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106 | Speaker A: I feel like Madonna with one of these on. I said I feel like Madonna with one of these on. Right. Hello everybody. Back again for another wonderful meeting. Is uh everyone ready? Okay, we c we can hold on for a minute. I figured with the spam thing, if you can't beat it, join in. Are you ready? Okay, right, well, I take it that you are all ready now. Um alright first off we'll just uh recap from our last meeting. Um which was we got together just to basically decide on well to talk about what it is that we were actually uh supposed to be doing, and who we all are and stuff like that, mm get bit more of an idea together of what's going on. Um what we are gonna talk about in this meeting is um now that we know what it is that we are doing, now we know that it's a T_V_ remote and stuff and you guys have just been off doing some some uh R_ and D_ for that, that's research and development for those that haven't heard that before, see I'm learning all sorts of new technologi terms in technology today. Um yeah, we're gonna hear your uh th three little presentations, whether they be on computer or on the whiteboard or whatever you want. Um I'd like to um hear o I'd like to hear who's g who's on the um from from uh Catherine actually first. I want what I'd like to hear about is uh if we've finally decided on um what sort of energy we're gonna be using and It's just that yeah, let's let's hear from you first. Get yourself in position. I don't think any of us remember the fifties. Do sol solar panel things, do they have to work from the sun or can they work from a light bulb? Does anybody know? Okay. Mm. Okay, jolly good. What's a double curved one? Okay. So that might be an idea of using the rubber, but then it should, you know yeah. when a T_V_ programme's got one watching the match and your team's just lost, you can fuzz it across the room and it'll bounce off the wall back at you. Yeah, I like that idea. Rubber, we're all we're all going we're all liking that idea? You think you can market that? Ooh, we like rubber, ooh. Uh-huh. Well, we're gonna go with I think we've decided that it's gonna be a rubber case so push buttons instead of the wheel? rubble double double. I'll have a Big Mac, please. Let's have rubber push buttons, hey. Yeah. Simple, yeah. Chip on print. It's a bit. Okay, uh what I'm not understanding here is uh, okay, advanced chip on print, which I presume is like one P_C_B_ and that's got all the electronics on one board including the um infra-red sender? Right. Um what a what alternatives do we have to that? Y um what alternatives do we have to the chip on print? so it sounds So, why would we not go for that? If it's something that's inside the the unit. I it doesn't affects whether the customer's gonna buy it or not. Um we wanna go for an i i all so long as it works, you know. So let's not let's uh not bother with the chip on print. Yeah. S yeah, push buttons. What about what? Well, what do we need a speaker for in a remote control unit? S Yeah. It's not something that we wanna t go into with this product. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Basic battery. It's cheap, it's cheerful, it's worked, does work. We were go we were going with the late with the the R_S_I_ rubber, weren't we? The the The double whopper, please. Yep, but we're going for the simple buttons. Yeah. And it's cheapest all round, it sounds kinda funky, and we can also market it as i 'cause we were s saying earl you were saying earlier in your research that um the the people have the R_ people were getting the complaining about R_S_I_, and this is anti-R_S_I_. So that's another marketing point that we can use. But anything is gonna have buttons. Even if it's a jog wheel, it's still repetitive. You You see, you can still get it does you still get repetitive strain injury, whether you are pressing a button or pressing a flat bit of screen. It's the v it's the fact that you are pressing the same doing the same movement. It's not actually what you are doing. But the fact that this this rubber i is actually used in these anti-R_S_I_ ps specific Yeah. And you know, yeah, you can fuzz it across the room and throw it at throw it at your children yeah. Okay, Gabriel. Let's um let's let's hear from you about the um it's the interface. Great. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Do we have an uh example of a good one? Brilliant. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well let's um so w what are our definite decisions on this then as a team? The um The the um the interface type we're going for Just the simple s simple straight set of buttons. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, and we're not yeah. Are we gonna hav hav an are we d have we decided on whether w we're gonna s supplement it with anything, you know, colours or particular gimmicky bits to it, we're not we're just gonna go for something We're Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okey-dokey. Yeah, I don't have any other questions on this. Let's move over to Yeah, sure.. Yeah, the button that just does that, yeah. Cool. Mm yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah, why should people buy this when they're already got a remote that came with the T_V_? What's that mean? Okay, now the trouble is is we've already decided that we're going with the stuff that works already, that's cheap. Yeah. Maybe we could um Of course, they do. One hundred per cent, that's your first thing, you go, oh I'm not gonna buy that, 'cause I dunno if it works or not. Okay, well, what do you two think about this? Yeah, what I don't understand what m Yeah, and it this is just gonna all this is being used for is your television. It would that would mean you'd need a television that has Bluetooth in it, which no no television does, does it? That would mean we'd have to make a television as well. No, that would be your telephone in with your television. Yeah, and i Nah, the televi the television would have to be a Bluetooth compatible, basically. An and there is no there is no such thing. Okay. Okay. Yeah, this that's that's very good. And and this is all tying in very nicely. The fact that it's made out of this rubber, we can throw it about. Th we should encourage people to throw their remote controls about, because it charges itself up by doing it. But yeah, by the squeezing it the Yeah, that's a great idea. Well done. Yeah. I wanna watch the pineapple channel. Well spongy, that's where. Yeah, we're we're ahead of the game there. Okay. Alright, yeah, no, this i this is good, so through all that we've we go we're right, we're gonna go go back to um going with the kinetic thing, that's great, using the spongy rubber that we were talking about that anti-R_S_I_ you can as you squeeze it you are not only therapeuticising yourself, you are charging the batteries, and um I'm not sure about the buttons being in the shape of fruit though.. Yeah, this is true. Well, okay, it seems like the only thing that we haven't really finally um agreed on is its image. Like, yeah, we're we're saying no we don't want it to be fruit and vegetables, but we dunno what it should be, or like are we going yeah it looks slick, but what do what do we mean by slick sort of thing? I mean you said earlier on i it should be funky. L keep it clean, keep it clean. Bright, but not too bright. Like the volume buttons should be the all the same colour and the d and the the channel buttons should be one colour and stuff like that, do you mean? Okay, what? Okay. Tha Yeah, I mean we that's we we Yeah. This is the remote control tomato. Yeah. Well, it's it's gotta be chew proof. So, what are you saying, maybe we should market it in different colours for different so we could do like the pink range, the blue range, the green range, the Mm. Well that's that can be down to bit of market researching you know, if that's easy enough to find out what colours are more popular. Mm. Okay. Alright. Well um, we'll alright let's what we're gonna aim to get together by the next meeting then um is from you Catherine wi your y y you know you're gonna be working on the the look and feel design. Um Gabriel, you're gonna be working on, you know come up with the the user interface design. Then basically, you two are gonna be working together on this. You won't be going off to your separate offices. Um and I think you are gonna get a chance to play with some clay. I think, yeah, it's gonna you know, come up ki you know, be ab for the next meeting be able to come in and show us some some i some physical ideas. 'Cause at the moment, uh you know, it's it's hard. We were kinda going, yeah, it's gotta feel nice, it's gotta look cool and that it's you know now we can actually start, you know, s some sort of physical something or other. Um and you're gonna be working on the product evaluation. Um. And I will be uh talking to the bosses, basically, and uh f fielding off some more spam and uh that's it really. Keeping things t well, uh you know, ho hopefully uh keeping things together. Um. Yeah, that's This is this is uh good. So we know for definite we know we've we've now got some definite things going on. We definitely know how it's powered, we definitely know that um it's gonna be a simple buttons, we're not gonna be going for the new technological chip on print expensive things, so we've we're keeping the costs down. It's this rubber casing that we can sell as um fun and funky. Don't know of any other remote controls that are made out of this stuff. People, you know, people are saying, oh, standard stuff gives you repetitive strain injury, well this remote control is designed to do the complete opposite, It's supposed to fix it rather than cause it. Um. you know, we're gonna we we're gonna as a sort of extra something on it, you know what what extra things are there extra things this product have? We'll look into this lock key facility, although whether or not it happens, or is possible, I don't know, but something to look into. Okay. I think that's um well done everybody. Anyone have any uh any questions, everyone know what they're doing? 'Cause if you don't, you'll I'm sure you'll soon get an e-mail about it. Okay. right well. It's um we're we've still couple of minutes until our meeting's due to finish. But um I got a note saying that you two who are gonna be working together so bef before you all disappear off just hold hold fire. Um. Um I think, it's uh, yeah, I think, it's gonna be par part more of a profit sharing on the product. Yeah, I think i I think that's I think that's the way it's gonna happen at the moment. Yeah. Yeah. I want a share in the space rocket. Did you see that this k that this company we've made a spaceship. Yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. Mm. And the spaceship doesn't have the R_ have a massive R_ and R_ down the side of it but I still want one. Okay. Um I've just had a sign flashing up saying, finish the meeting. Uh. Yeah. Yeah. It's not telling it's not saying do anything in particular just yet. So maybe you should go back to your own offices. Yeah. Yeah, it says you two
Speaker B: . Almost. Mm 'kay. No no no no, it's fine I'm just preparing. Okay. Where is that thing? Oh sorry, couldn't see. Would that work? Okay, so that's me again. Um so um for the energy sources we can have a basic battery, a hand dynamo which is which was used uh in the fifties for torches, if you remember that kind of which wouldn't be v wouldn't be v v yeah, yeah. It wouldn't be very fancy. You can have a kinetic provision of energy, which is used on some watches these days. So if you have just a bit of gentle movement that it will give it the energy to work. Or you can use solar cells, but I'm not sure about that indoors, really, but Yeah. I dunno actually. I dunno. Um. Think the the uh what would cost the less would be the basic battery, really. And uh if we want something fancier, I think the kinetic provision of energy could be nice, but I don't know if it's worth the cost. So we've got to discuss that. For the case of the remotes itself, um they can be a general case, which is just a flat one. You can have uh a curved one or a double curved one, if you know what I mean, so You know, kind of more ergonomic, that kind of suits the palm of your hand, that kind of thing. So Um then the case material itself, so it can be uh uh either plastic or latex, uh rubber, wood, or titanium. And th for each of them you have uh cases where for example titanium, you can't use it for if you if we're choosing a double curved case, we can't choose titanium. And if we are choosing um solar cells then we can't choose latex for the case material, so we just have to take that into account. But if we're choosing just the flat case then we can go for anything. And I think we discussed earlier on the R_ S_ I_ problem thing, so we could uh Yeah. Yeah. And also it doesn't break as easily maybe, I dunno So rubber would be Okay. Uh s so if d okay. And then there are the push-buttons, so you can have basic push-buttons or a scroll-wheels, like you have on a mouse, um or you could have um L_C_D_, which gives you a display. Um scroll buttons, as well. So if you use a rubber double curved case, you must use rubber push-buttons. So if we're going for rubber then we have to decide for the case. Um and if we choose double curved then we have to go for rubber push-buttons. So it's a constraint. Yeah, but is it a double curved one or not? If it's not a double curved, then we've got the choice for the push-buttons, if it's a double curve, we've gotta go for rubber push-buttons. If that makes sense. Yeah.. No, but na le you see, you've got, okay, the energy that's one thing, then you have the case is uh, whether it's flat or curved. And that's we don't care if it's rub rubber or not, but then we've decided that we going for rubber for the case material. So if we've chosen rub rubber and if now we have the choice for the case whether it's flat, single curved or double curved. And I'm just saying if it if we choose it to be double curved then we need to go I dunno why, but we need to go for uh rubber push-buttons. So, either I dunno we just need to decide on the on the case. Let's go crazy. And then, do I have a last slide? Yes, I do. Um so the push-buttons themselves they can be just simple or they can be so that's just the electronics between the but behind the push-buttons. Um and the price that go with it with it, so the simple push-buttons are gonna be the cheapest. Uh if we get a scroll-wheel, that's a higher price range. If we get an advanced chip which is um used for the L_C_D_, the display thing, then that's even more expensive. Mm.. Yeah. The infra-red. Yeah. Well, if if it's not chip on print then, I guess, you get different chip components, and you build them separately and doesn't include the infra-red. It's less expensive mm Technically speaking, it's not as advanced, but it does the job, too. Fo It doesn't, yeah, yeah, yeah. Totally. Yeah. So let's not go for the Yeah, yeah. I agree. So it's either um the scroll-wheel or the push-buttons. Well It'd be it'd be cool, but they are saying they've just developed it, I'm just guessing. But it's gonna be the most expensive option, probably and Hm. Just if you are really lonely, maybe. Channel five. And then it switches on. Okay, so I'll go back, maybe, to the previous slide and we can decide for each problem, what we should choose. So for the energy source, do we go for the battery or the Cheaper option. Are you happy with that? Okay. So we'll go for the battery. Then the case, do you want it flat or curved or sing or double curved? Double? Okay, so then if we use double curved case, then we have to u choose rubber push-buttons, and that's fine? P Yeah. I thought they would give an option of flat buttons or a That they don't. Mm. Alright, that's me done. Sorry. Well Bluetooth would, for example, enable you, I think, to um um connect for example you if you get a w call on your mobile phone, but your mobile phone is downstairs or something, you would get on your television you're being called by this person right now. Things like that. No i No, but if you get Bluetooth on the remote, you'd be able to I with the television, yeah. I was just trying to find an advantage. Wha what w what advantage would you get for the Maybe the kinetic mo provision of energy then. It's been done for watches, but I haven't seen that for remotes, yet. Change the batteries ever again. Yeah, well, and in little characters you say, yeah, but not too much. Yep. No vegetables. Well yeah, but Apple would sue you for that. sued the Beatles so Yeah. Why not? I'm gonna write that down. That's yeah. Although I'd be curious to see how many uh You know, there are some colours that I wouldn I would never choose, and I would be curious how many people choose that colour. Mm. And produce less of the silly colours, maybe. Yep. Alright. Mm. Cool. It is. Great. That's true. Doesn't Yeah. Are we taking these off?
Speaker C: Hello. Yeah. That's the kind of spam that everybody likes to receive. Hmm. Do you have any preference uh of order? I think she is still finishing her. Hmm. Okay, it's uh Is it like a crank thing or something. Well, there's sometimes combinations, I mean, like calculators do combinations of battery with but also using some solar power. Uh I think, it has to be on the on the solar energy, but I don't know. Let's have a squeezable remote. If it's rubber, isn't it malleable anyway, it doesn't matter if it's double I mean isn't a rubber case, mean it's completely flexed, I mean, it it flexes to whatever they want it to? Mean so what's the difference between a normal rubber case and a rubble doub double rubber double curved case? Okay. Okay. Go rubber. Go rubber the whole way. I think push-buttons is Yeah. Th the the speech recognition um option is it doesn't seem really very promising for us uh, 'cause uh The yeah the example that they're already using it for is with the coffee machine, where, basically, you can program a sample wi um That when you say something it will give a response, and you program the response as well. Just uh clips of tha that you record yourself. So you can program your coffee-maker that when you say, good morning, to it it says, hello Rick, or whatever. But, I mean, it's not it would be one thing if it was speech recognition where you say something and it turns the T_V_ on like, turn the T_V_ on, and i turns comes on, but it's not that. It just gives you a it just gives you a verbal response. So, yeah, I mean, like what's the point of saying, Hello remote, I mean, hello, how how are you? Yeah, if you're really lonely, it is it's No, tha that w that w that would be more promising. It it's just a remote that talks to you. Uh. I mean to certain cues. 'Kay. Yeah, I'm fine with the basic battery. Hmm. Yeah, so we want it rub rubber double curved. So rubber rubber keys, yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. We're giving them a way to burn off steam, basically, yeah. Not that watching T_V_ should be that stressful. Oh yeah, I guess T_V_ can be stressful, yeah, if you're watching sports. Alright. Alright. Yeah, some of what I have to say ties into what Catherine was just talking about. Okay, so I'm continuing with the user interface uh topic. And so basically I consulted with our manufacturing division. It sounded like Catherine was also speaking with them. Uh I also took uh Reissa's marketing findings from the last meeting into consideration um, 'cause I think that's that's crucial as far as uh what keys we're going to inc inclu what buttons we are going to include and and how they're laid out. Uh and so the manufacturing division uh sent some some samples of of uh interface components that we might be interested in using that have been used in other products, uh like the coffee machine. So I already mentioned the speech recognition interface. I guess, we we basically vetoed that idea. It's it's pointless. Uh it's just a sample sensor sample output. It would just be probably the most expensive part of our remote without any actual interesting functionality as far as operating the T_V_. Uh so yeah, they they also give the uh they they suggested the idea of using a spinning wheel like you use on the side of an M_P_ three player like iPod. Um so we've already addressed that and I think that would actually be worse for something like R_S_I_ I mean you got that thumb movement that you're constantly doing. Um the other suggestion, and I I have a feeling that we're interested in in something more general, but they suggested uh, you know, going i a little bit into a a niche, like either gearing our remote towards kids, where you could have lot of colours um, the keys might be you know, funny or or, or uh something for the elderly, where the remote's very large and the buttons are very large and there's only a few buttons. But you know we can we can discuss this, but it sounded like from our last meeting we really wanted something that was general, but done well. Uh um So, the key layout and design are really crucial. You don't want uh you want people to be able to quickly access the buttons that they use a lot without uh always pressing the wrong one um. And I didn't mention that we need a power button in our last I can give you an example here of uh, good layout and bad layout uh from our manufacturing department. So this would be an example of bad layout, where you have volume up and volume down, but they have a V_ on both of them, so uh it's sort of confusing for the user. Uh this is the example of the giant remote that's impossible to lose. And for something for kids. Yeah. Um. And so, yeah, I th I think my personal preferences of we've all kind of talked about and seemed to be on the same page um. Uh so I was against the speech recognition and against going uh towards anything in in a niche sense. I think it should be more general. I didn't I didn't think the spinning-wheel or the uh L_C_ display were were crucial for us. And, yeah, that's it for me. So we're we're not gonna have any sort of display I think uh. So, yeah, it's just gonna be just gonna be push-buttons. Um. I think we shall have a limited number of buttons, ideally, I mean a a power, channel up, channel down, volume up, volume down, and a numerical keypad. Uh. And some sort of it will either have a a lock button like we mentioned or or a cover or something like that. I guess it's to the point where we need to decide about that. Well now that we've decided on our Um it seems like we wouldn't wanna make it too busy and too sort of gaudy, but um Yeah, I would say mayb maybe a couple of colours like uh like a black with with yellow and somewhere, like maybe the R_R_ can be yellow, or something like that. I I guess the fact uh also that we are having a rubber case uh would prevent us from having the cover function that we thought of before. I mean, 'cause uh s so if we wanna have a lock of some sort it would have to be a button. But I think that should be I mean um, I can speak with the button department, but uh I think that it should be easy to have a button that just prevents prevents the other uh the other buttons from operating. So that should be simple. Mm. Yeah. Well it should be it should be maybe cutting edge in some sense, I mean have something that's little more technologically advanced than what's on the market. Yeah. Yeah. Actually, I mean, these first two points we've already sort of gone away from, 'cause our rubber one is not fancy I mean it's different, but I wouldn't say like a rubber remote is fancy. If that's what people want then we maybe we're going in the wrong direction. And it's it's not technologically innovative either. Mm. So is is the advantage of Bluetooth that you can just like synchronise it with other electronics? Yeah, that's basically what it allows you to do, right? Yeah, the that wouldn't be the remote so much, I mean Mm. Yes, so can Yeah, we can make the squeezing of the rubber be the be the generating like the energy generator. we're all about that. Okay, so we could have keys that are like a b like a broccoli key and a uh and an avocado key on them.. Yeah, that's great for us. Right. Yeah. Yeah, that's great. Yeah, I don't know how we incorporate We don't have to follow every trend, I guess. Uh-huh. The power button could be like a big apple or something. They don they don't own all images of apples. Okay, we'll make it a uh pomegranate, a big pomegranate.. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Sure. The one thing I'm wondering about, I hope that we're not going like too much down a gimmicky road of of having I mean if somebody go goes into the store they're gonna see like three or four normal remotes, and then a big spongy pink t tomato uh remote. I mean what are ninety per cent of people gonna take? Mm. Yeah I mean, that that seems to work well with for products like iPod, where, you know, you have a variety of colours, that people feel like they're customising it when they buy it, even, you know, just just by the fact of choosing. Right. Yeah. Okay. Oh right. Yeah. That sounds good. Mm. Right. Alright. Yeah. Yeah. Mm, I think we all know what we need to do now. Okay. Okay, I'll stay in here. Does the pay-raise immediately come into effect on our next pay-check, or is that So we're buying fut I mean, we're getting futures in the company. So we really have a incentive to make this remote work. I'd like to share in the coffee machine profits, because that's really doing well. Yeah.. This company has its its fingers in a lot of different pots. Yeah, we're definitely not in the money making department. Well I I did notice looking at I mean, they told you that they wanted whatev our product to represent the the R_R_ brand and and to be immediately noticeable. I mean, if you look like at the coffee maker at the at the corporate web page, it's not obvious. R_R_. Well it is to us, because we we worked worked here for years and we use that coffee machine, but it's doesn't have the colour scheme of of the of the company anywhere on it obviously it's just sil silver and black. No. Mm. Okay. Right, well, I guess that's us. Okay. Right.
Speaker D: Oh right okay. I cover myself up.. I've always wanted one of these, I really have. Where do you buy 'em from? They're. Yeah. Oh my gosh. Mm-hmm. Batteries. It's here. Ah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. I think rubber's But after my after my fashion thing, I think you'll realise that rubber is more People. What about the just developed uh sample sensor? G there, the sample sensor, sample speaker thing. Mm, I dunno. Be cool. Channel two. Oh, it just gives an answer. Oh, then then I thought I thought it was when they said I thought when they said, voice recognition, they meant um like, channel five, and it will change. Like you talk to it. Can I have channel five? Oh, then forget about it. Oh right okay. Mm. Mm. Yeah. So it will look like something like this.. Yeah. Well the rubber push-buttons. Don't you have to move your Mm. Mm. Yeah, the rubber's good. Yeah, so they can sit there and go like Mm. Mm. That does get annoying. Uh-huh. Well Maybe we can Right. Well, I'm just basically letting you know what's happening in the markets and what the fashions are for next year. Um. So yes, so from looking at this year's trends and fashions and also recent investigation that we've done in the remote control market, we have found that for the remote control market these are like most important aspects like that we really need to which we've already probably discussed. Um the most important aspect is look and feel. So the remote control has to look and feel fancier than the ones that already that we already have. So it has to be Yep. Exactly. Um second, uh it should be technologically innovative innovative. So Technologically it should be like um work, basically, I guess. It should work. Should That's new. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. So, no loose That's why I was thinking, Bluetooth, 'cause if you like put up Bluetooth, and it's like a Bluetooth remote control, everybody's gonna like, oh, 'cause Bluetooth is the in thing nowadays, like it really is, like people and um when it comes to marketing like that's what people go for, they don't really care whether, you know, at the end of the day whether it works properly or not. Well, they do, but it's like it's not Yeah, but it looks good. If it looks good and it's it can just be there for decoration. But like You could always insert, yeah. Yeah, but, I mean, people like Well, if you're looking at if you looking at something that's going to be bought by people, you have to make it new, you have to make it state of the art. Well, it doesn't Like it doesn't have to be, you know, Bluetooth, that was just an idea, but like it needs do something that, you know, is new. Whether it's a battery it could be something really really minor, you know, like but I think we are really keeping to what is already out there, and people've already seen it, people've already got it. If we want something new, we need to move away from what we already have and um just go creative. And then you can market it. Never have to change a battery again. I think, safety s Yeah. Third most important aspect uh is it's easy to use. And I think we've all um worked that out. Um okay, in the fashion, how it's supposed to look. Next year's fashion i very much in fruit and vegetables are thm are like the theme for cloths, shoes and furniture. So next year people will be buying, I found this really funny, you know, strawberry shaped chairs, and things. Yeah. Rubber things. Um and as it's rubber the feel which is in this year is spongy, so it's it's not quite spongy, but spongy, I would say is yeah, so we're in. Yeah. And so personal what I was just saying like move away from the current remote controls uh like the look and the feel of the current ones and change the look and feel, while still keeping to the company's image, basically. So yeah.. I had to say So we're moving in the right direction like Mm. Maybe make it like fruity colours or something. Some sort. Or Mm. Well I think, if it's rubber it needs to be different. I think, it's it should be I mean, what do you associate with rubber? You know like really different colours basically. Okay, sor I sorry, I used the wrong word, what do you associate with the mate the material that material? Um Um like I'm just thinking bright colours. Bright natural colours, nothing too Bright, but too not yeah. Like no lime green or bright yellow or bright pink. Wanna make it different colours so anybody can choo like like Yeah. And on the back of it have the logo. Well I can say in this country, you'll get, you know, lots of people wanting something really funky and cool. Like and kids will be walking in with their parents saying, Mummy I wanna buy that one. And uh parents will see the will see the pro as well, because it's um like kids won't break it, it's not breakable if you throw it around. Especially with younger kids, you know they can pick it up and and Yeah. The only thing is is that really small kids might chew on it, but Yeah. So so it's rea it's quite it's quite like um user friendly and also for different families, like like family use as well, so for little kids and for old ki like teenagers will like it, I think. Especially maybe younger girls if it's in pink they'll be like pink remote control for their room something. Yeah. So like you walk in, you're like, oh I like that remote control, because it's so bright, and then, and then the shop assistant comes up and says, oh what colour would you like? and then they go like, oh I can choose the colour wow. So it puts, I think, even the customer into more control over what they're buying instead of, you've got all colour it's either that or nothing. So they also get to pick. Well, personally I like walking into a shop and choosing a colour. It's um Yeah. Mm. D you've got the Evaluation. Mm. Yeah. S This gives you all the details? um. Yeah. Mm. Mm. | Um alright first off we'll just uh recap from our last meeting . Um which was we got together just to basically decide on well to talk about what it is that we were actually uh supposed to be doing , Um yeah , we're gonna hear your uh th three little presentations , o I'd like to hear who's g who's on the um from from uh Catherine actually first . Um so um for the energy sources we can have a basic battery , a hand dynamo which is which was used uh in the fifties for torches , You can have a kinetic provision of energy , Or you can use solar cells , Well , there's sometimes combinations , I mean , like calculators do combinations of battery with but also using some solar power . but I'm not sure about that indoors , really , but And uh if we want something fancier , I think the kinetic provision of energy could be nice , Think the the uh what would cost the less would be the basic battery , really . For the case of the remotes itself , um they can be a general case , which is just a flat one . You can have uh a curved one or a double curved one , Um then the case material itself , so it can be uh uh either plastic or latex , uh rubber , wood , or titanium . And th for each of them you have uh cases where for example titanium , you can't use it for if you if we're choosing a double curved case , we can't choose titanium . But if we're choosing just the flat case then we can go for anything . So that might be an idea of using the rubber , And also it doesn't break as easily maybe , Rubber , we're all we're all going we're all liking that idea ? so you can have basic push-buttons or a scroll-wheels , like you have on a mouse , um or you could have um L_C_D_ , which gives you a display . Um and if we choose double curved then we have to go for rubber push-buttons . Mean so what's the difference between a normal rubber case and a rubble doub double rubber double curved case ? Let's have rubber push buttons , hey . Um so the push-buttons themselves they can be just simple or they can be If we get an advanced chip which is um used for the L_C_D_ , the display thing , then that's even more expensive . is uh , okay , advanced chip on print , which I presume is like one P_C_B_ and that's got all the electronics on one board including the um infra-red sender ? Well , if if it's not chip on print then , I guess , you get different chip components , and you build them separately and doesn't include the infra-red . If it's something that's inside the the unit . I it doesn't affects whether the customer's gonna buy it or not . So let's not let's uh not bother with the chip on print . What about the just developed uh sample sensor ? Well , what do we need a speaker for in a remote control unit ? I'm just guessing . But it's gonna be the most expensive option , probably and it would be one thing if it was speech recognition where you say something and it turns the T_V_ on like , turn the T_V_ on , and i turns comes on , a it just gives you a verbal response . Oh , then forget about it . so we want it rub rubber double curved . So rubber rubber keys , yeah . But the fact that this this rubber i is actually used in these anti-R_S_I_ ps specific Okay , so I'm continuing with the user interface uh topic . Uh and so the manufacturing division uh sent some some samples of of uh interface components that we might be interested in using that have been used in other products , uh like the coffee machine . they they suggested the idea of using a spinning wheel like you use on the side of an M_P_ three player like iPod . So I already mentioned the speech recognition interface . I guess , we we basically vetoed that idea . but they suggested uh , you know , going i a little bit into a a niche , but it sounded like from our last meeting we really wanted something that was general , but done well . I can give you an example here of uh , good layout and bad layout So this would be an example of bad layout , where you have volume up and volume down , but they have a V_ on both of them , so uh Uh this is the example of the giant remote that's impossible to lose . Uh so I was against the speech recognition and against going uh towards anything in in a niche sense . I didn't I didn't think the spinning-wheel or the uh L_C_ display were were crucial for us . So we're we're not gonna have any sort of display I think uh . I think we shall have a limited number of buttons , ideally , I mean a a power , channel up , channel down , volume up , volume down , and a numerical keypad . it will either have a a lock button like we mentioned or or a cover or something like that . Um it seems like we wouldn't wanna make it too busy and too sort of gaudy , Yeah , I would say mayb maybe a couple of colours like uh like a black with with yellow and somewhere , I I guess the fact uh also that we are having a rubber case uh would prevent us from having the cover function that we thought of before . Well , I'm just basically letting you know what's happening in the markets So the remote control has to look and feel fancier than the ones that already that we already have . Um second , uh it should be technologically innovative innovative . now the trouble is is we've already decided that we're going with the stuff that works already , that's cheap . I mean it's different , but I wouldn't say like a rubber remote is fancy . That's why I was thinking , Bluetooth , 'cause Bluetooth is the in thing nowadays , like it really is , they don't really care whether , you know , at the end of the day whether it works properly or not . Of course , they do . So is is the advantage of Bluetooth that you can just like synchronise it with other that would mean you'd need a television that has Bluetooth in it , which no no television does , Well , if you're looking at if you looking at something that's going to be bought by people , you have to make it new , you have to make it state of the art . Like it doesn't have to be , you know , Bluetooth , If we want something new , we need to move away from what we already have Okay . Yeah , this that's that's very good . Maybe the kinetic mo provision of energy then . It's been done for watches , but I haven't seen that for remotes , yet . Yeah , we can make the squeezing of the rubber be the be the generating like the energy generator . Next year's fashion i very much in fruit and vegetables are thm are like the theme for cloths , shoes and furniture . Okay , so we could have keys that are like a b like a broccoli key and a uh and an avocado key on them . right , we're gonna go go back to um going with the kinetic thing , and as it's rubber the feel which is in this year is spongy , Yeah , we're we're ahead of the game there . and um I'm not sure about the buttons being in the shape of fruit though . Maybe make it like fruity colours or something . The power button could be like a big apple or something . Um like I'm just thinking bright colours . Wanna make it different colours so anybody can choo like like so we could do like the pink range , the blue range , the green range , the where , you know , you have a variety of colours , that people feel like they're customising it when they buy it , even , you know , just just by the fact of choosing . from you Catherine wi your y y you know you're gonna be working on the the look and feel design . Um Gabriel , you're gonna be working on , you know come up with the the user interface design . Then basically , you two are gonna be working together on this . come up ki you know , be ab for the next meeting be able to come in and show us some some i some physical ideas . Um and I think you are gonna get a chance to play with some clay . Um and you're gonna be working on the product evaluation . We'll look into this lock key |
19 | Speaker A: 'S to do now is to decide how to fulfil what your stuff is, so in that sense so it does kind of make sense, yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Mm-hmm. No. Yep. Mm-hmm. Yep. It's probably not sending. Yeah. Yep, there it is. And the Play-Doh 's yellow. Cool. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay um. Oops. Yeah okay. Let me just get this going first. Ah there it is. 'Kay, that should be it. Okay um I guess the same thing again, I started with something very basic. So just so you guys have some idea of what's involved in my process, um and then you can just work through it and we 'll either modify it or start from scratch um depending on what your needs are. Um the components are exactly the same. Um I think, like what you guys said, um the most input that's needed is basically in the user interface. The rest of the components um they do have an impact in terms of cost and complexity. Um like you said time to market was a problem, um and how many components are physically in there in cost. And the power is basically a factor of that. Um and the lower components, the power, the logic, the transmitter, and the infrared, um they affect you in terms of the size of your device, um and that would have some inte impact on how y I think more how you hold rather than um the actual use using the the remote control because um like we've said we've defined, like we only want the basic things that to be visible, and the rest of them we try to hide. So um you know it's just a matter of working out space. So I guess three things, um cost, um complexity, and the size. These are the three things that um will have an impact on you. So just go through it in the components. Um these are the options that are available to you, um I'm not very sure about the voice thing 'cause I got another email and it was in fact quite sketchy on what n the voice options are. Um it said it could talk to you, but it never said anything about being able to listen. I it said something about a sensor but never clarified that. So maybe if you well I could see the other email that they sent you, um 'cause they got back to me with like different requirements, or different offerings of what components availa Okay so your basic components are buttons, okay and you have a wheel available, like a mouse scroll wheel, okay there's an L_C_D_ display, um I think these are quite standard things. No um they're well in the sense that these are all the options available for you. I'll explain to you the complexity and the cost thing again a bit later. Okay um then there's um how the case actually looks. It can actually be flat or it can be curved, um and then the different types of materials that you can use, um I don't think you can use them in a combination, um but um I could check back for you, but I don't think you can actually use them in a combination. Um I think plastic and rubber would be fine, but plastic, rubber, and wood, I wasn't I'm not very sure about the titanium. They had some restrictions on using the rubber and the titanium. Um the rubber was a restriction on the kind of power source you could use, but the titanium had a different kind of things on the shape of the thing, so I think that there is some restriction on um I think you could probably group plastic and rubber together, wood and titanium, but you know it might be easier from a cost perspective and a complexity just to use one. You know as opposed to two. Um and the other components are logic chips, um again I'll I'll go back to the component chips. The com how complex or how easy the logic is, it depends on how many functions you have on the on the unit um and that impacts cost. Um I don't think the logic chip has a issue about size 'cause they should be about the same size. Power consumption should be about the same. Um I think the main impact is complexity, um and the other thing is um the power options. Um the first one is a standard battery. Okay the second one I think is more of a gimmick then actually a useable thing, it's a wind-up you know, a crank. Yeah but that that might be something I think that's more of a look and feel decision because I don't think you can have one power source if you're using the alternative power sources. I think whatever it is you still need a battery 'cause I don't think anybody wants to keep doing one thing. Okay the other ones are a solar powered cell, which may not be a great idea in Europe or any country that has seasons 'cause half the year you'd be dead. So like what I said, you probably need like a battery and something else. Um and the kinetic one I guess for me is the most interesting one because it's movement and people like to fiddle with their and it's a nice sales gimmick I think. From a marketing gimmick it it's a technology thing, it's a shake it it doesn't work, shake it, knock it or something. You know you know you have you had those balls, you know those stress balls where you bounce the ball and it and it lights up and it goes, you know that might be a gimmick combined with rubber. You know just to if you get frustrated wi remote control you can throw it, kind of you know just uh you know um so. Um okay my from my role, I don't think that personal preferences but role preferences, I think um something comfortable to hold, um small and slim I guess that's more in the sense of small and slim in terms of comfortable not so small you can't, you know like a phone or something, too small phone. Um and the other thing is from a production point of view um the less components we use and the simpler the components means you reduce your cost and you increase your profit. Um and also the time to market and the complexity of developing designing and debugging it um so. Um okay let me just go back and talk about some of the restrictions. Um The user interface restrictions basically means that if you use more complicated features, like the buttons are standard okay, the L_C_D_ panel and the scroll wheel you need more complicated logic. Um the case okay with a rubber case you can't have the solar panels. Okay with the titanium case, let me just check that um, titanium case can't be curved, it has to be square. Okay um there's no restriction on the plastic, and it can't be curved on the wood. So that's again, I don't think you can use them in a combination, um especially the titanium I I suspect they're very fixed to a particular need. So um mixing them may not be a good idea um yep. That's it. Um I think we could because the L_C_D_ panel requires power, and the L_C_D_ is a form of a light so that Are you thinking are you thinking of of a light in the sense of um a light light, or a light in the sense of it glows kind of you know Frankenstein, it's alive. Okay. Okay. Okay. Um that's why I think the option of the the kinetic thing which basically means as long as you shake it like a watch, like an automatic watch um it's probably sensitive enough when you fiddle it. So you could trigger that to a light, like I said the bouncing ball thing, or you could trigger that to use that to power the light as opposed to so when they pick it up, right, and then that that sorta triggers the glowingness. I think he made that. Is there a particular shape that you're interested in? Like does marketing have any research on does it need to be long? Does it need with a square thing wha Yeah 'cause that will n help narrow down the choice of Like fruit. I'm thinking fruits in my head, but that's tacky. Do we need an L_C_D_ display? What what's the functionality of that? Yeah but the question is what are we using it what would we what would we achieve from it? Putting in lights is cheap but putting in an L_C_D_ panel just to make it glow is a bit of a Mm-hmm. I think that will be a problem because we don't have an input device to get the listings into it, so um it's a bit nuts to get the Monday Tuesday Wednesday you know. Um I I'm not saying there's no need for an L_C_D_ display, but um it's what's what what would it tell the user, 'cause the L_C_D_ tends to be an output as uh as opposed to an input so um does the remote control need to talk back to the user? We have the option of the speaker as well the sa the same thing goes for the speaker, is there a need for the remote control to to talk back? Um You could put a game on it. When the T_V_ dies you can play with the remote control. Where would you physically position the buttons? Um I think that that has some impact on on on many things. Um maybe you wanna draw onto the Yep. No, like I said we have a h hybrid kind of thing, so it's not gonna charge the battery, it's just Yeah. Yep. Yes yes. Or even a clear case. Um you know a a glowing a a glowing yellow type case where the yellow is showable, but in the dark it sort of, it's alive. Um in in a slight subtle way. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Or or there might be a light running through it like a mouse. You know you have cordless mice and they don't eat that much power right. So the power the battery in that sense, maybe you have one or two stratig strategically placed lights that sort of Yeah but because the case is transparent so it gives it a little bit of a glow, doesn't make it freaky. The question is when you're rolling it, how do you wanna roll it? Do you want 'em to roll it like that? Do you want 'em to roll it like that? 'Cause in a mouse your hand's in a position to roll it, whereas the other thing about having it jog dial this way, it tends to get moved accidentally. That's a very unnatural motion to yeah. Can you imagine you have to scroll a lot. Um it might work for volume, and maybe some of the brightness controls and stuff like that, but not for channels right. If you have a Telewest box you've got like, you don't have to buy all the channels, you've about fifty channels, can you imagine trying to. Um and I don't think having that you know too quick too slow kin it's confusing to the I dunno. But users tend to tend to want to use that and once they lose out on the user experience they're like Because that's becomes the most accessible thing in front of Yeah. So you wanna expand the shape of the That that might have one problem in terms of um in terms of whether you're left handed or you're right handed you might be locking yourself in. Could I just could I just jump in and suggest something quickly? Um I think one thing would be the jog dial 'cause that's gonna have quite a big impact on the thing um Yeah that's what I was thinking the a slide, because then you you don't have to put the hand. I think incorporating a logo is quite straight forward. There's lots of space for it um Yeah but it's also a a marketing and a function Yeah. Feel like fruit. Fruits kids. No like Yeah yeah. Yeah yeah kinda like that yeah. Play-doh time. You got to choose first. No, we're kidding. Okay, can I just swipe your power cable, I don't think it matters. Okay lemme okay, I'm gonna pull everybody out first and then put in whoever needs to be left. It's you. Argh. This is a real hassle and a oops. I'm gonna take the microphones, 'cause it's too lazy t take them off again. Cool.
