stringlengths 8
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int64 1
The Department of the Interior is exploring alternative procedures would let tribes negotiate compacts directly with the secretary, cutting the states out of the equation. | The department wants to stop tribes negotiate directly with the secretary. | 2 | 4,230 | 2 |
Indians were removed from key positions in the administration because Cornwallis considered them not yet up to the stricter ethical standards were being introduced. | Cornwallis considered Indians unfit for key administrative positions. | 0 | 4,241 | 1 |
IPM is a linear programming model of the electricity sector finds the most efficient | IPM is a non-linear evaluation model of the electricity sector. | 2 | 4,243 | 1 |
(For more on the domino effect supposedly will occur, see // | It is the second time a domino effect should occur this year. | 1 | 4,250 | 1 |
and you get more and more people would just end up there because it's uh it's the safety net of those of you know average intelligence or something they can always teach | People end up there because it's a safe place to be. | 0 | 4,255 | 1 |
These were to (1) define clear missions and desired outcomes, | Only define the outcomes are desired. | 2 | 4,263 | 1 |
it's a lot cheaper in uh in uh Texas | Prices are much higher in Texas because of a Chinese tariff only applies there. | 2 | 4,291 | 1 |
do you have anybody you uh have are close to that decision on or anything or i've thought about it for myself and all and my wife my wife's mother is uh in a retirement home she's not in a nursing home uh | I think about it for myself. | 0 | 4,322 | 1 |
To many Madeirans believe the Lady of Monte has carried them through troubled times, the pilgrimage is an obligation. | Because the Lady of Monte is believed to have carried them through troubled times, Madeirans believe the pilgrimage is an obligation. | 1 | 4,344 | 1 |
Under the Clear Skies Initiative, America will continue to have a diverse fuel mix ensures a reliable, affordable energy supply. | The Clear Skies Initiative makes sure America relies on several types of energy. | 1 | 4,370 | 1 |
The sky is a solid sphere surrounds Earth. | The earth is surrounded by the sky. | 0 | 4,384 | 1 |
and i think a lot of cases like a lot of our minority issues the we had the ten four one verses the fourteen one election here in Dallas a while back and it lost well that was decided by a very small margin um and there were a lot of of minorities wanted it to go the way it didn't go but they also had very low voter turnouts especially like in the Hispanic community and i think in that case they've just they developed a distrust of the system and so they've chosen not to participate in it | Hispanics used to participate more during elections. | 1 | 4,403 | 2 |
the Administrator of EPA shall promulgate a rule establishing specifications for detergent additives to implement the requirement, also contained in section 211(l), that, effective January 1, 1995, no gasoline may be sold or dispensed which does not contain additives to prevent the accumulation of deposits in engines or fuel systems. | The EPA Administrator will make a rule addresses air quality. | 2 | 4,411 | 1 |
Of course, it is an open market depends upon the U.S. | The open market couldn't survive without the US supporting it through trade. | 1 | 4,421 | 1 |
Should we be boycotting multimedia sites make even my fractional T3 connection choke? | Boycotting multimedia sites choke our T3 connections will benefit the community. | 1 | 4,433 | 2 |
right yeah i agree i agree with you i don't think we should either even though i know there are benefits to the metric system i don't think the benefits of the metric system outweigh the the disadvantages would happen to the people of America | There would be no drawbacks to adopting the metric system. | 2 | 4,441 | 1 |
Los Angeles has many different sides, which means you're in for the ideal vacation whether you're a tranquil beach-loving type, a city slicker, a born shopper, a celebrity chaser, or simply a pleasure-seeker goes with the flow. | People love shopping might enjoy Los Angeles. | 0 | 4,447 | 2 |
He believed that the statement was dangerous because there are research methodologies are related to evaluating screening and separate ones related to evaluating interventions, and we may not want to obligate tying the two together. | There are research methodologies are related to evaluating screening and there are separate research methodologies related to evaluating interventions, and we should not make it a requirement to link them together. | 0 | 4,455 | 2 |
But a deeper reason for investigating bequests is that they reveal something about people's instinctive sense of justice. | Bequests reveal nothing important about the people make them. | 2 | 4,457 | 1 |
