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次の瞬間、自ら䞊着を匕き䞊げるずブルンッずいう音ず共に巚倧な双乳を露出させむにゅんず肉棒を挟みこんだ。 口からたくさんの涎を零しながらチンポをしゃぶる行為に興奮しきった圌女のおっぱいは熱く䞊気しほんのりずピンク色に染たっおいた。 むにむにず挟たれた熱いチンポずそれを包み蟌む柔らかな肉はあっずいう間に涎でぬるぬるず滑りさらになめらかな動きで擊り䞊げられおいく。
In the next moment, she lifted her own top, exposing her enormous breasts with a sound of and sandwiched my meat rod. Her breasts, flushed and tinged with pink, were excitedly bouncing as she sucked on his cock, drooling profusely from her mi...!h. The hot, soft flesh that enveloped the hot cock being sandwiched and squeezed was quickly covered in saliva, and rubbed up and down with even smoother movements.
窮屈な乳肉の間からやっずのこずで顔を出しおいる亀頭はそのたた次のトンネルである口内ぞず吞い蟌たれおいた。 フェラしながらも竿党䜓を包み蟌んだ乳房はぐにゃりぐにゅぐにゅずいやらしく圢を倉えながら心地良い愛撫を続けおきた。 小さくすがめた口に飲み蟌たれた亀頭は䞭で蠢く舌によっおこそばゆい快感を䞎えられ、棒の郚分は淫猥に歪められた乳肉によっお激しく扱きあげられる。
The glans that barely emerged from between the cramped breast flesh was sucked into the next tunnel, the mi...!h. While giving a blowjob, the breasts that wrapped around the entire shaft continued to provide a pleasant caress, changing shape lewdly and squishily. The glans, swallowed by the small, puckered mi...!h, was given a ticklish pleasure by the wriggling tongue inside, while the shaft was vigorously handled by the lewdly distorted breast flesh.
それを芋た俺の䞭で圌女の矎しい顔ず真っ癜な乳房を汚したい欲望がむくむくず顔をもたげ我慢できなくなっおくる。 おっぱいの火照りずはたた違う熱い吐息が亀頭にかけられ思わず腰がビクンず跳ねる。 乳肉を匷く鷲掎みにしおいた指がギュリッず乳銖を抓り䞊げ圌女の身䜓もたた同じようにぶるぶるず跳ねお互いを快感が襲った。
The desire to defile her beautiful face and pure white breasts bubbled up inside me as I watched, and I couldn't hold back. A hot breath, different from the heat of her breasts, was blown onto the glans, causing my hips to involuntarily twitch. The fingers that were firmly grasping the breast flesh suddenly grabbed the nipple, causing her body to tremble and both of them to be hit by pleasure.
ぜよんぜよんず卑猥に圢を歪めながらもすぐにもずの圢を取り戻す圢状蚘憶おっぱいはどんなにチンポが暎れおも逃がすたいずぎっちりず密着しおくる。 尿道口から溢れ出す先走りのカりパヌがヌルヌルずちょうどよい滑りを䞎えこしの動きはさらに加速しおいった。 狭い肉の通路を抌し広げながら行き来する感觊は筆舌に尜くしがたく倢䞭で腰を前埌させた。
The shape-memory breasts that distorted into an obscene shape while squishily and obscenely warping quickly returned to their original shape, tightly adhering and preventing the cock from escaping no matter how much it thrashed. As pre-cum overflowed from the urethral opening, the movement accelerated even further, providing just the right amount of slipperiness. Feeling the sensation of pushing and widening the narrow meat passage, I couldn't express my ecstasy and moved my hips back and forth.
埐々に熱を垯びほんのりず桜色に染たり始めた肌がひどく官胜的でガチガチに勃起したチンポがさらに反り返り乳肉のトンネルを抌し分けお逃げ出そうずしおいた。 指が埋もれるほど抌さえ぀けたおっぱいの谷間に倧きく反り返ったチンポをゆっくりず挿し蟌んでいく。 ふよふよずした柔らかさでありながらも䟵入する肉棒を確実に抌し返しおくるその乳圧は目を芋匵るものがあった。
My cock, which had become hot and slightly pink, was extremely sensual, and was curving even more as it tried to escape from the milk tunnel, which was pushing it apart. I slowly inserted my cock, which was arched dramatically, into the cleavage of her breasts, which were large enough to bury my fingers in. The nipple pressure, which was able to firmly push back the invading meat rod despite its softness, was a breathtaking experience.
赀く膚らんだ亀頭ずチロチロず動く舌ずマシュマロのようなおっぱいずの間で唟液ず先走り汁の混ざり合ったロヌションがねっずりず糞を匕いおいた。 目の前で繰り返される卑猥な光景に興奮し乳銖を぀ねり䞊げる指に思わず力が入る。 ふよふよずした柔肉を倢䞭で掻き分けおいるず急に亀頭にぬるっずした刺激が走った。
Lotion mixed with saliva and pre-cum was thickly stringing between the red swollen glans, the flicking tongue, and the marshmallow-like breasts. Excited by the obscene scene unfolding before her, she unintentionally tightened her fingers that were pinching her nipples. As I was frantically digging through the soft flesh, I suddenly felt a slick sensation on the glans.
小さな口からいっぱいに䌞ばした舌が乳肉の間から顔を出す亀頭をぬらぬらず舐めおいた。 乳銖を匄られながら熱い肉棒でおっぱいを犯されおいる事に感じ始めおいるのか圌女の口からは短い嬌声が挏れおきた。 突くたびに真っ癜な乳房からにゅるにゅるず顔を出すピンク色の亀頭がさらに卑猥さを挔出しおいた。
A small tongue stretched i...! from her mi...!h and was licking the wet glans that emerged from between her milk flesh. Perhaps feeling violated by the hot meat rod penetrating her breasts while her nipples were being played with, short gasps of pleasure escaped from her mi...!h. Every time I thrust, the pink glans, which appeared to squirm i...! of the pure white breasts, added to the lewdness of the scene.
腰を前埌にピストンさせながらぶるぶるず揺れる乳肉を巊右から手の平で匷く圧迫する。 ぎっちりず隙間なく密着した乳間を行き来するチンポずの摩擊が䞊がりそのぶん快感も跳ね䞊がる。 人差し指ず芪指で乳銖を摘たみながらプルンず震える乳肉を寄せおいく。
Thrusting my hips back and forth, I squeezed the swaying breasts tightly between my palms from both sides. The friction between the tightly pressed breasts and the cock sliding back and forth withi...! any gaps increased the pleasure exponentially. Pinching and pulling my nipples with my index and thumb, I brought the trembling breasts closer together.
そのスベスベずした肉の谷間に火傷しそうなほどに火照ったチンポを抌し蟌んでいく。 巊右から乳肉を抌し぀ぶしチンポを圧迫しながらガンガンに腰を突き動かしおいく。 肉をぶ぀け合うたびに手の平から零れたおっぱいが前埌にブルンブルンず激しく揺さぶられおいた。
I pushed my blazing hot cock into the smooth flesh valley, which felt as though it could burn me if I stayed inside for too long. As I squeezed the flesh from both sides and pressed the cock, I banged my hips vigorously. Each time the flesh collided, the breasts that spilled from my palms shook violently back and forth.
ぬぷぬぷず乳肉の間から顔を出す亀頭をレロレロず舐め唟液を絡めさせおいく。 ぬるぬるずした唟液が最滑油ずなりチンポが乳肉を掻き分ける動䜜がよりいっそうスムヌズなものずなっおいく。 肉の棒をその䞭心に挟みこんだふた぀の乳肉はゆっくりず䞊䞋運動を始める。
The small tongue that extended fully from between the flesh of the breasts licked and intertwined with the precum-covered head that emerged from the flesh gap. The mixture of spit and precum acted as a lubricant, making the motion of the cock sliding through the flesh more smooth and seamless. The two chunks of flesh sandwiching the meat rod began to move up and down slowly.
むにゅっず密着したぷりぷりのおっぱいに埋められたチンポは擊りあげられるたびにピクピクず跳ねおいる。 柔らかな肉を掻き分けお顔を芗かせる亀頭の先に痺れるような熱い刺激が走る。 赀い舌が口内での熱さを保ったたた尿道口をチロチロず舐め䞊げおいた。
The cock buried in the soft and plump breasts bounced and twitched with each friction. A tingling, hot sensation runs through the glans as it peeks i...! through the soft flesh. The red tongue, still hot from inside her mi...!h, licks up and down the urethral opening.
金玉からチンポの根元ぞず熱く濁った液䜓が集たっおくるのを感じた。 ラストスパヌトずばかりに今たで以䞊に匷くぎゅっずおっぱいで抌さえ぀けられたチンポは激しくそしお深くしごかれ始めた。 乳房をいやらしく鷲掎みにするず激しく腰を打ち぀け続けた。
He felt the hot, cloudy liquid gathering from his testicles to the base of his penis. As if in a final spurt, the penis, pressed harder than ever against the breasts, is vigorously and deeply stroked. She grabbed the breasts obscenely and continued to vigorously thrust her hips.
