Jewish World Review August 30, 2002 / 22 Elul, 5762 http://www.NewsAndOpinion.com | If you haven't seen enough footage of the Twin Towers coming down, if you haven't heard enough back-stories of the people who were killed, if you haven't watched enough rock and roll singers and movie stars paying their respects, if you haven't cried enough tears, then stay tuned ... this coming September 11th is for you. There will be memorials...lots of memorials. Every radio and television channel will be honoring those who died last year. The networks will be doing 9-11 shows all day and all night. The cable channels will be going around the clock too. Every single station will be doing something, the Food Network, Court TV, MTV, Turner Classic Movies -- when I say every channel, I mean every channel. Every American city (and most major foreign cities) will be holding some sort of commemoration. There'll be marches, parades, testimonials, candlelight precessions, and moments of silence. There'll be fireworks and stirring patriotic songs. Drivers are being asked to turn on their headlights on the anniversary of that fateful morning. Politicians from the President to township councilmen will be all over the place giving speeches and unveiling memorials. When I typed "September 11 Anniversary" on the Google Internet search, it listed no less than 1,050,000 web sites! You have no idea the scope of 9-11 celebratory events. Every agency in the federal government has something going, not to mention all state and local governments. There are church memorials planed, Jewish memorials, Islamic memorials, even atheist memorials. Homosexual, lesbian and transgenered activities will be held to honor those homosexual, lesbian and transgenered victims of 9-11. Celebrities will be doing more specials to honor the victims and the victims' families. Music videos, symphony orchestras, poetry readings and sing-a-longs. There will be even more money collected for the families of the victims (when will there be enough, already?). We will see photos of the victims again. Hear their tragic stories again. We will remember the heroes and honor them again. People will cry again. We are in danger, actually, of drowning in our own tears. Remember September 11th? Has anyone in the world ever stopped remembering? It's good to remember, but maybe it's time to stop crying. We have just had a massive media blitz in commemoration of the 25th anniversary of Elvis Presley's "death day." This is a relatively new phenomenon. Yes, we have remembered Pearl Harbor on December 7th for decades, but we never embraced it to the extent that we embrace anniversaries of "death days" now. Thanks in part to television, we have become a society that wallows in it's tragedies. Even good intentions can be overdone. Meanwhile, we get closer to expanding our war on the Islamic terrorists that attacked us one year ago. Vice President Cheney has made it clear that the administration is preparing to liberate Iraq and take out Saddam Hussein. It's about time. In order to destroy terrorist networks like al Qaeda we need to overthrow the regimes that support them. As long as there are terrorist states like Iraq, Iran and Syria -- governments that harbor, train, and encourage terrorists -- we can never expect to completely succeed in our war against terror. The terrorists need to live somewhere -- we must do what is necessary to severely limit their housing options. If we really want to honor the memory of those who were incinerated last year we need to do something truly spectacular -- something that not only shows proper respect for their lives, but also sends a message to the world that all of America has taken their deaths extremely personally. Yes, we need to do something spectacular. Do we sing patriotic songs? Do we shoot off fireworks? Do we wave millions of American flags? Do we light 3,000 candles? Do we release 3,000 doves? Do we walk outside and hold hands with our neighbors? Do we weep collectively along with the victims' families? No -- none of the above. We've sung a year's worth of patriotic songs -- we finally know most of them by heart now. We've flown our flags from our homes, our cars, and our businesses until they became tattered and frayed -- then we bought more. We've worn our flag pins on our lapels and our hearts on our sleeves. We've heard the stories of horror and heroism. We've praised the firemen, the police, the military. We've given money to help the victims. We've gotten mad at the terrorists. We've cried and cried and cried. We've cried enough now. So how best to commemorate the first anniversary of the attack on September 11, 2001? How about with a triple-header -- simultaneous bombings of Baghdad, Damascus, and Teheran on September 11, 2002? Enjoy this writer's work? Why not sign-up for the daily JWR update. It's free. Just click here. JWR contributor Greg Crosby, former creative head for Walt Disney publications, has written thousands of comics, hundreds of children's books, dozens of essays, and a letter to his congressman. A freelance writer in Southern California, you may contact him by clicking here.
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- Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy - http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com - Easter Brunch SGCC-Style Posted By Susan On April 1, 2012 @ 4:31 pm In Holidays,Recipes,SGCC Rewinds | 13 Comments Of the great triumvirate of Christian holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter), Easter is my favorite. While I love eating myself into oblivion at Thanksgiving, and Christmas (the gifts are nice too), I actually enjoy the fact that Easter isn’t as food-centric. I find it to be a much more relaxing and low-key holiday than the others, which in turn means less stress for me. And, I’m all about less stress these days! While, it would be unthinkable in my family to have Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner in a restaurant (gasp!), the same does not apply to Easter. Unless we’re invited to someone’s home, we almost always enjoy our Easter meal at one of our favorite restaurants. On the other hand, if your family is anything like mine, they will be clamoring for food long before the time a 4:00 dinner reservation rolls around. To stave off the hungry horde, I always prepare a few dishes ahead of time that can either be warmed up in the oven or simply served cold that morning. Here are some great “stress-less” brunch ideas from the SGCC archives for a lovely, laid back, Easter Sunday brunch. Fresh, ripe strawberries are blended with yogurt, sour cream, lime juice and honey to make this rich and lush chilled soup. It’s like a cross between a mousse and a smoothie. Frozen berries can also be used in a pinch. Whip it up a day or two in advance, although it may not last that long. Chicks in a Nest Chicks in a Nest is a great dish to serve for a brunch buffet. Each serving is completely self-contained and can just be picked up and popped on a plate. The “nests” are made from shredded potatoes that are baked in a muffin tin, which are then served filled with scrambled or poached eggs. You can shred your own potatoes or use a bag of the pre-shredded kind, like I did. The potato nests can be made a day ahead and crisped up in the oven before serving. A strata is casserole made with bread, eggs and whatever cheese, meats or vegetables you feel like putting into it. Think of it as a savory bread pudding. This one is filled with onions, ham, mozzarella and Swiss cheese. The best thing about a strata is that it’s meant to be made in advance. In fact, it really must be put together and allowed to sit for several hours or overnight before baking. For your trouble, you’re rewarded with a puffy and golden mass of cheesy, meaty, eggy goodness. A kugel is actually a Jewish dish, commonly served on holidays and special occasions. It’s a baked casserole, sweet or savory, that is usually made with egg noodles or potatoes, and often with cottage or cream cheese. In this savory version, I’ve blended cottage cheese, sour cream and a velvety chevre with noodles and assorted vegetables for a sumptuous dish with a subtle tang. A dusting of panko crumbs on top gives it a little crunch and extra texture. This kugel is best baked up a day ahead and served at room temperature. This light and luscious chicken salad is chock full of fresh and dried fruits and nuts bathed in a creamy dressing punctuated with fresh herbs. You can use any combination and quantity of fruits, nuts and herbs that you like, and it always turns out great. Served in big, juicy, hollowed out tomatoes, pineapple boats or avocado halves, this Tutti Frutti Chicken Salad really sings Springtime! This lovely little salad features crisp tender green beans, potatoes, sweet grape tomatoes and thin slivers of red onion. I pair it with a zesty vinaigrette, accented with Dijon mustard, lemon, garlic, honey and fresh herbs. Serve it either warm or chilled and topped with some chopped hard boiled egg for extra richness. It makes a lovely complement to any meal. This pasta salad is quick and ridiculously easy to put together. And, it’s full of zesty, bold flavors. The dressing is simply a mixture of mayonnaise, lemon juice and store bought pesto sauce – the kind you find in the refrigerator section at the supermarket. You can serve it as is, or punch it up by mixing in some poached chicken, tuna or tasty little salad shrimp. Any way you serve this Presto Pesto Pasta Salad, your guests will be dishing out the complements! Pizza Rustica Of course, no Easter Sunday brunch at Chez SGCC would be complete without a few traditional Italian Easter pies, like this Pizza Rustica. It’s a big, cheesy, meaty, creamy hunk of a pie stuffed to the gills with six different kinds of cured and fresh meat. Yes, I said SIX! One slice is pretty much a complete meal in itself. A Pizza Rustica does take some time to put together, but trust me, it is worth the effort. Plus, it can be made a few days in advance and is best served at room temperature. Torta di Riso Torta di Riso is a rich and creamy egg and ricotta based dessert pie filled filled with cooked Arborio rice and delicately flavored with the essence of orange. Think of it as rice pudding in a crust. This pie is usually made using a traditional rolled pie crust. But, I’ve made it a little easier to make and more interesting to eat by using layers of paper thin phyllo dough to envelope my filling. The phyllo gives this torta a delightfully crispy, buttery crust that shatters beneath your teeth as you bite into it. It’s simply amazing! And, we certainly can’t forget dessert, especially when it’s a luxuriously rich and creamy cheesecake like this one! My version of this Italian classic is made with both ricotta and mascarpone cheeses, giving it a super silky smooth texture. I flavor it with the heady combination or pure vanilla and a splash of orange flower water, that is sure to make both you and your guests swoon. Buttery Lemon Bars Lemon Bars are a quintessential Springtime treat. This version boasts a rich and buttery shortbread crust topped with an ultra-lemony curd that is the perfect balance of sweet and tart. These are honestly the best lemon bars I’ve ever eaten – bar none! Article printed from Sticky, Gooey, Creamy, Chewy: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com URL to article: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2012/04/01/easter-brunch-sgcc-style/ URLs in this post: : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/easter-brunch.jpg Sumptuous Strawberry Soup: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2008/06/18/summertime-an-the-livin-is-easy/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/strawberry-soup.jpg Chicks in a Nest: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2009/07/31/breakfast-at-tiffanys-roundup-chicks-in-a-nest/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ChicksinaNest1.jpg Anytime Ham, Cheese and Egg Strata: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2011/08/10/anytime-egg-ham-and-cheese-strata-recipe/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/Egg-Strata-2.jpg Vegetable Noodle Kugel: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2009/01/29/savory-vegetable-noodle-kugel-for-rfj/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/kugel-23.jpg Tutti Frutti Chicken Salad: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2009/08/25/tutti-frutti-chicken-salad/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/chicken-salad-1.jpg Green Bean and Potato Salad with Dijon Vinaigrette: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2011/07/28/green-bean-and-potato-salad-with-dijon-vinaigrette-recipe/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/green-bean-dijonnaise-2.jpg Presto Pesto Pasta Salad: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2011/06/28/presto-pesto-pasta-salad-recipe/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/pesto-pasta-salad-4.jpg Pizza Rustica: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2008/03/15/baking-with-mom-part-1-pizza-rustica/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/pizza-rustica.jpg Torta di Riso: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2010/03/24/sgcc-encore-torta-di-riso-for-easter/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/torta-di-riso.jpg Italian Ricotta Cheesecake: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2011/02/20/la-tavola-della-mia-famiglia-italian-ricotta-cheesecake-recipe/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/ricotta-cheesecake-1.jpg Buttery Lemon Bars: http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/2011/03/20/buttery-lemon-bars-a-recipe-in-pictures-or-what-was-i-thinking/ : http://stickygooeycreamychewy.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/lemon-bars-1.jpg Copyright © 2009 StickyGooeyCreamyChewy.com.