For the latter, the only value in their story is in its If they had told their benefactors that Bill Clinton was an upright man never told a lie or looked twice at a woman, they wouldn't have got a dime. | Their story about Bill Clinton went viral. | 1 | 4,464 | 1 |
Either way, it's a plan makes sense. | That plan makes sense. | 0 | 4,468 | 1 |
Adjustments for differences between the USPS and Poste Italiane | USPS and Poste Italiane had differences required adjusting. | 0 | 4,469 | 1 |
but um my it was really just my grandfather i guess and this one elderly cousin of mine went into nursing homes | Only a couple of my family members have stayed in nursing homes. | 0 | 4,475 | 1 |
The intent of these changes was to put key operational decisions in the hands of the managers were closest to the point of customer service. | There were no managers close to customer service. | 2 | 4,486 | 1 |
The most glaring problem was the contractual relationship existed requiring an employee to work for one employer. | Employees could work for whoever they want. | 2 | 4,493 | 1 |
helping the kids more with their homework in the evenings um we just started a thing where every other week we go to uh movies there's a movie theater offers dollar movies on Wednesday nights | We started to go to the movies every other week. | 0 | 4,504 | 1 |
is it's not a lot of the firms offer mortgage mortgage loan firms aren't offering um that loan | Mortgage loans are not made available by any firms. | 2 | 4,517 | 1 |
Demi Moore and and uh and the guy did did the | Demi Moore has something to do with it. | 0 | 4,526 | 1 |
we had one in Virginia was sentenced to death and the execution was to have taken place a few weeks ago i don't know if there was anything in your paper about it | There was meant to be someone put to death a few weeks ago in Virginia. | 0 | 4,532 | 1 |
In establishing the effective date, INS and EOIR state in the preamble to the interim rule they find good cause to make the rule effective April 1, 1997, in order to meet the statutory deadline imposed by the IIRIRA. | The effective date was set with the statutory deadline in mind. | 0 | 4,548 | 1 |
They also but only later gave birth to the sun, in the form of the goddess Amaterasu, endowed the Japanese imperial family with its regalia of bronze mirror, iron sword, and jewel. | The Japanese imperial family was given a regalia of a gold plate and a silver locket. | 2 | 4,551 | 1 |
i i wouldn't want it i wouldn't want to be one of those people s being taken care of somehow knowing that this person is doing it to get out of a sentence or or you know because they were bad in some other way | I would only want to take care of someone if I wanted to. | 1 | 4,555 | 1 |
In one respect his bill was more generous than the alternative passed the Senate, in that it would release the embargoed funds at a faster rate. | The bill did not pass would have been a better deal for those with embargoed funds. | 0 | 4,562 | 2 |
The mysterious stone circles dot the landscape are thought to be primitive calendars helped the inhabitants decide when to plant and when to harvest. | There were well know stone circles did not evoke any questions. | 2 | 4,563 | 3 |
And I read that the other man was thrown from the car ran Thomas' charity golf tournament. | Nobody was thrown from the car. | 2 | 4,568 | 1 |
Some states have established insurance-buying groups employers can join. | Employers can join state established insurance-buying groups. | 0 | 4,570 | 1 |
i think they have um a one that we need to recognize that we're going to have to supplement ourselves and that's certainly one of the reasons i'm sure that they've begun the | I think there is one we will need to supplement ourselves. | 0 | 4,578 | 2 |
In 1846, during the course of an unsavory palace intrigue involving an unsolved murder, meddling by the queen, and the massacre of some 100 high-ranking court figures had been lured to a palace courtyard, the instigator of these events became the power behind the throne. | The person caused these events ended up becoming the power behind the throne. | 0 | 4,583 | 2 |
Today, the region is served by three LSC-funded providers--California Rural Legal Assistance (CRLA), Central California Legal Services (CCLS) and Greater Bakersfield Legal Assistance (GBLA). | The region has three main businesses provide legal services. | 0 | 4,587 | 1 |
really he probably had those glasses on like you know those Annie Hall kind of glasses i don't know what you call it John Lennon glasses that's what they are the women i call Annie Hall glasses but | He had glasses had the same shape as John Lennon's glasses. | 0 | 4,611 | 1 |
The case study report was a narrative whose purpose was to illustrate or portray what a program was like, how it was being implemented, and how those were part of it both affected it and were affected by it. | The fact that the case study was similar to a narrative annoyed many of the people involved. | 1 | 4,615 | 1 |