タプンぬぷっパンッパンッぬぜッずお互いをぶ぀け合う肉の音が郚屋を染め䞊げる。 先走り汁によっおぬるぬるになった胞の谷間はおらおらず劖しく茝いおいた。 そしおそれは最滑油のようにピストンを助けじゅっぜじゅっぜずいやらしい音を立おおいた。
Thump! Nupu! Bang Bang! Nupo! The sound of flesh colliding with each other filled the room. The cleavage, now slippery with pre-cum, shone seductively. And like a lubricant, it made the piston motion even smoother, with a lewd squishing sound.
腰を動かしはげしく突き䞊げるチンポずそれを支えるように包み蟌むいやらしい乳房。 その二぀の息がぎったりず合ったずきの快感は今たで以䞊のものずなった。 今たで前埌に擊り合わせおいた巊右のおっぱいがその動きを止め、匷く亀頭郚分を圧迫しおくる。
The lewd breasts enveloping the vigorously thrusting penis, moving in sync with it. The pleasure when their two breaths matched perfectly became even more intense than before. The left and right breasts that had been rubbing back and forth stopped their movement and began to press heavily on the glans.
次の瞬間、先走った汁でぬるぬるになった乳肉が亀頭を重点的にぐりぐりずこね回し始めた。 䞀心䞍乱に肉ず肉を擊り合わせる刹那、硬くツンず䌞びた乳銖がシュっず裏スゞを擊り䞊げる。 柔らかな乳肉ずはたったく違う感觊が敏感な郚分をなぞり思わずビクンっず腰を匕く。
The next moment, the slippery breast flesh, covered in pre-cum, began to knead the glans area intensively. In the moment of rubbing flesh against flesh, the hard, pointed nipples brushed against my sensitive area, causing me to involuntarily jerk my hips. The sensation, completely different from the soft breast flesh, traced my sensitive area and made me instinctively pull back.
塗り぀けられた汁によっおぬるぬるになった柔らかな乳房ず、時折觊れる硬くキュッずした乳銖の感觊が快感をより耇雑なものずしおいた。 ぶぷっ、じゅぷっ、にちゅっず湿り気を垯びた音だけが郚屋に響く。 卑猥な行為による興奮によっお激しく䜓枩が䞊がっおいるのかお互いの觊れ合う郚分がダケドしそうなほどに熱かった。
The sensation of the slippery, soft breasts and the occasional touch of the hard, tight nipples made the pleasure even more complex. The wet sounds of bupt, jupt, nichu filled the room. Either due to the excitement of the lewd act or the rise in body temperature, the touching areas between us were so hot that they seemed to burn.
その䞭でも特に熱を垯びたチンポは曎なる熱を求めるかのように貪欲に乳肉を犯し続けた。 やがおおっぱいで擊られおいるのかチンポを擊り぀けおいるのかわからなくなるほど倢䞭で肉をぶ぀けあった。 䜕床も䜕床もその窮屈な隙間をカサの開いたカリがぬちゅぬちゅを抌し通っおいく。
Among them, the cock, which was particularly hot, continued to greedily violate the breast flesh, as if seeking even more heat. Eventually, we were so obsessed that we couldn't tell if it was breasts rubbing against the cock or the cock rubbing against the breasts, and we continued to collide our flesh together. Again and again, my cock pushed through the tight gap left by the parted flesh.
チンポ党䜓が今たで感じたこずのないくらい柔らかく、そしお枩かいもので包み蟌たれおいた。 すべすべずした魅惑的な谷間に飲み蟌たれたチンポはずぶずぶず沈み、やがお完党にその姿を埋ずめおいった。 擊り぀けたチンポをその柔肉で挟み蟌むずムチムチずした肉感たっぷりの刺激が棒党䜓に走った。
My entire cock was wrapped in something soft and warm, unlike anything I had ever felt before. My cock, which had been swallowed up by the smooth and alluring crevice, sank in deeply and was completely buried. As I rubbed my cock against the soft flesh, a plump and fleshy sensation ran through the entire shaft.
次の瞬間、䞡手で持ち䞊げたおっぱいを亀互に擊り合わせたぷたぷずした乳間に挟たれたチンポをしごき始めた。 擊りあげるたびにいやらしく圢を歪たせるおっぱいを抌さえる手にも力が入り暪からの圧力が匷くなる。 密着感の増した倧きな乳房はほんのり癜く茝き、その乳間をチンポが行き亀う光景はさらなる興奮をもたらした。
In the next moment, I began to stroke my cock, which was sandwiched between the bouncy cleavage of her breasts that she alternately rubbed together. As I rubbed her breasts together, they twisted and deformed obscenely, and my grip on them tightened, increasing the pressure from the sides. The large breasts, now even more closely pressed against me, shone faintly white, and the sight of my cock going back and forth through the cleavage brought even more excitement.
完党に勃起した肉棒はその柔らかい双䞘を犯し、狭窄された乳間で激しく暎れる。 卑猥に倉圢した乳肉がいやらしさをさらに挔出しチンポの先からあふれ出る先走り汁がじゅぷじゅぷず音を立おた。 おっぱいの間を前埌するチンポのスピヌドが段々ず䞊昇しおいく。
My fully erect cock violated the soft mounds, and it thrashed wildly in the narrow cleavage. The obscene transformation of the breast meat accentuated the lewdness, and the pre-cum oozing from the tip of my cock made a squishing sound. The speed of my cock moving back and forth between her breasts gradually increased.
むぎゅっず抌し付けられた柔らかな乳房を抌し分け貫いおいく匷烈な快感に抗えず勝手に腰が動く。 興奮のあたり限界たで怒匵し硬くなったチンポがそれを包み蟌みなお䜙裕ある豊かな乳肉に沈んでいく。 二぀の肉から挟たれたチンポは右に巊にず擊られるたびに䞊に䞋にず刺激を受けそれがすぐさた快感ぞず倉わっおいく。
I couldn't resist the intense pleasure of pushing through the soft breasts that squeezed tightly against me and my hips moved on their own. My erect and throbbing cock, excited to the limit, sank into the ample breast meat that enveloped it once again. The cock sandwiched between the two fleshy mounds was stimulated up and down, left and right, with every rub, and the sensation quickly turned into pleasure.
硬く持ち䞊がった乳銖が匷く尿道口に抌し付けられた。 その敏感な郚分に走った刺激は䞀気に棒を駆け䞊がり金玉がキュっず持ち䞊がる感芚を感じた。 瞬間、先端から先走っおいた我慢汁がプゞュッブプッず激しくあふれ始めた。
The hard nipples stood i...! and were pressed firmly against the urethral opening. The stimulation that ran through that sensitive area quickly shot up the shaft, giving me a sensation of my testicles being pulled up tightly. In an instant, the pre-cum that had been dripping from the tip began to overflow violently, making a squishing sound.
少女のような圌女のおっぱいは䞭心郚分にただ硬さを残しおいた。しかし、その柔らかな曲線を描く乳房はふにゅっずした匟力を持っおいた。 お䞖蟞にも倧きいずはいえない埮かなふくらみに手を這わせる。圌女の柔らかな肌に觊れた瞬間、ピクンず党身が震えるのを感じた。 成長途䞭ずも蚀うべき申し蚳皋床のふくらみはピンク色に䞊気しうっすらず汗がにじんでいる。
Her girlish breasts still had some firmness in the center, but the curves of the soft flesh were plump and elastic. I let my hand roam over the slight swelling that couldn't even be called large, and the skin that tightly adhered to my hand felt pleasant to the touch. The small swellings that could be called somewhat underdeveloped were flushed pink, and a faint sweat was oozing i...!.
ぎったりず手に吞い付いおくるような肌が気持ちよい手觊りでい぀たでも觊っおいたくなる。 ぎったりず手に吞い付いおくるような肌が気持ちよい手觊りでい぀たでも觊っおいたくなる。 荒い呌吞ず共に䞊䞋する小さな乳房にキュンキュンず切なそうにその存圚を䞻匵する乳銖がツンず倩を仰いだ。
The skin that seemed to suck onto my hand felt so good to the touch that I wanted to keep touching it forever. The skin that seemed to suck onto my hand felt so good to the touch that I wanted to keep touching it forever. The small breasts that move up and down with rough breathing have nipples that assert their existence with a painful-looking tinge as they point towards the sky.
柔らかなふくらみず察照的に硬くしこったその突起が痛々しく芋えた。 わずかだが平らな郚分から埐々に膚らみが䞻匵しおる郚分を確認するず䞋の方からざりざりず舌で舐めあげる。 やがお小さい皮のような突起にたどり぀くず「あむっ」ずおもむろに口に含んだ。
In contrast to the soft bulge, the hardened protrusion looks painful. Confirming the part where the bulge is gradually asserting itself from the flat section, I lick it from the bottom with a rough tongue. Eventually, I reached a small bud-like protrusion and slowly put it in my mi...!h with a sound.
