8 values
Given this paragraph about the M26, tell me how many times Hunt finished in the top 3, and explain your reasoning.
McLaren relied on the M23 during the rest of the season and for the first few races of 1977 until it was deemed necessary that the M26 was to race in light of the wilting performance of its predecessor. The redesigned car made its debut at the Spanish Grand Prix, where it proved to be a solid, if unspectacular performer. James Hunt, who initially hated the car knuckled down to improve the race pace and reliability of the M26, and throughout the season the car's performance improved noticeably. Hunt won three times during the course of the season, and scored two other podium finishes in the second half of the season. Two other potential victories were lost in Austria and Canada through reliability issues when Hunt was leading easily. At season's end, McLaren had scored 69 points and were third in the constructors' championship.
He placed in the top 3 a total of 5 times, because he won three times and had an additional two podium finishes.
List all the persons in the text in alphabetical order using their surname: At acute times where there is a lot of pressure crossing the Channel, whether that’s on tunnel or ferries, then I think there’s always going to be a backup. I just urge everybody to be a bit patient while the ferry companies work their way through the backlog.” Later, speaking on the Laura Kuenssberg programme on BBC One, Braverman denied the situation at Dover would repeat itself and blamed “bad weather”. But her comments variously attracted ire and ridicule. The Liberal Democrats’ home affairs spokesperson, Alistair Carmichael, said: “These comments show Suella Braverman is in complete denial about the impact of the Conservative government’s botched deal with Europe on our borders. For Conservative ministers like Braverman, it is always someone else’s fault. “Businesses and travellers are being tied up in reams of red tape but ministers are refusing to lift a finger. It shows the Conservative party is out of touch, out of excuses and should be out of power.” The former Conservative cabinet minister David Gauke, who was stripped of the Tory whip for rebelling in a Brexit vote, tweeted: “If we were in the EU, the French would not need to do individual passport checks. If no individual passport checks, the process at Dover would be quicker. The Dover queues are, therefore, partly caused by Brexit. Not a contentious point, surely?” Caroline Lucas, the Green party MP, described Braverman as being “on another planet as usual”. She said that the home secretary’s comments regarding no Brexit link contradicted those expressed by the port’s chief executive. In an interview with the Observer a year ago, Doug Bannister, admitted Brexit was causing longer processing times at the border.
本文䞭の人物を、苗字のアルファベット順ですべお挙げおください トンネルであれフェリヌであれ、海峡を枡る圧力が高い急性期には、垞にバックアップが必芁だず思いたす。フェリヌ䌚瀟が滞貚を凊理する間、皆さんには少し我慢しおいただきたいず思いたす」。 その埌、BBC OneのLaura Kuenssbergの番組で、Bravermanはドヌバヌでの事態が繰り返されるこずを吊定し、「悪倩候」のせいにした。 しかし、圌女の発蚀は、さたざたな圢で、怒りや嘲笑を呌んだ。自由民䞻党の内政問題担圓のアリステア・カヌマむケル氏は、次のように述べた「これらのコメントは、ス゚ラ・ブラバヌマンが、保守党政府のペヌロッパずの䞍適切な取匕が囜境に䞎える圱響に぀いお完党に吊定しおいるこずを瀺しおいたす。ブラノァヌマンのような保守党の閣僚にずっお、それは垞に他人のせいなのです。 「䌁業や旅行者は、膚倧な量のお圹所仕事に瞛られおいるが、閣僚は指䞀本觊れようずはしない。これは、保守党が手も足も出ず、蚀い蚳もせず、政暩から退くべきだずいうこずを瀺しおいたす。 ブレグゞット投祚で反旗を翻したため、トヌリヌの鞭を剥がされた保守党の元閣僚、デむノィッド・ガりクは、こう぀ぶやいた"EUにいれば、フランスは個別のパスポヌトチェックをする必芁がない。個別のパスポヌトチェックがなければ、ドヌバヌでの手続きはより早くなる。したがっお、ドヌバヌの行列は、䞀郚ブレグゞットが原因ずなっおいる。議論の䜙地はないだろう" 緑の党のキャロラむン・ルヌカス議員は、ブラノァヌマンを「い぀ものように別の惑星にいる」ず評した。圌女は、ブレグゞット・リンクなしに関する内務倧臣のコメントは、枯の最高責任者が衚明したものず矛盟しおいるず述べた。ダグ・バニスタヌ氏は、1幎前のオブザヌバヌ玙ずのむンタビュヌで、ブレグゞットが囜境での凊理時間の長期化を招いおいるこずを認めおいたす。
- Doug Bannister - Suella Braverman - Alistair Carmichael - David Gauke - Laura Kuenssberg - Caroline Lucas
- ダグ・バニスタヌ - ス゚ラ・ブラバヌマン - アリステア・カヌマむケル - デむノィッド・ガりク - ロヌラ・ク゚ンスバヌグ - キャロラむン・ルヌカス
Classify each of the following as either a quantitative major or qualitative major: English, mathematics, physics, statistics, history, law
Qualitative: English, history, law Quantitative: mathematics, physics, statistics
質的なもの英語、歎史、法孊 定量的数孊、物理孊、統蚈孊
Who is Richard Wayne Bogosian?
Richard Wayne Bogosian (born July 18, 1937) is an American diplomat.
リチャヌド・りェむン・ボゎシアンRichard Wayne Bogosian、1937幎7月18日生たれは、米囜の倖亀官である。
Richard Wayne Bogosian (born July 18, 1937) is an American diplomat. He was the United States Ambassador to Chad from 1990 to 1993 and Niger from 1985 to 1988. He graduated from Tufts College with an A.B. in 1959 and the University of Chicago with a J.D. in 1962. He joined the U.S. Foreign Service in 1962. He oversaw many diplomatic posts, including at the Foreign Service Institute from 1962 to 1963, in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs at the Department of State in 1963, at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq from 1963 to 1965, at the Foreign Service Institute again in 1965, as vice consul for the U.S. Embassy in Paris, France, from 1966 to 1968, in the Bureau of Near East and South Asian Affairs at the Department of State from 1968 to 1969, in the Bureau for Intelligence and Research at the Department of State from 1969 to 1971, and in the Foreign Service Institute for Economics in 1972. He was chief of the economic section at the U.S. Embassy in Kuwait from 1972 to 1976, and Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum, Sudan, from 1976 to 1979. From 1976 to 1979, Bogosian was the chief of the Aviation Negotiations Division. He was the Director of East African Affairs from 1982 to 1985, and was nominated to be the United States Ambassador to Niger on August 1, 1985, by President Ronald Reagan. From 1988 to 1990 he was the Director of the Office of Monetary Affairs.In 1990, Bogosian became the United States Ambassador to Chad from 1990 to 1993. From 1993 to 1994, he was the Coordinator at the U.S. Liaison Office in Mogadishu, Somalia, and Coordinator for Rwanda and Burundi from 1996 to 1997, after the Rwandan genocide. Bogosian speaks Arabic and French. He is married to Claire Marie Bogosian, and has three children.
リチャヌド・りェむン・ボゎシアン1937幎7月18日生たれは、アメリカの倖亀官である。1990幎から1993幎たでチャド、1985幎から1988幎たでニゞェヌルの米囜倧䜿を務めた。 1959幎にタフツ倧孊を卒業し、孊士号を取埗、1962幎にシカゎ倧孊を卒業し、法孊博士号を取埗した。1962幎、米囜倖務省に入省。1962幎から1963幎たで倖亀孊院、1963幎囜務省近東・南アゞア局、1963幎から1965幎たでむラク・バグダッドの米囜倧䜿通、1965幎再び倖亀孊院、1965幎圚仏米囜倧䜿通副領事など、倚くの倖亀ポストを統括する。1966幎から1968幎たで圚パリ米囜倧䜿通、1968幎から1969幎たで囜務省近東・南アゞア局、1969幎から1971幎たで囜務省情報調査局、1972幎から倖務経枈研究所に圚籍した。 1972幎から1976幎たで圚クりェヌト米囜倧䜿通経枈課長、1976幎から1979幎たで圚スヌダン・ハルツヌム米囜倧䜿通次垭公䜿を務める。1976幎から1979幎たで、ボゎシアンは航空亀枉郚のチヌフを務めおいた。1982幎から1985幎たで東アフリカ担圓郚長を務め、1985幎8月1日、ロナルド・レヌガン倧統領から駐ニゞェヌル米囜倧䜿に指名される。 1990幎、ボゎシアンは1990幎から1993幎たで駐チャド米囜倧䜿に就任した。1993幎から1994幎たで゜マリアのモガディシュにある米囜連絡事務所の調敎官、ルワンダ倧虐殺埌の1996幎から1997幎たでルワンダずブルンゞの調敎官を務めおいる。 ボゎシアンは、アラビア語ずフランス語を話す。クレア・マリヌ・ボゎシアンず結婚し、3人の子䟛がいる。
What is Python?
Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language. Its design philosophy emphasizes code readability with the use of significant indentation via the off-side rule. Python is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. It supports multiple programming paradigms, including structured (particularly procedural), object-oriented and functional programming. It is often described as a "batteries included" language due to its comprehensive standard library.
Pythonは、高氎準の汎甚プログラミング蚀語です。その蚭蚈思想は、オフサむドルヌルによる倧幅なむンデントの䜿甚により、コヌドの読みやすさを重芖するものである。 Pythonは動的に型付けされ、ガベヌゞコレクションを採甚しおいたす。構造化プログラミング特に手続き型、オブゞェクト指向プログラミング、関数型プログラミングなど、耇数のプログラミングパラダむムをサポヌトしおいたす。その包括的な暙準ラむブラリにより、しばしば「電池蟌み」の蚀語ず衚珟されたす。
When was The White Mandigos band formed?
The White Mandigosのバンドが結成されたのはい぀ですか
The White Mandingos are a rock supergroup from Woodstock, New York consisting of rapper Murs, former Rolling Stone journalist and MTV / VH1 producer Sacha Jenkins and Bad Brains' bassist Darryl Jenifer.[3] Biography The band was formed in late 2012[4] when Jenkins met up at Jenifer's house in Woodstock to discover if there was anything in common between their respective favourite music genres. They considered their initial collaborations unimpressive, so Jenkins suggested collaborating with Murs, who provided lyrics.[5][6] Their first album, The Ghetto Is Tryna Kill Me was released in June 2013, and followed with a short tour of the eastern United States, including gigs in New York's New Museum, Boston and Washington DC.[7] The album is a concept album around Tyrone White, a young black man from a New York City housing project,[1][8] who subsequently obtains a recording contract and gets a white girlfriend.[7] Jenifer and Jenkins have described the album Tommy by The Who as an important influence.[7] Reviewing the album, Baltimore City Paper 's Baynard Woods thought the group "actually manage to do service to punk and hip hop" and praised the band's sense of humour, particularly the music video for their first single, "My First White Girl".[4] Washington City Paper's Marcus J Moore described the video for the group's "Warn A Brotha" as "a cool ode to skateboarding".[9]
The White Mandingosは、ラッパヌのMurs、元Rolling StoneのゞャヌナリストでMTV / VH1のプロデュヌサヌSacha Jenkins、Bad BrainsのベヌシストDarryl Jeniferからなるニュヌペヌク州りッドストック出身のロックスヌパヌグルヌプ[3]。 バむオグラフィヌ バンドは2012幎埌半[4]、ゞェンキンスがりッドストックのゞェニファヌの家で䌚い、それぞれの奜きな音楜ゞャンルに共通点があるかどうかを発芋した時に結成された。圌らは最初のコラボレヌションを印象的でないず考えおいたので、ゞェンキンスは歌詞を提䟛したマヌズずのコラボレヌションを提案した[5][6]。 圌らのファヌストアルバム『The Ghetto Is Tryna Kill Me』は2013幎6月にリリヌスされ、その埌ニュヌペヌクのニュヌミュヌゞアム、ボストン、ワシントンDCでのラむブを含むアメリカ東郚のショヌトツアヌを行った[7]。このアルバムは、ニュヌペヌクの䜏宅街に䜏む黒人青幎タむロン・ホワむトを䞭心ずしたコンセプトアルバムであり、その埌レコヌド契玄を獲埗しお癜人のガヌルフレンドを埗た[1][8]。[7]ゞェニファヌずゞェンキンスはザ・フヌのアルバム『トミヌ』に重芁な圱響を受けたず述べおいる[7]。 ボルチモア・シティ・ペヌパヌのベむナヌド・りッズはアルバムをレビュヌし、このグルヌプが「パンクずヒップホップに実際にサヌビスを提䟛できおいる」ず考え、特に最初のシングル「My First White Girl」のミュヌゞックビデオでバンドのナヌモアセンスを賞賛しおいる。 ワシントン・シティのマヌカスJムヌアはグルヌプの「Warn A Brotha」のビデオを「スケヌトボヌドぞのかっこいい賛歌」だず評した[4]。
The White Mandingos was formed in late 2012, and their first album 'The Guetto is Tryna Kill Me' was released in June 2013.
2012幎末に結成されたThe White Mandingosは、2013幎6月に1stアルバム「The Guetto is Tryna Kill Me」をリリヌスしたした。
Extract what previous provinces Kardzhali a part of in the past
The territory of Kardzhali province was acquired by Bulgaria during the First Balkan War in 1912. In 1913 the region was organized as the district (Пкръг, okrăg in Bulgarian) of Mestanli. This district was part of Stara Zagora province from 1934 until 1949,[2] then it was transferred to the newly formed Haskovo district. In 1959 Kardzhali became the center of a new district with similar borders to the current province. Between 1987 and 1999, the region was part of Haskovo Province, after which it was restored, now as a province and with slightly changed borders.
Kardzhali was once a part of Stara Zagora province and Haskovo Province until it was restored in 1999
how to do a self-diagnose of burning out?
Examples to look out for burning out including: Inability to stop thinking about work even when you’re not at work; Relationships with either co-workers or families and friends suffer; Feeling unexplained aches and pains; You spend lots of money outsourcing various personal tasks; Feeling mentally strained- with no plans for vacations; You wonder where you’ll be in the future.
What causes mortgage interest rates to rise in the US?
Mortgage rates are tied to many factors including the inflation, economic growth, and the Federal Reserve's (Fed) monetary policy. For instance, if the Fed increases rates, this usually results in increased mortgate rates since banks need to ensure that the loan can achieve better returns than investing in US bonds.
Give me some movie/tv series to learn English
There are several tv series that can be used to learn English. 1. "Friends" is an American television sitcom that lasts ten seasons from Sep 22, 1994 to May 6, 2004. The show revolves around six friends in their 20s and 30s who live in Manhattan, New York City. The language used in Friends is casual and not challenging to understand. Watching Friends to learn English will help you to build up your vocabulary. 2. "The Big Bang Theory" is an American television sitcom about two physicists at Caltech who share an apartment and their friends. The show has some challenging English word that requires some domain knowledge to understand. This show is recommended to people who have an intermediate English level.
英語孊習に䜿えるテレビシリヌズがいく぀かありたす。 1."Friends "は、1994幎9月22日から2004幎5月6日たで10シヌズン続いたアメリカのテレビシットコムである。番組は、ニュヌペヌクのマンハッタンに䜏む20代から30代の6人の友人を䞭心に展開される。フレンズで䜿われおいる蚀葉はカゞュアルで、理解するのに難しいものではありたせん。英語を孊ぶためにFriendsを芋るこずは、あなたのボキャブラリヌを増やすのに圹立぀でしょう。 2."The Big Bang Theory "は、アパヌトをシェアするカリフォルニア工科倧孊の2人の物理孊者ずその友人たちを描いたアメリカのテレビシットコムである。この番組には、理解するためにある皋床の領域知識を必芁ずする、難しい英単語がありたす。この番組は、英語レベルが䞭玚の人にお勧めしたす。
Who was Luis Gonzalez de Ubieta
Luis González de Ubieta y González del Campillo (1899 – 1950[1]) was an admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy during the Spanish Civil War. He died in exile as the captain of the Panamanian merchant vessel Chiriqui, refusing to be rescued when the ship under his command sank in the Caribbean Sea not far from Barranquilla.[2]
ルむス・ゎンサレス・デ・ナビ゚タ・む・ゎンサレス・デル・カンピヌゞョ1899幎 - 1950幎[1]は、スペむン内戊時のスペむン共和囜海軍の提督である。パナマの商船チリキの船長ずしお、指揮䞋の船がバランキヌゞャからほど近いカリブ海で沈没した際に救助を拒吊し、亡呜先で死亡した[2]。
Luis Gonzalez de Ubieta y Gonzalez del Campillo (1899 – 1950) was an admiral of the Spanish Republican Navy during the Spanish Civil War. He died in exile as the captain of the Panamanian merchant vessel Chiriqui, refusing to be rescued when the ship under his command sank in the Caribbean Sea not far from Barranquilla.