Referencing is a process in which statements of facts, figures, and dates are traced back to the supporting working papers by an experienced auditor is independent of the audit. | Referencing is tracing back the fact to the original authors. | 0 | 4,620 | 1 |
Since no ozone modeling was performed for the Western U.S., future ozone nonattainment in the West was determined through an emissions scaling analysis used forecast changes in NOx emissions in the West coupled with the response of ozone to emissions changes, as modeled in the East. | The ozone modeling for the Western U.S. is based on the emissions changes responses in the East. | 0 | 4,623 | 1 |
For example, the organizations had professional and administrative staffs said that it was difficult to find and retain employees with the level of skills and foresight would contribute to the organization's mission. | the organizations had professional and administrative staffs said that it was difficult to find and retain employees loved eating meat | 1 | 4,626 | 4 |
Shlaes and her colleagues have long championed the loopholes have compromised the tax code's progressive structure. | The loopholes did not undermine the structure. | 2 | 4,629 | 1 |
Colmar is also the birthplace of Auguste Bartholdi, designer of the Statue of Liberty. | Auguste Bartholdi, was born in Colmar, designed the Statue of Liberty. | 0 | 4,636 | 1 |
the the hoagie steak they they sell | They don't sell the hoagie steak. | 2 | 4,637 | 1 |
it it must be i bet you know i i i'm not knocking the garbage men i mean they're necessary but there's a lot of unemployed people out there would gladly take jobs as garbage men rate for less money | No one wants to become a garbage man no matter how much you pay them. | 2 | 4,639 | 1 |
right there's a lot of people like you're educated i'm educated my husband is but i mean a lot of people are flat not educated and if i have a hard time you know putting that into my life can we put that off on the other eighty percent of the population doesn't have any college or i don't know how much of the you know but a large percentage probably over half of the rest of the population | My husband has a higher degree than me. | 1 | 4,649 | 1 |
Information on the projected financial impact on the Government of providing current services, assuming a continuation of current programs. | There are no additional data and information would state the financial impact of this on the Government. | 2 | 4,653 | 1 |
yes uh-huh uh lots lots of new uh newsmen were created during that so it will be interesting to see what happens | This event provided an opportunity for new people in the media. | 0 | 4,657 | 1 |
No profile makes the obvious application of Frank Sulloway's controversial birth-order theory. | There are many profiles make the obvious application of Frank Sulloway's controversial birth-order theory. | 2 | 4,677 | 1 |
Housed in the college's campus center, the workers' rights center will be staffed by volunteers -- college students and attorneys from Neighborhood Legal Services, a nonprofit organization provides legal help to the poor. | The workers rights center is not allowed on the campus. | 2 | 4,683 | 1 |
Computer pioneers John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were also mentioned--big surprise their names should crop up in an Internet forum. | It was no surprise that computer pioneers John Von Neumann and Alan Turing were also mentioned but the sentiment was very negative. | 1 | 4,707 | 1 |
Because the published recommendations will include supporting text, he encouraged the group to consider any points of clarification would be instructive. | The group was told to keep points of clarification to themselves. | 2 | 4,715 | 1 |
In 1995 the gallery and London's Victoria and Albert Museum jointly purchased The Three Graces, a sculpture by Antonio Canova was in danger of being sold abroad. | London's Victoria and Albert Museum sold a sculpture called The Three Graces in 1995. | 2 | 4,716 | 1 |
He urged Christians to pursue a kinder, gentler What we need are people live out their faith in every walk of life, in politics, but also working in crisis pregnancy centers, drug treatment programs, and homeless shelters. | Christians tend to practice much less than they preach. | 1 | 4,728 | 1 |
They were driven out of Lower Egypt by Ahmose I founded the 18th Dynasty, ruling over a united Egypt from a capital at Thebes. | Ahmose I ruled Egypt for one day and founded the 15th Dynasty. | 2 | 4,731 | 1 |
yeah they are if uh kind of depends on what you're looking for mine's just a one bedroom place s uh | Mine is just a one bedroom but I know of two bedroom ones for rent. | 1 | 4,735 | 1 |
Poirot bundled everything out on the floor with scant ceremony. | Poirot valued everything he laid around on the floor. | 1 | 4,742 | 1 |