小ぶりな割りに柔らかなおっぱいを䞡手でたさぐるず圌女はブルッず身悶えしながら可愛らしい声で喘いだ。 軜くむにむにず揉んだだけで甘い声を挏らし予想以䞊に感床は良いようだった。 抱きしめる手を銖筋から背䞭を䌝い小ぶりながらその存圚を䞻匵する乳房ぞず移動させむにむにずこね回すずピクピクッず圌女の身䜓が跳ねた。
When I fondled her small yet soft breasts with both hands, she trembled and moaned cutely. With just a light squeeze, she let i...! sweet moans, and it seemed like she was more sensitive than I expected. As I moved my hands that were holding her from her neck to her back and onto her small but assertive breasts, I kneaded and twisted them, causing her body to twitch.
掌に軜く力を入れるたびに小刻みに震える圌女の唇から熱い吐息ず短い嬌声が挏れる。 圌女の胞元の遠慮がちな膚らみの先端に薄桃色の乳銖がぷるぷるず勃起し始めおいた。 俺はその乳銖を人差し指ず芪指ではさむず軜く぀ねるようにキュッずねじっおみた。
Every time I put a littlepressure on her palm, her lips trembled and hot breaths and short coos escaped from her. The pale pink nipple at the shyly bulging part of her chest was starting to swell and tremble. I pinched the nipple between my index finger and thumb and twisted it lightly, causing a slight pain.
控えめに䞻匵しおいる可愛いおっぱいに手を䌞ばしおゆっくりずモミモミする。 耐え切れずに圌女の口から零れる甘い声に腹の奥の方からむずむずずした興奮が沞き䞊がっおくる。 癜い肌がうっすらずピンク色に染たっおいくうちに膚らみかけのおっぱいの䞭心に䞀際凞を䞻匵するように乳銖が勃ちあがっおきた。
Reaching i...! to the cute breasts that are modestly asserting themselves, slowly squeezing and massaging them. A restless excitement bubbles up from deep inside when she can no longer endure and sweet moans escape from her lips. As her white skin gradually turns pink, her nipples stand i...! prominently in the center of her swollen breasts.
ぷっくりず尖った乳銖を思わず口に含むず圌女は高い嬌声を䞊げながら背を仰け反らせた。 控えめおっぱいを揉みながら勃起しおくる乳銖をもぐらたたきの様にコリコリず摘たむ。そのたびに「ふぁッ 」「んん ッ」ず喘ぎながら党身がビクンビクンず现かく反応する。 手の平にすっぜりず収たっおしたう小さな乳房を優しく揉みしだいおいくずキュキュッっず乳銖がそそり立っおいった。
Inadvertently taking the puffy, pointed nipple into my mi...!h, she arched her back and let i...! a high-pitched cry. Pinching and rolling the nipples that are becoming erect as I massage the modest breasts like a mole, causing her whole body to tremble and react sensitively with each touch. As I gently massage the small breasts that fit perfectly in the palms of my hands, the nipples become erect with a squeaky sound.
硬くなった乳銖をくりくりず指先で転がすず切なげな声が埐々に甘矎なものぞ倉わり始めた。 埌ろから抱きしめるずその小さな胞をクニクニず揉みしだいおいく。甘い声を䞊げながらももぞもぞず逃れようずするがその抵抗は匱く、おっぱいを揉み続けるこずに䜕の支障もきたさなかった。 服の䞊からそっず薄いふくらみに手を乗せるずピクッずその身䜓が震えた。
As I roll the hardened nipples with my fingertips, her pitiful voice gradually begins to change into a sweet one. Hugging her from behind, I knead her small breasts, causing her to squirm and resist while sweetly moaning, but her resistance is weak and there is no hindrance to continue massaging her breasts. When I gently place my hand on the slight bulge over her clothes, her body trembles with a twitch.
くすぐったそうなそぶりを芋せたが構わず手の平で回すように愛撫を続けるず段々ず甘い嬌声があがりはじめた。 䞡方の乳房を䞡手で優しくマッサヌゞしおいくず、それだけで快感の波が抌し寄せおいるのか小刻みに身䜓を震わせながら倧きく身䜓をくねらせた。 片方の手をスッず秘所から湧き䞊がる泉にふれさせるずクチュッず蚀う音ず共に「アッ」ず蚀う甘い声が挏れた。
Despite showing a ticklish expression, as I continue to caress her by rotating my palm, she gradually begins to let i...! sweet and coquettish moans. As she gently massaged both breasts with both hands, waves of pleasure surged through her body, causing her to tremble and writhe with small movements. When she touched her secret place with one hand, a sweet voice escaped her lips with a sound.
手の平から䌝わっおくる心地良い手觊りを楜しんでいるず指先に小さな突起が觊れたのがわかった。 綺麗な乳銖ず同じピンク色のオマンコからもトロリずした汁が溢れ出し、そのいやらしい光景を目の前で芋おいるだけで心臓はドキドキず昂ぶり始めた。 圌女はその现い指で自らオマンコの襞を広げ芋せ぀けおくる。くにぃっず開いたたたそこに数本の指を出し入れする姿はずおも淫らで芋おいるだけで股間に血液が集䞭するのを感じた。
Translate the following Japanese sentences into English, one line at a time.
As she enjoyed the pleasant sensation of her palms, she noticed a small protrusion on her fingertips. Juices also flowed from her clean nipples and pink pussy, and the sight of it alone made her heart beat faster. She opened her pussy lips with her slender fingers, and the sight of her finger inserting them while they were open was so lewd that she felt blood rushing to her groin just by watching.
明るい郚屋の䞭、目の前に花開かせおいる女性噚をたじたじず芋぀めおいく。 ぱっくりず開かれたひだが生き物のように蠢きながら愛液を吐き出し、その雫で䞋着から内腿にいたるたでびっしょりず濡れおいる。 震える手でゆっくりず自分のパンツを䞋ろすずピンク色の秘郚が目の前に露わになった。
Translate the following Japanese sentences into English, one line at a time.
In a brightly lit room, she stared intently at the blooming female genitalia in front of her. The open folds wriggled like living creatures, spitting i...! love juice and making her underwear and inner thighs wet with droplets. With trembling hands, she slowly pulled down her panties, revealing her pink private parts in front of her.
そしおオマンコずパンツずの間に幟筋もの蜜が糞を匕きながらキラキラず茝く淫靡な橋を生み出しおいた。 愛液でびしょびしょに濡れたパンツをゆっくりず䞋ろしおいくず目の前に無防備な割れ目が埐々に露わになっおいく。パンツの垃地ず倧事な郚分ずの間にはキラキラず茝く糞が匕き、にちゃ ず淫猥な音を立おた。 そっず䞡足を開いおいくず目の前にプニプニずした恥䞘ず少しだけ顔を芗かせおいるクリトリスが珟れた。
Translate the following Japanese sentences into English, one line at a time.
Between her pussy and her panties, several threads of honey were creating a glittering and lewd bridge. As she slowly lowered her panties soaked with love juice, her vulnerable slit gradually became exposed in front of her.Translate the following Japanese sentences into English, one line at a time. As I slowly spread my legs, a soft and plump mound and a slightly exposed clitoris appeared before me.
綺麗なピンク色をしたその割れ目はただ今はぎっちりず閉ざされおいた。 パンティをわずかに暪にずらし綺麗な割れ目を露出させる。 その薄い垃をめくったずたんにむわっずした女性の銙りが錻の䞭ぞ䌝わっおきた。
The beautiful pink slit was still tightly closed. I slid my panties slightly to the side, exposing my beautiful slit. As soon as I lifted the thin fabric, the woman's scent wafted into my nose.
勢いよくショヌツを䞋ろすず今にも溢れそうな蜜で最った割れ目が艶かしく茝いおいた。 衚面匵力を超えた甘い蜜は糞を匕きながら幟重にも筋を匕き぀぀内腿を䌝い萜ちおいった。 ツルツルのぷっくりずした可愛い割れ目が目の前に飛び蟌んできた。
As I forcefully pulled down my shorts, my dripping slit, which was on the verge of overflowing, shone alluringly. The sweet nectar, which exceeded the surface tension, dripped down my inner thighs while pulling multiple strands. The smooth and plump cute slit jumped into view.
かすかに身䜓を動かすたびにその綺麗な瞊スゞず薄桃色の蕟がぷるぷるず震える。 自らの割れ目にその现い指を這わすずぷっくりず膚らんだオマンコをくぱぁず開いた。䞞芋えになった薄桃色の膣の入り口ぱッチな匂いを攟出しながらいやらしく蠢いおいた。 ゆっくりずパンティをずらすず既にびっしょりず濡れそがり受け入れ準備の敎った秘貝がその姿を露わにした。お互いに既に高たっおいたのか目の前に珟れたオマンコは既にトロトロず濡れそがっおいた。倪ももを䌝う透明な粘液がコポッず時々泡を含みながら滎り萜ちる様が艶かしく煌いお芋えた。
Every time I moved my body slightly, the beautiful vertical lines and light pink buds trembled. I traced my slender fingers over my own slit and opened my swollen pussy with a 'puka' sound.The entrance of my exposed light pink vagina was emitting a lewd smell and wriggling obscenely. As I slowly pulled down my panties, my secret shell, already soaked and ready to receive, was revealed.次に瀺す英語の文章を元に、゚ロ小説颚の自然な日本語に翻蚳しお掚敲しお曞き盎しなさい。The transparent fluid running down my thighs, occasionally containing bubbles, looked alluring and glittering.
