
by tcalamai - opened

I have question on Climate Insurance Multi, does the labels correspond to the question in the correct order like this :
'0': 'EMISSIONS Does the company have a plan to assess, reduce or mitigate its emissions in its operations or organizations? If yes, please summarize.',
'1': 'RISK PLAN Does the company have a climate change policy with respect to risk management and investment management? If yes, please summarize. If no, how do you account for climate change in your risk management?',
'2': 'ASSESS Describe your company’s process for identifying climate change-related risks and assessing the degree that they could affect your business, including financial implications.',
'3': 'RISKS Summarize the current or anticipated risks that climate changeposes to your company. Explain the ways that these risks could affectyour business. Include identification of the geographical areas affectedby these risks.',
'4': 'INVEST Part A: Has the company considered the impact of climate changeon its investment portfolio? Part B: Has it altered its investment strategyin response to these considerations? If so, please summarize steps youhave taken.',
'5': 'MITIGATE Summarize steps the company has taken to encouragepolicyholders to reduce the losses caused by climate change-influencedevents.',
'6': 'ENGAGE Discuss steps, if any, the company has taken to engage keyconstituencies on the topic of climate change.',
'7': 'MANAGE Describe actions the company is taking to manage the risksclimate change poses to your business including, in general terms, the use of computer modeling. If Yes – Please summarize what actionsthe company is taking and in general terms the use if any of computermodeling in response text box'

Would you be kind to share the id2label ?

Found my answers on the website from which you extracted the raw:

tcalamai changed discussion status to closed

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