[ { "bbox": [ 0.034166666666666665, 0, 0.435, 0.86 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "Can you pour me a glass of wine?", "Which one do you want?" ], [ "This green bottle.", "It has a glass of wine on the right?" ], [ "Yes, he has poured some.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "可以帮我倒一杯酒吗?", "你想要哪一种?" ], [ "这个绿瓶子的。", "它右边有一杯酒对吗?" ], [ "是的,他已经倒出来了一些。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003018" } ]
{ "file_name": "792915ff00cee3c0_Drink_Bottle_Wine_Wine glass_2.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.792915ff00cee3c0", "width": 480 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.025833333333333333, 0.043125000000000004, 0.575, 0.32687499999999997 ], "category": "muffin", "dialog": [ [ "Wow, this cake looks delicious!", "Which cake do you want?" ], [ "The one farther away from us.", "Is that the one in the upper left corner?" ], [ "Yes, the red sugar on it is very high.", "There is a cake on the right side of it, isn't it?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "哇,这个蛋糕看着好好吃哦!", "你想要哪个蛋糕?" ], [ "离我们远一些的那个。", "是左上角那个吗?" ], [ "是的,它上面的红色糖很高。", "在它右边有个蛋糕,是吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003019" } ]
{ "file_name": "c2792cdee2657a51_Muffin_Dessert_Dairy Product_Food_Baked goods_Cake_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.c2792cdee2657a51", "width": 480 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.2796875, 0.48372093023255813, 0.359375, 0.7558139534883721 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "Please pass me that little toy.", "OK, which one do you want?" ], [ "One of the small boxes in the front.", "OK, so there are three, which one is it?" ], [ "The purple one.", "The one on the left?" ], [ "Yes, there is a pearl on it.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "请把那个小玩具递给我一下。", "好的,想要哪个呢?" ], [ "前边的那个小盒里装的其中一个。", "好的,那有三个呢,是哪个?" ], [ "紫色那个。", "左边那个?" ], [ "是的,上边有颗珍珠。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003020" } ]
{ "file_name": "d592a15833462876_Toy_6.jpg", "height": 430, "id": "openimages.d592a15833462876", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.22749608763693271, 0.016695652173913042, 0.6387480438184664, 0.4965217391304348 ], "category": "cantaloupe", "dialog": [ [ "Can you get me a melon?", "Which one do you like?" ], [ "Below it should be a cantaloupe.", "Is it the yellow one?" ], [ "It's yellow and looks good.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "可以帮我拿一个瓜吗?", "你喜欢哪一个?" ], [ "它的下方应该是一个哈密瓜。", "是黄色的那个吗?" ], [ "它是黄色的,看起来不错。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003021" } ]
{ "file_name": "fbd961df95bd6d89_Cantaloupe_3.jpg", "height": 575, "id": "openimages.fbd961df95bd6d89", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.928125, 0.38903394255874674, 0.9984375, 0.5587467362924282 ], "category": "cabbage", "dialog": [ [ "The vegetables in this field have all grown up!", "Yes, do you want to take one with you?" ], [ "Yes, if you use it for stir-frying, it should taste sweet!", "Which one do you want to take with you?" ], [ "The one in the lower right corner, smaller.", "There are three dishes on the left, right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这块田地的菜都长成了!", "是的,你想带一个走吗?" ], [ "是啊,拿来炒菜的话,吃起来应该挺清甜的!", "你想带走哪一个?" ], [ "右下角那颗吧,小一点。", "它的左边有三颗菜对吗?" ], [ "对啊。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003022" } ]
{ "file_name": "22063cfceeccb6bc_Food_Plant_Vegetable_Cabbage_5.jpg", "height": 383, "id": "openimages.22063cfceeccb6bc", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.091875, 0.3414788732394366, 0.803125, 0.9604929577464789 ], "category": "bowl", "dialog": [ [ "It's dinner time!", "Yes, is dinner ready?" ], [ "Yes, it's all laid out.", "Okay, which one do you want to eat?" ], [ "I want to eat chili stir fry cauliflower!", "Is this dish in front of you? There is a red pepper on it." ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "晚饭时间到啦!", "是的,晚餐都做好了吗" ], [ "是的,都摆出来了。", "好的,想吃哪个?" ], [ "我想吃辣椒炒菜花!", "面前这一碟吗?上面有个红色的辣椒。" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003023" } ]
{ "file_name": "9ba77cfb2482d58c_Snack_Food_Mixing bowl_Tableware_Bowl_4.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.9ba77cfb2482d58c", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.20916666666666667, 0.23312499999999997, 0.8524999999999999 ], "category": "cucumber", "dialog": [ [ "I want to eat that cucumber.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "The one that hasn't been dug in the middle.", "The one on the far left, right?" ], [ "Yes, that's the one.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想吃那根黄瓜。", "你说的是哪一根呢?" ], [ "中间部分没有被挖的那个。", "是最左边那个对吗?" ], [ "是的,就是那个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003024" } ]
{ "file_name": "25db401421bd90d6_Food_Cucumber_Spoon_5.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.25db401421bd90d6", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.6375, 0.5895833333333333, 0.734375, 0.7333333333333333 ], "category": "duck", "dialog": [ [ "There are a lot of ducks in the water.", "Yes, which one do you like?" ], [ "I like the nearest one.", "The one below?" ], [ "Yes, there is a white flower behind him.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "水里有很多的鸭子啊。", "是的,喜欢哪只?" ], [ "我喜欢最近的这只。", "下方那只吗?" ], [ "对的,他的后面有一个白花。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003025" } ]
{ "file_name": "77153041250b596f_Bird_Plant_Duck_Flower_Goose_Animal_6.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.77153041250b596f", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.3175, 0.16, 0.8225 ], "category": "strawberry", "dialog": [ [ "I want to eat a strawberry.", "Which one do you want to eat?" ], [ "I want this one on the far left.", "It's the middle row right?" ], [ "It's in the second row, far left.", "Is there three strawberries to its right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想吃一个草莓。", "你想吃哪一个?" ], [ "我想要最左边的这个。", "是中间的这一排对吗?" ], [ "它在第二排,最左边。", "它的右边是有三个草莓吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003026" } ]
{ "file_name": "7590e90a07239142_Dessert_Food_Fruit_Strawberry_11.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.7590e90a07239142", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.1643192488262911, 0.759375, 0.7230046948356808, 0.9984375 ], "category": "orange", "dialog": [ [ "I want to try that orange.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "The one that only leaks half.", "Is it the one on the left?" ], [ "No, the one below.", "Okay, here it is." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想尝一尝那个橘子。", "你说的是哪一个呢?" ], [ "只漏出一半的的那个。", "是左边那个吗?" ], [ "不是,是下边那个。", "好的,这就给你。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003027" } ]
{ "file_name": "2c2260828ab5891d_Food_Lemon_Orange_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.2c2260828ab5891d", "width": 426 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.00625, 0.21482435597189697, 0.4625, 0.8667915690866511 ], "category": "mug", "dialog": [ [ "One of these cups was left by my grandfather.", "Which one is it?" ], [ "It's the older one.", "Is it the one on the right?" ], [ "No, it's the lighter one on the left.", "It has some paint peeling right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这杯子有一个是我爷爷留下来的。", "是哪一个?" ], [ "就是那个比较旧的。", "是右边的这一个吗?" ], [ "不是,是左边这个颜色浅的。", "它有一些掉漆对吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003028" } ]
{ "file_name": "fddd38c883bdfc3c_Mug_Coffee cup_Tableware_2.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.fddd38c883bdfc3c", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.66875, 0.30487119437939114, 0.7931250000000001, 0.9146370023419204 ], "category": "drink", "dialog": [ [ "Can you get me a bottle?", "Which one do you need?" ], [ "The Coke bottle on the right.", "Is it a greenish bottle?" ], [ "Yes, it's shorter.", "OK, here you are." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "帮我拿一个瓶子可以吗?", "你需要哪一个?" ], [ "右边的那个可乐瓶。", "是泛绿色的瓶子吗?" ], [ "是的,它比较矮。", "好的,给你。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003029" } ]
{ "file_name": "03e1f9d4a0d592ba_Drink_Bottle_3.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.03e1f9d4a0d592ba", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.49195312500000005, 0.8002702702702702, 0.6105, 0.9507371007371007 ], "category": "taxi", "dialog": [ [ "This little car is so beautiful!", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "This blue one.", "Is it the middle one?" ], [ "Yes, it's sandwiched between two yellow cars.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个小车好漂亮呀!", "你说哪一辆?" ], [ "这辆蓝色的。", "是中间那辆吗?" ], [ "是的,它夹在了两辆黄色的车中间。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003030" } ]