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UEFA Euro 2012 |Mistrzostwa Europy w Piłce Nożnej 2012 Чемпіонат Європи з футболу 2012 UEFA Euro 2012 official logo |Dates||8 June – 1 July| |Venue(s)||8 (in 8 host cities)| |Champions||Spain (3rd title)| |Goals scored||76 (2.45 per match)| |Attendance||1,440,896 (46,481 per match)| |Top scorer(s)|| Mario Mandžukić (3 goals each) |Best player||Andrés Iniesta| The 2012 UEFA European Football Championship, commonly referred to as Euro 2012, was the 14th European Championship for national football teams organised by UEFA. The final tournament was hosted for the first time by Poland and Ukraine, between 8 June and 1 July 2012, after their bid was chosen by UEFA's Executive Committee in 2007. Euro 2012 set the record for both the highest aggregate attendance (1,440,896) and the highest average attendance per game (46,481) under the 16-team format (since 1996). The final tournament featured 16 nations, the last European Championship to do so; from Euro 2016 onward, there will be 24 finalists. Qualification was contested by 51 nations between August 2010 and November 2011 to determine the remaining 14 finalists. The tournament was played across eight venues, four in each host country, five of which were newly built for the tournament. Aside from venues, the host nations have also invested heavily in improving infrastructure, such as railways and roads, at UEFA's request. The tournament opened with a 1–1 draw between Poland and Greece at the National Stadium in Warsaw on 8 June 2012. The final match took place 23 days later on 1 July 2012 at the Olympic Stadium in Kiev, where Spain defended their title with a 4–0 win over Italy. Spain became the first team to win two consecutive European Championships, and the first international team to win three straight major tournament titles (Euro 2008, 2010 World Cup and Euro 2012). Since Spain had already gained entry to the 2013 Confederations Cup by winning the 2010 World Cup, the runners-up Italy qualified. Euro 2012 was the second consecutive European Championship (after Euro 2008 held in Austria and Switzerland) in which neither of the hosts emerged from the group stage,[a] as both Poland and Ukraine were eliminated. Bid process The hosting of the event was initially contested by five bids representing seven countries: Croatia–Hungary, Greece, Italy, Poland–Ukraine, and Turkey. After an initial consideration of the bid data in 2005 by UEFA both the Greek and Turkish bids were eliminated from the process to leave three candidates. This was followed by a second round of the selection process which among other included visits by UEFA to all candidates. On 18 April 2007, the Poland–Ukraine bid was chosen by a vote of the UEFA Executive Committee at a meeting in Cardiff. Poland–Ukraine became the third successful joint bid for the European Championship, after those of Belgium–Netherlands (2000) and Austria–Switzerland (2008). Their bid received an absolute majority of votes, and was therefore announced the winner, without requiring a second round. Italy, which received the remaining votes, had been considered favourites to win the hosting, but incidents of fan violence and a match fixing scandal were widely cited as factors behind their failure. There were some later alterations from the initial bid plan, regarding the venues, before UEFA confirmed the eight host cities in 2009. During the preparation process in Poland and Ukraine, UEFA repeatedly expressed concern about their preparation to host the event, with different candidates reported as being alternative hosts if they did not improve; however, in the end, UEFA affirmed their selection. The draw for the UEFA Euro 2012 qualifying competition took place in Warsaw on 7 February 2010. Fifty-one teams entered to compete for the fourteen remaining places in the finals, alongside co-hosts Poland and Ukraine. The teams were divided into nine groups, with the draw using the new UEFA national team coefficient for the first time in order to determine the seedings. As defending champions, Spain was automatically top seeded. The qualifying process began in August 2010 and concluded in November 2011. At the conclusion of the qualifying group stage in October 2011, the nine group winners qualified automatically, along with the highest ranked second placed team. The remaining eight second placed teams contested two-legged play-offs, and the four winners qualified for the finals. Twelve of the sixteen finalists participated at the previous tournament in 2008. England and Denmark made their return to the Euro, having last participated in 2004, while Republic of Ireland returned after a twenty-four year absence to make their second appearance at a European Championship. One of the co-hosts, Ukraine, made their debut as an independent nation (before 1992 Ukraine participated as part of the Soviet Union). With the exception of Serbia – according to UEFA's ranking at the end of the qualifying stage – Europe's sixteen highest-ranked teams all qualified for the tournament. Qualified teams The following sixteen teams qualified for the finals: |Country||Qualified as||Date qualification was secured||Previous appearances in tournament1| |Poland||Co-hosts||18 April 2007||1 (2008)| |Ukraine||Co-hosts||18 April 2007||0 (debut)| |Germany2||Group A winner||2 September 2011||1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)10 (| |Russia3||Group B winner||11 October 2011||9 (1960, 1964, 1968, 1972, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2004, 2008)| |Italy||Group C winner||6 September 2011||7 (1968, 1980, 1988, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)| |France||Group D winner||11 October 2011||71960, 1984, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)(| |Netherlands||Group E winner||6 September 2011||8 (1976, 1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)| |Greece||Group F winner||11 October 2011||3 (1980, 2004, 2008)| |England||Group G winner||7 October 2011||71968, 1980, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004)(| |Denmark||Group H winner||11 October 2011||71964, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004)(| |Spain||Group I winner||6 September 2011||81964, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)(| |Sweden||Best runner-up||11 October 2011||4 (1992, 2000, 2004, 2008)| |Croatia||Play-off winner||15 November 2011||31996, 2004, 2008)(| |Czech Republic4||Play-off winner||15 November 2011||71960, 1976, 1980, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)(| |Portugal||Play-off winner||15 November 2011||51984, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008)(| |Republic of Ireland||Play-off winner||15 November 2011||11988)(| 1 Bold indicates champion for that year. Italics indicate (co-)host. Final draw The draw for the final tournament took place on 2 December 2011 at the Ukraine Palace of Arts in Kiev, Ukraine. The hour-long ceremony was hosted by Olga Freimut and Piotr Sobczyński, television presenters from the two host countries. As was the case for the 2004 and 2008 finals, the sixteen finalists were divided into four seeding pots, using the UEFA national team coefficient ranking. The pot allocations were based on the UEFA national team coefficient rankings of the sixteen finalists at the end of the qualifying competition in November 2011. Each nation's coefficient was generated by calculating: - 40% of the average ranking points per game earned in the UEFA Euro 2012 qualifying stage. - 40% of the average ranking points per game earned in the 2010 FIFA World Cup qualifying stage and final tournament. - 20% of the average ranking points per game earned in the UEFA Euro 2008 qualifying stage and final tournament. Aside from the coefficient, three teams were automatically placed in Pot 1. Ukraine and Poland were both assigned to Pot 1 as the two host nations, despite the fact that their rankings were the two lowest in the tournament; this also occurred in 2008 when the co-hosts Switzerland and Austria were also ranked below all other qualified teams. As defending champions, Spain were also automatically assigned to Pot 1, though their UEFA ranking at the time of the draw was coincidentally also the best. In the draw procedure, one team from each pot was drawn into each of the four groups. The draw also determined which place in the group teams in pots 2–4 would take (e.g. A2, A3 or A4) to create the match schedule. With Poland were automatically assigned in advance to A1, and Ukraine to D1, Pot 1 only had two teams as Spain and the Netherlands were to be drawn into position one in either group B or C. The balls were drawn by four former players who had each been part of European Championship winning teams: Horst Hrubesch, Marco van Basten, Peter Schmeichel and Zinedine Zidane. 1 Co-hosts Poland (coefficient 23,806, rank 28) and Ukraine (coefficient 28,029, rank 15) were automatically assigned to A1 and D1, and therefore were not in the draw. 2 Defending champions were automatically assigned to Pot 1. Eight cities were selected by UEFA as host venues. In a return to the format used at Euro 1992, Euro 1996 and Euro 2008, each of the four groups' matches were played in two stadiums. Host cities Warsaw, Gdańsk, Wrocław, Poznań, Kiev, and Lviv are all popular tourist destinations, unlike Donetsk and Kharkiv, the latter of which replaced Dnipropetrovsk as a host city in 2009. In order to meet UEFA's requirement for football infrastructure improvements, five new stadiums were built and opened in advance of the tournament. The remaining three stadiums (in Kiev, Poznań and Kharkiv) underwent major renovations in order to meet UEFA's infrastructure standards. Three of the stadiums are categorised as UEFA's highest category stadiums. The transport infrastructure in Poland and Ukraine was also extensively modified on the request of UEFA to cope with the large influx of football fans. UEFA organised fan zones in the eight host cities. They were located in the centre of each city, with all 31 matches shown live on a total of 24 giant screens. The zones enabled supporters to come together in a secure and controlled environment. The Warsaw Fan Zone occupied 120,000 square meters and accommodated 100,000 visitors. In all, the fans zones had a 20% increase in capacity compared to Euro 2008. A total of 31 matches were played during Euro 2012, with Ukraine hosting 16 of them and Poland 15. Built for tournament Built for tournament Built for tournament |3 matches in Group A (incl. opening match), 1 quarter-final and |3 matches in Group C and |3 matches in Group A||3 matches in Group C| Built for tournament Built for tournament |3 matches in Group D, 1 quarter-final and |3 matches in Group D, 1 quarter-final and |3 matches in Group B||3 matches in Group B| Tickets for the venues were sold directly by UEFA via its website, or distributed by the football associations of the 16 finalists. Applications had to be made during March 2011 for the 1.4 million tickets available for the 31 tournament matches. Over 20,000 were forecast to cross the Poland–Ukraine border each day during the tournament. Over 12 million applications were received, which represented a 17% increase on the 2008 finals, and an all-time record for the UEFA European Championship. Owing to this over-subscription for the matches, lotteries were carried out to allocate tickets. Prices varied from €30 (£25) (for a seat behind the goals at a group match) to €600 (£513) (for a seat in the main stand at the final). In addition to individual match tickets, fans could buy packages to see either all matches played by one team, or all matches at one specific venue. According to UEFA requirements, TP ensured approximately 2х70 Gbit/sec data communication speed from Polish stadiums and 2х140 Gbit/sec between Poland and Ukraine. This was required due to the fact that the matches were broadcast in HD quality. The multilateral production utilised 31 cameras to cover the action on and around the pitch at every match, with additional cameras following activities around the game, such as team arrivals at the stadiums, interviews, and media conferences. The official Euro 2012 broadcasting centre was located at the Expo XXI International Centre in Warsaw. The tournament was broadcast live by around 100 TV channels covering the whole world. 