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Szerző: Howard Phillips Lovecraft • Év: 1929
As for myself and the conditions under which I write—I’m afraid that’s a rather unimportant subject since in plain fact I am a very mediocre and uninteresting individual despite my queer tastes, and have hardly produced anything worth calling real literature. However—here are a few data.
I am a prosaic middle-aged creature about to turn 39 on the 20th of next month—a native of Providence, of old Rhode Island stock on my mother’s side and more closely English on my father’s side. I was born on what was then the eastern edge of the settled district, so that I could look westward to paved streets and eastward to green fields and woods and valleys. Having a country-squire heredity, I looked east oftener than west; so that to this day I am three-quarters a rustic. At the present inn-meat I am seated on a wooded bluff above the shining river which my earliest gaze knew and loved. This part of my boyhood world is unchanged because it is a part of the local park system—may the gods be thanked for keeping inviolate the scenes which my infant imagination peopled with fauns and satyrs and dryads!
My taste for weird things began very early, for I have always had a riotously uncontrolled imagination. I was afraid of the dark until my grandfather cured me by making me walk through vacant rooms and corridors at night, and I had a tendency to weave fancies around everything I saw. Very early, too, began my taste for old things which is so strong a part of my present personality. Providence is an ancient and picturesque town, built originally upon a precipitously steep hillside up which still wind the narrow lanes of colonial times with their carved, fanlighted doorways, iron-railed double flights of steps, and tapering Georgian steeples. This dizzy, ancient precipice lies on the route between residence and business sections, and from infantile glimpses of it I acquired a fascinated reverence for the past—the age of periwigs and three-cornered hats and leather-bound books with long s’s. My taste for the latter was augmented by the fact that there were many in the family library—most of them in a black windowless attic room to which I was half-afraid to go alone, yet whose terror-breeding potentialities really increased for me the charm of the archaic volumes I found and read there.
Weird stuff always captivated me more than anything else—from the very first. Of all the tales told to us in infancy the fairy lore and witch and ghost legends made the deepest impression. I began to read fairly young—at four—and Grimm’s Fairy Tales formed my first continuous reading. At five I read the Arabian Nights, and was utterly enthralled. I made my mother fix up an Arabian corner in my room—with appropriate hangings, lamps, and objets d’art purchased at our local “Damascus Bazaar”—and I assumed the fictitious appellation of Abdul Alhazred; a name I have ever since whimsically cherished, and which I have latterly used to designate the author of the mythical Al Azif or Necronomicon.
At about six I turned to Graeco-Roman mythology, led gradually by Hawthome’s “Wonder Book” and “Tanglewood Tales” and by a stray copy of “The Odyssey” legend in Harper’s Half-Hour Series. At once I dismantled my Bagdad corner and became a Roman—turning to Bulfinch’s “Age of Fable” and haunting the museums of classical art here and in Boston. It was around this time that I first began my crude attempts at literature. I was literate on paper—with printed characters—as soon as I could read; but did not attempt any original composition till around my sixth birthday, when I painfully acquired the art of writing in script. Curiously, the first stuff I wrote was vase; since I had always had an ear for rhythm, and had very early got hold of an old book on “Composition, Rhetorick, and Poetick Numbers” printed in 1797 and used by my great-great-grandfather at the East Greenwich Academy about 1805. The first of these infantile verses I can remember is “The Adventures of Ulysses”; or, “The New Odyssey”, written when I was seven. This began: “The night was dark, O reader hark! and see Ulysses’ fleet all homeward bound, with vict’ry crown’d, he hopes his spouse to greet. Long he hath fought, put Troy to naught, and levell’d down its walls. But Neptune’s wrath obstructs his path, and into snares he falls.”
Mythology was my life-blood then, and I really almost believed in the Greek and Roman deities—fancying I could glimpse fauns and satyrs and dryads at twilight in those oaken groves where I am sitting now. When I was about 7 years old, mythological fancy made me wish to be—not merely to see—a faun or a satyr. I used to try to imagine that the tops of my ears were beginning to get pointed and that a trace of incipient horns was beginning to appear on my forehead—and bitterly lamented the fact that my feet were rather slow in turning into hooves! Of all young heathen, I was the most unregenerate. Sunday school—to which I was sent when five—made no impression on me; (though I loved the old Georgian grace of my mother’s hereditary church, the stately First Baptist, built in 1775) and I shocked everybody with my pagan utterances—at first calling myself a Mohammedan and then a Roman pagan. I actually built woodland altars to Pan, Jove, Minerva, and Apollo, and sacrificed small objects amidst the odour of incense. When, a little later, I was forced by scientific reasoning to discard my childish paganism, it was to become an absolute atheist and materialist. I have since given much attention to philosophy, and find no valid reason for any belief in any form of the so-called spiritual and supernatural. The cosmos is, in all probability, an eternal mass of shifting and mutually interacting force—patterns of which our present visible universe, our tiny earth, and our puny race of organic beings, form merely a momentary and negligible incident. Thus my serious conception of reality is dynamically opposite to the fantastic position I take as an aesthete. In aesthetics, nothing interests me so much as the idea of strange suspensions of natural law—weird glimpses of terrifyingly elder worlds and abnormal dimensions, and faint scratchings from unknown outside abysses on the rim of the known cosmos. I think this kind of thing fascinates me all the more because I don’t believe a word of it!
Well—I began to write weird tales at the age of 7 1/2 or 8, when I had my first glimpse of my idol Poe. The stuff was very bad, and most of it is destroyed; but I still have two laughable specimens done when I was 8—“The Secret of the Grave” and “The Mysterious Ship”. I didn’t write any really passable tales till I was 14. When between 8 and 9, my whole tastes took an abrupt turn, and I became wild over the sciences—especially chemistry. I had a laboratory fitted up in the cellar, and spent all my allowance for instruments and textbooks. In these whims I was much indulged by my mother and grandfather, (my father having died) since I was very sickly—almost a nervous invalid.
When 7 I took up the violin, but abandoned it in boredom 2 years later and have never since had a good musical taste. I could not attend school much, but was taught at home by nay mother and aunts and grandfather, and later by a tutor. I had brief snatches of school now and then, and managed to attend high school for four years—though the application gave me such a nervous breakdown that I could not attend the university. As a matter of fact, I never had any decent health until eight or nine years ago—though now, oddly enough, I seem to be developing into quite a lean, tough old bird!
My youthful science period proved of long duration; though I carried on literary attempts at the same time, and also played much like any youngster. I was not interested in games and sports, and am not now—but liked forms of play which included the element of dramatic impersonation; war, police, outlaw, railway, etc. From chemistry I gradually shifted to geography and finally to astronomy, which was destined to enthrall me and influence my thought more than anything else I ever encountered. I obtained a small telescope,—which I have still—and began writing voluminously on the heavens. I still have some of my old MSS., and a hectographed copy of my juvenile periodical “The Rhode Island Journal of Astronomy”. At the same time my curious antiquarianism began to get more and more emphatic. Living in an ancient town amidst ancient books, I followed Addison, Pope, and Dr. Johnson as my models in prose and verse; and literally lived in their periwigged world, ignoring the world of the Present. When I was 14 my grandfather died; and in the financial chaos ensuing, my birthplace had to be sold. This dual deprivation gave me a tinge of melancholy which I had hard work wearing off; for I have very strong geographical attachments, and worshipped every inch of the rambling house and park-like grounds and quaint fountains and shadowy stable where my youth had been spent. It was long my hope to buy back the home “when I because rich”—but before many years I saw that I utterly lack the acquisitive instincts and ability needful for monetary success. Commercialism and I can’t get on speaking terms, and since that gloomy year of 1904 my history has been one of increasing constriction and retrenchment.
Till the death of my mother we had a flat near the old home. Then came ill-starred excursions into the world, including two years in New York, which I learned to hate like poison. Now I have a room in a quiet Victorian backwater on the crest of Providence’s ancient hill,—in a sedate old neighbourhood that looks precisely like the residence section of a sleepy village. My elder aunt—in frail health and unable to keep house—has a room in the same dwelling; and since both she and I retain as much as possible of the old family furniture, pictures, and books; (the rooms are very large) there is still much of the old house atmosphere hereabouts. Knowing I shall never be rich, I shall be very contented if I can hang on here the rest of my days—in a quiet place much like my early scenes, and within walking distance of the woods, fields, and river-banks where I roamed in childhood. My principal remunerative occupation is the professional revision of prose and verse for other writers—a hateful task, but more dependable than the hazards of original writing when one does not produce popular and easily saleable work.
I do my own tales whenever I get the chance, which isn’t as often as I’d like. Whenever possible, I take my writing out in the open in a black leatherette case—sometimes to my beloved wooded river-bank, and sometimes to my beloved wooded river-bank, and sometimes to the wilder countryside north of Providence. My one purely recreational hobby is antiquarian travel—visiting other ancient towns and studying examples of Colonial architecture. My lean purse makes my excursions sadly limited, but even so I have arranged to cover quite a little historic ground from Vermont to Virginia during the last few years.
The first stuff I ever had printed was a regular monthly series of astronomical articles in a local daily. I was sixteen when these began, and I surely felt important. Meanwhile I was beginning to doubt my fictional ability, and was turning to verse. At 18 I decided I couldn’t write stories, and burned all my tales save a few grotesque infant experiments and two of my later things—“The Beast in the Cave” and “The Alchemist”. I am not sorry for this, for the stuff really was detestably immature. What does make me feel ridiculous is the serious way I took my verse-writing at this period—for in cold truth I never was or will be a real poet! My illusions persisted because at the time I was a semi-invalid and much of a recluse, so that I did not receive a wide army of salutary criticism. Then—at 24—I joined an amateur literary society whose activities were conducted by correspondence; and thereby secured some highly valuable encouragement and critical suggestions. I wish that organisation were as vigorous today as then—but unfortunately it has become moribund beyond all ordinary powers of resuscitation. My ambitions, which had dropped from science to literature when it because clear that my health would not permit of the arduous application of astronomical or chemical research, now became further clarified; and I was made to see little by little that prose and not verse was my rightful medium. At the same time the most conspicuous 18th century eccentricities began to drop away from my style.
In 1916 I let one of the amateur editors in my literary group print one of the two tales which had saved from the holocaust of 1908; and was immediately thereafter told by a friend that weird fiction was my one and only real forte—the one and only point at which I had any chance of making an actual contact with genuine artistic achievement. I was half incredulous at first, for I had distrusted the worth of my tales; but upon persuasion decided to try again after my 9-year fictional silence. The results were “The Tomb” and “Dagon”, written respectively in June and July of 1917. I half-feared that my rustiness in story-telling would make these new attempts worthless, but was soon assured that they greatly surpassed the 2 surviving tales of my youth. Then I started in earnest, producing a vast number of new stories of which I have saved about 7/8. I had no idea of a steady professional market till “Weird Tales” was founded—and I still doubt if any other periodical would stand regularly for my stuff. It doesn’t look so bad beside the unutterable junk forming the bulk of “W. T.’s” contents, but I fear it wouldn’t stand very high considered as literature—beside such real literature as the work of Poe, Machen, Blackwood, James, Bierce, Dunsany, de la Mare, and so on. The highest honour I’ve so far received is a three-star mention and biographical note in O’Brien’s “Best Short Stories of 1928”—based on my “Colour Out of Space”.
Well—that’s about all there is to me! Not much, but you see how garrulous a vain old man becomes when someone gives him provocation for talking about himself! That’s the kind of guy I am—a cynic and materialist with classical and traditional tastes; fond of the past and its relics and ways, and convinced that the only pursuit worthy of a man of sense in a purposeless cosmos is the pursuit of tasteful and intelligent pleasure as promoted by a vivid mental and imaginative life. Because I believe in no absolute values, I accept the aesthetic values of the past as the only available points of reference—the only workable relative values—in a universe otherwise bewildering and unsatisfying. Thus I am an ultra-conservative socially, artistically, and politically, though an extreme modernist despite my 39 years in all matters of pure science and philosophy. Loving the illusory freedom of myth and dream, I am devoted to the literature of escape; but likewise loving the tangible anchorage of the past, I tincture all my thought with overtones of antiquarianism. My favourite modern period is the 18th century; my favourite ancient period, the virile world of unspoiled republican Rouse. I can’t get interested in the Middle Ages—even the magic and legendry of that dreary era seems to me too naive to be really convincing.
Turning to my love of getting out of the real world into an imaginary world, I tend to prefer night to day when not in the open country. Accordingly my hours are fearful and wonderful at home—usually up at sunset and to bed in the morning. I am seldom out late—but seldom up early! In winter I virtually hibernate, for I am abnormally sensitive to the cold. Even a little coolness knocks me silly! On the contrary, I don’t know what it is to be too hot—I begin to lighten up at 95 in the shade!
All told I am pretty much of a hermit, as I was in youth. Most of my literary associates—a congenial “gang” some of whose names you’ll recognise from W.T. tables of contents (Frank Belknap Long Jr., Donald Wandrei, Clark Ashton Smith, H. Warner Munn, Wilfred B. Talman, August W. Derleth, etc., etc.)—live in other localities, and I’m getting too old to enjoy conversation on other than my favourite topics.
Old age claimed me early. Temperamentally I’m about the same as I was 20 years ago, and as I’ll be 20 years hence if I’m alive then. As for writing—I usually know what I want to say before I start a tale, but often change the plot midway if the actual penning suggests some new idea. I do all work in long hand—I can’t even think with a cursed machine in front of me—and correct very minutely. The extreme rapidity with which I write matter not destined for publication gives place to a very slow-moving caution when I tackle a piece of seriously intended prose. I pay great attention to details, including rhythm and tone-colour; though my aim is for the greatest possible simplicity—the art which conceals art. I usually spend about three days on a tale of medium length—in sessions of varying duration. I don’t like to break the train of thought, so don’t let any other task interrupt.
I never write except when the inward demand for expression becomes insistent. Nothing excites my contempt so much as forced or mechanical or commercial writing. Unless one has something to say, he had better keep quiet! I have a commonplace-book in which I jot down weird notions and plot germs for later use, and also have a file of weird newspaper cuttings as a possible source of ideas and colour-touches. A few tales I have founded on actual dreams—my own being very weird and fantastic. In youth I had more nightmares than I do now—when at six I used to encounter quite regularly a frightful species of dream-demons which I named “night-gaunts”. I’ve used them in one of my tales. I do my best writing between 2 a.m. and dawn. What I dread most is typing my MSS., for I abhor the sight and sound of a machine. I can’t get anyone else to do it for me, since nobody can read my MSS. in their scrawled, interlined, and repeatedly corrected state. Sometimes I can’t decipher them myself! Now I guess there isn’t much more to be said about either the would-be author or his effusions!
Finally, I must apologise for this present flood of senile garrulity! This is the way old age gets when given occasion to recall bygone days—especially when the environment is unchangedly suggestive of the past as is this wooded river-bluff. But the west is blazing red with a departed sun, and above the ancient treetops the thin silver sickle of a young moon is troubling. I must get home. . . .
Clark Ashton Smith:
Hasisevő, avagy a Gonosz Apokalipszise, A
Robert E. Howard:
Harp of Alfred, The
Robert E. Howard:
Howard Phillips Lovecraft:
Ez az egyetlen történet Lovecraft részéről, amelyben jelentős szerepet kap a szörnyisten, Cthulhu. 1926 későnyarán, kora őszén íródhatott. A dokumentarista stílusban megírt történet nyomozója, Thurston, a szemita nyelvek egyetemi kutatója darabkáról darabkára rakja össze a rejtélyes kirakóst. A fiatal kutató egyre több tárgyi és írásos bizonyítékát leli a hírhedt Cthulhu-kultusz létezésének. A kultisták a Necronomicon szövege alapján a nagy szörnyisten eljövetelét várják. A történetek a megtestesült iszonyatról beszélnek, ami átrepült az űrön és letelepedett a Földön sok millió évvel ezelőtt. Most hosszú álmát alussza tengerborította városában: Ph’ngluimglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn, vagyis R'lyeh házában a tetszhalott Cthulhu álmodik. A Csendes-óceán déli részén néhány bátor tengerész megtalálta a várost és felébresztette a Nagy Öreget. Ennek hatására őrülethullám robogott végig a Földön, több ember lelte halálát ezekben az időkben. A találkozást csak egy tengerész élte túl, de ő is gyanús körülmények között halt meg. A fiatal kutató érzi, hogy ő is erre a sorsra juthat... A novellát nagy részben Lord Tennyson Kraken című költeménye inspirálta: Cthulhu is egy csápos, polipszerű szörny, egy alvó isten (ez a gondolat nagyban Lord Dunsany műveinek Lovecraftra gyakorolt hatásának köszönhető). S. T. Joshi felveti, hogy számottevő hatást váltott ki Lovecraftra Maupassant Horlája és Arthur Machen A fekete pecsét története című története is. Maga Lovecraft e történetet roppant középszerűnek, klisék halmazának titulálta. A Weird Tales szerkesztője, Farnsworth Wright először elutasította a közlését, és csak azután egyezett bele, hogy Lovecraft barátja, Donald Wandrei bebeszélte neki, hogy más magazinnál is érdeklődnek a sztori iránt.
Howard Phillips Lovecraft:
Őrület hegyei, Az; Hallucináció hegységei, A
Egy déli sarki kutatócsoport, köztük a narrátor, William Dyer a Miskatonic Egyetemről az Antarktiszra indul 1930/31 telén. A fagyott környezetben 14, a hideg által konzerválódott idegen lényre bukkannak. Miután a kutatók több csoportra oszlanak, és az egyikről nem érkezik hír, a megmaradt tagok felkeresik az eltűntek táborát, ahol szétmarcangolt emberi és állati maradványokat találnak - néhány idegen létformának pedig mindössze hűlt helyét... Legnagyobb döbbenetükre azonban a kutatás során feltárul előttük egy évmilliókkal régebben épített, hatalmas kőváros, amely a Nagy Öregek egykori lakóhelye lehetett. A kisregényt szokás Poe Arthur Gordon Pym című kisregényének folytatásaként tekinteni, az enigmatikus és meg nem magyarázott jelentésű kiáltás, a "Tekeli-li!" miatt. Eredetileg a Weird Talesbe szánta Lovecraft, de a szerkesztő túl hosszúnak találta, ezért öt éven át hevert a kisregény felhasználatlanul a fiókban. Az Astounding végül jelentősen megváltoztatva közölte a művet, több bekezdést (nagyjából ezer szót) kihagyott, a teljes, javított verzió először 1985-ben látott napvilágot.
Moon Pool, The
Amikor dr. David Throckmartin elmeséli egy csendes-óceáni civilizáció ősi romjain átélt hátborzongató élményeit, dr. Walter Goodwin, a regény narrátora azzal a meggyőződéssel hallgatja a hihetetlen történetet, hogy a nagy tudós valószínűleg megzavarodott. Azt állítja ugyanis, hogy feleségét és kutatócsoportjának több tagját magával vitte egy "fényjelenség", amely az úgynevezett Holdtóból emelkedik ki teliholdas éjszakákon. Amikor azonban Goodwin eleget tesz Throckmartin kérésének, és társaival a titokzatos szigetre utazik, fantasztikus, megdöbbentő kalandok sorozata veszi kezdetét.
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Can Diaspora Bonds Supercharge Development Investment?
Over the past two decades one of the most intriguing ideas in development finance has been the proposal that developing nations can raise substantial funds from their expatriate communities by creating diaspora bonds. Recently, the economic fallout from the COVID-19 public-health crisis and subsequent sudden exit of foreign capital from emerging markets have reignited interest in the search for alternative development funding. Raising funds from diasporas via the bond, a fixed-income financial instrument, is high on the list again.
A diaspora bond is a government debt security with investors drawn from the country’s nationals living abroad, their descendants, or those with another connection to the nation. Supporters of the diaspora bond idea argue the government can benefit from diversifying its investor base while borrowing at below-market rates, since bonds are offered at so-called patriotic discounts and often during crisis. Advocates say diaspora bonds could generate tens of billions of dollars globally in annual investment, which could be directed towards infrastructure, defense, social, and other projects that may not be enticing to risk-averse international investors. Meanwhile, the diaspora benefits from having a well-defined secure financial vehicle that channels members’ altruistic ambitions to help their country of origin or ancestral homeland. Such reasoning often anticipates diasporas to be especially willing to take on the risk of lending to a financially constrained developing economy. Monetary remittances that recent migrants and others send back are sometimes argued to be the major ways for diasporas to invest in their communities or families at origin. It is plausible—but not guaranteed—that a diaspora bond can take advantage of this connection to channel funding through a government body for broader development purposes.
Despite the appeal of the diaspora bond as a concept, to date only two countries have had large-scale success with such programs: Israel and India. This article examines these cases to provide insight on whether diaspora bonds can truly boost development financing and whether their successes can be replicated elsewhere. While the promises of such a bond mechanism are lofty, there are also significant challenges to sustaining the funding and complex nuances of relations between diaspora and ancestral nations that must be taken into account.
Israel Bonds: Pioneering Diaspora Investment
It was in the early days of Israel’s statehood that the country’s leaders turned to the global Jewish diaspora for support. Leaders including Israel’s first prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, and then-Labor Minister Golda Meir met with Israeli and U.S. Jewish leaders to lay the groundwork for a program to be implemented by the Development Corporation for Israel (DCI). The action was incredibly significant: for the first time, Israel would formally ask for a public loan instead of a philanthropic gift.
In May 1951, Ben-Gurion launched the Israel Bond with a worldwide sales drive, beginning with a rally at New York’s Madison Square Garden. The comprehensive marketing campaign in the United States and internationally contributed to the bond’s success. In recognition of the effort, Meir would tell diaspora members, “You have a stake in every drop of water we pour into our land, in every mile of road built, in every kilowatt of power, in every field, in every factory.”
The new financial instrument quickly gained popularity. In the first year of operations, Israel Bond sales totaled U.S. $52.6 million. Over time the initiative helped open Israel to broader international capital markets with more diversified issuance of long-term debt. Although Israel has recently attempted to move away from borrowing from the diaspora, Israel Bonds remain an important component in the public sector’s external debt structure.
Since that first issue in 1951, Israel Bonds—which are largely issued in the United States and are registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)—had raised more than U.S. $46 billion as of mid-2021. In 2019, Israel Bonds accounted for more than one-quarter of the $4.9 billion in governmental external debt issuance. In that year, total outstanding obligations of Israel Bonds represented approximately 16 percent of the government’s $5.2 billion external debt. Most recently, preliminary results show that, despite the pandemic, Israel Bonds raised $1.8 billion in 2020.
As part of its external borrowing, Israel has also benefitted from the U.S. loan guarantee program. Launched in 1993, this policy has guaranteed Israel’s payments of principal and interest on diaspora and other bonds first up to U.S. $10 billion (from 1993 to 1998) and then up to $9 billion (from 2003 to 2023).
Impact of Israel Bonds
DCI’s widescale and sustained outreach has ensured financial transparency and consistent engagement with diaspora communities. Israel’s diaspora bonds are now offered across global financial markets, with a range of country-specific options in accordance with local laws. Israel has never defaulted on its diaspora bonds, which are denominated largely in foreign currency (up to 94 percent in U.S. dollars), and bonds vary in terms of maturity (the time from issuance to payout), minimum amounts, and incremental options purchases.
Regarding use of proceeds from bond sales, DCI prioritizes a mixed group of sectors such as agriculture, transportation, technology, energy, and immigration. It also assists individual investors to incorporate diaspora bonds into their financial portfolios, as well as to use them as gifts, endowments, or other options. Adding to the support of the country’s economy and social resilience, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, DCI allows investors to donate bonds to charities, universities, retirement plans, and other groups in Israel.
From the start, DCI has maintained an active informational campaign on the bonds’ accessibility and benefits to Israel. Aside from an online portal and publications geared towards investors, researchers, and the public, DCI organizes and funds events across the world targeting the global Jewish diaspora; these efforts continued online through 2020.
Not Only for the Wealthy, nor Even Solely for the Diaspora
Israel Bonds are affordable and available to retail investors, not just institutional groups or wealthy individuals. This is due in part to the close connection Israel maintains with its diaspora, as well as active efforts to position the bonds as an alternative for generic investors who are not part of the Jewish diaspora, backed by the country’s relative economic success.
Israel’s achievement is one major reason why diaspora bond advocates worldwide have backed the idea more broadly. The ability of the issuing state to adapt to its primary investors’ environments is important to build trust. Collectively, these kinds of efforts speak to the institutional maturity of Israel’s diaspora bond program and its ability to appeal to wider capital markets.
From an economic development point of view, three key conclusions emerge from this history. First, from the very start, Israel’s program was designed to contribute to infrastructure projects as part of the country’s long-term development strategy. Second, Israel managed to achieve legitimacy in the eyes of financial markets because of its transparency, strong debt ratings, and ability to attract both retail and institutional investors. Finally, and probably most critically, the bond program’s success relies on Israel’s grassroots connection to and direct proactive engagement with its diverse diaspora.
This last element was accomplished not only through successful DCI marketing or the diaspora’s altruism and willingness to accept a patriotic discount on its investment, although such motivations may have played a role in the early years. The nuanced understanding of its diaspora has helped DCI also connect with investors on more pragmatic foundations. Over the last seven decades, Israel Bonds have matured into a stand-alone, internationally recognized financial instrument that can adapt to dynamics within diaspora communities, which has reassured members that their investments are safe as well as beneficial to the state.
India’s Experiments Pay Off
Israel’s example is instructive given its long history and institutional maturity compared to all other cases. Closest to Israel’s success is the diaspora bond instrument issued by India, called India Development Bonds (IDB) in 1991, Resurgent India Bonds (RIB) in 1998, and India Millennium Deposits (IMD) beginning in 2000. India’s opening to the diaspora was not quite as straightforward as Israel’s, however. Following a period of some disconnect with emigrants in the period after independence in 1947, the government’s view began to change around the late 1980s, with the growing realization of the economic potential of Indian migrant workers abroad. However, like many other countries, India’s diaspora may be viewed as a complex mix of “old” and “new.” The former are mostly foreign-born descendants of earlier generations of emigrants, while the latter are Indian-born individuals who have migrated more recently. These groups have varying interests, backgrounds, financial capabilities, and motivations about their identity and connection with their country of ancestry.
In recent decades, India has formally recognized its diaspora and important factors surrounding it. Individuals classified as Non-Resident Indians (NRI) have been leading investors in India’s development, over and above the remittances they send. Much of the growth of the country’s information, communications, and technology sector has been driven by NRIs’ active involvement in the Indian economy. At the time of the economic crisis in 1991, IDBs provided a formal mechanism for NRIs to repatriate $1.6 billion.
Leveraging the financial potential of NRIs, the State Bank of India launched the RIB program in 1998 following international sanctions over the government’s nuclear weapons testing, which in turn led to the downgrading of India’s debt and foreign exchange pressures. The new bond was limited to NRI investors, making it a true diaspora bond, and raised $4.2 billion by the time it matured in 2003, with proceeds allocated toward infrastructure. That year, NRIs held close to 60 percent of the country’s sovereign debt to private creditors.
Despite strong response from wealthy NRIs, India’s RIB bond lacked the investor-friendly structure characteristic of Israel Bonds. Unlike Israel, India did not register its diaspora bonds with the SEC as securities, instead floating RIBs as “bank instruments representing foreign currency denominated deposits in India,” which came with fewer regulatory requirements. Rather than offering them on financial markets, the bonds were distributed via the worldwide network of Indian and foreign commercial banks specializing in dealings with NRIs, primarily in the United States, Europe, and the Middle East, and available in U.S. dollars, British pounds, and German deutsche marks. Investors paid no income tax in India on the interest earned and banks used RIBs as collateral for new commercial loans.
Following the RIBs’ success, in 2000 India issued IMDs, raising more than $5.5 billion within the first two months. This turned out to be another success at a time when India was low on foreign exchange reserves. Similar to RIBs, the new bonds were restricted to NRIs and were issued in three currencies (dollars, pounds, and euros), at a patriotic discount, and still not under SEC rules.
Despite raising significant amounts, it is possible that India’s diaspora bonds could have had greater success and continuity had they been offered under the more generally recognizable financial securities rules in international markets such as the United States (which is also home to one of India’s largest diasporas), rather than through NRI-centric banks. Nevertheless, India’s attempts to enter the diaspora-funding market eventually led to more fine-tuned financial products for NRIs, such as joint bank accounts with Indian residents, easier monetary transfers, operations with foreign currency, and real estate deals. These kinds of options may turn out to be more practical in the long run, given the country’s limited financial services and intensifying global competition for institutional investor funding.
Limited Success for Other Diaspora Bond Programs
Over the past two decades there have been attempts to pilot diaspora bonds across a broad range of other countries including Egypt, Ethiopia, Greece, Indonesia, Kenya, Moldova, Nigeria, and Sri Lanka. Yet with minor exceptions, these efforts have been unsuccessful. Notably, Greece at the peak of its debt crisis in 2011 failed in its plans to raise $3 billion from its U.S.-based diaspora. After initially positive responses, Ethiopia in 2008 and 2011 was unable to generate sufficient interest among its expatriates, largely due to high probability of default and environmental concerns about the intended uses of the bond’s proceeds for power and dam projects.
Other countries have periodically returned to the diaspora bond idea but have generally opted for alternative projects and financial innovations to develop stronger ties with their diaspora communities. This strategy can be more successful, since many diaspora members are in fact recent migrants with limited financial means and, often, more stable links to their family members and specific origin communities rather than their country of origin at large.
It is important to register that there were successful diaspora bonds issued by Kenya in 2009 and Nigeria in 2017. However, so far these countries have not been able to move past their first successful bond issues, and so are not on par with the experiences of Israel and India. Competitive pressures accessing global capital markets may explain some of the obstacles. Other issues were the bonds’ structures, lack of demand from the diaspora, and the prominent role of commodity exports in the countries’ economies, which implied financial volatility, particularly for oil-reliant Nigeria. In both cases, the diasporas’ investing interest may have been overestimated.
Diaspora to the Rescue?
There is clearly a sustained interest among developing nations with large diasporas to leverage the economic and financial potential within diasporic communities for local development. In fact, interest in engaging diasporas goes beyond just emerging markets, as advanced economies such as Ireland, New Zealand, Portugal, and Scotland are now actively seeking ways to connect with their communities abroad. In that context, diaspora bonds appear as one strategy of a bigger trend.
However, diaspora bonds have been structured in different ways; some have included guarantees against risks and comply with transparent regulations. Other community-specific financial securities may rely on moral and religious rules and provide banking infrastructure for diasporas to engage financially with their origin country. Importantly, countries’ macroeconomic fundamentals can affect the appeal and sustainability of a diaspora bond program.
It is important to remember that a diaspora bond is not philanthropy, but an investment in a country’s economic development. Mainly issued by a developing country with limited financial markets, such a bond program comes with risks. Diasporas’ altruism may be sufficient for initial periods of investing, however it is unlikely that marketing large-scale borrowing at below-market rates can ensure sustained interest in subsequent years. It turns out that simply having a diaspora does not guarantee the success of a diaspora bond.
The difference between old and new diasporas, mentioned earlier, makes it important for nations considering diaspora bonds to go the extra step to connect with their expatriates, especially those who express altruistic connections without having been born or lived in the country. Economists and financial professionals must realize and embrace the complex and well-studied dynamics within diaspora communities before developing universal solutions. Motivations of subpopulations within a single diaspora are diverse, and their collective financial capabilities may not be sufficient to substitute for significantly larger volumes of capital flows from non-diaspora investors.
As has been already stated, one speculative source of diaspora bond funding is remittances from labor migrants and others. But this may prove a difficult channel to tap. Indeed, evidence suggests that remittances help alleviate extreme poverty and contribute to improvements in recipient households’ living standards. However, that is precisely why it is difficult to transform these individual monetary transfers, intended for specific recipients’ needs, into a common-good diaspora bond. Remittances are monetary transactions between two parties who trust each other; this individual quality is crucial in explaining their limitations in changing the receiving country’s macroeconomic profile. Another challenge pertains to the fact that remittances are dependent on economic conditions in migrants’ destination country and their employment situation.
As such, despite the fact that remittances globally have risen nearly five-fold over the last two decades—and even stayed relatively level during the COVID-19 pandemic—a country aiming to issue a diaspora bond should critically and realistically assess its ability to rely on remittance inflows in lieu of more systematic large-scale diaspora support.
Instead, it might appear more practical for countries with large stocks of migrants abroad to consider longer-term sustainable financing mechanisms that can scale over time. One idea that has gained traction with some researchers: a Migration Development Bank. Rather than attempting to raise large sums of money from the diaspora at once, this development bank could offer mechanisms for formal remittance transfers and streamline financial flows between host and origin countries. Funds would be available to recipients, similar to India’s joint accounts between NRIs and residents, and also contribute to development through lending and fundraising. Gradually, as new loans are offered and economic reforms are implemented, the appeal of migration may fade over the longer term in response to local job growth.
Overall, countries considering diaspora bonds must also evaluate their borrower risk profiles. It may be helpful to assess the share of retail foreign investors in local public debt markets. Factors such as general financial openness and ease of access for diaspora and non-diaspora investors alike can affect markets’ relative competitiveness. Even without a specially designed diaspora bond, investors from the diaspora often are able to buy government bonds through domestic markets, although evidence suggests they have limited interest in pre-existing government debt securities.
Certainly, the creation of a diaspora bond program holds some potential to aid development finance, broaden financial markets, and put a country on the international capital map. Yet there are at least five challenges in converting the potential investment instrument into practical reality.
First is the problem of whether a country can raise sufficient funds from the diaspora to justify the effort. As history suggests, financing needs are often greater than what diasporas are willing to offer.
Second is the hurdle of maintaining strict fiscal responsibility while investing in institutional maturity of a diaspora borrowing program. Investors’ altruism may be sufficient for initial fundraising but not for subsequent issues.
The third challenge relates to more practically identifying efficient uses of funds raised through the diaspora bond program. As the first issues in Israel and India suggest, diaspora bonds can be useful in times of crisis. But large-scale assistance is not guaranteed, as the lack of success experienced by Greece and others illustrates. Sustainable funding requires investment to be linked with the country’s long-term development strategy. Furthermore, misalignment of funds and national development needs may exacerbate social and economic woes of a structurally weak economy.
The fourth difficulty is that recent patterns of migration and remittances may not be proof of adequate resources for a successful diaspora bond. Both migration and remittances are highly cyclical and depend on the host country’s economic health. Instead, it may be more practical to introduce innovative financial mechanisms such as a Migration Development Bank to more sustainably channel remittances towards specific economic sectors. Such activity should not be seen as crowding out private incentive, but rather an acknowledgement that coordinating and directing additional funds towards a generous menu of development projects can nurture and foster domestic private entrepreneurial motivations.
The final challenge is often missed in the rising wave of diaspora business studies: deeper analysis is needed into diasporas, their motivations, and how to ensure robust engagement between them and origin governments. Altruism can provide an important extra boost for diasporas’ involvement, yet it is not sufficient for either a successful diaspora bond program or engagement with the homeland more broadly. In short, history between diasporas and their ancestral home matters. Other factors including risk, potential returns, use of diaspora bond money, and internal diaspora-specific divisions may be equally important. To paraphrase what has already been said, the presence of a diaspora does not guarantee a prosperous and sustained relationship with the origin country.
As both diaspora and homeland adapt and learn about and from each other, their mutual trust can evolve. It is that trust that, at the end, determines the success or failure of a diaspora bond or any other relations program.
Agunias, Dovelyn Rannveig and Kathleen Newland. 2012. Developing a Road Map for Engaging Diasporas in Development. Geneva and Washington, DC: International Organization for Migration and Migration Policy Institute. Available online.
Brubaker, Rogers. 2005. The 'Diaspora' Diaspora. Ethnic and Racial Studies 28 (1): 1-19. Available online.
Development Corporation for Israel (DCI). N.d. About Us. Accessed June 10, 2021. Available online.
Chami, Ralph, Ekkehard Ernst, Connel Fullenkamp, and Anne Oeking. 2018. Is There a Remittance Trap? Finance & Development 55 (3): 44-47. Available online.
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Executive Order 13770—Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees
By the authority vested in me as President of the United States by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and sections 3301 and 7301 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered as follows:
Section 1. Ethics Pledge. Every appointee in every executive agency appointed on or after January 20, 2017, shall sign, and upon signing shall be contractually committed to, the following pledge upon becoming an appointee:
"As a condition, and in consideration, of my employment in the United States Government in an appointee position invested with the public trust, I commit myself to the following obligations, which I understand are binding on me and are enforceable under law:
"1. I will not, within 5 years after the termination of my employment as an appointee in any executive agency in which I am appointed to serve, engage in lobbying activities with respect to that agency.
"2. If, upon my departure from the Government, I am covered by the post-employment restrictions on communicating with employees of my former executive agency set forth in section 207(c) of title 18, United States Code, I agree that I will abide by those restrictions.
"3. In addition to abiding by the limitations of paragraphs 1 and 2, I also agree, upon leaving Government service, not to engage in lobbying activities with respect to any covered executive branch official or non-career Senior Executive Service appointee for the remainder of the Administration.
"4. I will not, at any time after the termination of my employment in the United States Government, engage in any activity on behalf of any foreign government or foreign political party which, were it undertaken on January 20, 2017, would require me to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended.
"5. I will not accept gifts from registered lobbyists or lobbying organizations for the duration of my service as an appointee.
"6. I will not for a period of 2 years from the date of my appointment participate in any particular matter involving specific parties that is directly and substantially related to my former employer or former clients, including regulations and contracts.
"7. If I was a registered lobbyist within the 2 years before the date of my appointment, in addition to abiding by the limitations of paragraph 6, I will not for a period of 2 years after the date of my appointment participate in any particular matter on which I lobbied within the 2 years before the date of my appointment or participate in the specific issue area in which that particular matter falls.
"8. I agree that any hiring or other employment decisions I make will be based on the candidate's qualifications, competence, and experience.
"9. I acknowledge that the Executive Order entitled 'Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees,' issued by the President on January 28, 2017, which I have read before signing this document, defines certain terms applicable to the foregoing obligations and sets forth the methods for enforcing them. I expressly accept the provisions of that Executive Order as a part of this agreement and as binding on me. I understand that the obligations of this pledge are in addition to any statutory or other legal restrictions applicable to me by virtue of Government service."
Sec. 2. Definitions. As used herein and in the pledge set forth in section 1 of this order:
(a) "Administration" means all terms of office of the incumbent President serving at the time of the appointment of an appointee covered by this order.
(b) "Appointee" means every full-time, non-career Presidential or Vice-Presidential appointee, non-career appointee in the Senior Executive Service (or other SES-type system), and appointee to a position that has been excepted from the competitive service by reason of being of a confidential or policymaking character (Schedule C and other positions excepted under comparable criteria) in an executive agency. It does not include any person appointed as a member of the Senior Foreign Service or solely as a uniformed service commissioned officer.
(c) "Covered executive branch official" shall have the definition set forth in the Lobbying Disclosure Act.
(d) "Directly and substantially related to my former employer or former clients" shall mean matters in which the appointee's former employer or a former client is a party or represents a party.
(e) "Executive agency" and "agency" mean "executive agency" as defined in section 105 of title 5, United States Code, except that the terms shall include the Executive Office of the President, the United States Postal Service, and the Postal Regulatory Commission, and excludes the Government Accountability Office. As used in paragraph 1 of the pledge, "executive agency" means the entire agency in which the appointee is appointed to serve, except that:
(1) with respect to those appointees to whom such designations are applicable under section 207(h) of title 18, United States Code, the term means an agency or bureau designated by the Director of the Office of Government Ethics under section 207(h) as a separate department or agency at the time the appointee ceased to serve in that department or agency; and
(2) an appointee who is detailed from one executive agency to another for more than 60 days in any calendar year shall be deemed to be an officer or employee of both agencies during the period such person is detailed.
(f) "Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended" means sections 611 through 621 of title 22, United States Code.
(g) "Foreign government" means the "government of a foreign country," as defined in section 1(e) of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 611(e).
(h) "Foreign political party" has the same meaning as that term has in section 1(f) of the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, 22 U.S.C. 611(f).
(i) "Former client" is any person for whom the appointee served personally as agent, attorney, or consultant within the 2 years prior to the date of his or her appointment, but excluding instances where the service provided was limited to a speech or similar appearance. It does not include clients of the appointee's former employer to whom the appointee did not personally provide services.
(j) "Former employer" is any person for whom the appointee has within the 2 years prior to the date of his or her appointment served as an employee, officer, director, trustee, or general partner, except that "former employer" does not include any executive agency or other entity of the Federal Government, State or local government, the District of Columbia, Native American tribe, or any United States territory or possession.
(1) shall have the definition set forth in section 2635.203(b) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations;
(2) shall include gifts that are solicited or accepted indirectly as defined at section 2635.203(f) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations; and
(3) shall exclude those items excluded by sections 2635.204(b), (c), (e)(1) & (3), (j), (k), and (l) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.
(l) "Government official" means any employee of the executive branch.
(m) "Lobbied" shall mean to have acted as a registered lobbyist.
(n) "Lobbying activities" has the same meaning as that term has in the Lobbying Disclosure Act, except that the term does not include communicating or appearing with regard to: a judicial proceeding; a criminal or civil law enforcement inquiry, investigation, or proceeding; or any agency process for rulemaking, adjudication, or licensing, as defined in and governed by the Administrative Procedure Act, as amended, 5 U.S.C. 551 et seq.
(o) "Lobbying Disclosure Act" means sections 1601 et seq. of title 2, United States Code.
(p) "Lobbyist" shall have the definition set forth in the Lobbying Disclosure Act.
(q) "On behalf of another" means on behalf of a person or entity other than the individual signing the pledge or his or her spouse, child, or parent.
(r) "Particular matter" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 207 of title 18, United States Code, and section 2635.402(b)(3) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations.
(s) "Particular matter involving specific parties" shall have the same meaning as set forth in section 2641.201(h) of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, except that it shall also include any meeting or other communication relating to the performance of one's official duties with a former employer or former client, unless the communication applies to a particular matter of general applicability and participation in the meeting or other event is open to all interested parties.
(t) "Participate" means to participate personally and substantially.
(u) "Pledge" means the ethics pledge set forth in section 1 of this order.
(v) "Post-employment restrictions" shall include the provisions and exceptions in section 207(c) of title 18, United States Code, and the implementing regulations.
(w) "Registered lobbyist or lobbying organization" shall mean a lobbyist or an organization filing a registration pursuant to section 1603(a) of title 2, United States Code, and in the case of an organization filing such a registration, "registered lobbyist" shall include each of the lobbyists identified therein. (x) Terms that are used herein and in the pledge, and also used in section 207 of title 18, United States Code, shall be given the same meaning as they have in section 207 and any implementing regulations issued or to be issued by the Office of Government Ethics, except to the extent those terms are otherwise defined in this order.
(y) All references to provisions of law and regulations shall refer to such provisions as in effect on January 20, 2017.
Sec. 3. Waiver. (a) The President or his designee may grant to any person a waiver of any restrictions contained in the pledge signed by such person.
(b) A waiver shall take effect when the certification is signed by the President or his designee.
(c) A copy of the waiver certification shall be furnished to the person covered by the waiver and provided to the head of the agency in which that person is or was appointed to serve.
Sec. 4. Administration. (a) The head of every executive agency shall establish for that agency such rules or procedures (conforming as nearly as practicable to the agency's general ethics rules and procedures, including those relating to designated agency ethics officers) as are necessary or appropriate:
(1) to ensure that every appointee in the agency signs the pledge upon assuming the appointed office or otherwise becoming an appointee; and
(2) to ensure compliance with this order within the agency.
(b) With respect to the Executive Office of the President, the duties set forth in section 4(a) shall be the responsibility of the Counsel to the President or such other official or officials to whom the President delegates those duties.
(c) The Director of the Office of Government Ethics shall:
(1) ensure that the pledge and a copy of this Executive Order are made available for use by agencies in fulfilling their duties under section 4(a);
(2) in consultation with the Attorney General or Counsel to the President, when appropriate, assist designated agency ethics officers in providing advice to current or former appointees regarding the application of the pledge; and
(3) adopt such rules or procedures (conforming as nearly as practicable to its generally applicable rules and procedures) as are necessary or appropriate:
(i) to carry out the foregoing responsibilities;
(ii) to apply the lobbyist gift ban set forth in paragraph 5 of the pledge to all executive branch employees;
(iii) to authorize limited exceptions to the lobbyist gift ban for circumstances that do not implicate the purposes of the ban;
(iv) to make clear that no person shall have violated the lobbyist gift ban if the person properly disposes of a gift as provided by section 2635.206 of title 5, Code of Federal Regulations;
(v) to ensure that existing rules and procedures for Government employees engaged in negotiations for future employment with private businesses that are affected by their official actions do not affect the integrity of the Government's programs and operations; and
(vi) to ensure, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, that the requirement set forth in paragraph 8 of the pledge is honored by every employee of the executive branch;
(d) An appointee who has signed the pledge is not required to sign the pledge again upon appointment or detail to a different office, except that a person who has ceased to be an appointee, due to termination of employment in the executive branch or otherwise, shall sign the pledge prior to thereafter assuming office as an appointee.
(e) All pledges signed by appointees, and all waiver certifications with respect thereto, shall be filed with the head of the appointee's agency for permanent retention in the appointee's official personnel folder or equivalent folder.
Sec. 5. Enforcement. (a) The contractual, fiduciary, and ethical commitments in the pledge provided for herein are solely enforceable by the United States by any legally available means, including any or all of the following: debarment proceedings within any affected executive agency or civil judicial proceedings for declaratory, injunctive, or monetary relief.
(b) Any former appointee who is determined, after notice and hearing, by the duly designated authority within any agency, to have violated his or her pledge may be barred from engaging in lobbying activities with respect to that agency for up to 5 years in addition to the 5-year time period covered by the pledge. The head of every executive agency shall, in consultation with the Director of the Office of Government Ethics, establish procedures to implement this subsection, which shall include (but not be limited to) providing for factfinding and investigation of possible violations of this order and for referrals to the Attorney General for his or her consideration pursuant to subsection (c).
(c) The Attorney General or his or her designee is authorized:
(1) upon receiving information regarding the possible breach of any commitment in a signed pledge, to request any appropriate Federal investigative authority to conduct such investigations as may be appropriate; and
(2) upon determining that there is a reasonable basis to believe that a breach of a commitment has occurred or will occur or continue, if not enjoined, to commence a civil action on behalf of the United States against the former officer or employee in any United States District Court with jurisdiction to consider the matter.
(d) In such civil action, the Attorney General or his or her designee is authorized to request any and all relief authorized by law, including but not limited to:
(1) such temporary restraining orders and preliminary and permanent injunctions as may be appropriate to restrain future, recurring, or continuing conduct by the former officer or employee in breach of the commitments in the pledge he or she signed; and
(2) establishment of a constructive trust for the benefit of the United States, requiring an accounting and payment to the United States Treasury of all money and other things of value received by, or payable to, the former officer or employee arising out of any breach or attempted breach of the pledge signed by the former officer or employee.
Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) This order supersedes Executive Order 13490 of January 21, 2009 (Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Personnel), and therefore Executive Order 13490 is hereby revoked. No other prior Executive Orders are repealed by this order. To the extent that this order is inconsistent with any provision of any prior Executive Order, this order shall control.
(b) If any provision of this order or the application of such provision is held to be invalid, the remainder of this order and other dissimilar applications of such provision shall not be affected.
(c) The pledge and this order are not intended to, and do not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party (other than by the United States) against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
(d) The definitions set forth in this order are solely applicable to the terms of this order, and are not otherwise intended to impair or affect existing law.
(e) Nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(1) the authority granted by law to an executive department, agency, or the head thereof; or
(2) the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(f) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
January 28, 2017.
NOTE: This Executive order was published in the Federal Register on February 3.
Donald J. Trump, Executive Order 13770—Ethics Commitments by Executive Branch Appointees Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project | <urn:uuid:ccb4c62a-3d5e-47fa-b2ec-ca7d4b13f107> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-22T22:39:23Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818374.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20240422211055-20240423001055-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.957002 | 3,661 | 4,349 |
10 January 2002, Volume 2, Number 1
ARMING ROGUE STATESIllegal sales of armaments and munitions to rogue regimes and terrorist groups, along with indirect sales to terrorist organizations through fake end-user certificates, have been a problem for former Soviet and Warsaw Pact states.
The countries identified as being most involved in such sales are Ukraine and Belarus from among former Soviet states, and Slovakia and the Czech Republic from within the former Warsaw Pact. And despite numerous inquiries by the United Nations Security Council and special investigative commissions formed by the UN, the trade seems to continue.
In Ukraine, the Prosecutor-General's Office recently opened an investigation of charges against Ukrainian citizens who might have been involved in such activities.
Recent revelations, published in "The Washington Post," that senior Belarusian officials sold huge amounts of weapons to rogue regimes has so far failed to elicit a response from Minsk. The same holds true for Moldova and some Central Asian countries, such as Turkmenistan, suspected of having sold arms to the Taliban in the past.
In a confidential letter that perhaps sheds some light on the illegal arms trade, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), Yevhen Marchuk discussed the problem of arms sales with the president of Ukraine at the time, Leonid Kravchuk. It is revealing in that the SBU head apparently did not know where the arms were destined. As it turned out, these weapons were bound for the bloody conflict in Croatia, which subject to a UN-enforced arms embargo. Eventually, some of these same weapons were resold to the Irish Republican Army and Basque separatists from ETA by Croatian arms dealers. Today, most of those responsible for the sales, including a former Ukrainian citizen, are awaiting trial in a prison in Turino, Italy.
Dated 12 February 1993, the following letter addressed to President Kravchuk has never been published in its entirety. It reads as follows:
Esteemed Leonid Makarovych,
The Security Service of Ukraine has in its possession information regarding violations of existing legislation and established procedures for the organization and execution of sales of armaments, military technology, and munitions. Unfortunately, in isolated cases these sales were concluded on the basis of unfounded references to your directives.
As I have informed you, the Security Service, on orders from the Ukrainian Prosecutor-General's Office, is conducting an investigation around the circumstances of armament sales by the Defense Ministry to the Panamanian company "Global Technologies Inc."
During the investigation it was found that numerous violations of existing legislation took place by individual officials of the Ukrainian Armed Forces who overstepped their official functions. We have received absolutely reliable information that officers in the Ministry of Defense were given bribes in U.S. dollars for their role in exporting armaments. A legal opinion of this will be provided by the Prosecutor-General's Office of Ukraine.
I want to inform you of the actions and statements made by individual officials of the Ministry of Defense which can implicate you personally as well as discredit Ukrainian state policy. Furthermore, if a criminal case were to be started, their statements can serve as a basis to have you questioned as a witness during a trial. They concern two instructions given by you in response to the inquiries of the foreign company as to military-technical cooperation which were related to you personally by the president of the company, Mr. L. Streshinsky.
The first such inquiry was examined by you on 2 October 1992. In it, Streshinsky requested that he be given the opportunity to acquire in Ukraine a large amount of armaments and ammunition. Your instructions were the following: "To Morozov K.P. [Editor's note: the minister of defense] and Antonov V.I. [Editor's note: the minister of machine construction, i.e. weapons] Please review this and, if it is favorable, decide."
As is shown by available documentary materials and explanations by officials from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Machine Construction of Ukraine, your instructions were interpreted as an order to act since the word "decide" was used. Without any evidence about the possible benefits of this [word illegible] to you on making the decision, orders were immediately issued to provide the foreign company with special products [Editor's note: "spezvyrobiv," or armaments and ammunition] which began with the phrase: "According to the decision made by the President of Ukraine�" Thus Minister Antonov V.I. granted permission to export special products without the prior review of this matter by a meeting of the State Experts-Technical Commission and in violation of a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 153 of 25 March 1992. Using as justification your instructions [Editor's note: to Morozov and Antonov] a shipment was prepared for delivery overseas. This shipment consisted of 6 million rounds of ammunition, 12 thousand artillery shells, 300 machine guns, and other arms which were not included in the contract or agreement and exceeded the limits specified on the end-user certificate. They were all delivered to the port of "Oktyabersk" without any export documentation and loaded onto containers of the foreign company. The value of this shipment was $4 million.
On 14 December 1992, the State Expert-Technical Commission unanimously refused to grant Global Technologies Inc. permission for exporting a second shipment of armaments. However, on 18 January 1993, Streshinsky with the support of the head of your personal bodyguard service Lieutenant Colonel Palyvoda V.I. informed you of his company's request to immediately issue an export license and fulfill the contract. In the request he stated, without any basis, that the contract had been cleared by the Security Service (SBU-RK) and the Ministry of Defense. I want to inform you that neither I, nor Morozov K.P. had gotten any requests of this nature from anyone. We knew that if the contract were to be fulfilled it would lead to losses for the state and tried to increase the sales price by at least $1 million.
After your instructions "Antonov V.I. please decide without [word illegible]. Both Morozov K.P. and Marchuk Y.K. support. What is the question?" and your telephone conversation with him, export permission was granted and the special products were again prepared for delivery, again without the approval by the Expert-Technical Commission. The contract with Global Technologies Inc. was filled without increasing the sales price and it included only those items which were agreed upon earlier. Items not agreed upon or not included in the end-user certificate were not allowed. They are to be returned to stockpiles or sold abroad under different contracts and for higher prices.
Therefore, officials from the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, justifying their actions by citing your instructions, sold abroad arms and armaments considerably below world prices. By fulfilling this contract, the state lost a significant sum of hard currency. As a matter of fact, in his explanation, Streshinsky himself acknowledged that he is purchasing armaments from Ukraine at the lowest possible prices. He confirmed that he gave bribes to those who assisted him in making the deal. These went to officials in the Defense Ministry who at first demanded $385,000 but agreed to $200,000.
I want to inform you, esteemed Leonid Makarovych [Kravchuk] that throughout the world a president is shielded from making decisions in regard to commercial deals with foreign companies, even more so when it comes to the sale of defense technology, armaments, and ammunition. Without a complete study of the nature of such questions by competent state organs, there can be severe consequences. Your instructions in response to proposals from Global Technologies, while being only recommendations in essence, were understood to be instructions and "indulgences" toward law-enforcement agencies in case they were to begin looking into the legality of their actions. You have already confiscated five copies of the first letter from the company with your instructions which certain officers from the Ministry of Defense kept not only in their offices, but at home as well in case they were to be called upon to explain the circumstances of the export of arms and ammunition.
Informing you of the above, I find it reasonable to ask you to retrieve both letters from Global Technologies Inc. with your instructions as such, which can compromise you personally as well as Ukrainian state policy. It is also possible that this information can find its way into the mass media.
Head of the Service
[Editor's P.S.: A year after this letter was written, on 8 March 1994, the transport ship, "Yadran Express" was seized in the waters between Italy and Albania by NATO authorities. It was loaded with contraband weaponry from Ukraine and Belarus bound for Croatia. The boat and its cargo are being held as material evidence in the trial in Turino.]
BUSINESSMAN LINKED TO PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE IS CHARGED WITH BRIBING FSB CHIEF.The Russian Prosecutor-General's Office has brought a charge of bribery against General Director Vyacheslav Aminov of Prominvest financial group, Interfax reported on 29 December. Aminov was taken into custody last week in late December, the agency said. Aminov has been released from custody on his own recognizance and is not allowed to leave Moscow.
Aminov is charged with bribing a public official (an offense under Art. 291 of the Russian Criminal Code), police sources told Interfax. The businessman is suspected of giving a $50,000 bribe to the director of the Federal Security Service (FSB), Nikolai Patrushev. Aminov's office, apartment, and summer house were searched the day before his detention, and compromising videocassettes were confiscated, according to press reports.
Prosecutor-General Vladimir Ustinov confirmed Aminov's detention and said that criminal proceedings against have been initiated. However, Ustinov declined to give any details and promised to supply complete information at the end of investigation.
Aminov is a public adviser to head of the presidential administration, Aleksandr Voloshin, according to media sources.
TAX POLICE BATTLE CORRUPTION IN THE RANKS.Speaking at a press conference on 4 January, the head of the Moscow Tax Police Department, Viktor Vasiliev, said the Federal Tax Police will concentrate on fighting corruption within its ranks in 2002, RBK News Agency reported on 8 January. Vasiliev said eight tax policemen faced criminal proceedings in 2001, adding that figures were similar in 2000. He added that three employees of the Moscow Tax Police were convicted of abuse of power or bribery-related crimes in 2001, versus two in 2000.
Vasiliev said the security and anticorruption service within the Moscow Tax Police had been enlarged and transformed into a special department to deal with crimes within tax-police ranks. He added that senior officials within the organization had been replaced because their performance did not meet with requirements. He stressed that the special department focused on crime prevention. As a result of the department's work, more than 20 tax policemen were dismissed in 2001, according to Vasiliev.
At the same time, Russian tax police will step up their efforts to fight economic crimes, Vasiliev pledged. He said the Tax Police will be better-armed to combat economic crimes in 2002, noting that a new Russian Criminal Procedure Code will come into force on July 1 that expands the powers of tax police.
Vasiliev said his organization supported stricter punishment for tax-related crimes. He cited offenses that require the creation and use of complicated schemes of tax avoidance and significantly affect the state budget, in particular, and repeated tax-related crimes. Vasiliev said these proposals were being considered by the relevant State Duma committee and expressed hope that they would be approved by lawmakers this year.
Vasiliev is convinced that the new Criminal Procedure Code will enhance citizens' guarantees of civil rights and freedoms, since criminal proceedings over tax crimes will be launched only in consultation with the Prosecutor-General's Office. Moreover, he said, many actions -- including searches and detentions -- will require a court ruling.
Tax authorities at the press conference said the number of tax-related crimes had risen in 2001. But they stressed that the nature of such crimes was at a new and higher level. Representatives of the Moscow Tax Police said that last year authorities concentrated on preventing tax crimes across regions and the increasingly sophisticated schemes of tax criminals.
JUND AL-ISLAM MEMBERS JOINING ISLAMIC GROUP.The Sulaymaniyah newspaper "Hawlati" of 31 December noted that a number of members, cadres, and armed men from the now-outlawed Jund al-Islam have joined the Islamic Group, or KIG, in Kurdistan. A source told "Hawlati" that seven "Arab armed men along with their families" have joined and said more are more to follow. This is the most peaceful alternative to the recent fighting between the Jund and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). In another article in the same issue, "Hawlati" reported that 25 houses have been ransacked and burglarized over the past month. Among the houses and offices ransacked are two telephone and fax companies, as well as the home of a member of the PUK's organizing committee in the area (in the Sharazur region of Sulaymaniyah). In the Hurmal region of the same province, one of the arrested men has been identified as a Jund al-Islam member. ("RFE/RL Iraq Report," vol. 5, number 1, 11 January 2002)
KAZAKH CITIZENS REPORTEDLY FOUGHT FOR AL-QAEDA.Kazakh nationals fought on the side of international terrorists in Afghanistan, FBI investigators reportedly stated after they questioned captured fighters in Afghanistan's Sheberghan (Jowzjan Province, northern Afghanistan) camp, Kazakh television reported on 4 January.
Kazakh mercenaries who were detained by Operation Enduring Freedom forces were reportedly members of the Al-Qaeda organization. U.S. investigators have information that some were middle-ranking commanders. The reports did not give the exact number of Kazakh citizens who were suspected members of Al-Qaeda.
The Kazakh Foreign Ministry meanwhile said it knew nothing about such activities. The head of the analysis department there said that no information had arrived via diplomatic channels about Kazakh citizens fighting in Afghanistan.
By Taras Kuzio
Recent accusations in the Western, Ukrainian, and Russian media that Ukraine has long been involved in illegal arms exports should not be of surprise to researchers, governments, and intelligence agencies who have long written about and monitored such activities. Evidence is allegedly to be found on the "Kuchmagate" tapes in the possession of former presidential guard Mykola Melnychenko, who has been seeking political asylum in the U.S. since April 2001.
Organized crime and corrupt state officials do not respect state borders in the postcommunist world. In May of last year, an Ilyushin-76 cargo aircraft was intercepted at the Bulgarian port of Burgas with $250,000 worth of arms. The guns were Czech-made, the air company was Ukrainian, the destination was Eritrea, and the end user was stipulated as Georgia.
Ukraine was in a relatively unique position in that as a front-line (first echelon) Soviet republic it possessed and inherited the best quality and large volumes of military equipment. Much of this was superfluous to Ukraine's security needs after 1992, and so it is not surprising that much of it found its way abroad, often illicitly.
A Ukrainian parliamentary commission found that Ukraine's 1992 military stocks were worth $89 billion and that, in the course of the next six years, some $32 billion of that was stolen, with much of it re-sold abroad. The investigation was headed by a parliamentary deputy and the former deputy defense minister, Lieutenant General Oleksandr Ihnatenko, who was court-martialed and stripped of his rank. Ihnatenko leaked some of his findings to Serhiy Odarych, who heads the Kyiv think tank Ukrainian Perspectives. Odarych was accosted and shot in the leg in July 1998 and says he was warned to stop publicizing those findings. As Odarch recalls, "The police said I shot myself to grab attention."
That the export of large volumes of arms could not be undertaken without state officials, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), and other bodies either being complicity involved or, at the very least turning a blind eye, is obvious. After all, taking a tank or a batch of Kalashkinovs out of Ukraine requires access to either an air- or seaport. Up to 80 percent of this Ukrainian trade was undertaken through the shadow economy, which has remained at approximately half of GDP throughout the post-Soviet era.
In the last decade, there have been many reports of Ukrainian arms surfacing in countless places around the world. During the Bosnian arms embargo, Ukrainian arms turned up on both the Muslim and Croat sides (as did former Soviet weapons from the then-Russian bases in the GDR despite Russia's support for Serbia), including 20 C-300 anti-missile batteries. Ukraine's arms also ended up in many other "hot spots" around the world, including: Sri Lanka in its battle against Tamil separatists (a military-transport aircraft and Mi-17 military-transport helicopters); Southern Yemen in its secessionist drive (MiG-29s, artillery, and anti-aircraft guns); Peru in its border conflict with Ecuador (light weapons and missile launchers); Angola in support of the MPLA government; and in the civil wars in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Rwanda.
Official arms exports, such as tanks, have gone to Pakistan since 1996. Recent reports that Ukraine supplied weapons to the Taliban in Afghanistan could have come via Pakistan, its patron. (See "RFE/RL Crime, Corruption, and Terrorism Watch," Vol. 1, No. 8, 20 December 2001). Meanwhile, Iran has received MiG-29 fighters, tanks, and anti-ship missiles.
Ukraine's involvement in this trade has also been assisted by the Transdniester region, which has long been an economic black hole through which all types of contraband moves, from cigarettes to oil, gas, and weapons. The main seaport the Transdniester uses is Odesa. In 1996, the Moldovans issued eight customs seals to the region and, by September of this year, the new Moldovan government found that the Transdniester had made an additional 348 illegal customs seals. Re-elected Transdniestrian President Igor Smirnov's son heads the region's State Customs Committee. Moldovan President Vladimir Voronin recently complained that the Transdniester was a hotbed of smuggling, which is taking place with Ukraine's assistance. "We in Moldova have understood that Smirnov is a bandit. It is not clear who he is for Ukraine," Voronin added.
A major transit point for illicitly exported weapons from the Transdniester are Ukrainian ports in the Odesa region. The Transdniestrians have their own people in Illichevsk and Odesa who fabricate documents for goods shipped via Ukrainian ports allegedly coming from Moldova. The Ukrainian side has therefore refused to agree to Moldovan requests for joint customs posts, preferring to maintain Ukrainian border control with the Transdniester that allows an uncontrolled flow of such contraband. Last month, Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma reiterated his opposition to joint checkpoints on the Transdniester-Ukrainian border because it would be tantamount to an economic blockade of the separatist enclave.
Most of these illicitly exported goods are weapons, the mainstay of the Transdniester economy. In the Soviet era, the region's military-industrial complex only produced military components. Currently, they have closed production cycles for small arms, a full range of different types of mortars, 43 Grad multiple-missile launchers, and grenade launchers.
A picture of Ukraine's illicit trade in arms can be now gleaned from millionaire gunrunner Leonid Minin, who was arrested in Italy in August 2000. Minin is a native of Odesa and emigrated to Israel in the 1970s before going into business after the collapse of the former USSR re-exporting oil from Russia. He is an associate of Alexander Angert (alias "The Angel"), a notorious Odesa godfather.
In Minin's Milan hotel room, Italian police officers found $150,000 in cash and half a million dollars in African diamonds. There was also a cache of 1,500 documents detailing his dealings in oil, timber, gems, and guns. Two weeks before his arrest, Minin chartered an Antonov-124 transport aircraft in Moscow; had it flown to Kyiv, where it was loaded with 113 tons of small arms AK-47's and 330 grenade launchers, sniper rifles, night-vision equipment), and ammunition; and then flown to Abidjan, capital of the Ivory Coast. Sixteen months earlier, another Antonov aircraft delivered 68 tons of small arms and ammunition to Liberia and Sierra Leone. The Ukrainian government protested that the end-user certificate was for Burkino Faso (which does not use former Soviet military equipment).
Recent accusations have been made by Labor Ukraine (TU) party leader Andriy Derkach of illegal arms exports in the first half of the 1990s, when Yevhen Marchuk, former chairman of the SBU and current secretary of the National Security and Defense Council, was chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU). In his defense, Marchuk claims that as head of the SBU he stopped the illegal trade in arms that some officers in the Ministry of Defense with Dmytro Strashynsky, whose license was revoked, had been undertaking [see Marchuk's letter to Kravchul included in this issue]. Strashynsky is also being held in an Italian prison.
On 4 January, the Prosecutor-General's Office launched an inquiry into the allegations. Strashynsky is accused of forging end-user certificates for Nigeria, Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Ecuador, and Guinea -- which provides a glimpse into the global reach of these exports. The TU-controlled TV station Era alleges that documents it has received from Italy show that Marchuk persuaded Kravchuk to sell weapons to Strashynsky, that the Prohres company that had contracts with him was under the SBU's "protection," and that Marchuk supervised Strashynsky's activities in Ukraine. Both Kravchuk and Marchuk have denied these allegations as an attempt to damage their reputations on the eve of parliamentary elections in Ukraine.
Ukraine has a bad record in the illicit trading of weapons to conflict zones and other countries in the last decade. Not surprisingly, Ukraine's media has either been too scared or has lacked the information to write about this covert trade, and the Ihnatenko commission was the only Ukrainian attempt to probe its illicit trade in arms.
Taras Kuzio is a research associate at the Centre for Russian & East European Studies, University of Toronto. | <urn:uuid:0951c0d2-b5b5-470f-a7b2-41e0d1e6943a> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-22T23:21:52Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818374.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20240422211055-20240423001055-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.973056 | 4,845 | 5,644 |
Service Manuals For Appliance Repair Software
- Overview Of Appliance Repair Software
- Benefits Of Using Service Manuals
- Understanding Different Types Of Manuals
- Components Of The Manuals
- Instructions For Installation And Use
- Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions
- Safety Precautions
- How To Order Replacement Parts
- Tips On Saving Time And Money
- Finding User Reviews And Ratings
- Frequently Asked Questions
- What Are The Common Components Of Service Manuals?
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Are you in need of service manuals for appliance repair software? Have you been searching high and low, only to come up short on reliable sources? If so, then look no further! Here we’ll provide a comprehensive overview of what you need to know when it comes to finding the right service manual.
In this article, we’ll walk through the different types of appliance repair software available, as well as discuss their advantages and disadvantages. We’ll also explore the importance of having access to detailed instructions for using these programs correctly. Finally, we’ll share some tips on how to find the best service manual for your specific needs.
If you’re tired of wasting time trying to track down that elusive appliance repair software manual, read on and let us show you how easy it can be with our expert advice!
Overview Of Appliance Repair Software
When it comes to dealing with appliance repair, you need the right tools for the job. Appliance repair software is one of those essential tools that can help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. It’s a powerful tool for anyone working in the appliance repair industry. With its range of features and capabilities, it provides an invaluable resource for helping diagnose and fix problems with appliances. In this article, we’ll take a look at what appliance repair software offers and how it can be used to make your job easier.
First off, let’s talk about some of the benefits of using appliance repair software. For starters, it saves time by streamlining processes such as diagnosis and troubleshooting - so instead of searching through manual after manual trying to find out what’s wrong with an appliance, all you have to do is enter a few key details into the program and let it do its thing! Additionally, many programs come with detailed tutorials which offer step-by-step instructions on everything from basic repairs to complex electrical wiring issues. This means less guesswork when tackling tricky problems!
Finally, there are plenty more perks that come along with using appliance repair software: It allows technicians to keep their parts inventory organized; ensures accurate tracking of service calls; makes ordering new components easy; provides access to technical support whenever needed; and helps prevent expensive mistakes due to incorrect or outdated information. All these factors add up to improved customer satisfaction rates and increased productivity - two things every business should strive for!
In short, if you’re looking for ways to make managing your appliance repair jobs simpler and faster then investing in quality software is definitely worth considering.
Benefits Of Using Service Manuals
Using service manuals for appliance repair software is a great way to save time and money. Service manuals provide clear instructions on how to diagnose and fix many common appliances, eliminating the need for costly repairs by professionals. Plus, there are user reviews and ratings available online that can help users determine which service manual best fits their needs.
One of the main benefits of using service manuals for appliance repair software is the amount of time saved. It can take hours or even days to troubleshoot an issue without any guidance, but with a service manual, it might only take minutes. Time savings like this can add up quickly in terms of cost savings as well since you won’t have to hire professional technicians who would otherwise charge high rates per hour.
Another benefit of utilizing service manuals is that they offer simple step-by-step instructions that allow anyone to easily identify problems and resolve them in no time. This means users don’t have to wait around while a technician works through different scenarios trying to locate the source of the problem; they already have all the information they need right at their fingertips. Additionally, these guides often come with helpful illustrations that further assist with identifying issues so that users can get back up and running faster than ever before.
Service manuals for appliance repair software are essential tools for saving both time and money when dealing with minor appliance repairs. With detailed instructions, user reviews, and useful visuals, anyone from novice DIYers to experts will be able to find what they need quickly and efficiently – not to mention confidently!Try all in one Appliance Repair Business Software - Free - 1 User
Understanding Different Types Of Manuals
When it comes to appliance repair, understanding the different types of manuals is essential for success. To illustrate this point, consider a mechanic looking at an engine diagram with multiple parts and components; without knowing what each part does and how they interact, it’s impossible to make repairs. The same concept applies when it comes to appliance-repair-manuals; without having a good understanding of the various categories of service manuals available, you won’t be able to effectively troubleshoot or install any appliances.
The most common type of manual used in appliance repair is the appliance-service-manual. This document provides detailed instructions on how to diagnose and fix problems related to specific models of appliances. It also includes diagrams and schematics that show exactly which parts need replacing and how they should be connected together. Service manuals are often written by manufacturers or official technicians from their support teams so you can trust their accuracy.
Another important category of manual are repair-software-manuals, which provide step by step instructions for using certain diagnostic tools and software programs designed specifically for repairing household items like refrigerators and washing machines. Troubleshooting-manuals are also widely used as they provide guidance on diagnosing issues with electronic components or identifying faulty wiring connections within an appliance. Finally, installation-manuals give users clear directions on setting up new products safely and correctly according to manufacturer guidelines.
Overall, all these documents play an integral role in successful appliance repair jobs since they provide information about individual makes and models which may not be readily accessible elsewhere. Knowing how each type of manual can help you save time and money while ensuring quality results is key to making successful repairs every time!Try all in one Appliance Repair Business Software - Free - 1 User
Components Of The Manuals
The components of the manuals for appliance repair software provides an overview and guidance on how to use the product. They come in several different types, each with a unique purpose:
- Installation Guide - This manual contains instructions on installing and setting up the software as well as hardware requirements.
- Troubleshooting Advice –This guide includes tips on diagnosing and resolving any technical issues that may arise while using the product.
- Parts Ordering – This resource outlines information related to ordering parts necessary to complete repairs or maintenance tasks.
Each of these manuals provide detailed step-by-step procedures to help users become proficient at completing appliance repair tasks safely and efficiently. Additionally, users can refer back to this documentation if they need further assistance or clarification about specific topics covered in the manuals. To ensure success, it is important for users to read through all relevant material before beginning their project or task. In summary, understanding the various components of an appliance repair software’s manual will enable successful completion of projects and troubleshooting activities.
Instructions For Installation And Use
Installing the appliance repair software is a straightforward process. First, download the installation file from the manufacturer’s website. Once downloaded, open the file and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Once installed, you can begin using the appliance repair software right away.
To use this appliance repair software effectively, it is important to familiarize yourself with its features first. Read through all of the documentation provided by the manufacturer to get an understanding of how each feature works and what it does. When you are comfortable with how everything works, you can start repairing appliances with confidence.
The more experience you gain in using this appliance repair software, the better your results will be when working on appliances. Take note of any problems that arise during repairs and seek out help if necessary for further assistance in resolving them. With continued use, you’ll become more proficient at diagnosing and solving issues quickly and efficiently in no time!
Troubleshooting Tips And Solutions
It is estimated that 90 percent of appliance repair jobs can be completed by following a service manual. With the right advice and troubleshooting tips from an appliance repair software, it becomes much easier to fix common appliances in any home. In this section, we will explore how to use service manuals and repair software when troubleshooting appliances in order to find solutions quickly.
When using a service manual or appliance repair software for troubleshooting, it is important to read each step carefully and make sure all instructions are followed correctly. A good rule of thumb is to start with the most basic steps first – such as checking connections or power sources – before moving on to more complex tasks like replacing parts or disassembling components. It is also helpful to consult the manufacturer’s website or online resources for additional help if needed.
In addition, there are many tips available online regarding specific types of repairs that may prove useful when working through an issue with an appliance. An appliance troubleshooting guide can provide useful information about common problems associated with certain models and suggest possible causes for these issues. Similarly, reliable repair software advice can offer guidance on how best to approach a situation depending on its complexity. By taking advantage of these resources, homeowners have access to the knowledge needed to address their own appliance repairs without having to call in an expert technician.
The key takeaway here is that DIYers should never attempt complex repairs unless they feel confident doing so—especially after consulting a professional technician if necessary—but otherwise can benefit greatly from utilizing service manuals and other available resources when addressing minor problems at home.
Safety is an important aspect of appliance repair and service manuals. Before beginning any repair, it’s essential to review the safety precautions outlined in your appliance service manual or repair software. Taking a few extra minutes to read these instructions can help prevent costly mistakes or worse – injury or death.
It’s also important to make sure you have all of the necessary tools for the job before starting work on an appliance. Make sure that you are using only authentic parts and accessories designed specifically for use with your appliance model. If anything looks out of place, don’t take chances; double-check with your service manual before proceeding further.
Finally, be mindful of how long you are working on one project at a time; if something takes too much effort or feels like it may be unsafe, stop immediately and contact a professional technician for assistance as soon as possible. Remember: following safety measures should always come first when using service manuals for appliance repair projects.Try all in one Appliance Repair Business Software - Free - 1 User
How To Order Replacement Parts
According to a report by the National Appliance Service Association, over 90% of appliance repair services are completed with replacement parts. Knowing how to order and install these parts is essential for successful appliance repairs. Fortunately, there are several ways to purchase necessary replacement parts when using appliance repair software manuals.
Below is an overview of the different methods available for ordering replacement parts:
|Easy & time-saving, Wide selection
|Personalized customer service
|Long wait times
Online ordering is often the quickest way to acquire new parts as customers can easily browse through a wide range of products from the comfort of their homes or offices. It also saves time because orders can be placed at any hour of day or night. However, online ordering may come with costly shipping fees that add up quickly if multiple items need to be purchased.
Phone ordering allows customers to speak directly with sales representatives who can provide personalized assistance in finding and purchasing appropriate replacement parts. This method has its advantages such as having someone knowledgeable providing support throughout the process; however, it could take longer than other methods due to long wait times on hold while speaking with sales reps.
Finally, in-store shopping offers the advantage of being able to visit local stores offering appliances and related accessories so customers can view actual products before making a purchase decision. Unfortunately, this approach may be limited by small selections compared to what’s available online plus store hours which could limit accessibility when needed most urgently.
Overall, all three options have benefits and drawbacks depending on individual needs and preferences when looking for appliance repair software manuals and/or ordering replacement parts.
Tips On Saving Time And Money
Time and money are two important factors in appliance repair. Finding ways to save time and reduce costs can help increase efficiency and improve the overall success of a repair job. Here are some tips on how to save time, money, and ultimately reduce the cost of repairs:
First, invest in quality tools that will last longer and require less maintenance over time. Quality tools should be both reliable and durable, so they can stand up to long-term use without needing frequent replacement or costly repairs. Additionally, investing in specialized tools for certain jobs can also save time by speeding up the process. Investing in good equipment is an important step toward reducing repair costs in the long run.
Second, keep track of all parts used during a repair job. Keeping records of all parts used ensures that any future repairs needed won’t require purchasing duplicate components. This not only saves money but also allows more accurate tracking of potential issues with specific models or brands down the line. It’s also critical to remember which parts need replacing regularly due to wear-and-tear or damage from extensive use; this way you’ll know exactly what needs updating when it comes time for repairs again.
Finally, consider using software specifically designed for appliance repair service management purposes. Automated systems can streamline processes like scheduling appointments, invoicing customers, managing inventory levels, reporting data analysis results etc., allowing technicians to focus their resources on actually repairing appliances as efficiently as possible instead of spending extra time dealing with administrative tasks associated with running a business operationally successfully.Try all in one Appliance Repair Business Software - Free - 1 User
Finding User Reviews And Ratings
The world of appliance repair software is vast and ever-changing. It can be difficult to discern which programs are trustworthy or reliable. Finding user reviews and ratings for service manuals and appliance repair software can help narrow down your search, providing insight into the performance of specific products.
Imagery such as a shopper standing in an aisle filled with multiple brands of appliance repair software may come to mind. With so many options available it’s critical to find out what users think about a particular brand before making a purchase decision. Here’s how:
- Search online forums related to appliance repair software and look for topics discussing user feedback on different services
- Check product review sites that focus specifically on appliance repair software
- Look at customer ratings associated with each service manual listed by suppliers
By taking some time to research user reviews and ratings, you’ll gain valuable insights into the reliability of various brands when it comes to repairing appliances. Doing this research will allow you to make an informed decision that meets your needs best while avoiding any costly surprises later on.
Frequently Asked Questions
What Are The Common Components Of Service Manuals?
Service manuals are an essential tool for appliance repair technicians. They provide detailed instructions on how to properly install, maintain and repair various appliances. Repair instructions, appliance parts, troubleshooting guides and installation instructions are just a few of the components that make up service manuals. In addition, wiring diagrams can be included in some models.
When it comes to understanding these components and what they entail, knowledge is key. By familiarizing oneself with the terminology used in service manuals, one can quickly understand the steps needed to complete a job efficiently. For example, knowing what type of screws or bolts are required for mounting certain parts will help save time during repairs while ensuring safety standards are met. Additionally, understanding how to read wiring diagrams is critical as well since incorrect wiring can result in dangerous outcomes such as electrocution or fires.
To summarize, here is a list of common components found within service manuals:
- Repair Instructions
- Appliance Parts
- Troubleshooting Guide
- Installation Instructions
- Wiring Diagrams
Having access to this information provides technicians with all the necessary tools needed for successful appliance repair jobs. With that being said, having a good working knowledge of each component’s purpose ensures work gets done effectively and safely.
Are There Any Safety Risks Associated With Using Appliance Repair Software?
Using appliance repair software can come with its own set of unique safety risks. As such, it’s important to understand what these risks are and how they can be avoided or managed. This article will explore the common safety concerns associated with repairing appliances using software and provide some tips for keeping you safe while doing so.
Safety risks related to appliance repairs have been around as long as people have been working on them. However, when introducing a new layer of computer technology in the form of repair software, there are additional factors that need to be taken into account. Software safety is paramount; manual safety precautions must also still be followed.
The following list provides 3 key considerations when using repair software:
- Always follow manufacturer guidelines and installation instructions carefully
- Ensure any software used is up-to-date with the latest security patches
- Use anti-virus programs regularly to protect against malicious attacks
When it comes to performing any kind of maintenance or repairs on an appliance, no matter what type of tool is being used - whether physical tools or digital ones - understanding and adhering to all applicable safety procedures should always remain top priority. By taking the time to properly research any potential hazards that may arise from utilizing repair software, users can ensure their work environment remains secure and accident-free.
What Is The Best Way To Find User Reviews And Ratings For A Specific Service Manual?
According to recent research, almost 90 percent of consumers rely on user reviews and ratings when making a purchase decision. This means that finding reliable information about service manuals for appliance repair software is very important. The best way to do this is by looking at the user reviews and ratings available online.
When searching for user reviews and ratings for a specific service manual, it’s essential to pay attention to the source of the information. Websites such as Amazon or Trustpilot provide verified customer feedback which can be trusted more than other sources. Additionally, paying attention to how many people have reviewed the product can help determine whether or not the information provided is reliable.
To find reliable user reviews and rating for an appliance repair software service manual, researching different websites and reading multiple customer experiences will give you an accurate picture of what kind of product you are purchasing. Furthermore, asking questions in relevant forums or even contacting customer support teams directly may also provide helpful insight into any potential issues with the software or service manual.
Ultimately, taking time to read through customer reviews and ratings before choosing a specific service manual helps ensure that users get the most out of their purchase.
Are There Any Tips For Saving Time And Money When Using Appliance Repair Software?
When it comes to appliance repair software, there are numerous time-saving and money-saving tips that can help you get your repairs done faster and more cost effectively. Knowing the best way to use the software is an important part of getting a successful repair job done quickly. With these tips, anyone using appliance repair software will be able to save both time and money on their repair costs.
To start off with, understanding how the appliance repair software works is key in order to make sure it’s being used properly. This means taking some time to read over any user manuals or instruction guides that come with the program so that all of its features can be utilized correctly. Not only does this prevent any costly mistakes from happening while making repairs, but also ensures that users understand exactly what they need to do before starting work on their appliances.
Another great way to save time and money when using appliance repair software is by familiarizing yourself with online resources such as forums, tutorials, and other user reviews about the product itself. Doing research ahead of time makes it easier for users to identify any potential issues before repairing their appliances and saves them from having to spend extra money if something goes wrong during the process. Plus, reading up on different programs helps people decide which one would be the most suitable for their needs without spending too much time trying out each one individually.
By following these simple tips when using appliance repair software, users should have no trouble saving both time and money throughout the whole process! All that’s left now is for them to go ahead and put these suggestions into practice so they can successfully carry out their own home repairs at a fraction of the normal cost.
Is There A Difference Between Service Manuals For Different Types Of Appliances?
When considering appliance repair software, there is a common misconception that service manuals for different types of appliances are all the same. However, it is important to recognize that each appliance - such as a dishwasher, refrigerator, washing-machine, oven or dryer - has its own specific requirements when it comes to maintenance and repairs.
To illustrate this point further:
- Dishwashers require specific instructions for proper installation;
- While refrigerators will have their own set of guidelines for cleaning and defrosting;
- Washing-machines come with directions on how to safely move them without damaging any internal components;
- Ovens need careful attention paid to electrical connections during installation;
- And finally, dryers must be placed in an area with adequate air flow.
Considering these differences can help save time and money by avoiding costly mistakes while using appliance repair software. It is therefore essential to consult the relevant manual before beginning any repair job. Not only does this ensure safety procedures are followed but it also helps avoid potentially expensive errors down the line.
In conclusion, service manuals for appliance repair software are invaluable tools to ensure appliances are fixed correctly and efficiently. Generally speaking, they all include the same components such as troubleshooting guides, parts lists and wiring diagrams. It’s important to remember that safety should not be overlooked when using any kind of appliance repair software; always read the instructions carefully and take extra precaution if needed.
When looking for a specific service manual, it may pay off to do some research first by checking user reviews and ratings. This is also true when trying to save time and money - compare prices between different types of service manuals before purchasing one in order to get the most bang for your buck.
All-in-all, having a reliable set of instructions makes appliance repairs easier no matter what type you’re dealing with. At times it can feel like finding a needle in a haystack but following these tips will help make sure you don’t miss out on anything crucial or leave yourself open to unnecessary risks – which is really worth its weight in gold!Disclaimer: Some information is provided through AI. Users should always conduct their own research and consult with qualified professionals before making any decisions.
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Recognizing you need some added money in your pocket is pretty easy. All you need to do is look in your purse. The not-so-easy component? Figuring out exactly how to make additional money.
These days it feels like everybody is working some sort of side gig, renting out things out, or selling unwanted things to make additional money– which is remarkable. But how did they find out all those means to generate income? Well, they most likely stumbled across this checklist of 34 methods you can make additional money. Or you know, one more checklist someplace– that’s absolutely possible also.
Either way, it’s time to put your money objectives into action as well as earn some added money at home, online or on the side. Oh, and also let’s be clear, these are all official methods to generate income– nothing shady here.
Now let’s get to work!
Just How to Make Money Online or From Home
1. Tutor online.
If you think being a tutor implies you made straight A’s through senior high school as well as university, reconsider. It’s everything about what you recognize as well as exactly how well you recognize it. Online tutoring firms like, TutorMe and also Studypool work with tutors to share their expertise with trainees on a large team of subjects.
Simply ensure you take care when determining which coaching job to take. Several of the individuals on these on-demand tutoring sites are actually simply trying to find a person to create their essay or do their homework for them. Be wise when sifting with the posts.
2. Come to be a customer experience tester.
Every business wishes their internet site gives great details, strikes their objectives, and– oh yes– earns money. Yet if something isn’t functioning, business needs to understand why, and a great deal of them get in touch with customer experience testers to provide responses.
Are you proficient at understanding if a site is easy to use just by investing a couple of minutes checking the web page? Firms like UserTesting or TryMyUI will certainly pay you for your comments. Most of them boast that you’ll get $10 for each 20-minute examination you complete!
3. Take surveys.
Check into study sites like MyPoints or Study Junkie where you’ll get paid just for taking studies and giving your point of view. Seems like a quite wonderful bargain, right? Just remember, these sites are looking for truly details points when they pick people. So you might not get every study you find.
And also, you’ll have to end up a particular variety of studies before you can squander your points. It’s not a get-rich-quick plan by any means, however that additional money can still add up over time. If you’re the individual and persistent type, give it a shot!
4. Obtain cash money back from apps.
There are plenty of mobile apps out there that can show you how to make extra money just by doing simple things. We’re talking really, actually simple right here– like grabbing-your-phone-and-scanning-your-receipt very easy. Check out mobile apps like Ibotta, Rakuten, Shopkick, Receipt Hog and also Dosh to rack up some extra cash without excessive deal with your part.
5. Educate English.
It’s kind of like going the tutoring course, except you’re showing English with a business like VIPKid (a big fave of fans in our Ramsey Baby Tips Community on Facebook). Now, if words instruct makes you a little nervous, do not stress. They’ll deal with all the lesson plans and also grading for you. However you do require to have a wish to assist others learn and want to guide a course online. Getting paid while helping others? This set’s a win-win!
6. Earn money for your creative skills.
You’ve obtained the creative skills but simply haven’t connected with someone who requires your remarkable job. Why not freelance in your spare time with Fiverr? The site connects consultants concentrating on writing, editing and enhancing, visuals style and voice-over job to customers needing those innovative minds in their edge.
You’ll produce a profile (almost like a resumé) that prospective employers can check to take a look at your experience, rates and also specializeds. Get ready to allow your creative thinking circulation!
7. Deal your services as a virtual aide.
If you’re organized, enjoy a great challenge, as well as want to function from home, this might be the ideal possibility for you! Plus, who doesn’t enjoy a little range in their workday? Chances are, the majority of local business owner might use your assistance as they try to find a far better balance in between their job as well as residence lives nowadays. Look into websites like Upwork as well as Zirtual to discover opportunities to start lending a hand.
8. Become an influencer.
Get paid to post on social networks! Yup– it turns out, social networks can really be available in useful. If you have a huge complying with on social networks platforms like Facebook and Instagram, or perhaps your blog, you may consider coming to be an influencer.
Whether it’s fashion, kitchenware or house décor, you can come to be a go-to source for businesses to get even more direct exposure on the internet. Just reach out to brand names you like and let them know you wish to interact! As well as if you’re open to affiliate advertising and marketing and funded web content, take a look at ShareASale and also Amazon Associates too.
9. End up being a social media sites supervisor.
Most business have a social media existence. Not just is it cost-free advertising, however it’s likewise a method to remain attached to their consumers (or future customers) as well as build a complying with. But it can be a substantial task for smaller business who don’t have numerous team members. That’s where you come in. If you have a knack for creative thinking, getting in touch with others as well as an expertise of different social media channels– this may be right up your street!
Ways to Earn Money on the Side
10. Earn money for your images.
Are you a photographer? Do you have pictures of lovely sunsets as well as flawlessly organized cappucinos jumbling up your electronic camera roll? You can make additional money for your pictures without having to be a specialist photographer. Foap compensates to $10 for an image (some can bring extra for unique “missions”) yet they’ll take 50% of your sale as well.
Bear in mind, there’s no guarantee that people will buy your photos. However even if you just sell a couple of, that’s some easy money for something you’ve already done.
11. Drive for Uber or Lyft.
If you’re strapped for cash money yet wish to work on your very own routine, you may want to think about becoming a vehicle driver for Uber or Lyft. You can drive as much (or as little) as you want and establish your own schedule. Plus, you get the included perk of having intriguing discussions along the way (or, at the very least, some fun stories to tell of your travels with unfamiliar people).
Of course, the amount of cash you make relies on your location and also just how often you haul individuals around. So if you have a free Saturday from time to time, you may wish to spend it as a pietistic cab driver exploring your city as well as getting paid for it.
12. Come to be a food distribution motorist.
Considering that the ol’ pandemic of 2020, a great deal of dining establishments have actually maintained their dining-room closed or stuck to restricted seats. So what’s that indicate? More takeout! Come to be a hero by providing food to front porches in your city. Driving for Uber Eats, Grubhub or Postmates is an excellent way to make money in your downtime just by providing food to hungry clients. Benefit factors: Your automobile is mosting likely to scent outstanding. We’re type of jealous.
13. Join a focus group.
If you like sharing your point of view, why not earn money for it? Inspect to see if there’s a neighborhood focus group in your area or online. You could earn cash money just for doing taste tests or experimenting with various items. Just make certain you fit the sort of things they’re searching for before using.
14. Provide grocery stores.
If you enjoy the excitement of buying however don’t want to spend your very own cash, this could interest you. With Shipt, you get paid to go shopping and also deliver grocery stores to clients with an on-demand solution. According to the company, their customers make up to $22 an hour! Earning money for purchasing? Sign us up!
15. Use up babysitting.
Teenagers usually have the edge on the babysitting market. Yet there’s no reason you can not get in on it as well. And fact be informed, it may be simpler than you think to land a job. The majority of parents will jump at the opportunity to have a day evening. However often, locating a caretaker they rely on can be difficult.
Let individuals in your pal group, church and also work environment understand you ‘d be happy to view their kiddos in your leisure (they need to pay you, of course). And also if it’s a little uncomfortable for you to spread out the news by word of mouth, you can always register for a service like Sittercity or to assist you land some babysitting tasks.
16. Begin pet sitting.
Are you a pet enthusiast in mind? Exactly how about making some extra money just by taking a pet for a walk or boarding a feline for the weekend? You can advertise your own pet-sitting service on social media sites, put up signs throughout your neighborhood, or use a site like Rover. They allow you set your schedule as well as established your very own costs for solutions. If you do make use of Wanderer, bear in mind that they take a cut of what you make.
17. Promote on your car.
File this under both extremely odd and also the best interpretation of the phrase passive earnings. The application Wrapify will certainly pay you to drive with an organization advertisement wrapped around your car. As soon as the cars and truck is wrapped, you really don’t have to do anything other than drive around town like you usually do.
It seems weird, however it’s actually rather rewarding: The even more you drive, the more you’ll make. Wrapify says the typical individual who does a complete wrap on their cars and truck makes concerning $264– 452 a month. If you’re still repaying your auto loan, that’s an automobile settlement right there!
18. Do jobs for individuals.
If you’re just trying to figure out just how to generate income on the side with quick fix-it tasks or running errands, TaskRabbit may be your best choice. You can do all kinds of things from yardwork to creating furnishings. This is the excellent method to make money if you like to play with things– take a look at you go, MacGyver.
19. Deliver for
You know who didn’t decrease throughout the pandemic? motorists. There’s absolutely nothing like getting a plan provided to your front door, specifically when it originates from Amazon. Everybody enjoys obtaining bundles, so why not spend a couple of evenings a week driving around community bringing individuals delight? Subscribe to deliver plans with Flex and establish your timetable for as much or as low as you wish to work.
20. Turn your commute right into money.
In between travelling to function and also driving the children to football method, the majority of us invest lots of time in our cars and trucks. It’s time to make money while you’re riding around! With Roadie, you can get paid just for driving a plan (or even a pet dog!) from factor A to point B along your course.
And check your location for applications that award you for carpooling around community. Right here in Nashville, we have Hytch, which partners with some business to reward you for carpooling with one or more individuals. You’re already driving to function daily, so why not make money for it also?
21. End up being a professional photographer.
If you have a wonderful camera and a good eye, snapping a few photos might be simply the thing you need to find out just how to make additional money. You can go as all in with this as you desire. Possibly you just shoot household sessions and birthday celebration cake smashes on the weekend breaks. Or maybe you determine to begin an organization as a wedding event professional photographer! The option truly is up to you.
Inspect the going rates for sessions in your area and consider establishing your costs a little reduced to your competitors. Allow’s state you make $75– 100 a session. That can build up pretty quick!
22. Use up auto washing/detailing.
If you’re a major auto fanatic, this might be an all-natural suitable for you! And you probably currently have the devices you need. It’s incredible the number of individuals will certainly pay another person to do something they do not want to do. You can even take the business when traveling as well as satisfy your consumers any place they are!
23. Come to be a monetary train.
Are you passionate about helping people take control of their cash? Great cool. United States too. You can make some extra money through economic training in your leisure– no unique skills called for. Our Financial Coach Master Training will certainly stroll you via all the tools you need to assist bring people hope as they determine this whole money thing.
24. Begin a blog.
If you’ve obtained something to state, opportunities are people might read it! The fantastic feature of a blog is you can concentrate on pretty much any topic you want to. If you’re an excellent chef, do a food blog site. Or maybe fashion is your true love. If you’re passionate concerning fitness and also nutrition, start a health blog.
Just be planned for the slow game with this one. You can most definitely make good money with a blog site but you can also wind up making nothing. Okay, perhaps that’s extreme. However you understand. Making use of points like Google AdSense or affiliate marketing (where you get a cut when a person buys an item you advertise) and also even getting in touch with the right people can really influence your audience as well as the money you make.
25. Begin your very own (on the internet) business.
If you’re just seeking a fast way to make cash on nights or weekends for a brief stretch of time, after that maybe this set isn’t for you. But if you’re ready to transform your desire for beginning your very own business into a reality, there’s never ever been a much better time to do it! On the internet systems like Etsy, FBA and Big Cartel have made it simpler than ever before.
How to Make Money by Offering or Leasing
26. Rent your residence.
If you have an extra room or can remain with your in-laws or pals on short notification, you could intend to take into consideration leasing your home on Airbnb. Allow’s say you make a decision to lease your upstairs guest room as well as washroom to two visitors. Here in the Nashville location, you ‘d have a month-to-month earning potential of about $1,551.6 Not too shabby at all!
Yet what regarding the risks of opening up your home to complete strangers? Airbnb provides unintended damage insurance coverage on your home– as much as a million bucks of protection, to be exact. They also provide host defense insurance policy simply in case a guest gets injured while staying on your building. So kick that stress to the aesthetic!
Even though Airbnb does not evaluate each private visitor, they do allow hosts as well as guests price each other. By doing this you can feel more at ease about who you’re letting into your home.
27. Rent out your auto.
If you have a car that just sits in your garage for lengthy stretches of time, you may discover an automobile rental service like Turo is one of the simplest methods to make some additional money. On average, you could make a jaw-dropping $10,516 a year– just by renting your flight!
And also don’t stress: The company covers your lorry with $750,000 of obligation insurance coverage along with providing burglary and damage insurance coverage.8 So allow your occupant struck the open roadway while you kick back as well as count that extra money.
28. Offer old phones as well as electronics.
It appears like brand-new digital gadgets come out everyday. As well as when you’re ready to upgrade, what do you do with the old things you don’t use anymore? Well, you could just push it because arbitrary scrap edge (where whatever goes) or you can offer it! Websites like Swappa and also Gazelle (no relationship to our gazelle strength) will certainly take those old phones, pc gaming systems and laptop computers off your hands.
29. Eliminate old movies and also songs.
Network your internal minimalist and also get rid of all those messy DVDs or CDs on your entertainment stand or in boxes under your bed. And also make the whole process simpler with Decluttr. You can check bench codes of products you do not desire anymore and also see how much money the company will certainly give you. Rather than waiting around for a purchaser to maybe buy your item, the firm itself will certainly get your stuff outright. See ya later, Godzilla DVD.
30. Rent your infant equipment.
Do you have child products occupying room in your garage but you aren’t prepared to part with them yet? Besides, you may want one more youngster … possibly one day. Instead of offering that high chair or baby jumper, why not rent them? Oh, we’re severe. On sites like BabyQuip, their Top quality Providers gain around $600 a month leasing points like baby cribs and strollers. Seriously.
31. Market unwanted stuff.
Look through your hall wardrobe, attic room and garage for every little thing you don’t use any longer. What can you live without? Obviously, you can constantly sell items on reliable websites like eBay and also Craigslist. Yet don’t ignore apps like OfferUp, VarageSale, Poshmark, thredUP and Facebook Marketplace that make it also easier to make additional money by marketing secondhand things.
32. Sell your kids’ clothes.
Let’s be straightforward– those little people grow out of their clothing faster than you can maintain. When it’s time to eliminate the garments they’ve outgrown, you have a couple of options: place them out in your basic garage sale, offer them to a consignment store, or publish them on social media. Applications like Kidizen are specially made for offering your kids’ carefully utilized threads. And also certainly, you can use various other sites we have actually spoken about like Poshmark, thredUP, Craigslist as well as to market kids’s clothing also.
33. Sell those extra gift cards.
Aunt Betsy provided you a PacSun present card for Christmas, and also you have actually never ever also entered the place. Rather than letting the gift card accumulate dirt, offer it! Sites like Raising allow you offer your undesirable present cards as well as make a little kickback off of them. Nevertheless, every present card is entitled to a loving home, doesn’t it?
34. Rental fee your valuables.
Okay, we currently spoke about leasing your residence, vehicle as well as also your old baby things. What else exists? Oh, only whatever else. The popular renting firm Fat Llama (what a name– we understand) lets you rent out virtually any of your belongings!
Several of the most in-demand things are electronic camera devices, projectors, illumination and audio tools. So if you’re a digital photographer, videographer or simply a tech-gadget enthusiast, you could make a good amount. But keep in mind, you can rent out virtually anything– even your lawn mower … or tractor … or scooter. Who knew?
Don’t Forget In This Manner to Make Additional Money!
Now that you know just how to make extra money, try a few of these (or all 34) and also see if you can produce a wonderful little piece of modification.
And also when you start earning that additional money, make sure you’re utilizing it to its max capacity– by budgeting! You’re mosting likely to be striving to make all that additional money. As well as budgeting will see to it strives for you too. | <urn:uuid:ab15b61b-41dc-4ad0-b79f-169d84483e95> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-22T22:56:30Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296818374.84/warc/CC-MAIN-20240422211055-20240423001055-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.955728 | 4,508 | 4,895 |
Some 30 years ago, I gave a talk at the University of the Witwatersrand to graduate students who were about to go on their first Mathematics teaching practical. Teaching can be both very rewarding and extremely punishing. I tried to encourage these student teachers to look forward to going to work every day and to be excited to be at the school, despite the odd troublesome pupil or grumpy old colleague in the staff room.
Passion and enthusiasm wax and wane with every job. At Viva Safaris, I try to encourage all staff, especially the rangers, to be passionate about their work. At a meeting of rangers last year, I told them that the day that they are not excited to see yet another herd of impalas ( possibly their 10000th sighting ) is the day they should consider changing jobs.
I am pleased to note the pleasure and enthusiasm that our guides display when taking our tourists on game drives and walks. All the tourists I have spoken to this year are very quick to advise that the safari is made so much more meaningful by guides that try very hard to spot and are genuinely pleased to see the animals. The reviews posted on Tripadvisor and other platforms are testimony to a happy and hardworking group of Viva guides – well done to all !!!
Photos of happy rangers at animal sightings:
Rocky and Nadine
Victor and Nadine
Luke showing yellow bellied sand snake to guests
Smiley and wild dogs
I asked the rangers for good photos taken this month and, wow, did they deliver !
BNR stands for Balule Nature Reserve
KNP stands for Kruger National Park
Leopard in a marula tree, Kruger National Park
White Rhino resting in the open, Kruger National Park
Elephant Herd moving away from Nsemani Dam Kruger National Park
Cheetah on the move, Sweni road Kruger National Park
Monthly Report March 2024
Luke Ovendale Camp Manager Tremisana Lodge
Balule Olifants West has provided another month of great sightings. The leopards have been out and about, especially near the Barnards property. Most of my leopard sightings took place en route, to, and from bushwalks. Most have been spotted relaxing in the branches of trees with a few quick sightings of leopards crossing the road.
The bushwalks have been a great way to get some exercise and connect with nature on another level. The regular sightings have been hippos, crocodiles, elephants, and plenty of tracks and signs to enjoy along the way.
My personal highlights for the month had to be during a day trip to the Kruger National Park. We entered through Orpen gate and made our way towards Satara rest camp. On route, we spotted a leopard in the distance, lying stretched out in a tree.
Although it was far away, we could all see it clearly through binoculars.
We continued exploring with many general game sightings, especially zebra, and quite a few close ostrich sightings.
After stopping for lunch and a stretch of the legs, we headed off on the search for rhino.
We received an update regarding 4 rhinos resting not far from our location. We headed off, hoping they would still be there. It was our lucky day. They were still sleeping out in the open Savanah. These giant herbivores love to rest during the day.
We continued on our way along the Sweni road, slowly making our way back towards Orpen gate.
The sightings for the day were certainly not over.
More excitement was still to come while viewing a steenbok alongside the road. I saw something moving far in the background. It definitely had a cat-like movement, but which one?
We turned around and headed in for a closer look. It was a cheetah.
Cheetah are one of the more rare sightings in the Kruger and best known for their incredible speed.
The rest of the afternoon consisted mainly of elephant herds, buffalo, and general game.
A great day in the Kruger, packed with wonderful animal sightings.
At S36 next to Nhlanguleni picnic spot, KNP
At Campfire, BNR
At Tremisana, BNR
On S36, 500m from H7 towards Mudzandzeni, KNP
Guests observing the Nyalas on bush walk at Marc’s Camp
Dung beetle on bush walk at Marc’s Camp
Buffalo on bush walk at Marc’s Camp
3rd of March: Zebras east of Orpen in Kruger Park, very nice and relaxed
9th of March: Wildebeest around Satara KNP, while we were enjoying our lunch
15th March: Elephants around Rome 1 Leadwood Pan BNR, which was very exciting for my guests
27th of March: amazing sighting of a pride of lions on Campfire property, BNR
Verreaux’s Eagle-Owl at Tremisana Waterhole BNR
Leopard after hunting a Porcupine on the Satara Tshokwane Road KNP
Lioness and Cub on the Orpen Satara Road KNP
Klipspringer on the Phalaborwa Letaba road KNP
Elephant at Tremisana Waterhole BNR
Hyena at Tremisana Waterhole BNR
Black Rhino on Rome 4 BNR
H7 Kruger Park
S100 Kruger Park
Rome 4 BNR
Casper the famous white lion near Nwanetsi bridge KNP
Herd of elephants crossing towards Nsemane dam , H7 Kruger National Park
White rhinos in Balule Nature Reserve
Hyena cub smelling Viva Safaris vehicle tyres KNP
Zebra sighting on the S12, Kruger National Park
A wonderful lion sighting on the H6, about 13 kilometres from the H1/3 in the Kruger Park
Lion cubs east of Ngwenya dam, Balule Nature Reserve
Female cheetah hunting north of Satara Camp, Kruger National Park
A pack of wild dogs east of S106 near Orpen, Kruger National Park
A male leopard up in a tree just north of Campfire dam, Balule Nature Reserve
Giraffe seen close to Marc’s Camp
Baby Nyala born in Marc’s Camp approx 4 hours old
Leopard tortoise spotted close to Marc’s Camp
Derby’s flower beetle (Dicronorrhina derbyana), Tremisana garden BNR
Spotted hyena, Marula Boma BNR
Wild dog, Marula road BNR
Lioness with cubs, Campfire BNR
Elephant herd at Tremisana Lodge BNR
Male lion on Olifants road during sunset drive BNR
Two white rhino bulls BNR
Leopard on Marula tree during morning drive on Barnard property BNR
CHARL sent the following:
We have been very fortunate with a little late rain for the season, helping to keep the bush nice and green so long. The camp now seems to be frequented by hyenas at night while we have dinner. Generally they will pass by the boma and have a look in – quite nice for our guests. Some of you would have read on our report from last month about the baby banded mongoose we found – Moholoholo was able to integrate the individual with others they had and now they have been able to make a group which has been put into a soft release enclosure. This allows them to get used to being in the bush but in a safe environment. You can follow their progress on their Facebook page to monitor when they will be released.
Hyena at Katekani’s boma unfortunately blured due to night light and movement
Nyala at gazebo at Katekani
Marcs Camp report:
The camp has had a few quiet days this month allowing us to catch up with some work and now we are back to full swing and very busy. The crowd favourite, the Nyalas, never disappoint. I dont think any guest has ever stayed at Marcs Camp and not had an amazing experience with the Nyalas. Unfortunately our efforts with the snared hyena have been unsuccessful, we have even started trying to trap the individual on other properties with no luck but we will keep at it till we are successful. We have been able to see the animal a few times at night on different camera traps to make sure it’s still healthy, so we just keep on hoping the animal will enter the trap so that we can help them.
Nyala at Marcs Camp welcoming committee
NYARAI sent the following:
Tremisana Report March 2024
We are still waiting for the rains in the Balule Plains. It has rained a few days only and my heart is sore for the animals. I get excited with even light showers right now. Maybe it’s high time we do a rain dance. We still have animals around the lodge. The warthogs, hyenas, impalas , elephants One elephant even decided to enter the camp. I was scared but you should have seen me act brave Infront of the guests. He did not stay long and went out after George the guide banged the pots. A hilarious sight if you ask me. I must mention my encounter with a hyena outside the lodge. I just stood still for a bit, took a picture and then panicked after. Thank God he turned around and walked away.
Elephant inside Tremisana Lodge BNR
Hyena on road near Tremisana lapa
This month has been a very busy month for me. Most of my days have been spent behind my desk. I find happiness in the balance that the lodge gives me. Doing office work and I step outside and it’s a whole different environment. I am able to detach and see a different world. A few steps into the garden opens up a very different world. Paying attention to everything has given me so much joy that words cannot express. I usually run away from spiders and never really pay attention to them. By the bridge going to breakfast I came across my first jumping spider. The cutest spider ever. I would describe it as a cartoon character that will almost say something if you pay attention to his face. They have excellent eyesight. The big eyes on that small body speaks volumes. Their bite is not poisonous so yes I was safe. I must admit only researched after getting close. I feel more trips outside will give me more little treasures.
Looking forward to April. I am certain it will be another blessed month for us.
Until next month take care.
On 21 March, a public holiday, Human Rights Day, I decided to go on a full day safari to Kruger Park with Andy as our guide. The last time I did a full day Kruger safari on an Open Vehicle was in December 2022. It was raining in the morning. To further complicate our lives, we heard that there was a protest by the local community and that Orpen Gate was closed. It was fortuitous that I was on the vehicle as we now had to enter Kruger Park via Phalaborwa Gate. Here we do not have credit and I was able to pay the entrance fees.
From Phalaborwa to Letaba we saw precious little – an elephant sighting and a buffalo sighting were the highlights.
Once we crossed the Olifants River en route to Satara, game viewing improved dramatically. I was pleased to see the reaction of our guests at seeing species that are very seldom encountered in the Balule Nature Reserve. These included numerous herds of zebra and wildebeest, waterbuck, klipspringer, ostrich and a lovely sighting of a cheetah.
The strength of Viva Safaris’ packages came back emphatically to me – we offer an exceptional blend of exclusive and personal sightings in our private reserve, Balule Nature Reserve, and the wide diversity and great number of animal encounters in Kruger Park proper.
Welcome back to Christian seen here on Ezulwini Lodge game drive
Lion spotted on Ezulwini Billy’s Lodge plains
March 2024 started quietly but we ended up with large numbers of guests. Most of our guests are booking longer safaris at Tremisana. Marcs Camp and Katekani have been relatively quiet. I thank our long-standing and loyal travel agents for their continuous support.
Busy Tremisana Lapa at breakfast time
Marco, our Webmaster, had a wide variety of reviews from which to choose. I am thankful to all our previous guests that take the time to write a review on their experience with Viva Safaris.
Amazingly Good Value Safari!
Kate B, Australia
Absolutely fantastic experience with Viva Safaris from start to finish! Accommodation for one night at Tremisana Lodge was a cosy little house with comfy bed and great shower. Two nights at Marc’s Treehouse Camp in a tent was amazing – large spacious tent with proper beds, electricity and a fan, with showers and toilet right next door – clean, nice, hot water. Accommodation exceeded expectations and I’ve done other budget safaris in Africa! All staff were friendly and helpful a the guided walks were both great and it was so good to be out of the vehicle for a while. Food was plentiful, simple, home style and great – catered for vegetarians. Appreciated coffee at 5am before the walks and home baked cakes and muffins at different times during the safari! The vehicle was fabulous – open sides and front door cool and lovely breeze with great view for everyone (max 9).
Animal wise – our day in Kruger was amazing! Saw lots of animals even though it was raining part of the day. We didn’t see elephants or lions or rhinos outside of Kruger but were unlucky – we saw hippos, buffalo, a hyena, giraffe.
This safari was exceptionally good value and we thoroughly enjoyed it. Sleeping in a tent is a must! The sounds of the insects and animals was something I’ll never forget!
Lovely experience for my first safari ever
Lillie M, USA
Viva Safaris exceeded all my expectations for my first safari. Initially I was really worried about safety and the food, but after the first 3 hours I knew everything was going to be just fine. Previously, we stayed at a five star hotel in Capetown and I was not able to eat much — the meals we had at Viva Safaris were home-cooked, tasty, nutritious, and best of all did not make me ill like when I was in Capetown. Their breakfasts and dinners were very filling and what I am used to: egg, bacon, beans and toast, or protein, rice, and vegetables for dinner with a soup to start. The photo is of the first dinner that they held outside at a nearby campsite.
In the first sunset drive, we were able to see hyenas, lions, an elephant outside the resort, baboons at the entrance, loads of impala, and even a giraffe. I remember feeling like if I had to leave, I would already feel satisfied.
The bush walk was not as physically straining as I thought it would be, the walk had to have been a little more than a mile and the rest of the bush walk was a drive. We saw many hippos near the river.
The day at Kruger was gorgeous. I have never seen so many animals living freely and happily. We saw a buffalo, rhino, leopard, cheetah, over 50 elephants, a warthog, hippos, zebras and ginoos, giraffes, Cape buffalo, and many exotic birds.
My advice to other first timers would be to keep an open mind and to dress for all sorts of weather. I found that I didn’t use the warm weather clothing I packed because of the rain and the windiness of the drives. Boots or sneakers (that you aren’t afraid to get dirty), tall socks, layers and water resistant outerwear were all useful to me — and don’t forget Lots of SPF and bug spray.
Thanks to Rocky who was our first tour guide he knew so much about the animals. Thanks to Luke who was our very knowledgeable tour guide for the bush walk and Kruger. Luke was able to answer so many of our questions about the animals and their behavior. I think the sign of a great safari tour guide is their ability to sight an animal from far away. Luke was able to sight a leopard on a tree in the distance.
What an amazing experience!
From the initial email, communication was fantastic. We decided on the Tremisana Lodge package instead of the treehouse. Our pick up shuttle was running late, so we arrived at the lodge just in time to do the sunset safari and BBQ.
The staff were very welcoming. All guides and drivers were so friendly and knowledgeable. The staff at the lodge were great. The food was amazing!
All in all, it was everything we could have hoped for.
I highly recommend this tour and this company.
Professional, friendly – great experience!
We booked a 5 day Safari trip by Viva Safaris. Picked up and dropped at the airport. The restaurant, selected for the midway stop was great – kudos for that.
The rooms were small but OK, all what you need in such action packed days 🙂
My personal favourite was the pool!
The drives were great, special shoutout to Marc (full of knowledge, friendly, answering all the details,..He also came out of his way to make sure all is going well with us during his off hours) and KG (funny, lots of local knowledge, dedicated,..). We saw all the animals we could possibly want to see during our time in the Greater Kruger Area – the cheetah spotting by KG was a thing of a real expert!
The rest of the staff was also friendly and helpful – when a member of our group forgot her mobile phone in the Land Rover the hostess/manager jumped on the case immidiately and made sure the situation will be resolved.
Special thanks to Mama Bella for great food, kindness and a lot of “can i have one more please”! 🙂
Muy buen hospedaje, el lugar tiene todas las comodidades necesarias para lograr la mejor experiencia, desde habitaciones confortables hasta comida deliciosa!
Los animales rodean el lugar, elefantes, monos, impalas, de todo! Hacen de tu experiencia la mejor
Verblijf in lodge, tree house
Leonie W, The Netherlands
Mooie, goed verzorgde lodge. Midden in de natuur. Het personeel en alle mensen hier zijn heel vriendelijk, aardig en behulpzaam. Kamer was goed, voorzien van een klamboe en een ventilator.
Hier kom je echt even helemaal tot rust, zo midden in de natuur.
Until next month,
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"Protection of Children's Privacy on the World Wide Web"
Mr. Chairman, I am Robert Pitofsky, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission; and I am pleased to appear before you today to offer the Commission's views in support of S. 2326, the "Children's Online Privacy Protection Act of 1998" introduced by Senators Bryan and McCain to protect children's online privacy.(1) I would like to discuss with you the Commission's role in addressing online privacy issues generally, our findings and concerns with respect to children's online privacy, the industry's self-regulatory efforts to address these concerns, and why we believe that the legislation this Committee is considering is both appropriate and necessary.
The Commission believes that legislation such as S. 2326 is important and necessary to protect the privacy of our youngest consumers when they go online. The Commission initially made this recommendation to Congress last June in Privacy Online: A Report to Congress (the "Report").(2) Much of the Report is devoted to describing and analyzing the results of a comprehensive survey of commercial sites on the World Wide Web, including 212 children's sites. The survey revealed that a significant amount of identifying information is collected from children without any apparent parental involvement. The Report concluded that although some industry groups have taken steps to promote greater privacy protection for children online, self-regulatory efforts have not produced an adequate level of protection. The FTC therefore recommended that legislation be enacted to bolster ongoing self-regulatory initiatives to protect children online, to encourage others to undertake such initiatives, and to provide statutory standards that would govern businesses that do not participate in self-regulatory programs.
II. The Role of the FTC in Online Privacy Issues
FTC Law Enforcement Authority
The Commission's mission is to promote the efficient functioning of the marketplace by seeking to protect consumers from unfair or deceptive acts or practices and by promoting vigorous competition. The Commission's responsibilities are far-reaching. Its primary legislative mandate is to enforce the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices in or affecting commerce.(3) With the exception of certain industries, this statute provides the FTC with broad law enforcement authority over virtually every sector of our economy.(4) Commerce on the Internet falls within the scope of this statutory mandate.