{ "file_name": "6028c49070ee2b28_Land vehicle_Vehicle_Building_Car_Taxi_8.jpg", "height": 407, "id": "openimages.6028c49070ee2b28", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.0859375, 0.12206572769953052, 0.44375, 0.8544600938967136 ], "category": "monkey", "dialog": [ [ "There are two baboons here!", "Yes, both holding their children." ], [ "Don't dare to approach, for fear of attacking people.", "Yes, safety is the main thing." ], [ "There is one that doesn't seem to attack people.", "Which one?" ], [ "The one on the left turned his head.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有两只狒狒!", "是的,都抱着它们的孩子。" ], [ "不敢靠近了,怕会攻击人。", "是的,安全为主。" ], [ "有一只好像应该不会攻击人。", "哪只?" ], [ "左边扭头那只。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003031" } ]
{ "file_name": "9bceca9268f4aa33_Mammal_Monkey_Animal_4.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.9bceca9268f4aa33", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.6021411764705882, 0.39714062499999997, 0.9548470588235294 ], "category": "computer keyboard", "dialog": [ [ "There are many keyboards here, all kinds.", "Yes, maybe the functions are different." ], [ "Yes, there are big and small ones.", "Which one do you want?" ], [ "A smaller one, easy to carry.", "Then you choose one." ], [ "The one in the lower left corner, the space bar it's long is yellow.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有许多键盘,各式各样的。", "是的,可能功能都不一样。" ], [ "是的,有大有小。", "想要哪个呢?" ], [ "小点的吧,便于携带。", "那你挑一个。" ], [ "左下角那个吧,它长的那个空格键是黄色的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003032" } ]
{ "file_name": "08c13c3ce35c4c0b_Computer keyboard_Desk_Office supplies_Accordion_6.jpg", "height": 425, "id": "openimages.08c13c3ce35c4c0b", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.704375, 0, 0.925, 0.8144444444444444 ], "category": "drink", "dialog": [ [ "There are several bottles here, big and small.", "Yes, do you know what they are?" ], [ "I'm not familiar with it either, but one bottle may be wine.", "You mean the bottle behind a few small tubes?" ], [ "Yes, it's in that glass bottle.", "The label says a bunch of English bottles?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有好几瓶东西,大大小小的。", "是的,你知道都是什么吗?" ], [ "我也不熟悉,不过有一瓶可能是酒。", "你说的是放在几个小管后面那瓶?" ], [ "是的,就是那个玻璃瓶装着的。", "标签上写着一堆英文那瓶?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003033" } ]
{ "file_name": "c39ff8974c2649c8_Drink_Tableware_Bottle_2.jpg", "height": 360, "id": "openimages.c39ff8974c2649c8", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.275625, 0.3825, 0.510625, 0.9991666666666668 ], "category": "chicken", "dialog": [ [ "There are a lot of chickens here.", "Do you like any?" ], [ "I think that big rooster is the most powerful.", "Is it the big rooster with the dark color?" ], [ "The one with the dark red fur.", "Its head is facing left, right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有好多只鸡啊。", "有你喜欢的吗?" ], [ "我觉得那只大公鸡最厉害。", "是颜色深的这只大公鸡吗?" ], [ "深红色的毛的那只。", "它的头朝左对吗?" ], [ "对的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003034" } ]
{ "file_name": "e33ad3c49e762a20_Bird_Chicken_Animal_6.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.e33ad3c49e762a20", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.011875, 0.20833333333333334, 0.37, 0.5958333333333333 ], "category": "cheese", "dialog": [ [ "It's tea time!", "Yes, would you like something to eat?" ], [ "Want something sweet.", "It's on that plate, do you pick one?" ], [ "Okay, I want cheese.", "How many pieces are there, which one to eat?" ], [ "The larger one on the far left.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "下午茶时间到!", "是的,要吃点什么吗?" ], [ "想吃甜的。", "那个碟子上有,你挑一个?" ], [ "好的,我想吃奶酪。", "那有几块,吃哪块?" ], [ "大点的最靠左边那块。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003035" } ]
{ "file_name": "23e38a2d80fee192_Cheese_Snack_Dessert_Dairy Product_Food_Baked goods_4.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.23e38a2d80fee192", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.3734375, 0.40046838407494145, 0.515625, 0.9063231850117096 ], "category": "cocktail", "dialog": [ [ "I want something to drink.", "What would you like to drink?" ], [ "I want to drink the back cup.", "Is it the pink one?" ], [ "Yes.", "OK, here you are." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想喝点啥。", "你想喝什么呢?" ], [ "我想喝后边那杯。", "是粉色的那杯吗?" ], [ "是的。", "好的,给你。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003036" } ]
{ "file_name": "9493f130a3fe4389_Cocktail_Drink_3.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.9493f130a3fe4389", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.141875, 0.3029976580796253, 0.673125, 0.8180093676814989 ], "category": "cookie", "dialog": [ [ "What's on the grill? I want to try a piece.", "Not sure, like a cookie or something." ], [ "Can you pass me the second piece?", "Yes, left or right?" ], [ "Second piece from the left.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "烤架上面的是什么呀?我想来一块尝尝。", "不清楚,好像饼干之类的。" ], [ "你可以把第二块递给我吗?", "可以的,左边还是右边?" ], [ "左边的第二块。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003037" } ]
{ "file_name": "ec3de8b2009536a9_Fast food_Snack_Cookie_Food_Baked goods_4.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.ec3de8b2009536a9", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.4691666666666666, 0.759375, 0.6308333333333334, 0.866875 ], "category": "balloon", "dialog": [ [ "I really want a balloon!", "Do you want a red one or a white one?" ], [ "Want a red one!", "Is it the one next to the white balloon?" ], [ "No, it's the one below.", "OK, here you go." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我好想要一个气球哦!", "你想要红色的还是白色的?" ], [ "想要一个红色的!", "是挨着白色气球的那个吗?" ], [ "不是的,是下面的那一个。", "好的,给你。" ], [ "谢谢你!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003038" } ]
{ "file_name": "2ff6e27cb90e5d99_Balloon_4.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.2ff6e27cb90e5d99", "width": 480 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.55625, 0.6744730679156908, 0.6537499999999999, 0.8649180327868853 ], "category": "common fig", "dialog": [ [ "These fruits look weird!", "Yes, they don't look good." ], [ "But I want to try them too.", "OK, which one would you like to try?" ], [ "The smaller one.", "The one in the middle?" ], [ "Yes, the one at the bottom in the middle.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这些果子长得好奇怪哦!", "是的,不好看。" ], [ "不过也想尝尝。", "好的,想尝哪个?" ], [ "小点的那个。", "中间那个吗?" ], [ "是的,中间最下面那个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003039" } ]
{ "file_name": "8cbe5aa619cc3ea4_Food_Fruit_Common fig_Plant_Tree_Flower_2.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.8cbe5aa619cc3ea4", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.2630718954248366, 0.6830065359477124, 0.4215686274509804, 0.8022875816993464 ], "category": "orange", "dialog": [ [ "Hello, I want a slice of lemon.", "Which slice do you want?" ], [ "The big slice.", "Is it the one closest to us?" ], [ "No, it's the one on the right.", "It's a quarter of a lemon, right?" ], [ "No, it's half a lemon.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你好,我想要片柠檬。", "你想要哪一片?" ], [ "大的那片。", "是离我们最近的这一块吗?" ], [ "不对,是右边这块。", "它是四分之一个柠檬对吗?" ], [ "不对,是半个柠檬。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003040" } ]
{ "file_name": "23b34666277e1e47_Food_Fruit_Orange_3.jpg", "height": 612, "id": "openimages.23b34666277e1e47", "width": 612 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.826875, 0.16583333333333333, 0.9125, 0.3108333333333333 ], "category": "lemon", "dialog": [ [ "This meal is very rich, with meat and vegetables.", "Yes, nutritionally balanced." ], [ "And after-meal fruit.", "Yes, do you want to eat it now?" ], [ "Hmm, as a pre-meal fruit, have a piece of orange.", "Is that a lemon?" ], [ "Yes, I read it wrong, I also like to eat lemons, the top left corner is close to the small piece of green vegetables next to it.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这顿很丰富啊,有肉有菜。", "是的,营养均衡。" ], [ "还有饭后水果。", "是的,现在想吃吗?" ], [ "嗯嗯,当作饭前水果吧,来一块橙子。", "那是柠檬吧?" ], [ "对,我看错了,柠檬我也喜欢吃,最左上角挨近旁边青菜那一小块吧。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003041" } ]
{ "file_name": "221da6c056c3efec_Fast food_Food_Lemon_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.221da6c056c3efec", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.5125, 0.06458333333333334, 0.8890625, 0.6854166666666667 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "This toy is too interesting, I want to play with it too.", "Which one do you want to play with?" ], [ "The one with the little pig.", "Is this little pig closest to us?" ], [ "No, it has a little monkey with a black face behind it.", "It's the third little pig in positive numbers, right?" ], [ "Yes, that's it.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个玩具也太有意思了,我也想拿个玩玩。", "你想玩哪一个?" ], [ "小猪的那个。", "离我们最近的这个小猪吗?" ], [ "不是,它的后面有个黑脸的小猴子。", "是正数第三个小猪对吗?" ], [ "是的,就是那个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003042" } ]
