5 values
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1542 4314 1 7363 94721234 6336 6361
1431 3213 1 5242 63511123 4224 4241
1312 1411 1 2444 31221241 4444 4441
1211 1211 1 1222 21111121 2222 2221
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1542 421 251 42932394 35 9393
1431 311 141 32621263 23 6262
1312 121 231 13442441 42 4444
1211 111 121 12221221 21 2222
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531 23 537 49 294129321 42 5391
421 12 325 36 263116211 31 4261
341 24 242 14 341123421 12 3441
221 12 121 12 221112211 11 2221
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1542 34 4 41121971 93294422
1431 23 3 31121651 62263312
1312 41 1 11131421 34341123
1211 21 1 11121211 22221112
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9149395 35 64324
6136263 23 43213
4114442 42 41421
2112221 21 21211
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1542 34 4 3239421 2224211
1431 23 3 2126311 1123111
1312 41 1 4243121 2231211
1211 21 1 2122111 1121111
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1542 34 251 493292 35 93912 532 19432419192 35 4 321434192346 749434421
1431 23 141 362261 23 62612 321 16321316161 23 3 211323161234 536323311
1312 41 231 144342 42 44413 242 14142114142 42 1 421141142414 214141121
1211 21 121 122221 21 22212 121 12121112121 21 1 211121121212 112121111
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1542 34 251 424275 39 91494 746614
1431 23 141 313154 26 61363 534413
1312 41 231 121223 44 31141 214411
1211 21 121 111112 22 21121 112211
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9149395 35 251 9491 96461
6136263 23 141 6361 64341
4114442 42 231 4141 34141
2112221 21 121 2121 22121
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15375 73249394 52972339 44 731972914 39 912493637
14254 62136263 32651226 33 521652613 26 611362425
13423 34214441 23422444 11 241413411 44 412134442
12212 22112221 12211222 11 121212211 22 211122221
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15121 34 5132534 2936343 6374214
14111 23 3121323 1624232 4253113
13121 41 2142241 2344414 4421211
12111 21 1121121 1222212 2211111
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531 9275 4314 336 547346 7342
421 6254 3213 224 335234 5231
341 4323 1411 444 212414 2412
221 2212 1211 222 111212 1211
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4153932339 35 2322291
3132621226 23 2221261
1124442444 42 3432331
1112221222 21 2221221
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531 6395 23 512 4 9442124 415211 45212 94751632 4
421 4263 12 311 3 6331113 313111 33111 63541421 3
341 4442 24 212 1 4112121 112211 12212 31231442 1
221 2221 12 111 1 2111111 111111 11111 21121221 1
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1542 34 4 236631
1431 23 3 124421
1312 41 1 244441
1211 21 1 122221
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1542 34 52924 4336 9441 35
1431 23 42623 3224 6331 23
1312 41 33431 1444 4111 42
1211 21 22221 1222 2111 21
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9143746 4153932339 35 932946 113552 3914322
6132534 3132621226 23 621634 112341 2613212
4114214 1124442444 42 442414 114232 4311423
2112112 1112221222 21 221212 112121 2211212
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54 397391 247 2421
33 265261 135 1311
21 442441 212 2121
11 221221 111 1111
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1542 6394 35 754247212342374 749 4 215339 5471
1431 4263 23 543135111231253 536 3 113226 4361
1312 4441 42 231212212412421 214 1 212444 3131
1211 2221 21 121111111211211 112 1 111222 2121
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1542 446422 342753635342
1431 334312 232542423231
1312 114123 413234442412
1211 112112 212122221211
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34 516373947212 326323 395172339 7392453324
23 414252635111 224212 263151226 5261332223
41 314424312212 434424 442122444 2442124431
21 212212211111 222212 221111222 1221112221
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1542 34 4 424936
1431 23 3 313624
1312 41 1 121444
1211 21 1 111222
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531 23 322 44 7424 39 643233
421 12 221 33 5313 26 432122
341 24 432 11 2121 44 414244
221 12 221 11 1111 22 212122
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1542 2336122314 749 91 24619 39 4 36491
1431 1224111213 536 61 13416 26 3 24361
1312 2444122411 214 31 21414 44 1 44141
1211 1222111211 112 21 11212 22 1 22121
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1542 34 2122491252649939329 75632341 2414 532
1431 23 1111361142436626226 54421231 2313 321
1312 41 2122141233414444434 23442411 3111 242
