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Image of a Juvenal's Duskywing ( Erynnis juvenalis ) taken by iNaturalist user jhoekstra, description: These were gathered in conference on a dungpile (dog, I think) and erupted in a big flurry of brown when I walked by. I think they are Wild Indigo Duskywings, an example of a species that has benefitted from the introduction of Crown Vetch, which it has adopted as a new host. The species' range has been expanding since vetch was introduced., licence: CC-BY
Image of a Silver-studded Blue ( Plebejus argus ) taken by iNaturalist user tiggrx, description: feeding at Lucerne (Medicago sativa ssp. sativa), licence: NA
Image of a Carolina Satyr ( Hermeuptychia sosybius ) taken by iNaturalist user fitz3179, description: Common name: Carolina Satyr Scientific name: Hermeuptychia sosybius The habits for the Carolina Satyr are woodlands, forest clearings, and grassy areas. The photograph was taken in a grassy area adjacent to a wetland. , licence: NA
Image of a Green Hairstreak ( Callophrys rubi ) taken by iNaturalist user tiggrx, description: NA, licence: NA
Image of a Uncertain Owlet ( Bia actorion ) taken by iNaturalist user flapack, description: I thought this guy was just beautiful. Wish it had let me get closer., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Green-eyed White ( Leptophobia aripa ) taken by iNaturalist user flapack, description: Mountain white, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Pearl Crescent ( Phyciodes tharos ) taken by iNaturalist user flapack, description: Pearl Crescent, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Coastal Green Hairstreak ( Callophrys viridis ) taken by iNaturalist user tapbirds, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC-ND
Image of a Brown-veined White ( Belenois aurota aurota ) taken by iNaturalist user muir, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-SA
Image of a Cedar Hairstreak ( Callophrys gryneus plicataria ) taken by iNaturalist user patrick_lilley, description: NA, licence: NA
Image of a Isabella's Longwing ( Eueides isabella ) taken by iNaturalist user russiannaturalistbrazil, description: Eueides isabella dianassa., licence: NA
Image of a Monarch ( Danaus plexippus ) taken by iNaturalist user codyhough, description: Found on milkweed., licence: NA
Image of a Milbert's Tortoiseshell ( Aglais milberti ) taken by iNaturalist user antonyw, description: NA, licence: NA
Image of a Italian Festoon ( Zerynthia cassandra ) taken by iNaturalist user mauropask, description: Fotografia scattata durante il workshop di macrofotografia di Emanuele Biggi e Giacomo Radi in Maremma, licence: NA
Image of a Superb Cycadian ( Eumaeus childrenae ) taken by iNaturalist user ronsavage, description: Hibernating colonies of this butterfly species were discovered among rocks along a stream in the Siera Gorda SE of Landa de Matamoros, Queretaro. This canyon had a large number of cycads as well. Elevation approximately 1100 meters, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Common Banded Peacock Swallowtail ( Papilio crino ) taken by iNaturalist user vipinbaliga, description: This species is solitary and a fast flyer. It flies high above and forages on the trees (e.g., Creeper blooms on Bamboo). However, occasionally it is attracted to bright flowers of plants on the ground as well (e.g., dwarf red Ixora). It flutters in a hurry while sipping nectar. It is distinguished due to its colour which is shiny fluorescent blue or green depending on the angle of observation. The magnificent colours are due to scales in interior of its wings. Also there are spots in the bottom of its hind wings similar to eye spots. The exterior of wings is brownish-black with patterns similar to eye-spots. Perhaps the only protection for this species is self-mimicry through the eye-spots as regards to its morphology, considering its bright peacock colours and its fast flight. Distribution : Lower Bengal; Forested parts of Central and Southern India (including Kerala); Sri Lanka., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Short-tailed Blue ( Cupido argiades ) taken by iNaturalist user alok, description: Lycaenidae, Everes argiades, Tailed Cupid, licence: CC-BY-NC-ND
Image of a butterfly ( Vanessa dimorphica mortoni ) taken by iNaturalist user muir, description: Congregation of several of this species at a gravel pit area where soil & rock had been excavated for road construction., licence: CC-BY-SA
Image of a Tailed Jay ( Graphium agamemnon ) taken by iNaturalist user bjsmit, description: Graphium sarpedon caterpillar , licence: NA
Image of a Amazon Cracker ( Hamadryas chloe ) taken by iNaturalist user kent_miller, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Red Admiral ( Vanessa atalanta ) taken by iNaturalist user origin374, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Great Spangled Fritillary ( Speyeria cybele ) taken by iNaturalist user justin2, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Monarch ( Danaus plexippus ) taken by iNaturalist user mbarton, description: Larval form., licence: CC-BY
Image of a Common Pink Forester ( Euphaedra xypete ) taken by iNaturalist user loarie, description: this beautiful butterfly was quite common, licence: CC0
