listlengths 5
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Riding a scooter\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Riding a scooter\n\nI was bored one weekend day.\nI went to my garage and saw a scooter.\nI grabbed the scooter and rode down the street.\nI went to the end of my street then went back home.\nI went inside and sat back down.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"To The Left\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gina.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# To The Left\n\nGina took a left onto a side street from the main street.\nShe drove slowly so she didn't slide on the ice.\nShe drove for half a block to make a u-turn on the next street.\nGina made her u-turn and headed back to the main street.\nShe stared at the traffic happy to have made her escape.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Gina is feeling FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ask Mom\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Grandpa, Grandparents, Siblings, Gina and Mother.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Ask Mom\n\nGina was alone at her grandparents when she lost her phone.\nNow her grandpa's car was pulling in the driveway.\nHer mother, and her siblings had been with Grandpa.\nGina ran to her mom and asked if she had taken her phone.\nShe cried when she found out her mother didn't have the phone.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gina is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gina is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gina is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gina is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Grandpa is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, Grandparents is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mother is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Siblings is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, Siblings is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Gina\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandpa\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Grandparents\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Mother\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Siblings\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jim takes Michaela out\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Michaela and Jim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jim takes Michaela out\n\nOne morning, Jim was admiring his crush, Michaela.\nHe decided that he would approach her.\nWhen he introduced himself, she was very friendly.\nHe asked her out and they made plans.\nLater, Jim picked Michaela up for their date.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Michaela is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Michaela is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Michaela is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Michaela is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Michaela\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Salts\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Salts\n\nI started a collection of salts.\nSome of them were pink or brown.\nThey all had different flavors.\nSome were stronger than others.\nI soon bought about twenty varieties.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Steve Gets a Date\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Steve and Sarah.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Steve Gets a Date\n\nSteve had a crush on Sarah.\nSteve gave Sarah roses on Valentine's Day.\nSteve asked Sarah out on a date.\nSarah said yes!\nThey had a great time going to the movies.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sarah is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Steve is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Steve is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Sarah\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Steve\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Afternoon Walk\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Theresa, The boy's parents, Jim, The police and A small boy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Afternoon Walk\n\nJim and Theresa went for walk around their neighborhood.\nWhile walking they saw a small boy crying on the sidewalk.\nHe told them that he was lost.\nJim contacted the police while Theresa comforted the boy.\nThe police found the boy's parents and he was very relieved.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, A small boy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, A small boy is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, A small boy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, A small boy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jim is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Jim is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The boy's parents is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The police is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Theresa is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Theresa is feeling TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Theresa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A small boy\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Jim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: The boy's parents\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: The police\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Theresa\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jackpot\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My friend and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jackpot\n\nI won a jackpot at the casino.\nI was playing a new slot I had never tried before.\nMy friend talked me into playing it even though I was ready to go home.\nI spun the reels a few times, then hit the jackpot.\nI couldn't believe my luck!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: My friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Smartride\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Nationwide and Christian.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Smartride\n\nChristian purchased insurance through Nationwide.\nThey sent him a Smartride device for his car.\nThe device could determine if he was a good or bad driver.\nChristian was a good driver, and got a discount on his insurance.\nChristian ended up saving 50 dollars a month thanks to Smart Ride.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Christian is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Christian is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Christian is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Christian is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Christian is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Nationwide is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Nationwide is feeling FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 4, Nationwide is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Nationwide is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Christian\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Nationwide\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Black Ears\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Everyone and Brian.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Black Ears\n\nBrian passed out after a long night of drinking.\nWe tried to wake him up but we were not successful.\nSo we took a black sharpie and colored the back of his ears.\nHe got up the following morning and went to school.\nAll day everyone was laughing at him and he did not know why.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Brian is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Brian is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Brian is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Brian\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Fish\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Giant fish, Amy and Five bluegill.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Fish\n\nAmy was convinced she was going to catch a giant fish.\nShe was going fishing for the first time since she was a kid.\nShe had bought a new rod and reel.\nShe got a bit on her first cast!\nShe ended up with five bluegill!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Amy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Amy is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Amy is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Amy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Lost Wallet\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Sam.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Lost Wallet\n\nSam lost his wallet.\nHe looked for it everywhere.\nHe decided to get all his cards replaced.\nRight after going through that process he found his wallet.\nHe had to now throw his old cards away.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Sam is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sam is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"fishing\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# fishing\n\nThe friends went fishing.\nNo fish were biting.\nThey decided to go hiking instead.\nThey bought fish on the way home.\nThey claimed they had caught it.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, The friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The friends is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, The friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The friends is feeling JOY (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: The friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Worst Vacation Ever\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Someone.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Worst Vacation Ever\n\nI went on vacation to Miami.\nSomeone stole my luggage at the bus station.\nThen I lost my wallet.\nI decided to just go home.