is a capital shareholder in the corporate and intellectual property practice groups of Bullivant, Houser & Bailey PC. He concentrates his practice on the representation of private and public emerging and growth companies in the technology and digital media sectors, and the investors and financial services firms that focus on those industries. With over 16 years of practical legal and business experience in private practice, as in-house counsel, and as a technology company founder and investor, Eric brings an integrated counseling approach to his clients, balancing legal protection and corporate best practices with business, technical, investment and strategic considerations. As a founder of IRIS Distribution, a digital media services company, Eric has particular expertise in digital media law and is the Chair of the firm’s Social Media and Gaming practice. His media and technology clients include enterprise software and mobile developers, social media and gaming companies, Internet businesses, music and entertainment companies, and digital creative agencies. Eric advises his digital media clients on data security, online privacy, SaaS issues, content licensing, publishing and syndication, copyright and royalty administration, and regulatory issues relating to e-commerce, online advertising and Internet law under the DMCA, FTC Act and CAN-SPAM. Eric counsels his clients in connection with entity formation and founder arrangements, corporate governance, seed and venture capital financing, employment and equity compensation matters, intellectual property protection, technology licensing and product distribution, mergers and acquisitions, public offerings and SEC reporting and compliance. Eric also has significant experience in executive compensation transactions, often representing CEOs and executive teams in connection with high-value M&A transactions. In Digital Media, Internet and Entertainment, Eric has represented a leading digital media distributor in content licensing deals with Amazon, Apple, Microsoft, Yahoo!, Sony, Rhapsody, Verizon, T-Mobile and other global media companies; advised a video game developer in publishing and development agreements with MTV Networks, Atari and other top entertainment brands; represented digital marketing agency in consumer marketing campaigns for Scion, PG&E and Electrolux; and represented record label in sync licensing agreement with HBO for Entourage, among others. Eric has been recognized as a Northern California Super Lawyer on multiple occasions by Law & Politics magazine. He is also an advisor to Founders Space. A strong supporter of the arts, Eric is actively involved in the community and with various charitable organizations. He serves as general counsel and sits on the board of directors of Artists for Literacy and is a panel attorney for California Lawyers for the Arts. Tamra Engle, Executive Director of NARIP San Francisco Tamra Engle is a social entrepreneur and founder of GuitarTam Music that offers business and promotional consultation for artists and bands to help them succeed in the evolving music and entertainment industries. She helps clients to develop strategic marketing and promotion plans, and offers performance coaching. Blending 25 years of business development expertise in organizations of all sizes and sectors from start-ups to Fortune 15 organizations, Tamra is developing community programs to provide music education programs for school-aged children and a national program to end violence against women. She is also a performing singer-songwriter whose recent album was on the final nominating ballot for the 2008 Grammys in the Best Contemporary Folk Album category. Tamra began her entertainment career as a studio musician In Los Angeles, has toured the country tirelessly and enjoyed placement of her songs on television and nationally aired commercials. Contact her at tamra AT narip DOT com. LEGAL LANGUAGE & END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT: The National Association of Record Industry Professionals ("NARIP") holds the copyright on our audio and video programs, photographs and written materials. You may not photocopy or otherwise duplicate or redistribute written materials or audio or video content, or any content whatsoever, from NARIP programs without prior written permission from NARIP. (c) NARIP 2019, all rights reserved. NARIP grants buyer a non-exclusive perpetual personal-use license to download and copy the accompanying audio(s), video(s), photo(s) and / or document(s) (collectively, "NARIP Media") subject to the following restrictions: This license is for personal use only. Personal use means non-commercial use. NARIP Media may not be used in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, collect fees, or receive any form of remuneration or tuition. NARIP Media may not be used in advertising. NARIP Media may not be resold, re-licensed, or sub-licensed without prior written authorization. Title and ownership, and all rights now and in the future, of and for NARIP Media remain exclusively with NARIP. There are no warranties, express or implied. NARIP Media are provided 'as is.' Neither NARIP, its officers, contributors of accompanying materials nor guest speakers will be liable for any third party claims or incidental, consequential or other damages arising out of this license or buyer's use of NARIP Media. NARIP Media may not be distributed within or outside of any organization, including at schools and universities. For licensing inquiries, please call 818-769-7007 or email [email protected] with "License Request" in the subject line. DISCLAIMER The information contained in the foregoing materials is provided solely for educational and general information purposes and shall not be deemed legal or accounting advice, or a solicitation for business by NARIP or any of the attorneys, CPAs or other certified professionals who present information at NARIP programs. NARIP and all such speakers shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use of such information contained in these materials. Neither the presentation nor receipt of the foregoing materials creates an attorney?client or CPA-client relationship. In addition, please note that the information provided in the foregoing materials may not reflect the most current developments in the law and accounting, and are general in nature and, accordingly, said information should not be relied upon or construed as legal or accounting advice, and is not a substitute for obtaining legal advice from an attorney or accounting advice from a CPA licensed in your state. Some NARIP programs may use fictional situations for illustrative purposes only. NARIP assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the contents of the foregoing materials.