Speaker B: Yeah. Yeah, sure. It kinda does make sense, doesn't it, because when we get into the end of meeting we're kind of talking about action and design as opposed to background. Everything I have is kinda background. Mm-hmm. Uh that sounds. Sure. Okay. Sure. Yeah, cool. Why don't I get that? Hmm. Okay. Okay. Um alright so c is it function F_ eight? Hmm. Come on. I think it's working. Okay great s so let me just start this. Okay great. So um uh s move on. Uh-huh oh where'd it all go? It's not good. Okay lemme just see where I can find it. This looks more like it. I think I just opened up the template. Sorry about that. Okay alright so let's have a look here. Okay so this was the method that um I've taken. Uh basically what I wanna do here, before we get into it uh too far, is I want to show you all the background information I have that I think we need to acknowledge if we want this to be successful. And uh and then sorta g go through some of the way that I've dealt with that information, and then sort of bring us all together into it to see sorta see how this fits in with the overall vision. Um so I've tried to take a whole lot of market research and summarise it for us, and then ide identify uh trends that are are sort of in sync and are important to our our uh p project plan that we have so far, and then uh initiate a kind of discussion on design options so that it sorta helps us to to narrow in on on aspects that will inform other uh other elements of the of the project. Does that make sense, tha that sort of strategy? I thought that that will impact on the rest of what we do, so that's why I suggested we get in this. Okay so out of um different uh figures and ratings ob uh of people in general, um consumers in general, the number one thing that was found was that uh the br t television remote control, a fancy look and feel, okay, and not, it specified, not a functional look or or feel, uh b f f fancy. Um however, this is where we kinda have to be very, I think, creative about it. Number two was that it be innovative. Okay so that tells me that we have to find a way to be innovative without a adding just unnecessary um sort of functional bits to it. Uh and third priority uh for ease of use, so again that kind of gives us a general picture of how it has to be, um quite user friendly while still having technology. So it I'll just say right away as a bit of a foreshadowing into how we proceed with this in terms of m marketing, is that I think um what we should think about is how the um about how the innovation uh contributes to the look and feel, and not so much to the functionality of it. For example like when you pick it up and push it like it all lights up or something, you know what I mean, like, or it's got something else to it that just seems innovative because obviously the thing that the message here is ease of use. So how do you make innovation make something more more easy to use? Well that's I guess where we're gonna go with this. Okay then there's the other aspect of the back the the market um research I have here is on fashion style, okay, which as we've agreed is a priority. Uh top European fashion trend um that I read about says there's this emerging theme of fruit and vegetables, okay, especially in clothes and furniture. And when I first saw that I thought hmm, well do we want to actually try and think about this trend and how we add something to it, or we get right into it, or we completely steer away from it, do you know what I mean? So my my feeling is that we w do want to observe this trend, but we want to think also about the fact that it sort of has to fit in with something which is not specifically electronics. Um 'cause I think what we're in what we're in is partly sort of home decor, partly something like a computer, um so I think we might wanna be careful about how you know how quickly we create like a remote control in the shape of an apple or something, I think that would be pushing it. And then in terms of m material trends are for things to be soft and spongy and sort of, you might say ergonomic or or friendly to handle, which is which also in indicated that last year this was this was not the case. So um probably a lot of the competition on the market will be still in last year's mode, so if we try and really capitalise on that, I think that'll be in our favour. Um So these this is the summary of everything. Um style is number one uh thing in the in the market of who we're selling to. Uh innovative design technology's also a must in that it's seen it'd be seen to be uh cutting edge, uh but ease of use t has to be insured throughout. That was like the number three thing. And then at the end there are vibrant natural colours um that's the way I interpreted it anyway, softness in materials, shape, and function, and so I've written at written at the bottom to give us sort of a context of discussion, Mac iPods, something which is, I'd have to say very high-tech, ten gigabytes, whatever, but when you hold it in your hand there's like no buttons. You know what a Mac iPod is? I'm thinking however Mac iPod is sort of last year's because it's very hard and sort of glassy and glossy, so I'm thinking if we imagine that we're taking some of the features of a Mac iPod and we're then making it s more of like a more of like a comfortable type of or more of like a maybe more vibrant to friendly thing to have. Um and then so this is w with all that information what I'm what I'm suggesting in this slide here is that we we take these ideas, and as we get into more the more um techni like sort of production side of things, that we think about shape, materials, and themes or series that go throughout. Sort of like a I dunno like um we think of some kind of a thin theme that unifies it all, that we agree on, uh sorta like a marketing identity. Um Does that make sense? Yeah. So so like I threw out a few ideas there just to kinda get us thinking along those lines like lemon, lime, I dunno, green colours, pe whatever, it's just an idea, 'cause I'm thinking that some of these ideas will seem quite coherent if we use them in terms of their what people associate this them with in terms of texture, shape, colours, things like that. Like um the ones the ones which I'm most fond of in terms of giving like a theme to it would be like um like lemon or something like that, you know something which is, like you see a lot in in other areas. Like I see lots of websites and things that seem to associate with like lemon and lime and So anyway it's just just an idea. I'm thinking maybe we could incorporate some of these features into a fairly um into something which is which seems to have something to it which is almost gimmicky because like um like something to do with like lighting within it. Like you know just within the simple sense, when you pick up a phone and touch a button it uh lights up, q usually the buttons light up. How can we build on that? Maybe like it could light up in different colours or something or or people could buy the buy the control and then it comes with different like covers or something so. Anyway those are that's all I have, but uh hopefully we can we can revisit those ideas when we get into Yep. Did you press F_ eight? Yeah. Okay, do we have a corporate colour scheme? I didn't know. Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Great. Lots of good information there. It's a shame the cable wasn't just in the middle of the table, huh? Just um It takes a second, doesn't it? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. They're standard, aren't they? Yeah. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Hmm. No. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm mm-hmm mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. It can't be curved. Okay. Uh question on can I ask a question? Okay. Can we uh power a light in this? Can we get a strong enough battery to power a light? Okay. So maybe one of the things we can just try and include is a really good battery. Well I mean I'm thinking it might be That for uh this to be a high-tech thing it's gonna have to have something high-tech about it and that's gonna take battery power, and to make that to make that a realistic goal I think one of the issues that will come up later is, can the battery power it? Illuminate the buttons. Yeah it glows. Well m I'm thinking along the lines of you're you're in the dark watching a D_V_D_ and you um you find the thing in the dark and you go like this, and that's what everybody does. Oh where's the volume button in the dark, and uh y you just touch it, or you just pick it up, and it lights up or something. Like a phone, yeah yeah. Whereas with phones, people charge them once a week. We're gonna need to put in a really good battery so people don't have to charge their r remote control every few days. But are people gonna wanna shake their movie controller? Right. Sure. Okay. Right. Mm-hmm. Okay, great. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. What's that? Yeah. Okay. Well I mean I'm thinking that what we need to do is have something that kind of unifies a lot of the different concepts, and if we think that what we are w our number one marketing motive is um the look and feel. So for the look and feel to seem coherent and not just sorta bits and bits and pieces of of concept and technology or or whatever or fashion, then we should have it kind of come back to one thing that we kind of all sorta can visualize. Um maybe what we could do is t th think about a concept which touches b back to the on the um the colour, you said company colour yellow. I mean if we think of something, like I was saying also lime and lemon you know, what can we come up with something where we we try and associate it with with like the series. We just come up with something like that we kind of use it as a theme to inspire the shapes and things. Yeah. Yeah. No no no not at all. It's more more just that we we think about like what it is we're trying to achieve, so and then we have one one sorta theme that we stick with. Do you know what I mean? Right, sure. Yeah. Um can we yeah like to and wha like do you have a Can you like yeah just t we can visualize it. Okay. Okay. Yep. Mm. What would it achieve? Well L_C_ well I'd when you used to mention the L_C_D_ I'd think I wonder what that would be about. And the th the thing I could see it helping with would be if it was somehow connected with um listings. So as you scroll through, 'cause we said we might have a jog dial, so as you scroll through your stations you can y it actually tells you what it is. Right, okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm not real Mm-hmm. No. Mm mm. Well i I was just Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Um I've had kinetic things before, and the the the one issue we need to keep in mind with them is that you're committing the user to moving it, and watches yeah Sure, okay, right, okay. Support for it. I mean just it's just worth pointing out because like I've I've known I've known people to have kinetic watches that they wear all the time, and it's just like magic because it's always powered and there's no battery. I've also known people to have things like like a jewellery watch they wear from time to time, and they eventually just say it's just too much of a nuisance because I don't wear it all the time. Like remote control is similar, you're away on vacation, I dunno whatever, you something, and it just starts to get worn down. So we should think about Yeah. Yep. And this size here, I'd suggest this be small, like quite small. Um just a a lot of the um I mean one of the things running through my mind right now, I realise we're being efficient to wrap up the meeting and have lots of decisions made, um but we are leaning quite a bit to the side of being low-tech, rubber buttons plastic frame, it's almost like we're reproducing the same old remote control that's out there. Should we think about how we are actually getting this high-tech user friendly uh um theme like what is it that we're u we're using to to achieve those goals? Like Okay so so backlighting, that would be good. Yeah clear, that'd be Okay. Yeah sure. Yeah that'd be really good. Yeah. Sure. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Sure. Yeah they they emanate a light through it. 'Kay. Yeah, mm-hmm. Um and then the other thing that we we're s we've committed ourselves to achieving is simplicity, and so I'm thinking maybe should we try and think about having something like um some kind of an innovative concept about how the um the volume and the channels are controlled, 'cause that's the main thing people will f wanna do. Could we use like a jog dial, like a nice just sort of round, somewhere on it where you just roll it? Or Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well why don't we do it like a mouse then? Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah, sure. Mm. Yeah. But that's not a bad thing is it? Because when you think about it, the alternative is to go push the button. Jog dials are much easier than that. You just roll. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah like I mean if we if if we keep coming back to this board here, I wouldn't be surprised if we could take this idea, imagine that, I dunno, that it's within the shape of the hand, it's quite small I dunno. Yeah. It's small, and that we've got like the the l slogan somewhere like on the casing at the side, and that yeah well I mean isn't that what we just h said said we s just have to decide now? Yeah. And then like a jo And then like a jog dial somewhere that fits in with the shape of it like I dunno like here, in with the It would get bumped, it's doesn't really fit with your hand. Yeah. Or maybe just fit it in like down the middle here. A jog di Yeah. It's kind of yeah Yeah. Huh. Um Yeah I think the jog dial, you know it just after you drew that, what if it was flat and you just spun it, that'd be great. Yeah. Yep. Sure, yeah, yeah and materials we sorta said we'd do plastic and rubber, didn't we, and I think maybe we should try and stay away from just the big protruding rubber buttons, 'cause that'd just be so standard. Something a bit more flush, yeah, or maybe have rubber incorporated into the case as well, so that it has and also t plastic I've seen can get really textured, so you can get plastics that actually feel soft in your hand. They feel kind of like um, you get pens now and then that you'd think that they were rubber but they're not, they're actually just plastic that's textured, kind of a little bit like Okay. Okay.
Speaker C: Okay. Okay, well Okay. Okay we all ready to go? Well how um on the in this meeting then if we um I'll just just recap on the minutes from the last meeting. And we uh decided on decided on our our target group being fifteen to thirty five, and we decided that it was gonna be non-rechargeable battery-powered, that we're gonna group our audio-visual and other functions into into those categories, um. And I told you guys about the three new requirements about ignoring teletext, ignoring everything except the T_V_, and trying to incorporate the the uh corporate colour and slogan. Um so that was the last meeting. Is there anything have I forgotten anything? Is that everything? Okay. Um so if we have the three presentations, and then if you have anything to kind of that you know you're gonna want to discuss, maybe just make a note of it, and we'll have all the discussion at the end. That might be a better idea this time. And so if we start off uh with Andrew and then Craig and then David, if that's alright. Um and then after that we'll have to make some decisions about stuff, right. So if you wanna take this. Screwed in quite tightly. Uh what did uh how did we leave it with speech recognition now? We did we say we were gonna try maybe incorporate it but we hadn't made a definite decision on that? Right. Oh I should also point out that um the you know the kind of final objective of this meeting is to reach a decision on the concepts of the product. So um that's kind of the end result hopefully. Uh-huh. Hopefully appear in a wee second. Up there we go. Oh no. Oh right. Here we go. Okay. Mm-hmm. Aye a fair point definitely. Okay. Aye right. Uh-huh. Okay. Okay okay. Mm-hmm. Mm that's true, yeah. Mm 'kay. Great. Okay. Yeah. Ah. Okay. That's great. Uh-huh. Okay great. Um thank you for that. Uh Craig do you wanna uh plug yours in then? Mm. Not quite. Oh something coming now, yeah. There we go. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. I think it's yellow because like the website is yellow and there's a band at the bottom is yellow, so yellow, lemon, you know definitely food for thought there, but keep going and we'll discuss it after. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Mm. Aye that's a good idea, yeah. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Yeah that that was very good, and uh now with David. I know it'd be handy, wouldn't it. Do y do you wanna sit in the the line of sight of this um Yeah. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. We you couldn't have like plastic and rubber? Yeah. Mm 'kay. Okay. Mm-hmm. I'll clear one of these things for you. Just by moving it yeah. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. W yeah. Uh yeah yeah, I see. Yeah. I know what you mean yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Okay. Okay. Right. Okay. Right can I Yeah well yeah it's just I'm quite keen to get the discussion going with the time we've left so but yeah you c ask away. Mm. Why what kind of light do you want are you thinking of? Uh-huh. Yeah. Yeah yeah yeah. Like a phone yeah, like the backlight in a phone. Okay cool. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Okay. Okay. Right okay um well let's just go right back to the marketing ideas for a start, and just giving an id idea on the time, we've got about fifteen minutes to play with at most. So um yeah so just t to bear in mind that the ultimate goal of this meeting is to reach an decision on the the the concepts of the product. So back to your idea about um incorporating the idea of like fruit and veg, and the corporate colour, and things like that. Um I mean what does everybody think about Does anybody have any ideas of about how we can fit all that in together? I mean that's kind of the user interface type of thing, what are your thoughts on that? So maybe do y are we thinking something that like s could sit in your hand comfortably, or do you th you'd hold onto comfortably or So something quite curvy? Okay um right okay. Colour-wise I mean you made a re uh was it you or uh I can't remember who made the point about how if you've a nice bright colour you'll not lose it, was that Whose about how if you have a bright colour you'll not lose it so much. Um and when the corporate colour is yellow, I mean maybe we could think about about the colour of the whole product being yellow I don't know. Um And then obviously the uh the materials when it has anybody got like an overall picture in their mind about what what might work? That's all. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Right. Oh you know like in circular in shape or Choice of material yeah. 'Cause I I I was kinda thinking about as well you know how you get these shock resistant mobile phones, and they're plastic but then also have like rubber on the outside, and it kinda feels it feels kind of warmer to the touch. It feels a bit more comfortable, and maybe we could incorporate plastic and rubber into it. And then then we could have curved shapes, 'cause wood or titanium, yeah, it's gonna have to be boxy and rectangular and I think we might be moving away from that you know so um Well I'm do we really want it in like the shape of a lemon or no I don't think we do either. Okay right well um so thoughts about the actual shape of the thing. A snowman shape? Uh-huh. That's quite a distinctive shape, that would be good wouldn't it. Yeah so yeah should we go with that? Do you wanna draw it on the board? Ooh that'd be good. Mm-hmm. So call it the snowman-shape trademark. Yeah that's cool. Um and I mean colour-wise what does everybody think? I think it is quite important to get yellow in there somewhere. I mean do you want the whole thing yellow, maybe like yellow and white do you want something Uh-huh. Okay cool. Um and also I mean how are we going to incorporate the slogan in? The fact that it talks to you, I mean it might be quite cool if when you first start using it it says, what is it, putting fashion into electronics or something, I dunno. Or when you like or if you turn it off or something if it can speak if it could actually say the slogan it might be a bit more powerful than just having it written on it somewhere. I d I d any thoughts on that at all? I know. Um unless an a I mean if you also would that work if we wanted to incorporate um an L_C_D_ display, where would we put that? Would we put that on the inside or It's bound to increase the cost of it a lot, I would've thought. Yeah. Mm oh yeah that's true. Yeah. So so no need for an L_C_D_ display? I think that would make it very complex. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know if there is really, no um I would say no need for a talk-back. Uh does anybody disagree with that? No? Easy. Okay um right so you're gonna have the three different sets of of functionalities, um I mean do you wanna group them into s head of the snowman, body of the snowman, inside of the snowman, is that what you're thinking? Okay. Okay right um what else do you need to talk about? So I'm just gonna um pop this in here 'cause I have a slide about decision making which I'd forgotten about. Oh sh God we've got five minutes um okay uh back we go. Um energy what do you think that's suggesting we're how we're powering the thing? I really like the idea of this kinetic thing where you'd have the back-up of the battery, but have have kinetic power, I mean what does anybody think about that? Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Well I suppose that if you're if you're away and you're not using it, then you're not using any power either. So you'd have the battery as the kind of to keep it ticking over idea I'm really sorry we're gonna have to wrap up quite quickly, we don't have as much time as I thought. Um so I think that's what energy is referring to here. Chip on print, is that that's an industrial design thing, is it David? Okay um as for the case, kind of discussed that Yeah I know we're gonna have like rubber buttons that feel kind of Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Could have things like backlighting the buttons and stuff like that. Aye that would be a good idea. S so like cur slightly transparent case, so it's yellow, like tinted yellow, but you can maybe see through it. Is that what you mean? Okay. Lights. Okay. Mm. Yeah. Yeah if you are holding it in your hand you could you could do that, couldn't you? If you're holding it in your hand you could Do you think? Okay. Mm. Yeah okay okay um Yeah. Okay. Okay. Just Okay um right well wouldn't it we do need to make a decision on whether we want to incorporate a jog dial in nice and quickly. Um I'm all for them actually, I think they're quite you know th very quick to m to use. So does anybody oppose the idea of of incorporating one into the design at all? No. And the other thing was um can we think of any way of getting the slogan into this thing? Uh-huh. Uh-huh ooh okay, we really gotta wrap up so yeah. Okay well if we can do that, great. Yeah okay. Yeah let's let's try and get the slogan on there um, and Mm. Okay. Right I'm gonna have to I'm really gonna have to hurry you on here 'cause we're we're actually over time. Um is there anything anybody's unsure about? Just for in closing just the next meeting's gonna be in thirty minutes, and so you can see in the screen here what each of you are gonna hopefully be doing, uh I know that the designers are gonna be working with Play-doh on that. So um that'll be that'll be good. Um and I'll get the the minutes up as soon as possible. Anything at all you think we haven't discussed that we need to? Is everybody kind of happy about what they're gonna be doing? Okay. That's kind of a design thing that you guys can can discuss, yeah. Okay. Yeah. To make something flush with the case? Okay right. Okay. Sp kinda grippy? Okay. Okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to call this to a close 'cause we're way over time. So um that's really good, like we've s had much to talk about that um pretty much run out of time to do so. So off you go and design stuff wooh. Yeah quite jealous actually.
Speaker D: Is it working? And so think of this concept. Um to research it I've um had a look on the the homepage again. It's provided me with more examples of um previously existing c remote controls. Um there's a wee bit of discussion about the other existing ones there, um so I've taken the um suggestions from them and tried to incorporate them into this um So then this we're looking for um suggestions on size th um size of control and the buttons, um the shape of the control, and whereabout the buttons should be located on the control. Um what I found from the research is that most the current controls are just basically big bricks with loads of buttons all over them. Um they're not very attractive to look at, and they're not very comfortable to hold, they're I just hold 'em like big bricks, and they're very easily lost. Um they tend to be very dark colours, so if there are shadowy places down the side of couches you can't really see them. Um the the controls themselves tend to use a very inconsistent colour scheme. Um for instance, the stand-by button isn't always red, uh it really should be. It's uh something the user then uh identify with. This is a red switch off, that's how it should be. Um I'm not sure if there's any other examples of that, but something to look out for. Um there's a problem that I've I've got couple of preferences for the the end control um I get 'em with the the red colour button for stand-by and s the other examples of that um The buttons should be large. They shouldn't be tiny little things like you get on some mobile phones. They should be easy to press, very comfortable. Um one of the examples given on the homepage was um there's an up and down volume button but both of them have a V_ on them, so the up volume button looks like it should be a down volume button, that's kinda confusing. Um should avoid s things like that. Um if the the corporate colour scheme allows it we should have a very bright colour so that it can be easily identified anywhere. Um obviously trying trying to avoid being tacky there, but it could um tie-in very easily with your your lime and lemon idea. Fantastic. Um any extra features we add beyond the basic ones should be m hidden, they shouldn't be on the um shouldn't be visible without something be opened or some sort of special extra effort. Um if we did decide to go for voice activation there sh should always be a button as alternative, possibly hidden in the the opened up section um making that something is wrong with it or with somebody's voice, maybe they got a cold or Um we should definitely avoid the big square block look. That's just wrong. And um we got an email uh from I think it's the the research department, and they've said th the voice control um can now talk back if you ask it a question. So it sh it could be good to have them um confirm any action you take and possibility. Right and these are problems I've had with it. Um I don't know where the slogan should go, or really what the slogan is. I think it's um, fashion into electronics. And we don't know how flexible the colour scheme is. I mean you say you wanted the the corporate colours, but they don't say you know if we can use any other colours at all or That's it. I think I'm cool. Right. Right. Um I think we could go for like um maybe not a p a fruit shape but a very sort of curvy type shape. Um you could have the same sort of texture and colour as a fruit. Um probably something that s sits in your hand comfortably, sort of feels right in your hand. See I'm I'd quite like a sort of uh snowman type shape. Um so a p sort of larger bit sits in your hand, and then you got maybe another bubble at the top for just any other function you need. Um something like that um you got two groups there um maybe it could fold up and you get a third group inside or uh you have volume controls about there. So I reckon it'd look quite nice if we just had um this here, had a sorta background yellow, and then have sort of a nice bold colour for the buttons. I think that might scare me. I think that'd probably scare me. You turn it on your control possessed s. Um Nah. Um well I think the advanced ones the the ones you don't usually use could be hid inside. B um I think the we had were fairly basic ones, they'd have to go on the the front somewhere. Um Yeah I think so yeah. Mm. Well, but then for um for skipping a large amount of channels you do have to uh to skip the channel button, the number part. Uh but Yeah. Mm. | I'll just just recap on the minutes from the last meeting . decided on our our target group being fifteen to thirty five , and we decided that it was gonna be non-rechargeable battery-powered , that we're gonna group our audio-visual and other functions into into those categories , um . And I told you guys about the three new requirements about ignoring teletext , ignoring everything except the T_V_ , and trying to incorporate the the uh corporate colour and slogan . Oh I should also point out that um the you know the kind of final objective of this meeting is to reach a decision on the concepts of the product . Uh basically what I wanna do here , before we get into it uh too far , is I want to show you all the background information I have that I think we need to acknowledge if we want this to be successful . Okay so out of um different uh figures and ratings ob uh of people in general , um consumers in general , the number one thing that was found was that uh the br t television remote control , a fancy look and feel , okay , and not , it specified , not a functional look or or feel , uh b f f fancy . Number two was that it be innovative . Uh and third priority uh for ease of use , is that I think um what we should think about is how the um about how the innovation uh contributes to the look and feel , and not so much to the functionality of it . Uh top European fashion trend um that I read about says there's this emerging theme of fruit and vegetables , okay , especially in clothes and furniture . So my my feeling is that we w do want to observe this trend , And then in terms of m material trends are for things to be soft and spongy and sort of , you might say ergonomic or or friendly to handle , And then at the end there are vibrant natural colours um softness in materials , shape , and function , so I'm thinking if we imagine that we're taking some of the features of a Mac iPod and we're then making it s more of like a more of like a comfortable type of we think of some kind of a thin theme that unifies it all , uh sorta like a marketing identity . Like um the ones the ones which I'm most fond of in terms of giving like a theme to it would be like um like lemon or something like that , Maybe like it could light up in different colours or something or or people could buy the buy the control and then it comes with different like covers or something so . Um there's a wee bit of discussion about the other existing ones there , um so I've taken the um suggestions from them and tried to incorporate them into this um we're looking for um suggestions on size th um size of control and the buttons , um the shape of the control , and whereabout the buttons should be located on the control . Um what I found from the research is that most the current controls are just basically big bricks with loads of buttons all over them . Um they're not very attractive to look at , and they're not very comfortable to hold , and they're very easily lost . Um the the controls themselves tend to use a very inconsistent colour scheme . The buttons should be large . They should be easy to press , very comfortable . so the up volume button looks like it should be a down volume button , that's kinda confusing . Um should avoid s things like that . Um if the the corporate colour scheme allows it we should have a very bright colour so that it can be easily identified anywhere . I think it's yellow any extra features we add beyond the basic ones should be m hidden , Um if we did decide to go for voice activation there sh should always be a button as alternative , Um we should definitely avoid the big square block look . and they've said th the voice control um can now talk back if you ask it a question . So it sh it could be good to have them um confirm any action you take Um I don't know where the slogan should go , or really what the slogan is . I think it's um , fashion into electronics . And we don't know how flexible the colour scheme is . Um like you said time to market was a problem , um and how many components are physically in there in cost . And the power is basically a factor of that . Um and the lower components , the power , the logic , the transmitter , and the infrared , um they affect you in terms of the size of your device , So I guess three things , um cost , um complexity , and the size . um I'm not very sure about the voice thing 'cause I got another email and it was in fact quite sketchy on what n the voice options are . Um it said it could talk to you , but it never said anything about being able to listen . I it said something about a sensor but never clarified that . Okay so your basic components are buttons , okay and you have a wheel available , like a mouse scroll wheel , okay there's an L_C_D_ display , Okay um then there's um how the case actually looks . It can actually be flat or it can be curved , um and then the different types of materials that you can use , um I don't think you can use them in a combination , Um I think plastic and rubber would be fine , but plastic , rubber , and wood , Um the rubber was a restriction on the kind of power source you could use , but the titanium had a different kind of things on the shape of the thing , but you know it might be easier from a cost perspective and a complexity just to use one . Um and the other components are logic chips , um again I'll I'll go back to the component chips . The com how complex or how easy the logic is , it depends on how many functions you have on the on the unit Um I don't think the logic chip has a issue about size 'cause they should be about the same size . Power consumption should be about the same . um and the other thing is um the power options . Um the first one is a standard battery . Okay the second one I think is more of a gimmick then actually a useable thing , it's a wind-up you know , a crank . I think that's more of a look and feel decision because I don't think you can have one power source if you're using the alternative power sources . I think whatever it is you still need a battery Okay the other ones are a solar powered cell , Um and the kinetic one I guess for me is the most interesting one you have you had those balls , you know those stress balls where you bounce the ball and it and it lights up and it goes , you know that might be a gimmick combined with rubber . I guess that's more in the sense of small and slim in terms of comfortable not so small you can't , you know like a phone or something , too small phone . um the less components we use and the simpler the components means you reduce your cost and you increase your profit . Um and also the time to market and the complexity of developing designing and debugging it um so . The user interface restrictions basically means that if you use more complicated features , like the buttons are standard okay , the L_C_D_ panel and the scroll wheel you need more complicated logic . Um the case okay with a rubber case you can't have the solar panels . titanium case can't be curved , it has to be square . Okay um there's no restriction on the plastic , and on the wood . Can we get a strong enough battery to power a light ? Um I think we could because the L_C_D_ panel requires power , and the L_C_D_ is a form of a light Well m I'm thinking along the lines of you're you're in the dark watching a D_V_D_ and you um you find the thing in the dark and you go like this , and uh y you just touch it , or you just pick it up , and it lights up or something . Like a phone yeah , like the backlight in a phone . We're gonna need to put in a really good battery so people don't have to charge their r remote control every few days . Um that's why I think the option of the the kinetic thing which basically means as long as you shake it like a watch , like an automatic watch But are people gonna wanna shake their movie controller ? um it's probably sensitive enough when you fiddle it . Um I think we could go for like um maybe not a p a fruit shape but a very sort of curvy type shape . Um you could have the same sort of texture and colour as a fruit . Um probably something that s sits in your hand comfortably , sort of feels right in your hand . So something quite curvy ? Um and when the corporate colour is yellow , I mean maybe we could think about about the colour of the whole product being yellow about how if you have a bright colour you'll not lose it so much . So for the look and feel to seem coherent and not just sorta bits and bits and pieces of of concept and technology or or whatever or fashion , then we should have it kind of come back to one thing that we kind of all sorta can visualize . Um maybe what we could do is t th think about a concept which touches b back to the on the um the colour , 'Cause I I I was kinda thinking about as well you know how you get these shock resistant mobile phones , and they're plastic but then also have like rubber on the outside , and it kinda feels it feels kind of warmer to the touch . It feels a bit more comfortable , and maybe we could incorporate plastic and rubber into it . I'd quite like a sort of uh snowman type shape . Um so a p sort of larger bit sits in your hand , and then you got maybe another bubble at the top for just any other function you need . So I reckon it'd look quite nice if we just had um this here , had a sorta background yellow , and then have sort of a nice bold colour for the buttons . also would that work if we wanted to incorporate um an L_C_D_ display , where would we put that ? The fact that it talks to you , I mean it might be quite cool if when you first start using it it says , what is it , putting fashion into electronics or something , I think that'd probably scare me . Would we put that on the inside or Do we need an L_C_D_ display ? It's bound to increase the cost of it a lot , I would've thought . what would we what would we achieve from it ? And the th the thing I could see it helping with would be if it was somehow connected with um listings . So as you scroll through , 'cause we said we might have a jog dial , so as you scroll through your stations you can y it actually tells you what it is . I think that will be a problem because we don't have an input device to get the listings into it , I would say no need for a talk-back . um I mean do you wanna group them into s head of the snowman , body of the snowman , inside of the snowman , Um well I think the advanced ones the the ones you don't usually use could be hid inside . Where would you physically position the buttons ? Um energy what do you think that's suggesting we're how we're powering the thing ? I really like the idea of this kinetic thing where you'd have the back-up of the battery , but have have kinetic power , And this size here , I'd suggest this be small , like quite small . I know we're gonna have like rubber buttons um but we are leaning quite a bit to the side of being low-tech , rubber buttons plastic frame , it's almost like we're reproducing the same old remote control that's out there . Okay so so backlighting , that would be good . Um you know a a glowing a a glowing yellow type case where the yellow is showable , S so like cur slightly transparent case , so it's yellow , like tinted yellow , but you can maybe see through it . Or or there might be a light running through it like a mouse . but because the case is transparent so it gives it a little bit of a glow , doesn't make it freaky . Um and then the other thing that we we're s we've committed ourselves to achieving is simplicity , and so I'm thinking maybe should we try and think about having something like um some kind of an innovative concept about how the um the volume and the channels are controlled , 'cause that's the main thing people will f wanna do . Could we use like a jog dial , like a nice just sort of round , somewhere on it where you just roll it ? The question is when you're rolling it , how do you wanna roll it ? 'Cause in a mouse your hand's in a position to roll it , whereas the other thing about having it jog dial this way , it tends to get moved accidentally . Can you imagine you have to scroll a lot . Um it might work for volume , and maybe some of the brightness controls and stuff like that , but not for channels right . And and that we've got like the the l slogan somewhere like on the casing at the side , That that might have one problem in terms of um in terms of whether you're left handed or you're right handed you might be locking yourself in . the next meeting's gonna be in thirty minutes , uh I know that the designers are gonna be working with Play-doh on that . Yeah I think the jog dial , what if it was flat and you just spun it , a slide , because then you you don't have to put the hand . and I think maybe we should try and stay away from just the big protruding rubber buttons , 'cause that'd just be so standard . and also t plastic I've seen can get really textured , so you can get plastics that actually feel soft in your hand . Feel like fruit . |
43 | Speaker A: No. Well I think if we are gonna use a touchscreen uh we're gonna go way above the twelve and a half Euros. But the It wouldn't be very robust. It's very fragile and you can get scratches on it. That's. Okay. Okay I've got a presentation about the working design. Um first about how it works. It's really simple of course. Everybody knows how a remote works. The user presses a button. The remote determines what button it is, uses the infrared to send a signal to the T_V_. The T_V_ switches to the frequency, or what function it is. So we've got um the the plate. It gots conductive disks for every button. When the user presses a button, a signal got sent, goes to the LED and transmits tranmi transmits its to the T_V_. It's a very simple device, technically speaking. So this is a schematic overview. You've got the buttons. The power source. And uh when a button gets pressed, its goes to the chip. The chip uh controls the infrared bulb and perf perhaps a normal bulb. When you press a button you can actually see your pressed button. Well um I think we should use default materials, simple plastics. Keep the inner workings simple, so it's robust. Uh I think we should focus on aesthetics, the design and the user interface, because if you're going to use high-tech materials the price is going to go sky-high. And uh you only have to design a remote once, and if you use high-tech materials it come back in every product. So it's, in my idea, it's uh it's gonna be smart to invest in di in design and not in uh in the product itself. That's it. I think that if we're If we put our marketing right um we can sell this just like um I don't know if you've heard about it in the news, the the elderly mobile phone? Yeah if we if we make a remote control just l with that idea in mind, we could make tons of money, I think. We don't have to focus on on on the on the design then but on functionality. We just change our focus on the project, and I think we can uh we can sell this. No. Uh that's a good idea. Yeah. And besides that it's um If we're gonna focus on elderly people they'll have to adapt. They're not used to using scroll buttons. So perhaps we should s stick to the basic layout. It should be possible yes. If it's not too fancy. And if the remote stays rather small, it should be possible yeah. Yes. So we're just gonna focus on the extras? Yeah. Like with your key-chain, if you whistle it goes uh it makes a sound. Yeah. Y i um I think we'll have to choose between the docking station or the screen, 'cause it's uh Well I don't think they have different television sets uh in uh every country. 'Cause Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker B: Yes. Yeah. Okay. No. Yes. Think I'll go first. 'Kay. My name is Freek Van Ponnen. I'm the Market Expert. But you already knew that. Um I've done some research. We have we uh have been doing research in a usability lab where we observed um users operating remote controls. Uh we let them fill out a questionnaire. We had one hundred of these uh test subjects. Uh in addition we did some market research. Uh see what the market consists of. What ages are involved. Well these are three quite astonishing results, I thought. Um remotes are being considered ugly. F uh seventy five percent of the um people questioned uh indicated that they thought their remote were was ugly. Um and an additional eighty percent indicated that they would spend more money on a fancy-looking remote control. So Um in addition remotes were not very functional. Fifty percent of the people indicated they only loo used about ten percent of the buttons on a remote control. And fifty percent of the people indicated that their remote tended to get lost in their room. So some things. Then we did some research to the most relevant functions. Channel selection and volume selection um both got a ten on a scale of one to ten for relevancy. The power button got a nine. And teletext got a six and a half. So these are the most most uh important functions on a remote control. Then there are some one-time use function. That's what I like to call them. That uh audio settings, video settings, and channel settings buttons. Which are not really used very frequently, but are still considered to be of some importance. Um channel selection was also indicated to be used very frequently. One hundred and sixty eight times per hour. Then these are the This is the market. Um sixty percent of the market consists of users between the ages sixteen and forty f six. Um Main characteristic of this group is that they're very critical on the remote control. Um they like to use new f new functions. But they also are very critical. They won't spend their money very easily. So Um the users of forty six to sixty five years cons The make up forty percent of the market. They are not really very interested in features. But they do tend to spend their money a lot easier. Um What I think this indicates for our um design. I think we should make a remote for the future. And this means we would um have to focus on the age ages sixteen to forty five. Uh this also makes up most the biggest part of the market, so that will also be where our main profit would be gettable. Um this would mean we would have to make a fancy design. Um The results also indicated that um about one quarter of the people questioned thought that the remote control caused R_S_ R_S_I_. Um this is certainly something to take into account. And thirty four percent thought that it was hard to learn a n how to operate a new control, remote control. So these are two factors that I think should be included in the design. Besides of course that the remote must look very nice. And the functionality As a lot of people indicated, they only use about ten percent of the buttons, I think we should make very few buttons. Uh this will also be uh beneficial to the design of the remote. Uh I think the most frequently used buttons should be emphasised. Especially the channel selection and audio uh selection buttons. 'Cause they're used most and so they should be robust. They shouldn't break down easily. Um Then as mo as a lot of people indicated that their um remote got lost in the room, it might be and I say might be because it would um certainly boost the uh production costs a lot. But it might be a good idea to make a docking station. And this would, could get a button in it which would send a signal to the remote which would then beep. So you'd know where it is in the room. And in addition to this it could um recharge the batteries in the remote if you put it in. Then um a surprisingly great deal of people w indicated that um an L_C_D_ screen in the remote control would be preferred. This was um mostly people in the age of sixteen to twenty five. But up till forty five it remains feasible. This would also greatly increase the production costs but I think these are just some small factors we could consider. That would be all. Any questions? 'Kay. Yeah you should go to the top thingy. Slide show. Oh yeah. Hmm. Well it would certainly make a fancy design. So That is true. We would have to look into that. Yeah. So is there any discussion possible about the new product requirement? Yeah 'cause you're you're saying that teletext is gonna be an old feature and it's not gonna be used anymore anyway pretty soon. And new T_V_s will have internet access on them. But I think if you're targeting people of forty plus, the chance that they will have a T_V_ with internet access within the next like twenty years is very slim. In addition people indicated that teletext simply was an important feature for the remote control. So I think it's pretty dumb to put no teletext feature on it. I'm pretty much against it. Yes. Besides that, I think the market for forty plus is like pretty small. But I mean if I s if I see this, it's I think we're just gonna go for another pretty and not innovative remote control. Yes but it's not the biggest part of the market. And besides that, they're not very critical so I mean they don't really care what the remote control is like. They'll just pretty much take the first thing they see and which looks acceptable. No. I think that would be the case in the sixteen to forty five age category. because they are critical and they they want to have a fancy remote control. People of forty plus, I mean they want it to work, but as soo as soon as it works it's okay with them. So I haven't heard of it. Hmm. Yes. Yes. But obviously the board tends to disagree. Yeah, also. I think it'd definitely be a bad idea not to include teletext. Yes. Mm-hmm. But I don't think that's really an issue any more 'cause Well might be. But I mean it, if it's only for T_V_ you're not gonna need a lot of buttons anyway. You need a one to zero button, next channel, previous channel, volume up, volume down, and some teletext buttons but I think if you if you only l Nah. Think if you're gonna include teletext you do. I think many people like to use that. 'Cause if you should, if you want to switch from channel one to like thirty five, you don't wanna push the next channel button thirty five times. That's true but um I don't think there are many T_V_s that can switch channels that fast. And so you would need like the T_V_ would need an a function where you can actually view all channels and scroll through it. And I dunno if many channels would do have that. If many T_V_s have that. Mm-hmm. But I don't think I think if you're gonna make a remote control only to operate a T_V_, you there's not much you can gain on um having as few buttons as possible. 'Cause I think there are pretty many remote controls that can only operate a T_V_, which already only have the minimum number of buttons. I don't think there's much to be gained in that area. Yeah. That is true but I think there's simply not much to gain on the competition when you when you're making a remote control only for to operate only the T_V_. 'Cause if you have a a remote control only to operate a T_V_ there's simply not a lot of buttons required. There's not a lot of functions required so most existing remote controls simply don't have a lot of buttons either. So I think it would be very hard to actually gain on the competition here. That would that would cost a a big marketing expedition which was one of the arguments to make it only for the T_V_ because we didn't have the time to market a lot. Maybe. Well yeah I think, mean we obviously need a good way to position all the buttons and But I don't think we should spend very much time in that. Yeah I think maybe we should do some research into what elderly people like to have in a like to have extra in a new remote control. Yes well fifty percent of the people indicated that remote control tended to get lost. Yeah that was what I suggested. You have it on Yeah you have it's on some phones too, which have a docking station. And you just press a button and the phone goes ringing. So you know where it is. I think since a lot of people indicated that a new remote control is hard to learn, and we're focusing on elderly people here which tend to have a hard time understanding new devices, it might be a good idea to have just a little screen on it, which would explain a button if you press it. Which would tell you what it does. And it wouldn't have to be touchscreen or a very expensive screen, but Just a small screen with two Yeah. But I dunno if that would that would fit into the costs. No. I think probably elderly people would be a little bit more careful with their remote controls than youngsters. Yeah. I think I think that would be a If we should do something like that it would be a, I think it would be really good for uh for the image of the company. And I think, I think there would be a good market for it. If we're able to really bring an innovative product. Yeah the really But I'd have to look into that a little more. 'Kay. And with uh the little screen in it, which explains the buttons. You could I think we n it would be a lot easier to adapt it to different cultures. Yeah. Yeah. 'Kay. That's good.