\nOnce I got home I realized that this was where I belonged.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Someone is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Someone is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Someone\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Insomnia\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mike.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Insomnia\n\nMike was getting a bad case of insomnia.\nHe decided to go for a run to tire himself out.\nHe went on to run for an hour around his neighborhood.\nBy the time Mike got back he was absolutely exhausted.\nMike ended up sleeping in!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Mike is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mike is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mike is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mike\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Turtle in the bathroom\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Husband, Turtle and Jolene.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Turtle in the bathroom\n\nJolene found a little turtle in her garden.\nShe brought it home and put it in the sink.\nWhen her husband came home, he was startled.\nHe wanted to wash his hand but a turtle was looking at him.\nTo remedy the situation, they bought a basin for the turtle.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Husband is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Husband is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 1, Jolene is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jolene is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jolene is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jolene is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jolene is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, Turtle is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Turtle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Turtle is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Turtle is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Husband\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Jolene\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Turtle\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Nursery\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Baby, Ted and Mary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Nursery\n\nMary and Ted found out they were expecting a baby.\nThey decided to turn the spare bedroom into a nursery.\nThe couple went and bought new furnishings at a baby store.\nThey decorated and repainted the room a light green.\nThe nursery was ready for when the baby arrived.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mary is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ted is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ted\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Aging\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Grandfather and Lucius.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Aging\n\nLucius was asked to write a report on aging.\nHe imagined his own life at 85.\nHe thought of his grandfather, who has a simple but happy life.\nLucius realized he didn't fear aging.\nHe drove to his grandfather's house after school to be with him.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Grandfather is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 1, Lucius is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Lucius is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Lucius is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Lucius is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Lucius is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Grandfather\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Lucius\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The fair\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My daughter and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The fair\n\nI always have so much fun going to the fair.\nWhen we got there we had lots of food.\nAnd my daughter rode on all the rides.\nIt was such a fun family day.\nI am already looking forward to next year's fair.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The daughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, The daughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 5, The daughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: My daughter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Standing Up For His Friends\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Human resources, Two employees, Mat, Charles and Two innocent girls.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Standing Up For His Friends\n\nCharles did not like Mat, the new call center manager.\nFirst, Mat called a mandatory meeting on Saturday.\nIn the meeting, Mat performed harangues on two innocent girls.\nThen he held an inappropriate meeting with two employees.\nCharles told human resources and they fired Mat.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Charles is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Charles is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Charles is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mat is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mat is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Two employees is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Two innocent girls is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Two innocent girls is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Charles\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Mat\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Two employees\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Two innocent girls\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hot Coffee\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tom and People.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Hot Coffee\n\nTom was at starbucks trying to get a coffee.\nThe service was pretty slow.\nBy the time he got his drink it was already cool.\nTom complained to the people working.\nThey apologized and offered him a new drink.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, People is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, People is feeling SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tom is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tom is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: People\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Road Trip It Is\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jule and Kate.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Road Trip It Is\n\nKate and her friend Jule were going to Las Vegas.\nThey only had 5 days.\nThey knew it would be faster to fly.\nBut driving would give them a chance to see the country.\nIn the end the road trip was an adventure to good to pass up.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Jule is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jule is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jule is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jule is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Kate is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kate is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kate is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kate is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jule\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Kate\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ron gets in a jam\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ron, Ron's girlfriend and The boys.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Ron gets in a jam\n\nRon is planning a trip out with the boys.\nRon gets approval from his girlfriend.\nHis girlfriend has news.\nIt is their anniversary today.\nRon can't choose weather to go out with the boys or his girlfriend.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ron is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ron is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ron is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ron is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ron is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ron's girlfriend is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ron\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ron's girlfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The bad audition.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tania.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The bad audition.\n\nTania wanted to be a cheerleader.\nShe was at the auditions one day.\nOne of the requirements was for her to cheer in a quiet room.\nShe tried to, but it felt awkward and didn't sound good.\nShe didn't end up making the team.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tania is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tania is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tania is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Tania is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Tania is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Tania\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jungle\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Bill and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jungle\n\nBill desired to have an adventure.\nHe asked his friends to join him.\nThey decided to go on jungle trekking adventure.\nThey planned everything out perfectly.\nThey all enjoyed their jungle trek.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Bill is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Bill is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Bill is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bill is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bill is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Bill\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Candy store\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Candy store\n\nI went to the candy store with my friends once as a kid.