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1,100 | HTH 52026 Super Shock Treatment Swimming Pool Chlorine Cleaner, 1 lb (Pack of 12) | Patio, Lawn & Garden | #25 | 16,534 | $69.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have experimented with various types and brands of shock for my pool and this one provides the most value for the money.\nI've tried the large buckets of shock that have 73% Cal Hypo (the active ingredient in sanitizing your pool). They are very heavy (50%) and I always used more than necessary with the scoop. I've also tried other bags of shock with 68% Cal Hypo. Oddly, they were rated to treat 10,000 gallons per bag.\n\nThese bags contain 56.44% Cal Hypo and are rated to treat 13,500 gallons. I have found them to be just as effective as the more expensive bags. I have a 15,000 gallon pool and only use 1 pack about every 4 days depending on pool usage. That's the same rate I used with others without getting any algae buildup.\n\nOne more tip: I found the effectiveness improved when I started mixing the shock in a bucket of water first. They tell you to do that to protect the liner but I've also found in roughly similar conditions that the Free Chlorine lasted longer when I pre-mixed it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The 12 package portions is perfect for my 20x40 9' pool. One every month and/or just before a decent sized pool party and you're good to go. No measuring and not having to worry about the environment they are stored in. Definitely will buy it again."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'We have a 24 x 52 round above ground pool.. and have tried different types of shock including liquid chlorine. But of all of them, HTH Super Shock has been the best. I am a repeat buyer of this shock. It lasts and I only have to shock the pool once or twice a month. PLUS the 12 pound bundle is really a money saver.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I used to use this product often. I had a recurring subscription through Amazon. One time I used it and later noticed a HUGE stain in my pool shortly after. I didn't know the stain was a reaction from this product immediately. I balanced my pool, bought stain removal (spending spending spending), followed all instructions to the T. EVENTUALLY, I got the stain to go away after a lot of time, money, effort, and frustration. So fast fwd. Next time I had to shock my pool, WITHIN MINUTES, it stain my pool again. But not just in that spot, literally in every spot the product touched the floor of my inground pool. I sprinkle it SO lightly, I literally walk around the pool like 3 or 4 times and salt and pepper it in just to try and prevent it from accumulating anywhere on the bottom of the pool. Alas, it does not matter. So I cancelled my subscription after having used this product for years. My feeling is that with the rise in costs on chlorine tablets, HTC seems to have taken the low road and changed the ingredients comprising their product. Nevertheless as a consumer, I will waste no more time or money on it. I will keep my pool balanced and stain free using other brands and products."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was unaware this product adds material that will raise the PH of a pool. I needed mine to go lower. I thought I was buying only granular chlorine. Not so. Check with your local pool store before adding this product to your pool and find a store that can accurately measure your pool chemistry. I will no longer be using this product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This stuff don\'t do as good as it use too\nLooks like I\'ll be going to an actual pool supply store from now on . and the price increases for a Wal-Mart brand shock that don\'t seem to work at all anymore is insane. I have a 18\' 52" round pool and I put almost twice as much as needed and the pool actually turned green .its almost like I purchased bags of green algae instead .'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a 20K gallon pool and have tried many different brands of shock over the years. Many brands leave a thin layer of undissolved powder on the top of the water when dumped into the pool. HTH dissolves almost completely and does a great job keeping my pool sanitized. Five stars!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If you have black mold in your pool, this will take care of it . With the pool pump off, sprinkle this, lightly, directly over the mold area. Let it sit undisturbed for a 30 to 60 minutes, then lightly brush part of the area and see if\nis loose. Brush the area and repeat as required.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a Costco-sized splash pool that my son had termed "the swamp." Because we live in a desert, I really didn\'t want to waste the hundreds of gallons of water to refill it, so purchased this. I poured in an entire pouch, and the pool was clean by the second day (it had a LOT of work to do). That first treatment lasted about 3 weeks, and then I used a half a packet for the second treatment, and it worked great again. This will last me all summer, keeping the water clean. I use a similar product in my laboratory to keep water baths clean, so I know it works!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I wish I had a before picture to compare with the after. We went away for a few days and forgot to treat the pool first. We came back to a pool that was completely green. I have an inground pool and I added four bags of shock yesterday afternoon. It’s now 7 AM and the pool is completely blue, crystal clear and see-through. Amazing!!!!!!!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/HTH-52026-Super-Treatment-Swimming/dp/B07YKWDZPW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,101 | Spectracide 65865 HG-65865 Wasp & Hornet Killer Aerosol, 20-oz, 2-PK, Case Pack of 2, Multicolor | Patio, Lawn & Garden | #26 | 5,913 | $5.37 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Overall - I am happy with this product. The spray goes out far enough that way I am not right up on the wasp nest. Every once in a while I might get a flier, but they usually drop not far away. It doesn't stain the metal or concrete.\n\nA good tip during nesting season is to keep an eye out on the single one flying around, usually they will go to the nest and that'll allow you to take them all out at once.\n\nIf you found my review helpful - PLEASE hit the Helpful button :-)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "IN THESE DIVISIVE TIMES, LET US CONSIDER THAT WE HAVE A COMMON ENEMY IN THIS WORLD - ONE WHICH SEEMS ALWAYS TO ENCROACH UPON OUR PRIVACY, THREATEN THE STABILITY AND SAFETY OF OUR HOMES AND FAMILIES, AND WHICH MENACES SOCIETIES THE WORLD OVER.\n\nTHIS ENEMY DIDN'T SPRING FROM THE VAIN PONTIFICATIONS OF IVY LEAGUE MEN SO DISCONNECTED FROM GOD AND THE WORLD THAT THEIR WORDS ARE BUT A FAINT ECHO OF A REFLECTION OF REALITY BUT WHOSE PHILOSOPHIES YET GRIP ENTIRE NATIONS, SOCIETIES, AND HEARTS WITH A POISON GLOVE, AND WHOSE PRETENSIONS ARE BUT PERVERSIONS AND WHOSE IDEALS ARE BUT IDOLS OF ROT AND SAND.\n\nTHIS ENEMY ISN'T THE POLITICIANS WHOSE WORDS ARE AS WEIGHTLESS AS THEIR ACTIONS; WHOSE POCKETS WITH HUMBLE BEGINNINGS SINK HEAVIER OVER TIME IN PROPORTION TO THE LIGHTENING OF THEIR PUBLIC SINCERITY AND INTEGRITY AND THE ALIGNMENT OF THEIR INTERESTS TO THOSE SHADOWY LEGENDS ATOP CORPORATE MOUNTAINS DEIGNING TO GIVE US VALLEY-DWELLERS THE OCCASIONAL SCRAPS FROM THE TABLES OF THEIR CAPITALISTIC OPULENCE.\n\nTHIS ENEMY IS NOT EVEN THE ARBITERS OF PUBLIC DISCOURSE, THE ARCHITECTS OF TOWN SQUARE DISCURSIVE SCAFFOLDING WHEREUPON WE REGULARLY EMBARK UPON THE TREACHEROUS SEAS OF OPEN DEBATE AND RATIONAL INQUIRY, THE SHIP WITHOUT WHICH WE SHALL NEVER AFFORD OURSELVES ANY CHANCE OF SHORING THAT YET UNSEEN LAND FLOWING WITH THE MILK AND HONEY OF LIBERTY AND PROSPERITY. TIS NOT OF THESE ENEMIES I SPEAK, WHO TEAR OUR SAILS, UNPLANK OUR DECKS, ROOT OUT OUR RUDDERS, AND BURN THE ASCENDANT STEPS OF THE EDIFICE OF OUR FREE AND UNFETTERED EXPRESSION.\n\nNO, THIS ENEMY I SPEAK OF IS THE CURSED WASPS AND HORNETS AND THEIR DUMB STABBY BUTTS. THE ONES THAT ALWAYS BUILD THEIR HOMES ON THE SIDES OF YOUR HOUSE AND SCARE YOUR WIFE AND PUT AN UNFORTUNATELY NEGATIVE ASSOCIATIVE TASTE IN YOUR MOUTH FOR THE WONDERFUL HONEYBEE. THESE STUPID BUGS I HATE AND WISH THEY'D JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND NOT STAB ME IN THE FACE SO THAT I GET SCARED OF THEM FOR WEEKS AND FLINCH AT THE SOUND OF A LEAF AND FLEE WHEN NONE PURSUES, AND WHICH ONE TIME GOT INTO MY BATHROOM THROUGH THE VENT SOMEHOW BUT I DIDN'T NOTICE TILL I GOT OUT OF THE SHOWER AND CLOSED THE DOOR AND SPENT THE NEXT HOUR TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO EVICT AND FINALLY SERVED THE NOTICE WITH A CUP AND LOOSE LEAF PAPER.\n\nTHIS HORNET SPRAY IS GOOD AND SHOOTS REALLY FAR. I LIKE HOW FAR THESE SPRAYS ARE GETTING. BUT I'M CONCERNED IF THEY KEEP MAKING THE SPRAYS GO FARTHER AND FARTHER, WILL NEW RESTRICTIONS AND REGULATIONS BE PLACED UPON HORNET SPRAY? WILL THESE SURPASS THE POINT OF PRACTICALITY AND ENCROACH THE POINT OF UNNECESSARY LETHALITY? WILL THE LOBBYISTS AND CORPORATE MEDIA RELENTLESSLY PITCH FOR STRICTER BACKGROUND CHECKS AND STREAM-LENGTH RESTRICTIONS AND MAKE IT SO ONE CANNOT FREELY GO ON AMAZON AND PURCHASE WASP & HORNET SPRAY FOR HIS OWN SELF-DEFENSE, ALL IN THE NAME OF PUBLIC SAFETY? GOD SAVE US IF WE BECOME LIKE EUROPE.\n\n5/5 HORNET SPRAYERS"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Do you want something that doesn't work? Do you like paying money for garbage? Do you like getting stung because you think this will work and it doesn't? Well, look no further than Spectracide Wasp and Hornet Killer. Guaranteed to make a wasp mad as heck and buzzing towards you like you have a bulls-eye on your forehead.\n\nThis is not the wasp spray I was looking for. *waving hand* This stuff foams up and if you spray it at or on a wasp they will be mad as all get out at you. This claims to kill on contact. Treat decks. Treat siding.\nIt claims to do a lot of things. Nowhere on the can does it say anything about the foam or the back blast you will get from it... EACH... AND... EVERY... TIME!!\n\nDo yourself and your sanity a favor... Find another spray... And if you find one that isn't complete crud... Let me know. I need it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I shook the can and sprayed almost 20 feet up from the ground to the deck! Over 20 Wasp dropped from the nest and they were all dead in seconds. Absolutely worked perfectly.... better than I expected (because of other reviews). I don't know why others are giving it one star.... they must not know how to read the instructions. I have included photos just moments after I sprayed the wasp for others trying to decide what brand to buy,"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’ve had a swarm of bees in my rotting balcony. I’m on a very fixed income just getting by. I called several bee rescues hoping that they would help me but although there wasn’t a be relocation fee there surely was a bee removal fee. Cheapest I found was $400 here in Miami. This wasn’t an option. I purchased Spectracide hoping it would work. I was so anxious to use it that I didn’t wait until night time for them to all go back to the hive. I almost used an entire bottle and all of the bees just kept flying around. So then I followed the directions with the second bottle and used it at 10 PM. I really didn’t think it worked until the next morning although I could see the bees falling off the hive in a lump sum.\nWhen I open my front door next morning there must’ve been about 500 bees there. Some were dead and some were twitching and others were just walking around. I finished them off with Lysol Disinfecting Spray! Yes Lysol kills roaches and apparently half dead bees as well! Swept them all up as my kids cried and told me they were never going to speak to me again. It was a win win!\nDid the job for $6. Now I can begin to repair the balcony.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I am allergic to bees and wasps and they love the corners in my porch (wasp that is and mud dabbers) This stuff is great for getting the nest from far away without putting myself into danger. I love it! Plus it is easy enough for my 80 year old neighbor Agnes to use. She saw me using it and asked me to order her some too. I took care of her wasp and left the can for her. She said found a nest in the back and took care of it herself.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I can say for 100% certainty that this product does NOT kill on contact, as advertised on the packaging. I'm currently in a war with a hornet, and ordered this. The first hornet I wasn't certain that I actually got with this spray. I ended up murdering him with a pool net. The second hornet, I have for certain hit with this more than once. Yesterday, I got him at least two times with the spray. He has returned today. I have sprayed him once today and he's flown off. I also had a couple wasps in this war, and have hit one directly on the ground and the other directly on a surface he landed on. Both wasps have flown away too. I did spray a small nest that I haven't yet attempted to remove due to the not killing on contact factor. I attempted to spray this around for a barrier to see if it was a deterrent to hornets and wasps and I can say with certainty that it doesn't act as a deterrent. I have other products from this brand and have been happy with the results of those however, due to my reasons listed above I would not recommend this product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Our grandmother's house is a den for wasps. It's crazy. We live a few doors down & we have none. Our neighbors aren't bothered with them. But her front eaves are filled with them. And they just keep coming.\n\nIn any case, this kills them. Dead. We use a lot of it because A) they are so prolific (do they have some sort of preference for her house?) & B) they didn't send a red thin tube to put on the sprayer tip so it wastes a bit. But the cans are full & 1 or 2 sprays will kill each nest.\n\nI am not brave enough to spray wasps, but hubby does in early evening as recommended on YouTube. The nest falls & regardless of how many are in there, they die.\n\nI am not even going to deduct a star for the lack of the red tube. Just be aware that you may not get one with your purchase.\n\nIf I could just figure out how to keep new ones from coming, everything would be perfect. Until then, the struggle continues...lol"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': '1. It kills wasps pretty quickly.\n2. It goes fast and don’t think 2 bottles will last long, we bought a second set to treat around 10 hives around the house\n3. I heard from a friend that it sprays far then purchased this, but I have a higher eave and it won’t spray that effectively. If with a ladder, won’t be able to run away fast if attacked.\n\nIt kills the type of wasp on the pic effectively. It got in my house and I got stung, hurt much and bought this product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I saw a string of negative reviews... it prompted me to write a review. This stuff works great. better than the Raid and Hotshot I was buying at walmart for an arm and a leg. The only difference is the foaming action this has and the others didn't. When it foams up on the nest, the wasps can't fly away so easily. In a sense, they stuck in the foam for just maybe 30 seconds.\n\nThey might not have been dead on contact, but they were seriously drunk/high/dying.\n\nI have one nest left that is about 30 feet up, and I don't think this will reach it. [update, it did end up reaching it. brand new bottle, shook it hard, no wind. It barely made it, but it did make it, and it killed them, and they never came back to the nest]"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Spectracide-65865-HG-65865-Aerosol-Multicolor/dp/B0050D0XZ4/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,102 | Arm & Hammer Clear Balance Swimming Pool Maintenance Tablets, 16 Count | Patio, Lawn & Garden | #27 | 13,111 | $20.78 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product is mostly baking soda but also has a clarifier added in it..... 86% / 14%...We personally like the convenience of the tablets and can use them in conjunction with the chlorinating tablets. We put one chlorine tab in the floaty and one A&H in the pump basket at each use. The pucks are 3” and dissolve quickly. Comes packaged nicely in a plastic ice cream bucket like container with a handle. Inside they come in a plastic bag... one was broken in ours but I’ve seen this a lot in past reviews.\nThese seems simple, but I’m telling you they are effective. They cut our chlorine levels down, break down algae, balance PH levels and is safe for your eyes. My daughter has sensitive eyes and goes under the water with no complaints!\nWe have a 14’ above ground 42” deep and it’s safe for the liner. We also use this in conjunction with pool shock and chlorinating pucks (3”). You will need to use shock, however we only use a quarter of a one pound bag once every two weeks. We have good city water also, and that does make a difference. Also, this will help your chlorine work more effectively.\nSo - recap. All we bought for our 14’, 42” pool to keep the levels balanced was -\n- HTH pool shock\n- chlorinating tablets 3”\n- A&H tablets\n\n***this is an honest review from an Amazon customer. Hopefully my time has helped you. If so please let me know by clicking helpful.****'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Purchase Date: 21JUN16\nPurchase Price: $22.28\n\nI live and own a 10,000 gallon, above ground, 21 foot round pool in the Midwest. I know some reviews show to buy regular baking soda instead of this to save money but my wife and I like this stuff. $20 for the summer is okay with me. It dissolves fast as it is intended to do so it can circulate around your water. My wife and I find the water to feel better on our skin after we started using these tabs. I used it after opening my pool, chemicals all balanced, as instructed and I have not had any issues or chemical imbalances since. I also used it for my hot tub and have had no issues. Just drop a tablet inside your skimmer and you are all set. Shipping was fast and qualifies for Prime. I will buy again and do recommend (pictures attached).\n\nPlease Note: I did NOT receive any type of incentive to write this review. This review is my honest opinion after doing much research and purchasing this product for use. Prior to purchasing any product I conduct thorough research. "Was this review helpful to you?" if it was please select "YES" below. Thank you! :)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I live in Palm Springs with hideous heat in the Summer, (120 is not rare!) which means my pool can go South in a second if the chemicals are not perfectly balanced. I have battled with trying to maintain the clorine levels (which the hot Sun eats up immediately); and to deter green algae growth,(which LOVES the heat). I've wasted hundreds on chemicals, and test kits and cleaning my filters sometimes every week in the Summer! I had to drain the pool several times and acid wash just to get it back to normal. Cut to this Summer- I read some reviews about this prodcut that honestly sounded too good to be true, but for $20. I thought I'd try it out. Gods knows we've tried everything else. Well, its been almost a month now, and we have had the worst hot weather which is when the algae usually starts up, but since I started using this, I swear- there is NO MORE ALGAE! I used to vacumn the massive amounts of green algae off the walls every day and left my pump and pool vac robot running for over 12-14 hours! Now I just use these tablets with my cloring tablets and I cut the pump running to 8 hours, and STILL NO ALGAE. My pool used to also get really cloudy for no reason, but not since I started using this. I have done nothing different other than add this product to my 2 clorine floaties and keep adding tablets along with cloring tablets. I have not had toshock the pool since, or clean my filters yet. I have yet to see any algae- I am still in shock. I have not had to brush the walls for almost a week! (Though I will anyway, just to be safe). Great if you live in the desert and clorine levels dissapate far too quickly. It helps the clorine last longer, and helps it stay balanced so it keeps the water crystal clear."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I used these last year and they were great. It really helped keep things balanced. I bought from Amazon to save about $2 and they arrived with the lid off the container and tablets busted up and pulverized into powder. Powder was pouring out of the box when it was delivered. Great product, but I’ll go to the store next time.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I wish I would’ve found it sooner! I could’ve saved a lot of money instead of going to the pool store. I use three tablets once a week and a pool float along with three tablets Of Clorox xtra blue And a separate float. They have been keeping my water perfect! So crystal clear, I’ve never had it looking so beautiful. I will definitely stick with this!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'ve been taking care of my own pool for years (pool details below if it helps anyone). Some years are easier/harder than others. I\'d get the chlorine right (I like to keep mine around 3ppm), the alkalinity (80-120), and pH (7.2-7.8) and make sure there is also a healthy calcium reading (200-400). I strive for perfection. I try to get 0.0 saturation index on that little wheel.\n\nI had always had to periodically raise alkalinity with soda. Last year, my pH kept getting high, and I was often having to put acid in the pool. I decided to give this product a try because it manages both pH and alkalinity and sounded really easy. Almost too easy.\n\nI made sure my water was where I wanted it before I started using it. The directions are simple - add one tablet per tablet of chlorine. I put these tablets in my skimmers because I have a chlorinator.\n\nAfter a few months of using it, I have to say...it really works. The pool glistens like liquid glass. Every time I check my pool, pH is around 7.5 and alkalinity is around 90. The chlorine has normal efficacy.\n\nSome people say this gets "sudsy". If you have your chemicals right (especially make sure you have enough calcium), this is minimal if at all.\n\nI can probably use up to 7 of these tablets a week in the summer, so you\'ll need more than the 16 that\'s in there. I wish I could buy more at once or cheaper, but considering they are so easy to use, and I no longer have to use the other chemicals...it is probably a bargain. No measuring, no hazards.\n\nGood luck!\n\nDetails: Live in Georgia. 26,000 gal in-ground pool. Pebble-Tech liner. Chlorinator. Cartridge filter. Keep it open year-round. Has a waterfall feature and spa. Polaris 280 autovac.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a 16,000 gallon in-ground finite pool and can not live without this stuff. I use two tabs per week or three if there has been a lot of rain or activity in the pool that week.\nThe container says to use these tabs and chlorine to have a perfect pool. This is very close but I add a bio-based weekly phosphate reducer and clarifier as well and always have a sparkling pool. I have passed this tip on to others and they experience the same thing. This is so much simpler than dealing with acid! I do wish it would get back on the subscription list or stay at a set price. Sometimes it is cheaper to buy on Walmart.com because of demand on amazon I believe because this is usually in the spring and summer. Just stock up when the price is low!\nAlso you do not need a pool floater for these just put them in a filter basket or toss them in and they dissolve in less than a day.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We were new pool owners last summer and struggled to keep the pool balanced. Once we tried this, our troubles ended. We ran out near the end of the season, decided to not buy more since it was late August and the pool turned green within a week. Won't do that again!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This really works! This year is my first time ever owning a pool of my own and I was super lost on what all I needed and didn’t need. I decided to buy this because from what I read it was pretty much an all in one tablet & with 2 kids my life is pretty busy so I want maintenance to be as easy as possible. My pool has stayed clear all summer & I don’t even shock weekly like most will recommend. I’ve had my pool open since the end of may and have only shocked twice. I truly believe this product has helped keep my pool clear & levels balanced. Just add one tablet any time you put a chlorine tab in your dispenser and let it do the work! I will be buying this as long as we have a pool. 😁'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The simplest way to keep your pool clear! I have a rather large in ground pool and keeping the water balanced has always been a struggle...add a little pH up here, alkalizer there...some shock...test. Repeat. Maddening. Not so with Clear Balance. I just drop a tab in with my regular chlorine tablets and the pool is sparkling! It's a miracle!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Arm-Hammer-Balance-Maintenance-Tablets/dp/B005N7FI8E/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,103 | Repel 94109 HG-94109 Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect, 4-Ounce Pump Spray, 1 Pack, Black | Patio, Lawn & Garden | #28 | 34,657 | $4.97 - $23.98 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The Good:\n- Effective (was out at dusk and didn’t get bit)\n- 2 pack is a good value\n- Smells like lemon and not chemically\n- Spray applicator works well and provides easy application\n\nThe Bad:\n- Strong lemon smell when first applied but dissipates over time\n\nThe Bottom Line:\nWe went to a birthday party at dusk and there were definitely mosquitos out. We used this DEET free mosquito repellent and we didn’t get bit. It has an easy spray applicator and we sprayed ourselves a lot. I would say it was effective for the 3 hours we were at the park. I think everyone at the party ended up spraying themselves and their kids with it. The smell is definitely a strong lemon smell which I like but might not be for everyone. Overall, we’ll be keeping bottles of this in all of our bags to spray on us when we’re out!\n\n*If you found my review helpful, please let Amazon know by clicking the helpful button below!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2014', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Personally I find this product works very well and I\'m happy to have something naturally derived instead of DEET. I understand why people looking for a natural product would like to know what it contains. The most likely reason for warnings about eye irritation and keeping away from flame is that it contains 45% ETHANOL. Have you ever sprayed vodka or isopropanol in your eye? It would be irritating. And yes, it\'s flammable. The company probably hasn\'t paid to test the product on children under 3, so they have to tell you not to apply it to them. And just like coca cola will not give you their formula, this company has their own recipe that they don\'t disclose for financial reasons. If the information isn\'t on the label, surely Amazon can\'t "require it" in the description.\n\n**Questions about ingredients**\nThe material safety data sheet says it contains 30% oil of lemon eucalyptus (naturally derived) and 45% ethanol. The other ingredients are listed as a "buffer" so probably something to keep the pH at the right level. If you look at the Q&A on the Repel website, many many people have asked about specific ingredients and the company will give a yes or no answer. According to the website, the product does NOT contain: fragrances, petroleum distillates, dyes, formaldehyde, perfluorinated compounds, Bronopol, DMDM hydantoin, BHA, Boric acid, Triclosan, Parabens, PEG, phthalates, urea, Quaternium-15, Propylene glycol, Butylene glycol, sulfates, soy, nuts, milk, eggs, or gluten.\n\n**Here\'s the problem with buying your own lemon eucalyptus oil.**\nYes, the active ingredient comes directly from lemon eucalyptus citriodora oil. But in nature, the main component of the oil is citronellal and as the oil ages, that citronellal slowly turns into p-menthane-diol (PMD). PMD is the compound that is effective for repelling insects. This PMD is found only in small amounts in "young" oil, it must be harvested from older leaves/twigs and/or the citronellal is turned into PMD under mildly acidic conditions. You don\'t know how much PMD is in the aromatherapy oil you buy, so it might not be very effective.\n\nI am not associated with this company at all. I am a scientist who also cares what I put on my body. I was ready to buy the essential oil rather than this spray but I can\'t be sure it has the right ingredients to repel insects. If someone comes out with an essential oil with a measured amount of PMD, I\'d be all for it. For now I will stick to Repel, because I don\'t think it contains any unsafe ingredients and I know it will work.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bought this product a while back trusting the high reviews. Did not get the chance to use until this last week while on vacation in Hawaii. Lathered all over my arms and legs before we went out on our first day. First of all the spray actually squirts. Had to squirt on my hand to spread on my arms and legs. A couple hours later I broke out with the worst hives on the palms of my hands which spread throughout the rest of my hands/fingers, arms, legs, thighs, and abdomen. The hives were so itchy and eventually began to blister. Consulted a doctor and was diagnosed with Dyshidrosis Eczema which is a form of an allergic reaction to a chemical. The rash will last 2-4 weeks with the steroid creams they gave me that I had to pay out of pocket for since I’m not from Hawaii. Not to mention how miserable I was the remainder of our trip. Read the fine print people! If you have sensitive skin this is not for you! They clearly indicate that it can cause allergic reaction in some cases. Unfortunately I was one of them. Also, it didn’t repel the mosquitoes because at the end of that night despite my horrendously itchy rash I had a handful of mosquito bites on my legs as well. So save your money and buy something else!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 16, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'As someone who must be wearing a sign saying "Bite Me" that is invisible to all but insects, I have struggled to find a reasonably non-toxic repellent that actually works. I walk in a wooded state park three miles every day. Mosquitoes, ticks, flies, and chiggers are common. I have found this product very effective in keeping all pests away. The scent may be too heavy for some, but since the repellent works I don\'t care if it reminds me of my grandmother\'s bedroom. It\'s a good idea to apply it where there is plenty of ventilation because the vapors in a more closed space can be somewhat choking.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 9, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "omg does this stuff have a strong smell to it. it not only repels mosquitoes but I'm sure it could work on mother in laws, ex's, lawyers, cops, etc. I mean my wife was sent away in tears so imagine what it must do to the bugs. it even says flammable on it?! this stuff is awesome!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2014', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Update 11/10/2014:\nExecutive summary or tl;dr: When applied correctly, this works as well as DEET on mosquitoes. Approved by governmental agencies for use in malaria-prone areas. EXTREMELY SMELLY. Buy and use it with confidence.\n\nI have been using this product to repel mosquitoes exclusively for seven years. I became so confident in it that I volunteered to survey wildlife in New England bogs and swamps for six years running. I can't think of a better test than standing around in prime mosquito territory for four hours at a time just daring them to bite. It works every time and they don't get their free lunch. I also used it in Alaska, Kenya, and India and was NEVER BITTEN.\n\nThis is the only non-DEET product that the International Travel Clinic at Dartmouth-Hitchcock recommends to those with destinations in malaria-prone countries, and oil of lemon eucalyptus is one of only two non-DEET chemicals approved by the CDC.\n\nThere are many reviews here that say this product didn't work well for them. I wonder if it may be that some people are not applying it correctly. This is an oil, not an aerosol, and it must be applied like sunscreen. The pump is merely for convenience. You spray some on, and then rub it over the entire area to be protected. If you fail to cover everything, the mosquitoes will home in on the uncovered area and bite there instead. You must apply this to your skin UNDER your clothes! Mosquitoes can bite through jeans, so thin summer shirts and shorts are no barrier to them.\n\nYou must also apply enough of the oil. If you stretch it too thin, it will not protect you. I cannot overstate how PUNGENT this stuff is; I wonder if some people don't apply enough because of the strong smell. You may have to try different amounts a few times until you find the amount that works right for you. Still, you don't have to slather on half a bottle or anything. The quickest I've ever gone through a supply was the one summer where I spent four days a week of swamp slogging with eight hours logged each day, and that only used one bottle. I'm pretty sure most people won't need nearly as much.\n\nYou must re-apply the oil at regular intervals. The effectiveness will wear off long BEFORE the smell does, so many people may think they are still protected when they are not. Re-apply every four to six hours. As an oil, this stuff is somewhat water resistant, but you will have to reapply sooner if you are swimming.\n\nAnother reason why people may think this isn't working is because it only keeps the mosquitoes from biting. It won't keep them from seeking you out. This is because it does not jam their long range radar, only the short range. A mosquito tracks potential prey using different senses when hunting for a potential lunch, than when it is looking for the safest place to bite an already discovered one. What happens with this stuff is they get close, and then get really confused. It's like they can see you until they get within a foot, and then you disappear. You can have several mosquitoes hovering around you, but none of them can find a good place to bite. They eventually give up and look for a less confusing blood source.\n\nLemon Eucalyptus will NOT work for you if you primarily want to repel black flies, ticks, or chiggers. In my experience, it is only so-so in repelling deer flies.\n\nFinally, this stuff is AMAZINGLY SMELLY. In outdoor environments, this usually isn't a problem. But you really, really, really don't want to apply it before getting in a small enclosed space like an elevator or a car. Even outside, some people will hate the smell, others like it better than the DEET spray alternatives. It kinda smells like cough drops mixed with citronella. Unlike most repellents, the smell does not fade much with time. You are going to smell like this until you shower. If you wore clothes over it, they will smell of it until they are washed. But I think the smell is a small price to pay to stay bite-free.\n\nOriginal review from 2007:\nI am allergic to Deet. I've been the one at the back of the camping/hiking/fishing trips silently feeding millions of mosquitoes and other biting insects in misery for years- until now. I've tried everything on the market and was always disappointed, since all the deet free products I tried either triggered my allergies or just plain didn't work. This year, my doctor recommended I try the deet-free Repel, and I am sold. The difference is like night and day. We took it on a trip photographing butterflies and dragonflies in swamps in the Rio Grande Valley, TX, and came away bite free. Didn't work on chiggers, but I don't think it's supposed to. I'm not sure it lasts as long as the deet-containing products- my husband started using it exclusively as well, and he has to apply it more often than the Off or Cutter products he used to use. But I'm talking a drop from six hours of effectiveness to four, hardly a problem if you have room in your pack to carry the stuff. Also, it smells like Eucalyptus, which some people don't like, and you will smell of it for HOURS, even after it has lost it's effectiveness or until you take a shower."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Hate the smell, but it definitely works. I’m always the person getting eaten alive by mosquitoes while no one else is, I used this a couple nights ago and I had ZERO bites. I couldn’t even believe it, it’s the first time something has worked 100%.\n\nCons\nThe smell is awful and it’s oily, it smells like Medicinal thyme to me but I always shower after putting on sun tan lotion or bug spray so I can make it work.\n\nThe other negative is that it’s oily so it’s very difficult to get off your hands after application.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This stuff works fantastic. It lasts for hours and no chemical smell. It has a definitely lemon smell but not like furniture polish lemon smell. No bites and I was out for about 3 hours. Bugs didn't bug me at all and no deet. Would need to reapply if your getting in an out of the water just keep that in mind. Mosquitos LOVE me so if it works on me it should work on anyone."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 8, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Repel Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent, is an competent line of defense for the dreaded Zica virus. I learned about this particular brand in a CBS network news story about the best and safest repellents available. The REPEL was the only natural product in this test that inhibited the mosquitoes from landing on the subjects skin while in an enclosed area. I know DEET is probably the best to use but I get a bad reaction whenever I use it. Also not so comfortable exposing my skin to dangerous chemicals. We're also able to use this formula on our grandchildren without fear of toxins. Purchasing this at the add-on price is actually the best value I've found anywhere for REPEL. For anyone looking for a more natural approach, I highly recommend this product!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This doesn’t work at all. I would have given it 0 stars if I could. Given the good reviews, I purchased 2 bottles with high hopes. Sprayed all over and went to do yard work for about an hour. Was bitten horribly with at least 60 bites and even got stung by something. I’ve never been bitten so much before. This product attracts insects more than repels for sure. Thank goodness for Amazon’s excellent return policy.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Repel-HG-94109-Eucalyptus-Natural-4-Ounce/dp/B09BZYLND7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,104 | Miracle-Gro Moisture Control Potting Mix | Patio, Lawn & Garden | #29 | 8,204 | $5.47 - $49.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This potting mix is the best,it feeds continually for 6 months,delivery is fast.With all potting soils you should place them in a microwave for 3 minutes to kill off gnats and spider mites and all other parasites this guarantees that your potting soil is free of 99% of micro pests that will destroy your seedlings.I give this product 5 out of 5 stars.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a split leaf philodendron that was needing some help! I used this soil to top it off and I also added a few Miracle Grow plant spikes. I think adding both of these saved my plant! Pictured is the new leaf that came in a few weeks after adding the soil & spikes. The bag that came was very full but not heavy. (luckily not half empty or anything)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'USED TO BRING BACK A 21 YEAR OLD DIEFFENBACHIA THAT WAS ONCE SEVEN FEET TALL, BUT DUE TO A VARIETY OF SETBACKS THE ORIGINAL PLANT WAS DOWN TO A SINGLE LEAF, LESS THAN ONE INCH IN LENGTH . . . I THOUGHT IT WAS DEAD, NEARLY ALL COLOR (green) WAS GONE. PURCHASED THIS PRODUCT AND SEVERAL MONTHS LATER (using this product in water solution in a glass) AND I NOW HAVE A THRIVING DIEFFENBACHIA THAT HAS 3+ WONDERFULLY HEALTHY LEAVES (over 3 inches in length each) WITH AN OVERALL HEIGHT OF (currently) NINE INCHES. SEE PHOTO.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I can no longer drive to the garden center to pick up what I need for gardening. It is so wonderful to simply pull my finger to “buy now” and have it brought to my doorstep.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have used this in my pots outdoors and we live in a very hot climate and so far my plants have don't well in this soil. I have been a long time user of Miracle Grow and have always been pleased with their results."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Contains peat moss and perlite which lightens the soil to be great for growing from seed or planting new plants or replanting. Great when used with Black Kow for extra fertilizing dirt. I have also grown flowers, herbs and veggies from an Aerogrow then harden off in a 4" pot until the roots set (maybe a month or two?) then transfer to large pots/planters or into the ground. I use 100% potting mix when hardening off Aerogrow pods into 4" pots. Don\'t forget to break up the roots of store-bought or overgrown plants before replanting (not necessary to remove or break up Aerogrow pods--just stick the brown pod (not the plastic) right into the 4" pot or planter/pot/ground with the top of the pod just below soil top). Most seeds just need a little layer of potting mix sprinkled on top the seeds as well if growing in a garden from seed. If planting in a large pot or planter, put rocks in the bottom of the pot for drainage before adding dirt, then Black Kow and then potting mix.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I read a lot of reviews stating that this soil was plagued with problems like bug eggs and fungus, but decided to give it a chance because it's cheap. I should've stayed away. As soon as the soil arrived, I opened it to find a large mass of fungus growing over the top layer of soil. After removing all of that, I was left with maybe 3/4 of what I started with. Then I saw a cluster of something small and yellow. I thought maybe it was just the beads with nutrients in them, but those looked different. After checking some other reviews and even someone's blog, I found out they're bad news and removed them. I then sifted through the bag, just to be certain I was in the clear, only to find more chunks of fungus growing inside. I am never buying this stuff ever again."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 26, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I suck at gardening. Seriously. I made mint die and it's a weed. Actually, prior to that, I made the mint pot grow mushrooms because that's the kind of person I am.\n\nThis summer, I decided to try again and got some tomatoes, green peppers and eggplants. I didn't expect much but after a couple of weeks, the peppers started growing and I thought it would be good to put them in a bigger pot.\n\nThis potting mix is perfect for making these things grow!! Within 2 weeks, my plants doubled in height and the eggplant has finally started to flower! I'm super impressed! I'm also terrible at remembering to water them so I just dump a ton of water on the soil every few days and this mix magically retains just enough moisture to survive!\n\nHighly recommended for beginners."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The soil is good; it helps correct for over and under watering. The price isn't terrible. The biggest argument for purchasing this item is convenience. If you're like me and you'd have to haul the bag of soil on a 30 min ride on public transportation followed by a 3/4 mile walk and then up 8 stories just to re-pot the office plant, you'll LOVE the convenience of ordering soil online and having it delivered right to your office (or your apartment)."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great potting mix usable even outdoors. hard clay soil around here makes life difficult for some root systems. Digging out a slightly larger than normal hole for my Roses and then filling with this loose potting mix, gave them space to grow and take hold. Once the roots became large enough, boring through the harder natural ground was a snap.\nProduct highly recommended.\nI do suggest using a delivery service OTHER than UPS..for whatever reason they never find my home and drop stuff off at my land lords house next door. Just my opinion.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Miracle-Gro-Moisture-Control-Potting-Mix/dp/B0B72MHY56/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,105 | Gardguard 50ft Expandable Garden Hose Water Hose with 10 Function Nozzle and Durable 3-Layers Latex, Water Hose with Solid Fittings | Patio, Lawn & Garden | #30 | 23,519 | $26.99 - $46.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This compact, lightweight hose is well-made and should last a very long time. Painters and lawn people had mistreated the original old style hose. This hose fits in a small container, gives a nice, strong spray, and is easily handled by an 85 year-old woman (me).'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " This hose was attached to the outside faucet for 3 months and suddenly developed pinhole leaks an inch from the faucet connection. I can't imagine why, it hadn't been moved at all. First there were 2 or 3 small leaks, then in a day or two 7 or 8 larger leaks, so much that I really can't use it anymore. I do think the hose itself is very fragile and I have been very careful to coil it up and not walk or run anything over it. Still, I get leaks where nothing could have damaged it. Too expensive to replace and have this happen again."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'DO NOT PURCHASE. The product description uses the vague "solid" fittings without telling you the fittings are very lightweight aluminum, NOT brass, even though they have colored it to look like brass. As a result, the fittings easily bend, meaning the threads will not stay true and makes it impossible to connect to your spigot. The threads also strip very easily. That is why all hoses should be made with brass fittings. I did not even get one use out of this hose.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've seen these hoses in stores and on commercials many times but I've always been unsure on how well they would last. I was in dire need of a hose as I've been carrying the same hose from the front yard into the back yard and that hose just sprays water all over (from all the wrong places.)\n\nFirst I must say, I wasn't expecting a nice hose wall mount to come in the package! I was pleasently surprised by this :)\n\nSecondly, it came with a bunch of seals and after many many tests it doesn't leak at all! You hook it up, close the lever, fill the hose so it expands, and you are good to go! My kids love watching it grow and shrink.\n\nI've been using it to hook up to my pressure washer nearly every day for the past week or so and haven't seen a single fault with this hose. I've also used the included nozzle to water my flowers and lawn and that also performs really well. I went to lowes to look at their versions of expandable hoses and was surprised that they were all around $50 or more. I felt them and didn't see any major differences between this one and the ones that cost twice as much."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This hose measures under 25 feet. It does elongate but “up to 50 feet” is a total lie. It’s more like 30 feet if you pull hard.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I had an expandable hose before but it broke. Not sure how it broke but the wife and kids was involved so I didn't ask questions. Not like it will fix itself even if I know the circumstances. Pick your fights gents. Let them win a battle, you want to win the war.\n\nAnyways, this replacement is much better. The hose feels stronger and it is easy to put away after it collapses. Unlike my previous nose that collapses to a wet noodle like existence, this one retains a hose like shape so you can put it in a bucket or hang it up nicely.\n\nThe brass connector is a nice touch and it makes a good connection with the faucet. No leaks at all from my limited usage. I am very happy with this purchase."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': ' After sitting in the box for 2-3 wks I finally used the new hose & love it! Our old 75 footer was such a pain in the a** to uncoil, coil, and lug around. I ordered this Gardguard 50ft Expandable Garden Hose based on the reviews and I\'m so happy I did. It weighs under a couple lbs (even w/ the nozzle) and is so freaking easy to use. The 75 footer? It weighs about 27 lbs. Ugh. I should have bought this a long time ago. It\'s so cool, too, the way it expands & contracts (check out the vids). It reminds me of those black "worms" you played with on the 4th of July that you\'d put a match to & they expanded. I only rated a 4-star since I can\'t account for the durability because I\'ve only used it a few times.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My husband and I love this garden hose. If you need it, I highly recommend you just buy it. Not only is good quality, is also cheap price. This water pipe-line is long enough, and very light stretchy. We use it to clean our car and sprinkle the flowers and lawn, and it’s really handy tool.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought a 50 foot hose because I needed a 50 foot hose ASAP. I received my order for a 50 foot hose and still don't have a 50 foot hose, not even close, even when fully stretched. I spent a lot of time combing through garden hoses to get a quality product for my money so this is really frustrating and disappointing. I can't even get close to the location where I need to use the water, so it's useless."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " We replaced all of our traditional green garden hoses with these Gardguard hoses. They are lightweight, easy to use, easy to maneuver around the yard or patio, and super easy to drop on the ground or in a garden bowl after we're finished. You do need to allow a little time after turning off the water pressure to let the hose filter out and shrink up. They are durable and may need to be replaced over time, but they are affordable and the value is very good. We bought one initially and then placed an order for additional hoses."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Gardguard-Expandable-Function-3-Layers-Fittings/dp/B0B5D13PCB/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,106 | Dr. Elsey's Cat Litter | Pet Supplies | #1 | 77,173 | $6.78 - $65.42 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Hands down the best pet related purchase I have ever made. For the first time in 10 years my house doesn't smell like cat poop.\nUpdate: still love, but beware if your cat's paw is wet the litter can form what I can only describe as concrete on their paw. You can imagine the fun we had soaking, chiseling, and cutting it off her hair for days."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My cat Sasha has been using this litter exclusively for about a year and a half now and I have no plans to ever use another litter. It's my first time living on my own with a pet, and I was concerned that my small apartment would smell like a litter box (as many do), and that I'd have to constantly move her box in and out of the shower or the patio to avoid a mess. She did not have any problems adjusting to this from her old litter, which was different in every way.\n\nI use this in combination with my Litter Genie in the 1/2 bathroom which is right at my front door, and you wouldn't even know there was a litter box when you walked in. It's so clean that I don't even remove it when I have guests using that bathroom. It's also unscented, which is great and I'm sure is much better for a cat who is constantly cleaning her toes. The grains are very large so I only need to use one mat outside the box and the litter never gets tracked out of the bathroom. She still kicks it around sometimes, though!\n\nI always purchase the larger bag, which is 40 lbs, and it usually last me 1.5 to 2 months. I am on my 11th bag since February 2015. I only dispose of the used litter when I'm opening a new bag. It clumps so well that I haven't ever had the feeling that I needed to clean out the box, so I will continue to top it off when it gets low until my bag runs out. I scoop each morning, but only because I want Sasha to have room. I've waited two days before and there is still no smell.\n\nI only have one cat but I think that this litter would be great for multi-cat households. This is the first non-flushable litter that I've had and I was concerned that I'm too lazy for a non-flushable, but combined with the Litter Genie I spend about 20 seconds scooping each day, and another 10 minutes to clean out the box each time I buy a new bag. The hardest part is carrying the 40 lb bag from my front door to the bathroom, and the very heavy 2 weeks' worth of pee balls down to the outside dumpster.\n\nThe first time I emptied the Litter Genie I was so amazed that I had to show everyone I knew! I've included that image as part of the review.\n\nThe packaging is sometimes perfect and sometimes my box is falling apart as I drag it inside, but that honestly is most likely an issue with my post office. It ships quickly with Amazon Prime and the bag is heavy duty so even if the box is destroyed, I haven't had an issue with the litter spilling. One time my post office would not deliver it because they repeatedly stated they couldn't get in the building. I kept asking them to deliver it and they wouldn't, so eventually they shipped it back to Amazon and I received a full refund."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I know this stuff LOOKS like a cheap off-brand from the packaging, but long years of living my life as a miserable, lonely cat person with no romantic prospects has shown me that this stuff is amazing. It has the least dust of any litter I've used, it clumps like concrete, the litter pan remains fresher longer because when you scoop it you are getting more of the actual waste removed from the pan, none of the clumps has crumbled away to mix with the rest of the remaining litter, the clumps remain intact. Be advised, however, the 40 pound bag of this stuff weighs at least 63 pounds more than the 40 pound bag of Tidy Cat. It is the heaviest substance known to man."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This use to be my very favorite cat litter. What in the world is happening to it?\nEverytime I clean my cats box I feel like I am moving “the rock of Gibraltar “!!! I swear the wet balls are so big and heavy that I can hardly fit them in my scooper. The worst part is that they stick to the bottom of the box like hard mud and I need a chisel to get them of if the box! It’s a nightmare and very sad since this use to be the only litter I trusted for many years but it just isn’t the same.\nNow I have to go on an expedition looking for a new litter and I hate doing that.\nPlease stay safe everyone and if anyone has any suggestions I am open to hearing them.\nThank you kindly...'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It\'s true, it\'s not the same as it used to be. I\'ve been using this litter from Amazon since the beginning of this year when I adopted a kitten. My kitten and I have had no problem with it until now. The most recent bag was delivered less than a month ago - it is dusty, sticks like glue, and does not control odor. I think it also caused my kitten to be extremely itchy, she has been scratching herself like crazy lately.\n\nI bought a another bag of this same litter at Pet360 and compared it with the one from Amazon, they were almost entirely different from each other. The litter from Pet360 is of the same superb quality that I was used to. It is a shade darker than the one from Amazon, not dusty, clumps really well, not sticky, and controls odor.\n\nI feel like this company is selling the good quality litter to the other stores and selling the subpar litter to Amazon customers to cut some costs. Amazon doesn\'t check on the quality of the products it\'s sending out due to the massive inventory / volume of sales and this particular product already has high ratings so this company can cut some costs and sell the bad quality litter through Amazon every now and then. If somebody noticed the bad quality, they can chuck it to being a "bad batch". Read through the comments, this is a trend.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been using this litter for quite sometime and have loved it but just recently noticed my cats tracking up my hardwood floors. I completely emptied all litter boxes and disinfected and filled with fresh litter to only find the tracking has not subsided. Horrible disappointment and not sure why the formula would change. I will be in search of another litter."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I ordered a bag based on recommendations from The Wirecutter, but I will never be purchasing this litter again. Either the formula has changed since Wirecutter\'s tests, or the formula is a knockoff.\n\nI have two cats, and clean their XL litter box every morning. It\'s a chore that takes only a few seconds. After switching to this litter, you\'d think I had four or five cats, there was so much to clean out! A few seconds each morning quickly turned into a 10 minute (MINIMUM) ordeal!\n\nUrine sinks straight to the bottom and turns it into wet cement. I have to spend several minutes just chiseling it off the sides and bottom of the box. The clumps are enormous and extremely heavy. They are too big to fit inside the opening of my XL litter genie! Seriously, put two of your fists together. Then imagine a third fist. That\'s how big these urine clumps are! This litter EXPANDS to over twice its size when it gets wet! A far cry from the tidy, hard little clumps you\'d get with other litter! I now have to clean my litter box multiple times a day to avoid it filling up, because the clumps are so enormous. I was so happy to see I\'d run out this morning so I can go back to using regular litter.\n\nClaims:\n*Excellent clumping/Hard clumping: FALSE.\n*Prevents Moisture from Reaching Bottom of the Litter Box: RIDICULOUSLY FALSE.\n*Used in Mechanical: What does this claim even mean? Used in the mechanical industry? Why would that matter to a pet owner?\n*Will not break apart: FALSE. Multiple chunks fall off clumps while scooping, mostly due to the fact that the clumps are ENORMOUS.\n*Made without harmful chemicals: Look, everything is chemicals. And all can be harmful if you are overexposed to them or exposed to them in the incorrect way. Saying something doesn\'t use "harsh/harmful chemicals" is just cashing in on fancy buzzwords. It literally means nothing.\n\nPHOTO: I left my cats for 2 nights and my petsitter forgot to clean their litter box. Both of my cats drink a lot of water thanks to multiple pet fountains around the home, and as a result, they pee a lot, which is why I clean their box daily. 3 days (2 nights) without a cleaning meant that the entire bottom of the box was covered in a 3"-4" thick layer of heavy, thick clay sludge because this litter lets all urine seep to the bottom. I had to spend half an hour chiseling it out the litter of the box (and then had to scrub the scoop since it was completely coated in lumpy clay). Please do not buy this litter, especially if you already hate cleaning a litter box. This litter will make your cleaning experience 5000% more difficult.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Price has skyrocketed and the quality has declined. :( Too bad, this used to be my favorite brand. It would be nice to live in a world where companies weren't constantly trying to cut corners wherever they can, and instead, focused on delivering a consistently high quality product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I will only use Dr. Elsey\'s litter, regardless of scented or unscented. I have two cats that use the litter box and one of those cats has an extremely stinky poo. Sometimes he doesn\'t bury it and within minutes the room is filled with stench. However, when he does bury it, I cannot smell it at all. Note, I have a home office that I am in during normal business hours and that is where the litter box is located, so I will be "tortured" if it didn\'t work so well.\n\nI will also add that my one cat is picky and would not consistently use the previous litter. I had to use herbs used to train kittens to entice him in. Now, that is but a distant memory.\n\nI will also add that I use the Litter Genie and that is AMAZING. The liner you buy is thicker and contains the smell extremely well. Note, I empty the bin roughly once a week, and it too, is in the same office.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My husband and I have a 12 yo inside/outside cat that due to health and aging issues is now an inside only cat. We also saved two cats from a high kill shelter. So in the past few months we’ve gone from a zero litterbox household to a two litter box home. My husband (the cat person) has always used Tidy Cats. Soooo that’s what we began using. It smells nice coming out of the bag but once the cats use it alllll you smell is floral cat pee. Through my whole house. I’m in charge of the litter boxes and chose a sifting system (Sift Ease - love it! Sooo much better than scooping!) for efficiency of cleaning multiple litter boxes on a daily basis. The Tidy Cats always stank when I cleaned the boxes because while most of the cat waste would “clump” there was ALWAYS some nasty, smelly gray “mud” I would have to scrape out of the bottom of both boxes. NOT ANY MORE! This cat litter has no smell and looks “weird” coming out of the bag, but IT WORKS! EVERYTHING CLUMPS! Now when I sift the boxes there is no more scraping and ALL the cats’ waste comes out! There is no odor and my house no longer reeks of perfumed cat pee. I could not be happier!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Dr-Elseys-235U-Cat-Litter/dp/B0B148DRHB/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,107 | Earth Rated Dog Poop Bags, Guaranteed Leak Proof and Extra Thick Waste Bag Refill Rolls For Dogs, Lavender Scented, 270 Count | Pet Supplies | #2 | 110,298 | $13.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Is it possible to love a dog poop bag? Heck yeah! I'm a veterinarian and I have tried many brands of bags over the years but since I discovered the Earth Rated Dog Waste Bags I use no other. I use the scented bags because on long walks it kind of disguises the smell of the feces (except those that are really potent), so you don't smell like feces to any passerby. I usually prefer unscented things because I have a sensitive nose and for those inclined, Earth Rated does offer non-scented bags. The Earth Rated bags are also a bit longer than a few other brands though most are similar length. However, the bags are definitely heavier than many other brands and also have way better sealed seams as well as high quality separation perforations. The central cylinder glides easily in every brand of bag holder I have. Lastly, a small but important detail...you know that small piece of tape that holds a new roll together? Most brands use a tape that when you pull it off it puts a hole in the opposing part of the bag if you don't very carefully remove it. A hole at the top of a bag is no big deal but further down can lead to leakage. The Earth Rated tape comes off real nice and my first bag isn't destroyed. Overall a very strong, well made bag that has never let me down. It can hold any load big or small, firm or loose and will not leak or tear."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Nowhere on this page, the box, or the bags is there anything about them being biodegradable. They seem to be made of plain old medium-duty plastic. I'm sorry that I fell for the con; it's all marketing. They also stink of some perfumy scented chemical.\nLook for your biodegradable bags elsewhere. I will."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'After doing some extensive research the only thing eco-friendly about these bags is the recycled cardboard the box is made of they come in. The bags aren’t made from recycled plastic, they are not compostable, they are not biodegradable. I know they don’t made these claims but it’s trickery with marketing. My Alphapet poop bags are what you’re looking for. Made of cornstarch and biodegrade within a month. They even come scented if you desire. I live in SF and we do not use any plastic bags at all. So this probably bothers me more than most. But I’ve told all my friends with dog who were also shocked to find this out. They do make a biodegradable bag but it’s white and super expensive.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These bags are awesome! I have 2 dogs, one medium and one LARGE. Picking up after them is gross, necessary and gross. Did I mention gross? Warren, my big doggie, poos large hobo sized dukes. I’d pretty much need a dang grocery bag to collect them. And there’s not a lot of thickness to that plastic. Regular poo bags I’ve had in the past were small and I have had to use multiples. More than once I’ve had dog crap get on my hands.\nWhat’s not to love? These bags are large! Open wide, green bag! And they smell like strong lavender so it really cuts the POW smell of fresh dog doo in your hand. And they are strong enough to grab grass on those “soft serve ice cream” days. Anyway- 5 stars, Earth Rated Dog Poop Bags! Good boy! Good girl!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "With big dogs comes big poops. Being a proud Newfoundland mommy, I've been through many a poop bag in my day (literally through, because Newf poop is heavy and so many bags are too flimsy to support it), and these are the absolute best. Not only are they thick enough that I trust them not to break, but they mask the smell so well!\n\nGross detail to attest to the strength of these bags: my female has relatively small poops in comparison to my male. He tends to go #2 two or three times per walk, which can get expensive in the poop bag department. Since the female is very good about doing her business early on, I'm able to pick hers up and hold the bag for reuse when the male inevitably goes a few steps away. I've never seen a single hole appear in these bags, not even while scraping up the runny poops on concrete."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'We have always used grocery bags for our cat litter clean up. But since we buy online a lot more now we keep running out of grocery bags and were having to resort to using Ziplock bags. So, I did a search on Amazon and found these, and thought we would try them out. Well, one of our son’s chores is to clean out the litter boxes. Because of this, I have not had a chance to see how they worked until this week. He is at Boy Scout camp all we so I have been having to do his chores. Let me tell you, I LOVE these little bags they are absolutely perfect! They smell great, they are the perfect size, and they are very durable. We have 2 cats and two litter boxes and my pictures are after two days of litter box use. This bag held 2 days of pee and poop clumps and still had plenty of room for more. When I’m done I rip the top of the bag and tie it together. Super easy! Before I started writing this review I saw another one on here with a picture of a bag holder on a leash. I went and checked it out and ordered one. We can hang that on the wire shelf next to the litter boxes. How convenient! Wish I would have seen that when I ordered a box of these bags. Can’t wait to get it! (Earth Rated Leash Dispenser for Dog Waste Bags). So, if your like me and need the perfect bags for cat litter clean up, these are it! I highly recommend them!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It’s a poop bag, so I’ll keep this as brief as possible. I obsessed over which pop-bag to order for our Bernese puppy for well over two weeks. I read an insane amount of reviews and even made a list so I could keep my favorites in one place. I considered every point. So here it is...\n\nPros:\n- While many say poop smells like poop and they don’t need the extra scent, holy cow it helps!! My puppy has über stinky poo, the lavender scent is welcomed! I generally hold my breath as I scoop but at least the last whiff is pleasant.\n- Super easy to tear!! When a pup is pulling to move on post deposit, fiddling with the bags can seriously induce anger. No issue with these! (I had tried dollar store brand and even leftover baby diaper bags, nothing compared!)\n- Open relatively easily. I say relatively because dry winter hands don’t get a great grip, but any moisture to your skin and that little “pinchy-snap” action will open this bag for cleanup!\n- They’re truly biodegradable. I know, I know some don’t care and the contents aren’t exactly great for the environment either, but I feel like I’m doing my part. 2-3 bags per day. 1,095 bags per year. Over 10,000 bags in his lifetime. Less guilt.\n- Large size!! Big dog, big poop. Like scary big. This bag is large enough to do the trick, tie the end, and not get poo on your hand. Win.\n\nCons (sort of):\n- They’re not the cheapest. I can’t be the only person who calculated the cost per bag. But the bottom line is 270 bags should last me at least 90 days at 3 per day. So roughly $3.99 per month... I don’t even question a Starbucks per month which costs wayyy more. $0.02 cents more per bag, I can handle it for the earth friendly feature.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " I never imagined I'd grow up to write reviews of dog poop bags on the internet, yet here I am. I guess when you spend as much time as I do standing outside waiting for your dog to poop while he smells the same spot for 20 minutes, you start to think about things.\n\nA lot of poop bags are so hard to get open, which is not ideal.\nMy dog also prefers the feeling of mulch underfoot as he relieves himself. It's really hard to pick up poop from mulch without also retrieving a bunch of mulch. Wood chips and plastic bags typically don't mix, but these bad boys (or should I say good boys?) are able to handle the mulch without ripping and tearing which is awesome in my book.\n\nLastly, I don't typically like the smell of fake lavender, but these actually have a really nice scent that does a fairly good job of blocking scent. Great for someone like me who is astonishingly lazy and will put it in my garbage can.\nThank you for reading my dog poop bag review! Petey and minnie approve !!!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Will be returning these. The smell is utterly overwhelming. Does not smell anything like lavender. I had them in a bag in my kitchen and my entire kitchen reeks. I put them outside on my patio in the sun for two days and the entire patio stinks. Am I the only one who feels this way? Isn't anyone a little suspicious that there are over 11,000 reviews of ... dog poop bags?"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I originally purchased these for scooping up doggie doo after reading a review that blew my mind. In comparison to regular dog poo bags, they're bigger, stronger, and scented. I can easily fit the poo of two dogs into one bag. The scent IS more artificial and overpowering than I anticipated. That being said, it is because of those two factors that it OVERSHADOWS THE SMELL OF THE POO!!!! Yea!!!!\n\nAs a side benefit, I found these bags to be perfect for stinky diapers. The bags cover the smell so they can be disposed of in the normal trash so that I don't have to freeze my butt off running every stinky diaper out to the trash in the winter time. I also don't have to deal with a diaper genie anymore that about knocked me out every time I emptied it every two to three days.\n\nThese bags are a staple in our house!!!\n\nLastly, my sister purchased the amazon bags that are similar to these in lavender and I was able to find out that the Earth Rated (while a little pricier) are WAY better!!! The amazon bags smell better (less artificial), but don't mask the smell of poo nearly as well. I have to double bag with those ones, so they're less effective and less economical. Only plus is the better smell.\n\nHighly recommend this product"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Earth-Rated-Lavender-Scented-Completely/dp/B00BSYR7K8/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,108 | Amazon Basics Dog and Puppy Pads, Leak-proof 5-Layer Pee Pads with Quick-dry Surface for Potty Training | Pet Supplies | #3 | 200,392 | $16.69 - $27.54 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Picture of the chaos.....not one drop on the carpet..what witchcraft is this?!\n\nA little graphic but we’re adults here for the most part. I have a 5 year old female rescue pup that is a saint when we’re home. But when we leave she will urinate and crap in one spot of carpet in the house. We believe that she was abused and neglected by her previous owners and we’ve tried every remedy online, crate training (she pees and poops in there too), went thru 4 veterinarians with full assessments, to animal behaviorist. Nothing works.\n\nMost of the house is wood or tile floors and she must know that she needs to pick the hardest spot to clean in the house is the GD carpet. Then she eats her poop to hide the evidence, it stresses me out but I know she’s already a ball of anxiety so we stay calm and just woo-sah it away but I digress. These pee pads...omg has saved her from me going from bat crap crazy to “oh I’ll just toss this. No big deal.” Pee pads...keeping people from going crazy, one day at a time.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 19, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I compared to Out Odor Control brand from Wal-Mart. Amazon's cost 13¢ per pass vs Wal-Mart cheaper pad (.24¢ /pad). Shown in picture: 1 tbsp water poured onto pad. Water spread a tad more on Amazon brand. Poured 1/4 cup of water and spread was same, but water leaked through the Wal-Mart pad. Amazon pad did not leak. My vote is for the Amazon brand. We have an older pug, a finicky Chihuahua, and a 25 pd spaniel mix with our manners. The pads are used everyday, so cost and effectiveness are important."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These are very basic pads. They are thick enough to hold the liquid. They do not seem to leak. they seem to keep the smell at bay as well. They are of average size. I am using these for my senior dog. She does well and will go on them when they are there for her to use. She is a medium size dog. I am very happy with this purchase and will be buying them again!.\n\nIf you have found this review helpful, please click "yes" below so that I know my taking the time to write a review is appreciated and worth the effort.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I darling little puppy took to these immediately- my sweet little guy - only 2 pounds when I brought him home and he was afraid of everything..going outside was scary- so these pads just made it easy for him. I didn\'t need to spray any additional scent on the pads to get him to use them. He especially liked the ones I put behind a chair for privacy. Apparently they like their privacy. And with the weather turning cold and lots of rain - these are a must. He is up to 4.9 pounds and doing wonderful. He occasionally just misses the pad so I have added an additional pad just in case. They aren\'t wasted if he doesn\'t go on them, but he has more cheering and "What a good boy" you are. We named in Peanuts'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Well, I might not be the expert but my dogs are. Two little ones. Pad trained for 10 years. I was paying around around $40 minimum a month to have two “extra large” maximum absorbancy training pads down for my two dogs. I still was having leaking around the edges, urine running underneath, never mind big white pads on my red brick sunroom floor. Well, last month I switched to these. I was running low and couldn’t find my regular pads so I decided these seemed very big (I only need one placed down now!!), inexpensive, and I liked that they were darker and had charcoal. I should have mentioned that sometimes the old white pads would end up reversed and I had a large puddle of pee running off of them. With these, even if you have poor eyesight or don’t have on those glasses you can tell which side is the absorbant one. Also, NO SMELL!!!!! I always knew when my dogs pooped as I could smell it in another room. Now, I come in and it is such a pleasant surprise not to have a room freshened by dog doo doo smell. The large boarders keep the dogs from peeing too close to the edges. I am posting pictures of this carbon pad with my old “premium”pad. I feel like this pad is far superior, soooo much less expensive, and puts much less waste in a landfill. By the way, my dogs went to using the pad without missing a beat. I have it on “Subscribe and Save” which even saves me more money. Love it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These puppy pads are a nice big size and my 4 week old puppy took to them right away. She actually never had an accident off of the pad I\'m not sure what they scent them with but whatever it is...it works! The only thing I would change would be the addition of sticky tabs on the back of the pad, in each corner. I have had pads with those type of tabs and they really help the pad stay where you put it. Fortunately my puppy didn\'t think the pads would be fun to play with, so the lack of adhesive wasn\'t a problem for us. In the picture you can see that I use a pack-n-play instead of a traditional kennel. I place the puppy pad on the right side and the puppy\'s food and bed on the left side. These pads work very well for my needs, though I do have to use two at a time since I\'m covering a large area.\nIf you have found this review helpful, please click "yes" below so that I know my taking the time to write a review is appreciated and I\'m not wasting my time.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a 9-lb 14years old Maltese and I have trained my dog to take his business in a cardboard box since he is a baby and these pads are awesome. I have some boxes that I saved from our kitchen remodeling and I used them for this purpose. Due to the size of the box, I have to use 1 and 1/3 of the pad. I changed them once in the morning and once at night. This is the only pad I have used so far that does not leak, that's why I signed up for a monthly auto-delivery on this baby. I'll be lost if Amazon discontinue this product. This is also a good size for training dogs that likes to walk around before taking their business because these pads can give them some room."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I will be buying these again. I've tried a number of puppy pads since I have a small toy dog and am pleased to report that these do a good job of absorbing urine and affordably priced. They are not the thickest pad I have bought but they do not leak. More important than thickness to me is how the pad curbs the flow of urine. Some like the Allmax are thicker pads but the urine spreads out too much and it will reach the dog's paws before she is done. The Amazon pads inhibit the spreading better which for me is a big plus. Highly recommended. I hope this review helps a little in making your decision!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have had dogs for 8 years. I have tried several diffrent brands over the years. Only to just accept that none were leak proof, until I stumbled upon these on Amazon. I thought it could'nt hurt to try them, with the excellent reviews they have. Well, here is one more. I have 5 dogs. Yes, 5 dogs. And when it is raining out or they have to go when we are niot home, these pads keep the floor dry without soaking through. I wish I would have discovered them sooner. Anyway, the best pads to buy hands down. Great value for your money"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " Why did I buy Pet Training Pads?\nI have been using Pet Training Pads over 5 years now. I have 2 small toy dogs and they do business in the pads. When I first brought them home, it was a middle of winter where we had several feet of snow in the ground with really cold temperatures. So, I had to use the training pads. By the spring same, they both were already used to the pads. I have tried 'Training Pads' from various sources; i.e. local pet-shop, grocery stores, warehouse clubs and also few different brand name pads from Amazon.com. My 2 dogs are very spoiled. They would not use the Pad if it is dirty or wet. So, I have to change often and I used approx. 3-5 pads daily, I also don’t like to have soiled Puppy Pads lying around my house too long either. So, I purchase at least 10 boxes of 100 pads yearly, if not more.\n\nWhat am I looking for when I buy Training Pads?\nI am looking for large size to accommodate 2 dogs, made for good absorbent and leak free from the overflow at side of the pads.\n\nWhy did I buy this “AmazonBasics” Pet Training Pads?\nOne of the advertising photo shows AmazonBasics Pads 5 layer design, especially 3rd layer caught my eyes. It’s Polymer Core that turns liquid to Gel. Also size (28x34) is large enough for what I am looking for. I am new to AmazonBasics products, so I didn't know if quality will be good or not. But, I like the Amazon policy enough, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. If product is bad quality or didn't work out, I know Amazon will guarantee for refund. It’s risk free.\n\nHow is the quality of this pads?\nIn my 5 years buying Pet Training Pads (use average about 100 pads/monthly), I tried many brand name pads, various sizes and different price range. So, I know the quality when I see one. When I order this “Amazon Basics” Pet Training pads, I didn’t know how good it would work. What I saw and read online advertisement for this product looks good, but I wasn’t sure if it will hold the liquid as it said it would.\nWhen I opened the box and I spread out the one of the pad. I can feel its quality. It’s almost like I am holding the cloth quilted pad and not disposable pad. It feels thick, and have cushion, but it is firm too.\nAs advertised, it holds liquid well. When liquid hits the pad, it goes down and spread at the bottom layers rather than spread at the top surface. So, my dogs like this. The surface is dryer than the other ones that I have been used.\n\nDo I recommend this to other Pet Training Pad users?\nYes, I would recommend this to anyone without any hesitation. At least try once and see it yourself.\n\nAny cons?\nI can’t think of any yet.\n\nSummary: This is the best quality Pet Training Pads I ever used in my 5 years of using the puppy pads and I will be buying this pads from now on. Each pads price isn’t the lowest, but it has good absorption, thus, it saves money in a long run."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Leak-proof-Quick-dry-Training/dp/B0744KM2M6/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,109 | Fresh Step Scented Litter with The Power of Febreze, Clumping Cat Litter | Pet Supplies | #4 | 65,132 | $9.54 - $39.35 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I am so pleased with this litter in every way! I adopted two shelter kittens who would not bury their business and I read it was because they didn't like the litter. After I got this litter, they do what cats are supposed to do!! And the fragrance is not overpowering."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I ordered this product, misled by the price which is within several cents of the regular size box, However, when the boxes arrived, I realized they were the half-size boxes, 14 lbs. It does say so in the listing, but the price being the full price of the 25 lb box, is very misleading. I would never order a half box for a full sized box price.\nThe listing needs clarification, as it is misleading.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 12, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I love the individual 5 pound bags that come in a 4-6 pack that Fresh Step makes. It is easier to lift and fill your cats litter box. They are small and stackable in the cupboard without breaking your wrists and back.\nI only buy the box when I cannot find the little bags. I have found delivery issues where I live which is close to a major Amazon facility. Might be too heavy for drivers?!? I wouldn’t want to drag these boxes and bags around. So hats off to them.\n\nThe Fabreeze scent is great and I’m lucky my cat doesn’t seem to mind. I have used those products over the years so she could be accustomed to it.\n\nI will say, I have tried many clumping litters over many years and Fresh Step really improved their product a couple years back.\nI used Ever Clean for many years but found Fresh Step just as good and works almost identically which made it a better value because it was a lot cheaper.\nAlthough I think the price has creeped back up because of improvements to their litter in recent years, either way, I’m happy and will continue to buy Fresh Step and I hope the four pack 5 pound bags with fabreeze are available soon. I also hope they keep their prices competitive.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I found a pregnant stray cat that gave birth to 6 kittens. I've tried so many different litter and litter box systems. This is by far my favorite. I'm very clean so I hated having my house smell like a litter box. I clean this once or twice a day and completely change out the litter once a week. The fact that I only have one litter box for so many cats and it's keeping down the odor is amazing. I use fresh step deodorizing crystals but I don't even need those. I just like the extra clean scent. I'm caring for 15 stray cats so affording to take care of them all (including vet costs and feeding them) is a lot so love the price point of this too."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 29, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I like that this litter reduces the odor after my cat uses his litter box. However, on the box of the litter it advertises 99% dust-free. This is not true. This litter produces so much dust during cleaning. Even my cat leaves dust on the furnitures after using the litter box. There is only one cat in the house. I would not recommend this for multiple cat household. I will be going back to my old litter that actually clumps better.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 14, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have two cats and would not consider using anything else. I am not the greatest at cleaning the litter box every day or so and this litter solves that problem. I am almost 80 years old and had cats all my life so you know that by now I've tried every litter there is."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Due to the clumping properties of this kitty litter, not to mention the Febreze in it, there is no scent at all from the urine. The only time I can smell her little poos is when she's too lazy to cover them. Actually, that happens if I walk into the bathroom (well, excuuuuse meeee!), and then she just runs away. Also, it could be her diet. She usually gets fresh chicken or fish with her grain-free kibble, and I only notice a stronger scent if I forget to thaw some meat for her and have to get into her stash of canned food. Anyway, the running away thing is a natural instinct, so I don't take it personally. LOL Anyway, I scoop it right away and turn on the fan for awhile. Nobody would know I have a cat. Well, unless they come to the door. She's extremely social and loves to meet new people. I've thought of trying the pine type of litter, but I'm used to her kicking some litter out of the box and having to sweep it up. Otherwise, I've been using this one since I adopted Lucy over a year and a half ago, so no complaints!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is the same box I buy at the store, or should I say I used to buy at the store. I do not own a car and I have a bad back and so carrying cat litter back from the store is just plain dangerous for me. It is no more expensive to buy it from Amazon minute is to get it at your local store. I have checked the prices. Also, this is exactly what my cat and I like. This stuff has for breeze in it and is also has very tiny cat litter crystals as opposed to the large and worthless clay clumps that don't do anything for the possible orders or anything else. I would highly recommend buying this particular kind of cat litter because a completely covers any castoff and also smells really good and produces no negative smell of any kind. I would buy this exact kind. And no other. A larger box maybe if you want, but I would recommend not buying any kind of the large clay stuff that doesn't work well. I know my cat did not like it and when I started buying this particular brand and this particular kind of cat litter, my cat loves it and so do I. My guest would not even know that I have a cat if they would not see her little shining face. Highly recommended."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Fresh Step with Febreze line review from this cat owner...\nThis stuff is the best litter I've ever bought, ever. And I've been using it religiously now for months... I won't go back to anyting else. I've had cats for most of my adult life and this stuff is pretty freaking amazing. It actually smells good, even when you are cleaning the litter box out, if you are like me and you scoop everyday... And it competes with the Lesser Tidy cat Glade litter at Big Lots .I'm telling you, if you own cats and you try this stuff, you will thank me for the review.\nComing from a woman with multiple cats, that lives in a big apartment in the sky, that doesn't have an apartment that smells like cats.🐾"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Firstly, thank you to seller and amazon for shipping out kitty litter quickly especially during covid. I work front lines and was strictly home and work and as I have 5 autoimmune conditions and elderly parents one who recently overcame cancer. I didn’t even see them for months and still haven’t, over the fear of a lot of exposure but to date no dx ! anyway, I got a few of these delivered, I have an adult cat and a kitten - I’m allergic to both but whatever. This is the one litter that doesn’t kill my allergies when I scoop or fill the boxes - my husband was hesitant about 1 cat who we then adopted as an adult and he likes her but she’s very to herself. Somehow he let me have a kitten (we also 5 dogs and if I wanted a kangaroo he’d literally let me have that too honestly) as we both weren’t “cat people” and he just hates the smell of litter and how they walk on counters and all of that. Our kitten is a maniac but she was 8 weeks when I got her last month, she wasn’t litter trained apparently but immediately used the box in the car on our way home and forever moving forward. This litter conceals the smell and is easy to scoop without breaking up the waste and making it gross. I love this litter, it doesn’t leave paw prints all over my house or counters or tables, she’s stuck her paw in an African cichlid tank and nothing changed with water levels (idk if it even would but just making note of that lol). It’s also easy to pour. I love the boxes so much - I have C5, c6, c7 disc injuries with chronic pain disorder due to C5 causing nerve pain and c6 has a hairline crack. I work full time and crazy hours so having litter enough for two cats delivered fast to my house really made me appreciate this silly box of litter enough to leave this review.\n\nDisclaimer is that I have tried other brands, and this one has always taken the cake. It was hard to litter lately and between working frontlines in NYC covid pandemic, and not wanting to risk the safety of other plus the sheer fear that I have FIVE autoimmune disorders, I was so afraid honestly more about others. So having this be delivered so fast during a global pandemic just made me very grateful. My kitties say that m you!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Fresh-Step-Scented-Febreze-Clumping/dp/B093QSTTLT/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,110 | Blue Buffalo Life Protection Formula Natural Adult Dry Dog Food | Pet Supplies | #5 | 33,177 | $14.97 - $129.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Let me start off by saying I absolutely love blue buffallo. That being said, I've had this a part of my amazon subscribe and save forever but the last time something was terribly off.\n\nHalf way into finishing the bag my dog got seriously sick, lost a lot of her hair and even her appetite. She started chewing furiously all herself all over her body and eventually she would smell the kibble and walk away which she never does. At first I thought maybe fleas or mange or something of the sort but after getting her checked out nothing was wrong with her in that sense.\n\nI inspected her food and it definitely smelled different than before. I decided to check the reviews on Amazon and saw similar complaints... well I dumped out the entire bag and decided to grab a small bag of the same brand and flavor and what do you know, she ate it like she hadn't seen food in forever.\nI smelled the new bag of blue buffalo that I purchased from the store and it didnt smell bad at all unlike the one I got from amazon.\n\nA few days after feeding her the bag from the store she already had major improvement in her mood and appetite and her hair started growing back. No more biting like crazy either.\n\nNeedless to say I canceled my amazon subscribe and save and will be getting it from the store from now on. In fact I refuse to buy anything on Amazon that our family ingests or puts on our bodies like lotions and whatnot anymore. I don't know ir its a bad batch or a fake product or what but it's just not worth the risk."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': '**** EDITED to let everyone know our sweet doggie had to be put to sleep yesterday as she was suffering to greatly. Vet thinks its from mold in her food. ****\n\nOur dog right now is on a IV at the vets and they are trying to keep her alive. She has been very sick since consuming the last bag of Blue that came from Amazon two weeks ago....\n\nIf you read on you’ll find that other dogs and their owners are experiencing the same thing. I really hope that Blue Buffalo will refund our vet bill because they can in no way give our dog her life back if we loose her.\n\nI’ve received five emails from Amazon since 6:30 PM last night. I’ll post a picture of that below as to save anyone else from going though what we are.\n\nMy dog has eaten this exact food for maybe six years without any issues and we always order from Amazon so I’m not certain what happened with this batch. You can also read consumer affairs the reports from the last 2 to 3 weeks about this food to be the same as the complaints here on Amazon. For whatever reason this food is making some dogs very very ill. Are started with vomiting, losing weight, being lethargic and then blood in her stool. Are smaller dog ate about a half of a handful of it and became sick as well, not the food we normally feed him so he was switched back over instantly.....\n\nDon’t risk it!!! Of course we tried to call the blue Buffalo number and they won’t be open again for phone calls until Monday and I got that email after they were already closed on a Friday night :(\n\nYounger dog may bounce back more quickly but due to my dogs age they aren’t sure she is going to pull through. She has jaundice and her liver is not working properly...She was a perfectly healthy dog before eating this last batch of food.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have 2 dog, and only feed them Blue Buffal. I noticed someone in the comments saying their dog got sick from the Amazon bag they ordered. And comparing the differences in the coloring of the food compared to neighborhood stores. My dogs haven't got sick but that Amazon bag are shades darker then the store bags. I've also noticed that my dogs don't finish their daily portions like they do when I buy from the store. Amazon I think this is something u should look into."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'We’ve fed our Labradoodles Blue for years and recently something seems off. They do not seem to like it anymore. When I was in Petco recently one of the associates told me there was some kind of issue with Blue and that they were also receiving a lot of negative feedback, and the associate even mentioned some pending lawsuit with the brand. We noticed a similar occurrence with Taste of The Wild a year or so ago too. It seemed to be Amazon specific too. People had posted a variance in the kibble sizes from the bags bought from Amazon in contrast to some other retailer like Tractor Supply. Not sure what’s going on. Even though we love the option of Prime delivering 30+ pound bags of dog food to our door, I think we’ll be buying from our local Pet Emporium and let the experts guide us on brands for now.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have had my dog a Blue food for over a year and previously purchased from Target. I started the subscription for the dog food from Amazon a couple months ago. My dog got sick. She would barley eat and had digestive issues. Never dawned on me it was the food. I ended up getting a bag of the same food from Target because we ran out before my next subscription was due to arrive and all her issues passed and she was back to normal. I got my next subscription bag from Amazon a week and half ago and been feeding my dog from it the last 2 weeks. Again she stopped eating, started excessively panting all day, and was just not her normal, energetic self. My husband picked up a bag from Target earlier today and she ate the minute that food hit her bowl. We can already tell a difference in her energy. Something is not right with the food coming from Amazon. I’m not sure if this is coming from a different manufacturer or what. Please just be cautious when feeding this to your dog.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Before writing this review I searched for a phone number to contact Amazon directly and could not find one! I just realized this dog food is full of what looks like warehouse beetles from what I've researched, so disgusting! I would like a refund, but cannot find anywhere to submit my claim! They weren't noticeable at first as they are the same color as the food!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "We've been using Blue Buffalo for over a year now. One of our dogs has a grain allergy that causes a rash so trying to find grain free food was important to us. We thought we found that with this food. Though it does not cause a rash we have even worse issues. It started with our beagle. He never wanted to eat this food so we would soften it with water and he begrudgingly ate. Then with the last couple bags we received he started have bloody loose stools. We changed his food and the problem went away, but we kept feeding the Blue Buffalo to our hound mix with the grain allergy. Everything seemed good until we opened the most recent bag we received and the hound started having bloody, loose stools. As we had seen this before with our beagle we immediately switched our hound to another food and the problem went away.\n\nI don't know if this is a quality control issue, changing of source ingredients or something else but I will no longer be using this food and will not recommend it to anyone.\n\nI've switched my dogs to ranchers choice from the local agriculture supply store. Not only is it half the price but both my dogs eat without hesitation and they are noticeably more energetic."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Absolutely the best dog food for your fur baby. We had a yorkie that had high cholesterol, very bad. We tried Iam’s, Purina, pedigree, eukanuba, hills and beneful. Each of the major dog foods we tried for 3 months and did blood work. Beneful was the worst. They all were bad, very bad. We switched to Blue Buffulo and her blood work came back normal range. We were skeptical so we had blood work done every 3 months for a year and all of her blood work came back normal. Amazing.\n\nIf you find this review helpful, please click below. Good luck!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We've been buying Blue Buffalo for over a decade. We switched from their Grain-Free version to the current Adult: Life Protection Formula after our vet conveyed that the community was concerned over specific health issues arising from major brand grain-free diets (not specifically Blue Buffalo), despite the causation being as yet unknown. The dogs didn't seem to mind the change.\n\nWe like the ingredient list, although we haven't personally chemically tested the food to confirm its accuracy.\n\nThe freshness is apparent when you open the bag, and we've been buying for years and never gotten one that wasn't fresh.\n\nI cannot personally attest to the flavor. The dogs do seem to like it, though they're picky little princesses so they prefer it mixed with a bit of chicken broth or a little wet food."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 24, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Bears had just fought 2 cancers and was in horrible shape I decided to switch to this when he got CHUSINGS DIEASE dianagosis right 2 months after his last cancer surgery. His skin was in terrible shape, he was getting cysts, clogged pores, major hair loss especially. And oh! The weight gain..in five months he put on almost 15 pnds topping off at 123, he's normally around 103-108. After just 3 months it's really incredible he's long beautiful coat is coming back in that I loved so much, he's energetic agin and down 15 pounds ..moving to 5 acres helped and praise all that's holy no more nasty cysts! I'm so happy to say their is a DOG FOOD that's NUTRITIOUS AND GOOD for OUR DOGS AND THIS IS ONE OF THEM..Iam paying about 18 dollars more each month but to keep my best friend by my side is so WORTH IT!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Blue-Buffalo-Protection-Formula-Natural/dp/B0999LJC63/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,111 | Nina Ottosson by Outward Hound Dog Worker Green Interactive Treat Puzzle Dog Toy | Pet Supplies | #6 | 5,107 | $5.10 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' So many are complaining that the bones got chewed up. That\'s because the dog has to be taught that the bone isn\'t the prize, the item held within is. They don\'t reason like we do and anything to a dog is a chewable item. I made the same mistake with my 8-yr old hyper-but-uber-smart Spitz / Husky mix. When he was a puppy I didn\'t know even a portion of what I do now and he tore up a great number of toys as a result.\n\nI\'m starting fresh with a new pound puppy. My 10-month old took off with the bones initially and tried to chew them. I removed them from her and redirected her to the real treasure. After the 2nd round of training she started ignoring the bones and going for the real treat. She now takes her meals in this or her Kong Wobbler. I still have to watch because as I was typing this she finished the game and got bored waiting for me so proceeded to chew up one of the bones.\n\nThe 8-yr old owned this in no time. His first time with it he put his paw on the center to hold it in place, then picked up the bones, tossed them to the side and reaped his rewards. He was considerably more slobbery than the girl, so do be aware that these things can get slimed. I\'m using other toys with him due to the goo factor, and to offer him more of a challenge since this was far too easy for him.\n\nThis has been a great relief for boredom for the 10-month old. She cracked her foot on our patio when the two dogs were running full speed ahead in the yard, resulting in a toe fracture. I am to keep this puppy on limited activity for 4 - 6 weeks so I\'m learning all sorts of new tricks to keep her mind active to make up for the lack of physical exertion. Now that she\'s able to put weight on the foot this toy, the Kong Wobbler, and a plush toy with holes to pull smaller plushes from are helping me do just that.\n\nPros:\nGood introduction to puzzle toys\nDurable But requires training to prevent dogs from chewing the pieces up\nLightweight\nEasy to set up\n\nCons:\nNoisy if your dog manhandles it\nMoves all over the floor\nSlobber can make the pieces difficult to handle (or just gross)\nTakes a little time to set up\nSupervision needed\n\nVideo is the boy on his 3rd attempt. He has a listening problem - he can\'t hear "sit" when he doesn\'t want to. :D I have to send him to the crate because he has resource guarding issues I\'ve never been successful at training out of him so to keep things civil I send him away from the game before I refill. If that one piece hadn\'t escaped, breaking his concentration, he would have finished up pretty darn quick. The girl is less elegant in her execution.