Image of a Veronica nymph ( Euriphene veronica ) taken by iNaturalist user loarie, description: NA, licence: CC0
Image of a Karner Blue ( Plebejus samuelis ) taken by iNaturalist user kent_miller, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Eastern Giant Swallowtail ( Papilio cresphontes ) taken by iNaturalist user rcurtis, description: on hop-tree, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Morrison's Skipper ( Stinga morrisoni ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Morrison's Skipper, Stinga morrisoni.Parque National Izta-Popo, Mexico. , licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Librita librita ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Librita librita, male. Jardin Botanico, Mexico, D.F. , licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Nymphalis antiopa antiopa ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Mourning Cloak, Trauermantel, Nymphalis antiopa., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Appalachian Brown ( Lethe appalachia ) taken by iNaturalist user rpayne, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Phyciodes pulchella montana ) taken by iNaturalist user faerthen, description: Butterfly ID is hard for me! We have both Crescents and Checkers on the same flowers, but I'm pretty sure this is a Crescent..., licence: CC-BY
Image of a Callippe Fritillary ( Speyeria callippe ) taken by iNaturalist user andrewmunroe, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Pipevine Swallowtail ( Battus philenor ) taken by iNaturalist user shrinksteve, description: A remarkable scene witnessed in several spots along the shore of Bluestone Lake on the day this photo was captured., licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Behr's Metalmark ( Apodemia virgulti ) taken by iNaturalist user papilionoidea, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Carolina Satyr ( Hermeuptychia sosybius ) taken by iNaturalist user flapack, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Malabar Glad-eye Bushbrown ( Mycalesis junonia ) taken by iNaturalist user vipinbaliga, description: What caught my attention is that huge pair of eyes staring at me like an Owl.!! They were restless, flying from one plant to another... I witnessed this scene for at least 5 mins before they flew into a thicket... I was lucky to get this shot. , licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Western Tiger Swallowtail ( Papilio rutulus ) taken by iNaturalist user dloarie, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Little Yellow ( Pyrisitia lisa ) taken by iNaturalist user cyric, description: A Little Yellow at Trustom Pond NWR., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Great Mormon Swallowtail ( Papilio memnon ) taken by iNaturalist user ivijayanand, description: Great Mormon Location: Sephinjuri Tea Estate, Karimganj District, Assam Date: 17th June 2012 Equipment: Nikon D300s with Sigma 150-500mm OS lens, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Cloudless Sulphur ( Phoebis sennae ) taken by iNaturalist user johnnybirder, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Parides erithalion trichopus ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Probably,Variable Cattlehearts, Parides erithalion. I'm not that sure. , licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Two-tailed Swallowtail ( Papilio multicaudata ) taken by iNaturalist user kucycads, description: Feeding on Liatris (Blazing Stars) in glades in a juniper-covered hillside., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a African Yellow Pansy ( Junonia hierta cebrene ) taken by iNaturalist user moayad-246, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Painted Lady ( Vanessa cardui ) taken by iNaturalist user tonyg, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Long-tailed Skipper ( Urbanus proteus ) taken by iNaturalist user salvatoredv, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Morelos Skipper ( Paratrytone decepta ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Snowball-spotted Skipper, Paratrytone aphractoia., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Apefly ( Spalgis epius ) taken by iNaturalist user vijaybarve, description: Seen in the afternoon resting on a shrub leaf., licence: CC-BY
Image of a Common Meadow Blue ( Cupidopsis cissus ) taken by iNaturalist user subramanyam_kalluri, description: These butterflies are photographed during March to July, 2012 in and around Shange, Moyamba District, Siera Leone, West Africa., licence: NA