\nWe had a great time trying out all the different candies.\nWe begged our parents to buy us some, but they said no.\nEventually, we wore them down and they said yes.\nThat was a great trip to the candy store.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The College\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Gabby.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The College\n\nGabby was graduating from high school.\nShe went to a college to take a tour.\nShe didn't know if she wanted to go to school there.\nShe decided to go look at another one instead.\nShe wanted the school to be the perfect fit for her.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gabby is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Gabby is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gabby is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gabby is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Gabby\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Grandma's desk\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Her grandmother.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Grandma's desk\n\nMy mother gave me the desk that belonged to her grandmother.\nI kept it in my basement for many years.\nI finally grew old enough to appreciate it.\nIt is big and black and sturdy and surprisingly light.\nIt is in my living room and I use it every day.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Her grandmother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Snoring girl\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Boyfriend and Ursula.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Snoring girl\n\nUrsula always slept on her belly.\nBut when she got a new boyfriend he realized she was snoring.\nHe tried to rock her back and forth.\nAnd when she settled on her back she kept silent.\nHe told her so the next day and since then Ursula sleeps on her back.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Boyfriend is feeling TRUST (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Boyfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Boyfriend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Ursula is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, Ursula is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ursula is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ursula is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Boyfriend\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Ursula\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Close Call\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Close Call\n\nDan was in a hurry driving to work one morning.\nDan was at a stoplight, waiting patiently.\nDan noticed a car coming up on him rapidly in his rear-view mirror.\nDan gripped the steering wheel, waiting for an impact.\nLuckily, the car managed to come to a screeching halt just shy of Dan.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dan is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Dan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dan is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Dan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Dan\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Robbery\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Police, Robbers and Jim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Robbery\n\nJim came home to find his front door open.\nHe went inside and saw a huge mess.\nHe discovered that robbers had broken in.\nHe called the police and reported his missing items.\nJim was happy that no one was hurt during the crime.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jim is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jim is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Robbers is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Robbers is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Robbers is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jim\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n- character: Robbers\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"first lady\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Taryn.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# first lady\n\nTaryn wanted to be the first woman baseball player.\nShe felt she was as good of a pitcher as any boy.\nShe tried out for several minor league teams.\nOne team signed her to a contract.\nTaryn is now pitching in the minors with hopes of making history.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Taryn is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Taryn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Taryn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Taryn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Taryn is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Taryn\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"I went shopping.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# I went shopping.\n\nI needed to buy some new clothes.\nI decided to take a trip to dillard's.\nAfter I go tthere, I picked out some new pants.\nAfter checking out, I went home.\nOnce home, I put them on and was very happy.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Blue Jeans\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Everyone at school and Sam.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Blue Jeans\n\nSam woke up for school and got dressed.\nHe grabbed his jeans like any other day.\nWhen he got to school everyone laughed.\nHe wasn't sure what they were laughing at.\nHe looked in the mirror and saw he was wearing the wrong jeans.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Everyone at school is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sam is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sam is feeling SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sam is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sam is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Everyone at school\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Sam\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Marco Votes For President\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Marco.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Marco Votes For President\n\nMarco was excited to be a registered voter.\nHe thought long and hard about who to vote for.\nFinally he had decided on his favorite candidate.\nHe placed his vote for that candidate.\nMarco was proud that he had finally voted.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Marco is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, Marco is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Marco is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Marco is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Marco is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Marco\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Philosophers and TV\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Friend.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Philosophers and TV\n\nMy friend is a philosophy teacher.\nHe has always hated tv.\nHe claimed they could corrupt his children's minds.\nHe has destroyed a few tvs in his lifetime.\nHe has a tv now but uses it only to watch dvds.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Friend is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Friend is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Friend is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Friend is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wrong Everything\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Brad.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Wrong Everything\n\nI asked Brad to bring a class of lemonade with a few ice.\nHe went into the kitchen to look for it.\nHe took out a drink and poured it in the class.\nWhen he gave it to me, there was fruit punch without ice.\nI told him to drink it and searched for the lemonade.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Brad is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Brad\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Falling down a hill\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Falling down a hill\n\nWhen I was a boy, I rode my bike down a local hill.\nOne day, I biked to the top of the hill, ready to speed down it.\nI began to pedal my bike quickly down the hill.\nSuddenly, my bike began to wobble, and I flew off of my bike.\nI badly scraped up my body and went home to treat the injuries.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Running lipstick\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Tina.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Running lipstick\n\nTina tried on some lipstick.\nShe loved the color.\nIt looked amazing.\nShe went to take a drink.\nUnfortunately the lipstick bled.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 3, Tina is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tina is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tina is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Tina\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Jawbreaker\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Hank and Lou.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Jawbreaker\n\nHank's friend Lou showed up at his house with two giant jawbreakers.\nHank had no idea how he was going to get it into his mouth!\nHe opened as wide as he could, but it wasn't going in.\nThen he just started licking it.\nEventually it would be small enough to fit into his mouth!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Hank is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Hank is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Hank is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Hank is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Hank is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 1, Lou is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Lou is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Lou is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Hank\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Lou\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Loose Cap\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Loose Cap\n\nYesterday I took a bottle of iced coffee outside.