1211 21 1111121122212222222 12221211 2111 121
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742414 35 5342419144
532313 23 4231316133
213111 42 3412114111
112111 21 2211112111
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1542 34 5294934237 3427536352 4153932339
1431 23 4263623125 2325424232 3132621226
1312 41 3341441242 4132344423 1124442444
1211 21 2221221121 2121222212 1112221222
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152 34 92 742 7511395 39 742493424
142 23 62 531 5411263 26 531362313
133 41 43 212 2311442 44 212134121
122 21 22 111 1211221 22 111122111
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153 34 7394341214 251 542512 35 5391 422 35323524352
142 23 5263231113 141 331411 23 3261 311 24212313242
134 41 2441411211 231 212312 42 2441 122 43424221433
122 21 1221211111 121 111211 21 1221 111 22212111222
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152 144 251 212 355194371 4 2229395 33392
142 133 141 111 233163261 3 1216263 22261
133 111 231 212 422141431 1 2324442 44442
122 111 121 111 211121221 1 1212221 22221
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1542 49123749 73933412 34 69319 44 251 6395 35 2452391
1431 36112536 52622311 23 46216 33 141 4263 23 1331261
1312 14124214 24444112 41 44414 11 231 4442 42 2122441
1211 12112112 12222111 21 22212 11 121 2221 21 1111221
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531 23 512 942612 42439 322 35 15321 45322
421 12 311 631411 31326 221 23 14211 34211
341 24 212 412412 12144 432 42 13421 13422
221 12 111 211211 11122 221 21 12211 12211
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1519 144 34649 7214214 494 531 24533
1416 133 23436 5113113 363 421 23422
1314 111 41414 2211211 141 341 31344
1212 111 21212 1111111 121 221 21222
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1542 43 251 192123194372391 71664 35 251 4239475 3234271
1431 32 141 161112163251261 51443 23 141 3126354 2123251
1312 14 231 142124141422441 21441 42 231 1244123 4241321
1211 12 121 121112121211221 11221 21 121 1122112 2121211
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435524339 34 4 3444371 3237144 1736439
323323226 23 3 2333261 2125133 1524326
142231444 41 1 4111431 4242111 1244144
121121222 21 1 2111221 2121111 1122122
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1722421223232346322 4153932339
1511311112121234212 3132621226
1222121224242414423 1124442444
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531 9275 4314 7366493242371 4373271 7342
421 6254 3213 5244362131261 3262151 5231
341 4323 1411 2444134212431 1434221 2412
221 2212 1211 1222122111221 1222111 1211
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1519 4314 4 21194 312334 917391 7394342192
1416 3213 3 11163 211223 615261 5263231161
1314 1411 1 21141 412441 312441 2441412142
1212 1211 1 11121 211221 211221 1221211121
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4712451 32371 312 412421 5332 23 92364 4 5391 39 5632344
3611331 21251 211 312311 3221 12 62243 3 4261 26 3421233
1312121 42421 412 113121 2442 24 33441 1 3441 44 2442411
1211111 21211 211 112111 1221 12 22221 1 2221 22 1221211
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1542 34 3474 43242
1431 23 2363 32132
1312 41 4131 14213
1211 21 2121 12112
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1542 5433194 23 96334 32144221 1519 251 42212314 739422372
1431 4322163 12 64223 21133211 1416 141 31111213 526311251
1312 3144141 24 34441 42111321 1314 231 12212411 244122422
1211 2122121 12 22221 21111211 1212 121 11111211 122111211
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15121 4314 251 2193324634 924761 323539421
14111 3213 141 1162213423 623541 212326311
13121 1411 231 2144421441 431241 424244121
12111 1211 121 1122211221 221121 212122111
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1542 34 251 4153932339 35 394343324
1431 23 141 3132621226 23 263232223
1312 41 231 1124442444 42 441414431
1211 21 121 1112221222 21 221212221
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721432 47321 5334 944 4712451
511321 35211 3223 633 3611331
221142 12421 2441 311 1312121
111121 11211 1221 211 1211111
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531 23 739432339 93275
421 12 526321226 62154
341 24 244142444 34223
221 12 122121222 22112
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511 23 754951 4 563552 39 41624
311 12 543631 3 342341 26 31413
211 24 231421 1 244232 44 11421
111 12 121211 1 122121 22 11211
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15121 144 72943 642312 9329
14111 133 52632 432211 6216
13121 111 23414 413412 3424
12111 111 12212 212211 2212
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397494147192 63552 9269 7342 312 9269