Speaker C: Okay. Everybody found his place again? Yeah? That's nice. Okay so this is our second meeting. And uh still failing? Uh now we're going um into the functional design. Um important thing of this phase is that we're going to uh try to get an agreement about the user requirements, technical function design, and the working design. So that we can move onto the second uh phase. But first this phase. Um first an announcement. There's a little adaptation in the air conditioning system. So There's our ghost mouse again. That that means that you can have a little trouble with, little trouble with the air conditioning, that's because of this uh It's in wing C_ and E_. So it should be over in a in a while, couple of days. But it's going to be cold anyway, so I don't think you're gonna need it. Then our agenda. Now first the opening. Uh this time I will take the minutes. Uh you're going to have a presentation. All of you. Um and we've got forty minutes for the whole uh prese for the whole uh presentations. So uh I suggest we take about seven minutes per presentation, and then we can have a little discussion about the new project requirements uh which have been sent to me. And then the decision on the control functions uh which we wanna include and those which we don't wanna include. So we've got forty minutes for all of it. So I suggest um let's start with the first presentation. Um who wants to be first? Okay. So Just maybe it's easier if you um Yeah I think you will tell your presentation as well. Just which function you have and what you're gonna talk about. Okay. Thank you. So anybody have um any questions until now? About functional requirements? Okay that's clear. Now to the second. Yeah. Yeah you can take your time. We've got uh plenty of time, so Yeah. There it is. Yeah. One remote. Hmm. 'Kay. Yeah. Okay. Anybody has questions about the technical functions? Yeah. Touchscreen. Huh. 'Kay. That's nice. Uh Yeah. That's right. Uh maybe we can first um listen to your presentation? Uh And then we have a little discussion about the requirements and uh design. I think it's going to Uh it's not too much. Okay. Okay. Thank you. Okay. Uh Okay now I hope everybody has a little bit more insight in the functions we all have and what we are doing right now. Um I'm the Project Manager so I'm here to mess things up and uh tell you some new uh requirements. Um that's, we've uh got to design a um remote which is only suitable for T_V_. Um that's because uh it will be too complex and the time to market will be too big, if we wanna have it uh for more functions. So it has to be simple. Uh another point is we have to skip the teletext, because in the world of uh upcoming internet uh we think teletext is going to be uh a thing of the past. And uh it's a function we don't need in our remote control. Um internet is also mentioned in a function we can use. Uh maybe also on televisions it will be available as well. Another one is uh the customer is uh forty plus. Uh that's the the market we have to to to target, because we are going to develop a new product which is specially designed for the younger customers. Um this is uh a bit pity for the Marketing uh Expert. Because he was uh aiming on the the younger persons. So we have to find a market which is above forty plus uh but which will suit our uh remote control, and the other way round. And we have to be very uh attent in uh putting the corporate image uh in our product. So it has to be visible in our design, in the way our device works. And uh we have to be uh very clear on this point as well. So I suggest let's have a discussion on the control functions. Yeah. Uh we can see if we can find a way uh between the functions we wanna use and the market we wanna reach with our product. Um Against the no teletext? Um Yeah it's it is Standard remote. No I think we can I think we can do a lot with the design and the simple buttons which were also mentioned. Uh if we put a lot of effort in those, we can make a remote control with uh just two or three buttons. Or just a remote which is suitable for the market we wanna reach because it is forty percent of the market. And um if you look in Holland at the whole generation of forty plus, fifty plus, it it's the the biggest share of the of the whole population now. No. But don't you think that if we make a remote which is uh typically made for this market, that people think the people think that's the the device I've looked for although I didn't realise it. So let's try it. Yeah. Yeah. It's a big success. Very big success. Yeah. Uh. I think so as well. Uh I simply think um uh that the new products we are gonna make, uh spef specifically design, are designed for uh younger people, uh so maybe we can focus ourself on the elderly people. And I think we have to um see what requirements we need for those um remote controls. 'Cause what you told is the channel selection is important. Volume selection, power and teletext. Okay. Um No we we haven't voted yet, so Uh I think teletext can be uh um can be a function as well. But only if uh if it won't higher the the cost, because I don't know if it will be a lot more money to implement teletext as well, but I don't think it will be a problem. Or is teletext a Yeah. Yeah. So I suggest uh Yeah. Is anybody um really against teletext? No? Just that, that we just keep the teletext. I think that's a good idea as well, especially for the subtitles. Maybe we can make that um another point of advantage in our remote control, if we uh make a k a button ex for example for big subtitles, which is instantly on the remote control. For elderly people they can think, oh I wanna have subtitles, and they push the button and they get the big subtitles. Um so I think teletext can v can be very useful in our advantage. Um Functionality should be few buttons, you said. I think uh that's very important we have a few buttons. So to keep it simple. No. Yeah. But do you need But do you need the buttons for one to zero. Maybe c we can Maybe we can use uh No, maybe we can implement the scroll button? Or a joystick like? There are other ways too. Just look if you look at telephones. The Sony telephone has a scroll button which is very useful in searching names or That's right. the numbers yeah. Yeah they can see how much buttons there are going to be on on the display, and if it's too much we can uh reconsider it. But I think there won't be very much buttons. Or there don't have to be a lot. The number of buttons? I think it's very important in the in the design. You can make a very fancy design uh with putting the buttons on the right places. And if you have less buttons you can do a lot more with To operate only the T_V_ yeah. No. So. 'Kay. So we can Yeah. That's right. Yeah. So you suggest we could better um focus on for example the docking station. Uh uh like other functions. Instead of f of less buttons. Mm. No. Do you think the docking station will uh is allowed in the budget we have? 'Cause it can be No. Yeah. Because I think that's uh That's a good advantage point as well. If we have a fancy-looking docking station or very That's a nice requirement. Docking station. I think so. Yeah. That's a good point. Um You said they easily get lost as well. Yeah. So maybe we should implement the audio sign, or something. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So audio signal should be possible as well. I think it's not too expensive. Uh another point is the L_C_D_ screen. Um I don't know if that will rise the cost too much, because Yeah. It will be too much as well. Yeah. Based. Just the L_C_D_. Oh just the normal screen. That's a good idea. So Some extra info. Feedback. Yeah. I think that's a good idea as well. As the small screen. Extra button info. I think that should be possible as well. Um let's see what did we say. Mm. More. Should be fancy to, fancy design, easy to learn. Few buttons, we talked about that. Docking station, L_C_D_. Um general functions Yeah. 'Kay. And default materials. I think that's a good idea as well, because um elderly people don't mind if it's a titanium cover or just a plastic one. So that doesn't really matter. So I think we nee Uh let's um specify the target group. Because are we talking about elderly elderly people or people from forty to eighty. Because I think what we're going to design now is for people above sixty, maybe. Uh what do we want? If we want um a with uh for example the the telephone for elderly people, we can target the real elderly people. Yeah. So that's the Now you're talking about sixty to eighty for example. Yeah. Sixty. Okay. And different cultures. Are we Okay. No. We've got five minutes left just now. Small warning. Should Yeah. In different languages, you know. Yeah. or you have to put a language button in it, but that will be a bit unnecessary I think. It's better to put it on different markets with it all. Okay. So that's the the target. Uh then a few small things. Uh okay. I will put the minutes in the project uh project document folder. Um what we're going to do for the next meeting is the Industrial Designer will do the components concept, User Interface Designer the user interface concept, and the trend-watching. So just keep in mind the things we've said about the target group, uh requirements, and the trends which are uh going on. And uh specific instructions will be sent to you by uh the personal coach. So um I thank you for this meeting. And I think we have a lunch-break now. So that's a good thing.
Speaker D: Okay. Mm. Mm-hmm. Uh okay. Um I've been looking at uh the user interface of it. Um f for the techno f functions uh of of it. Um Okay. Mm? Oh. Uh. Okay. Um yeah. I think uh we uh must use the general functions uh of the uh remote control. Uh uh I've do I've uh done a little uh research on the internet and not much information about it, Um about uh interface but uh Uh Yeah I I've been thinking about a simple manner uh to put a lot of functions uh uh in one um in one uh remote control. Uh so uh you've got a lot of devi uh devices like uh D_V_D_ uh uh television, uh stereo. So um But uh it must be uh user-friendly. So um uh you c you can't put a a lot of uh functions uh in one uh Yeah. Uh uh uh Yeah. In one um remote control. But um Yeah. Um yeah. Got uh many functions in one uh remote control, um but um yeah you can see, this is uh quite simple uh remote control. Um few uh buttons but uh This uh re uh remote control got a a lot of uh buttons. Um uh people uh don't like it, uh so um Well what uh I was uh thinking about was um uh keep the general functions uh like they are. So uh like uh the on-off uh button. Uh keep it uh yeah l like a red button. Uh everybody everybody knows it so uh uh you don't have to change that. Um My personal uh preferences um. Use a display for uh specific uh functions of the different uh device. So um Wh what I was th uh thinking about was um you've got um Uh this the remote control uh and uh you got here the general functions, uh like uh the on-off button uh sound uh I dunno um And um here you've got a s kind of a display. It's a touchscreen. So um yeah you got a general f uh f the functions of the device uh for a D_V_D_ player or uh so um the pl yeah um f for uh playing uh reverse uh. And um you got here uh real buttons for uh selecting uh a device. So um this button is for a D_V_D_ or So um for every um device you've got a uh a f a b a part uh display of a part buttons. So uh you you never got uh all the buttons uh on w one device. So uh that's uh my uh idea about it. Um yeah and Uh let's see. Uh yeah. So a touchscreen. Uh and um th the buttons uh the real buttons uh we have to use um. We better c um uh use uh quite uh large buttons uh for um yeah. Everybody uh have to use it so Uh ol even even old people um young people. So uh we must keep uh buttons uh quite s uh simple and quite large. So uh Um Yeah. Uh yeah. That was uh my uh part of it. So N I I don't think so. Uh you got uh quite a cheap uh touchscreen. S um it's uh not uh in colour or something. Uh it's just uh um one colo Uh yeah. Uh I seen uh w uh something on the internet uh not today but uh a few uh weeks ago. Uh you got uh yeah quite an uh a kind of uh touchscreen um and it's uh for uh twenty uh Euros or uh less uh. So it's possible. Yeah. Yeah that's true. Uh. Okay. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. forty Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. But um deaf people need uh teletext for uh for subtitles. So it's Yeah. It's Mm. Yeah yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. If it's only for televi Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So we can s we can skip the display, so uh we don't need it. Uh Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Hmm. No. No. No. Hmm. Mm. Hm. No. Mm. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Mm. No. So 'Kay. Yeah. Right. No. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. | The project manager stated the agenda and the marketing expert discussed what functions are most relevant on a remote, what the target demographic is, and what his vision for the appearance of the remote is. The marketing expert also brought up the idea to include a docking station to prevent the remote from getting lost and the idea to include an LCD screen. The user interface designer pushed for a user-friendly interface with large buttons, a display function, a touchscreen, and the capability of controlling different devices. The industrial designer discussed the interior workings of a remote and the project manager briefed the team on some new requirements they are to abide by. The team then discussed teletext, the target demographic, the buttons the remote should have, the idea of marketing a remote designed for the elderly, an audio signal which can sound if the remote is lost, LCD screens, and language options. |
3 | Speaker A: Okay. Mm. Very fun. Oh right. Okay. Mm. Okay. Sure. We made three for you. Um one's based on the banana, one's based on the tomato and the other one is st Look. Oh yeah, well yeah, we had v some red left over. So. Okay, so this is the um non to non uh no buttons one, or as mm few buttons as possible, mainly speak recognition. The yellow there is the um the slogan, yeah, that we need to incorporate, it's very simple. If you do need buttons, you can flip it over, and there's some there, um but mainly it's speech recognition. Yeah. Yeah and yeah they might project things onto the screen which you can do on there. Mm I'm not sure about that. Um and this one is the one w more like the one w that we looked at earlier. Yeah, you guys can have a look at that if you want. Yeah, sure. Um that one is Oh no, it's delicate. That's that's already got its stand that one. That's it stand. It does also lie flat, but that's the that yellow stand there represents the the charging stand. Um the black on the back is the slogan. Uh yeah, that Well, we did think of that. Yeah, if it's standing up it's it's on there, but also we're gonna have the company name on the front, which is the little black kind of line in the middle. So um and that's the um transmit the L_E_D_ thing. These are the s two scroll ones which we thought could be channel up and down and volume up and down. We n were weren't sure about putting them there, because um i it's it kind of could get bashed. Yeah. Well, if you hold it, you can you all can hold it, is it does actually feel quite ergonomic, if you've got small hands. Um, obviously I don't think that's real sized. It would have to be a bit bigger. Okay. Um that's a speaker at the top, so you can speak into it like a little walkie-talkie as well for speak recognition. Um and um then the buttons. Yeah kind of self-explanatory, just buttons whenever you need them. Tried to keep it simple. Oh that's the charging base prongs at the bottom. We used those. And um then the big red button in the middle is the on and off one. It's not in the traditional place, but um it's quite an obvious place. So there we go and and um we have the banana-based one too. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So are there any um improvements or issues or Oh. Oh. Ooh. Mm-hmm. More like a traditional remote control. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like an S_ shape. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Cool. Cool. So we could even add something. Well maybe we could add something, but maybe if What do you th We're trying to save money, so. Yeah, if we're happy with the design there's no point in spending money, if we don't have to. But if there is anything you think we've missed out there, then, you know, feel free to add it. Maybe I mean obviously it would be bigger so there might be more space for the the slogan on the front, because it's not in an ideal place right now. Mm. I think it went quite smoothly. W I think we were very creative. Oh right, okay. Mm-hmm. Excellent leadership. Yeah, everyone got enough input, I think. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Well um. Mm. Yeah, maybe. Oh, you got a presentation, sorry. Yeah. Mm, love to eat that now. Kind of a green banana now. It's this as well, sorry, we forgot to mention it'll be made out of kind of a rubbery latex, new material that we've got. I've got. Yeah. Oh could you pass the tomato please. Sorry. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Sorry. Sorry, carry on. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um. Mm-hmm. Um I think Yeah, it did. It had all the basic buttons that they needed as well as the uh new technology that people said they wanted. Um so. Does it work? Yeah. So. I would say seven. Seven is good, yeah, isn't it? I can't True or false? No sorry tr one is true. Yeah. Okay, so one. Yep. Mm yellow. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Is that no is that not trends? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. But in electronics, I think, it's not q always quite so um you don't always have so many choices as with chocolates. I think, you know, if you're going to buy a T_V_ maybe a company'll have That you're going to choose from, a company'll have two or three choices, but they're different designs. We were coming up with one product. No, I mean uh obviously your opinion, I'm just trying to Okay. What are we doing? Adding them up? Oh. Okay. Okay, yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well um going on uh the specifications that we had, that fruit and vegetables are quite popular, and that people like something that is good to look at and not many buttons, I would give it um, well, because it's hard to make a fruit good to look at, that that looks cool, you know, so I would actually give it a three. Tha three or four, I'm not sure. Three. Go for three. That's fine. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um. Yeah, the company strategy, okay. Um there was lot of discussing, that was good. Um I feel I got my say. Um so I'd give the company strategy a two. Okay. Is it? Okay. Okay, so one or two. One. Okay, just leave it, it's fine. Mm. Yeah, one. Okay. Woo-hoo. Cool. Yeah.
Speaker B: Okay, almost there. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, there's good news? Oh. Oh. Cutbacks. Hmm. Okay. Oh. Um maybe we should bring so that the camera can see. Yeah. Okay. Mm. Oh yeah, yeah. This one is uh, I suppose for the younger audiences. A a more friendly type of Right, right. It's to uh induce more television watching I suppose or Yeah. Say it for the camera. Right, right. Yep. It won't stand. Just let it lie down, it wont stand. What's on the uh on the left? Okay. W why is the uh double curved two of them? Is i Mm. 'Cause that's the uh the biggest expense there, right. got two of them Okay. Well we can work around that um Cut things out. But you think it should be one. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, so we're We should fire the accountants. Fire the accountants. Ah yeah, we could add things. Maybe if you click back in that bottom right cell, where you're starting from, and then use the arrow keys. Does that work? No mm. Is it the other shift button maybe? Did you try both shift buttons? It could be the other side. That's too bad. Oh. Yeah I think we have a a winning product. Great leadership. Yeah, yeah. These pens are are neat though. Okay. Uh so let's talk about our bonuses and the raises we're getting for this, right. Right, right. Uh maybe we should start cleaning up the clay. Something we should get. Oh ok Uh. Anybody Clay covered banana. blue. It's fun to touch. Do we have the uh the marker for the board? There it is. No that's false. Uh. It's hard to know. I I give it a two. Okay. Um yeah, I think i it might even exceed it um. But I guess there is a kind of a shortage of buttons. Um I'm gonna give it a two. Two. What are we doing? We're gonna average them? Okay. So seven fourths. About one point f one point eight. Okay. Yeah round it up to two. So trends. Can you explain what you want us to write there? How it how conforms to the current trends? 'Kay. As far as the uh technology it its' got the latest trends in speech technology, but it's missing the screen, as we said, um but it does have the push-buttons, or the scroll-buttons, um but it doesn't have that fancy solar power or the the vibrating energy mechanism. So I give it a a four. I'd give it a kinda middle of the road for for technology. Yeah. Well it was yellow. Well, I think it's the the remote control conforms to the the company strategy. Is that the question? Um. Yeah. I'll go with two. So one and a half. A two. Yep. S Okay. Uh.
Speaker C: Okay. We'll sta I'll use the PowerPoint, I guess. How was that, was that fun? Okay. Uh oh I've forgotten to mail you the minutes, but I will do. Upsidaisy. Um Um we Yeah. Alright, okay, yeah. He's gonna get his pen. Um Will you guys first with your prototype um before we get to the good news? Uh we have budget problems. I'm afraid you're all sacked. Oops. I don't even have this on. Okay, have you got a presentation to make? No. Okay so it's just your your show. Three? Oh. Tomato? What tomato? I don't recall a tomato. Ah I see, okay. Mm-hmm. Logo. Okay, brilliant. Okay. Okay, so the buttons would be like, you know individual users, or Yeah. Alright, okay. Right. That's groovy. Well I like the feel of it, I like the feel of it. At Oh dear. Alright, okay. Okay, brilliant mm. Okay, nice and obvious there, if it's standing up, I guess, yeah. Oh right, okay, brilliant. Like that from its centre. Where you're, yeah, uh were you're holding it kind of Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, okay. Yeah, scale model, yeah. Mm-hmm. Alright, excellent. Okay. No. It's out of the way as well, I suppose, so. Excellent. Yep. Okay, so so Barney the banana. Ah excellent, just what we need. Lo Sort of Loch Ness banana. Cool yeah. Well, nice to have uh options at least. 'Kay and Oh there are issues, oh there are issues. Um main problem that we have unfortunately being finance. Uh, let's just enter in the um evaluation criteria. Um unfortunately the unit we are currently going to produce minus the extra scroll buttons, uh it's gonna cost us fourteen point six Euros. So we have to rea Sorry, I've accidentally highlighted somehow Um. There we go. Oh god, why is it doing that? There we go. So basically, um in order to save our two Euros um I was thinking that we could have essentially the same shape, but just have it flattened. Um. Yeah, I mean it's already got a kind of cool shape, so but it wouldn't have to be curved sort of in and out. And by doing so Oh no, hold on. Doesn't save us quite as much. I don't know what's going on with this again. Oh, good point. Um. That's sort of curve in and out. No, I think it means double curved as in um like uh a single curve on that bottom half, and the double curved would be if it was that similar curve upward. Okay, I might be wrong though. I don't think that counts as a curve, I think that's just a shape. A curvature is like the this case. Yeah, and why why I've got it two, I don't know, I can't seem to select any more however. Right. No. It's meant to be one, yeah, I don't know why I put two in there, but um Hold on till I find it, I think this shift button might be stuck again. No maybe the shift button's stuck in. Um okay, so that would take away three, which would give us Oh that's fine. Eleven uh eleven Euros sixty. Um We cou Oh not quite, have the scroll-wheel, unfortunately. What? Yeah. Yeah, I know, that just extends it as well. I don't know. It One of the buttons is sticking, I don't know. No, it's 'cause the uh the shift button's stuck, or something. No that's fine. Um we've worked out what it would be anyway. Yeah. Cancel. Piss off. Oh well, never mind. Um. Right, so that's finances and I dunno what we what could we reckon we could add? Um Well I suppose that's our that's that's our design that we've got. So Yeah. Yeah yeah. Well that's that's uh Okay, so project evaluation. We have under twelve Euros fifty. Project process, how do we think that went? Are we happy? Okay. Evaluation. Oh we've been writing this up for m months. Uh room for creativity, were we happy with that? No, I mea I think it means sort of individually. Yes, no, maybe? Okay. Groovy. So uh we're just gonna. Uh yeah, okay. Teamwork? Leadership, sorry. Thank you very much. You're all get you're all getting a raise. Uh teamwork. I thought went well. Yeah. Uh and well means, yeah. The technical stuff was brilliant. Let's buy more. Uh Right. Um I don't know what, new ideas found, means, to be honest. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Groovy. So just general thumbs up for all of us then. That kind of unfortunately is too quick. Uh. I suppose yeah. Um. That's it, um I think another couple of days holiday pay might be well in order for all of you. Uh Let's see if I can get this bloody thing to work. Whoops. Does it go back in, does it? Reusable. I don't know what this is but it's really really annoying. Uh-huh. Um I have, yes. Huh? Oh right, okay, you've got more, okay. Sorry uh. It didn't bother to tell me that on this thing. Is it? Okay. Doesn't tell me. Oh you're doing that. We evaluated ourselves, we thought we were great. Mm. O okay, hold on. I wonder w which cell do I want. Okay, I didn't realise you had that bit. Okay. Okay. Alright, okay. The board working again, is it? Uh. Yeah. When the user requirement is essentially just to operate the T_V_, so yeah, of course we haven't actually got a working model yet. One, yeah. No it's it's like true is one end, and false is the oth Oh, I'll go for a one. Basic requirements but of the pro of the project. Yeah th Come on that was the tha 'Kay. Being fruitist. He's a tough cookie. Six. Five or six. Oh I see. Yeah, I am sort of pret uh Just the fruit does me in, I mean uh it might it might be trendy to some, but I'm just not swallowing the fruit, so um Uh also uh I would have liked to have seen the L_C_D_ screen in it. Um so yeah I'd say about four as well. Yeah, yeah. Um yeah, a three. Pretty much kept to the company strategy, so I would go for a a one, as we not only kept it, but we were limited by Cool, groovy. Cool. Brilliant. In which case we are done. 'Cause we've evaluated and we are within budget. Champagne lunch anyone?
