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a zoo
A lion man is observing a caged lion at the zoo. He is saying something to him.
There is a lion man instead of a human.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is he saying to the lion?" ]
I wish I could help you, but I'm a real-estate lawyer.
scene: a zoo description: A lion man is observing a caged lion at the zoo. He is saying something to him. uncanny: There is a lion man instead of a human. entities: Human%E2%80%93animal_hybrid, Lion. caption: I wish I could help you, but I'm a real-estate lawyer.
A re-framing of a zoo as a prison. Zoos have lions in cages, but in this universe, lions also can be patrons of the zoo, including this lion in a suit who is apparently a real-estate lawyer. To get the imprisoned lion out, he might be seeking a criminal lion lawyer.
Garden of Eden
A man and a woman run away on an island while a finger is point at them. There is also a snake tied up on a tree.
Large hands do not come out of the sky.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the large hand pointing at them?" ]
Listen, Satan, can I call you back?
scene: Garden of Eden description: A man and a woman run away on an island while a finger is point at them. There is also a snake tied up on a tree. uncanny: Large hands do not come out of the sky. entities: God, Adam_and_Eve. caption: Listen, Satan, can I call you back?
Adam and eve, when they were kicked out of the garden of eden, sided with satan's temptation; in this case, adam is literally talking on a cell phone to satan, which unusual/humorous for the literal beginning of time.
a dinner table
Some people are sitting around a table doing various things. Some are reading, some working, some playing games.
There isn't much out of place that I can see.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What are they supposed to be doing?" ]
Your availability comes off as desperation.
scene: a dinner table description: Some people are sitting around a table doing various things. Some are reading, some working, some playing games. uncanny: There isn't much out of place that I can see. entities: Chess, Smartphone. caption: Your availability comes off as desperation.
A joke about the distractions of the modern world. A common complaint is that people can't sit down and have a conversation without doing something else like being on a phone or reading. In this world, the only one being present is chastised: if you don't have a distraction in this world, you're too desperate and socially available/needy.
a living room
A man is sitting on a giant egg. Two old women stare at him. They are in a living room.
The man is sitting on a gigantic egg. Eggs are not that big.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man sitting on a huge egg?" ]
I don't know how to tell him it's not his.
scene: a living room description: A man is sitting on a giant egg. Two old women stare at him. They are in a living room. uncanny: The man is sitting on a gigantic egg. Eggs are not that big. entities: Egg, Chicken. caption: I don't know how to tell him it's not his.
Usually, when a couple discusses a child "not being his," it refers to a woman's infidelity, which is a hard topic to discuss. Here, however, it's not a partner cheating, it's a man nesting on a giant egg: the egg obviously isn't his child because humans don't lay eggs, and so the usual expression takes on a humorous new meaning: the woman can't seem to convince the man that the egg isn't his child, despite the fact that it's obvious it couldn't be.
therapist office
There is a woman sitting on a recliner in a living room, wearing formal attire, and propping her chin up with her fingers. Next to her, on a long recliner, is a coffin.
It's unusual to find a coffin placed on a recliner in someone's house.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Who's inside the coffin?", "Why is the coffin here and not in a cemetery?" ]
Any final thoughts?
scene: therapist office description: There is a woman sitting on a recliner in a living room, wearing formal attire, and propping her chin up with her fingers. Next to her, on a long recliner, is a coffin. uncanny: It's unusual to find a coffin placed on a recliner in someone's house. entities: Coffin, Psychotherapy. caption: Any final thoughts?
A therapist might say "any final thoughts" prior to a session ending, but here, "final thoughts" refers to death. The therapist is a bit late to ask about these though, because her client has died and is in a coffin. It's funny in part because she seems to not have noticed yet, despite looking intently directly at it.
a frozen lake
There are two men dressed in warm clothing on an iced over lake next to a fishing shack. One man is holding a fishing pole with his line in the water and is talking. The other man stands with his hands in his pockets looking down at the hole in the ice which is shaped like a body.
It is unusual that an ice fishing hole is shaped like a human body.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the fishing hole shaped like a body?", "What is the man who is fishing saying?" ]
I put some beer on the hook. I figure if that's what got him into this mess it should be able to get him out.
scene: a frozen lake description: There are two men dressed in warm clothing on an iced over lake next to a fishing shack. One man is holding a fishing pole with his line in the water and is talking. The other man stands with his hands in his pockets looking down at the hole in the ice which is shaped like a body. uncanny: It is unusual that an ice fishing hole is shaped like a human body. entities: Ice_fishing, Accident. caption: I put some beer on the hook. I figure if that's what got him into this mess it should be able to get him out.
A man fell through the ice because he was drunk (indicated by the body outline in the ice), and his friend, instead of trying to save him by diving in, humorously thinks that fishing with a beer as bait will be sufficient to save his drunken friend. Also, a partial play on the saying: "I got myself into this mess, and I can get myself out."
an alleyway
There are a bunch of people lined up on the street. A devil has opened up a hole in the ground and people are coming out. Fire erupts from the hole.
There are devils in the street and a hole in the ground with fire coming out.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why are there demons in the street and people lined up near the hole?" ]
Watch your step, I think this street is paved with Good Intentions.
scene: an alleyway description: There are a bunch of people lined up on the street. A devil has opened up a hole in the ground and people are coming out. Fire erupts from the hole. uncanny: There are devils in the street and a hole in the ground with fire coming out. entities: Portal_(architecture), Hell, Manhole. caption: Watch your step, I think this street is paved with Good Intentions.
A play on the figurative saying "The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions" --- this saying means that good intentions, left unchecked, can often lead to the worst outcomes. But here, the street is literally a path to hell, and so the man is saying it must be the street from the saying.
a bowling rink
Construction workers have a wrecking ball ready to go. They're in front of a bowling alley.
Not really out of place, but the wrecking ball, which looks like a bowling ball, knocking down a bowling alley is ironic.
[ "", "" ]
[ "When do they plan to get started?" ]
Remember that domino factory?
scene: a bowling rink description: Construction workers have a wrecking ball ready to go. They're in front of a bowling alley. uncanny: Not really out of place, but the wrecking ball, which looks like a bowling ball, knocking down a bowling alley is ironic. entities: Wrecking_ball, Bowling. caption: Remember that domino factory?
A joke about an unusual construction company which demolishes buildings that have humorous interactions with the wrecking ball. Here, the wrecking ball is similar to a bowling ball knocking over the pins, and the workers are discussing the previous jobs. Like bowling pins, dominos are also knocked down after being arranged, and the wrecking ball accordingly played the same role at the domino factory.
a doctor's office
A doctor is using a huge magnifying glass to examine a patient. The patient looks startled.
There is a doctor using a huge magnifying glass on a patient.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is a doctor using a humongous magnifying glass on a patient?" ]
This may burn a little.
scene: a doctor's office description: A doctor is using a huge magnifying glass to examine a patient. The patient looks startled. uncanny: There is a doctor using a huge magnifying glass on a patient. entities: Magnifying_glass, Physical_examination. caption: This may burn a little.
A doctor's treatments may sometimes cause a burning sensation, e.g., a vaccine might cause a localized burning sensation, so this is a phrase a doctor might say. However, the treatment here, while it may cause a burning sensation, is not usual. Magnifying glasses focus light, sometimes so much so that they can light things on fire at their focal point, which may cause a burn. It's funny because it's not clear why the doctor is treating his patient with a magnifying glass that will burn him.
a village
This is in England during the Victorian Era. Two men are staring at a woman. The woman has a huge collar around her neck.
The woman's collar is huge. It covers half her face and is not supposed to be like that.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the collar so exaggerated on the woman?" ]
It deployed when her carriage rear-ended an ox cart.
scene: a village description: This is in England during the Victorian Era. Two men are staring at a woman. The woman has a huge collar around her neck. uncanny: The woman's collar is huge. It covers half her face and is not supposed to be like that. entities: Ruff_(clothing), Attention. caption: It deployed when her carriage rear-ended an ox cart.
The woman's oversized ruff collar is juxtaposed against the modern invention of an air bag. Air bags deploy during car crashes --- and here, the collar inflated during a collision between a carriage she was riding in and an ox cart as a safety mechanism. It's funny in part because, while it explains the oversized collar, collars are cosmetic rather than functional.
the castle gates
A giant table with food on it is approaching a city gate. Two guards are discussing this.
The table is bigger than the city gate.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Is this a Trojan horse situation?" ]
Beware the hidden service charge.
scene: the castle gates description: A giant table with food on it is approaching a city gate. Two guards are discussing this. uncanny: The table is bigger than the city gate. entities: Tea_(meal), Trojan_Horse. caption: Beware the hidden service charge.
A reference to the trojan horse, which enabled soldiers to sneak into a fort undetected. Much like sneaking soldiers into a fort, hotels might sneak hidden charges into room service: the soldiers have seen this trick before, and are referring to how room service can similarly be a trap.
There is a man running on a hamster wheel. He is wearing a tie.
Hamster wheels are not full size like this.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man running on a hamster wheel?" ]
No, no! We don't test on animals.
scene: office description: There is a man running on a hamster wheel. He is wearing a tie. uncanny: Hamster wheels are not full size like this. entities: Hamster_wheel, Work_(human_activity). caption: No, no! We don't test on animals.
Usually, when a company (e.g., a shampoo or cosmetics company) says they don't test their products on animals, they don't conduct cruel tests at all. But here, the company, while technically not experimenting on animals, instead does the much worse thing of experimenting cruelly on humans --- as evidenced by the man running in a hamster wheel in a cage.
a living room
Three men with drinks in their hand are starting at a fireplace. There are three mounted trophy heads: a deer, a unicorn, and a bull head.
Unicorns are mythical creatures so it is very odd to see that someone managed to hunt and behead one to display as a trophy.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Where was this unicorn found?" ]
Strangely enough, you are the first person to ask about the clock.
scene: a living room description: Three men with drinks in their hand are starting at a fireplace. There are three mounted trophy heads: a deer, a unicorn, and a bull head. uncanny: Unicorns are mythical creatures so it is very odd to see that someone managed to hunt and behead one to display as a trophy. entities: Unicorn, Trophy_hunting. caption: Strangely enough, you are the first person to ask about the clock.