{ "file_name": "57aafdbf838fa6a2_Toy_4.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.57aafdbf838fa6a2", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.5578125, 0.16152019002375298, 0.8125, 0.8717339667458432 ], "category": "cocktail", "dialog": [ [ "Come and sit at this table and have a few drinks.", "Okay, there are several glasses on the table." ], [ "Yes, but I don't want to drink the inside of the glass.", "Which one do you want to drink?" ], [ "The big one, it should be filled with cocktails.", "Okay, I'll get it for you." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "来这张桌子坐一下,小酌两杯。", "好的,桌子上放了好几杯。" ], [ "是的,不过我不想喝酒杯里面的。", "那想喝哪一杯呢?" ], [ "大的那个杯子,应该是装着鸡尾酒。", "好的,我这就拿给你。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003043" } ]
{ "file_name": "0baa797b699b4f94_Bottle_Cocktail_Drink_Tableware_Wine_5.jpg", "height": 421, "id": "openimages.0baa797b699b4f94", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.6275000000000001, 0.31167058823529414, 0.7006249999999999, 0.7363529411764705 ], "category": "picture frame", "dialog": [ [ "Let's go and see that painting together.", "Okay, which one would you like to see?" ], [ "The one next to the black border.", "Many of these are black borders." ], [ "The third painting from front to back.", "Third painting from left?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我们一起去看看那幅画吧。", "好的,想看哪一幅?" ], [ "黑色边框旁边的那一幅。", "这里很多幅都是黑色边框呢。" ], [ "从前往后数的第三幅画。", "从左数第三幅画?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003044" } ]
{ "file_name": "544da3b8abc10d39_Picture frame_3.jpg", "height": 425, "id": "openimages.544da3b8abc10d39", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.4203125, 0.29205607476635514, 0.5140625, 0.5934579439252337 ], "category": "candle", "dialog": [ [ "That candle is burning out, we should change it.", "Okay, which one to replace?" ], [ "The one at the back.", "Is its flame crooked?" ], [ "Yes, the one on the right at the back.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那只蜡烛快烧完了,我们该换换了。", "好的,换成哪根呢?" ], [ "后面的那根。", "它的火苗是歪着的吗?" ], [ "是的,后面右边的那个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003045" } ]
{ "file_name": "f8cc7010c4e4a569_Candle_3.jpg", "height": 428, "id": "openimages.f8cc7010c4e4a569", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.359375, 0.051643192488262914, 0.406875, 0.28262910798122065 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "I want to buy a bottle of wine.", "There are many here, which bottle do you want?" ], [ "The bottle on top of the blue box.", "The wine inside it is yellow, right?" ], [ "Yes, it is the bottle on the left.", "Okay, this will pack it for you." ], [ "Okay, thanks!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想买一瓶酒。", "这里有好多,你想要哪一瓶呢?" ], [ "那个蓝色盒子上边的那瓶。", "它里边的酒是黄色的对吗?" ], [ "是的,它是左边的那一瓶。", "好的,这就帮你装起来。" ], [ "好的,谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003046" } ]
{ "file_name": "b18169ffb2c057ac_Beer_Drink_Bottle_Wine_8.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.b18169ffb2c057ac", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.5825, 0.12000000000000001, 0.7112499999999999, 0.22166666666666668 ], "category": "tomato", "dialog": [ [ "It's lunch time!", "Yes, would you like something to eat?" ], [ "Want to have some pre-dinner fruit first.", "Okay, you pick one." ], [ "Bring me a small tomato.", "Which small tomato do you want to eat?" ], [ "The top one.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "午饭时间到了!", "是的,要吃点什么吗?" ], [ "想先吃点饭前水果。", "好的,你挑一个。" ], [ "给我来个小番茄。", "想吃哪一个小番茄呢?" ], [ "最上面那颗。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003047" } ]
{ "file_name": "b2a9d5cd26d68660_Fast food_Food_Fruit_Tomato_Vegetable_Salad_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.b2a9d5cd26d68660", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.7384433962264152, 0.646875, 0.999056603773585, 0.959375 ], "category": "bicycle wheel", "dialog": [ [ "Tired of walking, but you have to get there within 10 minutes.", "Then take transportation?" ], [ "Yes, there seem to be a lot of bikes in front of you.", "Yes, which one do you want to ride?" ], [ "Just the one in front of you, don't pick it, just count the last one from top to bottom.", "Okay, I'll push it over to you." ], [ "But there seems to be a little problem with its front wheel, please help me take a look.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "走累了,但是要在10分钟内去到。", "那就坐交通工具?" ], [ "是的,前面好像有很多自行车放在那。", "是的,想骑哪一部?" ], [ "就面前这一部吧,不挑了,就是从上往下数最后一部。", "好的,我这就推它过来给你。" ], [ "不过它的前轮好像有一点点问题,你帮我看看。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003048" } ]
{ "file_name": "03371c994e340754_Bicycle_Vehicle_Car_Bicycle wheel_Wheel_9.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.03371c994e340754", "width": 424 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.7890625, 0.8136792452830188, 0.9, 0.8962264150943396 ], "category": "drink", "dialog": [ [ "I'm at the company's annual reception.", "Okay." ], [ "There are many glasses of wine ahead.", "Yes, one first?" ], [ "Yes, the one in the lower left corner, just a little less.", "Is it the first cup from the left in the bottom row?" ], [ "Wrong, the first cup from the left in the lower right corner.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我到了公司的年度酒会了。", "好的。" ], [ "前面有许多杯酒啊。", "是的,先来一杯?" ], [ "可以,要左下角那杯,少一点就好。", "就是最下面那一排左起第一杯吗?" ], [ "说错了,是右下角左边数起第一杯。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003049" } ]
{ "file_name": "984e528781419cd6_Drink_6.jpg", "height": 424, "id": "openimages.984e528781419cd6", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.40125, 0.3908333333333333, 0.86625, 0.7899999999999999 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "There are many toy models here, so cool!", "Yes, most of them are toy models of houses." ], [ "Yes, all kinds of architectural models, so beautiful!", "Want to take one home?" ], [ "I can't ask for it, I like the red one in front of me.", "The one in the front and middle, with two brands next to it?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有许多玩具模型啊,好酷!", "是的,大多数都是房子的玩具模型。" ], [ "是的,各式各样的建筑模型,好漂亮!", "想带一个回家吗?" ], [ "求之不得,我喜欢面前红色那个。", "就最前面中间那个,旁边放着两个牌子的?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003050" } ]
{ "file_name": "3ecc0fe081cf97d9_Toy_10.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.3ecc0fe081cf97d9", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.058750000000000004, 0.59094688221709, 0.37374999999999997, 0.8578060046189376 ], "category": "bowl", "dialog": [ [ "I cut the fruit.", "Okay, do you need something to put it in?" ], [ "Yes, get me a small bowl.", "Okay, which one do you want?" ], [ "Just the smallest iron bowls.", "The iron bowl on the left? There is a red bowl next to it." ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我把水果切好了。", "好的,需要拿点东西装着吗?" ], [ "需要,给我来一个小碗。", "好的,想要哪个?" ], [ "就那几个最小的那个铁碗吧。", "就是靠左那个铁碗?它旁边有个红色的碗。" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003051" } ]
{ "file_name": "029579da4426df27_Mixing bowl_Tableware_Bowl_Fork_3.jpg", "height": 433, "id": "openimages.029579da4426df27", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.13125, 0.4425, 0.275, 0.5958333333333333 ], "category": "rose", "dialog": [ [ "You see that flower is so beautiful.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "The one at the back.", "Which direction do its petals face?" ], [ "Top left.", "It's blocked a little by a leaf right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你看那朵花真漂亮。", "你说的是哪一朵?" ], [ "后边的那一朵。", "它的花瓣是朝向哪个方向呢?" ], [ "左上方。", "它被一片叶子挡住了一点对吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003052" } ]
{ "file_name": "aa94b65221eaa25a_Plant_Rose_Flower_Flowerpot_4.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.aa94b65221eaa25a", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.82125, 0.42594142259414225, 0.999375, 0.6861924686192469 ], "category": "flowerpot", "dialog": [ [ "There are many potted plants here.", "Yes, which one do you like." ], [ "A little smaller.", "Okay, then you pick." ], [ "Just near the pot in the lower right corner.", "Is it in the second row below?" ], [ "Yes, count the last pot from the left in the second row below.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有很多盆栽。", "是的,哪个你喜欢。" ], [ "小盆一点的。", "好的,那你挑。" ], [ "就靠近右下角那盆吧。", "在下面第二排的吗?" ], [ "是的,下面第二排左边数起最后一盆。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003053" } ]