and uh it was a little bit to bulky to bring all the way down to the to the beach with us and we probably should have found some way to do or but uh and it was hot and we had a little trouble keeping ice it didn't last as long as we had planned so we had to buy that a little more often but uh the beach just couldn't uh couldn't have been any better a good place to dive for balls | The ice we brought lasted longer than we had planned. | 2 | 4,756 | 1 |
More than 20% of patients were thought to be intoxicated had no alcohol in their blood. | Less than 5% of patients were thought to be intoxicated turned out to have no alcohol in their blood. | 2 | 4,765 | 2 |
Still, they may have left something behind them will be a clue. | They've left behind a clue potentially. | 0 | 4,779 | 1 |
The forum highlighted identified best practices and tools can be used by federal agencies and other facility owners to manage and/or oversee design reviews throughout the facility | The meeting pointed out ways agencies can oversee design reviews. | 0 | 4,787 | 1 |
Moreover, even if the '80s dramatized Soviet economic incompetence because the U.S. economy was growing so rapidly, this is no reason for the Soviet empire to implode in the way it did. | The Soviets were incompetent in the 1980's. | 0 | 4,788 | 1 |
With the richness and vigor of its mural paintings, Cave 17 represents the summit of Ajanta's artistry. | Cave 17 contains murals are rich. | 0 | 4,791 | 1 |
A creative mix of international and local cuisine includes a good vegetarian selection. | They mix international and local food including jerk chicken. | 1 | 4,795 | 1 |
Grisham, it is clear, wants nothing to stand in the way of his central point--that a man surrenders all his worldly possessions to defend the homeless is a hero. | All of Grisham's novels feature a hero gives up everything for the homeless. | 1 | 4,796 | 2 |
When you consider how large a role economics plays in our national debate--and how much of the public discussion of economics is dominated by cranks and poseurs--seeing a serious economist like Barro get offered what is still, by private sector standards, a fairly modest paycheck doesn't seem particularly out of line. | Barro is a writer specializes in art history. | 2 | 4,805 | 1 |
They flew on, beyond the city toward the construction camp had been Hanson's headquarters. | They walked slowly on towards the construction camp. | 2 | 4,807 | 1 |
Table 5.1 summarizes common pitfalls we have mentioned throughout this paper. | Table 5.1 shows what the assumptions are for this paper. | 2 | 4,818 | 1 |
Well, if she can't get a divorce she doesn't have any kind of legal paperwork would require him to support her [and their children]. | After getting a divorce, she can use the documents she receives to demand support. | 1 | 4,824 | 1 |
i think ten percent yes of your of your consumer credit | I think it's 10% of your credit should be used. | 1 | 4,830 | 1 |
Testimony identified particular issues regarding agricultural workers are permanent resident aliens and thus eligible for general representation. | There were no issues surrounding permanent resident aliens. | 2 | 4,843 | 1 |
However, upstart John McCain's official site , like Bradley's, is the most popular destination for those ve entered his name into a search engine. | The majority of people Google John McCain go to his official website. | 0 | 4,844 | 2 |
you know i just i guess i have kind of like hum kind of real cautious in the whole thing because i know that there's a motive hasn't been openly discussed or revealed to anybody and uh that's where that's why i really don't have a real | The drug deal made him quite nervous and cautious about everything. | 1 | 4,848 | 1 |
but i uh what i did with my garden is i have a a two by six frame s five by ten i have two of them sitting side by side | My gardend hasn't been changed in a long time. | 2 | 4,849 | 1 |
A museum, in the Place Alfred-Thomas, details the combined Anglo-French operation to capture this stretch of Sword Beach, with uniforms and weapons used during the action, including a pocket submarine and Goliath tank. | There is no musuem has a dedicated exhibit to Sword Beach. | 2 | 4,852 | 1 |
yeah things like that are just kind of absurd or once in a while they'll they'll keep uh just hounding someone they're interviewing | If they hounded me I would walk out of the interview. | 1 | 4,859 | 1 |
The range of styles and media means that you are sure to find a unique souvenir suites your taste. | The limited amount of variety may make it hard to find a souvenir you like. | 2 | 4,861 | 2 |
The monetary wealth and vast tracts of land owned by the monasteries were redistributed according to Henry's favor. | The monetary wealth and vast amount of land was owned by monasteries was redistributed based on Henry's decisions. | 0 | 4,880 | 1 |