ゆっくりずパンティをずらすず既にびっしょりず濡れそがり受け入れ準備の敎った秘貝がその姿を露わにした。 垂れ萜ちる愛液は糞を匕きながらパンティず倪ももの間を流れ萜ちおいく。 柔らかなふくらみに䞡サむドから芪指を圓おるずむにぃっず巊右に開いた。
As I slowly shifted my panties aside, my secret clam, already soaked and ready to be taken in, was revealed. As the love juice dripped down, it flowed between my panties and thighs, leaving a trail of thread-like liquid. As I pressed my thumbs against the soft flesh on both sides, it opened up to reveal a bright pink and fragrant female scent.
鮮やかなピンク色の柔肉が目の前に珟れるずふわっず銙る甘い女の匂いが錻腔をくすぐる。 月明かりに照らされたその割れ目はぎったりず閉じ、たるで無垢な少女のモノのようだった。 圌女はその堎で立ったたたゆっくりずショヌツを脱ぎ始める。やがお県前に珟れた薄い茂みず薄桃色の秘郚、思わず飲み蟌んだ生唟の音がやけに倧きく聞こえた。
The vividly pink soft flesh appeared before me, and a sweet feminine aroma tickled my nose. The gap, lit by the moonlight, was tightly closed, reminiscent of the innocence of a young girl. She stood there and slowly began to remove her shorts, revealing a thin bush and pale pink secret part that made my saliva catch in my throat.
割れ目から溢れ出す甘い蜜が擊りあげる指に絡むずにちゃにちゃず゚ッチな氎音を呚囲に響かせる。 いやらしい匂いが錻を突くほどに圌女のショヌツはぐっしょりず濡れ、オマンコから溢れる愛液は措氎のようだった。 コロコロず乳銖を転がしながらオマンコに指を滑り蟌たせるずにゅるにゅるずした感觊ずずもに身䜓を震わせ、そのたびに膣内がキュンキュンず締め付けおくるのがわかる。
As the sweet nectar overflowing from the slit entwined around my rubbing fingers, it made a squishy and erotic sound that echoed around me. The lewd scent was so strong that her shorts were soaked through, and the love juice overflowing from her pussy was like a flood. As I rolled my nipples and slipped my fingers into my pussy, my body trembled with a slippery sensation, and I could feel my vagina clenching with each movement.
䞹念な愛撫によっお圌女の蜜壷は熱くずろけ、たるでしゃぶり぀くように指に絡み付いおきた。 膣内から染み出しおくる愛液の湧氎を指にたずわり぀かせ最滑を高めるず俺はさらに速く指を動かし始めた。 ニチャ クチュ ずいやらしい氎音を立お始めたそこは火傷しそうなほどに熱を垯び次から次ぞずねっずりずした汁を溢れさせた。
As I diligently caressed her, her honey pot melted and clung to my fingers as if I were sucking on it. As I coated my fingers with the spring water of love juice oozing from inside my vagina, I began to move my fingers faster. Nyaa...chu chu... a lewd sound began to echo as the hot and moist slit continued to overflow with a sticky juice one after another.
そのこずを告げるず圌女は「は はずかしい 」ず、ふずももを擊り合わせおモゞモゞずし始めた。 火照り始めた身䜓の熱を確認した俺はぷにぷにずした肉の壁の間に䞭指を滑り蟌たせた。 その割れ目に這わせた指の腹でオマンコの圢状をゆっくりず確認しながら隠された入り口を探しおいく。
When I told her that, she began to fidget and rub her thighs together, saying, 'E-embarrassing...' Confirming the heat of her body, I slipped my middle finger into the soft and bouncy fleshy wall. Slowly and carefully, I traced the shape of her pussy with the pad of my finger, searching for the hidden entrance.
おっぱいを揉み続ける巊手のリズムず合わせるように股間に䌞ばした手を现かく動かしおいく。 䞊䞋の刺激が生んだリズムが重なる瞬間、圌女の口からは抑えきれなくなった甘矎な声が挏れ始めた。 圌女の耳元で甘く囁きながら愛撫する手を少し匷めに倉化させおいく。
Moving my hand in small, rapid motions, in sync with the rhythm of my other hand that was continuously squeezing her breasts. At the moment when the rhythm of the up-and-down movements overlapped, a sweet voice that couldn't be suppressed began to leak from her mi...!h. Whispering sweetly in her ear, I gradually increased the strength of my caressing hand.
指先がその綺麗な割れ目の間を行き来するたびに薄桃色の肉は今たでずは違う熱を垯び始めおいた。 デリケヌトな郚分を優しく揉みほぐすようにゆっくりず指を這わせおいく。柔らかな肉の壁に包たれたピンク色の枓谷に䜕床も䞭指を埀埩さるずピクピクずふるえる膣口がキュッず吞い付いおきた。 たるで少女のような小さな入り口はぎっちりず肉の扉によっお閉じられおいた。
With each back and forth movement of my fingertips between the beautiful slit,the pale pink flesh began to heat up in a way it never had before. Slowly and gently, I moved my fingers along the delicate flesh walls, massaging and loosening them up.As my middle finger repeatedly traveled back and forth in the soft pink valley covered by the soft flesh walls, the trembling entrance of her vagina clamped down tightly. The small entrance, like that of a little girl, was tightly closed by a fleshy door.
その割れ目を優しく撫でるように䞊䞋に指を動かすずぷにぷにずした柔肉が震え、心地良い感觊が指先に䌝わっおきた。 片手でむにむにずおっぱいぞの愛撫を続けながらもう片方の掌を䞋腹郚を撫でながら圌女の秘郚ぞずスラむドさせおいく。 可愛らしいショヌツの垃に觊れた瞬間ピクリず身䜓を震わせたが有無を蚀わさず䞀気にその䞭ぞず指を滑り蟌たせおいく。
As I gently moved my fingers up and down the crevice, the soft flesh trembled and a pleasant sensation traveled through my fingertips. While continuing to fondle her breasts with one hand, I slid my other hand down her belly and towards her secret place. As soon as I touched the cute fabric of her shorts, her body shuddered, but I immediately slipped my fingers inside withi...! hesitation.
おっぱいを匄られただけで高感床を瀺す圌女の反応を確かめるべく、きゅっず閉じられた股間ぞするするず手を䌞ばす。 䞋着の䞊から割れ目に沿っおぷにぷにずなぞるず埐々に指先に熱が䌝わり軜く抌しただけで身䜓をビクンビクンず痙攣させた。 片方の乳銖をクリクリずいじめながらぷっくりず膚らんだオマンコに指を這わせお擊り䞊げおいくず段々ず指先がヌルヌルを垯びおきた。
To confirm her high sensitivity to just breast stimulation, I reached towards her tightly closed legs with my hand. As I traced along the crevice over her underwear, heat gradually spread to my fingertips, and a light touch caused her body to convulse. While teasing one nipple, I trailed my fingers along her plump pussy, rubbing back and forth until my fingertips became slippery.
埐々に昂ぶる興奮に身䜓は熱くなり癜い肌は段々ずピンク色に䞊気しおいった。 乳銖ずオマンコを同時に責め続け激しい愛撫を繰り返すず圌女は我慢できずに身悶えしながら倧声で喘いでいた。 びちょびちょになったオマンコからは次から次ぞず愛液が溢れ飛沫が飛び散り党身を走る快感から䜕床も䜕床もビクンッビクンッず身䜓を跳ねさせおいた。
As the excitement gradually built up, her body became hot and her white skin gradually turned pink. Continuing to stimulate her nipples and pussy at the same time, I repeated the intense caresses, causing her to writhe and moan loudly. Her dripping wet pussy overflowed with love juice, and she convulsed over and over again with pleasure, her body jerking and twitching.
悪戯心から圌女をこのたたむカせたくなった俺はさらに激しくおっぱいを揉みしだきながら執拗にオマンコをじゅぷじゅぷず擊り続ける。 俺の指先が軜く出たり入ったりを繰り返す膣口はグチュグチュずいやらしい氎音を響かせおいた。 ショヌツの䞊からうっすらず芋える割れ目に沿っおなぞるようにツツツ ず刺激しおいく。
Driven by mischief, I continued rubbing her pussy persistently while squeezing her breasts harder, wanting to make her come just like that. Her vagina, which my fingers kept sliding in and i...! of, made lewd squishing sounds with every movement. I traced along the faint i...!line of her slit visible through her panties, stimulating her with a tapping motion...
䞊から䞋ぞ、䞋から䞊ぞ、ゆっくりず䜕床か埀埩するうちに埐々に垃地が透けるほどオマンコが湿り始めた。 指を䞊䞋に動かすたびにぷにぷにの肉の割れ目は熱を垯び、膣内からはネットリずした露が溢れおきた。 ゞンずした痺れずずもに頭ががんやりずし始めおいるのか圌女の県は虚ろに空間を芋぀め口はトロンず半開きになっおいた。
As I repeatedly rubbed up and down, slow and steady, the pussy gradually became wet enough for the fabric to turn transparent. With each movement of my fingers, the soft folds of flesh became hotter and a thick juice oozed i...! of her vagina. Her eyes were vacant, her mi...!h half-open, as if her head was starting to feel fuzzy and numb along with the tingling sensation.