{ "file_name": "020182711d8038fd_Houseplant_Flowerpot_9.jpg", "height": 478, "id": "openimages.020182711d8038fd", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.4453125, 0.11475409836065574, 0.89375, 0.8711943793911007 ], "category": "tomato", "dialog": [ [ "Look how colorful these tomatoes are!", "Yes, they look delicious!" ], [ "Want to take one back to cook.", "Okay, you pick one." ], [ "Just the one on the right.", "Only a little bit is exposed in the lower right corner. The one on it or the one on it?" ], [ "The latter.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "看,这些番茄多鲜艳!", "是的,看起来挺好吃的!" ], [ "想拿一个回去做菜。", "好的,你挑一个。" ], [ "就右边那个吧。", "右下角只露了一点出来那个还是它上面那个?" ], [ "后者。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003054" } ]
{ "file_name": "993b8e94976f8590_Food_Fruit_Tomato_Vegetable_4.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.993b8e94976f8590", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.32375, 0.2532786885245902, 0.593125, 0.724192037470726 ], "category": "book", "dialog": [ [ "I'm going to get something to pad here.", "Okay, do you need a mat?" ], [ "Yes, get one for me, thank you.", "There are a few over there, you pick one." ], [ "Just the one with a little orange in the middle.", "Is it the one with the 3 cushions upright in the middle?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我要拿个东西垫一下这里。", "好的,需要一个垫子吗?" ], [ "需要,拿一个给我吧,谢谢。", "那边有几个,你挑一个。" ], [ "就最中间有点橙色那个吧。", "它是竖着放那3个垫子最中间那个?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003055" } ]
{ "file_name": "1ca6c263daa1ba59_Book_Shelf_5.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.1ca6c263daa1ba59", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.08300469483568075, 0.7138535031847134, 0.64, 0.9989808917197452 ], "category": "balloon", "dialog": [ [ "Wow, this party is good!", "Yes, anything you like?" ], [ "Yes, those balloons are awesome too!", "Want to take one home as a souvenir?" ], [ "Yes, I want the green one.", "The one under that lemon yellow balloon?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "哇,这个派对不错!", "是的,有喜欢的东西吗?" ], [ "有啊,那些气球也很赞!", "想拿一个回家留念?" ], [ "想啊,我要绿色的那个。", "就是那个柠檬黄色气球下面那个?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003056" } ]
{ "file_name": "efa3c29872a99732_Balloon_10.jpg", "height": 628, "id": "openimages.efa3c29872a99732", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.675, 0.5872641509433962, 0.7546875, 0.6273584905660378 ], "category": "duck", "dialog": [ [ "Look, there are a few cuties swimming on the lake!", "Yes, there are quite a few." ], [ "But one seems to be bigger, I don't know if it's their mother.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "The one that was left alone by the group in front.", "The one on the lower right near the shore?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "看,湖面有几只小可爱在畅游!", "是的,确实挺多。" ], [ "不过有一只好像大点,不知道是不是它们的妈妈。", "你说的是哪只?" ], [ "就是后面跟着前面一群落单的那只。", "就是右下方挨近岸边那只?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003057" } ]
{ "file_name": "4f20e197f3f4f2b8_Bird_Plant_Duck_Animal_4.jpg", "height": 424, "id": "openimages.4f20e197f3f4f2b8", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.6212500000000001, 0.08333333333333333, 0.85375, 0.5625 ], "category": "book", "dialog": [ [ "There are several books here, very interesting!", "Yes, there are five." ], [ "It looks like they are all fairy tales or something.", "Can't you just take one and see?" ], [ "Okay, then take the one with the most cover pictures.", "Which one is that?" ], [ "It's the last book from the left in the row above.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这里有好几本书,很有趣!", "是的,有五本。" ], [ "看起来好像都是童话故事之类的书籍。", "拿一本看看不就知道了?" ], [ "也行,那就拿那本封面图画最多的那本。", "那是哪本?" ], [ "就是上面一排左边数起最后一本。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003058" } ]
{ "file_name": "2d8c3fc095c9e756_Book_5.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.2d8c3fc095c9e756", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.49478079331941544, 0.4046875, 0.6075156576200418, 0.4671875 ], "category": "duck", "dialog": [ [ "Look how cute that duck is.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "Swimming in the water.", "The one that swims to the shore, right?" ], [ "Yes, that's the black duck.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你看那个鸭子好可爱。", "你说的是哪一只呢?" ], [ "水里游的。", "快游到岸边的那一只对吗?" ], [ "是的,就是那只黑色的鸭子。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003059" } ]
{ "file_name": "2f9d72e8002043fe_Bird_Duck_Goose_Animal_7.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.2f9d72e8002043fe", "width": 479 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.40499999999999997, 0.7423076923076923, 0.713125, 0.9592723492723493 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "Look, there are a lot of cute little decorations there.", "Yes, all kinds." ], [ "I want to take one to see.", "Yes, which one do you want?" ], [ "Just want those sunglasses.", "The bottom pair of sunglasses?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "看,那有很多可爱的小装饰。", "是的,各式各样的。" ], [ "我想拿一个看看。", "可以的,想拿哪个?" ], [ "就想要那副墨镜。", "最底下那副墨镜吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003060" } ]
{ "file_name": "44b1d1c73ac94137_Toy_Sunglasses_Glasses_10.jpg", "height": 481, "id": "openimages.44b1d1c73ac94137", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.00125, 0.029174757281553398, 0.07062500000000001, 0.9183009708737864 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "I'm in a bad mood today.", "Do you mean want to drink?" ], [ "Yes, get me a bottle.", "Okay, you pick, which bottle do you want?" ], [ "No red wine, just the one on the left.", "Are the three bottles on the left the first bottle or?" ], [ "Yes, the first bottle.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我今天心情不好。", "意思是想喝酒吗?" ], [ "是的,给我拿一瓶。", "好的,你挑,想要哪瓶?" ], [ "不要红酒,就左边的吧。", "左边三瓶是第一瓶还是?" ], [ "对,第一瓶。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003061" } ]
{ "file_name": "1e37ca985cf11f7b_Drink_Bottle_Wine_8.jpg", "height": 206, "id": "openimages.1e37ca985cf11f7b", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.14125195618153366, 0.5526063829787234, 0.2793740219092332, 0.7874468085106383 ], "category": "duck", "dialog": [ [ "There seem to be a few birds in that pool of water.", "Yes, what are they doing?" ], [ "It seems to be resting and playing.", "Yes, there are four." ], [ "One seems to be very cold, just stay by itself.", "Which one?" ], [ "The one lying on the far left.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那滩水好像有几只小鸟。", "是的,它们在干嘛?" ], [ "好像在休憩玩耍。", "是的,有四只。" ], [ "有一只好像挺高冷的,就自己一个待在一旁。", "哪只?" ], [ "最左边趴着那只。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003062" } ]
{ "file_name": "824f4dd23643fe18_Bird_Duck_Sparrow_Animal_4.jpg", "height": 376, "id": "openimages.824f4dd23643fe18", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.135328125, 0.15283333333333335, 0.549328125, 0.9988055555555555 ], "category": "dog", "dialog": [ [ "That puppy is so cute!", "Which one is it?" ], [ "The first one.", "Is it the first yellow one on the left?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那只小狗好可爱!", "请问是哪一只?" ], [ "第一只。", "左边第一只黄色的吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003063" } ]
{ "file_name": "ea3a30d4b5ca61bd_Carnivore_Dog_Animal_3.jpg", "height": 360, "id": "openimages.ea3a30d4b5ca61bd", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.7166666666666667, 0.6212500000000001, 0.9991666666666668 ], "category": "turtle", "dialog": [ [ "How old does this Brazilian turtle look?", "Which one is it?" ], [ "It's the darker shell.", "Is it the one below?" ], [ "Yes, the one with both legs.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个巴西龟看起来应该有几岁了。", "请问是哪一只?" ], [ "就是那只龟壳颜色比较深的。", "是下边那一只吗?" ], [ "对,能看到两只腿的那只。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003064" } ]
{ "file_name": "2c99d34afbe645ba_Turtle_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.2c99d34afbe645ba", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.09062597809076682, 0.5182009345794393, 0.4918779342723005, 0.933714953271028 ], "category": "box", "dialog": [ [ "Pass me that box.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "The one below.", "Is it the one on the left or the one on the right?" ], [ "The green one on the left.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "把那个盒递给我一下。", "你说的是哪一个呢?" ], [ "下边那一个。", "是左边那个还是右边那个?" ], [ "左边那个绿色的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003065" } ]
{ "file_name": "4c8e4ee6b9d29ec7_Box_3.jpg", "height": 428, "id": "openimages.4c8e4ee6b9d29ec7", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.8341158059467919, 0.5024752475247525, 0.86697965571205, 0.693069306930693 ], "category": "tie", "dialog": [ [ "That guy's tie is really nice.", "Which one is it?" ], [ "The first person on the right.", "Is that the pink tie?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那个人的领带真好看。", "是哪一个人呢?" ], [ "右边第一个人。", "粉色的那个领带是吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003066" } ]