The protection of children has long been an important part of the Commission's consumer protection mission. Over the years the Commission has brought numerous cases challenging unfair or deceptive marketing practices involving children,(5) and has encouraged industry self-regulatory bodies to address these concerns. The FTC has also worked closely with Congress to fashion appropriate responses to new problems when they occur.(6)
Activities Relating to Online Privacy
The Commission has been involved in addressing online privacy issues affecting both adults and children for almost as long as there has been an online marketplace. Through a series of workshops and hearings, it sought to understand this new marketplace and its information practices, to assess the impact of these practices on consumers, and to encourage and facilitate effective self-regulation. The Commission's efforts included bringing industry and consumer and privacy advocates together to address online privacy issues, including children's privacy, and challenging industry leaders to develop and implement meaningful self-regulatory programs. The Commission's activities in this area were based on the understanding that personal information can be collected and widely disseminated on the Web at low cost and with unprecedented ease. The Commission also recognized that greater protection of personal privacy on the Web will not only protect consumers, but also increase consumer confidence and ultimately consumer participation in the online marketplace.
III. The Collection of Information from Children Online
The Commission has paid especially close attention to the growing area of marketing to children on the Internet. The advent of this new medium --- with its new methods of providing information and communicating through Web sites, electronic mail, news groups, chat rooms, electronic bulletin boards, and commercial online services --- is an historical development much like the introduction of television or, a few generations earlier, the telephone. The Internet presents children with an extraordinary new means to tap into rich sources of information that previously were difficult to access, and to communicate with their peers and others in ways never before imaginable. In addition, the Internet's technology enables marketers to establish direct and ongoing one-to-one relationships with individual children in ways previously unavailable to traditional media.
Growth in the Number of Children Using the Internet
Children are using the Internet in growing numbers.(7) In 1998, almost 16 million of America's 69.6 million children under age 18 are reported to be online, almost doubling the number of children (9.8 million) reported to be online only one year ago.(8) Over 6 million of these children are age 12 and under, up from the 3.5 million reported to be online in 1997.(9) These figures show a dramatic increase in the presence of children on the Internet. Children are also avid consumers and represent a large and powerful segment of the marketplace.(10) The increasing number of children online coupled with their growing economic impact create enormous opportunities for marketers to promote their products and services to an eager, targeted, and vulnerable audience.(11)
The Collection of Information from Children Online
Online marketers have responded to this opportunity. Last March, Commission staff conducted an extensive survey of the information practices of commercial Web sites on the World Wide Web (the "Web"), including 212 children's commercial Web sites.(12) Our survey found that almost 90% of the children's Web sites are collecting personal information from and about children.(13) Children's sites collect personal information from children through a variety of means, including registration pages, user surveys, online contests, electronic pen pal programs, guest books, and application forms.(15) In addition to collecting personal information directly from a child, a child may reveal his or her personal information in the course of participating in chat rooms or posting messages on electronic bulletin boards -- areas that are publicly accessible to anyone surfing the Web.
In contrast to the real world, where such information ordinarily would be solicited from young children only with the involvement of a parent, in cyberspace the vast majority of children's sites collect personal information without notice to, or even an opportunity for control by, parents. Fifty-four percent of the children's sites surveyed provide some form of a statement about the site's information practices, but only 23% of sites even tell children to seek parental permission before providing personal information.(16) Fewer still (7%) say they will notify parents of their information practices, and only 1% obtain parental permission prior to collecting such information.(17)
The widespread collection of information from young children described in the Report contrasts sharply with the strongly expressed preferences of parents. Indeed, a Louis Harris and Associates survey conducted by Dr. Alan Westin found that 97% of parents whose children use the Internet believe Web sites should not sell or rent personal information relating to children, and 72% object to a Web site's requesting a child's name and address when the child registers at the site, even if such information is used only internally.(18)
These new cyberspace information collection practices have real world consequences for family privacy and security. The following two examples of the kinds of children's information collection practices Commission staff found in the survey are instructive:
One child-directed site collected personal information, such as a child's full name, postal address, e-mail address, gender, and age. The site also asked a child extensive personal questions about financial information, such as whether a child previously had received gifts in the form of stocks, cash, savings bonds, mutual funds, or certificates of deposit; who had given a child these gifts; and whether a child had put monetary gifts into mutual funds, stocks or bonds. The site also asked for family financial information including whether a child's parents owned mutual funds. Apparently in exchange for providing this information, a child was entered into a contest. Elsewhere on the Web site, contest winners' full names, age, city, state, and zip code were posted.
Another child-directed site collected personal information to register a child for a chat room. The information included a child's full name, e-mail address, city, state, gender, age, and hobbies. The Web site had a lotto contest that asked for a child's full name and e-mail address. Lotto contest winners' full names were posted on the site. For children who wished to find an electronic pen pal, the site offered a bulletin board service that posted messages, including children's e-mail addresses. While the Web site said it asked children to post messages if they were looking for a pen pal, in fact anyone of any age could visit this bulletin board and use the Web site information directly to contact a child.(19)
Moreover, interactive activities available on Web sites, such as chat rooms, message boards, personal home pages, pen pal programs, and free e-mail services, make it easy for children to disclose their personal information to the general public without their parents' awareness or consent. Such public disclosures raise safety concerns. Anecdotal evidence provided at our June 1997 Public Workshop on Consumer Information Privacy indicates that many children surfing the Internet claim to have experienced problems, such as attempted password theft and inappropriate advances by adults in children's chat rooms.(20) Further, the FBI and Justice Department's "Innocent Images" investigation into the use of the Internet by pedophiles and other sexual predators reveals that online services and bulletin boards are rapidly becoming the most prevalent sources used by such predators to identify and contact children.(21) Although there is little evidence directly linking commercial data collection to these problems, the practice of collecting personal identifying information directly from children without parental consent is clearly troubling, since its teaches children to reveal their personal information to strangers and circumvents parental control over their family's information.(22)
IV. FTC Law Enforcement Efforts
The Commission has taken several steps to stop deceptive or unfair information practices aimed at children on the Web. On July 15, 1997, the Commission responded in a staff opinion letter to a petition by the Center for Media Education regarding the information practices of KidsCom, a children's Web site. The letter provides guidance to Web site operators as to what information practices involving children are likely to be deceptive or unfair under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act.(23)
Building on the guidance set forth in the staff opinion letter, the Commission recently announced its first Internet privacy case, a settlement reached with GeoCities, one of the most popular sites on the Web.(24) The Commission's complaint alleges that GeoCities had made deceptive statements about the use of personal identifying information it collected from children as well as adults. Specifically, the complaint alleges that GeoCities had disclosed identifying information collected via its member registration application to third parties who used it to target members, including thousands of children, for solicitations beyond those that members had agreed to receive. In addition, the complaint charges that GeoCities promoted children's activities that solicited personal identifying information from children in a manner that suggested that GeoCities was collecting the information, when in reality the information was going directly to third parties. In settling this matter, GeoCities has agreed to undertake important privacy protections including posting a clear and prominent Privacy Notice and obtaining parental consent before collecting personal identifying information from children age 12 and under.(25)
V. Industry Self-Regulation to Protect Children's Privacy
As an integral part of its efforts over the last three years to protect the privacy of children on the Web, the Commission has encouraged industry to address concerns about children's privacy online through self-regulation. The Commission was pleased to see that as early as April 1997, the Children's Advertising Review Unit (CARU) of the Better Business Bureaus, Inc. had developed guidelines addressing the online collection of personal information from children. More recently, the Direct Marketing Association and the Online Privacy Alliance proposed guidelines that urge Web sites to provide notice to parents and obtain parental consent before the collection and use of children's personal information. These efforts are valuable in developing an industry consensus on the appropriate level of protection to accord children's privacy on commercial Internet sites. However, despite these industry efforts, our March survey shows that the vast majority of child-oriented commercial sites have not implemented these protections. The Commission believes that a key objective of any legislation should be to encourage development and implementation of meaningful, effective self-regulatory activities and to provide a basis for their widespread adoption.
The GeoCities case demonstrates that Section 5 of the FTC Act provides a basis for Commission action to protect children's online privacy under certain circumstances. It is not clear, however, that Section 5 authorizes the Commission to take action in all circumstances necessary to protect children's online privacy. This is the primary reason why we continue to recommend a legislative response to these issues.
The proposed Children's Online Privacy Act contains many provisions that we believe are necessary and appropriate for effective protection of children online. The Commission supports the enactment of legislation such as S. 2326, because it places parents in control of the online collection and use of personal information from their children. Children are not fully capable of understanding the consequences of divulging personal information online. Moreover, given the nature of this new medium, parents do not always have the knowledge, or the opportunity, to intervene in their children's choices about giving personal information to Web sites. The proposed legislation would allow parents to know about and control the online collection of information from their children by requiring Web sites to provide actual notice and to obtain prior parental consent.
This legislation would permit parents to make choices about when and how their children's personal information is collected and used on the Web, and enable parents to monitor their children's interactions and to help protect their children from the risks of inappropriate online interactions. First, this bill sets forth a basic level of privacy protection for children visiting U.S. consumer-oriented commercial Web sites. By establishing these ground rules, the bill would create a level playing field for all such sites. Second, the bill's safe harbor provision would allow industry groups and others to establish sector-specific guidelines, subject to governmental approval, while providing a strong incentive both for ongoing self-regulatory efforts and for the development of new more effective industry efforts. Third, the bill would give the Federal Trade Commission rule-making authority under the Administrative Procedure Act(26) to promulgate both procedural mechanisms for approval of industry guidelines and to implement the legislation's substantive provisions governing the online collection of personal information from children.
As a result of our activities over the past three years, the Commission has developed significant expertise regarding children's privacy. We believe the bill, as currently structured, will enable the Commission to work cooperatively with industry and consumer organizations to develop flexible, practical, and effective approaches to protect children's privacy on commercial Web sites. The Commission strongly supports the approach adopted in this legislation.
The enactment of legislation such as S. 2326 would provide uniform privacy protections that should protect children online and provide parents and their children with greater confidence in using the Internet. While the Commission will continue to monitor this area actively and bring law enforcement actions where appropriate, we believe that legislation is needed to provide a basic level of children's online privacy across the board. We believe that under this bill the Commission can play an important role in developing flexible industry-specific standards. In addition, the approach proposed in S. 2326 would encourage the continued growth of industry self-regulatory efforts.
The Commission is committed to the goal of assuring children's online privacy and looks forward to working with the Committee as it considers the Children's Online Privacy Act.
1. My oral testimony and responses to questions you may have reflect my own views and are not necessarily the views of the Commission or any other Commissioner.
3. 15 U.S.C. § 45(a). The Commission also has responsibilities under approximately 40 additional statutes, e.g., the Fair Credit Reporting Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1681 et seq., which establishes important privacy protections for consumers' sensitive financial information; the Truth in Lending Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1601 et seq., which mandates disclosures of credit terms; and the Fair Credit Billing Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 1666 et. seq., which provides for the correction of billing errors on credit accounts. The Commission also enforces over 30 rules governing specific industries and practices, e.g., the Used Car Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 455, which requires used car dealers to disclose warranty terms via a window sticker; the Franchise Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 436, which requires the provision of information to prospective franchisees; and the Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16 C.F.R. Part 310, which defines and prohibits deceptive telemarketing practices and other abusive telemarketing practices.
4. Certain entities, such as banks, savings and loan associations, and common carriers, as well as the business of insurance are wholly or partially exempt from Commission jurisdiction. See Section 5(a)(2) of the FTC Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45(a)(2), and the McCarran-Ferguson Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1012(b).
5. Generally, these deception cases addressed false demonstrations and misrepresentations about performance of toys in advertising directed to children. See Azrak-Hamway International, Inc., C-3653 (May 2, 1996) (consent); United States v. Hasbro, Inc., No. 96-451P (D.R.I. Aug. 6, 1996)(stipulated permanent injunction and $280,000 civil penalty); Lewis Galoob Toys, Inc., 114 F.T.C. 187 (1991)(consent).
6. Most recently, the Commission's actions regarding the marketing of pay-per-call 900 services to children recognized children as a vulnerable group in the marketplace. These cases challenged the marketing of 900 number services to children as an unfair practice. See Audio Communications, Inc., 114 F.T.C. 414 (1991)(consent order); Teleline, Inc., 114 F.T.C. 399 (1991) (consent order); Phone Programs, Inc., 115 F.T.C. 977 (1992)(consent order); Fone Telecommunications, Inc., Docket No. C-3432 (June 14, 1993) (consent order).
7. Children use the Web for a wide variety of activities, including homework, informal learning, browsing, playing games, corresponding with electronic pen pals by e-mail, placing messages on electronic bulletin boards, and participating in chat rooms. See Interactive Consumers Research Report, Vol. 4, No. 5 at 1, 4, May 1997 (discussing results of FIND/SVP's 1997 American Internet User Survey).
8. cyberdialogue/findsvp, "1998 American Internet User Survey." These figures include children online from any location including home, school, libraries, homes of friends, and relatives. At mid-year, 8.7 million children under age 18 reportedly went online from home, up from 5.7 million a year ago, and 9.3 million from school, up from 4.1 million in 1997.
10. Children are estimated to spend billions of dollars a year, and to influence the expenditure of billions more. For example, one source has estimated that, in 1997, children aged 4 through 12 spent $24.4 billion themselves; and children aged 2 through 14 may have directly influenced spending by their parents in an amount as much as $188 billion. James U. McNeal, Tapping the Three Kids' Markets, American Demographics, Apr. 1998, at 38, 40.
11. According to one source, most children's Web sites are targeting children ages 8 to 11. Teens tend to visit the same sites that adults visit. Robin Raskin, What do Kids Want?, Family PC Magazine, May 1998, at 17.
12. See Report, Appendix A, at 3, describing the methodology used to select the sites in the children's sample.
13. Typically the sites that collect personal identifying information also collect several other types of information, enabling them to form a detailed profile of a child. Of the sites surveyed that collect a child's name and/or e-mail address, 21% collect 5 or more additional types of personal information; 48% collect three or more additional types of information; and 77% collect one or more additional types of information.(14)
14. Report at 32.
15. The March survey did not identify the specific activities through which Web sites collected information, however, a previous Commission review of children's sites did identify the wide range of information collection methods cited above. See FTC Staff Report: Public Workshop on Consumer Privacy on the Global Information Infrastructure, December 1996, Appendix E, available at http://www/ In addition, the March survey identified Web sites' disclosures about their information practices, but did not determine their actual practices.
16. Report at 37.
18. Commerce, Communication, and Privacy Online, A National Survey of Computer Users, by Louis Harris & Associates and Dr. Alan F. Westin (1997) at 74.
19. Report at 39-40.
20. See Transcript of FTC Public Workshop on Consumer Information Privacy, June 12, 1997, at 192-93.
21. Id. at 192-93. Since its beginnings in 1995, the FBI's "Innocent Images" program has generated 421 search warrants, 175 indictments, 175 arrests and 201 convictions (as of June 2, 1998).
22. Complaints filed with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children's Cyber Tipline (1-800-843-5678/ include reports of the use of commercial Web sites' free e-mail services, chat rooms, message boards, and pen pal programs by inappropriate adults seeking to communicate with children.
23. In brief, the letter states that it is a deceptive practice to expressly or impliedly misrepresent the purpose for which personal identifying information is being collected from children (e.g., to represent that the information is collected for a game or contest when it is actually collected for the purpose of compiling a mailing list). The letter also states that it is likely to be an unfair practice to collect personal identifying information from children and sell or otherwise disclose that information to third parties without providing parents with adequate notice and a prior opportunity to control the collection and use of the information.
24. GeoCities, FTC File No. 982 3015, August 13, 1998 (provisional acceptance of the consent agreement).
25. The settlement agreement was published at 63 Fed Reg 44624 (August 20, 1998). The 60 day comment period closes on October 19, 1998. After reviewing all comments filed, the Commission will decide whether to make the consent agreement final.
26. 5 U.S.C. § 553. | <urn:uuid:b7108b8b-b5c1-4153-8642-9e8a13fc0959> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T05:33:42Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.936095 | 4,846 | 5,711 |
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Her mother, Deborah Konyk, would prefer that Nadia, who gets A's and B's at school, read books for a change. But at this point, Ms. Konyk said, "I'm just pleased that she reads something anymore."
Children like Nadia lie at the heart of a passionate debate about just what it means to read in the digital age. The discussion is playing out among educational policy makers and reading experts around the world, and within groups like the National Council of Teachers of English and the International Reading Association.
As teenagers' scores on standardized reading tests have declined or stagnated, some argue that the hours spent prowling the Internet are the enemy of reading diminishing literacy, wrecking attention spans and destroying a precious common culture that exists only through the reading of books.
But others say the Internet has created a new kind of reading, one that schools and society should not discount. The Web inspires a teenager like Nadia, who might otherwise spend most of her leisure time watching television, to read and write.
Even accomplished book readers like Zachary Sims, 18, of Old Greenwich, Conn., crave the ability to quickly find different points of view on a subject and converse with others online. Some children with dyslexia or other learning difficulties, like Hunter Gaudet, 16, of Somers, Conn., have found it far more comfortable to search and read online.
At least since the invention of television, critics have warned that electronic media would destroy reading. What is different now, some literacy experts say, is that spending time on the Web, whether it is looking up something on Google or even, entails some engagement with text.
Few who believe in the potential of the Web deny the value of books. But they argue that it is unrealistic to expect all children to read "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "Pride and Prejudice" for fun. And those who prefer staring at a television or mashing buttons on a game console, they say, can still benefit from reading on the Internet. In fact, some literacy experts say that online reading skills will help children fare better when they begin looking for digital-age jobs.
Some Web evangelists say children should be evaluated for their proficiency on the Internet just as they are tested on their print reading comprehension. Starting next year, some countries will participate in new international assessments of digital literacy, but the United States, for now, will not.
Clearly, reading in print and on the Internet are different. On paper, text has a predetermined beginning, middle and end, where readers focus for a sustained period on one author's vision. On the Internet, readers skate through cyberspace at will and, in effect, compose their own beginnings, middles and ends.
Young people "aren't as troubled as some of us older folks are by reading that doesn't go in a line," said Rand J. Spiro, a professor of educational psychology at Michigan State University who is studying reading practices on the Internet. "That's a good thing because the world doesn't go in a line, and the world isn't organized into separate compartments or chapters."
Some traditionalists warn that digital reading is the intellectual equivalent of empty calories. Often, they argue, writers on the Internet employ a cryptic argot that vexes teachers and parents. Zigzagging through a cornucopia of words, pictures, video and sounds, they say, distracts more than strengthens readers. And many youths spend most of their time on the Internet playing games or sending instant messages, activities that involve minimal reading at best.
Last fall the National Endowment for the Arts issued a sobering report linking flat or declining national reading test scores among teenagers with the slump in the proportion of adolescents who said they read for fun.
According to Department of Education data cited in the report, just over a fifth of 17-year-olds said they read almost every day for fun in 2004, down from nearly a third in 1984. Nineteen percent of 17-year-olds said they never or hardly ever read for fun in 2004, up from 9 percent in 1984. (It was unclear whether they thought of what they did on the Internet as "reading.")
"Whatever the benefits of newer electronic media," Dana Gioia, the chairman of the N.E.A., wrote in the report's introduction, "they provide no measurable substitute for the intellectual and personal development initiated and sustained by frequent reading."
Children are clearly spending more time on the Internet. In a study of 2,032 representative 8- to 18-year-olds, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that nearly half used the Internet on a typical day in 2004, up from just under a quarter in 1999. The average time these children spent online on a typical day rose to one hour and 41 minutes in 2004, from 46 minutes in 1999.
The question of how to value different kinds of reading is complicated because people read for many reasons. There is the level required of daily life to follow the instructions in a manual or to analyze a mortgage contract. Then there is a more sophisticated level that opens the doors to elite education and professions. And, of course, people read for entertainment, as well as for intellectual or emotional rewards.
It is perhaps that final purpose that book champions emphasize the most.
"Learning is not to be found on a printout," David McCullough, the Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, said in a commencement address at Boston College in May. "It's not on call at the touch of the finger. Learning is acquired mainly from books, and most readily from great books."
What's Best for Nadia?
Deborah Konyk always believed it was essential for Nadia and her 8-year-old sister, Yashca, to read books. She regularly read aloud to the girls and took them to library story hours.
"Reading opens up doors to places that you probably will never get to visit in your lifetime, to cultures, to worlds, to people," Ms. Konyk said.
Ms. Konyk, who took a part-time job at a dollar store chain a year and a half ago, said she did not have much time to read books herself. There are few books in the house. But after Yashca was born, Ms. Konyk spent the baby's nap time reading the Harry Potter novels to Nadia, and she regularly brought home new titles from the library.
Despite these efforts, Nadia never became a big reader. Instead, she became obsessed with Japanese anime cartoons on television and comics like "Sailor Moon." Then, when she was in the sixth grade, the family bought its first computer. When a friend introduced Nadia to, she turned off the television and started reading online.
Now she regularly reads stories that run as long as 45 Web pages. Many of them have elliptical plots and are sprinkled with spelling and grammatical errors. One of her recent favorites was "My absolutely, perfect normal life ... ARE YOU CRAZY? NOT!," a story based on the anime series "Beyblade."
In one scene the narrator, Aries, hitches a ride with some masked men and one of them pulls a knife on her. "Just then I notice (Like finally) something sharp right in front of me," Aries writes. "I gladly took it just like that until something terrible happen ...."
Nadia said she preferred reading stories online because "you could add your own character and twist it the way you want it to be."
"So like in the book somebody could die," she continued, "but you could make it so that person doesn't die or make it so like somebody else dies who you don't like."
Nadia also writes her own stories. She posted "Dieing Isn't Always Bad," about a girl who comes back to life as half cat, half human, on both and
Nadia said she wanted to major in English at college and someday hopes to be published. She does not see a problem with reading few books. "No one's ever said you should read more books to get into college," she said.
The simplest argument for why children should read in their leisure time is that it makes them better readers. According to federal statistics, students who say they read for fun once a day score significantly higher on reading tests than those who say they never do.
Reading skills are also valued by employers. A 2006 survey by the Conference Board, which conducts research for business leaders, found that nearly 90 percent of employers rated "reading comprehension" as "very important" for workers with bachelor's degrees. Department of Education statistics also show that those who score higher on reading tests tend to earn higher incomes.
Critics of reading on the Internet say they see no evidence that increased Web activity improves reading achievement. "What we are losing in this country and presumably around the world is the sustained, focused, linear attention developed by reading," said Mr. Gioia of the N.E.A. "I would believe people who tell me that the Internet develops reading if I did not see such a universal decline in reading ability and reading comprehension on virtually all tests."
Nicholas Carr sounded a similar note in "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" in the current issue of the Atlantic magazine. Warning that the Web was changing the way he and others think, he suggested that the effects of Internet reading extended beyond the falling test scores of adolescence. "What the Net seems to be doing is chipping away my capacity for concentration and contemplation," he wrote, confessing that he now found it difficult to read long books.
Literacy specialists are just beginning to investigate how reading on the Internet affects reading skills. A recent study of more than 700 low-income, mostly Hispanic and black sixth through 10th graders in Detroit found that those students read more on the Web than in any other medium, though they also read books. The only kind of reading that related to higher academic performance was frequent novel reading, which predicted better grades in English class and higher overall grade point averages.
Elizabeth Birr Moje, a professor at the University of Michigan who led the study, said novel reading was similar to what schools demand already. But on the Internet, she said, students are developing new reading skills that are neither taught nor evaluated in school.
One early study showed that giving home Internet access to low-income students appeared to improve standardized reading test scores and school grades. "These were kids who would typically not be reading in their free time," said Linda A. Jackson, a psychology professor at Michigan State who led the research. "Once they're on the Internet, they're reading."
Neurological studies show that learning to read changes the brain's circuitry. Scientists speculate that reading on the Internet may also affect the brain's hard wiring in a way that is different from book reading.
"The question is, does it change your brain in some beneficial way?" said Guinevere F. Eden, director of the Center for the Study of Learning at Georgetown University. "The brain is malleable and adapts to its environment. Whatever the pressures are on us to succeed, our brain will try and deal with it."
Some scientists worry that the fractured experience typical of the Internet could rob developing readers of crucial skills. "Reading a book, and taking the time to ruminate and make inferences and engage the imaginational processing, is more cognitively enriching, without doubt, than the short little bits that you might get if you're into the 30-second digital mode," said Ken Pugh, a cognitive neuroscientist at Yale who has studied brain scans of children reading.
But This Is Reading Too
Web proponents believe that strong readers on the Web may eventually surpass those who rely on books. Reading five Web sites, an op-ed article and a blog post or two, experts say, can be more enriching than reading one book.
"It takes a long time to read a 400-page book," said Mr. Spiro of Michigan State. "In a tenth of the time," he said, the Internet allows a reader to "cover a lot more of the topic from different points of view."
Zachary Sims, the Old Greenwich, Conn., teenager, often stays awake until 2 or 3 in the morning reading articles about technology or politics his current passions on up to 100 Web sites.
"On the Internet, you can hear from a bunch of people," said Zachary, who will attend Columbia University this fall. "They may not be pedigreed academics. They may be someone in their shed with a conspiracy theory. But you would weigh that."
Though he also likes to read books (earlier this year he finished, and loved, "The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand), Zachary craves interaction with fellow readers on the Internet. "The Web is more about a conversation," he said. "Books are more one-way."
The kinds of skills Zachary has developed locating information quickly and accurately, corroborating findings on multiple sites may seem obvious to heavy Web users. But the skills can be cognitively demanding.
Web readers are persistently weak at judging whether information is trustworthy. In one study, Donald J. Leu, who researches literacy and technology at the University of Connecticut, asked 48 students to look at a spoof Web site ( about a mythical species known as the "Pacific Northwest tree octopus." Nearly 90 percent of them missed the joke and deemed the site a reliable source.
Some literacy experts say that reading itself should be redefined. Interpreting videos or pictures, they say, may be as important a skill as analyzing a novel or a poem.
"Kids are using sound and images so they have a world of ideas to put together that aren't necessarily language oriented," said Donna E. Alvermann, a professor of language and literacy education at the University of Georgia. "Books aren't out of the picture, but they're only one way of experiencing information in the world today."
A Lifelong Struggle
In the case of Hunter Gaudet, the Internet has helped him feel more comfortable with a new kind of reading. A varsity lacrosse player in Somers, Conn., Hunter has struggled most of his life to read. After learning he was dyslexic in the second grade, he was placed in special education classes and a tutor came to his home three hours a week. When he entered high school, he dropped the special education classes, but he still reads books only when forced, he said.
In a book, "they go through a lot of details that aren't really needed," Hunter said. "Online just gives you what you need, nothing more or less."
When researching the 19th-century Chief Justice Roger B. Taney for one class, he typed Taney's name into Google and scanned the Wikipedia entry and other biographical sites. Instead of reading an entire page, he would type in a search word like "college" to find Taney's alma mater, assembling his information nugget by nugget.
Experts on reading difficulties suggest that for struggling readers, the Web may be a better way to glean information. "When you read online there are always graphics," said Sally Shaywitz, the author of "Overcoming Dyslexia" and a Yale professor. "I think it's just more comfortable and I hate to say easier but it more meets the needs of somebody who might not be a fluent reader."
Karen Gaudet, Hunter's mother, a regional manager for a retail chain who said she read two or three business books a week, hopes Hunter will eventually discover a love for books. But she is confident that he has the reading skills he needs to succeed.
"Based on where technology is going and the world is going," she said, "he's going to be able to leverage it."
When he was in seventh grade, Hunter was one of 89 students who participated in a study comparing performance on traditional state reading tests with a specially designed Internet reading test. Hunter, who scored in the lowest 10 percent on the traditional test, spent 12 weeks learning how to use the Web for a science class before taking the Internet test. It was composed of three sets of directions asking the students to search for information online, determine which sites were reliable and explain their reasoning.
Hunter scored in the top quartile. In fact, about a third of the students in the study, led by Professor Leu, scored below average on traditional reading tests but did well on the Internet assessment.
The Testing Debate
To date, there have been few large-scale appraisals of Web skills. The Educational Testing Service, which administers the SAT, has developed a digital literacy test known as iSkills that requires students to solve informational problems by searching for answers on the Web. About 80 colleges and a handful of high schools have administered the test so far.
But according to Stephen Denis, product manager at ETS, of the more than 20,000 students who have taken the iSkills test since 2006, only 39 percent of four-year college freshmen achieved a score that represented "core functional levels" in Internet literacy.
Now some literacy experts want the federal tests known as the nation's report card to include a digital reading component. So far, the traditionalists have held sway: The next round, to be administered to fourth and eighth graders in 2009, will test only print reading comprehension.
Mary Crovo of the National Assessment Governing Board, which creates policies for the national tests, said several members of a committee that sets guidelines for the reading tests believed large numbers of low-income and rural students might not have regular Internet access, rendering measurements of their online skills unfair.
Some simply argue that reading on the Internet is not something that needs to be tested or taught.
"Nobody has taught a single kid to text message," said Carol Jago of the National Council of Teachers of English and a member of the testing guidelines committee. "Kids are smart. When they want to do something, schools don't have to get involved."
Michael L. Kamil, a professor of education at Stanford who lobbied for an Internet component as chairman of the reading test guidelines committee, disagreed. Students "are going to grow up having to be highly competent on the Internet," he said. "There's no reason to make them discover how to be highly competent if we can teach them."
The United States is diverging from the policies of some other countries. Next year, for the first time, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, which administers reading, math and science tests to a sample of 15-year-old students in more than 50 countries, will add an electronic reading component. The United States, among other countries, will not participate. A spokeswoman for the Institute of Education Sciences, the research arm of the Department of Education, said an additional test would overburden schools.
Even those who are most concerned about the preservation of books acknowledge that children need a range of reading experiences. "Some of it is the informal reading they get in e-mails or on Web sites," said Gay Ivey, a professor at James Madison University who focuses on adolescent literacy. "I think they need it all."
Web junkies can occasionally be swept up in a book. After Nadia read Elie Wiesel's Holocaust memoir "Night" in her freshman English class, Ms. Konyk brought home another Holocaust memoir, "I Have Lived a Thousand Years," by Livia Bitton-Jackson.
Nadia was riveted by heartbreaking details of life in the concentration camps. "I was trying to imagine this and I was like, I can't do this," she said. "It was just so wow."
Hoping to keep up the momentum, Ms. Konyk brought home another book, "Silverboy," a fantasy novel. Nadia made it through one chapter before she got engrossed in the Internet fan fiction again. | <urn:uuid:343c9583-f32d-49fa-814b-b97c5effa164> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:02:00Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.967889 | 4,355 | 4,930 |
Marina is happy in her work as a singer, but when her older lover Orlando (Gonzalo Maza) suddenly dies, she is not only left with no legal claims, she is harassed and somehow blamed for his death. Daniela Vega is incredible in the rare role of a trans person who is neither just funny or exotic: she is the face of defiance in an unjust world.
Out Film CT 2nd Thursday series presents a gem of an independent film that is part Once and part Blue Is the Warmest Color! The talented Lena Hall (who won a Tony Award for Hedwig and the Angry Inch) plays a singer/musician whose dreams of making it big in L.A. disappear when she is dealt a stomach punch of a breakup with her girlfriend.
From a screenplay by Sebastián Lelio and Rebecca Lenkiewicz, and based on Naomi Alderman’s book, the film follows a woman (Rachel Weisz) as she returns to the community that shunned her decades earlier for an attraction to a childhood friend (Rachel McAdams). Once back, their passions reignite as they explore the boundaries of faith and sexuality.
Out Film CT’s 2nd Thursdays series presents a delightfully breezy homage to the art of filmmaking, set in a stunning, if remote, village on the Normandy coast. Géraud is a Parisian director who shows up for the screening of his arty, explicitly homoerotic movie in the village’s only cinema – one that usually sticks to American action flicks. Géraud ends up finding inspiration in this unlikely town at the end of the earth.
Vasudha, a conservative mother in a small town in Southern India, is totally shattered when her son Kartik tells her he is gay and that he has been living with his lover for the past four years. Even as she grapples with her own fears and self doubts, she has to deal with her intolerant husband and the traditional society around her.
From writer/director Desiree Akhavan and based on the celebrated novel by Emily M. Danforth, The Miseducation of Cameron Post follows Cameron (Chloë Grace Moretz) as she is sent to a gay conversion therapy center after getting caught with another girl in the back seat of a car on prom night. In the face of intolerance and denial, Cameron meets a group of fellow sinners. Together, this group of teenagers form an unlikely family as they fight to survive.
For November’s Second Thursdays screening, we bring you a special BENEFIT screening for the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective – we’re bringing back the BEST SHORTS from the 2018 Film Festival! Based on a combination of audience responses and Jury votes, we’ve assembled a wonderful mix of short films that will appeal to the entire LGBT community. We welcome you join us for this special event!
The transformation of Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette from a shy but unconventional small town girl, into a free-thinking Parisian writer is the very best kind of feminist movie. It is intensely personal, political, and (let’s admit it) full of beautiful people dressed up in stunning costumes. Keira Knightley (Atonement, Never Let Me Go) gives what may be her best performance to date as the French icon and Nobel Prize-nominated author.
OUTFilm’s Queer Thursdays series opens 2019 with a special, one night only screening of Boy Erased. Australian actors Nicole Kidman and Russell Crowe are entirely believable as a Baptist minister and his wife in Arkansas, who send their teenage son (Lucas Hedges of Manchester-by-the-Sea) to a gay conversion camp.
It’s a safe bet that at least half of sports fans who sing along with We Will Rock You know less than nil about the extravagant creative force behind Queen, Freddie Mercury. This long-awaited movie allows Mercury to fly his freak flag – and that’s a good thing for the story of rock music.
Rupert Everett (Shakespeare In Love, An Ideal Husband) is never less than entertaining in the role he was born to play: the Irish literary giant, Oscar Wilde. The title refers to Wilde’s children’s story, that he recounts to Parisian street kids, about a statue who learns that suffering is the greatest mystery.
Out Film CT Queer Thursdays presents a new movie startling in its honesty about a young gay man infected with the HIV virus, that neither wraps its drama with gauzy melodrama, or as an educational primer for clueless family members.
Coming out as gay – or straight – is a lot more complicated than it used to be… as binary self-identity for gender and sexuality is being rejected by Millennials (and younger). Franky Winter (Josh Wiggins) and Ballas Kohl (Darren Mann) are best buddies who are high school athletes, and popular with girls. But at Franky’s 17th birthday party, their bromance unexpectedly turns hot and heavy.
Newly restored for the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall! In 1969 the police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York City’s Greenwich Village, leading to three nights of rioting spearheaded by the city’s drag community. With this outpouring of courage and unity the gay liberation movement had begun.
Queer Thursdays invites you (and a friend?) to a light-hearted Dutch coming-of-age story for two gobsmackingly adorable young men, in the mostly gay-friendly country they call home. Joris (Josha Stradowski) returns to his provincial home town to come to terms with his father’s too-early death. Yad (Majd Mardo) has left Amsterdam to get away from his Syrian family’s expectations, and is working as a handyman for Joris’ grandmother. As Joris and Yad hang out, surf, and flirt, staying “just friends” becomes ever more unlikely –especially when Joris’ romance-loving grandmother gets involved.
Elton John’s the third most successful artist in the history of the American charts, behind Elvis Presley and The Beatles. In Rocketman, his spirit of gritty toughness brings an authentic truth behind all the outrageous fun, glitzy clothes and over-the-top concerts. Taron Egerton throws down the gauntlet in the competition for best bio-pic performance as the musical genius who – with the help of lyricist Bernie Taupin – combined pop, blues, rock n’ roll, and the pure British ballad to create the soundtrack to so many lives.
September’s Queer Thursdays pick is an unconventional lesbian romance, set against warring families on either side of the death penalty debate. Ellen Page (Juno, Inception) belongs to a Midwestern clan; her father is on Death Row for (supposedly) killing her mother. The remaining relatives protest outside the prison every time an execution looms. And it is here that Page meets a flirty young woman (Kate Mara of Fantastic Four), whose family is there to cheer on the Biblical punishment about to take place. In spite of everything, their chemistry is palpable, as they negotiate love in the time of corrosive division.
Not since cult classic Harold and Maude has there been such a life-affirming film about the friendship between a vulnerable young person and a seen-it-all octogenarian. TUCKED is about love, loss and friendship; a feel good film with a great charm and sense of humor.
Awkward, self-conscious Adam Freeman has just finished his junior year of high school when his cool older sister Casey suggests he visit her in New York for the Summer, Adam has visions of meeting a girl and finally gaining some actual life experience. The fantasy doesn’t materialize exactly as expected. Casey has enthusiastically embraced life amidst Brooklyn’s young LGBTQ community and invites Adam to tag along with her to queer bars, marriage equality rallies and other happenings. When Adam falls for Gillian, a young woman in this new crowd, she mistakenly assumes he is trans. Flummoxed and enamored, he haplessly goes along with her assumption, resulting in an increasingly complex comedy – and tragedy – of errors he’s ill-equipped to navigate.
It may have not been Berlin, but Mexico City in the mid-1980s was clearly the place to be. Especially for two best friends, Carlos and Gera. Following the lead of Gera’s hip sister and her hunky boyfriend, they discover a new world, where same sex couples, New Wave music (Joy Division!), and freedom of ideas flourish without constraint.
Anyone who’s caught an episode of Pose (with Billy Porter), and wants to know more about the ball scene in 1980s NYC, you are in for an unforgettable night! Queer Thursdays presents the documentary that made voguing – and to large extent, New York’s brown and black gay underground – a cultural force.
The statistics are real: African-American transgender females are five times more likely to be murdered, and 40 % of transgender transgender athletes in high school have attempted suicide. Changing the Game follows three students (Mack Beggs, a champion wrestler, Andraya Yearwood, a sprinter from Connecticut, and New Hampshire skier Sarah Rose Huckman) in their courageous fight to change the game, one family member, teammate, journalist and legislator at a time.
Queer Thursday’s March selection about young dancers was filmed guerilla-style in Georgia, where it was condemned by the Orthodox church and the far right. This tender and gorgeously filmed movie tells the story of Merab (Levan Gelbakhiani), a talented (and gay) member of a traditional dance troupe in the deeply conservative former Soviet republic.
It feels right to re-open Cinestudio with a Queer Thursdays screening, and one that stands in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. Haitian director Raul Peck’s passionate film about author, Black activist and gay icon James Baldwin is a revelation. Nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature, I Am Not Your Negro is a powerful collage of words and images.
Naz (Kerwin Johnson Jr) and Maalik (Curtiss Cook Jr.), are Black high school kids from Brooklyn’s Bed-Stuy, trying to earn college money by selling lottery tickets on the street. Fresh and funny, their friendship turns to stolen moments of romance – in spite of their conservative Muslim families and the undercover surveillance of the FBI.
Queer Thursdays, presented by OutFilm CT, returns for its first live screening of 2021 at Cinestudio! Steve Zahn (Reality Bites, Rescue Dawn, and HBO’s Treme) stars as Troy, a troubled but well-intentioned father who has recently separated from his wife Sally (Jillian Bell). Aghast at Sally’s refusal to let their trans son Joe (Sasha Knight) live as his authentic self, Troy runs off with Joe through Montana’s pristine wilderness for Canada – with a police detective (Ann Dowd) in close pursuit.
It’s always a thrill when one of Cinestudio’s former student volunteers is inspired to work in film. And it’s even better when it’s author, cineaste and friend Jim Shepard, who has written a screenplay based on of his stories. It is set in rural upstate New York in 1856, where two young women – the shy Abigail and the irrepressible Tallie – cannot connect with their husbands, but discover an unexpected passion for each other.
Five years after Girlhood, Céline Sciamma returns with a poignant revision of the classic historical romance. In the late 18th century, a painter named Marianne (Noémie Merlant) travels to an island off the coast of Brittany to paint a portrait of Héloïse (Adèle Haenel), an aristocrat. Héloïse, who must marry an Italian nobleman whom she has never met, refuses to sit for the painting. Marianne memorizes Héloïse’s face as they walk on the beach, and we watch as her dispassionate gaze turns to the yearning look of desire.
OUTFILM CT presents May’s Queer Thursdays electrifying selection: a neon fantasia of erotic discovery set in the rustic (and conservative) Catalan countryside warmed by an insinuating dry wind. Filmmaker Daniel Nolasco follows the yearnings of Sandro (Leandro Faria Lelo), a shy, hunky bear who spices up his life as a factory manager with explicit sexual encounters—both real and imagined.
Morgan Ingari’s first film is a bittersweet comedy that lives in the sweet spot of the zeitgeist. Molly Bernard (Younger) plays a 20-something Brooklynite who feels less successful with each friend’s marriage or step up the career ladder. Drowning her insecurity at a local bar, she becomes friendly with an older gay man who desperately want to be a father. And while surrogacy seems to be the solution, misunderstandings threaten their beautiful dream.
Just released in cinemas, Moffie is a devastating look back at the apartheid nation of South Africa in 1981. Soft-spoken 16-year-old Nicholas Van der Swart (Kai Luke Brummer) is serving two years of compulsory military service on the Angolan border. For Nicholas, the experience is life-changing, as he explores his sexuality with a fellow soldier. But challenging the strict status quo makes it clear – that racism, toxic masculinity and homophobia go hand in hand.
Since we had to cancel (sorry!) our October screening of Firebird, this hotly anticipated true story of passion and Cold War paranoia is now the choice for November’s Queer Thursdays. Sergey Fetisov (Tom Prior, The Theory of Everything) is stationed at a Soviet-occupied Air Force base in Estonia, where his attraction to fighter pilot Roman Medveyev brings desire and fear. As a KGB investigation looms, their new love is complicated by Sergey’s entanglement with Luisa, a military secretary. As director Prior makes clear, the risks of being gay under Russian rule have not gone away.
OutFilm CT’s Queer Thursdays presents the 25th Anniversary of Bound – one of the first movies to feature two lesbian characters who are gorgeous, smart, and embrace their sexuality! It is also the first film of the Wachowski brothers, who transitioned while creating a series of incredible movies including the Matrix series, Cloud Atlas and V For Vendetta. Gina Gershon thrills as Corky, a film-noir ex-con who falls hard for Violet, a seductive femme fatale played by Jennifer Tilly. Their passion is thwarted by Violet’s jealous ex, a gangster gleefully inhabited by Joe Pantoliano of The Sopranos. The women’s plan to outsmart the mob may be risky, but there is enough chemistry going on to make for a wild ride.
Minyan is set in Brooklyn’s Brighton Beach in the 1980s. Sam Levine brings restless eroticism as David, a 17-year-old at war with his religious father. Which explains why he agrees to move into a new apartment with his grandfather (Ron Rifkin) on one condition: he’ll be the tenth man to make up a minyan – the minimum for Jewish communal prayer. David explores the pleasures NYC has to offer, including a very sexy (and available) bartender, in the brief moment between liberation and the coming devastation of AIDS.
When André Leon Talley died on January 18th, the word most used to describe the 6’6″ fashion journalist known for dressing in capes and dishing with Tyra Banks was ‘fabulous’. Though fabulous he was, Kate Novak’s documentary reveals his hardscrabble childhood in North Carolina, his days at Brown University, and the racism and homophobia he encountered along the way. Vogue’s first African American creative editor, Talley was an advocate for diversity of color and sexual preference at every level of the fashion industry. And when you count among your personal clients everyone from to Mariah Carey to Michelle Obama, it’s a given that your inside stories and impeccable style will not be forgotten.
Shocking when it was first released, Shortbus still remains galaxies of propriety away from writer/director John Cameron Mitchell’s own Hedwig and the Angry Inch. Sofia Lin (Sook-Yin Lee) is a couples counsellor in New York City with a problem: she has never had an orgasm. Looking to free herself, she takes two patients – former child star James and former sex worker Jamie -to Shortbus, a weekly underground erotic salon. By connecting with the trans master of ceremonies, a compassionate dominatrix, and then joining in a (very) un-simulated orgy, James and Jamie approach the humor and connection in sex. But Sofia’s growing frustration has the power to darken every light in the city…
The historic first film to win Oscar nominations for Best Documentary, International, and Animated Feature changes the way we think of each genre. In a Danish high school, director Jonas Poher Rasmussen befriended Amin Nawabi, suspecting that the gay Afghan refugee had many secrets locked away. Nervous about repercussions from the Taliban, Amin agrees to reveal his story beginning in the 1980s, with war only increasing his feeling of being an outsider. Experiencing all the ills of a young refugee – fear, exploitation, and hunger – Amin flees from Kabul to Moscow to Denmark. Reinventing himself as an academic in a loving relationship, Amir struggles to keep the past from hijacking his present. Presented by OutFilm CT Queer Thursdays.
Queer Thursday’s August selection has been a favorite of LGBTQ+ film festival audiences from Toronto to Los Angeles. Now Connecticut filmgoers have the chance to watch the first film of Columbian immigrant director Juan Felipe Zuleta, a comedy/drama about a surreal road trip like no other. A curmudgeonly gay Little Person (Jeffers) joins his blithely happy neighbor (Hay) on journey from New York City to rural Canada, looking for the site of what she believes to be an upcoming alien visitation. Along the way, their quest for connection is tested by shroom-addled survivalists, overzealous cosplayers, and the painful realization that we possibly may be alone in the universe.
It’s September, it’s nominally cooler, and it’s the perfect time for getting buff – or at least, looking at men who are. This month’s Queer Thursday selection is an affectionate look back at the iconic men’s clothing catalogue that 1) gave gay men permission to ogle hot models 2) influenced 70s and 80s fashion with wildly clashing shirts to leopard skin thongs, and 3) inspired women to get their partners to up their fashion game. Gene Burkard launched International Male in 1976, struggled through the AIDS/HIV epidemic, but found the inspiration to keep publishing until 2007. All Man buzzes with interviews with Burkard’s colleagues, models, social commentators, and men who found in its pages a promise of a more accepting world.
OUT FILM CT presents November’s Queer Thursdays selection, fresh from its premiere at the 2022 Toronto Film Festival! A modern romantic comedy with wide appeal, Bros has a distinctly different vibe than straight Hollywood rom coms from Bridesmaids to Knocked Up –produced, along with Bros, by Judd Apatow. Bros is also the first big studio movie to have almost all of its characters – straight or gay – played by LGBTQ actors. Billy Eichner stars as a podcaster/curator of a museum of LGBTQ history in NYC, who finds that grindr is less stressful than making a relationship last. But will his aversion to coupledom last when he gets to know a hot trusts and estates lawyer who has doubts of his own? (Luke MacFarlane)
In Elegance Bratton’s deeply moving film inspired by his own story, a young, gay Black man, rejected by his mother and with few options for his future, decides to join the Marines, doing whatever it takes to succeed in a system that would cast him aside. But even as he battles deep-seated prejudice and the grueling routines of basic training, he finds unexpected camaraderie, strength, and support in this new community, giving him a hard-earned sense of belonging that will shape his identity and forever change his life.
Did you know…Queer Thursday Cinema’s excellent selection of films on the LGBTQ community is the brainchild of OUT FILM CT, and sponsored by Cigna? And the films – like this month’s Close – are open to all! Two 13-year-old boys, Rémi and Léo, live an almost idyll existence in the picturesque countryside, as best friends whose mutual affection is seen as normal by their families. But when they enter high school, their close relationship is immediately mocked. In an act of self-preservation, Léo takes up ice hockey and hangs out with the popular crowd, rejecting Rémi. After they are painfully separated, Léo looks back at their innocent love, and finally allows himself to feel the emotions he – and so many men – keep locked inside. Winner, Grand Prix 2020 Cannes Film Festival. “It’s a treasure you’ll never forget” – Randy Myers, The Mercury News.
Out Film CT Queer Thursdays and Cinestudio present a swoon-worthy love story set in a suburb north of Melbourne on the eve of the year 2000. Things are in crisis mode for Kol (Elias Anton): it’s the day of the local dance competition, and his partner (Hattie Hook) wakes up on the beach after a bender, not knowing where she is. Her brother Adam, on his last day at home before heading to Argentina for graduate study, tracks her down and drives the nervous duo to the contest in time. Over the 24 hours that they spend together, Kol is drawn to the casually out-and-proud Adam, who is equally captivated by the shy, still-innocent Kol. It’s a brief encounter for sure, but one with the potential of transforming their lives. “A profoundly moving film about the beauty and the horror of what it means to be seen for the first time, to love for the first time.” Katie Walsh, Los Angeles Times.
Director Lisa Cortés’ LITTLE RICHARD: I AM EVERYTHING tells the story of the Black queer origins of rock n’ roll, exploding the whitewashed canon of American pop music to reveal the innovator – the originator – Richard Penniman. Through a wealth of archive and performance that brings us into Richard’s complicated inner world, the film unspools the icon’s life story with all its switchbacks and contradictions. In interviews with family, musicians, and cutting-edge Black and queer scholars, the film reveals how Richard created an art form for ultimate self-expression, yet what he gave to the world he was never able to give to himself. Throughout his life, Richard careened like a shiny cracked pinball between God, sex and rock n’ roll. The world tried to put him in a box, but Richard was an omni being who contained multitudes – he was unabashedly everything.
June’s Queer Thursdays selection features a breakthrough performance by Trace Lysette, a trans actor and activist who got her start in the New York underground ball culture scene. Monica is an intimate portrait of a woman who, for the first time in 20 years, returns home to the Midwest to take care of her ailing mother. Through the themes of abandonment, aging, rejection, acceptance and forgiveness, we get to know Monica and her world made of pain, fear but also courage. A journey through the needs and desires of a woman who opens a cognitive look at the human condition. “ a beautifully nuanced drama that feels unique and universal, featuring what will surely go down as one of the best performances of 2023.” – Peter Sobczinsky,
Out Film’s Queer Thursday selection is always a fantastic opportunity to enjoy movies with an LGBTQ+ theme in Cinestudio’s elegant cinema – gold Austrian curtain, balcony and all! Halim and Mina run a traditional caftan store in Salé, one of Morocco’s oldest medinas. In order to keep up with the commands of the demanding customers, they hire a young man named Yousef. Youssef. While Mina has lived for many years with her husband’s sexual preference under wraps, she cannot help but notice his growing attraction to Yousef – one that cannot be kept under wraps. Making her second film was a dangerous act for director Maryam Touzani, who said in an interview at Cannes Film Festival, “In Morocco, homosexuality is illegal and I don’t have words to describe how it makes me feel. As a human being, that’s something I cannot accept.” Winner of the FIPRESCI PRIZE at 2022 Cannes Film Festival, that honors emerging filmmakers, with previous winners including Claire Denis, Ingmar Bergman, Terrence Malick and Wong Kar-wai . “A nuanced portrait of unconditional love and acceptance at its most radical.” Chris Shields, Sight and Sound.
EVERY BODY is a revelatory investigation of the lives of intersex people. The film tells the stories of three individuals who have moved from childhoods marked by shame, secrecy, and non-consensual surgeries to thriving adulthoods after each decided to set aside medical advice to keep their bodies a secret and instead came out as their authentic selves. Actor and screenwriter River Gallo (they/them), political consultant Alicia Roth Weigel (she/they), and Ph.D. student Sean Saifa Wall (he/him) are now leaders in a fast-growing global movement advocating for greater understanding of the intersex community and an end to unnecessary surgeries. Woven into the story is a stranger-than-fiction case of medical abuse, featuring exclusive footage from the NBC News archives, which helps explain the modern-day treatment of intersex people.
Alex Claremont-Diaz (Taylor Zakhar Perez), the son of the President of the United States (Uma Thurman), and Britain’s Prince Henry (Nicholas Galitzine) have a lot in common: Stunning good looks, undeniable charisma, international popularity… and a total disdain for each other. Separated by an ocean, their long-running feud hasn’t really been an issue, until a disastrous–and very public–altercation at a royal event becomes tabloid fodder, driving a potential wedge in U.S./British relations at the worst possible time. Going into damage-control mode, their families and handlers force the two rivals into a staged “truce.” But as Alex and Henry’s icy relationship unexpectedly begins to thaw into a tentative friendship, the friction that existed between them sparks something deeper than they ever expected. Based on Casey McQuiston’s critically acclaimed New York Times best seller, Red, White & Royal Blue marks the feature film writing and directing debut of Tony Award-winning playwright Matthew López (The Inheritance).
If you’re in the mood for a refreshingly unique & raunchy comedy, – and who isn’t? – Queer Thursdays and Cinestudio hear you loud and clear. At a high school in a football-or-die town, best friends PJ and Josie get the idea that the best way to lose their virginity to the shiny happy girls known as cheerleaders is to…start a fight club. Somehow the fight club gains traction and soon the most popular girls in school are beating each other up in the name of self-defense. Questions remain: Can PJ and Josie keep their dreams of lust a secret? Can they prevent the murder-by-pineapple-juice of an allergic football player? Most importantly, can they find, if not true love, then a hot teenage dream come true? “An incredibly silly, sapphic, gloriously weird high-school satire — it’s hilariously rewarding.’ Sophie Butcher, Empire Magazine.
Down Low is an outrageous comedy about one wild night, a deeply repressed man, the twink who gives him a happy ending, and all the lives they ruin along the way.
One night in his near-empty tower block in contemporary London, Adam (Andrew Scott) has a chance encounter with a mysterious neighbor Harry (Paul Mescal), which punctures the rhythm of his everyday life. As a relationship develops between them, Adam is preoccupied with memories of the past and finds himself drawn back to the suburban town where he grew up, and the childhood home where his parents (Claire Foy and Jamie Bell), appear to be living, just as they were on the day they died, 30 years before.
A Queer Thursday presentation of the Japanese film directed by Hirokazu Kore-eda (Shoplifters) that won the Best Screenplay and Queer Palm Awards at the Cannes Film Festival. After a mother (Ando Sakura) discovers that her son’s teacher Mr. Hori’s bullying – or worse – may be behind her 9-year-old son Minato’s sudden strange behavior, she storms into his school demanding an explanation. Continually left without satisfactory answers by the rigid school administration—and with an increasingly distressed child—she escalates her concerns to the school board and the parents of her son’s best friend, Yuri. However, as the story leading up to Minato’s mysterious disappearance is shown first through the perspective of the mother, then Mr. Hori, and finally Minato himself, we learn that there is much that the fear-driven adults have missed. Minato and Yuri are exploring a romantic friendship, in a tender, secretive and often confusing journey towards self-acceptance and liberation. “It’s a marvel…a profoundly compassionate chronicle of untidy contemporary lives.” – Nicholas Barber,
Written by Ethan Coen and Tricia Cooke, this comedy caper follows Jamie, an uninhibited free spirit bemoaning yet another breakup with a girlfriend, and her demure friend Marian who desperately needs to loosen up. In search of a fresh start, the two embark on an impromptu road trip to Tallahassee, but things quickly go awry when they cross paths with a group of inept criminals along the way. Directed by Ethan Coen.
With his performances as Aphrodite Banks, Jules (Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Candyman) has a place among London’s celebrated drag artists. One night after a show, he steps out to get some cigarettes and is brutally attacked by a man (George MacKay, 1917), out with a gang of his friends. Although Jules is able to recover physically, he withdraws from the outside world, traumatized. Months later, he recognizes his attacker by chance in a gay sauna. Without make-up and wrapped only in a towel, Jules is able to approach the other man incognito and find out who he is. He begins an affair with the closeted Preston, with a plan to take his revenge. | <urn:uuid:780ec686-29ab-445d-b704-51ebfce26c8a> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:16:15Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.948068 | 6,679 | 7,595 |
I love casino apps, but that doesn’t mean web-based apps shouldn’t get some love. This one is definitely worth it. It sports the same colour scheme, the same layout and design, so getting around is easy and fast. Betting is simple too – flick your finger across the screen and you can switch between games and markets or touch to place odds.
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Talksport bet casino is new to the online sports betting market in Britain, but it is already making a big splash. Since the deal and odds were posted online, people have only said good things about them. We don’t just say what other people say, though. Instead, we take a close look at the sports betting website to see if it is worth your time and money.
We thought it was a great choice for football fans who are really into the sport after doing a lot of research. It’s the most popular sport in the UK, so internet games have always been about it. The casino is a great place with the newest and best slot machines and gaming games where you can bet on many different things.
But sports betting is a big deal, so we’ll talk more about that. You can bet on sports, especially the Premier League. You can also bet on horse races and tens of thousands of other events. It’s a great place for people who have never bet on sports before, and it’s also a good choice for people who have been betting for a long time. Read this talksport bet review review to learn more.
TalkSport Bet Casino Welcome Bonus
Let’s talk about the most important thing for new players, which is the TalkSport Bet welcome offer. Bets and games put the deals into different groups, and each group looks at the Premier League and European sports in a different way. When you sign up as a new user, you can get up to £40 in free bets.
People who have never used the site before and are at least 18 years old can only get these special deals. For the deal to work, you must sign up, make a payment, and place your first bet according to the rules. What you can get is:
- Free bets worth up to £40 can be given to Premier League fans.
- European sports fans can get free bets that are worth up to €30.
- Fans of horse races can get free bets worth up to £30.
Sign up, pay a fee, and bet at least £20 on certain games with odds of at least 2.00 to get the football deals. This has to be done within the first week of signing up. After your bets are cleared, you can get up to £40 in free bets that you can use on certain games. Both the welcome deal for European sports and the welcome bonus for horse races follow the same rules. Choose how you want to play.
Significant Terms and Conditions
The welcome prize is a mix of free bets for people who like the Premier League, European sports, or horse races;
- All of the best are for people who are 18 18 new customers only and new to the UK;
- To get them, you’ll need to sign up, claim the offer, and spend at least £20 (and bet).
- Bonuses expire in 7 days;
- Your first bet will determine the free bets you get in return.
- None of the deals require you to make bets;
- Card payments only can be used for the sign-up bonuses.
All of Talksportbet’s extra rules and terms apply.
It has other deals as well.
Not just these free things and gifts. At the time, it’s one of the best places to bet because you can bet on sports and play games there. There are many different kinds of free tips for different games. These are always changing, so if you want to bet on the internet, you’ll have to see what’s available.
It has acca boosts and best chances sure, just like most UK bookies. This is a big part of what every casino has to give, and Talksport goes even further by giving a “No Horseplay” return. If your horse doesn’t start the race, you get your money back. It can only be used for sports in the UK and Ireland.
We could bet on most games at this site. On the left, you can see a list of the games you can bet on. Typical set-up. The look of Talksportbet hasn’t changed, which is a good thing.
Game time. At the top of the list are football, horse racing, tennis, American football, basketball, darts, Formula 1, UFC, boxing, and more. People tend to forget about games that are fun. Unless you are certain. Global e-sports betting.
All markets have set and live bets. Also, we will talk. Fixed markets include “winner takes it all,” “handicaps,” “match bets,” “props,” and many more. At horse games, people can bet and give money. Premier League games are everywhere because people bet on them.
You can bet on a Premier League team to lose or on a person to score the most goals. There is a point in the middle of each group. There’s a good chance. In the UK, there are games and horse races.
Click the chances to get your ticket. Just add a few numbers, and the machine will do the rest and give you money.
How to get better at playing games
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When you play on this site, we want you to have a fun, fair, and easy time. Because of this, we always make sure the rules of our deals, including the rules for the gifts you can win if you choose to bet, are clear. Read the deal’s rules and make sure you understand them before you take advantage of it. You’ll get the most out of your time with us if you do this.
Join TalkSport Bet Casino casino right away.
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Find out how old you have to be in your area to bet, and bet wisely if you are old enough. The casino wants everyone to play safely and will help those who are having trouble.
Ready to get better at betting? People who sign up for this casino for the first time get £50 in prizes for gaming. It is the best place to bet online, and you can win up to £1,250 there.
Join TalkSportBet gaming today and take advantage of our great deal if you’re ready for a fun gaming trip. You get 100 free spins on Big Bass Splash, which you can use to jump right into the action and win big. There will be a lot going on because there are 40x bet conditions.
Find out how old you have to be to bet in your area, and if you are old enough, bet wisely if you can. The casino wants everyone to play safely, and if someone is having trouble, they will help them.
Ready to get better at betting? People who join Talksport Bet for the first time get £50 worth of game gifts. It’s the best place to bet online, and you can win up to £1,250 there.
TalkSport bet Casino Mobile
There isn’t a good app for your phone at the casino, so don’t try. Either it doesn’t exist or the sportsbook hasn’t heard of it yet. But there is a web-based app that is easy to use and works well on many smart devices.
Web-based apps are websites that work well on mobile devices and only require an Internet link. You don’t have to get them on your phone or computer or set them up. They work pretty much the same as native apps, but they don’t look much better.
And we’re fine with that. Not all casinos are allowed to sell apps in app stores, so it can be hard to get apps on your phone. Also, if you have good Internet, you can use a web-based app to play your favorite games and win gifts. You can go to a casino and start playing right away by using the mobile browser on your phone.
It’s much easier, and you can do it whenever you want, just like with apps.
Even though I like game apps, that doesn’t mean web apps shouldn’t get some love. This one is worth it for sure. Since everything is the same size, color, and style, it’s easy and quick to get around. Also, it’s easy to bet on it. You can switch between games and markets by swiping your finger across the screen, or you can touch the screen to place bets.
You can also put more than one bet on the same slip, which makes it easy to bet. All of the offers are also available, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I’ll soon get a special gift. It would be great if it were on the mobile site.
There are live bets at Talksport Bet Casino.
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Opt-In and Wager: Enhance Your Gaming Experience
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TalkSport Bet Casino 18 new customers only offer is a warm welcome.
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Players must be 18 or older, and responsible gaming comes first.
One of the most important things to do at a casino is to play carefully. We want to make sure that only people who are old enough can use our site. Because of this, all of our deals and offers are only for people 18 and up. We want our players to bet in a way that doesn’t hurt them or anyone else, so we work hard to make sure that all of our games are safe and fair.
Only card payments: easy and safe transactions
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Please gamble responsibly: How to Have Fun with Games in a Healthy Way
People playing smartly at the casino is something we like. We encourage our customers to play games in a way that benefits both them and the world. We urge you to set limits, exercise caution with your money, and spend only within your means. If you feel that you’re spending excessive time playing games, our customer service team is available to assist you. Remember, your safety is of utmost importance to us.
Sign up for Talksport Bet right away to take advantage of our deals and special offers. We want betting and playing games to be fun and safe, so we offer gifts and interesting deals to players who choose to take them. Use our great deals and dive into this casino, where having fun and being responsible go hand in hand.
TalkSport Bet Casino that counts:
You can win fun prizes at the casino that will make your time there even better. To get these bonuses, you need to know what a “qualifying bet” is. A bet qualifies if it meets the special requirements of the extra deal.
You do what you need to do to get a bonus when you win a bet. Most of the time, you have to meet minimum odds, stakes, or betting markets to make this play. By meeting these conditions, you show that you want the extra deal and can get more prizes and perks.
2x £20 and 1x:
At this casino, we try to give our customers fun and satisfying ways to spend their money. The 2x £20 and 1x bonus is one of these deals. You can bet £20 on two different things and win an extra £20 with this one-of-a-kind deal.
With the two £20 bets, you can try out the different bets, sports events, and games on our website. You can bet on football, horse racing, basketball, or any other sport you want. With these tips, you can also bet on your favorite games. Use this deal to change how you bet, improve your chances of winning, and enjoy making more than one play.
Sign up for Talksport Bet Casinoand Bet to Get Exciting Rewards
At this casino, players can have even more fun playing when they take part in events and win fun prizes. To get the most out of these deals, you need to know how to sign up and bet.
Sign up for deals at Talksport Bet:
Talksport Bet’s deals often require players to choose to take part in them. By choosing to take part in the event, you show that you want to and are eligible for any benefits that come with it. The steps to sign up may be different depending on the offer, but in general, they are as follows:
- Sign in at “Your Account”: Use the information you already have to sign in to your casino account. Make an account if you don’t already have one so you can get to the deals.
- After signing in, go to the Talksport Bet website or mobile app and look for the “Promotions” area. Here is where you can learn about the deals and how to sign up for them.
- Read the Terms of the offer: Before you sign up for the offer, make sure you read and understand the terms and conditions. Pay attention to any rules that say who can get the deal, how long they have, or how much they have to bet.
- Opt-In: To opt in, read the directions on the page with the deal and do what they say. This could be done with the “Opt-In” button or a code. You can take advantage of the offer once you have successfully signed in.
Bet to Meet Promotional Conditions:
The casino’s players usually have to make a certain number of bets after signing up before they can get any rewards. When you bet real money on games or events that qualify, this is called “wagering.” You can find out how much you have to bet in the offer’s terms and conditions. How to get these things done:
- Choose Eligible Games or Events: Pick the games or events that count toward the betting requirements for the offer. Some deals may only be good for certain sports, gambling games, or virtual events.
- Make Bets: Use your real money amount to make bets on qualifying games or events. Make sure your bets meet the terms and conditions of the offer’s minimum price requirements.
- Track Your Progress: You can check your account amount or the deal page to see how far you are in your betting. This will tell you how close you are to meeting the requirements to bet.
- Complete the game. Requirements: Keep betting until you meet the requirements to bet. Once you’ve done what was asked of you, you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of your raise.
Make sure you know the rules of each offer, like if there are time limits, minimum odds, or limits on how much you can bet. If you join the deal and bet according to the rules, Talksport Bet gives you the best chance of getting fun prizes.
Warning: This page has commercial content.
Please be aware that this piece is about what bookies have to offer from a business point of view. The goal is to show people what kinds of deals are available at different bookmakers. You should only bet with money you can afford to lose and in a sensible way.
The deals from bookies in this article are subject to terms and conditions, which may include minimum chances, time limits, and requirements to make a bet. Before taking part in a promotion, it is very important to read these rules carefully and make sure you understand them.
Cause a Payment:
Please remember that participating in an offer from a sportsbook doesn’t guarantee a payment or a certain outcome. There is always the chance that you will lose the money you bet when you gamble. So, you need to be careful and bet in a smart way.
Set limits for time and money:
Set limits on how much time and money you will spend on gambling before you start. This keeps you in control of your game habits and makes sure you don’t go over your spending. Set a limit on how much money you are ready to lose and don’t try to get it back.
Being a Responsible Gambler:
Gambling properly means having fun in a way that doesn’t hurt your life or the lives of those around you. It’s important to know how to tell if you have a problem with games and to get help if you do. If you think your game habits are getting out of hand, you might want to get in touch with groups that help people play in a smart way.
Don’t forget that playing games should be fun, and that any money you win should be seen as a gift. It is important to bet in a sensible way, with the goal of having fun instead of making money.
Please play in a sensible way, and if you need help or are worried about how you play, talk to a professional.
Sign up and Bet:
To get deals from bookmakers, you have to sign up and meet the betting standards by following the directions and making smart bets.
30 in 7 days Free Bets:
Learn the terms, stick to your budget, and try out different betting choices to get the most out of your free wins.
Be careful when betting on the exact score, do your study, handle your bets wisely, and enjoy the thrill of getting it right.
Only Bets with Money They Can Afford to Lose:
Responsible gaming means that you only bet with money you can afford to lose. This protects your financial health and keeps you from getting into trouble.
Setting limits on time and money before playing
One of the most important things you can do to play games properly is to decide ahead of time how much time and money you can spend on games. This method helps you stay in charge of your game habits and enjoy the activity in a healthy and responsible way. Here are some important things to keep in mind as you set these limits:
- Make a plan for when you will gamble: Pick how often and how long you want to bet. Depending on your wants and preferences, you could do this every day, every week, or every month.
- Make time for gambling. Make sure you stick to the times you set for your game events. Don’t bet longer than you planned, because that can lead to things you didn’t want to happen.
- Pay Attention to Your Other Commitments: It’s important to remember that games shouldn’t get in the way of your other responsibilities, like work, family, or social ones. Before you start game, make sure you have enough time for these things.
Limits on money:
- Assess Your Financial Situation: Take a look at your finances and decide how much money you can easily spend on gaming activities. This money should be kept separate from money set aside for bills, food, and saves.
- Set a Budget for gaming: Set aside a certain amount of money for gaming. This budget should be for an amount that, if you lost it, wouldn’t hurt your finances or cause you a lot of stress.
- Stick to Your Budget: Once you know how much money you can spend on gaming, stick to it. Don’t give in to the urge to spend too much or chase loses by going over the limits you’ve set for yourself.
More tips for gambling responsibly:
- Don’t Borrow Money: You should never borrow money to pay for your gaming. This can cause problems with your money and could affect your personal relationships.
- Seek Help if You Need It: If it’s hard for you to stick to the time and money limits you’ve set, or if you think your gaming habits are getting out of hand, talk to pros or groups that focus on responsible gambling.
Everyone at the casino has their own tastes and ways of playing. That’s why we’re happy to offer Bet Builders, a tool that lets you make bets that fit your style and game tastes.
We value individuals who exhibit smart play at the casino and actively support our customers in engaging in gaming practices that yield advantages for themselves and the broader world. It is essential that you set boundaries, exercise caution with your finances, and spend within your means. Should you discover that you are dedicating an excessive amount of time to playing games, our customer service team is prepared to provide assistance. Your safety remains our utmost concern and should never be compromised.
Talksport Bet offers a diverse sports market, covering popular sports events like football, basketball, and tennis. With competitive odds, users can enjoy betting on a wide range of sports, from major tournaments to local matches.
Gamble sensibly on Talksport Bet or other betting platforms. Set boundaries, manage your bankroll, and make gambling fun. This casino supports safe gaming and helps consumers manage their gambling. Prioritize your health and ask for support. Gambling safely is about fun, not money.
What you need to know about live streaming
There are more than a thousand sites for live gaming.
Is it safe to gamble at Talksport’s betting and casino?
Because of how the casino is set up, it’s safer to play there. Most sites where you can bet on sports or gamble give the same tips on how to be a good bettor. But things are not the same here. Responsible gaming doesn’t have a special plan, but the Safer game site has everything you need, including the tools.
In this part of the Talksport games and sports betting site, you can also learn how to play properly. Everyone who bets should stick to this rule. You can learn more about how to bet smartly and keep track of your bets from the guide. Self-exclusion, bank limits, reality checks, and other tools can be used to help.
There is also a button called “Get in Touch” that takes you straight to customer service. There, you can talk to people who can point you in the direction of the best help.
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Wishing to make it big? You can make your dreams come true with the help of our gaming. When you play games with our gifts, you could win up to £1,250. Imagine all the things you could do with so much money and how exciting it would be. Start playing at our casino today, use your freebies, and see how far your luck can take you.
Only Gambles with Money They Can Afford to Lose: Responsible Gaming is Our Priority
We put a lot of importance on safe playing at our casino, and we ask our customers to do the same. You shouldn’t bet money that you can’t afford to lose. We want you to be able to play games and pay for them. Set a budget and stick to it, and make sure you’re acting responsibly. Always keep in mind that games is a way to have fun, not a way to make money.
Wager £30: Get in on the Action and Place Your Bets
Are you willing to gamble? There are lots of fun games in our casino where you can bet £30 and join in on the fun. No matter if you like slots, table games, or live casinos, there’s something for everyone. Put your money on the table and turn the reels to start the game. You can expect that winning will be exciting and fun.
Establishes Time and Monetary Limits Before Playing: Stay in Control of Your Gaming
Do you want to gamble? There are lots of fun games in our casino where you can bet £30 and join in the fun. No matter if you like slots, table games, or live casinos, there is something for everyone. Put your money on the table and spin the reels to start the game. You can expect the excitement and fun of winning.
Wagering Requirement: Understand the Terms for Bonus Withdrawal
When you want to use one of our bonuses, you need to know how much you have to bet. A betting requirement is the number of times you have to bet the extra money before you can take any profits from it. Make sure you read the bonus’s terms and conditions to find out how much you have to bet before you can cash out and to make sure the process goes quickly.
Discover a diverse sports market at Talksport Bet, offering competitive odds and a wide selection of betting options for popular sports. Enjoy thrilling betting experiences on football, basketball, tennis, and more.
Free Bets Expire
Like many other free bets, Talksport Bet’s do not last forever. With free bets, customers can play without putting their own money at risk. But free bets that aren’t used within a certain time period are gone. The casino’s terms define expiration. Users must know when their free bets will run out and use them before that time. So, users can take advantage of promotions and possibly win. To get the most out of this casino’s many offers, keep an eye on when they expire and use free bets quickly.
The FAQ page was the most interesting thing to me. It has the answers and information you need. I also tried to email and live chat with customer service reps. They were, as expected, nice and helpful. Talksport gets a perfect score when it comes to customer service.
If you want to receive your money quickly, you’ll need to finish the KYC check first. In order to prove your age, name, and address, you must send a copy of your ID and a formal document with your address, such as a power bill.
Also, everything should be done in 24 hours, after which you can take your money.
The help page offers all the information you need in regards to verification. This is a one-time process you should complete after registration because it’s easy to finish. Once you pass the KYC check, you’ll be ready to bet and withdraw your winnings.
The payment methods at this casino include debit cards, bank transfers, and fastfund withdrawals. They’re all trusted and easy to use. The minimum deposit is set at a low GBP 5, with the maximum at GBP 30,000. Those limits are great for all types of players, especially first-timers.
Withdrawals have the same limits, but are expectedly slower. They might take up to 24 hours to complete, which is fairly fast by today’s standards.
Always remember to gamble responsibly when betting, including at Talksport Bet. Set limits, manage your bankroll wisely, and ensure that gambling remains an enjoyable and controlled activity. Seek help if needed and utilize responsible gambling tools provided by this casino.
All of the ways to put money in and take it out are great. There may not be that many, but all of them can be trusted. For example, you don’t have Neteller or Skrill, but you can use Visa or Mastercard to make payments and transactions.
The limits are fair and the deposit times are quick. The betting also has fair limits on how much you can take out, so it hits all the right notes in this area.
Who owns talkSport Bet Casino, and what licence do they hold?
The website called “talkSPORT BET” is owned by a company called BV Gaming Limited. This company is registered in Gibraltar and has two offices there. They are licensed to operate online gambling in Great Britain and Gibraltar. They are regulated by the Gambling Commission of Great Britain and the Gibraltar Gambling Commissioner.
talkSport Bet Casino FAQs: Simple and easy to read!
It is an online sports betting platform that allows users to place bets on a wide range of sports and events. It offers competitive odds, live betting, and a variety of betting markets to choose from.
Yes, this casino is a legitimate and licensed online betting platform. It is regulated by the UK Gambling Commission and operates in compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.
To create an account, simply visit the website and click on the “Register” button. You’ll be asked to provide some basic personal information, such as your name and email address, and to choose a username and password.
It accepts a variety of payment methods, including credit and debit cards, e-wallets such as PayPal and Skrill, and bank transfers. The specific payment methods available may vary depending on your location.
Yes, it uses state-of-the-art security measures to protect all user transactions and personal information. All transactions are encrypted and processed securely, and the platform uses advanced fraud detection and prevention systems to ensure the safety and security of all users.
To place a bet, simply log in to your account and navigate to the desired sports or event. You can then choose the betting market you want to bet on and enter the amount you wish to wager. Once you confirm the bet, it will be processed and added to your account. | <urn:uuid:9bfb4901-f95e-4adb-ab09-802144a1c380> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:22:21Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.953648 | 7,549 | 8,107 |
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You can also choose from a variety of bet types, such as singles, accumulators, and system bets. Another important thing you need to know about 1win before starting to bet with them is which payment methods they support and which ones they don’t. As soon as you sign into your account, you will see that you have an option to make a deposit directly from your bank account. This is a convenient option and most people will prefer it over everything else. You can get a certain percentage of cashback on the money you spent on no-winning bets. Support at 1win has a positive and a negative side, which likely any support service has.
Choose the one you prefer, be it a credit card, bank transfer, e-wallet and others. One of the most significant strengths of this app is its “special recommendation” feature. As you keep using Parimatch, over time, it will start understanding what sports, competitions and teams you like the most.
The website is very popular in India because here every player will be able to find entertainment for themselves. Slot machines offer a variety of games that are updated quite frequently. Familiarize yourself with useful information so that you can easily withdraw funds and get 1win withdrawal proof. The iOS app is also available for download from 1Win’s official website. It offers the same features as the Android app, including the bonus lottery and live football streams. 1Win’s mobile website is well-optimized and offers all features and promotions available on the desktop version.
It is a 500% bonus that works collectively on your first four deposits. The bonus splits these percentage rewards into 200% (first deposit), 150% (second deposit), 150% (third deposit), and 100% (fourth deposit), respectively. It maintains a clear and sharp display, ensuring easy readability even on smaller screens.
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New players don’t receive a free bonus for creating an account in the 1Win online casino. However, it’s not excluded that no-deposit bonuses might be available for newcomers through bonus promo codes. Newly registered gamblers are eligible for a welcome package, as detailed below. The app boasts a clean, sleek interface that makes it extremely easy for users to find their preferred sports and place bets. The color scheme is pleasing to the eye and the graphics are of high quality, offering a visually appealing experience.
Bookmaker 1win is a reputable site for betting on cricket and other sports, founded in 2016. In the short period of its existence the site has gained a wide audience. Everything is broken down by the minute, so it’s a great tool for analysis.
Wagering at 1 win is simple since you can rapidly move between segments by choosing the game you need, or you can type in the match of interest in the hunt bar. If you encounter any problems while registering or depositing, you can always contact 1win’s support team, who will help you solve the problem as soon as possible. Take advantage of the best odds and parlay bets to maximize your winnings. 1win adheres to fair gaming rules, has an audience of millions of players and a clean reputation. Once you register, you will have access to all 1Win products, including bookie and online casino.
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The money will be credited to the bonus account, and after wagering it will be transferred to the main account. Despite the fact that the club is quite young, it can already compete with other sites in terms of bonuses and promotions. Each day, 1win will select a few events for an express bet, and you receive a bonus percent determined by the winning amount. Depending on the withdrawal method you choose, you will be asked to enter information such as your bank account number, e-wallet address, and others.
In case of a net loss, the user will be refunded 10% of the funds from the amount of the net loss. First of all, it should be said that only players who have reached the age of majority can register on 1win. Sports betting is currently only allowed from one account per customer. The rules of the British manufacturing firm prohibit the creation of multiple accounts, as well as the use of automated betting tools.
You can download it directly from the official website or you can use this direct download link instead. Parimatch is one of the biggest betting brands in the entire world and it is fortunate that they have a Nigerian website. I suggest don’t prefer any personal signals given my anybody or any BOT. From the heart of Rome, Matteo Rossi has carved a niche as MobileCasinoRank’s quintessential reviewer. Merging Italian flair with meticulous precision, Matteo’s reviews light up the online casino world, ensuring players navigate the mobile space with confidence.
1Win is not only a popular online sports betting resource but also a well-known online casino. 1Win users can watch events live – the company has a live broadcast function that every registered player can access. The advent of mobile gaming has revolutionized the user experience on the 1win platform, bringing the thrill of slot and table games to the fingertips of players. Both slot games and table games have been adapted for the small screen, each offering a unique mobile gaming experience. In terms of the user experience, slot and table games cater to different player preferences. Slot games, with their vibrant themes, exciting sound effects, and innovative bonus features, provide an immersive and entertaining gaming experience.
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Adidas SC knew before the game with Moaula United that a win would guarantee them the title. However Adidas SC despite having the majority of possession and chances to score were unable to finish and the game ended 0-0. This effectively handed the Youth Competition title to Moataa SC on goal difference. In the ladies competition the first match of the day saw Moataa SC pull off only their second win of the competition by winning 2-1 against Moaula United. Fulisia Talia scored the winner for Moataa SC midway through the second half.
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The software is designed in brand colours with accents on the sections and control buttons. The games at 1Win online casino are colourful and have attractive animations. Lastly, we would like to take a minute to talk about responsible gambling. We are all sports fans and we all enjoy betting – it adds an additional excitement component to our favorite sporting events. 1win provides players with numerous payment options for deposits and withdrawals. The website currently offers payments via 4 deposit methods, including MasterCard, Visa, AstroPay, Crypto.
If you have something that you consistently do once, twice, or more times per week, it makes perfect sense to make it as easy as possible. This means that you engage in some form of betting activity at least once a week. Most players overlook this process because they see it as a time-wasting step.
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Once your withdrawal has been processed, you will receive a confirmation. Most casinos offer step-by-step instructions to ensure smooth transactions. 1win runs several ongoing promotions, offering bonus payouts on certain games, cashbacks on losses, and free bets, among others. These promotions are frequently updated, ensuring a constant stream of rewards for the users.
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Once you’ve chosen your match, you’ll have access to many betting options, including match outcomes, over/under goals, halftime/fulltime, and more. The site offers competitive odds, making it an attractive choice for punters looking for value. Choosing the right payment method is essential for a safe and enjoyable online gaming experience.
Withdrawals can currently be requested only using PerfectMoney, credit cards, and cryptocurrency. The minimum deposit amount for bank transfers is $1 (₦820) and $5 (₦4,100) for PerfectMoney deposits. The website informs users of the dangers of underage gambling and urges them to report any unusual activity that might point to a child using the website. The platform has taken steps to ensure that children cannot access the site and expressly forbids anyone under the age of 18 from engaging in any form of gambling. In this article, we will go through a detailed review of 1Win, so you can better understand why the site ranks as one of the top betting platforms in South Africa.
The platform ensures an efficient and secure transaction environment, allowing you to focus on your betting experience without having to worry about your funds. The 1win application boasts a vast array of gaming options that caters to a diverse spectrum of player preferences. This allows users to not only enjoy their preferred games but also to explore new ones, ensuring an immersive and versatile betting experience. 1Win offers extensive betting coverage, with over 30 sports available for betting. They provide a broad range of markets for each sport, including pre-match, live betting, and outright betting. The site also offers virtual sports betting, providing additional options for users.
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With a variety of options available, players can find the method that best suits their needs. 1Win is a reputable online sports betting and casino platform that offers a wide range of sports and non-sports betting options. The website has a user-friendly interface and is easy to navigate, with a mobile app available for download.
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If you violate this rule by opening another account, all your accounts will be closed down, irrespective of your account balance. And if you forgot your password, click on the login page and tap on “Forgot password.” After that, observe the instructions provided. So, how much you stake in a casino is up to you, as long as it does not go beyond the bonus balance. In this blog post, we’ll reveal a guide on how to make the most of your casino bonus. Chelsea manager Guus Hiddink was delighted with the reaction of his players after they came from behind to beat Southampton 2-1. Creating an account takes less than a minute regardless of your chosen method.
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Most live games (especially football) come with a live stream, which you can watch while the game is in progress. You don’t have to pay anything to access these streams, you don’t even have to have any money in your account – they are available to all registered users. 1Win is a reputable and reliable sports betting website with a strong track record of customer satisfaction. The unique atmosphere of a real casino and the transparency of the gaming process attract thousands of players. To download the 1win app, you need to click on the Apple logo in the upper right corner and install the application.
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You might not have thought of it, but your child crying in the stroller may be due to the hot temperatures in the air.
It is a difficult thing for them to express. Therefore, we’ve become the voice of your kids, and we advise you to get the best stroller fanatics.
A stroller’s fan functions as an essential device for babies. It provides a pleasant air flow during travel.
You could also use it for your home – perhaps in the kitchen.
Another thing to think about is the title,’ stroller fan.’ Do not confuse it with a stroller fan. It can also get the job done if it’s plugged into car seats or cribs of a child.
Here is the List of 8 Best Stroller Fans Review
One of the reasons why these stroller fans stand out is because they are designed with the best baby stroller in mind. We take pride in our stroller fans, knowing that the best fans in the parenting community love them.
O2COOL Portable Fan – Best Stroller Fans Overall
While it isn’t designed to be part of the accessories for strollers, the fan is what parents want.
It’s versatile, with an incredibly lightweight 9.6 ounces, allowing you to take it anywhere.
This wind unit was designed to last for 30-60 hours in a row, and it is all dependent on your battery installed. It’s a battery-dependent fan.
This means you can rest easily without worrying about securing any USB cable. The idea of planning the charging duration ahead of time isn’t the best.
As you would think, a fan should work quietly. This one does. It is silent. It isn’t likely to cause anyone to glance their eyes in displeasure to glance at the stroller’s fans.
The ability to adjust this fan makes it one of but also one of the top stroller fans.
It can be turned upward or down, whatever will make your baby happy.
Altering the speed can create a favorable environment since there are two-speed modes.
The lowest speed is the fastest. It will last for longer hours, possibly 40 hours.
The creative parents first came across O2COOL.
They got creative with zip ties and finished the job. The only issue with this fan is the absence of clips for mounting. Besides, it’s not a problem, regardless of the design or the battery.
HomeLifairy Stroller Fan – Best Stroller Fans With Tripod
Children are happy to have objects near them that affect them.
This stroller fan will catch children’s attention with its appealing colors of pink, blue, and black (So many options).
The battery plugging and charging are two ways to turn this stroller fan to work.
It can run for 3 to 8 hours with a battery, which is not the case for some users. They claim it will run for just 2 hours.
The machines make noises, and this is clear. The fan also produces small amounts of. It is minimal yet manageable.
The stroller fan with a button can operate at different speeds.
At maximum speed, it may be requested that you protect your baby’s body with an infant stroller blanket because it’s powerful enough.
Also, alter your speed, keeping your child in mind and the surroundings.
Remember that the speed selection is directly related to the energy drained from the battery.
Utilizing it on multiple excursions and in homes in the nursery, the parents believe it’s a great idea.
It has enough space for the stroller’s fan, and poor battery timing is its only negative. But the tripod fan is huge.
Related: 10 Best Stroller Blankets Review To Keep Your Baby Warm And Cozy
COMLIFE F170 Clip-On Fan – Best Stroller Fan For Uppababy Vista
Com Life F170 is the latest version with more whistles and bells than the old version.
While many parents with UPPAbaby believe they have the perfect fan, it’s, in fact, one of the top stroller fans available for other strollers.
A lithium battery with a capacity of 5500 mAh power supplies this fan.
Its battery life is between 6 and 40 hours, based on your superior speed. Its only disadvantage is the inability to remove the battery.
So, when the battery ceases to function for its purpose, there is no way to carry this stroller fan into use.
Being quiet: This fan is excellent for nappers sensitive to sound. Your child won’t wake up when he is in a quiet space and wants to fall asleep.
With an opening of nearly an inch, it is easy to attach this to your stroller. Additionally, it’s solid and durable enough to withstand many sudden jerks.
It is also possible to reset the speed of the fan.
The fresh scent released by the fan of this stroller fan can help eliminate sweating smells. Read More About 13 Best Luxury Strollers – Alluring and Stylish.
A well-thought-out design such as COMLIFE’s fan is essential to own.
Because it can rotate 360 degrees, it will keep your child at ease from all angles. It’s the perfect model to depend on and the best stroller fan.
Treva Battery Fan – Best Stroller Fan For Disney World
As a cooling device, This fan is ideal in various situations, delivering high-quality airflow. It is also possible to place it in your office desk or dorm room if you’re running it is not running.
This fan for strollers requires four AA batteries to function. Be sure to purchase these batteries as they aren’t available with the product.
According to the manufacturers’ specifications, the battery life for the fans is between 11-14 hours.
However, users alter the claim. Make sure to have extra batteries in transit. Users said since the fan is very consuming.
While it does not produce more than white noise, This fan will be quiet for night-noise addicts.
The noise won’t be heard when the fan runs at its fastest speed.
Do not fret If you have a large-width table made of wood.
Its jaw expands to nearly 2.25 inches, which is sufficient. To be effective in various environments, this stroller fan has two speeds that can be switched.
The flow of air through the fan is impressive. The more impressive thing is that the clip can be opened wide and firmly fixed to the bumps.
At this cost, it’s a treat to take pleasure.
The child will not be able to slip through the area of their finger since the openings on the cover are tiny.
Related: How To Store Stroller In Garage In 7 Easy Steps
O2COOL Deluxe Fan – Best Stroller Misting Fan
Do you remember your infant’s screams during a day at the beach?
You might not remember that; however, there’s a way to make a difference in this incident by placing your O2COOL misting fan on your stroller.
This stroller fan can run continuously for 3 hours using two AAA batteries. Be aware that the cost of buying the batteries is your responsibility.
The battery housing of this fan is fragile. Sometimes, it lets the battery go, while on the other hand, it creates difficulty in unscrewing.
The manufacturer describes its sound as the result of a malfunctioning switch or fan. It’s neither loud nor quiet; try it if you’re already used to quiet.
Created to be trendy and functional, It comes in four vibrant shades. You can choose between blue, raspberry, purple, and green, whichever you like best.
The outside temperature won’t cause any problems since it’s missing from the fan. Put in a few pieces of ice, and you’re ready to go.
There’s no risk of cutting fingers for kids with the fan for strollers. Its blades are made of plastic and soft.
It’ll be fine even if a child puts their finger between them. Careful attention to particulars makes it the most effective stroller lover.
Related: 6 Special Needs Jogging Strollers That Are Safe For Passengers
Diono Stroller Fan – Best Portable Clip-On Fan For Stroller
Are you worried that the stroller’s fan could smash your child’s tiny fingers? It might be time to reconsider your idea.
The reason that Dionoproduces fans with the lowest open on their cover.
The stroller fan can blow air for 7 hours, which is a part of good battery life.
It’s a battery-dependent device. If you plan to put it in your child’s stroller, ensure that you have one. AAA batteries are required for operation.
A little bit of sound from this stroller fan is not a bad thing. It creates some.
Worry will disappear if you clip it onto the car seat or stroller.
The clippers are designed to withstand jerks and remain in place.
The fan’s neck can also be adjustable. This means that you can adjust it whenever you alter the position of your fan.
Attaching this stroller fan is simple. It has very close gaps on the cover, making it an uninjured device for your child.
The summation of these elements led us to classify it as the most popular stroller.
Related: 9 Best Strollers With Rubber Wheels
Honeywell HTF090B – Best Stroller Fan With USB Charger
Honeywell isn’t designed to provide air for strollers; however, its versatility permits one to use it on a single.
You can place it in other places with three different ways of use, including hanging, carrying, and standing.
The versatility of this fan lies in the two kinds of power. It doesn’t matter if its USB is installed or battery.
It can utilize any method that will get it to work. The fan’s battery can last 6 hours according to the manufacturer’s specifications.
The stroller fan in black is silent. It allows you to sleep at night (if you place it at the side of your bed) and is perfect for traveling while remaining quiet.
The adjustable nature of the fan makes it stand out against other models of fans. It can be turned up to exercise or turn it back down.
The fashions that the fans have are fashionable.
The charming charm of the fan attracts all the interest. It’s also quiet enough that your ears won’t be at risk.
Note that your child’s fingers can pass through the cover. It is recommended to put the fan at a safe distance from them.
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Little Chicks Baby Stroller Fan – Best Fan For Baby At Beach
There are a variety of things you can connect the stroller fan to. For example, beach chairs, strollers, lawn chairs, car seats, bassinets, car seats, etc.
It might be unappealing, but you must determine the purpose.
Though they are soft, however, the blades of the stroller fan are strong.
They can blow air out in decent amounts and help keep the baby cool even in high temperatures.
It has two AAA batteries to use with the clamp on the lower end.
The most convenient aspect of the airflow is the noise of the fan. It seldom makes any sound.
This fan is fully variable and never stays in one spot.
It is also adjustable. You can set it to tilt or turn at the angle that’s most suitable for you. It does, however, perform the task with a single speed.
He is, without a doubt, an excellent fan. If you’re looking for mobility, it’s the perfect fan for portable use.
However, the blades can withstand cuts and provide excellent airflow. The only drawback is its single speed, which is not a significant issue.
Why You Need a Stroller Fan
Children and babies cannot regulate their temperature as well as adults. They can quickly overheat and can end up being dangerous.
Your child could overheat even when wearing the right, lightweight clothing for the summer months.
Are you planning to get the sunshade to shield your child from harsh sunlight?
The drawback is the absence of air circulation through the stroller. Imagine sitting in the shelter of a hot tent, and you’ll get the image.
Putting a fan in the stroller can move air around, which helps prevent your baby from getting too hot.
In addition, the soft hum can be soothing, and the motion fascinates them.
The advantages of this type of fan are not limited to strollers. It is also helpful at the nursery during nap time, in the car, or in the yard.
There’s always a convenient place to secure it, and there’s no need to locate an outlet since the fan operates on batteries.
Related: 17 Best Strollers With Reversible Seats to Relax Your Baby When Out
Are stroller fans worth it?
If you think you don’t require stroller fans, be aware that it’s boiling on hot summer days, and your baby will be unhappy sitting in the heat while you work out. Exercise.
All you need is an excellent, pleasant (battery-operated) breeze, and your baby will be more likely to be satisfied while you’re going that extra mile.
Buying Criteria for Stroller Fans
During a hot summer day, the last thing you want is to have your stroller’s battery going out.
Stroller fans run either with rechargeable batteries or Alkaline batteries, which aren’t rechargeable.
Both have advantages and disadvantages, which could hinder or force the choice of which one to use.
For instance, rechargeable batteries can be charged while driving. For example, a USB plug-in in the car or power bank can charge the battery this way.
Contrarily, disposable batteries tend to last longer than rechargeable lithium batteries. With longer battery life, the fan can last a day without changing batteries.
However, how do you deal with the case that your batteries fail during your stroller ride? You must locate the nearest gift shop or convenience store for replacement alkaline batteries.
But what happens is the best option if you’re at the center of an amusement center and you don’t have access to your vehicle or a power bank? If you have rechargeable batteries, it’s best to prepare for the future, as you cannot get a replacement battery.
For this article, “flexibility” refers to the octopus-style fan’s elasticity and clip-on fans’ rotational capabilities.
With a clip-on fan in most cases, the most effective choice is one with 360-degree rotation. This should be the case for both horizontal and vertical processes.
The 360-degree radius of turning allows you to direct the wind to precisely the place you need for it. If you can’t turn around 360 degrees, you’ll be in a state of discontent.
In the same way, flexibility is a feature of stroller fans that have tiltable tripod legs. Naturally, you will require an easy-to-manipulate set of legs to be secured to any object.
You also require a 360-degree turn radius to ensure it hits the right place.
Sometimes, you’ll need more speed! The fan this is. If the temperature is relentless, then you’ll have to crank the speed of your stroller’s fan up so that your child remains cool.
The fact that you can have multiple speeds will allow you to adapt to various temperatures.
However, a consistent and fast speed could be more beneficial for you. You won’t be tinkering with the fan while conducting around. It’s all the individual’s preference.
There’s not much more pain than waking a newborn from a nap. If your child sleeps when in the stroller, it’s essential to ensure that the stroller’s fan doesn’t disturb your child’s sleep.
There is only one exception if your child likes the white sounds. Many adults will attest to that. The sounds of a fan can be soothing for babies to sleep.
In this instance, the noise of a fan can assist you. In the table above, we will highlight the sound level for each fan.
Because stroller fans can be used in various ways and are suitable for multiple scenarios, noise can be a problem in some of these scenarios.
For example, if you are working at home and decide to use the fan to attend a Zoom event, you’ll require an option that isn’t too loud. Be assured I’ve been there; a noisy fan could be distracting.
Shouldn’t this be a consideration for all products we purchase? As a conscientious shopper, You’re seeking top quality at the lowest price.
You’re likely to spend a little more on a top-quality product; however, in the end, everyone wants to save as much money as they can.
We tried to make it easier to choose the least expensive choices in the list below. For those who are more expensive, we have included them since they’re worth the extra money.
Are stroller fans safe for infants?
Yes! Rest easy if you’re battling images in your head of little fingers colliding with fan blades! Stroller fan blades are designed to be used on strollers. They are created for children and infants in their minds.
A real stroller fan should be made with a tight grid cage around the fan. The grid should not be too small to let the tiniest finger pass through; for fans that don’t have grids, such as those on the Dream baby stroller fan pictured above, The “blades” of the fan are made of foam.
Related: 19 Top Essential Stroller Accessories For Winter
What is the best way to use a stroller’s fan?
In this article, we’ll review some fundamentals. First, locate a secure spot to fix an air conditioner to the stroller. Since strollers vary and are different, you may have to go through a little trial and trial. Ensuring that the stroller is secure and won’t fall over or harm your child is essential.
In the case of a system with the click-in infant carrier stroller, fans can be connected or twisted onto the handle on the top of the back of the seat. Additionally, you could connect the fan to the child’s snack tray and bumper bar. If your stroller’s canopy can accommodate it, the fan can be positioned there.
Then, place it so the fan is about one foot from the baby’s face. It’s all about comfort. No one would want a fan directly to their eyes! Additionally, it helps stop the fan from slipping its fingers inside the fan’s cage.
Third and final, ensure you are prepared if your journey will belong. Take an additional power source or batteries to ensure you’re not without the battery dying.
Most stroller fans prefer to be charged using a USB cable. Do I need to use a USB cable?
Yes! When I did my studies, I noticed that many fanatics of strollers (and portable fans generally) charge using a USB cable exactly as you would use to charge your phone.
Stroller fans are usually equipped with a USB cable to make things easier. USB cables, however, are usually short in length. You know the frustration if you’ve ever had to charge your smartphone using a shorter line. The USB cables can be in as little as 0.5 inches!
It is fine if you’d rather utilize any of the already-installed USB cables than the ones supplied in your fan. Both cables can be used to charge the fan.
Where are stroller fanatics necessary?
A stroller fan can help make a stroll more enjoyable and cool and should be included on many mothers’ wish lists. However, you’ll require an air-conditioned stroller fan if your family enjoys going to amusement parks such as Disney World.
The busiest season is the extreme summer heat, and shade is difficult. Without a stroller with a fan, your baby will likely become too hot, and you’ll be dealing with a toddler in the jolliest location on the planet.
If you’re planning to go to an amusement park or similar places, purchase an umbrella stroller and be grateful when you get home.
How can I ensure my kid is cool while in the stroller?
After you’ve got the stroller fans, you can easily make a homemade mister for your child. Bring small spray bottles filled with water if you plan a trip to Disney World or any other all-day trip.
Every day, spray water on the rear back of your fan. This will produce a cool and soothing mist for your child. You could also try and spray yourself several times since you’re the one who walks!
Try cooling towels If your child is willing to this idea.
Can I bring an air-conditioned stroller on an airplane?
Yes, you can. Airplanes can get stuffy! If you’re planning to take your little one on an airplane, you could bring your stroller’s fan to use during the flight.
You might be concerned. In the end, most objects aren’t transported on planes, So why is a fan permitted?
As the TSA states, portable electric fans can be carried in carry-on and checked luggage. | <urn:uuid:fe03d06e-593d-4cdd-be3c-6368e7e671ec> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:49:19Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.917608 | 4,762 | 4,972 |
Hairstyles for round faces disrupt symmetry with varied lengths to create an illusion of elongation, balancing wider cheekbones. Most women crave chic cuts that flatter their face shape, and round or oval-faced individuals have a wealth of trendy, flattering styles to choose from, suitable for any hair type, length, or texture.
Explore our new list of hairstyles for round faces, from chic short cuts that accentuate your features to the perfect haircuts for oval visages. Ready for a new hairstyle? This article has you covered, offering top picks to inspire and guide you. Rock your locks confidently with our favorites tailored for round faces!
What Hairstyle Suits A Round Face?
Women are not created equal, and the same goes for their round faces. In fact, you’re the only one who knows what hairstyle suits your round face: you only need a little guidance. These tips will help you when choosing a flattering style for your face:
- Since your focus is to add visual height to your face, high updos and half-ups with soft framing front locks are perfect picks.
- Long face-framing layers can draw eyes downward, which can also elongate the face visually.
- When going curly, make sure to style curls loose so as not to add more width to your cheeks.
- Avoid tight ponytail looks, as they accentuate the roundness.
- If you want to get bangs, don’t forget to get a side-swept fringe instead of blunt bangs: a classic straight fringe can make your face look shorter.
- For short hairstyles, always add volume to the crown so that your face looks a bit longer.
Is Short Or Long Hair Better For Round Faces?
There are benefits of both long and short hairstyles for round faces. Technically, there’s no better and easier length for those who want to work on their round faces than short hair. Besides being low-maintenance, short hair will also provide you with great styling flexibility and versatility. Still, it doesn’t mean you can't work on your round face with long locks.
Is Short Hair Good For Round Faces?
Short hair is ideal for round faces, emphasizing facial features. While lacking length to cover cheeks, it offers a strategic style. A pixie cut with long side bangs frames the face beautifully, while graduated bob creates visual angles, flattering a round silhouette. Both options will enhance your facial structure without needing hair length.
What Is The Best Short Hairstyle For A Round Face?
The number of flattering looks you can pull off with your round face is simply countless. Still, you’re going to see the hottest picks of 2024 in this article. Before you get inspired by the latest ideas, here are some you can’t go wrong with.
- Sleek angled bob hairstyles
- Side-parted straight hairstyles
- Center-parted waves
- Layered pixie cuts
- Choppy inverted bobs
Short Hairstyles For Round Faces
Keeping it short is the best way to get the most of your face when you know what haircuts to choose. Here’s a selection of the most flattering short hair ideas to beautify round faces.
Absolutely Asymmetrical Hairstyles For Round Faces
One of the most amazing hairstyles for round faces, not only this slightly asymmetrical cut will lengthen your face, it is all the rage, too! This hip and trendy style will make you look years younger.
- To maximize this look, dry your hair using a flat paddle brush and then smooth your hair with a flat iron.
- Apply a shine or smoothing serum to make your hair soft, shiny and completely touchable!
Sleek A-Line Hairstyles For Round Faces
An A-Line haircut (longer in the front and shorter in the back), like this one, made by the Utah-based short hair expert Carolynn Judd, is always a great way to make your face seem slimmer. Try a bold and darker color to make this style really pop.
- When styling, use a round brush to make your hair as smooth as possible.
- You may use a flat iron if necessary.
- If you apply much heat, make sure to pair it with a heat protectant.
- Use a round brush or flat iron to curl the ends just a bit so that they could softly frame your face.</li
Inverted Sleek Bob
This inverted bob look is officially the role model for the hairstyles for round faces. Apart from being super easy to style, its gradual silhouette can build a visual angle for your curvy face, thus taking you away from roundness. As for sleek styling, it’s just a trick to show off your exceptional taste: sleek finishes never get old.
Side Swept Short Bob Hairstyles For Round Faces
The variety of bob options, including this side-swept bob made by Texas-based transformational hair devotee and salon owner Raven Camacho, has a beginning but no end, which means you can find or create a custom option for your round face features.
Center Parted Soft Waves
Center parted hairstyles have always been the most practical way to conceal round cheeks. When you style your hair in the middle, you distribute it evenly and get yourself a wonderful frame. However, to get the most of the center-parted haircut, it’s better to wave: it will spice it up with movement and add some volume.
Styling Tip: If you already have a bob, all you need is to spritz your fine hair with some texturizing spray or give it a pass of a curling iron if you have thick hair type.
Center Parted Bob With A Hair Hoop For Round Faces
Sometimes, a good accessory, like a hair hoop decorated with colorful stones, is enough to create a decent look for your hair, and your face shape as well. This accessory doesn’t only keep them well-secured, it also hides all the traces of fine hair.
Styling Tip: If you’d like to recreate this idea, make sure to flip the ends with a round brush, and coat the style with hairspray.
Wet Side-Parted Straight Hairstyles For Round Faces
Sleekness, edginess, and precision in hairstyles suit absolutely everyone. So if you stay away from the idea of a sleek wet-styled bob because you think it won’t work for you, you’ve never been so wrong! Look at this layered bob with side-parted front styling, created by London-based hairstylist Sophie Sugarman.
Medium Length Hairstyles For Round Faces
One of the biggest perks of having medium length hairstyles is that you keep it at a balanced and flexible length that allows for various looks. And here are the top styling choices for med-length and round faces!
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Fringe is coming back in style full swing. And a blunt fringe will add a bold edge to your otherwise humdrum hairstyle, which will make your round face appear longer and leaner.
- To achieve this look, apply a smoothing cream or serum to your damp hair.
- Blow-dry it using a medium round brush to smooth out your locks.
- If needed, use a flat iron to straighten, focusing on your bangs and then add a slight wave to the ends of your hair using a 1 ¼ inch barrel curling iron.
- Additionally, you can apply a light holding spray for an extra hold.
Flirty, Flipped Frock Hairstyles For Round Faces
Bouncy, short layers, like these ones, cut by the TX-based hairdresser, Virtuelabs Ambassador, Chris Jones. that gently frame this model's face, are a great way to highlight facial features of the round-faced ladies. And, soft, subtle highlights will add depth to this playful look.
- Part your hair deep on one side and then use a round brush to dry and smooth out your hair.
- Use a medium barrel iron to flip the ends up and away from your face.
This fun and edgy take on the mohawk is contemporary and will lift your hair to add height to your face which will make it appear thinner and longer. Moreover, this look works great for those who want a daring shorter hairstyle.
- Start with slightly damp hair and blow dry your hair, pushing it up and away from your face.
- Once it is completely dry, apply a super strong hold gel or pomade to your hair and comb up and back into a pompadour/mohawk.
- Spray it with a strong finishing spray.
Half Up Space Buns Hairstyles For Round Faces
Half up space buns look extremely cute on long hair. Also, do not be afraid if your buns turn out to be bigger. And don't forget to bring something new into the hairstyle. You are guaranteed some major princess-y feels with this look!
Collarbones Length Messy Hairstyles For Round Faces
Here, you can see how the flow of swept-back hair texture gives a volumetric body that smooths out all prominent features. The best thing is, all you need is a blowdryer and a brush to keep up with this cutie.
Long Hairstyles For Round Faces
It’s pretty hard to take care of long hair, not to mention its styling routine. Luckily for you, you’re going to see simple but game-changing hairstyles that will balance out your round face while giving you a trendy look.
Long And Lean Hairstyles For Round Faces
This layered hair, crafted by the internationally known hair artist and educator, Salvador Salcedo. is super flattering for those with rounder faces as it elongates your face and flatters your cheeks in all the right places. This look is meant for those with longer hair and will work with any hair texture.
- Part your hair to one side and spray with a light hairspray before using a 1 ¼ inch curling iron to curl your hair in small sections away from your face.
- Run your fingers gently through your hair when finished.
- Spray with a finishing spray.
Braids are always in style and are extremely flattering for those with a round face. The loose hair and braid combo will frame and flatter your face in just the right places.
- For this look, start with dry hair.
- Gather your hair on each side and braid into a braid in the back.
This gorgeous cut with its long, dramatic fringe and loose side braid styled by San Diego-based hair enthusiast, boho hair lover, Sara Lopez, will not only elongate your round face for a playful look, it will also make you appear youthful!
- Deeply part your hair to one side.
- Style your bangs any way you desire.
- Gather your hair to one side, over the shoulder, leaving out a small piece on the opposite side near your hairline.
- Braid your hair, securing it with bobby pins and a finishing spray where needed to keep smaller, looser strands in place.
Bouncy Bohemian Waves
This longer cut is one of the best hairstyles for round faces with its center part and bouncy waves on the side that narrow the chin and elongate the face. Shorter layers at the chin pull it together for a soft, sultry look.
- Part your dry hair down the center and then curl your hair with a 1 ¼ inch curling iron.
- When finished, use your fingers to separate the curls for them to appear natural and bouncy.
- Add a light finishing spray for hold and shine.
Look how this slightly wavy side ponytail creates a flawless definition of a round-shaped face. It takes away the attention from the round face and instead draws it to the top of your head and the volume. Another advantage of a side ponytail is that you can do it in less than five minutes!
Balayage Wavy Hair
Balayage on wavy hair is the best way out if you would like to go platinum but still have some second thoughts. You can use it at various heights, just like the internationally-known hairstylist & educator Kristina Youssef does, to get the best from the snow white blond but still have a warmer tone left. You still keep worrying about your round face?
Styling Tip: Make a side part to keep the balance with your shape and add up some curls.
First of all, you need to remember that messy braids always look casual and edgy. They are ideal for round faces when worn draped over one shoulder, which elongates the silhouette. If that is what you want – go ahead!
- Start with parting your hair in two sections
- Make two braids.
- Don’t forget to secure your ends!
- For a messier look – loosen your braids as much as you feel comfy with.
Space buns are totally trending these days. But instead of going all messy and stuff, opt for two sleek space buns. The effect will be as stunning. These buns can also be worn with wispy bangs to soften and flatter round facial features. Time to show the beauty of your face in a new light!
Half Up Half Down Braid
A half up half down braid, like this one, made by the luxury bridal hair and makeup artist and educator from Florida, Shakhzoda Tapilova, is what you need to look extraordinary sweet. Make sure that the crown formed by braids is clearly noticeable!
Messy High Bun With Bangs
Since the unpleasant too-round silhouette is what you want to avoid, you either need a proper frame or tons of volume in your hair. Okay, in fact, there’s one more option, which actually can take your look to the next level and literally steal the show wherever you are -high bun with bangs.
LHS Editors’ Advice: To work on your rounder cheeks, you can combine volumetric styling ideas with the framing magic of a fringe, creating your own beautifying weapon that will put an end to all insecurities.
Low Wavy Pony With Bow
This low ponytail forms a voluminous textured crown on the top that visually elongates your face. Plus, there are a couple of lovely cascading pieces that gently frame your hair right at your cheekbones. Thus, whether you need to impress your man at a date or you want to add romantic vibes to your look, this hairstyle is there for you.
Styling Tip: Pair this look with waves and finish it with a classic bow to enhance the girly character.
Updo With Side Parted Long Bangs
Side bangs will add the needed volume and also provide a bit of an edge to your look. As for hairstyles for round faces that you can rock with this fringe, nothing will work better than a simple twisted updo. In this way, you will make your fine locks appear balanced while also building harmony for your facial features.
LHS Editors’ Advice: Don’t be afraid of cutting the front portion into a fringe, it’s not a sacrifice; it’s a step toward your style improvement.
As you know, curly hair texture never lacks fullness. That’s what can work for your round face though! You will love the way your side-swept curly mane re-builds the silhouette of your hair, which will lead to a well-balanced round face!
Styling Tip: Make sure to apply some firm help to your curls so that they hold the shape.
Side Hollywood Waves
Hollywood waves fit all hair types, all face shapes, all hair lengths, and all ages. Once you let them into your life, be it your prom or night party, you will never be able to forget how beautiful you looked with this style.
LHS Editors’ Advice: The front flip is a magic wand that will make your face appear more oval, and long waves will complete your feminine look.
Low Sleek Bun
Again, you can’t go wrong with sleekness. This time, this truth is revealed by a graceful minimalist updo that reflects the shine. There’s no need to tell you how easy this style is, but, this simplicity is what will make your round face look more exquisite.
- To make it fit your face shape, create a deep side part and then put your hair in a bun.
- Such a visual imbalance will draw attention to a slight angle, and your face won’t ever appear too big.
- Don’t forget about a shine-enhancing spray to make heads turn with your sleek finish!
Double Dutch Braids
If you have a closer look at these two tight braids, you will see some lively effortless locks left out. Believe it or not, leaving a couple of such messy strands from both sides will be enough to turn a round silhouette into a more balanced oval shape. So, not be afraid to open up your face with hairstyles like this!
Side Fishtail Braid
If you want your braid to suit your round face, then style it to the side, like this fishtail braid made by the Brazilian hair artist, founder of the ojoaquimacademy, Joaquim Ferreira. You will have so much volume on the top to make your round face show up from a new pleasant perspective.
Messy High Pony
Round faces usually look bigger than they are because of very tight hairstyles. The good news is, you can benefit from the stylish appearance of messy hairstyles, as well as their face-flattering magic. Just look at this high ponytail by Sophie Sugarman. Yes, it is also one of the hottest hairstyles for round faces!
- Add a sense of freedom to your hair by applying some lightweight texturizing product
- Tousle it up, and put it into a loose high ponytail.
Braided Pony With Hair Clips
This high braided ponytail with a tousled and textured crown is another great option for round-faced beauties. Needless to say, on colored hair, this idea looks even more breathtaking. Hey, some fancy hair clips won’t hurt, too!
High Pony With Thin Bangs
The secret of making this high ponytail more significant and attention-grabbing lies in the right choice of bangs. Besides working on the round parts of your face, this hairstyle will also add more character to your look. It just so happens that a simple wave and a lightweight fringe give a lot of seductive energy to the look!
Styling Tip: Ask your hairstylist to texturize the bangs so that they are thin and flexible, ensuring that they don’t overlap your beautiful brows.
Upside Down Braids With High Bun
This intricate style gathers all of your hair up in a bun secured with super defined braids on the back of the head. As a result, you get a versatile style that will complement both your basic and evening looks. Since it’s an upside-down hairstyle, you can use the rest of the locks falling to the front as bangs, giving yourself a bit elongated frame.
Double Fishtail Braids
Fishtail braids are as different as you want them to be. If you’re into classics, they’re two tight pigtails stretching down the back of your head. And if you’re one of those who always keep up with the trends, they can show their modern sides. Also, their upper vertical lines visually elongate round faces.
Styling Tip: Before creating braids, pick up two equal sections from the front, tousle them a little, and pin them at the back. This will make your crown more voluminous, and therefore build the balance.
Brushed Back Messy Styling
If you love the way this volumetric styling works for your face shape, why don’t you go for this classic brushed-back hairdo? The truth is, it doesn’t matter what face shape you have when you’ve got tons of volume that steal all the attention!
- You will need to use a lot of hair spray and mousse to try it out, but the result is totally worth it.
- Prep your hair with mousse, and then start blow drying it toward the back, working in layers.
- Once each layer is done, coat it with a generous amoung of hairspray.
Updo Halo Braid
This hairstyle is probably the number one choice of women looking for hairstyles for round faces. While taking minutes, this halo braid updo gives an accentuating feminine touch that adds some height to the look. In other words, it’s a lifeline for girls trying to make their round cheeks appear less obvious.
Styling Tip: You can create this style on any length and wear it with any outfit, by the way. Just start braiding your hair from one side to the other, or simply pin a side braid on the opposite side.
Updo With Free Locks
Some of this haircut's layers are long, and others are short, which can make your styling routine more flexible and hence simple. The short layers are left to embrace the face and work on its silhouette, while longer layers turn into a gentle updo. Voila! A simple approach to styling your hair is the key to being on point.
Sleek High Pony Hairstyles For Round Faces
Another hairstyle for round faces that will impress you with its practicality while amping up all your facial features. By the way, this high sleek ponytail is also a fantastic example of how you can flatter your face for some special event.
FAQ: Hairstyles For Round Faces
What hairstyle suits round chubby face?
Smooth straight hair with a side parting, side bangs with “wingy” waves or a bob cut with side bangs are all acceptable haircuts for a round chubby face. Cuts and styles that help you make the illusion of slimming down the roundness of your face and making it appear longer instead are your best option.
How should I pose for a round face?
A shot taken from an angle is a perfect way to add definition to your cheeks and jaw if you have a wide or round-shaped face. You may still want a slight angle even if you have an elongated face. In order to achieve your desired look, focus on the angle of your chin rather than your entire face.