\nI packed it in a shoulder bag with a book.\nI sat on a bench, read and drank.\nI resealed the bottle after reading for an hour.\nI did not seal the bottle tightly, and the book got drenched.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Bike Ride\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about John.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Bike Ride\n\nJohn decided to go for a bike ride.\nHe got on his bike and took off down the street.\nThe road until he got to the edge of town.\nHe realized how tired he was and turned around to go home.\nJohn got home and was exhausted.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, John is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, John is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, John is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: John\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The free dinner.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Waiter, Mischa, Friends and Diners.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The free dinner.\n\nMischa was out for dinner with friends.\nThe waiter informed them that they were the lucky diners.\nThey had won a free dinner.\nThey decided to get a bunch of food.\nIt was all free so it tasted that much better.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Mischa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Mischa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mischa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Mischa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mischa is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, Waiter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mischa\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Waiter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Snake\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about A snake, Joe and Jane.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Snake\n\nJoe saw a snake out in the wood pile.\nJoe caught the snake and put it in a box.\nHe brought the snake inside the house.\nThe snake got out of the box.\nJane found the snake in the closet two days later.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, A snake is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, A snake is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, A snake is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, A snake is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jane is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Joe is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A snake\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Jane\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Hot Coffee\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Hot Coffee\n\nOn my way to work I stopped to get some coffee.\nI went through the drive through and placed my order.\nI paid the cashier and patiently waited for my drink.\nWhen she handed me the drink, the lid came off and spilled on me.\nThe coffee hurt and I had to go home and change clothes.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cable tv\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Cable tv\n\nI really wanted cable television.\nHowever, I was not able to afford it.\nI asked my friends for advice.\nThey came up with the perfect solution.\nI could watch cable tv at their places whenever I wanted.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Physics\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dave and Tutor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Physics\n\nDave was failing in physics.\nThis wasn't good because Dave wanted to be an engineer.\nDave got a campus tutor and worked very hard.\nDave studied day and night.\nDave aced the exam and passed the physics course!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Dave is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, Dave is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Dave is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Dave is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Dave is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tutor is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Dave\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tutor\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Push\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Moving company and Gary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Push\n\nGary was moving furniture.\nHe was having trouble moving something particularly large.\nHe pushed with all his might to no avail.\nAfter a few minutes, he gave up in exhaustion.\nHe decided he would call a moving company in the morning.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Gary is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Gary is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Gary is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Gary is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Gary is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Gary\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"J'accuse!\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Player and Five people.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# J'accuse!\n\nFive people played poker one night.\nThey were having an excellent time.\nUntil on one hand, when they all revealed royal flushes.\nThis is not strictly possible with four suits.\nSuspicion came to rest on the player whose flush was ampersands.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Five people is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Five people is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Five people is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Five people is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Player is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Five people\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Player\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New car\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Winston, Insurance agent and His friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# New car\n\nWinston bought a brand new car today.\nHe drove it all around town to show it off to his friends.\nWhen he was finished he went home.\nAs he opened the door he dented it on the curb out front.\nSadly, he now has to call his insurance agent to get it fixed.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Winston is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Winston is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Winston is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Winston is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Winston is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Winston\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Football Accident\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jake.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Football Accident\n\nJake was playing football at school.\nDuring practice, he ran for the ball and was trampled.\nHe felt his leg snap.\nJake could not move and was carried off the field.\nJake broke his leg in two places and cannot play football.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Jake is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jake is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jake is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jake is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jake\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Self Esteem\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and The doctor.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Self Esteem\n\nThe doctor told me I needed more self esteem.\nI knew he was right, but I didn't know how to gain it.\nHe told me to work harder and try to be more successful in life.\nWithout self esteem, I didn't know how to do that.\nI went home to digest what he had told me and formulate a plan.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, The doctor is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The doctor is feeling FEAR (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: The doctor\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Jazz Concert\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Joe and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Jazz Concert\n\nA few weeks ago we went to a Tierney Sutton jazz concert.\nMy 98 year old friend Joe was in the lobby.\nHe asked us where we were going.\nHe said next time he would like to go with us.\nI felt sad about Joe, as he is very lonely.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Joe is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Joe is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Joe\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Pizza\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Liv.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Pizza\n\nLiv was sick of paying $20 for pizza delivery.\nShe thought she could make it herself for much cheaper.\nShe bought dough and other supplies.\nThen she put her creation in the oven.\nWhen it was done, it looked even better than delivery pizzas!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Liv is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 2, Liv is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Liv is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Liv\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Veggie Stand\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Maria.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Veggie Stand\n\nMaria grew many vegetables in her garden.\nShe had hundreds of plants.