{ "date": "2022-01-29T06:49:00Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320300573.3/warc/CC-MAIN-20220129062503-20220129092503-00519.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9180179238319397, "token_count": 2305, "url": "https://www.narip.com/product/got-distribution-curtice-carmona-ferraro-in-sf/" }
Whittled down from 550 entries to 12 finalists, next week only three of the remaining Irish teams in the Microsoft Imagine Cup student technology competition will be chosen to pitch their innovative ideas to an open audience, after which one winner will go through to the finals in Egypt this summer. This year, the seventh year of the Imagine Cup, is focusing on the topic of health, and all entries relate to this in some aspect, tackling themes as varied as sustainable living, mental health and primary education, all while using technology as a solution to the problem. The 12 Irish finalists are variously from Trinity College Dublin, Griffith College Dublin, IADT Dun Laoghaire, NUI Maynooth, Dundalk IT, IT Carlow, IT Sligo, NUI Galway and Limerick IT. Their chosen topics cover a wide range of everyday problems, but with a unique twist: one project focuses on approaching young children’s learning needs through building and problem-solving, while another tackles mental health through a combination of intellectual (IQ) and emotional (EQ) brain training. One team has designed a simulator to train for eye surgery, while another has come up with a way of providing simple medical information to families via mobile phone. Paul Rellis, managing director of Microsoft Ireland, said that the Imagine Cup has taken Ireland by storm: “In our first year entering Ireland in the global competition, 100 students entered the Irish heats and the Irish teams have consistently competed very well at the global finals. “Three years on, and we have over 550 students entering. It’s a great indicator of the innovation and talent that is developing among our third-level students across the country, and in the current economic climate it reassures me that there is the huge talent among our young people, who are the entrepreneurs and business leaders of the future.” By Marie Boran
{ "date": "2022-01-20T14:10:26Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-05", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-05/segments/1642320301863.7/warc/CC-MAIN-20220120130236-20220120160236-00239.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9478814005851746, "token_count": 390, "url": "https://www.siliconrepublic.com/innovation/imagine-cup-finalists-prepare-for-showdown" }
Project Based Learning Evaluations, Application to Society & Afterword Welcome to the fifth and final installment of this five-article series on an exciting and innovative development in the global education futures space – Project-Based Learning – at FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE. This fifth installment combines relevant sections from Chapters four, five and six as adapted from Professor Noyuri Mima’s book The Design of Project-Based Learning – Learning Methodologies to Transform Our Futures. This article summarizes three main aspects of the overall PBL initiative at Future University: How projects are evaluated, some examples of how they are applied to communities and societies, and finally, an afterword that situates the PBL program within global objectives such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). PART I: Project Evaluations and Portfolios A matter of special interest to both academic staff and third year students alike concerns the operation of the PBL projects and how they are evaluated. Conventionally, student work was readily evaluated based on the premise that the individual student would store new knowledge based on their study efforts, they would solve problems as delivered in lectures, and sit for exams to receive their due grades. In contrast to this seemingly straightforward evaluation procedure, in the case of PBL, students work as part of a team rather than individually, necessitating a paradigmatically different approach to evaluations. To answer this question, firstly, we must re-visit the basic question of what purpose student evaluations serve in the first place. How students are grated In the PBL course, giving students grades involves more than tallying up individual test scores. Understood from the point of view of a learner-centered approach, progress is measured according to feedback which reflects how they have proceeded along the PBL studies path. The ultimate grade students are finally awarded also depends on their teacher-to-student consultation – a recent refinement of the PBL process since it began 17 or more years ago. Three factors influence the outcome of this consultation: student self-evaluation, peer evaluations, and survey results from interim and final presentations. The first – self-evaluation – takes into account attendance, weekly reports, attitude and degree of collaboration, performance in the interim and final reports, as well as contribution to presentations. Peer evaluations look at both positive and negative points according to their team member’s comments. Peer comments from interim and final presentations evaluate their performance, methods used, and other factors. It is a requirement of both students and academic staff that they complete survey questionnaires about other teams’ projects. Outside visitors’ survey comments are also factored in to the overall evaluation process. It often happens that a student has been highly evaluated by his or peers while critically self-evaluating – or vice-versa – in which case the student and academic staff can talk through these issues that