5 values
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||that the terminals are not connected to each other
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||there is a difference in electrical states
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||the bulb is connected to the opposite terminal of the battery
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||Their is a gap.
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||The electrical states differ.
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||that the terminals are connected to each other
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||The bulb is connected to the opposite end of the battery
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||That the terminals are not connected to each other.
What does a voltage reading of 1.5 tell you about the connection between a bulb terminal and a battery terminal?||the terminals are not connected||They terminals are connected to each other.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||there is one path though bulb a and a second path through bulb b and c. The two paths are independent from one another. If one bulb goes out in one of the path it only affect the bulbs within that same path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||there are two independent paths.only the components within the same path effect each other
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||only the components within the same path effect on another
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a doesn"t affect bulb b or c
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is contained within a complete path with the battery, but bulb b and c are on the same path so if one is burned out the other will burn out too
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||i don"t know
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a does not affect the path of bulb b and c
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb b and bulb c are in the same path so if one burns out the other will nott work. bulb a is contained within a different path and will not burn out if bulb b or c is damaged because it is still contained in a closed path with the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||no
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||i gave you an answer
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||next question please
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulbs b and c are paired together in one closed path with the battery. bulb a is by itself in a closed path with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is in parallel with bulbs b and c. bulbs b and c are in a series and they depend on each other to close the path.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a does not affect bulb b and bulb c. bulb b and bulb c are on their own path with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is on a closed path with the battery. if bulb b or c is damaged, it creates and open path for bulbs b and c
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is on a closed path with the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is in a path that is not affected by the other two bulbs. bulbs b and c are in a path that is affected if either of the bulbs burns out. bulbs b and c are not affected by bulb a.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a does not affect bulb b and bulb c. bulbs b and c, do not affect bulb a. bulb b affects bulb c, and bulb c affects bulb b.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is contained in a path with the battery and bulbs b and c are contained in a separate path with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulbs b and c will react the same, bulb a is seperate and can react differently
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulbs b and c are on the same path and react the same
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulbs b and c are on the path and react
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is not in the same path of bulb b and c. if bulb a is damaged, bulbs b and c are still lit.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a id not in the path of bulb b and c. if bulb a is damage, bulbs b and c are still lit.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is not in the path of bulbs b and c. if bulb a is damaged, bulbs b and c are still lit.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is on a seperate path than bulb B and bulb C. Bulb A will not affect bulb B and bulb C. Bulb B and bulb C will affect each other.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is not on the same path that Bulb B and bulb C are.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the paths aree on different terminals
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||path and bulb on the battery terminal
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the bulb is on a different path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the bulb does not affect another bulb if they are on different paths
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||if two bulbs are contained in the same path the damaged bulb affects the other bulb
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the are in the same path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the bulb contained in the same path go out
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is contained in a closed circuit
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||l
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb B and Bulb C are contained in a closed path.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||sigh, some things never change. this da 21st centuary, u woudl think they could have programmed you smarter
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||i do not understand
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||whichever bulb is in the same closed path effects eachother
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||no fuck you
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is contained in it"s own closed path, so no other bulbs affect it. bulbs b and c are contained in a closed path with the battery, so if one is burnt out it creates a gap in the path and it is not a complete circuit.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||no, i"m right!
