stringlengths 8
| question
stringlengths 68
| answer
stringlengths 0
| chunks
sequencelengths 2
| answers
sequencelengths 1
| correct_chunks
sequencelengths 0
| num_words
int64 110
| num_tokens
int64 401
| num_chars
int64 1.18k
TRAIN_Q376 | Help with Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Apache Commons FileUpload affects WSRR (CVE-2016-1000031) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Apache Commons FileUpload affects IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (CVE-2016-1000031). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2016-1000031 []
DESCRIPTION: Apache Commons FileUpload, as used in certain products, could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by deserialization of untrusted data in DiskFileItem class of the FileUpload library. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code under the context of the current process.
CVSS Base Score: 9.8
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in Apache Commons FileUpload affects IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (CVE-2016-1000031) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n Vulnerability in Apache Commons FileUpload affects IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (CVE-2016-1000031)",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2016-1000031 []\nDESCRIPTION: Apache Commons FileUpload, as used in certain products, could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by deserialization of untrusted data in DiskFileItem class of the FileUpload library. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code under the context of the current process.\nCVSS Base Score: 9.8\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nWebSphere Service Registry and Repository V8.5\nWebSphere Service Registry and Repository V8.0\n\nFor unsupported versions IBM recommends upgrading to a fixed, supported version of the product",
"REMEDIATION/FIXES\nTo remediate CVE-2016-1000031 you need to apply fixes for both IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM WebSphere Service Registry and Repository.\n\nFor WebSphere Application Server updates refer to this bulletin:\nSecurity Bulletin: Security vulnerability in Apache Commons FileUpload used by WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2016-1000031) []\n\nFor WebSphere Service Registry and Repository, this vulnerability has been fixed under APAR IJ01131. Fixes containing IJ01131 have been published and are available from Fix Central.\n\nFor WSRR V8.5 \n\n * Apply V8.5.6.1_IJ01131 []",
"For WSRR V8.0 * Apply []V8.0.0.3_IV65487_IV79085_IV87422_IV87429_IV89477_IJ01131 []\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 []",
"RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 04 January 2018: Original version published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2016-1000031 []\nDESCRIPTION: Apache Commons FileUpload, as used in certain products, could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by deserialization of untrusted data in DiskFileItem class of the FileUpload library. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to execute arbitrary code under the context of the current process.\nCVSS Base Score: 9.8\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:H/A:H)"
] | [
] | 383 | 1,185 | 3,948 |
TRAIN_Q378 | Help with Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in the GSKit component of IBM MQ Appliance (CVE-2016-0201) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in the GSKit component of IBM MQ Appliance (CVE-2016-0201). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2016-0201 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM GSKit could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a MD5 collision. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain authentication credentials.
CVSS Base Score: 5.9
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: A vulnerability in the GSKit component of IBM MQ Appliance (CVE-2016-0201) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n A vulnerability has been addressed in the GSKit component of IBM MQ Appliance \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2016-0201 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM GSKit could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a MD5 collision. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain authentication credentials.\nCVSS Base Score: 5.9\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM MQ Appliance M2000",
"REMEDIATION/FIXES\nApply the ifix for APAR IT13023 [].\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] IBM WebSphere MQ (CVE-2016-0201) [] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 26 January 2016 Original version published",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY.\n\n \n\nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n IBMMQ"
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2016-0201 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM GSKit could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a MD5 collision. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability to obtain authentication credentials.\nCVSS Base Score: 5.9\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)"
] | [
] | 267 | 826 | 2,684 |
TRAIN_Q379 | Why the tick boxes in 'Subscibed Events' table remain ticked after saving the page When editing a widget and try to unsubscribe the event subscription for 'dataRefresh' events, the checkbox/tick for "dataRferesh" is still selected, even after saving the page. | This has been identified as a product defect under APAR IV83442 | [
"IBM Can't disable DASH TimeSet and dataRefresh in Events configuration - United States DASHL2; timeSet; dataRefresh; Events; WIdgets.; Pages TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Any Widget added to a Page after the initial \"Save\" or \"Save and Exit\" will not retain the Events settings when trying to disable the TimeSet and dataRefresh Events in the Edit -> Events pull down configuration window. \n\nSYMPTOM\nTimeSet and dataRefresh Events can't be disabled after any \"Save\" for previous added Widgets on a Page.\n\n\nCAUSE\nThis has been identified as a product defect under APAR IV83442\n\nENVIRONMENT\nAny DASH version, this was a problem since DASH 3.1.0\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nCreate a Page in DASH, add Widgets then save and exit. Access the Page again, edit the page to add another Widget, Edit the Events in the new Widget then unselect the TimeSet and dataRefresh options. Save the changes.\n\n\nEdit the new Page:\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21984540&aid=1]",
"Unselect the TimeSet and dataRefresh options.\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21984540&aid=2]\n\nAfter a \"save\" or \"save and exit\" you will see that they are enabled again. \n\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21984540&aid=3]\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nCurrently, the only workaround is to Place and configure the Events for all widgets wanted on the page before doing first \"Save\" or \"Save and Exit\". All widgets will retain values for subscribed events such as 'dataRefresh' and 'timeSet' \n\nTo use 'dataRefresh' and 'timeSet' properties of subscribed events for any widgets which are added after first \"Save\" or \"Save and Exit\", DASH support will need to be contacted. \n\nNote: This issue is with the widgets which are placed on the page after first \"Save\" or \"Save & Exit\""
] | [
"This has been identified as a product defect under APAR IV83442"
] | [
] | 247 | 505 | 1,744 |
TRAIN_Q382 | Where to download SPSS Statistics 24.0 Fix Pack 2
I found the pack from following link:
But where should I download it? | Log in as a local administrator.
2. Download the Fix Pack to a temporary location on your hard drive.
3. Ensure that no versions of Statistics are running.
4. Run the Statistics Fix Pack executable.
Note: you must use "Run as Administrator" by first right-clicking on the executable.
5. Statistics is ready to run. Use the Help -> About menu to verify that is now the installed version. | [
"IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 Fix Pack 2 - United States DOWNLOADABLE FILES\n\nABSTRACT\n This Fix Pack will upgrade your SPSS Statistics 24.0 installation to SPSS Statistics 24.0 FP2 ( \n\nDOWNLOAD DESCRIPTION\nThis Fix Pack provides important product corrections for SPSS Statistics 24.0.\n\n\nIssues Corrected and Release Note(s): Fix List []\n\nNOTE: The Fix Pack contains all Interim Fixes made available for, as well as other corrected issues, and can be installed over any of the earlier Interim Fixes with no conflict.\n\nPREREQUISITES\nThis Fix Pack is language independent but can only be installed over existing client and server installations of IBM SPSS Statistics\n\nINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS\n \nInstallation Windows",
"1. Log in as a local administrator. \n 2. Download the Fix Pack to a temporary location on your hard drive. \n 3. Ensure that no versions of Statistics are running. \n 4. Run the Statistics Fix Pack executable.\n Note: you must use \"Run as Administrator\" by first right-clicking on the executable. \n 5. Statistics is ready to run. Use the Help -> About menu to verify that is now the installed version.\n\n\nGuidelines for unattended/pushed installations for Windows-based clients: NOTE: This Fix Pack may require the machine to be rebooted to complete the installation. Please be aware that \"pushing\" the installation in unattended, silent mode may therefore force an unexpected machine reboot on a user, and schedule such installations accordingly.",
"The SPSS Statistics for Windows Fix Pack obeys the same rules documented in the Site and Network License Administrator's Guides regarding \"Extracting the Contents of a Downloaded Installer file\" and \"Pushing an Installation to Windows Computers\". \n\nIn this case:",
"1. Download the appropriate installer file to a temporary location on your hard drive. \n 2. Open a command window as the local Administrator account and change directory to the temporary download location. \n 3. Extract the \"SPSSStatistics24.0.0.2Patch.msi\" and locale-specific .mst file into a specified location from the downloaded FixPack installer file, \"24.0-IM-S24STATC-<OS>-FP002.exe\",using the documented \"/b\" switch: 24.0-IM-S24STATC-<OS>-FP002.exe /b\"c:\\Stats24002FixPack\" (where <OS> is your operating system) \n 4. You can then copy the two extracted files to a network share for easier distribution. \n 5. Install the patch: \n \n msiexec /i \"c:\\Stats24002FixPack\\SPSS_Statistics_24002_<OS>_Patch.msi\" /qn /L*V \"%temp%\\SPSSStatistics24002PatchLog.txt\" PYTHON_EXISTS=\"1\" TRANSFORMS=\"c:\\Stats24002FixPack\\1033.mst\"\n \n (where <OS> is the same operating system specification as in step 3)\n\n\nInstallation Mac",
"1. Download and save the Statistics Fix Pack to your local hard drive. \n 2. Ensure that no versions of Statistics are running. \n 3. Execute the Statistics Fix Pack installer from the downloaded .dmg file. \n 4. Statistics is ready to run. Use the About Statistics 24 menu to verify that is the installed version.\n\n\nIBM SPSS Statistics 24 release is supported on Apple Macintosh OS X 10.10.x (Yosemite) through macOS 10.12.x (Sierra) \n\nGuidelines for unattended/pushed installations for Macintosh-based clients: \n\nIBM SPSS Statistics 24 FixPack 2 for Mac OS X has a silent (push) installer. To install this FixPack on Mac systems, do the following:",
"1. Open the 24.0-IM-S24STATC-Mac-Silent-FP002.dmg disk image and copy the two files to your desktop (or any writable location). \n 2. Open a Terminal window and change directories to the location of the patch installer and file. \n 3. Edit the file to suit your needs. The USER_INSTALL_DIR parameter must be defined. For example, if the current SPSS Statistics 24 install is in the default /Applications/IBM/SPSS/Statistics/24, USER_INSTALL_DIR would be:\n USER_INSTALL_DIR=/Applications/IBM/SPSS/Statistics/24 \n 4. Uncomment and modify other parameters as needed. \n 5. To execute the installer, use the following command:\n \n ./SPSS_Statistics_Installer_Silent.bin -f",
"Installation Linux 1. Download the Fix Pack to a temporary location on your hard drive. \n 2. Ensure that no versions of Statistics are running. \n 3. Open a terminal window and execute the 24.0-IM-S24STATC-Linux8664-FP002.bin executable file as the ‘root’ user. \n 4. Statistics is ready to run. Use the Help -> About menu to verify that is the installed version.\n\n\nGuidelines for unattended/pushed installations for Linux-based clients: The SPSS Statistics for Linux Fix Pack obeys the same rules documented in the Site and Network License Administrator's Guides regarding \"Running a Silent Installation on Mac and Linux Computers\". \n\nNote: Please contact IBM SPSS Technical Support to obtain the appropriate file for the Linux platform. \n\nSPSS Statistics Server - 24.0 FP2 Installation Instructions \n\nInstallation Windows",
"1. Log in as a local administrator. \n 2. Download the Fix Pack contents to a temporary location. \n 3. Ensure that the same version of Statistics Server is not running, as multiple versions can be installed on the server. \n 4. Run the Statistics Server 24.0.02 Fix Pack executable. \n Note: you must use \"Run as Administrator\" by first right-clicking on the executable. \n 5. SPSS Statistics Server is ready to run. Check the service name or add/remove programs, or launch statisticsb and run the SHOW VERSION command to verify as the installed version.",
"Installation UNIX/Linux Note: On UNIX and Linux, the Statistics Server upgrade is now a true incremental upgrade and not a complete, fresh installation. Installing the Fix Pack for the appropriate platform should be similar to the instructions for installing your server given in the SPSS Statistics Server Installation Instructions. It is suggested to copy off the spssdxcfg.ini prior to the installation on the UNIX / Linux server as the installation may remove the R section in spssdxcfg.ini and may require manual updating after FP2 installation",
"1. Download the Fix Pack to a directory on the server machine. \n 2. Shut down Statistics Server prior to applying the Fix Pack. \n 3. You need to ensure the ownership and permissions for the /bin, /lib and /common subdirectories of the Statistics installation directory. For example, if you installed as root, to change the ownership and permissions, go to Statistics installation directory and run the following commands at the UNIX prompt: \n \n chown -R root:root bin lib commonchmod -R 777 bin lib common \n 4. When running SPSS Statistics Server with internal authentication, a regular user can be the owner of these directories. Refer to the SPSS Statistics Server Administrator’s Guide for more information. \n 5. The Fix Pack can be installed silently using the file that comes with the 24.0 release (on the DVD): ./<installer_name> -f where <installer_name> is the installer .bin file that you ftp'ed to the server.",
"6. You can also execute the installer directly to launch a graphical version of the installer. (Note: You will need an X Window System to do so): ./<installer_name>\n Note for graphical installer: You should change the default installer directory for the patch in the Install Wizard to point it to the directory on the server where Statistics Server 24.0 is installed. \n 7. Start the Statistics Server after the Fix Pack installation is complete. \n 8. Run ./statisticsb and enter SHOW VERSION. The response should indicate",
"Download RELEASE DATE LANGUAGE SIZE(Bytes) Download Options",
"What is Fix Central(FC)? [] All packages 9 May 2017 Language Independent 1 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Server 24.0 zLinux Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 642988 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Server 24.0 pLinux Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 672373 FC",
"[] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Server 24.0 Linux64 Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 649871 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Server 24.0 Win64 Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 519152 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Server 24.0",
"AIX Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 726149 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Client 24.0 Win64 Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 732557 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Client 24.0 Win32 Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 706642 FC",
"[] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Client 24.0 Mac Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 565780 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Client 24.0 Mac Silent Fix Pac 9 May 2017 Language Independent 516867 FC [] [ ] IBM SPSS Statistics Client 24.0",
"Linux64 Fix Pack 2 9 May 2017 Language Independent 651522 FC [] [ ]"
] | [
"Log in as a local administrator. \n 2. Download the Fix Pack to a temporary location on your hard drive. \n 3. Ensure that no versions of Statistics are running. \n 4. Run the Statistics Fix Pack executable.\n Note: you must use \"Run as Administrator\" by first right-clicking on the executable. \n 5. Statistics is ready to run. Use the Help -> About menu to verify that is now the installed version."
] | [
] | 1,388 | 3,293 | 11,623 |
TRAIN_Q383 | What happens if I run arssyscr -I instance_name -r without having Report Distribution enabled or installed? What could cause problems if I run arssyscr -I instance_name -r without having Report Distribution enabled or installed in CMOD v9.0? | Issuing the arssyscr -I (instance name) -r command will trigger arssockd to check for the ARSDBBUNDT (RDF tables), which do not exist. | [
"IBM What happens if I run arssyscr -I instance_name -r without having Report Distribution enabled or installed? - United States arssyscr; Report Distribution TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Running arssyscr -I instance_name -r during upgrade without RDF installed or enabled can lead to errors during load. \n\nSYMPTOM\nYou will see errors similar to (depending on database brand) \nDB Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist -- SQLSTATE=, SQLCODE=942, File=arsrddb.c, \nLine=951 in your systemlog\n\n\nCAUSE\nIssuing the arssyscr -I (instance name) -r command will trigger arssockd to check for the ARSDBBUNDT (RDF tables), which do not exist. \n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nYou will see the \"table or view does not exist\" errors in your Systemlog\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nYou will need to rename the Report Distribution tables and delete the Application, Application Group and Folders by performing the steps below:\n\nYou are going to want to change the Report Distribution table name:",
"This test is done on DB2, but It should be the same for (Oracle or SQL \nServer). \nThat is [2] and [3], to rename to object name, you need to log on your \ndatabase command session: \n\n\n[1] Shutdown arssockd \n\n[2] Rename the Application Group name \n\nc:\\>db2 \"select agid, name, agid_name from arsag where name = 'System \nReport Distribution'\" \nAGID NAME \nAGID_NAME \n----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ \n--------- \n5007 System Report Distribution \nSR \n1 record(s) selected. \n\n\nc:\\>db2 \"update arsag set name = 'System Report Distribution DELETE' \nWHERE name = 'System Report Distribution'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\n\n[3] Rename the Folder name \n\nc:\\>db2 \"select name from arsfol where name like 'System Report \nDistribution%'\" \nNAME \n------------------------------------------------------------ \nSystem Report Distribution - Bundles \nSystem Report Distribution - Deliveries \nSystem Report Distribution - Reports \n3 record(s) selected.",
"c:\\>db2 \"update arsfol set name = 'System Report Distribution - Bundles \nDELETE' where name = 'System Report Distribution - Bundles'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\nc:\\>db2 \"update arsfol set name = 'System Report Distribution - \nDeliveries DELETE' where name = 'System Report Distribution - \nDeliveries'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\nc:\\>db2 \"update arsfol set name = 'System Report Distribution - Reports \nDELETE' where name = 'System Report Distribution - Reports'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\n[3] Start up arssockd \n\n[4] Use the Admin GUI to delete the RD Application group, Applications, \nand Folders"
] | [
"Issuing the arssyscr -I (instance name) -r command will trigger arssockd to check for the ARSDBBUNDT (RDF tables), which do not exist."
] | [
] | 368 | 733 | 2,664 |
TRAIN_Q386 | Help with Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool (CVE-2015-0410 and CVE-2014-6593) I need to understand details regarding "Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool (CVE-2015-0410 and CVE-2014-6593)." Where can I find information regarding CVE-2014-6593? | CVEID: CVE-2014-6593 []
DESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the JSSE component has partial confidentiality impact, partial integrity impact, and no availability impact.
CVSS Base Score: 4
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool (CVE-2015-0410 and CVE-2014-6593) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n There are multiple vulnerabilities in IBM® SDK Java™ Technology Edition Version 6 and 7 that are used by IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool. These issues were disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in January 2015. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0410 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Security component could allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)",
"CVEID: CVE-2014-6593 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the JSSE component has partial confidentiality impact, partial integrity impact, and no availability impact.\nCVSS Base Score: 4\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.2.1.3 \nIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.1.0 \nIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.2.0 \n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nThe solution is to apply the following IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool version fixes.\n\nUpgrade the IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool to the following fix levels:",
"* For IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.2.1.3 * IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.2.1.3 Build 28\n []\n \n For IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.1.0 * IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.1.0 Build 38",
" []\n \n For IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.2.0 * IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.2.0 Build 12",
" []",
"WORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 21 July 2015: Original Version Published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2014-6593 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the JSSE component has partial confidentiality impact, partial integrity impact, and no availability impact.\nCVSS Base Score: 4\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N)"
] | [
] | 459 | 1,606 | 5,044 |
TRAIN_Q387 | Why may I receive: Dump Event "systhrow" (00040000) Detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" "Failed to create thread: retVal -1073741830, errno 12" ? Why may I receive: Dump Event "systhrow" (00040000) Detail "java/lang/OutOfMemoryError" "Failed to create thread: retVal -1073741830, errno 12" ? | "When using compressed references, the size of the field used in the Java object for the Class Pointer and the Monitor/Lock is 32 bits instead of the 64bits that would be available in non-compressed mode. Because we are using 32 bits to store the location of these, and they are located in native (non-Java heap) memory, they must be allocated in the first 4GB of the address space - the maximum range we can address with the 32 bits." ~IBM Java Development Team
If the Java heap itself is small (-Xmx), the JVM may allocate it in the lower 4GB of address space along with the Class Pointers and Monitors/Locks. If these Class Pointers, Monitors/Locks and Java heap (if included) cannot fit in the lower 4GB, a native out of memory (NOOM) [] will be thrown. | [
"IBM Using -Xgc:preferredHeapBase with -Xcompressedrefs - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n \"Why does the JVM report a native out-of-memory (NOOM) when using compressed references? I am using a 64bit JVM and I clearly have plenty of memory left. How can I resolve this problem?\" \n\nCAUSE",
"*In this note, please refer to Java Versioning: Java Version.Release.ServiceRelease.FixPack \nex: Java is the same as Java 7.1 SR4 FP6 is the same as Java 7 R1 SR4 FP6. \nThe IBM JVM will automatically use compressed references []when using a maximum heap size less than 25GB. This automated behavior was introduced in Java and Java*. Compressed references (CR) decreases the size of Java objects making better use of available memory space. This better use of space results in improved JVM performance. *(Java and later uses compressed references by default on z/OS) \n\nSee Introducing WebSphere Compressed Reference Technology [] for detailed information on how Compressed References work.",
"\"When using compressed references, the size of the field used in the Java object for the Class Pointer and the Monitor/Lock is 32 bits instead of the 64bits that would be available in non-compressed mode. Because we are using 32 bits to store the location of these, and they are located in native (non-Java heap) memory, they must be allocated in the first 4GB of the address space - the maximum range we can address with the 32 bits.\" ~IBM Java Development Team \n\nIf the Java heap itself is small (-Xmx), the JVM may allocate it in the lower 4GB of address space along with the Class Pointers and Monitors/Locks. If these Class Pointers, Monitors/Locks and Java heap (if included) cannot fit in the lower 4GB, a native out of memory (NOOM) [] will be thrown. \nANSWER\nWhy Use Compressed References?",
"Below the 4GB mark, the JVM does not have to perform any compression/decompression of the address pointer at runtime. Therefore, the best performance will be attained if the Class Pointers, Monitors/Locks and Java heap can all be contained comfortably within the lowest 4GB of the address space. \n\n \n\nDetermining Address Location of Java Heap Memory \n\nTo verify if the Java heap has memory regions below the 4GB mark, check the \"Object Memory\" section in the javacore:\n\nConvert the \"start\" address from the hex value to a GB value []. In the example below, 0x000000000F010000=0.23GB which is below the the 4GB (0x0000000100000000) mark.\n\n\n\n * [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21660890&aid=1]\n\n\nSetting the Preferred Heap Base with -Xgc:preferredHeapBase",
"Starting with Java and Java, and later, the JVM will determine if the Java heap will fit comfortably in the lower 4GB. If it is too large, the JVM will automatically allocate the Java heap above the 4GB mark (APAR IV37797 []).",
"NOTE: In IBM System z platforms (i.e. z/OS and z/Linux), automatic shift of the heap above the 4GB address space does NOT occur because on these platforms, there is an additional performance penalty \nassociated with higher shift values. To resolve Native OOM issues due to a shortage of heap memory in the lower region on z platforms, use -Xnocompressedrefs (see below).",
"See related: IBM Knowledge Center - JVMJ9GC089W [] However, in earlier Java 6.1 and Java 7.0 versions (earlier than Java and Java, if the Java heap can not fit in the lower 4GB, a NOOM will occur. To avoid this problem, the generic JVM argument [] -Xgc:preferredHeapBase=<address> [] can be used to ensure the Java heap is allocated above the 4GB address space. This will leave more room for the Class Pointer and Monitor/Lock memory.",
"* \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * This will locate the Java heap starting at the 4GB mark thus leaving the lower 4GB for the other processes.\n\n\nIncrease Maximum Heap Size to Force Heap Allocation Above the 4GB mark \n\nAnother way to ensure that the heap is allocated above the 4GB mark (Java and Java and later) is to set a maximum heap size equal to or greater than 4GB. For example -Xmx4G will ensure that the heap will have to be allocated above the 4GB mark. This will not work in earlier versions of the JVM since these earlier versions allowed the heap to straddle the 4GB mark, placing part of the memory above and some below (fixed as part of APAR IV37797) . \n\n \n\nFurther Investigation",
"If after setting -Xgc:preferredHeapBase=<address> or -Xmx4G a NOOM is still encountered (Java and Java and later), then further investigation is required at the application level. Look to decrease the size and usage of the applications Class Pointers and Monitors/Locks. Additionally, there are some WebSphere Application Server troubleshooting methods that may help reduce the native memory footprint. See: IBM Troubleshooting native memory issues [].\n\nReserving Low-Memory Space with -Xmcrs\n\nIf there is still free memory in the system when a Native OutOfMemory (NOOM) occurs, then the problem may be a shortage of memory in the low-memory region (under 4GB). Even if the Java heap is located above this boundary, other data associated with Java objects can be located in the low-memory region.",
"The OS memory allocator will deal out low-memory freely, thus memory resources in the lower boundary may run out. Later when the JVM tries to allocate memory for an artifact which is required to be allocated in low-memory (because the JVM has only reserved a 32bit pointer for it) it fails and throws an OutOfMemoryError.\n\nStarting in Java, Java, Java, Java, there is a parameter -Xmcrs [] which allows the JVM to increase the amount of low memory it reserves on startup. With this setting, as long as the low-memory usage by the JVM does not exceed the -Xmcrs value, NOOM in the lower boundary will be avoided.\n\nTo set this parameter, first decide what a reasonable value for your lower memory requirements may be. Reasonable value is unique to each environment so there is not a general recommendation.",
"* -Xmcrs<reasonable_value_for_lower_memory>\n\n * \n * NATIVEMEMINFO subcomponent dump routine\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21660890&aid=2]\n *",
"Disabling Compressed References with -Xnocompressedrefs As a last resort, if the native memory still can not be contained under the 4GB mark, you can set -Xnocompressedrefs [] as a generic JVM argument. [] Using -Xnocompressedrefs will remove the use of compressed references and therefore remove the lower 4GB memory restriction on the Class Pointers and Monitors/Locks. This will however, result in a significant increase in Java heap memory requirements. It is not uncommon for 70% more heap space to be required. Due to the increased memory requirements it is strongly advised that the Java heap size is adjusted to a larger value and garbage collection is monitored and retuned as required.",
"Additionally, some benchmarks show a 10-20% relative throughput decrease when disabling compressed references: \"Analysis shows that a 64-bit application without CR yields only 80-85% of 32-bit throughput but with CR yields 90-95%. Depending on application requirements, CR can improve performance up to 20% over standard 64-bit.\" See: [].",
"Before using -Xnocompressedrefs as a solution, first rule out the possibility of a native memory leak. Since using -Xnocompressedrefs will allow the the native memory to grow unbounded, a leak in native memory will lead to process size growth eventually leading to a process that needs to be paged out. The paging will incur performance overhead which will eventually lead to an unstable environment. Therefore careful consideration must be used when selecting -Xnocompressedrefs as a solution.\n\n\nMemory Map Considerations \n\nThe below figure is a generalization of how the JVM handles addresses in each section of the memory map based on heap size and compressed references (CR). Please note that at each stage beyond having all of the Java memory contained below the 4GB mark, there will be performance consequences: \n\n\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21660890&aid=3]",
"No Compressed References Overhead using -Xnocompressedrefs \nor\n-Xmx > 25GB -increased memory footprint\n-fewer/larger objects stored on heap leads to more frequent GC\n-lower cache and translation look aside buffer (TLB) utilization [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21660890&aid=4] Compressed References Overhead maximum heap address used by the Java JVM process is below 4GB none maximum heap address used by the Java JVM process is above 4GB but below 32GB compression/decompression of address pointers \n\n\nGetting Assistance From IBM Support \nIf further assistance will be required from IBM WebSphere Support, please set the following -Xdump [] parameters in the generic JVM arguments []: \n * \n * \n *",
"Then restart the JVM and recreate the problem. Once the NOOM is encountered, process the resulting system core with jextract []. Send the jextracted core file, heapdump, javacore, snap trace, systemOut.log, native_stderr.log, native_stdout.log and systemErr.log to IBM Support [] for further analysis. \nRELATED INFORMATION\n Linux/Windows - Thanks for the memory []\nAIX - Thanks for the Memory []\nIntroducing WebSphere Compressed Reference Technology []\nCompressed references []",
"IBM Java Compressed References and Native OOMs []"
] | [
"\"When using compressed references, the size of the field used in the Java object for the Class Pointer and the Monitor/Lock is 32 bits instead of the 64bits that would be available in non-compressed mode. Because we are using 32 bits to store the location of these, and they are located in native (non-Java heap) memory, they must be allocated in the first 4GB of the address space - the maximum range we can address with the 32 bits.\" ~IBM Java Development Team \n\nIf the Java heap itself is small (-Xmx), the JVM may allocate it in the lower 4GB of address space along with the Class Pointers and Monitors/Locks. If these Class Pointers, Monitors/Locks and Java heap (if included) cannot fit in the lower 4GB, a native out of memory (NOOM) [] will be thrown."
] | [
] | 1,467 | 3,187 | 11,345 |
TRAIN_Q388 | How to set database specific custom properties in WebSphere Application Server? I am using Websphere Application Server (WAS) v8.5.x with Oracle 11.1 JDBC drivers and I want to set some oracle specific properties, when connecting to the database in Websphere Application Server. (specifically: defaultRowPrefetch). How to set such specific properties in Websphere Application Server? | The way to set this connection property is as follows:.
You cannot set defaultRowPrefetch as a JVM property. It would have to be named
oracle.jdbc.defaultRowPrefetch for that to work. You can only use this property
by loading it into a Properties object in the code and then calling
getConnection with the Properties object. | [
"IBM Configuring defaultRowPrefetch for an Oracle JDBC driver - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n The setting defaultRowPrefetch is used to help increase the performance of queries to Oracle databases and we sometimes find customers who want to enable this feature for Oracle database connections to increase the prefetched rows. \n\nOracle JDBC drivers have a feature built in as an extension that allows you to set the number of rows that are prefetched while the full result set is being formulated. This is to reduce the number of trips back and forth to the database. \n\n\nSYMPTOM\nIf defaultRowPrefetch is set as a custom property on the datasource, this will not work as the defaultRowPrefetch is not a datasource property but a property on the connection itself .\n\n\nCAUSE\ndefaultRowPrefetch is a property of the connection and not of the datasource\n\nENVIRONMENT\nWebSphere Application Server using an Oracle JDBC driver",
"DIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nCustomer sets this property and does not see it work. This may result in longer times to getting the full result set and more round trips to the database.\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe Oracle defaultRowPrefetch can be set in an attempt to speed up queries to a database that return multiple rows. But, it cannot be set as a custom property in a datasource. Please see below:\n\nThe way to set this connection property is as follows:. \n\n\n\n\nYou cannot set defaultRowPrefetch as a JVM property. It would have to be named \noracle.jdbc.defaultRowPrefetch for that to work. You can only use this property \nby loading it into a Properties object in the code and then calling \ngetConnection with the Properties object."
] | [
"The way to set this connection property is as follows:. \n\n\n\n\nYou cannot set defaultRowPrefetch as a JVM property. It would have to be named \noracle.jdbc.defaultRowPrefetch for that to work. You can only use this property \nby loading it into a Properties object in the code and then calling \ngetConnection with the Properties object."
] | [
] | 261 | 401 | 1,678 |
TRAIN_Q389 | What are the supported Macintosh Operating System versions for IBM SPSS Statistics 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23? I would like to know what are the supported Macintosh Operating system versions for IBM SPSS Statistics versions 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23? | Please see the list below. It is strongly recommended to review the platform information on IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports []. The installation of IBM SPSS Statistics software on Apple Macintosh OSX operating systems requires an Intel processor. | [
"IBM What are the supported Apple Macintosh Operating System Versions for IBM SPSS Statistics? - United States SPSS mac macintosh Apple Macintosh statistics OS supported version compatibility matrix leopard Snow Leopard Lion Mountain Lion 10.8 Mavericks 10.9 22 Yosemite 10.10 (Yosemite) el capitan 10.11 spss 24 Sierra 10.12 High Sierra 10.13 TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n I would like to know what are the supported Macintosh Operating system versions for IBM SPSS Statistics versions? \n\nANSWER\nPlease see the list below. It is strongly recommended to review the platform information on IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports []. The installation of IBM SPSS Statistics software on Apple Macintosh OSX operating systems requires an Intel processor. \n\nA) Apple Macintosh MacOS High Sierra (10.13)",
"Support for IBM SPSS Statistics 25 only. Please note that no other SPSS release will be officially supported on High Sierra, but older versions like SPSS Statistics 24 may run as well on High Sierra. \n\nNOTE: There's a known issue with some of the earlier release of Mac High Sierra system (13.0 and 13.1 beta version). \nThe top menu of SPSS 25 may disappear if the Mac OS system is set to Non-English. \nThe official MacOSX 10.13.1 version do not have this issue. So, if you encountert this issue you need to update your Mac OS version to latest official 10.13.1 build from Apple. \n\n \n\nB) Apple Macintosh MacOS Sierra (10.12) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 25 and IBM SPSS Statistics 24 only. For release 24 It is also recommended to install the latest FixPack 2 for release 24 on Mac []. [] \n\nNo older SPSS Statistics releases are supported on Sierra.",
"C) Apple Macintosh OSX El Capitan (10.11) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Please see the Release notes - IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 [] for known issues on Macintosh. \n\nFull documentation including installation material provided in different languages and manuals for release 24 can be found on IBM SPSS Statistics 24 Documentation [] webpage. \n\n \n\nAlso, Support for IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Note: if you want to install on El Capitan, please refer to technote 1970391 [] \n\n \n\nD) Apple Macintosh OSX Yosemite (10.10) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 24, IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22",
"Note: Mac OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) was released on Thursday, October 16th 2014 by Apple after Statistics 22 was released. If you like to use Statistics 22 on Yosemite you need to install Statistics 22 Fixpack 2 as well. Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and release Statistics 23 are fully tested on Yosemite OSX 10.10. So if you like to run Statistics 22 on Yosemite please install Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and also read the section below: \n\n**** \n\nIn some instances it can be necessary to re-install the legacy Apple Java 6 on 10.10 for the use of Statistics 22 FixPack 2 on this platform\n\nDownload and re-install Apple Java 6",
"- After you upgraded your Apple Mac OSX from a previous release to 10.10, Apple Java 6 may no longer exists on your upgraded system. If you then launch Statistics 22 which is an application that relies on Java 6, it can happen, the Mac OS pops up a dialog box stating Java 6 was requested, but none is present.\n- The Java dialog has a \"More Info\" button, which when clicked opens a browser to an Apple Tech Support page for Apple Java 2014-001. A download link is provided:\n []\n- Click on the download link and a DMG containing the Java 6 installer is downloaded.\n- Then you open the Java DMG, double click on the Java installer, follow the prompts and complete the installation of Java 6.\n\n******* \n\n \n\nE) Apple Macintosh OSC Mavericks (10.9) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22 \n\n***",
"Note: IBM SPSS Statistics 22 was developed and released prior to Apple's release of OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). However, Statistics 22 can be installed on Mac OSX 10.9 if you install Apple Java SE 6 (1.6.0_65) on OS X 10.9 first before you install Statistics 22. Please see [] for download. \n\n**** \n\nF) Apple Macintosh OSX Mountain Lion (10.8) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and IBM SPSS Statistics 21 \n\n**** \n\nG) Apple Macintosh OSX Lion (10.7) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 21 \n\n \n\nH) Apple Macintosh OSX Snow Leopard (10.6) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 21 \n\n \n\nOlder SPSS Statistics releases 18 and 19 and 20: \n\nPlease note that SPSS Statistics releases 18, 19 and 20 are no longer supported by IBM. Please contact IBM Sales department to renew your contracts.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n Need more help? Our Statistics forum is Live! []"
] | [
"Please see the list below. It is strongly recommended to review the platform information on IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports []. The installation of IBM SPSS Statistics software on Apple Macintosh OSX operating systems requires an Intel processor."
] | [
] | 766 | 1,373 | 5,129 |
TRAIN_Q390 | Netcool/Impact (all versions): DataType incorrect on Secondary
The DataType is not being correctly replicated across the ImpactServer Cluster. The .type file of the Secondary ImpactServer configuration is truncated with the error message:
Error 500: Mark invalid | "a new property is added to increase the file size limit:
Add the property to $NCHOME/impact/etc/<SERVERNAME>_server.props file
where size limit can be 8192, 16384, 32768, etc.. "
The property would have to be added to all ImpactServers in the Cluster and would require a restart to enable - ensuring that the ImpactServer started as Primary had the correct, uncorrupted .type file to be replicated across the Cluster. Also ensure that there are no trailing white-space characters on the property as these invalidate properties in lower versions of Impact. | [
"IBM DataType incorrect on Secondary - United States netcool; impact; netcool/impact; nci; data; type; datatype; .type; replication; cluster; sync; error; 500; mark; invalid TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n The DataType is not being correctly replicated across the ImpactServer Cluster \n\nSYMPTOM\nThe .type file of the Secondary ImpactServer configuration is truncated with the error message: \n\n * \n * \n\n\nCAUSE\nAPAR \"IZ81446: IMPACT 511 CLUSTER UNABLE TO REPLICATE DATATYPES WITH USERPARMETERS VALUES IN EXCESS OF 16,000 CHARACTERS.\" [link below] \n\n\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nAdditional comments associated with APAR IZ81446 release notes: \n\n\n\"a new property is added to increase the file size limit:\n\n\n\n * \n\n\nAdd the property to $NCHOME/impact/etc/<SERVERNAME>_server.props file \nwhere size limit can be 8192, 16384, 32768, etc.. \"",
"The property would have to be added to all ImpactServers in the Cluster and would require a restart to enable - ensuring that the ImpactServer started as Primary had the correct, uncorrupted .type file to be replicated across the Cluster. Also ensure that there are no trailing white-space characters on the property as these invalidate properties in lower versions of Impact. \n\nThe APAR is not an issue in Impact 6 and 7, but one would still have to include this property with an appropriate value to handle a large character length for the USERPARAMETERS parameter. \n\nThe character length includes the whole USERPARAMETERS property name as well as the definition. \n\nFor example one would add the property: \n\n * \n\n\nto the files: \n\n * \n * \n *",
"where one wished to allow the replication of a DataType between two ImpactServers called NCI1 and NCI2 in a Cluster where the USERPARMETERS property line were 20,000 characters long. \nRELATED INFORMATION\n APAR IZ81446 []"
] | [
"\"a new property is added to increase the file size limit:\n\n\n\n * \n\n\nAdd the property to $NCHOME/impact/etc/<SERVERNAME>_server.props file \nwhere size limit can be 8192, 16384, 32768, etc.. \" \n\nThe property would have to be added to all ImpactServers in the Cluster and would require a restart to enable - ensuring that the ImpactServer started as Primary had the correct, uncorrupted .type file to be replicated across the Cluster. Also ensure that there are no trailing white-space characters on the property as these invalidate properties in lower versions of Impact."
] | [] | 272 | 501 | 1,869 |
TRAIN_Q394 | Why does DSM error log have errors for SQLCODE=-206 errors reported for ISAS core warehouse database? Why does DSM error log have errors for SQLCODE=-206 errors reported for ISAS core warehouse database? | When you apply a new DB2 fixpack, the db2iupdt command is used to update an instance to a higher level within a release.
But that command does not necessarily update the database system catalog to support the new fix pack that you have installed. | [
"IBM Data Server Manager (DSM) showing SQLCODE=-206 \"<name> is not valid in the context where it is used.\" - United States SQLCODE 206 -206 SQL0206 SQL0206N DSM incompatible db2level fixpack fix pack db2iupdt TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Data Server Manager log files are full of SQLCODE=-206 \"<name> is not valid in the context where it\nis used.\" error \n\nSYMPTOM\nThe symptoms can vary depending on each installation. \n\nMost common scenario, DSM shows Data Pending status for the monitored database.\n\n\nCAUSE\nWhen you apply a new DB2 fixpack, the db2iupdt command is used to update an instance to a higher level within a release. \n\nBut that command does not necessarily update the database system catalog to support the new fix pack that you have installed.\nMeaning, just because the db2level shows a higher level, your database can still be using routines from an older DB2 level.",
"DIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nOne way to verify what routine levels your database is using, you can run the following DB2 command on the monitored database: \n\ndb2 \"select versionnumber from sysibm.sysversions order by 1 desc\" \n\nIf the results is showing a lower level than the ones DSM supports, that means your environment\nis not supported, and you are getting the SQLCODE=-206 error.\n\nTo verify what are the DB2 levels supported by DSM, please refer to the links below:\n- System requirements for IBM Data Server Manager, version 1.1.2 []\n- System requirements for IBM Data Server Manager, version 2.1 []\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nRun the db2updvnn command according to the db2level of your monitored database:",
"- For DB2 V9.7 run db2updv97 [] command\n- For DB2 V10.1 run db2updv10 [] command\n- For DB2 V10.5 run db2updv105 [] command\n- For DB2 V11.1 run db2updv111 [] command"
] | [
"When you apply a new DB2 fixpack, the db2iupdt command is used to update an instance to a higher level within a release. \n\nBut that command does not necessarily update the database system catalog to support the new fix pack that you have installed."
] | [
] | 274 | 737 | 2,305 |
TRAIN_Q396 | Can I obtain latest version WorkPlace(AE)'s source code? Can I obtain latest version WorkPlace's source code? | The IBM FileNet P8 Workplace Source Code is distributed under an IBM Source Code License. You must review and accept the terms of the license when you download the source. The license text is attached to this technote for your convenience. | [
"IBM Obtaining FileNet Workplace Source Code - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n How do I obtain source code for IBM FileNet P8 Workplace? \n\nCAUSE\nn/a\n\nANSWER\nOBTAINING IBM FILENET P8 WORKPLACE SOURCE CODE \n\n\n_______________________________________________________\n\nThe IBM FileNet P8 Workplace Source Code is distributed under an IBM Source Code License. You must review and accept the terms of the license when you download the source. The license text is attached to this technote for your convenience.\n\nDIRECTIONS\n\n1. Complete the questionnaire below and answer all questions.\n2. Review the attached license. You will agree to this license when you download the software.\n3. Open a support ticket PMR, copy your answers to the questionnaire to the PMR, and ask L2 to open a CRM to review and approve the request.\n4. Upon review and approval by L3, L2 will be sent instructions where the customer may download the source.\n\n\nQUESTIONNAIRE\n\n1.) Name: _____________________________________",
"2.) Company Name: ______________________________\n\nICN (IBM Customer Number, 7 digits): __________________________\n\n3.) How would you describe the type of users for whom you are building your application? \n[ ] Business Analyst \n[ ] Administrator,\n[ ] Business User,\n[ ] General User, \n[ ] Other ______________________________________.\n\n4.) Please describe how Workplace will be used in your organization.\n_______________________________________________________________________________________\n\n_______________________________________________________________________________________\n\n_______________________________________________________________________________________\n\n_______________________________________________________________________________________",
"5.) Why do you want to customize Workplace?\n[ ] Current user interface is too difficult to use\n[ ] Desire to simplify/reduce existing functionality for your end users\n[ ] Desire to change the look and feel to match corporate identity\n[ ] Require different functionality based on organizational roles\n[ ] The following functionality is not available in Workplace:\n__________________________________________________________\n\n6.) If you plan on reusing Workplace UI components to build a custom application, which components will you reuse or modify?\n[ ] Add/Check In Wizards \n[ ] Property Page\n[ ] Security Page\n[ ] Search Page\n[ ] Search Results\n[ ] List View\n[ ] Select Object\n[ ] Publish Page\n[ ] In Box List View\n[ ] Public In Box List View\n[ ] eforms\n[ ] Form Policies\n[ ] Entry Templates\n[ ] Other __________________________________",
"7.) If you are planning to roll out Workplace as is but require minor customization, what are you planning to customize? \n[ ] Wizards \n[ ] Property Pages\n[ ] Search Page\n[ ] Search Operators\n[ ] Search Results \n[ ] Actions \n[ ] List view\n[ ] Login Behavior\n[ ] Color schemes\n[ ] Logos/Images\n[ ] Java Viewer\n[ ] Other _____________________________\n\n7.) Have you evaluated IBM Content Navigator as a replacement for the AE Workplace UI? [ ] Yes [ ] No \n\n8.) There may be other options for building custom applications. Would you like to be contacted to further discuss? [ ] Yes [ ] No \n\nAdditional Comments? (Optional)\n\n_______________________________________________________________________________________\n\n_______________________________________________________________________________________\n\n_______________________________________________________________________________________\n\n______________________________________________________________________________________",
"LA_en.rtf [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21327685&aid=2] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21327685&aid=1]"
] | [
"The IBM FileNet P8 Workplace Source Code is distributed under an IBM Source Code License. You must review and accept the terms of the license when you download the source. The license text is attached to this technote for your convenience."
] | [
] | 422 | 797 | 3,668 |
TRAIN_Q398 | Cannot create syndication pair between Virtual Portals with a different user repository than Base Portal
I have two different user repositories one to manage my base portal and Virtual Portals. (p.e: For Base Portal I use ITDS, and for VPs I use AD) with differents admin users each.
Then I created two VPs using the AD repository, and my VPs admin user on the credential vault.
Tried to create a syndication relationship , that is failing with the error:
"Could not communicate with the target URL. Please check that the Syndicator URL details are entered correctly, and that the credential slot user exists on the target server." | The Admin user has to be made visible on both base and virtual Portals if you wish to syndicate between the two.
When syndicating to Virtual Portals, the Administrator User who is listed as the Domain Admin retrieved with:
com.presence.connect.wmmcomms.UserManagementServiceImpl.getPortalAdministrator() should have access to the Virtual Portal. | [
"IBM Syndicating to VP with exclusive realms does not work. - United States syndication; realm; vp; admin user; getPortalAdministrator TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM\n \n\nSyndication from base Portal to Virtual Portal with different realms does not work:-\n\n1) Create 2 different realms with different base entries and map one realm ( with base entry e.g DC=org1,DC=test) to base Portal.\n\n2) Create a Virtual portal and map it to another realm ( with base entry e.g DC=org2,DC=test).\n\n3) Attempt to carry out syndication from Base Portal to Virtual Portal.\n\n4) The syndication fails with below exception:",
"[datetime] 0000007f PackageGenera I createIceProjectItemRemoves():: p_items length = 0 \n[datetime] 0000008b ResponseBL I Performing response for sender: 1abc2a07-e70a-4804-8e09-b7b897eef534",
"[datetime] 000000a1 SubscriberTas E Unexpected exception thrown while updating subscription: [IceId: <1abc2a07-e70a-4804-8e09-b7b897eef534> Current State: <ICE-INITIAL>], exception: com.presence.connect.wmmcomms.exception.MemberNotFoundException: Message: EJPSG0002E: Requested Member does not exist.uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,DC=XYZ,DC=TEST, Cause: EJPSG0002E: Requested Member does not exist.uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,DC=XYZ,DC=TEST com.presence.connect.wmmcomms.exception.MemberNotFoundException: Message: EJPSG0002E: Requested Member does not exist.uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,DC=XYZ,DC=TEST, Cause: EJPSG0002E: Requested Member does not exist.uid=wpsadmin,cn=users,DC=XYZ,DC=TEST\n[...]",
"at com.presence.connect.wmmcomms.UserManagementServiceImpl.getPortalAdministrator(\n[...]",
"CAUSE\n\nThe Admin user exists on Base Portal but not the Realm which is configured to Virtual Portal.\n\nThe Administrator User who is listed as the Domain Admin retrieved with:\ncom.presence.connect.wmmcomms.UserManagementServiceImpl.getPortalAdministrator() does not have access to the Virtual Portal.\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n \n\nThe Admin user has to be made visible on both base and virtual Portals if you wish to syndicate between the two.\n\nWhen syndicating to Virtual Portals, the Administrator User who is listed as the Domain Admin retrieved with:\ncom.presence.connect.wmmcomms.UserManagementServiceImpl.getPortalAdministrator() should have access to the Virtual Portal.\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n Realm Support []"
] | [
"The Admin user has to be made visible on both base and virtual Portals if you wish to syndicate between the two.\n\nWhen syndicating to Virtual Portals, the Administrator User who is listed as the Domain Admin retrieved with:\ncom.presence.connect.wmmcomms.UserManagementServiceImpl.getPortalAdministrator() should have access to the Virtual Portal."