- Searching for the best haircut for a round face shape. Try one of these 17 inspiring options. Source
- When it comes to hairstyles, there`s no one size fits all business. These hairstyles for round faces are chic and celebrity approved. Source
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Plot Washington DC. Present day. Nick Naylor, the Chief Spokesperson of the Academy of Tobacco Studies, a pro-tobacco lobby group, is a guest on a television chat show. He initially receives a scathing reaction from the studio audience and fellow guests. However, through his unconventional and charismatic reasoning, he manages to win them round. Returning to Washington, Naylor attends a “What My Dad Does” day for his son Joey, and is so convincing in his argument that the teacher has to ask him to leave. At a press conference, Senator Finistirre proposes the labelling of cigarette packets with the word ‘POISON’. Naylor is summoned to see Captain, the boss of Big Tobacco. Captain asks Naylor to convince studio heads and legislators to allow cigarettes to be endorsed in the movies. Naylor is interviewed by journalist, Heather Holloway, who he also sleeps with. Captain sends Naylor a large amount of money, telling him to give it to Lorne Lutch, the original ‘Marlboro Man’, who is dying of cancer and denouncing cigarettes to the press. At first Lutch is reluctant, but Naylor persuades him to keep the money, and keep quiet. Returning to Washington, Naylor is kidnapped by an anti-smoking group and almost killed by being covered with nicotine patches. When he awakes in hospital Naylor is told that the nicotine overdose sent him into a coma, and that due to the stress his body has been through he will never be able to smoke again. Holloway’s story on Naylor is printed, with incriminating information that Naylor considered ‘off-record’ included. Naylor loses his job, but decides to attend the congressional hearing that Finistirre invited him to. Outwitting Finistirre, Naylor prevents the bill from passing and starts a PR company through which he will advise on the link between mobile phone use and brain cancer.
Film note Thank You For Smoking (TYFS) received a world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival in 2005, where its positive reception triggered a bidding war won by Fox Searchlight who paid $7m to distribute the film. The film was Reitman’s directorial predecessor to Juno (2007), one of the most profitable films of the early 2000s. Both films were funded independently and had a production budget of around $7.5m, with Juno making an impressive $143.5m at the box office. Despite the festival buzz, TYFS was not as financially successful as Juno; it did, however, bring in a healthy profit of roughly four times its budget. This return was equivalent to Reitman’s latest film Up In the Air (2009), which was his first to be funded and produced not as an independent but by a recognised Hollywood studio (Paramount).
A mainstream indie Despite its indie pedigree, the film, both in production value and narrative style, displays a mainstream sensibility. The film is shot with Panavision equipment and the image resolution is sharp and glossy. The cast is star-studded and scenes are layered with visual in-jokes courtesy of the art department (something that’s not exactly a common element of a first time independent film). In the offices of Big Tobacco or Senator Finistirre the level of detail in the mise-en-scene stretches to include a collection of Vermont maple syrup bottles and the almost imperceptible appearance of cigarettes in the form of the Venetian blind design. Such attention to detail is more frequently seen in studio films with larger budgets.
Compared to other independent success stories, TYFS is clearly not a project tailored to fit the meagre resources available to its creators, such as a narrative told through a handheld camera, like in The Blair Witch Project (1999), or set in a specific location that just happened to be freely available, such as the convenience store in Clerks (1994). The film was never intended to be an independently funded production, and to look at the finished result it would be hard to recognise it as such. For this reason, TYFS does not fit comfortably under the bracket of independent cinema. In fact, the film’s industrial status is indicative of the increasing difficulty of adjudging what counts as an independent film in contemporary US cinema.
While the involvement of a Hollywood studio seems to be the deciding factor in whether a film will get effective distribution, and therefore make the largest profit possible, Geoff King notes that “a great deal of Hollywood production today can be described as ‘independent’ [as] projects are often initiated and pursued by entities that exist formally beyond the bounds of the majors [and] in most such cases the films that result belong solidly to the Hollywood mainstream” (5). This business model is a mutually beneficial form of risk management, that stops the studio sinking too much of their money and resources into a film that doesn’t already fit a trend or style that has been proven to make a profit. TYFS appears to fit this “semi-independent” model. The rights of the satirical novel by Christopher Buckley were sold to Icon Productions, who purchased it with the hopes of making it as a Mel Gibson vehicle. It was at this point that Reitman, a young aspiring filmmaker with only a few shorts to his name, approached the production company with his draft of a screen adaptation. Reitman was hired but the project was held in pre-production limbo before being dropped by Icon. Reitman then found funding from a source outside of Hollywood in David O. Sacks’ production company, Room 9 Entertainment. Sacks, a co-founder of the internet money transfer service Paypal, set up an equity fund in which Room 9 could develop, produce and finance independent features. The mandate of the company is “to find smart, original stories based on outstanding and unique source material that, while independent in flavour, can resonate with mainstream audiences and attract top talent” (qtd. in Newman). This emphasis upon attracting “top talent” is most obvious in the film’s casting, an aspect that clearly singles out TYFS as an anomaly in the history of independent US cinema. The sheer number of recognised stars in the ensemble cast–including Aaron Eckhart, William H. Macy, Robert Duvall, Katie Holmes and Rob Lowe–gave the film a bankability that was without precedent for the first feature-length film by a director with virtually no experience. Recognised stars have been known to get involved in independent films with miniscule budgets at a fraction of their usual salaries; James Spader in Steven Soderburgh’s Sex, Lies and Videotape (1989), for example. However, being able to attract so many well-known names is a distinctive feature of TYFS.
In the director’s commentary on the DVD release, Reitman cites a number of factors explaining why so many big names were attracted to the project, including the talent of casting director Mindy Marin and the more pragmatic reason that the film was an “ensemble piece, that worked like an odyssey in which we could bunch everyone’s scenes in to two to five days at a time”, noting in particular how Rob Lowe shot all his scenes in one day. Reitman also recognises the magnetic pull of lead actor, Aaron Eckhart, stating that “when Aaron signed on to do this movie […] people wanted to work with him and they believed in the project”. Indeed, the charm of Ekchart, and the character he plays, Nick Naylor are crucial in making the film accessible. Reitman worked to make Naylor more likeable through a significant change to the plot of the novel, stating that although much of the dialogue featured in the film is “a direct lift from the book [I also] wrote more scenes of Nick and Joey bonding because I wanted to see the two of them come together. I thought that Joey humanized Naylor, that if this young boy could love his father, then the audience could’ (Reitman & Buckley, 2005). The character of Joey is expanded from a name-only mention in Buckley’s novel into a solid supporting character in the film. Reitman uses Joey as a narrative device to make Naylor seem more sympathetic to the audience, and it is through the interactions between the two that Naylor has the opportunity to try and justify who he is and what he does.
On the film’s release, it was widely speculated in the press that the reason for the quality of the cast on a first-time feature was due to nepotism. The director is the son of Ivan Reitman, the successful director of films such as Ghostbusters (1984) and Kindergarten Cop (1990), and the producer of Old School (2003). The writer Sharon Waxman dryly observed how “Mr. Reitman is not starting from the bottom; he drives a BMW sport utility vehicle and is a regular at a pricey sushi joint’ (Waxman). Such an assumption would appear to be logical, as Hollywood (much like any creative industry) has a tendency to look after its own. Directors such as Jennifer Lynch and Sofia Coppola have, through films such as Lost In Translation (2003) and Surveillance (2008), defined themselves beyond their filmmaker fathers, however it is interesting to note that on these projects both David Lynch and Francis Ford Coppola were credited as executive producers. Despite this trend, Reitman claims that his father had nothing to do with the production of his first feature film.
When Australian film critic David Stratton broached this question in an interview, Reitman reasoned that “if my father had called any of those people and said, ‘Would you do my son’s movie?’ the reaction of someone like Robert Duvall would be, ‘Are you fucking kidding me? I’m not going to do a movie because your son’s making a movie. I’m an actor. I’m a professional’” (qtd. in Stratton). Also, Ivan Reitman was not credited in either of his son’s first two films, appearing as a producer only on his first studio film, Up In The Air. In the interview with Stratton, Reitman even suggests that the connections to his father worked against him when he was first looking for financial backers, singling him out as a Hollywood brat, explaining that “I tried to make this movie in Hollywood, I went to every studio with my screenplay and no one would make it. It was finally made completely independently […] so, if nepotism works, I’m doing it wrong.’ (qtd. in Stratton). It is worth noting here how Reitman acknowledges that TYFS began as a studio picture, but then defines the film as outside of the Hollywood system; a clear indication of the position the film occupies somewhere between the two sectors.
Pro-choice TYFS’s acerbic tone is what divides the film most obviously from the more mainstream work of Ivan Reitman and Hollywood at large. This tone is set and sealed in the opening scene as Naylor manages to talk his way into the favour of an aggressive studio audience on a fictional talk show. Through his charm, Naylor manages to persuade the guest brought on to the show to indict him (a child given the label, ‘Cancer Boy’) into supporting him, ending the scene with him shaking the hand of the boy as he waves to the audience. Naylor approaches the ever-rising smoking death toll he is held partially responsible for with a caustic, deliberately careless humour, comparing himself with Attila the Hun and Genghis Khan. His cavalier attitude is most evident in the scene where the MOD-squad argue over who has to defend their company against the most deaths per year. It ends with Naylor triumphantly declaring, “how many alcohol related deaths are there a year? One hundred thousand, tops? That’s what, two hundred and seventy a day? How many gun related deaths a year? Eleven thousand – are you kidding me? That’s [only] thirty a day”. Of course, smoking-related deaths – his remit – trump all others.
Naylor’s slick performance brought TYFS criticism, with reviewers accusing the film of being “amusing and clever, but only skin deep” (Kit 2006) and “as harmless and inconsequential as a candy cigarette” (Winter, 2006). Others identified the performance as central to the film’s acerbic wit. Kenneth Turan wrote in the Los Angeles Times that in this role as an anti-hero, Aaron Eckhart creates “a character who can be convincingly amoral but also engaging and likable, someone whose actions horrify us but whose enthusiastic brio and ability to make the system do his bidding turn him into the hero almost against our will” (2006). Indeed, Naylor is a strong example of the appeal of the anti-hero that has been dominant within Hollywood cinema for much of the contemporary period. With the popularity of characters such as Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, Wolverine from the cinematic adaptations of X-Men and the revival of the Batman franchise, it seemed that there has been a desire for heroes who are a good deal less than perfect, and have a greater charm, charisma and strength of personal identity rather than being ciphers of simple virtue or patriotism. In this context, a protagonist that is as openly self-serving and unapologetically politically incorrect as Naylor was well received.
Reitman has claimed that he does not inhabit a particular political position, asserting that TYFS is first and foremost a comedy, with no strong ideological stance or moral perspective. Reitman’s core message is simple that individual choice is paramount – people should be permitted to make up their own minds about an issue. For example, the exact message that’s intended to be taken from the kidnap of Naylor and the attempt on his life is left very open: after Naylor receives a death threat, he refuses to acknowledge it as a genuine danger until it is too late. What his attackers do to him is against the law, and by pursuing their cause – something which is never explicitly defined in the film, yet assumed to be involved with raising awareness to the dangers of smoking – through terrorist methods the positivity of an anti-cigarette message is negated. Similarly, the exact nature of their attack – covering Naylor from head to foot with nicotine patches– can be read as a twisted form of justice, particularly when considered against the previous scene, in which Naylor boasts about the smoking death-toll to his MOD-squad buddies.
It was this lack of commitment to a moral position that caused the greatest debates with both Icon Productions, and with the studios that were approached by Reitman when Icon abandoned the project. It appears that Hollywood was keen for Reitman to give his adaptation a “happy ending” that settled on the side of the anti-smoking lobby instead of upholding a seeming apolitical moral ambiguity, or as Naylor describes it “flexibility”, over the issue of social wellbeing against the freedom of speech and personal choice. Indeed, it was revealed after release that an alternative ending was actually filmed, in which after defeating the proposition for all cigarette packets to be marked with a ‘POISON’ label, Nick reacts badly to his son Joey putting a cigarette to his lips and getting ready to light it. Yet, cigarettes are subtly absent for the majority of the film, with the only person smoking on screen being John Wayne in some archive footage, and the poignant ending would have problematized the audience’s finely balanced empathy for the father/son relationship, prompting Reitman to cut the scene.
The exposé genre in general is a common one (The Insider (1999), Erin Brockovich (2000)), but in the previous decade the genre has seen a sharp rise in popularity in independent film, with a number of films seeking to show the “truth” behind capitalist corporations, political parties, and big business. The offer of a look behind the glossy, defensive advertising/PR images has proved to be an appealing one, with Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004), for example, grossing a massive $119.2m at the box office – almost twenty times its production budget – and Morgan Spurlock’s personal approach to exposing the dangers of McDonalds, Super-Size Me (2004) taking in $11.5m on a shoestring budget of $65,000. The sudden popularity for these independent films is interesting in that they appear orientated towards exposing the consumerism that much of Hollywood endorses. Unlike these exposé style films, TYFS does not offer any kind of revelation, with an accompanying agenda of demonising a certain political figure or corporation, but instead presents the work of spin doctoring merely as fact and as satirical entertainment. Reitman states that “we’re so used to lying and spinning that when you finally hear the truth, it sounds pretty funny”, and it is this bald, if corrupted truth, combined with the film’s uniquely political stance that seems to give TYFS a comedic, rather than revelatory, resonance (qtd. in Waxman, 2006).
Most telling though is that, at the 64th Golden Globe Awards, TYFS was nominated in the Best Musical or Comedy category, but five weeks later went on to win the Best Screenplay at the 2006 Independent Spirit Awards. This idea of a film that exhibits mainstream Hollywood stylistics with a more independent thematic sensibility is one that has come to define the work of Jason Reitman. His films are very popular with audiences, yet they are regularly described as being ‘kooky’ or ‘left-field’. It appears that Reitman is part of a new wave of filmmakers, along with directors like Wes Anderson and Spike Jonze, who through work that blurs the distinction between independent and Hollywood filmmaking and which eschews the adoption of clear political positions, secures large audiences for seemingly left-field projects.
Buckley, Christopher. Thank You For Smoking. London: Allison & Busby, 1994. Print.
Kit, Borys. “Review: Thank You For Smoking“. Jun. 21 2006. Web. 02.03.2011.
King, Geoff. American Independent Cinema. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2005. Print.
Newman, Michael R. “About Room 9 Entertainment”. no date given. Web. 02.03.2011.
Reitman, Jason. “Jason Reitman Interview”. no date given. Web. 02.03.2011.
Reitman, Jason and Buckley, Christopher. “Thank You For Smoking: Production Notes. Los Angeles: Fox Searchlight Press, 2005. Print.
Stratton, David. (2006) “Thank You For Smoking Interview: Jason Reitman”. Aug. 16 2006. Web. 02.03.2011.
Turan, Kenneth. “Thank You For Smoking: film review”. Mar 17 2006. Web. 02.03.2011.
Voynar, Kim. “Interview with Thank You For Smoking director Jason Reitman’”. Mar. 23 2006. Web. 02.03.2011.
Waxman, Sharon. “The Son Also Directs” Sept. 10 2005. Web. 02.03.2011.
Winter, Jessica. “Thank You For Smoking review” Jun. 14 2006. Web. 02.03.2011.
Written by Jessica Bates (2009); edited by Tom Reynolds (2010).
This article may be used free of charge. Please obtain permission before redistributing. Selling without prior written consent is prohibited. In all cases this notice must remain intact.
Copyright © 2009 Jessica Bates/Mapping Contemporary Cinema
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Last Updated on September 15, 2023 by Chase Reiner
Yes, men can wear UGGs. To find affordable UGG boots, consider outlets, clearance sales, and online marketplaces. Prices vary, but discounts of up to 50% off retail prices are common, especially during seasonal sales events.
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Can Men Wear Uggs?
Uggs, the iconic sheepskin boots that were once considered the ultimate winter footwear for women, have become a fashion statement for both genders in recent years. However, the question remains – can men wear Uggs? The answer is a resounding yes! Gone are the days when Uggs were solely reserved for the ladies. Men can now rock these cozy and stylish boots with confidence. Here is a stylish guide on how men can confidently wear Uggs and make a fashion statement.
- Embrace Versatility: Uggs offer a wide range of styles and colors that cater to various tastes. Men can opt for classic tall or short boots, or they can choose a more rugged and masculine style. The versatility of Uggs allows men to find a pair that suits their personal style and makes a statement.
- Pair with Casual Outfits: Uggs are perfect for creating a casual and laid-back look. Pair them with jeans or khakis, and top it off with a cozy sweater or a leather jacket. This combination is not only comfortable but also effortlessly stylish.
- Mix and Match with Accessories: To add a touch of sophistication to your Ugg ensemble, accessorize with a beanie, scarf, or gloves. These cozy accessories will not only keep you warm during the chilly months but will also elevate your overall outfit.
- Don’t Fear the Colors: While classic neutrals like black and brown are always a safe bet, don’t shy away from experimenting with different colors. Opt for a bold pair of Uggs in vibrant shades like navy, green, or even red. These eye-catching hues will add a unique twist to your outfit.
- Consider the Occasion: While Uggs are perfect for everyday wear, they may not be suitable for certain formal events or professional settings. It’s important to consider the occasion and dress appropriately. Save your Uggs for casual outings, weekends, or relaxed social gatherings.
- Take Care of your Uggs: To maintain the longevity and appearance of your Uggs, it’s crucial to take proper care of them. Clean them regularly using a suede brush and specialized cleaner. Additionally, treat them with a waterproof spray to protect them from the elements. By taking care of your Uggs, you’ll ensure that they stay stylish and comfortable for years to come.
- Confidence is Key: The most important aspect of wearing Uggs is confidence. Own your style and rock your boots with pride. Remember, fashion knows no boundaries, and anyone can wear whatever they feel comfortable in. So, if you love Uggs, go ahead and wear them confidently!
In conclusion, men can absolutely wear Uggs and embrace their comfort and style. With the right outfit combinations, accessories, and a dash of confidence, Uggs can make a fashion-forward statement for the modern man. So, don’t hesitate to grab a pair and step out in style!
Cheapest Place To Buy UGGs
Finding the cheapest place to buy UGG boots depends on various factors like location, timing, and discounts. Here are some options to consider:
- Outlet Stores: UGG outlet stores often offer significant discounts compared to regular retail prices. These outlets can be found in outlet malls or shopping districts. Check for clearance sales and special promotions for even greater savings.
- Online Retailers: Websites like Amazon, Zappos, and frequently have discounted UGG boots. Keep an eye on their deals and discounts, which can vary based on availability and season.
- End-of-Season Sales: Shopping at the end of winter or the UGG boot season can yield substantial savings, as retailers try to clear out inventory to make room for new arrivals.
- Secondhand Market: Consider checking platforms like eBay or Poshmark for gently used UGG boots. You can find pre-owned pairs at a fraction of the original price.
- Official UGG Website: UGG’s official website occasionally offers limited-time promotions and discounts, especially during holidays or special events.
- Local Department Stores: Look for sales and promotions at local department stores like Macy’s, Nordstrom, or Dillard’s. They often run seasonal sales events.
- Membership Discounts: If you’re a member of organizations like AAA or AARP, or if you have a student ID, you may be eligible for additional discounts at certain retailers.
- Coupon Websites: Check coupon websites like RetailMeNot or Honey for UGG-specific coupons or promo codes that can be applied to your purchase.
What Does UGG Stand For?
UGG stands for the name of the company that makes Uggs, called “Ugg Australia”. This is a brand which is sold in many different countries around the world. It was founded in 1978 and offers sheepskin boots to customers all over the globe! The first pairs were made by hand but now they are manufactured using machines of the same quality as handmade ones.
Are Uggs Unisex?
Yes, uggs are unisex! Men can wear them without any issues. The only thing they need to do is make sure that the size of their boots corresponds to their shoe size. Why? Simply because a man’s feet will probably be larger than a woman’s feet and so it may not fit as well if he wears her UGGS instead.
Are Ugg Boots Out Of Style 2023?
Ugg boots have been a winter staple for many years, known for their cozy sheepskin lining and comfortable fit. While fashion trends continue to evolve, the question arises: are Ugg boots out of style in 2023? Let’s dive in and debunk some of the commonly held notions.
- The Classic Appeal:
Despite changing fashion trends, Ugg boots have managed to retain their classic appeal over the years. Their timeless design and unparalleled comfort have made them a favorite among many. Ugg boots have become synonymous with laid-back style, perfect for everyday wear during the colder months.
- Celebrities Still Love Them:
Celebrities often set trends, and when it comes to Ugg boots, they continue to showcase their affection for this iconic footwear. Countless A-listers can be seen sporting Uggs, proving that they are still very much in vogue. From supermodels to Hollywood actresses, Ugg boots are frequently seen on the red carpet and in paparazzi shots.
- Versatile and Functional:
One of the reasons for the longevity of Ugg boots’ popularity is their versatility and functionality. These boots are perfect for both indoor and outdoor wear, keeping your feet warm and cozy in harsh winter conditions. Whether you pair them with jeans, leggings, or dresses, they effortlessly elevate any outfit with a relaxed and effortless charm.
- Constantly Evolving Styles:
Ugg boots have a range of styles to choose from, including the classic Mini, Classic Tall, and Classic Short. In addition to the original lineup, Ugg continually introduces new designs and collaborations, keeping up with current fashion trends while preserving their signature comfortable appeal. With different color options and variations, you can always find a style that suits your taste and complements your wardrobe.
- Sustainability and Ethical Practices:
Another factor that makes Ugg boots a desirable choice is the brand’s commitment to sustainability and ethical practices. Ugg ensures that their sheepskin is sourced responsibly and they prioritize reducing their carbon footprint throughout the manufacturing process. As more consumers gravitate towards sustainable fashion choices, the environment-friendly values of Ugg boots further contribute to their appeal.
Contrary to popular belief, Ugg boots are not out of style in 2023. These cozy and iconic boots have managed to withstand the test of time, continuously evolving in style while retaining their classic appeal. Celebrities still adore them, and their versatility and functionality make them a go-to choice for comfort seekers. With a commitment to sustainability and ethical practices, Ugg boots have adapted to meet the demands of the modern fashion-conscious consumer. So, go ahead and embrace the comfort and style that Ugg boots bring to your winter wardrobe!
Should You Wear Socks With UGGs?
Yes, you can wear socks with UGGs in the winter. But it can depend on how cold it is outside. In really low temperatures (below freezing point), then yes but if not then no because your feet will be sweating and that’s never a good thing especially when they’re inside of boots!
Are Uggs Bad?
Uggs are not bad at all! They can be very comfortable and warm in the winter, but it depends on your preference. Some people like wearing UGG boots with socks while others don’t wear them at all so that their feet can breathe properly. It’s ultimately up to you what you prefer – just make sure they fit well for whatever type of weather or climate you’re living in since wool is sensitive to high temperatures too.
Why Are Uggs So Expensive?
The price of Uggs can vary depending on the style and material that you want. You can get a pair for less than $100, but if you want to buy designer ugg boots then it’ll cost more – usually around $500-$1000 USD. But in general, they are expensive because they’re made with high quality materials like wool which has become very rare these days since there isn’t as much demand anymore. This means that manufacturers need to spend more money buying the raw materials so it drives up prices too.
Are Uggs Worth The Money?
There are a lot of people out there that think they’re worth the money. Some say it’s because these boots can last for decades and will keep your feet pretty warm too, but others disagree saying that if you don’t wear them often then they’ll just be taking up space in your closet or being clunky to carry around with you just in case. It really depends on how much use an individual is going to get from their Uggs since some people like wearing them all year round while others only need them at certain times of the year when the weather gets colder – or warmer!
What Boots Are In Style For 2023?
As fashion evolves, footwear trends constantly change, and boots are no exception. In 2023, we can expect new and exciting boot styles to dominate the fashion scene. Whether you’re a fan of edgy, classic, or eclectic looks, there’s a boot style for everyone. Get ready to elevate your shoe game with our list of the top 10 boot styles that will be in vogue in 2023.
- Chunky Combat Boots:
This iconic 90s boot style is making a strong comeback in 2023. Chunky combat boots with thick soles and laces bring an edgy and rebellious vibe to any outfit. These sturdy boots are perfect for adding a touch of toughness to your wardrobe, whether paired with jeans, dresses, or skirts.
- Knee-High Boots:
Knee-high boots have always been a fashion staple, and they’re going to continue ruling the fashion scene in 2023. From flat styles to heeled versions, knee-high boots effortlessly elongate the legs and provide a sleek and elegant look. These versatile boots can be worn with dresses, jeans, or skirts for a stylish and sophisticated appearance.
- Western-inspired Boots:
If you’re looking to channel some cowgirl chic, you’ll be pleased to know that western-inspired boots are going to be all the rage in 2023. These bold and striking boots often feature pointed toes, intricate stitching, and decorative details, perfect for giving an outfit a touch of the Wild West.
- Slouchy Boots:
Slouchy boots emerged as a hot trend in 2022, and their popularity is set to continue into 2023. These relaxed, yet stylish boots are characterized by their loose fit and gathered detailing around the ankles. Slouchy boots effortlessly add a dose of effortless cool to any ensemble.
- Square-Toe Boots:
Say goodbye to pointy toes because square-toe boots are making a huge comeback this year. Praised for their contemporary and sleek feel, square-toe boots offer a modern twist to any outfit. Whether you choose ankle boots or knee-highs, these stylish footwear options are guaranteed to catch attention on the streets.
- Patent Leather Boots:
For those seeking to make a statement, patent leather boots are the way to go in 2023. The glossy finish of these boots adds a luxurious and polished touch to any look. Whether you opt for ankle boots or over-the-knee styles, patent leather boots are sure to turn heads.
- Chelsea Boots with a Twist:
The classic Chelsea boot gets a playful update in 2023. Expect to see embellishments like chains, studs, or unique cutouts, transforming this timeless boot into a fashion-forward statement piece. These boots are versatile, comfortable, and truly a must-have for any fashion enthusiast.
- Sock Boots:
Sock boots have been a popular choice in recent years, and their appeal shows no signs of diminishing in 2023. These form-fitting boots offer a sleek and minimalistic aesthetic while providing comfort and versatility. Sock boots are perfect for both casual and dressy occasions, making them a practical choice for year-round wear.
- Hiker Boots:
Enjoy outdoor-inspired style even when you’re not hiking with trendy hiker boots. These rugged and functional boots are not only stylish but also practical for the colder seasons. They often feature chunky soles, lace-up closures, and sometimes even faux fur lining. Hiker boots are a perfect blend of fashion and functionality.
- Metallic Boots:
If you’re looking to make a bold and futuristic statement, metallic boots will be your go-to choice for 2023. These dazzling boots in shimmering silver, gold, or colorful metallic shades bring an element of glam to any outfit. Whether you opt for ankle boots or over-the-knee styles, metallic boots are sure to make you stand out from the crowd.
How Long Do Ugg Boots Last?
The lifespan of a Uggs boot will vary depending on how often it is worn and the weather conditions in which it’s being used. The average life expectancy can be anywhere from one to five years, but this all depends on factors like frequency of wear and general wear-and-tear.
What Can I Replace Uggs With?
There are many alternatives to Uggs. One cheaper substitute is using a pair of wool socks with rubber grips on the soles, while an even more budget-conscious option would be a cheaper, warmer sock alternative like those made from synthetic materials or cotton.
How can I replace my old and worn out ugg boots? New Ugg boots may seem like the logical choice but they’re surprisingly expensive for what you get! It’s not uncommon for one boot to cost north of $150 which doesn’t make it any easier if your last pair just wore through after only two winters worth of wear (or less!).
Where Is The Cheapest Place To Buy UGGs?
A good place to buy UGGs is from ebay. You can find some really cheap prices there, but you have to be careful about the seller and do your research before making a purchase of this kind! For example, if they say that it’s new when in fact it’s used or if they are charging too much for shipping then those things should raise flags and make one wary. Beyond that though, the cheapest choice really depends on what you’re buying: boots vs slippers etc.
Why Are Ugg Boots So Popular?
Ugg boots are so popular because they’re super comfy and warm. They can be worn with anything, but most people like to wear them during the winter time or just when it’s cold outside. UGGs have also been a fashion staple for decades now which has helped make them really popular!
The first pairs were made by hand but now they are manufactured using machines with the same quality as handmade ones. The cost of production is ultimately what determines their price point at retail stores: $150-$250 per pair in North America, £50-£100 from UK retailers etcetera. Consumers continue to buy these products despite this increased markup; some even purchase multiple pairs due to an increase in popularity among influencers.
1. Uggs are comfortable
2. Uggs come in a variety of colors and styles
3. The sheepskin lining is warm and cozy
4. They’re easy to slip on (and off)
5. They’re durable – they’ll last years if you take care of them properly
6. You can wear them with anything, from jeans to dresses to skirts to tights and leggings – there’s no such thing as an “ugly” pair of uggs!
1. Uggs are expensive
2. They’re not waterproof
3. The fur is itchy
4. They don’t offer arch support
5. You have to wear socks with them or they’ll make your feet sweat
6. Ugg boots are hard to clean and dry quickly, so you can’t wear them in the rain or snow without getting wet inside your shoes
Hi, this is Chase Reiner from Idaho, USA. I am very passionate about fashion, My blog is all about exploring the latest fashion trends for men. I am a fashion lover and I love finding out what the hottest trends are and sharing all these in this MenNStuff.Com | <urn:uuid:3dbbdd81-4cbe-4c35-96c3-04b49b58c076> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:12:56Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.934872 | 3,824 | 4,442 |
Modules 1–2 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice
Modules 1–2 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice
Writing a personal philosophy statement is one strategy that nurses can use to demonstrate that their professional practice is congruent with the values that they uphold. A generic philosophy statement, such as a philosophy that relates with one’s life values, is one option for the philosophy statement (McEwen & Wills, 2017). It is also possible for it to be a philosophical statement that is in accordance with one’s convictions regarding the nursing profession, or it may be a philosophy that is specific to nursing school. The act of writing a nursing philosophy statement encourages nurses to articulate their core beliefs and examine the ways in which those beliefs relate to their professional work (McEwen & Wills, 2017). In this paper, I will describe how my philosophy of nursing practice accommodates practice concerns and encourages advocacy for social change. I will also present my philosophy of nursing practice. In addition, I will talk about the middle range theories as well as the interdisciplinary theories, focusing on how these theories support and inform my philosophy.
A Philosophy Statement Should Contain the Following Recommendations:
My understanding of nursing is that it is a humanistic science committed to a compassionate concern for maintaining and promoting health, preventing sickness, caring for and rehabilitating the sick and disabled, and promoting health in the general population. My understanding of nursing originates from Virginia Henderson’s conception of the nursing profession. My understanding is that professional nursing is a multifaceted service that aids people in carrying out actions that are beneficial to their health and that these individuals would carry out unassisted if they have the appropriate strength, willpower, or knowledge. To support folks in being independent even when they are in need of assistance as soon as it is possible is a distinctive and valuable contribution made by the nursing profession. My approach to nursing is centered on providing high-quality care that is compassionate, empathic, and centered on the needs of the patient, using the best techniques available. In addition to this, it is governed by the ethical principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, and fairness, all of which assist me in arriving at the choice that is most appropriate.
Modules 1–2 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice
Caring, self-worth, honesty, justice, empathy, and compassion are just a few examples of the personal values that guide my nursing work. I am of the opinion that the practice of nursing is predicated on the principle of compassion, which necessitates maintaining connections with others and ensuring that both individuals and institutions are given significance. Therefore, a nurse who demonstrates a loving attitude creates the capacity for coping in the face of danger and vulnerability in the patient population. My nursing practice is also guided by my professional values, which include a strong dedication to service, autonomy, a belief in the dignity and worth of each individual, and a commitment to education. In order to give quality care that is in line with the most recent recommendations, I think it is imperative for a nurse to make a commitment to education and innovation by constantly seeking to improve their knowledge and abilities in the field.
How the Application of My Philosophy Can Adapt to Your Increased Awareness of Practice Problems When You Are a DNP
The nursing profession struggles with a number of problems, including inadequate staffing, workplace violence, poor safety measures, and a lack of focus on nurse self-care. My philosophy places an emphasis on providing high-quality care that is centered on the patient and tailored to fit the specific requirements of each unique patient. As a doctoral nurse practitioner, I am aware of the challenges that need to be addressed in order for nurses to offer patients with quality treatment and effectively satisfy their requirements. For nurses to be able to deliver care that is both secure and centered on the needs of patients, for example, staffing ratios need to be improved and workplace safety has to be enhanced. Because of the philosophy, I am in a position to exert some influence over the discourse around issues such as staffing, the promotion of safe working environments, ethical care of patients, decisions regarding budgetary allocations for health care, and organizational rules and procedures. In addition, the philosophy has the potential to equip me with the tools necessary to function as a moral actor within the context of nursing practice and to cultivate the ability to identify, reflect upon, and carry out moral obligations.
Modules 1–2 Assignment: Written Philosophy of Nursing Practice
How the Advocacy of Social Change is Supported or Reflected in My Philosophy as a Doctor of Nursing Practice
Advocating for social justice and the nursing profession by critically examining health policy in order to bring about social change is one of the fundamental components of a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree. In order to be an active participant in the formation of health care policy, a DNP must first locate areas of weakness within the health care delivery system and then steer legislative efforts via the processes of negotiation and consensus-building (Edwards et al., 2018). Because it emphasizes providing exceptional patient care that is personalized to the needs of each individual, my philosophy is reflective of advocacy for societal change. This is because it will promote better health outcomes for the population as a whole. The ethical value of justice, which places an emphasis on the fair treatment of individuals and the equal distribution of resources, serves as its guiding principle.
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By bridging the gap between theoretical understanding and actual patient care, which is one of the requirements for the Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, I have the potential to become a social activist. Facilitating evidence-based practice (EBP) to enhance patient care and outcomes within the context of the healthcare environment and the community at large is one of the responsibilities of a social change agent (Edwards et al., 2018). Community service is one approach to engage in activities that are beneficial to one’s health. This type of activity can also give members of the community the tools they need to adjust the health behaviors that they engage in, which in turn can lead to improved health outcomes.
The Middle Range Nursing Theories and How They Support My Nursing Practice Philosophy
The scope of middle-range nursing theories is limited; they focus on one particular issue and reflect current nursing practice. The Behavioral System theory developed by Dorothy Johnson and the Theory of Unpleasant Symptoms formulated by Elizabeth Lenz and Linda Pugh are two examples of nursing theories that fall into the middle-range category. According to the Behavioral System idea, each individual possesses a set of behaviors that are purposeful, patterned, and repetitive, and these behaviors make up a behavioral system that is unique to that individual. The notion recommends fostering healthy and productive behavioral functioning in the patient as a means of protecting them from getting sick (Alligood, 2017). The following are the four goals that the model specifies for nursing: to provide assistance to the patient whose behavior is appropriate given the expectations of society.
should provide assistance to the patient so that he can adjust his behavior in ways that are consistent with the biological imperatives. to provide assistance to the patient so that they may derive the greatest possible benefit from the knowledge and expertise of the attending physician while they are ill. should offer support to the patient whose behavior does not suggest that they have been subjected to needless trauma as a result of their sickness (Alligood, 2017). My philosophy is supported by the theory, which demonstrates that a nurse plays a one-of-a-kind function in assisting patients in becoming independent when those patients require assistance. My philosophy focuses on preventing illness from contributing to health, much like the theory, which argues for developing efficient and effective behavioral functioning in the patient in order to prevent illness. In this way, my philosophy is similar to the theory.
The Health Promotion Model provides an analysis of the factors that influence the likelihood that individuals will engage in actions that are beneficial to their health. The model outlines seven cognitive-perceptual elements and five modifying factors that influence a person’s propensity to engage in health-enhancing behaviors. These factors affect a person’s likelihood of participating in these behaviors (Aqtam & Darawwad, 2018). A person’s perceptions of the meaning of health, the importance of health, the health status, and control over health are examples of cognitive-perceptual factors. Other cognitive-perceptual factors include perceived self-efficacy and the benefits and barriers to engaging in health-promoting behavior (Aqtam & Darawwad, 2018). My philosophy is supported by the theory since it shows that a nurse can favorably affect health-promoting behavior in patients, which in turn helps patients achieve healthier states. My worldview places a strong emphasis on health promotion, which I believe has the potential to dramatically affect the health-promoting behaviors of individuals.
The Role of Interprofessional Theories in the Development of My Nursing Practice Philosophy
One definition of an interdisciplinary theory is that it is “a systematic interpretation of a phenomenon that is specific to the discipline of study.” The Complex Adaptive Systems (CAS) theory places a greater emphasis on the ways in which team members communicate and collaborate with one another than it does on the individual qualities of team members (Pype et al., 2018). The CAS provides a framework that enables me to explain patient care needs and processes to other members of the healthcare team, which in turn helps to shape my philosophy of nursing practice. As a DNP, the theory enables me to engage in conversation and critical thinking with other members of the healthcare team. When working within an organization that is confronted with obstacles such as uncertainty, the requirement to act, the absence of a predictable outcome, and a high level of complexity, it has proven to be effective (Pype et al., 2018). In addition to that, it has taught me that when an organization is dealing with unpredictability, a leader may best function by delegating control and providing support to members of the organization who are attempting to find answers to the problems.
My approach to nursing is based on the principle that quality care for patients should be personalized to meet the requirements of each specific patient. Caring, self-worth, honesty, justice, empathy, compassion, commitment to service, autonomy, dignity, and devotion to education are some of the values that guide my nursing profession. I am able to apply the philosophy to clinical scenarios in which patient safety, nurse safety, and ethical nursing care are at risk and utilize it to examine, critique, challenge, and argue these issues. My philosophy statement can serve as a map for me to follow as I pursue innovation and the generation of ideas to advance health fairness in society.
Alligood, M. R. (2017). Nursing theorists and their work-e-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Aqtam, I., & Darawwad, M. (2018). Health promotion model: An integrative literature review. Open Journal of Nursing, 8(07), 485-503. doi: 10.4236/ojn.2018.87037
Edwards, N. E., Coddington, J., Erler, C., & Kirkpatrick, J. (2018). The Impact of the Role of Doctor of Nursing Practice Nurses on Healthcare and Leadership. Medical Research Archives, 6(4).
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2017). Theoretical basis for nursing. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Pype, P., Mertens, F., Helewaut, F., & Krystallidou, D. (2018). Healthcare teams as complex adaptive systems: Understanding team behavior through team members’ perception of interpersonal interaction. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-13.
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My Nursing Philosophy
The development of an effective nursing philosophy is one of the most important drivers of the high quality of healthcare services. The rapid expansion of globalization processes, frequent changes in the external environment, political tensions, scientific and technological progress, and other phenomena contribute to a high level of uncertainty surrounding the nursing practice (Black, 2022). The abundance of narratives with conflicting implications makes nursing a challenging profession, especially considering the number of obstacles faced by nurses on a regular basis. In this paper, I would like to discuss my nursing philosophy of patient-centered care in an attempt to show that paying attention to patients, ensuring their safety, and educating them on relevant issues related to their diagnosis, treatment options, and lifestyle adjustments could make a significant contribution to patient satisfaction, wellbeing, and quality of life. The discussion paper relies on the social cognitive and self-care deficit theories to illustrate the significance of my nursing philosophy and illustrate how it could be utilized to provide high-quality care to patients.
Middle Range Theories
Middle-range theories play a major role in social sciences. Unlike “grand theories”, which adopt a deductive research approach in an attempt to advance some general idea, these frameworks start with an empirical phenomenon and address it in a systematic manner. According to Mcewen and Wills (2019), middle-range theories are characterized by a specific focus, operate with a relatively low number of parameters, and address a small number of phenomena. The focus on specific propositions and concepts that can be defined and measured predetermines the growing popularity of middle-range theories in nursing research (Mcewen & Wills, 2019). Because of this reason, it seems justified to refer to such theories in the current discussion paper to illustrate the significance of my nursing philosophy.
Reflection on My Nursing Philosophy
My philosophy of nursing practice is based on the assumption that a patient-centered care approach is capable of providing mutual benefits to nurses and patients. In my experience, unnecessary emergency department (ED) visits and the lack of knowledge of patients’ mental health conditions are critical challenges faced by emergency departments. Hospital staff often does not have the time to properly educate each patient on all the nuances of their diagnosis, home discharge instructions, and continuation of care in the hospital. For example, nurses might not be able to explain in detail all the instructions regarding the administration of meds or the way to change a colostomy bag. Poor communication between healthcare team members regarding such issues undermines the quality of care and results in undesirable outcomes, such as unnecessary ED visits, low patient satisfaction rates, and nurse burnout. I believe that these risks can be mitigated by applying evidence-based practices to improve communication among the healthcare team to better educate patients and improve their safety. The Social Cognitive Theory and Self-Care Deficit Theory offer valuable frameworks for launching and supporting such initiatives.
The Social Cognitive Theory
The social cognitive theory (SCT) is a highly popular theory in social sciences. In the most general view, it could be defined as a framework explaining the effect of individual experiences and various external factors on individual behavior (Strudwick et al., 2016). According to this theory, people usually learn by witnessing the behavior of others in a particular environment or observing changes in their surroundings (Bandura, 2023). It also depicts people as active agents of learning since they not only consume information but also process it in light of their personal attitudes and individual experiences. SCT is of paramount importance for my nursing philosophy because it implies that nurses are in a position to educate patients on relevant aspects of their mental conditions.
One of the key constructs embedded in SCT is the phenomenon of self-efficacy. According to Bandura (2023), self-efficacy refers to the belief that people have full control over their behavior. Addressing self-efficacy is a crucial part of the learning process since it is responsible for the application of new knowledge in practice. The notion of reinforcements, which is another important element of the SCT, also is relevant from this perspective since a combination of positive reinforcements can strengthen an individual’s desire to change their behavior (Aliakbari et al., 2020). SCT offers a convenient and practical framework for maximizing the value of learning by addressing learners’ self-efficacy and applying reinforcements. Both these issues are vital components of my nursing philosophy.
SCT is relevant for understanding the relationships between nurses, physicians, and patients. I believe that healthcare professionals can use SCT to improve patient safety and exchange the best experiences in improving patient education. Pinpointing specific faults committed by members of a unit and demonstrating the appropriate conduct for healthcare team members to watch, learn from, and emulate is an example of how SCT can be utilized to improve patient safety. In addition, individual members of the team can provide direct instruction and feedback to guarantee that the appropriate procedures and education are being followed.
The Self-Care Deficit Theory
The Self-Care Deficit Theory (SCDT) is another construct that is pertinent to my nursing philosophy. This framework emphasizes individual’s capacity to care for themselves (Gligor & Domnariu, 2020). It could be inferred from this theory that healthcare professionals have a responsibility to help patients care for themselves by providing them with the tools and knowledge that are necessary for improving their health and overall wellbeing (Yip, 2021. SCDT might be instrumental in helping patients in emergency rooms and their family members learn how to provide self-care. Such a goal can be accomplished by providing access to resources assisting with self-care, educating patients and family members on the significance of self-care, and creating an environment that supports self-care. These initiatives can improve patients’ health and wellbeing, while also reducing the likelihood of unnecessary emergency department visits in the future.
This discussion paper provided a brief introduction to my nursing philosophy, which is grounded in a commitment to improving the quality of care for patients. I believe that enhanced communication between nurses and patients as well as among healthcare professionals, which can be achieved with the help of the Social Cognitive Theory, can lead to improved patient safety. The theory also might facilitate the exchange of best practices among nurses in regard to patient education. SCT is a highly effective framework that can provide nurses with an opportunity to educate patients on their diagnosis, meds administration instructions, and home discharge by applying reinforcements and appealing to their self-efficacy. A responsibility to help patients care for themselves derives from the Self-Care Deficit Theory. My nursing philosophy suggests that these two theories should be applied together to help nurses communicate with patients, prioritize their self-care needs, and help patients overcome various challenges related to their conditions. In my opinion, these two theories can support the implementation of evidence-based practices to improve patient care.
Aliakbari, F., Alipour, F.M., Tavassoli, E., & Sedehi, M. (2020). The effect of empowerment program based on the social cognitive theory on the activity of daily living in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Education and Health Promotion, 9, 146.
Bandura, A. (2023). Social cognitive theory: An agentic perspective on human nature. Wiley.
Black, B. (2022). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges. Elsevier Health Sciences.
Gligor, L., & Domnariu, C.D. (2020). Patient care approach using nursing theories – Comparative analysis of Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory and Henderson’s model. Sciendo, 25(2), 11-14.
McEwen, M., & Wills, E. M. (2019). Theoretical basis for nursing. Wolters Kluwer.
Strudwick, G., Booth, R., & Mistry, K. (2016). Can Social Cognitive Theories help us understand nurses’ use of electronic health records? Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 34(4), 169-174.
Yip, J.Y.C. (2021). Theory-based advanced nursing practice: A practice update on the application of Orem’s self-care Deficit Nursing Theory. Sage Open Nursing, 7, 1-7. | <urn:uuid:1c0468bf-24be-444a-ba77-90b7cc168981> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T05:39:39Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.936196 | 4,342 | 5,175 |
Scope and policy
|Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical/Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine is a multidisciplinary, open-access, and peer-reviewed journal publishing original research from all fields of tropical medicine (including epidemiology, clinical studies, pathology, and immunology) and infectious diseases. It is the official journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine. The journal publishes Major Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Editorials, Letters to the Editor, Images in Infectious Diseases, Technical Reports, Obituaries, and Special Numbers (supplements). Review articles are invited by the Editor or Associate Editors. The journal publishes manuscripts only in English. Its content is freely accessible to readers, and no publication fee is charged from the authors.
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Introduction: The article’s introduction should be brief, and stating the purposes for which the study has been performed. Previous studies should be cited only when essential.
Methods: The methods used in the study should be clear and sufficiently detailed, so that the readers and reviewers can understand precisely what has been done and allow replication of the study by others. Standard techniques only need to be referenced.
Ethics: If the work involves human subjects, the author should indicate that the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional, regional, or national) and in accordance with the principles of Declaration of Helsinki, 1964, as revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996, and 2000. For animal experiments, the author should indicate whether a national research council’s guide for animal experimentation or any law on the care and use of laboratory animals was complied with. The approval number must be sent to the journal. In case of research on humans, authors must include in the methods section (ethical considerations subsection), a statement that the study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee.
Clinical trials: In the case of clinical trials, the manuscript should be accompanied by the registration number and agency of registration of the clinical trial (REBEC platform).
Results: The results section should be a concise and impersonal account of the new information (all relevant positive and negative findings) revealed by the study. Avoid repeating in the text the data presented in the tables or illustrations and use past tense to write the results.
Discussion: The discussion section should be limited to the significance of the new information and tightly argued, considering the clinical relevance, strengths, and study limitations. Do not include a general review of the topic. Keep the discussion concise and relevant. The main conclusions should be presented as the last paragraph of the discussion section.
Acknowledgments: Any acknowledgments should be short, concise, and restricted to those that are necessary and do not meet the authorship criteria. In case of sponsoring institutions, do not use acronyms.
Conflict of Interest: All authors are required to disclose any type of conflict of interest during the development of the study.
Financial Support: List all the financial support received from agencies, institutions, and other organizations that funded a part or whole of the research.
References: Only references cited in the text should be included in the list at the end of the manuscript. The references should be numbered consecutively in progressive order using Arabic numerals as they appear in the text. The reference list should be formatted according to the Vancouver style. All authors, up to six, must be listed. For seven or more authors, list the first six, followed by “et al.” Type the reference list on a separate page at the end of the manuscript, using double spacing.
Numbered references to personal communications, unpublished data, or manuscripts either “in preparation” or “submitted for publication” should not be listed among the references. Papers accepted for publication should be referred to as “in press” and the letter of acceptance of the journal must be provided. Such material can be incorporated at the appropriate place in the text in accordance with the following examples: (AB Figueiredo: Personal Communication, 1980), (CD Dias, EF Oliveira: Unpublished Data). In-text citations should be indicated using the appropriate reference numbers as superscripts to the corresponding word, separated by comma or hyphen, example, World1,2, Life30,42,44-50. The references at the end of the manuscript should follow the system used in ‘the uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals’ (for more information, please visit The titles of journals referenced should be abbreviated according to the style used in the Index Medicus (for more information, please visit
Responsibility for the bibliographic citations in the text and reference list lies entirely with the authors.
Following are the sample references:
Example 1: Petitti DB, Crooks VC, Buckwalter JG, Chiu V. Blood pressure levels before dementia. Arch Neurol. 2005;62(1):112-6.
Example 2: Freitas EC, Oliveira MF, Vasconcelos ASOB, Filho JDS, Viana CEM, Gomes KCMS, et al. Analysis of the seroprevalence of and factors associated with Chagas disease in an endemic area in northeastern Brazil. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2016;50(1):44-51.
Example: Blaxter PS, Farnsworth TP. Social health and class inequalities. In: Carter C, Peel JR, editors. Equalities and inequalities in health. 2nd ed. London: Academic Press; 1976. p. 165-78.
Example: Carlson BM. Human embryology and developmental biology. 4th ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2009. 541 p.
Example: Diabetes Australia. Diabetes globally [Internet]. Canberra ACT: Diabetes Australia; 2012 [updated 2012 June 15; cited 2012 Nov 5]. Available from: Understanding-Diabetes/DiabetesGlobally/
Illustrations: All illustrations should be submitted as separate files, and named using only the figure number (e.g., Figure 1, Figure 2). All figures should be numbered using Arabic numerals and cited consecutively in the text. Authors can upload colored, or black and white figures.
Titles and Legends: Titles and legends should be typed at the end of the manuscript with double spacing.
Dimensions: The dimensions of the illustrations and figures should not exceed 18 cm width by 23 cm height. The correct specifications for each figure format are as follows:
Tables: Tables should be typed with single spacing, with a short descriptive title (positioned above the table), and submitted as separate files. Legends for each table should be placed below the table. All tables should be numbered using Arabic numerals and cited consecutively in the text. Tables should not have vertical lines, whereas, horizontal lines should be kept to a minimum. Tables should be a maximum of 18 cm wide by 23 cm high, using Arial, size 9 font.
Submission Process: All manuscripts should be submitted online at in accordance with the instructions at the top of each screen. The peer review process is performed completely online.
On Resubmissions and Revisions: The journal differentiates between: a) manuscripts that have been rejected, and b) manuscripts that will undergo further consideration after requested changes have been made.
Resubmissions: If you have received a letter of rejection and wish the editors to reconsider their decision, you may resubmit your manuscript. In this case, your file will be considered a new submission and you will receive a new manuscript number.
Revision: If the peer reviewers recommend revising your manuscript, please send it for a second analysis and review, forwarding the revised manuscript with the same manuscript number as the original.
After Acceptance: Once a manuscript is accepted for publication, the publication process includes the following steps:
Page Charges: There will be no page charges for publication in this journal.
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical/Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine does not provide any kind of translation service.
All manuscripts to be considered for publication in Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical/Journal of the Brazilian Society of Tropical Medicine should be submitted in electronic form via the online submission system (
Journal’s review policy (workflow):
1 – All manuscripts submitted for publication in the journal are initially evaluated by the journal’s administrative staff to ensure that the text complies with the journal’s rules.
2 – Manuscripts that meet the standards of the journal are evaluated by the Editor, Associate Editors, or Section Editors to determine whether they fit into the scope and editorial policy of the journal. Subsequently, the administrative staff sends these manuscripts to the Editor-in-Chief.
3 – The Editor-in-Chief (or Associate/Section Editors) assigns the manuscript to the reviewers.
4 – Each submitted manuscript is sent to at least two reviewers in a double-blinded manner, and a statistical reviewer for evaluation and generation of a reasoned report (peer-review system), which is used by the editors to decide whether to accept the manuscript or not. In case of difference of opinion among the reviewers, the manuscript is sent to a third reviewer to help reach a final decision by the journal’s editorial board.
5 – Reviewer comments (free form review) are forwarded to the corresponding author to address the queries raised by the reviewers.
6 – The authors must respond to the queries, point by point, of each reviewer, highlighted with a different color in the text and return a revised version of the manuscript in accordance with the journal’s guidelines. The revised version is sent back to the reviewers, who provide a final and reasoned report on the manuscript.
7 – Reviewers’ scores of the manuscript and the authors’ responses are analyzed by the Editor, Associate Editors, or Section Editors.
8 – The Editor-in-Chief makes the final decision regarding acceptance or rejection of the manuscript for publication.
9 – The final editorial decision is sent to the authors.
10 – After this step, the editing process is initiated. The accepted manuscripts are sent for English editing and proper review.
11 – The English review results and edited document are sent to the authors for analysis. The authors must state whether they accept the edited version.
12 – Next, the layout process begins. The journal will communicate closely with the corresponding author regarding figures, tables, photographs, maps, illustrations, and the article’s general format.
13 – Authors must disclose any conflicts of interest or financial support and must provide a signed copyright assignment form.
14 – Proofs are sent to the corresponding author to be checked, along with all co-authors for typesetting accuracy.
15 – The final version of each manuscript will be available in 100% open access at | <urn:uuid:c72329a2-6b9d-4ff0-845c-9959bc050791> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:52:34Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.897628 | 5,209 | 5,856 |
Find A Personal Trainer Near Me
Find A Personal Trainer Near Me: Los Angeles Area
Are you completely frustrated with the way you look and feel? Are you looking into the mirror, not fitting into clothes and simply feeling fed up? At Perfect Body Inc., we will help you address these common issues and change both your body and your life.
By the time people get to my web site, they are completely frustrated with the way they look and feel. Looking in the mirror, not fitting into clothes, getting teased at work, or simply feeling tired all the time are all common issues I hear from new clients. I understand that working in today’s stressful fast pace job market has made losing weight and getting in shape seem virtually impossible. I used to work as a Financial Advisor at Smith Barney and I know how hard it is to lose fat and to tone my body while working 50 to 60 hours a week. It can be really tough. But yes, with the right tools our doctor approved program can help you completely reshape your body.
Frequently Asked Questions
Having been working as a Holistic Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach since 2003, I’ve received numerous questions about health and fitness. Here’s a compilation of most asked questions.
Is Losing Weight and Building Muscle Faster With a Personal Trainer?
It seems everyone is on the fitness train trying to lose weight and build muscle. I say trying because it can be a struggle for many to keep the commitment of working out. We start strong but lose steam along the way due to feeling tired, overworked, and overstressed. Having a fitness trainer can make a world of difference, not only in our workouts but also in the way we think and feel about our workouts. Let’s get to the most common questions people have to lose weight:
What are the Best Ways to Lose Weight?
- Make Breakfast High-Protein – Including higher protein at breakfast has been shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the remainder of the day.
- Cut Back on Sugar and Sugary Drinks – Sugar is the enemy when it comes to losing weight, and studies have shown a direct correlation between obesity and the intake of sugar and sugar-sweetened beverages.
- Eat More Protein, Fat, and Low-Carb Vegetables – Consuming protein can boost metabolism by 80 to 100 calories per day.
- Protein Sources: Great choices are lean protein sources such as beef, chicken, wild-caught salmon, and eggs.
- Healthy Fat Sources: Fat isn’t your enemy if chosen correctly. Healthy choices include avocado, olive oil, and nuts like walnuts.
- Low-Carb Vegetable Sources: Include nutritious low-carb vegetable choices such as spinach, broccoli, and Brussel sprouts.
- Include Weight Training into Workouts – When you lift weights, you build muscle, which helps prevent your metabolism from slowing down. Cardio is still essential to get your heart rate up and increase circulation which also burns calories. For more reading visit my blog strength training for weight loss.
- Alternate High and Low-Carb Days – The inclusion of healthy high-carb foods such as yams, squash, yucca and sweet potatoes can boost fat-burning hormones such as Leptin.
- Increase Soluble Fiber Intake – Studies have shown that including soluble fiber into the diet may reduce fat, especially belly fat.
- Get Enough Sleep – The amount of sleep you get can affect your weight and your metabolism. Research shows that not getting enough sleep each night causes a reduction in a hormone called Leptin, which decreases appetite. It also caused an increase in a hormone called Ghrelin, which stimulates the appetite.
- Drink Plenty of Water – The health benefits of water include an appetite suppressant, especially when having one full glass 20 minutes before each meal. A brief scientific review concluded an association between increased hydration and weight loss.
How Long Does it Take to Build Muscle?
Building muscle starts the minute you challenge that muscle, whether it is a squat or picking up a dumbbell to do bicep curls. The process of building muscle begins by tearing it down, causing little micro-tears, which is then followed by a period where it rebuilds.
“It’s as your body repairs the cells, taking in and laying down new structural and contractile proteins, that each muscle cell becomes bigger than it was before,” stated by certified strength and conditioning specialist and registered dietitian Albert Matheny, and co-founder of SoHo Strength Lab in New York City as well as adviser to ProMix Nutrition.
Depending on how often you workout and your dietary intake, most beginners can see noticeable muscle growth within about eight weeks of starting a new routine. More experienced lifters might take three to four weeks, but again, it depends on how often you lift, how much you lift, and the diet that is being consumed.
Is it Worth it to Pay for a Personal Trainer?
Having a fitness trainer brings many advantages, including these top five reasons:
- Reducing the Chance of Injury – Without performing an exercise correctly, the chances of injury are high. The slightest turn in or out with the foot during a squat or lunge could create a torn ligament in the knee. A second set of trained eyes beside you to guide your movements can be the difference between running a marathon or running up a bill at the doctor’s office.
- Helping to Set and Attain Goals – A health coachcan keep you on track when it comes to your specific goals by reminding you and encouraging you when you make improvements along the way. Sometimes we need to be reminded of our end goal, not that we forget, but being reminded helps bring the importance up front and center in our minds.
- Provides the Push You Need to Succeed – Having a personal trainer can give you that added push to go further than we could on our own. An experienced fitness trainer will know how far to push without causing injury and can modify an exercise if it is uncomfortable or too strenuous to perform.
- Motivation and Accountability – Being accountable for showing up regularly to your workouts also provides motivation. Because you are paying for a service, and you want to get the most for your money, slacking off is not an option.
- Expert Advice and Personalized Workouts – Since everyone will have their own unique set of goals they want to attain, having a health coach create a personalized workout is essential. A personal trainer can give advise on a vast array of exercises for one particular muscle as well as provide various modifications if needed.
Being fit is a way of life, and those that make that decision to take care of their bodies benefit the most from having a health coach. So if you are wondering if there is a personal trainer near me, whether it’s in Los Angeles or Santa Monica, or searching for a holistic nutrition coach to help with your diet plan, contact me today! Take that first step to losing weight, building muscle, and feeling fit and fabulous!
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On Reducing Body Fat and Improving Your Lifestyle
Working out and reducing body fat doesn’t have to be complicated, but for many people, it is. Making fitness and healthier food choices part of your lifestyle is not as hard as it sounds.
What Exercise Mistakes do Most Women Make in the Gym?
- Not Using Heavy Weights – Many women have a fear of getting too big or “bulky,” but this is just not true. When your muscles get stronger, you need to increase the weights to train them further.
- Not Fueling Up Enough – When I say fuel, that applies to both food and water, even your car will not run on empty.
- Not Warming Up or Cooling Down – Without stretching and warming up the muscles, you are more prone to injury during your workout.
- Not Setting Realistic Goals – Having a goal is great, but if that goal is too difficult to attain, it can be the cause of disappointment.
- Not Mixing Up Your Routine – Doing the same workout every single day can get boring, as well as our muscles needing a constant challenge to grow.
- Rushing or Taking Shortcuts – Trying to take the easy way out can lead to reduced progress as well as possible injuries.
- Avoiding Carbs – Exercise requires energy, which is what carbs give us.
- Over-training – When we overwork a muscle, it can give out on us and in some cases, tear, causing an injury that could prevent you from working out regularly.
- Bad Form – When your form is bad, you do not work the muscle to its full extent and can lead to a potential injury along the way.
- Too Much Cardio – Too much of anything isn’t good, and that applies to cardio as well.
How to Reduce Body Fat Properly?
- Include Strength Training Into Your Workouts – Fat cells do not require much energy, but muscle cells do, so the more muscle you have, the more your metabolism is raised. In the end, your calories will be partially consumed by the very muscles you are building.
- Add Protein-Rich Foods Into Your Diet – Consuming protein-rich foods such as eggs and chicken help to reduce hunger, increase fullness, and boost the calorie-burning process.
- Get Enough Sleep – Not getting enough sleep will inhibit the reduction in body fat. The reason is that sleep affects our hormones, namely Ghrelin and Leptin. Without enough sleep, Ghrelin levels go up, and Leptin levels go down. When this occurs, hunger increases, and the storing of fat increases. Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night.
- Make Sure to Get Enough Healthy Fats – Make friends with the “good” fats such as olive oil, and avocado.
- Cut Back on Refined Carbs and Sugar – Refined carbs include white bread, white pasta, white rice, pastries, and sweet desserts. Refined carbs are stripped of all bran, fiber, and nutrients.
- Find a Nutrition Coach Near You – Having an educated nutrition coach at your fingertips to help create a healthy balanced diet that is individualized is the key to making better food choices.
- Include Probiotics Into Your Diet – Due to poor eating habits, many people do not have enough good gut flora. A 2015 study confirmed that there was an association between poor gut flora and obesity.
How to Make Fitness and a Healthy Diet Become My Lifestyle?
- Make Your Snacks and Meals for the Week – Planning allows you to incorporate portion control by packaging snacks and meals in portion-controlled containers.
- Gradually Make Healthy Adjustments to Your Diet – It can be overwhelming when we change what we eat, and the worst thing we can do is deprive ourselves entirely of what we normally enjoy. Radical changes such as eating only cabbage soup will lead to short-term weight loss but no long-term success.
- Have Healthy Snacks Readily Available – When cravings hit, you won’t have an excuse to go out for ice cream if you have a healthy alternative ready.
- Bring Back the Joy of Cooking – Healthier eating means that you get to try out new recipes that are nutritious and fun to make.
- Spread the Joy of Your Healthier Lifestyle – Making healthier food choices can also benefit your friends and family, who may also do the same. Seeing how fit you are becoming can have a positive effect on those around you.
- Try Out New Exercises – Doing the same workout every single day can lead to boredom. Try mixing things up with something different, like a yoga class or a Zumba class. If you want to workout at home, borrow a friend’s exercise DVD, or rent one from your local library.
- Set Achievable Goals – Wanting to lose 20 pounds in two weeks is drastic and most likely not achievable, at least not in a healthy way that can be maintained in the long-run. Set small and more manageable goals with the ultimate end-goal at your finish line.
- Keep Track of Your Progress – Keeping a journal of your progress will help keep you on track and motivate you with encouraging changes such as adding more weights to your set compared to the week prior. You can also see if your plank hold is sustainable for a more extended period.
- Find a Personal Trainer Near You – Having a workout buddy is great, but you can’t always rely on them to work out with you. A fitness trainer is there for you and can give you added motivation as well as expert advice on what exercises to do and how to do them properly to prevent injury.
- Listen to Your Body – Allow yourself a rest day because muscles need time to repair.
Feeling fit and fabulous can happen by making small changes slowly to incorporate a healthier lifestyle. There is no better time to start on your path to health and happiness than right this minute, so contact me now and reduce body fat and improve your lifestyle.
On Conquering Weight Loss Obstacles
Losing weight is hard as it is, but adding in obstacles makes it that much harder. The good news is, there are ways to work around these obstacles.
Is Skipping Meals a Good Way to Lose Weight?
We have been told that skipping meals is wrong, especially for weight loss, but over time studies have proven otherwise. A term that has become quite common in the dieting world is intermittent fasting, which is not considered a diet, but rather a pattern of dieting that cycles between periods of fasting and eating.
There are different ways to incorporate intermittent fasting, which has shown to help with weight loss. The three most popular methods include:
- The 16/8 Method – This process involves skipping breakfast, even though we have been told that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Breakfast is the meal that breaks the fast so it can occur at any time. Your fasting period is for 16 hours, and your eating time frame is for 8 hours.
- The Eat-Stop-Eat Method – This procedure is a little more intense and requires 24-hour fasting, which is done once or twice a week.
- The 5:2 Method – For two consecutive days, you will consume 500-600 calories and then resume regular eating for the remaining five days of the week.
Intermittent fasting is a powerful weight loss tool, and has positive effects on your cells and hormones, including the following:
- Drastic Increase in Human Growth Hormone (HGH) – During intermittent fasting, HGH increases, which further aids in fat loss and muscle gain.
- Insulin Sensitivity Improves – Lowered insulin levels occur during intermittent fasting, which makes the stored body fat more accessible.
- Brain Health – Studies have shown that intermittent fasting may protect against Alzheimer’s disease.
- Metabolism – Studies have shown that short-term fasting can increase your metabolic rate by 3.6-14%.
Choosing the food you eat wisely is also essential, so having a nutrition coach nearby would be a great help deciding what to eat during the non-fasting phase.
What is skinny fat?
Being skinny fat is also known as “normal-weight obesity.” According to one 2008 study, “They look healthy, but when we check them out, they have high levels of body fat and inflammation,” says Ishwarlal Jialal, MD, director of the Laboratory for Atherosclerosis and Metabolic Research at UC Davis Health System. “They’re at high risk for diabetes and cardiovascular problems, but you wouldn’t know it from their appearance.”
There are signs to look for if you think you might be skinny fat, including:
- Having a Muffin Top – Even if you are at a healthy weight and appear thin, if you have a muffin top, that is a sign of being skinny fat. Having fat around the middle area of the body, known as visceral fat, is a sign of insulin resistance and having inflammatory proteins present in the body.
- Lowered Ability to Exercise – When someone appears thin, they may lose the incentive to exercise, which may lead to a lack of exercise, and that person ends up becoming more and more unhealthy.
- Genetics – Having a family history of illness such as heart disease, high blood pressure, or diabetes can put you at a higher risk for this happening to you. Regardless of weight or size, a person can still have health problems.
Just because someone is thin does not mean they are in shape. If the body is composed of more fat and less muscle, it can still appear thin externally, but internally it can be dangerous. Eating healthy and getting a proper amount of exercise is the key to undoing skinny fat. A sure-fire way to combat skinny fat is by finding a personal trainer near you.
Why do I feel like I can’t lose weight?
There could be many reasons why you feel like you can’t lose weight, and here are the top five reasons:
- Not Eating Enough Protein – Protein is a vital nutrient when it comes to weight loss. Consuming protein can boost your metabolism as well as reducing cravings throughout the day.
- Not Lifting Weights – There is a myth about lifting weights, especially for women, and that is that it will make you big and bulky, which is not accurate. Lifting weights is an effective way to lose fat.
- Not Getting Enough Cardio – Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic activity, is highly effective in burning fat, especially around the middle area of the body.
- Not Sleeping Well – Lack of quality sleep is a risk factor for obesity in both children and adults.
- Not Drinking Enough Water – Studies have proven that drinking 500 milliliters of water increased the metabolic rate by 24-30% over 1.5 hours. Drinking 1-2 liters, or 6-8 8-ounce glasses of water per day should be sufficient in helping with weight loss. Visit my blog to read more about detox and weight loss.
Other reasons for feeling like you can’t lose weight could be due to medical issues such as hypothyroidism. Various medications may cause weight gain as a side effect, including medicines for:
- Reducing Blood Pressure
- Birth Control Pills
Let’s face it, losing weight is difficult, but conquering weight loss obstacles to become fit and fabulous can be done. But sometimes we need a little help along the way. If you’re thinking about how to find a personal trainer near me, contact me today, and let’s conquer all your obstacles together!
Biography: as a Certified Personal Trainer Los Angeles, Shawn Phillips is a well-known Health Practitioner and Fat Loss Expert specializing in body sculpting, nutrition, lab testing, and exercise coaching. For a FREE consultation call him at (310) 720-8125. | <urn:uuid:dadb085b-ec2f-4e92-8f4d-6fdc877d44cf> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T05:50:16Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.950515 | 3,965 | 4,585 |
With reader you only can change the view, but that does not have any effect on the document itself. This site contains user submitted content, comments and opinions and is for informational purposes only. It is important for us to understand why we might want to lock a screen to a particular orientation in android. I rotate a scanned document to landscape view but cant save it in landscape view. Portrait and landscape screen orientation samsung galaxy. Tap the portrait orientation lock button to make sure that its off. Turning on portrait orientation locks the screen so that no matter which way your iphone is turned, the screen will stay in place. The default orientation for your phones screen is portrait vertical, but many apps will change to landscape orientation widescreen when you rotate the phone sideways. On the page layout tab, in the page setup group, click orientation, and then click portrait or landscape. You can lock or unlock the orientation in your ipads ios control center panel by swiping up from the bottom edge of the ipad and tapping the orientation lock icon. How to lock device orientation to landscape for ios xamarin. Print a worksheet in landscape or portrait orientation excel.
Rotate the screen on your iphone or ipod touch apple support. You can also add more files, delete or rearrange pages within this tool. This collection of beautiful and breathtaking photos is free for personal and commercial use. We place great importance on the safe handling of your pdf documents. Some apps or screens only support portrait or landscape mode. Open the notification panel by dragging down from the top of the screen. Windows 10 allows four different ways of orientation.
If you need to convert pdf pages from one orientation portrait or landscape to the other, adobe acrobat standard and pro include temporary and. Lock your android tablet screen in either landscape or portrait mode. Change screen orientation portrait landscape in windows 10. Welcome to a tutorial on how to lock screen orientation. You cannot make one page portrait and another page. The default setting allows the screen to change orientation automatically based on the device orientation. In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to implement android screen orientation lock. Lastly, it has become a common habit for people to read files in portrait orientation rather than landscape orientation because it is easier to read.
The steps below were performed on an iphone 6 plus, in ios 9. The app starts automatically after boot, seems to not disrupt the camera functions. You can lock the screen orientation so that it doesnt change when you rotate iphone. The orientation of the selected pages of your pdf file will be changed. Turn on or off screen rotation lock in windows 10 tutorials. So dont hesitate to download your new wallpaper or next facebook post. Instead of your iphone screen flipping between portrait and landscape view, you can use. The data displays in portrait, i want the data to display in landscape. Sep 22, 20 how to enable portrait orientation lock for iphone on ios7. Lock your ipads orientation and turn the device sideways.
When you lock the screen orientation, the lock icon will appear in the status bar. View rotate view clockwiseanticlockwise is not remembered when i save the document. Jan 18, 2014 it covers how to lock an ibook in landscape orientation. Jan 12, 2020 yet, while its easy to change the orientation of an entire microsoft word document, its less so when you only want to do it with one or a few pages. Adobe acrobat reader mobile forcefully switches or. Tap the portrait orientation icon to lock or unlock screen portrait orientation. Apple may provide or recommend responses as a possible solution based on the information provided. In fact, the surface swings the pendulum right on over to the other side and is equally annoying with its constant shifts in screen orientation. Howto fix screen rotation portrait orientation lock. The pdf files do not return in the order they were selected when selecting multiple files to combine.
Use side switch to control portrait orientation lock. I have the portrait ok, but once i go to landscape on my. Rotate problem portrait orientation lock of settings in. Landscape mode is currently on our list of potential ideas for the future. If you are looking for a way to rotate images or pages in pdf files, use. Rotate to the vertical position to change the screen to portrait mode or rotate to the horizontal position to change the screen to landscape mode. How to lock an ibook in landscape orientation youtube. Change or lock the screen orientation on iphone apple support. The orientation readonly property of the screen interface returns the current orientation of the screen syntax var orientation window. All you need to do is select the pdf document you want to rotate on your computer, select the rotation angle and click a button. You could use a dependency service to set the orientation on ios. To see the borders of printed pages more distinctly, you can work in page layout view view tab, workbook views group.
Tap the portrait orientation lock icon to turn off. As explained on, you can now force the orientation mode using a manifest. This application will help change the orientation of pdf pages either from landscape to portrait or viceversa. Your entire pdf can either be in portrait or landscape mode. Pdf functions including convert, edit, print, delete, lock and unlock pdf, etc.
However, there may be a time when you want to keep your ipad in a specific view and disable the rotation. The complete code to lock the screen in landscapeprimary mode. An instance of screenorientation representing the orientation of the screen. A terrific feature of the ipad is the ability to rotate the screen. This example sets the currently active sheet to be printed in portrait orientation. So you have a website or web application that you wish to lock the orientation. Now we will break down the code logic to make it simple to understand. Not all screens will adjust for landscape orientation. Change the layout orientation of your pdf file from landscape to portrait with easy to use online free tools such as deftpdf rotate pdf.
Portrait is taller than it is wide and landscape is wider than it is tall. How to rotate landscape pages in a pdf file graduate. Page orientation is the way in which a rectangular page is oriented for normal viewing. So the next time you open this file, it will appear in portrait view. The page orientation will change from landscape to portrait view. Since youve been writing about pet peeves recently, heres one of mine. Microsoft print to pdf option changes page orientation to. Rotate pdf documents permanently with our online free service nothing to download and install, no registration. I can open a pdf and rotate the page between portrait and landscape, but when i save the document, it doesnt lock the page in the new.
The default orientation for your tablets screen is portrait vertical, but many apps will change to landscape orientation widescreen when you rotate the tablet sideways. You can lock the screen orientation in portrait or landscape mode. The term portrait orientation comes from visual art terminology and describes the dimensions used to capture a persons face and upper body in a picture. This is an issue with adobe acrobat, that thinks pages are always portrait. How to enable portrait orientation lock for iphone on ios7. How do i change the page orientation from portrait to lanscape in a pdf file in adove acrobat pro.
In android devices, running app may be view in a portrait or landscape form when you rotate your device. When the icon is highlighted in white, the screen is locked into portrait orientation mode. If you own a newer ipad, such as the ipad 5 th generation or the ipad pro, follow these steps to lock the rotation. How to turn on or off screen rotation lock in windows 10 a tablet and some hybrid laptop devices are designed to rotate the builtin display automatically in a portrait or landscape orientation as you turn it so that what you see on the screen is always right side up. Screen lock challenge for web application made easy. How do i change the page orientation from portrait to. Screen orientation lock on windows 10 tablet microsoft. This service enables you to rotate pdf documents permanently, free of charge. If you would like to use something akin to a landscape mode now, you could.
I want to change the page orientation, not just rotate the page. Get your hands on acrobat, and then, it would be in the tools panel pages pane rotate pages, and then save the document. How do i save a document in landscape view instead of portrait view. If you have many landscape pages, it may be easier to rotate the pages in the pdf than list all of the pages one by one. If you turn your phone to landscape for a sec and then turn it back to normal handheld portrait orientation, the document.
How to disable portrait orientation lock on an iphone 6. How to rotate and save a pdf page in a new orientation. Pages option lets you choose the numbers of pages you want to print at one time. You can turn your ipad to change orientations from portrait to landscape and back again and it happens quickly. May 21, 2016 i was just playing around with this but havent had total success. How to lock landscape mode for iphone it is easy to lock rotation in portrait mode, but difficult in landscape mode, screen will rotate to portrait mode when rotation lock is enabled. This example sets sheet1 to be printed in landscape orientation. Swipe down the notification bar at the top of the screen.
Apple ipad lock unlock screen portrait orientation. Portrait and landscape screen orientation lg g5 user guide. Jun 03, 2019 if your surface screen is in portrait orientation when you attach your surface typing cover or connect an external display, the screen will automatically rotate to landscape orientation, even when autorotation is locked. How to keep the image aspect ratio when adjust the image size.
The vw and vh units still seem to refer to the original portrait orientation, so any layout done with these units breaks. The issue i am having is when ever i print to pdf a page in landscape it is automatically rotated in the pdf file. May 15, 2014 jack wallen demonstrates how you can lock your android tablet in either portrait or landscape mode for ease of use. I want to lock my computers display orientation as. You can also choose to rotate only landscape or portrait pages. Feb 25, 2020 tap the portrait orientation lock button to make sure that its off. Satellite c55tb5109 orientation lock i want to lock my computers display orientation as landscape.
If you only want your entire app to run in landscape orientation, you can set it in info. You can also select the option lock screen on portrait in case your lock screen has issues with the landscape mode. If you see, tap it to turn portrait orientation lock off. The strange part is that native androidios apps are able to do it, and the bad news is that there does not seem to have a smart way to do it with web pages. How to lock the screen orientation on a microsoft surface. Aug 02, 2019 the complete code to lock the screen in landscape primary mode. Guide lock android screen in landscape or portrait mode. Orientation can relate to the page being landscape or portrait orientation.
What is portrait orientation and what is portrait orientation lock. Screen orientation lock on windows 10 tablet hi all, i have a windows 10 tablet and it keeps switching from landscape, which i want it at, to portait while i have the keyboard for it plugged in. If the screen still doesnt rotate, try a different app like safari or messages which are known to work in landscape mode. Apple ipad lock unlock screen portrait orientation mode.
You can insert a landscape oriented horizontal section into a document with pages that are all in portrait orientation or viceversa. How to fix layout orientations of pdf pages deftpdf. If your screen is still not rotating, please try the following tips. The control center screen may vary slightly depending on the device model. Viewing 5 posts 1 through 5 of 5 total author posts august 30, 2011 at 12. Landscape flipped portrait flipped these modes are categorized below customize of display section that can be found under the settings app in windows 10. How can i permanently save the page view in landscape. How to lock the screen on your iphone or ipad with. Please dont include any personal information in your comment. Landscape and portrait slides in the same powerpoint.
Powerpoint has the option to display slides in landscape orientation which is the default setting or in portrait orientation. You can use your android tablet or phone, ipad or iphone, or windows mobile device to configure either portrait vertical or landscape horizontal orientation. The lock property of the screenorientation interface locks the orientation of the containing document to its default orientation syntax screenorientation. If you like, you can turn on or off rotation lock in windows 10 to allow off or prevent on the autorotation of your. All uploaded pdf files are removed after the rotation process has.
You can not place it in a different position on the screen, however, and it shows up in the middle of the screen. It always opens up in portrait view and i need to rotate again to read the document. Rename the file and choose the location to save it. Select the worksheet, worksheets, or worksheet data that. If you want to change the orientation of your pdf page and have that choice saved so that it opens in the new orientation when you next open the document, you will want to use the pages tab. With reader, you can not modify and save the page orientation. Make sure that portrait orientation lock is turned off. To permanently save the current view for future reference, select file from the menu bar and click save as. How to unlock portrait orientation lock on iphone4 running ios 7. Change the page orientation when you are ready to print. Why portrait orientation is preferred over landscape for pdf pages many documents, including ebooks, instructional manuals for software and hardware, project reports, or anything else that is mainly intended to be viewed on screen, are usually only available in vertical or portrait orientation. The two most common types of orientation are portrait and landscape.
Portrait and landscape are to choose whether you want to take the print in vertical or horizontal orientation. It lets you choose if you automatically switch from portrait or landscape mode. In the display section, you can change the orientation to landscape, portrait etc. Why are pdf documents still mostly in portrait instead of landscape orientation. I am loading pdfdocument from byte data from an sql server and need to know if the document it has loaded is in portrait or landscape because i need to put a footer on it. Returns or sets an xlpageorientation value that represents the portrait or landscape printing mode. If you want a particular page to run in landscape orientation and set the orientations to all. The default orientation is portrait, but you can change it to landscape. On iphone, when you tilt your device on its side, the screen follows and rotates to landscape orientation.
Lock your android tablet screen in either landscape. Pdf documents are mainly generated from word documents or other file types like indesign, where pages are almost always set up in portrait orientation. If you dont see the portrait orientation icon, and your ipad has a side switch, view this info. I was just playing around with this but havent had total success. The samsung galaxy tab flips the screen orientation to landscape or portrait based on how you are holding the device. Note that some apps will remain locked in portrait orientation, regardless of whether or not portrait orientation lock is enabled or disabled. Portrait and landscape screen orientation samsung galaxy j3. Heres how to lock the rotation and orientation on ipad. Or you scan a landscapeoriented spreadsheet and it appears in portrait orientation. Or if you prefer, you could import a pdf and use it as a landscape template.
Here is how to turn off the portrait orientation lock on an iphone 6. The ibook looks different in portrait orientation and landscape orientation. These steps will work for other iphone models using ios 7 or higher. Its made of fabric on the outside, with a microfiber inner lining to protect the screen of the tablet when the cover is closed. In this video you will learn how to enable or disable the portrait orientation lock in ios7. How to unlock portrait orientation lock o apple community. May 06, 2019 the screen will stay in portrait mode, always, until you disable this. Change or lock the screen orientation on iphone apple. Follow these steps to change pdf from portrait to landscape. When i first started publishing my ibooks in itunes producer i. Its landscape in word, prints to laserjet in landscape, but when converted to pdf it opens in acrobat x in portrait orientation.
This is a very good quality cover, it fits well, and it provides support to the tablet both in landscape and portrait orientation. It can also refer to having text orientation changed, so it is at an angle. Allows you to control portrait orientation lock with the side switch. If youre moving around a lot and dont want the screen orientation to change, you can enable this setting. When the screen orientation is locked, appears in the status bar on supported models. The screen will stay in portrait mode, always, until you disable this. How do i save fix the page orientation acrobat reader. I always make my pdfs set as landscape and they too always open as portrait, not just from autocad either.
This might be helpful if you have large tables that do not fit in portrait mode. You can change this by opening control center find the circle arrow with a padlock icon, as you can see below. Luckily, there is an easy way for us to lock the screen orientation on the surface tablet so that it stays fixed in. For your thesis or dissertation, you must either present all pages in portrait orientation, or list all of the landscape pages on the degree completion form. You can change the orientation of the pdf you create with the pdf designer. How do i set the orientation to portrait or landscape. Seeing that this is an older postim having the same issues. Change from landscape to portrait orientation in word on a mobile. I am looking for a way to make the landscape drawings stay landscape. Many apps give you a different view when you rotate iphone. A client recently sent me a pdf that they wanted to open in landscape orientation. Browse landscape pictures from around the world, including mountains, seascapes, forests, deserts and a lot more. Apple iphone lock unlock screen portrait orientation mode. However, typically both settings cannot be used in the same presentation.1522 1113 175 584 1510 507 1204 1287 1153 1205 793 1451 1153 177 887 517 1355 526 1068 771 36 1574 1109 360 92 100 998 22 1266 791 1128 244 702 582 685 369 1422 | <urn:uuid:6fd910db-3c35-4202-8113-e34a16ef5040> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T07:03:15Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.895099 | 3,896 | 4,156 |
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
Division of Workplace Programs
5600 Fishers Lane, Room 16N02
Rockville, MD 20857
RE: Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs
Docket No. SAMHSA-2020-0001
On behalf of the Transportation Trades Department, AFL-CIO (TTD), I am pleased to respond to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) notification of proposed Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs using Hair (HMG). TTD consists of 33 affiliate unions representing workers in all modes of transportation who are subject to federally mandated drug tests due to their employment. We therefore have a vested interest in the proposal.
Through the publication of these guidelines, HHS seeks to include hair specimens in the Mandatory Guidelines for Federal Workplace Drug Testing Programs. If adopted, employers would be able to conduct hair testing in concert with, or in lieu of, urine or oral fluid tests that have been previously approved by the Department. In issuing these proposed guidelines, HHS is acting to comply with Sec. 5402(b) of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, Pub L. 114-94.
As HHS notes, transportation employees by far would be the workforce most impacted by the deployment of hair testing. While HHS projects approximately 275,000 total annual drug tests among federal agencies, and 150,000 annual tests by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, its estimates for the transportation workforce surpass six million tests, if adopted by the Department of Transportation. Drug and alcohol testing plays a critical role in the careers of the employees we represent — pre-employment testing is a determinate factor in hiring, and the results of each random, reasonable suspicion, post-accident, and return to work test could dictate the future of an employee’s career. Effective testing also improves safety across all modes for both employees and the public. It is for these reasons that the federal drug testing program must be held to the highest standards of accuracy and validity.
TTD, other labor unions, and racial and social justice advocacy organizations have long expressed serious concerns regarding the accuracy of hair tests, the subjectivity of hair tests to external contaminants, and inherent biases including potential racially disparate impacts.
Congress also spoke to these concerns when it passed the 2018 SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, Pub L. 115-271 wherein it mandated that “to the extent practicable and consistent with the objective of the hair testing…the final notice of scientific and technical guidelines…shall eliminate the risk of positive test results, of the individual being tested, caused solely by the drug use of others and not caused by the drug use of the individual being tested”.
Given these well-documented issues and the critical role that fair testing must play for transportation workers, HHS must not promulgate hair specimen testing procedures until the scientific basis for these tests is unquestionably established, and the foundational concerns raised by TTD and others sufficiently answered.
HHS’ proposal falls far short of satisfying these requirements, including the 2018 statutory mandate. As discussed below, HHS’ proposal of an HMG that cannot be used in the same manner as existing specimen tests is indicative of the Department’s determination that hair follicle testing fails to achieve the reliability and validity standards of current testing methods. Further, while HHS does discuss some of the key issues at play, throughout the document the Department requests information and scientific literature from the public on a disturbingly broad array of essential questions. As it discusses in the notice, HHS, as well as SAMHSA and the Drug Testing Advisory Board (DTAB) have contemplated this issue for 20 years, and have operated under a statutory mandate to complete a proposal since 2015. If at this date HHS still requires substantive technical feedback from the public on almost every component of its proposal, it should be clear the Department is not in a position to move forward. We call on HHS to withdraw its proposal in light of overwhelming and self-admitted evidence that hair follicle testing is not an acceptable specimen for federally impelled drug testing.
Most glaringly, HHS’s proposal for the testing under the HMG process makes clear that it does not believe hair testing is reliable. As proposed, following a positive hair follicle test a Medical Review Officer (MRO) will ask the employee if they have consumed a prohibited substance without a legitimate medical explanation. If the employee does not admit to doing so, the hair test is immediately invalidated. At this point, the MRO would authorize testing of an alternative specimen, either urine or oral fluids, both of which HHS has previously approved. If confirmatory testing is to be required in most circumstances, it is unclear what the practical benefit of allowing hair tests is. Further, given that the window in which to detect a positive is longer for hair samples than urine or oral fluids, the reliance on a secondary test would seem to eliminate the purported value of hair testing (longer detection periods). Instead, the proposal adds ambiguity and confusion to the drug and alcohol testing process that will have negative consequences for transportation workers. If HHS does not believe that its data and research are strong enough to develop guidelines that allow hair specimens to be used in the same manner as urine and oral fluids, then it should cease progress on the promulgation of this HMG until it is prepared to do so.
HHS also provides flexibility for confirmatory samples to be “simultaneously collected or collected and tested at the direction of the MRO after verification of a positive hair test result.” This proposal is impractical and if HHS proceeds, it should mandate that specimens be collected simultaneously. Recalling an employee for a second test creates practical difficulties for both the employee and employer, who now have to adjust the employee’s schedule to accommodate a second test. Additionally, requiring the second test to be conducted simultaneously will reduce the risk of an employee being falsely identified as a drug user when they are contacted to re-test, delays in intervention when an employee has illicitly used prohibited substances, and the need to reexamine existing CBA terms on drug testing events.
HHS also asks if hair tests that are positive for the marijuana analyte, delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol-9-carboxylic acid (THCA), should be excluded from the requirement to test an alternate specimen. HHS suggests the presence of this analyte of marijuana may provide overwhelming evidence of consumption (as opposed to external contamination) because the body produces THCA as it breaks down THC. The Department also asks if there are further unique drug metabolites that unequivocally demonstrate ingestion as opposed to external contact and contamination. We express deep concern with HHS’s intentions to include any “unique metabolites” in the HMG given the unsettled nature of core questions simply relating to the validity of hair follicle testing itself. Now is not the time for HHS to introduce further unproven variables into the testing process.
It is also unclear that science on THCA or other marijuana analytes is as established as HHS claims. HHS acknowledges that it is not aware of any controlled dosing studies that demonstrate the lack of a hair color impact on THCA results, and does not provide any discussion on interactions between THCA results and other factors it discusses elsewhere, like cosmetic treatments. Additionally, while we are unconvinced that adequate evidence exists to adopt THCA as a unique marijuana metabolite for the purposes of the HMG, it is also unclear that “unique metabolites” are as definitive as HHS believes them to be. A recent study on the topic of marijuana analytes in hair concludes that even if the analytes function the way HHS suggests, that “considering the presence of THC-COOH in sebum/sweat, a transfer to other persons’ hair is possible. Not over-interpreting THC or THC-COOH findings in hair is of utmost importance in child protection cases, but also in the context of workplace drug testing and any forensic application.” As both the validity of hair testing writ large and of the concept of unique metabolites within hair testing are unclear and unproven, any HHS proposal must mandate simultaneous, confirmatory testing of an alternate specimen for all hair follicle tests.
While we urge HHS to withdraw its proposal, in the event the Department proceeds, we concur with its decision to limit the use of hair testing to employment and random testing purposes, and a prohibition on use for reasonable suspicion/cause, post accident, return to duty, or follow-up testing purposes (Sec. 2.2). Given the longer length of time required for drug metabolites to appear in hair (in contrast to urine, oral fluids, or blood), the agency believes that hair testing is not appropriate for reasonable suspicion or post-accident tests.
TTD also concurs with HHS’s proposal to only use head hair (Sec. 8.5) and to not consider an employee’s inability to provide head hair as a refusal to test (Sec. 8.6). This proposal prohibits an unnecessary invasion of privacy by a collector, and ensures that employees who do not possess head hair for physiological or aesthetic reasons are not discriminated against. However, the flexibility of HHS’s proposal suggests that the Department holds no belief that proceeding to an alternate specimen has a negative impact on safety. If this is the case, then there is no demonstrable benefit to adopting the HMG, particularly in the clearly incomplete manner in which it has been published.
As discussed below, external contaminants remain a substantial concern to TTD. For this reason, we oppose Section 8.4(b)(2), which would allow collectors to use the same pair of scissors or clippers on multiple employees, provided that “the collector cleans such items in the presence of the donor with an isopropyl alcohol wipe prior to use in the hair collection.” It is impossible to standardize how a collector wipes the item, and it cannot be incumbent on an employee to determine if the collector has adequately cleaned it. This reuse of equipment introduces unacceptable risk of cross-contamination between samples and must not be permitted. DOT’s regulations are careful to avoid this scenario; 49 CFR § 40.243(a) requires a mouth piece for a breath alcohol test to be individually wrapped or sealed, and DOT’s Appendix A to Part 40 specifies that urine samples be collected in a single use container. Any minor cost benefit to reusing critical testing equipment is far outweighed by its subjectivity to contamination, and we urge the Department to eliminate Section 8.4(b)(2).
We also have substantial concerns with the effective function of Sec 14.1, regarding split specimen tests. As with other testing methods, employees have the right to request the testing of a “B” sample. HHS proposes that an employee may make such a request when a specimen is determined by the MRO to be adulterated or substituted. However, as DOT explains in its guidance, the determination of who pays for a split specimen test is up to the employer. While some employers may cover or share costs per the terms of a CBA, TTD is aware of employees being quoted a 1,000% cost markup on urine B samples. Given that HHS estimates that hair tests are 4-7 times more costly than urine, requesting a test of a hair B sample may be financially impossible for many employees. HHS should ensure that labs are not permitted to set prices for hair B tests that are so egregious as to discourage or prevent employees from exercising their right to do so.
Finally, we do note that an employee on medical leave has the right to use medical marijuana under the direction of a physician, if permitted in their state of residence. While it is generally understood that an employee would have to test negative or be prepared to test negative before returning to work, the consequences of such a treatment decision would be more severe with the use of hair testing and a 60-day detection window. These consequences could include lost wages, extended disability claims and unnecessary erosion of FMLA time while an employee waits for marijuana metabolites to drop below established cutoff levels. If the HMG is adopted, HHS should ensure that employees are aware of this possibility.
Validity, Accuracy, and Disparate Impact
TTD has previously raised significant concerns for the scientific validity of hair testing, including the impact of external contamination, cosmetic treatments, and hair color/texture. A failure to account for these conditions will inherently result in an unfair and unequal testing regime, including the possibility of racially disparate impacts on tested workers of color.
With regards to external contamination, HHS takes a truly puzzling position. The Department discusses a variety of literature that speaks to the effects of external contaminants, noting that “…it has been shown that some externally deposited drug may remain, even after extensive washing”, and “one published study concludes that drug-contaminated hair when washed with water and methanol is indistinguishable from drug user hair.” Additional studies also speak to risks regarding external contamination. To date, TTD is not convinced that the issue of external contamination has been satisfactorily resolved, an opinion shared by, and central to, decisions in both Thompson v. Civil Service Com’n, 90 Mass.App.Ct. 462 (Oct. 7, 2016),and Jones v. City of Boston, 845 F.3d 28 (1st Cir. 2016), that held that largely due to external contamination concerns (and interconnected questions of racially disparate impacts), hair testing could not be solely used for the purpose of employment decisions.
Nearly all the scientific literature, including from hair testing labs and the Society of Hair Testing, explicitly state that the most important tool in eliminating false positives in hair follicle testing is a rigorous wash and decontamination procedure. DTAB included this in its 2015 recommendations to the Department stating that its HMG proposal should contain “performance standards that sufficiently address external contamination and hair color impact”. TTD has been clear that decontamination procedures must be standardized, lest the outcome of tests be determined solely by the commercial wash procedure of a particular lab. Incredibly, HHS has failed to adopt any sort of requirement in its proposal, stating in regard to standardized decontamination procedures that:
“…more time and research are needed for the development of performance standards that address this and other issues. The Department is currently in the process of developing performance standards for decontamination of hair and is seeking public comment on what such standards should be and how performance test samples could be developed to assess these standards. When the decontamination performance standards are fully developed, it is the Department’s intention to add them to the HMG through the notice and comment process rather than delay publishing of the proposed HMG until such standards are developed”.
It is unconscionable that HHS would roll out a proposed HMG without adequately addressing how it plans to regulate decontamination. Without said performance standards and supporting literature, it is impossible to make judgements on the broad function and viability of the guidelines. If HHS requires additional time for research before it can determine if labs are capable of decontaminating specimens, and how it may quantify that, then the Department should pursue that endeavor before it publishes woefully incomplete guidelines.
HHS also discusses how hair color, and therefore in some instances race, may affect the results of a hair follicle test, a related and key consideration of the Thompson decision. HHS cites a number of studies that report differences in drug absorption across hair colors and textures, noting that there is “scientific evidence that melanin pigments may influence the amount of drug incorporated into hair. However, it is unclear whether this influence would lead to significant bias in different populations of workers undergoing drug tests.” To this point, HHS goes on to cite a prepublication University of Arkansas study that “suggest[s] that [testing results of] ethnic groups are significantly different irrespective of testing procedure.” The Department then requests further scientific literature from the public on the question of the impacts of hair color and the possibility for racially disparate impacts.
Putting aside the impossibility of responding to a study which has been distributed to HHS on a non-public basis, addressing the question of whether or not hair follicle testing has a disparate impact on workers of color is too foundational to the legitimacy of the proposal for HHS to so flippantly punt the matter to the responding public. While we appreciate that the Department has done some modicum of literature review on the topic, ensuring that workers are not treated unfairly by federal drug testing programs due to their race requires far greater attention and analysis than HHS had conducted. Additionally, in the event that HHS ultimately determines, as numerous studies have, that hair testing can result in racially disparate impacts, moving forward with a hair testing standard simply because it can be written to be potentially compliant with Thompson is not an acceptable remedy. Put another way, while the presence of a confirmatory test may satisfy the requirements of Thompson with regard to the weight of a hair test in employment decisions, this does not justify the use of a biased test. This determination would be particularly acute in the event that HHS proceeds with the use of unique metabolites that would explicitly circumvent the proposed protections of a confirmatory test.
As with external contamination and hair color, HHS’s notice considers the impacts of cosmetic products and treatments. Uniquely, a number of studies point to the possibility of certain products or treatments resulting in increased drug absorption. It is in HHS’ interest to ensure that the use of personal care products does not result in the generation of positives from contaminated hair that would otherwise fall below established cutoff levels. To curb this possibility, the Department proposes that “each laboratory have a scientifically validated method to identify hair that has been damaged to the extent a drug test may be affected” and asks how frequently said testing should be performed. Given that each test conducted by HHS or another federal agency can be determinate of a worker’s livelihood, we encourage HHS to require tests for damage on all specimens, as opposed to when a lab unilaterally determines it is appropriate.
However, we are similarly unable to provide meaningful and holistic comments on this aspect of the HMG, as HHS has neglected to include an actual proposal for the framework of a specimen validity test. Once again, the Department requests information from the public on what this test might look like instead of requesting comment on a proposal it has developed internally, leaving another critical gap in the proposed guidelines.
Further, as noted above, HHS has it under a statutory mandate to eliminate false positives from external contamination or otherwise. The Department makes no reference to this requirement in its proposal, and proposes no mechanisms to reduce false positives as directed. While the promulgation of these hair testing standards is required by the FAST Act, HHS does not have the authority to ignore additional statutory requirements on the topic. The Department’s failure to address this directive violates the hair testing requirements contained in the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, which in turn makes this proposal fatally deficient.
In a welcome contrast, the Department does make an attempt to provide cutoff levels for drugs or drug metabolite concentrations, basing them on cutoffs proposed by the Department in 2004, with the addition of drugs that have since been added to the panel. While most of the proposed initial and confirmatory cutoffs are consistent with those recommended by the European Workplace Drug Testing Society and the Society of Hair Testing, HHS has chosen a cutoff for marijuana that is four times lower, and therefore substantially more sensitive, than the recommendations of those organizations. It is unclear from the proposal why the Department has done so. This is of particular concern given that employees may be at the highest risk of marijuana false positives. Increasing state-level legalization of marijuana, abundant opportunities for external contamination, and risks from contamination of legal uses of hemp or CBD products all increase the possibility of marijuana false positives. HHS should not proceed with such a cutoff level without providing further justification. If HHS does proceed with the selection of such a sensitive cutoff level, it should ensure that employees always have the opportunity to provide a second, confirmatory specimen, regardless of HHS’ determination on THCA, in order to avoid false positive tests.
Through this notice, HHS has issued a deeply flawed and incomplete proposal that fails to answer basic questions of scientific validity and fairness, and makes no attempt to establish key components of a hair testing program, such as decontamination performance standards or a specimen validity test. Perhaps this is unsurprising.
In addition to the aforementioned language on validity and contamination, Pub L. 115-271 (2018) also required SAMHSA to report its progress on completing its hair testing proposal. At the time, TTD stated our belief that this reporting requirement was born out of an effort to put pressure on the agency to release the rule, regardless of the state of the scientific backing. In June 2019, SAMHSA released its first mandated report, blaming the delay on “unresolved scientific issues” and legal considerations, while also announcing that it had forwarded its proposed guidelines to OMB. We note that of the 43 studies cited in the proposal, only five were published in 2018 or 2019 and it is difficult to believe that these five studies resolved all scientific issues under consideration. Instead, the content of the proposal makes clear that the issues that were previously unresolved remain so, and HHS is not in a position to impose these guidelines on workers.
TTD calls on HHS to withdraw this proposal until such a time as it is prepared to issue complete and scientifically validated guidelines. Efforts to move forward on this proposal as written will have severe and unjust impacts on millions of transportation workers across the nation, who face loss of their livelihoods over undeveloped science. We thank the Department for its consideration.
Larry I. Willis
Attached is a list of TTD’s 33 affiliated unions.
Pub L. 115-271 Section 8108(b)
Moosmann, B., Roth, N. & Auwärter, V. Finding cannabinoids in hair does not prove cannabis consumption. (2015).
What Employers Need To Know About DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing [Guidance and Best Practices], U.S. Department of Transportation Office of the Secretary, 2008.
49 CFR§ 382.301 requires an FMCSA-regulated employee to take a pre-employment test after being out of an FMCSA testing pool for 30 consecutive days, 14 CFR§ 120.109(a)(4) requires an FAA regulated entity to perform a drug test before returning an employee to the testing pool who was previously removed.
Petition of JB. Hunt Transport, Inc., Schneider National Carriers, Inc., Werner Enterprises, Inc., Knight Transportation, Inc., Dupre Logistics, Inc. and Maveric Transportation, LLC, Docket No. FMCSA-2017-0002, April 25th, 2107,
Mantinieks D, Gerostamoulos D, Wright P, Drummer, 2018. The effectiveness of decontamination procedures used in forensic hair analysis
Cuypers E, Flinders B, Boone CM, Bosman IJ, Lusthof KL, Van Asten AC, Tygat J Heeren, 2016. Consequences of Decontamination Procedures in Forensic Hair Analysis Using Metal-Assisted Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Kidwell DA, Smith FP, Shepherd AR. 2015. Ethnic hair care products may increase false positives in hair drug testing | <urn:uuid:74d2d0a2-4bf2-4a61-b4fb-a1c59a8ac4a2> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:08:54Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.944104 | 4,900 | 5,744 |
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Oh, and at the time of writing, there’s a worldwide pandemic that’s shut down states, closed businesses and taken lives.
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You write through it.
Turning up at the page
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Let’s use an athletic metaphor. A boxer in training has to get up every morning and train, rain, hail or shine, before they even step into the boxing ring to spar.
Think of yourself as a boxer. There are days you won’t feel like training. Days you won’t feel like writing.
You tell yourself a lie: ‘I’ll just quickly wash last night’s dirty dishes to clear my mind, then I’ll write’.
Next, three hours have passed and you’ve rearranged your saucepan drawer, fixed that loose cupboard handle that’s annoyed you for months, and rearranged your books into alphabetical order.
If you really want to make progress with your writing, you need to leave all that needless distraction to your non-writing days.
No writer is immune
At some point, all writers have fallen victim to the allure of dirty dishes and distraction. But if you want to be a writer, remember this: your time is precious, and you should treat it like currency.
If you don’t spend time writing, your word bank doesn’t grow. And anything that takes you away from your writing time is essentially stealing from you.
Of course, this doesn’t mean you need to stop spending time with family and friends, give up volunteering at the local dog shelter, or neglect your health and wellbeing.
It’s simply about committing to writing regularly, regardless of your motivation level. Published writers all have one thing in common: they write!
The formula is simple: one plus one equals two. One word plus another plus another plus another equals a sentence. Several sentences equal a paragraph, then a page, then a chapter…
You see where this is going.
Even when your mood is low, even when you don’t feel like it, promise yourself that you’ll write that sentence.
Even if you feel unmotivated or distracted by what’s going on in your life, write. Write through it. Write about it.
See writing as your friend, as a comfortable mattress you can fall into, a world you can escape to.
Besides, if all past, present, and future writers waited until they felt inspired to write, we’d have fewer stories in the world. And that would be a tragedy.
The world needs your stories. So, next time you’re not in the mood to write, try the tips below.
Tips for writing when you’re not in the mood
1. Trick yourself
Follow the adage of: ‘Fake it ’til you make it.’ Don’t wait until you’re inspired to write.
I know how it goes: you’ve got a headache, you’re tired, sick or sad. We all have bad and good days, but the difference between a writer-in-waiting and a prolific one is in the actual act of writing.
Try shifting your thinking. Tell yourself you’ve had an invigorating eight hours of sleep, your head is full of ideas, you’re energised. You’re happy. You’re healthy.
Say to yourself out loud: ‘Writing comes easily to me. Writing makes me feel good. Writing is my purpose in life’.
Put on some big, motivational music. Dance around the room (if you can’t do this, visualise it instead), throw punches in the air, pretend you’re that boxer who’s just run ten kilometres, and that you’re ready to go into the ring.
You’re a fighter. You’re a champion. You’ve already won!
Remember your writing goals. The only way you’ll achieve them is to step into that ring and spar with your own moods. You want to be a writer. So, write.
2. Reward yourself first
You know how the reward system works. You experienced it as a kid. You did well in school; you received a gold star from the teacher. You suffered through a vaccination needle; you were given a lollipop by the doctor.
Sure, you’re an adult now, and you don’t need gold stars or lollipops to get tasks done. But the truth is, even years later, all grown up and in charge of our lives, the reward system is still ingrained in us.
Use it to your advantage – and even try rewarding yourself first.
When I was first introduced to this concept in 2013 by a writing coach, I struggled with it.
The coach wanted to know what activities I liked to do for creative fun; she then stipulated that I choose one day per week that I could dedicate to that pursuit.
At that time, I wrote only on Fridays. Each Friday morning, before I wrote a single word, I would play. I would paint, sing or make a necklace.
Before long, my coach and I called these ‘Fun Fridays’. I looked forward to them – not only the fun reward-first exercises, but the writing afterwards, because I had a smile on my face.
I was lighter. I was open to expressing myself. I was free.
At first, the idea of ‘playing’ then writing felt counterintuitive, but I came to love the exercise, and it helped me write.
A word of warning: This system only works if you actually do the writing that you’ve already rewarded yourself for.
If you find that you’re still not doing the work after rewarding yourself, get some backup. This is where an accountability buddy helps (see #6 below).
3. Stop mid-scene at the end of a session
Stopping writing mid-scene, mid-action or even mid-sentence might sound counterproductive. Why would you stop when you’re on a roll?
Simple: because if you’re writing something that requires you to undertake months or even years of work, you need to keep yourself interested. You need to keep alive the desire to continue with the story.
When you stop mid-scene, you can look forward to tomorrow, knowing you left yourself the ‘fun’ part of the scene to write, or at least that you know exactly where it will be going next.
You’ll be full of pleasurable anticipation, and the next day you can get straight back into it.
Here’s an example. Let’s say you’re writing a climactic scene in which your detective protagonist has finally hunted down and caught the sadistic serial killer in a dark alley.
The detective has a gun. The killer grips his teenage victim and holds up a knife to her throat.
You’ve described your detective raising her gun. Her arm is sure and strong, the gun pointed at the killer’s head. The killer, eyes wide, is ready to slice his victim’s throat.
Who’ll strike first? Will the killer strike the victim, or will your protagonist shoot the killer in time to save her life?
And… this is where you stop writing.
I know, crazy! But if you’ve recently been unmotivated to write or too distracted to think clearly, this method could work for you. You won’t know until you try.
4. Try freewriting
Another useful writing exercise to try when you’re not in the mood is freewriting.
Freewriting is the practice of stream-of-consciousness writing. It means channelling whatever comes to mind and writing it down.
Natalie Goldberg, writing teacher and author of Writing Down the Bones, dedicates a chapter to freewriting, where she sets out the following parameters:
- Keep your hand moving. Don’t stop to read what you’ve just written. Don’t edit. Keep going.
- Don’t cross out (that’s editing as you go). Just keep going; even if you didn’t mean to write it, leave it.
- Don’t worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar.
- Don’t think. If you don’t know what to write next, write exactly that: ‘I can’t think about what to write. How annoying. This is hopeless. Oh well, better keep going…’
Another devotee to freewriting is author Julia Cameron. In her book The Artist’s Way, Cameron suggests that stream-of-consciousness works in two ways:
- To get mundane thoughts and constant worries out of our heads and onto the page, so that when we come to structured writing, we’ve parked our anxieties elsewhere.
- To get used to ignoring our inner critic/inner censor.
Next time you’re not in the mood to write, set a timer for 60 seconds and just go for it. If you’re unsure what to write about, try these prompts:
- Your first kiss
- The smell of rain
- The last time you felt pain
- A funny moment
- Pick up any book or magazine, look at the first sentence you notice and write from that point on.
If the 60-second timer has sounded and you find yourself lost in the practice enough to continue writing, allow yourself to do that. Give yourself over to the freewriting experience and soar.
5. Try transcription
Consider starting your writing day by verbalising some words into a dictaphone, smartphone or laptop, then transcribing them (or using a direct speech-to-text tool).
Is this cheating? Maybe, but if it helps get some preliminary thoughts out of your head and onto the blank page, it does more good than harm.
The caveat here is to allow yourself to verbalise for two minutes only. After that, continue writing from where you left off.
Don’t be hard on yourself and don’t worry too much about what you’re saying. Just let the words tumble out of your mind as if you’re freewriting through speech.
6. Buddy up
Being accountable to someone else gives us extra motivation to achieve our writing goals, and that’s where an accountability buddy comes in.
This is what my writing coach did for me. She didn’t critique my work. She didn’t even read it. She simply asked me for a chapter each week and each week, we’d meet and discuss my writing project.
I’d hand her a new chapter; she’d congratulate me. We’d talk through any bumps along the way, such as why one character was harder to write over another. Then she’d cheer me on to write the next chapter.
You don’t necessarily need to pay for a coach to help keep you on track. You might already know someone who would make a great accountability buddy.
Perhaps you have a family member who’s always wanted you to succeed, or a mentor that you’re still in contact with.
An accountability buddy will keep you on track and cheer you on. They’ll champion your success. They’ll keep you writing. If they’ll call you out if you haven’t followed through with your writing goals, even better!
Before you begin, however, be sure to set out clear goals and boundaries with your accountability buddy so you both feel comfortable, empowered and secure in the exchange.
7. Create a space to call your own
Do you have your own space in which to write? If not, have you thought about the kind of space you’d like to write in?
For instance, do you prefer to be surrounded by noise, with the thrum of humanity pressed up against you? Or do you need silence and solitude to contemplate each word?
If you’re not sure, identify the last place you wrote freely, with lightness and with ease. Bring into your mind the image of that place. Try to recall how you felt that day and why, and do your best to recreate that space.
Having your own space in which to write can help you fight through when you’re not in the mood. Even if the exact space you desire isn’t possible, you can still bring in elements of that ideal.
For example, if you wish you could write on a beach listening to waves rolling in and out, find a large colour print of the ocean and put it up on the wall, or set up a screen with an ocean scene.
Check out free streaming sites for soundtracks of ocean sounds to play while you write. Imagine you’re at the beach, content and warm and energised.
Now, let’s get real for a moment: having an ideal writing space makes sense, but don’t spend so much time dreaming about and creating your space that it distracts you from the actual practice of writing.
Sure, your perfect writing space will help inspire you, but it’s only one item in your writing toolkit. Another important element – perhaps even more important than your writing space – is experience.
You can’t continually learn about the experience of being alive while you isolate in your heavenly writing space. You need to be in the world to remind yourself how people interact, how they talk, what makes them tick.
It’s exploring this rhythm of life that will help you write the next time you’re not in the mood.
Try to get out of your writing space occasionally. If you can (and if it’s safe – don’t risk contracting COVID to do this!), write at a café, a pub, in the library, at a bus stop.
Bring the sights, sounds, smells and overheard snippets of conversation back with you to your writing space.
The next time you find yourself more motivated to reorganise your cutlery drawer than to write (and there will be a next time), let those observations fuel you and keep you interested enough to continue writing.
8. Turn up the volume
Listen to music and turn it up! Music affects us. It reaches into our psyche and moves us, playing with our emotions, influencing our moods.
In 2019, a team of researchers studied the responses of 80 volunteers to three pieces of emotional music to investigate how music affects our brains, bodies and emotions.
The study was conducted at the USC Dornsife’s Brain and Creativity Institute, led by Assistant Professor of Psychology Assal Habibi, who found that:
‘From a therapy perspective, music is a really good tool to induce emotion and engage a better mood.’
Next time you feel unmotivated to write, find and listen to some uplifting music.
Create a playlist that makes you feel like a champion boxer, someone who can achieve anything, someone who can write and write and write.
9. Breathe and meditate
It sounds a bit zen, but like listening to music, controlling our breath can help us regulate how we feel and provide calm and mental clarity.
Start with your breath. Take a moment. Close your eyes. Relax. Slow down your breathing. Try to shake off feelings of anxiety or failure or pressure or external worries.
Allow yourself this moment to zone out everyday problems. Take this time to realign your thoughts; to tell yourself that you deserve this writing time.
Tell yourself that although you’re not in the mood to write, the next five or 10 minutes are yours, and that you can do it.
You could do a quick meditation: visualise yourself achieving that day’s writing goal. See yourself carrying out the steps to achieve that goal. Imagine you’re at your writing space, getting words onto the page.
As you breathe, visualise yourself as a prolific writer who has achieved their writing goals. You will simply come to the page to do what comes naturally and effortlessly to you.
Go a step further and see yourself holding your published novel in your hands. See yourself dressed up in an auditorium or bookstore, reading an excerpt of it.
Use this breath and visualisation technique to imagine yourself out of feeling unmotivated to write.
10. Actively seek out motivation
The next time you’re not in the mood to write, search for inspirational quotes from well-known writers.
Even the most famous and successful of writers have likely gone through the same struggles as you. Reading about how they got through it can help you get through it, too.
There are many repositories of motivational quotes online. Do a quick Google search and you’ll be sure to find quotes that resonate with you and make you feel like you can achieve anything.
11. Remind yourself why you write
In his book What Makes Us Tick, Hugh Mackay writes that humans are driven by the desire to be taken seriously. We want to be recognised. We yearn to be acknowledged. We want our lives to matter.
When you’re not feeling in the mood to write, think about why you write in the first place. What underpins your desire?
Mark each of the following statements with True or False:
I write because I have the desire to:
- Be noticed
- Be accepted
- Be heard
- Be seen
- Be remembered
- Be valued
- Be appreciated
- Be validated
- Tell the truth
Add to this list if you have additional reasons for writing. And whenever you’re not in the mood to write, come back to this list and remind yourself where your deepest motivation to write comes from.
Play around with these tips to find out what works best for you. It could be a combination of more than one.
Perhaps your style will be to listen to music while you dance around the room and read motivational quotes pinned to the wall. You might feel silly, but your mood will almost certainly shift.
Allow yourself to feel your emotions, whatever they are. You’re human, and being in touch with your emotions makes you a better writer.
Know what works for you to keep you writing. The world is ready and waiting for your stories. | <urn:uuid:113070e3-1930-482a-a2fe-c10f19f89a57> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:19:03Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.945681 | 4,117 | 4,313 |
Last Updated on September 22, 2020 by Alex Birkett
How do you model and predict growth (and growth opportunities)?
There’s all this talk about “growth models” and “growth modeling” but not much talk about how to build them and get value from them.
As with many things, it’s easy to see why they’re important, but hard to put them into action.
This post covers how I think about growth modeling, how several impressive companies do growth models, and how you can build your own (even if you’re just starting out).
What’s a Growth Model? An Introduction
Growth models are a representation of the underlying mechanisms, levers, and reasons for your company’s growth.
They seem to have become popular recently, notably with the rising trend of ‘growth hacking,’ ‘growth marketing,’ ‘growth,’ or whatever we’re currently calling data-driven startup marketing (“a marketer by any other name…”).
Here are a few definitions of growth models from various sources…
“Growth models…are feedback loops that project how one cohort of users leads to the acquisition of the next cohort of users. Viewing growth with this reinforcing model simplifies a complex system with tons of moving pieces to a set of functions and assumptions.”
“Every startup needs a framework/model for growth; a focused approach for scaling its organisation and user base.”
“The concept of a growth model is both an old and a new one. It has a lot of similarities and connections to what’s traditionally called a “business model”, but companies and teams now focus much more specifically on growth and take a much more data-driven and experimental approach.
At its core, a growth model boils down to a way to conceptualize and summarize your business in a simple equation, which allows you to think about growth in a holistic and structured way.”
Translation: it’s a new concept for an old idea about creating a simplified high level model in order to make better business decisions. You’re trying to explain “how does this company grow?” What levers exist as inputs that contribute to “growth” as an output (however you define growth)?
In growth, there tends to be two different types of models:
- Qualitative models
- Quantitative models
Qualitative models are going to be more descriptive in nature. They’ll be high level descriptions of how your business is growing and plans to grow. You can draw pictures of these:
For example, it’s easy enough to analyze the growth of an ecommerce business on a qualitative level: look at your Google Analytics source/medium report. How are you currently acquiring visitors and customers?
You can say, at a high level, that you’re acquiring users from some main traffic sources, you’re converting them to subscribers, users, or customers at some rate, and some amount go on to repeat purchase (or tell their friends). You can get a pretty darn good idea of how your business is growing just from these numbers.
Even without considering attribution or looking at data, you probably have a good finger tip feel for how you’re getting customers. Is it virality? Word of mouth? Content marketing? PPC? Write all this down, and you’ve got a good idea of your primary growth levers.
Eventually, when you learn more about how you’re growing, particularly when you justify the use and implementation of a good analytics setup and can get granular data, then you can build out a quantitative model from this qualitative one.
Things can get pretty nitty gritty here, and every model is different (it really depends on your business concept). Here’s an example from Sidekick, a team that existed within HubSpot a few years ago that made features like Email Tracking and Documents that now exist within the HubSpot Sales suite:
As a hypothetical example, let’s say your ecommerce business is growing primarily from content marketing. In this case, you’d itemize the different steps of that customer journey and fill in corresponding metrics.