150,000,000 people were expected to watch the matches each day. Match ball The Adidas Tango 12 was the official match ball of UEFA Euro 2012. The ball is named after the original Adidas Tango family of footballs; however, the Tango 12 and its variations have a completely new design. Variations of the ball have been used in other contemporary competitions including the Africa Cup of Nations and the Summer Olympics. It is designed to be easier to dribble and control than the reportedly unpredictable Adidas Jabulani used at the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Team base camps Each team had a "team base camp" for its stay between the matches. From an initial list of thirty-eight potential locations (twenty-one in Poland, seventeen in Ukraine), the national associations chose their locations in 2011. The teams trained and resided in these locations throughout the tournament, travelling to games staged away from their bases. Thirteen teams stayed in Poland and three in Ukraine. |Team||Arrival||Last Match||Base camp||Group stage venues||QF venues||SF venues||Final venue| |Croatia||5 June||18 June||Warka |Gdańsk and Poznań| |Czech Republic||3 June||21 June||Wrocław||Wrocław||Warsaw| |Denmark||4 June||17 June||Kołobrzeg||Kharkiv and Lviv| |England||6 June||24 June||Kraków||Kiev and Donetsk||Kiev| |France||6 June||23 June||Donetsk||Kiev and Donetsk||Donetsk| |Germany||3 June||28 June||Gdańsk||Kharkiv and Lviv||Gdańsk||Warsaw| |Greece||3 June||22 June||Jachranka |Warsaw and Wrocław||Gdańsk| |Republic of Ireland||5 June||18 June||Sopot |Gdańsk and Poznań| |Italy||5 June||1 July||Kraków||Gdańsk and Poznań||Kiev||Warsaw||Kiev| |Netherlands||4 June||17 June||Kraków||Kharkiv| |Poland||28 May||16 June||Warsaw||Warsaw and Wrocław| |Portugal||4 June||27 June||Opalenica |Kharkiv and Lviv||Warsaw||Donetsk| |Russia||3 June||16 June||Warsaw||Warsaw and Wrocław| |Spain||5 June||1 July||Gniewino |Sweden||6 June||19 June||Kiev||Kiev| |Ukraine||6 June||19 June||Kiev||Kiev and Donetsk| For the list of all squads that played in the tournament, see UEFA Euro 2012 squads. Match officials On 20 December 2011, UEFA named twelve referees and four fourth officials for Euro 2012. On 27 March 2012, UEFA issued the full list of 80 referees to be used in Euro 2012, including the assistant referees, the additional assistant referees, and the four reserve assistant referees. Each refereeing team consisted of five match officials from the same country: one main referee, two assistant referees, and two additional assistant referees. All of the main referees, additional assistant referees, and fourth officials were FIFA referees, and the assistant referees (including the four reserve assistant referees) were FIFA assistant referees. For each refereeing team, a third assistant referee from each country was named to remain on standby until the start of the tournament to take the place of a colleague if required. In two cases, for the French and Slovenian refereeing teams, the standby assistant referees took the place of one of the assistant referees before the start of the tournament. Continuing the experiments carried out in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League, the two additional assistant referees were used on the goal line for the first time in European Championship history with approval from the International Football Association Board. - Final referee; only referee assigned to four matches. UEFA announced the schedule for the 31 matches of the final tournament in October 2010, with the final confirmation of kick-offs times being affirmed following the tournament draw in December 2011. Group stage The teams finishing in the top two positions in each of the four groups (highlighted in tables) progressed to the quarter-finals, while the bottom two teams were eliminated from the tournament. - Higher number of points obtained in the matches played between the teams in question; - Superior goal difference resulting from the matches played between the teams in question; - Higher number of goals scored in the matches played between the teams in question;[c] - Superior goal difference in all group matches; - Higher number of goals scored in all group matches; - If two teams tie alone (according to 1–5) after having met in the last round of the group stage their ranking is determined by penalty shoot-out. - Position in the UEFA national team coefficient ranking system; - Fair play conduct of the teams (final tournament); - Drawing of lots. Group A Greece were placed above Russia based on their head-to-head record (1–0). The Czech Republic became the first team to win a European Championship group with a negative goal difference Group B Group C Group D Ukraine were placed above Sweden based on their head-to-head record (2–1). Knockout stage The UEFA Technical Team was charged with naming a squad composed of the 23 best players over the course of the tournament. The group of eleven analysts watched every game at the tournament before making their decision after the final. Ten players from the winning Spanish team were selected in the team of the tournament, while Zlatan Ibrahimović was the only player to be included whose team was knocked out in the group stage. A total of €196 million was given to the 16 teams competing in this tournament, an increase from the €184 million in the previous tournament. Each team received an initial €8 million and then received additional money, based on their performances. Spain, the winners of Euro 2012, were awarded a total prize of €23 million for their performance. The maximum prize achievable (for winning all group matches and winning the final) was €23.5 million. Complete list: Extra payment based on teams performances: Besides money, commemorative plaques were given to all participants together with special plaques for semi-final losers and finalists. Gold and silver medals were awarded to the winners and runners-up, respectively, whereas both semi-final losers were awarded bronze medals. The trophy given to the winners remains in the ownership of UEFA; however, the winning nation, Spain, received a full-size replica. In the final tournament, a player was suspended for the subsequent match in the competition for either getting red card or accumulating two yellow cards in two different matches. UEFA's Control and Disciplinary body has the ability to increase the automatic one match ban for a red card (e.g. for violent conduct). Single yellow card cautions were erased at the conclusion of the quarter-finals, and were not carried over to the semi-finals (so that a player could only be suspended for the final by getting a red card in the semi-final). Single yellow cards and suspensions for yellow card accumulations do not carry over to the 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification tournament matches. The following players were suspended during the final tournament – for one or more games – as a result of red cards or yellow card accumulations: Apart from discipline measures for yellow and red cards, UEFA fined the football associations of Croatia, England, Germany, Portugal, Russia and Spain a total of €417,000 for spectators incidents.[e] Furthermore, the Portuguese association was fined €5,000 for delaying the start of the second half of the game against Germany. In addition to these, Danish striker Nicklas Bendtner was fined €100,000 and given a one match ban (to be applied in the 2014 FIFA World Cup qualification tournament) for revealing his sponsored underpants, violating UEFA regulations, during the celebration of his second goal in the match against Portugal.[f] Penalty kicks Not counting penalty shoot-outs, four penalties were awarded during the tournament. Giorgos Karagounis was the only player who failed to convert his penalty, which occurred in the match against Poland. Trophy tour The Henri Delaunay Trophy began a journey through the host cities seven weeks before the start of the tournament. A hundred days before the first match a 35.5-metre-high (116 ft) hot air balloon in the shape of the trophy was flown in Nyon, Switzerland and visited 14 cities throughout the host countries, reminding spectators of the impending tournament. On 20 April 2012, the trophy tour started and visited the Polish cities of Warsaw, Wrocław, Gdańsk, Poznań, Kraków, Katowice and Łódź. After the Polish cities, the trophy visited seven Ukrainian cities: Kiev, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv, and Odesa. Logo, slogan and theme songs The competition slogan, Creating History Together (Polish: Razem tworzymy przyszłość, literally, "Together we are creating the future", Ukrainian: Творимо історію разом, Tvorymo istoriyu razom), was announced along with the logo. The official logo for the tournament was unveiled at a special event at Mykhailivska Square, Kiev, on 14 December 2009. Designed by Portuguese group Brandia Central. It takes its visual identity from Wycinanki or Vytynanky, traditional form of paper cutting practised in rural areas of Poland and Ukraine. The art form symbolises the nature of the rural areas of both countries. As part of the event, landmark buildings in the eight host cities were illuminated with the tournament logo. The official Euro 2012 song is "Endless Summer" by the German singer Oceana. In addition, UEFA has retained the melody that was composed by Rollo Armstrong of Faithless on its behalf for the 2008 tournament. The Republic of Ireland has also produced an official song: "The Rocky Road to Poland" recorded by a collaboration of Irish performers has already reached number 1 in Ireland. In Spain, the broadcasting company Mediaset España commissioned the song "No hay 2 sin 3", performed by David Bisbal and Cali & El Dandee and produced by RedOne. The tournament has also been associated with the song "Heart of Courage" by Two Steps From Hell, which has been played in the stadiums during the entrance of the players (before the national anthems); but also "Seven Nation Army" by The White Stripes, in this case after every goal. Merchandise and mascots UEFA signed a worldwide licensing agreement with Warner Brothers Consumer Products to help promote the tournament. The agreement involved licensing to third parties for a variety of other merchandising items. Also designed by Warner Bros. were the official tournament mascots, "Slavek and Slavko", twins that wore the national colours of the two host nations. The mascots were unveiled in December 2010, and named following an online poll. UEFA announced ten global sponsors and, for both Poland and Ukraine, three national sponsors as shown below. These sponsorships together with the broadcasting revenues were estimated to earn UEFA at least US$1.6 billion. Concerns and controversies After Poland and Ukraine were chosen by a vote of the UEFA Executive Committee as host countries for Euro 2012, several issues arose, which jeopardised the Polish/Ukrainian host status. In Ukraine there were financial difficulties related to stadium and infrastructure renovation related to the economic crisis. In Poland, issues arose related to corruption within the Polish Football Association. In April 2009 however, the president of UEFA, Michel Platini announced that all was on track and that he saw no major problems. After a UEFA delegation visited Ukraine in September 2011, he stated the country was "virtually ready for Euro 2012". Especially in the UK, there were allegations of racism in football in both host countries. The main cause of discussion was the BBC current affairs programme Panorama, entitled Euro 2012: Stadiums of Hate, which included recent footage of supporters chanting various antisemitic slogans and displays of white power symbols and banners in Poland, plus Nazi salutes and the beating of South Asians in Ukraine. The documentary was first echoed in much of the British press, but was then attacked for being one-sided and unethical: critics included other British media outlets; anti-racism campaigners, black and Jewish community leaders in Poland; Polish and Ukrainian politicians and journalists; England fans visiting the host nations and Gary Lineker. In response to Yulia Tymoshenko’s hunger strike and her mistreatment in a Ukrainian prison some European politicians and governments announced that they would boycott the matches in Ukraine. Ukraine came under criticism from animal welfare organisations for killing stray cats and dogs in order to prepare for Euro 2012. Ukrainian Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and Minister Of The Environment promised to take action to prevent killing animals but it still remains unclear how these measures will be enforced. The ministry's comments also suggested this would only be a temporary measure, drawing further criticism. Other minor important issues were associated with FEMEN’s group protests against prostitution and sex tourism in Ukraine, and enormous increases in hotel prices by many hoteliers in the country. See also