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' Best purchase I’ve ever made on a dog toy. My 11 year old 75lb lab mix loves it. He can solve it within a couple of minutes but it’s very stimulating to him. Even when it’s empty he will go over and play with it.\n\nThis product is durable but if you have a destructive dog, it might not last. That being said, my dog is rough on it and it’s held up well.\n\nI use tiny trainer treats which allows me to give him the puzzle multiple times a day since he’s a large dog.\n\nDon’t forget to put treats in the holes on the knobs. My dog figured out that if he slides the knob a couple of times, another treat magically appears.\n\nCan’t wait to get him the level 3 version of this game. This is great for my dog since he has a heart condition that limits his walks and play time. He could do this all day. This puzzle makes him super happy. Highly recommend it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I bought it for my bunny, he loves it!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' This is awesome! My border collie’s level of intelligence is a part time job for me. He requires engagement and he figures out everything fast. This puzzle took him a good hour and a half to figure out the first time and every time after that, he sits with this for about an hour. He’s really calm (which he’s normally not) and concentrated with it, methodically moving pieces. I ordered a second, different puzzle a day after we received this first one. It’s easy to clean because the sliding tiles just pop right off but I’ve just been using his regular kibble in it so it hasn’t hardly gotten dirty at all.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My dog (10yo 17lb Jack Russell/poodle mix, light chewer, food motivated, smart enough to figure out kitchen cabinets) is a huge fan of every food puzzle I have gotten him, because, well, food! This one has kept his interest even after he figured out how to solve it, because now I only put kibbles in some of the compartments so he has to sniff out the right ones to open.\n\nI set some ground rules for puzzles like this, and the dog figured them out quickly with consistent enforcement:\n\n1) The puzzle starts when I say "all right", and not a moment sooner (so I can fill puzzles where he can watch me doing it). If he tries to go for the puzzle before I give him the go-ahead, he gets physically blocked and told to "stay" (he knows stay).\n\n2) No tipping the puzzle. If he tries to flip or tip any of these puzzle boards I immediately pick it up and keep it out of his reach for five minutes.\n\n3) No chewing the puzzle. All removable parts of the puzzle are picked up as soon as he removes them. Mouthing the puzzle and using teeth to pick pieces up is okay, but if he tries to settle down for a chewing session with a piece, both the piece and the puzzle are picked up for five minutes. (He always has rubber toys and nylon bones available to him.)\n\nAfter he has revealed almost all of the compartments (I don\'t count or pay close attention now that he plays with puzzles gently), I say "all done!", flip the puzzle upside down and shake to make sure it is emptied (usually one or two stray bits of food or treat fall out and are promptly eaten), and put it away out of reach.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I\'ve been using this toy wrong all along! It is actually pretty challenging for the dog if you know how to fill it. You can put the treats through the holes in the knobs, and when the dog pushes the knob over the round dents, the treat will fall in. So this is actually a multi-step puzzle:\nStep 1: push the "wings" out of the way\nStep 2: push the knobs over the dent, so the treat will fall into the dent\nStep 3: push the knob back to its original position, so it no longer blocks the dent.\nStep 4: fish out the treat\nStep 5: repeat 7 times, because that\'s how many knobs there are.\nOccasionally a neighboring wing will also get in the way of trying to move one of the knobs, which adds the extra challenge of figuring out why the knob isn\'t moving, and solving that problem!\nIt\'s great!\nEdit: We\'ve now upgraded to the level 3 difficulty. I wasn\'t sure if it was even possible for a dog to figure out something this complex, rather than just moving pieces at random until the food comes out. It took her about half a year to get this good, but now one of my dogs can empty the entire puzzle within less than a minute. (This is not a fault of the puzzle, it\'s just that she\'s apparently a genius!) She knows exactly that she needs to turn the center wheel first, so that the knob can be moved over the hole to make the treat fall out. She does it very methodically now; you can watch the video if you want to be impressed! She figured this out all on her own, I never showed her any of this. My other dog has been using this puzzle for the same amount of time, and he\'s still at the "beat it up until treats randomly become visible" stage. Seems he\'s less intelligent.\nI am very happy with these toys. I\'ve already recommended them to a few people who asked me about them.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " I actually bought this toy for my dog based on the bad reviews believe it or not. They were so horrifying that they would allow their dog's unsupervised while playing with this toy. There is nothing wrong with this toy, only what is wrong with some pet owners that should not be allowed to have a dog or pet.\n\nThey complained that their dog chewed the toy, unsupervised mind you, and complained that it did not hold up, or it hurt their dog's gums. For whatever reason, they seemed very confused, and I'm saying this in a nice way, or Amazon won't post my review. It's NOT a chew toy PEOPLE, nor does it say that anywhere, or indicate that it is.\n\nWhat is does do is achieve enrichment by making a dog's brain work, and once he is done with the toy, you clean it and put it away. You don't leave the toy with a dog unsupervised. This seems common sense, like not leaving 5-year child unsupervised, but...? Even chew toys have a warning to not leave a dog unsupervised. I'm here to say that those negative reviews are shameful, and I'd be embarrassed to tell other people that I'm not a good dog parent.\n\nThis is a terrific toy that my 6-year-old 5 lb. Yorkie loved. This is obviously great for anyone with small dogs as you can seem with accompanying video I took of my dog. The lids don't snap shut so they are easy to open with their nose. His biggest problem was the bones believe it or not. LOL I think he's small so he doesn't want to mouth them, and not sure how to get them out of the way. The other thing is the containers even slide to expose more hiding places, which I didn't know when buying this. I may have to upgrade to level 3 if my dog Darko gets too good at doing this one. LOL"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': " Cute toy. I was afraid it was going to be too small for my Boxer/Lab mix (75lbs) but it was okay. Wouldn't be appropriate for anything bigger.\nTo introduce her to the concept, I put a small treat under 2 of the white bones and inside 2 of the red boxes. I tried to show her how it worked, but she wasn't interested. She came back to check it out a few minutes later on her own. She figured out how to remove the white bones and open and close the red boxes in just a few seconds\nNot sure how long this puzzle toy will keep her entertained, but I'm hoping for at least a little peace in the evenings.\nAs for quality, it is of sturdy plastic. The lids don't stay shut on the red boxes and the white bones don't fit into their spots as well as they should."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I got this toy for my 6 month old Boxer mix. I hadn't realized she was such a genius! She had it figured out, with all drawers locked, in under ten minutes! Not to spoil the fun, but the trick is to pick it up by a drawer handle and shake the whole contraption roughly for a second or two, followed by bashing it into the nearest wall repeatedly until the treat reservoirs are released. Once all of the goodies have been devoured, the rubber feet are easily removed, making marvelous, teeny, choking-hazard chew toys. Not only that, but with little effort the drawers can also be freed from their moorings and, fast as you can say Jack Robinson, masticated into unidentifiable orange plastic blobs. The dog casino is not completely without challenge, however; getting the bones into the locked position had me tearing out my hair. I'm giving this two stars under the gracious assumption that it would be suitable for a smaller, less rambunctious pooch."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' We don’t have a dog but we do love crows, which are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. We’ve been feeding our local crows for a while and I tried giving them a feeder ball. They like it so much I decided to get them some more complex entertainment. These puzzles are awesome. It figured out this level 2 puzzle in three tries. It can cheat with this model by using its long beak to access treats in compartments it hasn’t fully opened. I’m here to buy two more challenging puzzles. I may collect them all!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Outward-Hound-Ottosson-Twister-Puzzle/dp/B0719Q89X8/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,112 | Temptations Classic Crunchy and Soft Cat Treats, 30 Ounce and 48 Ounce Tubs | Pet Supplies | #7 | 47,324 | $14.78 - $49.91 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "If you want your cat to eat regular cat food ever again....do NOT get these treats! My cat will not stop begging for these treats! He's thoroughly addicted to them and rarely eats his regular cat food....not even wet food! He prefers these treats over anything else I give him and he will meow, whine, paw at your leg, jump on your lap, and if outside and you shake the plastic container.....he will come running from where ever he's at to get some of these treats.\n\nI use them when I want him to come inside the house. All I have to do is shake the container and in the distance, I'll hear things like dogs barking, things being knocked over, nails climbing up the backyard fence, and finally here he comes running at a full speed to get him his fix! His eyes dilated, tongue out, and drooling the whole way till he gets inside the house where I'm at with the container! Yea, my cat is a junkie for these things!\n\nI'm beginning to think the affection he gives me isn't really love....just him rubbing on my leg in an effort to guilt me into giving him these damn treats!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So there was wine involved and a tub of cashews the same shape as the Temptations treats. I opened my cashew tub, or so I thought, and then bit through a flavorful crunch with a soft center. I immediately recognized this was definitely not my tub of cashews. I ran to the sink to rinse out my mouth, but honestly had a minute hesitation because of the bold flavor. My friends were all around trying to figure out my spitting in the sink and gargling my mouth out. Then it happened...someone noticed the cat treat container open. Through their cackling laughter I wasn’t sure if I should be horrified I ate cat treats or impressed by their flavor. I kind of get my cats obsession with them. You bite down on a nice crunch to a soft center filled with a bold meaty taste. I will never live this down and now my friends think it’s hilarious to put a snack bowl in front of me while visiting them filled with Temptations. It’s a weird feeling knowing why my cats are so addicted to them. My cats give them 5 stars and so do I.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I recently purchased the 30oz. Cat party sized container of Temptations chicken flavored cat treats on here via a daily lightning deal. (Seriously, love the prices!) I am not preparing my cat for an impending apocalypse. No, I'll be lucky if it lasts more than a few months. You see, Temptations have created some kind of kitty crack disguised as delicious treats for my furry friend, as now I fear my cat has a serious addiction and I unfortunately am her biggest enabler. She will hunt me down multiple times a day in search of her chicken flavored fix and I simply could not keep up with her insatiable demand. Thanks to Amazon for offering up a nice discount for bulk kitty treat purchases, as I fear I may have suffered serious injuries if I wasn't able to provide her treats on a regular basis. I am grateful I can go more than a couple of days now without having to run out to the store in order to advert a serious feline crisis of epic proportions. Amazon and Temptations, thank you for saving me and making my cat the happiest furball on the planet."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My 10 year old cat is not one for snacks and treats and he has a sensitive stomach so I only give him a treat once in a while and he's always meh about what I give him. I saw this mammoth canister of Temptations and I knew he kind of liked them because I had offered him some before. I took a chance and bought it. My cat loves loves loves these treats. I don't know what is in them but he goes wild when I give him some. And thankfully, they stay down. No throwing up from these treats.\n\nThe snacks are small and crunchy and don't have a funky smell. It is easy to overdue it with so many on the canister but I am careful to just give my cat three or four and he gobbles them up and wants more. (My Yorkie also made it clear that she likes these. I need to check and see if she can eat them safely.)\n\nThe price was good and these are making my older cat happy. Plus he needs to gain weight and these will help. He still eats his wet and dry food so they haven't spoiled his appetite for real cat food. Whatever they taste like, it must be good because my very chill cat perks up like a kitten when I give these treats to him. Definitely a good buy and I am happy my cat enjoys his treats."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I think the filling in the middle must be crack because my cats are obsessed. One of my cats needs to gain weight due to illness. After months of giving him prescription canned cat food adding these crack treats actually helped him gain some poundage. We are now going through 1 huge tub a week or something insane. He actually paws at my face in the middle of the night demanding I pour more treats. The things we do for cats.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product literally causes addiction. There are hundreds of reviews online from hundreds of other cat owners, many even report illness up to kindnry failure.\nMy personal experience is that my cat would no longer eat anything else. Nothing. Barely drinking water. Completely obsessed. Weird behavior and even getting aggressive, swiping at my legs for a treat. I had to cut her off completely, just like an addict. Oddest thing I’ve ever seen.\nThis has been reported to consumer reports etc and many people report similar issues.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have 5 cats, 3 outside, 2 inside. I have been buying this for years. I don't know why they are so addicting ( we call it kitty crack) I just shake the container and they come running!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 6, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My three owner, Primrose, Booger, and Miss Piss love these treats almost to the point of addiction. All three love these treats nigh to the end of dependence.\n\nThe most surprising benefit I value of this product, this particular brand is the positive effect it has had on my daughter's rescue cat named Primrose. She came from a bad home and had severe confidence problems. Using correctly measured portions as this is a high-calorie treat, I found out feeding her the treats have been restoring her confidence, and one can hardly recognize her personality from the timid, abused, fragile kitty we rescued in 2014. I had no idea using a Cat food treat system could have this effect on an animal.\n\nI would not recommend these treats for cats struggling with weight issues. Each treat has just under two calories. I wouldn't feed Temptations treats to a cat with a severe case of tapeworms. It would be akin to trying to fill a colander with water.\n\nIt is a perfect product to put weight on a rescue kitty, to use to help a timid or abused cat recover from trauma, and it is a useful tool for bringing a cat into the fold. The only adverse side effect I can say would result from the use of this product is too much weight gain & the addition aspect. Oh, and one more suggestion, never, never, never fall asleep with the lid open on your bed, for obvious reasons. In my opinion, this is an excellent product, although, it is very pricey.\n\nI would suggest checking your local market before buying this online. You may be able to find this same size bottle for a much more reasonable price. Always keep an eye on Amazon for sales on this item. If there were not so far from town, I would purchase them from our local store as the price is almost to the penny, but I like the convenience of having them delivered to my doorstep each month. I give this product a five star and the seller I have purchased from multiple times is prompt, not made in China. Temptations is an import from Canada.\n\nP.S. The beautiful white cat with grey markings and blue eyes if my Fefe. RIP Finona"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Warning!!!! cats will become addicted to these damn things. They are like Crack or something to cats.\n\nI have 2 cats and when they want their fix there is no stopping them. I have been woken up at 3 am with a cat tapping me on the cheek with his claws slightly out looking right at my eyes and when he sees me open my eyes he starts begging.\nI have gone out at 3am in the middle of winter to walmart to get them so I could get some peace and quiet and sleep the rest of the night.\nThe day before Thanksgiving,Amazon had the 30oz on sale for $10 which is $5 cheaper than walmart so I bought 6 jugs. which were delivered today.\nBlack Friday they had them for $5 with a limit of 5 so I bought 5 more. and had my friend with no cats buy on his account. They will deliver tomorrow Today I see they are $8 with no limit so I bought 5 more.\nSo in less than a week I have bought 21 of the 30oz jugs of freakin cat treats.\n\nOne of these days you will see a video of someones addicted cat out on the corner turning tricks for Temptations Treats,'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My cats became so addicted to these that they stopped eating their food and would wake me up throughout the night to get more. I had to wean them off like a narcotic. After they were "clean", they still wouldn\'t touch their food. My 15 lb cat now weighs 9 lbs. and my 12 lb cat weighs about 6 lbs. Since then, I started feeding them Tiki Cat canned food (best of the best by all reviews). I am spending over $250 per month on 2 cats, but they are eating again!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Temptations-Classic-Crunchy-Treats-Ounce/dp/B09W4VX7T8/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,113 | Good'N'Fun Triple Flavored Rawhide Kabobs for Dogs | Pet Supplies | #8 | 45,606 | $4.18 - $210.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 23, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "My dog died after eating these from a major intestinal blockage. Don't feed this to your dog.Always choose a natural product and nothing with rawhide!!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "PLEASE DO NOT FEED ANY OF GOOD N FUN PRODUCTS!!!! Both of my dogs have been so sick from these!!! I didn't know that it was recalled. We thought that my shepherd had arthritis due to being 11. After numerous visits, xrays, lots of money....we were told it was neurological. Lots of pain meds and nerve meds. All of the sudden one morning, I thought... His treats??? So out of pure curiosity, I googled Good n Fun...side effects...i was HORRIFIED! My little Shiztu has also been throwing up everyday....which we thought was a digestive issue. I didn't know that they were from China!! My shepherd could barely walk...cant hardly lift his hind up. We thought typical hip dysplasia..age. He is slowly getting better...still has bad days where he can barely walk. These were his FAVORITE treats. NO MORE!!! I went to return the pkgs I had and Amazon instantly returned my money and would not accept the return...so threw them all away....PLEASE DONT FEED TO YOUR PUPS!!!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "What a bummer. Thought I was getting a deal for USA made chews. MADE IN CHINA stamped on package along with expire date. Granted image of back of package shows a Treated By Irradiation mark, I should have known something was up. I just can't trust treats after all the recalls and pet deaths. My buddy's health is not worth it. Amazon was quick to refund as soon as I pointed this out to a representative. I do hope they update the description so that other consumers will be aware."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Hey, guys, this product is actually made in China I'm uploading the photo so you can see.\n\nIt's not listed actually on the back of says Virginia but made in China.\n\nIt is an excellent value who don't get me wrong but I don't think anyone should put their pet at risk when it's not noted that it's made in China.\n\nIt's fine for electronic and stuff like that but not what your pet's health you can't replace an animal like it's a phone.\n\nI called Amazon a short while ago the girl agreed she wouldn't give it to her dog either, also send it to Amazon customer support to let them know that is made in China.\n\nYou have to look really good to see because his stamped almost like it's trying to be hidden.\n\nAgain if you're okay with a product from China for your pet it's a great value, but who knows what's in it and I'm not risking it God forbid.\n\nHopefully, Amazon will make the vendor write it in bold made in China as I believe many people would not buy it if they knew.\n\nI myself saw shipped and sold by Amazon and soft Virginia so was kind of Blindsided.\n\nI will update when Amazon gets back to me"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'oh no. my dog ended up in the emergency room. they pulled out the red rawhide center from his throat. the rest went in the trash. thank heavens my yorkies is ok'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 19, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "These were recalled after I purchased them. I sent them to my best friend in Hawaii for her fur baby's birthday and luckily I was able to contact her before she fed them to her dog. If she weren't my best friend this could've been very embarrassing."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': '2 stars because my dog likes the "kabob" part. All the other stars go away for deceptive marketing and being a danger to pets.\nGood luck finding it on the package (it\'s stamped on with the expiration date) but these treats are made in China. I didn\'t even know because the company address printed on the package is in VA.\nMy spunky mini Dachshund hasn\'t been feeling well for about a week and I couldn\'t figure it out. We ran out of these treats two days ago and all of a sudden she\'s fine again. I pulled the package out of the trash and saw the China label.\nWhile I think this company has good intentions, China uses Biodiesel compounds to make their glycerin, and those sources have been shown to be very toxic to humans and animals, even in small quantities. The contents alone should prevent the words "healthy, wholesome, etc" from being used on the package. But profits outweigh ethics.\nEvery dog is different and will be affected differently. I will not be purchasing these, or any treats containing this glycerin (diesel) again.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "What is there to really say? I have never met a single dog that doesn't go absolutely crazy over these bones. (Even my cat lurks around while my bigger dog is chewing and tries to snatch up any fallen pieces!)\n\nThese bones are a TREAT, though. They are thin, not very big, and the three chunks are soft and meaty/tasty. Even my tiny dog can go through one of these bad boys in a couple of minutes. Do not buy these expecting to be able to entertain your dog for hours. I predict they will be gone in minutes!\n\nThey are a great treat, though. Like I use small treats for good behavior in the moment (like tricks), I use these Good N’ Funs here and there as treats after a longer, stressful period of time (baths, trip to the vet/groomer, etc.)\n\nSAFETY: I can't speak on their safety for very large dogs, but I personally have never had any problems or seen the bones end in a piece that is awkward/possibly dangerous for small to medium/bigger dogs.\n\nThese bones are very expensive, but it's because they are a high quality luxury. They are for special occasions. I was excited to find them on Amazon! They are at least slightly cheaper than any stores I've been to (and I've never found the bigger bags locally). So far I have not had any problems with shipping or damage, past expiration dates, mold, etc. I know it can be a risky business ordering edible dog products on Amazon, but this one has been a safe bet for me."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My 14 year old Italian Greyhound had all of his teeth removed. Because of this, I didn't think he was able to chew on treats anymore. But he got a hold of my other dog's kabob and went to town. He chewed this thing to pieces with his little gummy mouth lol. He ate the chunks off, but when it came to the rawhide, he would suck on it for a bit, but never actually ate any of that. I bought him a new pack every week after this. He would beg for one during the day, and he knew what the package sounded like and would get so stoked when he knew it was coming. He passed away a month ago, and I still have one of his kabob sticks still sitting on his bed =( He loved them so much"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'But they are so hard to find and so expensive. The price for the 48oz went up a lot and I can’t afford to buy them as often as I did before when they were cheaper. It’s a shame because my dogs really love this product.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/GoodNFun-Triple-Flavored-Rawhide-Kabobs/dp/B0B2H4ZL8W/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,114 | Amazon Basics Dog Poop Bags with Dispenser and Leash Clip, 13 x 9 Inches, Unscented, Black - 300 Bags (20 Rolls) | Pet Supplies | #9 | 55,000 | $8.83 - $27.44 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 21, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'As someone who has had years of experience using doggy waste bags, I was so happy to see that the AmazonBasics line now contained this much needed staple.\n\nI currently am using two other brands, Bags on Board and Downtown Pet Supply. All three are comparable in size with the Amazon brand being a little wider at 9” than the other two at 8-¾ “. Bags on Board seems to vary in height depending upon the style. The largest that I have used is 14” high compared to the 13” of the AmazonBasics and 12-½” for the Downtown bags. All the bags come in the same width roll which allows the bag dispensers to be interchangeable, though the included Amazon dispenser seems to be just a bit more roomy allowing for easier dispensing of a full roll.\n\nThe Amazon bags are my favorite, a basic black color, which helps to conceal the contents and they came packaged in a nice frustration free box. More importantly, they feel thicker than the other two brands. The thicker feel makes them seem more secure to me both for picking up the waste and for tying and carrying. Another plus is the printed up arrow with text “open this end” which helps avoid the struggle of trying to open the wrong side of a bag while hanging onto dog leashes.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have two German Shepherds so I am a dog poop expert. Let\'s just say I\'ve picked up a lot of fecal material, far more than most. I always use bags to pick up after my dogs both in my yard (I find the only way to keep up on it is to pick them up immediately) and on walks. I\'ve tried many different poop bags including some commercial bags that normally supply parks and stuff. Amazonbasics poop bags are best, I have been using them since 2015 but am just writing the review now, apparently I didn\'t need the helpful votes I mean because I wanted to thoroughly test them.\n\n- They hardly ever fail or break. I would say lowest failure/breakage rate of any bag I have ever used.\n- They are just the right size for a good sized load from an 80 lb German Shepherd. But they\'ll handle smaller loads too.\n- They are black and pretty opaque. Does anybody really want to see the load?\n- They are unscented. Scented bags don\'t hide anything they just add a gross artificial scent to the natural poop aroma\n- They seem to be slightly thicker than other bags. I haven\'t actually confirmed this, like I haven\'t measured it with a micrometer or anything, but it seems to be the case. Some competitors bags are so thin they feels kinda dicey when you pick up a hot mess.\n- Did I mention they are BLACK? Black is the only color poop bags should ever be made in. Nobody wants to carry a turd in a translucent blue or light green bag for the duration of their morning walk. "Hi Dave, nice seeing you today" (waves with hand holding turd in a bag as the other one has the leashes ... now do you want that turd to be silhouetted by the morning sun in a translucent blue bag or do you want it in a nice opaque black?).\n- They come with a nifty dispenser ... I know, so do many competing products, but again this is a nice low profile black.\n- I feel like AmazonBasics brands are normally geared to be very basic/value products, while that is the case they are a good value these are the best I have tried at any price. This is everything you need in a poop bag.\n\nIf you are looking for a handy way to carry around your best friend\'s bowel movements on your daily walks, or to just pick it up in your yard, look no further. These are craptastic.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The bags DO fit in the dispenser - I have no idea why people are saying that.\nThe dispenser is also just a freebie - I couldn\'t care less if the thing breaks.\nThe bags are 12.5" x 8.5".\n\nAll I know is that PetSmart charges $20 for 240 bags ($.08/ea)\nYou can get similar bags from Ross/Marshalls for $5 ($.02/ea)\n\nI bought 900 bags for about 1 cent each....I can use 7 bags every time my dog poops and still be getting a better deal than PetSmart.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'First purchase of these bags was great. No issues other than slight difficulty separating from roll, but like another reviewer, we just got in the habit of separating a bag ahead of time. Purchased another box this month and had a disastrous experience with a defective bag with an entirely open bottom seam...only, due to the darkness on a nighttime walk, i didn\'t realize until there was soft, runny poop all over my hand and between my fingers. I was not as far from home as some reviewers, but I broke out into a run to get home (5 blocks) and had to wash my hands at least ten times to get the smell of poop to go away. Hands down the most disgusting experience with my dog to date and may even top the hundreds of dirty diapers changed over the course of two daughters\' lives!\n\nThe defective bag, by the way, was the first of a successive run off about ten bags which I had to stand there ripping with the "good" hand before I could pick up the remaining poop. We since have discovered multiple defective rolls and we only received the box recently and have many more rolls remaining. I intend to request a refund and return the product. I\'d rather pay double or even triple for bags that actually work.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "After decades of dog ownership we have had a variety of experiences following after our dog on walks, policing the yard, etc.\nIt seems brands come and go (no pun intended) and occasionally we've enjoyed a waste bag that deserves 5 stars. This is one of them. The Amazon Basics Dog Waste Bags (900 qty) hit all the spots - cost, quality, user friendliness.\nPros:\n1.Handy arrow pointing to the end to open\n2.Reliable perforations to tear along\n3.Easier to separate the bag sides (some bags seem almost glued closed but not these)\n4.The bag thickness is greater than most, less stretching and tearing (and consequently less cursing and yelling)\n5.Bag printing has a purpose and is a great read/translator for those working on their multilingual prowess. I can't wait for the audiobook version.\n6. A subscription is available for people with 4 Great Danes or other waste prolific breeds\n7. Not see through (self explanatory)\n\nCons:\n1. The plastic these are made from (low density polyethylene) isn't readily biodegradable\n\nUpdate: it's April 2019 and we've used 2-3 daily. Nothing negative has been revealed over these 6 months. Will buy again."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 1, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought these dog poop bags because my dogs poop, a lot. Everytime we go for a walk they be pooping. I need to pick up their poop because, unlike them, I am civilized. These bags allow me to pick up the poop without getting any on my hand. They even have a convenient stripe printed on them so it's easy to tell which end the bag opens from. I use them like a glove. I reach inside the bag, pick up the poop, and then quickly turn the bag inside out, twist it, and tie it in a knot. Then I look for a neighbor who has left their trash cans out and I drop the bag o' poop in their trash can. It makes me feel like I'm a better person because I pick up my dog's poop, but it also lets me teach my neighbors a lesson about bringing in their trash cans. It's a win-win."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 21, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Seriously, I can't believe I'm writing this review much less that it's going to be great review.\n\nI've been buying the PetCo brand SoPhresh (what a stupid name), you know the ones that have donuts or something on them. Occasionally, they are scanted - yep, that's what I said. That and most of the other ones.\n\nAnyway, two dogs, German Shepherds - one the size of a small horse.\n\nAll that being said, I know poop-picking-up - sadly.\n\nBought the Amazon ones.\n\nRight out of the box, better.\n- Gray line on the bags makes it easier to know where the break is to separate the bags from the roll.\n- Arrow pointing to which end opens - this sounds stupid but none of the others have this and it literately saves so much time fumbling around while your dogs recycled expensive dog food is sitting on the ground.\n- Somehow, perhaps Harry Potter Magic for Dogs, the bag is MUCH easier to open, even with one hand then the other brands. Again, this saves a ton of time in the process.\n- The plastic is thicker - again, this seems stupid but until you've accidentally put a finger through a cheap bag or scrape something while picking up and the bag rips - not fun, not fun at all.\n\nSo, to wrap this review up in a tidy little bow, you know, they way we all like to tie up our poop bags - this is the best poop bag on the market.\n\nWhat has my life come to that I'm writing a glowing review of poop bags...."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "It's an interesting commentary on our society that we've reached the point of civilization that allows this item to even exists. What can you say about a box of poop bags? I have a 70 lbs. Boxer and some days he's more productive than others. These bags do the job. The roll fits easily in your pocket and the dispenser is a very functional. My only complaint is that I haven't been able to open the clip on the dispenser. I was going to hang it from my dog's collar and let him carry his own poop bags, but I can't get the clip to open. So, in the pocket it goes as we take our walk and perform our civic doodies..."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Pros:\n1. It's black, and you can't see the poop inside\n2. It's thick and holds up to pointy dry grass and pine straw\n3. Does a pretty good job keeping the smell out\n4. Super low cost, about a penny a bag\n\nCons:\n1. The perforations between the bags could be better so that it's easy to separate\n\nSummary\nThe best part of this bag is that once there's poop inside it, you can't see it. Nothing is more disgusting than walking around with a semi-transparent poop bag with a handful of poop inside. These Amazon bags have no scent, but it does a great job keeping the poop smell out. I rarely get a whiff of poop smell while walking with a full bag. I've tried scented bags, but it does about the same thing as spraying a bathroom with air freshener... Just smells like lavender scented poop.\n\nMy 60 lb dog seems to only poop in areas that are surrounded by sharp dead dried grass or pine straw, just challenging the poop bag. Some of the other brands I've tried, I've had the undesirable experience of getting poop on my hand through a puncture in the bag. With the Amazon brand, this has not happened, and the bag holds up pretty well to sharp poky things.\n\nI'm super happy with the durability and the low cost of these bags. The only complaint is that the perforations between the bags are not that great and it's hard to separate. But even with all that tugging I do, the bag doesn't rip and only separates out at the perforation. Not bad enough to deduct any stars."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been using the AmazonBasics brand of dog poop bags now for almost 2 years and as long as Amazon keeps manufacturing them the way they currently do, I will continue to use them.\n\nUnlike other bags I have used, the plastic is much stiffer which makes opening the bags far easier and quicker than the very soft plastics used in other brands\n\nI also find that they this stiffness is the perfect degree to provide a more durable bag as well, in the 2 years of using this product I have never had one tear open on my at the seems or when separating along the perforations.\n\nUnlike other bags that are heavily scented to temporarily mask the odors within, these bags are scent free and are sufficiently dense enough to contain unwanted odors of the contents (dog poop). Once sufficiently knotted closed after use, I find that there is no leaking of unwanted odors in case you do not toss them into the garbage right away (or while they wait for garbage pickup in the container).\n\nThe price or cost for these bags is also an excellent selling point, especially if you purchase the larger quantities instead of a a dozen bags at a time.\n\nYes, they only come in black ...... but do you really need colorful and decorated bags to contain your dog poop?????'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Unscented-Dispenser-9x13-Inch/dp/B00QCVQR3A/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,115 | PetSafe ScoopFree Crystal Cat Litter Tray Refills - 3-Pack & 6-Pack - All Scents, Premium Blue, Lavender, Sensitive - for ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Boxes - Non-Clumping, Less Mess and Odor | Pet Supplies | #10 | 34,588 | $69.95 - $231.90 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have used this litter box and these trays for 3 years now and I can't believe I'm still spending money on them. Based on my 3 years of experience of using them, I can really attest to the false claims that they make about this product. Let's go down the list of their claims, shall we?\n\nFirst, each tray is supposed to last 20-30 days for one cat. Well, I have one cat and if I don't switch trays after 1.5-2 weeks then there is urine all over the floor underneath it. So that means that I have to replace each tray every 1.5-2 weeks. Which means I now spend almost $30 in litter per month. When I had two cats I was replacing these trays WEEKLY. If you have two cats, you can forget about these unless you're a millionaire.\n\nThe brand claims these trays are leak-proof which I just debunked. We even put a pee pad underneath each tray because they leak even with the plastic film at the bottom AND with layering the top cover under the bottom tray for extra protection.\n\nMold grows on the feces and urine once it is collected at the bottom of the tray leading to additional odor--gross.\n\nThe brand boasts that the crystals are low-tracking and don't stick to pet's paws, yet I find little blue crystals all over my house and sometimes in my bed--again, gross.\n\nThese crystals don't have a scent, which I like, but do absolutely nothing to cover odor. And that is with me switching out for a new box every 1.5-2 weeks! My laundry room constantly reeks of urine.\n\nDue to all of this, cleanup is a disaster. I have to wear gloves or I am covered in pee, I have to tape all four corners of the box shut so that when I put it into a trash bag it doesn't open and explode everywhere, and I have to sweep up crystals and mop up urine every time I switch out boxes. The more I type on, the crazier I feel for actually having used this product for 3 whole years. Smh.\n\nFinding another solution right this second--lol!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Highly toxic!!!! So my cat I guess was cleaning himself and got these caught in his throat. Well needless to say he didn’t make it. We opened up his mouth after he violently ran through the house and he fell over, his mouth was full of the crystals.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My daughters begged me to let them have a cat. My wife promised they would take care of everything. So we got a cat. After a couple of months, they tired of their responsibilities and now this cat relies on me for everything. Every self-cleaning litter box I bought broke after a few months. I read the reviews on PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box and it seemed promising. Our 3 year old cat took to it immediately. It has immensely lightened the burden of being a cat caregiver. I change out the litter once a month. Best of all, the litter box has lasted several years and it's still going strong."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "LOVE this product!!!\n\nThese refills are expensive, roughly $15 a pop. With that said, we have two cats and just moved from a large home into a townhouse and I love this product. With our home, we were able to keep the litter box in our garage since we installed a kitty door but that's not possible in the townhouse. We've been using these litter tray refills for 5 weeks. We set up the ScoopFree litter box with a separately purchased scrap rug to collect any loose blue litter crystals from the litter tray. The refill trays themselves are no brainers to set up - simply lift the cat box housing (it's clean...), take the lid included with the new refill tray and use it to cover the old tray (absolutely no smell!) and then put the new tray in the same spot as the old tray and lower the housing in place. (I use heavy duty tape to tape the lid onto the old tray so that when I throw it into the garbage dumpster the litter doesn't spill all over.) One of these trays last us about 8 days (with 2 cats). They can use the box 35 times (counter on litter box) before we notice ANY odor at all. I hate litter boxes and this is a great product!!! By the way, I purchased my ScoopFree Litter Box for $200.00 at my local, large chain pet store then found it online at Amazon for under $100.00."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Used to be four to five stars; the purple litter trays seem to work best, but are also the least available for some reason.\nRecently we received a three pack and we've already gone through it in less than a month. Waste of money, as the trays used to last at least 10-14 days, without any odor. Within days of changing everything out, the trays smell and the litter crystals are a very weird color. The formulation appears to have changed significantly and are no longer effective. We have used this system for over 4 years."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have been ordering this product since last year. Last year it was amazinggggggggg. This year I am not sure what is going on but the last 3 pack I purchased I used them all within in a month!!! I never had to do that before! I ordered them again and tried to remove the lining to see if that would work and nope. 3 trays in a little over a MONTH!!! The point of buying such a high priced cat litter system is to reduce the need to change the crystals so often. I don't know what they are using but these crystals can't be the same. And the lining on the box sucks.\n\nGO BACK TO THE ORIGINAL PRODUCT"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Im sorry.. But I do not understand what all of these people are COMPLAINING about!!! I have a cat that poops like a GROWN MAN! lol\nWe had three different litter boxes and this one has solved the problem.\n1. If the cats poop is sticking to the cleaning rake set the timer for a little longer and let the poop dry!\n2. If the cat pee is leaking through put something under it! or Change the litter a little more often! Or add crystal litter once a week!\n3. Put a little litter deodarizer in the storage area to keep it as smell free as possible.\n4. I do suggest you buy crystal litter from the store instead of buying more refills.. (the price is crazy)\n\nIve had this product for 3 months and only had to change it ONCE. I empty the storage so its not loaded with cat poop! and I add a little crystal litter every week or two.. My house smells great! And the litter box is in the corner of my LIVING room! (one bedroom)\n\nGreat product - No smell - very little to NO maintnence -'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I adore my cats, but after having a major illness and being treated over several years with different types of chemotherapy I just could no longer muster the strength to lift and to even to scoop the litter box anymore. I thought that by having my traditional scooping litter delivered right to my door that my litter box struggle would be considerably less. I was wrong. I could just barely manage getting down on my knees in order to scoop the box, but what I could not do was carry out the heavy bag of scooped clumps and remaining dirty litter in the box or lift the heavy bag up over the side of the dumpster to dispose of it. I also could not manage to wash and sanitize the box every 7 or 9 days as I always have. I was becoming very concerned about the health and happiness of my pets and myself. I worried about the bacteria that was multiplying at an incredible speed, the odor, and more than anything that the cats would either hold their urine or attempt to find alternative places to eliminate because I was unable to properly dispose of their obviously filthy and smelly waste or keep their litter and box as fresh as possible. Enter the fresh scoop box, and WOW has it changed my life and my cats lives! Now when it comes to the litter box, essentially it scoops itself. After 12-14 days I lift the very light housing up away from the disposable litter tray, take the litter tray box top out from under the litter tray which now contains the dirty litter and cover the used litter tray with the clean box top. I then take 4 pieces of inexpensive packing tape or two of giant rubber bands and tightly secure each side of the box. It is amazing to me that approx 14 days of used odor free litter ( produced by 2 cats) is contained in a (after taping it closed) compact, clean, approx size is 25"x15 and approx 2-3" thick (deep),extremely light weight, and in white unmarked box. I can carry the box outside under my arm and can with absolutely no effort at all drop it right into the dumpster. I used to have layer 3 new stretch scented trash bags inside of each other to make a reinforced bag that was certain not to tear with the weight of the used litter, get on my knees next to box and try scoop the very thick, sludgy, wet, and heavy globs of used litter twice a day. The trash pick up is three times a week, because the urine odor attracts rats, I would have wait with an extremely heavy stinking garbage bag with 2-3 days worth of dirty litter until just before the garbage pick occurred to throw out the dirty litter. I would always panic when I had to rush around after hearing the dump truck coming down the street trying to get the very heavy garbage bag outside and in the dumpster before the truck arrived. Many times, even if I could use a small cart to carry the bag out, I just could not lift the bag up into the dumpster. The whole issue was just becoming a HUGE problem and worry for me. I am so relieved and happy to say, that thanks to the technology of scoop free litter box and efficiency that Amazon offers concerning shipping and delivery, I am no longer worrying or struggling just trying to take care of my pets. It is really awesome!! The only downside and I hate to point out any negatives with this lifesaver, is the price. It is really expensive for me now that I am on a fixed income due to my health. I worry about the price continuing to escalate at a rapid rate over time. As for the product 5 stars as for the price I wish that there was a better lower price offered for buying the 6 pack of refills or a refill program or club that the company-not Amazon- offered for a significant savings for consistent consumers. I will say that the best and cutest added bonus of the scoop free litter box system is that the cats LOVE ❤️ to race over to the box after they hear the "arm" mechanism engage, and they wait crouching down until the "show" starts. My smarty pants bengal has figured out how the whole thing works. She will round up her trusty, but less smart partner in crime, step halfway inside of the box and with over exaggerated scratching movements attempting to "set off" the cleaning mechanism. After a few seconds of wild movement, she quickly backs up and out of the box then crouches down with her buddy on the mat waiting for the show to start. Hilarious! I highly and definitely recommend this litter box. This box especially addresses concerns for anyone who struggles daily ( due to health, mobility, age, living arrangements, etc) or simply really dislikes the whole process of lugging home crazy heavy boxes of dusty litter, scooping the box religiously, disposing of the dirty litter, the odor produced from the litter box, and suffering from allergies as well as extra dusting/sweeping around the home due to the dust processed from even the newest scoopable litter.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been using this product for over 5 years. Recommend to family and friends and they are also experiencing the same issue. Within the past few months I have noticed the crystals are not lasting more than a week before the odor starts where before one tray would last almost 4 weeks! This is for one cat. The price has not decreased but the quality sure has! Very disappointed. We employee you to please fix this ASAP!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a multi-cat and dog household. I need to have an autocleaning box so the dogs don't eat... well... ya know. I've had my Littermaid for 5 years. These used to be around $7 per tray and they lasted 45-50 rakes. Now, even with a 15% sub and save, they are a whopping $13 (a $16 per tray cost without!) and only last 33-38 rakes. With 3 cats, that's about 5-6 days. I used to get a full month out of one pack of 6 minimum. Now? I'm lucky to get 3 weeks. The boxes now are no longer sealed properly and they leak... A LOT. You also no longer get a trash bag to dump them. My baseboards were DISGUSTING from the corner this sat in - this never happened until the last year. I had to pull them off, pull up the vinyl flooring, replace the mat under, then Kilz everything. I got a mat to go under, but often, if two cats go before raking - now that you also get less crystals, one bag doesn't cover well - it doesn't matter either.\n\nNo one in their right mind would pay over $104 a month for litter. It's cheaper to actually buy plastic litter boxes and throw them away once a week all together. (Litter pans run $6 on Amazon, a tub of crystal litter is about $18 for me - this means a tub every 2 weeks and a new pan every week.\n\nMath says $68 is cheaper than $104. Yearly, it's $1248 for me! ($1536 if you don't have 15% sub and save!!!!) That's before all the cleaning supplies to keep up!\n\nYearly to literally keep throwing new boxes away? $780. (Small pan boxes are even cheaper at a whole $3.)\n\nWhat could YOU do with an extra $756? I can think of better things than flimsy, leaking, PITA boxes."}] | https://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-ScoopFree-Crystal-Litter-Refills/dp/B0B4X1BRB1/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,116 | Purina Fancy Feast Gravy Lovers Poultry & Beef Feast Collection Wet Cat Food Variety Packs | Pet Supplies | #11 | 38,013 | $20.88 - $64.50 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My shelter cat was sick with a URI when we got her and wouldn't eat. I tried sardines, tuna fish, yogurt, milk, raw chicken, chicken stock, cheese, and every other cat delicacy I could think of. The winner was the gravy from Fancy Feast (she just licked the gravy off the top, poor little thing was too sick to chew.)\n\nOnce she got better we switched her to dry food, and after a few months of just dry food I noticed her coat was dull and full of dandruff. We re-introduced Fancy Feast and she's shiny and lustrous again! She goes crazy crying with excitement when she sees me bring out the can and will do cat parkour backflips to get to her food bowl. Our dog loves licking out the cans too -- although his sister now never leaves leftovers."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My rescue cat has just 6 teeth - her 2 upper fangs and 4 little kernels on the bottom - so she only eats canned food. I\'ve tried giving her other brands because I figured that, just as with humans, eating the same thing over & over again would get boring. However, "Possum" turns up her nose at anything that is not Fancy Feast. She particularly likes these Gravy Lovers flavors. How can I say "no"??'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I think this is a good product, and it’s my cats that are spoiled not the food. They are the pickyest little booger heads this side of the mason dixon line! They have been feed fancy feast medley mostly and seem to like that the best but then just want junk food dry food and I try and be a good cat parent but it’s hard. My dad thinks the food must be spoiled when they don’t eat it right away I say no the cats are spoiled the food is Fine as go out and give it to the feral cats who are weary but grateful unlike two certain rescues who have some how got ideas far above their stations. I have been reduced to lowly constant petter of their highnesses and servant to open cans at their beckoning. I don’t know how I feel so low but I want to come back as one of these cats in my next life.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My cat ( a Birman) likes it but I wish Fancy Feast would just make a cat food that is mostly gravy!!! Load it with vitamins but leave most of the meat out! My cat only eats the gravy and leaves the meat. I would love to reverse that and have mostly gravy and little meat. He wastes most of it.\nAt least it is something, after trying many different kinds, he will eat.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 1, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Our almost 5 month old kitten is obsessed with these! If it were up to him he'd have more then one a day! He now expects to be fed every morning at 7:45. He can't get enough! So so happy I bought these. Spoil your kitties people!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My cat loves this! It has to be the "gravy lovers" kind though...she doesn\'t care for the regular...don\'t ask me why. I only fed her\ndry cat food for 11 years because every time I would give her any canned stuff, she wouldn\'t eat it...then all of a sudden she wouldn\'t eat her\ndry food, I was about ready to take her to the vet when I thought I would try some canned. This was my first choice and it was a good one...she\'s\neating now and absolutely loves this stuff, she won\'t let me sit down until I get it for her. Thanks!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Cats turn their noses up at almost everything except FF gravy canned food. The gravy chicken is their favorite. The box was a great bargain, wayyyyy cheaper than buying per can at the grocery store. I will never buy cans at the store again! Because getting it this way is such a fantastic value, plus you don't have to schlep it out of the car- it comes right to you!! how can you beat that??"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I really cannot tell you why I've been buying the cans individually for so long. I guess I was intimidated because the variety packs seem to usually be much more expensive, and I was feeling noncommittal about buying so many cans at once. I tried to buy bigger cans to save money, but the cat will not eat most of them. Now that I moved to an apartment with a little bit more storage, I can finally afford to buy a few different 24-packs without overwhelming my closet space. I try to mix the gravy lovers Fancy Feasts with some Max Cat, some BFF, and the green can Fancy Feasts throughout the week. When I give him different kinds of foods he tends to be less picky in general. I'm so glad I switched to buying these in (somewhat) bulk, as I've saved myself a good amount of time and money."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I ordered this to donate to an animal shelter. They were in dire need of wet cat food for their smallest shelter members. I was happy to do it. Call up your local animal shelter. Ask them what they need and donate to what they are most in need of. Take care of your fur babies. Spay and neuter to prevent more unwanted puppies or kittens. Adopt, don’t shop when looking for a furry addition to your home and family.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have three cats; two are domestic short-hairs and the other one is a Siamese/tabby mix. All three of them LOVE this food. I mean LOVE. I can't even open the cabinet where I keep these in because they automatically come running, thinking they are getting fed. I have included this in their diet for 6 months now, I give them a half dry/half wet food diet and they cannot get enough of this! I have tried many different wet food brands but for the price and the fact that all three of my cats are equally obsessed with it, I kept coming back to this one. I also think the extra gravy is great for multi-housed cats (or any cat) as it helps give that extra boost of water intake they might be lacking. I am using this review as an excuse to include a picture of my beloved fur babies :)"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Purina-Fancy-Feast-Poultry-Collection/dp/B0B4TG6DDQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,117 | Rocco & Roxie Stain & Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor - Enzyme-Powered Pet Odor Eliminator for Home - Carpet Stain Remover for Cats and Dog Pee - Enzymatic Cat Urine Destroyer - Carpet Cleaner Spray | Pet Supplies | #12 | 90,304 | $19.97 - $49.97 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Don’t listen to anyone who doesn’t give this 5 stars. They didn’t follow the steps, obviously. I have a worse cat pee problem than all of you combined and this was the only- the ONLY - product that worked. Just listen. We just moved into this new house with plenty of space for our three cats. The two females and one male are treated with premium respect- each has its own covered litter box in its own location, each receives two healthy portions of raw food daily and at least 4 hours outside. They return eagerly when called. They are seemingly happy and content with our situation. The male cat is not ours, it’s my mothers, and we’ve been watching him for 6 months. When we moved, he began lining one particular wall in my office with urine. Upon further inspection with black lights, there seems to be a size able 1-2 ft wide strip of urine lining the 20 foot wall. There is so much that I am forced to conclude that he couldn’t have done it alone. We learned the previous tenants had cats, and we believe our male is lining this wall to mark over pre-existing urine. This is the only explanation I have, hence the pretext about how we treat the cats, and as a graduate of animal behavioral science I think I’m right on this one. So for the last month I’ve been coming home, sniffing the air at the front door (20 to 30 feet from the urine wall) and dawning my gloves angrily as I get down and clean the urine wall and underlying carpet with every cleaner known to man. I’ve used three bottles of urine gone, Resolve, natures miracle (cat and dog), water and vinegar, just vinegar, just water...I’ve tried scrubbing, stamping, vacuuming, blotting- all to come home to the smell that lingers. I’ve heard cat pee can end marriages and I see why now. Once I read that lady’s review for Rocco and Roxie, I said screw it and ordered a 32 oz bottle, hoping that the combination of enzymes and bacteria could make a difference. Let me tell you, IT DID. I thought the man vs cat pee war was lost, and I had almost given up hope. Problem is the volume. I used the entire 32 oz, let it sit for three or four hours, blotted thoroughly and then vacuumed with our specialized pet accident vacuum cleaner that has claws on one of the heads to penetrate deep into the shallow carpet. The smell is about 90 percent gone. So I begged my mom to buy the gallon for me, (it’s her cat after all) and we’re waiting for it eagerly in the mail. We run an air bnb in the house and we had a poor review because of the odor which was made one day before the original 32 oz bottle of Rocco and Roxie came. I’m hoping that a full gallon will be able to get rid of this. Thank you for making the only product that works.\n\nLee'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Let me set the stage for this long review. I am diagnosing myself as CP phobic (cat pee phobic). This is not yet an official disease but I am working on a patent. The roots of my CP phobia come from my childhood days as does everything else that is wrong with my life but I will skip the details for a book I will later write and discuss with Dr. Oz. Cats were around me in my childhood days and due to absent parents, they peed everywhere and little was done to clean it up. Therefore, the smell of cat pee brings severe anxiety, anger, and anything else that is related to a negative feeling. In 2002, a small kitten followed me into a 7-11. She was friendly but obviously abandoned and probably had her days limited if left in the busy parking lot of this convenience store. So on this wonderful day in the winter, I walked out with a Diet Coke, a pack of Marlboro lights, and a kitten. All three items were destined to deteriorate my health.\n\nFast forward to 2017 and this same cat is still with me. I am almost certain this cat will outlive me and I am only 34. This is the last cat I will ever own. Due to her age, attitude, and possibly her political views, she decided to start peeing on the carpet. I immediately google "life span of indoor cats." I realized I have at least 2 years left but maybe 5 years. I then take this 11 pound ball of fur to the vet to pay a lot of money for a diagnosis that my cat is healthy and a brat. Both of us come home hating each other. The peeing continues. Below is how I handled the situation in which she is still alive and I am slightly more unhinged than before. Several products will be mentioned as I am copying and pasting this review to all the companies who are responsible in allowing this cat to currently live through her natural life with me.\n\nI spent a HUGE chunk of money on the litter robot. I recommend going to the litter robot website and researching this expensive toilet for cats. They have great customer service too. The litter robot is life changing for anyone who actually plans on owning cats for fun and for cats who refuse to use a dirty litter box. Due to my CP phobia, I plunked down the money. Everything worked great until my cat saw me enjoying life. The peeing began again. I put down a plain old square litter box and added "Cat Attract" litter. The peeing stopped. My adorable ball of high maintenance fur now uses the litter robot to go number two and the plain square box to go number one. The "Cat Genie" trash can is a must with anyone who has CP phobia. It keeps the smell down to a minimum and saves on trash bags.\n\nNow that my 15 year old queen is satisfied with her restroom, I am now left to attack the cat pee smell. Putting Febreeze on a cat pee spot is like putting a cute SuperMan band aid on an 8 inch deep gash; it\'s super adorable but we all know I am going to pass out from the blood loss. Attacking cat pee is serious business and requires hours of work, determination, and money. Did I state how I will never own a cat again?\n\nFirst you will need Rocco and Roxie pet stain remover. Just buy the jug if you are battling cat pee. The spray bottle will not be used. Pour Rocco and Roxie on the cat pee. It needs to be a puddle that soaks in through the carpet and into the carpet pad. We are not using a band aid, we are going in and sanitizing this dire situation. As you get the spots you can see, grab a UV light, turn off the lights, and prepare for night battle. Find all the illuminating spots and pour that Rocco and Roxie on all spots. Cat pee is no laughing matter to people like me. After all the spots are drenched, wait it out for a few hours and soak as much up with paper towels. If you use a towel, I feel you are transferring cat pee from one spot to the next. There will be a slight chemical smell. Again, cat pee is not like spilling your tumbler of vodka and soda water because the cat trips you up on purpose. Cat pee is anger and anxiety wrapped into one huge ball which needs strong chemicals to destroy.\n\nIf you are satisfied with Rocco and Roxie, and no odor of cat pee is present, then continue on with your life. If you are CP phobic and can detect a small whiff of cat pee, proceed to step 2.\n\nStep two requires buying Angry Orange. Angry Orange is a smell that cats hate and is actually pretty pleasant to others. It smells like straight oranges. I bought the spray bottle and the concentrated refill bottle. Because I am CP phobic, I put a lot of the concentrated angry orange in a spray bottle and a little bit of water. I grabbed my UV light and went after the spots like the crazy, mad woman I have become. I sprayed all the spots only to have the entire house overwhelmed with the smell of orange. I am pretty sure my neighbors think I have opened a juicing station in the middle of my kitchen. I highly recommend following the directions of using the correct ratio of water to Angry Orange. If you do not follow the directions, not only will you think about writing a book called "James and the Giant Orange" but there will be slight orange spots on your carpet. Which now we can go to step 3.\n\nRocco and Roxie has an OxyClean product. This carpet cleaner gets out the toughest stains including my error of Angry Orange stains. Spray the product on any stain, let it sit for 5 minutes, and then start working on it with paper towels.\n\nAt this point, I am satisfied I have fought a good battle but I am still wary. I have an oreck orbiter to clean my travertine floors. I bought the attachments for cleaning the carpet and also Oreck Dry Carpet Cleaner. I spray the Rocco and Roxie OxyClean product as a mist on a 6 by 6 foot spot and then sprinkle the dry carpet cleaner all over. A LITTLE GOES A LONG WAY. I rub the cleaner into the carpet with my oreck orbiter. Wait 45 minutes to 2 hours and vacuum. The Dry Carpet Cleaner gets out stains but it also gets out all the allergens and cat litter smell. I am not a fan of steam cleaning carpets. I have never had success. The Dry Carpet Cleaner is great for spring cleaning carpets or being completely unhinged by cat pee and needing to verify, the carpet is indeed clean.\n\nFinally, after a week, I spray the areas in where I want my cat to never pee on, walk on, and or let alone even look at with the Natural Lemon Aerosol spray. Cats hate the smell of lemons and oranges.\n\nI am now 90 percent satisfied I have won the battle of cat pee. I will not be 100 percent satisfied until I replace all the carpet but that will not happen until my cat crosses the rainbow in which she will probably pee on because that is how she rolls.\n\nMy cat has cost me a lot of money and time but I hope when I am old and peeing everywhere, that someone will take care of me and I will have two toilets in the same room. Did I state I will never own a cat again?\n\nI hope this helps with anyone who has CP phobia and is willing to go above and beyond of getting rid of any trace of cat pee. I wish you well in your battle.\n\nUPDATE AUGUST 27, 2017\n\nHello All,\n\nThank you for all the kind comments. I am thrilled my mania puts a smile on so many faces.\n\nI received a personal email from the founder and CEO of this company thanking me for the review and offering a free bottle on the house. This is a small, family run business and I can not express how important it is to support these types of companies.\n\nSince posting this review, I actually convinced a man to marry me. I clearly missed my chance as a saleswoman because I can sell anything, even a life attached to me and the feline. My cat is going strong and still a narcissistic princess with a special place in my heart and hell.\n\nI want to add a few other recommendations to some of the qualms I have read in other reviews. As you may infer with my post, I am borderline OCD with cleanliness. I do squats at the gym just to master the hover technique over a public toilet. My advice is over the top but it works.\n\nWith any problem in life, you have to attack the source before treating the symptoms. Your decision to own this type of animal is the main source, the actual cat being second with their toilet being the third main source. After having a lot of self reflection on why you chose to own an animal that stalks you as if you were a gazelle and inevitably will latch onto the back of your leg while going for the achilles tendon to bring you down is the first step to solving cat pee problem. Then we move on to see if said cat is healthy and using the litter box. Finally we have to attack the actual cat toilet. Even when litter is scooped, it still holds the smell of cat pee. I change out my cat litter every 2 weeks and sometimes more. This means dumping the entire cat box into a black trash bag and then taking lysol to wipe the interior and exterior. This will help substantially in getting rid of cat pee smell. Again, attack the source, not just the symptoms.\n\nMany have stated they are not fond the Rocco and Roxie cleaning smell. Cat Pee Smell is at the top of my offensive list which also includes items such as robot phone calls to my cell, McDonald\'s no longer frying their apple pies, hair in the shower drain, and taxes. When attacking cat pee, you have to neutralize the chemical composition of this awful smell. The enzymes in Rocco and Roxie deliver this result as best as I have seen. The after smell does not sit well with all. I use Rocco and Roxie with Oreck dry carpet cleaner every two months to clean my rugs and carpets. I admit I tire of the cleaning smell but have found a solution many may want to try.\n\nAfter cleaning the pee and other items out of carpet, grab baking soda and some natural essential oils. I found a box of oils on amazon. Add tea tree oil and lavender to the baking soda. In fact, add whatever smell you would like for the olfactory. Add lots of drops to the baking soda and mix well. Shake this mixture all over the carpet. It needs to look like it just snowed. Get a brush, preferably with a long handle to protect your back, and agitate the baking soda into your carpet. Leave it on over night for best results and then vacuum. If you can\'t wait that long, at least let it sit two hours. Baking soda and the oils are all natural so safe for humans and animals. This step has helped in creating a more earthy and pleasant smell in my home when I do the manic bi-monthly cleaning.\n\nThank you again for all the responses and I hope one day to get a book published. As of now, I just update a file with favorite pics of myself and a pre-written obituary for my husband to publish in case my cat does accomplish her life long goal. Within the three column long obituary, I added few lines about being an "expert Amazon Reviewer". Sounds morbid, I know, but I can\'t trust my other half to use a decent picture of my face or remind the public why they will miss the Unhinged Crazy Cat Lay Who Is Not Fond Of Cats.\n\nKindest Regards,\n\nLLK'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I never write reviews for products unless I\'m completely blown away, or completely disappointed. This product did not disappoint. I had consistent results time and time again.\n\nWe have three large dogs, and our house is constantly either full of fur, dog toys, mysterious puddles, vomit from yesterday\'s trash excavation, or your bi-monthly bout of explosive diarrhea. We just received our second bottle in the mail, which I trekked down the driveway, through the snow to get from the mailbox. You see, our wonderful dogs thought it would be a great idea to get into a giant bag of uncooked rice two days ago. After discovering the empty bag and three plump furry bellies, all PetMD diagnosis pointed to imminent death by combustion, or unrelenting explosive diarrhea. We experienced the latter. Every two hours, we were woken up to the desperate scratches on the door to be let out. One can only crawl out of bed so many times...long story short, we had two shatting incidents in which I thought we\'d have to rip out all the carpet and sell our house. Both times, R&R not only got the stain completely out of the carpet, but it completely removed the house of the ungodly smell of our dogs\' transgressions!!\n\nIf you\'re hesitant on the price, which I was at first, your desperation to remove your carpet of brown and yellow spots will be rewarded by giving this a try. When I tell you this stuff is MAGIC IN A BOTTLE, I\'m not exaggerating. Vomit, urine, diarrhea, butt juice--I know what you\'re thinking..."What the hell kinda dogs do they own?!" R&R got all of it out of the carpet. I\'ll say it again...MAGIC IN A BOTTLE. $20 for magic? Do it. We will never buy another product again for as long as we both shall live. Or at least as long as we have carpet.\n\nOn another note, R&R is also safe on fabrics of all colors. I just tested this earlier when I discovered our 85lb mutt licking his junk on our bed. The spot spot came right out! I could go on, but the house is eerily quiet which leads my dog mom brain to believe that there\'s trouble being conceived.\n\ntldr;\nBUY THIS. It\'s worth the $20 to not have to smell or look at your dogs\' pee, poo, vomit, butt juice stains in your house. Safe on virtually all porous surfaces--including bedding and couches. MAGIC IN A BOTTLE. The end.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I never write reviews but I\'m writing one for this amazing spray!! I know what you\'re thinking, I thought the same---that\'s an awful lot to pay for a bottle of spray cleaner---I get it, and it\'s worth every penny!!! I have 2 large dogs that have already been long potty trained however my niece accidentally shut them in one of the spare rooms while we were upstairs (bless her tiny heart) so they took it upon themselves to hate-pee allllll over the carpet in there!! We didn\'t know they had done it everywhere and only cleaned the 2 large spots up quickly, and then the stank set in.....Every time we walked downstairs we smelled "that smell" and Heaven help you if you actually walked into the room!! We finally took a black light to the carpet to discover the true horror of our situation, CSI crime scenes had nothing on us! We were now left with all of these 1-2 week old spots that had dried and soaked in explaining the STANK that still lingered. We tried EVERYTHING from natural to nuclear, Pinterest to witchcraft, and NOTHING worked (seriously I\'m talking carpet shampooer, Oxyclean, baking soda, peroxide, dish soap, vinegar, carpet powder, enough Resolve to coat a small country, more baking soda, prayer, holy water, human sacrifice....you get the picture). Desperate, and about to burn the house down and start over in a new city with a new identity, I started combing Amazon for a miracle! I found this product, read the reviews, and hit the "buy now" button with all of my hope riding on Prime shipping and a spray bottle.\n\nI about attacked the poor mailman in my rush to rip open the box (I have a bloodhound nose folks so living with this odor in my house for almost 2 weeks was almost the end of me) and try it out. I liberally sprayed the areas possessed by Satan and waited 10 mins as the bottle instructed. I got impatient around min 4 so I sprayed the areas again moderately and then I really did wait the full 10 mins. I really do mean that I saturated the areas like the bottle says however I didn\'t go crazy with it and totally soak the carpet (like I really wanted to but remembered the price of the bottle so I checked myself before I wrecked myself).\n\n10 mins passed and my bloodhound nose traveled down the hall with hopes high. I opened the door to the room and was hit in the face with.....NOTHING!!!! NO ODOR, NO STANK, LIGHT CLEAN SMELL BUT NO FAKE FLOWERY COATED AIR!!!! This stuff is a MIRACLE!!! I\'m awaiting its letter to Hogwarts as I write this review, and I\'m going to buy another bottle for SURE, you should too!!!!\n\nDISCLAIMER---my situation did not cause staining which is why we couldn\'t figure out the source of the smell beyond the 2 main areas that were wet and did stain slightly. I can\'t speak to the stain removal ability of the product but if it works this perfectly on the odor the stains should be a piece of cake!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We originally purchased this product because we have a fake-grass pee pad on our concrete patio for our dogs to use when we are not home, so we got Rocco & Roxie to clean and deodorize the pad and concrete. It worked like a charm. THEN, we just finished renovating my mother's (hoarder) house. She had previously had a dog who urinated on the carpet in one area so much that the carpet and pad had solidified to the wooden sub-floor. My husband had to use a chisel and hammer for hours to get it up. The smell was horrific and permeated throughout the house. The urine had crystallized to the wood floor and he was simply unable to get it all to release, so before we left for the night, we soaked 3 old rags in Rocco & Roxie and left them on the spot. The next morning, wow! He was able to scrape up the remaining crystallized urine from the wood floor. Then, that next night, we soaked an old blanket again in the Rocco & Roxie, pressed it down onto the stained area and left it again overnight. The next morning, not only was the stain virtually gone, but there was NO urine smell. Rocco & Roxie has a pleasant smell to it, but it does not linger - just fresh. It was truly amazing. I have posted 6 pics - you must see them to fully appreciate the power of this product. HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS PRODUCT!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've tried Nature's Miracle advanced formula and This Rocco and Roxie formula. Rocco and Roxie formula works every time. It kills, completely eliminates oder. Okay, so not only does it work for cat pee but arm pit oder removal in shirts too! Rocco wins against the other brand, crushed the competition!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Omgggggggg! I can't tell you the last time I had the time to write a review, but for this? I made time. I promise this isn't one of those phony glowing reviews from the company where the sentences are in broken English... and the same grammatical errors occur in every review. (When is amazon finally going to catch on to that?)\n\nSo, we foster cats and kittens. We keep them in a room with Berber carpets. Our most recent group of kittens crapped, peed and puked all over the place...it was maddening. Every time I cleaned one spot, two more would appear. Extremely stubborn stains. These kittens had no manners and were total slobs. The adult cat scooted a huge brown stripe down the center of the room. Usually, my trusty can of Spot shot works on pet stains. This time, it didn't. I think they may have changed the formulation. So, I thought I'd bring out the big guns. I have a steam carpet cleaner with an attachment and 'professional' pet stain removal soap. That didnt work either! So for weeks I had a bunch of brown spots on the carpets.\nI saw the great reviews on amazon for this, and ordered it. I received it today. And holy cow, a second after spraying, EVERY SINGLE STAIN DISAPPEARED!!! EVEN OLD STAINS! I was walking around with a rag waiting to scrub out the stains, after the spray soaked in...but couldn't find ONE!! This stuff is a miracle!!! The scent reminds me of those candy cigarettes back in the day.\nPleasant, if not nostalgic. Lol\nAnyway, you will not regret buying this stuff!!!!!!!!!!! It's awesome!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I almost did not write a review since this product has received so many 5 star reviews. But this is my 2 cents worth because this is an exceptional product! We are an unofficial rescue home for dogs and cats. The latest dog came from Peru. She is an 8 year old Chihuahua, and she was not house trained because she had a doggy door that allowed her to do outside whenever she needed to. So during the transition period from untrained to at least my being trained to understanding her sign language, we have had our share of accidents. We also had some leftover stains from previous dogs in spite of our efforts with other cleaners. New or old urine, this cleaner is phenomenal. The stains sometimes disappear right in front of you. I have to mark the spot I am cleaning so I know where to go back to in order to apply the clean rag or towel to absorb any residual liquid. Don't know how many products we have tried. This is the very first one that deserved a 5 star review. So I just ordered the gallon bottle, and will put it on Subscribe & Save as well. I highly recommend it. Obviously."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 25, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'SHOCKED 😳 I WAS IN TOTAL DISBELIEF that this product would work. I saw all the positive reviews and still was a skeptic.\nI work in the medical field, I know how hard it is to disinfect and clean, especially bad odors.\n\nI had asked several coworkers who had pets what was a good product, they all had opinions and everyone’s was different.\n\nWe recently purchased a home, it had been rented for 2 years to a family with pets, CATs and DOGS (note we are a reptile family) At first glance the house was clean, smell not to bad, but that’s just walking through a few times maybe 30mins a time.\nOnce we moved in then we noticed the smell, specifically more in the early morning... CAT urine. I know the smell well, as a kid we had a cat and that’s just a smell you don’t forget.\n\nWe were devastated, truly saddened that our new home would smell like this or “vinegar“ (house hold remedy) forever. Needless to say I started my research at 4 am after I was woken up by the horrid smell.\n\n(not exaggerating)\n\nThen I found Rocco & Roxie it said “completely remove pet urine” So I had to try it, as the reviews were, well simply the BEST!\n\nWithout a doubt it is the best product on the market. I bought the gallon and diluted it half and half, I had called and left a message with the company to inquire of dilution ratios for wood floors. Not wanting to destroy my hard wood floors half and half water to solution was my best guess.\n\nSHOCKER... IT FREAK’N worked and worked well, it got all the smell out, my wife came home from work and was again SHOCKED that the house had that “New Home” smell and the floors, the hard wood floors looked amazing.\nI received a response from the company and there advise was full strength, as I had already started moping I just thought, how will half work?\n\nHighly recommended, would and will buy this again, now it’s time to hit the baseboards and trim, love the scent and couldn’t be more PLEASED.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Worked better than we even anticipated. I can't understand the one and two star reviews - do not believe them. I can only assume they did not follow the directions. Buy a UV light to find all the pet messes - we had an undiscovered one that was so smelly it was making it impossible to relax in the living room. We found all the trouble areas and DOUSED them LIBERALLY with the product. Do as it says on the label - allowed it to dry overnight and vacuumed the area next day. There is absolutely no smell whatsoever. I am so impressed with this product. Head an shoulders above other things on the market. Other sprays tend to be OK but need multiple, generous applications. This spray is hands down better.\n** Some people are complaining about the product's smell - it is unique, but not bad at all. Smells like mint and bubblegum flavored toothpastes mixed together. The person on here who said it smells like vomit needs their nose checked - get your head looked at while you're there too."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Rocco-Roxie-Professional-Strength-Eliminator/dp/B093B5Q5HW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,118 | TEMPTATIONS Classic Crunchy and Soft Cat Treats, 16 oz., Pouches and Tubs | Pet Supplies | #13 | 47,689 | $7.98 - $28.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Play Video\n Omg! Our cats go all kinds of crazy cute over this tempting treat. If you want to bring out the adorable, the super cute, the absolutely most endearing behavior your cats have to offer, bust out these kitty treats. They will beg and beg for more.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'OK - WHAT\'S IN THESE TREATS?? I have to agree with the other reviews, I think it is some kind of special kitty crack. Yes, I know cats love (or most do) catnip, but this is insane. My little kitty turns into this loving, purring, ball of putty when I get out these treats. I think she would climb the tallest mountain in the fastest time catly possible just to get these treats.\nShe knows where I keep them and if I even go near that cabinet, she appears at my feet with the sweetest, sad-looking, big kitty eyes and you can almost hear her say "just one Mommy, just one treat" knowing full well I won\'t be able to stop with just one because they make her so happy. This is my new bribe! If I want her to cuddle on my lap, just shake the container. If I want her to come to me when I call her name, just shake the container. If I want her to dance on her back legs in a tutu, just shake this container. If I want her to eat all of the wet food in her kitty bowl, just mash up a couple of these catnip treats and sprinkle them on top of her food and she licks the bowl so clean you would think it\'s been through the dishwasher.\nShe likes the other flavors of Temptation Cat Treats, but that SPECIAL INGREDIENT in these Catnip Flavor treats make her go total crazy - in a good way. MARS PetCare I think you must be on to something special here because if there is more than Kitty Crack (Catnip) in these Temptations Cat Treats then you might have the next new secret cat-loving ingredient know to human-kind.\nMy cat strongly and highly RECOMMEND these Cat Treats!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 23, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I had one cat. She was a throwaway kitten that showed up at our mailbox one night crying from hunger. Of course we took her in and 9 years later she is the darling in the house. Turns out she is a Korat cat and beautiful. She decided to bring home a buddy, a male, (she's spayed) and he was about half starved and looked like he'd fought his way through the neighborhood. Of course he's ours now too. We call him Hobo. We feed them well and these treats are some of the best. They love them and definitely know the sound of the tab coming open. He has blossomed into quite the handsome male Tabby and loves us too. We always keep the Temptations on hand and will order more. Besides being a treat they are nutritious also."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is a very dangerous product. We have 5 cats and 2 dogs. All of them became sick after eating the treats vomiting and diarrhea. We threw everything that we purchased away it took us about a month since our first purchase to figure out it was these treats. Amazon was not able to refund everything we have paid for and said they would notify the appropriate party and try to put a hold on the product. Later on the call, we discovered that the manufacture's phone number is no where to be found. This is the main purpose for this review, to warn pet owners if they want to avoid expensive vet bills and to keep their pets safe since they can't tell us what's going on and by the time we people figure it out, it maybe too late. Good Luck!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Cats approve...we have one OLD kitty that this is all he wants to eat. So we toss in some powered enzymes, probiotics and some small grain free cat food and shake it all up and keep IN this container. The combo of all ingredients he is eating and happy! Grouchy Tom will prob have a few more years thanks to this nummy brand and I love bulk! We buy a few of these a month!!!! Tom says "hey I loves my treatz in my foods"'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We have tried many varieties of kitty treats in our household: Blue Buffalo several varieties, Greenies Friskies Party Mix, Pounce, Purina One,... many more.\n\nTemptations Chicken and the two catnip flavors are the favorites. I generally alternate one month with two 20 ounce containers: Salmon and one of the favorite guys.\n\nI have one kitty, Allie that I literally think must live off Temptations. She's very picky about her food. About the only thing she eats consistently are Temptations. Once I was out of town and not monitoring the situation!!! She by herself went through a 30 ounce jar in a month's time. She only weighs 7 pounds - that's almost 1/3 of her weight in treats - which is way too much!!!\n\nOther than the twice-daily small handful that each kitty gets - including Allie - they are fed Indoor Purina One dry food. They free eat. I just put two bowls out every morning. They also get - between the six of them - six cans of canned food. Usually it is Friskies Shreds. Sometimes we alternate with either Fancy Feast (or a store brand version of Fancy Feast) or Blue Buffalo. 3 - 4 tablespoons each of the canned food. Then three almost exclusively outdoor kitties get what's left.\n\nWe have very happy kitties. All of my kitties bless their hearts have lived to grand old ages. They have been very healthy other than teeth problems or occasionally arthritis as they reach advanced age. It's not unusual for them to live to 18 or 20 years old. Knock wood.\n\nI know my cats would get enough food with the dry food and a little bit of canned food they eat... but I like having the treats - especially with the mostly outdoor kitties. I'll go out and shake the jar and I'll come running. I know exactly where they are throughout the day. If we need to go to the vet or it's time for the flea meds I can round them up quickly.\n\nOnly complaint about Temptations are the 16 ounce square plastic containers: I hate those lids. The lid does not snap on securely. If the container turns over on the counter treats dump out everywhere. I usually buy either 20 or 30 ounce bags or large plastic jugs and then dispense into a jar with a secure lid for every day use..\n\nOk - who's who in the photos? Small blue gray is Gilligan age 2. Gray stripey is Nigel age 15. Calico is precious Allie age 4. Beautiful white Jasper is age 12. Yellow tabby sunbathers are Angel age 6 and Bodhi age 10. Orange cremesicle is weet Sammie - age 12.\n\nHappy catting! :-)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have 3 cats. The male will eat anything, and it shows, but the two females can be picky, even the one I rescued from a charcoal pile. Maybe it's because they are girls? Who know. So, no surprise that my male cat loves these. But also, my youngest female cat (the one from the charcoal pile) does as well. 2/3 cats is a good start for my house.\n\nThe two female cats have feline herpes, so they have to get a lysine treat every day to help control the virus. The male cat gets one too, because he demands it. I keep all my cat treats in the same drawer in my vanity, and they all come running when the drawer opens. After they get their lysine treat, I'll usually scatter a few of these around as well, since I give it to them right before I leave for the day, and it makes me feel less guilty. The cat who doesn't like these gets a piece of freeze-dried salmon. The two cats gobble these up like they are starving, no matter when I get them. Then they all sniff around near the others to see if there is anything left over. There never is, even though they all make a mess of their food. Also, I used these to train my male cat to sit up and shake. It's very cute, and he enjoys the reward, if not the practice.\n\nI like the resealable container. I have left these out of the drawer before, and the cats will try to knock it around to get inside, but they cannot. I made the mistake of leaving a little bag of treats out, and they just chew through the bag. Great product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I LOVE the Temptations brand. Not only is this brand of good quality at a reasonable price, but it is the only brand all my cats will eat! (Yes, they are spoiled rotten!) I tried the Catnip Bliss for the first time and my kitties LOVED THEM! My cats don't like the hard treat brands that seem to me more like regular dry cat food than treats. These Temptations have a crunchy outside and softer inside filling. I am so glad that this larger 16 oz. Value Size is available on Amazon as it gets expensive having to buy the individual packs. I don't give my 7 kitties treats very often, but when I do, I give them each a small handful. (Who can give your cat just 1?? SMILE) For example on the price: I can get this size for $7.49 - $7.99 (depending on the flavor). If you get the individual packets (TEMPTATIONS Classic Cat Treat Variety Pack), you get 6 - 3 oz. packs for $10.99 (Total of 18 ozs). So you get 2 oz. more for about $3.00 more. The only difference is that with the 6 pack, you can get 2 packs each of 3 flavors and with the value size it is just one flavor. But there are several different flavors available in the value size. Just depends on what you want. I am very happy with this purchase of the Value Size in both quantity, quality and price!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Oh my... The folks doing marketing and such for Temptations, they\'re hip folks! I couldn\'t resist handing over money for, "Tasty Human" flavored cat treats!\n\nThe cat here, he has bit and scratched me before, and I know, as the packaging for these treats states, that if it came down to it, and the cat were larger, he may try to bite off a finger or toe of mine. I showed this package to the cat, and his thoughts were, "Meat\'s meat, and a cat\'s gotta eat!". The cat then realized this was only Beef, Liver, and Chicken flavor.. But where is the liver from? Reading the ingredients, it\'s vague, the Liver Flavor is from, "Natural Flavors", whatever that is. It takes all kinds of critters to make Temptations, "Tasty Human" cat treats!\n\nWithin the box is a resealable pouch of the cat treats. There are 3 different colors, so this seems to be a blend of Chicken, Beef, and Liver flavored treats. So, each color is 1 of the 3 flavors, I am guessing. The cat ate them all, so, I guess they all taste human enough.\n\nCat approved, and yes, I will be keeping the box. One of the better 2021 Halloween season items I\'ve encountered, that\'s for sure!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 22, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My cats love these waaaayyyyyyy too much in my opinion. Every night my babies chase me around and give me a million verbal reasons why I need to give them these treats right now til they wear me down, and I have to drop whatever I'm doing to oblige them or they won't leave me alone. I feel constantly harassed and have considered not buying these to liberate myself, but then my beautiful baby gives me the Puss-In-Boots look from the Shrek movie and my heart melts, so off I go to get the treats. May my home never be without these! And not just this variety, all of the have the same effect. No idea what they put in here but I wish food had the same ingredients. Now I find myself arguing with my cats all day long because they don't want to eat their food, just live on treats. Sigh.\n\nCaution: keep the container in a protected location, preferably under lock and key. Otherwise your cats will find them and help themselves at will. On the bright side, there'll be no mess for you to pick up, only the empty container will serve as evidence of the crime. Look for the satisfied, contented faces slumbering like angels and you'll know who the perps were. Case solved!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/TEMPTATIONS-Classic-Crunchy-Treats-Pouches/dp/B09GKL8KLF/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,119 | Outward Hound Hide-A-Squirrel Squeaky Puzzle Plush Dog Toy - Hide and Seek Activity for Dogs | Pet Supplies | #14 | 53,393 | $4.70 - $34.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My son's yorkie poo stays at my place a lot, mostly because I take him to a nearby university campus, where, well-trained as he is, I can let him off-lead and chase squirrels to his heart's content. He is obsessed with squirrels now, so we thought this would be a fun Christmas toy for him. We followed the advice of other reviewers and supervised to try to delay the death of all the squirrels. We let him play with the tree trunk after he had rooted out all the squirrels and tried to kill them, as a dog will do. He loves the tree trunk -- so much so that he makes love to it every time we let him play with it. He is nearly five years old, and was neutered as a pup, and never was much for humping, but he goes after that tree trunk like a prisoner on a conjugal visit every time we set it out for him to play with. If we have guests, it's a floor show. He doesn't care. I'm not quite sure what to make of all this, but as long as it makes him happy . . . ."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Our puppy lives to destroy. The name "Pirahna" would be more suitable for our 3 month old "Molly". This is a dog that eats the outside of our house. She eats rocks, the underbelly of chairs, wooden porches...nothing is safe. She is the godzilla of small towns made of dog toys. Every toy we have gotten her lays shredded in indistinguishable ruins with the exception of this one little Squirrel House. We made bets on how long it would last -- 15 seconds being the favorite choice. She doesn\'t waste time searching out the squirrels in the house. No, she just shakes the house with her head vigorously and the squirrels go flying. This is her favorite toy. She carries the squirrels around like they\'re her babies. Her favorite pull toy is the squirrel house and its held up better than any toy actually made to be a pulI toy. I really, really don\'t get it -- but this is the Samsonite of all dog toys. I\'d write more but I just saw her go through the doggie door with my recipe book.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' This little toy is so cute. I bought it for my 10 week old mini-dashchund, Layla. I am glad it is smaller than what I thought, because Layla is tiny herself. When I unwrapped it, she was getting excited. I put it on the floor, she gabbed it and took off wth it. Lol. She is enjoying it! Highly recommend this toy!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'She loves them'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We have a boxer mix pup that is wild and stubborn. I have bought her countless toys, bones, etc. She never really holds interest in any. Enter the squirrel log. I won't say she fell in love and plays for hours or anything extreme but she plays with it for a few mins here and there and goes back to it frequently. She generally destroys everything but instead nuzzles and loves on these little squirrels. I find them all over the house. We put them back in the log and she immediatly gets them out and carries them around again. This dog is generally unimpressed by all dog toys but actually plays with this one so this pup mama is impressed. For size reference we ordered the xl. The pup is currently 6 months, 35 lbs, roughly knee height. It is a good size for her."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I don’t normally write reviews as I try to research as much as possible, but that is also by way of including you helpful people who DO write reviews. That said, after purchasing this toy I was sadly disappointed. I had purchased the wonderful!!! Hide a hedgehog toy from Outward hound and it is fantastic. Made of durable fire hose material it although not the same, has lasted the test of time. I love the concept of these toys. My soft- mouthed golden retriever needs to be stimulated and loves to play. I mention the soft mouth because she’s not an aggressive chewer, even at 7 months. Loves the hidey holes and pulling things in and out. I just got this today, and within two hours she had ripped out all the holes. It is not made of the durable fire house materials, rather just another plush toy easily annihilated.. I did contact the manufacturer to suggest they keep both the concepts of the toy but also stick with the same durable material. She said she would pass it along. I have so enjoyed watching and playing with my dog with the hedgehog toy and was hoping for the same, but they are not even close in quality. I thank all of you people who have shown me, shared with me and instructed me that it IS important to write reviews. Thank you'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I only bought this because of the high ratings and low price. As soon as I showed my dog the toy he went crazy. I hide the squirrels in the trunk and he loves shoving his snout in the opening and pulling the squirrels out. Maybe he feels like he's hunting, or perhaps it makes him feel like an apex predator, but he loves it, lol. I bought the small size for my 10lbs dog. The squirrels are just the right size and fit perfectly into his mouth. He has enjoyed countless hours with this toy and its almost time to buy a replacement. These toys will not last forever, it totally depends on your dog and how much of a chewer he/she is. My dog has destroyed the squirrels and I will gladly buy more. The toy lasted about 3-4 months, and I consider this normal since it's a plus toy, not a plastic bone. The squirrels have squeakers in them and trunk is hollow so you can stuff em inside. Definitely recommend!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This toy seems like a good idea at first and our dog absolutely loved it until we realized that she had started ripping out the arms, legs and tail of the squirrels and unknowingly ingesting the stuffing inside.The tail especially is full of thin strands of nylon or whatever synthetic material it is made of and your dog WILL ingest it.They go rough on these toys and chew it all day.We had to take her to the vet because these thin strands from the squirrels bunched up and got lodged in her throat.Its unbelievable that other dog owners are not noticing this.The build quality of this toy is cheap and a choke hazard.DO NOT BUY THIS. Find one that is made from a material that does not come apart.