Speaker D: Hmm. E excuse me I forgot my copy. No, not mine yet. Yeah. Uh can I have Oh sorry s Mm-hmm. Mm. And double curve on both sides? Curve. Yeah, this is double-curve, no? This is double-curve. It This one is single curve. 'Cause this is single curve, this is curved on both sides. So double-curve. Like this, one curve on this side, one curve on that side. Hmm. Hmm. Maybe. Mm. Should Uh you can do one thing. You just select one box outsi yeah, this box. Then move it with the help of this Okay. Just uh just uh Okay, just a minute. Okay. No input, like this. Shift. No it's not. Yeah, it's not working. Should we ask Meli Should we ask our technical expert Melissa? Yeah. Yeah, we Yeah. Yeah, these are new ideas, like glow-in-the-dark or something like that. We discussed all the new ideas, but of course we couldn't reach any proper goals, we couldn't use these, but we h we are using these scroll buttons like this. These are new ideas we And new shapes, everything. At le Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. So So Uh Brian, have you have you finished? Uh mine needs also this. At last mine is also the presentation. Yeah, yeah. S Uh is the project evaluated, that is mine. Yeah. So. Yeah. So. So now is the final evaluation, final evaluation of the uh uh of our product. How we are going to means uh at what standard what standard whether it meets our standards or not. How mu What rating we will give to these products. So of course this is will be a team work, w we together have to decide wha what rating we will give to this product and everything. So what methodology I will tell you on what basis we are going to discuss all this. We will give the rating to this product based on the user requirements, whether it meets the user requirements or not, this product. Then trends, whether it is as fashion trends or not? Means because we have already stated that people do prefer fashionable things nowadays. So this is also an important factor for our evaluation also. Then marketing strategy of the company. As we have already discussed that our company is quite in the market, not only in terms of providing quality products, not only in pro providing latest technologies, but also in terms of providing environmental s Yeah. So but also in terms of providing environmental safe products, uh yeah like uh keeping uh keeping in mind all the safety issues. So Now comes the criteria rating with seven point scale. I'm having this scale this scale, so we have to do it on a board. the user requirem I think. Thank you. So. So these are the three crite criterias for our evaluation of our product. First of all uh comes user requirement. So we will see whether this product meets all user requirements or not. I I will first I would like to have your views, what do you think whether it meets all user requirements or not? S So what do you think you will personally give. Seven. Uh. Uh one is means highest ranking, okay. But I think highest ranking is seven, or one? Okay, right right. So it's one for from your point of view. And what do you say our Industrial Expert? Uh d you can you can tell on on the like I think she has given her views on the basis of design, because she was our i Interface Expert. But you can give your views based on technology, whether the technology meets the requirements of the customers or not? Two. And what about uh you, Brian? You will go for one. Okay. Uh for me personally it is everything fine, it may be having good design, it may be uh meeting all the requirements of the customers like technology-wise, price-wise, but there is one thing which limits the customers, like we are having only two, three designs, like we are having one banana design and the other one is orange, and Uh yeah, lower end. And the third one is what you ge uh that is not a f fruit look. But if a person doesn't like banana, or orange, you are limiting him. No, don't buy our product, because we are l we like this only. So we are showing our preference for particular fruits, two or three kinds rather, and Yeah. So. Uh no, uh personally as a Marketing Expert I don't believe that, because whatever companies they launch their products in the shape of fruits, they give a range of products, a range of shapes, like if we see, look at the smallest thing, toffee chocolates, they give a variety of different things. Some children like to buy banana shape, some apple shape, some even pineapple shape, some orange shape. So you can what shape a person will like. So in this case giving only one or two choices we are lim limiting our customers. And by limiting them, we are limiting our sales, limiting our profit also. Uh maybe. Okay but I will I will personally won't give it beyond three. So we can Yeah, on an average we can think three, four sevenths, maybe. Three or four? Uh, no sorry, it should be No sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, we are doing a very wrong thing. Yeah, yeah, we are taking everything, and that's I have taken it very wrongly. Yeah uh three four four two six seven seven sev Yeah one pe exactly. So we can say one or two. because it is one point eight uh two, so we will do two. Yeah. So where were the trends. Sorry? Yeah, again the the fashion trends, this also like whether it it will be fashionable to have these products in the uh as a fruit shape or something. Uh. Okay. Yeah. Uh Okay. Uh personally I wi uh I think that in terms of trends, these products are quite good, like, these products are in fruit shape, because that wha people now our fashion trend shows that people like everything all f everything that is being advertised, like clothes, shoes, and everything is being advertised in the form of fruits and vegetables, or getting them or showing some association with them. So and in this way our product is good. And the second thing, now people don't want any complicated or bulky products and ours is quite simple and quite handy. So that is also ef that also Our product meets the f the fashion uh trends of the market. And yes. It is cus spongy also. So they can play with it, it's quite good. So then I think, maybe I can give it two. So four five ten thirteen thirteen. So we can Is it fine? So what about company strategy? Okay. So what about you, Brian? Yeah, and me also, like, this product me uh me uh me uh this meets all company strategy like our product should be as per customers' requirement, as per latest technology, and it should be environmental safe. So since our product meets all these requirements, so I would also prefer to give it rank one. So four six six half. So we can say two or one Okay. So th seven seven. Uh overall we are getting two something, but we can round it as two. Yeah. So I think overall uh evaluation of our product is quite good. So we can launch it. Yeah. So yeah. Great. | Uh oh I've forgotten to mail you the minutes , but I will do . Um Will you guys first with your prototype um before we get to the good news ? Okay , have you got a presentation to make ? No , not mine yet . We made three for you . Um one's based on the banana , one's based on the tomato so this is the um non to non uh no buttons one , or as mm few buttons as possible , mainly speak recognition . If you do need buttons , you can flip it over , and there's some there , Well I like the feel of it , I like the feel of it . but that's the that yellow stand there represents the the charging stand . Um the black on the back is the slogan . but also we're gonna have the company name on the front , which is the little black kind of line in the middle . These are the s two scroll ones which we thought could be channel up and down and volume up and down . it does actually feel quite ergonomic , It would have to be a bit bigger . Um , obviously I don't think that's real sized . Um that's a speaker at the top , Oh that's the charging base prongs at the bottom . And um then the big red button in the middle is the on and off one . and and um we have the banana-based one too . This one is uh , I suppose for the younger audiences . Well , nice to have uh options at least . So are there any um improvements or issues or Um main problem that we have unfortunately being finance . Uh , let's just enter in the um evaluation criteria . the unit we are currently going to produce minus the extra scroll buttons , uh it's gonna cost us fourteen point six Euros . So basically , um in order to save our two Euros um I was thinking that we could have essentially the same shape , but just have it flattened . Doesn't save us quite as much . W why is the uh double curved two of them ? Oh , good point . I think it means double curved as in um like uh a single curve on that bottom half , and the double curved would be if it was that similar curve upward . and why why I've got it two , I don't know , But you think it should be one . Um okay , so that would take away three , which would give us Eleven uh eleven Euros sixty . So we could even add something . Ah yeah , we could add things . Yeah , if we're happy with the design there's no point in spending money , if we don't have to . Project process , how do we think that went ? Yeah I think we have a a winning product . Uh room for creativity , were we happy with that ? W I think we were very creative . Leadership , Great leadership . Uh teamwork . I thought went well . Yeah , everyone got enough input , I think . These pens are are neat though . Yeah , these are new ideas , like glow-in-the-dark or something like that . So just general thumbs up for all of us then . Uh Brian , have you have you finished ? At last mine is also the presentation . Oh , you got a presentation , we forgot to mention it'll be made out of kind of a rubbery latex , new material that we've got . So now is the final evaluation , final evaluation of the uh uh of our product . whether it meets our standards or not . w we together have to decide wha what rating we will give to this product and everything . We will give the rating to this product based on the user requirements , whether it meets the user requirements or not , this product . Then trends , whether it is as fashion trends or not ? Then marketing strategy of the company . Now comes the criteria rating with seven point scale . what do you think whether it meets all user requirements or not ? It had all the basic buttons that they needed as well as the uh new technology that people said they wanted . Seven is good , yeah , isn't it ? True or false ? Uh one is means highest ranking , So it's one for from your point of view . I'm gonna give it a two . Oh , I'll go for a one . Uh for me personally it is everything fine , but there is one thing which limits the customers , like we are having only two , three designs , But if a person doesn't like banana , or orange , you are limiting him . So we are showing our preference for particular fruits , Is that no is that not trends ? because whatever companies they launch their products in the shape of fruits , they give a range of products , a range of shapes , But in electronics , I think , it's not q always quite so um you don't always have so many choices as with chocolates . we are doing a very wrong thing . We're gonna average them ? About one point f one point eight . I have taken it very wrongly . Well um going on uh the specifications that we had , that fruit and vegetables are quite popular , and that people like something that is good to look at and not many buttons , I would give it um , so I would actually give it a three . 'Kay . As far as the uh technology it its' got the latest trends in speech technology , um but it doesn't have that fancy solar power or the the vibrating energy mechanism . it might be trendy to some , but I'm just not swallowing the fruit , well , because it's hard to make a fruit good to look at , that that looks cool , you know , It is cus spongy also . Uh personally I wi uh I think that in terms of trends , these products are quite good , So what about company strategy ? Well , I think it's the the remote control conforms to the the company strategy . Pretty much kept to the company strategy , so I would go for a a one , as we not only kept it , but we were limited by Uh overall we are getting two something , So we can launch it . Yeah . 'Cause we've evaluated and we are within budget . |
49 | Speaker A: 'Kay, hello everybody. Uh, I guess you all know what is it about, you all received the email, I guess. Uh, we are actually doing this meeting to start a new project which is about designing a remote control. So I'm going to be the project manager of this uh project. And uh so I'm present myself. I'm Fabien Cardinaux and uh I I guess you can present yourself. So I dunno, you can starts. Okay. And you are? In the project? So, uh, so today we are doing a short meeting to present the project, so um We are gooding we are going to present the tool we are we are going to use during all this project. We are talking about the project plan, and we are going to to discuss about st our first ideas and so on, and, yeah. So we have around twenty five minutes to do this meeting. Um. So what is the goal of this project? Is to design a new remote control. So it should be, of course, new and original, and um it should be trendy, and user friendly. That mean it's a very challenging project, and uh uh. So w it's we will try to do our best, and hopefully come with something very new and that people want to buy. So, um So what's uh what are we going to do during this all this project? So it's more like we are going to do inv individual work all in o in o our specialities and we are going to meet each other quite often to discuss and to find a good way. Um. Yeah and everything is will be like this. Um so now we are going to to get used t to to the tools we are going to use all during all this project. So we can try to use uh the whiteboard here. So uh. For example we can try to write what is our our favourite animal and write the f our favourite characteristics about it. Mm. Uh. So uh So I will ask you all to do the same. Just to get used to the whiteboard. Yeah, yeah, you can draw the picture, of course. Oh. Never mind. Yeah., no worry. You can draw it, if you want. Good. So good um So, let's talk about money. Uh we are going to to sell we want to sell uh this remote control for twenty five Euro Euro. And uh our expected profit will be around fifty million Euro. And uh we are trying to to have a market all around the world. So n not only for Switzerland, but for the world. Uh. So, um. The We expect a production cost of maximum uh twelve point fifty Euro. Yeah, of course. Um, so we can start today to have a first idea of what we want to do what are our experiments with remote control, and any idea? So, if you have some experience, good or bad, with remote controls you can share it and say what you f what is your idea. Anything. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Are you not afraid that if you take your remote control you can move the slide and it could the the volume can go up very quickly and it can Yeah, also if y when you take the the remote control, for example on the table, you take it and you push the button and everything is very loud, and you have a heart attack. Okay. Yeah so you can Do you have something? Yeah, that's true. Yeah without obstacles and. Okay. Let's continue. I have a meeting in five minutes, so maybe we should hurry. Um. So we will close uh this meeting. So we will have a next meeting in uh thirty minutes. Um. Uh. The So I will ask you to do some work. Uh the the interface interface developer will work on the on the design of the remote control, start to to have new idea and read about Yeah. Oh. Industry and Oh. Yeah. So, um For the User Interface Designer, which is Hamed um, uh, you are going to work on the technical functions of the remote control. And for the Marketing uh Manager, I dunno, okay, which is Bob, uh you are going to try to to find the user requirements f uh for the remote control. Um, you will receive by email uh the specific instructions and uh by your personal coach. Yep finished. So I see you in thirty minutes. Thank you.
Speaker B: Now what. Okay, so my name is Petre. You can call me Petre, or Peter if you like. I don't care. Uh, in the project I'm supposed to be the technic. Bob, okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. So probably I would try to try to draw the animal. Well sh should I draw the picture of the animal? I I th I think I should. Okay, so. Um. Okay, American, um. Um. I would use the bird. So I tried to sketch it out. I had to first uh write it down because I am not absolutely sure if I can draw it, but ah. Can you recognise it as a bird? Okay it's your turn to Oh it's okay. Yeah. I should get used to the tool, so. Oh just wait a little bit. C could we put it here, to make it as straight as possible? Ah probably not. Okay, it it works like this. Are you left-handed? Oh, pity. Ah, it's maybe better if you leave it. You won't draw them, or? Just try. I would like to see how it looks like. No, I think it's clear. It's okay. It's in it's indeed beautiful. Okay. Bob. Have to remember it. Bob. Per unit, I guess. Y oh okay. Okay. Oh. Okay, I have also some points uh. Maybe two points. Uh first would be that in current remote controls there is no back light, so if you are if you are uh playing with this in the dark room it's it's probably worth to to have something like uh back light. And maybe it could be also dependant on the the amount of of light in the room, so that if if it's in the day it doesn't need to be back lighted because it works on the battery, so. So something like this. And the second thing, f second point from me would be that in a normal remote control there is uh there are two buttons for volume control. But I prefer like a potential-meter or something like. You know, some slider or Not just two discrete buttons for volume, but something which Yeah, but I can reach In uh one second I can mute it down, or or make a high volume. Ah, n. If it drops to the floor then it starts to scream. Yeah, f It depends what what you feel about that. Yeah but we can we can think of these things afterwards, but if you have some more notes on that. Okay. Um. Okay, just a second. Which i which is Hamed,? Okay. Uh I am the Technical Designer, I dunno which one, uh v. User Interf Okay. Okay, so I'm the first one. I see. Sign. Okay. Uh.
Speaker C: Uh my name's Bob Mor. Oh, sorry. 'Kay. So my name's Bob Morris. I'm the Marketing Expert for this project. Bob yeah. Yeah go ahead. Okay, okay. So I think my favourite animal would be a c a cat. That's its head. Um I probably like cats the most because they're cuddly and furry and uh playful. Okay. Thanks. Maybe put it up Put it a Maybe put it on the desk or something. Uh, that's better. Your lapel microphone's fallen off. Yeah. Yeah. Maybe we should just continue. Yeah, don't worry about it. No. Oh that's good, it's good. Yeah, and strong. Well, from experience, um I've had remote controls in the past that have had very they've had lots and lots of buttons and they've been very small, and it's been very hard to to to use, because there's so many buttons, and you know it's very hard to see which buttons do what, and the buttons are very small and very hard to press. Um and and normally you only every use, you know, on a T_V_ remote you only ever use, mostly, you know, f four or f six buttons. Um. So it's frustrated me in the past, th that. Ah, okay. Okay. Okay, n Is that because the of the discrete volume levels, or is that Yeah. Yeah. Okay. He's the Industrial Designer? No, you're the Industrial Designer. Yeah, I think that's the first. I_D_. Industrial Designer. And the second one is the User Interface Designer. And then last one's marketing, which is me. Great, okay. Thanks guys. Bye.
Speaker D: My name is Hamed Getabdar, and uh I'm going to be Interface Designer in this project. I dunno if I should go with this. If it is enough line. I'm sorry. Okay. They should be remote. Okay, thanks. No. Okay. Should I clean? Okay, I think like horses uh because they are strong and beautiful, so if I want to write it here, I think I can. Oh. Okay. I dunno if I can. Okay. It may be like a cow or I dunno, whatever. I'm not good very good in drawing. Okay, so this is very It's a bird, I think. I dunno what is it. Four. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. I'm shameful Yeah. Okay. Mm-hmm. Uh I Yeah, just a simple experience. I uh I prefer um remote control working with radio waves, because remote control working with infra-red rays you should you should you should keep it in a specific direction and then try it hard to tune. Mm. Yeah. Uh-huh. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay, thanks. Bye. | Uh , we are actually doing this meeting to start a new project which is about designing a remote control . I'm Fabien Cardinaux and uh I I guess you can present yourself . so my name is Petre . Uh , in the project I'm supposed to be the technic . 'Kay . So my name's Bob Morris . I'm the Marketing Expert for this project . My name is Hamed Getabdar , and uh I'm going to be Interface Designer in this project . We are talking about the project plan , Um . So what is the goal of this project ? Is to design a new remote control . So it's more like we are going to do inv individual work all in o in o our specialities and we are going to meet each other quite often to discuss and to find a good way . Um so now we are going to to get used t to to the tools we are going to use all during all this project . For example we can try to write what is our our favourite animal and write the f our favourite characteristics about it . So I will ask you all to do the same . Well sh should I draw the picture of the animal ? Yeah , yeah , you can draw the picture , of course . Uh we are going to to sell we want to sell uh this remote control for twenty five Euro Euro . And uh our expected profit will be around fifty million Euro . And uh we are trying to to have a market all around the world . We expect a production cost of maximum uh twelve point fifty Euro . Um , so we can start today to have a first idea of what we want to do what are our experiments with remote control , and any idea ? Well , from experience , um I've had remote controls in the past that have had very they've had lots and lots of buttons and they've been very small , and it's been very hard to to to use , because there's so many buttons , you know , on a T_V_ remote you only ever use , mostly , you know , f four or f six buttons . Um . Uh first would be that in current remote controls there is no back light , so if you are if you are uh playing with this in the dark room it's it's probably worth to to have something like uh back light . And the second thing , f second point from me would be that in a normal remote control there is uh there are two buttons for volume control . But I prefer like a potential-meter or something like . Are you not afraid that if you take your remote control you can move the slide and it could the the volume can go up very quickly Yeah but we can we can think of these things afterwards , I uh I prefer um remote control working with radio waves , because remote control working with infra-red rays you should you should you should keep it in a specific direction and then try it hard to tune . So we will have a next meeting in uh thirty minutes . Uh the the interface interface developer will work on the on the design of the remote control , you are going to try to to find the user requirements f uh for the remote control . |
67 | Speaker A: Okay um, welcome to our detailed design meeting. I'm pretty excited. Let's start it's approximately fifteen forty or something like that. Okay um the agenda we're gonna do an opening and then um I'll talk about the minutes from the last meeting, what we d discussed um, then we'll have the prototype presentation and a look at the evaluation criteria. We'll look at the finances and finally a do a production evaluation and close. So, starting off with the um last the last one, oh I don't have it here um, but we talked about energy, we're gonna use a kinetic battery um, we want to use a simple chip, because we're not gonna need a a shuffle um, we're gonna need a scroll um, we're choosing a latex case w in fruity colours that's curved and um we're using push buttons uh with a supplement of an on-screen menu. And it sounded like we had set um like eight or nine buttons, including five pre-set channels. Okay? Let's do the look and feel design presentation first. like a little lightning in it. The little lightning bolt in it, very cute. The v the rhombus rhombus? Um on, off? Okay. Yeah we turn it off. Mm-hmm. Okay. Uh-huh. Very interesting. I think that one's my favourite. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Now that was one thing that we brought up over email. I don't know if you picked up your email, but um the f the um feature that we considered for it not getting lost. Mm-hmm. It's really Would it be very difficult to um just have an external device that like I dunno, you tape to your to your T_V_ um that when you press it you ha a little light beep goes off? Do you think that would be conceptually possible? Mm-hmm. Mm. That's true, mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Okay, that's a fair evaluation. Getting lost. Um we so we do we've decided not to worry about that for now. Okay 'cause well, the designs are very bright, so you're right, they're gonna stick out, but um Mm-hmm. Could we maybe have like an extra button on the top for on off? So then w we wouldn't have to have like a dual function? Sure. Um uh why don't we do a product evaluation using your criteria, if you've developed some? Oh okay. Okay. Okay. Do you need this or just write on the white board? Okay. It's kind of like uh like a joystick kind of thing, you know, kinda push it. 'Kay. Maybe a little smaller than that. Oh it does, it's kind of like There it could have a stem like that, 'cause I do l kind of like the stem. Yeah. It almost helps you ge keep a grip too, 'cause it goes in between fingers. I like this one. Variety of colours are nice. I think I'm leaning towards the potato. Mm-hmm. I am worried about like um using a menu. Um in that like i withing menus there are submenus, and so how do you get back to the main menu? But that has a menu button separate from a select button, whereas if this one's both the menu and the select button? Okay. Could these be used for going to submenus or Okay. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well, as long as we have that in mind as we're designing it still, mm 'kay. I think so. I I kind of think it's it's unique enough that I'd give it a one or a two. Okay. I will give it a one. Um functional. I think it'll get everything done, I think it might be a little confusing at first, um, I don't know if that's gonna be a later one. Okay, then I'm gonna give it a two. Did you give a functional? Okay. Well, the kinetic battery. But they'll notice it after like a year, they'll be like hey, I have never changed the battery. Mm. Just the material. Think I'm gonna go with the four as well. I really like that kinetic battery though. Mm 'kay. Uh let's say two. Give it a one. Mm. 'Cause there would be less impact maybe,. That's right, yeah, corporate colour, we didn't keep that in um well if we I know it would make it a little less c a little more confusing, but if we had all the buttons in black, and a design in and the outside in yellow, that'd be our corporate one and we could also have alternative colours, one a more conservative one, one that's more fruity. Um and can we have like an R_R_ inscribed on the bottom or something? Okay. Fruity, so fruity. I think i it's kind of mangoey too. Yes. Mm. One. Mm-hmm. Yes. It's gonna be hard. And if it's repetitive movement it is gonna be only four buttons that you're constantly pushing, but um I like how it fits in the hand though so I I'd go with a two. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. I think I'd give it a four too. It's a pretty high learning curve, it'll be easy once you've done it, but We we I think we can kind of say we addressed it with colour, but Mm-hmm. Mm I'd give it a four. Small too. Three. It's totally fashionable. I'd give it a one. Mango. I do like uh the little Martian one. One. Mm-hmm. I think as long if we offer in a in at least three different colour arrangements. Um yeah, that's good. So I'll give it a a two. Well um we didn't we didn't address the fact that it does need to b have a corporate logo, so let's let's make sure we keep that in mind that we ha that one of our colours concepts is corporate and has an R_R_ on it. All of them should have R_R_, yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Lovely. Okay, now we're gonna look at finances. Um I have an Excel sheet that we're actually gonna calculate the cost um, so let me exit out of this first. Okay um I know. Let me one more space. Gonna zoom in real quick. Okay. Hand dynamo. We're using kinetic battery, right? Um and we're having one per One, okay. Um electronics. Simple. Mm 'kay. Um the case. It's very curvy, so okay. The wood? I mean the rubber. Mm-hmm, okay. Yeah, we're using we're gonna need at least two special colours. Um. I dunno where it yeah. So let's y say three. Yeah, I dunno. That I thi I thought that would be under yours. We'll just say three. Mm-hmm. Maybe the R_R_ will be in colour as well, so yeah. Interface, we're doing push buttons. And how many buttons do we have? Six. Anything else? Oh, buttons oh, so um. So the case material will just have one colour, right, but then the buttons will be in special colours? We're saying per unit. Okay, so each unit will only have one colour on their but the case is could have up to thr I mean the buttons could ea could be up to three colours, 'cause that how it's designed there. So Special form? They're all kind of just push button, right? Special material? Uh. Oh do I have to do it per button, do I? Okay. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Thirteen point seven. Yeah, what can we reduce? Let's see what that would do. It's only gonna bring us down to thirteen point three anyway. Okay um, are we sure this is double-curved? Maybe it's single-curved, we have no idea. Well it's not the yeah. Okay, it's the kinetic battery that's kind of expensive, but we have a simple chip, single curve, case material is rubber and it's a special colour, but that's important. Six buttons we have to have six buttons. What? No, okay, maybe not. I don't know what just happened. Now it's twelve. Twelve point five. So we're okay, I think. Yeah. Okay, we're all set. Um save. I saved that to our um our big shared folder, so you know. Um okay, back to agenda. Um are the are the costs under twelve fifty Euro? Yes. Let's move on to the project evaluation. Project process. Satisfaction with for example the room for creativity, leadership, teamwork, the means, any new ideas found. So I guess what we're gonna talk about here is just evaluating how we created this project, the information we got on the news, how we used it, if we were able to um, you know, use our creativity with the information, um how how well I guess I led it, um the how well we worked together as a team, um the digital pens, the whiteboard. Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. I think we all made um very significant contributions, I don't think anybody dominated it, which I thought was really good, like each of us was able to um like each of you had your information and I uh I tried to facilitate it without like taking over, um I like our little finished products. Really cute. I know, let's think of it like a little jingle. Um.. Okay um new ideas found? Definitely. Or or at least be c p creative enough to think of toggle switches mm etcetera. Oh, I'm so excited. Mm-hmm. I thi yeah, that's awesome. Um okay, closing. Are the costs within the budget? Is the project evaluated? Now there's the final questionnaire and meeting summary. Um so, this is the great product kids, I think we've created something really interesting and that we have a market for it, um especially if we can produce it at twelve point three which we hope um yeah. Make sure in your questionnaire to put down criticisms of both the process and the um the final results and. I do like the Martian remote. If we could choose more than one, that would be my second choice. Although the tog toggle I'm afraid I would It's cool. I think I would break it. Oh yeah, it's kind of a penguin. Mm-mm. Mm 'kay, congratulations. Um. Anything else to say? Alright. Um anybody have I got more master classes, anybody else wanna like take a master's class? Yeah, but check it out. So like there are all these like links, they don't go anywhere. But all that you need to keep in mind your knowledge management. Um just wanna make sure you do. Oh It is. Yes definitely I'm very sad that I didn't get any links to the corporate website.. Wow. Yes. I love Excel, it's one of my favourite programs. I see, mm. Spongy. I I thought it was a little tricky having to hand around this thing. We had a lot of the um otherwise the technology today was kinda cool. Mm-hmm. No. Although I don't see how we could have very l at least for me I Mm. Mm-hmm. And with and with the PowerPoint that we can all look at, like you can do all those things pretty much on PowerPoint as that's not as necessary to have. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Now when you were um creating your um prototypes here, did you work together or did you like do separate projects? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Cool. Oh thanks. It's kinda fun. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. This is what we'll do. I found that we did we could have used another five or ten minutes sometimes in the meetings. Mm-hmm. Yeah I think the last time we had a lot of information, but at the same time not quite enough, you know what I mean, like we we couldn't answer every single question. Um but Mm. It was interesting what came out like later, like as I was doing the when I was doing the breakdown on the agenda that they gave me um, that more points came out from your presentation even. Um. I'm a little I am a little disappointed that we didn't do a um something for losing the remote, because that was kind of a big point. About yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Considered the re yeah. Well it's interesting that they Mm-hmm, yeah. It was interesting though that they put that fifty percent of people say they have frustration with losing their remote and yet they didn't provide us with information to um we weren't provided with information to discuss that. I know that like people people have like things they can put on their keys that you press it and it'll beep, but I but I'm sure that would require some kind of technology that I just don't know what it is, but Mm. Hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. It d yeah, it depends on how organised you are personally, but Mm-hmm. Oh. Can't get in. Yep. We should make one that walks by itself. Or or like some crazy like electro-magnet, that you push it and it'll go zoom to the T_V_ and stick there. Well, but if you could attach them to the T_V_, then you can. Mm. Okay. Sorry, I'm just um trying to update my minutes. I decided to you know how I sent you the email saying that PowerPoint minutes will be complimentary, rather than like repeating them. Just gonna make I'm making full minutes, so that it'll include all of the agenda and all that. 'Cause that seems a little more useful. But I didn't have like information to sloth through either, so Most of it, mm-hmm. I added slides, um I added a couple slides each time, but that was about it. Mm. Well, the thing was they would provide y an agenda with s like several points, but it wouldn't have a slide for each point. And that's the only way I remember that I need to go other that point. I know personally when I do PowerPoint, that's what I do and so I had it once, even if it was just like the title of it, like the three presentations, and I would do your three. The slogan on it? No no no. I think we just need the um the R_R_, yeah. Yeah, I was just kinda going by the web page, 'cause they didn't give me any clear, like yellow, grey, or. I don't really like yellow in general. But it Wasn't it interesting that um I thought it was interesting that our market marketing um expert did not agree with the marketing um the marketing choices, you know, like that was a bit of a conflict. People are stupid. Maybe, like I don't know. That could always be. Oh. I'm claiming it intellectual property.
Speaker B: I could Could the middle button of the on-screen menu function as a power button? If you like held it down, that would be on off. Sorry, what's the yellow one in the middle, I forgot. But if it's like under covers or like in a couch you still can't see it. I feel like this is simil or it's sort of what already exists so if we're trying to think of something sort of like new and fun, even though this is like what you're init I'm initially drawn to, just 'cause it's like comfortable and like not different. I sort of like this one, like I I don't know why, it just it's like small but still sort of like cute looking, I dunno. But I also like the b the side buttons on that one, like I think that's kind of neat. But I dunno how much any of this has to do with the fashionable, sort of cool looking thing that we also need to focus on. Ah, there we go. Well do we w like I think we're supposed to have one that we do it for. That was I was a little vague on what exactly I'm supposed to do, but let me I have to like write something on the whiteboard, so. No, I actually don't have like a PowerPointy thing, 'cause I think it would be redundant. I dunno. Okay, so which one are we sort of roughly looking at to address whether or not it meets our s um necessities, the yellowy one is that Okay, well we can obviously change it after we go through each different one. So basically what we need to do is some of the things that we've talked about before we need to make sure that that remote actually does conform to the things that we said it was going to. So what we sort of wanna do is that we each need to separately rank each of the following things and then I'll tabulate an average just to make sure that it does meet that. So we'll just go through them one at a time and we'll just go around and each of you can tell me on a scale of one to seven with one being really extremely true and seven being not true at all, or false, if the remote that we've created conforms to the following criteria. So we can do this one first. First we wanna know if it meets the fancy look and feel um objective. So like in my opinion the for now at least, the yellow one is probably somewhere in the middle so I'm gonna say it's like a three. That's just my opinion. What does each of you Okay, well give it a number, sorry. Okay. And two, awesome. Alright, and same sort of scale for functionality, is it functional? I think it's extremely functional, I'm gonna give it a one. One? Okay. Okay. Well there's some other ones, I will address that, yeah. Awesome, okay. Um we wanna know next if it's technologically innovative. Yeah, she said it was one. Um is it technologically innovative? Mm. Not really, I mean not so much, 'cause we we don't have the L_C_D_ screen, we don't have fancy chip. Other than what it looks like, I dunno if it's really I kinetic battery is a big one, so. Mm. But it but we know it's there. And if it's made of like latex, that whole idea, that's pretty cool. I'll give it a three. 'Cause it we could've picked a lot of features that would've made it really Alright. Everyone else? Mm 'kay. Next, is it easy to use? Just so you know, easy to learn will be separate, so don't overlap them. I think it's really easy to use. I'll give it a two. Alright. Um we next wanna see if it has a spongy quality and if indeed it's made of latex or rubber I it's spongy all the way. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Iain, what do you give it? Alright and the next is, does it integrate some notion of fruits and vegetables? Well, is it gonna be yellow? Yeah, but if you had like a silvery kind of white or something. Oh, yeah. Alright, so I think it it's Yeah. Yeah. I okay, I'm giving it a one the mango put me over. What are what's everyone's numbers? Alright um, and does the design match the appropriate behaviour? Remember earlier we discussed that people don't use a lot of buttons, that they use the channel flipping and the volume the most. I think we really took that into account a lot, so I'm gonna give it a one. Did you say one, Rose? Okay um, also we talked earlier about R_S_I_ and wanting to prevent um any sort of like Carpal Tunnely kind of thing. Do we think that the latex sort of grip appropriately takes that into account? I think I'll give it a two, 'cause I almost feel like no matter what you do, something is gonna happen. Um um worth the risk, I think. 'Kay. Alright, awesome. And the ease of learning it. I know you were saying that you're a little bit nervous about that, I dunno. It sort of reminds me of the iPod. I just got mine, I still haven't read the instruction book and I'm doing okay, so and I'm not good at learning technology. So I'll give it a two. Mm-hmm. Okay. Mm-hmm. Alright, um also earlier we had something about losing it and so now we're not addressing that at all, so Okay, so in terms of not losing it, do you think that on a scale of one to seven, how easy or hard is it to lose? I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a four, 'cause I think that you can still if it's in between somewhere where you can't see it, you're kind of not gonna find it, but anywhere else it's gonna stand out. Alright, we also said simplicity, how w how well does it address just being simple? I think overall, 'cause we had said before our two main things were simplicity and fashion, so those are the next two things we're gonna look at. Separate from fancy, like that sort of thing. Um it like wants to be simple but it's not like totally totally simple, so I'm gonna give it a two. Alright, and fashionable? It's hot, I mean it's a mango, come on. I mean how fashionable can you make a remote? I think it's bringing technology and fashion together real really well. Yeah, the toggle on off switch, it's really appealing. Number. And does it meet our like demographic need sort of for international appeal, that whole thing? Just that it would se serve our audience. I don't see why not. Mm-hmm. Alright, did anyone have any other features that they think were important that we didn't talk about? And so we're gonna do that, so it will address it, fine. Okay. That's me. Whoa. Simple. Yeah. Well don't we need plastic, and Provided, okay. It was rubber and special colour, right? Do we have more than one special colour? Per Well, but we know that we're having at least three colours, so Right. We have six. Oh no, five. Oh wait. Yeah. Yeah, per unit. Yeah. I like it like that. Yeah, 'cause it wouldn't make sense otherwise, 'cause for the whole mat case material it's only one. It's I mean it's two to make it rubber. Oh wait, so maybe. Mm, I kind of like the buttons. It's single curved. We Yeah, they are. Yeah, I mean if I'd had more market research on the fruits and vegetables, maybe we could've taken that into account. I know, I really did, the the whole mango idea was great. No, I mean I thought the pen was a little distracting for me personally, like its heaviness, and like just being so conscious of like turning the pages, I dunno. That was a bit of a distraction. That was the last one, like I chose not to do a PowerPoint 'cause I didn't think it made sense to, so I liked that I had the option to do that and just to take my own notes and that whole sort of thing. They're funny. I kind of want one. I'm trying to think of a good pun that I could add there. I like the R_R_, that's gonna be etched in. Yeah, I didn't even know they existed. Yeah, Real Reaction. Oh, that would definitely be my second choice. I would break it. I would break it. Oh that's funny. Kind of looks like a penguin, like with no eye. I like that it stands up. Oh, sad. Nothing will come up until after our meeting's supposed to be over, its all timed. Oh. No the first one that you sent like I didn't realise that it was a joke and I was like why did she send this to us? It's very it's very work relevant, 'cause people send spam a lot. Oh here you can you can view. You can just see what's up. Yeah it's it's really deep. Hold on. Takes a little while to get excited to load. That the Excel thing is pretty cool. Here, like, basically it's like inspiration, basically I'm gonna give you two sentences on fashion and that kind of thing, see. You didn't miss out that much. Oh wow. This one was cooler. I got a whole table and everything. That's like mine it was like, would you prefer an L_C_D_ screen or a multifunction remote control? And then it didn't have like any kind of table, like awesome, I'm glad they asked that question and didn't report the result. Yeah. 'Cause we weren't like voting on anything and I think usually, like whiteboards are good, you know like crossing out ideas, or like if we had had like a brainstorming period. But I thought we were good orally. Get crazy. And these might've made us more willing to like take notes than to like write up them here, 'cause we all needed them separately, kind of on the whiteboards in this room. Yeah. Sorry. Well the problem was, even when we just were creating from the Excel file, there wasn't like a option to select to somehow have it included, so there was no we could be like yeah, it has it included. There was no way for us to have written down that it was really there. Yeah. That's like saying you're never gonna lose your keys, and I always do, anyway. You'll lose 'em in your pocket, like you just will forget that or you like put it down somewhere that like made sense and then not remember, there's always ways to lose things. That's funny. That's funny. I always do that, leaving it in my coat, and then like using a different coat. Yeah. Can't really take it into the other room. Oh man. Here you go. That really could get up and walk away. You have you have to have the slogan on it or can it just be like Okay good. 'Cause I was like, it could go around the outside. Is it yellow and blue? Oh I guess it is black, grey. Grey is better than black, doesn't look so bumblebeeish. Hey now I understand the random like newsclippings. Yes. I will I just feel like if you're really doing like a a really big market evaluation, you wouldn't just have like one set of source, it's kind of an they were so not backed up, it would just be a sentence like we did a survey, this is what people said. S mm, I dunno. Well we got some grey and we got some blue buttons, we're good. If they ever come out with potato I'm gonna have to Yeah. I know.