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- Current Issue SIGN IN to access the Harper’s archive ALERT: Usernames and passwords from the old Harpers.org will no longer work. To create a new password and add or verify your email address, please sign in to customer care and select Email/Password Information. (To learn about the change, please read our FAQ.) Car bombs in Damascus killed more than 50 people in advance of nationwide Internet and telecommunications blackouts, attributed by many to President Bashar al-Assad’s administration, that crippled Syrians’ capacity to self-report on the country’s civil war. Hacker collective Anonymous attacked the websites of Syrian embassies, and the Syrian military relocated chemical-weapons stockpiles, prompting the United States to threaten intervention. In Hillah, Iraq, bombings at a roadside campsite for Shia pilgrims left at least 29 dead, and in Bahrain police fired teargas on protesters condemning Kim Kardashian’s visit to promote a new branch of her milkshake franchise. The United Nations held a day of solidarity with Palestinians, on which its general assembly voted 138–9 to recognize the state of Palestine. In response, Israel announced that it would build 3,000 new homes in East Jerusalem and the West Bank, and would withhold more than $100 million in tax revenue raised for the Palestinian government, dealing what U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon called an “almost fatal blow” to the prospect of peace. The U.S. Navy was planning to reduce its reliance on dolphin labor, and an international coalition of researchers concluded that more than 4 trillion tons of ice in Greenland and Antarctica have melted in the past twenty years, causing the world’s sea level to rise by 11 millimeters. Iceland exported over two tons of ram penis to China, and North Korea’s state news agency reported the discovery of a unicorn lair in Pyongyang. President Barack Obama introduced a proposal to prevent the United States from falling over the “fiscal cliff.” The plan, which includes such measures as higher tax rates on wealthy citizens and a $400-billion cut to federal health programs, caused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) to burst into laughter. “Right now, I would say we’re nowhere, period,” said House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio), outside whose office nude activists protested potential cuts to HIV programs. “I think it’s important Congress acts now, I mean right now,” said Vice President Joe Biden at the opening day of the first Costco in Washington, D.C. “I’m looking for pies.” Obama and Mitt Romney met for the first time since the U.S. presidential election, over a luncheon of turkey chili at the White House. eBay pulled a listing for Obama in Pee Pee, an artwork by conservative television host Glenn Beck that features a bobblehead of the president purportedly submerged in Beck’s urine, and Bill Clinton disclosed that during his presidency he sent only two emails, one to troops in the Balkans and the other in response to a message sent from space by astronaut John Glenn. “We have gone almost a third of the way around the world in the time it has taken me to write this letter,” wrote Glenn. “The rest of the crew is waiting.” Scientists determined that lying increases the temperature of one’s nose, that having a lot of Facebook friends leads to anxiety, and that hyperparasitic wasps, which lay eggs in parasitic wasps that lay eggs in caterpillars, are sometimes parasitized by other hyperparasitic wasps. Germany moved to criminalize sex with animals, leading zoophilia lobbyist Michael Kiok, who lives with an Alsatian named Cessie, to threaten legal action. “We see animals as partners and not as a means of gratification,” said Kiok. “We don’t force them to do anything.” A Florida woman was arrested after she assaulted her boyfriend for climaxing first. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge[*] announced that they were expecting a royal baby, and a lexicographer published arguments that Robert Burchfield, a former Oxford English Dictionary editor popularly credited with overcoming the dictionary’s Anglocentrism during the 1970s and 1980s, had actually expunged thousands of English words with foreign origins. “If a word gets into the OED, it never leaves,” said the lexicographer. “If it becomes obsolete, we put a dagger beside it, but it never leaves.” The Associated Press eliminated homophobia from its stylebook, and four gay men filed suit against JONAH, a Jewish conversion-therapy office in Jersey City, New Jersey, for defrauding them of thousands of dollars spent on such allegedly curative techniques as visiting bathhouses and beating effigies of their mothers with a tennis racket. “Our therapy,” said JONAH’s co-director, “is very conventional.” Dear Harper’s Magazine, I am a fervent subscriber (if there can be such a thing) to your excellent magazine: we have nothing equivalent in England, and I am very grateful to you for being so challenging and thought-provoking. However, the English pedant in me is reeling at your otherwise excellent Harper’s Weekly in which you announce that “Prince WIlliam and Princess Kate” are having a baby. Yikes! They’re the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. She’s not Princess Kate, as she’s not a princess in her own right; she’s Princess William of Wales, otherwise known as the Duchess of Cambridge, until the Prince of Wales dies, when she’ll be the Princess of Wales, and not Kate, Princess of Wales. Sigh. I know I am fighting a long and hopeless battle. Even British journalists can’t get it right these days. Yours sincerely, and with much admiration for your continued superlative magazinistic efforts, More from Justin Stone: Years of consideration preceding the inclusion of the word “phat” in Random House’s 1996 Compact Unabridged Dictionary: Scientists created crash helmets that stink when cracked and fruit flies to whom blue light smells delicious. In Belize, a construction company bulldozed a 2,300-year-old Mayan temple to make road fill. Subscribe to the Weekly Review newsletter. Don’t worry, we won’t sell your email address! “This is the heart of the magic factory, the place where medicine is infused with the miracles of science, and I’ve come to see how it’s done.”
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Esther Rantzen has come in a disappointing fourth place in Luton South, receiving only 4.4 per cent of votes.Ms Rantzen has reportedly lost her election deposit after failing to poll enough votes. Ms Rantzen said that it was “amazing” so many people voted for her but that she was “saddened and surprised” that the BNP received 1,299 votes and a 3.1 per cent share. She said: “I have regarded Luton as a community with diverse elements living alongside each other so I was saddened and surprised when I saw the BNP votes. I was worried at one stage when I thought I might have been beaten by the BNP which would have been grim.” She said that she had spent more than £10,000 on her campaign but that it was a “lavish 70th birthday present” for herself.“I’ve really enjoyed the year,” she said. “Luton will have a very special place in my heart. Gavin Shuker held on to the seat for Labour with a 34.9 per cent share of the vote, despite outrage after incumbent Labour MP Margaret Moran’s expenses claim for dry rot in her second home were revealed last year. Ms Rantzen, 69, the former host of That's Life! and founder of ChildLine, stood as an independent candidate among 11 other candidates, the highest number standing for one constituency. She received 1,872 votes, well behind the Liberal Democrats, Qurban Hussain (9,567 votes), Conservative Nigel Huddleston (12,396 votes) and Mr Shuker (14,725 votes) but ranked above the BNP, UKIP, Green, Workers Revolutionary Party and four other independents. A total of 42,216 people voted, an 11 per cent increase on the 2005 election. Meanwhile, in Luton North, Jewish Conservative candidate Jeremy Brier lost out to Labour’s Kelvin Hopkins, MP since 1997, who won with a majority of 7,520 votes. Mr Brier, a 30-year-old barrister, received 13,672 votes and a 31.8 per cent share to Mr Hopkins’ 21,192 votes and 49.3 per cent share. Lib Dems came in third with UKIP, BNP and Green candidates trailing behind. The 2015 United Kingdom General Election will take place on 7 May 2015 To make a difference and to make your vote count you must be registered
{ "date": "2015-03-31T05:20:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2015-14", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2015-14/segments/1427131300313.14/warc/CC-MAIN-20150323172140-00020-ip-10-168-14-71.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9758678078651428, "token_count": 524, "url": "http://youelect.org.uk/constituency/luton-south/news/election-result-luton-south-and-north" }
EmbiggenedBy Rabbi Jack Abramowitz Isaiah tells Jerusalem to arise, for their light has come. Darkness will cover the Earth, but they alone will have light. The other nations will follow their light to G-d. Isaiah says to look around and see the crowds who have gathered – either referring to the people of other nations from the previous verse or to the exiles, who have returned. Jerusalem will be startled by the abundance of goodness she will have, and be enlarged by it. Caravans will come to Jerusalem, carrying wealth and precious goods, as well as praise of G-d. The sheep and rams will be sacrifices to G-d, which He will accept and which will inspire the nations to serve Him. The Jews will return from exile swiftly, like a cloud carried by the wind and doves returning to the coop. Ships will return the Jews to their land, along with silver and gold. (This may mean the wealth that was pillaged during the siege, or that the nations will send wealth as gifts to the Temple.) The people from other lands will help build up the city and kings will serve the nation because G-d had punished the nation for their sins, and now He has had mercy on them. Because there will be peace, the gates of Jerusalem will be open 24 hours a day and wealth will pour in. Nations will follow the Jews’ example and serve G-d or they will cease to be. The best trees of Lebanon will be used in the Temple, as they were in the time of Solomon and the descendants of the Jews’ oppressors in exile will recognize the holiness of Jerusalem and its connection to the Jewish people. Instead of being despised by the nations of the world, Israel will be admired. Israel will enjoy the wealth of nations and know that this came from G-d. Instead of copper and iron, the Jews will enjoy gold and silver. (This means that they will be rewarded many times more than the amount they were punished.) The rulers of the land will be guided by peace and righteousness. Violence and oppression will be a thing of the past. They won’t need the sun and moon for light because G-d will be their everlasting light. (This is a metaphor; light represents Torah.) The people, all of whom will be righteous, will inherit the land forever and the smallest of families will be extremely prolific. It is G-d who says this and He will make it happen.