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought the small squirrel set for my dog in addition to a replacement Hide A Squirrel stump. For the price, both are totally worth it for my very active dog. She loves the stump. She loves the squirrels. She loves pulling the squirrels out of the stump. She\'s rough on both of them though. As I mentioned, the stump was a replacement. I bought her another one a year before and it was thoroughly beat up - limp and with many large "bonus" holes - but she loved it so much that I thought it\'d be worth it to get the replacement stump. Also, since she\'s fantastic at de-squeaking toys, but loves them the most when the squeakers are active, I knew some replacement squirrels would be worth it. So, just like she always does, she went crazy for the squirrels that came with the stump and de-squeaked them quickly. I gradually added these replacement ones to the mix. One managed to keep his squeaker for three months by some miracle, but Squeaky Squirrel finally succumbed this week. I probably won\'t buy any more replacement squirrels for a little while, but I\'m sure I will again in the future. Just more to add to her collection (she still plays with their limp, silent carcasses).'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a Goldendoodle puppy (11 weeks). My vet said they are an intelligent breed and recommended getting her "puzzle toys." She loves this one! She loves to pull the squirrels through the holes. Plus, they squeak and are a great size for playing fetch, which she also loves. She seems like a chew monster to me, but I\'m guessing she\'s not as bad as other dogs. Some reviews say their dogs ripped this up, but not my Daisy. She does chew on it some and drag around the plush log, but so far no damage to it. I\'ve had this for a couple of weeks now and she uses it daily.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Outward-Hound-Squirrel-Squeaky-Puzzle/dp/B09HS4R77C/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,120 | Greenies Original Teenie Natural Dental Dog Treats (5-15 lb. Dogs) | Pet Supplies | #15 | 51,380 | $4.98 - $94.97 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have always had a love/hate relationship with Greenies. My dog is has been eating a one a day for the last 7 years of his life, which I figure is a total of 2,500 Greenies. Well you're probably thinking if I've bought that many then they must be great, right? Wrong! My dog absolutely loves the taste of them and has come to expect one every morning after he does his business. From what I can tell the treats are perfectly healthy and don't do him any harm, so he continues to get them. That's about as far as all of the positives go. Greenies claim to clean down to the gumline to fight plaque and tartar and freshen breath. They certainly don't do much at all in regards to any of these areas. His breath always has a permanent fishy smell to it, probably in relation to the food he eats. He has tried different foods of various varieties, but the bad breath continues to persist. I'm not complaining that my dog has bad breath, but the product shouldn't claim to freshen it if it really doesn't. When it comes to fighting plaque and tartar, it definitely fails at this immensely. My dog is only about 7 and he has lost probably about a half a dozen of his teeth already. I'm sure a lot of this has to do with just some dogs being more susceptible to having bad teeth, just like with humans. But eating a Greenie every single day has done absolutely nothing in terms of combating the degeneration of his teeth. Just as a comparison, my parents have two other dogs that eat a Greenie every day as well. Both dogs also have that persistent fishy smelling breath. So I can conclude that Greenies definitely don't help much in fighting the bad breath. As a result, I continue to buy my dog the Greenies because he's so used to them, but they're really nothing more than a tasty treat at this point with zero extra benefits."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Maybe it's coincidence, but Greenies were the only thing different in my malti-poo's routine. After one-a-day for a little more than a week, she got very lethargic and acted like maybe she had a bowel obstruction. We rushed her to the pet ER on New Year's Eve where we were told she was too sick to save. Here kidneys were full of sludge and her blood sugar was through the roof (compared to blood work done just 3 weeks earlier). Maybe there's no connection, but I'll always wonder."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My dog is 7. She has had one a day since I got her about 6 years ago. She woke up vomiting and pooping blood. Rushed to the vet and they said they hate greenies because it’s only 60 percent digestible and causes intestinal blockages. Had to take her to the emergency hospital a few days later and the vets there said they hate greenies and to not give them to pets. Greenies day that they help plaque and it’s bologna because my dogs teeth were black and the vet said it would cost 1400 to deep clean her teeth. So these treats are falsely advertised dangerous garbage.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So here\'s the deal ....I have bought and advocated for Greenies for many years. I have small dogs . They LOVE them . One of my dogs (Pekingese , almost 4 yrs old) really loves her greenie treats and so I was breaking the teenie size (got both regular and weight maintenance bags) into smaller pieces and giving them to her as little bits throughout the day after going potty, after a walk, or as a treat otherwise . The equivalent to 1, sometimes up to 2 teenie size greenies per 24 hours or so . Not every day , but often and consistently throughout the week . For about 3 years . Noticed some green poop as a result often , didn\'t seem like a big deal , and healthy happy dogs otherwise . I give them to our other dog too, who is a senior . But I started noticing bloating in our one dog who eats the greenies nearly daily , and some other bowel issues, not really realizing the cause of the issue or how bad it was going to get . Then recently I noticed some bright blood with her poop, which was obviously alarming . But it seemed to be a one time deal . Fast forward one week later ....Shes restless at night , seemed to be wanting to whip around and bite her back legs suddenly , like some mysterious thing was going on that was bothering her. I realize now it was from stomach pings and pangs I guess . Then I noticed she was in obvious discomfort, she\'s got a lot of fur , so I didn\'t realize she was as bloated as she was . Vomited her dinner . Bloody poop again. Next morning she cried out when I touched her sides or tried to pick her up , and suddenly couldn\'t jump up on things , and by the time I got her to the vet that day , she was even having trouble walking like her back wa ms hurting her (this all being symptoms of pancreatitis) . Took her immediately to the vet ....Vet X-ray showed lots of painful gas in her intestines , and pancreatitis inflammation of her poor tissues (blood work still good, fortunately) It was very painful for her and I realize now that she probably was having a lot of those symptoms over a longer period of time from trying to process the greenies , but since it was not acute or obvious , I missed the signs and discomfort she was experiencing . She had to have meds for immediate relief and recovery of the stomach and bowel inflammation , bloating, bloody poop etc. As a result, I really scrutinized her total diet ....and I cut all the greenies out ....that\'s the only change I have made ... NO more greenie treats. The only other treat she got much less often was another garbage treat that\'s a "digestible" rawhide called Dreambones which I\'m also very suspicious of , as it has similar ingredients to the greenies. No more of that garbage either . If I don\'t make the treat myself , then I don\'t give it to her . So I have a big worthless bag of leftover Greenie\'s now . I don\'t even in good conscience feel like I can donate it . What if thry harm some other poor dogs .\n\nMy dog\'s bowels and little system are recovering, mercifully . A truly frightening and painful experience...and expensive vet too. And I always try to buy the very "best" for my dogs with all foods and products (Honest Kitchen , Taste of the Wild) and I thought for a long time that these greenies were a relatively healthy, harmless and safe treat to regularly give . So I will never give my animals these greenies again ...why take the risk??! Cruel kindness on my part . Read the other bad reviews and sad experiences .... maybe nothing will ever happen to your dog , but maybe something bad will . So why on earth would you take that risk. Interestingly , the person in front of me at the vet was also there with a dog (schnauzer) who was experiencing occasional blood with pooping , and I overheard them say his favorite treat was the Greenies and he often had the Greenie pill pockets (even saw them by more from the vet for meds he was going home with) People , like me , just don\'t know the potential harm they\'re giving. So beware . If you wouldn\'t eat it yourself , don\'t give it to your dog .'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I really want to know what\'s in these things, because of all the treats my 6-year old Poms have ever had, these are by far the ones they would literally kill me to get.\n\nThey aren\'t a substitute for brushing, but they can get you to where you only have to brush a few times a week vs. everyday.\n\nThe teenie ones are good for dogs at least 11 lbs, because my larger Pom is 11 lbs. and it\'s perfectly sized for her.\n\nMost importantly, though, is that your dog will probably do anything to get one of these things. I have a prissy dog for whom food has never been a great motivator for training. But she will roll over or do just about anything when she hears the word "Greenie". It\'s a little alarming, actually. Totally out of character for her--which makes me wonder what kind of doggy drug these things contain!\n\nI wish Greenies would come up with a training treat for dogs--my girls would be the best-trained dogs in the neighborhood.\n\n**I took a star off because, in my opinion, these are overpriced--and always have been.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These Greenies dental dog treats are my Chihuahua’s favorite. I have been giving her this brand since she was just a puppy and she took to it immediacy, never had a problem with her not wanting to eat it. Having tried several of the Greenis line of treats, this one seems to be the one she likes to eat the most. I also prefer this variety over the others as well. I personally prefer the bag greenies over the box greenies because the bag is easier to open and close and keeps the treats fresh.\n\nEvery morning she is by the pantry patiently waiting for her greenie treat. When I give it to her, she gives me her paw, takes the treat, and runs away with it to our bedroom. The whole thing is gone within a matter of minutes, there never is any waste with this one. During the 8-year period of giving these to her, not once has she ever gotten ill or vomited from them.\n\nFor an 8-year-old Chihuahua she has great teeth and gums and I contribute that to the Greenies. I do brush her teeth and use a dental spray but this treat is what makes her teeth stay healthy. We have never had a problem with any of her dental checkups and she always gets an A+ bill of health.\n\nThese treats are very tiny which is perfect for smaller dogs. They do a great job keeping her teeth and gums cleaned also, she does not have bad breath. Her breath has never been an issue and that is because her teeth are in great shape. Brushing and dental cleanings have also helped throughout the years but, this treat has been the best in-between maintenance. My vet has a store attached to his practice and keeps Greenies stocked on a regular basis. I prefer to purchase my bags from Amazon, you just can’t beat the price.\n\nIt’s never too late to start with these treats. A dog can be a puppy or an adult and these treats will help reduce tarter buildup. I will continue to purchase these Greenies because I know it works for her. I would recommend this brand to any dog owner that is interested in purchasing this item.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Apollo LOVES these! At our last vet check-up, the vet said that Apollo's teeth and gums were exceptionally healthy. Although he's a Great Pyrenees, we give him these TEENIE Treats throughout the day, and he enjoys them every single time, without expanding his 'waist.'"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "It occurred to me a few weeks ago that my little diva Yorkie's breath stunk. Doggy kisses weren't very pleasant. I tried to brush her teeth but that was like trying to give a cat a bath. She's skittish. Her teeth aren't bad though. It must be the food she is eating that causes doggy breath. We were at my sister's house when she offered Molly a Greenie treat that she gives her own dog (who is my dog's sister. Cute, eh?). Molly ate it right up to my shock. She is picky about what snacks she will eat and usually sticks to bacon flavored chewy things.\n\nI came back and ordered a bag of Greenies Dental Chews. I got the tiny ones because my dog is only eight pounds and doesn't need anything bigger. These aren't cheap either so I wanted to get more in the bag. They came today and I immediately gave my dog one. She gobbled it up like it was filet mignon. Her breath is better too.\n\nJust a few minutes ago, I couldn't find her and when I looked, Molly was hiding in the laundry room where she sits and looks out the window sometimes with a Greenie treat in her mouth! She got into the bag that I must not have sealed well and snagged another one! (I hope it was just one...)\n\nThe bag is resealable and I am now being careful to seal it and put it up where my dog can't get to it. The pics show a wet (from the rain) Molly gobbling her Greenie before I could come and take it. I wasn't going to but she knew she stole it and assumed I was going to snatch it from her. Hey, if it makes her breath better and helps keep her teeth clean, I am happy.\n\nThe ingredients aren't stellar but not awful and my vet is fine with her having these. He once suggested them but I didn't buy them thinking Molly would never touch them. I have these on Subscribe and Save now and will be giving Molly a Greenie a day. I hope that keeps her bad breath away!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is perfect for my six Little York Shire Terrier mix. They found them at the shelter he’s been there for over six months with no people adopting him simply because he had superpowers, that’s what we come in this house I have some super powers and so does he he was on day two of three to be put down when Salt Lake City animal shelter stepped in and\nBrought it back to the HS at Salt Lake City where are you then again sad. Brought it back to the HS at Salt Lake City where are you then again sat. I had finally gotten myself I have enough to go in and look at a dog I had lost my best friend about a year ago and it’s just kills me today. But boy am I happy I did I went from tiny towns it’s just a little dogs because I can’t walk thinking I’m going to need a really tiny dog and for some reason I went to the bigger section one up yeah there are these people talking really mean about this dog like what about what’s wrong with his ears what’s wrong with his skin why doesn’t he have very much hair and what’s wrong with this teeth what’s wrong what’s wrong what’s wrong. I was fuming mad they called him ugly they said every bad word in the world and there I am another person with disabilities we like to call the super powers and I said can you step away from the dog you’re obviously not interested. They Freaked out and we’re totally embarrassed I gave them the eagle eye all the way how they got around the corner and then the way the door opens another person came I couldn’t get to him and they started to do the same thing and I just said hey I’ve been waiting a long time at the door swings wrong you don’t want this dog you’re only talking negative about the dog so if you’re not interested please walk away\n. So they did and I have a second best friend his name is Tyrion as Manchester as I was parked out while it was still in there but it was flying from being bet are parked without now. It took me about 15 minutes to KM convince to come over to where I was and it was a long hard 15 minutes on my legs and back believe me but he was just hold his head down now and tell him I think he’s cute and you can look up at me like what is she doing and I called him handsome and Joe me to be your mommy everything I could think of putting my finger through the kennel coaxing them over and finally after about 15 minutes he stood up I kind of shut yourself off and I said that’s right shake it off baby shake it off and he came over and sat back down.\n\nI picked this little chin up and I looked him in the eye and said I’m gonna be your mom and you’re going to be just fine we’re going to do just fine together I can I say I drink and I know things I picked this little chin up and I looked him in the eye and said I’m gonna be your mom and you’re going to be just fine we’re going to do just fine together I can I say I drink and I know things. Quote from Game of Thrones by Mr. Lannister himself'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Both my dogs enjoy these small dental bones daily. I purchase the teenie weenie for my 7lb dogs. One dog will eat the bone as is with no issues, but the other dog because of her underbite needs to have the small bone cut in 4ths for easy access to chewing. I found these dental bones are helpful to avoid bad breath caused by food lodged in between the back teeth and for dogs who are not too cooperative in brushing further into the mouth. My dogs like the flavor. I like the fact the these dental bones are made in a variety of sizes for pets of various sizes. I have found the very small dogs are overlooked when it comes to the size of some dog treats and food products. I purchased in quantity to last me thru the winter months and to not need monthly deliveries. The bag that the bones come in is resealable and be prepared for the concentrated aroma of the dental bones when opened. I would definitely recommend and will be purchasing again. I had no issues with delivery or the quality of the product when it arrived to my home.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Greenies-Original-Teenie-Natural-Dental/dp/B09D451T23/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,121 | TEMPTATIONS MixUps Crunchy and Soft Cat Treats, 16 oz., Pouches and Tubs | Pet Supplies | #16 | 48,719 | $7.98 - $25.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I love her, but my cat is a bit of an odd duck... At 15 years-old, she has never eaten treats... EVER! And I have tried a ton of different treats (local pet shelters love me because I keep brining them her refused-treats)... H*ll bent on making her senior-days as pleasurable as possible, I decided to try these (specifically the Chicken, Catnip, and Cheddar... (her three favorite things in the world))...\n\nI honestly think if I had left her with the container I would have come back to a dead cat and an empty container. Not even her reaction when she discovered Fancy Feast Gravy can compare to this... Already ordered more (and I'm not sure it will get here before she has finished the current container!\n\n***EDITOR'S NOTE***\nLOL! I wanted to include a picture so I decided to give her a little more. The second I shook the container that cat hauled a** barreling through the house to get to me like I haven't seen in YEARS!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm not sure what these are made out of but I'm not entirely sure it's not crack. My cats would walk 1000 miles up a hill both ways in the snow just to get one nugget of these bad boys. They howl in agony at the sight of them. I've actually had to place them in a locked cupboard because inexplicably they have been able to climb into boxes on the highest shelves, in ways that physics or nor any laws of nature can explain how they got there and were able to get it to the ground in another room in order to stealthily try to infiltrate the container. So far the box as withstood their onslaught. 5 stars for how much the cats love it. 5 stars for the sturdy container. But overall 4 stars for turning my cats into mindless treat craving beasts."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'this is crack for cats. My feline princess is a royal pain in the butt until she gets her "fix" of temptations. This is the adequate size to purchase if you have a temptation junkie living in your home. Just be mindful that your feline friend will find where you hide them, no matter where you put them, and demand to be bribed with treats. If you do not obey just remember... life isn\'t happy when cat isn\'t happy. There will be throw up in your slipper and cat traps waiting for you as you attempt to venture downstairs in the middle of the night to get a glass of water. Don\'t make your cat an assassin, buy them temptations instead.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I hate giving these one star because my cats love them. However, the last four tubs I have purchased from Amazon had a weird chemical smell. Since four smelled like that I thought maybe the formula changed so at first I fed them to my cats. Soon, however, my oldest cat stopped eating anything and barely moved for two days. The young kitten was fine. Eventually even the kitten stopped eating the Temptations treats also. We purchased some from the local store. The cats ate them just fine. I think Amazon may received a tainted batch. I bought these treats from them in July & August.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Temptations treat squares are calling all cat lovers to treat your furry friend.\nThis was a hit with both my cats. I was shocked, because one of my cats will eat nothing but her specific brand and flavor of cat food. I\'ve tried all kinds of treats and she turns away, completely uninterested. NOT this time! These tuna, shrimp, salmon flavored squares, with a crunchy outer later and soft inside...she can\'t get enough. (She would eat the whole box in one sitting if I would let her.) I was thrilled! They are nutrionally balanced and help control tartar build up on their teeth. The sealed plastic box is wonderful. The triangle shaped opening is perfect to dispense these tiny (obviously delicious) squares. It fits on any shelf in my kitchen, so finding a place for storage is no problem. They stay fresh, don\'t spill and easily dispensed. What more could I ask for? (My cats would say "another box!")\nMy other cat, "Tyson," she\'ll eat anything so of course she loved these treats. But to find something "NewMe" will eat is amazing. She\'s 7 years old, finicky and set in her ways and these are a real "Treat" for her, so I will make sure I don\'t run out of these. I recommend these without hesitation to anyone that has a cat.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 21, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If I dumped this WHOLE week container in my cat’s bowl, it would probably be gone by the end of the day... like an open container of your favorite Girl Scout cookies. I’ve been getting Temptations for years and I’m pretty sure he is obsessed with all the flavors. Just the sound of the lid popping open and he comes running.\n\nIn a pinch here and there I have read the portion recommendations for a meal replacement and tried it, but he just eats it way too fast. This is cat crack and I suspect not the absolute healthiest meal replacement if they like it that much.\n\nNevertheless, I save these treats for post baths, brushes, nail trimmings and ear cleanings. It has helped me get through ear cleanings especially because though my cat hates the cleanings, he knows I will consistently give him his treats immediately after, so he puts up with it and then runs to his bowl.\n\nThese treats are perfect for a little thank you/ “good job” to your cat. Amazing reinforcer if you need to train him to do a desired behavior or put up with something. Just be consistent, and don’t use too much at once or more often than needed. They will then lose their leverage and your kitty may start to gain weight. I know this from experience. 😬'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I wish I could get my cats to eat healthier treats, and I avoid giving this in bulk or with any cat who has ever shown one sign of crystals in his urine (dry food, ash, crystals, ph paranoia). However my foster kitties, and female kitties, okay ALL the kitties regard these Temptation treats as he end all be all of life. They check my Amazon boxes for the containers and will happily fight me for the treats. I enclosed photos of cat reactions to this.\n\nI never had the kind with cat nip. Everyone went crazy. I thought I might need to hide. Instead I busted out my Best Cat Toys The Bird Catcher PRO EX! 1st Ever Fully Extendable / Retractable Interactive Teaser Wand Rod + Super Guinea Fowl Feather Refills + Storage Bag! Cats LOVE IT 100% Guaranteed! and they are super amped up to play.\n\nDefinitely, don't feed these in bulk, but I do recommend for an occasional treat."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have tried purchasing many other brands. Nothing seems to compare. I don't know exactly what is so special about Temptations, but our normally loving cats could be capable of bodily injury in order to get to these treats.\n\nUPDATE I got a bit spooked reading about pet owners' cats falling sick from eating Temptations when I had a sick cat myself who would only eat these treats. I took our 12-year-old calico to the vet. She was so sick with a respiratory infection we were syringe feeding her every four hours. Once cats lose their sense of smell they'll stop eating. If a cat doesn't eat more than twelve hours their liver begins to shut down. They require a minimum amount of calories and protein per day based on factors like age and body weight. This past January, my cat was headed towards liver failure if she didn't eat. And, the only thing she would still eat was her Temptations. She has always refused soft food, and that's what vets typically recommend when cats lose their sense of smell. So, I shared my concern with her vet about giving her too many Temptations.\n\nI also explained we fed our cats all-natural food. The vet’s response was interesting. She said what I read about Temptations causing cats to get sick was overblown- inflammatory even. To go ahead and feed my cat Temptations if that's the only thing she would eat. She went on to say that every single cat food and treat is almost guaranteed to have history—mostly recalls—and then issues get inflated and over-circulated thanks YouTube and blogging. Pet foods go through inspection and safety steps. They wouldn't put something so popular on the shelves if it was as toxic as blogs claimed. She pointed out the pet food industry had to be doing something right, because domesticated cats were living a lot longer. Last year, we buried my son's first cat, at 22. Moral of the story, and as our veterinarian recommended, if your cat likes Temptations let her enjoy them, but as with anything do so in moderation."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The cats absolutely love these, and go insane for them. In fact, here is my cat\'s review.\n\n"The human butler has been serving me these at my every beck and call. If you bat her leg enough and look at the box of treats while yelling at her, she eventually gets the hint that she wants the treat. She thinks by making me sit and be a "good boy" that I\'m earning the treat, when in fact, I\'m training her to feed me. I just like to sit while I eat is all. These have a rather succulent taste of that wonderful leafy substance known as "cat nip" though it resembles nothing of my species and I don\'t find anything to clarify why it would be named nip. You humans are so odd about why you name things the way you do. Anyways, there are some side notes of chicken and cheddar, which help enhance the dining experience for a fine fellow, like myself.\n\nFor your human butlers, the box is apparently easy to open and retrieve our morsels, as my human has fibromyalgia and arthritis. This makes it easier for her to serve me at my beck and call. Remember my feline friends, we also must make sure our humans are comfortable as well, because well, we lack thumbs. Curse you evolution!\n\nIf you are a human reading this review, may I suggest the 16 oz value pack, as running out of these treats is NOT an option. I know where you sleep and keep your shoes. Sincerely, the cat."'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My cat and puppy love these things and together they planned a Heist.... The Cat - Mininew (a 16lb who done it entirely spoiled rotten loveable cat) - knocked over the container and The Puppy Festis (a 4 month old Chihuahua puppy who is tiny in person but HUGE in Persona) chewed on the tab on the lid and they ATE LIKE PIGS while we we're at work then must have proceeded to play like they were high on Crack because every toy from the toy box was out the other 2 dogs Hippie (0) and Hunter (11) were also passed out when my Husband and I came home from work , but the house looked like a Doggie Version of Ferris Buellers Day Off was shot here! SO I BELIEVE A WARNING LID SHOULD BE INCLUDED - TOO MUCH FUN ENCLOSED - OFFER AT YOUR OWN RISK OR SET UP A NANNY CAM TO WATCH AT LEAST!!! I BET IT WAS A BLAST"}] | https://www.amazon.com/TEMPTATIONS-MixUps-Crunchy-Treats-Pouches/dp/B09GKMV95K/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,122 | Purina FortiFlora Probiotics for Dogs, Pro Plan Veterinary Supplements Powder or Chewable Probiotic Dog Supplement | Pet Supplies | #17 | 32,430 | $28.65 - $88.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I received this package of Fortiflora on feb 25th... remember there’s only 28 days in February ... The product best by date is March 12 ... this is a probiotic supplement with special bacteria to keep my pets digestive system healthy however I’m not able to use 30 packets before the expiration date ... I am really angry that Amazon would sell something like this ... if you have a pet with stomach problems and you spent $27 plus you want the probiotics to be fresh and not on the verge of expiration ... I feel totally ripped off ...'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a 175lb Saint Bernard with irritable bowels. Picture that, yes it's a nightmare. After switching him from a high quality junior foor to the adult food of the same brand, he started what turned out to be 2 months of diarrhea. The vet did every (pricey) test under the sun to no avail. In the end it was basically established that he just has a horribly sensitive stomach. Luckily he's young, in overall good health, and a good weight so the vet said as long as he was happy and hydrated we could fiddle with sensitive stomach foods for a little while before we turned to prescription food. The vet recommended we try pro plan sensitive stomach so we switched from RC giant to the pro plan. He hated the RC, so he wouldn't even eat it to make a slow switch and just go bleed up the new food leaving every piece of RC kibble in the bowl. This of course caused more diarrhea. Honestly I was at my wits end. Even a home cooked bland diet was upsetting him. I think his gut was so inflamed it didn't matter what he ate, it just ran right through him. He was messing in the house (which he never does), and waking us all night to go out. Someone in my Saint Bernard rescue group recommend this probiotic and I immediately ordered it. I do think it's a bit pricey, but that's my only complaint. The first day there was no change and he was still urgently needing to go potty in the night. Day two the urgency had stopped and he went once but it was still loose (think apple sauce). By day 3, he went once and it was formed. For the first time in months!!!! His BM's are still a bit soft and stink to high heavens, but they are improving every day and my dog can eat his food and he's happy again! I will update if this changes as this has only been a week, but so far I'm beyond thrilled! This is the only thing that has helped him and although I think it could be a bit cheaper, I'll happily order more! (Price on amazon was same as chewy so I'd say it's fair)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My bluetick coon hound developed really bad diarrhea around 6 or 7 months. Vet gave him Metronidazole which worked great,but is not a good long term fix. I heard about FortiFlora from a friend , so I got a box. Two or three days later he was back to normal,sleeping all night. We are both happy😊😊😊🐕🐕🐕. One packet every morning on his food. He is now 16 months & 100 pounds. Great product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Recommended by a veterinarian a few years ago, I\'ve used this "probiotic" many times and it worked well for my dog that had antibiotic induced diarrhea or other GI upset. I decided to order it again to help maintain gut health in my dog that was recently diagnosed with heart disease. I\' ve learned to read pet labels due to her health and when I read the ingredient list on this I couldn\'t believe it. Salt! That is a big NO for dogs with heart disease, especially those that retain fluid and are on medications like lasix. I am finding salt in many dog foods as well, I am sure they get more than enough salt. Why would there be salt in a probiotic? Probably for taste and to make you believe your dog loves it. I want probiotics, not a bunch of junk. From now on I will order only Jarrow Pet Dophilius, which doesn\'t have all this added garbage for taste.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "My dogs vet prescribed this product a couple of years ago. I hope it's doing him some good. However, the last 2 orders seemed to have less product in each little pack. And I'm wondering if it's as fresh as it once was as the powder is no longer a powder, but clumped together in one solid clump that needs to be broken up. Is that lack of freshness? I'm beginning to have my doubts about the product as it's not like it was when I first began using it, in quantity or texture."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Amazing stuff. Our Havanese suffered from horrible tear and mouth stains. It looked like she was crying mud all the time. We tried tear stain removers, diligently combing and wiping her face every day. We tried tear stain treats for a few months (the natural ones with things like cranberry extract, etc., not the ones with antibiotics). Nothing seemed to work. She\'s been on Forti Flora for a couple of months now and her tear stains are completely gone. It actually only took a week or two of daily use to stop the staining, and once the groomers clipped away the dyed fur, her face has been nice and clean.\n\nTear staining happens as a result of bacterial issues. We thought feeding her high quality food as some have recommended would fix things, but we fed her Orijen, Fromm, and Instinct, all highly rated dog foods, and nothing changed. Antibiotics like tylosin (which was in the original formula of Angels Eyes) work by eliminating bacteria, but we didn\'t want to go that route as we\'d heard that the tear stains come back as soon as you stop giving them the antibiotics and we didn\'t want to keep her permanently on antibiotics. A few reviews here have mentioned FortiFlora helped their dogs with tear stains, so I thought I\'d give this a shot. My theory is that probiotics like FortiFlora flood her system with "good" bacteria which eliminate or push out the stain-causing bacteria through competition.\n\nWe give her one packet sprinkled over dinner. She loves the taste and will lick the bowl clean. Another plus is that she\'s also completely stopped producing doggy stinks.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': '4 Dogs All with diarrhea THANKS PURINA!\nWe Had a min pin and 2 german shepherds, then husband decided on getting one more shepherd, a puppy who arrived with giardia... so the vet had us do flagyl which didnt work... so 10 days of safeguard dewormer for goats and 7 days probiotic after is what the vet recommended. so we got this! and woke up to smelling high heavens in all 4 crates! It was everywhere! And all day everywhere after 1 DOSE! gross! Sending it back immediately! We have had our dogs on Zesty paws probiotics before and NEVER had a issue.. this is horrible! will definitely go back to that... never again will i buy another purina product! YUCK!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Like the other reviewers, I highly recommend this product. My six month old goldendoodle had soft stools since the day I brought him home. Switched from grain free to a highly rated chicken and rice dry food and put him on this. He now has normal fully formed stools 90% of the time! Plan to use this daily and then perhaps every other day for maintenance.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 23, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'i purchased this supplement because my dog had a UTI. I first went to the veterinary and they confirmed the UTI and put her on 10 day of antibiotic. After 10 days the dog was not improved. So they put her on another 10 days of the same antibiotic. They told me if she wasn\'t better after another 10 days they would send her urine specimen to an outside lab for confirmation of the most effective antibiotic to address the specific bacteria. This antibiotic rollercoaster was getting expensive. But worse yet, my dog was not feeling well and it was taking far tooo long to cure her! So I purchase a Cranberry supplement for dogs, and the Fortiflora.. Apparently Cranberry is a natural way to combat bacteria in the Urinary tract. And the Fortiflora is important to restore the healthy flora and fauna in her gut that the antibiotics would have wiped out completely. Within just a few days of these supplements I could see my dog was improving. Fewer need for potty breaks and no more accidents in the house were the sign. In just 4 days she was back on her normal potty schedule and acting like herself again. I highly recommend this product. I bought the 90 day pill bottle because it was easy to administer, she likes the "treat" and I want her to stay on the Probiotics for a while to be sure her gut gets back to normal after 20 days on antibiotics. I highly recommend this product!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 27, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I adopted a 9 year old English Setter rescue dog who came to us as a result of Hurricane Florence (flooded area in North Carolina.) He was full of worms and so emaciated. He also had horrible diarreah. He was on multiple de-worming medications and antibiotics. He was also dealing with the physical and mental stress from neglect and multiple moves to kennels. I had hoped that once he settled, and we cured all of his ailments, the diarreah would go away, but it didn't. We even gave him canned pumpkin, which only slightly helped. This went on for two months! A friend recommended Purina Fortiflora to me. I am eternally grateful to her! This worked! I saw improvement in two days! He had normal stools in about 5 days. I just sprinkle it on his food once a day. He is now gaining weight. It also helped cut back on the gurgles and the gas in his intestines. I found the price reasonable. There are 30 packets in the box and you give one per day. Since it works, to me, it is worth every penny!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Purina-Pro-Plan-Veterinary-Supplements/dp/B0B4YVRW9Z/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,123 | Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Tornado Interactive Treat Puzzle Dog Toy | Pet Supplies | #18 | 4,523 | $5.10 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' So many are complaining that the bones got chewed up. That\'s because the dog has to be taught that the bone isn\'t the prize, the item held within is. They don\'t reason like we do and anything to a dog is a chewable item. I made the same mistake with my 8-yr old hyper-but-uber-smart Spitz / Husky mix. When he was a puppy I didn\'t know even a portion of what I do now and he tore up a great number of toys as a result.\n\nI\'m starting fresh with a new pound puppy. My 10-month old took off with the bones initially and tried to chew them. I removed them from her and redirected her to the real treasure. After the 2nd round of training she started ignoring the bones and going for the real treat. She now takes her meals in this or her Kong Wobbler. I still have to watch because as I was typing this she finished the game and got bored waiting for me so proceeded to chew up one of the bones.\n\nThe 8-yr old owned this in no time. His first time with it he put his paw on the center to hold it in place, then picked up the bones, tossed them to the side and reaped his rewards. He was considerably more slobbery than the girl, so do be aware that these things can get slimed. I\'m using other toys with him due to the goo factor, and to offer him more of a challenge since this was far too easy for him.\n\nThis has been a great relief for boredom for the 10-month old. She cracked her foot on our patio when the two dogs were running full speed ahead in the yard, resulting in a toe fracture. I am to keep this puppy on limited activity for 4 - 6 weeks so I\'m learning all sorts of new tricks to keep her mind active to make up for the lack of physical exertion. Now that she\'s able to put weight on the foot this toy, the Kong Wobbler, and a plush toy with holes to pull smaller plushes from are helping me do just that.\n\nPros:\nGood introduction to puzzle toys\nDurable But requires training to prevent dogs from chewing the pieces up\nLightweight\nEasy to set up\n\nCons:\nNoisy if your dog manhandles it\nMoves all over the floor\nSlobber can make the pieces difficult to handle (or just gross)\nTakes a little time to set up\nSupervision needed\n\nVideo is the boy on his 3rd attempt. He has a listening problem - he can\'t hear "sit" when he doesn\'t want to. :D I have to send him to the crate because he has resource guarding issues I\'ve never been successful at training out of him so to keep things civil I send him away from the game before I refill. If that one piece hadn\'t escaped, breaking his concentration, he would have finished up pretty darn quick. The girl is less elegant in her execution.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' Best purchase I’ve ever made on a dog toy. My 11 year old 75lb lab mix loves it. He can solve it within a couple of minutes but it’s very stimulating to him. Even when it’s empty he will go over and play with it.\n\nThis product is durable but if you have a destructive dog, it might not last. That being said, my dog is rough on it and it’s held up well.\n\nI use tiny trainer treats which allows me to give him the puzzle multiple times a day since he’s a large dog.\n\nDon’t forget to put treats in the holes on the knobs. My dog figured out that if he slides the knob a couple of times, another treat magically appears.\n\nCan’t wait to get him the level 3 version of this game. This is great for my dog since he has a heart condition that limits his walks and play time. He could do this all day. This puzzle makes him super happy. Highly recommend it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I bought it for my bunny, he loves it!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' This is awesome! My border collie’s level of intelligence is a part time job for me. He requires engagement and he figures out everything fast. This puzzle took him a good hour and a half to figure out the first time and every time after that, he sits with this for about an hour. He’s really calm (which he’s normally not) and concentrated with it, methodically moving pieces. I ordered a second, different puzzle a day after we received this first one. It’s easy to clean because the sliding tiles just pop right off but I’ve just been using his regular kibble in it so it hasn’t hardly gotten dirty at all.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My dog (10yo 17lb Jack Russell/poodle mix, light chewer, food motivated, smart enough to figure out kitchen cabinets) is a huge fan of every food puzzle I have gotten him, because, well, food! This one has kept his interest even after he figured out how to solve it, because now I only put kibbles in some of the compartments so he has to sniff out the right ones to open.\n\nI set some ground rules for puzzles like this, and the dog figured them out quickly with consistent enforcement:\n\n1) The puzzle starts when I say "all right", and not a moment sooner (so I can fill puzzles where he can watch me doing it). If he tries to go for the puzzle before I give him the go-ahead, he gets physically blocked and told to "stay" (he knows stay).\n\n2) No tipping the puzzle. If he tries to flip or tip any of these puzzle boards I immediately pick it up and keep it out of his reach for five minutes.\n\n3) No chewing the puzzle. All removable parts of the puzzle are picked up as soon as he removes them. Mouthing the puzzle and using teeth to pick pieces up is okay, but if he tries to settle down for a chewing session with a piece, both the piece and the puzzle are picked up for five minutes. (He always has rubber toys and nylon bones available to him.)\n\nAfter he has revealed almost all of the compartments (I don\'t count or pay close attention now that he plays with puzzles gently), I say "all done!", flip the puzzle upside down and shake to make sure it is emptied (usually one or two stray bits of food or treat fall out and are promptly eaten), and put it away out of reach.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I\'ve been using this toy wrong all along! It is actually pretty challenging for the dog if you know how to fill it. You can put the treats through the holes in the knobs, and when the dog pushes the knob over the round dents, the treat will fall in. So this is actually a multi-step puzzle:\nStep 1: push the "wings" out of the way\nStep 2: push the knobs over the dent, so the treat will fall into the dent\nStep 3: push the knob back to its original position, so it no longer blocks the dent.\nStep 4: fish out the treat\nStep 5: repeat 7 times, because that\'s how many knobs there are.\nOccasionally a neighboring wing will also get in the way of trying to move one of the knobs, which adds the extra challenge of figuring out why the knob isn\'t moving, and solving that problem!\nIt\'s great!\nEdit: We\'ve now upgraded to the level 3 difficulty. I wasn\'t sure if it was even possible for a dog to figure out something this complex, rather than just moving pieces at random until the food comes out. It took her about half a year to get this good, but now one of my dogs can empty the entire puzzle within less than a minute. (This is not a fault of the puzzle, it\'s just that she\'s apparently a genius!) She knows exactly that she needs to turn the center wheel first, so that the knob can be moved over the hole to make the treat fall out. She does it very methodically now; you can watch the video if you want to be impressed! She figured this out all on her own, I never showed her any of this. My other dog has been using this puzzle for the same amount of time, and he\'s still at the "beat it up until treats randomly become visible" stage. Seems he\'s less intelligent.\nI am very happy with these toys. I\'ve already recommended them to a few people who asked me about them.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " I actually bought this toy for my dog based on the bad reviews believe it or not. They were so horrifying that they would allow their dog's unsupervised while playing with this toy. There is nothing wrong with this toy, only what is wrong with some pet owners that should not be allowed to have a dog or pet.\n\nThey complained that their dog chewed the toy, unsupervised mind you, and complained that it did not hold up, or it hurt their dog's gums. For whatever reason, they seemed very confused, and I'm saying this in a nice way, or Amazon won't post my review. It's NOT a chew toy PEOPLE, nor does it say that anywhere, or indicate that it is.\n\nWhat is does do is achieve enrichment by making a dog's brain work, and once he is done with the toy, you clean it and put it away. You don't leave the toy with a dog unsupervised. This seems common sense, like not leaving 5-year child unsupervised, but...? Even chew toys have a warning to not leave a dog unsupervised. I'm here to say that those negative reviews are shameful, and I'd be embarrassed to tell other people that I'm not a good dog parent.\n\nThis is a terrific toy that my 6-year-old 5 lb. Yorkie loved. This is obviously great for anyone with small dogs as you can seem with accompanying video I took of my dog. The lids don't snap shut so they are easy to open with their nose. His biggest problem was the bones believe it or not. LOL I think he's small so he doesn't want to mouth them, and not sure how to get them out of the way. The other thing is the containers even slide to expose more hiding places, which I didn't know when buying this. I may have to upgrade to level 3 if my dog Darko gets too good at doing this one. LOL"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': " Cute toy. I was afraid it was going to be too small for my Boxer/Lab mix (75lbs) but it was okay. Wouldn't be appropriate for anything bigger.\nTo introduce her to the concept, I put a small treat under 2 of the white bones and inside 2 of the red boxes. I tried to show her how it worked, but she wasn't interested. She came back to check it out a few minutes later on her own. She figured out how to remove the white bones and open and close the red boxes in just a few seconds\nNot sure how long this puzzle toy will keep her entertained, but I'm hoping for at least a little peace in the evenings.\nAs for quality, it is of sturdy plastic. The lids don't stay shut on the red boxes and the white bones don't fit into their spots as well as they should."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I got this toy for my 6 month old Boxer mix. I hadn't realized she was such a genius! She had it figured out, with all drawers locked, in under ten minutes! Not to spoil the fun, but the trick is to pick it up by a drawer handle and shake the whole contraption roughly for a second or two, followed by bashing it into the nearest wall repeatedly until the treat reservoirs are released. Once all of the goodies have been devoured, the rubber feet are easily removed, making marvelous, teeny, choking-hazard chew toys. Not only that, but with little effort the drawers can also be freed from their moorings and, fast as you can say Jack Robinson, masticated into unidentifiable orange plastic blobs. The dog casino is not completely without challenge, however; getting the bones into the locked position had me tearing out my hair. I'm giving this two stars under the gracious assumption that it would be suitable for a smaller, less rambunctious pooch."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' We don’t have a dog but we do love crows, which are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. We’ve been feeding our local crows for a while and I tried giving them a feeder ball. They like it so much I decided to get them some more complex entertainment. These puzzles are awesome. It figured out this level 2 puzzle in three tries. It can cheat with this model by using its long beak to access treats in compartments it hasn’t fully opened. I’m here to buy two more challenging puzzles. I may collect them all!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Outward-Hound-Ottosson-Tornado-Puzzle/dp/B07239T47Y/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,124 | MidWest Homes for Pets iCrate, Single Door & Double Door Dog Crates | Pet Supplies | #19 | 136,436 | $23.99 - $170.04 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 18, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Lots of bad reviews on this being dangerous. Let’s be honest, blame is 50/50 here.\n\n1. Pet owners, you cannot leave your dog unattended in a crate like this if he is not already crate trained. If your pet dies trying to escape the crate it is your fault.\n\n2. The latches could possibly work loose with an upset dog trying to get out. There is a solution and it is cheap. After you add this to your cart, click the search bar and type “ranger bands”. Then buy them. You will use these to keep the crate latched. (See the photos in my review)\n\n3. This crate isn’t made to house the 3 year old staffie mix you just found on the side road. It is made to keep a crate trained large strong dog or to crate train a puppy.\n\nBut if your dog is big, strong, and hasn’t been crate trained properly you will destroy the crate and injure himself in the process. It’s not the crates fault. It is your fault if this happens.\n\nNow for the part about the one I received (this is my 3rd). Two have been perfect. The last one was damaged in shipping. That made assembly a terrible pain. But after straightening the bends it was fine. I am sure I could have contacted the seller or Amazon and had a new one shipped but it just wasn’t that important to me.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Our 11 week old German Shepard puppy was able to open the top latch and tried to get out of the top of this kennel. He was wedged in the cage so tightly that when he was found he was dead. We were gone less than 30 minutes. Our children are devastated. We are devestated. This kennel was suppose to be a safe place for our puppy. I hope no other family has to experience a tragedy like this.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This crate is durable, and easy to collapse/set-up. Installation was a breeze, and we can easily travel around with it. My puppy likes to gnaw on the metal bars(obviously I discourage it, but it\'s bound to happen), and not a mark so far. Not to mention that the removable plastic tray is extremely useful for cleaning up any little puppy puddles!\n\nThe divider is what really makes these crates a great buy. We wanted to get a crate that our dog could move around in, so we actually got one that was two sizes too large - the "Intermediate" or 36-inch one. Our dog is a cockapoo that will be classified as "small" when he is fully grown, but obviously he is very tiny at only 8 weeks! This is where the divider comes in... We were able to make the usable portion MUCH smaller which is perfect for our puppy to snuggle up in. As he grows and gets house-trained, we will be able to move the divider further and further and eventually remove it completely... No need to keep purchasing larger crates because this one grows with our little guy!\n\nWe actually got two of them! One of them (the larger one I previously mentioned) we actually have attached to an exercise pen to create a decent-sized area for our puppy to play and live in. He can go into the crate for naps, and then freely move around the exercise area -- ideal for any time he has to be alone! The second crate we got so that he can sleep in our bedrooms at night. It is only a 22" one so it\'s easy to move around and put in the backseat of the car.\n\nHighly, highly recommended for fur babies!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is just like every other wire crate except for one thing and it\'s the most important thing! On EVERY kennel I have purchased the sliding lock was shaped like a sideways "L". You slide it over, then roll the bar down and the end of the "L" locks the "lock into place" holding the door closed. On this crate, it is a simple straight bar that you slide over. If your dog is the sort that will try to get out or starts barking and jumping at the door, (due to hearing someone outside), the latch can side open. Why modify a part that works to something that doesn\'t work. How much money do you save by leaving a 1" piece of round bar off? And here we have it again folks, the price goes up, quality goes down.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought this crate for my rescue when I learned his foster parents crated him and that\'s where he liked to sleep. He\'s a big dog - over 80 pounds when I adopted him - and this is the perfect size for him to both lay down and sit up in. It was easy to put a bed in the bottom and he slept in the crate for weeks until he became comfortable sleeping in his dog bed in the bedroom. He loves his crate though so he\'s easy to please in that regard.\n\nThe crate is very sturdy. Recently I put him in the crate when maintenance people had to come in the house. He was startled by a worker walking by and lunged in fright. The crate moved a few inches with the force of it but the door held fine, no damage .\n\nI did run into difficulty assembling the crate. One of the latches you have to undo to put the "wall" up was truly nearly impossible to unlatch. It was grueling but after about 15 minutes worth of painful attempts I managed it. Hopefully this was just a flaw in mine and no one else will have that problem.. or they\'ll figure out how to undo the latch with a tool.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 21, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I purchased the 42 inch crate as a recovery area for my elderly cat. She loves it and continues to use it as her private apartment even though she is currently well. She won't use the shared food or litter boxes anymore and she will ask to go back in her crate (by rattling the door) when she wants either. She spends the night there and I've never had to coax her in, only out! If I had known she would love it this much I would have gotten the 48 inch size.\nI used the divider to create a shelf for her. Initially I used zip ties to secure it, but I wanted to be able to access both doors so I switched to strong twine.\n\nWe also have the 30 inch for our small dog. She Is very comfy in it and it's in her rotation of favorite napping spots, thanks to a very cushy bed.\n\nThey were both very easy to set up. Very pleased with this product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 30, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' Don’t believe the negative comments. The bars on the cage are NOT sharp. They are rounded and dull. I bought the 48in single door and this thing is HUGE. I have 2 pits and a lab and they all fit in there. Only 2 comfortably though. My lab and my striped pit are my biggest dogs and they lay comfortably together inside the cage. It’s worth the money. The cage arrives in a big box and the cage slide out folded. All you have to do is unfold cage and fold latches. Cage looks small in photos but my dogs are all over 80 pounds and can stand together in it. It’s bigger in person'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It can be difficult to accurately judge how much room your dog will have in a crate. It\'s roomier than you might think. We bought the 42" size for our 100 lb adult German Shepherd. She can stand fully upright inside it with comfort and she can turn around. She can lie down and stretch her front legs straight out. She does not have room to exercise, but exercise is not the point of a crate. She is safe, secure and comfortable inside it. It is well made, easy to set up and fold, with a roomy door for clean-up and care. It\'s about half the cost of a similar crate at a major bricks and mortar retailer. Look for the photo to get a reference. I don\'t think you\'ll find a better deal.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought the 42-inch version of this crate mainly for the price and the included divider, but also because the product description assured me that it had "rounded corners". In other words, because I thought it would be safe for my lab puppy while allowing her to grow. Apparently "corners" only means corners. The ends of the crate\'s wires are not rounded. Recently my puppy cut her nose while in the crate. After a thorough inspection of the crate, I figured out why. The hinges on the two doors are made by folding the door\'s horizontal wires over the vertical wire at the crate\'s door opening. The ends of these horizontal wires have not been rounded or filed down, and these sharp end-points are inside the crate and can easily cut a dog\'s nose or paw -- especially on the crate\'s end door where the wires have only been folded over 180 degrees. In addition, a dog could catch her collar on one of these wires and choke (yes, I know, I know -- the instructions say not to put a dog in the crate with her collar on. But how many people read or heed that?) I guess you get what you pay for, but Amazon really should stop selling this crate until the problem is fixed (or state CLEARLY in the product description that there are sharp edges inside the crate. In the meantime I\'m off to the pet store to find a SAFE crate. I don\'t know whether it\'s worth the hassle to try to return the one I have.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 28, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was hesitant about these crates because of the reviews, but I\'m so glad I bought them. I got two of the 48" and they\'re perfect for my Great Danes. They have plenty of room to stand and stretch. Sometimes they both lay in the same kennel and still seem comfortable. I\'ve had no problems with the wire scratching them, and the kennels are very sturdy. I\'ve included a picture of my 20 year old daughter and my 170 pound Great Dane sharing the kennel and there\'s still a little room left!!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/MidWest-Homes-Pets-iCrate-Single/dp/B09LMBZS51/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,125 | Purina Fancy Feast Classic Pate Collection Feast Adult Canned Wet Cat Food Variety Packs | Pet Supplies | #20 | 28,469 | $19.92 - $56.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The fact that you're reading a cat food review tells me you like to do your research. So then you probably know that cats are obligate carnivores, which means they only eat meat. They hunt hundreds of species of bugs and birds and small rodents and mammals.\n\nSo if you want to save money on vet bills, you gotta feed your cat wet food. Just look at the ingredient list, fancy feast is the cheapest wet food with protein as the main ingredient. Don't bother with grains and starches. I've been feeding my cat fancy feast for his entire life, everyone always comments on how soft and healthy his coat is.\n\nFor a while i was going crazy and buying frozen raw food, but I worried about bacteria and contamination. I looked into making food (obligate carnivores, just give them some meat, right?) wrong. Remember when I mentioned they hunt like 237 species? They eat mostly meat, but they also need crazy stuff like taurine and other weird things cats get from eating bugs and spiders and birds I guess. Anyway it's hard to get the balance right and you could very easily make your cat sick if you're not extremely careful. My cat has tried all the meat seafood cans and he seems to love chicken and turkey the best.\n\nIf you can afford to go with the organic free range all singing all dancing stuff, you probably wouldn't even bother reading this. But if like me, you love your cat and are also on a budget: go with the ingredient list, go with the price per can. Do the math: it's always been fancy feast."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I spent three and a half years (and a small fortune) trying the most expensive grainfree, raw, organic, and prescription diabetic cat foods wet and dry available. I tried everything even whole ground raw rabbit. Gross. I wanted to get my diabetic cat in remission and off of insulin so bad.\n\nI am an RN so I checked her blood sugar a couple times a day. I was skeptical when I saw all the reviews saying it stopped type 2 diabetes in cats from progressing and even reversed it in many cats and it took my cat a good 3 months to get used to eating pate only diet.\n\nI was amazed that in the first few weeks of being on this food her blood sugar was too low to need insulin several times a week and after 4 weeks on this food I was able to take her off insulin all together. My vet follows my old cat closely and was amazed that of all things it was an over the counter grocery store brand food that did the trick after all this time. The classic pate ones are the only ones that didn't spike her blood sugar.\n\nShe is 17 years old now and weighs 9 lbs instead of 14. She has been off of insulin for almost a year and has not needed frequent vet check ups or bladder infection treatments or insulin once.\n\nIt took me this long to be convinced that it was truly going to keep her out of diabetic trouble and I am so so grateful to have finally found this!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It smells but the cat loves it! My cat has extra long canines, and while it seems that he\'d be great at chunky meat, he\'s not. He has problems chewing shredded/chunky wet cat food, and has a gluten/grain allergy (yeah, he\'s a pain in the ass but we love him). This is like pâté & he has no probs scarfing it down. Although he has raunchy breath after, he\'s happy.\n(Edit) Reading another review, I figured out why he barfs up (if you\'re buying cat food & have a cat, they barf, so don\'t go "ewww") the Fancy Feast Grilled varities... There\'s gluten in them besides being chunky shreds. So he has issues chewing it & digesting it. Lesson learned & pâté only for Boo Boo kitty.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My cat has very strong feelings about Fancy Feast, and I never pass up an opportunity to tell a story about my cat.\n\nMy girl had to have some dental work done and they told me she would need canned food for two weeks afterward. I thought for sure this was going to be a major challenge because for years she had refused to eat anything but her favorite dry food a good 95% of the time. Once in a while she liked the wet food she used to eat when she was a baby just for a change of pace, but most of the time she just didn\'t really care for anything but her crunchies. Well, she had absolutely no problem eating this stuff.\n\nAfter two weeks I thought she would be thrilled to get her dry food back, but I shook it into her dish, she looked at it, then she walked over to the box with the rest of the canned Fancy Feast. She made direct eye contact with me and started rubbing her face on the box and making pitiful mewing noises. She did not want her dry food back, thank you very much. She was able to eat it one day when we had a shipment of Fancy Feast coming and it was delayed, and she does eat some crunchy and chewy treats without an issue, so I know it\'s not a matter of her mouth bothering her, she just plain doesn\'t want kibble anymore. And she\'s had no interest in it since. Fancy Feast is the thing now.\n\nShe doesn\'t want her old wet food anymore either. I tried to give her a container of it again recently and she just looked at me, and looked at it, and looked back at me, like, "you can\'t make me eat this slop." I asked her, "what? You lived on this almost exclusively for the first 2 years of your life. It\'s gross now?" But then suddenly I had a flashback to my mother arguing with me when I was in my twenties, telling me I obviously loved beets because I had loved beet flavored baby food. My tastes had changed since infancy, why couldn\'t my cat\'s? So apparently by comparison, yes. According to my cat, Fancy Feast is now the bomb, and everything else is disgusting.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Frannie cat she's 20, her current favorite flavor is beef ...... She's still going !!!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I fed this cat food to my previous cat for 19 years. It kept her weight in check and helped her to live a long life with no issues. Since then, about 10 years has passed and I now have 3 cats (1 male with diabetes and 2 females). This food has helped my male to maintain his diabetes and a healthy weight. Prior to switching back to this food after so many years, one of my females suffered from chronic pancreatitis. After switching to old faithful (fancy feast), she has had no flare ups. I am very pleased with this product because it is consistent with what was produced so many years ago. I am only disappointed that I never started them on this food from the beginning. I will continue to feed this food to them for the rest of their lives. Customer for life!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 23, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This three-flavor variety of 24 cans just arrived yesterday (Poultry & Beef) and so far, all four cats gobble it up!\n\nThis is amazing to me because for the last three weeks I\'ve been trying to get our four cats to try better food due to the eldest recently being diagnosed with diabetes, so I\'ve had them try several different brands so far without much success (all expensive high protein & fat but very low carbs).\n\nThey had been eating Friskies canned (pate - 5.5 oz cans-one can divided up four ways, once per day) and until about a year ago they were eating Blue Buffalo Indoor (Dry), but I changed it to Purina One Sensitive Systems (Dry) because one of our cats often upchucking his food (possible allergy). The Purina One did help that problem, but I\'ve since learned that it is too high in [bad] carbs, which IMO likely exacerbated our eldest cat\'s system (diabetes). Most dry food is too high in carbs & not recommended as a primary source of food.\n\nBut I\'ve found several cat health web sites with so many people stating that they had switched to Fancy Feast classic with great success, especially with their diabetic cats because of the amount of protein / moderate fat / low carbs. So I decided to give it a try with our cats.\n\nUntil I can find something better (& more expensive!), this will work.\nOur (rescued) eldest cat is about 16 or 17 years old and only just started insulin (1 unit 2x per day)...my goal is to get him regulated with food only-no insulin.\n\nAs for the dry food, I\'ve temporarily put out three different small dishes to see if they even need/want it during the day (Purina Vet DM / Instinct Ultimate / Blue Buffalo Wilderness duck). The Purina DM is through our vet, and although it\'s supposed to be for diabetic cats (or any cat) it\'s very high in carbs so I\'m not understanding that. Perhaps because the protein is really high that the extra carbs is needed to digest the protein(?)\n\nUPDATE:\nOur cats still love Fancy Feast. We\'ve expanded from these three flavors to other available flavors, but sticking with the Classic pâté flavors.\n\nBut, I\'ve continued to try them on other canned food brands that are considered "better for our pets" (high protein/moderate fat/low carbs) and they just won\'t eat them: Instinct Ultimate Protein / Natural Balance / Dr.Elsey\'s / Purina One Vet DM / Wellness CORE Natural Grain Free Wet Paté / Nutro Perfect Portions.\n\nI will continue to try other brands of canned food, but as long as we can find a good mix of brands/flavors that they like & are high protein/moderate fat/low carbs, that will do.\n\nAs for the dry food to have available in between Fancy Feast meals, I still haven\'t found one single brand/flavor that our cats like & that\'s "good for them". They "sort of" like Instinct Ultimate Protein Grain Free Chicken and Walmart\'s Pure Balance Wild & Free Turkey Grain Free.\n\nWet food needs to be the primary food source because most dry food really isn\'t "good" for them.\nI just need to keep a small dish out for them for in between the canned food meals, especially if we aren\'t home from work yet.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a male cat who's 19 years old. His kidneys are failing and he stopped eating his regular food that he loved. I've always seen the ads on TV for Fancy Feast I thought I'd give it a shot. It is a pate and we always add water to it and Mash it up a little bit. My cat is now eating again and Fancy Feast is the only thing he will eat right now. As long as he's eating it and is happy that's all that matters right now."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Best product for older felines ! My two 18 year old male cats have been thriving on Fancy Feast pate for several years. None of the usual health problems that aging cats are prone to.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 6, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'For the price the “Poultry and Beef” Classic Pate Collection by Fancy Feast is a half way decent inexpensive “grain free” cat food. There are no fillers or wheat gluten in this line of food (however other flavors of Fancy Feast do contain those ingredients so check the labels.) There are some questionable ingredients including meat by-products, but this is still much better food than 9 Lives or Friskies which contain a lot of by-products and any wet food is better than dry kibble no matter how expensive it is. I used to feed my cats the more pricey brands like Instinct and Merrick but I can no longer afford it since I am now trying to feed my 2 cats more wet food than dry. It gets expensive quickly. I’m still trying different brands that do not contain grains and with minimal by-products and so far the cats seem to like this stuff. One loves it, the other is just so-so right now. I’d probably buy this again. The food looks pretty good and doesn’t smell too bad either.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Purina-Fancy-Feast-Classic-Collection/dp/B09VF3L571/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,126 | Purina ONE Tender Selects Blend Adult Dry Cat Food | Pet Supplies | #21 | 2,900 | $7.48 - $80.90 | [] | https://www.amazon.com/Purina-ONE-Tender-Selects-Blend/dp/B0B65ZVNDP/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,127 | Purina Fancy Feast Gravy Wet Cat Food Variety Pack, Seafood Grilled Collection - (24) 3 oz. Cans | Pet Supplies | #22 | 27,221 | $19.92 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My cats love this stuff. I started feeding them wet food twice a day after reading that it's healthier for your cat than dry food. I have noticed an improvement in their coat, making them very shiney 👌🏻 I used to only get gravy lovers (my cats won't touch any kind of pate) but find the grilled kind have more meat in them and you can mix a little water with em to make a kind of gravy if that's what your cat prefers."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My cat liked fancy feast grilled chicken for a while but then got horribly bored (I tried fancy feast chicken and liver sliced one but my cat couldn't chew it - pieces were too chunky. Also fancy feast grilled turkey, she did not touch at all). Even though my cat was well fed on grilled chicken, I decided to buy this seafood collection along with a fourth type, white fish and a fifth type, grilled beef. I created a plate of one full can by taking 20% of each type from 5 different cans - seafood, tuna, salmon, white fish and beef (all grilled fancy feast). She devoured the whole plate instantly. Salmon was her favorite! She almost snatched the whole can out of my hands!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Don’t buy this, please do not buy this product. I have been feeding my cats this product for years now, and it has always been great. Until this week.... I ONLY feed my darling cats this product, and one of my cats is constantly puking and having diarrhea. The other 3 are all puking CONSTANTLY, I have cleaned up more than 30 puke spots today, and my oldest cat looks like he is dieing. Did some research, and turns out this company has changed the ingredients, and in the past 2 months there have been hundreds of complaints and multiple cats have DIED because of this food. I can’t believe I trusted this company. It is miserable to see my cats in this condition and not be able to do anything. They have been sick for 3 days now, and I cut them off yesterday. Please please please don’t give your precious cats this food, and if my poor 5 year old cat dies because of this food i will be sueing. Please pray for my cats, and buy your cats food that is made in the US or Canada, not this Chinese manufactured death company. (Btw, my local store knew about the recent complaints about this company, people have reached out to them and haven’t gotten replies, and vet visits have racked up 2k and no results of infection or disease, just this horrible company poisoning cats)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "For whatever reason my cats seemed to have had a very bad reaction to this last batch of fancy feast Seafood catfood. I have given them this in the past and nothing seemed amiss. However, this time they were throwing up and having digestive issues. They stopped eating it when I tried to feed it to them. I thought this was very odd considering they have eaten this flavor and brand numerous times in the past. I wasn't immediately convinced the tummy issues were due to the food (cause they've had it in the past with no issues), but I gave the remaining cans to my mom for her cat. She says her cat also started throwing up. I'm still not 100% sure it's the food, but to be on the safe side I told her to throw out the remaining cans."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "FROM THE RAZOR-SHARP CANS! Pet owners and rescue volunteers who sit out food for stray cats in the can risk killing or maiming the cat! I had a cat who pulled an empty can from the trash and after she ate the bits she was very lethargic and drooling excessively. When I took her to the vet he said she has a tongue laceration. The vet said she if it had been more than 1/3 of her tongue she would be unable to lap water or eat while the tongue was healing and possibly die even if hand fed and need to be euthanized! If the nerves that move the tongue are damaged even swallowing is impaired and may cause choking. The cat's tongue can become infected, necrotic, or lose the ability to function entirely. Volunteer rescuers who mean well do not see the torture that is avoidable by feeding in a bowl or on disposable paper plates if you don't want to wash bowls."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "After learning that wet food is better for cats as they require a higher moisture content, I've been making the switch to wet food. This is one of the first ones I have tried, and I'm happy to say that my cat goes crazy for this flavor. She can be picky too, but if it has seafood, she is generally happy. I'm also happy because the cans have individual openers on the top, so I don't need to fuss with the can opener. I could probably say this is her favorite cat food that I give her, and I'm glad that I can find this bundle on Amazon, since it is definitely worth the money over buying individual cans."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'One of our dear cats seems to be the most finicky eaters of all time. She mainly sticks her nose up at everything, but we have finally found success with this variety pack. We have learned that she likes seafood flavors and that the texture is also important - no pate, but this gravy based kind words well.\n\nI will note that the consistency of the food is a little messy. We often find that the small specks sometimes get everywhere. I also find that the little bits are sometimes hard for the cat to eat. They spread out after she has started eating. I will often "fluff" the food when she is halfway through eating, by sweeping up all the spread-out food with my spoon and making it into a little mound. I think that makes it easier for her.\n\nWe give one can a day - half in the morning and half in the evening. We always sprinkle some dry food on top. (For dry food, we use Royal Canin Savor Sensation.)\n\nWe keep the cans in the pantry, but after the morning feeding, we cover the remaining half and put the can in the fridge. Our cat does not seem to mind eating the food cold in the evening. When the food is cold, the gravy binds the pieces together pretty well and the food is less messy and easier to eat.\n\nThe price and convenience of this bulk package, delivered straight or door, is obviously another big plus!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': '….doesn’t give her diarrhea.\n\nFor some reason this is the only canned cat food that doesn’t give my 4 yo cat diarrhea. I spent tons of money on top line cat food manufacturers including prescription can food.\n\nFinally started with the more mass produced but specialized cat foods but she either wouldn’t eat them or they gave her diarrhea.\n\nI got desperate and finally bought this particular fancy feast line which she loved and didn’t make her ill. Win Win.\n\nHowever- this line is the only FF that doesn’t make her ill or that’ll she’ll eat. So I give her prescription UTI dry food and this product for can food.\n\nOf course the price is fantastic to what I pay for prescription pet food so no complaints. I usually buy this multi pack to keep it fresh for her.\n\nI’ll give it 5 Stars for flavor but I’m just guessing based on my cats enthusiasm at meal time!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I haven't given the cats fish in years because of how badly the waters (and the fish) are polluted, but the cats are all in their late teens and early twenties, they love fish, and how much damage can fish do to them at this point. so I got the seafood pâté on subscription. they gorged for a few months, then one of the roommates gave them some beef and they didn't want fish any more. so I switched the subscription to the cases of beef/poultry pâté (their teeth aren't what they used to be, so it's always pâté).\n\nwere my cats kittens I'd be making their food for them, again. but they're seniors. life is short and all I want to do is spoil them until they're gone. they want fish, they get fish. they want beef, they get beef. they love fancy feast."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have two cats that absolutely adore this wet food brand, I have one adult female and one female kitten that’s about 3 and a half months old and the seafood flavors are their favorites. A couple things I like about this wet food is that it doesn’t smell unpleasant, I used to buy wet food from another brand because it was like a 30 pack for the same price but that food had a very bad oder and I could tell it was negatively affecting my cats stomach. Not only does this brand smell good but also the portions are great, each can is filled to the top and it looks like chopped up fish instead of looking like a block of grinded meat like a lot of other brands do, from what I can tell this food is treating my kittens stomach good, her stool looks very healthy and she seems to be taking poops regularly and not so close together. Overall one of my top picks for cat food. Good price, good food, happy cats 🐈'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Purina-Fancy-Feast-Grilled-Collection/dp/B001STX13U/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,128 | Chuckit! Ultra Ball | Pet Supplies | #23 | 110,053 | $1.93 - $79.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "If you can't find any toys that your dog won't destroy. This is the ball for you! I've working in this industry for over a decade and was in charge of merchandising a new local shop in my town. These were a must have and were always flying off the shelves. I recently left this managing position and I needed more Ultra Balls (I like to have 2 in the house and 2 for playing outside) and I found this particular price to be about what I was ordering wholesale! What a steal!\n\nI occasionally have to replace these not because they get destroyed, but because my dogs somehow lose them in our fairly forested backyard (or an overzealous husband chucks them over the fence.) If you've got a destructive dog like my pitbull, then I'm sure you know it's not IF your dog will destroy a toy, it's how long it takes them that influences your purchasing decisions. So how long have these lasted in my house? I don't know, I'll let you know when she actually destroys it!\n\nFor those who are curious if this will fit in your chuckit launcher, the medium ball size fits perfectly in the classic. These can be used for a game of fetch, but I have found the dogs seem to like simply chewing on them indoors like a piece of bubblegum or like a mouth stress ball. Works for my heavy chewer, but soft enough for my senior shiba. One of my cats is also super into playing soccer with them too. It's a riot to watch.\n\nIf you're looking for an awesome new toy for your dog, get this ball; and if you don't have the ChuckIt! yet, I totally recommend those too."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 17, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "My dogs love these balls, definitely a main staple and repurchase in our house. They last a lot of chewing and are some of the only balls that my dogs have not destroyed quickly. They have good bounce and are easy to find because of the nice color.\n\nThough I'd call them 5 star , I had to take away one star due to a part of the design that has the potential to make them dangerous. They are sealed with one 'plug' that after about 3 months of munching came out. It has happened to every one of these balls we have owned. 3 months is a pretty good life span, but toys with single holes have the danger of the suction effect (some dogs can get their tongues stuck in the hole due to suction) , and so I constantly have to check these to make sure the dogs haven't knocked the plug out accidentally. I wish chuck it had a very small hole on the other side, you could drill one yourself !, to prevent a suction problem. Just make sure you check them after heavy use :)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My gal is 80 pounds of german shep/black lab. She's 2 and still acts like a puppy. If we don't play hardcore chuck-it throws 2-3 times a day, she is too much to handle. Literally she will play and run as far as we can throw these for 45 minutes straight. These balls are amazing. They bounce well and they hold up to her chewing them 24/7 like gum. Even sleeps with them. She has yet to chew them up. Mainly we loose them over a fence or in bushes, so every few months I buy 8 or so. They are half the price on Amazon compared to local stores. My girl will go out of her way to only chew the solid orange ones. They must taste better. Then the orange and blue, then the solid blue and glow in the dark are last. I don't see what the difference is, but she knows."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm sorry to say that a once untouchable product has changed for the worst. While the customer service department seems to still be in active and responsive as they were prompt in sending me a replacement set for the initial returned set.\n\nI took the replacement, in the off chance that it was only fluke that both balls in the 2 piece set were broken in less than 3-4 hours of ball play and chewing --- but just as I thought and as other reviews have mentioned- these balls are completely different from their old assembly line shipped out not more than 6 months ago.\n\nTo give an idea of the disparaging change in the quality of this product, I still have all but maybe 3 individuals of the balls sets that I have purchased (2 times a year for the past 4 years). The 3 now absent, have merely been adopted into my friends ansfamikies dogs' homes, but they too are still in tact. years and years of adequate quality, durable enough for the regular demand of four large and active dog.\nThese new sets of balls, on the other hand, seem to all pop the same routine circular holes in the bottom of the ball, time after time, after only a couple hours of obsessed chewing out of my 55 lb Shepherd mix. He is the smallest and also the least aggressive chewer in my dog family.\n\nSad to say the one toy I was counting on buying in perpetuity, has changed for the worse.\nI will not be tryinG these again unless some signal has been clear from either multiple customers with revised reviews, and/or a real explanation of the disparity, from the seller/manufacturer"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Well, this is the ONLY toy that our dog LOVES. The ChuckIt Ultra is her obsession. She has them strategically hidden around the house for quick/easy access, she follows us around with one, she sometimes even brings one to bed with her. Squeaky toys are ... well ... FINE in a pinch, but really, nothing in her world compares with this ball. She is a 50lb Springer Spaniel and has only managed to "crack" one of these balls in 2+ years, and she chews on them almost like a pacifier (she\'ll just sit there and chomp chomp chomp on it). She prefers the medium size, but we have a large size Ultra and she enjoys that too.\n\nThey are easy to throw (with or without the ChuckIt stick), they bounce great, they FLOAT, they are super easy to wash off (that alone is worth the 5 stars for anyone out there who has tried to wash off a tennis ball) and they are really durable.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My dog loves these, and as a bonus she can't eat them! She pretty much destroys tennis balls and any other soft ball within seconds.\n\nShe often throws it in the lake where they always float and likes to carry it around and squeeze it when we aren't throwing it for her. This is the cheapest place I have found to purchase this type of ball and by far the best product.\n\nWe get the 3inch size for our German Shepherd, Koda, who is about 45lbs and 5 months old in the attached photos. My parents dog is a fully grown German Shepherd and she uses the 3inch size as well and loves them.\n\nUPDATE (03/07/18): We still love these! We still get the 3inch size but have purchased the size up which as worked wonderfully as well though she can't squish/chew on them as much as she likes since they are so big. We lost one ball in the lake which we found floating a few months later! It was a little sun discolored but other than that it still held up fine! We have multiple balls and she hasn't been able to destroy one yet. She is now a little over a year old and approx. 75lbs."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I didn’t know how much my Maltese girls would like a ball without a squeaker but these Chuckit Ultra Balls became an instant favorite with them.\n\nI got the 2.5 inch two pack and they both immediately began games of fetch with me. The design and size of the balls make it easy for them to pick up and carry back. The bounce is something that entices them to try to jump and capture it in the air. It’s a worthwhile addition to their toy box.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is hands down the best dog toy I have ever purchased. It is well worth the price, hell, I would pay double! I have two Labrador Retrievers both under 2 years of age. I\'ve tried so many different toys for them and they always go right through them - they don\'t last worth anything. These guys could chew through a jumbo jet. I even tried a toy made from a TIRE that the woman at the pet store guaranteed they couldn\'t chew up -- 15 minutes and I had to take it away because there were chunks of tire all over my living room. This ball... This chuck it ball... I bought one for each of them for Christmas on a lightning deal because I thought "Heck, it\'s a good deal I\'ll try it" and I am proud to say they are still standing. They look like the day we took them out of the package. These two dogs play with these balls EVERY. SINGLE. DAY -- for hours and hours. My male likes to just sit and chew it in his mouth like a wad of gum. You can hear it squish in his teeth, I still can\'t believe it\'s retaining it\'s shape. The only disappointment I had with these was they don\'t fit in the chuck it that I have, but that was only because I didn\'t know what size to get. Large is a perfect size for my labs though. I\'d like to say I\'d buy these over and over again, but at the rate these are lasting us I don\'t think I will need to.\n\nEDIT 4/14/16: I\'m sad to report that one of the original Chuckit! balls finally met it\'s fate, and the other... well, we don\'t know where it bounced off to... But, I\'m happy to report these balls had an AMAZING run with my dogs, even surviving being dropped out the car window at 55mph by one slobbery lab. Don\'t worry, mommy turned around and drove back and forth until she finally found it and returned it to the slobbery mouth... Dad bought new balls at the store one day, but he got the medium size this time so they would fit in our Chuckit! thrower... I don\'t think they liked the medium size as much as the large, and the medium lasted no where near as long as the large before there was a hole in it. And the second one was dropped out the car window again and this time mom didn\'t see it... So, once again -- one destroyed, one lost. But again, I will purchase these over and over because my dogs absolutely love them. I will probably continue with the large size from now on, as it\'s best for my dogs.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My fetch-obsessed canine loves these. XL is the perfect size for my 90-lb German Shepherd (smaller sizes seemed like potential choking hazards). They\'re resilient, but not impervious. My guy likes to chew them like bubble gum and he does eventually puncture them. Given the constant use they get, I think they last an acceptable time and a smaller or less ambitious chewer might never bust one. I should add that when they do start to crack, I\'ve never had one break into small pieces so, again, no choking hazard. My parents have a toy-eating German Shorthair Pointer and he\'s never managed to gnaw off or ingest pieces of this ball (but he did figure out how to get two in his mouth...quite a feat and proof of his love for them).\n\nThe launcher seals the deal. My hands are clean. My boy gets a better workout. Launcher is also great for kids if you have a dog that sometimes reconsiders his "drop it" and will pounce to reclaim his ball. The launcher ensures that little hands are never at risk.\n\nIf you have a heavy chewy, try to get your hands on the elusive light blue version with a hole on each side. They look like to glow in the dark version. While the glow in the dark ones will crack around the holes, the light blue ones seem impervious. I\'ve been lucky enough to run across them in TJ Maxx/Marshall\'s and would love to see them sold on Amazon! All 3 versions fit the same launcher, which is a huge plus.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "If your dog is tough on balls, THIS IS THE ONE you've been looking for! One of my Dachshunds is obsessed with playing fetch. Even at nearly 12 years old, she still plays for 1-2 hours per day, and she was going through balls like crazy. I had tried all kinds of balls, and even with supervised play, she was destroying one or two balls EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. I was skeptical at first that these would be any different from the other balls I have tried throughout her life. I've tried so many, and they were either destroyed within a day, or she didn't like them. But she LOVES these Chuckit! balls, and she hasn't managed to put a single mark on one yet!\n\nI just can't believe how perfect these balls are. They bounce, they're easily washed off if they get covered in slime/dirt/sand/whatever, and they're not porous, so they don't absorb anything gross. They're nice and firm, but not hard, and they have some give, so I don't have to worry about her teeth. Most importantly, they're SO tough! I have been using the same ball for two months, and it still looks exactly like it did when I took it out of the package, even though it's been played with for well over 100 hours since then. Two months might not seem like a long time, but I used to consider myself lucky if a ball lasted just ONE DAY, so two months seems like forever to me. I also love that they come in all different sizes. Finding a truly sturdy ball for a small dog is not easy! They tend to be really flimsy. The makers of those flimsy balls haven't met my dog and her jaws of steel. But these Chuckit! balls fit perfectly in her mouth, and are every bit as tough and sturdy as the balls for bigger dogs.\n\nI just wish I had found these years ago. They would have saved me a lot of money and frustration! I know, I sound like a crazy person, getting so excited about dog balls, but I have been looking for the perfect ball for more than 10 years, and I've FINALLY FOUND IT!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Chuckit-Ultra-Ball/dp/B09MT2BPZ7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,129 | ARM & HAMMER Clump & Seal Platinum Cat Litter | Pet Supplies | #24 | 37,907 | $17.99 - $58.27 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 1, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "TL;DR\nPros:\n- little to no dust (no dust so far, actually)\n- no bad smells\n- (personal opinion) subtle, light fresh scent\n\nCons:\n- I'll update if I find any.\n\nI didn't know cat litter could be this easy and effective. I got a cat recently (first cat ever) and after a ridiculous amount of research, I passed this stuff up and went with Dr. Elsey's Precious Cat Ultra Cat Litter. That stuff is great, too, don't get me wrong. But this is better imo. I noticed the Dr. Elsey's tracked a decent amount, even with a litter mat, but I didn't know any better. There was also that special litter box smell (faint because Dr. Elsey's does a decent job, but still noticeable). Since I keep mine in my bedroom, that wasn't ideal. When my kitty would use the box and cover her stuff, I could smell and feel the dust in the air, though it was supposed to be low to no dust. I thought I had to live with all that.\n\nNOPE. On a whim I tried this because so many people were raving about how little it smells. It has a faint, fresh scent to it that I can only smell when I'm pouring or scooping it. Those of you highly sensitive to smells may not like this, but I'd still encourage you to at least try it. It's a pretty faint/light smell. When I poured it for the first time, I expected there to be a cloud of dust, but there was none. Literally none. I don't have asthma so there's that, but I am usually pretty sensitive to dust and particles in the air and this didn't bother me at all. When kitty uses the box and digs, nothing permeates the room--dust or smell.\n\nSide note: it's also more of a sand consistency, which surprised me for some reason. The litter I used before had larger granules and was 'chunkier.' I like this better because it's easier/less messy to scoop. The other stuff wasn't messy or hard to scoop per se, but just more so than this is."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Arm & Hammer Clump and Seal used to be the only cat litter worth recommending without reservation. It did everything one could want from cat litter and eliminated odors, rather than covering them up.\n\nWhen the price went up a few months ago, the product was changed. Changed for the worse too.\n\nWhat used to have a light refreshing and effective aroma that I only smelled right near the box now has a strong, vile, chemical stench that permeates every corner of the home.\n\nThis stuff is terrible! No redeeming qualities. Manufacturers should learn that when you already have something that does the job well, making changes is more likely to ruin it than make it better.\n\nRemember 'New Coke' and the ghastly failure that was? History repeats itself, except its kitty litter this time"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This cat litter is extremely efficient at covering up temporary smells, especially urine. You will definitely want to clean your cat’s business daily because damp litter sticking to the cat’s feet should not be ingested when your cat cleans her paws. Now if your cat’s poo stinks it’s probably because of the food she is eating. Cat’s are strictly carnivores and their bodies are not designed to handle vegetables, grains or anything else that isn’t similar to their natural prey. A cat’s intestine is very short and designed to quickly digest meat. But if you are feeding dry or canned cat food full of things other than meat then your cat is going to poo a lot more and it will smell bad because your cat isn’t digesting what it’s body doesn’t need. If you feed your cat just the meat and nutrients it needs then your cat’s body will use most of what it’s eating and your cat will poo only tiny amounts and it won’t stink. CatNutrition.org has resipies for making your own real cat food. Otherwise, you can buy packaged raw cat food or high quality cooked canned cat food at specialty pet stores. Besides the litter box benefits, feeding your cat healthy food will definitely lower the risk of health issues and costly veterinary bills. Some cat’s transition to new healthy food right away while other cats are so addicted to their junk food it may take several months. For finicky cat’s, try putting a little of the new food on the side of your cat’s plate so she will become accustom to this smell with her meals. Overtime, mix more and more of new food with her old food and eventually she will be eating and loving the new healthy food. You will see the difference in her energy level and her coat will be shinny and healthy looking too.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This stuff is awesome! I couldn't be happier with a cat litter, and I've tried most of them. If only I had tried this when it first came out. I have been suffering through one lousy cat litter after another, putting up with extreme dustiness, lousy odor control and high tracking. While this new litter still gets tracked, it is a very fine litter and the tracking isn't as bad as some others. The way the formula is, it is easier to sweep up anything that is tracked than any of the other litters I've used. I don't think there is a litter in existence that wouldn't get tracked though, as there is no way to keep it from getting stuck in the cats' paws and falling off after they leave the box. The Clump & Seal cat litter seems to be dust free, reducing my need to dust the house constantly. It is a very soft, fine formula that is super easy to scoop. It's easy for the cats to use. It has superb odor control without excessive perfumes. Once it has been poured into the box, the litter itself is lightweight, sifts extremely easily and little is left behind, if any, when scooping. Urine is completely sealed in balls that are super easy to scoop and not at all messy. It doesn't run down and stick to the bottom of the pan like many other litters do. I'm very impressed with this. Since I have 4 cats, they go through a lot of litter. I usually have to buy 80 lbs at a time. My biggest complaint about this otherwise awesome litter, is how extremely expensive it is. I bought the 40 lb box. I think the Clump & Seal was somewhere between $21.99 and $24 -- something. That makes it hard to afford. I bought another kind of litter, Dr Elsey's, to test simultaneously in a different litter box in another part of the house. It was only about $10.49 for 40 lb. While the cats seem to love Dr. Elsey's, and use it more heavily even than the Clump & Seal, it is heavy, tracks a lot, the grains are large and coarse. It is hard to scoop, and doesn't seal when it clumps, like Clump & Seal. As a result, it sticks to the bottom of the pan, and it is a struggle to scoop it out, as you have to scrape it off the bottom and it sticks really hard. The benefits of Dr. Elsey's that compare to Clump & Seal, are its lack of dust and pretty effective odor control without a lot of perfume. However, even considering the price of the Clump & Seal, the benefits outweigh the expense. Because it is so effective, it wastes very little litter, and it tends to go farther, and last longer. So, I think that it may end up being just as, if not more economical than some of the cheaper brands that get used up so quickly, or have to be thrown out more often due to their ineffectiveness and poor odor control. I will definitely buy this again."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "They officially ruined this litter. A year ago it smelled good, clumped well - visually it was a silver color so it was easy to see when everything changed... let's discuss said changes bc they are all for the worse.\n\n1) Scent. This has been gradual but officially it is terrible. The silver colored version had a fresh scent and you could have the litter box anywhere and no one could smell it. In transition it would have an ok scent, not as good and the color of the litter got darker, but it still covered the smell. NOW, even darker color and it is NOT MASKING THE SMELLS! This is so so upsetting. I am livid. This is such a terrible change. I don't know if this is bc it's through amazon or a general change but it is TERRIBLE.\n2) clumping: used to clump well, now it sticks everywhere and has a goopyness to it. unfortunate\n\nI cannot stress enough how much of a departure this new litter is from what it used to be. I am now researching other litters bc this is terrible. The litter used to be amazing, I would rave about it. Now it is garbage. Save yourself, don't buy it.\n\nUPDATE: confirmed that if you buy this in a physical store it is like the old version which leads me to believe that amazon is selling garbage product or, even worse, counterfeits. Please just go to a store, save yourselves."