{ "file_name": "1995ad86115663e4_Tie_3.jpg", "height": 404, "id": "openimages.1995ad86115663e4", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.5958333333333333, 0.7046875, 0.7916666666666666, 0.8421875 ], "category": "flowerpot", "dialog": [ [ "Pass me that flower pot.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "The one at the back.", "Is it the one on the left or the one on the right?" ], [ "The one on the right.", "OK, I'll pass it to you now." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "把那个花盆递给我一下。", "你说的是哪个呢?" ], [ "后边那个。", "是左边那个还是右边那个呢?" ], [ "右边那个。", "好的,现在就递给你。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003067" } ]
{ "file_name": "23106af3035f9887_Houseplant_Plant_Window_Flowerpot_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.23106af3035f9887", "width": 480 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.308265625, 0.13939110070257613, 0.892328125, 0.8163700234192037 ], "category": "carnivore", "dialog": [ [ "This animal seems to be helping.", "Which one do you mean?" ], [ "The one on the shore.", "Is it the one that can see the tail?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这只动物好像正在帮忙。", "你是说哪只?" ], [ "在岸上的那一只。", "是能看到尾巴那只吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003068" } ]
{ "file_name": "b76253ca2ee627f5_Carnivore_Otter_2.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.b76253ca2ee627f5", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.3225039123630673, 0.28597647058823533, 0.9993740219092332, 0.9952941176470588 ], "category": "bicycle wheel", "dialog": [ [ "There is something wrong with this bike, and the tire needs to be removed to check.", "Okay, is it the front or rear wheel?" ], [ "The wheel closest to us", "Okay, I'll fix it for you." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这自行车有点问题,需要卸轮胎下来检查一下。", "好的,请问是前轮还是后轮。" ], [ "那个离我们最近的轮子", "好的,我这就帮你修。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003069" } ]
{ "file_name": "03219147bfbaeac8_Bicycle_Vehicle_Bicycle wheel_5.jpg", "height": 425, "id": "openimages.03219147bfbaeac8", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.20801562499999998, 0.3489583333333333, 0.811515625, 0.9987083333333333 ], "category": "dog", "dialog": [ [ "This dog is so dark.", "Which one?" ], [ "The one lying on its stomach.", "OK, I see." ], [ "OK.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这只狗好黑。", "哪一只?" ], [ "趴着的那一只。", "好的,我知道了。" ], [ "好的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003070" } ]
{ "file_name": "7fd2e2c81dcbb828_Carnivore_Dog_Animal_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.7fd2e2c81dcbb828", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.12353677621283254, 0.40595833333333337, 0.40117370892018783, 0.9764791666666667 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "I love this second-hand artwork!", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "It's in the shape of a pig.", "Is it the pig standing on the left?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我好喜欢这个二手的艺术品啊!", "你说哪个?" ], [ "就是那个小猪造型的。", "是在左边站的的猪吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003071" } ]
{ "file_name": "2ec8f732703c6a08_Vase_Toy_4.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.2ec8f732703c6a08", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.04241071428571429, 0.4017857142857143, 0.5736607142857143, 0.9970238095238095 ], "category": "barrel", "dialog": [ [ "What does this sell?", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "It's in that bucket.", "Is that the white food?" ], [ "Yes, in the bucket with the handle.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这卖的是什么?", "你说哪个?" ], [ "就是那个木桶里面的。", "白色的那个食物吗?" ], [ "是的,带把的那个桶里面的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003072" } ]
{ "file_name": "46c2e8459b79394f_Food_Barrel_Vegetable_3.jpg", "height": 336, "id": "openimages.46c2e8459b79394f", "width": 448 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.2563125, 0.7220156249999999, 0.38809375, 0.799640625 ], "category": "mixing bowl", "dialog": [ [ "This bowl is nice.", "Which one?" ], [ "The blue one.", "Okay, I see." ], [ "Sorry, wrong, it's the yellow one next to the blue one.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个碗挺好看的。", "哪一个?" ], [ "蓝色那个。", "好的,我知道了。" ], [ "不好意思,说错了,是蓝色旁边那个黄色的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003073" } ]
{ "file_name": "fb6e35f4e8ad790f_Filing cabinet_Tableware_Mixing bowl_Door handle_Cupboard_Drawer_Door_Bowl_1.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.fb6e35f4e8ad790f", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.440625, 0.46145833333333336, 0.5640625, 0.8302083333333333 ], "category": "cat", "dialog": [ [ "What is that, it's too dark to see.", "Do you mean the one in front of the window?" ], [ "Yes, the one on the blue sofa cover.", "The white one with spots?" ], [ "Yes.", "I'll take a look." ], [ "Thanks.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那是什么,太黑了看不出来。", "你是说窗户前面的吗?" ], [ "对,就是在蓝色沙发盖上的那个。", "那个白色带斑点的是吗?" ], [ "是的。", "我去看看。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003074" } ]
{ "file_name": "2057743b4eddc2ae_Carnivore_Cat_Couch_Dog_Animal_1.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.2057743b4eddc2ae", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.29508196721311475, 0.353125, 0.9437939110070258, 0.9578125 ], "category": "beer", "dialog": [ [ "I'm a little thirsty and want a drink.", "Which one do you want?" ], [ "The one with a lot of English letters on the cup.", "OK, I see." ], [ "OK.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "有点口渴,想喝杯饮料。", "请问要哪一杯?" ], [ "杯子上有很多英文字母的那一杯。", "好的,我知道了。" ], [ "好的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003075" } ]
{ "file_name": "5aac1a5fbed00f83_Beer_Drink_Bottle_2.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.5aac1a5fbed00f83", "width": 427 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.22910112359550563, 0.603129890453834, 0.5390786516853933, 0.89 ], "category": "beaker", "dialog": [ [ "Please help me get that beaker.", "Okay, which one do you want?" ], [ "The bigger one.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "请帮我拿一下那个烧杯。", "好的,要哪一个?" ], [ "比较大的那一个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003076" } ]
{ "file_name": "6cd4bea854f9deaf_Beaker_5.jpg", "height": 639, "id": "openimages.6cd4bea854f9deaf", "width": 445 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.40125, 0.30833333333333335, 0.688125, 0.9975 ], "category": "dog", "dialog": [ [ "Look, those puppies are playing.", "Yes, very happy." ], [ "Yes, one is also very big and tall.", "Did you say the middle one?" ], [ "Yes, the black one.", "Compared to the other two, yes." ], [ "Yes, but they also had fun.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "看,那几只小狗在玩。", "是的,很开心。" ], [ "是啊,有一只还体型特别大,又高。", "你说中间那只吗?" ], [ "是的,黑色那只。", "相对其它两只,是的。" ], [ "是的,不过它们也玩的开心。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003077" } ]
{ "file_name": "4a8ff973f21e4874_Carnivore_Dog_Animal_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.4a8ff973f21e4874", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.14583333333333334, 0.2109375, 0.7958333333333333 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "These bottles are so pretty.", "Which one do you like best?" ], [ "The first one.", "Count from the left?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这些瓶子真好看。", "你最喜欢哪一个?" ], [ "第一个。", "从左边开始数吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003078" } ]
{ "file_name": "3d45d0ca0b185183_Food_Drink_Bottle_8.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.3d45d0ca0b185183", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.11348920863309353, 0.3231298904538341, 0.8879136690647482 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "I want that doll monkey.", "Which one?" ], [ "The first one.", "Count from the left?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想要那只玩偶猴子。", "哪一只?" ], [ "第一只。", "从左边开始数吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003079" } ]
{ "file_name": "32676500709b44b6_Toy_Mammal_3.jpg", "height": 278, "id": "openimages.32676500709b44b6", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.115625, 0.23541666666666666, 0.575, 0.8125 ], "category": "seat belt", "dialog": [ [ "This seat belt needs to be removed and washed.", "Which do you mean?" ], [ "The two with the steering wheel facing.", "Is it the seat belt that can see the complete two?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个安全带需要拆下来洗洗了。", "你是说哪个?" ], [ "就是方向盘对着的那两个。", "是能看到完整两个的安全带吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003080" } ]