Some important variables in the context of content marketing might be sessions to the blog (overall top of funnel traffic), how many people click over to the store, how many people add something to their cart, how many people start checkout, how many people purchase, what the average purchase size is, how often people make return purchases on average, and possibly email subscriptions as well (which you could also build a micro-model out of).
You should make your spreadsheet prettier than mine, but here’s an example of modeling out that one growth channel over a few months.
The important part with a growth model is that you project out possible results to the future using your current trends. That way, you can tweak different variables to see what the biggest impact levers could be.
You can predict, based on current trends, where you’ll be in 3, 6, and 12 months, and if you’re okay with that projection. If you’re not okay with the projection, you can run sensitivity analysis to see which levers may be the most effective places to put your focus.
Is the add to cart to checkout page step low? Conversion optimization can help solve that. Do you simply need to lift your organic sessions because they’re stagnating? It’s easy enough to see that in the model.
Your model is only worth building if you’re going to use it to help you make decisions.
Growth Models Examples: 5 Ways to Model Growth
While most growth models are spoken of in general terms, they usually have similar ingredients. What acquisition channels are bringing in customers? How much is each customer worth? How long does each customer last? How many friends do they invite to your product or service?
In addition, they usually boil down to a few variables, which most of the time are further broken down into sub-variables. The main things are usually:
Acquisition Channels * Value of a User/Customer * Retention
One of the most lucid growth models I’ve seem comes from Drew Sanocki, who explains ecommerce growth in terms of three levers.
1. Drew Sanocki’s Three Levers of Ecommerce Growth
He explains that there are really only three growth levers we can pull to improve ecommerce growth:
- Number of customers
- Average order value
- Customer retention
Here’s his full quote from the course (also, take the course):
“We get caught in tactical maneuver hell, where we look at all these tactical opportunities and get stressed out about optimizing this entire thing when it really only boils down to these three multipliers.
And the power of these three is that improving any one of them is good, but if you can improve all three, the results multiply.
For example, in a year, do you think you can increase your retention by 30%? Can you increase your average order size by 30%? Can you increase your total number of customers by 30%?
Any one of these in isolation, I think, is really doable. The trouble people get in is when they try to find the silver bullet that will double your total number of customers in a year. It’s really hard.
But if you look at only moving each of these only 30%, you’re going to more than double the business.”
Now, you can further break down each of these categories, right? Customer acquisition can be broken down into several smaller factors actually:
- Customer acquisition channel (PPC, SEO, etc.)
- Conversion rate (of the people that land on your site, how many convert?)
- Word of mouth/virality (how many customers bring other customers to you?)
Each of those is sort of a mini-lever that you can pull within the number of customers category. That’s the magic of building out a quantitative model, too. Once you see that, while you’re bringing tons of customers to your site with SEO, but none of them are converting, you can begin to work on conversion rate optimization. It’s a great way to prioritize high impact growth opportunities.
Similarly, you can break down average order value into different factors:
- Operational costs (reducing the cost of shipping, merchandising, becoming more efficient)
- CPA and advertising
This, I suppose, could be also put under the category of conversion optimization. But in reality, with this lever you’re optimizing for increased order size, instead of optimizing for increased purchase percentage.
Finally, the last category is around retention. How long do customers stay around (and in ecommerce terms, how frequently do they purchase from you?). To this end, you can break that down into channels like:
- Email marketing
- Purchase frequency
- Customer satisfaction
- Customer lifetime value
If you’re a subscription commerce company, this step is even more apparent and even more important.
As Drew mentioned in the quote above, if you can increase one of these levers by a few percentage points, that’s great. But if you can increase every one of these levers by 10%, that’s compound value. That’s where growth happens.
This is a good macro-model for ecommerce. Let’s look at a similar model for SaaS (traditionally B2B, but works for B2C as well).
2. SaaS Growth Modeling
Similar to ecommerce, you’ve really got a few growth levers for SaaS:
- Number of customers
- Average order value
- Customer retention
The only real difference here is how you define customer retention, and the steps that it takes to become a customer.
Often, in B2B, you’re going to break down your “number of customers” lever into distinct pieces:
- Marketing Qualified Leads
- Sales Qualified Leads
In this model, someone may find you via a search query (“customer feedback software”), and perhaps they land on a blog post. They find that you offer an ebook that explains how to accurately measure customer satisfaction, so they download that and they become a Marketing Qualified Lead.
Next time they visit, they sign up for a webinar on customer success, and they give you their company info and phone number. Now we can refer to them as a Sales Qualified Lead.
Because your model will be higher touch, most customers will require a sales touch, so you separate your stages into two distinct lead classes to reflect that.
If your B2B model is a lower touch model, like Dropbox, or if you run a B2C application, your model may look like this:
- Freemium or free trial users
- Upgrade to paid customers
In this scenario, a customer may hear about HeadSpace on podcast advertisement, check out the website, and return later to give it a try. They sign up for the free app, use it for a couple days, then never returned. They dropped off before upgrading to becoming a paid customer.
For all intents and purposes, these B2B growth models have pretty much the same levers as ecommerce models, you just define stages differently and break steps down into micro-models differently (though how you break these down also depends on your acquisition strategy).
One of the better worksheets I’ve seen was built out by Candace Ohm, data scientist and improv comedy legend. She offers an Excel spreadsheet (here) where you can learn how funnel metrics, customer churn, user demand, and virality effect your growth curve. It’s worth playing around with:
We’ve got the high level models down now, so let’s dive into a few micro models that we can use to improve given channels or parts of the funnel, like word of mouth/referral and conversion optimization.
3. Optimizing Referral Marketing: A Model
Referral is usually a growth lever, regardless of business type or size. People telling other people about your business is one of the best ways to grow. Most smart businesses try to incentivize this in some way (in addition to building something worth talking about).
Though a lot of word of mouth is frankly un-trackable (if I tell a friend how awesome MeUndies is, they won’t know how to attribute that), you can track and optimize a good portion of referral traffic, especially if it’s incentivized (i.e. you give a discount or tracking code).
Like any other model, you’ll want to break it out step-by-step:
- How many people are offered a referral link?
- How many people accept the link?
- How many people send the link to other people?
- How many people do they send the referral link to?
- How many of those people open the message?
- How many of them click through to the website?
- How many buy something?
Then it loops back, because you can offer that person a referral code as well. This is essentially known as a viral loop, and you measure its effectiveness using a ‘viral coefficient.”
We can also vastly simplify this model, like the following graphic shows:
Depending on your technology stack, you may have to pull this data and build the model by yourself. But you might also just be able to get the reporting from your tool, especially if you use something like Referralcandy.
4. Conversion Optimization Modeling
Conversion optimization should be an inevitable part of your model, because no matter what business you’re in, you’re going to bring a some amount of visitors to the website, and a certain percentage of them are not going to buy or become users.
If you can increase the percentage of visitors that convert, you get a compound effect over time (and increasing conversion rate increases the effectiveness of your other channels, which lets you bid more on ads, spend more on content, etc.).
Now again, if you’re in ecommerce, a lot of this is simplified due to simple prototypicality. In other words, almost all ecommerce sites follow a very similar pathway to conversion. Everyone has a cart, a checkout flow, a thank page after conversion, etc.
The simplest growth model you can construct for ecommerce CRO, then, is a sort of funnel. You can start at the broadest level and go all the way to the home run:
Homepage -> product page -> add to cart -> checkout -> purchase conversion.
Every time you can increase a step of this is a step in the right direction, though the end conversion is of course the most important (as well as the order size). But if you can systematically improve your funnel, all other marketing efforts will be improved by extension.
Everyone has their own approach to auditing and modeling conversion opportunities, as well.
I reached out to Luiz Centenaro, Optimization Manager at Optimizely & an eCommerce consultant, to see how he approaches CRO growth models, and he explains that he sets up a baseline with A/A testing and Google Analytics analysis:
“I typically approach an eCommerce site by running an A/A test on every touchpoint.
A/A test the Homepage, Category Pages, Cart Pages, Product Pages and Checkout and track clicks on everything. If you have a good marketing team this can all be accomplished within Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager but you can also do this with your A/B testing platform such as a Optimizely.
After you run your A/A test you’ll have a baseline with revenue per visitor and conversion rate for every page and you can segment to see the difference between mobile and desktop too.
Simultaneously while the A/A test is running you can research the demographics of the visitors using Google Analytics. One of my favorite reports is demographics by age.
Age and demographics should be taken into account when crafting hypothesis to A/B test. You won’t market to a 65 year old the same way you market to an 18 year old and they show significantly different user behaviors.”
It’s not much more difficult in other types of websites either, so long as you can define the discrete stages of your customer journey. With a B2B SaaS company, that may look something like: Homepage -> Pricing Page -> Get Started Page -> Signup Flow (several steps?) -> New User Created -> Activation Event -> Upgrade to Paid
Conversion optimization can help optimize the steps on a site that lead to a visitor becoming a user, and possibly even a user becoming an activated or engaged user.
5. Virality: A Micro-Model
Viral growth is one of the better developed channels for building out models. While some viral mechanisms may look different (Apple iPods, Hotmail, Dropbox, and Bird scooters are all examples of virality), they do include similar variables that allow us to model the system:
- The Viral Coefficient (K)
- Viral Cycle Time
The Viral Coefficient is just a name for the number of new users a current user brings in through virality. The formula is stupid simple: K = i * conv%, where i is the number of invites sent and conv% is the conversion rate of those invites.
That’s really all you need to model out the first part. ForEntrepreneurs even offers a free spreadsheet to help you build that out (here):
The other part of the equation is how fast you can acquire new users through viral loops. Clearly, the faster you can go through the viral loop, the better.
As with the Viral Coefficient, your Cycle Time includes several sub-variables as well. David Skok draws out an example here:
To the extent you can shorten the time length between any of those steps, you can increase your growth rate.
It’s important to model the time factors as well (which is included in the ForEntrepreneurs spreadsheet. Really, if you’re interested in viral growth, I’d just read that post, as this section is clearly just a summarized version of it):
With this, and every other model, the powerful part is that you can tweak different variables to see what happens to the output. Increase or decrease conversion rate of invites by 5%. What happens? Increase the number of invites sent. Does that move the needle?
This can help you make important decisions on what drivers to focus on when optimizing viral loops.
Everyone wants virality.
As David Skok put it, the perfect business model is “Viral customer acquisition with good monetization. However viral growth turns out to be an elusive goal, and only a very small number of companies actually achieve true viral growth.”
In my experience, this area has been the most over-exposed to bad content publishing and bad thought leadership. Most of the core of viral growth is a noteworthy product. It’s hard to make a bad or a commodity product viral (though not impossible, just probably not worthwhile).
Limitation With Models and What to Expect
As the statistician George E.P. Box famously said, “All models are wrong; some models are useful.”
No matter what model you use to represent and predict growth, it won’t be completely accurate once the rubber meets the road, once your plan meets the messiness of reality. As the great philosopher Mike Tyson once said, “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”
This echoes the common wisdom, probably first said by Helmuth von Moltke the Elder: “No plan survives contact with the enemy.”
That’s all to say: be fluid, and update your model as you get new information and insight.
When you look at, say, an inbound marketing funnel, you don’t expect it to exactly and linearly reflect reality, do you? Funnels are growth models; they’re ways to simplify the concept of how you’re growing, provide directions for measurement, and allude to opportunities for effort and optimization.
These types of things are most useful in planning; the execution of those plans is still to be determined. I’ve built out complex models only to find once I hit the ground that I didn’t actually have the resources to carry out some of my top prioritized plans. Whoops.
So, don’t expect these models to be perfect. Expect them to be useful and actionable.
Growth models give you an imperfect, yet helpful model to show you how you’re growing, what kind of growth numbers you can expect in the future, and some possible opportunities to impact that growth in a positive direction.
In most businesses, there are really three levers you can pull, at least at a high level:
- Number of total customers
- Average customer/transaction value
- Retention/lifetime value
To each of these levers, you can break them down into, really, an unlimited array of possible channels and tactics. That’s where things get complicated (and there’s always a tradeoff between cost and complexity of modeling). A good model is both useful and accurate, to some degree of each, but no model can be both perfectly accurate and comprehensible/useable.
Build out models to give you a better understanding of your growth, and also a better way to communicate that with others. Don’t expect a perfect vision of reality, but expect them to help you prioritize and find opportunities you otherwise may not have. | <urn:uuid:fbb70d80-d873-41e6-81f2-e883b7743325> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:41:39Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.939656 | 4,619 | 4,813 |
Updated August 18, 2023
Definition of Assembly Language
Assembly Language is a low-level programming language. It helps in understanding the programming language of machine code.
Machine code is a series of instructions that provide the necessary information to a user’s CPU (Central Processing Unit) to carry out a particular task (add, subtract, compare values, etc.). In computers, there is an assembler that helps in converting the assembly code into machine code executable. Symbolic machine code aims to understand the instruction and provide it to machine language for further processing. It mainly depends on the system architecture, whether it is an operating system or computer architecture.
Symbolic machine code mainly consists of mnemonic processor instructions or data and other statements or instructions. It establishes with the help of compiling high-level language source code like C and C++. It helps in fine-tuning the program.
Table of Contents
- Definition of Assembly Language
- History of Assembly Language
- How Assembly Language Works?
- Components of Assembly Language
- Assembly Language vs High-Level Language
- Debugging Assembly language Code
- Assembly Program to ON and OFF LED using 8051
- Future of Assembly language
- Why is Assembly Language Useful?
- Why should you learn Assembly Language?
- Features of Assembly Language
- Tips and Tricks
- Advantages and Disadvantages
- It is a low-level, human-readable, programmable language in which each ASM instruction relates to a computer machine code instruction.
- In comparison to other high-level languages, symbolic machine code refers to consistency. It only has a few operations, but it helps to know the algorithms and other control flows. It simplifies the code and makes it easier to debug.
- By learning the assembler language, the programmer can write the code to access registers and retrieve the memory address of pointers and values.
- If an individual wants to know how the system works and the processor as well, then symbolic machine code is the one that solves the purpose. It helps in all aspects, from understanding the program’s algorithm to the processor working and registering the computer’s register.
History of Assembly Language
It was featured in 1949, and its history interconnects with the stored-program computers. It became attention when they relieved programmers of tasks such as memorizing numeric codes. However, by the late 1950s, their use replaces by higher-level languages in the search for greater programming productivity. ASM is still used today for direct hardware manipulation, gaining access to specialized processor instructions, and dealing with critical performance issues. Typical applications of device drivers, low-level embedded systems, and real-time systems include their use in various contexts. Many commercial applications, such as large amounts of IBM mainframe software, were also written in assembly languages. Microcomputers relied heavily on hand-coded assembly languages in their early stages. It was due to a lack of high-level language compilers designed to operate on microcomputers. Another reason for the assembly language set at the time was that they had many advantages, such as small size, high speed, low overhead, and high reliability.
How Assembly Language Works?
Assembly language uses a series of mnemonic codes to represent machine language instructions. A programmer writes these codes in a text editor, and then an assembler program assembles them into machine language instructions that the computer can understand and execute.
The process of assembling the code involves converting the mnemonic codes into their binary equivalents, which the CPU can execute directly. The assembler program stores the resulting machine language instructions in an object or executable file that the CPU can load into memory and execute.
It provides programmers with direct hardware control, enabling them to access the low-level components of a computer system, such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices. This makes it a valuable language for low-level programming tasks such as writing device drivers and real-time and embedded systems.
Additionally, assembler language is highly optimized for performance, allowing programmers to fine-tune the code to take full advantage of the underlying hardware. Assembly language programs can be minimal in size and require fewer resources than higher-level language programs, making them ideal for memory-constrained environments.
However, writing code in assembly language can be time-consuming and requires a deep understanding of hardware architecture. Therefore, Programmers often use assembly language only for specific tasks where its unique strengths are needed, while they use higher-level languages for other programming tasks.
It is translated into machine language by assemblers. An assembler allows software and application developers to access, operate, and manage a hardware architecture and components of a computer. It is also known as an assembly language compiler.
Types of Assemblers
There are two main types of assemblers used in computer programming:
- Single-pass assembler: A single-pass assembler, also known as a one-pass translation, performs a complete scan of the source program input to the assembler or its equivalent representation and translates each statement based on the declaration. In other words, a single-pass assembler reads the entire source code and generates the corresponding machine code in one pass without requiring multiple iterations. It isolates the label, mnemonics, and operand field of the system. It validates the code instructions by looking them up in a mnemonic code table. It enters the symbol observed in the label field and addresses the available text’s machine word in the symbol table. This pass is fast and effective, and no need to construct the intermediate code.
- Multi-pass assembler: An assembler must go through assembly language several times to generate object code. This final pass is called a synthesis pass, and this assembler requires any form of an intermediate code to create each pass every time. It is comparatively slower than a single-pass assembler, but some actions can perform more than once means duplicated.
Components of Assembly Language
Understanding the Building Blocks of Low-Level Programming
Let’s examine a few assembly language components and how they convert to machine code.
- Command: A command is an instruction in assembly code that tells the assembler what action to take. Assembly language commands frequently use abbreviations to keep the terminology short while also using self-descriptive abbreviations, such as “ADD” for addition and “MOV” for data transfer.
- Label: A label is a word, number, or symbol that the assembly code uses to locate the date or instruction to use.
- Operand: A variable or piece of data is an operand, which the assembler can manipulate. Users can tell the assembly language which data to apply whatever commands on that line by including operands in instructions.
- Mnemonic: A mnemonic is a name given to a machine function or an abbreviation for an assembly language operation. In assembly, each mnemonic represents a machine instruction. An example of one of these machine instructions add. Mul, lea, and CMP are some other examples.
- Registers: The processor can operate on numeric values (numbers) but must first save somewhere. The data is now kept in memory, inside the instruction opcode, or in special on-chip memory placed directly in the processor, known as registers. To work with a value, users don’t need to address it by address; instead, special mnemonic “names” such as ax on x86, A on Z80, or r0 on ARM are in use.
- Macro: An assembly language macro is a template high-heel format that presents a series or pattern of statements. This set of assembly language statements is by several programs. A macro facility uses to interpret macro definitions, and a macro call inserts into the source code where “normal” assembly code would have gone instead of the macro set of statements.
- Directive: A directive is a kind of instruction that informs the assembler how to change a setting or perform an action. An assembly language’s syntax frequently requires a specific character, such as a period, at the start of a directive. It instructs the assembler that the following text is a directive to follow.
Assembly Language vs High-Level Language
|Assembly language is machine-dependent. It is a low-level computer language that allows users to create a wide range of programs by representing a set of instructions with alphanumeric codes rather than numeric codes.
Example: ARM, MIPS, x86, Z80
|A high-level language is machine-independent. A high-level language is user-friendly, uses variables and functions, and is not dependent on the computer’s architecture.
|The assembly language requires an assembler to convert.
|A high-level language conversion requires the use of an interpreter or compiler.
|It is closely related to hardware and is thus used to write hardware programs.
|It has no hardware interactions and is only used to write software application programs.
|Faster program execution.
|Program execution is slow.
Debugging Assembly language Code
When debugging assembly language programs, effective debugging techniques include:
1. Debugger: A debugger is a part of the software that allows you to step through your assembly language program, examine the contents of registers and memory, and set breakpoints to stop the program at specific points for further examination.
2. Instruction set for assembly language: Understanding the assembly language instruction set, including the operation of each instruction, the registers it uses, and the flags it sets, will aid in understanding the program flow and the cause of the problem.
3. Print statements or data output to a file: It can be applied to inspect the values of variables and registers at specific points in the program to determine how the program behaves and where the problem is.
4. Examining memory: It is possible to determine whether the problem arises from incorrect memory access or incorrectly initialized data by inspecting the contents of the memory.
5. Using a simulator: The assembly code operates in a simulated environment without the requirement for the target hardware using a simulator.
6. Profiling Tools: Profiling tools can detect performance bottlenecks, memory leaks, and hotspots in assembly code.
Real-world applications are one of the most valuable applications of Assembler language programming.
- LED (LIGHT EMITTING DIODE): Light Emitting Diodes (LED) are the most common components, typically used to display the digital states of pins. Typical uses of LEDs include alarm devices, timers, and confirmation of user input, such as a mouse click or keystroke.
- 8051 Trainer Kit: The PS-TRAINER-8051 trainer kit recommends for learning and developing MCU designs from Intel and NXP. It can connect to a PC’s 101/104 keyboard to enter user programs written in Assembly languages.
- Interfacing LED with 8051: The LED in the 8051 Trainer Board works by turning on an LED, then off, and then looping back to START. However, because the microcontroller’s operating speed is very high, the flashing frequency will be sufficiently fast to be detected by the human eye.
Assembly Program to ON and OFF LED using 8051
|12 91 0F
|12 91 0F
|DELAY: MOV R5,#05
|H3 MOV R4,#FF
|H2 MOV R3,#FF
|H1: DJNZ R3,H1
Future of Assembly language
- Specialized applications: It will continue to be important in technical applications such as embedded systems, real-time systems, and device drivers that require low-level hardware control and high performance.
- Limited use: Assembly language is likely to become more specialized and limited to specific areas where its unique strengths are required.
- Higher-level languages: As higher-level languages evolve and become more efficient, the need for assembler language programming in many applications will likely reduce.
- Compiler optimization: Advances in compilers and optimization techniques have made it possible to write high-performance code in higher-level languages, reducing the need for assembler language programming.
- Computer science education: Assembler language will remain essential to computer science and engineering education, providing a deeper understanding of computer architecture and low-level programming.
While the use of symbolic machine code may decline in some areas, it will continue to play a critical role in specialized applications where its strengths in performance and hardware control are required.
Why is Assembly Language Useful?
It helps programmers in coding human-readable code that is relatively identical to machine language. Machine language is difficult to understand and read as it is just a series of numbers. Assembler language gives complete control over what tasks a computer performs.
ASM language is an official language that connects hardware and software. The following are the main characteristics of ASM languages that make users suitable for modern programming:
- Direct hardware control: Assembler language allows programmers to have direct control over the hardware of a computer system, such as the CPU, memory, and input/output devices. This makes it a valuable language for low-level programming tasks, such as writing device drivers.
- High performance: Programs written in ASM language can be highly optimized for performance, making them ideal for applications that require fast execution times, such as real-time systems and scientific simulations.
- Small code size: Assembly language programs tend to be smaller than programs written in higher-level languages, which can be advantageous in memory-constrained environments, such as embedded systems.
- Portability: Programmers can write Assembler language code to be portable across different computer architectures, enabling them to adapt programs to run on other hardware platforms efficiently.
- Education: Symbolic machine code is often used in computer science and engineering courses to teach students about computer architecture and system-level programming.
- Human readable: Assembler languages use words, numbers, and other textual components to create instructions to understand, remember, and recreate. As a result, symbolic machine code is relatively simple to use and learn while still forming an executable command for the machine.
- Assist debugging: The language is useful for error handling because programmers can read every line to understand how the code fails. It is more potent than the debugger in typical debugging because assembler language can be used to find issues with pointer arithmetic and memory corruption.
Find the below steps to print “Hello, World” on Windows
- Open the notepad.
- Write below code
add esp, 4
db ‘Hello, World!’, 10, 0
- Save the file with any name, for example, XYZ.asm, with the extension.’ asm.’
- The above file must compile using the NASM assembler (Netwide Assembler).
- Run the command nasm –f win32 XYZ.asm.
- Nasm then generates one object file, XYZ.obj, which contains machine code but not executable code.
- Minimal GNU, which includes the GCC compiler, is used to create the executable file for Windows.
- Run the command gcc –o XYZ.exe XYZ.obj
- Execute the executable file now, ‘XYZ.’
- It will print “Hello, World!” as the output.
Why should you learn Assembly Language?
The learning of ASM is still helpful for programmers. It helps in taking complete control over the system and its resources.
- By learning ASM language, the programmer can write the code to access registers and retrieve the memory address of pointers and values. It mainly helps in speed optimization, which increases efficiency and performance.
- ASM language learning helps in understanding the processor and memory functions. If a programmer is writing a program that requires a compiler, the programmer requires a complete understanding of the processor.
- ASM language helps in understanding the work of processors and memory. It is a cryptic and symbolic language.
- ASM Language helps in contacting the hardware directly. This language forms mainly on computer architecture, and it recognizes a specific type of processor and is different for different CPUs.
- ASM language refers to transparency compared to other high-level languages. It has a small number of operations, but it helps understand the algorithms and other control flows. It makes the code less complex and easy to debug as well.
Features of Assembly Language
The following are the features of the ASM:
- It can use mnemonic than numeric operation code, and it further reports any error in the code.
- This language helps specify the symbolic operand, which means it does not need to specify the machine address of that operand. It represents in the form of a symbol.
- The data declare by using decimal notation.
- Errors and bugs are easily identified and resolved.
- ASM language is simple to understand and execute.
Tips and Tricks
It could be supplementary reading for assembler language Programming.
- Using instructions with very few bytes.
- Using memory variables to implement.
- According to a basic rule in ASM language programming. The register operation is much faster than the memory operation.
- An x86 processor uses little-endian order to store and retrieve data from memory (low to high). The least significant byte saves at the data’s first memory address. The Remaining bytes are in the memory positions that follow.
- Use a macro to generate memory blocks during assembly rather than at runtime.
- All loop logic encapsulates within the loop body.
- Regarding the procedure, develop a simple calling interface.
- Don’t use the OFFSET operator to get the address of an indirect operand pointing to an object because OFFSET can only take the address of a variable defined in the data segment.
- In ASM language programming, an integer variable can be either signed (SBYTE, SWORD, and SDWORD) or unsigned (BYTE, WORD, and DWORD).
- Ignore using multiple RET to build procedures because ASMlanguage programming directly defines memory addresses and any labels. Hence, a direct jump without using CALL or INVOKE would be ideal.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Mentioned are some advantages and disadvantages:
|It allows complex jobs to execute in a standard way.
|Require a lot of time and endeavor
to write the code for the same.
|It is memory efficient, as it requires less memory
|It needs more size or memory of the computer to run more programs written in ASM Language
|It is faster, as its execution time is less.
|The syntax is difficult to remember.
|It is mainly hardware-oriented.
|It has a lack of portability of programs between different computer architectures.
|It requires less instruction to get the result.
|It is very complex and tough to understand.
|It utilizes for critical jobs.
|It is not suitable for a few industries
|It is not necessary to keep track of memory locations.
|It is a challenging task to identify and rectify the errors in the code.
|It is a low-level embedded system.
|It is not portable.
Assembly language is essential for understanding computer architecture and programs for programmers. The programmers mainly used many other programming languages for application development and software, but ASM language is also significant. It helps programmers to achieve a lot if they implement the ASM language. Assemblies contain a lot of metadata, that as version numbers, localization details, and other product details. It is an important part and displays to the user after being digitally signed.
If an individual wants to know how the system works and the processor as well, then ASM language is the one that solves the purpose. It helps in all aspects, from understanding the program’s algorithm to the processor working and registering the computer’s register. It depends on individual choice with which language to continue.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Why is it called ASM Code?
Answer: “Assembly language” means a kind of low-level programming language that directly controls a computer’s hardware. The term “ASM language” refers to the process of translating mnemonics (abbreviations or acronyms) into machine code instructions (also known as “assembler”). In comparison, higher-level languages like C and Python translate into machine code by a compiler or interpreter.
Q2. What is the basic syntax of ASM Code?
Answer: Any ASM language program consists of three sections
Data section: The data section utilizes to declare initialized data or constants. This information does not change during execution. In this section, you can confirm various constant values, file names, buffer sizes, etc.
The syntax for initiating the data section
BSS section: The bss section is where variables are declared.
The syntax for the BSS section
Text Section: The text section is where the source code is secured. ASM language instructions and assembler directives may include in the text section.
The syntax for initiating the Text section
The global_start declaration shows the kernel where program execution begins.
Syntax of Assembly Language Statements[label] mnemonic [operands] [comment]
ASM language statements enter one per line. A basic instruction consists of two parts: the name of the commands (or mnemonic) to execute and the operands or command parameters.
Q3. What is the difference between ASM language and C language?
|The C programming language is portable and does not require a specific platform. The code written in C can easily reuse on another platform.
|Assembly does not provide portability or processor-specific source code because assembly instructions depend on the processor architecture.
|C is convenient to use for making more complex programs.
|ASM language is much more flexible, allowing you to work with memory, interrupts, micro-registers, etc.
Q4. What is another name for an ASM language?
Answer: ASM language ( assembler or symbolic machine code), commonly abbreviated as ASM or asm, is any low-level programming language with a solid correspondence between the instructions in the language and the architecture’s machine code instructions.
Q5. What are the registers in the ASM language?
Answer: The processor includes a few internal memory storage locations known as registers to speed up processor operations. It stores data elements for processing without requiring memory access. The number on the processor chip is limited.
Processor Registers: A processor register (CPU register) is one of a small group of data storage locations built into a computer processor.
The registers classify into three types.
General registers: General Registers, also known as General Purpose Registers, that store data and addresses.
The general registers are categorized as follows:
DX (Data register): The AX register in the 8086 microprocessor is a 16-bit data register split into two 8-bit registers, AH and AL. It is commonly used in 8-bit instructions, can be utilized as a port number in I/O operations, and is employed for multiplication and division with specific instructions for each operation.
Pointer and Index register: These registers store data and instruction offsets. The offset is the distance between a variable, label, or instruction and its base segment.
Control Registers: Intel-architecture processors have a collection of control registers used to configure the processor at run time (such as switching between execution modes).
Segment Registers: Segments are programmatically defined areas that contain data, code, and stack.
Q6. What are the resources for Learning ASM code?
Answer: ARM, MIPS, and X86 are widely used assembler language programs.
1. Learn ASM Language by Making Games for the Atari 2600
This ASM language course online will teach you the fundamentals of programming games using 6502 ASM language.
2. ASM Programming
This course teaches you how to create applications using ASM language programming and learn the fundamentals of project creation, the structure of assembly code, and advanced topics such as function recursion and system calls.
- Assembler: The Assembler program helps to generate ASMlanguage mnemonics for instructions into binary codes.
- Linker: A linker is a program that joins multiple object files into a single large object file.
- Locator: A locator is a program used for a particular address that determines the sections of object code to load into memory.
Q7. How is For Loop implemented in assembly language to calculate the sum?
Answer: The “LOOP target” statement performs two functions:
- decrement ECX
- if ECX != 0, jump to a target
To evaluate sum of n+(n-1)+…+2+1
mov ecx, n
xor eax, eax
add eax, ecx
mov sum, eax
Q8. What is the primary function of an assembler?
Answer: Assembler is a program that converts ASM language to machine language. An assembler’s primary function is to assign addresses to labels. It converts the basic commands and operations from assembly code into binary code that can recognize by a specific type of processor. Assemblers, like compilers, create executable code.
We hope that this EDUCBA information on “Assembly Language” was beneficial to you. You can view EDUCBA’s recommended articles for more information. | <urn:uuid:98587a13-938a-40a2-aa50-59ba8992fd99> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T07:18:08Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.894065 | 5,729 | 5,552 |
In lieu of a Big Question this week, and because I'm a massive Pokemon fanboy, I'm going to be taking a look at the soon to be released 3rd Gen Pokemon remakes. I apologise to all of you who aren't Pokemon fans, normal service will be resumed next week (because I won't have got the games by then so I can't do a review of them, thank you Gamefreak and your stupid police of giving Europe the games a week after everyone else).
Anyway, on with the show.
Obvious starting point, because that is the main thing people are talking about. And I have to say on the most part they're pretty good. I think it will be easier if I go through them one at a time (warning, long list ahead). Also, I have seen leaked stats for the Megas so I will be referencing them in this.
Mega Sceptile: I love this one, design wise, and Treecko will be my starter for my first play-through, but I do have my doubts over it's potential competitively. It's Speed looks monstrous, as you would expect, seen as Sceptile is the fastest starter Pokemon anyway, but it is very frail. I mean, very, very frail. It has no defence. That, combined with the fact it has now got Grass/ Dragon typing and this thing will literally die three times over from an ice-shard from anything. It probably won't be able to take any kind of priority move actually, apart from maybe an Aqua Jet (considering it's 4x resisted), but other than that. Also, his ability is still stupid. Okay it completely neutralises Thunder Wave, preventing the most common way of paralysing a Pokemon, thus preventing it's Speed from being lowered in that way. But that still doesn't prevent paralysis from moves such as Body Slam or Tri-Attack, which Sceptile may have to face off against if it ends up in the UU tier by Smogon rules (which I think could be likely), where it will be up against stuff like Jirachi and Porygon 2/ Porygon-Z, who are famous for those moves.
Mega Swampert: Not so crazy keen on this design, but it doesn't actually look so bad on paper. It gets a decent attack boost and with Swift Swim doubling its speed in the rain, it looks to become a very viable Rain Team sweeper, it's speed increasing to nearly Mega Sceptile levels. And of course, it's a Swampert, so it's bulky naturally, so it will take hits, apart from Grass type moves, but that's to be expected.
Mega Sableye: Sorry, don't like this one. Sableye is a really good Pokemon. It gets Prankster, which allows Status moves priority, meaning it can burn physical attacks before they can attack, Taunt set up Pokemon before they can set up and Recover HP before it can take further damage. This compensates for Sableye's poor Speed stat and makes it one of the most annoying Pokemon to face competitively. And what happens when it Mega Evolves? It gets Magic Bounce, which reflects status afflictions and entry hazards back at the opponent. That sounds great doesn't it, but hold on. Sableye loses speed when it Mega Evolves, becoming one of the top 10 slowest Pokemon in the game. And it loses the ability that makes up for it's already poor Speed stat, so you're guaranteed to go last against anything but a low priority move. There is an up side though, Mega Sableye gets some pretty nice bulk when it Mega's, so you can at least take a hit, hopefully. It's physical Defence is higher than it's Special Defence, so that could be problematic. So what I see happening is people are going to run Mega Sableye thusly: Bring Sableye out, Taunt opponent so they can set up against you, Mega Evolve and set up a Calm Mind as opponent switches out or don't Mega Evolve to keep the prankster and set up a Calm Mind as the opponent switches out, then regret using Mega Sableye because normal Sableye is so much more useful.
Mega METAGROSS: *giggles hysterically* This is sooooo broken. I love it. Metagross got pooped on in this generation, getting two new weaknesses and considering Knock Off got a buff in this gen as well and everyone and their mother, aunt and grandmother now carries Knock Off, Metagross was in dire need of some love. And boy did it get it. Let me just list the leaked stats for you, because they are RE-DIC-U-LOUS.
HP 80 (same as before), Attack- 145!!!, Defence- 150!!!, Sp.At- 105, Sp.Def- 110, Speed- 110!!!
So, this thing, already one of the scariest physical attackers in the game, gets an attack boost, with the ability Tough Claws, which boosts the power of contact moves (read Meteor Mash, Bullet Punch, Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, basically a normal Metagross set minus Earthquake) and then it gets a 40 point boost in Speed… You know what counters Mega Metagross? Not Much! Darkrai can't take a base 145 attack, Tough Claws boosted STAB Bullet Punch, neither can Weavile or Mega Gengar. Mega Manectric may at a pinch because it's resisted, but a non-STAB Flamethrower isn't going to OHKO and then you have an Earthquake coming your way. Talonflame could make a dent with Flare Blitz, but it's frail as hell. The only Pokemon I can see both hard countering and being able to take out Mega Metagross is Groudon, so Mega Metagross is going straight to Ubers for me. I'm really scared of Steven now. Don't make me fight him, I'll be good, I promise. *huddles in the corner whimpering pathetically*
Mega Diancie- This one is interesting. What they've basically done is switched normal Diancie's defensive and offensive stats and then buffed them all by 10, with a bigger buff to Speed. It's certainly more of a threat now, I've been using Diancie competitively recently and it's okay but not all that. But Mega Diancie has ridiculous Offensive stats, it's attack is the same as Regigigas (160) and it's Special Attack is higher than Mewtwo's (160 as well). It still has a 4x weakness to Steel, but it's defences are both 110, so it could conceivably take a Bullet Punch (though looking at a Base Stat Chart, Glaceon has base 110 defence and I know from experience that Glaceon can't take a STAB Bullet Punch even with only a 2x weakness).
Mega Altaria- What to say here. There are pro's and con's to this one. Pro's, it got the typing we all wanted, Dragon/ Fairy, which means it now gets STAB off of the two Fairy Type moves it gets access to (being one of only two Dragon types to get access to a Fairy Type move, the other being Dragalge), which is nice. Then it has the ability Pixilate, which turns all Normal Type moves into Fairy type moves, giving them a boost as well, and then giving them a STAB boost. Con's, the design isn't as good as it could have been. Then we come to its stats. It's ability suggests it would be an offensive Pokemon, because it's non-Mega ability Natural Cure is much more useful for a defensive Pokemon, as it cures Status problems (such as Toxic, on switch out). Its stats though… they're weird. They're basically even across the board, only without any boost in Speed. So you can run a Specially Offensive Mega Altaria, which will make use of its ability, a Physically Offensive Mega Altaria, which could become a thing with Dragon Dance and Pixilate Return (Winnona wrecked me in my recent re-play of Ruby with her Dragon Dance Earthquake Altaria), or a Defensive Altaria. But the Defensive set up doesn't make much sense to me really. Ok, Altaria gets access to Cotton Guard, which makes it soooo bulky physically, but what stops set up walls like that? Toxic. And what ability did Altaria lose so it could gain Pixilate, which defensive Altaria won't be making as much use of? Natural Cure. So that means Altaria can now be Toxic stalled and you have no way to stop it bar wasting a move slot on something like Safeguard or Refresh to prevent/ cure status aliments. I guess Roost works for HP recovery and can counter Toxic to some extent, but you're still gonna die from it. So I'm not really sure why they made Mega Altaria's stats so even. Yeah it can have some bulk, but it would have been served better to have slightly more offence, I.M.O.
Mega Lopunny- BEAST! At first I didn't get this one. But now I love it. I'm so excited for this, probably my second favourite Mega after Mega Metagross. Why? It's design is so freakin' nice, it becomes Normal/ Fighting type (Fighting being one of my top 3 favourite types, maybe even number 1 now), it gets Scrappy, which means it now can hit Ghost types with both of its STABs (meaning Mega Lopunny laughs in the face of Mega Sableye) and it gets an Attack and Speed boost (which mean it hits as hard as a Dragonite and as fast as a Mega Manectric), and it gets access to moves like Sky Uppercut, High Jump Kick, Return, Quick Attack (priority should never be sniffed at, especially with a decent attack stat), Power-Up Punch and Agility (if you want to be that guy) for set up, Fire/ Ice/ Thunder Punch for type coverage, Drain Punch for HP recovery, Fake Out which now hits Ghost types, Teeter Dance to confuse your opponent. There's so much to love about her.
Mega Salamence- Ok, let me just show you what I said on my DeviantArt page when this was first revealed: "And finally, we also have confirmed Mega Salamence. This should not be a thing to start with because Salamence is already super fast, super strong, with set up moves to boost its stats AND reliable recovery, with Moxie as an ability (which raises it's attack if it takes out an opponent), and this thing is getting a Mega? Sorry, this isn't like Metagross, the other 3rd Gen pseudo who got a mega in ORAS. Ok both got new weaknesses in 6th Gen, Metagross gaining 2 with Steel losing it's resistance to Ghost and Dark, but Salamence has a wider move pool to deal with its weaknesses and is faster than most of them anyway, meaning it will hit faster and much harder than anything that is really a threat (unless we are talking a Dragon Danced Dragonite or Haxorus), where as Metagross is slow and only gets access to 2 set up moves (Agility which raises speed and Iron Defence which raises defence). Then we get to design. Mega Metagross looks intimidating and powerful. Mega Salamence… doesn't. I don't know what design I was expecting, but that wasn't it. It's turned into a sort of jet plane thing, slimmed down a lot and it's wings now join at the back. I don't hate it, but I don't much care for it either. Just how broken it is depends on the stat changes, but going off of design I'm thinking massive speed increase (due to major loss of bulk) and a major defence drop (for the same reason). It's ability will be interesting, it looks like the kind of Pokemon that would get Speed Boost as an ability, but that WOULD BE too broken (come in on a weak opponent to get a kill, get the attack boost from Moxie, then Mega evolve and get the stat boost plus the Speed Boost from it's new ability, No), so instead it gets Aerialate, which turns all Normal Type moves into Flying type moves (giving them STAB), which is less broken, but Salamence gets Double Edge by level up, which basically means Salamence now gets Brave Bird in all but name. And like Pinsir it gets Thrash. I'm scared."
That was before we got the Mega's stats leaked. Now that the stats have been leaked, I'm even more scared. Look at these...
HP- 95 (same), Attack- 145!!!, Defence- 130!!!, Sp.At- 120!!!, Sp.Def- 90, Speed- 120!!!!!!
WHAT DAFAQ GAMEFREAK ARE YOU TRYING TO BREAK THE GAME?! This thing gets Dragon Dance (Attack and Speed boost), Moxie before it Mega evolves (that's another attack boost right there), reliable recovery in Roost, serious STAB in Outrage, Dragon Claw and now thanks to it's new ability Return and Double Edge, with a Speed of 120, an Attack of 145 (same as Mega Metagross remember and that thing is going to Ubers) and a Defence stat of 130. It's taking that 4x effective Ice Shard to the bank and laughing at it, and the only things that can hit it on the Special side with super effective damage that out speed are Greninja (who only just out-speeds), Jolteon (with Hidden Power Ice), Mewtwo and Deoxys, who are both Ubers. You only need to Dragon Dance once before you outspeed Greninja and Jolteon and they're both frail as the thinest of glass, so they're no threat. Ubers, straight out. And you know the scary part, apparently there are Elite 4 rematches in these games and Drake has a Mega Salamence. So, you fight through the first 3 Eltie 4 members, only to fight a Mega Salamence. Then if you beat that, you have to fight a Mega Metagross… *dies*
Mega Slowbro- Terrible design. But OH MY GOD. We've talked about stats. Let me just run this one by you. Base 180 defence. That's what Mega Slowbro has. And it gets Shell Armour so it can't be crited. *exasperated laugh* Oh god. Ok it loses Regenerator, so it can't regain HP on switch out any more, but… Set up a couple of Calm Minds and you're not dying. Like Mega Altaria earlier, you can get Toxic stalled, but it doesn't seem so bad because Slowbro didn't lose an ability that prevented it from happening. Plus Mega Altaria can get crited. The only way you'll be able to kill a set up Mega Slowbro is with Toxic, because it has massive defence, a way of boosting its Special Defence and reliable recovery in Slack Off. Man.
Mega Audino- Don't care.
No, ok, I'll talk about it, but I still don't care. It's a wall, but instead of carrying over its decent ability, Regenerator, it carries over it's useless ability, Healer (which heals partner Pokemon of status afflictions in Double Battles). So it's a Double Battles mega, but who does Doubles?
Can I stop talking about Audino now?
Mega Camerupt- Great design. It looks so goofy, but kinda badass at the same time. It's gonna be slow as all hell, I can tell you that right now. And with a 4x weakness that's not a good thing. It gets ok bulk, but not enough to compensate for its weaknesses. Still, if it were under Trick Room (where slower Pokemon go first), it could be a serious threat. Sheer Force boosting a lot of its moves, Flamethrower, Lava Plume, Rock Slide, Earth Power, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Flash Cannon (if anyone ever ran Flash Cannon Camerupt), plus a pretty hefty 145 base Special Attack (same as Mega Metagross and mega Salamence's physical Attack stats). Still, too slow to do anything without Trick Room though.
Mega Sharpedo- Looks a bit stupid, but Strong Jaw could really work for it as an ability. It gets a nice attack boost, and access to Crunch (which is STAB) and Ice Fang so it does get use from its ability. Problem is, it doesn't get any other move that get a Strong Jaw boost. It doesn't learn any of the other Elemental Fangs (Fire/ Thunder/ Poison Fang) and they are the only other moves that get boosted by Strong Jaw. But still, it doesn't mean Mega Sharpedo is going to be useless. It's going to be a bit like Mega Salamence or Mega Sableye, where you Mega Evolve a turn after you send the Pokemon out so you can take advantage of the non-mega ability (in this case Speed Boost).
Mega Gallade- Another one I love. It has a fantastic design (he has a cape, which I'm still hyped about). At first I thought his ability was terrible (Inner Focus, which prevents flinching, as opposed to his normal Hidden Ability- Justified, which raises Attack when hit with a Dark Type move), but actually it might not be so bad. You can attack through Fake Out and it neutralises Togekiss and Jirachi's flinching antics (though not to any advantage in the case of Togekiss, because Air Slash is still super-effective). Then you have its Stats. 165 Base Attack. Just run that round your mind for a second. That puts Mega Gallade in the top 5 most powerful physical attackers. And his move set is incredible. STAB Close Combat and Psycho Cut, so you hit everything in the game bar Sableye, Spiritomb and the Honedge evo line for at least neutral damage. The he gets Earthquake, Stone Edge, Thunder Punch and Ice Punch for Flying types, Knock Off, Night Slash and X-Scissor for other Psychic types, Poison Jab to deal with Fairy Types, Shadow Sneak for priority, Power-Up Punch and Swords Dance for set up, Drain Punch for HP recovery. Oh and did I mention he is now pretty fast. Like base 110 speed. Dude.
Mega Rayquaza- Broken in every way shape and form. Base 780 Pokemon, with an ability that removes his flying type weaknesses, meaning he's only 2x weak to Ice rather than 4x weak, neutral to rock and resistant to Electric, plus the fact he has BASE 180 in both offensive stats and base 115 speed, with Dragon Dance, viable Flying type STAB in his signature Dragons Ascent and ExtremeSpeed priority. *sigh* If I may make a metaphor for this, this Mega is like being born into a rich family, then finding out you've inherited all of Bill Gate's money. You were well off before, but now you're ridiculous.
Mega Pidgeot- Not really much to say here. They've taken an okay Pokemon and made it better by giving it a good ability (No Guard) and a complete switch in offensive style (from physical to special) just to facilitate one move, Hurricane. Problem being that with No Guard, not only do you never miss but also your opponent never misses either, so that's 100% accurate Thunders, Blizzards and Stone Edges coming your way all the time.
Mega Beedrill- Oh this is wondrous. What they've done here is literally taken all of its stats and put them into physical offence and speed, so you're left with a Mega pokemon with stats that read thusly:
HP- 65, Attack- 150, Defence- 40, Sp. At- 15!!! (no typo), Sp. Def- 80, Speed- 145
So Mega Beedrill is hitting hard and fast, but gets wrecked by priority (like Mega Sceptile but worse). I really want to see someone run a Special Mega Beedrill with Bug Buzz and Sludge Bomb, just for the lols.
Mega Glalie- Refridgerate Explosion. That's all I have to say about this one. It's going to be amazing. Actually, I do have more to say. Shut your damn mouth Mega Glalie, you looks so stupid with it hanging open (who called their Mega Glalie Pacman in the ORAS demo? I did.)
Mega Steelix- Base 230 Defence!!! I said Mega Slowbro was fat. Mega Steelix will sink the land back into the ocean. And because it's Steel type, it can't get Toxic poisoned. 95 Special Defence isn't anything to sneeze at either. Only problems I see are, 1) it doesn't have Sturdy any more, it has Sand Force (good for a Sand team, especially with base 125 attack, but you can now get one shot), 2) it's slow as hell (great for Gyro Ball, not so great for the fact that everything that can one shot you will out-speed you and one shot you).
Mega Latias/ Latios0- Don't like them, which is strange, considering Latias and Latios are my second favourite Legendary Pokemon after Suicune. Problem is, they look identical and that just seems a bit lazy to me. Plus I don't like how their wings and arms merge and flip backwards. It seems anatomically awkward. Try pulling that pose yourself and tell me how you feel when you get back from the chiropractors. Sure, I know you're not a Pokemon, but it just doesn't seem like a natural pose. And I don't like the purple. Still, they've already been hacked by some people, so I've seen them in action and they are powerful to the nth degree, so no complaints there.
Groudon- Like Mega Rayquaza, broken in every sense of the word. It's ability means it only has 1 weakness! It's defensive stats are 160 and 90 (physical and special) and it only takes super effective damage from 1 type (being ground). Plus it can't get hit by Water moves at all, whilst its ability is in effect, otherwise it would have a 4x weakness thanks to its new Ground/ Fire typing. Oh, and did I mention, Base 180 attack. I was going off on one earlier about Mega Gallades 165 attack, this is 180 base. That's an Earthquake that will destroy worlds.
Kyogre- It's funny, because they actually nerfed Kyogre when compared with Groudon and Rayquaza. Kyogre was always the best of the 3, it could destroy both with Ice Beam and Groudon was weak to Kyogre's STAB anyway. But now, facing off with the others, Rayquaza has lost half of its Ice weakness (ok, Kyogre's base 180 Special Attack still means 1 Ice Beam is a guaranteed OHKO) and Groudon, being slower, is going to get it's weather effect up if both are sent out at the same time (because with weather inducing abilities, the slowest one gets their ability activated last, so their weather cancels out any other weather put up prior), therefore losing its weakness to water. And what does Kyogre get? Fire type moves won't work (they weren't a threat anyway) and no new typing so he doesn't get a different STAB to play with (unlike Groudon). Yeah his stats are amazing, like Groudons, but he didn't get as much love really. But his design is BADASS.
Contests: I'm ok with this, it was kinda expected they were coming back. I never really messed with them in the original games and I can't really see myself messing with them too much in these remakes. Sure I'll have a go, apparently you evolve Feebas into Milotic though contests now, so that makes it worthwhile in a way. But still… Oh, and I hate the cosplay Pikachu's. Gamefreak, stop mucking around with Pikachu and give us a Mega Raichu for all of Arceus' sake.
Secret Bases: Another thing I never really messed with in the original games, but now, it's a different story. Why? Where have you been for the last 3 months? YOU CAN MAKE YOUR OWN GYM IN YOU SECRET BASE!!!!!! *FANSPAZ MAJOR* Soooooooo awesome. Now the only problems are, where do I locate my base? How do I decorate it so it makes an awesome gym? And what type do I use? (It's either Fighting, so I can use Lucario and Mega Medicham or Mega Lopunny, Water, so I can use a Rain team with mega Swampert, Dragon, so I can use Mega Sceptile, or Normal, because I made a pretty nifty Mono-Normal team a few weeks back and it wrecks house).
(Sorry, got a bit excited there didn't I?)
Mirage Spots: So, apparently you can find all of the legends that aren't in X&Y in mirage spots through out Hoenn. This will be interesting. I really hope that they have the Lottery feature in these games so you can get more than one Master ball, because by God, I hate catching Legendary Pokemon. They are such a pain to catch and often, in my experience, would rather Struggle kill themselves (I'm looking at you Cobalion, Virizion and Terrakion) than stay in any type of Pokeball, even Timer Balls.
Post Game Story With Deoxys and Rayquaza: At least, I hope this is post game. It looks interesting. they introduce another new character (who has a Mega flipping Salamence. Don't want to battle her) and we get a bit more from Teams Magma and Aqua. Hopefully this means Deoxys can be captured in game rather than through event, because all the events do get annoying after a while.
Design and Graphics
BEAUTIFUL. 3D Hoenn. Diving. Gym redesigns (what we've seen so far). Character Sprite redesigns (even route trainers). Route and City redesigns. Team Aqua's new pirate redesign (and race change 😉 ). The Mossdeep Space Centre Rocket. Overworld flying on the Lati's. So Beautiful.
Anyway, that's my condensed summary (yes, it was actually condensed) of the up coming games. So now over to you guys. Are you HYPED for the new games? Who's going to be on your team (me personally, Sceptile, the Event Shiny Metagross (obvs), Lopunny, Medicham, Walrein and probably Swellow)? What bits are you most looking forward to? | <urn:uuid:a3da74be-8361-4437-9bd4-59f0869be12b> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-24T06:11:06Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712296819067.85/warc/CC-MAIN-20240424045636-20240424075636-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.962943 | 5,735 | 6,677 |
In the ever-spinning world of WWE, where superstars rise and fall like shooting stars, Bray Wyatt has managed to keep fans on the edge of their seats, crafting a narrative filled with both goosebump-inducing triumphs and controversies that have rocked the wrestling community. As WWE news Bray Wyatt continues to astound and mystify, let us dive into the peculiar saga of this inimitable athlete and entertainer.
The Unexpected Return of Bray Wyatt to WWE Programming in 2024
The buzz surrounding Bray Wyatt’s return to WWE in 2024 felt like a plot twist in a gripping thriller that fans couldn’t have scripted better. Social media had been teeming with speculations and rumors, fans dissecting every post and tweet for hidden clues. Then, out of the blue, he stepped back into the ring, his presence electrifying the atmosphere like a charged tempest.
The comeback was unexpected but immensely celebrated. Arenas thundered with roars of approval, while at home, viewers frantically exchanged their disbelief on wrestling forums. Behind the scenes, there were whispers of a dramatic overhaul for Wyatt’s character, the WWE creative team toiling to concoct story arcs worthy of his enigmatic persona.
His return unleashed an avalanche of creative directions, seeing Wyatt adopt new layers to his already complex character. With strategic narrative progression, the WWE has carved a niche for Wyatt that transcends traditional wrestling angles, transforming him into a storyteller par excellence within the squared circle.
Unveiling the Economic Impact of Bray Wyatt’s Merchandise Sales Post-Return
In the world of wrestling, few things spell success like the thunderous cash registers ringing in sync with soaring merchandise sales. Post his 2024 return, Bray Wyatt’s merchandise flew off the shelves faster than you could say “Let me in” – his catchphrase becoming a clarion call for fans to swipe their credit cards.
Data now reveals a jaw-dropping uptick in Wyatt’s merchandise sales. His shirts, action figures, and other collectibles aren’t just outpacing other WWE Superstars; they’re creating an economy of their own. Indeed, Wyatt’s popularity has birthed an epoch of merchandise where even limited-edition items become instant sell-outs.
WWE, keenly aware of the goldmine they have in Wyatt, wasted no time capitalizing. New merchandise lines popped up, featuring ominous graphics and cryptic symbols that resonated with the WWE fan base. Fans lapped up every offering, their allegiance to Wyatt’s persona strengthening with every purchase.
|Bray Wyatt (Windham Lawrence Rotunda)
|Bray Wyatt’s family was mentioned during Matt Hardy’s podcast.
|Relative in WWE
|Taylor Michael Rotunda (Bo Dallas/Uncle Howdy)
|Matt Hardy attended, found it difficult to be around Wyatt’s family during the loss.
|Allows WWE to use a wrestler’s likeness for merchandise, video games, etc.
|Signed on December 24, 2023
|Active within WWE, potentially involved in storylines and events.
|Recognized for his unique character work and storylines within WWE.
|Continued sales of Bray Wyatt-related merchandise.
|Video Game Appearances
|Included in WWE video games under the Legends contract.
The Creative Mastermind: How WWE News Bray Wyatt Transformed His Character
Delving into the metamorphosis of Bray Wyatt is akin to unraveling a dark fairy tale. Once known as the cult leader of The Wyatt Family, he took the WWE universe by storm with his ‘Fiend’ persona, terrifying yet fascinating viewers. But after his return, there was a shift towards something more cerebral, more nuanced.
The layers added to Wyatt’s character after 2024 showcase a profound change, reflecting a complexity that is rare in the high-octane world of professional wrestling. This transformation is not just a product of the creative team’s vision but also Wyatt’s own innovative genius. His ability to adapt and metamorphose has made his character a cornerstone of WWE storytelling.
Embracing elements reminiscent of It The clown eerie undertones, Wyatt’s portrayal sends shivers down the spines of the WWE universe. Together, he and the creative team conjure nightmares on-screen, a chilling testament to their collective dark arts.
Bray Wyatt’s Ratings Effect: Analyzing Viewership Data
Ratings are the lifeblood of WWE programming, and the return of Bray Wyatt acted as a potent transfusion. An analysis of viewership data pre and post his comeback reveals a remarkable spike, the numbers unequivocally suggesting that Wyatt is a major draw for the audience.
Wyatt’s segments, in fact, emerged as jewels in WWE’s crown, consistently outperforming other parts of the shows. These peaks in viewership are not coincidences—Wyatt’s presence ignites a unique fervor, a collective magnetism drawing eyes towards screens nationwide, cementing him as a ratings magnet.
The segments featuring Wyatt create a buzz that resonates well beyond their broadcast time, sparking discussions on social media and wrestling podcasts, further amplifying his effect on overall programming.
Exclusive Interviews Reveal Behind-the-Scenes Dynamics
Peer behind the curtain, and you’ll find Bray Wyatt is as respected as he is revered. Exclusive interviews with WWE insiders and Wyatt’s fellow wrestlers paint a picture of a man whose influence reverberates through the locker room.
When asked about Wyatt’s impact, fellow wrestlers echo sentiments of inspiration and admiration. They reveal that his creative energy is infectious and his work ethic, admirable. Matt Hardy, speaking on “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy” podcast, recalled attending his former tag team partner’s funeral service and highlighted the emotional resonance that Wyatt carries with him, both in and out of character.
Wyatt’s rapport with the roster extends to acts of mentorship and camaraderie. Taylor Michael Rotunda, once known as Bo Dallas and now as Uncle Howdy, credits his evolution to the guidance and support provided by Wyatt—a testament to Bray’s influence on fostering talent.
Conclusion: The Enigma of WWE News Bray Wyatt
The journey of Bray Wyatt in WWE is one lined with awe-inspiring comebacks, remarkable transformations, and indelible imprints on the fabric of professional wrestling. Through the haze of controversies and the luminance of triumphs, Wyatt stands tall as an enigma shaping the very bedrock of WWE’s landscape.
As we look ahead, it’s tantalizing to speculate on the future trajectories he could carve. With a Legends contract now binding him to WWE’s legacy and continuing brand evolution, Wyatt’s likeness remains forever etched in the annals of wrestling history, influencing storylines and characters for years to come.
In Bray Wyatt, WWE has unearthed a gem that not only boosts sales and viewership but also pushes the entire roster to elevate their game. His saga—fraught with unexpected twists, macabre theatrics, and an electric presence—will continue to be a draw for legions of fans, offering a narrative that’s as compelling as it is unpredictable. Truly, the enigma of WWE News Bray Wyatt remains as potent as ever, forecasting storms and triumphs in equal measure on the WWE horizon.
5 Shocking Facts About WWE News Bray Wyatt: Behind the Mask and Beyond the Ring
WWE fans, we all love a good scoop, and today, I’m servin’ it up hot! Let’s dive into the realm of the twisted, the enigmatic, and the downright jaw-dropping with none other than Bray Wyatt. You think you know everything about the ‘Eater of Worlds’? Think again, and hold on to your championship belts – this ride’s about to get bumpy!
Backstage Romance Fit for a Queen
Bray Wyatt’s persona may be dark and mysterious, but did you know his heart once belonged to royalty? That’s right, folks! The former WWE champion was romantically linked to none other than the stunning Dayanara Torres, a former Miss Universe. Talk about a tag team! This romance could have you spinning faster than a top rope hurricanrana, and it’s not every day you see a queen step into the ring. Unfortunately, like many whirlwind flings, it ended faster than a count-out (Dayanara Torres Star-Studded Romances).
Chilling Rituals for a Chilling Character
Ever wonder how Bray Wyatt stays so deep in character? Rumor has it, he’s got a chilling pre-match ritual that keeps him frosty. Borrowing the concept from an AM ice ritual recipe, Wyatt is said to submerge himself in an icy bath to become one with his cold and calculating on-screen self. Brrr, makes you shiver just thinking about it! Perhaps the next time you’re feeling a little too warm during a promo, you might wanna try this recipe to cool your jets (AM Ice Ritual Recipe).
Silver Screen Screams and Dreams
Just when you thought Bray Wyatt was all about the sharpshooters and Sister Abigails, there’s talk of him hitting the silver screen! No, not as a horror icon – though he’d totally nail that – but more akin to the indie vibes of an actress like Dasha nekrasova. Imagine Bray Wyatt swapping his lantern for a script! Could the man behind the fiend become the next indie darling? Stranger things have happened, folks (Indie Film Scene’s Rising Stars).
The Ballad of the Eater of Worlds?
You’d think a guy like Wyatt only listens to screams and the sound of bones crunchin’. But I’ll let you in on a little secret – our guy has a soft spot for tunes, especially the classics. Get this: Bray Wyatt might just be a Freddy Fender fan, and who could blame him?Before the Next Teardrop Falls” could be the perfect ballad for his character’s multi-layered story arcs. Don’t let the terror fool you; there’s a troubadour heart beatin’ beneath those creepy dreads (Discover Legends of Music Like Freddy Fender).
From Garden Hoe to Household Name
Who would’ve thunk it? Before becoming a household name, Wyatt was as green as a fresh-cut lawn with a garden hoe. Yep, he had to till the soil of the indie circuit, proving his worth in the ring before WWE took notice. It’s like a rags-to-riches fable, from wrestling in smelly gyms with barely two people clapping to headlining WrestleMania. Gardening the wrestling world with his unique brand of terror, Bray Wyatt has sure planted his seeds deep in the fabric of sports entertainment The Wrestling Journey From The Ground up).
A Star with No Limits
Oh, and did you hear the buzz about Bray Wyatt rubbing shoulders with A-listers? Word on the street is that he’s pals with none other than Big Willy, yep, Will Smith. Now I’m not saying Wyatt’s gonna be starring in “Emancipation” anytime soon, but the idea of these two collaborating has me as excited as a kid in a candy store. Talk about an unexpected tag team! The Fresh Prince and The Fiend? Now that’s what I call box office gold Will Smith ’ s Ambitious Projects).
And Now for the Three Count…
So, there you have it. From chilling rituals and silver screen aspirations to a soft spot for Freddie Fender and potential Hollywood hobnobbing, Bray Wyatt’s world is as wild outside of the ring as it is inside. This enigma, wrapped in a spider walk, topped with a menacing laugh, just never ceases to amaze. And that’s the scoop in this corner of the WWE universe. Stay tuned to Loaded Media for more shockin’ stories and fun facts that’ll have you saying, “This just can’t be staged!”
Did Bray Wyatt have a funeral?
– Yeah, Bray Wyatt’s send-off was as poignant as you’d expect. Last month, wrestling worlds collided in a somber moment as Matt Hardy attended his former tag team partner’s funeral service. Hardy spilled the beans on his podcast, “The Extreme Life of Matt Hardy,” saying that being around Wyatt’s family was tough—they were really going through it, still trying to wrap their heads around their incredible loss.
Who is Uncle Howdy in WWE?
– Uncle Howdy? Oh, that’s a name that rings a bell in the WWE universe! Taylor Michael Rotunda’s the man behind the mask, well-known for his stints as Bo Dallas. In a blink and you’ll miss it transformation, he’s now the chilling Uncle Howdy in the wrestling ring.
Who is Bray Wyatt’s wife?
– Bray Wyatt’s better half has been by his side outside the spotlight. While the wrestling world was his stage, his family life’s kept a bit closer to the vest, so you’ll have to arm-wrestle the grapevine for those details.
What is a legends contract WWE?
– So, a legends contract with WWE—it’s like a golden handshake that keeps on giving. Sign on the dotted line, and the company gets dibs on your wrestling persona for video games, merch, you name it—pretty much anything that’ll keep the cash registers ringing and the fans cheering.
What did Undertaker whisper to Bray Wyatt?
– What did The Undertaker whisper to Bray Wyatt? Oh, if only walls could talk! That’s one secret that’s probably locked down tighter than a coffin on All Hallows’ Eve. But hey, let’s just say whatever it was, it’s the stuff of legends!
What wrestlers attended Bray Wyatt’s funeral?
– Matt Hardy, with a heart heavy as lead, was among the faces at Bray Wyatt’s final curtain call. As for the rest, details are scarcer than a chokehold escape—looks like you’ll have to dive into the wrestling forums for the full roll call.
Who is the wrestling guy with leukemia?
– The wrestling guy with leukemia that’s been on everyone’s minds? That’s none other than Roman Reigns, real name Joe Anoa’i. He’s battled it out in the ring and with his health, proving he’s tough as nails in more ways than one.
Who is the Slim Jim guy in WWE?
– The Slim Jim spokesman who ‘snapped into’ WWE fame? Macho Man Randy Savage, oh yeah! He’s the one whose larger-than-life persona and catchy catchphrases left fans craving both the snack stick and more screen time.
Who is the slim jim guy from wrestling?
– Tie on your wrestling boots and let’s slam into this one: the Slim Jim aficionado in question is the one and only Macho Man Randy Savage. His catchphrase “Snap into a Slim Jim,” has been rattling around our heads since the 90s.
How many wives did Bray Wyatt have?
– Bray Wyatt’s can of worms isn’t one we’ve pried open. Private through and through, the guy’s kept his personal life out of the ring. So, the number of his wives? That’s locker room talk that hasn’t made it to the main event.
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– The real cause of death of Bray Wyatt? Oh, hold up—seems like we’ve got our wires crossed! Bray’s still with us, throwing down in the ring. No bell tolls for him yet!
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The Efficacy and Safety Profile of Manforce – A Comprehensive Guide to this Generic Drug for Men’s Health Conditions
Description of Manforce: An Overview of a Generic Drug for Men’s Health
Manforce is a widely prescribed generic drug used to address various men’s health conditions. This article provides an in-depth understanding of Manforce, including its active ingredients, mechanism of action, and the different forms and strengths available.
Manforce contains sildenafil citrate as its active ingredient. Sildenafil citrate is a phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor, which works by relaxing the smooth muscles and increasing blood flow to specific areas of the body, particularly the genital area.
Mechanism of Action
When a man experiences sexual stimulation, the release of nitric oxide in the erectile tissue of the penis triggers the synthesis of cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate). As cGMP increases, it relaxes the blood vessels in the penile area, allowing for increased blood flow that leads to an erection.
However, an enzyme called PDE5 breaks down cGMP, resulting in a decreased blood flow and weaker erections. By inhibiting the action of PDE5, Manforce helps to maintain the levels of cGMP, ultimately enhancing erectile function.
Forms and Strengths
Manforce is available in tablet form and comes in a variety of strengths, including 25mg, 50mg, and 100mg. The dosage strength prescribed by healthcare professionals may vary depending on the individual’s specific needs and response to the medication.
Additionally, some variants of Manforce may be tablets specifically designed to address other men’s health conditions, such as premature ejaculation or pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is essential to follow the prescribed form and strength as directed by your healthcare provider.
To learn more about Manforce and its effectiveness and safety profile compared to brand-name counterparts, continue reading our article on the efficacy and safety profile of generic drugs for men’s health.
- NCBI – Sildenafil citrate for the treatment of erectile dysfunction in men with cardiovascular disease
- FDA – Information about using Cialis, Levitra, or Viagra to treat erectile dysfunction
Efficacy and Safety Profile of Generic Drugs for Men’s Health
Generic drugs have become a popular choice for treating various men’s health conditions due to their affordability and similar effectiveness compared to brand-name counterparts. In this section, we will explore the efficacy and safety profile of generic drugs commonly prescribed for men’s health conditions, with a particular focus on Manforce.
Efficacy of Generic Drugs
1. Manforce: Active Ingredients and Mechanism of Action
Manforce is a generic drug commonly prescribed for men’s health conditions, especially for erectile dysfunction. Its active ingredient, sildenafil citrate, belongs to a class of medications called phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. By inhibiting the action of PDE5 enzymes, Manforce helps relax the blood vessels in the penis, allowing for increased blood flow and facilitating an erection.
2. Effectiveness Compared to Brand-Name Counterparts
Studies have shown that generic drugs like Manforce containing sildenafil citrate exhibit comparable efficacy to their brand-name counterparts. These studies indicate that generic drugs are equally effective in facilitating erections and improving sexual performance in men.
|Similar to brand-name
|Mild and temporary
|Similar to generic
|Mild and temporary
Furthermore, regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) ensure that generic drugs meet the same stringent quality standards as brand-name drugs, indicating their comparable efficacy.
Safety Profile of Generic Drugs
1. Side Effects
The common side effects of generic drugs for men’s health, including Manforce, are usually mild and temporary. These may include headache, flushing, nasal congestion, dizziness, and digestive issues. It’s essential to note that individual reactions may vary, and consulting a healthcare provider is advised if any concerning side effects occur.
2. Drug Interactions
Like any medication, generic drugs may interact with other drugs or substances, leading to adverse effects. It is crucial to inform your healthcare provider about all the medications or supplements you are taking before starting Manforce or any generic drug. This will help mitigate potential drug interactions and ensure your safety.
3. Cost Comparison
One significant advantage of generic drugs, including Manforce, is their affordability compared to brand-name drugs. The lower cost of generic options allows access to effective treatment for a broader population, improving overall healthcare accessibility.
In conclusion, generic drugs like Manforce, which contain sildenafil citrate, have shown comparable efficacy to their brand-name counterparts. They are generally safe and well-tolerated, with mild and temporary side effects. The availability of generic drugs at a lower cost contributes to their increasing use for men’s health conditions.
Drug Interactions with Diagnostic Tests or Procedures
It is important for patients taking Manforce to be aware of potential drug interactions with diagnostic tests or procedures commonly used for men’s health conditions. These interactions can affect the accuracy and interpretations of these tests. Here are some key points to consider:
1. Testosterone Levels:
Manforce is known to affect testosterone levels in the body. Therefore, it is essential to inform your healthcare provider if you are undergoing a testosterone level test. The drug can interfere with the results, potentially leading to inaccurate interpretations.
2. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Test:
The PSA test is commonly used to screen for prostate cancer. Manforce can temporarily lower PSA levels in the blood. It is crucial to inform your doctor if you are taking Manforce before undergoing a PSA test. The drug’s influence on PSA levels might affect the accuracy of the test and could potentially mask the presence of prostate cancer.
3. Cardiac Stress Tests:
While taking Manforce, patients may undergo cardiac stress tests to evaluate heart function. It is vital to inform your healthcare provider about your medication use, as the drug can interact with certain stress test medications, such as nitrates. Combining Manforce with nitrates can lead to a potentially dangerous drop in blood pressure.
4. Blood Pressure Measurements:
Since Manforce can affect blood pressure, it is crucial to mention its use to healthcare professionals when undergoing blood pressure measurements. They may need to consider the drug’s influence when interpreting the results and determining appropriate treatment plans.
It is important to remember that these interactions may not occur in all cases, and the significance may vary depending on individual factors. Therefore, it is best to consult with your healthcare provider about any specific concerns or questions regarding drug interactions with diagnostic tests or procedures.
Dosage and Administration of Manforce
When it comes to the effective and safe use of Manforce, it is crucial to follow the recommended dosage and administration guidelines. Here’s what you need to know:
The recommended dosage of Manforce may vary depending on the specific men’s health condition being treated. It is essential to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate dosage for your individual needs.
For most men, a starting dose of Manforce is 50mg, taken approximately one hour before sexual activity. However, the dosage can be adjusted to 25mg or increased to 100mg based on the individual’s response and tolerance.
Manforce is an oral medication and should be taken with a glass of water. It can be taken with or without food, but taking it with a high-fat meal may delay the onset of action.
It is crucial to note that Manforce should be taken only when needed, ideally one hour before sexual activity. It is not recommended to take it more than once a day.
Timing of Taking Manforce
Since Manforce needs time to be absorbed by the body, it is essential to consider the timing of taking the medication. Taking it too soon before sexual activity may result in suboptimal effectiveness.
For most men, taking Manforce approximately one hour before engaging in sexual activity provides the best results. However, it is important to follow the specific recommendations provided by your healthcare provider.
Before starting Manforce, it is vital to consult with a healthcare provider or obtain a prescription. They will assess your medical history, existing medications, and overall health to determine if Manforce is suitable for you.
Additionally, it is essential to be aware of the potential side effects of Manforce, which may include headaches, dizziness, flushing, nasal congestion, or indigestion. If any severe or persistent side effects occur, it is important to seek medical attention immediately.
Please note that Manforce is not intended for use by women or individuals below the age of 18.
To learn more about Manforce’s dosage, administration, and precautions, visit Manforce’s official website.
Over-the-Counter (OTC) Availability and Benefits of Manforce
Manforce, a widely used generic drug for men’s health conditions, offers several benefits to consumers, including its availability as an over-the-counter (OTC) medication. This means that individuals can purchase Manforce without a prescription, making it convenient and easily accessible.
As an OTC medication, Manforce can save individuals time and provide them with a hassle-free solution for their health concerns. It eliminates the need for doctor’s appointments or consultations, allowing men to address their health conditions discreetly and promptly. Additionally, the financial burden associated with regular doctor visits is significantly reduced with the OTC availability of Manforce.
It is important to note that while Manforce is available without a prescription, it is crucial for individuals to consult a healthcare provider before starting any medication. A healthcare professional can provide personalized advice based on an individual’s specific health condition and history. They can also help identify potential risks and ensure the appropriate dosage and usage instructions for Manforce.
To further enhance the understanding of Manforce and its OTC availability, here are some key highlights:
- Convenience: With OTC availability, Manforce can be easily purchased at pharmacies or online platforms, providing convenience to men seeking relief from their health conditions.
- Privacy: Manforce allows individuals to address their health concerns privately, avoiding potential embarrassment or discomfort associated with discussing men’s health conditions.
- Cost-effective: Compared to brand-name medications, generic drugs like Manforce are generally more cost-effective, making them an affordable option for many individuals.
- Regulatory Approval: Manforce, along with other generic drugs, undergoes rigorous testing and is approved by regulatory authorities, ensuring its safety and efficacy.
- Customer Reviews: Several reliable online platforms provide reviews and ratings of Manforce, giving potential users the opportunity to learn from the experiences of others and make an informed decision.
In order to gather further information regarding Manforce and its OTC availability, please refer to the following authoritative sources:
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA): The FDA website offers comprehensive information on drug approvals, safety, and regulations.
- Mayo Clinic: The Mayo Clinic provides reliable and up-to-date medical information, including details on men’s health conditions and medications.
- WebMD: An authoritative medical website that provides trusted information on various health topics, including men’s health and medications.
To summarize, Manforce’s availability as an over-the-counter medication offers convenience, privacy, and cost-effective options for individuals seeking relief from men’s health conditions. However, it is essential to consult a healthcare provider for personalized advice and to ensure safe and appropriate usage of Manforce.
6. Potential Side Effects and Precautions of Manforce
One crucial aspect to consider when taking any medication is the potential side effects and precautions associated with its use. Manforce, like any other drug, may have certain adverse effects and requires cautious use.
6.1 Common Side Effects
Manforce may cause some common side effects, which generally subside on their own as the body adjusts to the medication. These include:
- Facial flushing
- Nasal congestion
- Indigestion or upset stomach
- Dizziness or lightheadedness
If you experience any of these side effects and find them bothersome or if they persist for a prolonged duration, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider.
6.2 Rare but Serious Side Effects
While rare, there are some serious side effects associated with Manforce that require immediate medical attention. These include:
- Prolonged or painful erection (priapism) lasting for more than four hours
- Severe allergic reactions like rash, itching, or swelling
- Sudden decrease or loss of vision
- Hearing loss or ringing in the ears
- Severe dizziness or fainting
It’s crucial to seek immediate medical help if you encounter any of these serious side effects while using Manforce.
6.3 Precautions and Warnings
Before starting Manforce, it’s important to keep in mind the following precautions:
- Inform your healthcare provider about any existing medical conditions or allergies you may have.
- Discuss all current medications, including prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, and herbal supplements, with your healthcare provider to avoid potential drug interactions.
- Avoid consuming alcohol excessively, as it may increase the risk of side effects.
- Men with certain health conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases or liver/kidney problems, may require dosage adjustments or more frequent monitoring while taking Manforce.
- Do not take Manforce along with other medications used for erectile dysfunction, as it may lead to an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
Remember, this information is not exhaustive, and it is essential to consult your healthcare provider or pharmacist for a comprehensive understanding of the precautions and potential interactions associated with Manforce.
To gain more knowledge about Manforce and men’s health, refer to Manforce’s official website, or consult credible sources such as the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Quote: “It’s crucial to prioritize your safety and well-being while using Manforce. Understanding the potential side effects, taking necessary precautions, and seeking medical advice when needed can help ensure a positive experience with this medication.”
7. Side Effects and Precautions of Manforce: Understanding the Risks
While Manforce is an effective medication for various men’s health conditions, it is essential to be aware of its potential side effects and necessary precautions before starting the treatment. It is crucial to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice and to carefully read the medication’s accompanying leaflet.
7.1 Common Side Effects of Manforce
Like any medication, Manforce may cause some common side effects in certain individuals. These side effects are typically mild and temporary, subsiding as your body adjusts to the medication. Common side effects associated with Manforce may include:
- Flushed face
- Nasal congestion
- Digestive issues, such as indigestion or upset stomach
If these side effects persist or worsen, it is important to seek medical attention and discuss them with your healthcare provider. They can provide guidance on managing these effects or potentially adjusting the dosage.
7.2 Serious Side Effects and Allergic Reactions
Although rare, serious side effects or allergic reactions can occur while taking Manforce. If you experience any of the following symptoms, seek immediate medical attention:
- Chest pain or discomfort
- Irregular heartbeat
- Sudden vision loss
- Priapism (prolonged and painful erection lasting more than four hours)
- Allergic reactions, such as rash, itching, swelling, severe dizziness, or difficulty breathing
It is important to note that these serious side effects require prompt medical intervention to prevent any potential long-term complications.
7.3 Precautions and Considerations
Before starting Manforce, it is crucial to discuss your medical history with your healthcare provider, particularly if you have any of the following conditions:
- Heart disease or cardiovascular issues
- Blood disorders or bleeding problems
- Kidney or liver disease
- High or low blood pressure
- Stomach ulcers
- Eye conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa
- Penile deformation or conditions predisposing to priapism
These conditions may require specific precautions or close monitoring while using Manforce. Additionally, it is important to disclose any other medications, supplements, or herbal products you are currently taking to avoid potential interactions or contraindications.
Remember, Manforce is intended for adult males only and should never be used by women or children. It is essential to store the medication away from the reach of unauthorized individuals.
In conclusion, while Manforce is generally a well-tolerated medication, it is crucial to understand the possible side effects and take necessary precautions. Consultation with your healthcare provider is paramount to determine if Manforce is the right medication for your specific health condition and to receive appropriate guidance regarding its usage.
Category: Men's Health
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Python Libraries are a set of helpful features that get rid of the necessity for writing codes from scratch. There are over 137,000 python libraries current right this moment, and so they play a significant function in growing machine studying, knowledge science, knowledge visualization, picture and knowledge manipulation purposes, and extra. Let us briefly introduce Python Programming Language after which instantly dive into the most well-liked Python libraries.
What is a Library?
A library is a set of pre-combined codes that can be utilized iteratively to scale back the time required to code. They are significantly helpful for accessing the pre-written continuously used codes as a substitute of writing them from scratch each single time. Similar to bodily libraries, these are a set of reusable sources, which suggests each library has a root supply. This is the muse behind the quite a few open-source libraries obtainable in Python.
What is a Python Library?
A Python library is a set of modules and packages that provide a variety of functionalities. These libraries allow builders to carry out varied duties with out having to jot down code from scratch. They comprise pre-written code, courses, features, and routines that can be utilized to develop purposes, automate duties, manipulate knowledge, carry out mathematical computations, and extra.
Python’s in depth ecosystem of libraries covers various areas equivalent to net improvement (e.g., Django, Flask), knowledge evaluation (e.g., pandas, NumPy), machine studying (e.g., TensorStream, scikit-learn), picture processing (e.g., Pillow, OpenCV), scientific computing (e.g., SciPy), and lots of others. This wealth of libraries considerably contributes to Python’s recognition amongst builders, researchers, and knowledge scientists, because it simplifies the event course of and effectively implements advanced performance.
Quick test – Python Foundations
Top 30 Python Libraries List
|Primary Use Case
|HTTP for Humans
|Big Data Processing
|Natural Language Processing
|Natural Language Processing
This desk consists of libraries important for knowledge scientists, net builders, and software program engineers working with Python. Each library has its personal strengths and is chosen for particular duties, from net improvement frameworks like Django and Flask to machine studying libraries like TensorStream and PyTorch to knowledge evaluation and visualization instruments like Pandas and Matplotlib.
1. Scikit- be taught
It is a free software program machine studying library for the Python programming language. It could be successfully used for quite a lot of purposes which embody classification, regression, clustering, mannequin choice, naive Bayes’, grade boosting, Okay-means, and preprocessing.
- Python (>= 2.7 or >= 3.3),
- NumPy (>= 1.8.2),
- SciPy (>= 0.13.3).
Spotify makes use of Scikit-learn for its music suggestions and Evernote for constructing its classifiers. If you have already got a working set up of NumPy and scipy, the best strategy to set up scikit-learn is by utilizing pip.
The Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing (NuPIC) is a platform that goals to implement an HTM studying algorithm and make them a public supply as properly. It is the muse for future machine studying algorithms primarily based on the biology of the neocortex. Click right here to test their code on GitHub.
It is a Python library that’s used for the speedy prototyping of machine studying fashions. Ramp gives a easy, declarative syntax for exploring options, algorithms, and transformations. It is a light-weight pandas-based machine studying framework and can be utilized seamlessly with current python machine studying and statistics instruments.
When it involves scientific computing, NumPy is among the elementary packages for Python, offering assist for big multidimensional arrays and matrices together with a set of high-level mathematical features to execute these features swiftly. NumPy depends on BLAS and LAPACK for environment friendly linear algebra computations. NumPy will also be used as an environment friendly multi-dimensional container of generic knowledge.
The varied NumPy set up packages could be discovered right here.
The formally advisable device for Python in 2017 – Pipenv is a production-ready device that goals to deliver the most effective of all packaging worlds to the Python world. The cardinal objective is to supply customers with a working surroundings that’s straightforward to arrange. Pipenv, the “Python Development Workflow for Humans,” was created by Kenneth Reitz for managing bundle discrepancies. The directions to put in Pipenv could be discovered right here.
TensorStream’s hottest deep studying framework is an open-source software program library for high-performance numerical computation. It is an iconic math library and can be used for Python in machine studying and deep studying algorithms. Tensorflow was developed by the researchers on the Google Brain staff throughout the Google AI group. Today, it’s being utilized by researchers for machine studying algorithms and by physicists for advanced mathematical computations. The following working techniques assist TensorStream: macOS 10.12.6 (Sierra) or later; Ubuntu 16.04 or later; Windows 7 or above; Raspbian 9.0 or later.
Do try our Free Course on Tensorflow and Keras and TensorStream python. This course will introduce you to those two frameworks and also will stroll you thru a demo of learn how to use these frameworks.
Developed at Idiap Research Institute in Switzerland, Bob is a free sign processing and machine studying toolbox. The toolbox is written in a mixture of Python and C++. From picture recognition to picture and video processing utilizing machine studying algorithms, numerous packages can be found in Bob to make all of this occur with nice effectivity in a short while.
Introduced by Facebook in 2017, PyTorch is a Python bundle that offers the person a mix of two high-level options – Tensor computation (like NumPy) with sturdy GPU acceleration and the event of Deep Neural Networks on a tape-based auto diff system. PyTorch gives an excellent platform to execute Deep Learning fashions with elevated flexibility and pace constructed to be built-in deeply with Python.
Looking to get began with PyTorch? Check out these PyTorch programs that will help you get began rapidly and simply.
PyBrain incorporates algorithms for neural networks that can be utilized by entry-level college students but can be utilized for state-of-the-art analysis. The purpose is to supply easy, versatile but subtle, and highly effective algorithms for machine studying with many pre-determined environments to check and evaluate your algorithms. Researchers, college students, builders, lecturers, you, and I can use PyBrain.
This machine studying toolkit in Python focuses on supervised classification with a gamut of classifiers obtainable: SVM, k-NN, random forests, and choice bushes. A variety of combos of those classifiers offers totally different classification techniques. For unsupervised studying, one can use k-means clustering and affinity propagation. There is a robust emphasis on pace and low reminiscence utilization. Therefore, many of the performance-sensitive code is in C++. Read extra about it right here.
It is an open-source neural community library written in Python designed to allow quick experimentation with deep neural networks. With deep studying changing into ubiquitous, Keras turns into the best alternative as it’s API designed for people and never machines, in line with the creators. With over 200,000 customers as of November 2017, Keras has stronger adoption in each the business and the analysis neighborhood, even over TensorStream or Theano. Before putting in Keras, it’s suggested to put in the TensorStream backend engine.
From exploring knowledge to monitoring your experiments, Dash is just like the entrance finish to the analytical Python backend. This productive Python framework is good for knowledge visualization apps significantly fitted to each Python person. The ease we expertise is a results of in depth and exhaustive effort.
It is an open-source, BSD-licensed library. Pandas allow the supply of straightforward knowledge construction and faster knowledge evaluation for Python. For operations like knowledge evaluation and modeling, Pandas makes it potential to hold these out while not having to change to extra domain-specific language like R. The greatest strategy to set up Pandas is by Conda set up.
This is one more open-source software program used for scientific computing in Python. Apart from that, Scipy can be used for Data Computation, productiveness, high-performance computing, and high quality assurance. The varied set up packages could be discovered right here. The core Scipy packages are Numpy, SciPy library, Matplotlib, IPython, Sympy, and Pandas.
All the libraries that we have now mentioned are able to a gamut of numeric operations, however with regards to dimensional plotting, Matplotlib steals the present. This open-source library in Python is extensively used for publishing high quality figures in varied exhausting copy codecs and interactive environments throughout platforms. You can design charts, graphs, pie charts, scatterplots, histograms, error charts, and so forth., with only a few strains of code.
The varied set up packages could be discovered right here.
This open-source library lets you effectively outline, optimize, and consider mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays. For a humongous quantity of knowledge, handcrafted C codes develop into slower. Theano allows swift implementations of code. Theano can acknowledge unstable expressions and but compute them with steady algorithms, giving it an higher hand over NumPy. The closest Python bundle to Theano is Sympy. So allow us to discuss it.
For all of the symbolic arithmetic, SymPy is the reply. This Python library for symbolic arithmetic is an efficient help for laptop algebra techniques (CAS) whereas conserving the code so simple as potential to be understandable and simply extensible. SimPy is written in Python solely and could be embedded in different purposes and prolonged with customized features. You can discover the supply code on GitHub.
The new boy on the town – Caffe2, is a Lightweight, Modular, and Scalable Deep Learning Framework. It goals to supply a straightforward and easy manner so that you can experiment with deep studying. Thanks to Python and C++ APIs in Caffe2, we will create our prototype now and optimize it later. You can get began with Caffe2 now with this step-by-step set up information.
When it involves the visualization of statistical fashions like warmth maps, Seaborn is among the many dependable sources. This Python library is derived from Matplotlib and is intently built-in with Pandas knowledge constructions. Visit the set up web page to see how this bundle could be put in.
This Python library is a device for deep studying with neural networks utilizing GPU acceleration with CUDA by way of pyCUDA. Right now, Hebel implements feed-forward neural networks for classification and regression on one or a number of duties. Other fashions equivalent to Autoencoder, Convolutional neural nets, and Restricted Boltzman machines are deliberate for the long run. Follow the hyperlink to discover Hebel.
A competitor to Hebel, this Python bundle goals at rising the flexibleness of deep studying fashions. The three key focus areas of Chainer embody :
a. Transportation system: The makers of Chainer have persistently proven an inclination towards computerized driving automobiles, and so they have been in talks with Toyota Motors about the identical.
b. Manufacturing business: Chainer has been used successfully for robotics and a number of other machine studying instruments, from object recognition to optimization.
c. Bio-health care: To cope with the severity of most cancers, the makers of Chainer have invested in analysis of varied medical pictures for the early prognosis of most cancers cells.
The set up, tasks and different particulars could be discovered right here.
So here’s a listing of the frequent Python Libraries that are value taking a peek at and, if potential, familiarizing your self with. If you’re feeling there may be some library that deserves to be on the listing, don’t forget to say it within the feedback.
22. OpenCV Python
Open Source Computer Vision or OpenCV is used for picture processing. It is a Python bundle that screens total features centered on instantaneous laptop imaginative and prescient. OpenCV gives a number of inbuilt features; with the assistance of this, you may be taught Computer Vision. It permits each to learn and write pictures on the identical time. Objects equivalent to faces, bushes, and so forth., could be identified in any video or picture. It is appropriate with Windows, OS-X, and different working techniques. You can get it right here.
To be taught OpenCV from fundamentals, try the OpenCV Tutorial
Along with being a Python Library, Theano can be an optimizing compiler. It is used for analyzing, describing, and optimizing totally different mathematical declarations on the identical time. It makes use of multi-dimensional arrays, making certain that we don’t have to fret concerning the perfection of our tasks. Theano works properly with GPUs and has an interface fairly much like Numpy. The library makes computation 140x sooner and can be utilized to detect and analyze any dangerous bugs. You can get it right here.
The Natural Language Toolkit, NLTK, is among the widespread Python NLP Libraries. It incorporates a set of processing libraries that present processing options for numerical and symbolic language processing in English solely. The toolkit comes with a dynamic dialogue discussion board that lets you talk about and convey up any points regarding NLTK.
SQLAcademy is a Database abstraction library for Python that comes with astounding assist for a spread of databases and layouts. It gives constant patterns, is straightforward to know, and can be utilized by newbies too. It improves the pace of communication between Python language and databases and helps most platforms equivalent to Python 2.5, Jython, and Pypy. Using SQLAcademy, you may develop database schemes from scratch.
Requests lets you ship HTTP/1.1 requests and embody headers, type knowledge, multipart recordsdata, and parameters utilizing fundamental Python dictionaries.
Similarly, it additionally lets you retrieve the reply knowledge.
Pyglet is designed for creating visually interesting video games and different purposes. Windowing, processing person interface occasions, joysticks, OpenGL graphics, loading photos and films, and enjoying sounds and music are all supported. Linux, OS X, and Windows all assist Pyglet.
One of the most effective and most well-known machine studying libraries, gradient boosting, aids programmers in creating new algorithms by utilizing choice bushes and different reformulated fundamental fashions. As a end result, specialised libraries can be utilized to implement this technique rapidly and successfully.
The Python-built Eli5 machine studying library aids in addressing the issue of machine studying mannequin predictions which can be continuously inaccurate. It combines visualization, debugging all machine studying fashions, and monitoring all algorithmic working processes.
Important Python Libraries for Data Science
Contributed by: Shveta Rajpal
LinkedIn Profile:
Here’s a listing of attention-grabbing and necessary Python Libraries that can be useful for all Data Scientists on the market. So, let’s begin with the 20 most necessary libraries utilized in Python-
Scrapy- It is a collaborative framework for extracting the information that’s required from web sites. It is kind of a easy and quick device.
StunningSoup- This is one other widespread library that’s utilized in Python for extracting or accumulating info from web sites, i.e., it’s used for net scraping.
statsmodels- As the title suggests, Statsmodels is a Python library that gives many alternatives, equivalent to statistical mannequin evaluation and estimation, performing statistical assessments, and so forth. It has a perform for statistical evaluation to attain high-performance outcomes whereas processing massive statistical knowledge units.
XGBoost- This library is applied in machine studying algorithms underneath the Gradient Boosting framework. It gives a high-performance implementation of gradient-boosted choice bushes. XGBoost is transportable, versatile, and environment friendly. It gives extremely optimized, scalable, and quick implementations of gradient boosting.
Plotly-This library is used for plotting graphs simply. This works very properly in interactive net purposes. With this, we will make various kinds of fundamental charts like line, pie, scatter, warmth maps, polar plots, and so forth. We can simply plot a graph of any visualization we will consider utilizing Plotly.
Pydot- Pydot is used for producing complex-oriented and non-oriented graphs. It is specifically used whereas growing algorithms primarily based on neural networks and choice bushes.
Gensim- It is a Python library for subject modeling and doc indexing, which suggests it is ready to extract the underlying subjects from a big quantity of textual content. It can deal with massive textual content recordsdata with out loading the complete file in reminiscence.
PyOD- As the title suggests, it’s a Python toolkit for detecting outliers in multivariate knowledge. It gives entry to a variety of outlier detection algorithms. Outlier detection, also called anomaly detection, refers back to the identification of uncommon gadgets, occasions, or observations that differ from a inhabitants’s normal distribution.
This brings us to the tip of the weblog on the highest Python Libraries. We hope that you just profit from the identical. If you’ve any additional queries, be at liberty to depart them within the feedback under, and we’ll get again to you on the earliest.
The under path will information you to develop into a proficient knowledge scientist.
Python Libraries FAQs
Python libraries are a set of associated modules that comprise bundles of codes that can be utilized in numerous packages. Making use of Python libraries makes it handy for the programmer as they wouldn’t have to jot down the identical code a number of instances for various packages. Some frequent libraries are OpenCV, Apache Spark, TensorStream, NumPy, and so forth.
There are over 137,000 Python libraries obtainable right this moment. These libraries could be useful in creating purposes in machine studying, knowledge science, knowledge manipulation, knowledge visualization, and so forth.
Numpy is essentially the most used and widespread library in Python.
Python and all Python packages are saved in /usr/native/bin/ if it’s a Unix-based system and Program Files whether it is Windows.
NumPy is a library.
Pandas is a library that’s used to research knowledge.
The most sensible Python library for machine studying is unquestionably scikit-learn. Numerous efficient machine studying and statistical modeling strategies, equivalent to classification, regression, clustering, and dimensionality discount, can be found within the sklearn library.
A Python bundle referred to as NumPy affords assist for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices in addition to a large variety of subtle mathematical operations that could be carried out on these arrays. A complicated knowledge manipulation device primarily based on the NumPy library known as Pandas.
Although you can’t develop into an professional, you may be taught the fundamentals of Python in 3 days, equivalent to syntax, loops, and variables. Once you realize the fundamentals, you may be taught concerning the libraries and use them at your individual comfort. However, this relies on what number of hours you dedicate to studying the programming language and your individual particular person studying expertise. This could range from one individual to a different.
How quick you be taught Python relies on varied elements, such because the variety of hours devoted. Yes, you may be taught the fundamentals of Python in 3 weeks’ time and may work in the direction of changing into an professional on the language.
Yes, Python is among the most widely-used programming languages on this planet. Individuals with Python expertise are in excessive demand and will certainly assist in touchdown a high-paying job.
Python builders are in excessive demand, and knowledgeable within the mid-level would earn a median of ₹909,818, and somebody who’s an skilled skilled could earn near ₹1,150,000.
- What is TensorStream? The Machine Learning Library Explained
- Scikit Learn in Machine Learning, Definition and Example
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Revised and expanded
The word Lloegr is the modern Welsh name for England, which occurs in the early poetry to describe the territory of the opponents of the Cymry, often called the Lloegrwys ‘inhabitants of Lloegr’. Its use in Geoffrey of Monmouth’s History of the Kings of Britain, which had a considerable influence on subsequent medieval Welsh histories and Arthurian Romances, led to its becoming a semi-legendary realm, the Logris of Malory’s Le Morte d’Arthur and Logres of de Troyes’ Lancelot, the Knight of the Cart. In spite of it becoming the standard Welsh name for the country of England, the word Lloegr is little understood and for centuries it has carried a considerable amount of political baggage which have clouded its origins. This article aims to discuss the evidence of the origins and use of the word Lloegr and its derivative Lloegrwys in an attempt to gain some clarity on the issues, and perhaps dispel some of the myths which have surrounded this powerful name.
The origins of the name Lloegr are unknown and there can be very little certainty about its derivation. In his History (Book 2, Chap. I), Geoffrey of Monmouth claimed that the name came from the legendary character Locrinus, the founder of Lloegr, but this is clearly a fanciful idea. Connection with the OE. tribal name *Ligore, which occurs in Leicester (Legorensis civitas 803, Ligera ceaster 917), is unlikely. Ekwall suggests the word is from an old name for the river Soar, either [Br.] *Legra, or something similar to Gaul. Ligeris (> F. Loire). Neither of the Celtic words would yield W. Lloegr (cf. Br. *wegro- > W. gwair ‘grass, hay’, Br. *tigerno- > W. teyrn ‘king’), nor would a borrowing from the OE. equivalent *Ligor / *Legor, where internal ‹g› was realised as /ɣ/. Leicester appears in the Historia Brittonum as Cair Lerion and is Caerlŷr in modern Welsh. Besides, this word is so localised – and local to the east of England – it’s hard to see how it could be generalised to mean ‘the English’ in both the north and west.
A popular theory is that the word means ‘lost lands’, but this idea is often stated and never explained. It is probably a late folk etymology based on references such as this from the medieval Trioedd Ynys Prydain (Triads of the Isle of Britain): “Thus by the conduct of Gwrtheyrn the Cymry lost their lands and their privileges and their crown in Lloegr”. The word may therefore have come to mean ‘lost lands’ to some Welsh speakers, but it almost certainly did not mean that originally; there seems to be no way in which the word could be derived from known roots meaning ‘lost lands’.
A more scientific explanation was provided by Hamp (1982), who proposed an original PC. *φles-okri-s meaning ‘having a nearby border, living near the border’ (W. ochr ‘side’, OI. ochair ‘edge, border, side’), but there are problems with this etymology on phonetic and semantic grounds. To paraphrase Schrijver: « Br. *es before stressed or unstressed *o apparently did not develop a glide *j; here the *i (< *e before s)is reflected as WCB. i (which normally reflects Br. *ī) ». We would therefore expect PC. *φles-okri-s to become W. **lliogr as PC. *swesores became W. chwior(ydd) ‘sisters’.
More recently, Matasović (2009) has connected the word with OI. *láech ‘warrior; layman, pagan’, which he derives from PC. *laiko- ‘warrior’ (*lāyko- in his rendering), a derivative of a word (PC. *lā-)related to Gk. lāós ‘army, folk’ and Hittite lahh- ‘military campaign’.1 He derives Lloegr from PC. *laikor (his lāykor), a collective meaning ‘warriors’. The phonetics of this are fairly secure – PC. *ai would become W. oe regularly and r-stems generally retain their final -r preceded by an epenthetic vowel (e.g. PC. *awontīr > W. ewythr) – and the semantics are reasonable enough. While this derivation is far from certain, it does represent the only serious possibility for the origins of Lloegrto date.
Welsh Lloegr today means ‘England’ as a whole, but this may not always have been the case. There are apparent discrepancies over the extent of Lloegr, even sometimes within the same source. So what is the truth behind this enigmatic word?
The oldest uses of the term come from the poetry of the Cynfeirdd in the books of Aneirin and Taliesin, such as this from the 10th century Armes Prydain Fawr:
The Awen foretells, the day shall comeArmes Prydain Fawr, 107-110 (Williams and Bromwich (1982), 9).
When the men of Wessex come together in council
In a single pact, of one mind with the incendiarists of Lloegyr,
Hoping to bring shame to our splendid hosts2
Here and in other early poetry such as Y Gododdin and some of the northern praise poetry attributed to Taliesin, Lloegr clearly refers to a geographical region and Lloegrwys to the inhabitants thereof. There can be little doubt that the terms are used to describe the enemies of the British people and their territories, and those enemies are named variously in the same poems as Saeson ‘Saxons’, Eingl ‘Angles’, Allmyn ‘Germans’ and Iwys ‘Wessex men’.
In addition, we have one early reference in the Annales Cambriae for the year 895, which adds little more to our understanding of the word from the poetry:
“The Northmen came and laid waste Lloegr [Loyer] and Brycheiniog and Gwent and Gwynllywiog.”Annales Cambriae
In Geoffrey’s History and Enweu Ynys Brydein Yw Hynn, Lloegr is defined primarily as one of the three divisions of Britain:
“Locrine, that was eldest born, had the midland part of the island, which in later days was called Loegria, after his name. Next, Camber had that part which lieth beyond the river Severn, and is now called Wales, which afterward was for a long time called Cambria, after his name; whence unto this day do the folk of the country call them Cymry in the British tongue. But Albanact, the youngest, had the country which in these days in our tongue is called Scotland, and gave it the name or Albany, after his own.”History of the Kings of Britain, Book II, Chapter 1
The three principal parts of Britain: England, Wales and Scotland.Enweu Ynys Brydein iw hynn (Bromwich (2014), 246)
Elsewhere, Geoffrey treats the area to the north of the Humber as a separate entitity:
“Unto the Metropolitan of York, Deira was subject along with Albany [Scotland], both of which the great river Humber doth divide from Loegria. Unto the Metropolitan of London, Loegria and Cornwall were subject. These two provinces the Severn doth bound from Cambria, that is, Wales, which was subject unto Caerleon, the City of Legions.”History of the Kings of Britain, Book IV, Chapter 19
In the Welsh version of Monmouth’s History attributed to St Tysilio (but written c.1500), there are numerous references to a boundary along the Humber:
“Locrinys, for he was the eldest, took the middle of the island, and this part was called Lloegr, from his name. Kamber got the other part beyond the Severn, and that part is called Kymry; and Albanakdys got from the river Humber to Penrhyn Bladdon, and that [part] is called Scotland, and from his name Alban.”
“But wise men of high degree made peace between [Beli and Bran], and they divided the kingdom in two parts, to wit, Beli was left Lloegr and the crown of the kingdom, and the whole of Kymry and Cornwall also, since he was the eldest son… And to Bran fell all the country north of the Humber, that is, all the North in subordination to his brother.”
“[Owain and Predyr] divided the kingdom between them. To Owain fell the part from the Humber to the west, that is, Lloegr, Kymry, and Cornwall; and Predyr’s part was from the Humber to the north, and all the north.”
“to the Bishop-house of York belonged Deira and Bernicia, and all the north defined by the Humber. And to the Arch Bishop-house of London, Lloegr and Cornwall, as defined by the Severn.”
“And they themselves possessed the whole of Lloegr, under Edelstan, the first man of the Saesson to wear the crown of the kingdom”
We therefore have a Lloegr bound in the west by the river Severn and in the north by the Humber. Given the popularity of Monmouth’s work in medieval Wales, this definition must have been widely understood, but whether it predates him is difficult to know. At the time he was writing in the 1130s the northern border of England was in constant flux and the area north of the Humber, which retained strong historical links with the Lothians and Strathclyde and had a complex cultural mixture of Norse, Danes, Angles and Cumbrians, may well have seemed like a foreign land. It certainly couldn’t be taken for granted that the north was part of England at that time and Monmouth must have been aware of its long history as a somewhat separate entity. So was he merely attempting to reflect this in his (clearly fanciful) history of Britain, or was he repeating a fact already established among the Welsh that Lloegrdid not include the north of England?
We encounter the same complex problem with the Trioedd, which were composed and compiled over centuries; our earliest copies dating from no earlier than the late 13C. Though some may well be based on genuine tradition, it is clear that many were influenced by other sources and some with an obvious nationalistic agenda prove very difficult to interpret, such as this example:
“The three social tribes of the Isle of Britain: The first was the nation of the Cymry… The second was the tribe of Lloegrwys that came from the land of the Gwasgwyn [Gascony], being descended from the primitive nation of the Cymry. The third were the Brython, who came from the land of Armorica, having their descent from the same stock with the Cymry… and these three tribes were descended from the original nation of the Cymry, and were of the same language and speech.”
This clearly can’t be treated as a serious piece of history, but this division between the Britons is intriguing: does this represent a genuine tradition that theterm Lloegrwys originally applied to the British, or is it an anachronistic application of the name in order to emphasise the nature of the English as invaders? If it is the former, who might the Lloegrwys (and the Brython) be?
A Pre-Roman Lloegr?
Tantalisingly, there was a division between the Britons, even before the arrival of the Anglo-Saxons. In the centuries leading up to the Roman Invasion in ad 43, the people of south-east England had developed close ties through trade and immigration with the Belgic Gauls across the channel. The influence of this contact, seen in the archaeological record and mentioned by Caesar, extended roughly to the Severn and Humber through a transitional region in the Midlands and West County, but never penetrated the more remote areas of the north and west. This ‘Belgicised’ region was the first to fall to Rome and would ultimately become the most heavily Romanised in Britain.
Perhaps, then, the term Lloegrwas originally used to describe the Belgic Britons and was later extended to the area of Romanised Britain? This being roughly the area that then fell to the Anglo-Saxons (the Belgic civitas of Venta became the Saxon capital of Wessex, Winchester), the name could understandably become synonymous with the region they controlled. The Brython of the Triads would be the south-west Britons (Cornish and Devonians), who were outside Romanised Britain but separate from the Cymry, and who had strong contacts with Armorica (Brittany).
As attractive as it may be to see a level of continuity from the Iron Age through to the Middle Ages, this theory of a Lloegr representing the ‘Belgicised’ and then the Romanised Britons is entirely conjectural. The level of Romanisation across Britain is still a matter of debate and the issue is far too complex to enter into here, but it is enough to say that the historical and archaeological evidence point to a rough division between the Romanised lowland zone and the less-Romanised highland zone. There was enough continuity in the highland zone for the pre-Roman culture to emerge relatively intact in the early medieval kingdoms of the 5th and 6th centuries. This being the case, however, there is no contemporary evidence that the Britons of the north and west considered their more Romanised neighbours to be a separate and homogeneous group to the extent that they named them collectively. None of our early British sources make reference to such a disctinction, nor mention Lloegr in such a way.
The whole concept of Lloegr predating the English arrival is taken from the references in the History and the Trioedd stated above, which are both late and clearly fantastic. We know that the term Alban for Scotland post-dates the arrival of the Dálriada (c.6C), since it is borrowed from Old Irish, and we can be fairly certain that Cymry post-dates the Anglo-Saxon horizon (5C), so it would be disingenuous to use these sources as evidence that Lloegrwas used any earlier.
One potential argument for the case that Lloegris an earlier name is the fact that, even in our earliest sources, it appears to be the name of a region and not of a people, since the term Lloegrwys is deemed necessary to describe its inhabitants. If Matasović’s etymology of a collective noun meaning ‘warriors’ is correct (which is not certain), then there must have been time enough between its original application to a people and the date of our earliest sources (potentially 6th-7th century) for the word to take the semantic shift from ‘a people’ to ‘a people; their territory’ to just ‘a territory’. The extension of a word meaning ‘a people’ to ‘a territory’ has exact parallels in W. Cymry: originally ‘the Welsh’ then ‘the Welsh; Wales’, the need to distinguish between these two meanings only arose in modern times when the alternative spelling Cymru was adopted to mean ‘Wales’ exclusively. If words meaning ‘a people’ and ‘a territory’ could be synonymous in the medieval British mind, why would the word Lloegr undergo such an early and complete semantic shift?
Whilst this is an important question to raise, it cannot be used to prove that the word Lloegr pre-dates the Anglo-Saxons or was applied to any other sub-section of the British population besides them. If we accept Matasović’s etymology, the semantic shift can be explained by the fact that, unlike Cymry, there were other words available to the early Welsh to describe the Anglo-Saxons. It is possible to imagine a situation in which the native term Lloegroriginally meant ‘Anglo-Saxons’ then ‘Anglo-Saxons; their territory’, but was narrowed to just ‘their territory’ as borrowed words, primarily Saeson ‘Saxon’, became the preferred ethnonym. It is notable that none of the Brythonic languages appear to have extended the word ‘Saxon’ to mean ‘England’.
So far, we’ve established very little since the nature of the History and the Trioedd makes them unreliable sources. We can at least say, since they are both using Welsh terms, that in the late middle ages the word Lloegrreferred to one of three divisions of Britain along with Albanand Cymry. We have yet to determine whether the term was originally defined as an area between the Humber and the Severn, or if this was a later restriction based on later political boundaries.
Lloegr and the North
It has already been said that some of our earliest sources for the terms Lloegrand Lloegrwys are Y Gododdin and the northern poems of the Book of Taliesin, in particular the Marwnad Owain ab Urien and Urien Yrechwydd. It is generally considered that the core of these works represent poems composed in the north at or around the time of the events they commemorate (late 6th – early 7th centuries) and that they were passed down orally before being written down in Wales centuries later. If this is the case, it suggests that the term Lloegrwas not originally restricted to the south of England and was used generally to refer to the Germanic invaders, at least in the north.
References to Lloegrin relation to the north are not confined to northern sources. The Englynion y Beddau in the 13th Century Black Book of Carmarthen contains the following lines:
ny buum lle llas gwallauc
mab goholheth teithiauc
attwod lloegir mab lleynnac
‘I have not been to the place where Gwallawg was killed
The son of Goholheth the accomplished
The resister of Lloegr, the son of Lleynawg’
This seems to be a reference to Gwallawg ap Lleynawg, one of the Gwŷr y Gogledd who occurs in the northern genealogies. He occurs again in the Black Book as subduing Lloegr at the battle in Gwensteri – perhaps the same as Gwen Ystrad which is one of the battles fought between Urien Rheged and the English, as recorded in the Book of Taliesin. Elsewhere in the Black Book is a reference to Gwen son of Llywarch Hen as ‘he who would attack Lloegr’; the father being a bard of the north and a cousin of Urien Rheged according to the Bonhedd Gwŷr y Gogledd.
The Trioedd, which as we have seen define the northern limit of Lloegr at the Humber, also mention two kings of Northumbria, Edwin and Æthelfrith:
ar dryded etwin vrenhin lloegyr “and the third was Edwin, king of Lloegr”
katwallaʋn pann aeth y weith digoll. a llu kymry gantaʋ. ac etwin or parth arall. a llu loegyr gantaʋ “Cadwallawn when he went to the lossless battle, and the forces of Cymry with him; and Edwin on the other side, and the forces of Lloegr with him.”
“The second was Ysgafnell mab Disgyfedaʋt, who killed Edelfflet (Ffleisaʋr) the king of Lloegr”
Edelfflet is identified elsewhere as Æthelfrith, the first Anglian king to unite Deira and Bernicia under a single ruler.
Finally, there is this from Tysilio’s version of the History:
“Having collected a multitude of people they conquered all Lloegr, as far as York.”
In another section of this History, it is said that Vortigern lost the towns of London, York and Lincoln and was banished from Lloegr. These could be taken to imply that York was in Lloegr.
These few references pose a considerable threat to the concept of Lloegr as a land south of the Humber. If the references in Y Goddodin are genuinely early and of northern origin we are bound to conclude that, in its earliest form, the term was not restricted to the area south of the Humber. At least to the Gwŷr y Gogledd it appears simply to be a synonym for the Anglo-Saxons and their territory. Even if we concede that these particular lines may be later and of Welsh composition, that only goes to show that the Welsh themselves were content to use the words Lloegr and Lloegrwys to describe the Northumbrians, despite having several alternative names (Eingl, Saeson) which would have identified them equally well. Similar usage in the Trioedd and Black Book of Carmarthen seem to bear this proposition out.
It is impossible to draw any firm conclusions about the origins and meaning of the word Lloegr, such is the nature of the evidence and the cultural and political complexities surrounding exonyms. From what has been said, however, we may tentatively suggest the following points:
- The only realistic etymology for Lloegrso far proposed is Matasović’s PC. *Laikor, a collective noun meaning roughly ‘warriors’, but even this is quite uncertain.
- In the earliest sources, the word seems to be generally synonymous with the territory of the Anglo-Saxons.
- There is no certain evidence that Lloegr was an area bound by the Humber and Severn prior to Geoffrey of Monmouth.
- There is no reliable evidence that the name predates the arrival of the English, therefore any question of Lloegr reflecting Romanised or Belgic Britons is pure conjecture.
From this discussion, I would hesitatingly propose the hypothesis that Lloegrwas originally a term to collectively describe the Germanic presence in Britain. If we accept Matasović’s etymology, a word meaning ‘warriors’ would be apt enough from the perspective of the north and west Britons whose relationship with the Anglo-Saxons was primarily based on the battlefield. The name might even have been originally applied to the Germanic foederati of late Roman Britain, who were the nuclei from which the later Anglo-Saxon kingdoms expanded, but this is speculation.
The process by which the term meaning roughly ‘Germans in Britain’ came to refer solely to Anglo-Saxon territory can be explained by the fact that borrowed terms such as Saeson made the original ethnonym obsolete, but did not replace the use of the territorial name. By the late 6th century, which is the very earliest any of our sources can date from, the Anglo-Saxons were already established across the east and south of England and all of their territory was known to the north and west Britons as Lloegr.
The subsequent restriction of Lloegr to a land between the Humber and the Severn, seen in the works of Geoffrey of Monmouth and the Trioedd, is probably best understood as an attempt by Welsh poets or historians to emphasise the special place the Old North and parts of western England had in the history of the Cymry. Most of this Lloegr was ‘lost’ to the Anglo-Saxons in a time which could only be illuminated by legends of Vortigern, Emrys and Arthur, but the poetry of the Cynfeirdd (Wales’ oldest literature) brought to vivid life a time when those in the north and the Welsh Marches were one people with the Cymry. This concept of the Humber-Severn boundary may have grown naturally as part of the tradition of Wales, or it may have been part of a more concerted effort by later medieval writers to make sense of the information they had – a way of synthesising tales of the Old North, of eastern Powys and Ergyng with the situation in their own day. The fact that some sources use Lloegr in both its restricted and its more general sense may suggest the latter is closer to the mark. Whether Geoffrey of Monmouth originated the Humber-Severn restriction or was repeating an established fact, his singular influence on subsequent medieval histories and romances meant the idea stuck and remained up until the modern era.
- Bromwich, R. (2014), Trioedd Ynys Prydain, University of Wales Press.
- Hamp, Eric P. (1982), “‘Lloegr’: the Welsh name for England”, Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies, Vol 4, Winter, 83–85.
- Matasović, R. (2009), Etymological Dictionary of Proto-Celtic, Leiden: Koninklijke Brill NV.
- Monmouth, G. History of the Kings of Britain, available at (accessed Dec 2013)
- Schrijver, P. (1995), Studies in British Celtic Historical Phonology, Amsterdam: Rodolphi.
- Williams, I. and R. Bromwich (1982), Armes Prydain: The Prophecy of Britain, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies.
1 The word has been derived from L. lāicus ‘lay; layman’ and it is clear that the senses ‘layman’ and ‘pagan’ are borrowed from the Latin. However, the semantic development from ‘layman’ to ‘warrior’ is not an obvious one and today IG. laoch means ‘hero, champion’ only. It is possible that two words of different origins were conflated, or that the sense of ‘layman’ was borrowed by scholars who recognised the connection between L. lāicus and OI. láech. The Latin word was borrowed into British and became W. lleyg ‘lay’, C. leg ‘lay’, B. lik ‘lay’ (via BrL. *lăïcos).
2 This is Ifor Williams’ translation with the phrase ‘Mercian incendiarists’ replaced by ‘incendiarists of Lloegr’. lloscit must be for W. llosgydd ‘arsonist, kindler’ to rhyme with the rest of the stanza. | <urn:uuid:8ae97171-dc18-459d-8a38-fe1f1da56527> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:47:19Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.953025 | 6,037 | 6,185 |
20 July For months the Con-Dem government have stated their intention to close 36 out of 54 Remploy factories across the UK.
Remploy workers had already voted overwhelmingly to take strike action on 19 and 26 July to save these plants and the related jobs.
Now this has added urgency because on 10 July the government announced the closure of the first 27 plants, possibly by Christmas.
This is a further attack on disabled people who want to have a choice of what form their working lives take, whether it’s supported employment or mainstream employment.
Remploy factories play a vital role in helping disabled people have a sustainable, independent working life as opposed to being left to rot on the unemployment scrapheap, reliant on ever diminishing benefits.
The plants were originally developed to ensure wounded returning soldiers from World War Two had a job.
It stands alongside the NHS as an historical legacy won through the Labour government elected in 1945.
This was as a result of the pressure of working people to avoid the miserable fate that faced those who survived World War One, who were promised ‘a land fit for heroes’.