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I had been using Dr. Elsey litter for a couple of years but it\'s dusty, comes in a hard to handle 40 pound plastic bag that my cats love to rip open when I\'m not looking and you can NEVER get a deal on it anymore. It\'s 17.49 everywhere - almost like it was price-fixed at the end of 2017 across the board on Amazon, Chewy and Pet Smart.\n\nThis a review for the Arm and Hammer Clump and Seal so I\'ll get on with that but you needed to know what changed my mind to use this product and not Dr. Elsey\n\nPro\n-Very fine consistency, almost like coarse golf course bunker sand. That means it sifts effortlessly which reduces dust because you don\'t have to shake the litter sifter.\n-Comes in a cardboard box with a strap handle, NOT a plastic bag like Dr. Elsey. That makes Clump and Seal easier to transport, store, pour and the packaging is cat proof. I have to leave the Dr. Elsey litter in the Amazon shipping boxes to cat-proof them in my house. If you take the Dr. Elsey litter out of the box, it looks like you\'re storing sand bags and the 40 pound bags are really hard for my wife to handle\n-Clumps well and doesn\'t "epoxy" itself to the bottom of the litter box like Dr. Elsey litter.\n-The "tracking" of the litter by my cats outside the litter box has dropped 75% since I changed from Dr. Elsey litter. The Dr. Elsey litter turns to glue when it gets remotely damp and it sticks to the cats feet, the Arm and Hammer does not hence the great reduction in litter outside the box\n-Cleans up far easier than Dr. Elsey. When it\'s time to change and was wash the litter box, the finer granules of the Arm and Hammer product are easier to remove from the litter box and they don\'t glue to the box when damp like the Dr. Elesy product\n-I can go three weeks between litter box washing. I clean daily (2 cats) and add new litter as needed but the Arm and Hammer product does not smell at all after 2 weeks. That fact makes the Arm and Hammer product cheaper than Dr. Elsey.\n\nCon (not really "cons", more like observations about other customers "cons")\n-Many of the 1 star reviews are about the odor of this litter. It has an odor but it\'s not bad. It\'s better than the smell of cat crap. But if you are odor intolerant, you might not like this product but it doesn\'t bother me\n-Clump and Seal appears pricey. I only buy it when I can get a coupon deal because $24.99 IS pricey. Knock off $2 and add in the fact that you can use less of this product than Dr. Elsey due to the smaller granule size and it\'s about the same price as the now "price-fixed" Dr. Elsey litter.\n\nIn summary, I\'ll continue to use Clump and Seal based on my feature/benefit summary above. Your experience may vary. Happy litter box cleaning.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've had lots of cats and cat litter brands come through my door in the past. This product makes cleaning the litter box downright bearable and is hands down the best litter I've ever used. Odor control is top notch, it clumps well, and is easy to clean.\n\nI would highly recommend getting a metal scooper if you don't already have one; the plastic ones don't quite cut it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have tried just about every brand of litter out there. Some were cheaper and others were more expensive. But none of them did the job. I have an older cat with arthritis and kidney issues. She tries to cover the urine but really never does. She also uses the box about six times a day. This litter covers the odor even when she doesn't cover it with the litter. That is amazing, trust me it's never happened with any other litter..\nIt's not dusty but it does track some. I haven't found a litter that didn't. It is more of a sandy type of litter which seems to track easier, but it clumps better. I use a litter mat and that contains most of it. Also, this doesn't stick like glue to the box, Tidy Cats is the worst for that. The clumps lift out easily.\nNote FYI: This is the Platinum Multi Cat not the regular Multi Cat. And yes I notice a difference. This clumps better and doesn't stick to the box like the regular does. The Platinum is almost impossible to find in stores and the price at Amazon is good, especially the 40 pound size.\nI am an extremely happy cat mommy. It took a few years, literally, but I finally found a litter that I will keep buying."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Let me start this off by saying I only have 1 cat. I have an almost 4 month old kitten and we’ve been using Dr. Elsey’s Ultra Clumping litter since we got her. That litter clumped well but it did not seal in odor. I also noticed that she was not covering her poop so I had to cover it for her. Well I decided to switch litter and just like that she covers her poop! The odor is non existent. With the Dr. Elsey’s we all knew when she does #2 but with this one we NEVER know until we go to scoop her box. It truly seals it all in. It clumps great and all is well in my home. I recommend this for people that have a single cat and can’t find litter that truly seals the smell in!!!!\n\nedit: it is low dust... definitely NOT zero dust'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've had cats my entire life (I'm in my 50s) and have tried multiple brands of cat litter. As my cat is aging and using the litter to urinate more frequently, the tracking and mess had become too much for comfort. I love my baby but she was tracking cat litter throughout my entire home and I had enough. This brand of cat litter has the least amount of tracking I've ever seen, which it is VERY little. On top of that it has great odor control, clumps and stays hard, and has no dust to speak of. This litter has changed my relationship with my cat's litter pan for the better!!!!!!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/HAMMER-Clump-Seal-Platinum-Litter/dp/B09YYTB2YM/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,130 | Nutramax Laboratories COSEQUIN Maximum Strength Joint Supplement Plus MSM - with Glucosamine and Chondroitin - for Dogs of All Sizes | Pet Supplies | #25 | 52,836 | $17.42 - $60.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a Sussex Spaniel/Chocolate Lab mix, named Duke. He is the seeetest dog who ever lived and who ever will live (although admittedly, I am biased). He just turned twelve this year, and I have been afraid he may develop the notorious Lab hip problems, so I have always kept a close eye on him.\n\nAbout 3 months ago, Duke started having problems with stairs. When we would go upstairs to bed, Duke would pace back and forth, hesitate at the bottom of the steps and whine before finally coming up the stairs; he was in pain. It broke my heart. Some nights he stayed downstairs, and I know he didn't like being away from us. He also started sleeping on the bathroom tile during the day, I think the cold felt good on his sore joints. After about a month of this behavior, I realized it was not just a pulled myscle or something temporary, so I started researching supplements. Enter this product.\n\nThe directions say to give the dog 2 pills a day for the first months, and then go down to 1 pill a day after that as a maintenance dose. That means this one bottle will last Duke 4 months, which is very convenient for us and our wallets (although I would gladly spend any amount of money to make my Big Brown Boy feel better).\n\nIt has been 3 and a half weeks since starting this supplement. Duke is a whole new dog. He is active, jumping up and down, and even westling with Chunk, his 5 year-old Yorkipoo brother.\n\nI can actually see it in Duke's face that he feels better. He is happier. He has a sparkle in his eye that you usually see in much younger dogs. My Big Brown Boy has become my Big Brown Bouncing Boy, and I am so happy that he is probanly going to be feeling better a lot further into old age than I previously thought possible, all because of this supplement that has absolutely changed his (and our) lives.\n\nNow, Duke goes up the stairs for bed with ease, and we are confident that his golden years will have a much better quality of life."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We have an old arthritic retriever who has been having serious stiffness and arthritis om past few years. He came into our lives later in his life, but he had spent years doing what he loves most, chasing balls. He'd catch and return the ball as long and as many times as he could get someone to throw it for him. That took a toll on his joints. He's retired from fetching because it is so difficult and painful for him to get up after he's been laying down His hips and shoulders were very painful. A friend's dog passed away a few months ago and she gave me his leftover Cosequin DS. Not really expecting much of a difference, I figured what could it hurt, I started him on it daily. I started to see a difference in his movement gradually, but after about 6 weeks, the change in him was significant. Like everyone says here, it was like he was a puppy again. He was bouncing up the steps asking to go out more often, getting up and down with much more ease, I couldn't believe it, but wasn't associating it with the Cosequin. Just thought he was feeling better. Then we ran out of the tabs I saw him quickly going back to the stiff painful old dog he was before. HIs legs joints were tight again and took a while to loosen up so he could walk. I will never run out of these again. I tried other supplements, even tried replacing with my husband's same supplements, but he wouldn't eat them in pill form. So if you have an old dog like ours, put him on this stuff. It's amazing."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Our dog was on anti inflamitory meds at $60 a month from the vet.! I started our 9 year old 90lb Newfoundland mix on these hoping to replace what we were doing. . She had some very dark days before this supplement. She is now running around after our 9 month old boxer! She is at about 75/80% and we are thrilled. Be patient! It takes time for it to get into the system, but it works! All smiles here. And I smile when she gets up to greet me at the door. She wasn't even wanting to get up to eat before this. I highly RECOMMEND."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a 10 year old Shi Tzu. The poor little guy could hardly walk without collapsing on his back left side. He could no longer jump on the couch or off. He would bark for help to get up or down. I took him on morning walks and he would loosen up and be fine. But when he got home he couldn't move much for the rest of the day. In desperation, I searched for a solution on the Internet and came upon this product at my favorite shopping place, Amazon.com. I purchased it and while waiting for my shipment to arrive, I bought something similar from Wal-Mart. That product worked like a miracle but gave him the runs...bad. when this product arrived we discontinued the other one. No more runs and our dog's back to his old self. He's very suspicious of new things so we break it up, mix it with his dry food and boiled chicken (yes, he's spoiled) and my new secret ingredient, a splash of chicken broth from a carton. The first indication that the pills were working is when he sat up on the couch, on his back legs, with his front paws on my shoulder. It wasn't until he did it again the next day that I realized he was trying to tell me he felt better. He hadn't been able to sit like that in months. Now I wonder, do this pills come in a formula for us humans?"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 28, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I used this with some success for years. Suddenly my dog started vomiting more and more frequently. He had frequent bouts of diarrhea, which is very unusual for him. I spent quite a bit of money at the vet with little success. When I eliminated things on his diet, this was the culprit. Either they changed the ingredients recently or he developed a sensitivity to the ingredients. I found a different glucosamine with a single ingredient which he tolerates well'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I have a 9yr old doberman with arthritis issues. He takes several medications (gabapentin & carprofen), as well as SAMe supplements. In addition to that, we add green mussels for inflammation. **And of course & hip/joint mobility chews. He still so was limpy. Especially after he had been lying down for a while and first thing in the morning. I decided to replace his mobility chews with Cosequin and boy o’boy…. So thankful I did. I had tried many different mobility chews over the past couple of years. All price ranges, all ingredients, hemp oils, CBD… you name it. So instead of mobility chews, we bought this product. After about 2 weeks of adding in the Cosequin, I am completely beside myself that his limp is gone!!! I put a lot of time and research into my dog, and I believe if you’re reading this review, you do as well. I can say Watching him was painful, and I thought it wouldn’t be long before it reached the quality of life point…. This product has given him/our family more quality, enjoyment & time and I’m grateful for every day. I tried uploading an after video, but you’re only permitted 1 per review'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I was skeptical at first. It took a little while, but these are definitely working. My 12 yr old lab can no longer jump up on the couch, but that is a pretty high jump. The hard part was that he was having difficulty getting up the 3 steps from the yard. He would whine and look so sad - heartbreaking. He has regained his confidence, and that truly brings joy to me. I never thought I would be so happy to see something that seemed so mundane.\n\nI took out the bed rails and headboard so that it would sit on the floor, making it easier for him to get up there. Worked. For a while, as even that became difficult. That can be one of the saddest moments seeing your dog jump, miss, and then struggle stubbornly as he tries to claw his way up. Now I find myself doing a little cheer when I walk in and he's in the middle of the bed.\n\nTo say the least, this has made me almost as happy as my dog. Oh, and he loves them. He thinks they are treats."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This product is great and works however buying it off Amazon not so good. When opened my dog got sick. I smelt it one day when giving it to my dog it had a bad smell like something was rotten. Called the number on the bottle. They said we weren't the first to complain about this and all were bought off Amazon. Company is sending us a new bottle. Not saying this product is bad just buy it from the actual company and not here."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought these because it was recommended to me by my friend who is a vet. My dog was starting to have walking issues and after giving her these pills everyday, she was moving like a puppy. She was on these for 3+ years, going strong up until her passing. She was a beautiful doberman with a docile demeanor, and a long life. She was 15 years old, (which in unheard of for a large dog), and I believe these helped with the longevity, agility, health, and overall well being of my baby. People could not believe her age. She looked healthy, and walked like a young dog....even running still. Taeny and I went for a walk 2 days before she passed...She was always in the zone when being walked. We lost her the day after Thanksgiving this year. I had a subscription for these so I would never run out. I have three quarters of a bottle left which I am donating to a shelter. I would Highly recommend these to any dog owner whose dog is having issues!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Is it causation or correlation? I'll never be certain. My dog is 11 years old. He started limping on his rear left leg after getting up from the couch. He refused to sit squarely always leaning his weight to the right -- off his left haunch. He'd walk fine though after getting over the initial stiffness and limping. It seems like arthritis. I gave him some rimadyl (dog equivalent to ibuprofen) which seemed to help. But I didn't want him to take it daily for a chronic condition, because it hastens kidney failure. I researched various glucosamin/chondroitin products trying to figure out which products seemed best -- best price, best ratio of active ingredients, etc. I decided to try this one. Well after months of stiffness and limping, and occasional use of rimadyl for acute pain, I started to administer COSEQUIN to him. I followed the 2 pills for 6 weeks guidelines. He's been on 1 day now for almost a month, so about 10 weeks total. In all that time he has not had any stiffness from standing up from resting. He is no longer sitting off to the side all the time, and he's back to his old self outside -- chasing rabbits and squirrrels.\n\nIs it the Cosequin? I can't be 100% sure, but I believe so. I'd have to take him off it to see if the limping and stiffness came back to the leg. Not something I feel like doing to my little buddy. 2 stars for flavor because I tried one and they're absolutely nasty, but he loves them and gets excited to take his daily chewable."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Nutramax-Laboratories-COSEQUIN-Strength-Supplement/dp/B09KVVXK9R/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,131 | ANGRY ORANGE Pet Odor Eliminator for Strong Odor - Citrus Deodorizer for Dog or Cat Urine Smells on Carpet, Furniture & Floors - Puppy Supplies | Pet Supplies | #26 | 95,253 | $19.97 - $59.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have two dogs my carpet really smelled I shampooed it twice it did take care of some of the odor. I seen the reviews on this product I thought I would give it a try. It has a nice orange smell to it and lasts thru out the day. I gave it 5 stars because it really does take bad odors away I will definitely buy again. 1 week after I used this product my 2 dogs both had infected paws. As good as this works I had to stop using it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been mind blown with this amazing powerful spray after dozens of pet sprays dozebs of carpet vaccum powders and tons of money and a load of disappointment THIS PRODUCT IS THE TOP OF THE LINE IMMA TELL THE WORLD ABOUT THIS NOT ONLY IS IT SAFE FOR YOUR PETS ITS SAFE FOE YOU AND YOUR KIDS IT KILLS ALLL ORDERS IN THE CARPERT THE WHOLE HOUSE ONE I FIRST GOT MINE I SPRAY THE WHOLE ROOM WITH LESS THEN A 3RD OF THE SPRAY AND VACUUMED THE CARPET JUST IN ONE ROOM WHERE THE PETS LIVE MY WHOLE HOUSE WAS BUSTING WITH ENDLESS HOURS OF AMAZING CITRUS ORANGE CLEAN SMELLS 17 MINS LATER I WAS BACK ON AMAZON ORDERING MY SECOND BOTTLE I WILL NEVER BUY ANOTHER PRODUCT FOR ODOR EVER AGAIN INHAVE FOUND MY SAVER TO BETTER PET ODOR SMELLS THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR SUCH AMAZING PRODUCT (FAN FOR LIFE)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I did a comparison of Angry Orange and another product, I used a Gearlight UV Flashlight to highlight the urine trapped in my carpet. So many other odor neutralizers can be harsh and chemically but Angry Orange did not disappoint. The citrus scent is so pleasant that I will probably use it for all our pet mistakes from here on out.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is it. The solution to all pet odors EVER!!!!! I moved into a rental, but could definitely tell there had been a cat here before us. Sorry cat lovers, they are cute, but they can smell bad if not properly cleaned up after, and I’m seriously allergic!!! So, I knew I had some scrubbing and massive cleaning ahead of me so that I could live here. I saw this had great reviews and decided to start with this one and then had some stuff to try after this since NOTHING gets rid of cat smell all the way. I bought the concentrate too so that I could basically bomb the entire house and then come back the next day to try scrubbing or whatever I had to do next. I sprayed the baseboards of the entire house, which took the whole bottle and some of the next bottle I made from the concentrated stuff. It was just starting to turn into the orange grove that people talk about and my neighbors probably craved orange juice all night. But the next day I came back and it was like a new house!!!!!!! OMG! It was like magic!!! The smell was gone from every room except the downstairs bathroom which I figure is the scene of the crime...the litter box location!!!!! I sprayed that room as though I was cleaning up evidence from a horrific crime and got the door jamb really well...the entrance to the lair. I know...it is unreal, but the smell is GONE. As in NOTHING!!! No cat was ever here! I wiped all of the baseboards to get any residue off...a little orange on the rag, but it didn’t damage anything. And moved in! I am seriously so so happy! I feel like this stuff saved the whole house!!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "A product that reliably eliminates cat urine is basically magic, because cat urine used to be a death sentence to any item. Now I won't use anything other than angry orange. My cat chooses a rug to pee on a few times a year, and this product saves the rug every time. I've also successfully used it on bathroom tile/grout. The key is to make sure the whole affected area is covered in enough of this stuff, but it will work. If you don't think the smell is gone, you either missed a spot or didn't saturate per the directions. I always keep some in the closet for bad cat moments! Since I've been using this the last 5 years, I only had to throw out one memory foam bathroom mat, and have saved 2 big rugs, another bathroom mat, and a blanket. The product itself smells very strongly, though pleasantly, and fades over a few days. It doesn't just cover up the urine smell though, it really does gets rid of it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was skeptical about trying another product to attempt to remove urine odor caused by my aging Pug. After reading the reviews for Angry Orange I decided to try one last product. And this is the one! The one last product I need....because IT WORKS! I love the smell and how it eliminates unwanted odors. Definitely give it a try!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is the best cleaner I've tried in a long time. The orange smell is a real orange smell not the fake orange smell that most things have. It helps with my 15 year old cat starting to have issues with her bladder. It is orange in color so I would be careful on what surfaces to use it however I have a Light Beige carpet and it did not affect it at all. Also works great in the bathroom on the tile and grout I have a 4 year old son whose aim isn't the greatest and finally got rid of the smell"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My cat had a terrible reaction to this supposedly "non-toxic" product. I wrote the company about my situation a week ago still with no response. Therefore, why NOT make a review telling my story & saving someone else\'s pet from any sort of life threatening circumstances.\n\nSo last week I had to rush my healthy four and a half year old cat to an emergency vet at 4:00am due to the nature of this product. The product was sprayed and scrubbed well into some carpetting in a spare room of my apartment. The cleaner had air dried thoroughly for about two hours before my animal came into contact with it. Not much longer after the fact he was found under my sofa with a bloody nose and crossed eyes, limp and fatigued. His claws were brown, his white furry cheeks were flushed, and he had a high fever. He was in the ICU overnight and had to have two baths back after back because the product got in his face and irritated his fur and left eye. THE VET SAID HE STILL SMELLED LIKE THE PRODUCT AFTER BOTH BATHS.\n\nHe was on 5 different medications for almost the entire week, right now just on medicated eyedrops. He\'s had to get his bloodwork done twice since the incident and he has an eye appointment the day after tomorrow. There is a small red line going through his left eye and the vet isn\'t sure if and when it will go away.\n\nBottom line, I\'ve had to pay over $2,000 now all because of this TOXIC $20 product that doesn\'t even publically display it\'s ingredient list on its own website. Suspicious much? Pet poison control couldn\'t even figure out this product with the lack of information given which is the biggest RED FLAG of all. I wish I NEVER bought this product and just sticked to safe natural cleaning products that I know and trust. Saying that this product "may" be a sensitive product to cats is an extreme understatement. Shame on this company.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "LOVE this stuff! Great smell and stains come right out! New puppy went frequently in one room and made that room stink even after using almost a whole bottle of a different cleaner. One time spray with this and all the smell was gone! Pictues of a loose puppy accident after cleanup with paper towels and bedore and after pictures using this. The other picture is one spot on my special needs sons favorite chair badly strained. Just a quick squirt and quick wipe off no real scrubbing just to see what it would do... I'm going to scrub the whole chair!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 11, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Where do I start?\nGiven the price (and the reviews) I expected this to be an exceptional product. I added it to my Subscribe & Save and eagerly awaited its arrival.\nWe didn’t get off to a good start.\nThe sprayer mechanism didn’t work correctly. Each time I sprayed the product I had to manually move the mechanism on the trigger to ready it to spray again or else it remained stuck in that position. I did this for a month or two (ridiculous), and then the mechanism itself began leaking. Now every time I try to spray, it just leaks down the bottle.\nDo I notice a nice citrus smell? Maybe for a moment, but it’s very light and you can’t smell it at all in the area after you’ve sprayed (or leaked) there. I have cats and citrus is a deterrent to them; this has zero effect on them.\nI don’t know if I received a bad, tampered with, or diluted version of this, but it’s the most disappointing product of its kind that I have purchased.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/ANGRY-ORANGE-Odor-Eliminator-Strong/dp/B09LHM93W5/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,132 | Meow Mix Original Choice Dry Cat Food | Pet Supplies | #27 | 29,139 | $9.84 - $57.77 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 12, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I know it's not great quality food, but that cats DO love it. We feed 2 ferals 1 cup a day. They are basically our cats, except they hate us and only come by for food. So, basically, just like regular cats. This is probably the best value going for cat food, in general, and is perfect for putting outside. Occasionally a trash panda or a possum will stop by, but the food is usually gone early. I usually buy a better food for my indoor pet cat, but if I run it, he loves this stuff, too. Amazon prime = fast and cheap this food."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'At least 9 cats have been abandoned about 5 or so weeks ago in my neighborhood so i have taken the humanitarian to take care of these cats .I have been buying this cat food and they seem to be healthy. I feed them twice a day. I just wish i can find homes for them. I have bought over 100 pounds of food so far.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "If you have a cat that isn't eating, just open this bag and the waft of this Cat Whisperer do it's work. I very much prefer to feed whole foods to my pets...because I wasn't blessed with children, just fur babies. My kid-ten stopped eating her really-good-for-you food until I mixed this in. She's still growing and I want to keep her as long as possible. If that's one thing I can do, is take care of fur babies for as long of a life as possible; my all white German Sheppard lived until 16 (I miss you Cleopatra Louise!)\nSo far the rest of the litter I believe she's from are MUCH bigger than her and they have mostly eaten this food (unless of course they're cheating on me with another mom!!??). In fact they will not come to me ever, but they will stand within inches of the glass at the side door and get really mouthy if I don't have a scoop out by 8am most days. Thank goodness there's only 3 of them..."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "All 10 of my cats that I've had over the last seven years don't want anything else, in fact they seem to become indignant when I try to feed them the more expensive brand, or a different flavor of meow mix. They literally run to thier dishes when they hear me pouring food in their bowls."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Let's see, cheaper than local department store, plus I don't have to carry it. Hmmm.....something of a no-brainer if you ask me. Only downfall is that it won't be stored in the back of my car in the winter for weight on those snowy roads. Guess I'll have to find something else to stash back there, shouldn't be too difficult. Oh, and for those of you cynics out there who think this isn't very healthy food, Kiah, God bless her, lived to be old enough to buy beer (21) and her diet was close to solely Meow Mix and treats her entire life. Tia, her pal, lived almost long enough to drive a car on the same diet (16), so I think there must be some healthy stuff in there somewhere."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bag was moldy! Date said February 5, 2020 so not sure what the problem was. Not going to use for fear of getting my kitty sick. Hopefully the replacement bag is ok!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My cat is a jerk, all love, but still, jus chill feline!\nHe loves eating! MeowMix satisfies his ridiculous howl for food.\nThen he usually attacks a loaf of bread, plastic and all, and takes a bite out of every piece. Then Proceeds to attack a plant he has decided is his enemy that day, then relaxes in a rectangle woven basket on the table, or the most recently shipped Amazon\nbox that sits right next to the $40.00 cushy kitty bed I purchased that he has never trusted. I have no idea how to answer these next questions, taste? Not going to.\nScent, smells like the bottom of a boat that sat in the sun after fishing all day! Which I guess is perfect for my feline boy. Value? I can answer that one, my turn! Great value! I asked him, he said thumbs up ( while sitting around in his Amazon box'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The stray cats I feed like this variety because the pieces are bigger. It allows them to crunch them a bit. Also, one of my strays has issues eating in that he opens his mouth way too wide every time, and food falls out. The larger chunks tend to stick to his tongue better, keeping it inside for his next chomp that allows him to finally eat it. And the price can't be beat. Granted, it is not the BEST nutrition-wise. But it isn't bad, and for my sake (strays and feral cats) it is exactly what I am looking for. I'm not going to be spending a fortune on them to get them the gourmet food."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My daughters three cats definitely ask for Meow Mix Original Flavor by name because judging by how much they consume, they love it ! I couldn’t be more pleased with the product.\n\nI am a little disappointed in the way UPS delivered it this time. They left the box containing 3 bags of dry cat food at the end of my driveway by the street. My property is heavily wooded and the distance from the street to my house is 300 feet. The package was delivered on Friday October 4th. and because I can’t see the street end of my driveway from my house through all of the trees, I didn’t realize it was laying on the ground until two days later on Sunday. When the box was opened it was swarming with ants. They managed to chew through all three bags and was having a feast of Meow Mix.\n\nI couldn’t spray insecticide to get rid of the ants for obvious reasons so I’m having to waste a lot of time separating the ants from the cat food nuggets. The whole mess could have been avoided if the delivery driver would have left the box on my front porch.\n\nOh well...and the beat goes on.....'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought this for a new cat to our family (stray). She immediately became very ill and threw up several times. We continued to give it to her for about a week, thinking it was the result of some other illness. The vet checked her and said she was healthy. We then switched her food and gave the remainder to family who uses the exact same brand with their cat. Their cat also began throwing up after eating this food.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Meow-Mix-Original-Choice-Food/dp/B0973Y33PB/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,133 | Milk-Bone MaroSnacks Dog Treats with Real Bone Marrow and Calcium | Pet Supplies | #28 | 63,524 | $11.48 - $33.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I saw something that reminded me of dog marrow bones and fell for it hook, line, and sinker. These are NOT nutritious, nor should they be fed to any dog. Here\'s why . . .\n\nMy Jack Russell loved this, and for 5 years, we ignorantly fed these to her -- two or three a day -- thinking that they were harmless, and she certainly loved them. Then, one day, during a vet visit, we discovered her teeth were rotting. We couldn\'t determine what it could be because we tried desperately to keep her away from people food and THOUGHT we were doing right by her with her dog food -- and these "nutritious snacks". She had 12 teeth extracted that day. We didn\'t know then what we know now. Soon after, when we got our German Shepherd puppy, we were told to be very careful what we fed him, so we started reading labels, something that didn\'t register as important prior. Guess what we found on THIS label: THE THIRD INGREDIENT IS SUGAR. Nutritionists have long stated that the first 3-5 ingredients in a product are it\'s primary ingredients. SUGAR!!! I\'d never buy products for myself where sugar was in the top five ingredients, so why in the name of all that\'s holy would I purchase it for my dog. In addition, two of the ingredients are colorants. My poor Jack Russell lost 12 teeth, and I now suspect this is why. If I could prove it was this product, I\'d sue this company for her $1,000 dental bill.\n\nIf you love your dogs, and they are a part of your family, DON\'T feed these to them. Not if you care. We read labels to take care of our own health, so why would we feed our dogs just anything. I\'ve switched to Blue Wilderness. The ingredients in that are: Salmon,Chicken Meal,Potatoes,Chicken Fat (preserved with Mixed Tocopherols),Flaxseed (source of Omega 3 and 6 Fatty Acids),Calcium Ascorbate (source of Vitamin C),Vitamin E Supplement,Salt,Calcium Carbonate.\n\nLOOK at the picture to see the ingredients in these Milk-Bone MaroSnacks. If the picture isn\'t clear, look at the back of your container. If you don\'t cringe, you\'re a stronger person than I am.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The last order I received was in the May and I just notice a lot of tiny dead worms and black bugs. Some black bugs are dead but there are still a lot that are alive. Not sure if anyone else had this problem. I have a been getting these on regular basis and just notice this batch with bugs.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I don’t know if I can fairly rate the flavor of this since I haven’t actually tried the treats...but my dogs love it and I’m going to say that they think the flavor is great! I have a small Pomeranian with dental issues/several missing teeth and this is his favorite treat. It doesn’t seem to be too hard for him to break up and chew and he prefers these over something softer. Both of my boys give this “Two paws up”.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My dogs love these Milkbone treats, all of them developed fatty lumps all over their bodies that never go away. Its the only treat they ever get and the only item that is consistent in their diet. It took me years to come to this conclusion, whatever Milkbone is doing looks clean on the outside but I think their products need to be taken a closer look at. My dogs get no treats anymore, I only feed them natural food in which I know what each ingredient is because I put it there myself. These big companies are not trustworthy, I used to think so but not anymore.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Having these delivered to my home is much cheaper than going out and getting them. My lil\' Chihuahua Minnie won\'t eat any other "cookie". Milkbone products are the best! I have been using Milkbone products since the 1970\'s. (Photo is of my pup "Doodles", he is being raised on Milkbone too!)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My dog, a boston terrier, loves this treat. They are small enough that I can give her a couple, so I like to use them when training for tricks to reward her for doing something particularly hard. They are more exciting than training treats but can still be eaten quickly. This is a huge bin, a great price, and the container is air tight. There are a lot of little bugs where I live that like to infiltrate my dog food, so I actually keep the container every time I empty one and use it to store dog food, treats, etc. The wide mouth to the jar means it's very easy to get in and out of."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We have 6 rescue dogs and they LOVE these treats. I got a great deal on these in May 2019 at $16 for two 40 oz jars but now they have gone up to twice that for ONE jar. They are less expensive at Chewy at this time. I don't know if they are good for them or not but I feel like if I stop giving them Marrow Bone Snacks I'll have to give up ice cream which is not good for me so i always try to keep these in the house. (And ice cream too)."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "We are trying to teach out dog to lay down. I thought that these would be good treats to reward him with when he does a good job. They came fast, were sealed and had a lot in there. I was excited to start giving these to him. He loved them. However, we soon found they were making him sick, they gave him diarrhea, made him puke and something in them made his coat become really greasy and stinky. Even after a bath he stunk and not like a dirty dog, it was a putrid stench that we couldn't get rid of, he also became itchy and broke out in hives. It only took about 4 days of treats for all these issue to happen. They went away in a few days once we stopped giving them to him. These treats are a no go for my dog."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These treats are the best yet. My dog loves them. I bought these after seeing my cousin’s dog chow down on them years ago. I ordered them yesterday and got them today. And my dog LOVES them! 😀 She sniffed it as if unsure then picked it up and tested it out in her mouth. She seemed like she couldn’t tell whether she wanted to eat it or not. But then she bit it...and it was on! She wolfed it down. The middle part is definitely her favorite. I’m so glad she likes it. I’m one satisfied customer. 👍'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Having a large gang of dogs means that I buy a LOT of treats! My gang has some favorites and these are right up there! They are very small and I like that! They are small enough even for a chihuahua. If you have a dog with some dental issues, look no further! Even puny humans can crack or crush these easily.\n\nThey arrived in the container with a freshness seal on the lid. We've been dishing them out for about a month now and they are still fresh. My gang gobbles them like M&M's. They love the exterior but go really crazy for the interior.\n\nI highly recommend as a training treat or even for a regular daily snack. How many you give depends on the size of the dog and your wallet."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Milk-Bone-MaroSnacks-Treats-Marrow-Calcium/dp/B095CQTNS3/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,134 | ChomChom Pet Hair Remover - Reusable Cat and Dog Hair Remover for Furniture, Couch, Carpet, Car Seats and Bedding - Eco-Friendly, Portable, Multi-Surface Lint Roller & Animal Fur Removal Tool | Pet Supplies | #29 | 117,858 | $28.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'ve had it in my possession for like 2 hours and I\'ve cleaned everything. The couch, the blinds, the cat tree pad, the chair, I\'m obsessed. I feel like this thing should win an award for being so awesome. I feel like it should be in raffle baskets and giveaways and silent auctions for every event that highlights "things cat people need."\n\nIt\'s better than those sticky rollers, it\'s better than the 1 directional velvet wand thing that I always use the wrong way and make a mess, it\'s the best. I don\'t have any before pictures because as soon as I started rolling stuff I went crazy.\n\nLook at my couch!! Look behind my blinds! 😻 Worth $25. Seriously.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' This is hands down the best, fastest pet hair removal tool I\'ve ever used. It\'s quite ingenious actually. The roller is actually more of a rocker, meaning it rocks and pivots back and forth as you "roll" it over things, and by roll it\'s really more of a scraping action. As you push and pull the ChomChom, there are two sets of lint roller hairs that grab the fur and deposit it in the chamber (one set grabs the hair as you push, the other set grabs the hair as you pull). I LOVE how I can go over a lot of surface area before having to empty the chamber, like an entire couch, something that would\'ve required three or four tape roller sheets or 10-15 mins of vacuuming. The only negative I suppose is that it does require the thing you\'re rolling to be somewhat taut. I also wish the handle was a little more comfortable to use (the bottom side of the handle isn\'t smooth -- it\'s like a grate. Check out my video review. Bottom line, get this ChomChom!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Where has this been all my crazy cat-loving life? Sticky rollers work fine for clothes but this is the only product that has ever COMPLETELY removed all the cat hair from my bed. I have a long-haired 20-lb. tabby and if you run your hands up his back a few times and fling the hair everywhere, it looks like it's snowing – he never stops shedding no matter what I do. After using the ChomChom, I can put on a black dress and roll around on my bed and not get a single hair on me. It's absolutely amazing. Everyone is getting one for Christmas, even if they don't have a pet. I don't care, it's THAT good."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a Long hair German Shepherd aka "German Shedder" and 2 cats so I live with animal fur, nothing I can do about it, or so i THOUGHT. The chom chom is by far the best way to get rid of animal fur in my opinion.This thing is god like, it makes fabric look so fresh, works perfectly on my suede couches and leaves that "soft suede" look on them. It does what it\'s supposed to do perfectly, and it captures all the hair in an easy to clean bin.\n\nWorks excellent on items like furniture and upholstery/car interior. Items like clothing or curtains need to be held down because of the rolling+back and forth motion of the chom chom. I think it would make an AMAZING gift to anyone with Pets'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought it for $25. It has made my life easier but there are a few things I would like to mention. From my experience I have to alternate from using this and a lint roller aswell. The ChomChom roller picks up dog hair pretty well from flat surfaces and stores the hair in a compartment that you empty out after each use. I prefer this over having to peel off lint roller sheets. I would go through a new lint roller about every two months and it would get tideous to peel off every sheet and then refill each tube so often. With this, you just empty out and can use it again. The fabric material does tend to wear out after some time so you do have to replace it after a while (depending on how much you have used it). I think I'll need about 3 of these a year. (My two small breed dogs shed a lot). Also, something I have noticed is that this roller picks hair off beds and other flat surfaces best. It does not pick hair off clothes so well. I have to keep a Lint roller to do that job. The price of the ChomChon seems to go up and down. As I said before I bought it for $25 and I now see that it's currently listed for about $40. So considering that it doesn't pick up hair off of clothes well and that you do have to replace the product eventually, it is quite pricey. I would say that $15-20 is a more appropriate price."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product works so well that I was getting defensive reading the negative reviews. So, I thought I should write a review that addresses some of these concerns.\nPros:\n-Works exceptionally well at getting cat hair off low-pile rugs, upholstered chairs, and cat towers\n-Easy to clean out the compartment\n-Comes in an XL broom size so you don\'t have to get on your hands and knees to do the carpet\n-No roller paper or refills to deal with\n\nCons:\n-Doesn\'t work on cat whiskers (my male cat sheds eyebrows and whiskers with some frequency)\n-Doesn\'t work on coarse dog hair (similar in weight to cat whiskers)\n-The roller wears out after about 4 months of consistent use (if cost is a concern, this is a con but some, such as myself, are more able to be satisfied with a 4 month product at $25 ergo, it is a possible pro)\n-Doesn\'t work on fabrics that are more "grabby" than the roller itself.\n\nThis last con was discovered when trying to roll the interior of my trunk. It doesn\'t work on that coarse, durable trunk type fabric, but it did work on my car\'s interior. It\'s kind of nice to have that definitive answer as to whether it\'s working: I cleaned the compartment, rolled the trunk, didn\'t see much difference, opened the compartment - no hair. With the seats, I rolled, saw a difference, and opened the compartment to see that it was packed, literally packed, with cat hair.\n\nSo, depending on your needs, this could be a 5 star life-saver or a total dud. If you\'re looking to roll out the Rottweiler hair from the back of your SUV with coarse upholstery, this is not your tool!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I’m very disappointed! I was so excited that I had this delivered yesterday. I woke up excited to use this and it didn’t work. I honestly wouldn’t waste my money.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "About 4 years ago, I adopted Daisy, who I was told was a shorthaired mixed Siamese / alley cat. Little did I know that she would be more medium hair and about the sheddiest animal I've ever owned. My wife and I love her, but because most apartment housing doesn't allow animals because of dander, we were getting to the point that we were going to give her away. I saw a video on YouTube about the ChomChom Roller and I was convinced after seeing a guy remove all of the white pet fur off of a velvet topper. This thing is amazing! It even got hair off of the carpet that our vacuum cleaner couldn't get.\n\nNow, the mechanism isn't really a roller, it's actually one of those lint brushes where the hairs face a certain direction, so you're not actually rolling, but rubbing away the fur. The trap has brushes facing the opposite direction inside that grab the hair and keep it maintained in the trap. It is easy to clean and well worth the money! It is so much more effective than any lint roller I've ever purchased, and I was even able to get her fur off of my jeans. Get this thing!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 17, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' The ChomChom Roller really works. You just have to make sure you follow the instructions. I have two German Shepherds (one’s a little bit of a Belgian Malinois as well) who shed SO much (even though they’re short haired) so this was necessary. I just vacuumed the day before I used it and even after swiping my hands across the carpet, the ChomChom Roller picked up SO much fur the vacuum couldn’t. We mainly used this to clean the couch easily (vacuum hand tool didn’t work well), and I’m so glad I invested the $25. I’m now also gonna use this on the carpet on days we thoroughly clean the house. I recommend buying this product, don’t waste your time on anything cheaper or on lint rollers.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We live in a household that contains two humans, two dogs, and two cats. It's a real Noah's Ark furnished with a black sectional couch. Our dogs absolutely hate the vacuum. So much so they will attack the cleaner head with their vicious bite even before we power it on. This makes the task of cleaning our couch extremely unpleasant and nearly impossible. Thanks to Chom Chom, we no longer have this problem! With a simple, quick, SOUNDLESS sweep, we're able to keep our couch pet-hair-free in blissful peace. This tool does an amazing job picking up pet hair but not so much with crumbs. We were so impressed, we gifted these as Xmas presents for all of our pet-loving friends."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Pet-Dog-Cat-Hair-Remover-Couch/dp/B00BAGTNAQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,135 | Benebone Wishbone Durable Dog Chew Toy for Aggressive Chewers, Real Flavors, Made in USA | Pet Supplies | #30 | 70,223 | $9.65 - $38.28 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "WARNING! PLEASE READ!\n\nTLDR: These bones caused slab fractures in both of my dog's teeth I now have a $1300.00 vet bill and two samoyeds in a lot of pain.\n\nI bought these bones as they have a very high rating, I thought I was doing my research well and making the right decision for my dogs. I do not give them any other type of bones; and 6 months later when I took them to the vet this is what they said:\n\nThe bones are too hard and even though they deteriorate as they chew on them the damage is done, both dogs have slab fractures in their molars and need to have them removed.\n\nMind you my one dog is only 3 and now has no top molars thanks to these bones, I feel like a terrible dog parent and do not want this to happen to anyone else. While the dogs do like these, the end result was pain and an extremely high vet bill. PLEASE USE WITH CAUTION, I recommend NOT AT ALL."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 19, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "HUGELY DISAPPOINTED AND BEYOND ANGRY!! My 16 month old, 82lbs Greater Swiss Mountain Dog / Rottweiler mix had just been attacked and had to have stitches and no off-leash time. I decided to get him a new toy to cheer him up, something he never had. After some research this bone seemed to be a good choice. When I scrolled through the Amazon reviews, they all seemed good. A few hours into chewing his new bone I heard a crunch and he had broken his tooth. Now he can't be off the leash and running with his friends AND he can't have hard chews until I get his tooth fixed!!! THANKS SO MUCH BENEBONE!!\n\nMy dog goes through elk antlers, Nylabones, Kong imitation antlers all with no problems. I have written their customer service - which also claims a money back guarantee - it's bad enough that during a pandemic and no work I now have to come up with several thousand dollars to have his tooth fixed, but to have to pay for the bone that caused the problem is just insulting. What's worse is that now all of a sudden there are more reviews displaying and the first one says not to buy, broken tooth, wish that had displayed when I first did my search!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Although my dog loved chewing this I have to give it one star because it’s not safe for him to consume and it very sharp if you brush up against it once it’s been chewed on.\nThe description did advise to keep an eye on the dog to ensure they don’t eat it however it’s next to impossible to retrieve the piece they break off before it gets swallowed. My dog is a heavy chewer and broke a huge chunk off almost immediately and then swallowed it before we could take it away which caused a lot of concern. We were very lucky and it didn’t cause any medical problems but didn’t feel comfortable letting him have it.\nIf you have a light chewer or a dog that doesn’t destroy its toys than this might be an option for you. It justs wasn’t a good fit for our dog. He now only gets things that can be safely digested just in case he sneaks a big bite, which he always does.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have 3 dogs all of whom love these chew toys. However, vet has warned me about these because they are so hard that some dogs have broken teeth chewing on these. We had to take our Labradoodle to a canine dentist due to a broken fang. Upon examination, he found that she has several chipped teeth. We now must get her a root canal to repair and save her fang, an upper canine. He suggested replacing these toys with Kong items. However, none of my dogs has ever like the Kong toys no matter the shape or size. Just a warning.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "As a former vet tech, rescuer and pup momma I've come across some chewers that take the cake. Of course, one of my own is the worse of the worst. My monster lab/poodle mix can DESTROY just about anything I buy for him . He snaps the ultra kongs in half without blinking and will crack even the largest Nylabones within a few minutes. Even toys marketed as indestructible with money back warranties fall to their death in his jaws. That said .... HE LOVES THIS BONE and hasn't managed to do much damage to it which makes it one of the best chew toys I've ever encountered."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'For some reason, our golden-doodle prefers this over the traditional nylabone. Maybe it\'s the flavor or shape; he\'s had it a few months so "newness novelty" would have worn off by now.\n\nIt would be better if it didn\'t get all rough (see picture) and flake off little burrs of plastic that stick in socks and bare feet, but since big blocks of silicone don\'t satisfy chew cravings, and most other things are shredded in minutes, this is the best compromise I\'ve found.\n\nUpdate: after 6 months, he has really put a dent in it (second picture), but it continues to be a favorite.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 5, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Watch your pups very closely with this bone! My pup has had this less than a week and she's broken off several chunks big enough to worry me about her either choking or having a blockage if she swallowed them. She's a strong chewer, but has never had this problem with other brands of nylon bones. Those she whittles down over time, but the shards are tiny little scraps small enough for the vacuum to pick up or that safely pass through her system if she swallows them."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Personally, I don't love it - but my dog does. God knows why, because it sure as hell does not taste like bacon.\n\n...not that I've tried.\n\nWe have 4 or 5 in the house right now because it's the only toy he does not immediately destroy. It's a very hard plastic, so great for strong chewers. As it gets worn, the edges get really rough so definitely keep an eye on your dog and make sure they're not hurting themselves. The wishbone shape is cute, but it's also pretty easy for my dog to hold between his paws when he goes to town on it. He closes his eyes and gnaws on it so passionately that I get a little jealous because I don't think I have ever enjoyed chewing something as much as my dog enjoys chewing this (and let's be real, we have WAY better stuff to chew than they do.)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " I had benebones before, and bought two of these medium sizes for our 15 months old English bulldog girl.\nShe loves the bacon flavor and I have a peanut butter for her after this one is finished.\nShe had it for a week and you can see the wear and tear on the video.\nShe torn her ACL so it is a good way to keep her occupied since she can't exercise or play as before.\nI really like the brand. The others she had before this looked like a stick and she finished them rather quickly, I had to throw way the pieces that were left because they had about 2.5 inches, and her mouth is pretty big.\nShe had one for cleaning the teeth as well but that one was difficult for her to chew on, this format is perfect."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " I was looking for a chew toy that would last longer then a day. We have tried all sorts of toys, bones, balls and Kong toys. Normal toys don't last an hour. Cinder looses interest in rubber Kong toys or balls. The one thing that kept her interest and lasted was hooves. The problem with them is they smell.\n\nThen we found this. She has been chewing on this one for a month and she has not given up on it or destroyed it. We found a winner!!!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Benebone-Durable-Wishbone-Aggressive-Chewers/dp/B07QS5N1D8/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,136 | Microsoft 365 Personal | 12-Month Subscription, 1 person| Premium Office Apps | 1TB OneDrive cloud storage | PC/Mac Download | Activation Required | Software | #1 | 8,084 | $58.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I am IT professional with five decades of experience (designed computers, wrote 2 OS's, 2 programming languages) and Amazon's download mechanism is BADLY BROKEN, and they appear to refuse to acknowledge it. I spent 3 hours on this, finally removing ALL anti-virus/firewall protection software so there was nothing that would interfere with the download. My WiFI connection was clean and secure, rebooted windows - which was a brand new copy of Win10 on a brand new Dell Laptop. No difference - attempting to download the Amazon Installer ALWAYS FAILED. It does not even appear that you can get a refund, when you figure out you got screwed. So, I just went to Microsoft's store, where the download and installation proceeded quickly without nary a hiccough. Hopefully Amazon will get off its duff and hire some competent programmer to fix this mess. In the meantime I am going to see if my credit card company can reverse the payment for this disgusting junk."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been trying to put Office 365 subscription on my lap top August and the instructions dont work, i have spent an hour just trying to get the "installer" installed my next option is to go to office max and buy office there and is not way to get a refund or to return this software.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have liked amazon for quite a while now so I decided to give this format of buying Office 365 a chance. What a waste of my time and money! I\'m a pretty tech savvy person but this was pathetic. Trying to download the Games and Software Downloader was ridiculous. I tried exhaustively to troubleshoot issues and it would NOT work. There goes $70 down the drain seeing as how this is NONRETURNABLE. This shouldn\'t even be listed as a "1-star" rating. Fix your crap amazon. I will be cancelling my Prime account from here on out.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 21, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is One Drive cloud based computing only. Not mentioned in details. Great if you always have a good, secure internet connection, not worth a crap if you often don't. Have to trust Microsoft not to get hacked, which after other displays of their programming and internet capabilities, (just ask me why I was looking for a replacement application set) I am not willing to trust stuff covered under security protocols or strict ND's on their cloud. Deleted Office 365 same day."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was slightly concerned with purchasing this after reading the reviews about how difficult the process was. However, the process for activating could not have been simpler. I did have to go into my amazon account and view my subscriptions > advanced subscription options to find my product key, but that process would more than likely be expected for anyone not buying directly from Microsoft. If you already have the trail downloaded (most windows computers already have it installed) it was just a matter of logging into Microsoft and copy-paste. In total (not including download time) it took 6 minutes.\n\nThe fact that Amazon is able to provide a discount (usually unheard of with most software, besides to students - check with your school first ALWAYS) makes the negligible extra steps worth it. I was able to make 6 equal payments with my Amazon card with still getting the paid-in-full price.\n\nDisclaimer: I work in software for a living but if you have a need to use word/excel/etc and are unable to complete these steps, i would recommend taking a computers 101 class.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This came with the "All-new Fire HD 10 tablet, 32 GB, Black + Bluetooth keyboard + 12-month Microsoft 365 Personal subscription (auto-renews)" bundle deal that Amazon released this week. One of the reasons that I got the bundle deal was because of this 12-month subscription. I had been subscribing to Microsoft 365 Personal monthly through Microsoft, and getting it for one year from Amazon will save me money. Plus, I applied a $30 gift card to this purchase, received from trading in an older HD 10, so I saved even more money.\n\nSince my monthly subscription was about to renew, I cancelled auto-renew, and waited until Microsoft sent me an e-mail stating my Office had expired. I then went to "Memberships & Subscriptions" in my Amazon account and downloaded Office. Well, actually, it was all on my desktop anyway, and I just had to sign in at Microsoft for everything to be activated again. Just took a few minutes.\n\nOn the Fire, you sign in using your Microsoft account e-mail and password, not your Amazon email and password. Everything in Office is on the Fire HD 10, but I have no idea how everything will work on the Fire; if it will work just as it does on a desktop or laptop. I only use Word to write documents and reviews, and that is working exactly the same. I do nothing elaborate, though.\n\nYou manage the Office 365 account from your "Memberships & Subscriptions" Amazon page, not at Microsoft. Thus, you go there to turn on or off auto-renew or to cancel your subscription. I prefer subscribing to things when possible through Amazon. It makes life easier and everything is in one place.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’m an apple guy but needed a MS office option, for the price you can’t beat this, easy to connect to O365 from Mac, iPhone and iPad, auto save and local downloads available, full O365 suite available including email and Skype. Also several APIs will connect you to your virtual OneDrive account to access all your files in the cloud when not connected to your network( I use FileGo pro)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've read the many recent reviews indicating difficulties getting the product as purchased through Amazon activated. I had an existing office subscription that expired a few days ago. I purchased the new subscription through Amazon, and just clicked on the link I found in my Manage Subscriptions section of my Amazon account. It took me to directly to a Microsoft Account log-in page, where I logged into my Microsoft account, and then without any additional input from me, Amazon electronically transferred the information on the just purchased subscription into my Microsoft account; a 1 year subscription to Microsoft 365 is now activated and functional. Now, I have no idea what my subscription number is or what the actual activation code is, but I didn't have to input anything. I just clicked on the link provided by Amazon that is found in Amazon > Your Account > Memberships and Subscriptions > Other Subscriptions > Current Subscriptions. I hope this is helpful to anyone concerned about purchasing this through Amazon."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is NOT a download of MS Office as described. This is a login to browser based-app that is completely tied to MS One-Drive and requires a constant internet connection for even basic operations. This product should have a better description of what is actually being purchased. This product is totally unusable and shouldn't have made it past a beta version---I'm shocked to see something like this on Amazon (or released by Microsoft for that matter).\n---UPDATED---:\nAmazon did refund my money when I contacted them promptly. The product is still not good, but Amazon's service gets 5*'s."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My license ran out on Office for my PC. I didn\'t really want to go the monthly subscription route through Microsoft directly so I chose to purchase this Office 365 package. It was super easy to install, but in case you run into an issue and need the product key, you may access it by going to\n"Subscriptions"\n"Manage Subscription"\n"Advanced Controls"\n"Manage Licenses" and you will find your license code.\n\nI simply had to write a review after I saw all the negative feedback on here about the product.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Personal-12-month-subscription-Auto-renewal/dp/B07F3TQ6DQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,137 | Microsoft Office Home & Student 2021 | One-time purchase for 1 PC or Mac| Download | Software | #2 | 2,016 | $124.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Experienced user of many different versions of Office, both for PC and Mac, and their so-called "connected services" and "experiences" that involve their OneDrive. I wanted nothing to do with OneDrive, or their annual 365 subscription, so I waited for this 2021 release. Very disappointed, but not surprised, to see Microsoft default configured the Office installation to use OneDrive even though I did a custom install and unselected OneDrive. Worse, the installation/configuration defaults the Preferences, Privacy tab to opt-into Connected Services, all 3 "Experiences" that include their "analyzation" of YOUR data AND the connected experience that includes OneDrive. Unselecting all 3 caused the app the hang. Upon forcing the app down, starting, it hung again. Force the app down and restart. Not a surprise to see it showed my name/profile, but that the software was not longer activated. Force to re-enter my credentials. Alas, it finally appears I have Word without it being connected to OneDrive and remains "activated". I miss the days of entering long product keys to activate software.\n\nUpdate: I was experiencing repeated problems with the Office apps either hanging at launch or forgetting their activation every single time I quit the app. Other Office 2021 users have reported similar experiences online. There is a Microsoft "License Removal Tool" that removes all previous Microsoft Offices licenses from your computer. (In my case, I had the 2016 license and had tried out the 365 version as well recently.). After running that tool and reactivating a single Office 2021 app, the suite started to remember my activation after I quit the apps.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 16, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It is a convoluted situation that led to this purchase. I was notified by Intuit that I would need to move from Mojave to Catalina in order to run TurboTax 2021. When I upgraded to Catalina I was notified MS Office Home & Student 2011 would not run on Catalina which led to this purchase. When I installed 2021 I was then prompted to activate it by activating one of the programs in it. When I tried to activate Excel I was directed to the App Store and directed to 365 which is MS Office tied to a subscription. I had been warned about 365 and did not want it. Because I tried and failed to activate Excel, it along with Word and Power Point were blocked with a circle with a slash. At this point I cannot use MS Office Home & Student 2021 on my iMac so I had to take it to my local computer shop and have it fixed. $85.00 later I have my iMac back and MS Office Home and Student 2021 appears to be working fine with just enough changes from 2011 to cause some confusion. One thing that is really annoying is the changes made to the tints of the colors used to highlight. I maintain several databases in Excel and now I have different shades of green in cells. None of the new shades of green match the old one. Yikes! I have a choice of either accepting multiple tints in my spreadsheets, with some from 2011 and some from 2021, or going back and changing the tints, cell by cell, from the 2011 version to the 2021 version. Bert Lance, formerly of the Carter Administration had a favorite expression "If it ain\'t broke don\'t fix it". I have only had MS Office Home & Student 2021 for a few days and there may be more surprises coming in the future.\nBTW Amazon\'s Customer Service rep tried to help in that tempt to activate the software but was unable to do so. She gave me a toll free # for tech support at Microsoft. I challenge anyone to reach a human being at that #. Everything was voice response and not helpful. Eventually I was directed to a URL that was supposed to be a tech problem solver. When I found the solution to my problem I printed a hard copy and tried the suggested solution. When the solution did not work I was off to the computer repair shop. Enough for now!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I feel like the few negative reviews saying it doesn\'t work just didn\'t know how to follow directions. It\'s hard to find the games and software library on the main page, but if you follow the link in the email you get it takes you right to the product key. It didn\'t take the first time I put it in but just did "try again" and then it accepted it when I logged in again. Just follow directions. It was nice to save $25 vs buying directly from Microsoft.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Product key was available in Amazon account\'s "Digital games and software." Successful macOS download.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I tried calling Microsoft and didn’t get answers. They don’t have live customer support. I couldn’t get it to work. I don’t know how Microsoft can sell a product to Amazon and not stand behind it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I tried to download and never got the product to work now trying to get a refund'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product code did not work for me and I am not satisfied at all. I orders from amazon alot and I do not see how to get my refund back.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'You cannot get this product on disk. Only download. Adds Office Teams. INSISTS you enter a phone #, then it makes a new account just with your phone number. It did not install as a separate program!! It adds itself to my existing Office earlier version. The program does NOT recognize the newly bought and paid for version. AND it carried problems I was having with the old version and now it still has those problems. PLUS you no longer have a product ID. You have no "About" to click.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Needed update to my Office 2007, since it was no longer working on my PC, so waited for Office 2021.\nHad trouble in the beginning, but checked my downloads folder and easily installed it and had no further problems.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 14, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I purchased Microsoft Office program for download to my computer. I prefer to keep my programs and files on my own computer, not in the cloud. Unfortunately, my computer was hit by a power surge when lightening struck close to the house. It fried my computer and I had to get a new one. Unfortunately, my backups would not restore to the new computer so I'm unable to reload this program which I've only used for a few months. I'm unable to download a copy from Amazon because of the one time rule. If anyone has any suggestions as to how I can get another download, I would very much appreciate it. Thank you!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Student-One-time-purchase-Download/dp/B09H7GPR1G/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,138 | Adobe Acrobat Professional DC | Create, edit and sign PDF documents | 1-month Subscription with auto-renewal, PC/Mac | Software | #3 | 1,400 | $24.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'THERE IS NO NEED TO PURCHASE THIS THROUGH AMAZON DIGITAL SERVICES. HORRIBLE ADVERTISING AND VERY MISLEADING. AS AN EDUCATOR AND PARENT THIS IS VERY DISAPPOINTING THAT BY A PRODUCT FROM AMAZON ACTING AS A THIRD PARTY VENDOR WOULD BE SO DIFFICULT TO MANAGE. CLEAN IT UP, AMAZON.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I needed to return the laptop and with the products I ordered also this Adobe program wouldn't let me cancel."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is the very best PDF editor pro.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'its program, it works'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 9, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is the best ever! I can download and change documents to PDFs and digitally sign them! You can't go wrong if you work from home or have a business!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It is a good product. I am finished using it. Please tell me how to cancel my subscription.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 11, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "It's extremely expensive."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Good softwate'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Good'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love it for creating PDFs.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Adobe-Professional-documents-Subscription-auto-renewal/dp/B07Q6ZPC1Q/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,139 | Rescue Monthly Whole Home Data and Image Recovery [Subscription] | Software | #4 | 456 | $4.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Too cheap to pass up! Normally a recovery plan is only offered when you buy a new drive and I always repurpose my old drives. Currently my household has three laptops, multiple portable hard drives, Iphones, Ipads, and a PS4. I had an Apple airport time capsule with an internal 2TB drive that I loaded all my media in so that I can access from all machines connected to the wifi. One day while the router part was still working, the drive was inaccessible! The recovery costs me $$$ after software programs didn't do the trick. I didn't mind that there was no download. You would send it in and they would fix it and send the data back. Hopefully I don't have to use it but I think of it as insurance."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I got this for my Lenovo Tab M10 Plus which I just received. Looking forward to using my Lenovo Tab M10 Plus.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Item worked as advertised. Very happy with purchase.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great to keep in your car'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'You don\'t recieve any information, or anything at all, on how to access the service. Therefore, it is very difficult (if possible) to use. Still trying to figure it out. I have been chatting with amazon chat customer service for over an hour, for the third time, and they don\'t have any information and are unable to help as well. I just keep recieving the same thing: the receipt to the purchase, and... (like the "manufacturers" answer to the question in the questions section "how do we actually use this product?" ) just a re-stated advertisment of what this product is SUPPOSED to be able to do. Not an actual answer providing a way to ACTUALLY ACCESS AND USE the product or services. Hopefully this changes, and I will provide an update. So far, no luck.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased with the dash and backup cameras for my car because it was highly recommended however no information on how to get it fixed o do what it says it does. Comes with a so called guarantee so can someone assist?'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "I couldn't read booklet"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "i bought this hoping to download a subscription based software like recuva or something but nooo, you have to send in your defective parts for a CHANCE that they save it.\nSave your money dont but his POS from these POS'S"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Useless to me, I tried to contact it to my Blink cameras and it would not work either time. Very disappointing. I purchased Blink in the app store works great.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased this with a gaming headset in full belief it would be a full headset warranty (as listed ) but it ended up being data recovery? For a headset? Very weird, I was most likely just naive but still, silly to put it there in the first place.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Rescue-Monthly-Whole-Recovery-Subscription/dp/B08KZD1S1T/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,140 | Rescue Monthly Whole Home Data and Image Recovery [Subscription] | Software | #5 | 456 | $2.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Too cheap to pass up! Normally a recovery plan is only offered when you buy a new drive and I always repurpose my old drives. Currently my household has three laptops, multiple portable hard drives, Iphones, Ipads, and a PS4. I had an Apple airport time capsule with an internal 2TB drive that I loaded all my media in so that I can access from all machines connected to the wifi. One day while the router part was still working, the drive was inaccessible! The recovery costs me $$$ after software programs didn't do the trick. I didn't mind that there was no download. You would send it in and they would fix it and send the data back. Hopefully I don't have to use it but I think of it as insurance."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I got this for my Lenovo Tab M10 Plus which I just received. Looking forward to using my Lenovo Tab M10 Plus.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Item worked as advertised. Very happy with purchase.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great to keep in your car'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'You don\'t recieve any information, or anything at all, on how to access the service. Therefore, it is very difficult (if possible) to use. Still trying to figure it out. I have been chatting with amazon chat customer service for over an hour, for the third time, and they don\'t have any information and are unable to help as well. I just keep recieving the same thing: the receipt to the purchase, and... (like the "manufacturers" answer to the question in the questions section "how do we actually use this product?" ) just a re-stated advertisment of what this product is SUPPOSED to be able to do. Not an actual answer providing a way to ACTUALLY ACCESS AND USE the product or services. Hopefully this changes, and I will provide an update. So far, no luck.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased with the dash and backup cameras for my car because it was highly recommended however no information on how to get it fixed o do what it says it does. Comes with a so called guarantee so can someone assist?'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "I couldn't read booklet"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "i bought this hoping to download a subscription based software like recuva or something but nooo, you have to send in your defective parts for a CHANCE that they save it.\nSave your money dont but his POS from these POS'S"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Useless to me, I tried to contact it to my Blink cameras and it would not work either time. Very disappointing. I purchased Blink in the app store works great.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased this with a gaming headset in full belief it would be a full headset warranty (as listed ) but it ended up being data recovery? For a headset? Very weird, I was most likely just naive but still, silly to put it there in the first place.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Rescue-Monthly-Whole-Recovery-Subscription/dp/B08KZD1S1T/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,141 | Adobe Creative Cloud Photography plan 20 GB (Photoshop + Lightroom) | 1-month Subscription with auto-renewal, PC/Mac | Software | #6 | 657 | $9.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have always liked Adobe Photoshop, but the photography plan is supposed to come with a usable Lightroom and Bridge. I would also like to know if I will get the 2 free months promised me from Adobe for all the trouble I went through to pay them. I have used them for many years and then all of a sudden I couldn't get them paid and don't get me started on trying to call them and speak to someone. The calls go to India, which I had trouble understanding them and them understanding me and they hung up on me twice. I don't know why I thought of going through Amazon to pay but I am glad I did and it is even cheaper!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'After purchasing, there was no way to download the software directly from Amazon. After a long chat conversation with Amazon support, they directed me to deal directly with Adobe support. After 4 hours dealing with Adobe and considerable manipulations to my new IMAC, I still could not download the Photoshop software purchased in the subscription from Amazon. Although Lightroom was downloaded, Adobe deleted the program and is attempting to determine the issue with their "team" and they will allegedly get back to me at some unspecified date. What a joke.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Use the tutorials when you first start using it if you are a beginner. Once you get acclimated to the program, don't be afraid to play with the presets to experiment with different edits. You can always go back to the original look of the picture."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I wish they would offer a pre-paid alternative to make it even cheaper. great value for the price!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "It's a Powerhouse!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 6, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Saves $10 a month, for any photographer that prefers the adobe suite, photoshop and lightroom are essential.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Photoshop is great, I have been using it since college. It has always been my go to. I am extremely annoyed and disappointed that now I am forced to rent it and can no longer purchase it but I need it for work so what can I do. The rental model is BS and if I did not need Photoshop I would not bother with it at all. They should not be rewarded for this stupidity.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If you need a review to decide on this product, then you should sell your cameras and find a cave wall to paint upon.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It’s a good program once you figure out how it works,'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Once you do this and link up your Adobe CC account to both your Photoshop app and your Amazon account, everything works as expected.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Adobe-Photography-Photoshop-Subscription-auto-renewal/dp/B07QZB1PMQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,142 | McAfee Total Protection 2022 | 3 Device | Antivirus Internet Security Software | VPN, Password Manager, Dark Web Monitoring | 1 Year Subscription | Download Code | Software | #7 | 11,669 | $24.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It doesn\'t get better than this. From the low price to the convenience this was perfect in every way. The moment I ordered it I was able to find it in my digital purchase section and once I clicked the link to the MacAfee site I entered the code and simply followed the prompts. It even automatically removes old versions of their product. They do send the code to your email as well but you can just go straight to your digital purchases section to save time. Coverage this easy to install for a couple computers and your smartphone for a year and under $25? Perfect.\n\nUpdate 2019: I just purchased it again a year later at $26.99 instead of the $50+ everywhere else and again within just a few minutes it removed the older version, did a fresh install and it even carried over the few days from my last time towards the new amount of days protected. Coverage for 3 devices just doesn\'t get more affordable or easier than this.\n\nUpdate 2020: I had 20 days left so I bought this again and it worked like a charm for the 3rd year in a row. Buy it, go to your digital purchase section, copy and paste the key. They even have a link that opens up the site where you enter the key. It took all of a couple minutes and added 365 days to my subscription. I also want to add that running this and a decent adblocker meant no problems at all in the last year so this actually works.\n\nUpdate 2021: With about 5 weeks left on my subscription I noticed the price dropped from $27.99 down to $19.99 for this and bought the digital download code again. It was instantly delivered to my email and appeared in my "Games and Software Library". In under a minute my subscription was extended for another year plus I didn\'t lose the days I had left on my current paid subscription from last year either. I\'ll keep updating every year with positive reviews as long as they make this hassle free and an honest transaction. If it ever changes I\'ll also post a bad review but so far it\'s all positive 4 years in a row.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Total waste of money. SO SO SO obnoxious. It decided to change my default browser to Yahoo. Okay, well you can switch it back, right? Sure, but it's going to nag you to re-enable it on like a weekly basis. I ended up uninstalling and regretting I ever wasted money on this.\n\nThe whole point of trying to protect your computer is that I want to do what I WANT to do, not have pop ups, not have some software I'm not trying to run steal all resources and make the things I want to do go slower. It just ruins your computer, steals your time, runs programs you don't want at bad times, opens windows you didn't ask for, and generally takes control of your computer while booting you to the role of supplicant having to ask its permission to do anything. It's got all of the bad aspects of actual malware, leaving you wondering what the point is.\n\nIf anyone has a good recommendation for an anti-malware packages that isn't an annoying interjection all the time or a resource hog—that is, something that will quietly do it's work in the background and only bother you if there's a real threat, rather than getting all up in your face screaming about whatever it thinks is important when there's really nothing going on—I'm all ears. I hate this software A LOT."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 13, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been using McAfee for almost 20 years and never (knock on wood) had a virus since. Problem is, it's just too expensive to buy through them. Unless you call or get on chat, they'll come down but if you don't have time for that this is the best. Buy it, go to your media here on Amazon copy the code, click link and if you're already a customer of McAfee you're signed in and off and running. Couldn't be easier."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I replaced the free versions of Avast anti-virus and Malwarebytes with McAfee because I wanted a full featured single product solution that would run automatically. I\'m sorry I made that decision as both Avast and Malwarebytes functioned well and kept my PC protected. Also, I was able to load both programs and a couple other offerings I tested seamlessly and with no issues. Unfortunately, I did not do a pre-test with McAfee and paid for it. It took me over 6 hours of my time and 2 sessions with McAfee support to finally get a successful install. The MacAfee "100% percent, we\'re with you all the way" satisfaction promise is a complete joke. After they gave up on me I had to do a couple hours of research to address the issues they could not help me with. I think that any low level tech support person could have at least pointed me in the direction of resolving the issues I had, but McAfee could not. I had to go through several cleanup and removal operations, (along with some other actions), and load the software as an administrator. What a nightmare. The load on my Mac went OK but the functioning seems to be a bit flakey. Because of the time I\'ve invested, I\'m not going to remove it and ask for a refund. If one doesn\'t encounter any install problems then it\'s a passable product. However, there are several other full featured programs available and I would suggest investigating those.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "You do get the annoying messages from the application to install on another device, remove cookies and trackers, etc. These should be there when you click the application. Overall a good product for the price and I haven't had any viruses. I realized that after five years I probably could've done with the simple Antivirus version (cheaper too) instead of the Total Protection version but at least I didn't pay full price by going through Amazon. For those with installation issues, I suggest you do the following:\n1. Create a McAfee account with an email and password BEFORE you install. This way you are not going back and forth confusing yourself with multiple windows up.\n2. Close everything else from your screen except Internet Explorer or Chrome that you are going to use to install the software. Both browsers work for me for the installation.\n3. Click the installation once. If you've installed it before, chose the New Subscription and not the Renew Subscription (at least I do it this way to get a clean install).\n4. Leave it alone and do not do anything else. It took between 15 to 20 minutes for me because it had to remove prior installations. It also prompted me to restart my computer."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have always used mcafee but after today never again the code kept giving me error i called the tech support and they wete trying to scam me put of 200 for an additional fire wall on my laptop and when i told them i didnt want to pay that they said i couldn't even get a refund that i had to pay 200 for the firewall in order to install in the antivirus in my laptop. Scam and waste of money.zero stars should be an option"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Much better deal than auto renewing with the macafee app!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product does not load properly. I\'ve installed it twice and cannot get to the program in my computer to personalize it. I\'m not sure whether or not it\'s working on my computer. Anybody know who I can reach for help? I\'m really not interested in reading pages of "helpful" (not) suggestions. I just want results. I bought McAfee last year from Amazon and did not have any problems.\n\nI should have come back to here rather than adding a new review. I called McAfee, talked with a very nice gentleman about getting a refund. He suggest I first talk to a tech which I did. She was able to install the program and get it up and running. If you\'re having trouble with this upgrade, give McAfee a call. I\'ve used their programs for over 20 years and so far as I know, they work fine. It\'s frustrating when a program won\'t load and you don\'t know why or how to get it to work. Too often you have to pay to get any help. This was free.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 28, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If your running this anti-viral already then your going to probably have an online account showing your subscription. When it expires, you simply purchase the downloadable version from Amazon and it presents to you what looks like a typical alpha-numeric license key.\nYou log onto your McAfee account and where it says, "redeem a retail card" place your license key in there, it registers you for another year and runs you through the install process. It may go a little faster if you don\'t have any McAfee software installed on your system, otherwise it will go through an uninstall process first. Once completed, it will go through a fresh install of the current software. When your done, your good for a year.\n>>>Important <<<\nNothing against McAfee but i\'d prefer to order the software on the cheap from Amazon yearly. If you install this software but leave the auto-renew on, if you have a stored credit card, next year McAfee might grab up to $90 bucks for the renew.\nAnti-viral software is a necessity but I\'d rather pay less then $25-$30 then $89.\nThat\'s a big difference!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I ran a scan after using this for one month and I had ZERO issues identified. Then I downloaded Malwarebytes to make sure, and it came up with nothing. I consider myself a savvy computer user, and never has my computer been so clean with any other software. On a Dell , windows 10, with 16 GB ram and an i5 processor I can't tell that it is running. While I write this, it is using less than 1% CPU and 100 mb memory or less. I researched the reviews online and this was rated the best. I got it for a great price here on Amazon."}] | https://www.amazon.com/McAfee-Total-Protection-Device-Download/dp/B07BFS3G7P/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,143 | Microsoft 365 Family | 12-Month Subscription, up to 6 people | Premium Office Apps | 1TB OneDrive cloud storage | PC/Mac Download | Activation Required | Software | #8 | 2,197 | $92.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I said below before I engaged my brain and simply wen out to Microsoft signed and saw my Pc and laptop and downloaded the software. Forget what I was trying to do. "Bought with Surface Go. It would not let me download to my PC or laptop.\nWhen they say 6 users they mean 6 different email addresses not 6 different devices."'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The product is as stated - Microsoft Office Home, 6 person license...but the exact workings were a bit unclear.\n\nA back and forth with Customer service representatives at Amazon did not help very much. I finally got lucky, and tinkered - other forums were a bit more useful.\n\nEach product has a single license key - it will be delivered to your Amazon subscriptions. That\'s fine.\n\nBUT BEYOND THAT, it is still managed by Microsoft. You are using Amazon as a 3rd party authorized manager.\n\nWhat does this mean?\n\nYou buy the product.\nA single license key is sent to you.\nThat license key will be added to your Amazon games / software.\nYou activate that license key, and associate it with a Microsoft Account. This Microsoft should be for whoever you want as the administrator for your family.\nThe 6 licenses (yours plus 5 more) are assigned using Microsoft\'s system (you add people, and invite them with their phone number or Email address).\n\nWhy is this important? Because Amazon\'s systems are not going to have a 6-person license key. They have one license key, for one account, that up to 5 more people can associate with. Amazon does not manage the six people - Microsoft does. And this is the important part - I flipped out not understanding this. Hopefully, you will understand this before getting flustered.\n\nNow, Amazon\'s hands are washed and cleaned from this point on...until next year, when you come up for renewal again. Then, Amazon assesses you the annual fee ($100 for Home) for Microsoft\'s continued access. the answer? Simply turn off auto renew, some time before 11 months are out.\n\nWhy buy through Amazon, if this is the same thing you can get through Microsoft?\nThe answer: Amazon occasionally will have specials of "Put $300 in your cart for a $50 gift card" or "Microsoft Office + gift card for the price of Microsoft Office". And yes, Amazon does run these specials at odd intervals, it is a good idea to use Amazon\'s plans and offers. And, you get 5% back with the Amazon Store Card, bringing the price down that much more.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bought this to upgrade my single use license from Amazon. Asked Best Buy to cancel my single user license. But Best Buy made cancellation at end of month. So I learned that I could not install using the same email as you can only have 1 license per an email address. I wanted to keep the same email as it\'s how you log onto your One Drive, and I bought the new license to share with family and they needed it now. Microsoft said they\'d help me set up on a "temporary" email and when Best Buy released the original email they\'d help me to transfer from temp to original email. Except they lied. When I returned to transfer to my original email they said we can\'t do that. And sent me to Amazon. Amazon said they cannot make that kind of change only Microsoft could They offered to contact Microsoft and help me. They stayed involved until the bitter end. Microsoft said oops, sorry, very sorry. But sorry did nothing for my new dilemma. I said they could at least help me move my data from the old One Drive to the new. They sent me a link! A link which states there is no automated way, this must be done manually. Expect to set aside several hours! The great and powerful Microsoft would not help, I don\'t believe they cannot help. Well I had to move my data because Microsoft kept sending emails about paying for the One Drive space or else. That my data would be frozen until I don\'t know. I wasn\'t taking any chances with what would happen to my data. This was all because Microsoft lied about using a "temporary" email. All I have now is to warn others about how unhelpful Microsoft can be. No surprise there. But you may not know that you cannot change the email account your license is tied to. However I really wanted to commend Amazon as they took the time to actually help me dispute having no blame. Microsoft offered this advice, I could uninstall the software, return the purchase, repurchase the software, have my family also uninstall Office, then start all over again. Beware.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have used Microsoft office since the 2003 version and upgraded to 2010 and was happy with it. Frankly, I liked Office 2010 better than Office 365. I\'ll never understand why Microsoft has to move everything around when they release a new version. It\'s kind of like say "I think I\'ll reverse the brake and the gas pedal on a car just because it\'s different."\n\nMy real complaint is with the subscription system. I had the 2010 version bought on a disk with a key number and 3 installs and kept it through multiple computer upgrades. But this time Microsoft would not let me reactivate my perfectly serviceable 2010 version when I bought a new computer. The old Office 2010 was perfectly fine, and arguably better. Office 365 added no useful changes, but suddenly I had to buy a subscription every year just to replace a system that wasn\'t broken.\n\nMy office uses Microsoft, so I don\'t have meaningful change, so I\'m stuck, but that doesn\'t mean I like it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This works quite well. As long as one follows the directions, the download and installation process is quick and simple. I use Outlook, Word, Excel and Access regularly. Very shortly after purchase - I was able to download and install this on two computers on my household. If you need the Office suite on more than one computer, this is the way to go.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Update (one day after original purchase for $59.99):\nFirst, I see two reviews that said that it did not extend their current subscription with Microsoft but instead created a new separate subscription (which would be terrible). For me, it did extend my current subscription. I logged into Microsoft, went to the "redeem.microsoft.com" address, made sure my login still showed on that page, and then entered the code. The bad thing about this situation is that not knowng what will happen would make anyone reluctant to buy this subscription on Amazon regardless of price. At the $99.99 price, I would definitely not buy this on Amazon.\n\nSecond, I see that the price has returned to $99.99. The interesting thing to me (and it\'s why I thought that the $59.99 price might have been "permanent") is that the renewal disclaimer just below the purchase price said yesterday that the renewal next year would be at the $59.99 price and that\'s what it says still on my subscription page.\n=========================================================\n\nOriginal "review"\nNote that this is not a review of MS Office 365 but an FYI on this Amazon item and how it seems to work. I was already a subscriber to Microsoft 365 Family and was being charged $99.99 per year by Microsoft. So, when I saw this today for $59.99 on Amazon, it was an easy decision to buy.\n\nIt appears from everything I can see, that you are actually dealing with two different subscriptions; one with Amazon and one with Microsoft. I am NOT saying that you will have two separate subscriptions for Microsoft Office and there is an easy way to fix this when you want to.\n\nIn my case, my renewal date for MS Office is November 18 with Microsoft. Buying this item on Amazon on June 25, I entered the code from Amazon on the Microsoft "redeem.microsoft.com" site and it extended the subscription for one year to November 18 of next year. However, on June 25 of next year I will be charged by Amazon at the same $59.99 rate. Simply put, if I do nothing, there is now a 5 month offset in these two subscriptions.\n\nFor me, I\'m going to keep watching this listing and if it looks like this is a "permanent" price, i will likely cancel my Amazon subscription and buy it again next November so that the timing matches. Either way, if you use Microsoft Office 365 or intend to, this is a great price compared to buying directly from Microsoft.\n\nThere is nothing intentionally decptive in this listing, but it is a little confusing as you are buying an Amazon subscription that you redeem with Microsoft via code for a subscription for Office.\n\nIf you are a new subscriber for MS Office 365, none of these caveats apply; at $59.99 its a great deal.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If you’re like me you’re going to redeem the code you get and then check the subscription end date. At first, it will be the current date plus a year, but after a few minutes it will update to include any existing subscription time you had.\n\nThis works exactly the same as buying a subscription from Microsoft directly, except the payment aspects are handled by Amazon.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I don't particularly appreciate being forced to go on a subscription basis for my Microsoft office software. However, the fact that I could share it with several individuals and his usability on the road make it a good value. I often find myself on the road and having to switch between computers, and being able to access my materials online is extremely useful"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My daughter downloaded this product first on her laptop and then when I tried to download it I received the message that the product key had already been used. I followed the directions found through links in replies to other customer reviews and had my daughter share the product with me but when I logged into my Microsoft account I was prompted to purchase the product again.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So-far, so-good. (Purchased 11 days ago) I have a lot to learn. This was a BIG decision, for me. Take your time and Follow the instructions. The download went great. In the middle of loading MS 365, Windows 10 wanted to do an upgrade that would take a few moments. (Not sure how many moments in 5 + or - hours) I am still happy with download process of MS 365. I had been running Office 2007, so with the upgrades and the Cloud storage, it will be quite some time before I feel confident again. I will recommend Office 365 to my family and friends.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-12-month-subscription-Auto-renewal-Download/dp/B07F3SNQT5/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,144 | HP Instant Ink $5 Prepaid Code - The Smart Ink and Toner Subscription Service with big savings passed on to you | Software | #9 | 8,544 | $5.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'You don’t need to purchase this prepaid code to enroll in the HP Instant Ink replacement ink program, something I didn’t know when I bought this. The $5 is in my HP account, and will be used to pay for additional pages in any month I go over my free page limit.