ルむス・ゎンサレス・デ・ナビ゚タ・む・ゎンザレス・デル・カンピヌゞョ1899幎 - 1950幎は、スペむン内戊䞭のスペむン共和囜海軍の提督である。パナマの商船チリキの船長ずしお、指揮䞋の船がバランキヌゞャからほど近いカリブ海で沈没した際、救助を拒吊し、亡呜先で死亡した。
What of the following component part of either Data Engineering or Machine learning? Delta Live Table (DLT), MLFlow, Autoloader, AutoML
Delta Live Table (DLT) is used to Data Engineering, MLFlow is used for Machine Learning, Autoloader is used to Data Engineering, AutoML is used for Machine Learning
Delta Live TableDLTはデヌタ工孊に、MLFlowは機械孊習に、Autoloaderはデヌタ工孊に、AutoMLは機械孊習に䜿甚されたす。
List 10 highest-grossing actors in the world.
The following are non-definitive lists of the actors with the highest career-film grosses. There are box-office gross revenue lists, which are not adjusted for inflation, as well as lists for the number of box-office ticket sales. Because of the long-term effects of inflation on movie theater ticket prices, a list unadjusted for inflation gives far more weight to later actors.[1] Therefore, the gross revenue lists are largely meaningless for comparing acting careers widely separated in time, as many actors from earlier eras will never appear on a modern unadjusted list, despite their films' achieving higher commercial success when adjusted for price increases.[2]
The following are non-definitive lists of the actors with the highest career-film grosses. There are box-office gross revenue lists, which are not adjusted for inflation, as well as lists for the number of box-office ticket sales. Because of the long-term effects of inflation on movie theater ticket prices, a list unadjusted for inflation gives far more weight to later actors. Therefore, the gross revenue lists are largely meaningless for comparing acting careers widely separated in time, as many actors from earlier eras will never appear on a modern unadjusted list, despite their films' achieving higher commercial success when adjusted for price increases. Lead roles This list only includes leading roles and lead ensemble roles, including voice acting. The list is updated as of 12 January 2023. Rank Actor Worldwide total[3] Top-grossing film Films Average 1 Scarlett Johansson $14,519,031,650 Avengers: Endgame ($2,794,731,755) 33 $439,970,656 2 Robert Downey Jr. $14,393,065,668 Avengers: Endgame ($2,794,731,755) 43 $334,722,457 3 Samuel L. Jackson $14,376,505,937 Avengers: Endgame ($2,794,731,755) 64 $224,632,905 4 Zoe Saldaña $12,805,874,340 Avatar ($2,899,384,102) 30 $426,862,478 5 Chris Hemsworth $11,958,567,765 Avengers: Endgame ($2,794,731,755) 25 $478,342,711 6 Chris Pratt $11,742,796,476 Avengers: Endgame ($2,794,731,755) 23 $510,556,369 7 Tom Cruise $11,547,725,996 Top Gun: Maverick ($1,487,575,965) 43 $268,551,767 8 Chris Evans $11,277,890,989 Avengers: Endgame ($2,794,731,755) 29 $388,892,793 9 Tom Hanks $10,704,310,520 Toy Story 4 ($1,073,064,540) 55 $194,623,828 10 Vin Diesel $10,537,096,327 Avengers: Infinity War ($2,048,359,754) 27 $390,262,827
以䞋は、キャリアにおける映画興行収入が最も高い俳優の非定矩的なリストである。むンフレ調敎されおいない興行収入リストず、興行チケット販売枚数リストがありたす。映画通のチケット代は長期的にむンフレの圱響を受けるため、むンフレ調敎をしおいないリストでは、埌発の俳優の比重がはるかに高くなりたす。したがっお、興行収入ランキングは、時代的に倧きく離れた俳優のキャリアを比范する䞊ではほずんど意味がない。 䞻な圹割 このリストは、声優を含む䞻圹ず䞻圹玚のアンサンブル圹のみを掲茉しおいたす。リストは2023幎1月12日珟圚で曎新されおいたす。 順䜍 俳優 䞖界环蚈[3] 興行収入䞊䜍䜜品 䜜品数 平均 1 スカヌレット・ペハン゜ン 14,519,031,650ドル 『アベンゞャヌズ』゚ンドゲヌム』27億9,473侇1,755ドル33億3,970侇1,656ドル 2 ロバヌト・ダりニヌ・Jr. 1439侇3065円 アベンゞャヌズ゚ンドゲヌム』27億9473侇1755ドル 43億3472侇457ドル 3 サミュ゚ル・L・ゞャク゜ン 14,376,505,937ドル 『アベンゞャヌズ』゚ンドゲヌム27億9473侇1755ドル 64億2467侇2905ドル 4 ゟヌむ・サルダヌニャ 128億5,874侇4,340円 アバタヌ28億9,938侇4,102円 30億4,686侇2,478ドル 5 クリス・ヘムズワヌス ï¿¥11,958,567,765 『アベンゞャヌズ』゚ンドゲヌム』27億9473侇1755ドル 25億7834侇2711ドル 6 クリス・プラット 11,742,796,476ドル 『アベンゞャヌズ』゚ンドゲヌム』27億9,473侇1,755ドル 23億1,055侇6,369ドル 7 トム・クルヌズ 11,547,725,996ドル 「トップガン」マヌベリック』1,487,575,965円 43ドル 268,551,767円 8 クリス・゚ノァンス 11,277,890,989ドル 『アベンゞャヌズ』゚ンドゲヌム』27億9,473侇1,755ドル 29億8,889侇2,793ドル 9 トム・ハンクス 1,704侇3,520ドル トむ・ストヌリヌ41,073侇4,540ドル 55 1億946侇3,828ドル 10 ノィン・ディヌれル 1,053侇7,096ドル327円 アベンゞャヌズむンフィニティ・りォヌ』2,048,359,754ドル 27 390,262,827ドル
what is Stoicism
Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BCE. It is a philosophy of personal virtue ethics informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world, asserting that the practice of virtue is both necessary and sufficient to achieve eudaimonia (happiness, lit. 'good spiritedness'): one flourishes by living an ethical life. The Stoics identified the path to eudaimonia with a life spent practicing virtue and living in accordance with nature. Alongside Aristotelian ethics, the Stoic tradition forms one of the major founding approaches to virtue ethics.[1] The Stoics are especially known for teaching that "virtue is the only good" for human beings, and that external things, such as health, wealth, and pleasure, are not good or bad in themselves (adiaphora) but have value as "material for virtue to act upon". Many Stoics—such as Seneca and Epictetus—emphasized that because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage would be emotionally resilient to misfortune. The Stoics also held that certain destructive emotions resulted from errors of judgment, and they believed people should aim to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is "in accordance with nature". Because of this, the Stoics thought the best indication of an individual's philosophy was not what a person said but how a person behaved.[2] To live a good life, one had to understand the rules of the natural order since they believed everything was rooted in nature. Stoicism flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the 3rd century CE, and among its adherents was Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It experienced a decline after Christianity became the state religion in the 4th century CE. Since then, it has seen revivals, notably in the Renaissance (Neostoicism) and in the contemporary era (modern Stoicism).[3]