The most interesting thing in this person's living room is clearly the unicorn bust: the implication is that this man found and hunted a mythical creature. However, his house guests instead are focusing on the much more benign clock --- they are the first people he's shown his house to that attend to the clock instead of the unicorn.
There is a train that is packed full of people. A person is trying to get on the packed train with his sheep.
People do not usually bring ship to travel on a subway train.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is he bringing sheep on the train?" ]
Come on! Do you have any idea how long it took to get through the turnstiles?
scene: subway description: There is a train that is packed full of people. A person is trying to get on the packed train with his sheep. uncanny: People do not usually bring ship to travel on a subway train. entities: Shepherd, Flock. caption: Come on! Do you have any idea how long it took to get through the turnstiles?
The shepherd is trying very hard to get his sheep onto the subway, even going so far as to painstakingly get each sheep through the ticketing turnstiles at the station entrance. Now he's encountered another difficulty: the overcrowded subway car he can't fit on, and he's quite exacerbated at this point. It's funny, in part, because despite his drive to get the sheep on the subway, it's unclear why he has the sheep there in the first place.
a car
A man is tied up on top of a car. Two people are in the car looking around.
There is a man tied up on a car.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man tied up?" ]
The instructions should have mentioned that you need a body of water.
scene: a car description: A man is tied up on top of a car. Two people are in the car looking around. uncanny: There is a man tied up on a car. entities: Clown, Cement_shoes. caption: The instructions should have mentioned that you need a body of water.
A joke about an incompetent pair of mobsters attempting to kill the man on the roof via cement shoes; they are incompetent because they are following a step-by-step instruction manual to do this, and have overlooked the obvious: you need a body of water to throw the person with cement shoes to kill them, and now they are driving around frantically trying to find one. It's funny in part because they are not being discrete: the incompetent pair has simply put the victim on the roof for everyone to see/try to intervene.
therapist office
An egg is receiving therapy from a piece of bacon. The bacon is writing notes as the egg lays happily down talking.
Eggs do not receive therapy and bacon cannot be therapists.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the egg receiving therapy for?" ]
Easy for you to say, you're cured!
scene: therapist office description: An egg is receiving therapy from a piece of bacon. The bacon is writing notes as the egg lays happily down talking. uncanny: Eggs do not receive therapy and bacon cannot be therapists. entities: Egg_as_food, Bacon?wprov=srpw1_0. caption: Easy for you to say, you're cured!
A play on the word "cured". People go to therapy to have their mental problems remedied or cured. But "cured" can also refer to a meat preparation technique --- here the therapist is cured bacon, and the patient is an egg (which is not cured). The egg is saying that the therapist doesn't understand his problems because he's "cured" in both senses.
an office building
People are having a meeting on a table. One man is looking from below on a chair.
There are chairs on the table, which makes no sense.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why are the chairs on the table?" ]
Would you at least use coasters?
scene: an office building description: People are having a meeting on a table. One man is looking from below on a chair. uncanny: There are chairs on the table, which makes no sense. entities: Table_(furniture), Chair, Scale_model. caption: Would you at least use coasters?
The man not sitting on the table is asking the three people on the table to use coasters. It's unusual to put chairs on a table like this during a meeting, and the man likely didn't join them because of how weird it is. While he's weirdly accepted that they will sit on the table, he's asking them to at least not scratch the surface with their chairs by using coasters. It's funny because it's unclear why the people wanted to be on the table.
the tv room
A woman is walking into the living room. There is a man couch who is watching TV.
The man and the couch have merged.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What happened to cause this?" ]
My sister’s coming over. You could at least throw on a slipcover.
scene: the tv room description: A woman is walking into the living room. There is a man couch who is watching TV. uncanny: The man and the couch have merged. entities: Sedentary_lifestyle, Couch. caption: My sister’s coming over. You could at least throw on a slipcover.
People often clean up the house and put on better clothes when guests are coming over. Here --- the joke is that the woman sees her husband (who is a couch) as completely naked, which would be inappropriate for her sister to see. So --- instead of encouraging him to put on clothing (a more usual case, if he were just a normal naked person), because he is a couch, clothing for a couch would be a slipcover, i.e., a couch-shaped cloth covering that people sometimes install to maintain their furniture's quality.
the living room
Two people are sitting down in the living room. There are a bunch of snowmen outside looking in the window.
Snowmen are not alive, but a bunch of them appear to be peeping in.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the snowmen there?" ]
Great, now they all want a scarf.
scene: the living room description: Two people are sitting down in the living room. There are a bunch of snowmen outside looking in the window. uncanny: Snowmen are not alive, but a bunch of them appear to be peeping in. entities: Snowman, Zoo. caption: Great, now they all want a scarf.
The woman knitted a single scarf (which probably took a long time) for one snowman; that snowman apparently told all of their snowman friends about it and they all want one. However, it's unlikely she'll be able to make so many before they melt in spring because kitting as a hobby isn't fast enough to produce at a mass scale. The caption is her regret about the kind act of making one snowman one scarf.
a restaurant
A couple is sitting together at a small restaurant table, eating burger and fries. The man's head is replaced with a blender as the woman looks on in shock.
People do not have blenders as heads.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why does he have a blender for a head?" ]
Remember when your rubber seal broke? I'm pregnant.
scene: a restaurant description: A couple is sitting together at a small restaurant table, eating burger and fries. The man's head is replaced with a blender as the woman looks on in shock. uncanny: People do not have blenders as heads. entities: Blender, Dating. caption: Remember when your rubber seal broke? I'm pregnant.
Condoms are a common form of birth control referred to as "rubbers". In this case, the woman is dating a blender, which also has a rubber seal and is notorious for leaking, e.g., smoothies. The joke connects these two disjoint rubber things in a way that makes sense in a world where women date blenders.
a cave dwelling
A woman dressed in modern clothes is sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee on a table under a pendant light inside of a cave. There is a man dressed like a caveman standing in front of her.
It's unusual to see such a modern arrangement typical of a coffee shop placed inside a cave. It's also unusual to see two people dressed so differently as if they are also from different time periods. Caves don't typically have electricity so a light feature (with bulb) is unusual to see.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the woman sitting like she's at a coffee shop inside of a cave?" ]
If you're so civilized, why don't you use a coaster?
scene: a cave dwelling description: A woman dressed in modern clothes is sitting in a chair with a cup of coffee on a table under a pendant light inside of a cave. There is a man dressed like a caveman standing in front of her. uncanny: It's unusual to see such a modern arrangement typical of a coffee shop placed inside a cave. It's also unusual to see two people dressed so differently as if they are also from different time periods. Caves don't typically have electricity so a light feature (with bulb) is unusual to see. entities: Caveman, Coffeehouse. caption: If you're so civilized, why don't you use a coaster?
The woman from modern times is looking at the primitive caveman: the caveman doesn't want to be looked down upon, and so argues that the modern woman is actually not so modern for a benign reason: that she's not using a coaster for her mug (which is seen as a civilized/polite thing to do).
a yoga studio
A man is carrying a rug into a dance studio. He is having a conversation with the instructor.
Nothing is really out of place in this image.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the rug for?" ]
We get it. You're straight.
scene: a yoga studio description: A man is carrying a rug into a dance studio. He is having a conversation with the instructor. uncanny: Nothing is really out of place in this image. entities: Carpet, Yoga_mat. caption: We get it. You're straight.
This is a joke about toxic masculinity. The man wants to do yoga, which is seen by some as a feminine activity. To compensate for his insecurity, he brings a manly, big rug instead of a purportedly feminine yoga mat. The instructor's retort addresses his insecurity by saying that his overcompensation is overkill.
Living Room
There are three men sitting in recliners in what appears to be a hotel lobby. They are all holding drinks and looking towards a staircase where there is a taxi driving up the stairs to their floor.
It is unusual for a car to be driving up stairs in a building.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a taxi driving through a hotel?", "Is the taxi there to pick up the three men?" ]
When you don't want one, they're everywhere.
scene: Living Room description: There are three men sitting in recliners in what appears to be a hotel lobby. They are all holding drinks and looking towards a staircase where there is a taxi driving up the stairs to their floor. uncanny: It is unusual for a car to be driving up stairs in a building. entities: Convertible, Meeting. caption: When you don't want one, they're everywhere.
A joke about the difficulty of finding a cab when you need one, and the ease of finding one when you're not looking for one. This joke takes the idea to an extreme: here, the men are not seeking a cab, and are even inside of a building, and cabs are so comically abundant that one is coming up the stairs.
living room
There is a couple in a living room sitting in recliners facing another woman in a recliner. They are having a conversation. Both in the living room and kitchen behind it we see giant appliances.
It is unusual to see appliances 10 times the size. It's also unusual for other things like furniture to be normal size when the appliances are huge.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the appliances giant size?" ]
It's down the hall, but don't fall in.
scene: living room description: There is a couple in a living room sitting in recliners facing another woman in a recliner. They are having a conversation. Both in the living room and kitchen behind it we see giant appliances. uncanny: It is unusual to see appliances 10 times the size. It's also unusual for other things like furniture to be normal size when the appliances are huge. entities: Therapy, Conversation. caption: It's down the hall, but don't fall in.
Because the furnature in this house is bizarrely large, the toilet presumably would be as well. The person is giving them directions to the restroom down the hall, but if they sat on the toilet to use it, they would be in danger of falling in the bowl due to its size.
a field
A boy has a cherry on his head and an archer is ready to shoot at it. The boy is standing still.
Usually it is an apple on the head because apples are bigger and more easier to shoot than a small cherry which would put the boy in danger.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why did they choose a cherry over an apple?" ]
I'm just saying, after this haircut, it's difficult to trust you.
scene: a field description: A boy has a cherry on his head and an archer is ready to shoot at it. The boy is standing still. uncanny: Usually it is an apple on the head because apples are bigger and more easier to shoot than a small cherry which would put the boy in danger. entities: Archery, Target_practice. caption: I'm just saying, after this haircut, it's difficult to trust you.