arise, during the final consultation. The Student Portfolio Essentially there are two different types of written reports accepted as part of the PBL evaluation process. The first resembles the type of thesis expected at an engineering conference – precisely and logically structured with hypothesis and results, while the second type is more concerned with process – with what students have read and learnt, and what new skills they acquired along the way. To add, there is also a third style that combines to varying degrees both the above. Final reports tend to follow one of these above styles and collectively are referred to as the ‘Project-Based Learning Portfolio’. The portfolios are compiled three times over the course duration: at team member allocations; interim reports; and final reports. As part of these three portfolio submissions, each is accompanied by a survey with questions that build successively upon each other, culminating in a 21-question survey at the end of the course. As PBL is a required course for third year students, these questions are also designed to guide students for their fourth and final year in terms of identifying research themes for their graduation thesis. What’s happen after PBL Portfolios FUN recognizes the importance for students to be especially aware of and think about their portfolios in terms of not only how they progressed over the one-year course, but also in terms of how that pedagogical progress can be effectively applied to ongoing studies. As the student portfolio is still a relatively new system at FUN, not only is there much scope for improvement but also for better quantifying the student progress over the three portfolio submissions. Academic staff too are aware that they need to keep discussing the portfolio system itself so that it can be strategically applied in fourth year studies. This ongoing debate around the portfolio potentially involves more effective methods of data visualization that allow academic staff to help maximize student outcomes in their future studies. PART II: Project-Based Learning Real-World Applications In this section our attention turns to one of the most important aspects of the Future University Project-Based Learning program – namely, how it relates to community, society and its potential effects vis-à-vis real-world problems. Multiple stakeholders take active part in the PBL team projects from project design through to completion. This requires not just technical understanding of the issues being researched but also the theoretical foundations that inform each project. Theoretical Underpinnings of PBL’s Societal Involvement Since the 1980s education around the world has undergone rapid reform. The word we take for granted now – ‘learning’ – only began to gain currency from the mid 1990s onwards as applied to business, lifelong learning, policy formulation and city-planning sectors. Added to these are the successive and synergy-forming waves of new research fields around social psychology and group dynamics from the 1940-50s, and educational psychology and cognitive psychology from the 1960s, which continued to inform each other from the 1980s onwards. All of these and more now inform and have become part of the theoretical foundation that guides the current Project-Based Learning program at Future University Hakodate. Let’s take a look at some of these foundational educational theories. Evolution of Organization Learning Theories One of the most influential scholar-thinkers whose work forms part of the PBL theoretical base is Kurt Lewin, who famously sought political exile from the Nazi regime and ended up at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Lewin is now known as one of the most influential figures in the field of social sciences best known perhaps for his contribution to our understanding of how individuals and groups interact – a field we refer to as group dynamics. Embodied in the term action research, Lewin’s research contributed to shaping our understanding of individual-group interactions with a view to strategically guiding society in preferred future directions. To his credit, Lewin applied his research to real-world situations involving multiple ‘stakeholders’ – a term he coined – such as federal and local government bodies, citizen groups and experts, then considered an innovative strategy for identifying authentic problems areas from which solution strategies could be crafted. Lewin’s research was further taken up by his successors Chris Argyris and Donald Schön who advanced Lewin’s work in the 1980s into what they called ‘Action Science’. Action Science incorporated key terms such as ‘reflection’ – or the ability to stand back from social phenomenon with an objective eye. Another influential term was ‘meta-cognition’ which refers to a higher cognitive skill that allows the learner to stand above knowledge gained. In other words, this is the ability to learn about learning, a higher order cognitive skill that promotes our transcending current problems as a conduit to inspiring innovation. This complex cluster of knowledge bases can in turn be structured neatly into a three-step model consisting of an ‘unfreezing’ phase, which involves planning through to the diagnosis of social situations, and the collection of relevant data to inform a plan of action. This is funneled into the next phase – ‘changing’ – where collected data and information is translated into learnable knowledge and praxis. The third phase – ‘refreezing’ – as its name implies, requires that results from phases one and two are systematically analyzed and where new behaviors and attitudinal changes can be evaluated. Outcomes from this last phase are subsequently