For the rest of February, the Americans pushed north, and by 1 March, had taken two-thirds of the island.
During the second half of the 19th century Dutch was banned from all levels of education by both Prussia and France and lost most of its functions as a cultural language. Other than France, what country does not give Dutch legal status as a language?
When did Egyptians start to make red pigment?
In a 2012 report, the National Center for State Courts' Court Statistics Project found that state trial courts received 103
What is an acceptable grounds for divorce for a Jehovah Witness
The New York Marathon is one of the world's largest, and the 2004–2006 events hold the top three places in the marathons with the largest number of finishers, including 37,866 finishers in 2006
Are there many product available from farm cultivation on the French lands?
What was the result of the Battle of Maxen
This system has also been adopted in some sections of the new tram systems in Reims, France (opened 2011) and Angers, France (also opened 2011).
The great angiosperm radiation, when a great diversity of angiosperms appears in the fossil record, occurred in the mid-Cretaceous (approximately 100 million years ago). When does a great diversity of angiosperms appear in the fossil record
CAF members in operational occupations generally wear the DEU to which their occupation "belongs.
The doors then close after an adjustable time period and the car remains unusable until reset, usually by cycling the elevator main power switch
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands of India are geographically considered part of Southeast Asia
The archipelago is formed by high points on the rim of the caldera of a submarine volcano that forms a seamount. What did the Mid-Atlantic Ridge form
87 kilometres per hour (56.
For example, the fifth generation 30 GB iPod is advertised as having up to 14 hours of music playback.
According to Peter J. Wallison, why did the U.S. residential housing bubble led to financial crisis
23-year-old Candice Glover won the season with Kree Harrison taking the runner-up spot
Approximately How many tornadoes have reached the city limits?
What was the bestselling drug in history?
Kathmandu(/ˌkɑːtmɑːnˈduː/; Nepali pronunciation: [kɑʈʰmɑɳɖu]) is the capital and largest municipality of Nepal. How many people lived in Kathmandu in 2011
Bateman was responsible for the building of 36 new buildings for the university both on and off campus, including the expansion of the Harold B. Which did BYU's athletic program belong to before joining the Mountain West Conference?
What benefit is offered by solid state paper capacitors?
Until the 19th century, Westminster was the third seat of learning in England, after Oxford and Cambridge. The last half of what was also translated at the abbey
What languages do they speak?
The Sun also ran an editorial further arguing that "At last the truth can be told.
What is the reason for the shortage of UAV operators in the US Air Force?
The majority of an insects digestion happens where
Adolescents use online technology to experiment with emerging identities and to broaden their peer groups, such as increasing the amount of friends acquired on Facebook and other social media sites
In 1988 Imperial merged with St Mary's Hospital Medical School, becoming The Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine.
The age of the dinosaurs was over
Alongside the capital, the most popular tourist destinations are Isfahan, Mashhad and Shiraz. What was Iran's rank in the top 10 Middle East destinations according to UNESCO
What is one thing hawks do when they see mobbing?
In what year did Lothar past away?
Songbirds and their associated symbolism appear throughout the novel. Symbolically, killing a mockingbird is killing what according to Edwin Bruell?
How much did Oklahoma's population decline from 1930 to 1950
Studying and analyzing literature becomes very important in terms of learning about our history
The couple's high status and respective careers have resulted in their relationship becoming subject to heavy media coverage; The New York Times referred to their marriage as "a historic blizzard of celebrity.
Who was the Supreme Commander of the South West Allied forces?
Whose coloring rendering index is 109
For how many years was Saint Athanasius of Alexandria a bishop
According to the journal DesignIntelligence, which annually publishes "America's Best Architecture and Design Schools," the School of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Kansas was named the best in the Midwest and ranked 11th among all undergraduate architecture programs in the U. What is the name of the yearly ratings published by DesignIntelligence
According to Sarma (2008): "One finds in the Rigveda intelligent speculations about the genesis of the universe from nonexistence, the configuration of the universe, the spherical self-supporting earth, and the year of 360 days divided into 12 equal parts of 30 days each with a periodical intercalary month.