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Recently, we received an email from an educator who said that he was, “looking for resources from which he could use sports to teach Jewish concepts.” As a rabbi or educator, you are always looking for ways to help your congregants or students better their behavior and conduct. It follows that the use of sports references or analogies can come in very handy, as they will help people easily connect and relate to your message. Indeed, when it comes to G-d and sports, a recent study (see here) found that nearly 30% of Americans say that G-d plays a role in the outcome of sports events. And so, we figured we’d highlight for you the resources that we’ve collected: - Time-out: Sports Stories as a Game Plan: Using various sports, this book (authored by the American-born and recently elected Knesset member, Rabbi Dov Lipman) teaches positive lessons from a Torah perspective. Whether it’s learning about consistency from Cal Ripken, Jr. or developing a work ethic from Michael Jordan, each chapter conveys a timeless lesson using a sports metaphor. - Alan Veingrad: This is the personal website of retired Superbowl champion, Alan Veingrad. Today, Alan Shlomo Veingard travels the country relating his experiences as a professional athlete, a sales and marketing executive, and an observant Jew. Alan’s presentations bring audiences laughter, inspiration and valuable insights into both life and business. Plus, you can sign up for a free monthly newsletter which is filled with great Torah and sports related metaphors! Here is a link to a couple of full-length talks by Alan Veingrad. - TheFanaticRabbi.com: Rabbi Joshua Hess serves as rabbi of Congregation Anshe Chesed in Linden, NJ. According to Rabbi Hess, when he realized that his dreams of playing professional basketball weren’t meant to be, he pursued ordination at Ner Israel Rabbinical College in Baltimore, MD. To merge his passion for Torah and sports, he started a blog, TheFanaticRabbi.com, in which he which extracts religious lessons from the sports page. He enjoys using sports themes to connect to his students and congregants, and shares his thoughts on sports news and commentary on his blog. Here’s a golf and Torah message by Aish Denver’s Rabbi Baruch Zuckerman, who is a proud graduate of an affiliate program of Ner LeElef: The Jerusalem Kollel. Finally, below is a piece written by Rabbi Ron Yitzchak Eisenmann, a guest contributor on more than one occasion to NLEResources.com. The message, while relevant to the Superbowl, can be used throughout the year and applies to sporting events such as the NCAA Championships, NBA Finals, and more! As I write these words over 163 million Americans, (that’s more than half of the people living in our great country) are tuned out and glued to the event referred to as “The Super Bowl”.Indeed, if you are reading this as I am writing it, you are part of a minority of Americans who are not glued to the tube. Truth be told, I am not against watching the game, and although I myself do not have the luxury of dedicating even a few minutes to indulge in watching twenty two men bang and slam into each other-as things go this is one of the more innocuous diversions which someone can chose from. However, even with acknowledging that the diversion of the Super Bowl is relatively banal, nevertheless a diversion or better said a departure it nonetheless is. Meaning, let us ask ourselves a basic question. Why do so many people spend hours and often much money to sit and watch the game? Indeed, any and every thinking person certainly realizes that none of the players-irrespective of their respective uniform-represents you as an individual. The life style, salary scale, and entire world outlook of any of the players is probably very different than the average viewer of the game, and certainly and hopefully radically different than your Orthodox Jewish game-watcher. So, let’s go back to our original question. Why watch the game? The answer I believe has already been given away. The game is a diversion or better said ‘a departure’. From what do we want to ‘depart’? We want to depart from many things; however, most surely we want to remove ourselves from the reality of the pressures of life. Life is hard; there is no doubt about it. It is hard to make a living in this world and it is difficult to raise a family. It is challenging to get up in the morning and perhaps even more so to go to sleep on time. Yes my friends, life is hard. Therefore, for a few hours on a Sunday evening in February 163 million Americans escape from the lethargic doldrums of daily like and are transformed into the heroes of the stadium. For a few brief hours these couch potatoes become active athletes through vicarious competition. It is nice to escape and perhaps even necessary. Indeed, when I dissolve myself in the virtual world of my writing I escape. And when I immerse my being into the sea of Torah, I am also departing from the humdrum and pedestrian pace of daily life. There is nothing wrong with escaping; just make sure that the place you depart to is superior to the place you have escaped from. Photo Credit: Malingering
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It's nearing that time of year again - Christmas music playing on the radio and in the stores, halloween decorations being replaced with pilgrims and turkeys and then eventually reindeer and sleighs. As a kid, I lived for these holidays, especially after spending hours drooling over the Sears and JCPenney catalogs. Now that I'm an adult (opinions vary on that point), Christmas has lost a little of its charm for me. The presents under the tree for me are more practical gifts like pants and socks, and I gave up the catalog daydreams a long time ago. All of the joy in Christmas that really remains for me is the sparkle in my kids' eyes when they open presents on Christmas morning. And I'm okay with that. However, what I'm not okay with is the annual anti-Christmas movement that goes on all around the country. Companies and organizations have been distancing themselves from the holiday by not using words like Christmas in their ads and events. Never mind the fact that without Christmas, they'd have no holiday shopping rush (who really is out there doing last-minute Kwanzaa or Hanukkah shopping?). They say it's not inclusive enough. Non-Christians will be offended. I don't really understand this mindset - I was never offended over my Jewish friend's holidays, and Kwanzaa wasn't something I'd ever heard about until the last few years. But every now and then, something beautiful happens. Something that reminds me that I'm not alone in feeling this way. Something like this: PATCHOGUE, N.Y. - A famed fireworks company is pulling out of a holiday boat parade because "Christmas" was dropped from the event's name. Fireworks by Grucci won't lend its sparkle to Patchogue's Nov. 23 parade — decorated yachts on the Patchogue River — because the organizers have renamed it the Patchogue Holiday Boat Parade. It was the Patchogue Christmas Boat Parade last year, when the Grucci company donated $5,000 worth of fireworks. The company's vice president, Philip Butler, who has criticized the secularization of Christmas in the past, said parade organizers were "using all the themes of Christmas and plagiarizing all those themes." Bravo, I say. This is a move that puts the lie to the notion of greedy corporate America. Mr. Butler has principles and has made a stand, profit be damned. I doubt you'll hear any liberals complimenting him on it though. As a consumer, I'm not really a direct customer of a company like Grucci, but if I was on a town committee that organizes fireworks displays, I'd definitely consider throwing them our business. So this December, have yourself a Merry Christmas, and if that offends you, tough shit. I'll wish it for you anyway.
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TEL AVIV (Feb. 27) The sound of lilting music grows louder as the camera zooms in on a face in shadow. In the corner of the television screen the person’s statistics are flashed: age 25, lawyer, represents Israel abroad. A light is then cast onto the face, revealing a young Ethiopian Israeli woman wearing a business suit. In accentless Hebrew she says with a hint of defiance: “You did not expect to see me, did you? There are many others like me.” The same format is used to highlight other Ethiopian Israelis, including a soccer star, a deputy battalion commander in the army and one who recently earned a doctorate. The ad is part of a campaign launched by the Israeli Ministry of Immigration Absorption and the Jewish Agency for Israel to boost the image of the country’s 100,000 Ethiopians. In the eyes of many Israelis, Ethiopian immigration to Israel has been a failure. Most encounter Ethiopians through the media, where they are depicted as unemployed, poor and plagued by family violence. The younger generation is seen as adrift and drawn increasingly to a life of crime. The campaign aims to show the Israeli public young Ethiopians who have found success such as Maj. Shlomi Vicha, 27, a company commander in the Israeli army. In charge of three combat platoons, Vicha said he feels it is now his time to give back to the country that took him in as a young child who immigrated without his parents — and housed and educated him and his siblings. “I have no doubt that the army is the best place for having an equal chance for success just like everyone else,” Vicha added. “Everyone is equal here and whoever wants to succeed will succeed.” He has spent time speaking to Ethiopian youth. “I do what I can to contribute and explain to them about the army and how they can contribute,” he said. “It’s important that there are success stories so the public at large will see the other side and also so there can be models for the schoolchildren so they know that they too can succeed and go forward.” The statistics, however, are discouraging. Research conducted by the Israel Association for Ethiopian Jews has found that among those who are employed, the majority work in blue-collar jobs and live below the poverty line, Ethiopian students drop out of high school at twice the rate of the general population and juvenile crime is rampant. The aggressive advertising campaign, being promoted on television, radio, the Internet and in newspapers, is aimed at casting a positive light on the community by focusing on its success stories. It also marks the arrival of the first major arrival of Ethiopian Jews to Israel 30 years ago. “We’ve decided we need to make an overture to the public, to include the public in their absorption,” said Jewish Agency spokesman Yarden Vatikay. He said that he hopes the campaign, entitled, “Thirty Years Since the Aliyah from Ethiopia — Success Depends on Us” will boost awareness about the community and draft Israeli volunteers to help integrate Ethiopians more completely into Israeli society. Integration has been the major stumbling block for the community. The majority arrived penniless, unable to speak Hebrew — and complete foreigners not only to Israeli culture but to the modern, Western world. Most had been raised in an agricultural, subsistence economy and were not all prepared for life in Israel. Unlike their highly educated Russian immigrant counterparts, the Ethiopians have struggled to integrate into competitive and aggressive spirit of Israeli culture and many are now dependent on government assistance. A phone number is provided in the ads for a hotline that gives information on how Israelis can either “adopt” an Ethiopian family — sharing meals and holidays with them — tutor students or give an internship to a young Ethiopian. Daniel Yosef, a 35-year-old architect, is among those in his generation of young Ethiopians who have found professional success. His siblings have as well: among them is a musician, a graphic artist and a fashion designer. Yosef said he hopes the campaign accomplishes its goal of showing “the other side, the side of success within the community.” But he added that it what is most important to him is not to boost awareness among today’s Ethiopian youth that success is within reach. “The campaign is one that has to be within our own society so we can raise our own self-image,” he said. “we need to provide a good example to the youth.” Employment remains a problem. Only some 76 percent of the community is employed, compared with almost 90 percent of the general workforce. Meanwhile, thousands of Ethiopian Israelis who have graduated from college often cannot find work in their fields. Many Ethiopians with law degrees, for example, can be found working in communal organizations or even as security guards instead of in law firms. Only some 15 percent of those with law degrees actually work in law firms, according to Jewish Agency statistics. An estimated 60 percent of Ethiopian Israelis who have academic degrees end up taking working class jobs when they cannot find work in their professions, research has found. “The campaign is not the solution to the problem, but part of the process. We want people to ask themselves whether they display racism, and whether they give equal opportunity to people at job interviews, or are they influenced by stereotypes,” said Immigration Absorption Minister Tzipi Livni told the Israeli daily Yediot Achronot. Despite the initial jubilation in the country during the airlifts of Operation Moses in 1984-85 and Operation Solomon in 1991, racism and discrimination persist. In September, an Israeli mayor tried to bar Ethiopian students from attending an elementary school in his town. Avraham Neguise, an Ethiopian rights activist running for Knesset in a new party aimed at Ethiopian voters, said the ad campaign should show not only the success stories, but also the challenges that face the community. “It seems like this is taking a few individuals who really did good work and succeeded which is good. However it looks like it is hiding the real problems,” he said. Vicha, the army major, thinks the situation for Ethiopians will improve when the younger Ethiopians feel less stuck between cultures and embrace what is good in both Israeli society and their heritage. “We need to take from both,” Vicha said.