] | [
] | 243 | 870 | 2,777 |
TRAIN_Q399 | Business Rules with Message Broker I want to know if there is a way to use a business rule approach with Message Broker. Because I want to take advantage about benefits for using it, like if they(rules) are not embedded in code, they can be reused and shared, even though application is retired.
I have heard about some rules engine like Drools. Is it possible to do this merge with Message Broker or this has its own rules engine? Where can I go to search for information about this? | This SupportPac provides a node to execute the J2SE rule execution server (RES) of WebSphere Operational Decision Management inside the WebSphere Message Broker JVM. | [
"IBM IAM9: Message Broker – WebSphere Decision Service Node - United States iam9; JRules; Decision Management; Rule Engine; ILog DOWNLOADABLE FILES\n\nABSTRACT\n This SupportPac provides a node to execute the J2SE rule execution server (RES) of WebSphere Operational Decision Management inside the WebSphere Message Broker JVM. \n\nDOWNLOAD DESCRIPTION\nThis SupportPac provides a WebSphere Decision Service Node in WebSphere Message Broker to run a J2SE runtime business rules engine that can process rules based on the business content from messages within message broker flows. The runtime rules engine can come from the WebSphere Operational Decision Management (WODM). The node receives a input message, extracts the rule set parameter and then runs the rule engine. The result is sent to the output terminal and can be used for complex routing and decision making.",
"The SupportPac makes existing custom integrations between WebSphere Message Broker and WebSphere Operational Decision Management simpler to implement.\n\nThe SupportPac is delivered as a User Defined Node added to the Message Broker Toolkit palette. \n• WebSphere Message Broker v7, v8, v9 with IAM9 node v1 SupportPac with ODM v7, v7.5 and v8.\n• WebSphere Message Broker v7, v8, v9 with IAM9 node v2 SupportPac with ODM V8.0.1 and 8.5.\n\nPossible Uses\nDecision Service node can be used for:\n• Complex flow decisions by rule.\n• Content based routing by rule.\n\nNew in this Release\n• Provide a node implementation for all ODM releases currently available.\n• Change the user interface and input to look similar to the decision service node of IBM Integration Bus (formerly known as WebSphere Message Broker) v9.\n• Enable Decision Warehouse.\n• Provide Local Environment Structure to set rule set path and rule set parameters.",
"Details\nAuthor: Jochen Benke, IT Specialist, Software Services for WebSphere (ISSW)\nCategory: 2\nReleased: 27Mar12 \nLast updated: 28Aug13\nCurrent SupportPac Version: 2.0\n»Please note that the version number shown in the right-hand pane is the version of the WebSphere MQ or WebSphere MB product that this SupportPac applies to. The date is the last web page refresh. \n\nTo view the complete portfolio of WebSphere MQ SupportPacs please visit the WebSphere MQ SupportPacs homepage. []\n\nPREREQUISITES\nWebSphere Message Broker V7.0 or later\nWebSphere ILOG BRMS V7.1 or later\nWebSphere Operational Decision Management V7.5 or later\n\nINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS\nSee Node documentation below.\n\nURL LANGUAGE SIZE(Bytes) iam9.pdf [] US English 789266 \nDOWNLOAD PACKAGE",
"Download RELEASE DATE LANGUAGE SIZE(Bytes) Download Options 28 Aug 2013 US English 546661 HTTPS [] \nTECHNICAL SUPPORT\n Category 2 SupportPacs are provided in good faith and AS-IS. There is no warranty or further service implied or committed and any supplied sample code is not supported via IBM product service channels. \n\nYou may submit a question using the 'rate this page' below but a response is not guaranteed.\n\nPlease read the license information contained within the zip file of this SupportPac to determine if you want to use it. \n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration IBM Operational Decision Manager Not Applicable 8.5, 8.0.1, 8.0, 7.5 Business Integration WebSphere ILOG JRules Not Applicable 7.1"
] | [
"This SupportPac provides a node to execute the J2SE rule execution server (RES) of WebSphere Operational Decision Management inside the WebSphere Message Broker JVM."
] | [
] | 481 | 933 | 3,552 |
TRAIN_Q400 | Security Bulletin: IBM MQ termination of a client application causes denial of service (CVE-2017-1235) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: IBM MQ termination of a client application causes denial of service (CVE-2017-1235). Where can I find this information?
| CVEID: CVE-2017-1235 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM MQ could allow an authenticated user to cause a premature termination of a client application thread, which could potentially cause denial of service.
CVSS Base Score: 3.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: IBM MQ termination of a client application causes denial of service (CVE-2017-1235) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n Termination during an MQGET call of a client application running on a channel with SHARECNV=1, could cause a SIGSEGV and termination of the channel agent process. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2017-1235 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM MQ could allow an authenticated user to cause a premature termination of a client application thread, which could potentially cause denial of service.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.1\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM MQ V8.0 \n\nIBM MQ V8.0.0.6 and earlier maintenance levels.",
"IBM MQ V9.0 Long Term Support Release \n\nIBM MQ V9.0.0.1 and earlier maintenance levels. \n\nIBM MQ V9.0 Continuous Delivery Release \n\nIBM MQ Continuous delivery update 9.0.3 and earlier maintenance levels.\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nIBM MQ V8.0 \n\nApply [] maintenance level. \n\nIBM MQ V9.0 Long Term Support Release \n\nApply [] maintenance level. \n\nIBM MQ V9.0 Continuous Delivery Release \n\nApply continuous delivery update 9.0.4 [] or later",
"GET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nIMPORTANT NOTE\n IBM strongly suggests that all System z customers be subscribed to the System z Security Portal to receive the latest critical System z security and integrity service. If you are not subscribed, see the instructions on the System z Security web site []. Security and integrity APARs and associated fixes will be posted to this portal. IBM suggests reviewing the CVSS scores and applying all security or integrity fixes as soon as possible to minimize any potential risk. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 []",
"RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2017-1235 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM MQ could allow an authenticated user to cause a premature termination of a client application thread, which could potentially cause denial of service.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.1\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)"
] | [
] | 404 | 1,097 | 3,711 |
TRAIN_Q401 | How do I tell when there are mismatched MQ jars in my application server? Mismatched jar files can cause strange and unpredictable errors when using the MQ JMS classes from a .war file. | If your Java EE application (.ear or .war) bundles a copy of any MQ jar files, you should remove them and rely on the ones from the installed MQ Resource Adapter instead. | [
"IBM Solving IBM MQ Java code version mismatches using the script - United States WebSphere MQ WMQ TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n When Java™ SE applications and Java EE application servers such as WebSphere Application Server do not use a consistent set of MQ Java archives, applications can fail in unpredictable ways. If WebSphere Application Server notices a mismatch, it issues this message: \"MQJCA1008 The WebSphere MQ classes for JMS were found in the class path but were not the correct version. This error can occur if the application server finds an earlier version of the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS in the class path. The error can also occur if you do not configure WebSphere Application Server to use the correct version of the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS.\"",
"ENVIRONMENT\nThe script runs on Linux and UNIX systems and can identify Java archives and classes from MQ V5.3 and later versions. Although the script does not run on Windows systems, it is possible to zip up a directory structure on Windows in order to examine it with on a different system. To use the script, download it from the bottom of this page, copy it to the target system, and make the script executable. Make sure that either the unzip command or the Java jar command is available in your PATH before running For example:\n\n\n\n 1. Preparing to run\n 2. \n 3. sh> chmod +x \n sh> PATH=$PATH:/opt/java7/bin",
"DIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nIBM MQ ships a number of Java archives (jar files) that applications use to connect to MQ and work with messages. For Java EE environments, MQ provides a Resource Adapter called wmq.jmsra.rar which contains the jar files required by JMS applications. Java SE and Java EE applications must use a consistent set of MQ jar files at the same maintenance level, or else they might experience a wide variety of problems including intermittent errors, performance problems, and other failures.\n\nIt is common to find multiple versions of the MQ jar files in the Java CLASSPATH, or invalidly bundled in Java applications (.ear, .war, and .jar files). Finding and eliminating duplicate copies of the MQ jar files can be a difficult task, but the script simplifies that task on Linux and UNIX systems.\n\n\n\n * Syntax\n * Examples\n * WebSphere Application Server\n * Sample output\n * Resolving problems\n * Download\n\n\n\nSYNTAX",
"1. -? | -h \n 2. \n 3. [-v] [-r] [-f File] -d Directory ...\n 4. \n 5. \n 6. \n 7. -?:\n 8. \n 9. \n 10. -h:\n 11. \n 12. \n 13. -v:\n 14. \n 15. \n 16. -r:\n 17. \n 18. \n 19. -f File:\n 20. \n 21. \n 22. -d Directory:\n 23. \n 24. \n 25. \n 26. \n 27. \n 28. The script can take several minutes to complete, depending on the number of Java archives to search and whether you perform a recursive examination of archive files. While running, the script regularly prints its status and the percentage of work completed.\n\n\nBack to top\n\n\n\nEXAMPLES",
"1. Search for MQ files under /usr/IBM/WebSphere and save the results to the file mqlist.txt:\n \n -f mqlist.txt -d /usr/IBM/WebSphere\n 2. \n 3. \n 4. Perform a recursive search of archives under /opt/IBM:\n \n -r -d /opt/IBM\n 5. \n 6. \n 7. Recursively search archive files under the /opt/IBM/IIB and /opt/mqm directories and enable verbose output to ~/output.txt:\n \n -vrf ~/output.txt -d /opt/IBM/IIB -d /opt/mqm\n 8. \n\n\nBack to top\n\n\n\nWEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER\n\nWebSphere Application Server and other IBM products built on WebSphere Application Server normally show the MQ jar files in more than one location. Except as noted below, the copies of the MQ jar files should match the versions listed on this page []. Any copies of the MQ jar files other than those listed below might represent a problem: \n\n\n 1. WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5, V8.5 and V8.0\n 2. \n 3.",
"1. WebSphere Application Server V7.0\n 2. \n 3. \n 4. \n 5. \n 6. If you created a WebSphere Application Server V7.0 profile before applying fix pack or later, you must update the profile to use the correct MQ Resource Adapter path []. Otherwise, the application servers in that profile will use the old MQ Resource Adapter jars under the profile installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar directory rather than the MQ jars in the main installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar directory, which are kept up to date by WebSphere Application Server fix packs.\n\n\n 1. WebSphere Application Server V6.1\n 2. \n 3. \n\n\n\nBack to top\n\n\n\nSAMPLE OUTPUT",
"1. sh> \n 2. ./ -r -f mqlist.txt -d /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n 3. \n 4. Running V1.4 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (ppc) with arguments: -r -f mqlist.txt -d /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n \n Searching directory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n 2180 possible Java archives found\n 1. Found 80 MQ classes in classes.jar in WMQHTTP.war in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear:\n root root 145600 2014-07-16 13:56 /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear\n 2. Found 80 MQ classes in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/aemtux1Cell01/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP.war/WEB-INF/lib/classes.jar:",
"root root 156845 2013-09-25 18:02 /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/aemtux1Cell01/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP.war/WEB-INF/lib/classes.jar\n 3. Found 80 MQ classes in classes.jar in WMQHTTP.war in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear:\n root root 145600 2014-07-16 13:57 /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear\n 4. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ Common Service\n Implementation-Version: ${version.number} - ${build.level}\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 5. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar",
"Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ J2EE Connector Architecture\n Implementation-Version:\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 6. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 /wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 7. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 8. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar",
"Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 9. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 10. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 11. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar",
"Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 12. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: JMS Common Client API/SPI\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 13. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 14. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: JMS Client Common Facade",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 15. Found dhbcore.jar in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Version: \"DH610-GOLD\"\n Implementation-Title: \"Webscale Distribution Hub Core\"\n Implementation-Vendor: \"IBM Corporation\"\n 16. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 1115668 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 17. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 728387 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ Common Service",
"Implementation-Version: ${version.number} - ${build.level}\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 18. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 546407 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 19. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 448745 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 20. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 358016 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: JMS Common Client API/SPI",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 21. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 352254 Aug 01 11:49\n Implementation-Title: JMS Common Client facade\n Implementation-Version: - k701-105-110419\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 22. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 339396 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ J2EE Connector Architecture\n Implementation-Version:\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 23. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 338572 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 24. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 224747 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 25. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 209738 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 26. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 125200 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 27. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/dhbcore.jar:\n root root 2011835 2012-10-15 12:56 dhbcore.jar\n Implementation-Version: \"DH610-GOLD\"\n Implementation-Title: \"Webscale Distribution Hub Core\"\n Implementation-Vendor: \"IBM Corporation\"\n 27 jar files with MQ code found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n \n 27 total jar files with MQ code found\n Results saved to mqlist.txt\n \n \n \n 5. \n 6. Back to top",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n\nReview the output from to determine where copies of the MQ jar files have been found. Not all duplicates represent a problem, unless they are being loaded by your Java SE application or Java EE application server at runtime. If the file shows an implementation version of ${version.number} - ${build.level} just ignore it.\n\nIn the sample output above, entries #16 through #27 represent the jar files for the installed MQ Resource Adapter. They all show an implementation version of - k000-L111005.1 except for #21,, which shows an implementation version of - k701-105-110419. Because the jar file versions are not in sync, MQ JMS will not function as expected.",
"In cases like this, the wmq.jmsra.rar file should contain a copy of the MQ jar at the right level for the application server. Entry #14 in the output shows the file with an implementation version of - k000-L111005.1, which is what we need. Use the jar program to extract the file from the wmq.jmsra.rar archive, then copy it over the back-level version of the jar. Use chown and chmod to ensure the permissions on the file are correct.\n\nIn other cases, you might find that the classpath for the application server, or for your Java SE application, is picking up extra copies of the MQ jar files. Eliminating unnecessary classpath entries can resolve the problem.\n\nIf your Java EE application (.ear or .war) bundles a copy of any MQ jar files, you should remove them and rely on the ones from the installed MQ Resource Adapter instead.\n\nBack to top",
"Additional Keywords: \ntroubleshoot troubleshooting trouble shoot classloader classpath configuration scripts\n\n\n\nDOWNLOAD\n 1. \n 2. [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21681142&aid=2]\n\n\n\n\nDISCLAIMER: All source code and/or binaries attached to this document are referred to here as \"the Program\". IBM is not providing program services of any kind for the Program. IBM is providing the Program on an \"AS IS\" basis without warranty of any kind. IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF IBM, OR ITS RESELLER, HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Back to top"
] | [
"If your Java EE application (.ear or .war) bundles a copy of any MQ jar files, you should remove them and rely on the ones from the installed MQ Resource Adapter instead."
] | [
] | 2,619 | 5,407 | 16,504 |
TRAIN_Q402 | Why am I getting StaleConnectionException on WebSphere side while Oracle is throwing 'OALL8 is in an inconsistent state'?
In the WebSphere Application Server SystemOut.log file we see this message:
ConnectionEve A J2CA0056I: TheConnection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource jdbc/<data source name>. The exception which was received is OALL8 is in an inconsistent state:java.sql.SQLException: OALL8 is in an inconsistent state.
How can this be resolved? | In WebSphere Application Server, the StaleConnectionException is issued when the database vendor issues an exception indicating that a connection currently in the connection pool is no longer valid. | [
"IBM Demystifying the WebSphere StaleConnectionException - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n What is the StaleConnectionException, why is it issued by WebSphere Application Server, and what should be done about it? \n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nIn WebSphere Application Server, the StaleConnectionException is issued when the database vendor issues an exception indicating that a connection currently in the connection pool is no longer valid. This can happen for many reasons, including:",
"* The application tries to get a connection and fails, as when the database is not started.\n \n \n * A connection is no longer usable due to a database failure. When an application tries to use a connection it has previously obtained, the connection is no longer valid. In this case, all connections currently in use by an application can get this error when they try to use the connection.\n \n \n * The application using the connection has already called close() and then tries to use the connection again.\n \n \n * The application tries to use a JDBC™ resource, such as a statement, obtained on a now-stale connection.\n\n\nWhen the StaleConnectionException is issued, the behavior is determined by the Purge Policy setting for the connection pool. If the Purge Policy is set to EntirePool, the entire pool is flushed. But if the Purge Policy is set to FailingConnectionOnly, only the connection that caused the StaleConnectionException is purged from the pool.",
"An application can recover from bad connections by explicitly catching the StaleConnectionException and getting a new connection from the pool. Numerous exceptions issued by DB2, Oracle, DataDirect (for connecting to SQLServer), Sybase, and Informix are currently mapped to the StaleConnectionException, which makes recovery easier for the application programmer. The following pseudocode provides an example of how to recover from a StaleConnectionException:",
"//get a userTransaction\njavax.transaction.UserTransaction tran = getSessionContext().getUserTransaction();\n//retry indicates whether to retry or not\n//numOfRetries states how many retries have\n// been attempted\nboolean retry = false;\nint numOfRetries = 0;\njava.sql.Connection conn = null;\njava.sql.Statement stmt = null;\ndo {\ntry {\n//begin a transaction\ntran.begin();\n//Assumes that a datasource has already been obtained\n//from JNDI\nconn = ds.getConnection();\nconn.setAutoCommit(false);\nstmt = conn.createStatement();\nstmt.execute(\"INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES VALUES\n(0101, 'Bill', 'R', 'Smith')\");\ntran.commit();\nretry = false;\n} catch(java.sql.SQLException sqlX)\n{\n// If the error indicates the connection is stale, then\n// rollback and retry the action\nif (\n.getDataStoreHelper(ds)\n.isConnectionError(sqlX))\n{\ntry {\ntran.rollback();\n} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {\n//deal with exception\n//in most cases, this can be ignored\n}\nif (numOfRetries < 2) {",
"retry = true;\nnumOfRetries++;\n} else {\nretry = false;\n}\n}\nelse\n{\n//deal with other database exception\nretry = false\n}\n} finally {\n//always cleanup JDBC resources\ntry {\nif(stmt != null) stmt.close();\n} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {\n//usually can ignore\n}\ntry {\nif(conn != null) conn.close();\n} catch (java.sql.SQLException sqle) {\n//usually can ignore\n}\n}\n} while (retry) ;",
"Further details about WebSphere Connection Pooling are located in the WebSphere Application Server Knowledge Center article Connection pooling []\n\nKnowledge Center article Exceptions pertaining to data access [] contains details on the StaleConnectionException error\n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Application Servers Runtimes for Java Technology Java SDK"
] | [
"In WebSphere Application Server, the StaleConnectionException is issued when the database vendor issues an exception indicating that a connection currently in the connection pool is no longer valid."
] | [
] | 482 | 1,038 | 3,927 |
TRAIN_Q403 | Help with Security Bulletin: IBM PureApplication System is affected by a security vulnerability. (CVE-2015-1890) I need to understand details regarding "Security Bulletin: IBM PureApplication System is affected by a security vulnerability (CVE-2015-1890)". Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2015-1890 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM General Parallel File System could allow someone who has access to a snap file generated by the gpfs.snap tool (/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/gpfs.snap) to read the private keys of certificates used by GPFS for daemon communications via the TLS protocol.
CVSS Base Score: 3.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: IBM PureApplication System is affected by a security vulnerability. (CVE-2015-1890) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n A security vulnerability have been identified in the General Parallel File System gpfs.snap service tool that affects IBM PureApplication System. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-1890 [] \n\nDESCRIPTION: IBM General Parallel File System could allow someone who has access to a snap file generated by the gpfs.snap tool (/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/gpfs.snap) to read the private keys of certificates used by GPFS for daemon communications via the TLS protocol.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N)",
"AFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nThis vulnerability affects IBM PureApplication Server and the GPFS pattern type included in: \n\n * \n * \n * \n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nThe solution is to upgrade the IBM PureApplication System to the following fix levels and update deployments that implement the GPFS pattern type using the GPFS Pattern Interim Fix: \nIBM PureApplication System V2.1 \n\n * \n * GPFS Pattern Interim Fix is located at: []",
"IBM PureApplication System V2.0 * \n * GPFS Pattern Interim Fix is located at: [] \n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this.",
"REFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 10 August 2015: Original Version Published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2015-1890 [] \n\nDESCRIPTION: IBM General Parallel File System could allow someone who has access to a snap file generated by the gpfs.snap tool (/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/gpfs.snap) to read the private keys of certificates used by GPFS for daemon communications via the TLS protocol.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:P/I:N/A:N)"
] | [
] | 352 | 1,166 | 3,797 |
TRAIN_Q406 | Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java Runtime affect API Connect I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java Runtime affect API Connect ( CVE-2016-5548). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2016-5548 []
DESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Libraries component could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information resulting in a high confidentiality impact using unknown attack vectors.
CVSS Base Score: 6.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java Runtime affect API Connect - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n There are multiple vulnerabilities in IBM® Runtime Environment Java™ used by IBM API Connect. \n\nThese issues were disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in January 2017 and April 2017. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2016-5546 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Libraries component has no confidentiality impact, high integrity impact, and no availability impact.\nCVSS Base Score: 7.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:H/A:N)",
"CVEID: CVE-2016-5548 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Libraries component could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information resulting in a high confidentiality impact using unknown attack vectors.\nCVSS Base Score: 6.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)",
"CVEID: CVE-2016-5549 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Libraries component could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information resulting in a high confidentiality impact using unknown attack vectors.\nCVSS Base Score: 6.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)",
"CVEID: CVE-2016-5547 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Libraries component could allow a remote attacker to cause a denial of service resulting in a low availability impact using unknown attack vectors.\nCVSS Base Score: 5.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)",
"CVEID: CVE-2016-2183 []\nDESCRIPTION: OpenSSL could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by an error in the DES/3DES cipher, used as a part of the SSL/TLS protocol. By capturing large amounts of encrypted traffic between the SSL/TLS server and the client, a remote attacker able to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability to recover the plaintext data and obtain sensitive information. This vulnerability is known as the SWEET32 Birthday attack.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.7\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)",
"CVEID: CVE-2017-3511 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Java SE JCE component could allow an unauthenticated attacker to take control of the system.\nCVSS Base Score: 7.7\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:L/AC:H/PR:N/UI:R/S:C/C:H/I:H/A:H)\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM API Connect V5.0.0.0 - V5.0.7.2\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\n \n\nAffected Product Addressed in VRMF APAR Remediation/First Fix IBM API Connect \n\nV5.0.0.0 - LI79749 Addressed in IBM API Connect V5.0.6.3.\n\nFollow this link and find the \"APIConnect_Management\" and \"apiconnect-collective-controller\" packages:",
" [] IBM API Connect\n\nV5.0.7.0 - LI79749 Addressed in IBM API Connect V5.0.8.0.\n\nFollow this link and find the \"APIConnect_Management\" and \"apiconnect-collective-controller\" packages:",
" [] GET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this.",
"REFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] \nIBM Java SDK January 2017 Security Bulletin [] \nIBM Java SDK April 2017 Security Bulletin [] \nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 11 September 2017: original document published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2016-5548 []\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the Libraries component could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information resulting in a high confidentiality impact using unknown attack vectors.\nCVSS Base Score: 6.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:R/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N)"
] | [
] | 611 | 2,207 | 6,778 |
TRAIN_Q413 | VScan not working after migrating Datacap Application from 8.1 to 9.0.1
I have recently migrated one datacap application developed in Datacap 8.1 to Datacap 9.0.1. I followed the complete instruction provided in the link
After migration, when I tried to execute the application using Datacap Desktop. I got errors that "This batch has no data to process. Aborting" and "Unable to run queue". I am attaching the screenshots of error. I am also attaching the DStudio rule's screenshot.
I have verified and configured all the required settings.
Please guide if someone has faced the similar issue and resolved it.
| The "Bind DCO type to panel" for Datacap Desktop is case-sensitive. Be sure the DCO name matches as it appears in Datacap Studio (both the spelling and case-sensitivity). | [
"IBM Error when launching Scan task from Datacap Desktop. - United States Desktop; No data; Scan; VScan TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Receiving the following error message when attempting to launch up Scan task from Datacap Desktop:\n\"This batch has no data to process. Aborting.\" \n\nThen followed by this error: \n\"Unable to run queue.\" \n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nThe panel for TravelDocs contained a value with all upper-case letter [eg. TRAVELDOCS], which caused the error to occur when attempting to launch the Scan task from Datacap Desktop\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe \"Bind DCO type to panel\" for Datacap Desktop is case-sensitive. Be sure the DCO name matches as it appears in Datacap Studio (both the spelling and case-sensitivity). \n\nLogon to TMWeb client. \n\nGo to Administrator tab \n\nSelect the VScan task from the Workflow. \n\nClick Setup under Program. \n\nThen change the value of the Panel to match what is in Datacap Studio. For example \"TRAVELDOCS\" to \"TravelDocs\" \n\nClick Save",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21967312&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21967312&aid=1]\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21967312&aid=2] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21967312&aid=2]\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21967312&aid=3] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21967312&aid=3]"
] | [
"The \"Bind DCO type to panel\" for Datacap Desktop is case-sensitive. Be sure the DCO name matches as it appears in Datacap Studio (both the spelling and case-sensitivity)."
] | [
] | 153 | 414 | 1,272 |
TRAIN_Q414 | Is MQ V7.0 is going out of support? Is Websphere MQ V7.0 is going out of support? | IBM has withdrawn support for WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ for z/OS V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, | [
"IBM Announcement: End of Support for WebSphere MQ and WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 and WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 - United States NEWS\n\nABSTRACT\n IBM has withdrawn support for WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ for z/OS V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition for z/OS V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, and WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1. \n\nCONTENT\n\n\nTAB NAVIGATION\n * WebSphere MQ and File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 • MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 selected tab",
"TAB NAVIGATION\n * What were the end of support dates for WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, and WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1?\n * Do these announcements affect WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.4, V7.0.3 and V7.0.2, WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security V7.0.1, or WebSphere MQ Hypervisor Edition V7.0.1?\n * What replacement products are available?\n * How do I check which version I am currently running?\n * Is any information available to help me upgrade to a later version?\n * How do I purchase a support extension for my current version?\n * When a WebSphere MQ server product goes out of support, does the client and file transfer agent also go out of support?\n * Are these products still supported when they are bundled with another IBM product?\n * Is the WebSphere MQ V7.0 Resource Adapter supported in WebSphere Application Server?\n * Is documentation still available for these products?",
"* How do I obtain installation images for these products if I still need them?\n * Is there an IBM MQ V9.0 or MQ V8.0 trial version available for download?",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21674407&aid=1]\n\n\n\n\nWHAT ARE THE END OF SUPPORT DATES FOR WEBSPHERE MQ V7.0.1 AND V7.0.0, WEBSPHERE MQ FILE TRANSFER EDITION V7.0.1 AND V7.0.0, AND WEBSPHERE MQ TELEMETRY V7.0.1?",
"* Product Version Release Date End of Support Platforms WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 28 Aug 2009 [] 30 Apr 2015 [] AIX, HP-UX (Itanium), HP-UX (PA-RISC), i5/OS, Linux (POWER), Linux (x86), Linux (x86-64), Linux (zSeries 64-bit), Solaris (SPARC), Solaris (x86-64), Windows (x86) WebSphere MQ for z/OS V7.0.1 25 Sep 2009 [] 30 Sep 2015 [] z/OS WebSphere MQ V7.0.0 16 Jun 2008 [] 30 Apr 2015",
"[] AIX, HP-UX (Itanium), HP-UX (PA-RISC), i5/OS, Linux (POWER), Linux (x86), Linux (x86-64), Linux (zSeries 64-bit), Solaris (SPARC), Solaris (x86-64), Windows (x86) WebSphere MQ for z/OS V7.0.0 27 Jun 2008 [] 30 Sep 2011 [] z/OS WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 05 Jun 2009 [] 30 Sep 2014 [] AIX, HP-UX (Itanium), Linux (x86), Linux (x86-64), Linux (zSeries 64-bit), Solaris (SPARC),",
"Windows (x86) WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition for z/OS V7.0.1 12 Jun 2009 [] 30 Sep 2014 [] z/OS WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.0 05 Dec 2008 [] 30 Sep 2014 [] AIX, HP-UX (Itanium), Linux (x86), Solaris (SPARC), Windows (x86) WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition for z/OS V7.0.0 12 Dec 2008 [] 30 Sep 2014",
"[] z/OS WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 27 Aug 2010 [] 30 Sep 2015 [] Linux (x86-64), Windows (x86)",
"* \n * Review lifecycle dates for all IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ products []\n \n End of support information for WebSphere MQ V7.5 and WebSphere MQ Hypervisor Edition V7.5 []\n \n End of support information for WebSphere MQ V7.1, WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.4, V7.0.3 and V7.0.2, WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security V7.0.1, and WebSphere MQ Hypervisor Edition V7.0.1 []\n \n \n * Back to top",
"DO THESE ANNOUNCEMENTS AFFECT WEBSPHERE MQ FILE TRANSFER EDITION V7.0.4, V7.0.3 AND V7.0.2, WEBSPHERE MQ ADVANCED MESSAGE SECURITY V7.0.1, OR WEBSPHERE MQ HYPERVISOR EDITION V7.0.1?\n\n * IBM has subsequently announced the end of support for these products [] on all platforms including z/OS:\n * \n * Lifecycle dates for WebSphere MQ V7.0 products [] \n * \n * Back to top\n\n\n\n\nWHAT REPLACEMENT PRODUCTS ARE AVAILABLE?",
"* Replacements for WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 include IBM MQ or IBM MQ Advanced V9.0 and V8.0. WebSphere MQ or WebSphere MQ Advanced V7.5 are also available (except on IBM i), but their end of support date is 30 Apri 2018 [].\n * Replacements for WebSphere MQ for z/OS V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 include IBM MQ, IBM MQ Advanced, or IBM MQ Value Unit Edition for z/OS V9.0 and V8.0.0.",
"* Replacements for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 include IBM MQ Advanced V9.0 and V8.0. WebSphere MQ Advanced V7.5 is also available (except on IBM i), but its end of support date is 30 April 2018 []. The Advanced license allows use of the Managed File Transfer and Advanced Message Security components which are now built into MQ and replace the former File Transfer Edition and Advanced Message Security products.\n * Replacements for WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition for z/OS V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 include IBM MQ Advanced for z/OS V9.0 and V8.0.0. The Advanced license allows use of the Managed File Transfer and Advanced Message Security components which are now built into MQ for z/OS and replace the former File Transfer Edition for z/OS and Advanced Message Security for z/OS products.",
"* The replacement for WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 is IBM MQ or IBM MQ Advanced V9.0 or V8.0, all of which include Telemetry as a component of the MQ product. WebSphere MQ or WebSphere MQ Advanced V7.5 are also available (except on IBM i), but their end of support date is 30 April 2018 [].\n * \n * \n * Back to top",
"* Follow these general instructions [] or the IBM MQ Knowledge Center instructions [] to display your IBM MQ or WebSphere MQ version on all platforms except for z/OS with the command: dspmqver\n * On z/OS, look for message CSQY000I [] in the MSTR joblog to determine your version.\n * Follow the IBM MQ Knowledge Center instructions [] to display your Managed File Transfer or WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition version with the command: fteDisplayVersion",
"* WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 only runs on WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 (fix pack and later) on Linux (x86-64) and Windows (x86). Although there is no command to display the WebSphere MQ Telemetry version, if your WebSphere MQ version is V7.0.1 and you have a WebSphere MQ Telemetry service and channels [] configured, then you are running WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1.\n * \n * Back to top",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21674407&aid=2]\n\n \n\n\n\n\nIS ANY INFORMATION AVAILABLE TO HELP ME UPGRADE TO A LATER VERSION?",
"* The IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ Migration Guide [] is available to view online or download:\n * IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ Migration Guide [] \n * \n * The IBM Knowledge Center also includes information to assist you in migrating to a supported version of IBM MQ or WebSphere MQ:\n * Migrating and upgrading to IBM MQ V9.0 [] Migrating and upgrading to IBM MQ V8.0 [] Migrating and upgrading to WebSphere MQ V7.5 [] \n *",
"* The following WebSphere Support Technical Exchange presentations may be helpful if you are considering running multiple MQ installations on your system:\n * Webcast replay: WebSphere MQ Multi-Version - First Steps [] Webcast replay: WebSphere MQ Multi-Version - Environment Considerations and Management [] \n * \n * Back to top",
"HOW DO I PURCHASE A SUPPORT EXTENSION FOR MY CURRENT VERSION?\n\n * Support extensions are available for an additional fee. To purchase extended support for WebSphere MQ or any of the other products, please contact your local IBM sales representative.\n * US Customers should contact Customer Support Operations at 1-877-426-6006, option #2. If you provide your IBM customer number, they can quickly find your sales representative.\n * Customers in other geographies should refer to the IBM directory of worldwide support contacts to find sales contact numbers in your region:\n * \n * IBM Directory of Worldwide Contacts [] \n * \n * Back to top\n\n\n\n\nWHEN AN WEBSPHERE MQ SERVER PRODUCT GOES OUT OF SUPPORT, DOES THE CLIENT AND FILE TRANSFER AGENT ALSO GO OUT OF SUPPORT?\n\n * Yes. WebSphere MQ V7.0 clients and WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0 agents go out of support at the same time as the server.\n * \n * Back to top",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21674407&aid=3] \n\n\n\n\nARE THESE PRODUCTS STILL SUPPORTED WHEN THEY ARE BUNDLED WITH ANOTHER IBM PRODUCT?\n\n * Yes, support is available for all bundled components until the IBM product that includes them is withdrawn from support. However, they are only supported when used by the bundling IBM product. Unrelated usage is not supported.\n * \n * Find the end of support date for your IBM software product [] \n * \n * Back to top\n\n\n\n\nIS THE WEBSPHERE MQ V7.0 RESOURCE ADAPTER SUPPORTED IN WEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER?",
"* Yes, the WebSphere MQ V7.0 Resource Adapter [] shipped with WebSphere Application Server V8.0 and V7.0 is supported through 30 April 2018 [], when both of those versions of WebSphere Application Server end support, or longer if you purchase a WebSphere Application Server support extension.\n \n * Similarly, the WebSphere MQ V7.1 Resource Adapter [] shipped with WebSphere Application Server V8.5.x is supported as long as that version of WebSphere Application Server remains in support, or longer if you purchase a WebSphere Application Server support extension.",
"* However, if you manually install your own copy of the WebSphere MQ V7.x Resource Adapter in WebSphere Application Server or any third-party Java EE server, it will go out of support with the corresponding WebSphere MQ server version.\n \n * The IBM MQ V8.0 and V9.0 Resource Adapters cannot be installed in WebSphere Application Server V8.5.x, V8.0 and V7.0 because those versions support JMS 1.1 while the IBM MQ Resource Adapters implement JMS 2.0. WebSphere Application Server V9.0 ships with the IBM MQ V9.0 Resource Adapter [] and includes full support for JMS 2.0. The version of MQ Resource Adapter you use must be supported by your Java EE server but does not need to match the version of the queue managers to which you wish to connect.\n \n * Back to top",
"IS DOCUMENTATION STILL AVAILABLE FOR THESE PRODUCTS?\n\n * Yes. Online documentation is available in the IBM Knowledge Center, while downloadable Information Center installations and PDF versions of the manuals are available from the MQ Library page.\n * \n * WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 Knowledge Center [] WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 library of downloadable documentation [] WebSphere MQ V7.0.0 library of downloadable documentation [] WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.4 Knowledge Center [] WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 [] \n * \n * Back to top",
"HOW DO I OBTAIN INSTALLATION IMAGES FOR THESE PRODUCTS IF I STILL NEED THEM?\n\n * Installation images for WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, and WebSphere MQ Telemetry V7.0.1 are no longer available from Passport Advantage []. Contact IBM if you have an urgent business need for these installation images.\n * \n * Back to top\n\n\n \n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21674407&aid=4]\n\n \n\n\n\n\nIS THERE AN IBM MQ V9.0 OR MQ V8.0 TRIAL VERSION AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD?\n\n * You can obtain a full-featured trial version of IBM MQ to evaluate for 90 days:\n * \n * Try IBM MQ now [] \n * \n * Back to top",
"Cross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration WebSphere MQ File Transfer Edition Not Applicable AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS 7.0.1, 7.0 All Editions Business Integration WebSphere MQ Telemetry Not Applicable Linux, Windows Business Integration IBM MQ \nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n WebSphere MQ WMQ"
] | [
"IBM has withdrawn support for WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 and V7.0.0, WebSphere MQ for z/OS V7.0.1 and V7.0.0,"
] | [
] | 1,922 | 5,941 | 16,886 |
TRAIN_Q415 | Unable to login to FileNet Workplace XT 1.1.5.x. Getting error, Problem initializing encryption/decryption with keyID.
We are having issue while trying to login Workplace XT. Getting the error message below as soon as I hit after giving credentials.
Error Message: com.filenet.wcm.api.EncryptionException: Problem initializing encryption/decryption with keyId 7d3f93e3, size 256 bits. java.home=/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/java/jre. Cause: InvalidKeyException: Illegal key size or default parameters
IBM WAS Workplace XT 1.1.5 | This behavior occurs if Workplace XT is configured to use Maximum strength keys (>128bit) during installation. | [
"IBM Unable to log on to FileNet WorkplaceXT receive an AE SecurityCheckFilter error - United States AE SecurityCheckFilter; JSSE; unlimited strength TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Unable to log on to FileNet WorkplaceXT - AE SecurityCheckFilter error \n\nSYMPTOM\nWhen attempting to log on to FileNet WorkplaceXT deployed on an IBM WebSphere Application Server, the following error is displayed : \n\nException Message: [Filter AE SecurityCheckFilter]: filter is unavailable. \nFilter AE SecurityCheckFilter: filter is unavailable. \n\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nSystemOut.log may contain the following exception :",
"Problem initializing encryption/decryption with keyId abcd1234, size 256 bits. java.home=<<WAS_home>>\\AppServer\\java\\jre. Cause: Illegal key size or default parameters\ncom.filenet.wcm.api.EncryptionException: Problem initializing encryption/decryption with keyId abcd1234, size 256 bits. java.home=<<WAS_home>>\\AppServer\\java\\jre. Cause: Illegal key size or default parameters\nat com.filenet.wcm.api.impl.CryptoHelper.getCipher(\nat com.filenet.wcm.api.impl.CryptoHelper.doEncryptOrDecrypt(\nat com.filenet.wcm.api.impl.SessionImpl.getTokenSymmetric(\nat com.filenet.wcm.api.impl.SessionImpl.getToken(\nat\nat\n....",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThis behavior occurs if Workplace XT is configured to use Maximum strength keys (>128bit) during installation. In this case, the JRE used by the J2EE Application server, for example <<WAS_home>>\\AppServer\\java\\jre should contain unlimited strength policy files, otherwise it will be unable to encrypt / decrypt user tokens. \n\n \n\n * One option is to install the JSSE unlimited strength jar files for the JRE used by the J2EE Application Server. For IBM JREs, more info can be found at \n \n [] \n \n \n * Another option is to regenerate the encryption keys using 128bit encryption which doesn't require the unlimited strength policy .jar files. Please refer to the P8 Infocenter for usage information on the com.filenet.wcm.api.util.MakeCryptoKeys utility."
] | [
"This behavior occurs if Workplace XT is configured to use Maximum strength keys (>128bit) during installation."
] | [
] | 249 | 712 | 2,479 |
TRAIN_Q417 | What happens if I run arssyscr -I instance_name -r without having Report Distribution enabled or installed? What will I see if I run arssyscr -I instance_name -r without having Report Distribution enabled or installed in CMOD v9.0? | You will see the "table or view does not exist" errors in your Systemlog | [
"IBM What happens if I run arssyscr -I instance_name -r without having Report Distribution enabled or installed? - United States arssyscr; Report Distribution TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Running arssyscr -I instance_name -r during upgrade without RDF installed or enabled can lead to errors during load. \n\nSYMPTOM\nYou will see errors similar to (depending on database brand) \nDB Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist -- SQLSTATE=, SQLCODE=942, File=arsrddb.c, \nLine=951 in your systemlog\n\n\nCAUSE\nIssuing the arssyscr -I (instance name) -r command will trigger arssockd to check for the ARSDBBUNDT (RDF tables), which do not exist. \n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nYou will see the \"table or view does not exist\" errors in your Systemlog\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nYou will need to rename the Report Distribution tables and delete the Application, Application Group and Folders by performing the steps below:\n\nYou are going to want to change the Report Distribution table name:",
"This test is done on DB2, but It should be the same for (Oracle or SQL \nServer). \nThat is [2] and [3], to rename to object name, you need to log on your \ndatabase command session: \n\n\n[1] Shutdown arssockd \n\n[2] Rename the Application Group name \n\nc:\\>db2 \"select agid, name, agid_name from arsag where name = 'System \nReport Distribution'\" \nAGID NAME \nAGID_NAME \n----------- ------------------------------------------------------------ \n--------- \n5007 System Report Distribution \nSR \n1 record(s) selected. \n\n\nc:\\>db2 \"update arsag set name = 'System Report Distribution DELETE' \nWHERE name = 'System Report Distribution'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\n\n[3] Rename the Folder name \n\nc:\\>db2 \"select name from arsfol where name like 'System Report \nDistribution%'\" \nNAME \n------------------------------------------------------------ \nSystem Report Distribution - Bundles \nSystem Report Distribution - Deliveries \nSystem Report Distribution - Reports \n3 record(s) selected.",
"c:\\>db2 \"update arsfol set name = 'System Report Distribution - Bundles \nDELETE' where name = 'System Report Distribution - Bundles'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\nc:\\>db2 \"update arsfol set name = 'System Report Distribution - \nDeliveries DELETE' where name = 'System Report Distribution - \nDeliveries'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\nc:\\>db2 \"update arsfol set name = 'System Report Distribution - Reports \nDELETE' where name = 'System Report Distribution - Reports'\" \nDB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. \n\n[3] Start up arssockd \n\n[4] Use the Admin GUI to delete the RD Application group, Applications, \nand Folders"
] | [
"You will see the \"table or view does not exist\" errors in your Systemlog"
] | [
] | 368 | 733 | 2,664 |
TRAIN_Q422 | Help with Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in SSLv3 affects IID and WID (CVE-2014-3566) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in SSLv3 affects IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer (CVE-2014-3566). Where can I find this information? | CVE-ID: CVE-2014-3566 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a design error when using the SSLv3 protocol. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack to decrypt SSL sessions and access the plaintext of encrypted connections.
CVSS Base Score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in SSLv3 affects IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer (CVE-2014-3566) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n SSLv3 contains a vulnerability that has been referred to as the Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) attack. SSLv3 is enabled in IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVE-ID: CVE-2014-3566 []\n\nDESCRIPTION: IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a design error when using the SSLv3 protocol. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack to decrypt SSL sessions and access the plaintext of encrypted connections.",
"CVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nThis vulnerability affects some versions and releases of IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer.\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nIBM recommends that you review your entire environment to identify areas that enable the SSLv3 protocol and take appropriate mitigation and remediation actions. The most immediate mitigation action that can be taken is disabling SSLv3. You should verify disabling SSLv3 does not cause any compatibility issues.\n\nNote that other related products are also affected by this vulnerability. In the context of applying fixes, you will also want to update Installation Manager to version 1.8 or later.",
"To fully mitigate the POODLE vulnerability for server side components, an additional fix for IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer is required (JR51720): \n\n * WebSphere Integration Developer V7.5.1.2 [] \n * IBM Integration Designer V8.0.1.3 [] \n * IBM Integration Designer V8.5.5.0 []",
"WORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nCustomers who cannot or do not want to install the fix recommended in the \"Remediation/Fixes\" section of this security bulletin can disable the use of SSLv3 using manual configuration as described in \"Workarounds and Mitigations\" under the \"Client configuration files\" section in the following bulletin: Security Bulletin: Vulnerability in SSLv3 affects IBM WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2014-3566) []\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this.",
"REFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \nSecurity Bulletin: Vulnerability in SSLv3 affects IBM WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2014-3566) [] \nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 2014-11-14- Original Version Published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration WebSphere Integration Developer Security Linux, Windows,,,,, 7.0,,,, 6.2, 6.1.2"
] | [
"CVE-ID: CVE-2014-3566 []\n\nDESCRIPTION: IBM Integration Designer and WebSphere Integration Developer could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a design error when using the SSLv3 protocol. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack to decrypt SSL sessions and access the plaintext of encrypted connections.\n\nCVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)"
] | [] | 530 | 1,424 | 4,990 |
TRAIN_Q424 | Unable to unistall Data Studio 3.1.1 on Windows
We use Data Studio with DB2 WSE V9.7 FP11 on Windows 2008. While trying to new version of Data Studio 4.1.2, we are able to install it successfully. But unable to uninstall the existing, getting the jvm error "Could not find the main class". How we can delete it?
| Please try to uninstall all products including Install Manager
(IM) then reinstall IM and Data Studio 4.1.2. | [
"IBM How can uninstall Data Studio 3.1.1 where Control Panel uninstall process gets an error? - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n We are able to install Data Studio (DS) 4.1.2 successfully but unable to uninstall the \nexisting Data Studio 3.1.1. When uninstall Data Studio 3.1.1 from Control Panel, it \nraises an error message pop-up window and can not uninstall it. Here is the message:\n\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| Java Virtual Machine Launcher\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n| X Could not find the main class: com.zerog.lax.LAX. Program will exit.\n+-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\nHow can uninstall Data Studio 3.1.1 where Control Panel uninstall process gets an error?\n\n\nCAUSE\nIt is an known behavior/limitation. \n\nANSWER\nIt may be happened where two versions Data Studio 3.1.1 and 4.1.2 installed machine.",
"Here is an workaround. Please try to uninstall all products including Install Manager \n(IM) then reinstall IM and Data Studio 4.1.2. Below are detailed steps:\n\n1. Use IM to uninstall as many packages as possible.\n\n2. Identify the packages that are still installed, and manually clean \nthem up.\n\nExample on Windows:\n- C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\{IBMIMShared | SDPShared}\n\n3. Delete IBM Installation Manager.\n\nExample on Windows:\n- Delete the IM install directory:\nC:\\Program Files\\IBM\\Installation Manager\\\n- Delete the AppData directory (IM Agent Data):\nWindows 7: C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\Installation Manager\n- Delete the Windows registry (regedit) entry : \nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\IBM\\Installation Manager\n- re-install IM\n\n4. Reinstall DS 4.1.2 and other products.",
"Note:\nThis behavior might be changed without notice in the future. We can confirm whether this technote\nis valid or not by following above.\nPlease contact your Sales Rep to submit a potential design change towards a future release.\nOr please open a ticket, Request For Enhancement at []"
] | [
"Please try to uninstall all products including Install Manager \n(IM) then reinstall IM and Data Studio 4.1.2."
