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e the city of Nakhchivan is now locat
ed. He decided here with his family a
nd laid the foundation of the future
city. The name of the city, which mea
ns the first place of settlement, als
o came from here. Prophet Noah and hi
s family lived in Nakhchivan for a lo
ng time. According to legend, the hum
an generation spread here. Himself of
prophet Noah, his sister and other m
embers of the family died in Nakhchiv
an and were buried here ”.Prophet Noa
h is the savior of mankind. Because a
ll living things were destroyed durin
g the flood, except for those in Noah
's ark. Revelation to prophet Noah ca
me from GOD. He also built a large ar
k to save mankind from human extincti
on, and prevented the future tragedy
by taking 76 people, food seeds and a
part of the animal world.Not all of
Noah's family members were in the ark
. They who landed in Nuhchikhan with
the prophet Noah and lived here K.A.N
ikitin notes that the prophet Noah an
d his sister were buried in Nakhchiva
n. The son of the Prophet Noah, the T
urk, was also born in this land, died
here and was buried in the holy land
. He states that the tomb of Noah's w
ife, Nohamzar (Nuhamgar), was in the
city of Marand. V.Sysoyev gives brief
information about the structure and
dimensions of the sepulcher.Abulfazl
Husseini wrote in his article "Statue
of Self of Our People" that accordin
g to modern science, the legendary No
ah's flood is already a reality. It t
ook place in this area 7,500 years ag
o, in the 6th millennium BC. On the s
ame date, strong volcanic eruptions t
ook place in Algarag and Agridag, the
Euphrates and Tigris rivers flowing
in the southern part of the region ov
erflowed, as well as heavy rains. As
a result, a major flood occurred in t
hese areas ”.M.M Phillipis, a profess
or at Norwest University in the Unite
d States, in his article "The Land of
God Nakhchivan" he writes that "Noah
's ark stopped in Nakhchivan, life af
ter the flood began here, and this is
a holy place considered the land of
God" ["Sharg gapisi", May 28, 2008].T
here are scientific works of Azerbaij
ani researchers based on scientific f
acts about the Noah's flood, its cove
rage of Nakhchivan territory, the mon
ument to Gamigaya, the Prophet Noah a
nd his followers landed in Nakhchivan
, lived here, and many of his graves
were in Nakhchivan. In the meantime e
specially attracts attention research
es of I.Habibbeyli, R.Sultanov, G.Gad
irzade, F.Safarli, I.Hajiyev, V.Aliye
v, A.Bagirov, V.Bakhshaliyev, Y.Safar
ov, A.Farzali, T.Agazade and others.D
ue to the connection of the Prophet N
oah with Nakhchivan, nowhere on the w
orld maps are the name of Noah as muc
h as in Azerbaijan, especially in Nak
hchivan. Images of Gamigaya in Orduba
d region of Nakhchivan Autonomous Rep
ublic and belonging to IV-I millenniu
m BC, such as Noah's land, Nakhchivan
, Nehram, Nahajir, Nuhdaban, Nuhgadik
, Peygamberayagi, Hacha mountain, Gap
ijig, Garangush plateau, Nabi land, K
amki mountain, Noah's grave, Nurgut a
nd Nursu the existence of place names
and settlements are another visual p
roof of Noah's life in this land.Nume
rous place names and geographical nam
es in the territory of Nakhchivan inc
rease the probability that the story
of the legendary ark took place in Na
khchivan. Also, in the folklore mater
ials and toponyms of Nakhchivan, not
only the landing of the ark, but the
whole process before the settlement o
f the people on the ark was reflected
. Myths and legends about the Prophet
Noah and the World Flood also cover
issues related to the Noah Flood and
Nakhchivan. Nabi's homeland is mentio
ned in toponyms and legends - means t
he land of the prophet, that is, the
land of the prophet Noah. Many of Gam
igaya's rock paintings are in the ter
ritory of Nabi's homeland.The lexical
structure of some toponyms in the te
rritory of Nakhchivan is connected wi
th the name of the prophet Noah. This
connection is confirmed by the fact
that Noah landed in Nakhchivan for th
e first time during the "World Storm"
, the remains of the ark were in this
area, Noah was buried in the area ca
lled "Old Castle", the name Nakhchiva
n was interpreted as Nuhchikhan, the
area was considered Noah's homeland.
As well as, the fact that professiona
l artist Bahruz Kangarli painted his
works "Noah's Tomb" in nature, the ri
chness of place names associated with
Noah in the area confirms this idea.