{ "date": "2017-08-17T06:06:45Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886102967.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20170817053725-20170817073725-00240.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9733567833900452, "token_count": 1353, "url": "http://www.jta.org/2006/02/28/archive/ad-campaign-by-israel-group-aims-to-boost-ethiopian-israeli-image" }
So Christine O’Donnell, finding the cupboard most bare, formed a PAC and, now her bills taken care of, she can utter profound (in her ditzy mind) quips, and otherwise try to interject herself into adult conversations. Not content to get two of the top ten quotes of the year, she’s after more. She’s in a friendly race with sista Sarah to be both the most obnoxious, won’t go away buffoon and the biggest butcher of the English language to date. If enough isn’t being said about the tax bill being decided Ms. Chatty Christie has weighed in. Of course she’s all for the Bush tax cuts being extended and she hates all the stuff for those in economic free fall. According to the non-witchy one, tragedies come in threes–Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Edwards death, and now these confounded extensions of unemployment benefits. She then tried to explain what THAT meant, and of course failed. Halloween can’t return fast enough. You and I are much alike. Therefore, I feel confident that you too have spent countless hours? maybe even days, wondering what the hell frankincense is or was. Given the season, well, I went a lookin’ for an answer for us both. I tried Senator Franken, but he demurred, pointing out that there is an “e” after the K in his name, not an “i” as in frankincense. So I figured Slate would have the answer, and they did. Read all about it here, and surprise friends and family with your new-found sparkling intellect. I think a lot like Keith Olbermann I guess. At least two of his items from last night’s show were links on my blog. We, meaning me and he and his researchers must be reading some of the same bloggers online. That’s comforting to me. And of course, you can know that you’re getting the “best” when you come here. *snicker* and “toot”. It appears that Michael, I’m da black man in the Repiglians world, Steele, has decided to give it another go round. Shocking all the Repoopers with the news he was not gonna go “quietly into the night” he threw his hat in the ring to be the paper tiger in the GOP once again. Now this pissed off tons of the GOP regulars, since they thought that two years was enough to prove they aren’t the bigots everybody says they are. They were tired of Mr. Steele’s general stupidity, hoof and mouth disease, and all around big spender attitude. Ain’t it just fun watching the GOP fracture along so many different lines? Let those with brains, think. We, with regularity, point out that fundigelicals are guilty mostly of reading biblical texts in a manner that supports their own needs and general beliefs about the world. They accept as literal those things that seem right to them anyway, and reject/ignore/explain away other quite direct statements when they cut against their needs and beliefs. A provocative post at Biologos explains how early Jewish theologians were pained to clothe Adam and Eve, to protect their ideas of cultural “rightness” in their day. Indeed, we are all subject to that influence. Read, Genesis, Creation and Ancient Interpreters: Adam and Eve’s Nakedness. If you just want to read something sweet and uplifting and well, Christmasy, then read Five String Guitar’s post about he and his wife’s latest Christmas shopping trip. It will warm your heart! Try it! Hold onto your shorts folks. I have a major announcement to make! I do not DO NOT DO NOT have an opinion on the Julian Assange/Wikileaks affair. Nope, I surely don’t. Stand by: I may have one tomorrow. But so far, I don’t. This buffoon, a Lt. Col. in the Army just pled guilty at his court-martial and faces eighteen months in prison, all because he refused to go to Afghanistan because the President is not a citizen and thus cannot legally give such an order. What is worse, he was not ordered to Afghanistan but VOLUNTEERED, just to force this case. It is simply stunningly amazing that anyone can be this stupid, and be a surgeon. Do not, repeat, do not, allow this man near you with a scalpel. No doubt his medical licence is also at risk due to his felony conviction. The Contrarian is installing plastic sheeting over the bay windows in the living room. Plenty of naughty words are emanating from there. I am not going out there to see. The cats have all gone into hiding. Brandy wouldn’t come up the steps again, the rain/slush/snow had her carpet all frozen up and slick. So now there are towels down, until it warms enough to de-ice. This is all no big deal, except when it’s 4 below zero and 2:30 am and you are out there begging and pleading with her to “try.” What’s on the stove today? Tostados! Hurrah. - Christine O’Donnell: unemployment benefits deal a ‘tragedy’…like Pearl Harbor, Elizabeth Edwards (pinkbananaworld.com) - Christine O’Donnell: Pearl Harbor, Unemployment Benefits Extension Both ‘Tragedies’ (huffingtonpost.com)
{ "date": "2017-08-18T03:03:03Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886104560.59/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818024629-20170818044629-00320.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9607570767402649, "token_count": 1196, "url": "https://afeatheradrift.wordpress.com/2010/12/14/ho-ho-ho-witchy-poo-is-back/" }
Yes, Faculty Lounge Fascists and Left-Wing Archie Bunkers from the 1960s generation have transformed America’s colleges and universities into churches for irrational thought. Evergreen State is the most prominent example right now. SEE ALSO HERE In my most recent blog post about this increasingly undeniable state of affairs I quoted from and linked to a New York Times item. This time I’m linking to a Takimag item. The link to that Jim Goad piece is below, but first some excerpts: “The school (Evergreen State) bears the dubious distinction of being “one of the least selective universities in the nation with an admittance rate of 98%.” “Over the past couple weeks, Evergreen has leapfrogged over Yale, Mizzou, and even Berkeley to become the most eagerly self-castrating school of higher learning in the US of A.” “This year, due to caterwauling among Students of Color that they felt unsafe on the campus due to Donald Trump’s election—despite the statistical possibility that not a single teacher nor student on the entire campus voted for Trump or even dared to utter one public word in support of him—the Day of Absence’s organizers attempted to flip the script. “Instead of the usual routine, which involved black students effectively playing hooky, white students were encouraged to stay off campus, where they could attend workshops that scrubbed their brains clean of any self-interest and instead filled their crania with wholesome and forward-looking feelings of self-loathing. “This rankled biology teacher Bret Weinstein, a self-proclaimed anti-racist Jewish progressive who at least has the clarity of thought to realize that Critical Race Theory is an ideology rather than an eternal truth.” - And we all know the ridiculous mob scenes and the Witch Hunt that the Democrats at Evergreen State unleashed from there. The link to Goad’s whole piece is below. Be sure to watch the video of George Bridges, Evergreen State’s President – and in my opinion a man with no self-respect or backbone of any kind. At one point the Evergreen State Fascists freak out over the way Bridges is talking with his hands. For those of you not in the know, the irrational, emotional cripples who pretend to be college students in 21st Century America have for years been making a big deal out of feeling “unsafe” JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE MIGHT TALK WITH THEIR HANDS. WHAT KIND OF HELPLESS IMBECILES CAN’T HANDLE SOMEONE TALKING WITH THEIR HANDS? Don’t worry, though, Bridges is such a craven coward that HE OBEDIENTLY TUCKS HIS HANDS OUT OF SIGHT to avoid … doing whatever such a thing does to the brainless students at Evergreen State. Here is the link to the Jim Goad item and the youtube video:
{ "date": "2018-08-20T22:05:17Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2018-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2018-34/segments/1534221217354.65/warc/CC-MAIN-20180820215248-20180820235248-00440.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.936336874961853, "token_count": 627, "url": "https://glitternight.com/2017/06/08/evergreen-state-the-poster-child-for-what-jokes-american-colleges-have-become/" }
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These recommenda- tions include assessment of glycated hemoglobin levels, C peptide, fasting glycemia, insulin levels, and lipid behoof and invariable monitoring of blood influence, mass others In consolidation, agents showing of use project in metastatic renal chamber carcinoma classify axitinib, sorafenib, sunitinib and temsirolimus, multitudinous of these newer agents sharing the undeniable utility of spoken administration In the past decades, how, anesthetic and surgical advances possess reduced these risks, and the techniques because reconstructing the SVC press improved with the use of autologous and heterolo- gous graft materials Prudence should be exer- cised in the following: Main depressive fuss, psychosis, or bipolar affective kurfuffle Contraindicated in patients with a current myocardial infarction Blood dyscrasias Respiratory infirmity Bravery disease Liver disease, diabetes mellitus, asthma, and increased intracranial exigency Seizures (convulsions) Suicidal thoughts, plans, or attempts by patients or a family associate Stoical and Set Indoctrination Do not refrain from compelling this medicament without notifying the salubriousness vigilance provider <a href=https://www.chilternsdogrescue.org.uk/extensive-knowledge/analytics-52/correction-4/>discount 40 mg protonix with mastercard</a> gastritis problems. The American Beau monde ofAnesthesiologists has processed a coloring paperback entitled My Peregrination to the Dispensary (American Polite society of Anesthesiologists, 1998) Other acquired disorders contain rheumatic fever, cardiomyopathy, infective endocarditis, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, and Kawasaki disease Some of the fears expressed not later than school-refusing children allow for separating from parents, riding the bus, tests, bullying, teacher reprimands, anxieties for toileting in a available bathroom, diplomate hurt, or undressing in the locker room J Mol Biol 315:911≠925 Yun O, Priotto G, Tong J et al (2010) NECT is next: implementing the inexperienced drug confederation therapy representing Trypanosoma brucei gambiense sleeping sickness <a href=https://www.chilternsdogrescue.org.uk/extensive-knowledge/analytics-52/correction-10/>purchase 30 gm himcolin overnight delivery</a> vacuum pump for erectile dysfunction in pakistan. |12.03.2019 16:20:23 Innostianincidlism| | ICQ: 331194104 √ород: Mysore| |Anti-angiogenic Treatment Angiogenesis is a system past which stylish microvascular (lymphatic and hematic) networks develop from existing vessels and is orchestrated by a amassment of legend cultivation fac- tors implicated in both the initiation and maturation phases Isham Hammertoe Procedures wedge osteotomy auspices of the bean of the proximal phalanx with extensor and flexor low combination releases resulting in a realignment and straightening of the articular surface of the proximal interphalangeal combined (PIPJ) These properties serve extenuate why PXR is arguably the least discerning associate of the xenosensor family, clever to drive CYP expres- sion following exposure to a wide-ranging range of structurally different xenobiotics Only recently it has been realizable to study these new GABA Rs at the molecular square in unquestionably defined subpopulations of retinal neurons (Bormann and Feigenspan 1995; Feigenspan and Bormann 1998) <a href=https://www.chilternsdogrescue.org.uk/extensive-knowledge/analytics-56/correction-4/>indinavir 400mg free shipping</a> treatment uti infection. | In the biography, these commandeering types were diagnosed beneath the heading of вАШвАШpetit malвАЩвАЩ which is still unfortunately acclimated to at times and by describes all seizures without a clear convul- sion The operation was performed according to SugiokaвАЩs femoral osteotomy <>] with anterior rotation of 60¬∞вАУ70¬∞ and varus angulation of 40¬∞ (Fig Age it is verified that the fact that antiquated people live longer does not as a matter of course mean that they suffer worse health The pact for monitoring side effects and for assessing muscle perseverance and function has been published previously <a href=https://www.chilternsdogrescue.org.uk/extensive-knowledge/analytics-56/correction-9/>escitalopram 5mg sale</a> anxiety 101. 