] | [
] | 247 | 529 | 2,081 |
TRAIN_Q425 | Upgrading the feature level to 8 for a VOB and ACLs We have upgraded to Clearcase version ( on Windows 2008 Server)
How to upgrade the feature level of a single VOB from 5 to 8 ? | Execute the following two commands:
1. cleartool chflevel -replica <new feature level> replica:<replica name>@\<vob tag>
2. cleartool chflevel -family <new feature level> vob:\<vob tag> | [
"IBM Raise the feature level of a single VOB without increasing the feature level for other VOBs on the server - United States feature level; chflevel; unreplicated; non-replicated; base; clearcase; 1150579; feature levels; replicated VOB TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n How can you increase the feature level of a single non-replicated IBM Rational ClearCase VOB without increasing the feature level for the other VOBs on the server? \n\nANSWER\n \n\nExecute the following two commands: \n\n 1. cleartool chflevel -replica <new feature level> replica:<replica name>@\\<vob tag>\n \n \n 2. cleartool chflevel -family <new feature level> vob:\\<vob tag>",
"Notes: * These commands are used for replicated VOB as well; however, there are special considerations that need to be taken when changing the feature level of a VOB that is replicated. Review the MultiSite Administrator's Guide under the topic of Feature levels []for more details.\n \n * If a VOB is used in a UCM environment, the PVOB and all Component VOBs must be at the same feature level in order to utilize the features of that level.\n\n\nExample:",
"1. Open a command prompt and set into a view\n \n \n 2. Mount and change directory into the VOB tag\n \n \n 3. Describe the VOB to show current feature level\n \n > cleartool describe -long vob:.\n versioned object base \"/vobstore/test_vob\"\n created 23-Mar-01.09:36:29 by John Doe (jdoe.group1@host1)\n VOB family feature level: 2\n VOB storage host:pathname \"host1:/vobstore/test_vob.vbs\"\n VOB storage global pathname \"/net/host1/vobstore/test_vob.vbs\"\n database schema version: 53\n VOB ownership:\n owner\n group\n Additional groups:\n group\n VOB holds objects from the following views:\n Attributes:\n FeatureLevel = 2 \n \n \n 4. Determine the replica name (by default is original)\n \n > cleartool lsreplica\n For VOB replica \"/vobstore/test_vob\":\n 23-Mar.09:36 jdoe replica \"original\"\n \n \n 5. Change the feature level. * Step 1:",
"> cleartool chflevel -replica 3 replica:original@/vobstore/test_vob\n Replica feature level raised to 3.\n \n \n * Step 2:\n > cleartool chflevel -family 3 vob:/vobstore/test_vob\n cleartool: Warning: Raising the VOB family feature level may make it impossible to move this VOB to servers running an earlier revision of ClearCase and to create MultiSite replicas of this VOB on such servers.\n Raise VOB family feature level? [no] y\n VOB family feature level raised to 3.\n \n \n \n \n 6. Describe the VOB to show new feature level:\n \n > cleartool describe -long vob:.\n versioned object base \"/vobstore/test_vob\"\n created 23-Mar-01.09:36:29 by John Doe (jdoe.group1@host1)\n VOB family feature level: 3\n VOB storage host:pathname \"host1:/vobstore/test_vob.vbs\"\n VOB storage global pathname \"/net/host1/vobstore/test_vob.vbs\"\n database schema version: 53\n VOB ownership:\n owner",
"group\n Additional groups:\n group\n VOB holds object from the following views:\n Attributes:\n FeatureLevel = 3",
"Review the ClearCase Command Reference Guide on the topic of chflevel (cleartool man chflevel) for more information. \n\n \n\n\n\n\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n#About Feature Levels and ClearCase []"
] | [
"Execute the following two commands: \n\n 1. cleartool chflevel -replica <new feature level> replica:<replica name>@\\<vob tag>\n \n \n 2. cleartool chflevel -family <new feature level> vob:\\<vob tag>"
] | [
] | 669 | 1,080 | 3,548 |
TRAIN_Q426 | Help with Security Bulletin: IBM MQ Clients can send a specially crafted message that could cause a channel to SIGSEGV. (CVE-2017-1747) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: IBM MQ Clients can send a specially crafted message that could cause a channel to SIGSEGV. (CVE-2017-1747). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2017-1747 []
DESCRIPTION: A specially crafted message could cause a denial of service in an IBM MQ application consuming messages that the application needs to perform data conversion on.
CVSS Base Score: 5.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: IBM MQ Clients can send a specially crafted message that could cause a channel to SIGSEGV. (CVE-2017-1747) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n A specially crafted message could cause a denial of service in an IBM MQ application consuming messages that the application needs to perform data conversion on. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2017-1747 []\nDESCRIPTION: A specially crafted message could cause a denial of service in an IBM MQ application consuming messages that the application needs to perform data conversion on.\nCVSS Base Score: 5.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM MQ V9 LTS\nMaintenance levels -",
"IBM MQ V9 CD\nMaintenance levels 9.0.0 - 9.0.4\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nIBM MQ V9 LTS\nApply FixPack [] \n\nIBM MQ V9 CD\nUpgrade to IBM MQ version 9.0.5 []\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 28 March 2018: Original Version published\n29 March 2018: Correction to bulletin to remove HPE Nonstop as affected platform.",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration IBM MQ Business Integration IBM MQ Advanced Business Integration IBM MQ Advanced for Developers"
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2017-1747 []\nDESCRIPTION: A specially crafted message could cause a denial of service in an IBM MQ application consuming messages that the application needs to perform data conversion on.\nCVSS Base Score: 5.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)"
] | [
] | 336 | 852 | 2,921 |
TRAIN_Q427 | Setting session timeouts and precedence What are the different ways to set the session timeout values. What takes more precedence? | The HTTP Session time-out can be set in the following places:
* From the Administrative Console at the server, Enterprise application, and Web application levels
* At the time when the application is packaged
* In the application code | [
"IBM HTTP Session time-out settings and overwrite precedence rules - United States WebSphere http session management time-out wasrun precedence overwrite TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n It is possible to set the HTTP Session time-out in various places on the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Administrative Console. It is also possible to set HTTP Session time-out for the application packaging process. \n\nSince Session time-out can be set in multiple places, it is necessary to understand how the ultimate Session time-out for an application is determined. \n\nCAUSE\nApplication needs HTTP session time-out set.\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe HTTP Session time-out can be set in the following places: \n\n * From the Administrative Console at the server, Enterprise application, and Web application levels \n * At the time when the application is packaged \n * In the application code",
"Setting the HTTP Session time-out from the Administrative Console \n1. To set the HTTP Session time-out at the server level, navigate to Servers > Application Servers > Your Server > Web Container > Session Management. \n\nIn the Session time-out section of this window, you can select No time-out or Set time-out by clicking the appropriate radio button. If you choose to set the time-out, type the desired value in minutes in the box. \n\n\n2. To set the HTTP Session time-out at the Enterprise Application level, navigate to Applications > Enterprise Applications > Your Application > Session Management. \n\nCheck Override in the Override Session Management section, then select to set the time-out and the time-out value. This sets the application session to overwrite those values set at the parent, which in this case is the Server level.",
"3. To set the HTTP Session time-out at the Web Application level, navigate to Applications > Enterprise Applications > Your Application > Web Module > Your Web App.war > Session Management. \n\nCheck Override in the Override Session Management section, then select to set the time-out and the time-out value. This sets the Application Session to overwrite those values set at the parent levels, which in this case is the Server or Enterprise Application level. \n\nAfter modifying these settings, save the master configuration. \n\nSetting HTTP Session time-out when application is packaged \n\nThe application developer can also select to set the HTTP Session time-out parameter when the application is packaged. This value is stored in the web.xml file for the Web application.",
"This setting overrides any session time-outs defined from the Administrative Console. Alter this setting by repackaging the application with a new value, or by modifying the web.xml file. The entry in the web.xml will be as follows: \n <session-config> \n * <session-timeout>60</session-timeout>\n * \n * </session-config>\n\n \n\nWhere the \"session-timeout\" is an integer value for the desired session time-out in minutes. \nSetting HTTP Session time-out from the application code \n\nFinally, the HTTP Session time-out can be set in the application code. The programmer can invoke the setMaxInactiveInterval() method on HttpSession object to set the time-out value as desired. This setting overrides any time-out defined in the application package or made from the Administrative Console. \n\nHTTP Session time-out Override Precedence Summary \n\nThe list below shows the precedence from which the final HTTP Session time-out is derived.",
"1. Server Level [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21163875&aid=1] Lowest level 2. Enterprise Application [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21163875&aid=1] Overrides the Server Level if Override is selected 3. Web Application [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21163875&aid=1] Overrides the Server and Enterprise Application settings if Override is selected 4. Application Level (web.xml) [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21163875&aid=1] Overrides Server, Enterprise Application, and Web Application settings 5. Application Code [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21163875&aid=1] Overrides all other settings RELATED INFORMATION\n A simplified Chinese translation is available []\n\n\n \n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Application Servers Runtimes for Java Technology Java SDK"
] | [
"The HTTP Session time-out can be set in the following places: \n\n * From the Administrative Console at the server, Enterprise application, and Web application levels \n * At the time when the application is packaged \n * In the application code"
] | [
] | 614 | 1,029 | 4,333 |
TRAIN_Q428 | ITMv6 issue: Cognos reports run for an extended period, sometimes never finishes ITMv6 issue: Cognos reports run for an extended period, sometimes never finishes
| TCR 2.1/2.1.1 server provides a default setting for heap size, a minimum size (xms) of 512MB and a maximum size (xmx) of 1024MB. | [
"IBM Increasing Java Heap Memory in IBM Tivoli Common Reporting 2.1/2.1.1 - United States TCR - Tivoli Common Reporting TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n How to increase Java heap memory size in IBM Tivoli Common Reporting (TCR) 2.1/2.1.1 versions? \n\nCAUSE\nRunning a large scale report with Default java heap settings might result in OutOfMemory error\n\nANSWER\nTCR 2.1/2.1.1 server provides a default setting for heap size, a minimum size (xms) of 512MB and a maximum size (xmx) of 1024MB. \n\nIn order to change the heap memory size, execute the following command:\n<INST>/tipv2/bin/[.bat] -user <USERNAME> -password <PASSWORD> -f <INST>/tipv2/profiles/TIPProfile/bin/ --xms <MINVALUE> --xmx <MAXVALUE>\n\nwhere <INST> is the TCR Installation folder like /opt/IBM/tivoli\n<MINVALUE> can be 1024 and <MAXVALUE> can be 1843 (1GB and 1.8GB respectively)",
"NOTE: In order to avoid OutOfMemory error, it is recommended to be within the 2GB limit (for 32 bit architectures - maximum memory can be 2^32)\nFor 64-bit JVM, the maximum heap value can be upto 50% of the available physical memory. Reason being maximum memory will be 2^64 which is 16 exabytes which is a very huge number! \n1 exabyte = 1024*1024*1024 Gigabyte!\nPlease refer to the links provided in the 'Related Infomation' section to learn more on the Java sizing and heap information.",
"To test the JVM's maximum heap memory support, please follow the below test:\na) Open command line / shell script and navigate to <INST>/tipv2/java/jre/bin folder\nb) Execute this command: java -Xmx1843m hello\n- if java accepts this 1.8GB setting, then it will throw the \"class not found\" error for hello\n- if java does not accept this value, then it gives the \"Initialization error\" and \"Failed to instantiate heap\" message!\n- You can try to increase the value of Xmx and see where it breaks\n- For 32-bit JVM, it is not advised to set this value beyond 1843m but for 64-bit JVM, value can be upto 50% of the available physical memory.\n\nAfter setting the new values, restart the TCR server for the changes to take effect.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n Sizing the Java Heap []\nJava code to Java Heap []"
] | [
"TCR 2.1/2.1.1 server provides a default setting for heap size, a minimum size (xms) of 512MB and a maximum size (xmx) of 1024MB."
] | [
] | 328 | 712 | 2,350 |
TRAIN_Q430 | DASH to taking long time DASH to taking long time. How to fix this? | The upgrade must be initiated by using the attached script, which gives the non-root user (who originally installed this Jazz for Service Management instance) the correct permissions for the upgrade process. | [
"IBM Upgrading to Jazz for Service Management Version using Installation Manager results in a permission denied error - United States jazzsm1130relnotes TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n When upgrading Jazz for Service Management to Version using Installation Manager, the installation fails with the following error:\n\nCannot run program \"/space/IBM/JazzSM/ui/bin/\" (in directory \"/space/IBM/JazzSM/ui/bin\"): error=13, Permission denied [/space/IBM/JazzSM/install/tip/tipWrapp\nerInstall.xml:215] \n\nCAUSE\nDuring the upgrade process the non-root user does not have the correct permissions to run the shell script. This is due to the following:\n1. Jazz for Service Management is installed as a non-root user\n2. Installation Manager is installed in user mode through root user",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe upgrade must be initiated by using the attached script, which gives the non-root user (who originally installed this Jazz for Service Management instance) the correct permissions for the upgrade process. \n\n\nThe script takes two mandatory arguments and one optional argument.\n\nUsage: ./ \"IM_Install_Location\" \n\"JazzSM_Install_Location []\"\"[Response_file_with_absolute_Path]\"\n\nFor example (showing default installation paths): ./ \"/home/root/IBM/InstallManager/\" \"/opt/IBM/JazzSM/\" \"/opt/Download/dash_upgrade_rsp.xml\"\n\n\nFor IM GUI mode installation, provide the 2 mandatory arguments; IM_Install_Location and JazzSM_Install_Location. \nThis argument combination invokes Installation Manager in GUI mode and lead you through the rest of the upgrade process.",
"For IM Silent installation, provide all 3 arguments; IM_Install_Location , JazzSM_Install_Location, and Response_file_with_absolute_Path.\nThis argument combination invokes Installation Manager in silent mode to upgrade JazzSM.\n\ [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21985946&aid=2] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21985946&aid=1]"
] | [
"The upgrade must be initiated by using the attached script, which gives the non-root user (who originally installed this Jazz for Service Management instance) the correct permissions for the upgrade process."
] | [
] | 208 | 606 | 2,103 |
TRAIN_Q431 | Install path under "Program Files" My path for the OS agent is e:\Program Files\IBM. Is there any issues or underlying problems if I install under "Program Files"? Just want to make sure no issues with a "space" in the install path. | Getting the below error when you try to install ITM on Window OS
"D:\Program Files\IBM\ITM" includes blanks. Due to your system settings the installation path cannot include blanks, please specify location with no spaces. | [
"IBM Trouble installing ITM on Windows OS - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Getting the below error when you try to install ITM on Window OS \n\n\"D:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ITM\" includes blanks. Due to your system settings the installation path cannot include blanks, please specify location with no spaces. \n\nSYMPTOM\nWhen you try to install ITM on \" C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ITM\" it woks fine but when we try to install it on \"D:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ITM\" we get the below error:\n\n\n\"D:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ITM\" includes blanks. Due to your system settings the installation path cannot include blanks, please specify location with no spaces.\n\nIf you take out the spaces and use D:\\ProgramFiles\\IBM\\ITM, the install will continue. \n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n \n\nCouple of ways to fix this... \n\n \n\n1. Remove the space in the directory path and install the ITM on a directory without spaces. \n\nExample : D:\\IBM\\ITM",
"2. Check the NTFS 8.3 name creation and enable the 8.3 naming creation to install the ITM on a directory path with spaces.\n\ncheck the value on the below registry location \n\n\nHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\FileSystem\\NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation\n\nIn case NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation is set to (2), this means the following: NTFS sets the 8.3 naming convention creation on a per volume basis.\n\nYou can check the 8.3 name creation using this command for the volumes that are impacted.\n\nFor example, if the %TEMP% folder is located on c:\\, but you are installing on d:\\, then you should run these commands: \n\n\nfsutil 8dot3name query c:\nfsutil 8dot3name query d:\n\nYou will get an output like this:\nThe volume state is: 0 (8dot3 name creation is enabled).\nThe registry state is: 2 (Per volume setting - the default). \n\n\nValue and Meaning",
"0 NTFS creates short file names. This setting enables applications that cannot process long file names and computers that use different code pages to find the files.\n1 NTFS does not create short file names. Although this setting increases file performance, applications that cannot process long file names, and computers that use different code pages, might not be able to find the files.\n2 NTFS sets the 8.3 naming convention creation on a per volume basis.\n3 NTFS disables 8dot3 name creation on all volumes except the system volume. \n\n \n\nmore detail... \n\n\n []"
] | [
"Getting the below error when you try to install ITM on Window OS \n\n\"D:\\Program Files\\IBM\\ITM\" includes blanks. Due to your system settings the installation path cannot include blanks, please specify location with no spaces."
] | [
] | 352 | 660 | 2,457 |
TRAIN_Q437 | Is WAS TE v7.0.0.41 available for RAD? Is WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Test Environment Extension (WTE) v available for Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software (RAD) ? | This download includes the following update to the WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Test Environment extension included with Rational Software Delivery Platform products:
* IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7 Fix Pack 41 also known as version | [
"IBM WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Test Environment Extension - United States ifix; interim fix; i-fix; fix; patch; update; fixes; upgrade DOWNLOADABLE FILES\n\nABSTRACT\n IBM WebSphere Application Server 7 Fix Pack 41 ( is available as an installed test environment extension \n\nDOWNLOAD DESCRIPTION\nThis download includes the following update to the WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Test Environment extension included with Rational Software Delivery Platform products:",
"* IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7 Fix Pack 41 also known as version For more information, see the WebSphere Application Server readme []. \n * WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Web 2.0 \n * WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Mobile (Note: This feature pack is available only when installing with version 8.0 or newer.) \n * WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Communications Enabled Applications \n * WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Service Component Architecture \n * WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for XML \n * WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for OSGi Applications and Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0 v1.0.0.9 (Note: This feature pack is available only when installing with version 8.0 or newer.)",
"* WebSphere Application Server Feature Pack for Modern Batch (Note: This feature pack is available only when installing with version 8.0 or newer.)",
"For more information on feature packs for WebSphere Application Server, see []. PREREQUISITES\nYou must have the WebSphere Application Server 7.0 Test Environment extension installed.\n\nYou need up to 5.18 GB of disk space to install the fix pack. To download and extract the compressed installation files, you need an additional 6 GB of disk space.\n\nINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS\nImportant: By default, you do not need to download the compressed files that contain the update; the update is downloaded and installed by IBM Installation Manager directly from the IBM update repository.\n\nFor instructions on installing this update using Installation Manager, see the topic Updating Installed Product Packages in the information center for your product and version:",
"* Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, version 8.5.x [] \n * Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, version 9.0.x [] \n * Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software, version 9.1.x []",
"To download and install the update from the compressed files, complete the following steps: \n 1. Download the update files from Fix Central by following the link listed in the download table below\n 2. Extract the compressed files in an appropriate directory. For example, choose to extract to C:\\temp\\update\n 3. Add the update's repository location in IBM Installation Manager: 1. Start IBM Installation Manager.\n 2. On the Start page of Installation Manager, click File > Preferences, and then click Repositories. The Repositories page opens.\n 3. On the Repositories page, click Add Repository.\n 4. In the Add repository window, browse to or enter the file path to the diskTag.inf file, which is located in the disk1 sub-directory in the directory where you extracted the compressed files and then click OK. For example, enter C:\\temp\\updates\\disk1\\diskTag.inf.\n 5. Click OK to close the Preference page.",
"4. Install the update as described in the the topic \"Updating Installed Product Packages\" in the information center for your product and version",
"DOWNLOAD PACKAGE\nYou can download the fix pack from Fix Central using either Download Director, HTTP or FTP. \n\n 1. Click the link in the table that follows to access Fix Central. \n 2. On the Select Fixes page, select Fix pack : (IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software Version \n 3. Expand section Show contained fixes. \n 4. From the list of contained fixed, select one of the following options:\n\n * (For 64-bit) (WebSphere Application Server 70 64bit Extension version update pack) \n * (For 32-bit) (WebSphere Application Server 70 Extension version update pack \n 1. Click Continue and follow the prompts to download the update.",
"Download RELEASE DATE LANGUAGE SIZE(Bytes) Download Options \nWhat is Fix Central(FC)? [] 6 May 2016 English 1 FC [] [ ] \nTECHNICAL SUPPORT\n \n\nTAB NAVIGATION\n * General Support Information- selected tab,\n * Support Resources []- selected tab,\n\n\n\n\nIBM Rational Software Support Communities",
"* Visit the IBM Support Portal [] to configure your support portal experience and review FAQs, lists of known problems, fixes, and a wealth of important support information.\n \n \n * Visit developerWorks [] to access an online collection of tutorials, sample code, standards, forums and other resources provided by experts at IBM to assist software developers using Rational tools including access to the IBM RFE Community [].\n \n \n * Visit the Jazz Community [] if you use a Rational product created using the Jazz platform to interact directly with the Jazz development team and other community members, download product trials and betas and track developement progress.",
"HELPFUL HINTS FOR OBTAINING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE:\nBefore you contact IBM Rational Software Support, gather the background information that you need to describe the problem. When you describe a problem to an IBM software support specialist, be as specific as possible and include all relevant background information so that the specialist can help you solve the problem efficiently. To save time, know the answers to these questions: \n\n * What software versions were you running when the problem occurred? \n * Do you have logs, traces, or messages that are related to the problem? \n * Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps do you take to reproduce it? \n * Is there a workaround for the problem? If so, be prepared to describe the workaround.",
"If you have helpful information to diagnose or identify the problem on your system, you can provide this data by following the instructions to exchange information with IBM Technical Support []. \n\n \n\nFollow IBM Rational Client Support on Twitter [] | Facebook [] | YouTube [] | devWorks Blog []\n\n\n\n\n Back to top"
] | [
"This download includes the following update to the WebSphere Application Server v7.0 Test Environment extension included with Rational Software Delivery Platform products:\n\n\n * IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 7 Fix Pack 41 also known as version"
] | [] | 996 | 1,942 | 7,439 |
TRAIN_Q438 | During action in Rhapsody Statechart
Hi Folks,
I am developing a statechart in Rhapsody and I have a question.
I could not see in Rhapsody where I can insert an action that must occur during the whole time the state is active.
I can only see : Actions on Entry and Actions on Exit.
Where is During Action? | Some of UML features such as deferred event and do-activity are not natively supported today. | [
"IBM Differences between Rational Rhapsody 8.0 Statecharts and UML 2.4.1 Behavior State Machine - United States Restriction; Restrictions; Limitation; Limitations; drawing; graphical; graph; difference; diferences; gap; deffer; feature; features; concept; concepts; error; errors WHITE PAPER\n\nABSTRACT\n This is a white paper that explains the differences between IBM Rational Rhapsody 8.0.x Statecharts and UML 2.4.1 Behavior State Machine. \n\nCONTENT\n \n\nAuthors: Shinji Kanai, Moria Abadi",
"OMG UML and IBM Rational Rhapsody have been evolving in parallel, and some differences were created and expanded over time. Not all graphical notations that are defined in UML specification are supported by Rhapsody. There are certain patterns of transitions you cannot draw due to restrictions imposed deliberately, but not necessarily limited by UML specification. Some of UML features such as deferred event and do-activity are not natively supported today. This document covers such gaps that are found between UML specification and Rhapsody implementation, aiming to help you design statechart more effectively and enable easier interchange of statecharts among UML-based modeling tools.",
"Disclaimer This documentation is created based on differences that are found between Rhapsody 8.0.x Statechart and OMG UML 2.4.1 Superstructure Specification (UML spec). The content is believed to be accurate at the time of publication. Use this documentation at your own risk as it might contain some incompleteness and imprecision.\n\n\n\nTable: Graphical Notations and Naming comparison",
"UML2.4.1 Concept: Behavior state machine element or capability as it is named in OMG UML 2.4.1 Superstructure Spec. Section in spec: The section describing the element in UML spec. In Rhapsody: The corresponding name and graphical notation of UML concept that is used in Rhapsody. Note: Additional comments to help understand the specific concept better. \n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] UML2.4.1 Concept Section in spec In Rhapsody Note 1. Entry Point\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=2] 15.3.1 EnterExitPoint\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=3] (*) Visualization using a rectangular symbol is not supported\n(*) Not supported for composite states (See NO. 36). 2. Exit Point\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=4] 15.3.1 EnterExitPoint\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=5] (*) Visualization using a rectangular symbol is not supported\n(*) Not supported for composite states, only for submachine states 3. Final State",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=6] 15.3.2 Termination State\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=7] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 4. Initial Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=8] 15.3.8 Default Connector\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=9] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 5. Deep History Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=10] 15.3.8 History Connector",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=11] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 6. Shallow History Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=12] 15.3.8 Shallow History Connector\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=13] (*) Code Generation is supported in v8.0.6. See technote 1668548 [] for more information. 7. Join Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=14] 15.3.8 Join Sync Bar\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=15] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 8. Fork Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=16] 15.3.8 Fork Sync Bar\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=17] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 9. Junction Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=18] 15.3.8 Junction Connector",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=19] (*) Used only for merge. Only one outgoing transition is permitted 10. Static Conditional Branch\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=20] 15.3.8 Condition Connector\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=21] (*) Only one incoming transition is allowed.\n(*) Realized by way of the condition connector. 11. Terminate Pseudostate\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=22] 15.3.8 termination Connector\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=23] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 12. State List\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=24] 15.3.8 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=25] (*) This is an additional representation for transition from the junction having a history as target. the regular representation can be used instead. 13. Region\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=26] 15.3.10 Region",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=27] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 14. Simple State\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=28] 15.3.11 Simple State\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=29] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 15. Composite State\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=30] 15.3.11 Composite State\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=31] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 16. Submachine State\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=32] 15.3.11 Sub-statechart\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=33] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 17. Entry Behavior\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=34] 15.3.11 Action on Entry\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=35] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 18. Exit behavior\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=36] 15.3.11 Action on Exit",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=37] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 19. Behavior in state (do-activity)\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=38] 15.3.11 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=39] (*) Can be implemented using entry and exit actions. See appendix (*2) for additional information. 20. Deferred events\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=40] 15.3.11 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=41] (*) Can be modeled by customizing the framework. See appendix (*3) for additional information. 21. State Redefinition 15.3.11 State Redefinition (*) Class inheritance causes inheritance of statecharts. the inherited statechart can redefine its inherited states. 22. State Machine extension 15.3.12 State machine extension (*) through class inheritance 23. Time event\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=42] 15.3.13 Time event",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=43] (*) First option tm(<expression>), where<expression> is the number of time units. Second option Accept time event. 24. Transition 15.3.14 Transition (*) A transition cannot be associated with more than one trigger. Separate transitions for each trigger need to be used.\n(*) See appendix (*4) for the list of known transaction patterns that are forbidden by Rhapsody. 25. Internal transition\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=44] 15.3.14 Reaction in state",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=45] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 26. Completion transition 15.3.14 Null transition [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 27. Completion event 15.3.14 Null event [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 28. Transition redefinition 15.3.14 Transition redefinition (*) Class inheritance causes inheritance of statecharts. the inherited statechart can redefine its transitions, except the source state and the trigger. 29. Signal receipt\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=46] 15.3.14 Accept Event Action\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=47] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 30. Signal sending\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=48] 15.3.14 Send Action\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=49] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 31. Action sequence notation",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=50] 15.3.14 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=51] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 32. Local transition\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=52] 15.3.15 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=53] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 33. Choice Pseudostate/Dynamic Conditional Branch\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=54] 15.3.8 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=55] (*) Can be simulated for example by using an additional state with guarded outgoing null transitions. See attachment (*1) in appendix. 34. Final Notation\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=56] 15.3.8 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=57] (*) {final} means that the state cannot be redefined (such as, extended). 35. Entry/Exit Point as part of submachine state graph",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=58] 15.3.11 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=59] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 36. Entry/Exit Point on composite state\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=60] 15.3.8 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=61] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 37. \"Bracket\" Entry/Exit Point notation \n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=62] 15.3.1 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=63] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 38. Referenced/Reused submachine state\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=64] 15.3.11 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=65] (*) Creation of submachine is supported, but cannot be reused/referenced elsewhere. 39. Multiple triggers for a transition\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=66] 15.3.14 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=67] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=1] 40. Extended Notation",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=68] 15.3.11 [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=69] (*) Similar effect is achievable but need to extend a whole class containing a state machine using generalization.",
"Appendix: \n\n\nDisclaimer All source code or binaries attached to this document are referred to here as \"the Program\". IBM is not providing program services of any kind for the Program. IBM is providing the Program on an \"AS IS\" basis without warranty of any kind. IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF IBM, OR ITS RESELLER, HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.\n\n\n#tbc \n\n#tbc \n(*1) Dynamic Conditional Branch \n\ [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=71] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=70]",
"#tbc \n(*2) \nthere is a risk that is involved to support an execution of an action that is being performed while the owning object is in a certain state. For example, there is a state \"WaitForInput\" with Do Action reading an input from the console in the background. Now an event comes to trigger a transition - a need arose to interrupt the operation of reading the input - but there is no generic way to do such things for all operations unless the action is being performed in a different thread and kill this thread. this solution seems risky for embedded systems and considered inefficient. \n\n#tbc \n(*3) \nRhapsody does not support deferred events, but there is an easy way to catch an event, which is not consumed, and process it according to your need. OMReactive class contains handleNotConsumed() virtual function, which can be overridden in your reactive class. This function is always called when event is not consumed.",
"(*4)Transactional Restrictions - List of known transaction patterns that are forbidden by Rhapsody",
"Multiple outgoing transitions from Exit Point [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=72] Transition to Condition Connector from Entry/Exit Point having multiple incoming transitions [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=73] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=73]",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=74] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=74] Direct transition from Junction to Condition Connector [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=75] Indirect transition from Junction to Condition Connector by way of Entry/Exit Point [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=76] Direct transition from Join Bar to Junction [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=77] Direct transition from Junction to Fork Bar [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=78] Multiple incoming transition to Condition Connector [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=79] Set a trigger on a transition that is originated from Exit Point [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27040251&aid=80] \nRELATED INFORMATION\n UML 2.4.1 Superstructure []\nEnhancement for Do Activity []",
"Enhancement for Dynamic Condition Connector []\nEnhancement for Shallow History Connector []\nEnhancement Deferred Event []"
] | [
"Some of UML features such as deferred event and do-activity are not natively supported today."
] | [
] | 1,202 | 4,571 | 13,543 |
TRAIN_Q441 | How to serve static images from our HTTP Server instead of WebSphere 8.5 application? How to serve static images from our HTTP Server instead of WebSphere 8.5 application? | If you want to serve any static files (JPG, GIF, CSS, JS, etc) from your web application in WAS, you must use fileServingEnabled="true" in the ibm-web-ext.xmi file. That will cause the plug-in to use a wildcard entry for the context-root of your web application. | [
"IBM How to serve static files from both IBM HTTP Server and an application in WebSphere Application Server - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n How can I configure IBM HTTP Server (IHS), and the IBM web server Plug-in, and my web application running in WebSphere Application Server (WAS), to serve some of my static files (JPG, GIF, CSS, JS, etc) from the IHS web server, but serve other static files from my web app running in WAS? \n\nCAUSE\nThe \"fileServingEnabled\" property in the ibm-web-ext.xmi file in the web application, is like an ON / OFF switch.\nA setting of fileServingEnabled=\"true\" means that ALL static files will be served from the web application in WAS only. In this case, the plug-in config will use a wildcard with the application context-root like \"/myapp/*\". That way every URL starting with /myapp/* will be routed to the application in WAS.",
"On the other hand, fileServingEnabled=\"false\" means NO static files will be served from the application in WAS. In this case, a wildcard will NOT be used in the plugin-cfg.xml file. Instead, there will be several URI entries matching the URL-Patterns from <servlet-mappings> in the web.xml, like \"/myapp/servlet1\" and \"/myapp/index.jsp\". Requests for dynamic content matching the URI entries in the Plug-in config, will be routed to the application in WAS. But everything else (static content) will be handled by the IHS web server itself.",
"ANSWER\nIf you want to serve any static files (JPG, GIF, CSS, JS, etc) from your web application in WAS, you must use fileServingEnabled=\"true\" in the ibm-web-ext.xmi file. That will cause the plug-in to use a wildcard entry for the context-root of your web application. For example, if the context-root is \"myapp\", then there will be a URI entry for \"/myapp/*\" in the plug-in config, and everything starting with \"myapp\" will be routed to the application in WAS. \n\n\nNow, if you also want to be able to serve some of the static files from the IHS web server itself, you will need to do a trick using RewriteRule in the IHS config. Here is how the trick works:\n\n1) Create a subdirectory called \"static\" under the IHS DocumentRoot directory. And put the static files that you want IHS to serve into that directory. For example in the IHS document root directory (HTTPServer/htdocs/) create a subdirectory called \"static\". Something like this:\n/usr/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/static/",
"2) In your web application, you will reference those files using relative references like \"static/picture.jpg\", or \"static/mystyles.css\".\n\nThose relative references will be interpreted as URLs like this:\n/myapp/static/picture.jpg\n/myapp/static/mystyles.css\n\nKeep in mind that there really is NOT any \"static\" subdirectory in the application. But that is ok.\n\n3) Now, in the IHS config, you must use RewriteCond and RewriteRule to watch for these references, and redirect to get them from IHS. For example, look at these directives...\n\n<ifModule mod_rewrite.c>\nRewriteEngine on\nRewriteRule ^/myapp/static/(.*) /static/$1 [PT]\n</ifModule>\n\nIt means, if the URI begins with /myapp/static/* then IHS will rewrite it to just /static/* and \"pass-through\". Since /static/* does NOT match anything in the Plug-in config, the request will be handled by IHS, and the file will be served from the static directory under IHS DocumentRoot.",
"To the user looking at the URL in the browser they will see this:\n/hostname/myapp/static/picture.jpg\n\nBut, the file will really be served by IHS from here:\n/hostname/static/picture.jpg\n\nHere is another example:\n\nIf you just want to match and serve *.gif files from IHS, use:\n\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \\.(gif)$ [NC]\nRewriteRule ^/myapp/(.*) /static/$1 [PT]\n\nIf you just want to match and serve *.gif, *.css and *.js files from IHS, use:\n\nRewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \\.(gif|css|js)$ [NC]\nRewriteRule ^/myapp/(.*) /static/$1 [PT]\n\nWhich assumes the files themselves are placed in [IHS_DOC_ROOT]/static/.\n\n4) For the static files in the application, you will need to put them in some other directory that is NOT called \"static\", for example \"images/sunset.jpg\" would be a directory and file in the myapp application. This URL request, would be handled by the Plug-in and sent to the application in WAS:\nhostname/myapp/images/sunset.jpg",
"So, by using the trick described above, some static files will be served from IHS, like:\n/hostname/myapp/static/picture.jpg\n\nBut other static files will be served from the web application running in WAS, like:\n/hostname/myapp/images/sunset.jpg"
] | [
"If you want to serve any static files (JPG, GIF, CSS, JS, etc) from your web application in WAS, you must use fileServingEnabled=\"true\" in the ibm-web-ext.xmi file. That will cause the plug-in to use a wildcard entry for the context-root of your web application."
] | [
] | 659 | 1,218 | 4,494 |
TRAIN_Q442 | Help with Security Bulletin: Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect IBM SOA Policy Gateway Pattern for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 2.5 (CVE-2015-4000) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect IBM SOA Policy Gateway Pattern for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 2.5 (CVE-2015-4000). This vulnerability is commonly referred to as "Logjam". Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2015-4000 []
DESCRIPTION: The TLS protocol could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by the failure to properly convey a DHE_EXPORT ciphersuite choice. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using man-in-the-middle techniques to force a downgrade to 512-bit export-grade cipher. Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to recover the session key as well as modify the contents of the traffic. This vulnerability is commonly referred to as "Logjam".
CVSS Base Score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerability with Diffie-Hellman ciphers may affect IBM SOA Policy Gateway Pattern for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 2.5 (CVE-2015-4000) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n The LogJam Attack on Diffie-Hellman ciphers (CVE-2015-4000) may affect some configurations of IBM SOA Policy Gateway Pattern for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 2.5.",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4000 []\nDESCRIPTION: The TLS protocol could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by the failure to properly convey a DHE_EXPORT ciphersuite choice. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using man-in-the-middle techniques to force a downgrade to 512-bit export-grade cipher. Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to recover the session key as well as modify the contents of the traffic. This vulnerability is commonly referred to as \"Logjam\".\nCVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM SOA Policy Gateway Pattern for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server version 2.5\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nNone",
"WORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nCustomers should follow the mitigation advice contained in the WebSphere Application Server security bulletin, located at [] .\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nReported to IBM by The WeakDH team at [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 08 June 2015: Original document published",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2015-4000 []\nDESCRIPTION: The TLS protocol could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by the failure to properly convey a DHE_EXPORT ciphersuite choice. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using man-in-the-middle techniques to force a downgrade to 512-bit export-grade cipher. Successful exploitation could allow an attacker to recover the session key as well as modify the contents of the traffic. This vulnerability is commonly referred to as \"Logjam\".\nCVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)"
] | [
] | 352 | 860 | 3,097 |
TRAIN_Q445 | Why does IBM Datacap 8.1 appear to hang Why does IBM Datacap 8.1 appear to hang, requiring a restart of all components #ibmecm | The cause is due to a malformed SQL query string. From the client perspective, it was reported to occur during logon via TMWeb, and Thick Client. Another case was from a user that was doing a Thick Client query.
TMServer has an feature where it will retry any command that results in error, based on the settings in the registry. The settings reflect the number of retries to do and the time interval to wait. The default settings have a duration of 16 minutes, which gives the appearance that the TMServer has hung. | [
"IBM Why does IBM Datacap 8.1 appear to hang, requiring a restart of all components? - United States hang; non responsive; timeout; Admin retry; Engine retry TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Why does IBM Datacap appear to hang, requiring a restart of all components? \n\nSYMPTOM\nThe Datacap system appears to become non-responsive, requiring a restart of all components to get it working again.\n\n\nCAUSE\nThe cause is due to a malformed SQL query string. From the client perspective, it was reported to occur during logon via TMWeb, and Thick Client. Another case was from a user that was doing a Thick Client query. \n\nTMServer has an feature where it will retry any command that results in error, based on the settings in the registry. The settings reflect the number of retries to do and the time interval to wait. The default settings have a duration of 16 minutes, which gives the appearance that the TMServer has hung.",
"DIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nCollect and examine the TMServer log. Look for multiple instances (6-12) of an ADO error, indicating a bad query was executed. This information can be used to identify the user that is causing the problem\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nWhile bad queries should be avoided, the following will allow TMServer to respond faster, should a bad query happen: \n\n1. Stop all Datacap applications, then stop the TMServer. \n\n2. Change the following registry entries on the TMServer box:",
"* \n * \n * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Datacap\\TMS\\InterThread (REG_SZ) Admin retries HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Datacap\\TMS\\InterThread (REG_SZ) ADO retries HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Datacap\\TMS\\InterThread (REG_SZ) Engine retries \n * \n * \n * \n * HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Datacap\\TMS\\InterThread (REG_SZ) Admin retries HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Datacap\\TMS\\InterThread (REG_SZ) ADO retries HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Datacap\\TMS\\InterThread (REG_SZ) Engine retries \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n\n\n3. Restart the TMServer, then start the Datacap applications in reverse order. \n\nPlease Note: Since these are considered tuning parameters, you will need to test to see what settings work best for your system. \n\nNote: for Datacap 9.x, the registry entry name is singular, as in 'Admin retry' or 'Engine retry'."
] | [
"The cause is due to a malformed SQL query string. From the client perspective, it was reported to occur during logon via TMWeb, and Thick Client. Another case was from a user that was doing a Thick Client query. \n\nTMServer has an feature where it will retry any command that results in error, based on the settings in the registry. The settings reflect the number of retries to do and the time interval to wait. The default settings have a duration of 16 minutes, which gives the appearance that the TMServer has hung."
] | [
] | 348 | 675 | 2,321 |
TRAIN_Q450 | MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED after migrating from Websphere V7.0 to V8.5.5 After migration from WAS 7 TO WAS ,WAS is unable to communicate with MQ and we see the following errors in the SystemOut.log: JMSWMQ2013: The security authentication was not valid that was supplied for QueueManager 'XXXQM' with connection mode 'Client' and host name 'ipaddress(port)'.
Please check if the supplied username and password are correct on the QueueManager to which you are connecting. at .reasonToException(Reason.j ava:516)
Caused by: JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED'). at (
What is causing this? | WebSphere MQ access control is based on user identifiers. There is a deliberate change in the default behaviour between the WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS and the WebSphere MQ V7.1 (and later) classes for JMS regarding the default user identifier flowed to the queue manager. | [
"IBM Changes in the default user identifier between WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS and WebSphere MQ V7.1 classes for JMS - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n You have configured a WebSphere Application Server WebSphere MQ messaging provider connection factory without an Authentication Alias and do not programmatically supply user identifier information when creating a connection to a queue manager. You notice a change in the default behaviour between WebSphere Application Server versions regarding the user identifier flowed on the MQCONN to the target WebSphere MQ Queue Manager:\n\n- When using WebSphere Application Server v7.0 and v8.0, no user identifier value (blank) is passed to the queue manager. \n\n- When using WebSphere Application Server V8.5, a non-blank user identifier value is passed to the queue manager. \n\nIn the latter case, you receive the following exception when creating a connection to a queue manager:",
"JMSCMQ0001: WebSphere MQ call failed with compcode '2' ('MQCC_FAILED') reason '2035' ('MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED') \n\nIs this change in behaviour expected? \n\nANSWER\nWebSphere MQ access control is based on user identifiers. There is a deliberate change in the default behaviour between the WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS and the WebSphere MQ V7.1 (and later) classes for JMS regarding the default user identifier flowed to the queue manager.\nFrom the WebSphere MQ V7.1 classes for JMS onwards, a non-blank user identifier is always flowed to the queue manager when creating a connection to WebSphere MQ. This is true even if no user identifier has been specified, or a blank or null user identifier has been specified; for example by calling:\n\nMQConnectionFactory.createConnection();\n\nor:\n\nMQConnectionFactory.createConnection(“”, “”);\n\nor:\n\nMQConnectionFactory.createConnection(null, null);",
"In the case where a null or blank user identifier has been specified, the WebSphere MQ V7.1 and later classes for JMS will query the value of the Java System Property The value of this property is flowed to the queue manager for authorization.\n\nAs a result, if the user identifier specified by the Java System Property is not authorized to access the queue manager, the queue manager will return an exception to the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS with Reason Code MQRC_NOT_AUTHORIZED and the connection to the queue manager will not be established.",
"This change in behaviour could affect topologies that previously relied on the default behaviour in the WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS that flowed a blank user identifier when establishing a CLIENT mode transport connection. The expectation that a blank or null user identifier will be flowed by default, and that the user identifier that started the WebSphere MQ server-connection channel would be used by the queue manager when performing the authorization checks, is no longer valid from the WebSphere MQ V7.1 classes for JMS.\n\nIn the case outlined above, system administrators that are currently relying on the default behaviour of the WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS should review their configurations regarding the use of user identifiers and authorization. This might also help to improve security within their WebSphere MQ topology.\n\n\nIn summary, the change in behaviour will affect users of:\n\n- The WebSphere MQ V7.1 and later classes for JMS.",
"- The WebSphere MQ V7.1 and later JCA Resource Adapter that includes the classes for JMS.\n\n- Versions of WebSphere Application Server that include the WebSphere MQ V7.1 and later JCA Resource Adapter. Currently this is WebSphere Application Server V8.5.0.0 and later.\n\n\nThe Java System Property\n\nA Java System Property called “” was introduced as part of APAR IZ49302 [] and included from WebSphere MQ V6.0.2.8 and WebSphere MQ V7.0.1.\n\nThe changes made as part of this APAR could be used to change the default behaviour in the WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS regarding the user identifier value flowed to the queue manager when creating a connection.\n\nThis property is no longer valid from WebSphere MQ V7.1. Setting this property will have no affect on the WebSphere MQ V7.1 classes for JMS and later.\n\nOther Useful Resources\n\nWebSphere MQ Documentation",
"The WebSphere MQ Documentation contains a section on planning user authorization which also includes a description on access control for clients. A link to this section in the WebSphere MQ V7.1 Documentation is as follows:\n\nWebSphere MQ > Security > Planning for your security requirements >> Planning authorization []\n\nTechnotes\n\nA Technote is available that explains J2C Authentication Aliases and how they can be used to configure the user identifier flowed to a queue manager when creating a connection: \n\nEnterprise applications, the WebSphere Application Server WebSphere MQ messaging provider connection factories and Authentication Aliases explained []\n\n\n \n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Application Servers WebSphere Application Server"
] | [
"WebSphere MQ access control is based on user identifiers. There is a deliberate change in the default behaviour between the WebSphere MQ V7.0.1 classes for JMS and the WebSphere MQ V7.1 (and later) classes for JMS regarding the default user identifier flowed to the queue manager."