Speaker C: Right, well we made three different prototypes and I guess we'll start with with this one. Um we have our colours not are not fixed, but this is the general shape. Um it's you hold it sort of either like like this in your left hand or you switch it over and uh it's easily adaptable to either hand. You can push the buttons with your thumb like a mobile phone, or you can push them with your index finger of your other hand, or even I mean there's a whole variety, you can hold it like this and press it with your same index finger. Uh we have the on off button at the tip, very visible, very big. We have our up and down buttons, which are also gonna be our channel selectors, and we have our little menu button here. If you push if you're just pushing these normally, they're the menu buttons, if uh the volume buttons rather. If you press select once, they become channel changing buttons. If we press select three times, the menu with the other features and pro possibly also with your T_V_ channel choices shows up, and you have your five presets down here. Um if people wanna grab hold of that, see how it feels in your hand. That's our number one prototype. Um do you wanna present the potato, or shall I present the Martian? That's the rhombus, yep. If you pressed and held it maybe. Yeah. On off, that's a possibility, yeah. And then finally we have um the Martian or the pear, either way. Um it's a bit different, just a little bit more of a creative feel. Uh you have the on off toggle stem on the top. We have the five preset seeds. And then you have on the sides to make it a little bit more three-dimensional, you have your channel changing, volume changing buttons and your menu button right here in the middle. So, that's for your consideration as well, plus it's an interesting talking point to have standing up. We figured it could stand up like this on your table, if you wanted it to, if I made the bot the bottom flat. Uh the menu select button. We were we were thinking that normally we'd go for fruity colours, but maybe we're also thinking that your sort of middle aged man, for an example customer, might not want a fruity coloured remote, so m maybe we'd have one version that's a bit toned down, maybe with with less contrasts on it. Yeah, something still a little bright to make it hard to lose, but yeah. Right. Well we were we were talking about that a little bit when we got that email and we think that each of these are so distinctive, that it it's not just like another piece of technology around your house. It's gonna be somewhere that it can be seen. So we're we're not thinking that it's gonna be as critical to have the loss I think Yeah. There might be something that you can do in the circuit board and the chip to make it make a noise or something, but it would take a lot more development than we have this afternoon. So d do people have a preference as far as feel and functionality? Um. Mm yeah, that's good, that's good. Here, stick it on. So where Right. Okay. Ooh. Hey. No, I kinda like it. That's hard to miss. Like Yeah. Interesting. Okay, is that where people are leaning then, the potato? I like the idea of the I mean that's really gotten the simplicity of the buttons down, that one. Hmm. Well that on the iPod, for example, you just every time you wanna go back you hit the menu button again and it brings you back one level. Good point. Maybe yeah, maybe it can be one of those, if you press down and hold for two seconds, then it brings you back one level or something. The potato? Are we leaning towards the potato? Okay. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Um I dunno if it's it's creative. I dunno if fancy is the word I would use. I dunno if any of them are fancy in I'd say two, because c unique. Yeah, one. In the battery, that's it. How many people would notice that, though? Yeah. I I would say that it's Yeah, like fancy versus creative it's it's different. But does that equal innovative? I dunno. I'll give it a three. Okay. Um I'll give it a one. Pretty hard to mess up. Yeah. Ooh, that you couldn't it'd be harder to break, harder to lose. Mm. It it might be, 'cause that's our corporate colour, isn't it? We might wanna keep it yellow. Yeah. If we had a yellow Sure. So it was inspired by the potato, so I think it's pretty fruity. Oh, mango that that That's a much more trendy than a potato one. Yeah, me too. Yeah. Yeah. I'll I'll say two as well. Because older people that aren't used to like texting with the thumb might find it a bit at first, but The menu system and the the fact that multiple buttons are used for different things might be a bit confusing, but I think if it's one it's one of those things that it might take you five minutes to figure out, but you'll have it afterwards. So I'd I think I'd give it a two I guess. Oh, good point. Um I'd say I'd give it uh a three, I guess it depends on how tidy you are normally. Simple to use or simple in design? Do you know? Right. I'm give it a three I guess. I dunno. I don't think it's quite as fashionable as my robot remote or alien or whatever he was. Um two. Yeah. Yeah, I'll say two. Shall we uh Well I think all of them should have an R_R_. Oh my. Uh we're n using kinetic, yeah. Yeah. Single. Simple, simple rather. Uh uh uh double-curved. Yeah I never did get a picture of those so I don't really know. Our case material supplements oops, we just skipped by them. No, we we the plastic is the plastic for the inside is assumed. The supplement is Oh, I guess it was rubber rather than latex. Yeah. Uh well I don't know what the se the basic colour is though. Well, are we talking about on each colour combination or are we, you know, we'll like we'll have yellow and black. Is that two special colours? Or or is white and black, then two more or Uh. I guess it's three, three three. Alright. Yeah. Six, with the power. Yeah. No. Oh, we'll do we wa Are the buttons in special colour, special f I didn't get information on Well, does it but if we're making multiple varieties of this is where I'm getting confused. per unit, okay, okay. Alright, and each button s Yeah, okay. No, I think they're fine. Material, we want them rubber as well probably, yeah. No, I don't think so. I think they're if they're all gonna be rubber then it that's what it matters. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Oh oh. Okay, let's have our buttons all be one colour. Alright. Uh. We have no idea. I dunno, I didn't get any pictures. It's single curved. Why not? Yeah. That is important. How did it get more expensive, what did you just change? It was it was thirteen and now it's fifteen. Twelve point five. Hey hey. We're all set then. Ish. Alright. Yes. Well. I felt very creative. I enjoyed making the prototypes. Yeah. I think we could've done even better with a little bit more information, like what's a single-curved case, how many colours, what do colours count things, but given given what we had I think that we did we did really well. Um I think we worked together pretty well. Yeah. But the fruits and vegetables, they really my creativity, so. Do you think we could Yeah. Yeah. Can we market this as the mango remote? Should we have that somewhere on the packaging? I have a little R_R_. Yes. Hopefully not with just my fingernail at some point but um it's quite a useful little gadget. All thanks to Iain for the design of that one. Mm. What did we find for new ideas? People should really base their remotes on fruits and vegetables. I I am really into the idea of kinetic batteries now after reading about them. That was I I knew you can get watches that had them, like really quite expensive watches that just never need a battery, 'cause you're always moving your wrist. But in other things, I think it'd be really good. Yes. Yeah. It started because I wanted to have it as st as a stem and then alright, so Is it started as a pear, but then it started looking more and more like a Martian when I put the Take me to your leader. Wow, maybe I should market it to some remote control company now. So are are poor little thing. Oh. It's really funny that you got spam in your work emails. Let's see, what did I get through the corporate website? It's just inspiration about circuit boards. Yeah, that is pretty neat. Yeah, my inspiration from from last time is the in interior of a remote control being taken apart bit by bit, talking about circuit boards. I learned a lot actually. I could probably take apart a remote control now if I really needed to. Now I have all about circuits and chips and transponders and I wrote it all down, because I thought it would be relevant, like all the different parts of the inside of a remote control, but then they're like, you don't actually need this you just need to talk about the case. It's really interesting though. Yeah. That was really neat how I got emails and No. I yeah. If I'd gotten pictures of the different parts of the case, the different looks of the case, I would have probably drawn them up, but Yeah, we could've put our brainstorming stuff up there rather than just talking about it, but with only four people it doesn't really make sense. I think if you had a larger group Yeah. Because we're all gonna be working in different places. We if we were all gonna stay in here all the time, then having the notes up on the whiteboard would've been alright, but everyone needs their own, like specific notes, I guess. Yeah. Yeah. So it was a bit of both really, we just kind of started out by each taking a colour of clay and just fooling around with it and I came up with that rhombus shape and he came up with the sort of potatoey, mangoey shape, and then just went from there really. It was fun. So well done with the management, I felt well managed. That happened to me all the time though. Yeah, I was quite worried at the end of the last meeting that we weren't getting we didn't really have enough information to make firm decisions, but we were able to do it regardless, so. I'm not usually a very decisive person, so it helped to have people say this needs to be done in five minutes. Especially last time, yeah. Yeah, Yeah. Yeah. Right. And I I felt the first two meetings, that I was coming in with no information, and not sort of made me really like, ooh I don't know, throwing together PowerPoint out of no no information and then last time it was like the opposite. I had so much information and so much to talk about. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. that was something like in order to talk about that we would've had to have actual knowledge about circuit boards and things like Yeah. I think we were Yeah. I think we were just getting overenthusiastic with the task. I think we really got into it, I mean I got into it as the day went on and I got really like, ooh I'm designing a remote control, I dunno if that's just me, but Yeah. Yeah. I think there are some of those like infomercial remotes that have things so you won't lose them. I dunno. I mean we were talking about it and like i in my household at least, there's only about two places that the remote is ever 'cause there's only one T_V_ and there's only like three chairs. Yeah. Yeah, or like I guess what the setup of the house is too. But, I mean I am notorious for losing my keys, I just I guess I've just never lost the remote. I put my keys in the refrigerator the other night and couldn't find them. 'Cause I was putting groceries away. You you're taking stuff from a bag and putting them in the refrigerator and then go back to my room. Can't get in, look all around the kitchen. Definitely in the vegetable drawer. So. Mm. But I guess it's 'cause we don't carry remotes around that much. Yeah. Maybe with our little robot one we could've had him have a robot, alien, pear, whatever he is, have a little voice like, I am located Oh a G_P_S_ system, internal G_P_S_. Although if it's sitting still for too long. Yes I Or little Or just just a wheel, you know. Just if you like you'd have a remote for your remote, that'll. zoom Yeah. Hmm. All kinds of possibilities. Yeah. Oh. Wow. 'Cause you've had like the most typing and organising to do. Yeah, I guess How much of your PowerPoint was already done for you, every meeting. Oh. Okay. Yeah, I didn't even think about adding slides, 'cause I would just get slides with titles on them and fill them all in w didn't even think about adding more. Ah yeah.. Right. No, no, definitely not. We No, I don't think we need to I think the R_ and R_, especially if the yellow and black one. Or yellow and blue. Lemme go to the web page. Finish meeting now. Yeah. I guess it i it sort of a grey, isn't it? Yellow and grey, but then the slogan's in blue. Yeah. Well we don't have the right colour clay anyway. Well we're not, sadly, going to actually be producing this, so. Potato mango shaped remotes. I can't believe a whole day is gone. I don't feel like it's been that long. Get sucked in. Mm I haven't gotten questionnaire eight yet.
Speaker D: Right, do you wanna start? Okay, um What We call that one the rhombus, uh the rhombus. Um this one is known as the potato, uh it's it's a how can I present it? It's an ergonomic shape, so it it fits in your hand nicely. Um it's designed to be used either in your left hand or or in your right hand. Um I've gone here just for just for four buttons on this one. Um the two blue buttons here are for adjusting the volume. So you've got volume up and volume down on the other side here. Um the red ones are for uh changing channels, channel up and channel down and that's um moves between your favourite channels that you've selected. Uh this middle button here brings up the on-screen menu and when you're working in the on-screen menu you use the other four buttons to navigate around the menu system and the middle button uh to select and that's basically it, that's the potato. Uh that would be one of your channels, basically, so like channel zero would be t to switch switch the machine off, yeah. Um not really, it would make it hard to turn the machine off, to turn your T_V_ off. Yeah yeah, that that'd be one way of doing it, yeah. That'd work, yeah. Let's pass. So that's So that's our three prototypes. Um basically, in terms of making decisions, what we'd need to do is first of all decide on a form uh which of the three different shapes we want, then decide what kind of button layout we want, how many buttons, and then to choose what colours we want to make the buttons and if we wanna put any text on the device, like label on the buttons or put a brand name or or a logo on it or whatever. Would Yeah, but we don't want it to look like a kids' toy. Yeah. I think it would be difficult technologically, because if your if your remote's lost it's probably under the settee and in that case you can't you can't send an infrared sing signal to it to find it, s so it's I'm not quite sure how it would work and then I wonder if it's if it's more just a gimmick then anything else. Uh I mean ho how many times do you really, seriously lose your remote control and would would a device like that actually help you to find it? Yeah, it's possible, yeah, yeah. Put an extra the button on. Cool. It makes look more fruity as well. It's like a deformed foot, I dunno. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is, it's the up and down buttons are used for scrolling up and down for a list of choices. You find the choice that you want and you press uh you press the right button uh. Yeah. Yeah, so they're used for going into and out of your submenus, yeah. Potato. I'll go for two. I think it's it's functional, it's also pretty basic, so I'll give it a two. I'd say it's technologically it's not it's not unique, I mean it's it's just it is just pushbuttons um, so I I'd give it a four. I'll say one. I wonder if it bounces when you drop it. Yeah. Yeah I'd I'd give it a one. Uh um. Yeah. Yeah, Yeah. Mangoey is better, yeah. I like mangoes. Uh two. Uh one. Yeah, yeah. Yeah I'll I'll say two. I think it it's probably a little harder then most remotes to learn, because you have to you have to use the menu system and you have to tell it what your favourite channels are and that could take a bit of learning at first, but once you've, yeah once you'd learned how to use it, I think it is a lot easier. So I'd I'd give it a four. Yeah. Yeah. Um I'll give it a five 'cause i it would be easy to lose something like that, yeah. I'll give it a two. Three. Guess it's double-curved. It is pretty curvy. Special colours, isn't it? We've got five. Oh six. Yeah. Yeah. What was our target price again? Twelve point five. So we're just just about there. Yeah. I think we've been successful in that we've achieved almost all of the design goals that we've set and we've come up with a finished project and we just about got cost. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm. That's cool. Let's all let's all go for the yellow Break the stem off. That was bound to happen Mm. Yeah. I think. Yeah. We didn't we didn't use the whiteboard that much. Yeah. Uh we we worked together, um but we were making like we sort of made different shapes and then discussed how the how the buttons might work, um and how we could like improve on the on the design. I think we did well in first of all giving our meetings the time, and second we actually we we did a good job of making firm decisions at the ends of the meetings. And I I know what happens sometimes is that you tend to sort of have meetings and then people sorta drift away without anything actually really being decided. But I think here we got we got clear and and decisive decisive points at the end of the meetings, so that we we knew where to go on from there. Yeah. Yeah, for some of the meetings, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. | welcome to our detailed design meeting . and then um I'll talk about the minutes from the last meeting , what we d discussed um , then we'll have the prototype presentation and a look at the evaluation criteria . and finally a do a production evaluation we're gonna use a kinetic battery um , we want to use a simple chip , we're choosing a latex case w in fruity colours that's curved and um we're using push buttons uh with a supplement of an on-screen menu . we made three different prototypes our colours not are not fixed , Uh we have the on off button at the tip , very visible , very big . We have our up and down buttons , which are also gonna be our channel selectors , and we have our little menu button here . If you push if you're just pushing these normally , they're the menu buttons , if uh the volume buttons rather . If you press select once , they become channel changing buttons . That's our number one prototype . The little lightning bolt in it , very cute . We call that one the rhombus , Um this one is known as the potato , It's an ergonomic shape , Um I've gone here just for just for four buttons on this one . Um the two blue buttons here are for adjusting the volume . So you've got volume up and volume down on the other side here . Uh this middle button here brings up the on-screen menu Could the middle button of the on-screen menu function as a power button ? it would make it hard to turn the machine off , to turn your T_V_ off . And then finally we have um the Martian or the pear , either way . Um it's a bit different , just a little bit more of a creative feel . Uh you have the on off toggle stem on the top . And then you have on the sides to make it a little bit more three-dimensional , plus it's an interesting talking point to have standing up . We figured it could stand up like this on your table , if you wanted it to , if I made the bot the bottom flat . in terms of making decisions , what we'd need to do is first of all decide on a form uh which of the three different shapes we want , then decide what kind of button layout we want , how many buttons , and then to choose what colours we want to make the buttons normally we'd go for fruity colours , but maybe we're also thinking that your sort of middle aged man , for an example customer , might not want a fruity coloured remote , but um the f the um feature that we considered for it not getting lost . we were we were talking about that a little bit and we think that each of these are so distinctive , that it it's not just like another piece of technology around your house . It's gonna be somewhere that it can be seen . So we're we're not thinking that it's gonna be as critical to have the loss Would it be very difficult to um just have an external device that like I dunno , you tape to your to your T_V_ a little light beep goes off ? um that when you press it I think it would be difficult technologically , and then I wonder if it's if it's more just a gimmick then anything else . There might be something that you can do in the circuit board and the chip to make it make a noise or something , but it would take a lot more development than we have this afternoon . Um we so we do we've decided not to worry about that for now . 'cause well , the designs are very bright , so you're right , they're gonna stick out , I sort of like this one , it just it's like small but still sort of like cute looking , But I dunno how much any of this has to do with the fashionable , sort of cool looking thing Could we maybe have like an extra button on the top for on off ? Um uh why don't we do a product evaluation using your criteria , I think we're supposed to have one that we do it for . I was a little vague on what exactly I'm supposed to do , I have to like write something on the whiteboard , so . It's kind of like uh like a joystick kind of thing , It makes look more fruity as well . There it could have a stem like that , is that where people are leaning then , the potato ? Variety of colours are nice . I think I'm leaning towards the potato . that's really gotten the simplicity of the buttons down , that one . I am worried about like um using a menu . withing menus there are submenus , and so how do you get back to the main menu ? on the iPod , for example , you just every time you wanna go back you hit the menu button again But that has a menu button separate from a select button , the up and down buttons are used for scrolling up and down for a list of choices . Could these be used for going to submenus maybe it can be one of those , if you press down and hold for two seconds , then it brings you back one level or something . Potato . some of the things that we've talked about before we need to make sure that that remote actually does conform to the things that we said it was going to . what we sort of wanna do is that we each need to separately rank each of the following things and then I'll tabulate an average and each of you can tell me on a scale of one to seven with one being really extremely true and seven being not true at all , or false , First we wanna know if it meets the fancy look and feel um objective . in my opinion the for now at least , the yellow one is probably somewhere in the middle so I'm gonna say it's like a three . I I kind of think it's it's unique enough that I'd give it a one or a two . I dunno if fancy is the word I would use . and same sort of scale for functionality , is it functional ? I think it's extremely functional , I think it'll get everything done , then I'm gonna give it a two . Um is it technologically innovative ? Mm . Not really , I mean not so much , 'cause we we don't have the L_C_D_ screen , the kinetic battery . How many people would notice that , though ? And if it's made of like latex , that whole idea , that's pretty cool . Think I'm gonna go with the four as well . Um we next wanna see if it has a spongy quality and if indeed it's made of latex or rubber I it's spongy all the way . Give it a one . and the next is , does it integrate some notion of fruits and vegetables ? is it gonna be yellow ? We might wanna keep it yellow . I know it would make it a little less c a little more confusing , but if we had all the buttons in black , and a design in and the outside in yellow , that'd be our corporate one and we could also have alternative colours , one a more conservative one , one that's more fruity . Um and can we have like an R_R_ inscribed on the bottom or something ? it was inspired by the potato , so I think it's pretty fruity . I think i it's kind of mangoey too . That's a much more trendy than a potato um , and does the design match the appropriate behaviour ? Remember earlier we discussed that people don't use a lot of buttons , so I'm gonna give it a one . also we talked earlier about R_S_I_ and wanting to prevent um any sort of like Carpal Tunnely kind of thing . Do we think that the latex sort of grip appropriately takes that into account ? I think I'll give it a two , And if it's repetitive movement it is gonna be only four buttons that you're constantly pushing , And the ease of learning it . The menu system and the the fact that multiple buttons are used for different things might be a bit confusing , but I think if it's one it's one of those things that it might take you five minutes to figure out , but you'll have it afterwards . So I'd I think I'd give it a two I guess . because you have to you have to use the menu system and you have to tell it what your favourite channels are and that could take a bit of learning at first , So I'd I'd give it a four . also earlier we had something about losing it and so now we're not addressing that at all , I think we can kind of say we addressed it with colour , I'm gonna I'm gonna give it a four , how w how well does it address just being simple ? Um it like wants to be simple but it's not like totally totally simple , I'm give it a three I guess . and fashionable ? It's totally fashionable . I think it's bringing technology and fashion together real really well . And does it meet our like demographic need sort of for international appeal , that whole thing ? if we offer in a in at least three different colour arrangements . So I'll give it a a two . we didn't we didn't address the fact that it does need to b have a corporate logo , so let's let's make sure we keep that in mind that we ha that one of our colours concepts is corporate and has an R_R_ on it . I think all of them should have an R_R_ . now we're gonna look at finances . Um I have an Excel sheet that we're actually gonna calculate the cost um , We're using kinetic battery , Simple . Guess it's double-curved . don't we need plastic , and It was rubber and special colour , we're using we're gonna need at least two special colours . I don't know what the se the basic colour is though . like we'll have yellow and black . Maybe the R_R_ will be in colour as well , And how many buttons do we have ? We have six . the case material will just have one colour , but then the buttons will be in special colours ? Special form ? I think they're fine . Material , we want them rubber as well probably , yeah . Thirteen point seven . what can we reduce ? let's have our buttons all be one colour . Maybe it's single-curved , It's single curved . case material is rubber and it's a special colour , It was it was thirteen and now it's fifteen . Now it's twelve . What was our target price again ? Twelve point five . So we're okay , I think . Um are the are the costs under twelve fifty Euro ? Yes . Let's move on to the project evaluation . Project process . Satisfaction with for example the room for creativity , leadership , teamwork , the means , any new ideas found . So I guess what we're gonna talk about here is just evaluating how we created this project , the information we got on the news , how we used it , if we were able to um , you know , use our creativity with the information , um how how well I guess I led it , um the how well we worked together as a team , um the digital pens , the whiteboard . I felt very creative . I think we've been successful I enjoyed making the prototypes . I think we could've done even better with a little bit more information , like what's a single-curved case , but given given what we had I think that we did we did really well . if I'd had more market research on the fruits and vegetables , maybe we could've taken that into account . I thought the pen was a little distracting for me personally , That was the last one , like I chose not to do a PowerPoint I think we all made um very significant contributions , I don't think anybody dominated it , Mm . What did we find for new ideas ? People should really base their remotes on fruits and vegetables . I I am really into the idea of kinetic batteries now after reading about them . Is the project evaluated ? Yes . there's the final questionnaire and meeting summary . this is the great product kids , and that we have a market for it , um especially if we can produce it at twelve point three Make sure in your questionnaire to put down criticisms of both the process and the um the final results I do like the Martian remote . If we could choose more than one , that would be my second choice . Although the tog toggle I would break it . I would break it . Is it started as a pear , Kind of looks like a penguin , like with no eye . Nothing will come up until after our meeting's supposed to be over , otherwise the technology today was kinda cool . I got more master classes , what did I get through the corporate website ? It's just inspiration about circuit boards . the Excel thing is pretty cool . I I could probably take apart a remote control now if I really needed to . I wrote it all down , because I thought it would be relevant , like all the different parts of the inside of a remote control , but then they're like , you don't actually need this I I thought it was a little tricky having to hand around this thing . We didn't we didn't use the whiteboard that much . Although I don't see how we could have very l at least for me and I think usually , like whiteboards are good , you know like crossing out ideas , or like if we had had like a brainstorming period . we could've put our brainstorming stuff up there rather than just talking about it , And with and with the PowerPoint that we can all look at , like you can do all those things pretty much on PowerPoint 'cause we all needed them separately , kind of on the whiteboards in this room . when you were um creating your um prototypes here , did you work together or did you like do separate projects ? Uh we we worked together , we sort of made different shapes well done with the management , I felt well managed . I think we did well in first of all giving our meetings the time , It's kinda fun . we we did a good job of making firm decisions at the ends of the meetings . I know what happens sometimes is that you tend to sort of have meetings and then people sorta drift away without anything actually really being decided . But I think here we got we got clear and and decisive decisive points at the end of the meetings , I think the last time we had a lot of information , but at the same time not quite enough , like we we couldn't answer every single question . And I I felt the first two meetings , that I was coming in with no information , Um . I'm a little I am a little disappointed that we didn't do a um something for losing the remote , Just gonna make I'm making full minutes , so that it'll include all of the agenda and all that . How much of your PowerPoint was already done for you , Most of it , I didn't even think about adding slides , 'cause I would just get slides with titles on them I think the R_ and R_ , especially if the yellow and black one . I think we just need the um the R_R_ , 'cause they didn't give me any clear , like yellow , grey , or . I guess it is black , grey . I just feel like if you're really doing like a a really big market evaluation , you wouldn't just have like one set of source , |
3 | Speaker A: Okay. Mm. Very fun. Oh right. Okay. Mm. Okay. Sure. We made three for you. Um one's based on the banana, one's based on the tomato and the other one is st Look. Oh yeah, well yeah, we had v some red left over. So. Okay, so this is the um non to non uh no buttons one, or as mm few buttons as possible, mainly speak recognition. The yellow there is the um the slogan, yeah, that we need to incorporate, it's very simple. If you do need buttons, you can flip it over, and there's some there, um but mainly it's speech recognition. Yeah. Yeah and yeah they might project things onto the screen which you can do on there. Mm I'm not sure about that. Um and this one is the one w more like the one w that we looked at earlier. Yeah, you guys can have a look at that if you want. Yeah, sure. Um that one is Oh no, it's delicate. That's that's already got its stand that one. That's it stand. It does also lie flat, but that's the that yellow stand there represents the the charging stand. Um the black on the back is the slogan. Uh yeah, that Well, we did think of that. Yeah, if it's standing up it's it's on there, but also we're gonna have the company name on the front, which is the little black kind of line in the middle. So um and that's the um transmit the L_E_D_ thing. These are the s two scroll ones which we thought could be channel up and down and volume up and down. We n were weren't sure about putting them there, because um i it's it kind of could get bashed. Yeah. Well, if you hold it, you can you all can hold it, is it does actually feel quite ergonomic, if you've got small hands. Um, obviously I don't think that's real sized. It would have to be a bit bigger. Okay. Um that's a speaker at the top, so you can speak into it like a little walkie-talkie as well for speak recognition. Um and um then the buttons. Yeah kind of self-explanatory, just buttons whenever you need them. Tried to keep it simple. Oh that's the charging base prongs at the bottom. We used those. And um then the big red button in the middle is the on and off one. It's not in the traditional place, but um it's quite an obvious place. So there we go and and um we have the banana-based one too. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. So are there any um improvements or issues or Oh. Oh. Ooh. Mm-hmm. More like a traditional remote control. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Like an S_ shape. Okay. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Cool. Cool. So we could even add something. Well maybe we could add something, but maybe if What do you th We're trying to save money, so. Yeah, if we're happy with the design there's no point in spending money, if we don't have to. But if there is anything you think we've missed out there, then, you know, feel free to add it. Maybe I mean obviously it would be bigger so there might be more space for the the slogan on the front, because it's not in an ideal place right now. Mm. I think it went quite smoothly. W I think we were very creative. Oh right, okay. Mm-hmm. Excellent leadership. Yeah, everyone got enough input, I think. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Well um. Mm. Yeah, maybe. Oh, you got a presentation, sorry. Yeah. Mm, love to eat that now. Kind of a green banana now. It's this as well, sorry, we forgot to mention it'll be made out of kind of a rubbery latex, new material that we've got. I've got. Yeah. Oh could you pass the tomato please. Sorry. Thank you. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Sorry. Sorry, carry on. Mm-hmm. Okay. Um. Mm-hmm. Um I think Yeah, it did. It had all the basic buttons that they needed as well as the uh new technology that people said they wanted. Um so. Does it work? Yeah. So. I would say seven. Seven is good, yeah, isn't it? I can't True or false? No sorry tr one is true. Yeah. Okay, so one. Yep. Mm yellow. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Okay. Is that no is that not trends? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. But in electronics, I think, it's not q always quite so um you don't always have so many choices as with chocolates. I think, you know, if you're going to buy a T_V_ maybe a company'll have That you're going to choose from, a company'll have two or three choices, but they're different designs. We were coming up with one product. No, I mean uh obviously your opinion, I'm just trying to Okay. What are we doing? Adding them up? Oh. Okay. Okay, yeah. Mm-hmm. Okay. Well um going on uh the specifications that we had, that fruit and vegetables are quite popular, and that people like something that is good to look at and not many buttons, I would give it um, well, because it's hard to make a fruit good to look at, that that looks cool, you know, so I would actually give it a three. Tha three or four, I'm not sure. Three. Go for three. That's fine. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Um. Yeah, the company strategy, okay. Um there was lot of discussing, that was good. Um I feel I got my say. Um so I'd give the company strategy a two. Okay. Is it? Okay. Okay, so one or two. One. Okay, just leave it, it's fine. Mm. Yeah, one. Okay. Woo-hoo. Cool. Yeah.
Speaker B: Okay, almost there. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, there's good news? Oh. Oh. Cutbacks. Hmm. Okay. Oh. Um maybe we should bring so that the camera can see. Yeah. Okay. Mm. Oh yeah, yeah. This one is uh, I suppose for the younger audiences. A a more friendly type of Right, right. It's to uh induce more television watching I suppose or Yeah. Say it for the camera. Right, right. Yep. It won't stand. Just let it lie down, it wont stand. What's on the uh on the left? Okay. W why is the uh double curved two of them? Is i Mm. 'Cause that's the uh the biggest expense there, right. got two of them Okay. Well we can work around that um Cut things out. But you think it should be one. Okay. Yeah. Yeah, so we're We should fire the accountants. Fire the accountants. Ah yeah, we could add things. Maybe if you click back in that bottom right cell, where you're starting from, and then use the arrow keys. Does that work? No mm. Is it the other shift button maybe? Did you try both shift buttons? It could be the other side. That's too bad. Oh. Yeah I think we have a a winning product. Great leadership. Yeah, yeah. These pens are are neat though. Okay. Uh so let's talk about our bonuses and the raises we're getting for this, right. Right, right. Uh maybe we should start cleaning up the clay. Something we should get. Oh ok Uh. Anybody Clay covered banana. blue. It's fun to touch. Do we have the uh the marker for the board? There it is. No that's false. Uh. It's hard to know. I I give it a two. Okay. Um yeah, I think i it might even exceed it um. But I guess there is a kind of a shortage of buttons. Um I'm gonna give it a two. Two. What are we doing? We're gonna average them? Okay. So seven fourths. About one point f one point eight. Okay. Yeah round it up to two. So trends. Can you explain what you want us to write there? How it how conforms to the current trends? 'Kay. As far as the uh technology it its' got the latest trends in speech technology, but it's missing the screen, as we said, um but it does have the push-buttons, or the scroll-buttons, um but it doesn't have that fancy solar power or the the vibrating energy mechanism. So I give it a a four. I'd give it a kinda middle of the road for for technology. Yeah. Well it was yellow. Well, I think it's the the remote control conforms to the the company strategy. Is that the question? Um. Yeah. I'll go with two. So one and a half. A two. Yep. S Okay. Uh.
Speaker C: Okay. We'll sta I'll use the PowerPoint, I guess. How was that, was that fun? Okay. Uh oh I've forgotten to mail you the minutes, but I will do. Upsidaisy. Um Um we Yeah. Alright, okay, yeah. He's gonna get his pen. Um Will you guys first with your prototype um before we get to the good news? Uh we have budget problems. I'm afraid you're all sacked. Oops. I don't even have this on. Okay, have you got a presentation to make? No. Okay so it's just your your show. Three? Oh. Tomato? What tomato? I don't recall a tomato. Ah I see, okay. Mm-hmm. Logo. Okay, brilliant. Okay. Okay, so the buttons would be like, you know individual users, or Yeah. Alright, okay. Right. That's groovy. Well I like the feel of it, I like the feel of it. At Oh dear. Alright, okay. Okay, brilliant mm. Okay, nice and obvious there, if it's standing up, I guess, yeah. Oh right, okay, brilliant. Like that from its centre. Where you're, yeah, uh were you're holding it kind of Mm-hmm. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, okay. Yeah, scale model, yeah. Mm-hmm. Alright, excellent. Okay. No. It's out of the way as well, I suppose, so. Excellent. Yep. Okay, so so Barney the banana. Ah excellent, just what we need. Lo Sort of Loch Ness banana. Cool yeah. Well, nice to have uh options at least. 'Kay and Oh there are issues, oh there are issues. Um main problem that we have unfortunately being finance. Uh, let's just enter in the um evaluation criteria. Um unfortunately the unit we are currently going to produce minus the extra scroll buttons, uh it's gonna cost us fourteen point six Euros. So we have to rea Sorry, I've accidentally highlighted somehow Um. There we go. Oh god, why is it doing that? There we go. So basically, um in order to save our two Euros um I was thinking that we could have essentially the same shape, but just have it flattened. Um. Yeah, I mean it's already got a kind of cool shape, so but it wouldn't have to be curved sort of in and out. And by doing so Oh no, hold on. Doesn't save us quite as much. I don't know what's going on with this again. Oh, good point. Um. That's sort of curve in and out. No, I think it means double curved as in um like uh a single curve on that bottom half, and the double curved would be if it was that similar curve upward. Okay, I might be wrong though. I don't think that counts as a curve, I think that's just a shape. A curvature is like the this case. Yeah, and why why I've got it two, I don't know, I can't seem to select any more however. Right. No. It's meant to be one, yeah, I don't know why I put two in there, but um Hold on till I find it, I think this shift button might be stuck again. No maybe the shift button's stuck in. Um okay, so that would take away three, which would give us Oh that's fine. Eleven uh eleven Euros sixty. Um We cou Oh not quite, have the scroll-wheel, unfortunately. What? Yeah. Yeah, I know, that just extends it as well. I don't know. It One of the buttons is sticking, I don't know. No, it's 'cause the uh the shift button's stuck, or something. No that's fine. Um we've worked out what it would be anyway. Yeah. Cancel. Piss off. Oh well, never mind. Um. Right, so that's finances and I dunno what we what could we reckon we could add? Um Well I suppose that's our that's that's our design that we've got. So Yeah. Yeah yeah. Well that's that's uh Okay, so project evaluation. We have under twelve Euros fifty. Project process, how do we think that went? Are we happy? Okay. Evaluation. Oh we've been writing this up for m months. Uh room for creativity, were we happy with that? No, I mea I think it means sort of individually. Yes, no, maybe? Okay. Groovy. So uh we're just gonna. Uh yeah, okay. Teamwork? Leadership, sorry. Thank you very much. You're all get you're all getting a raise. Uh teamwork. I thought went well. Yeah. Uh and well means, yeah. The technical stuff was brilliant. Let's buy more. Uh Right. Um I don't know what, new ideas found, means, to be honest. Mm-hmm. Mm 'kay. Groovy. So just general thumbs up for all of us then. That kind of unfortunately is too quick. Uh. I suppose yeah. Um. That's it, um I think another couple of days holiday pay might be well in order for all of you. Uh Let's see if I can get this bloody thing to work. Whoops. Does it go back in, does it? Reusable. I don't know what this is but it's really really annoying. Uh-huh. Um I have, yes. Huh? Oh right, okay, you've got more, okay. Sorry uh. It didn't bother to tell me that on this thing. Is it? Okay. Doesn't tell me. Oh you're doing that. We evaluated ourselves, we thought we were great. Mm. O okay, hold on. I wonder w which cell do I want. Okay, I didn't realise you had that bit. Okay. Okay. Alright, okay. The board working again, is it? Uh. Yeah. When the user requirement is essentially just to operate the T_V_, so yeah, of course we haven't actually got a working model yet. One, yeah. No it's it's like true is one end, and false is the oth Oh, I'll go for a one. Basic requirements but of the pro of the project. Yeah th Come on that was the tha 'Kay. Being fruitist. He's a tough cookie. Six. Five or six. Oh I see. Yeah, I am sort of pret uh Just the fruit does me in, I mean uh it might it might be trendy to some, but I'm just not swallowing the fruit, so um Uh also uh I would have liked to have seen the L_C_D_ screen in it. Um so yeah I'd say about four as well. Yeah, yeah. Um yeah, a three. Pretty much kept to the company strategy, so I would go for a a one, as we not only kept it, but we were limited by Cool, groovy. Cool. Brilliant. In which case we are done. 'Cause we've evaluated and we are within budget. Champagne lunch anyone?