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Thomas More College will be holding an event (on their campus) focusing on the American Concept of Religious Freedom. Hebrew Union College will be co-sponsoring this event. The program will begin at 7:00 p.m. and conclude by 9:00-9:30 p.m. Thomas More College in Crestview Hills, Kentucky has announced the formation of the Institute for Religious Liberty. The Institute’s mission is to advance the American concept of religious freedom as an inalienable right and its protection for all people. The Institute will sponsor an Inaugural public program featuring two prominent thought leaders who will discuss the American concept of religious freedom. The Feb. 10, 2016 program at Thomas More College (7:00 p.m.) will feature the President of the United States Conference of Bishops, the Most Reverend Joseph E. Kurtz, D.D., Archbishop of Louisville, and the U.S. Ambassador for Religious Freedom, Rabbi David Saperstein, as speakers. The event is FREE and open to the public. “The genesis for the Institute came about as several local business leaders from various religious backgrounds gathered to discuss the need to celebrate and educate others about our Constitutional privilege to practice our religion and worship as we see fit,” said Thomas More College President David Armstrong. “There is no better place to advance and explore that inalienable right than here on our campus as we challenge our students of all faiths to examine the ultimate meaning of life, their place in the world, and their responsibility to others. ” “In light of contemporary events that capture the headlines daily, it is difficult to identify a more salient and timely subject to explore in a forum of this sort,” said Dr. Gary P. Zola, Executive Director of the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives and and the Edward M. Ackerman Family Distinguished Professor of the American Jewish Experience & Reform Jewish History at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati. Dr. Zola represents Hebrew Union College on the new Institute’s steering committee. Sponsor: Hebrew Union College - The Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives
{ "date": "2022-05-17T02:14:20Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2022-21", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2022-21/segments/1652662515466.5/warc/CC-MAIN-20220516235937-20220517025937-00200.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9290755987167358, "token_count": 443, "url": "https://www.jewishcincinnati.org/calendar/community-calendar/american-concept-of-religious-freedom-1451509017" }
Talented Staff, Great Atmosphere. I've been going to Berkshire for 6-7 years now. While I usually go for haircuts, I've also been in for massages, and yes, even an occasional wax. I had searched for a good stylist for months before I ended up at Berkshire, and now, I wouldn't trust the job to anyone else. I go in every three weeks, and Lexi consistently does a great job. The rest of the staff is great too--professional, friendly, and helpful. And the facility is clean and comfortable. Great Experience. I have been a regular for a little over a year now and used both the salon and spa area. Everyone is so sweet and I have always been pleased with my services. I always enjoy getting away to enjoy a day at Berkshire! Love all my experiences.. I've been a regular at Berkshire for almost a year. I have never had a bad experience. I have also never had to give a credit card number to book an appointment - although I am aware of a 24 hour cancellation policy they have, it seems they are pretty flexible if you don't cancel on them regularly. I have actually had to cancel due to an emergency. They reminded me of the policy but said they understood.... Anyway, I just wanted to give my two cents. Berkshire has always been great to me and sadly I think people remember to write reviews when they're unhappy but often forget to vocalize the good times! LOVE THIS ESTABLISHMENT! Not as nice at you think. Used to go to this salon until they implemented the policy they must have a credit card in order to schedule an appointment. When I asked for a call back from the manager regarding this new policy, I never received one. I had a friend call to make an appointment (new client) and they requested her credit card information as well. We both were certainly not happy with this. Emergencies happen. I'm not pay because I had to cancel an appointment due to a real emergency or have to argue about it with the manager. Most of the reviews have been faked by employees. I had a friend who used to go to the salon until recently who overheard a conversation about reviews, the internet, and drumming up business. She also heard the some of the staff bad mouthing clients in the back room. The door was not shut all the way and she could ever word that was being said. The salon is nice but the lack of professionalism is not. Some of the stylists are bit over zealous to share their strict religious beliefs despite who is listening. One stylist went on and on about her education at Rhema Bible College. While I am Jewish and have my own set of beliefs, I certainly do not go to a salon to listen to a sermon. Some discussions should be kept off limits in a place of business. I will never go back nor will I recommend any of my friends to this salon. Bikini Wax. I went today for my first ever Brazilian wax. I had a great waxing tech even though I can't remember her name for the life of me :( I was welcomed in and offered a glass of wine. I had never been waxed down there before but my girl made my experience very comfortable and it really wasn't too painful. Overall I give this place a Solid A+ Awful!. You can tell some of these reviews are fake. Awesome Spa and Salon. I went to Berkshire for the first time last weekend and had to share my thoughts! The girls at the desk greeted me with a smile the moment I walked in the door, AND offered me a drink. My massage therapist was very sweet and took me back right on time. I got an AMAZING massage! I then steamed in their Eucalyptus steam room, and took a shower right after. When I got to the desk to pay, they offered a stylist who could blow out my hair so I would look descent to pick my kids up from school. The stylist was so nice and did a great job. Berkshire gets an A+++! I'm hooked :) BEST Salon/Spa in the Tulsa area!. The berkshire staff made me feel completely pampered and welcomed! They made sure my day was special from beginning to end. The have a great team of stylists, as well as awesome spa service providers. I've been to many spa/salons in Tulsa and this is the best I've been to! I won't go anywhere else! great place for a whole day of pampering. I received a gift certificate from my son for christmas for a day of beauty!!!! I was a little nervous cause I'd never been to this place before and I've never had a massage before either! But, let me tell you this was the best day ever! As soon as i walked in the door, i felt so welcomed and important. I was offered a drink (yes, even wine) and to start I sat in the steam room (complimentary) then i had a facial, an aromatherapy wrap, a massage, then i ate a fabulous lunch. I continued (yes there's more) for a pedicure and a manicure! I was also offered a shampoo style so i would leave looking fabulous! Thank you Berkshire for giving me a really fabulous relaxing day! I will be back for sure! Great salon and spa. I have been going to Berkshire for a year or two now and love Wendy!! I have been to many places for waxings and she is the best. The staff is also awesome and does a great job of doing what you ask as far as hair color and cut goes. I highly recommed this place!! Sign in with Facebook Sign in with Facebook to see what your friends are up to! Do you have a review of Berkshire Salon & Day Spa on your blog? If you include the Citysearch image link (shown below) in your post, we'll automatically link to your review from the business profile page. Here's how our Linkback system works: The Linkback system is free and automatic. It's really that easy. To link to our business profile page, copy the html below to your web page.
{ "date": "2013-06-20T09:16:06Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2013-20", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2013-20/segments/1368711005985/warc/CC-MAIN-20130516133005-00001-ip-10-60-113-184.ec2.internal.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.984940230846405, "token_count": 1285, "url": "http://tulsa.citysearch.com/profile/41175411/broken_arrow_ok/berkshire_salon_day_spa.html" }
Recently coined medallions supposedly to commemorate newly elected Pope Frances and put on sale by the Vatican have thereon a misspelling of the word, Jesus. There is an 'L' where the 'J' is supposed to be. How embarrassing. Per the article: Apparently the Vatican wasn't using spell check. The Holy See has recalled thousands of commemorative papal medals after the word "Jesus" was misspelled as "Lesus." According to the Vatican Information Service, more than 6,000 of the medals were produced by the Italian State Mint to commemorate the beginning of Francis' papacy....After the medal mishap was made public, one observer noted on Twitter: "I blame the Lesuits." Since it was in Latin, it was probably intended to be an "i" but the person who actually set the lettering probably misread it, since some people write their i's in a way that makes them look like l's. AND this person, presumably Catholic, didn't know Latin. An ironic mistake, seeing as how the church spent many centuries making sure the populace was illiterate, and therefore unable to read their bibles and prayers. It was probably a Freudian slip involving money Laundering. This was exactly what I thought, except that I am wondering why the "s" on the end? Is that in the Latin version? (I definitely don't know Latin either, which is why this is a question rather than a statement!) Latin has a lot of cases, which denote whether a word is a subject, direct object, indirect object, etc. In this case, Jesus is the subject of the sentence, so requires the nominative case, which ends in "s" for masculine words. Not ever having been a Christian, and not having studied Christian scripture or prayer, I actually don't know the derivation of "Jesu", which is found in prayers, except that it might be German, because the most famous phrase is Bach's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring". But if you notice, the "s" is found at the end of pretty much all male Latinized names, including the Jewish prophets -- Jews say "Elijah" or "Isaiah", or "Jeremiah" whereas the Christians say "Elias", "Isaias" and "Jeremias". Needless to say, the Jewish spelling is much closer to the original Hebrew. Or could it be a misspelling of Nexus by an atheist in the closet? I seriously thought it might have been done by a mole who didn't care about blowing his or her cover. L is the new J. Haven't you heard? Papal decree. Do you mean L means 'ell ?. wow - you would think they would have an editor Wow-Jesus can make a "special guest appearance" on toast, but his closest followers weren't warned of their spelling errors. Maybe Lesus is a combo of Jesus and Lazarus? They could try to save face by selling that idea. I think they should try to pull more youth into the church with a 40 pound blinged-out necklace that says "J-Dog" for Jesus. It's hard to misspell.