] | [
] | 740 | 1,328 | 5,257 |
TRAIN_Q451 | How to connect ICC to P8 using SSL? In the ICC Configuration Manager, http has been changed to https in the P8 URL. But validating the connection to P8 fails. | ICC communicates with P8 in several different components. Depending on the API used for the various components, P8 certificates need to be installed in multiple places. | [
"IBM Configure IBM Content Collector to use SSL to communicate with IBM FileNet P8. - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n How do I configure IBM Content Collector (ICC) to use SSL to communicate with IBM FileNet P8 for all components? \n\nCAUSE\nICC communicates with P8 in several different components. Depending on the API used for the various components, P8 certificates need to be installed in multiple places.\n\nANSWER\nDo the following steps to install P8 certificates. Depending on your business requirements, you may not use all of the components so some steps may not be necessary.",
"* First obtain a P8 server certificate by accessing the P8 Content Engine ping page using this URL: https://<ce_server>:<ssl_port>/FileNet/Engine \n \n From the browser, view the certificate and copy it to a file. Use it for later steps. \n Do not use the MTOM page as it may not produce the same certificate that ICC requires. \n \n \n \n \n * Perform this step if you are going to run ICC Initial Configuration to create new document classes in P8 object store. * To import the certificate, issue the following command, whereICCInstallDiris the directory of your Content Collector installation andP8CertificatFileis the certificate for the FileNet P8 server: \"ICCInstallDir\\java\\jre\\bin\\keytool.exe\" -import -file P8CertificateFile\n -keystore \"ICCInstallDir\\java\\jre\\lib\\security\\cacerts\" -alias afup8 \n \n \n * At the password prompt, enter the password for the JRE keystore. (The default password is changeit.) \n * Enterywhen asked whether to trust the certificate.",
"* Run ICC Initial Configuration and you should then be able to validate the connection with P8 using SSL.",
"* Perform this step if you are going to run task route archiving to P8: * Add the P8 certificate into the Windows Trusted Root Certificate Authorities via the Microsoft Management Console. \n * For more details instructions, refer to this document:\n []",
"* Perform this step if you are going to retrieve, restore, or search for documents from P8: * Start ikeyman from ICC-install-directory\\AFUWeb\\ewasfor the ICC embedded web application server. \n * In the ikeyman utility, select Key Database File>Open, and select PKCS12as key database type. \n * In theLocationfield, specify theWAShome\\profiles\\profile name\\config\\cells\\cell name\\nodes\\node name\\trust.p12file.\n ReplaceWAShome,profile name,cell name, andnode namewith the proper values of your web application server installation. \n * Click OK. \n * When prompted for a password, enter the password. ClickOK. The default password is WebAS. \n * Under theSigner certificateslist, clickAddto add the P8 certificate. \n * Exit ikeyman utility and restart IBM Content Collector Web Application service.",
"* For more details instructions, refer to this document: []"
] | [
"ICC communicates with P8 in several different components. Depending on the API used for the various components, P8 certificates need to be installed in multiple places."
] | [
] | 513 | 878 | 3,274 |
TRAIN_Q452 | Cannot start the IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service How to resolve when the IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service cannot be started? | Shutdown the IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service if it is running.
2. Make a backup copy of all files under the following directory:
C:\ProgramData may be hidden by default. Show hidden folders by changing the configuration in Folder and Search options > View tab > Hidden files and folders > Show hidden files, folders, and drives.
3. Free up disk space on the drive
4. Delete the following files:
Delete only the files under C:\ProgramData\IBM\ContentCollector\ConfigurationStore\logs\.
Do not delete the folder itself.
5. If restoring the configuration store to a previously backed up copy is required, run afuConfigStoreTool -backup to restore the backup copy. See production documentation for more information on running this tool. Otherwise, proceed to the next step.
6. Restart IBM Content Collector services. | [
"IBM Content Collector Configuration Store is corrupted - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service cannot be started successfully due to database corruption. \n\nSYMPTOM\nCannot start the IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service\n\n\nCAUSE\nTransaction log gets corrupted when IBM Content Collector server runs out of disk space. \n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM",
"1. Shutdown the IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service if it is running. \n 2. Make a backup copy of all files under the following directory:\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\n \n C:\\ProgramData may be hidden by default. Show hidden folders by changing the configuration in Folder and Search options > View tab > Hidden files and folders > Show hidden files, folders, and drives. \n 3. Free up disk space on the drive \n 4. Delete the following files:\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\logs\\*\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\solmsg.out\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\solerror.out\n \n Important: \n Delete only the files under C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\logs\\. \n Do not delete the folder itself.",
"5. If restoring the configuration store to a previously backed up copy is required, run afuConfigStoreTool -backup to restore the backup copy. See production documentation for more information on running this tool. Otherwise, proceed to the next step. \n 6. Restart IBM Content Collector services.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n IBM Content Collector Information Center []"
] | [
"Shutdown the IBM Content Collector Configuration Store Service if it is running. \n 2. Make a backup copy of all files under the following directory:\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\n \n C:\\ProgramData may be hidden by default. Show hidden folders by changing the configuration in Folder and Search options > View tab > Hidden files and folders > Show hidden files, folders, and drives. \n 3. Free up disk space on the drive \n 4. Delete the following files:\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\logs\\*\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\solmsg.out\n C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\solerror.out\n \n Important: \n Delete only the files under C:\\ProgramData\\IBM\\ContentCollector\\ConfigurationStore\\logs\\. \n Do not delete the folder itself.\n \n 5. If restoring the configuration store to a previously backed up copy is required, run afuConfigStoreTool -backup to restore the backup copy. See production documentation for more information on running this tool. Otherwise, proceed to the next step. \n 6. Restart IBM Content Collector services."
] | [] | 237 | 419 | 1,710 |
TRAIN_Q455 | How can I query the Derby database in Portal via SQL statements? I have a Portal system I just installed. I have not yet run database-transfer to copy the data from the Derby database to a DB2, Oracle, or SQL Server database. I don't wish to transfer to an external database and I have a need to run a SQL query against a table or two in the Derby database to troubleshoot an issue.
How can I perform this action? | In order to obtain the data and structure of the WebSphere Portal database, dblook and ij utilities can be used to accomplish such goals. | [
"IBM Using dblook and ij to work with the embedded Apache Derby in WebSphere Portal - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n IBM WebSphere Portal 6.1 uses an embedded version of Apache Derby out of the box. However, there is no longer a graphical tool such as CloudView (as with Cloudscape 5.x). In order to obtain the data and structure of the WebSphere Portal database, dblook and ij utilities can be used to accomplish such goals. \n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n\nBefore proceeding with the following, it is strongly recommended that you back up your Derby database. Make a copy of <wp_profile>/PortalServer/derby/wpsdb to a backup directory. Since the version of Derby used in WebSphere Portal is embedded, you must stop the Portal server before you can access the database although you can always work on the backup copy.\n\nNOTE: For simplicity, we will omit the extension of the utilities. You should add \".sh\" or \".bat' depending on the platform.",
"There are three primary utility tools that are installed with WebSphere 6.1, \"dblook\", \"ij\", and \"sysinfo\", under the <was_root>/AppServer/derby/bin/embedded directory. The sysinfo utility generates information about the operating system, the Java version and classpath, and the Derby driver files and version information.\n\ndblook utility\nThe dblook utility is used to view the database structure (in DDL - Data Definition Language) for a specific database. \n\nThe usage is dblook -d <databaseURL> [options], where databaseURL is in the \"jdbc:derby:<database>\" format. The <database> should be given as a full path, such as C:\\IBM\\WebSphere\\wp_profile\\derby\\wpsdb. \n\nCommonly used options include:",
"* \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * Examples:\n * \n * \n * dblook -d jdbc:derby:C:\\IBM\\WebSphere\\wp_profile\\PortalServer\\wpsdb -o C:\\temp\\wpsdb_ddl.sql\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * dblook -d jdbc:derby:C:\\IBM\\WebSphere\\wp_profile\\PortalServer\\wpsdb -z release -o C:\\temp\\wpsdb_ddl.sql\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * dblook -d jdbc:derby:C:\\IBM\\WebSphere\\wp_profile\\PortalServer\\wpsdb -z release -t user_desc -verbose -o C:\\temp\\user_desc.sql\n * \n * \n\n\nij utility \nThe ij utility is a command line SQL processor. It can be used to run DDL for creating database, tables, indexes, and so on. In a WebSphere Portal environment, it would typically be used for exporting data or making simple changes (when advised by IBM Support). \n\nTo start ij, simply open a command prompt or terminal window, change the directory and enter the command. You should then see the ij shell with prompt \"ij>\".",
"The following are some common commands that you may use when reviewing data in the Portal database. * \n * ij> connect 'jdbc:derby:C:\\IBM\\WebSphere\\wp_profile\\derby\\wpsdb';\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * ij> show connections;\n * \n * \n * CONNECTION0* - jdbc:derby:C:\\ibm\\websphere\\wp_profile\\portalserver\\derby\\wpsdb \n * = current connection \n ij> driver \"org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver'; \n * \n * \n * \n * ij> set schema=release;\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * ij> select * from user_desc where oid=1000;\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * ij> run 'myquery.sql';\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n * ij> CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_TABLE('RELEASE','USER_DESC','USER_DESC.SQL',';','|',NULL);\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * ij> \n * CALL SYSCS_UTIL.SYSCS_EXPORT_QUERY('SELECT * FROM RELEASE.USER_DESC','user_desc_query.sqlL',null,'|',NULL);\n * \n *",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n Derby utility from Apache []\nDerby SQL references from Apache []\n\n\n \n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Organizational Productivity- Portals & Collaboration WebSphere Portal End of Support Products AIX, HP-UX, IBM i, Linux, Solaris, Windows, z/OS 7.0, 6.1"
] | [
"In order to obtain the data and structure of the WebSphere Portal database, dblook and ij utilities can be used to accomplish such goals."
] | [
] | 567 | 1,173 | 3,784 |
TRAIN_Q457 | What is the correct number of datasource connections for Portal? What is the best way to figure out how to configure the maximum number of datasource connections for my Portal server? What factors are involved that I need watch out for? | When tuning WebSphere Portal at version 6.0 and beyond, one of the concerns that arises is how should one tune the maximum number of Portal datasources. Portal can and does make heavy internal use of datasources, so miscalculating this (maximum) value can have a significant impact on system behavior. Out of the box, the default maximum setting is 50. This may or may not be sufficient for any given system.
Each Portal request may make any number of database (DB) requests ranging for none to several.. Further, customized portlets and PPR (Parallel Portlet Rendering) may cause several concurrent DB requests. By default, the maximum number of WebContainer threads is also set to 50. Therefore the ratio between the maximum number of Portal datasource connections to the maximum number of Portal WebContainer threads is 1:1. Support has found that this ratio is often too low for the best performance. In the past, there have been recommendations of this ratio as high as of 2:1 or even 2.5:1.
However, these values caused concern in large deployments where the TOTAL number of maximum datasource connections might start to place a strain on backend resources. Recent analysis suggests that these ratio values may be safely reduced to 1.25: 1 for all Portal datasource, with the exception of the jcrDB when WCM is used extensively. In this case, we recommend a ratio of 1.5:1 | [
"IBM How to set an appropriate number of Portal Datasource connections in WebSphere Portal - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\nFor a given maximum number of Portal WebContainer threads set, what should I set my maximum Portal datasource connections to? \n\nANSWER\nWhen tuning WebSphere Portal at version 6.0 and beyond, one of the concerns that arises is how should one tune the maximum number of Portal datasources. Portal can and does make heavy internal use of datasources, so miscalculating this (maximum) value can have a significant impact on system behavior. Out of the box, the default maximum setting is 50. This may or may not be sufficient for any given system.",
"Each Portal request may make any number of database (DB) requests ranging for none to several.. Further, customized portlets and PPR (Parallel Portlet Rendering) may cause several concurrent DB requests. By default, the maximum number of WebContainer threads is also set to 50. Therefore the ratio between the maximum number of Portal datasource connections to the maximum number of Portal WebContainer threads is 1:1. Support has found that this ratio is often too low for the best performance. In the past, there have been recommendations of this ratio as high as of 2:1 or even 2.5:1. \n\nHowever, these values caused concern in large deployments where the TOTAL number of maximum datasource connections might start to place a strain on backend resources. Recent analysis suggests that these ratio values may be safely reduced to 1.25: 1 for all Portal datasource, with the exception of the jcrDB when WCM is used extensively. In this case, we recommend a ratio of 1.5:1",
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\nFor example, if your system's \n\nMaximum number of WebContainer threads is 100 \n\nthen you should set your \n\nMaximum number of Portal datasource connections to 125 \n\nfor each Portal datasource. \n\n----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n\nIf during Runtime, you should find that your running out of Portal Datasource connections, you may go ahead and increase the ratio up to 2:1. Please be aware of how this might impact your backend resources and be sure to scale your database accordingly. \n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \n\nTo find the number of WebContainer threads that are running in any particular Portal server, use the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console and go to the following location:",
"Servers ---> Application Servers --> WebSphere_Portal (your server) --> Thread Pools --> WebContainer \n\n \n\nTo find the Data Source setting for your Portal datasources, use the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console to go to the following location: \n\nResources ---> Data Sources ---> wpdbDB (for example) --> Connection pools \n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
] | [
"When tuning WebSphere Portal at version 6.0 and beyond, one of the concerns that arises is how should one tune the maximum number of Portal datasources. Portal can and does make heavy internal use of datasources, so miscalculating this (maximum) value can have a significant impact on system behavior. Out of the box, the default maximum setting is 50. This may or may not be sufficient for any given system. \n\nEach Portal request may make any number of database (DB) requests ranging for none to several.. Further, customized portlets and PPR (Parallel Portlet Rendering) may cause several concurrent DB requests. By default, the maximum number of WebContainer threads is also set to 50. Therefore the ratio between the maximum number of Portal datasource connections to the maximum number of Portal WebContainer threads is 1:1. Support has found that this ratio is often too low for the best performance. In the past, there have been recommendations of this ratio as high as of 2:1 or even 2.5:1. \n\nHowever, these values caused concern in large deployments where the TOTAL number of maximum datasource connections might start to place a strain on backend resources. Recent analysis suggests that these ratio values may be safely reduced to 1.25: 1 for all Portal datasource, with the exception of the jcrDB when WCM is used extensively. In this case, we recommend a ratio of 1.5:1"
] | [] | 421 | 591 | 3,078 |
TRAIN_Q458 | Error TASK001X while upgrading Portal to CF14 during import-nodes sub-task Error TASK001X while upgrading Portal to CF14 during import-nodes sub-task | Please make the following change in the WAS Admin Console...
Applications > WebSphere enterprise applications >
JavaContentRepository > Target specific application status > Check the
box for the WebSphere_Portal server > Click Enable Auto Start > Save
changes > restart Portal
After making this change please attempt the CF upgrade again. | [
"IBM Error TASK001X while upgrading Portal to CF14 during import-nodes sub-task - United States upgrade; TASK001X; import-nodes; 404 TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM\nWhile attempting to upgrade Portal to CF14 the upgrade fails during the import-nodes sub-task.\n\nSYMPTOM\nThe ConfigTrace.log shows the following...\n\nimport-nodes:\n\n--- Exception Thrown ---\nC:\\Portal8\\PortalServer\\jcr\\wp.content.repository.install\\config\\include\ns\\jcr.install_cfg.xml:826:\nTASK001X: Remote task execution failed with response code 404 due to\nexception : Not Found . Please check the server log for more\ninformation.\n\nat\\n840)\n\nat\\n\nat\n\nat\n\nat",
"at\\n\nat\\\n\n...\n\nCaused by: TASK001X: Remote task\nexecution failed with response code 404 due to exception : Not Found .\nPlease check the server log for more information.\n\nat\\n825)\n\n... 75 more\n\n\nCAUSE\nThe customer had previously disabled the autostart on several applications to improve the Portal startup time\n\nENVIRONMENT\nPortal\nWindows\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nfrom ConfigTrace.log...\n\nWed Nov 19 16:49:42 CST 2014\nTarget started: import-nodes",
"import-nodes:\n--- Exception Thrown ---\nC:\\Portal8\\PortalServer\\jcr\\wp.content.repository.install\\config\\include\ns\\jcr.install_cfg.xml:826:\nTASK001X: Remote task execution failed with response code 404 due to\nexception : Not Found . Please check the server log for more\ninformation.\nat\\n840)\nat\\n\n...\n\nCaused by: TASK001X: Remote task\nexecution failed with response code 404 due to exception : Not Found .\nPlease check the server log for more information.\nat\\n825)\n... 75 more\n\nFrom here I reviewed the SystemOut.log at the same timestamp and see\nthe following...",
"[11/19/14 16:49:43:804 CST] 00000042 filter E\ doFilter\nSRVE8109W: Uncaught exception thrown by filter Extensible Filter:\ SRVE0190E: File not found:\n/jcr/remotetask\nat\\\nat\\\n\nBoth of these messages seems to indicate a problem with the WCM\nstartup. This code is contained in the following\napplication....JavaContentRepository.ear.\n\nLooking at your last Portal startup I saw this below which occurs\nduring the wcm application startup....\n\n[11/19/14 15:57:54:566 CST] 00000009 ApplicationMg A WSVR0200I:\nStarting application: wcm\n\n....",
"[11/19/14 16:00:36:812 CST] 00000005 TimeoutManage I WTRN0006W:\nTransaction\n00000149CA10760B000000012830B348BBD991CDC4031D0DFCED27CDD500F13F7FC95B79\n00000149CA10760B000000012830B348BBD991CDC4031D0DFCED27CDD500F13F7FC95B79\n00000001 has timed out after 120 seconds.\n[11/19/14 16:00:36:831 CST] 00000005 TimeoutManage I WTRN0124I: When\nthe timeout occurred the thread with which the transaction is, or was\nmost recently, associated was Thread[server.startup : 0,5,main]. The\nstack trace of this thread when the timeout occurred was:\njava.lang.Thread.blockedOn(\nsun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor21.invoke(Unknown Source)\nsun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAcce\\njava.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(\n\nKnowing this I further reviewed the SystemOut.log to see where the JCR\nweb module gets loaded during should begin like this...\n\nSRVE0169I: Loading Web Module: JCRContentRepository.",
"Your startup does not have this. This prompted me to review the\ndeployment.xml from the JavaContentRepository application directory at\nthis location...\n\nPortal8/wp_profile/config/cells/C001389391Cell/applications/JavaContentR\nepository.ear/deployments/JavaContentRepository/deployment.xml\n\nThe contents show the following...\n\n<targetMappings xmi:id=\"DeploymentTargetMapping_1335003370698\"\nenable=\"false\" target=\"ServerTarget_1335003370698\"/>\n\nThe enable=false means that you have this application set to not\nautostart. Because of this it is not starting during Portal startup\nand therefore is not available when the config task attempts to\ncommunicate with it during the upgrade...and therefore causes the\nproblem.",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nPlease make the following change in the WAS Admin Console...\nApplications > WebSphere enterprise applications >\nJavaContentRepository > Target specific application status > Check the\nbox for the WebSphere_Portal server > Click Enable Auto Start > Save\nchanges > restart Portal\n\nAfter making this change please attempt the CF upgrade again."
] | [
"Please make the following change in the WAS Admin Console...\nApplications > WebSphere enterprise applications >\nJavaContentRepository > Target specific application status > Check the\nbox for the WebSphere_Portal server > Click Enable Auto Start > Save\nchanges > restart Portal\n\nAfter making this change please attempt the CF upgrade again."
] | [
] | 420 | 1,652 | 5,426 |
TRAIN_Q461 | How can I configure TIP to clear the ARGUS cache without having to do a system restart? Argus stores it's role authorizations in memory cache, and is not cleaned out unless the TIP is restarted. The "cacheTime" variable in the configFile.xml configuration file controls this, which is set to -1 by default. If the number of TIP roles is high, it can cause Java OOM errors. | To resolve this issue you need to configure 'cacheTime' to non -1 value. Initially we suggest setting the value to 1200000, which is 20 minutes. After the change you will have to restart the TIP server, normally server1. | [
"IBM Tivoli Integrated Portal hangs because of Argus java.lang.OutOfMemory. - United States cacheTime; config.xml; Argus; TIP cache; TIPL2CONF; TIPL2PERF TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Argus stores it's role authorizations in memory cache, and is not cleaned out unless the TIP is restarted. The \"cacheTime\" variable controls this, which is set to -1 by default. If the number of TIP roles is high, it can cause Java OOM errors. \n\nSYMPTOM\nTIP hangs. SystemOut.log file shows Java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: \n\n[10/2/13 9:27:54:838 CDT] 0000002a webapp E logServletError SRVE0293E: \n[Servlet Error]-[/secure/isclite/tiles/nop.jsp]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.lang.Object.clone(Native Method)",
"CAUSE\nBy default, the ARGUS cache will not get cleaned up unless the TIP server is restarted. This normally will give the system good runtime performance. However, in cases where a large number of user/role mappings are defined, the system may run into Java memory issues causing Java OutOfMemory outages.\n\nThe cacheTime we are talking about here is Argus cache. The is used for the way the role authorizations are stored in memory by Argus and nothing related to LDAP or SSO. The Argus cache time by default we ship with in TIP is -1 which means the cache will not get cleaned up till we re-start the server. \n\nError from the <TIP_HOME>/profiles/TIPProfile/logs/server1/SystemOut.log\n\n[10/2/13 9:27:54:838 CDT] 0000002a webapp E logServletError SRVE0293E: \n[Servlet Error]-[/secure/isclite/tiles/nop.jsp]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.lang.Object.clone(Native Method)\n\n\nENVIRONMENT\nall environments",
"DIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nJava heapdump files will be created in the <TIP_HOME>/profiles/TIPProfile directory. \n\ \n\nThe Systemout.log will have have errors similar to this: \n\n\n[10/2/13 9:27:54:838 CDT] 0000002a webapp E logServletError SRVE0293E: \n[Servlet Error]-[/secure/isclite/tiles/nop.jsp]: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at java.lang.Object.clone(Native Method) \n\n\nUsing the memory heap dump analysis shows that Argus is the problem, specifically the instance shown inside the red line in the output of the Java memory analyzer below: \n\n \n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21657452&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21657452&aid=1]\n\nYou can also check the cacheTime variable in the <TIP_HOME>/profiles/TIPProfile/config/cells/TIPCell/commonauthz/config.xml file to confirm if it's set to \"-1\", which means the Argus cache will not get cleaned up unless the TIP server is restarted.",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe cacheTime value in config.xml is in milliseconds. TIP is shipped with the initial value of -1, which means the Argus cache will not be cleared out unless TIP restart. To resolve this issue you need to configure 'cacheTime' to non -1 value. Initially we suggest setting the value to 1200000, which is 20 minutes. After the change you will have to restart the TIP server, normally server1. \n\nNOTE: The cacheTime variable was added in TIP version"
] | [
"To resolve this issue you need to configure 'cacheTime' to non -1 value. Initially we suggest setting the value to 1200000, which is 20 minutes. After the change you will have to restart the TIP server, normally server1."
] | [
] | 400 | 960 | 3,182 |
TRAIN_Q462 | Security Bulletin: IBM MQ and IBM MQ Appliance Shared memory leak caused by MQ applications using dynamic queues (CVE-2017-1283) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: IBM MQ and IBM MQ Appliance Shared memory leak caused by MQ applications using dynamic queues (CVE-2017-1283). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2017-1283 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow an authenticated user to cause a shared memory leak by MQ applications using dynamic queues, which can lead to lack of resources for other MQ applications.
CVSS Base Score: 3.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: IBM MQ and IBM MQ Appliance Shared memory leak caused by MQ applications using dynamic queues. (CVE-2017-1283) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n Shared memory leak caused by MQ applications using dynamic queues. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2017-1283 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow an authenticated user to cause a shared memory leak by MQ applications using dynamic queues, which can lead to lack of resources for other MQ applications.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.1\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)",
"AFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM MQ V8\nIBM MQ - maintenance levels\nIBM MQ Appliance V8\nIBM MQ Appliance - maintenance levels\nIBM MQ V9\nIBM MQ - maintenance levels\nIBM MQ V9 CD\nIBM MQ 9.0.1 - 9.0.3 releases\nIBM MQ Appliance V9 CD\nIBM MQ Appliance 9.0.1 - 9.0.3\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nIBM MQ V8 \n\nApply Fix Pack []\nIBM MQ Appliance V8\nApply Fix Pack for MQ Appliance []\nIBM MQ V9\nApply Fix Pack []\nIBM MQ V9 CD\nUpgrade to IBM MQ 9.0.4 []\nIBM MQ Appliance V9 CD\nUpgrade to IBM MQ Appliance 9.0.4 []\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone.",
"GET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 14 Nov 2017: Initial Version \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2017-1283 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow an authenticated user to cause a shared memory leak by MQ applications using dynamic queues, which can lead to lack of resources for other MQ applications.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.1\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:H/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:L)"
] | [
] | 342 | 1,041 | 3,092 |
TRAIN_Q463 | Can Portal prevent the usage of simultaneous logins with the same userID? Is it possible for WebSphere Portal to limit the usage of a userID to one authenticated session as a time? In other words, prevent authenticating to Portal as "user1" from one browser and then simultaneously authenticating to Portal again as "user1" from another browser? | WebSphere Portal has no built-in mechanism or configuration setting to limit the number of times a user id may log in. Unexpected behavior may occur if the same id is logged in more than once and this is not supported.
"ConcurrentModificationException" and other errors may be logged.
Most of the related issues were resolved in WebSphere Portal 5.1. However, you may still encounter exceptions or side-effects if you access the Portal in multiple browser windows using the same user id, whether or not the authentication requests take place on separate physical hosts.
It may be possible to prevent multiple logins by writing custom "tracking code." Contact IBM Services for assistance to undertake such a project. WebSphere Portal Development does not have any sample code.
If you wish to write your own code, some of the issues to be aware of are (this is not an inclusive list):
-- Multiple logins may take place on different nodes in a cluster. This means some cluster-wide mechanism would have to be in place to keep track of the logged-in users. Look at the WebSphere Application Server DistributedMap interface.
-- There should be a fail-safe way to track user logout (explicit logout and session timeout). Using a session listener might be a possibility.
-- If a user closes the browser without logging out, that user must wait for a session timeout before logging in again. Otherwise, there should be a "force simultaneous login" option in the login user interface.
For load testing, use unique user ids or virtual users. | [
"IBM Multiple logins using the same user ID - United States ConcurrentModificationException; log in; login; multiple; userid; multiple login TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n \"ConcurrentModificationException\" and other errors may occur if the same user id is logged in to IBM WebSphere Portal multiple times.\n\n\nANSWER\nWebSphere Portal has no built-in mechanism or configuration setting to limit the number of times a user id may log in. Unexpected behavior may occur if the same id is logged in more than once and this is not supported. \n\n\"ConcurrentModificationException\" and other errors may be logged.\n\nMost of the related issues were resolved in WebSphere Portal 5.1. However, you may still encounter exceptions or side-effects if you access the Portal in multiple browser windows using the same user id, whether or not the authentication requests take place on separate physical hosts.",
"It may be possible to prevent multiple logins by writing custom \"tracking code.\" Contact IBM Services for assistance to undertake such a project. WebSphere Portal Development does not have any sample code.\n\nIf you wish to write your own code, some of the issues to be aware of are (this is not an inclusive list):\n\n-- Multiple logins may take place on different nodes in a cluster. This means some cluster-wide mechanism would have to be in place to keep track of the logged-in users. Look at the WebSphere Application Server DistributedMap interface.\n\n-- There should be a fail-safe way to track user logout (explicit logout and session timeout). Using a session listener might be a possibility. \n\n-- If a user closes the browser without logging out, that user must wait for a session timeout before logging in again. Otherwise, there should be a \"force simultaneous login\" option in the login user interface.\n\nFor load testing, use unique user ids or virtual users.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n Portal 6.1/7.0: Authentication Filters []\nPortal 6.1: Custom Login Portlet []\nRestricting Multiple Sessions []\n\n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Organizational Productivity- Portals & Collaboration WebSphere Portal End of Support Products General AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows 7.0, 6.1.5, 6.1, 6.0, 5.1"
] | [
"WebSphere Portal has no built-in mechanism or configuration setting to limit the number of times a user id may log in. Unexpected behavior may occur if the same id is logged in more than once and this is not supported. \n\n\"ConcurrentModificationException\" and other errors may be logged.\n\nMost of the related issues were resolved in WebSphere Portal 5.1. However, you may still encounter exceptions or side-effects if you access the Portal in multiple browser windows using the same user id, whether or not the authentication requests take place on separate physical hosts.\n\nIt may be possible to prevent multiple logins by writing custom \"tracking code.\" Contact IBM Services for assistance to undertake such a project. WebSphere Portal Development does not have any sample code.\n\nIf you wish to write your own code, some of the issues to be aware of are (this is not an inclusive list):\n\n-- Multiple logins may take place on different nodes in a cluster. This means some cluster-wide mechanism would have to be in place to keep track of the logged-in users. Look at the WebSphere Application Server DistributedMap interface.\n\n-- There should be a fail-safe way to track user logout (explicit logout and session timeout). Using a session listener might be a possibility. \n\n-- If a user closes the browser without logging out, that user must wait for a session timeout before logging in again. Otherwise, there should be a \"force simultaneous login\" option in the login user interface.\n\nFor load testing, use unique user ids or virtual users."
] | [] | 333 | 634 | 2,494 |
TRAIN_Q465 | Why do I get a nullPointerException from the default portal theme? EJCBD0021E
I can see the following nullPointerException in the logs:
EJCBD0021E: The URI [dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/theme.html] and parameters [['themeURI'=['dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/theme.html'], 'mime-type'=['text/html']]] could not be processed: [EJCBD0021E: The URI [dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/nls/theme_en.html] and parameters [['themeURI'=['dav:fs-type1/themes/Portal8.0/theme.html'], 'mime-type'=['text/html']]] could not be processed: [EJCBD0019E: The data source identified by the URI [co:head] and parameters []] could not be processed: [java.lang.NullPointerException]]]
Additional review of the logs shows the entry:
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException at 481) at 502) at 518) at< init>( ... 136 more | the temporary directory for extension points has become corrupted. This can happen after a server is upgraded. | [
"IBM WebSphere Portal startup fails with EJCBC0002E: The service [<serviceName>] could not be located. - United States EJCBC0002E; EJPFD0016E; extensionregistry; CORFriendlySelectionServiceHome TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM\nWhen starting the WebSphere_Portal server, startup throws an exception: EJCBC0002E: The service could not be located.",
"SYMPTOM\nIn the SystemOut.log, the following exception can be seen at the time the wps.ear application is started:\n===========================\n[1/13/11 11:00:56:875 EST] 00000015 Servlet E init EJPFD0016E: Initialization of service failed.\ EJCBC0002E: The service [] could not be located.\nat\nat\nat\nat\nat\nat\n===========================",
"The service name in this case is \"\", but the name could vary. \n\nYou may also see warnings for various applications like this:",
"===========================\n[1/13/11 11:00:54:250 EST] 00000015 RegistryResol W CWXRS0023W: Extension Point ( not available for Extension:\n[1/13/11 11:00:54:252 EST] 00000015 RegistryResol W CWXRS0023W: Extension Point ( not available for Extension:\n[1/13/11 11:00:54:269 EST] 00000015 RegistryResol W CWXRS0023W: Extension Point ( not available for Extension:\n[1/13/11 11:00:54:278 EST] 00000015 RegistryResol W CWXRS0023W: Extension Point ( not available for Extension:\n===========================",
"CAUSE\nThese messages indicate that the the temporary directory for extension points has become corrupted. This can happen after a server is upgraded.\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nTo resolve this problem, you can do the following: \n\n\n1. Stop the WebSphere_Portal server\n\n2. Delete the contents of the following directory:\n\n<wp_profile root>/temp/<node name>/WebSphere_Portal/_extensionregistry \n\n3. Start the WebSphere_Portal server."
] | [
"the temporary directory for extension points has become corrupted. This can happen after a server is upgraded."
] | [
] | 209 | 846 | 2,797 |
TRAIN_Q466 | What happens if I lost my seed and salt value? In ISDS, what happens if I lost my seed and salt value?
This dW Answers question is about an IBM document with the Title:
Open Mic Webcast: Configuring SDS 8.0.1 Virtual Appliance with a remote DB2 database - Tuesday, 17 Jan 2017 [presentation slides are attached; includes link to replay] | There is NO way to recover the seed value used during the instance creation if it has been lost. The only workaround is to create a new instance with a new encryption seed value and then use the db2ldif and ldif2db utilities to export and import data respectively. These utilities can be supplied with the new encryption seed and the salt value of the new instance. Thus the data would be preserved(alongwith the passwords) on this new instance. | [
"IBM Seed value used during the instance creation is lost : Recovery procedure - United States seed lost; idsgendirksf; Encryption Seed Value; key stash file TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nTHIS DOCUMENT APPLIES ONLY TO THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE VERSION(S):\n English \n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Generating key stash file if the seed value which was used at the time of instance creation has been lost then there is no way to recover this seed value. \n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n \n\nThere is NO way to recover the seed value used during the instance creation if it has been lost. The only workaround is to create a new instance with a new encryption seed value and then use the db2ldif and ldif2db utilities to export and import data respectively. These utilities can be supplied with the new encryption seed and the salt value of the new instance. Thus the data would be preserved(alongwith the passwords) on this new instance.\n\nHere are the steps to follow:\n\n1. Set up a new instance says \"newinst\".",
"$> idsicrt -I newinst -e thisismyencryptionseed -l (/home/newinst) -n\n\n$> idscfgdb -I newinst -w ldap -a newinst -t newinst -l (/home/newinst) -n\n\n$> idscfgsuf -s \"o=ibm,c=us\" -I newinst -n\n\n$> idsdnpw -u cn=root -p root -I newinst -n\n\n2. Note the encryption seed - \"thisismyencryptionseed\". Let us call this new_encryptionseed\n\n3. Once this new instance is setup note down the salt value generated by the new server instance by searching for \"cn=crypto,cn=localhost\".\n\n$> ldapsearch -D <administrator DN> -w <administrator password> -b \"cn=crypto,cn=localhost\" -s base objectclass=* ibm-slapdCryptoSalt\n\nLet us call this value: new_saltvalue\n\n4. Lets assume that the instance name with the forgotten encryption seed is \"oldinst\"\n\n5. Use the db2ldif utility on the instance with the forgotten encryptionseed, oldinst with the following options -\n\n$> db2ldif -o outputfile -I oldinst -k new_encryptionseed -t new_saltvalue",
"6. Once this step is successfully completed the entire data from \"oldinst\" would be dumped in outputfile.\n\n7. Use the utilities like ldif2db to re-load all the data into the new server instance.\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nHISTORICAL NUMBER"
] | [
"There is NO way to recover the seed value used during the instance creation if it has been lost. The only workaround is to create a new instance with a new encryption seed value and then use the db2ldif and ldif2db utilities to export and import data respectively. These utilities can be supplied with the new encryption seed and the salt value of the new instance. Thus the data would be preserved(alongwith the passwords) on this new instance."
] | [
] | 315 | 614 | 2,124 |
TRAIN_Q467 | How can we change the password for LDAP bind user? We need to change our LDAP bind user due to security requirement. Is there any documentation for the procedure? | The Directory Service user account and password are normally used in two product components: FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM), and the application server. A coordinated update procedure should be followed when there is a need to change the user account and/or password. This procedure applies to FileNet Content Engine 4.x and above. | [
"IBM Procedure to change the username and/or password for the FileNet Content Engine Directory Service Account, including the bootstrap user - United States change; user; password; fem; directory service; bootstrapconfig; bootstrap user TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n How do you change the user and/or password for Directory Service Account used by the Content Engine? \n\nANSWER\nThe Directory Service user account and password are normally used in two product components: FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM), and the application server. A coordinated update procedure should be followed when there is a need to change the user account and/or password. This procedure applies to FileNet Content Engine 4.x and above. \n\n * \n * Note: \n * \n *",
"If the same user account is also used as the CE Bootstrap user, the corresponding user in the needs to change as well. For changing the GCD admin user/password in specifically, refer to this documentation: \n [] \n\n\n1. Launch FEM and the application server's administrative console. \na. Login to FEM using the Directory Service account. \nb. Login to the application server administrative console with an administrator account. \n\nImportant: Do not close above two applications until you have completed step 5 below.",
"2. Make LDAP account changes: \na. Change the password for an existing account on the LDAP server - Using LDAP interface, change the password for the CE Directory Service account. \nOR \nb. Create a new user account on the LDAP server for the CE Directory Service account. \n\n\n3. Add new user (if applicable), to FEM \nIf the bind user is also the CE admin user, then the bind user will need to be added to all the existing objects in the P8 domain. Please read Update object store with new users and groups [] for instructions",
"4. Change Directory Configuration bind user in FEM \nUsing FEM (step 1a above), go to Domain properties > Directory Configuration > Select Directory Configuration > click on the Modify button > General Tab: \na. Modify the Directory Service User with new user's full distinguish name (DN) \nb. Click on Change password check box > change to a new password > click OK. \n\nAt this point you will be presented a dialog box with following message: \n“These changes require the application server to be restarted. Please restart the application server to incorporate these changes” \n\nclick OK > click OK \n\nImportant: Do not restart the application server until you have completed step 5 below. \n\n\n5. Change the user in the application server's directory configuration \n\n- For Websphere, in the WebSphere Administrative Console, go to Global Security > click on Configure under User Account Repository > Modify Bind Distinguished Name (DN) > Modify Bind Password > click OK and Save changes",
"- For WebLogic go to Security Realms > myrealm > Providers > ldap provider and click on \"Provider Specific\" tab in WebLogic Admin Console. Change \"Principal\" and \"Credential\". \n\n- For JBoss go to <JBoss Home>\\server\\<CE Server>\\conf directory and edit \"login-config.xml\". \nFind \"FileNet\" application-policy and in login module change bindDN/bindCredential. \n\n\n6. Changing the CE Bootstrap user \n\nFor CE 4.5.x and above: \na. In the Configure Bootstrap Properties task, set the Bootstrap Operation property to Modify Existing. \nb. Confirm that the Bootstrapped EAR file property contains the path to the bootstrap file you need to edit. \nc. Change the Bootstrap user password. Use Configuration Manager's features to save and run the task. \nd. Run Configuration Manager's Deploy Application. \n\nFor CE 4.0: \nNote: This step is needed only if the GCD user name is the same as the Directory Service account. Note that the example below is for a Windows environment.",
"- For WebSphere \na. Open command prompt window, go to folder where EAR file reside (it differs depending on CE version). For example, in CE 4.5.1, go to \"<CE Home> \\ tools \\ configure \\ profiles \\ <profile> \\ ear\" \nb. Backup Engine-ws.ear \nc. Execute the command below: \n\njava –jar “c:\\program files\\FileNet\\ContentEngine\\lib\\BootStrapConfig.jar” –e Engine-ws.ear --username <username> --password <password> \n\nd. Since the Engine-ws.ear file has been deployed in the WebSphere's installedApps path, the Bootstrap file need to be copied to the path manually. Extract the props.jar file from the ear file by utility such as Winzip, copy the props.jar file to theinstalledApps location - “<WebSphere Home>\\ AppServer\\ profiles \\ <profile name> \\ InstalledApps \\<serverNodecell> \\ FileNetEngine.ear \\ APP-INF \\ lib \\\" \n\nNote that an alternative to copying the props.jar file is to uninstall and re-install the updated ear file in WebSphere.",
"- For WebLogic \na. Open command prompt window, go to folder - \"<WebLogic home> \\ user_projects \\ domains \\ <domain> \\ servers \" \nb. Backup FileNetEngine.ear \nc. Execute the command below: \n\njava –jar “c:\\program files\\FileNet\\ContentEngine\\lib\\BootStrapConfig.jar” –e Engine-wl.ear --username <username> --password <password> \n\n- For JBoss \na. Open command prompt window, go to folder - \"<JBoss Home> \\ server \\ <server> \\ deploy \\\" \nb. Backup FileNetEngine.ear \nc. Execute the command below: \n\njava –jar “c:\\program files\\FileNet\\ContentEngine\\lib\\BootStrapConfig.jar” –e Engine-jb.ear --username <username> --password <password>",
"7. Remove cached files in the application server \n- Close FileNet Enterprise Manager (Step 1a) \n- Close Administrative Console (Step 1b) \n- Stop the application server \n- Remove the cached FileNetEngine directory in the application server. \nFor example, the default windows path on Websphere 6.0 is \n\"C:\\program files\\Websphere\\AppServer\\profiles\\<profile name>\\temp\\<server node>\\ \n<server>\\FileNetEngine\" \n\n\n8. Restart the application server, and login to FEM using the new user and password. \n\n\n9. Troubleshooting \n\nIf CE fails to start due to mistakes in the above procedures, you may not be able to redo the change through these procedures because FEM will fail to run. \nIn this case, you can do the following:",
"- Back out the change made to the GCD database in step 3 by deleting the latest row in the FNGCD table. \n- Back out the change made to the application server in step 4 by redoing the procedure with the previous user. \n- Back out the change made to the file's GCD user by using the backup EAR file \n- Restart the application server, and login to FEM using the previous user."
] | [
"The Directory Service user account and password are normally used in two product components: FileNet Enterprise Manager (FEM), and the application server. A coordinated update procedure should be followed when there is a need to change the user account and/or password. This procedure applies to FileNet Content Engine 4.x and above."
] | [
] | 997 | 1,795 | 6,856 |
TRAIN_Q469 | Help with Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in WebSphere Application Server shipped with WSRR I need to understand details regarding Multiple vulnerabilities have been identified in WebSphere Application Server shipped with WebSphere Service Registry and Repository ( CVE-2011-4343). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2011-4343 []
DESCRIPTION: Apache MyFaces could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using specially crafted parameters to inject EL expressions into input fields mapped as view parameters and obtain sensitive information.
CVSS Base Score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities affect Java Server Faces (JSF) used by WebSphere Application Server shipped with Jazz for Service Management (CVE-2017-1583, CVE-2011-4343) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n There are two potential information disclosure vulnerabilities that affects the Java Server Faces (JSF) component used by WebSphere Application Server. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2017-1583 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information caused by improper error handling by MyFaces in JSF.\nCVSS Base Score: 5.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)",
"CVEID: CVE-2011-4343 [] \nDESCRIPTION: Apache MyFaces could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using specially crafted parameters to inject EL expressions into input fields mapped as view parameters and obtain sensitive information. \nCVSS Base Score: 5 \nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score \nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined \nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nJazz for Service Management version 1.1.0 - 1.1.3\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES",
"Principal Product and Version(s) Affected Supporting Product and Version Affected Supporting Product Security Bulletin Jazz for Service Management version 1.1.0 - 1.1.3 Websphere Application Server Full Profile 8.5.5 Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities affect Java Server Faces (JSF) used by WebSphere Application Server (CVE-2017-1583, CVE-2011-4343) [] WORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nPlease refer to WAS iFix\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 []",
"RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 27-November-2017: Original version published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2011-4343 [] \nDESCRIPTION: Apache MyFaces could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using specially crafted parameters to inject EL expressions into input fields mapped as view parameters and obtain sensitive information. \nCVSS Base Score: 5 \nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score \nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined \nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)"
] | [
] | 379 | 1,006 | 3,530 |
TRAIN_Q470 | Does Logout button get disabled in ICM for SSO with Tivoli Access Manager ? Does Logout button get disabled in ICM for SSO with Tivoli Access Manager ? | IBM Content Navigator disables the Log Out option under SSO environments. However, under some SSO environments or desktop load scenarios, such as SPNEGO/Kerberos on a WebLogic Application Server, IBM Content Navigator enables the Log Out option.
If the Log Out option is enabled but does not work correctly in your SSO environment, you can remove the Log Out option by customizing the banner user session context menu that is used by your desktop configuration. | [
"IBM Content Navigator known issue: In a SPNEGO/Kerberos Single sign-on environment, IBM Content Navigator the Log Out option is enabled - United States PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION\n\nABSTRACT\n In a SPNEGO/Kerberos single sign-on (SSO) environment, your IBM Content Navigator session shows the Log Out option as enabled when you select the drop-down menu on the user name. However, the option should be disabled. \n\nCONTENT\nIBM Content Navigator disables the Log Out option under SSO environments. However, under some SSO environments or desktop load scenarios, such as SPNEGO/Kerberos on a WebLogic Application Server, IBM Content Navigator enables the Log Out option.\n\n\n\n\nIf the Log Out option is enabled but does not work correctly in your SSO environment, you can remove the Log Out option by customizing the banner user session context menu that is used by your desktop configuration. \n\nTo remove the Log Out option:",
"1. In the administration tool, select Menus. \n 2. Enter \"User\" in the Name contains filter field. \n 3. Select the Default banner user session context menu and click Copy. \n 4. Enter a name for the new menu such as \"Banner user session context menu - no Log Out option\". \n 5. Remove the Log Out from the Selected list. \n 6. Save the new menu. \n 7. Open the Desktops configuration, then open your desktop configuration. \n 8. Select the Menus tab and scroll to the Feature Context Menus section. \n 9. Select the new menu that you created for the Banner user session context menu menu type. \n 10. Save your desktop. \n\n\nThe change to the menus takes effect when the modified desktop is reloaded. \n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Enterprise Content Management Case Manager AIX, Linux, Linux on System z, Windows"
] | [
"IBM Content Navigator disables the Log Out option under SSO environments. However, under some SSO environments or desktop load scenarios, such as SPNEGO/Kerberos on a WebLogic Application Server, IBM Content Navigator enables the Log Out option.\n\n\n\n\nIf the Log Out option is enabled but does not work correctly in your SSO environment, you can remove the Log Out option by customizing the banner user session context menu that is used by your desktop configuration."