fed back for iterative refinement into the previous phases in a continuous virtuous cycle of social betterment. Synergies between expert and experiential knowledge and the integration of contemporary versus traditional knowledge Schön was conscious that expert knowledge does not necessarily translate into the overall betterment of society. This led scholars such as Donald Schön to conceive the notion of the ‘reflective practitioner’ which although at first glance might put the academic expert on the self-defense, reconciled the expert with the non-expert, by re-conceptualizing the latter as having knowledge that complements the expert’s knowledge into a greater synergistic whole, essentially forming the possibility of an equal partnership. On this theme of what constitutes ‘knowledge’, in our so-called modern society we are quick to think of modern science, scientific knowledge, and expert knowledge. But more recently, our taxonomy of knowledges has been expanded to give greater weight to notions that now incorporate the ideas of living knowledge, everyday knowledge, body knowledge, local knowledge and indigenous knowledge. Increasingly, these knowledge types are understood as providing essential balance and support to the world in which we live. A ground-breaking project that reflects the equal importance of these various knowledge types was a healthcare project conducted in a rural Thailand healthcare facility. In this radical project, Western-based medical workers as well as local indigenous medical workers collaborated with stakeholders from government, local community organizations, social workers, and patients, from which a unique healthcare model emerged. This model eventually became a new benchmark in cross-knowledge health care practice adopted by other nations and health care professionals. Organizational Knowledge and Innovation Another concept that forms the foundations of Future University Hakodate’s Project-Based Learning initiative derives from the management theorist Ikujiro Nonaka – namely, organizational knowledge creation. Research across various Japanese organizations including National Panasonic found a synergistic mutually-influencing process between tacit knowledge and formalized knowledge. This was later codified into the theory known as organizational knowledge creation theory which set off a management boom in the United States based on Japan’s corporate innovative success. In the wake of this boom, scholars such as Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger developed the notion ‘community of practice’ – which become a guiding manual for Japan’s business communities when translated into a book aimed at an emerging community of practice knowledge-based society. The basic tents of this theory base cross-over strongly with the FUN PBL organizational model and inform multi-stakeholder collaborations strategies and at the same time promote innovation throughout our university. Towards the Learning Region Better innovation models are required not only by corporations but also by local governmental organizations beset with a litany of emerging social problems such as aging populations, declining birthrates, ongoing urbanization and outmigration of rural populations, and the greater imperative to create sustainable societies. Within this context, from the year 2000, hundreds of workshops around the themes of town-making and revitalizing local communities emerged, variously using techniques derived from action research theories. One focus indicated the need for local community members to take responsibility for the futures of their own communities, a notion that came to be known as community design. The mid-sized city of Hakodate where FUN is based, provides a pioneering example of this type of local community futures movement when in 2002, government bodies, business leaders, experts and citizens staged the event ‘The Hakodate Livability Project – Unique Lifestyles and Environment’ – which became a benchmark throughout Japan. This and similar projects have both informed the Future University Project-Based Learning initiatives while our initiatives have in turn influenced them in an ongoing virtuous cycle of innovative community-building knowledge and praxis. Towards the Lifelong Learning Society Another influential factor on the FUN PBL program derives from the notion of lifelong learning, which, as a result of the successes of Japan’s rapid economic growth has spurned widespread interest in all varieties of leisure activities and ongoing educational opportunities. The first formalized embodiment of this lifelong learning soft innovation came from the French educationalist Paul Lengrand who presented his concept of ‘education permanante’ to the third UNESCO International Adult Education Committee. Two guiding concepts around lifelong learning including the nurturing of adult confidence in coping with wider social change, learning about learning, and the fostering of a lifelong questioning mindset. Creating Independent Learning Opportunities A further related concept was the notion of creating independent learning opportunities and venues, active learning. The premise was that lifelong learners with real-world experience could bring meaningful and valuable contributions to the ongoing betterment of society as a whole. Starting with France and England, universities designed for more mature-age students – U3A (University for the Third Age) – spread to more than 50 countries and currently have more than 1,000 campuses with 400,000 plus students. Many of the operational features of the U3A model resemble that of the Project-Based Learning model. Mature-age universities have also taken off across Japan and