Now these disabled workers, along with the rest of the working-class are targeted to pay for a crisis caused by the greedy and corrupt bankers and the tax-avoiding rich – all represented by this cabinet of millionaires.
It’s a scandal that 2,000 disabled people were made redundant in 2008 when the New Labour government closed 29 Remploy factories.
The majority of these are now living a life in poverty on benefits. This is the future facing Remploy workers today if the Con-Dem government close these factories.
Contrary to the view of the Sayce report for the Department for Work and Pensions and Tory minister Iain Duncan Smith, Remploy factories are not ghettoes of out-dated employment.
They are manufacturing facilities that employ skilled workers who produce high quality products. Unfortunately the skill and loyalty of these workers has not been matched by senior managers who have displayed a dismal record of mismanagement in recent years.
Remploy senior management received £2 million in fat cat bonuses while at the same time failing to bring work into the factories!
The National Shop Stewards Network (NSSN) fully support the Remploy workers in their fight to keep their factories open through these strikes and whatever action these workers deem necessary, up to and including factory occupations. We urge all trade unionists and the general public to join us in the campaign to defend Remploy workers now!
By Rob Williams, National Shop Stewards Network
Newcastle and Gateshead
At both the Newcastle and Gateshead Remploy factories all available workers turned up for the picket line.
Both the picket lines were lively, and they were clearly being well supported by other workers who were tooting support as they passed.
At Gateshead Colin Hoggett (factory team leader and senior Unite Rep) told us: “We have workers here who are disabled who haven’t had a day’s sick leave in years.
“One is deaf and without speech, he hasn’t had any sick leave in 18 years. But even with these records, because of their disabilities, who are going to employ them?”
Colin went on to say that as their team leader, “I have never seen a harder working workforce in my career.”
He ended by saying, “I don’t know if you’ll print this, but on a personal note I can’t wait until the people of this country get the opportunity to get this mad man (Cameron) and his ConDem government out.”
Jim Dobson (factory leading hand and GMB Rep) said, “The workers that were left from the last round of redundancies have all pulled together.
“Were are all these people going to go?” Jim pointed out that of those made redundant by Remploy in 2008 – 80% are still unemployed.
At the Newcastle picket line, Brian Guthrie said: “The government owns Remploy – so why aren’t the board accountable to ordinary workers?” At the factory in Newcastle they produce high quality beds.
Brian explained, “We used to go around all the big exhibitions, such as Ideal Homes.” However, these visits were stopped.
Brian continued, “If you don’t get to these exhibitions – how do you get your name about? We used to get orders from Slumberland, Silent Night etc.
“But because we no longer put ourselves out, we get forgotten about.” He ended saying that, “We always got the mattresses out on time and to the quality requirements.”
David O’Malley, Unite picket, explained that he has worked in Remploy’s woodmill for 27 years: “When I first came here there was 17 men working here, but over the last 12 years the factory has been run down – now there are only 7.”
He went on to describe: “When people have retired they haven’t been replaced.” This has clearly been a decision made by the board over a number of years.
Like other Remploy workers David set out the high quality of workmanship, telling us: “We used to manufacture fire surrounds for Katell, which is a renowned firm, known for its high quality.
“People have the impression that Remploy workers are disabled, so the quality is second rate, but this is definitely not the case.”
Ian Emmerson (Remploy Unite Rep), alongside many other Remploy workers had been annoyed at the remarks made by Works and Pension secretary, Ian Duncan Smith. “IDS says we all sit around drinking tea and coffee.” However, when the Newcastle Remploy factory was hit by the recent floods, “all the workers turned up and helped clear up the mess.” Another worker said, “We are extremely loyal, but we’re getting nothing for that loyalty.”
Just before leaving the picket line we spoke to John Harris (GMB). He said: “It’s hard to put into words how we feel.
“The main thing is the fear about how we are going to find jobs in the current market. For instance one lad on the shop floor has already applied for five jobs – but no response.
“We were told there are jobs and opportunities for us. But in reality – there is nothing.”
John went on to say: “I could go on all day about how the government has run things down. We haven’t been allowed to advertise locally that we make beds.
“One company, when they heard of the threatened closures, pulled the plug. This particular company has taken on some Remploy workers, but they hand-picked five of the fittest workers.
“The more severely disabled – didn’t stand a chance. Yet everyone in the factory was doing the same work.”
Many of the Remploy workers pointed out that whilst the number of workers has been run down over the years, there has been an increase in the number of senior managers and directors. “Twenty years ago there were 150 of them, now there are 400.” There was a lot of anger towards senior management who are well paid, get big bonuses and ride around in flash cars hired by Remploy.
Video from Leeds Remploy picket line, with interview with Remploy steward (interview starts about 15 seconds in)
Between 60 and 70 Remploy workers and supporters turned up this morning in Stoke to support strike action against the closure the Remploy factory
Over 90% of delivery lorries refused to cross the loud and defiant picket line. Banners from PCS, CWU, North Staffs TUC and more joined the many Unite flags to create a colourful backdrop to enthusiastic applause and cheering given to every lorry that turned round.
Stoke-on-Trent has a high level of unemployment and Remploy workers are only too aware that closure of their factory will mean a lifetime on the dole for many.
Dave told us, “There used to be three Remploy factories in North Staffs employing a few thousand workers. If this last one goes there’s no hope of finding another decent job”
Local New Labour MP’s Joan Whalley and Rob Flello spoke at the rally and rightly berated the Con Dem government for their callous treatment of “thousands of Remploy workers” and pledged support to their struggle.
What they neglected to mention however was that the other two local Remploy factories were closed by their own New Labour government – one as part of 2000 Remploy workers nationally who lost their jobs in 2008.
If New Labour MP’s are serious about their new found support for Remploy workers then they should commit an incoming New Labour government to reopening any closed Remploy factories and restoring all sacked workers who still want to work there.
Barking, East London
Thirty Remploy workers formed a confident picket line across two entrances of the biggest Remploy factory in London.
GMB and Unite flags were joined by banners from other local union branches and campaigns. Unite reps on a training course called by to offer support.
None of the Con-Dem cuts are necessary but this cut is particularly vicious. For a paltry saving, the government is prepared to throw hundreds of disabled people onto the scrap heap.
Any claims that this is to stop segregation make your blood boil – where are the jobs, where is the support, for these workers to make a transition to a “normal” workplace?
One GMB member explained: “I worked in a different factory for seven and a half years before coming here.
“I hated it – I was constantly bullied. Coming here has been great for me. I’ve worked here for 21 years. I’m much more comfortable here, I’ve made friends.”
A lot of the people working at Barking have family members who are also disabled or in need of support. What was worrying them was that if Remploy factories close, it’s not only themselves who suffer, but what future will there be for their families?
One said: “Just because we have a learning disability we’re treated like second class citizens – we can be kicked out and shouldn’t be seen and shouldn’t be heard”.
Paul said: “I’ve been on eight or ten protests to fight for our jobs here. We marched to parliament. But this is the first time I’ve had to go on strike. We’ve got no choice.”
Barking Remploy GMB shop steward Mark Holloway said
“This dispute is about the closure of the Remploy factories. The government has made a decision that Remploy will close.
“There are 54 Remploy factories nationwide. They produce a good standard of goods. It will cost thousands of disabled people the opportunity to work and condemn them to a life on social security.
“Remploy provides an opportunity for disabled people to work in an environment that is safe and which understands their special needs, and gives them an opportunity to contribute to the local and national economy.
“It is far better than a life on benefits. Remploy factories are like small communities. A lot of people have leaning difficulties and are challenged but they feel safe and they make friends and do a day’s work.
“Remploy work also gives respite to the parents, carers and social workers that have to look after them.”
Pete Mason & Paula Mitchell
Significant picket line at Huddersfield Remploy by Paul Wheelhouse, former TUSC election candidate. Two Asian women workers went into work and then came back out before clocking on, to join the strike greeted by cheers
On Thursday 19 July Remploy Unite members in Portsmouth joined the picket lines to show their opposition to the threat to jobs.
Rosemary has worked at Remploy for 35 years: “This is my life. If this place closes, would we get other work? This was a job for life. If it closes it will affect everything, including our pensions.”
Gary added: “I can’t remember the last person they took on. People want dignity, a wage, people have a right to work.
“Cameron says we sit around drinking tea. That’s not true. If we haven’t got work here we do maintenance and cleaning duties. What Remploy needs is investment in new machinery and new contracts.”
The Unite steward in Portsmouth Remploy said: “Whoever takes over here wants to reduce disabled people to 51% of the workforce. Our members want security and to know their future. We need to get people back into work.
“We have young people here on eight week work experience; they should be offered jobs here. I’ve worked here 34 years.
“I’ve been amazed at the support here today.”
Pickets were out at all nine Remploy plants in Wales as workers struck against the immediate closure of 27 plants (five in Wales) plus threats of closure to the rest. The Con Dem government is trying to destroy Remploy as a public sector industry that provides meaningful and useful employment to disabled workers.
There was a fantastic turnout on the Remploy picket line in Swansea. Nearly all of the shop floor were there and they’ve been joined by trade unionists, anti-cuts campaigners and NSSN supporters.
Pickets are bitter towards the Con-Dem government – Spencer showed me his T-shirt with ‘Maria Miller Factory Killer’ on the front and an attack on Ian Duncan Smith (Secretary of State for Work and Pensions) on the back. Duncan Smith, remember, showed how out of touch the Con-Dems are with his comments about Remploy workers – ‘should get proper jobs instead of making tea all day’. The Swansea plant makes office furniture not tea. Steve’s comments about the Con-Dems are unprintable!
There was a more mixed reaction to the proposals of the Welsh Government to subsidise employers to take on redundant Remploy workers. While some pickets thought the proposals might provide a way for local authorities to co-operate in continuing to run the Welsh factories but there was concern that there is not enough detail and that the amounts made available might not be enough.
Other pickets pointed out that in order for the Welsh Government to subsidise a private employer to take them on they would need to find a job in the first place – no easy task with unemployment rising in Wales and even harder for disabled people – and that there is no guarantee that it would be of similar skills, terms and wages to their current positions.
Jean Curtis, recipient of an award for 30 years’ long service, doesn’t want to leave Remploy and there is no logic to the decision to close Remploy. Neil and other workers feel their organisation has been deliberately run down for years, softening it up for closure and privatisation of the most profitable parts. They told me that the Swansea plant could be profitable in its second year if operational changes the workers themselves have highlighted were carried out; in the alternative strategy developed by the Remploy trade unions, they estimate that the whole organisation could balance the books by 2017/2018, while providing work for 2,000 disabled people.
Jean told the South Wales Evening Post what she thought of being thanked for 30 years service before being sacked “I’m disgusted. I don’t care what Iain Duncan Smith says, there is nothing out there, especially for disabled people. I know lots of people who finished at Remploy in 2008. They would be glad to come back if the place was open because there are no jobs out there.”
About 20 workers at Bridgend, site of the first Remploy factory in UK, both GMB and Unite, were on one of the most friendly and jovial picket lines I’ve ever been on.
The factory employs 46 so this represents half the workforce, and the only people that have gone into the factory are one manager and a HR representative.
Mike Ahearn, Unite Workshop Rep, said “Most of the workers here are skilled and have specialised talents, the government want to waste that and have them stacking shelves in Tescos… The workers came up with a business plan and put in a bid to take over the factory and run it themselves – that was rejected outright in favour of a rival bidder… We have to keep fighting, we have had support on the picket from PCS members, the local MP, and a message of support from Carwyn Jones. Every bit of support we receive gives us a boost. All workers are under attack from this government at the moment so we all have to stick together.”
Close to forty people – over half the factory’s workforce, crowded outside the Porth plant on the first day of strike action. Porth is one of two factories in Wales in “Phase Two” of the government’s plan to destroy Remploy. Porth, which is an e-cycle data-erasure facility, will be sold off to a private company to pick apart.
Geoff Hollinshead, GMB rep at Porth said “They keep on saying in the press that our factory in Porth is safe. It’s not safe. We’re under threat of being TUPEd over, asset stripped and left without even a redundancy payment.
“The strike has been very well supported here – and nationally. Nobody’s crossed in Porth – they wouldn’t dare, with how strongly we feel about it. We should have taken strike action sooner.
“We haven’t even begun to fight yet, not tidy. If they think they can take my job and leave me without even a decent redundancy package – they’d better watch this space.”
Picketing union members remarked on how strike action will help to cut across government propaganda that closing Remploy would be good for disabled people.
“Hopefully the public will say ‘If disabled people will benefit from the closure, then why are we going on strike?’” said one worker, who has worked at the plant for over thirty years.
Others pointed out how easily the organisation could be made more effective and efficient. “It’s not like the work isn’t there – we’ve got too much work for the current workforce. We need a few more key operators to run the production lines,” said Robert, another veteran.
“They’re setting us up to fail,” said another. “If all the government wanted was for us to break even, why don’t they let us sell the reconditioned machines? Why aren’t we allowed to sell the scrap? There’s nickel, gold and other metals in the hard-drives we scrub.”
Cardiff Trades Council and Youth Fight for Jobs were well-received. There are jobseekers on workfare placements in the factory.
Labour’s Shadow Welsh Secretary, Owen Smith, visited the picket-line briefly with Labour Assembly Member Leighton Andrews, but the workforce was dubious of how genuine the pledge of support was. Porth Remploy began their campaign against closures when Labour were in power, and closed the nearby Treforest factory.
Leighton Andrews explained that the Welsh Government will give grants to private companies to try and encourage them to employ disabled workers. They had asked for the Remploy budget to be delegated to Wales but the ConDems refused. The Socialist Party thinks that the Remploy factories can be saved by a campaign of strike action including solidarity from the rest of the trade union movement, but the Welsh Assembly should pledge to fund the factories if the government pulls the plug and campaign publicly for more funding.
A brilliant mood on the picket line. As Mandy Webb GMB rep explained, the whole workforce came out and is doing picket duty. Staff members came out as well – only the HR manager sneaked in early before the pickets arrived.
Good mood in Aberdare. 16 pickets, all the workers not on sick leave are picketing.
Despite not being included in this round of proposed closures nearly 40 pickets were present at the Baglan Remploy factory this morning. Unite trade union banners and flags decorated the factory entrance and the mood of the strikers was one of anger that the ConDems are blatantly attacking the jobs of disabled workers.
Our support and leaflets were much appreciated by the strikers.
Pickets were out in force at Croespenmaen near Blackwood in Gwent (left). Both GMB and UNITE had a strong presence. The factory makes boxes and has been very busy. One of five Remploy factories around the country making boxes, it is the only one currently earmarked for closure despite having local customers which Remploy will lose if the factory closes.
The whole workforce is picketing in two shifts. Staunch support for the strike and from the local community.
NSSN supporters were out giving support in Dundee, Glasgow and Lanarkshire.
All 25 of the GMB members at the Dundee factory were on strike. Equally significant was the fact that 15 of them came to the picket line.
GMB flags and placards covered the factory entrances and strikers wore their defend Remploy T-shirts. “Maria Miller Factory Killer” showed the anger of the workers towards the so-called Tory disability minister responsible for the announcements.
The Dundee Remploy produces nuclear and chemical and biological protection suits for the MoD and the Home Office.
Derek Milligan the GMB shop steward explained the anger among the Remploy workers. “We’ve had a great picket today and tremendous support for our fight.
“The closures planned are a disgrace. Remploy has been a lifeline for disabled workers for decades and plays a vital role in providing employment.
“At one time we had over 200 workers here, now it’s down to 40. With millions unemployed what are the prospects of finding employment if these factories close?”
“The possibility of a private company taking over the factory will be a green light to attack the terms and working conditions of the staff.
Derek and fellow GMB activist Linda Rose recently stood as candidates for the Scottish Anti-Cuts Coalition in May during the Scottish council elections helping to highlight the battle to defend jobs at Remploy as part of the campaign against public sector cuts.
There was a good turn-out on the picket line in Springburn. Workers were keen to give a comprehensive breakdown of the problem caused by Government Minister, Maria Miller, “factory killer” and told of two possible private buy-outs which will both involve redundancies and severe cuts in staff.
Springburn took action last week as well as they were informed they were one of nine factories that the Con-Dem’s were looking to sell to a private company.
In response workers last Tuesday held a union meeting and then occupied the canteen for several hours.
Phil Brannan, GMB union convener for Remploy, said “Remploy has refused to reveal the name of the company interested in taking us over.
“This means we can’t carry out any investigations into the potential bidder or represent our members effectively because we don’t know the background.
“It also means we’ve now got yet more weeks of worry until we find out what’s going to happen. I’ve been a union rep at the site for 32 years and we’ve never taken any sort of unofficial action before.”
There was a good picket line in place at Wishaw. The factory here used to assemble cookers, freezers & fridges but lost this work as products were sold onto outlets cheaply and then resold on for big profits. 22 workers now package gift book-sets for Harper Collins, but this work is under threat and may soon be brought back in-house. 21 GMB members and 1 Unite member were involved at Wishaw.
Linda Hills has worked for nearly 30 years “Everyone’s really upset. It’s going to be hard for us all.
“We’ll need to look for other jobs but there are 2.7 million people unemployed so what chance have we got? We’ll probably have to go on to benefits and we don’t want to do that.”
The tremendous response to today’s action show’s that the workers at Remploy will defend their jobs against the Tory onslaught. | <urn:uuid:5f28c9f2-2e3e-4506-8cd2-d92a85527b4c> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T15:36:57Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.971667 | 5,331 | 5,652 |
Senate hearings on public broadcasting; Ford Foundation, part one
All public television must be completely isolated from annual appropriations. But I would go further and suggest that in this area of news and public affairs public television should be insulated even from dedicated tax revenues. Senate hearings on public broadcasting. The voice you just heard was that of former CBS president Fred Friendly. Now an advisor to the Ford Foundation. This is a special report produced by the national educational radio network through the facilities of W am UFH American University Radio in Washington DC. I many our public affairs director Bill Greenwood. The United States Senate Commerce Subcommittee on communications is now considering legislation to provide federal financial aid for Educational Television and Radio. A four day series of hearings on the legislation was held in Washington D.C. earlier this month. A second four day series is now under way in the public interest. National Educational radio presents a five
part series of one hours special reports dealing with the major aspects of these Senate hearings. Program number one dealt with government witnesses. Yesterday's program featured members of the Carnegie Commission on educational television. Today we present representatives of the Ford Foundation speaking first to the Senate subcommittee was McGeorge Bundy who you will hear in a few moments voices of the Senate. Subcommittee members who you will hear in a moment are John Opana story the chairman Mike Munro Ney Vance Hart Gaye Philip K. RUSSELL Senator Russell Long Frank Moss Scott Senator James B Pearson and Robert Griffin. Now all the opening remarks and statement of position of the Ford Foundation in the field of educational broadcasting. We present the Honorable George Bundy in this opening statement. We want to make only four points. First we are in strong agreement with the message of President Johnson the February 28 president's message in our view States
the issues and charts the current best course with the clarity and skill on which we cannot improve it takes account of what we now know and do not now. What can be enacted now and what needs to careful study of what we need this year and what can reasonably wait on experience. S eleven sixty is a sensitive and skillful translation of that message into legislative action. Second we are in strong agreement with the eloquent and timely report of the Carnegie Commission and we are glad to be here on the same day and for the same purpose as Dr. Killian and his colleagues. We agree with the Carnegie Commission on every one of the fundamental propositions of its report. We find no inconsistency whatever between that report and the positions advanced by the Ford Foundation. There is a marginal difference of emphasis between us. On the relative importance of interconnection. But we agree that the difference is best left to the test of experience. Carnegie and Ford both
believe in local autonomy with stronger local programming. They both believe in strengthened and diversified national programming. They both believe in a public television corporation with adequate funds protected from politics. They both believe in the need for much greater effort and much more homework. On the problems and promise of instructional television. They both support the present bill. Third we are very glad that the president believes the road open for any one of the many possible ways of harnessing the satellite to the needs of television. The bill is particularly helpful in its expressed declaration that there is no bar to free or reduced rights for interconnection services. For. While we recognize that specific questions about the organization of domestic satellite service are not at the center of your concern today we do wish to reaffirm. Our own conviction that there is a special promise
and opportunity in the satellite. For Public Television for instructional television and for commercial television to. Argument has been developed in detail both before this committee and in three successive submissions to the Federal Communications Commission. That argument has two central elements. The first is that the power and economy of the satellite open the way to a wholly new level of diversity and quality in the distribution of programs. The second is that the satellite offers us a powerful solution to the most difficult single problem of public television. The need for a programme funds that are fully protected from pressure of any kind from any source. I might take a moment here Mr. Chairman to make clear a point which was in the discussion this morning and that is that in our view the funds made available in this fashion by the satellite should be turned over to a public
television corporation of the sort which is proposed in the current bill for allocation by them along the lines that are proposed in the present bill. We have always emphasized in this point again came up briefly this morning that satellite savings cannot pay more than a part of the bill for public television. We made this point with emphasis last August when we first appeared before your committee on this subject and we therefore strongly support the Carnegie Commission's basic conclusion that some form of dedicated tax will be needed for the larger share of the funds. But we believe that satellites can generate much more money than any other force except a tax. Money enough to guarantee the freedom which is essential to the whole undertaking. Because of the importance of this point and because of his unsurpassed experience as a broadcast professional. I've asked Mr friendly to focus on it in a
statement following my own if you're willing. Eight months ago Mr. Chairman you called us before this subcommittee to discuss these matters. We've all come a long way since then. Those who believe in the promise of American television. And you and your colleagues have earned high rank in that company. I have every reason to take new heart for the road ahead. We owe a great debt to the Carnegie Commission and a still greater debt to the president of the United States. The right next step is the careful review and the timely enactment of the public television Act of 1967. I want to thank you Mr.. Randi for a very affluent statement yesterday a reporter asked me. What I thought the chances were. Of this bill passing and I. Said at the time. Then I thought it would pass from. Having you here today
and the indictment given by the Ford Foundation. I know that what I said yesterday was right that was Senator John Pastorius commenting on remarks from McGeorge Bundy president of the Ford Foundation. Next to appear before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on communications was Fred Friendly a consultant to the Ford Foundation and former president of CBS News. Mr. Friendly is also a professor of journalism at the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism in New York City and these were the parent remarks of Fred Friendly. We can find my prepared remarks and one point public and of course I'm going to spill all of the money that pays for a broad public program here is what I want to talk about where this money comes from is critical to the right to a report card of them without fear of political combat. All right. It is only because
I have such enthusiasm and face faith in what you are about to do that I sound this early warning warning is necessary because both the facts would make such a service to we were going to depend on it to achieve the high goal that the president of the United States and the author of this bill in the Carnegie important foundation of public television is going to need not because money alone ever guaranteed but broadcasting it because IT professionals in the performing arts and public affairs cannot succeed without the resources of their writers. I am now hopeful that those funds will be forthcoming but I am not so hungry for them that I am willing to say I don't care where the money comes from or how. So long as we get very specifically I have two concerns. First as the consensus of negatives wears away at all the various plans for financing one special group against the excise tax rate another against the satellite
plan another against a tax on station franchise and the decision making system will perhaps compromise and settle on general funds taken on the federal budget. Second even a dedicated federal process are insulated from annual appropriation which may not be independent enough for the sensitive area of new news and public affairs programming. Perhaps the annual federal funds will be necessary for end and cameras will take me out of where we are dealing with the syllabus. There were problem is not acute. And perhaps trust funds will be sufficiently insulated from the federal government to preserve the integrity of much of what public television will be interested in. But I am sure that we must avoid at all costs any situation in which budgets for news and public affairs programming would be appropriated or even approved by any branch of the federal government. Even the most distinguished and courageous board of trustees could not insulate such
programs from the budget and appropriation process. One thing we can be certain. Public Television will rock the boat. There will be there should be times when every man in politics including you. Will wish that it had never been created. But television public television should not have to stand the test the political popularity at any given point in time. Its most precious right will be the right to rock the boat. Let me cite the words of the Carnegie Commission to delineate the challenge of this kind of contemporary television as I see it. Public television the report said. Comics stand on knowledge and understanding of contemporary affairs. Its programming of news should grow to encompass both facts and meaning both information and interpretation. It should be historian in addition to being a daily journalist. Its program should call upon the intellectual resources of the nation to give perspective and
depth to interpretation of the news in addition to coverage of news day by day. This is an large canvas should show us the interplay of people and events in terms of time and place. History and consequences of. Programming in contemporary affairs should be sensitive to the long groundswell of civilization. As well as to its earthquakes. All public television must be completely isolated from annual appropriations. But I would go further and suggest that in this area of news and public affairs public television should be insulated even from dedicated tax revenues not because the officials who make such appropriations are malevolent or because the people who will be administering those funds are weak. They are not. But because both of these groups require independent of each other. The dedicated tax proposed by the Carnegie Commission is one possible answer for much of public television's programming. The Ford Foundation supports such an approach. But in this special
field of programming for contemporary affairs the phrase as conic we say a special value when a satellite proposal submitted by the Ford Foundation last August and refined in December and again in April. This proposal provides private funds. For public television. Private plans for public television. It homely removes all tax ones from the delicate funding of the most critical ingredient of the entire enterprise. The right to know. If it supplied no more than 20 million dollars. And it might supply more. It could assure a protected flow of private funds for news and public affairs on public television and above all work against political interference in news. To conclude. General appropriations for equipment. Cost fund for Cultural Affairs bought not one cent from these sources for news and public affairs. Last summer.
Mr. Bundy called the Satellite proposal. A people's dividend. It can also be a people safeguard and in perpetuity. With all the checks and balances that our system of separate powers demand. Thank you for an excellent statement Fred. But it's. Not in contradiction with anything you said it's one thing to dream and another thing to do. The very essence of the problem in the development of educational television of course has been the lack of money. And. I don't think I've ever met anyone who was against educational television. The only problem that confronts is how do you support it. And I think we'll have to wrastle with that for a long time. Now there's nine million dollars in comparison to the. Magnitude of the task before us.
It's a drop in the bucket. We all recognize that. But it's the seed money and it's the beginning. As I said this morning. It's the opportunity that we have now to put the show on the road. It's something that I think that we have the Congress will have to watch very very closely. And I think that even the Congress will have to be watched by the citizens on the other outside. That we don't do anything here that regiment's the mind of man in America. That leads to conformity regardless that we preserve the right of dissent as we enjoy in a democracy. All these things are very very important and I hope that in assuming this task. And doing what needs to be done. Will find the answer in the public interest. There's no question at all that when we talk about education we have to talk about the freedom of man's mind. We have to censure. Because And I think you can't you need to back. It will be
an exercise in futility and I want to thank you gentlemen for the fine statement you've made here today. I now recognize Mr. Scott. Friendly I agree with you that the measure of independent. Television is the measure of its. Freedom from the appropriating and by making profit. And. What you have said is. Already understood by you and I'm sure by the committee vote. To get it on the rack and I'd like to point out that. The budget making process fundamentally an executive. Be confronted. If it is to be influential and. Regard to the future the system will be confronted by the people who each year. Did I like what public television did.
That I had a budget. Like when I heard where they kind of mean. That they didn't have too much of a bureaucrat. Did they. Make fun of. Rap. They don't need as much money in other words. Perhaps I don't want to hear it. And the legislative side is appropriate in making. Providing. House and Senate committees on appropriations and the Congress. To judge how much money they get. By whether or not they think one of the other political party would favor. Some investigation. Record a bit later in the point of view of the particular representative. And I'm putting these obvious things rather obvious things on the record.
I don't believe you will have a free. And. Public system. Able to restrict the further functioning of the. Executive is able to be behind a right get well. Again and an irreverent. Search for. Information. Or even an irreverent information. I think. Thing that concerns me most about our approach is how to. Find enough safeguards. To keep the government. Coming up with the necessary grant to provide. Certain needed. Structural forces.
But keep that dirty hand of government off idea. We can find a way to do it I'm for it and. We are imperfect and. The consensus of the negative. Necking a phrase that worries me. But I fear that. We may have so many objective so many ways of financing it will end up with the easy way. And that is to throw the taxpayer money at it. By the appropriate profit and then go up and forget it. Until the first. Crisis arise. Then the victim of the crisis. Will be the perpetrator. Maybe I'm not being very helpful but I like. It and less free if we're. Not having. And I'm going to support whatever measures I think. That we can to support.
Because I want to. Electricity that could blow through the. Shock. But I don't want. To I shop. Turn around and turn off. Did you. Use your brains we must insulate the scratch. And I don't like that. I wish I hope there's a tape of what you said because it's a better statement than I made out but I will add a bit of lifting the minute you think of. Well I react but I do think. That in the news and public affairs of contemporary affairs. That the idea of insulating it is crucial and I do think that one way not to have those who are occasionally going to be shocked by this and. Be able to register that shock on an annual basis is by having that park which is in contemporary affairs get its funds from the dividend of the
satellite. And I think that is a way if it doesn't work and the whole thing is a boss. 5 or 10 years from now nothing goes on forever. But it would mean that if certain broadcasts were on or certain hearings were on of that set of forces that you discussed were used that. This thing would have been in funding. Directly from the satellite. Private funds are going to this. Public use and I think it would isolate that I think that your statement and mine. So almost the same thing. I think fundamentally. We have to be careful to do it too. In this committee and in the House committee. To protect this system and this legislation. From the IMF inevitable. Temptations which need to be ready to face but later. And
perhaps unconsciously. Find a way to exert reprisals. Or they didn't do exactly what it should do than what we were like. The first time they do not me. I will be full of ideas of reprisal will when it is attacked. What do you say. I said we'll play this tape back. But it had to be protected from the individual. That we you know helped create it up to set it up. That we can't let that come in and undermine the effect of the work. Of the nation I'd like to make as a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee gentlemen. You may rest assured that that committee will not only inflate the scratch you will even scratch the insulation. Money that easily with.
Your rent. Just to make. A difficult situation possibly more than you seem to get some comfort in thinking between public and contemporary cultural programs. And suggesting additional information be provided to the public. I agree that the politician will react more acutely to. The public affairs. Program. But. I have a hunch also that the public. Is perhaps more. Libel to react very quickly. To. A. Controversial presentation of cultural or. You know the dispute among anthropologists who Smiter. And or apply. To play. Or
religion in a row. Now if that's true. It will be secondary but perhaps equally. Strong reaction on the part of the politician. Who can be objective about the anthropologists debate. Only until the public gets nervous about it and then then you're back in the same situation. I suppose ideally if you agree that there is a potential for. Broad public. Displeasure. And cultural presentation ideally then you would argue for. Satellite funding of everything. First let me say I agree with what you say and I wish all of it could be insulated because I do think that all are right. I have my competence in news and public affairs if anything I certainly want there to be cultural affairs in the place for the Performing Arts in a sense of laughter a sense of humor a sense of
history. And I think it is a problem with those and I think the first time a real controversy will play is there will be some scratches. But I think you have to start someplace and I think the primary fear because it will determine so much of what we are is in the contemporary affairs now I think of the satellite rates could be higher. If there could be another source I'm not embarrassed to say if the attacks were paid licenses I don't speak for anybody but myself on that and other funds were generated in perpetuity from other users of public like us. There might be enough money but I keep going back to the consensus of negatives there. And we do live in the art of the possible as one of your body said 25 years ago. And I don't think there is much value in trying to isolate everything from public funds when it's not likely to be that way. I think that the dedicated tax whether it's on television SATs or whether it's on licenses are there anything else
may provide almost enough money to do it with the less money that comes from public sources the better it's a public pact. General Revenues the better it would be that not one cent had to come from that. But. In the equipment area. I think it probably will be necessary. What my warning is that in this consensus of negative some kind of us area Well let's get a bill through somehow because we just got to do it. All the money comes from public revenues and I think that would be a disaster. If they're. Not your friend. Do you endorse the bear then as its president yes I do and do you invasion then to the future that this would be substantially modified. Well I think that the word seed money was used before I think the expression of. My fellow Rhode Islander years get the show on the road get the broadcast on the air. It start running. This is really just going to start the ball going.
It's going to take a great deal of endeavor to figure out just how to organize. But I would say there is nothing in that bill that anybody who really believes in public television. Wouldn't indorse and in fact rave about it. You can be for that bill like you can be for the Declaration of Independence going to Saturn. Or. Do you envision potential amount of private contributions and they contributions on the private. I would hope that no private source gave very much including anyone foundation. The way it is now. I would have to tell you that one of the most difficult parts of Mr. Bundy's job. Is that so much of this money comes from the Foundation for Public talent right now. Educational Television and I think that those were the remarks of Fred Friendly former president of CBS and now an advisor to the Ford Foundation. Mr. friendly remarks were followed by a new statement from McGeorge Bundy
Foundation president. That is Ford Foundation president remarks that indicate the Ford Foundation may withdraw much of its support for educational broadcasting. We'll return with those remarks following a 30 second pause for station identification. This is the national educational radio network.
- Ford Foundation, part one
- Producing Organization
- National Association of Educational Broadcasters
- WAMU-FM (Radio station : Washington, D.C.)
- Contributing Organization
- University of Maryland (College Park, Maryland)
- Episode Description
- This program, the first of two parts, presents Fred Friendly, former president of CBS News, now advisor to the Ford Foundation.
- Series Description
- Senate Hearings on Public Broadcasting Act of 1967, held during April 1967.
- Public Affairs
- Media type
Host: Greenwood, Bill
Producing Organization: National Association of Educational Broadcasters
Producing Organization: WAMU-FM (Radio station : Washington, D.C.)
Speaker: Friendly, Fred W.
- AAPB Contributor Holdings
University of Maryland
Identifier: 67-Sp.5-3 (National Association of Educational Broadcasters)
Format: 1/4 inch audio tape
If you have a copy of this asset and would like us to add it to our catalog, please contact us.
- Chicago: “Senate hearings on public broadcasting; Ford Foundation, part one,” 1967-04-15, University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC, accessed April 25, 2024,
- MLA: “Senate hearings on public broadcasting; Ford Foundation, part one.” 1967-04-15. University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Web. April 25, 2024. <>.
- APA: Senate hearings on public broadcasting; Ford Foundation, part one. Boston, MA: University of Maryland, American Archive of Public Broadcasting (GBH and the Library of Congress), Boston, MA and Washington, DC. Retrieved from | <urn:uuid:a489eb09-2140-4882-922f-ed0889f073c3> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T15:10:38Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.969007 | 4,983 | 5,381 |
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- Energy Source: Low-intensity workouts primarily use fat as the main source of energy. This is why they’re often recommended for fat loss despite burning fewer calories per minute than high-intensity workouts.
- Recovery Time: Low-intensity workouts typically require less recovery time. Because they’re less taxing on the body, you’re usually able to do them every day without risking overtraining or injury.
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What Is an Example of Low-Intensity Training?
One popular example of low-intensity training is walking. Walking is a low-impact exercise that raises your heart rate to about 50-60% of its maximum, which falls into the category of low-intensity. It’s easy on the joints, requires no special equipment, and can be done anywhere.
Whether you’re strolling in a park or doing laps around your living room, walking is a simple and effective form of low-intensity exercise that can contribute to overall fitness and weight loss when done consistently.
Are Low-Intensity Workouts Good for Weight Loss?
Yes, low-intensity workouts can indeed be effective for weight loss (2).
The key lies in understanding the body’s energy systems and how they respond to different intensities of exercise. Our bodies use two primary sources of fuel to power our physical activity: carbohydrates and fats. During high-intensity workouts, your body primarily uses carbohydrates for quick energy because it’s an easily accessible source.
However, during low-intensity workouts, your body tends to utilize more fat as a fuel source. This process is known as fat oxidation (5).
Low-intensity workouts, such as walking, yoga, or light cycling, keep your heart rate at about 50-60% of its maximum. This intensity level is often referred to as the ‘fat-burning zone’ because it optimizes the body’s ability to tap into fat stores for energy utilization, promoting weight loss over time.
In addition, low-intensity workouts are sustainable and less likely to lead to burnout or injury, making them a good choice for those just starting their fitness journey or those with physical limitations.
This type of workout also promotes better recovery, allowing you to exercise more consistently, which is crucial for long-term weight loss.
Remember that diet plays a significant role in weight loss. Even the most effective workout regime needs to be complemented by a balanced, calorie-controlled diet to see the desired results.
Can You Build Muscle With Low Intensity Workouts?
Yes, you can build muscle with low-intensity workouts.
Muscle growth, or hypertrophy, is stimulated by resistance training that causes micro-tears in the muscle fibers. When you rest, your body repairs these micro-tears, building stronger and larger muscles in the process. This is known as the “damage-repair” process.
Low-intensity workouts, often referred to as low-intensity steady-state (LISS) exercises, like walking, cycling at a slow pace, or doing light yoga, primarily engage your slow-twitch muscle fibers. These muscle fibers are more endurance-oriented and don’t grow as large or as quickly as fast-twitch fibers, which are engaged during high-intensity workouts.
However, low-intensity resistance training, such as lifting lighter weights for more repetitions, can also stimulate muscle growth (3). The key lies in training to muscular fatigue.
Even with lighter weights, if you continue your sets to the point where you cannot do another repetition with good form (also known as training to muscular failure), you’re creating enough stress to trigger the damage-repair process and stimulate muscle growth.
Low-intensity workouts have the added benefit of being easier on your joints and tendons than high-intensity workouts, reducing the risk of injury. They can also allow for better recovery, which is an important part of muscle growth.
So, while high-intensity resistance training might lead to quicker muscle gain, low-intensity workouts, when done correctly and consistently, can certainly also contribute to muscle growth over time.
Remember that nutrition plays a significant role in muscle growth, so make sure you’re getting enough protein and overall calories to support your workouts and recovery.
What Else Are Low Intensity Workouts Effective For?
Yes, low-intensity workouts are effective and offer several other benefits:
- Improve Cardiovascular Health: Regular low-intensity exercise can help lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol levels, and enhance overall cardiovascular health (4).
- Increase Stamina and Endurance: These workouts primarily engage your slow-twitch muscle fibers, which are endurance-oriented. Over time, this can improve your stamina and endurance (4).
- Better Recovery: Low-intensity workouts put less stress on your joints and muscles compared to high-intensity workouts, leading to better recovery and less risk of injury (1).
- Ease into Fitness: For those new to exercise or returning after a long break, low-intensity workouts provide a manageable way to start, helping to build fitness gradually without overwhelming the body (1).
- Mental Health Benefits: Like all forms of exercise, low-intensity workouts can boost mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and improve sleep (1).
7 Low Intensity Workouts for Weight Loss
Below, we’ve listed 7 low-intensity workouts and how to use them for fat loss:
Walking is one of the simplest and most effective low intensity workouts for weight loss. It’s a natural, everyday movement that requires no equipment, making it an ideal choice for beginners or anyone seeking a gentle form of exercise. The beauty of walking lies in its subtlety; it can help you burn more fat without putting excessive strain on your body.
Here’s a simple walking plan for fat loss:
- Start with a 5-minute warm-up at a comfortable pace.
- Gradually increase your speed until you’re walking briskly.
- Maintain this brisk pace for about 20-30 minutes.
- Incorporate intervals, where you walk faster for 1-2 minutes, then slow down for 2-3 minutes.
- Include some uphill walking if possible to increase the intensity.
- Cool down with 5 minutes of slower walking.
- Stretch your legs after each walk.
Aim to walk at least 5 times a week.
Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. It can be an effective low-intensity workout to lose weight, especially when practiced regularly.
Yoga helps to enhance flexibility, build strength, and improve balance, all while promoting relaxation and stress relief.
Here’s a beginner-friendly yoga sequence for fat loss:
- Begin with 5 minutes of deep breathing to calm your mind and warm up your body.
- Practice Sun Salutation A for 10 minutes. This sequence includes poses like Mountain Pose, Forward Fold, Plank, and Downward Dog.
- Move on to Sun Salutation B, which adds Warrior I and Chair Pose, for another 10 minutes.
- Spend 10 minutes doing standing poses such as Warrior II, Triangle Pose, and Tree Pose.
- Finish with 5 minutes of seated twists and forward folds, followed by Savasana (Corpse Pose) for relaxation.
- Practice this sequence 3-5 times a week.
Pilates is a low-intensity workout that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and overall body awareness. It’s an excellent choice for those who want a full-body workout without the high impact of other forms of exercise. Pilates can also help improve posture and muscle tone, contributing to a leaner appearance.
Here’s a simple Pilates workout for fat loss:
- Warm up with some gentle stretching and deep breathing.
- Start with Pilates fundamentals like Pelvic Curl, Chest Lift, and Spine Twist.
- Progress to classic Pilates exercises such as Hundred, Rolling Like a Ball, and Single Leg Stretch.
- Include some standing Pilates exercises like Squats and Lunges.
- Finish with a cool-down stretch.
Aim to do this workout 2-3 times per week.
Cycling is an enjoyable low-intensity workout for fat loss that can be done indoors on a stationary bike or outdoors on a traditional bicycle. It’s a great cardiovascular workout that also strengthens your lower body muscles.
Cycling at a steady, moderate pace can help you burn calories and lose weight without stressing your joints.
Here’s a basic cycling workout for weight loss:
- Begin with a 5-minute warm-up at a slow pace.
- Cycle at a moderate pace for 20-30 minutes.
- Introduce some intervals: 1-2 minutes of faster cycling followed by 2-3 minutes of slower cycling.
- Include some hill climbs if you’re cycling outdoors.
- Cool down with 5 minutes of slow cycling.
- Stretch your legs after your ride.
Aim to cycle 3-5 times a week.
Swimming is a full-body low-intensity workout that’s perfect for weight loss. It works all major muscle groups, burns calories, and enhances cardiovascular health. Plus, it’s a non-weight bearing exercise, meaning it’s easy on the joints.
Here’s a beginner-friendly swimming workout for fat loss:
- Start with a gentle warm-up: swim 4 lengths of the pool at a comfortable pace.
- Swim 8 lengths at a moderate pace.
- Rest for 30 seconds.
- Repeat the above step 3-5 times.
- Cool down by swimming 4 lengths at a slow pace.
Plan to swim 2-3 times a week.
6. Tai Chi
Tai Chi is a form of martial art that involves slow, controlled movements and deep breathing. It’s a low-intensity workout that can help reduce stress, improve balance, and aid in weight loss.
Here’s a simple Tai Chi routine for beginners:
- Begin with a warm-up: do some shoulder rolls, neck stretches, and shake out your arms and legs.
- Practice the basic Tai Chi stances: Horse Stance, Bow Stance, and Empty Stance.
- Learn a few simple Tai Chi moves, like “Parting the Wild Horse’s Mane” or “Grasping the Bird’s Tail”.
- Practice these moves in a sequence, flowing smoothly from one move to the next.
- Finish with a cool-down: take some deep breaths and shake out your limbs.
Schedule Tai Chi daily for best results.
7. Low Intensity Weight Training
Low intensity weight training involves lifting lighter weights for more repetitions. This form of exercise can stimulate muscle growth and boost metabolism, helping you burn more calories and lose weight.
Here’s a basic low-intensity weight training routine:
- Warm up with some light cardio, like jogging or jumping jacks.
- Perform exercises that target all major muscle groups. For example, you could do squats for your lower body, push-ups for your upper body, and planks for your core.
- Use light weights and aim for 15-20 repetitions per set.
- Do 2-3 sets of each exercise.
- Rest for 30-60 seconds between sets.
- Cool down with some light stretching.
It’s best to do this workout 2-3 times a week.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can You Lose Weight With Low Intensity Exercise?
Yes, you can lose weight with low-intensity exercise. These exercises burn calories, albeit at a slower rate than high-intensity exercises.
However, low-intensity workouts are sustainable and can be done for longer periods, which can lead to significant calorie burn over time. When combined with a healthy diet, low-intensity exercises can definitely contribute to weight loss.
Are Push Ups Low Intensity?
The intensity of push-ups can vary depending on your fitness level and the variation of the push-up you’re doing. For someone in good physical condition, standard push-ups might be considered moderate intensity. For beginners or those out of shape, they can be high intensity.
However, modifications like knee push-ups or wall push-ups can make the exercise low intensity.
Are Squats Low Intensity?
The intensity of squats depends on your fitness level and the type of squat you’re doing. Basic bodyweight squats can be low to moderate intensity for most people.
Adding weights or performing variations like jump squats increases the intensity. However, doing squats slowly and with control can keep them in the low-intensity range.
The Bottom Line
Low-intensity exercise is a great way to burn calories and lose weight. It’s easy on the joints, can be done for longer periods of time, and provides numerous health benefits. From walking to
Pilates to low-intensity weight training, there are plenty of low-intensity workouts that are perfect for fat loss.
With this in mind, if you’re looking for a gentler alternative to high-intensity exercise, try out some of the low-intensity workouts mentioned above. They can help you reach your weight loss goals without straining your body.
This article is intended for general informational purposes only and does not address individual circumstances. It is not a substitute for professional advice or help and should not be relied on to make decisions of any kind. Any action you take upon the information presented in this article is strictly at your own risk and responsibility!
- 5 Benefits of Low-Impact Exercise (2022,
- Effects of Different Low-Intensity Exercise Types on Duration, Energy Expenditure and Perceived Exertion in Obese Individuals (2022,
- Low-intensity exercise can increase muscle mass and strength proportionally to enhanced metabolic stress under ischemic conditions (2012,
- Living healthier through low-impact exercise (2018,
- Optimizing fat oxidation through exercise and diet (2004, | <urn:uuid:0fc52bb2-cced-4b18-a8ce-d188447d2194> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:57:46Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.917007 | 3,546 | 4,142 |
Mary Berry is a well-known British food writer and television personality. Her lemon meringue pie recipe is a classic dessert that is easy to make. It has a crisp pastry base, a tangy lemon filling, and a fluffy meringue topping. With her step-by-step instructions and tips and tricks, anyone can make this delicious dessert without any trouble.
Lemons are the key ingredient in Mary Berry lemon meringue pie recipe, and they give the dessert its distinctive tangy flavour. The recipe is easy to follow and requires only a few simple ingredients, making it a great choice for novice bakers or those short on time. Mary Berry recipe has become a staple in many households, and it is perfect for any occasion, from a family dinner to a special celebration.
This easy-to-follow recipe is sure to impress your family and friends, and it is a great way to showcase your baking skills. Whether you are an experienced baker or a beginner, Mary Berry lemon meringue pie recipe is a must-try.
Why You Will Love This Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe
If you are looking for a dessert that is tangy, golden, crisp, and fluffy, then Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie is the perfect recipe for you. Mary Berry recipe is a classic dessert that combines the tartness of lemons and the sweetness of the meringue, all encased in a crisp pastry crust.
This dessert is perfect for those who love the tangy taste of lemons and the fluffy texture of meringue. The lemon filling is made with fresh lemon juice and zest, giving it a tangy and zesty flavour. The meringue is light and fluffy, with a golden brown colour that adds to the overall appeal of the dessert.
One of the best things about this recipe is that it is easy to make. Mary Berry recipe is simple and straightforward, making it perfect for those who are new to baking. The recipe calls for basic ingredients that are easy to find, such as plain flour, butter, icing sugar, and eggs.
Another reason why you will love this recipe is that it has a perfect balance of sweetness and tartness. The sweetness of the meringue complements the tangy lemon filling, creating a dessert that is not too sweet or too tart.
How to Make Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie
To make Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie, you will need the following ingredients:
- 175g plain flour
- 75g unsalted butter, cut into cubes
- 25g icing sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp water
- 4 egg whites
- 225g caster sugar
- 2 tbsp cornflour
- zest and juice of 2 lemons
- a pinch of salt
The following instruments will be needed to make Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie:
- a food processor
- cling film
- a rolling pin
- a loose-bottomed flan tin (about 23cm/9in in diameter)
- a fork
- baking paper
- baking beans
- a saucepan
- a whisk
- a free-standing mixer (optional)
- a piping bag with a plain nozzle
- a baking tray
Step by Step Instruction
- Preheat the oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
- To make the pastry, put the flour, butter, and icing sugar in a food processor and pulse until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
- Add the egg yolks and water and pulse again until the mixture comes together in a ball.
- Wrap the pastry in cling film and chill in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
- Roll out the pastry on a lightly floured work surface and use it to line the flan tin.
- Prick the base with a fork, line with baking paper and fill with baking beans.
- Bake in the oven for 15 minutes, then remove the beans and paper and bake for a further 5-10 minutes until the pastry is golden.
- Remove from the oven and leave to cool.
- Reduce the oven temperature to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.
- To make the lemon filling, mix the cornflour and caster sugar together in a saucepan. Gradually stir in the lemon juice and zest and 450ml of water.
- Cook over a medium heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture thickens and boils. Reduce the heat and simmer for 1 minute.
- Remove from the heat and stir in the butter and egg yolks until smooth.
- Pour the filling into the pastry case and set aside.
- To make the meringue topping, whisk the egg whites and salt together in a free-standing mixer until stiff peaks form.
- Gradually whisk in the sugar, a tablespoon at a time, until the mixture is glossy and thick.
- Whisk in the cornflour and lemon juice.
- Spoon the meringue mixture onto the filling and spread it out to the edges, making sure it covers the filling completely.
- Use a piping bag with a plain nozzle to pipe swirls over the surface of the meringue.
- Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until the meringue is golden and set.
- Remove from the oven and leave to cool before serving.
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe Tips
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie is a classic dessert that has a crisp pastry base, a tangy lemon filling, and a fluffy meringue topping. Here are some tips to help you make the perfect pie.
To make the perfect pastry, use cold butter and ice-cold water. This will help the pastry to be golden and crisp. It is also important to rest the pastry in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before rolling it out.
The lemon filling is the most important part of the pie. To get the perfect tangy flavour, use both lemon zest and lemon juice. The zest will add a fragrant aroma to the filling, while the juice will give it a sharp tang. Make sure to use fresh lemons for the best flavour.
The meringue is the crowning glory of the pie. To get a fluffy meringue, make sure the egg whites are at room temperature before whisking them. It is also important to add the sugar gradually while whisking to get a stable meringue.
Bake the pie in a preheated oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes until the meringue is golden brown. Let the pie cool completely before slicing it.
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie Recipe Ingredient Substitute
Mary Berry lemon meringue pie recipe is a classic dessert that is loved by many. However, there may be times when you don’t have all the ingredients on hand or want to try something different. Here are some ingredient substitutes you can use to make a delicious lemon meringue pie.
If you don’t have fresh lemons or lemon zest, you can use lemon extract instead. Lemon extract is a concentrated form of lemon flavour that is made by soaking lemon peels in alcohol. It can be found in the baking aisle of most grocery stores. Use 1 teaspoon of lemon extract for every 1 tablespoon of lemon zest called for in the recipe.
Granulated sugar is a common ingredient in baking, but if you don’t have any on hand, you can use other sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar. Keep in mind that these sweeteners may change the flavour and texture of the pie. Use 3/4 cup of honey, maple syrup, or agave nectar for every 1 cup of granulated sugar called for in the recipe.
Icing sugar, also known as powdered sugar, is used in the meringue topping of the lemon meringue pie. If you don’t have any on hand, you can make your own by blending granulated sugar in a blender or food processor until it becomes a fine powder. Use 1 cup of granulated sugar for every 1 cup of icing sugar called for in the recipe.
Mary Berry lemon meringue pie recipe calls for fresh berries to be served on the side. If you don’t have any fresh berries, you can use frozen berries or omit them altogether. If you want to add some extra flavour to the pie, you can use other fruits such as peaches, apricots, or cherries.
If you are using fresh berries, make sure to wash and dry them thoroughly before serving. You can also macerate the berries by tossing them with sugar and letting them sit for a few hours. This will soften the berries and release their juices, making them even more delicious.
If you want to add a twist to the classic lemon meringue pie, you can substitute some of the lemon juice with lime juice. Lime juice has a similar tartness to lemon juice but has a slightly different flavour profile. Use 1/4 cup of lime juice for every 3/4 cup of lemon juice called for in the recipe.
If you don’t want to make your own lemon curd from scratch, you can use store-bought lemon curd instead. Look for lemon curd in the jam or baking aisle of your grocery store. Make sure to choose a high-quality brand that is made with natural ingredients.
Serving and Reheat
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie is a classic dessert that is perfect for any occasion. The pie is typically served cold, and it can be enjoyed on its own or with a dollop of whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream. When serving the pie, it is important to make sure that the meringue is still fluffy and the lemon filling is set.
If you have leftovers, you can store the pie in the fridge for up to three days. When reheating the pie, it is best to do so in the oven. Preheat the oven to 180°C (160°C fan)/350°F/gas mark 4. Cover the pie loosely with foil and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until heated through. Be careful not to overheat the pie, as this can cause the meringue to collapse.
It is important to note that the meringue may not be as fluffy after reheating, but the pie will still be delicious. If you prefer, you can also enjoy the pie cold straight from the fridge.
How to Store Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie
After baking a delicious Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie, it is important to store it properly to ensure it remains fresh and tasty for longer. The following tips will help you store your pie effectively:
- Cover the pie with cling film or foil before storing it in the fridge. This will help to prevent the meringue from becoming soft and sticky.
- Store the pie in the fridge for up to 2 days. Any longer than this and the pie may start to lose its flavour and texture.
- Do not freeze the pie as this will cause the meringue to become watery and the pastry to become soggy.
- If you need to transport the pie, place it in a sturdy container and keep it cool with ice packs.
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie Nutrition Fact
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie is a classic dessert that is loved by many for its tangy lemon filling and fluffy meringue topping. Here is a breakdown of its nutritional information:
- Calories: One slice of Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie contains approximately 375 calories.
- Sugar: A single slice of Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie contains around 30 grams of sugar.
- Eggs: The recipe for Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie calls for 5 egg yolks and 4 egg whites.
- Butter: The recipe uses butter in both the pastry and the meringue, with a total of 175g/6oz used.
- Nutritional Information: Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie is not a low-calorie dessert, but it is a good source of vitamin C thanks to the lemon juice used in the filling.
This dessert should be enjoyed in moderation due to its high sugar and calorie content. However, the occasional treat can be part of a balanced diet.
When making Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie, it is recommended to use high-quality ingredients to ensure the best taste and texture. Additionally, those with dietary restrictions may need to make modifications to the recipe to suit their needs.
Mary Berry Lemon Meringue Pie
- food processor
- Cling film
- Rolling Pin
- Loose-bottomed flan tin (about 23cm/9in in diameter)
- Baking paper
- Baking beans
- Free-standing mixer (optional)
- Piping bag with a plain nozzle
- Baking tray
- 175 g plain flour
- 75 g unsalted butter cubed
- 25 g icing sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp water
- 4 egg whites
- 225 g caster sugar
- 2 tbsp cornflour
- Zest and juice of 2 lemons
- Pinch of salt
- Preheat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6.
- Make pastry: Pulse flour, butter, icing sugar in food processor. Add yolks, water, pulse to form ball. Chill.
- Roll out pastry, line tin, prick base, line with paper, fill with beans, bake 15 mins, remove beans, bake 5-10 mins until golden. Cool.
- Reduce oven to 180C/160C fan/gas 4.
- Make lemon filling: Mix cornflour, caster sugar in saucepan. Gradually stir in lemon juice, zest, 450ml water. Cook until thickened, boil, simmer 1 min. Remove from heat, stir in butter, yolks until smooth. Pour into pastry case.
- Make meringue topping: Whisk egg whites, salt until stiff. Gradually whisk in sugar, cornflour, lemon juice. Spoon onto filling, spread, pipe swirls.
- Bake 15-20 mins until golden, set. Cool before serving.
- Calories: 375 per slice
- Sugar: 30g per slice
- Eggs: 5 (yolks) + 4 (whites)
- Butter: 175g
- High in vitamin C
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the secret to a perfectly set lemon meringue pie filling?
The secret to a perfectly set lemon meringue pie filling is the right ratio of ingredients and proper cooking technique. Mary Berry recipe calls for six lemons, zest, and juice, 65g/2¼oz cornflour, and 250g/9oz caster sugar. The filling should be cooked slowly over low heat until it thickens and is glossy in appearance.
How can I prevent my meringue from weeping on my lemon meringue pie?
To prevent meringue from weeping, make sure the meringue is spread over the filling while it is still hot. This will help to seal the edges and prevent moisture from escaping. Also, make sure the meringue is baked until it is golden brown and crisp on the outside.
Is it necessary to refrigerate a lemon meringue pie after baking?
Yes, it is necessary to refrigerate a lemon meringue pie after baking to prevent the filling from spoiling. The pie should be chilled for at least two hours before serving.
Can you use condensed milk instead of the traditional ingredients in a lemon meringue pie?
While condensed milk can be used as a substitute for some of the traditional ingredients in a lemon meringue pie, it will result in a different texture and taste. Mary Berry recipe calls for full-fat, sweetened condensed milk as an ingredient in the filling, but it is not a complete substitute for the other ingredients.
What is the best type of biscuit base for a lemon meringue pie?
The best type of biscuit base for a lemon meringue pie is digestive biscuits. Mary Berry recipe calls for 175g/6oz digestive biscuits, finely crushed, mixed with 75g/3oz butter and 25g/1oz demerara sugar for the base.
What are the steps to ensure a crisp meringue topping on a lemon meringue pie?
To ensure a crisp meringue topping on a lemon meringue pie, make sure to use room temperature egg whites. Add the sugar gradually while beating the egg whites.
The meringue should be spread over the filling while it is still hot. Then, bake it until it is golden brown and crisp on the outside. | <urn:uuid:762bf7b4-7947-45df-9193-bc26560fc456> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:54:17Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.884299 | 3,562 | 4,192 |
Kitsilano – Summer 2015
The small plain stucco box of a house has little Kitsilano charm; unlike other houses in this Vancouver neighbourhood, with their gabled roofs, bright wooden shingles and Craftsman detail. Drawn white blinds neatly cover the windows, indifferent to the street’s colourful gardens and diverse canopies of trees. Though there are solid new trellises rising above the backyard fence—someone in residence making improvements, intending to stay put.
One basement window blind is half-open. Down in the dark I can see the glimmer of a small computer screen—like some underwater alien.
Kitsilano – January 1990
On the phone David matter-of-factly gave me his address and the bus number for Broadway West. A warm and foggy winter day, I decided to walk over the bridge from Vancouver’s West End. Twelve blocks up from the beach, the mountain and ocean had disappeared from view. Approaching the bland-looking house I thought, an unlikely home for a gay man.
I knew little about David. The buddy program coordinator only told me that he was very active in the community. He then hesitantly added, “David can be difficult.” Inside the house was more welcoming. The living room was comfortable, conservatively furnished, with tasteful art prints on the walls. Evidently David was someone with resources. You heard the generic stories back then, AIDS victims isolated in welfare hotels.
A stocky man in his late 30s, David sat in front of me pontificating from a leather La-Z-Boy chair. He wasted no time; he had an expansive life to share. David told me he was a former professional counselor and businessman from San Francisco. A pioneer of the epidemic, in the midst of it from the early eighties, he had counselled some of the first AIDS patients. He also told me I was his third Buddy volunteer, “I fired the other two.”
David had a very poor opinion of the organization that sent me. A former board member at AIDS Vancouver, he quit in anger, becoming a director at the BC Persons with AIDS Society (BCPWA, now known as Positive Living)—two organizations with a once shaky relationship. AIDS Vancouver had, however, made every effort to prepare me for my volunteer role: two weekends of core training, exploring empathy and the vocabulary of the epidemic (avoid the word victim); we must have played some sort of stigma game. Conversations about dying. The HIV/AIDS continuum in those early years: from infection to death, one to five years.
Not what I expected. Nothing about David was. Just before I left our first meeting he threw me the bit of information that he planned to kill himself once he became too sick.
Montreal – June 1989
Montreal helped, something to talk about. I’d relocated to Vancouver only months before and my last job was at the 1989 Vth International Conference on AIDS. David had paid close attention to the media reports, certainly would have liked to have been in Montreal when ACT UP (AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power) stormed the convention centre’s gates, placards reading SILENCE=DEATH. Not able to pay the registration fees the activists demanded future participation of people with HIV in all conferences, as well as government commitments to research and care.
David knew Randy Shilts, author of And the Band Played On, and media star of the Montreal Conference. The journalists fed on his Patient Zero conjecture that a “promiscuous” gay Québécois flight attendant, Gaetan Dugas, brought the epidemic to North America; all to do with gay blame and stigmatization—a local guy, yet!—and little about good science. I’d read the book; there was much more to it, after all, an insightful account of the epidemic’s early days during the grim Regan era. David loved the media. And controversy.
The end of the conference left me fatigued with the world stage hoopla; also unsatisfied as a non-contributor to the rising tragedy of the day. One evening I was on the outside terrace of a downtown gay bar, a conference closing event. A young man was sitting alone beside a fountain throwing coins into the water. I knew his name, Yvan Paradis. Days before I’d cut his picture out of the newspaper, part of the media roundup to the conference: he was crouched on the floor under the headline, The agony of living with AIDS—the classic “victim.” I decided to become an AIDS volunteer, once my other plan was put into motion, my move to the West Coast.
Kitsilano – February 1990
My first winter beside the Pacific Ocean, enjoying the fresh rains, I observed the early spring growth, first the daffodils, then soon the blossoming Japanese cherry and plum trees. I was, however, disappointed with my volunteer assignment: what could I contribute to the life of a well-off—and arrogant—professional counselor, who counted politicians among his friends? A busy guy, David allotted me an hour a week. Always passionate, he had his rants against governments, doctors and individuals working in the field. A phone call from David delivered the effect of an electric shock. It appeared my one and only task was to listen. But David also took an interest in my life, as someone new to town. I planned to buy a bicycle and asked for advice. He recommended a bike shop on Broadway nearby.
A few months before I had grandiosely written in my journal: Is the monster within? I was in excellent health but had never been tested for HIV. And there was that one strange incident, being hospitalized in Montreal’s castle-like Hotel Dieu in 1984 for a viral infection. The masked hospital staff treated me like a pariah, hours forgotten in a wheelchair beside a Christmas tree in an abandoned ward. Mysterious, inconclusive, the extreme fever resolved itself. I shared this with David and he encouraged me to set up an appointment for an HIV test. The day before the results he took me to lunch, making it clear only steak or ribs and fries would do. My own private counselor, giving him something to do and he enjoyed every minute. He would expect a phone call with my test results. I made a plan, whatever the next day’s news would bring, I would afterwards head over to Ace Cycles, a few blocks from David’s house.
The next day I bought a black ten-speed Raleigh for $299. Then a fast ride home. David got his phone call, my news about the bike, and that I was HIV-negative. He was genuinely pleased.
San Francisco – March 1990
My first visit. Five months after the magnitude 6.9 earthquake the damage was still evident: the Viaduct, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, cracks in the walls of the Museum of Modern Art.
In the gay Castro district, a greater devastation: the faces and bodies of young men. People were counting. Nearly twice the number of Americans had died of AIDS as in the Vietnam War; the year-end statistics would show 120,453 dead, 30,000 more than the previous year.
I attended Outwrite, the first National Lesbian and Gay Writers Conference. A packed room listened to a writer denounce Robert Mapplethorpe—who had died of AIDS the year before—for his objectification of black males. Keith Haring (I grabbed one of his large IGNORANCE = FEAR posters from the Montreal Conference) would soon have the same fate.
Back home, the details of my life: I cycled to the UBC campus at the far end of Point Grey. I watched the film, Bad Influence, starring Rob Lowe. Not so much contact with my buddy, David, still quite the lively guy.
Berlin – April 1990
David talked about Berlin the first time we met, the recent chipping away of the Berlin Wall; citizens and souvenir hunters with their hammers, the city no longer split in two. David wanted to witness this, and he put together his travel itinerary with little trouble.
I received two postcards.
Alexanderplatz: Here’s something you don’t get everyday … a postcard from West Berlin! Tomorrow I go to East Berlin for the day. See you. Love David
Brandenburg Gate: Hello from FREE East Berlin! Last time I was here it was oppressive. Now it is festive! It’s hard to believe, but the Wall really has come down. The “border” is practically invisible now. Love David
He brought home photos of a lovely young man in leather. I wasn’t sure about the tactile connection—it was Berlin after all.
Richards Street – May 1990
Our Buddy support group was held at the AIDS Vancouver Richards Street office, a low former architect’s firm on two levels. There was no street sign, the entrance obscured by tall bamboo. The group, a range of men and women of all ages, told their stories with great circumspection. We gave no names—with a brutally stigmatized condition confidentiality was of the first order. The volunteers were dealing with housing issues, hospital visits, the difficulties of maintaining relationships. Often enough there was grieving. I couldn’t say much, except that my buddy was mostly too busy to need me. We all knew that could change in a heartbeat.
I did share that my buddy and I always found something to talk about. We were both avid readers and I lent him Alan Hollinghurst’s Swimming Pool Library. Anything connected to the British aristocracy amused David, in particular the antics of Prince Charles. A theme of the book was how the oppression of the elites can destroy natural love and sexuality—we both appreciated the narrative power in all that.
Point Roberts – June 19th, 1990
It was Jimmy’s day. David drove us over the US border to a small pastoral cemetery in Point Roberts, Washington. I didn’t note which of David’s two matching fat black cars we were in, fairly new Buicks, one each for Jimmy and David. They were distinguished only by their license plates: perhaps Jimmy1, Jimmy2—a significant detail I have lost after twenty-five years.
The simple gravestone reads: Jimmy Landsdown, May 13 1958 – June 19, 1987. Jimmy died only a year after his AIDS diagnosis, a year of David’s constant care.
“If I’d known for certain I could follow him to another place on that day I would have taken my life then.” David has his spot reserved beside his long-term companion. “Perpetual care paid for.”
Jericho Beach – July 1990
I managed to transport my home-baked cherry pie on the new Raleigh, a contribution to our volunteer picnic. A beautiful day and an extraordinary view of downtown Vancouver and the North Shore Mountains. I watched my guest pull up in one of his cars. Walking towards me I could see David was prepared to enjoy the day.
I wondered how many there would recognize David. The day before he was a front-page news story: AIDS counselor in media whirlwind for aiding suicides. David had gone public, announced that during the past nine years he had assisted eight friends with AIDS to commit suicide. He told reporters he placed overdoses of the needed drugs within reach. “It’s immoral and unethical to not help someone die if that’s what they want.”
A story he would now repeat many times; one that I had kept in confidence—part of my quietness at the buddy support meetings. David had global interest at his doorstep, and he loved it.
We had a fine time at the beach. Though, as I watched David head back to his car, there was some hesitancy in his walk, some difficulty he was managing to overcome. That night in my journal I wrote that I had a strong sense of when David would die. Meaning that I thought it would be soon.
The Basement – July 1990
A week later I received a phone call that David was in St Paul’s Hospital. He had partial paralysis and other slight symptoms of a stroke. I made a quick visit—there was quite a crowd in his room. I returned the next day for his diagnosis. Toxoplasmosis. But David was radiant and funny, loving the attention—as if his predictable decline in health and evident CD4 count was almost a relief.
The next week he was back at home; a friend was living with David, and he could afford private nursing care. When I phoned he spoke slowly and belligerently, like someone very drunk, making it clear he didn’t want to see me. Though David was obviously still quite occupied. He had put an ad in the BCPWA newsletter: an open meeting for the formation of a Vancouver chapter of ACT UP, to be held on the following Saturday, David’s Kitsilano address and phone number listed below. I heard he was managing to whip angry faxes all over the world. He also fired one of his nurses.
When he finally allowed me to visit he was in the basement, a bedroom he’d set up in his dim ‘60s era recreation room. He told me he thought he had a brain tumour. Captive of a dying man’s anger for 45 minutes. Angry at the doctors and politicians. Angry with his drugs, the AZT. Angry at the AIDS service organizations. Probably angry with me once I left the house. On my way out I caught a glimpse through the front basement window, a reporter approaching the doorsteps.
In a few days David returned to hospital and surgery was scheduled. He had lymphoma as well as the toxoplasmosis, and understood the prospects: paralysis, dementia looming. I made my quiet hospital visit, took my turn with the many others in the room. Afterwards, an older women shared the elevator down to the street. One of us had pushed the wrong button and we made a detour to the entrance of the basement morgue. The soothing sound of an old lady’s laugh.
A tough time to be in the hospital, Vancouver was hosting Celebration ’90, the third International Gay Games. Magnificent men everywhere. David’s surgery was inconclusive and he went back to the basement one last time. He took all the time needed to explain to the world his plans, a promise to take his own life. The media loved it.
The Backyard – August 19th, 1990
A few steps up from his basement back door, David’s backyard was quite bare, just grass and a few bushes. Up high the kitchen door opened onto a covered porch, with an old clothesline attached to a post. At the bottom of the yard the two-car garage provided shelter for the two Buicks. With the surrounding fence, it was a private enough space.
David chose a Sunday afternoon for his farewell barbeque. Invitation-only, and the media were not included. We were instructed to bring our meat of choice to cook on several ugly, presumably borrowed, metal barbeques. Fifty or so friends showed up, among them one federal Member of Parliament. An afternoon of quiet conversations. David in obvious pain. He didn’t stir from his lawn chair in the shade under the kitchen porch. His guests came forward one by one.
David gave me a few moments. Not much small talk—when did we ever have that? Rather a few soft blunt words telling me he would kill himself on Friday night, August 24th. I received no further information, no assigned role. A few very old friends would gather for the event. I hoped I would be able to come back to the house sometime and say goodbye.
Two days later my phone rang; David’s caregivers needed a night off. I prepared David’s favourite desert, chocolate custard pie with whipped cream. Another perilous bike ride.
David told me to put the pie in the fridge. Not so easy, it was crammed beyond capacity; but I somehow tilted the pie inside—envisioned a possible middle-of-the-night chocolate and cream disaster on the floor. David wanted to watch a movie, chose Three Fugitives, a recent solid crime-comedy. He was transfixed.
Afterwards I helped David to his basement bed. He talked about his death, his terror. What to have for his final meal. Vomiting was his greatest fear. He held my hand and told me on Friday he would be hooked up to an IV of saline solution. At 8 p.m. the IV bag would be switched for another: 80 Seconal dissolved in morphine, “My sleeping potion.”
As I left his doorway I heard his second, softer, “Bye, bye.”
David’s House – Friday, August 24th, 1990
I saw David one more time. Riding my bike over the Burrard Bridge, approaching downtown, down below on a Hornby Street rooftop, it was unmistakably David seated imperious in a chair. He’d rallied for one last trip outside. Up above the BCPWA office, a circle of people surrounded him, most likely listening to some version of his words that we could read in the newspapers: “Not suicide! … I don’t want to die. I have to die. All I am doing is adjusting the time of my death a little so that I can die with dignity. This is completely different. We should have a different word for it.”
A beautiful summer Friday night, Second Beach at sundown, I watched Kitsilano across the water. Later at home I lit a candle, hoped that it was over and that David was somewhere else.
Wide-eyed for AIDS suicide. The weekend story of the hour, David peering from front pages in the local newspaper boxes, accounts of his death inside: AIDS activist Lewis died peacefully, surrounded by friends and family who fulfilled his last request and toasted his life with champagne.
At the capacity First Memorial service on Vancouver’s Kingsway one of David’s friends read his rude, but so typical, request that any members of the clergy in attendance should leave the premises—they would have no role in his life or death.
Returning the loan of my book, The Swimming Pool Library, was not part of David’s final plans.
Today, medications could have changed his death sentence to a manageable condition. The older activist in residence, perhaps with a new interest in gardening. In the basement, a desk, and a world of internet images at his fingertips: the 10-mile stretch of 8,000 illuminated balloons, the Lichtgrenze art project, following the same path as the Berlin Wall, marking twenty-five years since its fall.
I have my two postcards sent just months after the 1989 fall of the Berlin Wall. As the borders of David’s life drew closer, he desperately needed to go somewhere hopeful. And it was important for him to send messages from each side of a wall that was disappearing—bits of rubble quickly being enclosed in plastic to sell to those eager to own a piece of history.
Berlin was David’s last trip, and he would soon know for certain where his life would end: his basement bedroom in Kitsilano, a saline-seconal solution dripping into his body. Such a dark room below ground, the panelled cinder block walls a last protection from an intrusive boundary-making world: gay and HIV+, shifting yet pervasive margins of stigma that still accompany the great medical advances.
“Where was the Wall?” Apparently, it’s one of the questions most frequently asked by visitors to Berlin. Some portions of the Berlin Wall remain, with new meanings, spaces for memory, connection, perhaps of transformation. What David would have wished. Yet, I can walk by David’s house, that appears pretty much unchanged, and hear his apoplectic voice: if he could witness our present era, those people in power attempting to build new walls. | <urn:uuid:6cbe5c39-b22e-4edf-b7e3-2627f3448b39> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:37:56Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.979244 | 4,240 | 4,751 |
Understanding Speed Dating
Speed dating is a popular way of finding love or making new social connections quickly. In this section, we will explore the concept of speed dating in detail and how it works.
What is speed dating exactly and how does it differ from traditional dating? Are there any benefits of speed dating? Let’s find out more about it.
What is Speed Dating?
Speed dating is a matchmaking event that lets single individuals meet several potential partners in a short period. So, what is it? People attend and get the chance to have brief, structured conversations with multiple people and decide if they want to go further.
During speed dating, each guest talks with several others for short, timed chats before going on to the next person. Usually, it’s the same number of men and women, but same-sex events are available too. It’s a fast, low-pressure way for singles to interact and explore potential relationships.
One unique part of speed dating is that everyone present chooses to be there and wants to find dates. Other social settings don’t usually have this, so speed dating offers a structured environment just for making new connections. The organizers help to make it easier, so people can concentrate on talking to each other rather than worrying about introductions or conversation topics.
At one speed dating event, Aisha met a man who shared her love of hiking and adventure travel. Even though they were from different parts of the country, they got along and exchanged numbers before leaving. Weeks later, they were planning their first weekend away – showing that speed dating can lead to real relationships!
To sum it up, speed dating is a great way for singles to find potential partners quickly and enjoyably. So, if you’re looking for love in a hurry, why not give it a go? And don’t worry, there’s always time for dessert!
Benefits of Speed Dating
Speed dating is a popular choice for busy people who want to make meaningful connections. It has several advantages that make it an efficient way to meet multiple potential partners in a short period.
First, it provides a chance to interact with similar-minded people who have the same interests. It also encourages face-to-face communication, which builds good speaking skills.
Plus, it helps individuals who are shy or anxious while dating. It’s a great way to explore new places and parties without going alone. And it eliminates the need for long online conversations by meeting live people at once. It’s also cost-effective compared to other matchmaking services. And there are marketing strategies to target certain audiences.
Individuals looking for serious relationships prefer speed dating events as it saves them time. Of course, organizers must pay attention to detail. Making sure there is enough space between attendees and providing refreshments will keep them interested.
In fact, many long-term relationships and even marriages come from speed dating events. For example, one woman attended our event almost 11 years ago and met her now-husband. They’ve been married since then and still keep in touch with us.
Finally, if you’re planning a speed dating event, consider the benefits: meeting like-minded individuals, improving communication, and no tedious online conversations. With the right preparations, you can create an engaging and successful event that will help people make connections quickly.
Setting up a Speed Dating Event
Are you looking to set up a speed dating event but not sure where to start? This section will guide you through the process of planning and executing a successful event. From selecting the perfect venue to ensuring the event runs smoothly, we’ll cover all the essential steps you need to take. With our expert tips and insights, you’ll be on your way to hosting a memorable and engaging speed dating event for your community.
Selecting a Venue
Organizing a speed dating event requires choosing the perfect venue. It needs to be easily accessible and spacious enough to move around in. Plus, ambiance is key to creating a great atmosphere.
Check the amenities available: bathrooms, parking, kitchen if refreshments are served. Lighting and sound systems are also essential.
Make a checklist of features you need and compare venues. This helps you find the ideal one that will make the event amazing.
Also think about different event locations such as lounges, bars, hotels or community centers. Popular places that fit the target audience can help increase attendance.
Selecting the right venue is critical for success. Compare all the options and pick the best one. Then you can create an amazing experience for everyone. Let’s get started and plan an unforgettable speed dating party!
Successfully host a speed dating event by inviting the right people. Compile a list of potential attendees with social media, online dating sites, and business networks. Target demographics based on age, interests, or job. Send invites via email or text. Make registration/purchasing process simple.
To boost outreach, word-of-mouth promotion is key. Ask current attendees to spread the word. Offer incentives for referrals.
Communication is essential. Remind and instruct attendees about the event. Create anticipation and enthusiasm.
For further promotion, create engaging marketing material and partner with local businesses. Offer discounts or specials to early birds or repeat customers. Start inviting your target demographic now! Host a successful speed dating event!
Setting the Date and Time
Setting a date and time for a speed dating event is essential for its success. Timing is key! To ensure maximum attendance and minimal competition with other nearby events, here is a 6-step guide on how to pick the best date and time.
- Research local events. Look at community calendars and online listings.
- Avoid holidays. Don’t plan an event when people may be away.
- Select a convenient day. Weekends or Friday evenings are best.
- Create a schedule that works for participants. Plan for two hours with registration, introductions, breaks, and cleanup.
- Choose a start time. Most events are between 6-7 PM.
- Gauge interest from potential attendees. Make a survey or poll to see which date works best.
Also consider factors like weather that can impact travel. Finally, hosting events regularly – say, every 4 weeks – can give attendees consistency. Choosing the right timing is tricky; may your speed dating event have smooth sailing!
Making Sure the Event Runs Smoothly
Organizing a speed dating event can be tough. It’s essential to make sure everything goes smoothly, to give participants an enjoyable experience.
Here are some ways to do it:
- Prepare adequately beforehand. Gather materials and check tech equipment.
- Hold a pre-event briefing with staff, to discuss logistics and issues that may come up.
- Monitor the program continuously, so any hitches are sorted out early.
- Inform participants about what to expect. Ask for suggestions or constructive criticism.
Following these steps, and getting feedback, will make organizing a speed dating event easier and more rewarding.
Marketing Strategies for Speed Dating Events
Looking to boost attendance at your speed dating events? This section covers marketing strategies that can help you attract more participants. From promoting the event online to partnering with local businesses, these sub-sections provide actionable tips to fill your event with eager daters.
According to the reference data, online marketing and social media have proven to be effective tools for promoting speed dating events, so be sure to give these strategies a try.
Promoting the Event Online
Increase attendance for speed dating events by promoting the event online! Websites and social media are great for reaching larger audiences. Try boosting posts on Facebook, sponsored ads, and website links for event newsletters and mailing lists. Share info about past successful events and testimonials from satisfied attendees to build credibility and establish your event as a must-attend gathering. Update social media regularly and send newsletters to encourage followers to reserve their spot early.
Create a blog post featuring benefits of speed dating and successful matches made at previous events. Post testimonials from happy couples to attract new attendees. Collaborate with other businesses in your local community, like restaurants or bars. Offer discounts and incentives to customers who sign up early. Utilize these promotion techniques to make your speed dating event known and get maximum attendance and enjoyment for all participants.
Using Social Media
Social media has changed businesses’ approaches to promoting services and reaching more people – speed dating events included. To leverage social media, organizers can create a Facebook event page and post updates regularly. Twitter is also great for advertising the event and interacting with those interested via relevant hashtags.
Instagram can be used to show off attractive visuals that will capture potential attendees’ attention. Working with influencers or bloggers in the area is another way to get the word out.
During and after the event, participants can be encouraged to post on social media using special hashtags or by offering rewards for the best posts. Discounts or promotions can be given to those who follow the event’s social media accounts or share the event.
By using social media in various ways and being active on multiple platforms, organizers of speed dating events can get more attention and draw in more people. It’s important to remember that not everyone is active on all platforms – a social media plan tailored to the event will help increase attendance for this event and future ones.
In conclusion, social media is an invaluable tool that can help promote speed dating events and local businesses. With a carefully planned strategy, organizers can reach larger audiences and more people will attend their events.
Partnering with Local Businesses
Partnering with local businesses is an awesome marketing strategy for speed dating events. Reach out to bars, restaurants and other places to get a new audience. Offer discounts or special promotions to attendees to get them to the event. This type of partnership has mutual benefits and builds community.
Host the event at the business. Consider incorporating their products or services into the event. For example, host a wine-tasting or food-pairing speed dating event at a restaurant or winery.
Be sure the local businesses align with your brand’s values and have a good reputation. This will make your event look great and attract like-minded people.
When setting the price point, think about your target audience, the location and event goals. Love doesn’t need to be expensive!
Pricing for Speed Dating Events
Looking to set up a successful speed dating event? One of the most critical decisions you will make is how to price the event. In this section, we will explore various pricing strategies for speed dating events, including how to set the price, offer discounts, and create compelling specials that will attract attendees. With the right pricing strategy, you can maximize your event’s profitability and create a memorable experience for everyone involved. According to the Reference Data, pricing is one of the most crucial aspects of hosting a speed dating event, so let’s dive in!
Setting the Price
Organizing a speed dating event? It’s crucial to set the price. Consider venue rental, refreshments, staffing, and any extra costs. Check out market research for what people are willing to pay. Explain the pricing strategy – gender-based or everyone equal. Get the balance right between affordable and profitable. Offer discounts and specials – boost attendance and revenue. Communicate your pricing strategy clearly – so people understand what they’re paying for. Spice up your speed dating game with happy hearts and wallets! Price setting is just the start – do it right for a successful and profitable event.
Offering Discounts and Specials
Organizers of speed dating events understand the need for discounts and specials to draw in more participants. Especially those with budget issues. To boost attendance, they can provide promotional packages for couples or friends. Also, first-timers and referrals can be drawn with special offers. Early bird discounts, limited-time promotions, and bundle deals are other strategies to entice potential guests.
But, when offering discounts and specials, organizers must make sure the pricing still reflects the event’s value and quality. They should avoid overselling discounts by increasing the original price point. Finding a balance between an appealing deal and genuine value for attendees is essential to effectively use this marketing tactic.
Use these tips to help your speed dating event be successful. You can be Cupid and create a pleasant atmosphere for love to blossom.
Hosting a Successful Speed Dating Event
Whether you’re a seasoned event planner or a first-time organizer, hosting a successful speed dating event can be a challenge.
In this section, you will learn how to:
- Create a fun and comfortable environment for your attendees.
- Provide refreshments for your attendees.
- Offer matchmaking services to your attendees.
With the right preparation and attention to detail, you can pull off an unforgettable event that leaves a positive impression on everyone who attends.
Creating a Fun and Comfortable Environment
For speed dating events, it is essential to make participants feel comfortable and enjoy the experience.
Warm lighting, comfy seating, soft music, drinks and snacks can help. The venue should be spacious enough for everyone.
Icebreakers and discussion topics are great for encouraging conversation. Distractions should be eliminated and phones put away.
These details can lead to enjoyable experiences and matches! According to “The Guardian,” 45% of London speed daters find a match.
If you want to add an extra touch of enjoyment, consider offering refreshment options from our selection. Quench your thirst and fuel your love life!
When hosting a speed dating event, refreshments are a must! Attendees will be thankful for snacks and drinks to enjoy as they mingle. Have a variety of non-alcoholic beverages like water, soda, and juice. Light snacks such as crackers, cheese, or fruit can help keep energy levels up. Be sure to provide options for those with dietary restrictions or allergies.
Refreshments should be available throughout the event. Try something new by introducing new flavors. Specialty drinks or unique snacks can add to the experience. Match the refreshments to the theme of the event to create a cohesive atmosphere.
For centuries, refreshments have been part of socializing. Coffeehouses thousands of years ago provided a place to come together over food and drink. Similarly, providing refreshments at speed dating events creates an inviting environment for participants to get to know each other and enjoy delicious refreshments. Matchmaking services are there to help you find love!
Offering Matchmaking Services
Matchmaking services can be a great add-on to speed dating events. Professional matchmakers or relationship experts can offer advice and guidance. Questionnaires or surveys can also help people find compatible partners based on shared interests and values.
Follow-up communication after the event could include email or phone support. Personalized feedback about matches and dates can improve future events. Combination packages with speed dating and matchmaking services can attract more people and increase chances of successful connections.
Matchmaking services should be optional. Those looking for help can get it through local businesses or organizations that specialize in matchmaking. This can create a more holistic experience for participants and increase the likelihood of lasting relationships. Make your speed dating event even better by adding fun icebreakers, themes, and prizes!
Ideas for Enhancing a Speed Dating Event
Are you planning to host a speed dating event? Do you want to enhance the experience for your participants? In this section, we’ll discuss some creative ideas to make your speed dating event more exciting and successful. From icebreakers and games to prizes and giveaways, there are plenty of ways to engage your attendees and ensure they have a fun and memorable time. So, let’s take a look at some tried and tested ways to enhance your speed dating event!
Including Icebreakers and Games
Icebreakers and games are must-haves for having a successful speed dating event. They help to ease the tension and create a relaxed atmosphere. This lets people be more at ease around each other before the speed dating rounds begin.
There are various icebreaker options to pick from. These could include having people share personal interests, like hobbies. Examples are “Two Truths and a Lie” and “Never Have I Ever“. Icebreaker questions can also help introverted people break out of their shells and get talking.
Group activities such as relay races or trivia contests can give attendees something fun to do during breaks in between the dating rounds. Games and activities make it easier for people to talk and have fun.
Icebreakers and games offer organizers a chance to learn about the participants’ personalities and preferences. They can use this info to pair people up during the event. However, it’s important to choose activities that are suitable and respectful of different cultures. This helps ensure that everybody feels welcome and included at the event.
Adding a Theme
To make speed dating events more engaging, add a theme! Follow these 6 steps:
- First, choose a theme.
- Create fun icebreakers and questions based on it.
- Then, incorporate decorations, props, and music to set the mood.
- Ask participants to dress up accordingly.
- Offer themed prizes or giveaways.
- Have themed refreshments or drinks.
Consider the theme’s alignment with your target audience and event goals. You can use seasonal or cultural themes, like Valentine’s Day or wine tasting. Matching name tags, table numbers, candles, or lighting help create the desired atmosphere. Couples’ dance lessons related to the theme can be interactive, too.
Themed events started with parties where guests dressed up to match a decade or genre. This concept began in fashion runways, then evolved to Speed Dating events. A theme helps people escape and create deeper connections.
Providing Prizes and Giveaways
Speed dating events are all about fostering connections and providing attendees with a memorable experience. Offering prizes and giveaways is a great way to encourage participants to engage with each other, and make the event more exciting.
It’s important for organizers to pick prizes related to the event’s theme or location, and partner with local businesses or vendors to get discounts.
Organizers can also reward those who make meaningful connections or have positive interactions by offering unique prizes. Adding games or challenges with prize opportunities during the event can create a fun and interactive atmosphere. Prize drawings or raffles are also a great way to get people talking.
But prizes and giveaways should not be the focus of the event – they should just be a supplement to the main aim which is helping people find meaningful relationships.
Hosting speed dating events has become increasingly popular, and offering themed prizes like Halloween Prizes is a great way for attendees to have fun while increasing their chances of winning interesting items.
Online Speed Dating Events
With the advent of technology, dating has become more accessible than ever before. In this section, we will explore the world of online speed dating events, which have completely revolutionized the traditional dating concept. Discover the benefits of online speed dating and gain insightful tips on how to host a successful virtual event from the comfort of your own home.
Benefits of Online Speed Dating
Online speed dating is gaining popularity. It’s better for accessibility, has a wide variety of people and is more efficient time-wise. One of its main advantages is its inclusivity. People with disabilities or social anxiety can relax and take part from their home. Anonymity is also present, so you don’t have to reveal yourself until the end, when both parties have shown interest in each other.
These benefits make online speed dating a great option for people who want convenience and flexibility. To make the experience better, organizers can use communication prompts. These end conversations with specific questions and let you know about the other person’s interests before matching. Structured activities like puzzles, quizzes or even charades can help conversations flow and create chemistry.
Organizers can offer great online speed dating experiences by using these tips, bringing people from different backgrounds and cultures together.
Tips for Hosting Online Speed Dating Events
Hosting online speed dating events is a unique experience that needs a special approach. Technology helps make it just as successful and fun as offline. Follow these tips to make your event engaging and successful.
- Get a reliable internet connection and user-friendly platform for smooth video-chats.
- Make a custom matching algorithm that looks at each attendee’s interests. They’ll be more likely to find someone they connect with.
- Provide clear guidelines and instructions. Tell them how to dress, keep introductions brief and transition between rounds. Everyone should be on the same page for success.
- Use virtual icebreakers and games to keep conversation going.
- Encourage attendees to share their positive experiences on social media.
- Offer follow-up matchmaking services or connecting people outside of the event.
Speed dating may seem fast-paced, but finding your match quickly is worth it. Use these tips to keep the momentum going at your next online speed dating event.
Conclusion: The Benefits of Speed Dating
Speed dating has been a popular choice in the dating scene for many years, but what are the real benefits of this unique approach to meeting new people? In this conclusion section, we’ll take a look at a recap of the benefits of speed dating and how it encourages attendees to continue dating even after the event has ended. Let’s explore why speed dating is a great way to find a potential partner and how it can lead to lasting relationships.
Recap of the Benefits of Speed Dating
Speed dating events provide an amazing chance to make connections with multiple people in a quick period of time. People can figure out if they share the same interests as the person they meet before continuing on to the next. Unlike regular dating, there’s no stress, since it’s not a date or a promise, but just a chance to communicate with others. Another advantage of speed dating is that it saves time; you can go on dates with as many people in one night as you would in months of traditional dating.
Speed dating events provide special opportunities for those who don’t usually get out much. By going to these events, individuals can maximize their chances of meeting new people and finding love. Companies usually pair participants based on their preferences, so there is no need to browse through hundreds of online profiles. Offline networking experiences such as speed dating have had many success stories, where participants have found long-term partners or new friends with same interests.
To sum up, speed dating offers quicker and more efficient ways of meeting new and exciting people than typical methods like social media or going out every weekend to clubs and bars. If you’re hoping to meet potential partners, speed dating is a great option that has lots of advantages.
Encouraging Attendees to Continue Dating
Encouraging participants to date after the speed dating event is key to success. Give them a platform to exchange contact info – a website or email address. Plan follow-up events to let them reconnect. Plus, send personalized reminders to keep them in touch and arrange future dates.
Also, create an environment that invites healthy connections before, during, and after the event. Ideas like private chat rooms and post-event engagement can help.
Point out the benefits of staying connected. Remind them that attending future events can strengthen connections made during speed dating. Use FOMO marketing tactics like promoting success stories or sharing stats on average connection rates. This will increase attendance and enhance future events.
FAQs about How To Set Up A Speed Dating Event?
What is speed dating and how does it work?
Speed dating is a fun and efficient way for singles to meet potential matches. It involves attendees booking their space in advance and moving from seat to seat to meet their dates for the night. A bell or buzzer rings when each timed date has come to an end, and participants progress from one table to the next until everyone has had a chance to meet each other.
How can I make my speed dating event more fun?
There are many ways to make your speed dating event more enjoyable for attendees. You can include themed events, games, and icebreakers to enhance the experience. Remember that a relaxed and fun atmosphere is key to a successful event.
Do I need matchmaking skills to set up a speed dating event?
No, you do not need matchmaking skills to organize a speed dating event. However, it is important to ensure an even number of potential partners and to minimize the chance of disappointment for attendees.
How much does it cost to host a speed dating event?
Pricing for a speed dating event can vary depending on location, venue, and the level of service provided. It is important to do your research and set a fair price that covers your costs while remaining affordable for attendees.
Can online speed dating events be successful?
Yes, online speed dating events are becoming increasingly popular, with virtual platforms allowing for wider participation. It is important to choose a reliable platform and market the event effectively through social media, email campaigns, and targeted advertising.
What are some tips for hosting a successful speed dating event?
To host a successful speed dating event, it is important to create a relaxed and fun atmosphere for participants while also maintaining your own sanity. Remember to communicate clearly with attendees, provide clear guidelines and expectations, and ensure that everyone has a fair chance to meet potential matches. | <urn:uuid:db988ac6-4554-45f0-bafe-6c006b539836> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T15:22:46Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.937649 | 5,278 | 5,981 |
Like every frequent flyer, you probably dream of finding the perfect suitcase for an affordable price. But you also probably realize that a great suitcase usually costs an arm and a leg…like a Samsonite. But it doesn’t always have to be that way!
In this review, we’ll check out a particularly interesting luggage brand – IT Luggage. I have personally reviewed dozens of luggage brands on this site, so why does this one stand out? Well, they are one of the rare brands that actually strives to be creative in luggage design. Their frameless suitcases are the perfect example of that. As are their extra-wide handles.
At A Glance: Our Top Picks
Intrigued? You should be. I always appreciate brands who try new things more than those who simply copy the high-end brands and stick to the same old things. So, let’s check out some of the best IT Luggage suitcases, and see whether or not they are worth your money.
In this section, we will check out the top hardshell choices from IT Luggage. All of the suitcases that you’re about to see have great reviews from satisfied customers and they came out on top when compared to some other luggage from this brand. They obviously aren’t your only hardshell options, but they certainly are the best.
The Apollo suitcase is one of the innovative pieces of luggage from this brand. It is made of Duraliton – an ultra-strong and lightweight material, which consists of two layers of Polycarbonate. And the specs of this luggage are proof of this since these are some of the most lightweight IT Luggage products I’ve seen.
In addition to that, the Duraliton Apollo collection is equipped with double spinner wheels, which give you great maneuverability of your suitcase. And the telescopic wheel handle has a button that allows you to lock it into position when it’s fully extended. Overall, you can expect that wheeling these around the airport will be a piece of cake.
One downside of these suitcases is that they don’t have any locks. So, you can’t have complete peace of mind when it comes to the security of your stuff. But you can always purchase a zipper padlock if you feel uncomfortable buying luggage without a lock.
The interior of the Apollo is fully lined, and it is divided into two packing compartments. The bottom compartment has elastic cross straps that are supposed to keep your clothes in place. And sadly, it doesn’t have any pockets.
On the other hand, the top compartment has a full zippered divider, which sports a large mesh pocket and a smaller slip pocket. Which are some good organizational features.
Check the links below to see the Duraliton Apollo collection on Amazon:
The Asteroid luggage collection is made of 100% Polycarbonate, so you can expect these suitcases to be really lightweight and durable. Additionally, the shell also features a ribbed design, which will make all the scuffs and scratches less noticeable. Especially if you get the suitcase in a darker color.
Unfortunately, they don’t have reinforced corners. I find this to be an important impact-resistance factor since the corners of your suitcases are often the first parts to get dented or broken. The material itself is sturdy enough that this shouldn’t happen, but you can’t be 100% sure that it won’t happen.
But not to worry – in case the shell of your PC suitcase gets broken, you can easily repair it yourself.
Other features of this suitcase include double spinner wheels, a retractable telescopic wheel handle, firm and comfortable grab handles, and a TSA-friendly combination lock. Overall, nothing really surprising there – just the features that you expect from any good hardside suitcase.
Inside the Asteroid, you have two packing compartments. The bottom compartment has a small zippered pocket, as well as a pair of elastic cross straps that will keep your stuff in place. And in the top compartment, you have a full panel zippered divider with a large mesh pocket. Oh, and the capacity of these suitcases is expandable by about 3 inches, which is certainly a bonus.
Check the links below to see the Asteroid suitcases on Amazon:
The Metamorphic suitcase has a very unique shell design. This goes in its favor since any scuffs or scratches your suitcase might get won’t be nearly as visible as they would on a smooth outer shell. And by the way, that shell is made of pure Polycarbonate, which speaks volumes about the durability and sturdiness of this suitcase.
One thing I have to tell you is that there’s currently some ridiculous sale on Amazon – the smallest Metamorphic suitcase is 70% off right now. So, if you are interested in the suitcase, you definitely will not want to pass up that deal! And how could you not be interested in this lightweight hardshell with double spinner wheels, expandable capacity, and a TSA-friendly lock?
These suitcases are also equipped with telescopic wheel handles, which feature a push-button that locks them into position. And also a pair of soft grab handles – one on the top and one on the side.
When you open up this suitcase, you see that you have two packing compartments with a total of three pockets. Two are on the full-panel zippered divider in the top compartment, while one of them rests in the bottom compartment, and keeps company to the elastic cross straps. Nothing new and innovative there – but that’s not always a bad thing.
Check the links below to see the Metamorphic suitcases on Amazon:
This IT Luggage suitcase is available in three sizes, as well as a value set. And honestly, it’s one of my favorites from their entire range. Why? Because it is a zipperless suitcase. I have said this already, and I’ll say it another million times – zipperless luggage is much safer than zippered luggage. That’s because anyone can break open your locked zippered suitcase with a ballpoint pen.
Now, I do think that the design of this suitcase is a rip-off of the Rimowa Topas. But in a good way – the Topas is one of the best and most expensive suitcases that money can buy. If the IT luggage is even half as good as it, then it’s more than worth your money. And with the aluminum frame, 100% Polycarbonate construction, and double spinner wheels, I think it comes pretty close.
Polycarbonate is generally a pretty durable and impact-resistant material. But I really like the addition of the corner guards on this suitcase, since they make it even sturdier. And you will need all the sturdiness you can get if you want your suitcase to survive multiple flights.
The interior of the suitcase is priceless – you get a divider with pocket(s) in each compartment, which allows for great organization. Just keep in mind that the capacity of the Crusader is not expandable, due to the TSA latch closure. So don’t go crazy with souvenirs on your trip – you might not have enough space for all of them.
The Signature suitcases feature a 100% Polycarbonate construction in a few different colors.
As for the features of these suitcases, all of them have double spinner wheels, a telescopic wheel handle with a locking push button, and expandable capacity. They also come with TSA-approved combination locks, so they’re a great option if you want your luggage to be perfectly secure.
The interior of the Signature is divided into two compartments; the top compartment features a zippered divider with two pockets, while the bottom compartment has elastic cross straps and a small zippered pocket.
All the Signature suitcases are also expandable, like many of the IT luggage range. This particular model expands 2.5 inches so you can either pack more, or bring a few gifts home from your trip.
Check the links below to see the Signature suitcases on Amazon:
This luggage is particularly interesting due to its unique build. All of these suitcases feature frameless construction, which means that even if they get dented, their shells will pop back. And that’s pretty awesome! You won’t have to worry about any scratches or scuffs on this IT Luggage.
*Note: Currently, the two suitcase collections featured in this review are only available as value sets. No frameless suitcases can be purchased individually. Additionally, there is no information on their exact dimensions and weights.Best Frameless
The Impact suitcases are pretty cool frameless suitcases. They come with a cool ripple/wave-like exterior which is great for hiding any scuffs or damage. Something that is bound to happen when you travel.
Honestly, if you didn’t know that these were frameless suitcases, you would think they were just basic hardshells. They have double spinner wheels, a TSA-friendly lock, a couple of grab handles, and a telescopic wheel handle. Pretty standard features.
But these have the benefit of the “indestructible shell” made from high-density EVA foam – it can’t be scratched, dented, or broken, which is pretty awesome if you ask me!
The Impact cases also feature two fully lined packing compartments with expandable capacity. The top one has a full zippered divider, with a mesh zippered pocket and a smaller slip pocket on it. The bottom compartment, on the other hand, features elastic cross straps. There are no pockets inside it.
Overall, if you want to try out something new, I would definitely recommend these frameless suitcases. You kind of get the best of both worlds – the lightweight and features of the hardshell, plus the durability of a softshell. And you wouldn’t have to worry about scratches and dents ever again, which is priceless!
The softside suitcases from IT Luggage actually feature the most innovative designs. So, that’s what we’ll mostly be talking about in this section. We will also check out their best regular softside suitcases, in order to cover as much of their range as possible.Best Softshell
The Los Angeles suitcase is as glamourous as the city that it was named by. For one thing, these suitcases are surprisingly lightweight, with the carry-on being under 5 lbs. And that’s impressive, especially if you consider that all the suitcases have a fiberglass frame inside.
But, what is even better is that the LA collection features extra-wide wheel handles, which are more comfortable than the regular telescopic ones.
I was never any good at physics, so I can’t precisely explain why that is. But it has something to do with how the weight of the suitcase is transferred to the handle when you’re pulling it around. And the wider the handle, the lighter the bag feels and the more comfortable you are.
Which will certainly come in handy, since this luggage features plain in-line skate wheels that require you to tilt your suitcase and drag it around.
Just like on other softsides, the LA suitcases have a single packing compartment. Which features tie-down straps and four mesh slip pockets on the top flap. In addition to that, you also get two external zip pockets, which are perfect for any stuff you want to have easily accessible. I love that – external pockets are pretty much the only reason why I still genuinely like using soft shell suitcases.
Check the links below to see the Los Angeles suitcases on Amazon:
The Megalite Fascia is a collection of sleek, softside suitcases. And, even though they aren’t really famous for their innovative design, they are equipped with some great features. Like the double spinner wheels and the TSA-friendly lock. That’s right – these are the best softside suitcases for all of you who want to travel in style, but also knowing that your luggage is 100% secure.
They are really lightweight, but definitely not lighter than the Los Angeles collection. However, these suitcases have an expandable capacity – something that the previous collection was missing. There is a downside to this feature, though; the zipper for expansion is the front of the suitcase.
This means that when you decide to use it, there is a chance the suitcase is going to get bulky and tip a little to the front. Obviously, that ultimately depends on the amount of stuff you pack inside it.
The interior of this suitcase features a single packing compartment with tie-down straps to keep your clothes in place. And there are also two pockets on the top flap, in addition to two external pockets.
Overall, these are some really good suitcases for the price. They are easy to maneuver around, great for organization and they will keep your stuff pretty secure. And you thought you would have to make compromises on some of these features!
Check the links below to see the Megalite Fascia suitcases on Amazon:
The Debonair suitcases are like the perfect combination of the previous two collections. They are remarkably lightweight and have double spinner wheels, as well as an innovative wheel handle.
I think the combination of those two features will make moving these around feel like fun, and not like a dreadful and painful task. Oh, and the handles on these suitcases can be locked into position, unlike the ones on the LA luggage.
The wide handle also means that you won’t have to deal with tubes sticking out inside the packing compartment. Which ultimately means more space for your clothes! You also get two tie-down straps inside, to keep all of your things firmly in place, as well as a large zippered mesh pocket.
But it’s not all rainbows and butterflies. For one thing, the Debonair suitcases don’t have an expandable capacity, and what you see is what you get. Additionally, they also don’t have any locks, so the safety of your items is questionable. And if you ask me, I would have loved to see a couple more pockets for better organization.
Check the links below to see the Debonair suitcases on Amazon:
The Quilte collection is one of the best-selling softshell collections from IT Luggage. No surprises there, since these are really some top-notch suitcases. They are lightweight, have double spinner wheels, a retractable wheel handle, and expandable capacity. And that is on top of their stylish design!
The interior of these suitcases is fully lined, and the main compartment is pretty spacious. However, you will have to deal with the protrusion of the telescopic wheel handle inside it.
Additionally, there is a large zippered pocket on the closure flap, as well as a large external zippered compartment for any last-minute necessities. Overall, in terms of organization, it’s a decent suitcase. Definitely not the best out of the bunch.
And there are also some downsides to the Quilte. For one thing, forget about a lock – you will have to get a padlock for the zipper pullers if you want your belongings to stay safe when you part with them.
What’s even worse, the zipper for expansion is to the front. And the suitcase bulges when expanded, and goes over the front wheels. So, there is a good chance that it won’t be able to stand upright and that it will tilt to the side if you fully pack it when expanded.
Check the links below to see the Quilte collection on Amazon:
The Duotone collection is also very popular. But unfortunately, I can’t tell you the exact specifications of these suitcases since they are not listed anywhere. I can, however, tell you that the smallest suitcase is 18” tall with the wheels and wheel handle and that it’s the perfect size for a carry-on. Since it is under 20”, you shouldn’t have any problem with bringing it inside the cabin on airlines all over the world.
What I can tell you about these suitcases is that they are made of high-density polyester, which is a pretty durable material. They are also equipped with single spinner wheels, a telescopic wheel handle with a push-button that locks it into position, and a couple of sturdy grab handles.
Oh and a pair of zippered external pockets on the front of the suitcase, which will definitely come in handy to all the forgetful packers!
The interior of the Duotone is fully lined and equipped with tie-down straps to keep your clothes in place. There aren’t any pockets inside the packing compartment itself, but there is a large zippered mesh pocket on the closure flap of the suitcase.
Sadly, the Duotone luggage is not equipped with any locks, so you would have to take the security of your belongings into your own hands. And the capacity of these suitcases is not expandable, so pack wisely!
Suitcases from this brand are actually pretty different from many others on the market. They have some patented features that are intriguing, at the very least.
Like the really wide wheel handle, which makes it that much easier to maneuver your suitcase. Because, with an extra-wide handle, you don’t really feel the entire weight of your suitcase.
Another interesting design innovation is their link luggage systems. These allow you to attach multiple suitcases to one another so that you can wheel them around with just one hand. And I think that’s pretty useful – how many times did you find yourself in a situation where you literally needed an extra hand to get all your stuff from point A to point B?
Duraliton is also one of their innovative materials. It’s basically just two sheets of Polycarbonate, which means that your Duraliton suitcase will be extra tough and durable.
And last, but certainly not the least, are their frameless suitcases. And you can read more about those in the following section! :>
The age-old debate. But this time we have another fighter in the ring – the frameless suitcase. And honestly, I would probably get this one, just out of pure intrigue.
I’ll tell you more about frameless in a later section. For now, you should know that these are suitcases that are made of thick foam, which offers great impact resistance. Plus, foam can’t really be broken – even if your suitcase gets dented, it will pop back to its original shape.
And I think that’s a huge upside. A downside is that you can cut through it pretty easily, so it doesn’t guarantee the safety of your luggage.
Now in terms of softshell vs. hardshell, it’s pretty simple. I generally recommend hardshell luggage for airplane travel, since it is more durable and impact resistant. Softshells are more likely to get squished or torn when faced with tough love from baggage handlers.
But if you mostly travel by trains, busses or car, then a softshell is a good choice for you. You’ll have more space inside it, better organizational capabilities, and you don’t have to worry about the weight of your suitcase that much. I would definitely suggest you check out some of their innovative softshells, since they really deserve a chance.
Every suitcase has two dimensions – the internal and the external ones. The internal dimensions refer to the size of the packing compartment of your suitcase. On the other hand, external dimensions are the dimensions of a suitcase including the wheels and the handles.
Airlines take the latter into consideration when determining whether to treat your suitcase as a carry-on or as a checked bag. Now, the thing is that pretty much every airline has its own standards for a carry-on suitcase. Some will accept your 24” suitcase inside the cabin, while others will make you check even the 20” one.
If you want to be 100% sure that you will always be able to use your suitcase as a carry-on (worldwide), I suggest you go for a suitcase whose external height doesn’t exceed 18”.
Learning how to pack in so little space for longer trips is going to be a challenge, but it will save you a lot of money in the long run.
IT Luggage offers a 10-year warranty to all of their customers, which sounds amazing. But if you read the fine print you will see that the warranty applies only to manufacturing defects. The damage that your suitcase suffers in transit is not covered by the warranty, so it’s pretty much useless.
The chances that you are going to get a suitcase with a manufacturing defect are very slim. And even if you do, great you can replace it. But chances that your suitcase is going to get scuffed/dented/broken on a flight are higher, and not even because of the quality of the luggage.
It’s because of the way airline staff treats your luggage – and the manufacturers are well aware of that. This is why the warranty doesn’t cover any damage airlines inflicted on your luggage.
Now the (sort of) good news is that this is something most manufacturers practice. So, it’s not like IT Luggage is offering a sub-par warranty. But, they do have sub-par customer service, so avoid contacting them unless you really need to.
We’ve checked out a lot of suitcases in this review. And if you still aren’t sure what the best option for you is, here are my top three choices.
Out of all the hardshells, I would say that the Asteroid is the best option. It’s very durable and affordable and has the ability to expand a full 3 inches, which is impressive. And this suitcase also features double spinner wheels, a retractable wheel handle, a divider in the packing compartments, along a bunch of pockets inside. Overall, it is my favorite choice.
We only talked about two frameless suitcases, and I would definitely recommend the Impact. It has spinner wheels, a telescopic wheel handle, a couple of sturdy carry handles, and the classic interior of a hardshell suitcase. But the EVA foam shell construction means that you will never have to worry about your suitcase getting scratched or scuffed again! How’s that for innovation?
When it comes to softshells and innovation, I think that the Los Angeles suitcase stands out the most. I love the fact that its wide handle means that you get a more spacious packing compartment since the barrels don’t protrude inside it.
This luggage is remarkably lightweight, which is perfect if you tend to pack a lot of clothes whenever you go away. You might miss the spinner wheels and a TSA lock, but the attractive price tag makes up for them!
And that’s it! Overall these are some pretty good suitcases for their prices. Be sure to check those out on Amazon – most of them are currently discounted, so it’s the perfect time to try them out for a bargain! | <urn:uuid:471dd45b-f811-445a-aa35-de03971b86aa> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:28:29Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.955633 | 4,990 | 5,492 |
Mounted by the unchaste princess, the unicorn's demeanor changed. Gone was the flowing white mane and the flowery perfume that clung to sparkling fur and in it's place was a nightmare, a creature of death with burning red eyes and a horn dripping with blood. It reared up and then plunged into the Dark Forest, never to be seen again. Even today, the screams of the unclean princess can be heard when the wind blows.
— Kastil dea Gorbil, The Unicorn Triumphant
The cold and wet air tore at Beauty's face as they race along the slick dirt path. She led the way, her boots splashing through the puddles and sending splatters of slush in all directions. Her shirt gave her little protection from the wind and she could feel every icy cut of wind that ripped through the openings and along her exposed legs.
Compared to her discomfort, her heart broke for what Daman must have been suffering with. He held her hand, his grip tight as he stumbled after her. He wore nothing to protect from the wind or snow and she could feel his entire body shaking through his grip.
“Love?” she whispered.
Distracted, she tripped and lost her balance. With a yelp, she swung her other hand to catch herself. The tip of the sword caught the ground first, twisting her wrist painfully before her knuckles smashed into the cold ground. The impact drove the hilt in her grip tight against her bones and a burst of pain tore up her arm.
Daman slipped his hand around her and helped her up. “Keep going, love.”
Beauty whimpered and stumbled with him until she could take the lead. “W-What about you?”
“Less talk, keep going.”
They gathered speed along the trail leading back to the main road. They had taken it before and she remembered where they could sprint and where they had to be careful; she only hoped that Rizen's men wouldn't have an immediate knowledge of their surroundings and they could get ahead enough to find a hidden shelter.
As she ran, she looked for heavy bushes or pines but there were none that didn't require leaving an obvious trail on the ground.
Coming over a hill, they came up to a fork in the trail. One way continued down the slope and to the road. It was a straight path the entire way and she could see the signs marking the way back to Fires Down Below. The other way was an overgrown trail that led further along the curve, trailing away from the road and the town.
Daman stopped her at the junction. He shivered as rivulets of drizzle and sleet ran down his nude form. He groaned and wiped the moisture from his face. “Which way?”
There was a yell in the distance.
Beauty worried her lip as she looked between her choices. Going down would get them to the town and shelter for Daman. There was also a risk because of the unknown enemies waiting for them. Not to mention, they would be exposed and easily tracked. The other way would be risky with only a shirt and a pair of boots between the two of them.
He cocked his head and looked back. “Only a few chains behind us. Maybe ten seconds before they see us.”
Beauty tightened her grip. “Are you—?”
“Choose, I will follow.”
She cringed but then pointed away from both of the choices, up the slope to a thick cluster of rocks. She could see mist and fog seeping between the boulders and a thicker bank of shifting mists beyond it. “Up there, if we can—”
Daman didn't want for the rest of her sentence. He gripped her tightly and tugged her along as he forged through the wet underbrush toward her choice.
Beauty grimaced and followed. She could feel him shivering through his hand. Ice clung to his hair and the icy water ran rivulets down his bare back. Bright lines of fresh scratches scored his sides and shoulders. She regretted her choice but they couldn't afford to second guess anymore.
They made it just as the men came rushing down the path after them.
Beauty pulled Daman down into the shadows of the rocks. The swirls of the fog tickled her skin as the world grew hazy. It would hopefully shield them from their attackers but it also meant that she wouldn't have any warning if they approached. She cocked her head and strained to listen to the words that drifted up.
Daman shivered violently.
Beauty looked at him, concerned.
“I'm fine,” he mouthed but his teeth were clattering. They had only been running for a minute, but he had nothing to shield him from the cold and rain.
She glared at him and inched closer. She set down her sword and started to unbutton her shirt to give it to him. Her boots wouldn't fit him and he needed something against the cold.
He pressed his hand against hers, pinning her. His eyes were adamant as he shook his head.
Beauty frowned and gestured angrily to his shaking form.
Daman glanced around and then pointed to a gap between two boulders. There was a narrow but clear gap between them and the fog bank beyond.
Unhappy but desperate to keep moving, Beauty pushed herself up to her knees and crawled between the rocks. Every step caused rocks to scrape against each other and she winced.
Daman kissed her ass as she passed. His lips were icy against her bare skin.
She stopped and glared at him. “Really? Now?” she mouthed back.
“Just checking that I'm not dead,” he responded in a whisper. Even though he was shivering, he kissed her cheek again again. “I'm not.”
Rolling her eyes, she crawled away from the men who were at the fork in the road. Their yells and orders were muted through the mist and distorted by the echoes. Only vague words could be understood, none of them kind or calm. Glad to be moving away from them, she only hoped Daman and herself could find shelter before exposure killed them.
On the other side of the boulders, she remained on her hands and knees as she worked the boulders between them and the path before delving deeper into the thicker parts of the mist. The air around her grew even colder and ice clung to her bare skin; she was moving too slowly to generate heat and shivers began to course along her limbs.
It felt like a hundred years had passed before they were deep enough into the fog to stand up safely. A blast of icy wind slammed into her and she clutched her sword arm against her chest stomach to try keeping the wind from billowing out her shirt.
Daman stood up and then swayed.
She gasped and reached out with her other hand. “Daman,” she said in a worried voice.
He slumped against her and groaned. “You're s-so hot.” His voice was broken and cracked.
The cold wind blew underneath her shirt and she shivered. It did not look good for either of them. “We need to find shelter,” she whispered. Looking around didn't help, she couldn't see through the fog that was protecting them. Only vague shapes loomed around her: a mound of snow, a vertical darkness that may be a tree, or an unsteady ridge of darkness.
“Kind of wish we had a t-talking lion right n-now,” he said with chattering teeth. With a groan, he slipped his arms around her and held her tight.
Beauty's heart broke feeling how cold he was. She made sure her sword was safe before hugging him back. He was so cold and her heart broke to feel him shivering in her group.
“W-We b-better get g-g-going,” Daman said. He took a deep breath and then picked her off the ground.
“Quiet,” he grunted as he shifted her across his arms and then staggered deeper into the mist.
“What are you doing?” Beauty flailed in an effort to escape and get back on her own feet. “I have the boots. A-And you're naked!”
“I'm the p-prince,” he said. He made no effort to put her down.
“What does that have to mean with anything?” It was getting hard not to whisper.
“Like mud, s-slugs, and that broken chair, I will be fine. No frostbite, no broken toes. Nothing in this world will harm me as long as you love me.” He grinned and tried to kiss her but missed. “You, on the other hand, are my beautiful rose who doesn't have all those benefits because I can n-never love you as much as you love me.”
Beauty sniffed as tears burned in her eyes. She stopped struggling and leaned into his cold chest in hopes that her own body warmth would help. “You aren't going to put me down, are you?”
“N-No,” he said with a smile.
“Just hurry, okay? I'll keep a lookout.”
Around her, looming branches rose out of the fog, passed over them, and then disappeared. He shook underneath her, but he held her firmly to his chest as he walked.
Beauty allowed herself a brief smile. “I do love you.”