The University of Michigan shapes Ann Arbor's economy significantly. What university employs about 12,000 workers
A similar story is mentioned by Plutarch
Hayek disapproved of the notion of 'social justice'
College sports are also popular in North Carolina, with 18 schools competing at the Division I level. Where is the ACC headquarters?
As stated above, King's Scholars wear a black gown over the top of their tailcoats, and occasionally a surplice in Chapel
Montevideo has a variety of restaurants, from traditional Uruguayan cuisine to Japanese cuisine such as sushi
What was the precursor to the UCS-2
At the Battle of Pulo Aura, which was probably the company's most notable naval victory, Nathaniel Dance, Commodore of a convoy of Indiamen and sailing aboard the Warley, led several Indiamen in a skirmish with a French squadron, driving them off. Where were the 6 Dutch East Indiamen captured?
There are many styles of mandolin, but four are common, the Neapolitan or round-backed mandolin, the carved-top mandolin and the flat-backed mandolin. Which style of mandolin has a shallower, arched back, and arched top
Nicolas was devoted to his adopted homeland, and insisted on the use of the Polish language in the household
The Santa Monica Freeway (Interstate 10) begins in Santa Monica near the Pacific Ocean and heads east. On what street does State Route 1 originate?
AC radio stations may play mainstream music, but they will exclude hip hop, dance tracks, hard rock, and some forms of teen pop, as they are less popular amongst the target demographic of these radio stations, which is intended for an adult audience.
With the union of the crowns of Castille and Aragon (1479), the use of Spanish gradually became more prestigious. When were Castille and Aragon united
What were the perceived problems with the new Windows 9 user interface?
What is a third level of crime that some states have adopted
What do all non-single-sex polychaetes do?
There are no railways, waterways, ports or harbours on the island. Where are loading jetties found on Norfolk Island
Foxconn, Apple's manufacturer, initially denied the abuses, but when an auditing team from Apple found that workers had been working longer hours than were allowed under Chinese law, they promised to prevent workers working more hours than the code allowed. What company was found to be violating Apple's labor policies?
The city of Richmond operates 28 elementary schools, nine middle schools, and eight high schools, serving a total student population of 24,000 students. For whom is the Governor's School in Richmond named?
What size currency are the new smaller notes similar to?
Once blocked from retreat, the French in the fortress of Metz had no choice but to engage in a fight that would see the last major cavalry engagement in Western Europe.
Victoria's self-imposed isolation from the public diminished the popularity of the monarchy, and encouraged the growth of the republican movement. When Victoria isolated herself from the public, what movement began to grow
What percent of people who contracted TB died
When did Hugh Judson Kilpatrick die
Along with Donald O'Connor and Bing Crosby, with whom did Gloria Jean star
Iranian cuisine is diverse due to its variety of ethnic groups and the influence of other cultures. In Iranian cuisine, what is habitually used with fruits
Instead, it uses geographic or class criteria to address issues of social inequalities
Dowding was summoned to an Air Ministry conference on 17 October 1940 to explain the poor state of night defences and the supposed (but ultimately successful) "failure" of his daytime strategy. Neglect of the RAF until 1938 caused what to happen
Congo benefited from the postwar expansion of colonial administrative and infrastructure spending as a result of its central geographic location within AEF and the federal capital at Brazzaville
After Belgium and Luxembourg became independent, the state became unequivocally known as the Kingdom of the Netherlands, as it remains today
When did the upper atmosphere detonate an atomic bomb?
Which group of people believe Jesus does not hold a unique significance?
However, during his pontificate Paul VI was considered generous in permitting bishops to grant laicization of priests who wanted to leave the sacerdotal state, a position which was drastically reversed by John Paul II in 1980 and cemented in the 1983 Canon Law that only the pope can in exceptional circumstances grant laicization
Burrel's innovative design, which combined the low production cost of an Apple II with the computing power of Lisa's CPU, the Motorola 68K, received the attention of Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple. Why did Raskin leave the Apple team in 1918
Samuel Pepys is also associated with the Prospect of Whitby and the Cock Tavern.