{ "file_name": "26eea5f87fd6da98_Land vehicle_Vehicle_Auto part_Seat belt_Car_4.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.26eea5f87fd6da98", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.45562500000000006, 0.2891666666666667, 0.724375, 0.475 ], "category": "duck", "dialog": [ [ "That duck is so cute.", "Which one?" ], [ "The bigger one.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那只鸭子好可爱。", "哪一只?" ], [ "比较大那一只。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003081" } ]
{ "file_name": "e3f723c421bfc833_Bird_Duck_Goose_Animal_2.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.e3f723c421bfc833", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0, 0.524375, 0.703125 ], "category": "person", "dialog": [ [ "The food on their table is so plentiful!", "Yes, there is something to drink and something to eat." ], [ "Sure enough, it is a beauty with delicious food!", "Beauty? Which girl are you referring to?" ], [ "The one with the long hair in the pink dress.", "See, the one on the far left?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "她们餐桌上的食物好丰富啊!", "是的,有喝的有吃的。" ], [ "果然是美人配佳肴!", "美人?你指的哪个女生?" ], [ "就是粉红色衣服长头发那个。", "看到了,最左边那个?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003082" } ]
{ "file_name": "c9a99643e9ee08f2_Fast food_Person_Snack_Cocktail_Drink_Food_Table_Clothing_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.c9a99643e9ee08f2", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.160625, 0.2533333333333333, 0.45562500000000006, 0.6791666666666667 ], "category": "wine", "dialog": [ [ "Get something to drink!", "Okay, what would you like to drink?" ], [ "What is that bottle in front of you?", "Look at the label on it that says wine, it should be wine." ], [ "Does it isolate that cup from pouring there?", "Yes, want to drink that cup right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "来点喝的!", "好的,想喝什么?" ], [ "面前放着那瓶是什么?", "看着上面标签写着wine,应该是酒。" ], [ "它隔离那个杯子是从那倒出来的吗?", "是的,想要喝那杯对吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003083" } ]
{ "file_name": "0fb2b60fd1545936_Drink_Bottle_Wine_8.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.0fb2b60fd1545936", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.11041666666666666, 0.1453125, 0.8333333333333334, 0.45 ], "category": "cake", "dialog": [ [ "I want to eat a piece of cake.", "OK, which one do you want?" ], [ "Count the second piece from bottom to top.", "OK." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想吃一块蛋糕。", "好的,请问你要哪一块?" ], [ "从下往上数第二块。", "好的。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003084" } ]
{ "file_name": "4ea5925a100bd661_Dessert_Dairy Product_Food_Baked goods_Cake_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.4ea5925a100bd661", "width": 480 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.760625, 0.42896713615023474, 0.9806250000000001, 0.9990610328638498 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "This smurf I want to put in a flower pot.", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "It's the one standing in the back.", "Is that the one with yellow hair?" ], [ "Yes, it's still wearing a skirt.", "Okay, I'll get it to you right away." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个蓝精灵我想放在花盆里。", "你说哪一个?" ], [ "就是站在后面的那个。", "是那个黄头发的吗?" ], [ "是的,它还穿着裙子。", "好的,马上拿给您。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003085" } ]
{ "file_name": "f612194f28852b3a_Toy_3.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.f612194f28852b3a", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.490625, 0.5070422535211268, 0.7296875, 0.755868544600939 ], "category": "lion", "dialog": [ [ "This lion looks so fierce.", "Which one is it?" ], [ "The one in the middle.", "OK, I see." ], [ "OK.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这只狮子看起来好凶。", "请问是哪一只?" ], [ "中间那一只。", "好的,我知道了。" ], [ "好的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003086" } ]
{ "file_name": "42416ea006e236ea_Carnivore_Lion_Animal_3.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.42416ea006e236ea", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.9083333333333333, 0.6453125, 0.9989583333333333, 0.73125 ], "category": "flower", "dialog": [ [ "This little open-air garden is so beautiful!", "Yes, do you like it?" ], [ "Yes, there are many flowers and plants.", "Yes, which one do you like?" ], [ "I want red roses.", "OK, which one do you like?" ], [ "The one at the bottom on the bottom right corner.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个露天小花园好漂亮啊!", "是的,喜欢这吗?" ], [ "喜欢,还有许多花花草草。", "是的,喜欢哪个?" ], [ "我想要红玫瑰。", "好的,喜欢哪朵?" ], [ "右下角最边边最下面那朵。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003087" } ]
{ "file_name": "f0d18e68f66ade65_Chair_Houseplant_Table_Plant_Tree_Flower_Furniture_Flowerpot_Kitchen & dining room table_2.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.f0d18e68f66ade65", "width": 480 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.321296875, 0.2055625, 0.656484375, 0.6648125 ], "category": "book", "dialog": [ [ "I want to borrow this book to read at home, is that okay?", "OK, which one do you need?" ], [ "The green one.", "Is there a person on it?" ], [ "No, the cover is only mountain.", "OK, I'll show it to you." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想借这本书回家看,可以吗?", "好的,您需要哪一本?" ], [ "那本绿色的。", "是上面有个人的吗?" ], [ "不是,是封面只有山的。", "好的,拿给您看看。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003088" } ]
{ "file_name": "8be7ba21744cff2e_Book_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.8be7ba21744cff2e", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.295515625, 0.05330097087378641, 0.64303125, 0.919126213592233 ], "category": "vase", "dialog": [ [ "That ceramic is so beautiful.", "Yes, which one do you want?" ], [ "The one in the middle.", "The three biggest ones?" ], [ "Yes.", "I'll get it for you." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那个陶瓷真好看。", "是的,想要哪个?" ], [ "中间的那一个。", "那三个最大那个吗?" ], [ "是的。", "我这就拿给你。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003089" } ]
{ "file_name": "5b33da2d17a6f3d0_Vase_Mixing bowl_Tableware_Bowl_Flowerpot_3.jpg", "height": 412, "id": "openimages.5b33da2d17a6f3d0", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.49, 0.4066666666666667, 0.9975, 0.97 ], "category": "corded phone", "dialog": [ [ "Hello, I want to buy a phone.", "OK, which one do you want?" ], [ "Count the first one from the right.", "OK, is it displayed on the screen?" ], [ "Yes.", "I'll get it for you right away." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你好,我想买一个电话机。", "好的,想要哪个?" ], [ "从右边开始数第一个。", "好的,它是有画面显示的吗?" ], [ "是的。", "我这就拿给你。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003090" } ]
{ "file_name": "2e68dccb9c93c38f_Telephone_Corded phone_3.jpg", "height": 300, "id": "openimages.2e68dccb9c93c38f", "width": 400 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.62625, 0.27255868544600936, 0.999375, 0.7443661971830986 ], "category": "train", "dialog": [ [ "Is this train going to forget America?", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "It's the one with the American flag on it.", "Is it the long one?" ], [ "I don't know if it's long or not, but only the front of the car can be seen.", "Is it the one with the black pattern on the front?" ], [ "Yes.", "I'll check it for you." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这辆火车是去忘美国的吗?", "你说哪辆?" ], [ "就是上面有美国国旗的那辆。", "是很长的那辆吗?" ], [ "不知道长不长,只能看到车头。", "是有黑色图案的车头那辆吗?" ], [ "是的。", "我帮您查一下。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003091" } ]
{ "file_name": "73d7d163a91bb1ca_Land vehicle_Train_Vehicle_Building_3.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.73d7d163a91bb1ca", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.6421875, 0.5257452574525745, 0.7671875, 0.7994579945799458 ], "category": "mule", "dialog": [ [ "That horse looks so handsome.", "Which one?" ], [ "The one in the middle.", "OK, I see." ], [ "OK.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那只马看起来真帅。", "哪一只?" ], [ "中间那一只。", "好的,我知道了。" ], [ "好的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003092" } ]
{ "file_name": "c4918e3a7fb1acbd_Plant_Tree_Mule_Animal_3.jpg", "height": 369, "id": "openimages.c4918e3a7fb1acbd", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.2638803088803089, 0.15625, 0.5771621621621622, 0.5375 ], "category": "rose", "dialog": [ [ "There are so many beautiful flowers on the side of the road!", "Yes, it is indeed beautiful." ], [ "But don't pick the wildflowers on the side of the road!", "It's okay, it doesn't matter if you pick one, which one do you want?" ], [ "Just put the one in the bud.", "The bright red one right in front of us?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "路边好多美丽的花朵!", "是的,确实漂亮。" ], [ "但是路边的野花不要采!", "没事,摘一个也无妨,想要哪个?" ], [ "就最大含苞待放那个吧。", "就在我们面前鲜红色那个?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003093" } ]