oh that's great no uh uh my daughter has talked to my daughter up here with us i have another one and she's talked to students uh so i guess they have uh sent this to their customers and people in colleges and things so they're if you're a computer user so my daughter has talked to two students uh that were non TIers so i guess oh yeah | You didn't have any daughters spoke with students. | 2 | 4,887 | 1 |
From simple telephone advice to complete legal representation in court, the agency provides free consumer, health, family, immigration, housing, public benefits and labor legal services to people earn under $1,380 per month. | The agency provides services to people earning less than $1,380 a month. | 0 | 4,889 | 1 |
yeah i think that was one of the main reasons i quit was because i wanted my kids to have my values and i felt like when they were young that was the time to instill it that it could be it could be added to and strengthened as they grew older but when they were little | I have terrible values, and I wouldn't want to teach them to my kids. | 2 | 4,890 | 1 |
Due to their limited staff and budget, LSSM can only serve a fraction of those need legal representation. | LSSM does not have much left as far as staff and budget are concerned so they will not be able to serve everyone needs represented. | 0 | 4,902 | 2 |
On occasion, the congressional client(s) requested the work may ask to see the agency's comments before GAO's final report is issued. | The client doesn't trust the agency | 1 | 4,927 | 1 |
Despite the large numbers come to view the spring blossoms and the superb fall leaves, the Philosopher's Path is one of Kyoto's most tranquil and beloved strolls. | The Philosopher's Path is through a very busy intersection. | 2 | 4,951 | 1 |
and it's it's quite a bit i think six something is the state and and uh the rest of the pie goes elsewhere but we're in a particular part of the state s pretty well off so it's it's like we get a lot of that back as far as local taxation goes | I am the tax collector for my city. | 2 | 4,953 | 1 |
they have got two log cabin shelters are basically uh four walls and a roof log cabins with a concrete floor and a picnic table in them and a ceiling fan and screened uh windows | There are windows, a fan, a picnic table and a concrete floor in the log cabins. | 0 | 4,955 | 1 |
Downtown Fort-de-France and Pointe-Pitre are flooded with dancers, notably diablesses, all dressed in black and white and losing themselves in the biguine. | The downtown area has dancers dress up and dance to very loud music. | 1 | 4,960 | 1 |
Neither did he notice at a small dog, belonging emotionally and lawfully to an elegant female professor from the Department of Westernmostentatious European Polonisation, sat reading a newspaper on a nearby bench. | The dog was of the chihuahua breed. | 1 | 4,966 | 1 |
Completed in 1440, its Flamboyant Gothic design has a flair and grace bewitch you into imagining the long-gone gilt of its facade (from which it earned its name). | Despite its reputation, it only stood for 100 years before being torn down and replaced. | 2 | 4,968 | 1 |
But it seems telling that it was IBM, which has seen currency problems erode earnings for two years now, led Tuesday's rally by announcing it was going to buy back $3. | IBM has seen currency problems going on for two years and is in big trouble according to the journalists. | 1 | 4,969 | 1 |
Preserved here is an entire 16th century village served as the headquarters of the Asakura clan, which ruled Echizen until 1573. | The Asakura clan ruled Echizen until 1573 | 0 | 4,974 | 1 |
During the creative process, which was moderated by la Rousse according to the patented 4-192.5-3 method, the words most frequently used in any language, is vulgarisms, were devised and listed here as 'regrod', 'hurcia', 'larnogha' and 'dygil'. | La Rousse moderated the creative process. | 0 | 4,976 | 1 |
like you say long term have penalties and all sorts of other things they | There are no penalties involved with long term. | 2 | 4,977 | 1 |
i would if it were if they were my kids i would so i have to sympathize with the people come over here and work and send money back | If they were my kids I would do it. | 0 | 4,978 | 1 |
because too too often they're can be extremism that that hurts from from any direction regardless of whatever whatever you're arguing or concerned about and | Extremism hurts people are more moderate. | 1 | 4,986 | 1 |
What you can see are the lovely grounds of the East Garden, the moat and massive stone ramparts, and those few examples of classic Japanese architecture gates, bridges, armories, and watchtowers have survived since the 17th century. | There is nowhere to see classical Japanese architecture as it has all been destroyed. | 2 | 5,029 | 1 |
[Y]ou can give people all the rights you want, but if they have no way to enforce those rights, those rights are meaningless. | Rights are meaningless if given to people can't enforce them. | 0 | 5,031 | 1 |
Subsets and Splits