\nMaria worked very hard to grow these vegetables.\nAs her veggies grew, Maria decided to set up a food stand.\nMaria made thousands of dollars by the end of the growing season.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 3, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Maria is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Maria is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Maria\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Buying a present\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about William's mom and William.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Buying a present\n\nIt was William's mom's birthday.\nWilliam drove to the store to buy her a gift.\nHe found a nice dvd player and bought it.\nWilliam gave his mother the gift after their dinner.\nShe was very happy and hugged her son.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, William is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, William is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, William is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, William is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, William's mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, William's mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, William's mom is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: William\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: William's mom\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Disobeyed\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kids, Sally and Her parents.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Disobeyed\n\nSally wanted to hang out with the cool kids.\nShe sneaked out one night to meet them.\nWhen her parents found out, they grounded her for a week!\nA day later she heard the cool kids had been arrested for vandalism.\nShe never disobeyed her parents again.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Her parents is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her parents is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Kids is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kids is feeling TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Sally is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sally is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Sally is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sally is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sally is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Her parents\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n- character: Kids\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sally\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Spoiling niece.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Husband, Heather, Sister and A niece.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Spoiling niece.\n\nHeather had a niece by marriage.\nIt is her husband's sister's kid.\nShe is only four years old.\nThe niece plays on Heather's heart strings all the time.\nHeather gives her niece anything she asks for because of it.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, A niece is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, A niece is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, A niece is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, A niece is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, A niece is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Heather is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Heather is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 4, Heather is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Heather is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Husband is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Husband is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sister is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 4, Sister is feeling JOY (moderately), FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 5, Sister is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: A niece\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Heather\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Husband\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Sister\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Restarting\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My horse and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Restarting\n\nMy horse got very sick and now is better.\nShe lost a lot of weight and needs to restart work.\nToday I lunged my horse.\nShe walked, trotted and cantered around me on a line.\nWhen she was done, she was tired but happy.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, The horse is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The horse is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The horse is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, The horse is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The horse is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: My horse\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Mythology Classes\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Mythology Classes\n\nI went to Mythology class in high school.\nWe learned about all the different myths and Gods.\nI decided to study Mythology in College as well.\nMy teacher recommended that i get a degree in that field.\nI ended up majoring in Mythology and getting a degree.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Planting Flowers\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her grandmother and Judy.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Planting Flowers\n\nAfter a long winter, spring was finally here.\nIt was time for Judy to plant flowers with her grandmother.\nIt was a tradition for them to plant impatiens together every year.\nJudy went to her grandmother's on Saturday morning.\nTogether they spent three hours in the garden planting flowers.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her grandmother is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Judy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Judy is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Judy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Judy is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Her grandmother\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Judy\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Star Wars\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Star Wars\n\nI seen the first Star Wars movie when I was ten.\nI fell in love with the Star Wars movies.\nI never thought they would make a new Star Wars movie.\nA new Star Wars movie is coming out at the end of 2015.\nI'm going to wait in line for a week before the premier.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Skip almost drowns\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Skip's friends, Skip and One of his friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Skip almost drowns\n\nSkip is with his friends at the lake.\nSkip wishes he could join them.\nSkip doesn't know how to swim.\nWhile standing next to the lake one of his friends push him in.\nSkips falls in and almost drowns before one of his friends saves him.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Skip is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Skip is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 3, Skip is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, Skip is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 5, Skip is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Skip's friends is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Skip's friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Skip's friends is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Skip\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: Skip's friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The SHark\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Warren, Fish, The shark and Captain.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The SHark\n\nWarren was feeling relaxed and calm.\nHe was on a boat fishing for deep sea fish.\nSuddenly, his arm had intense pain.\nA shark had bitten him!\nWarren screamed for the captain to rush him to a hospital.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Fish is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The shark is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 1, Warren is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 3, Warren is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Warren is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Warren is feeling TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Fish\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: The shark\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Warren\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cat and mouse\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The cat, The mouse and Dog.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Cat and mouse\n\nA cat was chasing a mouse.\nThe mouse hid under a rock.\nThe cat pawed at the rock.\nSuddenly a loud sound echoed behind the cat.\nA dog had been chasing the cat too!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, The cat is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The cat is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, The cat is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, The cat is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The cat is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, The mouse is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, The mouse is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The mouse is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, The mouse is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: The cat\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n- character: The mouse\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"flat tire\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Man, James and Daughter.