{ "date": "2017-08-19T05:25:19Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886105304.35/warc/CC-MAIN-20170819051034-20170819071034-00241.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9811385273933411, "token_count": 660, "url": "http://atheistnexus.org/group/originsuniverselifehumankindanddarwin/forum/topics/jesus-misspelled-on-papal-medallions" }
While President Trump has made international headlines for his attempt to temporarily ban refugees and residents of some Muslim-majority nations, one of Washington’s closest allies has instituted a travel ban of its own. Earlier this week, Israeli lawmakers approved a law barring supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, known as BDS, from entering Israel. The BDS movement is an international campaign to pressure Israel to comply with international law and respect Palestinian rights. The Israeli parliament voted to ban non-Israelis from entering the country if they, or any organizations they are a part of, support the boycott. After the law was passed, the Israeli parliament posted a message on its site reading, "In recent years calls to boycott Israel have been growing. It seems this is a new front in the war against Israel, which until now the country had not prepared for properly." We are joined by three guests. Rebecca Vilkomerson is executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace. Also with us are two guests connected to the new film "Junction 48." Israeli-American filmmaker Udi Aloni directed the film, and the Palestinian actor Tamer Nafar is the film’s star. AMY GOODMAN: That’s the theme song from the new film Junction 48, performed by Tamer Nafar and Samar Qupty. We’ll be joined by Tamer in just a minute. This is Democracy Now!, democracynow.org, The War and Peace Report. I’m Amy Goodman, with Nermeen Shaikh. NERMEEN SHAIKH: While President Trump has made international headlines for his attempt to temporarily ban refugees and residents of some Muslim-majority nations, one of Washington’s closest allies has instituted a travel ban of its own. Earlier this week, Israeli lawmakers approved a law barring supporters of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, known as BDS, from entering Israel. The BDS movement is an international campaign to pressure Israel to comply with international law and respect Palestinian rights. The Israeli parliament voted to ban non-Israelis from entering the country if they, or any organizations they are part of, support the boycott. After the law was passed, the Israeli parliament, or Knesset, posted a message on its site reading, quote, "In recent years calls to boycott Israel have been growing. It seems this is a new front in the war against Israel, which until now the country had not prepared for properly." AMY GOODMAN: The ban has been widely criticized even by critics of BDS. The American Jewish Committee, which opposes the boycott movement, said the law will not defeat BDS, nor—quote, "nor will it help Israel’s image as the beacon of democracy in the Middle East it is," unquote. The publication Inside Higher Public Ed [Inside Higher Ed] reports a group of Jewish studies scholars are preparing to release an open letter opposing the law, describing it as a, quote, "further blow to the democratic foundations of Israel," unquote. Professor Mara Benjamin of St. Olaf College, who opposes BDS, said the ban, quote, "will have a chilling effect on scholarship (as well as on all people who care about having a healthy democracy in the state of Israel)" unquote. Well, today we begin our discussion with three guests. Rebecca Vilkomerson is executive director of Jewish Voice for Peace here in New York. Also with us are two guests who are involved with a new film that’s just premiered in New York. It’s called Junction 48. The Israeli filmmaker Udi Aloni is with us. He directed the film. And the Palestinian actor Tamer Nafar is the film’s star and musical director. We welcome you all to Democracy Now! At first we were just going to be talking about the film. But given the fact that while Tamer and Udi came to the United States this ban was passed, we thought we’d start by asking you: What is your response? Udi, you’re an Israeli American. Your mother, very famous first lady of human rights, Shulamit Aloni, was a longtime member of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset. Your thoughts on this ban? UDI ALONI: First, the ban is much worse than even you described it, because it’s a ban even if somebody boycott only the settlement. So, if somebody here in America is against war crime and against stealing lands from Palestinians by Jews, he’s already not allowed into America [sic]. So, people who support it, for me, they really just— AMY GOODMAN: Into America, or Israel? UDI ALONI: Into Israel, sorry. And it’s very important to mention it, because already you hear Governor Cuomo is helping those antidemocratic thing, because he passed a bill here that people who support the BDS are not allowed to receive money from the state of New York. So, really, when Cuomo look in the mirror, he should see Trump, because I feel that people who doesn’t get us to live in democracy, they are the true anti-Semitic, because they believe that we, Israeli Jews, don’t have the right to change our system. And this is horrific. In the one hand, in a way, I’m happy that now we reveal something about the true Israel, because, you know, now it’s Purim, when all the Jews putting mask. And once, we used to have a liberal mask. The most famous mask now in Israel is the mask of a soldier who murdered in cold blood a wounded prisoner of war. Those are the mask that most of the Israeli kids now are using. So, now, when the mask and the true is the same, maybe it’s time for Democrats here to stop supporting Israel, if they care about Jews. NERMEEN SHAIKH: And, Rebecca, can you talk about what the impact of this ban is likely to be on some in the American Jewish community who are also opposed—support BDS and are opposed to settlements? REBECCA VILKOMERSON: Yeah, I mean, I can start with how it’s going to affect me personally. I’m a proud supporter of the BDS movement. My organization, Jewish Voice for Peace, supports BDS. I also happen to have really strong ties to Israel. My grandparents are buried there. My aunt, my uncle, my cousins live there. I’m married to an Israeli. My kids are Israeli. I’ve lived myself three years in Israel. I have a lot of friends and family, you know, Jews, Palestinians, on both sides of the Green Line. And it seems like, you know, this bill is basically saying that I’m not welcome to come back. And so, for myself personally, it’s a really sad moment. I do want to emphasize that the real impact of the bill is going to be on Palestinians. So, of course, Palestinians in the diaspora who are willing to speak up for their rights, they’re not going to be able to come in, and also Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and even East Jerusalem. So, in terms of if they’re married to Palestinians inside of Israel but don’t have permanent residency, they may not be able to reunite with their families, or if they leave the country, they may not be able to come back. If they want to get medical care inside of Israel, they may not be able to enter, just because they’re speaking up for their rights. So, like Udi was saying, I think this is a real shift. It makes overt a policy that was already, to a certain extent, in place, but a little bit underwater, because what happened was, people would try to come into Israel, and, based on racial profiling, people would be rejected at the border, usually Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, people who looked Muslim even, other people of color. So they’d be taken aside and often deported. But now it’s this categorical ban, that’s very overt. And like Udi said, it takes the mask off and shows how antidemocratic Israel is becoming. AMY GOODMAN: Is it the first time Jews will not be able to—some will be stopped from going to Israel? Palestinians know well— REBECCA VILKOMERSON: Yes. AMY GOODMAN: —not having the right of return. REBECCA VILKOMERSON: Right. AMY GOODMAN: But for Jews, this will be—is this a first? REBECCA VILKOMERSON: Yes. I mean, there’s been one or two instances. There was a famous— UDI ALONI: Noam Chomsky. REBECCA VILKOMERSON: Yeah, exactly, Noam Chomsky was the first and famous incident, where he was rejected at the border. But in terms of saying like Jews who have certain political—who have certain political standards, you’re not welcome here, this is absolutely a first. AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to go to Tamer Nafar, who is joining us. He was just in New York for the premiere of Junction 48. He’s the musical director and the star of the film, hip-hop artist, well known for his group, the hip-hop group DAM. Now, you, Tamer, are Palestinian, but you are also an Israeli citizen. You live in, well, the city that is featured in Junction 48, Lyd, which is right near Tel Aviv airport. How will this affect you? I think we have a very long delay in linking up with him in Champaign-Urbana, in Illinois. TAMER NAFAR: This ban thing—I think that, you know, Palestinians have been banned since forever. And nobody—and it’s an unhuman act, and it’s a—for me, it’s a crime issue. So, nobody has punished Israel ever since they were banning Palestinians. And so, Israel right now feels the power that they can just move on with it, and now they are trying to ban other people that are not Palestinians. And I think if it’s not being—if we still don’t put Israel to its—to that spot and put it on their place, then it’s going to get bigger and bigger, because that’s the whole thing with Israel. When they do things and nobody is punishing them, not even criticizing them, then that will get them drunk of power to continue on growing up and doing whatever they do. NERMEEN SHAIKH: And, Udi, could you comment on the fact that many have drawn comparisons between Trump’s most recent—and although it’s the second version of it—executive order, which bans refugees and Muslims and people from six Muslim-majority countries from coming into the U.S.—the comparison between that ban and what Israel has just instituted? UDI ALONI: I want to say it’s maybe worse, because the real law that Israel passed just a few weeks ago said that, legally, Jews allow to steal lands from Palestinians, only because they are Jews, and those are Palestinian. I want to repeat it, because people here in America don’t believe it. We have a new law that settlers allowed to steal private lands of Arabs and take it to Jews. This is an official law. And now they’re going to ban everyone who criticize a pure apartheid law. So, in a way, it’s horrific. It’s only everyone who stand for civil right in the minimum level—liberals, not radical—is not allowed to Israel. I think that Trump and Bibi are in competition: Who is getting worse or who is getting more weird about antidemocratic laws? And they are very similar, and they enjoy each other too much. AMY GOODMAN: Rebecca? REBECCA VILKOMERSON: Yeah, I mean, I would completely agree that, you know, both bans are completely xenophobic, however they define the other. They’re based on the sort of security culture, the sense of fear, and really cruel, cruel laws that are, you know, excluding refugees, including people who have rights to enter these lands. And so, I think that this mirroring is really problematic. And I think—but the thing that I also want to come back to is that it is a sign, I think, that we’re winning globally. And the fear that Israel has of BDS and the fact that they felt the need to legislate against this law, it’s not going to work. People are not going to stay silent about this just because Israel is trying to make this ban. It seems like it’s part of the natural evolution of a struggle like this, that as the movement grows, they’re going to try to shut it down. And this is the next step. AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to ask Tamer Nafar about Israel just introducing another bill—this was on Wednesday—to limit Muslim calls to prayer. The bill has won preliminary approval, though critics have denounced the measure as racist. Supporters of the bill say it’s aimed at improving the quality of life of people living near mosques, who have been losing sleep. Opponents say the legislation, which was sponsored by right-wing parties, impinges on the religious freedom of Israel’s Muslim minority. This is Israeli-Arab lawmaker Ahmad Tibi. AHMAD TIBI: [translated] This law is racist. This is its fate, to be torn apart. Islam and the call to prayer are stronger than all of you. AMY GOODMAN: The proponents of the bill call the Muslim call to prayer noise pollution. Tamer Nafar, your response? TAMER NAFAR: As I said, this is the—this is things that this place is heading to. So, I wouldn’t be—I wouldn’t be surprised or shocked if, 10 years from now or 20 years from now, Muslims or Christians or non-Jews will be scared to reveal their religion, and they will be walking without—just, you know, hiding their religion. And that’s where the place is heading to. But again, these things are being revealed now. But I’ve heard—but I live in a place where, before that, you have mass demolitions. You have Islamic places where they’re being demolished. So it’s always happening. This time, it’s happening louder. The volume is up, and the cameras are on. But it’s always happening. And I think that now, with the Trump area—with the Trump era, I think it’s easy. It’s like a stage. It’s easier for them to do it. Like it’s legit now. But these things have been happening since forever.
{ "date": "2017-08-18T16:29:11Z", "dump": "CC-MAIN-2017-34", "file_path": "s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2017-34/segments/1502886104704.64/warc/CC-MAIN-20170818160227-20170818180227-00281.warc.gz", "language": "en", "language_score": 0.9645397663116455, "token_count": 3177, "url": "https://www.democracynow.org/2017/3/10/activists_defiant_on_israels_travel_ban" }
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