are often managed as local government body organizations and welfare cooperatives. Due to their transparent management policies, prioritization of mature students’ individual interest areas, and commitment to social contribution, commonalities with the FUN PBL program are apparent. Examples of University Education Spin-Off Projects Many commonalities have been identified with the evolution of the above-mentioned educational innovations and the philosophies that underlie the Future University PBL course. However, there are also differences. PBL student expectations do not always readily correspond to corporate and community expectations. What should be done in this case? Our answer is simple. Rather than thinking solely about grades students obtain, PBL is better thought of as a ‘hybrid learning’ model, a fusion of university education and adult education which seamlessly integrates students along with community members. By way of example, one organization that oversees all higher education institutions in Hakodate is the Hakodate Campus Consortium, as it is known. HCC launched a novel program in 2009 – the Hakodate Science Terakoya*1 – Introduction to Science Technology Communication, an annual summer intensive course. In this program, tertiary students are able to receive credits for their performance while at the same time it is also an adult education course. The course is designed to deepen peoples’ understanding of science and technology issues as they affect our modern societies. Students can share their university-learnt science and technology knowledge with citizens who in return share their life experience knowledge. At the completion of the course, they collaborate by exhibiting their group results at the Hakodate International Science Festival (HISF). The Hakodate Science Terakoya started with the objective of nurturing local would-be science communicators but due to its popularity gained over the years, there have been surprising outcomes. For example, some Terakoya participants ask to be volunteers for the HISF, others wish to take the course again, while others elect to volunteer as teacher assistants for ongoing courses. These and other spin-off educational opportunities have emerged organically from Future University and the Project-Based Learning courses extending to diverse community groups such as physically challenged groups, all under the banner of enlightening ordinary citizens around the issues, the commercial and social possibilities, even the beauty, that current science and technologies research potentially offers to excited learners from all walks of life. *1 Terakoya is a traditional Japanese education style that first emerged in the 17th century in Japan initially from Buddhist temples aimed at teaching commoners the basics such as reading and writing – but often extended to other subject areas including geography, the arts, and so on. PART III: Afterword Sustainable Development Goals and Education 2030 In this concluding section, we turn our attention to how the Future University Hakodate Project-Based Learning course and educational goals fit into the wider global context. A defining acronym that appropriately packages the nature of our rapidly changing work is VUCA – or volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Within this global social context, in 2015 the United Nations Headquarters released a 17-goal 169-target development agenda for 2030 with a view to revolutionizing and preparing the world for a sustainable development paradigm. These sustainable development goals (SDGs) included the eradication of poverty, the total reduction of world hunger, adequate health care and welfare for all peoples, amongst others. Aware of the greater context of these SDGs and similar reports including the OECD’s Education 2030 Project Position Paper (2018), Future University has strategically incorporated related concepts that speak to our world of finite resources, the hope for prosperity, how to guarantee a sustainable planet, not to mention improved well-being for all peoples on earth. Such global goals depend on a reconceptualization of not just our core competencies but what we call transformative competencies*2 – for which we suggest three: the capacity for creating new value – in the form of new products, worldviews, ways of thinking, social models, along with tolerance for adaptability, creativity and the spirit of curiosity. The second involves the ability to reconcile tensions and dilemmas; while the third refers to the capacity to take responsibility for one’s actions in our increasingly complex and inter-related world and be able to fully comprehend the consequences of our actions (p. 5-6). *2 For the full report and related materials see: http://www.oecd.org/education/2030-project/teaching-and-learning/learning/ Knowledge, skills, competencies and human agency The above-mentioned concepts of knowledge, skills and competences – in all their variations – to be effectively and justly applied also require an extra capacity, namely, agency. Agency, simply put, refers to that human condition of feeling empowered – as an individual or organizational entity – to independently effect change on one’s social or physical environment. The term change agent is often used as a key term for those individuals or groups who consciously bring about change in the face of global education challenges such as the five identified in the OECD Position Paper*3 (2018, p.6) while in the context of education the inter-related terms student agency and teacher agency are increasingly added to the vernacular of contemporary education philosophies and strategies as a direct response to the above five challenges (2018, OECD