Image of a Orange Sulphur ( Colias eurytheme ) taken by iNaturalist user kpmcfarland, description: Perhaps the last butterfly in the yard for the season yesterday on an unseasonably warm day. , licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Common Morpho ( Morpho helenor peleides ) taken by iNaturalist user maractwin, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a butterfly ( Dircenna adina suna ) taken by iNaturalist user maractwin, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Yucatán Cracker ( Hamadryas julitta ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Yucatan Cracker, Hamadryas julitta., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Zebra-striped Hairstreak ( Panthiades bathildis ) taken by iNaturalist user annemirdl, description: Zebra-striped Hairstreak, Panthiades bathildis., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Common Redeye ( Matapa aria ) taken by iNaturalist user ivijayanand, description: Common Redeye Location: Makunda Christian Hospital campus, Karimganj District, Assam Date: 14th November 2012 Equipment: Nikon D300s with Nikkor AF 28-105mm lens, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Fiery Skipper ( Hylephila phyleus ) taken by iNaturalist user kpmcfarland, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Oeneis melissa semidea ) taken by iNaturalist user kpmcfarland, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Black-veined White ( Aporia crataegi ) taken by iNaturalist user falkon, description: NA, licence: NA
Image of a Great Purple Hairstreak ( Atlides halesus ) taken by iNaturalist user pbedell, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-SA
Image of a White-banded Red-eye ( Pteroteinon caenira ) taken by iNaturalist user muir, description: Photographed on a forest road., licence: CC-BY-SA
Image of a Cuban Crescent ( Anthanassa frisia ) taken by iNaturalist user gyrrlfalcon, description: Cuban Crescent! Very excited to find this rare butterfly!, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Melete lycimnia isandra ) taken by iNaturalist user dloarie, description: Known as the "Creamy White" or "Northern Melwhite", licence: CC-BY
Image of a Gabb's Checkerspot ( Chlosyne gabbii ) taken by iNaturalist user lynnwatson, description: Variable Checkerspot, West Camino Cielo, Santa Ynez Mountains, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a butterfly ( Ascia monuste phileta ) taken by iNaturalist user gyrrlfalcon, description: Very bedraggled specimen here. Wonder if he made it to 2013. I observed him at 2:20 pm on New Year's Eve, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Black-and-white Helen Swallowtail ( Papilio nephelus ) taken by iNaturalist user ivijayanand, description: Location: Makunda Christian Hospital, Karimganj District, Assam Date: 1st January 2013 Equipment: Nikon D300s with Nikkor AF 28-105mm lens, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a butterfly ( Pteronymia zerlina pronuba ) taken by iNaturalist user maractwin, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Question Mark ( Polygonia interrogationis ) taken by iNaturalist user khemeon, description: Polygonia interrogationis; Question Mark Syndicate Rd. Brandon, Vt., licence: NA
Image of a West Virginia White ( Pieris virginiensis ) taken by iNaturalist user khemeon, description: West Virginia White; Pieris virginiensis Mile Around Woods Bennington, Vt, licence: NA
Image of a West Virginia White ( Pieris virginiensis ) taken by iNaturalist user khemeon, description: West Virginia White; Pieris virginiensis Mile Around Woods Bennington, Vt, licence: NA
Image of a West Virginia White ( Pieris virginiensis ) taken by iNaturalist user khemeon, description: West Virginia White; Pieris virginiensis Mile Around Woods North Bennington, Vt., licence: NA
Image of a Bog Copper ( Tharsalea epixanthe ) taken by iNaturalist user khemeon, description: Bog Copper; Lycaena epixanthe, licence: NA
Image of a Dun Skipper ( Euphyes vestris ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Dun Skipper Euphyes vestris Lost Canyon, near Nueces River Real Co., TX 27 May 2003, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Byssus Skipper ( Problema byssus ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Byssus Skipper Problema byssus Caddo National Grasslands Fannin Co., Texas 15 June 2011, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Intricate Satyr ( Hermeuptychia intricata ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Carolina Satyr Hermeuptychia sosybius Ratcliff Lake Recreation Area, Davy Crockett National Forest, Houston Co., Texas 26 March 2008, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Cloudless Sulphur ( Phoebis sennae ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Cloudless Sulphur Phoebis sennae feeding on Shrimp Plant Justicia brandegeana Austin, Travis Co., Texas 15 October 2007, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Mexican Bluewing ( Myscelia ethusa ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Mexican Bluewing Myscelia ethusa Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo Co., Texas 5 October 2008 There is a very informative discussion on similar butterflies at: but the present species is the only one known from the U.S., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Georgia Satyr ( Neonympha areolatus ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Georgia Satyr Neonympha areolata Pitcher Plant Trail Big Thicket National Preserve Tyler Co., TX 6 June 2003, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Gray Comma ( Polygonia progne ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Gray Comma Polygonia progne along the Savage River, near Bloomington, Garrett Co., Maryland 12 June 2010 two shots posted, lateral and dorsal, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Little Wood Satyr ( Megisto cymela ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Little Wood-Satyr Megisto cymela Nymphalidae Satyrinae Ouachita National Forest, McCurtain Co., Oklahoma 10 May 2011, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Little Yellow ( Pyrisitia lisa ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Little Yellow Eurema lisa Hornsby Bend, Austin, Travis Co., Texas 19 November 2009, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a White-patched Skipper ( Chiomara georgina ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: White-patched Skipper Chiomara georgina Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo Co., Texas 6 October 2009, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a White-striped Longtail ( Chioides albofasciatus ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: White-striped Longtail 