Speaker D: Hmm. E excuse me I forgot my copy. No, not mine yet. Yeah. Uh can I have Oh sorry s Mm-hmm. Mm. And double curve on both sides? Curve. Yeah, this is double-curve, no? This is double-curve. It This one is single curve. 'Cause this is single curve, this is curved on both sides. So double-curve. Like this, one curve on this side, one curve on that side. Hmm. Hmm. Maybe. Mm. Should Uh you can do one thing. You just select one box outsi yeah, this box. Then move it with the help of this Okay. Just uh just uh Okay, just a minute. Okay. No input, like this. Shift. No it's not. Yeah, it's not working. Should we ask Meli Should we ask our technical expert Melissa? Yeah. Yeah, we Yeah. Yeah, these are new ideas, like glow-in-the-dark or something like that. We discussed all the new ideas, but of course we couldn't reach any proper goals, we couldn't use these, but we h we are using these scroll buttons like this. These are new ideas we And new shapes, everything. At le Yeah. Hmm. Hmm. So So Uh Brian, have you have you finished? Uh mine needs also this. At last mine is also the presentation. Yeah, yeah. S Uh is the project evaluated, that is mine. Yeah. So. Yeah. So. So now is the final evaluation, final evaluation of the uh uh of our product. How we are going to means uh at what standard what standard whether it meets our standards or not. How mu What rating we will give to these products. So of course this is will be a team work, w we together have to decide wha what rating we will give to this product and everything. So what methodology I will tell you on what basis we are going to discuss all this. We will give the rating to this product based on the user requirements, whether it meets the user requirements or not, this product. Then trends, whether it is as fashion trends or not? Means because we have already stated that people do prefer fashionable things nowadays. So this is also an important factor for our evaluation also. Then marketing strategy of the company. As we have already discussed that our company is quite in the market, not only in terms of providing quality products, not only in pro providing latest technologies, but also in terms of providing environmental s Yeah. So but also in terms of providing environmental safe products, uh yeah like uh keeping uh keeping in mind all the safety issues. So Now comes the criteria rating with seven point scale. I'm having this scale this scale, so we have to do it on a board. the user requirem I think. Thank you. So. So these are the three crite criterias for our evaluation of our product. First of all uh comes user requirement. So we will see whether this product meets all user requirements or not. I I will first I would like to have your views, what do you think whether it meets all user requirements or not? S So what do you think you will personally give. Seven. Uh. Uh one is means highest ranking, okay. But I think highest ranking is seven, or one? Okay, right right. So it's one for from your point of view. And what do you say our Industrial Expert? Uh d you can you can tell on on the like I think she has given her views on the basis of design, because she was our i Interface Expert. But you can give your views based on technology, whether the technology meets the requirements of the customers or not? Two. And what about uh you, Brian? You will go for one. Okay. Uh for me personally it is everything fine, it may be having good design, it may be uh meeting all the requirements of the customers like technology-wise, price-wise, but there is one thing which limits the customers, like we are having only two, three designs, like we are having one banana design and the other one is orange, and Uh yeah, lower end. And the third one is what you ge uh that is not a f fruit look. But if a person doesn't like banana, or orange, you are limiting him. No, don't buy our product, because we are l we like this only. So we are showing our preference for particular fruits, two or three kinds rather, and Yeah. So. Uh no, uh personally as a Marketing Expert I don't believe that, because whatever companies they launch their products in the shape of fruits, they give a range of products, a range of shapes, like if we see, look at the smallest thing, toffee chocolates, they give a variety of different things. Some children like to buy banana shape, some apple shape, some even pineapple shape, some orange shape. So you can what shape a person will like. So in this case giving only one or two choices we are lim limiting our customers. And by limiting them, we are limiting our sales, limiting our profit also. Uh maybe. Okay but I will I will personally won't give it beyond three. So we can Yeah, on an average we can think three, four sevenths, maybe. Three or four? Uh, no sorry, it should be No sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, we are doing a very wrong thing. Yeah, yeah, we are taking everything, and that's I have taken it very wrongly. Yeah uh three four four two six seven seven sev Yeah one pe exactly. So we can say one or two. because it is one point eight uh two, so we will do two. Yeah. So where were the trends. Sorry? Yeah, again the the fashion trends, this also like whether it it will be fashionable to have these products in the uh as a fruit shape or something. Uh. Okay. Yeah. Uh Okay. Uh personally I wi uh I think that in terms of trends, these products are quite good, like, these products are in fruit shape, because that wha people now our fashion trend shows that people like everything all f everything that is being advertised, like clothes, shoes, and everything is being advertised in the form of fruits and vegetables, or getting them or showing some association with them. So and in this way our product is good. And the second thing, now people don't want any complicated or bulky products and ours is quite simple and quite handy. So that is also ef that also Our product meets the f the fashion uh trends of the market. And yes. It is cus spongy also. So they can play with it, it's quite good. So then I think, maybe I can give it two. So four five ten thirteen thirteen. So we can Is it fine? So what about company strategy? Okay. So what about you, Brian? Yeah, and me also, like, this product me uh me uh me uh this meets all company strategy like our product should be as per customers' requirement, as per latest technology, and it should be environmental safe. So since our product meets all these requirements, so I would also prefer to give it rank one. So four six six half. So we can say two or one Okay. So th seven seven. Uh overall we are getting two something, but we can round it as two. Yeah. So I think overall uh evaluation of our product is quite good. So we can launch it. Yeah. So yeah. Great. | The User Interface Designer and the Industrial Designer presented their prototypes to the group. Two prototypes featured different fruit shapes, with one including speech recognition instead of a large number of buttons. It also featured scroll wheels for channel control. The other prototype was designed like a banana with children users in mind. The Project Manager announced to the group that with all of their desired features, the project would go over the alotted budget; after a reanalysis of the features of the prototype, the project came in under the budget instead. It was decided that another feature could possibly be added. The group evaluated their effectiveness as a team and felt that all members worked well together and could be creative, and that the project had very good leadership. The Marketing Expert led an evaluation of the prototype according to the initial project goals; the evaluation showed that most of the goals had been sufficiently satisfied in order to launch the product. |
106 | Speaker A: Okay. Well, let's start. What are we doing? Oops. Okay. Okay. Not doing. Uh Very good. Okay. we have presentations. So first, it's your turn. Yeah. Isn't it amazing. Industrial Designer. Interface concept. Can you go back one page? For the uh menu, what do we use for that? We don't have buttons for the menu. Or we may have to use channel of the volume and channel. Okay. But uh You have to put it on the Yeah. Yeah but, has to be clear that you can use the arrows. Mm-hmm. Yes. The second one. Okay. Not too much colours. No, it's not flower power. S okay. Okay. Thank you. So, you're next. Hmm. No, isn't. But the L_C_D_ is easy when you use the scroll uh buttons. Then you can scroll, you see what number, and then you push. But then it's not easy to use scroll uh wheel. If you don't Hmm, yes. But then. Yeah, then you go one down one up. When you scroll. Yeah but like we said before, it has to be used on every television. So you may not be uh No. The television must do that. So Yeah but young people have to have all their uh room. And mostly they are smaller. So Most the times that are not advanced televisions. Okay. That's important. Yeah. Maybe you can look how how much it is for the L_C_D_. It's very important. Yeah, more expensive. But how much? Oh. Okay. Okay. Well, thank you. Next. No. It's clear. So now, it's uh Ah, let's see. Now, w we have to decide Well, we have to decide on the concept. So, we have to look at 'S next. Components and user interface concept. So Now, we have to make some concept. Maybe one of you can paint it on the board. First, uh user interface. Yes, a concept on uh Just Yeah, but maybe we can paint it. Uh, what do we want? I'll paint. Okay. Well Something like this? Or Shapes or What do we need? Yes, okay. Okay. And you have to. Yeah. So, it has to be soft? Okay. And uh, the buttons? Buttons. No, it won't. But, well there one for the sound and one for the channels. Uh, two scroll uh wheels. That's th that's more difficult. It's better in But if we don't have a L_C_D_ we don't have a menu. Yeah, but again maybe th How do we know the T_V_ can handle it? You don't know. So, there's no menu. No. So you can't use it. Okay, we make two concepts. One with L_C_D_. One without L_C_D_. Good concept. But That's one. It's one. Two. Number two. No. But when you handle it, you put it on and off. It's not good to use. Yeah, but I'll zap. Fuck. Out. No, it's not good. Now, second concept. One with L_C_D_, one without L_C_D_. Then uh Paint it. One with two scroll buttons and one with without. Yeah. Uh, one with a with a menu, and one without a menu. And the one with with a menu has an L_C_D_. Unbelievable. Do I have to do everything. Blank. You have Not so difficult. Uh, that's the menu. There for the L_C_D_ screen. You have to For the menu. Mm-hmm. One that way. And one that way. So Then it depends on the cost. S On and off. When it's not too big. Just like a a phone. Yes, okay. Very good. Is it better? When you uh the menu, you have to go there there there there. Yeah, okay. That's that's the outside. But now the First the buttons. Sorry? Mute. And the other. Yeah. Not so difficult. But how do you wanna solve it? Yeah but on the menu that's not uh easy. Then you go down, you switch, you go into the right, you switch, you go down. Yeah. A joystick. Yeah. But is it uh Does that break, a joystick? Or a small one just like in a laptop. Mean, it's better. But how expensive it is? Oh. Why do I pay you for? Um, well um Better ideas. For the young peoples I think scroll button's good. So Think we have to keep them. Yeah, but is it That's not expensive than uh Joystick is better. A small one. No just like in a a laptop. Small, round. Then it's not so big. Oh the sh Yeah, but then you can You have to use t with one hand. So Maybe, if it's possible, it's not too expensive, I think a joystick is better. A small one. So, please look at it. Yeah we I think you get it. So, after this meeting you have half an hour to uh fix it. Yes. Your problem. Not mine. Okay. So, do we have other concepts? Then for the components, we use a normal battery. Then it's Ch cheapest way, I think. No, no kinetic. Kinetic is uh ch makes it more expensive. So we use a normal battery. Chip. Depends on the L_C_D_. Scroll. Yeah. And uh, we If you use the L_C_D_, we have to Yes, okay. So, depends on the L_C_D_ and the scroll. Okay. Okay. So, uh the shapes of the design depends on the L_C_D_ and But, it has to be small. I think. If you have pistol, it L_C_D_'s not easy. Y y Yeah but If you use a phone. k Yeah, but but then you have it. Like, th if you have pistol, you have it so. And the screen is Well, then you have to keep it this way to look at the screen. Yeah. No. No, no. Yeah, but then you look forward. And then you can y N well, if you have to look at it. Then it goes like this. If th n well Yes, of course. That's good good. But the um, it may not break. Okay. If that's possible. Okay. Yeah of course. Okay. Then this is the design. And the buttons are on the next page. So, depends on the cost. So, um we have one minute. I think. No. More. Seven. Next meeting. Thirty minutes. So hurry up. You two stay here. Paint it. Now you have to. So I think it's clear. Check your mail. So It has to be ready in the next meeting. So Next meeting is called the detailed design. So Everyth everything has to be ready. Thanks for your attention.
Speaker B: Ah, pinball. Huh. Uh, maybe I'll have something in my uh presentation. And you will see it. I'm next, okay. Yes. No. Here we go. Uh, at first we will uh I will f uh say something about what younger people want, our uh group w uh w uh we want to uh sell our remote controls to. And then, I'll discuss what my opinion is about the costs, about uh what battery is in it, what kind of buttons also. First uh, the younger people, they want like soft mat uh materials and primary colours. Like, totally yellow, totally red. Uh, so it's visible. Uh, the shapes are curved and round, like uh you also said. Maybe it's nice to uh get a remote control not like all the other ones, straight and uh flat and long. But to give him the shape of your hand, so you it's easier to use or something like that. But that's just an idea. And then, I'll have to discuss about the costs uh of all the things for the remote control. The battery, there are few options. Uh, I think the best option is to use uh the basic battery. So, everybody can buy it uh at the at the supermarket. Or use uh a k uh kinetic battery like uh within a watch. When you uh shake it a few times, it it's loaded. Uh, the the form of the remote control, I think it's also nice have it curved. And maybe like it's hand-shaped. Uh, so uh you take it here in your hand and here are the buttons. Uh material, you use plastic. Hard plastic uh because uh it won't have to burst uh like in the in one time. And also rubber because the younger people like that, what we see in the research. Uh the push-buttons. We have one new thing uh discovered. It's a scroll push uh thing like a mouse. Maybe it's uh easy to use uh for the channels. When you want to go m move up, you just scroll up and click on the button, if you wanna see the next, uh if you wanna see that channel. And also for the mouse, uh for the volume, it's also uh easy to use. Just scroll a bit up, scroll a bit down. And that's also easy just w when you have a thing like this, and you get it here. You can do it with your thumb. And with your l left hand you can uh push the buttons uh if you push uh channel one, you can see channel one. The electrics um with a scroll push uh button, we must use regular uh chips. There are also uh simple chips. They are uh cheaper. Um, but then we have just a basic uh uh remote control, and I think there are a lot of those uh things, and people won't buy it any more. They have seen enough of it. And you have also advanced um chips. But that's with the L_C_D_ uh screen. And the costs will increase a lot more. And I think our budget is too low to use and an L_C_D_, and the chip who is more expensive. And maybe it's also then uh thoughtful if we u uh use uh as um different kind of uh shapes for the for remote control, that we then use the primary colours. Like, you get a yellow uh remote control, red one, blue one, et cetera. You have any more questions about this? I think the main thing is we look at the costs. And not too basic, not a basic remote control, who everybody already has. Not with an L_C_D_. No. Yeah. But then, what I say, the costs will uh get a lot higher. Th then you'll see it on the television. Yeah but l when you see a menu uh on the television, it's like you see uh one to twenty, you go uh uh s scroll up, and push number tw twenty. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I think the younger people will have newer televisions, which can provide our uh remote control. Yes. But that won't be a problem. I think. No, but then we'll get to the regular uh remote controls. And I think, what I said, everybody has them uh has them already. And they go to a uh supermarket and buy them uh for two Euros. Uh, and ge and get the most cheapest uh thing. And I think we must look further to uh to devel d develop something news. I got it on my screen and it was uh higher. But I don't know uh how much higher. That's true. But then we'll I think we must discuss who uh what will be better. If we have a better shape of the um remote control, or better options on it. With a scroll menu, a w scroll thing, and a L_C_D_. And then a flat um remote control. Or, a more hand-shaped remote control, with scroll, without L_C_D_. I can uh look on my uh Uh Note that the push-button requires a simple chip chip. A scroll wheel requires minimally a regular chip, which is a higher price range. The display requires a advanced chip, which is which in turn is more expensive than the regular chip. Doesn't say. That's from my manufacturing division. Yes? Changing covers. Nope. Uh, uh-uh. How w how we how we make it? Uh Shouldn't we first discuss about like what w we all Yeah, but if I paint with More like something M like Yeah I can't dr I can't draw it. Uh I have to. I'm not a designer. It's more three D_. Like, um when you have a part here. This is the remote control. And then you have something like th this under it. So, it's easier to get it like this. It's like a gun. And it has to be soft, yeah. So, you can squeeze in it and Sorry? Buttons on top of it. And here. The scrolling. You can do it with your thumb. But now we use one scroll button and the other one is here. One till uh uh zero till nine. And the b Yeah? Or two buttons. If uh 'Kay c If we do If we use one, then we'll have just a switch on it, and you'll just switch it, and now it's the sound to switch back with the menu uh button. And then you also can scroll uh scroll in it. Just not like all the other ones, with uh this thing, and uh here an arrow, here an arrow, here an arrow, here an arrow. Because uh, from h hundred uh remote controls, ninety nine have it. Uh, then we have it on the T_V_, the menu. I don't know. It's like some sort of uh teletext option, but we don't have teletext. And if we put an L_C_D_ thing on it, then the costs will uh be much higher. 'Kay. But you all like this kind of thing. Uh With the scroll button. And and this one has to be soft. And this has to be harder, because when it falls, it mu mu must not burst. Or some kind of rubber around it. Yeah. Yeah. Ah that's nice. Here. Trigger. Paint it? With the scroll thing on, like this? So? Draw it. But is it easy to use? When you have it on your left side, and Separate, more separate, h yeah. Yeah. On the left a scroll button, and on the right a scroll button. But would it be easy to use then? If it's like you have a big uh I also think this concept is not what the young people were looking for. They were like round curves, uh different uh Okay, okay, okay. Mm-hmm. Personally, I think two scroll buttons uh aren't easy to handle. With the switch button. No like uh Oh, you mean like that. Uh, then you can also have like uh th um Yeah, and joystick, I think. Yeah like in a laptop, s uh s some sort of thing. A little bit bigger, with easier thi I don't know. Or no scroll uh things. Just a shape. And No, no. It won't work. Yeah. Uh-huh. Or a remote control more like joystick. A small one like this, like a Nintendo uh k Playstation thing. No, no, no. I mean the the shape of the remote control. Just like a Playstation thing. Yeah. No, that's okay, I got Uh they're not uh in details. It's more expensive or less expensive, huh? Then I have to come with it. I got my personal costs. I I don't I don't know the costs. Then I'll uh make something up. Yeah, or the or the kinetic uh with normal battery. Yeah, I think it's uh, yeah, more expensive. Yeah. Okay. Depends on the scroll. If we use a scroll, then we have the uh regular chip. If we don't use a scroll, then we can use the simple chip. And that's Uh the most expensive. Yeah. If we Yeah. If we No okay scroll-wheel. So, I have this. So, it will be uh the advanced chip, or the uh regu uh or the regular chip. Or shall we just put it on the pistol thing? And then just put also on L_C_D_ on it? Just use your thumb. If you Yeah. I use my thumb. Yeah. If you have a joystick on No, if you have like uh an uh uh a ni a uh Playstation uh game controller. And you move up, f forward, down, left. Then you have uh just, yeah, a little bit curved. It's not just uh straight. That's how we use it. That's why they make joysticks like that, I think. Yeah? 'Kay. Here's our designer. Yeah. Yeah, why not. It's for the younger people. It's something new. Now we put uh rubber around it. Hard plastic, uh the shape, and around it hard uh around it rubber. And the uh the hand shape is also rubber. Huh. This is something new. Costs are okay. Oh, that's us together. Yes. 'Kay. Bye bye.
Speaker C: Mm. Ah. Hey. Ah. Now I have my screen back too. Yeah. Yeah. Very interesting. Large. A lot a lot of buttons buttons. Yeah. Yes. Okay. Okay. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Yep. Yeah. But, thi i uh This is with an L_C_D_? No, not. Uh, can you give an indication in b uh in the cost difference between uh the chip with L_C_D_ or without? 'Cause it I think if we have an L_C_D_, it will also sell a lot better. And that might uh bring back the costs uh Huh. 'Kay. My turn? Mm. So So Yeah. So, my uh presentation is about trend-watching. Uh, I did some trend-watching. It's very important to uh keep up with latest trends. 'Cause if you don't, you won't sell. So, well how we did do that? Uh, well we made an investigation of the market, by Trendwatchers. They uh watch in uh cities like uh Paris and Milan. Of course, well known for their uh trend uh trends. And well, uh what did you find? Uh, we have two groups, young and trendy, and the old and rich. Well th and the young and trendy, they uh they starting to like uh fruit and vegetables uh as a theme for n uh clothes, shoes, and also uh products. And um, material? That should feel have uh a spongy feeling. And to get a feeling for what it is, uh here is an image of it. Then the old and rich. They like uh dark colours, and simple, recognisable shapes. And um, they also like uh familiar material, uh especially wood. Now, another picture. To get a feeling for this. Well, uh then already come to my personal preferences. We uh aim at the younger market. So, we should also be uh look at their uh trends. However, with trends it's always if there's it's now. It it it might last one year, and next year it be uh can be totally different. And I think we want to sell our product for longer than one year. So, we m must not just only look at what the trend is now, as it might be totally different next year. So, that's uh one thing to keep in mind. Yeah. Any questions? Yeah. Mm. Can make several uh concepts. We have this, and we had the idea of an um a more uh uh uh like sh in the shape of your hand. Yeah I I I uh yes. Yeah. A g Mm.. Yeah. And i if we go to uh But if we have uh a me Yeah. If we have a menu, uh how do we uh choose other options? Yeah. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Yeah. Yeah. M uh yeah, maybe it's better if the uh scroll-wheels are um more separate, yeah. Like, you have the menu button in between uh Yeah. Think we have we have now two buttons missing. The uh um The mute button. We have two buttons missing. The mute button. And um, the to to uh have to uh numbers Okay. But, uh Okay. And on the L_C_D_, how much it costs? Uh, it costs extra? Yeah. Yes. Uh Uh, yeah, but Yeah. If you If we have uh then something standing here, with the L_C_D_. Um, Yeah. I can't see the. But, uh the easy of uh, th the ease of use wasn't uh the most important uh aspect of it. Uh, for us it's about to sell it. Uh One. No. You have more. You have still ten. Yeah. What? Okay. Okay. See you at the next meeting.
Speaker D: Hmm. Oh. Mine. Oh, great. Uh Yes, well uh let's uh talk about the interface uh concept. Uh, first I'll uh I'll uh discuss the buttons we just chose, uh show you some samples, uh uh discuss some colours and design maybe, already. And uh my personal preferences. Well we chose the power button to switch the television on and off. The bu uh the mute button to switch the volume on and o on and off. The channels buttons, one to nine, and uh off uh uh zero to nine, and the uh button to choose uh higher channels than nine. Uh the volume and channel quadrants, uh left and right, up and down arrows, to uh do the volume and channel. And the menu menu button to man manipulate the L_C_D_ uh display. Um, I found some uh interesting uh uh samples. Examples. Um, well uh what's pretty standard is uh that it's that they're all pretty uh uh high uh Yeah. Yeah. Large and and and pretty thin and uh and long. Um, power buttons are mostly at the top uh left or right. Um, well we see the the the same uh arrows. Like there. And uh Yeah, well arrow b buttons can be blue. And what's interesting is the the the icons on the buttons. Some buttons have icons like the play and stop, but we don't use that. But uh, these we we have to choose the right icons, or or letters. Uh this is the V_ for volume, but they're both uh a V_. So it's it's not really very uh clear what's the function of that. Um Yeah. So, that's Uh, well Yeah. I thought that was our uh idea. So, uh how Like this. Or or this. And that the menu button is okay. Yeah, okay. Uh, so the The icons on the arrows, as well, you mean. Yeah. Uh, well that's something to uh think about. Okay. Um, well I don't I don't know if we have to discuss this already, or in the next uh meeting. But uh, as we have to uh to to design the the case and the whole uh remote control in our uh our our corporate uh company uh uh colours and the logo, I would uh recommend a yellow case. Uh, round edges. The logo at the bottom. And uh, well maybe each each uh set of buttons uh has uh has his own colour. So, it's good. Uh, recognisable. K so, I think. Uh, no. Not too much. But uh No, no, no. But this has to be has to be trendy and uh and Uh, yeah so good uh good icons on the buttons, and uh and big buttons is my uh personal uh opinion. That was that. Hmm. No. Mm, yes. What? Mm. Yeah. But but i that's the only scroll uh button on it then? Yeah, okay. But but how Yeah. How Okay. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. And you can and you can uh make the the power button as a trigger. Like uh Just to uh Oh, like a Yeah. But if you put push the the menu button Yeah, wh what Yes, but you don't know which of the scroll buttons you have to choose. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm, yeah. Yeah. It's uh Or you can uh turn it inside. But that's No, that's true.. Okay. Cookie. | The industrial designer gave a presentation on the interface concept, discussing which buttons will be needed and then looking at some examples of existing remote controls. He suggested using a yellow case with rounded edges and the logo at the bottom, and large, clearly marked buttons. The interface expert informed the group that young people like curved shapes, soft materials and primary colours, and suggested making a hand-shaped remote in plastic and rubber. He talked about the possibility of using a scroll button, and the different chips which could be used. The group discussed using an LCD screen, but did not have enough information about costs to make a decision. The marketing expert talked about new trends, including the trends for spongy materials and fruit and vegetable themed products. The group had a discussion and decided to create two designs, one with an LCD screen and one without, and the interface designer drew them on the board. They put off making a final decision about using an LCD screen, scroll buttons and a menu button until they could find out about costs. |
54 | Speaker A: Okay. Okay. Next.. What do you mean there? Okay. You can disconnect it there no? Then you can connect this one or this one yeah. All to your computer. Oh yeah. Okay. Hmm. Yeah. Well it would be f No you can't. Oh. Well, it depends you know like there is uh it's a very small vocabulary that you want to do the operations like you want to say on, off, one, two, twenty three, yeah. It's it's going to be li it's not going to be s so easy but u usually it's going to be more of an isolated case but it's but I don't know with twenty fi Okay it's uh decline. Okay. Okay. Now you can move I think yeah. It's a channel selection, a module, this and this function, go to the. Yeah. But is it uh can you just buy it on the market and f plug it in or you want to ma Well it to du it's just you had to change the frequencies. Yeah. But you should be careful, people are sometime becoming problem, like a guy has recently designed a remote uh uh uh which could switch off any other T_V_s, so basically through all the things. So maybe we should think of yeah. Yeah so you can just go on the street and then switch off everyone's T_V_ and you can just walk away You don't have to be near the T_V_ at all. Yeah so. Okay. So I can take I think mine now there. Okay so voila. Hmm I can take mine it's okay, voila, mm so mm. Okay. It's on the desktop. Technical function. Okay. Like so. Well. So um I'm going to talk a little bit about the technical function so wha what actually it's about what is the user going to do, I think my last presented what is going inside, so what's the user is going to see from the outside and how he is going to use it. So well the approach is that uh basically the idea is to send a message to the T_V_ set, as Mael has pointed, and it will be decoded by the T_V_ and usually we it is easier to have uh keys or buttons with which people can uh press and then um changing a button will basically uh change the message which is being sent to the T_V_ and uh um a and basically it sends an internal signal and decoded by the receiver. So p as um Anna has said that this ki people are interested in things which are you don't need to k press the keys, people are can have a speech recognition but this is uh s a question which will we have to see later. But in the present scenario is that you have certain keys and you press it like your mobile phone, and it sends a message to the T_V_. And um so generally mm I don't have some figures sorry but um so there are two kinds of uh remote if you popularly in the household, actually so you have a standard T_V_ remote where you have just a on, off button and play, uh volume change and uh keys for the number and more than one digit option. And if you see for example righ right now uh uh even the one uh on more than one digit option is for two digit channel which is like ninety nine, but tomorrow you might have one fifty channels you know to browse or two hundred channels to browse who knows, but uh uh. Then there is uh this is the standard one with without any fancy thing you know like i it doesn't have teletext option, it can without any, it's a very simple thing, um which which you can vouch. And then you have uh what's the v video remote file which is like usually it has almost all the keys over there and, but it then it has other options like stop uh and then you play the movie or uh or fo fast forward the movie or something like that so i it has those so these are the standard uh commonly found remote controls in the uh market. And then whi which is generally used by the people. And then well personal preferences I would uh basically think of having a kind of aim for the next generation thing where the we could have both the uh the f a T_V_ and the remote video remote control because uh some of the keys in the video's remote control and the T_V_ they could be integrated together so that uh we could um aim for the like in the f coming future um that type of uh applications with Yeah. Yeah. Um actually um you could you could think of um having s a y you can have a key which could tell y it could go to the video thing but um uh yo you you you still can't um in that case when it you use that the function should be able to take up the V_C_R_ option and you could play it or You can also think about having like um I in a few days you will be ha in in few ye coming years you might even have a system where you have a separate uh sitting setup box and uh you have uh um something like uh uh you do you do you suppose you are not able to watch some programme and actually it downloading all the time for you and uh you can just you know uh when you come back you could just switch on that thing and uh watch a program. In that case you want to browse faster, browse slow, you want to have those kind of functionalities. It's the next generation thing, but it is going to come in couple of years. It's goi Yeah it's Yeah. Yeah. So it's going to record your things and you and you you need basically the functionalities what you need in both uh uh video as well as in the standard T_V_ thing. No no we are not making a universal remote, we are just looking at uh giving a scenario, I have a T_V_ and tomorrow I am going to have set up box which is going to sit there and uh it's going to do that job for me. Yeah. So Okay so that p ends my presentation. Well. So we can always discuss about it for example uh the presently the video market actually uh this demand, video over-demand or what we call it as, it's presently booming up actually so it i like people are providing like uh things like uh uh movies, you can select actually so you want to watch a movie and uh your p your provider gives a list of movies, and then you select those list. And it basically you go off, it downloads the movie, it gives for you and then when you come you want to loo watch it on your T_V_. And thi this is going to come. Yeah it can be streamed online for you and you can say what time I want to watch the movie and Yeah so. Yeah. Yeah. Um. Yeah it's uh well you you can follow the ideas how you want to keep the keys, you know right now if you take it you have like zero, one, two, three like a keys separately, but suppose if you take the the present trend of mobile phones there are like big thick keys you press on the top, it takes one number, you press on the bottom it takes another number, and uh basically uh uh so the space covered so that you don't see two separate keys there actually so it it is like uh um i i it is like uh Yeah so. So for example uh Well uh Okay, it works. Fine. So, for example you have uh presently uh keys like one, two, three like this, actually, and uh uh four five six like that and uh you can have keys like this in form like uh keys like that Forty minutes? Yeah so you you you can have uh keys like uh which are which are like so. too sorry, so we basically don't change the uh original order of them but then the keys are more spacious, they don't look uh so there there is a very sligh thing, so if you press on the top it takes the one, it takes the three, uh four, sorry four here uh five and six, so the keys can be it looks you know not very much cluttered but it looks nice for you don't have too many keys but you can have a lot of options t if you press on the to Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Well Well I it's fine with me like the price as long as it is uh not too expensive. Uh and it d uh Our provin Mm. Uh yeah, that's that's what we needed basically. Uh that's needed right now. And uh basically you can look to the standards of other Actu Yeah. Yeah you can also browse through all the standards you know, where are the limit of standards for all of them and you can just browse through them. Okay. Okay. Voila. Hmm. So. Well. Oh I don't have anything right now. We can we'll we'll go and we'll I'm sure we'll up something good for the Yeah so we meet in well what are our Okay. Cool. So see you later.
Speaker B: Mm-hmm. What's the agenda for this meeting? Okay. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. That's the big question yeah. No, I don't. I wasn't. No. I c I can talk about it but I have no slides or anything. Mm-hmm. Well I've just been um presented with some research we've done in a small focus group so, a hundred people, just asked them about their remote control usage habits and what they want in a remote control. Um. It's probably can't email this to you, I've just got a web page with some data on it. Um basically it's saying that users generally dislike the look and feel of their remote controls. Um seventy five u seventy five percent of users find most remote controls ugly. Um. Eighty percent of users would spend more money when a remote control would look fancy. Um. Current remote controls do not match well the operating behaviour of the user. Uh seventy five percent of users said they zap a lot, so they use their remote control quite frequently while they're watching television. Uh. Fifty percent of users say that they only use ten percent of the buttons, so they've got a remote control with a lot of functionality but really most of the time they only use a small part of that. Um. I have an a web page yes. Yep. Yep, sure. Mm-hmm. So basically um there's a breakdown of how much they use the different functions on a rem remote control. Um, power and volume selection are only used a few times within this uh per hour. Um, channel selection is used a hundred and sixty eight times um and then there's things like channel settings, audio settings, which are only used very infrequently. Um. Teletext is used um fourteen times in the hour, so it is used but not nearly as much as the channel selection is used. Um. An interesting thing that this report has brought up is that um fifty fifty percent of users report that the remote control gets lost a lot of the time in the room, so some way of some way of locating the remote control would be very useful to a lot of users. Um. Thirty four percent said it takes too long to learn to use a remote control, they want something that's easier to use straight away, more intuitive perhaps. Um. Thirty four percent said it took too much time to learn to use a new one. Yep. Um. And thirty twenty six percent said remote controls are bad for R_S_I_. I don't know how we'd go about combating that. For R_S_I_? Respet Repetitive strain injury. So. But Mm. Yeah. That's what the report says yeah. Um and then it's got a demographic breakdown on Uh I should be able to actually, if I email it to you now. Oh no, yeah. Yeah. Um, s hang on. Well. Oh I need to muck around with this. It's probably easier if you put it on yours and then I'll just email it to you. It's just a web link. One thing it goes on to talk about, which is interesting, is the hang on a minute. Mm-hmm. Yep. Um, one thing is interesting is talking about um speech recognition in a remote control. And who would pay more for that and whether people would find it useful. Yes, I'll just get this up. Well potentially yeah, um I think even for interesti yeah I think that would not work so well. You wanna have both options. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Um Well This is now talking about um who would pay for speech recognition in a remote control, who would pay more for it, um. Ninety percent of the fifteen to twenty five year old market said that they would pay more, it goes down from there, seventy six percent for twenty five to thirty five, thirty five percent for thirty five to forty five, um twenty two percent for forty five to fifty five and then eight percent for fifty five to sixty five. Yeah. But we sh Yeah, it really depends where we're gonna be targeting this product, um, which we'll be talking about later I think. Did you get the email? Yep, that one. Just follow that link. It'll be in a different window, yep. That's left that one. Yep. Mm. So that's the figure that I was just talking about there, with the different demographics. Another thing it's talking about there is the L_C_D_ screen but there's no figures apparently on that. Sorry? Oh. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Well. You drew it a long time ago? Ninety one. Ah. That's handy. So if the b T_V_ in the next apartment's really loud, you can just turn it off. Yeah. I like that idea. Mm-hmm. Yep. Mm-hmm. Okay. How would that work? So you've got say maybe a V_C_R_ and a T_V_ which are separate, so you on my one at home I've got a V_C_R_ remote which then changes the channel on the V_C_R_ and doesn't do anything on the T_V_, so is it gonna be like a switch on the remote that says t use the T_V_ or use the V_C_R_? or does it know which one you want to use? Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. That's fair enough. Mm. But I don't think we're trying to make a universal remote here. That's, yeah. Mm. Mm. Because y Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Yep. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Hmm. Mm. Mm. So D_V_D_s and V_C_R_s? Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. But I think taking the idea of getting inspiration from mobile phones is interesting, especially if we're going after a younger market, that's the the the mm the new and the funky things, that's, yeah, there's lot there's lots of pretty mobile phones, not too many pretty remote controls. That's Mm. Mm-hmm. Okay. How much longer have we got for the meeting by the way? 'Cause we haven't talked about demographic at all and it's a very important issue. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yeah. Which I think is quite tricky. Um, basically we're trying to get people to buy a remote control wouldn't they already have a remote control with their television when they buy one? But it's not going to have more functionality, 'cause it's only a low market, it's a cheap-end remote control, we can't beat modern functionality, we might we'll be able to beat them on th the look of it, th the design of it but that's not a big seller, if they're not just going to buy a new remote control just 'cause it looks pretty, they have to actually need it as well. So I'm not sure how we can get people to buy this thing. Mm. Yeah. But why are they buying one in the first place? Mm. But if people are buying a new remote control for functionality they'll buy a universal remote. I've got friends who've got so many things they need a universal remote, otherwise they're using five different remotes for their all their things. In that case they wouldn't buy our product, because it doesn't give them what they need in terms of functionality. Well, we can't, with the price range. We We're not building a universal remote, we're not building a high end product. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. But yeah. If we're getting into universal remote territory, we're getting to L_C_D_ screens and things like that which would drive the cost up a lot. For universal remotes If you mm. And quite complicated to use, yes. Mm-hmm. Not as flexible maybe, yeah, but s yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. But if we're going for the say fifteen to twenty five age group then not many of them would actually own T_V_s to use a remote control on. Okay. So they're yeah. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yep. I don't know really what the the price range for remote controls is. Are we gonna be at the very bottom of the price range, or are we kind of middle to bottom? I don't know. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. Yeah. Yeah. So I guess what I'd like from a universal remote is maybe choosing between three devices, being able to switch between them, there may be stereo, V_C_R_ and T_V_. And just be able to s use them all from the same remote, but not at the same time. Mm. Mm-hmm yep. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Speaker C: So I see all everybody's here, 'kay. And we can start meeting. The I will uh present here agenda with with with with slides to you. Um as you can see here. So first uh just to mention I will take notes uh of this meeting and uh I will try to work them out and give them to you. I've also made notes of the previous meeting and um I was about to send them you but then uh I had to go to this uh meeting so you will get them too uh Um. Yes. Indeed. Um. Then I hope you all have uh worked out some some uh some some presentations about uh about well you the the task given to you in the previous meeting. Um. W We will uh in a minute we will uh start with them. Um, we will see in which order we will handle them of. Um then I will uh bring in some some some new requirements I I got uh from the uh account manager, I try to work them out, they were quite abstract, and we can have maybe have com some discussion about it. Uh Um about the functions and Well in this meeting we should really try to reach a decision about the target group and the functionality of the Yes I mean well yes w who are we going to uh to well to sell this, the customers, indeed yes. Think that's that's important matter. Uh. So And then uh we will close this meeting uh and after this meeting we'll uh we'll have a lunch. Good. Um. Maybe um why uh Anna can you c do you have a presentations? You don't have presentation? Uh you want a table to to uh Yes yes maybe maybe you can uh can just talk about it or maybe you can use the whiteboard if necessary um. Mm-hmm. Mm. Do you Do you have this uh information on the web page you said? Yes, mayb maybe you can can send an email to me later uh. Uh about this. Mm. Mm. Yes yes, I have that too. Mm. Mm. They think that or do their doctor the doctor says? But it's it's the opinion of the uh of the users huh? So mm. You can maybe just just Hmm. Mm-hmm. D do you have numbers o o on that? Well it would it would be a solution for uh when your remote control is lost, I mean when it has speech recognition then uh i then it doesn't matter where it is, my well it's we should be in range, or maybe it can respond and produce sound, so say where it is. But the these are all quite fancy features I'm not sure whether we will we can make this for for twelve Euro fi and fifty cents. Mm. Yes, that that that that's mm. Do you have some more important facts or can we go to the next presentation? Mm. Mm-hmm. Decline with age, mm. Mm. Yes. We will talk about it later. Okay. Mm. Okay. um Uh maybe uh Mael c c can you give uh uh your presentation uh? Oh, this is Mm-hmm, y y you can move, uh. Yes. You can you can sa take my chair. Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh. Is huh overwhelming. No. And and why do you want these kind of component? I mean, are they cheap, or are they uh reliable? What were your Mm. Yes. It it it's more clear now I think. So Mm-hmm. What I w what I was thinking about uh the the the schema uh about uh the sender and the receiver, I mean can you can you get back to it? Yeah uh, the receiver is of course already in the television and we are not uh able to change it. So we we must adapt to the to the receiver. I I suppose there is a standard uh way of communicating to televisions uh. Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Mm. Yes. Okay. Thank you. Mm. Yeah yes I I I I I feel I I I think M Mael will will consider this uh th these things. Maybe Maybe we can go to to your presentation uh Matthew. I I I assume you were finished here. Uh okay. Oh. I Uh, sorry? I know where it is. It's uh Yes. It's uh Mm-hmm. Mm. Mm mm mm mm mm. Mm yes, but I think it's i i it's already there, I mean the hard disk uh recorders uh I I've seen them in the shop. W w w w we need to decide on on on on in how far we go to in this. Mean, you can go pretty far I f I think with with with functions and possible uh future p uh prospects yes. But it's good to keep in mind. Mm. Very well. Good. Um, so u um I have uh received some some some some well points of of thinking over of my account manager and uh I would like to share them with you. Um first thing is uh teletext is a well known feature of televisions but it's it's getting used less and less. That's that's especially because of the internet of course. So we should think about it um. Do we include it, and do we give it a prominent uh prominent uh place on on on the on well huh on the remote mot control itself. Uh as uh a in any case it's it's not used, well very much, but it's it is still used. Um further yes we must think, uh do we stay uh to to television only, the television as we as we all know it with with broadcasting signals and you can't go back uh huh, or do we uh uh go further as Matthew indicated by supporting uh uh recording uh devices? Uh indeed indeed. And and and the hard disk recorders. Um, furthermore, uh, w we need really need to interest uh y younger customers and then with younger customers I mean people uh below the age of forty, and our our current customers are mainly forty plus uh which well Forty. So that's to that's I mean there's a market but uh they will grow older older and you'll al always need to have the the future with younger people. Um therefore, younger people like trendy trendy designs, so that's w we should make our our our R_C_ as trendy as possible but it should also be uh have a reliable image, so when it looks too too spacey or too fancy people will think well does it work at all. Hmm. Ma Maybe Maybe you can draw it on the on the board uh Hmm. Yes yes mo Yes it's recognisable Mm mm. And and they are skilled uh by using it. Mael can you hand me over this uh? Uh thank you. Mm well I think fi five min Mm-hmm. Okay. 'Kay I I think now that the idea's clear. Uh we should now uh try to decide um on our target group. Of course they have already one. So our our our remote control has to be better. Mm-hmm. Mm. I well I think many people said uh in your in in your research uh uh uh the appearance of the uh R_C_ is is important when they are buying one but Indeed. So that will be about functionality Mm. Mm-hmm. Mm. So your you think we should go for a more u universal high-performance What do What do you think about What componen I don't know. I don't know whether that's necessary. Is the L_C_D_ screen I think thi this could be this could be a market because uh universal remote controls uh tend to be uh quite expensive. S so we can try to go in between, and offer a product which is not as expensive and not as complicated but but still but still people have the idea this is more functional than a normal uh uh R_C_ because it has more uh it it is in some kind universal. Mm yes but w we're targeting I think on more on the on the twenty to forty group. People yes. Who just have or already have a job and have the money but may not want to spend that much money on a on a universal universal control. Uh well I think uh when we think it over I thi I think we are trying to offer the a kind of universal control for for less money. So d Do you agree? Mm-hmm. You think it's possible for the twelve Euro fifty? Okay. Um so then we we decide on on on going to this more universal kind of control. Mm. Mm. Okay. Yes. Mm mm mm mm. So given we are going for this uh uh universal type uh m maybe it is good when you try to find out which components you therefore need and y you will try to get more specific uh user interface content and uh maybe you can look on on what trends are in this uh in this type of market. So anyone uh has a point to bring in or shall we no. Okay. W yes, we uh we can have lunch now. So um Then th th the next meeting will uh after lunch you have uh we have uh thirty minutes of work and then we have the next meeting. But you will be informed via the computer. Okay.