A joke about precision with sharp objects. Here, the archer apparently gave this person their haircut, and they think it's ugly. They are planning to shoot an apple off the other person's head, which requires deft coordination with a sharp object, i.e., the arrow. But the person with the haircut doesn't trust their capacity with sharp objects, because the scissors used to cut their hair weren't used skillfully, as the haircut turned out ugly.
a ship
Two sailors are talking on the deck of a ship. Another man is sitting in a chair stroking a cat.
Nothing is out of place that I can see.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Where are they sailing to?" ]
There goes my novel.
scene: a ship description: Two sailors are talking on the deck of a ship. Another man is sitting in a chair stroking a cat. uncanny: Nothing is out of place that I can see. entities: Abraham_Lincoln, Cat. caption: There goes my novel.
A joke about Moby Dick; in the famous novel, the main character Ahab (represented by the seated man) is on an obsessive quest to kill a whale named Moby Dick who bit his leg off. The novel is written from the perspective of the sailor Ishmael, who is in the background talking. But here, Ahab gets a cat, and plays with it instead of obsessing over the whale. Ishmael's laments about how his plan to write the novel Moby Dick has been derailed by the cat, Ahab's new hobby.
outside a building
A man is walking a tightrope with a stick between buildings. A man looks out the window and says something to him.
The man is on a tightrope wearing business clothes.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man on a tightrope outside the building?" ]
And make mine a decaf.
scene: outside a building description: A man is walking a tightrope with a stick between buildings. A man looks out the window and says something to him. uncanny: The man is on a tightrope wearing business clothes. entities: Tightrope_walking, Employment#Employee. caption: And make mine a decaf.
This joke is about how thankless internships can be. Interns are often tasked with thankless, difficult jobs. In this case, the intern is not only getting specific coffee orders for the business, but also (in an exaggerated fashion) doing the extremely dangerous tightrope walk.
A wife holding a cup of tea is looking through an open window towards the yard with concerned looks. In the yard, her husband is trimming the bushes in the shapes of body building men. He seems to be totally absorbed in the trimming task.
Man trimming the trees in body building figures is unusual.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why did the man decide to trim trees in body building character's shapes?" ]
That's it. I'm returning those narciscissors today!
scene: home description: A wife holding a cup of tea is looking through an open window towards the yard with concerned looks. In the yard, her husband is trimming the bushes in the shapes of body building men. He seems to be totally absorbed in the trimming task. uncanny: Man trimming the trees in body building figures is unusual. entities: Garden_sculpture, Landscaping. caption: That's it. I'm returning those narciscissors today!
"narciscissors" is a mashup of the words narcissist and scissors. If there was a product called "narciscissors": the narcissist part might cause someone to make flattering hedge trimmings of themselves. This might be annoying to the wife who has to live in a house with these ridiculous sculptures of her husband.
a stage
A man is juggling chainsaws. There is also another man whispering to another at a microphone.
People don't normally juggle chainsaws so easily.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man juggling chainsaws?" ]
Wave to him.
scene: a stage description: A man is juggling chainsaws. There is also another man whispering to another at a microphone. uncanny: People don't normally juggle chainsaws so easily. entities: Juggling, Chainsaw. caption: Wave to him.
While his political opponent is putting on an impressive show, if the politician getting advice were to wave to the juggling politician, it might distract him enough such that the chainsaws would kill him by sawing into his body. If his political opponent was dead, he would win the election, which makes it good practical (albeit dark) advice
the outside of a building
A man climbs up a building but finds an old man perching on a ledge. The old man is comfortable with his legs crossed with the other man in shock.
the old man doesn't have climbing gear so it would've been much harder for him to climb up especially for his age.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the old man there?" ]
The window cleaner brings a pastry.
scene: the outside of a building description: A man climbs up a building but finds an old man perching on a ledge. The old man is comfortable with his legs crossed with the other man in shock. uncanny: the old man doesn't have climbing gear so it would've been much harder for him to climb up especially for his age. entities: God, Parkour. caption: The window cleaner brings a pastry.
A surreal joke about a wise old man who lives on the side of a building --- the rock climber didn't expect to encounter him, but, without missing a beat, the old man says that the window cleaners (who also spend time on the side of the building) treat him well by bringing him pastries (implying that the rock climber should also have brought him a pastry).
On the left we see a giant beanstalk where Jack (Jack and the Beanstalk) has climbed up and is now eyeing to the right where a board meeting is taking place on top of a cloud. There is a man with a chart behind a conference table surrounded by people in suits. One woman is looking back at Jack.
It is unusual for a board meeting to be taking place on top of a cloud.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a board meeting on top of a cloud?", "What does the chart explain?" ]
I thought you said the cloud was secure.
scene: clouds description: On the left we see a giant beanstalk where Jack (Jack and the Beanstalk) has climbed up and is now eyeing to the right where a board meeting is taking place on top of a cloud. There is a man with a chart behind a conference table surrounded by people in suits. One woman is looking back at Jack. uncanny: It is unusual for a board meeting to be taking place on top of a cloud. entities: Jack_and_the_Beanstalk, Meeting. caption: I thought you said the cloud was secure.
A play on words: companies often invest in cloud computing technologies to increase security --- but here, the company has invested in a literal cloud to host their meeting. But, this literal cloud is insecure: the man on the beanstalk has inadvertently infiltrated the meeting by climbing up.
remote area
A man and a woman are standing on top of a sloping hill that over looks a pine forest. They're holding glasses of wine and looking up at the moon, which is smiling and winking at them.
While friendly, the moon, as a large orbiting piece of rock, doesn't tend to have any face, nor any facial expressions. Additionally, the moon seldom takes any personal interest in the affairs of humans, refraining to wink or smile at them at all.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the moon smiling and winking at the couple?", "Is it possible these people have just had too much to drink?" ]
I think it's just a phase.
scene: remote area description: A man and a woman are standing on top of a sloping hill that over looks a pine forest. They're holding glasses of wine and looking up at the moon, which is smiling and winking at them. uncanny: While friendly, the moon, as a large orbiting piece of rock, doesn't tend to have any face, nor any facial expressions. Additionally, the moon seldom takes any personal interest in the affairs of humans, refraining to wink or smile at them at all. entities: Smiley, Hiking. caption: I think it's just a phase.
A play on the term "phase" --- the moon (depicted here with a winking emoji) experiences phases in the form of the light patterns from the sun that are, e.g., waxing or waning. But here "phase" means an emotional phase --- a person (particularly a teenage) might be "going through a phase" if they are acting strangely. The moon is going through an emotional phase by acting strangely, i.e., by having a winky face.
a round table
Some mobsters are plotting around a table. There is a cop on a horse behind them.
A cop wouldn't be listening to a mob meeting.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are they letting the cop stay there?" ]
I smell a horse.
scene: a round table description: Some mobsters are plotting around a table. There is a cop on a horse behind them. uncanny: A cop wouldn't be listening to a mob meeting. entities: Mafia, Undercover_operation. caption: I smell a horse.
A play on the phrase "I smell a rat" --- a "rat" in the figurative mobster context refers to a police informant that has infiltrated the group. Instead of a figurative rat, here, the mob boss smells a literal horse, which is behind him. Humorously, the horse (whose disguise is only a pair of sunglasses) is indeed a figurative rat, because it's affiliated with the police --- there's a cop overtly riding on it, and it's wearing a police outfit.
an operating room
There is an operation taking place in a hospital room. Four doctors are involved in the operation. A man walks into the room holding a set of golf clubs and the doctors angrily look at him.
A golfer holding a set of golf clubs is in a hospital and managed to walk into an operating room.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the golfer end up in a hospital room?" ]
Mind if I cut through?
scene: an operating room description: There is an operation taking place in a hospital room. Four doctors are involved in the operation. A man walks into the room holding a set of golf clubs and the doctors angrily look at him. uncanny: A golfer holding a set of golf clubs is in a hospital and managed to walk into an operating room. entities: Surgery, Caddie. caption: Mind if I cut through?
Golfers sometimes cut through difficult to cross places to hit their ball as it lies, to save strokes. But here, the golfer is cutting through a very inappropriate place: an operating room. Furthermore, his "cut through" statement takes on a second meaning: it's as if he is asking if he can "cut through" the patient, as in: participate as a surgeon during the operation.
a bedroom
A woman is alone in her bed. A vampire is holding up his cape and is either entering or exiting her closet.
A vampire that looks like Dracula is in a woman's bedroom.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Is the vampire planning on attacking the woman?", "What does the vampire want?" ]
I bet the bride of Frankenstein gets to cuddle.
scene: a bedroom description: A woman is alone in her bed. A vampire is holding up his cape and is either entering or exiting her closet. uncanny: A vampire that looks like Dracula is in a woman's bedroom. entities: Vampire, Bed. caption: I bet the bride of Frankenstein gets to cuddle.
A joke about a vampire getting romantically rejected after requesting to cuddle with the woman. The "bride of frankenstein" is a famous film about a scientist creating a bride for a monster. The dejected vampire is jealous of the monster from the movie, claiming that the monster's bride from the movie at least let the creature cuddle with her.
A man and a woman are sitting at a table eating dinner at a restaurant. The man's head has been replaced with a blender. The woman appears surprised looking at the man.
There is a blender that replaced the man's head.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why does the man have the head of a blender?" ]
Remember when your rubber seal broke? I'm pregnant.
scene: restaurant description: A man and a woman are sitting at a table eating dinner at a restaurant. The man's head has been replaced with a blender. The woman appears surprised looking at the man. uncanny: There is a blender that replaced the man's head. entities: Blender, Dating. caption: Remember when your rubber seal broke? I'm pregnant.
Condoms are a common form of birth control referred to as "rubbers". In this case, the woman is dating a blender, which also has a rubber seal and is notorious for leaking, e.g., smoothies. The joke connects these two disjoint rubber things in a way that makes sense in a world where women date blenders.
Angels are sitting around on clouds. Another angel is on a podium telling others to vote for him.