] | [
] | 300 | 424 | 1,789 |
TRAIN_Q471 | Why can't I search groups after upgrading to WebSphere Application Server Why can't I search groups after upgrading to WebSphere Application Server | PI69518 resolves the following problem:
After upgrade to, there are cases when group
search fails from "Users and Groups" -> "Administrative
Groups" panel. When it happens in GUI, the same issue
happens with AdminTask listRegistryGroups command. | [
"IBM PI69518:group search fails with a classcast exception after upgrade to - United States PI69518; PI69518; PI69518 DOWNLOADABLE FILES\n\nABSTRACT\n group search fails with a classcast exception after upgrade to \n\nDOWNLOAD DESCRIPTION\nPI69518 resolves the following problem:\n\nERROR DESCRIPTION: \nAfter upgrade to, there are cases when group \nsearch fails from \"Users and Groups\" -> \"Administrative \nGroups\" panel. When it happens in GUI, the same issue \nhappens with AdminTask listRegistryGroups command. \n\nSeeing the following in systemout.log: \n[9/20/16 15:37:21:077 EDT] 00000076 GroupDetailAc W \nlistRegistryGroups: Command not successful: \njava.lang.ClassCastException: \nincompatible \nwith \n\n************************************************** \n\nIn traces we see stack:",
"[9/20/16 15:36:05:658 EDT] 00000076 SecurityRealm 3 exception \ncaught \njava.lang.ClassCastException: \ incompatible with \ \nat \\ner.getLD \nAPProps( \nat \\ner.getLD \nAPList( \nat \\ner.listR \negistryGroups( \nat sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) \nat \nsun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessor\nImpl.jav \na:95) \nat \nsun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethod\nAccessor \ \nat java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( \nat \\nProvider \n.executeReal( \nat",
"\nProvider \n.execute( \nat \\nmmand.ex \necute(",
"LOCAL FIX: \nnone \n\nPROBLEM SUMMARY\n\nUSERS AFFECTED:\nAll users of IBM WebSphere Application\nServer\n\nPROBLEM DESCRIPTION:\njava.lang.ClassCastException when\ngroup search is performed.\n\nRECOMMENDATION:\nNone\n\nThere was a bug in the code that uses a registry object that\nmay not contain necessary attributes for the group search and\ncauses ClassCastException.\n\nPROBLEM CONCLUSION: \nThe bug was fixed in the code to correct the exception. \n\nThe fix for this APAR is currently targeted for inclusion in \nfix pack Please refer to the Recommended Updates \npage for delivery information: \n []\n\nPREREQUISITES\nNone\n\nINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS\nPlease review the readme.txt for detailed installation instructions.\n\nURL LANGUAGE SIZE(Bytes) V85 Readme [] US English 6584 \nDOWNLOAD PACKAGE",
"Download RELEASE DATE LANGUAGE SIZE(Bytes) Download Options \nWhat is Fix Central(FC)? [] 09-28-2016 US English 276737 HTTP [] \nTECHNICAL SUPPORT\n Contact IBM Support using SR ( []), visit the WebSphere Application Server support web site ( []), or contact 1-800-IBM-SERV (U.S. only). \n\n [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24042833&aid=1]Problems (APARS) fixed [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24042833&aid=2]Problems (APARS) fixed\nPI69518"
] | [
"PI69518 resolves the following problem:\n\nERROR DESCRIPTION: \nAfter upgrade to, there are cases when group \nsearch fails from \"Users and Groups\" -> \"Administrative \nGroups\" panel. When it happens in GUI, the same issue \nhappens with AdminTask listRegistryGroups command."
] | [
] | 281 | 1,310 | 3,942 |
TRAIN_Q472 | The Ping Probe will not start with SetUID configured The Netcool OMNIbus Ping Probe will not start with SetUID configured. What should I check? | To enable non-root user to start the probe, you need to change the owner to root and permissions to setuid. And AIX ignores the LIBPATH setting when program runs as setuid root, so you also need to put either a copy of the required libraries, or a symbolic link to the required libraries in one of the trusted paths like /lib or /usr/lib. | [
"IBM Unable to start Ping Probe by non-root user on AIX - United States Ping probe; non root; start; permissions TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nTHIS DOCUMENT APPLIES ONLY TO THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE VERSION(S):\n English \n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Ping probe fails to start when the probe is installed and started by non-root user. \n\nSYMPTOM\nThe following error is seen in the probe's log: \n\nError: E-P_P-002-038: Could not change euid: Operation not permitted\nError: E-P_P-002-017: IPv4 socket failed: specified action does not have access permission of the file\nError: E-P_P-002-037: This program can only be run by root, or it must be setuid root.\n\n\nCAUSE\nPing probe needs permissions which allow it to run as root and the LIBPATH setting should be changed.\n\n\nENVIRONMENT\nAIX",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nTo enable non-root user to start the probe, you need to change the owner to root and permissions to setuid. And AIX ignores the LIBPATH setting when program runs as setuid root, so you also need to put either a copy of the required libraries, or a symbolic link to the required libraries in one of the trusted paths like /lib or /usr/lib. \n\n\n1. Change the owner to root and permissions to setuid.\ne.g\n# cd $OMNIHOME/probes/aix5/\n# chown root:root nco_p_ping\n# chmod +s nco_p_poing\n\n2. Put a symbolic link to the required libraries.\ne.g\n# cd /usr/lib",
"# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libgsk*\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libtre.a\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libicuuc40.a\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libicui18n40.a\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libicudata40.a\n\n\nNote:\nThe required libraries can be seen by the following command:\n# dump -H $NCHOME/omnibus/platform/aix5/nco_p_ping",
"Note:\nIf there are newer modules of the required libraries, it's better to create a symbolic link to the newer module.\ne.g\nRun\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libicui18n40.1.a\nrather than,\n# ln -s /opt/IBM/netcool/platform/aix5/lib/libicui18n40.a\n\nBut, please note that it would be better to create the symbolic links again whenever after you apply Fix pack for OMNibus core.\n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Systems and Asset Management Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Ping AIX All Versions"
] | [
"To enable non-root user to start the probe, you need to change the owner to root and permissions to setuid. And AIX ignores the LIBPATH setting when program runs as setuid root, so you also need to put either a copy of the required libraries, or a symbolic link to the required libraries in one of the trusted paths like /lib or /usr/lib."
] | [
] | 323 | 1,001 | 2,799 |
TRAIN_Q473 | Why Summarization and pruning are failing with SQL Error Code = -4220 on AIX_LPAR table? Summarization and pruning are failing with SQL Error Code = -4220 on AIX_LPAR table. What's the fix?
| Update the invalid data with a valid UTF-8 character string. | [
"IBM SqlException with message \"Caught\" and ERRORCODE=-4220 - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n When an application uses the IBM Data Server Driver for JDBC and SQLJ (also known as the JCC driver) and is connected to a database with code set UTF-8 (code page 1208), it throws an\nSqlException with message including \"Caught\" and ERRORCODE=-4220 if the data in a character column that it queries contains a sequence of bytes that is not a valid UTF-8 string. \n\nSYMPTOM\nAn exception is thrown similar to this: \n\n [jcc][t4][1065][12306][XXX.XXX.XXX] Caught See attached Throwable for details. ERRORCODE=-4220, SQLSTATE=null\n[...]\nCaused by: java.nio.charset.MalformedInputException: Input length = XXX\n[...]\nCaused by:\nat\n[...]",
"CAUSE\nThe JCC driver throws the exception when data in a character column that it queries is not a valid string in the database code page.\n\nThe invalid data could have been input to the database in the following ways:\n\n\n * By running an SQL statement which writes byte values to the database. For example: INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (X'C3')\n\n * By running the IMPORT or LOAD commands for files which contain character data that is not in the code page of the client machine, so the appropriate code page conversion was not done. To make sure that the the appropriate code page conversion is done when running IMPORT or LOAD, specify the code page of the input file by including the \"codepage=x\" file type modifier (specifying the code page in place of x).\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nYou can use the HEX function to find out what are the byte values in a character column. \n\nFor example, to find out the byte values in column COL1 in table TAB1, run: \nSELECT HEX(col1) FROM tab1",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nUpdate the invalid data with a valid UTF-8 character string. \n\n\nAlternatively, for JCC driver versions that support it you can set the JCC configuration property db2.jcc.charsetDecoderEncoder=3 so that instead of throwing an exception the JCC driver returns the Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER (U+FFFD) in place of a sequence of bytes that is not a valid UTF-8 string. \nThe JCC configuration property db2.jcc.charsetDecoderEncoder is supported in versions of the JCC driver that come with DB2 LUW 9.5 Fix Pack 8 and later (APAR IC74896), DB2 LUW 9.7 Fix Pack 5 and later (APAR IC74895), and all DB2 LUW releases from DB2 10.1 onwards.",
"For example, suppose you have a Java program that executes an SQL query of a database column that contains a sequence of bytes that is not a valid string.\nWhen you run:\njava MyApp\nit throws an exception. But when you run:\njava -Ddb2.jcc.charsetDecoderEncoder=3 MyApp\nit returns the string with any invalid sequence of bytes replaced by the Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER. \n\nThe Unicode REPLACEMENT CHARACTER often appears like this \n(a diamond with a question mark inside it) : [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21684365&aid=1]",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n APAR IC78495 []\nAPAR IC74896 []\nMaking the setting for IBM Data Studio []\nMaking the setting for IBM Content Collector []\nUDF to identify invalid data in a UTF-8 character colum []\nHow invalid data can get into a UTF-8 character column []\nLOAD command []\nIMPORT command []",
"HEX function []"
] | [
"Update the invalid data with a valid UTF-8 character string."
] | [
] | 497 | 1,298 | 4,192 |
TRAIN_Q475 | How can I fix blank pull down "Console Settings" menu after successful install of JazzSM and WebSphere WebSphere version didn't include jar files that were available in previous releases of WebSphere that are required by DASH for various tasks. | The missing jar files are included in DASH Cumulative Patch 5, which you can download from this site:∏uct=ibm/Tivoli/Jazz+for+Service+Management&release=1.1&platform=All&function=all [] | [
"IBM Missing Icon pulldown options in DASH main menu after Install - United States DASHL2; Console Settings; missing.; icons; WAS; DASH; Cumulative patch 5; CP5 TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n After fresh install of WAS with JazzSM, the \"Console Settings\" is missing entries and other expected icons are missing from the DASH main page. \n\nSYMPTOM\nAfter successful installation of JazzSM with WebSphere, some of the icons in the main DASH window are missing on the left.\n\n\nCAUSE\nIt was recently discovered that some .jar files were not included in WebSphere, that were available in previous WebSphere releases, and are required for several functions in DASH.\n\nENVIRONMENT\nJazzSM / DASH WAS\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nAfter you login to DASH and select \"Console Settings\", the displayed window, which should have several lines, is blank:",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21981870&aid=1]\n\nAlso, in this case there wasn't any icons in the upper left portion of the main DASH window.\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe missing jar files are included in DASH Cumulative Patch 5, which you can download from this site: \n\n\n∏uct=ibm/Tivoli/Jazz+for+Service+Management&release=1.1&platform=All&function=all [] \n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21981870&aid=2] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21981870&aid=2]\nIf you have any questions as to whether DASH Cumulative Patch 5 has been installed, please run this command:\n\n<JazzSM_HOME>/ui/bin/consolecli Version if patch 5 has been installed, it will have output showing the patch number shown in the red square in the screen shot:",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21981870&aid=3] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21981870&aid=3]\n\nIf installing on a UNIX server, you will see several of these messages, they indicate that the jar files are not currently on the server, but the Patch install will finish successfully.\ncp: \n/opt/IBM/JazzSM/ui/../profile/installedApps/JazzSMNode01Cell//isc.ear/TI \nPChangePasswd.war/js/ibm/tivoli/tip/changepasswd/nls/iw/messages.js: No \nsuch file or directory \n.\n.\nPatch 201603301212 successfully installed."
] | [
"The missing jar files are included in DASH Cumulative Patch 5, which you can download from this site: \n\n\n∏uct=ibm/Tivoli/Jazz+for+Service+Management&release=1.1&platform=All&function=all []"
] | [
] | 262 | 840 | 2,433 |
TRAIN_Q477 | On 30th June, could the Leap Second cause Linux to freeze and impact my MQ? On 30th June, could the Leap Second cause Linux to freeze and impact my MQ? | In the past, the addition of leap seconds caused some systems running older Linux kernels to fail. IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ queue managers running on these systems generated repeated FDC files showing Probe Id XY348010 or XC272003 from xcsCreateThread, with error code xecP_E_NO_RESOURCE. Other FDCs are also possible. | [
"IBM Leap Second bug in older Linux kernels may affect IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ - United States FLASH (ALERT)\n\nABSTRACT\n Leap seconds are a periodic one-second adjustment of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) required to keep a system's time of day close to the mean solar time.\n\nA leap second is scheduled for 31 December 2016 at 23h 59m 60s UTC.\n\nIn the past, the addition of leap seconds caused some systems running older Linux kernels to fail. IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ queue managers running on these systems generated repeated FDC files showing Probe Id XY348010 or XC272003 from xcsCreateThread, with error code xecP_E_NO_RESOURCE. Other FDCs are also possible.",
"CONTENT\nOn 31 December 2016, the Network Time Protocol (NTP) daemon will schedule a leap second [] to occur at midnight, making the final minute of the day 61 seconds long. Prior leap second insertions, including the 30 June 2016 leap second, caused some Linux systems to exhibit unexplained high CPU usage.\n\n\nIBM MQ and WebSphere MQ use the Native POSIX Thread Library (NPTL) which relies on futuxes (\"fast userspace mutexes\") for synchronization between threads. Futexes can exhibit high CPU spins after leap seconds on Linux kernel versions 2.6.22 through 3.5-rc7, inclusive, although some Linux distributions shipped patches for kernels in this range:\n\n\n * \n * Leap Second to be added on December 31st 2016\n * \n * \n * \n * General information on Leap Second 2016\n * \n * Fixes and workarounds to avoid issues caused by Leap Second 2015\n * \n * \n * \n * Addition of leap second causes spuriously high CPU usage and futex lockups",
"Contact your Linux vendor to check the status of other distributions, or check the Linux kernel version using \"uname -r\" and confirm that your system is older than 2.6.22 or running 3.5 or later. \n\nIf you encounter this problem, the following workaround may resolve the high CPU usage. As root, run: \n * date -s \"$(LC_ALL=C date)\"\n\n \n\nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n IBM MQ WMQ WebSphere MQ MQSeries"
] | [
"In the past, the addition of leap seconds caused some systems running older Linux kernels to fail. IBM MQ and WebSphere MQ queue managers running on these systems generated repeated FDC files showing Probe Id XY348010 or XC272003 from xcsCreateThread, with error code xecP_E_NO_RESOURCE. Other FDCs are also possible."
] | [
] | 331 | 518 | 2,027 |
TRAIN_Q478 | How to define shared libraries for ODM ruleApps on WAS traditional? What is the proper way to define a shared lib for RuleApps without giving up the isolated mode of the XU resource adapter? Is it "works as designed" that isolating of the XU prevents the resource adapter from seeing shared lib classes from other classloaders? | In order to support the existence of multiple versions of the driver jars, the "Isolate this resource provider" configuration helps to ensure there are no conflicts. This needs to be configured on each JDBC Provider. You cannot isolate only one resource provider, all the provider configurations in different scopes will have to be configured with the "Isolate this resource provider" setting. In this scenario, the resource provider classes from different versions of the jars are not imported or accessed to verify if the isolation has indeed worked. In order to use the server-scoped resource provider the datasource using the server-scoped jdbc provider will have to be referenced from the application after isolating the resource providers and using a resource reference in the application.
Go to the JDBC Provider and enable "isolate the resource provider". When "Isolate this resource provider" is enabled, it ensures that only the jar that was specified in the classpath will be used for all the datasources under that particular JDBC provider. | [
"IBM Use\"isolate the resource provider\" to establish data source connections using a different JDBC driver from the same database vendor - United States isolate this resource provider TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Customer has defined 3 Oracle JDBC Providers at cell, node and server\nscope. Client have following configuration in websphere JDBC provider. \n\nIn Cell Scope - C:\\jdbc\\ojdbc5\\ojdbc5.jar \n\nIn Node Scope - C:\\jdbc\\ojdbc6_g\\ojdbc6_g.jar \n\nIn Server Scope- C:\\jdbc\\ojdbc6\\ojdbc6.jar \n\nIn this case value of JDBC driver path in WebSphere variable is identical. Nornally, If JDBC provider configure at server level then server level driver will get load first. But in this case since all three drivers are from same vendor, So we can not control which driver is picking up. In this case \n\"C:\\jdbc\\ojdbc6\\ojdbc6.jar\" should be loaded first but instated, ojdbc5.jar was load first\n\n[13. 4. 5 12:05:15:625 KST] 00000023 CompoundClass < loadClass \n\noracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver",
" \n\nsource=file:/C:/jdbc/ojdbc5/ojdbc5.jar Exit \n\n\n\n\n\n\nSYMPTOM\nDue to multiple JDBC drivers from the same vendor were configured in different scopes, the wrong driver class was loaded.\n\n\nCAUSE\nWhen multiple versions of the JDBC driver are configured in WebSphere Application Server, irrespective of the scopes, there is a possibility of a collision of the classes and we cannot predict from which version of the driver jar the class got loaded.",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n In order to support the existence of multiple versions of the driver jars, the \"Isolate this resource provider\" configuration helps to ensure there are no conflicts. This needs to be configured on each JDBC Provider. You cannot isolate only one resource provider, all the provider configurations in different scopes will have to be configured with the \"Isolate this resource provider\" setting. In this scenario, the resource provider classes from different versions of the jars are not imported or accessed to verify if the isolation has indeed worked. In order to use the server-scoped resource provider the datasource using the server-scoped jdbc provider will have to be referenced from the application after isolating the resource providers and using a resource reference in the application.",
"Go to the JDBC Provider and enable \"isolate the resource provider\". When \"Isolate this resource provider\" is enabled, it ensures that only the jar that was specified in the classpath will be used for all the datasources under that particular JDBC provider. \n\n \n\nHere are links to Knowledge Center articles which contain further information on the setting: \n\n\nJDBC provider settings []\n\nConsiderations for isolated resource providers []"
] | [
"In order to support the existence of multiple versions of the driver jars, the \"Isolate this resource provider\" configuration helps to ensure there are no conflicts. This needs to be configured on each JDBC Provider. You cannot isolate only one resource provider, all the provider configurations in different scopes will have to be configured with the \"Isolate this resource provider\" setting. In this scenario, the resource provider classes from different versions of the jars are not imported or accessed to verify if the isolation has indeed worked. In order to use the server-scoped resource provider the datasource using the server-scoped jdbc provider will have to be referenced from the application after isolating the resource providers and using a resource reference in the application. \n\n\nGo to the JDBC Provider and enable \"isolate the resource provider\". When \"Isolate this resource provider\" is enabled, it ensures that only the jar that was specified in the classpath will be used for all the datasources under that particular JDBC provider."
] | [] | 393 | 771 | 3,006 |
TRAIN_Q483 | How do I tell when there are mismatched MQ jars in my application server? Mismatched jar files can cause strange and unpredictable errors when using the MQ JMS classes. | Finding and eliminating duplicate copies of the MQ jar files can be a difficult task, but the script simplifies that task on Linux and UNIX systems. | [
"IBM Solving IBM MQ Java code version mismatches using the script - United States WebSphere MQ WMQ TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n When Java™ SE applications and Java EE application servers such as WebSphere Application Server do not use a consistent set of MQ Java archives, applications can fail in unpredictable ways. If WebSphere Application Server notices a mismatch, it issues this message: \"MQJCA1008 The WebSphere MQ classes for JMS were found in the class path but were not the correct version. This error can occur if the application server finds an earlier version of the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS in the class path. The error can also occur if you do not configure WebSphere Application Server to use the correct version of the WebSphere MQ classes for JMS.\"",
"ENVIRONMENT\nThe script runs on Linux and UNIX systems and can identify Java archives and classes from MQ V5.3 and later versions. Although the script does not run on Windows systems, it is possible to zip up a directory structure on Windows in order to examine it with on a different system. To use the script, download it from the bottom of this page, copy it to the target system, and make the script executable. Make sure that either the unzip command or the Java jar command is available in your PATH before running For example:\n\n\n\n 1. Preparing to run\n 2. \n 3. sh> chmod +x \n sh> PATH=$PATH:/opt/java7/bin",
"DIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nIBM MQ ships a number of Java archives (jar files) that applications use to connect to MQ and work with messages. For Java EE environments, MQ provides a Resource Adapter called wmq.jmsra.rar which contains the jar files required by JMS applications. Java SE and Java EE applications must use a consistent set of MQ jar files at the same maintenance level, or else they might experience a wide variety of problems including intermittent errors, performance problems, and other failures.\n\nIt is common to find multiple versions of the MQ jar files in the Java CLASSPATH, or invalidly bundled in Java applications (.ear, .war, and .jar files). Finding and eliminating duplicate copies of the MQ jar files can be a difficult task, but the script simplifies that task on Linux and UNIX systems.\n\n\n\n * Syntax\n * Examples\n * WebSphere Application Server\n * Sample output\n * Resolving problems\n * Download\n\n\n\nSYNTAX",
"1. -? | -h \n 2. \n 3. [-v] [-r] [-f File] -d Directory ...\n 4. \n 5. \n 6. \n 7. -?:\n 8. \n 9. \n 10. -h:\n 11. \n 12. \n 13. -v:\n 14. \n 15. \n 16. -r:\n 17. \n 18. \n 19. -f File:\n 20. \n 21. \n 22. -d Directory:\n 23. \n 24. \n 25. \n 26. \n 27. \n 28. The script can take several minutes to complete, depending on the number of Java archives to search and whether you perform a recursive examination of archive files. While running, the script regularly prints its status and the percentage of work completed.\n\n\nBack to top\n\n\n\nEXAMPLES",
"1. Search for MQ files under /usr/IBM/WebSphere and save the results to the file mqlist.txt:\n \n -f mqlist.txt -d /usr/IBM/WebSphere\n 2. \n 3. \n 4. Perform a recursive search of archives under /opt/IBM:\n \n -r -d /opt/IBM\n 5. \n 6. \n 7. Recursively search archive files under the /opt/IBM/IIB and /opt/mqm directories and enable verbose output to ~/output.txt:\n \n -vrf ~/output.txt -d /opt/IBM/IIB -d /opt/mqm\n 8. \n\n\nBack to top\n\n\n\nWEBSPHERE APPLICATION SERVER\n\nWebSphere Application Server and other IBM products built on WebSphere Application Server normally show the MQ jar files in more than one location. Except as noted below, the copies of the MQ jar files should match the versions listed on this page []. Any copies of the MQ jar files other than those listed below might represent a problem: \n\n\n 1. WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5, V8.5 and V8.0\n 2. \n 3.",
"1. WebSphere Application Server V7.0\n 2. \n 3. \n 4. \n 5. \n 6. If you created a WebSphere Application Server V7.0 profile before applying fix pack or later, you must update the profile to use the correct MQ Resource Adapter path []. Otherwise, the application servers in that profile will use the old MQ Resource Adapter jars under the profile installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar directory rather than the MQ jars in the main installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar directory, which are kept up to date by WebSphere Application Server fix packs.\n\n\n 1. WebSphere Application Server V6.1\n 2. \n 3. \n\n\n\nBack to top\n\n\n\nSAMPLE OUTPUT",
"1. sh> \n 2. ./ -r -f mqlist.txt -d /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n 3. \n 4. Running V1.4 on SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (ppc) with arguments: -r -f mqlist.txt -d /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n \n Searching directory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n 2180 possible Java archives found\n 1. Found 80 MQ classes in classes.jar in WMQHTTP.war in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear:\n root root 145600 2014-07-16 13:56 /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/Dmgr01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear\n 2. Found 80 MQ classes in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/aemtux1Cell01/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP.war/WEB-INF/lib/classes.jar:",
"root root 156845 2013-09-25 18:02 /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/installedApps/aemtux1Cell01/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP.war/WEB-INF/lib/classes.jar\n 3. Found 80 MQ classes in classes.jar in WMQHTTP.war in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear:\n root root 145600 2014-07-16 13:57 /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/config/cells/aemtux1Cell01/applications/WMQHTTP_war.ear/WMQHTTP_war.ear\n 4. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ Common Service\n Implementation-Version: ${version.number} - ${build.level}\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 5. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar",
"Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ J2EE Connector Architecture\n Implementation-Version:\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 6. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 /wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 7. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 8. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar",
"Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 9. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 10. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 11. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar",
"Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 12. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: JMS Common Client API/SPI\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 13. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 14. Found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Title: JMS Client Common Facade",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 15. Found dhbcore.jar in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/lib/WMQ/ra/wmq.jmsra.rar:\n root root 7885592 2012-10-15 12:56 wmq.jmsra.rar\n Implementation-Version: \"DH610-GOLD\"\n Implementation-Title: \"Webscale Distribution Hub Core\"\n Implementation-Vendor: \"IBM Corporation\"\n 16. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 1115668 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 17. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 728387 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ Common Service",
"Implementation-Version: ${version.number} - ${build.level}\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 18. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 546407 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 19. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 448745 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 20. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 358016 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: JMS Common Client API/SPI",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 21. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 352254 Aug 01 11:49\n Implementation-Title: JMS Common Client facade\n Implementation-Version: - k701-105-110419\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 22. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 339396 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ J2EE Connector Architecture\n Implementation-Version:\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 23. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 338572 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 24. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 224747 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 25. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 209738 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java\n Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 26. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/\n root root 125200 2012-10-15 12:56\n Implementation-Title: WebSphere MQ classes for Java",
"Implementation-Version: - k000-L111005.1\n Implementation-Vendor: IBM Corporation\n 27. Found /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/installedConnectors/wmq.jmsra.rar/dhbcore.jar:\n root root 2011835 2012-10-15 12:56 dhbcore.jar\n Implementation-Version: \"DH610-GOLD\"\n Implementation-Title: \"Webscale Distribution Hub Core\"\n Implementation-Vendor: \"IBM Corporation\"\n 27 jar files with MQ code found in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer\n \n 27 total jar files with MQ code found\n Results saved to mqlist.txt\n \n \n \n 5. \n 6. Back to top",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n\nReview the output from to determine where copies of the MQ jar files have been found. Not all duplicates represent a problem, unless they are being loaded by your Java SE application or Java EE application server at runtime. If the file shows an implementation version of ${version.number} - ${build.level} just ignore it.\n\nIn the sample output above, entries #16 through #27 represent the jar files for the installed MQ Resource Adapter. They all show an implementation version of - k000-L111005.1 except for #21,, which shows an implementation version of - k701-105-110419. Because the jar file versions are not in sync, MQ JMS will not function as expected.",
"In cases like this, the wmq.jmsra.rar file should contain a copy of the MQ jar at the right level for the application server. Entry #14 in the output shows the file with an implementation version of - k000-L111005.1, which is what we need. Use the jar program to extract the file from the wmq.jmsra.rar archive, then copy it over the back-level version of the jar. Use chown and chmod to ensure the permissions on the file are correct.\n\nIn other cases, you might find that the classpath for the application server, or for your Java SE application, is picking up extra copies of the MQ jar files. Eliminating unnecessary classpath entries can resolve the problem.\n\nIf your Java EE application (.ear or .war) bundles a copy of any MQ jar files, you should remove them and rely on the ones from the installed MQ Resource Adapter instead.\n\nBack to top",
"Additional Keywords: \ntroubleshoot troubleshooting trouble shoot classloader classpath configuration scripts\n\n\n\nDOWNLOAD\n 1. \n 2. [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21681142&aid=2]\n\n\n\n\nDISCLAIMER: All source code and/or binaries attached to this document are referred to here as \"the Program\". IBM is not providing program services of any kind for the Program. IBM is providing the Program on an \"AS IS\" basis without warranty of any kind. IBM WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY ACTUAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF IBM, OR ITS RESELLER, HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. Back to top"
] | [
"Finding and eliminating duplicate copies of the MQ jar files can be a difficult task, but the script simplifies that task on Linux and UNIX systems."
] | [
] | 2,619 | 5,407 | 16,504 |
TRAIN_Q488 | Does DB2 DBMS implement NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules to provision digital signatures?
V-58159 - SV-72589r1_rule says "The DBMS must implement NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules to provision digital signatures."
Does DB2 UDB version 8 implement NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules to provision digital signatures? | DB2 uses encryption modules which are FIPS 140-2 certified. | [
"IBM DB2 UDB Version 8, v10.5 compliance with FIPS 140-2 standard - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n Is DB2 v8, v10.5 compliant to FIPS 140-2 ?. \n\nANSWER\n\nIs DB2 v10.5 compliant with FIPS 140-2?\n\nQ: Is DB2 vulnerable to the problem described below?\n\nV-58165 DBMS main in the middle attack []\n\n\"One class of man-in-the-middle, or session hijacking, attack involves the adversary guessing at valid session identifiers based on patterns in identifiers already known. The preferred technique for thwarting guesses at Session IDs is the generation of unique session identifiers using a FIPS 140-2 approved random number generator. However, it is recognized that available DBMS products do not all implement the preferred technique yet may have other protections against session hijacking. Therefore, other techniques are acceptable, provided they are demonstrated to be effective. \"",
"A: No because DB2 does not use session ids for authentication and thus not vulnerable to the attack described above. DB2 uses encryption modules which are FIPS 140-2 certified.\n\nDB2 v8.x compliancy to FIPS 140-2\n\nDB2 v8.x went out of support in April 2009.\n\nWhat is ICC?\n\nICC (IBM Crypto for C) is a set of libraries from Tivoli® for performing encryption. As of DB2® Universal Database™ (DB2 UDB) Version 8 fixpak 7 (equivalent to DB2 UDB Version 8.2), DB2 is using ICC on most platforms.\n\nCustomers who need to operate in an environment that is compliant with FIPS 140-2 federal standard should take into account the releases of ICC that are shipped by DB2 on different platforms and the compliance status of those releases with FIPS 140.2.\n\nFollowing is a list of platforms on which DB2 is using ICC for encryption of data flowing between clients and servers:",
"DB2 V8 Fixpak 7 through DB2 Fixpak 11: \nICC Version 1.2.2 on platforms:\nAIX 32 bit\nHP-UX PA-RISC 32 bit\nICC Version 1.2.1 on platforms: \nAIX 64 bit\nHP-UX PA-RISC 64 bit\nHP-UX IA64\nLinux x86, Linux x86-64, Linux IA64\nLinux for zSeries\nLinux for POWER\nWindows x86 and IA64\nSolaris SPARC 64 bit\nICC Version 1.3.9 on platforms:\nSolaris x86-64 (DB2 V8.2 GA)\n\nDB2 V8 Fixpak 12 and later: \nICC Version 1.4.1 on platforms \nAIX\nHP-UX PA-RISC\nLinux x86 and x86-64\nLinux for zSeries\nLinux for POWER\nWindows x86 and x86-64\nSolaris SPARC\nICC Version 1.3.9 on platforms \nHP-UX IA64\nLinux IA64\nWindows IA64\n\nSummary of known problems encountered in ICC 1.2.1/1.2.2:\nThere are a number of issues with DB2 and the ICC encryption libraries at levels prior to 1.3.9. The known problems are:",
"1. Severe performance problems where processes seem to hang, or take several minutes to run. \n 2. A bug in ICC code causes it to communicate with the OpenSSL EGD (Entropy Gathering Daemon) which under certain circumstances could hang \n 3. ICC symbols have not been namespaced and DB2 can end up with symbol collisions with OpenSSL code. This can also happen when multiple versions of ICC are used within the same process.\n\n\nDB2 Version 8 Fixpak 12 and later incorporates IBM Crypto for C (ICC) version 1.3.9 or 1.4.1 cryptographic module which fixes these problems. \n\n \n\nNote: The latest status of ICC conformance with FIPS 140-2 standard can be obtained by referring to []\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n FIPS PUB 140-2 []"
] | [
"DB2 uses encryption modules which are FIPS 140-2 certified."
] | [
] | 503 | 1,010 | 3,512 |
TRAIN_Q489 | Recurrent RES StaleConnectionException How to prevent rule execution failing because of recurrent StaleConnectionException on ODM 8.8 Rule Execution Server? | Configure the WebSphere Application Server data source connection pool [] so as to eliminate occurrences of StaleConnectionException :
* Set the Minimum connections to 0 to avoid situations where a connection is kept in the pool to meet the minimum requirement, even though it may have been idle for longer than Unused timeout
* Set the values for Unused timeout and Reap timeout so that the sum does not exceed any network level idle connection timeout | [
"IBM JRules or ODM module fails to access database with StaleConnectionException - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n JRules and ODM modules such as Rule Execution Server (RES) and Rule Team Server (RTS) / Decision Center (DC) may fail to access their data source with the following type of exception present in the log:\n\ Io exception: Connection timed out \n\nSYMPTOM\nThe problem may occur when a JRules or ODM module accesses its data source after a period of database access inactivity. For example:",
"* The first user accessing a RTS / DC server that remained idle overnight experiences a failure upon logging and the server log shows an occurred at that time. \n * After a RES server has been processing execution requests normally for some time, an attempt to deploy a ruleset update fails and the server log shows an occurred upon an attempt to invalidate a ruleset or to retrieve its definition.",
"CAUSE\nThe underlying network connection for a data source is no longer valid although the data source itself remains considered active from the WebSphere Application Server data source connection pool management perspective. An attempt by a JRules module to try and access its data base through one such data source connection provided by the Application Server may then fail. \nThe network connection of a data source may become invalid for a number of reasons, one typical example is that a firewall between the Application Server and the Database has a policy to discard network connections that remain idle for some time.\n\n\nENVIRONMENT\nThe exception is specific to WebSphere Application Server environments. But a similar issue can be experienced with Weblogic, see: Rule Execution Server on WebLogic unable to load ruleset after period of inactivity []",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nConfigure the WebSphere Application Server data source connection pool [] so as to eliminate occurrences of StaleConnectionException : \n\n * Set the Minimum connections to 0 to avoid situations where a connection is kept in the pool to meet the minimum requirement, even though it may have been idle for longer than Unused timeout \n * Set the values for Unused timeout and Reap timeout so that the sum does not exceed any network level idle connection timeout",
"The document Troubleshooting stale connection problems [] provides further information. RELATED INFORMATION\n#RES unable to load ruleset after period of inactivity []\nTroubleshooting stale connection problems []\n\n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration IBM Operational Decision Manager Platform Independent 8.5, 8.0.1, 8.0, 7.5 Enterprise"
] | [
"Configure the WebSphere Application Server data source connection pool [] so as to eliminate occurrences of StaleConnectionException : \n\n * Set the Minimum connections to 0 to avoid situations where a connection is kept in the pool to meet the minimum requirement, even though it may have been idle for longer than Unused timeout \n * Set the values for Unused timeout and Reap timeout so that the sum does not exceed any network level idle connection timeout"
] | [
] | 411 | 815 | 3,278 |
TRAIN_Q490 | TWS / DWC and WebSphere WebSphere for TWS & DWC were upgraded to on most servers in a particular environment. However, any TWS servers that still had, could no longer be seen by the new DWC / WAS servers. Those lower WAS version engines could not be added to the DWC.
Errors seen are:
AWSUI0833E The operation could not be completed. There has been a communication failure.
The internal message is: AWSJCO005E WebSphere Application Server has given the following error: Error getting WsnNameService properties. | You can solve this problem by configuring your TWS engines to use TLS instead of SSL : | [
"IBM How Connect TDWC 9.3 to TWS Engine lower level release - United States dwc 93; connect; SSL ; TLS TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n DWC 9.3 users cannot connect to TWS Engine lower level releases (8.5.1 until 9.2) \n\nSYMPTOM\nUnable to connect to TWS 8.5.1 ,8.6 or 9.1/9.2 from DWC 9.3. \n\nCheck the WAS SystemOut.log for error :\n\nSSL0080E: - The client and server could not negotiate the desired level of security. Reason: Server chose SSLv3, \nbut that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client. Server chose SSLv3, but that protocol version is not enabled or not supported by the client.\n\n\nCAUSE\nDWC 9.3 is packaged with WAS and due to known vulnerabilities has SSLV3 disabled. However TWS 9.2 and earlier versions use SSLv3 by default and so the DWC 9.3 cannot connect\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nYou can solve this problem by configuring your TWS engines to use TLS instead of SSL :",
"Backup and edit : \n\nTWA_HOME/WAS/TWSProfile/config/cells/TWSNodeCell/security.xml \n\nFind sslProtocol and change \"SSL_TLS\" to \"TLS\" \n\nFind ssl.protocol and change value=\"SSL\" to value=\"TLS\" \n\nBackup and edit : \n\nTWA_HOME/WAS/TWSProfile/properties/ssl.client.props \n\nFind and change to \n\nBackup and edit : \n\nTWA_HOME/WAS/TWSProfile/temp/ssl.client.props \n\nFind and change to \n\nStop and restart WAS. \n\n*Be aware that your Engines are now using TLS and so you must also reconfigure any DWC 9.2 or 9.1 installations that need to connect to those engines. You would change them to use TLS in the same way as above but also by the same changes in these copies of security.xml and ssl.client.props : \n\nTWA_HOME/JazzSM/profile/config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell/security.xml \n\nTWA_HOME/JazzSM/profile/properties/ssl.client.props \n\nTWA_HOME/JazzSM/profile/temp/ssl.client.props",
"Please consider that since you configure with TLS the WAS of TWS Engine also the Dynamic Agent can be impacted. \n\nSee technote 1689332."
] | [
"You can solve this problem by configuring your TWS engines to use TLS instead of SSL :"
] | [
] | 277 | 658 | 2,101 |
TRAIN_Q492 | Help with Security Bulletin: Malformed client flows abend MQTT channel (CVE-2015-4943, CVE-2015-4941, CVE-2015-4942) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Malformed client flows abend MQTT channel (CVE-2015-4943, CVE-2015-4941, CVE-2015-4942). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2015-4943 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.
CVSS Base Score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)
CVEID: CVE-2015-4941 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service due to incorrect handling of abbreviated TLS handshake.
CVSS Base Score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)
CVEID: CVE-2015-4942 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.
CVSS Base Score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Malformed client flows abend MQTT channel (CVE-2015-4943, CVE-2015-4941, CVE-2015-4942) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n A number of malformed MQTT client flows could be issued by a malicious user to cause the MQXR service to abend and require manual restart.",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4943 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4941 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service due to incorrect handling of abbreviated TLS handshake.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined",
"CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)",
"CVEID: CVE-2015-4942 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM WebSphere MQ 8.0 \n\n - IBM WebSphere MQ and earlier maintenance levels \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.5 \n\n - IBM WebSphere MQ and earlier maintenance levels \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 \n\n - IBM WebSphere MQ and earlier maintenance levels\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nWebSphere MQ 8.0 \n\n - Apply fixpack [] \n\nWebSphere MQ 7.5",
"- Apply interim ifix IT09866 [] \n\nWebSphere MQ 7.1 \n\n - Apply fixpack []\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nReported to IBM by Codenomicon at []",
"CHANGE HISTORY\n 01 February 2016: Original version published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n A Japanese translation is available []"
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2015-4943 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4941 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service due to incorrect handling of abbreviated TLS handshake.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) \n\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4942 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)"
] | [] | 431 | 1,387 | 4,213 |
TRAIN_Q493 | Help with Security Bulletin: A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server, which is shipped with, or a required product for, IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition (CVE-2017-1741). I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: A security vulnerability has been identified in IBM WebSphere Application Server, which is shipped with, or a required product for, IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition (CVE-2017-1741) Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2017-1741 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information caused by improper handling of Administrative Console panel fields. When exploited an attacker could read files on the file system.
CVSS Base Score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Information disclosure in WebSphere Application Server Admin Console (CVE-2017-1741) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n There is a potential information disclosure in the WebSphere Application Server Admin Console. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\n\nCVEID: CVE-2017-1741 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information caused by improper handling of Administrative Console panel fields. When exploited an attacker could read files on the file system.\nCVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS",
"This vulnerability affects the following versions and releases of IBM WebSphere Application Server: \n\n * Version 9.0 \n * Version 8.5 \n * Version 8.0 \n * Version 7.0\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\n The recommended solution is to apply the interim fix, Fix Pack or PTF containing APARs PI90042 for each named product as soon as practical.\n\nFor WebSphere Application Server traditional and WebSphere Application Server Hypervisor Edition:",
"For V9.0.0.0 through \n· Upgrade to minimal fix pack levels as required by interim fixes and then apply Interim Fix PI90042 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []\n--OR-- \n· Apply Fix Pack or later.",
"For V8.5.0.0 through \n· Upgrade to minimal fix pack levels as required by interim fixes and then apply Interim Fix PI90042 [] [] \n--OR-- \n· Apply Fix Pack or later (targeted availability 3Q2018).",
"For V8.0.0.0 through \n· Upgrade to a minimal fix pack levels as required by interim fix and then apply Interim Fix PI90042 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []\n--OR-- \n· Apply Fix Pack or later.",
"For V7.0.0.0 through \n· Upgrade to a minimal fix pack levels as required by interim fix and then apply Interim Fix PI90042 [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []\n--OR-- \n· Apply Fix Pack or later. \n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this.",
"IMPORTANT NOTE\n IBM strongly suggests that all System z customers be subscribed to the System z Security Portal to receive the latest critical System z security and integrity service. If you are not subscribed, see the instructions on the System z Security web site []. Security and integrity APARs and associated fixes will be posted to this portal. IBM suggests reviewing the CVSS scores and applying all security or integrity fixes as soon as possible to minimize any potential risk. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 06 March 2018: original document published",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n A Japanese translation is available []"
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2017-1741 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information caused by improper handling of Administrative Console panel fields. When exploited an attacker could read files on the file system.\nCVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:L/I:N/A:N)"
] | [
] | 559 | 2,043 | 5,998 |
TRAIN_Q495 | Is there a way to separate the application logging from WebSphere Application Server logging?
Currently the WebSphere error logs as well as the application error logs are printed in same file. The same case with system out logs. Our goal is to separate the application system error and out logs from WebSphere system logs.