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# flat tire\n\nJames had a flat tire on his truck.\nHe changed the tire on the side of the road.\nA man and his daughter stopped to help him change the tire.\nThe father introduced his college aged daughter to James.\nJames was thankful for the flat tire.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Daughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, James is feeling SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, James is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, James is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, James is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, James is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Man is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Daughter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: James\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Man\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Spooky Basement\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about His mom and Tim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Spooky Basement\n\nTim moved into a new house.\nThe basement always freaked him out.\nOne day he misbehaved and his mom locked him down there.\nHe freaked out and cried uncontrollably.\nHis mom used it as a threat whenever he acted up.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Busy Restaurant\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Guests, Chef and Helpers.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Busy Restaurant\n\nThe chef knew tonight would be a busy night.\nOne hundred diners were visiting the restaurant.\nThe chef worked his helpers very hard.\nThey served all their guests delicious food in a timely manner.\nThey all felt good for a job well done.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Guests is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Guests is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Helpers is feeling FEAR (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Helpers is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Guests\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Helpers\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wrecked in the Snow\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Todd and Tow truck driver.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Wrecked in the Snow\n\nTodd slid off the snowy highway into a field.\nHe locked his keys in the car when he got out to look.\nHe was able to walk to a house and call a tow truck.\nThe tow truck driver was able unlock the car.\nTodd made it home after the driver towed the car to Todd's house.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Todd is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Todd is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Todd is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Todd is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tow truck driver is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Todd\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n- character: Tow truck driver\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Fred Shovels His Driveway\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Fred.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Fred Shovels His Driveway\n\nFred glanced outside to see that it was still snowing.\nHe knew that he would have to shovel the driveway in the morning.\nWhen the sun came up, Fred shoveled the snow out of his driveway.\nHe felt very tired by the time he finished.\nFred was glad to see the snow had stopped.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Fred is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Fred is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Fred is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Fred\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"A Bad Dream\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Pretty girl and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# A Bad Dream\n\nI screamed as I woke up!\nThe pretty girl I'd ogled this morning was attacking me with a knife!\nI was so freaked out, I ran to my kitchen and opened the freezer.\nI breathed a sigh of absolute relief.\nShe was still there, where I'd left her.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Sleeping While Cooking\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Sleeping While Cooking\n\nI was going to cook dinner so I started boiling some water.\nI sat down to watch television for a bit and ended up falling asleep.\nI slept for three hours while the stove was on.\nWhen I woke up I ran into the kitchen in a panic to the lit stove.\nThe water had evaporated and there was just a very hot pot.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Bad salad\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Kelley.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Bad salad\n\nKelley had bought some salad.\nShe bought it last week.\nBut she had forgotten about it.\nSo she finally decided to eat it.\nIt was all rotten.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Kelley is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Kelley is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Kelley is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Kelley\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ticket\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Officer and Jim.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Ticket\n\nJim was speeding on the highway since he was late to work.\nAlthough he didn't notice a cop car, he drove past it.\nThe siren of the cop car turned on and the officer followed him.\nJim had to stop on the side of the road.\nThe police officer handed him a ticket.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Jim is feeling FEAR (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jim is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Officer is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Officer is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jim\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Officer\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Apple Tree\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Andrew.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Apple Tree\n\nAndrew wanted to plant an apple tree.\nHe decided to go to the local nursery to find a young tree.\nOnce he picked out the tree, he headed home to plant it.\nAfter digging the hole, Andrew planted the tree.\nAndrew was glad to see the tree growing in his backyard.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Andrew is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Andrew is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Andrew is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Andrew is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Andrew is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Andrew\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Ocarina\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Son and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Ocarina\n\nI bought an ocarina in 1973.\nI had always wanted to play an instrument.\nI was able to play a few tunes.\nI soon forgot about the ocarina in 1975.\nYears later my son picked it up and taught himself how to play.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Son is feeling JOY (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Son\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Salad\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Friend and Ana.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Salad\n\nAna knew she needed to eat more veggies, which salads would provide.\nBut she hated the taste, no matter what flavor of dressing she tried!\nThen a friend suggested she mix plain olive oil and balsamic vinegar.\nAnd if that didn't appeal-just skip dressing and add feta cheese!\nAna tried these tips and happily found that both were tasty!",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Ana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Ana is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Ana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Ana is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Friend is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ana\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Friend\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Old Man\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and Old man.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Old Man\n\nThe old man lived across the street.\nHe came over to introduce himself every day.\nI found out he had Alzheimer's disease.\nI was patient and reintroduced myself in return.\nI went for a walk around the block with him.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly).\n- In line 2, Old man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 4, Old man is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Old man is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: Old man\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Joke Contest\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Jordan.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Joke Contest\n\nJordan was reading her school newspaper.\nShe saw an ad for a schoolwide joke contest.\nShe decided that she would enter her very favorite joke.\nTo her surprise the next week she won the contest.\nShe was happy to earn a gift certificate for pizza.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Jordan is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Jordan is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Jordan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jordan is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jordan\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Busted Light Bulb\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Carol.