Speaker D: Yep. Perfect. So y you are the secretary also. Right? Okay. Perfectly yeah yeah of course uh-huh. You mean the social target group who we wants to target? Oh the customers, okay. It's it's easy to learn or how do you say it's Okay too much time to learn. Okay. Not enough Maybe y y you cannot put this webpage online on the Ah it's it okay it's a webpage on the C_ it's a file okay. O otherwise you yeah. You can connect this one. Yeah. So these are important numbers that Matthew and I need to take into account for our functional um Yeah Yeah these numbers have have to be have to be taken into account for the uh both yeah user interface and functional design. Because if there are many numbers and we need to select to to constraint uh our design based on what is more important. Speech recognition in Ah okay. So that we don't Do we not need any button on the remote control it would be all based on speech. Okay. Interesting idea. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And we don't know where the state of the art of speech recognition is, maybe you know? But it's quite noisy if there is the T_V_ uh shouting. Okay. So you had to to to summarise maybe the Mm. Mm-hmm. I thi You us yeah yeah. Okay perfect. ... Mm 'kay. Yeah. Mm I okay I stay I can move as far as Maybe I take your chair? I okay. So I think as everybody knows uh I'm the uh Industrial Designer. And uh in this presentation uh this group presentation um is gonna focus on the working design of the the remote control. Um I'd like first to give a quick a very simple introduction, how does it work, so that everybody knows even if you don't have a very uh technical background uh what is it because I think in the product it is important. So basically um the basic function of a remote control is to send uh messages to another system that is fixed. And so an energy source feeds an integrated circuit, the chip, that can compose messages, usually uh through a um infrared bit and uh the user interface controls the chip and accordingly the the messages, alright. So my method for um designing the yeah the work design uh yeah first the the main point is that I would wish to to make a really functional product. I would prefer to have very functional um capabilities rather than fancy stuff that in fact is not used and doesn't work. So for that yeah as it's important to take into account the user requirements from the Marketing uh Expert uh Anna and um w to to we should agree on what are the technical functions uh for this remote control and I show you the the working design. So um basically uh here is a really large view of what we want. Uh we want an on off button, it can be uh it's simple but it's it's important, and also uh the to both channels as well as other buttons that come after, right. So the components I quickly draw here, is that in this part you have the remote control the the sender and on the other part the receiver so that's my method is um will be to well my aim would be to uh design the and choose the chips and the infrared um components to build the remote control right. So of course we need energy sources and uh uh the receiver a a receiver. This is very quick uh design, uh you stop me or interrupt me if uh you don't agree on it on that. And um so what I have found and after a lot of work actually I I draw this I draw for you this uh schema that can be maybe too technical for you but is very important for me you know. And uh that's it so I won't go into details about that but uh these are my preferences to use uh that kind of components. So. So the the main components you see here are the cheapest I have found and yeah th you have always a compromise with uh reliability and uh i if it's expensive, but uh this one was not this one also really uh reliable um so yeah that's it for the working design, uh I hope you get clearer view on uh what what a remote control is uh in terms of uh technical components but maybe yeah No no no no we we will uh This is a preference but we can always change uh Yeah. Of course yeah. Yeah. We will use uh infrared protocol uh using yeah infrared and uh and of course we need to adapt to that protocol that already exists and but we what we can do is uh uh adapting the the chips inside uh to the best uh chips and uh infrared bubbles. Um. Okay. The frequencies? Yeah yeah. Of course yeah in the chip you have it yeah. That can control o other things. Yeah. Of course yeah we should take that into account in the uh Yes. Okay. Mm-hmm. Yep. These are kind of next generation functionalities. Mm 'kay. Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Or even you don't need to download it, it's streamed uh online uh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Fourteen or for O okay. So Mm-hmm. Yeah. Because they are already used to that, you know, product. Yeah. Mm-hmm. ... Yes. Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah we have yeah twelve point five Euros uh per uh per R_ s R_C_ and I think uh with this now you know that chips are very uh cheaps and uh we can include it in our control some new new features. Yeah. And um But yeah that's Ye I don't think L_C_D_ is not necessary well, th for long term. Yeah. Universal. Yeah. Mm. Yeah. Yeah because we have to take into account that we are gonna b we are gonna sell uh four aro around four million so when we speak about these numbers uh the price of a chip is uh price of a chip is very cheap. So I'm okay for designing um a ne uh less yeah a a kind of universal uh R_C_ yeah. Yeah. Yeah that's needed, yeah. And if we want to get the market, we really need that. Yes. Exactly. Is that okay for you? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. Oh that's that's fine then. Yeah. Okay perfect. | The project manager opens the meeting and presents the agenda using slides. The marketing expert explains the research she read about, which is a study done on 100 people asking their remote usage habits and preferences. The Industrial Designer presents, explaining the basic function of a remote control and how it works. He says they should first agree on the technical functions before he creates working design and chooses the chips and infrared components to build it. The Interface Designer gives his presentation, talking about the remote's technical function of sending a message to the TV set that is decoded by the TV. Standard TV remotes have an on/off button, play, volume change, number keypad, and a 1 or 2 digit option. He suggests that in aiming for the next generation they should have a remote for the TV and video integrated together. The project manager recieves a message from account manager, which he shares with the group. They discuss and determine the target group as well as the possibility of making a universal remote for stereo, VCR, and TV. They close the meeting with the project manager telling each group member what they will do before the next meeting. |
13818513 | Amanda: I baked cookies. Do you want some?
Jerry: Sure!
Amanda: I'll bring you tomorrow :-) | Amanda baked cookies and will bring Jerry some tomorrow. |
13728867 | Olivia: Who are you voting for in this election?
Oliver: Liberals as always.
Olivia: Me too!!
Oliver: Great | Olivia and Olivier are voting for liberals in this election. |
13681000 | Tim: Hi, what's up?
Kim: Bad mood tbh, I was going to do lots of stuff but ended up procrastinating
Tim: What did you plan on doing?
Kim: Oh you know, uni stuff and unfucking my room
Kim: Maybe tomorrow I'll move my ass and do everything
Kim: We were going to defrost a fridge so instead of shopping I'll eat some defrosted veggies
Tim: For doing stuff I recommend Pomodoro technique where u use breaks for doing chores
Tim: It really helps
Kim: thanks, maybe I'll do that
Tim: I also like using post-its in kaban style | Kim may try the pomodoro technique recommended by Tim to get more stuff done. |
13730747 | Edward: Rachel, I think I'm in ove with Bella..
rachel: Dont say anything else..
Edward: What do you mean??
rachel: Open your fu**ing door.. I'm outside | Edward thinks he is in love with Bella. Rachel wants Edward to open his door. Rachel is outside. |
13728094 | Sam: hey overheard rick say something
Sam: i don't know what to do :-/
Naomi: what did he say??
Sam: he was talking on the phone with someone
Sam: i don't know who
Sam: and he was telling them that he wasn't very happy here
Naomi: damn!!!
Sam: he was saying he doesn't like being my roommate
Naomi: wow, how do you feel about it?
Sam: i thought i was a good rommate
Sam: and that we have a nice place
Naomi: that's true man!!!
Naomi: i used to love living with you before i moved in with me boyfriend
Naomi: i don't know why he's saying that
Sam: what should i do???
Naomi: honestly if it's bothering you that much you should talk to him
Naomi: see what's going on
Sam: i don't want to get in any kind of confrontation though
Sam: maybe i'll just let it go
Sam: and see how it goes in the future
Naomi: it's your choice sam
Naomi: if i were you i would just talk to him and clear the air | Sam is confused, because he overheard Rick complaining about him as a roommate. Naomi thinks Sam should talk to Rick. Sam is not sure what to do. |
13716343 | Neville: Hi there, does anyone remember what date I got married on?
Don: Are you serious?
Neville: Dead serious. We're on vacation, and Tina's mad at me about something. I have a strange suspicion that this might have something to do with our wedding anniversary, but I have nowhere to check.
Wyatt: Hang on, I'll ask my wife.
Don: Haha, someone's in a lot of trouble :D
Wyatt: September 17. I hope you remember the year ;) | Wyatt reminds Neville his wedding anniversary is on the 17th of September. Neville's wife is upset and it might be because Neville forgot about their anniversary. |
13611672 | John: Ave. Was there any homework for tomorrow?
Cassandra: hello :D Of course, as always :D
John: What exactly?
Cassandra: I'm not sure so I'll check it for you in 20minutes.
John: Cool, thanks. Sorry I couldn't be there, but I was busy as stupid boss as always was trying to piss me off
Cassandra: No problem, what did he do this time?
John: Nothing special, just the same as always, treating us like children, commanding to do this and that...
Cassandra: sorry to hear that. but why don't you just go to your chief and tell him everything?
John: I would, but I don't have any support from others, they are like goddamn pupets and pretend that everything's fine...I'm not gonna fix everything for everyone
Cassandra: I understand...Nevertheless, just try to ignore him. I know it might sound ridiculous as fuck, but sometimes there's nothing more you can do.
John: yeah I know...maybe some beer this week?
Cassandra: Sure, but I got some time after classes only...this week is gonna be busy
John: no problem, I can drive you home and we can go to some bar or whatever.
Cassandra: cool. ok, I got this homework. it's page 15 ex. 2 and 3, I also asked the others to study another chapter, especially the vocabulary from the very first pages. Just read it.
John: gosh...I don't know if I'm smart enough to do it :'D
Cassandra: you are, don't worry :P Just circle all the words you don't know and we'll continue on Monday.
John: ok...then I'll try my best :D
Cassandra: sure, if you will have any questions just either text or call me and I'll help you.
John: I hope I won't have to waste your time xD
Cassandra: you're not wasting my time, I'm your teacher, I'm here to help. This is what I get money for, also :P
John: just kidding :D ok, so i guess we'll stay in touch then
Cassandra: sure, have a nice evening :D
John: you too, se ya
Cassandra: Byeeeee | John didn't show up for class due to some work issues with his boss. Cassandra, his teacher told him which exercises to do, and which chapter to study. They are going to meet up for a beer sometime this week after class. |
13730463 | Sarah: I found a song on youtube and I think you'll like it
James: What song?
Sarah: <file_other>
James: Oh. I know it!
James: I heard it before in some compilation
Sarah: I can't stop playing it over and over
James: That's exactly how I know lyrics to all of the songs on my playlist :D
Sarah: Haha. No lyrics here though. Instrumental ;D
James: Instrumental songs are different kind of music.
James: But you have to remember that the activity you do when you listen to this song
James: Is the actvity your brain will connect to the song
James: And everytime you play this song at home
James: You'll be thinking of your work
Sarah: Yeah, I know that. That's why we sometimes say - I used to like that song, but now it just reminds me of bad memories
James: Yup. Everytime you change your partner, you have to get rid of your favorite music :D
Sarah: Hahaha. True, true. | Sarah sends James an instrumental song he might like. James knows the song. The brain connects the songs to the context they were played in and brings to mind the associated memories. |
13809976 | Noah: When and where are we meeting? :)
Madison: I thought you were busy...?
Noah: Yeah, I WAS. I quit my job.
Madison: No way! :o :o :o Why? I thought you liked it...?
Noah: Well, I used to, until my boss turned into a complete cock... Long story. | Noah wants to meet, he quit his job, because his boss was a dick. |
13809912 | Matt: Do you want to go for date?
Agnes: Wow! You caught me out with this question Matt.
Matt: Why?
Agnes: I simply didn't expect this from you.
Matt: Well, expect the unexpected.
Agnes: Can I think about it?
Matt: What is there to think about?
Agnes: Well, I don't really know you.
Matt: This is the perfect time to get to know eachother
Agnes: Well that's true.
Matt: So let's go to the Georgian restaurant in Kazimierz.
Agnes: Now your convincing me.
Matt: Cool, saturday at 6pm?
Agnes: That's fine.
Matt: I can pick you up on the way to the restaurant.
Agnes: That's really kind of you.
Matt: No problem.
Agnes: See you on saturday.
Matt: Yes, looking forward to it.
Agnes: Me too. | Matt invites Agnes for a date to get to know each other better. They'll go to the Georgian restaurant in Kazimierz on Saturday at 6 pm, and he'll pick her up on the way to the place. |
13727633 | Lucas: Hey! How was your day?
Demi: Hey there!
Demi: It was pretty fine, actually, thank you!
Demi: I just got promoted! :D
Lucas: Whoa! Great news!
Lucas: Congratulations!
Lucas: Such a success has to be celebrated.
Demi: I agree! :D
Demi: Tonight at Death & Co.?
Lucas: Sure!
Lucas: See you there at 10pm?
Demi: Yeah! See you there! :D | Demi got promoted. She will celebrate that with Lucas at Death & Co at 10 pm. |
13729168 | Mark: I just shipped the goods
Mark: Tomorrow I’ll send you the tracking number
George: Thanks! | Mark just shipped the goods and he will send George the tracking number tomorrow. |
13864825 | Anita: I'm at the station in Bologna
Jenny: No problems so far?
Anita: no, everything's going smoothly
Tomy: good! | Anita is at Bologna station. |
13729567 | Leon: did you find the job yet?
Arthur: no bro, still unemployed :D
Leon: hahaha, LIVING LIFE
Arthur: i love it, waking up at noon, watching sports - what else could a man want?
Leon: a paycheck? ;)
Arthur: don't be mean...
Leon: but seriously, my mate has an offer as a junior project manager at his company, are you interested?
Arthur: sure thing, do you have any details?
Leon: <file_photo>
Arthur: that actually looks nice, should I reach out directly to your friend or just apply to this email address from the screenshot?
Leon: it's his email, you can send your resume directly and I will mention to him who you are :) | Arthur is still unemployed. Leon sends him a job offer for junior project manager position. Arthur is interested. |
13864634 | Macca: i'm so exited today
Adrien: why?
Macca: I've never done ice climbing before
Mark: Are you ready?
Macca: think so
Tobias: where are you doing this?
Macca: not far from Reykjavik
Macca: Has anybody seriously injured themselves doing this?
Mark: not seriously
Adrien: I didn't know you're in Iceland!
Macca: hahaha, doesn't sound so good
Mark: no need to be afraid
Macca: gosh, it was such a rush
Mark: did you enjoy it?
Macca: every second
Macca: it was not very cold
Macca: the landscapes were magnificent
Mark: I'm glad to read that
Macca: Challenge of the day done! | Macca has done ice climbing for the first time today, close to Reykjavik. He enjoyed it very much. |
13815560 | Isabella: fuck my life, I'm so not able to get up to work today
Isabella: I need to call in sick :(
Oscar: haha, well you certainly had a good time at the Christmas party yesterday XD
Isabella: shut up, you're a traitor
Isabella: I told you to guard my glass
Isabella: and my sobriety. You clearly failed!
Oscar: but you were having such fun, I didn't have a heart to stop it
Oscar: <file_photo>
Oscar: <file_photo>
Isabella: you're so dead! Is that Jimmy from marketing department?
Oscar: yes indeed, it's him :D
Isabella: I am a fallen woman, I cannot get back to the office now
Isabella: <file_gif>
Oscar: oh come on, almost everybody was drunk
Oscar: so they won't remember a thing :D
Isabella: I assure you, they tend to remember such things…
Oscar: <file_gif> | Isabella feels bad after the Christmas party. She got drunk. She is ashamed to go back to work. |
13731403 | Tina: I'd only like to remind you that you owe me 50 bucks
Lucy: Of course, I know.
Lucy: I've already transferred the money but it's Sunday today so you'll have it in your bank account tomorrow
Tina: That's good news cuz I've been having a lot of expenses lately | Lucy owes Tina 50 dollars. She made a transfer but it is Sunday so the payment will be on Tina's account on Monday. Tina needs the money because she has been having expanses recently. |
13729191 | Betty: Please remind me next time that too much wine isn't good for me and me surrounding
Betty: Hangover is one thing
Betty: But I feel like never touching wine again
Amber: Hahaha. You were so drunk with wine last night, you couldn't walk straight even 5 steps
Amber: You took off your weeding ring and shouted "My precious"
Betty: Uhh. I have no blackouts so I know exactly what to feel embarassed about.... | Betty feels remorse she got drunk last night and went out of control. |
13827937 | Mary: Hi Mike!
Mike: Hello :)
Mary: do u have any plans for tonight?
Mike: I'm going to visit my grandma.
Mike: You can go with me.
Mike: She likes u very much.
Mary: Good idea, i'll buy some chocolate for her. | Mike and Mary are going to visit Mike's grandma tonight. Mary will buy her some chocolate. |
13828064 | Laura: ok , I'm done for today-)
Laura: let me know once u're free and we come back home together
Kim: hmm.. 7?
Laura: ok
Kim: cool, wait for me at work, I'll call once I get here | Laura will pick up Kim from work around 7, and they will come back home together. |
13716048 | Ashley: Guys, you have to read this book! <file_photo>
Marcus: Why, what's so special about it?
Erin: I think I've already heard about it from someone. Is it really that good?
Ashley: It's the best thing I've ever read! Completely life-changing! It's opened my eyes to a lot of things.
Seamus: Sorry, but I don't like books that are written to change my life. I prefer books that are simply fun to read :P
Marcus: I get what you mean. I feel like some authors are so concentrated on making their books full of wisdom that they completely forget that they should also be readable.
Erin: Do you mean Coelho? XD
Marcus: No, while I'm not a fan of his, at least I've never fallen asleep while reading his books. I meant this one for example: <file_other>
Ashley: Erm, I quite like his books.
Seamus: Did they change your life too? :D
Ashley: Wait, I meant Coelho. I've never read the other guy.
Marcus: Trust me, don't. There are lots of better ways of wasting your time.
Ashley: LOL, okay, I trust you. But the one I posted at the beginning is really good. It's not just some philosophical gibberish, it's actually a crime novel, so there's a lot of action too.
Erin: Does it have a cute detective? ;)
Ashley: Even two of them, actually. Believe me, you won't be able to decide which one to love more!
Erin: Okay, I'm already sold :D | Erin is convinced by Ashley's book recommendations, while Seamus and Marcus aren't. |
13828741 | Aria: You won't believe who I've just met!
Aria: Charlie Evans!
Maverick: Oh God, I haven't seen him from ages!
Maverick: How is he doing?
Aria: He's doing great. :)
Aria: He got married, he runs a small family business, which he is very passionate about and generally he seems to be a happy and fulfilled man. :)
Aria: Oh, and he has two absolutely adorable daughters. :)
Aria: It was so nice to meet him, he's such a sweet soul.
Maverick: I’m glad to hear that. :)
Maverick: Time flies so fast, doesn't it?
Aria: It does. :) Recently I’ve met Cooper Roy, I'm sure you remember him, I constantly talked about him back then in high school, because I had a huge crush on him. He’s changed a lot!
Aria: I barely recognized him!
Maverick: I remember, how you and Kylie used to gossip about him all the time. :)
Aria: Well, we were madly in love with him.
Aria: Or at least we thought so. ;)
Maverick: I sometimes miss those times.
Maverick: Everything seemed to be easier, better and calmer back then.
Aria: The world wasn’t as crazy as it is now.
Aria: I feel like politics got crazier, people - more radical and hostile and economics - less predictable...
Maverick: Me too...:( | Aria has just run into Charlie Evans. He is now married, with two daughters, and a family business. She has also met Cooper Roy from high school. She used to have a crush on him, now she almost didn't recognise him. Maverick and Aria miss the old times and think the world has changed for the worse. |
13681946 | Anna: where are you
Omenah: at home
Anna: I will be there in a minute | Omenah is at home, Anna will be there in a minute. |
13728653 | Renee: Just saying Hi. Thought of you this morning.Layla misses you. She is having knee surgery. Hope you are doing well.
Rachel: Renee! Hey! Whoa! So crazy that you wrote. I was literally thinking of you the other day as well.
Rachel: I am doing really well, getting settled here and everything. Looking for a new job.
Rachel: Layla is getting knew surgery?! What happened?
Renee: Her arthritis got really bad. I saw her limping every time we went out for a walk, and so I took her to the vet and they decided she needs surgery.
Rachel: Oh wow. That is really intense. I am sending her lots of love.
Renee: Thanks Rachel.
Renee: Here is a pic of Layla from this morning.
Renee: <file_picture>
Renee: She is all cute in her usual spot.
Rachel: Ha! Yeah, I remember, she would always try to fit in there even though she's obviously too big
Rachel: 😂
Renee: Yeah, she's always getting into some sort of silly situations.
Renee: What kind of work are you looking for?
Rachel: Just the usual, something with teaching. I am not too stressed yet, I have some savings.
Renee: That's good, yeah, you don't want to have to feel pressured into taking a certain job.
Renee: Just so you know, if you are ever back, you are more than welcome to come back and work for me.
Renee: Layla is definitely missing you taking her on walks everyday.
Rachel: Aw, yeah, I miss you guys too. Of course :) If I am ever back I will let you know! | Layla the dog misses Rachel. She is having a knee surgery, because of arthritis. Renee sends a picture of her dog. Rachel getting settled and she's looking for a job in teaching. |
13818918 | Jonas: I’m running 10 minutes late. Could you guys just let Mary know that I’m coming and will present today before she starts?
Natalie: Sure no problem
Olivia: I’ll save a seat for you 😍
Jonas: Thanks so much. See you in a bit xx | Jonas will be 10 minutes late. Natalie will let Mary know Jonas will present before she starts. |
13810064 | Julius: dude, your assessment of manutd
Lawrence: i have nothing to say, im so offended and hopeless of them this season
Julius: me too
Lawrence: i dont even know whats wrong with the team
Julius: the quality is there but nothing is happening
Lawrence: the players look tired of something
Julius: with mourinhos conservative football!!
Lawrence: its so boring
Julius: so lifeless
Lawrence: man!!
Julius: it needs to change, hope the board sees it
Lawrence: sooner than later
Julius: yeah
Lawrence: yeah | Lawrence doesn't like the play of Manchester United. He and Julius complain about the team and Mourinho's style. |
13729933 | Jade: are you going to that trip
Wayne: was
Jade: what do you mean
Wayne: its portponed
Jade: are you kidding me XD
Wayne: im serious, why surprised
Jade: i had to go home and miss it xD
Wayne: oh, cool you can make it when we go
Jade: yea, yesss
Wayne: :D | The trip Wayne was going to go on was postponed. Now Jade will be able to go to. |
13830054 | Natalie: are you still going to Thailand?
Jason: yeah, next week as planned
Jason: why?
Natalie: could you buy me some spices?
Natalie: I can't find anything similar here
Natalie: and I really like those
Jason: sure, if you'll send me all the names
Jason: you know, I'm not very good when it comes to remembering those
Natalie: of course, I will take pictures of the ones I have to make it easier
Jason: great and just to be sure remind me about that in two weeks or so
Jason: I might have other things on my mind and I tend to forget things easily :)
Natalie: that shouldn't be a problem :) | Jason is going to Thailand next week. Natalie will send him pictures of the spices she wants him to buy for her. Then she will remind him about it in two weeks. |
13716981 | Elisa: Who wants to come for drinks tonight at Mombasa?
Alice: me!
Sadie: I'm in as well
Carol: may I bring some people?
Elisa: sure, the more the better!
Carol: amazing
Arthur: count me in! I'll come with Alice of course
Liam: me too!
Kai: I will join you but after my courses, around 8
Elisa: No problem, we'll be there till midnight at least
Tom: i may come over :)
Elisa: Anybody else? I'd like to book the corner table
Tom: the big one?
Elisa: exactly
John: So count me in as well
Elisa: Perfect, the table is for 15 people so we should manage! See you there | Elisa, Sadie, Carol, Liam, Tom and John want to go for drinks tonight at Mombasa. Arthur will come with Alice. Kai will join them around 8. Elisa will book the big corner table for 15 people. |
13728757 | Hal: Have you got any homework for tomorrow?
Amy: no dad
Hal: ru sure?
Amy: told ya
Hal: You know mum's not home today.
Amy: I know, I can use the microwave
Hal: good girl. I'll be home around 6
Amy: yeah right
Hal: what do you mean
Amy: sry dad but you're never ever home at 6
Hal: i suppose you;re right. but I'll try today
Amy: ok. can I go to Alex?
Hal: ok, but be back home before 7. we'll have dinner together
Amy: ok dad
Hal: and if you really have no homework to do
Amy: sure thing dad | Amy and Hal will have dinner together when he is back home before 7. |
13716573 | Ray: Hey guys, I don't know if you heard but someone stole my bike yesterday so I'm going to post it on fb and would appreciate if you share! THX
Sam: shit, man, sorry to hear, I will share for sure
Luke: when was it, Ray? I had mine stolen last month around when I parked around on the 9th street
Ray: Mine was there too :( cops said it's a common area for it to happen but I still havent lost hope :(
Scott: Did they check the security cameras around the place? Maybe Mariott people saw someone?
Ray: Apparently they don't overlook that area...
Luke: Yeah, cops were completely useless too, I ended up going to Mariott on my own and asking people but they didn't see anything. I emailed their manager if they could look at the tapes but because of privacy issues blah blah blah it was a no go... Good luck man!
Ray: I mean those guys are pros... I had high grade lock on mine and an app alert and it didn't do shit. Now I'm out few grand and pissed off
Scott: I would be too. Did you post posters in the area? it's a busy street so maybe someone saw something
Ray: Yeah, I'm getting around to it now and I really hope that smeone was sober enough to notice anything. I mean it's a custom bike so I hope if they try to get rid of it it will rise suspicion
Luke: I think it might ve already been turned into parts and shipped off. Even if you wanted to keep it and painted it, you could still recognize it
Ray: I know, that's why I wanna reach as many people as posible,maybe they ll get spooked and leave it somewhere
Sam: Let us know if you need someone to go dumpster diving with
Ray: Heh, thx Sam! I appreciate all help | Ray's bike was stolen from the 9th street yesterday even though it was secured. It was a custom bike so now Ray's out few grand. Ray wants to post posters in the area so they'll get scared and leave it somewhere. Luke had one stolen last month from the same area. Sam wants to help out. |
13731370-1 | Eric: Champions League is coming soon :D
Curtis: Oh, yea I forgot about that.
Curtis: when exactly?
Eric: 26th of June
Eric: but there is still a very long way.
Curtis: any predictions?
Eric: It's too early for that.
Curtis: True, last year you were betting a lot
Eric: I lost a lot :P
Eric: I'm gonna roar back this year :)
Curtis: good luck, I'm not into risking money
Eric: You have 50% chance to win.
Curtis: I'll pass anyway.
Eric: okay | Eric wants to bet during the Champions League this year although he lost a lot of money last year. Curtis won't bet. |
13730401 | Gunther: did you pay for coffee?
Chandler: uhh.. i guess not xDbut it's okay i'll pay him tomorrow
Gunther: -_- | Chandler will pay for his coffee tomorrow. |
13716152 | Karen: <file_photo>
Jennifer: OH. MY. GOD. is that you?? I would not recognize you haha
Karen: of course it's me, i always look like that hahaha
Jennifer: oh god Karen you look so hot in this picture
Abigail: i would not recognize you either :D why where you so dressed up?
Karen: it was our 5th anniversary dinner
Abigail: Mark is such a lucky guy
Meggy: i agree with the girls, you look OUTSTANDING
Karen: thank you sisters!!! :*** that's so sweet of you
Jennifer: where did you buy this dress? i need one like it too
Abigail: i was gonna ask the same thing!
Meggy: chill out girls, we can't all buy the same clothes, i need it more hahaha
Karen: <file_other>
Meggy: first come, first serve!! I am ordering it
Karen: give the rest a chance too haha
Jennifer: let her have it :P | Karen looked very good on her 5th anniversary dinner with Mark. |
13715883 | Ted: Any news about weekend?
Jake: About the reunion?
Pia: I am available! Did we talk where?
Jessica: If I move some things around, I can too!
Ted: Great! we should set the place then
Jake: Whoa! I didn't say I could
Ted: Can you?
Jake: Hell yeah man! You know I freelance, worst case scenario I'll work from wherever we are
Ted: Lucky bastard
Jessica: We should meet up where we did last time, it's perfect middle for everyone
Ted: I agree
Pia: Friday night then?
Jess: Sure
Ted: It's a date, I'll book rooms
Jake: See you soon my peeps! | Ted, Jake, Pia, Jessica and Jess are having a reunion this Friday at the same place as the previous one. |
13809921 | Bradley: It's very safe. Not like they make it look on TV
Julianna: Hehe I told them that also that tv will never show anything nice
Bradley: True...
Julianna: But in general I think Europe is safer because here we have different law. I mean we have too much law
Bradley: Haha
Julianna: E.g here if a teacher even touches a children's arm, he or she can have problems with police and law. Because it might be a sign of pedophilia or children sexual harassment
Bradley: Ok
Julianna: That's sick a bit hehe but on the other hand sometimes it's ok
Bradley: Haha ok how ?
Julianna: Because there are pedophiles in that world
Bradley: They are everywhere
Julianna: And when someone hits a child that person should be punished | Julianna tells Bradley about Europe's law and the approach towards pedophiles. |
13680760 | Lucia: I need my hair cut.
Lucia: When can I come? I've got some time on Thursday and Friday.
Eric: Lucia! My dear!
Eric: Are you sure? After all, you had your hairstyle done a week ago.
Eric: What's the matter? Don't you like it?
Lucia: I like it very much and I regret to lose it.
Lucia: But I'm changing the job and my hair must be shorter...
Eric: I see. You'll tell me everything in detail once you're here, in my beauty salon.
Eric: I suggest Friday at 3 p.m. Is it fine for you?
Lucia: Sure, perfect.
Eric: Fantastic, have a nice day then.
Lucia: Thanks, bye. | Lucia needs a new hairstyle due to a change of work and she makes an appointment with Eric for Friday 3 p.m. |
13612028 | Gabriella: Hey Jasmine, how are you doing?
Jasmine: I’m fine, thanks 😊
Gabriella: Would you do me a favor?
Jasmine: No problem. How can I help?
Gabriella: I need to send my CV in English to a truly perfect job for me and I’m wondering if you could take a look at it?
Jasmine: Sure! Send it to me 😊
Gabriella: Done 😊
Jasmine: Got it. Give me an hour and I’ll check it
Gabriella: Perfect! Thank you soooo much!
Jasmine: I’ve checked it. I must say that there wasn’t much to correct. It was practically perfect. I just fixed a little bit grammar and a few spelling mistakes.
Gabriella: I know how great you are at spelling!
Jasmine: Thanks Gabriella. I hope that you will get that job!
Gabriella: I hope so, too.
Jasmine: I’ll keep my fingers crossed 😊 | Gabriella asked Jasmine to check her CV which is in English. She's applying for a perfect job. Jasmine checked it and did only minor corrections. She hopes Gabriella will get the job. |
13727812 | Grace: Hey lady
Grace: Today I saw you in town.
Ruth: Really?
Ruth: Why didn't you stop me?
Grace: You were in Galitos and I could not have stormed in just to greet you.
Ruth: Of course you would have.
Ruth: There is no harm in doing that.
Grace: 😂😂The embarrassment though.
Ruth: Furthermore I would have given you a piece of my pizza.😂
Grace: Pizza is bomb🤤
Grace: Be sure next time i will not need any invitation😂
Ruth: You are still welcome🤣
Grace: Okay. BTW, do you think we can catch up some time?
Ruth: Yeah sure. Just say the day.
Grace: Tomorrow?
Ruth: I'm in.
Grace: Okay see you then
Ruth: Bye | Grace saw Ruth in Galitos but she thought it would be embarassing to get in and greet her. They will meet tomorrow. |
13862922 | Kerri: Did you see the apartment?