Statehood for Alaska was an important cause of James Wickersham early in his tenure as a congressional delegate. Decades later, the statehood movement gained its first real momentum following a territorial referendum in 1946. The Alaska Statehood Committee and Alaska's Constitutional Convention would soon follow. Statehood supporters also found themselves fighting major battles against political foes, mostly in the U.S. Congress but also within Alaska. Statehood was approved by Congress on July 7, 1958. Alaska was officially proclaimed a state on January 3, 1959.
The Palacio Taranco is located in front of the Plaza Zabala, in the heart of Ciudad Vieja. Who designed the Palacio Taranco
There are nine kilocalories in each gram of fat
Where do you find groups that represent pristine conditions
"The strength of solar is the incredible variety and flexibility of applications, from small scale to big scale"
The military history of France, from the Middle Ages to World War II, is vividly presented by displays at the Musée de l'Armée at Les Invalides, near the tomb of Napoleon
There are also some extremely complex characters which have understandably become rather rare. What is one 64-stroke character?
There were 46,917 households, out of which 7,835 (16. How many same-sex female married couples are there?
By 16:50, with the Prussian southern attacks in danger of breaking up, the Prussian 3rd Guards Infantry Brigade of the Second Army opened an attack against the French positions at St. Privat which were commanded by General Canrobert. At 17:15, the Prussian 4th Guards Infantry Brigade joined the advance followed at 17:45 by the Prussian 1st Guards Infantry Brigade. All of the Prussian Guard attacks were pinned down by lethal French gunfire from the rifle pits and trenches. At 18:15 the Prussian 2nd Guards Infantry Brigade, the last of the 1st Guards Infantry Division, was committed to the attack on St. Privat while Steinmetz committed the last of the reserves of the First Army across the Mance Ravine. By 18:30, a considerable portion of the VII and VIII Corps disengaged from the fighting and withdrew towards the Prussian positions at Rezonville.
The average household size was 2
Some devices, such as high-speed external disk drives, require more than 500 mA of current and therefore may have power issues if powered from just one USB 2. What does USB compliance specification prohibit?
He writes, "there are no such things as good positive reasons; nor do we need such things [.
The state is mostly characterized by rugged mountainous terrain and wide river valleys
If her parents had had a later son, she would have lost her position as first-in-line, as her brother would have been heir apparent and above her in the line of succession.
Anthony Barber and Sree Padma note that "historians of Buddhist thought have been aware for quite some time that such pivotally important Mahayana Buddhist thinkers as Nāgārjuna, Dignaga, Candrakīrti, Āryadeva, and Bhavaviveka, among many others, formulated their theories while living in Buddhist communities in Āndhra." They note that the ancient Buddhist sites in the lower Kṛṣṇa Valley, including Amaravati, Nāgārjunakoṇḍā and Jaggayyapeṭa "can be traced to at least the third century BCE, if not earlier." Akira Hirakawa notes the "evidence suggests that many Early Mahayana scriptures originated in South India."
Who was the AFL's 2013 national broadcast partner?
What did Nintendo do to curb unlicensed game sales?
The debate on a new delimitation of the German territory started in 1919 as part of discussions about the new constitution. When did the debate on delimitation begin in Germany?
Losar is the Tibetan New Year Festival.
What does the Google Book Search project help libraries with?
The West Campus building was home to the Clayton branch of the Famous-Barr department store until 1990, when the University acquired the property and adjacent parking and began a series of renovations
Other churches in the Anglican Communion around the world (e. What is an example of a member of the Anglican Communion in America
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Dataset Card for Questions-vs-Statements-Classification

Dataset Summary

A dataset containing statements and questions with their corresponding labels.

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Dataset Structure

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Train Test Valid

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Curation Rationale

The goal of this project is to classify sentences, based on type: Statement (Declarative Sentence) Question (Interrogative Sentence)

Source Data


Initial Data Collection and Normalization

The dataset is created by parsing out the SQuAD dataset and combining it with the SPAADIA dataset.

Other Known Limitations

Questions in this case ar are only one sentence, statements are a single sentence or more. They are classified correctly but don't include sentences prior to questions.

Additional Information

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Licensing Information

CC0: Public Domain

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Models trained or fine-tuned on jonaskoenig/Questions-vs-Statements-Classification