ストむシズムは、玀元前3䞖玀初頭にアテネでシチりムのれノンによっお創始されたヘレニズム哲孊の䞀掟である。゚りダむモニア幞犏を達成するためには、埳の実践が必芁か぀十分であり、倫理的な生掻を送るこずによっお人は繁栄するず䞻匵しおいる。ストむック掟は、゚りダむモニアに至る道筋を、矎埳を実践し、自然に埓っお生きるこずにあるずしたのです。 アリストテレス倫理孊ず䞊んで、ストむックな䌝統は、矎埳倫理孊の䞻芁な創蚭アプロヌチの䞀぀を圢成しおいる[1]。 ストむック掟は特に、人間にずっお「矎埳が唯䞀の善」であり、健康、富、喜びずいった倖郚のものは、それ自䜓が良いずか悪いadiaphoraではなく「矎埳が䜜甚する材料」ずしお䟡倀があるず教えるこずで有名である。セネカや゚ピクテトスなど倚くのストア掟は、「埳は幞犏に十分である」ため、賢者は䞍幞にも感情的に匷くなれるず匷調した。たた、ストむック掟は、ある皮の砎壊的な感情は刀断の誀りから生じるものであり、人は「自然に沿った」意志プロハむレシスを維持するこずを目指すべきであるず考えた。このため、ストむック掟は、個人の哲孊を最もよく瀺すのは、その人が䜕を蚀ったかではなく、その人がどう行動したかであるず考えた[2]。 良い人生を送るためには、自然の秩序のルヌルを理解する必芁があり、圌らはすべおが自然に根ざしおいるず考えた。 ストア掟は3䞖玀たでロヌマ・ギリシア䞖界で栄え、皇垝マルクス・アりレリりスもその信奉者であった。しかし、4䞖玀にキリスト教が囜教ずなった埌は、衰退の䞀途をたどった。その埌、ルネサンス期新ストむック䞻矩、珟代珟代ストア掟を䞭心に埩掻を遂げた[3]。
Stoicism is a school of Hellenistic philosophy founded by Zeno of Citium in Athens in the early 3rd century BCE. It is a philosophy of personal virtue ethics informed by its system of logic and its views on the natural world, asserting that the practice of virtue is both necessary and sufficient to achieve eudaimonia (happiness, lit. 'good spiritedness'): one flourishes by living an ethical life. The Stoics identified the path to eudaimonia with a life spent practicing virtue and living in accordance with nature. Alongside Aristotelian ethics, the Stoic tradition forms one of the major founding approaches to virtue ethics.[1] The Stoics are especially known for teaching that "virtue is the only good" for human beings, and that external things, such as health, wealth, and pleasure, are not good or bad in themselves (adiaphora) but have value as "material for virtue to act upon". Many Stoics—such as Seneca and Epictetus—emphasized that because "virtue is sufficient for happiness", a sage would be emotionally resilient to misfortune. The Stoics also held that certain destructive emotions resulted from errors of judgment, and they believed people should aim to maintain a will (called prohairesis) that is "in accordance with nature". Because of this, the Stoics thought the best indication of an individual's philosophy was not what a person said but how a person behaved.[2] To live a good life, one had to understand the rules of the natural order since they believed everything was rooted in nature. Stoicism flourished throughout the Roman and Greek world until the 3rd century CE, and among its adherents was Emperor Marcus Aurelius. It experienced a decline after Christianity became the state religion in the 4th century CE. Since then, it has seen revivals, notably in the Renaissance (Neostoicism) and in the contemporary era (modern Stoicism).[3]
ストむシズムは、玀元前3䞖玀初頭にアテネでシチりムのれノンによっお創蚭されたヘレニズム哲孊の䞀掟である。゚りダむモニア幞犏を達成するためには、埳の実践が必芁か぀十分であり、倫理的な生掻を送るこずによっお人は繁栄するず䞻匵する、論理䜓系ず自然界に察する芋解に基づく個人の埳の倫理哲孊である。ストむック掟は、゚りダむモニアに至る道を、矎埳を実践し、自然に即しお生きる人生であるずした。 アリストテレス倫理孊ず䞊んで、ストむックな䌝統は、矎埳倫理孊の䞻芁な創蚭アプロヌチの䞀぀を圢成しおいる[1]。 ストむック掟は特に、人間にずっお「矎埳が唯䞀の善」であり、健康、富、喜びずいった倖郚のものは、それ自䜓が良いずか悪いadiaphoraではなく「矎埳が䜜甚する材料」ずしお䟡倀があるず教えるこずで有名である。セネカや゚ピクテトスなど倚くのストア掟は、「埳は幞犏に十分である」ため、賢者は䞍幞にも感情的に匷くなれるず匷調した。たた、ストむック掟は、ある皮の砎壊的な感情は刀断の誀りから生じるものであり、人は「自然に沿った」意志プロハむレシスを維持するこずを目指すべきであるず考えた。このため、ストむック掟は、個人の哲孊を最もよく瀺すのは、その人が䜕を蚀ったかではなく、その人がどう行動したかであるず考えた[2]。 良い人生を送るためには、自然の秩序のルヌルを理解する必芁があり、圌らはすべおが自然に根ざしおいるず考えた。 ストア掟は3䞖玀たでロヌマ・ギリシア䞖界で栄え、皇垝マルクス・アりレリりスもその信奉者であった。しかし、4䞖玀にキリスト教が囜教ずなった埌は、衰退の䞀途をたどった。その埌、ルネサンス期新ストむック䞻矩、珟代珟代ストア掟を䞭心に埩掻を遂げた[3]。
What are really considered the Seven Wonders of the World?
There is a lot of debate and even different classifications have come up to define what are the actual Seven Wonders of the World. There are some that are considered the Seven Ancient Wonders and there are some that are considered the New Seven Wonders, but there seems to be a definitive list of the Seven Wonders which is the following: The Great Wall of China The Taj Mahal The Colosseum Chichen Itza Machu Picchu Christ the Redeemer Petra
䞖界の䞃䞍思議の定矩に぀いおは、さたざたな議論があり、異なる分類も出おきおいたす。叀代の䞃䞍思議ずされるものもあれば、新䞃䞍思議ずされるものもありたすが、䞃䞍思議の決定的なリストは以䞋のようなものだず思われたす 䞇里の長城The Great Wall of China タヌゞマハル コロッセオ チチェン・むッツァ マチュピチュ 莖われし者キリスト ペトラ
What are the key benefits of Delta Live Tables?
Delta Live Tablesの䞻なメリットは䜕ですか
Here are the key benefits of Delta Live Tables: 1. Enable citizen engineers to self serve and innovate rapidly with simple pipeline development and maintenance 2. Trust your data with built-in quality controls and data quality monitoring to ensure accurate and useful BI, Data Science, and ML 3. Scale with automated administration through broader visibility into pipeline operations, automatic error handling, and auto-scaling capabilities 4. Support a wider variety of use cases by unlocking the development of real-time and incremental data pipelines to a wider audience
デルタラむブテヌブルの䞻なメリットを玹介したす 1.シンプルなパむプラむンの開発ずメンテナンスで、垂民゚ンゞニアが自己完結し、迅速にむノベヌションを起こせるようにする。 2.内蔵の品質管理ずデヌタ品質モニタリングにより、正確で有甚なBI、デヌタサむ゚ンス、MLを実珟し、デヌタを信頌したす。 3.パむプラむンの可芖化、自動゚ラヌ凊理、オヌトスケヌリング機胜による自動管理でスケヌルアップを実珟 4.リアルタむムおよびむンクリメンタルなデヌタパむプラむンの開発をより倚くの人に開攟するこずで、より倚様なナヌスケヌスをサポヌトしたす。
What shape are Philodendron leaves?
The leaves are usually large and imposing, often lobed or deeply cut, and may be more or less pinnate. They can also be oval, spear-shaped, or in many other possible shape variations. The leaves are borne alternately on the stem. A quality of philodendrons is that they do not have a single type of leaf on the same plant. Instead, they have juvenile leaves and adult leaves, which can be drastically different from one another. The leaves of seedling philodendrons are usually heart-shaped early in the life of the plant. But after it has matured past the seedling stage, the leaves will acquire the typical juvenile leaf's shape and size. Later in the philodendron's life, it starts producing adult leaves, a process called metamorphosis.[8] Most philodendrons go through metamorphosis gradually; there is no immediately distinct difference between juvenile and adult leaves.[9] Aside from being typically much bigger than the juvenile leaves, the shape of adult leaves can be significantly different. In fact, considerable taxonomic difficulty has occurred in the past due to these differences, causing juvenile and adult plants to mistakenly be classified as different species.
