dict |
"ar": "نوع VCD:",
"en": "vcd type"
} |
"ar": "يا إلهي, ماذا تفعل؟",
"en": "sweet jesus what are you doing"
} |
"ar": "يمكنني العمل على ذلك",
"en": "i can work with that"
} |
"ar": "لم اكن لأفعل هذا",
"en": "i wouldnt do this"
} |
"ar": "عرض مشروع القرار A/C.3/62/L.48",
"en": "introduction of draft resolution ac362l48"
} |
"ar": "-حسنا... هل ...",
"en": "well douh"
} |
"ar": "-ماذا كان (جون) ليقول",
"en": " what would john have to say"
} |
"ar": "لا زلت هنا أليس كذلك؟",
"en": "im still here right"
} |
"ar": "أنت هنا!",
"en": "youre here"
} |
"ar": "لن ترحل لأي مكان!",
"en": "look the only positive thing about this whole situation is that its driving you crazy and theres nothing you can do about it"
} |
"ar": "- وجود الذيل.",
"en": " having a tail"
} |
"ar": "يا أخي - !",
"en": " brother"
} |
"ar": "نعم أعتقد ذلك أيضا نوعا ما",
"en": "yeah i sort of called that"
} |
"ar": "لكن لم أستطع ذلك",
"en": "i just cant do it"
} |
"ar": "المنصوص عليه في هذه الأرض...",
"en": "set down on this earth"
} |
"ar": "إنها قوانيني",
"en": "well its mine"
} |
"ar": "أنا لا أريد مهارات اجتماعية",
"en": "i dont need people skills"
} |
"ar": "لما تنظر من فوق كتفك دائما؟",
"en": "why do you keep looking over your shoulder"
} |
"ar": "تذكر أن مستقبل عائلتنا معك",
"en": "remember that the future of our familys with you"
} |
"ar": "يهبط (فريندرا براتاب) بطائرته",
"en": " even as veerendra prataps helicopter landed"
} |
"ar": "دعها تذهب يا أبي",
"en": "let her go father"
} |
"ar": "... الوقت يمر",
"en": "im troubled"
} |
"ar": "[يرن الهاتف الخليوي]",
"en": "cell phone rings"
} |
"ar": "-ولعلمك ، أنت لست حاملا",
"en": " just so you know youre not pregnant"
} |
"ar": "- - هو لا يتنفس -",
"en": "hes not breathing"
} |
"ar": "ماذا نفعل الآن؟",
"en": "now what"
} |
"ar": "-أن تخبر (هاوس )",
"en": " you could tell house"
} |
"ar": "لن يحدث مرة أخرى",
"en": "it wont happen again"
} |
"ar": "سأحمي ظهرك أعدك!",
"en": "i believe you bro"
} |
"ar": "إذن ، هذه هي ؟",
"en": "so thats it huh"
} |
"ar": "مالذي أواجهه؟",
"en": "what am i up against huh"
} |
"ar": "نعم ، لقد فعل",
"en": "yeshe did"
} |
"ar": "تعال وإرقص.",
"en": "come and dance"
} |
"ar": "-حظ سعيد مع ذلك",
"en": "good luck with that"
} |
"ar": "- لا، فقط ماء.",
"en": " no just water"
} |
"ar": "أنا هوغو!",
"en": "i am hugo"
} |
"ar": "لأنك كدت تموتين هناك.",
"en": "because you almost died back there"
} |
"ar": "وتعلم أنني أستطيع",
"en": "you know i can"
} |
"ar": "أسعل مجددا –.",
"en": " cough again great school"
} |
"ar": "لا يلمسها أحد",
"en": " hi uh nobody touch her"
} |
"ar": "-نعم، أنا بخير .",
"en": " yes mary im fine"
} |
"ar": "كلا, لن أصاب - !",
"en": " no i wont"
} |
"ar": "إنها سيارة آيس كريم!",
"en": "its the fucking icecream van"
} |
"ar": "-لذا اتصلي فقط في حالة الطوارئ",
"en": " so only call in case of emergency"
} |
"ar": "شكرا لك على البقاء.",
"en": "i cant stop and smell the roses knowing his ass is sitting out there paul jr well see sister that says more about you than it does about him"
} |
"ar": "أي سلبيات أخرى تراها؟",
"en": "okay i mean what other bad habits are you seeing"
} |
"ar": "-واحد إثنان ثلاثة",
"en": " one two three"
} |
"ar": "- سنستمر فى التصوير.",
"en": " okay lets keep on filming"
} |
"ar": "لا أستطيع إثبات ذلك",
"en": "i can prove it"
} |
"ar": "أذهب الى الجحيم.",