Chioides albofasciatus 
Chiodes catillus (depending upon the source you refer to) feeding on Shrimp Plant Justicia brandegeana Austin, Travis Co., Texas 13 October 2007, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Zebra Swallowtail ( Eurytides marcellus ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Zebra Swallowtail Eurytides marcellus Angelina National Forest Angelina Co., Texas 24 March 2010, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Variable Checkerspot ( Euphydryas chalcedona ) taken by iNaturalist user lindynik, description: Catterpillar on Orange bush Monkeyflower/ sticky monkeyflower. , licence: CC-BY
Image of a Blue-eyed Sailor ( Dynamine dyonis ) taken by iNaturalist user greglasley, description: Blue-eyed Sailor Dynamine dyonis female Santa Ana N.W.R., Hidalgo Co., Texas 4 October 2008, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a White M Hairstreak ( Parrhasius m-album ) taken by iNaturalist user kpmcfarland, description: First Vermont record., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Malabar Glad-eye Bushbrown ( Mycalesis junonia ) taken by iNaturalist user ivijayanand, description: Gladeye Bushbrown Location: Silent Valley National Park, Kerala Date: 12th February 2013 Equipment: Nikon D300s with Nikkor 300mm f2.8 + 1.7x TC, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Galápagos Silver Fritillary ( Dione vanillae galapagensis ) taken by iNaturalist user vicfazio3, description: Galapagos Silver Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae galapagensis), licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Palamedes Swallowtail ( Papilio palamedes ) taken by iNaturalist user vicfazio3, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Juniper Hairstreak ( Callophrys gryneus ) taken by iNaturalist user hobiecat, description: Juniper Hairstreak, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Stencilled Hairstreak ( Jalmenus ictinus ) taken by iNaturalist user vespadelus, description: I think it's this species..., licence: CC-BY-NC-ND
Image of a Apollo ( Parnassius apollo ) taken by iNaturalist user tiggrx, description: NA, licence: NA
Image of a Red-spotted Purple ( Limenitis arthemis astyanax ) taken by iNaturalist user coachwhipbooks, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Axehead Skipper ( Acada biseriata ) taken by iNaturalist user ronsavage, description: Only one observed, licence: CC-BY-NC-SA
Image of a Black-tipped Archduke ( Lexias dirtea ) taken by iNaturalist user carmelo_lopez, description: Subspecies dirteana, licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Clipper ( Parthenos sylvia ) taken by iNaturalist user carmelo_lopez, description: Subspecies lilacinus., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Hermes Copper ( Tharsalea hermes ) taken by iNaturalist user snakeinmypocket, description: NA, licence: CC-BY-NC-ND
Image of a White M Hairstreak ( Parrhasius m-album ) taken by iNaturalist user cyric, description: A White-M Hairstreak at Burlingame Management Area. Could see the blue dorsal side as it was flying away. On the RI state Natural Heritage List., licence: CC-BY-NC
Image of a Boisduval's Blue ( Icaricia icarioides ) taken by iNaturalist user icosahedron, description: NA, licence: CC-BY
Image of a Marin Elfin ( Callophrys mossii marinensis ) taken by iNaturalist user kestrel, description: We went searching for these caterpillars with a botanist/entomologist who was interested in seeing if they might be around. Everyone was excited to find some! If you look closely, it's the small red caterpillar on the stem., licence: CC0
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (

This dataset contains images from iNaturalist of butterflies (superfamily Papilionoidea) with at least one fave. Check the descriptions - some images have a licence like CC-BY-NC and can't be used for commercial purposes.

The list of observations was exported from iNaturalist after a query similar to

The images were downloaded with img2dataset and uploaded to the huggingface hub by @johnowhitaker using this colab notebook:

The goal is to have a dataset of butterflies in different poses and settings, to use for GAN training and to compare with datasets built with museum collections of pinned specimens (which tend to be much cleaner and have more consistency of pose etc)

I'm not familiar with the nuances of creative commons licencing but you may wish to filter out images which are no-derivatices (CC-...-ND) when training a GAN or creating new images.

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