They are spear-shaped
Please extract Sinclair's awards from this paragraph and list them in bullets in order from oldest to most recent.
Sinclair has received numerous awards for his research, including the Irving S. Wright Award of Distinction from the American Federation for Aging Research in 2018, the Advance Award in Life Sciences from the Australian government in 2017, and the Australian Society for Medical Research Medal in 2014.[33][34][35][3] In 2014, Sinclair was included in Time 100 as one of the hundred most influential people in the world, and in 2018 he was included in Time magazine's 50 Most Influential People in Health Care.[36][37][38][39] In 2018, Sinclair was made an officer of the Order of Australia (AO) for "distinguished service to medical research into the biology of ageing and lifespan extension, as a geneticist and academic, to biosecurity initiatives, and as an advocate for the study of science" (2018 Australia Day Honours).[40]
シンクレアは、2018幎に米囜加霢研究連盟からアヌノィング・S・ラむト特別賞、2017幎にオヌストラリア政府から生呜科孊の進歩賞、2014幎にオヌストラリア医孊研究孊䌚メダルなど、その研究に察しお数々の賞を受賞しおいる[33][34][35][3] 2014幎にシンクレアは「䞖界で最も圱響力のある100人」の䞀人ずしおタむム誌に掲茉、2018幎にタむム誌の「ヘルスケア分野で最も圱響力のある人物50」に掲茉された。[36][37][38][39] 2018幎、シンクレアは「老化ず寿呜延長の生物孊に関する医孊研究、遺䌝孊者および孊者ずしおの、バむオセキュリティぞの取り組み、および科孊研究の提唱者ずしおの顕著な貢献」2018 Australia Day Honoursにより、オヌストラリア勲章AO士ずなった[40]。
-Time's 100 most influential people in the world -Australian Society for Medical Research Medal -Advance Award in Life Sciences -Irving S Wright Award of Distinction -Time magazine's 50 Most Influential People in Health Care -Officer of the Order of Australia
-タむム誌が遞ぶ䞖界で最も圱響力のある100人 -オヌストラリア医孊研究協䌚メダル -ラむフサむ゚ンス・アドバンス賞 -アヌノィング・S・ラむト賞特別賞 -タむム誌の「ヘルスケア業界で最も圱響力のある50人」に遞ばれたした。 -オヌストラリア勲章受章者
Tell me whether the following animals are part of the cat family: ocelot, lion, jackal, caracal, leopard, fox, tiger, lynx.
Ocelot, lion, caracal, leopard, tiger, lynx are all species that are part of the Felidae family (commonly known as cats). Jackals and foxes are part of the Canidae (or dog) family. While the two groups have physical similarities, they also have distinctive physical and behavioral differences.
Why should you visit Ireland?
Ireland is one of the most beautiful places that I've lived. It does rain quite a bit but on a sunny day I've never seen a more beautiful place. The grass is a vivid green and the nature comes to life on those sunny days. If you like history it's also a great place to explore with various ruins scattered across the country as well as plenty of castles. Ireland also has some great beaches and while the water is cold it's also refreshing and worth the beauty that you will find while you explore the beaches. If it's nightlife you are looking for look no further than Temple Bar in Dublin. The restaurants and pubs are very welcoming with a diverse cuisine that will satisfy anyone's appetite.
アむルランドは、私が今たで䜏んだ䞭で最も矎しい堎所の䞀぀です。 雚はよく降りたすが、晎れた日にはこれほど矎しい堎所はないず思いたす。 芝生は鮮やかな緑色で、晎れた日には自然が生き生きず茝いおいたす。 たた、歎史が奜きな人には、囜䞭に点圚するさたざたな遺跡や、たくさんの城があり、探玢するのに最適な堎所です。 アむルランドには玠晎らしいビヌチもあり、氎は冷たいですが、爜やかで、ビヌチを探怜しおいる間に芋぀けるこずができる矎しさに䟡倀がありたす。 ナむトラむフを楜しみたいのであれば、ダブリンのテンプルバヌはいかがでしょうか。 レストランやパブはずおも居心地がよく、さたざたな料理があり、誰の食欲も満たしおくれたす。
What is the name of the meme crypto coin that Elon Musk made famous?
Elon Musk brought attention to the crypto currency Dogecoin by tweeting the word "One word: Doge". This brought the coin into meme status with its value starting at $0.0047 and skyrocketing to $0.7376 by May 2021.
When was the first bicycle race?
The first bicycle race is popularly held to have been a 1,200 m (3,900 ft) race on the 31 May 1868 at the Parc de Saint-Cloud, Paris, France. It was won by expatriate Englishman James Moore who rode a wooden bicycle with solid rubber tires. The machine is now on display at the museum in Ely, Cambridgeshire, England.
It's commonly believed that the first bicycle race was held May 31, 1868 at the Parc de Saint-Cloud, Paris, France. The race distance was 1,200 m and was won by James Moore, an expatriate Englishman. Moore rode a wooden bicycle with solid rubber tires. Moore's bicycle is now on display in a museum in England.
最初の自転車レヌスは、1868幎5月31日、フランス・パリのサンクルヌ公園で開催されたずいうのが通説です。 レヌス距離は1,200mで、優勝したのは駐圚のむギリス人、ゞェヌムズ・ムヌアだった。 ムヌアは、朚補の自転車に゜リッドゎムタむダを装着しお走った。 ムヌアの自転車は、珟圚、むギリスの博物通に展瀺されおいる。
I want to buy a work monitor which is to be used along with the laptop. What features of monitor should be considered?
Based on type of work For coding or text content creation - size 24-28 inch monitor would suffice - resolution 1920 * 1080 or lower - can be swirled to landscape or portrait mode - refresh rate of 60-90 hz For video or game content creation - size 28 or higher curved monitors - resolution QHD, UHD, 4K - refresh rate 120 hz - preferable having speakers
仕事の皮類に応じた コヌディングやテキストコンテンツ制䜜の堎合 - サむズ 2428むンチのモニタヌで十分です。 - 解像床 1920 * 1080 以䞋 - は、暪向きず瞊向きに振り分けるこずができる - リフレッシュレヌト60〜90hz 映像やゲヌムのコンテンツ制䜜に - size 28以䞊の曲面モニタヌ - 解像床 QHD、UHD、4K - リフレッシュレヌト 120hz - 奜みのスピヌカヌ
Give me a list of some of the most popular song from 70s Japanese Pop singer, Mariya Takeuchi
1. Plastic Love 2. Stay with Me 3. September 4. Miracle Love 5. Yume No Tsuzuki
1.プラスチック・ラブ 2.ステむ りィズ ミヌ 3.9月 4.ミラクル・ラブ 5.ナメノツヅキ
Tell me which one of the following countries are in the European Union: The Netherlands, Switzerland, Germany, Finland, the United Kingdom, Italy, Luxembourg, Turkey, Australia, Vietnam, Canada.
The Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Italy and Luxembourg are in the European Union. Rest of the countries: Switzerland, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Australia, Vietnam and Canada are not a part of the European Union but might have deals allowing them to benefit from the certain conveniences of the European Union such as free trade. For example, while Switzerland has very close ties with European Union nations and has similar benefits, they are not a part of the EU. Switzerland enjoys benefits such as freedom of movement of people between the EU member states and Switzerland, this is due to a separate agreement: Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (AFMP).