{ "file_name": "681572a1095a45c6_Plant_Rose_Flower_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.681572a1095a45c6", "width": 518 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0, 0.7234375, 0.17154811715481172, 0.996875 ], "category": "flowerpot", "dialog": [ [ "This flower pot is really beautiful.", "Which one is it?" ], [ "The reddish brown one.", "OK, I see." ], [ "OK.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个花盆真好看。", "请问是哪一个?" ], [ "红棕色那个。", "好的,我知道了。" ], [ "好的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003094" } ]
{ "file_name": "a1baa72e7a117a1e_Houseplant_Plant_Flower_Flowerpot_2.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.a1baa72e7a117a1e", "width": 478 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.48312499999999997, 0.4651089588377724, 0.860625, 0.7306295399515739 ], "category": "bread", "dialog": [ [ "I'm hungry and want something to eat.", "What would you like to eat." ], [ "A loaf of bread.", "Is it the one on the right side of the cup?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我饿了,想吃点东西。", "请问你想吃什么。" ], [ "一个面包吧。", "是杯子右边的那一个吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003095" } ]
{ "file_name": "05bf9ff36ff5dce9_Fast food_Food_Croissant_Mug_Bread_2.jpg", "height": 413, "id": "openimages.05bf9ff36ff5dce9", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.09850117096018736, 0.7681250000000001, 0.2804918032786885, 0.90625 ], "category": "roller skates", "dialog": [ [ "The contestant's wrist guard looks uncomfortable.", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "It's the one the contestant is wearing in front.", "Do you mean contestant 4?" ], [ "Yes.", "Is it on the right hand?" ], [ "Yes, that's the one.", "Okay, wait and see." ], [ "Thanks.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "选手的护腕看起来不舒服。", "你说哪一只?" ], [ "就是那个在前面选手戴着的。", "你是说4号选手吗?" ], [ "是的。", "是右手上的吗?" ], [ "对,就是那个。", "好,等下看看。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003096" } ]
{ "file_name": "21ccae9f2436f40e_Roller skates_4.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.21ccae9f2436f40e", "width": 427 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.36875, 0.2786182669789227, 0.653125, 0.8170725995316159 ], "category": "mug", "dialog": [ [ "Hello, please wash this cup again.", "Which one needs to be washed?" ], [ "It's the one in front.", "Is the handle facing right?" ], [ "Yes, there is a little wine left in this cup.", "Okay, take it and wash it now." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你好,这个杯子请再洗一下。", "需要洗哪一个?" ], [ "就是前面的这个。", "是把手朝右的吗?" ], [ "是的,里面还剩了一点酒这个杯子。", "好的,现在就拿去清洗。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003097" } ]
{ "file_name": "d627a2919d42ca84_Drink_Mug_Tableware_2.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.d627a2919d42ca84", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.0328125, 0.4647887323943662, 0.165625, 0.5751173708920188 ], "category": "goose", "dialog": [ [ "This duck looks a lot like one I used to have.", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "It's the one next to the big duck.", "Is it the one with the only son standing?" ], [ "Yes, it's standing to the right of the big duck.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这只鸭子很像我以前养的一只。", "你说哪只?" ], [ "就是在这只大鸭子身边的这只。", "是独子站着的那只吗?" ], [ "是的,它站在大鸭子右边。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003098" } ]
{ "file_name": "09898fd6dc3b55b3_Bird_Goose_7.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.09898fd6dc3b55b3", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.11328125, 0.37018766756032173, 0.3671875, 0.6901072386058982 ], "category": "duck", "dialog": [ [ "This duck seems to be a female.", "Which one do you say?" ], [ "The one swimming behind.", "Is that the one looking at us?" ], [ "Yes, its neck color is not that red.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这只鸭子好像是母的。", "你说哪只?" ], [ "就是那只游在后面的。", "是那只看着我们的吗?" ], [ "是的,它脖子颜色不是那么红。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003099" } ]
{ "file_name": "325b7ae8d229e3ab_Bird_Duck_Goose_Animal_2.jpg", "height": 373, "id": "openimages.325b7ae8d229e3ab", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.8171875, 0.44208037825059104, 0.8921875, 0.9290780141843972 ], "category": "toy", "dialog": [ [ "This parrot watch is so realistic.", "Which one is it?" ], [ "It's the one next to the red watch.", "Is there a witch watch next to it?" ], [ "Yes, please show it to me.", "OK." ], [ "Thank you.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这只鹦鹉表做的好逼真。", "是哪一只?" ], [ "就是在红色表旁边的那个。", "它旁边有个女巫图案的表吗?" ], [ "是的,请拿给我看看。", "好的。" ], [ "谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003100" } ]
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[ { "bbox": [ 0.639375, 0.42669014084507045, 0.9868750000000001, 0.9511267605633803 ], "category": "ball", "dialog": [ [ "There are many balls there.", "Yes, all kinds." ], [ "I only know that one is called a balloon.", "Which one?" ], [ "The blue one.", "The one to the right in front of us?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "那里有许多球。", "是的,各式各样的。" ], [ "我只知道那个叫气球。", "哪个呢?" ], [ "蓝色那个。", "在我们面前最靠右那个吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003101" } ]
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[ { "bbox": [ 0.603125, 0.7782426778242678, 0.818125, 0.9991631799163181 ], "category": "book", "dialog": [ [ "I want a book.", "OK, which one do you want?" ], [ "The black one.", "Is it the one on the right?" ], [ "Yes, it says \"monshot\".", "OK, I'll take it off for you." ], [ "Thanks!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想要一本书。", "好的,请问你要哪一本?" ], [ "黑色那一本。", "是右边那一本吗?" ], [ "是的,上面写着“monshot”。", "好的,我帮你拿下来。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003102" } ]
{ "file_name": "be9c158480e20615_Book_10.jpg", "height": 478, "id": "openimages.be9c158480e20615", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.0046875, 0.7594339622641509, 0.084375, 0.9174528301886793 ], "category": "candle", "dialog": [ [ "This place has a good environment!", "Yes, you can see the good scenery outside." ], [ "Yes, enjoy the beautiful scenery of the city.", "Indeed." ], [ "I also like the furnishings on the desktop.", "Which one do you like?" ], [ "It's those little candles. I like the little candle on the far left. Get it for me!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这个地方环境不错啊!", "是的,可以看到外面的好风景。" ], [ "对啊,饱览城市美好风景。", "确实。" ], [ "桌面上的摆设我也喜欢。", "喜欢哪个呢?" ], [ "就是那些小蜡烛,我喜欢最靠左那个小蜡烛,帮我拿过来吧!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003104" } ]
{ "file_name": "a759788d6e233441_Candle_Building_10.jpg", "height": 424, "id": "openimages.a759788d6e233441", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.013125000000000001, 0.515060975609756, 0.351875, 0.8852642276422764 ], "category": "mango", "dialog": [ [ "I want to try a fruit.", "Which one do you want?" ], [ "Green.", "Which one is green?" ], [ "The far left, part of it is outside the plate.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想尝一个水果。", "请问你要哪一个?" ], [ "绿色的。", "绿色的哪一个呢?" ], [ "最左边的,有一部分在盘子外边。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003105" } ]
{ "file_name": "944798e7affb0d60_Mango_3.jpg", "height": 492, "id": "openimages.944798e7affb0d60", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.721875, 0, 0.9984375, 0.6421875 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "I want to drink a bottle of wine.", "Which bottle do you want?" ], [ "The bottle taken out separately.", "Okay, I'll get it for you right now." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我想要喝一瓶酒。", "请问你要哪一瓶?" ], [ "单独拿出来的那一瓶。", "好的,我这就给你取来。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003106" } ]
{ "file_name": "d18f86877169113f_Beer_Drink_Bottle_Camera_3.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.d18f86877169113f", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.00096875, 0.5856846473029046, 0.154140625, 0.9092116182572614 ], "category": "chest of drawers", "dialog": [ [ "Is this a church?", "Yes, there is a cross on the left." ], [ "It feels a little spooky.", "Yes." ], [ "I just want to move that cabinet to the other side.", "Which, need help?" ], [ "It's the big one under the cross on the left, near our lower left corner.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这是教堂吗?", "是的,左边有十字架。" ], [ "感觉气氛有点阴森。", "是的。" ], [ "我只是想把那个柜子挪过去另一边。", "哪个,需要帮忙吗?" ], [ "就是左边十字架下面大的,靠近我们的左下角那个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003107" } ]