\nThe HP Instant Ink program is great for light printer users like me, I get 15 free pages per month, and additional pages print at a cost of ten cents each. It doesn’t matter whether you’re printing a simple black and white page of text or a full color 8x10 picture, no more need to select “draft mode” or “print in black only” to save on the cost of replacing color cartridges.\nMost months I don’t even print 15 pages, so I’m basically getting free ink through this program. I’ve already received the first set of replacement black and color cartridges for my printer, so I’ll never run out of ink.\nI’m not sure if this program is a good value for anyone who prints a lot more pages per month, but it works for me.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'HP makes you jump through hoops just to sign up for this nonsense. You have to create an account. You have to give the your cell phone number. Why do you need my cell phone number, are you going to call me up and chat about old times? Sorry I just want to print stuff. On top of that HP continually tries to get you to agree to sending the all your printing data. When you unclik those boxes, HP will try again and again. Why do you want my data HP? To improve the user experience ? To sell my information ? I presume the second and more.\nAt the end of this long and tedious set up and sign up procedure, the code that Amazon supplied does not work. Useless waste of time.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The only problem I have is when during this pandemic we are in I had to miss 1 payment ! I asked an agent and the agent told me I was fine I paid for the next month I missed nov and paid for December! When I paid for December a couple days went by I got an email for suspension due to no payment in nov !! I contacted an agent he said I didn’t have to pay for nov but I owe 12 I said how if I’ve only missed one and I got bank records to prove well we went back and forth till i contacted an agent on phone ! I did have to pay for November or my subscription would be canceled!! So they need to get there stuff together and tell people if you do miss you have to pay what you missed or no service!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'HP Insta ink is a life saver for my ohana. Saves us an average of $350-400/yr on ink. We run a homeschool co-op and print 95% of our students work, no worries about ink, it always shows up when we need it!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I love HP Ink service. It has saved me a lot of money. i get ink when I need it. The service alerts me when I need ink. It is shipped to me before I even run out. There are several different options for the amount of printing an individual might have, and there is a rollover of pages to the next month of what was not used. The biggest plus is the cartridges are bigger than economy sizes. Win win to me.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 6, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "After receiving my new HP printer, I learned that there is a free forever ink option for under 15 pages printed per month called the LIGHT option. If I would of known this, I would not have pre-bought a $5 card for $4.76 when I didn't need any funds at all. Also, you cannot RETURN this item when you realize you didn't need it. Only buy if you are printing more than 15 pages per month on average."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 12, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Just started the HP Ink delivery. Received my first delivery today. So far so good. Just bought a new HP printer. Think I am going to like getting ink automatically "as needed" ... and for a low price!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This was my first time buying HP Instant Ink Prepaid codes from amazon and it worked out well! I purchased for 2 of them and after I completed my order I received two e-mails, one for order confirmation and another for the delivery confirmation that supplied the codes. Through my HP Smart application I accessed my Instant Ink account and applied the prepaid codes to my balance without a hitch. I would definitely use this service again.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Only reason for four stars is because it didn't explain at purchase code does not come with printer . It comes in form of an email you must link and activate . I joined twice because at first I could not find code . Did not explain it comes in email . It read like it comes on back of purchased printer . I have been out of ink two weeks and says ink coming . Two weeks no ink yet. I used the small amount that comes with my all in one . I am confused because I feel I followed all instructions . This is my first printer . Not beginner friendly I guess"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Great brand, easy to use. Customer service can be improved because, I couldn't understand what 3 out of 4 reps were saying when I was trying to get help. Finally, the last rep was very knowledgeable and helpful. I love the instant ink program."}] | https://www.amazon.com/HP-Instant-Prepaid-Delivery-Service/dp/B07RQVY8M7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,145 | McAfee Total Protection 2022 | 5 Device | Antivirus Internet Security Software | VPN, Password Manager, Dark Web Monitoring | 1 Year Subscription | Download Code | Software | #10 | 4,374 | $24.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 6, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Works as always. I have used the program for years. The best way to install is to do the following. 1) get activation code (copy for pasting if digital) .2) go to McAfee website 3) log in or create account if you don\'t have one 4) go to redeem retail card and paste or enter the activation code 4) then download the software 5) setup will check your computer for prior Mcafee software and uninstall it 5) restart your computer to complete the uninstall 6) after restart McAfee will complete the installation. 7) after install double click the icon to finish setting up protection and installing antivirus updates. If installed this way it takes about 30 minutes to complete the entire process. If you do not have a prior McAfee installation steps 5 and 6 will not be need and McAfee will install. It is important to follow these steps for the smoothest installation . Note: When you submit the retail code a screen will pop up asking if you want auto renew subscriptions turned on. You can click no and "X" out. After installation you can go to McAfee website and log in to your account. Check your activated subscriptions and be sure auto renew is not enabled. Auto renew is more expensive and you would still have to go through the same process for installation.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'JUST FYI: The price for 10 was the same as the price for 5 so be sure to look before you buy as they are SAME!\nAnother reviewer was kind enough to explain HOW to download with NO cliches. Seems 99% of non 5 star reviews are from people who don\'t know how to work McAfee once installed (They have great customer service who will walk you through ANY problem) OR used the Amazon Download feature. If you follow these instructions you\'ll install perfectly!\n1. Get your Activation Code = It will be on your Amazon Digital Delivery Confirmation Email. See Order Details, How to Redeem this Item. You will see your Activation Code. Keep this near by.\n2. Google McAfee Log On. Create a new account or use your current account.\n3. Look for "MY ACCOUNT" at the top right of most pages. Click on My Account, then go down to "REDEEM YOUR RETAIL CARD". Enter your activation code, click enter. Then click "Download Your Software. (Note: In my case, for some reason Download Your Software did not activate, so I went back to the page with "My Account", clicked on SUBSCRIPTIONS and viola - my new subscription was already there....go figure.\n4. After you download to your PC (Or tablet/mobile) you can Start Protecting Other Devices. Easiest place to do this is on the SUBSCRIPTION section (see #3). Click "Add Device". Click on the ICON you want to protect. Then click on SEND LINK. The link will be sent via email. You open the product you want to protect, open the email, and download McAfee to that product. (Note: It will take you to the Google Play Store and will have you download the FREE version. HOWEVER, if using a McAfee link, it will automatically install the upgraded version. I called McAfee asking WHY I\'d want to download the FREE version after I just paid to cover additional items. They showed me that it DOES give you additional options NOT in FREE version. NOTE: Google has just recently (10/18) reconfigured something that caused McAfee to remove some good features such as uploading copies of your texts/contacts etc. They are still working with Google to restore these features.\nLASTLY - I\'ve used McAfee for many years. I purposely bought a Fix-It stick just to see how effective McAfee was doing....In the two years I\'ve also used the Fix-It stick, never once did the Fix-It stick find a virus, malware etc.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'When your subscription is about to end, McAfee we provide a pop up that asks you to renew at $69 or more. You may have also not read the fine print and left auto - renew enabled in your McAfee account so they charge you the fee anyway.\n\nTurn it off and simply buy this key code online and add it to your account.\n\nNot sure why McAfee allows a $20 key code on Amazon but makes it seem the only way to update from the software is to charge 3 times the amount for the same product. It seems shady to me. Just let me pay $20 from the popup and make life easier. Oh Well.\n\nThis download key worked like a charm, prevented me from driving around looking for a cheap key card at the store and took very little time to update.\n\nFYI!!… Do not try to cut and paste the code in to your McAfee account. The return will be something is wrong with the code. Simply enter the code in by using your keyboard and you shouldn\'t have any problems.\n\nSoftware works great but "4 stars" not 5 for the shady business practice of not offering the software from the McAfee popup for the same reasonable $20 charge found here at Amazon.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 1, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'When I first tried to update my subscription, I logged into mymcafee website and redeemed the code. It however, directed me to the auto renewal page and asked for my cc info before it would begin the installation.\n\nWell you know there is a way to avoid this. You should first go to: mcafee.com/activate > paste your activation code. It will then redirect you to the mcafee page. Login and click on install. You will now see the 2023 edition. That’s it!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My McAfee Total Protection (5 devices) came up for renewal, and McAfee autorenewed by charging my credit card $99. I found the Amazon $25 renewal for the same product (must be the same # of devices, 1, 3, 5, 10), and McAfee Customer Support would not match it. McAfee processed a full refund, and I purchased from Amazon. I waited a day for McAfee to update my account back to the original expiration date, and then I went to mcafee.com/activate to type in the 25-digit code that Amazon sent with my purchase--it instantly updated, and I'll keep purchasing renewals from Amazon. Thank you!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "I like McAfee Total Protection and have been using is for awhile now. But the reason for giving this product a 3 is the time it took to work through the download (which has never happened before). I had to do three installation to get this product to properly download. I finally went online and asked the question and it was easy as pie. The way I was able to get the product to work was, I had to do a clean install. I had to totally remove McAfee from my computer system along with all it's products, then to make sure it was removed, I downloaded a MaAfee removal device from McAfee, and then installed the product, Hooray, so far so good. But a whole lot of problems and time to figure out."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "After thinking about switching from McAfee because there where other programs out there at a lower price I saw the protection I had listed here for 67% off. Looking for a catch because it was 67% off and a digital download code with no refund, I found the reviews SUPER helpful in making the choice. While I couldn't find the redeem your retail card option in my McAfee account I did find a video listed in the products related video shorts that showed how to get to the place to enter the code. Install was super easy and only took a few minutes and restart to work. Granted it's only been a few minutes but I've not no issues with any part of the purchase or install thus far."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Easy to install only if you are not upgrading. If you have and expiring version and you are upgrading, you must use McAfee support - Download and Install. This process will automatically delete old version while installing new version and also update your subscription.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 13, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The software works well but you are forced to get automatic renewal although this is not mentioned on Amazon if you want to proceed with the installation. You cannot do otherwise because you cannot return the software once you have bought it'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I trust Amazon. They have always treated me well.\nThis 1yr McAfee is a much lower price than I could find out there.\nFound the 'how to' on google finally. With that information, Install was smooth.\nA few hoops at McAfee to get the code to work.\nIt worked with a little patience.\nThank you Amazon"}] | https://www.amazon.com/McAfee-Total-Protection-Device-Download/dp/B07BFRYH2K/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,146 | Norton 360 Deluxe 2022 Antivirus software for 5 Devices with Auto Renewal - Includes VPN, PC Cloud Backup & Dark Web Monitoring [Download] | Software | #11 | 11,896 | $34.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have used Norton products loyally for at least 15 years, but today when I got another year of subscription I had an unbelievably bad experience with their rep. I always turn off automatic renewal after I purchase, because auto renewal is the most expensive possible way to get a year of Norton coverage. As soon as I completed my new subscription today, I went to my account to turn off automatic renewal. It turns out that the customer can\'t turn it off as they used to be able to do - now I have to "chat" with a Norton rep who will actually turn it off for me - if you can convince them!. And that chat session was a manipulative and frustrating session. One sign that they know how bad it is, is that you cannot copy or save the chat history, so I\'ll have to paraphrase it. It took me seven separate requests to get the Norton rep to agree to turn off auto renewal. First they want to be sure you understand how valuable it is, then after two or three rounds of that, they tell you that if you turn off auto renewal, you lose the virus protection guarantee that they advertise for Norton 360. After that, when I continued requesting to turn off auto renew, even then the rep didn\'t give up on me - "what if I extend your subscription by 60 days for free?" No thanks. "What if I extend your subscription free by 90 days?" No thanks! Now I was quite frustrated that nothing seemed to convince them to turn off auto renew. So buyer beware - when you read the comments from Norton reps (answering user reviews here on Amazon), where they tell everyone that, don\'t worry, you can turn off auto renewal, they\'re not telling the whole story, because turning off auto renewal voids their virus protection guarantee. And the hassle of arguing with a rep who won\'t accept the request is really infuriating. I am going to get a refund for the product (Amazon won\'t refund it, but Norton says they will, within 60 days) and try another provider. I also had problems installing, but that pales in comparison to this.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'After I purchased Norton 360 I tried to install it and would not let me. So I call Norton and they checked the number and informed me that it was only good for 20 days. WTF... So I call Amazon and they told me it was a non refundable purchase, but because of what Norton told me they refunded my money. Just wanted to share this.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'ve used Norton virus and PC protection for years. I\'ve found no reason to switch. It works, protects me from attacks, and is easy to use. I run a manual full-machine scan once a week. I\'ve never encountered a virus having gotten onto my machine.\n\nThis particular product auto-renews, which some commentators have found intrusive. I do, too. It\'s very easy to turn off, however. After you install the product go to the "My Subscription" area of your Norton.com online account. In the upper right-hand area of the screen you\'ll see an "Automatic renewal" toggle. Just switch it to "OFF". You\'ll subsequently see a screen asking you to state reason why you turned off this feature. I chose "I prefer not to respond", clicked "CONTINUE" at the bottom, and the feature was turned off. Simple.\n\nThe installation of the product, as I was already using Norton Security Standard from last year, took all of two minutes. Now I\'m protected for another year.\n\nAs I noted, I\'ve been using the Norton suites for years. It may slow my machine a bit when I\'m browsing, but I\'ve found via using TASK MANAGER to examine the CPU usage that generally Chrome is hogging the memory, not Norton. And it may slow the boot-up of my desktop but, again, it\'s a small price to pay for online security and I don\'t find it annoying.\n\nI feel completely protected by Norton; my experience has informed and validated that feeling. No complaints.\n\nUPDATE (Nov. 2020): I renewed my Norton subscription last month. I still had a couple weeks remaining on it and yet, after I renewed, the expiry date didn\'t adjust to add on those two remaining weeks. I was miffed. Logged on to the Norton site and eventually learned (through a chat session with a rep and also a subsequent call) that LifeLock bought Symantec during late 2019 or 2020 and has a policy of not adding on the remaining days when you renew the subscription. This seems underhanded to me. Anyway, I called a rep and he quickly adjusted my expiry date to include those extra couple weeks remaining on my previous subscription.\n\nBe warned: either wait until the day of expiration to renew or, if you renew earlier, be prepared to waste 30 minutes or so slogging through the LifeLock customer service system to claw back the remaining days. The annoyance was not quite enough to induce me to cancel my subscription. If this sort of thing keeps up, however, it will be.\n\nLifeLock reps, if you\'re reading this: be honest in your operations. You tried to steal 4% of a subscription I\'d already paid for. That\'s dishonest.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Used to not have to setup auto renewal... cannot install now without agreeing to auto bill the next year.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Was charged for this and cannot download the code. I didnt get what I paid for. It wont show me how to return it for refund!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Hello everyone, I just felt the need to put my review out there immediately given all the bad reviews. So I have been using Norton for years. I always turn off the auto renewal option after I enter a new key code from a new purchase such as this one. So given all the previous comment, I decided to call Norton ahead of time prior to purchasing this product for another year. Call went very smoothly, they confirmed that the cancel auto renew option was still there however it will not show if you have already set up non renew from the previous year.\n\nUntil you actually enter the new product key and go through the minor install process to renew, the cancel auto renewal option will not show up. So I had 4 days to renew. I just purchased this product, amazon instantly sends you a link to click and follow the instructions. Or you can do as I did, logged in ahead of time, went to my covered pc and clicked to enter new product key. As soon as I did that, the renewal installation process began. Same as if you woud\'ve clicked the link. Either way. Once I was done and all set up, I noticed that the "My Subscription" button all of a sudden showed up giving me the instant option to cancel auto renewal.\n\nSo in the end, everything worked well, everything was OK and it went pretty smoothly overall. As of now, when you try to cancel the renewal, a pop comes up asking to stay and not cancel and in return it offers you 30 additional days of coverage after 5 days. I have no problem waiting 5 days to set up non renewal after the fact for the additional 30 days. I think their hope is that you forget all about it. I assure I won\'t, however if you are the type that might, then forget the extra free 30 days and set up non renewal right away.\n\nHopes this helps to clear everything up and calms everyone down with the freaking out reviews. Trust me, I would be the first to go nuts on Norton if I couldn\'t do this. I would go to another protection provider, but I like Norton and everything went well.\n\nFinally I want to let everyone know that on the phone they told me that my additional 4 days I had to renew would stack up on top of the new year renewal, THIS IS NOT TRUE !! As soon as you enter the new product key or set up the renewal, the new year starts as of the day you renew and whatever days were left are lost. So my recommendation is to wait till the last day or 2 before the renewal expires. I also recommend to not make the purchase till your ready to renew right there and then to not risk some kind of 20 day expiration limit that someone talked about in another review. I just did everything all at once just now from purchasing it, to installing/ renewing, to this review. Everything worked well !!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Beware, this Norton purchase through Amazon is a scam from Norton. After you make your purchase on Amazon and get the product key, you have to go back to the Norton website where they oblige you to create an account and provide you credit card information so that your subscription can be automatically renewed through them (Norton) next year. Your product activation will not go forward if you do not provide your payment information to Norton. They (Norton) are using this dishonest trick to capture your payment information and will debit your account the following year. This is a shameful business practice and Norton no longer has my trust and I now see them as a scam company and not an internet security company.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "First of all, the thing that I always hated about Antivirus softwares was that it usually slows your system down quite a bit. Not with Norton 360. I didnt notice any system slow down at all. Second thing I liked about this is that it allows you to have protection on 5 devices, so my laptop, desktop, tablet, and phone are all covered. Third, I really like the VPN feature because it provides that extra security. Lastly, they give you 50 GB of free cloud storage which is nice, although I haven't taken full advantage of it. They also provide free identity theft protection but you have to provide your information and set it up to take full advantage of it. Overall, I am really liking this antivirus software."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I can't get Norton to recognize my phone number and country as valid. No use to me if I can't install, and a review of 1 star is as low as I can go."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Not happy with the LAG!\n\nIt seems like I went back to dialup speeds.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Norton-360-Deluxe-Monitoring/dp/B07Q33SJDW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,147 | Microsoft Office Home & Business 2021 | One-time purchase for 1 PC or Mac | Download | Software | #12 | 314 | $219.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I can't use this product. When I was directed to the microsoft website it won't let me get passed the redeeming part of setup. I'm getting an error message and i can't reach a live person at Microsoft. When I attempted to return the item, i am not given that option. Total waste of over $200 and this is akin to fraud. I'm reporting it as a fraudulent charge to my CC company"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I had concerns about whether this was a legitimate license, whether Amazon is authorized to sell Microsoft products, and whether One-Time-Install software can be transferred to a new PC.\n\nShort answers: Yes, it is. Yes, they are. Yes, it can.\n\nI had a chat session with Microsoft first and pointed them to this page. I told the agent there was general confusion about whether the software could be transferred to a new PC. The agent responded “Office 2021 Home and Business is a digital perpetual license which means it's a one time purchase. You can use this license on single device at a time.”\n\nThat wasn’t quite the answer I was looking for, so I asked “If my PC dies and I buy a new one, can I transfer this digital perpetual license to a new PC?” The agent responded “Yes, you can.”\n\nI then had a chat session with Amazon and asked the agent if Amazon is a licensed reseller of Microsoft products. The agent responded “Yes, we are the licensed reseller of the Microsoft”\n\nI then asked if this particular product was being sold by Amazon or a third party seller. The agent responded “It is sold by Amazon.com Services LLC”\n\nWith that I went ahead with the purchase and was happy to see that the download button took me to a Microsoft page and automatically carried the product key with it. Once I signed in to Microsoft, I was able to download it, it installed, and everything works."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Key code doesn\'t work. Rejected as "Invalid". Trying to get a replacement / refund from Amazon. Really frustrating.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "It wont activate on my Mac, stating that a copy has been installed on another computer. I uninstalled all versions of word from my other devices but still get the same message. The program directed me to call customer support to transfer licenses. It connected me to someone outside the country that I had a difficult time understanding. I was transferred multiple times to dead-ends and spend about 2 hours on hold. Finally, I was told that this is a software bug they're working on.\nI'm getting really tiered of Microsoft bugs. I hope apple moves into the word processor market for the sake of humanity"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product has screwed up my whole PC. I cannot open programs after a few days of sketchy working. I cant reinstall just locks up. Took away my start button from opening and showing programs. Never was given the activation code when requested multiple times. It has me locked out of important documents I need for work. Getting money back does not justify the aggravation Im going through to get back to normal. Seller is of no help at all. Minus 10 stars!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "Having just went through this myself, if you just got a new (windows 10) computer and have word as a program you can run on the computer. That version appears to be an office 365/ 2019 version. It will attempt to help you put the serial number for 2021 in, link it to your account and tell you to continue in the program (if you have the 2019 version).\n\nThis is the 2021 version and when you return to word, you get an error saying you don't have word on your account would you like to buy it.\n\nThe solution at this point is to go to the office.com site. Go to the subscriptions section. Find the office2021 subscription, and install it.\n\nAnnoying they'd release 2021 and it wouldn't have some kind of kick over mechanism from 365/2019, since they seem to have things in place for a bunch of the other situations (office pro for instance tells you you need to install a different way, rather then saying you don't have anything)."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have a new laptop with Windows 11. I was hesitant to download this because of some of the negative reviews. Especially the one that said this download would not work on Windows 11. I took a chance and I had absolutely no problem downloading or activating this product. I will be using Word and Outlook daily and will report back if I have any problems. I highly recommend this.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'After i purchage, may be 1 minute,-.-. I got a email about a link to go to microsoft app.\nJust make a account microsoft same the email i get the link (email use in for amazon buying, i just have 1 for everything so it easy).\n\nAnd the software is already in my account. Just log in, the software with the “intall” buton in middle the screen. So easy.\n\nI need 1 minute for get the email and 10-20 mins for intall.\n\nThanks.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': '2021 Office Home and Business with Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook: it is all I need. Versus Home and Student which does not contain Outlook. I went with the stand-alone version instead of a monthly subscription. At $250.00 it should last 10 years or 2.08 per month versus 9.99 per month for Office 365 Subscription.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have this on my laptop and it connects with the Microsoft 365 seamlessly. I can do more detailed documents on original Word than on the 365 app version, but the 365 app pulls it up correctly. The Excel spreadsheets work as well. The key here is the ability to access my files in the office, in the truck, or on a job site without obnoxious drama.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Business-One-time-purchase-Download/dp/B09H7F77JR/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,148 | Norton 360 Premium 2022 Antivirus software for 10 Devices with Auto Renewal - Includes VPN, PC Cloud Backup & Dark Web Monitoring [Download] | Software | #13 | 2,980 | $29.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "NORTON STOP SCAMMING CUSTOMERS!! IT'S OUR CHOICE TO RENEW OR NOT BUT NOT YOURS TO DECIDE. I AM ABLE TO TURN OFF AUTOMATIC RENEWAL!!!IT WANTS EXPLANATION WHY YOU ARE GOING TO TURN OFF AUTO RENEWAL??REALLY NORTON??? AND INTERFACE/UI ISLIKE TWO STEPS BACKWORD THAN PREVIOUS VERSION!!! NORTON NEEDS TO IMPROVE A LOTS."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The product forced you to enter your credit card information for automatic yearly renewal before activating. Not good. Need option to skip entering credit card information.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Norton 360 is an annoying, intrusive piece of nagware that is constantly popping up windows to try to get you to install this or that. The worst part is the constant reminders to renew starting about two months before your license expires. For the last couple of weeks of the license you get popups every half hour or so. These unwanted intrusions interfere with your train of thought, are a constant source of annoyance, and there is no way to turn them off unless you give in and renew. By the way, if you do renew, you pay a higher price than if you let it expire and buy the product again. Better yet, find a different product that respects your right to control what pops up on your screen.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased this version of Norton because of the VPN it offered. However, I have found out that if you go to a torrent site it kicks you out of the VPN. It is none of Norton business what I down load and from who. They feel that it is so I would not recommend this version of Norton to anyone.\n\nI will be buying NordVPN which does not monitor what where I go and what I do.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've used Norton anti-virus software products for over 20 years in all the computers I've ever had, and have never experienced a problem with malware or viruses after I started using Norton. The programs are very easy to use, and are continually improving. I once tried another top brand that came with a new computer, but but found it fairly difficult to use and understand, so I returned to Norton within two weeks. This Security 360 Premier Edition through Amazon was a teriffic low price, and will download to ten (10) devices including PC, Mac, iPhone, and Android. You get Dark Web monitoring by Lifelock included, Secure VPN, and 75GB of cloud storage in the package. I don't think you could find a better deal anywhere."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 15, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Yes Norton/LifeLock or whatever they\'ll be called next year will always want you to auto-renew your current subscription AT 4X the price of this product. You have to be crazy to let them gouge you like that.\n\nI buy a digital key for 10 pack from Amazon and simply call Norton to have them update the license key on my 10 devices to save a ton of time. trying to put in a new product key on each device would take a lifetime! a simple call to Norton\'s customer service will get that all done for you. They will even add the remaining subscription remaining onto your new product.\n\nMy tips for use are below:\n\n1) The VPN with this is junk. You would be better served with a stand-alone product for that.\n\n2) The Data Protector feature can be a bit intrusive, often blocking applications that your have downloaded and that are also harmless.\n\n3) you absolutely need to turn off their "Special Offers" feature by going to: Settings > Administrative Settings > Special Offer Notification and turn it OFF. man, they try to push other products every day if you don\'t silence that feature.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 10, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Customers be aware that you must enter credit card information on Norton's website in order to use this product.\nAmazon should be a shame for selling a product that requires financial information to another website. I refuse to do this step. If I wanted to enter credit card info on Norton's website, I would have purchased directly through Norton."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "All 1 Stars because I just got my Auto Renewal Bill and it was for over twice what I pad fro it on Amazon! I got an email last night form Norton, didn't look at it until this morning when I had another from them. The first was my auto renewal stating my subscription will end in a month and I will be billed. The second was the bill they sent the reminder last night and billed me today for my subscription that ends in a month. Now that's not even my issue. The price was well over twice what I paid last year and I can buy it today on Amazon even cheaper than last year. It is shameful of Norton to do this, it is just a way to rip you off. I contacted Norton this morning and of course they person I chatted with could not help me and I will have to wait until the next level support can help me. What a scam they are running. I have used Norton for many years but I am now done. I also want to add that so many people are out of work and can't feed their kids right now and they pull almost $125 out of account this morning!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Norton's Password Manager is supposed to store, protect, suggest a bulletproof password and at the same time, would act as a 2-factor authentication for me. So far, it managed to logged me into my personal accounts unsuccessfully and suspended my primary email account for multiple attempts to login. It has a long list of problems to write about. I do not recommend this product to anyone. Please take your money some where else."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Was confused by the products. Had the old Norton 360 2014 and had move to Norton Security Premium for the last few years.\n\nPurchased 360 from Amazon and following the instructions, logged onto Norton and updated my system. Actually purchased the 10 license version for my family computers and smart phones. Thankful for the Norton offering. Update was easy for my first system using the email link, but for the other computers, had to log on to Norton and download from there. So far and it has only been a week, all is working. Next will update smart phones.\n\nRecommend product.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Norton-360-Premium-Monitoring/dp/B07Q6B5YL5/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,149 | QuickBooks Desktop Pro Plus 2022 Accounting Software for Small Business 1-Year Subscription with Shortcut Guide [PC Download] | Software | #14 | 368 | $249.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 10, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Been using QuickBooks Desktop for several years now, used Microsoft Accounting prior to that but MS stopped supporting it. Neither is/was fantastic, but both were adequate for our small business needs. What chaps my hide is QB going to subscription; that just seems unnecessary and greedy, especially in the current financial climate. And given they had the Cloud/Online option is addition to Desktop. Always upgraded our version at least every 2 years and that seemed fair to me price-wise. Not happy, but bit the bullet...we'll see how it performs. LGB!!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 12, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I hope no one buys this software. Intuit has raised the price over double from last year and it looks like all you get is a 1 year subscription. I used to buy a new version every year because it included a year of payroll. The new version with the year of payroll used to be only about $100 more so might as well buy the new version. They would insist on a credit card on file and then automatically bill you $450 at the end of the year for the next year. Last year they refused to refund the charge even though I contacted them immediately. I had to do a chargeback on my credit card. But now it looks like they have eliminated that small break and want their extra $400 up front. I will be looking for different payroll software and probably different accounting software. Enough is enough.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "If you thought the Quickbooks 'security rules' or other factors of how they in the past forced their processes and opinions into prior versions was ever annoying... It's gone to a new level with 2022.\n\nExpect to have to log in as an admin anytime you want to use a bank feed - as in potentially multiple times each day. When I called support about this 'bug', they told me it was a new mandatory security feature.\n\nIf they add any more 'features' I won't ever be able to get anything done.\n\nOh, and it's now only available as a continual subscription. I rue the day I started using Quickbooks."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "What can I say, AWFUL support, SLOW buggy software, HUGE file size. I honestly hate everything about Quickbooks. Hated it for 20 years, but once you start using it, and perhaps the equally awful TurboTax, you're stuck."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is a Subscription for 1 year!!!!!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 6, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Payroll function is consistently broken, which means I can't pay my employees on time. Just try getting help. They make it nearly impossible to get to someone to get software bugs addressed. Highly recommend you stay away from this product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 1, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Don't plan to upload bank information or pay bills online with this program, waste of money. Stick with QBO if you want to be able to do anything but manual entry."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 29, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I was not looking forward to upgrading my Quickbooks 2019 Pro due to: 1. The price they are charging now and 2. All the bad reviews about installing and use of QB 2022. I wasn't sure where I was going to buy the download and I decided with Amazon because they were offering it at a $100.00 discount. I have to say that I downloaded the software within 1/2 hour and restored my files within 15-20 minutes and that was it. I had no problems with anything. I was so thankful that I did not have any issues. I do have Windows 10 and not 11. Again, not happy with the price but was absolutely thrilled that I was able to transfer all my files without a problem."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'As a business owner you need this software. Intuit now extorts us to pay yearly for no software updates. BTW all these mysterious 5 star ratings have been erased. No one buys this software because they want to.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Por favor necesito ayuda para dovelver o cancelar pero que me retornen el dinero de este, realmente me disculpo, lo compre pensando que me seria mejor o mas practico en comparacion con el de internet, pero en mi punto de vista me resulto todo lo contrario, no pude migrar mi informacion, no se conecta con mis bancos, en fin es una desgracia, por favor, AYUDA.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/QuickBooks-Accounting-Software-Business-Subscription/dp/B09FYJLSSP/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,150 | Microsoft OEM System Builder DVD | Windоws 10 Home | 64-bit | Intended use for new systems | Upgradable to Windows 11 | Branded by Microsoft (DVD FORMAT) | Software | #15 | 5,383 | $109.98 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 24, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'As cheap as this was, I was worried this was too good to be true.\n\nIt was. The key was stolen / already activated. Totally invalid and useless.\n\nAt least JW Geek responded promptly to my refund request and granted it without any hassle.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I was building my first computer and bought this along with all the component parts. It took five days to arrive and I was very excited. I spent most of the day building the pc and then tried to install windows.\n\nEverything was fine until I had to activate windows. The key printed on the envelope was not being accepted. I called customer service and was passed back and forth until I spoke to senior Microsoft tech support. The person I talked to, a guy who said his name was Brian Ryan, said that he was 150% certain I had purchased a pirated product. I asked him how Microsoft could permit pirated products to be sold on such a well known website. He had no explanation but said he constantly gets calls from amazon customers who received pirated micrisoft products.\n\nI offered to email him proof I purchased the software but he said they did not have the ability to access email. How ridiculous is it that a major software company doesn't even give it's employees email accounts. I also told him I was a long term Microsoft customer with an xbox live subscription going back 7 years. He said it didn't matter and there was nothing he was willing to do. The product was pirated and that is the bottom line.\n\nI told him I was going to write a review to inform people amazon sells pirated windows software. He indicated that was a good idea. So there you go, I guess this poor review has Microsoft's seal of approval. Whatever you do don't buy this from amazon."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 4, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'UPDATE: Contacted Amazon and they overnighted me a new copy of Windows 10 and it worked like a charm. Kudos to Amazon for making it right.\n\nJust installed this today on a pc I built for my son. After typing in the COA to activate Windows, it said my copy was not valid. Went to Microsoft tech support page and discovered my copy is possibly counterfeit. I will be filing a complaint with Amazon. Buyer beware.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 31, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I used this for a new system build. This comes in a sealed envelope with the install DVD and the activation code that you scratch off. The code worked as promised. The easy way to install Windows 10 on a new PC build:\n1. Have a USB flash drive that is at least 8GB\n2. Go to the Windows download website and download the installer tool.\n3. This will install Windows on your USB stick.\n4. Plug in the USB stick to your new motherboard and it will be recognized as a bootable drive.\n5. Select the USB drive and boot.\n6. It will ask for an activation code that is on the inside of the envelope you received. Enter it and Windows 10 will install. Took about 15 min to install on. Samsung 970 EVO Nvme drive.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'this operating system cannot be activated. windows activation server reports is has already been activated too many times.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 17, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The Free windows update that I paid over 116.00 dollars for destroyed my PC. I had a super machine that was totally upgrade-able. I had a Quad 4- i7 processor and 12 gb of ram on MOBO which can be upgraded to 32 GB of Ram and 2 drives and a recovery. I tried twice to install a \'Clean Install" but it stopped twice during the process. I must admit I got Microsoft on the phone pretty quick , so we tried for another hour or two but to no Prevail . I was told to take my desk top pc to my local store located in Mid-Town Manhattan and they told me I had a hardware failure ? I said the machine was fine until I put your rotten Win 10 disk in my PC. I was told by their tech specialist that my MOBO blew up ! I said what ! How can that be !? The machine ran like a fine Swiss watch on Win 7 pro.. I was told that the machine must now go out for further Diagnosis on hardware and how much it is going to cost me !!!! So far 116 and change for Win 10 O.S. from Amazon plus 50 dollars to ship my PC from Microsoft out for more complex testing facility, which can take up to 4 weeks and cost me over 600 dollars!!!?? I told the Microsoft Rep that your OS 10 is destroying perfectly good machines. This Desktop cost me 1500 plus!! All you have to do is google " Win 10 Destroyed my motherboard and the case is closed. There are countless lawsuits pending class action just do a search.. I will follow up with this store and my comment about my Microsoft experience when they call me with the results. I told them I have 2 more Win 7 pro machines that must be upgraded but how can I trust Microsoft!!?? After over 20 yrs of windows and at least 6 different O.S\'s and at least 15 different machines ...Countless crashes Windows Vista and Millennium .... I AM READY TO JUMP THE FENCE AND RUN TO APPLE. HEED MY WARNING!\n\nUPDATE!!!!\n\nI RECEIVED A CALL FROM MY LOCAL MICROSOFT STORE WHICH SENT OUT MY CUSTOM -HP PAVILION HPE FOR FURTHER TESTING. AFTER 3 WEEKS I RECEIVE A CALL FROM THE TECH DEPT AND THEY SAID "BIOS\' AS SOON AS I HEARD THAT WORD, I KNEW THIS IS A PROBLEM WAS BETWEEN MICROSOFT AND THE PC MANUFACTURE. THIS IS NOT A CUSTOMER ISSUER. THE STAFF WAS GREAT IN MID-TOWN MANHATTAN AND WERE POLITE AFTER A DEBATE THAT I WON AFTER WORKING ON WINDOWS FOR ALMOST 20 YRS AND 6 OS\'s . I TOLD THEM THANK YOU AND THEY TOLD ME BRING MY OTHER 2 WIN7 PRO MACHINES IN AND WE WILL UPGRADE THEM FOR FREE. i WILL TRY TO INCLUDED THE WORK ORDER..\n\nSERVICE\nScope of Work: Resolution & Work Completed:\nCustomer attempted to install windows 10 and it\nfailed.\nPerform Hardware Diagnostics\nNo data back up**\nClean install of windows 10.\nWindows 10 disc still inside**\nReset CMOS and got unit to boot, installed Win10,\nupdated BIOS and all drivers, device passed diagnostics\nand functions testing, sending to final QC\nIt is so nice that Microsoft took full responsibility and I changed my mind 180 degrees about the company, still cautious but optimistic until my other 2 machines are running right on the new OS which will be installed right before OS 7 becomes not supported..THANK YOU AGAIN MID-TOWN MANHATTAN'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is not a review of the Windows 10 OS, but of this specific product key and disc:\n\nI ordered this item to use the product key on my custom built PC. When I entered the key to activate Windows, I got an error stating "product key already entered," and would not allow me to activate Windows 10. This strongly suggests this is not a genuine copy of Windows and is therefore STOLEN or SOLD TO MULTIPLE PARTIES. I understand this may seem hyperbolic, but I just want to warn other people out there building your own PC--this will not activate Windows on your newly built PC booted from a USB, and this product is essentially defective. Very disappointing.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I took a chance on buying this given the inconsistent reviews regarding the Product Code. My HP laptop had some major issues that I think was related to some type of Malware, although none of the Malware/Anit-Virus programs could identify the issue. I decided I needed to start all over and reload Windows. The problem I had is my laptop came with Windows 7 and I upgraded to Windows 10. I also did not have a copy of the restore media that came with my Computer and my Recovery Drive was corrupted. This software arrived in one day, I loaded the DVD and it NEVER even asked me for the Product Code. My guess is it may have recognized my Computer already had Windows 10, so maybe the Product Code was not required. I loaded the DVD and had it erase everything, reload Windows 10, then download all the critical and current Windows 10 updates and now I am back up and running smooth and efficiently. This completely fixed MY problem so for that reason I am very happy! Luckily I had all my DOCS, Pics, and Videos Backed Up to an External Seagate Drive that allowed me to simply transfer them back to the Laptop after the install.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a 2 year old laptop that was running Windows 7, and wanted to upgrade to Windows 10. Within 2 days Amazon sent me an official Microsoft sealed disk with the product key hidden under a scratch off on the cover. However, I didn't need the key. I simple turned on my PC, and after it came up under Window 7, I inserted the Windows 10 disk. It opened up, and other than replying to a few prompts, it ran on it's own completely until it finished. It then restarted my computer and up came the fully implemented version of Windows 10. No problems, simple upgrade."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought this at the suggestion of my brother when creating my first PC build I don't think he realized it was a disc because he forgot to suggest a DVD drive when I showed him my final choices (for my first ever self build). I realized it with enough time to purchase a cheap external cd/dvd drive that others had said would work to install on a new build (about 20$), which was fine because I would have bought one eventually anyway.\n\nAfter some initial, unrelated troubleshooting I finally got the PC to boot to where I could check the bios and such. I restarted the computer with the external drive and this disc inside and it began the installation process.\n\nThe code is a small silver piece on the sticker and just very gently use a penny or other coin to scratch off. When it asked for the code I plugged it in with the help of a family member who came over when I was doing the troubleshooting (a cord wasn't plugged into the PSU correctly) reading it off to me and it worked.\n\nI'm not sure why others had trouble with it accepting the code, but I guess I was lucky in that it worked for me and windows installed correctly and I am now writing this review on my newly built PC with all newly aquired (those some gently used) parts!\n\nAccomplishment unlocked!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Builder-Wind%D0%BEws-Intended-Upgradable/dp/B00ZSI7Y3U/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,151 | Microsoft Windows 11 (USB) | Software | #16 | 66 | $139.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Windsor 11 is ok'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Although my computer had more than enough RAM, CPU power, and HD space; Microsoft added a security feature called the Trusted Platform Module (TPM). It will ONLY work with CPU\'s that are only a few years old. So, check this spec carefully, or you will have to return the software. Thank goodness for Amazon\'s return policy. I was able to "exchange" for Win 10.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "Building a PC from scratch so needed an OS. After looking for the best value for Winfows 11 Home found that vast majority of internet options were not reliable or being supported by Microsoft. The prices not that great a price cut from Microsoft's so ordered one from Microsoft. For one was small box shipped in bubble envelope so it was delivered squashed. Second the USB is tiny and just feels super cheap. Needless to say for the cost asked not happy with what was delivered."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Package arrived in a bubble mailer which was expected. I tear into it to find the security seal missing the product pamphlet to be jammed into the wrong location and the package smashed. The USB drive looks to be intact and I now question the validity of the windows key included in the box'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 6, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Works well enough, have yet to run into any major snags that really turn me off.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Could not activate it, could not install the system. Refunded me the tax only (>^ω^<)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "One thing is for sure, Microsoft does know how to surprise everyone in regards to software. It has been one of the leading brands of software for generations. But when you look at the jumps they have made with their operating systems, some of them have worked great like Windows XP, where others have not had as much of a run like Windows Vista, ME, and Windows 8. When you look at the latest incarnation, Windows 111, it feels more like a downgrade to Windows 10, which made it easier for you to scroll and find what things you need for upgrading or fixing your computer if the hard drive crashed. Personally, it does make it easier for wait times while I load my computer, but it could've had a little more in the end. Still, if I had to choose a OS between Chrome for Google, Ios for Apple or Windows from Microsoft, Windows would be a clear winner, only because it still is the most universal way to go for all your office needs.\n\nPrice: B-\n\nConvenience & Setup: B\n\nOverall: B 1/2-"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Yes, it is a very nice upgrade from Windows 10. Your probably wondering if it’s worth the money though. In my opinion, I’ve been happy with the upgrade, and I’ve noticed far better OS features and much smoother gameplay. I also find navigation a little easier. Although, Windows 11 has recycled quite a bit of feautures from Windows 10 it has a nice bit of upgrades. If you were on a budget I would reccomend going for Windows 10, and waiting for the prices to drop on this product. Overall though, I would say it’s worth the money and it is much better than Windows 10.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great product. the USB stick worked Perfectly and booted/loaded up on a brand new PC build M.2 ssd'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Windows-11-USB/dp/B09V6R9QZZ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,152 | Norton 360 for Amazon 2022 Antivirus software for up to 3 Devices with Auto Renewal | Software | #17 | 3,033 | $89.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Since my Norton was running out, I decided to give this Norton 360 for Amazon -- a try.\nIf you\'re having trouble finding it on your Amazon account go to Your Account here on Amazon, look for the box that says Digital Content and Devices and click "Digital Games and software". You\'ll see your Norton 360 there. Start the activation by clicking it.\n\nOne of the first things you\'ll see is a link to turn the auto-renewal off. If you do that you\'ll avoid a lot of the problems others have had with the other Norton 360 products with auto-renewal. If you have Norton account it will ask you to sign in, if you don\'t have a Norton account you can register one. Since I had one, I just signed in and it took me to Norton\'s website. It sent an email to me with the link to redeem the license. I clicked it and it took me to my Norton account where it showed the Norton 360 for 3 devices. There\'s a hard to see (at least for me) download button. You click that and it asks if you want to download it to the machine you\'re using. It also had the option to download it to another machine or device. I clicked download to the computer I\'m using.\n\nNow comes a strange problem. Downloading with my browser gave me a non-executable file called "downloads". I let my download manager download it instead and it was the Norton 360 exe file. No idea why the browser wasn\'t downloading an exe version. Once downloaded, it started installing and took maybe 2 minutes. From there, your choice on this, I ran the Live Update and it did update further, taking maybe 2-3 minutes.\n\nThat was it. Installed, no auto-renew and works just like my previous Norton software. I hope the above part is helpful for those that tend to complicate matters.\n\nOne thing I do see as a negative with Norton and it was the same way last year is the insistence on popping open a new tab in my browser to add all their extensions to my browser. There\'s probably somewhere to turn that off, but that part is still just a little annoying. It only does it ever so often (once a month or so).\n\nOtherwise, this package for the cheap price seems to be perfect for anyone with 3 or less devices. I also put it on my work laptop and my wife\'s laptop. Those were the only 3 that we needed it on and each installation was as easy as following those directions I listed above.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I am not sure why folks are having so many issues installing this product. It's pretty straight forward with the only small issue being you need to create a Norton account if you don't already have one. I've used Norton for over 10 years and have always had good luck."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I am unable to get my money back through this site. I just spent almost 5 hours trying to download this and am unable to do it on my computer. I was using this to renew a previous Norton 360 product I had on my computer. Thinking it would be an easy download. AWFUL to use and no way of getting a refund.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I had to renew my subscription that was expiring in a week. I didn\'t find any problems. My Amazon linked to Norton account without issues. Make sure you know your correct Norton email & password. I had to remove the previous product but they let you keep your settings. There is no option to stop the auto-renewal in Norton\'s account. You have to do it on your Amazon account. If you want to cancel the auto-renewal, just go to Amazon orders, View order Details, Manage your Subscription, Advance Controls, Go to my digital software settings, under "Renewal" Turn off your auto-renewal. I\'m sure there may be some other shortcuts but this is the one I used. Good luck!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Had Norton for years now through Comcast (provided at no cost) but free protection ended in December 2020. Norton had provided good protection, but even the special deals to Comcast customers were not great after a grace period. Could not touch the price at the time ($20) for this Norton for Amazon software and am happy with its performance (better than what Comcast provided as I now have added VPN).\n\nRead several issues with installation, but I had none. Installed on a Windows 10 laptop and PC using Firefox internet explorer. Downloaded and opened file with no problem, old Norton removed, new Norton installed. You do need to setup a Norton account if you don't have one and the renewal charge for the next year goes through Amazon for the same price as the first year. Not sure how many years they can hold to the purchase price, but will start shopping again if needed.\n\nFor now great protection at a great price!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I don't know why people are complaining about this version of Norton, which is very economically priced and works just fine. The only thing I had to do was understand that I was now part of Norton LifeLock. Once I understood that, everything was very straightforward and installed without any trouble, and without having to contact tech support."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I read the reviews where people stated they had problems installing or with their computer resetting following installation. However I have been using Norton for SEVERAL years and have had no issues.\nInstallation was a snap and it deleted my old Comcast version and installed without any need for me to do anything.\nIn the week following installation I have had no computer issues or problems related to the Norton 360 Installation.\nSince I have NEVER had to use Norton's Tech Support I am unable to give it a rating.\nMy suggestion is - GET IT - DON'T GO WITHOUT IT!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Norton has been a standard in malware protection for many years. But when I first got it a few years back it was popping up ads on my screen trying to sell me expanded protection or other products several times a day. Especially annoying when I was streaming a movie in full screen mode! But they seem to have eliminated this "feature" from the product, and it is now doing its job effectively and unobtrusively. Plus, the price of renewal has now fallen to only slightly more than the price of a new install.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I wanted more security for my life and computer. I really like the discount Amazon gives on this software. Easy to install and for me was easy to set up. It can be annoying having to verify every time I open a browser. A message is sent to the app on my phone to verify whenever I open a browser. REALLY secure but it can be a pain. I learned to keep browser minimized when not in use so I only have to go thru this once. I installed on all browsers I use. I can't rate tech support because I have not used it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It gives great protection from those "things out there" that might mess up your computer. And considering that I sometimes download torrents, I need something Strong - and this is it. Norton rates right at the top of the BEST security antivirus suites available, and I recommend without hesitation. Been using it for years.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Norton-360-Amazon-Antivirus-software/dp/B085WWWH3C/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,153 | McAfee Total Protection 2022 | 3 Device | Antivirus Internet Security Software | VPN, Password Manager & Dark Web Monitoring Included | PC/Mac/Android/iOS | 1 Year with Auto Renewal - Amazon Exclusive Subscription | Software | #18 | 2,266 | $24.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My new HP laptop came with this trial installed. It worked so well vs "the other guys" I had been using for 9 years on my old laptop with Windows 7 that I replaced it with this product and have never looked back on either system. 3 licenses for the price of 1 vs the other guys. Seems to make decisions for me rather than interfere with constant interruptions and notices. Scans fast with few options so don\'t have to be a programmer to figure it out. Everything is there in the Security Center. Handles fake virus attack notices without locking me up or forcing a re-boot. Auto renewal can be a bit pricy so I turn that option off being duly notified my subcripsion is about to expire. Have not fully embraced the password save feature but glad to have the option. I feel protected based upon the scan reports never really noticing it is running. QuckClean clears cookies and trackers so no longer need another product to do that for me. It took literally 20 seconds to free up 463 Mb of space. The old laptop now performs nearly as well as the new and I credit this product for that.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is a great price, and automatically renews. I did not have to reload a new version of McAfee. Will stick with this.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I USE MCAFEE ON ALL MY, AND MY FAMILIES COMPUTERS. THEY PROTECT YOU FROM HACKERS AND SPAMMERS. MY CONTRACT WITH MCAFEE LETS THEM CHECK MY COMPUTER MONTHLY, JUST TO MAKE DURE NO MALWARE OR OTHER ISSUES ARE LURKING IN THE BACKGROUND. I CALL MCafee tech support, allow them to remote control my computer, and THEY TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING AT NO ADDITIONAL COST. YOU CAN ALWAYS TRUST MCAFEE TO DEFEND YOUR COMPUTER.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I ordered this and it was installed and monitoring files within minutes.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 19, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've used mcafee for 15 plus years now with issues. This the first time I've used it through Amazon downloads. I used to get a key code only. The Amazon way is a few more steps but it worked."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 21, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Very easy to install on the first computer. I had to contact McAfee support for the second computer. The tech was excellent and walked through getting this on my second computer. I highly recommend this purchase'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Mc cai used a lot of antivirus software but none was efficient like this one :) really easy interface'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Well known quality product and protects my computer'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great protection for my computor and phone'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 24, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'McAfee products are always good. They stand by their name, I have never had any problems with them and I feel my devices are protected, especially for the price. I recommend this product.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/McAfee-Total-Protection-Devices-Subscription/dp/B07K98XDX8/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,154 | iFit 1-Month Individual Membership [Digital Subscription] | Software | #19 | 244 | $15.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "When you go to iFit for a monthly rate, just in case you don't want to buy a full year, you no longer have the monthly option. So, I googled and found it is offered here on Amazon. Everyone is complaining about it doesn't work. I did it just as the instructions state: If you have an account, then simply link your account to your existing iFit account. I was awaiting the wrong turn signs, but it simply said you have linked your accounts successfully. I entered my email address and confirmed it. BOOM! It's NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!!\nThank you for providing me with an alternative option than a yearly rate."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'You will receive an email from Amazon prompting you to activate your iFit. From there, either start a new subscription with a new account OR link your existing account with iFit.\n\nI recommend doing it from a desktop as opposed from your phone. The images overlap on the phone and it’s hard to input your existing account and then press “activate”.\n\nI gave it a few minutes, logged out from my treadmill, logged back in and the subscription was active.\n\nLastly, if you have discounts from Amazon for choosing “Amazon delivery day”, it will be applied to your subscription, so I ended up paying $10.50 for this subscription.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I like having my iFit membership via Amazon because if I ever decide I don't want to renew, it is easy to do via Amazon website vs. going through iFit. I love the variety of training courses iFit offers and have used the app with my Nordic Track for the past 3 months. I foresee keeping my membership going. I wish they offered a discount for a full year prepay, but they don't. There is also a family plan, but if you have only 2 people in your household that use your iFit equipment, it is less expensive to do two individual memberships. $15 per month individual and $39 for Family plan."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Definitely meets my expectations and then some! Ifit is amazing. The trainers, the workouts, the customer service—all effective and high quality.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 2, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This was so easy, just as the previous guy stated. Purchase, link to active iFit account and states membership is resides with a third party vendor (Amazon) then check your memberships on your Amazon link and it is there. this tells you when you are due for another monthly renewal. Simple!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I loves this! Made working out so much more fun'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I likes because they bring me support, and entertaining me during the exercises.\nThanks'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I enjoy being able to pay monthly viruses making a big yearly payment.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have continued to try to "buy" this membership and I have NEVER been able to access or use it. I have wasted SO MUCH MONEY!!! Only renew through iFit. Because I have tried to purchase this through Amazon, I am UNABLE to renew my membership with iFit. I am BEYOND frustrated and and angry.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Apparently, the T 6.5S NordickTrack treadmill I purchased recently makes the iFit subscription a must, since the machine won't start until you sign up for the iFit membership. After reading a few reviews, I gathered that one can override this, by pressing down on the iFit button for 30 sec. The trick worked for me and I no longer needed the iFit membership. I wanted tp cancel it but there is no option to do so. You get LOCKED into a monthly membership by default. YOU CANNOT CANCEL unless you call Amazon.com, or iFit, or your credit card company :( What a scam!!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/iFit-1-Month-Individual-Membership-Subscription/dp/B0823GT5JG/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,155 | McAfee AntiVirus Protection 2022 | 1 PC (Windows)| Antivirus Protection, Internet Security Software | 1 Year Subscription | Download Code | Software | #20 | 5,512 | $14.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm not sure what is going on with all the negative reviews posted on this product, claiming bogus codes and 3rd-party installers, so this is just a confirmation that all is working as intended:\n1. Buy the product\n2. Wait for a confirmation email from AMAZON that your order has processed -- that email will also include your Activation Code and the McAfee website to get your product installed (or extend the expiration date, as in my case)\n3. If you have ANY OTHER ANTIVIRUS SOFTWARE installed (i.e. NOT McAfee), use your program-uninstaller to deactivate and remove it, then re-boot your PC, PRIOR TO STARTING the McAfee activation process. I suspect many of the negative reviews stem from people skipping this -- any legitimate anti-virus program will have built-in security to stop almost all other programs from just uninstalling it, so YOU have to do it (unless it is McAfee to begin with -- their website knows how to uninstall THEIR own software)\n4. Let McAfee install, period. You're done and have basic anti-virus protection.\n5. If you want to supplement your protection with an additional FREE program, I'd personally recommend the products from Advanced SystemCare. They have paid versions of all their products, but they also offer FREE versions of all of them as well. And these work alongside McAfee quite nicely, I've found. And no, I do not work for or benefit in any way from Advanced SystemCare for stating this -- just came across their products years ago and have used them ever since.\n6. After and during the installation of McAfee, it will ask you to set up Auto-renew. The 'pro' is that this gets you FREE support in the unlikely event your PC does get a Virus -- McAfee will work with you to get it removed, at no additional cost to you. The 'con' is that this sets you up for a RIDICULOUS renewal charge ($40 this year) when your subscription is 30 days away from expiration. If like me, you forget about this con and get charged, you can get a refund within 60 days, so it's not a huge deal. And you'll want free support if you DO get a virus -- happened to me about 6 years ago and was a nightmare, but professionals can diagnose and fix it pretty easily.\n7. NEVER take a renewal-price from McAfee directly -- they're a company, and like all companies, they want to maximize profits. So they're betting on 'hooking' you with any easy auto-renewal, charging you an outrageous fee ($40 currently), and hoping you're too lazy to want to challenge any of it. Get your refund, then shop the web, and find the exact same product (from Amazon for JUST $5, in my case), and smile :)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 4, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "After reading some of the reviews I was actually a little nervous about this purchase. My computer came with a 3 month trial of McAfee with a renew price of $60. Well, that is awful. Thankfully Amazon had a much better rate for a year of protection but there were a few reviews with horror stories relating to the installation of the software. Now again, I had already been running McAfee on my computer but I had zero issues with the installation and now, about 15minutes after purchasing it, I have another year of McAfee up and running. For what it's worth, my guess is most of the issues people had stemmed from, if they were previously using a different brand of anti-virus, they didn't manually uninstall it prior to attempting to install McAfee. If you were already running McAfee, the installation removes the old version automatically. I hope that helps. Good luck!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Dear McAfee, take your auto renewal and shove it up your server farm. Why is a renewal 3 times the price of the product?'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I got scammed, do not purchase. I got an error code that my code was redeemed but they were unable to download it to my computer. I called the number provided only to have someone tell me my computer was filled with viruses and malware and that needed to be fixed first. The operator proceeded to tell me about how much it will cost to have them do it for me. Amazon- I want a refund!!!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a powerful fast gaming desktop. If I had to replace it now it would cost 2K+, not to mention lost or stolen files and my time. McAfee Antivirus has been protecting it since it was new. Whether renewing current protection or a new install it is easy, my wife does it no problem. The gravy deal is that it's crazy cheap here at Amazon. I speak from decades of experience loading Windows and different antivirus programs."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought this in February of this year for my computer and had it run along with my other antivirus programs. But a week ago, it started to mess up my internet with it's firewall. I tried to turn the firewall off, but it still messed my ethernet up and I couldn't turn the program off completely at all. It wasn't an option which was confusing to me, so I decided to completely uninstall it and my ethernet connection finally started to let me use the internet again. If any of you are wondering, I did turn off Wi-Fi to see if it was one of those sources but it didn't do me any favors and I had to get my fathers help. He told me to turn off my antivirus firewalls and I did for all of them, but uninstalling McAfee and keeping the other programs firewalls on worked perfectly. It's a great product, but I am not using it again because I like my internet, thank you very much."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I had no problem downloading and installing this product. I've used McAfee protection for a few years now without incident. Amazon price is more than half off of what the McAfee 'sale' price is when you go to the McAfee website, so I like the convenience and value that Amazon offers. I recommend that you wait until you only have a day or two left on your subscription because your renewal status starts the day that you install the new version. So, if you still have 10 days left on your existing version and install the new version you will lose those 10 days of your old subscription/version."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 13, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This product just runs in the background 24-7 and does the job on my HP 15-da0032. Superior to N@rtn in that regard which is why I switched two years ago trying it on the new PC that came with it. I will do a manual purge of cookies, etc so from that aspect not as self-managing...but also does not over warn me, slow down, or interfere with complex searches out of the norm as part of my job. I like the safe search protection/notification so is not an iron fist, rather allows or disallows. Never had a virus or major computer slowdown using this product. I like the price and flexibility of McAfee should I decide to upgrade if my needs change. For now, perfect product for my current needs on one device.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This antivirus protection was quick and easy to install plus was a great price. The only negative was that it did not extend my existing expiration date of the previous same antivirus protection but cutoff the existing and remaining days of the initial protection. I wrongly assumed the new would extend the expiration date of the existing antivirus protection.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 22, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I like the McAfee anti-virus alot. My problem is like all antivirus programs, they give you a great introductory price then when it is time to renew, they want and arm and a leg and your first born baby. So I bought this because of the price thinking I could just use product key to renew but you can't. You have to do a complete uninstall, then reinstall to make it work."}] | https://www.amazon.com/McAfee-AntiVirus-PC-Mac-Download/dp/B07BFRR94X/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,156 | TurboTax Deluxe 2021 Tax Software, Federal and State Tax Return with Federal E-file [Amazon Exclusive] [PC Download] | Software | #21 | 11,965 | [] | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'No download problems, no install problems, no activation problems. As for complaints that the software is incomplete or has "bugs" (omg, this happens every year): The IRS has not finalized some forms and rules, ergo the software CANNOT be complete! (Buy a competing product right now and see if it is "complete" and ready-to-file. Don\'t like it? Then wait until January 31 to buy,)\n\nAll issues will be addressed in automatic updates. I still find it great for planning and am happy to get it before January, with confidence it will be fully working when I am ready to file in 2022.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Downloaded and installed. When opening all I got was a white square the said "activation". This apparently is a common problem and there were a lot of suggested fixes. I tried them all and none worked. Buyer beware. If you have this problem you have not recourse. You cannot get a refund. Buy from some place where you will be able to return.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This software - TurboTax Deluxe 2021 - will not install on Windows 10. The download from Amazon is a ZIP file. When this file is opened, there is a pop up that says "extracting files" but nothing happens after that. I have tried all the suggested tricks, including "run as administrator" and several versions of "selective boot" but the same thing happens. There apparently is no way to download directly from TurboTax and use the license key from Amazon. So I am stuck with this purchase and no software. No way to return. I see from customer reviews from earlier years had the same problem, and it is unfathomable that neither Amazon nor TurboTax seem to care at all.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'ve been purchasing this from Amazon for several years. The installation process is the biggest complaint I have.\n\nI purchase the PC download version and Amazon has only 3 steps listed to install it. Those instructions aren\'t even close to the number of steps you have to go through. Every year I struggle through the same process of trying to remember how the heck I managed to install it the year before. Here\'s what I did.\n\nFirst, I have to be on my PC. Next, I have to open up my Amazon account on my PC desktop, go into my account and download it from there. It will ask you to save it (do this) and then it downloads. This year I had to do that twice before it worked. Then you open up the dowloaded file and it asks you another question, something about "do you want to run this". It tries to prompt you to answer No, but you\'re supposed to hit Yes. Then it installs and pops up a bunch of windows showing its doing its thing. You may have to minimize the Amazon screen to see this. Finally a Turbo Tax icon will appear on your desktop. From there you can open up the program and somewhere it will ask you to type in the code. The code can be found in your Amazon account where the download button is. Its a bunch of letters and numbers. Then Turbo Tax does a few more things and then it\'s ready to go. If you already have an account with TT, enter your password, etc. If not, you can set up an account. (Can\'t exactly remember at what point they ask you to do this, but the option is there. Like I said, this isn\'t a simple 3 step process and next year I\'m writing it down step by step).\nOnce in the program, it will give you an option to import all of your info (name, address, etc) from the previous year\'s tax return. This makes things easier. It also offers updates if you purchase this ahead of time like I did. I wanted to save $20 so that\'s why I got it early during the Black Friday sale.\n\nWhile I\'m not the most computer savvy person out there, I can still manage get this installed using a few choice words thrown in along the way. I wish they gave actual step-by-step instructions, but I guess they figure we all know what we\'re doing. We don\'t. I wish they\'d fix that because I know I\'m not the only one out there that has limited patience with this stuff.\n\nOne thing to note. Amazon doesn\'t offer refunds on this and I\'m guessing Turbo Tax tech support might be a hassle, so carefully consider that before you buy it. The code they provide can be used 5 times so it\'s not a one time use product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'UPDATE:. After acouple hours on the Intuit site, I found an answer that worked. I updated my video drivers and everything finally went as it should. I was able to do so using the computers recommended video settings.\n\nI have used this software for over a decade, never with an issue. The last few years, I have downloaded from Amazon. Never an issue, til this year.\nAfter a seamless download, I decided to get it up and running and perhaps at least get the information from last years forms imported.\nEverything seemed normal, until the activation box came up. It was blank. Nothing but a header letting me know it was the activation box.\nI tried downloading a second time. Since I already had a copy, when I installed it offered a repair/replace option. During this process, it identified missing files.\nI saw where this had been noted in earlier reviews, but thought two giants like Intuit and Amazon would have surely worked out the bug. NOPE. And in contacting Amazon, no indication that they are worried about a defective product on their servers.\nNot sure about the others that had issues, but I am running Windows 10 Home on a new Lenovo.\nI was able to get refunded by Amazon and will contact Intuit about the issue(as well as likely buy directly from them).'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Nothing much new to say, it's the same TurboTax software that gets updated for the current tax season.\n\nThe interface is familiar ... guided, taking you by the hand or pick the stuff you want to look at or open up the forms view if that's what you want. Imports TurboTax data from previous year ... pretty much, they have this down by now.\n\nThe Amazon price was $10 less than list price, so that's a plus. Free Fed e-file, free state calculation and since my state now allows free electronic filing, no need to mail it in or pay TurboTax for a state e-file.\n\nLots easier than doing your taxes by hand and a whole lot cheaper than paying someone else to do your taxes for you."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 4, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Was playing around with 2021 TurboTax program and noticed an error in the limit of HSA contributions allowed for 55 years and older. They have the 2020 limit currently set in the software. This needs to be addressed.\n\nFound that fix to error was implemented in software on or around Dec. 23, 2021'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased the TurboTax Deluxe 2021 software to use for my federal and state income tax preparation next year. This was the first time I purchased the software as a download instead of a CD, and I found it very easy to download and install on my computer. I opened the TurboTax software and did the recommended software update which took about 3 minutes. I then opened a new tax file for 2021 and the software looked for tax files from previous years which makes it easier to prepare my tax files for this year. I like the idea of downloading the software to minimize the waste I have to dispose of.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We have used TurboTax Advantage and paid $70 per year since forever. We e-file the federal tax and paper-file the state tax. We would have to pay extra to e-file the state tax. I feel that TurboTax is deceitful in its marketing. I canceled TurboTax Advantage last year and opted to buy TurboTax from Amazon this year for $50. It says that it includes state filing, but it is not e-filing, it's paper-filing. I looked at HR Block software briefly and saw that TurboTax imports don't work well.\n\nIf you were to buy from the TurboTax website right now, you'd pay $60 for federal tax filing and $50 per state filing. Who knows if it's e-file? Costco is selling TurboTax for $50 too, but they use a third party IT company named Synnex to fulfill your digital download order. I'm not sure how well it works.\n\nI had no issues installing TurboTax despite other users complaining about installation problems. They most likely have bad hard drives. I have a Samsung SSD and it installed in about 30 seconds. When you register the software, you don't have to tell them how you prepared your taxes last year and where you bought TurboTax this year. It found my previous TurboTax info without needing any input from me.\n\nI would prefer that our government calculate the taxes for most citizens like European countries, however the IRS would need more funding to do this. Our underfunded IRS is also unable to extract taxes from the wealthy. Until then, TurboTax works for this average American family."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Updated Apr 10, 2022 Review\nI finished my taxes earlier this past week on Windows 8.1 and re-installed the program on Windows 10 21H2 and redid my taxes as the worksheets from trying different things were still pre-populated on Windows 8.1. By doing a clean install and only filling out the worksheets I actually needed I got a better more accurate return.\n\nThe earlier you start using TurboTax i.e. in Nov/Dec of the prior year the more forms will not be complete but the program should put you in the ballpark if you need to make another estimated tax payment or pay another mortgage payment before the calendar year is up. By the time Jan rolls around more updates make the program more usable. I think QC is lacking as the Jan 20 update shut me down completely and I had to wait for the Jan 27 update to have a working program again.\n\nLucky for me I run Windows in Virtual Machines so its really easy to backup/restore the entire Virtual machine from the command line in Linux using the tar command i.e. 30 minute top. This works great for the few times that a Windows 10 update has bricked my machine hence the reason for wanting to stay in Windows 8.1 for as long as I can but ultimately it's going to be the Win 10/11 show and that's were those backups come in handy.\n\nI changed my stars from 1 to 4 to 5\n\nUpdated Jan 31, 2022 Review\nI checked daily for a solution to the problem mentioned in the original review and there were none. On January 27th, I tried the newest weekly update and surprise TurboTax is working again. What a scare. It used to be that the product was tested better but in this day and we all are also in the quality control business and problems can take longer to solve. Glad this one only caused me to be down for a week, it could have been worse. I am raising my review to 4 stars. If I get to file my taxes w/o issues I'll review the star rating later\n\nOriginal Jan 24, 2022 Review (1 Star)\nUsually I run into very few problems installing the software and using it. This year was going well until the January 20th update. TurboTax tech support states there is no solution to this problem. So I may not be able to use Turbo Tax to do my taxes this year since they are at a loss. What's next? Finger pointing: i.e. it's my hardware, it's Microsoft's fault, it's TurboTax's fault ...\n\nHopefully TurboTax is monitoring the reviews and lights a fire under the problem and gets it resolved"}] | https://www.amazon.com/TurboTax-Software-Federal-Exclusive-Download/dp/B09FW199HB/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,157 | Roxio Easy VHS to DVD Burning and Video Capture | Software | #22 | 1,204 | $36.99 - $82.48 | [] | https://www.amazon.com/Roxio-Easy-Burning-Video-Capture/dp/B08KT4W38X/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,158 | Norton 360 Standard 2022 Antivirus software for 1 Device with Auto Renewal – Includes VPN, PC Cloud Backup & Dark Web Monitoring [Download] | Software | #23 | 566 | $19.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My purchase of this package via Amazon should have been a slam-dunk, but unbeknownst to me, my previous Norton purchase had suddenly (and to my mind, illegally) devolved into an automatic renewal situation. Despite all of Amazon\'s customer service efforts, I was unable to upload this new 1-year package. I finally contacted Norton directly, and it took almost 1 hour for one of their customer service reps to help me to upload my Amazon purchase. All in all, my telephone and personal efforts took more than 2 hours. Caveat emptor!!! It is NOT Amazon\'s fault. It is Norton\'s fault and their efforts to force customers into their "automatic renewal" program. I\'ve already responded to Norton\'s e-mail about my "satisfactory" experience with them and have been very frank with what I encountered.\nAgain, beware of Norton\'s obvious efforts to corral customers with their "automatic renewal" falsities.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Rather than Symantec sucking you in with a higher price for 3 to 5 or more computers for a single product, searching Amazon resulted in finding Norton 360 for one computer WITH secure VPN at a much-reduced price. The program downloaded and installed perfectly.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been using Norton Internet Security [now Norton 360] for years to safeguard my computer and never had an issue with anything attacking it, viruses or malware. So every year I renew my subscription... not with automatic renewal through Norton but rather through Amazon where the price is always much better."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 16, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I "Trust" Norton above any other Security Program available on the market today. No other program can compare with what Norton does and close behind is, PC Mat. another very-good program. I have never had much worries when Norton was watching my System. and,.. I have (NEVER) had a Security failure for the last 6-10 yrs. a lot of so-called security systems claim to be on top of their game but, just are not. This is just Hype and $ales-Man-Ship" ie."Fake-News" at its best. Norton, is on-top and always has been, when it comes down to the "TRUTH". (<><>)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been using the Norton software for a long time, and wouldn't trade it for anything! I always get it through Amazon as a direct download; that way the software can be re-downloaded if necessary. And, recently, it was necessary! My old desktop died and took all my programs and data with it. I had to re-install all my programs, and there was Norton 360, there at Amazon ready for me to re-install. Thank you Norton, and thank you, Amazon!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Paid for my 1 year subscription through Amazon so I wouldn't have to worry about auto pay feature, but when I attempted to install the software Norton would not let me install without revealing my credit card number and turning on the auto pay feature. If you've read the multitude of Norton antivirus reviews, you will see that there are an unbelievable number of unhappy clients that have been unwittingly charged the exorbitant renewal fee ($120). Almost all of them claim they turned off the auto renew feature but magically it was somehow turned back on during the year. I had to speak to Norton customer service who told me I cannot install the software without my CC number, but at least they were kind enough to help me turn off auto pay and completely remove the CC number after installation. I am a long time Norton user but I've become very concerned with their integrity and marketing practice. I will be looking for a new antivirus software next year."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 27, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This was the best price going. It is the one I purchase every year! Call Norton and they will install it for you!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have used Norton for many years to protect my machine...it keeps me updated and does maintain a clean environment.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 22, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I only use Norton software'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Purchased it, received the code and activated it without issue.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Norton-360-Standard-Monitoring/dp/B07Q55XCC9/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,159 | Windows 11 Pro Upgrade, from Windows 11 Home (Digital Download) | Software | #24 | 39 | $99.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If you cant locate the key after you purchase, go to https://www.amazon.com/gp/swvgdtt/your-account/manage-downloads.html (this link should work for you)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Paid for the key. Emailed the key in moments!!\nAll I need is the key.\nTHANKS!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 21, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'As others have posted, you must wait to activate this license. I had to wait about an hour before I was allowed to activate. So, buy this, watch a movie, activate.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been unable to download and install the software. I chatted with two individuals yesterday and was unable to resolve the issues. This is the first time that I've ever had a problem so I'm not really upset I just want the problems resolved. The upgrade wouldn't start downloading and the product serial number was invalid. I spent $108 on the upgrade and I have been trying to download it since June 4th."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Would not download or install on a new pc with Windows 11 Home. Windows error.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "Activation error, Microsoft support is trash. One guy can't spell properly, another guy told me to contact Amazon to solve the issue. Amazon does not offer support for digital items.\n---07/12/2022 UPDATE---\nRequires several hours to validate. Works now. Still sucks, why servers do not exchange info in real-time?"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 21, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was changing laptops from a Surface 4 Pro to a Surface 8 Pro. As I said, a smooth upgrade (the Pro 8 came with the Windows 11 Home edition). As I said, the OS upgrade was smooth as silk, however, you have to get used to the configuration change from Windows 10 to 11 ( screen, taskbar layout, where to find what settings, etc.).'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have tried several times. The key was not working on Saturday. I noticed the key start working today. I wanted to cancel the return and keep the charge on my credit credit. I contacted customer service to cancel this order on Saturday. I cancel the return and request you keep my money as key is functional.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'There is no option to access the digital downloads to retrieve the product code\n\n-5-31-2022- Update\nThe digital like was finally made available after 3 days.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I got error code 0xc004f034 while trying to activate. Clearing the softwaredistribution folder didn't work, or even resetting the device."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Windows-Upgrade-Home-Digital-Download/dp/B09WCTTXQ6/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,160 | Norton 360 Premium 2022 Antivirus software for 10 Devices with Auto Renewal - Includes VPN, PC Cloud Backup & Dark Web Monitoring [Key card] | Software | #25 | 5,826 | $29.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Several things that went in to my 2 star rating:\n\n1 - The software itself is good at catching things. I have no issue with the software!\n2 - Norton the company seems to be going all in on making it incredibly difficult for their customers to disable the auto renew settings that they clearly want enabled. They want this enabled so you par twice the amount for their auto renew as you can buy it for on Amazon. When I went to the website to shut it off, they FORCE you to chat with their tech support in order to disable. BEWARE, YOU CANNOT disable the software without doing this ridiculous step, that wasted ten minutes of my time.\n3 - Their website is a joke. It barely loads, and you have to refresh a dozen times to get content back to the screen.\n\nI have been a customer of Norton for 15 years. I am DONE when this subscription expires.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have used Norton since the early 90s. I went to install this version and it refused to let me install unless I gave a credit card and signed up for automatic renewal. I contacted tech support and they confirmed I could not install without giving them my credit card information. They informed me I could cancel automatic renewal at any time after. I installed the program but had to call tech support again to cancel since the auto renewal selection magically wouldn't work online. After install, Norton keeps spamming me with pop-ups. I do not approve of Norton's latest business tactics and their disregard for their customers over financial gains. I am probably going to pass next year."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 25, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have used Norton products for years. This installation was a nightmare. It would not install over an existing Norton product in spite of what Norton said. Their recommended fix was to remove, reboot, reinstall, run live update, apply patch and reboot again. Several times of doing this still did not work. Ran the Norton removal tool but this did not work either. Ran “uninstall program” from control panel but this did not work either. Finally MANUALLY deleted everything Norton on computer, set up a new account, and it installed successfully. WHAT A PAIN.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'On the first computer, Android phone & Android Tablet, it was easy to install after removing my Expired versions of older Norton Security. They do NOT make it clear you should Uninstall any older Norton Security apps. For some reason, it was much more difficult to remove Norton Security and Norton Scan with the built "Uninstall buttons" that came with those older versions. Had to get latest version of "NRnR" to Remove from the 1st & 2nd PC. Not a quick or smooth process. New Install on other devices was done using the Add a Device email invitation process for all devices after the 1st PC. Found out the next day, that even though the software is on all 6 of our devices, only 4 successfully registered on our new Norton 360 subscription. Waited on the phone for 24 minutes on one call then gave up. Waited 15 minutes for a live chat, then got someone who didn\'t understand what I was clearly saying in English. Then got transferred to another Tech support Chat with a waiting line of 5-9 minutes. 35 minutes for nothing. Gave up on that too. If you want Norton Tech support, you have to be willing to wait online or on the phone for more than a few minutes. The software does work well but hoping I have no other Tech support needs. Do not expect to talk quickly to Tech support person in the US.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Norton is the best value in security. But you HAVE to enter your credit card and and enroll in automatic renewal, though you can cancel it later. Also, NEVER ENDING NAGGING to install their browser add-in, no thanks.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Don't like that they try to lock you in to an automatic renewal in a year and then they can charge you whatever they want on your credit card. Also had a hard time getting it to load on my other devices as their instructions didn't work. Won't buy again next year."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I grew up using Norton and it really helped protect me against viruses all over the internet. Once I started using a Mac, I gave up on firewall protection. But thank goodness for this product. I didn't even know they made this product for Macs, but they do now! I purchased the key card and it's such a great deal. I can protect up to 10 devices so I made sure to stop by my parents' house and updated their firewall as well. If you get lucky like I did, you can buy this product at such a great price and share with all the people you know who are too lazy to protect their computers... Don't be one of those people. The user interface was easy to use and a huge improvement from how I remembered it. Norton definitely makes it easy for everyone to perform a scan and remove harmful things!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': "If you have any previous year's versions of (Windows) Norton Internet Security and Norton VPN, please DELETE them!!! Because the installation of this resurrected Norton 360 does NOT! If you don't, you probably will have to waste a lot of time trying to diagnose problems. I went on the Community Forums to find this out and that I needed to download and run Norton Remove and Replace too. Also, if you have Malwarebytes, be sure to disable it when installing N360. For 2019, Norton changes their main products, and these products are different for retail than on Norton's website. One finally installed, it works great. One note, that upon any start-up or reboot, it takes considerable longer for initial for N360 to initialize on Windows desktops and laptops. Also, don't have the built-in VPN on the Start Programs. Just use it when need it. I've been using Norton for many years. If it weren't for the setup issues, I would have given it 5 Stars."