"en": "go fuck yourself"
} |
"ar": "هذا لطيف.",
"en": "this is nice"
} |
"ar": "لدى خطط",
"en": "i have plans"
} |
"ar": "-تعاونك بخصوص (كيرا )",
"en": "your cooperation with kira"
} |
"ar": "حسنا , هو كذلك",
"en": "well he does"
} |
"ar": "لديك خمسة دقائق",
"en": "you have five minutes"
} |
"ar": "- حظي العاثر !",
"en": "bad luck"
} |
"ar": "حسنا ، كيف حدث ذلك ؟",
"en": "okay how did this happen"
} |
"ar": "انا بحثت هناك , ثم",
"en": "i searched there and"
} |
"ar": "لا حق لك بالتحكم بها!",
"en": "you have no right to control it"
} |
"ar": "هل لديك هذا المبلغ ؟",
"en": "do you have that kind of money"
} |
"ar": "لا أدري ربما اليوم بأكمله",
"en": "dont know might be here all day"
} |
"ar": "- حسنا، هو ليس طعمي.",
"en": "well its not to my taste"
} |
"ar": "هي سريعه جدا حسنا",
"en": " shes really fast man all right"
} |
"ar": "ذلك الشخص الذي ستقاتله...",
"en": "this guy youre up against"
} |
"ar": "أجل إنني لم أفهم ذلك مطلقا",
"en": "i just never understood it"
} |
"ar": "فقط إنتظري للحظة إستديري",
"en": "just relax for a second turn around"
} |
"ar": "الاجتماعات الأخرى",
"en": "other meetings"
} |
"ar": "دعني ار هذا",
"en": "like a dump let me see this"
} |
"ar": "هل سمعت ذلك يا أبي ؟",
"en": "you hear that dad"
} |
"ar": "1- إقرار جدول الأعمال",
"en": "adoption of the agenda"
} |
"ar": "كنا هنا لساعات لا لعب هنا",
"en": "weve been here for hours there is no play here"
} |
"ar": "شئ لا تستطيع فهمه",
"en": "maybe thats something you cant emotionally comprehend yet"
} |
"ar": "-لا أبدا كنت أشعل شمعة وأتأمل",
"en": "not on your life i light a candle and meditate"
} |
"ar": "ويلكنز! ويلكنز!",
"en": "wilkins wilkins"
} |
"ar": ". انتظر إنها ليست صخرة",
"en": "wait its not a rock"
} |
"ar": "إذا انت هنا لتهديدي؟",
"en": "so youre here to threaten me"
} |
"ar": "تبين أننا لن نحصل على طفل",
"en": "um it it turns out that were not getting a baby"
} |
"ar": "الذي غرق",
"en": "which sank"
} |
"ar": "لا أستطيع عمل شيء بشأن ذلك.",
"en": "i cant do anything about that"
} |
"ar": "تذكروا, وجودكم على خشبة المسرح",
"en": "remember being onstage"
} |
"ar": "الرصاصة الحمراء ضعيف.",
"en": "youll see red bullet has no legs"
} |
"ar": "سيدة (دانفورث)",
"en": "mrs danforth"
} |
"ar": "هل انتهى؟",
"en": "is it"
} |
"ar": "أي واحدة؟",
"en": "which is it"
} |
"ar": "حزمت امتعتها وعادت للمنزل",
"en": "she packed her luggage and came home"
} |
"ar": "-من صاحب هذه الفكرة؟",
"en": " whose idea was this"
} |
"ar": "ـ أجل، هيا",
"en": " yeah come on"
} |
"ar": "أختي الفقيرة...",
"en": "my poor sister"
} |
"ar": "على \"نيفر دي لوزو\"/!",
"en": "mr neuville"
} |
"ar": "انتم حقا حلوين مع بعض يا شباب",
"en": "you guys are really cute together"
} |
"ar": "أتساءل ماذا فعلت به",
"en": "i wonder what i did with that"
} |
"ar": "ليس مهما.",
"en": " nah"
} |
"ar": "وافسدت وجميلة تصل.",
"en": "hes pretty messed up"
} |
"ar": "كل كلمه فيه .",
"en": "every word of it"
} |
"ar": "- البرت تعال الى هنا بني",
"en": "albert come here son"
} |
"ar": "#كأن تقفز كالكرة من على السطح#",
"en": "like going bungee jumping off a rooftop"
} |
"ar": "-حسنا أنا (ليو)",
"en": " oh right im leo"
} |
"ar": "أخبريني فقط...",
"en": "just tell me"
} |
"ar": "جسده جميل، راقي شاذ بالتأكيد",
"en": "chiseled classy almost certainly gay"
} |
"ar": "سوف تكونين بخير",
"en": "youre gonna be fine"
} |