Stella: yes brb
Kerri: ok
Stella: Sorry I was driving
Stella: I saw it yesterday but it was already dark so I want to go again to see it in the morning
Stella: First of all, its really big, 130 sqm
Kerri: WOW
Stella: I could split it into 2 apartments
Stella: 90 and 40 sqm more or less
Kerri: Or 80 and 50?
Stella: Not really, there's only one way to split it
Stella: So I could stay in the big one with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms
Kerri: Sounds good
Stella: I want to see it in the morning
Stella: The agent said the bedrooms are very sunny in the morning
Stella: Maybe I'll go tomorrow
Kerri: Took some photos?
Stella: <file_photo>
Stella: <file_photo>
Stella: <file_photo>
Kerri: Nice!!!
Kerri: The kitchen looks fantastic
Kerri: Its huge
Stella: It's the size of my living room!
Stella: We obviously don't need 3 bedrooms
Stella: But I could have a decent home office at last
Kerri: Has Greg seen it?
Stella: No, he's away this week | Stella wants to see the apartment in the morning. She plans to split it into 2 apartments. |
13862359 | Andrea: hey Babes, how's it going? I've got some job to do. 20 short texts for an online shop. 50% for correction. Deadline in two weeks. Will you help me?
Sondra: Hi, sorry I don't think Im gonna make it. It is hard these days.
Andrea: ?
Sondra: My cat is dying and nanny's leaving... :/
Andrea: damn.. sorry to hear that. I f you could give me someone, maybe you know somebody suitable? I know aleady Jill can't do it :/
Sondra: Jill is the best. Other people need assitance. Do you want these contacts?
Andrea: not really...
Sondra: :)
Andrea: If you found a window in a spacetime, please let me know. Ill get the texts on Friday.
Sondra: OK, but I dont think it will happen. The first window I see is probably in June.
Andrea: I understand. I hope the kitty is going to make it, I keep my fingers crossed for him..
Sondra: In march Im gonna have as many as ONE free evening if everything goes well. Thanks he is still alive, maybe he is stronger than it looks now.
Andrea: <file_gif> | Andrea must correct 50% of 20 short texts for an online shop. She has a deadline in two weeks. Sondra cannot help Andrea, because her cat is dying and nanny's leaving. Jill also cannot help. Sondra will probably have only one free evening in March and more free time probably in June. |
13828591 | Victor: do you want to go to the museum tonight?
Victor: there's a great exhibition about cubism going on
Charles: you know i hate museums! lol
Charles: i'd rather watch paint dry hahaha
Victor: i know you hate museums...
Victor: BUT tonight special
Charles: why?
Victor: because tonight is opening night!!! :-D
Charles: what makes it different?
Victor: there's food, music, VIPs, everyone dresses up, it's just fun
Victor: it's upscale fun :-D
Victor: come on! be my plus 1!!!
Charles: i guess if you're asking me that means tons of people have said no
Charles: i'm sure i'm not at the top of your list lol
Charles: am i right? lol
Victor: hahaha you're right...
Victor: but the only reason you were not at the top of my list is becase i know it's not your thing
Victor: i promise you it'll be fun
Victor: and if you don't like it we'll go to a sports bar afterwards and i'll treat you to all the beer you want
Charles: hahaha, ok, that sweetens the pot
Charles: i'll go with you | Charles will go with Victor to the museum tonight. There is an opening of an exhibition about cubism. There'll be food, music and VIPs. |
13728090 | William: Hey. Today i saw you were arguing with Blackett.
William: Are you guys fine?
Elizabeth: Hi. Sorry you had to see us argue.
Elizabeth: It was just a small misunderstanding but we will solve it.
William: Hope so
William: You think I should to talk to him about it?
Elizabeth: No don't
Elizabeth: He won't like it that we talked after the argument.
William: Ok. But if you need any help, don't hesitate to call me
Elizabeth: Definitely | Elizabeth had an argument with Blackett today, but she doesn't want William to intermeddle. |
13682071 | Henry: Hey Lily, tried to catch you on landline but no answer. Gone already? Let me know when we can talk.
Lily: Am driving to town.
Henry: OK
Henry: Before we talk: I bumped into William in the street yesterday and we ended up in a pub. Poor chappy! Really. He'll never recover from his loss. En passant I mentioned our trip to Riehen next week and had an impression he'd be happy to be taken along. What d'you think?
Henry: I thought it doesn't matter that much to us and he's a nice chap, interesting to talk to, good company. And he seems sort of famished for company, old friends around him. You know what I mean.
Henry: And that could be our good deed before Xmas! ;)
Lily: Traffic was soooooo slow but I couldn't really reply. In the lecture now.
Lily: I always liked William, have no problem with him joining us to Riehen. How do you imagine that?
Henry: He'll come to FR, leave his car in my drive and in mine we'll pick you up.
Lily: Very good. A coffee at mine before we start?
Henry: I thought maybe a meal together afterwards?
Lily: Even better. I like that! Haven't seen him for ages, so glad to meet him again.
Lily: Will you arrange it all?
Henry: Sure. But get prepared: he has aged. Quite visible now.
Lily: But not mentally I hope?
Henry: No, intellectually not at all. But there's this sadness around him. An air of depression.
Lily: We'll cheer him up. If only for a day. Have to finish now. Cheers! | Henry and Lily take William with them to Riehen. They will meet with him for a coffee before they start, and eat a meal together afterwards. |
13682379 | Linda: I'm going to have my room painted
Linda: Can't decide what colors would best express my personality
Linda: I'm considering advices, do you have one for me maybe? :)
Brian: Fitting your personality... hmm
Brian: I consider you an enthusiastic and lively person and the color for it is yellow
Brian: On the other hand you can be calm and steady and they say those qualities are expressed in greyness
Brian: So yellow & grey, how do you like the idea? :D
Linda: Wow, I'm impressed!
Linda: You've just paid me a compliment and come up with interesting colors!
Brian: Well, those are actually facts :)
Brian: Are you going to make use of the colors?
Linda: Actually, I was planning to ask a few friends and then sum all the ideas up
Linda: But now I think I don't need to do any further research
Linda: Asking you for help was a bull's-eye! :D
Brian: Perfection! :D
Brian: I'll come and check the results of your work soon, it'll be a nice chance for us to talk :)
Linda: Sure, feel invited! | According to Brian, colors that match Linda's personality are yellow and grey. |
13682313 | Juliette: So what? Tell me
Jimmy: One minute
Juliette: What did the doctor say?
Jimmy: It's almost finished, wait a second
Juliette: Is it so serious? Should I be afraid?
Jimmy: OK, just finished
Juliette: So, tell me, I can't wait longer
Jimmy: Acute gastritis
Juliette: What's that?
Jimmy: Acid attacks in the stomach
Juliette: It's not a cancer?
Jimmy: No, it's not
Juliette: Is this sure?
Jimmy: Yes, darling
Juliette: You're not lying to me ?
Jimmy: No, darling, please believe me
Juliette: And how can we cure this?
Jimmy: Just a few tablets for a month and that should be enough
Juliette: I'm so glad it's not a cancer
Jimmy: :000
Juliette: I love you
Jimmy: Me too | Jimmy is going to take medication for a month to cure his acute gastritis. |
13730056 | Mary: Hi <3
Peter: Hey gorgeous ;)
Mary: What's up
Peter: Not much, jsut thinking about you
Mary: Aww I miss you so much :(
Peter: I know baby but ill be back home in 2 days. The we can do whatever you want :*
Mary: Whatever I want, huh? 3:)
Peter: ;)
Mary: I was actually hoping to cash in on that raincheck :) We haven't been on a date for quite a while... :/
Peter: I'ld like that :)
Mary: :) | Peter will be back home in 2 days. Mary would like to go on a date when he gets back. |
13728383 | Francesca: It's 3 a.m. You're not asleep yet
Jacob: What a stalker ;-)
Francesca: :D
Francesca: I cannot sleep
Jacob: Me neither
Francesca: Why?
Jacob: I just can't. Thinking about stuff
Francesca: Me too
Francesca: Sometimes I wish I didn't think that much
Jacob: What were you thinking about?
Francesca: My mum, school, you...
Jacob: Me?
Francesca: I seen you've been sad recently
Jacob: Maybe you're right
Jacob: What about your mum?
Francesca: I cannot understand
Francesca: Why did she do it??
Francesca: Why would anyone want to kill themselves?
Jacob: I could understand...
Francesca: Are you serious? Do you have these thoughts?
Jacob: Sometimes
Francesca: Please don't... I beg you, don't do it... | Neither Francesca nor Jacob can sleep. Jacob has suicidal thoughts. |
13715767 | Ted: Feeling sorry for.. myself!
Kelly: What’s happened? Are you ok?
Ted: I’ve twisted my ankle
Mike: what have you done?
Victoria: bless you! x
Oliver: too much to drink?
Rob: all the best!
Kelly: get well soon!
Mary: oh dear! xxx
Ted: cheers guys! | Ted has twisted his ankle. |
13729983 | Chloe: Hey, you told me about this cream that you find really good
Julie: Ehhm yea, GlamRock
Chloe: Where did you buy it?
Julie: Online, there’s a shop called a GlamShop
Chloe: Cool, thanks
Julie: You said you’re broke now and not going to buy anything
Chloe: I got money earlier than expected ^^
Julie: Oh I get it. So will you give me back the money I borrowed you?
Chloe: Ah ofc, sending it right away
Julie: Thanks, will help me a lot :)
Chloe: Sth wrong? O.o
Julie: Noo haha but me and Jake, we want to get a dog and there’s going to be a lot of costs, vet, vaccination, trying different types of food etc
Chloe: A dog, cool, which breed?
Julie: We just want to take some poor animal from the shelter, so it’s whatever. We want it to be big ;p
Chloe: That’s so sweet of you! Yea you have a big house, you can have a big dog ^^
Julie: Many kids would fit in as well, but my husband’s not interested -_-
Chloe: Seriously O>O
Julie: He keeps saying that we need to wait until we pay more of our debts and that sort og stuff
Chloe: Well, you never complain about money, youhave a big house, looks like you can afford kids!
Julie: I thinks so too, but he doesn’t agree ;/
Chloe: Just stop taking pills, he’ll have no choice ;)
Julie: That would be cruel xD | Julie recommends the GlamRock cream from the GlamShop. Chloe got the money early so she can pay back Julie. Julie and Jake are getting the dog so they need the money for extra dog-related expenses. |
13828128 | Pitt: Hey Teddy! Have you received my message?
Teddy: No. An email?
Pitt: No. On the FB messenger.
Teddy: Let me check.
Teddy: Yeah. Ta! | Teddy has a message from Pitt on Messenger. |
13731319 | Mary: Sorry, I didn't make it to your bday party :(
Nick: It's OK...
Mary: But I just got SOOO distracted! I forgot it was yesterday!
Nick: do tell!
Mary: I met this guy...
Nick: REALLY? I want details :D
Mary: Yeah, his name is Kirk and he's an architect...
Nick: OK, just your type then <file_gif>
Mary: And we ended up spending the whole week together. xD
Nick: A WEEK?
Mary: Yeah... It's madness, I'll tell you more this evening. Are we still on?
Nick: You bet we are! | Mary didn't come to Nick's birthday party. She met an architect named Kirk. Mary and Nick will meet in the evening. |
13819305 | Connor: I'm too tired to come to the meeting I think
Jade: decided?
Isaiah: I didn't even have intention to go there really
Connor: Yes, I'm going to bed | Connor will not attend the meeting, he has to rest. Isaiah never wanted to go. |
13813481 | Karen: Where'd you buy this dress you had at the wedding?
Samara: Oh, from an online shop
Samara: Hold on
Samara: <file_other>
Samara: That's the one
Karen: Wow thanks
Samara: Youre welcome!
Karen: Oooh, they have some neat stuff there
Samara: Yeah, I was so happy when i disovered it
Samara: There's few places where I shop regularly, most of the time I'm kind of all over the place
Karen: Same here
Samara: But I've already bought several skirts and blouses from this shop too, so I'll probably become a more frequent customer ;) | Samara bought the dress she had at the wedding in an online shop and she was happy when she discovered it. |
13715772 | Gabi: What do you guys want for Christmas? Let's say up to $100.
Jack: I need to think about it...
Mary: I want cosmetics. I wouldn't say no to some good skin care.
Kate: I dream about a Kindle!!
Gabi: How about the rest?
Jack: How about yourself?
Gabi: I want a surprise gift. I think you all know me quite well.
Peter: I need a set of drills. Later I'll pass you the Amazon link.
John: I want new sneakers. Size 10.
Jack: It seems you all thought it through.
John: We do it every year. I was thinking about my gift already in September :D
Jack: That's early! LOL
Jack: Until when should I let you know?
Gabi: In about a week we should all know so we have enough time for online orders etc. | Mary, Kate, Peter and John want various items for Christmas. Gabi wants a surprise. Jack is unsure what he wants. Jack should let the rest know within a week. |
13828719 | Daniel: Hi Jeff, I was just browsing thought your notes from yesterday and I have a couple of questions.
Jeff: Shoot :)
Daniel: Was Mindy there?
Jeff: Yes, she was.
Daniel: Could you please add her input on the first presentation? She must have said something since she's involved in phase one of the project
Jeff: Actually, she didn't react that much
Daniel: like not at all?
Jeff: Wait a sec, let me double check | Jeff will double check Mindy's reaction, connected to her involvement in phase one of the project. |
13611954-1 | Client: Good afternoon. I suggest you adjust the timetable to the reality on the Polish roads. P6 bus Radom - Warsaw, arriving from Cracow, 40 minutes delay.
Client: And it was not the first time, there was one hour delay not so long ago...
Flix: Hi Marta. We are very sorry that the bus arrived late, but they are operational delays which we have no control over. Apologies.
Client: But this happens too often. Why don't you consider rearranging the timetable??
Client: I was waiting at the station from 17.10, hoping to get the bus at 17.25. It arrived at 18.10. One hour waiting.
Client: It hardly ever happens that the bus arrives on time. The timetable is too optimistic. I understand there are traffic jams but...
Flix: Thank you for the information, we will inform our managers about it.
Client: Can I make a formal complaint? I had a similar situation last year.
Flix: Sure, you can send a complaint by email to [email protected].
Client: thanks, I will definitely. But I really hope you do something about it this time...
Flix: yes, all complaints are addressed by our managers.
Client: great. They should not just read them, but do something about it. Will you inform me about the status?
Flix: We don't do that automatically, but you can call us and find out. You can find all the necessary info on our website.
Client: Ok, I see.
Flix: Once again apologies. | Client informs Flix about a 40 minutes delay of the bus from Radom to Warsaw. Flix explains that this is an operational delay. Client decides to make a formal complaint as it wasn't the first such delay. |
13865453 | Jeff: Are you ready for the hiking tomorrow?
Ann: I've just packed
Corina: is it going to be very difficult
Jeff: this track is quite heavy
Jeff: so please, take good shoes
Maria: sure, how long is the track?
Jeff: about 20km
Jeff: let me check it
Maria: thanks
Jeff: 21,3 km
Maria: but it's only to the lighthouse?
Jeff: yes
Maria: so we have to take a bus back
Jeff: I think so, to walk back would be too tiring
Corina: and too boring
Corina: doing the same way again
Jeff: true
Jeff: so I'll check the busses
Ann: great
Jeff: yes, there is one at 5PM
Maria: just perfect!
Jeff: :) | Jeff, Ann, Corina, and Maria are going to hike tomorrow. Jeff reminds everyone to take good shoes, because they are going to walk over 20 km. Jeff, Ann, Corina, and Maria will take a bus on the way back at 5 PM. |
13864440 | Joyce: Guys, sorry I'm running late today! Will be there soon
Andrew: I’m a wee bit late too but will be there before 8! Leaving soon
Carla: On my way, with sipke😀
Anette: On the way kids
Anette: In the first here wtf
Helen: Where are yall
Helen: Annette are you here?
Helen: I'm at a table by one of the windows at the front! | Joyce and Andrew are running late. Carla and Anette are on their way. Helen is at a table by one of the windows at the front. |
13817541 | Aiden: Have you subscribed my channel?
Mia: Nop I havent
Aiden: :/
Mia: Whats the name?
Aiden: Tuberflicks
Mia: Send me the link
Aiden: wait
Mia: k
Aiden: <file_link> Here you go
Mia: It has pretty much grown now
Aiden: Yeah it is
Mia: Since when have you been working on it?
Aiden: Its been 6 month now
Mia: wow | Mia hasn't subscribed to Aiden's channel yet but she wants to. Aiden has been working on it for 6 months. |
13864732 | Oli: I've talked to some people from the third year
Jacob: About the statistics exam?
Marcia: What did they say?
Oli: Yeah, about the exam
Oli: We need to prepare for a battle
Jacob: So it will be difficult
Oli: They said it was the hardest exam ever
Marcia: 😱
Oli: The questions were displayed on the screen
Oli: One minute per question and it disappears
Oli: They won't come back so if you didn't get your answer you're fucked
Marcia: So we need to make the calculations really fast
Jacob: That's insane
Oli: I know
Oli: Very stressful
Marcia: How are we even supposed to study for it?
Marcia: With a timer?
Oli: I guess
Marcia: Did anybody pass it last year
Oli: Some people did, but the majority had to take the second or even the third chance | Oli, Jacob and Marcia have to prepare for a very hard statistics exam. Last year, people had only one minute to answer each question and then it disappeared. |
13680485 | Blake: Why did you tell Steven all those stupid things?
Alexis: What things?
Blake: That I did not want him. It's just not true and you know it.
Alexis: I remember things differently, sorry.
Blake: You're his mother, I cannot cut you from him, but I really believe you have a terrible influence on him.
Alexis: I would rather say it about you.
Blake: Please, stop. I've taken so much care of him in the last years and I always avoid talking with him about you.
Alexis: Why should you avoid the topic? Is it better to pretend I do not exist?
Blake: Nobody pretends that, but I don't want to drag him into our games. Your games, actually.
Alexis: I don't know why I am still talking to you. You keep insulting and accusing me.
Blake: I'm just trying to stop you from destroying our son's life.
Alexis: I am his mother, I know what's good for him.
Blake: No, you're using him for your stupid games against me.
Alexis: You're really unbelievably self-centred.
Blake: Alexis, it's not possible to talk to you any more. You're either aggressive or defensive. There is no discussion.
Alexis: Try not to attack me first. This is a natural reaction to an attack of every human being, of every living creature actually.
Blake: I tried to discuss how we are managing our relations with our son. Was it an attack?
Alexis: No, you attacked me saying I told something to Steven that you apparently didn't like. But you will nor censor me. This time is over.
Blake: For God's sake!
Alexis: I've had enough. I am coming back to my work now. There is more in this world than your huge ego. Bye! | Blake believes that Alexis is trying to turn their son, Steven, against him and has bad influence on Steven. Alexis believes Blake is self-centered and often attacks her and accuses her of things she didn't do. |
13828302 | Roberta: <file_photo>
Roberta: look what I found!
Makoto: my dress!
Roberta: you must have left it when you were visiting this summer
Makoto: could you send it to me?
Roberta: sure, I'll do so on Friday :) | Roberta found Makoto's dress and will send it to Makoto on Friday. |
13680126 | Sawyer: I hope I found you wrapped in a towel when you open the door
Eleanor: No... I will be wearing sexy short black robe instead which is a little bit transparent
Sawyer: It must be fully transparent then
Eleanor: I'm general it is but it's black
Sawyer: Hmmm Would you ever send me a photo of you wearing it ?
Eleanor: When I take a shower and then I put it i always have to have underwear also. If not my flatmates would see what I have under the robe xd
Eleanor: In the photo u can't see anything. Since last time I sent u a photo in it xd hahaha
Sawyer: Hahaha and what if you take the photo when you're alone. So that only you and me can see
Eleanor: But in the picture u can't see that it's transparent. U need to come here :)
Sawyer: Maybe take a better one ?
Eleanor: I can't
Sawyer: Haha and your new phone will take better pictures
Eleanor: The robe is a little bit transparent, :) so it's not possible that in the pic it will be visible
Sawyer: Ok no worries | When Eleanor meets Sawyer, she will be wearing a slightly transparent black robe. Sawyer would like Eleanor to take a picture of herself in the robe, but the transparency is not visible on photos. |
13865216 | Sam: I'm so sorry. I can't make it on time.
Sandra: Should we start without you?
Sam: Please do. I'll be 30 min late.
Staś: Ok | Sam will be 30 minutes late. Sandra and Staś will start without Sam. |
13731409 | Sam: I just got my 1st credit card!
Tom: Well, congrats and sorry!
Sam: Y sry?
Tom: Aren't u afraid of getting into debts?
Sam: No, not really. Should I be?
Tom: I think u should. | Sam got her first credit card. |
13727597 | James: <file_video>
James: My girlfriend is so creative :D
Fred: Hahha. LOL
James: She made me put the trash bin near the window outside
James: So that she doesn't have to go outside and walk around the house to take out garbage
James: She just opens the kitchen window and done
Fred: If it's stupid but it works...
James: It ain't stupid haha I know :D
Fred: Congratulate her from me :D
James: I will xD | James's girlfriend made him put the trash bin near the kitchen window outside so she can throw things out of the window. |
13716473 | Christopher: ok, people, I’ve got an idea
Matthew: hmm?
Christopher: let’s go abroad for the weekend 😀 tickets are cheap enough and I don’t know about you, but I’m bored. massively bored.
Andrew: I’m out, guys… I just can’t leave Ann alone with the baby, sorry
Christopher: Matthew, David? what about you?
Matthew: I’m working this weekend 😕
David: well, if they can’t then I’m out as well
Christopher: i hate you guys | To Christopher's frustration, Matthew, Andrew and David refuse to go abroad for the weekend. |
13727770 | Francine: hey hon
Francine: how are you today?
Francine: I hope our talk yesterday helped a bit
Jessie: hiya
Jessie: i'm still pretty overwhelmed
Jessie: but I was able to calm down a little after we spoke
Jessie: thank you for checking up on me <3
Jessie: a lot of people just don't know what to say, so they don't call...
Francine: I'm always here if you need me
Francine: that's what friends are for <3
Francine: seriously, whenever you need, just call me
Jessie: 😭😭😭
Jessie: thank you <3
Francine: anytime <3 | Francine and Jessie talked yesterday. The talk has been helpful for Jessie. Francine says she's always there for Jessie. Jessie is very thankful. |
13821815 | Maria: Guys, don't bring anything, I've cooked so much
Andrew: We will bring some wine we bought in Italy last year
Martha: Especially for a night like this
Maria: How nice of you!! thanks | Maria has cooked a lot of food. Andrew will bring some Italian wine. |
13865139 | Hannah: The motherfucker took my spot again
Pamela: Richard?
Anne: I saw him parking... | Richard took Hannah's parking spot again. Anne saw it. |
13680779 | Sophia: What should I get them?
Monica: How should I know?
Sophia: come on help me out
Monica: I dont know really Im bad at buying gifts
Sophia: maybe some day spa gift card
Monica: maybe
Sophia: youre not really helpful :P
Monica: Told ya... bad at gifts | Sophie doesn't know what to buy for a gift. She wants Monica's help. She is considering buying a day spa gift card. Monica is bad at buying gifts. |
13729889 | Yannick: I heard you are going to sing the anthem
Yannick: At the game
Nicki: Yes I am
Nicki: I am nervous!
Yannick: Dont be
Yannick: It's a huge privilege to sing the anthem in front of thousands of people!
Nicki: I hoep I won't forget the lyrics
Nicki: hope*
Yannick: Youre a great singer
Yannick: You will be fine
Nicki: I have to rehearse
Yannick: Your parents coming with you?
Nicki: Yes
Yannick: They're probably proud of you good luck!
Nicki: Thank you Yannick | Nicki is going to sing the anthem at the game. |
13715995 | Carter: <file_photo> Sure it's nearly Christmas, right Chloe!?!
Chloe: Yes so it's time I bought you new socks ha
Carter: Socks serve the purpose of keeping your feet warm, why do they have to be the same 😉
Victoria: I gave up for the second dive today. Felt like Christmas under there... and to cheer me up I bought myself a new shiny piece of gold Christmas! Love the unmatched socks 😍🤙🏼🤙🏼 | Christmas is coming. Chloe will buy Carter new socks as he wears them unmatched. Victoria bought herself a new piece of gold equipment. |
13862502 | Ammalee: <file_photo>
Ammalee: This lasted over a month.♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓
Ammalee: Could you recommend other styles? (?_?)
Maryann: Ah! Hello Ma’am! Thank you for the good review! (^▽^)
Maryann: Is there any style you want to do next time?
Ammalee: Yes, I heard about Acrylic nails and Linen. Which one would be better? (´∀`)
Maryann: If you want the nails to last longer I recommend you Acrylic rather than Linen. ✌️
Maryann: If you have any design in your mind, send me pictures. ☺️☺️☺️
Maryann: Then I could try them on your nails next time!!(^^)!!(^^)!!(^^)!
Ammalee: Thanks, I will send you some pictures soon! | Ammalee sent Maryann a photo of her nails that lasted over a month. Maryann will try Acrylic instead Linen on Ammalee's nails next time. Ammalee will send Maryann a photo of a design that she would like to have on her nails. |
13828775 | Alan: sweetie when wil you be home?
Joan: I'm studying with Laura after classes Dad
Alan: will you be home by 7?
Alan: I'm making my famous chicken wings :)
Joan: dad my grades are important aren't they?
Alan: more important than my wings?
Alan: I'm hurt :D joking. study away! | Alan is making his famous chicken wings and would like Joan to be home by 7. Joan won't make it as she is studying with Laura. |
13731314-1 | Johny: That girl on Tuesday music video is sexy as fuck
Luke: <file_video>
Luke: This Tuesday?
Johny: The main chick is worth breaking the rule of no-nut november
Luke: Johny please find yourself a chick.
Luke: fall for her
Luke: Love her with all your heart
Luke: And stop talking like an asshole
Johny: Man, it's just a joke
Johny: I have respect towards women
Johny: At least when they deserve it :D
Luke: Everyone deserces some respect bruh
Johny: I know man, I'm just kidding LOL
Luke: I know man, I'm just messing
Johny: You feel like clubbing tonight?
Johny: You could be my wingman xD
Luke: <file_gif>
Johny: What's with this facepalm?
Luke: Get yourself Tinder and start hunting
Johny: Hahaha. xD
Johny: I undestand you don't wanna go?
Luke: I've got plans for tonight
Luke: So another time mate
Johny: Chill. Another time | Johny wants to go out clubbing with Luke in order to meet a female partner. Luke has plans but he advises Johny to install Tinder. Luke critisizes Johny for speaking about women without much respect. |
13611794 | Frank: Hi Peter has brought me to Sports Direct store at the top of
Rosie: Ok thanks will look out for you there
Frank: We are on the ground floor
Rosie: ok
Frank: Outside Morrisons
Rosie: On my way
Frank: We might be upstairs later so look there too
Rosie: ok I will - see you soon xxx | Rosie is on her way to meet Frank and will have to find him at Sports Direct. |
13828614 | Kyle: hey u got maths homework?
Patrick: um.. not yet :D
Kyle: hahaha what do you mean not yet
Kyle: it's for tomorrow
Kyle: i just reminded you didn't i hahahah
Patrick: XD
Kyle: well good luck then
Patrick: tx xD guess i'm gonna need it XD | Kyle reminds Patrick about their math homework for tomorrow. |
13680746 | Ellen: Hi, honey, sorry I've been so unreachable lately, the redecoration is a nightmare.
Kate: Don't worry, sweetie, what's wring with the redecoration?
Ellen: Well, nothing's wrong per se, it's just it's taking so much time, I barely sleep nowadays...
Kate: Isn't Paul helping you?
Ellen: He's trying the best he can, but you know how men can be, he doesn't know what goes with what and I wouldn't trust him with our kitchen floor tiles...
Kate: Oh, you're right. It's always women who take care of the aesthetics of it all... And they say we're only good in the kitchen. :D
Ellen: Well, the kitchen is going to be spectacular so that part is true enough, LOL xD
Kate: Can't wait to see it. When are you finishing?
Ellen: I hope it will be ready by Christmas, but the workers are permanently late.
Kate: Oh yes, one of their many 'qualities'... :D
Ellen: Not that I don't like a beer now and then, but for Christs sake, they leave beer cans EVERYWHERE. How are they working if they're always tipsy?!
Kate: Steady hand, they say, hahaha
Ellen: Steady hand my ass, if they damage anything, I'm gonna kill them.
Kate: LOL
Ellen: Yeah, so to answer your question, the redecoration could go better but I'm counting on it to finish as quickly as possible.
Kate: Keeping my fingers crossed, hun and I can't wait for the housewarming party.
Ellen: You'll be the first to know! | Ellen and Paul are doing the redecoration and it takes a lot of time. They want to finish it by Christmas but workers are permanently late. Kate is looking forward for the housewarming party. |
13819839 | Paola: Guys, as I was saying I’d like to take you to the theatre. There’s a very good play this Friday and I can totally get you free tickets if you’re interested
Paola: It’s about this Serbian family just after the war in Yugoslavia. It’s been a hist for a few years now and I’m happy to see they’re back on stage this season as well
Paola: I’ve seen the play a few years ago and actually wrote a review of it, but would be happy to go with you and know what you think of it
Austin: Oh wow that sounds great! Ofc I wanna go
Nicola: Me too! Hope it’s after 6 pm?
Paola: @Nicola, yes, it’s at 8.15
Paola: The theatre is called El Rincón de Sánchez <othre_file>
Paola: We can meet there
Austin: Sounds good. Nicola, would you like to go together? These long, lonely journeys on the bus are soooo boring
Nicola: Ha ha, sure, I bet we can have a nice chat, especially if we actually walk a little bit. I’d suggest meeting at the entrance to the Alto Palermo shopping mall and walking from there
Austin: Can I ask if it’s safe? 🙊
Nicola: Yeah, I do think so
Austin: Splendid, let’s meet at the entrance to the Alto Palermo at 7.30 then
Nicola: Cool, just to make sure, I mean this entrance: <file_other>
Austin: 👍
Austin: Oh wait, will you have eaten? Perhaps we can grab a pizza or something
Nicola: I’ll be coming straight from work so it sounds like the perfect plan
Nicola: What do we have nearby
Austin: There’s actually this place which sells empanadas which are not that bad just where we’re meeting. Not a grand dinner but enough for me
Nicola: Yer, that would do. Let’s just meet at 7:15 in case there are many people in the line or you happen to prefer to eat the empanadas while standing rather than walking 😹
Austin: Lol sounds perfect
Paola: I’ll see you at the theatre then. There’s nowhere to wait outside, so I’ll be waiting for you in the hall if that’s ok
Austin: Totally
Paola: See you soon then
Nicola: Yep. Byeeee! | Paola and her friends are going to the theatre El Rincón de Sánchez on Friday. They are going to see a play about Serbian family just after the war in Yugoslavia. Nicola and Austin will go to the theatre together. They will eat empanadas on their way. |
13865472 | Harriet: Where are you?
Vincent: In the cloister
Charlotte: we're studying here today
Charlotte: join us, we're waiting for Ben as well
Harriet: It's too cold for me there
Ben: I agree
Harriet: I'll go to the library
Ben: I'll join Harriet | Vincent and Charlotte are studying in the cloister today. Harriet and Ben will go to the library. |
13716468 | Hyatt: watch channel 6 now
Nickleby: whats on?
Hyatt: ah i see is that Stu?
Palin: himself!
Nickleby: couldnt miss it :) | Stu is on channel 6 now. |
13810089 | Leo: hey jess
Jessie: hey
Leo: so what're u doing this weekend
Jessie: yea let me have a look at my tight schedule -_-
Leo: yea who am i kidding. you're always free
Jessie: so what up
Leo: we could maybe go out
Jessie: is it YOU who's asking
Leo: what does that mean
Jessie: its always me coming up with the ideas
Leo: yea right
Jessie: it is right
Leo: so?
Jessie: so i am right
Leo: i mean what do you think
Jessie: oh you mean for the weekend
Leo: yea
Jessie: yea okay, cool
Leo: btw.. you still have to come up with a place to hangout xD
Jessie: see.. ._. always
Leo: it was my idea tho XD
Jessie: WOW -_- | Jessie and Leo will hang out at the weekend, but Jessie has to come up with a place first. |
13730151 | John: do you play tennis? :-)
Irma: i don't, why do you ask?
John: you look like someone who plays tennis
Irma: HAHAHAHA i'm literally loling
Irma: i don't know what someone who plays tennis looks like
John: hahah sorry that was a dumb comment
John: anyway, would to enroll in a class with me?
John: they're dirt cheap at the community center
Irma: sounds good, i can wear one of my tennis outfits!!
Irma: HAHAHA, i'm still laughing at your comment lol | Irma doesn't play tennis. John and Irma will enroll in tennis class at the community center. |
13682432 | Jack: Where are you? I can't find you.
Olivia: carriage 3!
Jack: I'm in 15 I believe :/ it's so crowded
Olivia: But slowly you can get through.
Jack: I am not sure, there are people sitting, staying, puking everywhere. It's a mess
Olivia: C'mon, it's a busy weekend
Jack: I already hate this trip.
Olivia: Just don't make a drama, come here.
Jack: Do you have the tickets? I can't find mine.
Olivia: I have both of them, so you have no choice anyway. You should come here asap :P | Jack has to find Olivia in carriage 3, because she has their tickets. |
13681293 | Pete: Sup?
Lionel: I'm at a meeting, can't talk.
Pete: OK, sorry. | Lionel is in a meeting and can't talk. |
13681024 | Rob: need a car check, u know a good mechanic?
Will: yeah, I have someone who fixed my fathers car
Rob: you mean that shit on wheels?
Will: now it's like an arrow
Rob: than it's not a mechanic but a magician
Will: well, kind of :D I'll give u a number
Rob: great
Will: u can say that I send u
Rob: thanks buddy | Will gived Rob the number of the car mechanic who fixed Will's father's car. |
13716734 | Andrew: wow, weekend! finally!
Andrew: this week's been pretty hard
Nicky: yep, it was
Nicky: work work work
Andrew: we're starting a new project next month
Andrew: and we do everything at a last moment, as usual ;)
Rick: yeah, its always like that
Rick: they dont usually plan in advance
Nicky: they dont seem to learn their lessons;)
Andrew: thats the point
Andrew: anyways, I hope to have a good rest
Rick: yeah, me too!
Nicky: Im just gonna do nothing!
Nicky: :D
Rick: good idea!
Andrew: Me too, I really need a break
Andrew: sleep, in the first place
Andrew: see kids
Rick: ok take care guys!
Nicky: talk to U later! | Andrew, Nicky and Rick had a hard week at work. They just want to rest and do nothing. Andrew has a new project next month, and now he just wants to sleep and see kids. |
13731380 | Olivia: hey
Taylor: whats up?
Olivia: I need your help with something haha
Taylor: yeah?
Olivia: I wanna post a pic on instagram and I have the pic but idk what to caption it lol
Taylor: yeah! what picture ?
Olivia: the one I sent yesterday by the lake?
Taylor: ahhhh yes I love that one its amazing
Olivia: yeah I really like it but Idk what to say haah
Taylor: maybe something like " Summer Days" with the sun emoji
Olivia: but is that cheesy? or to basic ahaha
Taylor: nahh I think its ok, or maybe just the emoji and say nothing haha
Olivia: yeah I could do that hahah
Taylor: either way its a nice picture so whatever you say it will be fine
Olivia: trueeee thanks for the help :)))
Taylor: anytime gurlll :DD | Olivia doesn't know how to caption the photo she wants to put on Instagram. Taylor gives Olivia some hints. |
13829580 | John: Maybe some ride?
Ian: Always!!!
Ian: When and where?
John: St.Monica, at 8.00, ok?
Ian: ok! | Ian and John will meet at St. Monica at 8.00. |
Subsets and Splits