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I needed at least 6 licenses. Norton does not give long term users any discounts. They offered a 5 license version for at least 3x this price. I have 4 more licenses left and now I can add to other devices that I usually didn't protect because I was a few short.\n\nInstallation -- easy -- just uninstall the older version, (keep settings), install the new version and up and running. Also, they have greatly improved adding to other machines. You go to your account and simply click on the machine, enter the licence, and when that machine comes on, it will automatically update. So, I could update all the machines without having to boot them at that time, and could just wait until they came on line. I also used a barcode scanner to enter the license so double easy. I sure don't like entering in 25 char keys. (Barcode scanners are really cheap now). Of course the other way is to type once into NOTEPAD, and copy/paste into the license field -- but I wanted to use my barcode scanner for fun.\n\nBe sure to remember to disable the auto renewal at least 2 months before the time. I was waiting and suddenly saw a charge about 1.2 month before the expiration! But that was ok, Norton reversed the charges without issue! No question asked and I told them it was a price issue and suggested they meet these competitive prices at least for long term customers!\n\nMY experience with Cust Service with Norton has always been great and they have always been helpful especially when I had one of those not-bad viruses hit and with some minor issues. (I allowed them to take over the machine and that got it done fastest, PLUS I learned a few 'tricks' when they did their cleaning)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been using Norton for a long time and find that I do not have any issues. It might slow my system down a little but I can not tell that it does I used McAfee when I first stated using a computer in the early 90s and I guess the last time I used it was in 1997 my reason for stop using them was I bought McAfee and when I installed it it ask me if I would like to extend my time for a second year and I did but at the end of my first year they forgot about me paying for a second year so I switched to Norton and have not looked back. I like the fact that if you leave your computer for any time for any reason it preforms a scan. One thing that I do not like is some times it blocks me from a web site and windows does the same thing.\nThey do not want you to log on to some of the political sites. But I have never gotten a virus yet!!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/NEW-Norton-360-Premium-Monitoring/dp/B07QCVZW81/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,161 | Bitdefender Total Security - 5 Devices | 1 year Subscription | PC/Mac | Activation Code by email | Software | #26 | 762 | $19.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've used bit defender a good bit in past. I personally think it's one of the best anti virus programs out there. I was stuck with Norton for close to 2 years cause it was free from my internet provider. However too heavy on my laptop. I saw good price on bit defender and decided to go back to it. It does a much better job . Is lightweight. Therefore PC is running much faster. Highly recommend this antiviral software . Plan to stick with it for a while myself ."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 29, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Bitdefender is becoming over-programmed. However, it's still top notch.\n\nONE THING:\nLast year, the offer on Amazon was better than the price BitDefender offered their paid customers. This year, the BitDefender rate was CHEAPER than the prices on Amazon. I didn't notice that until I had already installed tha Amazon deal. So check out both prices before you go with the Amazon deal."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This review is for Bitdefender Total Security - download\n\nI purchased this a while back because I needed some new antivirus software for my PC. I researched a lot and bitdefender came up as the best and most affordable one around. I purchased five devices so after I made my Bitdefender account I installed it on my PC, phone, and other devices in the house.\n\nSince then i have fallen in love with Bitdefender! I really appreciate the many protection features like ransomware protection. For me it runs light and doesn't bog down my system. I would recommend this product to anyone."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 3, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Pros:\nDO NOT NEED TO ENTER CREDIT CARD (looking at you Norton).\nYou control the software not the software controlling you.\nYou can easily transfer a link via email (or other way) to install on another device without needing login/pw info typed in on another PC - I like this A LOT, please don't change this.\nNice quick tour that takes but a minute or two and gives you the basics on the layout and software functionality.\nPrice was great - I couldn't argue with it.\nSeems to be pretty solid and not 'pesty', the last being very important both for work AND gaming full-screen.\nSet it and forget it. This is a must.\nCons:\nNone yet, let's see how it goes. Will update if it makes me want to scream.\nMisc:\nOnly used a small portion of the processor when scanning but this could be a BIG pro for most folks, and is likely intentional in design so that it does NOT bog down the computer (which it does not).\n\nIf this is how it is almost a year from now when the license comes up, then I'll select this before looking at competing options depending on price."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm in IT. This is the best AV, Anti-Malware, Firewall bundled software there is. But you have to be able to put up with occasion small notifications (bottom right-hand corner) you get. Let's you give granular control of website & software exceptions. Webcam & mic access control (global or website/software specific). Parental controls via centralized web interface. Don't use their VPN service ... doesn't give you enough usage/month. I recommend ExpressVPN ... unlimited usage, up to 5 devices/license, and they don't log any traffic."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 10, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm fairly tech savvy, I just finished building my own pc the day before trying to download this so, keep that in mind. This took me more than an hour to figure out how to download. I went to my amazon purchase and found no download information there, so I went to the bitdefender site and it timed out, several times. My VPN told me the error was on bitdefender's side. I was finally able to actually access the site and I tried to download the free trial as that was the only download information I saw. The site simply perma-buffered, I tried this several times before giving up. Then I googled 'bitdefender total security download' and the first result I clicked on was a netgear account tie-in which obviously does not help me. I finally managed to find their support center, which is just a bunch of typo-riddled FAQs that were written 8 years ago by the way. Some sentences were so typo-ridden you literally couldn't tell what they were trying to say. This once again, took forever to load! I have highspeed internet and no other site was taking longer than a half second to process this was the only once that was buffering for more than 40 seconds at a time and it's just a FAQ! I again ran into the issue of a lot of links simply perma-buffering, we're talking I take a 40 min nap, come back, and the page is still loading, but I managed to fight through it this time. I found my download link.\n\nMy friend works on firewalls and specifically recommended this to me and judging by the other reviews, the actual product is great, the support and ease of use is terrible though. So, perhaps the actual product is great, but the first thing a customer is going to try to do with your product is download it, and if that process is insultingly bad, webpages not working, FAQs being unparseable due to typos, etc. it doesn't bode well for the actual product. If it took me an hour+ to order a burger at McDonalds, I wouldn't eat at McDonalds anymore, even if the burgers were great. It's just that simple."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I been using this for 2 years and it has stopped over 21,000 incomming threats i have a business at home and this has protected me And my family and i havent had one issue with any device apple\nOr android and its absolute incredible it gives android phone security like apple meaning locking and wiping your phone from a distance remotely to even tracking which it which is amazing and u can ping your phone if it was stolen and the user who stole\nIt would have no idea your tracking it which is amazing on top of that or can be used for a parent tracking a child or a woman tracking a jelous husband overall out standing product.\n\nThe software overall is better then norton and other top leading virus protection services and yes it is based in russia but its paritally american owned and only operate in russia for user rights which are challenged in the united states\n\nThe software dose give android and pc users more features but manily in the security area because that what they truly lack and because there also not apple which is monitored 24/7\n\nOverall the geolocation tracking for any device u install it is worth it in my opinion!!!\nit even takes photo and record audio with out the user knowing soo u can catch the person who stole it and absolute take them\nDown which is amazing so they cant say im holding it for a friend or i found it\n\nAnother great feature with this software they have hands down the best encryptions software i installed it on my girl friend mac pro and she had a issue and had to send it to apple support they called us asking us for the password to unlock the device because they had absolute no access to the device it self and couldnt even force it open which was impressive in my opinion so u know for a fact if u loose your device or exspensive computer u can turn it into a paper weight there absolute no way in hell anyone can download anything from those devices if its locked with this software\n\nAnother thing i love about this software is that when its running on the background it dosnt change my computer performance what so ever and not even on my iphone or android it dosnt DRAIN BATTERY not like other security apps i used\n\nHands down best software for 2022\nAnd recommend by most ethical hackers and security engineers this the only way to stay protected online'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have used WR Internet Security for the last eight years. Using their renewal online is very expensive. I always go thru Amazon. This year I bought the program thru Amazon and deleted my old program. In trying to install the download, the program asked why I needed to delete the old version. I checked that I had found it at a better price. This took me to another screen begging for one more chance. No way out of this screen. I backed out and tried to download the new version. It stopped and locked down telling me there was a program causing problems. Now I had done a scan before deleting the old version. That was it. The download would not function. Since I had already deleted the older version, and the new version wouldn't install, I was in somewhat of a pickle. I went back on Amazon and discovered this program. It rated good, and was $10 cheaper than WR. I bought it. In downloading the program, it also hit a block as showing a program giving it problem in downloading. BUT it gave me the program with the option to delete it. I did this. It was a very old program from N, that I wasn't even aware to it being there. After deleting it, it downloaded without a flinch. In doing the initial scan, it found several Trojans missed by the last scan by WR. M;y laptop has been running better than ever since installing Bitdefender. I would highly recommend this program."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been a Bitdefender customer for many years and appreciate how the product features keep improving over time. Their virus engine gets really good reviews by the comparison sites, and we've never had a problem using it. Every once in a while it will detect something nefarious in a download or web cookie and let us know it's been isolated or quarantined, but mostly it just works behind the scenes with little fanfare. It's set up to perform a full virus scan once every week in the middle of the night, so doesn't intrude there either.\n\nI bought the latest update on sale at Amazon for $15.99 for 1 year on 5 devices and thought that was a great deal. Adding the product code to my existing Bitdefender subscription was super simple. Total Security works very well, doesn't slow down my computers, stays in the background with minimal nagging, has a rich feature set, is easy to install and use, and (I think) is one of the best values in the security space. Buying Bitdefender was an easy decision, highly recommended!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 5, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have had nothing but problems with the software since I installed it two days ago. I submitted a product support ticket asking for someone to call me or a number I call call to talk to someone and all I keep getting is "Boiler Plate" responses telling me they are reviewing my ticket and thank me for my patience. This is GARBAGE SOFTWARE AND GARBAGE SUPPORT. Find a better way to waste your money and time!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Bitdefender-Total-Security-Download-Online/dp/B07CYFFH4H/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,162 | Webroot Internet Security Complete | Antivirus Software 2022 | 5 Device| 2 Year Download for PC/Mac/Chromebook/Android/IOS + Password Manager, Performance Optimizer & Cloud Backup | Software | #27 | 787 | $39.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is great software, and I've been using it for years. It's caught a few threats along the way, and as far as I know it's never been compromised. Meanwhile, the overhead on Windows 10 is much lower than the overhead with any other antivirus software I've tried.\n\nSecureAnywhere is great, but it's expensive to buy from Webroot. You can save substantial money buying your renewals here. Hint: Don't activate your renewal until the day your old subscription expires. It doesn't extend your previous subscription, but replaces it. You can buy now and have it ready, but you should activate it only when the old one expires. (When the old one expires, just enter the new key code. As long as you are replacing like editions, that's the whole process.)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I originally had reservations about purchasing this product because of the bad reviews. However, after downloading the software, I was relieved that all went well. The directions given for this procedure are not well written, but I have used this product for many years now and loaded the software as before. That being: 1. Open the Webroot program/ 2. In the window find “My Account” lower right/ 2. then click the “Gear Icon” to the right of My Account/ 3. Type the “New “Keycode” in the box provided/ 3. Then click on the “Activate box.”\nIf this is a renewed product, a new window appear that will transfer any unused time to the new account numbers. I did receive my full two-year subscription along with the unused time I had left on the old subscription.\nBased on the many bad reviews for this product, mostly about install, a more simplified install direction be in order. The product has been excellent during my past many years of using it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 24, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I love the Webroot Internet Security Complete software suite, and have used it for more than a decade. It provides reliable threat protection for numerous devices, doesn\'t impact my PC\'s performance significantly, and can be had for a reasonable $30/year...if this was the whole story, I\'d rate them 5 stars.\n\nHowever, despite the fact that this business model seems to be keeping them in business, they seem insistent on imposing on me a request to renew their software for $80/year. For this price (more than twice what their software can be had for from other locations, such as Amazon) I get the privilege of not having to reset my account every year with a new code. Not exactly a lot of value there.\n\nSo, this year I tried to send Webroot (an opentext company, if you didn\'t realize that yet...) the following suggestion, which they promptly rejected as a "security risk" because I use an old hotmail.com account for online purchases (sigh...) I figured I\'d post it here in case they might see it:\n\n"Hey Webroot,\n\n"I am a long-time customer, having used Webroot Internet Security Complete for likely more than a decade. As long as I can remember, I have spent $30 a year for multiple machine protection. Every year, you ask me if I want to renew for $80, and every year I wait it out, and purchase a new license from either Amazon, or from you if you offer a good enough deal. This year, I purchased a 2-year subscription from Amazon for $60 (so $30 a year) just so I don’t have to endure your efforts to get me to renew for 2 ½ times what I am accustomed to paying.\n\n"I have an idea for you – make your renewal cost $30/year. That way I can just leave it on auto-pilot and actually let you renew my subscription every year. While I hate the inconvenience, it is more than worth it to me to wait until the holiday sales to get the price I want. How nice it would be for both me – and for you – if I never had to worry about that annoyance again. You get the same amount of money from me every year (actually, maybe more as you’re not reselling through Amazon) and I get the peace of mind that I’m getting your great service for a price I feel good about.\n\n"Anyway, just thought I’d let you know what you could do for me, a long-time, happy paying customer…at least, at $30 a year."'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 12, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been using Webroot for many years alongside MalwareBytes. They play well together and have kept us out of trouble for all those years. Previous AV was not that successful. The one thing I don\'t like about Webroot is their built in renewal feature costs much more than looking for a sale on a brand new copy. Once you buy the new copy, all you have to do is type in the validation code, and then make sure you find the more hidden "add onto existing subscription" so you don\'t lose any credit from you not expired subscription. Webroot is extremely low overhead and the optimizer feature in the utilities is a nice bonus and can save gigabytes on your hard drive.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have used this software forever. It is automatic on the installation and easy to renew. I've never had a problem with it failing to protect me, but I also use common sense in browsing the internet. It doesn't slow down my computer. It works in a Virtual Machine too.\n\nThe most important feature on security software is that it is Made in USA if you live in the USA. This means that employees doing the programming decisions deal with the same internet security concerns that people who live in the USA, so priorities match."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My company has the business version of this which is why I chose this software for personal use.\nIts footprint on your computer is minimal. Antivirus scans are quick, and the program is easy to use.\nWebroot also has a central dashboard that allows me to manage and review the systems I have the product installed on, which is nice. For me, it is just piece of mind. Augment this software with MalwareBytes Free, and you will be fine.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've used Webroot for several years and haven't had any issues with malware or other intrusions. Five computers for a price of $32.15 seems to be a good price for two years protection. Maybe others haven't the same experience but so far I'm quite satisfied with Webroot."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have used Webroot for 3 years now and the only thing I dislike is the bloated price when one goes to renew (make sure you contact webroot and have them remove your credit card info so you aren't charge at the end of your sub period). First off this is a very good AV software. Fast, and has caught things that should not have been there (I play WOW and this software actually caught a virus in their launcher program). I bought this version of 5 devices for 2 years - it went over a 5 device for 1 year with no problem. Usable on Windows, Mac, iPhones, iPads, and android devices."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 5, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Needed a new keycode and this was an easy answer. In this case, the automated email from Amazon contained my new keycode. If you're familiar w/ Webroot, you'll recognize the next step. Added new keycode to my online account and system was running. On another machine, went ahead and uninstalled / re-installed. In both cases, no issues at all. 5-stars."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I shopped around and found this to be the best pricing for the time and the amount of computers it covers. I have an older desktop and 2 laptops running this and have not had any issues.\n\nScans fairly quickly and I don't notice any performance issues."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Webroot-Internet-Antivirus-Protection-Subscription/dp/B07MY44VVZ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,163 | Bitdefender Total Security 2022 – Complete Antivirus and Internet Security Suite – 5 Devices | 2 year Subscription | PC/Mac | Activation Code by Mail | Software | #28 | 1,624 | $39.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Just like nearly everyone else I jumped ship from Norton because of their completely insane tactic for getting everyone\'s credit card info after a sale. That\'s completely unacceptable for a "security" company to force people to upload their credit card info somewhere it\'s not needed. If people wanted the auto-renew feature they\'d sign up for it on their own.\n\nAs for BitDefender, it seems to be doing it\'s job but then again, how would we know it\'s not working against a threat until something defeats it??? ALL internet security is a leap of faith. Norton lost my trust. Their idiotic move reminds me of when TurboTax decided to drop Schedule D from their Deluxe version and "force" people to upgrade. We didn\'t, we jumped to TaxCut.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The last time I renewed my Bitdefender Total Security, I just browsed around a few different software/keys sites, but this was the best deal I fond. Per total devices and per years, this was the best price. Delivery was pretty fast and the card arrived with a small scratch-off surface with the actual activation key on it. Really didn't take long at all to activate. Logged in to my Bitdefender account then added it through the Subscription tab. Although I usually prefer digital downloads this was still a very good deal and easy to take care of."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was skeptical. Too good a price to be true. But it works great. It added 2 years to my current subscription as promised. Love bit defender. Haven’t had a computer crash in almost 5 years....much better than norton. Extremely user friendly.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "EVERY webpage I go to -- and I mean every last page, including Bitdefender's page -- causes a cascade of notifications to pop up on my computer, making it virtually impossible to use the internet. The notifications are not only annoying, but they also take the focus off of the input field you are working on and make it difficult to type in search strings.\n\nI left Webroot because they started annoying me to renew my subscription MONTHS before it was due to expire. But even that was not as annoying as the constant notification popups with Bitdefender. Do yourself a favor and DON'T install this program on your machine."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The is my first time using BitDefender as a long time user of Norton 360 (slows operation) and McAffee Total Protection (should be named Total Useless). I bought this after McAffee expired and Norton 360 Premium 2020 would not install on MacBook Pro running Catalina OS. I intend to use this on a MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, iPhone 11, and a Lenovo YOGA Windows PC (2019). So far, I have installed it on MacBook Pro, iPhone 11, and Lenovo PC. My initial review is that it is very easy to install on all these devices and has a great GUI. However, it is best suited for use on a Windows PC. Many features that appear on my Lenovo PC (Windows 10 Pro) do not appear available on the MacBook Pro. Since I am predominately an Apple product person, I am somewhat disappointed with this. I will continue to try it, but would NOT recommend it at this time for anyone who only uses Apple (IOS) products.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 10, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Highly recommended by friends in the security industry.... So, I took the plunge and figured I should get the 2yr plan version.\n\nUnlike norton, installation was a BREEZE, got my code, downloaded, made account, DONE!!!\n\nNorton on the other hand... I give amazon/retailer my hard earned shekels, I get my code, download...oh, you need to create an account, sure why not...oh wait, WHAT? you need my Credit Card? WTF for? I already paid for your plan... but no, You MUST sign up for a renewal BS.... Sorry Norton, Shady practices like this is why people like me looks elsewhere... and don't get me started with the popups trying to upsell me more features, etc... NO NORTON, NO.... LEARN from bitdefender!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great product that’s easy to use. I’ve been using this antivirus for years and love it. I’ve used all the big brands and like this the best. It’s easy to use and the people complaining about it blocking certain sites or programs doesn’t know how to use the option of letting the program play etc. and shouldn’t be allowed to write a review if they can’t properly work the program they are complaining about. It’s actually quite simple to use and I’d recommend it to anyone looking for one of the best antivirus programs out there!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been using internet security software since the mid 1990's, having tried the majority of them, and I feel that Bitdefender is the best of the best. Bitdefender has been around for about 20 years and has been the innovator in security software, creating one new technology milestone after another and continually raising the bar in the industry. Bitdefender works in the background without bugging me or hampering my system performance. I feel that it offers the most extra features for my money, features that include a VPN, a file shredder to permanently delete files, a password manager, multiple optimization tools, and even its own internet browser to help secure sensitive online transactions, among other features. Bitdefender also offers optional services that include identity theft protection and remote assistance. It's no wonder Bitdefender has consistently ranked at the top of other security suites tested by independent labs and has won numerous awards in multiple categories."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "As Comcast discontinued Norton, needed to find an Antivirus for our various devices, and don't like the fact that many software companies wanted a credit card so they can jump the price of their product in subsequent years. I like that Bitdefender did not take that approach. It's also great that a 2 year option was available so I don't have to purchase a new license right away next year. It was easy to install, and no issues on any of the devices we installed on. Will definitely be repurchasing in 2 years if they stay with this model of selling software."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "We have been using Bitdefender Total Security for a long time on our Windows PCs and laptops, and our Android phones. It has done an excellent job protecting all of my family's devices.\n\nThe reason I only gave Tech Support 4 stars is I had a Support Ticket for a Wi-Fi scanning issue in the Android version that had been open for approximately a year.\n\nOver that time there were a number of fixes they had me try. There was excellent back and forth communication. They even extended my subscription for 6 months. I dealt with some great people overall.\n\nI got another email telling me to update Bitdefender on my phone along with instructions for testing the fix. The testing took me 3 days to do. The issue had not been fixed so on the 4th day I was taking screenshots and documenting my testing.\n\nThat day I got an email that since I hadn't responded by 3 days they were going to close the ticket.\n\nI sent my documentation and screenshots to the Technician I got the instructions from and also to the Support person, noting the circumstances.\n\nI finally bought an inexpensive Wi-Fi scanner App and told Bitdefender Support to close the case.\n\nWe will continue to use Bitdefender on our devices because it is an excellent product and most of the people I've worked with there have been very helpful."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Bitdefender-Total-Security-Device-license/dp/B07G8RQGHL/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,164 | Adobe Acrobat Professional DC | PDF converter | 12-month Subscription with auto-renewal, PC/Mac | Software | #29 | 767 | $178.88 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This software has a set of invaluable tools for my profession. Documents are easily signed. Documents can be edited. Forms / templates can be easily created. The software was easy to download and install.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 31, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "As is the case, I have pdf's that constantly need edits and modifications to them. This pkg works perfectly and with a pretty easy step by step process too. I would highly recommend this pkg to anyone who does a great deal of pdf editing and manipulating. Very well put together!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Amazon purchase of Adobe Acrobat Pro was cancelled. Could not download the program because the download procedure was so arcane. Had to go to Adobe website to purchase program. Purchase from Adobe was straightforward and download of program was easy and fast.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Wanted this for use on new laptop b/c edit, create, combine PDFs frequently for my small business. Activation via Amazon requires accessing Amazon from a laptop and heading into manage subscriptions, then you should see “more options” and then you get access product download'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 18, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I just downloaded it using the link and I'm good to go signing documents and filling out PDF forms. Am happy with this product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is the best PDF converter program available. I\'m able to Edit PDF"s and Convert them into different formats such as a Word Doc. It\'s great for editing information on a PDF and updating. Worth the $$ to renew each year.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'To create great pdf documents'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It what you should expect .'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love it as it allows my daughter to open files'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'DO NOT EVER buy a subscription through Amazon. There is no way to activate the license, no instructions emailed, notation on how to access does not work, subscription does not show up in your subscriptions and there is no way to cancel this paid subscription. Now I have to spend $450 to buy the software after spending almost $200 for a license I cannot use. Amazon chat is also worthless to resolve.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Adobe-Professional-converter-Subscription-auto-renewal/dp/B07Q4QZGFR/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,165 | Microsoft OEM System Builder DVD | Windоws 10 Pro | 64 BIT | Intended use for new systems | Upgradable to Windows 11 | (DVD FORMAT) | Software | #30 | 2,161 | $148.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Installed Windows like it should. I didn't install with touch screen, so no review input there. I have been building PC's since the early '90's, so no tech support required here. The stability rating I will assume means how well Windows run. That is subjective as I have seen Windows 10 run like a scalded dog and I have seen them run like a sloth. I built this PC using medium hardware. Not the cheapest, but not the most expensive either and she runs great like that dog that got scalded. I also am an IT expert, so I know how to keep a computer running smooth.\n\nI only buy Windows when I build a PC for someone, or when I build me a new one (every 5 or so years, and yes Microsoft, I play by the rules and buy a new copy of Windows when hardware is new) to run alongside Linux. I only keep Windows on a machine to keep current so I can fix other people computers. If you are computer savvy in any way, I would recommend to try out a Linux Distro and see how you like it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 25, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'A word of warning... I received the advertised product and the key unused and still covered by the scratch and sniff covering. I was able to install windows 10 pro with the key code. HOWEVER, and this is a big however, I was not able to authenticate with the key code once the operating system was up and running. When I attempted to authenticate the product via the online method, it stated that my product key had already been used previously. I cried “thief” and “swindler”! However, I found it hard to believe that my product key had been used given its pristine state it had arrived in at the time of receipt and I proceeded down the customer support rep route to see if I could solve the issue.\n\nAs mentioned, I had to scratch the gray covering to reveal the product key (similar to the scratch-off lottery tickets). This at least gave me some confidence that I was the first one to reveal the product code, but I couldn’t be sure as to if it had been somehow previously used by trial and error by someone who was trying to ‘fake’ or guess a real key code and just got lucky.\n\nLong story short, I was able to authenticate. But it does require some leg work on your end to fully authenticate. If you don’t authenticate with microsoft (MS), your OS will be a bit ‘nerfed’. I contacted MS customer support via online chat (I believe you can call as well) and I was able to verify that my product key was indeed authentic and had never been used prior to my use and that I had to essentially authenticate offline with the customer support rep who walked me through the process. All in all, it did take another extra 30-45 mins to authenticate via the MS representative, but it got done and I now have a full windows 10 pro install for a fair price.\n\nSo tread carefully if you don’t want the 30-45 minute chat with MS customer support to fully authenticate your copy of windows 10 pro.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "It's a great OS. For all the complaints of a skimpy app store, having all the important apps plus thousands of others on the desktop is a huge plus. Plenty of quality games as well in the store. Privacy concerns, while valid, can certainly be avoided. You can opt out of just about everything as far as I know. You don't even have to log in with a MS ID if you don't want to. Local accounts are available. So, you can have the privacy of Windows 7 with the power of Windows 10. Local accounts were available on Windows 8, but it was less obvious as to how to choose that option when setting it up on install than it is now. Windows 10 is more transparent, but it could do a better job at asking if you want to choose a local account or sign in with MS ID instead of assuming that you are signing in with a MS ID. Stability is close to flawless.\n\nEdge has come a long way, and I'm looking forward to PDF markup capability coming in the fall update. Of course you can use your favorite browser, whichever that is. Cortana, however, is limited to Edge.\n\nSMS phone integration has gotten better, but still limited. You can reply to sms in the notification bar, nowhere else, unless you use Skype as your primary messaging app on a windows phone. Not sure how that works with Android/IOS phones, but I know you at least get notifications.\n\nSpeed is fantastic. Boot to desktop time is typically 10 sec or less with an SSD. Pretty quick with a standard HDD as well."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought this to install on a new Intel NUC system I was building, choosing Windows 10 Pro because I wanted to use Bitlocker disk encryption. The DVD worked fine for the install, but I was momentarily confused as to where to find the product key. Inside the packet is an "authenticity" sticker which has a small scratch-off square that hides most of the product key. The type on the sticker is so small that I did not recognize at first that\'s where the key was and had to use a magnifying glass to read it. Note that you don\'t actually need the DVD - you can download the Windows Media Creation Tool to create installation media on a USB stick if you want.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Just four hours after writing the review below I\'m amending this review to three stars from one because the vendor was very quick in apparently fixing my problem. I would give this transaction five stars if I had received the more professional presentation of the product that the add promises..\n\n"No. Don\'t. Really! Do NOT buy this. The picture shows you what I received. The validation key wound up being invalid after a couple of days. Microsoft wouldn\'t/couldn\'t do anything to help other than expedite a valid copy to me without shipping cost. I\'m still stuck with wiping the SSD and doing a clean install when it get here.\nGlad my new machine is quick.\nBut I\'m left feeling pretty slow.\nAmazon was fast to issue return and refund authorization."'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It works. These are for custom computer builders or if you want to upgrade your current Windows 10 Home license to Professinal license on a Dell, HP, Samsung, Asus, etc. computer. This is for 1 computer only. If computer breaks down and is retired then this product key can be tranferred to a new computer you build or buy. If your computer has a Windows 7 license product key then you do not need this. Your Windows 7 key or Windows 8 key can be used to upgrade to Windows 10. You can download the Microsoft Media Creation tool for creating a Windows 10 disk or flash drive if you have a Win. 7, 8, or 10 product key already.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 8, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This program has had a lot of hate when it came out, and understandably so. I have been using windows 10 however for around 6 or 7 months now and I actually like it. I think alot of the misconception was rumors and unfounded speculation about spyware and malware that windows has been infected with. I've turned off features and specific things to help not get bothered by stuff, and they actually do leave you alone. I however did not like being injected with the GWX virus, and i do say this because it was linux who actually allowed me to delete the trouble file on the hard drive before i switched. I loved 7, but am glad i skipped over 8.1 and its counter parts.\n\nSo far I've not had any major problems, memory leaks, or otherwise. I'm a programmer, and can really damage a system if I put my mind to it too! :D"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 8, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The first computer I purchased in 1993 was running Windows 3.1. The other day I was watching some old episodes of the "Computer Chronicles" on YouTube and had forgotten what it used to be like to use a computer. So much improvement.\nI remember the OS\'s that were terrible- 95, ME, and Vista (Vista was a mess until SP-1 was released), but between all of the crap releases there were the good ones- 98, XP, and 7. I do wish Microsoft would have kept MCE in the OS, but there are alternatives that work out well (Kodi, Plex, and Emby). And, as far as I am concerned- the only version you should buy is the Pro version.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 15, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Fresh install on a 4 year old PC. First installed the software but no driver for my video card was available under Windows 10. Video worked OK but the resolution wasnt right. There is a driver available for Windows 8, however I couldnt get it to install. So I downloaded the Win10 software directly from Microsoft, burned the iso to a DVD and reinstalled. This time I could install the Windows 8 video drivers and it worked. The COA sticker is included. Mine was authentic.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Heard bad things about Windows 10, and I haven't experienced any problems. I dropped $2500 on a gaming build I built myself. I've installed Battle.net, Steam, Twitch/Streaming stuff, multiple games ... and haven't had 1 driver issue or anything yet. It is Microsux, and within their wealth you'll find an equal amount of greed, but that's too be expected in 2017, corporations makes cents .... not sense. We all know Micosux could make a light weight, minimal fluff, badass operating system perfect for PC users ... but they're not ... they're going to make one just stable enough to fill with stuff from their buddies. A few tweaks to the options and you can make all the corporate 'please stfu' go away."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Microsoft-Windows-Pro-System-Builder/dp/B00ZSHDJ4O/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,166 | Iron Flask Sports Water Bottle - 14oz,18oz,22oz,32oz,40oz,64oz, 3 Lids (Straw Lid), Leak Proof, Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel, Double Walled, Thermo Mug, Metal Canteen | Sports & Outdoors | #1 | 103,617 | $17.95 - $40.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "When searching for a water bottle, I initially was tempted to get a Hydroflask, but found this Ironflask was cheaper. What sold the Ironflask for me was that while it does keep water immensely cold over long periods of time, like the Hydroflask, the Ironflask comes with 2 additional lids and an extra straw all together. I like to use the water bottle where ever I go, and when filled with light ice, it has kept the water ice cold for up to 6+ hours. Hydroflask sells additional lids separately, not all together. Something else that the Ironflask has is a warranty option, which I was not aware of when buying. So if you're nervous about scratches or dings on the bottle, there is that option of a warranty. I have run my bottle into things by accident, and it has held up well. I've also knocked it over and left it on it's side when driving, and there has been no leakage. Overall, if you're looking for an alternative to the Hydroflask without breaking the bank, the Ironflask is more affordable, and better from what I've experienced."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've had this bottle for about 9 months. It is a workhorse! I take it everywhere with me and always have water on hand. I LOVE the large 40 oz size. I have upped my hydration game!\n\nUnfortunately, after about 6 months, the bottle began to sweat profusely when there is ice water inside. It got the contents of my bag wet and left big rings on the table. It gets very wet and sweaty, and the ice melts within 6-8 hours.\n\nI contacted the company, and within a couple of hours they sent me a message with a discount code to order a new bottle on amazon for a 99% discount. (Apparently amazon doesn't let you give 100% discounts). So, a brand new 40 oz iron flask for $0.28. No muss no fuss, just another awesome Iron Flask. Very generous and speedy customer service. I'm not sure what happened with my original Iron Flask, but the fact that the company stands behind their product like this is wonderful."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 2, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been debating between the Hydro Flask and the Iron Flask, I finally decided on the Iron Flask for three reasons. The first reason I chose the Iron Flask over the Hydro Flask, is that it comes with three lids instead of one. I know that you can purchase additional lids for the Hydro Flask, but it's at an additional cost, whereas with the Iron Flask the lids are included. Secondly, I purchased the Iron Flask because of the sleek design, they have changed the logo on the flask from painted to engraved, which should last longer than the original design of the Iron Flask bottles, in addition, the Iron Flask is more contemporary, in my opinion than the Hydro Flask (as far as logos). This isn't really an issue when it comes to the function of the flask, but if I'm going to be carrying around a 40 oz flask, I want the bottle to blend in and look professional. Lastly, price, I was unaware up until recently that Hydro Flask offers a warranty for their products, I'm unsure of the details of that warranty, but the price of this flask is unbeatable for the quality and accessories. Plus if the flask is dropped or dented, I'm not going to be as disappointed as I would be if I dropped a $50 flask. There are several benefits to staying hydrated throughout the day and the amount of water we should be drinking depends on our body weight, but I'm almost positive that investing in this flask will increase your daily water intake by having ice cold water (or hot, if that's your preference) readily available to drink on the go, especially in the extreme heat of the Mohave Desert. Feeling better, having more supple skin, an increase in memory, weight loss, and an increase in immune health are all benefits of staying hydrated. So why not invest in a product that is willing to help you do just that?"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I own several Hydro Flasks, I've now converted to Iron Flask. Here are the reasons why:\n\n1. These bottles are just as durable as Hydro Flask, and are of similar manufacturing quality.\n\n2. When I order a Hydro Flask, I only get one lid. Iron Flask comes with three. The lids are compatible with Hydro Flasks (and vice versa) so there's no issue with having already bought into one system and having to buy a bunch of parts to switch over.\n\n3. The cost, for an Iron Flask with three lids, is about half (maybe less) than what I've paid for Hydro Flasks of the same size.\n\n4. (Probably won't matter to most people) The red Iron Flask is a nice standard red. The 'red' Hydro Flasks are more orangey red.\n\nIron Flask, if you're reading this...I'd really like the option to buy a bottle in silver, and I'd like the option (even just on your website) to buy bottles with the flex boot that Hydro Flask offers on some of its bottles.\n\nThe Iron Flask lids do have the same issue as the Hydro Flask lids - if the rubber gasket falls out of the lid, it will leak. The lids are the same quality between the brands, so my Iron Flasks aren't any more leaky than my Hydro Flasks. I haven't noticed any difference in how long my drinks stay insulated.\n\nOverall, Iron Flask is just a better value versus what I'd been buying."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 17, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "So far this product is GREAT, and not to mention GORGEOUS! I bought this water bottle and I am already very happy with it. It came with 3 different lids, 2 straws, and very nice packaging. Just looking at the box, I knew I was getting a high quality product so when I got everything out, I was already impressed.\n\nIt comes with a lifetime warranty, which is great. The only negative thing I would say, is that it looked there were a few, teeny, tiny, pieces of dust on the bottle when I first opened it, all of which I easily wiped off.\n\nI also bought the handle for the bottle, which I already love. Other bottles that I've had in the past either didn't have a handle, or, if it did, it was very rigid and didn't conform to the hand well. This paracord handle is light weight, has a carabiner clip, compass, and built in mini whistle, which is surprisingly loud. Very sturdy and I can't wait to try it out!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I own 4 of these: 1 of the turquoise in the largest size, then 3 in this size in peach, purple, and now the unicorn looking situation.\n\nWhen I got the turquoise one (first), I was so in love but didn’t like carrying it to the gym. So I ordered the purple, dented it up with multiple drops...then the peach. Now here’s where the problems come in....\n\nWhen I got the peach, I noticed that it didn’t keep my drinks cold long at all. I always add plenty of ice and within a short period of time, the ice would be melted completely and my water was luke warm at best. Thinking it was a fluke with that one, I decided to buy the multi colored/unicorn looking one. And this thing is trash. I can get fresh ice + water, put it by my bedside and by morning, not only is the ice completely melted but my water isn’t cold. Yes, the lid is on tight and the spout is always down when not in use.\n\nSuper disappointing bc the quality/look/colors are dope. But what’s the point in calling it a product that keeps drinks cool or hot when it doesn’t?'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Update:they reached out to me with bunch of excuses ..i give up on getting a warrantied lid all i ask was a replacement straw lid cause it leaks. 5emails with them really? I got a bad batch of lid is it that tough to sent out a lid. Lols warranty is out the window don't bother.. 1star for warranty.\n\nIve dealt with other companies no question asked hassle-free warranty..\n\nso its pretty good flask holds temp at its level .\nonly downfall on this is the sports spouts lid that leaks like drainpipe when its laying down on my car seat it leaks .\ncontacted the seller they asked for a pic or video i just sent a pic and then asked a video.\ntsk i gave up trying to get a solution on that crappy lid they provided with .\n\nbased on other reviews that is the issue on this that lid they provided with they leak and they dont flush within the bottle gap . it is just not me whos having an issue with it.\n\ni would say QUALITY CONTROL? what happen to that just supply supply and demand .\nall 3 lids does not flushed with the bottle..\n\nfor the price its a bottle that you would use like a month and then it just ends up in a cabinet and collect dust.\n\nLOOK ELSEWHERE IF YOU WANT A LID DOES NOT LEAK AND HAS GAP WITHIN THE BOTTLE."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I’m dedicated to this brand. I was leaving work the other night and I forgot my water bottle on the top of my car. I drove out of the parking lot and I saw it fall and said to myself “Well, that’s going to leave a dent.” And then saw a massive truck slam right into her and I then said to myself, “Also, another large dent.” I immediately went onto Amazon and ordered a new one bc a girl is dedicated to this brand. Rip my OG girl.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' LOVE IT. It fits sooo much water! I drink a lot of water and was sick of filling so much. Plus I hated those ugly big bottles everyone has that\'s got those increments on it with stupid sayings like, "you drank water, good job!" With the time Like I don\'t need help drinking water. Anyway, plus this doesn\'t create condensation. Water was getting on everything in my house bc my old bottle wasn\'t insulated.\nAnyway, I love it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 27, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Arrived quickly and we were happily surprised of how great it works as promised. We've had other kinds of bottles and those big awkward thermo cups but this one is has been our favorite so far. Great investment. We love the different attachments that come with it too. One of the decision factors is that they come with it instead of having to buy them separately like many others out there. Having little kids and using it on our car travels, it works great to keep our water cold and is big enough for our family to share without spills (I hate when that happens). When we need more water, we stop at a fast food place, get water refilled and we are good to go without any paper cup spill accidents. Love it and recommend it. We'll be getting another one for sure."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Iron-Flask-Sports-Water-Bottle/dp/B08D9FWVJD/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,167 | LifeStraw Go Water Filter Bottle with 2-Stage Integrated Filter Straw for Hiking, Backpacking, and Travel, 22 oz | Sports & Outdoors | #2 | 7,126 | $35.71 - $80.00 | [] | https://www.amazon.com/LifeStraw-Filter-2-Stage-Integrated-Backpacking/dp/B0B5BLJ4VM/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,168 | Cool Coolers by Fit + Fresh Slim Compact Reusable XL Ice Pack, Perfect for Lunch Boxes, Coolers, and Beach Bags | Sports & Outdoors | #3 | 20,747 | $9.98 - $10.92 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These people must keep their lunch boxes in hot places because from 8am when they come out of the freezer until 5pm in the evening, my kid\'s lunch boxes stay pretty chilled. I use these slim ones as a replacement to the "ice walls" that came with their Arctic Zone lunch boxes and they work *SO* much better. No lukewarm sandwiches at noon! I\'d buy more of these if I ever have the need.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is a weird review to write because I\'m unsure how to classify this issue other than "Freezing Issues"\n\nWhen I first purchased these, it took 2 full days to freeze them.\nAfter that, it still took a full day to freeze solid.\n\nAt first I thought it was frozen all the way solid but it only froze on the outer edges.\nIt was shocking to me that something this thin would not freeze in a matter of hours.\nHow can something that thin not freeze solid?\n\nThe way I discovered this was I was pushing this ice down into a tight spot in my cooler and I heard a small pop.\nAt first I thought I may have ruptured the outer plastic but when I pulled out the ice pack, it was full of liquid and ice chips sloshing around inside like a "slushy" drink. The pop was actually the thin ice inside cracking.\n\nI left these in a freezer all weekend and put it in my cooler on Monday and after only a few hours at work, I went on break and saw these things were already melted; cool but melted.\n\nIt just seems as if the solution mixture inside the icepack needs to be addressed because I don\'t understand why something that is only 1/4" to 1/2" takes so long to freeze but melt down so quickly.\n\nIt\'s not worth the trouble and frustration it causes.\n\nThe positive about this product is that its thin enough to slip into some tight areas and the outer shell seems durable, but again, I rather have cold drinks when working outside in the heat rather than some moderately cool drinks.\n\nHope this review helps you.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Very slim ice packs that don't take too much space in the freezer or lunch bag. Freezes quickly and stays frozen for a long time. Keeps lunch in an insulated bag cold until lunch even in a hot car during the summer. Due to Covid 19 we no longer have a public fridge at work to keep our lunches, so needed something to keep lunch fresh and SAFE to eat in the car. We hit 98° last week outside and the ice packs saved lunch!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "These are the perfect size to fit in my JanSport lunch bag! They're great and much better than those awkward bulky ones from when I was a kid lol. I needed some ice packs for mine and my boyfriend's lunch bags. These are slim and hard, durable plastic that is easy to clean. They keep my lunch bag cold for hours and come in a convenient 4 pack with fun colors! Would definitely recommend to anyone looking for some nice ice packs."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "Although I will keep them, these, I'm afraid, are not worth the 10+ bucks I paid for them. They start to melt as soon as you take them out of the freezer and are almost completely thawed within the next hour. I would return them but since I have already thrown away the packaging and used them I won't."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These ice packs not only come in a 4 pack so you have more than enough for a lunchbox or small cooler, but they’re slim, reusable, and don’t sweat too bad. Can be refrozen each night. The slim design allows easy access to lunchbox setups. They are thing but have excellent cooling all day, usually using only 2 for the main pouch, holding multiple drinks. Keeps as many drinks needed cold all day with 2 packs, using all 4 will guarantee absolute cooling for an entire day.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'They are perfect size to lay in bottom of my small ice chest i take for lunch 2 sit side by side even keeping my water bottles cool for the day and they do come out of fridg so already cool and ice packs just keep them cool and when i get home the ice packs are still cool to the touch .....all items i place in lunch box stay cool even in this Texas heat .now my box dose stay in my work van out of direct sun but i do not think thes would work as well in a soft bag but my lunch bot is a small ice chest so better insulated than most soft bag lunch boxes ....i use every day and refreez every night .'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Since I bought a Fit & Fresh insulated lunch bag & it came with 1 ice pack included, that one had a large center hole to make it easy to pick up out of the bag. These ice packs are one solid piece without the center hole so they are either their new or old style … I don't know which. In any event, they neatly fit and are absolutely not a problem to put in or take out given there is no finger hole. I have a small Fit & Fresh bag for in my car and this size fits easily on the bottom or on each side. Very nice. I'm pleased with my purchase."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 30, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great value/ price. Two of these fit in the lunch box we have for our son very well. They freeze up fairly quickly last until his lunch time at school, when I asked him if they were still frozen at his lunch he said no but they and his lunch are very cold. Which means they have a solid 6-hour lifespan for keeping food cold which is plenty for what we use them for.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If you need a way to keep your lunch cool these work! I have an insulated lunch bag and with it be so hot lately I needed extra ones! If you refrigerate you lunch and drinks then use these lunch and drinks stay cold for around 6 hours if not in direct sunlight! (Neat trick: if you put a frozen bottle of water or any drink in with your stuff.. increases cold affect longer!) I definitely recommend this product!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Coolers-Fit-Fresh-Compact-Reusable/dp/B09V3DCMGS/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,169 | Hydro Flask Wide Mouth Straw Lid - Stainless Steel Reusable Water Bottle - Vacuum Insulated | Sports & Outdoors | #4 | 32,713 | $39.95 - $113.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Warning Carefully Read reviews from other sellers ! All retailers do not sell Authentic Hydro Flask products.\nThis is my second Hydro Flask purchase. I made a terrible mistake when I bought my first 32 oz wide mouth White Hydro Flask from a DIFFERENT Amazon retailer. It turned out to be expensive junk! I am ashamed to admit that I didn’t read the reviews of that first product and I paid for my mistake. Too expensive to return so I am stuck with it.\nI really wanted a nice Hydro Flask, so I decided to read the reviews for the retailer selling Authentic Hydro Flask products. Based on the positive feedback, I bought this Beautiful, Wonderful, Highly Functional Gray 40 oz Wide Mouth HYDRO FLASK with the straw lid! It’s amazing. The straw lid doesn’t make any annoying noises, he plastic straw piece doesn’t disconnect from the lid and it has a little handle which is a nice feature. I am very happy with my New Gray Hydro Flask with the straw lid.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "A lot of other confusing reviews so let me shed some light here people. This is a real Hydro Flask. It came from them in all original packaging, undamaged, and works fantastic. I put ice in this thing in the morning and it's still frozen at the end of the workday. If you read the details of the ad, it specifically says it is the newer 2.0 version. That is why it has a smaller logo and no TM symbol. That is also why it does not have the lip thing for the paracord accessories. Whatever. If that is a deal-breaker then buy the old one. Otherwise, this is real, comes from Hydro Flask (as is the stated seller), and is a quality product. Mine came in the original bag and packaging with the straw lid, detachable straw, and even an extra replacement straw. If others were damaged that's probably a shipping or warehouse issue. Just make sure you're getting it from Hydro Flask's amazon (which this one is) and not a secondhand dealer and you're fine. Great product all around."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 12, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It didn’t come with the straw like it said it would.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'DO. NOT. BUY. FROM. AMAZON.\nBut directly from Hydro Flasks website. I’ve owners hydroflasks for years and they’ve always been AMAZING! I’m talking going to the beach with it, letting it sit in the sun all day, and getting home to ICE cold water... with barely any ice even melted. I bought my new one from here and it doesn’t keep my drinks cold. At all. Within 30 minutes the ice is nearly all gone and melted. I’m incredibly dissatisfied and furious because they won’t refund their own defective product. Do NOT buy from here. Buy from the original site.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have had this bottle for almost 2 years. I primarily take it to work, never on hikes or extreme activities due to the fact that it is heavy. I’ve always washed it by hand. I started noticing the water was brown and metallic tasting recently. I cut open the bottle and am disgusted at what I found. The weld of the inner base rusted. Who knows how long my body has been exposed to this toxic material!!! The outer body began rusting as well. Never purchasing this brand again. This is dangerous!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is not a real Hydroflask. :( I compared it to the one my daughter got off the Hydroflask website. The logo is different, it doesn’t keep ice frozen like hers does, and it’s extremely hard to suck through the straw. The price is the same in the real website, I was just being impatient and wanted it in two days. Lesson learned.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Have a "children\'s Hydro Flask" and love it but decided to move up. But, beware this model does not fit the cup holder in my 2019 Nissan Rogue cup holder. Return the flask or buy adjustable cup holder? Invested in an insert that says it will fit this model Hydro Flask'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 12, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Product works great. Functional and holds water but shipped with a dent or dented during shipping.:-/'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is my second hydroflask (I lost my first one 😣). But the first one was so good I had to get another. Keeps my water cold all day, which is a must in the southwest. It’s nice and durable, and it keeps the color really well, unlike the knockoffs. My wife also has a hydroflask, and we pretty much use them exclusively now, even around the house. Saves on dishes and running the dishwasher as often, which is nice. Holds plenty, and I recommend the straw lid. The other lids are nice and all, but only the straw one can go in the dishwasher. It’s a little more of a pain to clean that one by hand since you need the little nylon brush for straws, but it’s much more convenient not to have to tilt a massive 40 oz bottle back when it’s completely full. Spilled way too much ice cold water on my lap before sucking up and getting the straw lid (pun intended).'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Was a little concerned what I would get since the price was lower than most. My 40oz hydro flask in new color Rain is beautiful and the real deal! I compared it to others I had already purchased from a well know sporting good store and can’t see any differences.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Hydro-Flask-Wide-Mouth-Straw/dp/B09S25YH4T/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,170 | Thermoflask Bottle with Chug and Straw Lid | Sports & Outdoors | #5 | 41,265 | $17.33 - $45.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have a cupboard filled with expensive and inexpensive water bottles (picture included) and it has been trial and error over features, taste, leakage and easy to use.\n\nI decided to buy this one because it had the chug and straw top and I liked some of the reviews. I bought two more for two family members that wanted to try it.\n\nWhen they arrived we were pleased with the 24oz size and colors we chose. We washed and tested them for a week. Me and the family members love the chug top.\nIf you put hot liquids, sip carefully. It really keeps liquids cold with ice for 24 hours and some ice was still in the flask.\nI bought another one for me and the two family members. We use one just for water and the other one for other liquids.\n\nIt's easy to clean if it gets any stains. I let 3/4 cup of distilled white vinegar, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and hot water soak in mine for 10 minutes and then I use a bottle brush to scrub it. Don't put the cap on and wait until the vinegar and baking soda has settled before adding the hot water. Scrub and rinse thoroughly.\n\nI'm so glad I bought this one. I've had it for awhile and have no complaints. I'm glad I bought the 24oz. instead of 16oz\n\nUpdated: August 17, 2021\nI ordered again because I love this company.\nThank you for the upgrade to the lids. Now the rubber ring have a tab that is easy to pull out! Makes it easier to soak and clean from juices that leaves stains.\nAlso thank you for making the straw top spout, fully plastic instead of the rubber one that can easily be pulled off or start breaking.\nThose improvements are loved by the two people I bought the flask for."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 6, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': " I mean, it's a great looking bottle. However I don't know if mine isn't vacuum sealed properly (ice tends to melt quickly although the water itself does stay cool inside). Additionally, it makes a weird sound (see video) when you drink from it and it's loud enough that I've avoided drinking from it in class/meetings so as to not be a distraction. I would not recommend this bottle, go with Simple Modern or a more expensive Hydroflask - I have used both of those brands and I've had better success with them."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This bottle is the best alternative to a HydroFlask. It successfully does the same job as a HydroFlask, and comes with extra accessories for a minimum price.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I use mine every single day. I had a black 40 oz my friend gave me and I fell in love and bought another with a straw lid. I’ll fill mine up with ice water every morning and by the end of the days it’s still cold!! 10/10 I would recommend this!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "So I read through these reviews and I was a little worried that I would get a defective product. It stays cold for hours just like my yeti. I've only used the straw lid and I've had no issues with it. The only issue that I have is the bottle is not as robust as my yeti i can drop my yeti all day long and it will not dent I don't do it intentionally it just happens. Well I dropped this bottle and its dented nothing huge the bottle still works. I wouldn't get this bottle if you work in a rough environment, you're better off with a yeti. I love the color of this i got purple but it doesn't work well with my job the paint holds on too dirt."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I love this product so much it keeps my coffee hot and my water cold for a long time. Not only is it so incredibly aesthetically pleasing it actually works and totally worth the price not like those cheap water bottles where the ice melt in 1 hour. Tots recommend!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 3, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love love love my thermoflask and I brag about it all the time. I work in a warehouse in central California where it gets triple digits through summer the flask will keep my ice for at least 2 days now that’s it’s cooler I can keep us for at least 3 days. It’s definitely worth every penny I’ve spent. It’s also withheld a few times being dropped however it does dent easily so be careful. I got the one with two different spouts and love it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 11, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "One of my family's most favorite products. I had purchased a bigger version for personal use from our Warehouse club. But after using this at work and experiencing the performance and ease to clean, we decided to get it for the kids too, from Amazon. My kids prefer warm water during Winters and chilled water during summers. This one does an excellent job of maintaining the temperatures of the liquids in them. The chug lid is super convenient and if closed properly, 100% leakproof. The coating is even and resists scratches.\nOverall a very good product and highly recommended by my entire family."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I LOVE my Thermoflask. I love them SO much I purchased 3 varying sizes... 18oz in Black, 32oz in Plum and 40oz in Capri. They come with two lids - one chug style and one straw lid. Be mindful when unpackaging as the chug lid is found at the bottom of the packaging! I was only using the straw lids but now I am into the chug lid. I like that my mouth isn't touching a metal or glass rim. I favor the 32oz and 18oz sizes. The 40oz is a bit large and heavy when filled, doesn't fit in my car holder and is quite tall, which means it doesn't fit under my fridge's water dispenser. The 32oz is the most practical since it holds a good amount of water, fits under my fridge's water dispenser and *just* fits snugly in my car holder (although I prefer not to use it in the car as I don't want to scratch it since it is such a snug fit). I really love the 18oz for taking with me in the car, on the elliptical or for next to bed. It fits my small hand well and is not too tall. It is my favorite for around the house but it does require more frequent refills. I do not own the 24oz but it seems to be the most popular size based on reviews and I imagine would be a good choice. I have not had any issue with cleaning these or with mold, even though I sometimes let water sit in them for days. I cannot speak to leaking or hot/cold retainment as I have only used these for water and do not mind it at room temp. I also try to keep them upright. Overall, these are the best and most versatile water bottles I own and the dual lids and affordable pricepoint really seal the deal. More colors would be great :) Sometimes you can find a 2-pack of one size at Costco for under $20, which is a steal but I wanted various sizes and have no regrets. Using a refillable, non-plastic, non-disposable water bottle is an absolute must. I am proud to do my part with my Thermoflasks. Hope this helps you choose your size and color! Happy shopping, happy hydrating! ;)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have never had a water bottle I liked so much. Ive never been the type of person that always has their water bottle with them, until now. I’ve been trying to drink 1 gallon water/day for a long time now and I’ve tried lots of different methods, but they were hard to carry out. With this water bottle, it’s somehow easier. I know that 5 of these, plus 1 more cup equals a gallon. So I do 5.5 of these per day. It’s easier than carrying around my gallon sized water bottle.\nThe things I love about this:\n1. The shape of the handle is extremely natural to hold. It’s the perfect shape for your hand to grab.\n2. It insulates your drink super well.\n3. I love the color I chose lol. (Purple)\n4. It’s leak proof, so when I’m going to nurse my baby and getting all the things I want with me (water, phone, reading material, etc) I know I can just toss it on the bed or couch and no leaks will happen. I can also just throw it in the diaper bag without worrying.\n5. It fits in the car cup holders\n6. I prefer the straw lid. The straw is made of sturdy plastic and won’t deteriorate or look dirty and nasty like those rubbery clear plastic straws. Also, it’s fun to fidget with the straw, which in turn leads to me drinking more water lol.\n7. It’s skinny enough to grab easily with one hand.\n\nI love this water bottle!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Thermoflask-Double-Stainless-Insulated-Bottle/dp/B087CSFW5M/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,171 | SABRE Pepper Spray Keychain with Quick Release for Easy Access – Max Police Strength OC Spray, Finger Grip for Accurate Aim, 10-Foot (3M) Range, 25 Bursts (5X Other Brands) | Sports & Outdoors | #6 | 88,457 | $9.75 - $30.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 11, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm just writing this review because I was assaulted last night by my roommate and was fortunate enough to have the Sabre spray on hand. I was feeling very threatened and so kept my hand on the trigger as he threatened and shouted, and when he attacked me all it took was two quick sprays and he was completely incapacitated. He couldn't inflict any damage on me even though he is a bodybuilder and MUCH bigger than me. The only problem is that when I sprayed it he was tackling me and so some of the spray hit me. I was probably hit with only 10% of the spray but I can tell you it was TERRIBLE. It was so powerful that the cops couldn't stay in the house for long because of the residual in the air. So maybe next time I'll practice shooting it more. In sum, the Sabre spray saved me from definite injury and I cannot be more satisfied with this product. I will feel much safer now holding it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Perfect size. I don't use the keychain thing because I would never want something this big on my keys and it would also just take longer and be clumsy if you needed it. I carry in my front jeans pocket or in my jacket hand pocket. Never had the safety switch move in my pocket. I've hiked in the woods over 10 miles with it in there, no problems at all. I carry it every day. It blows my mind that people just toss this in a purse or something... its a defensive tool. You need it to be accessible. If you chuck it in a purse like its a freakin tube of chapstick, good luck getting to it when you need it, and I have no doubt you'll eventually spray the inside of you're bag. Use your head and its a fantastic product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2015', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Tried it...couldn't open my eyes for 10 min"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 23, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I’m a female runner and I hope that I never have to actually use this but having it does make me feel safer and better protected when I go out for long runs on my own. It arrived with an expiration date well above 4 years which is great. It’s easy to carry and hold and also easy to use (as demonstrated in my video review). I’m extremely happy with it and would confidently recommend it to others!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 21, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This pepper spray is the only self defense tool any woman or man needs clipped to their key ring.\n\nAbout the size of powerpoint clicker (takes up the entire hand, thumb on top) and clips to your keys with ease, it packs a seriously powerful punch. After researching pepper spray brands and all their features, Sabre is undoubtedly the best brand on the market for this product (Vipertek is best for tazers).\n\nI've been fortunate enough to never have to use it, but it gives me extreme peace of mind having its menacing self clipped to my key chain at all times. I decided to give the spray a test... I was SHOCKED at how far and with what strength the spray shot. Would EASILY be able to reach an attacker from 10-12 feet. The powerful stream continues as long as you hold it down, so it would be next to impossible to miss someone's face. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that infernal blast.\n\nThe safety mechanism is very easy to use and the grip of the object itself is very ergonomic/comfortable to grasp.\n\nWhile this pepper spray is as small as it can be without sacrificing efficacy/quality, it is still slightly larger than I would like. I'm a female and my keys remain in my purse 99.9% of time, but someone without a purse (male) carrying this around may find it a tad cumbersome. I also am a little salty that Sabre makes Sabre Defense Spray 3-in-1 (which I discovered after the fact) which is identical to this product in every way, except that it contains police tear gas in it for extra potency.\n\nAll in all, fabulous protective device and so affordable!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2013', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I ordered this stuff for my wife, as we have a new neighbor in the area we live in who is really being over friendly toward her. Unfortunately he will not approach her when I am around, so I made the investment. To help her gain some confidence in her device, I let her test it on me...\nDo not do as I did.\n\nTo give you some background, I am a career military soldier, with 4 deployments to Iraq. After my last tour I took a job as a bodyguard. I am also a patron of concerts and clubs. Suffice it to say I've been exposed to some of the best crowd control in the business.\nYou have about 5 to 10 seconds of coherance (barely) after contact, and after that, your only concern is pain. Even with my prior experiance, I was completely incapacitated. If I were an earnest attacker, this would deter my attack immediately. My wife is not a trained combatant, and she hit me with a glancing spray across my cheek and that was enough to stop me. (Ideally one would draw a line from ear to ear for max. effect)\nThere is no quick cure for the pain, as is the case with most OC sprays. Even with the coolit spray which is intended to reduce the effects, you are still out of action for at least 30 minutes.\n\nSome tips when using this product.\n-TEST YOUR PRODUCT WHEN YOU OPEN IT!!! There is a 1 in 5000 chance that your device may be defective. Go outside and spray a few lines downwind just to be sure it will not fail you in that critical moment.\n-AFTER YOU SPRAY someone, LEAVE THE AREA IMMEDIATELY. If you stay, your assailant may go into a rage which not even OC spray can stop. If you decide to take the fight to the attacker, then you risk losing your right to self defense and crossing over to getting an assault charge. Just go. When you are safely gone, call the police and inform them of the situation. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT\n-AFTERCARE IS CRITICAL. After you spray someone, you must call an ambulance. If your attacker or anyone who may have been caught up in the spray as well is asthmatic or has allergies you could wind up killing them. That is grounds for a manslaughter charge at least.\n-IF YOU SPRAY YOURSELF, that really sucks. There is no quick fix. Find a safe location and wait it out. Use soap and water to rinse yourself repeatedly and allow air to get to the affected area. Expect to be out of action for an hour. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD YOU ALLOW THIS STUFF TO COME IN CONTACT WITH YOUR HANDS. Your hands are the primary means for spreading contamination, and if you spray your pocket, and then scratch your head, you will know. Also, go ahead and trash those clothes you were wearing, this stuff can contaminate an entire load of laundry.\n\nHopefully you will never have to use this stuff on anybody. It is truely hell. The best defense is paying attention to what you are doing, the way you are presenting yourself, and avoiding uneasy situations.\nThis review is in no way intended to be subsituted for legal advice."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have shot myself for testing, here is my take\n\nPros:\nIt is very portable\nShoots pretty far (no wind, I would say about 20~30 feet)\nCan be shot into action very fast\nBest of all: this stuff HURTS. I highly doubt anyone would be able to move, let alone chase you, immediately after being shot\n\nCons:\nThe tip of the spray leaks a little. Careful if you hold it in your pocket because it is actually pretty likely you will get some on your hands.\nWhile it hurts, I found myself to be able to move pretty freely after about 5 or so minutes. So use this product to run away, not to fight!\n\nI have shot it about ~10 times and it seems like there is still more than half left. I would recommend, then again, the brand should speak for itself :P'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 17, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Usually this stuff has a 4 year shelf life, the one I got expires in 5 months\nWatch out for the experation date on the product you receive, some of these have been sitting around for more than 3 years'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 13, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’m a Military Police in the Army and have been sprayed for training. it was useful, important training but i’ve experienced the hell of Oleoresin Capsicum. it is NO joke, this is considered a weapon, it can capacitate anyone. i was sprayed and had to complete an obstacle course under the full effect of the spray. i was the first in my unit to be sprayed and the last to stop burning. 6 hours of hell. and 3 days of waking up with sandpaper eyes. trust me, after experiencing this i would never want to spray anyone with it. however, i am a 20 year old female, i workout at night alone while my husband works and take my dog out at night. i understand the threats i am vulnerable to, especially in a dim setting. for my own protection i carry this and fully understand the fury of the effects. this is not a toy. please ladies and gentlemen, carry this carefully. keep it somewhere accessible on your person. this does not go willy nilly into a purse or backpack. it’s a defense tool. treat it as one. make sure you frequently and safely practice switching it from safety to fire so if anything (Godforbid) were to happen, your muscle memory will dominate your emotion & fear. be alert, vigilant, situationally aware and safe. hopefully you will never have to use it but with practice, you will be fully ready if you need to.\n\nalso if you were in the unfortunate event of having to spray someone, call an ambulance. even if you used it in self defense, you will get caught up in a legal mess if you don’t call an ambulance for your attacker.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Since the hate crimes started i got anxious and bought this. Now i feel a little safer when going out.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/SABRE-Pepper-Keychain-Release-Access/dp/B0B6R8N6WQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,172 | Intex Dura-Beam Deluxe Comfort Plush Air Mattress Series with Internal Pump | Sports & Outdoors | #7 | 29,414 | $45.19 - $169.55 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 3, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "After sleeping on this mattress for a couple of weeks, that we purchased for staying with our kids house, I have decided that it warrants a great review! I have purchased several air mattresses in the past but none has stood up to the durability and quality of Intex. This is my second intex mattress that we have purchased! We have one at our home and one at our kids house. This particular mattress is our favorite. It lays a bit higher which makes getting in and out of it a breeze. I love that you can plug it in and it does the work of airing up and deflating for you. It deflates flat, making storing great. It comes with a bag to store it in. We have ha no leaks at all. It is thick and durable material. I have had back surgery so I can't lay on just any mattress without pain and being stiff in the morning. But after 2 weeks on this mattress I can say that I might just be inclined to trade in my old bed for this! I totally recommend this matress to anyone who is looking for a great, comfortable nights sleep."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 6, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'m a retired senior with limited mobility so I spend more time on my bed than most ever will, (Queen 22 inch). Unfortunately, that amounts to well over 12 hours on too many days. After a month I bought my adult daughter one and she thanks me every time we talk. I\'d like to address some negative review issues and maybe why.\nLeaks- Before using Pump "FULL" WAIT at LEAST 12 hours, deflate, rei-inflate. Not a TRAMPOLINE!\nHard- I call it firm which I wanted. The daughter likes hers a little softer so she underinflates hers compared to mine which may lead to another complaint.\nUnstable- Most complaints seem to come from twin-size beds and those under 22 inches tall. My daughter is limited to location due to floor heaters and hasn\'t had issues without wall support.\nI\'m 170lbs and live alone. The bed is rated at 600 pounds but that doesn\'t mean a couple of 300 lb. users could sleep on it. I wouldn\'t recommend it for two sleepers full time.\nWhen my fitted bottom sheet becomes loose it reminds me to add a little air. This happens every 3 or 4 days and takes under a minute to bring back to full.\nMeasure your space!! Since there is no elevated frame you cannot place it over floor heater outlets or near electric baseboard or radiant heaters.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 17, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " (See the attached video to watch a time-lapse video of the mattress inflating and deflating)\n\nAs you go through life, you have more and more of those times when the number of guests who want to stay at your house exceeds your number of beds. Sometimes, if they're kids, you can pull down a few sleeping bags and get away with that. But if they're full-grown adults, they're more than likely to groan at that solution. A better solution? It would seem to be an air mattress. You know: It fits in a small area in your basement/attic/whatever when not being used, but you can drag it out, inflate it, and voila!\n\nSo I've had a bunch of air mattresses over the years. Some have been nothing but trouble and junk out of the box. The better ones have been OK out of the box, but never really great. And all of them have required a separate pump. You know the type: The bellows pump. You operate them with your foot. And to blow up an air mattress you're there for a LONGGGG time blowing it up. When you pull the air mattress out of storage at 1am, the last thing you want to do is deal with half an hour of inflation.\n\nOK, that's the background. The pump being reviewed here is different. It comes with a built in electric pump. Now, this isn't some amazing cutting-edge feature. Built in pumps have been available for years now. But I only had one other mattress that had one--and that mattress had a leak in it the first time I used it, so it never actually got used.\n\nTo see the pump in action is a thing of beauty. In fact, so beautiful that I've shared it with you--via time-lapse video so you don't fall asleep yourself. See the attached video. It takes under 3 minutes to inflate the mattress. The pump can also be reversed, and it will deflate the mattress in about the same amount of time (again, see the video).\n\nOnce inflated, this is a very nice mattress--far and away the best air mattress that I have personally ever owned or used. It feels solid all around. You know the way some air mattresses seem a bit like Jello--with a bit of wobble when you lie on them? You don't get that effect there. It's pretty much rock solid. It's also solid on the edges and just feels like a fully supportive platform. It's supposedly rated to 600lbs, which should be enough for any one person, or probably almost any pair of two people. (It's a queen, so it can accommodate two).\n\nI can't comment on the longevity of the mattress--I haven't had it long enough. My experience is that none of these air mattresses are forever, but the better ones will last a few years. That's what I'm hoping for here.\n\nAs for deflating it and putting it back in the box? Forget it. But they do provide a cheap but useable bag to store it in (see photos).\n\nOn the whole, I'm quite pleased with this air mattress and would highly recommend it if you're looking for one. It's certainly the best air mattress I've ever owned."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 13, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is very well made, has a very easy to use built in pump for adding or removing air, the only down side is that this is actually a bit wider than a true twin mattress and the dimensions are off, we originally were going to use this for a pull out bed so we could have a sleep over with our kid in his room. If dimensoins dont matter this is the one for you, definitly get deep deep pocket sheets'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have been struggling with getting good sleep for years, mostly because I over heat while sleeping. I wake up in the middle of the night very warm....in the summer time it's unbelievable how warm I get. No matter how cold I keep the bedroom I always wake up hot. My wife suggested an air mattress......it's a great way to stay cool...and she was right. Your body will never heat all the air in the mattress, which means I'm able to stay cool and sleep great!\n\nMy advice with using this mattress is this....follow the instructions!!! It's plastic, and plastic does need to be handled properly, ie....don't unroll or fill it when it is cold, let it warm up to room temp first. (This is clearly stated in the directions.) Also, because plastic stretches, it will need time to reach it's complete fullness....just like a balloon. Fill it to a nice firmness then sleep on it for a night....this will give the plastic time to stretch out, which will SEEM like it's loosing air which it is not. Add more air after the first night if needed. Once you have slept on it for a night or two, the plastic should be fully stretched out and should retain it's desired firmness. (This is also clearly stated in the directions.)\n\nI did not notice any bad smell or anything...well, it is plastic and there is a plastic smell, but not strong. After a day or so of use, I don't smell anything anymore. The motor to fill the mattress is part of the mattress, and with a flip of a switch it fills up in about 2-3 min. To deflate, you can flip the switch to a different setting and the air is sucked out. I really like how it comes with a little patch, I saved that along with all the instructions.\n\nI wish I bought this mattress long ago.\n\nUpdate 6-03-2021\n\nI have been sleeping on this mattress every night for the past 3 weeks and I love it!!! I only let a bit of air out once since I’d filled it up, I ended up making it a bit too firm for my liking. I placed the air mattress on top of my bed so I’m much higher off the floor than I used to be…making it a bit of a climb to get onto….but once I'm there it’s perfect!! I do not move much in my sleep so I’m not concerned about rolling off. When I do get on the mattress I do not hop or jump…I EASE myself onto it…..it is a balloon after all. Maybe I’m having a good experience because I don’t weight very much…only about 145lbs. I hope that this will continue to last me for quite a long time."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Not so good for sleep. After few nights bought real bed with real mattress. I would recommend this product as a guest bed for guests who you do not want to see often in your house.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 19, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I got the bed At a great price, cheaper than Walmart, though one problem, the bed rocks left and right and the top is rounded left and right, so I rolled off this bed very easily, also the bottom is rounded, that’s why It rocks. It appears that the internal struts are too long causing the bed to Bulge out more than the sides, This makes the bed not have any stability when it’s sitting on the ground or when you’re laying on the bed, just my opinion. It appears to be a quality control issue'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Easy and quick. Make sure you spin to the + sign once you turn it on!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 25, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " This is a very comfortable mobile mattress, but of course it will not replace a real mattress. We use this mattress as an extra bed when we go to rest.\nThe built-in pump is very easy to control. The tips are written right on the pump. The pump is very powerful and inflates / deflates the mattress in about 4-5 minutes. It is very comfortable. I want to give advice because I have enough experience in folding this mattress: do not wait until the pump has sucked all the air out of it. Start folding the mattress literally 1 minute after you turned on the pump. I put the sides inward. You can see this in my video. This helps me to fold the mattress compactly.\nI want to warn you: this mattress does not have a built-in pillow. The height of the mattress is about 15 '', the length is about 77 ''. Immediately from the packaging, the mattress has a small, unpleasant chemical smell that disappears over time.\nI wish you a good sleep and stay healthy!\n\nThanks for reading this review. If my comments were helpful, please click Helpful and I will know about it. If you have any other questions, just visit my Amazon profile page and I will try to answer as quickly as possible. And also you can ask a question in the Questions and Answers section and someone from the community will definitely answer you and maybe it will be me. Thanks!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I had this bed for less than a week. I kept good care of it. Today i got trapped on it while it deflated. I had a queen size and it lasted a month and a half. We paid around a little over a hundred dollars. We expected to have it around for a long time.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Intex-Dura-Beam-Deluxe-Comfort-Internal/dp/B08CXZ4CYX/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,173 | Callaway 2021 Supersoft Golf Balls 12B PK | Sports & Outdoors | #8 | 14,482 | $16.56 - $54.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'You can\'t really pay any attention to manufacturer\'s claims when it comes to golf balls. They all say they\'re faster, longer, and have great greenside control. I\'m 47 and a 4 Handicap at the moment, playing from the regular men\'s tees. My driver swing speed is around 92-95 mph, creeping down to the high 80s when the back is acting up. In other words, exactly at the average male swing speed with driver. This usually means roughly 205-215 carry with a decent strike, and totals that range widely from 210 to 245. At this speed and below, golf balls go pretty much the same distance with the driver. The only distance gains I\'ve had in golf (or seen anyone else have) have been through improving technique. Unless you\'re playing a 15-year old driver. In which case you should really get one of these new drivers, because they are amazing.\n\nLow-compression surlyn golf balls like the Supersoft spin less and they go a little straighter and carry further with IRONS. Again: at 93 mph and down, all golf balls go pretty much the same distance with driver. Given the standard deviation in most tests - it\'s a wash. You will not see a benefit from a firm, fast ball until you\'re pushing 100 mph and up. The ball speed might be slightly higher for us with firmer balls, but at 90 mph, that TP5x is not carrying further off the tee. What it WILL do is come up 5-7 yards short with your irons. But with driver - all the same. All the time in reviews I see people writing, "I picked up 10-20 yards when I switched to such-and-such ball!" No. They did not. These people are either lying, or delusional, or have highly selective memories.\n\nBasically, the fast swinger has a conundrum: he (or she - looking at you, Jessica Korda) wants a ball that spins super low with driver, then spins a reasonable amount with mid-irons without flying too high, and is SUPER spinny around the greens. This means a three, four, or five-piece ball that\'s expensive and difficult to engineer and manufacture, and one with an expensive cast urethane cover. Fortunately for them, many of these people are pros and don\'t have to pay for golf balls.\n\nAll the SLOW swinger needs, on the other hand, is a ball that is low-spinning and high flying on pretty much every shot. We want low spin with driver for carry and roll. We want low spin with irons to get more carry. Also, the average slicer (we\'ll call it a fade) is already ADDING too much spin to their iron shots, making them go offline and end up short. And around the greens? Nope, we really don\'t need spin there either. We need to be bumping and running and getting the ball close by controlling trajectory. And stop hitting flop shots from three feet off the green and trying to carry everything right to the flag. For the love of God, I beg you, sell that 60º wedge and learn to use a pitching wedge and a putter around the greens.\n\nAnd the good news is that such a ball is not only cheap to design and produce, it\'s also more consistent from ball to ball. I\'ve played the Supersoft for about a year, and I know what it\'s going to do. No surprises. This new ball feels the same and the performance is the same through the bag. And it feels really good. I\'ll play a Prov1 or a TP5 from time to time, and they feel just fine. But the "X" tour balls feel like rocks to me. Unless I hit it in the middle. Every ball is soft when you hit the middle.\n\nI\'d like to dispel another common myth that gets passed around. Ionomer/Surlyn balls are NOT more durable than urethane balls. The ionomer used for golf ball covers is hard. When it gets scuffed, it gets scuffed badly. And it stays scuffed. Because urethane is softer and more resilient, it absorbs a lot of the impact from trees, wedges with new grooves, and even cart paths. I\'ve had urethane balls that hit a cart path HARD and I could barely tell where it had hit. But then they really ought to be durable for $48 a dozen.\n\nSo in a nutshell, the new Supersoft feels great, does what it\'s supposed to do, and it\'s cheap. And I think the new logo/alignment graphic looks pretty cool.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I am a male golfer in my 60's, generally hitting 210-220 off the tee, and shooting in the mid 80's. I like to hit orange balls, which I can track in the sky and find on the ground easiest. Before these balls, I went back and forth between the previous generation Supersoft and orange Titleist Velocity balls.\n\nI liked the Titleist better off the tee, and would usually get about 10 yards more. But I liked the Supersofts everywhere else, as they seemed to come off my irons with more energy, and were friendlier on and around the greens. I tended to use the Titleists on long courses, and the Supersofts on shorter tracks.\n\nThe new 2021 Supersofts have changed things completely. They are every bit the equal of the Titleist Velocity off the tee now, and I have had to club down with my irons. These things seem to explode off my irons - I haven't hit a ball this far with my irons since before my shoulders wore out. For reference, my average 7 iron hit increased from 135 yards to about 145. The new Supersofts fly just as straight as the previous model. They seem a bit softer on the green though, and I find myself having to putt a little harder to get the same roll.\n\nThe ball seems just a little shinier than the previous generation - maybe a tiny bit less of a matte finish. The dimples seem more pronounced and deeper, though that might just be a side effect of different finish. The surface feel is slightly different too. It's hard to describe exactly - maybe slightly soapy? It isn't unpleasant - not tacky or slimy - just a little different than before.\n\nI couldn't be more pleased with the new Supersofts. No more choosing between the Callaways and Titleists for me - this round goes to the Supersoft."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'White . Round . They don’t float and are hard to find if you hit into the woods . Besides that I would buy again'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've been hunting for a ball that feels great on every club, is soft, but without sacrificing more than 3% distance over a harder ball or a ProV1. This is it. And for prices that beat Vice, Cut, and a bunch of other cheap options. I'm buying quite a few boxes of this ball. Also, they hold up well! Played 9 holes with a single ball through 2 bunkers and some off-fairway woody stuff and it has no scratches at all. Even after a few thinned shots. Will buy more for sure."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 29, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "The golfball itself in my opinion is very good. It comes off the club extremely soft and takes off like a bullet. I have bought the Matte Green, the Matte Orange , the Matte Red, and the Yellow. I am very satisfied with the over all quality of them. The only one I really don't care for are the RED ones. Don't get me wrong, they are still great balls, but the only issue I have with them is the fact they are extremely hard to follow. Once it leaves the club and you lift your head to follow it, it's difficult to pick it up In the air and see where it is going and where it lands. Unless you're playing with a partner or in a group, you may lose more of these compared to the other BRIGHTER colors due to not seeing where it is going. Even the ORANGE are a little difficult to follow some times, but not nearly as bad as the RED. Take my advice and go with the MATTE GREEN, definitely the best choice all around. I am returning the 3 dozen RED boxes and want to exchange them for the GREEN. But not all is lost with the RED ones, they can still be used if you only want to use them for chipping practice in the yard or around practice greens. Hope this helps others when it comes time to buy them."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was using the cheapest golf balls I could buy on Amazon initially. When I hit those balls, it sounded like I was hitting a rock. However, since they were inexpensive, losing a ball was not a huge problem. In one of my foursomes, a nice guy came over and said I should consider soft compression balls. At that time, I was losing less balls - still not exactly a touring pro. I was a bogey golfer for the most part.