If we are use log4j in the application for separating the logs what is the best way to do this? | In WAS V8.5, we added the application name to log and trace records stored using HPEL (High Performance Extensible Logging). Since HPEL lets you format and filter your log content after it has been persisted to the HPEL log/trace repository, this lets you decide if you want to see your application content on its own (helpful for uncluttered debug of an application), or together with the application server log/trace content (helpful to see impact of server on applications, and vice versa). | [
"IBM Troubleshoot: Logging Problems in IBM WebSphere Application Server - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Trace analysis information for the logging component in the WebSphere® Application Server. \n\nSYMPTOM\nDoes not display.\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n \n\nThis document contains troubleshooting information for logging problems in the WebSphere® Application Server. This can help address common issues with this component before calling IBM support and save you time.\n\nTAB NAVIGATION\n * \n * \n * Troubleshoot- selected tab,\n * \n * Collect data []\n\nOverview \nYou will find common questions in this section that may help resolve your logging problems.\n\n1. How do I use JCL with WebSphere® Application Server?",
"For information on how to use JCL, see The Support Authority: Using Jakarta Commons Logging (JCL) with WebSphere Application Server []\n\n2. What are IBM recommendations regarding SLF4J and Logback? \n\nIn general, we recommend that customers use JUL when possible/practical (as mentioned in The Support Authority: A developer's guide to WebSphere Application Server logging []). JUL provides a good, ubiquitous logging infrastructure, which is suitable for most applications, and integrates with WebSphere Application Server log and trace. Using JUL directly also avoids extra log/trace API \"hops\" that are introduced by using other log/trace frameworks that map to JUL. The WAS logs are generated using JUL Handlers connected to the root JUL Logger.",
"In case you don't want to use JUL, or you have code that is already instrumented with another logging package, SLF4J or Logback can be helpful. For example, you may have code already written with Log4J. Log4J log/trace is not routed to WAS log/trace files, and Log4J loggers don't show up in the WAS tree of loggers you can control from the admin console. Further, trace spec settings you make in WAS do not control Log4J logger settings. This is where SLF4J or Logback can come in handy, as you can use them to intercept Log4J calls and forward them to the logging implementation of your choice. In order to integrate well with WAS logs/trace, we would recommend you bind your SLF4J/Logback API to map your log/trace content to JUL -- this will give you the ability to see your logs/trace in the WAS log/trace files, and enable you to have easy admin console control over all of your loggers.\n\n3. How can I get WAS logs to go to syslog or the Windows EventLog?",
"There are a number of places that users have asked to be able to direct logs to in the past. Most notably, a number of customers have asked for the ability to send logs to syslog.\n\nWebSphere Application Server sends all of its logs to java.util.logging (JUL), and customers can customize what happens to the log/trace events by way of using JUL Handlers. Once content is sent to JUL, it can be handled in a variety of flexible ways:\n\n1) By default, we store the content in our log files, such as SystemOut.log, trace.log, or the newer log and trace repositories of the High Performance Extensible Logging framework we added in WebSphere Application Server V8.0. We also send the log content over JMX notifications, which allows for remote access.",
"2) If customers want to send content to places like SMTP, syslog, event log, or a few other places, they can use SLF4J to route WAS logs to Log4J, and use the corresponding Log4J Appenders. In this configuration, WAS logging routes to java.util.logging, SLF4J's Handler routes the request to Log4J, and Log4J can be configured to write log records to a syslog Appender. \n\n3) If users want to do something even more custom, they can write their own JUL Handlers and plug them into WebSphere Application Server. \n\n4. I am unable to turn on WebSphere Application Server trace. The trace state sets to *=off?\n\nThe systemOut.log shows: \n\n\n\n[5/26/15 14:10:44:746 EDT] 000000d9 ManagerAdmin I TRAS0018I: The trace state has changed. The new trace state is *=off. \nThe problem is related to the below two JVM arguments:",
"-Djava.util.logging.configureByLoggingPropertiesFile=TRUE\n-Djava.util.logging.config.file=<path>/ \nVerify if the above 2 JVM arguments are configured. If yes, temporary disable it so WAS trace can be enabled. \n\n5. The WebSphere Application Server logging has stopped, what may have caused this? \n\nThe user might have disabled the trace by setting trace output to none. \n\nSetting runtime trace output to none impacts the JVM logs. To do that, the runtime trace spec will be set to *=off, which means to turn off all log levels. If customers just want to disable the trace for debug information only, we recommend setting the runtime trace spec, accordingly, instead of setting runtime trace output to none. For example, set to *=info, which is the default.",
"Verify if the commons-logging.jar and exist in the JVM classpath. If yes, suggest to remove it and put them inside the application (with parent_last setting) or put them in the isolated shared library. \n\n6. How can I separate my logs into separate files for each application? \n\nIn WAS V8.5, we added the application name to log and trace records stored using HPEL (High Performance Extensible Logging). Since HPEL lets you format and filter your log content after it has been persisted to the HPEL log/trace repository, this lets you decide if you want to see your application content on its own (helpful for uncluttered debug of an application), or together with the application server log/trace content (helpful to see impact of server on applications, and vice versa).",
"For example, if you had 3 applications called app1, app2, and app3, you could create app specific logs as follows: WAS_INSTALL_ROOT\\bin> logViewer -includeExtensions appName=app1 > app1.log\nWAS_INSTALL_ROOT\\bin> logViewer -includeExtensions appName=app2 > app2.log\nWAS_INSTALL_ROOT\\bin> logViewer -includeExtensions appName=app3 > app3.log \nor see everything in one file as follows: \n\nWAS_INSTALL_ROOT\\bin> logViewer > all.log \n7. How can I add my own java.util.logging.Handler to WAS? \n\nTo create a Handler you need to extend the java.util.logging.Handler class as follows (this example also shows how to filter for only the most severe messages):",
"import java.util.logging.Handler;\nimport java.util.logging.Level;\nimport java.util.logging.LogRecord;\npublic class MyHandler extends Handler {\npublic void close() {\n}\npublic void flush() {\n}\npublic void publish(LogRecord record) {\nif (record.getLevel().intValue() >= Level.SEVERE.intValue()) {\n// do something...\n}\n}\n}\nIn your application you can add that Handler to the root logger as follows:\nimport java.util.logging.Handler;\nimport java.util.logging.Logger;\n...\nHandler myHandler = new MyHandler();\nLogger logger = Logger.getLogger(\"\");\nlogger.addHandler(myHandler);\n... \n8. Why can't I set my own log levels using the Logger setLevel method? \n\nThe application server can run in two modes.",
"By default, the logger levels are managed, and we expect any changes to logger levels to be done only through wsadmin or through the admin console. When the trace spec update is applied, we explicitly set each logger to the level specified in the trace spec -- we do not leave any named loggers at level set to null. So, while you can change a logger's level using the setLevel method, that change only lasts until you apply your next trace spec update from wsadmin or the admin console. Basically, changes you make via logger.setLevel are temporary at best, and do not apply automatically to children since the children won't have a null level.",
"Alternately, you can have the server to be configured by the JRE's file by setting the java.util.logging.configureByLoggingPropertiesFile property. In this mode, the application server will not touch the logger levels -- you cannot update the levels through the admin console, nor through wsadmin. See Java virtual machine custom properties [] for more information on this setting. In this mode, you can specify anything you would normally specify in your file. Be careful not to use a console handler though, as that will lead to an infinite loop, since we take data sent to System.out, turn it into LogRecords, and send it to the root logger. \n9. How can I get java.util.logging to initialize from a jre/bin/ file in the application server? \n\nYou can do this via system property: java.util.logging.configureByLoggingPropertiesFile=true",
"Note that if you do set up your server in this mode, we will not manage your logger levels via the admin console.\n\nNote also that we will ignore any console handler entries found in the file, since we route System.out to the root logger, which would mean that a console handler would cause an infinite recursion. \n\nIf you do use this system property, and you want to change logger levels, you have two choices:\n\n\n * \n * 2) Set the Logger levels programatically using the Logger.setLevel method\n \n\n10. How can I get the full logger name from log and trace records? \n\nThe full logger name can be handy to know for enabling trace. How you get to it depends on what log and trace mode you use: \n\nBasic log and trace mode: \n\nThe basic log format (not to be confused with basic log and trace mode), which is the default format for SystemOut.log / SystemErr.log / trace.log has a truncated version of the logger name:",
"[4/14/11 9:41:45:218 EDT] 00000021 QuickLogTest W hello fine 54857 \nThere is no way to get the full logger name from basic formatted logs. You need to switch to advanced format for your logs/trace if you want to see the full logger name. Once in advanced format, log contents appear as follows: \n\n[4/14/11 9:41:45:218 EDT] 00000021 W UOW= org= prod= component= thread=[WebContainer : 4]\nhello fine 54857 \nHPEL log and trace mode: \n\nYou can use the HPEL LogViewer command line tool to output the log/trace content in either basic or advanced format. \n\n> logviewer -format basic \n\n....\n[4/14/11 9:41:45:218 EDT] 00000021 QuickLogTest W hello fine 54857\n.... \n> logviewer -format advanced \n\n....\n[4/14/11 9:41:45:218 EDT] 00000021 W UOW= org= prod= component= thread=[WebContainer : 4]\nhello fine 54857\n... \n11. How can I write HPEL content to a database?",
"If you want to write to a Database, any of the following options will work: \n\n1) Write your own log handler (that writes to a database) and plug it into JSR47. (see the Java doc for java.util.logging.Handler) \n\n2) Write an HPEL reading Java application to read the content from an HPEL log repository and write it to a database \n\n3) Write an HPEL reading Java application to read the content from an HPEL log repository and write it out in .csv format, then just use the common database commands to load the .csv content into the database. \n\n12. How do you tune HPEL for optimal performance in tWAS? \n\nIn the server.xml, jvmEntries element: \n- Ensure debugMode is set to false \n- Ensure RAS JMX notifications are disabled by including in genericJvmArguments \n- Ensure -Xquickstart is not in the list of genericJvmArguments",
"<jvmEntries xmi:id=\"JavaVirtualMachine_1183122130078\" verboseModeClass=\"false\" verboseModeGarbageCollection=\"false\" verboseModeJNI=\"false\" runHProf=\"false\" hprofArguments=\"\" debugMode=\"false\" debugArgs=\" -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=7777\" genericJvmArguments=\"\"> \nIn hpelModel.xml: \n- Ensure textLog is disabled. \n\n<hpelTextLog xmi:id=\"HPELTextLog_1\" enabled=\"false\" dataDirectory=\"${SERVER_LOG_ROOT}\"/> \n13. How can I tell who is writing to System.err / System.out ? \n\nAdd the following to your genericJvmArgument s : \n\n-Xtrace:print=mt,trigger=method{com/ibm/ejs/ras/System*.*,jstacktrace} \n14. How can I identify what code is writing to System.out.println? \n\nAdd the following to your genericJvmArguments and restart the server to see a stack trace for each call to System.out.println:",
"-Xtrace:print=mt,trigger=method{java/io/PrintStream.println,jstacktrace} \nA snippet of the stack trace for a sample application, which calls System.out.println(), with the above JVM argument set, which identifies that the Hello.printHello ( writes to System.out. \n\n03:41:01.245*0x3277900 mt.0 > java/io/PrintStream.println(Ljava/lang/String;)V Bytecode method, This = 7fffff49f98\n03:41:01.247 0x3277900 j9trc_aux.0 - jstacktrace:\n03:41:01.248 0x3277900 j9trc_aux.1 - [1] (\n03:41:01.248 0x3277900 j9trc_aux.1 - [2] (\n03:41:01.250 0x3277900 j9trc_aux.1 - [3] Hello.printHello (\n03:41:01.251 0x3277900 j9trc_aux.1 - [4] Hello.main ( World\n03:41:01.253 0x3277900 mt.6 < java/io/PrintStream.println(Ljava/lang/String;)V Bytecode method \n15. How can I see who called a particular method? \n\nAdd the following to your genericJvmArguments:",
"-Xtrace:print=mt,trigger=method{java/util/logging/Logger.setLevel,jstacktrace} \n16. What are the .owner files for in the log directory? \n\nThe server creates a .owner file for each of the log files. The file content indicates which cell/node/server is the rightful user of the similarly named log file. This is used as a sort of locking mechanism to make sure that users don't improperly configure their systems. If two or more servers are configured to use the same log directory and file name, we can detect it using the .owner file and we will print a warning in the log file. \n\nFor more information, see Java virtual machine (JVM) log settings [] \n\n17. How can I correlate information from thread stacks in the javacore with information in my SystemOut.log file? \n\nThere are a few ways to correlate content in WAS logs/trace with content in javacore thread dumps:",
"Best option, if you are using WebSphere Application Server 8.0 / 8.5: \n\nApplies to: \nWAS and above running with Java 626 SR4 and above \nWAS and above running with Java 7 SR3 and above or Java 626 SR4 and above \n\nIn recent releases, we have made it possible to have the thread id used in the WebSphere Application Server log/trace match with the thread id used in javacores. In WAS and above, you can use a system property to make the thread id in the logs/trace match the Java thread id. In WAS and above, the thread id used in the logs/trace matches with the Java thread id by default. For more information, see PM60913: Introduce ability to use Java Thread ID in Logs instead of LogRecord Thread ID [] and JVM log interpretation []",
"Another option if you are using High Performance Extensible Logging (HPEL) / Binary Logging: \n\nApplies to: \nFull profile WAS and above \nLiberty profile WAS and above \n\nFull Profile: \nUse the HPEL logViewer command to output the logs in advanced format so you can see the full thread name: \n> logViewer -format advanced (basic is the default format) \n\nLiberty Profile: \nUse the binaryLog command line tool to output the logs in advanced format so you can see the full thread name: \n> binaryLog view --format=advanced \n\nYou will get output that looks like the following: \n\n[4/14/11 9:41:45:218 EDT] 00000021 W UOW= org= prod= component= thread=[WebContainer : 4] \nThe javacore contains the same thread name:",
"3XMTHREADINFO \"WebContainer : 4\" J9VMThread:0x1578D700, j9thread_t:0x150D0D04, java/lang/Thread:0x02517CE0, state:R, prio=5\n3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x15B0, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN)\n3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:\n4XESTACKTRACE at com/ibm/io/async/AsyncLibrary.aio_getioev2(Native Method) \nAnother option if you are using Advanced format for your SystemOut.log / trace.log: \n\nApplies to: \nAll currently supported WebSphere Application Server releases. \n\nChange your log/trace format to Advanced. The Advanced format contains the full thread name, as does the javacore. \n\nAdvanced format Log: \n\n[4/14/11 9:41:45:218 EDT] 00000021 W UOW= org= prod= component= thread=[WebContainer : 4] \nThe javacore contains the same thread name:",
"3XMTHREADINFO \"WebContainer : 4\" J9VMThread:0x1578D700, j9thread_t:0x150D0D04, java/lang/Thread:0x02517CE0, state:R, prio=5\n3XMTHREADINFO1 (native thread ID:0x15B0, native priority:0x5, native policy:UNKNOWN)\n3XMTHREADINFO3 Java callstack:\n4XESTACKTRACE at com/ibm/io/async/AsyncLibrary.aio_getioev2(Native Method) \nWhat to do next \nIf the preceding troubleshooting did not help solve your problem, see the Mustgather []for logging problems to continue investigation."
] | [
"In WAS V8.5, we added the application name to log and trace records stored using HPEL (High Performance Extensible Logging). Since HPEL lets you format and filter your log content after it has been persisted to the HPEL log/trace repository, this lets you decide if you want to see your application content on its own (helpful for uncluttered debug of an application), or together with the application server log/trace content (helpful to see impact of server on applications, and vice versa)."
] | [
] | 2,410 | 4,876 | 17,450 |
TRAIN_Q497 | Login to DASH returned "Page cannot be displayed" error Login to DASH returned "Page cannot be displayed" error | Run the log collector program:
1. Change the directory to <JazzSM Home>/ui/bin
2. Run the following command:
./ or .bat
Send us the file located in <JazzSM Home>/ui directory
and attach them to the associated Problem Management Record (PMR). Please include the time the issue was reproduced in the PMR update. Please also provide the DASH version info:
<JazzSM Home>/ui/bin/ Version
Upload the resulting output file to the PMR | [
"IBM Enabling tracing for the DASH service in Jazz for Service Management - United States DASHL2; DASHL2FAQ; DASHL2MUSTG; enable tracing TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n What is the procedure to enable trace logging to troubleshoot DASH runtime issues/errors? \n\nCAUSE\nYou can use trace logging to assist in monitoring system performance and diagnosing problems. Since trace logs can be quite verbose and include many unrelated errors, resetting the logs and then reproducing the problem issue can reduce the time required for log analysis for specific issues.\n\nANSWER\nSteps to enable tracing: \n\n\nEnable trace logging.",
"1. Log into the DASH. After logging in navigate to Console Settings [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21632844&aid=1] > Websphere Administrative Console. \n 2. Navigate to Troubleshooting -> Logs & Trace \n 3. Click on the Server1 -> Select Diagnostic Trace Service. Increase the Maximum Number of Historical Files from 1 to 10. \n 4. Click Apply, then select Change Log Detail Levels. \n 5. Click on Runtime tab to enable tracing for the DASH process that is currently running. Enabling tracing from the Runtime tab will keep tracing active until the next time the DASH server process is stopped. To make tracing persistent even after stopping and restarting the DASH server process click the Configuration tab instead. \n 6. Clear the trace string in the Groups box and replace it with the following:\n \n *=info:*=all:*=all:*=all:*=INFO",
"For the Connection manager (data provider related issues) you will want to enable all for the following components:\n \n *=info:**=all \n 7. Click on the Apply button. \n 8. If you enabled tracing from the Configuration tab in step 4, then click the \"Save\" link that appears at the top of the page. (\"Save to master configuration\")",
"Once tracing is enabled, reproduce the DASH runtime issue. Note the time that the issue was reproduced so that the issue can be easily correlated with the trace log entries. \n\nRun the log collector program:\n\n\n 1. Change the directory to <JazzSM Home>/ui/bin \n 2. Run the following command:\n \n ./ or .bat\n \n Send us the file located in <JazzSM Home>/ui directory\n\n\nand attach them to the associated Problem Management Record (PMR). Please include the time the issue was reproduced in the PMR update. Please also provide the DASH version info:\n<JazzSM Home>/ui/bin/ Version\n\nUpload the resulting output file to the PMR"
] | [
"Run the log collector program:\n\n\n 1. Change the directory to <JazzSM Home>/ui/bin \n 2. Run the following command:\n \n ./ or .bat\n \n Send us the file located in <JazzSM Home>/ui directory\n\n\nand attach them to the associated Problem Management Record (PMR). Please include the time the issue was reproduced in the PMR update. Please also provide the DASH version info:\n<JazzSM Home>/ui/bin/ Version\n\nUpload the resulting output file to the PMR"
] | [
] | 411 | 667 | 2,627 |
TRAIN_Q499 | Security Bulletin: IBM MQ Appliance is affected by a GNU C library (glibc) vulnerability (CVE-2017-8804) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: IBM MQ Appliance is affected by a GNU C library (glibc) vulnerability (CVE-2017-8804). Where can I find this information? | CVEID:CVE-2017-8804 []
DESCRIPTION:glibc is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by improper handling of buffer deserialization in the xdr_bytes and xdr_string functions. By sending a specially-crafted UDP packet, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause virtual memory allocation, or memory consumption on the system.
CVSS Base Score: 7.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See []for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: IBM MQ Appliance is affected by a GNU C library (glibc) vulnerability (CVE-2017-8804) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n IBM MQ Appliance has addressed a vulnerability in GNU C library (glibc). \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID:CVE-2017-8804 []\nDESCRIPTION:glibc is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by improper handling of buffer deserialization in the xdr_bytes and xdr_string functions. By sending a specially-crafted UDP packet, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause virtual memory allocation, or memory consumption on the system.\nCVSS Base Score: 7.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See []for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM MQ Appliance 8.0",
"Maintenance levels between and\nIBM MQ Appliance 9.0.x Continuous Delivery (CD) Release \n\nContinuous delivery updates between 9.0.1 and 9.0.3\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nIBM MQ Appliance 8.0 \n\nApply fixpack []\nIBM MQ Appliance 9.0.x Continuous Delivery (CD) Release \n\nApply Continuous Delivery Release 9.0.4 []\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this.",
"REFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 04 December 2017 Original version published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID:CVE-2017-8804 []\nDESCRIPTION:glibc is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by improper handling of buffer deserialization in the xdr_bytes and xdr_string functions. By sending a specially-crafted UDP packet, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to cause virtual memory allocation, or memory consumption on the system.\nCVSS Base Score: 7.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See []for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (CVSS:3.0/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H)"
] | [
] | 310 | 934 | 3,044 |
TRAIN_Q500 | Where is latest information on fix packs for Cast Iron? Where can I find more information on the fix packs and downloads available for the various releases of Cast Iron? | Following are links to more information about the latest fix packs available on Fix Central for these versions: | [
"IBM WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud integration fix packs are available - United States NEWS\n\nABSTRACT\n Fix packs for WebSphere Cast Iron Cloud integration are now available for download. \n\nCONTENT\nFollowing are links to more information about the latest fix packs available on Fix Central for these versions:",
"* (App Connect Professional). See this forum Q&A [] for more information. And see App Connect Professional builds and iFix details. [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * [] \n * []"
] | [
"Following are links to more information about the latest fix packs available on Fix Central for these versions:"
] | [
] | 110 | 514 | 1,282 |
TRAIN_Q503 | Can I remove the write permissions for "other" in ../ibm/common/acsi? Can I remove "write" permission for "other" for all the sub-directories and files under the following directory,
Will it cause any problem? | Remove world writable permissions from DE directories. This will not impact functionality. | [
"IBM Can we remove world-writable permissions - global write permission - United States World writeable TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n Setup a recurring process to remove world-writable from the files and directories: chmod o-w. We are not planning to delete any files. Would this impact functionality ? \n\nANSWER\nThe question is whether or not it is safe to remove world-writable for these files and directories. Some of them are dynamic and will be re-created with world-writable after reboot. For these we would like to remove world-writable on a recurring basis.",
"/export/opt/IBM/tivoli/tip/derby/TTSS Directory-Only /export/opt/IBM/tivoli/tip/derby/TTSS/log Directory-Only /export/opt/IBM/tivoli/tip/derby/TTSS/seg0 Directory-Only /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/etc Directory-Only /opt/tivoli/cit/bin/etc/wscanhw Directory-Only /opt/tivoli/cit/cache_data Directory-Only /tmp/javasharedresources Directory-Only /usr/ibm/common/acsi/logs Directory-Only /usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT/logs Directory-Only /var/.com.zerog.registry.xml File /var/ibm/common/acsi/resourceBundleLocation Directory-Only /usr/ibm/common/acsi/repos/persistSVCRepos Directory-Only /usr/ibm/common/acsi/repos/persistSVCRepos/* File /usr/ibm/tivoli Directory-Only /usr/ibm/tivoli/common Directory-Only /usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT Directory-Only \nAnswer:",
"DB2 is OK confirmed by DB2 support \n# Revoke world-writable from recurring DB2 log files \n/bin/chmod o-w \n/export/opt/IBM/home/tklmdb2/sqllib/db2dump/stmmlog/stmm.*.log \n/bin/chmod o-w \n/opt/IBM/home/tklmdb2/tklmdb2/NODE0000/TKLMDB/.SQLCRT.FLG \n/bin/chmod o-w \n/opt/IBM/home/tklmdb2/tklmdb2/NODE0000/TKLMDB/*/.SQLCRT.FLG \n\nTested removing world-writable permissions on DB2 and it is OK. \n\nNone of these files are TKLM specific. \n\nSome of these directories do not belong to TIP. \n\nCIT Files TKLM V2 doesn't have them: \n/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/etc Directory-Only \n/opt/tivoli/cit/bin/etc/wscanhw Directory-Only \n/opt/tivoli/cit/cache_data Directory-Only \n/usr/ibm/tivoli Directory-Only \n/usr/ibm/tivoli/common Directory-Only \n/usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT Directory-Only \n/usr/ibm/tivoli/common/CIT/logs Directory-Only \n\nChanged the permissions on those files. Everything looked OK: create a master keystore. create an LTO device. create a key, backup and restore, and apply a fixpack.",
"Non-DE \n/tmp/javasharedresources Directory-Only \n/var/.com.zerog.registry.xml File Can be deleted \nDE related files \n/usr/ibm/common/acsi/logs Directory-Only \n/var/ibm/common/acsi/resourceBundleLocation Directory-Only \n/usr/ibm/common/acsi/repos/persistSVCRepos Directory-Only \n/usr/ibm/common/acsi/repos/persistSVCRepos/* File \n** Remove world writable permissions from DE directories. This will not impact functionality. \n\nIt is OK to change the global write permission on above directories and files."
] | [
"Remove world writable permissions from DE directories. This will not impact functionality."
] | [
] | 263 | 945 | 2,791 |
TRAIN_Q504 | OMNIBUS nco_p_mttrapd : Malformed traps How can you determine why the MTTrapd [SNMP] probe drops traps? | Traps can be dropped during high loading, so ensure that the traps are being dropped from specific devices under normal load.
Use snoop, tcpdump or Wireshark to capture the traps that are being dropped on the probe servers port, as defined in the property file. | [
"IBM MTTrapd [SNMP] probe drops traps from specific devices - United States nco_p_mttrapd; snmp; snmp traps; traps; dropped; drop; dropping; malformed; TCP TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n MMTrapd probe : Why are SNMP traps dropped from specific devices? \n\nCAUSE\nSNMP packets can be dropped for a number of reasons, including overloading, malformed packets, malformed traps/informs and incorrectly configured/non-compliant MIBS.\n\nANSWER\nTraps can be dropped during high loading, so ensure that the traps are being dropped from specific devices under normal load. \n\nUse snoop, tcpdump or Wireshark to capture the traps that are being dropped on the probe servers port, as defined in the property file. \n\ne.g.\nPort : 162\n\n\nLoad the PCAP file into the Wireshark GUI and review the trap[s] visually. \n\n\nFor traps to be processed they must have enterprise-oid and uptime, otherwise they will be dropped during probe processing by the NET-SNMP libraries.",
"Try setting Protocol to 'ALL' in case the trap is being sent as TCP|UDP.\n\nFor SNMPv3 trap and inform processing please refer to the available online FAQ's and supplementary documentation [see related information].\n\nSNMPv3 traps require a unique creatruser entry for each device in the mttrapd.conf file, with the user definition including the devices unique engined-id. Whilst SNMPv3 INFORMs can be sent without an engine-id and a single createuser entry in the ConfPath's mttrapd.conf file.\n\nIf the trap appears to be RFC compliant, and MTTrapd probe is correctly configured, please send the PCAP file of the trap along with the probes debug log and property file to IBM Tivoli Netcool support for further analysis.\n\nIMPORTANT: You should ensure that the latest MTTrapd probe and Netcool/OMNIbus fix pack is installed before contacting IBM Tivoli Netcool support, and that the problem persists with the latest product.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n#Capturing TCP data []\nSupport's Guide to the SNMP [MTTrapd] probe []\nSNMPv3 trap reception []"
] | [
"Traps can be dropped during high loading, so ensure that the traps are being dropped from specific devices under normal load. \n\nUse snoop, tcpdump or Wireshark to capture the traps that are being dropped on the probe servers port, as defined in the property file."
] | [
] | 290 | 586 | 2,148 |
TRAIN_Q507 | Why are the users unable to login to Web GUI 8.1 after I modify timeout to 2147483647 in security.xml file ?
I followed the Web GUI 8.1 reference guide here to switching off the session timeout
After I edited /config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell/security.xml file, modified timeout setting to 2147483647, users are not able to login anymore. | 1. On DASH server, navigate to <JazzSM Home>/profile/config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell/applications/isc.ear/deployments/isc/isclite.war/WEB-INF
2. Take a backup of consoleProperties.xml
3. Open consoleProperties.xml in edit-mode.
4. Search for "LTPAFIX" and change the value from "true" to "false".
<consoleproperties:console-property id="LTPAFIX" value="true"/>
<consoleproperties:console-property id="LTPAFIX" value="false"/>
5. Save the file.
6. Restart DASH server. | [
"IBM Setting a big session time-out value in DASH causes session lock-out - United States DASHL2; session; time-out; timeout; cannot login; locked out ; 2147483647; security.xml TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Using a big value (2147483647) for the session timeout setting in DASH, to achieve the maximum time between timeouts, is causing users to be locked out completely. \n\nSYMPTOM\nAfter entering the user ID and password in the login page, and then pressing the \"continue\" button,\nthe login page does not change, stuck at \"processing\" and then returns to the login page again.\" \n\nAll users get essentially locked out completely from DASH sessions.\n\n\nCAUSE\nIn order to maximize the time between session timeouts, the customer is setting the timeout parameter in the security.xml file to 2147483647.",
"This timeout parameter used in the security.xml file is a WAS setting, but DASH is using a javascript call (settimeout), which causes a condition that prevents a login, if the timeout value is really big. \n\n\nNote: 2147483647 is the maximum positive value for a 32-bit signed binary integer in computing.\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThis condition that prevents logins can be averted by setting the custom property LTPAFIX in the consoleProperties.xml to \"false\". \n\n\nPlease follow this steps: \n\n1. On DASH server, navigate to <JazzSM Home>/profile/config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell/applications/isc.ear/deployments/isc/isclite.war/WEB-INF \n\n \n2. Take a backup of consoleProperties.xml \n\n \n3. Open consoleProperties.xml in edit-mode. \n\n \n4. Search for \"LTPAFIX\" and change the value from \"true\" to \"false\". \n\n\nExample: \n\nBefore \n===== \n<consoleproperties:console-property id=\"LTPAFIX\" value=\"true\"/> \n</consoleproperties:ibm-portal-consoleproperties>",
"After \n==== \n<consoleproperties:console-property id=\"LTPAFIX\" value=\"false\"/> \n</consoleproperties:ibm-portal-consoleproperties> \n\n5. Save the file. \n\n \n6. Restart DASH server."
] | [
"1. On DASH server, navigate to <JazzSM Home>/profile/config/cells/JazzSMNode01Cell/applications/isc.ear/deployments/isc/isclite.war/WEB-INF \n\n \n2. Take a backup of consoleProperties.xml \n\n \n3. Open consoleProperties.xml in edit-mode. \n\n \n4. Search for \"LTPAFIX\" and change the value from \"true\" to \"false\". \n\n\nExample: \n\nBefore \n===== \n<consoleproperties:console-property id=\"LTPAFIX\" value=\"true\"/> \n</consoleproperties:ibm-portal-consoleproperties> \n\nAfter \n==== \n<consoleproperties:console-property id=\"LTPAFIX\" value=\"false\"/> \n</consoleproperties:ibm-portal-consoleproperties> \n\n5. Save the file. \n\n \n6. Restart DASH server."
] | [] | 248 | 537 | 1,935 |
TRAIN_Q511 | Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in SSL affect IBM DataPower Gateways (CVE-2015-0289) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in SSL affect IBM DataPower Gateways (CVE-2015-0289). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2015-0289 []
DESCRIPTION: OpenSSL is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the failure to properly handle missing outer ContentInfo by the PKCS#7 parsing code. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a malformed ASN.1-encoded PKCS#7 blob to trigger a NULL pointer dereference.
CVSS Base Score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Vulnerabilities in SSL affect IBM DataPower Gateways (CVE-2015-0287, CVE-2015-0289, CVE-2015-0292, and CVE-2015-0293) - United States datapower; CVE-2015-0287; CVE-2015-0289; CVE-2015-0292; CVE-2015-0293 SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n OpenSSL vulnerabilities were disclosed on March 19, 2015 by the OpenSSL Project. IBM DataPower Gateway has addressed the corresponding applicable CVEs.",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0287 []\nDESCRIPTION: OpenSSL could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by an error related to the reuse of a structure in ASN.1 parsing. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using an invalid write to corrupt memory and execute arbitrary code on the system.\nCVSS Base Score: 7.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)",
"CVEID: CVE-2015-0289 []\nDESCRIPTION: OpenSSL is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the failure to properly handle missing outer ContentInfo by the PKCS#7 parsing code. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a malformed ASN.1-encoded PKCS#7 blob to trigger a NULL pointer dereference.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)",
"CVEID: CVE-2015-0292 []\nDESCRIPTION: OpenSSL could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code on the system, caused by an error when processing base64 encoded data. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using specially-crafted base 64 data to corrupt memory and execute arbitrary code on the system and cause a denial of service.\nCVSS Base Score: 7.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:P)",
"CVEID: CVE-2015-0293 []\nDESCRIPTION: OpenSSL is vulnerable to a denial of service. By sending a specially-crafted SSLv2 CLIENT-MASTER-KEY message, a remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability to trigger an assertion.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)",
"Note that the following vulnerabilities disclosed on the same day do not impact DataPower appliances:\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0291 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0207 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0208 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0209 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0285 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0286 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0288 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-0290 []\nCVEID: CVE-2015-1787 []\n\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM DataPower Gateway appliances all versions through,,, and",
"REMEDIATION/FIXES\nFix is available in versions,, Refer to APAR IT07854 [] for [] URLs to download the fix.\n\nThis bulletin will be updated when a fix is made available for DataPower 7.1.x version. \n\nFor customers on DataPower 5.x versions, IBM recommends upgrading to a fixed, supported version of the product\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] OpenSSL Project vulnerability website [] OpenSSL Advisory on above listed CVEs []",
"RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] ACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 15 May 2015: Updated status on 7.1.x\n30 April 2015: Original Version Published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2015-0289 []\nDESCRIPTION: OpenSSL is vulnerable to a denial of service, caused by the failure to properly handle missing outer ContentInfo by the PKCS#7 parsing code. An attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a malformed ASN.1-encoded PKCS#7 blob to trigger a NULL pointer dereference.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)"
] | [
] | 572 | 2,005 | 6,024 |
TRAIN_Q512 | Installing RAA plugin in RDz Hi,
I'm trying to install the RAA plugin in RDz.
But the installation manager mentions that it is not compatibble with an other package, in casu the IBM CICS Explorer SDK. But I would like to install both, is this not possible? | Follow the steps below to install RAAi:
1. Find the jar files by opening the file and looking in thepluginsfolder for these two files: **.jar
2. Find thedropinssubdirectory. 1. Right click on the properties to find the shortcut used to start RDz.
2. Look at theTargetproperty to see where eclipse.exe resides
For example: C:\Program Files\IBM\SDP
3. Create a dropinssubdirectory if one does not exist.
4. Copy the two jar files above to thedropinssubdirectory.
5. Restart RDz (Run as administrator)
6. Verify you have an Asset Analyzerentry in the left pane after RDz restarts by clicking on Window > Preferencesfrom the menu. | [
"IBM Installing Rational Asset Analyzer Plug-in on Rational Developer for z/OS results in error CRIMA1071E - United States RAA; RAAi; Rdz; CRIMA1071E; 41580 TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Attempts to install IBM Rational Asset Analyzer (RAA) Plug-in (RAAi) for IBM Rational Developer for System z (RDz) results in the error CRIMA1071E. \n\nSYMPTOM\nYou may receive a message similar to the following when installing RAAi in a RDz V9.0 environment: \n\nIBM Rational® Asset Analyzer Plug-in for IBM Rational Developer for System z® cannot be installed into any package group.\n\nCRIMA1071E: The installation package 'IBM Rational® Asset Analyzer Plug-in for IBM Rational Developer for System z®' requires components supplied by other packages.\nThe required components might be supplied by the following installation packages:\nPackage: Rational® Developer for System z 7.6\n\n\nCAUSE\nThe RAAi installation program does not yet support RDz 9.0.",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nInstall RAAi 6.1 into RDz 9.0 by manually copying the plug-in jar files to the Eclipsedropinsfolder. \n\n\nFollow the steps below to install RAAi:\n\n\n 1. Find the jar files by opening the file and looking in thepluginsfolder for these two files: **.jar \n **.jar\n \n \n \n \n 2. Find thedropinssubdirectory. 1. Right click on the properties to find the shortcut used to start RDz. \n 2. Look at theTargetproperty to see where eclipse.exe resides\n For example: C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\SDP\n \n \n \n \n 3. Create a dropinssubdirectory if one does not exist. \n \n \n 4. Copy the two jar files above to thedropinssubdirectory. \n \n \n 5. Restart RDz (Run as administrator)\n \n \n 6. Verify you have an Asset Analyzerentry in the left pane after RDz restarts by clicking on Window > Preferencesfrom the menu.",
"If you later wish to delete this copy of RAAi 6.1, simply remove the two plug-in jar files that you previously copied into the dropins subdirectory. \n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Software Development Rational Asset Analyzer for System z"
] | [
"Follow the steps below to install RAAi:\n\n\n 1. Find the jar files by opening the file and looking in thepluginsfolder for these two files: **.jar \n **.jar\n \n \n \n \n 2. Find thedropinssubdirectory. 1. Right click on the properties to find the shortcut used to start RDz. \n 2. Look at theTargetproperty to see where eclipse.exe resides\n For example: C:\\Program Files\\IBM\\SDP\n \n \n \n \n 3. Create a dropinssubdirectory if one does not exist. \n \n \n 4. Copy the two jar files above to thedropinssubdirectory. \n \n \n 5. Restart RDz (Run as administrator)\n \n \n 6. Verify you have an Asset Analyzerentry in the left pane after RDz restarts by clicking on Window > Preferencesfrom the menu."
] | [
] | 387 | 619 | 2,194 |
TRAIN_Q513 | Help with Security Bulletin: WMB and IIB are affected by denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2014-8901) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: WebSphere Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus are affected by denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2014-8901). Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2014-8901 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM XML4J and XML4C libraries contain a denial of service vulnerability when loading specially crafted content. This causes the CPU to consume 100% of available resources and creates serious performance degradation to the system.
CVSS Base Score: 4
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:N/I:N/A:P) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: WebSphere Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus are affected by denial of service vulnerability (CVE-2014-8901) - United States WMB IIB SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n WebSphere Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus are affected by denial of service vulnerability. Pattern matching while validating a specially crafted XML document causes XML4C to consume 100% CPU",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2014-8901 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM XML4J and XML4C libraries contain a denial of service vulnerability when loading specially crafted content. This causes the CPU to consume 100% of available resources and creates serious performance degradation to the system.\nCVSS Base Score: 4\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:N/I:N/A:P) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nWebSphere Message Broker V8 \n\nIBM Integration Bus V9 and V10 \n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES",
"Product VRMF APAR Remediation/Fix IBM Integration Bus V10 IT07064 An interim fix is available from IBM Fix Central for all platforms.\n []\n\nThe APAR is targeted to be available in fix pack IBM Integration Bus V9 IT07064 An interim fix is available from IBM Fix Central for all platforms.\n []",
"The APAR is targeted to be available in fix pack WebSphere Message Broker\nV8\nIT07064 An interim fix is available from IBM Fix Central for all platforms.\n [] \n\nThe APAR is targeted to be available in fix pack \nTo mitigate the vulnerability, after an interim fix or fixpack containing IT07064 is applied you must set the following environment variable to disable the use of regular expressions by the MRM parser before starting the broker or integration node: \n\n\n * MQSI_DISABLE_REGEX_IN_XML4C=yes \n\n\n\nFor unsupported versions of the product IBM recommends upgrading to a fixed, supported version/release/platform of the product.",
"The planned maintenance release dates for WebSphere Message Broker and IBM Integration Bus are available at : \n []\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone known\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this.",
"IMPORTANT NOTE\n IBM strongly suggests that all System z customers be subscribed to the System z Security Portal to receive the latest critical System z security and integrity service. If you are not subscribed, see the instructions on the System z Security web site []. Security and integrity APARs and associated fixes will be posted to this portal. IBM suggests reviewing the CVSS scores and applying all security or integrity fixes as soon as possible to minimize any potential risk. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 29-February-2016 - Original version Published",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n A Japanese translation is available []",
"Cross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration WebSphere Message Broker 8.0 \nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n WMB IIB"
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2014-8901 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM XML4J and XML4C libraries contain a denial of service vulnerability when loading specially crafted content. This causes the CPU to consume 100% of available resources and creates serious performance degradation to the system.\nCVSS Base Score: 4\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:N/I:N/A:P)"
] | [
] | 563 | 1,605 | 5,587 |
TRAIN_Q514 | Why is WAS sending duplicate requests though our Portal application user clicks submit button only once? Is there any setting in WAS,Portal or IHS that can help prevent duplicate requests? | ServerIOTimeoutRetry can be used to decrease the number of retries after ServerIOTimeout has fired. | [
"IBM Recommended values for web server plug-in config - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n In the web server plug-in, what do the LoadBalanceWeight, MaxConnections, ConnectTimeout, ServerIOTimeout, RetryInterval, IgnoreAffinityRequests, and GetDWLMTable options mean and what are the recommended settings for these options?\n\nWhat affect does Session Affinity have?\n\nHow are connections handled during plug-in fail-over?\n\nWhat is the effect of using more than one web server child process? \n\nANSWER\nTo understand how load balancing works in the web server plug-in, see Understanding IBM HTTP Server plug-in Load Balancing in a clustered environment [].\n\nTo understand how fail-over works in the web server plug-in, see Understanding HTTP plug-in failover in a clustered environment [].",
"LoadBalanceWeight is a starting \"weight\". The value is dynamically changed by the plug-in during runtime. The \"weight\" of a server (or clone) is lowered each time a request is assigned to that clone. When all weights for all servers drop to 0 or below, the plug-in has to readjust all of the weights so that they are above 0. Using a starting value of only 2 (default), means that the weights will get to 0 very quickly and the plug-in will constantly be readjusting the weights. Therefore, It is recommended to start with a higher LoadBalanceWeight. The IBM WebSphere Application Server administrative console will allow a value up to 20 for this. However, it is certainly possible to manually edit the plugin-cfg.xml file and specify some other value for LoadBalanceWeight that is higher than 20.",
"Note: At runtime, the LoadBalanceWeight of each appserver in a cluster are normalized by their highest common factor. For example, 100, 90, 80 have a common factor of 10. So, these configured weights would be divided by 10 at runtime, resulting in actual starting weights of only 10, 9, 8. Setting all clones to the same starting LoadBalanceWeight (for example: 20, 20, 20) will result in an actual starting weight of only 1 for each, because of normalization. So, it is recommended to set the weight of at least one of the clones to be off by a value of 1. For example, if there are 3 clones, you might choose the starting LoadBalanceWeights to be: 20, 20, 19. After normalization the weights will be unchanged.\nRecommended values = all clones the same, except one clone off by one (for example: 20, 20, 19)",
"MaxConnections is used to gauge when a server is \"starting to become overwhelmed\". It is not used to determine when to fail-over (mark the server \"down\"). When a request is sent from the plug-in to the WAS appserver, it is called a \"PendingRequest\", until the response comes back. If the application running in WebSphere Application Server is handling requests quickly, each request will only be PENDING for a very short time. So, under ideal conditions, MaxConnections is not needed and therefore the default is (-1) meaning unlimited. However, sometimes an application may start to become overwhelmed and the application may not be able to handle the requests as quickly. Consequently Pending Requests start to build up. MaxConnections can be used to put a limit on the number of PENDING requests per server. When the MaxConnections limit is reached, the plug-in will stop sending requests to that appserver, but it is not marked down. The optimal value for MaxConnections will depend on how",
"quickly the application and appserver respond to each request. If normal responses are returned in less than one second, it may be appropriate to set a low value for MaxConnections, like 20 or so. However, if it normally takes several seconds to get a response from the application, then it would be prudent to use a higher value for MaxConnections, like 100. Please note that if the MaxConnections limit has been reached the plug-in will not send ANY more requests to that server until responses come back for the current PENDING requests, and the pendingRequests count drops back down below the MaxConnections limit.",
"Recommended value = 20 - 100 depending on application response times",
"*Best Practices: with MaxConnections=\"-1\" use LogLevel=\"Stats\" to monitor the pendingRequests numbers in the plug-in log, under normal conditions. Then, choose a value for MaxConnections that is significantly higher than the highest number shown in the log. This method will help you to determine a MaxConnections value that is right for your specific environment.\n\n\nConnectTimeout means \"how long should the plug-in wait when trying to open a socket to the Application Server\"? If there are streams already open and available to the Application Server, the plug-in will use one of those. However, sometimes the plug-in needs to open a new stream to the Application Server. That should not take very long, so the value for ConnectTimeout should be very small. A ConnectTimeout value of 0 means never time-out. In that case, the time-out is left up to the OS TCP layer, which is NOT ideal. It is much better to specify a small positive number (like 5 seconds).\nRecommended value = 5",
"ServerIOTimeout means \"how long should the plug-in wait for a response from the application\". After the socket is opened, the plug-in sends the request to the Application Server. The application processes the request and a response is sent back to the client, through the plug-in. How long should that take? What is reasonable, based on the application? There is no single correct answer here. It depends on the application. If the application is very quick to respond, then you can use a lower value for ServerIOTimeout. However, if the application requires more time to process the request (maybe to retrieve data from a database), then you should use a higher number for ServerIOTimeout. Using a value of 0 means that the plug-in will NOT time-out the request. This is often NOT ideal. A positive value means that the plug-in will NOT mark the appserver down after a ServerIOTimeout pops. So, if you want the plug-in to continue sending requests to the timed-out appserver, use a positive value.",
"On the other hand, a negative value means that the plug-in WILL mark the appserver down after a ServerIOTimeout pops. So, if you want the plug-in to immediately mark the appserver down and fail-over to another appserver in the same cluster, use a negative value.",
"Recommended value = -900 (that is negative 900)",
"Note: The ability to use a negative ServerIOTimeout value was introduced in plug-in apar PK72097 [].\n\n*Best Practices: use traces to determine the amount of time it takes for your application to respond to requests under normal conditions. Be sure to include the longest running requests that take the most time to respond. Then choose a value for ServerIOTimeout that is much larger (2X or 3X or more) than the longest response time. This method will ensure that your ServerIOTimeout is high enough to allow adequate time for the application to respond normally. Make it a negative value so that if the ServerIOTimeout pops, the plug-in will immediately mark the server down, and retry the request to a different appserver.",
"ServerIOTimeoutRetry can be used to decrease the number of retries after ServerIOTimeout has fired. By default, the Plug-in will try a request equal to the number of members in the cluster. For example, if the cluster has four members, and there is a ServerIOTimeout, the Plug-in will try it a second time. If the retry fails with ServerIOTimeout fired, then it will try a third time, and a fourth time if needed. But after four attempts, the Plug-in will give up and stop retrying. If you want to override this default behavior and reduce the number of retries after ServerIOTimeout, you can set ServerIOTimeoutRetry to a value that is less than the number of members in the cluster.\nRecommended value = -1 (this is the default)\n\nNote: This property was introduced by Plug-in apar PM70559 [].",
"RetryInterval is the time that the plug-in will wait before trying again to use an appserver that was marked down. The optimal value for RetryInterval depends on the number of appservers in the cluster, and the value used for ServerIOTimeout. You can use the following formula to determine the maximum RetryInterval value for your plug-in config:\n\n(number of appservers in cluster - 1) x (absolute ServerIOTimeout) - 1\n\nFor example, if there are two appservers in the cluster, and the value of ServerIOTimeout is -900, then the maximum RetryInterval setting would be:\n(2 - 1) x (900) - 1 = 899 seconds or less\n\nAnother example, if there are four appservers in the cluster, and the value of ServerIOTimeout is -900, then the maximum RetryInterval setting would be:\n(4 - 1) x (900) -1 = 2699 seconds or less",
"Warning: Setting RetryInterval to a value higher than the recommended maximum, based on the formula above, can lead to an undesirable situation where all of the appservers in the cluster may be marked down simultaneously resulting in all requests temporarily failing.\nRecommended value = 60 (this is the default)\n\n\nAffinity requests are requests that contain a session cookie (ie. JSESSIONID). The session cookie is set by the Session Manager in WAS to ensure that all subsequent requests from the same client return to the same app server in the cluster. The session cookie contains the clone ID (or partition ID) of that specific app server. The web server Plug-in will look for the session cookie and use the clone ID to send the request to that specific WAS app server. An affinity request is not load balanced.",
"In the plug-in config there is a property called IgnoreAffinityRequests. This property determines if affinity requests will affect the load balance weights, or not. The default value for IgnoreAffinityRequests is True, which means that affinity requests will not have any affect on the load balance weights. This is best for environments where there are no, or few, affinity requests. On the other hand, for an environment with a lot of affinity requests, it may be better to set IgnoreAffinityRequests to False so that the load balance weights will accurately reflect the effect of having a lot of affinity requests.",
"Fail-over occurs when the plug-in marks a cluster member appserver (or clone) as \"down\", and then sends the pending requests to other members of the same cluster. This can happen if the plug-in is unable to open a new connection to the appserver within the ConnectTimeout. Or fail-over can happen if the plug-in has already sent the request to the appserver, but does not receive a response from the application within ServerIOTimeout. When the plug-in marks a cluster member appserver \"down\", it will handle the PENDING requests in one of two ways: Prior to plug-in apar PM12112 [], the plug-in would send all of the pending requests to the very next appserver in the cluster. However, after plug-in apar PM12112 [], the plug-in will randomly send the pending requests to any of the available appservers in the cluster. While the appserver is marked \"down\" the plug-in will no longer",
"send any requests to it. After RetryInterval the plug-in will check to see if that appserver can be used successfully again. If so, the \"down\" flag will be removed and the appserver will be used again.",
"Note: By default, the number of attempts to handle a request is limited by the number of appservers in the cluster. For example, if there are only two appservers in the cluster, and the request fails once, the plug-in will only attempt that request one more time (total of two attempts). Or another example, if there are five appservers in the same cluster, and the request fails once, then the plug-in will attempt to retry that same request up to four more times (total of five attempts). That number includes retries sent to the same appserver (session affinity), or attempts sent to different appservers (fail-over).\n\nUpdate: The plug-in apar PM70559 [] introduced a new setting called \"ServerIOTimeoutRetry\" that can be used to control the number of retries due to ServerIOTimeout.",
"If Memory-to-Memory (M2M) session replication is enabled in WebSphere Application Server, then the GetDWLMTable setting in the plug-in config must be changed to \"true\". Memory-to-Memory replication uses partition IDs rather than clone IDs. This can lead to broken session affinity if GetDWLMTable is set to false (which is the default). So it is very important to set GetDWLMTable=\"true\" whenever using M2M in WebSphere Application Server.\nRecommendation = GetDWLMTable=\"true\" whenever M2M is used in WebSphere Application Server.",
"Each web server child process loads a separate instance of the web server plug-in. And multiple running instances of the web server plug-in do not share information with each other. For example if the IBM HTTP Server web server is configured to start 3 child processes (StartServers 3), then there will be 3 instances of the web server plug-in running (one for each IBM HTTP Server child process). The dynamically changing LoadBalanceWeight of each cluster member is not shared between the plug-in instances. So, in one instance of the plug-in \"member1\" might be considered UP with a weight of 5, when in another instance of the plug-in \"member1\" might be considered DOWN and unusable. This can result in possibly different behaviors depending on which child process / plug-in instance handles each incoming request. For this reason it is recommended that you should configure the web server to use only a few web server child processes with many threads on each. See Tuning IBM HTTP Server to",
"maximize the number of client connections to WebSphere Application Server [].",
"If you choose to use more than one web server child process, keep in mind that the plug-in settings are handled on a per instance basis. For example, MaxConnections means the number of pending requests that will be allowed on that server, for each plug-in instance. If MaxConnections = 20, and there are 3 web server child processes (3 plug-in instances), then each instance will allow 20 pending connections to that Application Server for a total of 60 pending connections.",
"Related information\n[]Understanding plug-in Load Balancing []\nUnderstanding plug-in Fail-over []\nTuning IBM HTTP Server processes and threads []\nweb server plug-in configuration []\nModifying plug-in properties from the WebSphere Application Server administrative console []\nHow do the properties ServerIOTimeout and PostBufferSize affect plug-in behavior? []"
] | [
"ServerIOTimeoutRetry can be used to decrease the number of retries after ServerIOTimeout has fired."