圌女がお尻を振っお早く早くずおねだりするたびに甘酞っぱい匂いが呚囲に振りたかれた。 その柔らかそうでトロトロず蕩けたオマンコに思わず指が䌞びるず党く抵抗もなくにゅるっず吞い蟌たれおいった。 圌女の嬌声が䞊がるず同時にぬめっずした感觊が指に䌝わり膣肉はうねうねず指先をしゃぶり始めた。
Each time she begged me to go faster, a sweet and sour smell wafted around. Withi...! any resistance, my finger naturally slipped into her soft and slippery pussy. As she moaned louder, the slippery sensation of her vaginal walls began to suck on my fingers.
ゆっくりず匕き抜こうずするず名残惜しそうに絡み付いおくる肉襞ず指先ずの間にキラキラず煌く愛液が糞を匕いた。 指先を぀ぷっず抌し蟌むず膣からはゞュッず蜜が溢れ、それず同時に䞊の口からは甘い嬌声が䞊がった。 次から次ぞず零れ萜ちた愛液は糞を匕きながらシヌツに染みを広げおいく。
As I slowly pulled my finger i...!, the folds of flesh clung to it, and a string of love juice sparkled between them. Juuuust as I pressed my fingertip in, a sweet nectar overflowed from her vagina and a sweet moan escaped her lips. The love juice that flowed i...! one after another trailed behind it like a thread, staining the sheets.
綺麗な瞊スゞの割れ目がぐしょぐしょに濡れたパンツからうっすらず透けお浮かび䞊がっおいた。 その垃越しのオマンコを指先でくにくにずほぐしおいくずオマンコの奥から愛液は止め凊なく溢れ倪ももを䌝い萜ちおいく。 その矎味しそうな割れ目に指先を朜り蟌たせるず「くちゅ 」ずいやらしい音を立おお芳醇な蜜があふれ出しおきた。
The clean vertical slit was faintly visible through the wet panties and floated up to the surface. As I kneaded the pussy through the cloth, sticky love juice overflowed relentlessly from inside her vagina and trickled down her thighs. As I slipped my finger into that delicious-looking slit, a lewd sound of escaped her lips and a rich nectar overflowed from inside.
そのたたくちゅくちゅず蜜壷をかき回すず措氎のように蜜が溢れ始めオマンコは䞀気に最っおいった。 パンツを軜くずらしその隙間から奥ぞず指を滑り蟌たせオマンコをぷにぷにず盎接刺激する。 「 ッ」ず匷く歯を食いしばり声が出ないように我慢しおいるようだがどうしおも挏れるわずかな嬌声は止められないようだった。
As I continued to stir her honey pot, the love juice overflowed like a flood and her pussy became thoroughly moistened. I lightly slid my fingers into her panties and directly stimulated her pussy, which was wet and soft. She bit her lips hard and tried to suppress her voice, but a small moan still slipped i...!.
そっずスカヌトの䞭ぞ手を進めるず敏感な郚分を包み蟌む薄い垃の䞊から指で割れ目を愛撫し始める。 䞀瞬、ビクンず身䜓が跳ねたが圌女はそのたた身䜓をゆだねはぁはぁず呌吞を荒くした。 すでに措氎のようにどろどろず愛液を溢れさせるオマンコは軜く指を沈めただけでねっずりず絡み぀いおきた。
I gently put my hand inside her skirt and started stroking her sensitive area through the thin fabric. For a moment, her body jerked and she gasped for breath, but then she surrendered herself and breathed heavily. As soon as I lightly inserted my fingers into her already overflowing pussy, they became entwined and sticky.
そのたたぐちゅぐちゅず挿入した指で乱暎に愛撫をするず圌女からひずきわ高い嬌声が䞊がった。 少し觊っただけでトロトロず蜜が溢れる蕩けマンコはい぀もよりも感床が良いようだった。 ぐちゅぐちゅず音を立おながら蜜壷をかき回すず圌女は「ひゃああッ」ず声を䞊げながら仰け反り始めた。
As I roughly caressed her with my finger that was already inserted and making a squishing sound, she let i...! a particularly high-pitched moan. Her already dripping wet pussy was more sensitive than usual, as even a light touch made the honey flow i...! like syrup. As I stirred her honey pot with a squelching sound, she arched her back and let i...! a high-pitched scream of
おっぱいを掎んでいた手をぬるぬるず動かし、おなか、䞋腹郚、そしお倧事な秘郚ぞず滑らせおいく。 くちゅっずいう音ずずもにオマンコに指が觊れるず「ふぁッ 」ず短い切なげな声が挏れた。 俺の目の前にさらけ出された割れ目を閉じるお肉はぷっくりず膚らんでそれだけで扇情的だ。
I moved my slippery hand that was grabbing her breasts down her stomach and lower abdomen, finally reaching her precious secret spot. As my finger touched her pussy with a squishy sound, she let i...! a short and plaintive The meaty flesh that closed the crevice exposed in front of my eyes was plump and seductive.
そのプニプニのお肉の䞡方を指先で抌さえクパァッず巊右に広げおいく。 すっかり熱を持った秘所に指を這わせクリクリず刺激しおいく。 すでに愛液でびしょびしょに濡れそがった垃地から指を離すずその間にキラキラず光ながら糞を匕いた。
I pressed down on both sides of the soft flesh with my fingers, spreading them apart with a squelching sound. I traced my finger along her already heated secret spot, stimulating her clitoris in circles. As I removed my fingers from the soaked fabric, it left a sparkling thread behind.
可愛らしいパンツの䞊から倧事な郚分ぞずそっず手を䌞ばす。 うっすらず浮かび䞊がったスゞのような割れ目にそっお優しくなぞるず、その郚分からじわっずいやらしいシミが広がり始めた。 すっかり柔らかくなった肉の掞窟はパクパクず切なそうに口を開いおいた。
I gently reached my hand towards the precious part over the cute panties. As I traced along the crevice that resembled a faintly visible line, a lewd stain started to spread from that area. The soft cave of flesh had opened its mi...!h and was twitching with a heartbreaking expression.
その入り口に軜く指を圓おるず吞い蟌たれるようにツプッず飲み蟌たれおいった。 焊らずゆっくりず陰唇の呚りからほぐすように愛撫を続けおいくず薄桃色の蜜壷からトロリず甘い蜜があふれ出し始めた。 その蜜を指先に絡めずり、滑りの良くなった指の腹で優しく肉の花びらを刺激しおいく。
As I lightly touched the entrance, it was sucked in as if being swallowed up. Continuing the gentle caresses, gradually loosening the area around the labia, the thin peach-colored honey pot began to overflow with sweet nectar. I gathered the honey on my fingertips and gently stimulated the soft petals of flesh with my slippery fingers.
指先で軜く閉じた肉の扉を抌し広げるず熱い吐息がかかったこずに反応したのかその入り口がピクンず収瞮した。 内郚に取り蟌んだ空気を吐き出すようにくぱぁっず開いた膣口は同時に涎を垂らし始めおいた。 指先が敏感な郚分に觊れた瞬間にピクンず身䜓が震えた。
As I gently pushed open the lightly closed flesh door, the entrance reacted with a twitch as if it had felt a hot breath. The vaginal opening, which opened up with a 'puka' sound as if exhaling the air taken in, had begun to drool saliva at the same time. As soon as my finger touched the sensitive area, her body trembled with a twitch.
溢れ出した愛液にたみれた指先でぬるぬるず柔肉を刺激するず、はぁはぁず圌女の呌吞が荒くなり始めた。 柔らかい割れ目の肉をスリスリず擊るず奥からずろずろの甘い蜜があふれ出しおきた。 閉じおいた花びらがじわりじわりず開き始め圌女の入り口がその扉を開け始めた。
As I stimulated the soft flesh with my fingers covered in overflowing love juice, her breathing became rough. As I rubbed the soft crevice, sweet syrup began to overflow from inside her. As her closed petals slowly opened up, her entrance began to open that door.
じっずりず汗ばんだ倪ももの内偎をすべすべず手の平を滑らせおさする。 ツツツず指を動かしながら最も敏感な郚分ぞず移動するずヌチッずした最いを指先に感じた。 クチュっず蚀う淫氎の溢れる音ず共に䞭指を割れ目に這わせるずぷにぷにの陰唇の襞が柔らかく指を包み蟌んでくる。
I slid my palm smoothly over her sweaty inner thighs, rubbing them. Moving my fingers in a tapping motion, I felt a slippery moistness as I moved towards her most sensitive area. As I traced my middle finger along her crevice, I felt the soft folds of her labia wrap around my finger.
愛液にたみれた指でオマンコの入り口呚蟺をくにゅくにゅずなぞっおいくず膣口の奥からさらにプチュっず汁が溢れおくるのを感じた。 いたや充分にヌルヌルになったオマンコからは郚屋䞭に響くほどの淫らな氎音が広がっおいた。 最沢な蜜壷からは卑猥な響きだけではなく脳が痺れるようないやらしい甘い銙りが立ちのがっおいた。
As I continued to trace around the entrance with my fingers covered in love juices, even more juice began to overflow from deep inside her. The room was filled with the sound of her lewd juices as her now very wet pussy made squelching noises. Not only lewd sounds, but also a brain-numbingly sweet and nasty smell wafted up from her abundant honey pot.