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||if the bulb is contained in a closed path with another bulb, it will affect it
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a does not affect the other bulbs
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||separate paths
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||gaps
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is in a closed path with the battery, bulbs b and c are in a closed path with the battery, bulbs b and c effect each other
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||dont know
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is in a closed path with the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||If Bulb A is out it does not affect the other bulbs because it is on a different path. If either B or C is out both B and C will be out but A will not be because Bulb A is not on the same path with Bulb B or C
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is on a different path than Bulb B and C so A is not affected with B and C go out and B and C are not affected with A goes out.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the bulb will be on if it is still on a closed path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||tell answer
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is contained in a closed path with the battery. Bulbs B and C are contained in a closed path with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||when bulb A burned out, bulb b and c were still contained in a closed path with the battery. When bulb b burned out, only bulb A was still contained in a closed path with the battery. When bulb c burned out, only bulb a was still contained in a closed path with the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||if a a bulb is out on the some path as another bulb than the bulb is also out
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||if two bulbs are on the same path and one of them is out then both of them are out
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||if two bulbs are on the same path and one of them s out then both bulbs are out
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb does not affect a different path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||when bulb a is out, bulb b and bulb c are still in a closed path with the battery. when bulb b is out, bulb a is still in a closed path with the battery and bulb c is not in a closed path with the battery. when bulb c is out, bulb a is still in a closed path with the battery and bulb b is not in a closed path with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a is in a closed path with the battery. bulb b and bulb c are in a closed path with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb A is in a closed path with the battery. Bulb B and bulb C are in series in a closed path with the battery. Bulb A is in parallel with bulb B and bulb C.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||There are 2 paths in this diagram
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||There are 2 different paths in this diagram
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||they are closed pathes with the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||i give up.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||There is a closed path that contains the battery and bulb a and bulbs b and c. if a is burned out, it only accounts for bulb a. if b is burned out, then there is a gap in the path that contains the battery and bulb b and bulb c. if c ib burned out, then there is a gap in the path that contains the battery and bulb b and bulb c.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||there is a closed path only when the bulbs are not damaged
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||there is a closed path that contains the battery and bulb a. there is a closed path that contains the battery and bulb b and bulb c
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||the path containing a is seperate from the path containing b and c
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb a has its own closed path with the battery, bulbs b and c do not
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb b and bulb c share a closed path with the battery, bulb a has its own closed path with the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||a bulb and a battery must share a path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||when bulb A is burned out B and C will stay on because they are still contained in the same path as the battery. When bulb B is burned out then C will be affect and A will not because B and C are contained within the same path as the battery. When bulb C is burned out then B will be off and A will be on becasue A is still contained within the same path as the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||A is on a different path from B and C. When B is out it will affect C not A and when A is out if will not affect B or C because it is on a different path which still is contained in the same path as the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb A will not affect bulbs B and C because B and C are still contained within the same path as the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A will not affect bulbs B and C because B and C are still contained within the same path with the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||In this diagram, there are two separate closed paths. One path is bulb a and the battery. The other path is bulb b, bulb c and the battery. One path does not affect the other.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb a is in a path with the battery. Bulbs b and c are in a path with the battery. Bulbs that are located in different paths will not affect each other
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||There are two complete paths in this diagram. Bulb a is in a complete path with the battery, and does not affect bulbs b and c. Bulbs b and c are in a complete path with the battery, and do not affect bulb a.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is on a separate path than Bulbs B and C. Bulb B and C share the same path to the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||When one bulb is out the others can still work because of the additional connections in the circuit path.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||im not sure how to
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||bulb A is on a closed path with the battery. Bulb A is not affected by bulbs B or C. Bulbs B and C are on the same path. They affect one another. Bulbs B and C are not affected by bulb A.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||When B or C is out, the other bulb on that pathway will be out. Only A will remain unaffected, because it is on it"s own pathway connected to the battery
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is not on the same path as bulbs B and C, but bulbs B and C are on the same path
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A has a closed path directly to the battery, so the state of B/C doesn"t affect it. Bulbs B and C are on the same closed path to the battery, so if one goes out, it interrupts the other"s path to the battery.
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||b and c are in series so one affects the other and a is in parallel so it doesn"t affect the others
Describe the paths in this diagram and explain how those paths account for the results.||Bulb A is in a path which does not contain B and C, so bulbs B and C don't affect it. Bulbs B and C are in the same path. They affect each other, but Bulb A doesn't affect them.||Bulb A is in a separate path from bulbs B and C. So bulbs B and C affect each other because they are contained within the same path.