] | [
] | 2,329 | 3,778 | 15,443 |
TRAIN_Q515 | SPSS will not start on Mac
I downloaded SPSS about 3 weeks ago. On the day when I downloaded it, it was working fine. Last week, I tried starting SPSS but it did not start. I tried reinstalling it, it still would not open. I've updated JAVA (thought this would be a problem), it slowly opened the program but then now that I have reinstalled it and entered in my code, I've used up my code and I have no authorization. But just now, I started SPSS and the same problem is happening. The IBM SPSS name screen appears but nothing happens.
SPSS would not start.
Even if it does start, I have licensing problems.
| Delete the following file: on your Macintosh to dramatically reduce the opening and closing of the Statistics software. | [
"IBM Performance issue on Mac OS X Launching and Closing SPSS Statistics 21 or 22. - United States Mac OS X; Performance; open; close; exit; launch; 10.6.x 10.7.x 10.8.x 10.9.x TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n With SPSS Statistics 21 or 22 software installed on Mac OS X. \nThe software was running normally, but for what ever reason, the program might fail or close improperly by using Force Quit several times. \n\nCAUSE\nThis has been identified as a product defect under APAR PM90266\n\nENVIRONMENT\nThis technote applies with any Mac OS X compatible with Statistics 21 or 22, Not version 23. \n\n- IBM SPSS Statistics 21 release is supported on Apple Macintosh 10.6 (Snow Leopard), 10.7 (Lion), and 10.8 (Mountain Lion) with Intel processor.",
"- IBM SPSS Statistics 22 release is supported on Apple Macintosh 10.7 (Lion), and 10.8 (Mountain Lion) with Intel processor. \nNote: IBM SPSS Statistics 22 for Macintosh (Mavericks, OSX 10.9 Operating System) is not officially supported until Statistics 22 FixPack 1 is released. \n\n\nNote: Windows computers see \nTechnote 1652535\n []\n\nNote: For Statistics 23.0 Windows or Mac OS X, refer to technote: 1640411\n []\n\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nOne or more of the following symptoms might occur that this resolution can solve. \n\n(1) Statistics takes an abnormally longer time to start and close than when the software was initially installed. \n\n(2) Very slow response and performance with using the software.",
"(3) The 'Data Editor' menu no longer appears under the Main menu bar.\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nDelete the following file: on your Macintosh to dramatically reduce the opening and closing of the Statistics software. \n\n- You can delete it by opening the Finder and locate the Library/Preferences folder: /Library/Preferences/\n(1) Restart your Mac.\n(2) Open 'Finder'.\n(3) Select the 'Home' (house) icon (folder) in the left-hand pane.\n(4) Select the 'Go' menu at top of screen.\n(5) Press the 'Option' key. The list of menu options will now include 'Library'.\n(6) Select the 'Library' menu option.\n(7) Open the 'Preferences' folder.\n(8) Rename the object to \n\n\n- Another option is to use the Terminal application and do the following:\nrm -fR ~/Library/Preferences/ \n\n \n\nFinish and test your changes by doing the following:",
"(9) Launch Statistics\n(10) Work with the program a bit.\n(11) Close the software (It should be quicker, do not force quit)\n(12) Re-launch Statistics\n(13) Work with the program a bit.\n(14) Close the software (do not force quit)\n(15) Launch the software \n\n\nNOTE: When you launch Statistics for the first time, it will take a little longer than subsequent launches, until you reboot your computer again. This is related to Java initialization routines. \n\n\n- FYI: Additionally, if you are using Mac OSX Mavericks 10.9.x, you need to stop the process that protects this file and restores it (it is deleted):\n\nSince OSX 10.9.x Mavericks a cached copy of your \"plist\" file is stored that uses a background process: CFPREFSD\nDeleting the \"plist\" file and restarting SPSS Statistics does not create a new copy of these files.\nRather, Mavericks restore its cached copy. \nOnly by stopping the \"cfprefsd\" process and starting SPSS Statistics, will it generate a new \"plist\" preference file and default toolbar.",
"When you go to Finder - Applications - Utilities and open Activity Monitor on the 10.9.x computer you see that there is a CFPREFSD process visible for root user and for the current logged in user.\nYou need to stop the CFPREFSD process for the current user. Do so in the Terminal application by running the following command:\n\nkillall -u {CURRENT_USER} cfprefsd\n\nWhere {CURRENT_USER} is replaced with the person's user ID. One can get the user ID by typing \"whoami\" at a Terminal prompt. \n\nShould removing these files and running the program does not resolve the issue, you might need to remove all of them and reinstall the program.\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n Need more help? Our Statistics forum is Live! []"
] | [
"Delete the following file: on your Macintosh to dramatically reduce the opening and closing of the Statistics software."
] | [
] | 618 | 1,237 | 4,390 |
TRAIN_Q518 | Help with Security Bulletin: IBM WebSphere MQ is affected by a vulnerability in GSKit (CVE-2014-0076) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: IBM WebSphere MQ is affected by a vulnerability in GSKit (CVE-2014-0076). Where can I find this information? | CVE-ID: CVE-2014-0076 []
DESCRIPTION: An attacker running a program on the same machine as where the victim is running a program could use CPU timing information to discover key information about certain kinds of binary type Elliptic Curves used in Digital signatures during signing operations. Although GSKit only generates Prime type Elliptic Curves, externally generated keys may be imported in GSKit.
From WebSphere MQ version 7.1, GSKit version 8.0 is integrated with WebSphere MQ. For WebSphere MQ 7.0.1, GSKit version 7 or version 8 was installed separately.
CVSS Base Score: 2.1
CVSS Temporal Score: See []
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: IBM WebSphere MQ is affected by a vulnerability in GSKit (CVE-2014-0076) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n A vulnerability in GSKit, which is included in IBM WebSphere MQ, can potentially allow key information about certain kinds of binary type Elliptic Curves used in Digital signatures during signing operations. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVE-ID: CVE-2014-0076 []\nDESCRIPTION: An attacker running a program on the same machine as where the victim is running a program could use CPU timing information to discover key information about certain kinds of binary type Elliptic Curves used in Digital signatures during signing operations. Although GSKit only generates Prime type Elliptic Curves, externally generated keys may be imported in GSKit.\nFrom WebSphere MQ version 7.1, GSKit version 8.0 is integrated with WebSphere MQ. For WebSphere MQ 7.0.1, GSKit version 7 or version 8 was installed separately.",
"CVSS Base Score: 2.1\nCVSS Temporal Score: See []\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM WebSphere MQ 8.0, including all maintenance levels. \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.5, including all maintenance levels. \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.1, including all maintenance levels. \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.0.1, maintenance levels from onwards, using GSKit version 8.0.\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nIBM strongly recommends that Elliptic Curve CipherSpecs are not used. These CipherSpecs have names starting with 'EC'. \n\nA summary of MQ CipherSpecs and protocols can be found in the IBM Knowledge Center Specifying CipherSpecs [] topic.",
"GET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 03 November 2014: Original Copy Published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n A Japanese translation is available []"
] | [
"CVE-ID: CVE-2014-0076 []\nDESCRIPTION: An attacker running a program on the same machine as where the victim is running a program could use CPU timing information to discover key information about certain kinds of binary type Elliptic Curves used in Digital signatures during signing operations. Although GSKit only generates Prime type Elliptic Curves, externally generated keys may be imported in GSKit.\nFrom WebSphere MQ version 7.1, GSKit version 8.0 is integrated with WebSphere MQ. For WebSphere MQ 7.0.1, GSKit version 7 or version 8 was installed separately.\n\nCVSS Base Score: 2.1\nCVSS Temporal Score: See []\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:L/AC:L/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)"
] | [] | 397 | 959 | 3,375 |
TRAIN_Q519 | Help with Security Bulletin: Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) and WebSphere Lombardi Edition (WLE) error handling (CVE-2015-0193) I need to understand details regarding Security Bulletin: Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) and WebSphere Lombardi Edition (WLE) error handling (CVE-2015-0193). Where can I find this information? | CVEID:CVE-2015-0193 []
DESCRIPTION:IBM Business Proccess Manager is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper neutralization of user-supplied input in some error situations. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials.
CVSS Base Score: 3.5
CVSS Temporal Score: See []for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Cross-site scripting vulnerabilities in IBM Business Process Manager (BPM) and WebSphere Lombardi Edition (WLE) error handling (CVE-2015-0193) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n IBM Business Proccess Manager is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper neutralization of user-supplied input in some error situations. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials.",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID:CVE-2015-0193 []\nDESCRIPTION:IBM Business Proccess Manager is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper neutralization of user-supplied input in some error situations. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See []for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:N) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS",
"* IBM Business Process Manager Standard V7.5.x.x through \n * IBM Business Process Manager Express V7.5.x.x through \n * IBM Business Process Manager Advanced V7.5.x.x through \n * WebSphere Lombardi Edition 7.2\n\n\nIf you are using an older unsupported version, IBM strongly recommends to upgrade. REMEDIATION/FIXES\nInstall the interim fix for APAR JR52626 as appropriate for your current IBM Business Process Manager or WebSphere Lombardi Edition version.",
"* IBM Business Process Manager Express [] \n * IBM Business Process Manager Standard [] \n * IBM Business Process Manager Advanced [] \n * WebSphere Lombardi Edition []",
"WORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nAs a pre-caution, advise users not to click links in email.\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nIMPORTANT NOTE\n IBM strongly suggests that all System z customers be subscribed to the System z Security Portal to receive the latest critical System z security and integrity service. If you are not subscribed, see the instructions on the System z Security web site []. Security and integrity APARs and associated fixes will be posted to this portal. IBM suggests reviewing the CVSS scores and applying all security or integrity fixes as soon as possible to minimize any potential risk. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 []",
"RELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 2015-05-27 - initial version published\n2015-10-07 - updated version numbers \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin.",
"DISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY.",
"Cross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration IBM Business Process Manager Standard Security AIX, Linux, Linux zSeries, Solaris, Windows 8.5.5,, 8.5,,,, 8.0.1, 8.0,,, 7.5.1,, 7.5 Business Integration IBM Business Process Manager Express Security Linux, Linux zSeries, Windows 8.5.5,, 8.5,,,, 8.0.1, 8.0,,, 7.5.1,, 7.5 Business Integration WebSphere Lombardi Edition Security AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Linux zSeries, Linux/x86, Solaris, Windows, Windows Vista, Windows XP,,,,, 7.2"
] | [
"CVEID:CVE-2015-0193 []\nDESCRIPTION:IBM Business Proccess Manager is vulnerable to cross-site scripting, caused by improper neutralization of user-supplied input in some error situations. A remote attacker could exploit this vulnerability using a specially-crafted URL to execute script in a victim's Web browser within the security context of the hosting Web site, once the URL is clicked. An attacker could use this vulnerability to steal the victim's cookie-based authentication credentials.\nCVSS Base Score: 3.5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See []for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:S/C:N/I:P/A:N)"
] | [
] | 623 | 1,659 | 5,678 |
TRAIN_Q521 | Cannot open module in exclusive edit - (no such file or directory) Hello.
I have a module, that I can open normally, but when I try to open it in Exclusive Edit it tells me that "no such file or directory"
What does this mean? | This error indicates that a user session file is corrupted on the database server.
This defect is resolved in IBM Rational DOORS Version | [
"IBM DOORS module fails to open in exclusive edit mode results in error \"unable to open module such file or directory\" - United States missing session file; file not found; can not open module; open module exclusive edit fails; PM50525 TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Attempts to open a module exclusive edit in IBM Rational DOORS result in the error \"DOORS report\nUnable to open module '/A Project/Requirements' No such file or directory\". \n\nSYMPTOM\nA module with a large number of sections is used mostly in shareable edit mode. \n\nYou can open the module Read-only , or Shareable-Edit; but not in exclusive edit. \n\nSteps to reproduce: \n\n 1. Login to DOORS\n \n \n 2. Click the Project, or folder, icon that contains the module\n \n \n 3. Click the module icon in the DOORS Explorer window\n \n \n 4. Click File > Open> Exclusive Edit (Ctrl + E)\n \n\n\nExpected result: The module should open in Exclusive edit mode.",
"Actual result: The module will not open in exclusive edit module; however it will open in read only mode, or shareable edit mode. If you attempt to check the database integrity for issue the module is not flagged for any problems. \n\nThe full error message is as follows:\n\nDOORS report\nUnable to open module '/A Project/Requirements' No such file or directory\"\nC:\\Program Files (x86)\\IBM\\Rational\\DOORS\\9.5\\data\\v6data\\20\\m00000021.mod\\current.ver\\s1000005.dtc\n\n\nimage \n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21511831&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21511831&aid=1]\n\nCAUSE\n This issue has been identified as a product defect under APAR PM50525 [].\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThis error indicates that a user session file is corrupted on the database server. \n\nThis defect is resolved in IBM Rational DOORS Version [] \n\n \n\nWORKAROUND:",
"the following options can be used to correct this problem: \n\n * Retrieve the missing file from system backup and insert it into the module current.ver directory\n \n The advantage of inserting the missing session file is you do not need to restart the database server.\n\nWarning these two option should only be performed by Rational Support. Modifications to the files in your DOORS database could result is data corruption and jeapordize your DOORS database. Send the session.ixc file to support for repair\n\nFrom the module directory listed in the error message provide support the file session.ixc\nChoosing to have support repair the session index file requires you to have all users log out \nand shut down the DOORS database server until the repaired file is returned and inserted \nto replace the existing data file for the module.",
"Create a replacement session file \nFrom the module directory listed in the error message provide support the file session.ixc\nAdjacent session files will be required in order to to create the replacement. \nYour support engineer will identify these files from the session index file.\nNo work can be performed in the effected module until the replacement session file is restored\nfor the effected module. \n\n\nNote: Generally the repair is only required for one user session file. However in circumstances where DOORS reports a missing session file for a module- the event that caused this may have effected session files for other users connected to the module. For this situation you may need to perform a successive repair to the index file."
] | [
"This error indicates that a user session file is corrupted on the database server. \n\nThis defect is resolved in IBM Rational DOORS Version"
] | [
] | 537 | 882 | 3,476 |
TRAIN_Q524 | I have an issues with V701 SCSQAUTH/SCSQANLE and MQ V8, my batch jobs receiving an ABEND (ABN=102-00000000). I have an issues with V701 SCSQAUTH/SCSQANLE and MQ V8, my batch jobs receiving an ABEND (ABN=102-00000000). | Correct the STEPLIB for the batch job to point to the V7.1.0 libraries. | [
"IBM Batch job fails with ABEND 102 REASON 00000000 \nDUMP TITLE=CSQ1,ABN=102-00000000 ... Mismatch code levels - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Your WebSphere MQ (WMQ) batch job abends with an abend 102 - 00000000\nABEND102 ABENDS102 S102 \n\nCAUSE\nOne reason for Abend 102-00000000 - \n\nMismatch in code levels between WMQ MSTR (Queue Manager) and the batch job",
"The S102 is occurring as the batch job is running with V701 libraries (for example, SCSQAUTH dataset which contains CSQBSRV, CSQBCON etc) against a V710 queue manager. In order to run against a V710 queue manager the V710 libraries need to be used by the batch job. \nIn order to connect to a V710 queue manager the application needs to run with a V710 SCSQAUTH. The V710 SCSQAUTH will allow an application to connect to both a V710 or a V701 queue manager. \nThis is documented in the Information Center (section 'z/OS: Planning for migration from WebSphere MQ version 7.0.1 to WebSphere MQ version 7. []1'; \n\n\n *",
"Per ' Application migration and interoperation []' topic, WebSphere MQ does not support connecting server applications loading libraries from the earlier level to connect to a later level of queue manager. On z/OS the STEPLIB must reference the target libraries for the queue manager. \n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nIn IPCS you can view level of CSQBSRV in the batch job address space. \n\nSTORAGE ---------------------------------- \nCommand ===> \nAddress: \n294D8210 DD2DD220 DD0CB6C7 D70BDAF8 DAF8D77B | ..K....GP..8.8P# | \n294D8220 D748D748 A7F4000E C3E2D8C2 E2D9E540 | P.P.x4..CSQBSRV \n294D8230 F2F0F1F2 F1F1F2F7 E4D2F8F3 F7F7F440 | 20121127UK83774| . \nPTF UK83774is for Release ... 010 (V7.0.1) \n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nCorrect the STEPLIB for the batch job to point to the V7.1.0 libraries.\n\n\n\nHISTORICAL NUMBER\n 04659 79L 000\n47552 077 724 \n\nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n wmq mq"
] | [
"Correct the STEPLIB for the batch job to point to the V7.1.0 libraries."
] | [
] | 284 | 729 | 2,077 |
TRAIN_Q525 | Can I change the ITCAM J2EE Agent Monitoring Level via the TEPS in version 7.1.1?
In the 7.1 version of the J2EE agent I could use the Agent Configuration to change the Monitoring Level for the agent-
So how can I change the Monitoring Level in the 7.1.1 agent?
| In the older release of the J2EE agent (v6.2 FP6), there was an option to specify the Monitoring Level, Sampling Rate and other parameters (threshold values, time intervals, etc..) during the configuration phase of the agent itself. This is now not possible in the new J2EE agent v7. configuration panels as these options are not available anymore.
The default values for the Monitoring Level and the Sampling Rate are L1 and 2% respectively. If you want to change these default values permanently, then please make these changes.
In the $ITM_HOME/config (Unix) dir or %ITM_HOME%\TMAITM6 (Windows), you will find the <hostname>_yj.xml file. Make a copy of this file, then stop the agent and make changes to the parameters (see screenshot below) in the file. Save file, restart the agent. The new values will now be accepted in the agent. If you are deploying a new Weblogic application, stop the agent, modify the <hostname>_yj_<wls_instance>.xml file then restart the agent again. | [
"IBM Modifying the default Monitoring Level and Sampling Rate in the J2EE v7. agent. - United States J2EE TEMA Monitoring Level Sampling Rate xml files CAMADALL CAMJ2INST DC WebLogic TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nTHIS DOCUMENT APPLIES ONLY TO THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE VERSION(S):\n US English \n\nQUESTION\n How do I modify the default Monitoring Level and Sampling Rate in the new J2EE v7. agent? \n\nANSWER\nIn the older release of the J2EE agent (v6.2 FP6), there was an option to specify the Monitoring Level, Sampling Rate and other parameters (threshold values, time intervals, etc..) during the configuration phase of the agent itself. This is now not possible in the new J2EE agent v7. configuration panels as these options are not available anymore. \n\nThe default values for the Monitoring Level and the Sampling Rate are L1 and 2% respectively. If you want to change these default values permanently, then please make these changes.",
"In the $ITM_HOME/config (Unix) dir or %ITM_HOME%\\TMAITM6 (Windows), you will find the <hostname>_yj.xml file. Make a copy of this file, then stop the agent and make changes to the parameters (see screenshot below) in the file. Save file, restart the agent. The new values will now be accepted in the agent. If you are deploying a new Weblogic application, stop the agent, modify the <hostname>_yj_<wls_instance>.xml file then restart the agent again.\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21700308&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21700308&aid=1]\n\n \n\nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n ITCAM ITCAM for J2EE DC JBoss WebLogic"
] | [
"In the older release of the J2EE agent (v6.2 FP6), there was an option to specify the Monitoring Level, Sampling Rate and other parameters (threshold values, time intervals, etc..) during the configuration phase of the agent itself. This is now not possible in the new J2EE agent v7. configuration panels as these options are not available anymore. \n\nThe default values for the Monitoring Level and the Sampling Rate are L1 and 2% respectively. If you want to change these default values permanently, then please make these changes.\n\nIn the $ITM_HOME/config (Unix) dir or %ITM_HOME%\\TMAITM6 (Windows), you will find the <hostname>_yj.xml file. Make a copy of this file, then stop the agent and make changes to the parameters (see screenshot below) in the file. Save file, restart the agent. The new values will now be accepted in the agent. If you are deploying a new Weblogic application, stop the agent, modify the <hostname>_yj_<wls_instance>.xml file then restart the agent again."
] | [] | 226 | 457 | 1,548 |
TRAIN_Q526 | Reporting in Rhapsody
Hello All,
I can't find the reports plus in my Rhapsody v8.1.2 x64
anybody knows the reason. | Rational Rhapsody ReporterPlus N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y WindRiver Workbench 3.3 integration N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) N N N N N N N N N N NA NA NA NA Tornado IDE integration N N N N NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] N – not available | [
"IBM Availability of features in the 64-bit version of Rational Rhapsody (8.0.3 and later) - United States rhapsody; windows 64-bit PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION\n\nABSTRACT\n This table presents information on the availability of features in the 64-bit version of Rational Rhapsody. Features not listed here have been available in the 64-bit version since it was first released. \n\nCONTENT",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] 803 804 805 806 81 811 812 8121 813 814 815 82 821 83 Rational Rhapsody Architect for Software N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Reverse engineering - for languages other than Ada N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Roundtripping - for languages other than Ada – component level N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Roundtripping - for languages other than Ada – individual classes N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Code-centric mode (without code-generation) N N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Action language N N N N N N N N N N N N N N SCC-based configuration management tool integrations: [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1]",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] *",
"N N N N N N N N N N N N N N * \n\nN N N N N N N N N N N N N N * \n\nN N N N N N N N N N N N N N *",
"N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Rational Team Concert direct integration (RTC actions within Rhapsody) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Y Y Y Rational System Architect import N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Webify (web-enabling a model) N N N N N N N N N N N N N N TeamCenter integration N N N N N N N N N N N N NA NA Rational DOORS integration (via internal interface, not Gateway) NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Rational Rhapsody ReporterPlus N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y WindRiver Workbench 3.3 integration N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) N N N N N N N N N N NA NA NA NA Tornado IDE integration N N N N NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1]",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] N – not available",
"Y – available",
"NA – not available in 32-bit version either [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1]",
"[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1]"
] | [
"Rational Rhapsody ReporterPlus N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y WindRiver Workbench 3.3 integration N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) N N N N N N N N N N NA NA NA NA Tornado IDE integration N N N N NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg27038779&aid=1] N – not available"
] | [] | 499 | 1,925 | 4,580 |
TRAIN_Q533 | Help with Security Bulletin: Malformed client flows abend MQTT channel (CVE-2015-4941) Help with Security Bulletin: Malformed client flows abend MQTT channel (CVE-2015-4941) | CVEID: CVE-2015-4941 []
DESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service due to incorrect handling of abbreviated TLS handshake.
CVSS Base Score: 5
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Malformed client flows abend MQTT channel (CVE-2015-4943, CVE-2015-4941, CVE-2015-4942) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n A number of malformed MQTT client flows could be issued by a malicious user to cause the MQXR service to abend and require manual restart.",
"VULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4943 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)\nCVEID: CVE-2015-4941 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service due to incorrect handling of abbreviated TLS handshake.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined",
"CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)",
"CVEID: CVE-2015-4942 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service using a sequence of connect and disconnects which will have to be restarted.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P) \n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM WebSphere MQ 8.0 \n\n - IBM WebSphere MQ and earlier maintenance levels \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.5 \n\n - IBM WebSphere MQ and earlier maintenance levels \n\nIBM WebSphere MQ 7.1 \n\n - IBM WebSphere MQ and earlier maintenance levels\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nWebSphere MQ 8.0 \n\n - Apply fixpack [] \n\nWebSphere MQ 7.5",
"- Apply interim ifix IT09866 [] \n\nWebSphere MQ 7.1 \n\n - Apply fixpack []\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nReported to IBM by Codenomicon at []",
"CHANGE HISTORY\n 01 February 2016: Original version published \n\n*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY. \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n A Japanese translation is available []"
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2015-4941 []\nDESCRIPTION: IBM WebSphere MQ could allow a remote attacker to crash the MQXR service due to incorrect handling of abbreviated TLS handshake.\nCVSS Base Score: 5\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:L/Au:N/C:N/I:N/A:P)"
] | [] | 431 | 1,387 | 4,213 |
TRAIN_Q537 | Netcool/Impact 6.1.0: How to change the HSQLDB password? Netcool/Impact 6.1.0: How to change the HSQLDB password? | SET PASSWORD
* SET PASSWORD <password>;
* Changes the password of the currently connected user. | [
"IBM Change HSQLDB password - United States netcool; impact; netcool/impact; nci; hsql; database; data; base; db; hsqldb; pass; word; password; pw; sa; system; admin; systemadmin; security; sec; authentication; auth; vulnerable; vulnerability; change; alter; update TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n The default password does not fulfil corporate security requirements. \n\nCAUSE\nThe default password is blank\n\nANSWER\nLooking into guides for this third party software shows HSQLDB command line capability as being: \n\n * \n * SET PASSWORD\n * \n * \n * SET PASSWORD <password>;\n * \n * \n * Changes the password of the currently connected user. Password must be double quoted. Empty password can be set using \"\".\n\n\nAn example of changing the password in HSQLDB as above by connecting to the database: \n\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n\n\nand issuing the command: \n\n * \n\n\nquitting: \n\n * \n\n\nand logging back in with the new password: \n\n * \n * \n * \n * \n *",
"The above example login uses the default ImpactServer name (NCI) and HSQLDB port number (5435). The default password is blank. \n\nOne will have to edit the HSQLDB DataSource to enable it to connect to the database with the new password. \n\nA) One method is by encrypting the password and editing the HSQLDB DataSource to allow DSA connection. Use nci_crypt to encrypt the password - for example: \n\n * \n * \n * \n\n\nedit the file: \n\n * \n\n\nto alter the property: \n\n * \n\n\nfrom the default value of {aes}9C71E0F544E705326E2B5CBDFC54CE46 to the new encrypted password value - for example: \n\n * \n\n\nThis requires an ImpactServer restart to enable.",
"B) An alternate method is to edit the DataSource via the normal Impact configuration GUI and provide the new password there. This alternate method has the advantage that one does not need to perform the encryption oneself, nor does one need to manually edit the configuration file and nor does one need to perform an ImpactServer restart to read up the new configuration into the memory resident database that is the ImpactServer."
] | [
"SET PASSWORD\n * \n * \n * SET PASSWORD <password>;\n * \n * \n * Changes the password of the currently connected user."
] | [
] | 333 | 502 | 1,993 |
TRAIN_Q538 | Is ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere available? Is ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere available? | [] March 9, 2017 | [
"IBM ITCAM Data Collector for WebSphere V7.2 fixes - United States FIX README\n\nABSTRACT\n IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager Data Collector for WebSphere V7.2 fixes \n\nCONTENT\nInstallation Instructions \nRefer to the README file located in Fix Central for additional information",
"What is Fix Central? [] RELEASE DATE APAR numbers [] April 17, 2018 PI12540 PI66965 PI70320 PI72648 PI78728 PI78731 PI79097 PI81694 PI83644 PI83841 PI84543 PI86304 PI86589 PI87809 PI87994 PI88830 PI91448 PI92916 PI92459 PI93985 PI94733 PI94742 PI95349 PI95968 [] March 9, 2017 IV85603 PI05433 PI67994 PI52132 PI52407 PI71243 PI22174 PI71124 PI22832 IV88814 IV88264 IV84761 IV84209",
"[] May 6, 2016 PI48106 PI53964 PI41634 PI53691 PI52367 PI51119 PI57148 PI59839 PI42952 PI39907 PI42603 [] Jan 6, 2016 PI30133 PI35027 PI35893 PI34945 PI39525 PI43321 PI48106 PI53964 PI41634 PI53691 [] Apr 21, 2015 PI11450 PI16745 PI18682 PI21062 PI24319 PI25035 PI25663 PI27187 PI33891",
"PI34061 PI35680 PI36215 PI37162 PM70256 PM74078 PM75193 PM75581 PM87883 PM93570 IV47342 IV69645 [] Oct 8, 2014 PM98778 PI06311 PI07084 PI22743 PI08200 PM88373 PM99070 PM94101 IV47342 PI06761 PI08473 PI08257 This is Limited Availability Interim Fix. Please contact Customer Support to obtain this fix . [] Oct 18, 2013 PM93570",
"[] Oct 18, 2013 [] Oct 18, 2013 PM88373 [] Oct 18, 2013",
"[] Oct 18, 2013 PM81890 PM79101 PM80120 PM88932 PM76203 [] Oct 17, 2013 PM82318 [] Oct 17, 2013 PM77662"
] | [
" [] March 9, 2017"
] | [
] | 230 | 1,809 | 4,638 |
TRAIN_Q540 | CR is not inserted for textarea using IE We are using IBM Case Manager and IBM Content Navigator Using Properties View Designer of Case Builder, we tried to input CR ("Enter") on the text area, but CR is not inserted. This issue occurs only on IE, not on Firefox or Chrome. | PJ44413 (IBM Case Manager users) When using Internet Explorer v11, the carriage return does not start a new line in a text area.
With this fix, the new line is created. | [
"IBM Fix list for IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.0 - United States PRODUCT DOCUMENTATION\n\nABSTRACT\n The following table contains the complete listing of fixes for Version 3.0.0. \n\nCONTENT\nAPARs fixed in IBM Content Navigator Version 3.0.0",
"APAR Description IO24490 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When EDS is used to hide workflow properties in the in-basket filter, moving the input focus through each visible workflow property field with the tab key causes a null script error when the next field is hidden. This also causes the input focus to stop moving to the next visible field.\nWith this fix, the tab key moves the input focus through each of the visible fields. IO24492 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the LTPA token times out, the SSO Kerberos does not recover.\nWith this fix, the user connection is reestablished. IO24514 (IBM Content Manager users) Child attribute values are not exported with the other attributes. []",
"With this fix, the child attributes and the values are exported. IO24539 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When criteria are entered into the workflow in-basket filter, pressing the Enter key does not close the filter dropdown and apply the filter criteria.\nWith this fix, the Enter works as expected. IO24544 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) Administrators must restart CMIS after modifying the Content Manager data model for users to see the changes.\nWith this fix, the Content Manager configuration cache is cleared and the data model changes now appear. IO24653 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users are unable to select a different document class when adding an email from Outlook.\nWith this fix, users can change the document model class. IO24710 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When users attempt to download documents with the Download All action and the user does not have permission to open all of the documents, the user receives an error.",
"With this fix, the user receives a friendly error message that the user does not have sufficient permissions. IO24711 (IBM FileNet P8 users) After editing the properties of multiple documents or folders that have an entry template, the reference to the entry template is lost after changes are saved.\nWith this fix, the entry template information is retained. IO24745 (IBM FileNet P8 users) The annotateEdit HTML parameter is set to true but annotation editing remains enabled.\nWith this fix, the annotateEdit parameter disables annotation editing. IO24752 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the locale is set to a RTL orientation, some choice lists remain set to LTR.\nWith this fix, the choice list option orientation is set correctly. IO24757 (IBM CMIS for Content Manager users) When files of 0 byte length are encountered, the document id is not retrieved.",
"With this fix, the document id, cmis:contentStreamId, is available in the response metadata when using IBM Content Manager Search API. IO24759 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using the sample feature, the ‘Get Next’ button does not work.\nWith this fix, the ‘Get Next’ button retrieves the next document. IO24765 (IBM FileNet P8 users) When a search returns more than the maximum count of items, the count displays as 0.\nWith this fix, the message will reflect that the maximum count was exceeded. IO24777 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) []CMIS logs an error that parsing runtime descriptor failed.\nWith this fix, the error is no longer logged. IO24779 (IBM Content Manager users) Users are unable to select the role when adding users or groups to a search, teamspace, or entry template role in a repository configuration.",
"With this fix, the role can be selected. IO24784 (IBM Content Navigator users) Themes can not be saved. \nWith this fix, themes can be saved. IO24789 (IBM Content Navigator users) New inheritance security is not set to include document access rights for Owner, Author and Reader.\nWith this fix, the default document access rights are corrected. IO24790 (IBM Content Manager users) Users are unable to retrieve a worklist containing a very large number of work items. \nWith this fix, the worklist will display the list of work items. IO24791 (IBM Content Navigator users) Some TIFF images compressed in JPEG only shows a partial image preview.\nWith this fix, the complete image can be previewed. IO24803 (IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) Users can not sort a field containing a mapping in the OnDemand application group.",
"With this fix, the column can be sorted. IO24804 (IBM FileNet P8 users) For documents with replication mapping set as inbound only, all annotations appear to save without any error message but only the first annotation is saved with the content.\nWith this fix, the annotations are saved correctly. IO24807 (IBM Content Navigator users) The default desktop load fails if there are references to menu actions in a disabled plug-in.\nWith this fix, the default desktop will load and ignore the references to the disabled plugin. IO24808 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Text searches with a phrase containing a reserved word like \"and\" generates the wrong query.\nWith this fix, the query is generated correctly. IO24813 (IBM Content Manager uses) Some annotations created using other clients are not correctly displayed in the Daeja Virtual Viewer.",
"With this fix, the annotations are displayed correctly. IO24821 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) The CMIS documentation for the allowedRepositories configuration property should have values separated by spaces.\nWith this fix, the documentation is corrected. IO24822 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) The Send file as link action removes custom subject.\nWith this fix, the custom subject setting is used. IO24825 (IBM Content Navigator users) The Move to folder action in the context menu is not working from within a teamspace when over 400 teamspaces exist.\nWith this fix, the action performs as expected. IO24826 (IBM Content Manager users) The work item list is not updated with the current owner after the work item owner has been changed and the item has been processed to the next step.",
"With this fix, the work item list is updated. IO24830 (IBM Content Navigator users) After viewing a document with the applet viewer, an error is found in the log: SRVE0190E: File not found: /applets/DropDown.gif\nWith this fix, the error does not occur. IO24831 (IBM Content Navigator users) Download All action should download all parts as a zip file when multiple documents are selected. IO24836 (IBM Content Navigator users) If the session expired login dialog is cancelled, the user is not logged out and the session is not expired.\nWith this fix, the user session is expired when Cancel is selected. IO24846 (IBM Content Navigator users) Change language and locale settings dialog do not display. \nWith this fix, the settings dialog appears. IO24847 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) After adding columns to the results list and the user selects to sort, the original list of columns is displayed.",
"With this fix, the updated list of columns is displayed for the sorted results. IO24861 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When using drag-and-drop to add documents to a teamspace with multiple entry templates defined, if the user selects a different template there is an error message about folder selection.\nWith this fix, the folder selection is not lost so the error message does not appear. IO24865 (IBM Content Manager users) When a user tries to view the next or previous document in the list from the Daeja ViewONE Virtual viewer with the Properties pane open, the viewer hangs.\nWith this fix, the issue is resolved. IO24869 (IBM Image Service users) Users are unable to view federated annotations from Image Services.\nWith this fix, users can view the federated annotations. IO24871 (IBM Content Navigator users) The version of the document added to the Favorites list is not the same version opened.",
"With this fix, the same version that was added to the list is the same one opened. IO24880 (IBM Content Navigator users) When adding a document by clicking Add Document Using Entry Template, the repository root folder is automatically selected in the Save in field, and an error message is displayed if the logged in user does not have permission to save the document under the root folder.\nWith this fix, the repository root folder is not automatically selected. IO24883 (IBM Content Manager users) Some TIFF files can not be viewed when using the Content Manager applet viewer.\nWith this fix, the documents can be viewed. IO24884 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When the results list is displaying the contents of a folder , users can not refresh the results.\nWith this fix, the folder contents can be refreshed. IO24886 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) For Content Manager user, if the name property is a string:ext type, the name does not appear.",
"With this fix, the name property is used for the document title. IO24909 (IBM Content Navigator users) When a multi-line value is first displayed in an entry template property layout text area field, the complete value is not displayed. The text area field does not resize to display the full value until the input focus enters the text area field.\nWith this fix, the text area displays the value as expected. IO24944 (IBM Content Manager users) Navigator does not allow a user to change the class of a document with content to another class if the user does not have permission to add content to the target class. IBM Content Manager does not require the permission to add content to the target class.\nWith this fix, the user can change the class. IO24949 IBM Content Manager OnDemand users) Decimal numbers are not sorted properly when the server is set to a locale that uses a comma to indicate the decimal place, i.e., French.",
"With this fix, decimal numbers are sorted properly. IO24952 (IBM Content Navigator users) In a load balanced environment, if the client IP address for a request changes for an active session, the application executes an invalid DNS look up for each request after the client IP address change which can add a significant delay to the time it takes to process each request.\nWith this fix, the invalid DNS look up is not executed. IO24953 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) When uploading a document, the user can manipulate the upload path and save documents in a restricted folder.\nWith this fix, the user to limited to folders they have permissions for. IO24965 (IBM FileNet P8 users) Sometimes adding the related child document fails.",
"With this fix, the child document provides an error that document import failed. IO24972 (IBM Content Manager users) When using a layout and a dependent property is linked to a foreign key, the dependent property is not displaying the default foreign key values when the parent property value changes.\nWith this fix, the foreign key default choices are updated properly as the user changes the parent property value. IO24973 (IBM Content Navigator users) When using the Paste action from the context menu to paste the password into the Password field, the login button is not enabled. \nWith this fix, the Paste action enables the Add button. IO24985 (IBM Content Navigator for Microsoft Office users) Users can not install on Windows 10 if .Net 4.6.2 is already installed.",
"With this fix, users can install on Windows 10. PJ44290 (IBM Collaboration Services users) When the document name is renamed with an extension, the first content element is not displayed as expected. Instead the user is prompted to download the content element as a document with the same extension. \nWith this fix, the content is downloaded with the correct extension. PJ44413 (IBM Case Manager users) When using Internet Explorer v11, the carriage return does not start a new line in a text area. \nWith this fix, the new line is created. PJ44420 (IBM CMIS for FileNet users) With CMIS v1.1, the \"query\" and \"unfiled\" links are throwing an error.\nWith this fix, the links do not cause an error."
] | [
"PJ44413 (IBM Case Manager users) When using Internet Explorer v11, the carriage return does not start a new line in a text area. \nWith this fix, the new line is created."
] | [
] | 1,940 | 2,741 | 12,247 |
TRAIN_Q541 | Cognos Workspace Advanced Users are unable to see features. Why?
Certain Workspace Advanced users cannot open Report Studio. This happens with certain custom roles.
Environment: IBM Cognos 10.2.2.x | Based on the following steps the group or role will only have access to either Cognos Workspace (Business Insight) or Cognos Workspace Advanced (Business Insight Advanced). Even though the Role receives Traverse and Execute permissions for the Report Studio capability it will not be able to open Report Studio (this is only possible if you have Traverse and Execute permissions for the Professional User Interface Profile). | [
"IBM How to create a custom group/role for Cognos Workspace and/or Cognos Workspace Advanced - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n This document will explain the steps necessary to create a group or role within the Cognos Namespace that can be used to assign only rights for Cognos Workspace Advanced and/or Cognos Workspace (or as they were formerly known in 10.1.1 / 10.1 Business Insight Advanced and/or Business Insight.). \n\nCAUSE\nIBM Cognos Licensing might require a Group of Users to be able to only access Cognos Workspace or Cognos Workspace Advanced (Business Insight or Business Insight Advanced).\n\nENVIRONMENT\nIBM Cognos Installation with Cognos Workspace (Business Insight) and Cognos Workspace Advanced (Business Insight Advanced).",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nBased on the following steps the group or role will only have access to either Cognos Workspace (Business Insight) or Cognos Workspace Advanced (Business Insight Advanced). Even though the Role receives Traverse and Execute permissions for the Report Studio capability it will not be able to open Report Studio (this is only possible if you have Traverse and Execute permissions for the Professional User Interface Profile).\n\n\n\n\n\nFirst create your group or role in the Cognos Namespace: \n\n1. Launch IBM Cognos Administration \n\n2. Select the Security Tab \n\n3. Choose Users, Groups and Roles \n\n4. Click on the Cognos namespace. \n\n5. Click \"New Role\" or \"New Group\" \n\nThen you will have to apply the following settings:\nR=Read\nT=Traverse\nW=Write\nX=Execute",
"Permissions on Capabilities [Cognos Administration->Capabilities]:\nCognos Viewer: TX\nRun With Options: TX\nCollaborate: TX\nExecutive Dashboard: TX\nExecutive Dahsboard -> Use Advanced Dashboard Features: TX (10.2.x and Up)\nExecutive Dahsboard -> Use Interactive Dashboard Features: TX (10.2.x and Up)\nReport Studio: TX\nScheduling: TX\nWatch Rules: TX\n\nReport Studio Profiles: TX [This is \"set properties\" directly on Security Tab->User Interface Profiles]\nExpress: TX [This is below User Interface Profiles]\n\nPermissions:\nPublic Folders: RTWX\nExpress Authors (on itself): RTX [Replace this with your Group located in Cognos Administration->Security tab->Users,Groups,Roles->Cognos-><your Express Group>]\n\nTo remove the Group/Role access to Cognos Workspace (Business Insight) do the following access:\nCognos Administration->Security Tab->Capabilities->Executive Dashboards (Cognos Workspace/Business Insight)->Set Properties \nYour group/role then receives deny on Traverse and Execute.",
"To remove the Group/Role access to Cognos Workspace Advanced (Business Insight Advanced) do the following:\nCognos Administration->User Interface Profiles->Drop Down Symbol next to Express->Set Properties\nSelect your group and change Traverse and Execute to Deny.\n\nYou can create unique Groups/Roles to cater to every requirement separately."
] | [
"Based on the following steps the group or role will only have access to either Cognos Workspace (Business Insight) or Cognos Workspace Advanced (Business Insight Advanced). Even though the Role receives Traverse and Execute permissions for the Report Studio capability it will not be able to open Report Studio (this is only possible if you have Traverse and Execute permissions for the Professional User Interface Profile)."
] | [
] | 371 | 749 | 2,873 |
TRAIN_Q543 | RHEL7.2: CF servers crashed when db2cluster -cm -list -alert command issued Environment: DB2 11.1 GA / RHEL7.2
Whenever I execute "db2cluster -cm -list -alert", 0x80090030 logged in db2diag.log on member nodes. Finally CF servers become STOPPED status with high probability.
2016-09-12- I362836576E602 LEVEL: Severe
PID : 22991 TID : 70366596624816 PROC : db2sysc 0
INSTANCE: db2inst1 NODE : 000 DB : SAMPLE
FUNCTION: DB2 UDB, RAS/PD component, pdLogCaPrintf, probe:876
DATA #1 : <preformatted>
NotifyConn_t.wait (PsGetNotification:) failed: 0x80090030
DATA #1 : <preformatted>
If a CF return code is displayed above and you wish to get
more information then please run the following command:
db2diag -cfrc <CF_errcode> | Add the following setting to file /etc/systemd/logind.conf
RemoveIPC=no | [
"IBM Known Issues for DB2 on Linux - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n What are known issues on Linux platforms related to DB2® database products ? \n\nANSWER\nKnown Issues with DB2 on Linux \n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21681093&aid=1]\nBug ID [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21681093&aid=2]Description\nLinux Flavor [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21681093&aid=3]\nComments 1076574 DB2's 'db2syc' process exhibits memory leak. Redhat v6 DB2 'db2sysc' process will see memory leak. Eventually, RAM and swap will be 100% consumed. The machine will be non-responsive. This memory is released when DB2 engine is stopped with 'db2stop'.\n\nThis is a RedHat Linux issue and is discussed here: []",
"This problem is already fixed by RedHat. The detailed description of all the Redhat Linux versions affected by this bug and fix details are available at: [] 1042807 32-bit applications running on 64-bit platforms where issuing msgrcv with -ve message type hangs with error: \nerror: msgrcv: No message of the desired type. Redhat v7\nkernel-3.10.0-54.0.1.e17.x86_64 32-bit application does not work on RHEL 7.0 with 64-bit DB2 engine. When the sample programs under sqllib/samples/c/ like inattach.c or dbinfo.c is compiled by bldapp with BITWIDTH=32, it hangs in sqlorqueInternal.\n\nThis is a RedHat Linux issue and is discussed here:\n []",
"This problem will be fixed by RedHat in v7.1 1264533 DB2 Panic, due to removed IPC resources. Redhat v7.2 The problem is caused by logind removing IPC resources owned by user when this user logs off. The bug is described here:\n []\n\nLocal Fix:\nAdd the following setting to file /etc/systemd/logind.conf\nRemoveIPC=no 948149 db2dart reports incorrect container tag for container which resides on XFS SLES 12 This problem exists for XFS and only if container is opened in Direct IO mode. In reality the container tag is not corrupted but result buffer will return empty after pread call, which did not report any errors. More information here:\n [] \n\nThe problem is fixed in \nkernel-default-3.12.32-33.1.x86_64.rpm",
"1165277 db2 local connections may hang in semop function Redhat/CentOS v6.6. The problem is caused by a IPC bug, first seen in kernel kernel 2.6.32-434.el6. More information here: []\n\nFixed in []\n\nLocal Fix:\nConfigure local clients' connections through TCP/IP loopback."