オランダ、ドむツ、フィンランド、むタリア、ルクセンブルクは欧州連合に加盟しおいたす。 その他の囜スむス、むギリス、トルコ、オヌストラリア、ベトナム、カナダは欧州連合に加盟しおいたせんが、自由貿易など欧州連合の䞀定の䟿宜を図るこずができる協定を結んでいる堎合がありたす。 䟋えば、スむスはEU諞囜ず非垞に密接な関係にあり、同様の恩恵を受けおいたすが、EUには加盟しおいたせん。スむスはEU加盟囜ずスむスの間で人の移動の自由などのメリットを享受しおいたすが、これは別の協定によるものですスむスは、EU加盟囜ずスむスの間で人の移動の自由などの特兞を享受しおいたすが、これは別の協定人の自由な移動に関する協定AFMPによるものです。
Solve the following equation: y = 7x + 2 where x = 2
Sure, we can solve this equation step by step: 1. y = 7(2) + 2 2. y = 14 + 2 3. y = 16 The final answer is 16
確かに、この方皋匏をステップバむステップで解いおいけばいい 1. y = 7(2) + 2 2. y = 14 + 2 3. y = 16 最終的な回答は16
Why do some people prefer to drink hot water than cold water?
People live in the north tend to live drinking hot beverages, such as tea or hot coco due to the cold weather in the winter. However, for people who have low tolerance in caffeine, it is better for them to not drink the previously listed beverages. A warm cup of water could help heat up the body, while reduce the intake of caffeine. Also, in development areas, cold water source may not be sanitary for people to intake directly. After boiling the water, it kills 99% of germs, and will make it safer for people to drink as well.
北囜の人は、冬は寒いので、お茶やホットココアなど、枩かい飲み物を飲んで生掻するこずが倚いようです。しかし、カフェむンに察する耐性が䜎い人は、先に挙げたような飲み物は飲たないほうがいい。枩かい氎を飲むこずで、カフェむンの摂取を抑え぀぀、䜓を枩めるこずができたす。 たた、開発地域などでは、冷たい氎源をそのたた飲甚するのは衛生的に問題がありたす。沞隰させれば99の雑菌が死滅し、より安党な氎を飲むこずができたす。
Given this paragraph about Pittsford, New York, what year was the town settled?
The Town of Pittsford (formerly part of the town of Northfield) was settled in 1789 and incorporated in 1796. The Village of Pittsford was incorporated in 1827. It was named by Colonel Caleb Hopkins, War of 1812 hero and subsequently Pittsford Town Supervisor, for the town of his birth, Pittsford, Vermont.
The town of Pittsford was settled in 1789.
Find all sports from this passage that use the term hat-trick.
The term first appeared in 1858 in cricket, to describe H. H. Stephenson taking three wickets with three consecutive deliveries. Fans held a collection for Stephenson, and presented him with a hat bought with the proceeds.[2][full citation needed] The term was used in print for the first time in 1865 in the Chelmsford Chronicle.[3][non-primary source needed] The term was eventually adopted by many other sports including hockey, association football,[4] Formula 1 racing, rugby, and water polo.
この蚀葉が初めお登堎したのは1858幎、クリケットでH.H.Stephensonが3連続デリバリヌで3぀のりィケットを取ったこずを衚珟するためでした。ファンはStephensonのためにコレクションを行い、その収益で賌入した垜子を圌に莈った[2][full citation needed] この蚀葉は1865幎にChelmsford Chronicleで初めお印刷物に䜿われた[3][nonprimary source needed] この蚀葉は最終的にホッケヌ、ア゜シ゚ヌションサッカヌ、F1レヌス、ラグビヌ、氎球など他の倚くのスポヌツで採甚された。
Term hat-trick is primarily used in Cricket but is also adopted in hockey, association football, Formula 1 racing, rugby, and water polo.
From the text below extract the types of species and the percentage of its habitat in the form {Species}:{Percentage} and place them as a bullet list
India is a megadiverse country, a term employed for 17 countries which display high biological diversity and contain many species exclusively indigenous, or endemic, to them.[195] India is a habitat for 8.6% of all mammal species, 13.7% of bird species, 7.9% of reptile species, 6% of amphibian species, 12.2% of fish species, and 6.0% of all flowering plant species.[196][197] Fully a third of Indian plant species are endemic.[198] India also contains four of the world's 34 biodiversity hotspots,[68] or regions that display significant habitat loss in the presence of high endemism.[l][199]
むンドはメガダむバヌスの囜であり、高い生物孊的倚様性を瀺し、その囜だけの固有皮を倚く含む17カ囜を指す蚀葉である[195] むンドは、党哺乳類の8.6%、鳥類の13.7%、爬虫類の7.9%、䞡生類の6%、魚類の12.196][197]むンドの怍物皮の完党に3分の1が固有皮である[198]。たたむンドには、䞖界の34の生物倚様性ホットスポットのうち4぀[68]、すなわち固有性が高いにもかかわらず生息地の喪倱が著しい地域がある[l][199]。
Here are the types of species and their percentages stated in the given text: Mammal species : 8.6% Bird species : 13.7% Reptile species : 7.9% Amphibian species : 6% Fish species : 12.2% Flowering Plant species : 6.0%
以䞋は、本文䞭に蚘茉されおいる皮の皮類ずその割合です 哺乳類8.6 鳥類13.7 爬虫類の皮類7.9 䞡生類6 魚類12.2 花き類6.0
Classify the following as types of birds or types of snakes: robin, cobra, rattlesnake, eagle, viper, raptor, bluejay, cottonmouth, copperhead, sparrow.
Robin, eagle, raptor, bluejay, and sparrow are all kinds of birds. Cobra, rattlesnake, viper, cottonmouth, and copperhead are several types of snakes.
Write a paragraph about AI governance.
The AI arms race is heating up, and breakthroughs are happening at an accelerating pace. The release of ChatGPT by OpenAI represents a profound leap forward in how humans interface with machines, showcasing the startling progress in large language models. Meanwhile generative AI capabilities such as Dall-E, Stable Diffusion, and Midjourney are able to generate highly realistic and detailed images from text descriptions, demonstrating a level of creativity and imagination that was once thought to be exclusively human. Humans seem fundamentally wired to continuously advance technology and improve our knowledge and capabilities. Also, the human brain tends to think linearly, causing us to underestimate the exponential progress of technology. Companies and nations are incentivized by market forces and geopolitical game theory to pursue better intelligence through the advancement of AI. The Future of Life Institute recently published Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter. The letter — with notable signatories including Elon Musk, Steve Wozniak and Andrew Yang — caused a stir, calling for a 6 month pause on advanced AI development: “Therefore, we call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4. This pause should be public and verifiable, and include all key actors. If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly, governments should step in and institute a moratorium.” Much of the media and public discourse in response to this letter has focused on who signed it and pushing back on the notion that humanity faces an imminent existential threat of artificial superintelligence. Dystopian claims of runaway artificial intelligence seem hyperbolic to many people, and calling for a 6 month moratorium is not realistic. Good luck convincing China to “pause” their efforts in the AI arms race. But are there no boundaries? Should we proceed with no guidelines? For example 
 Are we comfortable outsourcing decisions to black box AI systems that lack transparency and explainability, making it impossible for humans to understand the reasoning behind decisions? Should we be worried about the development of AI-powered autonomous weapons that make decisions about the use of lethal force without human input? Should we be worried about the potential for malicious actors to use AI for nefarious purposes, such as sophisticated propaganda campaigns? Are our current laws, regulations and political systems equipped to handle the rapid influx of new AI alignment questions that society will grapple with in the very near future? As AI becomes more advanced, it may become difficult to understand, which could lead to unintended outcomes. AI systems can behave in ways that are unforeseen and difficult to control. The AI alignment problem is a societal challenge that requires collaboration between researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and the public. It will also require international cooperation between governments and the private sector. This is not just a technical challenge, but also a philosophical and ethical one. The open letter mentioned above goes on to recommend: “AI research and development should be refocused on making today’s powerful, state-of-the-art systems more accurate, safe, interpretable, transparent, robust, aligned, trustworthy, and loyal.” This is certainly a worthy goal, and it can be achieved by doing AI in the open. What we currently lack is a framework. Society needs a set of procedures and protocols to make the recommendation from The Future of Life Institute actionable. Jointly, we must consider and debate the pros and cons of many ideas, including but not limited to: Mandatory disclosure of model details, including training datasets, evaluation methodologies, and known biases Development of a framework that establishes model monitoring and audit requirements for advanced AI systems Implementation of laws that impose liability for AI-caused harm Establishment of a regulatory authority for oversight and tracking of highly capable AI systems The first step in achieving a productive framework for safe AI development is an open dialogue among the many stakeholders involved, which includes everyone. We must rise above the hyper-politicized discourse that our dishonest and broken media often forces upon us. This topic is too important and the ramifications are too profound. Join me in advocating for an intelligent and respectful conversation on AI — one that solicits input and open debate from a diverse set of voices to help ensure a path forward that is in our collective best interest.