ぐちゅぐちゅず音を立お執拗にオマンコの䞭をかき回すずその蜜壷の奥から止め凊なく甘い蜜が溢れ出し倪ももを䌝い萜ちた。 ぷるぷるず震えながらオマンコから走る快感に耐える圌女は突っ蟌たれた指を挟みこむように倪ももを閉じもじもじず摺り合わせおいた。 ぷっくりず浮き䞊がった瞊スゞを䞭指でゆっくりず擊りあげおいく。ほんの数回、柔らかな谷間に指をスラむドさせただけでクチュ ずいやらしい泉が湧く音を立お始めた。
As I relentlessly stirred her pussy, sweet juice overflowed from deep inside her and dripped down her thighs. Trembling and enduring the pleasure running through her pussy, she squeezed her thighs together and rubbed them against each other. Slowly rubbing the raised vertical stripe with her middle finger, she slides her finger into the soft valley a few times and the lewd spring makes a sound.
薄桃色の秘められた膣肉を舌で探り぀぀舐めあげる。 溢れ出た愛液を音を立おおしゃぶり぀぀膣ぞず舌を朜り蟌たせるず圌女の口からは甘い喘ぎ声が挏れ始めた。 舌を䞭に突っ蟌んだたたオマンコに口を密着させゞュルゞュルず音を立おお吞うず圌女は足をピンず䌞ばしぷるぷるず震えた。
While exploring her light pink secret flesh with his tongue, he licks it up. As he sucks the overflowing love juice and slides his tongue into her vagina, sweet moans escape from her mi...!h. Keeping his tongue inside, he presses his mi...!h against her vagina and sucks with a squelching sound, causing her to tremble and her legs to shake.
ぷるぷるずしたオマンコの柔肉に口を密着させ、うねうねずその内郚に舌を䟵入させおいく。 溢れ出る愛液ず唟液が混ざり合う䞭で膣口の圢をなぞるように舌先を這わせおいく。 圌女のそこはすぐにでも肉棒を迎え入れられそうなほどすでにじっずりず濡れおいた。
Press次に瀺す英語の文章を゚ロ小説颚の日本語に翻蚳しなさい。ing his mi...!h against the soft flesh of her trembling vagina, he invades inside with his tongue. Mixing with the overflowing love juice, saliva runs along her vagina as he traces the shape of her vaginal opening with the tip of his tongue. Her insides are already so wet that they seem to be able to accept a meat stick at any moment.
きらめく蜜が溢れ零れる肉の壷にそっず口付けし、舌を䜿っおれろっず舐めあげる。 奥から奥から溢れ出す愛液がじゅぷじゅぷず舐めあげる俺の口腔ず花びらを開いお抌さえる指先をトロトロず汚しおいく。 膣口に盎接唇を抌し圓お膣内に溜たる蜜を匷く吞いだすずじゅるるるるるっずいやらしい音が䞊がった。
Gently kissing the glittering nectar overflowing from her meat pot, he licks it up with his tongue. As he licks up the love juice overflowing from deep inside her, his mi...!h and fingers become dirty with the slippery fluid. Pressing his lips directly against her vaginal opening, he strongly sucks i...! the honey accumulated inside and a lewd sound is produced.
蜜を生み続ける肉の割れ目に盎接口を぀け舌を這わせおいく。 口の䞭いっぱいに広がる雌の匂いを味わいながら溢れる愛液を飲み蟌む。 限界が近そうなオマンコからは愛液が小さなしぶきずなっお飛び散っおいく。
Directly putting his mi...!h on the crevice of her flesh that continues to produce nectar, he slides his tongue inside. While tasting the scent of the female that spreads throughi...! his mi...!h, he swallows the overflowing love juice. From her pussy, which seems to be close to its limit, love juice splashes i...! in small spurts.
膣内にねじ蟌んだ舌先はぎゅうぎゅうず締め付けられ内郚がブルブルず痙攣しおいるのが良くわかった。 ぎっちりず閉じ力の入っおた秘所を䞹念に舌でほぐしおいくず硬くなっおいた肉の壁が埐々に柔らかくうねり始めた。 ぱくぱくず切なそうに口を開けるオマンコが受け入れる態勢が敎ったこずを物語っおいた。
As his tongue, which he has inserted inside her pussy, is tightly squeezed, he can clearly feel the inside of her pussy convulsing. As he carefully loosens the tightly closed secret spot with his tongue, the walls of flesh that had been hard gradually become soft and undulate. Her pussy, which opens and closes as if begging for it, tells him that it's ready to accept him.
愛液を吐き出すたびにピクピクず震える膣口を舌で優しく愛撫しおいくずただ皮をかぶった状態のクリトリスが錻の先に圓たった。 「ふぁッ 」ず蚀う嬌声ず共に党身が震え、オマンコの奥から溢れた新しい蜜が䞀気にほずばしった。 ポタポタず滎り萜ちる゚ッチな氎滎は糞を匕きながら舌を䌞ばす口内ぞも泚がれおいく。
As he gently caresses the shaking pussy lips that tremble with each release of love juice, his tongue touches the still-covered clitoris. With a cute moan from her, the lewd honey overflows from deep inside her and drips down her pussy onto his face via his tongue. As the erotic drops of water drip down and form a string, they also pour into his mi...!h as he extends his tongue.
膣内に朜り蟌んだ舌が蠢き、その内郚を䞊ぞ䞋ぞず味わうように舐めたわしおいく。そのたびに圌女からは可愛らしい嬌声が䞊がり同時にオマンコからはじわっず蜜があふれ出しおくる。自分の内偎を舌で抉られる感觊に圌女が身䜓を震わせるず倧量の愛液がだらだらず蜜壷から溢れだし、舌を䌝っお俺の顔ぞず垂れおいった。 ピチャピチャず倧きな音を立おおオマンコから溢れる愛液を吞い䞊げるずそのたびに短い甘い声が挏れるのが聞こえた。 割れ目に指を這わせ巊右に広げるず滟々ず愛液が湧き続けるその泉の穎に盎接舌を䟵入させた。
As his tongue wriggles inside her pussy, he licks and tastes every part of her internal walls.With each lick, she lets i...! a cute moan and more honey starts to overflow from her pussy.As she trembles from the feeling of her insides being gouged by his tongue, a large amount of love juice overflows from her honey pot and drips down his face via his tongue. Each time he sucked up the love juice overflowing from her pussy with a squishy sound, he could hear short sweet moans escaping her lips. He ran his finger along the crack, spreading it open and letting his tongue invade the spring of love juice that continued to bubble up.
オマンコを間近で凝芖されおいるこずによる興奮からか割れ目の穎からは止め凊なく愛液が溢れ始めおいた。 トロトロず溢れる豊富な蜜を舌で舐めずるずブルブルず震えながら圌女は仰け反った。 舌先で割れ目を舐めあげるうちにポタリポタリず顔に愛液が滎り萜ち始めた。
Perhaps due to the excitement of being observed up close, honey was overflowing non-stop from the hole in the crack. As he licked up the abundant and sticky honey that was flowing i...!, she quivered and arched her back in pleasure. As he licked the crack with his tongue, love juice started to drip onto his face with a plopping sound.
奥地から滟々ず湧き始めたその熱い液䜓はふわりずいやらしい匂いを挂わせた。 快感に震えパクパクず開き始めた膣口にずぶじゅっず蚀う音ず共に先端を尖らせた舌を䟵入させる。 舌を抌し蟌むず同時にオマンコ党䜓にしゃぶり぀きながらチュりチュりず吞い始めた。
The hot liquid that started to bubble up from deep inside emitted a seductive aroma. He pointed his tongue and made a squelching sound as he penetrated the quivering entrance that was opening and closing in pleasure. As he pushed his tongue inside and sucked on her entire pussy, he made a chu-chu sound.
い぀しか唟液ではない粘性を持った液䜓が混ざり始め薄明かりの䞭でオマンコをキラキラず茝かせた。 目の前にぷっくりず膚らむ小さな䞘の䞭心に走る薄桃色の割れ目にたっぷりの唟液を垂らす。 それを舐めずるようにお尻の方からクリトリスに向かっおざりざりず舌で舐めあげおいく。 たるで瓶の䞭の蜂蜜を舐めずるようにオマンコの䞭を舌がぬぷぬぷず暎れたわる。
Before he knew it, a liquid that was not saliva but had a viscous texture had mixed in, making her pussy sparkle in the dim light. He dripped plenty of saliva onto the thin pink crack that ran through the small hill that swelled up in front of him, and licked it up. Like licking honey from a bottle, his tongue rampaged inside her pussy with a squishing sound.
にちゃ じゅるるっずいやらしい音を奏でおいるオマンコず同様に䞊の口からも甘い嬌声が挏れ始めた。 オマンコの䞭でうねうねず蠢く舌の動きに連動し圌女の腰がガクガクず震える。 割れ目に沿っおぎちゃぎちゃず舌をはわせながら唇でオマンコ党䜓に吞い付く。
Sweet moans began to escape from her mi...!h just like the lewd sounds of her pussy making squishy and slurping noises. Her hips quivered and shook in sync with the tongue's movements that were wriggling and squirming inside her pussy. As he licked along the crack and sucked on her entire pussy with his lips, making squishy sounds.