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Busted Light Bulb\n\nCarol woke up to use the restroom at night.\nShe tried to turn the light on.\nUnfortunately it didn't work.\nThe light bulb was broken.\nCarol had to move around in the dark.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Carol is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Carol is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Carol is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Carol\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Tinderton's Turn-Around\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Photographers, Movie star, Few people and Fans.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Tinderton's Turn-Around\n\nTinderton was a very quiet town that very few people visited.\nLittle local businesses on Main Street struggled to survive.\nThen, a movie star decided to make this cozy town her home.\nPhotographers followed her to the little local stores and businesses.\nSoon the stores were thriving with sales to photographers and fans.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 5, Fans is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Movie star is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Movie star is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Photographers is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Fans\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Movie star\n emotions:\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Photographers\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Foggy Road\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about The driver and Jerry.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Foggy Road\n\nJerry can barely see the road since it was extremely foggy.\nHe tried to drive slowly to avoid any car crash.\nHowever, a car suddenly appeared from behind.\nThe driver ended up crashing Jerry.\nHe blamed Jerry for the accident since he was driving slowly.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Jerry is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jerry is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Jerry is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Jerry is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Jerry is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, The driver is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, The driver is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Jerry\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: The driver\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The country singer.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Ladies and Matthias.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The country singer.\n\nMatthias was an up and coming country singer looking for fame.\nHe was singing and rocking and wowing the ladies in the local shows.\nHe got his big break when his new single hit the airwaves.\nHis road to success had started and he was bringing in the big money.\nHe became country music's next top singer and was a superstar now.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Ladies is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Ladies is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Ladies is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Ladies is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Matthias is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Matthias is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Matthias is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Matthias is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Matthias is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Ladies\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Matthias\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Gift\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mary, Her granddaughter and Her grandma.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Gift\n\nMary wanted to find the perfect gift for her granddaughter.\nShe searched all the stores to no avail.\nWhen she arrived home, she found a music box her grandma gave her.\nMary presented it to her granddaughter.\nHer granddaughter thanked her with a hug.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Her granddaughter is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Her granddaughter is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her granddaughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Her granddaughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Her granddaughter is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 4, Her grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her grandma is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Mary is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Mary is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Her granddaughter\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Her grandma\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Wedding Dress\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Grace.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Wedding Dress\n\nGrace wanted to look her very best on her wedding day.\nShe spent three months eating healthy and exercising.\nShe even bought a wedding dress two sizes smaller to wear.\nShe planned on using the dresses size as her ideal weight loss goal.\nGrace was eventually able to wear the wedding dress.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Grace is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Grace is feeling TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Grace is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Grace is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Grace is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Grace\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Home Sick\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Dogs, I (myself) and Wife.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Home Sick\n\nMy wife and I are on our honeymoon in Cancun.\nWe have been here for five days and are having a blast.\nWe have been doing nothing but eating, drinking and sleeping.\nWe do miss our two dogs back home though.\nThankfully we get to fly back home to see them tomorrow morning.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Wife is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 5, Wife is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The special song.\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Louise.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The special song.\n\nLouise was trying to write a song.\nNothing seemed to be coming out organically.\nShe decided to just let her filter go and pour her heart out.\nThe resulting song was extremely soulful.\nIt ended up being very successful.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Louise is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Louise is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Louise is feeling TRUST (strongly), FEAR (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Louise is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately).\n- In line 5, Louise is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Louise\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Muddy Kids\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about My kids and I (myself).\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Muddy Kids\n\nMy kids wanted to go play outside.\nI let them go play without my supervision.\nThey returned covered in mud.\nI scolded and grounded them.\nI realized that they weren't mature enough to play outside without me.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, The kids is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The kids is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, The kids is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, The kids is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, The kids is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n- character: My kids\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"The Breaking In\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Max and Store.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# The Breaking In\n\nMax was walking by a store one night.\nThe store was closed.\nHe saw two men standing by the door of the store.\nMax suddenly heard the alarm go off.\nMax called the police to tell them what was going on.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Max is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately).\n- In line 2, Max is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Max is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Max is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Max is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Max\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Vixen\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about New baby, Grandma, Janie jones, Vixen, Jim and Janie.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Vixen\n\nJim and Janie Jones had a cat named Vixen.\nJim and Janie brought a new baby home one day.\nVixen did not like the new baby.\nVixen began to tear the curtains in the house.\nVixen was sent to live at Grandma's house.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Janie is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 1, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Jim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, Vixen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 3, Vixen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Vixen is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Vixen is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Janie\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n- character: Jim\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: Vixen\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"advice\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Anyone, Tim and Dad.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# advice\n\nTim had bad luck with basketball.