AIの軍拡競争は過熱し、ブレヌクスルヌは加速床的に起こっおいる。 OpenAIによるChatGPTのリリヌスは、人間ず機械ずのむンタヌフェヌスに倧きな飛躍をもたらし、倧芏暡蚀語モデルの驚くべき進歩を瀺しおいる。䞀方、Dall-E、Stable Diffusion、Midjourneyなどの生成AIは、テキスト蚘述から非垞にリアルで詳现な画像を生成するこずができ、か぀お人間だけのものず考えられおいたレベルの創造性ず想像力を瀺しおいたす。 人間は基本的に、絶えず技術を進歩させ、知識や胜力を向䞊させるようにできおいるようです。たた、人間の脳は盎線的に考える傟向があるため、テクノロゞヌの指数関数的な進歩を過小評䟡する原因ずなっおいたす。䌁業や囜家は、垂堎原理や地政孊的なゲヌム理論によっお、AIの進歩を通じおより優れた知胜を远求するむンセンティブを䞎えられおいたす。 いのちの未来研究所はこのほど、『Pause Giant AI Experiments公開曞簡」を発衚したした。むヌロン・マスク、スティヌブ・りォズニアック、アンドリュヌ・ダンなど著名人が眲名したこの曞簡は、高床なAI開発の6ヶ月間の䞀時停止を求め、波王を呌びたした 「したがっお、我々はすべおのAI研究所に察し、GPT-4よりも匷力なAIシステムの蚓緎を少なくずも6ヶ月間、盎ちに䞀時停止するよう芁請する。この䞀時停止は、公的か぀怜蚌可胜なものでなければならず、すべおの䞻芁な関係者を含むものでなければなりたせん。このような䞀時停止が迅速に実斜できない堎合は、政府が介入しおモラトリアムを実斜する必芁がありたす。" この曞簡に察するメディアや䞖間の論調の倚くは、誰が眲名したかに焊点を圓お、人類が人工超知胜の差し迫った存亡の危機に盎面しおいるずいう考え方に背を向けおいたす。人工知胜の暎走ずいうディストピア的な䞻匵は、倚くの人にずっお誇匵に思えるし、6ヶ月のモラトリアムを芁求するのは珟実的でない。䞭囜にAI軍拡競争ぞの取り組みを「䞀時停止」させるよう説埗するのが吉だ。 しかし、境界線はないのだろうか。ガむドラむンがない状態で進めるべきでしょうか 䟋えば ... 透明性や説明可胜性を欠き、人間が意思決定の理由を理解できないブラックボックスのAIシステムに意思決定を委蚗するこずに抵抗はないのだろうか。 人間の意芋なしに殺傷力の行䜿を決定するAI搭茉の自埋型兵噚の開発を心配する必芁があるのでしょうか。 悪意あるアクタヌが、高床なプロパガンダキャンペヌンなど、悪意のある目的のためにAIを利甚する可胜性を心配すべきなのか 珟圚の法埋、芏制、政治システムは、ごく近い将来、瀟䌚が取り組むこずになる新たなAIずの連携問題の急速な流入に察応できるものだろうか。 AIがより高床になるに぀れ、理解が難しくなり、意図しない結果に぀ながる可胜性がある。AIシステムは、予期しない、制埡が困難な振る舞いをするこずがありたす。AIのアラむメント問題は瀟䌚的課題であり、研究者、゚ンゞニア、起業家、政策立案者、そしお䞀般垂民の協力が必芁です。たた、政府ず民間䌁業による囜際的な協力も必芁ずなりたす。これは単なる技術的な課題ではなく、哲孊的、倫理的な課題でもありたす。 前出のオヌプンレタヌは、さらにこう提蚀しおいる "AIの研究開発は、今日の匷力な最先端システムをより正確、安党、解釈可胜、透明、堅牢、敎列、信頌、忠実なものにするこずに再泚目されるべきである。" これは確かに䟡倀ある目暙であり、AIをオヌプンで行うこずで実珟できるこずです。珟圚、私たちに欠けおいるのは、フレヌムワヌクです。The Future of Life Instituteの提蚀を実行可胜なものにするために、瀟䌚は䞀連の手順やプロトコルを必芁ずしおいたす。 共同しお、倚くのアむデアの是非を怜蚎し、議論する必芁がありたす トレヌニングデヌタセット、評䟡方法、既知のバむアスを含むモデルの詳现の開瀺を矩務付ける。 先進的なAIシステムのモデル監芖・監査芁件を定めたフレヌムワヌクの開発 AIが匕き起こした被害に察しお責任を課す法埋の実斜 高機胜なAIシステムの監芖・远跡のための芏制圓局の蚭眮 安党なAI開発のための生産的な枠組みを実珟するための最初のステップは、すべおの人を含む倚くの関係者の間で開かれた察話をするこずです。私たちは、䞍誠実で壊れたメディアがしばしば匷芁する、超政治的な蚀説を乗り越えなければなりたせん。このトピックはあたりにも重芁であり、その圱響はあたりにも深いのです。AIに関する知的で尊敬に倀する䌚話、぀たり、倚様な声から意芋を募り、開かれた議論をするこずで、私たちの集団の最善の利益に぀ながる道を確保するこずを、私ず䞀緒に提唱したしょう。
Who prepares the Global Hunger Index?
Global Hunger Indexは誰が䜜成しおいるのですか
Global Hunger Index is jointly prepared by Welhunger Life and Concern Worldwide
Global Hunger Indexは、Welhunger LifeずConcern Worldwideが共同で䜜成しおいたす。
Who won the 149th Boat Race?
The 149th Boat Race took place on 6 April 2003. Held annually, the Boat Race is a side-by-side rowing race between crews from the Universities of Oxford (in dark blue) and Cambridge (in light greenish blue) along a 4.2-mile (6.8 km) tidal stretch of the River Thames in south-west London. The lead changed twice during the race, which Oxford won by one foot (30 cm), the smallest margin of victory in the history of the event. The close race has been described as "epic," while Olympic gold medalist Steve Redgrave suggested that the race was the "greatest we will see in our lifetimes." Umpired by the Boat Race veteran Boris Rankov, the 2003 race was the first to be scheduled on a Sunday. As a result of a collision between the Cambridge boat and a launch, a member of the Cambridge crew was replaced just two days before the race. This was the first Boat Race to feature two sets of brothers on opposing sides. In the reserve race Goldie beat Isis and Oxford won the Women's race.
第149回ボヌトレヌスは、2003幎4月6日に開催されたした。毎幎開催されるボヌトレヌスは、ロンドン南西郚のテムズ川の朮流に沿った4.2マむル6.8kmを、オックスフォヌド倧孊濃玺ずケンブリッゞ倧孊淡緑青のクルヌが暪䞀列に䞊んで挕ぐレヌスである。レヌス䞭、先頭が2回入れ替わり、倧䌚史䞊最小の1フィヌト30cm差でオックスフォヌドが勝利したした。この接戊は「壮絶」ず評され、オリンピック金メダリストのスティヌブ・レッドグレむブは、このレヌスは "私たちが生きおいる間に芋るこずのできる最高のレヌス "だず瀺唆したした。 ボヌトレヌスのベテラン、ボリス・ランコフが審刀を務めた2003幎のレヌスは、初めお日曜日に予定されおいた。ケンブリッゞ艇ずロヌンチの衝突事故により、レヌス2日前にケンブリッゞ艇のクルヌが亀代した。このレヌスは、2組の兄匟が察立する初めおのボヌトレヌスであった。リザヌブレヌスではゎヌルディがアむシスを䞋し、女子レヌスではオックスフォヌドが優勝した。
The 149th Boat Race took place on April 6, 2003 and was held between the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge. Oxford won the face by one foot (30 cm), making it the smallest margin of victory in the history of the event.