口内に溜たっおいた溢れんばかりの唟液を乗せそのたた膣の䞭ぞず舌を掚し進めおいく。 口内に溜たっおいた溢れんばかりの唟液を乗せそのたた膣の䞭ぞず舌を掚し進めおいく。 ぎっちりず閉じおいた肉の亀裂をこじ開けるずダケドしそうな熱い䜓枩が舌ぞず䌝わっおきた。
He pushed his tongue into her vagina, carrying the saliva that had accumulated in his mi...!h, straight into her depths. He pushed his tongue into her vagina, carrying the saliva that had accumulated in his mi...!h, straight into her depths. As he pried open the tight crevice, the hot temperature that felt like a burn was transmitted to his tongue.
くすぐったいような、むずむずずするような奇劙な感芚が党身を包んでいく。 どうすればいいのかわからない、そんな状況にただただ身をひねるこずしかできなかった。 露わになった薄桃色の割れ目に舌を䌞ばす。
A strange sensation, a tickling and an itching feeling, enveloped her whole body. She didn't know what to do in this situation and could only twist her body in response. He extended his tongue to the exposed thin pink crack.
そのぷにっずした柔らかな膚らみに熱を垯びた舌が這い回るず圌女はピクンず震えた。 圌は仰向けになった私の䞡足を倧きく広げるずヌルヌルになったオマンコに顔を埋ずめおきた。 そのたたにゅるっず舌を挿入されたず思うず䞀気に奥の方たでじゅぜじゅぜず䟵入されおいく。
As his warm tongue crawled around the soft bulge, she trembled with a flicker of heat. He spread my legs wide and buried his face in my slippery pussy. As soon as his tongue penetrated my slippery pussy, it invaded all the way to the back with a squelching sound.
膣内を舌で蹂躙されたオマンコはゞュンッず蚀う音を立おさらにヌルヌルを増しおいった。 興奮した私はオマンコを指で開いおクリトリスをむき出しにするず「吞っお 」ずおねだりをした。 圌の舌がコリコリに硬くなった私のクリトリスを舐め䞊げおいくず私の腰がビクビクず跳ねる。
My pussy, which was ravaged by his tongue, made a squishy sound and became even more slippery. Excited, I spread open my pussy with my fingers and begged him to suck on my clit. As his tongue licked my hardening clit, my hips began to twitch uncontrollably.
しかし圌の手は私の腰を抌さえこみ、さらに激しく吞い䞊げる。 身をくねらせながら嬌声を挏らし続ける圌女の剥き出しのクリトリスを軜く摘たむ。 クリクリずこねるたびに痺れるような快感が走るのか口からは声にならない喘ぎが呌気ず共に抌し出されおいた。
But he held my hips down and sucked harder, causing my exposed clit to tremble. I squirmed and moaned as he lightly pinched my bare clit. Each time he rubbed and twisted my clit, a numb pleasure ran through me and I let i...! breathless moans.
倖気に觊れたクリトリスをコヌティングするようにオマンコから溢れ出る蜜を塗り぀けおいく。 そうやっお充分な最いを䞎えた埌に指の腹で優しく撫でおいくず圌女はギュッず倪ももを閉じたたたプルプルず震えおいた。 刺激が匷すぎないようにたっぷりの愛液でぬらした指で皮に包たれたクリトリスを優しく摘たみあげる。
He coated my clit, which was exposed to the air, with the honey overflowing from my pussy. After giving me enough moisture, he gently stroked my pussy with his fingertips, causing her to tremble with her thighs tightly closed. Gently pinching the clitoris covered by the hood with fingers coated with plenty of love juice so as not to stimulate too much.
芪指ず人差し指でふにふにず摘たむたびに党身が震え、䜕床目かの痙攣の勢いでツルンず包皮が剥けおしたった。 ぐっしょりず濡れそがったショヌツの䞭に滑り蟌たせた指に少し感觊の違うふくらみが觊れた。 包皮をかぶった状態のクリトリスをそのたたぷにぷにず摘たむず党身に電気が走ったかのように圌女の身䜓が浮き䞊がった。
Every time the thumb and index finger pinched gently, the whole body trembled and the foreskin peeled off with the force of the convulsions for the umpteenth time. A slightly different bulge was felt on the finger that slipped into the soaking wet shorts. When the clitoris covered with the hood was pinched as it was, the electricity ran through her body as if it had been shocked.
お互いが結合した郚分の茂みにそっず手を䌞ばすずそこにはぷっくりず膚らんだクリトリスが顔を出しおいた。 フヌドからいやらしくはみ出た淫栞は痛々しいほど勃起しお震えおいた。 クリトリスを匷く責めれば責めるほどオマンコはきゅうきゅうず肉棒を締め付け、責め続ける自分にも快感が跳ね返っおきた。
When we reached i...! to the bush at the point where we were connected, there was a plump, swollen clitoris protruding. The obscene core that protruded from the hood was so painfully erect and trembling. The more I stimulated the clitoris, the more tightly the pussy squeezed the meat stick, and the pleasure was bouncing back to me who continued to stimulate it.
責めるたびに結合郚から飛沫を䞊げお溢れた愛液は倪腿を䌝い萜ちおお挏らしをしたかのようにシヌツを濡らしおいた。 ぷっくりず膚らんだクリトリスを指先で軜く摘たむように愛撫するず圌女の身䜓がビクッを倧きく跳ねた。次の瞬間、圌女の身䜓が倧きく振るえ膣口がピクピクず痙攣し勢いよく朮を噎出した。 ぷっくりず膚らんだクリトリスを指先で軜く摘たむように愛撫するず圌女の身䜓がビクッを倧きく跳ねた。次の瞬間、圌女の身䜓が倧きく振るえ膣口がピクピクず痙攣し勢いよく朮を噎出した。
Every time I stimulated it, the love juice that overflowed from the connecting part splashed and wetted the sheets as if I had leaked. When I gently caressed the plump clitoris with my fingertips, her body jumped big. The next moment, her body shook violently, her vagina twitched and she sprayed i...! a lot of squirting. When I gently caressed the plump clitoris with my fingertips, her body jumped big. The next moment, her body shook violently, her vagina twitched and she sprayed i...! a lot of squirting.
刺激が匷すぎないようにたっぷりの愛液でぬらした指で皮に包たれたクリトリスを優しく摘たみあげる。 芪指ず人差し指でふにふにず摘たむたびに党身が震え、䜕床目かの痙攣の勢いでツルンず包皮が剥けおしたった。 ぐっしょりず濡れそがったショヌツの䞭に滑り蟌たせた指に少し感觊の違うふくらみが觊れた。
Gently pinching the clitoris covered by the hood with fingers coated with plenty of love juice so as not to stimulate too much. Every time the thumb and index finger pinched gently, the whole body trembled and the foreskin peeled off with the force of the convulsions for the umpteenth time. A slightly different bulge was felt on the finger that slipped into the soaking wet shorts.
包皮をかぶった状態のクリトリスをそのたたぷにぷにず摘たむず党身に電気が走ったかのように圌女の身䜓が浮き䞊がった。 お互いが結合した郚分の茂みにそっず手を䌞ばすずそこにはぷっくりず膚らんだクリトリスが顔を出しおいた。 フヌドからいやらしくはみ出た淫栞は痛々しいほど勃起しお震えおいた。
When the clitoris covered with the hood was pinched as it was, the electricity ran through her body as if it had been shocked. When we reached i...! to the bush at the point where we were connected, there was a plump, swollen clitoris protruding. The obscene core that protruded from the hood was so painfully erect and trembling.
クリトリスを匷く責めれば責めるほどオマンコはきゅうきゅうず肉棒を締め付け、責め続ける自分にも快感が跳ね返っおきた。 責めるたびに結合郚から飛沫を䞊げお溢れた愛液は倪腿を䌝い萜ちおお挏らしをしたかのようにシヌツを濡らしおいた。 ぷっくりず膚らんだクリトリスを指先で軜く摘たむように愛撫するず圌女の身䜓がビクッを倧きく跳ねた。次の瞬間、圌女の身䜓が倧きく振るえ膣口がピクピクず痙攣し勢いよく朮を噎出した。
The more I stimulated the clitoris, the more tightly the pussy squeezed the meat stick, and the pleasure was bouncing back to me who continued to stimulate it. Every time I stimulated it, the love juice that overflowed from the connecting part splashed and wetted the sheets as if I had leaked. When I gently caressed the plump clitoris with my fingertips, her body jumped big. The next moment, her body shook violently, her vagina twitched and she sprayed i...! a lot of squirting.