Education 2030 Position Paper, p. 6). The common essence of these variations of the term agency points to the ability of all education parties to feel equally empowered to participate and independently bring about change in their respective roles. The PBL program at FUN consciously embodies and leverages this sense of agency for all participants in the PBL course dynamic. *3 These OECD challenges included: curriculum overload; time lag between problem recognition and response; high quality content required to ensure student’s deeper understanding; curriculum equity; and fifthly, careful planning and alignment for effective reform implementation (2018, p. 6). Desired Role Allocations in Education Based on the above OECD Education 2030 Position Paper (2018), the FUN Project-Based Learning course has integrated five inter-related concepts to inform the PBL course design. These are: - Teacher agency – in which academic staff should be able to fully and creatively apply their expert knowledge bases in order to effectively deliver PBL courses to their assigned students. - Authenticity – in which students can apply their knowledge and experience to real-world situations, feel the value in their studies, and collaboratively learn topics that transcend single disciplines. - Inter-relation – which refers to the opportunity for students to identify the relationships and connections between their various course subjects, PBL themes, and how these can be connected to everyday life situations. - Flexibility – here, both teaching staff and students turn static knowledge concepts into ‘adaptable and dynamic’ applications, respond to social changes by adapting curriculum and course objectives that reflect continuously changing realities. - Engagement – in which both students and teaching staff engage meaningfully with all project stakeholders and are actively involved in the course work from beginning to completion (p. 7). Collectively, all these factors can be rolled into a concept we refer to as ‘co-agency’ by which we mean that students should not think of themselves as isolated siloed learners but as part of a wider learning community which includes academic staff, the community, their own families and loved ones, all of whom collectively and continuously reinforce and complement each other’s skills – the student as meta-student. All human beings, however independent we may consider ourselves, live within a physical and social environment that imposes limitations on the possible. Certain things in the real world cannot be achieved and we as educators and learners must reconcile ourselves with this and focus on understanding the joy of what can be done, all the while being aware that if we work in teams the repertoire of what is possible can be significantly expanded. This way of being in the world is what we like to call the FUN mindset, a wordplay on the letters FUH – Future University Hakodate. This key word ‘fun’ embodies the university thinking that learning can be fun, indeed must be fun. We also have the university-wide motto that reads: ‘Open Spaces Open Minds’ which reflects the idea that open and accessible university spaces also facilitate an open mindset. The Project-Based Learning program reflects these educational goals and concepts with the larger aim of encouraging students to find their studies a source of fascination and inspire them to act on their learning. Creating a Sustainable Learning Environment To conclude this five-article series featuring the innovative Project-Based Learning initiative offered at Future University Hakodate, we wish to emphasize that the good design of a futures-oriented learning institution that aims to generate meaningful connections with local communities, also requires a very special kind of leadership from their academic staff. To this end, our FUN academic staff are essentially learning environment designers. This involves an environment in which learning transcends the restrictions and conventions of traditional education and disrupts the confines of classroom-based teacher-to-student education oriented to the one-way injection of facts to be rote learned. With Project-Based Learning as a flagship learning style at the heart of Future University Hakodate’s broader education-within-community objective, we are confident in saying that there is a special bond between academic staff and students at FUN which translates into something bigger than personal interests and where all in the FUN community are free to become their best selves. Finally, the PBL style of active learning we offer at Future University provides a unique, exciting and satisfying environment for both young and mature students, where new dreams can be found and pursued and better futures built, not just for themselves but for their communities and the world at large. Don’t predict the future – let’s create better futures, together! OECD (2018). THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION AND SKILLS – Education 2030. Retrieved from www.oecd.org/education/2030-project/contact/ Translated by Dr. David Lindsay Wright, former Associate Professor of FUN and coordinator for Project-Based Learning, 2004 – 2011, as adapted from the original Japanese text written and edited by Professor Noyuri Mima (Chief Editor) FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE A WORD FOR OUR INTERNATIONAL READERS We hope our international readers have enjoyed this five-article series on the Project-Based Learning experience at FUTURE UNIVERSITY HAKODATE (FUN). We welcome your enquiries about the book, the university, the academic staff, or the courses themselves. We look forward to you joining our innovative FUN learning community.