We usually do not think of elections being held in heavan when we think of angels.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there an election in heaven?" ]
I just don't care that much about Medicare anymore.
scene: heavan description: Angels are sitting around on clouds. Another angel is on a podium telling others to vote for him. uncanny: We usually do not think of elections being held in heavan when we think of angels. entities: Election, Angel. caption: I just don't care that much about Medicare anymore.
US politicians constantly argue about whether or not the government should provide healthcare (medicare) or not --- the debate has been going on for decades, so long, that the utility of the debate for this politician is no longer. He has literally died and gone to heaven, and while he's still doing political campaigns, the issue isn't as pressing post-death because healthcare isn't needed for those who have already died.
a department store
A snowman is shopping at a clothing store. There are two co-workers at the store who do not seem to notice the snowman.
Snowmen are inanimate objects that do not go shopping.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the snowman shopping for?" ]
He's not as bad as the last manager. That one was abominable.
scene: a department store description: A snowman is shopping at a clothing store. There are two co-workers at the store who do not seem to notice the snowman. uncanny: Snowmen are inanimate objects that do not go shopping. entities: Snowman, Work_(human_activity). caption: He's not as bad as the last manager. That one was abominable.
A play on the term "abominable snowman", which refers to the Yeti, a popular fictional snow monster from the Himalayan mountain range. The current boss is a normal snowman, whereas, the previous boss was apparently not only abominable (i.e., very bad), but was also possibly literally the Yeti. The employees of this clothing store have a hard job, but it humorously used to be worse when the Yeti was their boss previously.
a psychiatrist office
A man is sitting on a chair with a drawing pad in his hand. A gecko is on the sofa next to the man and starring at the man. Man looks occupied with the drawing board, and gecko is curious to see what is going on.
Unusual element of the picture is size of the gecko, which looks too big compared to the size of the man.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the man drawing?" ]
So, you're saying you didn't miss your last two appointments?
scene: a psychiatrist office description: A man is sitting on a chair with a drawing pad in his hand. A gecko is on the sofa next to the man and starring at the man. Man looks occupied with the drawing board, and gecko is curious to see what is going on. uncanny: Unusual element of the picture is size of the gecko, which looks too big compared to the size of the man. entities: Chameleon, Therapy. caption: So, you're saying you didn't miss your last two appointments?
The therapist thinks that his patient, the chameleon, missed his last two appointments because chameleons blend in with their environments. The chameleon was actually at the appointment, but blended in with the couch, so the therapist didn't see him.
an ocean
There are a bunch of giraffes on Noah's boat. Noah is talking to a woman.
Noah's boat normally has different animal pairs on it, not just giraffes, so this many giraffes is not normal.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there so many giraffes on Noah's boat?" ]
I wouldn't say ‘favorite’ animal...
scene: an ocean description: There are a bunch of giraffes on Noah's boat. Noah is talking to a woman. uncanny: Noah's boat normally has different animal pairs on it, not just giraffes, so this many giraffes is not normal. entities: Noah%27s_Ark, Giraffe. caption: I wouldn't say ‘favorite’ animal...
Noah only takes two of each animal on the ark. Here, the defensive Noah took many more than 2 giraffes, and is being interrogated for that decision.
a community
Two men stand in a medieval country setting. Walking past them is a third person, a woman with a large circular object around her neck
It's unusual to see people wearing clothing of such large size around the neck
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is that person dressed like that?" ]
It deployed when her carriage rear-ended an ox cart.
scene: a community description: Two men stand in a medieval country setting. Walking past them is a third person, a woman with a large circular object around her neck uncanny: It's unusual to see people wearing clothing of such large size around the neck entities: Ruff_(clothing), Victorian_era. caption: It deployed when her carriage rear-ended an ox cart.
The woman's oversized ruff collar is juxtaposed against the modern invention of an air bag. Air bags deploy during car crashes --- and here, the collar inflated during a collision between a carriage she was riding in and an ox cart as a safety mechanism. It's funny in part because, while it explains the oversized collar, collars are cosmetic rather than functional.
an alleyway
An old couple is robbing another younger couple in a dark ally. The old man is pointing a gun at the younger husband who seems happy about the situation while the younger wife looks on in worry.
Old married couples aren't known for robbing people and people don't look happy while being robbed.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the old couple robbing the other couple?" ]
This is what we get for walking down a dark alley before 5 p.m.
scene: an alleyway description: An old couple is robbing another younger couple in a dark ally. The old man is pointing a gun at the younger husband who seems happy about the situation while the younger wife looks on in worry. uncanny: Old married couples aren't known for robbing people and people don't look happy while being robbed. entities: Robbery, Old_age. caption: This is what we get for walking down a dark alley before 5 p.m.
There's a trope that young people may rob you if you walk down a dark alley at night. But, this caption suggests that if you go down before 5PM during the day old, people would rob you --- this references that old people tend to go bed early. This is funny because 1) we usually don't expect old people to be criminals (particularly these folks who look well off); and 2) the man seems quite nonchalant about the situation, accepting that it was their fault.
a back yard
A man is raking his lawn. He is watching a UFO piloted by two aliens beam up piles of leaves into it.
One would not normally expect to see a UFO. In particular, it's highly unusual for UFOs to abduct leaves, as most UFO-related stories involve people being taken by the UFO
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is the UFO taking the leaves?" ]
Can't wait to see the look on his face when we put these back on the tree.
scene: a back yard description: A man is raking his lawn. He is watching a UFO piloted by two aliens beam up piles of leaves into it. uncanny: One would not normally expect to see a UFO. In particular, it's highly unusual for UFOs to abduct leaves, as most UFO-related stories involve people being taken by the UFO entities: Rake_(tool), Alien_abduction, Leaf. caption: Can't wait to see the look on his face when we put these back on the tree.
Aliens are often portrayed as all-powerful beings who have technology far beyond human capacity. These aliens have the capacity to beam up leaves to their spaceship, and even to put them back onto the tree as if they never fell. While they have amazing technology, they still indulge in the low-class activity of pranks, which is surprising.
the bedroom
There is something (phone) that blew up on the nightstand. A man and woman are in bed. The man is charred.
Something blew up in the bedroom, which doesn't usually happen.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What happened to the phone?" ]
That was the wakeup call from Hell.
scene: the bedroom description: There is something (phone) that blew up on the nightstand. A man and woman are in bed. The man is charred. uncanny: Something blew up in the bedroom, which doesn't usually happen. entities: Explosion, Telephone_call. caption: That was the wakeup call from Hell.
Wakeup calls in hotels are often jarring because they are often made from the front desk quite early (e.g., 4-5AM). But here, the wakeup call is even more extreme ("from Hell" = extremely bad version): it explodes the phone to make sure the person gets up. A funny over-exaggeration.
a psychiatrist office
A man is sitting on a chair with a drawing pad in his hand. A gecko is on the sofa next to the man and starring at the man. Man looks occupied with the drawing board, and gecko is curious to see what is going on.
Unusual element of the picture is size of the gecko, which looks too big compared to the size of the man.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the man drawing?" ]
So, you're saying you didn't miss your last two appointments?
scene: a psychiatrist office description: A man is sitting on a chair with a drawing pad in his hand. A gecko is on the sofa next to the man and starring at the man. Man looks occupied with the drawing board, and gecko is curious to see what is going on. uncanny: Unusual element of the picture is size of the gecko, which looks too big compared to the size of the man. entities: Chameleon, Invisibility. caption: So, you're saying you didn't miss your last two appointments?
The therapist thinks that his patient, the chameleon, missed his last two appointments because chameleons blend in with their environments. The chameleon was actually at the appointment, but blended in with the couch, so the therapist didn't see him.
a meeting room
A conference room has several people seated at it. Interspersed among the people are robots, who are raising their hands. The humans are not raising their hands
It's unusual to see robots participating in a business conference setting
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the robots at the conference?" ]
You're voting with your pacemaker again, Hargrove!
scene: a meeting room description: A conference room has several people seated at it. Interspersed among the people are robots, who are raising their hands. The humans are not raising their hands uncanny: It's unusual to see robots participating in a business conference setting entities: Robot, Meeting. caption: You're voting with your pacemaker again, Hargrove!
Criticizing someone "voting with your heart" means that they are not acting logically, and instead following their emotions. The boss is instead criticizing the man for "voting with his pacemaker"; a pacemaker is an artificial, robotic heart. This is an ironic criticism, because the man is voting in-line with the robots, and instead of his heart representing voting emotionally, his pacemaker represents voting with the interests of the robots.
the kitchen
Two people are standing inside a kitchen. They're observing a number of deadly traps.
All these traps are out of place in a kitchen.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What do they need the traps for?" ]
He could have just written his name on his yogurt.
scene: the kitchen description: Two people are standing inside a kitchen. They're observing a number of deadly traps. uncanny: All these traps are out of place in a kitchen. entities: Trapping, Refrigerator. caption: He could have just written his name on his yogurt.
Roommates sometimes eat each-others food in a shared fridge, which causes tensions if people wanted to keep food for themselves. Writing one's name on food items is a common system roommates use with a shared fridge to make sure people don't eat what they shouldn't. But here, one of the roommates has gone over the top with a new system to prevent people from eating his yogurt: locking up the fridge/kitchen and putting traps everywhere it so it's inaccessible.
the doctor's office
A man is in the doctor's office sitting on the patient's bed. the doctor happily talks to the man who has leaves growing out of him.
there is no known disease where leaves grow out of someone.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there leaves growing out of the man?" ]
You’re in luck! It's cannabis.
scene: the doctor's office description: A man is in the doctor's office sitting on the patient's bed. the doctor happily talks to the man who has leaves growing out of him. uncanny: there is no known disease where leaves grow out of someone. entities: Leaf, Physical_examination. caption: You’re in luck! It's cannabis.
The man has an unusual medical condition that causes plants to grow from his skin. Instead of curing him of this condition, the doctor points out that the plants are marijuana plants, which would be good either because he could sell what he grows, or he could smoke it and enjoy using drugs. A doctor that sees these upsides of his condition (rather than curing them) comes across as humorously untrustworthy.
a kitchen
A woman is wearing a hazmat suit while cooking. A man is drinking wine in the kitchen near her.