] | [
"Add the following setting to file /etc/systemd/logind.conf\nRemoveIPC=no"
] | [
] | 332 | 974 | 3,013 |
TRAIN_Q544 | Unable to login to TEP with TEPS LDAP authentication TEPS LDAP has been configured correctly. User id can be searched successfully in eWAS.
The login appears to be attempting to authenticate with the HUB TEMS rather than going through Websphere to contact the LDAP server. | remove the TEPS variable 'KFW_AUTHORIZATION_USE_EWAS' from the KFWENV, then restart the TEPS and verify that all users can log in. | [
"IBM TEP Login is failing for some LDAP users - United States KFW_AUTHORIZATION_USE_EWAS; TEPS; Login ; LDAP ADO; status 1021 TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n The TEPS is configured to use LDAP (e.g. Microsoft Active Directory ) for user authentication.\nSome LDAP user are able to login successfully, but some users are not able to login, why? \n\nSYMPTOM\nFor some users that try to log into the TEPS, the following error is seen: \n\n\"KFWITM393E User ID or password is invalid\" \n\n \n\nThe TEPS logs shows the error:\nKFW1002I Starting Service: 'Startup Complete v2.0' (Thursday, August 28, 2014, 3:12:36 PM-{252C}ctserver.cpp,520, \"CTServer::startServerDll\") KFW1003I Started Service: 'Startup Complete \nv2.0' (Thursday, August 28, 2014, 3:12:36 PM-{4D4}ctserver.cpp,975, \n\"CTServer::runORB\") KFW1020I ********* Waiting for requests. Startup complete ********* \n(Thursday, August 28, 2014, 3:13:30 PM-{51C}kdssqrun.c,964,\"CreatePath\") Create Path Error. status 1021 path NCS:",
"CAUSE\nThe TEPS variable 'KFW_AUTHORIZATION_USE_EWAS' \n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nPlease remove the TEPS variable 'KFW_AUTHORIZATION_USE_EWAS' from the KFWENV, then restart the TEPS and verify that all users can log in.\n\n\n\nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n ITM\nMonitoring"
] | [
"remove the TEPS variable 'KFW_AUTHORIZATION_USE_EWAS' from the KFWENV, then restart the TEPS and verify that all users can log in."
] | [
] | 157 | 426 | 1,242 |
TRAIN_Q545 | Netcool/Impact 6.1.0: SelfMonitoring events are being incorrectly cleared by OMNIbus GenericClear Automation Netcool/Impact 6.1.0: SelfMonitoring events are being incorrectly cleared by OMNIbus GenericClear Automation
When there are multiple SelfMonitoring events reporting stopped Impact Services and one of those Impact Services is restarted the resolution event is used by the OMNIbus GenericClear (and DeleteClears) Automations to delete ALL the events. | The easy solution at this time is to upgrade to Fix Pack 1 or higher. One could go to the extremes of creating a PolicyActivator, polling at a higher rate than the GenericClear Automation, to run a Policy to pick-up these events, pull out the Service name from the Summary field and append it to the Agent field of the events so that the GenericClear Automation can uniquely identify and correlate Problem and Resolution events. | [
"IBM SelfMonitoring events incorrectly cleared - United States netcool; impact; netcool/impact; nci; 610; self; monitoring; selfmonitoring; service; event; events; problem; resolution; clear; clears; generic; genericclear; delete; deleteclears; automation; object; server; objectserver; objserv; nco; omnibus TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n All SelfMonitoring Service problem (Service stopped) events are cleared by GenericClear if any single resolution (Service started) event is created \n\nSYMPTOM\nA Service is stopped and a SelfMonitoring (problem) event is sent to the ObjectServer. \n\nAnother Service is stopped and that too creates a SelfMonitoring (problem) event in the ObjectServer.\n\nThe second Service is then restarted and SelfMonitoring sends a resolution (Service started) events to the ObjectServer and this results in BOTH Service stopped events being set to Severity 0.",
"CAUSE\nSelfMonitoring Service events do not include any details of the Service in question in the fields used by the GenericClear Automation in the ObjectServer to uniquely identify and correlate Problem and Resolution events - so any single SelfMonitoring Service Resolution event will correlate with ALL SelfMonitoring Service Problem events and set the Severity to 0 for the DeleteClears Automation to mop up. \n\n\n\n\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nSelfMonitoring Service events for known stopped Services are vanishing when they shouldn't. \n\n\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe easy solution at this time is to upgrade to Fix Pack 1 or higher. One could go to the extremes of creating a PolicyActivator, polling at a higher rate than the GenericClear Automation, to run a Policy to pick-up these events, pull out the Service name from the Summary field and append it to the Agent field of the events so that the GenericClear Automation can uniquely identify and correlate Problem and Resolution events.",
"This problem is recorded by APAR IV13297 \"ALERTKEY VALUE FOR SELFMONITORING (SERVICE) EVENTS DOES NOT INCLUDE SERVICE DETAILS, SO GENERICCLEAR CLEARS ALL SUCH EVENTS.\" [link below] and is fixed in IBM Tivoli Netcool/Impact V6.1.0 Fix Pack 1 (6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0001) [link below] and above.\n\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n APAR IV13297 []\n6.1.0-TIV-NCI-FP0001 []"
] | [
"The easy solution at this time is to upgrade to Fix Pack 1 or higher. One could go to the extremes of creating a PolicyActivator, polling at a higher rate than the GenericClear Automation, to run a Policy to pick-up these events, pull out the Service name from the Summary field and append it to the Agent field of the events so that the GenericClear Automation can uniquely identify and correlate Problem and Resolution events."
] | [
] | 313 | 621 | 2,358 |
TRAIN_Q546 | Does @LocalNodeAlias="" will affect ITNM failover health check events?. Customization in nco_p_monitor.rules with @LocalNodeAlias="empty", after that both Primary and Backup started health check fail event, how to resolve that. | The value for m_Domain is taken from the value for Node (@Node) in alerts.status for the health check event. If you have altered the inserted value for @Node, either by modifying the nco_p_ncpmonitor.rules file or by some other method such as an Automation or Impact policy, then the resulting update for will fail. Ensure that the rules governing the modification of @Node allow for the value of @Node to remain unchanged for health check events. | [
"IBM Health Check events Node and Domain and their interactions. - United States HealthCheck failed events; nco_p_ncpmonitor.rules; VirtualDomain TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n HealthCheck failed events are being received, nco_p_ncpmonitor.rules has been customized. \n\nSYMPTOM\nAlthough both the Primary and Backup domains are up and (according to their mutual VirtualDomain processes) are healthy, each is sending Health Check Failed events for the other domain.\n\n\nCAUSE\nThis document only applies to those installations where the nco_p_ncpmonitor.rules file has been edited to modify the inserted value for @Node in alerts.status or where @Node is being modified for health check events by some other external process.",
"Each ITNM Gateway (ncp_ncogate) in the Primary and Backup domain retrieves health check events from alerts.status and constructs an update into the table in the VirtualDomain process. Please review the documentation in the 'Related Information' section below for more information on the Health Check process.\n\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nWhen you run the ncp_ncogate process in debug you can see the update that the gateway makes in The value for m_Domain should be the same as the Domain name for the Primary or the Backup domain. It should not be the name of the Virtual domain. \n\n\nProcessHealthCheck sent:update set m_HealthStatus=1 where m_Domain='ITNM';",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe value for m_Domain is taken from the value for Node (@Node) in alerts.status for the health check event. If you have altered the inserted value for @Node, either by modifying the nco_p_ncpmonitor.rules file or by some other method such as an Automation or Impact policy, then the resulting update for will fail. Ensure that the rules governing the modification of @Node allow for the value of @Node to remain unchanged for health check events.\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n#failover []"
] | [
"The value for m_Domain is taken from the value for Node (@Node) in alerts.status for the health check event. If you have altered the inserted value for @Node, either by modifying the nco_p_ncpmonitor.rules file or by some other method such as an Automation or Impact policy, then the resulting update for will fail. Ensure that the rules governing the modification of @Node allow for the value of @Node to remain unchanged for health check events."
] | [
] | 277 | 537 | 2,100 |
TRAIN_Q549 | What does the end-file-message mean while doing a in the MS" I am getting an end-file-message means while doing a in the MS. How do I solve the problem? | Use the commands shown below to verify you have them installed, otherwise contact your Linux system administrator and installt these required libraries. | [
"IBM Using or silent_MS_linux.bin results in end-of-file message. - United States ITCAM compat-libstdc++ libstdc++ libraries silent_MS_linux.bin errors TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nTHIS DOCUMENT APPLIES ONLY TO THE FOLLOWING LANGUAGE VERSION(S):\n US English \n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Using the DC or MS '' script results in the following error message:\n./setup_MS_lin.bin: line 1926: warning: here-document at line 1926 \ndelimited by end-of-file (wanted `/dev/null') \n\nSYMPTOM\nThe following error is seen running when doing either '' or 'silent_MS_linux.bin': \n\n Initializing InstallShield Wizard........ \nLaunching InstallShield Wizard........ \n\n./setup_MS_lin.bin: line 1926: warning: here-document at line 1926 \ndelimited by end-of-file (wanted `/dev/null') \n\nThe installer is unable to run in graphical mode. Try running the \ninstaller with the -console for -silent flag.\n\n\nCAUSE\nMissing Linux system libraries.",
"ENVIRONMENT\nLinux - RHEL6.x and RHEL7.x 64-bit versions.\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThis error messag is seen because of some missing Linux libraries. Usually what's missing are the compat-libstdc++ or libstdc++ libraries. Usually the 32-bit version is missing. Use the commands shown below to verify you have them installed, otherwise contact your Linux system administrator and installt these required libraries. \n\n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21985630&aid=1] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21985630&aid=1]\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21985630&aid=2] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21985630&aid=2]\n\n \n\nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n ITCAM4AD ITCAMfAD ITCAM for App Diagnostics"
] | [
"Use the commands shown below to verify you have them installed, otherwise contact your Linux system administrator and installt these required libraries."
] | [
] | 177 | 511 | 1,627 |
TRAIN_Q550 | ITNM is vulnerable to CVE-2017-3523 ? Customer would like to know if ITNM versions is vulnerable to CVE-2017-5638? If yes then where we can find the details?. | Refer to the following security bulletins for vulnerability details and information about fixes addressed by Oracle MySQL which is shipped with IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition. | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Security vulnerability has been identified in Oracle MySQL shipped with IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition (CVE-2017-3523) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n Oracle MySQL is shipped with IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition. Information about a security vulnerability affecting Oracle MySQL has been published in a security bulletin. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nRefer to the security bulletin listed in the Remediation/Fixes section\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM Tivoli Network Manager 3.9\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nRefer to the following security bulletins for vulnerability details and information about fixes addressed by Oracle MySQL which is shipped with IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition.",
"Affected Product and Version(s) Product and Version shipped as a component Affected Supporting Product Security Bulletin IBM Tivoli Network Manager 3.9 IBM Tivoli Network Manager 3.9 shipped with MySQL Connector 5.6 Oracle Critical Patch Update Advisory - April 2017 [] GET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v3 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v3 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 15 June 2017 : Original Version Published",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"Refer to the following security bulletins for vulnerability details and information about fixes addressed by Oracle MySQL which is shipped with IBM Tivoli Network Manager IP Edition."
] | [
] | 303 | 605 | 2,454 |
TRAIN_Q552 | How to export key from SSL certificate in IBM HTTP Server 7; getting restricted policy error
We're trying to export our IHS 7 SSL key to PKCS12 format so we can use it on our Load Balancer, but it fails with some policy error:
$/usr/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/gsk7cmd -cert -export -db /usr/IBM/HTTPServer/ssl/key.kdb -pw #### -label "domain1" -type cms -target /tmp/domain1.p12 -target_type PKCS12 -target_pw ####
The command cannot complete because your JRE is using restricted policy files.
Same error happens in Ikeyman tool. Any ideas? | To resolve the problem, select either option:
* Download and install a later Java 32-bit x86 AMD/Intel Java SDK from []the WebSphere Support web site [] to the IBM HTTP Server java and plug-ins java folder.
* Download and install the files from the Unrestricted JCE policy files [] site. | [
"IBM The Key Management Utility bundled with IBM HTTP Server V7.0 32-bit, and the WebSphere Application Server Web server plug-in 32-bit V7.0, displays an error when creating a PKCS12 keystore file - United States p12; pkcs12; ikeyman; v7.0; Plugin; Plug-in; JCE policy file TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n The Java version \"1.6.0\" new install with IBM HTTP Server V7.0 and the Web server plug-in V7.0 contains restricted policy files. \n\nSYMPTOM\nAn error message displays when performing the following steps: \n\n 1. Start the Key Management Utility.\n \n \n 2. Select Key Database File > New. For Key database type, select PKCS12 and then click OK.\n \n [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21395327&aid=1]\n \n \n 3. Enter a new password and click OK.\n\n\nThe following error message is displayed: \n\nThe command cannot complete because your JRE is using restricted policy files. \nCAUSE\nRestricted JCE Policy files",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nTo resolve the problem, select either option: \n\n * Download and install a later Java 32-bit x86 AMD/Intel Java SDK from []the WebSphere Support web site [] to the IBM HTTP Server java and plug-ins java folder.\n \n \n * Download and install the files from the Unrestricted JCE policy files [] site. \n \n After downloading the unrestricted JCE policy files, follow the instructions below to replace the restricted JCE policy files with the unrestricted JCE policy files.\n\n\nInstructions: \n1. Rename and move the restricted JCE Policy files indicated below from the <ihsinst>/java/jre/lib/security/ directory to a directory that is outside the JDK class path, extdirs, or bootclasspath. \n\nlocal_policy.jar \nUS_export_policy.jar",
"2. Next, place the unrestricted JCE policy files in the <ihsinst>/java/jre/lib/security/ directory. They should be named local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar \n\n3. Finally, restart the ikeyman utility to pick up the unrestricted JCE policy files now located in the security directory \n\nVery Important Note: You will be offered two options to download. See screen shot below. The correct Unrestricted JCE policy files will depend on the JAVA SR version. This can be verified, Run java -version command from the <ihsinst>/java/jre/bin directory. The output will display the Java SR version. \nFor example: Java 1.6..0 version with SR12 \n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21395327&aid=2] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21395327&aid=2] \n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21395327&aid=3] [/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21395327&aid=3]",
"Replacing the wrong Unrestricted JCE policy files, when retry to manage a PKCS12 keystore file the ikeyman utility will fail to open.the keystore file reporting the following error. \n\n[/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21395327&aid=4] \n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Application Servers WebSphere Application Server IBM HTTP Server Windows,,, 7.0"
] | [
"To resolve the problem, select either option: \n\n * Download and install a later Java 32-bit x86 AMD/Intel Java SDK from []the WebSphere Support web site [] to the IBM HTTP Server java and plug-ins java folder.\n \n \n * Download and install the files from the Unrestricted JCE policy files [] site."
] | [
] | 419 | 925 | 3,117 |
TRAIN_Q553 | Help with Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool (CVE-2014-3566 and CVE-2014-6457) I need to understand details regarding "Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool (CVE-2014-3566 and CVE-2014-6457) ." Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2014-6457 []
DESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the JSSE component has partial confidentiality impact, partial integrity impact, and no availability impact.
CVSS Base Score: 4
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N)
CVE-ID: CVE-2014-3566 []
DESCRIPTION: Product could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a design error when using the SSLv3 protocol. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack to decrypt SSL sessions and access the plaintext of encrypted connections.
CVSS Base Score: 4.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Multiple vulnerabilities in IBM Java SDK affect IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool (CVE-2014-3566 and CVE-2014-6457) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n There are multiple vulnerabilities in IBM® SDK Java™ Technology Edition, Version 6 that is used by IBM PureApplication System. This also includes a fix for the Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption (POODLE) SSLv3 vulnerability (CVE-2014-3566). These were disclosed as part of the IBM Java SDK updates in October 2014. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2014-6457 []\n\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the JSSE component has partial confidentiality impact, partial integrity impact, and no availability impact.",
"CVSS Base Score: 4\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N) \n\nCVE-ID: CVE-2014-3566 []\n\nDESCRIPTION: Product could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a design error when using the SSLv3 protocol. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack to decrypt SSL sessions and access the plaintext of encrypted connections.",
"CVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.2.1.3 \nIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.1.0 \nIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.2.0\n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nThe solution is to apply the following IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool version fixes.\n\nUpgrade the IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool to the following fix levels or higher:\n\n ForIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.2.1.3 \n\n * \n\n\n For IBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.1.0 * \n\n\n ForIBM Image Construction and Composition Tool v2.3.2.0 *",
"IBM recommends that you review your entire environment to identify areas that enable the SSLv3 protocol and take appropriate mitigation and remediation actions. The most immediate mitigation action that can be taken is disabling SSLv3. You should verify disabling SSLv3 does not cause any compatibility issues. WORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 15 May 2015: Original version published",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2014-6457 []\n\nDESCRIPTION: An unspecified vulnerability related to the JSSE component has partial confidentiality impact, partial integrity impact, and no availability impact.\n\nCVSS Base Score: 4\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:H/Au:N/C:P/I:P/A:N) \n\nCVE-ID: CVE-2014-3566 []\n\nDESCRIPTION: Product could allow a remote attacker to obtain sensitive information, caused by a design error when using the SSLv3 protocol. A remote user with the ability to conduct a man-in-the-middle attack could exploit this vulnerability via a POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) attack to decrypt SSL sessions and access the plaintext of encrypted connections. \n\nCVSS Base Score: 4.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:P/I:N/A:N)"
] | [] | 488 | 1,147 | 4,142 |
TRAIN_Q554 | DB2 Non Reclaimable Storage . We have tablespaces defined under DB2 9.5 that apparently are not able
to reclaim storage back to the OS.
Is there a conversion available without reloading the tables? | Tablespaces migrated from DB2 V9.1/V9.5 to V9.7 won't get upgraded directly to use the reclaimable storage feature. | [
"IBM SQL1763N error with Reason Code 11 while running \"Alter Tablespace\" command to reclaim unused storage space against DMS or automatic storage tablespaces. - United States SQL1763N; Alter Tablespace; reclaimable storage; DMS; Automatic storage table spaces; MON_GET_TABLESPACE; RECLAIMABLE_SPACE_ENABLED; SMS; DB2 Version 9.7; lower high water mark TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n Receiving SQL1763N error with Reason Code 11 while running \"Alter Tablespace\" command to reclaim unused storage space against DMS or automatic storage tablespaces. \n\nSYMPTOM\nFollowing reasons apply: \n\n * If the DMS or automatic storage tablespaces are not created in DB2 Version 9.7 or later, as the \"Reclaimable Storage\" is not available in tablespaces created in earlier versions(V9.1/V9.5) of the DB2 product. \n * Trying to alter a SMS tablespace as this feature is not supported on SMS tablespaces. \n\n\nExample testcase on a TEMPSPACE1 SMS tablespace.",
"* \n * \n * DB21034E The command was processed as an SQL statement because it was not a valid Command Line Processor command. During SQL processing it returned: SQL1763N Invalid ALTER TABLESPACE statement for table space \"TEMPSPACE1\" due to reason \"11\" SQLSTATE=429BC \n * \n \n\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nMON_GET_TABLESPACE table function and RECLAIMABLE_SPACE_ENABLED monitor element can be used to identify whether the tablespace is enabled for reclaimable storage or not. Example: \ndb2 \"SELECT varchar(tbsp_name, 30) as tbsp_name, tbsp_type, RECLAIMABLE_SPACE_ENABLED FROM TABLE(MON_GET_TABLESPACE('',-2))\" \n\n \n\nSnippet of the output: \n\n \n\nTBSP_NAME TBSP_TYPE RECLAIMABLE_SPACE_ENABLED\n----------------- ----------- -------------------------\nSYSCATSPACE DMS 1\nTEMPSPACE1 SMS 0\nUSERSPACE1 DMS 1 \n\nIf the RECLAIMABLE_SPACE_ENABLED monitor element returns a value of 1, then the tablespace is enabled for reclaimable storage. Otherwise, it returns a value of 0.",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nTo use the reclaimable storage feature, make sure to create the DMS or automatic storage tablespaces in DB2 Version 9.7 or later. Example testcase on SYSCATSPACE DMS tablespace which has reclaimable storage enabled. \n\n \n\n * \n * \n * \n * \n * \n\n\nNote: \nTablespaces migrated from DB2 V9.1/V9.5 to V9.7 won't get upgraded directly to use the reclaimable storage feature. RELATED INFORMATION\n Reclaimable storage []"
] | [
"Tablespaces migrated from DB2 V9.1/V9.5 to V9.7 won't get upgraded directly to use the reclaimable storage feature."
] | [
] | 327 | 726 | 2,466 |
TRAIN_Q555 | SPSS free trial not working on MAC - gets stuck in when it should be launching and goes nowhere
I downloaded the SPSS software on my mac running Yosemite 10.10.5. The trial was activated by IBM, they sent me several emails stating this.
So I tried to launch the app and get stuck here alt text There is no progress after an hour; and I tried to launch several times, it never gets out of this screen.
| If you like to use Statistics 22 on Yosemite you need to install Statistics 22 Fixpack 2 as well. Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and release Statistics 23 are fully tested on Yosemite OSX 10.10. So if you like to run Statistics 22 on Yosemite please install Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and also read the section below: | [
"IBM What are the supported Apple Macintosh Operating System Versions for IBM SPSS Statistics? - United States SPSS mac macintosh Apple Macintosh statistics OS supported version compatibility matrix leopard Snow Leopard Lion Mountain Lion 10.8 Mavericks 10.9 22 Yosemite 10.10 (Yosemite) el capitan 10.11 spss 24 Sierra 10.12 High Sierra 10.13 TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n I would like to know what are the supported Macintosh Operating system versions for IBM SPSS Statistics versions? \n\nANSWER\nPlease see the list below. It is strongly recommended to review the platform information on IBM Software Product Compatibility Reports []. The installation of IBM SPSS Statistics software on Apple Macintosh OSX operating systems requires an Intel processor. \n\nA) Apple Macintosh MacOS High Sierra (10.13)",
"Support for IBM SPSS Statistics 25 only. Please note that no other SPSS release will be officially supported on High Sierra, but older versions like SPSS Statistics 24 may run as well on High Sierra. \n\nNOTE: There's a known issue with some of the earlier release of Mac High Sierra system (13.0 and 13.1 beta version). \nThe top menu of SPSS 25 may disappear if the Mac OS system is set to Non-English. \nThe official MacOSX 10.13.1 version do not have this issue. So, if you encountert this issue you need to update your Mac OS version to latest official 10.13.1 build from Apple. \n\n \n\nB) Apple Macintosh MacOS Sierra (10.12) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 25 and IBM SPSS Statistics 24 only. For release 24 It is also recommended to install the latest FixPack 2 for release 24 on Mac []. [] \n\nNo older SPSS Statistics releases are supported on Sierra.",
"C) Apple Macintosh OSX El Capitan (10.11) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 24. Please see the Release notes - IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 [] for known issues on Macintosh. \n\nFull documentation including installation material provided in different languages and manuals for release 24 can be found on IBM SPSS Statistics 24 Documentation [] webpage. \n\n \n\nAlso, Support for IBM SPSS Statistics 23. Note: if you want to install on El Capitan, please refer to technote 1970391 [] \n\n \n\nD) Apple Macintosh OSX Yosemite (10.10) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 24, IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22",
"Note: Mac OSX 10.10 (Yosemite) was released on Thursday, October 16th 2014 by Apple after Statistics 22 was released. If you like to use Statistics 22 on Yosemite you need to install Statistics 22 Fixpack 2 as well. Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and release Statistics 23 are fully tested on Yosemite OSX 10.10. So if you like to run Statistics 22 on Yosemite please install Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and also read the section below: \n\n**** \n\nIn some instances it can be necessary to re-install the legacy Apple Java 6 on 10.10 for the use of Statistics 22 FixPack 2 on this platform\n\nDownload and re-install Apple Java 6",
"- After you upgraded your Apple Mac OSX from a previous release to 10.10, Apple Java 6 may no longer exists on your upgraded system. If you then launch Statistics 22 which is an application that relies on Java 6, it can happen, the Mac OS pops up a dialog box stating Java 6 was requested, but none is present.\n- The Java dialog has a \"More Info\" button, which when clicked opens a browser to an Apple Tech Support page for Apple Java 2014-001. A download link is provided:\n []\n- Click on the download link and a DMG containing the Java 6 installer is downloaded.\n- Then you open the Java DMG, double click on the Java installer, follow the prompts and complete the installation of Java 6.\n\n******* \n\n \n\nE) Apple Macintosh OSC Mavericks (10.9) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 23 and IBM SPSS Statistics 22 \n\n***",
"Note: IBM SPSS Statistics 22 was developed and released prior to Apple's release of OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). However, Statistics 22 can be installed on Mac OSX 10.9 if you install Apple Java SE 6 (1.6.0_65) on OS X 10.9 first before you install Statistics 22. Please see [] for download. \n\n**** \n\nF) Apple Macintosh OSX Mountain Lion (10.8) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 22 and IBM SPSS Statistics 21 \n\n**** \n\nG) Apple Macintosh OSX Lion (10.7) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 21 \n\n \n\nH) Apple Macintosh OSX Snow Leopard (10.6) \n\nSupport for IBM SPSS Statistics 21 \n\n \n\nOlder SPSS Statistics releases 18 and 19 and 20: \n\nPlease note that SPSS Statistics releases 18, 19 and 20 are no longer supported by IBM. Please contact IBM Sales department to renew your contracts.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n Need more help? Our Statistics forum is Live! []"
] | [
"If you like to use Statistics 22 on Yosemite you need to install Statistics 22 Fixpack 2 as well. Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and release Statistics 23 are fully tested on Yosemite OSX 10.10. So if you like to run Statistics 22 on Yosemite please install Statistics 22 FixPack 2 and also read the section below:"
] | [
] | 766 | 1,373 | 5,129 |
TRAIN_Q556 | Does DB2 DBMS implement NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules to provision digital signatures? Does DB2 DBMS implement NIST FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules to provision digital signatures? If so, how can we utilize it? | No because DB2 does not use session ids for authentication and thus not vulnerable to the attack described above. DB2 uses encryption modules which are FIPS 140-2 certified. | [
"IBM DB2 UDB Version 8, v10.5 compliance with FIPS 140-2 standard - United States TECHNOTE (FAQ)\n\nQUESTION\n Is DB2 v8, v10.5 compliant to FIPS 140-2 ?. \n\nANSWER\n\nIs DB2 v10.5 compliant with FIPS 140-2?\n\nQ: Is DB2 vulnerable to the problem described below?\n\nV-58165 DBMS main in the middle attack []\n\n\"One class of man-in-the-middle, or session hijacking, attack involves the adversary guessing at valid session identifiers based on patterns in identifiers already known. The preferred technique for thwarting guesses at Session IDs is the generation of unique session identifiers using a FIPS 140-2 approved random number generator. However, it is recognized that available DBMS products do not all implement the preferred technique yet may have other protections against session hijacking. Therefore, other techniques are acceptable, provided they are demonstrated to be effective. \"",
"A: No because DB2 does not use session ids for authentication and thus not vulnerable to the attack described above. DB2 uses encryption modules which are FIPS 140-2 certified.\n\nDB2 v8.x compliancy to FIPS 140-2\n\nDB2 v8.x went out of support in April 2009.\n\nWhat is ICC?\n\nICC (IBM Crypto for C) is a set of libraries from Tivoli® for performing encryption. As of DB2® Universal Database™ (DB2 UDB) Version 8 fixpak 7 (equivalent to DB2 UDB Version 8.2), DB2 is using ICC on most platforms.\n\nCustomers who need to operate in an environment that is compliant with FIPS 140-2 federal standard should take into account the releases of ICC that are shipped by DB2 on different platforms and the compliance status of those releases with FIPS 140.2.\n\nFollowing is a list of platforms on which DB2 is using ICC for encryption of data flowing between clients and servers:",
"DB2 V8 Fixpak 7 through DB2 Fixpak 11: \nICC Version 1.2.2 on platforms:\nAIX 32 bit\nHP-UX PA-RISC 32 bit\nICC Version 1.2.1 on platforms: \nAIX 64 bit\nHP-UX PA-RISC 64 bit\nHP-UX IA64\nLinux x86, Linux x86-64, Linux IA64\nLinux for zSeries\nLinux for POWER\nWindows x86 and IA64\nSolaris SPARC 64 bit\nICC Version 1.3.9 on platforms:\nSolaris x86-64 (DB2 V8.2 GA)\n\nDB2 V8 Fixpak 12 and later: \nICC Version 1.4.1 on platforms \nAIX\nHP-UX PA-RISC\nLinux x86 and x86-64\nLinux for zSeries\nLinux for POWER\nWindows x86 and x86-64\nSolaris SPARC\nICC Version 1.3.9 on platforms \nHP-UX IA64\nLinux IA64\nWindows IA64\n\nSummary of known problems encountered in ICC 1.2.1/1.2.2:\nThere are a number of issues with DB2 and the ICC encryption libraries at levels prior to 1.3.9. The known problems are:",
"1. Severe performance problems where processes seem to hang, or take several minutes to run. \n 2. A bug in ICC code causes it to communicate with the OpenSSL EGD (Entropy Gathering Daemon) which under certain circumstances could hang \n 3. ICC symbols have not been namespaced and DB2 can end up with symbol collisions with OpenSSL code. This can also happen when multiple versions of ICC are used within the same process.\n\n\nDB2 Version 8 Fixpak 12 and later incorporates IBM Crypto for C (ICC) version 1.3.9 or 1.4.1 cryptographic module which fixes these problems. \n\n \n\nNote: The latest status of ICC conformance with FIPS 140-2 standard can be obtained by referring to []\n\nRELATED INFORMATION\n FIPS PUB 140-2 []"
] | [
"No because DB2 does not use session ids for authentication and thus not vulnerable to the attack described above. DB2 uses encryption modules which are FIPS 140-2 certified."
] | [
] | 503 | 1,010 | 3,512 |
TRAIN_Q557 | How do I resolve a performance issue with my applicaiton running on a DB2 client as a result of low level segement calls issued by DB2? Currently experiencing a performance issue with an application running on a DB2 client, the stack traces reveals that multiple segment() calls are being issued by DB2 and they are failing. What can be done to resolve this issue? | The solution is to issue the following command at the DB2 client:
db2trc alloc
This will then create the necessary IPC resources, and prevent the semget() calls from failing (since the semget() call now has IPC resources that it can use). The potential performance problem will thus be avoided.
The failed semget() operations are more of a concern for Solaris Operating Environment, Linux®, HP-UX and AIX® operating systems, in terms of performance implications. Windows® will not have this problem due to its specific architecture.
The db2trc alloc command should be invoked every time the client is restarted, and therefore it is recommended to add this command to a startup script. | [
"IBM Application running on a DB2 client performs poorly due to low level semget calls issued by DB2 - United States db2trc alloc; semget TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n This document provides troubleshooting information for the situation where an application running on a remote DB2 client performs poorly. In particular, it describes a scenario where performance is poor because of failed semget() calls to the operating system.\n\n\nCAUSE\nDB2® Universal Database™ (DB2 UDB) has an internal trace facility called \"db2trc\". This trace facility acquires Inter Process Communication (IPC) resources (both semaphore and shared memory). Even though a DB2 trace is not turned on, it may issue semget() calls to the operating system. These calls will fail, though, since no IPC resources were acquired.",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nThe trace facility has an \"alloc\" option that can allocate necessary IPC resources. When you issue db2start, internal functions equivalent to command db2trc alloc are automatically issued, and when you issue db2stop, the trace segment will be removed if no one is using it.\n\nSince a DB2 client does not necessarily have the ability to perform the db2start command, no IPC's will be automatically allocated for the trace facility, and hence the problem.\n\nThe solution is to issue the following command at the DB2 client:\n\ndb2trc alloc\n\nThis will then create the necessary IPC resources, and prevent the semget() calls from failing (since the semget() call now has IPC resources that it can use). The potential performance problem will thus be avoided.",
"The failed semget() operations are more of a concern for Solaris Operating Environment, Linux®, HP-UX and AIX® operating systems, in terms of performance implications. Windows® will not have this problem due to its specific architecture.\n\nThe db2trc alloc command should be invoked every time the client is restarted, and therefore it is recommended to add this command to a startup script.\n\nNote: To determine if the application is issuing semget() calls, the best course of action would be to take a \"truss\". Please read your operating system manuals on how to perform and read a truss.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n IC85712 (AIX) []\nFP5: db2trc command has been improved for clients (Linu []\nv10.5 IT17501 []\nv11.1 IT17518 []"
] | [
"The solution is to issue the following command at the DB2 client:\n\ndb2trc alloc\n\nThis will then create the necessary IPC resources, and prevent the semget() calls from failing (since the semget() call now has IPC resources that it can use). The potential performance problem will thus be avoided.\n\nThe failed semget() operations are more of a concern for Solaris Operating Environment, Linux®, HP-UX and AIX® operating systems, in terms of performance implications. Windows® will not have this problem due to its specific architecture.\n\nThe db2trc alloc command should be invoked every time the client is restarted, and therefore it is recommended to add this command to a startup script."
] | [] | 347 | 701 | 2,592 |
TRAIN_Q559 | Help with Security Bulletin: Security Vulnerability in IBM PureApplication System. (CVE-2015-1920) I need to understand details regarding "Security Bulletin: Security Vulnerability in IBM PureApplication System (CVE-2015-1920)". Where can I find this information? | CVEID: CVE-2015-1920 []
DESCRIPTION: WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code by connecting to a management port and executing a specific sequence of instructions.
CVSS Base Score: 9.3
CVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score
CVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined
CVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C) | [
"IBM Security Bulletin: Security Vulnerability in IBM PureApplication System. (CVE-2015-1920) - United States SECURITY BULLETIN\n\nSUMMARY\n IBM PureApplication System contains IBM WebSphere Application Server, which has a security vulnerability that could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code by connecting to a management port and executing a specific sequence of instructions. \n\nVULNERABILITY DETAILS\nCVEID: CVE-2015-1920 []\nDESCRIPTION: WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code by connecting to a management port and executing a specific sequence of instructions.\nCVSS Base Score: 9.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)",
"Please consult the security bulletin: Security Vulnerability in IBM WebSphere Application Server []for additional vulnerability details and information\n\nAFFECTED PRODUCTS AND VERSIONS\nIBM PureApplication Server bundles WebSphere Application Server in its Web Application Pattern.\n\nIBM PureApplication System V2.1\nIBM PureApplication System V2.0\nIBM PureApplication System V1.1 \n\nREMEDIATION/FIXES\nThe solution is to apply an update to the Web Application pattern type included in IBM PureApplication System:",
"IBM PureApplication System V2.1\n· Web Application Pattern Type V2.0.4.2\n []\n\n· Web Application Pattern Type V1.0.4.2\n []",
"IBM PureApplication System V2.0 \nThe solution is to upgrade to IBM PureApplication System V2.0.0.1 Interim Fix 5\n\nIBM PureApplication System V1.1 and earlier:\nContact IBM customer support for upgrade options.\n\nWORKAROUNDS AND MITIGATIONS\nNone\n\nGET NOTIFIED ABOUT FUTURE SECURITY BULLETINS\n Subscribe to My Notifications [] to be notified of important product support alerts like this. \n\nREFERENCES\nComplete CVSS v2 Guide [] \nOn-line Calculator v2 [] \n\nRELATED INFORMATION\nIBM Secure Engineering Web Portal [] \nIBM Product Security Incident Response Blog [] \n\nACKNOWLEDGEMENT\nNone \n\nCHANGE HISTORY\n 19 August 2015: Original Version Published\n11 September 2015 Updated for IBM PureApplication System v2.0",
"*The CVSS Environment Score is customer environment specific and will ultimately impact the Overall CVSS Score. Customers can evaluate the impact of this vulnerability in their environments by accessing the links in the Reference section of this Security Bulletin. \n\nDISCLAIMER\nAccording to the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST), the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) is an \"industry open standard designed to convey vulnerability severity and help to determine urgency and priority of response.\" IBM PROVIDES THE CVSS SCORES \"AS IS\" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CUSTOMERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF ANY ACTUAL OR POTENTIAL SECURITY VULNERABILITY."
] | [
"CVEID: CVE-2015-1920 []\nDESCRIPTION: WebSphere Application Server could allow a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code by connecting to a management port and executing a specific sequence of instructions.\nCVSS Base Score: 9.3\nCVSS Temporal Score: See [] for the current score\nCVSS Environmental Score*: Undefined\nCVSS Vector: (AV:N/AC:M/Au:N/C:C/I:C/A:C)"
] | [
] | 375 | 1,218 | 4,188 |
TRAIN_Q560 | What are the known issues with WILY software and WAS or BPM?
What are the known issues with WILY software and WAS or BPM? | If you are using CA Wily Introscope to monitor performance in the same environment with IBM Business Process Manager, you might receive messages that a user session has expired. Before you can continue working on IBM BPM, you must log out and log in again. | [
"IBM Business Process Manager users receive errors that session has expired - United States TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM(ABSTRACT)\n If you are using CA Wily Introscope to monitor performance in the same environment with IBM Business Process Manager, you might receive messages that a user session has expired. Before you can continue working on IBM BPM, you must log out and log in again. \n\nCAUSE\nWebSphere Application Server has session security integration enabled by default. Enabling this feature guards against the possibility of session data being hijacked by another user. \nThe Wily Introscope agent might try to access an active user session to monitoring purposes. Because Wily does not have the same authenticated user, the session security integration feature prevents Wily from accessing that user session.",
"By having a custom property named InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException set to true, the session manager will invalidate the active user session. This causes the \"session expired\" messages for the IBM BPM user. (The default value for InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException is false.)\n\n\nDIAGNOSING THE PROBLEM\nTo verify you have this problem, you can turn on tracing for the Web container, the session, security, and IBM BPM using these tracing strings: \n\n\n*********=all:WLE.*=all \n\nYou might see entries in the stack trace similar to the following lines:",
"at com.wily.introscope.agent.servlethelper.ServletRequestHelper.getSession(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.servlethelper.ServletRequestHelper.get(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.trace.hc2.HttpServletLazyMapProvider.get(\nat com.wily.util.adt.LazyMap.get(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.trace.hc2.HttpServletLazyMap.putAllParameters(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.trace.hc2.HttpServletTracer.IInvocationDataParameterCallback_addParameters(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.trace.InvocationData.addParameterCallbacks(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.feature.VirtualStackFeatureHelper.fillComponentParams(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.feature.VirtualStackFeatureHelper.getTransanctionSnapShotFromInvocationData(",
"at com.wily.introscope.agent.feature.VirtualStackFeatureHelper.getTransactionSnapshotFromStack(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.feature.StallFeatureBase.reportStall(\nat com.wily.introscope.agent.feature.StallCheckBehaviorCorrect.ITimestampedRunnable_execute(\nat com.wily.util.heartbeat.IntervalHeartbeat$BehaviorNode.execute(\nat com.wily.util.heartbeat.IntervalHeartbeat.executeNextBehaviorAndCalculateSleepTime(\nat com.wily.util.heartbeat.IntervalHeartbeat.access$2(\nat com.wily.util.heartbeat.IntervalHeartbeat$\nat",
"RESOLVING THE PROBLEM\nTo prevent the sessions from expiring, choose one of the following options:",
"* Stop the Wily agent. \n * Remove the custom property InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException=true by completing the following steps: 1. Log in to the administrative console. \n \n 2. Click server_name > Session Manager > Custom properties. \n \n 3. Select the InvalidateOnUnauthorizedSessionRequestException property, which is set to true, and delete it.\n The purpose of this setting in BPM default configuration is to \"gracefully\" terminate existing sessions and create new sessions in shared browser scenarios. With this setting removed, you may see temporary exceptions in cases two users share the same browser instance and try to switch identity without closing the browser in between. \n \n 4. Click Apply and then save the master configuration. \n \n 5. Restart the servers. \n \n \n * Disable specific Wily configurations that reuse the session IDs from existing users.",
"RELATED INFORMATION\n CA Technologies: Session killed by agent heartbeat []\n\n\n\n\nCross reference information Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Business Integration IBM Business Process Manager Standard AIX, Linux, Solaris, Windows 8.5.7.CF201706, 8.5.7.CF201703, 8.5.7.CF201612, 8.5.7.CF201609, 8.5.7.CF201606, 8.5.7,,, 8.5.6, 8.5.5,,, 8.5,,,, 8.0.1, 8.0 Business Integration IBM Business Process Manager Express Linux, Windows 8.5.7.CF201706, 8.5.7.CF201703, 8.5.7.CF201612, 8.5.7.CF201609, 8.5.7.CF201606, 8.5.7,,, 8.5.6, 8.5.5,,, 8.5,,,, 8.0.1, 8.0 \nPRODUCT ALIAS/SYNONYM\n BPM"
] | [
"If you are using CA Wily Introscope to monitor performance in the same environment with IBM Business Process Manager, you might receive messages that a user session has expired. Before you can continue working on IBM BPM, you must log out and log in again."
] | [
] | 464 | 1,584 | 5,186 |
TRAIN_Q561 | I am getting an error when attempting to apply CF09 on Portal 8001 on a secondary cluster node The ConfigTrace.log shows the following....
ADMA5026E: No valid target is specified in ObjectName
WebSphere:cell=<cellname>,node=<nodename>,server=webserver1 for
module ilwwcm-authoring.war+WEB-INF/web.xml.
[wsadmin] ADMA5026E: No valid target is specified in ObjectName
WebSphere:cell=<cellname>,node=<nodename>,server=webserver1 for
module ilwwcm-authoring.war+WEB-INF/web.xml.
| If using a remote Dmgr, be sure it is started prior to attempting the upgrade.
2. If using a local Dmgr and Installation Manager requires you to stop it prior to attempting the upgrade, follow these steps:
a. Verify the Dmgr profile name by navigating to the Dmgr's AppServer/bin folder and execute this command:
./|bat -listProfiles
b. Pass in the correct Dmgr profile name according to the installation option you are using: | [
"IBM Fix pack 8001 installlation fails - ADMA5026E: no valid target is specified in ObjectName - United States portal fix pack fixpack 8001 install installation fail fails failure ADMA5026E WCMD0003E TECHNOTE (TROUBLESHOOTING)\n\nPROBLEM\nDuring the 8001 fix pack installation, ConfigEngine executes a wsadmin script which tries to read the server definition for any vertical cluster members added to the node. If the Dmgr was not running during the upgrade, it may fail.\n\nSYMPTOM\nIn ConfigTrace, the process is not connecting to the Dmgr:\n========================================\nFri Mar 22 21:19:10 GMT 2013\nTarget started: action-set-managed-node-flag\n\naction-set-managed-node-flag:\n[echo] Is this a Managed Node ? true\nTarget finished: action-set-managed-node-flag\nFri Mar 22 21:19:11 GMT 2013\nTarget started: action-set-conntype-property\n\naction-set-conntype-property:\n[echo] wsadminConnType set to: NONE\nTarget finished: action-set-conntype-property\n========================================",
"The wsadminConnType should be set to SOAP in a cluster. Further in the ConfigTrace, we see this error:\n\n\n========================================\n\n[wsadmin] WASX7357I: By request, this scripting client is not connected to any server process. Certain configuration and application operations will be available in local mode.\n[wsadmin] AppName wps_scheduler\n[wsadmin] Ear File /opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/installer/wp.ear/installableApps/wps_scheduler.ear\n[wsadmin] Install Options -update -appname \"wps_scheduler\" -deployejb.classpath {/opt/IBM/WebSphere/PortalServer/base/wp.base/shared/app/wp.base.jar}\n[wsadmin] Getting tasks for: wps_scheduler",
"[wsadmin] ADMA5026E: No valid target is specified in ObjectName WebSphere:cell=MyCell,node=MyNode,server=webserver1 for module wp.scheduler.ejb.jar+META-INF/ejb-jar.xml.\n[wsadmin] ADMA5026E: No valid target is specified in ObjectName WebSphere:cell=MyCell,node=MyNode,server=webserver1 for module wp.scheduler.ejb.jar+META-INF/ejb-jar.xml.\n[wsadmin] at\n[wsadmin] at\n[wsadmin] at\n[wsadmin] at\n========================================",
"In Installation Manager native logs, you may see the following error if an incorrect Dmgr profile name is passed in:\n\n========================================\ncheck-if-ok-to-start-dmgr:\n\niim-start-dmgr:\n[exec] WCMD0003E: The specified profile \"Dmgr01\" cannot be found.\nIf a default profile exists and you wish to use it, the -profileName\nparameter is not required.\n[exec] Result: 1\n[exec] Current profile - wp_profile\n========================================\n\nCAUSE\nThe Dmgr is not started during the upgrade, so the installation process cannot connect to it.\n\n\n\nRESOLVING THE PROBLEM\n1. If using a remote Dmgr, be sure it is started prior to attempting the upgrade. \n\n2. If using a local Dmgr and Installation Manager requires you to stop it prior to attempting the upgrade, follow these steps:\na. Verify the Dmgr profile name by navigating to the Dmgr's AppServer/bin folder and execute this command:\n\n./|bat -listProfiles",
"b. Pass in the correct Dmgr profile name according to the installation option you are using:\n\n []\n\n\n\n\n * \n *"
] | [
"If using a remote Dmgr, be sure it is started prior to attempting the upgrade. \n\n2. If using a local Dmgr and Installation Manager requires you to stop it prior to attempting the upgrade, follow these steps:\na. Verify the Dmgr profile name by navigating to the Dmgr's AppServer/bin folder and execute this command:\n\n./|bat -listProfiles\n\nb. Pass in the correct Dmgr profile name according to the installation option you are using:\n\n"
] | [] | 337 | 1,231 | 4,052 |
Subsets and Splits