\nHe never could get control of a bouncing ball.\nHe refused help from anyone.\nOne day he finally took advice from his dad.\nAfter that he was a pro at basketball.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 3, Anyone is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Tim is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 3, Tim is feeling FEAR (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 4, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Tim is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Anyone\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n- character: Tim\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Rachel's Blog\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Rachel.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Rachel's Blog\n\nRachel loved to write.\nShe decided to create an anonymous blog to write for.\nHer blog started to become popular.\nEventually she revealed her identity.\nRachel is now famous because of her blog.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Rachel is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Rachel is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Rachel is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Rachel is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Rachel\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Smoothie\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about I (myself) and My wife.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Smoothie\n\nMy wife buys six bananas at a time.\nShe vows to eat them but never eats more than three.\nThe others get brown and dumped.\nLast week I bought a blender and made smoothies.\nNow we use up all of the bananas.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately).\n- In line 1, The wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, The wife is feeling JOY (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly).\n- In line 3, The wife is feeling SADNESS (strongly).\n- In line 4, The wife is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n- character: My wife\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"New Interests\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Anna.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# New Interests\n\nAnna loved hockey more than anything.\nShe thought she was going to be a hockey star when she grew up.\nIn middle school, Anna started playing soccer during lunch time.\nAnna soon began to enjoy soccer even more than hockey.\nShe now hopes to be a professional soccer player.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 2, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Anna is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Anna is feeling JOY (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Anna\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Coffee Spill\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Mary.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Coffee Spill\n\nMary was driving to work today.\nOn her way, she stopped at the coffee shop.\nShe paid for her drink and started sipping it.\nUnfortunately, she had to halt to a stop in the parking lot.\nShe spilled the coffee all over her skirt.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Mary is feeling ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Mary is feeling JOY (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Mary is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 5, Mary is feeling SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Mary\n emotions:\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Speeding Ticket\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Justin and Cop.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Speeding Ticket\n\nJustin was in a hurry to get home.\nHe was going 90 MPH on the highway.\nHe saw red lights flashing behind him.\nThe cop gave him a ticket for 200 dollars.\nJustin drove the speed limit for the rest of the way home.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 4, Cop is feeling ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Justin is feeling FEAR (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Justin is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Justin is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Justin is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Cop\n emotions:\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n- character: Justin\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Drunk Driving\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Police and Bob.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Drunk Driving\n\nBob got drunk at the Christmas party.\nHe decided to drive home under the influence of alcohol.\nSure enough, he was stopped by the police.\nThey police arrested Bob and sent him to jail.\nBob had to pay a fine and realize he should not drink and drive.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Bob is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Bob is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Bob is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Bob is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Police is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Police is feeling DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Bob\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n- character: Police\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Cooking Success\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Her friends and Sharon.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Cooking Success\n\nSharon hated cooking and ate a lot of sandwiches.\nHer friends teased her about being a bad cook.\nSharon secretly signed up for some cooking classes.\nAfter graduation, she cooked a fancy meal for her friends.\nHer friends were very impressed and said she had become a great cook.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 2, Her friends is feeling SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, Her friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Her friends is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 1, Sharon is feeling FEAR (strongly), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 2, Sharon is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (moderately).\n- In line 3, Sharon is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Sharon is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 5, Sharon is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Her friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n- character: Sharon\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Dead Woman\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Police, Dead woman, I (myself) and Killer.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Dead Woman\n\nI was walking through the hiking trail.\nAll of the sudden, I smelled something foul.\nI decided to look around to find the smell.\nI realized it was a dead woman.\nI called the police and they eventually caught the killer.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, I (myself) is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 2, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 3, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (moderately), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, I (myself) is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, I (myself) is feeling JOY (moderately), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 5, Killer is feeling FEAR (strongly), SURPRISE (moderately), SADNESS (strongly), DISGUST (strongly), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: I (myself)\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: moderate\n- character: Killer\n emotions:\n - emotion: fear\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: strong\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
"content": "User and a helpful AI assistant are talking about the short story \"Closet cleanout\".\nThe AI assistant tries to understand the story and answer questions about it.",
"name": "situation",
"role": "system"
"content": "Read the following story and then analyze the emotions of the characters. The story is about Becky and Friends.\n\nInstructions:\n- Think step by step and write down the emotions of the characters in the story as a valid yaml list for every character.\n- Each item in the list should specify the \"character\" and their \"emotions\" as a list of all the emotions of that character.\n- \"emotions\" is a list of \"emotion\" name from the Plutchik Wheel of Emotions and its \"strength\" as one of \"weak\", \"moderate\" or \"strong\".",
"name": null,
"role": "user"
"content": "# Closet cleanout\n\nBecky's closet was very messy.\nShe needed to have a major cleanout.\nBecky called her friends to come help.\nIt took three hours to get everything done.\nFinally she felt better.",
"name": "information",
"role": "system"
"content": "Thinking step by step:\n\n- In line 1, Becky is feeling DISGUST (strongly).\n- In line 2, Becky is feeling SADNESS (moderately), DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 3, Becky is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).\n- In line 4, Becky is feeling DISGUST (moderately), ANGER (strongly).\n- In line 5, Becky is feeling JOY (strongly), TRUST (strongly), SURPRISE (strongly), ANTICIPATION (moderately).\n- In line 4, Friends is feeling JOY (moderately), ANTICIPATION (strongly).",
"name": "thought",
"role": "system"
"content": "- character: Becky\n emotions:\n - emotion: disgust\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: sadness\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anger\n strength: strong\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: joy\n strength: strong\n - emotion: trust\n strength: strong\n - emotion: surprise\n strength: strong\n- character: Friends\n emotions:\n - emotion: joy\n strength: moderate\n - emotion: anticipation\n strength: strong\n",
"name": null,
"role": "assistant"
] |
Subsets and Splits