The woman is wearing a hazmat suit in the kitchen while cooking. This is overkill.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the woman wearing a hazmat suit?" ]
Is that a new outfit?
scene: a kitchen description: A woman is wearing a hazmat suit while cooking. A man is drinking wine in the kitchen near her. uncanny: The woman is wearing a hazmat suit in the kitchen while cooking. This is overkill. entities: Space_suit, Cooking. caption: Is that a new outfit?
This is an oddly nonchalant thing to say if one's partner was dressed in a hazmat suit. Usually: this is the sort of comment one would make if someone had a new shirt or a new pair of shoes, not a hazmat suit. Given that the woman is probably wearing the suit for a good reason, it's partly funny because the man's nonchalance/ignorance might be putting him in literal danger.
operating room
A man in golf gear walks into a surgery room full of doctors. The doctors look angry because he's interrupting.
People who golf don't confuse a surgery room for a place to golf.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the golfer there?" ]
Mind if I cut through?
scene: operating room description: A man in golf gear walks into a surgery room full of doctors. The doctors look angry because he's interrupting. uncanny: People who golf don't confuse a surgery room for a place to golf. entities: Hospital, Doctor. caption: Mind if I cut through?
Golfers sometimes cut through difficult to cross places to hit their ball as it lies, to save strokes. But here, the golfer is cutting through a very inappropriate place: an operating room. Furthermore, his "cut through" statement takes on a second meaning: it's as if he is asking if he can "cut through" the patient, as in: participate as a surgeon during the operation.
the tv room
The sofa has a head coming out of it. The sofa is watching TV. The wife of it is staring at him angrily.
The sofa has a head and is watching TV.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why does the sofa have a head?" ]
My sister’s coming over. You could at least throw on a slipcover.
scene: the tv room description: The sofa has a head coming out of it. The sofa is watching TV. The wife of it is staring at him angrily. uncanny: The sofa has a head and is watching TV. entities: Sedentary_lifestyle, Couch. caption: My sister’s coming over. You could at least throw on a slipcover.
People often clean up the house and put on better clothes when guests are coming over. Here --- the joke is that the woman sees her husband (who is a couch) as completely naked, which would be inappropriate for her sister to see. So --- instead of encouraging him to put on clothing (a more usual case, if he were just a normal naked person), because he is a couch, clothing for a couch would be a slipcover, i.e., a couch-shaped cloth covering that people sometimes install to maintain their furniture's quality.
a psychiatry office
A psychiatrist is talking to a man on her couch. He has a giant weight on him.
The weight is very large, way too large to get on him.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the weight get on him?" ]
I wish you'd come in when it was just a chip on your shoulder.
scene: a psychiatry office description: A psychiatrist is talking to a man on her couch. He has a giant weight on him. uncanny: The weight is very large, way too large to get on him. entities: Weight, Therapy. caption: I wish you'd come in when it was just a chip on your shoulder.
A "weight on your chest" and a "chip on your shoulder" are both figurative expressions that refer to problems or stresses that people silently bear. While not usually directly compared, a literal "weight on your chest" (pictured) is apparently more difficult to deal with because its heaver, and the "chip" can become the "weight" if left unaddressed.
a bedroom
A woman and a giant fly are sitting in bed reading and talking to each other, as if they are about to go to bed for the night. The giant bug is disguised behind a newspaper, and the woman might not notice the bug.
it's weird that there is a giant bug in the woman's bed instead of, presumably, her human spouse. Also, the fact that she doesn't seem to notice yet is suggested by the newspaper disguise
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the bug in the bed instead of the husband?", "Why is the bug hiding, and what will happen when the woman finds out about the bug?" ]
Two thousand eyes, but it still takes you all day to read the morning paper.
scene: a bedroom description: A woman and a giant fly are sitting in bed reading and talking to each other, as if they are about to go to bed for the night. The giant bug is disguised behind a newspaper, and the woman might not notice the bug. uncanny: it's weird that there is a giant bug in the woman's bed instead of, presumably, her human spouse. Also, the fact that she doesn't seem to notice yet is suggested by the newspaper disguise entities: Fly, Disguise. caption: Two thousand eyes, but it still takes you all day to read the morning paper.
A fly with many eyes presumably should be able to read a newspaper quickly, but it still can't. The woman is slightly annoyed that her bug spouse is spending all day reading the paper instead of doing something else.
Two men are having breakfast. A cement block is falling from the ceiling. One man looks up.
A cement block is falling from the ceiling.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is a cement block falling from the ceiling?" ]
I told my ex I'll take her back if she drops some weight.
scene: restaurant description: Two men are having breakfast. A cement block is falling from the ceiling. One man looks up. uncanny: A cement block is falling from the ceiling. entities: Coffee, Concrete_masonry_unit. caption: I told my ex I'll take her back if she drops some weight.
A play on the words "drops some weight" --- figuratively, to drop weight usually refers to go on a diet; this man has apparently broken up with his partner because she is too fat. But, she takes ironic revenge in the form of her literally dropping a weight, i.e., a cinderblock, on his head.
the road
Some people are driving down the road in a truck. A woman is throwing something out the window.
The suits in the back seem out of place.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Where are they driving to?" ]
I think we made a wrong turn at puberty.
scene: the road description: Some people are driving down the road in a truck. A woman is throwing something out the window. uncanny: The suits in the back seem out of place. entities: Litter, Pickup_truck. caption: I think we made a wrong turn at puberty.
The two older men are too mature for this situation of teenagers driving a car wildly and irresponsibly. The joke is that on their trip, there's a physical place called "puberty", and at that road juncture, the two should have gone towards the direction of maturity instead of this immature direction. It's partly funny because puberty is often framed as an important figurative juncture in life, whereas here, it's a literal juncture.
the ground
A man is climbing a mountain in midair. A man below is staring at him. There is no mountain.
The man is scaling an invisible mountain.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man scaling a mountain that isn't there?" ]
There's really nothing to it.
scene: the ground description: A man is climbing a mountain in midair. A man below is staring at him. There is no mountain. uncanny: The man is scaling an invisible mountain. entities: Mountaineering, Invisibility. caption: There's really nothing to it.
A play on the phrase "nothing to it" --- in the context of rock climbing, this phrase would usually mean that "there's no particular special skill required, it's easy to rock climb!" But, because there's literally no surface the person is rock climbing on, the climber is referring to the fact that he's literally climbing nothing.
a dock
A person is ice fishing. The hole they are fishing in is shaped like a person. Someone stares at them.
There is an ice fishing hole the shape of a person. Normally they are circular.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the ice fishing hole shaped like a person?" ]
I put some beer on the hook. I figure if that's what got him into this mess it should be able to get him out.
scene: a dock description: A person is ice fishing. The hole they are fishing in is shaped like a person. Someone stares at them. uncanny: There is an ice fishing hole the shape of a person. Normally they are circular. entities: Ice_fishing, Ice_pond. caption: I put some beer on the hook. I figure if that's what got him into this mess it should be able to get him out.
A man fell through the ice because he was drunk (indicated by the body outline in the ice), and his friend, instead of trying to save him by diving in, humorously thinks that fishing with a beer as bait will be sufficient to save his drunken friend. Also, a partial play on the saying: "I got myself into this mess, and I can get myself out."
a crime scene
A detective and a police officer are at a crime scene. They both look at outlines of different shapes of animals leading to a human.
Usually at a crime scene there is just an outline of a human being who died but here there are different types of animals leading to the human.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What do the other outlines have to do with the case?" ]
I suspect some people will deny this ever happened.
scene: a crime scene description: A detective and a police officer are at a crime scene. They both look at outlines of different shapes of animals leading to a human. uncanny: Usually at a crime scene there is just an outline of a human being who died but here there are different types of animals leading to the human. entities: Evolution, Chalk. caption: I suspect some people will deny this ever happened.
A joke about creationists denying evolution. Here, the body outlines at the crime scene form an evolutionary chain, and provide strong evidence for evolution. But, much like someone might deny that a crime happened as a cover up, the detective suspects that, despite this evidence, creationists will still not believe evolution ever happened.
Rapunzel's tower
Rapunzel is looking out her tower. She has a hold of a man's hair, and he's standing on the ground.
The roles are reversed from the Rapunzel tale.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why does the man have such long hair?" ]
I'm supposed to call my doctor if it lasts more than 4 hours.
scene: Rapunzel's tower description: Rapunzel is looking out her tower. She has a hold of a man's hair, and he's standing on the ground. uncanny: The roles are reversed from the Rapunzel tale. entities: Rapunzel, Long_hair. caption: I'm supposed to call my doctor if it lasts more than 4 hours.
A crude joke about erections. People with erectile dysfunction will sometimes take medication to help, but are told that if the medicine works for longer than 4 hours, it's a problem. But here, while Rapunzel is usually the person lowering her hair, the prince tried to resolve their problem by taking medication to grow his own hair instead.
the ktichen
A cook is trying to make a meal, and a knight is standing behind him. The kitchen is a huge mess.
The knight is out of his time and doesn't belong in a modern kitchen.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the knight present?" ]
Fine—next time you slay the dragon and I'll cook.
scene: the ktichen description: A cook is trying to make a meal, and a knight is standing behind him. The kitchen is a huge mess. uncanny: The knight is out of his time and doesn't belong in a modern kitchen. entities: Armour, Knight. caption: Fine—next time you slay the dragon and I'll cook.
We expect that slaying a dragon is harder than cooking, but actually, the knight seems to have an easier time, as evidenced by the extremely messy kitchen and disheveled looking cook; this inversion of expectation is funny.
A man and a woman are laying in bed. There is a dectective laying between them.
There is a detective straight out of a noir story in their bed.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the detective there?" ]
I think my wife is having us tailed.
scene: bedroom description: A man and a woman are laying in bed. There is a dectective laying between them. uncanny: There is a detective straight out of a noir story in their bed. entities: Stranger, Marriage. caption: I think my wife is having us tailed.