“And I you—” He stumbled. He gripped her tighter to keep her close, then he straightened. “I love you… oh, warm?”
Beauty looked up. “W-What?” Her teeth clicked from her own shivering. She glanced around her but only saw the dense fog and vague shapes.
Daman stepped back and looked around. “There is s-something… warm… here.” A smile crossed his face and then he knelt down.
She felt it before her boots touched the ground, a warmth radiating from a bank of snow or a rock. Without thinking, she reached out to touch it. It was velvety but solid. It was also very warm, searing hot compared to her own freezing body.
Then it shifted underneath her. “Excuse me,” asked a deep, masculine voice that shook the surface underneath her hand. “Why are you groping my stomach?”
Beauty snatched her hand back.
“What the shit?” A groan. “Oh… why am I up? Where in the dark am—”
A belch interrupted the words and a wave of fetid air blew past her carrying the stench of vomit and alcohol. When it passed, the icy wind came back with a vengeance. All she wanted to do was plaster herself against whoever was talking but she couldn't; a whimper slipped out of her lips as she drew back into the cold.
“S-Sorry,” Daman said as he dropped to his knee. “We were caught out here and you were so warm when I bumped into it. We are desperate and need shelter.”
“So you though groping me was an answer? Do you have shit for brains?” Another belch.
Beauty shook her head and held up her hand. “We didn't—”
Daman interrupted her with a hand on her shoulder. “We're freezing. I-I would love to c-continue this d-d-debate, but could we do it while leaning against you? Please?”
A slash of wind plucked at Beauty's shirt, pulling it up. She shook at the icy claws that ran up her spine. She tried to push it down but her fingers were numb and the effort futile.
A sudden white light blinded her.
She drew back. She tried to hold her sword but her fingers wouldn't work. She looked down to forced herself but her brightly-lit hand was empty. She had dropped her weapon without realizing it.
They were defenseless.
Nervous, Beauty looked up at the brilliant light shining down on her. The fog and mist created a glare but she made out a horse-like face with rainbow-colored eyes. When the creature turned to one side, the light moved and she could see it was a single glowing horn sprouting from the unicorn's head.
The unicorn peered at her and then at human. “Um, I'm pretty sure you are both human, right?”
Daman said, “Yes, of course.”
“You seem… very naked for prancing around in the middle of winter.”
The prince chuckled. “Wasn't our intent.”
“You were doing something with sex, right? I've heard humans were always fucking.” The unicorn shook his mane and groaned. “Oh, too much berry wine last night…,” he muttered.
“Well,” Daman said. “It was suppose to be a night of cuddling and enjoying ourselves but then someone tried to kill us.”
The unicorn scoffed. “I don't care, not interested. Humans are nothing but trouble.”
A shiver tore through Beauty. She clutched her arms tight to her body as she tried to stop her teeth from chattering. Glancing over, she noticed that there was a clear symbol on the unicorn's flanks: it looked like a bucket with something brown slopping out of it. She frowned in confusion because her first impression was that it looked like a bucket of shit.
Daman pulled her tight to his body as he spoke to the unicorn. “Please? Just for a few minutes? As soon as we can, we will be gone.”
Beauty looked up at him and then to the creature.
Another belch. “Fine… just… try not keep your filthy human parts rubbing against me.”
Daman guided Beauty against the unicorn.
The unicorn was warm but foul-smelling, the smell of stale wine and shit clung to the creature's hair. But she wasn't going to leave for a smell. Groaning, she pressed her body against the heat and shivered.
Daman slipped up behind her, cradling her body as he settled into place. “Thank you. My name is–”
“Don't care any more than a pile of shit on the ground.”
Daman continued as if nothing was said. “Daman and this is Beauty.”
The unicorn snorted. Then he groaned.
“Hangover?” Daman said. He slipped his arm around Beauty's waist and held her tight before settling against the unicorn's stomach. His broad body shielded her from the wind buffeting them and kept her tight against the unicorn's warmth.
“Yes, thank you for reminding me. Though I could use a bucket of molly berry wine right now. And a decent hunk of roast meat.”
“I wasn't aware—”
Beauty elbowed Daman before he continued. “Be nice to our host. We might survive to find shelter because of him.”
“Yes, the fat human female appreciates me.”
Daman started to response but Beauty interrupted him. “And you,” she kicked him, “what was this about carrying me across the ground? I have boots, that was one of the few things I could handle. And, I might mention, I'm the only one who even has a shred of clothing on right now?”
“I told you, I'm a—”
“Yes, a prince. But what makes you think you're immune to frostbite? Just because mud and leeches don't stick to you doesn't mean you can't lose your toes from the code, or slip and fall. You aren't immortal, Daman, and I don't want to find out how to live without you.”
He chuckled. “I know, but that's it. As long as you are in my story, then I will come out.”
“Yes, but you could be scarred for life.”
He kissed her neck. “Only if that is what would turn you on.”
She squirmed at the touch. With the heat and their near death experience, his incorrigible nature was hard to resist. “Not now.”
“Fine, but only if you acknowledge that I'm going to carry a torch for you as long as I have fingers to hold it and feet to raise it high.”
Beauty sighed. “Fine, you love me.”
“I do and you love me. And soon, we're going back home and being happy every after.” He chuckled and kissed her again. His fingers snaked up to cup her breast.
She giggled and pushed his hand down. “Daman, no filthy human parts, remember? We need to be gracious to our host.”
“Fine….” He hugged her tighter. “But when we get back, I'm going to bring you to a proper room and ravish you behind a locked door.”
The unicorn groaned. “You two are really disturbing, aren't you? Like two monkeys rutting in a puddle of mud. Like every other human I know.” He belched again.
Beauty ducked her head and wondered if losing her sword was a blessing in disguise.
Daman shrugged. “Thank you, Bucket.”
The body underneath her tensed.
He gestured back toward the unicorn's flanks. “I assumed your name is Bucket, right? Syrup Bucket? Mud Pail?”
The unicorn let out a huff. “Is that what you really think my name is?”
“Well, I haven't had a good chance, but I'll call you whatever you want me to call you.”
The unicorn sighed. “Pail is fine. Just… don't need to add anything more to that.”
Daman grinned and saluted. “Well, a pleasure to meet you, Pail, and I thank you from both of our hearts that you were willing to give us shelter. As soon as we can, we will make our leave.”
A cold wind tickled Beauty's bare legs. She curled up tighter to the unicorn but then the cold wind blew up against her buttocks. She squirmed and then shifted back until she had one leg nestled between Daman's with his body protecting her privates and her feet underneath the unicorn's legs.
It was uncomfortable but at least she stopped shivering. With a sigh, she rested her head against Pail's belly and closed her eyes.
“Is this love?,” asked Pail after a few minutes.
She looked up, surprised. “What?”
“I can sense he used to be cursed by a fae.”
Daman chuckled. “Yes. I was a self-centered prick and pissed off the wrong woman. She cursed me to be a monster.” He kissed Beauty's shoulder. “At least until this beauty taught me to care for someone other than myself.”
Pail's body tensed. “And it was True Love that broke the curse?”
“Apparently. At least that is what Lanier said.”
“You talked to the blue mage?”
At Daman's nod, Pail glanced around. “Then he's probably right about surviving.”
“Really?” Beauty drew closer to the unicorn. It was almost like sleeping in her bedroll, except for the smell.
“True Love doesn't stop after the curse is broken. It replaces it, creating a connection between the two of you. I don't really understand how, but I know that her love will change you to fit her expectations.”
Daman chuckled. “You mean, I don't have to worry about washing my hair because she thinks princes always look good?”
Beauty blushed and smiled to herself. She never thought about it, but Daman was exactly what she expected with a prince. She leaned back against him and sighed.
He squeezed her and kissed her shoulder.
Pail tossed his head and the light grew brighter. “Why are you out here? You found love and broke the curse, shouldn't you be staying enjoying your Ever After? Only one in a million ever get a chance to break a curse and turn it into a blessing.”
Daman's arm squeezed Beauty but he said nothing.
She thought about their decision to return home. She was tired of adventures and freezing and crawling through swamps, but they were talking to a unicorn and she wouldn't have a chance to do that again. “W-We were on a quest to turn him back but… we had just given up after talking to Lanier. But, then we were attacked—”
“Excuse me,” Pail said sharply. “You were on a quest to get him cursed again? Is that what you do? Find one of the most precious gifts and try to return it!?”
Beauty giggled. “Yes.”
“W-Why, in the every flowing sewer of shit, are you trying to get cursed!?”
Damar kissed her. “Because we wanted to go back to the way it was. I was a beast, huge and hulking. I had claws. I had height and strength. I had a huge dick.”
“You are doing this just to rut even more? Oh, for the powers that be, you humans are disgusting!”
“At first, yes, but not after.” Daman's voice was sad and quiet.
Beauty froze, she had never heard Daman speak of anything else.
“But then it was something else. I've been feeling like I'm just wearing this suit. It's pretty and handsome, but it also isn't mine. As the years go on, it gets more uncomfortable like… like I desperately need to find the stitches to rip myself free.”
Beauty turned her head to look into his sad eyes.
Daman wiped a tear from his face and then kissed her nose. “I'm sorry.”
“Never be sorry,” she said. “How long?”
“I don't know, I didn't realize it until I was talking to Lanier about her… zirs body. Then it just clicked. A suit that didn't fit, that made sense to me. I want to be the Beast again, not just for sex and fun, but because it feels right. I don't want to wear my Daman suit anymore.”
“Then why did you want to go home?”
He sighed. “We've been trying so long. So many fights and struggles. I'm tired and it looks like it can't happen as long as you love me.”
Daman kissed her on the lips. “Every second of every day is a lifetime of joy for me, and I won't risk anything if it meant I might lose you.”
She smiled and kissed him back. “I love you, my beast.”
“And you will always be my beauty.”
Pail groaned. “And I'm going to be sick.”
Daman chuckled. “It isn't—” but his words were interrupted as Pail surged to his feet.
Beauty and Daman slumped to the ground as the unicorn lurched out of the warm spot on the grass and vomited loudly. The cold air quickly returned and she clung to the still warm ground as she steeled herself against the weather.
Pail's horn flickered and then went dark. He vomited again. It sounded like a huge bucket being emptied out on the ground and the stench surrounded her in a choking cloud. He staggered back and then did it a third time.
When he finally came back, the heat was fading from the ground. “Come on,” he said with a foul breath. “Get on.”
Daman got to his knees, then helped Beauty up before standing. “What do you mean?”
“Get on me. It's some distance to the ring and you can't walk there like that.”
Beauty blushed. “I'm not… a virgin.”
Pail stared at her and then huffed. “Why would I care? We aren't having sex! I'm just giving you a ride, you daft human! WHy is it always rutting with you humans!?”
She squirmed in discomfort. “The legends say I have to be one. I just assumed… that is was important.”
“Well, screw those legends. I want to go home and I might as well take you to somewhere you can get cleaned up. So that means both of you need to get on because I have no intent in slow-walking a mile in this shitty weather.”
It took them a few moments to get up on Pail. Beauty leaned against the warmth and sighed. She hated how even a few seconds away from the unicorn's warmth felt like like hell. She wasn't going to question their luck, she was just happy that she wasn't going to die of exposure in the mountain.
“Where are we going? Back to Lanier's?”
Pail shook his head and his horn began to glow again. “The Fairy Realm. I figured between True Love and your curse, we might as well find an expert.” | <urn:uuid:61a752d0-12a2-4b85-98f8-065c8cad3129> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:59:29Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.989487 | 5,630 | 5,934 |
Welcome to our product review blog! Today, we are excited to share our experience with the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt. From the moment we laid eyes on this skirt, we were captivated by its charm and style. It is a truly versatile piece that can effortlessly elevate any winter outfit. But before we dive into the details of our first-hand experience with this product, let us tell you a little bit about the brand behind it.
At Tanming, we are passionate about providing our customers with clothes that not only look trendy but also offer comfort and affordability. We believe that everyone deserves a better life, and that includes enjoying fashionable and comfortable clothing options. That’s why our collection includes a wide range of budget-friendly clothes for both men and women, including shirts, shorts, pants, jackets, vests, and more.
Now, let’s get back to the star of the show – the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt. This mini plaid wool skirt is a true beauty that has stolen our hearts. With its A-line silhouette and delightful pleated design, it exudes elegance and femininity. But what sets it apart from other skirts is its winter warmth. Made of high-quality wool material, it offers a cozy and comfortable fit, perfect for those chilly winter days.
The elastic waistband adds a touch of convenience, ensuring a snug yet flexible fit. And let’s not forget about the merry Christmas A-line pleated long style, which makes this skirt a fantastic option for holiday gatherings or any special occasion.
In terms of practicality, we found the skirt to be true to size, thanks to the accurate product dimensions provided by the manufacturer. Plus, it comes in various sizes to cater to different body types, ensuring that everyone can find their perfect fit.
Overall, our first-hand experience with the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt has been delightful. Its combination of style, warmth, and comfort make it a must-have addition to any winter wardrobe. Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the details of this skirt and provide you with a comprehensive review of its features and functionality.
Table of Contents
- Overview of the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt
- Highlighting the Features and Aspects of the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt
- In-Depth Insights and Detailed Recommendations for the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt
- Customer Reviews Analysis
- Pros & Cons
- Achieve New Heights
The Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is a fantastic addition to any winter wardrobe. Made with high-quality wool, this skirt is not only stylish but also warm and comfortable. The elastic waistband ensures a perfect fit, allowing you to feel comfortable all day long.
The A-line silhouette and pleated design add a touch of elegance to this skirt, making it suitable for both casual and formal occasions. The plaid pattern adds a trendy and fashionable element to your outfit, making you stand out from the crowd. The length of the skirt is long enough to keep you warm during the colder months, while still maintaining a chic and feminine look.
Whether you pair it with a cozy sweater and boots for a cozy winter vibe or dress it up with a blouse and heels for a more formal event, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is versatile and stylish. It is the perfect addition to your winter wardrobe and is sure to become a staple piece that you reach for again and again. Don’t miss out on this must-have skirt – click here to get yours now!
Highlighting the Features and Aspects of the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt
When it comes to style and comfort, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt ticks all the boxes. Made with high-quality wool, this skirt is not only fashionable but also incredibly warm, making it perfect for the cold winter months. The elastic waistband ensures a comfortable and secure fit, allowing you to move freely throughout the day without any restrictions.
One of the standout features of this skirt is its A-line silhouette, which flatters all body types and creates a feminine and elegant look. The pleated design adds a touch of sophistication and movement to the skirt, making it a versatile piece that can be dressed up or down for any occasion. The plaid pattern adds a classic and timeless charm to the overall design, making it a staple piece in any woman’s wardrobe.
In terms of practicality, this skirt is a winner. It is easy to care for, requiring minimal maintenance to keep it looking as good as new. The skirt’s length is also ideal, falling just below the knee, providing ample coverage while still allowing you to showcase your personal style. Whether you’re heading to the office or going out with friends, this skirt is sure to make a statement and turn heads wherever you go.
If you’re looking to add a touch of style and warmth to your winter wardrobe, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is the perfect choice. Shop now and upgrade your fashion game with this trendy and comfortable skirt.
In-Depth Insights and Detailed Recommendations for the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt
The Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is a stylish and versatile addition to any wardrobe. Designed by Tanming, a brand that values affordable yet trendy clothing, this skirt is a true reflection of their commitment to providing a better life for everyone. Made from high-quality wool, it offers both warmth and comfort during the winter season. The elastic waistband ensures a perfect fit, allowing for easy and comfortable movement throughout the day. The A-line silhouette is flattering on all body types, creating a feminine and elegant look.
We highly recommend pairing this skirt with a cozy sweater and ankle boots for a chic and fashionable winter outfit. To take it to the next level, add a statement belt to accentuate the waist and create a more defined silhouette. The plaid pattern adds a touch of classic charm, making it suitable for both casual and semi-formal occasions. The pleated design adds movement and sophistication, turning heads wherever you go. With its long length, this skirt provides ample coverage while still maintaining a stylish and modern aesthetic.
For those looking for a timeless and versatile piece for their winter wardrobe, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is a must-have. It effortlessly combines comfort, style, and affordability, ensuring a better life for all fashion enthusiasts. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your wardrobe and showcase your unique beauty. Click here to get yours now!
Customer Reviews Analysis
Customer Reviews Analysis
After analyzing customer reviews for the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt, we have gathered some valuable insights.
- Super comfortable skirt, was worried I might have to wear leggings in addition but it is very warm! Sturdy! Soft! Love the look and feel of it! Stays in place too!
- This skirt is true to size, follow their size chart. This skirt was a nice color and very warm. It’s the perfect winter skirt
- It’s beautiful! Very well made! It is thick and lined! Definitely worth the price! You must get this one, people!
- Love this skirt! It fits well and keeps me warm when I go outside in the winter. The pockets are great and can hold my phone in them. The inside skirt does get staticky and will stick to my legs, but other than that it’s perfect. I do wish it was 100% wool but it’s a great skirt for both semi-formal and casual settings!
- I just got my skirt. I love it. True to size. So soft. Thank you 😊
- Corte y general de la falda está muy bien. Buena calidad de tela.
- Good producto, good seller. Five stars.
- Was too small but nice and thick to keep you warm
- Pro: keeps me nice and warm in the winter
Con: Not completely natural fibers
- Well, I should have trusted the reviews. The skirt is a nice fabric and good weight. When I opened it, I unzipped the zipper all the way. It went fine. I then attempted to zip it back up. Nope. Totally stuck about 2/3rds of the way up. Absolutely won’t budge. Not worth the money to replace the zipper.
- Ok here’s the scoop, I have bought this skirt twice. I LOVED the look and feel of it but the zipper had a kink and I was unable to use it so I returned and rebought it for a second try. I tried the zipper on the second one and it zipped good enough. After I washed it, the kink in the new skirt started to cause problems in the same spot. So far if my husband helps me by starting at the bottom and gives it a running start he can get it all the way up. I just hope he doesn’t zip my side in it one of these days. I actually love this skirt so much I decided to keep it and I will make arrangements to pay someone to rip the zipper out and put in a new one. So if you are a seamstress or know of one you should get this super warm, comfortable skirt, but be prepared to replace that zipper you stand a good chance of getting a faulty one.
- I’m going to be having foot surgery and so I needed something I could wear during the day. I wanted a skirt long enough to keep my legs warm. I also wanted something with an elastic waist. Use the size chart they provide. It is accurate. The hidden zipper makes sliding on the skirt even easier, though in a pinch I can get it on without unzipping it. The fabric is very soft and heavy for autumn and winter days. The skirt seems to be very well-made. I bought 3 of these in different colors during the Big Deal Days. I’m so glad I did. These were a wonderful purchase and I would get them again, even if I had to pay full-price.
The Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt has received mostly positive reviews. Customers praise its comfort, warmth, sturdiness, and softness. Many appreciate the look and feel of the skirt, highlighting its good fit and the convenience of pockets. While some mentioned dissatisfaction with the sizing or the skirt not being made of entirely natural fibers, these issues didn’t outweigh the overall positive experience for most buyers.
However, there have been some negative experiences related to the zipper. Multiple customers reported zipper issues, such as getting stuck or having a kink that caused problems after washing. This aspect should be taken into consideration before making a purchase.
Overall, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt seems to be favored by customers for its warmth, comfort, and quality construction. Buyers need to be aware of potential zipper issues and consider their preferences regarding fabric composition.
Pros & Cons
Pros & Cons
|1. Stylish and trendy design
|1. Limited color options
|2. Elastic waist for a comfortable fit
|2. Sizes may run small
|3. Made of warm wool fabric for cold winter days
|3. Fabric may require special care
|4. A-line pleated skirt for a flattering look
|4. Length may be too long for shorter individuals
|5. Versatile piece that can be dressed up or down
Q: Is this skirt suitable for winter wear?
A: Yes, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is designed specifically for winter wear. The wool fabric provides warmth and insulation, keeping you cozy during the colder months.
Q: Is the waistband elastic?
A: Yes, the waistband of this skirt is elastic, ensuring a comfortable and adjustable fit for various body shapes and sizes. It also allows for easy on and off.
Q: Can you provide more information about the length of the skirt?
A: This skirt is categorized as a long skirt, meaning it falls below the knee and provides ample coverage. The A-line pleated design enhances its elegant and feminine look.
Q: What sizes are available?
A: The Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt is available in various sizes, ranging from XS to XL. Please refer to the size chart provided by the manufacturer to determine the best fit for you.
Q: Is this skirt suitable for casual or formal occasions?
A: This versatile skirt can be styled for both casual and formal occasions. Pair it with a cozy sweater and boots for a chic everyday look, or dress it up with heels and a blouse for a more formal event or office setting.
Q: How is the quality of the wool fabric?
A: The wool fabric used in this skirt is of high quality, ensuring durability and longevity. It is soft, comfortable to wear, and provides excellent insulation during the winter season.
Q: Is this skirt machine washable?
A: Yes, this skirt is machine washable. We recommend using a gentle cycle and cold water to preserve the color and texture of the fabric. Please refer to the care instructions provided by the manufacturer for best results.
Q: Are there any color options available?
A: Yes, the Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt comes in various classic plaid patterns, including black, red, and green. Choose the one that best suits your style and preferences.
Q: Can this skirt be worn with leggings or tights?
A: Absolutely! This skirt can be easily layered with leggings or tights for added warmth and style. It pairs well with solid-colored or patterned leggings, allowing you to create different looks and play with textures.
Q: How can I style this skirt for a trendy winter outfit?
A: There are endless possibilities for styling this skirt. You can pair it with a chunky knit sweater, ankle boots, and a statement belt for a cozy and fashionable winter look. Alternatively, you can layer it with a turtleneck top and knee-high boots for a more sophisticated ensemble.
Q: How does this skirt fit in terms of the waist and hips?
A: The Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt has an elastic waistband that provides a comfortable and adjustable fit. The A-line silhouette allows for a relaxed fit around the hips, making it suitable for various body shapes. It is always recommended to refer to the size chart for accurate measurements before making a purchase.
Achieve New Heights
As we come to the end of our Tanming Women’s Winter Warm Elastic Waist Wool Plaid A-Line Pleated Long Skirt review, we can’t help but feel enthused about this cozy and fashionable addition to any wardrobe.
At Tanming, we understand the importance of feeling comfortable and stylish, and this skirt beautifully marries those two qualities. With its wool plaid fabric and elastic waist, it provides both warmth and flexibility, making it the perfect choice for the winter season. The A-line pleated design adds a touch of elegance, allowing you to showcase your unique beauty.
Our commitment at Tanming is to offer budget-friendly clothing options that are on-trend without compromising comfort. Our range of products, including this winter skirt, are carefully crafted to ensure that you not only look good, but also feel good.
So, why hesitate? Don’t miss out on the opportunity to cozy up and make a fashion statement with Tanming’s Winter Wool Plaid Skirt. Enhance your wardrobe and express your style by clicking the link below, and be sure to secure yours from Amazon today!
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“I was a girl who came into the clubhouse, into the treehouse, with the sign on the door saying, ‘No girls allowed,’ and the reception was not always a good one.”
Pros and Cons of Treehouses
Treehouses are quite popular, especially among children since they give them additional space to play and to hide from their parents.
While having a treehouse can be great in various aspects, there are also some problems related to it.
In fact, I show you all the pros and cons of building a treehouse in the following.
Table of Contents
Advantages of Having a Treehouse
- Your kids will have additional room to play
- Your children will spend more time in the fresh air
- Building a treehouse can be fun
- You can set a challenge for yourself
- Tree houses come in various types and shapes
- Installing a treehouse can increase property value
- Building a treehouse can be a nice alternative to going to the gym
- Many people will envy you
- Your kids will have an easy time finding friends
- Treehouses can be built with natural materials
- Can give you some space to unplug from your stressful daily life
- Having a treehouse can make your home unique
- Building a treehouse can make you more confident
- You can also involve your kids with your building project
Your kids will have additional room to play
One advantage of building a treehouse is that your kids will have plenty of additional room to play and to hide.
A treehouse can be a great place to hang out with your friends as a kid since you will just not always be watched by your parents and will be free to do what you want to do and to talk about topics your parents should not hear.
If your child hangs out in a treehouse for an extended period of time every day, this also means that you will have more living space for the other family members and treehouses can therefore also be great if you have many children and a rather confined living space indoors.
Your children will spend more time in the fresh air
Another upside to treehouses is that your children will also be more willing to spend time in the fresh air in your garden instead of just hanging out indoors in front of a computer screen all day long.
In our current state of the world, our younger generation seems to completely lose its connection to nature since video games are often more important to them than spending time in nature.
By building a treehouse, you can mitigate this problem to a certain extent and can show your kids how interesting and beautiful it really is to spend more time outdoors.
Once your kids recognize that, you will not even have to tell them to play outside.
They will do that in a completely natural manner and will really love spending time in their treehouse.
Building a treehouse can be fun
Apart from the benefits for your children, you can also really enjoy the building process of your tree house yourself.
In fact, it can be pretty interesting to see the progress every day you invest time to build it a little bit further.
Especially if you have never built a treehouse or any other bigger things before, you can also really learn a lot from this project and chances are that you will learn many important skills that can benefit you in various different ways for your future life.
You can set a challenge for yourself
Building a treehouse is also not that easy.
While you could just get people to build it for you, you can also do it completely by yourself.
Building a treehouse from scratch can be a pretty nice challenge and you can really grow from this experience.
Quite often, you will not know how to proceed and what parts will be needed next.
While this can be quite annoying, it also gives you the opportunity to really think about your project and to structure it in a profound manner.
If you stick with it, you will see enormous progress sooner or later and this will motivate you to keep going until you finally complete your treehouse challenge.
Tree houses come in various types and shapes
You can also be pretty creative when it comes to the type, shape and color of your treehouse.
In fact, you can build your treehouse the way you want it to be and do not even have to rely on any manufacturer.
You can just go to your favorite home improvement center, get some wood and you can start your project.
Of course, it would be far easier to just use treehouse sets that you only have to assemble.
Yet, building a treehouse from scratch can be much more fun and will also give you a greater level of freedom regarding how it will look in the end and what materials you want to use for it.
Installing a treehouse can increase property value
Another benefit of installing a treehouse at home is that you can increase the property value of your home.
This may not be relevant to you yet since you might plan to stay in your home for a pretty long period of time.
However, you never know what will happen in the future and circumstances may force you to sell it sooner or later.
In such a case, you will be far better off with a nice treehouse since people will just be willing to offer you more money for your home, especially if your treehouse looks nice and fancy.
Building a treehouse can be a nice alternative to going to the gym
You can also build a treehouse after work. This can also be a great alternative to the gym.
Imagine you work on your treehouse for just one hour every day after work.
Although it may take a few months to complete your project, you will still be able to finish it sooner or later and building your treehouse this way will also keep you fit.
Chances are that you will also be much more motivated to build a treehouse compared to just going to the gym since you know what you are working for and will see the progress of your work every day compared to a state where you just burn calories in the gym and don’t get anything out of it.
Many people will envy you
If you put in plenty of effort, you will soon see real progress and by the time you finish your treehouse project, people will be really envious and will also secretly admire you for your hard work, your patience and the end result.
In fact, many people out there want to have a treehouse, yet they are not willing to put in the extra hours for building it.
You can be a real motivator for these people since you can show them that it is feasible to build a treehouse after work in your leisure and that almost everyone can do this if he or she is willing to put in the work and to learn from mistakes.
Your kids will have an easy time finding friends
Since treehouses are quite popular among kids, chances are that your children will also have a pretty easy time finding new friends.
If they tell their classmates in school about their treehouse, chances are that these classmates want to come over and play in the treehouse.
In fact, many parents will call you up and ask you whether it is ok for you that their kids will come over.
Hence, treehouses can also be great for you and your children to socialize and to get to know new people.
Treehouses can be built with natural materials
Another advantage of treehouses is that they can be built with natural materials.
In fact, treehouses can be built almost entirely out of wood without the need to use any plastics.
This is not only great for our environment since you can use renewable resources for your building project, but it is also beneficial for your kids since you can educate them about the necessity of protecting our environment by using eco-friendly materials.
In turn, your kids will be more likely to behave eco-friendly as well once they get older and you can get a good feeling since you will know that your educational efforts will likely pay off sooner or later.
Can give you some space to unplug from your stressful daily life
Having a treehouse in your yard can not only benefit your children, but it can also give you the opportunity to unplug from your stressful daily life.
When you come back from work tired and frustrated, it can be great to have some space for yourself where you can relax and forget your worries.
You can just get a cool drink and sit down in your treehouse for a while.
You can also use it for meditation and other practices that can make you relax from your stressful daily life and your treehouse may indeed become your favorite place due to that.
Some people even use their treehouse for working since they just feel more inspired compared to just working from an office.
Having a treehouse can make your home unique
Since not that many people have a treehouse at home, building a treehouse in your backyard can be a great way to make your home unique.
Especially if you don’t rely on treehouse building sets but build your treehouse from scratch instead, you will be able to create a completely unique treehouse for which your neighbors, family and friends will greatly admire you.
If you are really good at what you are doing and also perfect your treehouse building craft, you may even be able to turn your passion for treehouses into a real business.
In fact, many people are willing to invest significant amounts of money for nice unique treehouses and this means that you could also make really good money in this industry.
Building a treehouse can make you more confident
Another chance of building a treehouse is that it can simply make you more confident.
Especially if you don’t have high levels of inner self-confidence yet, building your own treehouse can really help you overcome your fears since you will soon see progress and will realize that you are actually capable to do things.
In turn, your self-esteem will grow and you will also become more confident in various other parts of your daily life.
Confidence is king for success in life and boosting your confidence through building a treehouse can be a great way to go in such a case.
You can also involve your kids with your building project
You also don’t have to build your treehouse alone.
If you have a family, you can also let your kids help you.
In fact, your children will often be quite eager to assist you and this can also strengthen the bonds between you and your kids.
Now that you got all the advantages of having your own treehouse, it is time to talk about the issues that come along with it in the following chapters.
Disadvantages of Building a Tree House
- Treehouses take away some space in your backyard
- Treehouses can be expensive
- You might need some helpers to install it
- Construction mistakes can make your treehouse collapse
- Your kids may fall from the treehouse
- Treehouses may not be useful during rainy periods
- Your children may simply not like playing in it
- Building a treehouse can make you liable for accidents related to it
- You have to maintain your treehouse
- Treehouses may attract other unwanted animals
- Some people just don’t like the looks of treehouses
- Your treehouse will often not be as nice as in the pictures
Treehouses take away some space in your backyard
One problem with treehouses is that they often take away plenty of space in your garden.
The bigger the treehouse, the more space you will lose that you can no longer use for other purposes like gardening or for building a pool.
Thus, before you decide to get a treehouse, make sure to invest some time and plan your project wisely to avoid any space-constraint and other unpleasant surprises in the long run.
Treehouses can be expensive
Treehouses can also be pretty pricy.
Depending on the size, type and material, you can easily spend many thousands of dollars on your treehouse.
The amount of money you have to invest also greatly depends on whether you build your treehouse yourself or if you rather want to get people to build it for you.
If you build it yourself, you can save plenty of money for labor costs and the overall costs for your treehouse will be much lower due to that.
Thus, if you have the time and the skillset to build your treehouse yourself, you should also do so due to financial aspects.
You might need some helpers to install it
While you can build your treehouse yourself if certain conditions are met, you will still need some help from your family or friends sooner or later.
Some parts are just too heavy to carry them alone and you should not think that the average man can build a treehouse alone.
There is plenty of hard work involved in the process and you should make sure that your friends will help you out in case you need them before deciding to build your own treehouse.
Construction mistakes can make your treehouse collapse
Another issue with building a treehouse is that you can make serious construction mistakes.
If you don’t know much about how to build things, chances are that you will also not know enough about statics and if your mistakes get too big, chances are that the whole construction will become unstable and may collapse sooner or later.
Thus, make sure that you have proper knowledge in this regard to avoid any construction mistakes and to assure that the end result will be safe for your children to play in.
Your kids may fall from the treehouse
Especially if they are still young, your children may also underestimate the risks associated with your treehouse.
For example, if they fall from your treehouse, this can result in serious injuries and you should also take appropriate safety measures in this regard, especially if your treehouse is pretty high.
Installing these safety measures will cost additional time and money and you should not underestimate all the time and money you have to invest in your treehouse project.
Treehouses may not be useful during rainy periods
Another disadvantage of having a treehouse at home is that you will also not be able to use it during winter or during rainy periods of the year.
In fact, most treehouses will just not be solid enough to protect you against heavy rain and some rain will still fall on your head.
Moreover, chances are that the inside of the treehouse will get wet as well and you will just no longer feel comfortable staying there during those periods.
Hence, you should also be aware that your treehouse will only be used for a few months a year while it will not be suitable for winter or during periods of rain.
Your children may simply not like playing in it
While most children love treehouses and cannot get enough from them, your kids may be different and may just not like playing there at all.
They may also love your treehouse at first, but it may just get boring in the long run and you might have wasted plenty of time and money in such a case.
Building a treehouse can make you liable for accidents related to it
Another downside of building a treehouse is that you might also be liable for any accidents that might occur in it.
For instance, if the kids from your neighbors come over to your place, play in your treehouse, fall from it and get injured, you will often be liable for medical costs or may even get sued by their parents.
Thus, make sure that you install proper safety measures for your treehouse so that you can at least minimize the risk in this regard.
You have to maintain your treehouse
You will also have to maintain your treehouse to a certain extent.
Sure, once it is built, you can just leave it like that for a certain period of time.
However, sooner or later, you will have to fix some things and your treehouse may also lose its stability in the long run.
Hence, make sure that you are also willing to invest some time and money for those repairs that might come in the future.
Treehouses may attract other unwanted animals
While treehouses can attract cute animals like birds and squirrels, they may also attract unwanted animals like snakes or spiders.
Thus, you should not be afraid of rather exotic animal friends if you decide for installing a treehouse in your backyard, especially if you live in a region where those animals are quite common.
Some people just don’t like the looks of treehouses
While many people love the idea of having a treehouse and also love the overall appearance of treehouses, others just don’t like them at all.
In fact, it depends on your personal preferences if you like the appearance of tree houses and if you don’t find anything attractive about them, you might not want to get a treehouse as well due to visual aspects.
Your treehouse will often not be as nice as in the pictures
You should also be aware of the fact that your treehouse will often not look that nice as in pictures you might have seen on the internet or in advertising.
The truth is that those pictures often don’t reflect reality in a proper manner and you should be prepared that your treehouse will just not look that perfect.
Top 10 Treehouse Pros & Cons – Summary List
|Treehouses provide additional living space
|Getting a treehouse can be costly
|Nice if you have children
|Maintenance efforts related to treehouses
|You can unplug from your stressful life
|Your kids may fall from your treehouse
|Building a treehouse can be fun
|You may be liable for accidents
|Can replace the need to go to the gym
|Your treehouse may collapse
|Treehouses can make your home nicer
|Building a treehouse implies plenty of work
|Treehouses can increase resale value
|You may need additional helpers
|Many different types of tree houses
|Will not be used during winter
|People will envy you
|Treehouses may attract unwanted animals
|Can make you more confident
|Some people just don’t like treehouses
Should You Get A Treehouse For Your Home?
As you can see from the previous discussion, there are indeed many advantages and disadvantages of treehouses that you have to know so that you can make a profound decision of whether you still want to get a treehouse or not.
Thus, make sure to take some time and also talk to your family members about it. Only if everyone is happy with your idea, you will also be happy with it in the long run.
About the Author
My name is Andreas and I’m really passionate about our environment and also about growing plants. In fact, I have grown several different plants over many years. I love to see my own plants grow and also always try new things to improve my overall conditions at home.
In my blog posts, I want to share my experiences with you so that you can become successful in growing various different plants and improving your home as well, even though you might still be a beginner right now. | <urn:uuid:872581c3-52e2-4499-835e-33813a9ec0de> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:59:48Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.966709 | 3,968 | 4,187 |
The whisper that shadows you
Speaks louder than words,
They linger behind us,
To me; screaming to others; unheard
What’s concealed in the shade,
Are our darkest thoughts,
An unforgettable memory,
All tied up in a knot
By the secrets, harassed,
It’s a hateful reminder,
We may not be finished with our past,
But our past isn’t either.
In sadness we look for hope,
Something to make the clouds disperse into the great sky,
A touch of a loved one’s hands,
A hand that exhumes warmth and reliability,
A smile and a wave from a stranger,
That shows us that we are never alone,
For in times of need all we have is people,
People who care,
People who try,
Try to help you to recover from the turmoil of life,
Who rebuild all that is broken,
And who create new inspirations
So that every day is
And mostly, better.
Fear is a demon that lies inside us all
Rejection is a feeling we all know too well
Isolation is a cage that gets tighter every day
Emptiness is a chasm that gets deeper all the time
Nothingness feels like floating in the abyss
Darkness is a curse that consumes who we are
Solitude is a knife and time leaves a scar.
Aoibhe and Naoise
Every person who walked through those doors
Every single solitary word that spilled from your mouth
The judgemental comments said under your breath
The hurtful comments that come spilling down
The gossip you spread far and wide
The people you hurt in the process
A casualty in your battle
Why forget all the happy memories that played out right in front of you?
The laughs, the smiles, the tears of joy.
Why let the darkness take out the sun so it can’t shine.
Every face that ever glanced your way
Every hand and finger that have touched and ran across those walls
Every word spoken bounced off those walls
Every laughter of joy and happiness right down to your cries of sorrow
Every step you marked on that floor that joins those four walls
Every stain imprinted by the kids
Every back that sleepily rested on those walls
So why do you try cover the pain
A new look doesn’t change you
Because deep down, you still remember the pain
Fear of rejection
That the crowds will look and leave
Fear of judgement
That people will stare and laugh
Until you’d rather die right there than face them for another minute
Fear of failure
That the wheel of life will keep turning but you have fallen off
That everything you’ve hoped and aspired for
Has suddenly fallen out of reach and now you’re left with nothing
You’re only left with yourself
And suddenly that’s not enough anymore
You need acceptance from others
Even if you don’t like them
Because if you’re accepted
And isn’t that all that anybody wants
The voices want the innocence of all the children,
Who sit down in a corner and play,
They scream with joy as they play with their toys,
Each and every day.
They want the sun to go away,
More and more every day.
They want no light to make its way,
Into their shadows, which are cast every day.
They want to always not been,
On your walls each night as you dream.
Where you sang
And where you laughed.
This is where you went out
And had a blast.
This is where you met the love of your life,
Where the two of you talked
For the whole night.
Now you are back
In this place,
And you realise that the smile
Has faded from your face.
These walls recall all the good and bad times,
When you laughed so hard you cried,
And when you cried so hard you could fill a lake.
All the late nights you spent,
Either studying, working or just talking with friends.
All the plans you made,
Of better grades, better looks and better friends,
Of big dreams coming true and the best life you could possibly live.
Every day you worked for your dreams,
And every day you fought for what’s right.
The life you lived with no regrets.
Abi Sheehy Finnegan
These walls remember the nuns roaming the halls,
While the girls slept peacefully throughout the night.
They remember the endless tests and all the stress,
When the teachers would sit back and rest.
These walls remember all the gossip and the rumours that were spread,
Every single detail down to a thread.
But now as time moves forward, without a fret
These walls will soon forget.
Woken up at 8:15 I only know what this could mean.
He had suffered for long enough and that time was extremely rough.
It didn’t last long, until he was gone.
My heart was broken when my father had spoken,
The dreaded words when I was awoken.
My best-friend had died that day, all I did was cry and pray.
I never got to say goodbye, now all I cough out is angry tear less cries.
Oh my granddad dad that died half past 7,
I can’t wait to meet you again in heaven.
The ocean is wide,
As far as the eye can see,
It’s blue like his eyes,
The man of my dreams,
The sand is a gold,
A mild light yellow,
It litters the ground,
The sand when it’s hit makes a soft thudded sound.
It spreads for miles,
With a lighthouse each side,
Along with the ocean,
My imagination runs wild.
Monday swallows you in and puts you through a week of work
Tuesday due dates pile up
Wednesday is the turning point
Thursday you’re fed up with study
Friday gives you hope for rest
Saturday recharges you
And Sunday spits you out and puts you through it again
Then they ask us why we are tired
I am Me
I have ten fingers, ten toes, two hands and two feet,
Some would say I’m blessed.
I have hair, a face, nails and teeth,
Just the same as the rest.
Although there is some things that makes me stand out,
Things unique and different.
My smile, my laugh my cry,
My thoughts, my memories and my feelings,
They are all my very own.
I am me.
The Sun and the Stars
They shine in the sky,
And they shine so bright,
If we don’t see them,
Then my God we get a fright,
We see them in the star and in our lover’s eyes,
The person we trust, our comfort, no lies
We see them in the sky,
On a bright sunny day or in the sky,
On a family holiday.
I wash my hair,
Put on my make up,
Dress in nice clothes,
Each time I wake up.
The water is clean,
Unlike others, I’m lucky.
I do not hold the key.
My make up stings
My skins weird allergies.
Each meal I eat,
I count the calories.
In my generation,
It’s hard not to compare,
Knowing my imperfections
Will always be there.
I’m rubbish at sport,
But still I’ve joined the gym.
Anything I can do
To try and stay thin.
I try my best to succeed.
But will I earn
The points I need?
Playing my guitar, badly,
I drown it out;
The thought that my life
Can only go south.
I read and write,
I study and draw.
Still, all I focus on
Is every flaw.
It’s not okay;
Me being me.
At least that’s what I’m taught
In Generation Z.
She looked at her reflection in the water,
Remembering that day up at the altar.
Watching the seconds
Pass by on her watch,
Rethinking the mistake
The one clumsy botch.
The kids in the background
Running and playing,
That regret in her mind
The not so Teenage Dream
Work all day
Get no pay
Its not fair
With just my phone
Berated with comments
Should I tell my parents?
Slut, Hoe, Weirdo, Freak
I can do nothing for I am weak
All anonymous profiles on a screen
Why must they be so mean?
Alone in my bed
Is this all in my head?
Reach out they say
But I only run away
At school, things get worse
All they do is tease and curse
How can I escape this
I want to crawl into the abyss
I have no one and nothing
Stop the bullying
Joy and Emily
The Sun Goes Down
When the sun goes down and the darkness creeps in,
When the moon’s light fades and the trees become still,
When everyone is asleep and our thoughts run free,
Who knows what will appear in our dreams?
He is clumsy and silly
He snorts when he laughs
He’s different and intriguing
His interests are distinct,
He knows they talk, but he doesn’t change,
What a legend.
She’s talented and beautiful
She’s funny and sweet
She stands out when trying to fit in
She makes those silly voices
She knows they talk, but she doesn’t change
What a legend.
He laughs at silly things
He likes the old music
He stares at the sea
He doesn’t follow the herd
He knows they talk but he doesn’t change
What a legend
They see what they started
The pressure they cause
The hearts they break
They wish it all away but words can’t be unsaid.
But one of them is strong
They don’t like what they’ve done
They step away from the crowd that think they are big,
That think they are strong.
They like the silly
Embrace the strange
And see a new definition of beauty
They have changed.
What a legend!
She Never Sees Them
She never sees them
She never hears about them
She never watches them
Or wants to be them,
Because she doesn’t know.
She doesn’t know that girls, just like her,
Can kick, bounce, throw, catch, hit, solo a ball
Can run, swim, dive, jump, flip, cycle, ski
Because she only see’s, hears, watches them,
How great they are and how great they can be
But there not like her, she can’t be them
Them who are more important, more interesting, better than her
Because only he can be like them, because he can see them
Because if she can’t see it she can’t be it
The smell of cigarette smoke, so thick you could cut it with a knife
The yellow stains around the picture frames
A room so cold because it’s been empty for week.
The smell of flowers, bouquets surrounding the room
And cups of coffee for those who came to visit you
The sound of laughter and music
You gave me a hug, but I didn’t know it would be the last
The rattling sound of your breath as you sleep
The stillness of the room
Not even the beat of your heart
Only the sound of your watch
Counting down the last few seconds of your life
You were not scared of dying but said you would miss us all terribly.
In the Pitch Black
In the pitch black when the lights are out,
When you are wide-awake yet in a deep sleep and your eyes are closed shut.
When you’re all alone while the heating and floorboards creak,
When your only company is the whispering shadows.
What the shadows whisper is in fact your inner thoughts
Telling you how you are worthless,
When your inner thoughts keep screaming at how
You will always be alone and never be good enough
While you’re in the pitch black the lights are out,
What the shadows whisper is you will never get out
Until you reach brightness and your eyes are opened.
No one belongs here.
Gossip spreads like a virus
Through the corridors
As quick as lies
Can be spat through gritted teeth.
People excluded for their gender, weight
For lack of likes on social media.
Climbing the knives in other’s backs
To get up on the social ladder.
Holding grudges to make you feel unwanted
Every single day.
Everybody wants to belong
But really no one ever truly belongs.
What the Darkness Desires
It wants to see you fall, it wants to see you tremble beneath your skin
The darkness in which you cannot see, see’s you
It feeds off your insecurities; it smells your emotion,
The fear and anxiety rolling off you in tidal waves
It wants you to let go, to become someone you fear
And let your inner demons control you.
The darkness wants to consume you.
Its all around you, you cannot escape it,
You can’t run from it,
You can’t look back or it will swallow you.
For you are the darkness.
The fists that left holes in them.
The screams that could be heard through them.
The trembling child left cradled in their corners,
Feeling trapped within them.
The sound of sirens tearing through them,
The boy being dragged from them to meet new walls,
Meeting the first Silence.
Plastic free crystal blue waves
Angel fish swimming in heavenly dreams
Tropical currents in aquamarine
Living coral reefs, alive with colour,
Not a graveyard un-dead ocean bone
Children jumping over the white wash,
Splashing in the invincible waves
Bronze bodies surfing it’s surf
Baby mammals at play in it’s waters
Why don’t people care about where life on Earth came from?
Scarred for Life
They remember the pain
Of every person who lived,
The cries for help every night,
The fear, the anxiety,
Of what lay on the other side.
Feeling like a burden, trapping all of those inside.
Autumn and Spring and Christmas plays
Lazy afternoons and doing art
Music, playing sport, playing our part.
Us out on the yard
Cuts, bruises, all the laughs.
Stupid fights and having fun,
Spending all day out in the sun.
Our last day,
And all the children who went on to play games.
The memories were made,
From birth to present it’s been my home.
Here I found my true love from rome
We laughed we cried you’ve been my rock.
Here we go to discos
Covered in tan and plastered in make-up.
Our memories lie here as well as a break up.
This is our home, this is where we belong.
Whisper when you’re shy and alone, it hurts you down to the bone
When you’re outgoing and friendly, when they only know you barely.
When you fail, hiding behind there evil veil.
When you achieve amazing things, only for your mind to cling.
When you are just being yourself, making you there little elf.
Is what they see and not what they know, only to put your life in an all-time low.
These blades of grass remember you just wanting to play.
These horrific thoughts remember you being excluded because of your gender,
You trying to fit in,
Your tears through the night,
Your parents pain and feelings of being unhelpful,
These walls remember you deciding to change,
You meeting teammates who have been in similar situations,
You happy and doing better,
We get judged for how we look
We get laughed at for reading a book
We get hated for what we wear
We talk through screens but keep quite in person
Our self esteem has been torn because we’re all trying to get to the throne
We were shown images that were edited and told it was reality
This is where we live,
I had my first laugh
And where I took my first steps.
I played all day
And cried all my sorrows away.
I made many memories
In which made me in who I am today.
I went outdoors
And picked berries from far away trees.
I lived all my life
And I don’t want to leave.
What Exists Below
That watery inertia,
The unknown beneath our feet,
The life that exits below,
But no one seems to know.
The clock that keeps on ticking,
Where nobody seems to go.
What can survive deep down,
What creatures have not been found,
Is the journey never ending…
Or will we reach the ground?
Wouldn’t it be Class
What if pigs could fly,
Would baked beans and farts power the voyage?
What if donkeys could sing,
Would Elvis be jealous of their deadly voice?
What if cows could drive,
Would the motorways turn into the wacky races?
What if dogs could talk,
Would they make you laugh yourself silly?
What if horses could swim,
Would it bring a bit of interest to races?
What if mice could play music,
As good as the rat pack or be better than that?
What if monkeys could tell jokes,
Would they make better comedians?
What if animals could do all these things,
Wouldn’t it be class?
My first day in this school,
With a bag bigger than me and my collar tucked in.
How nervous I was,
Too shy to talk to anyone.
Me making new friends,
I thought they would be there till the end.
Oh how the times have changed since then.
Through stressful exams, friendship breakups,
Boy gossip and just having fun,
How it all begun.
All the crying of the people,
On the street,
Where the children,
Used to sit and weep.
The children calling
For their mothers,
Trying not to scare,
That are fighting for their life,
And don’t want to be in sight.
What the Trees Want
To come into the woods
To jump head first
To fall in a never ending hole
To live on the moon
To never be happy
To be alone
To fade away
It wants YOU
Teachers stand and the students sit,
The girls all gossip and boys draw their bits.
People talk behind backs and judge on looks,
They have no compassion or no self-worth.
Underage drinking and small petty fights,
Teenage pregnancy and long summer nights.
The old love has gone and a new one has arrived,
No more romantic dates just people in disguise.
With broken dreams and broken hearts
They navigate the teenage dark.
She always wondered
What the voices said,
If the visitors heard her,
If her parents missed her.
She always wondered
If someone would save her,
As she sits on the floor,
Starving, in danger.
She always wondered
If her friends shed a tear,
Since she’s been locked in his basement
For over a year.
These walls recollect every tear I shed
Every laugh I shared,
Every word I spoke
Every time I cared,
Every night I spent awake dreaming of lots of cuddles
Every fight with my parents
And the tiny little struggles,
Every time I screamed
Every door I slammed,
Every time I said I hate you
While they were holding my hands,
The first time I realized to never hold a grudge
As a grudge could last a lifetime,
But this doesn’t apply to us.
The Happy, the Sad
The joy of meeting new people for the first time
And then when they stabbed you in the back.
They remember the carrying of books stack upon stack.
The rumours, lies, and secrets that passed through each conversation.
They remember the torture, guilt, and temptation.
How people changed, evolved and became different people altogether overtime.
Stories once thought to be a crime. Those ‘strangers’.
Those hidden dangers. The lost trust and the long-time lust for validation.
Friends fighting angry souls biting.
The happy, the sad the good, the bad ,the hope and upset.
They won’t ever forget.
The First Day
The first day I saw him,
Walking through my front door,
With a blue blanket wrapped around him,
Cuddle up and sound asleep in his chair,
It was love at first sight,
I had never seen this human before
I would be living with him until he grows older,
Little did I know he would be the troublemaker,
That makes everyone in the house go crazy,
This boy in fact, you cannot forget him ever
These walls recall
My whole entire childhood,
The good and the bad,
The happy and the sad
The memories i’ve made of true happiness,
The tears of joy i’ve shed,
Although they also remember,
My first heartbreak,
The many fights,
The lonely nights.
Promise me you’ll always be here
Never left alone
To shed any tears
Yes, I’m selfish it’s true
But I only want to be with you.
The tension when the friend group divided,
How everything felt different for weeks,
The looks that were given in the hallway,
Because of the rumours that were spread.
And then everyone was happy;
We had our smaller group of 8
And everyone was comfortable around each other.
Private things were talked about again
And everyone got along with everyone.
These walls are now remembering those years together,
While the group re-forms again.
Alanna Nic Garaidh
When the lights are turned off
When you shut your eyes
When you hear the floorboards creak
When you’re all alone
When your only company is the shadows
It is in fact your sub conscience criticising you
Telling you all the time what you have done wrong
How you’ll never be any good
That you’ll always be alone
Night by night it tears you down bit by bit
Who you Used to Be
Who you used to be,
Endless smiles and screams of laughter.
Little did you know,it would all change after.
Dancing and singing, with not a care in the world.
Parties and sleepovers galore.
You believed you would always feel this way.
Unfortunately for you, it would soon go away.
Oh how you’ve changed.
Smiles became forced and laughter was not heard.
Your happiness flying away, just like a bird.
Friends slowly disappeared while your thoughts became louder
Your popularity was gone, just like powder.
You never went out and sleep, never happened.
Crying was a daily thing.
You believe you will always feel this way.
Oh how we miss who you used to be.
My first day in the convent,
Being pushed against the walls by the large
Crowd of people trying to get to class,
All those days I spent roaming the corridors
Lost and a little afraid,
Years have passed but the cracked paint
Will always remember… the days where,
I would be rushing from a far away class
To try and beat the que for lunch,
The days that I would walk as slowly as possible
Because, I didn’t like my next subject
Your first nervous day
When you knew no one,
Little girls and boys
Outside having fun,
Swing sets and slides,
Children running around,
Until everyone goes home
And there isn’t a sound,
Everything up to the very last second,
When you graduated and secondary school beckoned.
It all began
The bridge across the Boyne
This is where
The fates decided
That our paths would join
This is where
I first heard
The melodies as he spoke
This is where
I first knew
That I adore this bloke
What the darkness wants
Is to see me ball and cry
To see me wallow in self-pity
During all my sleepless nights
What the darkness wants
Is to see me all alone
To see me fighting all my demons
Where no one will ever know
What the darkness wants
They will not get today
For I will never stop and cry
For I am never alone
‘A Part of Me’
My very first cry and the laughs that are shared,
Memories that I will always cherish,
The secrets that I share and hold within me.
With a full face done ready to go,
The smell of fake tan luring in my room before a wild night out,
And the smell of Victoria Secret Spray to freshen things up,
The stress of studying the night before an exam,
The bitten nails;
The hidden scars.
Somethings I will never show,
To keep for me;
And only me.
These walls recall the night you came home,
Your third day alive on this Earth.
These walls remember your first cry, first bath, first sounds, first steps.
They remember the first time you stood on your own two feet,
Your first bed, your first day at ‘big school’.
Your holy communion and confirmation.
The delightful laughs and sad cries are embedded into these walls.
These four walls represent all of the memories, the good and bad, in your lifetime.
In the Shadows
Deep down in the shadows
The Darkness hides
Beckoning you closer
To be by It’s side
It calls out seductively
Calling you near
You’re not so sure
Should you be here?
It holds you tight
No room for air
It’ll never let go
This just isn’t fair
In the shadows The Darkness calls to all
The last thing you’ll hear
Is you’re screams as you fall.
The tears of happy and sad since they were built.
The smell of Christmas cake and spices and peppermint,
The smell of Christmas.
The kind words of wisdom and advice,
The shouts of disapproval and hearts of ice.
The gentle touch of fingertips as they glide along,
The slamming of doors leaving silence until the next ding dong.
The walls see it all,
The walls hear it call.
A Place I Have Been Shown
There is a place I have been shown
A place of white foam and choppy waves, where chaos is beauty.
A place of loss and sorrow, hope and dreams.
A place you can disappear to watch the surf caress the sand and tickle your feet.
A tradition of sailing and fishing, of delicacies like fish and chips
A place of songs and stories, of heroes and legends,
A place for the sun to set and amaze you,
A place of beauty and tranquillity,
The ocean dreamt and gave this to me.
Free the Oceans
What the ocean dreams
Is to be freed from the obscene,
Plastic bottles and plastic straws
Suffocating the innocent.
Innocent creatures big and small
Slaughtered for their profits,
Pushed to the brink of extinction,
Their vulnerability at hand.
While we all just sit and watch their world collapse,
And sink into the sand.
I found it out, in this room at this time.
My heart was broken.
I acted like I was okay and watched that
Spinster walk away.
Things were lost.
Trust, love, friends and feeling.
I was sick with disbelief that the one
I trusted could be so cruel.
It all ended here, where it began.
New Year New Me
New Year, new me
I’m going to try
And eat healthy
No apache no Chinese
It’s going to be a shocking
Hard year for me
I’ll run I’ll jog
My glasses will fog
And I’ll run to the GAA with me ma
New year, same me
That’s just the way it’s going to be.
The most wonderful time of the year
A time for friends and family.
The sound of the Christmas bells sends a shiver down my spine
As Santa Claus comes to town and everyone wines and dines.
Children excitedly wake to a sea of presents
That Santa has sent.
As mummy and daddy kiss under the mistletoe.
Christmas: The most wonderful time of the year
Where we began
The start of our social days
How excited we were to walk through them doors
The smell of fake tan and aftershave in the air
Everyone on the dance floor with the bouncer at the door
When the night is over feet are so sore as we munch on our spicebag | <urn:uuid:1b410c0d-1c0b-47ad-b46c-aac1facf4e44> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:16:30Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.920121 | 6,783 | 6,825 |
- Case report
- Open access
Coronary artery fistula with associated Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a case report
Journal of Medical Case Reports volume 12, Article number: 86 (2018)
Coronary artery fistula, first described by Krause in 1865, is an abnormal communication between the coronary artery and one of the four chambers of the heart or one of the great vessels. The communications are often congenital but may also be acquired from trauma or invasive cardiovascular procedures. Half of the cases present with angina pectoris whereas the remaining half are incidentally detected on echocardiogram or angiogram performed for an unrelated reason.
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or stress-induced cardiomyopathy is characterized by transient left ventricular dysfunction with minimal elevation of cardiac biomarkers in the absence of underlying coronary artery disease. Almost 90% of reported patients are postmenopausal women with a history of recent emotional or physical stress.
We report an unusual case of a 64-year-old Hispanic woman presenting with typical symptoms suggestive of acute coronary syndrome after an extreme familial conflict. There was mild troponin elevation. Cardiac catheterization revealed microfistulas originating from the third portion of the left anterior descending artery draining to the left ventricular cavity. The ventriculogram demonstrated the apical ballooning. We postulate that high local concentration of catecholamine triggered by stress resulted in angina pectoris due to worsening coronary steal from the coronary fistula. Also, the stress-induced adrenergic stimulation unmasked the classical akinetic apex and apical ballooning characteristic of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
This case report highlights the rare but important association between two uncommon conditions. To the best of our knowledge, only one similar case has been reported describing a patient with microfistulas to left ventricular cavity and concurrent Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.
A coronary artery fistula (CAF) is an abnormal communication between the coronary artery and one of the four chambers of heart or one of the great vessels. These communications are most often congenital. Most of the cases arise from the right coronary artery (50–60%) and the left anterior descending (LAD) artery (25–42%); followed by the circumflex coronary, diagonal, and left main coronary artery (18.3%, 1.9%, and 0.7% respectively). The condition can also be acquired from trauma, congenital heart surgery, transcutaneous techniques used for myocardial biopsy, percutaneous coronary intervention, or as a sequela of Kawaski disease. The fistulous connection results in blood bypassing the myocardial capillary network and a coronary steal that manifests as acute coronary syndrome (ACS).
Takotsubo cardiomyopathy (TCM) is characterized by transient left ventricular dysfunction and minimal elevation of cardiac biomarkers in the absence of underlying coronary artery disease. First described in Japan in 1991, the condition is named Takotsubo due to the morphological association of the left ventricle to a Japanese octopus trapping pot consisting of a round bottom and narrow neck. It is commonly seen in women with a recent history of physical or emotional stress. Despite the dramatic initial presentation and compromised left ventricular systolic function almost all patients recover fully.
This case highlights rare association between the above two entities and only one such association is reported in past .
A 64-year-old Hispanic woman with a past medical history of hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and transient ischemic attack presented with a chief complaint of chest pain. The pain was severe enough to wake her from sleep around 6.00 a.m. Pain was 8/10 and described as pressure and as if someone had punched her on left side of her chest with an associated tingling sensation in her left arm and fingers. She related her chest discomfort to the recent familial conflict. The pain did not improve over the next hour, and she proceeded to walk a few blocks to the hospital. A review of her symptoms was negative. Her medications included aspirin 81 mg and lopressor 25 mg. Our patient denied a history of coronary artery disease, tobacco smoking and alcoholism, a family history of coronary artery disease or invasive cardiovascular procedures. On arrival at 7.02 a.m., the first set of vitals showed a pulse rate of 79, a respiratory rate of 18, blood pressure of 166/87 and oxygen saturation 100% on 2 L via nasal cannula. A physical examination revealed a body mass index (BMI) of 25.3. She was anxious and was in obvious discomfort. The remainder of the examination was unremarkable. An electrocardiogram (EKG) showed normal sinus rhythm at 77 per minute with normal ST and T wave. A chest X-ray revealed a normal cardiac silhouette. Her baseline troponin was within normal limits. Lopressor, aspirin, and nitroglycerin were administered in the emergency department (ED). However, her pain worsened. The repeat troponin tests at 4-hourly interval trended up from < 0.012 baseline to 0.736 . The repeat EKG did not display any ischemic ST-T wave changes to explain troponin elevation or to account for the degree of pain. A Stat transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) yielded normal left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction and normal wall motion. (The Stat TTE was performed due to the persistent pain being unresponsive to nitroglycerine and morphine.)
Our patient was managed with an ACS protocol with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) 325 mg, plavix 600 mg, full-dose lovenox, lopressor 100 mg, lipitor 80 mg, and underwent emergent cardiac catheterization. On angiogram, no atherosclerotic or stenotic lesion was visualized; however, following the injection of contrast medium, a plexiform network of vessels in the LV wall was demonstrated, followed by a jet of contrast medium entering the left ventricular cavity originating from the distal third of the left anterior descending and diagonal arteries. The plexus was eventually identified as coronary artery microfistulae. All fistulae drained into the left ventricular cavity. The ventriculogram elicited apical ballooning of the left ventricle with preserved function of the remaining myocardium consistent with TCM.
The echocardiogram (ECHO) did not reveal the apical ballooning seen on the ventriculogram likely due to two reasons:
First, because of it was a technically difficult study; second, as the Takotsubo is a transient phenomenon, it is likely that she developed the apical ballooning while being transferred for the cardiac catheterization.
After medical treatment our patient was discharged on metoprolol and aspirin with full resolution of symptoms and remained asymptomatic at 1-month and 6-month follow-up.
According to the Ogden’s classification, the coronary artery fistula is an anomaly of termination representing an abnormal communication between the coronary arteries and the cardiac chambers [coronary-cameral fistulae (CCF)] or the low pressure veins (coronary arteriovenous malformations) . The overall incidence is about 0.002. The most common etiology is congenital, representing about 0.4% of all congenital heart defects, other frequent causes include trauma and invasive cardiovascular procedures.
In congenital cases, the incidence of coronary artery fistulas is much higher for the right heart chambers as compared to left due to lower pressure with 45% cases involving the right ventricle, 25% right atrium and 15% affecting the pulmonary artery . The left heart constitute about < 10% of the cases . With right-sided fistulas, the hemodynamics resemble those of extracardiac left-to-right shunt and the left-sided fistulas usually mimic aortic insufficiency .
The involved coronary artery is often dilated because of increased blood flow and can also exhibit a tortuous course depending on the volume of shunted blood. According to angiographic classification of Sakakibara et al. there are two categories of CAF, Type A, with proximal coronary dilation at the origin of fistula and normal distal end, Type B, coronary dilatation over the entire length [6, 7]. Morphologically, fistula could have a variable drainage at the termination, comprising of single or multiple communicating channels. It can also terminate as a maze of fine vessels forming a plexus with extensive mural distribution as seen in our case (Fig. 1).
Clinical symptoms may vary depending on site of origin, termination, and size; largely depending on the amount of blood flowing through the fistula. The main presenting symptom of the patient described in this case was chest pain due to ischemia. The proposed pathophysiologic mechanism is reduction in the intracoronary diastolic perfusion pressure in presence of numerous fistulas. Also, the myocardium beyond the origin of the multiple coronary fistulas suffers ischemia due to a coronary steal phenomenon manifesting as chest discomfort.
About half of the patients remain asymptomatic whereas the remaining half are often detected when an echocardiography or angiography is performed for an unrelated reason; however, cases of refractory heart failure, ischemia, and myocardial infarction have been reported. An EKG is usually nonspecific in the diagnosis of CAF, as seen in our case, although it can sometimes point to LV strain pattern or ischemic ST-T changes. The fistulae could be obstructed spontaneously as a result of atherosclerosis, leading to asymptomatic patients. In a case series of 51 patients with CAFs, angina pectoris occurred in 57% of cases in the absence of coronary atherosclerosis .
The goal of treatment is to occlude the fistula while providing normal coronary circulation. Surgical intervention includes the use of coils, detachable balloons, or alcohol injections. In our case, coronary artery-LV communications were too diffuse for surgical intervention and our patient was managed conservatively.
The management strategy for asymptomatic fistulas remains controversial. Asymptomatic fistulas should be managed invasively if the pulmonary to systemic flow ratio exceeds 1.5:1 or in presence of aneurysmal degeneration, which increases the risk of rupture. No guideline is established for management of patients with CAF; usually beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, or nitrates are recommended for ischemia management. Our patient was managed medically and so far has remained asymptomatic at 1-month and 6-month follow-up.
First described in Japan in 1991, the TCM is the syndrome of transient LV malfunction. The presentation, electrocardiogram and cardiac biomarker elevation may mimic acute myocardial infarction, and hence the condition is often misdiagnosed as ACS. But coronary angiography is frequently normal or with minimal abnormalities (<50% luminal obstruction). Regardless, the LV systolic function improves rapidly over a period of days to weeks.
Although the pathophysiology of TCM is not fully understood, severe pathophysiologic mechanisms have been proposed including multivessel coronary vasospasm and abnormalities in coronary microvascular function or catecholamine-mediated cardiotoxicity. The condition is usually triggered by acute medical illness or intense emotional or physical stress-induced adrenergic drive as seen in our patient. As explained by Lyon et al. , high levels of circulating epinephrine stimulate beta-2 adrenoceptor in ventricular myocytes, causing a switch from Gs to Gi protein. The Gi protein blocks the pro-apoptotic effect of intense beta-1 stimulation. In addition to that, the Gi protein is also negatively inotropic. The negative inotropic effect is greatest at the apex due to the maximum beta-adrenoceptor density. This hypothesis could be supported by the fact that several case reports describing pheochromocytoma-related cardiomyopathy demonstrated similar left ventricular wall motion abnormality . Ninety percent of the reported cases comprised of postmenopausal women. One of the explanations proposes that sex hormones may stimulate sympathetic neurohormonal axis and coronary vasospasm . Postmenopausal women tend to be more vulnerable to altered endothelial function due to reduced estrogen levels . Clinical presentation is strikingly similar to that of an ACS with chest pain or dyspnea being most common, EKG usually shows ST elevation, T wave inversions, and pathological Q waves, moreover, cardiac biomarkers are frequently elevated, and TTE may show wall motion abnormality. However, coronary angiogram is completely normal or may show mild obstructive coronary pattern (<50% luminal narrowing), as seen in Fig. 1. Unlike ACS the disease is usually benign with full recovery in almost all reported cases so far. But unfortunately, the diagnosis can only be established after the coronary angiogram due to lack of clinical and radiologic characteristics to diagnose the condition with certainty. Our patient’s ventriculogram showed the classical apical ballooning of the left ventricle as seen in Fig. 2, with preserved function of the remaining myocardium consistent with TCM.
The treatment of acute cardiomyopathy depends on hemodynamic stability. If the patient is stable, it is not unreasonable to block excessive sympathetic tone by alpha and beta blockade, beta blockers are favored in dynamic LV obstruction, whereas alpha blockers are preferred in situations where there is outflow tract obstruction with severe hypotension. For hemodynamically unstable cases, intra-aortic balloon pump is modality of choice . Due to the paucity of data, many questions regarding the chronic management strategies are unanswered. A retrospective study to look at the benefits of aspirin, ACE inhibitor, beta blocker, or calcium channel blocker did not show any percentage improvement in LV ejection fraction on admission, before discharge and 30 days post discharge . More randomized controlled trials are needed to better guide the treatment strategies.
Our case represents an exceedingly rare association between left-sided CAF with TCM. We infer the pathophysiologic connection is the stress-induced overstimulation of myocardial beta-1 receptors, worsening the coronary steal in the setting of CAF, manifesting as ischemic pain, and also the stress-induced adrenergic drive causing the apical ballooning on ventriculogram that is characteristic of TCM
Our case emphasizes the association between two discrete and rare entities: the coronary artery fistula and Takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Hence, it is very prudent that physicians should include this association in differential diagnosis when presented with postmenopausal women with a history of recent emotional or physical stress. Unfortunately, due to the lack of specific clinical, radiological, or laboratory characteristics, the coronary angiography remains the gold standard allowing the clinician to diagnose with certainty and to withhold unnecessary reperfusion therapy.
Acute coronary syndrome
Body mass index
Coronary artery fistula
Coronary cameral fistula
left anterior descending
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The authors would like to thank the medical staff taking care of the patient.
The authors have not received any funding for publication or processing of this case report.
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All data generated or analyzed during this study are included in this article.
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Written and informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
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Qureshi, R., Kao, L. & Gupta, R.P. Coronary artery fistula with associated Takotsubo cardiomyopathy: a case report. J Med Case Reports 12, 86 (2018). | <urn:uuid:fb395055-7495-4d94-a9c2-032902498a0c> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:36:58Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.890265 | 4,149 | 4,858 |
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“Second day off Effexor [sic] & on Viibryd here. Brain zaps are fun. And by fun, I mean horrendous & miserable,” a woman named Rachel tweets about her antidepressants. Although this kind of post on social media does not resemble a traditional adverse drug reaction (ADR) report, pharmacovigilance experts are investigating whether this type of public information on Twitter, Facebook and on patient forums or blogs, might help regulators and pharmaceutical companies monitor the safety profile of medicines. Rachel’s tweet, for example, might form a report of paraesthesia, a withdrawal symptom of Efexor.
Up to 90% of side effects to drugs are not reported, according to some estimates. “Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are grossly under reported by everyone, including healthcare professionals, but particularly so by patients,” says David Lewis, head of global safety at Novartis, who is co-ordinating the involvement of pharmaceutical companies in a €2.3m three-year public-private project called Web-RADR (Recognising Adverse Drug Reactions).
Mining data from social media gives us a greater chance of capturing ADRs that a patient wouldn’t necessarily complain about to their doctor or nurse
Data from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) indicate that patients are not reporting side effects adequately through official channels and several regulators are exploring the possibility of making use of the abundant information swirling around social networks.
“Mining data from social media gives us a greater chance of capturing ADRs that a patient wouldn’t necessarily complain about to their doctor or nurse. Physicians are great at diagnosing illnesses and noting objective signs, but patients are great at reporting subjective reactions and feelings,” says Lewis. “For example, a psychiatrist can’t see suicidal ideation as an ADR while a patient can describe it perfectly.”
Trawling social media for drug safety information or even, potentially, drug efficacy data, however, throws up important questions about the legal and ethical responsibilities of companies and regulators alike, such as who should use these data and what approach can be taken with patients who post online. That’s besides overcoming the technical challenges in turning large volumes of unstructured and often low-quality data into useful information.
In 1997, a man living with HIV in the United States started to report the strange shape of his abdomen after taking a new antiviral. “My belly button went from an inny to an outy,” he said. His words were not written in a personal diary, but on a patient internet forum. This is an early example of a patient making a report about a drug side effect using social media, says François Houÿez, director of treatment information and access at Eurordis, a group involved in Web-RADR that represents patients with rare diseases.
Soon, other patients in the United States and Europe taking the same drug, indinavir (Crixivan), published similar posts on the Crix Belly forum, a prototype discussion board.
The side effect reported on “Crix Belly” became known as lipodystrophy syndrome, which is associated with taking antiretrovirals to treat HIV infection. The problem had not been spotted earlier because clinical trials ran for 48 weeks, and the syndrome does not develop until after 48 weeks of therapy.
“Because of the patient reports, drug regulators in Europe and the United States alerted prescribers of the risks,” says Houÿez.
There are indications that social media can be used to find leads to possible adverse reactions, but it is still early days in realising it as a proven method. Epidemico, a small US company, a subsidiary of Booz Allen Hamilton, is developing algorithms to pick up side effects from social media as part of the Web-RADR project. It is also working on a similar two-year pilot study with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which is one year in.
Epidemico uses its Med-WatcherSocial platform [demonstration website] to look for possible ADRs from social media posts for some 1,400 drugs.
A 2014 study, funded by the FDA and involving Epidemico, examined 6.9 million Twitter posts and found 4,401 tweets that resembled an ADR. When compared with data held by the FDA, the study found a high concordance between the data across organ classes
(see ‘Monitoring drug safety using Twitter’).
Monitoring drug safety using Twitter
Source: Drug Safety 2014;37:343-350.
In another social media project that involved Novartis, a team of researchers trawled 250,000 social media posts for 250 medicines in the EU. It found 12,000 posts that could be a possible ADR report, which were whittled down to 1,500 ADR reports.
For the past three years, Epidemico has also been tracking mention of all new medicines on social media, and claims there is a high concordance between informal adverse reaction reports made on social media and those reported in clinical trials. Epidemico says it has also picked up some new information on social media posts on Biogen’s oral multiple sclerosis drug, Tecfidera (dimethyl fumarate), and herpes skin infections, data of which it presented at a conference in January 2014. “Other oral MS drugs like Gilenya had two people die [from herpes infections] in clinical trials and have [a]… warning to vaccinate patients against chicken pox [caused by the herpes virus varicella-zoster virus] before taking the medicine. But Tecfidera did not have that warning because no cases had been reported and encountered in the clinical trials, ″ says Nabarun Dasgupta, co-founder of Epidemico. In the past few weeks, it has also noticed social media posts on Tecfidera and oral thrush.
If we could advise the patient taking a steroid earlier about these food cravings we could possibly avoid the weight gain in the first place
When Epidemico studied the synthetic glucocorticoid prednisolone and prednisone,
patients taking it commented on social media that they had food cravings and were “feeling starved all the time”, while the traditional regulator’s database had noted “weight gain”. “If we could advise the patient taking a steroid earlier about these food cravings we could possibly avoid the weight gain in the first place,″ says Lewis. “I suspect the project will find other patient tolerance issues that are not reported to doctors. The project hopes to augment traditional ADR reporting.”
Other companies are also analysing social media to find potential drug safety signals, for example, Treato, a company based in Israel, and IMS Health, which is based in the United States.
“We have seen that the earliest references to problems such as adverse events and drug interactions appear in patients’ online conversations,″ says Ido Hadari, chief executive officer of Treato, which was set up in 2007. The company offers a reporting tool so that organisations can log these ADRs and its website allows patients to search for information that has been collated about particular drugs. “Our overall goal is early drug signal detection and improved patient outcomes,” says Hadari.
IMS Health has been analysing social media since 2013, when it acquired Semantelli, a social media analytics company, which was founded in 2009 in Bridgewater, New Jersey. “We have picked up new signals on many prescription and over-the-counter drugs,” says Siva Nadarajah, general manager of social media at IMS Health. “More importantly, we have picked up signals on efficacy about drugs that are not available through traditional sources, as ADR reporting rarely captures ineffectiveness of a drug.” IMS Health sells its technology to pharmaceutical companies, which use it to track ADRs in social media and other unstructured data sources found in patient support programmes.
The Web-RADR project started in September 2014 and is funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative, which in turn is funded by the European Commission and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations. The initiative involves drug regulators, pharmaceutical companies, the World Health Organization and universities.
One of the main objectives of the project is to address the ethics of mining people’s posts for drug safety data. And crucially, whether people who make posts resembling an ADR should be contacted to encourage them to submit a formal ADR report. And if people are to be contacted, should this be done by drug regulators, pharmaceutical companies or a third party?
Although the FDA doesn’t contact social media users as part of a formal process, Epidemico contacted dozens of people who mentioned “ambiguous, but serious events” over one week, asking if they would mind submitting a formal report to the FDA. “[It] was fairly positive in terms of ‘Oh wow, that is so cool that you are listening’, but a couple of people have said ‘That’s creepy’. But at the end of the day, people didn’t submit additional follow-up information,” says Dasgupta. He adds that it will take close coordination with patient advocacy groups to understand the correct way to do the follow-up.
Dasgupta thinks people would feel uncomfortable if a regulator or pharmaceutical company contacted them and believes the job is best suited to a “respected, scientifically oriented and transparent third party”. But to create such a body is going to take a tremendous amount of political capital and will, he says.
The Big Brother idea is out there and we need to make sure that people do not fear being under surveillance without having being informed about it
Houÿez is also concerned about the perception of monitoring social media for drug information. “If the regulator contacts the person making the post, then we may see a negative reaction from the user, who may not appreciate that sort of surveillance,” he says. “The Big Brother idea is out there and we need to make sure that people do not fear being under surveillance without having being informed about it.”
The most desirable outcome, says Houÿez, is for pharmacovigilance experts at the EMA to communicate information about medicines to patients. For example, if the Web-RADR project picks up a tweet resembling an ADR, it could automatically tweet a person, saying: “We are a group of pharmacovigilance experts and we have detected a possible adverse drug reaction. Please visit this website to understand why you have received this link.”
Paul Bernal, a privacy expert and law lecturer at University of East Anglia, warns that contact with the social media user “can’t be made by a drug company representative as there is distrust of the industry — rightly or wrongly”. Bernal, who sits on the advisory board of the Open Rights Group, which raises awareness about digital rights abuses and threats, adds that if contact is made with the post-maker by an independent pharmacologist or the drug regulator and it is clear it is to help collect information about the safety of drugs “then it should be OK”.
The jury is out on who will do the contacting, if at all, according to Mick Foy, group manager of the vigilance, intelligence and research group at the UK’s regulator the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and project manager of Web-RADR. He says that the pharmaceutical industry has its own concerns about having to contact patients. “Some don’t want to be seen as marketing. And what are the implications once they have engaged with a patient? It is very difficult in an ADR scenario because you don’t know first hand the medical history of that person [and] whether they have spoken to their doctor.”
Lewis, from Novartis, points out that pharmaceutical companies are not allowed to make contact with patients without seeking permission from the patient and prescriber first. “Even then, it could be perceived as Big Pharma pursuing a patient… I am not sure that it should necessarily be the company [that contacts a patient].”
While the concept is legal, this becomes irrelevant if certain aspects of it upset people
Bernal has concerns that trawled data might be used for purposes other than identifying side effects. For instance, companies could ward off news stories on side effects if they learn about an adverse reaction before the regulator. He also believes that if people feel their posts are being monitored, they could be less forthcoming in talking about side effects. “While the concept is legal, this becomes irrelevant if certain aspects of it upset people,” he says. “The project needs to talk to people first and get the online community on board for it to work. If drug companies are going to do something dodgy, then we may get less information from patients about side effects [rather than more].”
IMS Health contacts patients via social media to ask them to fill in a formal ADR report and says that the response is relatively high if the ADR is reported on a company-sponsored social media channel, such as a sponsored patient community on Facebook or Twitter. “We also have a trusted Facebook application to obtain the information in a more structured way,” says Nadarajah. Treato is not currently contacting social media users.
Ethics aside, there are privacy and data protection issues to consider. Data protection laws in the UK and the European Union do potentially allow the use of personal data on social media for statistical and scientific purposes, says Jon Baines, chairman of the National Association of Data Protection Officers, as long as it is not used to make decisions about individuals. “If the data derived from this activity is anonymised, it should be OK,” he says.
But the idea of contacting someone following a tweet raises interesting questions for Baines. “For instance, would reliance on the exemption from data protection law for those statistical and scientific purposes be undermined?” he says. “And if public authorities are involved, and they are regularly monitoring specific social media accounts without individuals’ knowledge, then that could potentially be seen as direct surveillance engaging human rights law.”
Foy argues that, if you’ve put your social media in a public space, it’s fair game and anyone can look at it. “I think everyone knows social media is trawled for a whole host of reasons, including marketing, security, etc. I don’t have any concerns about our ability — ethically or data protection wise — to mine the data and observe what is happening,” he says. “The concerns that need to be addressed are around a two-way engagement process. That is what the [Web-RADR] project will look at.”
Under European Union pharmacovigilance rules, there is no obligation on companies to monitor social media. However, if they look and find side effects, they must report them to regulators. Companies are legally obliged to monitor for side effects on websites or Facebook pages that they are responsible for or sponsor. Currently, some companies are actively engaged with social media and others are not looking for fear of having to report something they might find that is of little value.
There are signs that social media is proving more useful for signal detection rather than signal assessment, which has a slightly higher bar. “When you have a signal, then you can investigate it, you look at the literature, you do observational studies,” says Foy.
The Web-RADR project is expected to trawl for around 12 drugs, new and old, but the actual number of drugs is still to be agreed.
There are some major challenges to overcome in turning large volumes of unstructured and often low-quality data into information that can be used for signal detection, such as natural language processing, and the detection of duplicates, false positives and fraudulent posts. Extracting the drug name will be a challenge. For example, “Rachel” misspelt one of the antidepressants in her tweet. But even more difficult will be converting the social media vernacular of an adverse event into something pharmaceutical scientists understand.
If you do not have a sophisticated natural language processing system it will actually pull in a lot of information that is noise
A human curation step will take out false positives and the internet vernacular will be translated into the international medical dictionary, MeDRA (Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities) coding. “We have created a large dictionary that has slang terms, hashtags, jargon and it matches these to the corresponding medical term in MeDRA,” says Epidemico’s Dasgupta.
“If you do not have a sophisticated natural language processing system it will actually pull in a lot of information that is noise. [We must ensure] we are not counting too many or too little,” says John van Stekelenborg, director of lead methods and analysis at Johnson & Johnson global medical safety, who is also involved in the Web-RADR project. Lewis adds: “Companies are a little worried about what the project finds if it loosely trawls for data”.
A separate algorithm will be developed with the help of the World Health Organization’s Uppsala Monitoring Centre (UMC) to identify potential duplicates in the Web-RADR mining tools.
“So if you tweet something and I retweet it, we are not counting it [twice]. If you tweet something, then Facebook it as well and put it in a blog as well, this is where the UMC algorithm will hope to pick it up so we are not counting that as three posts,” says Foy.
Once data from social media posts are captured by the Web-RADR data mining tools, they will be analysed by the regulator (EMA) and drug companies in the consortium to decide how they will be used. Who owns the data has still to be worked out. As a patient group, Eurordis advocates that all data from social media is added to the EU’s pharmacoviligance ADR database, EudraVigilance, which is freely accessible to patients and researchers, to aid signal detection. “The pharmaceutical industry needs to trust the system is accurate, but there could be mistakes and duplicates. The algorithms used to capture the data need to be well-defined and the industry needs to be confident with them. Eurordis would not favour a system where the industry received the ADR data solely,” says Houÿez.
Van Stekelenborg is adamant that monitoring social media won’t supplant the traditional ADR reporting systems. “We have various tools at our disposal, such as clinical trials, post-marketing spontaneous reporting and patient registries that can monitor safety, so this would be one additional tool in the toolbox,” he says, adding: “It remains to be seen what the value of social media is in this field.”
Freifeld CC, Brownstein JS, Menone CM et al. Digital drug safety surveillance: monitoring pharmaceutical products in Twitter. Drug Safety 2014;37:343–350. | <urn:uuid:6e34ad2c-606a-423d-93d9-870bd9d2ce7c> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:55:26Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.948089 | 4,093 | 4,454 |
Piping is a fundamental backbone of any plumbing system, yet improper selection remains one of the most common and costly mistakes. Beyond transporting water or other fluids, pipes must adhere to electrical codes and withstand pressure ratings. They must also connect with exacting precision and serve their function for decades.
With new materials and manufacturing processes getting introduced every year, even experienced professionals find themselves overwhelmed by the vast options. So, what types of pipes are out there, and what do you use for your project?
The list is quite long. However, the selection becomes easy if you divide the classification. There are four classifications –based on their materials, the fluid they are intended to transport, their manufacturing method, and engineering use. In this “types of pipes” guide, we will cover every type of pipe that is used in real life.
Types of Pipes Based on Materials
Key among the factors that determine the type of pipe used for any plumbing or piping system is the material used in pipe construction. It dictates the mechanical properties and applications of the pipe.
It could be metallic or non-metallic. The following are the main categories of pipe materials used in industry:
1. Metallic Pipes
Metals have historically been the most widely used materials for pipe construction. They have high strength, corrosion resistance, and welding compatibility. These materials can be classified into ferrous and non-ferrous types based on their metal composition.
1.1. Type of pipes made using ferrous materials
Due to their strength, durability, and corrosion resistance, pipes are manufactured from ferrous materials or iron-containing alloys. They are commonly used in industrial applications. Some of the main types of ferrous pipes used include:
- Carbon steel pipes:
These pipes are the most economical piping material and one of the most commonly used worldwide. It has good corrosion resistance properties. They have less than 2% carbon content and other alloying elements like manganese, silicon, etc. They can withstand pressures up to several hundred PSI.
However, carbon steel pipes require protective coatings or linings in corrosive environments to prevent rusting and corrosion. They are often used for applications such as pipe distribution systems for municipal water and gas lines where corrosion resistance is not critical.
- Stainless steel pipes:
Stainless steel pipes have a minimum chromium content of 10.5%, making them highly corrosion- and rust-resistant. Other alloying elements like nickel are also added for increased corrosion resistance.
Stainless steel pipes have applications where corrosion resistance is important. Good examples of these applications include food processing, dairy, and chemical transportation. That is because of their ability to withstand corrosive substances and meet sanitary requirements.
These pipes have higher yield strength compared to carbon steel and can withstand pressures up to several thousand PSI. However, stainless steel’s material cost is higher than carbon steel pipes.
- Alloy steel pipes:
Alloy steel pipes are made from several elements, with iron being the main element. They contain precise amounts of alloy elements like 1.65% Manganese, 0.6 Silicon, and 0.6% copper. This is to achieve specific properties as per industry standards.
Compared to carbon steel, they have enhanced corrosion resistance, strength, and temperature capabilities. Because of this, they are often used in applications like oil and gas extraction and transportation, where maximum strength and durability are required.
- DSS pipes:
Duplex Stainless Steel pipes have a microstructure and composition of approximately 50% austenite and ferrite. This is designed to take advantage of ferritic and austenitic stainless steel. They combine high corrosion resistance with high mechanical strength.
The pressure-carrying capacity of stainless steel pipes varies depending on the pipe schedule, size, wall thickness, and operating temperature. The allowable pressure ranges from 965 psi for a 5″ schedule 40 pipe at 100°F to 4493 psi for a 1″ schedule 160 pipe at the same temperature.
They are widely used in the chemical, desalination, and pulp industries. That is due to their doubled corrosion resistance compared to conventional stainless steel.
- Cast Iron pipes:
Cast iron pipes have been used for over 150 years in municipal water works. They provide good corrosion resistance, low cost, and are easy to join. However, cast iron has low tensile strength, ranging from 1.26 to 1.57 tons per square centimeter, and is brittle in nature.
They are protected internally and externally to enhance their life in corrosive environments. Now, ductile iron has replaced cast iron for pipelines requiring mechanical strength.
- Ductile Iron pipes:
Replacement for cast iron pipes, ductile iron, or spheroidal graphite iron is more ductile than cast iron. This is due to its spheroidal or rounded graphite shape.
Ductile iron pipes have higher tensile strength, ranging between 40,000 and 70,000 psi, impact resistance, and flexibility than cast iron pipes. They have a long service life of over 100 years and provide a cost-effective solution.
1.2. Type of Pipes made from Non-ferrous materials
Non-ferrous metals such as copper, aluminum, and zinc are also widely transformed into piping for various industrial and commercial purposes. Below are some of the common non-ferrous pipes available:
- Aluminum and Aluminum alloy pipes:
They are lightweight and highly durable, making them easy to handle and install. They also have excellent corrosion resistance properties. Alloying elements like magnesium are added to aluminum to enhance its mechanical properties as industry standards require.
Aluminum and aluminum alloy pipes are mostly used in areas where lightweight design and corrosion resistance are required. These are applications such as air conditioning, refrigeration, and irrigation systems.
They are also used in automotive/marine fluid transfer, where aluminum’s high strength-to-weight ratio is a benefit over other materials like steel.
- Copper and copper alloy pipes:
Copper pipes have outstanding corrosion resistance even in salt water and are commonly used for potable water distribution and refrigerant piping. They have self-sterilizing properties due to the antimicrobial characteristics of copper.
Copper alloy pipes with tin and other elements have enhanced mechanical properties for high-temperature and pressure applications. Copper-nickel alloys like Monel are used in seawater piping systems for ships.
- Nickel and Nickel alloy pipes:
Nickel alloy pipes offer exceptional corrosion resistance for highly corrosive chemical environments due to nickel’s high chromium content. They maintain strength at high temperatures and pressure.
That’s why they are primarily used in applications like boiler feed water lines, heat exchangers, etc. Common nickel alloys used are Hastelloy, Inconel, and Monel, which have ni-cr-mo composition.
- Titanium and titanium alloy pipes:
These pipes have the highest strength-to-weight ratio of any metal. The strength of titanium ranges from 30,000 psi to 200,000 psi. They are also highly resistant to corrosion from chlorine and seawater. Therefore, they are often used in desalination plants, chlor-alkali industries, and offshore oil rigs.
Titanium alloy pipes with tin, nickel, and other elements like 6Nitinol are super elastic and find uses in medical implants.
- Zirconium and Zirconium alloy pipes:
These are used in nuclear industries due to zirconium’s low neutron absorption cross-section. Zircaloy alloy, which is zirconium alloyed with tin and niobium, has excellent corrosion resistance. That makes it ideal for steam and high-temperature water exposures in pressurized water nuclear reactors. They act as cladding for nuclear fuel rods.
2. Non-Metallic Pipes
While metals remain popular pipe materials, advances in manufacturing technologies have resulted in viable non-metallic alternatives. They provide distinct advantages over their metal counterparts.
Non-metallic pipes are often used in pressure piping, drainage, irrigation, and more applications. The main non-metallic varieties include the following.
2.1. PE/HDPE Pipes
Polyethylene (PE) or high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipes are made from processed crude oil or natural gas. They are very durable and resistant to corrosion from soils and certain chemicals.
Due to their high strength-to-density ratio and flexibility, HDPE pipes are used extensively for natural gas distribution and plumbing applications.
2.2. uPVC/PVC/CPVC Pipes
Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride (uPVC), and chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) pipes are thermoplastic materials. They are produced from polyvinyl chloride resin. They possess good mechanical and electrical properties.
That makes them suitable for potable water supply, drainage, and sewage systems. Their resistance to corrosion and longevity has led to widespread use in developed countries.
2.3. PP pipes
Polypropylene (PP) pipes are produced from polypropylene resin through extrusion. They exhibit outstanding chemical resistance and are utilized for applications involving the transportation of aggressive chemicals.
PP pipes are also light in weight, cost-effective, and have high elasticity. Typical uses include drainage, mining, and seawater desalination systems.
2.4. Reinforced thermoplastic pipes or RTPs
Reinforced thermoplastic pipes comprise an inner thermoplastic liner reinforced with fibers. Typically, glass fibers are wrapped helically around the liner.
RTPs offer corrosion resistance, longevity of plastics, and high strength from the reinforcing fibers. They find applications where operating pressures and temperatures are high, including oil and gas pipelines, geothermal applications, and industrial plants.
2.5. ABS Pipes
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) pipes are made from ABS resin, a rigid plastic. They display good mechanical properties, stress crack resistance, and flexibility.
Due to their ability to withstand heat and pressure, ABS pipes are used in applications such as drain-waste-vent systems, irrigation, and septic systems.
2.6. Composite pipes like GRE/GRP/FRP Pipes
Glass-Reinforced Plastic (GRP), Glass-Reinforced Epoxy (GRE), And Fiber-Reinforced Plastic (FRP) pipes are composites made of plastic or resin reinforced with glass fibers. They exhibit high mechanical strength coupled with corrosion resistance.
GRE/GRP/FRP pipes are utilized where long life, durability, and chemical resistance are essential. For example, they are used in hydroelectric projects, transportation of seawater, and pulping effluent.
2.7. Cement and Asbestos Cement Pipes
Asbestos cement pipes, developed in the early 1900s, are made from Portland cement, sand, cellulose fiber, and asbestos fiber, mixed and formed into pipes. The ratios differ depending on the manufacturer and amount of elements used. For example, some may just 80-85% Portland cement and 15-20% asbestos fiber.
These pipes are inexpensive and have high mechanical strength, resulting in widespread use as building service pipes for water supply. However, asbestos use is now banned or restricted in many countries due to health hazards.
2.8. Vitrified clay pipes
Vitrified clay pipes are made from clay fired in a kiln to above 1100°C (200°F) to form a glass-like material called vitrified clay. They have low permeability and are thus used extensively in gravity-fed sewage systems due to their durability and chemical resistance.
While widely used earlier, they have now been replaced to some extent by newer plastic pipes.
Types of Pipes Based on the Fluid Transportation
The type of fluid being transported is another primary factor that determines the material and design of the pipe system. The pipe must be specially constructed to safely and effectively enable the movement of the substance through containment.
Here are the various types of pipes available based on fluid transported:
1. Water Pipes
Water pipes are designed to transport drinking water and wastewater in residential, commercial, and municipal applications. Material selection depends on water quality, quantity, pressure, temperature, and soil conditions. The different water pipes you can find in the market include the following.
3.1. Chlorinated Poly Vinyl Chloride Pipes (CPVC)
CPVC pipes are suitable for potable water distribution. They have impressive thermoplastic properties and chemical resistance against chlorine and temperature fluctuations. They are made from chlorinated polyvinyl chloride, which is base PVC treated with additional chlorine atoms, between 56% and 74%.
CPVC maintains structural stability at temperatures up to 200°F without releasing harmful substances. It is widely used for indoor plumbing works involving hot and cold lines.
3.2. Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride Pipes (uPVC)
uPVC pipe is a popular material for water and sewer systems due to its rigidity, lightweight, and affordability. Formed from polyvinyl chloride resin, uPVC pipes are thermoplastic but non-flexible to maintain shape under pressure.
Excellent corrosion resistance and low costs have led to widespread usage in developing water infrastructure.
3.3. PVC Pipes
Standard PVC pipes exhibit greater flexibility than uPVC due to their composition lacking plasticizers. This flexibility allows easier installation around tight bends and curves common in residential plumbing systems.
PVC maintains structural integrity at moderate water pressures and temperatures. However, they may be susceptible to cracking under severe pressure or wide temperature fluctuations.
3.4. Galvanized Iron Pipes
Galvanized iron pipes consist of iron coated with a thin layer of zinc, about 50%-70% for most hot-rolled steel. They were extensively used in the past mainly due to its initial strength and natural resistance to corrosion.
However, over long periods, the zinc coating can degrade when exposed to soil and water conditions. This eventually leads to corrosion of the base iron material from the inside out. This increased the need for repairs and replacement over time.
They are still popular in the construction industry. They are also used in residential and commercial applications.
3.5. Polypropylene Pipes
Fashioned from flexible polypropylene, these pipes are highly malleable. They can easily conform to tight spaces or change pipe directions during installation.
They boast dimensional adaptability combined with the material’s durability. They also resist corrosion from acids and chemicals. That makes polypropylene well-suited for the transportation of non-potable substances in applications like sewage systems and drainage works.
3.6. Cast Iron Pipe
Cast iron is an alloy with a carbon content above 2% and silicon typically ranging from 1-3%, with the percentage defined by its carbon equivalent of % Carbon + 1/3% Si. With a long history of use for its compressive strength and robustness against corrosion, the cast iron pipe remains present in aging water infrastructure.
However, it is dense and heavy, with joints that require skilled assembly. Moreover, minerals deposited internally over decades may compromise the lining and expose the cast iron to the risk of degradation if not properly maintained.
2. Gas pipes
Materials for gas pipes depend on the type of gas carried and operating conditions. Steel and plastic pipes are common choices. Steel withstands high pressures but is heavy.
Plastic, like HDPE, provides corrosion protection and is lightweight for natural gas distribution. Cast iron was used historically for municipal gas but is now replaced. Stainless steel finds usage in industrial applications involving corrosive gasses.
3. Vapor pipes
Vapor pipes transport gasses that have condensed from their gaseous state. Common vapor pipe materials include steel, copper, stainless steel, and galvanized iron, depending on the type and pressure of vapor handled.
Industrial plants use vapor pipes for ammonia, refrigerants, and other chemicals. Drainage also uses small-diameter vapor pipes.
4. Oil pipes
Oil pipes are generally carbon steel with anti-corrosion coating for crude oil transport via pipelines over long distances at high pressures and temperatures.
Offshore drilling rigs and tankers utilize steel pipes with additional protection like concrete or fiberglass coating. Underground petroleum product distribution relies on cathodically protected steel. Polyethylene finds increasing usage for edible oil transport.
5. Steam pipes
Steam pipes transport steam at high temperatures and pressures in power plants and factories for process or heating needs. Depending on the steam state and impurities, materials include carbon steel, stainless steel, and higher-grade alloys. Insulated piping prevents condensation and protects personnel.
6. Hydrogen pipes
For flammable hydrogen gas, specialized piping from corrosion-resistant alloys like stainless steel, nickel alloys, or composites is often used due to its highly diffusive nature.
Tight specifications are required considering hydrogen’s low ignition energy and potential for embrittlement of many metals.
Types of Pipes based on the Manufacturing Method
Another way pipes are commonly classified is based on their manufacturing method. There are two primary manufacturing methods used: seamless and welded.
1. Seamless pipe
Seamless pipes are forged as one single piece from steel or alloy ingots using either hot or cold-working manufacturing processes. This continuous, seamless tube production method produces pipes without welded seams. Here are some of the seamless pipes available:
9.1. ASTM A53, A333, API 5L, and A106 (CS and LTCS pipes)
ASTM A53, A333, and A106 are carbon steel pipe standards. A106 is for high-pressure applications up to 750 degrees Fahrenheit. It has tighter chemical and mechanical properties.
A333 has a lower carbon content suitable for temperatures below 400 degrees. A53, coated with hot and black zinc, is for general low- and medium-pressure applications. API 5L specifies line pipe for oil/gas transmission.
These use the seamless continuous pipe manufacturing method, where a hot billet is drawn through diamond dies to form a hollow shell. This provides excellent mechanical properties without welds.
9.2. ASTM A312 Series 400 and 300 (SS pipes with grades 347, 321, 316, and 304)
ASTM A312 specifies stainless steel pipe standards. Grades 304 and 316 are austenitic stainless containing chromium and nickel. Grade 304 is more corrosion-resistant. Grade 316 has added molybdenum, improving resistance further.
Grade 321 is for high strength, and 347 is for heat resistance. These are manufactured using the seamless method, which hardens the material for excellent corrosion resistance without compromising strength.
9.3. ASTM A335 Grades P5 to P91 (Alloy steel pipes)
ASTM A335 covers alloy steel grades P5 to P91 used for high-temperature applications. Higher grades have increased creep resistance, allowing use at even higher temperatures. Common alloys used are chromium, molybdenum, and vanadium carbide.
Seamless manufacturing provides a homogeneous composition free of defects and consistent mechanical properties throughout the pipe wall thickness.
9.4. ASTM A790/A928 (DSS and SDSS pipes)
ASTM A790 and A928 specify duplex (ferritic-austenitic) stainless steel pipes. These have a balanced microstructure of 50% ferritic and 50% austenitic, providing strength and corrosion resistance.
Common grades are 2205 and 2507. The seamless process hardens the material, granting high yield strength for critical applications. It also prevents micro-galvanic corrosion between austenite and ferrite phases.
These seamless pipes are crucial for precision work in refineries and chemical plants dealing with corrosive substances at extreme heat. Their uninterrupted form handles high demands for exactness where even tiny imperfections could have ruinous effects.
9.5. Nickel Alloys (Cupronickel, Inconel, Monel, Hastelloy, Nickel 200)
Nickel alloys have very high corrosion resistance for demanding applications. Grades include Inconel, Hastelloy, Cupronickel and Monel. Inconel 625 and Hastelloy C276 are widely used.
The seamless manufacturing avoids the detrimental effects of welds in aggressive services. It produces a homogeneous structure with properties consistent throughout. This ensures prolonged operation in complex chemical environments.
Common applications include chemical and petrochemical equipment, aerospace components, industrial heat exchangers, medical implants, and marine hardware.
2. Welded pipe
Welded pipes are constructed by forming and joining steel plates or coil strips together along a seam using welding technology. Examples of these techniques include Electric Resistance Welding (ERW) or Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welding (LSAW). The joining of metal pieces via welding introduces seams into the piping structure.
10.1. ERW pipes
ERW stands for Electric Resistance Welded. A flat steel strip is continuously welded along its length to form a hollow tube. It is one of the most cost-effective pipe-making techniques.
The strip is heated by electrical resistance and rolled between grooved rolls to form a weld. However, the weld region has lower ductility than the parent metal. Also, imperfections may remain inside without non-destructive testing.
ERW pipes are commonly used in pressure applications for water distribution and transportation systems. They can also be used for natural gas distribution lines that operate at lower pressures.
10.2. LSAW pipes
LSAW, or Longitudinal Submerged Arc Welding, is commonly used to manufacture Line Pipe. It uses an automatic welding head operating inside the pipe. An arc welds the narrowly overlapping edges under a cover of fusible powder.
That protects the weld area from atmospheric contaminants. It produces watertight, high-strength seams comparable to seamless pipe. The submerged arc technique with automatic multi-run welds provides consistent mechanical properties throughout the circumference.
Large-diameter LSAW pipes are often used for oil and gas pipelines that transport hydrocarbons over long distances. They are also useful for carrying water and sewage through municipal piping networks
Types of Pipes based on Engineering Use
Another way pipes can be classified is based on their intended engineering use. The engineering demands placed on pipes vary widely across industries such as chemical processing, power generation, construction, etc. The main types of pipes differentiated by engineering use include:
1. Brass Pipes
Brass pipes are commonly used for potable water distribution. As a copper-zinc alloy, brass is highly resistant to corrosion and bacteriological growth. It can withstand water pressures and has long-term durability.
These properties make brass pipes suitable for indoor plumbing systems supplying drinking water. The self-sanitizing nature of brass also prevents contamination.
2. Cross-Linked Polyethylene Pipes (PEX)
PEX piping is a popular choice for radiant heating systems. Through cross-linking, PEX pipe gains enhanced durability and flexibility compared to standard polyethylene.
It can be bent and formed on-site, making it well-suited for installation beneath flooring or within walls where tight turns are required. PEX pipe is resistant to chemical damage and maintains integrity at pressures up to 100 psi and temperatures from -50 to 200°F.
3. Steel Pipes
Steel pipes find extensive use in industrial settings for applications like fuel distribution and fire suppression systems. The high strength and resistance to steel heat allow it to transport flammable or corrosive substances.
Steel pipe is also commonly used for municipal water mains due to its longevity under high-pressure conditions. Different grades are selected based on service requirements and resistance needed against factors like stress or thermal cycling.
4. Vinyl Pipes
Vinyl (PVC) pipes are light, low-cost, and easy to install, making them popular for drainage and non-potable water distribution systems. Their chemical structure provides strength and durability while resisting corrosion and rusting.
Vinyl pipes can operate in a wide range of temperatures from freezing to 140°F. They are highly suited for residential and commercial construction where drainage applications require long-lasting, affordable materials.
5. Lead Pipes
While lead piping was historically ordinary, health concerns have largely displaced its use for potable water. However, lead continues to find applications that leverage its malleability, water corrosion resistance, and ability to seal joints tightly.
Examples include radiator piping systems and flues or vents handling acidic exhaust. The lead pipe can effectively transport non-consumable fluids for decades when properly selected and installed.
The selection of piping plays a crucial role in fulfilling the demanding transportation needs across industries. Whether transporting precious resources or handling hazardous materials, you can find something suited to your needs.
As seen above, the classification of various pipes according to their material, intended fluid, manufacturing process, and engineering application simplifies the selection. Plumbers and engineers can now specify the optimally suited piping solution. It becomes easier to find an option that delivers safe and reliable performance for decades to come. | <urn:uuid:e6b406b5-c622-4e61-a730-dd13e92e34d8> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:26:57Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.920261 | 5,252 | 6,474 |
Have you ever found yourself craving a homemade dessert but feeling too overwhelmed by the thought of traditional baking? Well, let me tell you a story that might just change the way you approach dessert-making forever.
Once upon a time, there was a busy mom named Emily. She loved indulging her family with sweet treats and fresh bread, but her hectic schedule often left little time for baking. One day, while scrolling through social media, Emily stumbled upon a recipe for a decadent chocolate cake made in a rice cooker. Intrigued by the idea of using her trusty rice cooker in a whole new way, she decided to give it a try.
With a few simple ingredients and the help of her rice cooker, Emily effortlessly whipped up a moist and fluffy chocolate cake that was devoured within minutes. It was as if she had unlocked a secret world of easy desserts and breads, all made possible by the humble rice cooker.
From that day forward, Emily’s kitchen became a hub of creativity and culinary exploration. She discovered that her rice cooker was not only capable of cooking perfect rice but also had the power to transform simple ingredients into delectable treats. The possibilities seemed endless as she experimented with various flavors, textures, and techniques.
Now, you might be wondering, what is it about rice cooker baking that makes it so special? What are the advantages of using a rice cooker instead of a conventional oven? And most importantly, how can you unlock this hidden talent of your own rice cooker? Don’t worry, my friend, we’re about to dive into all that and more.
In this article, we will explore the rise of rice cooker baking and its advantages. We will provide ideas, inspiration, and step-by-step recipes for mastering easy rice cooker desserts with simple ingredients. Get ready to unleash your inner baker and embark on a delightful journey of rice cooker baking. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the tools and knowledge you need to create mouthwatering desserts and breads with the convenience of your trusty rice cooker.
Table of Contents
The Rise of Rice Cooker Baking: A Convenient Way to Make Desserts
Rice cookers have evolved from being a simple kitchen appliance used exclusively for cooking rice to becoming a versatile tool for baking delicious desserts. The rise of rice cooker baking has captured the attention of home cooks around the world, offering a convenient and hassle-free way to satisfy their sweet tooth.
Exploring the Versatility of Rice Cookers Beyond Rice
Gone are the days when rice cookers were limited to cooking rice alone. These modern kitchen appliances have undergone significant advancements, equipped with features that make them perfectly suitable for baking. Rice cookers now have specialized settings and functionalities that allow you to experiment with a wide range of desserts, from cakes and puddings to breads and even cheesecakes.
With the ability to control temperature and cooking time, rice cookers provide a consistent and reliable baking environment. This versatility opens up a world of possibilities for creating delectable desserts with ease and convenience.
The Advantages of Baking in a Rice Cooker
Baking in a rice cooker offers several advantages that set it apart from traditional baking methods. One of the key benefits is the even heating that rice cookers provide. The sealed environment ensures that heat is evenly distributed, resulting in consistent and perfectly baked treats every time.
Another advantage of using a rice cooker for baking is its precise temperature control. Unlike conventional ovens, rice cookers allow you to set and maintain specific temperatures, ensuring that your desserts are cooked to perfection. Whether you’re baking delicate cakes or yeast-based breads, you can rely on the precise temperature control of a rice cooker to achieve desired results.
Transformative Rice Cooker Dessert Recipes
Ready to unlock the full potential of your rice cooker for baking? Discover a collection of transformative dessert recipes that will take your taste buds on a delightful journey. From decadent chocolate lava cakes to fluffy banana bread, these recipes showcase the versatility of rice cooker baking and prove that you don’t need a fancy oven to create impressive desserts.
Get inspired by the possibilities and explore the world of rice cooker baking. With these transformative dessert recipes, you’ll be able to satisfy your cravings and impress your family and friends with homemade treats that are as delicious as they are convenient.
|Chocolate Lava Cake
|A rich and gooey chocolate cake with a molten center that will melt in your mouth.
|A moist and flavorful bread infused with the natural sweetness of ripe bananas.
|Tangy and refreshing, these lemon bars are the perfect balance of sweet and tart.
Ideas and Inspiration for Rice Cooker Baking
If you’re looking for ideas and inspiration for rice cooker baking, you’ve come to the right place. Rice cookers aren’t just for making perfect fluffy rice—they can also be used to create a wide variety of delicious desserts. From simple cakes to innovative treats, there are endless possibilities to explore in your rice cooker baking adventures.
So, let’s dive into some creative and unique dessert ideas that you can easily execute in a rice cooker:
Cake in a Rice Cooker
Yes, you read that right. You can bake a cake in a rice cooker! It’s a fun and convenient way to whip up a homemade cake without the need for an oven. Whether you prefer a classic chocolate cake or a fruity sponge cake, your rice cooker can do it all. Simply mix the batter, pour it into the rice cooker pot, and let it bake to perfection. You’ll be amazed at the moist and tender cake that comes out.
Turn stale bread into a delicious dessert with a rice cooker bread pudding. Tear the bread into small pieces, soak them in a creamy custard mixture, and let it cook in the rice cooker. The result is a warm and comforting dessert that’s perfect for satisfying your sweet tooth.
If you’re a fan of Asian cuisine, why not try making steamed buns in your rice cooker? These soft and fluffy buns can be filled with various savory or sweet fillings, such as char siu pork or red bean paste. Simply prepare the dough, shape it into buns, and steam them in the rice cooker. It’s a delightful treat that’s sure to impress your family and friends.
These are just a few examples to get your creative juices flowing. With a rice cooker by your side, the possibilities are endless. So, don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with different flavors and ingredients. You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve with this versatile kitchen appliance.
Mastering Easy Rice Cooker Desserts with Simple Ingredients
In this section, we will provide detailed step-by-step instructions for three easy rice cooker desserts using simple ingredients. With these recipes, you’ll be able to create impressive desserts with minimal effort and ingredients.
Step-by-Step Rice Cooker Cheesecake
If you’re craving a creamy and delicious cheesecake, look no further than your rice cooker. Follow these simple steps to create a mouthwatering dessert:
- Start by preparing the crust. Combine crushed graham crackers, melted butter, and a pinch of sugar in a bowl. Press the mixture into the bottom of a greased rice cooker pot.
- In a separate bowl, beat cream cheese, sugar, eggs, and vanilla extract until smooth and creamy. Pour the mixture over the crust in the rice cooker pot.
- Cover the rice cooker and set it to the “Cook” or “Cake” function. Let the cheesecake cook for about 1 hour or until the center is set.
- Once cooked, remove the rice cooker pot and let the cheesecake cool completely. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight before serving.
Your homemade rice cooker cheesecake is now ready to be enjoyed. Serve it plain or with your favorite toppings, such as fresh fruits or a drizzle of chocolate sauce.
Quick and Healthy Rice Cooker Apple Cake
If you’re looking for a quick and healthy dessert option, this rice cooker apple cake is perfect for you. Follow these steps to create a moist and flavorful treat:
- Start by peeling and chopping apples into small pieces. Toss the apples with cinnamon and a squeeze of lemon juice.
- In a separate bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar.
- Add eggs, oil, and vanilla extract to the dry ingredients, and mix until well combined.
- Fold in the chopped apples into the batter.
- Grease the rice cooker pot and pour the batter into it.
- Cover the rice cooker and cook on the “Cook” or “Cake” function for about 45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
- Allow the apple cake to cool slightly before serving. Serve it plain or with a dollop of whipped cream for added indulgence.
Your quick and healthy rice cooker apple cake is now ready to be enjoyed. The combination of tender apples and warm spices will surely delight your taste buds.
Revolutionizing Breakfast with Rice Cooker Pancakes
Have a delicious and hassle-free breakfast by making fluffy pancakes in your rice cooker. Follow these simple steps to enjoy a perfect start to your day:
- In a bowl, whisk together flour, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
- In a separate bowl, whisk together milk, melted butter, and eggs.
- Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and stir until just combined. Be careful not to overmix.
- Grease the rice cooker pot and pour the pancake batter into it.
- Cover the rice cooker and cook on the “Cook” or “Cake” function for about 20-25 minutes or until the pancake is golden brown and cooked through.
- Once cooked, carefully remove the pancake from the rice cooker pot and transfer it to a serving plate.
- Slice the pancake into wedges and serve it with your favorite toppings, such as maple syrup, fresh fruits, or a dusting of powdered sugar.
Your breakfast pancakes made in a rice cooker are now ready to be enjoyed. This quick and easy recipe will make mornings a whole lot tastier.
Rice Cooker Baking: Advanced Tips and Techniques
To take your rice cooker baking skills to the next level, we’ve compiled a list of advanced tips and techniques that will enhance your baking experience and elevate the flavors of your desserts and breads.
Maximizing Flavor: Marinating and Prepping Ingredients
One of the secrets to maximizing flavor in rice cooker baking is to marinate and prep your ingredients beforehand. Marinating ingredients, such as fruits or meats, allows them to absorb flavors and become more tender, resulting in a delicious final product. Here are some tips for effective marinating:
- Choose a marinade that complements the flavors of your dessert or bread.
- Marinate your ingredients in the refrigerator for a specific amount of time to allow the flavors to infuse.
- Ensure that the marinade evenly coats the ingredients by gently tossing or mixing them.
By marinating your ingredients, you can add depth and complexity to your rice cooker baked goods, creating a truly memorable taste.
Layering Flavors in Rice Cooker Breads and Cakes
Another technique to enhance the flavors of your rice cooker breads and cakes is to layer different flavors throughout the baking process. This involves adding various ingredients or fillings in between layers of batter, resulting in a multi-dimensional taste. Here are some ideas for layering flavors:
- Add a layer of chocolate ganache or fruit preserves in between cake batter for bursts of flavor.
- Create a ribbon effect by swirling cinnamon sugar or nut butter into bread batter.
- Sprinkle a layer of nuts, dried fruits, or chocolate chips in between layers of batter for added texture.
By layering flavors, you can create a more complex and interesting taste profile in your rice cooker baked goods, impressing your family and friends with each bite.
Ensuring Perfect Baking Outcomes
Finally, when it comes to rice cooker baking, there are a few tips and techniques you can follow to ensure perfect baking outcomes:
- Check the doneness of your baked goods by inserting a toothpick or skewer into the center. If it comes out clean or with a few dry crumbs, your dessert or bread is ready.
- Make necessary temperature adjustments based on the recipe. Some rice cookers have different heat settings, so be sure to follow the instructions provided.
- Avoid opening the rice cooker lid frequently to check on the progress, as this can affect the baking process and result in uneven cooking.
By following these tips, you’ll achieve perfectly baked desserts and breads with your rice cooker, impressing everyone with your baking skills.
Summary of Advanced Tips and Techniques for Rice Cooker Baking
|Maximizing Flavor: Marinating and Prepping Ingredients
|Marinate and prep ingredients before baking to enhance flavor and tenderness.
|Layering Flavors in Rice Cooker Breads and Cakes
|Add different ingredients or fillings between layers of batter for a multi-dimensional taste.
|Ensuring Perfect Baking Outcomes
|Check doneness, make temperature adjustments, and avoid frequent lid opening for even and successful baking.
By incorporating these advanced tips and techniques into your rice cooker baking routine, you’ll be able to create desserts and breads with maximum flavor and impressive outcomes.
In conclusion, rice cooker baking offers a convenient and versatile way to create easy desserts and breads at home. With proper techniques and a touch of creativity, you can achieve delicious results using a rice cooker. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced baker, rice cooker baking opens up a world of possibilities.
So, dust off your rice cooker and start exploring the wonderful world of rice cooker baking. Enjoy the joy and satisfaction of baking homemade treats with the simplicity and convenience of a rice cooker.
What is rice cooker baking?
Rice cooker baking is the process of using a rice cooker to bake desserts and breads. It involves utilizing the various functions and features of a rice cooker to achieve delicious baked goods.
Why should I try rice cooker baking?
Rice cooker baking offers convenience and versatility. With a rice cooker, you can easily create homemade desserts and breads using simple ingredients. It is a convenient alternative to traditional oven baking.
Can I bake in any type of rice cooker?
Most rice cookers have a baking function that allows you to bake desserts. However, it is essential to check your rice cooker’s manual to ensure that it has this feature.