{ "file_name": "85213895dea9a3fd_Cabinetry_Table_Chest of drawers_Furniture_3.jpg", "height": 482, "id": "openimages.85213895dea9a3fd", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.5694679186228482, 0.28875, 0.9674647887323944, 0.78 ], "category": "juice", "dialog": [ [ "I'm thirsty and want a drink.", "Which drink would you like?" ], [ "The one on the right.", "Is it the yellow one?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我口渴了,想喝点饮料。", "请问你想要哪一杯饮料?" ], [ "右边那一杯。", "是黄色的那一杯吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003108" } ]
{ "file_name": "ee4a60a27621fc16_Beer_Juice_Drink_Food_Bottle_1.jpg", "height": 640, "id": "openimages.ee4a60a27621fc16", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.45625, 0.24375, 0.5984375, 0.5083333333333333 ], "category": "wine", "dialog": [ [ "This meal is very full, I would like to have a drink.", "Okay, which one do you want?" ], [ "The red one.", "Okay, I'll get it for you." ], [ "Thank you!", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这顿饭吃得好饱,我想喝点饮料。", "好的,请问你要哪一杯?" ], [ "红色的那一杯。", "好的,我给你取过来。" ], [ "谢谢!", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003109" } ]
{ "file_name": "09c32394be85dcf8_Fast food_Person_Drink_Food_Wine_Wine glass_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.09c32394be85dcf8", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.7575000000000001, 0.11194835680751174, 0.929375, 0.6218309859154929 ], "category": "goose", "dialog": [ [ "Look, there are many birds there.", "Yes, there are big ones and small ones." ], [ "The two big ones should be their parents.", "It looks like they are." ], [ "One has a longer neck and looks taller.", "Which one? The one on the far right?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "看,那有许多鸟儿。", "是的,有大的也有小的。" ], [ "那两只大的应该是它们的父母吧。", "看起来是的。" ], [ "有一只脖子还长点,看起来高点。", "哪只?最右边那只吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003110" } ]
{ "file_name": "b750effbe1069420_Bird_Duck_Goose_Animal_8.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.b750effbe1069420", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.590625, 0.32916666666666666, 0.9893750000000001, 0.5325 ], "category": "taxi", "dialog": [ [ "I'm going to a place.", "Okay, how do I get there?" ], [ "Take a taxi.", "Okay, it looks pretty far." ], [ "Yes, just get on that one.", "Which one? Where is it?" ], [ "The one on the far right near the building.", "Is that the one on the right of the silver sedan in the middle in front of you?" ], [ "Yes.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "我要去一个地方。", "好的,要怎么去呢?" ], [ "坐出租车吧。", "好的,看来挺远的。" ], [ "是的,就上那一台吧。", "哪台?它在哪个位置?" ], [ "就最右边靠近那栋大厦那台。", "是面前中间银色轿车右边那台吗?" ], [ "是的。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003111" } ]
{ "file_name": "9497fb6d892a5766_Land vehicle_Vehicle_Car_Taxi_4.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.9497fb6d892a5766", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.645, 0.5888888888888889, 0.8683333333333333, 0.8311111111111111 ], "category": "pillow", "dialog": [ [ "Sitting in front of the computer for a long time hurts my back. Can you pass me a throw pillow?", "OK, which one do you want?" ], [ "I want the one in the middle.", "On that couch?" ], [ "Hmm.", "Among the three on that couch, the one in the middle?" ], [ "Yes, the one in the middle on the yellow sofa.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "在电脑前坐久了腰很痛,你可以递给我一个抱枕吗?", "好的,想要哪个?" ], [ "我想要中间的那一个。", "在那张长沙发上面的?" ], [ "嗯嗯。", "在那张长沙发上面那三个里面,最中间那个?" ], [ "对的,那个黄色沙发上中间的那个。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003112" } ]
{ "file_name": "f59c74ac31efff89_Studio couch_Couch_Pillow_House_Curtain_Table_Coffee table_Furniture_Building_Window_3.jpg", "height": 450, "id": "openimages.f59c74ac31efff89", "width": 600 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.3850078247261346, 0.622887323943662, 0.5812519561815337, 0.996244131455399 ], "category": "christmas tree", "dialog": [ [ "Did you see that tree? It's really green.", "Which one are you talking about?" ], [ "There's a car parked behind it.", "Is it the first one on the left?" ], [ "No, it's the one on the right.", "It's the one on the left of the telephone pole, right?" ], [ "That's right.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你看到那棵树了吗?可真绿。", "你说的是哪棵?" ], [ "它后面停着车的。", "是左边第一棵吗?" ], [ "不是,是它右边那一棵。", "是电线杆左边这一棵,对吗?" ], [ "没错。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003113" } ]
{ "file_name": "a855fc2176a34b4d_Land vehicle_Christmas tree_Plant_Tree_Vehicle_Wheel_Building_Tire_Car_3.jpg", "height": 426, "id": "openimages.a855fc2176a34b4d", "width": 639 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.33125, 0, 0.4640625, 0.9680555555555556 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "Can you give me a bottle of skin care products?", "OK, which bottle do you want?" ], [ "The bottle with the green lid.", "Is it from Johnson & Johnson?" ], [ "No, the third bottle from the left.", "It's toothpaste on the right, right?" ], [ "Yes, this is the bottle.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "可以给我一瓶护肤品吗?", "好的,你要哪瓶?" ], [ "绿色盖子的那瓶。", "是强生派牌的吗?" ], [ "不对,左起第三瓶。", "它的右边是牙膏,对吗?" ], [ "对,就是这瓶。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003114" } ]
{ "file_name": "6e4ef22dbe073ce8_Bottle_4.jpg", "height": 360, "id": "openimages.6e4ef22dbe073ce8", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.4, 0.05, 0.5549999999999999, 0.735 ], "category": "bottle", "dialog": [ [ "These wines look special!", "Yes, they look good." ], [ "I remember, this is a Japanese wine called sake, right?", "Yes, do you like to drink it?" ], [ "Never had one, you can also get a bottle to try.", "Which bottle do you want?" ], [ "Just the middle bottle of the five bottles.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "这些酒看起来很特别啊!", "是的,看起来不错。" ], [ "我想起来了,这是日本的酒,叫清酒,对吗?", "是的,你喜欢喝吗?" ], [ "没喝过,也可以拿一瓶来尝尝。", "想要哪一瓶呢?" ], [ "就那五瓶里面最中间那瓶吧。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003115" } ]
{ "file_name": "12c77d9ee15bd9a4_Drink_Bottle_Wine_3.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.12c77d9ee15bd9a4", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.46624999999999994, 0.4483333333333333, 0.560625, 0.5708333333333333 ], "category": "flowerpot", "dialog": [ [ "Do you see that flower bed?", "Which one do you mean?" ], [ "The one in the middle.", "Is it the one in the middle of the four flower beds? What's wrong?" ], [ "Yes, the color of the flower bed in the middle is a little more shaded in the sun.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你看到那个花坛了吗?", "你指的是哪个?" ], [ "中间那个。", "是四个花坛中间那个吗?怎么了?" ], [ "是的,中间那个花坛的颜色在阳光底下阴影更多一点。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003116" } ]
{ "file_name": "a61abe99b3f9887e_Houseplant_Plant_Flower_Flowerpot_5.jpg", "height": 480, "id": "openimages.a61abe99b3f9887e", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.88375, 0.23733021077283373, 0.999375, 0.48405152224824355 ], "category": "picture frame", "dialog": [ [ "Hello, I want to buy a painting.", "Which one do you want to buy?" ], [ "I want the one on the right hanging on the wall.", "Is it the red one above?" ], [ "No, I want the orange one.", "The orange one in the middle with the square white bar, right?" ], [ "Yes, that one, thanks.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你好,我想买一幅画。", "你想买哪一幅?" ], [ "我想要右边挂在墙上的那幅。", "是上面红色的那幅吗?" ], [ "不,我想要橘色的那幅。", "中间那幅橘色的,有个正方形的白条那幅,对吗?" ], [ "对,就要那幅,谢谢。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003117" } ]
{ "file_name": "db7f99e1de6a2dbe_Picture frame_Window_4.jpg", "height": 427, "id": "openimages.db7f99e1de6a2dbe", "width": 640 }
[ { "bbox": [ 0.7118779342723004, 0.33707943925233647, 0.8949921752738654, 0.7469626168224299 ], "category": "cheese", "dialog": [ [ "Hello, I want to buy a bar of soap.", "Which one do you want?" ], [ "I want the whitest piece.", "Is it the first piece on the left?" ], [ "Obviously that piece is not the whitest.", "Is it the first piece on the far right?" ], [ "That's right, I'll take this piece.", "" ] ], "dialog_cn": [ [ "你好,我想买块皂。", "你想要哪一块?" ], [ "我想要最白的那一块。", "是左边第一块吗?" ], [ "很明显那一块不是最白的。", "是最右边第一块吗?" ], [ "这下对了,我就要这块。", "" ] ], "id": "invig.0003118" } ]
{ "file_name": "bd569693930e19b9_Cheese_Dairy Product_4.jpg", "height": 428, "id": "openimages.bd569693930e19b9", "width": 639 }

Dataset Card for "invig"


    title={InViG: Interactive Visual-Language Disambiguation with 21K Human-to-Human Dialogues},
    author={Zhang, Hanbo and Mo, Yuchen and Xu, Jie and Si, Qingyi and Kong, Tao},
    howpublished = {\url{}},
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Models trained or fine-tuned on jxu124/invig