Identify which instrument is string or percussion: Ilimba, Khim
Ilimba is percussion, Khim is string.
Who is Stephen King?
Stephen Edwin King (born September 21, 1947) is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novels. Described as the "King of Horror", a play on his surname and a reference to his high standing in pop culture,[2] his books have sold more than 350 million copies,[3] and many have been adapted into films, television series, miniseries, and comic books. King has published 64 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman, and five non-fiction books.[4] He has also written approximately 200 short stories, most of which have been published in book collections.[
スティヌブン・゚ドりィン・キングStephen Edwin Kingは、ホラヌ、超自然小説、サスペンス、犯眪、SF、ファンタゞヌ小説のアメリカの䜜家である。圌の名字をもじっお「キング・オブ・ホラヌ」ず呌ばれ、ポップカルチャヌにおける圌の高い地䜍に蚀及しおいる[2]。圌の本は3億5000䞇郚以䞊売れ[3]、倚くは映画、テレビシリヌズ、ミニシリヌズ、コミックブックに改線されおいる。キングは64冊の小説を出版し、そのうち7冊はリチャヌド・バックマンずいうペンネヌムで、5冊のノンフィクションを出版した[4]。 たた、玄200の短線小説を曞き、そのほずんどは曞籍コレクションずしお出版されおいる[.
Stephen King is an American author of horror, supernatural fiction, suspense, crime, science-fiction, and fantasy novels. He is described as the "King of Horror" for his high standing in pop culture, his books have sold more than 350 million copies, and many have been adapted into films, television series, miniseries, and comic books
Give me a list of the greatest chess players of all time
The greatest chess players of all time include Garry Kasparov, Magnus Carlsen, and Bobby Fischer.
What is the team that Michael Jordan played?
Chicago Bulls
Given a reference text about the E.S. Hoyt House, tell me how big the inside of the house is and how many rooms it has.
The E.S. Hoyt House is a historic house in Red Wing, Minnesota, United States, designed by the firm of Purcell & Elmslie and built in 1913. The house is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. It is also a contributing property to the Red Wing Residential Historic District.[2] Description and history The house is one of their more elaborate designs because its owner had a budget that allowed for lavish decoration. The result is comparable to the William Gray Purcell House and the Edward L. Powers House, both in Minneapolis. The horizontal lines of the Prairie School are more pronounced in this house; they are expressed in the bands of art glass windows on both levels and the cantilevered second story.[3] Its owner, E.S. Hoyt, was the president of the Red Wing Stoneware Company.[4] The exterior is clad with brick on the first floor and red stucco on the second floor. The house has ten rooms and about 3,600 square feet (330 m2) of floor space. It has 99 diamond-paned art glass windows and a considerable amount of quarter sawn white oak wood ornamentation. The second story of the house is cantilevered over the first story. The entrance opens into a hallway that leads to a library on the left and a living room on the right. The living room, dining room, and an enclosed porch are all stretched across the front of the house and provide plenty of light through the art glass windows. Several of these windows provide panoramic views of the Mississippi River. The kitchen is located behind the dining room, although it has been remodeled since its original design. The second floor of the house has four bedrooms and two bathrooms, several of which have corner windows that expand the sense of space. The maid's room, over the kitchen, had a separate staircase.[
E.S.ホむト邞は、アメリカ合衆囜ミネ゜タ州レッドりィングにある、パヌセル゚ルムズリヌ事務所が蚭蚈し、1913幎に建おられた歎史的建造物である。党米歎史登録財に指定されおいる。たた、レッドりィング䜏宅歎史地区ぞの貢献物件である[2]。 抂芁・沿革 この邞宅は、所有者が莅沢な装食ができる予算を持っおいたため、圌らの蚭蚈の䞭でも特に凝ったものずなっおいたす。その結果、ミネアポリスのりィリアム・グレむ・パヌセル邞や゚ドワヌド・L・パワヌズ邞に匹敵するような仕䞊がりになっおいる。プレヌリヌスクヌルの氎平線は、この家ではより顕著で、䞡階のアヌトガラス窓の垯や片持ちの2階郚分で衚珟されおいる[3]。所有者のE・S・ホむトは、レッドりィングストヌンりェア瀟の瀟長であった[4]。 倖芳は、1階がレンガ、2階が赀いスタッコで芆われおいたす。郚屋数は10宀、床面積は玄3,600平方フィヌト330m2です。99枚のダむアモンドパネヌドのアヌトガラス窓があり、ホワむトオヌクの柟目たさめ材の装食がかなり斜されおいたす。2階郚分は1階郚分の䞊に片持ち梁で建おられおいたす。゚ントランスを開けるず廊䞋があり、巊偎にラむブラリヌ、右偎にリビングルヌムがありたす。リビングルヌム、ダむニングルヌム、そしお囲われたポヌチはすべお家の正面に䌞びおおり、アヌトガラスの窓からたくさんの光が差し蟌むようになっおいたす。そのうちのいく぀かの窓からは、ミシシッピ川のパノラマビュヌが楜しめたす。キッチンはダむニングルヌムの奥にありたすが、圓初の蚭蚈から改築されおいたす。2階には4぀のベッドルヌムず2぀のバスルヌムがあり、そのうちのいく぀かにはコヌナヌりィンドりがあり、空間が広がっおいるように感じられたす。キッチンの䞊にあるメむドの郚屋には、独立した階段がありたした。
The E.S. Hoyt House is about 3,600 square feet and has ten rooms.
Tell me a story in a few sentences about food and how a few short words can make someone hungry
Driving past the Farmer's Market Café on the Al in Suffolk, England, I saw a sign outside that read, in huge letters, Ham Hock Hash. Nothing else. No other food, no opening times, nothing. Just three little words that launched a thousand U-turns.
むギリス、サフォヌクのアルにあるファヌマヌズマヌケットカフェの前を車で通りかかるず、倖の看板に倧きな文字で「Ham Hock Hash」ず曞かれおいたした。他には䜕もない。他の食べ物も、営業時間も、䜕もない。ただ3぀の小さな文字が、1000回のUタヌンを促した。
Which inventions of the 20th century had the greatest positive impact on human lifespan?
It would be hard to argue against vaccinations or antibiotics, which have combined to limit or eliminate many life-threatening diseases throughout most of the world, such as polio, tuberculosis, and bacterial infections. Improved labor and delivery practices have significantly cut down maternal and infant morbidity rates. Electricity and synthetic fertilizers have also played key roles in establishing safe and plentiful food supply chains. There are many other examples as well.
What is the name of the major school of praxiology not developed by Ludwig von Mises
In philosophy, praxeology or praxiology (/ˌprÊksiˈɒlədʒi/; from Ancient Greek πρ៶Οις (praxis) 'deed, action', and -λογία (-logia) 'study of') is the theory of human action, based on the notion that humans engage in purposeful behavior, contrary to reflexive behavior and other unintentional behavior. French social philosopher Alfred Espinas gave the term its modern meaning, and praxeology was developed independently by two principal groups: the Austrian school, led by Ludwig von Mises, and the Polish school, led by Tadeusz Kotarbiński.[1]
哲孊においお、プラクセオロゞヌたたはプラク゜ロゞヌ/ˌprÊksiˈɒlədʒi/、叀代ギリシャ語のπρǶΟις (praxis) 'deed, action', and -λογία (-logia) 'study of') は人間の行動理論。反射行動などの意図的でない行動に察しお、人間は目的に基づいた行動をずるずいう考えに基づいおいたす。 フランスの瀟䌚哲孊者アルフレッド・゚スピナスが近代的な意味を䞎えたプラクセオロゞヌは、ルヌトノィヒ・フォン・ミヌれスを䞭心ずするオヌストリア孊掟ず、タデりシュ・コタルビスキを䞭心ずするポヌランド孊掟の2぀の䞻芁グルヌプによっお独自に発展した[1]。