The sayings, proverbs and issues re
lated to the Prophet Noah in Nakhchiv
an did not appear by chance. These sa
yings contain expressions about the a
ntiquity of the time in which Noah li
ved and his prophecy: Noah informs of
the Prophet, Noah is from that time,
Noah saw the Nabi on the throne, Sul
eyman in a diaper, the time of Noah,
such a Noah is shed, the sky will be
whole with the world. Noah says the p
rophet does not say and so on.In the
Nakhchivan region, the names of perso
n associated with the Prophet Noah ar
e also found: Noah, Nuhbaba, Nuhiddin
, Nuhin, Nuhizar, Nuhmammad, Nuhu, Nu
hzad, Nuhali, Nuhvali and others.Rese
archer I.M Dyakonov linked Gamigaya's
rock paintings and the connection of
Nakhchivan with Noah to a Sumerian l
egend. The Sumerians called themselve
s kangaroos. Therefore, a number of r
esearchers equate the ancient Sumeria
n people with the turks and the kenga
r people. The Sumerians lived in betw
een two rivers - Mesopotamia. Since t
he Kangaroos also live in this area,
they are sometimes considered to be t
he same people, which is not true. Al
though the Kangaroos lived in this ar
ea, they later left Sumer and moved t
o other areas.A number of European tr
avelers and researchers have also pro
vided information in their travelogue
s, road records and works that Prophe
t Noah, the World Flood, which covere
d the territory of Nakhchivan, the la
nding of the Prophet Noah and his fol
lowers in the territory of Nakhchivan
, living and working here, their deat
h and the presence of their graves in
this region and the surrounding area
, the presence of the tomb of the Pro
phet Noah in the city of Nakhchivan a
nd the tomb above on it. “Near the ab
ove-mentioned city (Nakhchivan – I.H.
), there is a mountain where Noah's a
rk is said to have stopped” (Flemish
traveler Guillaume de Rubruck, 1254),
“There is a house on the mountain,
which is said to have been erected by
Prophet Noah himself after he left h
is ark. It is also said that there i
s a vineyard planted by Noah” (French
monarch Jurden de Severak, 1310), “
There is another city called Nakhchiv
an at the foot of the mountain where
the ark of Noah stopped” (Bavarian so
ldier Johann Schiltberger, 1402-1427)
, “People call this mountain Mount Ar
k, because Noah's ark rested on this
mountain”. According to the locals, N
akhchivan, the oldest city in the wor
ld, was built 3 miles from the mounta
in where Noah's ark rested and got it
s name from Noah. This city (Nakhchiv
an - I.H.) is very old. The locals sa
y that Noah came here to live after h
e got off the ark. His burial place i
s also here…” (John Bartifta Tavernye
, XVII century), “Persian historians
date the foundation of Nakhchivan to
the most ancient times. The people as
sociated it with Noah, who chose this
place as the first human settlement
after the flood. Not only do they say
that the city of Nakhchivan was foun
ded by Noah, but they also confirm th
at he was buried here” (N.E. Engelgar
dt, 1851), “ If we believe the folk e
tymology, Nakhchivan is the oldest ci
ty in the world. The locals try to co
nvince that after Noah left the ark,
he came to the place where he got the
name Nakhchivan” (I. Chopin,1852) an
d so on.Russian researcher K.N.Smirno
v said that Noah's grave was in Nakhc
hivan and indicated its location.In c
onclusion, we can say that Noah's ark
was stuck in the Gamigaya, and they
landed there. They lived in Nakhchiva
n and died here as well. The tomb of
Noah is in Nakhchivan, near the Old F
ortress. Historical sources also conf
irm this. There are convincing versio
ns confirming that the graves of the
prophet Noah's sister Tuba, Yaphes, T
urk and Alinja from this genealogy ar
e also in this land. The graves of N
oah's wife Naamzar and his mother are
in Marand, South Azerbaijan. Accordi
ng to researcher A.Gadimova, the mosq
ue in the city of Marand was built wh
ere the wife and mother of the Prophe
t Noah were buried. Noah's sons Ham,
Shem, Yaphes, and Kanan also visited
this area, and later some of them spr
ead to the surrounding areas. The bas
is of Turkism is connected with Yaphe
s. At the Russian Academy of Sciences
, there was the “Yaphaschilik” Instit
ute, which was named after Yaphes, an
d was headed by Academician Marr. It
is believed that the Darakand tomb wa
s later built on the tomb of Yaphes.
Thus, historical sources, myths, lege
nds, rumors and historical truths sho
w that the "universial" flood also co
vered Nakhchivan. It was in this area
that Noah's followers landed and liv
ed. The graves of some of them were i
n Nakhchivan. A tomb was built over t
he gaves of Noah and Yaphes.GalleryRe
ferencesFurther readingExternal links
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