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It is known that the synthesis of DNA is not essential for constitutive or induced enzyme synthesis. laxative liquid hirelax syrup uses in hindi The author discusses four types of strategies that hospitals can employ to maintain or enhance their access to the capital markets during the era of prospective pricing: (1) diversification of assets, (2) diversification of funding sources, (3) assumption of greater risk, and (4) increasing use of financial guarantee intermediaries. Excitation of photoluminescence above the bandgap is unpolarized because it involves molecular orbitals delocalized both in the apical and equatorial directions of the perovskite octahedron. Finally, we suggest there may be poorly understood adverse outcomes pathways related to osmotic gradients and water movement within embryos, the latter causing extreme shifts in tissue osmolality. Black carbon particulate matter emission factors for buoyancy-driven associated gas flares. To eventually use a mathematical model to support clinical decision making, first the model sensitivity needs to be determined. what is a good home remedy laxative Dissolution of gallstones consisting of cholesterol, calcium carbonate, or calcium phosphate in different solvents left an amorphous organic gel-like substance (the matrix). A Monte Carlo computer program, DEIPHOS has been modified and employed to calculate depth-dose distributions within the 30 cm diameter ICRU tissue-equivalent sphere for initially parallel beams of photons (0.662 to 10 MeV) when the sphere is in an air medium. CLINICAL AND PATHOGENETIC PECULIARITIES OF DEVELOPMENT OF ENDOTHELIAL DYSFUNCTION. Participants discriminated a reference 3D object (cube or sphere) from its deformed shape under three experimental conditions: visual only (on a computer monitor), haptic only (through a point-contact force-feedback device) and visuohaptic simulations. Subarachnoid-pleural fistula treated with noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation. In this study, we have determined the complete sequence of the spa gene from type 18 streptococci. Disc hemorrhage is a sign of progression in normal-tension glaucoma. is colace with laxative safe while breastfeeding These observations indicate that ursodeoxycholate is unable to increase the maximal biliary secretory rate of sulfobromophthalein (in contrast to taurocholate). The profibrogenic role of transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta in liver has mostly been attributed to hepatic stellate cell activation and excess matrix synthesis. A significant portion of cellular zinc is found in the nucleus where it appears to be critically involved in maintaining genetic stability and in the process of gene expression. The findings of this study suggest that dairy product intake during pregnancy may have an effect on neonatal head circumference, placental weight, and gestational weight gain. A computational model of transcranial-focused ultrasound was constructed and validated against empirical data. Diagnosis of acute pulmonary thromboembolism: electrocardiography, echocardiography, and thoracic radiography. how to treat a laxative overdose The restless leg syndrome (RLS) is a neurologic disorder suffering the hemodialysis patients. The relation of allergy reagins to electrophoretic components of serum. The cloning of DAT, NET and 5-HTT and development of selective radioligands for them over the last decade has dramatically increased our understanding of their location, structure and function. Mechanisms of sustained increases of firing rate of neurons in the rat cerebral cortex after polarization: reverberating circuits or modification of synaptic conductance?. Patients (pts) transplanted from January 2000 to March 2003 (Group A) and treated with a conventional protocol were compared with pts submitted to a combined regimen including universal cytomegalovirus (CMV) prophylaxis between April 2003 and July 2005 (Group B).
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