The man is cheating on his wife with this other woman, and apparently she has noticed. Sometimes, to prove their partner is cheating someone will hire a private investigator to spy on the cheating spouse --- however, this private investigator is not being subtle, he is literally in the middle of the bed while the cheaters are in the act of cheating. It's funny because the man has somehow not noticed the obvious investigator until this point, and still seems unsure of his existence.
a boardroom
There is a monster onside the window staring at a bunch of people. The people in the office are scared. Another man reads off a paper.
There is a huge monster outside the window at an office. Monsters don't exist.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is there a monster outside the window of an office?" ]
I wish they would just go back to tapping our phone lines.
scene: a boardroom description: There is a monster onside the window staring at a bunch of people. The people in the office are scared. Another man reads off a paper. uncanny: There is a huge monster outside the window at an office. Monsters don't exist. entities: Meeting, Yeti. caption: I wish they would just go back to tapping our phone lines.
Governments sometimes tap phone lines (as in: the patriot act). But this goes a step further: instead of just listening in via tapping the phone lines, the government has literally deployed an army of monsters to watch everyone to make sure everyone is behaving.
a golf course
Two men are walking on a golf course, holding their clubs. They are approaching a warzone with many solider and tanks.
It's weird that there is a war going on on the golf course.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What war is happening on the golf course?", "Why are the men not alarmed by the war?" ]
If we truly believe in golf, I don't think we have much of a choice.
scene: a golf course description: Two men are walking on a golf course, holding their clubs. They are approaching a warzone with many solider and tanks. uncanny: It's weird that there is a war going on on the golf course. entities: Golf, Tank. caption: If we truly believe in golf, I don't think we have much of a choice.
Armed conflicts are usually between two sides with opposing ideals; in this case, the golfers fighting the army would mean that they are standing up for their core principle: golf. This is not a core principle worth risking violence for, but they are considering it.
Two men are standing around talking. A third man is turning into bubbles.
There is a bubble man in their midst.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is he turning into bubbles?" ]
He won't last long.
scene: outside description: Two men are standing around talking. A third man is turning into bubbles. uncanny: There is a bubble man in their midst. entities: Cloning, Thought. caption: He won't last long.
Usually, people might say that someone "wont last long" to mean that they can tell a new situation for someone will not go well and they'll quit, e.g., in this case, when a new employee at a company won't fit in. But here, the new employee is made of bubbles, which literally do not last long because they pop, so the joke is that he physically won't last long (instead of socially).
work office
A man is sitting at a desk. he's interviewing someone for a job.
The interviewee is a stick figure.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the job?" ]
I'm sorry, this is Tic-Tac-Toe—applications for Hangman are down the hall.
scene: work office description: A man is sitting at a desk. he's interviewing someone for a job. uncanny: The interviewee is a stick figure. entities: Stick_figure, R%C3%A9sum%C3%A9. caption: I'm sorry, this is Tic-Tac-Toe—applications for Hangman are down the hall.
A stick figure, out of place in an otherwise normal office scenario, might be interviewing for the job of the stick figure from the word game "hangman". This building apparently offers interviews for various game roles, e.g., Tic-tac-toe.
an operating room
A bunch of surgeons are in an OR. They're getting ready for surgery when a man walks in carrying a golf bag.
A golfer doesn't belong in an OR.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the golfer there?" ]
Mind if I cut through?
scene: an operating room description: A bunch of surgeons are in an OR. They're getting ready for surgery when a man walks in carrying a golf bag. uncanny: A golfer doesn't belong in an OR. entities: Surgery, Caddie. caption: Mind if I cut through?
Golfers sometimes cut through difficult to cross places to hit their ball as it lies, to save strokes. But here, the golfer is cutting through a very inappropriate place: an operating room. Furthermore, his "cut through" statement takes on a second meaning: it's as if he is asking if he can "cut through" the patient, as in: participate as a surgeon during the operation.
a living room
A bunch of men are watching a sports game on TV and are cheering. A woman is yelling on the sofa and a therapist is listening to her.
People are watching a sports game during a therapy session, which is rude and not professional.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are people watching a sports game during a therapy session?" ]
I'd like to try group therapy with a different group.
scene: a living room description: A bunch of men are watching a sports game on TV and are cheering. A woman is yelling on the sofa and a therapist is listening to her. uncanny: People are watching a sports game during a therapy session, which is rude and not professional. entities: Psychotherapy, New_York_Jets. caption: I'd like to try group therapy with a different group.
Group therapy is usually conducted with a collection of people with a common set of experiences, and a common method of engagement, e.g., going around in a circle and talking. But here, the men are getting their therapy by watching the sports game, leaving the woman alone in the session. This plays on the trope that, on average, men and women have different emotional capacity to undertake introspective forms of therapy (with men being less capable).
an office
Two men are in an office discussing something at a desk. Meanwhile, another man is being chased by others, who are trying to kill him with various weapons.
There is an attempted murder happening in this office.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are they angry with the man being chased?" ]
How soon can you start?
scene: an office description: Two men are in an office discussing something at a desk. Meanwhile, another man is being chased by others, who are trying to kill him with various weapons. uncanny: There is an attempted murder happening in this office. entities: Interview, Hostile_work_environment. caption: How soon can you start?
The prior employee who had this job is getting violently chased out of the building and they need a replacement for him quickly; this is a metaphor for a toxic workplace. Even though the applicant might not want to work here because it's a bad job, he literally can't see how toxic the workplace is because he's facing the wrong way.
A king sits on a thone positioned between to cacti. Facing him is a knight in full armor
It's unusual to see a throne placed next to cacti
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there cacti next to that throne?" ]
Well, after you beheaded the groundskeeper, we had to go with something low-maintenance.
scene: kingdom description: A king sits on a thone positioned between to cacti. Facing him is a knight in full armor uncanny: It's unusual to see a throne placed next to cacti entities: Cactus, King. caption: Well, after you beheaded the groundskeeper, we had to go with something low-maintenance.
The king doesn't like the cacti decorating his throne room, but cacti are low-maintenance plants that don't require a lot of water, and grow easily. They had to switch to low-maintenance plants because he had the groundskeeper killed so there wasn't anyone to take care of the plants, but it seems like he regrets this decision.
a cave
Cavemen living in a cave has a neighbor that lives in a modern style house. The neighbor also has a rake they are using for cleaning.
The neighbors are living in two different times of technology and agriculture which is contradicting.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How come the cave people don't have a house?" ]
He needed a place to park his wheel.
scene: a cave description: Cavemen living in a cave has a neighbor that lives in a modern style house. The neighbor also has a rake they are using for cleaning. uncanny: The neighbors are living in two different times of technology and agriculture which is contradicting. entities: Suburb, Caveman. caption: He needed a place to park his wheel.
A person might construct a garage because they want to park their car in it; but because cavemen don't have cars, the joke is that the caveman was looking for a place to park his carved wheel, which is a common trope associated with cavemen. It's funny in part because the construction of a modern garage implies technological advancement, whereas the stone wheel is primitive.
A man climbs a mountain and sees an old man sitting next to a piano. The old man looks at him as if he was expecting him.
The man sitting at the piano on top of a mountain.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man playing a piano on a mountain?" ]
No, I said to play with more attitude.
scene: cliff description: A man climbs a mountain and sees an old man sitting next to a piano. The old man looks at him as if he was expecting him. uncanny: The man sitting at the piano on top of a mountain. entities: Piano, Musical_composition. caption: No, I said to play with more attitude.
A play on words: "attitude" and "altitude" sound the same. The pianist was given the request by his instructor to play with "attitude" (e.g., by playing more aggressively) but instead, he is doing the much more difficult act of playing with "altitude" by climbing to the top of a mountain with his piano.
an airplane
Superman is on an airplane. He is talking to a man reading a book.
Superman is on an airplane. He can fly, so why does he need a plane?
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is Superman on a plane when he can fly?" ]
I have to warn you, I don't exactly have a bladder of steel.
scene: an airplane description: Superman is on an airplane. He is talking to a man reading a book. uncanny: Superman is on an airplane. He can fly, so why does he need a plane? entities: Superman, Airline_seat. caption: I have to warn you, I don't exactly have a bladder of steel.
People on window seats in airplanes need to climb over people in aisle seats in order to access the bathroom at the end of the plane: this can be annoying because of how cramped the space is. Here, superman, also known as "the man of steel" is warning his seat-mate that he will need to get up to use the restroom because, despite his name, he doesn't have a "bladder of steel," i.e., he will need to use the bathroom to pee frequently.
a barber shop
Two men stand facing each other with a barber chair in between them. One man has a bird in his hair, while the other is holding scissors
It is unusual to see birds nesting in people's hair
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is that bird in his hair?" ]
Could you trim the sides but leave it feathered on top?
scene: a barber shop description: Two men stand facing each other with a barber chair in between them. One man has a bird in his hair, while the other is holding scissors uncanny: It is unusual to see birds nesting in people's hair entities: Rock_dove, Nesting_instinct. caption: Could you trim the sides but leave it feathered on top?
A play on the word "feathered" --- it's possible to cut and style hair in a "feathered" fashion, which refers to a particular look. Here, "feathered" takes a literal meaning, because there's a pigeon on the man's head: in this case, "leave it feathered on top" is a request to the barber that humorously means that the bird should be left alone.
a wedding
There is a priest who holds a Bible and is talking to a marrying couple in front of him. The marrying couple are traditionally dressed but the bride is sitting on top of the grooms shoulders.
It is unusual for a bride to be sitting on top of a groom's shoulders during a marriage ceremony.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the bride sitting on top of the groom's shoulders?", "What is the priest saying?" ]
Anyone have an objection? Please? Anyone?
scene: a wedding description: There is a priest who holds a Bible and is talking to a marrying couple in front of him. The marrying couple are traditionally dressed but the bride is sitting on top of the grooms shoulders. uncanny: It is unusual for a bride to be sitting on top of a groom's shoulders during a marriage ceremony. entities: Marriage, Bride. caption: Anyone have an objection? Please? Anyone?
The man doesn't want to get married as much as the woman does: she's clinging to him while he looks horrified. When people get married, officiants ask the crowd if there are any objections, and the man is hoping someone raises one. It's funny because the man could stop the marriage of his own accord, but is too afraid of his partner to do it.