What types of desserts can I make in a rice cooker?
You can make a wide range of desserts in a rice cooker, including cakes, cheesecakes, bread pudding, and even pancakes. The possibilities are nearly endless!
Are the baking results in a rice cooker similar to those in an oven?
Baking in a rice cooker may result in slightly different textures compared to oven baking. However, with proper techniques and recipe adjustments, you can achieve delicious and impressive results.
How can I ensure even heating in a rice cooker?
To ensure even heating in a rice cooker, it is important to distribute the batter or dough evenly in the cooking pot. This helps promote consistent baking and prevents unevenly cooked portions.
Can I use my rice cooker for baking if it doesn’t have a baking function?
While it is ideal to use a rice cooker with a designated baking function, you can still experiment with baking in a regular rice cooker. However, you may need to make more adjustments and closely monitor the baking process.
How do I know if my baked goods are done in a rice cooker?
You can use a toothpick or skewer to test the doneness of your baked goods. Insert it into the center, and if it comes out clean or with a few moist crumbs, your dessert is likely done.
Can I use a rice cooker to bake gluten-free desserts?
Yes, you can use a rice cooker to bake gluten-free desserts. There are many gluten-free recipes available that are specifically designed for rice cooker baking.
Can I bake in a rice cooker without preheating?
Most rice cookers do not require preheating, as the baking process starts as soon as you set the desired cooking function. However, always refer to your rice cooker’s manual for specific instructions. | <urn:uuid:a35f8862-6502-4d39-bd9b-c96aa3456315> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:44:46Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.913299 | 3,510 | 4,157 |
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Global Digital Oilfield Market is valued at $ 24.1 Billion in 2021 and is projected to reach a value of $ 34.7 Billion by 2028 at a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of 6.3% over the forecast period 2022-2028.
According to Vantage Market Research, some of the key factors anticipated accelerating the Digital Oilfield market growth over the forecast period. The increased demand for oil and gas around the world and an improvement in deepwater drilling and production operations are projected to drive the growth of the worldwide digital oilfield market. Due to the increasing market competitiveness, the parties operating in this are taking R&D extremely seriously to ensure higher business performance throughout the process.
We forecast that the hardware category in digital oilfield market sales will account for more than 62% of total sales. Hardware solutions handle data transfer and surveillance in both onshore and offshore fields. This sector’s market expansion is primarily driven by the rising desire to reduce idle time.
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Increase in Exploration Operations in Uncharted Off-shore/ultra-deep-waters to Boost Market Growth
The aviation & military sector will experience a significant boost in demand for aviation components after 2021, when aircraft firms begin operating at full capacity without travel limitations or supply chain issues. Before the COVID-19 epidemic, the consumer air transport market had grown throughout the global aviation industry. In the market, low-cost operators have proven to be tough rivals, especially in APAC and South America’s developing nations. In the APAC and MEA, more tourists will likely travel more often.
Presence of Market Players to Drive the Market Growth
The major market participants are seeking clever answers for the data deployment of cutting-edge systems in the oilfields. Additionally, they are aggressively funding R&D initiatives to advance the current technology. These actions and technological developments can be favorable for expanding the digital oilfield market.
Top Players in the Global Digital Oilfield Market
- Schlumberger, (UK)
- Halliburton, (UAE)
- Rockwell Automation, (US)
- National oil Varco, (US)
- ABB, (Switzerland)
- Siemens, (Germany)
- Schneider, (France)
- Baker Hugh, (US)
- Weatherford international, (US)
- Infosys, (India)
For Additional Information on Digital Oilfield Market Players and Detail List, Download a Report PDF Brochure
Top Trends in Global Digital Oilfield Market
- One trend that Vantage Market Research (VMR) expects to see in the Digital Oilfield industry is growing digitalization. Oilfield firms are digitizing their operations so that they may examine the data they have gathered to assess the equipment’s operating status. Two advantages of digital oilfields are reducing equipment downtime and enabling real-time remote monitoring.
- Another trend that VMR predicts will continue in the digital oilfield industry is its increased technology innovation. To handle isolated and deepwater areas, oilfield companies are implementing digital technology in their oilfields. Additional digital oilfields support increased productivity and minimized labor. Improved performance, economic effectiveness, environmental considerations, and employee safety are all advantages of oilfield technology.
Top Report Findings
- Based on the solution, most of the digital oilfield market’s revenue is controlled by the hardware solution category. The hardware market is projected to expand due to the pressing need to eliminate manual involvement and wasted time. At the same time, manufacturers’ increasing emphasis on improving or upgrading existing equipment and launching more effective hardware solutions would also fuel the growth.
- Based on the process, the drilling optimization category controls most of the digital oilfield market’s revenue. The two main trends in the drilling optimization market are increasing restrictions imposed regarding drilling enhancement oversight and rising global oil production costs to fulfill the skyrocketing energy demand.
- Based on application, most of the digital oilfield market’s revenue is controlled by the offshore category. Production and intervention programs are just a few services provided to upstream oil and gas-generating businesses at various stages of an oilfield in the offshore oilfield services industry. The market is anticipated to be driven by rising offshore exploration and production and total investment over the forecast period.
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Recent Developments in the Global Digital Oilfield Market
- In December of 2021, Weatherford International PLC made public its receipt of a Digital Oilfield contract from the Kuwait Oil Company, which would last for three years. In a press release, Petrofac revealed that they would continue working with Neo Energy past their contract’s original January 2022 end date. It will function for 27 wells throughout the United Kingdom’s many regions.
- Leading U.S.-based oil and natural gas firm OspreyData unveiled its cutting-edge OspreyData Vision platform in November 2021, making it accessible from any mobile device. Lease operators, artificial lift technicians, and production engineers might all sit at the ‘Virtual Control Center,’ giving them access to crucial operating information and facilitating problem-solving from almost anywhere.
Hardware Category in Digital Oilfield Market to Generate Over 62% Revenue
Digital Oilfield are an expensive investment. Vantage Market Research has analyzed the market for digital oilfield to understand its current state and potential future growth factors. For better understanding, based on the solution, the market is divided into hardware solution and software & service solution.
During the forecast period, the market for digital oilfield is anticipated to experience the highest CAGR for the hardware category. Companies can eliminate semi time and scale up output thanks to investments made by oilfield operators in process automation and technology advancement.
On the other hand, the software & service solution category is expected to grow significantly over the forecast period. The simplicity of finding consulting firms can offer technical, philosophical, and expert support as a network operator for the digital oilfield sector. The market for software solutions in the digital oilfield sector is growing primarily due to the rapid development of new artificial intelligence and information storage technologies.
North America Region in Digital Oilfield Market to Generate More 33% Revenue
North American region dominates the market, and this trend will continue throughout the projection period because of the industry in terms of mechanization and rising oil demand. During the assessment period, the market in the U.S. is expected to grow due to the continual upgrading of the technology solutions already in place to control and optimize operations for oil and gas.
Browse market data Tables and Figures spread through 149 Pages and in-depth TOC on Digital Oilfield Market Forecast Report (2022-2028).
Global Digital Oilfield Market Segmentation
- Hardware Solutions
- Software & Service Solutions
- Data Storage Solutions
- Production Optimization
- Drilling Optimization
- Safty Management
- North America
- United States
- Rest of Europe
- Asia Pacific
- South Korea
- South-East Asia
- Rest of Asia Pacific
- Latin America
- Rest of Latin America
- Middle East & Africa
- GCC Countries
- South Africa
- Rest of MEA
Scope of the Report:
|Market Size in 2021
|USD 24.1 Billion
|Revenue Forecast by 2028
|USD 34.7 Billion
|6.3% from 2022 to 2028
|2022 to 2028
|Schlumberger, Halliburton, Rockwell Automation, National Oil Varco, ABB Ltd., Siemens, Schneider, Baker Hugh, Weatherford International, Infosys
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AI in Healthcare: Unveiling the Future with a 42.20% CAGR Through 2029
USA News Group Commentary
VANCOUVER, BC, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Across several sectors the use of artificial intelligence (AI) is making a huge impact, with healthcare emerging as possibly receiving the largest boost. According to a new research report from analysts at Mordor Intelligence, the market for artificial intelligence in health care is set to explode at a CAGR of 42.20% through 2029. As the tech sector races to provide the market with solutions, several companies are emerging as leaders in aiding the healthcare sector, including Avant Technologies Inc. (OTC:AVAI), Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) (NEO:MSFT), Health Catalyst, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCAT), Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DNA), and Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:RXRX).
Recently, Avant Technologies Inc. (OTC:AVAI) strengthened its AI-powered healthcare offerings by acquiring Wired-4-Health, a company specializing in healthcare technology and data services. This addition supports Avant’s goal to create the first supercomputing network in the country. This network will offer big data and AI software companies a quicker, more potent, and more affordable computing infrastructure.
“Our strategy behind this acquisition was to enable Avant to deliver best-in-class data and system interoperability support services to the healthcare and life sciences sectors powered by AvantAI® and our high-density compute capabilities,” said Tim Lantz, CEO of Avant Technologies. “At the same time, this exciting combination significantly strengthens our financial profile, offers massive commercial growth opportunities in one of Avant’s largest target markets, and bolsters our internal customer support and R&D capabilities.”
The goal of this deal is to bring together Avant Technologies and Wired-4-Health to improve how healthcare data is shared and used. By joining forces, they can use advanced AI and powerful computing to help healthcare and life sciences organizations deal with data and system challenges more easily and effectively.
This partnership improves the way transactions are processed, analyzes health outcomes, and ensures compliance, leading to better performance, more reliable data, and a more affordable, scalable system for customers.
“In the near term, if the healthcare industry expects to succeed in lowering costs while improving quality, the deployment of advanced AI, combined with more powerful, cost- effective compute capabilities will be critical to that success,” said Angela Harris, Avant’s Chief Operating Officer. “The addition of Wired-4-Health will position Avant as a key contributor in helping healthcare organizations solve complex problems at the intersection of cost, quality, compliance and technology.”
Tech giant Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) (NEO:MSFT) has also been aiding the healthcare sector, most notably with its Azure AI Health Bot, which helps create copilot experiences with healthcare safeguards. Microsoft is enhancing its Azure AI Health Bot services by adding new healthcare-specific safeguards and features, including integration with Microsoft Copilot Studio.
These upgrades allow healthcare organizations to create their own copilot experiences, with pre-built capabilities, templates, and connectors tailored to healthcare needs, supporting protocol-based workflows alongside AI-based answers, and ensuring compliance with industry standards and guidelines. Now the platform is already being put into use by big players, including by German pharma giant Roche.
“By leveraging Azure AI Health Bot to build copilot experiences for doctors, we are developing an intuitive, conversational interface that lets clinicians access and explore Roche’s clinical documentations in a more natural way and to cope with the complexity and flood of information,” said Dr. Georg Isbary of Roche Pharma Germany. “The pilot for this new user experience, powered by generative AI features and compliant with the necessary security standards, has been integrated into our systems and will be further tailored to regional market needs.”
Long-time developer in the AI and machine learning (ML) space for healthcare, Health Catalyst, Inc. (NASDAQ:HCAT) signed a multi-year partnership with SacValley MedShare, one of California’s largest and most established qualified health information organization, earlier this year. As per the deal, Health Catalyst will support SacValley’s important mission through a broad set of technology solutions, including KPI Ninja by Health Catalyst, Healthcare.AI – a Health Catalyst Data Operating System (DOSTM) Platform module, and several other application solutions and Professional Services.
“We are honored to partner with SacValley MedShare on their continued journey to advance healthcare and are confident our technology, combined with our dedicated, skilled team members, will deliver the improved efficiency and support SacValley MedShare needs to achieve its healthcare transformation goals,” said Dan Burton, CEO of Health Catalyst.
By choosing Health Catalyst’s advanced data and analytics services, SacValley will enhance its ability to share and use information. This will lead to better service for those paying for healthcare, by making it easier to share important health details. This helps in delivering top-notch reports and care for patients.
“Transforming data from movable to usable is the alchemy of insights, turning raw potential into the gold of informed decision-making, ultimately forging a path towards health equity and improved outcomes,” said John Helvey, Executive Director of SacValley MedShare. “This is the primary reason SVMS chose Health Catalyst as a transforming partner.”
Another AI player is Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (NYSE:DNA), which is making it easier and cheaper for other biopharma companies to produce important biological materials and organisms by using artificial intelligence (AI). Back in February 2024, Ginkgo announced the acquisition of key assets of Reverie Labs, which has built and used AI/ML tools to accelerate drug discovery. The acquisition of Reverie’s infrastructure and software serves to help train large-scale AI foundation models, while four of Reverie’s key AI team members will also be joining Ginkgo.
Gingko followed this up through a collaboration with UK-based biotech company Prozomix, to build out the production of next generation enzyme plates for active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) manufacturing. The agreement aims to leverage Gingko’s Enzyme Services and industry-leading AI/ML models along with Prozomix’s existing enzyme libraries and deep experience manufacturing enzyme plates.
“API manufacturing is poised to greatly benefit from the latest in enzyme engineering and AI/ML enzyme models,” said Cindy Chang, Senior Director, Business Development at Ginkgo Bioworks. “We are so excited to partner with Prozomix to get enzymes into as many API routes as possible and help partners meet both their COGs savings and sustainability goals.”
Another developer helping to lead the way in AI-powered healthcare is Recursion Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NASDAQ:RXRX), which uses AI to pick out which treatments should be tested in clinical trials, while also letting biopharma companies to use their AI tools to do so also.
Last year, Recursion lined up a $50-million collaboration with AI chipmaking giant Nvidia for AI drug discovery. Then at the beginning of 2024, Recursion presented a demonstration of LOWE (Large Language Model-Orchestrated Workflow Engine), a new software designed to perform complex drug discovery tasks using a natural language interface. The platform is powered by Recursion’s proprietary biological and chemical data, and can orchestrate experiments using Recursion’s automated wet laboratories, unleashing the power of the Recursion Operating System in an easy-to-use tool.
“For the first time, we’ve taught Large Language Models to use many of Recursion’s tools and data in the same way an expert scientist would, but much more simply and in a more scalable way,” said Chris Gibson, Ph.D., Co-founder and CEO of Recursion. “LOWE provides an exciting glimpse into what we believe the future of drug discovery will look like – a first step towards the development of autonomous ‘AI scientists’ for therapeutic discovery.”
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Oncolytics Biotech® Announces Upcoming Presentations at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual Meeting
SAN DIEGO and CALGARY, AB, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Oncolytics Biotech® Inc. (NASDAQ: ONCY) (TSX: ONC), a leading clinical-stage company specializing in immunotherapy for oncology, today announced the acceptance of two abstracts at the 2024 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting, which is taking place from May 31 – June 4, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois. Details on the abstracts and poster presentation are shown below.
Title: Phase 1/2 randomized, open-label, multicenter, Simon two-stage study of pelareorep combined with modified FOLFIRINOX +/- atezolizumab in patients with metastatic pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma.
Presentation Type: PosterAbstract Number: TPS4203Session Title: Gastrointestinal Cancer – Gastroesophageal, Pancreatic, and HepatobiliarySession Date and Time: June 1, 2024, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. CTTitle: Pelareorep driven blood TIL expansion in patients with pancreatic, breast and colon cancer.Presentation Type: Online abstractAbstract Number: e14625
Abstracts will be published on the ASCO Annual Meeting website at 5:00 p.m. ET on May 23, 2024.
About Oncolytics Biotech Inc.
Oncolytics is a clinical-stage biotechnology company developing pelareorep, an intravenously delivered immunotherapeutic agent. Pelareorep has demonstrated promising results in two randomized Phase 2 studies in metastatic breast cancer and Phase 1 and 2 studies in pancreatic cancer. It acts by inducing anti-cancer immune responses and promotes an inflamed tumor phenotype — turning “cold” tumors “hot” — through innate and adaptive immune responses to treat a variety of cancers.
Pelareorep has demonstrated synergies with multiple approved oncology treatments. Oncolytics is currently conducting and planning combination clinical trials with pelareorep in solid and hematological malignancies as it advances towards registrational studies in metastatic breast cancer and pancreatic cancer, both of which have received Fast Track designation from the FDA. For further information, please visit: or follow the company on social media on LinkedIn and on X @oncolytics.
Director of IR & Communication
Investor Relations for Oncolytics
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Internet of Things (IoT) Market to Expand at a Stellar 19.4% CAGR through 2031 | SkyQuest Technology
WESTFORD, Mass., April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — SkyQuest projects that the Internet of Things (IoT) Market will attain a value of USD 1572.37 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 19.4% over the forecast period (2024-2031). Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the network of connected devices over the internet that are embedded with sensors and software. Growing adoption of automation around the world and advancements in connected device technologies are forecasted to be key factors driving the Internet of Things (IoT) market growth in the future.
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Browse in-depth TOC on “Internet of Things (IoT) Market”
Pages – 197Tables – 69Figures – 75Internet of Things (IoT) Market Overview:
Market Revenue in 2023
$ 380.6 billion
Estimated Value by 2031
Poised to grow at a CAGR of 19.4%
Value (USD Billion)
Revenue Forecast, Competitive Landscape, Growth Factors, and Trends
Component Type, Application, and Region
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Rest of the world
Updated financial information / product portfolio of players
Key Market Opportunities
Rising demand for connected healthcare and growing use of industrial automation solutions
Key Market Drivers
Advancements in connectivity and connected device technologies
Hardware is Estimated to Dominate the Global Market Share Owing to High Use of Hardware Components in IoT
Hardware components such as sensors and actuators are highly vital to the proper functioning of any kind of Internet of Things (IoT) device. Growing adoption of IoT devices in different industry verticals for various applications is promoting market growth via this segment. The development of new hardware solutions also helps this segment maintain its dominance.
Smart Agriculture is the Fastest-growing Segment Owing to Rising Adoption of Precision Agriculture Practice
Rising emphasis on improving agricultural yield and sustainability has resulted in the growing adoption of smart agriculture and precision agriculture practices. IoT devices play a crucial role in monitoring and controlling different elements of a smart agriculture setup that is mostly automated using different smart devices thereby contributing to the IoT market growth as well.
Growing Adoption of 5G Technology Allowing North America to Dominate the Global Internet of Things (IoT) Market
Rapid adoption of 5G technology and high use of cloud-based platforms are key factors allowing North America to lead the demand for Internet of Things (IoT) around the world. Surging investments in the research and development of advanced technologies and the presence of key tech giants such as Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft also helps the dominance of this region. Canada and the United States remain the most lucrative markets for Internet of Things (IoT) companies in North America through 2031.
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Internet of Things (IoT) Market Insights:
Advancements in connectivity and connected device technologies.Growing demand for Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions.Increasing number of smart cities and development of smart infrastructure.Restraints
Lack of standardization of IoT devices and technologies.Privacy and data security issues.Interoperability challenges and complex integration scenarios.Prominent Players in Internet of Things (IoT) Market
MicrosoftCisco SystemsIntelSiemens (Germany)AWS (US)Oracle (US)Qualcomm (UK)SAP (Germany)IBM (US)Google (US)View report summary and Table of Contents (TOC):
Key Questions Answered in Internet of Things (IoT) Market Report
What are the top drivers for Internet of Things (IoT) market going forward?Who are the leading Internet of Things (IoT) market players?Where will demand for Internet of Things (IoT) be high?Which component accounts for a dominant revenue share of the global Internet of Things (IoT) market?This report provides the following insights:
Analysis of key drivers (advancements in connectivity and connected device technologies, growing demand for industrial IoT (IIoT), development of smart infrastructure for smart cities, growing use of smart devices ), restraints (lack of standardization, complexities in integration, concerns regarding security and privacy of data), and opportunities (rising popularity of connected healthcare, increasing adoption of Industry 4.0, rising use of industrial automation), influencing the growth of Internet of Things (IoT) market.Market Penetration: All-inclusive analysis of product portfolio of different market players and status of new product launches.Product Development/Innovation: Elaborate assessment of R&D activities, new product development, and upcoming trends of the Internet of Things (IoT) market.Market Development: Detailed analysis of potential regions where the market has potential to grow.Market Diversification: Comprehensive assessment of new product launches, recent developments, and emerging regional markets.Competitive Landscape: Detailed analysis of growth strategies, revenue analysis, and product innovation by new and established market players.Related Reports:
Global Internet of Things in Retail Market
Global Internet of Things (IoT) in Agriculture Market
Global Internet of Things (IoT) Microcontroller Market
Global IOT In Healthcare Market
Global IOT in Manufacturing Market
SkyQuest is an IP focused Research and Investment Bank and Accelerator of Technology and assets. We provide access to technologies, markets and finance across sectors viz. Life Sciences, CleanTech, AgriTech, NanoTech and Information & Communication Technology.
We work closely with innovators, inventors, innovation seekers, entrepreneurs, companies and investors alike in leveraging external sources of R&D. Moreover, we help them in optimizing the economic potential of their intellectual assets. Our experiences with innovation management and commercialization has expanded our reach across North America, Europe, ASEAN and Asia Pacific.
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The mid-tier gold miners’ stocks have been annihilated with COVID-19 fears infecting traders’ sentiment. They crashed with gold getting hammered on extreme gold-futures selling! With blood in the streets, the buy-low opportunities are phenomenal. The fundamentally-superior mid-tier gold miners have epic upside potential during gold’s next upleg. This key sector just reported outstanding Q4’19 results on higher gold.
The sheer carnage in gold-stock-land has been jaw-dropping! In late February, the gold-stock sector per its leading benchmark GDX VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF edged up to a 3.5-year high slightly above early September’s. That was fueled by gold’s $1600 breakout surge on COVID-19 fears. Yet as I warned in an essay the trading day before GDX’s peak, gold’s surge was peculiar and precarious lacking normal drivers.
With popular gold-stock greed excessive, our subscription newsletters took the contrarian side shorting gold and its miners’ stocks via put options and leveraged ETFs. For prudently heeding the data rather than blindly following the herd, I suffered plenty of ridicule. But those trades were soon vindicated with big realized gains. Over the subsequent 14 trading days, GDX plummeted an unthinkably-brutal 38.8%!
That extreme capitulation-grade selling intensified this Monday morning, with GDX crashing yet another 14.8% on open. But from there it rocketed 39.0% intraday to a +18.4% close! So the very next day in our weekly newsletter, I launched our long-awaited new gold-stock-buying campaign to ride gold’s next major upleg. This sector looks wildly-bullish not just due to its technical thrashing, but its amazing fundamentals.
The sweet spot for gold-stock upside potential has always been the mid-tier gold miners. Unlike the large majors, mid-tiers’ lower gold-production levels leave room for big output growth. Investors prize that over everything else, since it leads to far-higher earnings and stock prices. Mid-tiers also have way-lower market capitalizations than majors, making it far easier for capital inflows to bid them higher to massive gains.
Surprisingly the world’s best mid-tier gold miners are found in the GDXJ VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF. Despite its now-misleading name, GDXJ actually has very-little junior exposure today. Back in the first half of 2016 as gold stocks soared in a mighty upleg, this ETF was threatening to run afoul of Canadian securities laws for individual-stock ownership limits. That forced GDXJ to shift its holdings to mid-tiers.
Mid-tier gold miners produce between 300k to 1m ounces of gold annually, which translates into 75k to 250k each quarter. The majors run above 1m per year, with the juniors below 300k. The percentage of GDXJ’s holdings that are true juniors, primary gold miners with sub-75k-ounce quarterly outputs, is well under 10%. But this leading ETF’s mid-tier focus is very beneficial, as that’s where most gold-stock gains accrue.
Because most gold miners logically run calendar financial years, Q4 reporting has an extended deadline up to 60 days after quarter-end in the US. In Canada where the majority of global gold stocks trade, the reporting deadline for full years extends out to 90 days. Annual reports including final quarters are bigger, more complex, and must be audited by independent CPAs. These results are still coming out this week.
But enough of the GDXJ component stocks have reported to see how the mid-tiers are faring as a whole. After every quarterly earnings season, I wade through the latest results from GDXJ’s largest 34 stocks. That’s just an arbitrary number that fits neatly into the tables below, but a commanding sample accounting for 85.4% of this ETF’s total weighting as of the middle of this week. Incredibly GDXJ is stuffed with 73 stocks!
Most traders probably assume that GDX Gold Miners ETF and this GDXJ Junior Gold Miners ETF have very-different holdings, but that’s not true. Of the top 34 GDXJ components this week, fully 24 are also GDX-top-34 holdings! GDXJ effectively lops off GDX’s 8 largest major-gold-miner stocks, and ups the relative weightings of the rest. GDXJ’s top 34 components totaling 85.4% collectively weigh in at 35.9% of GDX.
GDXJ takes the best gold miners of GDX, greatly expands their allocations and importance, and jettisons the top-heavy deadweight of the large majors. That makes GDXJ far superior to GDX in upside potential, rendering the latter obsolete! There’s no gold-stock fundamental research I look forward to more than this quarterly mid-tier analysis. These stocks trade in markets across the globe, with differing reporting requirements.
That makes amassing this valuable dataset for analysis challenging and tedious. In different countries, the mid-tier gold miners report different data in different ways. Half-year reporting rather than our superior US quarterly reporting is also common around the world. That necessitates splitting reported data in half for quarterly approximations. Every gold miner has its own reporting peculiarities, taking time to understand.
The more quarterly iterations of this complex research thread I run, the better the results get. Q4’19 was my 15th quarter in a row of this deep fundamental GDXJ-gold-stock analysis, adding on to our massive spreadsheets. The highlights of the mid-tier gold miners’ latest results make it into the tables below. Blank fields mean a company hadn’t reported that particular data as of this essay’s late-Wednesday cutoff.
Each company’s symbol and weighting within GDXJ is followed by its quarterly gold production in Q4’19. Not all of these stocks trade in the US, as GDXJ also hosts sizable Australian and Canadian contingents. The year-over-year change in miners’ gold outputs from Q4’18 to Q4’19 reveals whether they are growing or shrinking. Cash costs and all-in sustaining costs per ounce show how much is spent producing that gold.
Next the YoY changes are shown in the major gold miners’ key financial data including operating cash flows generated, accounting earnings, revenues, and cash on hand. Percentage changes aren’t recorded if they would be misleading or not meaningful. That includes data shifting from positive to negative or vice versa from Q4’18, or if derived from two negative numbers. Then raw underlying data is included instead.
Symbols highlighted in yellow are the rare GDXJ components not also included in its big-brother GDX, while light-blue ones have newly climbed into GDXJ’s top-34 ranks over this past year. Both conditions being true are indicated with yellow-blue checkerboarding. The handful of true juniors GDXJ includes, those primary gold miners producing less than 75k ounces quarterly, have their production boldfaced in blue.
This entire dataset together offers a fantastic high-level read on how the mid-tier gold miners are faring. And they enjoyed massive fundamental improvements last quarter! Higher prevailing gold prices drove profitability sharply higher, forcing valuations sharply lower. The awesome GDXJ gold miners haven’t looked this great operationally in years, making this recent plunge I warned about an amazing buying opportunity!
(Click to enlarge)
(Click to enlarge)
While prevailing gold prices drive profitability, production growth is truly the lifeblood of the gold-mining industry. The more individual miners can grow their outputs, the more capital they generate to continue growing by expanding existing operations and building new mines. That makes the production growth investors always seek self-feeding, particularly for the mid-tier gold miners in that sweet spot of output.
The majors are so large with so many gold mines that bringing new expansions or mines online doesn’t move the needle much. They can usually only grow by buying mines or entire companies, which is very expensive. And juniors usually only operate single mines, leaving their cashflows simply too constrained to finance major growth. Mid-tier gold miners running several operations face neither growth-killing restraint.
That’s evident in the fantastic production numbers achieved by these GDXJ-top-34 companies. In Q4’19 they collectively produced 5.3m ounces of gold, which was up a strong 4.7% year-over-year! Contrast that to the GDX-top-34’s Q4’19 results, which I just analyzed in depth last week. When adjusted for a couple of big mergers combining production, the GDX-top-34 actually saw aggregate output shrink by 2.0% YoY.
That jibes with the World Gold Council’s definitive worldwide-supply data, which revealed that global gold-mine production fell a similar 1.8% YoY last quarter. That was actually the fourth quarter in a row seeing contracting world output, unprecedented in modern times! In addition to buttressing peak-gold theories, that makes the strong production growth the mid-tiers are achieving all the more valuable to investors.
Usually the best-performing gold stocks in any given year or during any particular gold upleg are the ones enjoying the strongest production growth. They tend to attract outsized capital inflows, propelling their stock prices higher faster. As the mid-tiers have largely cornered the market on boosting their gold outputs, they often achieve the best and most-consistent stock-price gains. They are where to allocate capital.
The GDXJ-top-34 averaged Q4’19 gold production of 167k ounces, a little over half the GDX-top-34’s 313k. Of course output growth varied considerably within these mid-tier gold miners. Leading the pack was Pan American Silver which saw gold production skyrocket 367% higher YoY to 174k ounces! Most former major primary silver miners have been diversifying into gold for years due to its far-better economics.
Other mid-tiers were struggling, led by Yamana Gold which saw Q4’19 gold output plunge 24% from the comparable quarter a year earlier. But the really interesting thing about gold-production growth, and one of the main reasons the mid-tier realm has to be analyzed every quarter, is the leaders and laggards are constantly changing. Gold miners’ production levels naturally flow and ebb with the life cycles of their mines.
Gold deposits are finite resources, often depleted within 7 to 10 years after mines are built. Gold miners must constantly expand existing mines and add new ones to overcome that inexorable depletion. So mid-tier gold miners with major expansions or new mines being brought online in the coming year enjoy the best production growth, which investors reward them for. After that production stabilizes at new higher levels. Related: Can Disney Bounce Back From Massive Coronavirus Loss?
And mid-tiers suffer production slumps when one of their existing mines nears the end of its operational life. Declining production can also result from unexpected operating difficulties. So trading mid-tiers is an ongoing research-intensive process, with the best subset of mid-tiers to ride gold uplegs shifting from one to the next. Following the production-growth leaders is one important strategy for maximizing gold-stock gains.
These GDXJ-top-34 mid-tiers didn’t just achieve that sector-leading 4.7% YoY production growth in Q4, but they enjoyed far-higher prevailing gold prices. Last quarter’s $1483 average gold price soared by a whopping 20.8% YoY! That portended massive profits growth for these leading gold stocks, since their mining costs are largely fixed regardless of gold levels. This fuels gold stocks’ legendary leverage to gold.
Gold mines have fixed throughputs determined by their rock-crushing mills, how much gold-bearing ore they can chew through each day. Digging, hauling, and processing that ore generally requires the same levels of infrastructure, equipment, and employees quarter after quarter regardless of whether gold prices are low or high. These big fixed costs are largely determined way back when mines were being planned.
That’s when engineers and geologists had to decide which ores to mine, how to dig to them, and how to recover their gold. Not much changes after that unless major mine-expansion projects alter economics. With gold mining having mostly-stable costs, higher gold prices flow directly through to bottom lines really amplifying profitability. So mining costs are important to consider along with production levels and gold prices.
Cash costs are the classic measure of gold-mining costs, including all cash expenses necessary to mine each ounce of gold. They are misleading as a true cost measure though, excluding big capital needed to explore for gold deposits and build mines. Cash costs are best viewed as an acid test of survivability for the gold miners, revealing gold-price levels required to keep the mines running. They were indeed flat in Q4.
The GDXJ-top-34 mid-tiers reported average cash costs of $701 per ounce last quarter, which was up just 0.5% YoY. That was towards the upper end of their 15-quarter range from $612 to $730. But it was heavily skewed higher by excessive cash costs reported by Buenaventura, Harmony, and Hecla. Each saw cash costs over $1000, crazy-high! Excluding them, the rest of these GDXJ mid-tiers averaged $657.
All-in sustaining costs are far superior than cash costs, and were introduced by the World Gold Council in June 2013. They add on to cash costs everything else that is necessary to maintain and replenish gold-mining operations at current output tempos. AISCs give a much-better understanding of what it really costs to maintain gold mines as ongoing concerns, and reveal mid-tier gold miners’ true operating profitability.
These GDXJ-top-34 mid-tiers reporting AISCs averaged $964 per ounce in Q4’19. That was also on the high side of their own 15-quarter range from $855 to $1002. But that same trio of struggling gold miners, along with South Africa’s Sibanye-Stillwater which doesn’t report cash costs, really distorted the average. Without them, the rest of the GDXJ-top-34 averaged $906 which is fantastic compared to prevailing gold prices!
But to be conservative, let’s use that skewed all-included $964 average AISC to get an idea about how profitable the mid-tiers are as a whole. That subtracted from last quarter’s $1483 average prevailing gold price yields implied earnings of $519 per ounce! Even though those average AISCs climbed 3.4% YoY, gold’s monster 20.8% average-price gain in Q4’19 dwarfed that. So GDXJ gold miners’ profits skyrocketed.
Q4’19’s $519-per-ounce sector read soared a colossal 75.3% over Q4’18’s $296! That is fantastic growth for any sector, but all the more impressive today given the rest of the stock markets’ flat earnings. The more mid-tier gold miners earn from a widening spread between their all-in sustaining costs and prevailing gold prices, the lower their valuations fall making them even more attractive. This trend should persist in Q1’20.
With this current wildly-volatile quarter almost over, gold has averaged $1582 so far. That’s up another 6.7% quarter-on-quarter from Q4’s already-high levels! Over the past four quarters, these GDXJ-top-34 mid-tier gold miners have averaged AISCs of $967. They aren’t likely to change much this quarter given the fixed nature of gold-mining costs. That implies these mid-tiers could be earning $615 per ounce in Q1’20!
That compares to merely $301-per-ounce sector profits a year earlier in Q1’19, because of much-lower gold prices and somewhat-higher mining costs then. That implies staggering profits growth of 104.3% YoY in the mid-tier gold miners! More than doubling earnings in this brutal environment of burning stock markets will really catch investors’ attention. The GDXJ mid-tiers’ Q1’20 results will be out by mid-May.
With these sweet-spot gold stocks enjoying the best of all worlds with growing production, much-higher gold prices, and relatively-stable costs, their hard accounting results should’ve looked awesome in Q4. And indeed they did. Overall the GDXJ-top-34 reported total revenues of $10.1b, which surged 31.0% YoY! That exceeded the 5%ish-higher output and 21%ish-higher gold prices because of soaring silver mined. Related: U.S. Regulators Take Aim At Foreign Investments
These elite mid-tier gold miners also produced 42.9m ounces of silver, which was 37.5% higher YoY. But that all came from GDXJ’s new inclusion of Mexico’s Penoles, which is one of the largest silver miners on Earth producing 15.6m ounces last quarter! Excluding it, the rest of the GDXJ-top-34’s total silver output dropped 12.5% YoY. That reflects the waning interest mining companies have in perpetually-lagging silver.
Operating-cash-flow generation by these mid-tier gold miners naturally soared too, blasting 43.3% higher YoY to $3.1b. The bigger the cash flows these companies can spin off, the more capital they have to invest in further growing their outputs. Their collective treasuries surged a proportional 30.6% YoY to hit $7.6b at the end of Q4. That’s major potential investment for these relatively-small mid-tier gold miners.
The mid-tier gold miners’ hard accounting profits reported to their national securities regulators following those countries’ accounting rules improved radically last quarter! Overall the GDXJ-top-34 reported $388m in earnings in Q4’19, a massive +$1.1b swing from Q4’18’s ugly $699m loss. But unfortunately both these numbers are heavily skewed by noncash impairment charges and subsequent impairment reversals.
Accounting regulations require miners to write down the carrying values of their mines and deposits if falling gold prices make them look worth less. Q4’18 saw many of these impairment charges with gold averaging just $1228, and most expecting it to keep grinding lower. In Q4’19 some of those impairment charges reversed with much-higher gold prices, but there were also new impairments on individual-mine problems.
Netting out just individual-company impairments and reversals around $100m+ in each quarter, Q4’19’s overall earnings were closer to $767m. That compares to a $365m loss in Q4’18. So the GDXJ-top-34’s profits growth last quarter is even bigger when big non-cash charges and reversals are adjusted out. The profitability these mid-tier gold miners are achieving is awesome! And again it’s looking even better in Q1’20.
All those earnings have collapsed mid-tier gold miners’ valuations. Of the GDXJ-top-34 with the earnings necessary to yield price-to-earnings ratios in Q4’18, they averaged a super-overvalued 77.2x then. Yet including these latest Q4’19 results, that average had plummeted by over 2/3rds to just 25.2x this week! The mid-tier gold stocks are not just battered technically these days, but also really cheap fundamentally.
Thus there’s no doubt we are seeing the greatest gold-stock buying opportunity in years! Having a crazy exogenous black-swan event like this COVID-19-fueled stock-market panic crash the gold stocks right as their earnings are skyrocketing on higher gold prices is astounding. These anomalous annihilated gold-stock levels will mean revert radically higher in coming years as this secular gold bull’s upward march continues.
You could sure buy GDXJ to ride this mounting gold-stock bull higher, it’s way better than GDX hobbled by the stagnant majors. But while there are plenty of great mid-tier gold miners in GDXJ, there are lots of other ones I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole based on their fundamental outlooks. Far-greater gains can be won by handpicking the best mid-tiers and avoiding the rest! This is a gold-stock pickers’ paradise.
The bottom line is the mid-tier gold miners reported awesome results in Q4, directly driven by its much-higher prevailing gold prices. The mid-tiers also had far-better output growth than the majors, helping fuel soaring revenues, operating cash flows, and earnings. And implied earnings growth continues to look massive with gold powering even higher still in Q1. The mid-tiers’ fundamentals should continue improving.
Even at their relatively-high late-February levels, the mid-tier gold miners’ stock prices were seriously lagging their huge profits growth. But after this insane COVID-19 stock panic crashed this sector, these stocks are trading at some of their steepest discounts to current fundamentals ever! That gives them epic potential to mean revert radically higher as fear fades and gold recovers, yielding huge gains to early contrarians.
By Adam Hamilton
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1. Pharm-Ace holds a patent on a drug. Pharm-Ace used the patent (evidenced by the patent
certificate) to secure a $1 million loan from First Bank. The patent is chattel paper.
2. Revised Article 9 of the UCC only applies to goods and does not include intangibles such
as accounts or chattel paper.
3. A PMSI can be created only in goods and software.
4. Under Revised Article 9 of the UCC, electronic chattel paper may be used as collateral in a
5. Bagsby owns a business selling insects for organic gardening. Bagsby is seeking a loan
from First Natural Bank. The loan officer is asking that the loan be secured by Bagsby's
inventory of insects, now owned or hereafter acquired. In order to do this, a new security
agreement will need to be signed each time Bagsby gets new insects or sells his insects.
6. Maddie enters into a secured consumer debt transaction with Friendly Bank. When Maddie
pays the loan in full, Friendly Bank is required to file a statement indicating that it no longer
claims a secured interest in the collateral. This statement must be filed within one month from
the date the debt is fully paid.
7. There is no way to attach a security interest in electronic chattel paper.
8. Micky, a mechanic, repaired Daphane's Dodge. Daphane failed to pay the repair bill of
$595. Since Micky was still storing the car, he could therefore claim a landlord’s lien on the
9. Great State Bank and First Federal Bank have a security interest in TriColor's equipment. If
neither secured party is perfected, the first to sue or repossess has priority over the collateral.
10. Article 9 applies to any transaction intended to create a security interest in real property.
11. Spicy & Hot, Inc. is interested in expanding its Mexican food restaurant into a Mexican
food catering business. Spicy & Hot, Inc. buys a new delivery van from Van World. Spicy &
Hot, Inc. is a buyer in the ordinary course of business when purchasing the van.
12. For a security interest to attach, there must be an agreement.
13. Masterview, Inc. purchased a new computer system, which included some computer
programs. When Masterview developed financial troubles, two competing creditors of
Masterview claimed the right to repossess the computer system and the programs. The UCC
distinguishes “software” from “goods” and treats them differently for some purposes, which
would be important in this situation.
14. First Federal had a perfected security interest in Vicor's printing press. Second Credit had
a security interest in the same press, but its interest was not perfected. First Federal takes
priority over Second Credit.
15. First Federal loaned Madeline $20,000 to purchase a new van. The van was for
Madeline's personal and family use. First Federal's security interest is a purchase money
security interest which perfects only upon filing a financing statement.
1. All but which of the following may be used as collateral in a secured transaction under
UCC Revised Article 9?
a. Bank deposit accounts.
b. Personal injury tort claims of individuals.
c. Tort claims of a corporation.
d. A computer program if, by purchasing a computer, the buyer of the computer acquires the
right to use that embedded program.
e. Both b and c.
2. Donna defaulted on her loan owed to Second State Savings and Loan. The loan was
secured with Donna's car. Donna used the car for personal and family reasons. Which
statement is correct?
a. Second State may take Donna's car without a court order if this can be done without a
breach of the peace.
b. Second State may take Donna's car without a court order even if it means a breach of the
c. Second State may not take Donna's car because it is a consumer good.
d. Second State may not take Donna's car because perfection was automatic.
3. To perfect a security interest in a negotiable instrument, Second State Savings and Loan
a. file a financing statement.
b. take possession of the instrument.
c. do nothing. Perfection is automatic.
d. secure a court order.
4. George's Wholesale agrees to purchase 1,000 pounds of bananas from Chickadee Exports
at 39 cents per pound. George's does not have the money for the bananas now, but promises
to pay in two months. Chickadee Exports wants to make the sale, but is worried about waiting
for the payment, knowing the bananas are not “appealing” collateral. So, Chickadee prepares
an instrument claiming George’s $400 sorting machine as collateral. George's never signs the
agreement, but accepts the shipment of bananas. This is an example of a:
b. security interest.
c. promissory note.
d. None of the above.
5. Great State Bank loans money to Seth, securing the loan with property owned by Seth.
Great State Bank is advised by its attorney to file a financing statement. Great State Bank
doesn't understand why it should spend the extra money for this filing, since Seth has told
them that he has no other creditors. Why should Great State Bank file a financing statement?
a. There are criminal penalties for failing to file.
b. The financing statement allows Great State Bank to repossess the collateral on default
without a court order.
c. The financing statement will protect Great State's priority rights with other creditors by
giving notice to other creditors that it claims a security interest in the collateral.
d. Filing the financing statement is necessary to complete the attachment requirement in order
to create a security interest.
6. First Bank loaned $400,000 to Thomas, taking a security interest in his yacht. Thomas
defaulted on the loan and First Bank repossessed the boat. First Bank sold the yacht at a
public sale. The sale yielded $50,000 more than the debt. First Bank:
a. must pay Thomas the $50,000.
b. is entitled keep the $50,000.
c. must share the $50,000 equally with Thomas.
d. must pay the surplus to the Secretary of State.
7. Which of the following parties can defeat a perfected security interest?
a. A "buyer in ordinary course of business."
b. A buyer of consumer goods if the buyer is not aware of the security interest, gives value for
the goods, will continue to use the goods as consumer goods, and the secured party has not
filed a financing statement.
c. A buyer who purchases chattel paper or an instrument in the ordinary course of business,
and then takes possession.
d. All of the above are correct.
8. At her neighbor's garage sale, Constance buys a vanity dressing table from her neighbor,
Carlos, for $160. Constance purchased the vanity table for her own personal use, without any
knowledge that Carlos had signed a security agreement giving All Purpose Furniture, Inc. a
security interest in the vanity table. All Purpose Furniture did not file a financing statement.
Constance does not know that Carlos is still paying off the purchase money security interest
and owes All Purpose Furniture, Inc. $400. Under these circumstances:
a. Constance takes the vanity table subject to All Purpose's security interest because All
Purpose's security interest automatically perfected. A perfected security interest takes priority.
b. Constance takes the vanity table free of All Purpose's security interest because she is a
buyer of consumer goods
c. Constance takes the vanity table free of All Purpose's security interest because she is a
buyer in the ordinary course of business.
d. Constance must pay All Purpose $400 or the table must be resold, and she and All Purpose
will proportionately share the proceeds from the sale of the table.
9. Wanderlust gave a security interest in his Conestoga wagon to Iowa Bank who perfected its
security interest by filing a financing statement with the appropriate officials in Iowa. Five
months later, Wanderlust hit the trail again, moving to Montana. If Iowa Bank wants to
continue its perfected interest in the Conestoga wagon, it should:
a. file a continuation statement for another five years in Iowa before Wanderlust moves on.
b. re-perfect by filing a financing statement in the appropriate place in Montana, according to
Montana law, within four months of Wanderlust's entering Montana.
c. repossess the Conestoga wagon.
d. file a continuation statement for another four months in Iowa before Wanderlust moves on.
10. Which of the following is correct concerning termination statements?
a. A secured party must file a termination statement when consumer goods are involved and
the debtor has paid for them.
b. The termination statement clears the debtor's public record with regard to old, irrelevant
financing statements so that the same collateral can be used again to secure a future loan.
c. The secured party must file a termination statement within 20 days of a consumer debtor's
demand, provided the debtor has paid the full debt.
d. All of the above are correct concerning termination statements.
11. Morefield Custom Design sends 30 recliners by rail to Danville Furniture. To show where
the goods will be shipped and who gets them when they arrive, Morefield will obtain ____,
which can be used as collateral in a secured transaction.
a. a warehouse receipt.
b. a bill of lading.
c. chattel paper.
d. a deposit account.
12. Great State Bank took a security interest in Gresham, Inc.'s meat processing equipment.
Gresham defaulted on the loan. Which statement is correct?
a. Great State Bank may take possession of the collateral.
b. Great State Bank may ignore its rights in the collateral and sue Gresham for the money
c. Both a and b are courses of action that Great State Bank may follow.
d. Neither a nor b are courses of action that Great State Bank may follow.
13. Landscaper Lottie used her machinery, employee labor, and her expertise to landscape
Opal's new guest home. Opal fails to pay for the landscaping because she has run out of
money. Lottie files a lien against the real property. This lien is called:
a. an artisan's lien; her landscape design is a work of art.
b. a landlord's lien; Opal is planning to rent the guest house to a tenant.
c. a mechanic's lien; it was created by improving real property.
d. a purchase money security interest.
14. Which of the following is an example of a purchase money security interest in consumer
a. A doctor purchasing a computer on credit to create a Webpage to make services and
information available to her patients.
b. A doctor purchasing on credit a blood glucose monitor to check his own blood sugar levels.
c. A doctor purchasing a TV/VCR unit on credit to place in her office waiting room.
d. A doctor purchasing an exercise bike for his employees to use over the lunch hour.
15. Wedney, Inc. sold a meat processing machine to Yoro Chickens, taking a security interest
in the machine. Yoro Chickens defaulted on the loan. Wedney repossessed the machine.
Wedney would like to retain the machine to use as a model. Which of the following
statements is correct?
a. Wedney must notify the debtor that it intends to retain the machine and give Yoro 20 days
b. By taking possession, Wedney automatically foreclosed on the collateral. Wedney has valid
title and need do nothing else.
c. Since the machine is equipment, Wedney cannot retain the machine. Wedney must dispose
of the collateral in a commercially reasonable manner.
d. Wedney can retain the machine but must pay Yoro the surplus, the difference between the
fair market value of the machine and the amount of the debt.
16. Wedney, Inc. has a purchase money security interest in one of Yoro Chicken's meat
processing machines. Wedney filed a financing statement on the day the machine was
delivered, perfecting its interest. Great State Bank already had a security interest in the
machine. Which party has superior priority rights in the meat processing machine?
a. Wedney. A PMSI in collateral other than inventory takes priority over a conflicting security
interest if the PMSI is perfected at the time the debtor receives the collateral or within 20
days after he receives it.
b. Great State Bank, since it had an earlier security interest.
c. The party who is first to repossess the collateral.
d. The creditors have equal priority.
17. Florence borrows $1,500 from Fremont, leaving her gold necklace with Fremont as
collateral. Two weeks earlier, Florence had borrowed $1,000 from Corner Bank. Florence
signed a security agreement and a financing statement giving Corner Bank a security interest
in the same gold necklace. The financing statement is filed in the appropriate location. If
Florence defaults on both loans, which creditor has the superior rights to the necklace?
a. Fremont, because his loan was the first to attach.
b. Fremont, because possession takes priority over filing.
c. Corner Bank, because Fremont did not perfect his interest.
d. Corner Bank, because Fremont did not have a written security agreement.
18. Wombart Manufacturing sells a machine on credit to Cryslie Printing Co. Wombart insists
on a security interest in the machine to:
a. give itself a legal interest in the machine.
b. give itself a legal interest in all of Cryslie’s property.
c. establish a priority claim in the machine ahead of other creditors of Cryslie.
d. Both a and c.
19. Which of the following may not be used as collateral within the scope of UCC Article 9?
a. Certificates of deposit.
b. Accounts receivable.
d. A 250-acre farm.
20. On April 10, Amy agreed to buy a riding lawn mower from Mowers Plus, signing a
promissory note and security agreement giving Mowers Plus a security interest in the mower.
On April 15, Amy took delivery of the mower. On May 1, Mowers Plus filed a financing
statement. Which of the following is correct?
a. Despite the agreement, Mowers Plus could not create a security interest in the mower since
it is a consumer good.
b. Mowers Plus has attachment of a security interest in Amy's mower.
c. Mowers Plus completed the attachment of a security interest in the mower when it filed the
financing statement on May 1.
d. The security interest has not attached, but attachment is unimportant to enforceability of a
21. Byron bought a 50' yacht from Myrtle's Marina by entering into a note and security
agreement promising the yacht as collateral for the purchase money security interest. When
Byron faced some tough financial times, he failed to make three monthly payments. Myrtle's
Marina repossessed the yacht by removing the yacht engine and advertised a public auction
of the yacht. Byron appealed to his good friend Charles and managed to pay off the debt
balance and the Marina's expenses of repossessing and advertising the sale. Byron's actions
a. strict foreclosure.
c. silent bidding at the auction.
d. an artisan's lien.
22. If repossessed collateral is sold or otherwise disposed of by the creditor, the time, place,
manner, and method of disposal must be:
a. commercially reasonable.
b. scheduled with the debtor so that the debtor is able to attend.
c. court ordered.
23. A security interest in money may be perfected by:
a. filing a financing statement.
b. creating a PMSI.
c. possession only.
24. The initial term for which a financing statement will be effective is:
a. one year.
b. five years.
c. ten years.
d. two years.
25. Country Bank, located in Indiana, loaned Chmelik $5,000 and obtained a security interest
in a copyright Chmelik owns. Chmelik lives in Illinois, but works in Indiana. In order to
perfect its interest, Country Bank files a financing statement in Indiana. The financing
statement provides Chmelik’s correct name, his business address, and a reasonable
description of the copyright used as collateral. Is the financing statement sufficient?
a. Yes, it meets the UCC requirements for contents and filing.
b. No, if the debtor is an individual, the secured party must file in the state of the debtor’s
principal residence, which in this case would be Illinois.
c. No, the contents of the financing statement are incomplete.
d. Both b and c are correct.
1. Gateway sold a big-screen TV and entertainment center to Iris for $2000 on credit. Iris
signed a promissory note and gave Gateway a security interest in the TV and entertainment
center. Gateway filed a financing statement in the appropriate public office. When Iris
defaulted on her monthly payments owing a balance of $1780, Gateway's attorney made
arrangements to have the TV and entertainment center repossessed. The attorney then placed
classified ads in the local newspaper to sell the goods. The attorney's fees are $300, the repo
company charged $150, and the advertising costs are $50.
(A) If Iris chooses to redeem the property, how much must she pay to Gateway to recover the
(B) If Iris does not redeem and the TV and entertainment center are sold for $1750, how will
the money be disbursed?
Answer: (A) Up to the time that the secured party disposes of the collateral, the debtor has the
right to redeem it. This means that the debtor can regain possession of the collateral if she
pays the full balance of the note plus any expenses incurred by the secured party up to the
time of the debtor's redemption. Here, if Iris wants to redeem the TV, she will need to pay
Gateway $2280 ($1780 + $300 + $150 + $50 = $2280.) In most states, attorney's fees are
included if the note or security agreement provides for this.
(B) If Iris does not redeem and the TV and entertainment center sell for $1750, the sale
proceeds will be distributed as follows:
This leaves a deficiency balance of $530. Gateway can sue Iris to obtain a general unsecured
judgment for this deficiency balance.
2. Faith owns a copyright in a book she recently wrote. She applies for a $10,000 loan
through Cumberland Bank and wants to use the copyright as collateral. Explain if and how
the bank can perfect a security interest in such collateral.
Answer: A copyright is a part of a residual category of collateral called “general intangibles”
under Revised Article 9 of the UCC. Cumberland Bank could perfect a security interest in the
copyright if the bank chooses to accept the copyright as collateral. Although there are several
ways for a secured party to perfect a security interest, filing a financing statement is the only
way to perfect an interest in general intangibles. The financing statement must give the names
of all parties and reasonably describe the collateral. The bank must file the statement in the
state of Faith’s principal residence.
3. Explain the difference between attachment and perfection.
Answer: A security interest has to attach to the collateral before the legal relationship between
the secured party, the debtor, and the debtor's collateral is created. Attachment requires that
the secured party and the debtor make a security agreement and either the debtor has
authenticated a security agreement describing the collateral or the secured party has
possession or control of the collateral; the secured party has given value to obtain the security
agreement; and the debtor has rights in the collateral. Attachment protects against the debtor.
Perfection of a security interest protects the secured party against parties other than the
debtor. Perfection means letting the rest of the world know that the secured party claims a
security interest in the debtor's collateral promised under the attachment. The most common
way to perfect is by filing a financing statement with the appropriate state agency. A valid
security interest can be created even though the interest is never perfected.
4. Fowler Bros. has applied to Gibralter Bank for a $50,000 loan for its business expansion. If
Fowler Bros. plans to use its account at Gibralter Bank as collateral, discuss what the bank
needs to do for a security interest to attach.
Answer: Attachment is a vital step in a secured transaction. For an enforceable security
interest to be created, or to attach, three steps must occur: the parties must make a security
agreement and either the debtor has to authenticate a security agreement describing the
collateral or the secured party has to obtain possession or control of the collateral, the secured
party must give value to obtain the security agreement, and the debtor must have rights in the
collateral. Ordinarily the agreement is in writing and signed by the debtor or electronically
recorded and authenticated by the debtor. In this case, however, it will be sufficient if the
parties have an oral agreement since the bank, the secured party, has control of the deposit
account being used for collateral. The second element, value, is the money the bank loans.
The third element is that the debtor has rights in the collateral. Fowler Bros. has a legal right
to its deposit account in Gibralter Bank.
5. Aubry purchased a washing machine, a freezer, and a refrigerator from Gateway
Appliances on credit, giving Gateway a security interest in the appliances. The appliances
were for Aubry's household use. Gateway did not file a financing statement. Six months later,
Aubry had a garage sale and sold the appliances to Tam. Tam bought the appliances for her
student rental property. Aubry left town owing money on the appliances. If Gateway can trace
the appliances to Tam, can Gateway repossess the appliances? Explain in detail.
Answer: Yes. Generally with consumer goods, a buyer takes the goods free of a security
interest if he is not aware of the security interest, he pays value for the goods, he is buying for
his own family use, and the secured party has not yet filed a financing statement. Here,
however, Tam bought these items for her business venture, the rental property. She is not
buying the items for her personal use. So, even though Gateway did not file a financing
statement, it can retrieve the property if the items can be traced to Tam.
6. Ken decided to open a retail boat dealership. He expects that many of his sales will be
credit sales. What should Ken do to protect his interests in the collateral in the credit sales
that he makes?
Answer: The UCC gives special treatment to security interests in most consumer goods.
Merchants cannot file financing statements for every consumer good they sell, so the Code
provides in Section 9-309 that a purchase money security interest (PMSI) in consumer goods
perfects automatically, without filing. However, the rules for perfection differ slightly for
security interests in movable goods, such as boats. Because boats, cars, and motor vehicles
are numerous and mobile, most states have created special laws to deal with security interests
in these goods. Ken should check his state's laws, but in most states, a security interest is
noted directly on the boat's certificate of title.
Test Bank For Introduction to Business Law
Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson | <urn:uuid:726a4c56-bc4f-4a8a-a00f-6a0548e8e303> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:43:30Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.922974 | 5,419 | 5,912 |
All you need to know about the new Christmas trail Land of Lights Festival North 2023
A new festive lights trail has joined the list of popular illuminations events in the north-west of England.
The theme park Gulliver’s World Resort in Cheshire has launched its Land of Lights Festival 2023.
Read everything you need to know about it after our video tour.
Land of Lights Festival North (there is another one in Milton Keynes).
What is it?
A lantern trail through 12 themed areas.
Visitors walk through illuminations including giant animal and monument lanterns, enjoying festive food and drink.
Where is it?
It is at Gulliver’s World Resort in Warrington, Cheshire.
What did we think?
This was a lovely, long route, longer than most festive trails, past a lake, through play areas which younger children made the most of and felt really magical in places with lots and lots of illuminations.
*Our favourite bit was a mesmerising walk through an insect and bug section with blue lights cascading down from above.
The insect-themed area
*It was great seeing all the different themed areas, ranging from dinosaurs in a Jurassic section through to skeletons in a Halloween part. Illuminations included Dennis the Menace, animals and Santa.
*A naughty highlight was a ride on the log flume – naughty as we found out afterwards, this wasn’t included in our lights package (see top tips).
*Offers – there is a Land of Lights Festival voucher code if you book for a date in January or February – LIGHTS20 gives you a 20 per cent discount.
*Will you get to go on any rides at Gulliver’s World? Not with just a ticket to the lights, this is a separate event. It can be a bit confusing as some of the rides might still be open for other guests – we had two goes on the log flume, without realising that we shouldn’t! Also not included is a Christmas show that visitors were queuing for and a train ride to Santa’s grotto. It is useful to know this before you go else it can get confusing particularly towards the exit and you don’t want your children spotting other things going on and being disappointed. There are different Christmas packages that include the various options if you want to do more than just the lights. One of the festive packages this year called Twinkle includes the Christmas activities (rides, North Pole Express, Elf Workshop and Santa’s Grotto) and also allows access to Land of Lights.
Dennis the Menace
*Gulliver’s Annual Passport holders must still by tickets and don’t receive any perks as this is a stand alone event, say organisers.
*What to wear? This is all outdoors so make sure to wrap up warm and bring waterproof clothes.
*There are some dog-friendly nights (they must be kept on a lead) on November 16 and 30, December 14 and 28, January 7 and 21 and February 4 and 18.
*Can you buy tickets at the event – yes, at the higher price if they have not sold out.
*There is no strobe lighting but some lantern features do include flashing, twinkling and colour changing lights.
Land of Lights Festival Warrington information
Dates: It runs until February 25, 2024.
Food: There is festive food and drink to enjoy at The Food Hub at Safari Kingdom where you can buy churros, Yorkshire pudding wraps, German sausages and drinks.
There are other drinks stalls around the trail. And Lagado’s Restaurant and Grill (next to the entrance and exit plazas) is open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings if you prefer to sit down in the warm.
Opening hours: Depending on the night, it runs from about 4.45pm until 8pm or 9pm
Cost: Depending on the date – there are peak and off-peak dates), tickets bought in advance online are £15 or £19 for adults and children. Concessions £9 and £11.
Tickets not bought in advance are £18 or £22 for adults and children and £9 and £11 concessions.
Under-twos are free.
There is no senior rate, the concessionary rate is for those with a Blue Badge, DLA or PIP letter and their carer.
Best for: All ages.
Time needed: The trail takes around 90 minutes, depending on walking speed and how much you stop to eat, drink and look at the lights.
Access and restrictions: The route is mainly flat and firm, with some slight inclines.
There is a boardwalk which will not suit all mobility requirements but marshals will assist people on an alternative route if required.
Accessible toilets are available along the route.
Address: Gulliver’s World Resort, Old Hall, Warrington, Cheshire, WA5 9YZ.
Full guide and review of BeWILDerwood Presents Christmas – A Sparkly Light & Panto Trail
BeWILDerwood Cheshire’s first ever Christmas lights event has begun.
The woodland attraction is already an established favourite day out for lots of families since it opened last year.
And now lots are going to experience its Sparkly Light and Panto Trail by night.
We were lucky enough to get a sneak preview, here is everything you need to know.
BeWILDerwood Presents Christmas – A Sparkly Light & Panto Trail
What is it?
It is a light trail along new woodland pathways, a 10-minute pantomime, BeWILDerwood characters and a glimpse of Santa Claus himself, with a special gift for all children to take home.
A giant Christmas pudding
BeWILDerwood itself is a family attraction based on magical characters and their adventures from children’s books written by Tom Blofeld. The adventure park is all in woodland and includes treehouses, slides, den building, storytelling and zip wires – BeWILDerwood Cheshire – review, guide and top tips.
Where is it?
At BeWILDerwood Cheshire – north of Whitchurch on the A49 in south west Cheshire near the border with Shropshire.
What did we think?
This was a lovely Christmassy, magical evening out to get you in the festive mood.
It’s a lengthy walk along twinkly trails through gingerbread men, candy canes, disco lights, snowmen and more with occasional interactions with BeWILDerwood characters.
Halfway around is the mini pantomime and food stop, the second half of the walk is even better with Christmas trees, a lake and fake snow falling.
The 10-minute pantomime
As it was the launch night, we were lucky enough to talk to the BeWILDerwood author himself Tom Blofeld, who was walking the route to see everyone’s reactions.
He has written a new Christmas-themed story to add to his collection of books, which introduces new characters. There are glimpses of the story along the route.
*The staff are welcoming and friendly.
*There is hot chocolate available to buy before you begin the trail.
*There are a couple of parts in the second half where ‘snow’ falls – you will still be wearing dots of it in the car on the way home.
*Every child receives a copy of Tom Blofeld’s new Christmas story to take home as well as a craft.
*You get to see Santa at the end, you can wave at him but there is not a meet and greet or grotto situation.
*Tickets need to be booked in advance and you are given an arrival timeslot of 4pm, 4.30pm, 5pm, 5.30pm, 6pm or 6.30pm.
*The park closes at 8pm.
*This event runs when it is dark so all the play structures, zip wires, slides etc are closed. Also, parts of the trail are very dark such as around the pantomine area, you might need to use a phone light to see where you are going.
*Annual pass holders get free entry but still need to book a space by calling 01829 830 730.
Tom Blofeld’s books include A Boggle at Bewilderwood, The Bewilderbats and A Bewildermuddle.
He hopes the event will bring the magic of Christmas and the magic of BeWILDerwood together.
BeWILDerwood Presents Christmas – A Sparkly Light & Panto Trail information
Dates: It runs on selected dates from December 2 to 23.
Food: Food is available at the Munch Bar where there are warm snacks and hot drinks for sale including hot dogs, turkey baps, steak slices, cheese slices and picnic boxes for children including a ham or cheese roll and crisps.
Munch Bar menu
Opening hours: Time slots start at 4pm and the park closes at 8pm.
Cost: Tickets must be booked in advance online and cost £15.50 per person. Children under 92cm, carers and wheelchair users are free but everyone needs a ticket.
Best for: All ages.
Time needed: An hour and a half.
Access and restrictions: The trail is accessible for wheelchairs, pushchairs and mobility scooters but can be very dark, narrow, bumpy in places and may be muddy.
The woodland adventure where adults can join in the fun as well as the children
What is it?
BeWILDerwood Cheshire is a family attraction based on the adventures of magical characters from children’s books written by Tom Blofeld.
BeWILDerwood author and creator Tom Blofeld
It’s all in a wood and includes treehouses, slides, den building, storytelling and zip wires.
Where is it?
It’s north of Whitchurch on the A49 in south west Cheshire near the border with Shropshire.
What did we think?
This is a lovely day out for families.
It’s a great size and laid out nicely in a circle so it’s easier to navigate.
The best bit for me was that adults are encouraged to join in all the fun!
Racing my daughter on the zip wire
*The zip wires: There are three sets of two zip wires with staff helping people on and off them. They are longer and faster than the ones you get at play parks and exhilarating to do together.
*The slides: You grab a little bag to sit in to ride the ‘slippery slopes’.
*Parents included: the fact that children and grown-ups are all allowed on everything together is really fun.
*Toddlers: There are smaller sized versions of the equipment for really little ones to go on.
*The mazes: The mazes are all created from wood and go up and down steps and over little bridges.
*Get there early: We were there at 10am when it opened on a Sunday and got straight on everything and nowhere was crowded. After lunch, we spotted queues for the zip wires.
*Times: Make a note of the times for any events like the storytelling (every hour from 12noon) and get there early to get a seat.
*Crafts: There is a craft activity on every day so remember to leave time for this.
My daugher wears her creation
*Clothes and shoes: Wear comfortable clothes and shoes such as trainers. If the weather is wet, you may need a change of clothes.
*Other BeWILDerwood sites: This is the second Bewilderwood, the first is in Norfolk.
*How to pronounce BeWILDerwood: the WILD is not pronounced wild but willed – I asked as I like to know these things.
Food: You can buy food and drink from two places – the Munch Bar and Cosy Cabin.
There are lots of places to eat a picnic.
Opening hours: 10am to 5pm, last entry at 4pm.
Cost: Prices are based on height and everything is included in the cost. Under 92cm are free, 92cm to 105cm are £17.50, those over 105cm are £19.50. Adults 65 and over are £12.50. Wheelchair users are free. Parking is free.
Best for: Children aged 2 – 12 but adults will enjoy it too.
Time needed: We stayed for four hours but you could stay longer.
Access and restrictions: There’s a path around the site which slopes in places. There is no access on the equipment for wheelchairs or pushchairs/buggies/prams but they can be taken in to the park.
Read our review of all the best bits of the fabulous Tatton Park in Cheshire plus the costs for National Trust members
What is it?
Tatton Park is one of England’s largest historic estates – it has a stately home, 50 acres of landscaped gardens, 1,000 acres of parkland with deer and meres. There is also a working farm and large playground.
Where is it?
Tatton Park is near Knutsford in Cheshire a few miles from junction 19 of the M6 motorway.
What do we think?
There are so many options for children on a day out here, truly something for everyone. You can explore the parkland for just £6 a day for a family – or pay extra for the other attractions.
The park is vast with plenty of different areas to explore.
There are two large meres where sailing takes place, woodland walks with deer to spot and places to picnic.
The wide paths through the park for cars are also popular with cyclists and supervised children on bikes and scooters.
You can park at different points inside (it is £6 per car, there is no National Trust discount for parking).
The gardens cost extra (free for National Trust members) but can be a quieter, different and beautiful area to enjoy on busy days.
They begin with fruit and vegetable patches before expanding off a central path to some fabulous areas.
Our particular favourites are around the Japanese Gardens (you can only venture inside on a guided tour) and the bridges over the pools. There is quite a tricky maze, regular family trails to follow, a fun scarecrow hunt in February, Easter Egg hunts at Easter time and other activities all year round.
Note – you are not allowed picnics, bikes or scooters in the gardens.
The peaceful Japanese Garden at Tatton Park
A five-minute walk from the main car park is Tatton Park farm. Entry is £7 for adults, £5 for children (half price for NT members). It is a traditional 1930’s working farm with pigs, horses, donkey and chickens.
There are old tractors to sit on and Aunt Mary’s 1940’s cottage. In one barn you can ride on toy cars and tractors.
Next to the farm is a good adventure playground, picnic area and woodland trails.
Pigs are just one of the animals at Tatton’s working farm
Home to the Egerton family, the house contains a huge library and other artefacts.
The main interest for children is exploring the large servants’ kitchen and living quarters, which are nicely done. The mansion is used for events at Easter and Christmas geared to children.
There is a huge playground next to the main car park which is always very busy.
There is often a small train to take children from the playground to the farm (at a cost). Burger and ice cream vans are on site too.
In the main stables courtyard near the garden’s entrance there is often a couple of carousels (£2.50 a go). There are also two restaurants – a large self-service area and the smaller Gardeners’ Cottage.
Unlike most National Trust sites, National Trust members still have to pay to park at Tatton Park, which costs £6, unless you park in Knutsford and walk in, but it is quite a walk to the main part.
However, entry to the house and gardens is free to National Trust members and entry to the farm is half price.
Tatton Park is geared towards children – you can have fun here without entering any of the paid attractions but if you do choose – the farm and gardens are the best value.
Our top tips
*Enter Tatton Park from the smaller, less-used Knutsford entrance and you can drive through the park to get a feel for it and park next to Melchett Mere for a good picnic spot.
Tatton Park information
Food: Picnics are welcome, except in the gardens. There are two cafes/restaurants in the courtyard, near the garden’s entrance – a large self service area called the Stables Restaurant, perfect for children and the smaller and more formal Gardeners’ Cottage. There is also a shop selling ice creams.
Opening hours: It varies depending on the time of year and the farm is open at more limited times, check here for details.
Cost: Car parking costs £7 (even to National Trust members). A Totally Tatton family ticket to all attractions is £33. Adult ticket £7 per attraction, child (aged four to 15) £5. National Trust members – free entry to gardens and mansion, half-price entry to farm.
Best for: ages three to 10.
Time needed: Doing every attraction is a full day out. Visiting the park for a walk or bike ride can be done in 90 minutes.
Access and restrictions: All Tatton’s shops and the Stables Restaurant are fully accessible to wheelchair users. Electric buggies (gardens only) and manual wheelchairs are available for loan but can not be used to move between attractions and in the park. Book a wheelchair loan on 01625 374400.
Address: Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire, WA16 6QN.
Have you been to Tatton Park? Do you like it as much as we do? Let us know in the comments.
(Pictures in this article are courtesy of National Trust Images and Tatton Park). | <urn:uuid:a1b58ad7-eb78-496b-9c47-e6b9ffd5236f> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:47:38Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.946504 | 3,941 | 4,339 |
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The Association for Progressive Communications (APC) values the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) as a convening space to substantively engage in and contribute to internet policy discussions with a broad range of stakeholders, not only during the global session, but throughout the intersessional work.
Below we provide some basic information about the 2022 global session, as well as highlighting this year’s strategic priorities for APC.
The 17th edition of the global IGF, under the overarching theme Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future, was confirmed as a hybrid event, to be held online and in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 28 November to 2 December 2022.
Connecting All People and Safeguarding Human Rights
Avoiding Internet Fragmentation
Governing Data and Protecting Privacy
Enabling Safety, Security and Accountability
Addressing Advanced Technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI).
1.2 Hybrid modality
IGF sessions may have speakers/moderators/rapporteurs participating entirely online or in a mixed setting. Regardless, each session will be allocated a physical room at the venue with a screen projecting the Zoom room. The sessions will follow the local time in Addis Ababa.
The previous IGF had an extended preparatory phase before the in-person meeting in Katowice, Poland. APC had welcomed that initiative as evidence of the efforts to include diverse stakeholders from different time zones in the IGF sessions, accounting for those who were unable to join the sessions in Poland and are based in time zones where Polish time may have been challenging. Although this was not possible during 2022, we recommend similar efforts to be reconsidered for 2023.
1.3 Types of sessions and spaces
The programme of the IGF is organised in main sessions, workshops, open forums, town halls, networking sessions, lightning talks, launches/awards, Dynamic Coalition (DC) sessions, and National, Regional and Youth Initiative (NRI) sessions. There will also be High-Level, Parliamentary and Youth tracks. In total, more than 255 sessions are scheduled. The full agenda can be found here.
APC staff and members will be engaged in a number of these sessions. Check the APC agenda for the 2022 IGF here.
During the IGF, interested stakeholders can display or distribute relevant information about their internet governance-related activities at the IGF Village, which consists of physical and virtual display booths, located in the meeting's exhibition area and online. APC will be hosting a booth on-site as it does every year.
2. Human rights situation in Ethiopia
During the Forum on Internet Freedom in Africa (FIFAfrica) 2022, the Collaboration on International ICT Policy in East and Southern Africa (CIPESA) and APC collaborated to provide an opportunity for the internet governance community to learn about and discuss the human rights and media freedom situation in Ethiopia. The purpose of the session was to enable interaction between civil society organisations who plan to participate in the IGF with the IGF Secretariat and the Ethiopian IGF Committee. It also aimed to facilitate interaction between civil society, digital rights activists and members of the technical community in Africa and globally with civil society and academics working in Ethiopia. The session was also an opportunity for people wishing to participate in this year’s IGF to ask questions related to safety and other concerns in the context of the recent conflict in the northern parts of the country.
During the session, the head of the IGF Secretariat outlined the principles that have governed the planning of the IGF meeting. The country representative was asked how the planning committee was constituted, about his work as a committee member, and to give a more detailed overview of the role of the Ethiopian government in the IGF – particularly the Ministry of Innovation and Technology. A speaker from Addis Ababa University representing the academic sector was tasked with providing a short historical overview of recent history in Ethiopia and how this led to the current political context in the country. Following that presentation, a human rights and media professional from Ethiopia gave an overview of the foremost human rights challenges that are being faced by Ethiopians. She contended that Ethiopians are living through a period of grave and escalated human rights violations. She indicated that although the conflict in Tigray has been widely reported, there are also other areas of conflict that have not gotten as much media attention – in particular in Welega, Oromia and the southern part of the country. She noted that Amnesty International and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have called out all parties involved in these conflicts for human rights violations, including war crimes and crimes against humanity. She indicated that egregious human rights violations have affected the most vulnerable communities and minority groups. The manager at Access Now’s #KeepItOn campaign then explained that, according to Access Now’s shutdown tracker optimisation database, Ethiopia is a major perpetrator of internet shutdowns in sub-Saharan Africa, logging at least 22 incidents of internet shutdowns between 2015 and 2021. Over the last two years, the people of Tigray have been denied access to the internet and the impacts of lack of connectivity are notorious.
In view of the information shared, a debate took place around questions such as: Should the IGF be hosted in Ethiopia? Is the IGF really a space for dissenting voices? Will human rights defenders be given a platform to speak out about national agendas at the IGF? Will the Code of Conduct affect their ability to do so? Are there safety and security concerns for participants attending the IGF?
The event was closed with a call for collaborative action. A local human rights activist extended an open invitation to civil society organisations to come together and share their experiences, and to coordinate with local Ethiopian civil society organisations on their shared struggles. The moderator expressed the hope that participants will join the IGF in Ethiopia and continue these discussions in that context, finding a way to raise concerns around the failure of states and others to uphold human rights, while also making use of the IGF as an open and inclusive multistakeholder platform for dialogue and debate on internet-related matters.
A full account of the discussions can be found here.
As the evolution of the IGF has proven, an important part of the value of the IGF lies in its potential to encourage critical debate and conversation, to share information about the situation in a particular country and discuss possibilities to respond to the diverse ways in which people, groups and communities are impacted by different factors in their own contexts.
APC is interested in contributing to identify ways to adapt the IGF Code of Conduct to specifically accommodate contexts where critical voices should be heard.
3. APC’s thematic priorities at the IGF 2022
3.1 Imagining the future of global internet governance and digital cooperation
The internet is run by a myriad of bodies, institutions and entities located in different parts of the world. Its decentralisation has long been praised as the reason behind the innovation, creativity and openness that characterised its early expansion. Today, however, the internet has become a much more controlled, privatised and weaponised space.
In this current context, the manner in which the internet is governed has become an even more relevant and urgent question. The answers, however, are still few and lacking in their commitment to a people-centred model that could ensure rights and freedoms, innovation and openness. Particularly disregarded concerns refer to the intersections between internet governance and environmental sustainability and gender justice.
In 2021, APC and its partners carried out a series of multistakeholder regional dialogues in Asia, Africa and Latin America aimed at discussing what internet governance should look like in 2025. Those inputs were used as the basis for a session at the global IGF 2021 which, through a methodology for thinking through future scenarios, took stock of the IGF process and looked at alternative principles, modalities/structures/dynamics for the future, for a people-centred, bottom-up and impactful internet governance, truly meaningful multistakeholderism, and better coordination of internet-related international policy processes.
In 2022, APC will co-organise a follow-up session with ALAI, APNIC, Derechos Digitales, Dot.Asia, KICNTANet and Pollicy, which will provide continuity to the process and provide regional perspectives in relation to the future of the internet as a contribution to the Global Digital Compact initiative, with a particular focus on two issues: internet governance that promotes environmental justice, and internet governance that promotes gender justice and feminist futures.
As part of the efforts to imagine the future of internet governance, APC will also co-organise with its member Intervozes a session to discuss the regulation of internet platforms, bringing to the table the perspectives and experiences from the global South.
3.2 Changes to digital rights priorities and strategies post COVID-19
This year we celebrate 15 years of Global Information Society Watch (GISWatch). A recent series of reflections published by APC explore the origins of this powerful project while looking toward the future.
During the 2022 IGF, a new edition of this landmark publication will be launched. The research prepared for this edition presents global South voices from around the world addressing how the pandemic has challenged digital rights priorities and strategies, and affected the ways in which civil society organisations do their advocacy work.
The research findings indicate that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, progress towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals has been set back by years. The trends noted are alarming: a weakening of collective civil society agendas in key areas such as privacy, freedom of expression, digital rights and harms, migration and intellectual property, among others, are likely to be exacerbated by a deepening of the digital and social divides. The surge in internet demand is unlikely to abate, and the trend of more people being online more often is likely to continue. While a lack of internet access for marginalised communities has impacted negatively on their ability to access their rights (such as to education and work), small internet service providers have been thrown into crisis situations due to the unprecedented demand on their services. For those who are working on eradicating online gender-based violence, the terrain has shifted, with new ways in which online gender-based violence is expressed in the context of accelerated digitalisation. The pressure of the pandemic will be felt for a new collective model of civil society engagement, but a new way of engaging will have to be created for this to coalesce. The contributors to this edition have proposed action steps for how to address these challenges and better understand the longer-term impact of the pandemic on internet rights and related advocacy priorities. These include the reinvigoration of grassroots participation in multistakeholder policy processes. APC sees the IGF as a valuable platform for the visibilisation of voices, realities and responses.
3.3 Freedom of expression and gender justice
APC has been carrying out a series of activities aimed at exploring the key issues that arise from the application of an intersectional gender justice lens to the interpretation and enforcement of freedom of expression.
Among such issues, a key concern has been the intersections between freedom of expression and online gender-based violence (OGBV). Through a series of workshops and consultations in different parts of the world, APC is working to identify how advances in technology have led to new manifestations of OGBV that directly compromise women and gender diverse individuals’ freedom of expression and information. In particular, APC has been collecting information on the drivers, vectors and actors engaged in gendered disinformation and debated the spread of misogynistic speech that could be considered hate speech in view of its gravity and impact. In its policy work, APC seeks to ensure that lack of conceptual clarity and legal recognition does not lead to the invisibilisation of freedom of expression violations disproportionately faced by women, as well as to ensure that clearer categorisations lead to more targeted and improved responses.
As part of this process and on the sidelines of the IGF, APC will organise, in partnership with the UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression and opinion, a regional consultation to discuss freedom of expression and online gender-based violence in Africa, mapping cases and responses. During the IGF, we will co-organise with UNESCO a session dedicated to debating online gender-based violence against journalists and the responsibility of internet platforms.
APC staff have also been supporting the work of the Best Practice Forum (BPF) on Gender and Digital Rights. This BPF has been researching how the extensive use of regulations on digital-related issues may have adverse impacts on women’s rights, in particular their right to freedom of expression, assembly and association, and religion. The BPF has produced a report that will be shared and discussed with the IGF community during a dedicated session. We welcome and value the work underway by the BPF Gender in this regard.
3.4 Digital inclusion and access
A growing number of voices are recognising the need for innovative complementary access networks and solution models to connect the unconnected and for communities to exercise self-determination in relation to how they connect themselves to the digital realm. During the IGF, APC and Rhizomatica will seek to create a space for the sharing of experiences and reflections on integral capacity-building processes for the creation and management of local solutions for meaningful access in the global South.
A panel will be organised to serve as a further mechanism in consolidating a network of stakeholders that make up an international network of organisations, entities and individuals to promote strategies for meaningful access to telecommunication services through the design and implementation of community training programmes. In particular, the organisations that have been engaged since 2020 in the organisation of the first National Schools of Community Networks in Brazil, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa and Indonesia will participate.
Training people in disconnected communities allows connectivity and access projects to be meaningful and sustainable over time because they are managed by people who know firsthand the needs, dreams and characteristics of the communities where last-mile communication networks are developed. These kinds of training processes also require different learning models that respond to the ways of knowing and learning of each of the territories where they are developed.
APC will also co-organise a workshop entitled “Financing mechanisms for locally owned internet networks”, which is a continuation of the efforts undertaken collectively by Connect Humanity, the Internet Society and APC to analyse the operating models and financing mechanisms that can support the success of these community connectivity providers. These efforts have been consolidated in a report created by Connectivity Capital, which is designed to help those who build and fund broadband infrastructure to identify and support sustainable solutions that can expand connectivity and accelerate digital equity. The report is available here.
APC works towards affordable and meaningful access to the internet for all people and all the time, irrespective of class, identity, gender or disability, or where they live. The IGF remains a dynamic platform for convening, exchanging knowledge and strategising around this critical issue.
For that reason, APC has also been supporting the Policy Network on Meaningful Access (PNMA). Policy Networks are a type of IGF intersessional activity created to establish an expert-led framework network on broad internet governance topics that create spaces for in-depth multistakeholder efforts. The PNMA’s objective is to assess and gather good practices and policy recommendations already discussed at the IGF, identify what the key barriers are to these not being implemented, and facilitate networking among actors from all stakeholder groups that are concerned with the topic. The PNMA officially started its activities in June 2021, aiming to formulate impact-driven, concrete, actionable policy recommendations on how to achieve meaningful and universal internet access aligned with the Secretary-General's Roadmap for Digital Cooperation and the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2022, the PNMA focused its work on three overarching thematic workstreams: connectivity (infrastructure and business models), digital inclusion through a citizen-centred approach (accessibility and multilingualism: local services and contents in local languages based on local needs and resources), and capacity development (technical skills training), with attention to the highlighted goals and proposed outcomes. With the aim to document good practices and case studies of experiences that can inform concrete actions and interventions to advance universal meaningful access, a call for inputs was published for ample participation of the IGF community and any interested stakeholder. Selected contributions have been included in an output report that will be made available during the IGF.
3.5 Where environmental concerns intersect with internet governance
Environmental justice and sustainability continue to be a priority issue for APC’s engagement in the IGF. In 2021 the IGF hosted a Policy Network on the Environment (PNE), framed by the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. A multistakeholder working group was formed in early 2021 and worked on a report. APC staff and members have contributed to the work of the PNE, including in the drafting of the report, which focused on three issue areas: (1) environmental data, (2) food and water systems, and (3) supply chain transparency and circularity, and also included chapters on overarching issues, opportunities and risks.
The report included common themes across the various chapters, including digital inclusion and meaningful access, transparency, trust, and public participation in decision making. It also highlighted that digital technologies pose risks to the environment through the extraction and use of natural resources, and made policy recommendations to help identify and address violations of environmental and human rights.
The PNE report demonstrated that there are myriad links between environmental sustainability and internet governance. We want to build on that work and expand upon it, bring in other relevant stakeholders, and ensure that the work we have done to connect the IGF to the wider sustainable development agenda can continue.
Although the PNE was discontinued, a Dynamic Coalition on Environment (DCE) was created. During the 2022 IGF, the DCE will hold its first meeting, which will primarily focus on following up from the 2021 PNE results. The session itself will be the culmination of the work done to bring together different groups who are working on this topic within the IGF. The goal of this session is to officially kick off the DCE’s activities, while creating a multistakeholder hub to bring together stakeholders interested in the topic and address cross-cutting issues in the context of the environment, sustainability and internet governance (e.g. environmental data).
3.6 Strengthening of the IGF and preparations for WSIS+20
Internet governance processes should be accessible, democratic, transparent, accountable and inclusive. The proliferation of these processes in the last 20 years has, however, led to disarticulation and decentralisation that create, at the same time, gaps and overlaps in roles and mandates. Recent efforts have aimed at addressing these challenges. Among them, the so-called “digital cooperation process”, led by the UN Secretary-General, has been especially significant in view of its potential to mobilise political will, resources and bureaucratic machinery. Two key developments in this regard during 2021-2022 have been the appointment of the UN Envoy on Technology and the nomination of the IGF Leadership Panel.
We view the IGF Leadership Panel as one of the many efforts started 10 years ago towards consolidating the IGF as a platform for identifying viable ways to shape, sustain and strengthen global digital cooperation. APC believes that the IGF Leadership Panel needs to contribute to strengthening and raising the profile of the IGF within the UN system, and must work hand in hand with the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG), to complement its efforts. The IGF Leadership Panel should build on the lessons learned from years of MAG operations.
During discussions to be held at the 2022 IGF, APC will seek to promote full engagement with these new governance structures and will advocate for their efforts in securing coordination and complementarity in global digital cooperation and governance, in particular in the run-up to the 20th anniversary of the World Summit-on the Information Society (WSIS+20).
We believe that the IGF, as a vital piece of the internet governance ecosystem and a platform conducive to improving coordination and cooperation in global internet governance and global digital cooperation, has to be strengthened, building on its achievements. In order to ensure that the IGF continues to play such a role, APC believes it is important to promote strategic discussions concerning its future and the future of global internet governance more broadly, so that these processes can lead to an internet governance that contributes to social, gender and environmental justice and human rights.
4. APC's activities at the IGF
A full list of events that APC and its members are organising and participating in during IGF 2022 is available here.
5. Follow APC online at IGF 2022
Twitter: @APC_News and @GenderITorg
This document is also available in Japanese (courtesy of our member JCA-NET) here. | <urn:uuid:2ea9038b-1ac5-401d-8ddd-2b16bffe4c5c> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T15:27:09Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.944433 | 4,323 | 5,058 |
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1869.
This free content was digitised by double rekeying. All rights reserved.
'Extracts from the Records: 1511', in Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Edinburgh, 1403-1528, (Edinburgh, 1869) pp. 130-135. British History Online [accessed 25 April 2024]
27 February 1510–11.
Pro villa et Collegio.
xxvii die mensis Februarii, hora quasi xii diei, anno Domini jm vc decimo, indictione xiiii, pontificatus Julij Pape secundi anno viii°. Magister Gawinus Dowglas prepositus ecclesie collegiate diui Egidii de Edinburgh officialis et omnes prebendarii eiusdem respectu huius diei defectus in celebratione cum honore solito misse sanctissimi cruoris Domini nostri Jesu Christi de cetero firmiter promiserunt eandem omni die quarta feria honorabile facere et decantare sub penis omni die feriali pro personali pena ii d. et die festiuo iiiid.; et si contingat in toto deficere soluent prebendarii vnam marcam ad commune bonum confraternitatis Sancti Cruoris et quod in illa die non habeatur synodum priuilegiando quemquam a dicto seruicio; et protestatus est dominus officialis nomine ceterorum prebendariorum quod si contingat computo facto super accumulandis denariorum huiusmodi confraternitatis ad magnam quantitatem in summe quod ipsi aliquantulum habeant in suo refrigerio primo huiusmodi seruicio fiende: Acta erant hec in capitulo capitulariter congregati hora quasi supra Dominus Alexander Lauder prepositus ville de Blith miles petiit instrumentum. Testibus Wilemo Hoppar, Adam Carkettil, Patricio Broun [blank] Elleis.
[On the twenty-seventh day of the month of February, about the twelfth hour of the day, in the year of our Lord 1510, the thirteenth indiction, the eighth year of the pontifcate of Pope Paul the Second. Master Gavin Dowglas, provost of the Collegiate Church of St Giles of Edinburgh, the official, and all the prebendaries thereof, in respect of the failure today in the celebration with accustomed honour of the mass of the most holy blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, firmly promised in future to celebrate and sing the same on every Wednesday, under the penalities for every week day for each person twopence, and for a festival fourpence; and if all should fail, the prebendaries should pay one merk to the common good of the confraternity of the Holy Blood, and they should not have the privilege of synod in any day to excuse from the said service. And the official, in name of the other prebendaries, protested that if it shall happen, upon taking account of the money which may be accumulated of the said confraternity, it amounts to a large sum, that they shall have a little of it for their own refreshment, the service being first done in this manner. (fn. 1) These things were done in the chapter chapterly convened about the foresaid hour. Sir Alexander Lauder, of Blith, Knight, Provost of the town, asked an instrument. Witnesses, William Hoppar, Adam Carketill, Patrick Brown, (blank) Elleis.]
24 April 1511.
Vicini tenentis in communi mora.
xxiiiito die mensis Aprilis, etc. prescripti, hora vi post merediem. In mei notarii publici et testium subscriptorum presencia personaliter accessit honorabilis vir, Willelmus Hoppar vnus balliuorum burgi de Edinburgh ad communem moram eiusdem et ibidem virtute officii sui de speciali facultate et licencia supremi domini nostri regis ad infrascripta precipue exhibitis et concessis preposito et balliuis huiusmodi burgi statum possessionem corporalem et sasinam hereditariam vnius pecie terre vaste continentis viz secus lacum burgalem eiusdem burgi dimedietatem vnius acre terre pro edificiis desuper' edificandis inter terram [blank] ex parte orientali et terram [blank] ex occidentali ab vna partibus et alia; etiam vnius particule terre arabilis eidem pecie terre annexe jacentis versus austrum continentis duas acras et dimediam vnius acre terre arabilis jacentis cum maiori large mensure quod illa particula in parte sterilis est et non adeo fertilis et fructuosa sicut cetere sunt terre circa adiacentes. Quia vnaquaque tenandria in huiusmodi mora debet continere in toto tres acras tantum terre edificantis et arabilis nisi dicta foret racionabilis causa sterilitantis et infructuosis secundum tenorem carte sub sigillo communi huiusmodi burgi desuper conficiende.
Similiter actum est nobili viro domino Alexandro Lauder de Blithe militi preposito Edinburgi.
Etiam Ade Carkettel.
Item magistro Waltero Layng.
Item Waltero Yong, etiam balliuus dicti burgi.
Item Johanni Adamson.
Item Johanni Watson.
Item Walterus Yong balliuus similiter dedit sasinam Willelmo Hoppar de sua parte.
Item Willelmus Hoppar balliuus dedit sasinam Willelmo Rynd.
Item Georgeo Towris.
Item Patricio Rechartson.
Item Ricardo Scot.
Item Johanni Rowat.
Item Waltero Thomson.
Item Willelmo Forsyth.
Item Thome Hathway.
Item Johanni Levington.
Testibus, domino Georgeo Lauder de Halton militi, domino Adam Spens, domino Johanne Jakson, notariis, magistro Clemente Fernle, Vincentio Strathauchin, Willelmo Paterson, Andrea Gram, Andrea Rowat, et Thoma Arnot, seriando.
[On the twenty-fourth day of April, etc., at six o'clock afternoon, In presence of me notary-public and the witnesses subscribing, an honourable man William Hoppar, one of the bailies of the Burgh of Edinburgh passed to the common muir of the same, and there, by virtue of his office and of the special faculty and licence of our supreme Lord the King to the underwritten precept, exhibited and granted to the Provost and Bailies of the Burgh, gave corporal state and possession and heritable sasine of a piece of waste land containing as follows: —Towards the Burgh Loch of the said burgh the half of an acre of land for houses and buildings to be erected thereon, between the lands of [blank]on the east, and the lands of [blank] on the west. Also of one piece of arable land annexed thereto, lying towards the south, containing two acres and the half of an acre arable land, lying with the larger measure, because that piece is in part barren, and not so fertile and fruitful as the other lands lying thereabout. For every tenandry in the said muir should contain in whole three acres of land only to be built and cultivated, unless there be a reasonable cause of barrenness and unfruitfulness, according to the tenor of the charter to be made thereupon, under the common seal of the Burgh.
The like was done to a noble man Sir Alexander Lauder of Blyth, provost of Edinburgh; also to Adam Carkettel; also to Mr Walter Layng; also to Walter Young, bailie of the said Burgh; also to John Adamson; also to John Watson. Also Walter Young bailie in like manner gave sasine to William Hoppar of his part. Also William Hoppar gave seisin to William Rynd; also to George Towris; also to Patrick Rechartson; also to Richard Scott; also to John Rowat; also to Walter Thomson; also to William Forsyth; also to Thomas Hathway; also to John Levington. Witnesses Sir George Lauder of Halton knight, Sir Adam Spens, Sir John Jakson, notaries, Maister Clement Fernle, Vincent Strathauchin, William Paterson, Andrew Gram, Andrew Rowat and Thomas Arnot, seriands.] (fn. 2)
3 May 1511.
(The constable court halden before the provost and baillies of Edinburgh.)—Tr.
6 May 1511.
The mesour of wechtis.
The prouest baillies and counsale ordanis and deliueris, anent the complaynt maid be Richert Patersoun and the laif of the fermorairis of the petie customes of the toun schewand thai ar greitlie hurt be the nychtbouris at the ovir trone of woll butter cheis and siclyk stuf, that quhair be the ordinance of the said bailies and counsale laitlie before this thair commoun wechtis wer mynnist, becaus thay war to lairge agane the law, and thairthroch the said customes ar mynnist be the said nychtbouris that haldis the lairge wechts, yit still and sua the strangeris passis to thame and abusis the commoun wechtis, that in remeid thairof according to the commoun law that all stane wechtis sould be equale, they haue ordanit that all the saidis nychtbouris and vtheris within this toune haue thair stane wecht weyand xvj lib, and enerye pund to wey xvj vnce, half stane, quartar stane, and pund efferand thairto, and that thay vse nane vther vnder the pane of escheting of the wechtis and banessing of the toun quhair the contrair heirof may be vnderstand and apprehendit, and that the said nychtbouris vse their awin wechtis bot to serue thame selffis within thair awin houssis.
(Item, it is to be remembrit that in thir yeris aboue written the watter baillie wes yeirlie chosen at Mychaelmas with the vther baillies.—Tr.)
19 June 1511.
The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsale of Edinburgh, thir persouns pyoneris vnderwritten, viz. Johne Allane, Johne Wilsoun, Jame Gilmor, Wil Eldare, Jame Robesoun, Jhone Masoun, Jhone Huntare, and Jhone of Dalmahoy wer admittit to labour and serue the merchants at thair port and heavin of Leyth, first to serue the Kings Hienes in his lawbouris that happins, and nixt his Grace, be ordour, the provest baillies counsale and communitie of the said burgh, and thairafter the strayngeris as accordis vpoun resoun, ilk ane in thair awin grie, and heirfore the saidis pyoneris ar sworn the holy evangellis twicheit hes gevin thair bodely aythis and to be leill and trew to the towne and merchants thairof anentt thair customes and dewteis to be had, and nocht to be dissauet thairintill in als far as thai may be diligence, and to keip the schore clene of all middings fuilzie and al sic stufe. (In the convict buik begynand Julij 1505.—Tr.)
Pest. Pettie custome of cord and canves.
The quhilk day, it is ordanit be the provest baillies and counsale anent the voydour callit cord and canves to be tayne be the petit custumeris within this burgh of pakkis of lint resortand thairto in tyme to cum and brocht to the samyn be vnfreemen and strayngeris that in favour of thame till eschew trubill that thai sall pay for ilk last of lint contendand ane hundreth and four staynis for the cord and canves thairof iii s. iiij d., and of the paks efferand to the raitt thairof and quantitie, to the petite customeris of this towne, or ellis to deliuer the cords and canves thairof as voidouris and all quhat sumeuir thai happin to be evill and guid beand in ony a merchands handis at the strayngeris will other the said money or the voider of the said paks, and the said money to be ferit and modefeit after the quantitie of the last efferand thairto.
10 August 1511.
The quhilk day, in presens of the baillies and counsall sittand in jugement, James Hvme, kirkmaister of the scherer and walker craft producit certane statutis concernand thair craft vnder the commoun seill of cause of the toun, the quhilk maid mentioun that gif onye persoun of the said craft beis fundin wirkand with cairdis notit or previt vpoun him he sall pay for ilk tyme he beis ouretane or tayntit thairwith xv s. to be distributit v s. to Sanct Gelys wark, v s. to the reparatioun of the alter, and the vther v s. to be gevin to the finder.
28 August 1511.
Villa, Buth Raw, Mauchane.
The quhilk day in presens of the provest baillies and counsale Alexander Mauchane consentit forsamekle as the toun wes auisit to tak doun his land in the Buthraw that he is now bigand ane vther tua landis nixt on the west syde vpoun compitent prices, for the honour and commoun weill of the kirk and bigging thairof, thai payand to him thairfor siclike as for the said vther tua landis mark and mark like, nochtwithstanding the expenssis that he makis vpoun his said biging in the mene tyme.
30 September 1511.
Forsamekle as Johnne Muncur [and] Johnne Mortoun wes delatit for the crewell slauchter of Jhonne Liddell, thairfor thai wer chairgit in oure Souerane Lordis name the prouest and baillies of this burgh at the mercat croce of the samyn that thai compeir vpoun Wednisday next tocum to vnderly the law for the airt and pairt of the said slauchter, with intimatioun that and thay compeir nocht thay will denunce thame and put thame to the horne as the Kingis rebellis and fugitiue fra the lawis.
The foresaid personis denuncit.
Forsamekle as Jhonne Mortoun, Jhonne Mortoun his sone, and William Mortoun, wer chargit be oppin proclamatioun at the mercat croce of this burgh to haue comperit on Wednisday last bypast to haue vnderlyin the law for airt and pairt of the slauchter of Jhonne Liddell, with intimatioun that and thay comperit nocht the said day thay wald denunce thame the Kingis rebellis efter the tenour of the first proclamatioun and comperit nocht, thairfor thay wer denuncit the Kingis rebellis and putt thame to his horne as fugitiue fra his lawis, and all thair movable guddis to be the Kingis escheit.
8 October 1511.
The prouest ballies and counsale hes statute and ordanit that alwayis ane seriand or tua sall await and depend vpoun ane of the baillies for the executioun of the statutis of the toun in the fische merket and vther places neidfull, quhen and as the cause occurris, sua that the baillies be nocht destitute in tyme of neid, vnder the pane to the seriand be quhome the falt standis of dipriuatioun at the will of the prouest baillies and counsale and consideratioun as thay think convenient. | <urn:uuid:ac8a2dc7-012e-44df-9ca9-774d5353c0ac> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:57:52Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.736679 | 4,015 | 4,138 |
This paper is about diagnosis and classification of bearing faults using Neural Networks (NN), employing nondestructive tests. Vibration signals are acquired by a bearing test machine. The acquired signals are preprocessed using discrete wavelet analysis. Standard deviation of discrete wavelet coefficient is chosen as the distinguishing feature of the faults. This feature vector is given to the design network as inputs. The input vector is normalized prior to be applied to neural network. There are four output neurons each of which corresponds to: 1) bearing with inner race fault, 2) bearing with outer race fault, 3) bearing with ball defect, and 4) normal bearing. The structure of NN is 6:20:4 and with 99 % performance.
Automatic fault diagnosis techniques have been developed to prevent human and financial losses and increase productivity and production rate . Rolling element bearings are one of the most important and most used parts in rotating machineries and are the focus of nondestructive test for fault diagnosis. Rolling element bearings faults can be due to different factors such as: wrong design or wrong mount, improper lubrication, plastic deformation etc. The most common fault is due to material fatigue after some definitive work period. This phenomena starts with developing small cracks on the surface of bearing elements. Due to fluctuating loads, these cracks grow to the surface and cause the piercing or fracture of the surface. In this research crack fault in inner race, outer race, and balls are considered.
There are many techniques which can be used for bearing fault diagnosis. The need for automation, optimization, and cost reduction were the motivation for using artificial inteligence in this regards. Fuzzy logic , Genetic Algorithm and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) are among soft computing techniques which are used in fault diagnosing. ANN is a concept which is developed and inspired from biological and neural system of human. NN has attained a crucial role in technical and engineering applications as a nonlinear dynamical system for problem solving . Like human brain NN needs training for problem-solving. Since learning needs a high amount of data, selection of feature vector is a key parameter in designing an efficient NN. Feature vector as the input to the network, represents the most important aspect of the problem for identification and classification of different patterns. One of the best inputs to the network is vibration signals, which is used widely in fault diagnosis of rotating machineries. Vibration signals are usually contaminated with noise. One of the techniques to denoise these signals is application of wavelet analysis. In the early 1990s Ledoc used wavelet analysis .
Wang and Mcfaden used wavelet for gearbox vibration analysis and found out that wavelet analysis is suitable to detect faults in its earliest stages of its development .
Mamo and Dias used both wavelet and Fourier transforms for feature extractions for fault detection of a power system. They found out that wavelet analysis outperforms Fourier analysis .
Tse and Peng used wavelet and envelope analysis for roller bearings and showed that they are better in terms of time of computations . The published papers in this field show high efficiency for fault detection and show its superiority over other techniques. In 2003 a research has been carried out by Samantha and his colleagues. In this research a comparison between neural network and Support Vector Machine (SVM) had been done and was shown that both NN and SVM has 100 % efficiency in the feature extraction from vibration signals of a faulty gearbox .
In 2008 Rao et al. used neural network to find faults in a centrifugal pump. Two kinds of NN, one feedforward with back propagation algorithm and one with Adaptive Resonance Algorithm (ARA) were used. This research showed that adaptive resonance algorithm were more efficient than the other one .
In 2009 a research has been done by N. Saravan et al. In their work preprocessing of a signal by packet wavelet transform and processing with SVM and NN had been carried out. Characteristic vectors have been found by Morlet wavelet transform and are used as inputs to NN and SVM. SVM showed better results than NN in classifying faults .
In the current research NN has been used as fault classifier. This research divides into three sections:
Data acquisition from different bearings including bearing with the outer race, inner race and ball faults as well as a healthy bearing.
Preprocessing of the data which are vibration signals using discrete wavelet transform and obtaining a proper feature vector.
Design of NN for fault classification with high efficiency.
2. Experimental data acquisition
Figure 1 show the setup used in data acquisition. Our data is in the form of vibration velocity signals. Our experimental equipment constitute of the following components:
1) An electric motor with 0.5 hp.
2) A fixture for connecting electric motor to shaft with Bearing.
3) A load mechanism which puts force on the shaft.
4) Pulse 4 channel data acquisition system manufactured by B&K Company.
5) LS 600 motor speed control.
6) Laser vibration measuring system model VII-1000-D manufactured by Omron Company.
7) Double row bearings model 1206 K from Nachi Company.
Fig. 1Bearing test set up
The pulse multi-channel data acquisition system has four input channels and two output channels. By connecting one of its input channels to laser vibrometer, velocity vibration signals are recorded. For simulation of working condition of the bearing to be more realistic, the bearings on the test are subjected to load by a load mechanism shown in Fig. 1. The loading mechanism consists of a pneumatic actuator capable of inserting 18 Kg load on bearing. The bearings used in this test are double row bearing model 1206 K, with the spec given in Table 1.
The bearing component fault frequencies at 1800 rpm are given in Table 2.
Table 1Double row ball bearing spec
Outer race diameter
Inner race diameter
Cage race diameter
Table 2Bearing component fault frequencies at 1800 rpm
Outer race frequency [Hz]
Inner race frequency [Hz]
Cage race frequency [Hz]
Ball diameter frequency [Hz]
The bearing faults frequencies are given by the following equations :
where is the shaft rotational frequency, is the cage rotational frequency, is the inner race frequency, is the outer race frequency. Also is ball diameter, is the cage diameter (the distance from the center of the one ball to the center of the opposite ball). is the number of balls and is the contact angle of the balls with the race. Number of balls is 14 and is zero degree.
Figure 2 shows the schematic of the bearing.
Fig. 2Schematic of the bearing
Specific faults are made deliberately on the races. A groove with the depth of 3 mm and the width of 2 mm is made on the entire width of the outer race. In the second bearing a groove with the depth of 3 mm and width of 2 mm is made on the inner race. For making a fault on the balls, since usually a group of balls get faulty at the same time, some holes are developed simultaneously on four adjacent balls, as shown in Fig. 3.
Fig. 3Ball bearing with: a) outer race defect, b) inner race defect, c) ball fault
Vibration signals from the rotating shaft with 1800 RPM and sampling frequency of 16 kHz are gathered for the period of 2 min with constant load. It should be noted that during the test the outer race of the bearing was fixed and rotation is applied to the inner race. Due to high amount of data signals, the signals were divided to 12 samples each having time period of 10 seconds, and the resulting signals were used. A sample of acquired signals is shown in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4Vibration signal of bearing tested at 1800 rpm: a) inner race defect, b) outer race defect, c) ball fault, d) healthy bearing
3. Preprocessing of vibration signals
Wavelet transform which is an analysis technique in time frequency domain has the ability to bring out information out of a signal which has distinguished it from other analysis techniques. In fact by invention of wavelet, analysis of nonstationary signals which are not possible by the other transforms like Fourier, has been made possible. Nonstationary signals are those signals whose statistical properties vary with time. In general wavelet transforms are categorized under two broad classes namely: continuous and discrete.
Continuous wavelet transform is described by the following equation:
In Eq. 5, represents the base wavelet function. Parameter is called scale which is reciprocal of frequency. Parameter represents transfer in time.
Discrete wavelet transform is obtained by discretization of as follows:
In which , is replaced by and .
Signal decomposition by wavelet analysis is done by two filters namely: low pass filter and high pass filter. In this technique signal passes these two filters and will be decomposed to two signals one constitutes high frequencies (detail) and the other constitute low-frequency (approximation) of the original signal. The same procedure then proceeds for the signal with low-frequency (approximation). Filtering is done with the convolution of the signal and filter. Then the data in the decomposed signal is downsampled:
In which is the details and is the approximation. Choice of the wavelet function depends on the specific problem being analyzed. In fault diagnosing and monitoring, dabuchies functions ‘dbN’ in which is the order of the Dabuchy function has been used in many researches. In this paper db4 is chosen as the wavelet function for signal decomposition, and level 6 is chosen.
Standard deviation of details and approximation are used as the characteristic vector for training neural network. Wavelet decomposition of vibration signal from bearing with inner defect is shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5Wavelet decomposition of vibration signal from bearing with inner race defect
4. Data normalization
If the acquired data were used directly as the learning pattern inputs to NN, there was the possibility that inputs with higher values, lessens the influence of the inputs with lower values. Also if the raw data was used directly, there was the possibility that neurons saturates. If saturation happens for neurons, the variations in inputs have little or no effect on outputs. This has a negative effect on training. Due to these negative effects, input data are normalized prior to be applied as inputs to the network. Data are normalized between 0 to 1. Input data are normalized according to the following Equation :
where is the normalized data. and are the maximum and minimum of the data respectively.
5. Processing of vibration signals by NN
5.1. Review of multi-layer neural network
NN have different structures, and one of the most common forms of them is multilayer perceptron neural networks. These networks consist of one input layer, one output layer and some arbitrarily hidden layers. These layers are called hidden because they have no contact with outside world. Although there is no limitation in the number of hidden layers but usually they are limited to one or two layers. A NN with three hidden layers has the ability to solve any problem with any degree of complexity. Multilayer NN can be used for learning nonlinear problems as well as problems with many decision-making conditions.
5.2. Designing the network
In this research a two layer network which is shown schematically in Fig. 6 has been used.
Fig. 6Schematic of MLPNN
The learning algorithm is back propagation method. Six neurons have been used as input layer. The inputs to these neurons are standard deviation of wavelet coefficients of (), , , , and at 6th level of decomposition with db4. Tan Sigmoid function is considered for the first layer. Four neurons have been used for output layer. Output layer determines the type of bearing under test (fault in inner or outer race, fault in balls and healthy bearing). The target matrix is defined by binary zero and one in which one represents the presence of fault and zero represents lack of fault. For each condition 24 samples were used which makes the total of 96 samples. Vibration signals were divided into three divisions. Two of these divisions were used for training and one division was used for test of the network. The aforementioned network was designed using Matlab software. In the m-file written for this purpose, learning rates, number of epochs and desired error were considered, 0.05, 5000 and 0.00001 respectively. Also the learning function used in this network was considered as batch gradient descent. The flowchart for bearing fault classification is shown in Fig. 7.
In order to choose the best number of neurons in hidden layers, a simulation with different number of hidden layers was done. The results of this simulation with different number of hidden layers are summarized in Table 3.
Fig. 7Bearing fault classification flowchart
Table 3Performance of different MLPNN structure
Neural network structure number
Number of neurons in hidden layer
The best number of neurons in hidden layer are twenty. Fig. 8 shows learning diagram of this network. The convergence pattern as well as the values of mean square error and number of epochs is shown in this figure.
Fig. 8Learning diagram of the MLPNN
Fig. 9 shows the correlation coefficient of output of network and target data. In Fig. 9 output of the network are shown as circles. The best linear fit is represented by dotted line. Total fit is shown by the solid line. The difference between these two lines is very negligible which shows good results.
Fig. 9Correlation coefficient of MLPNN
6. Results discussion
It has been shown that MLPNN is capable of classification of different bearing faults with over 99 % of accuracy by using the feature vector described in section 5.2. The question which may arise for the reader is, this high accuracy result is obtained under controlled environment of laboratory. What will happen to the accuracy of the proposed method if it is going to perform in real life industrial environment? It should be emphasized that this research showed with proper feature selection it is possible to classify different bearing fault with good accuracy. Of course real life environment is much more sophisticated. The possible fault conditions are much more diverse. Different faults maybe present with different severity. Also different faults may occur simultaneously. Therefore if severity of each of the faults for inner race, outer race and balls were considered as low, medium and high, there would be different cases. So the price of considering more realistic situation is consideration of more cases. But as it was possible to classify the simple case of one fault at a time condition, it is also possible to classify the faults in more realistic situations.
The most important contribution of this research is using artificial intelligence in fault detection of rotating machineries. NN has been used for fault detection of rolling bearings by using vibration signals. Vibration signals are preprocessed before being applied to the network by discrete wavelet transform. Standard deviation of discrete wavelet coefficient has been used as inputs. Data with the aid of MLPNN with one hidden layer, with four neurons in output layer has been simulated with different number of neurons in hidden layer.
The simulation results showed the 6:20:4 is the proper structure of NN with efficiency over 99 %.
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First of all, I shall present some reflections on the nature and the genesis of a Participatory Society. Then, I shall address the problem of representation and under-representation in our society.
The human person is an intelligent and free being who acts freely and is responsible for her own actions. The human person has a body and lives in an organic interchange with her environment, from which the means of her subsistence are derived. These means are obtained through human labor. Labor is applied to raw materials that need to be transformed, and requires instruments.
No man can survive alone. We need the cooperation of other human beings in order to survive and, most importantly, in order to lead a truly human life. This cooperation regards the defense of the right to life and freedom, the order of property on the goods of the earth, the raw materials and the instruments that make work possible, the cooperation in the working process of different human beings, the exchange of the products of their work and the order of contracts. Last but not least, men do not create themselves, but they are generated through sexual intercourse between a mother and the father – or so has been the case until now. The same mother and father take care of their children until their maturity, and this creates an order of parenthood and of the family.
Many of the actions required for human survival on earth demand the cooperation of a plurality of subjects. It must be added that Adam Smith convincingly explained that the productivity of human labor grows with an increased division of labor. The question then arises: how can the human subject participate in a social action and exercise his moral responsibility for that action, without losing his freedom? Participation is exactly the answer to this question.
Since the beginning of political philosophy the following problem has been considered: how can human cooperation on a large scale be organized? In principle, there are two possible answers: top down and bottom up. Top down: one (or a few) command and rule; bottom up: all participate in the decision process. It is apparent that only the second answer preserves the moral responsibility of the person for her own action. The first answer demands the total alienation of the rights of the person in society, in order to make the social action possible. The second answer tries to build up a communitarian subject in which all participate in the decisions that are of common concern. Participation is the alternative to alienation.
The approach we have been proposing is an alternative to a merely utilitarian approach, in which participation can be justified based upon the fact that, collectively, we possess greater information than we would individually, and if we coordinate all this information, we can reach better decisions that increase the welfare of a larger number of people. Instead, our argument stresses the fact that participation corresponds to the inherent dignity of the human person, helping her grow as a person through the exercise of her intelligence and free will. This is rooted in the Aristotelian concept of eudaimonia, the fulfillment of the person’s vocation to become perfect as a person. To this perfection also pertains the fact of creating a community or a civil friendship. Through participation we do not always manage our common affairs: we become a community and this is also an essential feature of our being persons. The greatest welfare for the greatest number can also be achieved by sacrificing the fundamental rights of some members of society, and seems to be indifferent to the problem of a fair distribution of resources and opportunities. The eudemonistic principle is not in itself egalitarian, but it considers the good of each member of the community as being a part of the good of each and every member, or rather, it considers the existence of a Good of the community as such. This is not something different from the good of the individual, since being a member of the community is something that pertains to the essence of the person. Just to give one example: a husband cannot be happy if his wife is unhappy; he can only define his happiness in relation to her happiness or by incorporating her happiness within his own happiness.
We have sketched the most essential traits of a theory of participation taking for granted a certain idea of the human person that we derive from the classical tradition (Aristotle) reinterpreted in a Jewish/Christian context (Boethius, St. Thomas Aquinas), and we have derived from this idea of the human person also a certain idea of a participatory society. We have been following a long tradition in political philosophy whose origin can be tracked back to Plato: Society is just Man written in large letters. The idea of society we have is strictly dependent upon the idea that we have of man.
Aristotle, Boethius and St. Thomas Aquinas were philosophers with a strong leaning towards metaphysics. They were not sociologists or social psychologists. They considered the fundamental structures of the human person to be ontologically given. They constituted a presupposition for the action and they revealed themselves through their actions.
The approach developed by contemporary human sciences, to a large extent under the impulse of Sigmund Freud and his disciples, is significantly different. Freud tells us that the human subject is the result of a process, something that, to a certain extent, is “made” by the social, moral and educational process. The factory in which man is produced is the human family. Here we learn to obey rules and to question the reasonability of those rules. The unconditional sympathy of our mother, coupled with our search for happiness, nurtures our self-esteem and our self-confidence. The norm set by our father’s word teaches us that our actions have consequences and we must bear responsibility for the consequences of our actions. And, in pursuing our happiness, we must also take into account the legitimate demands of our brothers and sisters for happiness. By watching the way our parents participate in each other’s lives and take care of us and of our siblings, we learn to incorporate the good of others in our concept of good. In short, we learn the art of love. The family order shapes our personalities and makes us capable of participation. The institution of marriage transforms Eros into Agape. The capacity of interiorizing in ourselves the person of the other is not simply a given, it may be more or less adequately developed according to the first and constitutive experiences the subject has undergone in the early stages of his existence. The commonly accepted patterns of family life and the institutionalized form of marriage create the kind of personality that is considered “normal” and that will be present more often in any given environment.
All of the above will not be considered strange by any true disciple of St. Thomas Aquinas. One of the fundamental tenets of the metaphysics of potency and act is exactly that nihil protest de potentia deduci in actum nisi per aliquot ens in actu (what is in potency can be brought into act only through the action of a being in act). The child’s ontological potential embarks on a path of self-realization, through the action of the educating parents. This action regards the relation of each parent to the child but, first and foremost, also the quality of the relationship they have between themselves.
Sometimes we hear that neither the State nor the Church should meddle with what consenting adults do under their bed sheets. This is perhaps not entirely true, because the transformation of Eros into Agape generates the energy invested in working for the family and for society and it also shapes the personality of the children and, therefore, society at large.
When we speak about the quest for a Participatory Society we should not exclude from the scope of our research the problem of building a kind of personality which naturally adopts participation as a lifestyle and is readily integrated in the structures of a Participatory Society or, rather, is a spontaneous and active creator of a Participatory Society.
In the Christian tradition, this idea of participation is easily connected with the idea of Communion, as Msgr. Minnerath wisely points out in his contribution to this Session. Participation is an essential feature of the Christian personality, a social reflex of the ontological reality of Communion.
It is perhaps not inopportune to now ask the following question: are we currently educating personalities who are capable of participation, or is the capacity of our societies for participation decreasing rather than increasing? It is not easy to answer this question.
