Retrieve a Bid Package from the Recycle Bin - Procore
To retrieve a previously deleted bid package from your Bidding tool's Recycle Bin.
When a bid package is deleted, it's automatically moved into the Bidding tool's Recycle Bin. You can retrieve it at a later time using the steps below.
Things to Consider
Required User Permissions:
'Admin' level permissions on the project's Bidding tool.
Navigate to the project's Bidding tool.
Click Recycle Bin at the top of the page.
Click View on the bid package that you want to retrieve.
In the banner, click Retrieve.
The bid package is automatically moved back to the 'All' bid packages view.
What is sliding scale retention? - Procore
The sliding scale retention feature was designed for Procore users in Australia and New Zealand—where it is an industry-wide best practice and legally regulated standard—to assure contractors and subcontractors meet all of the job's contractual obligations. However, this feature is available to Procore Project Financials customers in all countries.
Sliding scale retention refers to the portion of a contract amount due that is withheld from a contracted party (the party doing the work) by the contracting party (the party paying for the work).  The amounts withheld are based on a set of variable standards defined in the contract's scope of work. It is an industry-wide best practice in Australia, as well as legally regulated, to assure contractors and subcontractors meet all of the job's contractual obligations.
Example: Applying Sliding Scale Retention in Procore
Although the terms of the retention on your construction project's contracts will vary from contract to contract, below is an example to show how sliding scale retention is designed to work:
Let's assume you are a general contractor who has executed a $400,000.00 subcontract with a heavy equipment operator.
During the course of the project, you plan to make progress payments to the subcontractor. Per your agreement, let's assume you have an industry-standard contract that obliges you to deduct 10% of the amount due on each subcontractor invoice until 5% ($20,000.00) of the original subcontract's value ($400,000.00) is held back.
When 100% of the work on the subcontract's Schedule of Values (SOV) is complete, your agreement obliges you to release the first portion of the amount held back. In this example, you would want to release the first 2.5% ($10,000.00) of the original subcontract's original value ($400,000.00).
In six (6) or twelve (12) months after the first portion of the retention amount was released, your subcontract's terms require you to release the remaining 2.5% ($10,000.00) withheld from the subcontractor.
Configure Assignment and Request Statuses for Workforce Planning - Procore
To configure assignment and request statuses for Workforce Planning.
Workforce Planning allows you to receive workforce requests and make workforce assignments, to manage your workforce. Additionally, you can create assignment and request statuses to help you organize and manage the requests you are receiving and assignments you are making. Visibility of assignments with certain statuses is controlled by what status(es) the user has access to within their permission level. This means that workforce managers can create assignments at different stages (for example, pending, forecasted, live) without giving unwanted access to that information.
Things to Consider
Required User Permissions:
'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Workforce Planning tool and 'Admin' level permissions within the Workforce Planning tool. See Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
'Read Only' level permissions or higher on the Workforce Planning tool with the 'View Status Settings' and 'Edit Status Settings' granular permissions within the Workforce Planning tool. See Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
Additional Information
You can manage user visibility of assignments and requests based on their statuses using permissions templates. See Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
If a user has permission to view all statuses, the status field is not required when creating assignments or requests.
If a user has permission to view only to certain statuses, the status field is required when creating requests or assignments.
Statuses are visible on Assignments Boards, Assignments Gantt, the Assignment List and Request List.
If the user also has permission to edit assignments and/or requests, the statuses can be edited at any time from these locations.
User visibility of assignment and requests is managed in Workforce Planning Permissions. A user can only be assigned one set of permissions in Workforce Planning. It is recommended that you configure user permissions in advance. See Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
Status Name and Color
Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
Click the Configure Settings  icon.
Select Assignment/Request Statuses.
Click New.
Configure the status with the following properties:
Name. Enter the name of the status.
Abbreviation (5 Characters). Enter the abbreviation for the status, limited to five (5) characters.
Color. Enter the color of the Status.
Click Save.
Status Visibility
Navigate to the Company level Workforce Planning tool.
Click the Configure Settings  icon.
Select Permissions.
Locate the Permission level you want to update, and click Edit. See Edit Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
Click New to create a new Permission template. Create Permissions Templates for Workforce Planning.
Locate the 'Statuses' section.
Mark the checkbox Can View All Statuses to allow users with this permission level to view all statuses.
Clear the checkbox Can View All Statuses. Next, select from the dropdown list which assignment and request statuses should be visible for users with that permission level.
Click Save.
(Beta) Edit a Custom Workflow Template - Procore
In Beta
This page details functionality that is not available in Procore's production environment. Access to the features documented here is limited to specific Procore customers who have signed the required agreement to participate in Procore's Company level Workflows Tool Beta Program. The content on this page is for informational purposes only and all information and content on this page is subject to change without any prior notice. To learn more, see About the Workflows Beta Program.
To edit a custom workflow using the Company level Workflows tool.
Things to Consider
Required User Permissions:
'Standard' or 'Admin' level permissions on the Company level Workflows tool.
'Read Only' with the 'Create and edit workflow templates' granular permission to the Company level Workflows tool
Create a Custom Workflow
Duplicate a Custom Workflow
Navigate to the Company level Workflows tool.
In the 'Workflows' table, locate the workflow that you want to edit.
Click the Edit button that corresponds to the workflow to edit.
Highlight the step that you want to update.
This reveals the 'Details' pane for the selected step.
Choose from these options:
Rename the Custom Workflow
Delete a Workflow Step
Edit a Workflow Step
Rename the Custom Workflow
Click the pencil icon on the top-left side of the page.
Enter a new name for your workflow by typing over the 'Copy of: [Previous Workflow Name]'.
Duplicate workflow names are NOT permitted.
If you attempt to save a draft using a name that is already taken, a RED banner appears at the bottom of the page to notify you that Procore cannot save your workflow.
If you attempt to publish a workflow using a name that is already taken, a 'Template could not be published' banner appears at the top of the page. To view the name that is already in use, click Show Details.
Choose one (1) of these options:
Save and Publish. Click this button to save the copy of the workflow as a published workflow. You can now assign it for use on a project.