265363135161 42341 6246 5231 211 6246
442141112142 44232 3343 2412 412 3343
221121111121 22121 2222 1211 211 2222
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34 4 73746192 32 33937 9394 42239512
23 3 52634161 21 22625 6263 31126311
41 1 24314142 42 44442 3441 12244212
21 1 12212121 21 22221 2221 11122111
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73972121 3336 7342
52651111 2224 5231
24422121 4444 2412
12211111 2222 1211
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1542 34 3126321 9441 35
1431 23 2114211 6331 23
1312 41 4124421 4111 42
1211 21 2112211 2111 21
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1542 43 251 75142 9247614 43
1431 32 141 54131 6235413 32
1312 14 231 23112 4312411 14
1211 12 121 12111 2211211 12
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4712451 7342 35 213647395 42721326
3611331 5231 23 112435263 32511214
1312121 2412 42 214412442 13221424
1211111 1211 21 112211221 12111212
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531 6395 4314 1537 7424 2461 23 422371
421 4263 3213 1425 5313 1341 12 311261
341 4442 1411 1342 2121 2141 24 122431
221 2221 1211 1221 1111 1121 12 111221
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531 4339 749 4 4237124 6371941 91 21911 97 396391
421 3226 536 3 3126113 4251631 61 11611 65 264261
341 1444 214 1 1243121 4421411 31 21411 42 444441
221 1222 112 1 1122111 2211211 21 11211 21 222221
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73943233914 42392624 4153932339 1237612
52632122613 31262423 3132621226 1225411
24414244411 12443431 1124442444 1341412
12212122211 11222221 1112221222 1221211
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1542 34 4 7647375324
1431 23 3 5436254213
1312 41 1 2413423421
1211 21 1 1212212211
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1542 34 4 6393644
1431 23 3 4262433
1312 41 1 4434411
1211 21 1 2222211
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1542 6394 35 92437 34 2414 532 5299332 44971
1431 4263 23 62325 23 2313 321 3266221 33651
1312 4441 42 43142 41 3111 242 2343442 11421
1211 2221 21 22121 21 2111 121 1222221 11211
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1542 34 251 214262 342 532 4 73736 19539112
1431 23 141 213142 232 321 3 52624 16326111
1312 41 231 311243 413 242 1 24344 14244112
1211 21 121 211122 212 121 1 12222 12122111
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34312 2319 4153932339
23211 1216 3132621226
41412 2414 1124442444
21211 1212 1112221222
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1542 34 251249391
1431 23 141136261
1312 41 231214441
1211 21 121112221
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1542 4314 251 1619192 9139 6336 6361
1431 3213 141 1416161 6126 4224 4241
1312 1411 231 1414142 4144 4444 4441
1211 1211 121 1212121 2122 2222 2221
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364 9472 9423944 53224
243 6362 6312633 42213
441 4133 4124411 34321
221 2122 2112211 22211
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1542 4314 4 4332 213214192
1431 3213 3 3221 112113161
1312 1411 1 1442 214211142
1211 1211 1 1221 112111121
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1542 34 332423 424275
1431 23 221312 313154
1312 41 442124 121223
1211 21 221112 111112
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1542 43 251 7532441 219439141 43
1431 32 141 5421331 116326131 32
1312 14 231 2342111 214144111 14
1211 12 121 1221111 112122111 12
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422 4153932339 121
312 3132621226 121
123 1124442444 131
112 1112221222 121
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1542 34 251 4355121971 9121119 4 742724 494 3239422
1431 23 141 3233111651 6111116 3 532523 363 2126312
1312 41 231 1422121421 3121114 1 213231 141 4244123
1211 21 121 1211111211 2111112 1 112121 121 2122112
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531 5442 4314 73951412421 6449391 5231
421 3331 3213 52631311311 4336261 3121
341 2112 1411 24421112121 3114441 2241
221 1111 1211 12211111111 2112221 1121
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4153932339 35 924761 71664
3132621226 23 623541 51443
1124442444 42 431241 21441
1112221222 21 221121 11221
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1542 46929 34 432645391 39
1431 34626 23 322434261 26
1312 14334 41 143413441 44
1211 12222 21 122212221 22
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1542 4314 563244 9149
1431 3213 342133 6136
1312 1411 234211 4114
1211 1211 122111 2112
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1542 34 221353942339
1431 23 111242631226
1312 41 221434412444