\nSo, he gave me a ball to hit and it was this Callaway Soft ball. It went further and it did not make a difference if I used a driver or an iron. It also sounded better. I am getting more distance on every shot now and I like the optic colors because I still have problems finding my ball from time to time.\nIf you are a senior golfer, you will find this ball quite forgiving and it might improve your yardage like it did mine.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 9, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I love these balls.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 24, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Picked these up to replace my dwindling supply of Titleist DT trusoft and I must say they play very similarly. Nice soft touch around the green and good feel off irons/woods. I consider myself an improving hacker so I don't feel I get the benefit of a premium ball, for my these worked very nicely and gave me the feel on the short game that I look for. I'll probably keep gaming them in the future."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I been on the hunt for a ball I can call my own and something in the under $30 bracket. I have played Callaway balls in the past and this one had me intrigued. After watching a few reviews on You Tube and reading a few Amazon reviews I decided to give these a try.\n\nI have tried most of the brand names around that price point and a few others like Seed and Cut. The one I have sort of settled on is the Titleist Tru Feel. It has the soft feel and sound I like and the price is right - but I don't love it. The Cut Matte (in the same orange) has a good feel and a similar outer covering to the Supersoft, but the price point is a bit high, especially if you include the shipping fees, so replacing all my current balls would be costly - plus I don't love it.\n\nAs I understand it a lot of higher end premium balls are made to be higher compression with a harder outer cover, that do not over spin when hit with woods and irons, but still have good spin characteristics around the green with higher spin rates. But that hard outer cover also accounts for the clipping sound they tend to make which I am not a fan of. Plus that sound resonates through the club too so the feel is not as soft - at least to me anyway. You can just drop them on a concrete surface and clearly hear the difference - which is my first test when looking at golf balls. The aforementioned Tru Feel has a nice soft feel and sound that I like, so for all practical purposes it is my main ball, and I have a lot of them, but like I said I do not love it and I want to love my golf balls. Well the Callaway Supersoft might just warrant me making one last a change.\n\nBefore I go into my test results of the Supersoft a short disclaimer; right now I am not able to take full swings (doctor's orders) due to a pinched nerve in my neck, so my comments in this review are based on what I have experienced whilst putting and chipping (out to ~60 yards) in my yard and at the range. That said, how a ball performs when chipping and pitching is my main area of focus when I evaluate golf balls. I have never gotten significantly more distance from one ball or another so it is not a factor for me. Now if I do end up seeing some distance gains with a full iron swing, as some other reviewer around my age (66) have noted, I will update this review.\n\nThe Supersoft has a very soft rubbery outer shell - which might put some golfers off immediately. It is a very soft feel in the hands and translates to a similar feel off the club face...which I really like. On the downside, it is more prone to holding onto dirt and smudges than the smooth surface most other golf balls have. It does not appear to be more prone to nicks or slices, but to be honest, I have never damaged a golf ball when hitting it, so I don't really factor that in. Along with the soft feel, the sound the ball makes when chipping is a very gratifying thunk. Edging out the Tru Feel and all others I have tried. I use a chipper around the greens and the ball comes off that club real nice with a consistent roll. So far in my testing it outperforms the Tru Feel in this regard - which is a huge plus.\n\nOn the greens the ball rolls true, which one would expect, but it does appear to need a little more putter speed to have the ball travel the same distance as a smooth covered ball...and it slows down a bit quicker as well. Someone else had mentioned this in a review and I found it hard to believe, but it appears to be correct. Nothing extreme, but it takes a little more of a wack for sure. For me this is a good thing though. I tend to leave balls short so it makes me give it a little more, which works out well since it seems to slow more too - strikes a good balance for me. Again beating out the Tru Feel.\n\nThe other plus is the orange color. I have used yellow for some time, but chose the orange when testing the Cut Matte and really started to like it. It's easier for me to see in flight and when looking for a ball on or off the fairway. You guessed it....the Tru Feel does not come in orange.\n\nI am not at the point yet where I will go out and buy three dozen more golf balls to replace all the Tru Feel balls I have, but I have not been as impressed with a golf ball until the Supersoft. I am a big believer in having only one brand of ball in my golf bag. My short game is good enough that having a consistent feel when the ball is struck or rolls when it hits the green, is important to me - one less intangible IMO. It will definitely come down to one of the two and I suspect the Callaway Supersoft will be the ball I fall in love with.\n\nThe price is right so give them a try and decide for yourself. It will likely be the most unique golf ball experience you have even had."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "So I am 72 and able to crack 90 but over the years have lost distance like everyone else. I used to play Wilson's Duo Soft and I still like that ball for the price and feel.\nI have to say this ball is just as soft if not more; feels great off an iron head and even better off of a putter. I also feel this ball goes a little bit farther than the Duo. For the price, I cannot ask more of a ball."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Callaway-2021-Supersoft-Golf-Balls/dp/B08V9VF6JF/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,174 | Amazon Basics High-Density Round Foam Roller for Exercise, Massage, Muscle Recovery - 12", 18", 24", 36" | Sports & Outdoors | #9 | 75,741 | $15.49 - $21.31 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Fantastic. I was getting a lot of pain around my mid-back and I was told that my back muscles were very tense. I read up on foam rollers and the wonders they work so I decided to give this one a shot, since it was highly recommended on a separate website due to its durability and very low price. I went with the 36" roller, as most guides recommended longer rollers for those who are just beginning to use them. I followed some guides on the proper use and on my first use, it hurt like crazy. I had to grit my teeth and swear a lot, but once I rolled off, I noticed my entire back felt limber, if slightly numb. The best part was that the pain was gone, and it seems for the long run. I can sit in my office chair without getting that lingering pain. I use it almost daily now, and it doesn\'t hurt to use it anymore. Turns out my muscles were knotted up and they were tensing up all the time on their own, and this worked out all the issues. I\'ve started using more techniques to isolate specific muscles and it feels great. I would recommend to anyone that\'s looking to loosen up their muscles, particularly if they\'re always tense.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Great foam roller. I was debating which size to get because I wanted a foam roller large enough to use on my entire body but wanted to pay as little as possible. I decided to go with the 18 inch roller and it was perfect. It's large enough to cover big areas such as your back and thighs, but small enough to easily store it in a closet or under your bed when not using it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It arrived in just 2 days although I didn\'t have Amazon Prime.\nI like the blue speckled color. It had raised seam on one side as some people noted in the reviews. But I was prepared and just chopped the raised foam pieces with my nail clipper. It was an easy fix, and the seam became flat & smooth in 5 minutes\n\nI chose the size very carefully - I\'m 5\'3\'\' and didn\'t need the roller to be too big but made sure that it was long enough for the effective hamstring & quadriceps stretch exercise. Most of the yoga mat is 24" wide, so I knew that a 24" roller would be a little too long when you do the stretch on the mat. A 12" roller would be a little too small for my big thigh and if I wanted to put both thighs and legs on it at the same time. The 18" was the perfect length as I had expected. It is, however, not long enough if you want to use it as a yoga bolster and place it vertically under your back.\n\nI tried the thigh stretch with this foam roller, and it was very firm and pressing the right muscles. I also rolled it under my back from thoracic to lower back areas, and it felt SO GOOD. The roller is also useful to get my back ready in the position to do a bridge and to safely come down from the bridge by landing my upper back on it.\n\nThis $16 foam roller was a great purchase and nice addition to my home exercise tools.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Actually great quality for the price. Finally found something to workout my piriformis. As a runner, it's hard to make time for stretching. This foam roller helps to get a deeper stretch/massage in a short amount of time. Highly recommend for anyone with lower back pain/hip pain, this is a miracle worker!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The amount of four letter words I shouted while rolling my IT band after getting this bad boy CANNOT be understated. Mother of Christmas this thing should be used to extract information from terrorists...or cheating spouses. However, it does the job at hand, works out kinks in the muscles and helps you break down all the bad stuff...for a really good price. I recommend it, but you may also want to gag yourself while you do it if you have small kids, as you WILL swear and then they will repeat it at daycare the next day while you put your hands up the air and give the look to the teacher like "how have they ever heard that word? I don\'t say those words, they must have heard that from Tommy over there" and then you go home and have a glass of wine to make yourself feel better. But hey, your muscles will not be as sore, so win win.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My chiropractor recommended I buy the 36" version of this for some daily routine back stretching to do at home. This product has been amazing for stretching, and massaging sore muscles throughout my back and shoulders. I feel very supported by this roller and have had no issues with it thus far. I\'m not sure what kind of things people are doing to break and chip away at this thing. I Weigh 200 pounds and have yet to damage this roller after weeks of use. I guess don\'t use it as a replacement for your 9-iron, and it should hold up very well. Overall very pleased with this product. And at such a great price, I honestly can\'t find a single negative remark to note about it.\n\n-Great for relieving sore muscles\n-Very durable\n-Easily supports a 200lb person for exercising\n-Inexpensive, but very high-quality\n\nWould highly recommend this to anyone looking to exercise and relieve soreness of muscles. This has been a life-changer!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 1, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Unfortunately this roller has raised seams in both sides of the roller that you can feel as you roll. It's not smooth. The material also feels like a styrofoam cooler. You can feel the little blue dots with your hand. I'm not sure how the roller would hold up in the end. I bought it as a gift and wished I had checked it out before giving it. I just assumed by the price and reviews that this was a good product. We have experience with several other rollers to compare this to. On the up side - it looks cool."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I\'m in love with this thing. My whole family use it automatically after they feel any back pain. At the beginning it will hurt, that how mess up ur back is full of knots. For me it used to hurt on different spots and that\'s when I tackled that area back and fwd until I no longer feel the pain. The cracking sound is the best part lol.\n\n<a target="_blank" href="https://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&tag=mamixpress-20&linkCode=ur2&linkId=7589b1122ae6ea6b5580870a2445f5bb&camp=1789&creative=9325&index=sporting&keywords=Round Foam Roller ">Foam roller for tension release massage and spine relief</a>'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Fell apart after two uses and spread tiny pieces of foam everywhere in the process.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This cracks the crap out of your back. It really loosens you up. I use it on my shoulders since they're always sore and it helps a lot. It's smaller than the ones I've seen at the gym but still good."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-High-Density-Exercise-Massage-Recovery/dp/B09LWFFRRG/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,175 | MAGCOMSEN Men's Polo Shirt Quick Dry Performance Long and Short Sleeve Tactical Shirts Pique Jersey Golf Shirt | Sports & Outdoors | #10 | 14,877 | $19.99 - $25.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Surprisingly good for the price. I am 5\'11" and 165lbs and the medium fit perfectly. Not loose and not snug. Could be even very slightly slimmer but it\'s a good fit. Sleeve length is correct. Length is long enough to tuck into pants or leave out. The material is a pique weave so there is texture as pictured. Lightweight fabric should be fine in warm weather.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This shirt is nice because it’s light weight and breathable. It is good for activities. The sunglasses and pen holders are a nice addition if you find them applicable to your lifestyle. I’m 5’9” 170 lbs ordered size Medium'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 18, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This shirt is awesome. I have a difficult time finding shirts especially that fit because I have a long torso and shorter legs. I am 6’ and this shirt fit perfectly. There’s enough to tuck in and stay tucked in when I bend over/down which at work is a lot. Other reviews say they are rough on the skin but they really aren’t at all. The inside is smooth. The Collar is a little big but it’s a work shirt and doesn’t take away from the awesomeness. I recommend this shirt if you’re looking for an affordable work shirt that’s basic but still appropriate. If it falls apart I’ll let everyone know but day one, I love it and I will definitely be buying more. Edit: these are some of my favorite work shirts. They seriously allow air flow. I have some sweat issues at times and end up sweating through all kinds of shirts but with these I don’t. Not once in two months. I will buy again. The only thing is you don’t want to wear them while walking through blackberries or pick up a cat with claws as they can snag. No star loss for that tho; they’re still great shirts.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This has to be a joke. I got home today and got this out of the mail totally sealed up in the prime packaging and the package the shirt was sealed in. I know it is hard to find good help, but isn't there a quality control screening in place. Funny thing is, that it is the right shirt and size. And to be fair, it is a Monday. I could not give a fair review of the fit, comfort, or lightweight as I am not putting that on to see."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This shirt fits really well, I am 5\'10" fairly slender, and a medium fits great, the shirt is comfortable, not stiff or scratchy as a couple reviews stated, I have worn it about 10 times and it washes well, no shrink, comes out of the dryer not wrinkled, overall I am very happy with it. I would say it is light weight, it is not super think material but has held up well so far.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The collar is way to big and pops out. It makes me look like a chinese emperor. In my opinion the sleeves can also be a bit shorter. I\'m giving it a two and not a one because other than that it\'s pretty comfortable everywhere else.\n\nDefinetly dissapointed in the collar though. When I get a shirt I look at the collar and how the sleeves fit. Guessing the shirt is designed for heavier set people. I\'m pretty fit at 5\'7" 170lbs and ordered a small and I feel like I\'m swimming in it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Amazing shirts! Got these for my husband because he needed some thinner shirts for work since he works outside in over 100 degrees weather and he loves them! He said all his coworkers ask him where he got them because they love them too! He says they are comfortable and keep you cool and sweat free in hot weather.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 12, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I took a chance and randomly ordered a couple of these and I am glad that I did. Lighter than cotton. More breathable than cotton, doesn't hold sweat like cotton, and surprisingly more comfortable than cotton. At least any cotton shirt I've ever owned. After wearing them for a couple of days in 90+ degree weather I was impressed and ordered a couple more."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I am 6\'6", 305 and was a bit worried about the length, but for $20, took a shot and ordered the XXL size. Body is long enough to stay tucked in, and a nice length to wear untucked. The longer length in back helps. Material is lighter and softer than I expected for a shirt that is advertised as "tactical" clothing, but I rate that a "plus". Neck is a bit large - more like a 3XL. Other reviewers have stated that the collar is "too large". If they mean the neck size, I understand. Otherwise, the collar isn\'t wider, thicker, or heavier than usual.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 8, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Really nice color (green) and fits like a t-shirt, but looks a lot nicer. There\'s a little set of horizontal pockets on the sleeve which I haven\'t quite sorted out what to use for yet however - I\'m thinking a type of blow dart or perhaps and exploding pen. Because, the main thing to know is this is a "tactical" shirt! That means, when the aliens come and you are simply in your home office typing reviews on Amazon, you\'ll be totally ready! And with those little sleeve pockets you can whip out an exploding pen, blow dart, or perhaps a screwdriver, and be ready to take those green buggers on!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/MAGCOMSEN-Outdoor-Performance-Sleeve-Tactical/dp/B07JKZZC98/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,176 | HYDRO CELL Stainless Steel Water Bottle w/ Straw & Wide Mouth Lids (64oz 40oz 32oz 24oz 18oz 14oz) - Keeps Liquids Perfectly Hot or Cold with Double Wall Vacuum Insulated Sweat Proof Sport Design | Sports & Outdoors | #11 | 49,193 | $14.99 - $28.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Because of the verbiage in Hydro Cell’s ad on Amazon, I thought my new, 22 oz flask would come equipped with a straw cap as well as the full cover. However, this was not the case and when I contacted Hydro Cell about it they immediately, (and I mean five seconds after I went to their website and posted my concern) assured me they’d be sending out a straw (Sports) cap today. I was so impressed by their customer service, as well as their beautiful and functional product, that to not give them five stars would have been a real crappy move. Dean was the person I spoke with and he was courteous and professional. I’ll be going back to Hydro Cell for their other flasks, for sure!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love this water bottle! I drink between 1 and 2 gallons of water a day, so the water bottle I use is very important to me. I’d been feeling weird from using my plastic Nalgene bottle. I’ve heard from a lot of sources that even if the plastic is BPA-free, it still affects the water quality and puts harmful plastic byproducts into the water. I’ve made the switch to hydro cell and feel much better about the fact that the stainless steel interior will not get into my water. As a bonus, this does not sweat and keeps my water cold for an incredible amount of time! I filled my bottle with ice water before a round of golf the other day, left it in my car in an 85 degree, full sunny day, and I came back 5 hours later to water that was still refreshingly cold. Did that again while working out for an hour, and none of the ice melted (see attached pics). I’m super impressed so far and have recommended this bottle to my family, who are now all buying one themselves. Give this a try - it’s worth the investment!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 19, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’m so happy with this water bottle. I take it everywhere with me (I try to stay hydrated throughout the day). I fill it up with cold water\nin the morning and add ice. It always stays cold for at least 24 hours. The ice does melt but very slowly. And for condensation…well, there really isn’t any.\nIt’s always dry no matter how much cold water I have inside.\nThe sport cap works great too. You open it up and there’s a straw. It doesn’t leak too too which is amazing. I actually tested it out by lying\nthe bottle on its side for 30 minutes. No water came out. So I don’t have to worry about throwing it in my bag when I’m in a rush. I don’t use the\nstainless steel cap as often but it didn’t give me any trouble the few times I used it.\nWashing is simple as long as you use a bottle brush (you can’t fit your hand into it otherwise). All I drink is water so I clean\nit every few days. Hot water, dish soap and some vinegar in the sink is all you need. The lid, I do take it off so I can wash it separately.\nThe whole thing is also dishwasher safe if you prefer that.\nThe only negative for me is that it doesn’t fit in standard cup holders. For reference, I have 40 oz. Luckily I don’t use the car much nowadays\nso it isn’t that big of an issue but I thought I’d mention that in this review. The 24 oz from when I’ve read does fit however so maybe get that\nif you want to make use of the cupholders.\nSo overall it was a great buy. I love it and would recommend to anyone. There are several vibrant colors to choose from too which is always a nice bonus.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I absolutely love this water bottle! It goes everywhere with me - I'm never away from ice cold water. When filling the bottle to the top with ice and adding water, the water stays cold for at least 36 hours. With the 40 oz bottle, the ice melts at a rate of about 1/3 every 12 hours. I don't use the steel lid much, but it does work well the few times I have used it.\n\nThe sport lid with the flip up straw works great! It doesn't leak. I tested it when I first received the bottle by filling it with ice and water, then laid it next to me on my bed and left it for an hour. The sport lid isn't as well insulated as the steel lid, so condensation formed on the lid. But the bottle definitely DID NOT leak. This was with the straw closed, of course. Generally, even if the straw is open and the bottle tips, it will not leak. This is because the air hole will be blocked with the water, preventing the water from leaking out of the straw.\n\nThe only negative about the 40oz bottle is it doesn't fit in the cup holder of my Chevy Malibu or my Veracruz. However, I just lay the bottle down on the passenger seat. A small amount of condensation might form on the lid after my 40 minute commute, but I also live in an area with > 80% humidity. I accepted the risk that the bottle might not fit in the cup holder - it's worth it for the 40 oz capacity. It sits on TOP of the cup holder/center console without problem, if necessary.\n\nI purchased 18oz bottles for each of my kids to carry around with them. One of my sons will only drink water if it is ICE cold. Other cups he would use would only keep the water cold for about 3 hours. He's 5 and sips water throughout the day. He likes that he can have ice water all day and doesn't need to wait for me to add ice throughout the day. The 18 oz and another 22 oz bottle I purchased all fit easily in the cup holders and are easier for the kids to handle.\n\nIn total, we purchased 5 of these - the 40oz, 3 18oz and 1 22oz. Super happy; worth every penny; love the finish on the bottle.\n\nI recommend a silicon sleeve. It will help protect against drops, which haven't happened yet... but with 3 kids carrying these around, they are going to bounce around..."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Okay, so I wanted a leak-proof, insulated, large, good-quality water bottle and this is definitely it. I've been using the straw-top and love that it's also leak-proof and I don't have to lift the whole bottle upside down because this sucker is HEAVY. This is not a negative and I didn't take a star off for it, because it's only because of my arthritis that the weight of this thing is an issue. Not having to lift and pour the water but instead just flipping open the lid and using the straw is awesome for me. I drink only the iciest-cold water I can get and this guy keeps my water cold all day."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 23, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I ordered one for my wife for Christmas. Within two weeks the lid/straw combo stopped working and we were only able to suck up air. We requested an exchange and received the new water bottle with the same exact issue. There is no option to contact this seller. And I am tired or wasting my time printing out return labels and having to take the bottle in to UPS to return it. Will not buy another one of these again. Waste of time and money.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is an amazing little water bottle. I have 2 40oz and 1 24oz water bottle. One of the things I love about this brand is that the sport cap and the "regular" cap fits all the water bottles. They are interchangeable (except the straw length on the 40oz is longer than the 24oz but the straws are removeable so you can move those around too). And the paint or water bottle color has lasted through 4 months of daily use by a 12yr old at school and sports practices/games. Coffee stays piping hot. Ice lasts well past a day. One of my sports caps had a slight issue. I contacted Hydro Cell via the info on their packaging. Easy Peasy - they answered promptly and with no hassle sent out a replacement cap. Coudn\'t be more pleased.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I filled one with an already iced drink, adding more ice.\nTwo and one half hours later, no ice at all.\nThat was with the metal lid. The lid is the problem. It bleeds cold. You can touch the bottle and it is temperature neutral, but the lid is cold. That is the cold leaving the bottle.\nI returned mine, I was that disappointed'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 29, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I am the first to admit that I am HORRIBLE at drinking water, so I had to find a solution.\nI’ve always wanted to invest in a hydro flask, but found it too expensive. I’ve purchased water bottles here and there, but it never really kept my water ICE cold and often times it wouldn’t look all that nice to carry around. So when I saw these bottles were half the price of the competitor, I jumped the gun and bought myself the bright orange one in the 40oz! Shipping was super fast through Amazon Prime, and upon arrival, it was packaged nicely. It comes with two caps - a flat cover and straw cap (love this).\n\nThe day I received it, I filled it all the way to the top with ice then added water. After 48 hours, I still had little bits of ice in the bottle and the water was still ice cold!!!\nI did notice though that with the straw cap that it tends to leak a little if you tilt it all the way over. It was nothing serious, but I reached out to customer service and they were unbelievable! They got back to me on the same day, and sent me the tracking number to a new cap the following day. Talk about PREMIUM CUSTOMER SERVICE!!!\n\nExcellent customer service, fast shipping, stylish/lively color, comes with two caps, quality bottle, no sweating, water stays ice cold for DAYS…Not sure what else I can say, and I’m sure the biggest compliment I can give to this company would be to purchase more in the future and recommend them to all my family and friends…which I will certainly do! Thank you for helping me stay hydrated!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought these for the kids returning back to school. They were in need of new water bottles this year and I wanted something that was going to keep their drinks cold and not get condensation all over the place. There are several colors to pick through. Because I was buying 4 at one time, I went through the list and found all the colors that were the cheapest at the time so that I could keep my cost down. So, I ended up buying teal, navy, black, and white. I was also drawn into how many reviews these have and how they are highly rated. I am not disappointed. The kids cups get filled up around 7:15 and when they come home after 4, some of them still have ice in them depending on if they refilled their bottles or not. They do not collect any condensation on the outside so nothing ever gets wet when they carry them around or sit them on their desks. They all came with 2 lids. The one lid unscrews and you can drink it. The other is a straw lid that pops up to drink. I can see how the screw lid holds more of a vacuum, but we use the straw lid every day so we don't have to worry about spilling if they had to unscrew the lid everytime they wanted a drink. I don't think the straw lid causes much of a difference in keeping the liquids inside cold. The cups arrived in a box that was nicely packed and the top of each box had a dot of which color was inside. The cups are nice and heavy. They do not feel cheap at all. The one thing that has happened is that some of the color has chipped a little on a couple of the water bottles. This isn't a huge concern of mine because with kids taking them to school everyday I would expect them to get some wear and tear on them. The color chipping a little isn't ruining the integrity of the water bottle of how it holds up to what it is made for. The other thing is they are not dishwasher safe. I don't know why I thought they were, I must have misread that. Obviously, not a deal breaker because most aren't, but would be convenient to be able to throw them in there. So we hand wash all week and then on the weekends I do a vinegar soak for a deeper clean. I am also pleased with the size. They are big enough to hold a good amount of water without being too big and heavy. I chose to get the 18 ounce ones so when they refill at the water bottle fountain it stops and they have to refill a little bit more into the bottle since a standard water bottle is normally 16 ounces. All in all, I am very happy with this purchase and I think these will be used for many years."}] | https://www.amazon.com/HYDRO-CELL-Stainless-Steel-Bottle/dp/B09GBG54BY/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,177 | Hydro Flask Wide Mouth Bottle with Flex Cap | Sports & Outdoors | #12 | 26,510 | $24.91 - $109.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Terrible! Had this for a couple months and the inside is all rusted! Past our return date so it’s a waste of money. We Do not recommend!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 24, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I absolutely love my Hydroflasks, and now have about 7 in different colors. I use mine everyday and ice remains in the bottle overnight and throughout the day. I'd actually probably have to leave it alone for days for all of the ice to melt and the water to get warm. I also like that it is insulated in the way that it doesn't sweat on the outside. I have the large, 40 oz bottles, which can be a bit large and unwieldy, but I like the large size for a whole day of work. They are super easy to clean, but since I only put water in it, I only wash the mouthpiece regularly. There is no weird taste transferred by the bottle. Overall, really, really love these and would recommend. I would say to make sure that you buy the Hydroflask from an actual, reputable site/dealer. I bought a few on eBay years ago and I don't feel like they work as well as my others, so they may have been fake. The ones that I have purchased through Amazon have been fine."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Usually hydroflasks are better than this, I’ve owned many, this one is by far the worst, almost seems like a cheap fake replica, first one they sent me had dents in it, I returned it and got another, and it dents so easily, you can’t even place it down too hard, or bump it into your knee without denting it, the coating isn’t resistant to scratching at all, small scapes shred the paint/coating off, doesn’t retain cold/heat well either, I think this is a knockoff, very disappointing product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I got my boyfriend a hydro flask for Valentine's day to replace one that I had previously dented. He uses his hydro flask everyday and I felt so bad I literally cried when it happened. When we opened this one today he was so happy. After we took it out of the bag we then realized that the new hydro flask was dented on the bottom. The whole reason I bought him a new one was so it wouldn't be dented. This one was dented before I even got it :("}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is not an authentic Hydro Flask and they charge the same amount as an authentic. It was too late to return once I compared to my real Hydro Flask and realized this is a knock off.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "Prefer the older model that can hold the paracord handle. This new one doesn't have the lip needed to use it :-("}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I already own a 24oz Hydroflask that I take around with me, but wanted a bigger one to use at home and this was perfect. I debated between the 32oz and the 40oz, but ultimately chose the 32oz and I’m glad I did since I have fairly small hands. This gets pretty heavy when filled up with ice and water, but does it’s job of keeping your ice and water cold and frozen for 48 hours. Of note, I find if you don’t screw on the lid all the way, it loses pressure and doesn’t hold the temperature. Just make sure you screw on the lid the entire way and you’ll be set. The standard lid it comes with is leak proof as well, though I purchased the straw lid separately and won’t be using the standard lid much at all. Since this bottle is bigger, it also makes it so much easier to clean than my 24oz one.\n\nOverall after owning two Hydroflasks, a great water bottle that’s worth the money if you’re a cold water drinker!\n\nP. S. I ordered the new 2021 summer color Alpine for those of you wondering. Also want to note that I think this is the newer version that comes with the “new” logo according to their website. I got lucky with both my Hydroflasks because they were both wrapped in bubble wrap and didn’t come dented like some reviewer’s bottles.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 17, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I love this Hydroflask. It's a little heavy, but that proves how solid it is. It keeps cold water cool all day, I put temperature Fiji water in it every night for my daughter to use the next morning for distance learning, and it's helping with her water intake. She's 95 lbs so she needs to drink 45 oz a day, with this bottle, she's only 5 oz off, but it's better than how much she was drinking before. I bought the boot, cap with a straw, and a bottle cleaning brush set separately, you need the boot because if you drop the bottle, or knock it too hard without one, it can dent. The caps with straws are available on Amazon also, and come with 2, plus 2 brushes to clean them, the boot comes with one, but is on this site as well. I bought one for myself also, it's a good way to drink half your body weight in water. I haven't tried hot liquids, and I probably won't, just water. It was a pretty penny, but it's quality, and I will pay for quality."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Pros:\n\n-40 oz. is the perfect sized water bottle for my needs. I only drink water, so it may be more than enough for the average person.\n\n-It keeps water cold all day long\n\n-The blue color looks sleek. I thought it would be too girly, but it's a good looking blue color.\n\nCons:\n-I opted to buy another lid with a spout that I can drink from. I don't like having to take the lid all the way off to drink\n\n-The 40 oz. bottle is a little wide, and when it's full it is harder to grip. If you have small hands, the 40 oz. might not be for you\n\n-It doesn't come with a protective rubber bottom. If you drop it on a hard surface with a full amount of water, it is guaranteed to dent."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I never leave home without it. 40oz is the perfect size for someone who values hydration.\n\nCons:\n-large and a bit heavy. Has no ability to clip or latch to things like a basic Nalgene bottle would, the top simply screws off. So you're gonna be palming it or carrying it by the handle.\n-pricey, as you can tell. It is indeed a top quality product, but I could understand not wanting to pay $50 for a water bottle... Lol. I personally am completely satisfied with this purchase, however.\n-be careful of sand... Taking this to the beach might dirty up the cap. It won't leak or get stuck, but will definitely make it harder and grindier to open and close. I'm sure all bottles have this problem, however. Can't be helped.\n\nPros: so many\n-Temperature controll is basically unmatched. Maybe by yeti perhaps. I will fill this with water from the fridge with NO ice and it will still be refreshingly cold the morning after if not longer. My guess is about 18+ hours until room temp without ice. It seems like a small thing, but having access to cold ice-less water is such a motivator to stay properly hydrated.\n- easy drinking from the wide mouth, great leak resistance. I can throw this in my backpack with my laptop and feel confident that it won't soak everything. Maybe it can be a little too hard to unscrew at first, but that gets better as you open and close it more often.\n- great look. I love the deep blue and scratches don't chip off the color coating.\n-different cap options for drinking straw? I don't use this, I prefer the classic normal cap. But I could see that being useful for many.\n-in terms of quality, it's simply the best one out there. I have tried Bubba, RTIC and Hydrocell, all of which have the same list of cons along with other annoyances.\n\nI would STRONGLY suggest buying a rubber boot for this bottle! I've had it for a while now and dropped it a few times, not a single dent unlike many that you've probably seen. The boot eliminates the metallic clank of sitting it down. It's almost a necessity in my opinion."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Hydro-Flask-Wide-Mouth-Bottle/dp/B09S2FJ1X7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,178 | Portzon 10 Colors Options Compatible with Set of 2 Neoprene Dumbbell,1-15 LB, Anti-Slip, Anti-roll, Hex Shape | Sports & Outdoors | #13 | 38,364 | $9.05 - $81.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased the Portzon Set of 2x 4 lbs Neoprene Dumbbells in blue to replace a pair I lent to my niece at the beginning of the pandemic. At this point, I decided to just buy these for me to use so she could keep the others.\n\nI primarily use these after my warmup, throwing punches, light swings & flys, to get my shoulders & back ready for strength training.\n\nThe dumbbells arrived on time & w/out issue. There were no noticeable defects or damage to the neoprene coating. The coating does have a comfortable nonslip texture. The quality seems to be right on par w/the other varies manufactured lightweight neoprene coated dumbbells I own. These would be fine for all sizes of hands. If you have smaller hands, you will be able to grip & hold on to the dumbbells securely & comfortably.\n\nThank you for taking the time to read my review, I hope you found it helpful.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'There was a literal metal shard sticking out of the rubber that stabbed me in the finger. This shouldn’t be the case with anything, let alone something meant to be handled with bare hands.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I was so glad to get my new 8 pounds dumbbell hand weights. Imagine my surprise to open the package and not see pristine new weights. Instead I saw used or heavily abused weights. We have 3 pairs of Neoprene hand weights that we've had for years, and they still look like new; not anywhere near as old and beat up these weights. I've attached pictures. Is this the products that Amazon represents and sells?"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 13, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The weights I ordered say they come in a set. Only received one. So disappointing.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Super love\nVery good texture feeling when you holding'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 4, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I needed weights for my Peloton arms workouts. But I didn’t want the options offered by peloton. They only offer between 1 and 3 lbs. Plus I love the color red lol. These red hand weights workout perfectly. Plus they go up to like 10lbs. I was lucky the weights weren’t damaged or dented like the others who’s posted. So I am even more happy.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These little weights are beasts, dressed in pink. They smile at you and snicker as you pass 10, 20, 50 reps, only ending when you scream their name aloud. The perfect companion for a late night walk on the beach or Peloton workout, they are indestructible -- made for your future, and your kids, and your grandkids. These are your forever love, a mightly little weight that says "yes you can" until you really just can\'t do 51.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 28, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "It is too much of a hassle to exchange these or I would (you have to send them back and they are heavy!). They just have some ugly spots that I would rather not have to look at and a couple holes and i'm wondering if they will be a problem down the road. I just think they weren't made very well and look a little sloppy."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These are no frills dumbbells that weigh what they say they do (I weighed them on my scale at home). They are very comfortable to hold, but I have very small hands. The grip is much shorter when compared to other brand dumbbells I have. If it was any shorter, it\'d be too small for me, and I am female 5\'2". They definitely don\'t look as sleek/cool as my other name-brand dumbbells, but since workout gear is difficult to find in general right now and especially 4lb weights are not as common, they\'ll definitely do the trick and I\'ll be keeping them.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Just got my weights and they look dirty, used, and tore up. These were supposed to be a new set. Very unhappy with this product'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Portzon-Compatible-Neoprene-Anti-Slip-Anti-roll/dp/B0B8WJH8ZZ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,179 | Aegend Swim Goggles, Swimming Goggles No Leaking Full Protection Adult Men Women Youth | Sports & Outdoors | #14 | 55,777 | $13.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 3, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm a casual lap swimmer who swims 30 minutes every day. Needed some decent goggles and saw the Aegend brand was a highly rated bestseller. I first ordered the mirrored version of this lens which is essentially identical to this clear version. Was really excited to hit the pool when I received the goggles. Love the strap system on these Aegends which adjust on the back and has a quick release button...my other goggles have a little short strap that adjusts at the temple and it drives me crazy. Goggles are very comfortable and never fogged up during my swim. Nice field of view.\n\nWhat's the issue then? These goggles are perfectly fine and clear above water, but blurry underwater. The blurriness is like a prism effect. My local YMCA has small tiles and with these goggles the tile lines were duplicated several times over. The effect isn't bad and perhaps some may be able to live with it, but it was annoying to me. Contacted Aegend customer service and they asked if I was myopic (no) and offered to send a replacement free of charge including a choice of couple different models. I chose instead to return the mirrored version and rebuy this clear one thinking perhaps the mirrored tint had something to do with it. Second pair of goggles arrived and same thing--clear above water and blurry underwater. Aegend says not everybody's eyeballs are built the same and again offered to replace the goggle free of charge including to their flat lens which shouldn't have the blurry prism effect. I declined since I know the strap design on their flat lens goggle would drive me crazy.\n\nSo in summary--these goggles are great and customer support is first rate. But I cannot give the goggles 5 stars since they didn't work for my eye profile and caused everything underwater to be blurry. Doesn't seem like the majority of people buying these goggles have the same issue though so I wouldn't hesitate buying them to see if they work for you.\n\nUPDATE 2/14/17. I'm revising my review to 5-stars. Aegend once again contacted me and tried to make things right. They had another swim goggles with the clasp on the back like the one for this product but with a flat lens (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MTXI8SV). These new goggle work great and are clear underwater. Can't say enough about a company that stands by their products like Aegend."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 5, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'd give these goggles 10 stars if I could. I have tried every other brand -- Speedo, Aquasphere, even TYR (which are pretty good), and they all leak and fog. For some reason, my face seems to invite leaking with every other pair of goggles I've ever owned. This is the only brand that actually fits right. As an added bonus, I don't have to wear them uncomfortably tight. So that means no raccoon eyes and eye pressure. As a side note, you have to follow the simple instructions to get the anti-fog to activate--get the inside lenses wet first. Then I dry the rims and put them on a dry face before diving in. I can wear them for 30+ minutes of laps with no fogging, no leaking, and no eye-popping pressure."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 15, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'all I can say is Wow!!!! I waited to get into the water today to test these bad boys! and let me tell you they did not disappoint!!!! I was blown away on how clear I could see under water without wearing my glass. Unbelievable!!!! I was in the water for exactly 45 min they were so comfortable, and NEVER FOGGED UP, NOR FILLED UP WITH WATER! Love these things looking forward to many more swims with them! get them!!! and they look beautiful; to!!!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 15, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have been an Amazon Prime customer for over 5 years. I spend a good $1,000 per year at Amazon.com. This is my first product/company review.\n\nI bought two pairs of these goggles for my 7 and 9 year old boys. They fit the boys perfectly. I have worn the goggles once and they comfortably fit my adult face, too. The goggles are high quality, offer great coverage, have excellent visibility, do not fog, and stay put/have a good seal without creating lines after one takes them off. The goggles look great to boot.\n\nRecently, my younger son broke the case the goggles came in (he dropped the case hard on a tile floor). I contacted the company directly via email. Amy, an Aegend team member, responded the same day. She offered to send a new pair of goggles (with a new case). It was so incredibly generous of her and the team. I am grateful to the Aegend for its excellent product as well as its top notch customer service. Aegend will be receiving more orders from me absolutely.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'But these as a gift for my husband, he swims three or four days a week. He’s always been picky about goggles, so I was nervous about getting these for him, but they are excellent and he loves them! I believe I will be buying them again for him .'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought these Aegend swim goggles to use while practicing kayak rolling. Every other brand I have tried either leaked or fogged up. I was very pleasantly surprised with these. They didn't leak and they remained clear during a two-hour rolling session. And they come with a nice hard case for protecting them.\nI can't attest to how well they will hold up over time, but so far they out-perform every other brand I have tried."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These goggles are very comfortable. Your vision isn’t 100% clear underwater, but they do not leak at all. Things are a little out of focus more any further than the length of my arm, but that doesn’t matter much to me. I did have a little trouble with them digging up for about the first ten minutes I wore them. I just kept taking them off and dipping them in the water. After that, they worked wonderfully. I ordered a second pair for my husband. They seem to fit pretty much any size head. My 4-year-old can wear them just as comfortably as my husband, who has a big head. Lol The tint on the mirrored pair is just enough to make the sunlight less harsh, but not so much that you can’t see what’s going on in and out of the water. Great price for a great product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 12, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I followed the instructions and have not wiped or touched the inside of the goggles and after a mere 2 uses, they have performed well. This is my first pair and if they hold up, may well indeed be the last. No fog, the easy clasp holds well, the little hard case for carrying holds my glasses while I wear the goggles. This was my first pair to buy online and I usually by the Walmart stuff but they had none in store since it was out of season. Amazon and a search led me to this pair. So far, they Work really well and at this point, have NO qualms about buying again.\n\nAEGEND, two things:\nDon\'t label your emails to people, "Do you hate our swim goggles?" Give it a week for a person to use them, test them, just try them on and then label it, "How well do you LIKE our swim goggles?"\nI REALLY appreciated the "CARE" email on how to take care of them and use them correctly. Might I suggest you send that email immediately after they have been purchased BEFORE they have a chance to come in. Because mine arrived over night, I didn\'t get the email about CARE until after I had already opened them and had I been a little too swift, might have touched, wiped or even rubbed the inside.\n\nJust my two cents but a Great Pair of Goggles so Far.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 30, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "UPDATED REVIEW: Give the company an A for effort. They saw the review and promptly proceeded to send me a replacement pair. Fortunately, I was able to try out the pair the very next day after receiving the goggles. UN-fortunately, I am still unable to clearly see out these goggles. This time not because of any film or residue on the lenses (at least that I can tell). The weirdest thing - on this second set when I wear them outside of the water, they are clear as day. The second they are submerged, everything becomes blurry. Back out of the water and clear again - in the water, blurry. Not like there is a film or they are dirty, but more akin to blurriness associated with prescription lenses. I know because I wear prescription lenses and contacts. I was in chest deep water just putting my head in an out of the water while standing there and just couldn't believe my eyes. I literally could not clearly see something in focus 12 inches from my face. I still would not recommend these goggles.\n\n--------------------------------------\nHow can over 7 thousand reviews be wrong??? I hate when i read the bad reviews and think that it won't happen to me. Even given the law of averages, I'm sure to get a good one. Wrong. WRONG! After about 1 hour in the pool, things started to get a little weird under water. It was as if all of a sudden there was some sort of film, can't describe it (looks, but not feels, almost like wax). I tried cleaning them with fresh water, warm water, soapy water, spit - nothing worked at all. In fact, they just got worse. The only plus side is that they fir great, did not leak at all, and looked great. But what good are all of those things if you cannot see out of goggles. The entire purpose of having goggles is to see under water. Seriously, how hard is it to make a decent pair of goggles? My kids' $4 pair of throwaways see almost perfectly and still last after repeated use. Other than a waste of money, there were a complete waste of time since i purchased them to take on a trip and couldn't use them after the first day. Sorry I ever bought these."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 3, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Play Video\n Great product.\nThe suction is amazing, and they’re very soft around the eyes. I would highly recommend them for any swimmer, especially for those that enjoy going underwater. If you’re looking for something solid, this is it. They are very soft around the eyes, and they won’t be painful like most cheap goggles.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Aegend-Swimming-Protection-Triathlon-Multiple/dp/B01N43LYFS/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,180 | Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer, by Sports Research - Sweat Band Increases Stomach Temp to Cut Water Weight | Sports & Outdoors | #15 | 157,515 | $23.95 - $28.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’m 5’4’ 280lbs with an 51 inch waist. I purchased extra large. I probably could have gotten away with a smaller size however the one I’ve purchased can be adjusted to fit. To find the size you need, I advise you to measure your waist and don’t go by reviews that purchased based on their weight and height because everyone is shaped differently. I’m not planning on using the gel because my skin is super sensitive. I advise you to do a patch text before applying the gel included to your stomach to avoid an allergic reaction. I intend on using extra virgin coconut oil instead. For more info on coconut oil use with this belt just YouTube it! Listen, don’t hesitate to buy this belt!!!! Comfortable material, adjustable fit to size and it’s machine washable (air dry only). It covered my large tummy and after trying it around the house for a few minutes my stomach was sweating already!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "My quarantine work out accountability buddy recommended I try this waist trainer to help my posture and add some extra efficiency to my home work outs.\nWow, was she right! I wear this belt while I run, go on walks, and when I'm doing squats, sit ups, planks etc.\nI've been using it for a month, with diet and exercise, and you can see in the photo that it is helping cut my waist. With diet, exercise, and using the waist trainer, I have lost 2+inches off my waist in less than a month. I sweat more when I wear it, and my work outs feel more effective and efficient."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 30, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So I was a little skeptical about this product and I decided to give it a try. I attend hot yoga 4 days a week and decided to add this to encourage the sweat to my midsection. The product is stiff at first but you do get used to it! The above pictures are taken 2 weeks apart. I attempted to test this without exercise and it did not cause any sweat while sitting still, you have to put the hard work in too. Tried to gel also but do not recommend it. It is coconut oil which repels water (aka sweat) so it just makes it look like you sweat more because of the beading of the sweat on top. I’ve also machine washed and dried this multiple times (almost every use) and had no issues.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So I ordered this after seeing a fellow gym member wearing one and asking about it... my “problem area” has always been my stomach and so I figured I would give it a try. She told me to go ahead and order the sweet sweat stick also, so after my band arrived and I tried out the sample of the sweet sweat gel and decided I liked it (I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t break out or anything before I ordered the stick - all was well for me!) I went ahead and got the stick too. I have been using this product every day at the gym and during my walks for about a week now and it definitely does what it says. Prior to using this, I never noticed much, if any, sweat coming from my stomach. I work out pretty rigorously at the gym 2 hours a day, 6 days a week, and try to log around 20 miles of walking per week in addition to my gym time. The first time I wore this, the removal was so dramatic... sweat poured out of it and onto the floor around me! It was simultaneously the most disgusting and most sexy thing I’ve ever seen... LOL\nI ordered the medium and it fits great. I could have gotten a small, and probably will when I order a second one.\nMy only complaint or thing I would change about this is I would make the band wider - personally I would love if it covered my entire midsection, from my rib cage all the way down to my hips, but since it doesn’t, I have to choose whether I am going to wear it high, under my boobs, or lower, around my waist/hip area. Originally my thought was that I would switch it halfway through my workout and wear it one hour in each location, but so far I haven’t remembered or taken the time to do that. I am thinking about ordering a second one in a small to wear around my rib cage, and continue wearing the medium around my waist/hips.\n\nAlso, depending on what you are doing and how much you are sweating, this can have bursts of leakage ... the first time it happened to me I was doing a fitness bootcamp where there was a lot of floor exercises and standing, bending, laying, hands and knees, etc... at one point I felt a warm gush of what to me felt like an extraordinary amount of liquid pooling out around my lower stomach area and even though I am not pregnant, immediately I had the thought “OMG my water just broke” 😂😂😂 so, if you are wearing any color other than black, this is going to show through.\nPersonally, I only wear black pants or very patterned ones that you wouldn’t notice extreme soaking with, so it doesn’t bother me... I like feeling like I have worked so hard for something and the intense amount of sweat is reflective of that for me.\nI did not take measurements so I’m not sure if I am losing inches yet, but I do feel slimmer after working out with this.\nAlso, several have mentioned that when using this product, they sweat more overall, not just in their midsection... for me this may be a “tiny” bit true... but I don’t believe it has increased my overall sweating enough to really mention it - only in the midsection where the band is.\nIf you are looking to increase sweating in your midsection, this product will definitely do it!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I read a lot of review before i bought this product. A lot of the reviews were about how much people sweat. thanks, but that did not help me. i wanted to know if it burned inches, and it does. I bought this product 3 months ago, and before i wrote a review i wanted to make sure that it worked. In the last 3 months i lost 3" in my stomach, and 1 1/2 inches in my waist. This is not an overnight fix. before the stay at home order i was wearing this 4 times a week during my cardio exercise at the gym (i lost more inches). after stay at home order I wear it 2-3 times a week. I\'m losing less inches, but it\'s still works.\n\nLastly, i recommend wearing this over your shirt if your skin is sensitive.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 24, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love it! I am two months postpartum and looking to lose 15-20 pounds to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. I heard about the sweet sweat belt years ago, but like most people was skeptical. A friend of mine purchased the sweet sweat belt and saw great results so I decided to get one too. I love it! This photo is immediately after a hour workout of cardio and HIIT. I wish I could have taken a video when I first unloosen the belt. SWEAT CAME POURING OUT...literally! I highly recommend this product and am glad I purchased it. I got a medium, but should have selected small. I plan on purchasing a small as I lose my “baby fat.”'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 19, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’m 5’2 currently 185lbs and 3 weeks postpartum size the medium fit Perfect. I thought I’d put my size for reference to help others since I couldn’t find any reviews similar. I went back and forth on what size to order and ultimately went with the medium after reading a lot of reviews stating how big the belt runs. I wear a size large or extra large in clothing and thought I’d need a large belt but the medium is perfect for my size now and will also work great through weight loss. The belt is sturdy, good quality and doesn’t roll, the only downside is I wish it was wide to cover my entire abdomen from under my bra to the bottom of my belly fat. 8’ just doesn’t do it so I have to keep switching the placement of it unless I get 2 belts and wear them together to cover my whole stomach.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "OMG! This thing works with or without the cream. But I think you sweat a little more if you use the cream.\nI walk/ jog 3 miles a day and have shown amazing results.\nI ordered a medium. probably could have gotten a small....has a lot of stretch\nwaist started out at 36inches\nnow I'm 33inches in one month\nIf I ate healthier pretty sure I could have lost more\nI'm trying to change\nit's a life style not a diet lol"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Rating this with one star. I was so excited to get my order and very disappointed to see a warning on the bag that this product *CAN* expose you to chemicals including Chloroprene which is known to cause cancer.\n\nI wish i knew that ahead of time.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 2, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I wanted to comment on this. I won\'t say it\'s a bad thing but these reviews on here about it are so far out of whack that someone should say something. The majority of the glowing reviews are based on people using the goop they say to "cause" you to sweat enormously. It\'s obvious when they say don\'t rub it in to make sure they is a good coating on your stomach area. Then when your done, take off the wrap and go, wow, look at all the sweat.. The majority of that isn\'t even sweat. It\'s that product breaking down into a wet substance from the heat, giving the illusion of sweat. Don\'t put it on and see how much sweat is there after. I\'m not saying it doesn\'t help that area sweat, of course it does. Wrap siran wrap around you rstomach and it will do the same thing. it just doesn\'t do it like everyone is glowing about. That\'s my 2 cents on this.. and cleaning it after you had goop on you is quite a pain..'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Sweet-Sweat-Trimmer-Sports-Research/dp/B09SS1NK1B/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,181 | Amazon Basics Neoprene Workout Dumbbell | Sports & Outdoors | #16 | 68,377 | $9.05 - $157.04 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My GF bought these as collectors pieces, it been months and they remain in pristine condition sitting in unopened boxes in our pantry, along with a workout DVD still wrapped in the original plastic.\n\nHopefully these will stay in the family for generations to come, at least the family who buys them from our future garage sale for 1/10th the price.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 29, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Do not buy this product. I’m 20 weeks pregnant and recently bought these weights as part of a prenatal Pilates routine. While using one of the weights, I felt a sharp object impale my finger. I looked down and found a thin needle sticking out of the weight that had come through the material and stabbed my hand. Needless to say, I will be writing a formal complaint as this caused me to bleed and caused a lot of pain.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Have you heard of brand new dumbbells splitting in half? Well, here they are! The product arrived last Wednesday. My 17 year old did bicep curls only twice. One of them suddenly broke (photo) and fell on the floor with a thump. Thankfully, there was neither physical injury nor property damage. The material looks like some kind of compound, heavy but isn't like steel but more like coal. When a company like Amazon places their brand name on private label products, you'd think these products are thoroughly vetted. I'm really disappointed with Amazon. I hope they'll pull this product out."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Not very happy with this purchase. The 2lb weights had nicks in the rubber and my 3lb weight was broken. How does a weight break?'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 22, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': "* 8/26/18 - Sent the weight set back, being off in weight as much as they were was pretty bad. I received the new set earlier today and as I unpacked the set each weight went onto a scale. They were all off by maybe an ounce or two, nothing as dramatic as the original set I was sent so I'm keeping them and will update my review after I've used them for awhile.\n\n***********Original review below*******\nMy husband has the standard large metal weights out in the garage for lifting but I wanted a small set of hand weights in the house that I could use for toning up a few areas. I purchased this set and after reading a few reviews decided to weigh mine and each and every one does not match the weight printed on the ends."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "The foam ate through the finish on a side table after just setting it down on it overnight. I picked it up the next morning and it had melted through the finish leaving a goopy mess. I read another review about the same thing happening and thought it was too weird to be true. What is this stuff that eats through finish? Probably shouldn't touch these. I'll be asking for a refund."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "So, these weights are actually great. They were exactly what I wanted and needed. They feel great and seem balanced to me. *BUT* - there is something in the coating the wrecks furniture finish! Do not set these on a table or a shelf. I kept them on a shelf in my pretty new entertainment center (manufactured about a year ago, I looked). At first I saw some brown stuff on the bottom of the weights and I thought maybe it was residue from shipping or the dye leaching out of the foam. When I pulled them out this week, I noticed they had eaten through the finish on the shelf!!! I can flip the shelf over and I won't make that mistake again - but thought I should warn others."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 9, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The middle of this dumbell is much THICKER than any other of my neoprene weights. I have 5, 8, 9, 12, 15 and now 20 pound dumbells. However, sadly these will not be used hardly at all because my hands do not fit comfortly around the handle. I am 5 feet tall and weigh 120. I do wish I could return these and invest in adjustable weights instead.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 1, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased two different Amazon Basics dumbbell products (1) a set of three pair: 2, 3, and 5 pounds, with a stand. And (2) a pair of 10 pounders.\n\nI have had a similar dumb bells of a different brand for many years and am now getting these for a vacation home. The neoprene weights are easy to grip, comfortable, and I love the bright colors!\n\nThe set of three pair is better than my old set which included pairs of 1, 3, and 5 pound dumbbells — because I never use the 1 pound ones. They are just too tiny.\n\nMy only complaint is that the plastic stand is very small—too small—so it’s a bit awkward to reach for and put back the dumbbells onto the stand. I am glad that the set included the stand, but I wish it was a bit larger and more sturdy. The very similar first set that I purchased many years ago also has a plastic stand, but it is larger and heavier plastic.\n\nI do recommend these dumb bells, but just know that the stand that comes with the set is not that useful since it is so small.\n\nI write honest reviews to help others make informed purchases because I read reviews myself and appreciate how helpful they can be. I hope that my review helped you.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I've recently started working out at home since I can't do much walking outdoors here in Wisconsin during the winter. Rather than getting a gym membership, I decided to invest in some workout equipment. I've really gotten interested in using Jillian Michaels' workout videos and the one I use most of the time, Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred , requires hand weights. I already have a set of neoprene 5-pound weights but a friend suggested I start with 3-pound weights. I've ordered some of the AmazonBasics items before and liked the look and price of these.\n\nThese dumbbells are great for working out at home, either just to do some reps or use with videos. The outside is made of neoprene so they are soft to grip and easy to hold. Personally, I'm not a fan of the cast iron dumbbells and I love the feel of these. Each dumbbell comes individually packaged in it's own box. I ordered the 3-pound weights and they are pink with 3 pounds printed on each side. I set them on our scale at home and the two weights together said they weigh 6.2 pounds so I feel the weights are accurate (we have a digital scale). I do not know the country of origin.\n\nI've owned these weights for only a couple weeks and I'm very happy with them! I've used them a number of times with my video and they work great. I feel the price is good for the quality and I will look at ordering others in the future as I get stronger! If you are looking for some hand weights, I recommend buying these!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Amazon-Basics-Neoprene-Workout-Dumbbell/dp/B09Q3YJW2P/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,182 | Body Glide Original Anti-Chafe Balm | Sports & Outdoors | #17 | 32,324 | $8.99 - $33.98 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Omg this stuff is the best! I am a chubby girl and I recently went to Thailand where it was 90° with a 70% humidity every single day I was there. This stuff got me through! I was able to wear dresses and shorts with no chafing! And I only ever had to apply in the morning and once in the middle of the day! My life is forever changed I’ve already ordered two more!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I am a lifelong curvy lady whose thighs have rubbed together since the beginning of time, probably, so I’m no stranger to chafing. I heard about this product a long time ago, but for some reason I didn’t trust it - it wouldn’t work for me, somehow, and so I disregarded it. I wear cotton bike shorts under my dresses, and that helps a little, but there’s still bare parts of my skin that touch and I can’t wear them with denim shorts, rompers, etc.\n\nI continued to read good things, and as summer was fast approaching and we were set to have our first Very Hot weekend of the year, I ordered the smallest size and told myself I’d give it a shot. This morning I applied the balm to my inner thighs under a sundress and spent a day walking around in the heat and sunshine; it was hot, and I was sweating, but miraculously, my thighs felt fine!\n\nI applied the balm at around 11:30 am and as I write my review it’s almost 7:30 pm but my legs are going strong. Other parts of me have definitely reacted to being out and about but not my thighs - without this stuff, they would be pink and tender, but they feel soft and happy. I am absolutely impressed.\n\nLong story short, this stuff absolutely worked for me; I plan to buy a larger size when this smaller one runs out. Don’t be a doubter like I was!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Ouch ouch ouch.\nI’m a 24-time marathon finisher and used to by this stuff by the armload. I swore by it.\n\nI had a massive stash of it so only just now had to buy the type with the newer packaging.\n\nI’m sorry for the sweaty TMI pic but I just got done with a run and I lost about 1,000 layers of skin. Are there organs showing? Bones? The very depths of my soul?\n\nI wore attire I’ve worn for hundreds of runs. The only thing that changed was the brand new container of BodyGlide and how loud I’m going to scream when the hot shower water hits my shredded skin.\n\nNOT RECOMMENDED.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 16, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'m an avid Disney visitor. Considering Fl is basically Hell on Earth, shorts are ideal for walking in heat from 9am to 12am. In the past I\'ve tried baby powder and deoderant for chafing, but they have never lasted more than a few hours. This body glide stuff actually lasted and I literally felt NO tenderness in my inner thighs by the end of the day. I\'m talking being able to wear shorts 2 days in a row at the parks with no injury, which I haven\'t been able to do before! I recommend this to anyone.\nIMPORTANT TO NOTE THOUGH: I did put this on and immediately put on a chiffon dress after. Sadly, the grease(?) of the body glide got on the dress. I don\'t fully fault the product, I should have waited or been more aware, but it\'s definitely something to keep in mind. It hasn\'t gotten on other clothes so far, but some fabrics are most susceptible to those stains. Also, "greasy" may not be the best word. It\'s not like oil on your legs, but it\'s not exactly like dry powder deodorants.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2013', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm fat, I chafe, it's gross and hurts like hell.\n\nThis product solves that problem. I started walking 10 miles a day, normally by the 5th mile I'm ready to call someone to pick me up. Not because i'm exhausted, tired, muscles hurt. Because my fat thighs are rubbing together trying to make fire like I'm trying out for Survivorman. As long as I remember to put this on before my walk (applied like deodorant) I am completely chafe free. This product is a lifesaver."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 20, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " This stuff really is AWESOME. It really works and I don't know where it has been all my life. I started looking for something for thigh chafing after running into a few issues (not fun) and I read about a few options, of which Body Glide fell to the top of each list. I bought it and it was fantastic. No rubbing, no issue. And it is super easy to use, just slide it on like you'd use deodorant. I give it a few good swipes on any area that may even think about touching and I'm done. And it is light as a feather, leaves no residue (see my photo and video). It was so light that I actually thought that it would not work as I was expecting some slippery substance, but... not the case.\n\nAnd I have taken this Body Glide on the ULTIMATE test... a vacation to Mexico where chaffing thighs become both me and my husband's problem due to the constant wet skin and the constant walking. So we both used it on a hike in a Mexican jungle. I just knew this would fail me. I was sweating, my things were sweating, my husband was sweating. I was expecting to have the stuff just wear off from the sweat and all the walking... but NOPE! It stayed on. I even took a dip in a waterfall and it was still on to take me back to the beach. Neither one of us had any problems and my husband was equally impressed. He said we weren't ever going on a vacation again without it. lol!\n\nSo I absolutely recommend this product. Try it, you will not be dissapointed!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So I’ll start by saying I grew up where summer was 2 months long, and we only really had 1-2 weeks of sweltering heat per summer.\n\nWhen I moved to a hot, humid city on the coast for work in my late 20’s, I found exercising outdoors for the 6 months of summer (4 months of which matched my 1-2 sweltering weeks of younger years) difficult, particularly because I’d get heat rash or chafe. With the humidity, once that happens, you’re in for a few weeks of discomfort.\n\nI found Body Glide and TriGlide (a similar, more expensive, slightly better-working spray) and started to really enjoy running outdoors in the summer. This solved my heat rash/chafing problem, and despite the awkwardness of the conversation, I routinely recommend it to transplants who move here from cooler climates (which inevitably leads to a conversation like “My gosh, I’ve been having that problem and couldn’t figure out how other people worked around it!”)\n\nThis stuff works, and at the price of it, you really can’t afford not to try it (you won’t be disappointed).'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 16, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’m so glad I found this product. I’m a curvy gal so I’m no stranger to chafing. It’s been something that I’ve struggled with for the longest time. Right now I’m trying to lose some weight so I go to spin class in the evening after work. Even when I wear the proper attire however, I’ll end up with a rash on my thighs. It’s not just a little bit either it’s bad to the point where it makes me not want to cycle anymore.\n\nWell…I talked to my coworker the other day about my problem and she told me to give this thing a try. Honestly I’ve never heard of it before but I’ll take her word for it. When I went home, I bought myself one from amazon. Costed me around ten bucks or so.\n\nIt came quickly in two days. I applied the balm to my inner thighs under my shorts and went off to spin class. It was hot and I sweated bullets but my thighs didn’t bother me at all! I’m not sure if I should be reapplying it after a while but so far so good. This balm has definitely earned a spot in my gym bag next to these earplugs that help cut down on the noise during class.\n\nI don’t really have any complaints but I do want to mention that the balm is kind of sticky and gummy. It’s not what I expected, I thought it would be smoother but it works. Texture wise it almost feels like vaseline or petroleum jelly when you put it on. As soon as you get moving however, it kind of melts so that you don’t feel it anymore.\n\nPROS:\n- Does a great job of preventing chafing\n- Small and compact\n- No weird smell\n- Lasts long enough for my spin class\n- Doesn’t leave residue on my clothes\n\nCONS:\n- Texture is a little weird\n- The container is kinda small'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This stuff saved my beach vacation. My son always gets nasty chafe and rub rash from playing in the water and then running around in his wet shorts. Usually half way through the day he's ready to go because it stings so bad, then it's going home slathering the rash with desitin while he sits on the couch. We put this on his inner thighs every day before we went to the beach and never even had pinkish skin, never mind a rash!! It's very dry, non greasy and goes on smooth and colorless just like a deodorant with no scent either. It's absolutely a lifesaver!!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 20, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I wasn't sure I liked this product at first to be honest. When you first put it on, it feels like it makes your thighs stick more. I was really worried it was going to make the chafing worse, but I decided to just give it a go and I was happily surprised! I applied some to my inner thighs before heading to the farmers' market where I work for a 12 hour day. It was 90 degrees today and there is no air conditioning in this very crowded market, so I was sweating like crazy! Not to mention with my job there I am constantly walking, squatting, climbing, kneeling, the whole bit, so I was moving around all throughout my day. I had to reapply the balm twice because I sweated it off. But it still lasted a few hours and the stick is smaller than my cell phone so it's so easy to hide in a purse or back pocket. As a woman with thicker thighs wanting to wear shorts on a hot day, this product was a god-send. It's hard to explain what the product feels like, but it stops the friction and makes it so much more comfortable to wear shorts and dresses. I feel like I can finally wear shorts again!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Body-Glide-Original-Anti-Chafe-Balm/dp/B07CYQDDHC/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,183 | YETI Rambler Jr. 12 oz Kids Bottle, with Straw Cap | Sports & Outdoors | #18 | 24,777 | $25.00 - $89.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I like this way better than the Hydroflask water bottle.\n\n- hydroflask kid bottle comes with a silicone sleeve that guarantees your water bottle tips over if you accidentally knock it rather than it sliding a little. If you take the silicone sleeve off then the paint starts to chip off. The Yeti unpainted stainless steel on the bottom, so no paint to chip.\n\n- hydroflask handle is just big enough to skip one finger in and then inevitably catch on something and twist your finger off. Not really, but it’s awkward. The Yeti handle is big. Easy for little kids to hold. Easy to clip on to something. And if it falls right can keep the nozzle from touching the ground if you drop it.\n\n- on the hydroflask the bottom part of the nozzle is difficult to access to clean. On the Yeti the side of the bottom of the nozzle is exposed so I’m not worried about anything growing there that I can’t see.\n\n- the hydroflask lid has to be lined up just right or it won’t thread on right. My 5 year old certainly can’t do it. On the Yeti the threads are on the inside of the bottle so everything always gets lined up properly and is easy to put on.\n\n- the plastic on the yeti lid seems more durable. We have damaged the hydroflask lids but the yeti still looks like brand new.\n\n- the nubbin on the nozzle that plugs the air hole when closed is higher on the hydroflask than in the yeti. My friend’s kid chipped her tooth on that nubbin. So the lower the better.\n\n12 oz is a good size too. I think I’m going to get one for myself.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'We have, and love, the kids Hydroflask... what I don’t like is it’s too wide (with the silicon bumper) to fit in our stroller & car seat cup holders - not a deal breaker, but an inconvenience. I wanted to see how the Yeti compared. Size-wise, it’s taller but about the same width and has the same 12 oz capacity. The handle is easier for small hands to carry. Everything else about it (“leak”-proof, straw, flip top, insulation) seems about the same for the most part. I trust Yet’s durability and the extra straw is a major bonus, this cup will last a long time.\n\nIf you already have a Hydroflask, I don’t think this cup is necessarily worth the upgrade. But if you deciding between the two, I’d recommend the Yeti!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My twins have been using their kids ramblers since 2019 when they were 3 years old and it has held up and is an absolute great water bottle all around for almost 2 years, except for one but major concern: over time it is very difficult to thoroughly clean the silicone underneath the straw mouth piece that opens and closes (see pix). To see the silicone piece, open the straw halfway or at a 45 degree angle.\n\nWe have only used it for water and I have tried so many ways to clean it (e.g. toothpick, small brush, submerged in boiling water) but unfortunately I can’t reach all the way in. I’ve also tried removing the spout (which would completely solve this issue) but it does not come off. I really wish this piece came off because everything else about this water bottle is great. I’d greatly appreciate it if someone knows a way to thoroughly clean the silicone or get underneath this area it or even know how to remove the straw mouth piece and I’d happily update my review. I checked on Yeti’s how to clean support page and it’s not removable. I’ve also tried to research online on ways to clean it but found none ☹️.\n\nI had reached out to Yeti previously with this concern but never received a response.\n\nI have another child who uses a hydro flask and noticed that the straw spout is removable and therefor easier to clean, however it doesn’t have the nice wide ergonomic handle as the Yeti.\n\nAt this time, I’m looking for a new replacement because I just can’t keep that area clean anymore. Again these are great bottles, just keep an eye on that silicone area for mildew over time.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I ordered 2 of these and love the one that was not defective. However, the spouts on the pink one had a dent in it and the tip fell off. We got to use it for 1 week. I am unable to contact the seller for some reason and since I had registered the prof it with yeti, figured it would be no big deal. However, I was told by the yeti that because it says seller: AMAZON LLC, it is a possible fraud and they will not stand by the warranty. I am so disappointed in yeti and honestly just mad. When asked what registering the product does...I was told that it doesn’t help with the warranty, it’s just a way that yeti can thank you foe the purchase. Super disappointed. If someone from Amazon would contact me in regards to this, It would be greatly appreciated!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 25, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My daughter is almost 2.5 years old and LOVES this!!! I love that I can put ice in it ONCE daily and it stays cold all day. My daughter is a DIVA and always wants “ice cold water” (in her own words). We are a Yeti kinda family so always trust in the brand. I can put ice water in her cup at night and there will still be ice in the morning. Much better than getting up in the middle of the night 2-3 times for ice water. Highly recommend.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 22, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "Another product made in China - I don't know if it works or not - but\nI certainly wouldn't 29.95 for a thermos made there. Saw these in Whole Foods\nand decided to purchase 2 of them - what a disappointment!\nShould be mandatory on all items sold where the country is made.\nIt's a rip off!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love! Bought for my 15 month old because her plastic ones kept getting scratched from being dropped. She can’t open it on her own, and it leaks if the spout is open and laid down. If closed it doesn’t leak at all. Keeps everything cold!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 23, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Ok so I never thought in a million years I would EVER buy my toddler such an expensive water bottle! However, after he had thrown and broken about the 6th cheap plastic one I was just done. Plus he likes his ice water, just like his mama. It was so hard for me to pull the trigger and buy one of these, I finally just saved up a giftcard and got it for him. It is AMAZING! He has thrown it so many times, and we have had no issues, no dents and no failures of the straw. That was always an issue with the cheap plastic ones is when he would throw the bottle the straw would knock loose and I would have to constantly be fixing it for him. The only time this bottle leaks is if it is on it's side. I do wish for the price it was a little bit bigger, more like a 16oz vs the 12oz. I just LOVE that it is dishwasher safe, and my 2 y/o has no difficulty working the lid to access the straw. We just purchased our second cup to have one to use while cleaning the other :)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bought these for my 3 and one year old to encourage them to drink more water and to have their own water bottles for hiking. So far they love them and are constantly asking for more water. I ordered stickers to customize their bottles and keep them from arguing over them. This is even easy for my one year old to use! I’m also trying to get my 3 year old to stop using soppy cups and this seems to be helping. I have it a 4 for spill proof as ours haven’t leaked at all and are actually way more effective and being spill proof than majority of the soppy cups I’ve bought. However we’ve only had them a few days so time will tell, but YETI is know. To last so I’m sure this will also eventually be a 5 for me. Worth the extra $ imo.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I love this water bottle for my son! The plastic ones make his water taste weird and the glass ones with the silicone holders make me nervous because they can still break. This is perfect! I also ordered another stainless steel straw cup from another company and the screw cap as well as the threads in the bottle are both stainless steel and it scratches a lot when put together. This one screws on so smoothly! It also came with 2 straws, which I appreciate since they are so easy to lose.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/YETI-Rambler-Kids-Bottle-Straw/dp/B07VKBSB4P/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,184 | Under Armour Adult Hustle 5.0 Backpack | Sports & Outdoors | #19 | 9,464 | $39.19 - $102.06 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased two of these backpacks for my boys who are 14 and 11. I purchased a white one and a steel blue. When I first unpacked them, it seem led like a standard/traditional sized backpack. My sons are very tall for their ages, one is 510, the other is 5’5. They both needed a backpack that could simultaneously hold a basketball, their sneakers, other smaller items and a water bottle in an outside pocket AND look cool all at the same time. This backpack went above my expectations! It holds everything I listed above without my kids having to struggle with getting it all to fit. It’s a cool and classy looking backpack. I highly recommend!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 20, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I LOVE this backpack , although it’s for my 3rd grader, I kinda want one too! With covid going on he can’t leave stuff at school\nSo he’s lugging a lot back and forth including his laptop and tennis shoes (because no lockers due to covid ) so we had to upgrade to a bigger backpack, the shoe compartment is our favorite ! It’s perfect for what we need! 10 out of 10 recommend ! (Picture shown there is EVERYTHING he needs in the backpack currently including shoes in the bottom ! )'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought this as a work/outing bag both requiring a lot of ‘stuff’ of various weights. I began use as a basic ‘disguised’ diaper bag and it was perfect. It has pockets for those things fragile, spill-able, or easily scratched.\nI know use it to cart around two hefty laptops, a binder, padfolio, large spiral notebook calendar, as well as a large selection of pens and go pro video/sound equipment. I never thought it would be enough for everything until I forgot my other bag a few weeks ago and haven’t looked back. The strap comfort is EXCEPTIONAL and I cannot usually notice the weight of the countless materials I have inside. Great for moms, work-gym professionals, or any involved in a travel career. WORTH IT!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought this backpack because my son is going to middle school this year. We have used under armor in prior years and they are very durable backpacks and actually last all year round plus some compared to Walmart brand that rips a lot. We ordered from Amazon because it was cheaper online then actually buying it from underarmor in the mall.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 17, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love UA products. This product is great... but damages my clothes anytime I wear it. The side of the backpack that lays against your back is netting material to help wick and prevent moisture. Which it does! But at the cost of your shirt/coat/etc. The netting works like sandpaper and wore holes in my clothes with light wear/use during normal walking conditions.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I got this for my son in August...it's now October I honestly thought it would be black by now. LOL !! Because over the years he just mistreats his stuff in dirt and grass when he is outside. He loves this bag and he wants another one just for soccer. It holds his books very well and he is even more organized with this bag from what I noticed. Will continue to buy this brand again up until he finish highschool."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'We had this bag for a little over a year and it ripped within 6 months of purchasing. I wouldn’t buy this brand for bags ever again. Reached out to Under Armour and they have no warranty for their bags. Wish I had done the research prior and invested my $ into a bag he could have for several more years. Purchased a North Face Surge bag for him.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 15, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I am a nanny during the summers. I purchased this backpack at the beginning of this summer for all of our outings. This has been perfect for trips to the zoo, museums, and hiking. It holds quite a bit, as I'm able to fit my lunch box in the main compartment. I like that there is a small compartment on the very front that works perfectly to hold my keys, so I don't have to shuffle through the whole bag for them. I'm very happy with my purchase."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is our 2nd Under Armour and the first one last over 3 years but she wanted a new color!! It’s now her overnight or weekend bag for staying at friends. They’re very heavy duty because she’s in high school and carries an enormous amount of books and that book bag has held up straps and all!! Looks like brand new!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I accidently left this bag outside overnight with my tablet in the back pouch and it rained heavily. I found it near my friend's parking spot the next morning and everything inside was dry! This bag is awesome!! Great work Under Armour!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Under-Armour-Adult-Hustle-Backpack/dp/B08GDC6BXT/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,185 | Pogo BPA-Free Plastic Water Bottle with Chug Lid | Sports & Outdoors | #20 | 2,961 | $6.39 - $14.41 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 30, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The problem with many water bottles, is that a lot of companies continue to re-engineer the functionality, possibly so they can feel good about charging prices that are nothing short of extortion. Why anyone would pay $20 for a water bottle is a mystery to me. I'm a grown-up, so I needed something straight-forward, that would seal tightly, and didn't have a lot of dumb features, like a straw, or a lanyard, or a compass, or an ice hole, or a rubber suit, or whatever else. This bottle fits the bill perfectly. It holds liquid, it seals effectively, and it's easy to clean. It's also inexpensive enough, that I'm not worried about losing it, or possibly backing over it with my car when it rolls off the roof, after I left it there while getting in, because I was more concerned about making sure I didn't drop my open bag of Nutter Butters, cellphone, or gun.\nAnyway, great. Five stars."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 9, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I'm the wierdo that researched water bottles for like 2 weeks before buying one. I wanted something that fit in my cup holder, that was easy to drink from, east to clean, and I could easily put ice in. This is a winner! The lid snaps so securely and it fits perfectly in my cup holders. I carry it by the ring often. Super happy with this purchase!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 15, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The Pogo clear water bottles with the chug lid are my FAVORITES. They're *only for cold beverages*, of course, but this bottle has made it a breeze to meet my hydration goals for the day.\n\nThe chug lid is perfect for drinking and for cleaning. There's no weird straw thing to try to clean (and just hope there's no gunk stuck in there!), and both pieces are dishwasher safe. Even better, once the chug lid is closed it is virtually SPILL-PROOF! I didn't believe it at first, since I seem to manage to spill the contents of bottles in my bag on a regular basis, so I gave it a shot. Once closed, I can put the bottle upside-down or on its side in any direction, and not a drop leaks out. Of course, if the cap comes undone that's a different story, but if I toss this into an open bag that I'm just carrying to and from work it stays shut and my bag stays dry. No promises if you put this into a backpack and then forget about it while doing vigorous athletic maneuvers, though.\n\nThe hash marks on the front of the bottle make it easy for me to see how much water I've had so far for the day. It lists both ml and oz, up to 32 oz or 750 ml. (Remarkably, the same liquid volume as a bottle of wine. Just sayin'.) This size is my favorite because I don't have to refill it as often to meet my water goals. (I have one of the smaller ones as well, which I keep by the bed for sipping at night.) The fun colors don't hurt, either, and the thumb loop is perfect for carrying while the rest of your fingers are attached to your phone.\n\nBPA-free is kind of a big deal, too. I had stayed away from plastic for a long time because of it, and my favorite bottles were stainless for a long time. I still love those, but they conduct heat and cold easily and there's no way to see how much liquid remains.\n\nI've heard that these aren't drop-proof, either cracking or losing their spill-proof-ness, but so far I haven't encountered that problem. I have dropped one of mine at least twice and it's as good as new.\n\nI bought two of these for myself and I'll be giving two more as gifts, that's how much I love these bottles!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 15, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I lost my water bottle and was in a desperate need of a new one. I am very happy to have found this since it fit me in many ways.\nHere are some of the advantages I have so far encountered:\n- The bottle is very lightweight.\n- No plastic smell or taste from the water.\n- It is pretty big and no need to refill it too many times.\n- Very affordable (it was about $3.5 when I bought it).\n- No leaking at all.\nI have read in some of the other comments that people are dissatisfied with the way it holds hot beverages, but it is understandable since this is NOT designed for it. I have been using for a week so far and no complaints. Will update my review if I find any downsides.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought this water bottle for my trip abroad so that I wouldn't have to buy so many disposable plastic ones.\nI would wash the mouth of it everyday and the bottle as a whole every three days.\nI left it for a week while I went on another trip and I came back to have it full of mold. After that, I was never able to get it out. It was in the cap under the rubber part where I couldn't get to it. It was in the bottom of the bottle where I couldn't reach.\nI'd try to soak it in hot soapy water to loosen it and hopefully get it out. The mold in the bottom would seem like it was gone but the next day when I was drinking from it, it'd be back again.\nI quickly threw this out so that I wouldn't get sick from it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have been through TOO MANY water bottles in my life. The plastic ones shatter when dropped, the metal ones dent when dropped, and they're all just so easy TO DROP. And the LEAKS! I can't even tell you how many puddles I've caused from toting my water bottles around with me on the daily.\n\nI bought this water bottle for one reason: the PRICE. I was not looking for a good water bottle at the time, I guess because I stopped believing they were out there in the world, so I bought a cheap one assuming that it would have some kind of design flaw or break when I dropped it in a couple of weeks. I was WRONG! This is, hands down, THE BEST WATER BOTTLE I HAVE EVER OWNED. I have had it for over a year now, and I tote it with me on the daily, always on the move walking from class to class on a large outdoor college campus.\n\nThere are THREE things that make this the best water bottle in the world:\n\n1. It is HARD TO DROP, even for me! I just hook my finger through that little bendy hooky thing up top, close my fist, and that sucker stays on me! I walk everywhere with this thing, and when I'm holding it through the loop, it is basically UNDROPPABLE! When I'm drinking from it, the little hand indentation up at the top of the water bottle is a very comfortable fit, and even when the bottle is full and heavy, it feels very balanced.\n\n2. WHEN I drop it, it DOESN'T BREAK! Let's face it: I am forgetful and clumsy. There are times when I don't hold the bottle the undroppable way. There are times when the bottle is sitting on my desk and I accidentally swipe it off. There was even this one time when I threw it into the air and then failed to catch it. But through all these drops, this bottle has not cracked yet. And a couple of my drops have been when the bottle was fullish. That being said, I haven't had TOO many major drops (thanks to the bottles undroppableness) so I wouldn't try pushing your luck with this one. But alot can be said just from the fact that this bottle has survived a year of daily use with ME, a certified water bottle destroyer.\n\n3. IT DOESN'T LEAK! This bottle has something that's hard to find these days: A TOP THAT ACTUALLY WORKS! I have NEVER experienced a single leak with this bottle - NOT EVEN ONE! I throw my bottle into my bookbag all the time, with precious lecture notes and expensive textbooks, some of which are rented and must be returned, and I can do so with FULL CONFIDENCE that my water bottle will not leak on them! I'm not talking the side pocket of my bookbag, I am talking in the main zipper with all of my other stuff. I make ZERO EFFORT to be careful when the bottle is in my bookbag. All day long that bookbag bumps into desks, walls, people, gets turned upside down, gets thrown on the floor, sat on, turned upside down, etc. This sucker doesn't leak.\n\nAnd that's it. THREE things that go into making the PERFECT WATER BOTTLE. This water bottle also has the added benefit of having a killer price (I was happy to pay the price I paid for it even when I was still assuming it was nothing special). It also holds 40 ounces of water, which is kind of a large amount of water compared to most water bottles. I bought this bottle with ZERO EXPECTATIONS, and it has turned out to be one of my favorite buys from Amazon to date. It definitely sparks joy in my life! Thank you, Pogo water bottles. You have created something of VALUE."