Dataset Viewer

The viewer is disabled because this dataset repo requires arbitrary Python code execution. Please consider removing the loading script and relying on automated data support (you can use convert_to_parquet from the datasets library). If this is not possible, please open a discussion for direct help.

YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (



from datasets import load_dataset

# Load entire dataset
kitkat = load_dataset("mapama247/kitkat") # 950 rows

# Load only exemples from a specific category
kitkat_allotjament = load_dataset("mapama247/kitkat", "allotjament") # 90 rows


- allotjament: 90
- banca: 120
- menjar_domicili: 80
- comerc: 119
- lloguer_vehicles: 67
- transports: 95
- assegurances: 120
- ajuntament: 120
- clinica: 59
- telefonia: 80


Using the first example as a reference:

  "id": 'ed3f7ae9-baaf-46ed-b51f-e3b4344d05ac',
  "category": 'allotjament',
  "conversation": [
    {'role': 'usuari', 'text': 'Hola, bones', 'intent': 'greetings', 'slots': []},
    {'role': 'agent', 'text': 'Hola, bon dia.', 'intent': None, 'slots': None},
    {'role': 'usuari', 'text': 'Voldria reservar una de les vostres cases rurals per una setmana, durant el Nadal', 'intent': 'new_booking', 'slots': [...]},
    {'role': 'agent', 'text': 'Perfecte. Em podria dir els dies exactes que voldria reservar?', 'intent': None, 'slots': None},
    {'role': 'usuari', 'text': 'Doncs del 22 al 27, si pot ser', 'intent': 'response', 'slots': [...]},

The field slots is a list of dictionaries with the following keys: text, tag, Start_char, End_char

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