A bar
A bull or minotaur is at a bar. The bartender looks confused and is going to call someone.
A bull or minotaur is at the bar. Bulls don't drink.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is a bull at the bar?" ]
If I'm not back at the maze by eight, my wife reels in the damn string.
scene: A bar description: A bull or minotaur is at a bar. The bartender looks confused and is going to call someone. uncanny: A bull or minotaur is at the bar. Bulls don't drink. entities: Waiting_staff, Diner. caption: If I'm not back at the maze by eight, my wife reels in the damn string.
A minotaur famously lives in a labyrinth/maze. But, this mythical creature is at a bar lamenting about everyday problems with everyday people --- in this case, the minotaur's everyday problem is that his wife wants him home early (by 8PM), but his home is the maze. To "reel in the string" means to figuratively shorten his leash, i.e., his wife reduces his freedom (e.g., to go to a bar).
a bar
There is a bar with a bartender and one patron at it. Another man is entering the bar, and staring down at what appear to be a half dozen chalk outlines on the barroom floor
It's unusual to find chalk outlines of people on a barroom floor, especially this many.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there chalk outlines of people on the barroom floor?" ]
So what makes you think we need a health inspector?
scene: a bar description: There is a bar with a bartender and one patron at it. Another man is entering the bar, and staring down at what appear to be a half dozen chalk outlines on the barroom floor uncanny: It's unusual to find chalk outlines of people on a barroom floor, especially this many. entities: Chalk_outline, Physician. caption: So what makes you think we need a health inspector?
The outlines of the bodies on the ground imply that many people die in this bar; the cause of death is perhaps poison or unsanitary conditions because the health inspector has been called, though the owner is in denial.
Two people are sitting inside the car. They are grasping oars, which are sticking out the windows.
They look to be trying to row the car.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Are they insane?" ]
This would work out a lot better if we had kids.
scene: car description: Two people are sitting inside the car. They are grasping oars, which are sticking out the windows. uncanny: They look to be trying to row the car. entities: Paddle, Rowing. caption: This would work out a lot better if we had kids.
This couple’s car probably broke down, and, unusually, now they are rowing from the car’s windows to move it which would be quite difficult. Not only is it absurd to think using oars will help move a car at all, but, it's funny that the proposed solution to their prediciment is to get more people to row, i.e., their hypothetical children, instead of, e.g., calling a mechanic.
a corporate meeting room
A business meeting is going on. One man cannonballs into the meeting. People are staring.
A man is cannonballing into a meeting of people. This is done in a pool, not here.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man cannonballing into the people?" ]
Carry on. I'll just be a fly on the wall.
scene: a corporate meeting room description: A business meeting is going on. One man cannonballs into the meeting. People are staring. uncanny: A man is cannonballing into a meeting of people. This is done in a pool, not here. entities: Cannonball_(diving), Businessperson, Meeting. caption: Carry on. I'll just be a fly on the wall.
In the business context, "a fly on the wall" means a participant in a meeting that is simply there to listen-in and not participate. But the "fly on the wall" here is literal --- the man is literally on the wall.
Two kids (A boy and a girl) are driving a jeep with drinks in their hands while their parents are in the back seat watching with concerned looks on their faces.
Kids driving the jeep while parents in the back seat is unusual.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the parents letting their kids drive jeep while drinking?" ]
I think we made a wrong turn at puberty.
scene: road description: Two kids (A boy and a girl) are driving a jeep with drinks in their hands while their parents are in the back seat watching with concerned looks on their faces. uncanny: Kids driving the jeep while parents in the back seat is unusual. entities: Safari, Litter. caption: I think we made a wrong turn at puberty.
The two older men are too mature for this situation of teenagers driving a car wildly and irresponsibly. The joke is that on their trip, there's a physical place called "puberty", and at that road juncture, the two should have gone towards the direction of maturity instead of this immature direction. It's partly funny because puberty is often framed as an important figurative juncture in life, whereas here, it's a literal juncture.
a zombie apocalypse
A man and a woman are surrounded by zombies. They are making a last stand.
The man has a plate of cookies.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Is he going to offer the zombies a cookie?" ]
Let’s hope for some nut allergies.
scene: a zombie apocalypse description: A man and a woman are surrounded by zombies. They are making a last stand. uncanny: The man has a plate of cookies. entities: Zombie, Cookie, Shotgun. caption: Let’s hope for some nut allergies.
These two people are defending themselves against a crowd of zombies using two very different methods. One has a standard gun to shoot and kill zombies. The other has baked cookies with nuts in them in the hopes that some of the zombies have severe nut allergies and will die after eating the cookies. It's funny because cookies usually aren't used as a weapon, and it's not clear why the baker thought this would be more effective than a gun.
a grocery store
Two customers are shopping at a supermarket. They're pushing carts and chatting.
One of the customers is a whale, which shouldn't be out of the water, much less pushing a shopping cart. The other appears to be Amish, and his people don't shop at modern stores. He also has a peg leg.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What happened to his leg?", "What does an Amish person say to a whale?" ]
Oh, hey, I almost didn't recognize you outside of work.
scene: a grocery store description: Two customers are shopping at a supermarket. They're pushing carts and chatting. uncanny: One of the customers is a whale, which shouldn't be out of the water, much less pushing a shopping cart. The other appears to be Amish, and his people don't shop at modern stores. He also has a peg leg. entities: Beluga_whale, Shopping_cart. caption: Oh, hey, I almost didn't recognize you outside of work.
A joke about "Moby Dick." In the story, the one-legged protagonist is a sailor ruthlessly chasing down the whale who ate his leg. The joke is that both the whale and the sailor only did these acts as a job, and that off the clock, they casually ran into each-other at the grocery store. While work colleagues not recognizing each-other outside of the office is a common occurrence, it's surprising that the obsessive sailor has disconnected from his work enough to not even recognize his biggest rival in life.
a living roo
A man calls someone on a corded telephone with a piece of paper knifed to his back. He is calm about what happened to him.
People who have been stabbed do not react this calmly. They are also bleeding and in a lot of pain.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is he so calm after being stabbed in the back?" ]
She left a note. No, I haven't read it yet.
scene: a living roo description: A man calls someone on a corded telephone with a piece of paper knifed to his back. He is calm about what happened to him. uncanny: People who have been stabbed do not react this calmly. They are also bleeding and in a lot of pain. entities: Telephone_call, Betrayal. caption: She left a note. No, I haven't read it yet.
An angry wife left her husband, and she left a note, presumably detailing her issues with him. This joke takes the anger one step further, instead of simply leaving the note, she literally stabbed him in the back, leaving the note lodged on the knife. It's funny in part because the man is relatively calm about being literally stabbed in the back, talking to his friend on the phone calmly about his partner's departure.
Two men are carrying a huge snake. One man looks at them. This is at an office.
There is a huge snake in an office.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why are the men carrying a huge snake?" ]
No, what I said was we need more stakeholders.
scene: office description: Two men are carrying a huge snake. One man looks at them. This is at an office. uncanny: There is a huge snake in an office. entities: Snake, Herpetology, Ophidiophobia. caption: No, what I said was we need more stakeholders.
"Stakeholders" sounds like "snakeholders": stakeholders would be a normal office request, but the two people holding a snake have surprised their boss by becoming literal snakeholders instead.
A naked man is in the river. He kicked a fish up the hill toward some grass. The fish looks mad.
The man is naked and kicked a fish up the hill.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man naked?" ]
Now that I met your family, I want you to meet mine.
scene: mountains description: A naked man is in the river. He kicked a fish up the hill toward some grass. The fish looks mad. uncanny: The man is naked and kicked a fish up the hill. entities: Fish, Nudity. caption: Now that I met your family, I want you to meet mine.
A joke about a man dating a fish. When couples date for a while, they often meet each-other's families. Here, the caption implies that the fish/man couple just met the fish's family in the ocean, and are perhaps on the way to meet the man's family on land. It's funny because it's a surprising framing of why a man and a fish might be leaving the water together.
a tv show set
This is a late night TV show. A woman is talking to a talk show host. There are cameras around them and bars on the windows.
There are bars on the windows. This is not normal.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are there bars on the windows?" ]
Both the movie and I will be released this summer.
scene: a tv show set description: This is a late night TV show. A woman is talking to a talk show host. There are cameras around them and bars on the windows. uncanny: There are bars on the windows. This is not normal. entities: Television_presenter, Guest_appearance. caption: Both the movie and I will be released this summer.
A play on the word "release" --- to release a movie means to allow public showings of it, e.g., in theaters. This actress stared in a movie that will be released this summer, according to her respond to the talk show host. But "release" in this case also refers to a release from prison --- the actress has apparently committed a crime and her sentence ends also in the summer.
Two businessmen are staring at a crack in the floor. People are in the crack and look upset.
A crack is in the floor and people are suffering in it in an office building.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are people in the hole in the floor?" ]
Be careful, the bald spot is slippery.
scene: office description: Two businessmen are staring at a crack in the floor. People are in the crack and look upset. uncanny: A crack is in the floor and people are suffering in it in an office building. entities: Rift, Suffering. caption: Be careful, the bald spot is slippery.
The joke is about the businessmen having an oddly nonchalant response to hell literally opening up in their office. Instead of taking this as a sign about their company or practices, they instead simply walk over the dammed souls, only commenting that one's bald head is physically slippery.
a doctor's office
A king sits and talks to his doctor. The king seems pleased and the doctor speaks in a more serious tone.
A person dressed as a king does not usually go to the doctor's office.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the King visiting the doctor?" ]
Worse than a cold. It's a common cold.
scene: a doctor's office description: A king sits and talks to his doctor. The king seems pleased and the doctor speaks in a more serious tone. uncanny: A person dressed as a king does not usually go to the doctor's office. entities: King, Physical_examination. caption: Worse than a cold. It's a common cold.
A play on words. "common cold" in the modern world refers to the usually benign illness, but for this king, a "common" cold would mean a cold that only commoners (and not royalty, like himself) get. The doctor is suggesting that the "common" cold is not only a sickness, but also beneath his status as king.