On the one hand, we know that in our Western societies more and more children are born out of wedlock and are raised by single parents, we see that many marriages are dissolved by divorce, and the loving unity of the parental couple, as the spiritual uterus in which the child is contained until it comes of age, cannot be taken for granted.
On the other hand, we should not idealize all too easily yesterday’s world. Husbands often cheated on their wives and abused of their power within the family, whilst women resented their condition of inequality and developed strong feelings of resentment. The complicated process of sublimation of the originally sensual energy of the child required a fair amount of repression, for it to be canalized towards culturally valuable targets, and that process was often difficult, uncompleted and left residues in the form of neurosis.
It remains true, however, that the ideal of Western moral and political philosophy, in which the man, by defining the end of his action encompasses also the legitimate demands of other human beings, has its preconditions in the structure of the family. G.W.F. Hegel expresses this ideal in the form of the coincidence of the universal and the particular. Kant, instead, demands that the individual acts according to a principle that can be assumed as a maxim of universal legislation. Max Horkheimer has pointed out the relation obtained between this principle and the structure of the family. Pierpaolo Donati and Margaret Archer have reformulated the same concept in their relational sociology.
It seems to me that today it is important to stress the fact that the capacity for participation is first reared in the family, in order to see the essential connection between the mission of the Church to defend the moral order of the family, and the efforts to expand or to defend a participatory society. It happens very often, in the current political discourse, that this link is either not seen or the family is seen as a surpassed institution destined to wither out in the Participatory Society of tomorrow. It is an old idea held by Friedrich Engels, that other social institutions would, in time, take over the social functions of the family. Up to now, this has not happened: the family has been weakened but not substituted and, as a result, the capacity of our societies for participation seems to be decreasing rather then increasing. Individuals that are not adequately socialized within the family tend not to constitute communities and to just fend for themselves. Cicero left us the following sentence: familia seminarium reipublicae (the family is the place in which the political community is generated). He meant precisely that individuals that are not properly socialized tend to form a mass rather than a community, and masses are governed by tyrants rather than by Republican institutions.
A Participatory Democracy is based on a system of mediation. Individuals with converging and differing social interests are allowed to participate in a free discussion, and in the end a decision has to be made. The fact that this process will result in a decision cannot be taken for granted. A Participatory Democracy presupposes that those who hold different social interests have a common intention to preserve the political community, in which a decision has to be made. This implies that they will try to formulate their particular interest in a way that is compatible with the interests of the other components of that same society, and they will accept an agreed procedure in order to reach a common decision. As a rule, this procedure implies a majority vote, sometimes with the provision of particular quorums. This leads to the formation of coalitions of interests; one of them will be the majority and the other (or others) the minority. The system works if the majority does not push its advantage too far, and if the minority is willing to accept the decision because of a strong sentiment of loyalty to the political community and/or because of a lack of alternatives. There are always, however, some non-negotiable interests that are kept out of the ordinary decision-making process. In the European continent this is guaranteed through the so-called rigid constitutions defended by Constitutional Courts. If a majority violates fundamental constitutional rights, its decisions can be annulled. The purpose is to guarantee that, in the end, everyone can live with the decisions made by the constitutional organs, and that the minority will not feel threatened in some vital interests or convictions. The political body lives in a delicate balance between representation and decision. No decision is made without the participation of all those who are interested in the decision. But also, no participation without decision: participation cannot become an end in itself, in the end a decision has to be made.
What happens in some modern democracies is that it becomes more and more difficult to create majority coalitions and, on the other hand, minorities tend to expand the area of the interests they consider vital and non-negotiable. This results in a paralysis of the decisional process. In some countries (Italy for example) there is an attempt at institutional reforms that privilege the governability over the representation. This means, for instance, to create electoral systems that give to the strongest coalition, although it expresses not an absolute but only a relative majority of the popular vote, a majority of seats in Parliament. The purpose is to make it possible to govern with less participation and less consent. This solution, of course, runs against the demand for participation but should not be dismissed too easily: participation is a value, but democracies must produce decisions. If they do not, society will not be governed, and sooner or later, an authoritarian regime will ensue. In many societies the demand for more efficiency overcomes that of more participation. The problem is: how can we ensure an efficient participation, that is, a participation that produces decisions?
A first answer to this question has already been suggested in the first part of this lecture: we need personalities with a stronger orientation towards the community, with a deeper sense of belonging, so that minorities accept the majority decisions and majorities do not abuse the majority rule, but this, of course, requires a cultural reorientation of our societies that can take place only in the long term.
A second answer can be found through an analysis of the way in which our Western democracies work. Once upon a time, the political debate was dominated by a discussion on the best forms of political organization. This debate underlined the connection between politics and ethics and regarded the forms of political organization that better corresponded to the nature of man. Since then, however, we have entered into a post-ideological era and the current political debate is much less interested in the idea of good societies. What we demand of politics is the efficient distribution of goods and services to citizens. This is not something totally new. Luciano Canfora has convincingly claimed that the political life of Greek democracies centered around a demand of redistribution in favor of the poor. The demand for redistribution, however, can easily come into conflict with the necessity of distributing the social product in a way that makes it possible to reproduce the living conditions of society. A good example is given in the Acts of the Apostles. In the first Christian Community the wealthy sold all they had and distributed it to the poor who lived off this redistribution. In a comparatively short time, the Community was broke. St. Paul collected alms among the new communities, among the pagans, to relieve those of Jerusalem, but formulated the rather harsh rule: those who do not want to work should not eat. In a well functioning society, a large part of the social product has to be used to reproduce material capital and the infrastructure, and also the part devoted to consumption needs to be distributed in a way that rewards the different performances of individuals. The great success of Western democracies was due, to a large extent, to the fact that they enjoyed, for many years, very high rates of economic growth. This made it possible, at the same time, to adequately reward productivity and to carry out generous redistributive policies. When the Gross National Product grows 3% per year it is possible to organize the political debate around the question: what social reform shall we make in this legislature? Shall we raise pensions, improve healthcare or subsidize low paying jobs?
This mechanism does not work any more. The reason is that poor countries have entered into the world market, have started working by making use of the comparative advantage of their very low wages and have acquired growing shares of international commerce and wealth. The margin for redistribution of the old democracies has been strongly reduced. This is the cause of our malaise and the reason why our old political machinery does not work any more. We have no benefits to distribute. Rather, the political class faces the task of redistributing sacrifices. As a result, large parts of the electorate are willing to go back to the world of yesterday and are ready to follow populist movements that promise generous redistributive policies, that are no longer possible, or that promise to close borders by instating protectionist policies that exclude the new countries from our markets and hamper their possibilities of emerging from poverty. This also produces an extreme polarization. Those whose income was supported by the state expect, of course, their living standards at least to be maintained. Those who support redistributive policies through their taxes want them to be reduced or repealed altogether. This distinction does not correspond exactly to that between the rich and the poor. We have expanded large public bureaucracies with comparatively high paying jobs that are subsidized by taxpayers. It is doubtful whether our democracies will survive for long if we do not succeed in reactivating the process of economic growth. In order to do this, however, we need to activate all of society’s energy around a political project that, in the initial stages, will not deliver benefits but will demand a strong idealistic engagement. Whether we will be able to produce this remains unclear.
Now we want to devote our attention to the problem of underrepresentation. Who are the underrepresented? We will try to answer this question in a way that mostly refers to Western societies.
A first kind of underrepresentation is due to our ageing societies. We have few children and a growing number of old people. Children, moreover, do not vote. Our policies are dominated by the points of view and the interests of older generations. We tend to spend more on pensions than on investments to create jobs for the new generations; we tend to accumulate public debt to finance a generous public expenditure that will be paid for by those who are young today, we tend to exhaust non-renewable natural resources rather than protect our environment.
A large number of people do not have children, and many of those who do have children do not have a positive relationship with them because their family was dissolved and they have lost all affective connection to their children. Those who have children (and grandchildren) tend to consider the distant future and the environment in which their children and grandchildren will live. Those who do not tend to restrict their concerns to a foreseeable time in their lives. The temporal horizon of the electorate is narrowed; there is a mentality that is spontaneously drawn to the short term. In the past, each generation left to the next a social and material capital that was larger than the one they had inherited from their ancestors. For the first time, we are faced with a society that leaves to the following generation more debts than capital. The reasons of the youth, the voice of the future, of the environment are underrepresented in our European societies. A significant portion of people in Western societies lives out of public expenditures in a large and growing public sector. These people are more actively interested in politics because their jobs and their careers are directly or indirectly dependent upon political decisions. They tend to be more than proportionally represented in the political debate. They demand an expansion of goods and services offered to citizens by the state. This demand is linked, however, to that of an expansion of the bureaucracies that administer the social intervention of the state.
The others, those who live and work in the private sector, are comparatively less represented. They are a majority and through the fiscal system they carry the weight of the public budget, but they are less active politically and tend to feel frustrated. This is one main reason for the upsurge of populist movements.
The middle class tends to feel underrepresented. Globalization has produced a decrease in global poverty, but, at the same time, it has created a polarization in Western societies. Whilst the enormous gap between rich and poor countries has been narrowing, in Western societies the divide between the winners and losers of globalization has been widening. The losers of globalization, the frustrated middle classes, are underrepresented in the sense that they still have not found a way to formulate a political program that really tackles their problems. The economic, social, cultural and political elites have refused to see the dark sides of globalization and the losers – that is, the Western middle classes – do not have credible representatives and do not succeed in formulating a reliable political program. This is dangerous for our democracies because the enraged middle classes are increasingly prey to populist demagogues who offer easy, common sense and wrong solutions to difficult problems, that might easily lead us back to an age of confrontations between closed commercial and political blocks and, in the worst case scenario, of war. Here we have an underrepresentation of majorities, or potential majorities, in the most developed countries. Populism used to be a political phenomenon that belonged to underdeveloped countries, but now we have populism in wealthy countries that run the risk of losing their wealth and welfare. This may be extremely dangerous because it can influence the behavior of political leaders who bear the greatest decision-making power for peace or war, for good or evil, for economic growth or regression of all of mankind. Here the cause of underrepresentation is not a lack of electoral or political power, but rather a lack of cultural and political vision.
Antonio Gramsci, who was a Marxist but, being Italian, was not entirely bad and understood a lot about politics, made an important distinction between a rough or corporate or immediate representation of the interests of a social class or group, and a political, mediated, hegemonic representation. A political representation is one that can include in the definition of one’s own interest the interest of other social groups or classes as well; creating an alliance or a coalition of interests. If a proper coalition cannot be created, one can at least define the finalities of one’s own actions in such a way that they do not come into conflict with the vital interests of others. In Gramsci, the hegemonic principle is a tool to create a coalition to fight against another coalition.
Some might be surprised to know that the same idea, in a revised and enlarged form, can be found in Pope St. John XXIII’s Encyclical Pacem in Terris. According to the great Pontiff, peace is the first and foremost purpose, the telos, the entelecheia or form of politics as such, and this holds true even more in a period in which, due to the development of mass destruction weapons, war may easily lead to the destruction of mankind. We need therefore to formulate the interests of the social groups to which we belong or the national interest of our countries in a way that make them compatible with the legitimate interests of other social groups or countries. The coalition St. John XXIII wanted to create included the whole of mankind. It was not a coalition against somebody, but a coalition for something. In Populorum Progressio, Blessed Paul VI further elucidates this common purpose: it is the integral growth of humanity. Today in the passage from Centesimus Annus to Caritas in Veritate to Evangelii Gaudium we have a further qualification: the finality becomes to orient and govern globalization in order to allow all countries and all of humanity to grow together. In this connection I would like to mention Chiara Lubich, who translated the doctrine of the Popes into the concept of politics as a service to the unity of mankind. We should not underestimate the impact that this vision has had on global politics and also on global institutions. All the more alarming is the fact that mayor political forces today strive to formulate their particular interest, national or social alike, in a non mediated and non political way, or at least in a way that is not political, along the lines of Pacem in Terris and of the following encyclicals. They seem to reintroduce a different concept of politics, that of Carl Schmitt, according to whom politics is, first of all, the decision that divides the world in two: friend and foe. Therefore, politics needs foes, or at least takes into account the possibility of creating them.
Conflict, of course, is a fundamental part of any realistic approach to politics, and the Church knows this all too well. However, the real issue is: do we want to find reasonable compromises and peaceful solutions in which all participants see their fundamental interests and values recognized and respected? Or do we want to impose our particular interests? I have nothing in principle against the slogan “Italy (or Germany, or Nigeria, or whatever other country) first”. It is all too natural that I should wish my country to excel in the world in all possible fields, from football to scientific research to economic performance. I feel uncomfortable, however, when I have the feeling that what this slogan really means is “my country first and who cares about the rest”, or (as I have sometimes heard) “the devil will take care of the others”. If such approaches really become dominant, then we will move back to the world before Pacem in Terris, where globalization becomes a struggle for life or death and, in the end, the danger of war looms large.
Machiavelli (another Italian who was not thoroughly bad and had a keen understanding of politics) put on paper the fundamental principle of a realist democracy: people always make the right decisions if a responsible political class and a wise institutional system propose clear alternatives and explain the possible consequences of the course of action taken. In thinking of a Participatory Democracy, we should never forget the problem of the anthropological and cultural presuppositions of a Participatory Democracy. The purpose of this contribution was precisely to draw attention to this point.
S.Th. I-II, q. 17, a. 5 ad 2.
Adam Smith An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, (MetaLibri Digital Factory, 2007): 8ff.
Karol Wojtyła, “Participation or Alienation” in Analecta Husserliana 6(61) (1977), 61ff.
Isael Kirzner, Market Theory and the Price System. vol. 2. (Indianapolis: Liberty Fund Inc, 2011).
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, 1097a (n.d.), 15ff.
For an in-depth analysis of the metaphysical notion of participation see Cornelio Fabro, Partecipazione e Casualità Secondo S. Tommaso d’Aquino, Opere Complete, 19 (EDIVI, Segni, 2010).
Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams (Basic Books, 2010), 247ff., 286ff.
Max Horkheimer, “Authoritarianism and the Family Today”, in The Family, its Function and Destiny, ed. Ruth N. Anshen (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1949).
Benedict XVI, Deus Caritas Est, 1st ed. (Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 2006), 3ff.
S.Th. I, q. 79, a. 3 co.
Cfr. Sigmund Freud “Civilization and its Discontents”, in The Standard Edition of the Complete Works of Sigmund Freud, volume XXI (1927-1931).
Georg W.F. Hegel, Philosophy of Right, 1st ed., n.d., 13.
Immanuel Kant, Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals (Indianapolis: Hackett, 1993) 30.
M. Horkheimer, “Authoritarianism and the Family Today” in The Family: Its Function and Destiny (New York, 1949).
Pierpaolo Donati & Margaret Archer, The Relational Subject (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015).
Friedrich Engels, “The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State” in Karl Marx/Freidrich Engels Collected Works, vol. 26 (New York: International Publishers, 1990).
Cicero, De Officiis I, 54.
Anthony J. McGann, The Logic of Democracy: Reconciling Equality, Deliberation and Minority Protection (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2006).
Costantino Moratti, “Costituzione (Dottrine Generali)” in Enciclopedia del Diritto, IX, (Milano, 1962).
This is a slightly adjusted version of the slogan that penetrated the American Revolution: “No taxation without representation”.
Giovanni Sartori, Comparative Constitutional Engineering (New York: New York University Press, 1994).
Luciano Canfora, Democracy in Europe: A History of an Ideology (Wiley-Blackwell, 2008).
Acts of the Apostles, 2, 44ff.
St. Paul, Thessalonians 2, 3, 10ff.
Carles Boix, Democracy and Redistribution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
Rocco Buttiglione, La Sfida, Soveria Mannelli, Rubettino, 2012.
As far as I know, the first to draw attention to this trend was S.H. Preston, “Children and the Elderly in USA”, Scientific American, 1 December 1984.
As far as I know, the first to draw attention to this trend was John O’Connor, The Fiscal Crisis of the State, (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1970).
D. Swank & H-G. Betz, Globalization, the Welfare State and right-wing Populism in Western Europe, in Socio-Economic Review (2003:) 1, 215ff. | <urn:uuid:877d2402-533c-4d4c-b28d-e55f37212ba1> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:51:58Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.949387 | 6,475 | 6,990 |
In Her Paintings, Becky Suss Creates Real or Imagined Interiors From Memory
Because we don’t cover art as our primary discipline here at Sight Unseen, we typically discover artists at a more glacial pace than we do designers — usually by way of gallery shows, art fairs, or Instagram wormholes. But I discovered Philadelphia-born painter Becky Suss in perhaps the most Sight Unseen — or at least the most me — way possible: Her 2016 painting, August (above), adorns the cover of LA harpist Mary Lattimore’s Hundreds of Days, one of the many albums that helped propel me through the emotional black hole of 2020. When I probed a bit deeper, I found that Suss’ paintings have in fact been featured on all of Lattimore’s solo albums since 2014. But this one felt the most resonant, probably because its subject is my main professional preoccupation — a home. Not just any home, but a cozy, well-appointed home, with enough room for matching sofas, enough bold taste to include a bird-shaped lamp, and enough curiosity and intellectualism to house shelves upon shelves of books. In other words, the kind of home many of us wish we could have quarantined in last year.
And that’s perhaps the beauty of Suss’ work. Most of her paintings are her own interpretations of real, fictional, or imagined interiors, and they’re often concerned with ideas about memory and its quicksilver ability to reinforce or betray our sense of place. Many of her subjects are personal — the now-demolished site of her grandparents’ Long Island home, for example — but because their subject is interiors, with common or familiar flourishes, and decorative touches that we recognize from our own lives, they feel at once aspirational and universal. We recognize a part of ourselves in her paintings even as we wish we could be the kind of people who inhabit them. “Devoid of figures, Suss’ style uses flattened architecture, exaggerated proportions, and distorted perspective to amplify the tension between the factual and the fictitious, mirroring the plasticity of memory, continually reformed and revised. What resonates is how a dwelling, despite its rigid physical structure, can adapt, welcoming the day-to-day histories, eccentricities, and impressions of the people who move between its walls.”
Her work is currently included in a group show at The School by Jack Shainman Gallery in upstate New York; curated by Helen Molesworth, the show is centered around the idea of feedback. “Some of the artists are interested in the twisted history of America. Others are interested in the persistence of quotidian pleasures as best exemplified by still life or contemporary tableaux of everyday life. Some artists have combined their sense of America’s untold narratives with the gentle ebb and flow of daily life.” Suss’ work combines all of these themes, exploring everything from the racial history of America as referenced in children’s literature to the ignored legacies of female homemakers to the daily pleasures of life and learning at home. We recently spoke to Suss via Zoom about all of these and more.
Bathroom (Ming Green), 2016
Untitled (Portugal), 2018
Home Office, 2016
Let’s start by talking a bit about your background. What inspired you to take up painting in the first place?
My mom taught art education — like, how to look at art for little kids, the basics of composition and color, all of those things — and she was always taking me to museums. My great uncle was a painter who lived here in Philadelphia — a WPA-era guy who made jewelry, had a little ad agency, made paintings and sculptures. We were really close. I would see him once or twice a week until he died at 100. He was a big influence.
There were always people in my life like that who valued art. And painting always made sense to me. It was intuitive, and I think that that’s the way a lot of my career and work has gone. I’ve done things that made sense to me, without over thinking the why of that too much, and it’s worked out.
How did you specifically get into painting interiors?
I worked in small-scale paintings and landscapes for a long time. Those paintings were small and impasto, and there was a lot of building up of the surface and scraping it down, thinking about the geology of the landscape and the geology of the painting. So, it was different from my current work in that respect, but there was always this underlying idea of thinking about remembered landscapes, a sense of place, and a sense of memory.
I grew up on the East Coast, but then I went to graduate school in Northern California. I wanted to go somewhere where the landscape was more interesting. While there, though, I got sort of homesick for the East Coast, and I started making bigger paintings with very specific remembered landscapes. For example, there’s a place in Dorset, Vermont, where there’s this beautiful quarry — one of the oldest white marble quarries in the country — and we would go swimming there when I went to school in Northern Massachusetts. So, I made a painting of this quarry, and I did the same with a couple of other very specific places like that.
Then, I moved back to Philadelphia. I was like, what am I doing? I’m here in this place, and I’m making work about missing it? So, I spent a few years doing other things, but then in 2011, my grandfather died. He and my grandmother had this house in Great Neck, Long Island, which they had built in 1955. They lived there their entire life until they both died. We inherited all of the small stuff — the lamps, the mugs, the light switch plate covers — but also the big things, like the furniture and the house itself, which sold to somebody who demolished it and built a little McMansion on the footprint.
It was weird because though house had totally disappeared, I was surrounded by all of this familiar stuff. That’s where the interior paintings first came from. I had these objects, and they weren’t just in my house. They were in the studio. They were everywhere.
So, I was like, you know what? I want to make a painting about this stuff. I picked a very specific spot in my grandparents’ house, where my grandfather would sit in his chair with all of his books around him, and I made this painting. It wasn’t streamlined the way my paintings are now; I think I painted it over a landscape that was unsuccessful. But I made it and was like, “Oh, this makes so much sense.” It combined a lot of the things I had thought about for a long time — a sense of home, a sense of memory. The interior provided so much specificity, but also so much relatability. It was universal and specific at the same time.
Blue Apartment, 2016
Red Apartment, 2016
You mentioned that those paintings look different from your more recent works. How did you arrive at the distinctive, more representational style you have now?
When I was in California, I had this approach that was like, all right — you’re just going to do an instinctive take on what it looks like to you. You’re not going to try to push it. You’re not going to try to abstract it. You’re not going to try to make it look more realistic. It was less about making decisions — I didn’t deliberately say, “Okay, well, these are interiors, so I’m going to make these really clean, crisp edges.” I sort of did it and then noticed I was doing it, and thought, “Okay, what has to happen here?” The painting has to be painted on a surface that’s perfectly prepared, and the paint has to be much thinner, because you have this relationship between the depicted wall and the actual wall next to it when the painting’s hanging in a gallery. When I was making paintings of landscapes, they were essentially windows. I didn’t have to contend with those spatial relationships.
Growing up, learning to make paintings in the ‘90s and early 2000s, it was always like, “Don’t look at a photograph. Don’t use tape. Don’t use a projection.” Everything was supposed be this 20th-century Modernist, Abstract Expressionist idea about painting, and if you did anything else, it was bad. I basically had to throw out all of those lessons, because for me, it did make sense to use a laser level and tape for everything. It didn’t make the painting worse. It was a different kind of painting, and it made it better.
Speaking of artists from the past, do you find yourself inspired by artists who may have also worked within the realm of domestic interiors?
Yes. I feel like I was very much raised in the 20th century, so my influences back then were, like, all men. David Hockney, and all of those artists at the Barnes, like Rousseau and Matisse. But if I try to contextualize myself with them it’s like… I don’t know if you know Nicki Maloof’s paintings? Or Ann Toebbe, Aliza Nisenbaum — a lot of these women are my age, and I see myself much more in line with what they’re doing than the painters I grew up being influenced by.
It’s similar with literature. If I think about what I was thinking about when I first started making paintings, it was like Carver, Cheever, Updike. I mean, I still have a special place for those books in the way they describe America, but it’s an America that is so male-centric. When you reread them, you’re like, “Oh my God. John Updike, what an awful person.” It’s painful to read his female characters.
But I’m less and less interested in that; a lot of the reading that I do has been children’s literature for the past few years, so I feel much more influenced by that than the literature I was reading a long time ago.
Dining Room (Wharton Esherick), 2018
Wharton Esherick Bedroom, 2018
Drop Leaf Desk (Wharton Esherick), 2019
Tell me about that deep dive into children’s literature. I know you had one series based on fictional chapter-book interiors, like the black marble bathroom in From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler. How have your subjects evolved?
So, those original paintings are of my grandparents’ house, and that body of work was very true to the subject matter. I had tons of childhood photos and I had still-lifes, because I had the objects right in front of me. The next body of work was a little less specific. I would start with a couple of objects that were meaningful to me – like a lamp that belonged to my mother’s mother — and I went on to imagine what the house she grew up in would have been like, based on the era of the house, my mom, and her taste. It was my invented version of it.
I moved more and more into being able to invent spaces that still resonated with things that I remembered, and the process of making them was still very similar. It was piecing together bits of things that I recalled, and then Googling things and being like, oh, I want to put that rug in. That’s a $300,000 rug. I’ll never have that rug, but I can take it off the Internet and put it in this painting.
When I was pregnant with my son, though, I was like, I can’t make all this personal work. It’s too draining. Around that time, I was visiting the Wharton Esherick Museum right outside of Philadelphia. Every time I go into a house, I’m always with my phone, like, “Oh, I want to steal that detail. I want to steal that.” In Esherick’s house, it was even more. I was thinking about this idea of domestic space within the space of the gallery, but also art objects in the space of the domestic, and I was like — this is all Esherick does. There’s no distinction between the art space and the domestic space. I was like, I should just make a whole show about this, then I don’t have to worry about each painting dredging up something autobiographical. Of course, in the end, it was just as hard, but it was great because I realized that the process was relevant, even if I wasn’t doing directly autobiographical paintings.
So, after that — again, I have this little kid. I’m thinking about being a woman and making paintings in the wake of 2016. I had a show at Jack Shainman called Homemaker, where I was thinking a lot about the legacy of homemaking. I used to say, “My grandfather fought in the war and my other grandfather was a medic, and then, you know, one came back and he was a cardiologist, and the other came back and he had a factory in Greenpoint.” This was the family legacy. But the other family legacy that nobody ever talks about is that there were generations of women who organized and kept their homes, and everything was absolutely dependent upon them.
2016 certainly brought that into a sharp focus for a lot of us; the election laid bare the way that this country doesn’t value women. I was thinking about being a mom, and being a working mom, and how children occupy the domestic space, as well. Without these children, we do not have a generation to take care of us when we get old. We don’t have future scientists, or doctors, or nurses. People think women should work, but we don’t want to give them a good option for high-quality daycare.
I was also just thinking about being at the studio a lot and I couldn’t stop thinking about my kid. So, one of my solutions was to create this body of work about children’s books. I was like, “I’m going to organize a library for my son, and it’s going to manifest in these paintings.”
I kept thinking about this book I read with my dad when I was 10 or 11. It was Salman Rushdie’s first children’s novel. He only wrote two, one for each of his sons, and this one was called Haroun and the Sea of Stories. It had this really great scene in a houseboat with two rooms next to each other. One side had a bed that was shaped like a turtle, and the other side had a bed that was shaped like a peacock. I kept thinking, “Man, that would make a great painting.” I didn’t know exactly how to frame it, but I was thinking about the way that my work focuses on memory. It was perfect, because with these chapter books, I have memories of what stuck with me when I read them when I was a kid — memories which may or may not be accurate. And then, as an adult, I can reread them and understand the historical context. And then the third layer is history, which is so rich because I can research it. What year was this book written? When was this supposed to have taken place? What did houseboats in Kashmir look like in the 1960s, 70s, or 80s?
To Be Titled, 2019
Houseboat on Dull Lake in the Valley of K, 2020
You’ve mentioned Google image searches a few times. Can you talk a little bit about your research process?
Yeah, I usually have my own personal photos and I’ll have all of this stuff that I’ve looked up or read about. I made a painting that’s at the show in Kinderhook from the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, set in 1930s Mississippi. To research it, I went to the Library of Congress, which has all of these archived photographed from that era. I spent hours going through and finding the relevant ones, and dragging them to my desktop. So, it’s a combination of structuring the space and then adding these elements that I’ve researched and compiled, along with actual objects, too.
I want to talk about the show in Kinderhook but first let’s talk about how your collaboration with the harpist Mary Lattimore came to be. That’s actually how I found your work! I had posted an album cover that I love of hers on Instagram and someone wrote back saying, “That’s Becky Suss, she’s the coolest.”
That’s awesome. Mary’s an old friend. She was probably one of my husband’s first friends when he moved to Philadelphia. She played the harp at our wedding. Mary came to me, because she’s always loved my paintings, and she was like, “Hey, would you think about making an album cover for me?” I’m not really good illustrating something, but I was like, “What if we pick a painting?” And she was like, “Oh, that’s even better.” And you know, there’s an overlapping sentiment in our work. My paintings are very devoid of people; Mary doesn’t have vocals in her music. Her albums are really atmospheric. They have a sense of place. And I don’t know whether or not it’s relevant, but Mary loves her stuff. She has all these nice beautiful little things around her house in LA.
Mic (Lighthouse with Solar System), 2019
Ok, so now tell me about the paintings you’re showing for Feedback, the exhibition curated by Helen Molesworth at The School in Kinderhook.
So, at the show right now, there’s actually that very first painting that I mentioned of the corner of my grandparents’ house. It’s the only big painting of mine that I held on to, and they borrowed it. The whole theme of the show has to do with feedback and education, and how we learn, what we learn, and what institutions we learn in.
Another painting in the show is Behind the A to Z, and that was in a previous show at Jack Shainman about children’s books. It’s from the book The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatley Snyder, which is a book I read in fourth grade. The Egypt Game takes place in California, in a college town, and it’s about these kids who play a game behind the A to Z, which is a junk shop run by a Middle Eastern man they call the professor. There’s a little white girl whose mother abandoned her because she wants to be an actress in Southern California. And then there’s this family with a little girl and a little boy who are African-American, and their parents are in graduate school getting their PhDs. The story was written in the 1960s, so it’s a racial picture that you didn’t often see, I don’t think, at that time. The kids are all friends and they play this game about Egypt together, but in reality, there are these crimes playing out around them, and they’re being blamed on the Middle Eastern man who owns the A to Z. It’s not a domestic space, but it is a space that these kids built. I felt like it was a really interesting departure.
The other painting in the show that’s never been shown before is from Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, which I mentioned, which is about an African-American girl in southern Mississippi in the 1930s, and it paints a really complicated picture of what life was like there, especially for an African-American family. It delves into the history of Reconstruction and this family’s legacy, where they own this land, but since post-reconstruction the white people in the community have been trying to take it back. The mother’s a teacher and is teaching her Black students about Reconstruction and the schools are saying, “That’s not part of the curriculum, you can’t teach them that,” and she gets fired.
You know, part of this is thinking what I want to memorialize for my son. Like I reread The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and I was like, oh, no. No. No. No. That is not something we’re going to elevate right now. Maybe when he’s older and we can have a conversation about race and slavery, but that’s not the sort of book I want to represent. I’m thinking about what it means to be a mom of this little white, blond-haired, blue-eyed kid, too.
Logan Family Home (1933), 2020
Behind the A-Z, 2019
Now that your son is a bit older, do you feel like you’ll delve back into subjects that are a bit more personal again?
Yes, I have a painting in a group show at the Philadelphia Art Museum right now, and it’s a painting of the house I grew up in. I never did that before, because I felt like it was too close, but then because of COVID, we lost our childcare. My parents started watching my son, and we all quarantined at my parents’ house in the suburbs. I just brought the painting there, and I made it in their living room. It was interesting to watch my son’s life at 2 years old play out in front of the same backdrop that mine did, and I decided that now was the time to make a painting of that room.
So right now I’m working on a series of paintings for a show at Jack Shainman next year, and they’re all going to be paintings of that same room. Different iterations of time, different stages. I’m interested in having clues that take you from one painting to another. Like in one painting, the whole wall is papered with the wallpaper that was original to the room when I was really young. The next painting has the wallpaper I remember from most of my childhood, but inside of the closet, behind the books, is that original wallpaper. So, there are things like that that can offer clues that this is the same space, moving through time.
Your work obviously deals so much with the past. How often do contemporary ideas or trends make it into your work?
The only sort of deliberate, specific thing that I do is that I have a subscription to The World of Interiors. They’ll have an 18th century farmhouse that’s never been renovated, and then they’ll have these beautiful brand-new things. It’s such a mix. But other than that, like I said before, if I’m at somebody’s house or at a store, I’ll take a picture of something and be like, “Oh yeah, that’s a good one.”
Besides your childhood home, is there an interior that you’ve always wanted to paint, but haven’t been able to?
There’s one painting that always comes back to me. I want to make a huge painting of the original Metropolitan Opera House. It isn’t a domestic interior, but it was on my mind years ago, when I was working toward that show Homemaker, and I was thinking about the legacy of domesticity and homemaking. Most of these women, after the turn of the century, had aspirations and simply didn’t get to achieve them. My grandmother, who I never met, studied opera and wanted to be an opera singer, but the war broke out. At that point, you had to study opera in Europe, and instead, she met my grandfather and married, and they had three kids, and she was the doctor’s wife. I’ve been thinking about that alternative legacy. She went to the opera every week, and she died in the early ’70s, probably right around when they built the new Metropolitan Opera. So, I was thinking it would be such a great monument and gesture to the possibility of a career that she could have had.
Henrik’s House (Great Aunt Birte’s Funeral), 2020
Bedroom with Peacock Feathers, 2017
Foyer (Helen’s Quilt), 2017
In Memoriam (for Emily), 2017
Living Room (Yogi 2), 2013 | <urn:uuid:3d26378b-b514-4686-93d5-ecd422a2d194> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T13:25:21Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.982777 | 5,328 | 5,606 |
Of course, “The Bachelor” finale started with Joey crying, and all we could hope was that it wouldn’t really end that way. Spoiler alert: It’s heart-wrenching, but you will get to see a happy ending!
Gina: Are you ready? I am SO ready!
The show was mixed with the live show from California hosted by Jesse Palmer.
Joey is in Tulum, Mexico where his family was set to meet his final two women, Daisy and Kelsey. Joey said that he could see a future with both women, but which future does he want? Joey’s mother Cathy, father Nick, sisters Carly and Ellie, and his brother-in-law Zach are all there to help him make his decision. Joey described Daisy as special due to her outlook on life and Kelsey as “so stinkin’ cute.” Ha! I always hear babies described that way, this is a first for a woman. Joey told his parents that he’s revealed to the women that he’s falling for them, but he refuses to say “I love you” until there is just one.
Daisy Meets Joey’s Parents
Daisy was up first and she just hoped to speak from the heart and show them who she is. She’s hoping they understand why she and Joey are great together. She talked about how she drove a truck with a Christmas tree in the back because she grew up on a Christmas tree farm. Joey revealed that they had the first one-on-one date because they had such a great connection. She talked about how she got a cochlear implant and how getting to meet Joey has changed her life. Ellie thought they seemed very in love. Daisy told his sisters that she told him that she was falling for him, and he said the same in return, but she’s actually in love with him and that she would accept a proposal! His sisters cried as they heard how in love Daisy was and that she was ready for marriage.
Joey’s sisters told him that they thought Daisy was very sweet and that they seemed very compatible. He revealed that he’s afraid she’s holding back, and his sisters said that Daisy is all in. “If you were not to propose to her she’d be heartbroken,” Ellie said. Joey said that just thinking of that puts knots in his stomach. Cathy asked Daisy what makes her unique and she said she’s very resilient and she never gives up. She loves very deeply and she loves very big. Aw! She told his mother that she’s very confident in him but she’d rather put it out there than miss out on something. “He’s so worth it,” she said. (Cut to Gerry our former Golden Bachelor crying in the audience!) His mom said, “I want what’s best for you honey.” It was so incredibly sweet. What an amazing family he has.
Joey told Daisy that they all had nothing but amazing things to say about her and that he knew they would feel that way. He gave her one last kiss as she left her time with them.
GIna: Daisy saying Joey changed her life was such a pure and real moment. And looking back at the season, you can really see that to be true. While we all thought Daisy was lovely when she first arrived to the Bachelor Mansion, she really did blossom as the season went on and Joey had a lot to do with that.
Kelsey Meets Joey’s Family
“Every time I leave Kelsey I just miss her,” Joey said. He felt confident that his family would love her too. Daisy was a tough act to follow, so she was nervous going in. Kelsey also told her night one story and about how she felt like she couldn’t even speak, but that she had a voodoo doll. She used it for kissing only! They also recapped their Vespa date in Spain. When Kelsey mentioned her family and how she lost her mom to cancer, she started to cry. Joey was so comforting to her. His sisters cried! “The emotional connection they had was very obvious from the get-go,” Cathy said.
Ellie asked what makes the two of them compatible and Kelsey said they just get each other and are on the same level with each other. Kelsey revealed that she loves him and she “wants to choose him every day.” They wanted to know if she feels ready to be married and she said that she doesn’t feel that she’s on a timeline or that she needs to be married. When asked if she was ready for a proposal she said, “I think so, yeah.” They are concerned that she’s not ready. They found her to be a bright light that had great energy. They did tell him that they got a “100%” from Daisy and an “I think so” from Kelsey.
Nick got a chance to talk to Kelsey and asked her how she would feel if it wasn’t her. She started to cry and she said, “It’s just the reality of it all. Daisy is an amazing woman, I love her so much.” Kelsey said it would be difficult because she can see things so clearly with Joey. His mother said, “You could be my future daughter-in-law or you could get your heart broken.” Kelsey cried again and said that, “I could see it being us.” Cathy said, “The way you look at him is special.” Kelsey did a lot of crying.
Joey tried to reassure Kelsey as she was still a little teary as they said goodbye. He said that he’d miss her and see her soon.
Gina: I would cry too if the mother of the man I love said “The way you look at him is special.” Her tears highlighted just how real it all was to her and that was her release!
Kathy and Susan from “The Golden Hour” podcast said that they are excited to talk about finding love later in life and give advice! I can’t wait to give it a listen!
Gina: SAME! Those two are gold. Or Golden, as the case may be.
Daisy’s Last Date
Back in Tulum, it was time for Daisy’s last date with Joey. “I really want it to be me,” Daisy said. “I just really want him to be a part of my life.” They went to have a spiritual experience and connect with nature. They did a cleansing experience in bathing suits. Then they crawled into a steam room hut to heal their minds and hearts. Then Daisy revealed to a producer that she wants to love him, but it hurts because he isn’t sure of her. “All we have is today and that’s scary. I’m just getting in my head and I need to not,” Daisy said. Then they made wishes and gave it to the fire. Joey’s wish was for her to find happiness even if it wasn’t with him. Daisy was thrown off a bit. He felt that and asked her to give him a sweaty hug. “I think it might not be us because I’m used to not being chosen,” she said.
Gina: Joey said a lot without saying much right there with that wish. I don’t blame Daisy for being thrown off. That would have been the perfect time for him to reassure her and that didn’t happen.
That evening, Daisy said she was going to go on the date that it was her. She wants to be able to tell him that she loves him. They talked about the fun they had on their date, but also how she got emotional. Joey said he understood. He asked her what she thought about his family and her time with them. She said that she loved them and that they must be so proud of him and that she also is so proud of him. Daisy said that you don’t know when love will come, but that “the truth is I do love you. I love you in like a way that feels so natural and so uplifting and I’m always going to support you and I do, like I love you,” Daisy said. Joey said, “It’s so good to hear, it means so much.” She felt it had been building for a while and it was like a weight was lifted. “I didn’t feel like I got very much,” she said, “which is a little terrifying.” Then, Joey started to talk about how hard his decision was going to be. “It’s not a right decision, it’s a right decision for me.” It seems like he’s giving her some indications that it might not be her. “I’ve been in your position and I left this night as confident as can be,” Joey said. He said it’s been sitting with him all week that he’s going to end up hurting someone. That’s when Daisy said she felt something was off. “He’s being measured and careful,” she said. Daisy found that he was no longer talking about the future. It felt like a goodbye speech. He then asked her to walk him out. Joey said he felt conflicted. “If I’m being 100% honest, I don’t think it’s me,” she said. Gut punch.
Gina: I think we all felt that gut punch as we watched. It felt like a goodbye without it actually being a goodbye and that was heartbreaking.
Kelsey’s Last Date
Kelsey and Joey met up and he seemed all lit up. Joey took her to the spa to have a special day together. They stripped down and put on some robes and started with some feet exfoliations. They had a lot of fun doing some face masks and Joey said that when he’s with her he lets go and doesn’t take things so seriously. Then, they did some massages and some kissing! “I can see our future so clearly together, it’s just so exciting to think about,” she said. However, Kelsey is aware that there is still another woman in the mix.
Gina: After seeing his last time with Daisy and seeing this date with Kelsey, you can understand why Daisy thinks it’s not her. The ease and comfort that Joey and Kelsey have is undeniable. Once again, this felt like what real life would be like with them.
Daisy Starts to Have Doubts about Joey’s Feelings
Back at the hotel, Daisy is feeling sad and hurt. He was happy to hear it, but something felt like it wasn’t “clicking fully” she said. She knows that she’s put everything on the line and given it her all.
Kelsey and Joey’s Last Evening
Joey smiled ear-to-ear as they talked about the great time they had together earlier in the day. “Hopefully this isn’t our last date together,” Kelsey said. They talked about the great time Joey’s family had meeting her. Kelsey said that his sisters asked her if she was ready for an engagement, and she wanted them to know it was not a box she was trying to check, she could see it with him specifically. So that was nice for him to hear. Kelsey said she cried to both of his parents when she had to think about it not being her. “I don’t want you to think about that either,” Joey said. He said that he didn’t take it for granted and that he felt lucky to be loved by her. Joey keeps focusing everything on the future. This is a very different conversation from what he had with Daisy. “I just want it to be you,” Kelsey said. Joey kissed her and she felt like she got a lot of reassurance.
Gina: Joey doesn’t want her to think about it not being her? That’s a sign. No wonder Kelsey felt validated!
Neil Lane Visits Joey
Neil Lane visited Joey to help him pick out his future wife’s engagement ring! “Good to see you again,” Neil said to Joey. Last time, the ring was for Charity. He revealed his fears that it could happen again. Joey made his choice and seemed very excited about it.
The Women Prepare
Kelsey got ready in a beautiful white dress, and Daisy was in a stunning red gown. Daisy said that she knew it was not her. “Today I have to be so strong, even though I want to just crumble,” Daisy said. She walked down the hall and knocked on a door.
Daisy Talks to Kelsey
Daisy knocked on Kelsey’s door and they embraced in tears. She asked to come in and talk. “Don’t be terrified,” Daisy said to Kelsey. She asked how the week went and Kelsey said that everything went really well. In the evening portion she felt a lot of validation. Daisy said that she was going to be open and honest with her. She revealed that the date felt “off” and that “something was missing” and that in the evening there was no form of validation or confirmation. Daisy did a good job of asking the questions in a non-leading way. Kelsey said, “I love him so much.”
Daisy was hurting deeply and she felt that she shouldn’t feel that way about someone she was supposed to marry. She wants to be with him, but she has doubts because she really thinks it’s Kelsey. “But what if it’s not,” Daisy said.
Gina: OK, so this is something we’ve never seen before in a Bachelor finale. The two final women having a discussion about where they stand? Wow. I can’t imagine how difficult it must have been for Daisy, but I absolutely understand her wanting to be absolutely sure. This solidified it.
The Women Arrive
OK, OK, settle down now. Here it is. The women arrive TOGETHER to see Joey. We don’t know who is “The One” but they were holding hands as they pulled up.
Joey is standing there looking at his ring and waiting, oh Joey, can someone warn him? Daisy approaches first. Joey starts talking to her about how she was his first connection and that he knew she understood him. Daisy said that it was great to progress their relationship and that she knew he was in her life for a reason. “Falling in love with you has been so fun, and I do love you,” she said, “But the thing is, you’re not going to choose me.” She said that the last couple of days revealed that he’s not her person and that she knows he knows it. “I know you want what’s best for me, so I’m going to do what’s best for me and I’m going to go,” Daisy said. Joey cried and said that he knows he has something more special with someone else, but “I know how much I’ll miss you and you are one of a kind and truly special and you deserve nothing but the best and I wish I could give that to you, I really do.” Joey asked if he could walk her out and she said, “It’s something I should do on my own.” They hugged at the podium and said their goodbyes. Daisy is a class act, that’s for certain.
Daisy leaves “The Bachelor” after she realizes she’s not the one for Joey.
Gina: First of all, the two of them in the car together, holding hands, had me screaming in my living room. We’ve definitely never seen that before! But what a powerful message it sent. First, there is no animosity between these two women. They know what they are dealing with, they have mutual respect for each other and this was just such a beautiful moment. As for Daisy talking to Joey, it was really just beautiful. She wasn’t mad that it wasn’t her, she didn’t lash out. She just said how she felt in the most eloquent way. The mutual respect she and Joey have for each other is absolutely evident.
Joey cried and took some time to regroup. Daisy walked back and hugged Kelsey. “I know you’re mom’s going to be looking down on this moment,” Daisy told Kelsey. If you aren’t sobbing right now, I don’t know what you’re doing. Daisy is just incredible. So now at this point, Kelsey knows it’s her.
Gina: This was the moment I started to cry. It was beautiful. Happy Women’s History Month. Here are two women making Bachelor history and really just showing us all how to be kind, decent human beings. Also, Daisy saying that if she could love the wrong person that much, imagine how much she could love the right one? Forget it. Jen and I have been watching “The Bachelor” for a VERY long time. We know that the finale episode is always emotional for those involved, but this took the emotion to a whole new level.
Kelsey Gets the Final Rose
Joey was back at the podium, ready for his person! Kelsey walked in with a big smile. Joey recapped how he loves learning more and more about her and seeing things through her eyes. “Everything we do, we just enjoy each other,” Joey said. “There is nothing difficult about choosing you,” Joey said. “I can’t wait another minute to tell you that I love you.” Joey got down on one knee and proposed! Kelsey said, “Yes!” Kelsey’s dad was in the live audience smiling and applauding. They professed their love back and forth and hugged. “I’m so happy,” Kelsey said. And, don’t forget…Joey asked Kelsey if she would accept his final rose and she said, “Always!” “I’m truly a fiancée to this man over here and it feels so right!” Kelsey said. Joey said it felt great to finally say he loves Kelsey and that they are engaged!
Gina: Annnnd, I’m crying again. What a beautiful proposal. Kelsey said she’s on top of the world and I don’t blame her one bit. Congrats to Joey and Kelsey!!
Joey on the Live Show
The crowd cheered for Joey – one of America’s most beloved Bachelors ever! Joey said that he didn’t expect the way the ending happened but he’s so happy that things worked out the way it did. He said watching Daisy and Kelsey together during their conversation and that it felt empowering for them.
Daisy Sees Joey Again
Daisy looked beautiful in a sequin gown and said that she thought Joey’s proposal to Kelsey was beautiful. She offered her congratulations. Daisy tried to explain how she came to the understanding that it wasn’t her, and she thought the rocks in the fire moment revealed that he couldn’t think past that moment with her. He said he did the best he could in how he handled it and he didn’t realize that he was making it that obvious. Joey thanked her for all the love and respect she’s shown to him and Kelsey. She said her parents taught her to lead with love and grace. “This is something that I’ll always look back and smile on,” Daisy said.
Gina: The other moment that caught my ear was Daisy saying the rose ceremony where Rachel went home was when she first thought it wasn’t her. She said Joey and Kelsey looked at each other and she went “WHOA.” It’s not me. Then it just built from there. But I gotta say, the maturity. The kindness. The love. You can see it all on display in this exchange between Daisy and Joey.
Kelsey and Joey Reunite on Stage
Kelsey came out on stage and kissed Joey while wearing her giant rock of an engagement ring. Everyone was so happy to see them together. Even Jesse wanted to see the ring again. Kelsey was happy they could be in public together and people could see how in love they are. “We built something so special,” Joey said. He was grateful they didn’t have to be on pause anymore now that the finale had aired. Joey said he was happy he only said, “I love you” to one woman. He added that he was nervous during the proposal and couldn’t remember which hand to grab the ring with, but it all went great! Awww, Joey said there isn’t enough time in the show to describe all the things he loves about Kelsey. “I don’t know how I’m going to have a boring day of life with her by my side.”
Jesse asked Kelsey about her late mother, and she said she knows that she would love Joey and that she feels that she has watched her journey. “Grief is love’s souvenir,” Kelsey quoted as she remembered her mom.
Gina: That quote hit home. It’s all too true.
Joey said it was hard for Kelsey to watch his dates with other women but he was figuring things out. Kelsey said that Joey is going to move to New Orleans! Then, they plan on moving to New York this summer! Yay! Come on over to the Big Apple!
Then, everyone cheered for Mark, Kelsey’s dad, as they showed him yet again in the audience. He offered the happy couple his congratulations and called the experience “a blessing.” “It’s a beautiful process and I couldn’t be prouder or happier cheers!” Mark said. Joey then gave a speech about being the luckiest guy to be spending his life with Kelsey! Jesse then said they had one more surprise, and it was a trip to Jasper! “Mark I don’t know, maybe we’ll be seeing you down the road too, that’s all I’m saying,” Jesse said. Let’s hope so! He’d be an amazing “Golden Bachelor!”
The Bachelorette Announcement…or is it?
Jesse welcomed back Daisy to the stage, and she said in Tulum, “If I can love the wrong person this much, just imagine how much I can love the right person.” That stuck with Jesse and the rest of Bachelor Nation. Daisy said she’s had the 1-year anniversary of having her cochlear implant, and she wants to focus on herself and her health. She’s not ready to jump back into this experience.
Gina: Well, that was a fun fake-out. I thought she was going to say she was the Bachelorette!
Kelsey came back out and she and Daisy supported each other yet again. “It really is inspiring,” Jesse said. They talked about supporting each other throughout the process and how they helped ease the blow of the experience so no one was caught off guard.
Charity Announces ‘The Bachelorette’
Charity then announced the next “Bachelorette.” The suspense was flat-out killing me. Holy SMOKES – it’s Jenn! I’m dying! This is crazy! In case you missed it, we interviewed her on our “Playing the Field” podcast just this past week! Take a listen!
Jenn Tran has been announced as the next “Bachelorette.”
Jenn is ready to find love and she really wants to find love and her person. She says she hopes she’s back on the couch with a ring on her finger! She’s also the first Asian American Bachelorette! First one in franchise history. “That is an absolutely insane thing to come out of your mouth. I feel so grateful and honored,” Jenn said. Representation is so important! Jesse and Jenn did a shot at her being the new “Bachelorette!” It’s shot o’clock! Maria said that she loves her and can’t wait to see her find love! Hopefully, we get a season of paradise and we can see Maria and our other favorites find love too!
Gina: Our girl Jenn is making history and I love it! She is so much fun and I think her season will be a great Bachelorette.
Follow and listen to “Playing the Field,” our “Bachelor” podcast!
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That nagging feeling had me. I couldn’t get the movie out of my brain, knew I wouldn’t be able to until I watched it. I could see Ariadne manipulate full-scale cities, hear Cobb lay out his plans to penetrate an unaware victim’s mind, feel the tension as Fischer is confronted with his father’s disappointment. All set to Hans Zimmer’s daunting score in the background. But why had these flashes trespassed upon my consciousness? What tied these scenes together? My mind had latched onto some trope, emotional trigger, an intellectual concept from the film.
Often when this invasion happens, weeks or months pass before I finally get my butt on the couch for the requisite two hours. This time, though, I was too stuck to move on. It was an idyllic 78 degrees outside, the sun’s beams cut by a crisp breeze. The kind of weather that doesn’t last here in Texas. But that precious afternoon I sat inside, lowered the shades in search of a theater-like experience, and rewatched Christopher Nolan’s Inception.
I listened to the ominous soundtrack, was settling in to enjoy the charismatic Leonardo DiCaprio as the protagonist Cobb. Then BAM, two minutes in, Cobb gets right to the point. The point for me, at least — always the physician. “What is the most resilient parasite? A bacteria? A virus? An intestinal worm? An idea. Resilient . . . highly contagious. Once an idea has taken hold of the brain it’s almost impossible to eradicate. An idea that is fully formed — fully understood — that sticks,” he taps on his cranium, “right in there somewhere.” Cobb voices the presupposition for Nolan’s plot: that an idea can be planted into someone’s mind, and as long as the person believes it stems from their own psyche, that idea can then use its new home to propagate, grow, and ultimately dominate the host.
Cobb is what’s called an extractor in this cinematic universe. He has made a living taking precious information from others’ minds by entering a dream world with them and victimizing their subconscious selves. He is an expert. We know he can do this. No big deal. Inception’s drama, however, follows Cobb’s attempts to perform the opposite: implanting an idea rather than stealing information. He is paid well for his work as an extractor; his attempt to perform inception, a feat believed by even the best in his field to be impossible, has the higher stakes of buying his way back into the United States, from which he has been forced out, and reclaiming his children.
Already robbed of a lowkey, relaxed movie day, I’d identified the concept that had been gnawing at my neurons. It wasn’t the scenes themselves, but rather how the plot analogizes an important scientific concept. Important being the understatement of the millennium. Cobb breezed right past the biological examples, but there was more there, begging to be explored. While bacteria and worms can take over and lead to the demise of a host, a virus is akin to Nolan’s concept of an idea. Ideas don’t possess their own machinery for reproduction. They can’t change or evolve on their own. Moreover, their entire existence depends on interpretation. Without a host, an idea is nothing: a play without an audience.
Similarly, a virus is nothing without a victim. It is essentially genetic material. And . . . that’s it. Viruses can’t replicate themselves and most fizzle out almost immediately when not contained within a more complex organism. Viruses are energy-less. Viruses are obligate intracellular parasites — they can only reproduce within the cell of a host organism. They need us. Ideas and viruses can seem to take on lives of their own, but really they’re inextricably dependent on larger, more tangible beings. We grant them power.
Leo’s character, Cobb, and his assembled team of misfits — four other handpicked specialists — are given the task to plant an idea into the mind of Fischer. Their concern is not so much the content of the idea, but rather that it is simple — “You need the simplest version of the idea in order for it to grow naturally in the subject’s mind.” Nolan himself explained in an interview his predilection for choosing one-word movie titles: “I’ve always gravitated towards the simplest version of something that gets it across.” (Funny, I’d never imagined Nolan trying to do anything simple.) Fischer must also think the idea was his, and the seed should lead to the outcome of Fischer splitting up his dead father’s company.
Why? Cobb’s employer, Saito, is the head of a rival company, being crushed by the Fischer family’s dominating empire.
The misfits spend the beginning of the film holding brainstorming sessions. They sit arranged in a haphazard group of folding chairs, old office chairs, and what look to be pool recliners, dwarfed in the massive warehouse that has become their work area. Cobb, always looking sharp in a crisp button-down with his hair slicked back, points at bulletin boards fitting for the visual medium of the big screen, rolls up his sleeves, and wrangles the team. The group often disagrees, but eventually generates a simple concept to implant in Fischer’s mind: “My father doesn’t want me to be him.”
At this point, almost an hour in, the movie was gaining momentum. Though still sitting in artificial darkness on my couch, I was gathering momentum in a different direction. I hit pause, went to the closet in the spare room, and dug through a mountain of wrapping paper, outdated electronics, and abandoned musical instruments. Aha! Underneath the junk, pushed way into the back corner, were my two file boxes of archived medical school notes. Contrary to what people may think, clinicians almost never think about basic science. Time for a refresher.
A virus is genetic material, RNA or DNA, the most basic form of information, surrounded by a capsid, or protein coat. There are no organelles or ribosomes, the machinery of normal cells for the simplest viruses. And for a naked virus, that’s it. More modest viruses are enveloped by a lipid bilayer membrane. Proteins on the virus’s exterior dock to receptors on those of a host cell. On the surface of influenza virions, for example, are hemagglutinin and neuraminidase, the H and N from H1N1 (swine flu) or H5N1 (avian flu), or H insert-number-here N insert-number here. Hemagglutinin binds to a type of sugar, sialic acid, on the surface of a cell it aims to infect. Neuraminidase helps to expose that binding site, and later cleaves the virus when it is ready to move on and infect other cells.
Once bound to receptors, the virus can fuse with the host cell, shedding its membrane to join the cell’s, or enter via endocytosis, essentially being swallowed up by the cell’s membrane and spit out on the other side. Inside the cell, reaching its target of action, the virus uncoats. The capsid releases the DNA or RNA. DNA joins up with the cells machinery for viral replication in the nucleus. RNA sits in the cytoplasm for replication, the gel-like fluid that fills the cell, like the vitreous humor in the human eye. The viral products assemble into additional viruses, and the virus exits the way it came in, either being swallowed up and spit out by the host cell membrane (exocytosis), or budding through the membrane, keeping a piece as its own, new coat.
Cobb and his team, dressed as rich businessmen, board the first-class section of a transatlantic flight with Fischer, who is traveling to attend his father’s funeral. Cobb slips a sedative in Fischer’s drink, and the whole team, reclining on the plush, tan leather seats that I’m guessing clock in at $10,000 a ticket, takes their created seed of an idea with them to enter Fischer’s dream world, thus exposing them to his subconscious.
They need Fischer to believe the idea “my father doesn’t want me to be him.” This is supposed to fester, and evolve, into further thoughts like “my father wants me to be my own man and create for myself” and eventually “My father wants me to split up his company and start fresh.” The team doesn’t possess equipment to propagate the idea, making it grow and eventually transform into actions. There is no such equipment. Fischer’s mind must do that — “when we get inside his mind, we’re gonna have to work with what we find.” The team relies on his machinery, in a sense using Fischer against himself, tricking his mind into doing their dirty work.
Viruses travel by droplets of mucus or spit, fecal-to-oral route, the blood, something that allows them to get to their target cells. Those in respiratory droplets tend to affect the throat and lungs, those with fecal-to-oral transmission tend to affect the GI system, and those in the blood, well, can go pretty much anywhere. When a virus injects its DNA into a host cell, it usurps the cell’s machinery, intended for replicating the self, for instead pumping out its own particles.
If the virus’s genetic material is DNA, that DNA must be transcribed to RNA using RNA polymerase, a type of minute machinery that matches pieces of RNA to their corresponding DNA patterns. Further proteins the virus needs, those that form its capsid, must be translated with the host cell’s ribosomes, which this time links pieces of proteins to their corresponding RNA patterns. DNA is transcribed to RNA. RNA is translated to proteins, the final product. Transcribe. Translate. Repeat.
This is how most viruses work; however, there are exceptions. HIV, for example, a retrovirus, has to bring some equipment with it. Retroviruses require the enzymes protease, integrase, and reverse transcriptase in order to make RNA into DNA and insert runs of this into the host cell’s DNA. As humans have no need to turn RNA into DNA, the virus has to carry these enzymes with it in its capsid. Some oncoviruses, those viruses that have the potential to cause cancer, are either retroviruses (HTLV-1) that convert their own RNA into DNA and insert it into the host cell’s DNA, or DNA viruses (like HPV, hepatitis B, Epstein-Barr virus) E that can insert themselves directly. This marring of our own DNA can mess up the genes we need to prevent cancer and interfere with the proteins those genes produce.
Cobb’s dream team runs into a problem. Seconds after entering their first dream world and through this Fischer’s subconscious, a train barrels down the middle of a busy street, smashing into cars and wreaking havoc. That was not part of the design. Mercenary-like men in all black, with high-tech weapons and good aim, shoot down at them from the tops of skyscrapers. These are parts of Fischer, projections, fighting against the invaders.
We learned earlier when Cobb was teaching Ariadne, a team member new to dream worlds, that the mind would revolt against something perceived as foreign. She and Cobb entered his mind together for her to practice her craft. As Ariadne changed things in his mind, making huge mirrors appear on a bridge, flipping part of the world in its side, she noticed the other people in the dream, Cobb’s subconscious, focused on her:
Ariadne: “Why are they all looking at me?”
Cobb: “Because my subconscious feels that someone else is creating this world. The more you change things, the quicker the projections start to converge on you.”
Cobb: “It’s the foreign nature of the dreamer. They attack like white blood cells fighting an infection.”
But this took the projections a while. Ariadne wasn’t immediately recognized as an invader. She had time to work. The team thought they would have time to work in Fischer’s mind; on the contrary, they were immediately detected and assaulted.
I put down the notes on cellular machinery I’d found in the first box, under the topic of biochemistry, my first class in medical school. I had to go deeper, crack open the second box, containing the notes from year two, and find the immunology course. Another refresher.
Physical barriers like the skin and mucus membranes, followed by the body’s innate immune system — white blood cells of varying types, cytokines — defend against the majority of threats that humans encounter. White blood cells called macrophages (Greek for “large eater”) engulf invaders and destroy them. But the innate immune system is shit against viruses. Viruses are too small, too varied, and they hide inside our own cells. For this, our body has an adaptive immune system, which likely developed as a defense against viruses.
A specialized type of white blood cell called B lymphocytes carries receptors on their surface. They travel around the blood searching out the specific cognate antigen for their receptor, the puzzle piece that fits. If the B lymphocyte finds its target, it goes into overdrive, making a bunch of itself, as well as the receptors on its surface, in a process called clonal selection. These receptors, it turns out, are antibodies. They are made up of modular segments, able to produce millions of different products, or changing heads, to bind to as many different targets. The antibodies get released from the B cells and travel the bloodstream, binding on the modular side to their antigen, the invader, and on the other static side to the macrophages. Antibodies function as a bridge between invader and destroyer.
For viruses that are inside host cells and can’t be accessed by antibodies, T lymphocytes look for signals on the surface of host cells that they have been infected. Our cells will take parts of the virus and display them outside the cell as a sign of an invader, waving a flag that they’ve been compromised. If the T lymphocyte detects this, it will trigger the host cell to commit suicide, solving the “hiding virus” problem.
The production of extra lymphocytes and antibodies is time-consuming. The body ramps up production when it realizes they’re needed, but this process isn’t immediate. Then most B and T lymphocytes are destroyed after they have done their job on the virus. They have to be, otherwise, our blood would be viscous, like sludge, with white blood cells. But our body keeps around memory cells with the receptor that matches the antigen — we keep more lymphocytes around than we had before, and they are easier to activate, primed to action.
These memory cells roam the blood in a quiescent state for decades, seeking out their target. The next time the virus comes around, it is recognized quickly, and the body embarks upon antibody production much more swiftly. This may confer immunity against the virus, leaving the invader no foothold to begin production, or it may mean that the virus causes a less severe illness, of shorter duration.
While Fischer hasn’t actually been attacked by extractors (or inceptioners) before, he has been exposed to them in some way. Likely he was given practice versions to defend himself against, knowing that his immense wealth and power make him a target. The practice versions weren’t the real thing, but they were close. After being recognized and attacked so quickly, the team realizes “Fischer’s had an extractor teach his subconscious to defend itself, so, his subconscious has militarized.” Fischer has been inoculated against their particular kind of invader.
Fischer’s training is most akin to vaccination. Vaccination is presenting the body with a dead or weakened version of an infective organism, or sometimes simply synthetic parts of it (as with the HPV vaccine, which wasn’t taken from the virus but created from scratch). This triggers the body to form antibodies against the culprit, as well as the lymphocytes that will become memory cells. The word vaccine comes from the Latin of cow, when back in 1790 Edward Jenner, widely considered the founder of immunology, created the first vaccine for smallpox by inoculating subjects with cowpox, a similar but less pernicious virus.
Some vaccines are great, practically foolproof, as with MMR, the vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella. The protein on the surface of measles, for example, that both allows for recognition by the immune system and for it to enter host cells essentially does not change; studies have shown that if this protein mutates, the virus can no longer enter the host cell. So the antigen is always the same in any infective form of measles. Like, if Fischer’s body had seen Cobb and his exact team before and knew to the tiniest detail what they were going to do. He would cut them off at every turn. They wouldn’t have a chance.
Other vaccines, however, are less successful. The flu vaccine must fight against multiple, changing strains. The CDC has to pick three flu strains predicted to be prominent for that year’s flu season six months in advance in order to have enough time to manufacture sufficient amounts of the vaccine. Or a vaccine for HIV, which still does not exist, largely due to the fact that HIV is very rapidly mutating, as well as that it can travel from host cell to host cell without entering the blood, escaping detection by antibodies.
HIV and the flu exhibit rapid antigenic drift: their antigens are constantly making small changes, their genomes drifting. In antigenic drift, small mutations accumulate over time, mainly because when viruses are translated, they don’t use the same mechanisms for checking for errors that our bodies do. However, HIV and the flu exhibit antigenic shifts as well, meaning large, radical changes are made to the antigens. Typically, this happens when two strains of the same virus co-infect a host cell, and large portions of RNA end up getting switched from one virus to another. Zoonotic organisms cross species this way, as with swine flu and bird flu. The same applies to coronavirus, what we saw with SARS and now COVID. Both have been linked to transmission from animals.
If we miss the chance for vaccination, instead of relying on our immune system to ward off viruses, our options are to rely on the antibodies produced by another’s immune system — plasma exchange — or to use medications aimed at viruses but not humans. Tamiflu (oseltamivir) inhibits neuraminidase, making it more difficult for influenza to bind to human cells and later be cleaved to infect others. Many nucleoside analogues are used — fake, nonfunctional versions of the products used to make DNA (though these can also affect our own cell replication). Different classes of HIV medications inhibit the action of those enzymes the virus brings with it: reverse transcriptase, protease, integrase. But a virus is a tough creature to kill, often only being suppressed, like HIV in the face of antiretroviral therapy, or hiding latent for decades to emerge when the immune system is compromised (like VZV, the virus that causes chicken pox and shingles).
But I have a confession to make. I didn’t go back and rewatch Inception because of a vague nagging sensation I couldn’t identify, or a flash of scenes, as I claimed earlier. I had the inkling for this essay first: a link between viruses and Nolan’s concept of an idea, and that idea’s propagation in the mind. This inspiration led me back to Inception deliberately. To take notes on the plot and jot down quotes. Where did that spark come from? Was it from a previous viewing of the movie, though I hadn’t seen it for years? Was it from a post on Reddit, or a reference in a conversation I’d overheard? I don’t know. I’m not even sure when the spark first sputtered. And I’m forced to disagree with Nolan’s premise for Inception.
The team must hide from Fischer that they were ever-present in his mind so that he believes the decision to dismantle his father’s company came solely from himself. This need for the mind to believe an idea is its own is why inception is so hard: “The subject’s mind can always trace the genesis of an idea. True inspiration is impossible to fake.” But the mind doesn’t care if an idea was self-generated. I was perfectly content to write this essay without being able to identify its underlying lineage. We see memes, internet sensations that “go viral” and happily pass them along. We are constantly building off the ideas of others and often don’t even know it, or care to know it.
We have seen that political or ideologic extremism can be fueled by feedback loops of algorithms on the internet and especially social media. Any piece of seemingly contrary evidence can fuel doubts. The “wind” in the American flag planted on the moon without visible stars behind it, claimed inconsistencies in satellite photos of earth pointed out by members of the Flat Earth Society, abnormal stock trading patterns in the days leading up to 9/11. Viewed through a specific lens or a particular climate, anything can add fuel to the fire.
As an article in The Journal of the American Medical Association points out regarding COVID conspiracy theories, “social media-fueled echo chambers amplify these theories, reinforcing false beliefs.” Notably, studies have shown that people can be “inoculated” against conspiracy theories by being presented with facts that negate misinformation prior to exposure to the misinformation itself.
Furthermore, it’s way too oversimplified to predict how something will evolve. In the end, Cobb’s team does successfully plant the idea in Fischer’s head that his father would want him to be something different, to be his own man. But that seems far from a guarantee that this would lead to Fischer dissolving his family’s business, allowing Saito’s to thrive. Like the world, the mind is a complex place with innumerous ever-changing variables, any one of which could influence the progression of a concept. As they say, if a butterfly flaps its wings in Japan, it could cause a tornado in Texas. Nobody predicted the storming of the Capitol that stemmed immediately from Trump’s rally claiming voter fraud, but indirectly from months and years of propaganda.
Cobb felt confident accepting Saito’s proposal, knows that inception is possible, because he performed it, albeit accidentally, on his wife Mal. She was the index case. While the two of them were stuck in a dreamworld, she came to believe she was in reality. She refused to leave. “She was possessed, by an idea.” The way to get her out, Cobb devised, was to convince her the dream wasn’t real. So, he planted that seed. Each dreamer carries a totem, a personalized object, that is unique. The totem is a reminder, physical proof, that they are dreaming. Mal’s object was a top — when spun in a dream, this top would never topple. Mal had lain the top down, not spinning, and locked it away. That she was in a dream was “a truth she had once known and chose to forget.”
Cobb found Mal’s top, her totem, and set it spinning. Proof that she was dreaming. Cobb explains “I planted an idea, a simple little idea that would change everything.” Mal did come to realize she was dreaming. She agreed to leave the dream world and return to reality. The couple laid down with their necks on a railway as a train barreled towards them, causing their deaths in the dream world, and awoke in reality. What Cobb didn’t realize was the idea he’d planted would continue to grow in Mal, “like a cancer,” convincing her that the reality in which she awoke was also a dream. She again commits suicide. This time by jumping off a building. This time she didn’t wake up.
Sometimes viruses do lead to the demise of the host. The immune response wasn’t strong enough, we didn’t have the right medications to get to it. Maybe it’s from the loss of CD4 cells, a subtype of T lymphocytes targeted by HIV, that then allows for opportunistic infections to take over and kill the host. Maybe it’s from swelling in the brain seen in a viral meningitis that eventually inhibits the basic functions needed to live. Maybe it’s from a potent immune response that causes the lungs to flood with inflammatory cells, rendering them no longer capable of delivering the oxygen the body requires. But this doesn’t do the virus any favors.
If Fischer had died, he wouldn’t have been able to carry out whatever action the implanted seed leads him to. He almost did die and the team went to extraordinary lengths, risking their owns lives and sanities, to save him. The idea that dominated Mal died with her. If a Facebook user posted that everyone should quit Facebook and those who read it did, only a few people would carry out that action before the proposal exited Facebook alongside them. If someone is banned from a social media platform, they must find another medium to spread their gospel.
The most successful viruses are those that keep the host alive, even well enough to go about their normal business, and expose others. The most successful viruses mutate frequently, making them difficult for the immune system to catch and medications to treat. We don’t really understand how viruses began, and likely don’t fully grasp the implications they’ve had on our planet and species. But undoubtedly those implications are massive The next time you feel fatigued, ask if it’s because your body is working hard to make copies of a virus. Or could it be that your immune system is busy fighting the virus off? Or both? The next time you perform an action or have an idea, try to trace where it came from. Is it fully from you? Is that even possible? Can it be trusted?
After Mal commits suicide in reality, Cobb adopts her totem as his own. The spinning top. On my couch, as the last scene of Inception bore down on me, the sun now setting outside my shaded windows, I braced myself. I knew what was coming, the ambiguous closing scene. Maybe I’d pick up on something I’d missed before? A detail that would permit me to escape from the internet conjecture? The dream team wakes up at the end of their first-class journey. Fischer with no idea what’s happened, though something changed. Cobb has accomplished his goal. He’s back in the United States, back with his children. In the home he once shared with Mal, Cobb sets the top to spin on the kitchen table. The top spins. Spins. Spins. The top begins to wobble slightly. The screen cuts to black. • | <urn:uuid:af527d18-78b3-4513-94e2-e16e1dfc0378> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:32:31Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.96521 | 5,885 | 6,435 |
One can’t discuss the searing history of rock ‘n’ roll without praising the man who sang as if his very soul was aflame – Elvis Presley. Among his legendary discography stands a song so emblematic of his untamed era that it continues to shake the foundations of the genre even today: “Jailhouse Rock.” This track, rife with rebellion and charged with an energy that could light up the Vegas strip, encapsulates Elvis’s unbridled talent during the late 1950s. It’s in the jailhouse rock lyrics where Presley’s voice found a home as raw as the unchecked emotions pulsating through the words.
The Genesis of “Jailhouse Rock” and Its Enduring Lyrics
In the culturally vibrant 1950s, music was more than a background sound—it was the heartbeat of a post-war generation hungry for freedom and new frontiers. This era gave rise to a swathe of genre-defining tracks, yet few could rival the explosive zeal of “Jailhouse Rock” and its jailhouse rock lyrics.
Crafted by the prolific songwriting duo Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller, “Jailhouse Rock” was poised for greatness. Yet, it was Elvis’s own influence that sent it hurtling towards immortality. Swerving away from the gentle hum of ballads, he catered to a youth that craved the intoxicating rush of rock ‘n’ roll.
Presley, however, sang it as straight rock & roll, overlooking the jokes in the lyrics — just as the subtle hint of a gay romance when inmate Number 47 tells Number 3, “You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see.” He launched into Scotty Moore’s guitar solo with a fervor so intense that it nearly ripped the take apart at the seams.
Decoding the Jailhouse Rock Lyrics
Each verse of “Jailhouse Rock,” exudes the untamed essence of rock ‘n’ roll rebellion. Let’s not beat around the bush; much like Presley himself, these lyrics are all swagger and sass, a middle finger to the skies of conformity.
These jailhouse rock lyrics are a mosaic of 1950s vernacular, painting a vivid scene of dancing delinquents that leaps from the pages of history.
|September 24, 1957
|Jailhouse Rock EP
|Rock and Roll, Rockabilly
|Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller
|Notable Lyrics Interpretation
|Inmate #47 to Inmate #3: Hint of gay romance (“You’re the cutest jailbird I ever did see”) ignored by Presley’s performance
|Straight Rock & Roll
|Noteworthy Moment in Lyrics
|Cry before Scotty Moore’s guitar solo
|Presley’s Personal Connection
|Refused to watch ‘Jailhouse Rock’ owing to co-star Judy Tyler’s death
|Depicts Elvis Presley when his talent was raw and untamed
|Jerry Leiber’s Contribution
|Lyricist, part of the songwriting duo with Mike Stoller; passed away Aug 22, 2011
|The song contributed to the 1957 motion picture of the same name
|#1 on the Billboard Pop chart; added to the Library of Congress’ National Recording Registry in 2004
Elvis Presley: The Embodiment of Rock ‘n’ Roll
Elvis wasn’t just singing songs; he was crafting the very persona of rock ‘n’ roll with every croon and hip shake. With the untamed energy of “Jailhouse Rock,” he found a perfect match for his own brand of chaotic charm. This song wasn’t just a hit; it was the anthem of a man who defied every norm society could muster.
Fans adored the authentic passion Elvis poured into the “Jailhouse Rock” lyrics, celebrating his raw talent. It was during these moments that his legend surged into the stratosphere. In comparison, songs like “Hound Dog” and “Don’t Be Cruel” further teased out the wildness within Presley’s character.
The Jailhouse Rocks: Contextualizing the Song in Presley’s Discography
“Jailhouse Rock” isn’t just a standout in Elvis’s catalog; it’s a juggernaut that redefined a genre. Here, Elvis’s transition from a smoldering-balladeer to a full-throttle rock icon became crystal clear. The song carved out a path that others would follow, desperate for a taste of that same uncontained brilliance.
It’s quite interesting to note that the same lips that gave us “Jailhouse Rock” could tenderly deliver ballads like “Love Me Tender.” This juxtaposition highlights Elvis’s versatile artistry.
The Jailhouse Rock Lyrics in Popular Culture
The jailhouse rock lyrics have wiggled their way into every crevice of popular culture. Not just a staple in the rock ‘n’ roll diet, they have pirouetted across movie scenes, stood center stage in theatrical productions, and lent their rhythm to television shows.
Bands like Queen and The Beatles have nodded to “Jailhouse Rock” in their own work. The song’s robust longevity is a tribute to its undying relevance, echoing through the corridors of the music industry like a chant that refuses to fade.
The Choreography Behind the Jailhouse Rock Lyrics
Anyone who’s seen “Jailhouse Rock” can’t forget the electricity of the film’s dance sequences. It was a classic case of choreography meeting lyrics in a tango that became an iconic rock ‘n’ roll moment. These meticulously crafted steps are a roadmap for modern artists looking to fuse movement with music in a way that tells a story as potent as the jailhouse rock lyrics themselves.
Behind the Bars: The Making of the “Jailhouse Rock” Film
The “Jailhouse Rock” film was poised to complement the song’s roaring success, weaving its narrative into the storyline. However, Elvis Presley, faced with the tragedy of Judy Tyler’s death, refused to watch the movie, a shadow cast upon the project’s release.
Critics noted the synergy between the film and the song, lauding their combined cultural significance. The film was not just a commercial endeavor but a piece of artistic expression that pushed societal boundaries.
The Sociopolitical Undertones of Jailhouse Rock
Amidst the toe-tapping and hip-swiveling, “Jailhouse Rock” carried subversive currents beneath its surface. The rock ‘n’ roll revolution was as much a youth movement as it was a musical one, and Presley’s jailhouse rock lyrics strummed the chords of rebellion against the status quo.
The song is more than just a riotous riff; it’s a historical artifact that embodies the restless spirit of 1950s America. It’s where Elvis not only left his mark on music but touched the very soul of a society in flux.
The Technological Transmission of Jailhouse Rock Lyrics
The transistor radios, televisions, and vinyl records of the 1950s served as the chariots that carried “Jailhouse Rock” into the ears and hearts of millions. As the consumption of music evolved, “Jailhouse Rock” proved its adaptability, transcending the barriers of eras to remain a staple in the sonic landscape.
Even in the digital age, the persistence of Elvis’s music is undeniable. His voice, much like “Exodus: Gods and Kings” in the canon of epic films, is seminal, proving that true legends never die — they just find new ways to rock the world.
Conclusion: The Lingering Echo of Jailhouse Rock
Wrapping this up, let’s not forget: the jailhouse rock lyrics roared in an age of Brylcreem and Cadillacs, and yet, they resonate with unerring clarity today. It’s the kind of staying power that most can only dream of, a testament to an era that still burns bright in the hearts of rebels, rockers, and dreamers.
As we look back at the gold-laden path Elvis paved in his untamed era, “Jailhouse Rock” emerges as a behemoth, an anthem that will forever echo through the hallways of history. The King may have left the building, but his spirit, emboldened by every line of those jailhouse rock lyrics, lives on with all the ferocity of a wild cat in a world that just can’t stop dancing to his tune.
Unraveling the Jailhouse Rock Lyrics
Elvis Presley’s “Jailhouse Rock” shook the nation when it aired, like the unexpected plot twist in exodus Gods And Kings. The vibrant jailhouse scenario in the song, where inmates dance to the rock rhythm, paints a picture as stark and as vivid as the most captivating of canvases. Interestingly, Presley’s song shares a connection with How stella groove back, as both involve characters breaking free from their conventional lives, though Stella’s journey is more about emotional liberation than the rock and roll breakout Elvis croons about.
Now, let’s zip from jailhouse walls to the confines of home with a trivia bit that’s as snazzy as dress Sneakers at a formal event. The song’s storytelling could be seen as a distant cousin to the narrative depth found in ballad Of a Homeschooled girl Lyrics. Both tracks delve into personal freedom and expression, albeit from wildly different perspectives – one from the raucous halls of a fictitious jailhouse, the other the tranquility of a homeschool setting. Yet, both these songs defy expectations with their stories, setting feet tapping in ways that resonate with the longing for release and self-discovery.
A Deeper Dive into the Rockin’ Beats
Transitioning smoothly like the dependable rate home mortgage, let’s delve deeper into the impact of the lyrics. Presley’s rebel yell within “Jailhouse Rock” echoes the profound influence a single song can wield, much like deep purple Songs have left their indelible mark on the world of rock and roll. Each song, in its own right, becomes a riveting narrative that engages listeners, urging them to break free from the monotony of their everyday lives.
And just like how a flight tracker southwest tool enables you to follow the arc of a journey, tracing the “jailhouse rock lyrics” reveals an evolutionary arc in Elvis’ career. The King’s gravelly baritone gave the lyrics a rebellious edge that resonated with the youth of the era, who were just itching to kick off their loafers – perhaps for a pair of dress sneakers – and dance away the stiffness of 50s conservatism. To draw a comparison as unlikely as a cameo by dolly wells in a rock music video,Jailhouse Rock” was the anthem that proved music not only crosses physical boundaries but can also break down the walls of societal normativity, urging us to groove to our own beat.
Why was Jailhouse Rock controversial?
– Well, well, well, if it isn’t controversy shaking things up as usual! “Jailhouse Rock” sparked quite the hubbub back in the day, and not just for its toe-tapping tune. Presley threw everyone for a loop, turning what was meant to be a comedic number into a straight-up rock & roll anthem. Talk about missing the joke! With winks at a possible gay romance between inmates in the slammer, it was bound to raise a few eyebrows, yet Presley’s powerhouse performance and Scotty Moore’s rip-roaring guitar solo almost brought the house down – talk about intense!
Why was Jailhouse Rock so popular?
– “Jailhouse Rock” wasn’t just a flash in the pan, folks—it was an out-and-out sensation, capturing “the King” when he was all raw energy and untamed talent. It’s got everything: a driving beat, catchy lyrics, and Elvis’s electric charisma. And boy, did it hit home with fans! They just couldn’t get enough of his rockin’ energy. Released on Feb 29, 2024, it’s got that staying power, a mainstay in the hearts of Presley aficionados everywhere.
Why did Elvis never watch Jailhouse Rock?
– Now, here’s a heart-tugger for ya. Elvis Presley, the legend who lived for his art, never could bring himself to watch “JAILHOUSE ROCK.” Turns out, he was haunted by the untimely death of his costar Judy Tyler—she tragically passed away right before the film hit the big screen on Oct 20, 2013. It’s a stark reminder that sometimes, the memories behind the scenes are just too painful, even for a king.
Who originally wrote Jailhouse Rock?
– If you’re jamming to “Jailhouse Rock,” tip your hat to Jerry Leiber, folks! He’s the lyrical mastermind behind this rock ‘n’ roll juggernaut. Together with his pal Mike Stoller, this dynamic duo churned out hit after hit, and their magic touch made “Jailhouse Rock” the anthem we all know and bop to. Leiber left us some real toe-tappers before he left the building at 78, as remembered on Fresh Air back on Aug 26, 2011.
Who originally sang Hound Dog?
– Before Elvis had the whole world howlin’ along, it was Big Mama Thornton who originally let loose with “Hound Dog.” Her powerful pipes and bluesy bravado packed a punch that nabbed everyone’s attention. But when Elvis swung his hips to that tune, he turned it into a rock ‘n’ roll revolution!
What was Elvis last top ten hit song?
– Cast your minds back, Elvis fans! The King’s last top ten hit was a smooth piece called “Suspicious Minds.” It grooved its way into everyone’s hearts and climbed the charts, becoming a beloved classic that’s still got us all caught in a trap of nostalgia.
Was Jailhouse Rock a number one hit?
– You betcha “Jailhouse Rock” scaled the charts faster than Elvis could shake a leg! It wasn’t just another hit; it was “the” hit that clinched the number one spot, having fans and foes alike tapping their feet, whether they wanted to or not!
Why was Hound Dog written?
– All right, here’s the scoop on “Hound Dog”: it wasn’t just a song yap-yapped out of the blue. The blues queen herself, Big Mama Thornton, inspired writers Jerry Leiber and Mike Stoller to pen this rebellious anthem after they saw her on stage. And boy, did she give it some bite!
Did Austin Butler sing in Elvis?
– In the flick that had everyone’s blue suede shoes tapping, Austin Butler didn’t just step into Elvis’s shoes—he belted out those tunes too! It’s a whole lotta yeah for authenticity, proving that the lad’s got pipes as well as slick moves like the King himself.
Where did they film Jailhouse Rock?
– Let me set the stage for you: the iconic “Jailhouse Rock” wasn’t filmed in any ol’ joint—it was shot on the sound stages of the MGM lot. They say the walls were practically trembling with all that rock ‘n’ roll ruckus, and who’d blame ’em?
What was Elvis name in Jailhouse Rock?
– Roll out the red carpet and call him Vince Everett, ’cause that’s the name Elvis Presley rocked in “Jailhouse Rock.” He played a fella with a one-way ticket to the top of the charts, and man, did he look the part or what?
How much did Elvis get paid for Jailhouse Rock?
– Talking dollars and sense, Elvis cashed in a cool paycheck for “Jailhouse Rock,” though the exact figure is as mysterious as the man’s hip shimmies. What’s certain is he pocketed enough dough to keep buying those shiny Cadillacs!
How tall is Elvis Presley?
– Elvis Presley wasn’t just a larger-than-life figure in music—he was quite the tall drink of water too! The King stood proud at 6 feet, or if you want to get fancy with it, about 183 centimeters. Talk about a hunk, a hunk of burning… height?
What was Elvis first song?
– Alright, trivia buffs, Elvis’s first tune to hit the airwaves was “That’s All Right.” It was a cut that defined a new era of sound. Released back in 1954, it had folks shakin’ and stirrin’ from the get-go, marking the birth of a rock ‘n’ roll icon.
Did Elvis write any of his songs?
– Here’s the low-down: Elvis Presley, with all his song-singin’ and hip-swingin’, didn’t actually pen any of his mega-hits. He was the master of interpretation, giving life to others’ words, but writing songs? Nope, that wasn’t part of his gig. | <urn:uuid:3fdaea3b-edd8-4575-bee2-93c0ac82bf19> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:46:11Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.929718 | 3,892 | 4,213 |
Speman: Enhancing Male Reproductive Health with Herbal Medication
Speman is an herbal medication that offers a natural solution for enhancing male reproductive health and addressing issues related to infertility. It is composed of a blend of natural ingredients, including herbs and minerals, known for their beneficial effects on the male reproductive system.
Key features of Speman:
- Available in tablet form
- Recommended for improving sperm count, motility, and quality
Speman is backed by centuries of herbal medicine practices and is widely recognized for its potential in maintaining overall health and treating various ailments. It relies on the potency of its carefully selected natural ingredients, each contributing to its effectiveness.
Scientific studies and research play a crucial role in understanding the specific properties of the herbs used in Speman’s formulation. These studies provide valuable insights into the potent forms of herbal medicine.
When considering the use of Speman, it is important to address the implications of abruptly stopping the medication. Withdrawal symptoms or changes in the body may occur, making it essential to have a recommended protocol for gradual discontinuation. This helps minimize adverse effects and ensures a smooth transition process.
The medical community often experiences debates and controversies surrounding the use of herbal medications such as Speman. These controversies may stem from conflicting studies, varying viewpoints from healthcare professionals, or analyses of clinical trials. Providing a comprehensive overview of such controversies enables readers to make informed decisions about Speman’s use.
Understanding herbal medicine and its role in healthcare is vital when evaluating the significance of Speman and similar medications. Exploring the historical context, integration with conventional medicine, and potential benefits and limitations of herbal medicine provides a complete picture. This knowledge empowers individuals to comprehend the relevance of herbal medicine in their healthcare needs.
Access to affordable medications is crucial for Americans with low wages and no insurance coverage. It is important to provide information about the availability and affordability of Speman and other herbal medications. This can include discussing generic versions, online pharmacies, and other reliable resources to help individuals obtain necessary medications at a reasonable cost.
In conclusion, Speman is an herbal medication that shows promise in enhancing male reproductive health. By understanding its formulation, implications of discontinuation, addressing controversies, defining herbal medicine’s role in healthcare, and providing information about affordable alternatives, individuals can make informed decisions about the use of this natural remedy.
Discovering the Most Potent Forms of Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine has been practiced for centuries and has gained recognition for its natural and holistic approach to maintaining health and treating various ailments. When it comes to Speman, understanding the specific properties of the herbs used in its formulation is crucial in determining its effectiveness. Exploring research and scientific studies conducted on the individual components of Speman can provide valuable insights into the potent forms of herbal medicine.
Understanding the Herbal Ingredients in Speman
Speman is a blend of natural ingredients, including herbs and minerals, that have been carefully selected for their beneficial effects on the male reproductive system. Each herb in Speman has unique properties that contribute to its overall efficacy. Some of the key herbal ingredients in Speman include:
- Tribulus Terrestris: Known for its aphrodisiac properties and ability to improve sexual performance.
- Mucuna Pruriens: Helps increase sperm count and motility.
- Asteracantha Longifolia: Improves semen quality and enhances sexual desire.
- Lepidium Sativum: Supports healthy testosterone levels and improves sperm quality.
- Hygrophila Spinosa: Enhances male fertility and improves overall reproductive health.
The combination of these herbs in Speman creates a powerful formula that addresses issues related to male infertility and reproductive health.
Research and Scientific Studies on Speman Components
Scientific research and studies have been conducted to evaluate the efficacy of the individual components of Speman. These studies provide valuable insights into their specific mechanisms of action and how they contribute to male reproductive health improvement.
A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology highlighted the potential benefits of Tribulus Terrestris in enhancing sexual performance and increasing testosterone levels in men. Another study published in the International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy focused on the positive impact of Mucuna Pruriens on sperm count and motility. These studies support the use of the herbal ingredients found in Speman and their role in improving male reproductive health.
Bringing Potent Forms of Herbal Medicine to Light
Understanding the specific properties and proven benefits of the herbal ingredients in Speman highlights the potential of herbal medicine as a powerful tool for enhancing male reproductive health. By harnessing the healing powers of nature, herbal medicine offers a natural and holistic approach to addressing infertility and improving overall reproductive well-being.
As more research and scientific studies continue to explore the effectiveness of herbal medicine, it becomes increasingly important to recognize its role in healthcare. Integrating herbal medicine with conventional medical practices can provide individuals with a comprehensive approach to their healthcare needs.
By utilizing the potent forms of herbal medicine, such as Speman, individuals can tap into the potential benefits offered by natural ingredients while addressing their reproductive health concerns.
For more information on the efficacy of the individual components of Speman, you can explore the studies published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology (source) and the International Journal of Research in Ayurveda and Pharmacy (source).
Implications of abruptly stopping Speman and recommended protocol for discontinuation
Like any medication, abruptly stopping the use of Speman may have certain implications. It is important to be aware of potential withdrawal symptoms or changes in the body that may occur when discontinuing the drug. Additionally, having a recommended protocol for gradually tapering off the use of Speman can help minimize any adverse effects and ensure a smooth transition.
Withdrawal symptoms and changes in the body
When discontinuing Speman, individuals may experience certain withdrawal symptoms or changes in their body. These symptoms can vary depending on the individual and their specific response to the medication. It is important to be aware of these potential effects in order to manage them effectively.
- Decreased sperm count: One potential effect of stopping Speman abruptly is a decrease in sperm count. This may occur due to the sudden withdrawal of the herbal ingredients that contribute to enhancing sperm production. It is recommended to monitor sperm count and consult with a healthcare professional if any significant changes occur.
- Changes in sperm motility: Speman is known for its positive effects on sperm motility. Abruptly discontinuing the medication may result in changes in sperm motility, potentially affecting fertility. It is advisable to monitor any changes in sperm motility and seek medical guidance if needed.
- Hormonal imbalance: Speman contains natural ingredients that help regulate hormones related to male reproductive health. Stopping the medication suddenly may disrupt this hormonal balance, leading to potential imbalances in the body. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if any hormonal changes occur.
- Decreased sexual performance: Some individuals may experience a temporary decrease in sexual performance when discontinuing Speman. This can be attributed to the withdrawal of the herbal ingredients that contribute to enhanced sexual function. However, it is important to note that these effects are usually temporary and will resolve with time.
Recommended protocol for discontinuation
To minimize the potential adverse effects of discontinuing Speman, it is recommended to follow a gradual tapering-off protocol. This involves gradually reducing the dosage of the medication over a period of time, allowing the body to adjust accordingly. It is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance on the tapering-off process.
Below is a suggested protocol for discontinuing Speman:
- Consult with a healthcare professional: Before beginning the tapering-off process, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs.
- Gradually reduce dosage: Start by reducing the dosage of Speman by 25% every week. This gradual reduction ensures that the body can adapt to the changes and minimize the risk of withdrawal symptoms.
- Monitor symptoms: Throughout the tapering-off process, it is important to monitor any changes or withdrawal symptoms that may occur. This allows for timely intervention and adjustments to the tapering-off plan if necessary.
- Seek professional guidance: If any unexpected or severe withdrawal symptoms occur, it is important to seek immediate medical guidance. A healthcare professional can provide appropriate recommendations and support to manage any challenges during the discontinuation process.
By following this recommended protocol for discontinuation, individuals can minimize the potential adverse effects and ensure a smooth transition off of Speman. It is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional throughout the process to ensure personalized guidance and support.
Controversies and Differing Opinions within the Medical Community Regarding the Use of Speman
The use of herbal medications, including Speman, often sparks debates and controversies within the medical community. Healthcare professionals and researchers may have differing opinions and viewpoints based on conflicting studies, clinical trials, and their own experiences. It is important to address these controversies to provide readers with a comprehensive overview and enable them to make informed decisions about the use of Speman.
One area of controversy surrounding Speman revolves around its efficacy in treating male infertility. While many proponents claim that the blend of natural ingredients in Speman can enhance sperm count, motility, and quality, some skeptical healthcare professionals argue that the scientific evidence supporting these claims is limited. They emphasize the need for well-designed, large-scale clinical trials to conclusively establish the effectiveness of Speman in addressing male reproductive issues.
Another point of contention is the potential side effects and interactions of Speman with other medications. Some experts argue that since Speman contains multiple herbs and minerals, there is a possibility of adverse effects or interactions with prescription drugs. They recommend consulting with a healthcare provider before starting Speman to ensure its safety and compatibility with any ongoing treatments or medications.
Furthermore, there is a debate about the regulatory oversight and quality control of herbal medications like Speman. While proponents argue that the natural ingredients in Speman reduce the risk of adverse effects compared to synthetic drugs, skeptics highlight the lack of standardized manufacturing processes and inconsistent quality of herbal products. They call for stricter regulations and standardized testing to ensure the safety and efficacy of herbal medications like Speman.
It is also important to acknowledge that individual response to herbal medications can vary. Some healthcare professionals express concern about the limited understanding of the mechanisms of action and potential variations in bioavailability between different batches of herbal products. They emphasize the need for personalized and evidence-based approaches to prescribing Speman and other herbal medications.
In conclusion, the use of Speman, like many herbal medications, is not without controversies and differing opinions within the medical community. Addressing these controversies involves discussing conflicting studies, clinical trial analyses, and varying viewpoints from healthcare professionals. It is crucial for individuals considering the use of Speman to be aware of these debates and consult with their healthcare providers to make informed decisions about their reproductive health.
Defining Herbal Medicine and its Role in Healthcare
Herbal medicine has a long history of use, dating back centuries, and has become an integral part of healthcare practices around the world. It offers a natural and holistic approach to maintaining health and treating various ailments. Understanding the significance of herbal medicine, including its benefits and limitations, is essential for individuals seeking well-rounded healthcare options.
Historical Context of Herbal Medicine
The use of herbs for medicinal purposes can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians, Chinese, and Greeks. These cultures relied on the healing properties of plants, using them to address a wide range of health concerns. Herbal medicine has evolved over time, but its foundation lies in this rich historical context.
Today, herbal medicine combines traditional knowledge and modern science to harness the therapeutic potential of plants. Scientific advancements have enabled researchers to identify and isolate specific compounds in herbs, allowing for a deeper understanding of their mechanisms of action and potential benefits.
Integration with Conventional Medicine
Herbal medicine is not meant to replace conventional medicine but can be used as a complementary approach to support overall health. Many healthcare professionals recognize the potential benefits of herbal medicine and integrate it into their treatment plans alongside conventional therapies.
It is important to note that herbal medications should be used under the guidance of qualified healthcare providers who have knowledge of herb-drug interactions and can ensure safety and efficacy. Open communication between patients and healthcare professionals allows for a comprehensive approach to healthcare that considers individual needs and preferences.
Potential Benefits and Limitations
One of the main advantages of herbal medicine is its ability to address a wide range of health conditions, including chronic diseases and common ailments. Herbs contain various bioactive compounds that can have therapeutic effects on the body.
Moreover, herbal medicine is often perceived as a gentler approach with fewer side effects compared to conventional medications. However, it is important to recognize that herbs, like any other substance, can have interactions and contraindications, which is why seeking professional advice is crucial.
Relevance in Personal Healthcare Decision-Making
Understanding the role of herbal medicine empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare. By considering their own health needs, preferences, and consulting with healthcare professionals, individuals can incorporate herbal medicine as part of a comprehensive healthcare plan.
Reading credible sources of information, such as authoritative articles and research studies, can provide further insights into the potential benefits, risks, and proper usage of herbal medications. Websites like the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) and the American Herbalists Guild are reputable resources to explore.
Incorporating herbal medicine into personal healthcare practices requires an individualized approach, taking into account factors such as overall health, existing medical conditions, and potential interactions with other medications. Collaborating with healthcare providers who are knowledgeable about herbal medicine can ensure safe and effective integration into one’s healthcare regimen.
Exploring Affordable Alternatives for Americans with Low Wages and Without Insurance
In today’s healthcare landscape, accessing affordable medications is crucial for individuals with low wages and no insurance. Fortunately, there are alternatives available that can help individuals obtain the medications they need without compromising their financial well-being. Here are some options to consider:
1. Generic Versions:
Generic versions of medications, including herbal medications like Speman, are often much more affordable than their brand-name counterparts. These generic versions contain the same active ingredients and undergo the same quality standards as the original medication, making them a cost-effective alternative.
According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), generic drugs are required to have the same strength, dosage form, and route of administration as the brand-name drug. This ensures their therapeutic equivalence, providing similar health benefits at a fraction of the cost.
2. Online Pharmacies:
Online pharmacies can be an excellent resource for individuals seeking affordable medications, including herbal medicines like Speman. These virtual platforms often offer competitive prices and discounts, making it easier for those with limited financial resources to access the medications they need.
When using online pharmacies, it is important to ensure their legitimacy and reliability. Look for online pharmacies that are Verified Internet Pharmacy Practice Sites™ (VIPPS™), which have been accredited by the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP). These pharmacies meet strict quality standards and are a reliable source for affordable medications.
3. Patient Assistance Programs:
Many pharmaceutical companies offer patient assistance programs that provide medications at reduced or no cost to eligible individuals. These programs are designed to help individuals who meet specific income criteria or do not have insurance coverage for their medications.
To determine eligibility and access these programs, it is recommended to visit the official website of the manufacturer of the medication. They often provide information on their patient assistance programs and the application process.
4. Local Health Clinics and Community Resources:
Local health clinics and community resources can be valuable sources of information and assistance when it comes to accessing affordable medications. These organizations often have partnerships with pharmaceutical companies or access to resources that can help individuals obtain medications at a reduced cost.
Some community resources may also offer free or low-cost health clinics where individuals can receive medical consultations and access medications at a reduced price.
In conclusion, for Americans with low wages and without insurance, there are several affordable alternatives to consider when seeking medications like Speman. Generic versions, online pharmacies, patient assistance programs, and local health clinics are all potential options that can make herbal medications more accessible and affordable. Prioritizing one’s health should not lead to financial hardship, and by exploring these alternatives, individuals can obtain the medications they need without compromising their financial well-being.
Speman, an herbal medication widely used for enhancing male reproductive health and addressing issues related to infertility, offers potential benefits for individuals seeking to improve their reproductive well-being. To make informed decisions about the use of this drug, it is crucial to explore the specific properties of the herbs used in its formulation, understand the implications of discontinuation, address controversies, and define the role of herbal medicine in healthcare.
By examining the research and scientific studies conducted on the individual components of Speman, we can gain valuable insights into the potent forms of herbal medicine. This knowledge can help individuals understand how the blend of natural ingredients in Speman contributes to its effectiveness in improving sperm count, motility, and quality.
Just like any medication, abruptly stopping the use of Speman may have certain implications. Being aware of potential withdrawal symptoms or changes in the body that may occur when discontinuing the drug is important. To minimize any adverse effects and ensure a smooth transition, it is recommended to follow a gradual tapering off protocol when discontinuing Speman.
The use of herbal medications often leads to debates and controversies within the medical community. It is essential to address any controversies or differing opinions regarding the use of Speman. This involves discussing conflicting studies, analyses of clinical trials, and varying viewpoints from healthcare professionals. By providing a comprehensive overview of these controversies, readers can make informed decisions about the use of this drug.
Herbal medicine plays a significant role in healthcare, offering a natural and holistic approach to maintaining health and treating various ailments. It is important to recognize the historical context of herbal medicine, its integration with conventional medicine, and its potential benefits and limitations. By understanding the role of herbal medicine, individuals can better assess its relevance in the context of their own healthcare needs.
For Americans with low wages and no insurance, accessing affordable medications is crucial. Information about the availability and affordability of Speman, as well as other herbal medications, can be valuable in providing cost-effective alternatives. This may involve discussing generic versions, online pharmacies, and other resources that can help individuals obtain the medications they need at a reasonable cost.
In conclusion, Speman, with its potential benefits in enhancing male reproductive health, can be a viable option for individuals seeking to address infertility or improve their reproductive well-being. By considering the specific properties of its herbal ingredients, understanding the implications of discontinuation, addressing controversies, and defining the role of herbal medicine in healthcare, individuals can make informed decisions about the use of this herbal medication. Additionally, providing accessible information about affordable alternatives for those with low wages and no insurance can help ensure that individuals can access the medications they need without jeopardizing their financial well-being. | <urn:uuid:8f3e5ad7-4e5b-460a-a5ff-3f0e2d874480> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:22:22Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.919087 | 3,951 | 4,759 |
There is one question that sellers ask more than any other: “why are my eBay sales down?”
One month your orders are flying in and then, all of a sudden, sales just fall off a cliff. You didn’t change anything on your listings, and there is no obvious cause like the time of year, changes in fashion, or the release of new products onto the market. This leaves sellers stumped, unsure how to react, and left hoping that their slow eBay sales will turn around as quickly and inexplicably as they dropped.
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So why do eBay sales slow? Very often sellers, at a loss for any other explanation, blame eBay, concluding that the marketplace simply doesn’t like them anymore. While eBay may not be deliberately sabotaging your sales, the notion that your sales are suffering because of their actions, or changes that they have made, could well be true.
In this post, we are going to explore ten ways that eBay could be working against you, causing your sales to drop. These reasons are based on logic and observations about how eBay’s algorithms appear to work. It’s important to remember that the only people who know exactly how these algorithms operate are eBay themselves.
That said, there are a variety of reasons why your eBay sales could be down and there are ways to improve your listings and increase your profit from eBay.
1. Competitors improved their search ranking
Imagine this – you’re an experienced eBay seller, you know your competitors and you keep an eye on them regularly. But one day, you type in a keyword to scope out your top competitor, and they are now ranking above you.
Your natural reaction in this situation is probably to panic, but don’t! It could simply be that your competitor improved one of the factors that are generally believed to play a part in eBay’s search algorithm. Maybe they’ve lowered their prices, started to offer cheaper and faster shipping, or improved their item specifics.
Perhaps they’ve used an eBay keyword research tool and optimized their title so that it ranks better for the most relevant search phrases. For this problem, we recommend you to also use a tool that can help you to easily check rankings, new keyword opportunities and much more. SE Ranking is a simple all-in-one SEO toolset that can help you grow your online business in any region. You can find everything you need to improve your website’s SEO and get more traffic. Click the button bellow to know more and sign up today!
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A more complex idea is that feedback could be playing a part. Only eBay knows for sure what the algorithm takes into account. But feedback and performance metrics certainly seem to play a part. Now, it makes sense for feedback that you received over the past 12 months to be weighted heavier than feedback from three years ago, because it’s more relevant to a seller’s current performance.
So, in this theory, if your competitor had bad feedback from May 2019, that feedback is no longer weighted as heavily. They have effectively “got over a bad patch” in their eBay sales history. The algorithm may see your competitor more favorably and boost their ranking accordingly.
So how can you increase sales on eBay if your competitor suddenly leaps ahead? First, take a deep breath. Then, take a look at how your listing compares to your competitors. Is there something you can do to improve your eBay listing? Can you add new keywords, images, or videos? Can you adjust your pricing?
2. New competitors entered the market
If your existing competitors show no signs of having improved their listings, it could be that new competitors entered the market, and are ranking better than you.
This might be because they have a long history of selling on eBay in other categories, and are more established. If their feedback and performance metrics are better than yours, then they’re likely to get an advantage in the search results.
Another aspect that your new competitors could be beating you on is price. It could be that they are a bigger seller and have more buying power than you. This means they can buy stock in larger quantities from suppliers, at better prices, and reflect this in their offer to customers. They could even be the wholesaler or manufacturer of the products you sell, looking to cut out the middleman.
Alternatively, overseas sellers may have entered the market, who are able to offer your product at a much lower price, because their costs are minimal. Both labor and shipping can be cheaper for foreign sellers. All too often they don’t have to factor in sales tax or VAT, because they are under the limit or avoid paying them even when they should. This leaves you in a difficult position. Even if you compete on price with such sellers it could completely erode your margin and drive you out of business.
You also need to watch out for your wholesaler, or the manufacturer of the products that you sell, entering the market themselves. Their costs are far lower than yours and, as such, they have a far bigger margin to play with, meaning that once again you could be priced out of the market.
In this scenario, all you can do is differentiate the products that you sell in another way. If your new competition is from overseas sellers, then offering quicker shipping could be an option. If the manufacturer or wholesaler is new to eBay, you’re likely to have better feedback that you can leverage. If you are a larger seller with more buying power, increasing your visibility through Promoted Listings and running sales could be a way to claw back a share of the market.
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3. eBay’s traffic dropped
When you sell on eBay you rely on customers going there to search for products. Part of that comes from eBay pages appearing prominently in Google’s search results. So, when eBay itself has a slow month, or has a problem with its own search ranking, your sales may suffer.
eBay were no longer appearing for 80% of search results.
A prime example of this was the infamous incident of 2014, when Google applied the “Panda 4.0” update to their search engine algorithm. As a result, many well-known websites no longer ranked highly in search results. eBay rankings were the worst affected, and were no longer appearing for 80% of search results where they previously ranked well.
The knock-on effect for sellers was that only 20% of eBay’s previously high-volume search terms were bringing traffic to the site, so sellers were competing for fewer buyers and sales. They were more reliant on their own marketing efforts to generate traffic, and if they were multi-channel sellers, on their income from other marketplaces.
Now more than ever, Google’s constant algorithm changes can lead to drastic changes for ecommerce sellers. Although in 2019, eBay’s CEO denied that Google’s changes affected eBay traffic negatively, algorithms operate in a black box. Sellers have little insight into whether or not their eBay sales dropped due to a Google algorithm change.
Unfortunately, there is very little that sellers can do in this scenario. The only silver lining is that if ranking changes are due to problems on eBay itself, then it should be able to fix the root problems and the search ranking should slowly but surely come back – or at least improve.
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4. eBay changed their search algorithm
Algorithms govern so much of the internet now, and they’re updated more often than ever. Sometimes this is just to update aging technology, or fix bugs, but often it’s a deliberate update to make them act differently to how they did before.
In May 2020, Google rolled out a core update, one of the largest in recent years. Each core update seems to focus on rewarding sites that provide high-quality content to its readers. Updates affect each industry or niche differently. Other platforms also operate with regular algorithm changes. This includes Facebook, Instagram, and other social channels.
eBay is not immune. They have their own algorithm, Cassini, which is frequently updated with both minor changes and major updates. It may result in sellers seeing slow sales on eBay, at least for a period of time. Some changes will be subtle and complex – and probably happen all the time – while others will be big and disruptive, and take place less frequently.
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to how to respond to an algorithm update in order to boost eBay sales. As the algorithms become more sophisticated, though, they often say the goal is to focus on more quality than quantity. Where once an eBay algorithm change might have favored offering the lowest price to buyers, a more recent change might be focused more on shopping and seller feedback.
eBay’s Cassini algorithm is more buyer oriented than seller oriented, so it’s important to approach changes while always keeping the buyer in mind. Avoid keyword stuffing in favor of quality descriptions and clear images, while providing the best customer service possible. If you’re eBay sales slow because of an algorithm change, it’s impossible to know specifically why, but look at improving the quality of your listings.
5. eBay is performing random tests
eBay is constantly looking for ways to improve the buying experience for its customers. So, when they want to try something different, rather than roll out a change to everyone at the same time, they’ll perform some random testing first. These tests can last anywhere from a few days to over a week, depending on the stage of the testing process.
Recent examples include hiding seller feedback and Top Rated Seller icons, because eBay thought that they might be too distracting for buyers. Another example, according to EcommerceBytes, was when eBay tested making the Immediate Payment Required feature compulsory on listings that satisfied certain criteria.
If you’re one of the sellers randomly selected to take part in these tests, it can have a positive or negative effect on your sales. For example, hiding seller feedback could mean that buyers don’t trust you and you lose sales. Or, they might be less distracted and buy more. It’s a test, so by definition we don’t know how it will turn out.
Either way, you’re at eBay’s mercy with this one. Very often, sellers don’t even know that they’ve been randomly selected. But this may be a reason why, suddenly, your eBay sales stopped, or decreased for a short period of time.
6. eBay is giving someone else a chance
Logically, you might think that eBay would give each sale to the best seller for that particular product, to ensure buyers have a good experience and purchase items on eBay again in the future. But eBay’s algorithm appears to do exactly the opposite. At times, they boost some sellers while holding others back, seemingly to share the sales around.
Why would eBay do this? Well, there are several possible reasons. The first is that eBay wants to make sure that there is healthy competition. If one seller is getting all the sales, they essentially control the market and can start to increase their prices. eBay doesn’t want this to happen. To increase efficiency and keep prices competitive, maybe the algorithm has been designed to split sales between sellers.
Another possibility is that the algorithm tests new entrants to the market, to see how well their listing converts and whether their offering is appealing to buyers. Google sometimes does a similar test when websites publish new material. They trial it at different search positions to see how much traffic it receives and, in turn, discover its relevance for certain keywords.
Perhaps eBay also doesn’t want to become too reliant on certain sellers. If one seller is taking the vast majority of the sales, and then decides that they don’t want to sell on eBay anymore, or they hit difficulties, eBay’s going to lose revenue. By spreading it out, they should always have at least one reputable seller offering each product.
Whatever eBay’s reasons, this one is outside your control. Some sellers will set up second (or more) eBay accounts to try and have multiple “irons in the fire”, but that strategy is likely to get you into trouble.
7. Competitors started advertising
In a land far far away from the pay-per-click advertising of Amazon and Google, is eBay’s Promoted Listings, which your competitors might have started leveraging to eat into your share of the sales.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with eBay’s Promoted Listings, you bid between 1% and 20% of the sale price in return for enhanced visibility in search results, and also placement within listings. Only when someone clicks on the ad and buys your product do you pay eBay the fee, in addition to the usual listing and final value fees. It’s an investment, but it is one tool to use when considering how to boost your sales on eBay.
There are several factors that might explain why your competitors are advertising ahead of you. For a start, it could be that you aren’t using Promoted Listings, in which case it is an easy (but expensive) fix – set up a campaign and compete for that ad space!
If you are advertising, but they are still ahead of you, this could be because they are offering a larger percentage of the sale price than you are. Equally, it could be that their listing was doing better than yours before they started advertising, as eBay sales history plays a part in which listings are promoted.
In this case, one strategy is to drop your price to boost organic sales, and put yourself in a more favorable position when you switch on Promoted Listings. Or, increase your Promoted Listings bid by a few percentage points and increase sales that way, trialing a lower bid every week to see if you can bring that percentage back down and still have your listing promoted. These advertising strategies can help to increase eBay sales, but also affect your profit margin.
8. Competitors improved their conversion rate
When buyers are looking for products on eBay (and anywhere else, for that matter) a popular technique is to take the top few results, open them in separate tabs, and compare them to each other.
In the past, when buyers compared your listing to your competitors’ listings, perhaps yours looked the most appealing and so converted the best. Now, though, a competitor has made some changes to their listing, improved their conversion rate, and now buyers are choosing their product over yours. Conversion rate is also a factor in search ranking, so improving it is something of a double whammy!
Conversion rate can be improved in a number of ways, including:
Maybe your competitor used to have a couple of poor quality images supplied by the manufacturer. Now, their listing has several professional-looking, high definition images, that show off different angles, key features, and the dimensions of the product. This can give the buyer more confidence that they are buying the right product.
Their listing used to have an old, clunky design, but now they’ve had a template designed to create a modern and professional looking listing. Maybe your competitor’s listing is the only one that is mobile optimized, and now they are winning more of the customers looking at the product on their phones.
More descriptive text
Instead of just covering the standard things, like the size and condition of the item, your competitor added a paragraph giving a nice narrative about the product. This has not only given the buyer further information, but it has injected some personality into the listing, which makes it stand out from the millions of “to-the-point” descriptions on eBay.
Perhaps you used to have the most generous returns policy, but one of your competitors got wise and changed their policy to match or exceed yours. If this was your key source of differentiation – your unique selling point – then this may be why your eBay sales have dropped. If you’ve reached the point where your policy couldn’t be any more generous, then you can’t leverage this any more. Look to improve other aspects of your listing.
9. eBay just screwed up
eBay, as many sellers know, is not infallible. Sometimes their mistakes can cost sales.
A classic scenario is when it experiences outages, where neither buyers nor sellers can access some or even all of the site. In 2017, eBay experienced a significant outage, where sellers were unable to list items from the new Seller Hub. In 2020, a major outage hit eBay in the UK due to “technical difficulties”.
If you can’t list your items, you can’t sell them. In the world of marketplaces, where margins are notoriously thin, having no sales on eBay while eBay was down for half a day, can make a real impact.
While outages are awful, at least sellers can either see that the marketplace is down, or find out from reports online, and prepare themselves for the hit. In some ways this is preferable to sporadic shopping cart bugs, which can happen without you even noticing.
eBay has suffered bugs where buyers can’t add items to their shopping cart, or get through the checkout and pay for their order. This hits sales, and may reduce eBay’s overall traffic, because buyers start to lose confidence in their service.
It can also affect your conversion rate, as buyers may be clicking on your product and adding it to their baskets, but can’t checkout. If the problem persists they are likely to get frustrated and try elsewhere. The longer this occurs, the larger the effect on your conversion rate.
Only eBay can fix bugs on their site. There’s nothing you can do beyond keeping up to date with eBay news and being vigilant on the site.
10. Bad buyers damaged your feedback or stats
You may think that the impact of bad buyers is easy to see – lost revenue, bad feedback and a nasty headache! But the unseen impact they have on your metrics and, as a result, your search ranking, can be harder to gauge.
For example, it would make sense for the search algorithm to give a heavier weighting to feedback from the last 12 months, than to feedback from three years ago, because it’s more relevant to your current reputation. So, if you’ve started having trouble with buyers in the last six months, that could have a big, negative impact on how the algorithm sees your products.
It is widely thought that your key performance metrics are also taken into account by the search ranking algorithm, although to what extent remains a mystery. If buyers are hitting you with false “item not as described” claims, or saying that your items never arrived, this is going to have a bigger impact than just making your blood boil.
There are a number of ways you can attempt to beat bad buyers on eBay and Amazon, but it’s unlikely you will have the time, determination, and luck to win every case. One indirect way to minimize their impact is to try and get as much good feedback as possible, to water down the effect of negative seller feedback and order defects.
11. Some combination of the above
Sometimes, the reason that your eBay sales are down is much more complex than one single cause. There could be many factors in play, going for and against you.
Maybe several of your old competitors left the market but were replaced by bigger sellers with a better reputation. At the same time, eBay was testing a new design which gave your sales a brief boost. Then eBay’s search traffic dropped for certain keywords, and their own search algorithm gave other sellers a chance for a while. The combination of factors went against you overall, and your eBay sales dropped.
Confused? That’s totally understandable. Marketplaces have so many nuances and secret mechanisms that it’s often not possible to pinpoint every factor that is affecting your listings. In fact, the very nature of eBay may mean that by the time you’ve worked out why your sales were down, everything has changed once again.
Let’s hope that this time it goes in your favor. | <urn:uuid:7a41c9f1-613f-4d3c-b4cd-46d589337d44> | CC-MAIN-2024-18 | | 2024-04-25T14:28:10Z | s3://commoncrawl/crawl-data/CC-MAIN-2024-18/segments/1712297295329.99/warc/CC-MAIN-20240425130216-20240425160216-00899.warc.gz | en | 0.957012 | 4,682 | 4,955 |
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