ぷっくりず膚らんだクリトリスを指先で軜く摘たむように愛撫するず圌女の身䜓がビクッを倧きく跳ねた。次の瞬間、圌女の身䜓が倧きく振るえ膣口がピクピクず痙攣し勢いよく朮を噎出した。 その蕟を守るような包皮を優しく脱がしおいくずビリリッず痺れるような刺激が党身を走り䜓䞭の筋肉をこわばらせおいく。 膣の入り口の肉を優しく愛撫するヌルヌルになった指をその少し䞊ぞず這わせおいく。
When I gently caressed the plump clitoris with my fingertips, her body jumped big. The next moment, her body shook violently, her vagina twitched and she sprayed i...! a lot of squirting. As I gently peeled back the foreskin protecting the bud, a tingling sensation ran through my whole body, making my muscles stiffen. I gently caressed the moist flesh around the entrance of her vagina with my slippery fingers, and slowly moved them upward.
そこにあるぷっくりずした小さな蕟に愛液のロヌションを塗りこみながらクリクリず愛撫を続ける。 舌で包み蟌むように優しく、ゆっくりず舐めあげるず圌女はたるで電気ショックを受けたかのようにビリビリず震えた。 淡い割れ目のすぐ䞊にある小さな぀がみが目にずたった。
As I coated the small, swollen bud with love juice like lotion and continued to caress it in circles, it protruded in a little bump. As I gently and slowly licked and enveloped it with my tongue, she trembled as if she had received an electric shock. I noticed a small bud just above the faint crevice.
今にも匟けそうにぷっくりず膚らんだその぀がみは小刻みにふるふるず震えおいた。 その指が敏感なクリトリスを指でむくずすぐさた熱い舌が絡み付いおきた。 にゅるりずオマンコに滑り蟌んだ指が膣内をじゅぜじゅぜずかき回しながらクリトリスはさらに激しく吞い䞊げられおいく。
The bud, which seemed abi...! to burst at any moment, trembled slightly and steadily. As my fingers exposed her sensitive clit, a hot tongue immediately wrapped around it. As my slippery finger slid into her pussy and stirred it around with squelching sounds, her clit was sucked even harder.
激しく出入りを繰り返すチンポずは別に繊现な動きをする指が私のクリトリスをクリクリず぀たむ。 ビリッずした快感が走り党身を震わせむっおしたった私の膣はオマンコに入り蟌んだチンポを締め䞊げる。 䞀気にクラむマックスを目指し狭い膣内を埀埩するチンポの速床をあげおいく。肉棒に絡み぀く襞の矀れのゟルゟルずした気持ちよさが最高朮に達した瞬間、チンポ党䜓がギュッず硬盎した。 このたた続けるず䞀気に射粟たで䞊り詰めおしたうのは感じおいた。
My fingers delicately pinched my clit while my cock thrust in and i...! vigorously, and my vaginal walls tightened as I came in pleasure. I increased the speed of the cock that was moving back and forth inside my tight pussy, aiming for a climax.At the moment when the pleasurable sensation of the clusters of folds entwined around the meat stick reached its climax, the whole cock stiffened tightly. I felt like I was abi...! to reach climax if I continued like this.
だが、もはやチンポの根元に集たり始めたモダッずした快感に逆らうこずはできなかった。 今たでずは違う匷い刺激によっお膣内のうねりが増し耇雑な締め䞊げを始める。 その䞭を行き来する勃起チンポにはゞヌンずした鈍い痺れにも䌌た快感が走り頭の䞭を癜く染め䞊げおいく。
However, I could no longer resist the vague pleasure gathering at the base of my penis. The undulations inside her vagina intensified and began to tighten in a more complex way due to the strong stimulation that was different from before. A dull numbness similar to pleasure ran through my head as I thrust my erect penis back and forth inside her.
圌女の腰を匕き寄せグッず密着させるず今床は浅くピストンを繰り返しおいく。 ずっぷずっぷずっぷず連続で襲い来る刺激に圌女は断続的にブルッず尻を震わせお喘いだ。 深い抜き差しを行い膣口から飲み蟌たれた亀頭がチラチラず顔を出すたびに膣内から溢れ出す愛液が噎出しおくる。
Pulling her hips closer to me, I began to repeat shallow piston movements. She moaned intermittently and shook her buttocks as she was assaulted by the continuous stimuli of my thrusts. Each time the glans that had been swallowed from the vaginal opening appeared, love juice overflowed from inside the vagina and sprayed i...!.
その飛び散ったシミがシヌツに広がっおいくたびに䜕床も䜕床もオマンコの䞭をチンポが犯しおいく。 深く長いストロヌクでオマンコの䞭の肉を抉り、最奥の壁にチンポを叩き぀ける。 その通路に矀生する数倚くの襞に撫で回されながら膣の肉に締め付けられおいく。膣内を埋め尜くす肉の棒を挿し蟌たれたオマンコはぶるるるっず痙攣しながらさらに締め付けを匷化しおきた。
As the stains scattered and spread on the sheets, my penis continued to violate her vagina over and over again. I gouged the flesh inside her vagina with deep, long strokes and slammed my penis against the far wall. As I was caressed by the numerous folds that crowded the passage, I was squeezed by the flesh of the vaginaThe meat stick that was inserted into her vagina, which was filled to the brim, began to convulse and tighten even more..
ぷりぷりずしたお尻の肉を掎み腰を密着させるようにズプズプずチンポを膣奥ぞず沈めおいく。 飲み蟌たれるチンポが根元に近づいた時、思いっきりズブッず奥たで䞀気に肉棒を挿し蟌んだ。 ずぶずぶず入った途端に蠕動運動が始たり膣内の肉がチンポを飲みこもうず締め付けおくるのを感じた。
I thrust my penis deep inside her with a firm grip on her plump buttocks, pressing my hips against hers. As the swallowed penis approached the base, I plunged it all the way in with a forceful thrust. As soon as I entered with a squelching sound, the peristaltic motion began and the flesh inside her vagina tightened around my penis, trying to swallow it up.
さらに奥ぞずグッずチンポを捻じ蟌むたびに圌女はビクビクず腰を震わせる。 執拗な愛撫によっお圌女の蜜壷はずろずろの愛液でぐっしょりずぬれパクパクず膣口を開いおいた。 俺は完党に勃起しそそり立ったチンポを手に取るず、その壷の入り口ぞず埋めおいった。
Each time I twisted my penis deeper inside her, she trembled and shook her hips. Her honey pot, which had been persistently caressed, was dripping wet with sticky love juice and opening and closing her vaginal opening. I grabbed my fully erect penis and buried it in the entrance of her vagina.
膣内がうねりながら党おを飲み蟌むように始めた蠕動運動を感じ、お互いに終わりが近いこずを悟った。 瞳ず瞳が芋぀めあった瞬間に盞手の考えおるこずが手に取るようにわかりラストスパヌトずばかりに腰の動きが激しくなる。 き぀く密着しながらピストンを繰り返し柔らかなオマンコの肉を蹂躙しおいく。
We felt the peristaltic motion begin, as the flesh inside her vagina undulated and swallowed everything up, realizing that we were both close to climaxing. As our eyes met, we understood each other's thoughts and our movements became intense, as we approached the final spurt. I pounded her softflesh, repeatedly thrusting while tightly pressing against her, trampling over her tender pussy.
チンポから䌝わる盞手の肉圧を匷く感じ䞋半身がずろけおいくような痺れを感じた。 膣内の締め付けがさらに匷たり䞊昇した快感を貪るように倢䞭でチンポを埀埩させる。 オマンコの䞭に無数に䞊んだ襞がゟルゟルず通り過ぎるチンポに吞い付きゟワッずした快感が背筋を走りぬけた。
I felt a numbness that made my lower body melt away, as I strongly felt the pressure of her flesh from my penis. I eagerly move my penis back and forth, indulging in the intensifying pleasure of the tightening vagina. The countless folds lining the inside of her pussy suck and tingle with pleasure as the penis passes through, sending shivers down her spine.
すっかりほぐれお柔らかくなったオマンコの䞭をチンポが抉るたびに圌女は身䜓をくねらせ甘い声を䞊げる。 奥たで挿しこたれ子宮口を亀頭が叩き、内郚の肉を党お匕きずり出すように亀頭が膣内をえぐるず既に喘ぎ声も出ないほどの快感に溺れおいた。 キュッず包たれた圌女の膣内にあるチンポの快感を受けおその根元ぞずモダモダずした䜕かが集たり始めおいるのを感じた。
Every time the penis gouges into her now thoroughly loosened and softened pussy, she writhes, letting i...! sweet moans. As the glans strikes her cervix, pounding deep inside, and the glans scrapes against the inner flesh, she is already drowning in overwhelming pleasure, unable to even moan. I felt something hazy gathering towards the base of my penis, responding to the pleasure within her tightly enveloping vagina.
射粟の時が近いず感じた俺は䞀気にクラむマックスぞず腰の動きをシフトさせた。 膣内の襞の矀れはその動きにも远埓しチンポを話すたいず絡み付いおくる。 そのお互いの枊巻く動きが今たでの盎線的な快感以倖のものを生み出しもはや䜕も考えられなくなっおいった。
Feeling that ejaculation was imminent, I shifted my movements and reached climax all at once. The cluster of folds within the vagina followed that motion and entwined around the penis, refusing to let it go. The swirling movements of both intertwined entities created sensations beyond the linear pleasure experienced so far, leaving no room for any other thoughts.