There is a dead alligator on the desk of someone's office. A person walks in and is shocked to see it.
People do not bring alligators to their workplace.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why did the man bring a dead alligator?" ]
I feel a vibration. Can you call my cell phone again?
scene: office description: There is a dead alligator on the desk of someone's office. A person walks in and is shocked to see it. uncanny: People do not bring alligators to their workplace. entities: Alligator, Businessperson. caption: I feel a vibration. Can you call my cell phone again?
A surreal joke about a man attempting to locate his cell phone that has been eaten by an alligator. While it's not clear how the alligator ate the phone, to locate it, he's asking his assistant to remotely activate the vibration feature via calling it. The vibration can help him locate the phone because, while the sound might be dampened, he can feel through the skin/stomach its location.
A scientist in his dungeon lab. There is a creature strapped to a table, and a third man talking to the scientist.
Nothing stands out as out of place.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the scientist going to do?" ]
Will the gentleman be alive for dinner, sir?
scene: lab description: A scientist in his dungeon lab. There is a creature strapped to a table, and a third man talking to the scientist. uncanny: Nothing stands out as out of place. entities: Frankenstein, Butler. caption: Will the gentleman be alive for dinner, sir?
A joke about a butler preparing dinner for a scientist and his subject. The scientist is trying to bring the monster back to life; the butler is wondering if the monster will be alive in time for dinner, and if he should prepare extra food for this potential dinner guest.
a living room
A large dog is in the living room. two people are sitting down in chairs while ignoring the dog.
A dog is never that large and people would be surprised to see one in their living room.
[ "", "" ]
[ "How did the dog get to be that large?" ]
Don't look at me that way—I wanted a giant cat.
scene: a living room description: A large dog is in the living room. two people are sitting down in chairs while ignoring the dog. uncanny: A dog is never that large and people would be surprised to see one in their living room. entities: Clifford_the_Big_Red_Dog, Chewing. caption: Don't look at me that way—I wanted a giant cat.
The giant dog is slobbering all over the furniture and the woman is looking to the man for help. The problem here is clearly the size of the dog --- if it were normal sized, it wouldn't be a problem. But, the man fails to recognize that the size is the problem instead attributing their current predicament to the fact that its a dog. It's additionally partly funny because of the tension between cat people and dog people.
Living Room
A taxi car enters a fancy building by taking the stairs. People look on in shock.
Driving inside buildings is usually destructive and can harm people inside.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why did the person drive inside the building?" ]
When you don't want one, they're everywhere.
scene: Living Room description: A taxi car enters a fancy building by taking the stairs. People look on in shock. uncanny: Driving inside buildings is usually destructive and can harm people inside. entities: Convertible, Meeting. caption: When you don't want one, they're everywhere.
A joke about the difficulty of finding a cab when you need one, and the ease of finding one when you're not looking for one. This joke takes the idea to an extreme: here, the men are not seeking a cab, and are even inside of a building, and cabs are so comically abundant that one is coming up the stairs.
Frankenstein's monster is on the table. A butler is talking to Frankenstein while he makes a potion.
Frankenstein has a butler.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why does Frankenstein have a butler?" ]
Will the gentleman be alive for dinner, sir?
scene: lab description: Frankenstein's monster is on the table. A butler is talking to Frankenstein while he makes a potion. uncanny: Frankenstein has a butler. entities: Frankenstein, Butler. caption: Will the gentleman be alive for dinner, sir?
A joke about a butler preparing dinner for a scientist and his subject. The scientist is trying to bring the monster back to life; the butler is wondering if the monster will be alive in time for dinner, and if he should prepare extra food for this potential dinner guest.
There are a bunch of statues of heads in a field. Another head is smiling.
Only one head looks different than the others.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is the statue smiling about?" ]
We really need to revisit our immigration policy.
scene: outside description: There are a bunch of statues of heads in a field. Another head is smiling. uncanny: Only one head looks different than the others. entities: Lysergic_acid_diethylamide, Statue. caption: We really need to revisit our immigration policy.
The realistic looking head has immigrated to live with the Moai, who look uncomfortable because the new head looks different. This is a play on the idea that people are sometimes uncomfortable with outsiders coming in to their country; even the inanimate Moai statues want to update their policy accordingly.
a living room
Two men are standing in a living room and talking to each other. There is a fireplace and above the fireplace is either a painting of a fish or a real fish mounted on the wall. This fish seems to be alive and has a mouthful of the man on the rights suit .
A fish that is on the wall and should be dead is still able to take a bite out of a mans shirt.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "What caused the fish to bite the mans clothing?" ]
There may be some lingering resentment.
scene: a living room description: Two men are standing in a living room and talking to each other. There is a fireplace and above the fireplace is either a painting of a fish or a real fish mounted on the wall. This fish seems to be alive and has a mouthful of the man on the rights suit . uncanny: A fish that is on the wall and should be dead is still able to take a bite out of a mans shirt. entities: Piranha, Painting, Fireplace_mantel. caption: There may be some lingering resentment.
People sometimes hang hunting or finishing taxidermy trophies of their kills/catches on their walls. The taxidermy has come to life and bit the man who was the one who killed him. It's thus understandable that the fish (if it could come alive) would resent its killer; the man nonchalantly quips about their tenuous relationship.
the road
People are carting a statue of a bull while a large bird's head is in the sand. There is a couple of guys who are behind the people pushing the statue.
These statues are not common in real life and are absurd.
[ "", "", "" ]
[ "Why is the bird's head in the sand?" ]
If we just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
scene: the road description: People are carting a statue of a bull while a large bird's head is in the sand. There is a couple of guys who are behind the people pushing the statue. uncanny: These statues are not common in real life and are absurd. entities: Bull, Ostrich, Ostrich_effect. caption: If we just ignore it, maybe it'll go away.
A joke about financial collapse on wall street. Wall street has a famous statue of a bull which "represents the courage and can-do spirit of Americans," but the cartoon suggests that sometimes, for the stock market crashing, a more appropriate mascot might be an ostrich hiding its head in the dirt, as a representation of ignoring problems and hiding from them.
a fish bowl
Two men are sitting at their desks and working. The man on the right is working on his computer while the man on the left is turned around to speak to him. The two desks are located inside of a large round fishbowl.
The men are working inside of a giant fishbowl rather than being in an office.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why are the men seated inside of a fishbowl?", "Who put the men inside of the fishbowl?" ]
My last office had a castle.
scene: a fish bowl description: Two men are sitting at their desks and working. The man on the right is working on his computer while the man on the left is turned around to speak to him. The two desks are located inside of a large round fishbowl. uncanny: The men are working inside of a giant fishbowl rather than being in an office. entities: White-collar_worker, Personal_computer. caption: My last office had a castle.
A silly joke about employees who work in fish bowls --- sometimes, fish bowls have decorations like fake seaweed or castle sculptures. While in the real world it would be impressive to work a desk job in a castle, here, the castle of the previous job is just a small, fake castle decoration in a fish tank.
the living room
There is a party at someones house. The living room is full of people talking to each other and having drinks. There is one man in the room who is very tiny compared to everyone else.
A man at the party is only a couple of feet tall.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is the man so tiny?", "How do the people at the party know the small man?" ]
We met at the mini bar.
scene: the living room description: There is a party at someones house. The living room is full of people talking to each other and having drinks. There is one man in the room who is very tiny compared to everyone else. uncanny: A man at the party is only a couple of feet tall. entities: Party, Dwarfism. caption: We met at the mini bar.
A common way for people to meet romantic partners is at a bar. Here, the woman is talking about how she met her partner, but because the person is very small, instead of the common case of meeting at a bar, they met at a mini bar, in reference to his size. It silly in part because a mini bar is a feature of a hotel room, not where people would meet.
a living room
A man is building a brick wall in the center of a family room. A woman looks at it.
There is a man building a brick wall in the middle of a room.
[ "", "" ]
[ "Why is a wall being built in the middle of a room like this?" ]
Which kid do you want?
scene: a living room description: A man is building a brick wall in the center of a family room. A woman looks at it. uncanny: There is a man building a brick wall in the middle of a room. entities: Brickwork, Wall. caption: Which kid do you want?
A joke about a man keen to get divorced. In addition to eagerly building a brick wall to separate himself from his spouse, he is wasting no time to ask questions about custody that would normally be really tricky to answer. Bluntly: he's so excited about the divorce that he simply asks which kid she wants, which isn't even how custody usually works.
office room
Two men are sitting in office. The man behind the desk has a gigantic pencil sharpener on one side of his desk and a cup of gigantic pencils on the other side.
The pencils and pencil sharpener are both abnormally large.
[ "", "" ]
[ "What could this man be doing with pencils that large?" ]
Let's continue this discussion over a hot barrel of coffee.
scene: office room description: Two men are sitting in office. The man behind the desk has a gigantic pencil sharpener on one side of his desk and a cup of gigantic pencils on the other side. uncanny: The pencils and pencil sharpener are both abnormally large. entities: Pencil_sharpener, Pencil. caption: Let's continue this discussion over a hot barrel of coffee.
Everything on the man's desk is over-sized, so perhaps everything in this company is too: instead of a mug of coffee, they will be drinking an entire barrel.
A man is sitting at a desk with a large alligator lying belly up on top of it. Another man looks in at the man at the desk
It's unusual to see alligators lying on desks at an office
[ "", "" ]
[ "What is that alligator doing there?" ]
I feel a vibration. Can you call my cell phone again?
scene: office description: A man is sitting at a desk with a large alligator lying belly up on top of it. Another man looks in at the man at the desk uncanny: It's unusual to see alligators lying on desks at an office entities: Alligator, Businessperson. caption: I feel a vibration. Can you call my cell phone again?
A surreal joke about a man attempting to locate his cell phone that has been eaten by an alligator. While it's not clear how the alligator ate the phone, to locate it, he's asking his assistant to remotely activate the vibration feature via calling it. The vibration can help him locate the phone because, while the sound might be dampened, he can feel through the skin/stomach its location.