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 31, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought 4 of these to use daily to force myself to drink 1 gallon of water daily. (If i try and refill one x4 I just dont end up drinking it lol) Overall this is a really great simple bottle and at a unbeatable price. Doesnt stay cold at all for long but I drink fast anyway so it wasnt something I was looking for in a bottle, I was using a screw top chug bottle and the screwing and unscrewing was annoying and slowed me down...this closer is fast and easy, and no leaking so far. bought a smaller one for my 5 year for school!.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I love the jewel tone colors of this sturdy, sleek, ergonomically designed, leak and spill proof water bottles! I ordered 2 water bottles in my favorite colors to keep one chilling and other handy with ounces marked clearly along the side to ensure I'm drinking enough daily for proper hydration. Once the lid is screwed on, the inside removable rubber ring ensures a tight leak proof seal (why not recommended for carbonated beverages) and there's also a removable, leak proof rubber stopper within the flip top for straw use too. I love the one finger flip top, which keeps my water free of dust, clean and safe from accidental tip spills. The mouth sipper is just the right size for tip and sip and with a bottle brush (I purchased a no scratch long handle silicone bottle brush) daily soap and water handwashing is a breeze! Being a fan of Diet Coke, I got these water bottles to encourage drinking more water and also use with my favorite flavored on the go powdered drink mix, which also easily rinses from this cool water bottle. I purchased a reusable Jamba Juice tumbler that has a long reusable straw & perfect height to use the straw top option of this bottle too.\nThe only con would be I wished a clear bottle was available for not only the summer eye appealing appearance of cool ice water or sipping ice tea with lemons, but various powdered drink mix colors. However, that's just being personally nitpicky and nothing negative about the truly beautiful jewel tone colors, which are exactly as shown in product advertising pics. Of the water bottles purchased before, these easy to hold, clean, leak proof beautiful clearly marked ounces are my favorite and fantastic value for the quality! There is a rubber finger hold ring, which could be attached to a bag and makes carrying several things at one time convenient, although I only use it to pinky hold the lid, while adding more ice in the bottle. In a nutshell, I love my Pogo water bottles and in the near future, definitely will be purchasing more to stay hydrated this summer and because thanks to happy, playful furbabies, have also passed the accidental tip, leak proof test too."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This bottle is strong and sturdy; I trust it to last. I washed it in the dishwasher before the first use and will wash by hand in future. I consider it easy washing.\n\nIt’s not leak proof. If it gets turned over drops will leak from the lid. Nothing comes pouring out or anything, but don’t let it go sideways in your bag or purse. Your stuff will get wet.\n\nNot sure what it means by warmth...it’s plastic and not insulated in any way...and it doesn’t say it should be so I see no problems.\n\nOverall, I definitely consider this a 5 star bottle. The price is good compared to prices for similar bottles. I also love the ounce measurements. This bottle genuinely helps me drink more water. I always thought that was a completely BS statement...how can a bottle help you drink more water? Well, this one manages it for me. It holds the equivalent of 4 cups and it’s always gone before I realize it.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I already owned two of the larger 32 oz bottles, which I use to measure my daily water intake while at work and home. I also had one smaller 18 oz bottle like this, which I was using for beverages like iced tea and cold brew coffee (these aren\'t intended for use with hot beverages). I love that these are shatter-proof and spill-proof, making it easy to tuck them into my work bag (and keeping my stuff safe from spills).\n\nI bought two more of the 18 oz size, though, because, after hunting for the perfect smoothie bottle, I realized I already had one! I\'ve been making daily smoothies, so it\'s important that my smoothie bottle be: wide-mouth, spill-proof, easy to clean (in the dishwasher), shatter-proof, and transparent, so I can see how full it is. With most smoothie bottles, I have to also use a straw - so I don\'t dump the whole thing down my shirt while trying to drink it - and I prefer reusable over disposable straws, which are better for the environment (and the animals!). But have you ever tried to clean smoothie (and chia seeds!) out of a straw 8+ hours later because you\'ve been at work and don\'t have a straw / pipe cleaner brush? Let me tell you: It\'s the worst!\n\nBut these wide-mouthed, shatter-proof, spill-proof, dishwasher-safe, transparent bottles also have a built in "chug lid", which is almost like having a super-easy-to-clean straw attached directly to the bottle! The chug lid is wide, so you still have to tilt the bottle toward you if you\'re drinking an extra-thick smoothie, but it still prevents any over-pour that might happen from an open cup.\n\nWhen I get home, I rinse the lid and bottles, then soak the bottles in a bit of soapy water before putting them both in the top rack (if they fit) - or the bottles in the lower rack and the lids in the top rack. If I choose to hand wash them, a regular bottle brush works perfectly, too. And no straws to wash, ever! Not to mention, these are shatter-proof and almost certainly will never break in my commute to-from work, tucked into my work bag with their spill-proof lids!\n\nI\'ve found the perfect smoothie bottle for work! YAY!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Pogo-BPA-Free-Plastic-Water-Bottle/dp/B09S5DN4GP/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,186 | Fit Simplify Resistance Loop Exercise Bands with Instruction Guide and Carry Bag, Set of 5 | Sports & Outdoors | #21 | 111,043 | $12.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 17, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Very short and thin, they just roll up and down my limbs and I’m 5’3” so I have no idea how anyone taller could use them and I am very afraid they’re going to break and snap me'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'They roll something terrible! I have tried to double the bands, and they still roll. Then they stick to themselves and it take a while to get them back to normal. An hour workout will turn into 2 with these bands.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "I got these for 80 Day obsession in 5'2 130 lbs and they are constantly rolling never had them not roll. So sad, just buy the beach body ones and save your money. It is very uncomfortable when they roll and I would rather focus on my workout instead of the rolling band."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 12, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have had these bands for several weeks, I use them daily, and thus far they have been perfect. I had never really integrated resistance band exercises into my routine but I am glad i did. These bands are great for a bunch of very effective workouts on your upper and lower body. I wasn’t sure how best to use them but luckily they come with a very straightforward pamphlet that covers a bunch of great excercises. The carrying case is also a nice plus because without it they would add clutter for sure. I definitely recommend! Edit: unfortunately after a month or so my heavy has ripped...so not quite as durable as I had hoped.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "All of the bands have broken. They all break at the spot where they join the band to make a loop.\n\nIn general the bands have a good amount of resistance and the 5 included are a good mix from lowest to highest resistance. I have been using them for IT Band rehab for the past few months, starting with the lowest resistance. But after a few weeks of use they stretch at the joint and then break. I just move up to the next higher resistance and, however they are all broken now.\n\nIf you do buy these don't expect them to last long."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I get it that all fitness bands can roll up on you, but these stick together so bad when they do it ruins a workout. It can take up to 45 seconds to work them apart.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I got these to use for beach body’s 80 Day Obsession workout. I spend more time trying to get them to lay flat than I actually do working out. They not only roll but get stuck together. It’s horrible. Save your money and buy a thicker band.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased two sets of the Fir Simply resistance bands (one for me and another for my wife) as we recently began the 80 Day Obsession workouts. The bands have been working very well, come with 5 (many only had four), and seem to be a quality product at a great price.\n\nFor those new to working out with resistance bands I’ll offer a few pieces of advice. First, these bands were a bit too long for my wife’s legs. If you have skinnier legs you’ll want to look for 9” loops, rather than 12” like these are. That will ensure you’re getting a full workout for the full rep. My wife had slack in hers and wasn’t getting a full workout (almost like cheating). For me they worked just fine as far as fit goes. My wife purchased another smaller set.\n\nBand rollup is always an issue with any bands. This can be very frustrating if you’re doing a high intensity interval training like we are and you have to stop to unroll a band. This didn’t happen in the beginning, but as I use these more they seem to occur fairly often. Again, this will happen with all bands.\n\nOverall, I’m happy with the product, they’re holding up very well. I rate a 4/5!\n\nThank you for reading and rating my review!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 26, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "Horrible quality. Super flimsy and no resistance worth trying to work out with unless possibly for an elderly person, but they fold/roll immediately. I unpackaged and bypassed to x heavy black band as all others were not worth trying. As soon as I put on and did one m9ve it folded as shown in picture. Bummer... would rate 0 if I could. I don't even work out much, was hoping to at home with these."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 23, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "I used them for the first time today and I am already returning them. They rolled for nearly every exercise, but thats not even my main reason for the return. I am returning because I cant stand the smell!! It has been on my body all day even after showering and washing my hands several times. Its making me sick to my stomach. I am going to order from a brand that is non-latex and hope I don't have the same issue. Though I am returning, I gave 2 stars since they still felt pretty strong and the resistance was good when they weren't rolling."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Fit-Simplify-Resistance-Exercise-Instruction/dp/B09MJKJYLQ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,187 | Owala FreeSip Insulated Stainless Steel | Sports & Outdoors | #22 | 16,914 | $19.99 - $37.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 19, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Full disclaimer, I was targeted on Facebook to buy this lol. They know I am a sucker for big insulated water bottles!!\nNo I was not paid to review this lol.\nBut any hoot. I absolutely am so happy that I bought this!\nFirst off, I thought the sky something color was grey. Yeah no. The lid is! But the actual bottle is not. The bottle is white. I am normally a black or grey/charcoal kind of person. So this is out of my comfort zone. However, I am drawing on the outside of it with sharpie to make it my own. HIGHLY recommend it!\nI got the 32oz version. No it does not have that hour glass shape like the 24oz has; BUT the carried lid part works JUST FINE! And my small hands can grip it just fine!\nOkay this insulation is CRAZYYYY!! My ice stays in tack for a good 20 hours!! I left my water bottle in my hot car for 3 hours one day on accident. THE ICE WAS STILL THERE!!!!!!!! And it is nothing like Camelback water bottle where you lose space to insulation. I looked in and I swear the insulation must be thin. But its literally magic!!!\nSo on to the mouth piece. The very first sip was weird can't lie. But I learned quickly lol. The first small hole allows you to suck up the water without tilting it (or biting it like other water bottles do). The second bigger opening allows for a bigger sip that you have to tilt the water bottle for. At first I thought it was weird. But then I realized I can get ice through that hole to eat (I love eating ice). And when I am in a hurry, I can put put water through that hole without taking the lid off.\n\n10/10! Absolutely love it! My husband can use it at his outdoor construction job!\n\nUpdate: I just bought a SECOND one because I am just that obsessed with this bottle!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Great design, easy to clean. I cannot find a spot that I can't clean. I switched to his waterbottle from other brands that had massive mold problems. Everything comes apart and can be cleaned with a rag or straw cleaner. My 3 year old easily figured out how to drink from the straw. The 32 oz bottle is heavy when full, don't drop it on your toes."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I have been trying to cut down on diet sodas for years! I tried a lot of water bottles to help me switch from drinking soda as my default beverage. I figured out I needed a water bottle with a straw, but I didn't want the straw to be exposed or have to flip it up. The water needed to be ice cold all all times. This water bottle is perfect! I fill the water bottle with ice and water in the morning and refill it several times because I drink so much water now. The ice doesn't melt fast and the water is always cold. The straw is more like a little kid's sippy cup but you don't have to tilt the bottle to drink. You can tip the bottle up if you want to take a gulp. It is easy to clean too! I haven't had a soda, except once, since I bought this bottle. I am ordering the 32 oz today."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have used a LOT of different water bottles and this one is going to be my favorite. It is easy to hold, a wide top that is easy to fill and I LOVE the lid. I’m glad it has a lock and I can open it with one hand. The spout and built in straw are both the perfect size and easy to drink out of. The only thing that hasn’t happened is I have not dropped it yet to see how durable it is but it seems very durable. I love how well insulated it is and it keeps my drinks cold without sweating on the outside. I would say this is the perfect water bottle.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I usually kinda hate reading reviews from people who just received the product, but I like this product way too much to not review it.\nHere's what I like about it:\n- Holds enough water so I only have to refill it once a day\n- Keeps water cold enough for me to enjoy drinking\n- The handle helps transport it easily\n- It is not too big to hold with one hand\n- You can open the bottle with one hand\n- The sip/gulp design is pretty genius! I was a little worried that the straw option would be kind of awkwardly angled but it is really easy and it doesn't interfere with the flow if you tilt the bottle to take a swig\n- I know some other reviewers have said that the 32 oz option doesn't fit in the cupholder of their car, but my car (Nissan Rogue) has cupholders that are a bit wider at the top. So while the bottle doesn't go all the way to the bottom of the cupholder, it still fits securely enough.\n- It's a little dumb but it's important to me that the bottle is pretty. It's so pretty! It makes me excited to have it with me\n- I have not seen any problem with the bottle scratching yet, but I've only had it since yesterday. I've traveled overnight with it, used it in my car, put it in my backpack, and so far everything is intact and beautiful.\n- Easy to clean. I'll use the dishwasher for the straw and cap, and the bottle is wide enough to be cleaned with a bottle brush by hand.\n\nI can highly recommend this! I haven't seen another bottle like it."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'LOVE this water bottle. Unfortunately it doesn’t fit in my cup holder in the car. That’s completely okay and a trade off for what you get. I usually hate bottles with straws. This design is a game changer. Tipping a big a** water bottle up while driving or in general is a pain. Holding this with one hand and being able to drink is amazing. Only thing I would change is a better final coating. I’ve dropped twice and it’s scuffed, also just attempting the first time to put in the cup holder it scratched. :’( I don’t know about keeping water cold didn’t really test it because I’m weird and like room temp water. I love the handle and it’s not crazy heavy. Wish they had more colors the other colors besides black look a little kiddy.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 30, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'So happy with this water bottle! Stays cold for my whole 8hr shift, leakproof, and sleek design. The 32 oz doesn’t have the ergonomic bottle shape like the smaller ones, but I really enjoy the larger size. Mine did come wrapper in a thin plastic, inside of a construction paper type bag, so I wasn’t surprised when I saw 2 small dents on the bottom (pictures) but I got it to replace a badly dented and dropped water bottle so I’m not too worried about it. Overall happy with my purchase! I am recommending it to everyone!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love this bottle ! it’s super easy to hold and use. I LOVE the straw and spout options, the cover keeps things sanitized and no risk of opening except if the hook it up. mine is completely leakproof & undamaged. everything comes apart to clean so I don’t think mold will be an issue. I love the color as well.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bought this bottle 2-3 months ago. Initially I loved it and the design and features were great.\n\nAfter the first month though, I started to see it getting my bag and cup holder wet. I thought it was condensation or that I was sloppy filling it, but I soon realized that the bottle leaks at the lid seam.\n\nIf you fill up the bottle too much, you’re active with the bottle, or you just let it rest sideways, the crease at the lid allows water to get through. I’ve tightened it as much as I can and the still eventually makes its way out.\n\nYou could argue that maybe I’m using it wrong but If I put this bottle in my bag it’ll 100% get things inside of the bag most.\n\nI’ve added pictures that show the bottle dry after I filled it, I then tilted it slightly and the pictures show leaking at the lid.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I thought that the push button being a bit difficult to push with one hand while lying in bed was going to be a problem but, it turns out it doesn\'t matter because I don\'t have to close the lid, I timed it, after 21 hours there was still ice in there along with my last sips of water. I didn\'t think I would love the sipper as much as I do, since the straw goes to the bottom it grabs the coldest water and I don\'t accidentally gulp ice cubes with my pills - ouch. The straw is big and strong so you can "sip" a full mouthful with ease and it disconnects for cleaning. It\'s about the size of the fat straws you can get at the supermarket (no, it does not fit as a replacement). This is the best "thermos" I\'ve ever had and I\'ve been searching for many years. They never fit in the cup holder so I bought this years ago, you just screw it in and it locks in: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0826H5BBG/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Owala-FreeSip-Insulated-Stainless-Steel/dp/B0B18PLGBL/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,188 | Callaway Golf Men's Weather Spann Premium Synthetic Golf Glove | Sports & Outdoors | #23 | 21,434 | $8.99 - $24.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I’ve had this glove since 5/18/20, and have played every Sunday since then (today is 9/29/20). That’s 19 Sundays, every one of which was 18 holes, and that’s not including the range days. To some, that may be a lot of golf, to others, it might be average.\n\nNonetheless, this glove has held up for over 4 months of duffs, slices, skulls, blades, shanks, bunker fried-eggs, shotgunning beers, palming the cart steering wheel, and plenty of high fives.\n\nNot one rip or tear, no busting of the seams, no holes, etc.\n\nIt fits my hand damn near perfectly and has perforations for good breathability. It’s affordable and looks great. You can’t beat this glove.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 16, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Fit like a glove'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The not-so-good: My drives didn't get either longer or straighter. I still lose balls (which I shouldn't, because I can't hit them far enough to fly out of my sight). So these are NOT magic gloves. Which I didn't really expect at the price, but you know golfers. We're always searching for the next swing fix.\n\nOther than that, they have proved surprisingly durable. I tend to buy cheap gloves, whatever's on sale at the local outlet or pro shop. These have definitely outlasted everything but my Bionics glove (which is twice the price). That said, I haven't played in the rain with them, but I've played 15-20 nine-hole rounds and they're still going strong."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 22, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I had been using the Callaway X Tech gloves, but like a lot of people I would wear through the palm way before the rest of the glove. After only 4 or 5 uses the gloves would become rigid and stiff, and definitely loose their tack.\n\nDecided to try these Weather Spann because of the extra pad in the palm, and they\'ve been great.\n\nThe pad has not taken away any "feel" I might have had with the X Tech, and the durability is way better. This glove didn\'t stiffen up at all like the other, and lasted 5 times as long easily. The way it stretches across the knuckles is very nice too, as well as breathable. I really hope they don\'t reduce the quality of this glove. As long as they don\'t, this is the glove for me.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have always liked the Callaway brand of golf glove. They strike a good balance between quality and price. Until now I have always purchased leather gloves and just used them until they fell apart - never attempting to clean them since they were leather. These synthetic gloves are not only better fitting, but they can be cleaned.\n\nI have large hands and the X-Large size fits...well like a glove, but is still easy to get off if you remove your glove like I do to putt. I put my first pair through the paces practicing in my yard hitting multiple shots and also digging through the woods to find lost golf balls. So it got pretty dirty rather quickly. As I mentioned I have never even thought about washing a golf glove in the past, but since I saw other reviews that mentioned washing them, I decided to give it a try.\n\nI washed it in the sink with some liquid detergent and a little bleach, let it air dry overnight, and it came out almost like new. I have washed one glove a few times now and it still fits great. I plan to buy more and can recommend these without hesitation. Good value for the price.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "These are a synthetic glove. The feel is great, that is they fit me well and the sychronization with the club is is perfect form me. like I don't have a glove on.\nThe best part is that unlike a natural leather glove, even those by Calloway, they do not get wet, you never have a sweat soaked glove on your hand.\nA really great glove for me.\n\nIm going to purchase a few more."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 30, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is good a quality glove at a fair price. after buying another callaway glove that was not so great, I decided to give Callaway another chance since Phil Mickelson is a lefty and so I'm I. I was not disappointed as the gloves are great and improved my grip. On a quick note, I went solo to the course, and was quickly paired with two other players. In the first tee we all realized we were a trio of lefties lol. we had the same callaway gloves so for all lefties out there I strongly recommend it. Also, buy more than one if your hands sweat a lot like mine. Or remember to take off the glove after each swing to keep it dry."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 18, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I have always like the Callaway brand of golf glove and have used the leather ones for years. I was not sure of the synthetic leather, but it ends up being even a little better than the real leather. For one thing they can be cleaned. Also they seem to hold up real well. I have one glove I used for practicing which I do pretty much every day - so like 100-150 shots, and it still fits, well...like a glove. And I have cleaned it multiple times using some liquid detergent and splash of bleach and it is still going strong.\n\nI bought a two pack the first time but wanted to get one with the America flag logo before someone determines it is somehow un-American and they stop making it. I will definitely be buying more of these in the future, but I suspect it will be some time before that is necessary. I am not sure why anyone would rate this glove anything less than five stars. Trust me, they are nice gloves and well worth the money.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I just so happened to buy this glove somewhere along the way. It’s lasted months of daily playing in the simulator. It has not rubbed through anywhere like other gloves. The only reason I’m replacing it is due to some fraying inside the glove that’s just noticeable, along with it turning black from my grip. It fits me so well too, so I bought another one here. I’m gonna buy them as long as they make em.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Only used to hook and slice a bucket of 75 range balls so far, but it fits well. Certainly feels like the paper thin leather of other gloves. I do have large hands, and the large was a little snug, but it did stretch enough to fit my hand well. We'll see how it holds up to a beer infused Saturday on the links, but I think it'll do fine. The irony of a United States of America flag on this glove made in a country that hates us is not lost on me. Good buy."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Callaway-Weather-Spann-Premium-Synthetic/dp/B09KR5DXZ4/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,189 | URBNFit Exercise Ball - Yoga Ball for Workout Pregnancy Stability - AntiBurst Swiss Balance Ball w/ Pump - Fitness Ball Chair for Office, Home Gym | Sports & Outdoors | #24 | 38,501 | $11.51 - $33.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I used this while in labor with my second child. I had a long labor that lasted over 24 hours and it provided such incredible relief at home. By the time I decided I couldn’t handle the contractions at home (24 hours from the start of labor) I was 8cm! I got on the birthing center ball and really didn’t like their ball! Wish I took mine with me lol. Now it’s like my babies sleep kryptonite. No matter how fussy he may get, if I bounce on the ball holding him he clonks right out! This ball has gotten so much use and held up so well. I absolutely love it!!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 24, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is as simple as it gets. A great product for a great price. The ball comes in a small box and extra 'stoppers' (plastic piece that stops the air flow), a stopper remover, and even a two-way hand pump. The ball is very solid and very comfortable. The material provides a nice grip, so you don't feel like you're slipping all over the place. If you're doing core work, I suggest you fill it up more than you think.. you want just a little bit of 'give' so you can get the best core workout.\n\nPros:\nGreat materials\nExtra items included\nAir stays in longer even after heavy workouts\nGreat price\n\nCons:\n\nNone. This is the one to buy!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 17, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This stability ball is far better quality than the one I already had. The material seems thicker and sturdier. It comes with a great hand pump (quiet, and no chirping like the cheaper models, and it inflates the ball very quickly).\n**please note: the ball will not fully inflate on the first pumping-up. let it rest for a day and then top it off**\nDefinitely would purchase again'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 27, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'For the price this yoga ball can\'t be beat!\n\nIt comes with the pump and everything you need to get it set up.\n\nI was really hesitant about using this for myself because I\'m 5\'11" and 275lbs. I bought it for the home gym and figured only my wife and daughter would be using it. I tried it out for the first time cringing that it was going to pop and to my surprise it handled my size with no issues. That\'s great because my wife and daughter never make it into our home gym so I have been getting the most use out of this and its still holding up fine!\n\nI\'m still careful when I use this because if it pops my big a%& is going to hit the ground pretty hard doing some weighted workouts. However that\'s more of a me problem than this yoga balls!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 16, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'UPDATE: I found a better ball at Target! HUGEEEEE difference!!! Even the hand pump is better!!! Took me way less time to pump and the pump wouldn\'t seize up like the URBNFit brand. Ignite is WAY better quality and even has sand in it and not to mention it is the CORRECT size. Both in picture are 65cm. Save your time and money and get something better. Don\'t be like me and just read the "good" reviews. Good luck!\n\nExtremely disappointed. Ordered the 65 cm and measures smaller. Sending back as it is too small for me to use. Generally a 65 cm would be great, but this one is measured incorrectly. Also, the pump sucked. If you have your own to use that would be great.\nGoing to look for another ball!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 26, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I needed an exercise ball for pregnancy and labor.\n\nMy mom had one that claimed to be a 65mm ball (turquoise one at the end), but when measured it was barely 20". Nonetheless I decided to order a size up and got a 75mm, since the 65mm my mom had was too short even for me (I\'m 5\'0"). Then after going over size charts and recommendations, I realized the 75mm, was probably going to be too big and the one my mom had was probably smaller than advertised.\n\nSo, to be safe, I ordered a 55, 65 as well so I could be sure to get the right size. For the price I couldn\'t really go wrong.\n\nTurns out the one my mom has IS a 55mm, not a 65. The 65mm is perfect for me and the 75mm is huge (thankfully my fiance can use it)! Some reviews show that the sizes are inconsistent according to their measurements which could be a quality control, but the three I bought are all on point.\n\nIt\'s a sturdy ball, and I\'ve been using it everywhere - to sit on during a movie, to sit at the computer with, the dinner table.. there\'s probably such a thing as too much but it\'s been a huge relief on my body. I was 90 lbs pre pregnancy, and have put on 35 lbs all on my tummy (I\'m 9 months and waiting to pop). My back and hips had been hurting so bad at night that I would wake up and not fall asleep for an hour to two ore more hours, tossing and turning. One day of using my 65MM ball and I slept like a baby last night, and now I really wish I had gotten one sooner. I have to give it a little more time and I can follow up after the labor, but I\'ll be using it again all day today.\n\nThe hand pumps also worked fine - because I have 3 balls, I have 3 pumps, but I used one to inflate all three balls and it held up the whole time. I have plenty of extra stops and picks now too ;)\n\nP.S: I realize it\'s hard to take photos and hold a measuring tape at the same time so pardon the bad angles!\nP.S.S: A couple of them might need a bit of topping off-not deflated or leaking but I under filled them just a little. Also I wonder if there\'s some truth to the material needing to expand a bit as it becomes less stiff.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 28, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I was very pleased with the quality of this ball. Some of the others I looked at were upwards of $80. I can't afford that right now. I was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia, degenerative disc disease and herniated discs. I needed a ball to do safe exercises at home between my physical therapy appointments. I would definitely recommend this product to anyone. It is well made and easy to inflate, and definitely the right price. I will be buying a smaller version in the near future. Thank you for an inexpensive quality product!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 15, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is my first ball. I did a ton of research reading reviews and materials information and my goal was safety and no smell!! I\'m happy to report there is no odor whatsoever. none. The material is very aesthetically pleasing in the pink color. I have been bouncing vigorously at my desk now for hours. It came with 3 plugs and the plug remover. yay. I marked 65 centimeters on my wall and pumped up but missed the mark the first time and had to put more air in. You lose a little when you transfer in the plug after pumping.\n\nI am 5\'7" tall and weigh 170lbs. When pumped up slightly taller than 65cm it fits me perfectly.\n\nMy only con is that the hand pump broke after literally 2 minutes. So I used my foot pump purchased to pump up air mattresses and it was perfect.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 11, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I\'m 5\'9". Perfect size to use as an exercise ball. I saw some reviews that said this was too short for someone around my size...that is only the case of you intend to use it as a chair at a desk. Otherwise, for working out, the size chart is spot on. For a chair, always size up. ;)'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 4, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought this for sciatic pain while pregnant. It causes so much tingling and numbness in my legs that I cannot sleep. I’ve had this for a few days now, and sitting on it for a few minutes before bed has helped so much!\nI haven’t used it for labor yet, so I’m not sure how that will go, but excited to find out.\n\nI tried to get as close to an accurate color with the photo as I could. I purchased the blue, 65 cm ball. It’s not as bright blue as the photo shows, it’s more muted.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/exercise-yoga-ball-pregnancy/dp/B08LN9S95N/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,190 | Gildan Adult Fleece Hooded Sweatshirt, Style G18500 | Sports & Outdoors | #25 | 95,816 | $11.51 - $34.45 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 10, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I don’t understand the bad reviews because for me this was a really good purchase. It’s not a heavyweight sweatshirt but it also isn’t lightweight. It’s comfy, fits just right and the quality is just what you’d expect for the price.\nI’m 5’3 and the L looks like this. I wanted the LX for an oversized look, but it wasn’t available att.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 15, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I normally don\'t like throwing negativity out there, but I feel like the number of positive reviews and the descriptions really led me astray on this. This isn\'t a deal where you are getting a high-quality item for a low price. You are getting exactly what you pay for.\nThis is not a heavy item - the fabric is extremely thin. This is not a soft "fleece" item - the material is very coarse and on the verge of being itchy. I feel like the picture on the product page has a Snapchat filter on it to make it look shiny, smooth, and soft. This material at a glance is more what I would expect from a lightweight horse blanket.\nI got a Large and the fit was ok, but the sleeves are short. I am 6\'2 and weigh 180. I have a hard time finding long sleeve items where the sleeves are actually long enough. If you are the same, then you won\'t find it here either. I don\'t like having to order up sizes and wear something that makes me look like a flying squirrel just to have sleeves long enough.\nIf you are looking for a standard low-quality hoodie then this is fine. But if you are looking for something heavy, high-quality, or soft...then look elsewhere. I took away one star for each of those criteria because they were all false.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 23, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I had been searching for a good staple black cropped hoodie for a while, however most cropped hoodies cost upwards of $40, which I thought was outrageous to spend on a trendy piece of clothing that might not be fashionable next year (as it happens with most fast fashion items). I decided instead to buy this affordable hoodie and crop it myself. It came out great! I cropped it right above the pocket line, and I just left the hem raw (I didn't sew it). For reference, I am 5'3 and 157lbs. I purchased a size large because I wanted the oversized look. I really like how it came out!\nNow, don't expect the finest quality fabric at $14 (although for what it is, the hoodie is very nice). It has a plain cottony exterior (a bit scratchy in my opinion), but the inside is a very soft fleece. Nevertheless, the black fabric doesn't look cheap or anything.\nI'm thinking of maybe tie-dyeing it with bleach, will update if I do!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I like this sweater. I got SMALL & I’m a girl that’s 5’3 height & 140 in weight. Hope this helps.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 13, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Okay, listen, Gildan hoodies are ALWAYS a size small, always, or at least damn near always. This is the brand that most colleges use for their hoodies (as I have been to a college soon to be university and three state universities & this is always the brand used, onlyother brand I\'ve seen is champion and I\'d still recommend sizing up one in them too), and I have YET to buy one that wasn\'t a size small... I am a perfect \'large\' size and I have to buy these in an XL for the "classic hoodie fit." Just so You can gauge my size against yours, I am 6\'1, 185 - 190 lbs, 44-45 inch chest, 18.5 inch shoulder to shoulder span, sitting right around a 34 inch waist (in American sized pants, so actually by the measuring tape probably around a 36 inch waist), and am about an average to athletic build depending on when you catch me lol... Point is I am a perfect large in just about anything I buy and I have always had to size up one size in Gildan hoodies. As far as the weight goes this is a mid to heavyweight hoodie (no premium stretchy BS here), and is pretty much unbeatable for the price. You could possibly layer these with a jacket but it\'d probably be a little bit of a tight fit... Hope this helped fellas.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 6, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The medium size fits me well! I'm 5'9 and weigh 152lb..slender. Very happy with purchase. I ordered it 11/16/17, received 11/27/17."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 18, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I would like to say that this hoodie was the most comfortable and warmest hoodie I\'ve ever owned. Unfortunately, that mysterious and alluring creature known as My Girlfriend (We\'ll call her MG for short) has once again used her powers of charm and grace to acquire into her collection yet another item of clothing which belonged to me for at least five minutes. Judging from the chirping and purring sounds MG tends to make when curled up in my hoodie (think the sound of a cat when it\'s laying on your nice warm laptop keyboard, preventing you from getting your work done) I\'m going to have to guess that the hoodie is every bit as warm and comfortable as I can at this point only imagine it to be. That being said (And because MG has an exceptionally strong ability to snatch only the best quality clothes from my closet to add to her hoard) I can without conviction recommend this particular item if you\'re looking for a comfortable and warm hoodie for your significant other to never let you wear.\n\nI guess I can order another one. Maybe in a color that MG does not like?? However I do not think that "Baby-poop Green" is an option...'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Fits well . I’m 5’3 & 128lbs'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 7, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'It\'s hard to find a hoodie that fits just right, roomy enough not to feel constrained but also not too frumpy or oversized. I\'m usually caught somewhere between medium and large, and in this case the medium is perfect. I chose the "antique sapphire" color because I liked the slight black flecking/heathering amid the blue, and it looks great. Quality is good for an inexpensive sweatshirt. The material is also softer than you usually get at this price point. This is one of those "I know I like it and will buy a bunch of other colors" purchases.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 2, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I used this sweatshirt for my comfy Medusa costume for Halloween at an outdoor event. It was sooooo soft and warm. I'm gonna order more and print fun designs on them! I ordered a large and it fit a bit oversized which is what I wanted!"}] | https://www.amazon.com/Gildan-Fleece-Hooded-Sweatshirt-G18500/dp/B07P6SYXSH/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,191 | MAXTOP Large Crossbody Fanny Pack with 4-Zipper Pockets,Gifts for Enjoy Sports Festival Workout Traveling Running Casual Hands-Free Wallets Waist Pack Phone Bag Carrying All Phones | Sports & Outdoors | #26 | 34,532 | $14.77 - $35.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 28, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Fits great! I’m a fat girl and I didn’t know how it would fit. But it is comfortable and fit all my stuff for walks, trips to the aquarium and beach trips!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 12, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "For someone who never writes reviews, I sure look to them for guidance. So I'm happy to report that this fanny pack is spectacular. Not only is it roomy, it's sturdy, convenient, and stylish! But the best part may be that I got all of that for a fantastic $10 price. So I'm pleased."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 6, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Allows for hands free workouts. Can run with my music, water bottle, and car keys. The strap is adjustable. I have a 31” waist. There is a decent amount of leftover strap that flaps when I run, I just have to tuck it. Will probably be too much for people with small waistlines. Otherwise a great product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 12, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "When I first received this I wasn't super impressed as it appeared smaller than what the picture looked like. However, once I got it on and found a way to position things inside, it fit everything I wanted! I have an iPhone XR in a case and it did not fit in the front pocket. It did fit chapstick, hand sanitizer (B&BW size), & a mask. The main compartment fit my phone, my husband's phone & wallet when needed, a portable charger & cable, travel size sunblock spray, sunblock powder, 2 oz bottle of glucose juice, a few small packets of skittles, a tube of glucose tabs, and a ziploc bag. I used the hidden inside pocket for credit cards. The very back pocket had a Gvoke glucagon pen. I'm a size 18w and it fit around my waist with no issue. The bag survived 5 days at Universal Orlando and is in perfect condition. One of the reasons I picked this bag was the cheap price, I was going to donate/toss it after our trip but it worked so well I'm going to keep it even if fanny packs are dorky! ;)"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought this as a costume outfit for Halloween and loved it but I'm actually still using it after because it's so convenient being a mother of three. It has a place for my phone and and anything else I may need to pick up along the way. The pink flamingos are a great conversation starter too. Going back to the functionality of the fanny back... It's water resistant, has three pockets, easy to adjust on the fly. Love it"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Can’t wait to see how many double takes and envious looks I get on the greenway walking my dog tomorrow. I’ll update how many compliments I get.\n*Update - after a couple months I slowly stopped receiving compliments on my neighborhood greenway. So if you’re looking for a fp that will bring you compliments for longer than a couple measly months, keep looking. Are you looking for a bag to hold your chapstick and your altoids or a fashion piece to boost your confidence and help you meet new people? Unreal'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I went on a cruise in December and used the fanny pack on the ship as well as the excursions. I use my phone when on deck to take pictures and if I wanted my hands free, the phone fit well in the fanny pack. On the excursions I had room for passport, money, 2 credit cards, Chapstick and phone (room to spare). The pack did repel water but it also survived an accidental dunking. Things got wet but I was able to dry everything. Grateful passport was in waterproof sleeve. Friend had my phone to take picture. Sneaky wave got me...LOL'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 4, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "i needed something to carry my daily items in while working daily that did not interfere with carrying other items in my hands or on my shoulder. This fanny pack is a great size and light weight. I've used it daily since Christmas and it holding up beautifully. i would recommend this for male or female use. Great product."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 2, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Very happy with my purchase. Got this for my trip to Colombia. I was looking at more expensive Fanny packs but settled on this for the reviews. It’s very well made for the price. It withstood many hikes to waterfalls, horseback riding and sketchy city tours among others. I wore it like shown in the picture and love the fact that there’s a pocket that’s hidden that sits on my chest at all times, where I kept my passport, extra cash and travel documents. I was able to fit my camera (Sony a6000), iphone 11, earbuds, shades, charger and a couple other knickknacks without a problem. Wasn’t a Fanny pack guy before now but I’m a believer lol.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 3, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Well made, quite sturdy. Nice zipper pulls on outside wish they were also on inside. A little hard for me to find zipper on inside. Wish I could tuck in zipper and zipper pull on outside,hidden zipper. Nice key attachment. Wish it were a little bit bigger, but that is me being bad at visualizing measurements. Overall, a great pack, am happy with it so far. Zippers work great. Recommend.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/MAXTOP-Crossbody-4-Zipper-Traveling-Hands-Free/dp/B0B45MXP24/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,192 | Fitbit Charge 5 | Sports & Outdoors | #27 | 21,562 | $111.11 - $189.00 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The fitbit charge 5 is not eligible for return even if you have amazon prime(For safety reasons, items containing flammable liquids or gases can’t be returned to Amazon) so only buy this with the knowledge that you will not get your money back if anything goes wrong. If you have no plans on paying for the fitbit premium subscription then do not buy this as they are very careful not to tell you that half the features of the watch don\'t work without it. The health metrics dashboard is part of the subscription so without that you don\'t get SpO2 monitoring, heart rate variability, skin temperature variation, breathing rate during sleep or 14 out of the supposed 20 exercise routines. There is more outside of the withheld features like not being able to turn off gps(the options are dynamic, using the gps built into the watch and just your phone), location services, being auto enrolled into some social club, fitbit selling the data they collect even though it\'s not a free product(you MUST agree to this in order to setup the watch) and by default having the watch set to send you all sorts of emails but I guess I get upset about that more than other people these days. If you are still ok with that then I can say the watch itself is comfortable to wear. The screen is a bit slow to respond and the image is on the soft side but it\'s bright enough that sunshine doesn\'t bother me. I do have a lot of missed inputs(I can swipe 5 or so times before the watch reacts) and also it will register incorrect inputs like moving down when I swipe right. A smaller gripe is that fitbit can\'t seem to decide on what material the charge 5 is made from. The amazon page says it\'s stainless steel but the fitbit website where I originally found this on still says it\'s made of aluminum. The watch is lightweight though. This is about all I have to offer now. I\'m stuck with a watch that won\'t do half of what I bought it for and in my mind amazon is beyond complacent. Until very recently amazon owned fitbit which makes it seem like this scenario was intentional. I have a product that won\'t work unless I pay essentially a rental fee(formerly to amazon) and I can\'t return the near useless product because it\'s now considered to be "hazardous" by amazon. I actually bought the charge 5 as a second chance for fitbit after directly buying a charge 4 from amazon(no third party) and RETURNING IT IMMEDIATELY as I payed for a new watch but was instead sent a used model with a screen that was scratched to heck and gunk left on the sensors from the last customer. I doubt that the charge 5 is somehow way more dangerous than the charge 4 and therefore is unsafe to take back to the warehouse. Both watches were safe enough for the warehouse to send them to me and amazon tried to scam me with the charge 4 but I was able to send that back so the way I see it now is that they just factored that into a predatory business model. I have one last thing before I forget. If you didn\'t know you can look around the add to cart button and under it you will find the amazon return policy. On first glance you will see that it says REFUND OR REPLACEMENT AVAILABLE but make sure you hover the mouse over it because that is not actually amazon saying that it can be returned. I honestly don\'t remember if I ever noticed that before but I certainly will remember from now on.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-3 review-rating', 'review_body': 'UPDADE 4 (final):\nFitbit introduced the recovery score as part of the premium service (means monthly fees). It’s not as good as I’d hoped. Very generic and seems to rely on resting heart rate and HRV only. It’s a bit of a disappointment. I am keeping the 3-star rating. There are better health monitors out there, but this one is well-rounded. (and priced) enough to be a contender.\n\nUPDATE 3: I am just going to sum things up after two weeks of use.\nPROs:\n*Great screen, can be easily viewed in very sunny conditions.\n*Great for working out. Provides extensive metrics as you work out and seems accurate.\n*Very good sleep tracking. Silent alarms (can be setup to avoid waking you up from a deep sleep).\n*Decent heart rate monitor. Step tracker. Calorie count, etc. All these inherent features work well.\n*Holds charge forever.\n\nCONs:\n*No recovery rate metrics, as promised by Fitbit yet.\n*The screen is blinding at night. No way to tone down the brightness.\n*No longer counts stairs climbed for some reason.\n*Does not have actual body temperature readings.\n\nI\'ve learned how to estimate my recovery rate, based on resting heart rate, sleep quality and HRV. Still, wish that metrics was provided by Fitbit, as promised.\n\nUPDATE2: Look like they made the black version FULLY RETURNABLE for whatever reason, so buy in confidence.\nOne more issue to report: the screen does not seem to have an ambient light sensor and the "sleep mode" does not automatically turn on. I find myself waking up in the middle of the night to a blinding screen that lights up the room. Not great!\n\nUPDATE1: some have mentioned problems with the device being non-returnable. I followed up with Amazon on the issue. It is returnable, IF you experience performance issues or the device itself is defective or otherwise problematic. It seems like all versions but Black are fully returnable, so it must be a glitch. Talk to Amazon, if you experience an issue. They are extremely helpful.\n\nI am now into the 4th day of testing and it looks like there is some calibration going on in the background, as readings are getting a bit more accurate. I wish the temperature sensor would provide nominal values instead of an evaluation on how much it changed from the day before. I hope Fitbit hurries up and releases the Readiness Score feature.\n\nThese are my initial impressions and I will update this review, as my experience living with Charge 5 allows me to better evaluate it. I have and regularly use Biostrap and Apple Watch. I am mostly interested in my sleep and recovery data and Apple Watch doesn’t do any of that, while Biostrap is useless for tracking workout. You cannot have it all, apparently. I was hoping that this Charge 5 can reasonably handle both tasks in one device.\n\nTo my great disappointment, Fitbit released Charge 5 without the promised Daily Readiness Score, which would basically indicate your recovery score after you wake up in the morning, telling you how your body is really doing, and whether you should go hard or easy on yourself for the rest of the day. It’s a great way to modulate your workouts and properly recover without overstressing your body. The Biostrap is excellent for that very reason (see some of my dashboard pics). That’s what I wanted out of this Fitbit and they didn’t deliver. There isn’t even a timeline for when the feature will be available.\n\nAnother missing feature is the ECG, but I am neither here or there on that one. Charge 5 also no longer shows you how many stairs you\'ve climbed, which is disappointing, since Charge 4 did. After using it for two days, I am noticing that sleep time recognition isn\'t accurate. My Biostrap gets it right, down to a minute, while Charge 5 can be off by hours. Better turn it on yourself in the settings before bedtime.\n\nSpeaking of settings are adjustments...the lack of physical buttons means that you\'ll be scrolling up/down/left/right on a small screen all day long. It can get frustrating and menus aren\'t all that logically laid out. Another things that\'s poorly laid out is the dashboard, which is supposed to give you a snapshot of your metrics at a glance. You have to go through multiple screens (and some are not easy to find) in the app to get to various points of data. All of that should be viewable on one screen. AND you must use the phone app to view detailed info. Most of it isn\'t available on the web interface.\n\nAs it stand today, I would rather spend extra $20 and get an Apple Watch SE, which would be a superior tool in just about every respect until Fitbit delivers on the Daily Readiness Score. I’ll have to see how my experience with Charge 5 evolves, but I am giving it very generous 3 start for now…'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': '1) THEY REMOVED THE ALTIMETER (stair tracker)\nI was starting to love the extra data features until I started looking for my flights climbed… and it’s gone! It no longer tracks your flights climbed! Which, as an avid Hiker, is extremely important to me! I’m returning it and going back to my charge 2. (And YEA, it’s returnable, they accepted and refunded me)\n\nThe only reason I keep Fitbit even though I have an Apple Watch is bc the altimeter, battery and sleep tracking are superior to apple. However, now that they removed the altimeter I just can’t justify keeping the 5!!!!\n\n2) I don’t like that you can’t customize the colors of the different watch faces. I don’t want bright neon colors on my wrist in order to see all the stats on the main screen.\n\n3) I upgraded from the 2, so I’m not sure when this charged, but I don’t like that I have to now use the watch to set my silent alarms instead of just busting the Fitbit app. It takes so much longer to set up.\n\n4) the side bars are finicky, sometimes they don’t register that you’re pressing them while taking ecg reading.\n\n5) the screen scratches VERY easily!\n\nConclusion: all in all, if it had an altimeter I would have kept it; if they bring it back on the 6, I’ll buy that. My favorite workout is stair climbing and hiking, so the altimeter is important to me.\n\nOriginal 9/27/21\n\nIt took over 3 hours to finally finish the update. It kept stopping midway through. Going to sync or change the clock face and it keeps saying connection lost non-stop. I’ve already reset and reconnected everything. My only guess is that they rolled out the charge 5 without the app being ready for it? Not sure but super annoying to (4 hours later) still not be able to complete set up'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'What a freaking waste of time and space. Just pulled it out of the box and set it up and it wanted to do an update, which is expected. But after it failed multiple times and after following FitBits\'s instructions I now have a piece of plastic that just blinks the Fitbit logo. Not a great way to start an "improved" Charge series. Will be sending it back.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Apparently I’m one of the customers that received a non responsive, blacked out watch.\n\nEmbarrassing. First time dealing with this brand, leaves a bad mark. Thought this was a quality brand'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I pre-ordered directly from Fitbit and waited a month to receive. I would encourage you to check out the fitbit community forum for comments from other purchasers. This device was either released prematurely or simply has horrible design. It has required overnight charging every day I have worn it. Per Fitbit troubleshooting recommendations, I have disabled several of the apps (apps that frankly were a part of the appeal of the device in the first place, such as GPS) and this made little difference. Additionally, several of the features advertised for this device are actually "pending" and will not be available for several months! The final kicker is that I contacted Fitbit today indicating a desire to return the device for replacement or refund (trust me, I am not the only consumer with buyers remorse) and was told that the request needed to be reviewed by "higher support." I have worn Fitbit watches for many years and have always been very happy with them. It now appears that Fitbit/Google may not stand behind their product.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'UPDATE May 2022: I\'m still a big fan of this product and have made a few updates to my initial review(s), but the bottom line is that it\'s held up to initial impressions. I ended up knocking off a star just because there are a few improvements that can be made, but it\'s still very solid.\n\n==============================\n\nI purchased the Fitbit Charge 5 as an upgrade from my Charge 3. I skipped the Charge 4 since I didn\'t really need/want the new features of that model, but the allure of a color display with the same lengthy, weeklong battery life was enough to make me upgrade to the Charge 5. I won\'t cover all the features of the Charge 5 since there are plenty of other places that go into great detail, and I may update this review after I get more use out of it.\n\nWHO SHOULD BUY A FITBIT CHARGE?\nThe Fitbit Charge is great if your primary use is as a lightweight fitness tracker. I prefer the Fitbit Charge over the Apple Watch and other smartwatches due to its lightweight nature, weeklong battery life, and my lack of need for fancier smartwatch functionality. If you like the extra bells & whistles of a smartwatch and don\'t mind a heavier watch that needs to be charged every day or three, then you may want to skip the Fitbit Charge. Also, if you\'re a die-hard Apple user who needs integration with the Apple Health app, then you\'ll also need to look elsewhere because there\'s no data flowing between the apps in either direction; thankfully, the Fitbit app is quite good and does integrate with a number of other apps.\n\nIS IT WORTH UPGRADING FROM THE CHARGE 3/4?\nIt mainly depends on how much you value a better, color display. The MSRP on a Charge 5 is $180 (though, I\'m sure the sale price will drop during the holiday season), while the MSRP on a Charge 4 is $150; though, at this point, everyone\'s selling the Charge 4 (and 3) well below MSRP, especially if you buy refurbished.\n\nIMPRESSIONS:\n- Initial setup was fairly smooth. I had to connect it to the charger to get it started up. Transitioning from my Charge 3 to the Charge 5 in the app was easy enough. There was a firmware update notice (the firmware enables the EDA sensor), and that update was a little buggy & required a few attempts before it succeeded (at one point, I needed to reboot my Fitbit).\n- ECG monitor became available via firmware update 11/9/2021. I had some connection issues while trying to run it but got it to work eventually. I don\'t have any arrhythmia issues, so while it\'s a nifty feature, it\'s ultimately useless for me.\n- The Daily Readiness Score also became available 11/9/2021. It\'s only available for Premium subscribers.\nIt takes 4 days before it starts functioning & a couple weeks to "tune". Overall, I\'d say this is not terribly useful. If you work out on a consistent basis & get a decent amount of sleep, then it\'s always a great day to work out! That is, you\'ll remain in the Good to Excellent range (30 & above). For reference, I typically work out 4-5 days/week spending 30-40 min on cardio & 30-40 min on weights, which ends up being 110-160 Zone Minutes on those days when combined with whatever other Zone Minutes I rack up when not working out. But if you take a week off or so & return to working out, then you may dip below 30 into the Low score range where it says you should prioritize recovery. I also noticed that if you forget to wear your Fitbit to bed, it can throw off your score; it sent my score plummeting for no good reason otherwise.\nAlso, perhaps not surprisingly, the Readiness Score seems to be primarily reflective of your cardio workout. It will classify my "Activity" as "Light" on some days when I spend a fair amount of time on weight training that doesn\'t really sustain an elevated heart rate (and less on cardio).\n- There\'s no longer a "home" button on the side of the display to "Return" or access additional menus. This took a little time to adjust to, but I\'m generally okay with it, especially since the touchscreen is noticeably more responsive than the Charge 3. Now, you must swipe right to return to the prior screen, and you can also double-tap in most cases to return to the home screen; though, the double-tap can be finicky. Would I prefer to have a "home" button again? Yes. (Now, the sides of the device used for the EDA sensor & ECG monitor).\n- The display is much, much better than the Charge 3/4. Brighter with much higher resolution. and of course, color.\n- The display has 3 brightness settings; however, the difference between dim, normal, and max is rather subtle; they\'re all pretty bright, and this is unfortunate because it\'s a little too bright for dark rooms in my opinion. I liked the dim, auto, and normal settings on my Charge 3 much better. Hopefully, this is something that will be fixed in a future firmware update (assuming, the Charge 5 still has the sensor that allows for an "auto" setting).\n- The "up to 7 days" battery life is not a lie. The battery life lasts me about a week with my brightness set to "normal", which is the same as my old Charge 3. I do not use the built-in GPS nor the always-on display (both of which are a significant drains on the battery), but I do average 6-8 hours/week of active exercise time. And, since the "dim" brightness setting is bright enough for me, I use it all the time, which translates to even better battery life. Pretty amazing considering the brighter, color display.\n- The Charge 5 does a better job of automatically turning the display on at the turn of the wrist. My Charge 3 wouldn\'t always turn on or would require me to turn my wrist more than what felt natural. The Apple Watch is still superior with regard to automatically turning on when looking since there is a slight delay with the Charge 5 after turning your wrist (and, it still doesn\'t always turn on).\n- The wrist band that\'s included is a nicer feeling silicone material instead of the plastic one that came with the Charge 3/4. The "small" strap on the Charge 5 band is also smaller than the "small" on the Charge 3/4. On the Charge 5, I use the last or next to last notch on the band (i.e. the strap is basically at its largest, most expanded size), but with the Charge 3 strap, I still had 3 or 4 empty notches to work with. Not a big deal since they include small & large bands, but something to consider if you purchase additional bands. I did end up purchasing the Sport band, which does have more notches to work with. Be sure to use Fitbit\'s sizing tool on their website before purchasing extra wrist bands since they do vary based on which one you get.\n- The heart rate monitoring is nice & accurate like the Charge 3. I run on a treadmill with a Tickr X (1st gen) chest strap, and after the first few minutes of running when my heart rate is more stable, the readings between the Charge 5 & Tickr X are either the same or only off by a bpm or two. It\'s less accurate when doing sprints/HIIT since it tends to lag behind the Tickr X, but it\'s still in the ballpark (albeit, delayed).\n- The EDA sensor seems like a waste for me. Along the lines of the guided breathing exercises in the Charge 3, it\'s just something that I don\'t care to use, and I question its accuracy/validity anyway.\n- I\'m not sure if this was introduced with the Charge 4, but there\'s a daily Stress Management Score now. The number seems fairly meaningless, since it\'s somewhat of a mystery as to how it\'s calculated. Yes, Fitbit tells you what the general parameters are (heart rate, sleep, activity) & premium members get to see how the sub-scores feed into the overall score (see below), but in the end, it just seems pretty meaningless to me.\n- I think this may have changed with the Charge 4, but it no longer tracks the number of floors you\'ve climbed (no big deal as it was wildly inaccurate), and it counts Active Zone Minutes instead of Active Minutes now. Fitbit\'s website has more details on Active Minutes vs Active Zone minutes.\n- There\'s 23 clock faces to choose from. Most of them only display one stat (e.g. HR, steps, etc.) at a time (though, you can usually cycle through them all by tapping the screen), which is unfortunate. Hopefully, they\'ll add more data-rich clock faces, but overall, it\'s nice to see them making use of the colorful, higher resolution display.\n- The charging cable functions a lot better since it magnetically clips to the Fitbit (like an Apple Watch does to its charger). I believe it\'s the same charging cable as the Fitbit Luxe.\n- My Charge 5 somewhat regularly (once every day or two) has trouble syncing with the app. It has gotten better over time & usually just requires me to refresh the app (by dragging down at the top of the screen of the phone app). At worst, I\'ll need to restart the app, and once I had to restart my Fitbit device itself. Overall, not a big deal. Just an occasional annoyance.\n\nFITBIT PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP:\nI generally dislike paying for subscriptions since the cost of them can add up to something pretty substantial over time. The Fitbit Premium Membership isn\'t exactly cheap at $10/month or $80/year; though, you get 6 months for free with the purchase of your Charge 5. If you actually use many/all of its features, then it may be worthwhile, but for me, it isn\'t (i.e. I won\'t be paying for membership when my free trial runs out in a week or so). The Daily Readiness Score & Health Metrics Dashboard are the only premium features I routinely looked at, but I question their overall usefulness/practicality. Here\'s a rundown of what you get for your money:\n- Daily Readiness Score: see comments above in IMPRESSIONS section - in short, not terribly useful.\n- Health Metrics Dashboard (see attached pic): graphs/data for Breathing Rate, Heart Rate Variability (HRV), Skin Temperature, Oxygen Saturation (SpO2), Resting Heart Rate (RHR). The RHR data is already available for non-Premium users & you can view you most recent SpO2 reading on the device, but the rest of the stats appear to only be available to Premium members. The graphs are actually kinda crummy; there\'s two types: 1) one graph allows you to vary the time scale to view 7, 30, or 90 days, but you have to visually line up the dot with the values on the y-axis to determine the actual reading for each dot, and 2) another type of graph shows 7 days at a time with individual readings on the graph, but you can\'t change the time frame/scale of this graph. It would be a lot nicer if they made these graphs larger & interactive (so you could change the time scale on the fly & tap on the data points to see the reading).\n- Wellness Report: You can generate a PDF wellness report to be emailed. While it provides a summary of HR, weight, activity, & sleep trends over the course of 1, 3, 6, & 12 months, it\'s lame that you can\'t just view this directly in the app.\n- Stress Management Score details (see attached pic): extra details on your score including the sub-scores that feed into it: Responsiveness, Exertion Balance, & Sleep Patterns.... still not sure how meaningful any of this is.\n- Sleep Score details (see attached pic): there\'s a different detailed view of your sleep score; you get sub-scores for Time Asleep, Deep and REM, and Restoration, but I believe all the graphs are the same for non-premium users, so I\'m not sure that this offers much more insight that the non-premium view does; I suppose you get to see how much each sub-score accounts for the overall score.\n- Instructional stuff: There are various workout routines, guided meditations, food programs, & sleep programs you can look up & do.\n- Games & Challenges: You can participate in various fitness games/challenges, which might motivate you to work out more.\n\nOverall, I think the Charge 5 is a nice upgrade from my beloved Charge 3, and for me, it was worth paying the extra bucks.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 29, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Missing functionality right out of the box. As others have pointed out the GPS and heart rate function can’t really be used simultaneously. The SPo2 and the body temp were my key factors in purchasing the watch as the earlier versions of the watch handle the basic functionality this has. I have to say as a “health tracker” there are many reasons to be disappointed in this watch. To be fair there are many good choices out there right now however at this price along with the premium monthly up charge pushes this watch into the price range of an Apple Watch. So sadly I’m going to return it and purchase the apple product. The issue with most of these companies once they are acquired is to sail along on minimal enhancement and hope that people are too lazy to try new products by other manufacturers. Amazon is coming down hard on this market and unless Fitbit does something great soon the Amazon watch will be better cheaper and have easier to use interface with more relevant health metrics.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 30, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'FitBit has lost its glory. This Charge5 was released too early. It’s far from a finished product. They advertise EKG, but you cannot use EKG because it’s “coming soon”. It advertises oxygen saturation stars, but you only get one average reading during sleep & it’s not continuous or on-demand. No more stairs climbed stats. Most exercises trackable now require subscription. More and more state keeps moving to subscription. I will go back to my AppleWatch and leave this toy for my child since that’s what it is. You cannot return this item. Once you buy it you’re stuck, per Amazons return policy. Buyer beware. Major fail from FitBit product release. I will file a dispute with my credit card company.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great features, bright screen and good outdoor visibility, lite in weight, looks great on both sport and professional outfit. Charging slot is better than charge 4.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Fitbit-Charge-5/dp/B09DRN3R5Y/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,193 | IRON °FLASK Sports Water Bottle - 12oz,16oz,20oz,24oz,32oz,64oz, 3 Lids (Straw Lid), Leak Proof, Vacuum Insulated Stainless Steel, Hot Cold, Double Walled, Thermo Mug, Standard Metal Canteen | Sports & Outdoors | #28 | 18,152 | $16.95 - $36.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 1, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I bought the 64oz and let me tell you, that bad boy is HEAVY when it is filled! My work made us go back to the office during COVID and closed access to the water station so I needed something to hold enough water to get me through the work day. This bottle does the trick! I've put ice water in it and had it still be very cold the next day. It feels like good quality and I like that it has different tops so I can switch them out based on my needs. The bottle would also come in handy if you needed to use it as a battering ram to escape a sinking car or self-defense tool to whack away a purse-snatcher."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 10, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Got this guy for my trips to Disney in Orlando, FL. I filled with ice and water at 5am and drove 3 hours to Orlando. I ended up leaving my bottle in the car because it wouldn't fit in my bag ( I made mistake of not measuring). We left park sometime after 3pm. It was in the high 90's with even hotter heat index and of course my car was even hotter.\nWhen we got to the car, the bottle was still almost completely full of ice! I know that it is supposed to keep cold for over 24 hours, and sometimes even some ice may remain. However, the heat is no joke down here and the fact that it was almost completely full of solid ice is making this my best bottle yet. I already planned on buying the larger one for work. But I will mostly likely get every size since the price is just right!\nOn another note, love that it comes with 3 tops to choose from...I like the straw function. Feels solidly built, looks\ngreat!! (I got the lime one).\nDon't think you can go wrong with this one!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 8, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I will start off by saying my expectations for this were pretty low. I have committed to drinking 64 ounces of water before I drink any other beverage (except coffee in the morning as that comes first).\n\nAll of the bottles at this size that I was looking for were well a I e $60 and something at half the price has me hesitant.\n\nWhen I received the bottle, it came in a beautiful box that matches the bottle. It was bubble wrapped and the additional tops were individually bubbled wrapped. This made my daughter happy because she has even more bubbles to pop.\n\nWhen I opened it up, there were no bad smells and it even included an additional straw which was a pleasant supervise.\n\nI haven’t tried any hot beverage just water that comes out of the fridge. So far, sitting here at 2 in the afternoon with my water that was added at 8am and the water temperature remains the same. It is not at room temperature which I like.\n\nAll in all, I am really happy with my purchase and I am considering getting one for my daughter.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I bought the 64oz black/white one. It came in with the matching stylish box (I’m keeping btw). Inside the box was the 3 different caps that come. One is for the straw, one is for open pouring, and one is a flat cap for storage use. It also comes with a extra straw so that’s nice. I love how easy it is to ‘suck’ through the straw. They really did a good job on this. Other brands it’s a pretty good pull, which can be hard at times when you need that water the most. I use this on hiking, for work, home use (I no longer use a glass/cup for water at home. That saved a lot on dishwashing). It is heavy, but considering it’s 64oz of water, the canister itself is pretty light. It hasn’t dented and I’ve had it for about a month. It holds ice for at least 10 hours. The trick is to not open it to check how much water is left. That let’s warm air in and defeats the point of a vacuum seal. I’m looking into purchasing a smaller one also from the same brand.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Hands down the best water bottle I've ever owned. I love that it keeps whatever I put in it at that same temperature. It's heavy--especially when full--but the little handle at the top makes it easy to carry around. I have no complaints. Very happy with this purchase."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 5, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'it keeps liquids cold in the golf cart when its 100 degrees out.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 18, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "As soon as I got the package I new I was going to like this bottle. The box coloring matches the bottle (very convenient and neat). The looks of it is eye-catching.\n\nNow on on to the function of this bottle. I drink water all day; i put ice in between 8a-9a and it literally still has ice in it when I get home around 530 (I prob put about 2 cups worth of ice because ice water is the best). But still very awesome! I haven't tried anything warm/hot but I am sure it works the same. Also, it is a decent weight for a water bottle which I think shows the durability of it.\n\nIt comes with extra parts also! It comes with 2 straws with an interchangeable mouth piece, one to use with a securement for the straw, one that is just a circle (maybe for soups or thicker liquids ), and one with a narrow end just like a coffee mug has."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This flask is so beautiful and has quite good quality. I like the color . And it has three different lids, which is so convenient and useful. Very good.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 7, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': " I was able to ink & resin on it. The caps especifically the one with handle to carry looks like it would snap through time. So if you resin your flask beware that it might snap & ruin your resin flask. I wouldn't carry it that way. Also you can replace the caps for flask buy them seperatly. For me it is a good buy. I just wouldn't trust carrying my flask by handle."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 14, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'IF YOUR LOOKING FOR A NEW WATER BOTTLE THIS IS THE ONE YOU NEED!!\n\nHere’s why.....\n\nI cannot recommend these enough! These flasks are ABSOLUTELY amazing! I drink a lot of water; I always have a water bottle near me no matter me what time of day it is. I love my water cold, so I always keep my water bottles in the fridge. I was sick of the plastic water bottles I had. They always got a mildew scent no matter how many times I washed them, and the water wouldn’t stay cold. When I used the iron flask for the first time I just expected another water bottle just higher quality. I took it out of the fridge around 8PM kept it next to my bed all night, in a room that’s about 70 degrees maybe more. When I woke up the next day around 9am and expected my Luke warm water I’m usually greeted with in the morning. It was absolutely ice cold like I had JUST taken it out of the refrigerator. I was absolutely stunned, these are so high quality and the gradient bottles are gorgeous I bought 7 more of them, they also come with 3 different tops one with a straw that comes with a replacement straw, one with a flip top, and one that you just unscrews. They also come in a variety of sizes which is also great, If I could give more than 5 stars I absolutely would!\n\n**UPDATE**\nI filled my iron flask with ice and water yesterday at 10AM. Being used to my old water bottles, I always fill the ice to the top to keep my water cold as long as possible. I refilled the bottle about 4 or 5 times through out the day, with water only not once did I replenish the ice. Not once did I put it back in the refrigerator. It once again sat in my nightstand all night it is now 2PM the next day and there is STILL about 1/3 of the ice I put in it yesterday. I can’t rave about this enough!'}] | https://www.amazon.com/IRON-%C2%B0FLASK-Sports-Water-Bottle/dp/B09PGPMB31/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,194 | Stacks of Circles Stacking Ring STEM Learning Toy, Age 6+ Months, Multi, 9 Piece Set | Sports & Outdoors | #29 | 43,941 | $8.99 - $29.97 | [] | https://www.amazon.com/Stacks-Circles-Stacking-Learning-Months/dp/B09STL9ZN7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,195 | BalanceFrom GoYoga All-Purpose 1/2-Inch Extra Thick High Density Anti-Tear Exercise Yoga Mat with Carrying Strap and Yoga Blocks | Sports & Outdoors | #30 | 82,937 | $16.18 - $33.99 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Update: 2/27/18: After about 6 uses, I am seeing some indents where my feet and hands normally are placed. Not sure if this is premature wearing or not. Also, it seems this company generates a lot of reviews by offering free samples for giving a review of 100 words or more on their product. I received a pamphlet with my mat on their warranty and review process, posted a review, and then they sent me an e-mail "gift claim form" where I can basically get something for free from them since I provided a review.\n\nI purchased this for yoga, based on all the reviews this item has, and so far I\'ve used it 3 times over the past week. It\'s worked great so far, and here are my thoughts based on other reviews:\n\n1) Squeakiness/noise: Yes, it does make some noise as I move into different poses. I do yoga at home, so it doesn\'t bug me, but I could see it being a problem in a yoga studio or in a group of people. It doesn\'t constantly squeak, but as I move my feet around, it does make some noise. I think it\'s more the mat and the wooden floor it\'s on which creates the noise.\n\n2) Falling apart: Some reviews mentioned it immediately starts to disintegrate. I have noticed a couple of strands of rubber come off as I unroll it, but it doesn\'t seem that bad at all. I\'ll update this if it continues to come apart as other reviews had indicated.\n\n3) Smell: It smells a little bit, kind of like a latex pillow or other similar rubber/plastic product. I only noticed it today when I had my face down on it, so it\'s not strong at all.\n\n4) Movement: I haven\'t noticed it moving around at all. It sticks to my wooden floor pretty well, so no complaints there.\n\n5) Squishiness: Some people have said it\'s too thick and they sink into the mat. I haven\'t noticed this at all. Prior to this mat, I was using a thin yoga mat and any time I was on my hands or knees for a long time it was very uncomfortable. This mat still allows me to do the poses, but much more comfortably than before.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': "Came in on time, class tomorrow. I unrolled it and I'm so glad I got the 1/2 inch thickness it feels great on my feet. The mat is very long too which is nice. I love purple so yay on the color. Love the carrying strap, makes it so easy to contain and carry. Can't wait to go to class tomorrow!! There was a small abnormality in the foam but it doesn't go all the through and is no issue at all, you can see in pic it's about the size of the tip of my pinky finger and does effect use of the mat at all.\n\nUpdate: down to 2 stars. The mat is comfy but it's not good. After two uses the rubber looks likes it's starting to break down. The mat moves a lot during a session and squeeks which is annoying and embarrassing. Returned"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 30, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I should have listened to the other reviewers! I bought this mat because I wanted to have less pain while doing exercises like modified pushups or yoga poses that involve contact with my back/knees. The mat is certainly thick and helped to reduce the amount of pain I felt in my knees and back bones. HOWEVER, after only a few uses the mat started to tear on its surface. Moreover, this mat slips really badly! I have laminate wood floors; however, I also have two other yoga mats in the house and they do NOT slip.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on February 14, 2019', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This mat did not hold up well at all. I do yoga 3X a week and wanted something heavier/thicker for knee support. After a few weeks, it curled up, there are tears along the sides, and it is basically unusable. Return window closes after 30 days but I did not start using it until mid-January so it's been less than a month and I am stuck with it. Will not buy from this company - can't even each anyone at customer link (which was provided by Amazon)."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I just received this in the mail, and I knew immediately I would like it. It is incredibly cushioned, which for me is of major importance. I have bad knees, and regular mats are never cushioned enough for me. I bruise easily, but this seems like it will prevent any sort of bruising or soreness on my knees or hips. I don't really do any impact type exercise, so I cannot give a review to it on that. I do however do Piyo daily, as well as a few other body weight resistance and strengthening exercises, and this has an awesome grip. No more sliding or falling due to instability issues caused by no traction. I look forward to being able to do the exercises without fear of a few routines again! On a side note, I haven't noticed any odd or offensive smells, so that's a bonus! I am actually considering ordering a second mat for my husband! He is 6'3, and this seems like it is long enough, and soft enough for his back injury, for him to use as well"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 7, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'If you are going to listen to a review please listen to this one (or the other 1 star reviews one here). Maybe you are like me and wanted to save a few bucks on your yoga mat. You see this one with over 4 stars and think "Wow this is a steal! One-click buy!" You try it once and think "hmm this is fine but not that sturdy" You try it again and think "Woah look at my footprints from last time!" You try it four more times and by this time the Yoga mat is completely stretched out, those footprints from before have now compressed the yoga mat into a thin sheet, you can still see where your cat stepped on your mat and interrupted your workout.\n\nGuys whatever you do DO NOT BUY THIS MAT! I don\'t post negative amazon reviews often but this one has to be said. I wish I had listened to the one-star reviews before I wasted my money on this one. The yoga mat compresses down to nothing wherever your feet are placed, and it stretches out. My yoga mat is completely warped at this point and I have only used it 6 times!\n\nAlso because it compresses and stretches so much it isn\'t even that comfortable to workout on. Honestly just do yourself a favor and pass on this one please!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 29, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': "This was my first yoga mat that I purchased. $10, what a steal, right? I have laminate floors and I could not do any routines without slipping and stretching the mat all over the place. I didn't realize how much harder and undesirable a routine could be when you had the extra distraction of a stretchy, slippery mat. I also thought that thicker would be more comfortable, but I am actually going to try a standard 1/4 inch mat instead of this one because it almost seems too thick. The only redeeming quality was that I did not experience any tears like other customers, but with the amount of stretching, I could definitely see it happening. I used this maybe 4 or 5 times but I want to move on to something else at this point."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on October 27, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': ' I’m 5’6/5’7 and 180 pounds. It’s very squishy and supporting, you only feel the ground if you really dig your elbow in(like attempt to pierce it with your elbow) so the thickness is nice. I can sit on it and lay on it flat out comfortably and without any body parts touching the floor(though if you’re 6’0+ you probably won’t be able to do this, small human privilege). I was jumping in it a lot and it didn’t slip pretty much at all so I think it’s pretty stable for most work outs.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "First off, I want to be clear: I am NOT writing a review to get free products; that's not me. I write reviews when something really wows me, or makes me happy. And also, to help other people in their searches. That aside, I have never owned a yoga mat, or even sat on one before this. I purchased this one in particular, after looking at about 30 or so- some up to $70! (Ridiculous!) And most cost more if you want an actual color. Not true of this mat. After reading almost all of it's reviews, and reading the fact that it was THE number one top selling yoga mat, (on Amazon), it was the thickness I wanted, the right color, material, a 2-year warranty, and just $18?! I purchased it immediately! Two days later, I was very pleasantly surprised! It was packaged super great. I rolled it out, laid down, and wondered why the heck I didn't do this earlier. Feels like heaven on my back. I'm a 53-year old female whose joints need tender care. I only do light yoga, stretches, am only 125 lbs., so I can tell that this will last me quite a while. Excellent quality. I could even sleep on it, in the event of an emergency. Lastly, it has Velcro straps to hold it together, and a nice shoulder sling. It is perfect!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'ok, this is the first yoga mat I\'ve ever purchased, so I don\'t have others to compare it too. First off, I\'m not an avid yoga practitioner--I just wanted something with enough cushioning to pad my bones on a hard floor. This def\'ly does that--it is very cushiony and soft. one side is completely smooth and the other is slightly corrugated. I assumed smooth was for the down side, and used it that way. Had no problems with slipping at all. I see that others have had issues with tears. I can see where that could happen--the foam is very soft. It is in fact softer, that I expected for something labeled high density. However, since every other pad I saw in stores was only a 1/4" thick for the same price, I am very happy with it so far.\n\nEdit--I should have added, you\'ll need to be sure your floor and shoes are clear of any grit--the foam is soft enough that any odd bits of stuff are going to imbed into it.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/BalanceFrom-All-Purpose-Anti-Tear-Exercise-Carrying/dp/B09TTZH4CZ/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,196 | 2022 Topps Series 1 Baseball Trading Cards Blaster Box (99 cards per box) | Sports Collectibles | #1 | 397 | $28.59 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 27, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Appeared sealed from factory, cards were in mint condition and was good value for the money. As far as I can tell you got the most cards for your money vs other sellers I considered.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 6, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'no value in it'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 16, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': '2022 hanger boxes aren’t really going to get you your money back. But good gifts to kids.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 6, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The box of 99 baseball cards arrived promptly as promised and my 11 year old grandson was really excited and happy with this birthday gift. I'm not a big baseball fan so I can only judge by the smile on his face that this was a welcome gift. It was shipped to my mailbox promptly as promised and in excellent condition."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 23, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Our grandson was thrilled'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Great cards to collects or sell them!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 13, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Love it!!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I feel like it was a great but for a gift'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 13, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Product came on time. My grandson was thrilled with the cards he got.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 19, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'This is how we received our 2022 Topps Baseball cards. Disappointed and unhappy is an understatement.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Topps-Baseball-Trading-Cards-Blaster/dp/B09SYGKKKG/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,197 | 2022 Topps Baseball Series 2 Hanger Pack | Sports Collectibles | #2 | 28 | $18.97 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Product comes used !'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 20, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-4 review-rating', 'review_body': 'The only thing I recommend is hiding them from your girlfriend.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/2022-Topps-Baseball-Hanger-Pack/dp/B0B57C2SPT/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,198 | 100 Vintage Baseball Cards in Old Sealed Wax Packs - Perfect for New Collectors | Sports Collectibles | #3 | 1,844 | $11.25 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 14, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-2 review-rating', 'review_body': 'One of the packs was already opened when it arrived. I had read other reviews stating the packs were opened, sifted for valuable cards then resealed and sold so I was already leery. This is a gift, so my son hasn’t opened the remaining packs, but one of the packs was already opened when it arrived so I assume there will be nothing of interest. Very disappointed.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 24, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Got these for my boss for Christmas -- he's a true life-long baseball fan -- and he LOVED these!! I know absolutely nothing about baseball, so it was extra nice that the baseball fan was really pleased. They were all in great shape, not damaged, and had some really great cards inside. Thanks, Superior Sports, for making a gift go really well!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 2, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'These are the cards I recall riding my bike to the corner Stop-N-Go to purchase. Bright colored, faintly waxy wraps promising interior cards that could be the best rookie card ever.\n\nPurchased this set for a baseball themed package I was putting together. They did not disappoint. Originals, all "vintage" (think 1980s and 1990s), and name brand. The colors were bold, vibrant, true to form. They attracted those of us who also rode their bikes to the corner store to purchase their weekly pack of baseball cards.\n\nWhile I did not open the packs, the winner of our baseball basket was THRILLED!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I purchased these cards as a Secret Santa Gift, and I hit jackpot! The recipient was ecstatic and said that I was the best Secret Santa as now he had more to add to his collection and catalog. I was glad that he "loved" this small gift as I was not sure when purchased these cards. I now know who to go to for cards for collectors. Thank you for helping me give an Awesome Gift! Highly recommend.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-1 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Resealed packs....all the good cards have been taken out and the packs re-sealed.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on May 20, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Not only was is fun opening the same packs of baseball cards I used to when I was a kid but I also got a 1990 Bowman Frank Thomas Rookie card in one of the unopened packs. All the packs where still factory sealed and i not only got that Frank Thomas rookie card but I also got several other stars and hall of famers as well.. Cal Ripken jr, Don Mattingly, Jose Canseco, Rafael Palmerio, Nolan Ryan, Will Clark, Carlton Fisk, Dale Murphy, Joe Carter, Jim Abbott, Mike Greenwell.. To name a few.. Over all an amazing buy even if i didn't get the Frank Thomas rookie i'd still be happy with my purchase..."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My nephew wanted some old basketball cards for Christmas. The price was cheap & figured I had nothing to loose. Knew he would have fun opening all of the packages up & he did. He found some St. Louis Cardinal cards which he thought was neat because that’s his team. Even found a card in the mix that showed an online value of $40.00. Would buy again'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 9, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Receive 7 pkgs. of Topps, Donruss, Score and Fleer cards from 1988 to 1990. Great mix of cards for the beginner collector or someone filling in gaps in their own collection like myself. All were new and unopened in great condition except the Topps packs with the original gum. The gum has done damage to the card it has touched but all others were great. Overall very pleased.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 8, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Packages weren\'t opened or "gone through" as others have stated, some corners of packages were loose.. but they are 30+ years old.. the glue is only going to last so long.\nI didn\'t count all the cards so I don\'t know if its exactly 100 cards, one review I saw someone gave this 1 star because they received 98 cards instead of 100...🙄😂.\nIt was a gift for my boyfriend who LOVES baseball and he really appreciated going through these cards and remembering the old players that his dad and his buddies used to talk about when he was little.\nWe did have quite a few hall of fame players in our packs!'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 27, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Some prior reviews stated that they thought their packs had been opened and resealed. I was a little worried but my packs had not been tampered with and where exactly as described and in very good condition given their age. I received packs from 87-89 which was exactly what I was looking for. I pulled some very good cards, the value of which easily exceeded the sale price. I’m a happy customer and will order again.'}] | https://www.amazon.com/Vintage-Baseball-Cards-Sealed-Packs/dp/B00BX8PO6I/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
1,199 | 100 Vintage Football Cards in Old Sealed Wax Packs - Perfect for New Collectors | Sports Collectibles | #4 | 3,869 | $12.95 | [{'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 7, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "This is a great set! My son enjoyed getting the cards that had the gum in them. While he of course didn't eat the gum, he thought it was really cool that gum used to come in the football card packs. This pack allowed him to broaden his collection, and learn more about players from the past. He enjoyed seeing how the packs have changed overtime. This collection is great for a new collector, but it would also be nice for someone who has been collecting for awhile."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "I love it !! I purchase this to see how 90's cards looks and get fun opening packs, i get cool cards like Joe Montana, Michael Irving, Barry Sanders, etc.\nThe 2 SCORE packs bring special plastic stuff in 3D, totally 90's style with SB Trivia ( pls see pictures ) I TOTALLY LOVE THAT !!! I fell in the 90's again !!!\nVery recommended, I think I will purchase a new pack just to see if I can get Troy Aikman !!!"}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on March 11, 2017', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bought these for my 12 yr old son and he was super excited to look through the "vintage" cards. He even got one that was valued around $100 on eBay.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on August 17, 2018', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Awesome vintage cards to put some old timers in your collection. I landed a few decent cards including a Joe Namath. Most of them are commons, but can't argue for the price."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on June 9, 2016', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'My nine year old rates 5 stars. He says he likes the mix of really good players and other players. He is happy with his purchase.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on January 3, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Exactly as advertised. I’ve gotten my six year old nephew into card collecting and he really loves them. They are packs individually wrapped. It brings back memories from my childhood of opening each pack and going through them like that. I’ll definitely buy more and hand them to him one pack at a time whenever I see him. Very very cool. I opened two and ended up getting jerry rice and Steve young. Lots of good cards in there.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 21, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'Bought for grandson. He is starting his collection. He was happy with the quantity. Likes the different players. Order arrived earlier than expected. Everything in good condition.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on December 5, 2020', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "Was shipped pretty well, got 7 packs, all 100% factory sealed, and even managed to pull a Brett Favre rookie card! Got 3 1990 packs and 4 1991 packs, so not much year variety, but as someone just starting out collecting that doesn't really bother me at all."}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on April 10, 2021', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': 'I was very skeptical about getting these cards, because of all the horror stories. The packaging was good and the cards are in great condition. They were delivered fast...\nI love the packs, I bought another order.'}, {'review_meta': 'Reviewed in the United States on July 25, 2022', 'review_star': 'a-icon a-icon-star a-star-5 review-rating', 'review_body': "The package arrived early, the packs looked to be in mint condition and the cards were all what I'd consider pack fresh. The value is tremendous considering some of the cards I got. I had a very fun time opening them and I pulled two Joe Montana cards and an Emmit Smith card and all were in mint condition. Very happy with my purchase and I already ordered some more."}] | https://www.amazon.com/Vintage-Football-Cards-Sealed-Packs/dp/B00CFXUAIW/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 |
Subsets and Splits