1211 21 111222211222
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1519 144 251 53242 934129 52949
1416 133 141 32131 623116 42636
1314 111 231 24212 441124 33414
1212 111 121 12111 221112 22212
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1542 397391 749 91 542934514
1431 265261 536 61 331623413
1312 442441 214 31 212441311
1211 221221 112 21 111221211
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5491 39719232 446422
3361 26616121 334312
2141 44314242 114123
1121 22212121 112112
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1542 34 5419362237 4941934
1431 23 4316242125 3631623
1312 41 3114443242 1411441
1211 21 2112222121 1211221
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4933937 4225472492 4153932339
3622625 3213351361 3132621226
1444442 1322122142 1124442444
1222221 1211111121 1112221222
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1542 34 3239 2414 532 39 3522336496239
1431 23 2126 2313 321 26 2421224364126
1312 41 4244 3111 242 44 4332444144244
1211 21 2122 2111 121 22 2221222122122
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446422 35 43217232 35 437346 41273714
334312 23 32115121 23 325234 31162513
114123 42 14212242 42 142414 11234211
112112 21 12111121 21 121212 11122111
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1542 34 4 914374662 393322492 241 532 251 3734441 2142
1431 23 3 613253442 262211361 231 321 141 2523331 1131
1312 41 1 411421443 444422142 311 242 231 4241111 2112
1211 21 1 211211222 222211121 211 121 121 2121111 1111
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1542 2142 434 49123749 223334 7432221 2391
1431 2131 323 36112536 112223 5321211 1261
1312 3112 141 14124214 224441 2142321 2441
1211 2111 121 12112112 112221 1121211 1221
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421 4494 42914 123433946 32 413343233946
311 3363 32613 112322634 21 312232122634
121 1141 13411 124144414 42 114414244414
111 1121 12211 112122212 21 112212122212
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1542 34 9361 215627
1431 23 6241 113425
1312 41 3441 212432
1211 21 2221 111221
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1542 43 524926372214 43
1431 32 313624252113 32
1312 14 221434423211 14
1211 12 111222212111 12
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1542 344 91494
1431 233 61363
1312 411 41141
1211 211 21121
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531 6395 453264 3 6113 394224971 1394
421 4263 342243 2 4112 263213651 1263
341 4442 134341 4 4114 441321421 1431
221 2221 122221 2 2112 221211211 1221
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153 7491 23 1325 251 516337192237 43642 424219 251322
142 5361 22 1214 141 414225161125 32431 323116 141212
134 2141 34 1423 231 314442142242 14412 131214 231423
122 1121 22 1212 121 212221121121 12211 121112 121212
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1542 4314 32234391 4344373421 3923
1431 3213 22123261 3233252311 2612
1312 1411 43241441 1411424121 4424
1211 1211 22121221 1211212111 2212
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531 23 512 4 424 2142
421 12 311 3 313 1131
341 24 212 1 121 2112
221 12 111 1 111 1111
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1542 34 4 32364223237 32549349
1431 23 3 21243122125 21336236
1312 41 1 42441234242 42214414
1211 21 1 21221122121 21112212
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1542 34 1613549234434
1431 23 1412436123323
1312 41 1414314241141
1211 21 1212212121121
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1542 75193746 34 39 924443
1431 54162534 23 26 613332
1312 23144214 41 44 321114
1211 12122112 21 22 211112
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531 9275 4314 423494 11355
421 6254 3213 312363 11234
341 4323 1411 124141 11423
221 2212 1211 112121 11212
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1542 34 4 739422272371 2224211
1431 23 3 526311251261 1123111
1312 41 1 244122322431 2231211
1211 21 1 122111211221 1121111
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531 34 73732 42925143714
421 23 52521 32614132513
341 41 14242 13423114111
221 21 12121 12212112111
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1542 34 44739 414439395
1431 23 33526 313326263
1312 41 11144 111144442
1211 21 11122 111122221
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1542 2231 35 93116 94721234 34 73323 22142
1431 1221 23 62114 63511123 23 52212 11131
1312 2341 42 34114 31221241 41 24424 22112
1211 1221 21 22112 21111121 21 12212 11111
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1542 34 432446 5332 3439
1431 23 321334 3221 2326
1312 41 142114 2442 4144
1211 21 121112 1221 2122